
Sample records for dengue em belo

  1. Dengue em três distritos sanitários de Belo Horizonte, Brasil: inquérito soroepidemiológico de base populacional, 2006 a 2007 Dengue fever in three sanitary districts in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil: a population-based seroepidemiological survey, 2006 to 2007

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    José Eduardo Marques Pessanha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a soroprevalência para sorotipos virais da dengue em três distritos sanitários de Belo Horizonte e investigar a associação com variáveis de contexto e individuais. MÉTODOS: O inquérito foi conduzido nos distritos sanitários de Venda Nova, Leste e Centro-Oeste entre junho de 2006 e março de 2007. Foram incluídos todos os residentes com idade Ž 1 ano. Os participantes responderam a questionário; foi também coletada uma amostra de sangue (5 mL para determinar a presença de anticorpos contra vírus da dengue dos tipos 1, 2 e 3 por soroneutralização. O questionário abrangeu questões demográficas, posição socioeconômica, características físicas do local de moradia, mobilidade de moradia entre cidades, história pregressa de sinais e sintomas associados à dengue e conhecimento sobre medidas de prevenção da dengue, dentre outros. RESULTADOS: Entre os 709 indivíduos estudados, encontrou-se soroprevalência para dengue de 11,9% (IC95%: 9,7 a 14,6, não associada ao sexo, idade, renda familiar e mudança de município nos últimos 10 anos. Houve associação da soropositividade com tipo de moradia (apartamento ou casa/barracão, sendo apartamento fator de proteção e com índice elevado de vulnerabilidade da saúde do local de moradia. CONCLUSÃO: A soroprevalência neste estudo foi mais baixa do que a encontrada em outros inquéritos realizados em cidades brasileiras de porte grande e médio, sugerindo que Belo Horizonte tem utilizado estratégias eficazes de controle. Entretanto, foi observada uma heterogeneidade intraurbana na transmissão da dengue, em grande parte associada a indicadores contextuais de vulnerabilidade. Permanece ainda elevado o número de suscetíveis, e a dengue como questão de saúde pública de difícil controle.OBJECTIVE: To determine the seroprevalence of dengue fever serotypes in three sanitary districts in the city of Belo Horizonte and investigate the association of

  2. Dinâmica intra-urbana das epidemias de dengue em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 1996-2002 Intra-urban dynamics of dengue epidemics in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, 1996-2002

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    Maria Cristina de Mattos Almeida


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever os padrões espacial e temporal das epidemias de dengue em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, entre 1996 e 2002, analisando o endereço de residência como marcador do local de exposição. Casos de dengue notificados foram agrupados segundo semana epidemiológica do início dos sintomas e setor censitário de residência. O índice de Moran local foi utilizado para avaliar a autocorrelação espacial dos coeficientes de incidência. Também foi verificada a reincidência dos setores nas diferentes ondas epidêmicas. Por meio da função K de Ripley, foram comparadas as distribuições espaciais de dois grupos populacionais, supondo terem diferentes comportamentos em relação ao seu deslocamento pela cidade. Foram analisados 99.559 casos, evidenciando-se sete alças epidêmicas com diferentes durações e intensidades, com concentração de casos numa parcela reduzida de setores e tendência de dispersão espacial e temporal. A distribuição de casos dos dois grupos populacionais evidenciou padrões diferenciados, apontando a necessidade de melhorar o registro do provável local de infecção. O padrão de endemização da doença encontrado requer estratégias específicas e constitui um maior desafio para a vigilância em saúde.This study aimed to describe the temporal-spatial patterns of dengue epidemics in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, from 1996 to 2002 and to analyze residential address as a proxy for exposure. Reported dengue cases were analyzed according to week of onset of symptoms and residential census tract. Local Moran's index was used to assess spatial autocorrelation of incidence coefficients, and recurrent census areas over different epidemic waves were also verified. Ripley's K-function was used to compare spatial distribution patterns between the two population groups, assuming that they were distributed differently around the city. A total of 99,559 dengue cases were

  3. Evaluation of laboratory tests for dengue diagnosis in clinical specimens from consecutive patients with suspected dengue in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (United States)

    Ferraz, Fernanda Oliveira; Bomfim, Maria Rosa Quaresma; Totola, Antônio Helvécio; Ávila, Thiago Vinícius; Cisalpino, Daniel; Pessanha, José Eduardo Marques; da Glória de Souza, Danielle; Teixeira Júnior, Antônio Lúcio; Nogueira, Maurício Lacerda; Bruna-Romero, Oscar; Teixeira, Mauro Martins


    Dengue is a widely spread arboviral disease in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Dengue fever presents clinical characteristics similar to other febrile illness. Thus laboratory diagnosis is important for adequate management of the disease. The present study was designed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of real-time PCR and serological methods for dengue in a real epidemic context. Clinical data and blood samples were collected from consecutive patients with suspected dengue who attended a primary health care unit in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Serologic methods and real-time PCR were performed in serum samples to confirm dengue diagnosis. Among the 181 consecutive patients enrolled in this study with suspected dengue, 146 were considered positive by serological criteria (positive NS1 ELISA and/or anti-dengue IgM ELISA) and 138 were positive by real-time PCR. Clinical criteria were not sufficient for distinguishing between dengue and non-dengue febrile illness. The PCR reaction was pre-optimized using samples from patients with known viral infection. It had similar sensitivity compared to NS1 ELISA (88% and 89%, respectively). We also evaluated three commercial lateral flow immunochromatographic tests for NS1 detection (BIOEASY, BIORAD and PANBIO). All three tests showed high sensitivity (94%, 91% and 81%, respectively) for dengue diagnosis. According to our results it can be suggested that lateral flow tests for NS1 detection are the most feasible methods for early diagnosis of dengue. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Esquistossomose: nova ocorrência de Biomphalaria straminea em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Schistosomiasis: new occurrence of Biomphalaria straminea in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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    Cecília Pereira de Souza


    Full Text Available Em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, a Biomphalaria straminea é encontrada na região da Pampulha. Recentemente, o molusco foi encontrado em valas da antiga Barragem de Santa Lúcia, foco extinto de esquistossomose transmitida por B. glabrata. Os moluscos foram coletados e examinados para verificar se estavam naturalmente infectados com Schistosoma mansoni. Os exemplares negativos foram usados para criação ou infecção com a cepa LE de S. mansoni, mantida no laboratório, e outra cepa VGS, obtida de ovos de fezes de escolar de Belo Horizonte. Dentre 1.890 moluscos capturados em 1994 e 1995, nenhum estava infectado com S. mansoni. Dentre 87 exemplares coletados no criadouro e expostos à cepa LE, nove (10,3% eliminaram cercárias; dentre 83 moluscos da F1, dez (12,0% eliminaram cercárias e dentre 88 exemplares coletados e expostos à cepa VGS, dez (11,3% eliminaram cercárias. Em Belo Horizonte, a esquistossomose é transmitida por B. glabrata e B. tenagophila. Entretanto, atualmente existe o risco de aparecimento de novo foco, no qual a B. straminea poderá vir a ser a transmissora, se medidas profiláticas adequadas não forem tomadas pelas autoridades responsáveis pela construção de um parque e lago no local.In Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, the snail Biomphalaria straminea was found in the Pampulha region. Recently the snail was found in ditches in the old Santa Lúcia Reservoir, a now-extinct focus of schistosomiasis transmission by B. glabrata. The snails were collected and examined to verify whether they were naturally infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Negative specimens were used for breeding or infection with the LE strain of S. mansoni from the laboratory and another strain obtained from eggs found in the feces of a schoolchild (VGS from Belo Horizonte. Among the 1890 snails collected from 1994 to 1995, none were infected with S. mansoni. Among 87 snails collected and exposed to the LE strain, 9 (10.3% shed cercariae

  5. A SAGA DA ATIVIDADE SINFÔNICA EM BELO HORIZONTE. (Dossiê: Música, Linguagem e Sociedade

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    Gustavo Aníbal Nápoli Villalba


    Full Text Available RESUMOEste artigo representa uma síntese do primeiro capítulo de minha tese de doutorado em História Social da Cultura defendida na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. defendida na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, tendo como objetivo analisar historicamente as origens e consolidação da atividade sinfônica em Belo Horizonte e seus desdobramentos em termos de gestão. A rigor, pretende-se constatar que, junto à visão de modernidade que se denotava com a criação da nova capital e o advento de uma época auspiciosa, a incorporação da atividade sinfônica à cultura mineira foi um modelo entendido pela intelectualidade brasileira como sinônimo de sofisticação e progresso, condizente com a melhoria da cultura no Estado.Palavras-chave: Orquestra Sinfônica, Modernidade, Belo Horizonte, Políticas públicas para a Cultura.ABSTRACT :This article represents a synthesis of the first chapter of my doctoral thesis in Social History of Culture defended at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, aiming to analyze historically the origins and consolidation of symphonic activity in Belo Horizonte and its consequences in terms of management. In fact, we intend to see that, with the modern view that is denoted with the creation of new capital and the advent of an auspicious time, the incorporation of symphonic activity to the mining culture was a model understood by Brazilian intellectuals as synonymous of sophistication and progress, consistent with the improvement of culture in the state.Keywords: symphony orchestra, modernity, Belo Horizonte, public policies for culture.Recebido em: 03/07/2016  – Aceito em 30/07/2016

  6. Comunicação sazonal sobre a dengue em grupos socioeducativos na atenção primária à saúde Comunicación estacional sobre el dengue en grupos socioeducativos en la atención primaria de la salud Seasonal communication about dengue fever in educational groups in primary healthcare

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    Líliam Barbosa Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar como se estabelece a comunicação sazonal nos grupos socioeducativos das equipes de Saúde da Família para prevenção e controle da dengue. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório com 25 coordenadores de grupos socioeducativos, distribuídos em oito unidades básicas de saúde de Belo Horizonte, MG. A coleta de dados ocorreu de março a julho de 2009, por meio de observação não participante e entrevista semi-estruturada com os coordenadores. Na interpretação dos dados, empregaram-se a análise de conteúdo e os referenciais teóricos sobre comunicação e saúde. ANÁLISE DOS RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados três núcleos temáticos: comunicação sazonal; conteúdos discutidos e canais veiculadores de informações sobre a dengue; e informação versus comunicação para a ação. As ações de prevenção e controle da dengue nos grupos eram abordadas principalmente em épocas de surto, baseando-se em ações previamente programadas pelo Ministério da Saúde. Os temas abordados referiam-se a epidemiologia, ciclo de vida, modos de transmissão, sintomatologia, prevenção, visita domiciliar da equipe de zoonose e vacinação contra a dengue. CONCLUSÕES: A prática comunicativa predominante é o repasse de informações pelo coordenador, centrado no discurso comportamentalista e prescritivo. Recomendam-se práticas comunicativas pautadas no diálogo, permitindo ao coordenador e membros da equipe a liberdade em relação às situações emergentes do grupo e que aprendam a reconhecê-la e problematizá-la reflexivamente em seu contexto.OBJETIVO: Analizar como se establece la comunicación estacional en los grupos socioeducativos de los equipos de Salud de la Familia para prevención y control del dengue. PROCEDIMIENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio con 25 coordinadores de grupos socioeducativos, distribuidos en ocho unidades básicas de salud de Belo


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    Daniele Teles de Oliveira


    Full Text Available RESUMO:Embasado em uma literatura específica sobre o movimento estudantil, a ação política dos jovens e também dos movimentos sociais, este trabalho procura discutir os meios de reação dos estudantes, em Belo Horizonte, entre os anos de 1969 e 1975, contra uma legislação específica (Lei Suplicy de Lacerda, Decreto Aragão e Decreto-Lei 477. O resgate dos mecanismos de reação do movimento estudantil permite uma análise que procura ir além da tradicional ênfase dada à luta armada, como mecanismo, por excelência, da ação dos estudantes. Desse modo, pensar as articulações e a manutenção da representatividade estudantil que construíram os meios de reação desse movimento em Belo Horizonte acrescenta novas perspectivas em relação a esse objeto. Assim, a análise da imprensa estudantil se mostrou relevante, no sentido de trazer contribuições para o entendimento da organização dos estudantes em torno de suas entidades representativas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Movimento Estudantil em Belo Horizonte, Decreto-Lei 477, Imprensa estudantil. ABSTRACT: Based in a specific literature about the student movement, political action of the youths and also about social movements, this essay seeks to discuss the means of students reaction, in Belo Horizonte, between the years of 1969 and 1975, against a specific legislation (Law Suplicy de Lacerda, Decree Aragão and Decree-Law 477.  Recovering student movements` mechanisms of reaction permits an analysis that seeks going beyond the traditional emphasis given to the armed resistance as the main mechanism of students action.  Of this way, thinking about the articulations and maintenance of the student representativeness, that built the means of movement’s reaction in Belo Horizonte, provides news perspectives regarding that subject.  Like this, the analysis of the student press was shown prominent, in the sense of bringing contributions for the understanding of the student’s organization

  8. Mercado consumidor de carne suína e derivados em Belo Horizonte


    Faria,I.G.; Ferreira,J.M.; Garcia,S.K.


    Avaliou-se o comportamento do mercado consumidor de carne suína e seus derivados em Belo Horizonte. Foram entrevistados 401 consumidores, homens e mulheres, maiores de 19 anos de idade, mantendo-se a proporcionalidade observada no censo populacional. Além de sexo e faixa etária, escolaridade, ocupação e renda familiar foram levantadas para compor os fatores condicionantes da pesquisa. A carne suína in natura é consumida até três vezes por semana pela maioria da população (61,6%), em função de...

  9. Alterações hematológicas em pacientes com dengue Hematological abnormalities in patients with dengue

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    Éveny Cristine Luna de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Dengue é uma doença negligenciada de alta morbidade e mortalidade em crianças e adultos, ocorrendo principalmente em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as alterações hematológicas de pacientes com quadro clínico de dengue. Foram estudados 543 prontuários de atendimentos referentes à epidemia pelo vírus tipo 3, ocorrida no ano de 2007, em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Houve predomínio de casos de dengue clássico (90,2%, com quadro clínico leve sem complicações. As principais alterações hematológicas observadas foram a leucopenia (68,3%, plaquetopenia (66,5%, linfocitopenia (67,2% e presença de linfócitos atípicos (67%. A febre hemorrágica do dengue apresentou plaquetopenia mais prolongada e maior número de linfócitos atípicos, as demais alterações hematológicas apresentaram evolução diária semelhante às encontradas no dengue clássico. As alterações hematológicas observadas no dengue apresentaram-se de acordo com a evolução clínica e gravidade da doença.Dengue is a neglected disease with high morbidity and mortality among children and adults that occurs mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. The objective of this study was to evaluate hematological changes in patients with clinical manifestations of dengue. Medical records relating to 543 cases of dengue virus 3 that occurred during the 2007 epidemic in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, were studied. Cases of classic dengue predominated (90.2%, with mild clinical manifestations lacking complications. The main hematological findings were leukopenia (68.3%, thrombocytopenia (66.5%, lymphocytopenia (67.2% and atypical lymphocytes (67%. In dengue hemorrhagic fever, thrombocytopenia was more prolonged and the number of atypical lymphocytes was higher, while the other hematological abnormalities presented daily evolution similar to those in classic dengue. The hematological changes observed in dengue present according

  10. Anemia entre pre-escolares - um problema de saude publica em Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Thais de Souza Chaves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo tem por objetivo determinar a prevalência de anemia em crianças matriculadas em creches da regional Centro-Sul de Belo Horizonte (MG, identificando fatores biológicos e socioeconômicos associados. Estudo transversal descritivo realizado em 18 creches. Foram avaliadas 373 crianças com base em amostragem estratificada por instituição participante. A hemoglobina (Hb sérica foi determinada por punção capilar e leitura em β-hemoglobinômetro, adotando-se pontos de corte para anemia de Hb < 11,0g/dL para crianças de seis a 60 meses e Hb < 11,5g/dL para aquelas com idade superior, preconizados pela OMS. O estado nutricional foi definido por aferição do peso e altura e confecção dos índices Peso/Idade (P/I, Estatura/Idade (E/I e IMC/Idade (IMC/I. Entre os participantes 54% eram meninas. A média de idade foi de 38,1 ± 6,2 meses. A prevalência global de anemia foi de 38,3%, sendo superior nas crianças com idade inferior ou igual a 24 meses (56,1%. Encontrou-se associação significativa entre anemia e os fatores menor idade da criança, menor idade materna e baixa renda familiar. O estudo mostrou que anemia em crianças de creches de Belo Horizonte constitui relevante problema de saúde pública, sinalizando a necessidade de se implantar ações específicas para mitigação dos riscos por ele apontados.

  11. Prevalência baixa de adenovírus em crianças com diarreia em Belo Horizonte-MG Low prevalence of adenoviruses in children with acute diarrhea in Belo Horizonte-MG

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    Ricardo Jenner Duarte


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Diversos microrganismos são reconhecidos como agentes de diarreia aguda, entre eles, os adenovírus, cuja associação com a doença apresenta variações geográficas e é pouco conhecida no Brasil. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a presença de adenovírus em fezes de crianças com diarreia aguda e sem diarreia, em Belo Horizonte-MG, e estudar os fatores epidemiológicos associados à adenovirose intestinal. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: O teste imunocromatográfico qualitativo (kit VIKIA® Rota-Adeno, bioMérieux foi utilizado para pesquisa de antígenos de adenovírus em amostras fecais obtidas de 268 crianças com diarreia aguda e 124 sem diarreia, em 2005 e 2006, no Hospital Infantil João Paulo II, Belo Horizonte-MG. Dados laboratoriais, clínicos e epidemiológicos foram registrados em banco de dados (SPSS Statistical package, IBM. RESULTADOS: Adenovírus foi detectado nas fezes de 16 crianças (4,1%: 12 (4,5% com diarreia e quatro (3,2% sem diarreia. A virose foi mais comum em meninas e a distribuição etária da infecção foi homogênea. Entre as 16 crianças com infecção pelo vírus, 11 (68,8% tinham até 12 meses de idade. Entretanto, diferença significativa não foi observada para os parâmetros analisados. Distribuição sazonal da infecção por adenovírus não foi detectada. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados demonstram que a prevalência da adenovirose é baixa na população pediátrica no nosso meio.INTRODUCTION: Several microorganisms, among them enteric adenovirus, are widely recognized as etiological agents of acute diarrhea. The association between adenovirus and the disease varies among geographical regions and is poorly known in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the presence of adenovirus in stool samples from children with and without diarrhea in Belo Horizonte-MG. To study factors associated with enteric adenovirus infection. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A qualitative immunochromatographic assay (kit VIKIA® Rota-Adeno, bio

  12. "Eu quero uma casa no campo": a busca do verde em Belo Horizonte, 1966-1976

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    Regina Horta Duarte

    Full Text Available A expansão de condomínios horizontais esteve diretamente relacionada às condições históricas que acarretaram a deterioração e o abandono do centro urbano de Belo Horizonte, entre meados das décadas de 1960 e 1970. Nesse contexto, alguns tiveram o privilégio de escolher o sonho da casa no campo, atraídos por promessas de uma vida renovada, mergulhados nos paradoxos do desenvolvimento e dos dramas sociais, políticos e ambientais em curso no Brasil durante a ditadura civil-militar. Cientistas e técnicos realizavam as primeiras avaliações dos dilemas da poluição ambiental urbana. Entretanto, temas ambientais se configuravam como assunto extemporâneo e distante da política, subestimados por setores brasileiros de direita e esquerda. A perda de qualidade de vida em Belo Horizonte recebeu soluções individuais, por vezes com aspectos comunitários. O caráter simultâneo desses processos na capital mineira esclarece casos históricos similares em outras grandes metrópoles brasileiras e latino-americanas.

  13. Achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais em pacientes com dengue Abdominal ultrasound findings in patients with dengue fever

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    Karen Amaral do Vabo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar os achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais em pacientes com dengue e compará-los aos descritos na literatura. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames ultra-sonográficos abdominais de 38 pacientes, 25 do sexo feminino e 13 do sexo masculino, com idade média de 35 anos, com diagnóstico de dengue sorologicamente confirmado. Os achados foram comparados com os descritos na literatura. RESULTADOS: Os achados ultra-sonográficos mais relevantes foram espessamento difuso da parede da vesícula biliar em 18 casos (47,4%, líquido livre na cavidade abdominal e/ou pélvica em 12 (31,6%, esplenomegalia em 11 (28,9%, hepatomegalia em 10 (26,3% e líquido pericolecístico em 10 (26,3%. Vinte e seis por cento dos pacientes apresentaram exames ultra-sonográficos normais. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados ultra-sonográficos abdominais são uma ferramenta adicional útil na confirmação de casos suspeitos de dengue hemorrágica e na detecção precoce da gravidade e da progressão da doença, sendo de extrema importância para o radiologista o conhecimento destes possíveis achados.OBJECTIVE: To review the abdominal ultrasound findings in patients with serologically proven dengue fever and to compare the results with data from the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with serologically proven dengue fever, 25 female and 13 male, mean age of 35 years, were submitted to abdominal ultrasound. The ultrasound findings were compared with data from the literature. RESULTS: The most relevant ultrasound findings were diffuse gallbladder wall thickening in 18 cases (47.4%, abdominal and/or pelvic free fluid in 12 (31.6%, splenomegaly in 11 (28.9%, hepatomegaly in 10 (26.3% and perivesicular fluid in 10 (26.3%. Twenty-six percent of the patients had normal abdominal ultrasound. CONCLUSION: Abdominal sonography is a useful additional diagnostic tool for the confirmation of suspected cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever and for the

  14. NOS INTRAMUROS DO LICEU: violência escolar em Belo Horizonte.

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    Paulo Tiego Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta dados sobre fenômenos violentos resultantes de questões étnico-raciais no ambiente escolar de Belo Horizonte em 2014 e 2015. Identifica qual grupo étnico-racial figura como vítima mais recorrente de crimes e contravenções em escolas públicas do ensino médio na capital mineira. Observando a dinâmica que se constrói no cenário escolar diante das implicações étnico-raciais resultantes de preconceito e racismo, tem como referencial teórico Charlot, Gomes, Munanga, Soares e Teixeira. Utiliza leis em vigor, dentro dos temas de educação, racismo, preconceito e violência racial. A hipótese é que são os indivíduos de etnia negra (pardos e pretos os mais vitimizados. Utiliza a metodologia quantitativa, através da coleta de boletins de ocorrência policial buscando discutir e refletir sobre a possível naturalização da violência contra grupos étnico-raciais negros dentro do ambiente escolar.


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    Alessandra Simoni Ferraz Sales


    Full Text Available oartigo começa com uma revisão blbliográfica onde expõe m um modelo teórico que determina os diversos estágios evolutivos que as empresas se encontram no que se refere ao Supply Chain Management, Esta revisãofozfeita com o objetivo de usar este modelo para análise de uma empresa hoteleira situada na cidade de Belo Horizonte, capital do Estado de Minas Gerais no Brasil Portanto, em um segundo momento, é mostrada a evolução da indústná hoteleira no Brasil e, especificamente os apart hotéis, Em um terceiro momento, a empresa estudada é apresentada em detalhespara ser, em seguida, analisada segundo o modelo de Supply Chain Management proposto na revisão bibliográfica,



    Ferreira, Claudiney Luís; Faculdade Pitágoras-BH; Faculdade de Minas - FAMINAS-BH; Conselho Regional de Farmácia de Minas Gerais.; Santos, Maria Aparecida Souza dos; Faculdade Pitágoras-BH; Rodrigues, Schirlene Campos; Faculdade Pitágoras-BH


    Medicamento é o produto farmacêutico tecnicamente obtido ou elaborado, com finalidade profilática, curativa, paliativa ou para fins de diagnóstico. O descarte aleatório de medicamentos vencidos pode culminar em impactos ambientais extremamente relevantes. A existência desse tipo de resíduos pode levar a reações adversas em seres aquáticos e terrestres. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o processo de descarte de medicamentos pela população do Município de Belo Horizonte/MG. Foi realizada uma...

  17. Spatial distribution of human and canine visceral leishmaniasis in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brasil, 1994-1997 Distribuição espacial da leishmaniose visceral humana e canina em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 1994-1997

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    Cláudia Di Lorenzo Oliveira


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present spatial analysis of the association between all incidents cases of human Visceral Leishmaniasis and seropositive dogs, from 1994 to 1997 in Belo Horizonte, a large Brazilian city. We geocoded 158 human cases and 11,048 seropositive dogs and compared canine prevalence rates with Human Bayesian Incidence rates in the same areas. We also used Knox's test to evaluate the hypothesis of space-time clustering of human cases in the period. Additionally, we used Kernel's maps for seropositive dogs distribution and located the human cases in the resulting smooth maps. We concluded that human and dog rates are correlated. Also, the Visceral Leishmaniasis in Belo Horizonte spread quickly, but apart from the rates' magnitude, it has kept the same spatial pattern through time. We believe it is possible to use this technique to choose areas to implement control measures against Visceral Leishmaniasis in a more efficient way.Neste artigo, apresentamos uma análise espacial da associação entre todos os casos incidentes de leishmaniose visceral e em cães soropositivos ocorridos em Belo Horizonte no período de 1994 a 1997. Geocodificamos 158 casos humanos e 11.048 cães positivos, comparamos as taxas de prevalência canina por área e as taxas Bayesianas de incidência da doença humana nas mesmas áreas. Usamos o teste de Knox para testar a hipótese de cluster espaço temporal entre os casos humanos no período examinado. Adicionalmente, construímos Mapas de Kernel para cães soropositivos e sobrepusemos os casos humanos em quatro áreas. Os resultados apontam para correlação entre casos humanos e caninos. Além disso, a leishmaniose visceral espalhou-se rapidamente em Belo Horizonte, embora tenha mantido o mesmo padrão durante os anos analisados. Acreditamos ser possível o uso das técnicas empregadas para priorizar áreas onde as medidas de controle devem ser implementadas.

  18. Dengue antibodies in blood donors Pesquisa de anticorpos antidengue em doadores de sangue

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    Rejane Cristina Ribas-Silva


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Dengue is an urban arbovirus whose etiologic agent is a virus of the genus Flavorius with four distinct antigen serotypes (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4 that is transmitted to humans through the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The Campo Mourão region in Brazil is endemic for dengue fever. OBTECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies specific to the four serotypes of dengue in donors of the blood donor service in the city of Campo Mourão. METHODS: Epidemiological records were evaluated and 4 mL of peripheral blood from 213 blood donors were collected in tubes without anticoagulant. Serum was then obtained and immunochromatographic tests were undertaken (Imuno-Rápido Dengue IgM/IgG TM. Individuals involved in the study answered a social and epidemiological questionnaire on data which included age, gender and diagnosis of dengue. RESULTS: Only three (1.4% of the 213 blood tests were positive for IgG anti-dengue antibodies. No donors with IgM antibody, which identifies acute infection, were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the current analysis show that the introduction of quantitative or molecular serological methods to determine the presence of anti-dengue antibodies or the detection of the dengue virus in blood donors in endemic regions should be established so that the quality of blood transfusions is guaranteed.OBJETIVO: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma triagem sorológica para detectar a presença de anticorpos IgG e IgM específicos para os quatro sorotipos da dengue em doadores de sangue atendidos pelo Hemonúcleo de Campo Mourão-PR. MÉTODOS: foram aplicadas fichas epidemiológicas e coletados 4 mL de sangue periférico em tubos sem anticoagulante de 213 doadores de sangue. Posteriormente, foi obtido o soro e realizado o teste imunocromatrográfico (Imuno - Rápido Dengue IgM/IgG. Os indivíduos envolvidos neste estudo responderam um questionário s

  19. Tendência da mortalidade perinatal em Belo Horizonte, 1984 a 2005 Tendencia de la mortalidad perinatal en Belo Horizonte, 1984 a 2005 Tendency of perinatal mortality in Belo Horizonte, 1984 to 2005

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    Eunice Francisca Martins


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou analisar a tendência da mortalidade perinatal no município de Belo Horizonte no período de 1984 a 2005. A fonte dos dados foi o Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM. Realizou-se regressão linear simples para estimar a tendência de redução do percentual de informações ignoradas no SIM e das taxas de mortalidade. A melhora da qualidade da informação foi estatisticamente significativa apenas para a escolaridade materna e peso ao nascer. A redução média da mortalidade perinatal no período foi de 57,52%. O decréscimo da mortalidade perinatal nas duas últimas décadas em Belo Horizonte foi significativo, mas esforços devem ser direcionados no sentido de melhorar a completude do SIM para variáveis importantes na elaboração dos indicadores perinatais.El estudio apuntó a analizar la tendencia de la mortalidad perinatal en el distrito municipal de Belo Horizonte en el periodo de 1984 a 2005. La fuente de los datos era el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. Tuvieron lugar la regresión lineal simple para estimar la tendencia de reducción del percentil de información desconocida en el sistema y de los impuestos de mortalidad. La mejora de la calidad de la información fue los significantes sólo para la educación maternal y peso al nacer. La reducción elemento de la mortalidad perinatal en el periodo era de 57,52%. La disminución de la mortalidad perinatal en las últimas dos décadas en Belo Horizonte era significante, pero deben dirigirse los esfuerzos en el sentido de mejorar el completude del sistema para las variables importantes en la elaboración del perinatais de los indicadores.The study aimed at to analyze the tendency of the mortality perinatal in the municipal district of Belo Horizonte in the period from 1984 to 2005. The source of the data was the System of Information of Mortality. Took place simple lineal regression to esteem the tendency of reduction of the percentile of unknown

  20. Discursos, práticas organizativas e pichação em Belo Horizonte

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    Glauce Cristine Ferreira Santos Viegas


    Full Text Available A cidade tem sido encarada tradicionalmente na Administração sob a ótica funcionalista, ao ser entendida como campo de atuação profissional ou objeto da administração pública e gestão urbana. Todavia, estudos que versam sobre a urbes em uma perspectiva não-funcionalista tem se tornado cada vez mais recorrente, principalmente, a partir de uma visão que focaliza a complexidade urbana e evoca a vida social organizada de indivíduos e grupos oprimidos em diversos âmbitos sociais. Neste artigo buscamos analisar os discursos que orientam práticas organizativas relacionadas à pichação em Belo Horizonte, o que foi feito mediante um estudo qualitativo baseado em análise do discurso. Além de pesquisa em documentos oficiais sobre as ações governamentais no combate à pichação, foram efetuadas entrevistas individuais em profundidade com nove sujeitos, entre gestores públicos municipais responsáveis pelo combate à pichação, indivíduos da sociedade civil participantes das ações do projeto municipal, e representantes da pichação belo horizontina. O tratamento dos dados foi efetuado por meio da análise do discurso francesa, pela qual se buscou a identificação e análise de aspectos e elementos discursivos segundo roteiro constituído por: i seleções lexicais; ii percursos semânticos; iii interdiscursividades; iv discursos principais; v reflexão e refração linguísticas; vi aspectos ideológicos combatidos e defendidos; e vii posicionamentos discursivos em relação aos discursos hegemônicos na sociedade. Os principais resultados sugerem que o governo da cidade tanto orienta as representações de combate à pichação como é pressionado para enfrentar o fenômeno segundo os vários modos de fazer, pelos quais imperam os instrumentos de controle sobre as práticas de organização da cidade e se instituem agentes sociourbanos de legitimação estratégica. Conclui-se que a gestão pública é ressignificada pelos

  1. Conglomerados de homicídios e o tráfico de drogas em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, de 1995 a 1999 Homicide clusters and drug traffic in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil from 1995 to 1999

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    Cláudio Chaves Beato Filho


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise espacial dos homicídios ocorridos em Belo Horizonte e registrados pela Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais durante o período de 1995 até 1999. Utilizamos o programa SaTScan para identificar os conglomerados de risco de mortalidade mais elevado. Considerando todas as regiões da cidade de Belo Horizonte, apenas dez apresentam um risco maior de homicídios, quase todas concentradas em favelas. Como existem 85 favelas ao todo, concluímos que não são as condições sócio-econômicas per se as responsáveis pelos conglomerados de homicídios, mas o fato dessas regiões serem assoladas pelo trafico e violência associada ao comércio de drogas.The article presents a spatial analysis of homicides in Belo Horizonte according to the Minas Gerais Military Police records from 1995 to 1999. The authors identify clusters of high mortality risk and relate them to areas with drug traffic and associated violence. SaTScan software is used to locate the clusters.

  2. Etiologia de exantema em crianças em uma área endêmica de dengue Etiology of exanthema in children in a dengue endemic area

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    Delmina de S. Campagna


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a etiologia dos casos de exantema com ou sem febre em crianças atendidas no pronto-socorro de um hospital de uma zona endêmica para dengue. MÉTODOS: No período de 21/09/2001 a 20/09/2002, foram inscritas no estudo 95,9% (71/74 das crianças atendidas no pronto-socorro do Hospital Universitário de Campo Grande (MS que apresentassem exantema (percentual de recusa de 4,1%. Após preenchimento do protocolo com os dados das crianças, as mesmas foram submetidas a exame físico seguido da coleta de amostras de sangue para realizar hemograma com contagem de plaquetas e sorologias (IgM e IgG; inicialmente para dengue, rubéola e toxoplasmose e, posteriormente, naqueles casos com resultado negativo, realizou-se sorologia para parvovirose, herpes vírus tipo 6 e sarampo. RESULTADOS: O diagnóstico laboratorial foi confirmado através da pesquisa de anticorpo IgM em 88,7% dos casos investigados: dengue (77,5%, herpes vírus tipo 6 (8,4%, parvovirose (2,8% e diagnóstico inconclusivo em oito pacientes (11,3%. Não foi evidenciada sorologia positiva (IgM para sarampo, rubéola ou toxoplasmose naquela ocasião. As manifestações clínicas mais freqüentes nos pacientes com dengue foram: febre, prurido, prostração, mialgia e prova do laço positiva. Nos pacientes cujo diagnóstico foi dengue, a prova do laço foi positiva em 58,4% (32/55 dos casos, demonstrando diferença estatisticamente significativa quando comparada com o grupo cujo diagnóstico não foi dengue. CONCLUSÕES: Nas crianças com exantema, dengue pode ser a principal enfermidade causal, atentando-se para a epidemiologia do local. É necessário um controle constante da vigilância epidemiológica e sorológica das doenças exantemáticas.OBJECTIVE: To study the etiology of exanthema cases, with or without fever, in children seen in the emergency room of a hospital located in a region where dengue is endemic. METHODS: Enrollment took place between 21/09/2001 and 20

  3. Conglomerados de homicídios e o tráfico de drogas em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, de 1995 a 1999

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    Cláudio Chaves Beato Filho

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise espacial dos homicídios ocorridos em Belo Horizonte e registrados pela Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais durante o período de 1995 até 1999. Utilizamos o programa SaTScan para identificar os conglomerados de risco de mortalidade mais elevado. Considerando todas as regiões da cidade de Belo Horizonte, apenas dez apresentam um risco maior de homicídios, quase todas concentradas em favelas. Como existem 85 favelas ao todo, concluímos que não são as condições sócio-econômicas per se as responsáveis pelos conglomerados de homicídios, mas o fato dessas regiões serem assoladas pelo trafico e violência associada ao comércio de drogas.

  4. Conglomerados de homicídios e o tráfico de drogas em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, de 1995 a 1999

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    Beato Filho Cláudio Chaves


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise espacial dos homicídios ocorridos em Belo Horizonte e registrados pela Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais durante o período de 1995 até 1999. Utilizamos o programa SaTScan para identificar os conglomerados de risco de mortalidade mais elevado. Considerando todas as regiões da cidade de Belo Horizonte, apenas dez apresentam um risco maior de homicídios, quase todas concentradas em favelas. Como existem 85 favelas ao todo, concluímos que não são as condições sócio-econômicas per se as responsáveis pelos conglomerados de homicídios, mas o fato dessas regiões serem assoladas pelo trafico e violência associada ao comércio de drogas.

  5. Mercado consumidor de carne suína e derivados em Belo Horizonte Pork consumer market in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    I.G. Faria


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o comportamento do mercado consumidor de carne suína e seus derivados em Belo Horizonte. Foram entrevistados 401 consumidores, homens e mulheres, maiores de 19 anos de idade, mantendo-se a proporcionalidade observada no censo populacional. Além de sexo e faixa etária, escolaridade, ocupação e renda familiar foram levantadas para compor os fatores condicionantes da pesquisa. A carne suína in natura é consumida até três vezes por semana pela maioria da população (61,6%, em função de seu sabor e versatilidade. A compra costuma ser feita num mesmo estabelecimento comercial, sendo preferidos os cortes feitos na hora. O consumo de derivados da carne suína é maior que o da carne in natura em razão da grande variedade de produtos. Os consumidores acreditam que a carne suína in natura e derivados sejam perigosos à saúde pelo excesso de gordura ou de colesterol (38,4% e por transmitir doenças (27,8%. Sexo, idade e renda familiar têm influência no consumo, mas não escolaridade e ocupação. As marcas dos produtos derivados aumentam a confiabilidade e indicam a origem, para a maioria dos consumidores. A população, embora mais atenta aos conceitos de alimentação saudável e segura, não conhece o significado e a função da rastreabilidade e certificação de origem dos produtos. Para aumentar o consumo e justificar a criação de programa de certificação da carne suína e derivados em Minas Gerais, é necessário campanha dirigida de marketing para eliminar os preconceitos em relação a estes produtos.This study aimed to assess the behavior of the consumer in relation to pork and pork products. Four hundred and one consumers, men and women over 19 years old, were randomly sampled from the residents of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, to supply information about pork and pork products consumption, besides school background, occupation and family income. Consumption of fresh pork was directly affected by concepts related

  6. Atitudes e motivações em relação ao consumo de alimentos orgânicos em Belo Horizonte - MG Attitudes and motivations towards organic foods consumption in Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Luísa Mol Senna Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar o mercado consumidor de alimentos orgânicos em Belo Horizonte-MG, incluindo o perfil socioeconômico e o comportamento dos consumidores, sua percepção e seu conhecimento sobre alimentos orgânicos, além das principais motivações e limitações em relação ao consumo desses produtos. Uma pesquisa descritiva direta e estruturada (survey foi realizada com 400 consumidores de alimentos orgânicos, por meio da aplicação de questionários semiestruturados. A maioria dos consumidores era do gênero feminino (76,0%, com idade superior a 30 anos (90,3%, em união estável (81,3%, graduados (81,5% e com renda familiar elevada (acima de 12 S.M.⁄mês (78,7%. A maioria definiu alimento orgânico como um alimento isento de resíduos de agrotóxicos (69,7%. Alimentos orgânicos foram mencionados conter maiores níveis de nutrientes do que os convencionais (82,0%, além de serem isentos de organismos geneticamente modificados (75,0% e produtos químicos sintéticos (86,0%. A maioria mostrou preocupação em manter hábitos de vida saudáveis, sendo que 80,5% exercitavam-se regularmente e 49,2% já haviam feito alguma dieta ou recebido orientações nutricionais. Todos acreditavam nos benefícios à saúde advindos do consumo dos produtos orgânicos e quase a totalidade (98,8% já havia percebido melhorias na saúde em decorrência desse consumo. Somente 16,3% consumiam outros alimentos orgânicos além de frutas e hortaliças. A preocupação com a saúde, assim como o maior conteúdo de nutrientes e o sabor mais pronunciado do que os alimentos convencionais, foram as maiores motivações para o consumo de frutas e hortaliças orgânicas. Grande parte dos consumidores apresentou conhecimento superficial sobre a temática, o que evidenciou a necessidade de maiores esclarecimentos sobre o assunto. Uma demanda reprimida por tais produtos pôde ser observada, pois, apesar do grande interesse por alimentos org

  7. Epidemia de dengue em Ipupiara e Prado, Bahia. Inquérito soro-epidemiológico Outbreak of dengue in Ipupiara and Prado, Bahia State. Seroepidemiologic survey

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    Pedro Fernando da Costa Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available No Brasil, os inquéritos sorológicos têm assinalado taxa de infecção pelo vírus do dengue de 25% a 56%, porém esses estudos foram realizados em populações de cidades de médio ou grande porte. No presente estudo, são descritas duas epidemias de febre clássica de dengue (DEN no Estado da Bahia. A primeira, ocorrida em 1987 e causada pelo sorotipo DEN-1 em Ipupiara e, a segunda, causada pelo DEN-2, em Prado e que ocorreu em 1995. O diagnóstico laboratorial foi realizado utilizando o teste de inibição da hemaglutinação (IH. Em 1995, foram coletadas 461 amostras sorológicas de uma população de 3.868 habitantes em Ipupiara (região da Chapada Diamantina e 228 de um total de 9.126 habitantes em Prado (Litoral Extremo Sul. A soro-positividade das amostras foi de 11,9% (55/461 em Ipupiara e 17,5% (40/228 em Prado. Não houve diferença, estatisticamente significante, quanto a idade e o gênero entre os indivíduos soro-positivos e negativos das duas cidades estudadas. Entretanto, em Ipupiara os soro-positivos (15,9% vs. 9,3% relataram, mais freqüentemente (p Serologic studies in Brazil have indicated a 25% to 56% prevalence of dengue virus infections. However, these studies were carried out in populations of middle-sized and larger cities. The present study describes two epidemics of classic dengue fever in two small cities in the State of Bahia. The first occurred in 1987, in Ipupiara and was caused by dengue serotype-1 (DEN-1, the second occurred in 1995, in Prado and was caused by dengue serotype-2 (DEN-2. The laboratory diagnosis was made by the hemagglutination-inhibitation test. 461 serum samples were collected in 1995 in Ipupiara (district of Chapada Diamantina out of a population of 3,868 and 228 samples out of a total of 9,126 inhabitants of Prado (in the Southernmost coastal region. The seropositivity of the samples was 11.9% (55/461 in Ipupiara and 17.5% (40/228 in Prado. These were no statistically significant differences

  8. Avaliação do nível de conhecimento e de atitudes preventivas da população sobre a leishmaniose visceral em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Assessment of knowledge and preventive attitudes concerning visceral leishmaniasis in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Bárbara Kellen Antunes Borges


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o nível de conhecimento e algumas atitudes preventivas em relação à leishmaniose visceral em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 2006. Foi feito um estudo de caso-controle, com visitas domiciliares e questionário semi-estrurado. Comparou-se dois grupos: (1 82 casos humanos de leishmaniose visceral ocorridos em 2004 e (2 164 controles, constituídos por vizinhos dos casos. A leishmaniose visceral acometeu mais em crianças, com aumento do risco de contrair leishmaniose visceral de 109,77 vezes para menores de dez anos. O homem demonstrou ter 2,57 vezes mais chances de adoecer que a mulher. A escolaridade da população mostrou-se baixa (68,3% não completaram o ensino médio. Cinqüenta por cento dos casos desconheciam-na quando foram infectados e apenas 1,2% conhecia o vetor. Conhecer algo sobre a leishmaniose visceral minimizou o risco de adoecer em 2,24 vezes. Quanto às atitudes de proteção, o risco de se contrair leishmaniose visceral diminui em 1,94 vez para pessoas que mantêm limpos os domicílios ou que levam o cão ao veterinário. Em Belo Horizonte, o conhecimento da população perante a leishmaniose visceral é superficial e as atitudes preventivas inespecíficas.The main objective of this study was to evaluate knowledge concerning visceral leishmaniasis and attitudes used to prevent the disease in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in 2006. A case-control study was conducted, with home visits and a questionnaire. The odds ratio was calculated, comparing 82 cases of human visceral leishmaniasis in 2004 and 164 controls (neighbors of cases. The disease was more frequent in children (OR = 109.77. Visceral leishmaniasis was 2.57 times more likely in males than in females. Overall schooling level was low (68.3% of subjects had not completed secondary school. Half of the cases did not know what visceral leishmaniasis was, and only 1.2% could identify the vector. Having basic knowledge of visceral

  9. Distúrbios musculoesqueléticos em trabalhadores do setor saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Musculoskeletal disorders among healthcare workers in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Rose Elizabeth Cabral Barbosa


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal que investigou a prevalência de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos e os fatores associados em uma amostra de 1.808 sujeitos do universo de 13.602 trabalhadores do sistema municipal de saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A prevalência foi avaliada com base no autorrelato de dor nos membros superiores, membros inferiores e dorso; a magnitude das associações foi estimada por meio da regressão de Poisson, em modelos univariados (p This cross-sectional study investigated the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and associated factors in a sample of 1,808 workers (from a total of 13,602 in the municipal health system in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Prevalence was calculated according to self-reported pain in the upper or lower limbs and/or back, and size of associations was estimated by univariate (p < 0.20 and multivariate Poisson regression (p < 0.05. Musculoskeletal disorders showed a prevalence of 49.9% and were statistically associated with female gender, living with a partner, physical activity less than twice a week, self-reported common mental disorder, certain job positions (dentists, dental technicians, and community health workers, high physical demand, and inadequate working conditions. The results confirm the complexity of musculoskeletal disorders and suggest areas for development of health promotion programs in health services.

  10. Monitoramento de informação em mídias sociais: o e-Monitor Dengue

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    Michele Nacif Antunes

    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados preliminares da pesquisa "Monitoramento de informação sobre doenças negligenciadas: o e-Monitor Dengue". O e-Monitor Dengue é um sistema de monitoramento de informação na Internet feito por meio de um mecanismo robô, software ou agente inteligente que vasculha os sites sobre dengue disponíveis na Internet. Resultados de pesquisas anteriores indicaram novas perspectivas para o monitoramento, principalmente, por meio das mídias sociais. Dentre as mídias sociais, considera-se que o Twitter pode desempenhar um papel na gestão da informação ao permitir identificar usuários que podem atuar como filtro de informação, sendo possível acessar diretamente a informação mais relevante para uma determinada área de interesse. Assim, a partir do monitoramento do Twitter, a primeira pergunta a ser respondida no âmbito da pesquisa em andamento foi "Quem fala sobre dengue?". Inicialmente, foi possível identificar a relação dos atores/perfis localizados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e Niterói com maior ocorrência do termo "dengue" em suas mensagens. Os perfis foram cadastrados no sistema de monitoramento e são monitorados constantemente. Outra pergunta a ser respondida foi "Quando se fala de dengue?". Observa-se que o número de twetts acompanha o crescimento do número de casos de dengue. São indícios de que há uma relação entre os rumores sobre dengue e o aumento de número de casos notificados. Evidencia-se, desta forma, que realizar o monitoramento nas mídias sociais durante o período de epidemia e fazer sua relação com a situação epidemiológica da dengue pode ser uma estratégia importante para as autoridades em vigilância epidemiológica.

  11. A estabilização do arranjo corporativo e as eleições municipais de 1936 em Belo Horizonte

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    Carla Maria Junho Anastasia


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta a estabilização do arranjo corporativo, ameaçado pela eficácia política imprevista adquirida pelo movimento sindical mineiro após a edição do decreto 19770, de março de 1931. Com o mesmo argumento de combater o comunismo, o Ministério do Trabalho interveio diretamente nos sindicatos, nomeando juntas governativas, e as forças políticas locais, em especial o Partido Progressista, buscaram arregimentar a massa trabalhadora nas eleições municipais de 1936 em Belo Horizonte.

  12. Dengue em crianças: da notificação ao óbito Dengue en niños: de la notificación al óbito Dengue in children: from notification to death

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    Adriana Helena M. Abe


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever aspectos históricos, epidemiológicos e clínicos da dengue em crianças, demonstrando a importância das notificações e conhecimento destas para prevenir a evolução de gravidade e os óbitos nessa população. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão narrativa dos principais trabalhos publicados sobre dengue e dengue em crianças. Buscaram-se estudos nas seguintes bases de dados: Lilacs, SciELO, Medline e Scopus, além de documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde. A busca incluiu trabalhos publicados no período de janeiro de 1980 a março de 2011. Os descritores utilizados foram: dengue, dengue em criança, dengue em pediatria e notificação de doenças. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Todos os artigos encontrados foram avaliados e procurou-se estabelecer uma linha de tempo e principais informações alusivas ao tema, fatores referentes ao vírus e ao vetor também foram incluídos; informações sobre as características clínicas e importância das notificações foram apontadas, além da relevante investigação e elucidação de todos os óbitos notificados. Existe um grande número de estudos sobre o assunto, porém foi dada maior ênfase àqueles pertinentes às crianças. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento desta doença, que se configura como principal doença emergente e reemergente na atualidade, é fundamental para diagnóstico precoce, tratamento oportuno e prevenção de óbitos. Há uma lacuna na notificação adequada em Pediatria, assim como no detalhamento dos óbitos em crianças vítimas de dengue.OBJETIVO: Describir aspectos históricos, epidemiológicos y clínicos del dengue en niños, demostrando la importancia de las notificaciones y conocimiento de estas para la prevención de evolución de gravedad y óbitos en esta población. FUENTES DE DATOS: Revisión narrativa de los principales trabajos publicados sobre dengue y dengue en niños. Se buscaron estudios en las siguientes bases de datos: Lilacs, SciELO, Medline y Scopus

  13. Políticas para a inclusão: estudo realizado em uma Escola Estadual de Belo Horizonte Policies for inclusion: study in a State School in Belo Horizonte

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    Maria Auxiliadora Monteiro Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho, centrado nas Políticas Públicas para a Educação Inclusiva, enfatiza a formação de professores para trabalharem com alunos que apresentam necessidades educacionais especiais. A pesquisa, realizada em 2007/2008, em uma Escola Estadual de Belo Horizonte, objetivou investigar a capacitação de docentes para essa modalidade de educação e avaliar o processo de inclusão dos mencionados alunos, em uma escola estadual de BH. Metodologicamente, optou-se pela denominada pesquisa "Quali-Quanti", na qual se aplicou um questionário que desenhou o perfil de 25 professoras da escola. Em termos qualitativos, foram entrevistadas 10 docentes, a diretora da escola e a gerente da Diretoria de Educação Especial (DEEP. Em síntese, foram estes os dados coletados: todas as professoras eram favoráveis à Educação Inclusiva; nenhuma delas tinha capacitação para trabalhar com essa educação e, apenas duas conheciam um pouco da legislação sobre a Educação Inclusiva; todas afirmaram tanto ter dificuldade de lidar com os referidos alunos quanto ser significativa a evasão escolar dos mesmos.This article, focusing on Public Policies for Inclusive Education, emphasizes the formation of teachers to work with students who have special educational needs. The survey, conducted in 2007/2008 in a State School in Belo Horizonte aimed to investigate the training of teachers for the education, evaluate the process of inclusion of students mentioned in a government school in BH. Methodologically, we focused on the questionnaire that drew the outline of 25 teachers from the school. Ten teachers were interviewed, the school director and the manager of the Directorate of Special Education (DEEP. In synthesis, these data were collected: all teachers were in favor of Inclusive Education, none of which had capacity to work with this education, only two knew a bit of legislation on inclusive education, all said both have difficulty dealing with those

  14. UM FEBRÔNIO BELO-HORIZONTINO? O CASO GUARACI DO NASCIMENTO (Dossiê Gênero e violência na população LGBTTQIA no Brasil

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    Luiz Gonzaga Morando Queiroz


    Full Text Available A FEBRONIO BELO-HORIZONTINO? THE GUARACI DO NASCIMENTO CASE.Resumo: Breve análise de um caso penal de pedofilia e sua relação com a representação do homoerotismo em Belo Horizonte. Partindo de uma referência central na história policial do Rio de Janeiro -  a atuação de Febrônio Índio do Brasil, este artigo se detém sobre o comportamento de Guaraci do Nascimento, em Belo Horizonte, entre 1934 e 1991.Palavras-chave: Homoerotismo, Representação, Guaraci do Nascimento.Abstract: Brief analysis of a criminal case of pedophilia and its relation with the representation of homoerotism in Belo Horizonte. Starting from a central reference in the police history of Rio de Janeiro - the performance of Febrônio Índio do Brasil, this article focuses on the behavior of Guaraci do Nascimento, in Belo Horizonte, between 1934 and 1991.Keywords: Homoeroticism, Representation, Guaraci do Nascimento.Recebido em: 01/10/2016  – Aceito em: 11/01/2017

  15. Mortes perinatais evitáveis em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 1999 Avoidable perinatal deaths in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1999

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    Sônia Lansky


    Full Text Available Tendo em vista a elevada taxa de mortalidade perinatal em Belo Horizonte, foi realizado estudo dos 826 óbitos perinatais da coorte de nascimentos ocorridos no município em 1999, com análise da possibilidade de sua prevenção, utilizando-se o enfoque de evitabilidade de Wigglesworth. A taxa de mortalidade perinatal observada foi 20,2 por mil e o risco de morte perinatal foi vinte vezes maior para as crianças com baixo peso ao nascer. Cerca de um quarto das crianças tinham peso maior que 2.500g e a asfixia intraparto foi a principal causa de óbito neste grupo. A causa anteparto contribuiu com 30% dos óbitos e 25% destas crianças tinham peso maior que 2.500g. Observou-se ainda a ocorrência de óbitos perinatais fora do hospital e óbitos de crianças cujas mães chegaram à maternidade já em período expulsivo. Cerca de 40% dos óbitos perinatais e 60% dos óbitos neonatais poderiam ter sido evitados. Estas mortes precoces sugerem falhas na assistência à gestante e ao recém-nascido no município, tanto no atendimento clínico como na organização da rede assistencial, sendo necessário avançar na qualificação e responsabilização dos serviços e do sistema de saúde como um todo sobre esta população.The perinatal mortality rate is still high in Belo Horizonte. This study investigated all 826 perinatal deaths taking place in 1999, focusing on the possibility of their prevention, using the Wigglesworth classification. The perinatal mortality rate was 20.2 per one thousand births, and the risk of perinatal death was 20 times higher in children with low birthweight. Some 24.6% of the children weighed more than 2,500g, and the main cause of death in this group was asphyxia during labor. The antepartum cause of death contributed to 30% of all deaths, and 25% of these children weighed more than 2,500g. Some deaths occurred out of hospital, and in some cases the mother arrived at hospital in end-stage labor. About 40% of all perinatal

  16. Avaliação dos dados do cartão de pré-natal e registro da rotina prevista na assistência pré-natal de baixo risco em uma coorte de gestantes em Belo Horizonte


    Juliana Moraes Carrilho


    A adequação da atenção pré-natal é relevante para redução das taxas de mortalidade materna e perinatal, sendo fundamental a integração das informações nos diferentes níveis de atenção à gestante. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a completude dos dados dos cartões de pré-natal apresentados por uma coorte de gestantes admitidas em dois hospitais universitários de Belo Horizonte, conforme rotina prevista pelo MS e o protocolo da Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte (PBH), para ...

  17. Aspectos entomológicos e epidemiológicos das epidemias de dengue em Fortaleza, Ceará, 2001-2012

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    Rhaquel de Morais Alves Barbosa Oliveira


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: descrever os aspectos entomológicos e epidemiológicos das epidemias de dengue ocorridas em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, de 2001 a 2012. Métodos: estudo descritivo com dados dos Sistemas de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan, de Informações Hospitalares (SIH, do Programa de Febre Amarela e Dengue (2001-2009, do Programa Nacional de Controle da Dengue (2010-2012 e Levantamento Rápido do Índice de Infestação de Aedes aegypti, referentes aos anos quando a incidência da doença superou o percentil 75%. Resultados: De 2001 a 2012 foram notificados 194.446 casos suspeitos de dengue. Os anos epidêmicos foram: 2001, 2006, 2008, 2011 e 2012. Houve aumento progressivo da incidência (587,0/100 mil hab. [2001] e 1.561,1/100 mil hab [2012], com cocirculação de até três sorotipos e elevada infestação vetorial, principalmente em depósitos para armazenar água. Conclusão: após longo período de circulação do vírus em Fortaleza, a dengue permanece como importante problema de saúde, com casos graves e alta letalidade.

  18. Gangues juvenis, grupos armados e estruturação de atividades criminosas na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

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    Luís Felipe Zilli


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a atuação de gangues juvenis e grupos armados em favelas da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH. O estudo foi realizado entre 2009 e 2011, a partir de três fontes de informação: (1 entrevistas em profundidade com 40 jovens em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de internação por envolvimento em crimes como homicídios e tráfico de drogas; (2 registros oficiais sobre criminalidade violenta nas cidades da RMBH; (3 bases de dados de inteligência policial e de investigações conduzidas pela Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais sobre a atuação de grupos armados na RMBH. The article Youth Gangs, Armed Groups and the Structure of Criminal Activity in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte presents the main results of an empirical research on the role of youth gangs and armed groups in the slums of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. This study was conducted between 2009 and 2011, from three sources: (1 in-depth inter­views with 40 teenagers under sentence of detention for involvement in crimes like murder and drug traffick­ing; (2 official record of violent crime in the cities of the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, (3 databases of police intelligence and investigations conducted by the Civil Police of Minas Gerais on the activities of armed groups in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte.Keywords: gangs and armed groups, youth violence, crime, favelas, Belo Horizonte

  19. Retrospective study (1998-2001 on canine ehrlichiosis in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Estudo retrospectivo (1998 a 2001 da erliquiose canina em Belo Horizonte

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    S.M. Moreira


    Full Text Available The present work describes a retrospective study of clinical cases of ehrlichiosis in dogs examined from March 1998 to September 2001. From the clinical records with laboratorial confirmation of Ehrlichia canis or E. platys infections, the following parameters were analyzed: demographic aspects (age, race, sex, period of the year and origin, clinical characteristics (body temperature, exposure to ticks and clinical signs, and hematological characteristics (blood cell counts and type of infected cell. A total of 194 clinical records were analyzed, from which 31 animals were infected with E. canis and 21 animals with E. platys. The number of cases of canine ehrlichiosis increased considerably from the year 2000 onwards, and 24.4% of the cases occurred in 13- to 24-month-old animals, in different urban and per-urban regions of the municipality of Belo Horizonte. The most frequent symptoms were fever, anorexia, apathy, abdominal pain, lymphadenopathy and dispnea. Regarding hematological alterations, 70.3% of the animals presented anemia, 50% presented thrombocytopenia and 30% leukopenia, and most E. canis morulae were seen in monocytes. The results point to the importance of canine ehrlichiosis, as 35.9% of the dogs with suspected hemoparasitic diseases were infected with Ehrlichia canis or E. platys.O presente trabalho descreve um estudo retrospectivo da casuística clínica de erliquiose em cães atendidos entre março de 1998 e setembro de 2001. Foram analisadas 194 fichas clínicas de animais com suspeita de hemoparasitoses, nas quais 31 cães foram diagnosticados com Ehrlichia canis e 21 com Ehrlichia platys, por meio de exame parasitológico direto de esfregaços sangüíneos. Foram considerados alguns aspectos demográficos (idade, raça, sexo, época do ano e região de origem, características clínicas (temperatura corporal, presença e/ou histórico de carrapatos e sinais clínicos e hematológicas (hemograma completo e célula parasitada

  20. Prevalência de quedas em idosos cadastrados em um Centro de Saúde de Belo Horizonte-MG Prevalencia de caídas en ancianos inscritos en un Centro de Salud de Belo Horizonte-MG Prevalence of falls in older adults enrolled in a Health Center of Belo Horizonte-MG

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    Tânia Couto Machado Chianca


    Full Text Available A queda é utilizada como indicador de qualidade em serviços especializados no cuidado de idosos, sendo também considerado importante indicador de qualidade de vida de idosos em todos os ambientes. Realizou-se um estudo de corte transversal de 108 idosos cadastrados no Programa de Saúde da Família, em um Centro de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, com o objetivo de determinar a ocorrência de quedas nessa clientela, associando-as a algumas variáveis. Os dados foram coletados em prontuários e em visitas domiciliares por meio de entrevista estruturada, com instrumento específico. Observou-se que 64 (59,3% dos pacientes idosos já haviam sofrido quedas, havendo relação estatisticamente significativa (p=0,01 entre capacidade cognitiva dos idosos e ocorrência das quedas. Recomenda-se o cuidado de enfermagem na identificação precoce dos idosos com maior chance de sofrerem quedas, especialmente daqueles que, além do risco de queda, apresentam risco aumentado de sofrer lesões graves decorrentes da mesma.La caída se utiliza como indicador de la calidad de los servicios especializados en el cuidado de los ancianos, y también se considera un indicador importante de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores en todos los ambientes. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 108 ancianos inscritos en el Programa Salud de la Familia de un Centro de Salud, en Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, con el fin de determinar la incidencia de caídas en esta clientela, vinculándolas a algunas variables. Los datos se obtuvieron de los registros médicos y visitas a domicilio mediante entrevista estructurada, con uso de un instrumento específico. Se observó que 64 (59,3% de los ancianos ya había sufrido caídas, y una relación estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,01 entre la capacidad cognitiva de los ancianos y las caídas. Se recomienda la identificación temprana de las personas mayores más propensas a sufrir caídas, especialmente aquellas que

  1. O mercado imobiliário como revelador das preferências pelos atributos espaciais: uma análise do impacto da criminalidade urbana no preço de apartamentos em Belo Horizonte The real estate market as a betrayer of spatial attributes preferences: an analysis of criminality impact on apartment prices in Belo Horizonte

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    Eduardo Pontes


    Full Text Available O artigo faz uma abordagem alternativa utilizando como estudo a economia urbana heterodoxa a qual busca explicar de que modo surge a regularidade da configuração residencial urbana a partir da ação dos indivíduos no mercado. Utiliza-se o modelo de preços hedônicos para estimar o custo da violência - homicídios e roubos a transeuntes - implícito no preço dos imóveis residenciais, a partir de uma amostra com imóveis transacionados em Belo Horizonte. Duas regressões foram rodadas para que pudessem captar a disposição a pagar dos indivíduos para residirem em regiões de maior segurança. Os resultados demonstram que há relação entre redução nas taxas de criminalidade e valorização dos imóveis em algumas regiões de Belo Horizonte.This article provides an alternative approach, using the heterodox urban economy as a study object. Such economy seeks to explain how there is the regularity of the urban residential setting from the action of individuals in the market. The hedonic price model is used to esteem the implicit violence costs (e.g. homicides and robberies to pedestrians in housing prices, from a sample of properties transacted in Belo Horizonte. Two regressions that could capture the willingness of individuals to pay for living in regions with greater security were shot. The results show that there is a relationship between the reduction in crime rates and valuation of properties in some Belo Horizonte regions.

  2. Pork consumer market in Belo Horizonte, Brazil


    Faria, I.G.; Ferreira, J.M.; Garcia, S.K.


    Avaliou-se o comportamento do mercado consumidor de carne suína e seus derivados em Belo Horizonte. Foram entrevistados 401 consumidores, homens e mulheres, maiores de 19 anos de idade, mantendo-se a proporcionalidade observada no censo populacional. Além de sexo e faixa etária, escolaridade, ocupação e renda familiar foram levantadas para compor os fatores condicionantes da pesquisa. A carne suína in natura é consumida até três vezes por semana pela maioria da população (61,6%), em função de...

  3. Dengue hemorrágico en el niño Dengue hemorrágica na criança

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    Carlos Dotres Martinez


    Full Text Available Foi realizada uma revisão completa da Dengue Hemorrágica, doença infecciosa viral aguda e potencialmente, grave, transmitida por mosquito, que, em 1981, causou a morte de 158 pessoas durante uma epidemia em Cuba, sendo 101 menores de 15 anos. A Dengue, em sua forma clássica (benigna, foi primeiramente referida em 1823, porém,no ano de 1953, em Manila, Filipinas, se registrou uma nova apresentação da doença, caracterizada por manifestações hemorrágicas, choque e alta mortalidade que se denominou Febre Hemorrágica Dengue e Síndrome de Choque por Dengue (FHD/SSD. Sua patogenia é apresentada, discutindo-se também a possibilidade de repetição do fenômeno nas Américas.A thorough revision on hemorragic dengue fever is presented. Dengue, an acute mosquito-borne infectious disease has occurred in epidemic form in Cuba 1981, causing death of 158 persons. The disease in its classical form was first reported in 1823 but in 1953 a new presentation characterized by hemorrhagic manifestations, shock and a high mortality was observed in Manila, Phillipines. This form was called Hemorrhagic Dengue Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome (HDF/DSS. Its pathogenesis can be explained by two different theories: it could be a primary infection or a hipersensibility reaction depending on a previous infection.

  4. A violência urbana contra crianças e adolescentes em Belo Horizonte: uma história contada através dos traumas maxilofaciais


    Silva,Carlos José de Paula; Ferreira,Efigênia Ferreira e; Paula,Liliam Pacheco Pinto de; Naves,Marcelo Drummond; Vargas,Andreia Maria Duarte; Zarzar,Patricia Maria Pereira Araujo


    Os traumas maxilofaciais decorrentes da violência contra crianças e adolescentes impactam suas vidas, física e psiquicamente, pelas deformidades que podem provocar e pela exposição da lesão na face das vítimas. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a prevalência dos traumas maxilofaciais em crianças e adolescentes decorrentes da violência urbana em Belo Horizonte- Brasil. O estudo foi conduzido no Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, único hospital municipal de referência nesse tipo de atendi...

  5. Dengue e dengue hemorrágico: aspectos do manejo na unidade de terapia intensiva Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever: management issues in an intensive care unit

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    Sunit Singhi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever a epidemiologia, as características clínicas e o tratamento do dengue e das síndromes do choque associadas ao dengue. FONTES DOS DADOS: Para esta revisão de literatura, foi feita uma pesquisa no Pubmed e nos websites da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS e OPAS usando os termos dengue e síndrome do choque associada ao dengue. A informação foi complementada com a experiência pessoal dos autores. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: O dengue é a mais importante doença viral transmitida por artrópodos em seres humanos. A doença se manifesta de diversas formas, variando desde uma síndrome viral não-diferenciada até febre hemorrágica e choque grave. O dengue é uma enfermidade autolimitada, não específica, caracterizada por febre, cefaléia, mialgia, e sintomas constitucionais. As formas mais graves (febre hemorrágica e síndrome do choque podem levar a um comprometimento multissistêmico e ao óbito. O diagnóstico precoce e um acompanhamento contínuo do agravamento e da resposta ao tratamento são necessários em todos os casos. A OMS recomenda uma abordagem escalonada para o manejo, adequada para as formas mais leves e para o choque precoce. Nas formas mais graves, é preciso uma abordagem agressiva de reanimação com fluidos e de suporte à falência de órgãos em pacientes em estado crítico. As pesquisas sobre as diferenças fisiopatológicas entre o choque do dengue e o choque séptico, seleção de fluidos, agentes inotrópicos e técnicas de suporte a órgãos podem beneficiar os pacientes em estado crítico. CONCLUSÕES: Não há uma terapia específica para infecções causadas pelo dengue. Um bom tratamento de suporte pode salvar vidas mas, em última análise, as iniciativas de controle do vetor e de prevenção contra picadas do mosquito podem trazer os maiores benefícios.OBJECTIVES: To describe the epidemiology, clinical features and treatment of dengue fever and dengue shock syndrome. SOURCES: To prepare

  6. Incidência de ocratoxina A em café torrado e moído e em café solúvel consumido na cidade de Belo Horizonte, MG

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    PRADO Guilherme


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de ocratoxina A foi verificada em amostras de café solúvel e café torrado e moído, comercializados em Belo Horizonte/MG, no período de outubro/1998 a maio/1999. O método usado para a determinação de ocratoxina A foi a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE em combinação com cromatografia de imunoafinidade. Os valores de recuperação e coeficiente de variação de ocratoxina A foram superiores a 73% e inferiores 15%, respectivamente. As amostras de café solúvel e café torrado e moído, continham níveis de ocratoxina A entre 0,31 e 1,78ng/g e 0,99 e 5,87ng/g, respectivamente. Os resultados revelaram que o café não apresenta níveis de contaminação significativos.

  7. Resultados da assistência ao parto no Centro de Parto Normal Dr. David Capistrano da Costa Filho em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Results of childbirth care at a birthing center in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Sibylle Emilie Vogt Campos


    Full Text Available A qualidade da assistência prestada em Centro de Parto Normal (CPN por enfermeira obstetra é amplamente questionada. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo de 2.117 partos ocorridos entre janeiro de 2002 e julho 2003, no CPN Dr. David Capistrano da Costa Filho, em Belo Horizonte. Entre os principais resultados da assistência, destacam-se a taxa de transferência materna com 11,4%; a taxa de cesárea com 2,2%; a taxa de admissão em Centro de Tratamento Intensivo (CTI neonatal de 1,2%; e a taxa de Apgar This was a descriptive and retrospective study of 2,117 deliveries from January 2002 to July 2003 at the Dr. David Capistrano da Costa Filho Birthing Center in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Widespread questions have been raised concerning the quality of services provided at birthing centers by obstetric nurses. The results of the current study were: 11.4% maternal transfer rate; 2.2% cesarean sections; 1.2% neonatal ICU admissions; and 1% 5-minute Apgar scores below 7. Delivery dystocia and the request for epidural anesthesia were the main reasons for maternal transfer, and respiratory distress was the main cause of neonatal ICU admission. Corrected neonatal mortality was 2 per 1,000 live births. The results at this birthing center did not differ significantly from those in a review of the international literature. The most striking finding was the low cesarean rate. Comparative studies and more comprehensive national data on low-risk gestations are needed.

  8. Analysis of medical prescriptions dispensed at health centers in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil Avaliação de prescrições médicas aviadas em centros de saúde em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Francisco A. Acurcio


    Full Text Available This article focuses on medical prescriptions dispensed at health centers under the Municipal Health Department in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The study analyzed 4,607 prescriptions from March to April 1999, grouped according to origin (internal or external. The analysis focused on information written on medical prescriptions. The main findings were: (a an average of 2.4 drugs per prescription in both groups; (b prescriptions filled out with 4 or more drugs accounted for 18.0% of internal and 17.6% of external prescriptions; (c 84.3% of internal and 85.5% of external prescriptions provided no instructions for use of medication; (d information on dosage regimen varied from 51.2% to 97.6% for internal and 57.9% to 96.5% for external prescriptions; (e generic names were specified for 51.9% and 28.4% of all drugs on internal and external prescriptions, respectively; (f prescriptions containing standard drugs from the Municipal Health Department accounted for 88.7% of internal and 76.4% of external prescriptions. Data analysis shows the need for continuing education of physicians and adoption of other methods to improve quality of prescriptions and promote rational use of drugs.Este trabalho avalia prescrições médicas aviadas em farmácias de unidades de saúde da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte (SMS-BH, Brasil. Foram analisadas 4.607 prescrições, no período de março a abril de 1999, agrupadas segundo sua origem. A análise enfocou informações que deveriam constar em uma prescrição médica. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: (a número médio de 2,4 medicamentos/prescrição para os dois grupos; (b prescrição de quatro ou mais medicamentos em 18,0% das prescrições internas e 17,6% das externas; (c ausência de recomendações de uso em 84,3% das prescrições internas e 85,5% nas externas; (d presença de dados posológicos variando de 51,2% a 97,6% nas prescrições internas e de 57,9% a 96

  9. A participação do enfermeiro na implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família em Belo Horizonte

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    Cláudia Maria de Oliveira Pereira


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisa a participação do enfermeiro na implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF em Belo Horizonte, visando a compreender sua inserção e expectativas como agente na organização dos serviços de saúde e superação dos problemas encontrados na implantação do programa em uma grande metrópole. Utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa, com base no Materialismo Histórico Dialético. Onze enfermeiras, inseridas no PSF, foram os sujeitos da pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetidos ao tratamento da Análise do Discurso. Os resultados demonstram que o enfermeiro está envolvido com a Saúde da Família e desempenha um papel significativo desde a implantação do Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, e que sua inserção no PSF é favorecida tanto por sua formação generalista como por sua experiência no planejamento, execução e avaliação das ações de saúde. Fatores relacionados às condições de trabalho do enfermeiro, como inadequação do ambiente, salário e tratamento diferenciado em relação ao médico nas atividades de equipe e sobrecarga de tarefas e responsabilidades, destacam-se como dificultadores na implantação do PSF em Belo Horizonte.

  10. Tempat Penampungan Air dan Kepadatan Jentik Aedes sp. di Daerah Endemis dan Bebas Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Wanti Wanti


    Full Text Available Tingkat kepadatan jentik merupakan indikasi diketahuinya kepadatan nyamuk Aedes sp yang akan menularkan virus dengue sebagai penyebab penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD dan juga sebagai salah satu indikator keberhasilan kegiatan pengendalian vektor. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik tempat penampungan air (TPA dan perbedaan kepadatan jentik House Index, Container Index, Breatau Index (HI, CI, BI di Kelurahan Alak sebagai daerah endemis dan Kelurahan Belo sebagai daerah bebas DBD di Kota Kupang Tahun 2011. Penelitian observasional analitik ini menggunakan rancangan studi potong lintang. Variabel penelitian adalah jenis, kondisi, letak, bahan TPA dan kepadatan jentik Aedes sp. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi langsung pada TPA dan rumah terpilih. Data disajikan dalam bentuk tabel kemudian dianalisis dengan uji-t. Penelitian ini menemukan TPA positif jentik paling banyak adalah TPA untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, kondisi TPA tidak tertutup rapat, letak TPA di luar rumah, bahan TPA adalah bahan keramik, dan warna TPA adalah warna putih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai dari HI 0,887, CI 0,146 dan BI 0,080, yang artinya tidak ada perbedaan kepadatan jentik antara Kelurahan Alak (daerah endemis dengan Kelurahan Belo (daerah bebas. Disimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan kepadatan jentik (HI, CI, dan BI antara daerah endemis dan daerah bebas DBD. Kedua daerah sama-sama memiliki tingkat kepadatan jentik yang tinggi, sehingga disarankan pemberantasan sarang nyamuk tidak hanya diprioritaskan pada daerah endemis DBD tetapi juga daerah daerah bebas DBD. Water Container and the Aedes sp. Larvae Density in Endemic and Free Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever The larva density is an indication of the density of Aedes sp known to be capable of transmitting the dengue virus as the cause of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF and also as one of the indicators of the success of vector control activities. This study aimed to determine the difference of the water

  11. Perfil epidemiológico da população idosa de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil Perfíl epidemológico de la población de ancianos de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil Epidemiological profile of the elderly population in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

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    Meire Chucre Tannure


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva utilizando-se dados secundários da secretaria municipal de coordenação de política social de Belo Horizonte, cujo objetivo foi descrever o perfil epidemiológico da população idosa desta cidade. Os idosos de Belo Horizonte em 2000 representam 9,1% do total da população nela residente. Da população de idosos, 60,5% são mulheres e 39,4% são homens; 2,9% dos idosos apresentavam algum tipo de deficiência física, 16,4% alguma deficiência auditiva, 23,5% alguma dificuldade para enxergar, 24,1% alguma dificuldade para caminhar ou subir escadas e que 3,8% apresentavam problemas mentais. Concluiu-se que a parcela de pessoas idosas, fragilizada em Belo Horizonte era inferior à representada por aquela com boas condições de saúde. Envelhecimento não é sinônimo de incapacidade.Este es un estudio descriptivo de la utilización de los datos secundarios de la secretaría municipal para la coordinación de la política social en Belo Horizonte, cuyo propósito fue describir el perfil epidemiológico de la población de ancianos de esta ciudad. Las personas mayores en Belo Horizonte en 2000 representan el 9,1% del total de la población que reside en ella. Población de personas mayores, 60,5% son mujeres y el 39,4% son hombres, el 2,9% de las personas de edad tenían algún tipo de discapacidad física, 16,4% tiene la pérdida de la audición, 23,5% tienen dificultades para ver, 24,1% tienen dificultades para caminar o subir escaleras, y que el 3,8% tenía problemas mentales. Se concluyó que la proporción de personas de edad avanzada, debilitados en Belo Horizonte estuvo representada por menos de uno con una buena salud. El envejecimiento no es sinónimo de incapacidad.This is a descriptive study using the data side of the municipal secretariat for coordination of social policy in Belo Horizonte, whose purpose was to describe the epidemiological profile of elderly population of this city. The elderly in

  12. Ocorrência do vírus da imunodeficiência felina e do vírus da leucemia felina em gatos domésticos mantidos em abrigos no município de Belo Horizonte Occurrence of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus in Sheltered domestic cats of Belo Horizonte

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    B.M. Teixeira


    Full Text Available Investigou-se a ocorrência da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência felina (FIV e pelo vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV em gatos domésticos, provenientes de dois abrigos, no município de Belo Horizonte. Amostras de sangue de 145 animais foram coletadas e testadas para detecção do FIV pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR. Destas amostras, 40 foram testadas para o antígeno p26 de FeLV por meio de ELISA. Observaram-se duas fêmeas (1,4% e quatro machos (2,8% positivos para FIV e nove fêmeas (22,5% e quatro machos (10,0% positivos para FeLV.The occurrence of the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV and feline leukemia virus (FeLV was investigated in domestic cats from two shelters of Belo Horizonte. Samples from 145 cats were collected and tested for FIV by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Forty out of 145 samples were tested for FeLV p27 antigen by a commercial ELISA kit. Two females (1.4% and four males (2.8% were positive for FIV. For FeLV tests, 13 cats (32.5% were positive, being nine females (22.5% and four males (10.0%.

  13. Polentaço® de Monte Belo do Sul, RS – Pequena História de um Evento Gastronômico

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    Krisciê Pertile


    Full Text Available Os eventos, em especial os incluídos no calendário turístico municipal e regional, têm forte influência para o turismo cultural em Monte Belo do Sul, por sua associação às tradições ligadas à produção da uva e do vinho, herdada dos itálicos. Entre essas festas está o Polentaço®, com suas edições bianuais, em paralelo à Festa do Agricultor, tematizada a partir da Polenta. Assim, este trabalho tem por intuito registrar a memória do evento gastronômico Polentaço®, realizado no município de Monte Belo do Sul, no Rio Grande do Sul, e disponibilizar documentos a ele associados.Polentaço® Monte Belo do Sul, RS - Short History of a Gastronomic Event -  The Events, in particular those included in the municipal and regional tourism calendar, have a strong influence for a cultural tourism in Monte Belo do Sul, in association with the traditions connected to the grapes and wine production, feature inherited from the Italians. Among these parties is the Polentaço®, with its biannual editions, happening in parallel to the Festa do Agricultor (Farmer's Feast, having the Polenta as the main theme. Thus, this paper seeks rescuing the memory of gastronomic event Polentaço®, held in Monte Belo do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

  14. Clinical and laboratory findings in patients with dengue associated with hepatopathy Achados clínicos e laboratoriais em pacientes com dengue associada à hepatopatia

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    Delso do Nascimento


    tumoral (TNF, células natural killer (NK, B linfócitos e macrófagos. MÉTODOS: Este estudo foi realizado em um hospital público da Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul. As alterações hepáticas pelo dengue podem evoluir com quadros graves e potencialmente letais. Foram avaliados exames de 68 pacientes atendidos e confirmados com dengue, onde 56 foram classificados como dengue clássico, seis, como dengue hemorrágico grau I e seis como dengue hemorrágico grau II. RESULTADOS: Do dengue clássico, 83,3% tiveram alterações de aspartato aminotransferase (AST e 69,6% alterações para alanino aminotransferase (ALT. No dengue hemorrágico grau I, AST elevou-se 100% e para ALT 83,3%. No dengue hemorrágico grau II observou-se 100% de alterações tanto para AST, quanto para ALT. A variação de AST ficou entre 22,0 e 907,0 com média de 164,6. A alanino aminotransferase variou entre 25,0 e 867,0 com média de 166,07. Houve significância entre formas clínicas do dengue e marcadores de função hepática. CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que a infecção predominou em adultos do sexo feminino, de baixa renda e escolaridade. As enzimas hepáticas elevam-se mais no dengue hemorrágico, fraca evidência estatística entre as manifestações clínicas e as transaminases. Os mais prevalentes sinais/sintomas clínicos foram febre, cefaléia, mialgia, artralgia, fraqueza, dor retrorbitária e exantema.

  15. Resposta humoral ao vírus dengue em mães/filhos: relação com a sequência de Möbius Humoral immune response to dengue virus in mothers/children: relation with Möbius sequence

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    Diego Nery Benevides Gadelha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar a resposta humoral para o vírus dengue em pacientes com sequência de Möbius e suas mães, analisando a relação entre a infecção na gestação e o nascimento de portadores da sequência de Möbius. MÉTODOS: Foram revisados os prontuários dos pacientes atendidos em centro de referência. Aplicou-se um questionário estruturado a cada genitora. Sorologia por Elisa para IgG de dengue foi efetuada em 35 pacientes e suas mães. O teste de neutralização por redução em placas foi feito nas que referiram infecção viral na gestação e em seus filhos, para determinar o sorotipo viral causador da infecção. RESULTADOS: Febre, cefaléia e/ou dor retro-orbitária foi referida por 18 (51,4% mães. Três (8,6% referiram dengue no primeiro ou início do segundo trimestre de gestação. Cruzando-se as informações das sorologias das mães e crianças observou-se que em 57,1% dos casos há positividade sorológica para o vírus do dengue na mãe e no filho. Das três mães com infecção na gestação, uma e seu filho, apresentou teste de neutralização por redução em placa positivo para o vírus dengue tipo três (DENV-3, entretanto o sorotipo apenas foi introduzido em Pernambuco em 2002, o que exclui a possibilidade de ter ocorrido transmissão vertical da doença. CONCLUSÃO: As sorologias dos casos que tiveram diagnóstico clínico de dengue na gravidez revelaram-se incompatíveis com a hipótese de ter ocorrido transmissão vertical da doença. Portanto, na amostra estudada, a infecção pelo vírus do dengue não pode ser considerada como fator implicado na gênese da sequência de Möbius.PURPOSE: To investigate the humoral immune response to dengue virus in patients with Möbius sequence and their mothers, assessing the relation between this infection during pregnancy and Möbius sequence. METHODS: The medical records were reviewed, and a questionnaire was answered by each mother. IgG ELISA was performed in 35

  16. Facial fractures: a 1-year retrospective study in a hospital in Belo Horizonte Fraturas de face: um estudo retrospectivo de 1 ano em um hospital de Belo Horizonte

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    Bruno Ramos Chrcanovic


    Full Text Available A retrospective study was performed to assess facial fractures in patients treated at a public hospital in Belo Horizonte, in 2000. The data collected included age, gender, etiology, distribution of maxillofacial trauma considering day of the week and month, anatomic site of the fracture, and treatment. The analyses involved descriptive statistics and chi-squared test, Bonferroni test and analysis of variance. A total of 1,326 facial fractures were found in 911 patients. Most fractures occurred in adults with age ranging from 21 to 30 years. Men were more affected than women, with a male-female ratio of 4.69:1. Accidents causing facial fractures occurred predominantly on weekends. Bicycle and motorcycle accidents were the major cause of trauma, followed by interpersonal violence, automobile accidents, and falls. When the relation between the gender and the etiology of facial fractures was analyzed, a significant relation was noted between these variables (p Um estudo retrospectivo foi realizado para avaliar fraturas faciais em pacientes atendidos no ano de 2000 em um hospital público de Belo Horizonte. As informações coletadas incluíam idade, sexo, etiologia, distribuição do trauma de acordo com o dia da semana e o mês, o local anatômico da fratura e o tratamento. As análises envolveram estatísticas descritivas, teste qui-quadrado, teste Bonferroni e análise de variância. Foram encontradas 1.326 fraturas de face em 911 pacientes. A maioria das fraturas ocorreu em adultos na faixa etária de 21 a 30 anos. Os homens foram mais acometidos do que as mulheres, numa proporção homem:mulher de 4,69:1. Os traumas causadores de fraturas faciais ocorreram predominantemente nos fins de semana. Os acidentes de moto e bicicleta foram a maior causa de trauma, seguidos por violência interpessoal, acidentes automobilísticos e quedas. Quando analisada a relação entre o gênero e a etiologia das fraturas de face, observou-se uma associa

  17. Aspectos entomológicos e epidemiológicos das epidemias de dengue em Fortaleza, Ceará, 2001-2012


    Oliveira, Rhaquel de Morais Alves Barbosa; Araújo, Fernanda Montenegro de Carvalho; Cavalcanti, Luciano Pamplona de Góes


    Resumo Objetivo: descrever os aspectos entomológicos e epidemiológicos das epidemias de dengue ocorridas em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, de 2001 a 2012. Métodos: estudo descritivo com dados dos Sistemas de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan), de Informações Hospitalares (SIH), do Programa de Febre Amarela e Dengue (2001-2009), do Programa Nacional de Controle da Dengue (2010-2012) e Levantamento Rápido do Índice de Infestação de Aedes aegypti, referentes aos anos quando a incidência...

  18. Ectoparasitos de roedores da região urbana de Belo Horizonte, MG: III. Indices pulicidianos, anoplurianos e acarianos em Rattus Norvegicus norvegicus Ectoparasites in rodents of the urban region of Belo Horizonte, MG: III. Fleas, anoplura and acari indices in Rattus norvegicus norvegicus

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    Pedro Marcos Linardi


    Full Text Available Indices pulicidianos, anoplurianos e acarianos, globais e específicos foram determinados para os ectoparasitos de Rattus norvegicus norvegicus capturados em zona urbana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, no período de junho de 1980 a setembro de 1982. Tendo-se em vista os valores limites ou críticos atribuídos aos índices pulicidianos, sobretudo ao índice "cheopis" e propostos por diversos autores como medida complementar de vigilância epidemiológica para peste bubônica, a comunidade de Belo Horizonte poderia ter estado exposta a esta infecção, uma vez que os índices globais anuais de 0,3 a 2,4 e a pulga prevalente foi Xenopsylla cheopis (99,2%, com os maiores índices coincidindo com o final da estação seca-fria. Em duas ocasiões, a comunidade poderia ter permanecido altamente exposta à infecção, já que os índices-limites tolerados foram suplantados: 8,8 (outubro 1980 e 6,2 (setembro 1982. Sugere-se que medidas profiláticas como anti-ratização e desinsetização sejam eficazmente aplicadas ao final da estação seca-fria, ou anteriormente à chegada das chuvas, sendo sucedidas pela desratização. Informações sobre índices anoplurianos e acarianos são importantes para que se possa, no exclusivas de roedoresThe total and specific indices of fleas, lice and mites were determined for ectoparasites on Rattus norvegicus norvegicus capture in urban areas of Belo Horizonte, Minas state, Brazil, from June 1980 to September 1982. In view of the limiting or critical values attributed to flea indices above all the [quot ]cheopis[quot ] index, proposed by several authors as a complementary measure for bubonic plague surveillance, the community of Belo Horizonte would have been exposed to this infection. The annual total indices ranged from 0.3 to 2.4 and the prevalent flea was Xenopsylla cheopis (99.2%, with the highest indices coinciding with the late dry-cool season. On two occasions, in this period, the community would

  19. Estudo do dengue em área urbana favelizada do Rio de Janeiro: considerações iniciais Dengue in a Rio de Janeiro slum: a preliminary analysis

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    Márcia de Freitas Lenzi


    Full Text Available Este estudo é parte de um programa que visa ao controle e prevenção do dengue em área urbana favelizada vizinha à Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Como resultado da aplicação de um questionário acompanhado de levantamento entomológico, pôde-se observar problemas ligados a informações veiculadas pelas campanhas de saúde pública para o controle do dengue, e suas interpretações por parte da população local, ao se verificar práticas que favorecem a procriação do mosquito, resultantes do esquecimento dessas mensagens ou de interpretação parcial das mesmas. Os dados provenientes do questionário são relativos ao nível de informação sobre dengue, criadouros mais freqüentes; conhecimento e hábitos da população local no tocante à endemia. As conclusões deste estudo apontam para a necessidade de: elaboração de mensagens que informem não só práticas preventivas ideais, mas também ofereçam soluções possíveis; divulgação permanente de mensagens através da mídia; planejamento de atividades de educação em saúde para o estreitamento da relação entre profissionais de saúde e população, com o objetivo da construção de alternativas sustentáveis para o controle do dengue.This study is part of a program to control and prevent dengue in a slum bordering on the grounds of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results obtained from a questionnaire and entomological survey called attention to problems pertaining to the information transmitted by public health campaigns and its interpretation, since many practices result from misunderstanding or forgetting preventive messages. Dengue-related data include most frequent vector breeding sites, people's knowledge, and dengue-related habits. The study's conclusions in terms of dengue prevention point to the need for drafting messages not only about ideal preventive practices but also teaching possible solutions: disseminating

  20. Radioproteção, dose e risco em exames radiográficos nos seios da face de crianças, em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, MG Radioprotection, doses and risks in the radiological assessment of paranasal sinuses in children, in hospitals of Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Marco Aurélio de Sousa Lacerda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a freqüência das incidências radiográficas realizadas nos seios da face de pacientes pediátricos em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, MG, as condições de radioproteção, as técnicas radiográficas empregadas, o kerma no ar de entrada e as doses nos órgãos mais expostos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram coletados os dados dos pacientes e parâmetros de técnica radiográfica empregados em exames de crianças de 1 a 16 anos de idade, em cinco salas de quatro hospitais da cidade, observando, também, aspectos de proteção radiológica. O kerma no ar de entrada foi estimado a partir dos rendimentos dos tubos de raios-x e as doses nos órgãos utilizando o software PCXMC. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios do kerma no ar de entrada para as cinco salas foram, respectivamente, 1.398 µGy, 829 µGy, 877 µGy, 1.168 µGy e 3.886 µGy para pacientes entre 1 e 5 anos de idade. CONCLUSÃO: Foi constatado que as incidências mento-naso e fronto-naso são comumente solicitadas em conjunto, na maioria dos hospitais, o que confere dose significativa para os pacientes. Os riscos para os pacientes podem ser diminuídos mediante a utilização de cilindros de colimação, a não-utilização de grades antiespalhamento, o emprego de altos valores de tensão e baixos valores de tempo.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at evaluating the frequency of radiographic assessment of paranasal sinuses in pediatric patients in hospitals of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Additionally, aspects regarding radiation protection conditions and radiographic parameters were evaluated, and entrance air kerma and organ doses were estimated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients' data and parameters of radiographic technique employed in the assessment of children in the age range between 1 and 16 years were collected in five examination rooms of four hospitals in Belo Horizonte, also taking into consideration the radiation protection aspects. Entrance air kerma calculation was

  1. Urbanização e ecologia do dengue Urbanization and dengue ecology

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    Pedro Luiz Tauil


    Full Text Available As mudanças demográficas ocorridas nos países subdesenvolvidos, a partir dos anos 60, geradas por intenso fluxo migratório rural-urbano, resultaram em crescimento desordenado das cidades, nas quais se destacam a carência de facilidades - em particular, de habitação e saneamento básico. Cerca de 20% da população das grandes e médias cidades estão vivendo em favelas, cortiços ou em áreas de invasão. Pela falta de abastecimento de água, há necessidade de armazená-la precariamente, tal como pela ausência de destino adequado do lixo ocorre a proliferação de criadouros potenciais do Aedes aegypti, principal mosquito vetor da dengue, ou seja, depósitos improvisados para água potável e recipientes em que a água é acumulada, constituídos principalmente por latas, plásticos e garrafas usadas. A indústria moderna, por outro lado, privilegia a produção de material descartável. O vírus do dengue tem sua propagação facilitada pela intensidade e freqüência dos meios de transporte, os quais favorecem também a disseminação dos vetores da doença. Estes são alguns dos fatores que tentam explicar o ressurgimento do dengue, a mais importante arbovirose no mundo atualmente e que acomete milhares de pessoas todos os anos.Demographic changes occurring in underdeveloped countries due to intense rural-urban migration since the 1960s have resulted in overcrowded cities with multiple deficiencies, particularly in housing and basic sanitation. Some 20% of the population in large and medium-sized cities live in slums or under similar conditions. Lack of regular water supply and public garbage collection foster the proliferation of potential breeding sites for Aedes aegypti (the main mosquito vector for dengue, including precarious reservoirs for potable water and disposable recipients which accumulate water, like used cans and plastic and glass bottles. Modern industries also produce large volumes of disposable materials. Propagation

  2. Surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms: six-year experience in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Tratamento cirúrgico dos aneurismas intracranianos: experiência de seis anos em Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

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    Leodante Batista da Costa Jr


    Full Text Available Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage accounts for 5 to 10 % of all strokes, with a worldwide incidence of 10.5 / 100000 person/year, varying in individual reports from 1.1 to 96 /100000 person/year. Angiographic and autopsy studies suggest that between 0.5% and 5% of the population have intracranial aneurysms. Approximately 30000 people suffer aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the United States each year, and 60% die or are left permanently disabled. We report our experience in the surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms in a six year period, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We reviewed the hospital files, surgical and out-patient notes of all patients operated on for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms from January 1997 to January 2003. Four hundred and seventy-seven patients were submitted to 525 craniotomies for treatment of 630 intracranial aneurysms. The majority of patients were female (72.1% in the fourth or fifth decade of life. Anterior circulation aneurysms were more common (94.4%. The most common location for the aneurysm was the middle cerebral artery bifurcation. The patients were followed by a period from 1 month to 5 years. The outcome was measured by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS. At discharge, 62.1% of the patients were classified as GOS 5, 13.9% as GOS 4, 8.7% as GOS 3, 1.7% as GOS 2 and 14.8% as GOS 1.A hemorragia subaracnóidea espontânea é responsável por cerca de 5 a 10% de todos os acidentes vasculares cerebrais, com uma incidência mundial de 10,5 / 100000 pessoas/ano, variando em estudos individuais de 1,1 a 96 / 100000 pessoas / ano, de acordo com diferenças étnicas e geográficas. Estudos angiográficos e de necropsia sugerem que a presença de aneurismas intracranianos ocorre em 0,5-5% da população mundial. De acordo com estatísticas norte-americanas, ocorrem cerca de 30000 rupturas de aneurisma cerebral por ano naquele país, com conseqüências desastrosas para grande parte dos pacientes

  3. Dengue: a reappraisal


    Serufo, José Carlos; Nobre, Vandack; Rayes, Abdunnabi; Marcial, Tânia Maria; Lambertucci, José Roberto


    Os conceitos de dengue clássico, com ou sem hemorragia, e de febre hemorrágica do dengue (FHD) que, pode cursar sem fenômenos hemorrágicos, com ou sem síndrome do choque do dengue (SCD), são revistos neste artigo. As definições clássicas propostas, úteis em outros tempos, geram confusão e dificultam a tomada de decisões no momento do tratamento dos pacientes com as formas graves da doença porque deixaram de incorporar novos conceitos e avanços terapêuticos. A classificação do dengue proposta ...

  4. Prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns em professores da rede municipal de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Prevalence of common mental disorders among schoolteachers in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Sandra Maria Gasparini


    Full Text Available Estudos realizados em todo o mundo evidenciam que os educadores correm o risco de sofrer esgotamento físico ou mental, em face das dificuldades materiais e psicológicas associadas ao exercício da atividade docente. Objetivou-se estimar a prevalência de transtornos mentais em professores da rede municipal de ensino de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, e investigar a associação com as características do trabalho docente. Empregou-se um estudo do tipo corte transversal em professores do ensino fundamental da Regional Nordeste, utilizando-se um questionário auto-aplicado, com seis blocos de questões. O General Health Questionnaire (GHQ na versão "12" foi o instrumento de rastreamento de transtornos mentais não-psicóticos na população estudada. Participaram do estudo, 751 dos 792 professores do ensino fundamental de vinte e seis escolas municipais da regional citada (94,8%. Os transtornos mentais foram significativamente associados à experiência com a violência e piores condições ambientais, ambiente físico e conforto no trabalho, e organizacionais, margem de autonomia, de criatividade e tempo no preparo das aulas. Os resultados apontam para uma situação grave relativamente à saúde da população pesquisada e fornecem elementos consistentes para a proposição de medidas com vistas à melhoria das condições de trabalho docente.Research worldwide has shown that schoolteachers are at increased risk of physical and mental stress due to material or psychological difficulties associated with their work. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of mental disorders among schoolteachers in the municipal school system in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and to investigate associated work-related factors. A cross-sectional study was carried out including all 1st and 2nd grade schoolteachers in the Northeast region of the city. A self-applied questionnaire with six sets of questions was applied. Common mental

  5. Composição dos gastos privados com medicamentos utilizados por aposentados e pensionistas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Marina Guimarães Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a composição dos gastos privados com medicamentos utilizados por indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais de idade, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A população estudada foi uma amostra representativa de aposentados e pensionistas do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS nessa faixa etária e residentes no Município de Belo Horizonte, entrevistados em um inquérito domiciliar. Foram calculados os gastos mensais com medicamentos obtidos no setor privado e analisada a sua composição considerando as características dos medicamentos. Responderam ao inquérito 667 indivíduos. Foi observado um gasto mensal privado médio de R$ 122,97 (US$ 38,91 com os medicamentos utilizados pelos participantes. Os grupos terapêuticos que representaram uma maior proporção dos gastos totais foram: sistema cardiovascular (26%, sistema nervoso (24% e trato alimentar e metabolismo (15%. Em relação à categoria de registro dos medicamentos utilizados, os medicamentos de referência foram responsáveis por uma maior proporção dos gastos totais (54%. Os resultados deste estudo podem subsidiar políticas destinadas a melhorar o acesso a medicamentos e às condições sanitárias da população idosa brasileira.

  6. Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica do leite UAT integral comercializado em Belo Horizonte

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    Coelho P.S.


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas 80 amostras de leite UAT integral de oito marcas comercializadas em Belo Horizonte, entre janeiro e abril de 1999. Foram realizadas contagens de bactérias mesófilas aeróbicas em meio APC e ágar BHI enriquecido com vitamina B12, sendo os resultados comparados aos padrões estabelecidos pelo Regulamento Técnico de Identidade e Qualidade (RTIQ do Serviço Federal de Inspeção do Ministério da Agricultura e Abastecimento do Brasil. Das 80 amostras analisadas, 33 (41,2% apresentaram contagem de bactérias mesófilas aeróbicas entre 1,3×10(4 e 1,4×10(5 UFC/ml (4,1 e 5,1 log UFC/ml. De 174 amostras de microrganismos isoladas, 162 (93,1% são do gênero Bacillus, 3 cocos (1,7% pertencentes ao gênero Micrococcus, 9 (5,2% bastonetes Gram positivos pleomórficos, sugestivos de pertencerem ao gênero Corynebacterium. Cinco marcas de leite UAT foram consideradas como fora dos padrões microbiológicos estabelecidos pelo RTIQ. Bactérias do gênero Bacillus foram as mais isoladas.

  7. Relato de caso: transmissão vertical de dengue Case report: vertical dengue infection

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    Samara L. C. Maroun


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Relatar um caso de transmissão vertical de dengue ocorrido durante epidemia de 2008 pelo vírus tipo II no Rio de Janeiro e revisar a literatura sobre transmissão vertical de dengue. DESCRIÇÃO: Relatamos um caso de transmissão vertical de dengue. Recém-nascido a termo do sexo feminino, peso de nascimento de 3.940 g, foi admitida na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal com rash cutâneo, hipoatividade e febre no quinto dia de vida. O hemograma evidenciava plaquetopenia importante (38.000 plaquetas. A mãe apresentou quadro clínico compatível com dengue 3 dias antes do parto. Foram colhidos então IgM para dengue da mãe e do recém-nascido, realizados pelo método de ELISA, sendo positivos em ambos. Dengue tipo 2 foi detectado no recém-nascido através de reação em cadeia da polimerase. COMENTÁRIOS: Este relato enfatiza a importância do pediatra estar alerta para a possibilidade de transmissão vertical de dengue iniciando precocemente o tratamento.OBJECTIVES: To report a case of vertical dengue infection in a newborn from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and to review the literature concerning this problem. DESCRIPTION: We report a case of vertical dengue infection. Female neonate, birth weight 3,940 g, term, was admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit on the fifth day of life with fever and erythematous rash. Her mother had had dengue fever 3 days before delivery. Her platelet count was 38,000, dropping to 15,000. She did not have any hemorrhagic episodes, including cerebral hemorrhages. Anti-dengue antibodies (IgM were positive in the mother and infant. Dengue type 2 was detected in the infant using polymerase chain reaction. COMMENTS: This report emphasizes that pediatricians should be aware of the possibility of vertical dengue infection so that early management can be instituted.

  8. Belo Monte hydropower project: actual studies; AHE Belo Monte: os estudos atuais

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    Figueira Netto, Carlos Alberto de Moya [CNEC Engenharia S.A., Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Rezende, Paulo Fernando Vieira Souto [Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras S.A. (ELETROBRAS), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This article presents the evolution of the studies of Belo Monte Hydro Power Project (HPP) since the initial inventory studies of the Xingu River in 1979 until the current studies for conclusion of the Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Studies the Belo Monte Hydro Power Project, as authorized by Brazilian National Congress. The current studies characterize the Belo Monte HPP with an installed capacity of 11,181.3 MW (20 units of 550 MW in the main power house and 7 units of 25.9 MW in the additional power house), connected to the Brazilian Interconnected Power Grid, allowing to generate 4,796 mean MW of firm energy, without depending on any flow rate regularization of the upstream Xingu river flooding only 441 k m2, of which approximately 200 k m2, correspond to the normal annual wet season flooding of the Xingu River. (author)

  9. Vai lá, tira a roupa... e... pronto...": o acesso a consultas ginecológicas em Belo Horizonte, MG El acceso a consultas ginecológicas en Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil Access to gynecological consultations in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Maria Eponina de Abreu e Torres


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como foco a consulta ginecológica. Investiga-se o acesso a estas consultas entre mulheres residentes em Belo Horizonte, com idades de 18 a 59 anos, bem como suas percepções sobre este acesso. O estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas: uma análise quantitativa por meio do método Grade of Membership (GoM, buscando delinear perfis de mulheres de 18 a 59 anos, que realizaram e não realizaram a consulta ginecológica nos 12 meses anteriores à pesquisa; e uma análise qualitativa, com base em 33 entrevistas semi-estruturadas, buscando captar a percepção que mulheres com características similares aos perfis extremos delineados na primeira etapa tinham sobre a consulta ginecológica. Os dados quantitativos são oriundos da pesquisa SRSR (Saúde Reprodutiva, Sexualidade e Raça/cor, realizada pelo Cedeplar em 2002. Já os dados qualitativos são provenientes da pesquisa "Aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos acerca do acesso à contracepção e ao diagnóstico e tratamento do câncer de colo uterino: uma proposta de análise para o município de Belo Horizonte, MG", ocorrida entre 2005 e 2006. Os resultados quantitativos sugerem que a realização de uma consulta ginecológica está muito relacionada às características socioeconômicas e demográficas das entrevistadas. Nota-se, também, que as mulheres com maior probabilidade de terem ido ao ginecologista, nos últimos 12 meses, são aquelas que tiveram um acompanhamento ginecológico regular e que costumavam procurar este profissional por meio de consultas particulares ou planos de saúde. Os resultados qualitativos reafirmam o desconforto das mulheres diante da consulta, sendo maior entre aquelas com menos escolaridade. Notou-se também que a primeira consulta ginecológica ocorreu em momentos muito diferentes para as mulheres de alta e de baixa escolaridade - para as primeiras está geralmente relacionada ao início da vida sexual e ao uso de contracepção, enquanto para

  10. Dataset on daytime outdoor thermal comfort for Belo Horizonte, Brazil. (United States)

    Hirashima, Simone Queiroz da Silveira; Assis, Eleonora Sad de; Nikolopoulou, Marialena


    This dataset describe microclimatic parameters of two urban open public spaces in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil; physiological equivalent temperature (PET) index values and the related subjective responses of interviewees regarding thermal sensation perception and preference and thermal comfort evaluation. Individuals and behavioral characteristics of respondents were also presented. Data were collected at daytime, in summer and winter, 2013. Statistical treatment of this data was firstly presented in a PhD Thesis ("Percepção sonora e térmica e avaliação de conforto em espaços urbanos abertos do município de Belo Horizonte - MG, Brasil" (Hirashima, 2014) [1]), providing relevant information on thermal conditions in these locations and on thermal comfort assessment. Up to now, this data was also explored in the article "Daytime Thermal Comfort in Urban Spaces: A Field Study in Brazil" (Hirashima et al., in press) [2]. These references are recommended for further interpretation and discussion.

  11. Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos de odontologia em postos de saúde da rede municipal de Belo Horizonte, Brasil Dental waste management in municipal health clinics in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Michel William Nazar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a conformidade do processo de gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos odontológicos pelas unidades básicas de saúde da rede municipal de Belo Horizonte frente à legislação vigente. MÉTODO: Foram avaliadas 54 unidades básicas de saúde das 105 unidades da rede municipal que prestavam atendimento odontológico. Em cada unidade, foram entrevistados o gerente, um atendente de consultório dentário e um auxiliar de serviços gerais. Com base nos requisitos estabelecidos pelo Manual de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, foram avaliados os seguinte aspectos: técnicos e operacionais (classificação e caracterização dos resíduos, processos de minimização, segregação, tratamento prévio, acondicionamento, coleta e transporte internos e externos e abrigo externo; gerais e organizacionais (fiscalização, área construída, licenciamento ambiental, planta baixa com discriminação das áreas geradoras de resíduos e presença de responsável técnico; recursos humanos (registro e controle de vacinação dos trabalhadores, programa de segurança e medicina do trabalho, programa de prevenção de riscos ambientais, programa de controle médico e saúde ocupacional, comissão de controle de infecção hospitalar e treinamento em manejo de resíduos de serviços de saúde. RESULTADOS: Cada unidade básica de saúde gerava uma média de 270 litros de resíduos por dia. Nenhuma possuía um plano de gerenciamento de resíduos de serviços de saúde. Os únicos itens em conformidade com a legislação em todas as unidades foram: as agulhas e o mercúrio eram segregados; eram utilizados recipientes de papelão resistente com simbologia adequada para acondicionamento dos resíduos perfurocortantes; e a coleta e transporte internos de resíduos eram feitos diariamente. CONCLUSÃO: Enquanto não forem estabelecidos os riscos reais de cada classe de resíduos, todas deveriam ser consideradas como

  12. Características demográficas e psicossociais associadas à depressão pós-parto em uma amostra de Belo Horizonte Demographic and psychosocial characteristics associated with postpartum depression in a sample from Belo Horizonte

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    Patricia Gomes Figueira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A depressão pós-parto (DPP tem sido alvo de inúmeras investigações científicas devido à sua alta prevalência e gravidade e também por suas repercussões negativas na puérpera e na criança. OBJETIVO:Comparar mulheres com e sem DPP em um grupo de puérperas selecionadas aleatoriamente a partir dos partos ocorridos em uma maternidade de Belo Horizonte (MG. MÉTODOS: Selecionamos 245 mulheres que tiveram parto em uma maternidade de Belo Horizonte. Aplicamos uma entrevista semiestruturada para a obtenção de dados psicossociais e demográficos e uma entrevista estruturada (Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview, MINI-Plus para o diagnóstico de depressão maior segundo critérios do Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV. RESULTADOS:26,9% das mulheres tinham diagnóstico de DPP. Não encontramos diferenças entre as características sociodemográficas das mulheres com (n = 66, 26,9% e sem diagnóstico de DPP (n = 179, 73,1%. Entretanto, diversas variáveis clínicas e psicossociais se mostraram significativamente diferentes entre os dois grupos, tais como história de depressão, vivência de estresse ou presença de sintomas depressivos ou ansiosos durante a gravidez, ocorrência de complicações maternas ou na criança no pós-parto e insuficiência de suporte nos cuidados pós-natais. CONCLUSÃO: A identificação de fatores associados à DPP é importante para a compreensão de sua etiopatogenia e para o estabelecimento de estratégias de prevenção e tratamento precoce dessa grave doença.INTRODUCTION: Postpartum depression has been the object of extensive research both because of its high prevalence and its repercussions on the mother and the infant. OBJECTIVE:To compare women with and without depression in a sample of postpartum women randomly selected at a maternity in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. METHODS: A total of 245 women who gave birth at a private maternity hospital in

  13. Economic Impact of Dengue: Multicenter Study across Four Brazilian Regions (United States)

    Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi; Siqueira, Joao Bosco; Parente, Mirian Perpetua Palha Dias; Zara, Ana Laura de Sene Amancio; Oliveira, Consuelo Silva; Braga, Cynthia; Pimenta, Fabiano Geraldo; Cortes, Fanny; Lopez, Juan Guillermo; Bahia, Luciana Ribeiro; Mendes, Marcia Costa Ooteman; da Rosa, Michelle Quarti Machado; de Siqueira Filha, Noemia Teixeira; Constenla, Dagna; de Souza, Wayner Vieira


    Background Dengue is an increasing public health concern in Brazil. There is a need for an updated evaluation of the economic impact of dengue within the country. We undertook this multicenter study to evaluate the economic burden of dengue in Brazil. Methods We estimated the economic burden of dengue in Brazil for the years 2009 to 2013 and for the epidemic season of August 2012- September 2013. We conducted a multicenter cohort study across four endemic regions: Midwest, Goiania; Southeast, Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro; Northeast: Teresina and Recife; and the North, Belem. Ambulatory or hospitalized cases with suspected or laboratory-confirmed dengue treated in both the private and public sectors were recruited. Interviews were scheduled for the convalescent period to ascertain characteristics of the dengue episode, date of first symptoms/signs and recovery, use of medical services, work/school absence, household spending (out-of-pocket expense) and income lost using a questionnaire developed for a previous cost study. We also extracted data from the patients’ medical records for hospitalized cases. Overall costs per case and cumulative costs were calculated from the public payer and societal perspectives. National cost estimations took into account cases reported in the official notification system (SINAN) with adjustment for underreporting of cases. We applied a probabilistic sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulations with 90% certainty levels (CL). Results We screened 2,223 cases, of which 2,035 (91.5%) symptomatic dengue cases were included in our study. The estimated cost for dengue for the epidemic season (2012–2013) in the societal perspective was US$ 468 million (90% CL: 349–590) or US$ 1,212 million (90% CL: 904–1,526) after adjusting for under-reporting. Considering the time series of dengue (2009–2013) the estimated cost of dengue varied from US$ 371 million (2009) to US$ 1,228 million (2013). Conclusions The economic burden

  14. Estudo da variabilidade espacial das chuvas em Belo Horizonte a partir da expansão da rede pluviométrica: uma análise qualitativa


    Carlos Wagner Goncalves Andrade Coelho


    Em grandes cidades como Belo Horizonte, o cotidiano humano é influenciado diretamente por eventos extremos como as precipitações de chuva na estação chuvosa, que além de ser um dos controladores hídricos pode causar problemas como enchentes e deslizamentos de terra, principalmente nas "áreas de risco", onde se observam grandes tragédias. Estudos feitos para a capital mineira obtiveram bons resultados sobre o comportamento das chuvas, relacionando-as com a topografia e a outros fatores meteoro...

  15. Conteúdo básico comum: ensino de arte em escolas públicas estaduais de Belo Horizonte/MG Common basic contents: teaching art in public schools in Belo Horizonte/MG

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    Pedro Pires Bessa


    Full Text Available Procuramos captar como se dá, na prática, a implementação do Conteúdo Básico Comum, o CBC, de Arte - atual Proposta Curricular do Estado - no primeiro ano do Ensino Médio, em duas escolas públicas estaduais localizadas na cidade de Belo Horizonte/MG. Optou-se por pesquisar somente escolas (pólo de Ensino Médio, uma classificada como Escola Referência, a outra, não. Visamos a mostrar as conclusões relativas à proposta pedagógica em Arte das escolas pesquisadas; o planejamento do arteeducador, verificando as possibilidades de um diálogo entre este e o CBC/Arte; a colaboração dos agentes informadores; bem como a perspectiva do alunado quanto aos aspectos conceituais, procedimentais e atitudinais oferecidos nas aulas de Arte. Longe de se querer, a partir da análise de duas escolas, generalizar os resultados, pretende-se que, ao elucidar questões presentes nas escolas pesquisadas, possam elas servir de reflexão e signifiquem uma contribuição a outras escolas, a professores e pesquisadores.We try to capture, as it is happening, the practical implementation of "Common Basic Contents, CBC, of Art - the current Curricular Proposal of the State - in the 1st year of secondary school, in two state public schools, both located in the city of Belo Horizonte/MG. We chose to research only schools (two secondary schools, poles apart in performance levels one classified as a Reference School; the other, not. We aim to draw our conclusions with relation to the pedagogical Art proposal of the school being studied; the art educator's planning process providing the opportunity for exploring what possibilities exist for a dialogue between the school proposal and that of CBC/Art; the cooperation of all agents able to inform (shed light on the process; not least, the perspective of the student body, but equally the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal aspects presented in Art classes. Far from intending to generalize results, having only

  16. Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT em Bombeiros de Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Prevalência e Fatores Ocupacionais Associados

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    Eduardo de Paula Lima

    Full Text Available RESUMOO objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a prevalência (últimos 30 dias de Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT e investigar se variáveis ocupacionais estão associadas ao desfecho em bombeiros de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Estudo transversal foi realizado em 2011. Dentre 794 elegíveis, 711 (89,5% participaram. Informações foram obtidas por questionário de autorrelato: variáveis sociodemográficas e ocupacionais, saúde e eventos extralaborais adversos. A prevalência de TEPT foi 6,9%. Variáveis ocupacionais contribuíram para explicar o desfecho no modelo final (regressão logística multivariável: fatores psicosssociais do trabalho, eventos traumáticos ocupacionais, tempo de trabalho e absenteísmo. Idade, problemas de saúde mental no passado e eventos adversos extralaborais também foram associados ao TEPT. Os resultados são discutidos considerando os pressupostos do Modelo Demanda-Controle.

  17. Vigilância e busca ativa de casos suspeitos de dengue hemorrágico em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo

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    Pontes Ricardo José Soares


    Full Text Available Um estudo clínico-epidemiológico, do tipo relato de casos, avaliou o sistema de vigilância e busca ativa de casos suspeitos de dengue hemorrágico/síndrome de choque do dengue (DH/SCD durante uma epidemia de dengue no Município de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, que ocorreu entre novembro de 1990 e março de 1991. Tratou-se da primeira epidemia de dengue registrada nessa região. Embora o dengue seja um problema de saúde pública crescente no Brasil e o DH/SCD pareça tratar-se de um problema em evolução nas Américas, os serviços de saúde pública demonstram uma atitude passiva diante da ocorrência da doença, em parte como fruto da falta de experiência. A divulgação da ocorrência desta enfermidade, tanto na forma de casos esporádicos como na forma epidêmica, é essencial para a redução da letalidade. Os dados utilizados na presente análise foram coletados pelo sistema oficial de vigilância epidemiológica do Município de Ribeirão Preto durante o período da epidemia. Entre 2 521 casos confirmados de dengue foram identificados 36 casos suspeitos de DH/SCD -- 34 casos de doença febril aguda com manifestações hemorrágicas e 2 óbitos associados ao dengue. Desse conjunto, 12 casos de dengue com manifestações hemorrágicas foram confirmados laboratorialmente. A análise dos dados clínicos, epidemiológicos, laboratoriais e de autópsia dos óbitos associados ao dengue sugeriu tratarem-se de casos de DH/SCD primário. O estudo aqui descrito evidenciou a dificuldade do sistema assistencial de saúde em estabelecer a suspeita clínica de DH/SCD. Isto acarretou demora e inadequação na conduta clínica. Além disso, ficou confirmada a necessidade de um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica ativa permanente, que possibilite a identificação precoce dos casos suspeitos de DH/SCD e viabilize uma ação de controle rápida e adequada.

  18. Intervenções urbanas, usos e ocupações de espaços na região central de Belo Horizonte = Urban interventions, usage and occupation of spaces in the central region of Belo Horizonte

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    Jayme, Juliana Gonzaga


    Full Text Available Apesar de jovem (inaugurada em 1897 Belo Horizonte passou por um relativo processo de esvaziamento de seu centro histórico com a demolição de alguns edifícios, o deslocamento das moradias de classe média para outras regiões, a diminuição de áreas de espaço público de convivência e da presença da elite nessa região. Como em diversas cidades, esse processo mobilizou agentes públicos e iniciativa privada na elaboração de projetos de requalificação urbana voltados para sua área central. A proposta deste trabalho é refletir sobre a forma como esses projetos vêm sendo implementados pelo poder público e a região requalificada vem sendo apropriada pelos diferentes atores. Nossa hipótese é de que os processos de requalificação urbana em Belo Horizonte não devem ser pensados como intervenções voltadas apenas para o mercado, o entretenimento e o consumo cultural, numa palavra, a gentrificação

  19. Saúde bucal de idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Oral health among institutionalized elderly in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Raquel Conceição Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este estudo transversal descreveu a saúde bucal de idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Uma amostra de 335 idosos acima de 60 anos de idade foi aleatoriamente selecionada. Os dados foram coletados dos registros das instituições, por entrevista e exame clínico da cavidade bucal. Avaliaram-se a higiene bucal, a cárie dentária coronária e radicular e a doença periodontal. Foi observada placa bacteriana em 76% das superfícies dentárias e 57% dos idosos usuários de prótese total superior apresentaram placa em pelo menos uma das superfícies. O CPOD foi de 30,8, com predomínio do componente perdido (94,2% e 57,1% dos idosos apresentaram experiência de cárie radicular. A maioria dos idosos (78,2% apresentou como pior condição periodontal sextante nulo e 64,5% dos sextantes válidos apresentaram bolsa periodontal de 4mm a 5mm e 47% perda inserção de 4mm a 5mm (47%. A saúde bucal dos idosos é precária, representada por higiene bucal deficiente, alta experiência de cárie, acentuada perda dentária e presença de bolsa periodontal.This study assessed the oral health of the institutionalized elderly in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. A sample of 335 individuals over 60 years of age was randomly selected. Data were collected through interviews, review of medical records, and clinical examination by a single researcher. Oral health was evaluated in terms of oral hygiene, caries, and periodontal disease. Bacterial plaque was present on 76% of the dental surfaces, and 57% of the elderly using upper dentures presented plaque on at least one of its surfaces. DMF-T index was 30.8, with the missing component representing 94.2%. Missing sextant was the worst periodontal finding in 78.2% of the elderly. Among the valid sextants, there was a higher prevalence of 4 to 5mm periodontal pocket and attachment loss from 4 to 5mm (47%. According to the findings

  20. A violência urbana contra crianças e adolescentes em Belo Horizonte: uma história contada através dos traumas maxilofaciais The urban violence against children and adolescents in Belo Horizonte: a story told through the maxillofacial traumas

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    Carlos José de Paula Silva


    Full Text Available Os traumas maxilofaciais decorrentes da violência contra crianças e adolescentes impactam suas vidas, física e psiquicamente, pelas deformidades que podem provocar e pela exposição da lesão na face das vítimas. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a prevalência dos traumas maxilofaciais em crianças e adolescentes decorrentes da violência urbana em Belo Horizonte- Brasil. O estudo foi conduzido no Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, único hospital municipal de referência nesse tipo de atendimento em Belo Horizonte. Coletaram-se os registros de vítimas atendidas de janeiro a dezembro de 2007. O principal evento de violência sofrido entre crianças e adolescentes foi agressão física, 44,2% e 64,7%, respectivamente. Entre as crianças, o tipo de trauma mais comum foi o trauma dentoalveolar (53,8%, e entre os adolescentes, trauma de tecidos moles (47,5%. O maior número de ocorrências se deu no período noturno: crianças (84,6% e adolescentes (74,8%. O gênero mais vitimado foi o masculino, crianças (63,5% e adolescentes (68,3%. Estratégias apropriadas para identificação do evento de violência e do agressor são necessários para que melhor sejam planejados mecanismos de proteção da criança e do adolescente, uma vez que a violência sofrida por crianças e adolescentes no Brasil, considerando a complexidade dessa fase da vida, assume um quadro sombrio, desconstruindo o desenvolvimento, a sociabilidade e comprometendo a visão das vítimas sobre si mesmas e sobre o mundo que as cercam.The maxillofacial traumas resulting from violence against children and adolescents have physical and psychical impact on their lives, because of the deformities and the injuries on their faces. This study aims to identify the prevalence of maxillofacial traumas in children and adolescents caused by urban violence in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The study was conducted at Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, the primary reference hospital in this

  1. Nascer de novo na cidade-jardim da República: Belo Horizonte como lugar de cultivo de corpos (1891-1930 Being born in the "Garden City" of the Republic: Belo Horizonte as a place where bodies are cultivated (1891-1930

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    Andrea Moreno


    Full Text Available O advento da República envolveu Minas Gerais em uma experiência inédita em seus domínios, na última década dos Oitocentos. Em apenas seis anos, protagonistas diversos participaram de eventos marcantes, em torno da construção de uma nova capital, que redefiniram lugares de sociabilidade e modos de viver. Nascia Belo Horizonte, planejada e construída para ser a capital das Minas Gerais, vitrine da República, com suas praças, ruas e avenidas projetadas a régua e compasso. A pretensão era obrigar seus habitantes, antigos e novos, a "nascer de novo" com ela, como a poesia de Drummond de Andrade sintetiza. É em meio a tantas e tais vicissitudes que procuramos examinar, em diferentes espaços de sociabilidade urbana da nova capital, dispositivos de natureza diversa que encontravam no corpo o seu destino, como lugar de uma educação, de um cultivo, de uma civilização.The advent of the Republic in the last decade of 1800 was to Minas Gerais state a significant experience. In only six years, several protagonists were involved in remarkable events related to the building of the new capital city, which redefined the places for socialization and different lifestyles. The city of Belo Horizonte was born, planned and built to become the capital of Minas Gerais, a model for the Republic, with its squares, streets and avenues accurately projected with 'rulers and compass'. The main purpose was to make its old and new dwellers 'be born again' with Belo Horizonte, as later summed up in Drummond de Andrade's poem. Based on these aspects, our study focused on examining in different places of urban socialization provided by the new capital city different devices that found in people's bodies their destination, as a place for education, cultivation and civilization.

  2. Inovação, Governança e Desenvolvimento Sustentável em Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes: o caso de Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil


    Rocco, Daniela; Alvares, Daniela


    O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar iniciativas inovadoras realizadas em consonância com o desenvolvimento sustentável e com estímulo à governança, inseridas no contexto de um potencial destino turístico inteligente (DTI), a saber, Belo Horizonte, localizado no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Esta pesquisa, que foi desenvolvida entre janeiro e maio de 2017, é de natureza exploratória e caráter qualitativo. Foram entrevistados representantes de cinco instituições com as seguintes atuações: ge...

  3. Trajetória histórica dos cursos superiores de turismo em Belo Horizonte (1974-2012): entre o determinismo do mercado e a crise da formação profissional


    Albuquerque, Fernanda de Alencar Machado


    Esta pesquisa é norteada pela trajetória histórica dos cursos de turismo em Belo Horizonte/MG, no período de 1974 a 2012, com a finalidade de apontar o descompasso do ensino superior em turismo nas tentativas da formação profissional do turismólogo e o acesso ao mercado turístico. Como fundamentação teórica, buscamos as bases históricas sobre o desenvolvimento da atividade turística e o surgimento dos cursos superiores de turismo, considerando as políticas publicas que as regem...

  4. O caráter único de Morro Vermelho na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

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    Simone Marques de Souza Safe


    Full Text Available A expressão histórica e cultural de uma sociedade no ambiente físico permite a contemplação da vivência da comunidade em diversos períodos morfológicos, conferindo ao habitat uma identidade própria. O presente artigo tem como objetivo contrapor a ausência de tecido urbano em Morro Vermelho, distrito do município de Caeté, Minas Gerais, à evolução urbana da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, na qual está inserido, buscando compreender os motivos pelos quais essa ocupação territorial estagnou. Além disso, o trabalho visa aplicar os conceitos da Escola Italiana e da Escola Inglesa de Morfologia Urbana, comparando a análise feita no Distrito de Morro Vermelho em 2013 com a formação de Belo Horizonte, quando ainda era Arraial Curral Del Rei. Para o desenvolvimento deste artigo foi realizado um trabalho de campo no distrito de Morro Vermelho e posterior análise dos dados coletados utilizando os conceitos de Morfologia Urbana.

  5. Avaliação da tipologia dos resíduos de construção civil entregues nas usinas de beneficiamento de Belo Horizonte Evaluation of the typology of construction waste delivered to processing plants in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Daniel de Souza Carmo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo foi expor a atual conjuntura da geração de resíduos em Belo Horizonte de forma a apresentar as principais características dos resíduos de construção civil (RCC acerca de sua tipologia, origem, predominância em sua composição, além de dados a respeito das obras que o geraram, como seu padrão construtivo e tipo de edificação. Os resultados demonstraram que a maior parte dos rejeitos gerados na capital é de base cerâmica, oriundos de obras de reformas residenciais de casas, classificadas em padrão normal de acabamento, localizadas, sobretudo, nas regionais Centro-sul e Pampulha. Pela determinação destas características foi possível estabelecer recomendações aplicáveis tanto às usinas de reciclagem como ao sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos da capital como forma de minimizar as causas da variabilidade dos agregados reciclados gerados a partir dos RCC.The aim of this article was to expose the current state of affairs regarding the generation of waste in Belo Horizonte so as to present the main characteristics of construction civil waste (CCW involving their typology, origin, predominance in their composition, as well as data about the construction sites that generated them, their construction pattern and type of building. The results show that the majority of the waste generated in Belo Horizonte is of ceramic base, deriving from house renovations construction sites classified as normal finishing standard located mainly in the center south and Pampulha areas. By determining these characteristics it was possible to establish recommendations applicable to the recycling plants as well as to the waste management system in Belo Horizonte to minimize the causes of the variability of the recycled aggregates generated from construction civil waste.

  6. Condições de saúde e tabagismo entre idosos residentes em duas comunidades brasileiras (Projetos Bambuí e Belo Horizonte

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    Peixoto Sérgio Viana


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a prevalência do tabagismo e verificar os fatores associados a este hábito entre idosos (> 60 anos. O estudo foi conduzido na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte e na Cidade de Bambuí, ambas localizadas em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Foram selecionados 1.774 idosos na Região Metropolitana e 1.742 em Bambuí. Na Região Metropolitana, a prevalência de tabagismo atual e passado foi de 19,6% e 39,2% entre os homens, e 8,1% e 14,1% entre as mulheres, respectivamente. Em Bambuí, os dados correspondentes foram 31,4% e 40,2% entre os homens, e 10,3% e 11,2% entre as mulheres, respectivamente. Na Região Metropolitana, os indicadores de pior condição de saúde e pior capacidade funcional apresentaram associações significantes com o tabagismo passado, mas estas associações não foram observadas em Bambuí. Entre os fumantes atuais, as associações pesquisadas não foram consistentes. Estes resultados mostram a grande heterogeneidade dos fatores associados ao tabagismo, como observado em países desenvolvidos. As estratégias para a redução do tabagismo nessa população devem considerar esta ausência de associação entre sinais e sintomas e o hábito de fumar.

  7. A saúde no cotidiano de jovens residentes em um bairro popular de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil

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    Natália de Cássia Horta


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objeto a saúde no cotidiano dos jovens considerando que esses não têm suas vivências cotidianas contempladas nas ações de saúde. O objetivo é analisar os modos de vida juvenis apreendendo os significados e sentidos da saúde em seu cotidiano. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa, fundamentada na dialética, com base na sociologia da vida cotidiana. Desenvolvida num bairro popular do município de Belo Horizonte, foi estruturada em fase exploratória e interpretativa, tendo como sujeitos dezenove jovens. Por meio da análise hermenêutica e dialética, a tese foi confirmada. As ações de cuidado presentes no cotidiano dos jovens levam em conta os recursos e os aspectos constitutivos da condição juvenil, ainda pouco contemplada nas proposições da área da saúde. No cotidiano dos jovens, tem-se a expressividade dos modos de vida e da condição juvenil na qual a saúde se revela pelo bem-estar e pelas condições básicas para o trilhar da vida. A concepção de saúde prevalente centra-se nos comportamentos e na corporeidade. Para a promoção da saúde juvenil é necessário partir dos modos de vida juvenis e interagir com eles no cotidiano. As ações de cuidado com a saúde têm um espaço de (invisibilidade na vida dos jovens e interagem com suas prioridades na vivência da condição juvenil. Revelou-se a importância da proposição de ações cuidadoras nos microespaços e no território em que se expressa essa condição.

  8. Perfil dos nascidos vivos no Município de Belo Horizonte, 1992-1994 Profile of live births in Belo Horizonte, 1992-1994

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    Celeste de Souza Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos ­ Sinasc ­ foi desenvolvido pelo Ministério da Saúde, objetivando a melhoria da qualidade das informações sobre estas crianças, no Brasil, e vem sendo usado no Município de Belo Horizonte, efetivamente, desde 1992. Com o objetivo de caracterizar as crianças nascidas vivas e permitir a utilização dos dados para subsidiar o planejamento, organização e avaliação de ações de saúde desenvolvidas, foi analisada a distribuição destas, através de todas as Declarações de Nascidos Vivos ­ DN, de mães residentes em Belo Horizonte, 1992/94, segundo características relativas ao parto,à gravidez e à mãe. Concluiu-se haver necessidade de estudos que aprofundem a análise da morbi-mortalidade materna e infantil e os custos das internações por partos operatórios, por uma atenção especial às adolescentes, além de acompanhamento pré-natal de boa qualidade para todas as gestantes. O Sinasc é um instrumento poderoso de informações rotineiras, devendo ser aprimorado e o seu uso difundido, incluindo a possibilidade não só de cruzamento de dados com os de outros sistemas, especialmente o SIM (Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade e o banco de dados de AIH (Autorização para Internação Hospitalar, como também de sua utilização para intervenções específicas e diferenciadas em determinados grupos populacionais e microáreas de risco.The Information System on Live Births - SINASC - was developed by the Health Ministry and designed to improve quality of information on live births in Brazil. It has been effectively used in Belo Horizonte since 1992. The distribution of live births was analysed in order to characterise them and to allow use of existing data to support planning, organisation and evaluation of the health activities developed. It was conducted by using Declarations of Live Births of newborns of mothers resident in Belo Horizonte, in the period 1992-1994, in

  9. Vírus dengue em larvas de Aedes aegypti e sua dinâmica de infestação, Roraima, Brasil Virus dengue en larvas de Aedes aegypti y su dinámica de infestación, Roraima, Brasil Dengue virus in Aedes aegypti larvae and infestation dynamics in Roraima, Brazil

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    Julianna Dias Zeidler


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a presença do vírus dengue em formas larvais de Aedes aegypti e relacionar a presença do vetor com índice pluviométrico e número de casos de dengue. MÉTODOS: Dezoito domicílios foram selecionados aleatoriamente para coleta de ovos em um bairro da cidade de Boa Vista (RR. Foram instaladas duas ovitrampas por domicílio e removidas após uma semana, mensalmente, de novembro de 2006 a maio de 2007. Foram calculados o índice de positividade de ovitrampa e o índice de densidade dos ovos. Após eclosão de 1.422 ovos coletados, foram formados 44 pools de no máximo 30 larvas para teste de presença do vírus dengue por meio de RT-PCR e hemi-nested PCR. O índice de incidência de dengue no período foi correlacionado com a precipitação pluvial. A associação entre essas variáveis e número de ovos coletados foi analisada pelo coeficiente de Pearson. RESULTADOS: Nenhum dos pools apresentou positividade para o vírus dengue, apesar do bairro ter apresentado elevados índices de incidência de dengue no período estudado. A densidade da população de Ae. aegypti aumentou conforme a pluviosidade, mas não apresentou correlação com índices de incidência de casos de dengue. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que a transmissão transovariana do vírus em mosquitos ocorre a uma freqüência muito baixa e por isso sua persistência em meio urbano pode não depender desse fenômeno. A população do mosquito aumentou no período de chuvas devido à formação de criadouros; a não-correlação com o índice de incidência de dengue deve-se à possibilidade desse dado ser subestimado em períodos de epidemia.OBJETIVO: Identificar la presencia del virus dengue en forma larvales de Aedes aegypti y relacionar la presencia del vector con índice pluviométrico y número de casos de dengue en el período estudiado. MÉTODOS: Dieciocho domicilios fueron seleccionados al azar para colectar huevos en una urbanización de la

  10. Traços identitários da enfermeira-gerente em hospitais privados de Belo Horizonte, Brasil The nurse manager's identity features in private hospitals of Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Maria José Menezes Brito


    Full Text Available Com o propósito de compreender aspectos subjetivos do trabalho da enfermeira-gerente, buscou-se, por meio deste estudo, analisar os traços identitários da enfermeira-gerente no contexto de instituições hospitalares a partir do questionamento fundamentado na apresentação que os sujeitos fazem de si mesmos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa, do qual participaram nove enfermeiras-gerente que atuam em quatro instituições hospitalares privadas de médio e grande porte, no município de Belo Horizonte. Os traços identitários foram organizados de acordo com os planos profissional, organizacional e individual, os quais abrangem: preservação e reforço de identidade social da enfermeira, a trajetória profissional como uma evolução da prática da assistência para o exercício da gerência, valorização da experiência prática e permanência em atividades ligadas à prestação da assistência direta ao paciente; identificação com a organização; e questões relativas à vida privada e auto-imagem positiva expressa pelas gerentes. O estudo permitiu a identificação de traços marcantes de um grupo profissional específico, evidenciando a influência das questões de gênero, das relações de poder e da cultura na identidade social dos sujeitos pesquisados.Aiming to understand subjective aspects of the work of nurse managers, this study analyzed their identity features in the context of hospital institutions. These were obtained through a questioning based on the introduction that the subjects make of themselves. It is a case study carried out according to the qualitative approach, in which nine nurse managers participated. They worked at four large- and medium-sized private hospitals in the city of Belo Horizonte. The identity features were organized in accordance with the professional, institutional and individual planes, which encompass: the preservation and reinforcement of the nurse's social identity

  11. Custos diretos do programa de prevenção e controle da dengue no Município de São Paulo em 2005 Direct costs of the dengue fever control and prevention program in 2005 in the City of São Paulo

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    Helena Taliberti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estimar o custo direto da prevenção e controle do Aedes aegypti no Programa Municipal de Controle da Dengue (PMCD no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2005. MÉTODOS: Os seguintes itens foram considerados: recursos humanos, uniformes, material de campo, equipamento de proteção individual, equipamentos de pulverização e nebulização, insumos estratégicos (inseticidas e larvicidas e veículos. Foram calculados os custos das ações de laboratório destinadas à vigilância entomológica e diagnóstico da doença, os custos do sistema de informação e material gráfico destinado às campanhas educativas e de informação. RESULTADOS: O custo total do PMCD foi de R$ 21 774 282,82 em 2005 (US$ 12 486 941,34 considerando-se a taxa de câmbio dólar/real vigente em dezembro de 2009. Desse total, 59,4, 38,3 e 2,2%, respectivamente, foram utilizados em gastos de pessoal, custeio e capital. O valor per capita gasto no combate ao vetor foi de R$ 1,99. CONCLUSÕES: O controle da dengue é imperativo diante do crescimento das epidemias. O conhecimento acerca dos custos das estratégias de ação e dos componentes prioritários dos programas de prevenção e controle da dengue pode orientar a tomada de decisões quanto à aplicação dos recursos orçamentários disponíveis tanto no Município de São Paulo como em todo o Brasil.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the direct costs associated with the control of Aedes aegypti and prevention of dengue fever in the City of São Paulo Dengue Control Program, Brazil, in 2005. METHOD: The following items were considered: human resources, uniforms, field materials, individual protection equipment, spraying equipment, strategic supplies (insecticides and larvicides, and vehicles. The costs associated with laboratory tests for entomological surveillance and dengue fever diagnosis were also calculated, as well as costs relating to information and printed materials for educational campaigns. RESULTS: The total

  12. Autonomia, gênero e gravidez na adolescência: uma análise comparativa da experiência de adolescentes e mulheres jovens provenientes de camadas médias e populares em Belo Horizonte

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    Alessandra Sampaio Chacham


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, investiga-se como desigualdades de classe e de gênero atuam no sentido de reduzir o grau de autonomia de adolescentes (15 a 19 anos e mulheres jovens (20 a 24 anos, influenciando seu comportamento sexual e reprodutivo, especificamente na experiência da gravidez na adolescência. Na análise foram utilizados dados provenientes de dois inquéritos, cuja amostra total foi de 648 jovens do sexo feminino entre 15 e 24 anos de idade, 292 residentes em bairros de classe média e 356 em favelas situados na região centro-sul da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Nos resultados, encontrou-se uma prevalência bruta de 27,3% de gravidez até os 19 anos entre as jovens residentes em favelas e de 1,7% entre as moradoras em bairros da região centro-sul de Belo Horizonte. Os dados apontam para uma relação direta entre a gravidez na adolescência com o controle e a violência por parte do parceiro. Entre aquelas residentes em favelas, 48% das que declararam ter sofrido violência física por parte de um parceiro e 58% das que declararam ter sofrido violência sexual haviam engravidado ao menos uma vez antes dos 19 anos. A associação da violência de gênero com a gravidez na adolescência se manteve presente mesmo quando controlada por classe social, ainda que seu peso fosse muito mais pronunciado entre as jovens de baixa renda. Esses resultados reforçam a importância de se aprofundar a compreensão acerca do impacto das desigualdades de classe e gênero no comportamento sexual e reprodutivo de adolescentes e mulheres jovens.

  13. Sentido do trabalho no discurso dos trabalhadores de uma ONG em Belo Horizonte The meaning of the work in the discourse of workers in a NGO from Belo Horizonte

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    Eliete Augusta de Souza Viana


    Full Text Available Este artigo busca explicitar o discurso enunciado por trabalhadores do Comupra - Conselho Comunitário Unidos pelo Ribeiro de Abreu, uma ONG de Belo Horizonte, sobre a relação sentido positivo/prazer e negativo/sofrimento do trabalho. Além de fator de adoecimento ou saúde, o trabalho é central na vida dos indivíduos e da sociedade e é um dos campos de estudo atualmente em expansão. Porém, no Terceiro Setor, ainda é pouco estudado. Entrevistas semiestruturadas foram o principal instrumento de coleta de informações. O tratamento delas foi feito utilizando-se a análise do discurso. Seis trabalhadores do Comupra foram entrevistados. As análises revelaram que o sentido positivo do trabalho tem predominância sobre o negativo. As vivências que promovem o prazer são mais significativas do que aquelas que causam o sofrimento, mostrando que a escolha por trabalhar no Terceiro Setor está associada a uma expectativa de transformação pessoal e da comunidade.The article's purpose is to reveal the discourse enunciated by the workers of the Comupra - Community Counsel United pro Ribeiro de Abreu, a NGO from Belo Horizonte, about the positive (pleasure or negative (suffering meaning they attribute to their work. Besides being a factor of illness and health, the work is central in individual and social lives and it is one of the fields of study presently in expansion. Yet, in the NGOs from the Third Sector, it is still not much studied. Semi-structured interviews were the main knowledge collection tool. The obtained information was treated by means of discourse analysis. Six workers from the Comupra were interviewed. The analyses revealed that the positive meaning of the work surpass the negative meaning. The situations in which pleasure occurs are taken as more important than those provoking suffering, showing that the choice for working in the third sector is associated to an expectation of individual and community changes.


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    Annah Rachel Graciano


    Full Text Available Objective: To determine the prevalence and specific dengue coefficients of mortality in Brazil in the elderly population correlating the rates by male and female. Methods: Analytical ecological study with temporal trend of design. It was used as data sources Sistema de Informação Hospitalar, Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. The population corresponded to the elderly aged between 60 years to 100 attended at Brazilian public health system whom were diagnosed with dengue between 2008 and 2015. Results: The prevalence rates did not change in the general population between the years 2008 and 2015. There was a significant increase in the number of deaths from dengue. In the elderly group, the prevalence increased substantially, and the specific mortality analysis in this group showed higher values than the mortality of the general population affected by dengue. Conclusions: It is very important to underline studies on the involvement of dengue in elderly groups for the development of public politics and the creation of specific protocols for the diagnosis and treatment in that age group, considering the lack of scientific evidence to entail proper conduct in handling such patients

  15. Diferenciais intraurbanos na distribuição de dengue em Cuiabá, 2007 e 2008 Intra-urbandiferentials in dengue distribution, Cuiabá, 2007-2008

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    Ludmila Sophia Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Cuiabá apresenta inúmeros casos de dengue tanto nos períodos endêmicos quanto nas epidemias cíclicas. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os diferenciais intra-urbanos da incidência em 2007 e 2008 relacionando-os com as condições socioeconômicas e socioambientais. MÉTODO: estudo de abordagem ecológica usando dados secundários. A caracterização das condições de vida foi feita com dados do Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 2000 e os dados epidemiológicos foram obtidos no Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN. O índice socioeconômico mediu escolaridade, renda dos responsáveis pelos domicílios permanentes e aglomeração domiciliar; o índice socioambiental usou informações relativas ao saneamento básico e à proporção de domicílios precários. Os índices foram elaborados a partir da classificação das variáveis em quintis e atribuição de pontos para cada quintil. A pontuação por bairro foi resultante da soma dos pontos para cada variável. Os bairros foram classificados em estratos de risco a partir da combinação de resultados dos dois índices. RESULTADOS: A incidência foi menor nos estratos de risco médio e baixo, e alta no estrato de risco muito alto; entretanto, foi maior do que a esperada no estrato de risco mínimo, indicando dissociação entre condições de vida e ocorrência da doença. CONCLUSÃO: Maiores incidências da dengue em Cuiabá nos anos de 2007 e 2008 foram observadas em locais com precárias condições de saneamento ambiental e habitados por populações com menor nível de renda e escolaridade, embora não exista correlação linear entre condições de vida e incidência.INTRODUCTION: Cuiaba presents a huge number of cases of dengue in the endemic periods as well as in the cyclical epidemics. The aim of the study was to analyze the intra-urban differentials of the incidence in 2007 and 2008 relating them with socio-economical and environmental life conditions. METHOD

  16. Avaliação das atividades de controle da leishmaniose visceral em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 2006-2011

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    Maria Helena Franco Morais

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar as atividades de controle da leishmaniose visceral (LV em Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo para avaliação do Programa de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral pautado em seus objetivos; utilizaram-se dados dos Sistemas de Informação de Controle de Zoonoses e de Agravos de Notificação. RESULTADOS: entre 2007 e 2011, verificou-se adequação da estratégia de controle do reservatório com aumento da cobertura de áreas priorizadas (23,4% e da população canina examinada (43,3%, eutanásia dos cães sororreagentes superior a 85,0% e redução de 47,8% na soroprevalência canina; no período 2008-2011, observou-se redução na incidência de casos humanos de 7,2 para 3,9/100 mil habitantes; não houve ampliação da cobertura de áreas priorizadas para o controle do vetor. CONCLUSÃO: os indicadores de resultados demonstraram o alcance dos objetivos do programa, com diferente adequação entre as estratégias de controle; a complexidade da intervenção, porém, indica a necessidade de revisão das ações propostas.


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    Maria Angela Bellegarde Fernandes


    Full Text Available Após a erradicação do Aedes aegypti no Brasil no final dos anos 50 do século passado, focos foram assinalados nos anos 80 na cidade de Santos, todavia a sua reinfestação definitiva foi comprovada nos anos 90. Os primeiros casos de dengue autóctones foram registrados no início de 1997. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a dengue no município de Santos desde a sua reintrodução levando-se em consideração alguns de seus aspectos epidemiológicos, bem como as possíveis causas do comportamento das epidemias. As análises de incidência foram restritas aos casos em residentes (autóctones que foram notificados e confirmados, no período de1997 a 2012, segundo: faixa etária, sexo, mês e ano de ocorrência. O comportamento da incidência da dengue durante a série temporal mostrou: anos epidêmicos intercalados com surtos e possíveis casos de reinfecção para cada introdução de sorotipo distinto, o que aumenta o risco de casos de dengue grave mostrando também um quadro de endemicidade da doença. Os métodos de controle utilizados, embora legitimamente embasados, não foram suficientes para evitar os surtos e as epidemias. Interpreta-se ter faltado a integração das ações – Controle Integrado.

  18. Análisis político del Programa de Control del dengue en Morelos, México Análise política do programa de controle da dengue em Morelos, México Policy analysis of the dengue control program in Mexico

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    Mariana I González Fernández


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar medidas municipales implementadas para el control de la epidemia del dengue, sobretodo las de coordinación sectorial, gobernanza y participación de grupos sociales. MÉTODOS: Estudio de observación, realizado en Morelos, México, 2007. Los datos colectados en entrevistas y observaciones directas fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido y mapeo político. El software Policy Marker fue utilizado para evaluar los pesos atribuidos a los datos de desempeño (e.g. criterios alto, medio y bajo y el papel de actores (acciones realizadas sean ellas de vigilancia, control o administrativas. Se realizó análisis estratégico de las oportunidades y desafíos en el cumplimiento de las políticas públicas y control del dengue. RESULTADOS: Las bases jurídicas indican que la respuesta a la epidemia es una tarea multisectorial. Sin embargo, la respuesta está centrada en actividades de los servicios de la salud, que están forzados a dar mayor apoyo financiero y derivar los recursos humanos necesarios, en contraste con la contribución de otros sectores (e.g. agua y saneamiento básico, que desconocen sus responsabilidades. El sector de la salud presenta alto nivel de factibilidad para la vinculación intra?institucional, en términos de optimización de recursos y cumplimiento de objetivos, particularmente entre autoridades de salud en los niveles estatal, jurisdiccional, municipal y local. CONCLUSIONES: El abordaje multidisciplinario y el fortalecimiento de las responsabilidades políticas permitirán la respuesta eficaz ante la epidemia del dengue, sustentada en la coordinación sectorial e involucramiento activo de la población afectada.OBJETIVO: Analisar medidas municipais implementadas para o controle da epidemia da dengue, sobretudo as de coordenação setorial, governança e participação de grupos sociais. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, realizado em Morelos, México, 2007. Os dados coletados em entrevistas e observa


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    Fábio Liberato de Faria Tavares


    Full Text Available Resenha:Resumo: Neste livro, são apresentados o resultado de pesquisas, que se iniciaram no Arquivo Geral do CEFET, com o levantamento de dados acadêmicos e sociais dos alunos matriculados no curso técnico de Química Industrial da Escola Técnica de Belo Horizonte, desde o ano de 1964, quando ocorreu a sua fundação, até 1978, às vésperas da alteração de nome e perfil da Escola Técnica, com o oferecimento de graduações, como a de engenheiro de operações.Palavras Chave:História Oral, Estudantes Negros, Química CEFET-MGAbstract: In this book, we present the result of research that began in the General CEFET file with the survey of academic and social data of students enrolled in technical school of Industrial Chemistry at the Technical School of Belo Horizonte, from the year 1964 when it was its founding until 1978, on the eve of the change of name and profile Technical School, by offering graduations, as operations engineer.Keywords: Oral History, Black Students, CEFET QuímicaRecebido em: 07/12/2015  – Aceito em 23/06/2016

  20. Ocorrência do vírus da leucemia felina em Felis cattus em Belo Horizonte

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    F.M. Coelho


    Full Text Available Blood samples from 1,072 domestic cats of nine administrative regions of Belo Horizonte, MG, were collected and tested using PCR nested for the occurrence of feline leukemia virus (FeLV. Overall occurrence was 47.5% (507/1072 being North (68.1% and East (54.4% the most prevalent areas. Epidemiological data showed that FeLV infection was very common among examined cats and breed neither gender nor were predisposing factors for FeLV. The results suggest that the agglomeration of a large number of cats in the same environment can be an important factor for the increase in the rate of transmission of this retrovirus among domestic cats in the studied city.

  1. Manifestações otorrinolaringológicas em pacientes com dengue Otolaryngological manifestations of patients with dengue

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    Cristiane K. Denis


    Full Text Available O Dengue é uma doença febril aguda, causada por um arbovírus, transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti. Apresenta manifestações clássicas como febre, mialgia, epistaxe, odinofagia, vertigem e zumbido. Constitui um sério problema de saúde pública, chegando a taxas de incidência de 50 a 70% da população no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do nosso estudo foi avaliar pacientes com dengue, que apresentam sintomatologia otorrinolaringológica como manifestação inicial. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte Longitudinal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo, incluindo 30 pacientes com dengue, com sorologia comprovada, que manifestaram queixas otorrinolaringológicas. RESULTADOS: Os sinais e sintomas foram odinofagia (60%, coriza (50%, obstrução nasal (46,6%, otalgia (36,6%, vertigem (20%, epistaxe (13,3% zumbido (6,6%, alteração de glândula salivar (6,6% e gengivorragia (3,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Na vigência de epidemias, a suspeita clínica do dengue é importante, principalmente pelas inúmeras manifestações na área de otorrinolaringologia.Dengue is an acute fever disease caused by an arbovirus, and transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Clinical picture usually starts with classic manifestations such as fever, myalgia, epistaxis, sore throat, vertigo and tinnitus. This disease has became a serious health public problem, reaching incidence rates of 50 to 70% in Rio de Janeiro State. AIM: Our objective was to evaluate patients with dengue, presenting otolaryngological symptoms as the first clinical manifestation. STUDY DESIGN: Longitudinal Cohort. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Thirty patients with serologically confirmed Dengue were included in this prospective study. RESULTS: The most important otolaryngological signs and symptoms were sore throat (60%, hyaline rhinorrhea (50%, nasal obstruction (46.6%, earache (36.6%, vertigo (20%, epistaxis (13.3%, tinnitus (6.6%, salivary gland diseases (6.6% and bleeding gum (3

  2. Início da terapia anti-retroviral em estágio avançado de imunodeficiência entre indivíduos portadores de HIV/AIDS em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Initiation of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients with severe immunodeficiency in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    José Roberto Maggi Fernandes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a proporção de início tardio da terapia anti-retroviral (TARV e seus fatores associados. Estudo de corte transversal com pacientes de dois serviços públicos de referência (n = 310 em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Atraso no início da TARV foi definido como ter contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ The main objective was to assess the proportion of delayed initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART and associated factors. This was a cross-sectional study of 310 patients enrolled in two public health centers in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Delayed ART initiation was defined as starting treatment with a CD4 count lower than 200 cells/mm³ or clinical symptoms of severe immunodepression at the time of first antiretroviral prescription. The majority of participants were males (63.9%, had no health insurance (76.1%, and started ART less than 120 days after the first medical visit (75.2%. The proportion of delayed ART initiation was 68.4%. Unemployment, referral by a health professional for HIV testing, fewer than two medical visits in the six months prior to ART initiation, and time between first medical visit and ART initiation less than 120 days were independently associated with the outcome. Our results suggest that every patient 13 to 64 years of age should be offered HIV testing, which could increase the rate of early HIV diagnosis, and thus patients that tested positive could benefit from timely follow-up and antiretroviral therapy.

  3. The urban violence against children and adolescents in Belo Horizonte: a story told through the maxillofacial traumas


    Silva, Carlos José de Paula; Ferreira, Efigênia Ferreira e; Paula, Liliam Pacheco Pinto de; Naves, Marcelo Drummond; Vargas, Andreia Maria Duarte; Zarzar, Patricia Maria Pereira Araujo


    Os traumas maxilofaciais decorrentes da violência contra crianças e adolescentes impactam suas vidas, física e psiquicamente, pelas deformidades que podem provocar e pela exposição da lesão na face das vítimas. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a prevalência dos traumas maxilofaciais em crianças e adolescentes decorrentes da violência urbana em Belo Horizonte- Brasil. O estudo foi conduzido no Hospital Municipal Odilon Behrens, único hospital municipal de referência nesse tipo de atendi...

  4. Antimicrobial resistance and serotyping of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from pediatric patients in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil Resistência antimicrobiana e sorotipagem de Streptococcus pneumoniae isolado de pacientes pediátricos em Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Ana Paula Gomes de Oliveira Magalhães


    Full Text Available Thirty one Streptococcus pneumoniae invasive strains were isolated from a pediatric population in Belo Horizonte from June, 1999 to May, 2001. Penicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance rates for the isolates were 41.9, 58.1, 25.8 and 3.2%, respectively. Intermediate penicillin resistant (MICs between 0.1 and 1.0 µg/ml and resistant (MICs > 2.0 µg/ml isolates occured at rates of 38.7 and 3.2%, respectively. Resistance to erythromycin, ofloxacin, rifampin or vancomicyn was not detected. Ten S. pneumoniae serotypes (14, 5, 10 A, 6B, 15B, 18C, 6 A, 18 A, 19 A and 19 F were identified. Serotype 14 (12 out of 31 was predominant among the isolates. Penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole resistance was more common in 14 and 6B serotypes.Trinta e três linhagens invasivas do S. pneumoniae foram isoladas a partir de pacientes pediátricos em Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil, de junho de 1999 a maio de 2001. As taxas de resistência à penicilina, ao trimetoprim-sultametoxazol, tetraciclina e cloranfenicol foram respectivamente, 41, 9; 58,1 e 3,2%. A resistência intermediária à penicilina (MICs entre 0,1 e 1,0 µg/ml e resistência total (MICs>2.0 µg/ml ocorreram, respectivamente, nas porcentagens de 38,7 e 3,2%. Não foi detectada resistência à eritromicina, ofloxacin, rifampina e vancomicina. Foram identificados 9 sorotipos do S. pneumoniae (14, 5, 10 , 6B, 15B, 18C, 6 A, 18 19 A e 19F entre os isolados. O sorotipo 14 (12 de 31 foi predominate entre os isolados. A resistência à penicilina e ao trimetoprim-sulfametoxazol estava sempre associada aos sorotipos 14 e 6B.

  5. Vacinação contra hepatite B e exposição ocupacional no setor saúde em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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    Ada Ávila Assunção


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados à vacinação contra hepatite B em trabalhadores da saúde. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 1.808 trabalhadores da saúde do setor público de Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2009. Questionário autoadministrado foi usado e a situação vacinal foi analisada considerando características sociodemográficas, estilo de vida, características e condições de trabalho. Análises estatísticas univariada (p < 0,20 e múltipla foram realizadas utilizando regressão de Poisson (p < 0,05 para avaliação de fatores associados à vacinação. RESULTADOS: Declararam ter sido vacinados 85,6% dos trabalhadores, 74,9% dos quais receberam esquema completo da vacina. Não ter sido vacinado associou-se a não ter companheiro, a escolaridade em nível médio/técnico ou superior incompleto e a características do trabalho, como atuar na vigilância ou setor administrativo/serviços gerais e não utilizar equipamentos de proteção individual. CONCLUSÕES: Foram identificados grupos com menor cobertura vacinal. São necessários esforços para garantir o acesso e a adesão à vacinação a todos os grupos ocupacionais.

  6. Os efeitos maternos, fetais e infantis decorrentes da infecção por dengue durante a gestação em Rio Branco, Acre, Brasil, 2007-2012

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    Helena Albuquerque Catão Feitoza

    Full Text Available Os efeitos da infecção por dengue na gestação são desconhecidos em Rio Branco, Acre, Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar os riscos de complicações maternas, fetais e infantis decorrentes da infecção por dengue durante a gestação. Estudo de coorte de gestantes expostas e não expostas ao vírus do dengue no período 2007-2012. Foram estimadas incidências e razões de risco de complicações maternas, fetais e infantis. Na coorte exposta houve 3 óbitos fetais e 5 neonatais. Dois óbitos maternos foram identificados na coorte exposta, desfecho ausente no grupo não exposto (p = 0,040. A coorte exposta apresentou uma razão de riscos - RR = 3,4 (IC95%: 1,02-11,23 para óbito neonatal. Em relação ao desfecho óbito neonatal precoce, a razão de riscos observada foi de 6,8 (IC95%: 1,61-28,75. Dez óbitos infantis ocorreram nos filhos de gestantes expostas e 7 nos de não expostas (RR = 6,0; IC95%: 2,24-15,87. As mulheres infectadas com o vírus do dengue na gestação apresentaram uma razão de riscos maior em relação à ocorrência de óbitos maternos, neonatais e infantis.

  7. Aspectos Socioambientais associados à ocorrência de Dengue em um Município do estado do Mato Grosso

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    Bárbara Pellissari Pellissari


    Full Text Available Justificativa e Objetivos: a dengue apresenta-se como um dos problemas mais significativos do mundo em relação à saúde pública. Sua expansão geodemográfica entre as unidades federadas do Brasil preocupam as autoridades sanitárias e profissionais de saúde. O Brasil é um país de clima tropical, com variações pluviométricas heterogêneas de acordo com cada região, o que pode influenciar direto a prevalência deste agravo em âmbito sistêmico. Considerando o exposto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a relação dos aspectos socioambientais com os casos de dengue no município de Primavera do Leste/MT entre os anos de 2010 a 2012. Métodos: pesquisa quantitativa, de característica descritiva e transversal, realizada a partir de dados secundários obtidos através de Sistemas de Informação de Agravos Notificáveis, Sistema de Informação de Febre Amarela e do Instituto Mato Grossense do Algodão. Resultados: o acúmulo e lixo ao redor dos domicílios foi um ponto relevante detectado no estudo, assim como o predomínio de depósitos artificiais passíveis de remoção/proteção no peri-domicílio que apontou ter valor no índice de infestação do vetor, o que leva a indicar maior influência das condicionantes sociais, que pode estar associado com aspectos de hábitos culturais da população. Conclusão: não foi possível associar o aumento ou a redução dos números de casos com os fatores climáticos, já que praticamente não ocorreu variação de temperatura e pluviosidade. O estudo mostrou ser relevante levar em consideração os aspectos culturais da população de cada região, já que as formas de controle da dengue estão intrinsecamente ligadas às variáveis socioambientais. DESCRITORES: Dengue. Vigilância Epidemiológica. Prevenção Primária.

  8. An analysis on the costs of Belo Monte hydroelectric power plant; Uma analise sobre os custos da hidreletrica Belo Monte

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    Silva, Marcos Vinicius Miranda da [Universidade de Sao Paulo (PIPGE/USP), SP (Brazil). Programa Interunidades de Pos-Graduacao em Energia], e-mail:


    The Belo Monte hydropower plant's low generation cost is among the arguments used by Centrais Eletricas do Norte do Brazil (ELETRONORTE), a Brazilian state electric utility, to make possible its construction. This paper shows that the generation cost presented by ELETROBRAS is very low in relation to the world pattern of cost and probably unrealistic. It also shows that the generation cost cannot be used separately to determine the Belo Monte dam's economic feasibility. There is the need to include other costs, such as: socio environmental degradation and control, financial compensation for using the hydraulic resources, transmission and thermal backup stations, beyond, evidently, generation cost for assuring the credibility of the Belo Monte hydropower plant's economic analysis. (author)

  9. Escolarização inclusiva de alunos com autismo na rede municipal de ensino de Belo Horizonte Inclusive schooling of students with autism in municipal education of Belo Horizonte

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    Camila Graciella Santos Gomes


    Full Text Available O direito a matrícula de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas regulares no Brasil é garantido por lei desde a Constituição de 1988. Os dados do Censo Escolar do Ministério da Educação indicam aumento no número de matrícula desses alunos no país ao longo dos anos, especialmente em escolas da rede municipal de ensino. Entre os alunos enquadrados na definição de "necessidades especiais" encontram-se aqueles com autismo, caracterizados por apresentarem alterações na interação social, na comunicação e pela presença de padrões estereotipados de comportamento. A prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG vem desenvolvendo ações com o intuito de favorecer o acesso de estudantes com autismo a escolas regulares do município, porém dados sobre o andamento deste processo são escassos. O objetivo desse estudo consistiu em caracterizar os alunos com autismo matriculados em escolas municipais regulares de Belo Horizonte, assim como descrever a maneira pela qual essa escolarização vem ocorrendo nas escolas comuns, a partir da perspectiva de seus professores. Participaram do estudo trinta e três professores da rede regular de ensino do município que tinham contato direto e diário com alunos com autismo. Foram utilizados um questionário semi-estruturado e a escala CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale. Os resultados indicaram que as estratégias utilizadas pela prefeitura parecem favorecer a freqüência dos alunos com autismo, porém há evidências de que eles participam pouco das atividades da escola, a interação com os colegas é escassa e a aprendizagem de conteúdos pedagógicos é limitada.The right to enroll students with special needs in regular schools in Brazil is guaranteed by law since the 1988 Constitution. Ministry of Education school census data indicates that the number of students with special needs enrolled in regular schools in the country has increased over the years, especially in the municipal

  10. Evidência de alterações de permeabilidade vascular na dengue: quando a dosagem de albumina sérica define o quadro? Plasma leakage detection in severe dengue: when serum albumin quantification plays a role?

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    Carlos A.A. Brito


    Full Text Available Evidência de extravasamento vascular decorrente do aumento da permeabilidade capilar caracteriza e diferencia febre hemorrágica da dengue. Este artigo avalia o valor de albumina sérica na detecção de alterações de permeabilidade vascular em casos de dengue. Quatorze pacientes diagnosticados com febre hemorrágica da dengue em dois hospitais privados em Recife, Brasil, entre janeiro e maio de 2002 foram seguidos com dosagens diárias de hematócrito e albumina sérica. Ultra-son e Raio X de tórax foram realizados. Oito (57% casos apresentaram hemoconcentração de 20% ou mais. Hipoalbuminemia foi detectado em dez (71% pacientes. Dosagem de albumina sérica aumentou a detecção de alterações de permeabilidade em seis (43% casos na qual a hemoconcentração foi inferior a 20% e os sintomas foram compatíveis com um a resposta imune exacerbada. Raio-X foi normal em todos os casos. A utilização, portanto, de dosagem de albumina sérica aumenta a sensibilidade de detecção de casos de febre hemorrágica da dengue.Evidence of vascular leakage due to increased capillary permeability characterizes and differentiates dengue hemorrhagic fever. This article assesses the value of serum albumin for detecting vascular permeability abnormalities in dengue cases. Fourteen patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever at two private hospitals in Recife, Brazil, between January and May 2002 were followed up with daily hematocrit and serum albumin assays. Ultrasound scans and chest X-rays were also performed. Eight (57% of the cases presented hemoconcentration of 20% or more. Hypoalbuminemia was detected in ten patients (71%. Serum albumin assays increased the detection of permeability abnormalities in six cases (43% in which the hemoconcentration was less than 20% and the symptoms were compatible with an exacerbated immune response. The X-rays were normal in all cases. Thus, the use serum albumin quantification increased the sensitivity of dengue

  11. Intervenções urbanas, usos e ocupações de espaços na região central de Belo Horizonte = Urban interventions, usage and occupation of spaces in the central region of Belo Horizonte


    Jayme, Juliana Gonzaga; Trevisan, Eveline


    Apesar de jovem (inaugurada em 1897) Belo Horizonte passou por um relativo processo de esvaziamento de seu centro histórico com a demolição de alguns edifícios, o deslocamento das moradias de classe média para outras regiões, a diminuição de áreas de espaço público de convivência e da presença da elite nessa região. Como em diversas cidades, esse processo mobilizou agentes públicos e iniciativa privada na elaboração de projetos de requalificação urbana voltados para sua área central. A propos...

  12. Dengue and the risk of urban yellow fever reintroduction in São Paulo State, Brazil Dengue e risco da reintrodução da febre amarela urbana no Estado de São Paulo

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    Eduardo Massad


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To propose a mathematical method for the estimation of the Basic Reproduction Number, R0, of urban yellow fever in a dengue-infested area. METHODS: The method is based on the assumption that, as the same vector (Aedes aegypti causes both infections, all the quantities related to the mosquito, estimated from the initial phase of dengue epidemic, could be applied to yellow fever dynamics. It is demonstrated that R0 for yellow fever is, on average, 43% lower than that for dengue. This difference is due to the longer dengue viremia and its shorter extrinsic incubation period. RESULTS: In this study the analysis was expanded to the epidemiological situation of dengue in São Paulo in the year 2001. The total number of dengue cases increased from 3,582 in 2000 to 51,348 in 2001. It was then calculated R0 for yellow fever for every city which have shown R0 of dengue greater than 1. It was also estimated the total number of unprotected people living in highly risky areas for urban yellow fever. CONCLUSIONS: Currently there is a great number of non-vaccinated people living in Aedes aegypti infested area in the state of São Paulo.OBJETIVO: Propor um modelo matemático para a estimativa da reprodutibilidade basal, R0, para a febre amarela urbana em uma área infestada pela dengue. MÉTODOS: O método utilizado considera que, como ambas as doenças são transmitidas pelo mesmo vetor (Aedes aegypti, poder-se-ia aplicar todos os parâmetros quantitativos relativos ao mosquito, estimados pela fase inicial da curva de crescimento de casos de dengue, à dinâmica da febre amarela. Demonstra-se que o R0 da febre amarela é em média 43% menor que o da dengue. Esta diferença deve-se à viremia mais prolongada da dengue, bem como ao menor período de incubação extrínseco daquele vírus no mosquito. RESULTADOS: Apresenta-se a aplicação desta análise matemática à situação epidemiológica da dengue no estado de São Paulo, para o ano de 2001

  13. Work ability and stress in a bus transportation company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Avaliação da capacidade para o trabalho e estresse em uma empresa de transporte coletivo de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Rosana Ferreira Sampaio


    Full Text Available Demographic, occupational and psychosocial characteristics affect the health and occupational performance of workers. The objective of the present study was to elaborate a profile of the work ability and factors that affect it in a bus transportation company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The instruments used included a socio-demographic and occupational questionnaire, the Work Ability Index and the Job Stress Scale. Demographic information revealed that 85.7% of the 126 employees of the company were active workers, 98% were males, with an average of 39 years of age (SD= 10 and 79 months working in the company (SD= 68; more than half reported having a low schooling level. In terms of personal habits, 88% were exposed to one or more risk factors, especially a sedentary lifestyle. The average strain value (as a consequence of stress was 0.78 (SD= 0.2 and 75.3% reported episodes of violence at the workplace. The work ability was good to excellent among 89% of the workers. Results from the logistic regression analysis showed that strain was the only significant variable in relation to the Work Ability Index, (estimated odds ratio of 0.02. The results suggest that psychosocial factors presented the greatest association with work ability, and preventive and/or corrective measures should be implemented.Características demográficas, ocupacionais e psicossociais afetam a saúde e o desempenho dos trabalhadores. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar um perfil da capacidade para o trabalho e fatores que a afetam em uma empresa de transporte coletivo de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho, a Job Stress Scale e um questionário sociodemográfico e ocupacional. Dos 126 trabalhadores, 14,3% estavam aposentados ou afastados, todos por doença. Entre os ativos, a maioria era do sexo masculino (98%, com idade média de 39 anos (DP=10, baixa escolaridade (acima de 50% e tempo médio na empresa de 79 meses

  14. Origens do movimento pós-moderno em Minas Gerais

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    Matteo Santi Cremasco


    Full Text Available Este ensaio procura apresentar os principais condicionantes históricos do movimento pós-moderno em Minas Gerais,destacando o processo de abertura política e cultural após os anos de chumbo, a crise econômica, a articulação e a atualidade dos círculos intelectuais mineiros, o clima favorável à renovação nas artes e na arquitetura em Belo Horizonte, no final da década de 1970, e a atuação do arquiteto Éolo Maia. Além disso, são analisados dois exemplos construídos, a saber, a Casa Arquiepiscopal, em Mariana, e a Rainha da Sucata, em Belo Horizonte.

  15. Trabalho do enfermeiro em uma empresa de Home Care de Belo Horizonte, Brasil Trabajo del enfermero en una empresa de Home Care en Belo Horizonte, Brasil Duties of a nurse of Home Care in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Marília Alves


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conhecer o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro em um serviço de Home Care na cidade de Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais, Brasil, junho a outubro 2005. Metodologia: Estudo de natureza qualitativa cujos sujeitos foram enfermeiros que trabalham na gerência e na prestação de cuidados. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetidos à análise de discurso. Resultados: Os enfermeiros assumem papéis estratégicos no trabalho interdisciplinar, na relação com a clientela e na gerência da empresa. O trabalhoé dinâmico e flexível, a família exerce papel fundamental na vigilância dos cuidados prestados pela equipe e como parceira na continuidade dos mesmos. A comunicação e a postura profissional na relação com a clientela são essenciais para a aceitação dos cuidadores. Conclusão: Maior autonomia do enfermeiro, o qual se mostra hábil nas relações interpessoais e na utilização de tecnologias leves, baseadas na subjetividade das pessoas, para cuidar do cliente, apesar da interferência de vários fatores que interferem no trabalho cotidiano.Objetivo: Conocer el proceso de trabajo del enfermero en una empresa de Home Care de la ciudad de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil entre Junio y octubre de 2005. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo; sus sujetos fueron enfermeros que trabajan en la gestión y prestación de cuidados. Los datos fueron recolectados en entrevistas semiestructuradas y sometidos al análisis de discurso. Resultados: Los enfermeros asumen roles estratégicos en el trabajo interdisciplinario, en la relación con los pacientes y en la gestión de la empresa. El trabajo es dinámico y flexible; la familia ejerce un papel fundamental en la vigilancia de los cuidados brindados por el equipo y como aliada para su continuidad. La comunicación y la postura profesional en la relación con los pacientes son esenciales para la aceptación de los cuidadores. Conclusiones: Mayor autonomía del

  16. Perfil dos cuidadores de idosos nas instituições de longa permanência de Belo Horizonte, MG Profile of caregivers of elderly in long-term care institutions in Belo Horizonte - MG

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    Marco Túlio de Freitas Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou o perfil dos cuidadores de idosos das instituições de longa permanência filantrópicas e privadas de Belo Horizonte - MG. Uma amostra de 181 cuidadores, 98 em filantrópicas e 83 em privadas, foi aleatoriamente selecionada e submetida à entrevista estruturada, após assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. As variáveis avaliadas foram gênero, faixa etária, escolaridade, estado civil, remuneração mensal (em termos de salários mínimos, condição econômica, tempo de trabalho na instituição e tempo na função de cuidador. A comparação entre as modalidades de instituições foi realizada pelos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. Não houve diferença estatística significativa entre as modalidades de instituições quanto ao gênero (p=0,62 e remuneração mensal (0,77 dos cuidadores. Nas instituições filantrópicas, foi observado maior número de cuidadores com mais de 50 anos, com estado civil viúvo, com menos de quatro anos de estudo, de classe econômica D e que trabalhavam nas instituições e atuavam como cuidadores há mais de dois anos (pThe purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the profile of caregivers of elderly in long-term care facilities. The studied population included 181 randomly selected caregivers, 98 from philanthropic and 83 from private institutions in the city of Belo Horizonte. Data were collected applying structured questionnaires. The variables evaluated were sex, age group, educational level, marital status, income, economic condition, time of work in the facility, and professional experience. The data were compared using Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests. There was no statistically significant difference between caregivers from the two facilities with regard to sex (p=0.62 and income (0.77. In the philanthropic facilities we observed more caregivers aged 50 years or more, widowers, with less than 4 years of study, socio-economic level D and


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    Luiz Fernando Roscoche


    Full Text Available A região do Xingu, na Amazônia brasileira, está passando por transformações ambientais e sociais drásticas. Grande parte dessas mudanças se deve as politicas públicas, com destaque para Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, uma das maiores hidrelétricas do mundo, em construção a montante do Rio Xingu no município de Vitória do Xingu. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar como os impactos da construção da Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte podem afetar os atrativos turísticos da Região do Xingu, na Amazônia Brasileira. A presente pesquisa pauta-se no método comparativo, visando demonstrar as contradições inerentes ao processo da construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte. Para demonstrar a contradição desse processo busca-se realizar uma contextualização da evolução histórica do empreendimento até os dias atuais. Analisa-se ainda, os documentos oficiais para realizar um diagnóstico dos impactos que afetariam os recursos turísticos locais. A construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, resultará na perda permanente de parte dos atrativos turísticos das cidades do entorno do lago da Usina, que terão suas praias, balneários, sítios arqueológicos e até mesmo parte do centro urbano perdidos definitivamente em razão do lago da barragem.

  18. Epidemia de dengue em Fortaleza, Ceará: inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório

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    Pedro F. C. Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Seguindo-se à epidemia de dengue (DEN, em 1994, em Fortaleza, Ceará, causada pelo sorotipo 2 (DEN-2, realizou-se inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório para avaliar e dimensionar o impacto da mesma e a prevalência do dengue por distrito sanitário. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado questionário contendo informações gerais, condições socio-econômicas, informações sobre o quadro clínico e tempo de doença. A amostra foi calculada para estimar uma prevalência de 20%, com erro relativo de 10%, e intervalo de confiança de 95% (erro a de 5%. O sorteio e as análises foram realizadas por meio de computador usando programas apropriados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Foram colhidas 1.341 amostras de soro de 9 distritos sanitários, testadas por inibição da hemaglutinação, sendo classificadas como negativas e positivas (respostas primária - RP e secundária - RS. Foram reativas 588 (44% amostras, sendo 93 (7% RP e 495 (37% RS. A prevalência global em Fortaleza variou de 21% a 71%. Houve 41% (243/588 de infecções assintomáticas (IA e 59% (346/588 sintomáticas (IS. Não houve diferença da prevalência quanto ao sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade, ao contrário da condição socioeconômica que apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,001. Ocorreram mais IA (p<0,001 e IS (p<0,0001 em casos de RS que RP, com significância estatística em ambos os sexos. Os sintomas mais prevalentes no casos confirmados foram febre, cefaléia, mialgias, exantema, mal estar geral, tontura e artralgias, sendo que prurido, dor ocular, exantema e gengivorragia foram estatisticamente significantes (p<0,005. Tontura e artralgias foram mais associados com RS que com RP, havendo diferenças estatísticas (p <0,05.

  19. Teores de chumbo e cádmio em chás comercializados na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte Lead and cadmium levels in tea traded in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte

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    Irma Regina Carrara Vulcano


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou avaliar os níveis de chumbo e cádmio, em amostras de chás, industrializados e não-industrializados, comercializados na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Foram selecionados para cada caso, dois tipos de plantas, camomila e erva-mate analisadas na forma de chá-infusão e de planta-digerida. Os níveis de Pb e Cd foram determinados por espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite e corretor de background Zeeman. Os níveis médios de Pb e Cd encontrados nas amostras de chá-infusão de camomila e erva-mate estavam abaixo dos valores estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para os metais em refrescos e refrigerantes (0,2 mg/L e as concentrações dos metais nas amostras das plantas-digeridas de camomila (valores médios de 0,15 µg/g para Cd e de 0,42µg/g de Pb e de erva-mate (valor médio de Pb igual a 0,53µg/g mantiveram-se dentro das faixas consideradas como "de normalidade" pela literatura. Os níveis médios de Cd em amostras de planta-digerida de erva-mate encontrados (2,59 µg/g, no entanto, estavam acima dessa faixa. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os níveis de Cd e Pb quantificados em amostras de chá-infusão industrializado e não-industrializado, tanto de camomila como de erva-mate. As concentrações dos metais nas plantas-digeridas industrializadas, tanto de camomila quanto de erva-mate, apresentam-se superiores àquelas encontradas nas plantas não industrializadas.This research aims at evaluating the levels of lead and cadmium in industrialized and non-industrialized samples of tea traded in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, due to the constant use of different kinds of tea by the Brazilians. Camomile and maté have been selected and analyzed as tea-infusion and digested-plant. The levels of Pb and Cd were determined by spectrometry of atomic absorption with graphite furnace and Zeeman background corrector. The average levels of Pb and Cd in samples of

  20. Liderança e trabalho em equipe: um estudo de caso da equipe de enfermagem de um hospital geral de Belo Horizonte

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    Karla Rona Silva


    Full Text Available O trabalho em equipe é considerado um importante pressuposto para a reorganização do processo de trabalho. Essa modalidade visa uma abordagem mais integral, resolutiva e efetiva frente às atividades coletivas e interdisciplinares. Para a equipe de enfermagem este tipo de trabalho é de fundamental importância e depende de uma liderança capaz de gerenciar os conflitos e anseios que por ventura surgirem. Tal liderança, muitas vezes, eleita pelo próprio grupo, envolve a capacidade de influenciar pessoas. Assim, esse estudo tem por objetivo analisar o papel das lideranças e sua efetividade para o trabalho no interior de uma equipe assistencial de enfermagem. Os sujeitos da pesquisa em questão são quatro técnicos de enfermagem do setor de atendimento de urgência e emergência de um hospital geral de grande porte, localizado em Belo Horizonte. Uma vez que a questão da liderança apresenta-se, na maioria das vezes, de forma subjetiva, não sendo possível analisá-la em sua plenitude em questionários fechados, optou-se pela utilização da observação participante como principal ferramenta metodológica para coleta dos dados da pesquisa. Com o estudo, pode-se observar que a equipe, de uma forma geral, possui um bom entrosamento e uma postura ético-profissional pertinente ao desenvolvimento da assistência e do cuidado frente ao paciente. No entanto, a observação participante nos revelou a existência de uma liderança autoritária exercida por um dos membros da equipe. Apesar da insatisfação gerada nos demais membros da equipe, essa postura não prejudica o desenvolvimento do trabalho.

  1. Estado nutricional e variáveis sócio-econômicas na repetência escolar: um estudo prospectivo em crianças da primeira série em Belo Horizonte, Brasil Nutritional status and socioeconomic factors associated with failure in school: a prospective study of first grade students in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Deborah Carvalho Malta


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar a existência de associação entre repetência escolar, medidas antropométricas e variáveis sócio-econômicas em crianças da primeira série do primeiro grau, determinando qual a capacidade destas variáveis na predição da repetência. Foi desenvolvido um estudo prospectivo concorrente, acompanhando 699 crianças (95% das elegíveis em quatro escolas de Belo Horizonte. Após ajustamento por variáveis de confusão, verificou-se que as crianças cujas mães possuíam menos de oito anos de escolaridade, aquelas cujas mães exerciam ocupações não qualificadas, aquelas que residiam somente com a mãe ou somente com o pai ou outro responsável, aquelas que pertenciam a famílias cuja renda per capita era igual ou inferior a meio salário mínimo (SM, os meninos e as crianças em geral e aqueles que apresentaram índice altura/idade/sexo abaixo do percentil 10,1, estavam sob maior risco de repetência. Essas informações podem ser úteis para selecionar crianças para monitoramento e prevenção da repetência nas escolas investigadas.This study aimed to establish a correlation between anthropometric and socioeconomic variables and repetition in school for first grade pupils, as well to determine the predictive value of such variables vis-à-vis repetition. A study with a prospective and concurrent approach was developed in four elementary schools in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, with 699 children (95% percent of those eligible. After adjustment for confounders, children whose mothers had less than eight years of schooling, of mothers with unskilled jobs, from single-parent households (mother, father, or guardian, whose per capita family income was less than or equal to half the minimum wage, and who had a height/age/sex index under the 10.1 percentile were at greater risk of repeating the first grade. The data are potentially useful for selecting children to be

  2. Ectoparasitos de roedores da região urbana de Belo Horizonte, MG. I. Interação entre ectoparasitos e hospedeiros Ectoparasites of rodents of the urban region of Belo Horizonte MG I. Interaction between ectoparasites and hosts

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    Pedro Marcos Linardi


    Full Text Available Um levantamento de ectoparasitos de roedores domesticos da região urbana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, foi realizado no período de junho de 1980 a setembro de 1982. As espécies de ectoparasitos capturadas de 950 Rattus norvegicus foram: Xenopsylla cheopis, Ctenocephalides felis felis, Polyplax spinulosa, Laelaps nuttalli, Eschinolaelaps echidninus e Atricholaelaps glasgowi, esta ultima apenas representada por três exemplares intercambiados com roedores silvestres. As espécies P. spinulosa e L. nuttalli, embora cosmopolitas, sao registradas pela primeira vez no Estado de Minas Gerais. A relação entre os sexos dos ectoparasitos bem como a prevalência de pulgas, ácaros e piolho por sexos separados de roedores são apresentadas. 66,9% dos roedores estavam infestados por ácaros, quase duas vezes mais do que as infestações por pulgas e piolho conjuntamente (39%. L. nuttalli foi a espécie mais numerosa e a que apresentou o maior índice de infestação: 55,1%. As infestações simples e associadas se equivaleram numericamente. P. spinulosa, ao contrário de L. nuttalli, raramente ocorreu em infestações simples. Dados sobre a distribuição dos ectoparasitos nos roedores sao também assinalados. A infestação observada em Belo Horizonte e confrontada com aquelas obtidas por outros autores em algumas cidades do mundo.A rodent ectoparasite survey was made in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from June 1980 to September 1982. The species of ectoparasites captured from 950 Rattus norvegicus norvegicus were: Xenopsylla cheopis, Ctenocephalides felis felis, Polyplax spinulosa, Laelaps nuttalli, Echinolaelaps echidninus and Atricholaelaps glasgowi, the last species only represented by three specimens interchanged with wild rodent. P. spinulosa and L. nuttalli, although cosmopolitan, are recorded for the first time in State of Minas Gerais. The sex ratio of the ectoparasites, as well as the prevalence of fleas, mites

  3. Tendências e perspectivas da administração em enfermagem: Um estudo na Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte-MG Tendencias y perspectivas de la administración en enfermería un estudio en la Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte-MG Trends and perspectives of nursing administration: a study in the "Santa Casa" Hospital of Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil

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    Carla Aparecida Spagnol


    Full Text Available A Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte implantou um novo Sistema de Gestão que a caracterizou como uma organização flexível. Partindo desse contexto, delineamos como objetivos deste estudo: analisar a forma da administração em enfermagem, considerando a implantação do SIGESC; descrever como a equipe de enfermagem percebe a comunicação, o processo decisório e as relações interpessoais; identificar possíveis tendências e perspectivas presentes na prática administrativa desenvolvida. Evidenciamos um momento de transição da administração em enfermagem que apresenta traços da gerência clássica e da gerência contemporânea. Entretanto, sinalizamos tendências e perspectivas que poderão contribuir para a reorganização do processo de trabalho da enfermagem na área hospitalar.La Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, implantó un nuevo Sistema de Gestión, caracterizándose como una organización flexible. Partiendo de este contexto, delimitamos como objetivos: analizar la forma de administración en enfermería, considerando la implementación del SIGESC; describir como el equipo de enfermería percibe la comunicación, el proceso de toma de decisiones y las relaciones interpersonales; identificar posibles tendencias y perspectivas presentes en la práctica administrativa desarrollada. Evidenciamos un momento de transición de la administración en enfermería que presenta trazos de la gerencia clásica y de la gerencia contemporánea. Por ahora, señalamos tendencias y perspectivas que podrán contribuir para la reorganización del proceso de trabajo de enfermería en el área hospitalaria.The "Santa Casa" Hospital of Belo Horizonte has implemented a new management system that has characterized it as a flexible organization. Based on this context, the authors of this research defined the following objectives: to analyze nursing administration by considering the implementation of the Management System (SIGESC, to describe how the nursing team

  4. A gestão de recursos humanos em hospitais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS e sua relação ao modelo de assistência: um estudo em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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    Marina Campos Morici


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a gestão de recursos humanos em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, considerando a relevância do debate no contexto gerencial contemporâneo e suas implicações ao modelo assistencial preconizado pelos hospitais analisados. A partir de levantamento de dados (entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores e profissionais de recursos humanos e análise de documentos pertinentes às práticas e normatizações existentes, o estudo aponta uma defasagem nas políticas e práticas de recursos humanos, com a contratação via concurso público não conseguindo suprir de forma ágil a atividade assistencial. Os resultados apontam ainda ser esse um fator determinante na fixação e motivação dos profissionais, o que diferencia em termos de autonomia aqueles hospitais onde a gestão de recursos humanos ocorre via regras do direito privado.

  5. Manifestações mucocutâneas da dengue Mucocutaneous manifestations of dengue

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    Omar Lupi


    Full Text Available Dengue é doença viral sistêmica que ocorre de forma epidêmica em áreas tropicais e subtropicais da Ásia, Américas e África. O vírus da dengue pertence ao gênero Flavivirus e à família Flaviviridae (arbovírus do grupo B. Aedes aegypti é o principal vetor e verdadeiro reservatório. A febre na dengue clássica persiste por período de dois a cinco dias com cefaléia intensa, mialgia, artralgia e dor retro-orbital. Alterações cutâneas incluem diversos achados como erupção morbiliforme que pode ser pruriginosa e que gera descamação residual, algumas manifestações hemorrágicas discretas como epistaxe, petéquias e sangramento gengival. Extravasamento capilar de plasma é responsável pela hemoconcentração e trombocitopenia observadas e que caracterizam a dengue hemorrágica. Manifestações cutâneas da dengue hemorrágica incluem lesões hemorrágicas disseminadas como petéquias e equimoses, mas também instabilidade hemodinâmica com pulso filiforme, pressão arterial convergente, extremidades frias, confusão mental e choque.Dengue fever is a systemic viral disease that occurs epidemically in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Americas and Africa. The dengue virus belongs to the genus Flavivirus of the family Flaviviridae (group B arbovirus. Aedes aegypti is the major vector and the true reservoir for the virus. Classic dengue fever lasts for two-five days, with severe headache, intense myalgia, arthralgia and retro-orbital pain. Cutaneous alterations include several findings such as a diffuse morbilliform rash that may be pruritic and heals with desquamation, and minor bleeding phenomena such as epistaxis, petechiae, and gingival bleeding. Diffuse capillary leakage of plasma is responsible for the hemoconcentration and thrombocytopenia that characterize dengue hemorrhagic fever. Cutaneous manifestations of dengue hemorrhagic fever include many disseminated hemorrhagic lesions such as petechiae and ecchymoses, but

  6. Superando a pobreza: o papel do capital social na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

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    Diogo Henrique Helal

    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o papel do capital social na superação da pobreza em áreas urbanas. Diferente de outros estudos que adotam uma perspectiva macro para capital social, este o analisa como algo inerente à esfera das interações entre indivíduos, sendo capaz também de trazer retornos individuais. Capital social é mensurado com base na associação dos indivíduos em diversos tipos de organizações sociais. A hipótese, de que, mesmo controlando-se por variáveis de capital humano e origem socioeconômica, quanto maior o estoque de capital social de um indivíduo maior será sua chance de obter uma renda que lhe permita superar a linha de pobreza, foi testada por meio de um modelo de regressão logística, que estimou o efeito de variáveis (teste e de controle na probabilidade de um indivíduo superar a linha da pobreza. Os dados para este estudo são secundários, oriundos da edição de 2002 da Pesquisa da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (PRMBH/UFMG. Os resultados mostram que ser membro de organizações sociais (redes de relacionamento tem um efeito significativo nas chances de se escapar da pobreza em uma grande região metropolitana do Brasil (Belo Horizonte. A conclusão destaca, neste sentido, a importância dos retornos individuais das redes sociais.

  7. Estudo sobre o diagnóstico laboratorial e sintomas do dengue, durante epidemia ocorrida na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil Laboratory diagnosis and symptoms of dengue studied during an outbreak in the Ribeirao Preto Region, SP, Brazil

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    Luiz Tadeu Moraes Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Uma epidemia de dengue tipo 1 se iniciou em Novembro de 1990 na Região de Ribeirão Preto, Norte do Estado de São Paulo. Foram confirmados por exames laboratoriais cerca de 3.500 casos até fevereiro de 1991. A Unidade de Pesquisa em Virologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP, estudou soros de 502 pessoas suspeitas de apresentarem dengue. Fez-se o diagnóstico sorológico através do método da inibição da hemaglutinação (HAI para dengue tipo 1 em 19% dos analisados. Passou-se a utlilizar um teste imuno-enzimático para dengue em culturas celulares infectadas (EIA-ICC, que permite identificação simultânea de IgG e IgM. O EIA-ICC embora menos sensível quando comparado ao HAI (89%, mostrou-se mais eficiente, porque: dispensou a obtenção de segundas amostras séricas para o diagnóstico; trata-se de técnica simples, podendo ser efetuada em apenas 5 horas. O vírus dengue tipo 1 foi isolado do sangue de 21 pacientes, por inoculação em células de mosquitos C6/36. Fez-se a identificação dos vírus isolados por método de imunofluorescência indireta, utilizando anti-soro contra todos os flavivirus e anticorpos monoclonais tipo-específicos de dengue. Os sintomas mais freqüentemente observados em 71 indivíduos com diagnóstico de dengue confirmado foram febre (90% dos casos, mialgias (57% e artralgias (41%A dengue type 1 outbreak started in the Ribeirao Preto Region, North of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, in November of 1990. About 3500 dengue cases were confirmed by blood tests until February of 1991. The Virus Research Unit of The Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto - Sao Paulo State University, studied 502 dengue suspect cases. The Serologic diagnosis of dengue type 1 was confirmed by haemmaglutination inhibition test (HAI in 19% of the cases. Diagnosis was done later by using an enzyme immuno assay on infected cultured cells (EIA-ICC which discriminated IgG and IgM dengue, antibodies. EIA-ICC was less sensitive (89

  8. Políticas públicas, juventude e desigualdades sociais: uma discussão sobre o ProJovem Urbano em Belo Horizonte Public policies, youth and social inequalities: a discussion about ProJovem Urbano in the city of Belo Horizonte (Brazil

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    Geraldo Leão


    Full Text Available O artigo discute alguns resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa realizada entre 2009 e 2011 que investigou as trajetórias de jovens participantes do Programa ProJovem Urbano (Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens no ano de 2009, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Procurou-se compreender a vivência da condição juvenil pelos participantes do programa a partir de suas experiências de escolarização e trabalho e de seus projetos de futuro, para assim compreender os significados e sentidos do programa para eles. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, foram aplicados 103 questionários a fim de construir um breve perfil socioeconômico dos alunos. Após o levantamento inicial dos dados, duas turmas foram selecionadas e observadas. Posteriormente, foram selecionados dez jovens para a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A pesquisa revelou uma maioria de mulheres, negros e jovens em condições precárias de trabalho ou desempregados e com uma sociabilidade restrita em relação a outros estratos da população. Evidenciou-se que as desigualdades sociais têm uma importância central nas trajetórias de vida desses jovens, com impactos marcantes em suas experiências atuais e em suas expectativas em relação ao futuro. Com base nesse solo comum, foi possível perceber uma diversidade de experiências a partir das quais são produzidos diferentes significados e motivações em relação à escolarização, o que delimitava também a relação construída com o programa. De uma maneira geral, a busca pela certificação escolar era o principal interesse dos participantes.This paper discusses some of the outcomes of a qualitative research carried out between 2009 and 2011 which investigated the trajectories of young participants in the Program ProJovem Urbano (National Program for Youth Inclusion in 2009, in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil. The attempt was to understand the experience of juvenile status by the program

  9. Menarca, gravidez precoce e obesidade em mulheres brasileiras selecionadas em um Centro de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Gilberto Kac


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi identificar fatores obstétricos potencialmente associados à obesidade em 486 mulheres brasileiras entre 15-59 anos, residentes na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A gordura corporal (GC foi aferida por meio de exame de bioimpedância e a obesidade foi definida como GC > 30%. A associação entre fatores obstétricos e a obesidade foi avaliada a partir da técnica de regressão logística. Permaneceram associadas com a obesidade no modelo final após controle para o efeito da renda, fumo, consumo de álcool e prática de atividade física: idade de menarca 30 e 40 anos (OR = 3,32; IC95%: 1,76-6,27, idade ao primeiro parto (OR = 1,99; IC95%: 1,07-3,68 e a seguinte interação significativa: faixa etária de 30-39 e idade de menarca (OR = 0,27; IC95%: 0,09-0,83. Os fatores obstétricos se manifestam na obesidade por meio de uma complexa rede de inter-relações entre as covariáveis estudadas. É importante que sejam implementadas políticas eficazes de combate à obesidade durante o ciclo reprodutivo, e de planejamento familiar que busquem diminuir a freqüência de mães adolescentes.

  10. Urbanização e ecologia do dengue

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    Tauil Pedro Luiz


    Full Text Available As mudanças demográficas ocorridas nos países subdesenvolvidos, a partir dos anos 60, geradas por intenso fluxo migratório rural-urbano, resultaram em crescimento desordenado das cidades, nas quais se destacam a carência de facilidades - em particular, de habitação e saneamento básico. Cerca de 20% da população das grandes e médias cidades estão vivendo em favelas, cortiços ou em áreas de invasão. Pela falta de abastecimento de água, há necessidade de armazená-la precariamente, tal como pela ausência de destino adequado do lixo ocorre a proliferação de criadouros potenciais do Aedes aegypti, principal mosquito vetor da dengue, ou seja, depósitos improvisados para água potável e recipientes em que a água é acumulada, constituídos principalmente por latas, plásticos e garrafas usadas. A indústria moderna, por outro lado, privilegia a produção de material descartável. O vírus do dengue tem sua propagação facilitada pela intensidade e freqüência dos meios de transporte, os quais favorecem também a disseminação dos vetores da doença. Estes são alguns dos fatores que tentam explicar o ressurgimento do dengue, a mais importante arbovirose no mundo atualmente e que acomete milhares de pessoas todos os anos.

  11. L’Ancrage géographique de la délinquance des adolescents infracteurs à Belo Horizonte

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    Sébastien Delarre


    Full Text Available Ce document présente les résultats d’une exploitation statistique faite à partir de sources administratives de la ville de Belo Horizonte sur les actes délinquants commis par des adolescents. Chose rare, ces données comprennent des indications géographiques suffisamment fines pour que les auteurs testent des hypothèses – le rôle du voisinage, le rapport des adolescents aux territoires et les points de concentration d’actes indépendants du voisinage – relevées lors de campagnes d’enquêtes ethnographiques de terrain dans le cadre du Projet ANR SpaceControl. Les méthodes employées reposent principalement sur des matrices de contiguïtés.Mots-clés: Belo Horizonte, gangs, territoire, trafics, statistiques Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma análise estatística feita a partir de fontes administrativas da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, sobre atos de delinquência cometidos por adolescentes. Fato raro, esses dados incluem indicações geográficas finas o suficiente para que sejam testadas pelos autores certas hipóteses – o papel da vizinhança, a relação dos adolescentes com os territórios e os pontos de concentração de atos independentemente da vizinhança – identificados durante as pesquisas de campo etnográficas no âmbito do Projeto ANR SpaceControl. Os métodos utilizados são baseados principalmente em matrizes de contiguidade.Palavras-chave: Belo Horizonte, gangues, território, tráficos, estatísticas The article Geographic Referencing of the Delin­quent Adolescent Offenders presents the results of a statistical analysis in administrative sources of the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, on acts of delinquency committed by teenagers. The data include unusual fine geographical indications that enables the testing of certain hypothesis - neighborhood role, the relation­ship of adolescents with the territories and the points of concentration of acts independently of the neigh

  12. Aspectos críticos do controle do dengue no Brasil

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    Tauil Pedro Luiz


    Full Text Available O dengue é hoje a principal doença re-emergente no mundo. Na ausência de uma vacina preventiva eficaz, de tratamento etiológico e quimioprofilaxia efetivos, o único elo vulnerável para reduzir a sua transmissão é o mosquito Aedes aegypti, seu principal vetor. As dificuldades de combater este mosquito, em grandes e médias cidades, são muitas. Há facilidades para sua proliferação e limitações para reduzir seus índices de infestação, geradas pela complexidade da vida urbana atual. Os objetivos do controle do dengue devem ser estabelecidos com base nos conhecimentos científicos e técnicos disponíveis. Assim, não sendo possível evitar casos de dengue em áreas infestadas pelo A. aegypti, é possível prevenir epidemias de grandes dimensões por meio do aprimoramento da vigilância epidemiológica, e é possível e factível reduzir a letalidade da doença, dos níveis atuais de 5 a 6% para cerca de 1% das formas graves. A elaboração e execução de planos estratégicos de organização da assistência aos casos suspeitos de dengue têm mostrado, tanto em outros países, como em algumas cidades brasileiras, ser um instrumento muito útil na redução da letalidade.

  13. Aspectos críticos do controle do dengue no Brasil

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    Pedro Luiz Tauil


    Full Text Available O dengue é hoje a principal doença re-emergente no mundo. Na ausência de uma vacina preventiva eficaz, de tratamento etiológico e quimioprofilaxia efetivos, o único elo vulnerável para reduzir a sua transmissão é o mosquito Aedes aegypti, seu principal vetor. As dificuldades de combater este mosquito, em grandes e médias cidades, são muitas. Há facilidades para sua proliferação e limitações para reduzir seus índices de infestação, geradas pela complexidade da vida urbana atual. Os objetivos do controle do dengue devem ser estabelecidos com base nos conhecimentos científicos e técnicos disponíveis. Assim, não sendo possível evitar casos de dengue em áreas infestadas pelo A. aegypti, é possível prevenir epidemias de grandes dimensões por meio do aprimoramento da vigilância epidemiológica, e é possível e factível reduzir a letalidade da doença, dos níveis atuais de 5 a 6% para cerca de 1% das formas graves. A elaboração e execução de planos estratégicos de organização da assistência aos casos suspeitos de dengue têm mostrado, tanto em outros países, como em algumas cidades brasileiras, ser um instrumento muito útil na redução da letalidade.

  14. Potencialidade de Biomphalaria tenagophila do lago Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG, como hospederia do Schistosoma mansoni Potentiality of Biomphalaria tenagophila from Pampulha lake, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, as a host of Schistosoma mansoni

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    Cecília Pereira de Souza


    Full Text Available Caramujos Biomphalaria tenagophila descendentes de exemplares coletados no lago da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram expostos a miracídios de quatro cepas de Schistosoma mansoni: LE e HK de origem local, Belo Horizonte, AL do Estado de Alagoas e SJ, de São José dos Campos, SP. As cepas LE, AL e SJ são mantidas em laboratório e HK foi obtida de fezes de paciente que reside próximo à Pampulha. As taxas de infecção experimental foram de 4% (LE, 6% (HK, 30% (SJ e 40% (AL. Esses indícios de infecção foram semelhantes aos obtidos por vários autores para populações de B. tenagophila de Minas Gerais. Caramujos infectados experimentalmente eliminaram número de cercárias comparável ao de B. glabrata do controle e de B. tenagophila capturada no lago, com infecção natural (cerca de 2.000 cercárias/molusco. Devido à alta densidade planorbídica atual em alguns pontos do lago, número de cercárias eliminadas por exemplares naturalmente infectados, afluxo de pessoas para pesca e lazer, contaminação das águas por dejetos humanos, os autores alertam para o risco de crescimento do foco de esquistossomose no local.Biomphalaria tenagophila snails, from a population originally obtained from "Pampulha" lake, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, were exposed to miracidia from four strains of Schistosoma mansoni: "LE" and "HK" from Belo Horizonte, "AL" from alagoas and "SJ" from São José dos Campos, São Paulo. The "LE", "AL" and "SJ" strains are maintained in the laboratory and the "HK" strain was obtained from feces of a patient residing near to "Pampulha" lake. Infection rates were of 4% ("LE" strain, 6% ("HK" strain, 30% ("SJ" strain and 40% ("AL" strain. These infection rates were similar to those obtained by others authors for B. tenagophila from Minas Gerais. Experimentally infected snails when compared to B. glabrata of the control group and B. tenagophila naturally infected in "Pampulha" lake shed similar number

  15. Indicadores socioambientais para vigilância da dengue em nível local Socio-environmental indicators for dengue surveillance in the local level

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    Regina Fernandes Flauzino


    Full Text Available Este artigo caracteriza uma localidade quanto às condições de saneamento e processos de degradação ambiental que possam estar relacionados à transmissão da dengue, além de discutir a construção de novos indicadores socioambientais visando à vigilância epidemiológica. A área de estudo foi a Ilha da Conceição, no município de Niterói, RJ. Informantes-chave foram entrevistados para obter informações que pudessem ser utilizadas nas construções de novos indicadores. Ao se compararem os dados do IBGE com os fornecidos pelos informantes, foram encontradas algumas diferenças. Os dados dos informantes são mais condizentes com a realidade local, propiciando, de acordo com a área, a observação de diferentes modus operandi de coleta de lixo e limpeza pública. Os casos concentraram-se nos setores favela plana e favela morro. Concluiu-se que os indicadores referentes à frequência de abastecimento de água e coleta de lixo se mostram importantes para serem analisados em estudos de nível local associados com a incidência da dengue.This paper characterizes a local area in terms of sanitary conditions and environmental degradation processes that may be related to dengue transmission, and discusses the construction of new social and environmental indicators aiming at epidemiological surveillance. The studied area was Ilha da Conceição, in the municipality of Niterói, state of Rio de Janeiro. Key informants were interviewed to obtain information that could be used in the construction of new indicators. Comparing the data from the IBGE with those provided by the informants, we found some differences. The data provided by the latter are more reliable regarding the local reality, and they enable, according to the area, the observation of different modus operandi of garbage collection and public cleansing. The cases were concentrated on flat slum and hill slum areas. It was concluded that it is important to analyze indicators

  16. Triagem sorológica e influência do conhecimento sobre a dengue em pacientes do ambulatório de especialidades do SUS Serological screening and the influence of dengue awareness on patients from SUS specialty laboratory

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    Viviane Aparecida Vilas Boas


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A dengue é causa de preocupação em países como o Brasil. OBJETIVO: Verificar a soropositividade dos pacientes do ambulatório de especialidades do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS para anticorpos antidengue, relacionando os resultados com os dados sociodemográficos. METODOLOGIA: Foram respondidos 184 questionários de avaliação sociodemográfica e de conhecimento sobre a transmissão da dengue. Foi utilizado o método de imunoensaio enzimático (ELISA para pesquisar imunoglobulina da classe M (IgM e da classe G (IgG contra os vírus. RESULTADOS: Quinze por cento dos pacientes apresentaram IgG contra o vírus, sem a presença de IgM. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes demonstraram conhecimento sobre a doença e sua prevenção, independentemente da classe econômica. A infecção assintomática deve ser avaliada, principalmente nos casos de doença febril.INTRODUCTION: Dengue is a public health problem in Brazil and worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To determine dengue seropositivity of patients from SUS specialty laboratory by correlating the results with socio-demographic data. METHODS: One hundred and eighty-four questionnaires on socio-demographic assessment and dengue transmission awareness were filled out. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA method was performed for the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies against dengue virus. RESULTS: Fifteen percent of patients had IgG against dengue virus without the presence of IgM. CONCLUSION: All patients showed disease and prevention awareness regardless of their socio-economic background. The asymptomatic infection must be evaluated mainly in cases of disease with fever.

  17. Histórias de empoderamento: um estudo sobre o processo vivenciado por mulheres que ocupam cargos de alto escalão na administração pública e de empresas em Belo Horizonte


    Gizelle de Souza Mageste


    Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender o processo de empoderamento de mulheres que ocupam cargos de alto escalão na administração pública e de empresa em Belo Horizonte. Por meio de entrevistas de história de vida foram investigadas as experiências vivenciadas pelas mulheres entrevistadas buscando compreender o processo por elas empreendido na busca de maior autonomia e empoderamento. A análise dos resultados revelou que o processo de empoderamento é muito complexo e vai muito além d...

  18. Segregação social como externalização de conflitos ambientais: a elitização do meio ambiente na APA-Sul, Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte Social segregation like externalizing environmental problems: the elitization of the environment in the APA-Sul, Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte

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    Klemens Laschefski


    Full Text Available Este trabalho trata das relações de poder no conselho consultivo da APA-Sul, uma unidade de conservação localizada na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Observa-se uma sub-representação dos setores populares, e os representantes de renda média-alta temem a favelização da região. Conseqüentemente, o conflito ambiental surge em torno da perda da qualidade ambiental nas referidas áreas, em parte associada às alternativas de habitação popular, abrindo oportunidade para discursos que justifiquem a segregação social no espaço e a elitização da paisagem em questão.This paper talks about the power relations within the consultative council of the APA-Sul, a conservation area situated in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. There the lower-class sectors are apparently underrepresented and higher middle class representatives are concerned about the slumisation of the region. Consequently an environmental conflict arises about the loss of "environmental quality" of the area, partly associated with lower class housing, providing opportunities of discourses to justify social segregation in space and the elitization of the landscape at stake.

  19. Utilização de medicamentos por aposentados brasileiros: 2 - Taxa de resposta e preenchimento de questionário postal em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Use of medication by Brazilian retirees: 2 - Response rate and item completeness in a postal survey in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro


    Full Text Available São descritos a taxa de resposta e o preenchimento de questionários auto-administrados num inquérito postal sobre o perfil de utilização de medicamentos por aposentados e pensionistas do INSS, de 60 anos ou mais de idade no Município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em 2003. Os questionários foram enviados duas vezes para os endereços de 800 indivíduos sorteados por amostragem aleatória simples, com base no banco de dados do INSS. A taxa de resposta ao inquérito postal foi de 47,8% e não houve diferença significativa tanto entre participantes e não participantes quanto entre respondentes iniciais e tardios em relação às características selecionadas. Para a maioria das variáveis sócio-demográficas e de saúde, os percentuais de omissão de respostas não ultrapassaram 5%, tanto no total da amostra, quanto em cada um dos subgrupos de respondentes. As informações mais omitidas ocorreram para as variáveis relativas ao uso de medicamentos, com destaque para a não-utilização de medicamentos que deveriam ser usados, a dose e laboratório fabricante do medicamento. Nossos resultados indicam que o detalhamento de aspectos relacionados ao uso de medicamentos deve ser reconsiderado em questionários de autopreenchimento.This paper reports on the response rate and completeness of item response in a self-administered postal survey questionnaire on use of medication by retirees 60 years or older under the Brazilian Social Security System, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, in 2003. Questionnaires were sent in two rounds to 800 postal addresses of subjects selected by simple random sampling. The response rate was 47.8%, and there were no significant differences in the selected characteristics between respondents and non-respondents, or between early and late respondents. For almost all socio-demographic and health variables, item omission was less than or equal to 5% for both the entire sample and early or late responders

  20. Aspectos históricos da visita de Marie Sklodowska Curie a Belo Horizonte

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    Cássius Klay Nascimento


    Full Text Available In the year 2011 it is celebrated the Marie Sklodowska Curie Nobel Prize centenary and the International Year of Chemistry. However, it is not generally known that Marie Sklodowska Curie, one of the greatest scientists of all time, visited Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. She arrived by train at Belo Horizonte city on 16 August 1926, coming from Rio de Janeiro and accompanied by her daughter Irène Joliot-Curie. The scientists visited the Institute of Radium of Belo Horizonte. The approach in this work emphasizes the presence of Marie Sklodowska Curie in Belo Horizonte, exploring the admiration and respect that people had for her.

  1. Absenteísmo-doença segundo autorrelato de servidores públicos municipais em Belo Horizonte

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    Celeste de Souza Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo é analisar o perfil de um conjunto de servidores públicos municipais que relataram, por ocasião de um inquérito, absenteísmo-doença nos últimos 12 meses. Em 2009 obteve-se uma amostra de 5.646 (14% do universo de 38.304 servidores municipais de Belo Horizonte. Um questionário foi disponibilizado em sítio da Internet, cuja entrada dependia do consentimento do respondente. Regressão de Poisson foi utilizada para determinar os fatores associados. A prevalência do absenteísmo-doença foi maior entre os servidores do sexo feminino (RP 1,12 e diminuiu com o aumento das faixas etárias: 30-39 anos (RP 0,79; 40-49 anos (RP 0,72; e 50 anos ou mais (RP 0,68. Absenteísmo-doença mostrou-se associado às atividades ligadas aos grupos de fiscalização e vigilância (RP 1,46, serviços gerais (RP 1,22, informação, educação e cultura (RP 1,50 e saúde (RP 1,50. As comorbidades mais presentes foram LER/Dort (RP 1,19, lombalgia (RP 1,16, depressão/ ansiedade (RP 1,20 e percepção de cansaço mental (RP 1,12. O relato de uso de medicação para depressão/ansiedade se mostrou fator protetor (RP 0,82. Maior probabilidade de transtorno mental (RP 1,23 segundo o SRQ20, insatisfação com a capacidade de trabalho (RP 1,08, condições razoáveis (RP 1,21 e condições precárias de trabalho (RP 1,19 foram associadas ao desfecho. Programas de promoção da saúde no trabalho visando a prevenção de comorbidades musculoesqueléticas e queixas psicossociais atenuariam as situações que provavelmente estão na origem do absenteísmo-doença.

  2. Efeitos de um programa de educação infantil em famílias de catadores de papel de Belo Horizonte Efectos de un programa de educación infantil en familias de cartoneros de Belo Horizonte Effect of one program of infantile education in families of catadores of paper of Belo Horizonte

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    Beatriz Graveli de Sousa Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os percursos teórico-metodológicos e os resultados de um estudo sobre a avaliação de impacto do Programa Primeira Escola da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Belo Horizonte sobre as famílias das crianças que se encontravam matriculadas na Unidade Municipal de Educação Infantil - UMEI - Carlos Prates - Danielle Mitterrand, no ano de 2004. A pesquisa buscou dados sobre a situação das crianças e suas famílias no ano de 2004, quando a UMEI foi inaugurada, e em 2008, quando foi realizado o trabalho de campo. Os dados empíricos possibilitaram avaliar o impacto da UMEI na renda e no orçamento familiar, nos hábitos de higiene, na saúde e no desenvolvimento cognitivo das crianças.Este artículo presenta la trayectoria teórico-metodológica y los resultados del estudio respecto a la evaluación del impacto del Programa Primera Escuela de la Red Municipal de Enseñanza de Belo Horizonte hacia las familias de los niños que estabam matriculados en la Unidad Municipal de Educación Infantil - UMEI - Carlos prates - Danielle Miterrand, en el año 2004. La investigación buscó datos sobre la situación de los niños y sus famílias en el año 2004, cuando se puso en funcionamiento la UMEI y, también, 2008, cuando fue realizada la investigación de campo. Los datos empíricos posibilitaron que se evaluara el impacto de la UMEI en la renta y en el presupuesto familiar, en los hábitos de higiene, en la salud y en el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños.This paper presents the theoretical-methodological paths and results of the study on assessment of the impact of the First School Program of Belo Horizonte's Municipal Education Network over the families of children that were enrolled in the Unidade Municipal de Educação Infantil [Municipal Unit of Early Childhood Education] - UMEI - Carlos Prates - Danielle Mitterrand in 2004. The survey collected data on the situation of children and their families in 2004, when UMEI was

  3. Prevalência e fatores associados a lesões em corredores amadores de rua do município de Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Alberto Cantídio Ferreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A prática da corrida de rua tem aumentado nos últimos anos, tanto por sua facilidade quanto pelo baixo custo envolvido. Essa prática, todavia, envolve risco de lesões musculoesqueléticas. OBJETIVO: Verificar a prevalência de lesões osteomioarticulares e analisar os fatores associados em corredores de rua amadores de Belo Horizonte, MG. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo observacional do tipo transversal. A seleção da amostra foi por conveniência. Participaram da pesquisa 100 atletas amadores com pelo menos três meses de prática de corrida com frequência mínima de duas vezes por semana. Foram coletados os dados referentes à prevalência de lesões e os fatores associados através de um questionário estruturado. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de lesões entre os atletas foi de 40%. Dentre os fatores associados à lesão destacam-se a distância média diária e a variação no volume do treinamento. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de lesões em corredores amadores é considerável, apesar de ter sido relatada por menos da metade dos participantes. As características do treinamento podem desencadear lesões e devem ser analisadas com cautela para que a corrida seja realizada de forma segura.

  4. Controle do dengue em uma área urbana do Brasil: avaliação do impacto do Programa Saúde da Família com relação ao programa tradicional de controle

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    Francisco Chiaravalloti Neto


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os resultados da integração do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF e do Programa de Controle do Dengue em São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em uma área com PSF e outra sem PSF. Na primeira, os agentes comunitários de saúde, de modo integrado com as suas atribuições, orientavam os moradores sobre as medidas de controle de dengue, incentivando-os a realizá-las. Na segunda área, os agentes de controle de vetores orientavam os moradores e realizavam as atividades de controle de criadouros. Conduziram-se, de outubro de 2001 a janeiro de 2003, levantamentos para mensurar conhecimentos e práticas dos moradores sobre dengue. Na área com PSF comparativamente com a sem PSF as proporções de entrevistados que afirmaram ter como fonte de informação o serviço de saúde apresentaram aumento significante. Nas duas áreas ocorreram mudanças significantes em termos de ganhos de conhecimento e diminuição de recipientes. Os resultados mostraram que a integração entre os dois programas é viável, representa otimização de recursos ao evitar a duplicidade das visitas e possibilita um maior envolvimento da comunidade no controle do dengue.

  5. Menarca, gravidez precoce e obesidade em mulheres brasileiras selecionadas em um Centro de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Menarche, early pregnancy, and obesity in selected Brazilian women from a health care center in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Gilberto Kac


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi identificar fatores obstétricos potencialmente associados à obesidade em 486 mulheres brasileiras entre 15-59 anos, residentes na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A gordura corporal (GC foi aferida por meio de exame de bioimpedância e a obesidade foi definida como GC > 30%. A associação entre fatores obstétricos e a obesidade foi avaliada a partir da técnica de regressão logística. Permaneceram associadas com a obesidade no modelo final após controle para o efeito da renda, fumo, consumo de álcool e prática de atividade física: idade de menarca 30 e 40 anos (OR = 3,32; IC95%: 1,76-6,27, idade ao primeiro parto (OR = 1,99; IC95%: 1,07-3,68 e a seguinte interação significativa: faixa etária de 30-39 e idade de menarca (OR = 0,27; IC95%: 0,09-0,83. Os fatores obstétricos se manifestam na obesidade por meio de uma complexa rede de inter-relações entre as covariáveis estudadas. É importante que sejam implementadas políticas eficazes de combate à obesidade durante o ciclo reprodutivo, e de planejamento familiar que busquem diminuir a freqüência de mães adolescentes.The aim of this study was to investigate obstetric variables potentially associated with obesity among 486 Brazilian childbearing-age women aged 15-59 residing in the municipality of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State. Body fat (BF was measured through impedance analysis, and obesity was defined as BF > 30%. The association between obstetrics factors and obesity was evaluated through multivariate logistic regression. The following variables remained in the logistic regression after adjustments for total income, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity: age at menarche 30 and 40 years (OR = 3.32; 95% CI: 1.76-6.27, age at first childbirth (OR = 1.99; 95% CI: 1.07-3.68, and the following interaction: age group > 30 and < 39 and age at menarche (OR = 0.27; 95% CI: 0.09-0.83. It appears that obstetric factors

  6. Periodontitis in individuals with diabetes treated in the public health system of Belo Horizonte, Brazil Periodontite em indivíduos com diabetes atendidos no sistema de saúde público de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Aline Mendes Silva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of periodontitis among individuals with diabetes who use the public health system in the city of Belo Horizonte-Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the association of this condition with socioeconomic, behavioral and clinical variables. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a calculated sample of 300 individuals with diabetes. Periodontitis was defined as clinical attachment loss (CAL > 3 mm in two or more non-adjacent teeth or those that exhibited CAL > 5 mm in 30.0% of teeth. All subjects were over 30 years of age and underwent a periodontal examination. Socioeconomic and behavioral characteristics as well as medical history and dental history were obtained from a structured interview. Multivariate analysis was conducted using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Among the individuals with diabetes, 6.7% exhibited good periodontal health, 68.0% exhibited gingivitis and 25.3% exhibited periodontitis. The following variables were associated with periodontitis after adjustment: male (PR 1.67 95% CI 1.12, 2.49, individuals with diabetes for more than eight years (PR 1.63 95% CI 1.63, 2.38, smokers (PR 1.71 95% CI 1.10, 2.65; individuals with more than 12 missing teeth (PR 2.67 95% CI 1.73, 4.15 CONCLUSIONS: Multiple determinants are associated with the prevalence of periodontitis among patients with diabetes.OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a prevalência de periodontite entre os indivíduos com diabetes que utilizam o sistema de saúde pública na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, e verificar a associação desta com condições socioeconômicas, comportamentais e variáveis clínicas. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal foi realizado em uma amostra de 300 indivíduos com diabetes. Todos os indivíduos tinham mais de 30 anos de idade e foram submetidos a exame periodontal. Foi considerada periodontite os quadros de perda de inserção cl

  7. Dengue, geoprocessamento e indicadores socioeconômicos e ambientais: um estudo de revisão Dengue, geoprocessing, and socioeconomic and environmental indicators: a review

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    Regina Fernandes Flauzino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os estudos que abordaram o tema dengue e geoprocessamento juntamente com indicadores socioeconômicos e ambientais na busca de uma melhor compreensão do comportamento da doença. MÉTODO: Conduziu-se uma busca nas bases MEDLINE, SciELO, Lilacs e banco de teses CAPES com os termos "dengue, sistema de informação geográfica, análise espacial, geoprocessamento, sensoriamento remotoe indicadores socioeconômicos e ambientais". Também foi conduzida uma busca manual de artigos selecionados das listas de referências. Foram incluídos todos os trabalhos publicados nos idiomas inglês, português ou espanhol até dezembro de 2007 que abordaram o tema dengue e geoprocessamento e indicadores socioeconômicos e ambientais. Os estudos foram agrupados conforme tipo (inquérito sorológico ou estudo com dados secundários e unidade espacial de análise (município, distritos sanitários, bairros, regiões administrativas, setores censitários e quarteirões. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 22 estudos, todos da América Latina (19 do Brasil. Seis eram inquéritos sorológicos e 16 utilizaram dados secundários. Sistemas de informação geográfica foram utilizados em um inquérito e em 11 estudos da outra categoria. A agregação espacial utilizada foi semelhante em ambos os tipos. A pobreza não foi fator preponderante para o risco da doença. A heterogeneidade espacial de condições de vida e incidência esteve presente em 15 dos 16 trabalhos com dados secundários. CONCLUSÕES: Como a complexidade da dengue está intimamente relacionada com as características ecológicas do ambiente, os estudos que utilizam agregados de unidades espaciais aliados à análise das características ambientais locais fornecem uma visão mais completa da doença e permitem a identificação de heterogeneidade espacial, que mostrou ser um aspecto importante para o entendimento do desenrolar da epidemia de dengue.OBJECTIVE: To further understand the disease

  8. Syndromic surveillance: etiologic study of acute febrile illness in dengue suspicious cases with negative serology. Brazil, Federal District, 2008 Vigilância sindrômica: estudo etiológico de doenças febris agudas a partir dos casos suspeitos de dengue com sorologia não reagente. Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2008

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    Ailton Domicio da Silva


    Full Text Available With the aim of identifying the etiology of acute febrile illness in patients suspected of having dengue, yet with non reagent serum, a descriptive study was conducted with 144 people using secondary serum samples collected during convalescence. The study was conducted between January and May of 2008. All the exams were re-tested for dengue, which was confirmed in 11.8% (n = 17; the samples that remained negative for dengue (n = 127 were tested for rubella, with 3.9% (n = 5 positive results. Among those non reactive for rubella (n = 122, tests were made for leptospirosis and hantavirus. Positive tests for leptospirosis were 13.9% (n = 17 and none for hantavirus. Non reactive results (70.8% were considered as Indefinite Febrile Illness (IFI. Low schooling was statistically associated with dengue, rubella and leptospirosis (p = 0.009, dyspnea was statistically associated with dengue and leptospirosis (p = 0.012, and exanthem/petechia with dengue and rubella (p = 0.001. Among those with leptospirosis, activities in empty or vacant lots showed statistical association with the disease (p = 0.013. Syndromic surveillance was shown to be an important tool in the etiologic identification of IFI in the Federal District of Brazil.Com o objetivo de identificar a etiologia de doenças febris agudas, em suspeitos de dengue com sorologia não reagente, realizou-se estudo descritivo com 144 pessoas utilizando amostras de soro coletados na convalescença, entre janeiro e março de 2008. Todos os exames foram re-testados para dengue, sendo as amostras negativas, processadas para rubéola (n = 127. Dentre as não reagentes para rubéola, submeteu-se ao teste para leptospirose (n = 122, e em se permanecendo sem diagnóstico, testou-se para hantavirose. Confirmou-se dengue em 11,8% (n = 17, rubéola em 3,9% (n = 5 e leptospirose em 13,9% (n = 17. Os resultados não reagentes foram considerados como doença febril aguda indiferenciada (DFI em 70.8% dos casos

  9. Inteligência Competitiva como Suporte à Estratégia Empresarial em Micro e Pequenas Empresas: Um Estudo na Aerotrópole de Belo Horizonte

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    Frederico Cesar Mafra Pereira


    Full Text Available O contexto competitivo em que se insere uma empresa pode tornar-se ainda mais impactante quando há fatores ambientais que trazem grandes mudanças ao cenário. A implementação de uma Aerotrópole, que é uma estrutura urbana que tem como centro o aeroporto e, ao redor, atividades relacionadas a ele, demanda um posicionamento empreendedor e inovador das empresas, independentemente do seu porte. Com base em tal afirmativa, o foco deste artigo foi analisar como se configura a Inteligência Competitiva nas MPE da Aerotrópole de Belo Horizonte com vistas à elaboração de suas Estratégias Empresariais. Para alcançar o objetivo do estudo, foi realizada pesquisa do tipo descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, via triangulação de fontes de coleta e análise de dados. Informalidade na implementação da Inteligência Competitiva e inabilidade na visualização de possibilidades de crescimento foram as características mais marcantes nos resultados obtidos. Há uma relevante oportunidade de melhoria nos processos de gestão das empresas pesquisadas, mostrando a importância da pesquisa realizada para o desenvolvimento econômico da região.

  10. Avaliação do gerenciamento dos resíduos de serviços de saúde em municípios da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Brasil

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    Denise Felício Silva


    Full Text Available O gerenciamento impróprio dos resíduos de serviços de saúde (RSS expõe significantes riscos a pacientes, aos trabalhadores da saúde, à comunidade e ao meio ambiente. Um dos fatores que têm contribuído para aumentar a tendência da adoção do modelo diferenciado de gerenciamento de RSS em diversos países é que eles muitas vezes têm como destino final o mesmo local utilizado para descarte dos demais resíduos urbanos. Com o objetivo de avaliar os procedimentos do gerenciamento dos RSS em relação ao prescrito nas normas e nos regulamentos em municípios da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram realizadas visitas a campo para observar e descrever formas de gerenciamento dos RSS (desde a coleta até a destinação final utilizadas, visando ao conhecimento da realidade. Como resultado, evidenciaram-se falhas nos abrigos externos, nos procedimentos de coleta, no uso de equipamentos de proteção individual, no acondicionamento dos RSS e no seu transporte.

  11. Dengue Fever/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever : Case Management


    Nimmannitya, Suchitra


    Dengue infections caused by the four antigenically distinct dengue virus serotypes (dengue virus 1, dengue virus 2, dengue virus 3, dengue virus 4) of the family Flavivindae, are the most important arbovirus disease in man, both in terms of morbidity and mortality. The infection is transmitted from man to man by Aedes mosquitoes. Since 1956, dengue virus infection has resulted in more than 3 million hospital admissions and more than 50,000 deaths in Southeast Asia, Western Pacific countries, ...

  12. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Dengue Vaccine (CYD-TDV, Dengvaxia®) in Brazil; Implications for Future Pricing Considerations. (United States)

    Godói, Isabella P; Santos, André S; Reis, Edna A; Lemos, Livia L P; Brandão, Cristina M R; Alvares, Juliana; Acurcio, Francisco A; Godman, Brian; Guerra Júnior, Augusto A


    Introduction and Objective: Dengue virus is a serious global health problem with an estimated 3.97 billion people at risk for infection worldwide. In December 2015, the first vaccine (CYD-TDV) for dengue prevention was approved in Brazil, developed by Sanofi Pasteur. However, given that the vaccine will potentially be paid via the public health system, information is need regarding consumers' willingness to pay for the dengue vaccine in the country as well as discussions related to the possible inclusion of this vaccine into the public health system. This was the objective of this research. Methods : We conducted a cross-sectional study with residents of Greater Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, about their willingness to pay for the CYD-TDV vaccine. Results : 507 individuals were interviewed. These were mostly female (62.4%) had completed high school (62.17%), were working (74.4%), had private health insurance (64.5%) and did not have dengue (67.4%). The maximum median value of consumers' willingness to pay for CYD-TDV vaccine is US$33.61 (120.00BRL) for the complete schedule and US$11.20 (40.00BRL) per dose. At the price determined by the Brazil's regulatory chamber of pharmaceutical products market for the commercialization of Dengvaxia ® for three doses, only 17% of the population expressed willingness to pay for this vaccine. Conclusion : Brazil is currently one of the largest markets for dengue vaccine and the price established is a key issue. We believe the manufacturer should asses the possibility of lower prices to reach a larger audience among the Brazilian population.

  13. Heterogeneidade espacial da dengue em estudos locais, Niterói, RJ Heterogeneidad espacial del dengue en estudios locales, Niteroi, Sureste de Brasil Spatial heterogeneity of dengue fever in local studies, City of Niterói, Southeastern Brazil

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    Regina Fernandes Flauzino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência espacial e temporal da dengue e sua associação com a heterogeneidade de características do ambiente urbano. MÉTODOS: Foram georreferenciados 1.212 casos de dengue registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 1998 e 2006, no município de Niterói, RJ, segundo setores censitários. Os setores foram classificados em áreas homogêneas para a ocorrência da doença: favela, estaleiro e urbano. Os casos foram agrupados em cinco períodos: dois interepidêmicos 1998-2000 e 2003-2005; três epidêmicos 2001, 2002 e 2006 e analisados por meio de operações entre camadas em ambiente sistema de informação geográfica. Para identificação de conglomerados com maior intensidade de casos, utilizou-se o método de kernel. O método de varredura espacial de Kulldorff foi usado para confirmação estatística desses clusters. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos, 57% eram do sexo feminino. As faixas etárias com maior concentração de casos foram de 20-29 anos (20,5% e de 30-39 anos (17,7%. O setor favela morro apresentou somente 11% dos domicílios atendidos por serviço de coleta de lixo, o maior percentual de não alfabetizados (8,7% e de chefes de família com rendimentos menores de 1 salário mínimo (29,5%. Os casos permaneceram nos setores denominados favelas. No primeiro ano epidêmico e nos períodos interepidêmicos o maior número de casos estava situado nos setores favelas morro e favela plana; no segundo e terceiro ano de epidemia, situavam-se no setor favela plana. CONCLUSÕES: A parcela economicamente ativa foi a mais atingida na área de estudo. Os setores censitários mostram heterogeneidade espacial em relação às condições de vida e dentro de alguns setores, há diferenciais na distribuição espacial e temporal do risco de ocorrência da dengue.OBJETIVO: Analizar ocurrencia espacial y temporal del dengue y su asociación con la heterogeneidad de características del ambiente

  14. Implantação da linha de cuidado do infarto agudo do miocárdio no município de Belo Horizonte

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    Milena Soriano Marcolino


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A criação de sistemas ou linhas de cuidado ao infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM tem o objetivo de otimizar o atendimento ao paciente, desde o diagnóstico precoce até o tratamento adequado e em tempo hábil. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a implantação da linha de cuidado do IAM, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, e seu impacto na mortalidade hospitalar por IAM. MÉTODOS: A linha de cuidado do IAM foi implantada em Belo Horizonte entre 2010 e 2011 com intuito de ampliar o acesso dos pacientes do sistema público de saúde ao tratamento preconizado pelas diretrizes vigentes. As equipes das unidades de pronto atendimento foram treinadas e foi implantado sistema de tele-eletrocardiografia nessas unidades. Os desfechos primários deste estudo observacional retrospectivo foram o número de internações e a mortalidade hospitalar por IAM, de 2009 a 2011. RESULTADOS: No período avaliado, 294 profissionais foram treinados e 563 ECGs foram transmitidos das unidades de pronto atendimento para as unidades coronarianas. Houve redução importante da taxa de mortalidade hospitalar (12,3% em 2009 versus 7,1% em 2011, p < 0,001, enquanto o número de internações por IAM permaneceu estável. Ocorreu aumento do custo médio de internação (média R$ 2.480,00 versus R$ 3.501,00, p < 0,001, aumento da proporção de internações contemplando diárias de terapia intensiva (32,4% em 2009 versus 66,1% em 2011, p < 0,001 e de pacientes internados em hospitais de alta complexidade (47,0% versus 69,6%, p < 0,001. CONCLUSÃO: A implantação da linha de cuidado do IAM permitiu maior acesso da população ao tratamento adequado e, consequentemente, redução na mortalidade hospitalar por IAM.

  15. Nível socioeconômico, qualidade e eqüidade das escolas de Belo Horizonte Nivel socioeconómico, calidad e imparcialidad en las escuelas de Belo Horizonte Socioeconomic status, quality and equity in the schools of Belo Horizonte

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    Jose Francisco Soares


    Full Text Available Entre os fatores que impactam o desempenho cognitivo dos alunos da educação básica destacam-se sua família, as estruturas da sociedade e a escola que ele estuda. A forma de medir estes fatores sofreu enorme impacto com a popularização de duas novas técnicas estatísticas: a Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI e os modelos de regressão para dados hierárquicos. Nesse trabalho apresentam-se três medidas caracterizadoras de uma escola; sua posição construída com ajuda da TRI a partir de indicadores fornecidos pelos alunos, medidas da qualidade e medidas da eqüidade criadas com ajuda dos modelos hierárquicos. A base de dados utilizada é composta por informações provenientes dos questionários socioeconômicos e pelas medidas de desempenho cognitivo dos estudantes das escolas de Belo Horizonte presentes no SIMAVE 2002 e nos vestibulares da UFMG em 2002, 2003 e 2004. A análise da qualidade das escolas de Belo Horizonte, através de modelo onde a influência do nível socioeconômico no desempenho dos alunos é controlada, mostra uma dimensão otimista da realidade. Algumas escolas, públicas e privadas, pelas suas políticas e práticas pedagógicas conseguem fazer diferença no desempenho de seus alunos mesmo quando eles são socioeconomicamente desfavorecidos. Por outro lado, hoje o sistema de educação básica de Belo Horizonte só consegue produzir qualidade na presença de alta iniqüidade. O acesso está garantido, mas apenas alguns terminam a educação básica com desempenho nos níveis de desempenho adequados.Entre los factores que impactan en el logro cognitivo de los estudiantes de educación básica (que comprende la enseñanza primaria y secundaria se destaca la familia, las estructuras de la sociedad y la escuela donde ellos estudian. La forma de medir estos factores sufrió un impacto enorme con la adopción de nuevas técnicas estadísticas: la Teoría de Respuesta al Item (Item Response Theory - IRT y de los Modelos Jer

  16. Dengue outlook for the World Cup in Brazil: an early warning model framework driven by real-time seasonal climate forecasts. (United States)

    Lowe, Rachel; Barcellos, Christovam; Coelho, Caio A S; Bailey, Trevor C; Coelho, Giovanini Evelim; Graham, Richard; Jupp, Tim; Ramalho, Walter Massa; Carvalho, Marilia Sá; Stephenson, David B; Rodó, Xavier


    With more than a million spectators expected to travel among 12 different cities in Brazil during the football World Cup, June 12-July 13, 2014, the risk of the mosquito-transmitted disease dengue fever is a concern. We addressed the potential for a dengue epidemic during the tournament, using a probabilistic forecast of dengue risk for the 553 microregions of Brazil, with risk level warnings for the 12 cities where matches will be played. We obtained real-time seasonal climate forecasts from several international sources (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts [ECMWF], Met Office, Meteo-France and Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos [CPTEC]) and the observed dengue epidemiological situation in Brazil at the forecast issue date as provided by the Ministry of Health. Using this information we devised a spatiotemporal hierarchical Bayesian modelling framework that enabled dengue warnings to be made 3 months ahead. By assessing the past performance of the forecasting system using observed dengue incidence rates for June, 2000-2013, we identified optimum trigger alert thresholds for scenarios of medium-risk and high-risk of dengue. Our forecasts for June, 2014, showed that dengue risk was likely to be low in the host cities Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, and São Paulo. The risk was medium in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, and Manaus. High-risk alerts were triggered for the northeastern cities of Recife (p(high)=19%), Fortaleza (p(high)=46%), and Natal (p(high)=48%). For these high-risk areas, particularly Natal, the forecasting system did well for previous years (in June, 2000-13). This timely dengue early warning permits the Ministry of Health and local authorities to implement appropriate, city-specific mitigation and control actions ahead of the World Cup. European Commission's Seventh Framework Research Programme projects DENFREE, EUPORIAS, and SPECS; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnol

  17. Dengue encephalitis–A rare manifestation of dengue fever


    Madi, Deepak; Achappa, Basavaprabhu; Ramapuram, John T; Chowta, Nityananda; Laxman, Mridula; Mahalingam, Soundarya


    The clinical spectrum of dengue fever ranges from asymptomatic infection to dengue shock syndrome. Dengue is classically considered a non-neurotropic virus. Neurological complications are not commonly seen in dengue. The neurological manifestations seen in dengue are encephalitis, meningitis, encephalopathy, stroke and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Dengue encephalitis is a rare disease. We report an interesting case of dengue encephalitis from Southern India. A 49-year-old gentleman presented with...

  18. Virological study of a dengue type 1 epidemic at Rio de Janeiro

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    Rita Maria R. Nogueira


    Full Text Available A dengue outbreak started in March, 1986 in Rio de Janeiro and spread very rapidly to other parts of the country. The great majority of cases presented classical dengue fever but there was one fatal case, confirmed by virus isolation. Dengue type 1 strains were isolated from patients and vectors (Aedes aegypti in the area by cultivation in A. albopictus C6/36 cell line. The cytopathic effect (CPE was studied by electron microscopy. An IgM capture test (MAC-ELISA was applied with clear and reproducible results for diagnosis and evaluation of virus circulation; IgM antibodies appeared soon after start of clinical disease, and persisted for about 90 days in most patients. The test was type-specific in about 50% of the patients but high levels of heterologous response for type 3 were observed. An overall isolation rate of 46,8% (813 virus strains out of 1734 specimens was recorded. The IgM test increased the number of confirmed cases to 58,2% (1479 out of 2451 suspected cases. The importance of laboratory diagnosis in all regions where the vectors are present is emphasized.Uma epidemia de dengue iniciou-se em março de 1986, no Rio de Janeiro, alcançando rapidamente outras partes do país. Febre dengue clássica foi observada, porém o vírus do dengue foi isolado de um caso fatal. As amostras de dengue 1 isoladas de pacientes e de fêmeas adultas de Aedes aegypti capturadas na área apresentaram efeito citopático na linhagem de células A. albopictus clone C6/36. A lesão celular foi estudada também em microscopia eletrônica, sendo descritos os dados observados. Um teste de captura para IgM (MAC-ELISA foi utilizado durante a epidemia tanto para o diagnóstico como para avaliarr a circulação de vírus, com resultados claros e reprodutíveis; os anticorpos IgM apareceram precocemente após o início da doença clínica, permanecendo por cerca de 90 dias na maioria dos pacientes. A reação mostrou-se tipo específico em cerca de 50% dos

  19. Epidemia de dengue em Fortaleza, Ceará: inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório Dengue epidemic in a Northeastern Brazil: random epidemiological serum survey

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    Pedro F. C. Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Seguindo-se à epidemia de dengue (DEN, em 1994, em Fortaleza, Ceará, causada pelo sorotipo 2 (DEN-2, realizou-se inquérito soro-epidemiológico aleatório para avaliar e dimensionar o impacto da mesma e a prevalência do dengue por distrito sanitário. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado questionário contendo informações gerais, condições socio-econômicas, informações sobre o quadro clínico e tempo de doença. A amostra foi calculada para estimar uma prevalência de 20%, com erro relativo de 10%, e intervalo de confiança de 95% (erro a de 5%. O sorteio e as análises foram realizadas por meio de computador usando programas apropriados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Foram colhidas 1.341 amostras de soro de 9 distritos sanitários, testadas por inibição da hemaglutinação, sendo classificadas como negativas e positivas (respostas primária - RP e secundária - RS. Foram reativas 588 (44% amostras, sendo 93 (7% RP e 495 (37% RS. A prevalência global em Fortaleza variou de 21% a 71%. Houve 41% (243/588 de infecções assintomáticas (IA e 59% (346/588 sintomáticas (IS. Não houve diferença da prevalência quanto ao sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade, ao contrário da condição socioeconômica que apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p OBJECTIVE: A seroepidemiological random survey was carried out in Fortaleza city, State of Ceará, Brazil, following an epidemic of dengue virus type 2 (DEN 2, with the purpose of evaluating the frequency of clinical manifestations (signs and symptoms and the prevalence of dengue infection. METHOD: A questionnaire calling for information on address, sex, age, clinical, epidemiological and economic status was applied to the population, followed by venupuncture collection of 5-10 ml of blood for testing by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI. The sample was calculated to obtain a prevalence of 20% with relative risk of 10% and confidence interval of 95%. All information obtained was analyzed by

  20. Fatores demográficos e comportamentais associados à obesidade abdominal em usuárias de centro de saúde de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Demographic and behavioral factors associated with abdominal obesity in women attending a health care unit in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Edílson Ornelas Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar variáveis sócio-demográficas e comportamentais potencialmente associadas à obesidade abdominal, em mulheres usuárias de unidade básica de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foram investigadas 827 mulheres entre 12 e 65 anos, residentes na região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, utilizando-se desenho transversal. A obesidade abdominal foi definida como valores de circunferência da cintura >88cm. A associação entre obesidade abdominal e as covariáveis foi avaliada por meio da técnica de regressão logística não condicional, com modelos hierarquizados, que estimam os Odds Ratio e os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: As maiores prevalências de obesidade abdominal foram encontradas em mulheres >51 anos (63,3% e em mulheres com >5 partos (53,8%. As seguintes variáveis permaneceram associadas à obesidade abdominal no modelo final: idade (Odds Ratio variando entre 2,53 e 27,64, escolaridade 5 filhos (Odds Ratio=3,20, intervalo de confiança 95%: 1,48 - 6,90 e atividade física leve no trabalho (Odds Ratio=1,63, intervalo de confiança 95%: 1,01 - 2,64. As variáveis idade e índice de massa corporal também foram incluídas no modelo final para controlar confundimento. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a escolaridade e a paridade são potenciais preditores para o desenvolvimento da obesidade abdominal no grupo estudado e devem ser levados em consideração em estudos sobre obesidade.OBJECTIVE: To identify sociodemographic and behavioral variables potentially associated with abdominal obesity in women attending a health care unit. METHODS: A total of 827 women aging from 12 to 65 years and living in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, were investigated using a cross-sectional design. Abdominal obesity was defined as waist circumference >88cm.The association between abdominal obesity and the co-variables was assessed by unconditional logistic regression. This technique estimates the

  1. Impacto do Programa Fica Vivo na redução dos homicídios em comunidade de Belo Horizonte Impacto del Programa Permanezca Vivo en la reducción de los homicidios en comunidad de Belo Horizonte, Sureste de Brasil Impact of the Staying Alive Program on the reduction of homicides in a community in Belo Horizonte

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    Andréa Maria Silveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto de programa de prevenção de homicídios. MÉTODOS: Com base nos dados do Programa Fica Vivo, de prevenção de homicídios, foi realizado um estudo quase experimental com análise de séries temporais da ocorrência de homicídios no aglomerado Morro das Pedras, em Belo Horizonte, MG, de 2002 a 2006. Comparou-se o número de homicídios ocorridos nessa localidade com os de outras favelas violentas e não violentas e outros bairros da cidade, em cada uma das fases do Programa. Para testar a hipótese de que a redução dos homicídios resultou das ações implementadas pelo Programa, foi elaborado um modelo estatístico baseado em modelos lineares generalizados. RESULTADOS: Nos primeiros seis meses obteve-se 69% de redução no número médio de homicídios. Nos períodos de refluxo e retomada parcial do Programa, o efeito de redução dos homicídios diminuiu, mas a diferença entre coeficientes com aquele do período inicial não foi estatisticamente significante. Mesmo com a retomada integral do Programa, o efeito continuou similar aos dos períodos anteriores, provavelmente porque o Programa foi implantado em outras favelas violentas da cidade. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam que o modelo do Programa Fica Vivo pode constituir uma importante alternativa para prevenção de homicídios contra jovens em comunidades que apresentem características semelhantes às da experiência piloto no Morro das Pedras.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto del programa de prevención de homicidios. MÉTODOS: Con base en los datos del Programa "Fica Vivo" (Permanezca Vivo, de prevención de homicidios, fue realizado un estudio quasi experimental con análisis de series temporales de la ocurrencia de homicidios en el región urbanizada Morro das Pedras en Belo Horizonte, Sureste de Brasil, de 2002 a 2006. Se comparó el número de homicidios ocurridos en esa localidad con los de otros barrios violentos y no violentos y otras

  2. A prospective study with children whose mothers had dengue during pregnancy Estudo prospectivo com lactentes cujas mães tiveram dengue durante a gravidez

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    Luiz Tadeu Moraes Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Dengue congenital disease was not confirmed in 10 children whose mothers had the infection during pregnancy. The fetal sera presented anti-dengue IgG antibodies which progressively declined, and disappeared after 8 months. IgM antibodies to dengue were not observed in the sera. Other normal data suggesting the healthy state of the children included: absence of malformations, pregnancy time, Apgar index, weight, and placenta aspectNum estudo sobre doença congênita, com 10 lactentes de mães que tiveram dengue na gravidez, nao se detectou infecção intra-uterina. Os soros fetais apresentaram anticorpos IgG contra dengue tipo 1, por teste imuno-enzimático, provavelmente transferidos passivamente. Estes anticorpos, analisados de forma prospectiva em 8 casos, foram declinando progressivamente, até desaparecerem, aos 8 meses de idade. Anticorpos do tipo IgM contra dengue nao foram detectados. O tempo gestacional normal, os índices de Apgar, o peso e as placentas normais dos neonatos, bem como a ausência de malformações, foram evidências contrárias à infecção intra-uterina.

  3. Dengue: inquérito sorológico pós-epidêmico em zona urbana do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil Dengue fever: a post-epidemic sero-epidemiological survey in an urban setting at a northwestern county of S. Paulo State - Brazil

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    Virgília L C de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o tamanho real da epidemia sobre dengue ocorrida na zona urbana do Município de Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP, Brasil, de abril a junho de 1995. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um inquérito soroepidemiológico pós-epidêmico 5 meses após o final da epidemia da dengue. Foram processados 1.113 soros através de amostragem aleatória domiciliar da população da cidade pesquisada. As taxas de infecção em diferentes partes da cidade foram relacionadas com os graus de infestação por Aedes aegipty e com a quantidade de casos notificados durante a epidemia. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Foi encontrada variação concomitante e diretamente proporcional entre as taxas de infecção pelo vírus da dengue, em diferentes partes da cidade, e os graus de infestação domiciliar por Aedes aegipty, bem como em relação ao número de casos notificados durante a epidemia. Encontrou-se prevalência de 630 por 100 mil habitantes, representando valor 15 vezes superior ao de incidência de casos confirmados laboratorialmente durante a epidemia. Através de comparação retrospectiva com dados de notificação compulsória, observou-se que a vigilância epidemiológica não detectou a maioria das pessoas soro-reativas. Apesar disso, notificou grande quantidade de casos que não eram de indivíduos com dengue, tipificando um valor preditivo positivo baixo (15,6% para o diagnóstico clínico de dengue quando o resultado laboratorial (HAI é tomado como padrão-ouro.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the real size of the epidemics registered in the urban area of the county of Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP, Brazil, from April to June, 1995. The measurement of the epidemiological validity of the official surveillance system criteria and its positive predicted value were adopted as specific goals. METHODS: A sero-epidemiological survey was carried out over a sample of 1,113 sera from citizens of Santa Barbara D'Oeste, through a systematic random

  4. Dengue Epidemiology (United States)

    ... and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Transmission of the Dengue Virus Dengue is transmitted between people by the ... the vectors is too infrequent to sustain transmission. Dengue is an Emerging Disease The four dengue viruses ...

  5. Conhecendo a abordagem da temática da obesidade em quatro escolas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte DOI:

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    Márcia Marcelino Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A escola se apresenta como um espaço e um tempo privilegiado, lugar onde os alunos passam boa parte do tempo além de exercer um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento físico, psicológico e emocional dos adolescentes. A hipótese levantada foi que apesar de a obesidade ser considerada uma epidemia, a temática não recebe a importância e atenção necessárias no âmbito escolar. O objetivo foi verificar como é abordada a temática da obesidade em quatro estabelecimentos de ensino da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. A metodologia consistiu em visitar quatro escolas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, escolhidas aleatoriamente e por pertencerem a mesmo município, sendo três públicas e uma particular a fim de verificar como a temática obesidade está sendo abordada nessas instituições. Os resultados do estudo evidenciaram que a abordagem da prática pedagógica como estratégia de intervenção da questão obesidade foi pouco realizada nas escolas. Conclui-se que há necessidade de elaboração e introdução de projetos de intervenção efetivos na política pedagógica sobre a importância da conscientização de hábito de vida saudável mais eficaz no âmbito escolar que inclua seus frequentadores, familiares e comunidades.

  6. Carcinoma ductal in situ da mama: critérios para diagnóstico e abordagem em hospitais públicos de Belo Horizonte Approach of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast in three public hospitals in Belo Horizonte

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    Marcio de Almeida Salles


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar os aspectos clínicos, radiológicos, anátomo-patológicos e terapêuticos de uma série de casos de carcinoma ductal in situ (CDIS da mama de pacientes atendidos em três hospitais públicos de Belo Horizonte (MG. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados dos arquivos médicos todos os casos de câncer de mama diagnosticados entre os anos de 1985 e 2000, encontrando-se 179 casos com diagnóstico de CDIS. Fez-se revisão anátomo-patológica das lâminas e obtiveram-se dados clínicos completos, mamografias e informações sobre tratamento em 85 casos. RESULTADOS: a maioria dos casos eram assintomáticos e os diagnósticos foram feitos pela mamografia (68,2%, sendo as microcalcificações a alteração radiológica mais freqüente. Houve aumento progressivo no diagnóstico de CDIS ao longo dos anos simultâneo à introdução do exame periódico mamográfico. Houve concordância entre o diagnóstico inicial e após a revisão histopatológica em 72,9% dos casos. Em três casos, o diagnóstico original de CDIS não foi confirmado pela revisão, tratando-se de hiperplasias com atipias. O achado de microcalcificações radiológicas foi confirmado no estudo histopatológico em 95,6%. A metade dos pacientes foi submetida à mastectomia. Nos casos submetidos à linfadenectomia axilar, todos os linfonodos dissecados foram negativos para metástases. CONCLUSÕES: os dados encontrados estão de acordo com a literatura, que mostra um aumento do diagnóstico do CDIS a partir de 1990. Houve importante variação interobservador entre os diagnósticos anátomo-patológicos iniciais e os da revisão, sendo que os diagnósticos iniciais tendiam para malignidade. Houve grande número de tratamentos mais radicais como a mastectomia e esvaziamentos axilares, que provavelmente, com os conhecimentos atuais, seriam substituídos por tratamentos conservadores e biópsia do linfonodo sentinela.PURPOSE: to evaluate the clinical, radiological therapeutic and

  7. Histopatologia da esquistossomose mansoni em fígado de Mus musculus infectado por amostras humanas de fase aguda e crônica da periferia de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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    Amélia Dulce Vilela de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Exemplares de Biomphalaria glabrataforam infectados com miracídios obtidos de ovos de Schistosoma mansoni, encontrados em fezes de indivíduos de 7 a 18 anos, da região de Lagoa da Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG. Os pacientes de fase aguda se infectaram em uma primeira visita ao foco. Os da fase crônica eram moradores próximos aos focos. Para cada caso clínico, isolou-se a respectiva amostra do parasita. Foram infectados pela cauda 55 camundongos fêmeas com 70 ± 10 cercárias. Cortes histológicos de fígados, corados por HE, tricrômico de Gomori, impregnação metálica pela prata, e PAS foram observados à microscopia óptica. Não houve diferenças estatísticas em relação às médias das mensurações dos diâmetros dos granulomas referentes às amostras e datas de sacrifícios. Os granulomas apresentaram fase exsudativa do tipo Ha (reação de inflamação mista e IIIa (granuloma com células epitelióides. Com amostras de pacientes em fase aguda o padrão predominante foi a Ha na 7ª semana. Na 10.ª semana predominaram granulomas do tipo IIIa. Nas amostras de pacientes em fase crônica, verificou-se uma mescla de granulomas do tipo Ha e IIIa na 7ª semana. Na 10ª semana predominou o tipo IIIa. Alguns aspectos histopatológicos de fígados foram descritos e comparados com aqueles existentes na literatura.

  8. Avaliação da aplicação do protocolo de triagem pré-natal para toxoplasmose em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil: estudo transversal em puérperas de duas maternidades Evaluation of prenatal screening for toxoplasmosis in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil: a cross-sectional study of postpartum women in two maternity hospitals

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    Ericka Viana Machado Carellos


    Full Text Available Foi realizado estudo transversal, em duas maternidades públicas de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, com entrevista de 420 puérperas, de agosto de 2004 a maio de 2005, para avaliar a aplicação do protocolo de triagem pré-natal para toxoplasmose implantado, e as orientações oferecidas às gestantes suscetíveis. A cobertura do pré-natal foi de 98%, e da primeira triagem sorológica de 97%. O início do pré-natal e a realização da primeira sorologia ocorreram em média com 16 semanas. Foram identificadas 163 gestantes suscetíveis à toxoplasmose: 44% não repetiram a sorologia, e 42% alegaram não ter recebido orientações para prevenção da toxoplasmose. O início precoce do pré-natal e um maior número de consultas foram associados à repetição da sorologia e ao recebimento de orientações. As informações oferecidas foram: evitar contato com gatos (95%, não ingerir ou manipular carne crua (70% e lavar cuidadosamente as hortaliças (53%. Concluiu-se que a adesão inadequada ao protocolo de triagem pré-natal de toxoplasmose encontrada no estudo pode gerar gastos financeiros sem melhoria na qualidade do cuidado perinatal.This cross-sectional study of 420 women in two public maternity hospitals from August 2004 to May 2005 evaluated the application of a prenatal toxoplasmosis serological screening protocol in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and the information provided to susceptible pregnant women. Ninety-eight percent of women received prenatal care and 97% underwent the initial serological screening test, at an average of 16 weeks gestational age. The initial testing identified 163 women as susceptible to toxoplasmosis: 44% of these did not undergo repeat serological testing, and 42% of them did not remember having received information on the prevention of toxoplasmosis infection. Early prenatal care and a high number of prenatal visits were associated with repeat serological testing and orientation regarding

  9. Mortalidade materna e incidência de dengue na Região Sudeste do Brasil: estudo ecológico no período 2001-2005 Maternal mortality and impact of dengue in Southeast Brazil: an ecological study, 2001-2005

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    Anne Karin Madureira da Mota


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi explorar a distribuição de efeitos reprodutivos em decorrência da infecção por dengue durante a gestação, entre 2001 e 2005. Foi realizado estudo epidemiológico com delineamento ecológico cujas unidades de análise foram municípios com mais de 80 mil habitantes na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Nestes, foi determinada a correlação entre a incidência de dengue em mulheres de 15 a 39 anos e indicadores selecionados de mortalidade (materna, fetal, perinatal, neonatal, neonatal precoce e infantil, por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. Foi observada a presença de forte correlação positiva entre as medianas das taxas de incidência de dengue em mulheres de 15 a 39 anos e as medianas da taxas de mortalidade materna (r = 0,88; IC95%: 0,51; 1,00, com coeficiente de determinação R² = 0,78. A magnitude da correlação observada entre a incidência de dengue e a mortalidade materna na Região Sudeste é sugestiva de que a ocorrência da infecção durante a gravidez possa impactar negativamente a evolução desta, com repercussões para a mortalidade materna.The aim of this study was to explore the distribution of reproductive outcomes following dengue virus infection during pregnancy (2001-2005. An ecological epidemiological study was conducted in all counties with more than 80,000 inhabitants in Southeast Brazil. The study explored the correlation between dengue incidence rates in women 15-39 years of age and selected mortality indicators (maternal, fetal, perinatal, neonatal, early neonatal, and infant in these counties, and Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated. A positive correlation was observed between median dengue incidence in women 15-39 years of age and median maternal mortality (r = 0.88; 95%CI: 0.51; 1.00, with a determination coefficient R² = 0.78. The correlation between dengue incidence in childbearing-age women and reproductive outcomes in Southeast Brazil suggests that

  10. Dengue (United States)

    Dengue is an infection caused by a virus. You can get it if an infected mosquito bites you. Dengue does not spread from person to person. It ... the world. Outbreaks occur in the rainy season. Dengue is rare in the United States. Symptoms include ...

  11. Consumption profile of fish in Belo Horizonte’s city, MG

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    Guilherme Campos Tavares


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of consumption of fish flesh and derivatives in Belo Horizonte's city, to determine the major sites of acquisition and consumption of the product. The hundred ninety six people were interviewed through a quiz containing eleven questions. Data were tabulated in editing software spreadsheet and graphics generated. Fish is the least meat consumed less in Belo Horizonte's city. The frequency of consumption was two or more times a month (25,3%. Homes were the principal place of consumption (80,3%, and supermarkets were determined as site of largest acquisition (71,5%.

  12. Utilização de fitoterápicos por idosos: resultados de um inquérito domiciliar em Belo Horizonte (MG, Brasil

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    Lucianno D. P. Marliére

    Full Text Available Os fitoterápicos constituem uma modalidade de terapia complementar ou alternativa diante das necessidades de saúde e seu uso tem sido crescente na população idosa de diversos países. Entretanto, apresentam interações medicamentosas e reações adversas importantes e sua utilização não deve ser indiscriminada. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar o perfil de utilização de fitoterápicos por aposentados e pensionistas do INSS, com 60 anos e mais, residentes em Belo Horizonte, MG. A partir do cadastro do INSS, selecionou-se uma amostra aleatória de 881 idosos para entrevista. Investigou-se a prevalência de uso de fitoterápicos e interações medicamentosas potenciais. Um total de 667 (80,3% dos selecionados foi entrevistado. Setenta e um participantes (10,6% utilizaram fitoterápicos nos últimos 15 dias, principalmente aqueles preparados a partir de extratos de ginkgo (41,8%, aesculus (12,3% e isoflavonas de soja (8,2%. Mais de 60% dos fitoterápicos foram adquiridos em farmácias de manipulação. Aproximadamente 45% dos usuários de fitoterápicos estavam expostos a pelo menos uma interação medicamentosa potencial entre eles e medicamentos sintéticos, tais como entre ginkgo e diuréticos tiazídicos (14 e antiagregante plaquetário/anticoagulantes (8. São necessárias estratégias de orientação para o uso racional de fitoterápicos entre idosos, mais vulneráveis aos prejuízos decorrentes da utilização inadequada desses.

  13. Perfil dos consumidores de hortaliças minimamente processadas de Belo Horizonte Profile of minimally processed vegetable consumers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Ronaldo Perez


    Full Text Available O consumidor vem apresentando cada vez maior consciência na escolha de sua alimentação, porém com menor tempo disponível para preparar refeições saudáveis. Diante disso, o mercado de hortaliças minimamente processadas tem aumentado rapidamente, proporcionando o surgimento de produtos convenientes, ou seja, produtos frescos que podem ser preparados e consumidos em pouco tempo. Assim, neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de compra e o perfil dos consumidores de hortaliças minimamente processadas em supermercados de Belo Horizonte. Foram aplicados questionários aos consumidores de cinco estabelecimentos que vendiam hortaliças minimamente processadas (HMP e os entrevistados foram escolhidos aleatoriamente no momento das compras, durante o mês de novembro de 2004. Foram entrevistadas 246 pessoas, das quais apenas 23% consumiam HMP. Os principais motivos para consumir foram comodidade e praticidade (46%, pouco tempo para o preparo (21% das refeições e higiene (11% dos produtos, e para não consumir foram preço elevado (31,9%, gosta de preparar e/ou escolher (23% e desconfiança (17,8% dos produtos ofertados. Os maiores consumidores são as pessoas com maior escolaridade e nível de renda mais elevado. A sobrevalorização dos HMP em relação aos produtos comuns variou de 2,4 vezes (batata até 39,5 vezes (cenoura, sendo a média de sobrevalorização encontrada no mercado para as onze HMP de 10 vezes.Consumer's food consciousness has increased, however, time for preparing healthy food has decreased. Therefore, the market of minimally processed vegetable has increased rapidly, giving rise to the appearance of fresh products that can be prepared and consumed faster than conventional foods. Thus, the objective of this work was to establish the behavior and profile of minimally processed vegetable consumers in supermarkets of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Based on the answers to a survey, the consumers profile was

  14. Diagnóstico sorológico de infecções por dengue e febre amarela em casos suspeitos no Estado do Pará, Brasil, 1999 Serological diagnosis of dengue and yellow fever infections in suspected cases from Pará State, Brazil, 1999

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    Tais Pinheiro de Araújo


    Full Text Available De junho a dezembro de 1999, foram coletadas 785 amostras de soro de pacientes com suspeita clínica de dengue e/ou febre amarela. Os pacientes foram atendidos nas unidades de saúde distribuídas pelas seis mesorregiões do Estado do Pará, Brasil. As amostras de soro foram testadas pelo método de inibição da hemaglutinação para detecção de anticorpos para Flavivirus e pelo ensaio imunoenzimático para detecção de imunoglobulina M para dengue e febre amarela. Das amostras coletadas, 563 (71,7% foram positivas pelo IH, e dentre estas 150 (26,6% foram positivas pelo ELISA-IgM. O vírus dengue foi responsável pela maioria das infecções recentes em todas as mesorregiões e os casos de febre amarela detectados neste estudo foram restritos às mesorregiões Marajó e Sudeste.From June to December 1999, 785 serum samples were obtained from patients clinically suspected of having dengue or yellow fever. The patients were referred by public health centers distributed within the six mesoregions of Pará State, Brazil. Serum samples were tested for Flavivirus antibodies by hemagglutination inhibition test and for dengue and yellow fever viruses by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for IgM detection. Of the sera collected, 563 (71.7% were positive by HI test and out of these 150 (26.6% were positive by ELISA-IgM. Dengue virus was responsible for most of the recent infections in all regions; yellow fever cases detected in the current study were restricted to the Marajó and Southeast regions.

  15. A gestão de recursos humanos em hospitais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS e sua relação ao modelo de assistência: um estudo em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais La gestión de los recursos humanos en hospitales del Sistema Único de Salud y su relación con el modelo de asistencia: un estudio en hospitales de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Human resource management in hospitals and its relation to model assistance: a study of hospitals in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais

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    Marina Campos Morici


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a gestão de recursos humanos em hospitais de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, considerando a relevância do debate no contexto gerencial contemporâneo e suas implicações ao modelo assistencial preconizado pelos hospitais analisados. A partir de levantamento de dados (entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores e profissionais de recursos humanos e análise de documentos pertinentes às práticas e normatizações existentes, o estudo aponta uma defasagem nas políticas e práticas de recursos humanos, com a contratação via concurso público não conseguindo suprir de forma ágil a atividade assistencial. Os resultados apontam ainda ser esse um fator determinante na fixação e motivação dos profissionais, o que diferencia em termos de autonomia aqueles hospitais onde a gestão de recursos humanos ocorre via regras do direito privado.El artículo discute la gestión de los recursos humanos en hospitales de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, considerando la relevancia del debate en el contexto gerencial contemporáneo y sus implicaciones con el modelo asistencial preconizado por los hospitales analizados. A partir del inventario de datos (entrevistas semiestruturadas con los gestores y profesionales de recursos humanos y el análisis de documentos pertinentes a las prácticas y los reglamentos existentes, el estudio apunta para un desfasaje en las políticas y en las prácticas de recursos humanos, siendo que la contratación por vía de concurso público no logra suplir de forma ágil la actividad asistencial. Los resultados también señalan que éste es un factor determinante en la fijación y en la motivación de los profesionales, lo que diferencia en términos de autonomía a aquellos hospitales donde la gestión de recursos humanos ocurre por vía de reglas del derecho privado.The article discusses human resource management in hospitals in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. It considers the relevance of the debate within

  16. Fatores adicionais de risco cardiovascular associados ao excesso de peso em crianças e adolescentes: o estudo do coração de Belo Horizonte Additional cardiovascular risk factors associated with excess weigth in children and adolescents: the Belo Horizonte heart study

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    Robespierre Q. C. Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Examinar a associação de sobrepeso e obesidade com perfis de atividade física, pressão arterial (PA e lípides séricos. MÉTODOS: Inquérito epidemiológico com 1.450 estudantes - seis a dezoito anos, em Belo Horizonte-MG. Dados: peso, altura, PA, espessura de pregas cutâneas, circunferência das cinturas, atividade física, colesterol total (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, e hábitos alimentares. RESULTADOS:Prevalências de sobrepeso e obesidade foram 8,4% e 3,1%. Em relação aos estudantes situados no quartil inferior (Q1 da distribuição da prega subescapular, os estudantes do quartil superior (Q4 apresentaram um risco (odds ratio 3,7 vezes maior de ter um CT aumentado. Os estudantes com sobrepeso e obesos tiveram 3,6 vezes mais risco de apresentar PA sistólica aumentada, e 2,7 vezes para PA diastólica aumentada, em relação aos estudantes com peso normal. Os estudantes menos ativos, no Q1 da distribuição de MET, apresentaram 3,8 vezes mais riscos de terem CT aumentado comparados com os mais ativos (Q4. CONCLUSÃO: Estudantes com sobrepeso ou obesos ou nos quartis superiores para outras variáveis de adiposidade, assim como os estudantes com baixos níveis de atividade física ou sedentários apresentaram níveis mais elevados de PA e perfil lipídico de risco aumentado para o desenvolvimento de aterosclerose.OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of overweight and obesity with physical activity, blood pressure (BP and serum lipid profiles. METHODS: Epidemiologic investigation of 1,450 students, between the ages of 6 and 18, in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG. Data: weight, height, BP, skinfold thickness, waist circumference, physical activity, total cholesterol (TC, LDL-c, HDL-c, and dietary habits. RESULTS: The prevalence rates for overweight and obesity were 8.4% and 3.1%, respectively. In relation to the students in the lower quartile (Q1 of the distribution of subscapular skinfold, the students in the upper quartile (Q4 presented

  17. Detection of a Giardia lamblia coproantigen by using a commercially available immunoenzymatic assay, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Avaliação do ProSpeT Giardia ensaio em microplaca na detecção de coproantígenos de Giardia lamblia, em fezes de pacientes de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Míriam Oliveira e ROCHA


    Full Text Available It is known that fecal examination to detect Giardia lamblia cysts or trophozoites produces a high percentage of false-negative results. A commercially available immunoenzymatic assay (ProSpecT Giardia Microplate Assay, Alexon, Inc., BIOBRÁS to detect G. lamblia specific coproantigen was evaluated for the first time in Brazil. A total of 90 specimens were tested. Each specimen was first tested as unpreserved stool, and then it was preserved in 10% Formalin to be tested 2 months later. The assay was able to identify all the 30 positive patients (sensitivity = 100.0% by visual or spectrophotometric examination in the unpreserved specimens and was negative in 57 of the 60 patients without G. lamblia (specificity = 95.0%. The assay identified 27 of the 30 positive patients (sensitivity = 90.0% and was negative in 59 of the 60 negatives (specificity = 98.3% in the preserved stools according to both readings. A marked difference was observed in the optical densities in both groups, preserved and unpreserved stools, when the G. lamblia-positive specimens were compared to the negative or positive for other intestinal parasites than G. lamblia. The assay seems a good alternative for giardiasis diagnosis, especially when the fecal examination was repeatedly negative and the patient presents giardiasislike symptoms.O diagnóstico da giardíase através da pesquisa de trofozoítos ou cistos do parasita nas fezes apresenta uma elevada percentagem de resultados falso-negativos. No presente trabalho foi feita, pela primeira vez no Brasil, uma avaliação do ProSpecT Giardia Ensaio em Microplaca (Alexon, Inc., BIOBRÁS, utilizando amostras fecais de pacientes de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Um total de 90 amostras fecais foram testadas, primeiramente como fezes frescas e, então, preservadas em formalina 10%, para um novo teste 2 meses após. Com as amostras frescas, o ensaio imunoenzimático, através de leitura visual ou no espectrofotômetro, foi capaz de

  18. Dengue and Severe Dengue (United States)

    ... all regions of WHO in recent years. Dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquitoes mainly of the species Aedes aegypti and, to a lesser extent, Ae. albopictus . This mosquito also transmits chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika infection. Dengue is widespread throughout the tropics, with ...

  19. Prescrição, dispensação e regulação do consumo de psicotrópicos anorexígenos em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Prescription, dispensing, and regulation of psychoactive anorexigenic drugs in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Mônica de Fátima Gontijo Carneiro


    Full Text Available Estudo retrospectivo, realizado na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, para avaliar indicadores de dispensação e consumo de substâncias anorexígenas. Ocorreu em duas etapas: na primeira, foram analisadas 2.906 das 168.237 notificações de receitas aviadas por estabelecimentos farmacêuticos da cidade, em 2003. Observou-se uma baixa qualidade nas notificações. O consumo projetado foi de 19,75 DDD/mil habitantes/dia. A substância mais consumida foi o fenproporex (59,8%. Uma farmácia foi responsável por 39,8% das dispensações. Na segunda etapa, foram analisados 14.554 registros do livro de receituário geral da farmácia que mais dispensou tais produtos, no período de abril a agosto de 2005. Os anorexígenos responderam por 9,2% das manipulações e 91,8% deles foram prescritos para uso concomitante com outra substância: 43% com clordiazepóxido, 50,6% com fluoxetina, 7,5% com outro anorexígeno e 28,2% com bromazepam. Os resultados observados sugerem um uso indiscriminado e irracional de anorexígenos neste município, sendo fundamental aprimorar a regulação do mercado de produtos manipulados. Para tanto, é necessário uma melhor compreensão do papel da farmácia nessa regulação e o papel dos prescritores no uso racional dessas substâncias.This retrospective study in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, aimed to provide indicators on the sale and consumption of anorexigenic substances. During the first stage, 2,906 of 168,237 prescriptions received by pharmacies in 2003 were analyzed, showing low quality of prescriptions. Projected consumption in defined daily doses was 19.75 DDD/1,000 inhabitants/day in 2003. Fenproporex (59.8% was the most widely consumed drug. One pharmacy was responsible for 39.8% of the pharmaceutical sales. During the second stage, 14,554 sales records from this "blockbuster" pharmacy were analyzed, from April to August 2005; 9.2% of sales were for anorexigenic products, 91.8% of which

  20. Prevalência e padrão de distribuição das doenças cerebrovasculares em 242 idosos, procedentes de um hospital geral, necropsiados em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, no período de 1976 a 1997 Prevalence and types of cerebrovascular diseases in 242 hospitalized elderly patients, autopsied in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 1976 to 1997

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    José Eymard H. Pittella


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência e os tipos das doenças cerebrovasculares (DCVs em indivíduos idosos necropsiados. MÉTODO: Foram consultados os laudos neuropatológicos de 242 pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 61 anos, procedentes em sua maioria do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, e necropsiados consecutivamente no período 1976 a 1997. RESULTADO: Os principais grupos de doenças do sistema nervoso central (SNC foram representados por DCVs (71,9%, infecções (12,4%, neoplasias (7,1%, traumatismos crânio-encefálicos (3,7%, doenças nutricionais (2,5% e doenças degenerativas (1,7%. As DCVs mais frequentes foram: aterosclerose (61,2%, doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva (25,6% e infarto cerebral (14,9%. Observou-se aumento da frequência e da gravidade da aterosclerose e da frequência da doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva com o avançar da idade. Houve associação significativa entre doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva e aterosclerose. As DCVs foram clinicamente sintomáticas e as responsáveis diretas pelo óbito em 42,7% e 17,3% dos pacientes, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: As DCVs constituíram o principal grupo de doenças do SNC no idoso. A aterosclerose e a doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva foram as principais doenças deste grupo, notando-se aumento de sua frequência com o avançar da idade e associação significativa entre ambas.OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence and the types of cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs in autopsied elderly individuals. METHOD: Consecutive clinical charts and neuropathological reports of 242 patients aged 61 years or older were reviewed. The patients died in Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 1976 to 1997. RESULTS: The prevalent diseases of the central nervous system (CNS found in decreasing order were: CVDs (71.9%, infections (12.4%, neoplasms (7.1%, head

  1. Dengue NS1 Antigen - for Early Detection of Dengue Virus Infection

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    Amol Hartalkar


    Full Text Available Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of NS1 antigen assay for early diagnosis of dengue virus infection in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in department of Medicine from August to December 2013. Total 100 patients with dengue fever were included. Complete blood count, alanine aminotransferase (ALT, aspartate aminotransferase (AST, Dengue NS1 antigen and IgM and IgG antibodies of dengue virus were done in all cases. Results: Of the 100 sera tested, 75% were positive for dengue virus infection based on dengue NS1 antigen, IgM antibody and IgG antibody. Dengue NS1 antigen and IgM, IgG antibody were able to detect dengue virus infection between day 1 to day 8 in 92% of samples, 86.7% of samples and 82.6% of samples respectively. Sixty nine percent (69% were found positive for dengue NS1 antigen, 65% were IgM positive and 62% were IgG positive. Based on the dengue NS1 antigen and IgM antibody combination, 74% were positive for dengue virus infections. Sensitivity of Dengue NS1 antigen was 92.3% and specificity of 74.28% in comparison to IgM antibody. Detection rate increased to 75%, based on the antigen and IgG antibody combination. Sensitivity of dengue NS1 antigen was 90.3% and specificity of 65.8% in comparison to IgG antibody. Conclusion: Dengue NS1 antigen is a useful, sensitive and specific test for early diagnosis of dengue virus infection and it improves diagnostic efficiency in combination with antibody test. Key words: Dengue fever, NS1 antigen. Introduction: Dengue fever (DF is the most common arboviral illness in humans. Each year, an estimated 50-100 million cases of dengue fever and 500,000 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever occur worldwide, with 30000 deaths (mainly in children. Globally 2.5-3 billion people in approximately 112 tropical and subtropical countries are at risk of dengue.of samples respectively. Sixty nine percent (69% were found positive for dengue NS1 antigen, 65% were Ig

  2. Conhecimentos da população sobre dengue, seus vetores e medidas de controle em São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo The population's knowledge concerning dengue fever, vectors, and control measures in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo state

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    Francisco Chiaravalloti Neto


    Full Text Available Desde 1985, vêm sendo realizadas, pelos órgãos de saúde, campanhas educativas institucionais para esclarecer a população sobre dengue, seus vetores e medidas de controle a serem adotadas. Para medir o nível de conhecimento da população de São José do Rio Preto, SP, aplicou-se, nos meses de abril e maio de 1995, um inquérito domiciliar em uma amostra de 537 residências da área urbana da cidade, entrevistando-se mesmo número de mulheres com perguntas sobre dengue, seus vetores e medidas de controle. Os conhecimentos demonstrados foram bastante satisfatórios, com exceção daqueles sobre a doença hemorrágica. Essa aquisição de conhecimentos, entretanto, não tem sido acompanhada da adoção das medidas de controle necessárias e não foi suficiente para a diminuição dos níveis de infestação dos vetores da dengue no município.Educational campaigns to inform the population about dengue fever, vectors, and related control measures have been carried out since 1985 by health services. In order to assess knowledge levels in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, a household survey was performed with a sample of 537 households in the urban area of São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, in April and May 1995, where the same number of women were interviewed with questions about dengue fever, vectors, and control measures. Knowledge as displayed was satisfactory, except for that concerning hemorrhagic dengue. However, acquisition of knowledge was not followed by adoption of necessary control measures was insufficient to decrease infestation rates for dengue vectors in the city.

  3. Serviços de atenção domiciliar na saúde suplementar e a inserção da enfermagem em Belo Horizonte/MG Servicios de atención domiciliaria en la salud suplementaria y la inserción de la enfermería en Belo Horizonte/MG Supplementary home health care services and the inclusion of nursing in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais (Brazil

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    Kênia Lara Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar modalidades de serviço de atenção domiciliar discutindo a inserção da enfermagem. MÉTODOS: Estudo de caso qualitativo realizado em quatro operadoras de planos de saúde no município de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. Os dados foram obtidos de entrevistas e acompanhamento de casos. RESULTADOS: Os serviços de atenção domiciliar são agrupados em três Modalidades: Cuidados prolongados no domicilio; Atenção provisória no domicilio e Uso intenso de tecnologias e de cuidados. Nas modalidades, a enfermagem assume ações assistenciais e de gestão do cuidado e qualifica a atenção por meio do uso apropriado das tecnologias leves. Há uma tendência à terceirização do serviço de enfermagem na atenção domiciliar. CONCLUSÃO: A inclusão do trabalho do enfermeiro nas modalidades de atenção domiciliar representa ao mesmo tempo um componente de redução de custos e contribui para a transição tecnológica pelo estabelecimento de novas formas de cuidado no domicilio.OBJETIVO: Analizar modalidades de servicio de atención domiciliaria discutiendo la inserción de la enfermería. MÉTODOS: Estudio de caso cualitativo realizado en cuatro operadoras de planes de salud en el municipio de Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais. Los datos fueron obtenidos de entrevistas y acompañamiento de casos. Resultados: Los servicios de atención domiciliaria son agrupados en tres MODALIDADES: Cuidados prolongados en el domicilio; Atención provisional en el domicilio y Uso intenso de tecnologías y de cuidados. En las modalidades, la enfermería asume acciones asistenciales y de gestión del cuidado y cualifica la atención por medio del uso apropiado de las tecnologías leves. Hay una tendencia a la tercerización del servicio de enfermería en la atención domiciliaria. CONCLUSIÓN: La inclusión del trabajo del enfermero en las modalidades de atención domiciliaria representa al mismo tiempo un componente de reducción de costos y contribuye

  4. Radon in soil gas in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teixeira, Giane Gariglio; Rocha, Zildete


    Radon, the natural radioactive gas is produced by the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium which are ubiquitous, specially in rock and soil. By diffusion and convection. Radon migrate from the rocks and to the groundwater and to the soil and from them the radon migrate through fissures, pipes and hales to the surface. Measurements were carried out in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, whose greatest part of the in habitants occupies the great pre cambrian unit of the Iron Quadrangle of Minas Gerais denominated 'Granitic Gneissic Complex', composed of Archean rocks of age between 3,2 Ga and 2,6 Ga. The part in which occurs in the municipal area of Belo Horizonte was denominated as Complexo Belo Horizonte, whose most characteristics rocks named Gneiss Belo Horizonte. The soil gas radon concentrations were determined by using a samples and a continuos flow through ionization chamber detector AlphaGUARD PQ2000PRO - Genitron Instruments GmbH in a Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis). Most results of radon concentration soil gas were in the range 10 kBq/m 3 to 50 kBq/m 3 . This values, according to the established Swedish Criteria are normal risk values. For soils classified as normal risk require 'radon protective construction', but the necessity of mitigation actions will depend on other factors, for example the soil permeability and rock type. (author)

  5. Associação entre incidência de dengue e variáveis climáticas Association between dengue incidence and climatic factors

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    Andressa F Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a ocorrência de casos de dengue autóctone segundo sexo, faixa etária e local provável de infecção e sua relação com variáveis climatológicas. MÉTODOS: Os registros de casos autóctones em São Sebastião, SP, de 2001 a 2002, e confirmados laboratorialmente foram estudados. A densidade larval foi verificada pelos índices de predial, recipientes e Breteau. A relação entre dados de pluviosidade, temperatura e número de casos foi analisada pela correlação de Spearman utilizando-se o conceito time-lag. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de incidência anuais para 2001 e 2002 foram de 80,31 e 211,1 por 10.000 habitantes, respectivamente. A maioria dos casos de dengue (n=1.091; 65% foi registrada na área central do município. O sexo feminino foi o mais acometido (n=969; 60% e ambos os sexos nas faixas etárias entre 20 e 29 e 30 e 39 anos. Não foi observada correlação entre variáveis climatológicas e número de casos do mesmo mês, entretanto, esta associação ocorre a partir do segundo mês estendendo-se até o quarto mês. CONCLUSÕES: A associação entre o número de casos de dengue e fatores abióticos identificou o intervalo de tempo em que a chuva e a temperatura contribuíram na geração de novos casos. Tais aspectos, associados à vulnerabilidade turística da região litorânea, propiciaram condições para ocorrência da doença. A urbanização sem a devida estrutura de saneamento possivelmente influenciou na densidade de mosquitos e na incidência de dengue. Esses fatores podem ter contribuído para a dispersão do mosquito e disseminação dos vários sorotipos da doença.OBJECTIVE: To describe the occurrence of autochthonous dengue cases according to sex, age, suspected infection site and its relation with climatic variables. METHODS: Autochthonous dengue cases reported in São Sebastião, Southern Brazil, from 2001 to 2002 and confirmed in laboratory were studied. Larval density was verified by


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    Thereza Cristina Ferreira Camello


    Full Text Available DOI: 10.12957/sustinere.2014.14122Várias viroses emergentes ou reemergentes podem ser veiculadas por mosquitos. Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus, os mesmos que transmitem o vírus da dengue e da febre amarela, podem disseminar o vírus Chikungunya que este ano no Brasil já fez cerca de 1000 casos confirmados. A doença tem parâmetros semelhantes aos da Dengue, e embora a taxa de letalidade seja muito baixa, sequelas podem permanecer no individuo por um ano. Em 2014 a partir de setembro o mundo observou perplexo a ressurgência de um vírus hemorrágico letal, em uma das piores epidemias já ocorridas no continente africano. O vírus Ebola atingiu mais de 6000 pessoas. Estudos no sentido de melhorar as estratégias de contenção da disseminação de vetores e dos vírus devem ser estabelecidas, enquanto aguardamos a produção de vacinas eficazes. O mundo não é imune a uma infecção endêmica, localizada no interior de um continente e não estamos preparados para atender uma demanda deste porte.

  7. Dengue in children. (United States)

    Verhagen, Lilly M; de Groot, Ronald


    Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease of expanding geographical range and increasing incidence. The vast majority of dengue cases are children less than 15 years of age. Dengue causes a spectrum of illness from mild fever to severe disease with plasma leakage and shock. Infants and children with secondary heterologous dengue infections are most at risk for severe dengue disease. Laboratory diagnosis of dengue can be established within five days of disease onset by direct detection of viral components in serum. After day five, serologic diagnosis provides indirect evidence of dengue. Currently, no effective antiviral agents are available to treat dengue infection. Therefore, treatment remains supportive, with emphasis on close hematological monitoring, recognition of warning signs of severe disease and fluid-replacement therapy and/or blood transfusions when required. Development of a dengue vaccine is considered a high public health priority. A safe and efficacious dengue vaccine would also be important for travelers. This review highlights the current understanding of dengue in children, including its clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, diagnostic tests, management and prevention. Copyright © 2014 The British Infection Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Dengue viral infections


    Malavige, G; Fernando, S; Fernando, D; Seneviratne, S


    Dengue viral infections are one of the most important mosquito borne diseases in the world. They may be asymptomatic or may give rise to undifferentiated fever, dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), or dengue shock syndrome. Annually, 100 million cases of dengue fever and half a million cases of DHF occur worldwide. Ninety percent of DHF subjects are children less than 15 years of age. At present, dengue is endemic in 112 countries in the world. No vaccine is available for preventing...

  9. Incorporação das atividades de controle da dengue pelo agente comunitário de saúde

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    Luiza Helena de Oliveira Cazola


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Avaliar o desempenho do agente comunitário de saúde após incorporação do controle da dengue nas suas atribuições. MÉTODOS : Comparou-se a evolução de indicadores selecionados da Estratégia Saúde da Família e do Programa Nacional de Controle da Dengue do município São Gabriel do Oeste com o de Rio Verde de Mato Grosso, município vizinho com características populacionais, socioeconômicas e estrutura de serviços de saúde semelhantes de 2002 a 2008. Os dados foram coletados dos bancos de dados municipais do Sistema de Informação da Febre Amarela e Dengue e do Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde de Mato Grosso do Sul. As variáveis selecionadas para as atividades dos agentes na Estratégia Saúde da Família foram: visitas domiciliares mensais, gestantes com o pré-natal iniciado no primeiro trimestre, crianças menores de um ano com vacinas em dia e hipertensos. Para o Programa Nacional de Controle da Dengue foram: imóveis inspecionados com Aedes aegypti e imóveis existentes não inspecionados. RESULTADOS : Os dois municípios mantiveram evolução semelhante nos indicadores do controle da dengue no período. São Gabriel do Oeste apresentava melhor situação em relação à Estratégia Saúde da Família em 2002 em três dos quatro indicadores estudados. No entanto, esta situação se inverteu no final do período, quando o município foi superado por Rio Verde de Mato Grosso em três dos quatro indicadores analisados, entre os quais a média mensal de visitas de agente comunitário de saúde por família cadastrada, principal atividade de um agente da Estratégia Saúde da Família. CONCLUSÕES : A incorporação do Programa Nacional de Controle da Dengue na Estratégia Saúde da Família é viável e se desenvolveu sem prejuízo das atividades do controle da dengue, excetuando as atividades da saúde da família em São Gabriel do Oeste. A carga adicional de trabalho

  10. Tetravalent Dengue Vaccine: A Review in the Prevention of Dengue Disease. (United States)

    Scott, Lesley J


    Tetravalent, live-attenuated, dengue vaccine (Dengvaxia(®); CYD-TDV) is the first vaccine approved for the prevention of dengue disease caused by dengue virus (DENV) serotypes 1-4 in individuals aged 9-45 or 9-60 years living in high dengue endemic areas. This narrative review discusses the immunogenicity, protective efficacy, reactogenicity and safety of CYD-TDV in the prevention of dengue disease. In Latin American and Asian phase 3 trials in children and adolescents (n > 30,000), the recommended three-dose CYD-TDV regimen was efficacious in preventing virologically-confirmed dengue (VCD) during the period from 28 days after the last dose (month 13) to month 25, meeting the primary endpoint criteria. Protective efficacy against VCD in the respective individual trials was 60.8 and 56.5 % (primary analysis). During the 25-month active surveillance phase, CYD-TDV also provided protective efficacy against VCD, severe dengue, any grade of dengue haemorrhagic fever and VCD-related hospitalization in children aged 9 years and older. CYD-TDV was generally well tolerated, with no safety concerns identified after up to 4 years' follow-up (i.e. from post dose 1) in ongoing long-term studies. Based on evidence from the dengue clinical trial program, the WHO SAGE recommended that countries with high dengue endemicity consider introducing CYD-TDV as part of an integrated disease prevention strategy to lower disease burden. Pharmacoeconomic considerations will be pivotal to implementing dengue vaccination prevention strategies in these countries. The availability of a dengue vaccine is considered essential if the 2012 WHO global strategy targets for reducing the burden of dengue disease by 2020 are to be attained. Hence, CYD-TDV represents a major advance for the prevention of dengue disease in high dengue endemic regions.

  11. Aspectos sociodemográficos e de saúde associados ao trabalho remunerado em adultos (50-69 anos na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Camila Menezes Sabino de Castro


    Full Text Available Foram examinados os fatores associados ao trabalho remunerado em uma amostra probabilística de 3.320 indivíduos (50-69 anos de idade, residentes na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. A prevalência do trabalho remunerado foi de 62,8% entre homens e 35,8% entre mulheres. Em ambos os gêneros, o trabalho remunerado apresentou associação positiva com o nível de escolaridade e negativa com a autoavaliação da saúde. A propensão de ter trabalho remunerado foi maior entre mulheres sem cônjuge e aquelas que conheciam alguém que havia sido discriminado no ambiente de trabalho. Entre os homens, a prevalência do trabalho remunerado caiu de 67,2%, entre aqueles com ≥ 8 anos de escolaridade e que avaliaram melhor a sua saúde, para 37,8% entre aqueles com escolaridade mais baixa e que avaliaram a sua saúde como ruim (RP = 0,56; IC95%: 0,37-0,87. Entre as mulheres, a prevalência correspondente caiu de 42,1% para 3,6% (RP = 0,09; IC95%: 0,03-0,26. A propensão de ter trabalho remunerado entre mulheres com baixa escolaridade e pior avaliação da saúde foi dez vezes menor do que entre seus equivalentes homens.

  12. DenguePredict: An Integrated Drug Repositioning Approach towards Drug Discovery for Dengue. (United States)

    Wang, QuanQiu; Xu, Rong


    Dengue is a viral disease of expanding global incidence without cures. Here we present a drug repositioning system (DenguePredict) leveraging upon a unique drug treatment database and vast amounts of disease- and drug-related data. We first constructed a large-scale genetic disease network with enriched dengue genetics data curated from biomedical literature. We applied a network-based ranking algorithm to find dengue-related diseases from the disease network. We then developed a novel algorithm to prioritize FDA-approved drugs from dengue-related diseases to treat dengue. When tested in a de-novo validation setting, DenguePredict found the only two drugs tested in clinical trials for treating dengue and ranked them highly: chloroquine ranked at top 0.96% and ivermectin at top 22.75%. We showed that drugs targeting immune systems and arachidonic acid metabolism-related apoptotic pathways might represent innovative drugs to treat dengue. In summary, DenguePredict, by combining comprehensive disease- and drug-related data and novel algorithms, may greatly facilitate drug discovery for dengue.

  13. Dengue-associated kidney disease. (United States)

    Lizarraga, Karlo J; Nayer, Ali


    A mosquito-borne viral illness highly prevalent in the tropics and subtropics, dengue is considered a major global health threat by the World Health Organization. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, PubMed (NLM), LISTA (EBSCO) and Web of Science have been searched. An RNA virus from the genus Flavivirus, dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes aegypti,the yellow fever mosquito. Dengue is asymptomatic in as many as one half of infected individuals. Dengue fever is an acute febrile illness accompanied by constitutional symptoms. Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome are the severe forms of dengue infection.Dengue infection has been associated with a variety of renal disorders. Acute renal failure is a potential complication of severe dengue infection and is typically associated with hypotension, rhabdomyolysis, or hemolysis. Acute renal failure complicates severe dengue infection in 2-5% of the cases and carries a high mortality rate. Proteinuria has been detected in as high as 74% of patients with severe dengue infection. Hematuria has been reported in up to 12.5% of patients. Various types of glomerulonephritis have been reported during or shortly after dengue infection in humans and mouse models of dengue infection. Mesangial proliferation and immune complex deposition are the dominant histologic features of dengue-associated glomerulonephritis. On a rare occasion, dengue infection is associated with systemic autoimmune disorders involving the kidneys. In the vast majority of cases, dengue infection and associated renal disorders are self-limited.

  14. Eventos Gastronômicos e Estratégias de Marketing: O Festival Comida Di Buteco em Belo Horizonte, MG.Eventos Gastronômicos e Estratégias de Marketing: O Festival Comida Di Buteco, em Belo Horizonte, MG / Gastronomic Events and Marketing Strategies: The Fes

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    Graziela Da Silva Suzuki


    Full Text Available Os eventos são considerados como estratégias de comunicação no composto de marketing. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar o Retorno Sobre Investimento (ROI da participação no festival gastronômico “Comida di Buteco”. Para tanto, utilizam-se teorias do marketing de relacionamento, da comunicação, da retenção e uma adaptação das categorias propostas pela metodologia ROI, de Phillips. Foram realizadas 12 entrevistas com os gestores e proprietários de bares participantes do festival. A técnica de análise dos dados foi a do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC. Palavras-chave: Gastronomia. Evento Gastronômico. Marketing de relacionamento. Festival Comida di Buteco. Belo Horizonte, MG. Gastronomic Events and Marketing Strategies: The Festival ‘Comida Di Buteco’ - Events are considered as communication strategies in the marketing mix. Thus, this study aims to identify the Return on Investment (ROI participation in the gastronomic festival ‘Comida de Buteco [Food di Buteco]. The methodology uses theories of relationship marketing, communication, retention and the adaptation of the categories proposed by the Phillips ROI methodology. 12 interviews with managers and owners of bars were made. Data analysis technique was that of the CSD. Keywords: Gastronomy. Gastronomic Event. Relationship marketing. Food Festival. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

  15. Exposure to acellular blood products and risk of HIV infection in hemophiliacs from Belo Horizonte, Brazil Exposição de produtos do sangue, acelulares e o risco da infecção pelo VIH, em hemofílicos de Belo Horizonte, Brasil

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    Fernando A. Proietti


    Full Text Available Results of a HIV prevalence study conducted in hemophiliacs from Belo Horizonte, Brazil are presented. History of exposure to acellular blood components was determined for the five year period prior to entry in the study, which occurred during 1986 and 1987. Patients with coagulations disorders (hemophilia A = 132, hemophilia B = 16 and coagulation disorders other than hemophilia = 16 were transfused with liquid cryoprecipitate, locally produced, lyophilized cryoprecipitate, imported from São Paulo (Brazil and factor VIII and IX, imported from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, Europe, and United States. Thirty six (22% tested HIV seropositive. The univariate and multivariate analysis (logistic model demonstrated that the risk of HIV infection during the study period was associated with the total units of acellular blood components transfused. In addition, the proportional contribution of the individual components to the total acellular units transfused, namely a increase in factor VIII/IX and lyophilized cryoprecipitate proportions, were found to be associated with HIV seropositivity. This analysis suggest that not only the total amount of units was an important determinant of HIV infection, but that the risk was also associated with the specific component of blood transfusedResultados de um estudo da prevalência de infecção pelo VIH, realizado em hemofílicos em Belo Horizonte são apresentados. História prévia de exposição a componentes acelulares do sangue foi determinada para o período de 5 anos anteriores à entrada no estudo, que transcorreu durante 1986 e 1987. Pacientes com distúrbios da coagulação (hemofilia A n = 132, hemofilia B n = 16 e outros distúrbios da coagulação que não hemofilia n = 16, foram transfundidos com crio-precipitado líquido, localmente produzido, crio-precipitado liofilizado, importado de São Paulo, e Fator VIII e IX, importado do Rio de Janeiro, Europa e Estados Unidos. Trinta e seis (22% resultaram


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    Karla PEDRO


    Full Text Available Dengue, zika e chikungunya são doenças transmitidas por vetores, cujo detectar os criadouros dos mosquitos torna-se vital para medidas de controle. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os casos notificados de dengue no município de Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil em seus quatro Distritos Sanitários, durante oito anos, compreendendo o período de 2007 a 2014. Essa região apresenta inúmeros problemas relacionados a processo de ocupação desordenada, densidade demográfica e altos índices de violência urbana e o município é organizado em quatro distritos. Os casos de dengue notificados à Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Duque de Caxias e registrados na base municipal do SINAN (Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação, referentes ao período de 2007 a 2014 foram utilizados neste estudo. Em 2008, 2011 e 2013, observou-se uma epidemia no município, que em 2008 tomou magnitude ainda maior e alcançou incidência de mais de mil casos a cada 100 mil habitantes. No período de 2009 e 2014, houve uma queda das incidências observadas, caracterizando-o como interepidêmico. Em relação aos casos de dengue em cada distrito, o primeiro e segundo distritos foram os que tiveram maior número de casos da doença, enquanto o quarto distrito foi o que teve menor número de casos em todos os anos estudados. Possivelmente, pelo fato do 1º distrito (Centro ter a maior parte das habitações e o 2º distrito (Campos Elíseos, abrigar as indústrias. Enquanto o 3º distrito (Imbariê e 4º distrito (Xerém são considerados muito mais arborizados e com poucos núcleos habitacionais.

  17. Introducing dengue vaccine: Implications for diagnosis in dengue vaccinated subjects. (United States)

    Alagarasu, Kalichamy


    Diagnosis of dengue virus infections is complicated by preference for different diagnostic tests in different post onset days of illness and the presence of multiple serotypes leading to secondary and tertiary infections. The sensitivity of the most commonly employed diagnostic assays such as anti dengue IgM capture (MAC) ELISA and non structural protein (NS) 1 capture ELISA are lower in secondary and subsequent infections. Introduction of dengue vaccine in endemic regions will affect the way how dengue is diagnosed in vaccinated subjects. This viewpoint article discusses implications of introduction of dengue vaccine on the diagnosis of dengue infections in vaccinated subjects and the strategies that are needed to tackle the issue. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. The dengue vaccine pipeline: Implications for the future of dengue control


    Schwartz, Lauren M.; Halloran, M. Elizabeth; Durbin, Anna P.; Longini Jr., Ira M.


    Dengue has become the most rapidly expanding mosquito-borne infectious disease on the planet, surpassing malaria and infecting at least 390 million people per year. There is no effective treatment for dengue illness other than supportive care, especially for severe cases. Symptoms can be mild or life-threatening as in dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Vector control has been only partially successful in decreasing dengue transmission. The potential use of safe and effective ...

  19. Dengue in Southeast Asia: epidemiological characteristics and strategic challenges in disease prevention Dengue no Sudeste Asiático: características epidemiológicas e desafios estratégicos na prevenção da doença

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    Eng-Eong Ooi


    Full Text Available Dengue emerged as a public health burden in Southeast Asia during and following the Second World War and has become increasingly important, with progressively longer and more frequent cyclical epidemics of dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever. Despite this trend, surveillance for this vector-borne viral disease remains largely passive in most Southeast Asian countries, without adequate laboratory support. We review here the factors that may have contributed to the changing epidemiology of dengue in Southeast Asia as well as challenges of disease prevention. We also discuss a regional approach to active dengue virus surveillance, focusing on urban areas where the viruses are maintained, which may be a solution to limited financial resources since most of the countries in the region have developing economies. A regional approach would also result in a greater likelihood of success in disease prevention since the large volume of human travel is a major factor contributing to the geographical spread of dengue viruses.A dengue emergiu como problema de saúde pública no Sudeste Asiático durante e após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, e vem se agravando cada vez mais, com epidemias cíclicas progressivamente mais longas e freqüentes de dengue e de febre hemorrágica da dengue. Apesar dessa tendência, a vigilância dessa virose transmitida por vetores permanece basicamente passiva na maioria dos países do Sudeste Asiático, sem apoio laboratorial adequado. O artigo apresenta uma revisão dos fatores que podem ter contribuído para a mudança no perfil epidemiológico da dengue na região, além de discutir os desafios para a prevenção da doença. Analisa-se também uma abordagem regional para a vigilância ativa dos vírus da dengue, focando as áreas urbanas onde eles se mantêm, o que pode representar uma solução à limitação de recursos financeiros, uma vez que a maioria dos pa��ses da região tem economias em desenvolvimento. Uma abordagem

  20. Dengue-associated neuromuscular complications


    Ravindra Kumar Garg; Hardeep Singh Malhotra; Amita Jain; Kiran Preet Malhotra


    Dengue is associated with many neurological dysfunctions. Up to 4% of dengue patients may develop neuromuscular complications. Muscle involvement can manifest with myalgias, myositis, rhabdomyolysis and hypokalemic paralysis. Diffuse myalgia is the most characteristic neurological symptom of dengue fever. Dengue-associated myositis can be of varying severity ranging from self-limiting muscle involvement to severe dengue myositis. Dengue-associated hypokalemic paralysis often has a rapidly evo...

  1. Dengue viral infections

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    Gurugama Padmalal


    Full Text Available Dengue viral infections are one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases in the world. Presently dengue is endemic in 112 countries in the world. It has been estimated that almost 100 million cases of dengue fever and half a million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF occur worldwide. An increasing proportion of DHF is in children less than 15 years of age, especially in South East and South Asia. The unique structure of the dengue virus and the pathophysiologic responses of the host, different serotypes, and favorable conditions for vector breeding have led to the virulence and spread of the infections. The manifestations of dengue infections are protean from being asymptomatic to undifferentiated fever, severe dengue infections, and unusual complications. Early recognition and prompt initiation of appropriate supportive treatment are often delayed resulting in unnecessarily high morbidity and mortality. Attempts are underway for the development of a vaccine for preventing the burden of this neglected disease. This review outlines the epidemiology, clinical features, pathophysiologic mechanisms, management, and control of dengue infections.

  2. Dengue viral infections


    Gurugama Padmalal; Garg Pankaj; Perera Jennifer; Wijewickrama Ananda; Seneviratne Suranjith


    Dengue viral infections are one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases in the world. Presently dengue is endemic in 112 countries in the world. It has been estimated that almost 100 million cases of dengue fever and half a million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) occur worldwide. An increasing proportion of DHF is in children less than 15 years of age, especially in South East and South Asia. The unique structure of the dengue virus and the pathophysiologic responses of the host...

  3. Hemoterapia e febre Dengue Blood banking e Dengue fever

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    Estácio F. Ramos


    Full Text Available Dengue is an endemic/epidemic arboviral disease with a variable symptomatic benign course, but potentially fatal. Once in an inhabited area, the disease will exist forever, with the best achievement being to keep vectors suppressed and the disease under control. Tiger mosquitoes (aedes aegypti, aedes albopictus are active breeders and urban hunters, becoming resistant to pesticides. Global warming and population growth are propelling the disease worldwide at tropical and subtropical regions, victimizing new populations. Dengue virus is very infective, and has been transmitted by needlestick, intrapartum, through blood transfusion and mucosal contact with blood. One patient got dengue while undergoing bone marrow transplantation. We address the growing dengue epidemics in Brazil, with more than half a million official cases in 2007, to estimate the risks of transfusion transmitted dengue. Calculations however were surpassed by reality: the major Blood Center in Brazil (FHSP-USP has found dengue virus in one out of each thousand blood units. In 2007, industry sold 2,6 million disposable blood bags in Brazil. Plotting data from FHSP-USP to the whole country, 2600 blood units would have been infective. Through blood components, around 5000 patients must have received dengue virus intravenously. Beatty et al. estimated to be 1:1300 the risk for dengue transmission through blood transfusion in Puerto Rico, close to what has been demonstrated in Sao Paulo. Throughout Brazil, the average risk may be lower, but the epidemics grows towards a worst scenario. Whatever the risk is, it imposes that all blood units in Brazil (and wherever dengue is endemic must be EIA tested for dengue NS1 antigen. This marker appears early after infection, and the EIA testing platform is available at all blood banks. Also, donors must report febrile states up to two weeks after donation. Morbidity from dengue virus injected in hospitalized patients is unknown, but it may lead

  4. Determinação de áreas prioritárias para ações de controle da dengue Determinación de áreas prioritarias para acciones de control del dengue Determination of priority areas for dengue control actions


    Ana Paula da Costa Resendes; Nelson Artur Prado Rodrigues da Silveira; Paulo Chagastelles Sabroza; Reinaldo Souza-Santos


    OBJETIVO: Identificar áreas de risco de transmissão da dengue por meio da análise de cluster. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de agregados, tendo como unidades primárias de análise os 48 bairros do município de Niterói, RJ. Os bairros foram agrupados segundo condições sociodemográficas em seis estratos, segundo a técnica de análise de cluster por meio do método k-médias. Após a definição dos estratos foi realizado o cálculo da incidência da dengue por estrato para quatro períodos distintos: ...

  5. Dengue human infection models to advance dengue vaccine development. (United States)

    Larsen, Christian P; Whitehead, Stephen S; Durbin, Anna P


    Dengue viruses (DENV) currently infect approximately 400 million people each year causing millions to seek care and overwhelming the health care infrastructure in endemic areas. Vaccines to prevent dengue and therapeutics to treat dengue are not currently available. The efficacy of the most advanced candidate vaccine against symptomatic dengue in general and DENV-2 in particular was much lower than expected, despite the ability of the vaccine to induce neutralizing antibody against all four DENV serotypes. Because seroconversion to the DENV serotypes following vaccination was thought to be indicative of induced protection, these results have made it more difficult to assess which candidate vaccines should or should not be evaluated in large studies in endemic areas. A dengue human infection model (DHIM) could be extremely valuable to down-select candidate vaccines or therapeutics prior to engaging in efficacy trials in endemic areas. Two DHIM have been developed to assess the efficacy of live attenuated tetravalent (LATV) dengue vaccines. The first model, developed by the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases at the U. S. National Institutes of Health, utilizes a modified DENV-2 strain DEN2Δ30. This virus was derived from the DENV-2 Tonga/74 that caused only very mild clinical infection during the outbreak from which it was recovered. DEN2Δ30 induced viremia in 100%, rash in 80%, and neutropenia in 27% of the 30 subjects to whom it was given. The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) is developing a DHIM the goal of which is to identify DENV that cause symptomatic dengue fever. WRAIR has evaluated seven viruses and has identified two that meet dengue fever criteria. Both of these models may be very useful in the evaluation and down-selection of candidate dengue vaccines and therapeutics. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  6. Contornando o Estigma: uma análise dos estúdios de tatuagens em Belo Horizonte

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    Silva, Alexsandra Nascimento da


    Full Text Available Small businesses are vital to the economy, contributing to PIB and to job creation. Howerver, most part of these businesses have difficult to survive, what reveals problems in theirs managament processes. They reproduce, in a micor scale, models of capitalist industrial large corporations from developed countries. Strategy as social practice is a very adequate approach to understand dynamics of small business, because it considers business routines and admits other rationalities basides economic one influencing business processes. In this paper, we deal with comprehension of strategies of tattoo’s studios in Belo Horizonte, businesses with services considered social stigma. Through a multicase study, based mainly on interviews with tatooist and tatooed, data was interpreted acoording discourse analysis. Main results suggest that strategies in this business are associated to a ressignification of tatoo to, through modification of image, from marginal to work of art, be possible bypass social stigma in body corporal and keep business with economic viability.

  7. Post-dengue parkinsonism


    Azmin, Shahrul; Sahathevan, Ramesh; Suehazlyn, Zainudin; Law, Zhe Kang; Rabani, Remli; Nafisah, Wan Yahya; Tan, Hui Jan; Norlinah, Mohamed Ibrahim


    Background Dengue is a common illness in the tropics. Equally common are neurological complications that stem from dengue infection. However, to date, parkinsonism following dengue has not been reported in medical literature. Case presentation A previously well 18-year old man developed parkinsonism, in addition to other neurological symptoms following serologically confirmed dengue fever. Alternative etiologies were excluded by way of imaging and blood investigations. Conclusions The authors...

  8. Perfil de utilização de fitoterápicos em farmácias comunitárias de Belo Horizonte sob a influência da legislação nacional

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    A.Q. Ribeiro

    Full Text Available Um panorama do consumo de fitoterápicos em farmácias comunitárias de Belo Horizonte (MG é utilizado neste artigo como instrumento para analisar a influência da legislação nacional sobre este mercado. Para tal, foram entrevistados indivíduos que adquiriram fitoterápicos nos estabelecimentos farmacêuticos visitados. Observa-se que, na mesma nação detentora da maior biodiversidade do planeta e privilegiada por uma cultura popular conhecedora das propriedades terapêuticas das plantas, existe uma tendência de mercado para a utilização de plantas exóticas, oriundas de países desenvolvidos. A influência da legislação brasileira de fitoterápicos, que prima pela qualidade, eficácia e segurança desses medicamentos, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, tende a proscrever as drogas nativas que fazem parte da medicina popular brasileira, é discutida nesse trabalho. Verifica-se, assim, a pertinência de se discutir o perfil de usuário de fitoterápicos à luz das normas de registro desses fármacos no país no campo da saúde pública, tendo em vista que essa legislação repercute nas estratégias e/ou empecilhos para aumentar o acesso a medicamentos pela população.

  9. Autoimmunity in dengue pathogenesis

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    Shu-Wen Wan


    Full Text Available Dengue is one of the most important vector-borne viral diseases. With climate change and the convenience of travel, dengue is spreading beyond its usual tropical and subtropical boundaries. Infection with dengue virus (DENV causes diseases ranging widely in severity, from self-limited dengue fever to life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Vascular leakage, thrombocytopenia, and hemorrhage are the major clinical manifestations associated with severe DENV infection, yet the mechanisms remain unclear. Besides the direct effects of the virus, immunopathogenesis is also involved in the development of dengue disease. Antibody-dependent enhancement increases the efficiency of virus infection and may suppress type I interferon-mediated antiviral responses. Aberrant activation of T cells and overproduction of soluble factors cause an increase in vascular permeability. DENV-induced autoantibodies against endothelial cells, platelets, and coagulatory molecules lead to their abnormal activation or dysfunction. Molecular mimicry between DENV proteins and host proteins may explain the cross-reactivity of DENV-induced autoantibodies. Although no licensed dengue vaccine is yet available, several vaccine candidates are under development. For the development of a safe and effective dengue vaccine, the immunopathogenic complications of dengue disease need to be considered.

  10. Dengue virus receptor


    Hidari, Kazuya I.P.J.; Suzuki, Takashi


    Dengue virus is an arthropod-borne virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Dengue virus causes fever and hemorrhagic disorders in humans and non-human primates. Direct interaction of the virus introduced by a mosquito bite with host receptor molecule(s) is crucial for virus propagation and the pathological progression of dengue diseases. Therefore, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between dengue virus and its receptor(s) in both humans and mosquitoes is essent...

  11. Estudo do processo de dispersão de emissões veiculares em uma microrregião de Belo Horizonte (MG utilizando simulação numérica Study of the dispersion process of vehicular emissions at a specific site in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil, using numerical simulation

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    Fernanda Vasconcelos Fonseca Tavares


    Full Text Available O modelo CAL3QHCR (California Line Source for Queuing & Hot Spot Calculations Refined foi utilizado para avaliar a contribuição das emissões de material particulado (MP10 e MP2,5 de origem veicular na qualidade do ar de uma microrregião do centro de Belo Horizonte (MG. Os resultados de concentração obtidos nas simulações foram comparados com dados experimentais de concentração de MP10 e MP2,5, obtidos a partir da amostragem desses poluentes em uma estação de monitoramento da qualidade do ar localizada na área de estudo. Para todos os cenários, os valores de concentração previstos pelo modelo foram menores do que os observados. Uma análise de sensibilidade revelou que o fator de emissão veicular é o parâmetro que mais influencia os resultados das simulações, indicando a necessidade de realização de um maior número de pesquisas sobre o tema no Brasil.The CAL3QHCR (California Line Source for Queuing & Hot Spot Calculations Refined model was used to assess the contribution of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 from vehicular exhausts to the air quality of a specific site downtown Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil. Concentration results obtained through simulations were compared to the experimental data of concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 which consisted of collected samples of these pollutants from a monitoring station for air quality located in the area of the study. For all scenarios, the concentration values predicted by the model were lower than the experimental concentrations. The sensitivity analysis showed that the vehicular emission factor influenced the simulation results more than the other parameters, which points out to the need of more researches in this area in Brazil.

  12. Aedes albopictus may not be vector of dengue virus in human epidemics in Brazil Aedes albopictus pode não ser vetor da dengue durante epidemias no Brasil

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    Nicolas Degallier


    Full Text Available Over 60,500 dengue cases were reported in the state of Espírito Santo (ES, Brazil, between 1995 and 1998. The study's purpose was to identify whether Aedes albopictus was transmitting the dengue virus during an epidemic in the locality of Vila Bethânia (Viana County,Vitória, ES. From April 3 to 9, 1998, blood and serum samples were collected daily for virus isolation and serological testing. Four autochthonous cases were confirmed through DEN 1 virus isolation and two autochthonous cases through MAC ELISA testing. Of 37 Ae. aegypti and 200 Ae. albopictus adult mosquitoes collected and inoculated, DEN1 virus was isolated only from a pool of two Ae. aegypti female mosquitoes. The study results suggest that Ae. albopictus still cannot be considered an inter-human vector in dengue epidemics in Brazil.Mais de 60.500 casos de dengue foram notificados no Espírito Santo, entre 1995 e 1998. Realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de averiguar se o mosquito Aedes albopictus estava transmitindo o vírus durante uma epidemia em Vila Bethânia (Viana, no sudeste de Vitória, capital capixaba. De 3 a 9 de abril de 1998, amostras de sangue e (ou soro de pacientes foram coletadas e os mosquitos foram capturados diariamente, tanto para isolamento viral como para testes sorológicos. Em onze casos autóctonos, quatro foram confirmados por isolamento do vírus DEN 1, e dois por reação MAC ELISA Dos 37 Ae. aegypti e 200 Ae. albopictus adultos capturados e inoculados, apenas uma amostra de vírus DEN 1 foi obtida de um lote de duas fêmeas de Ae. aegypti. Os resultados sugerem que a espécie Ae. albopictus ainda não pode ser considerada um vetor inter-humano durante epidemias de dengue no Brasil.

  13. Dengue retinochoroiditis. (United States)

    Tabbara, Khalid


    Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection caused by a flavivirus. I describe the ocular findings observed in two patients infected with dengue virus who presented with acute onset of loss of vision preceded by febrile illness, malaise, generalized fatigue headache, and maculopapular rash. Ophthalmologic evaluation in each patient revealed a normal anterior segment. Vitreous cells were noted in one patient. Ophthalmoscopy revealed multiple foci of retinochoroiditis, vasculitis, cotton-wool spots, and retinal hemorrhages. The healing of the lesion showed discrete atrophic and pigmented retinochoroiditic scars. Fluorescein angiography displayed early hypofluorescence and late hyperfluorescence suggestive of leakage. The healed scars showed late staining. The serologic testing showed elevated IgG antibodies, and one had high IgM antibodies to dengue virus. Ocular findings of dengue fever consist of multifocal areas of retinochoroiditis and may lead to loss of vision. In Saudi Arabia, dengue fever should be considered in the differential diagnosis of multifocal chorioretinal lesions and retinal vasculitis.

  14. Lesões buco-dentais em mulheres em situação de violência: um estudo piloto de casos periciados no IML de Belo Horizonte, MG Mouth-dental injuries in women violence victims: a pilot study of registered cases in the Legal Medical Institute of Belo Horizonte, MG

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    Edson José Carpintero Rezende


    Full Text Available A violência tem mostrado tendência ascendente, nos últimos anos, no Brasil. Nesse cenário, a violência sofrida pela mulher vem-se tornando mais visível à sociedade a partir das denúncias de agressões sofridas. Este estudo se propõe a descrever dados referentes às lesões corporais na região peribucal em mulheres que sofreram agressão. Foram analisados os registros e laudos encaminhados ao setor de Odontologia do IML de Belo Horizonte, referentes ao período de janeiro de 2001 a junho de 2002. Neste período, foram atendidas 108 mulheres. A faixa etária predominante foi a de 20 a 39 anos (70,4%. A maioria dessas mulheres declarou: ser solteira (63,0% e ser natural do interior do Estado (48,1%. Quanto à ocupação encontrou-se: 24% que realizam trabalhos domésticos, 21% que são donas-de-casa e 14% que trabalham no comércio. A proporção de mulheres procedentes das Delegacias Seccionais foi maior do que aquelas encaminhadas pelas Delegacias de Mulheres. A lesão de tecido mole mais freqüente foi a laceração; a de tecidos duros e da polpa foram as fraturas de esmalte e dentina sem complicações; a de tecidos periodontais foi a concussão; e foram observadas duas lesões em tecidos ósseos. O estudo permitiu constatar a necessidade de uma coleta de dados mais cuidadosa nos exames periciais, de modo a disponibilizar informação mais detalhada da violência contra as mulheres; além disso, revelou que as lesões buco-dentais são freqüentes e representam uma grande demanda para os serviços odontológicos de saúde pública que prestam esse atendimento.Violence has been a growing problem in the past years in Brazil. Violence against women has become clearer to society after victims started filing accusations of aggression. This study aims to describe data on lesions in women, victims of aggression in the region of the mouth, sent to the Dental Sector of the Legal Medical Institute in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The

  15. Difusão Espacial do Dengue no Estado de São Paulo e as Suas Barreiras Geográficas | Spatial Diffusion of Dengue in the State of São Paulo and Its Geographical Boundaries

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    Rafael de Castro Catão


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Introdução:Trinta anos após sua reemergência no Brasil, o dengue já possui ciclos endêmicos/epidêmicos em quase todo o país. Devido às características sociais e ambientais do território brasileiro, aproximadamente toda sua extensão é propícia ao desenvolvimento da doença. Todavia, existem algumas áreas que nunca notificaram casos autóctones. Essas áreas correspondem à clusters de municípios com características (sociais e ambientais semelhantes, evidenciando algum fato geográfico que impede ou limita a expansão/consolidação da doença naquela área. Denominamos essas áreas, a priori, de barreiras geográficas de difusão, que dificultam ou impedem a transmissão do dengue nesses referidos clusters. O tema barreiras geográficas está inserido dentro das pesquisas sobre difusão de doenças, presentes no seio da geografia da saúde. Essa pesquisa visa estudar as barreiras de difusão do dengue no Estado de São Paulo, que aparentemente conta com quatro áreas em que não há registros de casos de dengue, ou que suas taxas estão bem abaixo da média estadual. Desta forma definimos como Hipótese da pesquisa que as barreiras geográficas de difusão do dengue no Estado de São Paulo existem e podem ser identificadas e mapeadas. O objetivo geral consiste em compreender o processo de difusão espacial do dengue no Estado de São Paulo, identificando as suas barreiras geográficas. Desenvolvimento: Para chegarmos a esse objetivo iremos delimitar conceitualmente o que seriam as barreiras geográficas de difusão do dengue e depois mapear a difusão do dengue no estado, criando modelos preditivos de barreira para a posterior análise. Para delimitarmos conceitualmente iremos, primeiramente, realizar uma revisão bibliográfica em periódicos e livros, nacionais e internacionais sobre os temas: difusão de doenças, barreiras geográficas e dengue. Concomitantemente a essa revis

  16. Evaluation of image quality versus doses in service of mammography of Belo Horizonte, MG, BR; Avaliacao da qualidade da imagem versus doses em servicos de mamografia de Belo Horizonte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, M.; Nogueira, M.S.; Guedes, E. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN/CNEN-MG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Seguranca Nuclear; Andrade, M.C. [Superintendencia Estadual de Vigilancia Sanitaria, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Peixoto, J.E. [Universidade Federal, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Radiologia; Silva, V.L.S.; Borges, J.C. [Vigilancia Sanitaria da Secretaria Municipal de Saude de Belo horizonte (VISA/PBH), MG (Brazil)


    Cancer is the second cause of death for Brazilian women and breast cancer is the most common neoplasm amongst women. Mammography is an essential tool for diagnosis and early detection of this disease. In order to be effective, the mammography must be of good quality. This study sought to evaluate the radiation protection and quality of 37 services out a total of 82 mammography facilities existing in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Two instruments were used: a proposed evaluation protocol of the Health Surveillance -VISA and a protocol for evaluation of image quality. Of the 37 services who completed the study, none was achieved 100% conformity in image quality. The results of radiation protection requirements according to the VISA protocol bore close relation to final image quality, a central issue for early cancer detection (p>0.05)

  17. Could peak proteinuria determine whether patient with dengue fever develop dengue hemorrhagic/dengue shock syndrome? - A prospective cohort study

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    Suhail Sufi M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Worldwide there is a need to develop simple effective predictors that can distinguish whether a patient will progress from dengue fever (DF to life threatening dengue hemorrhagic (DHF or dengue shock syndrome (DSS. We explored whether proteinuria could be used as such a marker. Methods We included patients admitted to hospital with suspected dengue fever. Starting at enrollment until discharge, each patient's daily spot urine protein creatinine ratio (UPCR was measured. We classified those with confirmed dengue infection as DF or DHF (including DSS based on WHO criteria. Peak and day of onset of proteinuria was compared between both groups. Results Compared to those with DF, patients with DHF had significantly higher median peak proteinuria levels (0.56 versus 0.08 g/day; p Conclusions Peak UPCR could potentially predict DHF in patients with dengue requiring close monitoring and treatment.

  18. Uncertainties in Amazon Hydropower Development: Risk Scenarios and Environmental Issues around the Belo Monte Dam

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    Wilson Cabral de Sousa Júnior


    Full Text Available The Amazon region is the final frontier and central focus of Brazilian hydro development, which raises a range of environmental concerns. The largest project in the Amazon is the planned Belo Monte Complex on the Xingu river. If constructed it will be the second biggest hydroelectric plant in Brazil, third largest on earth. In this study, we analyse the private and social costs, and benefits of the Belo Monte project. Furthermore, we present risk scenarios, considering fluctuations in the project’s feasibility that would result from variations in total costs and power. For our analysis, we create three scenarios. In the first scenario Belo Monte appears feasible, with a net present value (NPV in the range of US$670 million and a rate of return in excess of the 12% discount rate used in this analysis. The second scenario, where we varied some of the project costs and assumptions based on other economic estimates, shows the project to be infeasible, with a negative NPV of about US$3 billion and external costs around US$330 million. We also conducted a risk analysis, allowing variation in several of the parameters most important to the project’s feasibility. The simulations brought together the risks of cost overruns, construction delays, lower-than-expected generation and rising social costs. The probability of a positive NPV in these circumstances was calculated to be just 28%, or there is a 72% chance that the costs of the Belo Monte dam will be greater than the benefits. Several WCD recommendations are not considered in the project, especially those related to transparency, social participation in the discussion, economic analysis and risk assessment, and licensing of the project. This study underscores the importance of forming a participatory consensus, based on clear, objective information, on whether or not to build the Belo Monte dam.

  19. Dengue in children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhagen, L.M.; Groot, R. de


    Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease of expanding geographical range and increasing incidence. The vast majority of dengue cases are children less than 15 years of age. Dengue causes a spectrum of illness from mild fever to severe disease with plasma leakage and shock. Infants and children with

  20. Points for Consideration for dengue vaccine introduction - recommendations by the Dengue Vaccine Initiative. (United States)

    Lim, Jacqueline Kyungah; Lee, Yong-Seok; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Thiry, Georges; Mahoney, Richard; Yoon, In-Kyu


    Dengue is a public health problem in the tropics and subtropics. There are several vaccine candidates in clinical development. However, there may be gaps in the new vaccine introduction after vaccine licensure before it becomes available in developing countries. In anticipation of the first dengue vaccine candidate to be licensed, Dengue Vaccine Initiative (DVI) and, its predecessor, Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative (PDVI) have been working on points for consideration to accelerate evidence-based dengue vaccine introduction, once a vaccine becomes available. In this paper, we review the history of PDVI and its successor, the DVI, and elaborate on the points of consideration for dengue vaccine introduction.

  1. DengueTools: innovative tools and strategies for the surveillance and control of dengue

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    Annelies Wilder-Smith


    Full Text Available Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease estimated to cause about 230 million infections worldwide every year, of which 25,000 are fatal. Global incidence has risen rapidly in recent decades with some 3.6 billion people, over half of the world's population, now at risk, mainly in urban centres of the tropics and subtropics. Demographic and societal changes, in particular urbanization, globalization, and increased international travel, are major contributors to the rise in incidence and geographic expansion of dengue infections. Major research gaps continue to hamper the control of dengue. The European Commission launched a call under the 7th Framework Programme with the title of ‘Comprehensive control of Dengue fever under changing climatic conditions’. Fourteen partners from several countries in Europe, Asia, and South America formed a consortium named ‘DengueTools’ to respond to the call to achieve better diagnosis, surveillance, prevention, and predictive models and improve our understanding of the spread of dengue to previously uninfected regions (including Europe in the context of globalization and climate change.The consortium comprises 12 work packages to address a set of research questions in three areas: Research area 1: Develop a comprehensive early warning and surveillance system that has predictive capability for epidemic dengue and benefits from novel tools for laboratory diagnosis and vector monitoring. Research area 2: Develop novel strategies to prevent dengue in children. Research area 3: Understand and predict the risk of global spread of dengue, in particular the risk of introduction and establishment in Europe, within the context of parameters of vectorial capacity, global mobility, and climate change.In this paper, we report on the rationale and specific study objectives of ‘DengueTools’. DengueTools is funded under the Health theme of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community, Grant

  2. DengueTools: innovative tools and strategies for the surveillance and control of dengue. (United States)

    Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Renhorn, Karl-Erik; Tissera, Hasitha; Abu Bakar, Sazaly; Alphey, Luke; Kittayapong, Pattamaporn; Lindsay, Steve; Logan, James; Hatz, Christoph; Reiter, Paul; Rocklöv, Joacim; Byass, Peter; Louis, Valérie R; Tozan, Yesim; Massad, Eduardo; Tenorio, Antonio; Lagneau, Christophe; L'Ambert, Grégory; Brooks, David; Wegerdt, Johannah; Gubler, Duane


    Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease estimated to cause about 230 million infections worldwide every year, of which 25,000 are fatal. Global incidence has risen rapidly in recent decades with some 3.6 billion people, over half of the world's population, now at risk, mainly in urban centres of the tropics and subtropics. Demographic and societal changes, in particular urbanization, globalization, and increased international travel, are major contributors to the rise in incidence and geographic expansion of dengue infections. Major research gaps continue to hamper the control of dengue. The European Commission launched a call under the 7th Framework Programme with the title of 'Comprehensive control of Dengue fever under changing climatic conditions'. Fourteen partners from several countries in Europe, Asia, and South America formed a consortium named 'DengueTools' to respond to the call to achieve better diagnosis, surveillance, prevention, and predictive models and improve our understanding of the spread of dengue to previously uninfected regions (including Europe) in the context of globalization and climate change.The consortium comprises 12 work packages to address a set of research questions in three areas:Research area 1: Develop a comprehensive early warning and surveillance system that has predictive capability for epidemic dengue and benefits from novel tools for laboratory diagnosis and vector monitoring.Research area 2: Develop novel strategies to prevent dengue in children.Research area 3: Understand and predict the risk of global spread of dengue, in particular the risk of introduction and establishment in Europe, within the context of parameters of vectorial capacity, global mobility, and climate change.In this paper, we report on the rationale and specific study objectives of 'DengueTools'. DengueTools is funded under the Health theme of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community, Grant Agreement Number: 282589 Dengue Tools.

  3. Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in adolescents and adults. (United States)

    Tantawichien, Terapong


    Dengue fever (DF) is endemic in tropical and subtropical zones and the prevalence is increasing across South-east Asia, Africa, the Western Pacific and the Americas. In recent years, the spread of unplanned urbanisation, with associated substandard housing, overcrowding and deterioration in water, sewage and waste management systems, has created ideal conditions for increased transmission of the dengue virus in tropical urban centres. While dengue infection has traditionally been considered a paediatric disease, the age distribution of dengue has been rising and more cases have been observed in adolescents and adults. Furthermore, the development of tourism in the tropics has led to an increase in the number of tourists who become infected, most of whom are adults. Symptoms and risk factors for dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and severe dengue differ between children and adults, with co-morbidities and incidence in more elderly patients associated with greater risk of mortality. Treatment options for DF and DHF in adults, as for children, centre round fluid replacement (either orally or intravenously, depending on severity) and antipyretics. Further data are needed on the optimal treatment of adult patients.

  4. Epidemiologi dan Diagnosis Dengue di Indonesia


    Zilhadia, Zilhadia


    Dengue fever/DF and dengue hemorrhagic fever/DHF is a global public health problem that occured in tropical and subtropical region. Epidemic dengue occurs every years, and it continues to be a major health problem in Indonesia. Due to its asymptomatic nature, a reliable, rapid and accurate dengue diagnosis is needed. Dengue diagnosis method based on molecular dengue virus properties and it will be developed by researcher. Dengue rapid test isnewly method. This article explaine about dengue ep...

  5. Análise espacial da dengue e o contexto socioeconômico no município do Rio de Janeiro, RJ Análisis espacial del dengue y el contexto socioeconómico en el municipio de Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil Spatial analysis of dengue and the socioeconomic context of the city of Rio de Janeiro (Southeastern Brazil

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    Andréa Sobral de Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a epidemia de dengue em relação ao contexto socioeconômico segundo áreas geográficas. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo ecológico no município do Rio de Janeiro (RJ, em áreas delimitadas como bairros, a partir de informações de casos de dengue notificados em residentes no município. Foi calculada a taxa de incidência média de dengue entre as semanas epidemiológicas: 48ª de 2001 a 20ª de 2002. A ocorrência de dengue foi correlacionada com variáveis socioeconômicas utilizando-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Utilizou-se o Índice de Moran global e local para avaliar a autocorrelação espacial da dengue e das variáveis correlacionadas significativamente com a doença. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla e o modelo espacial condicional auto-regressivo foram usados para analisar a relação entre dengue e contexto socioeconômico. RESULTADOS: Os bairros da zona oeste do município apresentaram elevadas taxas de incidência média de dengue. Apresentaram correlação significativa as variáveis: percentual de domicílios ligados à rede sanitária geral, domicílios com lavadora de roupas e densidade populacional por área urbana. O índice de autocorrelação espacial Moran revelou dependência espacial entre a dengue e variáveis selecionadas. Os modelos utilizados apontaram o percentual de domicílios ligados à rede sanitária geral como única variável associada significativamente à doença. Os resíduos de ambos os modelos revelaram autocorrelação espacial significativa, com índice de Moran positivo (pOBJETIVO: Analizar la epidemia de dengue con relación al contexto socioeconómico según áreas geográficas. MÉTODOS: Fue realizado estudio ecológico en el municipio de Río de Janeiro (Sureste de Brasil, en áreas delimitadas como urbanizaciones, a partir de informaciones de casos de dengue notificados y residentes en el municipio. Fue calculada la tasa de incidencia promedio de dengue

  6. Dengue en Colombia

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    Jorge Boshell


    Full Text Available El Gobierno Colombiano estableció una campaña que erradicó el Aedes aegypti de su territorio en atención a las recomendaciones que hizo la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana en 1947. Esta campaña consiguió desaparecer el dengue endémico durante aproximadamente 20 años, apareciendo de nuevo en forma explosiva con la epidemia de dengue 2 en la Costa Atlántica (1971-1972, seguida de dos epidemias bien documentadas de dengue 3 (1975-1977 y dengue 1 en 1978. Se hace un resumen de las actividades que desarrolla el Laboratorio de Virología del Instituto Nacional de Salud para apoyar el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad en el país incluyendo el primer aislamiento de dengue 4 en 1982, la actividad de los virus dengue 1, 2 y 4 detectada hasta la fecha, los hallazgos clínicos y virológicos en un caso fatal de enfermedad hemorrágica asociada a infección por virus del dengue y un breve recuento de la epidemia de Tumaco en la Costa Pacífica en la cual se comprobó actividad simultánea de dengue 1 y 2. Finalmente se informa sobre el estado de infestación que tiene el país actualmente con el Aedes aegypti y sobre la actividad del virus de fiebre amarilla en focos selváticos vecinos a ciudades altamente infestadas, detectada en el mes de enero de 1987 en Colombia.


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    Dewi Marbawati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAKPenyakit demam Dengue endemik di lebih dari 100 negara di dunia. Obat anti virus Dengue efektif belum ditemukan danpengendalian vektor dinilai kurang efektif, sehingga diperlukan upaya pencegahan dengan vaksinasi. Vaksin Dengue yangideal adalah murah, mencakup 4 serotipe, efektif dalam memberikan kekebalan, cukup diberikan sekali seumur hidup, aman,memberi kekebalan jangka panjang, stabil dalam penyimpanan dan stabil secara genetis (tidak bermutasi. Beberapakandidat vaksin yang telah dan sedang dikembangkan oleh para peneliti di seluruh dunia adalah tetravalent live attenuatedvaccine, vaksin Chimera (ChimeriVax, vaksin subunit dan vaksin DNA. Vaksin Dengue dipandang sebagai pendekatan yangefektif dan berkesinambungan dalam mengendalikan penyakit Dengue. Tahun 2003 telah terbentuk Pediatric DengueVaccine Initiative (PDVI, yaitu sebuah konsorsium internasional yang bergerak dalam advokasi untuk meyakinkanmasyarakat internasional akan penting dan mendesaknya vaksin Dengue. Konsorsium vaksin Dengue Indonesia saat iniberupaya mengembangkan vaksin Dengue dengan menggunakan strain virus lokal.Kata kunci: Dengue, virus, vaksinABSTRACTDengue fever is endemic in more than 100 countries in the world. The effective dengue antiviral drug has not been found yet,and vector control is considered less effective. Prevention program by vaccination is needed. An ideal dengue vaccine shouldbe inexpensive, covering four serotypes (tetravalent, effective in providing immunity, given once a lifetime, safe, stable instorage and genetically. Several vaccine candidates have been and are being developed included attenuated tetravalentvaccine, ChimeriVax, sub- unit vaccines and DNA vaccines. Dengue vaccine is seen as an effective and sustainable approachto controll Dengue infection. In 2003, Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative (PDVI has been formed as an internationalconsortium involved in advocacy to convince the international community about the essence and urgency

  8. DenguePredict: An Integrated Drug Repositioning Approach towards Drug Discovery for Dengue


    Wang, QuanQiu; Xu, Rong


    Dengue is a viral disease of expanding global incidence without cures. Here we present a drug repositioning system (DenguePredict) leveraging upon a unique drug treatment database and vast amounts of disease- and drug-related data. We first constructed a large-scale genetic disease network with enriched dengue genetics data curated from biomedical literature. We applied a network-based ranking algorithm to find dengue-related diseases from the disease network. We then developed a novel algori...

  9. Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in adolescents and adults


    Tantawichien, Terapong


    Dengue fever (DF) is endemic in tropical and subtropical zones and the prevalence is increasing across South-east Asia, Africa, the Western Pacific and the Americas. In recent years, the spread of unplanned urbanisation, with associated substandard housing, overcrowding and deterioration in water, sewage and waste management systems, has created ideal conditions for increased transmission of the dengue virus in tropical urban centres. While dengue infection has traditionally been considered a...

  10. Dengue fever

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    symptoms and research has been limited to studies ... severity and problems with vaccination (4). History of ... Americas in 1970s reduced the spread of dengue fever. After this .... Reiter P. Yellow fever and dengue: a threat to Europe? 9.

  11. Psychosis in dengue fever


    Suprakash Chaudhury; Biswajit Jagtap; Deepak Kumar Ghosh


    An 18-year-old male student developed abnormal behavior while undergoing treatment for dengue fever. He was ill-kempt, irritable and had auditory and visual hallucinations and vague persecutory delusions in clear sensorium with impaired insight. The psychotic episode had a temporal correlation with dengue fever. Psychiatric comorbidities of dengue fever including mania, anxiety, depression, and catatonia are mentioned in literature but the literature on the psychosis following dengue is spars...

  12. Influência de poluentes atmosféricos em Belo Jardim (PE utilizando Cladonia verticillaris (líquen como biomonitor Influence of atmospheric pollutants in Belo Jardim (PE using Cladonia verticillaris (lichen as biomonitor

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    Fernando de Oliveira Mota Filho


    Full Text Available Cladonia verticillaris used in this study was collected in the cerrado vegetation of Saloá (PE, Brazil and transplanted in plastic containers on soil from the collection place to Belo Jardim (PE that possesses lead smelters and battery industries. The experiments were disposed at eleven different places for evaluating the dispersion of pollutants and their effects on the biomonitor. The exposed lichens were collected over eight months and submitted to thin layer and high performance liquid chromatographies, and scanning electron microscopy. C. verticillaris placed in the vicinity of the emission sources demonstrated alteration in its metabolism, decreasing the production of its major compound, fumarprotocetraric acid, and deterioration of its external and internal surfaces.


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    Luiz Antônio Evangelista de Andrade


    Full Text Available Há uma necessidade teórica de se contribuir para o reconhecimento do estatuto da urbanização de Belo Horizonte, pensando-o a partir de suas periferias metropolitanas. Tais periferias se proliferaram na esteira da urbanização transformada em campo de negócios, cujas contradições daí advindas se materializaram nos embates pelas conquistas da urbanização. A não resolução das contradições faz com que outras se explicitem: a atualização das formas institucionalizadas daquilo que vem sendo chamado de bem-estar e realização da vida tem implicado numa insatisfação crescente com o cotidiano. Numa cotidianidade marcada pela abundância material sem precedente similar, floresce o obscurecimento das lentes que permitem pôr em questão essa cotidianidade.

  14. Dengue in Bali: Clinical characteristics and genetic diversity of circulating dengue viruses. (United States)

    Megawati, Dewi; Masyeni, Sri; Yohan, Benediktus; Lestarini, Asri; Hayati, Rahma F; Meutiawati, Febrina; Suryana, Ketut; Widarsa, Tangking; Budiyasa, Dewa G; Budiyasa, Ngurah; Myint, Khin S A; Sasmono, R Tedjo


    A high number of dengue cases are reported annually in Bali. Despite the endemicity, limited data on dengue is available for Bali localities. Molecular surveillance study was conducted to explore the clinical and virological characteristics of dengue patients in urban Denpasar and rural Gianyar areas in Bali during the peak season in 2015. A total of 205 adult dengue-suspected patients were recruited in a prospective cross-sectional study. Demographic and clinical information were obtained, and dengue screening was performed using NS1 and IgM/IgG ELISAs. Viral RNA was subsequently extracted from patients' sera for serotyping using conventional RT-PCR and Simplexa Dengue real-time RT-PCR, followed by genotyping with sequencing method. We confirmed 161 patients as having dengue by NS1 and RT-PCR. Among 154 samples successfully serotyped, the DENV-3 was predominant, followed by DENV-1, DENV-2, and DENV-4. Serotype predominance was different between Denpasar and Gianyar. Genotyping results classify DENV-1 isolates into Genotype I and DENV-2 as Cosmopolitan Genotype. The classification grouped isolates into Genotype I and II for DENV-3 and DENV-4, respectively. Clinical parameters showed no relationship between infecting serotypes and severity. We observed the genetic diversity of circulating DENV isolates and their relatedness with historical data and importation to other countries. Our data highlights the role of this tourist destination as a potential source of dengue transmission in the region.

  15. Clinical and laboratory profile of different dengue sub types in dengue virus infection


    Niloy Gan Chaudhuri; S. Vithyavathi; K. Sankar


    Background: Dengue infection, an arthropod-borne viral hemorrhagic fever is caused by Arbovirus of Flavivirus genus and transmitted by Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus. Liver involvement in dengue fever is manifested by the elevation of transaminases representing reactive hepatitis, due to direct attack of virus itself or the use of hepatotoxic drugs. The objective of the study was to investigate clinical and laboratory profile of different dengue sub type's patients admitted for dengue fever....

  16. A epidemia de dengue/dengue hemorrágico no município do Rio de Janeiro, 2001/2002 The epidemic of dengue and hemorrhagic dengue fever in the city of Rio de Janeiro, 2001/2002

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    Clarisse Guimarães Casali


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência dos principais sinais e sintomas dos casos de dengue clássico e dengue hemorrágico na epidemia de 2001-2002 do município do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisados os 155.242 casos notificados ao Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação, desde janeiro/2001, até junho/2002; deste total, excluindo-se os ignorados, 81.327 casos foram classificados como dengue clássico e 958 como dengue hemorrágico, com um total de 54 óbitos. Avaliaram-se as variáveis referentes à sintomatologia da doença. Manifestações gerais como febre, cefaléia, prostração, mialgia, náuseas e dor retro-orbitária tiveram alta incidência tanto no dengue clássico como no dengue hemorrágico. Por outro lado, manifestações hemorrágicas e algumas de maior gravidade como choque, hemorragia digestiva, petéquias, epistaxe, dor abdominal e derrame pleural, estiveram significativamente associadas ao dengue hemorrágico. Além disso, a evolução do quadro clínico para o óbito foi 34,8 vezes maior no dengue hemorrágico que no dengue clássico (OR=34,8; IC 19,7-61,3.The following study was intended to evaluate the occurrence of typical signs and symptoms in the cases of classic dengue and hemorrhagic dengue fever, during the 2001-2002 epidemic in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The authors reviewed 155,242 cases notified to the Information System of Notification Diseases, from January/2001 to June/2002: 81,327 cases were classified as classic dengue and 958 as hemorrhagic dengue fever, with a total of 60 deaths. Common symptoms, such as fever, headache, prostration, myalgia, nausea and retro-orbital pain, had a high incidence in both classic and hemorrhagic dengue fever. On the other hand, hemorrhagic signs and other signs of severe disease, such as shock, gastrointestinal bleeding, petechiae, epistaxis, abdominal pain and pleural effusion, were strongly associated to hemorrhagic dengue fever. Besides, the occurrence

  17. Da escuridão para a luz: origem e extensão da Bíblia em braille no Brasil. Dissertação

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    Marcos Adriano Lovera


    Full Text Available LOVERA, Marcos Adriano. Da escuridão para a luz: origem e extensão da Bíblia em braille no Brasil. Dissertação (Mestrado 2013. 176p. - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte

  18. O cotidiano da assistência ao cidadão na rede de saúde de Belo Horizonte The citizen's daily care at the public health service in Belo Horizonte city

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    Selma Maria da Fonseca Viegas


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo que discute o trabalho no contexto do Sistema único de saúde e como seus princípios se operam no cotidiano dos serviços que compõem sua rede hierarquizada. Objetivou compreender integralidade, equidade e resolutividade nas ações cotidianas de gestores e profissionais de saúde em Belo Horizonte-MG. Constatou-se que "cuidado como fazer cotidiano" e "acolhimento, vínculo e acesso" foram temas incorporados pelos profissionais no desenvolvimento do seu trabalho. A partir dos resultados, percebeu-se uma interposição das situações de urgência e emergência em detrimento das atividades programadas. Além disso, a administração desse processo de trabalho é direcionada pelo conhecimento técnico-estruturado interferindo na qualidade da assistência à saúde. Nesse sentido, o processo de produção do cuidado deve ser pensado em seu microespaço, ressaltando-se o acolhimento, o estabelecimento de vínculo e a responsabilização no sentido de se garantir uma rede de cuidados pertinente e acessível àqueles que necessitem transitar por ela. É preciso que se eliminem as fragmentações presentes tanto na forma de organização dos serviços de saúde quanto nas práticas cotidianas dos profissionais, para se oferecer uma assistência integral, resolutiva e para se humanizarem essas práticas, visando sempre à qualidade de vida da população e à saúde enquanto direito de cidadania.This is a qualitative case study which discusses the work in the context of the Unified Health System and how its principles occur in the daily services within its stratified network. It aimed to understand integral care, equity and resolution in the daily work of health managers and professionals in Belo Horizonte. We noticed that aspects like "Care about how to do everyday actions" and "Welcoming reception, link and access" would be incorporated into the professionals' work development. From the results, it was

  19. Post dengue neurological complication

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    Hizlinda Tohid


    Full Text Available Dengue infection is highly endemic in many tropical countries including Malaysia. However, neurological complications arising from dengue infection is not common; Gullain–Barre syndrome (GBS is one of these infrequent complications. In this paper, we have reported a case in which a 39-year-old woman presented with a neurological complication of dengue infection without typical symptoms and signs of dengue fever. She had a history of acute gastroenteritis (AGE followed by an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI weeks prior to her presentation rendering GBS secondary to the post viral URTI and AGE as the most likely diagnosis. Presence of thrombocytopenia was the only clue for dengue in this case.

  20. La epidemiología del dengue y del dengue hemorrágico en Santiago de Cuba, 1997 The epidemiology of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Santiago de Cuba, 1997

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    Luis Valdés


    Full Text Available En 1977, Cuba informó de su primera epidemia de dengue, durante la cual se registraron más de 500 000 casos de fiebre del dengue causados por el serotipo 1 del virus. En 1981, se produjo una gran epidemia de dengue hemorrágico causada por el serotipo 2. Esa vez se notificaron 344 203 casos en total, 10 312 casos clínicos de dengue hemorrágico y 158 defunciones, de las cuales 101 correspondieron a niños. Por medio de una búsqueda activa con confirmación de laboratorio, en el municipio de Santiago de Cuba de la provincia del mismo nombre se detectó precozmente en enero de 1997 la reintroducción del dengue, específicamente del virus del tipo 2, genotipo Jamaica. En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos epidemiológicos de mayor interés referentes a esa epidemia. Se notificaron 3 012 casos confirmados por serología, 205 clasificados como fiebre hemorrágica del dengue/síndrome de choque del dengue, de los cuales 12 fallecieron (todos adultos. La infección secundaria por virus del dengue fue uno de los principales factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de dengue hemorrágico y 98% de los casos, así como 92% de los fallecidos, manifestaron una respuesta de tipo secundario. Por primera vez se observó la posibilidad de contraer dengue hemorrágico en personas con una infección secundaria de 16 a 20 años después de la primera infección. Pertenecer a la raza blanca fue otro factor de riesgo de importancia, tal como se había observado desde la epidemia de 1981. En la última epidemia se demostró que la llamada “alerta de fiebre” no es útil para la detección temprana de una epidemia. Las medidas tomadas por las autoridades sanitarias del país evitaron la extensión de la epidemia a otros municipios que estaban infestados por Aedes aegypti.A dengue epidemic that Cuba reported in 1997 registered more than 500 000 cases of dengue fever produced by viral serotype 1. In 1981, there was an epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever produced by

  1. Is drought helping or killing dengue? Investigation of spatiotemporal relationship between dengue fever and drought (United States)

    Lee, Chieh-Han; Yu, Hwa-Lung


    Dengue Fever is a vector-borne disease that is transmitted between human and mosquitos in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Previous studies have found significant relationship between the epidemic of dengue cases and climate variables, especially temperature and precipitation. Besides, the natural phenomena (e.g., drought) are considered that significantly drop the number of dengue cases by killing vector's breeding environment. However, in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, there are evidences that the temporal pattern of dengue is correlated to drought events. Kaohsiung City experienced two main dengue outbreaks in 2002 and 2014 that both years were confirmed with serious drought. Especially in 2014, Kaohsiung City was suffered from extremely dengue outbreak in 2014 that reported the highest number of dengue cases in the history. This study constructs the spatiotemporal model of dengue incidences and index of drought events (Standardized Precipitation Index, SPI) based on the distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM). Other meteorological measures are also included in the analysis.

  2. Trabalho e sofrimento em gestores de uma empresa pública em reestruturação

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    Brant Luiz Carlos


    Full Text Available Estudo transversal conduzido em uma empresa pública, em processo de reestruturação, localizada na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, teve como objetivo evidenciar as manifestações do sofrimento em seus gestores. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos o Self-Report Questionnaire-20(SRQ-20, questionário sócio-econômico, análise documental e grupo focal. As principais manifestações do sofrimento foram: angústia (73,2%; tristeza (43,7%; insatisfação (39,0%. Das nove variáveis estudadas, apenas o gênero mostrou-se estatisticamente associado (p < 0,05 ao sofrimento. As trabalhadoras apresentaram sofrimento significativamente superior ao dos trabalhadores (OR = 6,0; IC95%. O grupo focal demonstrou ser um instrumento revelador do sofrimento, enquanto os questionários se mostraram cúmplices das estratégias defensivas, apesar das diferenças conceituais observadas. Concluiu-se que a utilização de distintas abordagens metodológicas em estudos acerca do sofrimento resulta em achados que elas próprias ajudaram a produzir e contribuem para o desenvolvimento do campo da saúde do trabalhador.

  3. Dengue and Calcium


    Shivanthan, Mitrakrishnan C; Rajapakse, Senaka


    Dengue is potentially fatal unless managed appropriately. No specific treatment is available and the mainstay of treatment is fluid management with careful monitoring, organ support, and correction of metabolic derangement. Evidence with regards to the role of calcium homeostasis in dengue is limited. Low blood calcium levels have been demonstrated in dengue infection and hypocalcemia maybe more pronounced in more severe forms. The cause of hypocalcemia is likely to be multifactorial. Calcium...

  4. Controlling dengue with vaccines in Thailand.

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    Dennis L Chao

    Full Text Available Dengue is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that constitutes a growing global threat with the habitat expansion of its vectors Aedes aegyti and A. albopictus and increasing urbanization. With no effective treatment and limited success of vector control, dengue vaccines constitute the best control measure for the foreseeable future. With four interacting dengue serotypes, the development of an effective vaccine has been a challenge. Several dengue vaccine candidates are currently being tested in clinical trials. Before the widespread introduction of a new dengue vaccine, one needs to consider how best to use limited supplies of vaccine given the complex dengue transmission dynamics and the immunological interaction among the four dengue serotypes.We developed an individual-level (including both humans and mosquitoes, stochastic simulation model for dengue transmission and control in a semi-rural area in Thailand. We calibrated the model to dengue serotype-specific infection, illness and hospitalization data from Thailand. Our simulations show that a realistic roll-out plan, starting with young children then covering progressively older individuals in following seasons, could reduce local transmission of dengue to low levels. Simulations indicate that this strategy could avert about 7,700 uncomplicated dengue fever cases and 220 dengue hospitalizations per 100,000 people at risk over a ten-year period.Vaccination will have an important role in controlling dengue. According to our modeling results, children should be prioritized to receive vaccine, but adults will also need to be vaccinated if one wants to reduce community-wide dengue transmission to low levels.

  5. Controlling Dengue with Vaccines in Thailand (United States)

    Chao, Dennis L.; Halstead, Scott B.; Halloran, M. Elizabeth; Longini, Ira M.


    Background Dengue is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that constitutes a growing global threat with the habitat expansion of its vectors Aedes aegyti and A. albopictus and increasing urbanization. With no effective treatment and limited success of vector control, dengue vaccines constitute the best control measure for the foreseeable future. With four interacting dengue serotypes, the development of an effective vaccine has been a challenge. Several dengue vaccine candidates are currently being tested in clinical trials. Before the widespread introduction of a new dengue vaccine, one needs to consider how best to use limited supplies of vaccine given the complex dengue transmission dynamics and the immunological interaction among the four dengue serotypes. Methodology/Principal Findings We developed an individual-level (including both humans and mosquitoes), stochastic simulation model for dengue transmission and control in a semi-rural area in Thailand. We calibrated the model to dengue serotype-specific infection, illness and hospitalization data from Thailand. Our simulations show that a realistic roll-out plan, starting with young children then covering progressively older individuals in following seasons, could reduce local transmission of dengue to low levels. Simulations indicate that this strategy could avert about 7,700 uncomplicated dengue fever cases and 220 dengue hospitalizations per 100,000 people at risk over a ten-year period. Conclusions/Significance Vaccination will have an important role in controlling dengue. According to our modeling results, children should be prioritized to receive vaccine, but adults will also need to be vaccinated if one wants to reduce community-wide dengue transmission to low levels. PMID:23145197

  6. Tri-phasic fever in dengue fever. (United States)

    D, Pradeepa H; Rao, Sathish B; B, Ganaraj; Bhat, Gopalakrishna; M, Chakrapani


    Dengue fever is an acute febrile illness with a duration of 2-12 days. Our observational study observed the 24-h continuous tympanic temperature pattern of 15 patients with dengue fever and compared this with 26 others with fever due to a non-dengue aetiology. A tri-phasic fever pattern was seen among two-thirds of dengue fever patients, but in only one with an inflammatory disease. One-third of dengue fever patients exhibited a single peak temperature. Continuous temperature monitoring and temperature pattern analysis in clinical settings can aid in the early differentiation of dengue fever from non-dengue aetiology.

  7. Inovação na fabricação de cervejas especiais na região de Belo Horizonte

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    Rubens Hermógenes Ferreira

    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar os processos de inovação na fabricação de cervejas especiais na grande Belo Horizonte. Para tanto, utilizou-se conceitos como cervejas especiais, inovação, empreendedorismo e gestão do conhecimento. O foco teórico foi concentrado na evolução da indústria cervejeira, no processo de inovação e nas diversas tipologias adotadas pelos autores tradicionais, que são referência no tema. Autores como Schumpeter, e os mais recentes, como Tidd, Bessant & Pavitt (2008, auxiliaram na definição de inovação usada neste trabalho. A coleta de dados deu-se através de entrevistas com atores da produção de cervejas especiais, da observação em painel setorial, em mesa redonda em evento do setor, além de pesquisa documental. Os sujeitos pesquisados foram os atores envolvidos com cervejas especiais, como: microcervejeiros, homebrewers e consultores do setor. As conclusões indicam que a inovação tem sido importante para aqueles que atuam com esse tipo de cerveja, seja pela diferenciação do produto, pelo atendimento às exigências do mercado e por uma atuação incipiente em redes sociais para transmissão do conhecimento. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram evidências da ocorrência de inovação no setor cervejeiro artesanal, em particular, as incrementais.

  8. Os Espaços Livres na Paisagem de Belo Horizonte

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    Stael Alvarenga Pereira Costa


    Full Text Available O trabalho trata dos sistemas de espaços livres na cidade de Belo Horizonte, sua história, desenvolvimento e situação atual. O sistema de espaços livres urbanos, seja de âmbito público, seja privado, gerado formal ou informalmente, possui uma identidade própria, síntese das condições ambientais urbanas. Poucas são as cidades com estruturas administrativas e participação pública organizadas para o assunto e, se existem, raros são os recursos para o planejamento, implantação, gestão e manutenção. Belo Horizonte ainda não atende à demanda necessária para a boa qualidade ambiental de sua paisagem. Algumas ações são apresentadas e discutidas, bem como a necessidade do somatório das políticas públicas com as pesquisas acadêmicas para a implantação de um sistema que garanta a permanência desses espaços na cidade.

  9. Geography and Participatory Democracy in Brazil: Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte Compared

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    Terence Wood


    Full Text Available This paper examines the participatory budgeting  process that an increasing number of municipalities, primarily but not exclusively in Brazil, are  using as a tool of governance. Background is  provided on municipal governance in Brazil as  well as on the Partido dos Trabalhadores, the political party primarily responsible for introducing participatory budgeting. This is followed by a  comparison of the participatory budgets of two  Brazilian cities: Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte.  From this comparison we draw conclusions as to  how geography can condition the outcomes of  participatory budgeting processes. Resumen: Geografía y democracia participativa en Brasil:  Comparación entre Porto Alegre y Belo Horizonte Este artículo estudia el proceso de presupuestos  participativos que un número creciente de municipalidades, especialmente en Brasil, aunque no  exclusivamente, está utilizando como instrumento  de gobernabilidad. En el artículo se entrega información de fondo sobre los gobiernos municipales en Brasil y sobre el Partido de los Trabajadores, el partido político que es responsable de la  introducción del presupuesto participativo, para  posteriormente comparar los presupuestos participativos de dos ciudades brasileñas: Porto Alegre y  Belo Horizonte. Sobre la base de esta comparación sacamos conclusiones sobre cómo puede la  geografía condicionar el resultado de procesos de  presupuesto participativo.

  10. Dengue in the South-eastern region of Brazil: historical analysis and epidemiology Dengue na região sudeste do Brasil: análise histórica e soroepidemiológica

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    José Carlos Serufo


    -Elisa, inibição da hemaglutinação, isolamento e tipagem. Foram avaliados os níveis de intoxicação de trabalhadores por inseticidas organofosforado, através de dosagem da colinesterase. Foram coletados 1.989 soros de pessoas com quadro febril não identificado em 28 municípios, sendo constatada a ocorrência de dengue em 17 e comprovada autoctonia em 14 municípios. Foi isolado sorotipo 1. A dosagem de colinesterase de 2.391 soros mostrou 53 casos com alterações, sendo comprovados 3 casos de intoxicação. Os resultados mostraram uma epidemia de proporções maiores do que a oficialmente conhecida. A distribuição ampla do vetor traz inquietação quanto à possibilidade de reurbanização da febre amarela silvestre, enquanto a não detecção do A. aegypti em 2 municípios com autoctonia levanta a possibilidade do envolvimento de outros vetores. Como não existe ainda vacina contra o dengue, o combate ao vetor é a medida eficaz na prevenção de surtos. A erradicação do vetor depende de decisão governamental que envolva a organização do sistema de saúde e a participação de todos os meios e formas de repasse de informação, uma vez que o resultado a médio e longo prazo depende especialmente da capacitação popular e sua participação ostensiva.

  11. Dengue fever (image) (United States)

    Dengue fever, or West Nile fever, is a mild viral illness transmitted by mosquitoes which causes fever, ... second exposure to the virus can result in Dengue hemorrhagic fever, a life-threatening illness.

  12. Ensemble method for dengue prediction. (United States)

    Buczak, Anna L; Baugher, Benjamin; Moniz, Linda J; Bagley, Thomas; Babin, Steven M; Guven, Erhan


    In the 2015 NOAA Dengue Challenge, participants made three dengue target predictions for two locations (Iquitos, Peru, and San Juan, Puerto Rico) during four dengue seasons: 1) peak height (i.e., maximum weekly number of cases during a transmission season; 2) peak week (i.e., week in which the maximum weekly number of cases occurred); and 3) total number of cases reported during a transmission season. A dengue transmission season is the 12-month period commencing with the location-specific, historical week with the lowest number of cases. At the beginning of the Dengue Challenge, participants were provided with the same input data for developing the models, with the prediction testing data provided at a later date. Our approach used ensemble models created by combining three disparate types of component models: 1) two-dimensional Method of Analogues models incorporating both dengue and climate data; 2) additive seasonal Holt-Winters models with and without wavelet smoothing; and 3) simple historical models. Of the individual component models created, those with the best performance on the prior four years of data were incorporated into the ensemble models. There were separate ensembles for predicting each of the three targets at each of the two locations. Our ensemble models scored higher for peak height and total dengue case counts reported in a transmission season for Iquitos than all other models submitted to the Dengue Challenge. However, the ensemble models did not do nearly as well when predicting the peak week. The Dengue Challenge organizers scored the dengue predictions of the Challenge participant groups. Our ensemble approach was the best in predicting the total number of dengue cases reported for transmission season and peak height for Iquitos, Peru.

  13. Ensemble method for dengue prediction.

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    Anna L Buczak

    Full Text Available In the 2015 NOAA Dengue Challenge, participants made three dengue target predictions for two locations (Iquitos, Peru, and San Juan, Puerto Rico during four dengue seasons: 1 peak height (i.e., maximum weekly number of cases during a transmission season; 2 peak week (i.e., week in which the maximum weekly number of cases occurred; and 3 total number of cases reported during a transmission season. A dengue transmission season is the 12-month period commencing with the location-specific, historical week with the lowest number of cases. At the beginning of the Dengue Challenge, participants were provided with the same input data for developing the models, with the prediction testing data provided at a later date.Our approach used ensemble models created by combining three disparate types of component models: 1 two-dimensional Method of Analogues models incorporating both dengue and climate data; 2 additive seasonal Holt-Winters models with and without wavelet smoothing; and 3 simple historical models. Of the individual component models created, those with the best performance on the prior four years of data were incorporated into the ensemble models. There were separate ensembles for predicting each of the three targets at each of the two locations.Our ensemble models scored higher for peak height and total dengue case counts reported in a transmission season for Iquitos than all other models submitted to the Dengue Challenge. However, the ensemble models did not do nearly as well when predicting the peak week.The Dengue Challenge organizers scored the dengue predictions of the Challenge participant groups. Our ensemble approach was the best in predicting the total number of dengue cases reported for transmission season and peak height for Iquitos, Peru.


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    I Wayan Putu Sutirta-Yasa


    Full Text Available The incidence and geographical distribution of dengue has gradually increased during the past decade. Today, dengue is considered one of the most important arthropod-borne viral diseasases in humans in term of morbidity and mortality. Dengue infection   a potential life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF / dengue shock syndrome(DSS, characterized by thrombocytopenia and increased vascular permiability. Thrombocytopenia causes bleeding, but in   DHF patients with thrombocytopenia do not always develop bleeding manifestation. The pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia are not cleared. Multiple factors  may be involved in the machanisms leading to thrombocytopenia in DHF/DSS patients.

  15. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in the Americas: lessons and challenges. (United States)

    Guzman, María G; Kouri, Gustavo


    The incidence of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) has increased significantly over the last decades. Yearly, an estimated 50-100 million cases of DF and about 250000-500000 cases of DHF occur worldwide. The epidemiological situation in Latin America now resembles that in Southeast Asia. Here, the main clinical, epidemiological and virological observations in the American region are presented and compared with those previously reported from Southeast Asia. During 2002, more than 30 Latin American countries reported over 1000000 DF cases. DHF occurred in 20 countries with more than 17000 DHF cases, including 225 fatalities. The co-circulation of multiple serotypes has been reported from many countries. In the Americas, DHF is observed both in children and adults; secondary infection by a different dengue virus serotype has been confirmed as an important risk factor for this severe form of the disease. However, some new risk factors such as the interval of dengue virus infections and the ethnicity and underlying chronic conditions of the patient have also been identified. The sequence of dengue virus infections and association with certain genotypes are further factors of importance. We also discuss the control and prevention strategies. In conclusion, without urgent action for the prevention and control of dengue/DHF and its vector, the current situation will worsen and, more dramatical, there is a risk of the urbanization of yellow fever.

  16. Dengue Virus and Autophagy

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    Nicholas S. Heaton


    Full Text Available Several independent groups have published that autophagy is required for optimal RNA replication of dengue virus (DENV. Initially, it was postulated that autophagosomes might play a structural role in replication complex formation. However, cryo-EM tomography of DENV replication complexes showed that DENV replicates on endoplasmic reticulum (ER cisternae invaginations and not on classical autophagosomes. Recently, it was reported that autophagy plays an indirect role in DENV replication by modulating cellular lipid metabolism. DENV-induced autophagosomes deplete cellular triglycerides that are stored in lipid droplets, leading to increased β-oxidation and energy production. This is the first example of a virus triggering autophagy to modulate cellular physiology. In this review, we summarize these data and discuss new questions and implications for autophagy during DENV replication.

  17. Ecg manifestations in dengue infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarique, S.; Murtaza, G.; Asif, S.; Qureshi, I.H.


    To determine the frequency of ECG changes in patients with dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Place of study: Department of Medicine, Mayo Hospital Lahore Duration of study: September to November 201 Study design: Cross sectional analytical study Patient and methods: 116 patients with dengue infection were enrolled in the study. Their clinical presentation and examination was duly noted. Each patient had baseline and then regular monitoring of blood counts, metabolic profile and fluid status. Patients with Dengue Hemorrhagic fever underwent radiological examination in form of chest radiograph and ultrasound abdomen. ECG was carried out in all patients. Results: Out of 116 patients, 61(52.6%) suffered from Dengue Fever and 55(47.4%) had Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Overall 78 patients had normal ECG. Abnormal ECG findings like tachycardia, bradycardia, supraventricular tachycardia, left bundle branch block, ST depression, poor progression of R wave were noted. There was no significant relationship of ECG findings with the disease. Conclusion: ECG changes can occur in dengue infection with or without cardiac symptoms. Commonly noted findings were ST depression and bradycardia. (author)

  18. Dengue viruses in Brazil, 1986-2006 Virus del dengue en Brasil, 1986-2006

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    Rita Maria Ribeiro Nogueira


    Full Text Available A total of 4 243 049 dengue cases have been reported in Brazil between 1981 and 2006, including 5 817 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS and a total of 338 fatal cases. Although all Brazilian regions have been affected, the Northeast and Southeast regions have registered the highest number of notifications. DENV-1 and DENV-4 were isolated for the first time in the Amazon region of Brazil in 1981 and 1982. The disease became a nationwide public health problem following outbreaks of DENV-1 and DENV-2 in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 1986 and 1990, respectively. The introduction of DENV-3 in 2000, also in the state of Rio de Janeiro, led to a severe epidemic with 288 245 reported dengue cases, including 91 deaths. Virus strains that were typed during the 2002 epidemic show that DENV-3 has displaced other dengue virus serotypes and entered new areas, a finding that warrants closer evaluation. Unusual clinical symptoms, including central nervous system involvement, have been observed in dengue patients in at least three regions of the country.En Brasil se han notificado 4 243 049 casos de dengue entre 1981 y 2006, de ellos 5 817 casos de dengue hemorrágico/síndrome de choque por dengue (DH/SCD y un total de 338 casos mortales. A pesar de que la enfermedad ha afectado a todas las regiones brasileñas, el mayor número de casos se ha notificado en las regiones nororiental y suroriental. Los virus del dengue (DENV 1 y 4 se aislaron por primera vez en la región amazónica de Brasil en 1981 y 1982. La enfermedad se convirtió en un problema nacional de salud pública después de los brotes de DENV-1 y DENV-2 en el Estado de Río de Janeiro en 1986 y 1990, respectivamente. La introducción del DENV-3 en 2000, también en el Estado de Río de Janeiro, llevó a una grave epidemia con 288 245 casos notificados de dengue y 91 muertes. Las cepas del virus identificadas durante la epidemia de 2002 demostraron que el DENV-3 ha

  19. Aminas bioativas e atividade antioxidante em cogumelos


    Guilherme Coelho Lopes dos Reis


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os teores de aminas bioativas, os teores de fenólicos, a atividade antioxidante e a existência de correlação entre a atividade antioxidante e os teores de poliaminas e fenólicos em oito tipos de cogumelos comestíveis comercializados na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte MG. As aminas foram determinadas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com par iônico. A capacidade antioxidante foi investigada pelos métodos de inativação do radic...

  20. Neurological Manifestations of Dengue Infection

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    Guo-Hong Li


    Full Text Available Dengue counts among the most commonly encountered arboviral diseases, representing the fastest spreading tropical illness in the world. It is prevalent in 128 countries, and each year >2.5 billion people are at risk of dengue virus infection worldwide. Neurological signs of dengue infection are increasingly reported. In this review, the main neurological complications of dengue virus infection, such as central nervous system (CNS, peripheral nervous system, and ophthalmic complications were discussed according to clinical features, treatment and possible pathogenesis. In addition, neurological complications in children were assessed due to their atypical clinical features. Finally, dengue infection and Japanese encephalitis were compared for pathogenesis and main clinical manifestations.

  1. Liderança e trabalho em equipe: um estudo de caso da equipe de enfermagem de um hospital geral de Belo Horizonte

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    Karla Rona Silva


    Full Text Available O trabalho em equipe é considerado um importante pressuposto para a reorganização do processo de trabalho. Essa modalidade visa uma abordagem mais integral, resolutiva e efetiva frente às atividades coletivas e interdisciplinares. Para a equipe de enfermagem este tipo de trabalho é de fundamental importância e depende de uma liderança capaz de gerenciar os conflitos e anseios que por ventura surgirem. Tal liderança, muitas vezes, eleita pelo próprio grupo, envolve a capacidade de influenciar pessoas. Assim, esse estudo tem por objetivo analisar o papel das lideranças e sua efetividade para o trabalho no interior de uma equipe assistencial de enfermagem. Os sujeitos da pesquisa em questão são quatro técnicos de enfermagem do setor de atendimento de urgência e emergência de um hospital geral de grande porte, localizado em Belo Horizonte. Uma vez que a questão da liderança apresenta-se, na maioria das vezes, de forma subjetiva, não sendo possível analisá-la em sua plenitude em questionários fechados, optou-se pela utilização da observação participante como principal ferramenta metodológica para coleta dos dados da pesquisa. Com o estudo, pode-se observar que a equipe, de uma forma geral, possui um bom entrosamento e uma postura ético-profissional pertinente ao desenvolvimento da assistência e do cuidado frente ao paciente. No entanto, a observação participante nos revelou a existência de uma liderança autoritária exercida por um dos membros da equipe. Apesar da insatisfação gerada nos demais membros da equipe, essa postura não prejudica o desenvolvimento do trabalho.Palavras-chave: equipe; liderança; enfermagem

  2. Human Immune Response to Dengue Infections (United States)


    had been immunized with yellow fever vaccine and later became infected with dengue 3 virus, responded best to dengue 3 antigen but also responded to...effective dengue virus subunit vaccines . We found evidence of marked T cell activation in patients with DHF. T cell activation in patients with DF was similar...Treatment and Control of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland 7. Sabin AB (1952) Research on dengue during World

  3. Evaluation of Internet-based dengue query data: Google Dengue Trends.

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    Rebecca Tave Gluskin


    Full Text Available Dengue is a common and growing problem worldwide, with an estimated 70-140 million cases per year. Traditional, healthcare-based, government-implemented dengue surveillance is resource intensive and slow. As global Internet use has increased, novel, Internet-based disease monitoring tools have emerged. Google Dengue Trends (GDT uses near real-time search query data to create an index of dengue incidence that is a linear proxy for traditional surveillance. Studies have shown that GDT correlates highly with dengue incidence in multiple countries on a large spatial scale. This study addresses the heterogeneity of GDT at smaller spatial scales, assessing its accuracy at the state-level in Mexico and identifying factors that are associated with its accuracy. We used Pearson correlation to estimate the association between GDT and traditional dengue surveillance data for Mexico at the national level and for 17 Mexican states. Nationally, GDT captured approximately 83% of the variability in reported cases over the 9 study years. The correlation between GDT and reported cases varied from state to state, capturing anywhere from 1% of the variability in Baja California to 88% in Chiapas, with higher accuracy in states with higher dengue average annual incidence. A model including annual average maximum temperature, precipitation, and their interaction accounted for 81% of the variability in GDT accuracy between states. This climate model was the best indicator of GDT accuracy, suggesting that GDT works best in areas with intense transmission, particularly where local climate is well suited for transmission. Internet accessibility (average ∼ 36% did not appear to affect GDT accuracy. While GDT seems to be a less robust indicator of local transmission in areas of low incidence and unfavorable climate, it may indicate cases among travelers in those areas. Identifying the strengths and limitations of novel surveillance is critical for these types of data to

  4. Padronização e uso de um método imunoenzimático que utiliza células infectadas como antígeno no diagnóstico rotineiro do dengue Standardization and use of an immunoenzymatic method using infected cells as antigens in routine diagnosing of dengue

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    Luzia Aparecida Costa Barreira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Este trabalho mostra a padronização e o uso do método imunoenzimático utilizando células infectadas como antígeno (EIA-ICC no diagnóstico sorológico rotineiro do dengue. MÉTODOS: Na otimização do teste, com a dose de 1.000 TCID50 de vírus do dengue tipo 3 (DENV-3, foram utilizadas 100.000 células C636 infectadas 1000 TCID50 (DENV-3. RESULTADOS: Os resultados obtidos com EIA-ICC foram comparados com o kit comercial de dengue HUMAN. Os resultados foram altamente coincidentes; o EIA-ICC mostrou-se moderadamente sensível e com alta especificidade. O teste foi usado no diagnóstico sorológico de 1.797 amostras sorológicas de casos suspeitos de dengue durante a epidemia de Ribeirão Preto, em 2006. Na avaliação sorológica, 228 amostras foram positivas para IgM contra DENV-3, e 235 amostras foram positivas para IgG contra DEV-3, e em 35 amostras detectou-se positividade para IgM e IgG. CONCLUSÕES: O EIA-ICC mostrou-se confiável e simples sendo adequado ao diagnóstico sorológico do dengue.INTRODUCTION: This paper show the standardization and use of the immunoenzymatic method using infected cells as antigens (EIA-ICC for routine serological diagnosing of dengue. METHODS: In optimizing the test, a dose of 1,000 TCID50 of dengue type 3 virus (DENV-3 was used, and 100,000 C636 cells infected with 1,000 TCID50 (DENV-3 were used. RESULTS: The results obtained with EIA-ICC were compared with the HUMAN commercial dengue kit. The results were highly concordant. The EIA-ICC showed moderate sensitivity and high specificity. The test was used for serologically diagnosing 1,797 blood samples from suspected dengue cases during the 2006 epidemic in Ribeirao Preto. From the serological evaluation, 228 samples were positive for IgM against DENV-3; 235 samples were positive for IgG against DENV-3; and 35 samples were positive for both IgG and IgM. CONCLUSIONS: EIA-ICC was shown to be reliable and simple, and suitable for serologically

  5. Reviewing dengue: still a neglected tropical disease? (United States)

    Horstick, Olaf; Tozan, Yesim; Wilder-Smith, Annelies


    Dengue is currently listed as a "neglected tropical disease" (NTD). But is dengue still an NTD or not? Classifying dengue as an NTD may carry advantages, but is it justified? This review considers the criteria for the definition of an NTD, the current diverse lists of NTDs by different stakeholders, and the commonalities and differences of dengue with other NTDs. We also review the current research gaps and research activities and the adequacy of funding for dengue research and development (R&D) (2003-2013). NTD definitions have been developed to a higher precision since the early 2000s, with the following main features: NTDs are characterised as a) poverty related, b) endemic to the tropics and subtropics, c) lacking public health attention, d) having poor research funding and shortcomings in R&D, e) usually associated with high morbidity but low mortality, and f) often having no specific treatment available. Dengue meets most of these criteria, but not all. Although dengue predominantly affects resource-limited countries, it does not necessarily only target the poor and marginalised in those countries. Dengue increasingly attracts public health attention, and in some affected countries it is now a high profile disease. Research funding for dengue has increased exponentially in the past two decades, in particular in the area of dengue vaccine development. However, despite advances in dengue research, dengue epidemics are increasing in frequency and magnitude, and dengue is expanding to new areas. Specific treatment and a highly effective vaccine remain elusive. Major research gaps exist in the area of integrated surveillance and vector control. Hence, although dengue differs from many of the NTDs, it still meets important criteria commonly used for NTDs. The current need for increased R&D spending, shared by dengue and other NTDs, is perhaps the key reason why dengue should continue to be considered an NTD.

  6. Reviewing dengue: still a neglected tropical disease?

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    Olaf Horstick


    Full Text Available Dengue is currently listed as a "neglected tropical disease" (NTD. But is dengue still an NTD or not? Classifying dengue as an NTD may carry advantages, but is it justified? This review considers the criteria for the definition of an NTD, the current diverse lists of NTDs by different stakeholders, and the commonalities and differences of dengue with other NTDs. We also review the current research gaps and research activities and the adequacy of funding for dengue research and development (R&D (2003-2013. NTD definitions have been developed to a higher precision since the early 2000s, with the following main features: NTDs are characterised as a poverty related, b endemic to the tropics and subtropics, c lacking public health attention, d having poor research funding and shortcomings in R&D, e usually associated with high morbidity but low mortality, and f often having no specific treatment available. Dengue meets most of these criteria, but not all. Although dengue predominantly affects resource-limited countries, it does not necessarily only target the poor and marginalised in those countries. Dengue increasingly attracts public health attention, and in some affected countries it is now a high profile disease. Research funding for dengue has increased exponentially in the past two decades, in particular in the area of dengue vaccine development. However, despite advances in dengue research, dengue epidemics are increasing in frequency and magnitude, and dengue is expanding to new areas. Specific treatment and a highly effective vaccine remain elusive. Major research gaps exist in the area of integrated surveillance and vector control. Hence, although dengue differs from many of the NTDs, it still meets important criteria commonly used for NTDs. The current need for increased R&D spending, shared by dengue and other NTDs, is perhaps the key reason why dengue should continue to be considered an NTD.

  7. Dengue fever outbreak: a clinical management experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, S.; Illyas, M.


    To determine the frequency of dengue as a cause of fever and compare the clinical and haematological characteristics of Dengue-probable and Dengue-proven cases. All patients with age above 14 years, who were either hospitalized or treated in medical outdoor clinic due to acute febrile illness, were evaluated for clinical features of Dengue Fever (DF), Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). Patients showing typical clinical features and haematological findings suggestive of Dengue fever (As per WHO criteria) were evaluated in detail for comparison of probable and confirmed cases of Dengue fever. All other cases of acute febrile illness, not showing clinical features or haematological abnormalities of Dengue fever, were excluded. The clinical and laboratory features were recorded on SPSS 11.0 programme and graded where required, for descriptive and statistical analysis. Out of 5200 patients with febrile illness, 107 (2%) presented with typical features of DF, 40/107 (37%) were Dengue-proven while 67/107 (63%) were Dengue-probable. Out of Dengue-proven cases, 38 were of DF and 2 were of DHF. Day 1 temperature ranged from 99-105 degreeC (mean 101 degree C). Chills and rigors were noticed in 86 (80%), myalgia in 67%, headache in 54%, pharyngitis in 35%, rash in 28%, and bleeding manifestations in 2% cases. Hepatomegaly in 1(0.5%), lymphadenopathy in 1 (0.5%) and splenomegaly in 12 (11.2%) cases. Leucopoenia (count 40 U/L in 57% cases. Frequency of clinically suspected dengue virus infection was 107 (2%), while confirmed dengue fever cases were 40 (0.8%) out of 5200 fever cases. Fever with chills and rigors, body aches, headache, myalgia, rash, haemorrhagic manifestations, platelet count, total leukocyte count, and ALT, are parameters to screen the cases of suspected dengue virus infection, the diagnosis cannot be confirmed unless supported by molecular studies or dengue specific IgM. (author)

  8. Profile of dengue hepatitis in children from India and its correlation with WHO dengue case classifiation

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    Neelam Mohan


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the profile of liver involvement in children with dengue fever and to compare the severity of liver involvement with World Health Organization case definition. Methods: A prospective study was carried out from October 2013 to December 2014. Serologically confirmed dengue patients were grouped into three categories according to the World Health Organization classification. Groups 1 and 2 were dengue fever without and with warning signs, respectively; Group 3 was severe dengue. Biochemical and clinical profile of hepatic involvement was studied. Results: A total of 162 children with dengue fever (M:F = 2.37 were included in the study. Median (inter quartile range age was 12 years (IQR: 0.5–18 years. Hepatitis was observed in 151 (93.2% patients. Analysis revealed that out of all liver function test parameters, total bilirubin was found to be a significant predictor of dengue category two and three and albumin and ALT levels were significant predictors for category three. Eight cases presented with ALF. Their median AST was 4 817 (range 61–26 957; median ALT was 2 386 (range 39–11 100; median INR was 2.57 (range 1.6–4.2 and their median serum bilirubin was 2.95 (range 0.6–9.0. Conclusions: Some degree of hepatitis is very common in dengue infection with rise in AST being more than ALT irrespective of the severity of dengue. Severity of hepatitis correlates well with the severity of dengue and can help in triaging of dengue patients. Of all liver function parameters, total bilirubin levels correlate best with severity of dengue infection.

  9. Análise da efetividade das ações de controle da dengue no município de Uberlândia, MG a partir da matriz FPEEEA

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    Karen Magalhães Arantes


    Full Text Available Introdução: O Brasil ocupa o primeiro lugar no ranking mundial da dengue. O controle da doença é complexo e está relacionado a condições sociais, culturais, ambientais, econômicas e políticas. Objetivo: A partir de um estudo anterior, no qual foram habilitados indicadores para vigilância da dengue em Uberlândia-MG por meio da utilização do modelo FPEEEA (Forças Motrizes, Pressão, Estado, Exposição, Efeito, objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar a efetividade das ações realizadas para o controle da dengue neste município. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem quali-quantitativa, centrado na aplicação do Modelo FPEEEA para análise das correlações entre indicadores relacionados às condições sociais, econômicas e ambientais que podem estar associados à ocorrência da dengue. Resultados: De acordo com os dados apresentados, perceberam-se correlações importantes entre os indicadores que compõem os diferentes eixos da matriz FPEEEA, bem como ausência de correlação entre indicadores que são considerados pela literatura científica como importantes fatores para ocorrência de dengue. Assim, observou-se que são muitas as causas que colaboram para o aumento da incidência da dengue em Uberlândia e que são diversas as ações que podem ser efetivas para o controle da doença. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as ações propostas consistem em um abundante grupo de tarefas que podem afetar de forma progressiva os diferentes eixos da matriz FPEEEA, incluindo políticas sociais, de planejamento urbano, investimentos nos serviços de infraestrutura urbana, estímulo ao consumo consciente e à reciclagem, pesquisas para aprimoramento dos recursos para controle vetorial, além de ações de educação em saúde para controle do vetor.

  10. Climate and dengue transmission: evidence and implications. (United States)

    Morin, Cory W; Comrie, Andrew C; Ernst, Kacey


    Climate influences dengue ecology by affecting vector dynamics, agent development, and mosquito/human interactions. Although these relationships are known, the impact climate change will have on transmission is unclear. Climate-driven statistical and process-based models are being used to refine our knowledge of these relationships and predict the effects of projected climate change on dengue fever occurrence, but results have been inconsistent. We sought to identify major climatic influences on dengue virus ecology and to evaluate the ability of climate-based dengue models to describe associations between climate and dengue, simulate outbreaks, and project the impacts of climate change. We reviewed the evidence for direct and indirect relationships between climate and dengue generated from laboratory studies, field studies, and statistical analyses of associations between vectors, dengue fever incidence, and climate conditions. We assessed the potential contribution of climate-driven, process-based dengue models and provide suggestions to improve their performance. Relationships between climate variables and factors that influence dengue transmission are complex. A climate variable may increase dengue transmission potential through one aspect of the system while simultaneously decreasing transmission potential through another. This complexity may at least partly explain inconsistencies in statistical associations between dengue and climate. Process-based models can account for the complex dynamics but often omit important aspects of dengue ecology, notably virus development and host-species interactions. Synthesizing and applying current knowledge of climatic effects on all aspects of dengue virus ecology will help direct future research and enable better projections of climate change effects on dengue incidence.

  11. Overview of current situation of dengue and dengue vector control (United States)

    Dengue is the most important arbovirus of humans in the world. It is caused by one of four closely related virus serotypes whose primary vector is Aedes aegypti and secondarily by Ae. albopictus. A global dengue pandemic began in Southeast Asia after World War II and has intensified during the las...

  12. Impact of Dengue Vaccination on Serological Diagnosis: Insights From Phase III Dengue Vaccine Efficacy Trials. (United States)

    Plennevaux, Eric; Moureau, Annick; Arredondo-García, José L; Villar, Luis; Pitisuttithum, Punnee; Tran, Ngoc H; Bonaparte, Matthew; Chansinghakul, Danaya; Coronel, Diana L; L'Azou, Maïna; Ochiai, R Leon; Toh, Myew-Ling; Noriega, Fernando; Bouckenooghe, Alain


    We previously reported that vaccination with the tetravalent dengue vaccine (CYD-TDV; Dengvaxia) may bias the diagnosis of dengue based on immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) assessments. We undertook a post hoc pooled analysis of febrile episodes that occurred during the active surveillance phase (the 25 months after the first study injection) of 2 pivotal phase III, placebo-controlled CYD-TDV efficacy studies that involved ≥31000 children aged 2-16 years across 10 countries in Asia and Latin America. Virologically confirmed dengue (VCD) episode was defined with a positive test for dengue nonstructural protein 1 antigen or dengue polymerase chain reaction. Probable dengue episode was serologically defined as (1) IgM-positive acute- or convalescent-phase sample, or (2) IgG-positive acute-phase sample and ≥4-fold IgG increase between acute- and convalescent-phase samples. There were 1284 VCD episodes (575 and 709 in the CYD-TDV and placebo groups, respectively) and 17673 other febrile episodes (11668 and 6005, respectively). Compared with VCD, the sensitivity and specificity of probable dengue definition were 93.1% and 77.2%, respectively. Overall positive and negative predictive values were 22.9% and 99.5%, respectively, reflecting the much lower probability of correctly confirming probable dengue in a population including a vaccinated cohort. Vaccination-induced bias toward false-positive diagnosis was more pronounced among individuals seronegative at baseline. Caution will be required when interpreting IgM and IgG data obtained during routine surveillance in those vaccinated with CYD-TDV. There is an urgent need for new practical, dengue-specific diagnostic algorithms now that CYD-TDV is approved in a number of dengue-endemic countries. NCT01373281 and NCT01374516.

  13. Dengue death with evidence of hemophagocytic syndrome and dengue virus infection in the bone marrow. (United States)

    Ab-Rahman, Hasliana Azrah; Wong, Pooi-Fong; Rahim, Hafiz; Abd-Jamil, Juraina; Tan, Kim-Kee; Sulaiman, Syuhaida; Lum, Chai-See; Syed-Omar, Syarifah-Faridah; AbuBakar, Sazaly


    HPS is a potentially life-threatening histiocytic disorder that has been described in various viral infections including dengue. Its involvement in severe and fatal dengue is probably more common but is presently under recognized. A 38-year-old female was admitted after 5 days of fever. She was deeply jaundiced, leukopenic and thrombocytopenic. Marked elevation of transaminases, hyperbilirubinemia and hypoalbuminemia were observed. She had deranged INR values and prolonged aPTT accompanied with hypofibrinogenemia. She also had splenomegaly. She was positive for dengue IgM. Five days later she became polyuric and CT brain image showed gross generalized cerebral edema. Her conditions deteriorated by day 9, became confused with GCS of 9/15. Her BMAT showed minimal histiocytes. Her serum ferritin level peaked at 13,670.00 µg/mL and her sCD163 and sCD25 values were markedly elevated at 4750.00 ng/mL and 4191.00 pg/mL, respectively. She succumbed to the disease on day 10 and examination of her tissues showed the presence of dengue virus genome in the bone marrow. It is described here, a case of fatal dengue with clinical features of HPS. Though BMAT results did not show the presence of macrophage hemophagocytosis, other laboratory features were consistent with HPS especially marked elevation of ferritin, sCD163 and sCD25. Detection of dengue virus in the patient's bone marrow, fifteen days after the onset of fever was also consistent with the suggestion that the HPS is associated with dengue virus infection. The findings highlight HPS as a possible complication leading to severe dengue and revealed persistent dengue virus infection of the bone marrow. Detection of HPS markers; ferritin, sCD163 and sCD25, therefore, should be considered for early recognition of HPS-associated dengue.

  14. Lo que usted debe saber acerca del dengue


    Vélez, Juan David; Fundación Valle de Lili; Salazar, Juan Carlos; Rosso Suárez, Fernando


    Epidemiología del dengue/Transmisión/Presentación clínica/Síntomas en niños/Diagnostico de laboratorio/Dengue clásico/Dengue hemorrágico/Dengue hemorrágico con choque/ ¿Qué es dengue hemorrágico?/ ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre dengue hemorrágico y dengue clásico?/ ¿Qué son las plaquetas?/ ¿Qué puedo hacer para prevenir el dengue?/ ¿Cuándo debo consultar?/ ¿Cuándo se debe hacer un hemograma?/ ¿Cuándo se debe hospitalizar un paciente con dengue?

  15. Neurological manifestations of dengue viral infection

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    Carod-Artal FJ


    Full Text Available Francisco Javier Carod-Artal1,21Neurology Department, Raigmore hospital, Inverness, UK; 2Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC, Barcelona, Spain Abstract: Dengue is the most common mosquito-borne viral infection worldwide. There is increased evidence for dengue virus neurotropism, and neurological manifestations could make part of the clinical picture of dengue virus infection in at least 0.5%–7.4% of symptomatic cases. Neurological complications have been classified into dengue virus encephalopathy, dengue virus encephalitis, immune-mediated syndromes (acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, myelitis, Guillain–Barré syndrome, neuritis brachialis, acute cerebellitis, and others, neuromuscular complications (hypokalemic paralysis, transient benign muscle dysfunction and myositis, and dengue-associated stroke. Common neuro-ophthalmic complications are maculopathy and retinal vasculopathy. Pathogenic mechanisms include systemic complications and metabolic disturbances resulting in encephalopathy, direct effect of the virus provoking encephalitis, and postinfectious immune mechanisms causing immune-mediated syndromes. Dengue viruses should be considered as a cause of neurological disorders in endemic regions. Standardized case definitions for specific neurological complications are still needed. Keywords: encephalitis, encephalopathy, dengue fever, neurological complications

  16. Comparison of real-time SYBR green dengue assay with real-time taqman RT-PCR dengue assay and the conventional nested PCR for diagnosis of primary and secondary dengue infection (United States)

    Paudel, Damodar; Jarman, Richard; Limkittikul, Kriengsak; Klungthong, Chonticha; Chamnanchanunt, Supat; Nisalak, Ananda; Gibbons, Robert; Chokejindachai, Watcharee


    Background: Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are caused by dengue virus. Dengue infection remains a burning problem of many countries. To diagnose acute dengue in the early phase we improve the low cost, rapid SYBR green real time assay and compared the sensitivity and specificity with real time Taqman® assay and conventional nested PCR assay. Aims: To develop low cost, rapid and reliable real time SYBR green diagnostic dengue assay and compare with Taqman real-time assay and conventional nested PCR (modified Lanciotti). Materials and Methods: Eight cultured virus strains were diluted in tenth dilution down to undetectable level by the PCR to optimize the primer, temperature (annealing, and extension and to detect the limit of detection of the assay. Hundred and ninety three ELISA and PCR proved dengue clinical samples were tested with real time SYBR® Green assay, real time Taqman® assay to compare the sensitivity and specificity. Results: Sensitivity and specificity of real time SYBR® green dengue assay (84% and 66%, respectively) was almost comparable to those (81% and 74%) of Taqman real time PCR dengue assay. Real time SYBR® green RT-PCR was equally sensitive in primary and secondary infection while real time Taqman was less sensitive in the secondary infection. Sensitivity of real time Taqman on DENV3 (87%) was equal to SYBR green real time PCR dengue assay. Conclusion: We developed low cost rapid diagnostic SYBR green dengue assay. Further study is needed to make duplex primer assay for the serotyping of dengue virus. PMID:22363089

  17. Dengue fever outbreak: a clinical management experience. (United States)

    Ahmed, Shahid; Ali, Nadir; Ashraf, Shahzad; Ilyas, Mohammad; Tariq, Waheed-Uz-Zaman; Chotani, Rashid A


    To determine the frequency of dengue as a cause of fever and compare the clinical and haematological characteristics of Dengue-probable and Dengue-proven cases. An observational study. The Combined Military Hospital, Malir Cantt., Karachi, from August 2005 to December 2006. All patients with age above 14 years, who were either hospitalized or treated in medical outdoor clinic due to acute febrile illness, were evaluated for clinical features of Dengue Fever (DF), Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). Patients showing typical clinical features and haematological findings suggestive of Dengue fever (As per WHO criteria) were evaluated in detail for comparison of probable and confirmed cases of Dengue fever. All other cases of acute febrile illness, not showing clinical features or haematological abnormalities of Dengue fever, were excluded. The clinical and laboratory features were recorded on SPSS 11.0 programme and graded where required, for descriptive and statistical analysis. Out of 5200 patients with febrile illness, 107(2%) presented with typical features of DF, 40/107(37%) were Dengue-proven while 67/107(63%) were Dengue-probable. Out of Dengue-proven cases, 38 were of DF and 2 were of DHF. Day 1 temperature ranged from 99-1050C (mean 1010C). Chills and rigors were noticed in 86 (80%), myalgia in 67%, headache in 54%, pharyngitis in 35%, rash in 28%, and bleeding manifestations in 2% cases. Hepatomegaly in 1(0.5%), lymphadenopathy in 1(0.5%) and splenomegaly in 12 (11.2%) cases. Leucopoenia (count40 U/L in 57% cases. Frequency of clinically suspected dengue virus infection was 107 (2%), while confirmed dengue fever cases were 40 (0.8%) out of 5200 fever cases. Fever with chills and rigors, body aches, headache, myalgia, rash, haemorrhagic manifestations, platelet count, total leukocyte count, and ALT, are parameters to screen the cases of suspected dengue virus infection; the diagnosis cannot be confirmed unless supported by


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    Ubiratan Pereira de Melo


    Full Text Available The hoof balance of 58 equids used to pull wagons in the city of Belo Horizonte was evaluated, by measuring length and width of sole and frog, length of heels and length of hoof wall and toe angle from the four hooves. Significant differences were not observed between right and left fore and hindlimbs, for both equines and mules. The difference of toe angle among opposite members was not significant, however, 46,5% of the animals presented some difference among the angle of the opposite forelimb, varying from the degree 1 to the 3, while 41,3% presented angle diffe¬rence among the hindlimb, varying from the degree 1 to the 3. A total of 31,30% of medium-lateral imbalance of the heels was observed, and foot contraction varied from 67,86 to 78,18% to the different studied members. A high correlation between body weight and toe length, sole length and sole width. Also, 79,30% of the animals worn rubber shoes manufactured from car tires. Based on the results, this study found that the incidence of dorso-palmar/plantar foot imbalance in equids used to pull wagons in the Belo Horizonte city is higher than the medium-lateral form. KEY-WORDS: Equines and mules, hoof, hoof imbalance, wagons. Avaliou-se o equilíbrio podal de 58 animais de tra¬ção em atividade no município de Belo Horizonte por meio da mensuração do comprimento e largura da sola e ranilha, comprimento da pinça e dos talões e ângulo da pinça dos quatro cascos. Não se observaram diferenças significativas entre as medidas dos cascos contralaterais de eqüinos e muares. A diferença de angulação da pinça entre membros contralaterais não foi significativa. Entretanto, 46,5% dos animais apresentaram diferença entre a angulação dos cascos contralaterais anteriores, variando do grau 1 ao 3, enquanto 41,3% apresentaram diferença de angulação entre os cascos posteriores, variando do grau 1 ao 3. Observou-se o índice de 31,30% de desnivelamento médio-lateral dos talões, e

  19. Estudo de fatores associados à adesão ao tratamento não farmacológico em portadores de diabetes mellitus assistidos pelo Programa Saúde da Família, Ventosa, Belo Horizonte A study of factors associated to non-pharmacological treatment delivered by the Family Health Program in Ventosa, Belo Horizonte, to carriers of diabetes mellitus

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    Thaís Silva Assunção


    Full Text Available O diabetes mellitus vem se tornando um dos principais problemas de saúde pública no Brasil. Há vários fatores que podem contribuir para a baixa adesão ao tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre fatores educacionais, demográficos, socioeconômicos, de saúde, percepção da doença, suporte social e adesão ao tratamento não farmacológico em portadores de diabetes mellitus assistidos pelo Programa Saúde da Família do Centro de Saúde Ventosa, em Belo Horizonte. As informações foram obtidas através de entrevistas com 164 diabéticos que estavam aguardando o acolhimento do Centro de Saúde. Na análise univariada, verificou-se associação significante entre a adesão ao tratamento não farmacológico e baixa renda, local de residência, conhecimento sobre complicações, motivação com o tratamento, fazer parte de grupo de diabéticos e orientações recebidas pelo enfermeiro e fisioterapeuta. Após análise multivariada, as variáveis "motivação com o tratamento" e "faz parte de algum grupo de diabético" foram estatisticamente significativas para a adesão total (pDiabetes Mellitus is turning into one of the main public health problems in Brazil. Many factors may contribute to the low adherence to treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between educational and social-economic factors and factors related to the health, the perception of disease, social support and adherence to non-pharmacological treatment of carriers of diabetes mellitus assisted in the family health program of the Health Center in Ventosa, Belo Horizonte. Data were collected in interviews with 164 diabetics who were waiting for assistance in the health center. Univariate analysis showed significant association between adhesion to the non-pharmacological treatment and low income; place of residence; knowledge about consequences; motivation with regard to the treatment; making part of a diabetics

  20. Economic Cost of Dengue in Puerto Rico (United States)

    Halasa, Yara A.; Shepard, Donald S.; Zeng, Wu


    Dengue, endemic in Puerto Rico, reached a record high in 2010. To inform policy makers, we derived annual economic cost. We assessed direct and indirect costs of hospitalized and ambulatory dengue illness in 2010 dollars through surveillance data and interviews with 100 laboratory-confirmed dengue patients treated in 2008–2010. We corrected for underreporting by using setting-specific expansion factors. Work absenteeism because of a dengue episode exceeded the absenteeism for an episode of influenza or acute otitis media. From 2002 to 2010, the aggregate annual cost of dengue illness averaged $38.7 million, of which 70% was for adults (age 15+ years). Hospitalized patients accounted for 63% of the cost of dengue illness, and fatal cases represented an additional 17%. Households funded 48% of dengue illness cost, the government funded 24%, insurance funded 22%, and employers funded 7%. Including dengue surveillance and vector control activities, the overall annual cost of dengue was $46.45 million ($12.47 per capita). PMID:22556069

  1. Cells in Dengue Virus Infection In Vivo

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    Sansanee Noisakran


    Full Text Available Dengue has been recognized as one of the most important vector-borne emerging infectious diseases globally. Though dengue normally causes a self-limiting infection, some patients may develop a life-threatening illness, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF/dengue shock syndrome (DSS. The reason why DHF/DSS occurs in certain individuals is unclear. Studies in the endemic regions suggest that the preexisting antibodies are a risk factor for DHF/DSS. Viremia and thrombocytopenia are the key clinical features of dengue virus infection in patients. The amounts of virus circulating in patients are highly correlated with severe dengue disease, DHF/DSS. Also, the disturbance, mainly a transient depression, of hematological cells is a critical clinical finding in acute dengue patients. However, the cells responsible for the dengue viremia are unresolved in spite of the intensive efforts been made. Dengue virus appears to replicate and proliferate in many adapted cell lines, but these in vitro properties are extremely difficult to be reproduced in primary cells or in vivo. This paper summarizes reports on the permissive cells in vitro and in vivo and suggests a hematological cell lineage for dengue virus infection in vivo, with the hope that a new focus will shed light on further understanding of the complexities of dengue disease.

  2. Análise espacial e temporal da transmissão da dengue e caracterização do processo endêmico no município de São José do Rio Preto, SP.


    Mondini, Adriano


    O uso de ferramentas de análise espacial é um importante instrumento para o entendimento do comportamento das incidências de dengue em diferentes áreas que compõem o município, além de fornecer subsídios importantes para a estratificação do risco e otimização das medidas de vigilância e controle. O principal objetivo do estudo é a análise espacial e temporal da transmissão de dengue em São José do Rio Preto, SP, entre setembro de 1994 e agosto de 2002. Foram agrupados em um banco de dados 14....

  3. Dengue antibodies in blood donors. (United States)

    Ribas-Silva, Rejane Cristina; Eid, Andressa Ahmad


    Dengue is an urban arbovirus whose etiologic agent is a virus of the genus Flavorius with four distinct antigen serotypes (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4) that is transmitted to humans through the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The Campo Mourão region in Brazil is endemic for dengue fever. OBTECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies specific to the four serotypes of dengue in donors of the blood donor service in the city of Campo Mourão. Epidemiological records were evaluated and 4 mL of peripheral blood from 213 blood donors were collected in tubes without anticoagulant. Serum was then obtained and immunochromatographic tests were undertaken (Imuno-Rápido Dengue IgM/IgG(TM)). Individuals involved in the study answered a social and epidemiological questionnaire on data which included age, gender and diagnosis of dengue. Only three (1.4%) of the 213 blood tests were positive for IgG anti-dengue antibodies. No donors with IgM antibody, which identifies acute infection, were identified. The results of the current analysis show that the introduction of quantitative or molecular serological methods to determine the presence of anti-dengue antibodies or the detection of the dengue virus in blood donors in endemic regions should be established so that the quality of blood transfusions is guaranteed.

  4. Dengue: a new challenge for neurology

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    Marzia Puccioni-Sohler


    Full Text Available Dengue infection is a leading cause of illness and death in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Forty percent of the world’s population currently lives in these areas. The clinical picture resulting from dengue infection can range from relatively minor to catastrophic hemorrhagic fever. Recently, reports have increased of neurological manifestations. Neuropathogenesis seems to be related to direct nervous system viral invasion, autoimmune reaction, metabolic and hemorrhagic disturbance. Neurological manifestations include encephalitis, encephalopathy, meningitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, myelitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, polyneuropathy, mononeuropathy, and cerebromeningeal hemorrhage. The development of neurological symptoms in patients with positive Immunoglobulin M (IgM dengue serology suggests a means of diagnosing the neurological complications associated with dengue. Viral antigens, specific IgM antibodies, and the intrathecal synthesis of dengue antibodies have been successfully detected in cerebrospinal fluid. However, despite diagnostic advancements, the treatment of neurological dengue is problematic. The launch of a dengue vaccine is expected to be beneficial.

  5. Prophylactic platelets in dengue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Whitehorn, James; Rodriguez Roche, Rosmari; Guzman, Maria G


    Dengue is the most important arboviral infection of humans. Thrombocytopenia is frequently observed in the course of infection and haemorrhage may occur in severe disease. The degree of thrombocytopenia correlates with the severity of infection, and may contribute to the risk of haemorrhage...... of platelets in dengue. Respondents were all physicians involved with the treatment of patients with dengue. Respondents were asked that their answers reflected what they would do if they were the treating physician. We received responses from 306 physicians from 20 different countries. The heterogeneity...... of the responses highlights the variation in clinical practice and lack of an evidence base in this area and underscores the importance of prospective clinical trials to address this key question in the clinical management of patients with dengue....

  6. Clinical predictors of dengue fever co-infected with leptospirosis among patients admitted for dengue fever - a pilot study. (United States)

    Suppiah, Jeyanthi; Chan, Shie-Yien; Ng, Min-Wern; Khaw, Yam-Sim; Ching, Siew-Mooi; Mat-Nor, Lailatul Akmar; Ahmad-Najimudin, Naematul Ain; Chee, Hui-Yee


    Dengue and leptospirosis infections are currently two major endemics in Malaysia. Owing to the overlapping clinical symptoms between both the diseases, frequent misdiagnosis and confusion of treatment occurs. As a solution, the present work initiated a pilot study to investigate the incidence related to co-infection of leptospirosis among dengue patients. This enables the identification of more parameters to predict the occurrence of co-infection. Two hundred sixty eight serum specimens collected from patients that were diagnosed for dengue fever were confirmed for dengue virus serotyping by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Clinical, laboratory and demographic data were extracted from the hospital database to identify patients with confirmed leptospirosis infection among the dengue patients. Thus, frequency of co-infection was calculated and association of the dataset with dengue-leptospirosis co-infection was statistically determined. The frequency of dengue co-infection with leptospirosis was 4.1%. Male has higher preponderance of developing the co-infection and end result of shock as clinical symptom is more likely present among co-infected cases. It is also noteworthy that, DENV 1 is the common dengue serotype among all cases identified as dengue-leptospirosis co-infection in this study. The increasing incidence of leptospirosis among dengue infected patients has posed the need to precisely identify the presence of co-infection for the betterment of treatment without mistakenly ruling out either one of them. Thus, anticipating the possible clinical symptoms and laboratory results of dengue-leptospirosis co-infection is essential.

  7. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in dengue viral infection. (United States)

    Wan Sulaiman, Wan Aliaa; Inche Mat, Liyana Najwa; Hashim, Hasnur Zaman; Hoo, Fan Kee; Ching, Siew Mooi; Vasudevan, Ramachandran; Mohamed, Mohd Hazmi; Basri, Hamidon


    Dengue is the most common arboviral disease affecting many countries worldwide. An RNA virus from the flaviviridae family, dengue has four antigenically distinct serotypes (DEN-1-DEN-4). Neurological involvement in dengue can be classified into dengue encephalopathy immune-mediated syndromes, encephalitis, neuromuscular or dengue muscle dysfunction and neuro-ophthalmic involvement. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is an immune mediated acute demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system following recent infection or vaccination. This monophasic illness is characterised by multifocal white matter involvement. Many dengue studies and case reports have linked ADEM with dengue virus infection but the association is still not clear. Therefore, this article is to review and discuss concerning ADEM in dengue as an immune-medicated neurological complication; and the management strategy required based on recent literature. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Aedes albopictus (S na região de São José do Rio Preto, SP: estudo da sua infestação em área já ocupada pelo Aedes aegypti e discussão de seu papel como possível vetor de dengue e febre amarela

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    Chiaravalloti Neto Francisco


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram estudar a evolução da infestação pelo Aedes albopictus na região de São José do Rio Preto, área já ocupada pelo Aedes aegypti e discutir seu papel na transmissão de doenças. Com informações obtidas em medidas de densidade larvária realizadas em áreas urbanas dos municípios, analisaram-se: ano e local de ocorrência, composição e localização das amostras larvárias; recipientes e Índices de Breteau. Até maio de 2001, o vetor já se encontrava em 96 dos 100 municípios da região. O Aedes albopictus, comparativamente ao Aedes aegypti, ocupou em maior proporção o peridomicílio e apresentou maior grau de associação com recipientes naturais e descartáveis. O comportamento endêmico do dengue, a ocorrência de casos autóctones de febre amarela silvestre na região e a reconhecida competência do vetor para estas doenças implicam em considerar a possibilidade de sua participação na transmissão do dengue e na reurbanização da febre amarela.

  9. Performance Evaluation of Commercial Dengue Diagnostic Tests for Early Detection of Dengue in Clinical Samples

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    Tuan Nur Akmalina Mat Jusoh


    Full Text Available The shattering rise in dengue virus infections globally has created a need for an accurate and validated rapid diagnostic test for this virus. Rapid diagnostic test (RDT and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR diagnostic detection are useful tools for diagnosis of early dengue infection. We prospectively evaluated the diagnostic performance of nonstructural 1 (NS1 RDT and real-time RT-PCR diagnostic kits in 86 patient serum samples. Thirty-six samples were positive for dengue NS1 antigen while the remaining 50 were negative when tested with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Commercially available RDTs for NS1 detection, RTK ProDetect™, and SD Bioline showed high sensitivity of 94% and 89%, respectively, compared with ELISA. GenoAmp® Trioplex Real-Time RT-PCR and RealStar® Dengue RT-PCR tests presented a comparable kappa agreement with 0.722. The result obtained from GenoAmp® Real-Time RT-PCR Dengue test showed that 14 samples harbored dengue virus type 1 (DENV-1, 8 samples harbored DENV-2, 2 samples harbored DENV-3, and 1 sample harbored DENV-4. 1 sample had a double infection with DENV-1 and DENV-2. The NS1 RDTs and real-time RT-PCR tests were found to be a useful diagnostic for early and rapid diagnosis of acute dengue and an excellent surveillance tool in our battle against dengue.

  10. Chloroquine use improves dengue-related symptoms

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    Marcos Carvalho Borges


    Full Text Available Dengue is the most important arboviral disease in the world. As chloroquine, an antimalarial agent, has shown some antiviral effects, this study evaluated its effect in patients with dengue. A randomised, double-blind study was performed by administering chloroquine or placebo for three days to 129 patients with dengue-related symptoms. Of these patients, 37 were confirmed as having dengue and completed the study; in total, 19 dengue patients received chloroquine and 18 received placebo. There was no significant difference in the duration of the disease or the degree and days of fever. However, 12 patients (63% with confirmed dengue reported a substantial decrease in pain intensity and a great improvement in their ability to perform daily activities (p = 0.0004 while on the medication and the symptoms returned immediately after these patients stopped taking the medication. The same effect was not observed in patients with diseases other than dengue. Therefore, this study shows that patients with dengue treated with chloroquine had an improvement in their quality of life and were able to resume their daily activities. However, as chloroquine did not alter the duration of the disease or the intensity and days of fever, further studies are necessary to confirm the clinical effects and to assess the side effects of chloroquine in dengue patients.

  11. Dengue perinatal

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    Doris Martha Salgado


    Full Text Available El dengue es en la actualidad la enfermedad viral más relevante de transmisión vectorial hiperendémica en las Américas. El incremento en el número de casos se ha relacionado con la aparición de dengue durante la gestación y en el periodo neonatal. De acuerdo con la edad de gestación en la que ocurra la infección, podrían presentarse manifestaciones en el feto, como aborto, y en los pacientes a término,dengue neonatal. En este artículo se presenta una reseña de los casos reportados a nivel mundial, y especialmente en las Américas, así como aspectos fisiopatogénicos de la enfermedad.   doi:

  12. Recent Advances in Dengue: Relevance to Puerto Rico (United States)

    Noyd, David H.; Sharp, Tyler M.


    Dengue represents an increasingly important public health challenge in Puerto Rico, with recent epidemics in 2007, 2010, and 2012–2013. Although recent advances in dengue vaccine development offer hope for primary prevention, the role of health professionals in the diagnosis and management of dengue patients is paramount. Case definitions for dengue, dengue with warning signs, and severe dengue provide a framework to guide clinical decision-making. Furthermore, the differentiation between dengue and other acute febrile illnesses, such as leptospirosis and chikungunya, is necessary for the appropriate diagnosis and management of cases. An understanding of dengue epidemiology and surveillance in Puerto Rico provides context for clinicians in epidemic and non-epidemic periods. This review aims to improve health professionals’ ability to diagnose dengue, and as highlight the relevance of recent advances in dengue prevention and management in Puerto Rico. PMID:26061055

  13. Distribuição de Aedes aegypti e do dengue no Estado do Maranhão, Brasil

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    Rebêlo José Manuel Macário


    Full Text Available O dengue e o Aedes aegypti encontram-se disseminados em municípios de todas as regiões do Maranhão. No ano de 1995, foram trabalhados 87 dos 136 municípios em que se divide geograficamente o Estado, 176 localidades e 480.687 imóveis. Foram considerados positivos para Ae. aegypti trinta municípios (34,4%, 118 localidades (67,0% e 10.357 imóveis (2,1%. Dos municípios positivos, três pertencem à Ilha de São Luís, sete à Amazônia Maranhense, 12 à zona dos cerrados meridionais, cinco à zona mista de matas-cerrados-cocais. Nas zonas que seguem - campos aluviais, matas-cocais e dunas-restinga -, Ae. aegypti foi encontrado em apenas um município. Os índices de positividade predial foram mais elevados na Amazônia Maranhense (3,5% e na Ilha de São Luís (2,5%, por constituírem as rotas de maior fluxo migratório da população e de escoamento de produtos entre o Maranhão e os estados vizinhos e também por serem áreas onde estão localizados os grandes centros urbanos e econômicos do Estado. Os índices de infestação predial por Ae. aegypti e de casos de dengue notificados foram maiores nos meses úmidos, mostrando a importância das chuvas na formação de criadouros do vetor e na distribuição de Aedes e do dengue.

  14. Recent advances in understanding dengue (United States)

    Yacoub, Sophie; Mongkolsapaya, Juthathip; Screaton, Gavin


    Dengue is an emerging threat to billions of people worldwide. In the last 20 years, the incidence has increased four-fold and this trend appears to be continuing. Caused by one of four viral serotypes, dengue can present as a wide range of clinical phenotypes with the severe end of the spectrum being defined by a syndrome of capillary leak, coagulopathy, and organ impairment. The pathogenesis of severe disease is thought to be in part immune mediated, but the exact mechanisms remain to be defined. The current treatment of dengue relies on supportive measures with no licensed therapeutics available to date. There have been recent advances in our understanding of a number of areas of dengue research, of which the following will be discussed in this review: the drivers behind the global dengue pandemic, viral structure and epitope binding, risk factors for severe disease and its pathogenesis, as well as the findings of recent clinical trials including therapeutics and vaccines. We conclude with current and future dengue control measures and key areas for future research. PMID:26918159

  15. Recent advances in understanding dengue. (United States)

    Yacoub, Sophie; Mongkolsapaya, Juthathip; Screaton, Gavin


    Dengue is an emerging threat to billions of people worldwide. In the last 20 years, the incidence has increased four-fold and this trend appears to be continuing. Caused by one of four viral serotypes, dengue can present as a wide range of clinical phenotypes with the severe end of the spectrum being defined by a syndrome of capillary leak, coagulopathy, and organ impairment. The pathogenesis of severe disease is thought to be in part immune mediated, but the exact mechanisms remain to be defined. The current treatment of dengue relies on supportive measures with no licensed therapeutics available to date. There have been recent advances in our understanding of a number of areas of dengue research, of which the following will be discussed in this review: the drivers behind the global dengue pandemic, viral structure and epitope binding, risk factors for severe disease and its pathogenesis, as well as the findings of recent clinical trials including therapeutics and vaccines. We conclude with current and future dengue control measures and key areas for future research.

  16. Dengue viruses – an overview

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    Anne Tuiskunen Bäck


    Full Text Available Dengue viruses (DENVs cause the most common arthropod-borne viral disease in man with 50–100 million infections per year. Because of the lack of a vaccine and antiviral drugs, the sole measure of control is limiting the Aedes mosquito vectors. DENV infection can be asymptomatic or a self-limited, acute febrile disease ranging in severity. The classical form of dengue fever (DF is characterized by high fever, headache, stomach ache, rash, myalgia, and arthralgia. Severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF, and dengue shock syndrome (DSS are accompanied by thrombocytopenia, vascular leakage, and hypotension. DSS, which can be fatal, is characterized by systemic shock. Despite intensive research, the underlying mechanisms causing severe dengue is still not well understood partly due to the lack of appropriate animal models of infection and disease. However, even though it is clear that both viral and host factors play important roles in the course of infection, a fundamental knowledge gap still remains to be filled regarding host cell tropism, crucial host immune response mechanisms, and viral markers for virulence.

  17. Dengue endêmico: o desafio das estratégias de vigilância Endemic dengue: surveillance strategy challenges

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    Keyla Belizia Feldman Marzochi


    Full Text Available A interação entre infecção clínica, vetor e imunidade sorotípica da população define o risco de epidemia por dengue. A situação epidemiológica endêmico-esporádica seria meta aceitável de controle em regiões metropolitanas ante deficiências de urbanização, saneamento, acesso às residências por agentes sanitários, baixo poder residual de inseticidas biológicos e mobilização social. A Vigilância, então, requererá continuidade das ações públicas e da sociedade em geral, estimuladas na medida inversa da redução de casos, e propostas adequadas. Visando constituir sistema de Vigilância sensível e específico, sobretudo em períodos endêmicos, propõe-se que o componente clínico sentinela deve integrar tanto a assistência emergencial aberta preconizada, detectando casos graves - ponta do iceberg, como serviços de referência para doenças febris agudas, definindo diferentes formas clínicas e propiciando confirmação diagnóstica. Em regiões estratégicas, paralelamente, inquéritos sorotipicos amostrais, embora complexos, devem ser buscados, avaliando imunidade e suscetibilidade de grupos etários aos sorotipos circulantes, estimativa de casos subclínicos e alcance do Sistema de Vigilância e Controle.Interaction between clinical infection, vector, and population serotype immunity defines dengue epidemic risk. An endemic-sporadic epidemiological situation is an acceptable control target in metropolitan regions deficient in urban upgrading, sanitation, and health agents' access to residences, besides low residual power of biological insecticides and social mobilization problems. Surveillance requires continued action by government and society (particularly when incidence decreases and adequate proposals. To establish a sensitive and specific surveillance system for endemic periods, the authors propose the sentinel clinical component as part of emergency care (detecting serious tip-of-the-iceberg cases and

  18. Sickness absence among health workers in belo horizonte, brazil. (United States)

    Bassi, Iara; Assunção, Ada Ávila; Pimenta, Adriano Marçal; Benavides, Fernando G; Ubalde-Lopez, Monica


    To describe the prevalence of sickness absence and to analyze factors associated with the outcome according to gender in a sample of healthcare workers at the Belo Horizonte Health Department. This study was based on a Belo Horizonte Health Department survey carried out between September 2008 and January 2009. From a randomly selected sample of 2,205 workers, 1,808 agreed to participate. Workers were classified into Health Staff or Health Care. Other explanatory variables were social and demographic data, work characteristics, and personal health. The Poisson regression was applied to analyze factors associated with sickness absence by the prevalence ratio (PR). The overall prevalence of sickness absence was 31.5% (23.8% for men and 34.6% for women). In the final model, we found higher rates of sickness absence in both male and female workers involved in tasks with high psychosocial demands (PR=1.86 men; PR=1.38 women) and in those that reported using medication for treating chronic diseases (PR=1.96 men; PR=1.50 women). Women having a permanent job contract had a higher prevalence of sickness absence than those having a temporary job contract (PR=1.71). Our findings suggest a paradox in how healthcare is organized: good results in terms of its global objective of providing healthcare for citizens contrast with lack of effective measures for protecting healthcare workers.

  19. Aedes aegypti Global Suitability Maps Using a Water Container Energy Balance Model for Dengue Risk Applications (United States)

    Steinhoff, D.


    Dengue infections are estimated to total nearly 400 million per year worldwide, with both the geographic range and the magnitude of infections having increased in the past 50 years. The primary dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti is closely associated with humans. It lives exclusively in urban and semi-urban areas, preferentially bites humans, and spends its developmental stages in artificial water containers. Climate regulates the development of Ae. aegypti immature mosquitoes in artificial containers. Potential containers for Ae. aegypti immature development include, but are not limited to, small sundry items (e.g., bottles, cans, plastic containers), buckets, tires, barrels, tanks, and cisterns. Successful development of immature mosquitoes from eggs to larvae, pupae, and eventually adults is largely dependent on the availability of water and the thermal properties of the water in the containers. Recent work has shown that physics-based approaches toward modeling container water properties are promising for resolving the complexities of container water dynamics and the effects on immature mosquito development. An energy balance container model developed by the author, termed the Water Height And Temperature in Container Habitats Energy Model (WHATCH'EM), solves for water temperature and height for user-specified containers with readily available weather data. Here we use WHATCH'EM with NASA Earth Science products used as input to construct global suitability maps based on established water temperature ranges for immature Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. A proxy for dengue risk is provided from habitat suitability, but also population estimates, as Ae. aegypti is closely associated with human activity. NASA gridded Global Population of the World data is used to mask out rural areas with low dengue risk. Suitability maps are illustrated for a variety of containers (size, material, color) and shading scenarios.

  20. Dengue fever: diagnosis and treatment. (United States)

    Wiwanitkit, Viroj


    Dengue fever is a common tropical infection. This acute febrile illness can be a deadly infection in cases of severe manifestation, causing dengue hemorrhagic shock. In this brief article, I will summarize and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. For diagnosis of dengue, most tropical doctors make use of presumptive diagnosis; however, the definite diagnosis should be based on immunodiagnosis or viral study. Focusing on treatment, symptomatic and supportive treatment is the main therapeutic approach. The role of antiviral drugs in the treatment of dengue fever has been limited, but is currently widely studied.

  1. Serodiagnosis of dengue infection using rapid immunochromatography test in patients with probable dengue infection. (United States)

    Kidwai, Aneela Altaf; Jamal, Qaiser; Saher; Mehrunnisa; Farooqi, Faiz-ur-rehman; Saleem-Ullah


    To determine the frequency of seropositive dengue infection using rapid immunochromatographic assay in patients with probable dengue infection as per WHO criteria. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted at Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Karachi from July 2008 to January 2009. Patients presenting with acute febrile illness, rashes, bleeding tendencies, leucopenia and or thrombocytopenia were evaluated according to WHO criteria for probable dengue infection. Acute phase sera were collected after 5 days of the onset of fever as per WHO criteria. Serology was performed using rapid immunochromatographic (ICT) assay with differential detection of IgM and IgG. A primary dengue infection was defined by a positive IgM band and a negative IgG band whereas secondary infection was defined by a positive IgG band with or without positive IgM band. Among 599 patients who met the WHO criteria for dengue infection, 251(41.9%) were found to be ICT reactive among whom 42 (16.73%) had primary infection. Secondary infection was reported in 209 (83.26%). Acute phase sera of 348 (58.09%) were ICT non reactive. Four patients died because of dengue shock syndrome among which three had secondary infection. Early identification of secondary infection in acute phase sera using rapid ICT is valuable in terms of disease progression and mortality. However in highly suspected cases of dengue infection clinical management should not rely on negative serological results.

  2. Dengue: an arthropod-borne disease of global importance.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mairuhu, A.T.; Wagenaar, J.; Brandjes, D.P.; Gorp, E. van


    Dengue viruses cause a variable spectrum of disease that ranges from an undifferentiated fever to dengue fever to the potentially fatal dengue shock syndrome. Due to the increased incidence and geographical distribution of dengue in the last 50 years, dengue is becoming increasingly recognised as

  3. Ongoing dengue epidemic - Angola, June 2013. (United States)


    On April 1, 2013, the Public Health Directorate of Angola announced that six cases of dengue had been reported to the Ministry of Health of Angola (MHA). As of May 31, a total of 517 suspected dengue cases had been reported and tested for dengue with a rapid diagnostic test (RDT). A total of 313 (60.5%) specimens tested positive for dengue, including one from a patient who died. All suspected cases were reported from Luanda Province, except for two from Malanje Province. Confirmatory diagnostic testing of 49 specimens (43 RDT-positive and six RDT-negative) at the CDC Dengue Branch confirmed dengue virus (DENV) infection in 100% of the RDT-positive specimens and 50% of the RDT-negative specimens. Only DENV-1 was detected by molecular diagnostic testing. Phylogenetic analysis indicated this virus has been circulating in the region since at least 1968, strongly suggesting that dengue is endemic in Angola. Health-care professionals throughout Angola should be aware of the ongoing epidemic, the recommended practices for clinical management of dengue patients, and the need to report cases to MHA. Persons in Angola should seek medical care for acute febrile illness to reduce the risk for developing complications. Laboratory-confirmed dengue also has been reported from seven countries on four continents among persons who had recently traveled to Luanda, including 79 persons from Portugal. Angola is the third of four African countries to report a dengue outbreak in 2013. Persons returning from Africa with acute febrile illness should seek medical care, including testing for DENV infection, and suspected cases should be reported to public health authorities.

  4. Sofosbuvir as treatment against dengue? (United States)

    Gan, Chye Sheng; Lim, See Khai; Chee, Chin Fei; Yusof, Rohana; Heh, Choon Han


    Dengvaxia ® (CTD-TDV), the only licensed tetravalent dengue vaccine by Sanofi Pasteur, was made available since 2015. However, administration of CTD-TDV, in general, has not received the prequalification recommendation from the World Health Organization. Having a universal antidengue agent for treatment will therefore beneficial. Accordingly, the development of nucleoside inhibitors specific to dengue viral polymerase that perturb dengue infection has been studied by many. Alternatively, we have used a marketed anti-HCV prodrug sofosbuvir to study its in silico and in vitro effects against dengue. As a result, the active metabolite of sofosbuvir (GS-461203) was predicted to bind to the catalytic motif (Gly-Asp-Asp) of dengue viral polymerase with binding affinity of -6.9 kcal/mol. Furthermore, sofosbuvir demonstrated excellent in vitro viral inhibition with an EC 90 of 0.4 μm. In addition, this study demonstrated the requirement of specific liver enzymes to activate the prodrug into GS-461203 to exert its antidengue potential. All in all, sofosbuvir should be subjected to in-depth studies to provide information of its efficacy toward dengue and its lead potential as DENV polymerase inhibitor in human subjects. In conclusion, we have expended the potential of the clinically available drug sofosbuvir as treatment for dengue. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  5. Desarrollo de agentes inmunizantes contra el dengue Development of immunizing agents against dengue

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    Francisco J. López Antuñano


    Full Text Available El complejo de los cuatro flavivirus del dengue es transmitido principalmente por el mosquito Aedes aegypti. Se han atribuido epidemias a la actividad de A. albopictus, A. polynesiensis y a varias especies del complejo A. scutellaris. Los factores de riesgo que determinan la probabilidad de enfermar o morir por dengue están relacionados tanto con el huésped (características genéticas, estado inmunitario, forma de vida y condiciones de salud, saneamiento básico de la vivienda y abastecimiento de agua potable como con el virus (variabilidad genética de cepas entre y dentro de los serotipos, diferente capacidad patógena y distribución geográfica. A pesar de la falta de conocimiento sobre la inmunobiopatología del dengue, se han hecho importantes avances para conseguir una respuesta inmunitaria protectora con virus atenuados y con antígenos obtenidos por medio de tecnologías recombinantes. Desde los años 40, se ha intentado desarrollar vacunas contra el dengue. La inmunidad que se adquiere por infección natural es específica para cada serotipo y se han documentado infecciones por tres serotipos diferentes en la misma persona, por lo que probablemente sea necesaria una vacuna tetravalente. En voluntarios se han probado vacunas contra los cuatro serotipos que han sido inmunógenas y seguras. Aunque las vacunas con virus atenuados son prometedoras, son necesarios nuevos estudios sobre su eficacia y seguridad. Actualmente están en curso estudios para producir vacunas contra el virus del dengue mediante tecnologías de ADN recombinante y otras técnicas de biología molecular, utilizando como antígenos proteínas estructurales (principalmente la glicoproteína E y no estructurales. Con el mismo propósito se han usado varios vectores de expresión, como Escherichia coli, baculovirus, virus de la vacuna y virus de la fiebre amarilla. Lamentablemente, no se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios en el hombre. La necesidad de desarrollar

  6. Dengue fever: a Wikipedia clinical review


    Heilman, James M; Wolff, Jacob De; Beards, Graham M; Basden, Brian J


    Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases, the disease develops into life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, which results in bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and leakage of blood plasma, or into dengue shock syndrome, in which dangerously low blood pressure occurs. Treat...

  7. Dengue, Zika y Chikungunya


    Kantor, Isabel N


    Los responsables de la actual pandemia de Chikungunya (alfavirus), dengue y Zika (flavivirus) son virus trasmitidos por artrópodos, arbovirus. Su importancia aumentó en las Américas en los últimos 20 años. Los vectores principales son Aedes aegypti y A. albopictus. La infección por dengue provee inmunidad duradera al serotipo específico y temporaria a otros tres. La posterior infección por otro serotipo determina mayor gravedad. Existe una vacuna contra dengue registrada, Dengvaxia (Sanofi Pa...

  8. Dengue virus transovarial transmission by Aedes aegypti

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    Monica Dwi Hartanti


    Full Text Available Dengue is a disease that is caused by dengue virus and transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes, especially Aedes aegypti. The disease is hyper-endemic in Southeast Asia, where a more severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and dengue shock syndrome (DSS, is a major public health concern. The purpose of the present study was to find evidence of dengue virus transovarial transmision in local vectors in Jakarta. Fifteen Aedes larvae were collected in 2009 from two areas in Tebet subdistrict in South Jakarta, namely one area with the highest and one with the lowest DHF prevalence. All mosquitoes were reared inside two cages in the laboratory, eight mosquitoes in one cage and seven mosquitoes in another cage and given only sucrose solution as their food. The results showed that 20% of the mosquitoes were positive for dengue virus. Dengue virus detection with an immunohistochemical method demonstrated the occurrence of transovarial transmission in local DHF vectors in Tebet subdistrict. Transovarial dengue infection in Ae.aegypti larvae appeared to maintain or enhance epidemics. Further research is needed to investigate the relation of dengue virus transovarial transmission with DHF endemicity in Jakarta.

  9. Dengue virus transovarial transmission by Aedes aegypti

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    Monica Dwi Hartanti


    Full Text Available Dengue is a disease that is caused by dengue virus and transmitted to humans through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes, especially Aedes aegypti. The disease is hyper-endemic in Southeast Asia, where a more severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and dengue shock syndrome (DSS, is a major public health concern. The purpose of the present study was to find evidence of dengue virus transovarial transmision in local vectors in Jakarta. Fifteen Aedes larvae were collected in 2009 from two areas in Tebet subdistrict in South Jakarta, namely one area with the highest and one with the lowest DHF prevalence. All mosquitoes were reared inside two cages in the laboratory, eight mosquitoes in one cage and seven mosquitoes in another cage and given only sucrose solution as their food. The results showed that 20% of the mosquitoes were positive for dengue virus. Dengue virus detection with an immunohistochemical method demonstrated the occurrence of transovarial transmission in local DHF vectors in Tebet subdistrict. Transovarial dengue infection in Ae.aegypti larvae appeared to maintain or enhance epidemics. Further research is needed to investigate the relation of dengue virus transovarial transmission with DHF endemicity in Jakarta.

  10. Appendicular perforation in dengue fever: our experience

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    Gunjan Desai


    Full Text Available Dengue viral infections have become one of major emerging infectious diseases in the tropics. Acute abdomen occurring in dengue viral infection is not uncommon. The spectrums of acute surgical emergencies which raise suspicion of an abdominal catastrophe in patients presenting with dengue fever include acute pancreatitis, acute acalculous cholecystitis, non-specific peritonitis and very rarely acute appendicitis. The presence of low white cell count and platelet count can raise suspicion of a diagnosis of dengue in a patient presenting with acute abdominal pain, during a dengue epidemic. We herein report three patients with dengue fever who had appendicular perforation during the course of their viral fever.

  11. Treatment of dengue fever

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    Rajapakse S


    Full Text Available Senaka Rajapakse,1,2 Chaturaka Rodrigo,1 Anoja Rajapakse31Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka; 2Lincoln County Hospital, United Lincolnshire NHS Trust, Lincoln, UK; 3Kings Mill Hospital, Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust, Mansfield, UKAbstract: The endemic area for dengue fever extends over 60 countries, and approximately 2.5 billion people are at risk of infection. The incidence of dengue has multiplied many times over the last five decades at an alarming rate. In the endemic areas, waves of infection occur in epidemics, with thousands of individuals affected, creating a huge burden on the limited resources of a country's health care system. While the illness passes off as a simple febrile episode in many, a few have a severe illness marked by hypovolemic shock and bleeding. Iatrogenic fluid overload in the management may further complicate the picture. In this severe form dengue can be fatal. Tackling the burden of dengue is impeded by several issues, including a lack of understanding about the exact pathophysiology of the infection, inability to successfully control the vector population, lack of specific therapy against the virus, and the technical difficulties in developing a vaccine. This review provides an overview on the epidemiology, natural history, management strategies, and future directions for research on dengue, including the potential for development of a vaccine.Keywords: dengue, treatment, fluid resuscitation

  12. Roles for Endothelial Cells in Dengue Virus Infection

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    Nadine A. Dalrymple


    Full Text Available Dengue viruses cause two severe diseases that alter vascular fluid barrier functions, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and dengue shock syndrome (DSS. The endothelium is the primary fluid barrier of the vasculature and ultimately the effects of dengue virus infection that cause capillary leakage impact endothelial cell (EC barrier functions. The ability of dengue virus to infect the endothelium provides a direct means for dengue to alter capillary permeability, permit virus replication, and induce responses that recruit immune cells to the endothelium. Recent studies focused on dengue virus infection of primary ECs have demonstrated that ECs are efficiently infected, rapidly produce viral progeny, and elicit immune enhancing cytokine responses that may contribute to pathogenesis. Furthermore, infected ECs have also been implicated in enhancing viremia and immunopathogenesis within murine dengue disease models. Thus dengue-infected ECs have the potential to directly contribute to immune enhancement, capillary permeability, viremia, and immune targeting of the endothelium. These effects implicate responses of the infected endothelium in dengue pathogenesis and rationalize therapeutic targeting of the endothelium and EC responses as a means of reducing the severity of dengue virus disease.

  13. Current management of severe dengue infection. (United States)

    Lee, Tau Hong; Lee, Linda Kay; Lye, David Chien; Leo, Yee Sin


    Traditionally a disease mainly affecting the pediatric population, dengue burden has increased significantly in recent decades and adults with severe disease may become more common. There is currently no effective anti-viral agent available for the treatment of dengue and supportive care is the mainstay of management. Areas covered: We present a review of current literature on dengue severity classification systems and the management of severe dengue in adults. In particular, emphasis was placed on organ impairment in dengue and management of elderly individuals with multiple medical problems. Expert commentary: There is an urgent need to search for an effective anti-viral agent to treat infected individuals. The commercial availability of a dengue vaccine in older children has provided optimism in reducing the disease burden but long term efficacy and safety are unknown. The results from phase III trials of two new candidate vaccines are eagerly awaited.

  14. RNAi: antiviral therapy against dengue virus. (United States)

    Idrees, Sobia; Ashfaq, Usman A


    Dengue virus infection has become a global threat affecting around 100 countries in the world. Currently, there is no licensed antiviral agent available against dengue. Thus, there is a strong need to develop therapeutic strategies that can tackle this life threatening disease. RNA interference is an important and effective gene silencing process which degrades targeted RNA by a sequence specific process. Several studies have been conducted during the last decade to evaluate the efficiency of siRNA in inhibiting dengue virus replication. This review summarizes siRNAs as a therapeutic approach against dengue virus serotypes and concludes that siRNAs against virus and host genes can be next generation treatment of dengue virus infection.

  15. Cost of Dengue Vector Control Activities in Malaysia (United States)

    Packierisamy, P. Raviwharmman; Ng, Chiu-Wan; Dahlui, Maznah; Inbaraj, Jonathan; Balan, Venugopalan K.; Halasa, Yara A.; Shepard, Donald S.


    Dengue fever, an arbovirus disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, has recently spread rapidly, especially in the tropical countries of the Americas and Asia-Pacific regions. It is endemic in Malaysia, with an annual average of 37,937 reported dengue cases from 2007 to 2012. This study measured the overall economic impact of dengue in Malaysia, and estimated the costs of dengue prevention. In 2010, Malaysia spent US$73.5 million or 0.03% of the country's GDP on its National Dengue Vector Control Program. This spending represented US$1,591 per reported dengue case and US$2.68 per capita population. Most (92.2%) of this spending occurred in districts, primarily for fogging. A previous paper estimated the annual cost of dengue illness in the country at US$102.2 million. Thus, the inclusion of preventive activities increases the substantial estimated cost of dengue to US$175.7 million, or 72% above illness costs alone. If innovative technologies for dengue vector control prove efficacious, and a dengue vaccine was introduced, substantial existing spending could be rechanneled to fund them. PMID:26416116

  16. [Hepatic alterations in patients with dengue]. (United States)

    Larreal, Yraima; Valero, Nereida; Estévez, Jesús; Reyes, Ivette; Maldonado, Mery; Espina, Luz Marina; Arias, Julia; Meleán, Eddy; Añez, German; Atencio, Ricardo


    Clinical features of Dengue are very variable due to multiple alterations induced by the virus in the organism. Increased levels of transaminases similar to those produced by the Hepatitis virus have been reported in patients with Dengue from hiperendemic zones in Asia. The objectives of this study were to determine alterations in the liver tests in patients with Dengue and to relate them to the disease, clinically and serologically. Clinical history, hemathological tests serum transaminases (ALT y AST) and bilirubin assays were performed in 62 patients with clinical and serological diagnosis of Dengue. According to clinical features 38.7% of the patients with classical (CD) and hemorrhagic (DHF) forms of Dengue reffered abdominal pain and 2 patients with DHF had ictericia and hepatomegaly. Laboratory test findings showed leucopenia in 72.5% in both forms of Dengue and of patients with DHF severe thrombocytopenia (< 50.000 platelets x mm3), long PT and PPT in 70.9%, 23.0% and 42.3%, respectively. Transaminase values five fold higher than the normal values (p < 0.005) were observed in 36.8% and 74.4% of patients with CD and DHF respectively; AST was predominant in both groups. Our results suggest liver damage during the course of Dengue. A differential diagnosis has to be done between the hepatic involvement of Dengue cases and others viral diseases with hepatic disfunctions.

  17. Dengue virus markers of virulence and pathogenicity


    Rico-Hesse, Rebeca


    The increased spread of dengue fever and its more severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, have made the study of the mosquito-borne dengue viruses that cause these diseases a public health priority. Little is known about how or why the four different (serotypes 1–4) dengue viruses cause pathology in humans only, and there have been no animal models of disease to date. Therefore, there are no vaccines or antivirals to prevent or treat infection and mortality rates of dengue hemorrhagic fever pa...

  18. Guillain-Barré syndrome in the course of dengue: case report Síndrome de Guillain-Barré no curso de dengue: relato de caso

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    Nilse Querino Santos


    paciente teve alta em cadeira de rodas, apresentando fraqueza muscular e perda dos reflexos patelar e aquileu. Quando a paciente foi vista no ambulatório, três semanas após a alta hospitalar, ela já era capaz de andar com ajuda do acompanhante. Este relato de caso sugere uma possível associação entre dengue e síndrome de Guillain-Barré.

  19. Inteligência competitiva e cooperação na percepção dos atores do arranjo produtivo local de software da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte

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    Patrícia Nascimento Silva

    Full Text Available A Inteligência Competitiva, em Arranjo Produtivo Local (APL, contribui para que empresas de pequeno porte possam gerar competências e manter um posicionamento competitivo no mercado global. O artigo tem o objetivo de identificar e analisar o compartilhamento de informações estratégicas e de inteligência competitiva pelos atores do APL de Software de Belo Horizonte e Região Metropolitana. A partir das dimensões do micro e do macroambiente organizacional, e das ações realizadas pelos atores, foi avaliada a percepção dos mesmos quanto ao compartilhamento de informações estratégicas e de inteligência. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com os atores estratégicos do APL a partir de roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado pertencente a projeto de pesquisa financiado pela FAPEMIG. Foram envolvidos diferentes gestores e representantes de cada ator do APL. O roteiro é composto de quatro categorias de análise, subdivididas em subcategorias que orientam a coleta de dados. Foram entrevistados dez atores que representam o setor na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG. Os resultados obtidos apontam que a interação entre os atores não envolve ações direcionadas ao compartilhamento de informações estratégicas e de inteligência competitiva. Como consequência, propõe-se a implantação de uma governança no APL, o monitoramento dos ambientes e um maior compartilhamento de informações estratégicas entre os atores dentre outras propostas de avançar no tema estudado.

  20. Hemophagocytic syndrome in classic dengue fever

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    Sayantan Ray


    Full Text Available A 24-year-old previously healthy girl presented with persistent fever, headache, and jaundice. Rapid-test anti-dengue virus IgM antibody was positive but anti-dengue IgG was nonreactive, which is suggestive of primary dengue infection. There was clinical deterioration during empiric antibiotic and symptomatic therapy. Bone marrow examination demonstrated the presence of hemophagocytosis. Diagnosis of dengue fever with virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome was made according to the diagnostic criteria of the HLH 2004 protocol of the Histiocyte Society. The patient recovered with corticosteroid therapy. A review of literature revealed only a handful of case reports that showed the evidence that this syndrome is caused by dengue virus. Our patient is an interesting case of hemophagocytic syndrome associated with classic dengue fever and contributes an additional case to the existing literature on this topic. This case highlights the need for increased awareness even in infections not typically associated with hemophagocytic syndrome.

  1. Serodiagnosis of dengue infection using rapid immuno chromatography test in patients with probable dengue infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kidwai, A.A.; Jamal, Q.; Mehrunnisa, S.; Farooqi, F.R.


    Objective: To determine the frequency of seropositive dengue infection using rapid immuno chromatographic assay in patients with probable dengue infection as per WHO criteria. Method: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted at Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Karachi from July 2008 to January 2009. Patients presenting with acute febrile illness, rashes, bleeding tendencies, leucopenia and or thrombocytopenia were evaluated according to WHO criteria for probable dengue infection. Acute phase sera were collected after 5 days of the onset of fever as per WHO criteria. Serology was performed using rapid immuno chromatographic (ICT) assay with differential detection of IgM and IgG. A primary dengue infection was defined by a positive IgM band and a negative IgG band whereas secondary infection was defined by a positive IgG band with or without positive IgM band. Result: Among 599 patients who met the WHO criteria for dengue infection, 251(41.9%) were found to be ICT reactive among whom 42 (16.73%) had primary infection. Secondary infection was reported in 209 (83.26%). Acute phase sera of 348 (58.09%) were ICT non reactive. Four patients died because of dengue shock syndrome among which three had secondary infection. Conclusion: Early identification of secondary infection in acute phase sera using rapid ICT is valuable in terms of disease progression and mortality. However in highly suspected cases of dengue infection clinical management should not rely on negative serological results. (author)

  2. Controle do vetor do dengue e participação da comunidade em Catanduva, São Paulo, Brasil Dengue vector control and community participation in Catanduva, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Francisco Chiaravalloti Neto


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve o objetivo de identificar mudanças de conhecimentos e práticas de prevenção do dengue, e desenvolveu-se em duas áreas de Catanduva: Área de Estudo e Área Controle. Realizaram-se, entre 1999 e 2001, levantamentos quantitativo inicial e qualitativo; diagnóstico preliminar, apresentado à comunidade da Área de Estudo, desencadeando discussão para a definição e o direcionamento das ações; o desenvolvimento das ações na Área de Estudo, com a participação da comunidade; continuidade das atividades de rotina na Área Controle; e avaliação final. Na Área de Estudo, as ações realizadas foram: mudança do trabalho dos agentes de controle de vetores que passaram a demonstrar as medidas preventivas, sem a retirada de recipientes e sem utilização de larvicida; utilização de material educativo específico à realidade local; atividades relacionadas às prioridades dos moradores; atividades como música, teatro, gincanas e brincadeiras; demonstração do ciclo do vetor. Como resultado, houve a diminuição significante do número de recipientes por casa; o aumento significante da proporção de casas sem recipientes; e o aumento significante da proporção de pessoas que reconheceram as larvas do vetor na Área de Estudo em relação à de Controle.This study aimed to identify changes in knowledge and practices learned to prevent dengue fever in two areas of Catanduva, São Paulo State, from 1999 to 2001: a study area and a control area. The study included an initial quantitative survey, qualitative research, a preliminary diagnosis presented to the community to launch a discussion aimed at defining future actions, implementation of the actions in the study area with community participation (but without changes in the control area, and a final comparison of the two areas. Changes in the study area included: vector control workers began demonstrating preventive measures without removing potential breeding places or

  3. Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos casos suspeitos de Dengue em um bairro da zona sul de Teresina, PI, Brasil Perfíl clinico-epidemiológico de los casos sospechosos de Dengue en un distrito de la zona sur de Teresina, PI, Brasil Clinical-epidemiologic profile of Dengue suspicious cases in a district in the south zone of Teresina, PI, Brazil

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    Polyana da Costa Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi traçar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos casos suspeitos de Dengue em um bairro da zona sul de Teresina. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo-exploratório, por meio de inquérito domiciliar mediante aplicação de formulário com 28 pessoas. 88,9% tinham coleta de lixo 3 vezes por semana; 57,1% dos depósitos encontrados foram material de construção/peças de carro; 75% destinam as águas servidas a céu aberto; 60,7% desenvolveram primo-infecção, 75% realizaram sorologia, com 33,3% confirmados. Faltou uma maior efetividade de ações de saneamento por parte do poder público e um envolvimento da população no desenvolvimento de medidas preventivas no combate à dengue.El un objetivo del estudio fue establecer un perfil clínico-epidemiológico de los casos sospechosos de Dengue en un distrito de la zona sur de la cuidad de Teresina, PI, Brasil. Tratase de un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio en lo cual se aplicó un cuestionario a 28 residentes del área del estudio. 88,9% tenían colección de basura 3 veces por la semana; 57,1% de los depósitos analizados tenían material de construcción o piezas de auto; 75% de las casas tenían el escoto con destino a áreas libres; 60,7% tuvieron prima-infección, 75% fueron sometidos a serología, con 33,3% confirmaciones. Mayor efectividad de acciones sanitarias por el gobierno y un envolvimiento de la población en el desarrollo de programas preventivos de combate a la Dengue son necesarios.The objective of the study was to establish a clinical-epidemiologic profile of Dengue suspicious cases in a district in the south zone of Teresina, PI, Brazil. This study is a descriptive-exploratory survey in which it was applied a questionnaire to 28 residents of the mentioned district. 88.9% had garbage collection 3 times per week; 57.1% of the deposits had construction material or car parts; 75% destine served waters to opencast; 60.7% had developed first-infection, 75% were submitted to

  4. Dengue fever: a Wikipedia clinical review. (United States)

    Heilman, James M; De Wolff, Jacob; Beards, Graham M; Basden, Brian J


    Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases, the disease develops into life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever, which results in bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and leakage of blood plasma, or into dengue shock syndrome, in which dangerously low blood pressure occurs. Treatment of acute dengue fever is supportive, with either oral or intravenous rehydration for mild or moderate disease and use of intravenous fluids and blood transfusion for more severe cases. Along with attempts to eliminate the mosquito vector, work is ongoing to develop a vaccine and medications targeted directly at the virus.

  5. Dengue vaccines: Challenges, development, current status and prospects

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    A Ghosh


    Full Text Available Infection with dengue virus (DENV is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world. The clinical spectrum of dengue, caused by any of the four serotypes of DENV, ranges from mild self-limiting dengue fever to severe dengue, in the form dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and dengue shock syndrome (DSS. Increased rates of hospitalization due to severe dengue, during outbreaks, result in massive economic losses and strained health services. In the absence of specific antiviral therapy, control of transmission of DENV by vector management is the sole method available for decreasing dengue-associated morbidity. Since vector control strategies alone have not been able to satisfactorily achieve reduction in viral transmission, the implementation of a safe, efficacious and cost-effective dengue vaccine as a supplementary measure is a high public health priority. However, the unique and complex immunopathology of dengue has complicated vaccine development. Dengue vaccines have also been challenged by critical issues like lack of animal models for the disease and absence of suitable markers of protective immunity. Although no licensed dengue vaccine is yet available, several vaccine candidates are under phases of development, including live attenuated virus vaccines, live chimeric virus vaccines, inactivated virus vaccines, subunit vaccines, DNA vaccines and viral-vectored vaccines. Although some vaccine candidates have progressed from animal trials to phase II and III in humans, a number of issues regarding implementation of dengue vaccine in countries like India still need to be addressed. Despite the current limitations, collaborative effects of regulatory bodies like World Health Organization with vaccine manufacturers and policy makers, to facilitate vaccine development and standardize field trials can make a safe and efficacious dengue vaccine a reality in near future.

  6. Challenges in dengue fever in the elderly: atypical presentation and risk of severe dengue and hospital-acquired infection [corrected].

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    Emily K Rowe


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND/METHODS: To better understand dengue fever in the elderly, we compared clinical features, World Health Organization (WHO dengue classification and outcomes between adult (<60 and elderly (≥60 dengue patients. We explored the impact of co-morbidity and hospital-acquired infection (HAI on clinical outcomes in the elderly. All patients managed at the Communicable Disease Centre, Singapore, between 2005 and 2008 with positive dengue polymerase chain reaction (PCR or who fulfilled WHO 1997 or 2009 probable dengue criteria with positive dengue IgM were included. RESULTS: Of the 6989 cases, 295 (4.4% were elderly. PCR was positive in 29%. The elderly suffered more severe disease with more dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF (29.2% vs. 21.4% and severe dengue (SD (20.3% vs. 14.6% (p<0.05. Classic dengue symptoms were more common in the adult group. The elderly were less likely to fulfill WHO 1997 (93.6% vs. 96.4% (p = 0.014, but not WHO 2009 probable dengue (75.3% vs. 71.5%. Time to dengue diagnosis was similar. There was no significant difference in the frequency of warning signs between the two groups, but the elderly were more likely to have hepatomegaly (p = 0.006 and malaise/lethargy (p = 0.033 while the adults had significantly more mucosal bleeding (p<0.001. Intensive care admission occurred in 15 and death in three, with no age difference. Notably, the elderly stayed in hospital longer (median 5 vs. 4 days, and suffered more pneumonia (3.8% vs. 0.7% and urinary infection (1.9% vs. 0.3% (p = 0.003. Predictors of excess length of stay were age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 2.01, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.37-2.88, critical illness (aOR 5.13, 95%CI 2.59-9.75, HAI (aOR 12.06, 95%CI 7.39-19.9, Charlson score (aOR 6.9, 95%CI 2.02-22.56 and severe dengue (DHF/dengue shock syndrome/SD (aOR 2.24, 95%CI 1.83-2.74. CONCLUSION: Elderly dengue patients present atypically and are at higher risk of DHF, SD and HAI. Aside from dengue

  7. Cost of Dengue Vector Control Activities in Malaysia. (United States)

    Packierisamy, P Raviwharmman; Ng, Chiu-Wan; Dahlui, Maznah; Inbaraj, Jonathan; Balan, Venugopalan K; Halasa, Yara A; Shepard, Donald S


    Dengue fever, an arbovirus disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, has recently spread rapidly, especially in the tropical countries of the Americas and Asia-Pacific regions. It is endemic in Malaysia, with an annual average of 37,937 reported dengue cases from 2007 to 2012. This study measured the overall economic impact of dengue in Malaysia, and estimated the costs of dengue prevention. In 2010, Malaysia spent US$73.5 million or 0.03% of the country's GDP on its National Dengue Vector Control Program. This spending represented US$1,591 per reported dengue case and US$2.68 per capita population. Most (92.2%) of this spending occurred in districts, primarily for fogging. A previous paper estimated the annual cost of dengue illness in the country at US$102.2 million. Thus, the inclusion of preventive activities increases the substantial estimated cost of dengue to US$175.7 million, or 72% above illness costs alone. If innovative technologies for dengue vector control prove efficacious, and a dengue vaccine was introduced, substantial existing spending could be rechanneled to fund them. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  8. Reemergence of Dengue in Southern Texas, 2013 (United States)

    Thomas, Dana L.; Santiago, Gilberto A.; Abeyta, Roman; Hinojosa, Steven; Torres-Velasquez, Brenda; Adam, Jessica K.; Evert, Nicole; Caraballo, Elba; Hunsperger, Elizabeth; Muñoz-Jordán, Jorge L.; Smith, Brian; Banicki, Alison; Tomashek, Kay M.; Gaul, Linda


    During a dengue epidemic in northern Mexico, enhanced surveillance identified 53 laboratory-positive cases in southern Texas; 26 (49%) patients acquired the infection locally, and 29 (55%) were hospitalized. Of 83 patient specimens that were initially IgM negative according to ELISA performed at a commercial laboratory, 14 (17%) were dengue virus positive by real-time reverse transcription PCR performed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dengue virus types 1 and 3 were identified, and molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrated close identity with viruses that had recently circulated in Mexico and Central America. Of 51 household members of 22 dengue case-patients who participated in household investigations, 6 (12%) had been recently infected with a dengue virus and reported no recent travel, suggesting intrahousehold transmission. One household member reported having a recent illness consistent with dengue. This outbreak reinforces emergence of dengue in southern Texas, particularly when incidence is high in northern Mexico. PMID:27191223

  9. Trends in clinical trials of dengue vaccine

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    Priya Marimuthu


    Full Text Available Dengue is one of the most important vector-borne disease and an increasing problem worldwide because of current globalization trends. Roughly, half the world′s population lives in dengue endemic countries, and nearly 100 million people are infected annually with dengue. India has the highest burden of the disease with 34% of the global cases. In the context of an expanding and potentially fatal infectious disease without effective prevention or specific treatment, the public health value of a protective vaccine is clear. There is no licensed dengue vaccine is available still, but several vaccines are under development. Keeping in view the rise in dengue prevalence globally, there is a need to increase clinical drug and vaccine research on dengue. This paper briefly reviews on the development and current status of dengue vaccine to provide information to policymakers, researchers, and public health experts to design and implement appropriate vaccine for prophylactic intervention.

  10. Determinação de áreas prioritárias para ações de controle da dengue Determinación de áreas prioritarias para acciones de control del dengue Determination of priority areas for dengue control actions

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    Ana Paula da Costa Resendes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar áreas de risco de transmissão da dengue por meio da análise de cluster. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de agregados, tendo como unidades primárias de análise os 48 bairros do município de Niterói, RJ. Os bairros foram agrupados segundo condições sociodemográficas em seis estratos, segundo a técnica de análise de cluster por meio do método k-médias. Após a definição dos estratos foi realizado o cálculo da incidência da dengue por estrato para quatro períodos distintos: 1998 - 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003 - 2006. RESULTADOS: A análise da incidência mostrou que as taxas para os três últimos períodos do estudo foram maiores no estrato 2.1, de piores condições de infraestrutura de serviços de saneamento e alto incremento populacional, e no estrato 3.1, onde há maior percentual de favelas. O estrato 1.2 apresentou a menor incidência e os melhores indicadores de saneamento e renda, além de um pequeno incremento populacional e menor proporção de favelas. As taxas de incidência em 2001 e 2002 foram elevadas na maioria dos estratos, exceto no estrato 1.2, cujos bairros apresentaram a menor heterogeneidade em relação aos indicadores utilizados. Em 2001, os estratos apresentaram altas taxas de incidência quando supostamente a imunidade de grupo havia se estabelecido para o sorotipo I, expressando a força de transmissão desse agente. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica de análise de cluster possibilita o reconhecimento de áreas prioritárias, indicando aquelas onde ações de controle e vigilância da dengue devem ser aprimoradas, bem como melhorias estruturais que interfiram nas condições de vida e saúde da população do município.OBJETIVO: Identificar áreas de riesgo de transmisión del dengue por medio del análisis de cluster. MÉTODOS: Fue realizado un estudio de agregados, teniendo como unidades primarias de análisis los 48 barrios del municipio de Niteroi, en sureste de Brasil. Las urbanizaciones

  11. Dengue Fever: Causes, Complications, and Vaccine Strategies

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    Niyati Khetarpal


    Full Text Available Dengue is a highly endemic infectious disease of the tropical countries and is rapidly becoming a global burden. It is caused by any of the 4 serotypes of dengue virus and is transmitted within humans through female Aedes mosquitoes. Dengue disease varies from mild fever to severe conditions of dengue hemorrhagic fever and shock syndrome. Globalization, increased air travel, and unplanned urbanization have led to increase in the rate of infection and helped dengue to expand its geographic and demographic distribution. Dengue vaccine development has been a challenging task due to the existence of four antigenically distinct dengue virus serotypes, each capable of eliciting cross-reactive and disease-enhancing antibody response against the remaining three serotypes. Recently, Sanofi Pasteur’s chimeric live-attenuated dengue vaccine candidate has been approved in Mexico, Brazil, and Philippines for usage in adults between 9 and 45 years of age. The impact of its limited application to the public health system needs to be evaluated. Simultaneously, the restricted application of this vaccine candidate warrants continued efforts in developing a dengue vaccine candidate which is additionally efficacious for infants and naïve individuals. In this context, alternative strategies of developing a designed vaccine candidate which does not allow production of enhancing antibodies should be explored, as it may expand the umbrella of efficacy to include infants and naïve individuals.

  12. S.O.S Polícia! estresse no trabalho: estudo no Centro Integrado de Comunicações Operacionais - (atendimento de urgência 190) da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte


    Fabiana Santos Rezende


    O objetivo do presente estudo, que aborda o tema "Estresse e os impactos relacionados ao trabalho", consistiu em diagnosticar as possíveis manifestações de estresse no trabalho de supervisores, teleatendentes e radioperadores do Centro lntegrado de Comunicações Operacionais (CICOp) da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, identificando as principais fontes de tensão, os sintomas decorrentes e os impactos na produtividade. Para alcançar o objetivo central do trabalho, foi realizado um estudo...

  13. Práticas de segregação e resistência nas organizações: uma análise discursiva sobre os “rolezinhos” na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG

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    Marco César Ribeiro Nascimento


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo do artigo é compreender como os discursos da mídia eletrônica apresentam reflexos e refrações das práticas de resistência dos jovens nos espaços organizacionais dos shopping centers. Essas práticas são denominadas atualmente “rolezinhos”. Originalidade/lacuna/relevância/implicações: Considerando os espaços urbanos produzidos socialmente e as cidades como palcos práticos e discursivos de dinâmicas simbólicas segregatórias, analisamos os processos de ocupação dos shopping centers – intitulados pela mídia eletrônica de “rolezinhos” – na cidade de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais, por jovens da periferia. Principais aspectos metodológicos: Adotamos a análise de discurso francesa como base metodológica da pesquisa. O corpus de análise é constituído por discursos presentes em 15 portais eletrônicos de notícias sobre a cidade de Belo Horizonte, em Minas Gerais, que produziram, durante o ano de 2013, 18 reportagens sobre a ocupação coletiva de shopping centers por jovens da periferia. Síntese dos principais resultados: As práticas de resistência ampliam as fronteiras dos espaços organizacionais, na medida em que deslocam pontos de controle das ações dos sujeitos e questionam a construção do shopping center como espaço organizacional de segregação avesso a grupos sociais desfavorecidos, enfatizando o potencial de resistência e de ressignificação de grupos marginalizados nessas organizações. Principais considerações/conclusões: Entendemos os “rolezinhos” como questionamento dos limites do espaço organizacional que produziram deslocamentos das fronteiras das organizações. Eles são efeitos de alterações de relações de forças socioeconômicas que estavam na rua e, quando expandidas para espaços organizacionais, provocaram tensões que continuam latentes, pois a rua continua sua dinâmica e novamente questionará essas fronteiras.


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    Farhan Fazal


    Full Text Available AIM: Dengue is a major health problem in many parts of India and Gulbarga (North Karnataka was previously not a known endemic area f or dengue. Infection with dengue virus can cause a spectrum of three clinical syndromes , classic dengue fever (DF , dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and dengue shock syndrome (DSS. The present study was undertaken to determine the disease profile of dengue virus infection in hospitalized patients. METHODS AND MATERIAL: One hundred patients admitted in Basaveshwar Teaching and General hospital with fever more than 38.5 degree Celsius and IgM dengue positive were selected. They were followed from the onset of fever to twelve days or till they are recovered according to WHO discharge criteria whichever is earlier. They underwent relevant investigations to identify specific organ dysfunction and categorize them into the spectrum of Dengue fever in accordance to W HO criteria . RESULTS: Out of 100 cases in this study 70 cases belongs to DF , 23 cases to DHF and 7 cases to DSS based on WHO criteria. All the cases had fever (100%. Other common symptoms noted were myalgia (61% , joint pain (54% , headache (66% , vomitin g (55% , pain abdomen (48% , rash (41% , hepatomegaly (20% , bleeding (21% and shock (8%. Hess test was positive in 24% patients. Low platelet count of less than 100 , 000/cu mm according to WHO criteria was present in 73% patients. Deranged liver functio n test and renal parameters were seen in 26 and 8 patients respectively . Mortality documented was 7 patients due to delayed presentation. The average duration of hospital stay was 4.65 days. CONCLUSION: Dengue fever was a more common manifestation than DHF or DSS. During aepidemic , dengue should be strongly considered on the differential diagnosis of any patient with fever. The treatment of dengue is mainly fluid management and supportive. Early recognition and management of alarm symptoms is the key to bet ter outcome


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    Full Text Available ResumoEm um ambiente bastante competitivo, possuir uma força de trabalho que esteja permanentemente comprometida com a organização, aliada a uma modernidade organizacional, é essencial para a sobrevivência das organizações atuais - porque as inovações tecnológicas se frustram ou perdem a sua força caso a organização não disponha de um patrimônio humano efetivamente comprometido com a empresa. Dentro deste contexto, as pesquisas sobre comprometimento organizacional têm se revelado pertinentes, sendo objeto de estudo para um grande número de administradores e pesquisadores. Portanto, com o objetivo de contribuir com o incremento do conhecimento sobre o construto comprometimento organizacional, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas empresas do setor varejista do comércio da cidade de Belo Horizonte. Quanto aos métodos de pesquisa este estudo caracteriza-se como quantitativo e descritivo. Valendo-se de um modelo teórico – Modelo das Três Dimensões de Meyer e Allen (1997 - testado e validado no Brasil, foram pesquisados os graus e tipos de comprometimento dos vendedores e gerentes com a organização. Os resultados encontrados, em ambas as redes de lojas, indicaram um grau moderado de comprometimento – afetivo, normativo, instrumental. Por fim, apresentaram-se as implicações acadêmicas e práticas, bem como as limitações deste estudo e recomendações para futuras pesquisas. ABSTRACT In a very competitive atmosphere, to have a labor force wiling to be permanently committed with the enterprise, allied to an organizational modernity, is absolutely necessary to the present companies’ survival – because the technologic innovations become frustrated or lose its power in case of the organization doesn’t have a human patrimony really committed with the institution. In this context, the searches about organizational compromising have been indicated as appropriate, it’s being focus to a vast number of businessman and

  16. Clinico-laboratory spectrum of dengue viral infection and risk factors associated with dengue hemorrhagic fever: a retrospective study


    Mallhi, Tauqeer Hussain; Khan, Amer Hayat; Adnan, Azreen Syazril; Sarriff, Azmi; Khan, Yusra Habib; Jummaat, Fauziah


    Background The incidence of dengue is rising steadily in Malaysia since the first major outbreak in 1973. Despite aggressive measures taken by the relevant authorities, Malaysia is still facing worsening dengue crisis over the past few years. There is an urgent need to evaluate dengue cases for better understanding of clinic-laboratory spectrum in order to combat this disease. Methods A retrospective analysis of dengue patients admitted to a tertiary care teaching hospital during the period o...

  17. A ideia de Deus em Kant: da ilusão da razão pura ao postulado de agente moral

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    Rose Silvania Figueiredo do Vale


    Full Text Available Dissertação de Mestrado.VALE, Rose Silvania Figueiredo do. A ideia de Deus em Kant: da ilusão da razão pura ao postulado de agente moral. 2012. 132 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.Palavras-chave: Ideias transcendentais. Ilusão. Razão. Moral. Deus. Homem.Key works: Transcendental ideas, Illusion, Reason, Moral, God, Man.

  18. Manejo Microbiológico dos Grânulos de Polímero Acrílico Usados na Prevenção da Dengue/Microbiological Management of Polymer Granule Acrylic Used in the Prevention of Dengue Fever

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    Dante Togeiro Bastos Filgueiras


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Efetuar o manejo microbiológico dos grânulos de polímero acrílico usados na prevenção da Dengue. Materiais e Métodos: Para a determinação da presença ou ausência de coliformes totais e fecais, e de E. coli, foram realizadas avaliações utilizando metodologia do kit Colitest®. Foram elaborados cinco recipientes com mudas de planta simulando as condições naturais de vasos de polímero acrílico. Utilizaram-se cinco diferentes grânulos de polímero acrílico adquiridos comercialmente. De tais recipientes foram colhidas sete amostras em dias sucessivos. A leitura foi feita com auxílio de uma lâmpada de ondas longas de 365nm, após realizou-se prova de Indol. Resultado: Em relação ao grupo amostragem, em 11,5% não houve crescimento bacteriano, em 17,2% houve presença de E.coli e em 71,3% coliformes totais, constatando altos índices de contaminação. Discussão: Não há na literatura científica trabalhos semelhantes, porém trabalhos analisando águas de outras fontes evidenciam que a água proveniente dos vasos dos grânulos tem maior potencial de contaminação. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar altas taxas de crescimento bacteriano, evidenciando grande risco de contaminação. As informações oferecidas nos rótulos não se encontram nos padrões estabelecidos pela ANVISA. O estudo é de grande importância por efetuar controle de qualidade microbiológico visando à segurança do consumidor em um produto usado na profilaxia do dengue. Objectives: To make the microbiological management of acrylic polymer granule used in the prevention of Dengue fever. Materials and Methods: For the determination of the presence or absence of total and faecal coliform and E. coli, evaluations were performed with the use of the kit Colitest® methodology. Five vases were prepared to plant seedlings simulating the natural conditions of acrylic polymer vases. Five different acrylic polymer granule acquired

  19. Social justice, climate change, and dengue. (United States)

    Chang, Aileen Y; Fuller, Douglas O; Carrasquillo, Olveen; Beier, John C


    Climate change should be viewed fundamentally as an issue of global justice. Understanding the complex interplay of climatic and socioeconomic trends is imperative to protect human health and lessen the burden of diseases such as dengue fever. Dengue fever is rapidly expanding globally. Temperature, rainfall, and frequency of natural disasters, as well as non-climatic trends involving population growth and migration, urbanization, and international trade and travel, are expected to increase the prevalence of mosquito breeding sites, mosquito survival, the speed of mosquito reproduction, the speed of viral incubation, the distribution of dengue virus and its vectors, human migration patterns towards urban areas, and displacement after natural disasters. The burden of dengue disproportionately affects the poor due to increased environmental risk and decreased health care. Mobilization of social institutions is needed to improve the structural inequalities of poverty that predispose the poor to increased dengue fever infection and worse outcomes. This paper reviews the link between dengue and climatic factors as a starting point to developing a comprehensive understanding of how climate change affects dengue risk and how institutions can address the issues of social justice and dengue outbreaks that increasingly affect vulnerable urban populations. Copyright © 2014 Chang, Fuller, Carrasquillo, Beier. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

  20. Metformin Use and Severe Dengue in Diabetic Adults. (United States)

    Htun, Htet Lin; Yeo, Tsin Wen; Tam, Clarence C; Pang, Junxiong; Leo, Yee Sin; Lye, David C


    Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for severe dengue in adults, but few studies have examined the association between metformin use and disease severity in dengue. In addition to its effect on glucose control, metformin has been associated with pleiotropic properties in preclinical studies. Using a cohort of laboratory-confirmed adult (≥21 years) dengue patients with diabetes mellitus admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, we conducted a retrospective cohort study involving 131 (58.7%) metformin users and 92 (41.3%) non-users. Dengue severity was categorized as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS) in World Health Organization (WHO) 1997 criteria and severe dengue (SD) in WHO 2009 criteria. Multivariable Poisson regression with robust error variance was used to estimate risk ratio (RR). Compared with non-use, metformin use was associated with a decreased risk of developing severe dengue (adjusted risk ratio [aRR] = 0.60, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.37-0.98, P = 0.04). Additionally, there was an inverse dose-response relationship (aRR = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.49-0.98, P = 0.04) with dengue severity as classified by WHO 2009 criteria. Use of metformin, however, was not associated with dengue severity based on WHO 1997 criteria; and no dose-response relationship was noted. Our results suggest metformin use could attenuate disease severity in dengue-infected diabetes mellitus individuals.

  1. Saúde mental e a continuidade do cuidado em centros de saúde de Belo Horizonte, MG Salud mental y la continuidad del cuidado en centros de salud de una ciudad en Sudeste de Brasil Mental health and continuity of care in healthcare centers in a city of Southeastern Brazil

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    Graziella Lage Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores associados à continuidade do cuidado em saúde mental de pacientes encaminhados a centros de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foi conduzido um estudo de seguimento de 98 pacientes encaminhados a oito centros de saúde com equipe de saúde mental da área de abrangência de um centro de referência à saúde mental, em Belo Horizonte, MG, atendidos entre 2003 e 2004. Variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e referentes à continuidade foram descritas e em seguida comparadas, utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: Após o encaminhamento, 35 pacientes não compareceram para o primeiro atendimento nos centros de saúde. Dos que o fizeram, 38 continuaram em tratamento. Retornar ao centro de referência para nova consulta após o encaminhamento e ter tido mais de dois encaminhamentos foram fatores facilitadores da continuidade do cuidado. Nenhuma característica individual esteve associada à continuidade. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados sugerem haver uma falha na proposta da linha de cuidado. A continuidade do tratamento parece estar mais relacionada a fatores referentes ao serviço do que a características do paciente.OBJETIVO: Analizar los factores asociados a la continuidad del cuidado en salud mental de pacientes encaminados a centros de salud. MÉTODOS: Fue realizado un estudio de seguimiento de 98 pacientes encaminados a ocho centros de salud con equipo de salud mental del área de alcance de un centro de referencia de salud mental, en Belo Horizonte, Sudeste de Brasil, atendidos entre 2003 e 2004. Variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y referentes a la continuidad fueron descritas y en seguida comparadas, utilizando el teste do qui-cuadrado. RESULTADOS: Después del encaminamiento, 35 pacientes no acudieron para la primera atención en centros de salud. De los que hicieron, 38 continuaron en tratamiento. Retornar al centro de referencia para nueva consulta después del encaminamiento haber tenido más de dos


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    Arief Suseno


    Full Text Available Dengue is a viral disease that is mediated by a mosquito, which causes morbidity and mortality. Viruses can increase vascular permeability which can lead to hemorrhagic diathesis or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC known as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF. In Indonesia, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF are caused by dengue virus infection which was found to be endemic accompanied by an explosion of extraordinary events that appear at various specified period. The diagnosis of dengue is determined based on the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO, 1999, which are sudden high fever accompanied by a marked tendency to hemorrhage positive tourniquet test, petechiae, ecchymosis, purpura, mucosal hemorrhagic, hematemesis or melena and thrombocytopenia. The problem that still exists today is the mechanism of thrombocytopenia in patients with varying degrees of dengue involving levels of vWF (von Willebrand factor and prostaglandin I2 (PGI2 can not be explained. The mechanism of hemorrhagic in dengue virus infections acquired as a result of thrombocytopenia, platelet disfunction decreased coagulation factors, vasculopathy with endothelial injury and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC.


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    Ulfa Kholili


    Full Text Available Indonesia is one of the countries with the high endemic of Dengue viral infection followed by Thailand, Myanmar, India and Srilanka. For more 10-15 years, Dengue Viral Infection/DHF has become a cause of patient who should be hospitalized and was the first cause of death children in south easthern Asia.1,2 Batavia was the first city of Indonesia found Dengue Viral infection which had been written in journal by David Bylon in the 1779. Encephalopathy of dengue (ED is one unusually complication of dengue viral infection which had been characterized by aberration the arrangement of nerves central (CNS. This paper want to describe of a young teenage with suffer from DHF and seizure. Beside it, pleural effusion and cerebral edema had been found. Seizure most likely due to dengue encephalopathy associated with cerebral edema and was supported by positive IgG and IgM anti dengue. Corticosteroid was given to improve cerebral edema. By good management as long as admission, she was discharged from hospital with a good condition.

  4. Aliados do A. Aegypti: fatores contribuintes para a ocorrência do dengue segundo as representações sociais dos profissionais das equipes de saúde da família Allies of A. Aegypti: factors contributing to the occurrence of dengue according to social representations of professionals of family health teams

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    Cássia Barbosa Reis


    Full Text Available Historicamente as políticas de saúde e as ações de combate ao dengue são pautadas no controle vetorial, com atividades de campo, deixando em segundo plano as atividades de educação em saúde. Conhecer as representações sociais de profissionais de unidades de saúde da família, sobre os fatores que contribuem para a manutenção dos índices de ocorrência do dengue é o objetivo desta pesquisa de forma a contribuir para a melhoria da comunicação entre profissionais de saúde e população, visando o controle da doença. Foi realizado estudo qualitativo com profissionais da estratégia de saúde da família de seis municípios selecionados, sendo os dados tabulados pela técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Os resultados mostraram quatro discursos referentes a aspectos que foram levantados através da pergunta sobre qual a causa da ocorrência de dengue. Conclui-se que os profissionais atribuem à população parte importante da responsabilidade pela ocorrência do dengue, mas também observam a falta de estrutura e organização dos serviços, bem como percebem dificuldades para que ocorra a mudança dos comportamentos observados com os recursos disponíveis.Historically, health policies and actions to combat dengue have been based on vector control and field activities, while neglecting health education activities. Establishing the social representations of family health unit professionals about the factors that contribute to the sustained level of the occurrence rates of dengue is the scope of this research, in order to contribute to improved communication between health professionals and citizens, seeking to control the disease. A qualitative study was conducted with family health strategy professionals in six selected cities, with data tabulated by the Collective Subject Discourse technique. The results showed four discourses about the issues that were raised by the question of what caused the incidence of dengue. The

  5. Transmission spectroscopy of dengue viral infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Firdous, S; Ahmed, M; Rehman, A; Nawaz, M; Anwar, S; Murtaza, S


    We presented the rapid diagnostic test for dengue infection based on light spectrum of human blood. The transmission spectra of dengue infected whole blood samples have been recorded in ultra violet to near infrared range (400 – 800 nm) of about 30 conformed infected patients and compared to normal blood samples. Transmission spectra of dengue infected blood illustrate a strong band from 400 – 600 nm with prominant peaks at 540 and 580 nm, where is in case of normal blood below 600 nm, total absorption has been observed. These prominent peaks from 400 – 600 nm are characteristics of cells damage and dangue virus antibodies immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) produced against dengue antigen. The presented diagnostic method is non invasive, cost effective, easy and fast screening technique for dengue infected patients

  6. Epidemic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever at the Texas-Mexico border: results of a household-based seroepidemiologic survey, December 2005. (United States)

    Ramos, Mary M; Mohammed, Hamish; Zielinski-Gutierrez, Emily; Hayden, Mary H; Lopez, Jose Luis Robles; Fournier, Marta; Trujillo, Alfredo Rodríguez; Burton, Roy; Brunkard, Joan M; Anaya-Lopez, Luis; Banicki, Allison Abell; Morales, Pablo Kuri; Smith, Brian; Muñoz, Jorge L; Waterman, Stephen H


    A dengue-2 epidemic causing dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) occurred in the contiguous border cities of Matamoros, Tamaulipas (Mexico), and Brownsville, TX, in 2005. In December, we conducted a household-based epidemiologic survey to determine the incidence and seroprevalence of dengue infection among Matamoros and Brownsville residents and to identify risk factors associated with infection. Antibodies to dengue were measured in 273 individuals. The estimated incidence of recent dengue infection was 32% and 4% among Matamoros and Brownsville participants, respectively. The estimated prevalence of past dengue infection was 77% and 39% among Matamoros and Brownsville participants, respectively. The Breteau index was 28 in Matamoros and 16 in Brownsville, reflecting an abundant winter population of Aedes mosquitoes. Discarded waste tires and buckets were the two largest categories of infested containers found in both cities. Our results underscore the risk for epidemic dengue and DHF in the Texas-Mexico border region.

  7. Prevalência de idosos restritos ao domicílio em região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil Prevalence of housebound elderly people in the urban region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Príscila Guedes Santana Ursine


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo estimar a prevalência e o perfil sociodemográfico e de saúde dos idosos restritos ao domicílio adscritos a uma unidade de saúde da família da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais. Realizou-se inquérito domiciliar no período de maio a julho de 2006 com 275 idosos selecionados através de amostragem por conglomerados. Utilizou-se a suíte svy do aplicativo Stata 9.0 para lidar adequadamente com a estrutura amostral de conglomeração e permitir a incorporação das frações de expansão nas análises. Dos 275 idosos entrevistados, 22,4% (IC95%: 14,7; 32,4 eram restritos ao domicílio. A prevalência dessa condição foi maior entre as mulheres, entre os indivíduos com 80 anos ou mais e entre aqueles com suspeita de déficit cognitivo (p-valor The aim of this article is to estimate the prevalence and the socio-demographic and health profile of housebound elderly people registered at a Family Health Unit in the urban region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil. A household survey was conducted between May and July 2006 with 275 elderly people selected via cluster sampling. The svy suite of commands in Stata 9.0 was used to deal adequately with the cluster sample structure and to allow the incorporation of fractions of expansion in the analyses. Among the 275 elderly, 22.4% (IC95%: 14.7; 32.4 were restricted to their homes. The prevalence of this condition was greater among women, people over 80 and suspected of suffering from cognitive impairment (p-valor < 0.05. The majority of housebound people had incomes below the minimum wage, reported history of falls, depression and indicated physical disorders as the cause of the restriction. The large contingent of low-income housebound elderly with several health problems, reinforces the need for incorporation of proposals for promotion and vigilance of the health of the elderly, which extend beyond the boundaries of the healthcare units.

  8. Mediational effects of self-efficacy dimensions in the relationship between knowledge of dengue and dengue preventive behaviour with respect to control of dengue outbreaks: a structural equation model of a cross-sectional survey.

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    Affendi Isa

    Full Text Available Dengue fever is endemic in Malaysia, with frequent major outbreaks in urban areas. The major control strategy relies on health promotional campaigns aimed at encouraging people to reduce mosquito breeding sites close to people's homes. However, such campaigns have not always been 100% effective. The concept of self-efficacy is an area of increasing research interest in understanding how health promotion can be most effective. This paper reports on a study of the impact of self-efficacy on dengue knowledge and dengue preventive behaviour.We recruited 280 adults from 27 post-outbreak villages in the state of Terengganu, east coast of Malaysia. Measures of health promotion and educational intervention activities and types of communication during outbreak, level of dengue knowledge, level and strength of self-efficacy and dengue preventive behaviour were obtained via face-to-face interviews and questionnaires. A structural equation model was tested and fitted the data well (χ(2 = 71.659, df = 40, p = 0.002, RMSEA = 0.053, CFI = 0.973, TLI = 0.963. Mass media, local contact and direct information-giving sessions significantly predicted level of knowledge of dengue. Level and strength of self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between knowledge of dengue and dengue preventive behaviours. Strength of self-efficacy acted as partial mediator in the relationship between knowledge of dengue and dengue preventive behaviours.To control and prevent dengue outbreaks by behavioural measures, health promotion and educational interventions during outbreaks should now focus on those approaches that are most likely to increase the level and strength of self-efficacy.

  9. Determinação de áreas prioritárias para ações de controle da dengue


    Resendes, Ana Paula da Costa; Silveira, Nelson Artur Prado Rodrigues da; Sabroza, Paulo Chagastelles; Souza-Santos, Reinaldo


    OBJETIVO: Identificar áreas de risco de transmissão da dengue por meio da análise de cluster. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de agregados, tendo como unidades primárias de análise os 48 bairros do município de Niterói, RJ. Os bairros foram agrupados segundo condições sociodemográficas em seis estratos, segundo a técnica de análise de cluster por meio do método k-médias. Após a definição dos estratos foi realizado o cálculo da incidência da dengue por estrato para quatro períodos distintos: ...

  10. Implementation and operation of methane plant in Belo Horizonte; Implantacao e operacao da usina de metano de Belo Horizonte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loiola, A.V. de; Costa Ribeiro, M.D.B. [Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais (CEMIG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    The volume of trash deposited on the Belo Horizonte landfill (Southeast Brazil) is 500 ton per day. The organic material contained in this urban residues undergoes an aerobic decomposition, generating the raw biogas. For the utilization of this source of energy, which combustion releases non toxic and non polluted products, a collection, depuration, and compression systems have been built, with a nominal production capacity of 400 Nm{sup 3} per hour of purified biogas. The obtained experience in the plant implementation and pre-operation have permitted the development of new kinds of collection wells, new ways of sealing landfill areas, and the adaptation of national equipment for the operational conditions of the depuration system. 1 ref., 2 figs., 1 tab

  11. Penentuan Serotipe Virus Dengue dan Gambaran Manifestasi Klinis serta Hematologi Rutin pada Infeksi Virus Dengue

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    Basti Andriyoko


    Full Text Available All DENV serotypes can cause a spectrum of disease from dengue fever (DF to dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and dengue shock syndrome (DSS. It is difficult to differentiate clinical characteristicand hematologic result for each serotype. Aim of this study were to determine dengue serotype and describe clinical manifestation of DF, DHF, DSS and routine hematologic results, i.e.haemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocyte, and thrombocyte in each serotype. This study was conducted at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung from March 2010 until July 2011. Subjects were dengue patients aged >14 years with a history of fever <5 days. Blood samples were taken for serotype determination by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR followed by semi-nested PCR. Clinical manifestation data and haematologic result were obtained from medical records. This was a descriptive study. Seventy five patients were included in this study. Dengue serotype can be detected in 27 (36% samples with DENV-3 (13 were dominating followed by DENV-2 (8, DENV-4 (4, and DENV-1 (2. DHF was mainly found in DENV-3. DENV-2 gavethe highest decrease in hemoglobin, highest percentage increase in haematocrit, lowest leukocyte, and lowest thrombocyte. In conclusion, all 4 serotypes are found in RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung with DENV-3 domination. DHF is mainly caused by DENV-3.

  12. Um estudo sobre a satisfação do consumidor esportivo que frequenta estádios de futebol em Belo Horizonte [doi: 10.5329/RECADM.2013004

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    André Francisco Alcântara Fagundes


    Full Text Available O esporte tem-se posicionado como importante indústria da economia mundial. Acredita-se que a promoção de relevantes eventos esportivos que estão agendados para acontecer no Brasil, como a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014, possibilitarão um desenvolvimento mais significativo dessa indústria. Considerando essa realidade, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo entender os motivos que levam os consumidores a frequentarem estádios de futebol, elencando fatores que possam contribuir para sua maior satisfação. Para a coleta de dados foram realizados três grupos focais na cidade de Belo Horizonte-MG. Como resultado, constatou-se que os principais motivos que influenciam os torcedores a frequentarem os estádios são: time de preferência; importância da partida; encontros sociais; acessibilidade ao ingresso; e garantia de segurança. Ademais, foi possível identificar fatores que contribuem com a satisfação: resultado da partida ser favorável ao time de preferência; eventos de entretenimento; serviços de melhor qualidade; transporte rápido e seguro; e conforto do estádio.   Palavras-chave: Consumidor esportivo; Estádios de futebol; Marketing esportivo; Comportamento do consumidor; Futebol.     A STUDY ABOUT THE SATISFACTION OF SPORTS CONSUMER THAT FREQUENTS FOOTBALL STADIUMS IN BELO HORIZONTE   ABSTRACT The sport has been positioned as an important industry in the world economy. It is believed that the promotion of relevant sporting events that are scheduled to happen in Brazil, like the FIFA World Cup 2014, will provide a most significant development of this sector. Considering this fact, this research aims to understand the reasons that lead consumers to attend football stadiums, listing factors that may contribute to their greater satisfaction. For data collection three focus groups were held in Belo Horizonte-MG. As a result, it was found that the main reasons that lead the fans to attend the stadiums are: team preference; the

  13. Current perspectives on the spread of dengue in India

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    Gupta E


    Full Text Available Ekta Gupta, Neha Ballani Department of Clinical Virology, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi, IndiaAbstract: Dengue fever (DF and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF are important arthropod-borne viral diseases. Each year, there are ~50 million dengue infections and ~500,000 individuals are hospitalized with DHF, mainly in Southeast Asia. Dengue in India has dramatically expanded over the last few decades, with rapidly changing epidemiology. The first major DHF outbreak in the entire nation occurred in 1996 by dengue virus serotype 2, and after a gap of almost a decade, the country faced yet another DF outbreak in the year 2003 by dengue virus serotype 3. A dramatic increase in the number and frequency of outbreaks followed, and, at present, in most of the states of India, dengue is almost endemic. At present, all the four serotypes are seen in circulation, but the predominant serotype keeps changing. Despite this trend, surveillance, reporting, and diagnosis of dengue remain largely passive in India. More active community-based epidemiological studies with intensive vector control and initiatives for dengue vaccine development should be geared up to control the spread of dengue in India. We review here the factors that may have contributed to the changing epidemiology of dengue in India.Keywords: dengue, epidemiology, India, pathogenesis, vaccine

  14. Distribuição espacial e temporal da raiva canina e felina em Minas Gerais, 2000 a 2006


    Barbosa, A.D.; Silva, J.A.; Moreira, E.C.; Meneses, J.N.C.; Magalhães, D.F.; Menezes, F.L.; Oliveira, C.S.F.


    Estudou-se a epidemiologia da raiva em cães e gatos, em Minas Gerais, e realizou-se um estudo descritivo de seu comportamento, de 2000 a 2006. Utilizaram-se, como fonte de dados, os relatórios mensais dos laboratórios do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Belo Horizonte e do Instituto Mineiro de Agropecuária. Os resultados demonstraram positividade de 1,5% para raiva canina e 0,7% para raiva felina. Houve tendência ao decréscimo do número de casos positivos de raiva canina (y = -3,2143x + 19,7...

  15. Facing dengue fever - our first experience

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    Cvjetković Dejan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease caused by dengue virus, endemic in tropical and subtropical regions, where it is mostly imported from. The most common clinical form is classic dengue fever. We presented the first dengue case microbiologically confirmed in Serbia. Case report. A 34-year-old male got classic dengue fever after arrival from Cuba. The disease occurred suddenly with fever, myalgias, skin rash, hepatosplenomegaly, cytopenia, abnormal aminotransferase and creatine kinase levels. The diagnosis was confirmed with virological diagnostic methods. Significant leukopenia and thrombocytopenia as well as elevation of serum creatine kinase activity were recorded from the very beginning of hospitalization, but were gradually normalized. The whole duration of hospitalization was accompanied by laboratory signs of liver lesion. The disease had favourable outcome. At hospital discharge, the patient was afebrile, asymptomatic, with discrete erythematous rash on torso and arms, normal hemathological values and creatine kinase level and moderately elevated alanine-aminotransferase level. Conclusion. Considering global climate changes and growing international traffic, our health care service needs to be ready for possible massive outbreaks of dengue and other tropical infectious diseases in forthcoming years.

  16. Seropositivity of Dengue Antibodies during Pregnancy

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    Nor Azlin Mohamed Ismail


    Full Text Available Purpose. Malaysia a dengue endemic country with dengue infections in pregnancy on the rise. The present study was aimed at determining dengue seroprevalence (IgG or IgM during pregnancy and its neonatal transmission in dengue seropositive women. Methods. Maternal with paired cord blood samples were tested for dengue antibodies (IgG and IgM using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Maternal age, parity, occupation, ethnic group, and gestational age were recorded. Data on neonatal Apgar score and admissions to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU were analyzed. Results. Out of 358 women recruited, about 128 (35.8% patients were seropositive. Twelve patients (3.4% had recent infections (IgM positive and another 116 women (32.4% were with past infections (IgG positive. All babies born to seropositive mothers had positive IgG paired cord blood; however, no IgM seropositivity was observed. All neonates had good Apgar scores and did not require NICU admission. Conclusion. In this study, 35.8% pregnant women were found to be dengue seropositive. However, transplacental transfer of IgG antibodies had no detrimental effect on the neonatal outcomes.

  17. Mediational Effects of Self-Efficacy Dimensions in the Relationship between Knowledge of Dengue and Dengue Preventive Behaviour with Respect to Control of Dengue Outbreaks: A Structural Equation Model of a Cross-Sectional Survey (United States)

    Isa, Affendi; Loke, Yoon K.; Smith, Jane R.; Papageorgiou, Alexia; Hunter, Paul R.


    Background Dengue fever is endemic in Malaysia, with frequent major outbreaks in urban areas. The major control strategy relies on health promotional campaigns aimed at encouraging people to reduce mosquito breeding sites close to people's homes. However, such campaigns have not always been 100% effective. The concept of self-efficacy is an area of increasing research interest in understanding how health promotion can be most effective. This paper reports on a study of the impact of self-efficacy on dengue knowledge and dengue preventive behaviour. Methods and Findings We recruited 280 adults from 27 post-outbreak villages in the state of Terengganu, east coast of Malaysia. Measures of health promotion and educational intervention activities and types of communication during outbreak, level of dengue knowledge, level and strength of self-efficacy and dengue preventive behaviour were obtained via face-to-face interviews and questionnaires. A structural equation model was tested and fitted the data well (χ2 = 71.659, df = 40, p = 0.002, RMSEA = 0.053, CFI = 0.973, TLI = 0.963). Mass media, local contact and direct information-giving sessions significantly predicted level of knowledge of dengue. Level and strength of self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between knowledge of dengue and dengue preventive behaviours. Strength of self-efficacy acted as partial mediator in the relationship between knowledge of dengue and dengue preventive behaviours. Conclusions To control and prevent dengue outbreaks by behavioural measures, health promotion and educational interventions during outbreaks should now focus on those approaches that are most likely to increase the level and strength of self-efficacy. PMID:24086777

  18. Dengue in Grenada El dengue en el país de Granada

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    André Panagos


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Dengue fever is endemic in the country of Grenada and is grossly underreported as a source of morbidity. The goal of this study was to assess the status of dengue fever in a representative community in Grenada. METHODS: Surveys were conducted in the Mont Tout/Grand Anse Valley area in the parish of St. George's from March to June 1996. The objectives of the survey were to: (1 to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP of residents; (2 to determine the presence of larval and adult Aedes aegypti and their potential breeding sites; and (3 to identify the seroprevalence of specific immunoglobulin G (IgG dengue antibodies in the local population. RESULTS: Out of the 102 respondents to the KAP survey, 100 of them (98% reported never having had dengue fever. Of the 75 persons who agreed to have blood samples taken, 70 of them (93% (95% confidence interval = 85.1%-97.8% tested positive with the IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, indicating past exposure. In terms of water storage, 98 of 102 respondents (96% stored fresh water in containers. The vector survey found 57 of the 102 households (56% had Ae. aegypti larvae in water containers on their property, and 94 of 102 dwellings (92% had adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes indoors. CONCLUSIONS: Although many people were familiar with dengue fever and mosquitoes, the 1996 survey found that their knowledge of the important relationships among mosquitoes, human behavior, and disease transmission was incomplete. Since 1996, continued education efforts have been made in the public school system and with national public health campaigns, yet little effort has been specifically targeted towards our study community. These data suggest Grenada has a need for continued community education that addresses dengue fever transmission and Ae. aegypti reduction.OBJETIVOS: La fiebre del dengue es endémica en el país caribeño de Granada y es grande su subnotificación como fuente de morbilidad. El

  19. Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever: Indian perspective

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    mainly in children (Halstead 2002, 2007; Chaturvedi and. Shrivastava 2004). Dengue ... of molecular epidemiology, immunopathology and vaccine development. Selected work done in ..... Only the Indian initiative in this field is presented here.

  20. O uso de medicamentos em puérpuras interfere nas recomendações quanto ao aleitamento materno?

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    Lamounier Joel A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo: estudar a freqüência do uso de medicamentos no pós-parto imediato e verificar possíveis interferências nas recomendações quanto à amamentação.Métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal em quatro maternidades de Belo Horizonte, no período de julho de 1998 a julho de 1999, incluindo 2.173 parturientes. A amostra foi calculada com base em dados da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde sobre o número de partos ocorridos nessas instituições, no ano de 1995, ou seja, em torno de 5% do total em um ano. A distribuição da amostra foi aleatória, utilizando o calendário de semanas epidemiológicas. Através de entrevistas junto às mães, usando um questionário próprio, e da coleta de dados obtidos de prontuários médicos da mãe e do recém-nascido, foi avaliada a freqüência do uso de medicamentos no pós-parto imediato. Os medicamentos foram agrupados em categorias quanto à compatibilidade com amamentação, à incompatibilidade, ao uso criterioso em monitorar e observar o recém-nascido para possíveis efeitos indesejáveis.Resultados: de um total de 2.173 mulheres, em 2.090 (96,2% foram prescritos medicamentos no pós-parto imediato. Dos medicamentos utilizados, 2.054 (98,3% foram de drogas sem contra-indicação à amamentação natural; 338 (16,2% foram de drogas sem informações seguras, e 3 (0,14% de drogas contra-indicadas à amamentação. Conclusões: observou-se um amplo uso de medicamentos pelas mães nas maternidades de Belo Horizonte, no pós-parto imediato. A maioria das drogas é compatível com a amamentação, o que parece não influenciar negativamente a prática do aleitamento materno.

  1. Epidemiology of dengue: past, present and future prospects

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    Murray NE


    Full Text Available Natasha Evelyn Anne Murray,1,2 Mikkel B Quam,1 Annelies Wilder-Smith1,31Institute of Public Health, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; 2Population Health, Waikato District Health Board, Hamilton, New Zealand; 3Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeAbstract: Dengue is currently regarded globally as the most important mosquito-borne viral disease. A history of symptoms compatible with dengue can be traced back to the Chin Dynasty of 265–420 AD. The virus and its vectors have now become widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world, particularly over the last half-century. Significant geographic expansion has been coupled with rapid increases in incident cases, epidemics, and hyperendemicity, leading to the more severe forms of dengue. Transmission of dengue is now present in every World Health Organization (WHO region of the world and more than 125 countries are known to be dengue endemic. The true impact of dengue globally is difficult to ascertain due to factors such as inadequate disease surveillance, misdiagnosis, and low levels of reporting. Currently available data likely grossly underestimates the social, economic, and disease burden. Estimates of the global incidence of dengue infections per year have ranged between 50 million and 200 million; however, recent estimates using cartographic approaches suggest this number is closer to almost 400 million. The expansion of dengue is expected to increase due to factors such as the modern dynamics of climate change, globalization, travel, trade, socioeconomics, settlement and also viral evolution. No vaccine or specific antiviral therapy currently exists to address the growing threat of dengue. Prompt case detection and appropriate clinical management can reduce the mortality from severe dengue. Effective vector control is the mainstay of dengue prevention and control. Surveillance and improved reporting of dengue

  2. Aprendizagem por cooperação em rede: práticas de conhecimento em arranjos produtivos locais de software Learning by network cooperation: knowledge practices in local productive arrangements of software

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    Ana Paula dos Reis


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetiva contribuir para o estudo das redes de conhecimento em aglomerações produtivas por meio da análise de processos de aprendizado de pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs de software . O estudo consiste em uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa de multicasos, tendo sido realizado em três arranjos produtivos locais (APLs brasileiros (Campinas-SP, Belo Horizonte-MG e Blumenau-SC, envolvendo 14 empresas e 10 entidades e instituições de apoio. Tal análise buscou ressaltar, dentre outros aspectos: a estrutura dos arranjos produtivos; b principais fontes de aprendizagem; e c ambiente de confiança necessário para tal aprendizagem. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se entrevista semiestruturada voltada aos principais agentes de governança do setor e às PMEs. Os resultados apontam para a eficácia da organização interinstitucional em rede de cooperação na gestão dos processos de aprendizagem formal e informal em setores intensivos de conhecimento.This paper aims to contribute to the study of knowledge networks in regional clusters, by means of an analysis of the learning process in software small and medium enterprises (SME. The study consists of a multi-case exploratory and qualitative research in three Brazilian local productive arrangements (LPA in Campinas, Belo Horizonte and Blumenau, involving 14 enterprises and 10 support institutions. The purpose of this analysis was to detach, among other aspects: a the structure of clusters; b the main learning sources and; c the environment of trust necessary to this learning process. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews carried out with the main governance actors of the sector and with the SMEs. The results pointed out to the efficacy of inter-institutional organization through cooperation networks for the management of formal and informal learning processes in knowledge-intensive sectors.


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    Soegeng Soegijanto


    Full Text Available Dengue Virus Infections are distributed in tropical and sub-tropical regions and transmitted by the mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue virus can cause dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome or dengue and severe dengue classified by World Health Organization. Beside it concurrent infection virus salmonella had been found some cases who showed fever more than 7 days. Concurrent infection with two agents can result in an illness having overlapping symptoms creating a diagnostic dilemma for treating physician, such as dengue fever with typhoid fever. The aim of this research is detection of dengue virus and secondary infection with Salmonella typhi in patients suspected dengue virus infection. Detection of dengue virus and Salmonella typhi using immunochromatography test such as NS1, IgG/IgM for dengue virus infection, and IgM/IgG Salmonella and blood culture. The fifty children with dengue virus infection came to Soerya hospital and 17 cases suspected dengue virus infection, five cases showed a positive NS1 on the second day of fever and one case concurrent with clinical manifestation of convulsi on the third days of fever there were five cases only showed positive. It was showed in this study that on the fourth to six day of fever in dengue virus infection accompanied by antibody IgM & IgG dengue. There were 12 cases showed the clinical manifestation of concurrent dengue viral infection and Salmonella, all of them showed a mild clinical manifestation and did not show plasma leakage and shock. In this study we found the length of stay of concurrent Dengue Virus Infection and Salmonella infection is more than 10 days. These patients were also more likely to have co-existing haemodynamic disturbances and bacterial septicaemia which would have required treatment with inotropes and antibiotics. This idea is very important to make update dengue viral management to decrease mortality in outbreak try to

  4. Prevalence of Rheumatic Heart Disease in a Public School of Belo Horizonte


    Miranda, Lavinia Pimentel; Camargos, Paulo Augusto Moreira; Torres, Rosália Morais; Meira, Zilda Maria Alves


    Background: Previous studies indicate that compared with physical examination, Doppler echocardiography identifies a larger number of cases of rheumatic heart disease in apparently healthy individuals. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of rheumatic heart disease among students in a public school of Belo Horizonte by clinical evaluation and Doppler echocardiography. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted with 267 randomly selected school students aged between 6 and ...

  5. Peptides as Therapeutic Agents for Dengue Virus. (United States)

    Chew, Miaw-Fang; Poh, Keat-Seong; Poh, Chit-Laa


    Dengue is an important global threat caused by dengue virus (DENV) that records an estimated 390 million infections annually. Despite the availability of CYD-TDV as a commercial vaccine, its long-term efficacy against all four dengue virus serotypes remains unsatisfactory. There is therefore an urgent need for the development of antiviral drugs for the treatment of dengue. Peptide was once a neglected choice of medical treatment but it has lately regained interest from the pharmaceutical industry following pioneering advancements in technology. In this review, the design of peptide drugs, antiviral activities and mechanisms of peptides and peptidomimetics (modified peptides) action against dengue virus are discussed. The development of peptides as inhibitors for viral entry, replication and translation is also described, with a focus on the three main targets, namely, the host cell receptors, viral structural proteins and viral non-structural proteins. The antiviral peptides designed based on these approaches may lead to the discovery of novel anti-DENV therapeutics that can treat dengue patients.

  6. Dengue (United States)

    ... emerged as a worldwide problem only since the 1950s. Although dengue rarely occurs in the continental United ... OIG 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta , GA 30329-4027 USA 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) , TTY: 888- ...

  7. Clinico-laboratory spectrum of dengue viral infection and risk factors associated with dengue hemorrhagic fever: a retrospective study. (United States)

    Mallhi, Tauqeer Hussain; Khan, Amer Hayat; Adnan, Azreen Syazril; Sarriff, Azmi; Khan, Yusra Habib; Jummaat, Fauziah


    The incidence of dengue is rising steadily in Malaysia since the first major outbreak in 1973. Despite aggressive measures taken by the relevant authorities, Malaysia is still facing worsening dengue crisis over the past few years. There is an urgent need to evaluate dengue cases for better understanding of clinic-laboratory spectrum in order to combat this disease. A retrospective analysis of dengue patients admitted to a tertiary care teaching hospital during the period of six years (2008 - 2013) was performed. Patient's demographics, clinical and laboratory findings were recorded via structured data collection form. Patients were categorized into dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Appropriate statistical methods were used to compare these two groups in order to determine difference in clinico-laboratory characteristics and to identify independent risk factors of DHF. A total 667 dengue patients (30.69 ± 16.13 years; Male: 56.7 %) were reviewed. Typical manifestations of dengue like fever, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, vomiting, abdominal pain and skin rash were observed in more than 40 % patients. DHF was observed in 79 (11.8 %) cases. Skin rash, dehydration, shortness of breath, pleural effusion and thick gall bladder were more significantly (P  40 years (OR: 4.1, P hospitalization (OR: 2.3, P = 0.037) as independent predictors of DHF. Overall mortality was 1.2 % in our study. Current study demonstrated that DF and DHF present significantly different clinico-laboratory profile. Older age, secondary infection, diabetes mellitus, lethargy, thick gallbladder and delayed hospitalization significantly predict DHF. Prior knowledge of expected clinical profile and predictors of DHF/DSS development would provide information to identify individuals at higher risk and on the other hand, give sufficient time to clinicians for reducing dengue related morbidity and mortality.

  8. An expanded dengue syndrome patient with manifestation myocarditis: case report (United States)

    Arifijanto, M. V.; Luqmana, H. P.; Rusli, M.; Bramantono


    Dengue infection may manifest asymptomatic, dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome. However, atypical manifestations in other organs have been increasingly reported and called expanded dengue syndrome. One of the cardiac complications in dengue is myocarditis. An 18-year-old woman complains of high fever since 3 days, epistaxis, chest pain, dyspnea, and vomiting. Laboratory examination obtained thrombocytopenia, hemoconcentration, NS1, IgG-IgM dengue positive, CKMB and Troponin- I increase. Electrocardiogram result ischemic anterior-posterior. Echocardiography results hyperechogenic on myocardial suspicious a myocarditis. The patient was diagnosed with acute myocarditis and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Condition improved after five days of treatment. Cardiac complications in dengue are now increasingly observed with the most common case is myocarditis. The main mechanism of dengue myocarditis is still unknown though both direct viral infection and immune mediated damage have been suggested to be the cause of myocardial damage. The low incidence of dengue myocarditis is because it’s asymptomatic and diagnosis is easily missed. Almost all cases of dengue myocarditis are self-limiting and severe myocarditis leading to dilated cardiomyopathy is extremely rare. There have been reported a patient with dengue hemorrhagic fever with manifestation myocarditis. Condition improve with supportive management.

  9. Clinical profile and outcome of Dengue fever cases. (United States)

    Ratageri, Vinod H; Shepur, T A; Wari, P K; Chavan, S C; Mujahid, I B; Yergolkar, P N


    Dengue fever is on rise globally. In India, Dengue epidemics are expanding geographically, even into the rural areas. Dengue can present with varied manifestations. The mortality rate has been brought down with high index of suspicion, strict monitoring and proper fluid resuscitation. Herewith, we are presenting clinical features and outcome of Dengue cases seen in and around Hubli (North Karnataka).

  10. Dengue Infection in Children in Ratchaburi, Thailand: A Cohort Study. I. Epidemiology of Symptomatic Acute Dengue Infection in Children, 2006–2009 (United States)

    Sabchareon, Arunee; Sirivichayakul, Chukiat; Limkittikul, Kriengsak; Chanthavanich, Pornthep; Suvannadabba, Saravudh; Jiwariyavej, Vithaya; Dulyachai, Wut; Pengsaa, Krisana; Margolis, Harold S.; Letson, G. William


    Background There is an urgent need to field test dengue vaccines to determine their role in the control of the disease. Our aims were to study dengue epidemiology and prepare the site for a dengue vaccine efficacy trial. Methods and Findings We performed a prospective cohort study of children in primary schools in central Thailand from 2006 through 2009. We assessed the epidemiology of dengue by active fever surveillance for acute febrile illness as detected by school absenteeism and telephone contact of parents, and dengue diagnostic testing. Dengue accounted for 394 (6.74%) of the 5,842 febrile cases identified in 2882, 3104, 2717 and 2312 student person-years over the four years, respectively. Dengue incidence was 1.77% in 2006, 3.58% in 2007, 5.74% in 2008 and 3.29% in 2009. Mean dengue incidence over the 4 years was 3.6%. Dengue virus (DENV) types were determined in 333 (84.5%) of positive specimens; DENV serotype 1 (DENV-1) was the most common (43%), followed by DENV-2 (29%), DENV-3 (20%) and DENV-4 (8%). Disease severity ranged from dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) in 42 (10.5%) cases, dengue fever (DF) in 142 (35.5%) cases and undifferentiated fever (UF) in 210 (52.5%) cases. All four DENV serotypes were involved in all disease severity. A majority of cases had secondary DENV infection, 95% in DHF, 88.7% in DF and 81.9% in UF. Two DHF (0.5%) cases had primary DENV-3 infection. Conclusion The results illustrate the high incidence of dengue with all four DENV serotypes in primary school children, with approximately 50% of disease manifesting as mild clinical symptoms of UF, not meeting the 1997 WHO criteria for dengue. Severe disease (DHF) occurred in one tenth of cases. Data of this type are required for clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of dengue vaccines in large scale clinical trials. PMID:22860141

  11. A Case of Dengue Maculopathy with Spontaneous Recovery

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    Fiona Oi-jing Luk


    Full Text Available Purpose: To report a case of dengue maculopathy, which resolved spontaneously without treatment. Methods: A 25-year-old female patient with good past health was admitted to a general hospital in Hong Kong with fever of unknown origin after traveling to Indonesia. Based on the clinical features and a positive real-time polymerase chain reaction for dengue virus type 1, she was diagnosed with dengue fever. The patient developed dengue maculopathy mainly affecting the vision of her left eye. Abnormalities on a multifocal electroretinogram showed bilateral involvement. Results: As there is no proven treatment for dengue maculopathy, the patient opted for observation. Her vision returned to normal within 3 weeks. Conclusion: Dengue maculopathy can cause severe visual loss and may resolve without treatment.

  12. Severe Dengue Fever Outbreak in Taiwan. (United States)

    Wang, Sheng-Fan; Wang, Wen-Hung; Chang, Ko; Chen, Yen-Hsu; Tseng, Sung-Pin; Yen, Chia-Hung; Wu, Deng-Chyang; Chen, Yi-Ming Arthur


    Dengue fever (DF) is a vector-borne disease caused by dengue viruses (DENVs). Epidemic dengue occurs intermittently in Taiwan. In 2014, Taiwan experienced its largest DF outbreak. There were 15,732 DF cases reported. There were a total of 136 dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases, of which 20 resulted in death. Most DF cases were reported in southern Taiwan. A total of 15,043 (96%) cases were from Kaohsiung, a modern city in southern Taiwan. This report reviews DF epidemics in Taiwan during 2005-2014. The correlation between DF and DHF along with temperature and precipitation were conjointly examined. We conclude that most dengue epidemics in Taiwan resulted from imported DF cases. Results indicate three main factors that may have been associated with this DF outbreak in Kaohsiung: an underground pipeline explosion combined with subsequent rainfall and higher temperature. These factors may have enhanced mosquito breeding activity, facilitating DENV transmission. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  13. Dengue in the Americas and Southeast Asia: do they differ? (United States)

    Halstead, Scott B


    The populations of Southeast Asia (SE Asia) and tropical America are similar, and all four dengue viruses of Asian origin are endemic in both regions. Yet, during comparable 5-year periods, SE Asia experienced 1.16 million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), principally in children, whereas in the Americas there were 2.8 million dengue fever (DF) cases, principally in adults, and only 65,000 DHF cases. This review aims to explain these regional differences. In SE Asia, World War II amplified Aedes aegypti populations and the spread of dengue viruses. In the Americas, efforts to eradicate A. aegypti in the 1940s and 1950s contained dengue epidemics mainly to the Caribbean Basin. Cuba escaped infections with the American genotype dengue-2 and an Asian dengue-3 endemic in the 1960s and 1970s. Successive infections with dengue-1 and an Asian genotype dengue-2 resulted in the 1981 DHF epidemic. When this dengue-2 virus was introduced in other Caribbean countries, it encountered populations highly immune to the American genotype dengue-2. During the 1980s and 1990s, rapidly expanding populations of A. aegypti in Brazil permitted successive epidemics of dengue-1, -2, and -3. These exposures, however, resulted mainly in DF, with surprisingly few cases of DHF. The absence of high rates of severe dengue disease in Brazil, as elsewhere in the Americas, may be partly explained by the widespread prevalence of human dengue resistance genes. Understanding the nature and distribution of these genes holds promise for containing severe dengue. Future research on dengue infections should emphasize population-based designs.

  14. Dengue in the Americas and Southeast Asia: do they differ?

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    Scott B. Halstead


    Full Text Available The populations of Southeast Asia (SE Asia and tropical America are similar, and all four dengue viruses of Asian origin are endemic in both regions. Yet, during comparable 5-year periods, SE Asia experienced 1.16 million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF, principally in children, whereas in the Americas there were 2.8 million dengue fever (DF cases, principally in adults, and only 65 000 DHF cases. This review aims to explain these regional differences. In SE Asia, World War II amplified Aedes aegypti populations and the spread of dengue viruses. In the Americas, efforts to eradicate A. aegypti in the 1940s and 1950s contained dengue epidemics mainly to the Caribbean Basin. Cuba escaped infections with the American genotype dengue-2 and an Asian dengue-3 endemic in the 1960s and 1970s. Successive infections with dengue-1 and an Asian genotype dengue-2 resulted in the 1981 DHF epidemic. When this dengue-2 virus was introduced in other Caribbean countries, it encountered populations highly immune to the American genotype dengue-2. During the 1980s and 1990s, rapidly expanding populations of A. aegypti in Brazil permitted successive epidemics of dengue-1, -2, and -3. These exposures, however, resulted mainly in DF, with surprisingly few cases of DHF. The absence of high rates of severe dengue disease in Brazil, as elsewhere in the Americas, may be partly explained by the widespread prevalence of human dengue resistance genes. Understanding the nature and distribution of these genes holds promise for containing severe dengue. Future research on dengue infections should emphasize population-based designs.

  15. An information value based analysis of physical and climatic factors affecting dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever incidence

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    Tripathi Nitin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Vector-borne diseases are the most dreaded worldwide health problems. Although many campaigns against it have been conducted, Dengue Fever (DF and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF are still the major health problems of Thailand. The reported number of dengue incidences in 1998 for the Thailand was 129,954, of which Sukhothai province alone reported alarming number of 682. It was the second largest epidemic outbreak of dengue after 1987. Government arranges the remedial facilities as and when dengue is reported. But, the best way to control is to prevent it from happening. This will be possible only when knowledge about the relationship of DF/DHF with climatic and physio-environmental agents is discovered. This paper explores empirical relationship of climatic factors rainfall, temperature and humidity with the DF/DHF incidences using multivariate regression analysis. Also, a GIS based methodology is proposed in this paper to explore the influence of physio-environmental factors on dengue incidences. Remotely sensed data provided important data about physical environment and have been used for many vector borne diseases. Information Values (IV method was utilised to derive influence of various factors in the quantitative terms. Researchers have not applied this type of analysis for dengue earlier. Sukhothai province was selected for the case study as it had high number of dengue cases in 1998 and also due to its diverse physical setting with variety of land use/land cover types. Results Preliminary results demonstrated that physical factors derived from remotely sensed data could indicate variation in physical risk factors affecting DF/DHF. A composite analysis of these three factors with dengue incidences was carried out using multivariate regression analysis. Three empirical models ER-1, ER-2 and ER-3 were evaluated. It was found that these three factors have significant relation with DF/DHF incidences and can be related to

  16. Representações sobre dengue, seu vetor e ações de controle por moradores do município de São Sebastião, litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Social representations concerning dengue, dengue vectors, and control activities among residents of São Sebastião on the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Ana Maria Cavalcanti Lefèvre


    Full Text Available Buscou-se, neste trabalho, identificar conhecimentos da população sobre a dengue e biologia do vetor, a fim de propiciar, através desse conhecimento, o diálogo entre a lógica técnica e a leiga, para conseguir avanços concretos na participação e no controle social da dengue e do vetor. Foi realizada pesquisa em área infestada pelo Aedes aegypti, com transmissão de dengue, no Município de São Sebastião, litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram feitas cem entrevistas, com cinco questões abertas, abordando aspectos de interesse para o tema do controle da dengue e do vetor. Utilizou-se, para análise, a técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC. Os discursos revelam que a população não está conseguindo discriminar adequadamente o tipo ou modalidade de coleção de água mais apropriada para a criação do mosquito e que desconhece a fase de ovo no desenvolvimento do vetor. Observou-se consciência inadequada da relação de vários elementos da biologia do vetor, bem como da necessária integração entre poder público e a população. Sugere-se que as atividades educativas adotem resultados desta pesquisa como insumo, visando ao incremento da eficiência e eficácia social das ações participativas de combate ao dengue e controle do vetor.This study sought to identify people's knowledge on dengue and its vector biology, aimed at promoting a communications channel between technical and lay reasoning in order to foster community involvement in dengue and dengue vector control activities. A survey was conducted in an Aedes aegypti-infested area with dengue transmission in São Sebastião on the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. One hundred interviews were held, with five open questions on topics related to dengue and vector control. Collective Subject Discourse methodology was used in the analysis. People were not able to properly identify the kinds of accumulated water sources that serve as breeding

  17. O Programa de Controle do Dengue em São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brasil: dificuldades para a atuação dos agentes e adesão da população Dengue Control Program in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil: problems with health agents' work and population adherence

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    Francisco Chiaravalloti Neto


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar aspectos que interferem na atuação dos agentes de controle de vetores e comunitários de saúde no Programa de Controle do Dengue e na adesão da população. Utilizou-se metodologia de grupos focais, nos quais foi discutida a relação agente-serviço-população. O controle e prevenção do dengue foram considerados atividades de menor importância, e o agente ideal seria aquele capaz de encaminhar todas as demandas e não só aquelas relacionadas ao dengue. Os agentes de controle de vetores apontaram para problemas como recusa e falta de adesão, identificação como coletores de lixo, diferenciação de status em relação aos agentes comunitários de saúde. Entre as mulheres, identificaram-se a relação de culpabilização entre vizinhos, a associação do problema do dengue à falta de higiene e a relação entre casa limpa e ausência de criadouros. Os aspectos destacados interferem negativamente na atuação dos agentes e são condicionados pela característica vertical do programa. Encaminhamentos possíveis: incorporação dos agentes de controle às Unidades de Saúde, investimento na integração intersetorial e criação de condições para que os agentes atuem sobre o meio ambiente.This study aimed to identify the aspects that interfere with the performance of vector control agents and community health workers and population adherence to dengue control programs. The focal group methodology was applied to discuss the relations between the program, health agents, and population. According to the results, dengue control and prevention were considered relatively unimportant activities, i.e., ideal community health workers would be capable of solving other (supposedly more important problems. Vector control agents emphasized the population's lack of adherence and the fact that they (the control agents were confused with garbage collectors (considered less important than community health workers

  18. Environmentally-driven ensemble forecasts of dengue fever (United States)

    Yamana, T. K.; Shaman, J. L.


    Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease prevalent in the tropics and subtropics, with an estimated 2.5 billion people at risk of transmission. In many areas where dengue is found, disease transmission is seasonal but prone to high inter-annual variability with occasional severe epidemics. Predicting and preparing for periods of higher than average transmission remains a significant public health challenge. Recently, we developed a framework for forecasting dengue incidence using an dynamical model of disease transmission coupled with observational data of dengue cases using data-assimilation methods. Here, we investigate the use of environmental data to drive the disease transmission model. We produce retrospective forecasts of the timing and severity of dengue outbreaks, and quantify forecast predictive accuracy.

  19. Changing haematological parameters in dengue viral infections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jamil, T.; Mehmood, K.; Mujtaba, G.; Choudhry, N.


    Background: Dengue Fever is the most common arboviral disease in the world, and presents cyclically in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The four serotypes of dengue virus, 1, 2, 3, and 4, form an antigenic subgroup of the flaviviruses (Group B arboviruses). Transmission to humans of any of these serotypes initiates a spectrum of host responses, from in apparent to severe and sometimes lethal infections. Complete Blood count (CBC) is an important part of the diagnostic workup of patients. Comparison of various finding in CBC including peripheral smear can help the physician in better management of the patient. Material and Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out on a series of suspected patients of Dengue viral infection reporting in Ittefaq Hospital (Trust). All were investigated for serological markers of acute infection. Results Out of 341 acute cases 166 (48.7%) were confirmed by IgM against Dengue virus. IgG anti-dengue was used on 200 suspected re-infected patients. Seventy-one (39.5%) were positive and 118 (59%) were negative. Among 245 confirmed dengue fever patients 43 (17.6%) were considered having dengue hemorrhagic fever on the basis of lab and clinical findings. Raised haematocrit, Leukopenia with relative Lymphocytosis and presence atypical lymphocytes along with plasmacytoid cells was consistent finding at presentation in both the patterns of disease, i.e., Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and Dengue fever (DF). Conclusion: Changes in relative percentage of cells appear with improvement in the symptoms and recovery from the disease. These findings indicate that in the course of the disease, there are major shifts within cellular component of blood. (author)

  20. Um estudo sobre gestão do conhecimento e inovação em uma empresa multinacional do setor de fast-food: o caso da Subway


    Oliveira, Paulo Henrique de; Gonçalves, Carlos Alberto; de Paula, Edmar Aderson Mendes; Assis, Vivian Coelho


    Este artigo analisa as práticas de gestão do conhecimento e da inovação em uma franquia de uma importante empresa multinacional do setor de fast-food de Minas Gerais: a Subway. Como estratégia de pesquisa, utilizou-se um estudo de caso descritivo e os dados foram coletados por meio de uma entrevista em profundidade, realizada com o proprietário de quatro lojas dessa franquia, situadas em regiões estratégicas da cidade de Belo Horizonte. Os resultados demonstraram que os processos de criação, ...

  1. Dengue: an update on treatment options. (United States)

    Chan, Candice Y Y; Ooi, Eng Eong


    Dengue is the most important mosquito-borne viral pathogen globally, with approximately 100 million cases of acute dengue annually. Infection can result in severe, life-threatening disease. Currently, there is no effective vaccine or licensed antiviral. Management is primarily supportive with fluids. Direct antiviral therapies that reduce dengue severity could be useful although these would need to inhibit all four viral serotypes effectively. This review focuses on the interventions that currently considered the gold standard in case management as well as exploratory therapies that have been studied in clinical trials. Although antiviral drug and therapeutic antibodies for dengue remain a work in progress, these studies have produced some promising results and may have the potential to be future drugs.

  2. System Dynamics based Dengue modeling environment to simulate evolution of Dengue infection under different climate scenarios (United States)

    Anwar, R.; Khan, R.; Usmani, M.; Colwell, R. R.; Jutla, A.


    Vector borne infectious diseases such as Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya remain a public health threat. An estimate of the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that about 2.5 billion people, representing ca. 40% of human population,are at increased risk of dengue; with more than 100 million infection cases every year. Vector-borne infections cannot be eradicated since disease causing pathogens survive in the environment. Over the last few decades dengue infection has been reported in more than 100 countries and is expanding geographically. Female Ae. Aegypti mosquito, the daytime active and a major vector for dengue virus, is associated with urban population density and regional climatic processes. However, mathematical quantification of relationships on abundance of vectors and climatic processes remain a challenge, particularly in regions where such data are not routinely collected. Here, using system dynamics based feedback mechanism, an algorithm integrating knowledge from entomological, meteorological and epidemiological processes is developed that has potential to provide ensemble simulations on risk of occurrence of dengue infection in human population. Using dataset from satellite remote sensing, the algorithm was calibrated and validated using actual dengue case data of Iquitos, Peru. We will show results on model capabilities in capturing initiation and peak in the observed time series. In addition, results from several simulation scenarios under different climatic conditions will be discussed.

  3. Dengue mortality in Colombia, 1985-2012. (United States)

    Chaparro-Narváez, Pablo; León-Quevedo, Willian; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos Andrés


    Dengue in Colombia is an important public health problem due to the huge economic and social costs it has caused, especially during the disease outbreaks.  To describe the behavior of dengue mortality in Colombia between 1985 and 2012.  We conducted a descriptive study. Information was obtained from mortality and population projection databases provided by the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) for the 1985-2012 period. Mortality rates, rate ratios, and case fatality rates were estimated.  A total of 1,990 dengue deaths were registered during this period in Colombia. Dengue mortality rates presented an increasing trend with statistical significance between 1985 and 1998. Higher mortality rates were reported in men both younger than 5 years and older than 65 years. Between 1995 and 2012, category 1 to 4 municipalities reported the highest mortality rates. Case fatality rates varied during the period between 0.01% and 0.39%.  Dengue is an avoidable disease that should disappear from mortality statistics as a cause of death. The event is avoidable if the proposed activities from the Estrategia de Gestión Integrada (EGI)-Dengue are implemented and evaluated. We recommend encouraging the development of an informational culture to contribute to decision making and prioritizing resource allocation.

  4. Dengue knowledge in indoor dengue patients from low socioeconomic class; etiology, symptoms, mode of transmission and prevention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shams, N.; Ahmed, W.; Seetlani, N.K.; Farhat, S.


    Dengue fever has emerged as an emerging public health issue during last decade bearing significant morbidity and economic burden particularly in third world countries. Current study aims to assess various domains of knowledge of indoor dengue patients. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Medicine dept. Rawal Institute of Health Sciences Islamabad and BBH Rawalpindi over 6 months. One hundred and twenty-five adult indoor confirmed cases of dengue from lower socioeconomic class were included after ethical approval. The 25-item dengue knowledge questionnaire including aetiology, symptoms, modes of transmission and prevention of dengue was filled. Results: Among 125 cases (77% males and 23% females), mean age was 30+-13 years. Mean knowledge score was 11+-5 points; with excellent knowledge in 6%, good knowledge (22%), moderate knowledge (23%), fair knowledge (34%) and poor knowledge (17%). Mosquito being a vector of dengue was identified by 78%, with peak time in afternoon (48%). Symptoms identified include fever (95%), headache (55%), muscle pain (44%), rash (33%), retro-orbital pain (32%), joint pains (28%) and abdominal pain (18%). Flies and ticks aren't the vectors of dengue according to 61% and 74% respectively, special mosquito is vector (54%), i.e., Aedes Aegypti (18%) that breeds in standing water (53%). Preventive measures identified were netting (56%), insecticide sprays (54%), covering water containers (38%), removing standing water (36%), mosquito repellents (17%), cutting down bushes (22%) and pouring chemicals in standing water (18%). Conclusion: Our patients from lower socioeconomic class, though aware of vector and mode of transmission, have insufficient knowledge of prevention and vector control measures. There is need to strengthen dengue awareness through community based programs, social media, schools and health care centres for high risk people well before the expected epidemic season about mode of transmission

  5. Dengue viremia in blood donors in Northern India: Challenges of emerging dengue outbreaks to blood transfusion safety

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    Sadhana Mangwana


    Full Text Available Backdround: Emerging infectious diseases pose threats to the general human population; including recipients of blood transfusions. Dengue is spreading rapidly to new areas and with increasing frequency of major outbreaks. Screening blood for dengue antigens in dengue-endemic countries would be costly and should, therefore, be recommended only after careful assessment of risk for infection and cost. Aim: A prospective study was conducted to establish the magnitude of the threat that dengue poses to blood safety where it is sporadic with seasonal variations, to quantify risk and to assess that whether screening is feasible and cost-effective. Materials and Methods: Nonstructural protein 1 (NS1 antigen test was done on 1709 donations during dengue outbreak in the months August to November 2013 as an additional test using Bio-Rad Platelia Dengue NS1AG test kit which is one step sandwich format microplate enzyme immunoassay using murine monoclonal antibodies for capture and revelation. Chi-square test was used to find statistical significance. Results and Conclusions: Majority cases were whole blood, replacement, male donors with 76.10% donors in <35 years age group. About 17.85% were single donor platelet donations. NS1 antigen in all donors was negative. In the past, dengue affected mainly children who do not donate blood. With the changing trend, mean age of infection increased affecting the population that does donate blood, further reducing blood donation pool. Further studies need to be done in different geographic regions of the country during dengue transmission season to establish maximum incidence of viremic donations, rates of transfusion transmission and clinical consequences in recipients. If risk is found to be substantial, decision will be taken by the policymakers at what threshold screening should be instituted to ensure safe blood transfusion.

  6. Factors affecting dengue prevention practices: nationwide survey of the Malaysian public.

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    Li Ping Wong

    Full Text Available Efforts to stamp dengue in many dengue endemic countries has met little success. There is a need to re-examine and understand how the public at large view the dengue prevention efforts. This study aimed to examine the demographic factors, theoretical constructs of the Health Belief Model and knowledge about dengue and how these influence the practice of dengue prevention.A national telephone survey was carried out with 2,512 individuals of the Malaysian public aged 18-60 years.The majority (73% of the Malaysian public had a total dengue prevention score of 51-100 (of a possible score of 1-100. Multivariate analysis suggests significant correlates of higher dengue prevention practices with demographic background, perception of susceptibility to dengue, perceived density of mosquitoes in the neighbourhood and knowledge about dengue. Households of lower income of which the majority (40.7% were from the rural areas, were associated with the highest odds [OR = 1.33; 95%CI = 1.09-1.67; p = 0.004] of dengue prevention. Dengue prevention practices were also less likely to be undertaken in neighbourhoods where the responders perceived there is no and/or low density of mosquitoes. Dengue prevention practices are also less likely to be practiced by skilled workers [OR = 0.78; 95%CI = 0.63-0.95; p = 0.029] compared to those unemployed. Higher perceived susceptibility to dengue was associated with higher dengue prevention practices and participants with higher dengue knowledge were found to have a higher level of involvement in dengue prevention practices.Results from the study suggest that in formulating approaches to contain dengue, strategies should be developed to cultivate dengue prevention practices among urban population and target areas with low density of mosquitoes where public perceived a less likely chance of getting dengue. Dengue prevention campaigns should focus on messages highlighting the risk of contracting dengue and education to increase

  7. Developing a Time Series Predictive Model for Dengue in Zhongshan, China Based on Weather and Guangzhou Dengue Surveillance Data.

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    Yingtao Zhang


    Full Text Available Dengue is a re-emerging infectious disease of humans, rapidly growing from endemic areas to dengue-free regions due to favorable conditions. In recent decades, Guangzhou has again suffered from several big outbreaks of dengue; as have its neighboring cities. This study aims to examine the impact of dengue epidemics in Guangzhou, China, and to develop a predictive model for Zhongshan based on local weather conditions and Guangzhou dengue surveillance information.We obtained weekly dengue case data from 1st January, 2005 to 31st December, 2014 for Guangzhou and Zhongshan city from the Chinese National Disease Surveillance Reporting System. Meteorological data was collected from the Zhongshan Weather Bureau and demographic data was collected from the Zhongshan Statistical Bureau. A negative binomial regression model with a log link function was used to analyze the relationship between weekly dengue cases in Guangzhou and Zhongshan, controlling for meteorological factors. Cross-correlation functions were applied to identify the time lags of the effect of each weather factor on weekly dengue cases. Models were validated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC curves and k-fold cross-validation.Our results showed that weekly dengue cases in Zhongshan were significantly associated with dengue cases in Guangzhou after the treatment of a 5 weeks prior moving average (Relative Risk (RR = 2.016, 95% Confidence Interval (CI: 1.845-2.203, controlling for weather factors including minimum temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. ROC curve analysis indicated our forecasting model performed well at different prediction thresholds, with 0.969 area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC for a threshold of 3 cases per week, 0.957 AUC for a threshold of 2 cases per week, and 0.938 AUC for a threshold of 1 case per week. Models established during k-fold cross-validation also had considerable AUC (average 0.938-0.967. The sensitivity and

  8. Developing a Time Series Predictive Model for Dengue in Zhongshan, China Based on Weather and Guangzhou Dengue Surveillance Data. (United States)

    Zhang, Yingtao; Wang, Tao; Liu, Kangkang; Xia, Yao; Lu, Yi; Jing, Qinlong; Yang, Zhicong; Hu, Wenbiao; Lu, Jiahai


    Dengue is a re-emerging infectious disease of humans, rapidly growing from endemic areas to dengue-free regions due to favorable conditions. In recent decades, Guangzhou has again suffered from several big outbreaks of dengue; as have its neighboring cities. This study aims to examine the impact of dengue epidemics in Guangzhou, China, and to develop a predictive model for Zhongshan based on local weather conditions and Guangzhou dengue surveillance information. We obtained weekly dengue case data from 1st January, 2005 to 31st December, 2014 for Guangzhou and Zhongshan city from the Chinese National Disease Surveillance Reporting System. Meteorological data was collected from the Zhongshan Weather Bureau and demographic data was collected from the Zhongshan Statistical Bureau. A negative binomial regression model with a log link function was used to analyze the relationship between weekly dengue cases in Guangzhou and Zhongshan, controlling for meteorological factors. Cross-correlation functions were applied to identify the time lags of the effect of each weather factor on weekly dengue cases. Models were validated using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and k-fold cross-validation. Our results showed that weekly dengue cases in Zhongshan were significantly associated with dengue cases in Guangzhou after the treatment of a 5 weeks prior moving average (Relative Risk (RR) = 2.016, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.845-2.203), controlling for weather factors including minimum temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall. ROC curve analysis indicated our forecasting model performed well at different prediction thresholds, with 0.969 area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for a threshold of 3 cases per week, 0.957 AUC for a threshold of 2 cases per week, and 0.938 AUC for a threshold of 1 case per week. Models established during k-fold cross-validation also had considerable AUC (average 0.938-0.967). The sensitivity and specificity

  9. Aedes mosquito salivary immune peptides: boost or block dengue viral infections

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    Natthanej Luplertlop


    Full Text Available Dengue virus, one of the most important arthropod-borne viruses, infected to human can severely cause dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. There are expected about 50 million dengue infections and 500 000 individuals are hospitalized with dengue hemorrhagic fever, mainly in Southeast Asia, Pacific, and in Americas reported each year. The rapid expansion of global dengue is one of a major public health challenge, together with not yet successful solutions of dengue epidemic control strategies. Thus, these dynamic dengue viral infections exhibited high demographic, societal, and public health infrastructure impacts on human. This review aimed to highlight the current understanding of dengue mosquito immune responses and role of mosquito salivary glands on dengue infection. These information may provide a valuable knowledge of disease pathogenesis, especially in mosquito vector and dengue virus interaction, which may help to control and prevent dengue distribution.

  10. Retrospective analysis of dengue specific IgM reactive serum samples

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    Nemai Bhattacharya


    Full Text Available Objective: To conduct a retrospective analysis of dengue cases in Kolkata, on the basis of presence of anti-dengue IgM in their sera and presence or absence of anti-dengue IgG and dengue specific Non structural 1 (NS1 antigen in each of the serum sample. Methods: Sample was tested quantitatively employing ELISA technique, using Biorad test kits, with a view to get a more comprehensive picture of dengue in an urban endemic area and also to evaluate individual cases. Results: This reconstructed study revealed that of those 91 dengue cases, 70.3% (64 and 29.7% (27 were suffering from secondary and primary dengue respectively, showing that number of secondary dengue cases were much more than that of primary dengue cases with a possibility of emergence of DHF. A small proportion of cases 18.7% (17 were reactive for NS1. The duration of fever in NS1 antigen positive cases varied between 5 and 7 days. Of 17 NS1 reactive cases, 10 (10.9% and 7 (7.7% were suffering from secondary and primary dengue respectively. Conclusions: Early detection of primary and secondary dengue cases would be facilitated by utilizing all three parameters (NS1 antigen, anti-dengue IgM and IgG helping to evaluate, monitor and treat a dengue case effectively.

  11. Assessing changes in knowledge, attitude and practices on dengue diagnosis and management among primary care physicians after the largest dengue epidemic in Singapore. (United States)

    Pang, Junxiong; Hildon, Zoe Jane-Lara; Thein, Tun Linn; Jin, Jing; Leo, Yee Sin


    Dengue results in high morbidity and mortality globally. The knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of dengue management, including diagnosis, among primary care physicians (PCPs) are important to reduce dengue transmission and burden. However, there is a lack of understanding on the impact of dengue epidemic on dengue management. Hence, the aim of this study is to examine the changes in KAP on dengue management among PCPs before and after the largest dengue epidemic in 2013 in Singapore. Surveys were mailed to 2000 and 1514 PCPs registered under the Singapore Medical Council in March of year 2011 and 2014, respectively. Survey data were then collected between April and June of that year. Chi-square or Fisher's exact test was used for comparing categorical variables. A multivariate logistic regression model was implemented to determine independent factors for frequent use of dengue diagnostic tests (DDTs). All tests were conducted at 5% level of significance. Adjusted odds ratio and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were reported, where applicable. Qualitative data were descriptively coded for themes and analysis. Among PCPs surveyed in 2011 and 2014, 89.9% and 86% had good knowledge on dengue management respectively. The usage of DDTs had increased significantly in 2014 (N = 164;56%) as compared to 2011 (N = 107;29.5%) in both private and public clinics (p Dengue Duo point-of-care test (POCT) kits was independently associated with frequent use of DDTs (adjusted odds ratio = 2.15; 95% confidence interval = 1.25-3.69). There was a significant reduction in referral of dengue patients to hospital (31.4% in 2011; 13.3% in 2014; p dengue management can be improved with availability of POCT kit, better awareness of the disease and any revised clinical guidelines. The knowledge on dengue management remained high, while the attitude and practices, particularly on the usage of DDTs improved significantly after a large epidemic. Furthermore, PCPs had more

  12. Dengue in the Americas and Southeast Asia: do they differ? El dengue en las Américas y el sudeste asiático: ¿son diferentes?

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    Scott B. Halstead


    Full Text Available The populations of Southeast Asia (SE Asia and tropical America are similar, and all four dengue viruses of Asian origin are endemic in both regions. Yet, during comparable 5-year periods, SE Asia experienced 1.16 million cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF, principally in children, whereas in the Americas there were 2.8 million dengue fever (DF cases, principally in adults, and only 65 000 DHF cases. This review aims to explain these regional differences. In SE Asia, World War II amplified Aedes aegypti populations and the spread of dengue viruses. In the Americas, efforts to eradicate A. aegypti in the 1940s and 1950s contained dengue epidemics mainly to the Caribbean Basin. Cuba escaped infections with the American genotype dengue-2 and an Asian dengue-3 endemic in the 1960s and 1970s. Successive infections with dengue-1 and an Asian genotype dengue-2 resulted in the 1981 DHF epidemic. When this dengue-2 virus was introduced in other Caribbean countries, it encountered populations highly immune to the American genotype dengue-2. During the 1980s and 1990s, rapidly expanding populations of A. aegypti in Brazil permitted successive epidemics of dengue-1, -2, and -3. These exposures, however, resulted mainly in DF, with surprisingly few cases of DHF. The absence of high rates of severe dengue disease in Brazil, as elsewhere in the Americas, may be partly explained by the widespread prevalence of human dengue resistance genes. Understanding the nature and distribution of these genes holds promise for containing severe dengue. Future research on dengue infections should emphasize population-based designs.Las poblaciones de Asia suroriental y de la América tropical son similares y los cuatro tipos de virus del dengue de origen asiático son endémicos en ambas regiones. Aun así, durante períodos quinquenales comparables ocurrieron 1,16 millones de casos de dengue hemorrágico (DH en Asia suroriental, principalmente en niños, mientras que en

  13. Dengue prediction by the web: Tweets are a useful tool for estimating and forecasting Dengue at country and city level.

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    Cecilia de Almeida Marques-Toledo


    Full Text Available Infectious diseases are a leading threat to public health. Accurate and timely monitoring of disease risk and progress can reduce their impact. Mentioning a disease in social networks is correlated with physician visits by patients, and can be used to estimate disease activity. Dengue is the fastest growing mosquito-borne viral disease, with an estimated annual incidence of 390 million infections, of which 96 million manifest clinically. Dengue burden is likely to increase in the future owing to trends toward increased urbanization, scarce water supplies and, possibly, environmental change. The epidemiological dynamic of Dengue is complex and difficult to predict, partly due to costly and slow surveillance systems.In this study, we aimed to quantitatively assess the usefulness of data acquired by Twitter for the early detection and monitoring of Dengue epidemics, both at country and city level at a weekly basis. Here, we evaluated and demonstrated the potential of tweets modeling for Dengue estimation and forecast, in comparison with other available web-based data, Google Trends and Wikipedia access logs. Also, we studied the factors that might influence the goodness-of-fit of the model. We built a simple model based on tweets that was able to 'nowcast', i.e. estimate disease numbers in the same week, but also 'forecast' disease in future weeks. At the country level, tweets are strongly associated with Dengue cases, and can estimate present and future Dengue cases until 8 weeks in advance. At city level, tweets are also useful for estimating Dengue activity. Our model can be applied successfully to small and less developed cities, suggesting a robust construction, even though it may be influenced by the incidence of the disease, the activity of Twitter locally, and social factors, including human development index and internet access.Tweets association with Dengue cases is valuable to assist traditional Dengue surveillance at real-time and low

  14. Dengue prediction by the web: Tweets are a useful tool for estimating and forecasting Dengue at country and city level. (United States)

    Marques-Toledo, Cecilia de Almeida; Degener, Carolin Marlen; Vinhal, Livia; Coelho, Giovanini; Meira, Wagner; Codeço, Claudia Torres; Teixeira, Mauro Martins


    Infectious diseases are a leading threat to public health. Accurate and timely monitoring of disease risk and progress can reduce their impact. Mentioning a disease in social networks is correlated with physician visits by patients, and can be used to estimate disease activity. Dengue is the fastest growing mosquito-borne viral disease, with an estimated annual incidence of 390 million infections, of which 96 million manifest clinically. Dengue burden is likely to increase in the future owing to trends toward increased urbanization, scarce water supplies and, possibly, environmental change. The epidemiological dynamic of Dengue is complex and difficult to predict, partly due to costly and slow surveillance systems. In this study, we aimed to quantitatively assess the usefulness of data acquired by Twitter for the early detection and monitoring of Dengue epidemics, both at country and city level at a weekly basis. Here, we evaluated and demonstrated the potential of tweets modeling for Dengue estimation and forecast, in comparison with other available web-based data, Google Trends and Wikipedia access logs. Also, we studied the factors that might influence the goodness-of-fit of the model. We built a simple model based on tweets that was able to 'nowcast', i.e. estimate disease numbers in the same week, but also 'forecast' disease in future weeks. At the country level, tweets are strongly associated with Dengue cases, and can estimate present and future Dengue cases until 8 weeks in advance. At city level, tweets are also useful for estimating Dengue activity. Our model can be applied successfully to small and less developed cities, suggesting a robust construction, even though it may be influenced by the incidence of the disease, the activity of Twitter locally, and social factors, including human development index and internet access. Tweets association with Dengue cases is valuable to assist traditional Dengue surveillance at real-time and low-cost. Tweets are

  15. Therapeutic antibodies as a treatment option for dengue fever. (United States)

    Chan, Kuan Rong; Ong, Eugenia Z; Ooi, Eng Eong


    Dengue fever is the most prevalent mosquito-borne viral disease globally with about 100 million cases of acute dengue annually. Severe dengue infection can result in a life-threatening illness. In the absence of either a licensed vaccine or antiviral drug against dengue, therapeutic antibodies that neutralize dengue virus (DENV) may serve as an effective medical countermeasure against severe dengue. However, therapeutic antibodies would need to effectively neutralize all four DENV serotypes. It must not induce antibody-dependent enhancement of DENV infection in monocytes/macrophages through Fc gamma receptor (FcγR)-mediated phagocytosis, which is hypothesized to increase the risk of severe dengue. Here, we review the strategies and technologies that can be adopted to develop antibodies for therapeutic applications. We also discuss the mechanism of antibody neutralization in the cells targeted by DENV that express Fc gamma receptor. These studies have provided significant insight toward the use of therapeutic antibodies as a potentially promising bulwark against dengue.

  16. Dengue Outbreak in Hadramout, Yemen, 2010: An Epidemiological Perspective (United States)

    Ghouth, Abdulla Salim Bin; Amarasinghe, Ananda; Letson, G. William


    We analyzed surveillance data of a dengue outbreak (2010) reported to the Hadramout Health Office (Yemen) and retrospectively analyzed dengue-related epidemiological and entomological events reported in Hadramout from 2005 to 2009. A total of 630 immunoglobulin M (IgM) -confirmed dengue cases of 982 febrile cases was reported during the period from February to June of 2010; 12 cases died, giving case fatality a rate of 1.9%. Among febrile cases, the highest proportion of dengue cases (37.3%) was reported in the 15- to 24-year-old age group. The overall attack rate was 0.89/1,000. The average number of cases reported by month over the preceding 5-year period compared with the 2010 data is consistent with endemicity of dengue in the region and supports epidemic designation for the dengue activity in 2010. Recognition of endemic dengue transmission and potential for substantial dengue epidemics highlight the need for consistent laboratory-based surveillance that can support prevention and control activities accordingly. PMID:22665621

  17. Dengue infection and miscarriage: a prospective case control study.

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    Peng Chiong Tan

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Dengue is the most prevalent mosquito borne infection worldwide. Vertical transmissions after maternal dengue infection to the fetus and pregnancy losses in relation to dengue illness have been reported. The relationship of dengue to miscarriage is not known. METHOD: We aimed to establish the relationship of recent dengue infection and miscarriage. Women who presented with miscarriage (up to 22 weeks gestation to our hospital were approached to participate in the study. For each case of miscarriage, we recruited 3 controls with viable pregnancies at a similar gestation. A brief questionnaire on recent febrile illness and prior dengue infection was answered. Blood was drawn from participants, processed and the frozen serum was stored. Stored sera were thawed and then tested in batches with dengue specific IgM capture ELISA, dengue non-structural protein 1 (NS1 antigen and dengue specific IgG ELISA tests. Controls remained in the analysis if their pregnancies continued beyond 22 weeks gestation. Tests were run on 116 case and 341 control sera. One case (a misdiagnosed viable early pregnancy plus 45 controls (39 lost to follow up and six subsequent late miscarriages were excluded from analysis. FINDINGS: Dengue specific IgM or dengue NS1 antigen (indicating recent dengue infection was positive in 6/115 (5·2% cases and 5/296 (1·7% controls RR 3·1 (95% CI 1·0-10 P = 0·047. Maternal age, gestational age, parity and ethnicity were dissimilar between cases and controls. After adjustments for these factors, recent dengue infection remained significantly more frequently detected in cases than controls (AOR 4·2 95% CI 1·2-14 P = 0·023. INTERPRETATION: Recent dengue infections were more frequently detected in women presenting with miscarriage than in controls whose pregnancies were viable. After adjustments for confounders, the positive association remained.

  18. Research on Climate and Dengue in Malaysia: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Hii, Yien Ling; Zaki, Rafdzah Ahmad; Aghamohammadi, Nasrin; Rocklöv, Joacim


    Dengue is a climate-sensitive infectious disease. Climate-based dengue early warning may be a simple, low-cost, and effective tool for enhancing surveillance and control. Scientific studies on climate and dengue in local context form the basis for advancing the development of a climate-based early warning system. This study aims to review the current status of scientific studies in climate and dengue and the prospect or challenges of such research on a climate-based dengue early warning system in a dengue-endemic country, taking Malaysia as a case study. We reviewed the relationship between climate and dengue derived from statistical modeling, laboratory tests, and field studies. We searched electronic databases including PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO (MEDLINE), Web of Science, and the World Health Organization publications, and assessed climate factors and their influence on dengue cases, mosquitoes, and virus and recent development in the field of climate and dengue. Few studies in Malaysia have emphasized the relationship between climate and dengue. Climatic factors such as temperature, rainfall, and humidity are associated with dengue; however, these relationships were not consistent. Climate change projections for Malaysia show a mounting risk for dengue in the future. Scientific studies on climate and dengue enhance dengue surveillance in the long run. It is essential for institutions in Malaysia to promote research on climate and vector-borne diseases to advance the development of climate-based early warning systems. Together, effective strategies that improve existing research capacity, maximize the use of limited resources, and promote local-international partnership are crucial for sustaining research on climate and health.

  19. Community beliefs and practices about dengue in Puerto Rico Creencias y prácticas comunitarias relacionadas con el dengue en Puerto Rico

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    Carmen L. Pérez-Guerra


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: In spite of long-term endemicity and repeated government and private efforts, effective, sustained community participation for dengue prevention remains a challenge in Puerto Rico. This study explored differences found in interviews conducted in 2001 in attitudes toward dengue and its prevention by respondents' gender and whether they had a prior dengue infection. Findings may be used to develop messages to promote Aedes aegypti control practices. METHODS: From September to October 2003, 11 focus groups were conducted in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Fifty-nine persons (35 women, 24 men, > 18 years of age, who had been identified through the Puerto Rico dengue surveillance system participated in the focus groups. Analysis was based on grounded theory. RESULTS: Women considered dengue important because of its economic, emotional, and health impact, and they were concerned more often than men about insufficient garbage removal and water disposal. Participants with a previous dengue diagnosis were more concerned about risk of the disease, were more knowledgeable about dengue and its prevention, and recommended use of repellents more often than their counterparts without a previous dengue diagnosis. Barriers to sustained dengue prevention included misconceptions from outdated educational materials, " invisibility" of dengue compared with chronic diseases, and lack of acceptance of responsibility for dengue prevention. CONCLUSION: Suggested strategies to motivate residents' actions included working with government agencies to address structural problems that increase mosquito populations, improving access to information on garbage collection and water disposal through telephone hotlines, increasing publicity and information about dengue by mass media campaigns, and educating health professionals.OBJETIVO: A pesar de la prolongada endemia y los reiterados esfuerzos gubernamentales y privados, la participación efectiva y sostenida de la comunidad

  20. Relative Contribution of Dengue IgG Antibodies Acquired during Gestation or Breastfeeding in Mediating Dengue Disease Enhancement and Protection in Type I Interferon Receptor-Deficient Mice.

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    Pei Xuan Lee


    Full Text Available Dengue virus (DENV causes a spectrum of diseases ranging from self-limiting dengue fever to severe conditions such as haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE is thought to explain the occurrence of severe dengue whereby pre-existing binding but non-neutralising antibodies enhance DENV infection. The ADE phenomenon is supported by epidemiological findings that infants that born to dengue immune mothers are at greater risk to develop severe dengue upon primary infection. The role of maternally acquired dengue-specific antibodies in disease enhancement was recently recapitulated in a mouse model where mice born to DENV1-immune mothers experienced enhanced disease severity upon DENV2 infection. Here, this study investigates the relative contribution of maternal dengue-specific antibodies acquired during gestation and breastfeeding in dengue disease. Using a surrogate breastfeeding mother experimental approach, we showed that majority of the maternal dengue-specific antibodies were acquired during breastfeeding and conferred an extended enhancement window. On the other hand, in the context of homologous infection, breastfeeding conferred protection. Furthermore, measurement of dengue-specific antibody titres over time in mice born to dengue immune mothers revealed a biphasic pattern of antibody decay as reported in humans. Our work provides evidence of the potential contribution of breast milk-acquired dengue-specific IgG antibodies in enhancement and protection against dengue. Should such contribution be established in humans as well, it may have important implications for the development of guidelines to dengue-immune breastfeeding mothers.

  1. Relative Contribution of Dengue IgG Antibodies Acquired during Gestation or Breastfeeding in Mediating Dengue Disease Enhancement and Protection in Type I Interferon Receptor-Deficient Mice. (United States)

    Lee, Pei Xuan; Ong, Li Ching; Libau, Eshele Anak; Alonso, Sylvie


    Dengue virus (DENV) causes a spectrum of diseases ranging from self-limiting dengue fever to severe conditions such as haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is thought to explain the occurrence of severe dengue whereby pre-existing binding but non-neutralising antibodies enhance DENV infection. The ADE phenomenon is supported by epidemiological findings that infants that born to dengue immune mothers are at greater risk to develop severe dengue upon primary infection. The role of maternally acquired dengue-specific antibodies in disease enhancement was recently recapitulated in a mouse model where mice born to DENV1-immune mothers experienced enhanced disease severity upon DENV2 infection. Here, this study investigates the relative contribution of maternal dengue-specific antibodies acquired during gestation and breastfeeding in dengue disease. Using a surrogate breastfeeding mother experimental approach, we showed that majority of the maternal dengue-specific antibodies were acquired during breastfeeding and conferred an extended enhancement window. On the other hand, in the context of homologous infection, breastfeeding conferred protection. Furthermore, measurement of dengue-specific antibody titres over time in mice born to dengue immune mothers revealed a biphasic pattern of antibody decay as reported in humans. Our work provides evidence of the potential contribution of breast milk-acquired dengue-specific IgG antibodies in enhancement and protection against dengue. Should such contribution be established in humans as well, it may have important implications for the development of guidelines to dengue-immune breastfeeding mothers.

  2. Relative Contribution of Dengue IgG Antibodies Acquired during Gestation or Breastfeeding in Mediating Dengue Disease Enhancement and Protection in Type I Interferon Receptor-Deficient Mice (United States)

    Lee, Pei Xuan; Ong, Li Ching; Libau, Eshele Anak; Alonso, Sylvie


    Dengue virus (DENV) causes a spectrum of diseases ranging from self-limiting dengue fever to severe conditions such as haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is thought to explain the occurrence of severe dengue whereby pre-existing binding but non-neutralising antibodies enhance DENV infection. The ADE phenomenon is supported by epidemiological findings that infants that born to dengue immune mothers are at greater risk to develop severe dengue upon primary infection. The role of maternally acquired dengue-specific antibodies in disease enhancement was recently recapitulated in a mouse model where mice born to DENV1-immune mothers experienced enhanced disease severity upon DENV2 infection. Here, this study investigates the relative contribution of maternal dengue-specific antibodies acquired during gestation and breastfeeding in dengue disease. Using a surrogate breastfeeding mother experimental approach, we showed that majority of the maternal dengue-specific antibodies were acquired during breastfeeding and conferred an extended enhancement window. On the other hand, in the context of homologous infection, breastfeeding conferred protection. Furthermore, measurement of dengue-specific antibody titres over time in mice born to dengue immune mothers revealed a biphasic pattern of antibody decay as reported in humans. Our work provides evidence of the potential contribution of breast milk-acquired dengue-specific IgG antibodies in enhancement and protection against dengue. Should such contribution be established in humans as well, it may have important implications for the development of guidelines to dengue-immune breastfeeding mothers. PMID:27341339

  3. Molecular surveillance of dengue in Semarang, Indonesia revealed the circulation of an old genotype of dengue virus serotype-1.

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    Sukmal Fahri

    Full Text Available Dengue disease is currently a major health problem in Indonesia and affects all provinces in the country, including Semarang Municipality, Central Java province. While dengue is endemic in this region, only limited data on the disease epidemiology is available. To understand the dynamics of dengue in Semarang, we conducted clinical, virological, and demographical surveillance of dengue in Semarang and its surrounding regions in 2012. Dengue cases were detected in both urban and rural areas located in various geographical features, including the coastal and highland areas. During an eight months' study, a total of 120 febrile patients were recruited, of which 66 were serologically confirmed for dengue infection using IgG/IgM ELISA and/or NS1 tests. The cases occurred both in dry and wet seasons. Majority of patients were under 10 years old. Most patients were diagnosed as dengue hemorrhagic fever, followed by dengue shock syndrome and dengue fever. Serotyping was performed in 31 patients, and we observed the co-circulation of all four dengue virus (DENV serotypes. When the serotypes were correlated with the severity of the disease, no direct correlation was observed. Phylogenetic analysis of DENV based on Envelope gene sequence revealed the circulation of DENV-2 Cosmopolitan genotype and DENV-3 Genotype I. A striking finding was observed for DENV-1, in which we found the co-circulation of Genotype I with an old Genotype II. The Genotype II was represented by a virus strain that has a very slow mutation rate and is very closely related to the DENV strain from Thailand, isolated in 1964 and never reported in other countries in the last three decades. Moreover, this virus was discovered in a cool highland area with an elevation of 1,001 meters above the sea level. The discovery of this old DENV strain may suggest the silent circulation of old virus strains in Indonesia.

  4. Método de varredura para exame de criadouros de vetores de dengue e febre amarela urbana Sweeping method to scan breeding places for dengue and urban yellow fever vectors

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    Roseane Lieko Kubota


    Full Text Available Com objetivo de estimar o número mínimo de varreduras para coletar uma amostra representativa das larvas presentes em um grande recipiente, foram adicionadas 200 larvas de quarto estádio em um tambor de 80 litros de água. Com auxílio de peneira plástica, foram feitas dez varreduras em cada réplica do experimento. Os resultados indicaram que oito varreduras foram suficientes para coletar até 72% do total de 200 larvas de quarto estadio presentes no criadouro, ou seja, uma média de 143±1,97. A técnica mostrou ser de fácil e eficiente execução quanto à inspeção de criadouros com grande volume de água. Isto reforça sua utilização como instrumento com grande potencial para vigilância vetorial na rotina dos programas de controle de vetores do dengue e febre amarela.To estimate the minimum numbers of "sweepings" for a representative sampling of larvae in a large container. 200 larvae in 4th stage were added in an 80-liter drum to carry out the experiment, in each retort was made 10 sweepings using a plastic sieve. Two hundred larvae in stage 4 were added to an 80-liter-drum and using a plastic sieve10 sweepings were carried out in each experiment replicate. The results showed that 8 sweepings were enough to collect up to 72% of the total sample in the container, i.e., an average of 143±1.97. The proposed method proved to be easily and effectively implemented and allowed for the inspection of containers with large water volumes. These findings reinforce its use as an important potential tool in the routine vectorial surveillance of control programs of dengue and yellow fever.

  5. Investigational drugs in early development for treating dengue infection. (United States)

    Beesetti, Hemalatha; Khanna, Navin; Swaminathan, Sathyamangalam


    Dengue has emerged as the most significant arboviral disease of the current century. A drug for dengue is an urgent unmet need. As conventional drug discovery efforts have not produced any promising clinical candidates, there is a shift toward re-positioning pre-existing drugs for dengue to fast-track dengue drug development. This article provides an update on the current status of recently completed and ongoing dengue drug trials. All dengue drug trials described in this article were identified from a list of >230 trials that were returned upon searching the World Health Organization's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform web portal using the search term 'dengue' on December 31(st), 2015. None of the handful of drugs tested so far has yielded encouraging results. Early trial experience has served to emphasize the challenge of drug testing in the short therapeutic time window available, the need for tools to predict 'high-risk' patients early on and the limitations of the existing pre-clinical model systems. Significant investment of efforts and resources is a must before the availability of a safe, effective and inexpensive dengue drug becomes a reality. Currently, supportive fluid therapy remains the only option available for dengue treatment.

  6. Next-Generation Dengue Vaccines: Novel Strategies Currently Under Development


    Anna P. Durbin; Stephen S. Whitehead


    Dengue has become the most important arboviral infection worldwide with more than 30 million cases of dengue fever estimated to occur each year. The need for a dengue vaccine is great and several live attenuated dengue candidate vaccines are proceeding through clinical evaluation. The need to induce a balanced immune response against all four DENV serotypes with a single vaccine has been a challenge for dengue vaccine developers. A live attenuated DENV chimeric vaccine produced by Sanofi Past...

  7. Indices of anti-dengue immunoglobulin G subclasses in adult Mexican patients with febrile and hemorrhagic dengue in the acute phase. (United States)

    Posadas-Mondragón, Araceli; Aguilar-Faisal, José Leopoldo; Chávez-Negrete, Adolfo; Guillén-Salomón, Edith; Alcántara-Farfán, Verónica; Luna-Rojas, Lucero; Ávila-Trejo, Amanda Marineth; Del Carmen Pacheco-Yépez, Judith


    Heterologous secondary infections are at increased risk of developing dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) because of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). IgG subclasses can fix and activate complement and bind to Fcɣ receptors. These factors may also play an important role in the development of ADE and thus in the pathogenesis of DHF. The aim of this study was to analyze the indices of anti-dengue IgG subclasses in adult patients with febrile and hemorrhagic dengue in the acute phase. In 2013, 129 patients with dengue fever (DF) and 57 with DHF in Veracruz, Mexico were recruited for this study and anti-dengue IgM and IgG determined by capture ELISA. Anti-dengue IgG subclasses were detected by indirect ELISA. Anti-dengue IgG2 and IgG3 subclasses were detected in patients with dengue. IgG1 increased significantly in the sera of patients with both primary and secondary infections and DHF, but was higher in patients with secondary infections. The IgG4 subclass index was significantly higher in the sera of patients with DHF than in that of those with DF, who were in the early and late acute phase of both primary and secondary infection. In conclusion, indices of subclasses IgG1 and IgG4 were higher in patients with DHF. © 2017 The Societies and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  8. Dengue Knowledge and Preventive Practices in Iquitos, Peru. (United States)

    Paz-Soldán, Valerie A; Morrison, Amy C; Cordova Lopez, Jhonny J; Lenhart, Audrey; Scott, Thomas W; Elder, John P; Sihuincha, Moises; Kochel, Tadeusz J; Halsey, Eric S; Astete, Helvio; McCall, Philip J


    As part of a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate insecticide-treated curtains for dengue prevention in Iquitos, Peru, we surveyed 1,333 study participants to examine knowledge and reported practices associated with dengue and its prevention. Entomological data from 1,133 of these households were linked to the survey. Most participants knew that dengue was transmitted by mosquito bite (85.6%), but only few (18.6%) knew that dengue vectors bite during daytime. Most commonly recognized dengue symptoms were fever (86.6%), headache (76.4%), and muscle/joint pain (67.9%). Most commonly reported correct practices for mosquito control were cleaning homes (61.6%), using insecticide sprays (23%), and avoiding having standing water at home (12.3%). Higher education was associated with higher knowledge about dengue, including transmission and vector control. Higher socioeconomic status was associated with increased reported use of preventive practices requiring money expenditure. We were less likely to find Aedes aegypti eggs, larvae, or pupae in households that had dengue has been transmitted in Iquitos since the 1990s and the Regional Health Authority routinely fumigates households, treats domestic water containers with larvicide, and issues health education messages through mass media, knowledge of dengue transmission and household practices for prevention could be improved. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  9. Clinical profile and warning sign finding in children with severe dengue and non-severe dengue (United States)

    Adam, A. S.; Pasaribu, S.; Wijaya, H.; Pasaribu, A. P.


    Dengue fever is one of the most important emerging vector-borne viral diseases. Approximately 500,000 out of 100 million cases develop to severe dengue infection. Patient with severe dengue (SD) can be predicted by clinical profile, laboratory and warning sign which could be saved by early interventions.This was a retrospective descriptive-analytic study to investigate clinical manifestations, laboratory and warning signs ofchildren with dengue infection in Haji Adam Malik hospital during January 2014–May 2016. Through medical records, we had selected 140 cases which fulfilled research criteria.Cases were classified as SD (n=28) and NSD (n=112). Most common clinical manifestations for NSD were abdominal pain (39.3%), myalgia (39.3%), headache (37.1%), mucosal bleeding (36.4%) while for SD were shock (15.7%), mucosal bleeding (15.7%), clinical fluid accumulation (15%), shortness of breath (14.3%). SGPT >1000IU/L (5 cases), SGOT >1000IU/L (9 cases), PT (10 cases) and aPTT (16 cases) were abnormal in SD. Severe dengue was frequently found in the range of white cell count 1000-4000/L and platelet count 20,000-50,000mm/uL. Clinical manifestations, warning sign, and laboratoryfinding, were different between SD and NSD.

  10. Óbitos infantis evitáveis em Belo Horizonte: análise de concordância da causa básica, 2010-2011

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    Simone Passos de Castro e Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivos: analisar o perfil dos óbitos infantis evitáveis investigados e a concordância entre a causa básica da declaração de óbito (DO original e da DO após investigação. Métodos: estudo de base populacional com análise dos óbitos infantis e dos óbitos evitáveis investigados pelo Comitê de Prevenção de Óbitos de Belo Horizonte (CMPOFI, em 2010 e 2011. A DO após investigação baseou-se na análise dos dados ambulatorial, hospitalar e domiciliar realizada pelo CMPOFI. As causas de morte foram codificadas segundo a Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde - 10º Revisão e a causa básica selecionada. A concordância entre a causa básica da DO original e da DO após investigação, analisada de acordo com lista reduzida de tabulação de causas de mortalidade infantil (LIR-MI, foi determinada pelo índice Kappa. Resultados: o Kappa foi fraco (K=0,389; IC95%: 0,192-05,76 quando avaliado pelos grupos da LIRMI. Houve mudanças relevantes na causa de óbito após investigação, com aumento da proporção de óbitos por asfixia, fatores maternos, infecções da criança, infecções perinatais, causas externas e morte súbita na infância. Conclusões: a investigação de óbitos possibilitou maior esclarecimento sobre as circunstâncias dos óbitos infantis evitáveis e a qualificação da causa básica, passos fundamentais para orientar as ações para sua prevenção.

  11. Current Status of Dengue Therapeutics Research and Development. (United States)

    Low, Jenny G H; Ooi, Eng Eong; Vasudevan, Subhash G


    Dengue is a significant global health problem. Even though a vaccine against dengue is now available, which is a notable achievement, its long-term protective efficacy against each of the 4 dengue virus serotypes remains to be definitively determined. Consequently, drugs directed at the viral targets or critical host mechanisms that can be used safely as prophylaxis or treatment to effectively ameliorate disease or reduce disease severity and fatalities are still needed to reduce the burden of dengue. This review will provide a brief account of the status of therapeutics research and development for dengue. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

  12. Multi-level analyses of spatial and temporal determinants for dengue infection. (United States)

    Vanwambeke, Sophie O; van Benthem, Birgit H B; Khantikul, Nardlada; Burghoorn-Maas, Chantal; Panart, Kamolwan; Oskam, Linda; Lambin, Eric F; Somboon, Pradya


    Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is now endemic in most tropical countries. In Thailand, dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever is a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children. A longitudinal study among 1750 people in two rural and one urban sites in northern Thailand from 2001 to 2003 studied spatial and temporal determinants for recent dengue infection at three levels (time, individual and household). Determinants for dengue infection were measured by questionnaire, land-cover maps and GIS. IgM antibodies against dengue were detected by ELISA. Three-level multi-level analysis was used to study the risk determinants of recent dengue infection. Rates of recent dengue infection varied substantially in time from 4 to 30%, peaking in 2002. Determinants for recent dengue infection differed per site. Spatial clustering was observed, demonstrating variation in local infection patterns. Most of the variation in recent dengue infection was explained at the time-period level. Location of a person and the environment around the house (including irrigated fields and orchards) were important determinants for recent dengue infection. We showed the focal nature of asymptomatic dengue infections. The great variation of determinants for recent dengue infection in space and time should be taken into account when designing local dengue control programs.

  13. Vitamin D serostatus and dengue fever progression to dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome. (United States)

    Villamor, E; Villar, L A; Lozano, A; Herrera, V M; Herrán, O F


    Vitamin D could modulate pathways leading to dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS). We examined the associations of serum total 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] and vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) concentrations in patients with uncomplicated dengue fever (DF) with risk of progression to DHF/DSS. In a case-control study nested in a cohort of DF patients who were followed during the acute episode in Bucaramanga, Colombia, we compared 25(OH)D and VDBP at onset of fever between 110 cases who progressed to DHF/DSS and 235 DF controls who did not progress. 25(OH)D concentrations were also compared between the acute sample and a sample collected >1 year post-convalescence in a subgroup. Compared with 25(OH)D ⩾75 nmol/l, adjusted odds ratios (95% CI) for progression were 0·44 (0·22-0·88) and 0·13 (0·02-1·05) for 50 to 75 nmol/l (vitamin D insufficiency) and <50 nmol/l (vitamin D deficiency), respectively (P, trend = 0·003). Mean 25(OH)D concentrations were much lower post-convalescence compared with the acute episode, regardless of case status. Compared with controls, mean VDBP was non-significantly lower in cases. We conclude that low serum 25(OH)D concentrations in DF patients predict decreased odds of progression to DHF/DSS.

  14. The prevention and control of dengue after Typhoon Haiyan

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    Charito Aumentado


    Full Text Available Objective: Many of the areas in the Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan are endemic for dengue; therefore, dengue prevention was a priority in the initial post-disaster risk assessment. We describe the dengue prevention and response strategies applied after Haiyan. Methods: The dengue response was implemented by a wide range of national and international stakeholders. Priorities included the rapid re-establishment of an effective surveillance system to quickly identify new dengue cases, monitor trends and determine the geographical distribution of cases. Dengue rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs were distributed to sentinel health facilities, and comprehensive vector control activities and entomological surveys were implemented. Several training sessions for key stakeholders and awareness campaigns for communities were organized. Results: There were RDT-positive dengue cases reported from urban and semi-urban areas where entomological surveys also confirmed a high density of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Although there was an increase in dengue cases in January 2014, the number of cases remained below the epidemic threshold throughout the remaining months of 2014. Discussion: There was no large outbreak of dengue after Typhoon Haiyan, possibly due to the targeted, multifaceted and rapid response for dengue after Haiyan. However, surveillance differed after Haiyan, making comparisons with previous years difficult. Multiple players contributed to the response that was also facilitated by close communication and coordination within the Health Cluster.

  15. [Hearing loss in urban transportation workers in Greater Metropolitan Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil]. (United States)

    Medeiros, Adriane Mesquita de; Assunção, Ada Ávila; Santos, Juliana Nunes


    This study analyzed the association between self-reported diagnosis of hearing loss and individual and occupational factors among urban transportation workers in Greater Metropolitan Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The sample size was calculated by quotas and stratified by occupation (drivers and fare collectors) in the urban transportation companies in Belo Horizonte, Betim, and Contagem. Data were collected with face-to-face interviews and recorded by the interviewers on netbooks. The dependent variable was defined as an affirmative response to the question on prevailing medical diagnosis of hearing loss. The independent variables were organized in three blocks: social and demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and work aspects. Diagnosis of hearing loss was reported by 213 of the 1,527 workers and was associated with age and diagnosis of tinnitus. At the occupational level, hearing loss was associated with history of sick leave, time-on-the-job, and two environmental risks, unbearable noise and whole-body vibration. Measures to prevent hearing loss are needed for urban transportation workers.

  16. Biomarkers in differentiating clinical dengue cases: A prospective cohort study

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    Gary Kim Kuan Low


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate five biomarkers (neopterin, vascular endothelial growth factor-A, thrombomodulin, soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 and pentraxin 3 in differentiating clinical dengue cases. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted whereby the blood samples were obtained at day of presentation and the final diagnosis were obtained at the end of patients’ follow-up. All patients included in the study were 15 years old or older, not pregnant, not infected by dengue previously and did not have cancer, autoimmune or haematological disorder. Median test was performed to compare the biomarker levels. A subgroup Mann-Whitney U test was analysed between severe dengue and non-severe dengue cases. Monte Carlo method was used to estimate the 2-tailed probability (P value for independent variables with unequal number of patients. Results: All biomarkers except thrombomodulin has P value < 0.001 in differentiating among the healthy subjects, non-dengue fever, dengue without warning signs and dengue with warning signs/severe dengue. Subgroup analysis for all the biomarkers between severe dengue and non-severe dengue cases was not statistically significant except vascular endothelial growth factor-A (P < 0.05. Conclusions: Certain biomarkers were able to differentiate the clinical dengue cases. This could be potentially useful in classifying and determining the severity of dengue infected patients in the hospital.

  17. Clinical score to differentiate scrub typhus and dengue: A tool to differentiate scrub typhus and dengue

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    Shubhanker Mitra


    Full Text Available Background: Dengue and scrub typhus share similar clinical and epidemiological features, and are difficult to differentiate at initial presentation. Many places are endemic to both these infections where they comprise the majority of acute undifferentiated febrile illnesses. Materials and Methods: We aimed to develop a score that can differentiate scrub typhus from dengue. In this cross-sectional study, 188 cases of scrub typhus and 201 cases of dengue infection who presented to the emergency department or medicine outpatient clinic from September 2012 to April 2013 were included. Univariate followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify clinical features and laboratory results that were significantly different between the two groups. Each variable was assigned scores based on the strength of association and receiver operating characteristics area under the curve (ROC-AUC was generated and compared. Six scoring models were explored to ascertain the model with the best fit. Results: Model 2 was developed using the following six variables: oxygen saturation (>90%, ≤90%, total white blood cell count (7000 cells/cumm, hemoglobin (≤14 and >14 g/dL, total bilirubin (200 and ≥200 IU/dL, and altered sensorium (present or absent. Each variable was assigned scores based on its strength of association. The AUC-ROC curve (95% confidence interval for model 2 was 0.84 (0.79–0.89. At the cut off score of 13, the sensitivity and specificity were 85% and 77% respectively, with a higher score favoring dengue. Conclusion: In areas of high burden of ST and dengue, model 2 (the “clinical score to differentiate scrub typhus and dengue fever” is a simple and rapid clinical scoring system that may be used to differentiate scrub typhus and dengue at initial presentation.

  18. Clinical Score to Differentiate Scrub Typhus and Dengue: A Tool to Differentiate Scrub Typhus and Dengue. (United States)

    Mitra, Shubhanker; Gautam, Ira; Jambugulam, Mohan; Abhilash, Kundavaram Paul Prabhakar; Jayaseeelan, Vishalakshi


    Dengue and scrub typhus share similar clinical and epidemiological features, and are difficult to differentiate at initial presentation. Many places are endemic to both these infections where they comprise the majority of acute undifferentiated febrile illnesses. We aimed to develop a score that can differentiate scrub typhus from dengue. In this cross-sectional study, 188 cases of scrub typhus and 201 cases of dengue infection who presented to the emergency department or medicine outpatient clinic from September 2012 to April 2013 were included. Univariate followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify clinical features and laboratory results that were significantly different between the two groups. Each variable was assigned scores based on the strength of association and receiver operating characteristics area under the curve (ROC-AUC) was generated and compared. Six scoring models were explored to ascertain the model with the best fit. Model 2 was developed using the following six variables: oxygen saturation (>90%, ≤90%), total white blood cell count (7000 cells/cumm), hemoglobin (≤14 and >14 g/dL), total bilirubin (200 and ≥200 IU/dL), and altered sensorium (present or absent). Each variable was assigned scores based on its strength of association. The AUC-ROC curve (95% confidence interval) for model 2 was 0.84 (0.79-0.89). At the cut off score of 13, the sensitivity and specificity were 85% and 77% respectively, with a higher score favoring dengue. In areas of high burden of ST and dengue, model 2 (the "clinical score to differentiate scrub typhus and dengue fever") is a simple and rapid clinical scoring system that may be used to differentiate scrub typhus and dengue at initial presentation.

  19. Museu de Artes e Ofícios, Belo Horizonte: afinal, como nascem os museus? Belo Horizonte's Museum of Arts and Trades: after all, how are museums born?

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    Full Text Available Responsável pela concepção do projeto do Museu de Artes e Ofícios de Belo Horizonte, o museólogo francês Pierre Catel discorre sobre sua experiência profissional, iniciada na década de 1970. Discute conceitos de museus, a evolução da formação neste campo multidisciplinar. Sobre o projeto de museu a ser montado no metrô da capital de Minas Gerais, ele diz que seu objetivo é promover o encontro entre a cultura das profissões e peças de uma coleção de arte popular brasileira com cerca de um milhão de pessoas a caminho de casa ou do trabalho.Responsible for the concept behind Belo Horizonte's Museum of Arts and Trades project, the French museologist Pierre Catel talks about his professional experience, which began in the 1970s. He discusses museum concepts and the evolution and shaping of this multidisciplinary field. In regard to the museum that will be installed inside the subway of Minas Gerais' state capital, Catel says his aim is to foster an encounter between the culture of professions and pieces from a collection of popular Brazilian art, where around one million people pass by on their way to work or home.

  20. Knowledge and practice regarding dengue and chikungunya

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kajeguka, Debora C; Desrochers, Rachelle E; Mwangi, Rose


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate knowledge and prevention practices regarding dengue and chikungunya amongst community members, as well as knowledge, treatment and diagnostic practices among healthcare workers. METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional survey with 125 community members and 125 healthcare...... good knowledge. We conducted qualitative survey (n = 40) to further assess knowledge and practice regarding dengue and chikungunya fever. RESULTS: 15.2% (n = 19) of community members had good knowledge regarding dengue, whereas 53.6%, (n = 67) of healthcare workers did. 20.3% (n = 16) of participants...... from lowland areas and 6.5% (n = 3) from highland areas had good knowledge of dengue (χ(2) = 4.25, P = 0.03). Only 2.4% (n = 3) of all participants had a good knowledge score for chikungunya. In the qualitative study, community members expressed uncertainty about dengue and chikungunya. Some healthcare...


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    Geilsa Soraia Cavalcanti Valente


    Full Text Available Objetivo: descrever uma atividade educativa desenvolvida numa Policlínica do município de Niterói, estado do Rio de Janeiro – Brasil, junto à comunidade que freqüentava a Unidade no segundo semestre de 2011, tendo como tema: Dengue o que eu tenho com isso? Método: Trata-se de um relato de experiência descritivo, de natureza qualitativa. Resultado: O dengue constitui um grave problema de saúde pública, sendo importante ressaltar que, pela sua complexidade, a intervenção e resolução transcendem a atuação do setor saúde. Entretanto, percebe-se que as estratégias tradicionais realizadas em grande parte do país, consistem no Programa de Controle de Vetores, na eliminação dos focos de procriação do mosquito, tendo um enfoque na prevenção pela responsabilização individual dos cidadãos. Acredita-se que a atividade educativa proporcionou ir além das amarras do tradicionalismo cartesiano, permitindo uma abordagem da questão dengue que leve a uma reflexão crítica, mas que, acima de tudo, impulsione para uma mudança paradigmática de (re transformação de modelos educativos focados meramente na unicausalidade e no reducionismo.

  2. Re-assess Vector Indices Threshold as an Early Warning Tool for Predicting Dengue Epidemic in a Dengue Non-endemic Country.

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    Fong-Shue Chang

    Full Text Available Despite dengue dynamics being driven by complex interactions between human hosts, mosquito vectors and viruses that are influenced by climate factors, an operational model that will enable health authorities to anticipate the outbreak risk in a dengue non-endemic area has not been developed. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the temporal relationship between meteorological variables, entomological surveillance indices and confirmed dengue cases; and to establish the threshold for entomological surveillance indices including three mosquito larval indices [Breteau (BI, Container (CI and House indices (HI] and one adult index (AI as an early warning tool for dengue epidemic.Epidemiological, entomological and meteorological data were analyzed from 2005 to 2012 in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. The successive waves of dengue outbreaks with different magnitudes were recorded in Kaohsiung City, and involved a dominant serotype during each epidemic. The annual indigenous dengue cases usually started from May to June and reached a peak in October to November. Vector data from 2005-2012 showed that the peak of the adult mosquito population was followed by a peak in the corresponding dengue activity with a lag period of 1-2 months. Therefore, we focused the analysis on the data from May to December and the high risk district, where the inspection of the immature and mature mosquitoes was carried out on a weekly basis and about 97.9% dengue cases occurred. The two-stage model was utilized here to estimate the risk and time-lag effect of annual dengue outbreaks in Taiwan. First, Poisson regression was used to select the optimal subset of variables and time-lags for predicting the number of dengue cases, and the final results of the multivariate analysis were selected based on the smallest AIC value. Next, each vector index models with selected variables were subjected to multiple logistic regression models to examine the accuracy of predicting the

  3. Dengue Contingency Planning: From Research to Policy and Practice (United States)

    Runge-Ranzinger, Silvia; Kroeger, Axel; Olliaro, Piero; McCall, Philip J.; Sánchez Tejeda, Gustavo; Lloyd, Linda S.; Hakim, Lokman; Bowman, Leigh R.; Horstick, Olaf; Coelho, Giovanini


    Background Dengue is an increasingly incident disease across many parts of the world. In response, an evidence-based handbook to translate research into policy and practice was developed. This handbook facilitates contingency planning as well as the development and use of early warning and response systems for dengue fever epidemics, by identifying decision-making processes that contribute to the success or failure of dengue surveillance, as well as triggers that initiate effective responses to incipient outbreaks. Methodology/Principal findings Available evidence was evaluated using a step-wise process that included systematic literature reviews, policymaker and stakeholder interviews, a study to assess dengue contingency planning and outbreak management in 10 countries, and a retrospective logistic regression analysis to identify alarm signals for an outbreak warning system using datasets from five dengue endemic countries. Best practices for managing a dengue outbreak are provided for key elements of a dengue contingency plan including timely contingency planning, the importance of a detailed, context-specific dengue contingency plan that clearly distinguishes between routine and outbreak interventions, surveillance systems for outbreak preparedness, outbreak definitions, alert algorithms, managerial capacity, vector control capacity, and clinical management of large caseloads. Additionally, a computer-assisted early warning system, which enables countries to identify and respond to context-specific variables that predict forthcoming dengue outbreaks, has been developed. Conclusions/Significance Most countries do not have comprehensive, detailed contingency plans for dengue outbreaks. Countries tend to rely on intensified vector control as their outbreak response, with minimal focus on integrated management of clinical care, epidemiological, laboratory and vector surveillance, and risk communication. The Technical Handbook for Surveillance, Dengue Outbreak

  4. Which Dengue Vaccine Approach Is the Most Promising, and Should We Be Concerned about Enhanced Disease after Vaccination? The Path to a Dengue Vaccine: Learning from Human Natural Dengue Infection Studies and Vaccine Trials. (United States)

    de Silva, Aravinda M; Harris, Eva


    Dengue virus (DENV) is the most common arthropod-borne viral disease of humans. Although effective vaccines exist against other flaviviral diseases like yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis, dengue vaccine development is complicated by the presence of four virus serotypes and the possibility of partial immunity enhancing dengue disease severity. Several live attenuated dengue vaccines are being tested in human clinical trials. Initial results are mixed, with variable efficacy depending on DENV serotype and previous DENV exposure. Here, we highlight recent discoveries about the human antibody response to DENV and propose guidelines for advancing development of safe and effective dengue vaccines. Copyright © 2018 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  5. Investigation of spatiotemporal relationship between dengue fever and drought (United States)

    Lee, Chieh-Han; Yu, Hwa-Lung


    Dengue Fever is a vector-borne disease that is transmitted between human and mosquitos in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Previous studies have found significant relationship between the epidemic of dengue cases and climate variables, especially temperature and precipitation. Besides, the natural phenomena (e.g., drought) are considered that significantly drop the number of dengue cases by killing vector's breeding environment. However, in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, there are evidences that the temporal pattern of dengue is correlated to drought events. Kaohsiung City experienced two main dengue outbreaks in 2002 and 2014 that both years were confirmed with serious drought. Especially in 2014, Kaohsiung City was suffered from extremely dengue outbreak in 2014 that reported the highest number of dengue cases in the history. Otherwise, another nearby city, Tainan City, had reported the biggest outbreak in 2015. This study constructs the spatiotemporal model of dengue incidences and index of drought events (Standardized Precipitation Index, SPI) based on the distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM). Other meteorological measures are also included in the analysis.

  6. Estudos sobre a fauna de Sarcophagidae (Diptera de Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais. I- Levantamento taxonômico e Sinantrópico

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    Edelberto Santos Dias


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de se conhecer a fauna de Sarcophagidae da região de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, e se obter dados sobre seu comportamento, foram realizadas capturas sistemáticas em três áreas ecologicamente distintas, pelo período de um ano (maio de 1980 a abril de 1981. Para as capturas, foram utilizadas dois tipos de armadilhas apropriadas e cinco tipos de iscas; peixe cru, carcaça de camundongo, v´sceras de galinha, banana amassada com rapadura e fezes humanas. Foi capturado um total de 10.097 espécimens, dos quais foram estudados 9.582 exemplares, representados por 25 espécies. O índice de sinantropia foi determinado segundo a metodologia de Nuorteva (1963. Foram obtidos índices variáveis de sinantropia para as 25 espécies analisadas, sendo as mais sinantrópicas Parasarcophaga ruficornis (IS = + 94,7 e Bercaea haemorrhoidalis (IS = + 84,3, e as mais assinantrópicas Euboettcheria florencioi (IS = - 98,8 e Oxysarcodexia augusta (IS = - 96,9.Over a period of one year (May, 1980 to April, 1981, systematic collections of Sarcophagidae were made in three ecologically distinct areas of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Two types of traps and five types of bait were used: raw fish, carcasses of mice, viscera of chickens, banana mashed with sugar, and human faeces. Of the total of 10,097 specimens captured, the 9,582 studied included 25 species. Indices of synanthropy (I.S. for the 25 species varied considerably. The most synanthropic were Parasarcophaga ruficornis (I.S. = + 94.7 and Bercaea haemorrhoidalis (I.S. = + 84.3, and the least were Euboettcheria florencioi (I.S. = - 98.8 and Oxysarcodexia augusta (I.S. = - 96.9.

  7. Multi-level analyses of spatial and temporal determinants for dengue infection

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    Oskam Linda


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is now endemic in most tropical countries. In Thailand, dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever is a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children. A longitudinal study among 1750 people in two rural and one urban sites in northern Thailand from 2001 to 2003 studied spatial and temporal determinants for recent dengue infection at three levels (time, individual and household. Methods Determinants for dengue infection were measured by questionnaire, land-cover maps and GIS. IgM antibodies against dengue were detected by ELISA. Three-level multi-level analysis was used to study the risk determinants of recent dengue infection. Results Rates of recent dengue infection varied substantially in time from 4 to 30%, peaking in 2002. Determinants for recent dengue infection differed per site. Spatial clustering was observed, demonstrating variation in local infection patterns. Most of the variation in recent dengue infection was explained at the time-period level. Location of a person and the environment around the house (including irrigated fields and orchards were important determinants for recent dengue infection. Conclusion We showed the focal nature of asymptomatic dengue infections. The great variation of determinants for recent dengue infection in space and time should be taken into account when designing local dengue control programs.

  8. Prevention and Control Strategies to Counter Dengue Virus Infection

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    Irfan A. Rather


    Full Text Available Dengue is currently the highest and rapidly spreading vector-borne viral disease, which can lead to mortality in its severe form. The globally endemic dengue poses as a public health and economic challenge that has been attempted to suppress though application of various prevention and control techniques. Therefore, broad spectrum techniques, that are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable, are proposed and practiced in dengue-endemic regions. The development of vaccines and immunotherapies have introduced a new dimension for effective dengue control and prevention. Thus, the present study focuses on the preventive and control strategies that are currently employed to counter dengue. While traditional control strategies bring temporary sustainability alone, implementation of novel biotechnological interventions, such as sterile insect technique, paratransgenesis, and production of genetically modified vectors, has improved the efficacy of the traditional strategies. Although a large-scale vector control strategy can be limited, innovative vaccine candidates have provided evidence for promising dengue prevention measures. The use of tetravalent dengue vaccine (CYD-TDV has been the most effective so far in treating dengue infections. Nonetheless, challenges and limitation hinder the progress of developing integrated intervention methods and vaccines; while the improvement in the latest techniques and vaccine formulation continues, one can hope for a future without the threat of dengue virus.

  9. Prevention and Control Strategies to Counter Dengue Virus Infection. (United States)

    Rather, Irfan A; Parray, Hilal A; Lone, Jameel B; Paek, Woon K; Lim, Jeongheui; Bajpai, Vivek K; Park, Yong-Ha


    Dengue is currently the highest and rapidly spreading vector-borne viral disease, which can lead to mortality in its severe form. The globally endemic dengue poses as a public health and economic challenge that has been attempted to suppress though application of various prevention and control techniques. Therefore, broad spectrum techniques, that are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable, are proposed and practiced in dengue-endemic regions. The development of vaccines and immunotherapies have introduced a new dimension for effective dengue control and prevention. Thus, the present study focuses on the preventive and control strategies that are currently employed to counter dengue. While traditional control strategies bring temporary sustainability alone, implementation of novel biotechnological interventions, such as sterile insect technique, paratransgenesis, and production of genetically modified vectors, has improved the efficacy of the traditional strategies. Although a large-scale vector control strategy can be limited, innovative vaccine candidates have provided evidence for promising dengue prevention measures. The use of tetravalent dengue vaccine (CYD-TDV) has been the most effective so far in treating dengue infections. Nonetheless, challenges and limitation hinder the progress of developing integrated intervention methods and vaccines; while the improvement in the latest techniques and vaccine formulation continues, one can hope for a future without the threat of dengue virus.

  10. Household costs of dengue illness: secondary outcomes from a randomised controlled trial of dengue prevention in Guerrero state, Mexico. (United States)

    Legorreta-Soberanis, José; Paredes-Solís, Sergio; Morales-Pérez, Arcadio; Nava-Aguilera, Elizabeth; Serrano-de Los Santos, Felipe René; Dimas-Garcia, Diana Lisseth; Ledogar, Robert J; Cockcroft, Anne; Andersson, Neil


    Dengue is a serious public health problem with an important economic impact. This study used data from a cluster randomised controlled trial of community mobilisation for dengue prevention to estimate the household costs of treatment of dengue illness. It examined the economic impact of the trial intervention in the three coastal regions of Mexico's Guerrero State. The 2010 baseline survey covered households in a random sample of 90 clusters in the coastal regions; the clusters were randomly allocated to intervention or control and re-surveyed in 2012. The surveys asked about dengue cases in the last 12 months, expenditures on their treatment, and work or school days lost by patients and care givers. We did not assign monetary value to days lost, since a lost day to a person of low earning power is of equal or higher value to that person than to one who earns more. The 12,312 households in 2010 reported 1020 dengue cases in the last 12 months (1.9% of the sample population). Most (78%) were ambulatory cases, with a mean cost of USD 51 and 10.8 work/school days, rising to USD 96 and 11.4 work/school days if treated by a private physician. Hospitalised cases cost USD 28-94 in government institutions and USD 392 in private hospitals (excluding additional inpatient charges), as well as 9.6-17.3 work/school days. Dengue cases cost households an estimated 412,825 work/school days throughout the three coastal regions. In the follow up survey, 6.1% (326/5349) of households in intervention clusters and 7.9% (405/5139) in control clusters reported at least one dengue case. The mean of days lost per case was similar in intervention and control clusters, but the number of days lost from dengue and all elements of costs for dengue cases per 1000 population were lower in intervention clusters. If the total population of the three coastal regions had received the intervention, some 149,401 work or school days lost per year could have been prevented. The economic effect of

  11. Pediatric ischemic stroke due to dengue vasculitis. (United States)

    Nanda, Subrat Kumar; Jayalakshmi, Sita; Mohandas, Surath


    Dengue infection is an important arboviral infection in southeast Asia, especially in India. Neurological manifestations of dengue are increasingly recognized. We report an ischemic stroke due to dengue vasculitis in an 8-year-old child. We present a girl with a short febrile illness followed by episodic severe headache, with gradually progressive hemiparesis and visual impairment. Her brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed multiple infarctions in the anterior and posterior circulation. The magnetic resonance angiogram revealed irregular narrowing of bilateral middle cerebral arteries, right anterior cerebral artery, left posterior cerebral, and bilateral vertebral arteries suggestive of vasculitis. Her dengue serology was strongly positive for immunoglobulin M with 68.9 panbio units. The rest of the evaluation for pediatric stroke was unremarkable. She was treated with intravenous followed by oral corticosteroids and recovered totally with resolution of vasculitis on magnetic resonance angiogram over the next 3 months. This child illustrates possible immune-mediated vasculitis caused by dengue infection which is rather a rare presentation in a child who subsequently recovered well. One should consider dengue in childhood strokes in endemic regions. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Nine year trends of dengue virus infection in Mumbai, Western India. (United States)

    Shastri, Jayanthi; Williamson, Manita; Vaidya, Nilima; Agrawal, Sachee; Shrivastav, Om


    Dengue virus (DENV) causes a wide range of diseases in humans, from acute febrile illness Dengue fever (DF) to life-threatening Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or Dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Factors believed to be responsible for spread of Dengue virus infection include explosive population growth, unplanned urban overpopulation with inadequate public health systems, poor standing water and vector control, climate changes and increased international recreational, business, military travel to endemic areas. All of these factors must be addressed to control the spread of Dengue and other mosquito-borne infections. The detection of Dengue virus RNA by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) in human serum or plasma samples is highly indicative of acute Dengue fever. Moreover, the method is able to identify the Dengue virus serotype by demonstrating defined sequence homologies in the viral genomic RNA. During the nine year period of this study analysis, 6767 strongly suspected cases were tested by RT-PCR. 1685 (24.9%) were Dengue PCR positive and confirmed as Dengue cases. Observations on the seasonality were based on the nine year's data as the intensity of sampling was at its maximum during monsoon season. Dengue typing was done on 100 positive samples after storage of Dengue RNA at - 80°C. Dengue serotypes were detected in 69 samples of which Dengue 2 was most predominant. 576 samples were processed for NS1 antigen and PCR simultaneously. 19/576 were positive (3.3 %) for NS1 as well as by PCR. 23/576 samples were negative for NS1 antigen, but were positive by RT-PCR. The remaining 534 samples which were negative for NS1 antigen were also negative by Dengue RT-PCR. In this study we sought to standardize rapid, sensitive, and specific fluorogenic probe-based RT-PCR assay to screen and serotype a representative range of Dengue viruses that are found in and around Mumbai. Qualitative Dengue virus TaqMan assays could have tremendous utility for the epidemiological

  13. Cost of dengue outbreaks: literature review and country case studies. (United States)

    Stahl, Hans-Christian; Butenschoen, Vicki Marie; Tran, Hien Tinh; Gozzer, Ernesto; Skewes, Ronald; Mahendradhata, Yodi; Runge-Ranzinger, Silvia; Kroeger, Axel; Farlow, Andrew


    Dengue disease surveillance and vector surveillance are presumed to detect dengue outbreaks at an early stage and to save--through early response activities--resources, and reduce the social and economic impact of outbreaks on individuals, health systems and economies. The aim of this study is to unveil evidence on the cost of dengue outbreaks. Economic evidence on dengue outbreaks was gathered by conducting a literature review and collecting information on the costs of recent dengue outbreaks in 4 countries: Peru, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The literature review distinguished between costs of dengue illness including cost of dengue outbreaks, cost of interventions and cost-effectiveness of interventions. Seventeen publications on cost of dengue showed a large range of costs from 0.2 Million US$ in Venezuela to 135.2 Million US$ in Brazil. However, these figures were not standardized to make them comparable. Furthermore, dengue outbreak costs are calculated differently across the publications, and cost of dengue illness is used interchangeably with cost of dengue outbreaks. Only one paper from Australia analysed the resources saved through active dengue surveillance. Costs of vector control interventions have been reported in 4 studies, indicating that the costs of such interventions are lower than those of actual outbreaks. Nine papers focussed on the cost-effectiveness of dengue vaccines or dengue vector control; they do not provide any direct information on cost of dengue outbreaks, but their modelling methodologies could guide future research on cost-effectiveness of national surveillance systems.The country case studies--conducted in very different geographic and health system settings - unveiled rough estimates for 2011 outbreak costs of: 12 million US$ in Vietnam, 6.75 million US$ in Indonesia, 4.5 million US$ in Peru and 2.8 million US$ in Dominican Republic (all in 2012 US$). The proportions of the different cost components (vector control

  14. Incidence of dengue virus infection among Japanese travellers, 2006 to 2010

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    Yuki Tada


    Full Text Available Introduction: Dengue continues to be a global public health concern. In Japan, although dengue cases are currently seen only among travellers returning from endemic areas, the number of reported cases is rising according to the national case-based surveillance system. We evaluated the characteristics of dengue cases imported into Japan and the relationship between the incidence of infection and season of travel to popular destinations.Methods: Dengue cases reported to the national surveillance system were retrospectively examined. The number of reported cases per number of Japanese travellers to a dengue-endemic country was calculated to estimate the country-specific incidence of imported dengue virus infection. The incidence of dengue infection among Japanese travellers was compared between dengue high season and low season in each country using relative risk (RR and associated 95% confidence intervals (CI.Results: Among 540 Japanese residents who were reported as dengue cases from 2006 to 2010, the majority had travelled to Indonesia, India, the Philippines and Thailand. The RR of dengue infection among Japanese travellers during dengue high season versus low season was 4.92 (95% CI: 3.01–8.04 for the Philippines, 2.76 (95% CI: 1.67–4.54 for Thailand and 0.37 (95% CI: 0.15–0.92 for Indonesia.Discussion: Overall, higher incidence of imported cases appeared to be related to historic dengue high seasons. Travellers planning to visit dengue-endemic countries should be aware of historic dengue seasonality and the current dengue situation.

  15. Validation of dengue infection severity score

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    Pongpan S


    Full Text Available Surangrat Pongpan,1,2 Jayanton Patumanond,3 Apichart Wisitwong,4 Chamaiporn Tawichasri,5 Sirianong Namwongprom1,6 1Clinical Epidemiology Program, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 2Department of Occupational Medicine, Phrae Hospital, Phrae, Thailand; 3Clinical Epidemiology Program, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand; 4Department of Social Medicine, Sawanpracharak Hospital, Nakorn Sawan, Thailand; 5Clinical Epidemiology Society at Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand; 6Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand Objective: To validate a simple scoring system to classify dengue viral infection severity to patients in different settings. Methods: The developed scoring system derived from 777 patients from three tertiary-care hospitals was applied to 400 patients in the validation data obtained from another three tertiary-care hospitals. Percentage of correct classification, underestimation, and overestimation was compared. The score discriminative performance in the two datasets was compared by analysis of areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: Patients in the validation data were different from those in the development data in some aspects. In the validation data, classifying patients into three severity levels (dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome yielded 50.8% correct prediction (versus 60.7% in the development data, with clinically acceptable underestimation (18.6% versus 25.7% and overestimation (30.8% versus 13.5%. Despite the difference in predictive performances between the validation and the development data, the overall prediction of the scoring system is considered high. Conclusion: The developed severity score may be applied to classify patients with dengue viral infection into three severity levels with clinically acceptable under- or overestimation. Its impact when used in routine

  16. Dengue situation in Brazil by year 2000

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    Hermann G Schatzmayr


    Full Text Available Dengue virus types 1 and 2 have been isolated in Brazil by the Department of Virology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1986 and 1990 respectively, after many decades of absence. A successful continental Aedes aegypti control program in the Americas, has been able to eradicate the vector in most countries in the 60's, but the program could not be sustained along the years. Dengue viruses were reintroduced in the American region and the infection became endemic in Brazil, like in most Central and SouthAmerican countries and in the Caribbean region, due to the weaning of the vector control programs in these countries. High demographic densities and poor housing conditions in large urban communities, made the ideal conditions for vector spreading. All four dengue types are circulating in the continent and there is a high risk of the introduction in the country of the other two dengue types in Brazil, with the development of large epidemics. After the Cuban episode in 1981, when by the first time a large epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been described in the Americas, both clinical presentations are observed, specially in the countries like Brazil, with circulation of more than one dengue virus type. A tetravalent potent vaccine seems to be the only possible way to control the disease in the future, besides rapid clinical and laboratory diagnosis, in order to offer supportive treatment to the more severe clinical infections.

  17. Host genetics and dengue fever. (United States)

    Xavier-Carvalho, Caroline; Cardoso, Cynthia Chester; de Souza Kehdy, Fernanda; Pacheco, Antonio Guilherme; Moraes, Milton Ozório


    Dengue is a major worldwide problem in tropical and subtropical areas; it is caused by four different viral serotypes, and it can manifest as asymptomatic, mild, or severe. Many factors interact to determine the severity of the disease, including the genetic profile of the infected patient. However, the mechanisms that lead to severe disease and eventually death have not been determined, and a great challenge is the early identification of patients who are more likely to progress to a worse health condition. Studies performed in regions with cyclic outbreaks such as Cuba, Brazil, and Colombia have demonstrated that African ancestry confers protection against severe dengue. Highlighting the host genetics as an important factor in infectious diseases, a large number of association studies between genetic polymorphisms and dengue outcomes have been published in the last two decades. The most widely used approach involves case-control studies with candidate genes, such as the HLA locus and genes for receptors, cytokines, and other immune mediators. Additionally, a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) identified SNPs associated with African ethnicity that had not previously been identified in case-control studies. Despite the increasing number of publications in America, Africa, and Asia, the results are quite controversial, and a meta-analysis is needed to assess the consensus among the studies. SNPs in the MICB, TNF, CD209, FcγRIIA, TPSAB1, CLEC5A, IL10 and PLCE1 genes are associated with the risk or protection of severe dengue, and the findings have been replicated in different populations. A thorough understanding of the viral, human genetic, and immunological mechanisms of dengue and how they interact is essential for effectively preventing dengue, but also managing and treating patients. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. First Iranian imported case of dengue

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    Masoud Mardani


    Full Text Available Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne flavivirus infection, is endemic in Southeast Asia. Currently, incidences have been increasing among adults. There have been no published reports of dengue fever from Iran. Widespread connection between different countries may predispose them for acquisition of infection. The patient was a 58-year-old Iranian woman with acute unexplained high-grade fever for 4 days, associated with skin rash, after returning from Southeast Asia. CBC showed WBC = 1600/mm 3 and platelet count 99,000/mm 3 . The patient also had hematuria. ELISA immunoglobulin M (IgM antibodies to dengue and serum RT-PCR for dengue virus was positive. The patient managed with conservative treatment and due to good general condition and improvement specific antiviral treatment was not started. She became afebrile at the 3 rd day of hospitalization and discharged with good general condition on fourth day. She was afebrile after two weeks follow-up. Dengue fever has been increasing among adults. It should be suspected, when a patient presents with acute febrile illness and skin rashes returning from endemic region. Conservative treatment may be conducted in uncomplicated cases .

  19. Evaluation of neurological complications using who warning signs for dengue disease severity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akmal, A.; Tauseef, A.; Akram, T.


    In 2009 a new classification of dengue was proposed by WHO Tropical Disease Research, which classifies dengue into dengue (D), dengue with warning signs (DW) and severe dengue (SD). This classification highlights the warning signs of dengue disease severity. Neurological complications are one of the most serious complications of dengue disease. This study was carried out to see association of neurological complications of dengue patients with WHO warning signs for dengue disease severity, and their outcome. Methods: It was a cross-sectional analytical study and included 180 diagnosed and registered cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The participants were subjected to a detailed clinical evaluation, laboratory assessment including blood counts, hematocrit, serology for dengue fever and sonography at 24 hours and 48 hours of their admission. Results: Twenty-six percent patients were suffering from neurological complications due to dengue. The warning signs for dengue disease severity like altered sensorium (85.5%, p=0.001), raised hematocrit (n=47, p=0.029), gall bladder wall thickening, pleural effusion and ascites on sonographic report (n=47, p=0.024), were strongly associated with the neurological complications. Conclusion: Our study reveals significant association of WHO warning signs for dengue disease severity with neurological complications of dengue disease. (author)

  20. Sorção e mobilidade do lítio em solos de áreas de disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos

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    Luiz Fernando Coutinho de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Um dos grandes problemas da atualidade é a disposição inadequada dos resíduos sólidos urbanos no solo, e seus efeitos recaem, principalmente, na contaminação das águas e do solo. Este trabalho objetivou o estudo da sorção e da mobilidade do Lítio nos solos das áreas de disposição de resíduos sólidos urbanos dos municípios de Lavras, Campo Belo e Pouso Alegre, MG. A partir dos ensaios de sorção em batelada e mobilidade do Li em colunas de solo, ajustaram-se os parâmetros das isotermas de Freundlich e da equação de transporte de solutos no solo. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se que, dentre os solos avaliados, o do município de Lavras foi o que apresentou a maior mobilidade do Li seguido dos solos de Pouso Alegre e Campo Belo, sendo, portanto, mais vulnerável à contaminação das águas subterrâneas.

  1. Towards antiviral therapies for treating dengue virus infections. (United States)

    Kaptein, Suzanne Jf; Neyts, Johan


    Dengue virus is an emerging human pathogen that poses a huge public health burden by infecting annually about 390 million individuals of which a quarter report with clinical manifestations. Although progress has been made in understanding dengue pathogenesis, a licensed vaccine or antiviral therapy against this virus is still lacking. Treatment of patients is confined to symptomatic alleviation and supportive care. The development of dengue therapeutics thus remains of utmost importance. This review focuses on the few molecules that were evaluated in dengue virus-infected patients: balapiravir, chloroquine, lovastatin, prednisolone and celgosivir. The lessons learned from these clinical trials can be very helpful for the design of future trials for the next generation of dengue virus inhibitors. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Impacto económico del dengue y del dengue hemorrágico en el Estado de Zulia, Venezuela, 1997-2003 Economic impact of dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever in the State of Zulia, Venezuela, 1997-2003

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    Germán Añez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar los costos directos e indirectos asociados con la atención de los casos de dengue y de dengue hemorrágico o síndrome de choque por dengue (DH/SCD entre los años 1997 y 2003 en el Estado de Zulia, Venezuela. MÉTODOS: El número total de pacientes con dengue y DH/SCD se obtuvo de los registros de la Dirección Regional de Epidemiología del Estado de Zulia y de los informes de casos confirmados en la Sección de Virología del Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas Dr. Américo Negrette, de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, entre el 1.° de enero de 1997 y el 31 de diciembre de 2003. Como costos directos se consideraron el costo de la atención médica de urgencia de todos los casos y los costos de hospitalización de los casos con DH/SCD (costo por día-cama y costos de laboratorio. Los costos asociados con la ausencia laboral de los enfermos mayores de 15 años y de las madres acompañantes de los enfermos menores de 15 años conformaron los costos indirectos, ajustados según la proporción de hombres y mujeres en la fuerza laboral activa del país. Para el cálculo se utilizó el salario mínimo anual y los resultados se expresaron en dólares estadounidenses, según la tasa de cambio promedio de cada año. RESULTADOS: En el período estudiado se atendieron 33 857 casos de dengue y de DH/SCD; de ellos, 30 251 (89,35% fueron de dengue y 3 606 (10,65% de DH/SCD. Seis de estos fallecieron (letalidad 0,2 por 100 casos de DH/SCD. Los costos directos fueron US$ 474 251,70; de esa suma, US$ 132 042,30 correspondieron a la atención en los servicios de urgencia y US$ 342 209,40 a los gastos de hospitalización de los casos con DH/SCD. Los costos indirectos ascendieron a US$ 873 825,84 y representaron 64,8% del gasto total (US$ 1 348 077,54 relacionado con esta enfermedad en los años estudiados. CONCLUSIONES: Este es el primer estudio acerca del impacto económico del dengue en el Estado de Zulia y

  3. Dengue infections in non-immune travellers to Thailand. (United States)

    Massad, E; Rocklov, J; Wilder-Smith, A


    Dengue is the most frequent arboviral disease and is expanding geographically. Dengue is also increasingly being reported in travellers, in particular in travellers to Thailand. However, data to quantify the risk of travellers acquiring dengue when travelling to Thailand are lacking. Using mathematical modelling, we set out to estimate the risk of non-immune persons acquiring dengue when travelling to Thailand. The model is deterministic with stochastic parameters and assumes a Poisson distribution for the mosquitoes' biting rate and a Gamma distribution for the probability of acquiring dengue from an infected mosquito. From the force of infection we calculated the risk of dengue acquisition for travellers to Thailand arriving in a typical year (averaged over a 17-year period) in the high season of transmission. A traveller arriving in the high season of transmission and remaining for 7 days has a risk of acquiring dengue of 0·2% (95% CI 0·16-0·23), whereas the risk for travel of 15 and 30 days' duration is 0·46% (95% CI 0·41-0·50) and 0·81% (95% CI 0·76-0·87), respectively. Our data highlight that the risk of non-immune travellers acquiring dengue in Thailand is substantial. The incidence of 0·81% after a 1-month stay is similar to that reported in prospective seroconversion studies in Israeli travellers to Thailand, highlighting that our models are consistent with actual data. Risk estimates based on mathematical modelling offer more detailed information depending on various travel scenarios, and will help the travel medicine provider give better evidence-based advice for travellers to dengue-endemic countries.

  4. The 2012 dengue outbreak in Madeira: exploring the origins. (United States)

    Wilder-Smith, A; Quam, M; Sessions, O; Rocklov, J; Liu-Helmersson, J; Franco, L; Khan, K


    In 2012, Madeira reported its first major outbreak of dengue. To identify the origin of the imported dengue virus, we investigated the interconnectivity via air travel between dengue-endemic countries and Madeira, and compared available sequences against GenBank. There were 22,948 air travellers to Madeira in 2012, originating from twenty-nine dengue-endemic countries; 89.6% of these international travellers originated from Venezuela and Brazil. We developed an importation index that takes into account both travel volume and the extent of dengue incidence in the country of origin. Venezuela and Brazil had by far the highest importation indices compared with all other dengue-endemic countries. The importation index for Venezuela was twice as high as that for Brazil. When taking into account seasonality in the months preceding the onset of the Madeira outbreak, this index was even seven times higher for Venezuela than for Brazil during this time. Dengue sequencing shows that the virus responsible for the Madeira outbreak was most closely related to viruses circulating in Venezuela, Brazil and Columbia. Applying the importation index, Venezuela was identified as the most likely origin of importation of dengue virus via travellers to Madeira. We propose that the importation index is a new additional tool that can help to identify and anticipate the most probable country of origin for importation of dengue into currently non-endemic countries.

  5. Estratificación de una ciudad hiperendémica en dengue hemorrágico Stratification of a city with hyperendemic dengue hemorrhagic fever

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    Roberto Barrera


    Full Text Available La gran heterogeneidad ambiental de viviendas y barrios en los centros urbanos donde se cría Aedes aegypti, principal vector del dengue, junto con la escasez de recursos y de personal entrenado en el control de mosquitos constituyen retos para cualquier iniciativa destinada a controlar el dengue hemorrágico (DH. Una adecuada vigilancia epidemiológica puede servir de base para comenzar a estratificar los centros urbanos e identificar las zonas críticas donde deben concentrarse las tareas de control. En este estudio, se estratificó una ciudad hiperendémica en dengue hemorrágico (Maracay, Venezuela con la ayuda de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG y el análisis de la persistencia, la incidencia y la prevalencia del dengue mediante diagnósticos clínicos registrados de 1993 a 1998. Maracay tiene cerca de un millón de habitantes que viven en unos 349 barrios de 6 poblaciones que integran el Área Metropolitana, donde se notificaron 10 576 casos de dengue, 2 593 casos de DH y 8 defunciones. La incidencia de DH mostró una relación directa con la incidencia del dengue, el número de habitantes y la densidad poblacional. El patrón espacial de la incidencia del dengue fue estable durante los años estudiados y se encontraron relaciones positivas y significativas de la incidencia del dengue por barrio entre pares de años. La persistencia del dengue se relacionó directamente con la incidencia mensual por barrio. Estos patrones espaciales facilitaron la estratificación de la ciudad en tres estratos: 68 barrios sin dengue aparente, 226 barrios con baja persistencia y prevalencia, y 55 barrios con alta persistencia y prevalencia. Se recomienda otorgar alta prioridad de control a estos 55 barrios que ocupan 35% del área urbana y presentaron 70% de todos los casos de dengue.Any effort to control dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF faces a number of challenges. Among these are the great environmental heterogeneity of homes and neighborhoods

  6. Auto-relato e relato de informante secundário na avaliação da saúde em idosos


    Jardim, Renata; Barreto, Sandhi Maria; Giatti, Luana


    OBJETIVO: Analisar se o modelo explicativo para a avaliação da saúde do idoso com base no auto-relato é comparável com o modelo de relato do informante secundário e se a auto-avaliação de saúde do informante secundário influencia a avaliação da saúde do idoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 230 pares idoso-informante secundário realizado em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2007. Foram investigadas variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde dos idosos por meio de entrevista estruturada. Utilizou-se regress...

  7. Enhancing the Immunogenicity of a Tetravalent Dengue DNA Vaccine (United States)


    season’s influenza vaccine. There is no overlap with the proposed project. Title: Serological survey for Zika virus and other vector-borne pathogen...studying human immunology and pathogenesis of dengue virus infection Time Commitments: 5% 0.6 calendar months Supporting Agency: Military Infectious...attenuated dengue virus vaccine (LAV), and (3) inactivated dengue virus vaccine. Dengue fever ranks among the top infectious diseases that afflict

  8. Estimation of the Basic Reproductive Ratio for Dengue Fever at the Take-Off Period of Dengue Infection. (United States)

    Jafaruddin; Indratno, Sapto W; Nuraini, Nuning; Supriatna, Asep K; Soewono, Edy


    Estimating the basic reproductive ratio ℛ 0 of dengue fever has continued to be an ever-increasing challenge among epidemiologists. In this paper we propose two different constructions to estimate ℛ 0 which is derived from a dynamical system of host-vector dengue transmission model. The construction is based on the original assumption that in the early states of an epidemic the infected human compartment increases exponentially at the same rate as the infected mosquito compartment (previous work). In the first proposed construction, we modify previous works by assuming that the rates of infection for mosquito and human compartments might be different. In the second construction, we add an improvement by including more realistic conditions in which the dynamics of an infected human compartments are intervened by the dynamics of an infected mosquito compartment, and vice versa. We apply our construction to the real dengue epidemic data from SB Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia, during the period of outbreak Nov. 25, 2008-Dec. 2012. We also propose two scenarios to determine the take-off rate of infection at the beginning of a dengue epidemic for construction of the estimates of ℛ 0: scenario I from equation of new cases of dengue with respect to time (daily) and scenario II from equation of new cases of dengue with respect to cumulative number of new cases of dengue. The results show that our first construction of ℛ 0 accommodates the take-off rate differences between mosquitoes and humans. Our second construction of the ℛ 0 estimation takes into account the presence of infective mosquitoes in the early growth rate of infective humans and vice versa. We conclude that the second approach is more realistic, compared with our first approach and the previous work.

  9. Dengue surveillance in Veterans Affairs healthcare facilities, 2007-2010.

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    Patricia L Schirmer

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Although dengue is endemic in Puerto Rico (PR, 2007 and 2010 were recognized as epidemic years. In the continental United States (US, outside of the Texas-Mexico border, there had not been a dengue outbreak since 1946 until dengue re-emerged in Key West, Florida (FL, in 2009-2010. The objective of this study was to use electronic and manual surveillance systems to identify dengue cases in Veterans Affairs (VA healthcare facilities and then to clinically compare dengue cases in Veterans presenting for care in PR and in FL. METHODOLOGY: Outpatient encounters from 1/2007-12/2010 and inpatient admissions (only available from 10/2009-12/2010 with dengue diagnostic codes at all VA facilities were identified using VA's Electronic Surveillance System for Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE. Additional case sources included VA data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention BioSense and VA infection preventionists. Case reviews were performed. Categorical data was compared using Mantel-Haenszel or Fisher Exact tests and continuous variables using t-tests. Dengue case residence was mapped. FINDINGS: Two hundred eighty-eight and 21 PR and FL dengue cases respectively were identified. Of 21 FL cases, 12 were exposed in Key West and 9 were imported. During epidemic years, FL cases had significantly increased dengue testing and intensive care admissions, but lower hospitalization rates and headache or eye pain symptoms compared to PR cases. There were no significant differences in clinical symptoms, laboratory abnormalities or outcomes between epidemic and non-epidemic year cases in FL and PR. Confirmed/probable cases were significantly more likely to be hospitalized and have thrombocytopenia or leukopenia compared to suspected cases. CONCLUSIONS: Dengue re-introduction in the continental US warrants increased dengue surveillance and education in VA. Throughout VA, under-testing of suspected cases highlights the need to

  10. Dengue neonatal en el Perú: Reporte de un caso Neonatal dengue in Peru: a case report

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    Hermann Silva Delgado


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de un neonato de sexo femenino, a término, producto de madre fallecida al séptimo día de su puerperio, por falla multiorgánica debido a dengue grave confirmado por detección de antígeno NS1 e IgM. La recién nacida (RN no tuvo complicaciones, pero a partir del cuarto día de vida desarrolló fiebre, ictericia, manifestaciones de extravasación de plasma, hepatomegalia, ascitis, plaquetopenia y otros signos de síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica. Su evolución final fue favorable con tratamiento instaurado. Se demuestra con PCR en tiempo real, la presencia del virus dengue serotipo 2 en sangre de la RN, confirmándose el primer caso de dengue neonatal reportado en el Perú.We present the case of a full-term female newborn, whose mother died seven days postpartum from multi-organ failure due to severe dengue confirmed by NS1 antigen detection and positive IgM. The newborn did not have any complication, but at the fourth day of life she developed fever, jaundice, signs of plasma leakage, thrombocytopenia, hepatomegaly, ascitis, and others signs of systemic inflammation response syndrome. She fully recovered with supportive treatment. The RT-PCR test of a peripheral blood sample revealed a positive result for the dengue virus serotype 2, confirming the first case of neonatal dengue reported in Peru.

  11. Cost of dengue outbreaks: literature review and country case studies (United States)


    Background Dengue disease surveillance and vector surveillance are presumed to detect dengue outbreaks at an early stage and to save – through early response activities – resources, and reduce the social and economic impact of outbreaks on individuals, health systems and economies. The aim of this study is to unveil evidence on the cost of dengue outbreaks. Methods Economic evidence on dengue outbreaks was gathered by conducting a literature review and collecting information on the costs of recent dengue outbreaks in 4 countries: Peru, Dominican Republic, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The literature review distinguished between costs of dengue illness including cost of dengue outbreaks, cost of interventions and cost-effectiveness of interventions. Results Seventeen publications on cost of dengue showed a large range of costs from 0.2 Million US$ in Venezuela to 135.2 Million US$ in Brazil. However, these figures were not standardized to make them comparable. Furthermore, dengue outbreak costs are calculated differently across the publications, and cost of dengue illness is used interchangeably with cost of dengue outbreaks. Only one paper from Australia analysed the resources saved through active dengue surveillance. Costs of vector control interventions have been reported in 4 studies, indicating that the costs of such interventions are lower than those of actual outbreaks. Nine papers focussed on the cost-effectiveness of dengue vaccines or dengue vector control; they do not provide any direct information on cost of dengue outbreaks, but their modelling methodologies could guide future research on cost-effectiveness of national surveillance systems. The country case studies – conducted in very different geographic and health system settings - unveiled rough estimates for 2011 outbreak costs of: 12 million US$ in Vietnam, 6.75 million US$ in Indonesia, 4.5 million US$ in Peru and 2.8 million US$ in Dominican Republic (all in 2012 US$). The proportions of the

  12. Towards a climate-driven dengue decision support system for Thailand (United States)

    Lowe, Rachel; Cazelles, Bernard; Paul, Richard; Rodó, Xavier


    Dengue is a peri-urban mosquito-transmitted disease, ubiquitous in the tropics and the subtropics. The geographic distribution of dengue and its more severe form, dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), have expanded dramatically in the last decades and dengue is now considered to be the world's most important arboviral disease. Recent demographic changes have greatly contributed to the acceleration and spread of the disease along with uncontrolled urbanization, population growth and increased air travel, which acts as a mechanism for transporting and exchanging dengue viruses between endemic and epidemic populations. The dengue vector and virus are extremely sensitive to environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity and precipitation that influence mosquito biology, abundance and habitat and the virus replication speed. In order to control the spread of dengue and impede epidemics, decision support systems are required that take into account the multi-faceted array of factors that contribute to increased dengue risk. Due to availability of seasonal climate forecasts, that predict the average climate conditions for forthcoming months/seasons in both time and space, there is an opportunity to incorporate precursory climate information in a dengue decision support system to aid epidemic planning months in advance. Furthermore, oceanic indicators from teleconnected areas in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, that can provide some indication of the likely prevailing climate conditions in certain regions, could potentially extend predictive lead time in a dengue early warning system. In this paper we adopt a spatio-temporal Bayesian modelling framework for dengue in Thailand to support public health decision making. Monthly cases of dengue in the 76 provinces of Thailand for the period 1982-2012 are modelled using a multi-layered approach. Environmental explanatory variables at various spatial and temporal resolutions are incorporated into a hierarchical model in order to


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    Camilo Cortés Mora


    Full Text Available

    El dengue es una infección viral sistémica transmitida a los humanos por la hembra del mosquito Aedes aegypti. Alrededor del 10% de los pacientes con dengue pueden presentar alteraciones neurológicas durante o después de la infección. Existen unos signos conocidos como signos de alarma, los cuales, asociados al antecedente epidemiológico (procedencia de zona endémica, pueden ayudar a sospechar la infección. A continuación, se presentan algunas generalidades sobre el virus, las formas clínicas, las complicaciones y el análisis de una revisión sistemática de 65 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de dengue o dengue hemorrágico. A partir de ellos, se encontró que se evidenciaron signos y síntomas neurológicos en 4 de los 39 casos que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Esta revisión permitió detectar un caso de hemorragia en la cabeza del núcleo caudado, asociada a la trombocitopenia marcada, inducida por el virus del dengue.



    Dengue fever is a systemic viral infection transmitted to humans by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. About 10% of patients with dengue fever may develop neurological disorders during or after infection. There are some signs known as warning signs, which, associated to the epidemiological background (origin of endemic area, may help to suspect the infection in those patients from endemic areas. Here are some generalities of the virus, its clinical forms, complications and the analysis of a systematic review of 65 clinical records of patients diagnosed with dengue and / or dengue hemorrhagic fever. From these patients, it was found that neurological signs and symptoms were evident in 4 of the 39 cases that fulfilled inclusion criteria. This review allowed to detect a case of hemorrhage in the head of the Caudate Nucleus associated with thrombocytopenia, induced by

  14. Dengue in Nicaragua, 1994: reintroduction of serotype 3 in the Americas Dengue en Nicaragua, 1994: reintroducción del serotipo 3 en las Américas

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    María G. Guzmán


    Full Text Available The principal aim of the report presented here is to describe the reappearance of dengue serotype 3 in the Americas, following a 17-year absence, through the recent experience of Nicaragua. In all, 356 serum samples obtained through Nicaragua's dengue monitoring system in October 1994 during an epidemic were examined. Anti-dengue IgM antibodies were detected in 43% of these, with sera from 12 of the 18 areas covered by Nicaragua's local integrated health care systems yielding positive results. In addition, dengue virus was isolated from 5 of 24 sera obtained from patients with hemorrhagic symptoms, dengue 3 being isolated from 3 of these samples and dengue 1 from the other 2. A diagnosis of dengue with hemorrhagic manifestations or of hemorrhagic dengue was supported or confirmed by laboratory findings obtained from 26 of 39 patients hospitalized in León or Managua. The most frequent symptoms of 18 patients diagnosed as having dengue with hemorrhagic manifestations were fever, headache, vomiting, myalgia, arthralgia, and epistaxis. The remaining eight patients, diagnosed as having probable hemorrhagic dengue, exhibited fever, general malaise, hemorrhaging, thrombocytopenia, hemoconcentration, and hemagglutination-inhibition antibody titers ranging from 640 to 20 480. Overall, the reappearance of dengue serotype 3 in the Region was confirmed, together with its ability to produce cases of hemorrhagic dengue. At least in Nicaragua, it is apparent that the introduction of dengue serotype 3 has prompted an increase in the number of classical dengue and hemorrhagic dengue cases, a scenario that might constitute the grim prelude to future developments in the Americas if urgent attention is not given to controlling the disease's mosquito vector.El objetivo principal de este informe fue describir la reaparición del serotipo 3 del dengue en las Américas después de 17 años de ausencia, tal como se observó recientemente en Nicaragua. Se examinaron en

  15. International Dengue Vaccine Communication and Advocacy: Challenges and Way Forward. (United States)

    Carvalho, Ana; Van Roy, Rebecca; Andrus, Jon


    Dengue vaccine introduction will likely occur soon. However, little has been published on international dengue vaccine communication and advocacy. More effort at the international level is required to review, unify and strategically disseminate dengue vaccine knowledge to endemic countries' decision makers and potential donors. Waiting to plan for the introduction of new vaccines until licensure may delay access in developing countries. Concerted efforts to communicate and advocate for vaccines prior to licensure are likely challenged by unknowns of the use of dengue vaccines and the disease, including uncertainties of vaccine impact, vaccine access and dengue's complex pathogenesis and epidemiology. Nevertheless, the international community has the opportunity to apply previous best practices for vaccine communication and advocacy. The following key strategies will strengthen international dengue vaccine communication and advocacy: consolidating existing coalitions under one strategic umbrella, urgently convening stakeholders to formulate the roadmap for integrated dengue prevention and control, and improving the dissemination of dengue scientific knowledge.

  16. Evaluation of Pyrethrin Formulations on Dengue/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Vectors in the Laboratory and Sublethal Effects

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    S Sulaiman


    Full Text Available In Southeast Asia, Aedes aegypti (L. has been incriminated as principal vector of dengue viruses and Ae. albopictus as the secondary vector of dengue fever. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of three for-mula¬tions of pyrethrin derived from Tanacetum cinerariaefolium against the dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever vectors Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in the laboratory. The testings employed 2 methodologies: the WHO Larval Bioassay and WHO Adult Bioassay. The results showed that all the three pyrethrin formulations had larvicidal and adulticidal activi-ties. The impact of the sublethal doses of pyrethrin formulations on Aedes spp. larvae resulted in 4-6% of alive adult emergence compared to 90% of Ae. aegypti emerging adults and 96% Ae. albopictus alive adult emergence in the control. The impact of sublethal doses of the pyrethrin formulations caused very low fecundity on both Aedes spp. compared to the control (P< 0.05.

  17. Evaluation of Pyrethrin Formulations on Dengue/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Vectors in the Laboratory and Sublethal Effects

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    S Sulaiman


    Full Text Available In Southeast Asia, Aedes aegypti (L. has been incriminated as principal vector of dengue viruses and Ae. albopictus as the secondary vector of dengue fever. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of three for-mula¬tions of pyrethrin derived from Tanacetum cinerariaefolium against the dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever vectors Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in the laboratory. The testings employed 2 methodologies: the WHO Larval Bioassay and WHO Adult Bioassay. The results showed that all the three pyrethrin formulations had larvicidal and adulticidal activi-ties. The impact of the sublethal doses of pyrethrin formulations on Aedes spp. larvae resulted in 4-6% of alive adult emergence compared to 90% of Ae. aegypti emerging adults and 96% Ae. albopictus alive adult emergence in the control. The impact of sublethal doses of the pyrethrin formulations caused very low fecundity on both Aedes spp. compared to the control (P< 0.05.

  18. Diabetes mellitus increases severity of thrombocytopenia in dengue-infected patients. (United States)

    Chen, Chung-Yuan; Lee, Mei-Yueh; Lin, Kun-Der; Hsu, Wei-Hao; Lee, Yaun-Jinn; Hsiao, Pi-Jung; Shin, Shyi-Jang


    Diabetes mellitus is known to exacerbate bacterial infection, but its effect on the severity of viral infection has not been well studied. The severity of thrombocytopenia is an indicator of the severity of dengue virus infection. We investigated whether diabetes is associated with thrombocytopenia in dengue-infected patients. We studied clinical characteristics of 644 patients with dengue infection at a university hospital during the epidemic on 1 June 2002 to 31 December 2002 in Taiwan. Platelet counts and biochemical data were compared between patients with and without diabetes. Potential risk factors associated with thrombocytopenia were explored using regression analyses. Dengue-infected patients with diabetes had lower platelet counts than patients without diabetes during the first three days (54.54±51.69 vs. 86.58±63.4 (p≤0.001), 43.98±44.09 vs. 64.52±45.06 (p=0.002), 43.86±35.75 vs. 62.72±51.2 (p=0.012)). Diabetes mellitus, death, dengue shock syndrome (DSS) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and increased glutamic-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) levels were significantly associated with lower platelet counts during the first day of hospitalization for dengue fever with regression β of -13.981 (95% confidence interval (CI) -27.587, -0.374), -26.847 (95% CI -37.562, -16.132), and 0.054 (95% CI 0.015, 0.094) respectively. Older age, hypoalbuminemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were independently correlated with thrombocytopenia in dengue patients with or without diabetes with regression β of -2.947 (p=0.004), 2.801 (p=0.005), and -3.568 (p≤0.001), respectively. Diabetic patients with dengue had a higher rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)/dengue shock syndrome (DSS) than non-diabetic patients. They also had lower blood albumin, were older, and higher triglyceride levels. Older age, hypoalbuminemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were independently correlated with thrombocytopenia in dengue patients. Dengue patients with diabetes tended to have more severe

  19. Economic and disease burden of dengue in Mexico.

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    Eduardo A Undurraga


    Full Text Available Dengue imposes a substantial economic and disease burden in most tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue incidence and severity have dramatically increased in Mexico during the past decades. Having objective and comparable estimates of the economic burden of dengue is essential to inform health policy, increase disease awareness, and assess the impact of dengue prevention and control technologies.We estimated the annual economic and disease burden of dengue in Mexico for the years 2010-2011. We merged multiple data sources, including a prospective cohort study; patient interviews and macro-costing from major hospitals; surveillance, budget, and health data from the Ministry of Health; WHO cost estimates; and available literature. We conducted a probabilistic sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulations to derive 95% certainty levels (CL for our estimates. Results suggest that Mexico had about 139,000 (95%CL: 128,000-253,000 symptomatic and 119 (95%CL: 75-171 fatal dengue episodes annually on average (2010-2011, compared to an average of 30,941 symptomatic and 59 fatal dengue episodes reported. The annual cost, including surveillance and vector control, was US$170 (95%CL: 151-292 million, or $1.56 (95%CL: 1.38-2.68 per capita, comparable to other countries in the region. Of this, $87 (95%CL: 87-209 million or $0.80 per capita (95%CL: 0.62-1.12 corresponds to illness. Annual disease burden averaged 65 (95%CL: 36-99 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs per million population. Inclusion of long-term sequelae, co-morbidities, impact on tourism, and health system disruption during outbreaks would further increase estimated economic and disease burden.With this study, Mexico joins Panama, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and Thailand as the only countries or areas worldwide with comprehensive (illness and preventive empirical estimates of dengue burden. Burden varies annually; during an outbreak, dengue burden may be significantly higher than that of

  20. Economic and disease burden of dengue in Mexico. (United States)

    Undurraga, Eduardo A; Betancourt-Cravioto, Miguel; Ramos-Castañeda, José; Martínez-Vega, Ruth; Méndez-Galván, Jorge; Gubler, Duane J; Guzmán, María G; Halstead, Scott B; Harris, Eva; Kuri-Morales, Pablo; Tapia-Conyer, Roberto; Shepard, Donald S


    Dengue imposes a substantial economic and disease burden in most tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue incidence and severity have dramatically increased in Mexico during the past decades. Having objective and comparable estimates of the economic burden of dengue is essential to inform health policy, increase disease awareness, and assess the impact of dengue prevention and control technologies. We estimated the annual economic and disease burden of dengue in Mexico for the years 2010-2011. We merged multiple data sources, including a prospective cohort study; patient interviews and macro-costing from major hospitals; surveillance, budget, and health data from the Ministry of Health; WHO cost estimates; and available literature. We conducted a probabilistic sensitivity analysis using Monte Carlo simulations to derive 95% certainty levels (CL) for our estimates. Results suggest that Mexico had about 139,000 (95%CL: 128,000-253,000) symptomatic and 119 (95%CL: 75-171) fatal dengue episodes annually on average (2010-2011), compared to an average of 30,941 symptomatic and 59 fatal dengue episodes reported. The annual cost, including surveillance and vector control, was US$170 (95%CL: 151-292) million, or $1.56 (95%CL: 1.38-2.68) per capita, comparable to other countries in the region. Of this, $87 (95%CL: 87-209) million or $0.80 per capita (95%CL: 0.62-1.12) corresponds to illness. Annual disease burden averaged 65 (95%CL: 36-99) disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per million population. Inclusion of long-term sequelae, co-morbidities, impact on tourism, and health system disruption during outbreaks would further increase estimated economic and disease burden. With this study, Mexico joins Panama, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and Thailand as the only countries or areas worldwide with comprehensive (illness and preventive) empirical estimates of dengue burden. Burden varies annually; during an outbreak, dengue burden may be significantly higher than that of the pre

  1. Treatment of dengue fever


    Rajapakse, Senaka; Rodrigo,Chaturaka; Rajapakse,Anoja Chamarie


    Senaka Rajapakse,1,2 Chaturaka Rodrigo,1 Anoja Rajapakse31Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka; 2Lincoln County Hospital, United Lincolnshire NHS Trust, Lincoln, UK; 3Kings Mill Hospital, Sherwood Forest NHS Foundation Trust, Mansfield, UKAbstract: The endemic area for dengue fever extends over 60 countries, and approximately 2.5 billion people are at risk of infection. The incidence of dengue has multiplied many times over the last five decad...

  2. Which Dengue Vaccine Approach Is the Most Promising, and Should We Be Concerned about Enhanced Disease after Vaccination? The Challenges of a Dengue Vaccine. (United States)

    Screaton, Gavin; Mongkolsapaya, Juthathip


    A dengue vaccine has been pursued for more than 50 years and, unlike other flaviviral vaccines such as that against yellow fever, progress has been slow. In this review, we describe progress toward the first licensed dengue vaccine Dengvaxia, which does not give complete protection against disease. The antibody response to the dengue virion is reviewed, highlighting immunodominant yet poorly neutralizing responses in the context of a highly dynamic structurally flexible dengue virus particle. Finally, we review recent evidence for cross-reactivity between antibody responses to Zika and dengue viruses, which may further complicate the development of broadly protective dengue virus vaccines. Copyright © 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.


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    Triwibowo Ambar Garjito


    Full Text Available Dengue virus merupakan salah satu virus anggota dari famili Flaviviridae yang sejak tahun 1956 telah dikenal dapat menimbulkan demam dengue maupun demam berdarah dengue (DBD. Penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti ini diperkirakan telah menjangkiti pada selatar 50-100 juta manusia dengan 500.000 kasus di antaranya dalam manifestasi yang ganas yang dikenal sebagai dengue haemorrhagic fever dan dengue shock syndrome dan 25.000 di antaranya berakibat fatal (meninggal. Saat ini pengembangan vaksin merupakan salah satu solusi yang diharapkan dapat menekan penyebaran penyakit tersebut. E (envelope merupakan salah satu bagian dari protein struktural virus yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan vaksin, yaitu sebagai badan yang memproduksi antibodi netralisasi untuk protein. Non-struktural protein l juga telah diketahui sebagai salah satu komponen penting dalam pengembangan vaksin oleh karena kemampuannya untuk dapat diekspresi pada permukaan sel yang diinfeksi yang dapat menjadi target untuk immune cytolisis. Ada dua pendekatan yang digunakan dalam memproduksi suatu vaksin dengue, yaitu: a. Vaksin hidup yang telah dilemahkan (live attenuated vaccine: b. Vaksin hasil rekayasa (engineered vaccine. Penelitian terhadap vaksin DENV baik rekombinan maupun non-rekombinan yang didasarkan pada uji virus telah dilakukan secara terus-menerus baik pada monyet dan manusia. Sampai saat ini telah dikembangkan sejumlah kandidat vaksin DENV yang berdasar pada tetravalent virus dengue, yaitu a. vaksin konvensional, b. vaksin dengue rekombinan berdasar pada flavivirus, c. vaksin intertypic chimeric, d. vaksin chimerivac, e. vaksin dengue rekombinan menggunakan vector non-ftavivirus dan f. vector adenovirus. Namun demikian, sampai sekarang belum ada vaksin yang siap digunakan untuk menangkal infeksi ke empat serotype virus dengue, sehingga masih diharapkan untuk pengembangan virus lebih lanjut.   Kata kunci: Aedes aegypti, dengue virus, vaksin dengue.

  4. Developing a Social Autopsy Tool for Dengue Mortality: A Pilot Study (United States)

    Arauz, María José; Ridde, Valéry; Hernández, Libia Milena; Charris, Yaneth; Carabali, Mabel; Villar, Luis Ángel


    Background Dengue fever is a public health problem in the tropical and sub-tropical world. Dengue cases have grown dramatically in recent years as well as dengue mortality. Colombia has experienced periodic dengue outbreaks with numerous dengue related-deaths, where the Santander department has been particularly affected. Although social determinants of health (SDH) shape health outcomes, including mortality, it is not yet understood how these affect dengue mortality. The aim of this pilot study was to develop and pre-test a social autopsy (SA) tool for dengue mortality. Methods and Findings The tool was developed and pre-tested in three steps. First, dengue fatal cases and ‘near misses’ (those who recovered from dengue complications) definitions were elaborated. Second, a conceptual framework on determinants of dengue mortality was developed to guide the construction of the tool. Lastly, the tool was designed and pre-tested among three relatives of fatal cases and six near misses in 2013 in the metropolitan zone of Bucaramanga. The tool turned out to be practical in the context of dengue mortality in Colombia after some modifications. The tool aims to study the social, individual, and health systems determinants of dengue mortality. The tool is focused on studying the socioeconomic position and the intermediary SDH rather than the socioeconomic and political context. Conclusions The SA tool is based on the scientific literature, a validated conceptual framework, researchers’ and health professionals’ expertise, and a pilot study. It is the first time that a SA tool has been created for the dengue mortality context. Our work furthers the study on SDH and how these are applied to neglected tropical diseases, like dengue. This tool could be integrated in surveillance systems to provide complementary information on the modifiable and avoidable death-related factors and therefore, be able to formulate interventions for dengue mortality reduction. PMID:25658485

  5. Dinâmica imobiliária e regulação ambiental: uma discussão a partir do eixo-sul da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte Dinámica inmobiliaria y regulación ambiental: una discusión a partir del eje-sur de la región metropolitana de Belo Horizonte Real-estate dynamics and environmental regulation: a discussion on the southern side of the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Region

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    Heloisa Soares de Moura Costa


    Full Text Available O trabalho traz, inicialmente, uma breve discussão teórica sobre a produção do espaço urbano e a emergência da regulação ambiental, principalmente no que diz respeito à expansão urbana. A seguir, são discutidos alguns instrumentos de regulação ambiental - em especial o licenciamento de atividades -, que têm feito emergir práticas sociais diversificadas, articulando interesses econômicos, o Estado e grupos sociais voltados para proteção ambiental. Enfatiza-se o caráter contraditório da intervenção do Estado e discutem-se os limites e possibilidades de ação dos movimentos sociais organizados em torno da reprodução das condições de expansão urbana. O artigo utiliza o caso do crescimento metropolitano no eixo-sul de Belo Horizonte para evidenciar os conflitos em torno das formas de apropriação e uso do solo urbano, bem como os expedientes adotados pelo capital imobiliário para agregar valor ao produto, reforçando mecanismos conhecidos de elitização e exclusão. Discute-se, ainda, se há possibilidades de reversão de tal quadro a partir da participação e negociação dos conflitos entre os agentes sociais envolvidos.El trabajo trae, inicialmente, una breve discusión teórica sobre la producción del espacio urbano y la emergencia de la regulación ambiental, principalmente respecto a la expansión urbana. A continuación, son discutidos algunos instrumentos de regulación ambiental - en especial o licenciamiento de actividades -, que han hecho emerger prácticas sociales diversificadas, articulando intereses económicos, el Estado y grupos sociales orientados a la protección ambiental. Se enfatiza el carácter contradictorio de la intervención del Estado y se discuten los límites y posibilidades de acción de los movimientos sociales organizados en torno a la reproducción de las condiciones de expansión urbana. El artículo utiliza el caso del crecimiento metropolitano en el eje-sur de Belo Horizonte para

  6. Evolving herbal formulations in management of dengue fever. (United States)

    Singh, Pawan Kumar; Rawat, Pooja

    Dengue is endemic in more than 100 countries and it is estimated that annually above 390 million infections occur globally. During the period between 1996-2015, a massive increase of more than 500 per cent has been recorded in number of dengue cases reported in India. Till date, there are no specific globally accepted treatments for dengue fever in any system of medicine. Dengue does not cause very high mortality if properly handled and is currently being managed by clinicians through various adjuvant and alternative therapeutic options. Various plant based preparations have been used in different parts of India for combating dengue and are simultaneously also being scientifically validated by researchers. However, number of such scientific validation studies on phytomedicines are very less in India. Out of twenty-two plants reported against dengue, only four have been studied scientifically. Azadirachta indica, Carica papaya, Hippophae rhamnoides and Cissampelos pareira extracts were found effective and demonstrated improvement in clinical symptoms and direct inhibitory effect on dengue virus. C. papaya clinical trial showed increase in platelet count and faster recovery. These plants may be explored further as probable candidates for drug discovery against dengue. There is a need to search more such herbal formulations, which are being practiced at local level, document properly and validate them scientifically to confirm efficacy, mechanistic action and safety, before use. The herbal formulations being used by communities are the low hanging fruits which may provide alternative or adjuvant therapy if proper validation, value addition and product development steps are followed. This paper aims to review the recent status of dengue cases, deaths and evolving curative herbal solutions adapted and reported from India to combat the disease. Copyright © 2017 Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore and World Ayurveda Foundation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights

  7. Forecast of dengue incidence using temperature and rainfall.

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    Yien Ling Hii

    Full Text Available An accurate early warning system to predict impending epidemics enhances the effectiveness of preventive measures against dengue fever. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a forecasting model that could predict dengue cases and provide timely early warning in Singapore.We developed a time series Poisson multivariate regression model using weekly mean temperature and cumulative rainfall over the period 2000-2010. Weather data were modeled using piecewise linear spline functions. We analyzed various lag times between dengue and weather variables to identify the optimal dengue forecasting period. Autoregression, seasonality and trend were considered in the model. We validated the model by forecasting dengue cases for week 1 of 2011 up to week 16 of 2012 using weather data alone. Model selection and validation were based on Akaike's Information Criterion, standardized Root Mean Square Error, and residuals diagnoses. A Receiver Operating Characteristics curve was used to analyze the sensitivity of the forecast of epidemics. The optimal period for dengue forecast was 16 weeks. Our model forecasted correctly with errors of 0.3 and 0.32 of the standard deviation of reported cases during the model training and validation periods, respectively. It was sensitive enough to distinguish between outbreak and non-outbreak to a 96% (CI = 93-98% in 2004-2010 and 98% (CI = 95%-100% in 2011. The model predicted the outbreak in 2011 accurately with less than 3% possibility of false alarm.We have developed a weather-based dengue forecasting model that allows warning 16 weeks in advance of dengue epidemics with high sensitivity and specificity. We demonstrate that models using temperature and rainfall could be simple, precise, and low cost tools for dengue forecasting which could be used to enhance decision making on the timing, scale of vector control operations, and utilization of limited resources.

  8. Forecast of dengue incidence using temperature and rainfall. (United States)

    Hii, Yien Ling; Zhu, Huaiping; Ng, Nawi; Ng, Lee Ching; Rocklöv, Joacim


    An accurate early warning system to predict impending epidemics enhances the effectiveness of preventive measures against dengue fever. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a forecasting model that could predict dengue cases and provide timely early warning in Singapore. We developed a time series Poisson multivariate regression model using weekly mean temperature and cumulative rainfall over the period 2000-2010. Weather data were modeled using piecewise linear spline functions. We analyzed various lag times between dengue and weather variables to identify the optimal dengue forecasting period. Autoregression, seasonality and trend were considered in the model. We validated the model by forecasting dengue cases for week 1 of 2011 up to week 16 of 2012 using weather data alone. Model selection and validation were based on Akaike's Information Criterion, standardized Root Mean Square Error, and residuals diagnoses. A Receiver Operating Characteristics curve was used to analyze the sensitivity of the forecast of epidemics. The optimal period for dengue forecast was 16 weeks. Our model forecasted correctly with errors of 0.3 and 0.32 of the standard deviation of reported cases during the model training and validation periods, respectively. It was sensitive enough to distinguish between outbreak and non-outbreak to a 96% (CI = 93-98%) in 2004-2010 and 98% (CI = 95%-100%) in 2011. The model predicted the outbreak in 2011 accurately with less than 3% possibility of false alarm. We have developed a weather-based dengue forecasting model that allows warning 16 weeks in advance of dengue epidemics with high sensitivity and specificity. We demonstrate that models using temperature and rainfall could be simple, precise, and low cost tools for dengue forecasting which could be used to enhance decision making on the timing, scale of vector control operations, and utilization of limited resources.

  9. Perfis de mortalidade neonatal precoce: um estudo para uma Maternidade Pública de Belo Horizonte (MG, 2001-2006 Profiles of early neonatal deaths: a study for a Public Maternity Hospital of Belo Horizonte (MG, 2001 - 2006

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    Heloísa Maria de Assis


    Full Text Available Trata-se de estudo seccional, com base em dados secundários, com o objetivo de traçar o perfil dos óbitos neonatais precoces ocorridos em uma Maternidade Pública de referência no Estado de Minas Gerais (Maternidade Odete Valadares, Belo Horizonte, no período de 2001 a 2006. Foram utilizadas variáveis relacionadas ao recém-nascido (período de ocorrência do óbito, idade ao óbito, sexo, idade gestacional e peso ao nascer, à mãe (tipo de gravidez, tipo de parto, idade, parturição e número de nascidos mortos, bem como causas múltiplas de mortalidade categorizadas. Obtiveram-se três perfis de óbitos neonatais precoces por meio do método Grade of Membership, que possibilitou também encontrar a prevalência destes perfis. O Perfil 1 foi caracterizado por óbitos de difícil redução e teve prevalência de 41,4%; o Perfil 2, pelos óbitos passíveis de redução (prevalência de 28,3%; e o Perfil 3, pelos óbitos redutíveis (prevalência de 30,4%. Estes perfis possibilitaram a compreensão da mortalidade neonatal precoce na Maternidade Odete Valadares e a análise da sua relação com a história reprodutiva e obstétrica materna, bem como com as condições do recém-nascido. Chama a atenção a elevada prevalência de óbitos evitáveis, realidade que deve ser enfrentada pelos profissionais e pela rede pública de saúde.This is a cross-sectional study with the aim of describing the early neonatal deaths that took place at a Public Maternity Hospital, Maternidade Odete Valadares in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2001 to 2006. It used variables related to the newborn (period the death took place, age at death, gender, gestational age, and birth weight, to the mother (type of pregnancy, type of delivery, age, parity, and number of stillborn children, and to the multiple causes of death. Three profiles of early neonatal death were obtained through the Grade of Membership method (GoM, which also made it possible to find

  10. Drugs for dengue: a patent review (2010-2014). (United States)

    Beesetti, Hemalatha; Khanna, Navin; Swaminathan, Sathyamangalam


    Almost half the global population is estimated to be at risk of contracting dengue infection. Of the 400 million infections estimated to occur annually, 4 million can be potentially life-threatening leading to vascular leakage and shock. The only treatment available to severe dengue patients is fluid replacement therapy and supportive care. A drug for treating dengue is an urgent need. This article endeavors to provide an overview of the experimental dengue drugs being developed around the world as reflected in the recent patent literature spanning the last few years (2010-2014). Dengue drug development is essentially in its infancy and currently hobbled by multiple factors including a poor understanding of the molecular mechanism of severe disease and lack of reliable small animal model for preclinical drug evaluation. More intense R&D coupled to setting up product development partnerships to facilitate the efficient movement of a drug molecule from the laboratory to the clinic is needed to make antiviral therapy for dengue a reality in the coming future.

  11. Potential biomarkers for the clinical prognosis of severe dengue

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    Mayara Marques Carneiro da Silva


    Full Text Available Currently, several assays can confirm acute dengue infection at the point-of-care. However, none of these assays can predict the severity of the disease symptoms. A prognosis test that predicts the likelihood of a dengue patient to develop a severe form of the disease could permit more efficient patient triage and treatment. We hypothesise that mRNA expression of apoptosis and innate immune response-related genes will be differentially regulated during the early stages of dengue and might predict the clinical outcome. Aiming to identify biomarkers for dengue prognosis, we extracted mRNA from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of mild and severe dengue patients during the febrile stage of the disease to measure the expression levels of selected genes by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The selected candidate biomarkers were previously identified by our group as differentially expressed in microarray studies. We verified that the mRNA coding for CFD, MAGED1, PSMB9, PRDX4 and FCGR3B were differentially expressed between patients who developed clinical symptoms associated with the mild type of dengue and patients who showed clinical symptoms associated with severe dengue. We suggest that this gene expression panel could putatively serve as biomarkers for the clinical prognosis of dengue haemorrhagic fever.

  12. Demam Berdarah Dengue: Epidemiologi, Patogenesis, dan Faktor Risiko Penularan

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    Aryu Candra


    Full Text Available Abstract. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is an infectious disease resulting spectrum of clinical manifestations that vary from the lightest, dengue fever, hemorrhagic fever and dengue fever are accompanied by shock or dengue shock syndrome. Its caused by dengue virus, transmit­ted by Aedes mosquitoes. The case is spread in the tropics, especially in Southeast Asia, Central America, America and the Caribbean, many causes of death in children 90% of them attacking children under 15 years old. Until now pathogenesis is unclear. There are two theo ries or hypotheses immunopatogenesis DHF and DSS is still controversial which secondary infections (secondary heterologus in­fection and antibody-dependent enhancement. Risk factors for dengue transmission are rapid urban population growth, mobilization of the population because of improved transportation facilities and disrupted or weakened so that population control. Another risk factor is poverty which result in people not has the ability to provide adecent home and healthy, drinking water supply and proper waste disposal.Keywords: dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF, epidemiology of DHF, pathogenesis of DHF, transmission risk factors of DHF

  13. Padrão de mortalidade da comunidade judaica de Belo Horizonte no século XX Mortality pattern of jewish community of Belo Horizonte in the XXth century

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    Débora Balabram


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Fatores genéticos e ambientais são conhecidos por sua importância na gênese de grande parte das doenças. É possível estudá-los pela observação da prevalência de agravos nas populações, bem como das causas de mortalidade, buscando-se uma correlação com os hábitos sociais e origens étnicas e familiares dos indivíduos. Nestes estudos, destacam-se as comunidades nas quais podem-se verificar vínculos sociais e genéticos entre seus membros. A comunidade judaica de Belo Horizonte se encaixa nesses critérios. Ela se consolidou na década de 20 do século passado e, atualmente, a Federação Israelita de Minas Gerais (FISEMG tem cadastro de aproximadamente 600 famílias. Este estudo pretende definir o padrão de mortalidade nessa comunidade, e como ele se modificou a partir de sua formação. MÉTODOS: Foram recuperados dados a partir dos arquivos do Instituto Histórico Israelita Mineiro, da FISEMG e dos Cemitérios Israelita e do Bonfim, oriundos de registros históricos e guias de sepultamento, no período de 1926 a 2003. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 601 registros de óbitos, sendo 61,6% de homens e 38,4% de mulheres. As doenças infecto-parasitárias, dentre elas a tuberculose, ocorreram com maior freqüência nas décadas de 30 e 40 e decresceram nas décadas seguintes. As doenças do aparelho circulatório foram as causas de óbito mais prevalentes a partir da década de 40. CONCLUSÃO: Houve mudança nos padrões de mortalidade da população judaica de Belo Horizonte.OBJECTIVE: Genetic and environmental factors are known for their importance in the genesis of the majority of diseases. It is possible to study them through the observation of prevalence of diseases, and also the mortality causes, relating it to social habits and ethnical and familial origins of the individuals. In those studies, communities in which there are social and genetic links stand out. The jewish community of Belo Horizonte fits these criteria

  14. Diálise planejada e a utilização regular da atenção primária à saúde entre os pacientes diabéticos do Município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Diálisis planificada y el uso regular de la atención primaria de la salud entre los pacientes diabéticos en la ciudad de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil Planned dialysis and regular use of primary care by diabetic patients in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Francisco de Assis Acurcio


    Full Text Available O objetivo foi de analisar os fatores associados ao início planejado da diálise dos pacientes diabéticos que iniciaram o tratamento no Município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Estudo transversal com 250 pacientes diabéticos que iniciaram diálise entre janeiro de 2006 e dezembro de 2007. Iniciar a diálise com fístula arteriovenosa ou em diálise peritoneal foi classificado como início planejado. Foram investigadas as variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e de utilização de serviços de saúde por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. Para análise multivariada utilizou-se regressão de Poisson. Setenta por cento dos pacientes começaram a diálise de forma não planejada e 67% dos que consultaram com o nefrologista foram encaminhados com mais de quatro meses. Frequentar o centro de saúde, não ter a primeira consulta com nefrologista paga pelo SUS e ter tido opção de escolha para o tratamento da doença renal foram fatores relacionados ao início planejado da diálise. O início não planejado da diálise é comum no Município de Belo Horizonte e ocorre independentemente do tempo de encaminhamento ao nefrologista.El objetivo fue analizar los factores asociados al inicio planificado de la diálisis en los pacientes diabéticos que comenzaron el tratamiento en la ciudad de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Se trata de un estudio transversal con 250 pacientes diabéticos que comenzaron tratamiento de diálisis entre enero de 2006 y diciembre de 2007. Iniciar la diálisis con fístula arteriovenosa o diálisis peritoneal se clasificó como inicio planificado. Se investigaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y de utilización de los servicios de salud por medio de una encuesta semi-estructurada. Para la regresión multivariante se utilizó Poisson. El 70% de los pacientes iniciaron diálisis de forma no planificada y un 67% de los que consultaron con el nefrólogo fueron remitidos al mismo tras más de 4 meses de

  15. Dengue fever with rectus sheath hematoma: A case report

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    Anurag Sharma


    Full Text Available Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is an infectious tropical disease caused by the Dengue virus. It is associated with a number of complications, which are well documented. However, Dengue fever associated with rectus sheath hematoma (RSH is a very rare complication. Only one case report has been published prior supporting the association of Dengue fever with RSH. We report a case of Dengue fever who presented with RSH and was successfully treated conservatively. RSH is also an uncommon cause of acute abdominal pain. It is accumulation of blood in the sheath of the rectus abdominis, secondary to rupture of an epigastric vessel or muscle tear.


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    Míriam Rabelo Gontijo

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este estudo analisa as relações de gênero no setor educacional, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de relatos de histórias de vida de diretoras de Instituições de Ensino Superior privadas. A participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho vem se consolidando com o passar dos anos, com destaque para a área da educação, fazendo com que esse processo de inserção do gênero feminino seja constante e gradativo. No entanto, ao assumir cargos na escala hierárquica, principalmente nas instituições de ensino superior, percebe-se que, pouco a pouco, seus lugares passam a ser ocupados por homens que, em grande parte das situações, estão no comando e são os responsáveis pelas principais tomadas de decisões que dizem respeito ao futuro das instituições. Neste estudo, três diretoras de instituições de ensino superior privadas pertencentes a grupos educacionais localizados em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, foram convidadas a compartilhar um pouco de sua trajetória rumo ao empoderamento. Constatou-se, ao final do estudo, que, embora as três diretoras estejam adiantadas em seu processo de empoderamento, situações cotidianas mostram a existência de um “teto de vidro” construído por meio de um preconceito velado no ramo educacional.

  17. Spectrum of Maternofetal Outcomes during Dengue Infection in Pregnancy: An Insight

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    Swati Sharma


    Full Text Available Dengue is a vector transmitted viral infection; tropical and subtropical countries see outbreaks of dengue each year. There is a paucity of literature on effects of dengue infection on pregnancy outcome and this prompted us to undertake a study for better understanding of pregnancy implications with dengue infection. Pregnant women admitted during the seasonal outbreak of dengue between September 2015 and October 2015 were studied and maternal and fetal outcomes in sixteen NS1Ag positive women were analysed. Out of sixteen women diagnosed with dengue fever, three had dengue shock syndrome (DSS and eight had dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF. The most common obstetric complication seen in 43% of the cases was oligohydramnios. Bleeding manifestations occurred in seven women and there were three maternal deaths. Perinatal complications included three intrauterine deaths, six nursery admissions, and one neonatal death. Thus dengue infection was associated with high maternal and perinatal mortality. In view of poor obstetric outcomes, this viral infection warrants early admission and prompt management.

  18. Dengue Returns

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Dr. Tyler Sharp, a CDC epidemiologist, discusses dengue in southern Texas.  Created: 8/25/2016 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 8/25/2016.

  19. Rural-urban comparisons of dengue seroprevalence in Malaysia

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    Cheng Hoon Chew


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Each year an estimated 390 million dengue infections occur worldwide. In Malaysia, dengue is a growing public health concern but estimate of its disease burden remains uncertain. We compared the urban-rural difference of dengue seroprevalence and determined age-specific dengue seroprevalence in Malaysia. Methods We undertook analysis on 11,821 subjects from six seroprevalence surveys conducted in Malaysia between 2001 and 2013, which composed of five urban and two rural series. Results Prevalence of dengue increased with age in both urban and rural locations in Malaysia, which exceeded 90 % among those aged 70 years or beyond. The age-specific rates of the 5 urban surveys overlapped without clear separation among them, while prevalence was lower in younger subjects in rural series than in urban series, the trend reversed in older subjects. There were no differences in the seroprevalence by gender, ethnicity or region. Poisson regression model confirmed the prevalence have not changed in urban areas since 2001 but in rural areas, there was a significant positive time trend such that by year 2008, rural prevalence was as high as in urban areas. Conclusion Dengue seroprevalence has stabilized but persisted at a high level in urban areas since 2001, and is fast stabilizing in rural areas at the same high urban levels by 2008. The cumulative seroprevalence of dengue exceeds 90 % by the age of 70 years, which translates into 16.5 million people or 55 % of the total population in Malaysia, being infected by dengue by 2013.

  20. Rural-urban comparisons of dengue seroprevalence in Malaysia. (United States)

    Chew, Cheng Hoon; Woon, Yuan Liang; Amin, Faridah; Adnan, Tassha H; Abdul Wahab, Asmah Hani; Ahmad, Zul Edzhar; Bujang, Mohd Adam; Abdul Hamid, Abdul Muneer; Jamal, Rahman; Chen, Wei Seng; Hor, Chee Peng; Yeap, Lena; Hoo, Ling Ping; Goh, Pik Pin; Lim, Teck Onn


    Each year an estimated 390 million dengue infections occur worldwide. In Malaysia, dengue is a growing public health concern but estimate of its disease burden remains uncertain. We compared the urban-rural difference of dengue seroprevalence and determined age-specific dengue seroprevalence in Malaysia. We undertook analysis on 11,821 subjects from six seroprevalence surveys conducted in Malaysia between 2001 and 2013, which composed of five urban and two rural series. Prevalence of dengue increased with age in both urban and rural locations in Malaysia, which exceeded 90 % among those aged 70 years or beyond. The age-specific rates of the 5 urban surveys overlapped without clear separation among them, while prevalence was lower in younger subjects in rural series than in urban series, the trend reversed in older subjects. There were no differences in the seroprevalence by gender, ethnicity or region. Poisson regression model confirmed the prevalence have not changed in urban areas since 2001 but in rural areas, there was a significant positive time trend such that by year 2008, rural prevalence was as high as in urban areas. Dengue seroprevalence has stabilized but persisted at a high level in urban areas since 2001, and is fast stabilizing in rural areas at the same high urban levels by 2008. The cumulative seroprevalence of dengue exceeds 90 % by the age of 70 years, which translates into 16.5 million people or 55 % of the total population in Malaysia, being infected by dengue by 2013.

  1. Findings at brain MRI in children with dengue fever and neurological symptoms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rastogi, Ruchi; Garg, Bhavya


    Dengue is a flavivirus of the genus arbovirus with four serotypes, from DEN 1 to DEN 4. There has been an increase in incidence of dengue infection in children in the tropics and subtropics. Dengue has a variable clinical presentation, with many patients being asymptomatic. Its clinical manifestations in children vary from fever and arthralgia to life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. We describe MRI findings in children with neurological involvement including dengue encephalopathy, acute hypoxic injury and dengue encephalitis. Dengue encephalopathy is usually secondary to multisystem derangement such as shock, hepatitis, coagulopathy and concurrent bacterial infection and is relatively common. Dengue encephalitis from direct neuronal invasion is rare. Nonspecific changes are seen on brain MRI in dengue infection. Clinical and laboratory findings as well as outcome do not necessarily correspond with brain MRI findings. (orig.)

  2. Findings at brain MRI in children with dengue fever and neurological symptoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rastogi, Ruchi; Garg, Bhavya [Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Department of Radiodiagnosis, New Delhi (India)


    Dengue is a flavivirus of the genus arbovirus with four serotypes, from DEN 1 to DEN 4. There has been an increase in incidence of dengue infection in children in the tropics and subtropics. Dengue has a variable clinical presentation, with many patients being asymptomatic. Its clinical manifestations in children vary from fever and arthralgia to life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. We describe MRI findings in children with neurological involvement including dengue encephalopathy, acute hypoxic injury and dengue encephalitis. Dengue encephalopathy is usually secondary to multisystem derangement such as shock, hepatitis, coagulopathy and concurrent bacterial infection and is relatively common. Dengue encephalitis from direct neuronal invasion is rare. Nonspecific changes are seen on brain MRI in dengue infection. Clinical and laboratory findings as well as outcome do not necessarily correspond with brain MRI findings. (orig.)

  3. Nine year trends of dengue virus infection in Mumbai, Western India

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    Jayanthi Shastri


    Methods and Results: During the nine year period of this study analysis, 6767 strongly suspected cases were tested by RT-PCR. 1685 (24.9% were Dengue PCR positive and confirmed as Dengue cases. Observations on the seasonality were based on the nine year's data as the intensity of sampling was at its maximum during monsoon season. Dengue typing was done on 100 positive samples after storage of Dengue RNA at – 80°C. Dengue serotypes were detected in 69 samples of which Dengue 2 was most predominant. 576 samples were processed for NS1 antigen and PCR simultaneously. 19/576 were positive (3.3 % for NS1 as well as by PCR . 23/576 samples were negative for NS1 antigen, but were positive by RT-PCR. The remaining 534 samples which were negative for NS1 antigen were also negative by Dengue RT-PCR. Conclusion: In this study we sought to standardize rapid, sensitive, and specific fluorogenic probe-based RT-PCR assay to screen and serotype a representative range of Dengue viruses that are found in and around Mumbai. Qualitative Dengue virus TaqMan assays could have tremendous utility for the epidemiological investigation of Dengue illness and especially for the study of the viremic response with candidate live-attenuated dengue virus vaccines.

  4. Assessing the methods needed for improved dengue mapping: a SWOT analysis. (United States)

    Attaway, David Frost; Jacobsen, Kathryn H; Falconer, Allan; Manca, Germana; Waters, Nigel M


    Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection, is a growing threat to human health in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. There is a demand from public officials for maps that capture the current distribution of dengue and maps that analyze risk factors to predict the future burden of disease. To identify relevant articles, we searched Google Scholar, PubMed, BioMed Central, and WHOLIS (World Health Organization Library Database) for published articles with a specific set of dengue criteria between January 2002 and July 2013. After evaluating the currently available dengue models, we identified four key barriers to the creation of high-quality dengue maps: (1) data limitations related to the expense of diagnosing and reporting dengue cases in places where health information systems are underdeveloped; (2) issues related to the use of socioeconomic proxies in places with limited dengue incidence data; (3) mosquito ranges which may be changing as a result of climate changes; and (4) the challenges of mapping dengue events at a variety of scales. An ideal dengue map will present endemic and epidemic dengue information from both rural and urban areas. Overcoming the current barriers requires expanded collaboration and data sharing by geographers, epidemiologists, and entomologists. Enhanced mapping techniques would allow for improved visualizations of dengue rates and risks.

  5. Activity of andrographolide against dengue virus. (United States)

    Panraksa, Patcharee; Ramphan, Suwipa; Khongwichit, Sarawut; Smith, Duncan R


    Dengue is the most prevalent arthropod-transmitted viral illness of humans, with an estimated 100 million symptomatic infections occurring each year and more than 2.5 billion people living at risk of infection. There are no approved antiviral agents against dengue virus, and there is only limited introduction of a dengue vaccine in some countries. Andrographolide is derived from Andrographis paniculata, a medicinal plant traditionally used to treat a number of conditions including infections. The antiviral activity of andrographolide against dengue virus (DENV) serotype 2 was evaluated in two cell lines (HepG2 and HeLa) while the activity against DENV 4 was evaluated in one cell line (HepG2). Results showed that andrographolide had significant anti-DENV activity in both cell lines, reducing both the levels of cellular infection and virus output, with 50% effective concentrations (EC 50 ) for DENV 2 of 21.304 μM and 22.739 μM for HepG2 and HeLa respectively. Time of addition studies showed that the activity of andrographolide was confined to a post-infection stage. These results suggest that andrographolide has the potential for further development as an anti-viral agent for dengue virus infection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Dengue Virus Genome Uncoating Requires Ubiquitination. (United States)

    Byk, Laura A; Iglesias, Néstor G; De Maio, Federico A; Gebhard, Leopoldo G; Rossi, Mario; Gamarnik, Andrea V


    The process of genome release or uncoating after viral entry is one of the least-studied steps in the flavivirus life cycle. Flaviviruses are mainly arthropod-borne viruses, including emerging and reemerging pathogens such as dengue, Zika, and West Nile viruses. Currently, dengue virus is one of the most significant human viral pathogens transmitted by mosquitoes and is responsible for about 390 million infections every year around the world. Here, we examined for the first time molecular aspects of dengue virus genome uncoating. We followed the fate of the capsid protein and RNA genome early during infection and found that capsid is degraded after viral internalization by the host ubiquitin-proteasome system. However, proteasome activity and capsid degradation were not necessary to free the genome for initial viral translation. Unexpectedly, genome uncoating was blocked by inhibiting ubiquitination. Using different assays to bypass entry and evaluate the first rounds of viral translation, a narrow window of time during infection that requires ubiquitination but not proteasome activity was identified. In this regard, ubiquitin E1-activating enzyme inhibition was sufficient to stabilize the incoming viral genome in the cytoplasm of infected cells, causing its retention in either endosomes or nucleocapsids. Our data support a model in which dengue virus genome uncoating requires a nondegradative ubiquitination step, providing new insights into this crucial but understudied viral process. Dengue is the most significant arthropod-borne viral infection in humans. Although the number of cases increases every year, there are no approved therapeutics available for the treatment of dengue infection, and many basic aspects of the viral biology remain elusive. After entry, the viral membrane must fuse with the endosomal membrane to deliver the viral genome into the cytoplasm for translation and replication. A great deal of information has been obtained in the last decade

  7. Dengue-associated telogen effluvium: A report of 14 patients

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    Chia-Bao Chu


    Conclusions: Physicians should be aware of dengue-associated TE especially in dengue endemic areas or after a dengue outbreak. Thorough medical history, examination and laboratory tests should be obtained to yield correct diagnosis or to identify coexistence of two hair diseases.

  8. A model of immunomodulatory for dengue infection mm (United States)

    Zulfa, Annisa; Handayani, Dewi; Nuraini, Nuning


    An immunomodulatory model for dengue infection is constructed in this paper. This study focuses on T-cell compartments and B cells that are immune cells involved in the dengue infection process. Dengue virus-infected monocyte cells release interferons to signal T-cells to activate B-cells and produce antibodies. Immunomodulator acts as a treatment control and aims to increase the numbers of antibodies so it is expected to reduce the number of infected monocyte cells by dengue virus. Numerical simulation shows that the greater the rate of f (t) the immune cells will be stimulated to suppress the number of infected cells.

  9. Post encephalitic parkinsonism following dengue viral infection


    Bopeththa, B. V. K. M.; Ralapanawa, U.


    Background Incidence of dengue fever as well as dengue hemorrhagic fever is increasing in Sri Lanka especially among elderly population. As the number of cases is rising, rare complications of dengue illness also can be seen in clinical practice when compared to the past few years. Prompt identification and treatment of such complications is challenging due to lack of awareness and unavailability of standard treatment. Case presentation 69 years old man presented with acute onset fever and wa...

  10. Projections of increased and decreased dengue incidence under climate change. (United States)

    Williams, C R; Mincham, G; Faddy, H; Viennet, E; Ritchie, S A; Harley, D


    Dengue is the world's most prevalent mosquito-borne disease, with more than 200 million people each year becoming infected. We used a mechanistic virus transmission model to determine whether climate warming would change dengue transmission in Australia. Using two climate models each with two carbon emission scenarios, we calculated future dengue epidemic potential for the period 2046-2064. Using the ECHAM5 model, decreased dengue transmission was predicted under the A2 carbon emission scenario, whereas some increases are likely under the B1 scenario. Dengue epidemic potential may decrease under climate warming due to mosquito breeding sites becoming drier and mosquito survivorship declining. These results contradict most previous studies that use correlative models to show increased dengue transmission under climate warming. Dengue epidemiology is determined by a complex interplay between climatic, human host, and pathogen factors. It is therefore naive to assume a simple relationship between climate and incidence, and incorrect to state that climate warming will uniformly increase dengue transmission, although in general the health impacts of climate change will be negative.

  11. Dengue Haemorrhagic Encephalitis: Rare Case Report with Review of Literature. (United States)

    Kutiyal, Aditya Singh; Malik, Chetanya; Hyanki, Gitika


    Dengue is an endemic arboviral infection prevalent especially in tropical countries including Southern and Southeast Asia. Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement in dengue infection is uncommon. Haemorrhagic encephalitis is a rare presentation in dengue. This is a case of a 58-year-old male who presented with fever, petechial rash and altered sensorium. Dengue serology IgM was reactive and MRI brain was suggestive of haemorrhagic encephalitis. Patient was managed in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) but eventually succumbed to his illness. We report this fatal outcome of a common viral infection with unusual neurological presentation to propose an association between dengue and neurotropism and the need to look at dengue infection beyond its classical features.

  12. Retrospective analysis of dengue specific IgM reactive serum samples


    Nemai Bhattacharya; Bhaswati Bandyopadhyay; Indranil Bhattacharjee; Hiranmoy Mukherjee; Srabani Talukdar; Ruby Mondal; Netai Pramanick; Goutam Chandra; Amiya K. Hati


    Objective: To conduct a retrospective analysis of dengue cases in Kolkata, on the basis of presence of anti-dengue IgM in their sera and presence or absence of anti-dengue IgG and dengue specific Non structural 1 (NS1) antigen in each of the serum sample. Methods: Sample was tested quantitatively employing ELISA technique, using Biorad test kits, with a view to get a more comprehensive picture of dengue in an urban endemic area and also to evaluate individual cases. Results: Th...

  13. Dengue in travellers: applicability of the 1975-1997 and the 2009 WHO classification system of dengue fever

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wieten, Rosanne W.; Vlietstra, Wytze; Goorhuis, Abraham; van Vugt, Michèle; Hodiamont, Caspar J.; Leenstra, Tjalling; de Vries, Peter J.; Janssen, Saskia; van Thiel, Pieter P.; Stijnis, Kees; Grobusch, Martin P.


    Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the applicability and benefits of the new WHO dengue fever guidelines in clinical practice, for returning travellers. Methods We compared differences in specificity and sensitivity between the old and the new guidelines for diagnosing dengue and

  14. Sustentabilidade e condições de vida em áreas urbanas: medidas e determinantes em duas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras

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    Tánia Moreira Braga


    Full Text Available Este artigo é parte de um esforço acadêmico recente de criação de ferramentas de mensuração do fenômeno sustentabilidade. Apresenta sistema de índices de sustentabilidade urbana, aplicando-o a 57 municípios das Regiões Metropolitanas de São Paulo e Belo Horizonte, Brasil. O sistema de índices foi criado considerando, principalmente, três fatores: a incorporação das dimensões econômica, ecológica, político-social, espacial (ou territorial e de planejamento; b adoção da escala urbana/metropolitana; e c incorporação de indicadores institucionais capazes de avaliar a capacidade do sistema político e da sociedade em oferecer respostas aos desafios presentes e futuros da sustentabilidade. Os resultados obtidos mostram a existência de dois padrões claros nas duas regiões. O primeiro, de desequilíbrio entre qualidade ambiental e desenvolvimento humano, verificado no município central e nos municípios fortemente industrializados de ambas as regiões. O segundo, mais sustentável, de equilíbrio entre qualidade ambiental e desenvolvimento humano, verificado em municípios com diferentes perfis em ambas as regiõesThis paper develops an Urban Sustainability Index System as part of a broader effort to provide better quality data and statistical analysis for local environmental decision-making. We show that urban sustainability can be measured in a comprehensive and synthetic way. In providing fair comparison across cities while keeping sensibility to local context, this index system can be used by policy-makers as a powerful tool to identify critical trends and policy gaps. This Urban Sustainability Index System has been applied to 57 cities in the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The results indicate two different paths in relation to sustainability. The first is characterized by a gap between environmental quality and human development, leading away from sustainability. It is followed by the core

  15. Evaluation of the WHO 2009 classification for diagnosis of acute dengue in a large cohort of adults and children in Sri Lanka during a dengue-1 epidemic.

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    Champica K Bodinayake


    Full Text Available Dengue is a leading cause of fever and mimics other acute febrile illnesses (AFI. In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO revised criteria for clinical diagnosis of dengue.The new WHO 2009 classification of dengue divides suspected cases into three categories: dengue without warning signs, dengue with warning signs and severe dengue. We evaluated the WHO 2009 classification vs physicians' subjective clinical diagnosis (gestalt clinical impression in a large cohort of patients presenting to a tertiary care center in southern Sri Lanka hospitalized with acute febrile illness. We confirmed acute dengue in 388 patients (305 adults ≥ 18 years and 83 children, including 103 primary and 245 secondary cases, of 976 patients prospectively enrolled with AFI. At presentation, both adults and children with acute dengue were more likely than those with other AFI to have leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Additionally, adults were more likely than those with other AFI to have joint pain, higher temperatures, and absence of crackles on examination whereas children with dengue were more likely than others to have sore throat, fatigue, oliguria, and elevated hematocrit and transaminases. Similarly, presence of joint pain, thrombocytopenia, and absence of cough were independently associated with secondary vs primary dengue in adults whereas no variables were different in children. The 2009 WHO dengue classification was more sensitive than physicians' clinical diagnosis for identification of acute dengue (71.5% vs 67.1%, but was less specific. However, despite the absence of on-site diagnostic confirmation of dengue, clinical diagnosis was more sensitive on discharge (75.2%. The 2009 WHO criteria classified almost 75% as having warning signs, even though only 9 (2.3% patients had evidence of plasma leakage and 16 (4.1% had evidence of bleeding.In a large cohort with AFI, we identified features predictive of dengue vs other AFI and secondary vs primary dengue

  16. Working towards dengue as a vaccine-preventable disease: challenges and opportunities. (United States)

    Shrivastava, Ambuj; Tripathi, Nagesh K; Dash, Paban K; Parida, Manmohan


    Dengue is an emerging viral disease that affects the human population around the globe. Recent advancements in dengue virus research have opened new avenues for the development of vaccines against dengue. The development of a vaccine against dengue is a challenging task because any of the four serotypes of dengue viruses can cause disease. The development of a dengue vaccine aims to provide balanced protection against all the serotypes. Several dengue vaccine candidates are in the developmental stages such as inactivated, live attenuated, recombinant subunit, and plasmid DNA vaccines. Area covered: The authors provide an overview of the progress made in the development of much needed dengue vaccines. The authors include their expert opinion and their perspectives for future developments. Expert opinion: Human trials of a live attenuated tetravalent chimeric vaccine have clearly demonstrated its potential as a dengue vaccine. Other vaccine candidate molecules such as DENVax, a recombinant chimeric vaccine andTetraVax, are at different stages of development at this time. The authors believe that the novel strategies for testing and improving the immune response of vaccine candidates in humans will eventually lead to the development of a successful dengue vaccine in future.

  17. Diabetes Mellitus Increases Severity of Thrombocytopenia in Dengue-Infected Patients

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    Chung-Yuan Chen


    Full Text Available Background: Diabetes mellitus is known to exacerbate bacterial infection, but its effect on the severity of viral infection has not been well studied. The severity of thrombocytopenia is an indicator of the severity of dengue virus infection. We investigated whether diabetes is associated with thrombocytopenia in dengue-infected patients. Methods: We studied clinical characteristics of 644 patients with dengue infection at a university hospital during the epidemic on 1 June 2002 to 31 December 2002 in Taiwan. Platelet counts and biochemical data were compared between patients with and without diabetes. Potential risk factors associated with thrombocytopenia were explored using regression analyses. Results: Dengue-infected patients with diabetes had lower platelet counts than patients without diabetes during the first three days (54.54 ± 51.69 vs. 86.58 ± 63.4 (p ≤ 0.001, 43.98 ± 44.09 vs. 64.52 ± 45.06 (p = 0.002, 43.86 ± 35.75 vs. 62.72 ± 51.2 (p = 0.012. Diabetes mellitus, death, dengue shock syndrome (DSS and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF and increased glutamic-pyruvate transaminase (GPT levels were significantly associated with lower platelet counts during the first day of hospitalization for dengue fever with regression β of −13.981 (95% confidence interval (CI −27.587, −0.374, −26.847 (95% CI −37.562, −16.132, and 0.054 (95% CI 0.015, 0.094 respectively. Older age, hypoalbuminemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were independently correlated with thrombocytopenia in dengue patients with or without diabetes with regression β of −2.947 (p = 0.004, 2.801 (p = 0.005, and −3.568 (p ≤ 0.001, respectively. Diabetic patients with dengue had a higher rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF/dengue shock syndrome (DSS than non-diabetic patients. They also had lower blood albumin, were older, and higher triglyceride levels. Older age, hypoalbuminemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were independently correlated with thrombocytopenia in

  18. Epidemia de dengue en Nicaragua, 1985 Epidemic dengue in Nicaragua 1985

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    G. Kouri


    Full Text Available En el segundo semestre de 1985, coincidiendo con el período de lluvias se produjo en Nicaragua una epidemia de Dengue en la que se reportaron 17,483 casos. La mayor morbilidad y las más elevadas tasas de ataque se registraron entre Agosto y Noviembre, siendo afectadas fundamentalmente las regiones II (León y Chinandega, III (Managua y IV (Masaya, Granada, Carazo, Rivas que acumularon el 89% de los reportes. Estas regiones se corresponden precisamente con las zonas más densamente pobladas ubicadas en la costa del Pacífico, en donde se encuentran los núcleos urbanos mas importantes y populosos del país. León y Chinandega fueron las ciudades mas afectadas, pues reportaron el 41% del total de casos registrados. El 66.8% de los casos eran adultos y el 57.6% del sexo femenino. La tasa global de ataque para el país fue de 55.24 x 10.000 habitantes. Una campaña de lucha antivectorial, fue iniciada de inmediato, manteniéndose en forma intensiva hasta el mes de Octubre. Al final de este período la morbilidad disminuyó considerablemente y la enfermedad entró en una fase de escasos reportes y posiblemente de endemia. Se reportaron 7 adultos fallecidos que fueron considerados como portadores de una FHD/SCD por un grupo mixto de patólogos y clínicos teniendo en cuenta la experiencia adquirida en los pacientes adultos durante la epidemia ocurrida en Cuba en 1981. El brote fue interpretado como una epidemia de Dengue Clásico en la cual se produjeron 7 casos fatales. Se aislaron los serotipos 1 y 2 del Dengue en sueros de fase aguda de pacientes y el serotipo 1 en el de uno de los fallecidos.In the second half of the year 1985, during the rainy season, an epidemic of Dengue Fever was recognized in Nicaragua. A total of 17.483 cases were reported by the health services. The highest morbidity and attack rates were reported between August and November of the same year. Regions II (Leon and Chinandega, III (Managua and IV (Masaya, Granada, Carazo y

  19. Inexistência de diferenças de sexo no fator g (inteligência geral) e nas habilidades específicas em crianças de duas capitais brasileiras


    Flores-Mendoza,Carmen E.; Mansur-Alves,Marcela; Lelé,Álvaro José; Bandeira,Denise Ruschel


    O presente trabalho pretendeu examinar diferenças relacionadas ao sexo no fator g (inteligência geral) e em habilidades específicas em crianças de duas cidades brasileiras: Belo Horizonte e Porto Alegre. No caso da amostra mineira (n=1,316), a idade compreendeu entre 5 e 11 anos de idade examinada através de uma bateria de testes a qual incluiu instrumentos de inteligência (Raven, Escala Verbal WISC III, R-2, DFH), de avaliação psicomotora (Bender) e de desempenho escolar (TDE). No caso da am...

  20. Is dengue a disease of poverty? A systematic review. (United States)

    Mulligan, Kate; Dixon, Jenna; Sinn, Chi-Ling Joanna; Elliott, Susan J


    Policy prescriptions for combating dengue fever tend to focus on addressing environmental and social conditions of poverty. However, while poverty has long been considered a determinant of dengue, the research evidence for such a relationship is not well established. Results of a systematic review of the research literature designed to identify and assess the current state of the empirical evidence for the dengue-poverty link reveal a mixed story. Of 260 peer-reviewed articles referencing dengue-poverty relationships, only 12 English-language studies empirically assessed these relationships. Our analysis covering various social and economic conditions of poverty showed no clear associations with dengue rates. While nine of the 12 studies demonstrated some positive associations between measures of dengue and poverty (measured inconsistently through income, education, structural housing condition, overcrowding, and socioeconomic status), nine also presented null results and five with negative results. Of the five studies relating to access to water and sanitation, four reported null associations. Income and physical housing conditions were more consistently correlated with dengue outcomes than other poverty indicators. The small size of this sample, and the heterogeneity of measures and scales used to capture conditions of poverty, make it difficult to assess the strength and consistency of associations between various poverty indicators and dengue outcomes. At present, the global body of eligible English-language peer-reviewed literature investigating dengue-poverty relationships is too small to support a definitive relationship. We conclude that more research, particularly using standardized measures of both outcomes and indicators, is needed to support evidence-informed policies and approaches.