
Sample records for del uruguay petrologia

  1. El retiro de Uruguay de las negociaciones del TISA

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    Florencia Salgueiro Rubio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo, enfocado desde el punto de vista del Análisis de Política Exterior, busca determinar las razones por las cuales Uruguay se retiró de las negociaciones del TISA (Trade in Services Agreement, en setiembre de 2015. Se toma como punto de partida el análisis de negociaciones internacionales a doble nivel de Putnam, con el objetivo de explicar qué determinantes internas y externas desencadenaron la decisión presidencial de abandonar la negociación del acuerdo. Los principales factores a tener en cuenta incluyen las coaliciones e ideologías de los más importantes actores políticos y sociales a nivel nacional, el impacto de las instituciones que regulan la ratificación de acuerdos internacionales en el país, el estilo de toma de decisión del presidente Tabaré Vázquez y la dimensión ideacional de la inserción internacional del Uruguay según las percepciones de sus principales actores.

  2. Fortalecimiento del sistema judicial del Uruguay por la capacitación del sector humano; de la organización e integración de las escuelas judiciales americanos

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    Mariella Leles Da Silva Orcoyen


    Full Text Available Contenido: Introducción. Poder judicial. Ministerio Público y Fiscal. Estatuto de los jueces. Reforma procesal.  El fortalecimiento de la justicia por la reforma procesal. Centro de Estudios Judiciales del Uruguay. Capacitación.Capacitación para el ingreso a la magistratura. Resultados obtenidos. Estadísticas. Perspectivas futuras. Rol del Centro de Estudios Judiciales del Uruguay en la carrera judicial. Autoridades del Centro de Estudios Judiciales del Uruguay. Federación Americana de Escuelas de Formación y Perfeccionamiento de Magistrados y Centros de Estudios Judiciales

  3. Uruguay: a la espera del beso del príncipe

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    Enrique Roldós


    Full Text Available En Uruguay, la concentración de los medios llega a una situación extrema: la televisión abierta es dueña también del cable, como antes lo era de ls radios de mayor audiencia. El poder del oligopolio condiciona ahora al estrato político que favoreció su crecimiento; desde su posición de fuerza la televisión uruguaya "pone en su lugar al gobierno". Sin embargo, para algunos, este podría ser su último éxito

  4. El Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay. CCC Medical Devices

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    Pablo Darscht


    Full Text Available Estudio de caso del Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay - CCC Medical Devices preparado a solicitud de Ingenio en el marco del proyecto financiado por la Iniciativa para Incubadoras de InfoDev - Grupo Banco Mundial. Este estudio detalla los pasos seguidos por una empresa nacional con un fuerte factor de innovación y los cambios producidos en el entorno de los negocios de la empresa. El comienzo de una pequeña empresa de marcapasos que tras pasar por diferentes etapas hoy gana mercados en el área de ingeniería para dispositivos médicos para diferentes empresas de investigación biomédica a nivel internacional.AbstractCase study of the Centro de Cardioestimuladores del Uruguay - CCC Medical Devices prepared on behalf of Ingenio within the project financed by de Incubator Initiative of InfoDev-World Bank Group. This study refers to the steps followed by a highly innovative local company and to the changes in its business environment. The start up of a small pacemakers company that after going through different stages is presently increasing its market share in the area of engineering of medical devices for biomedic research companies worldwide.

  5. Tributación del Sector Transporte de Carga en Uruguay


    Pedro Buonomo


    El objetivo general de este estudio es determinar la carga tributaria efectiva que incide sobre el transporte de cargas, en particular para los modos transporte terrestre (camión) y transporte aéreo, en la República Oriental del Uruguay.

  6. Estratigrafía del Grupo Mina Verdun, Proterozoico de Minas, Uruguay


    Poiré, Daniel G.; González, Pablo D.; Canalicchio, José M.; García Repetto, Flavio


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de presentar un cuadro estratigráfico para las sedimentitas del área del Cerro Verdún, Minas, Uruguay. Asimismo presentar algunas consideraciones sobre sus características sedimentológicas y sus estromatolitos, a fin de discutir sus condiciones paleoambientales. En el mismo sentido, se realizan inferencias sobre la edad abarcada por estas rocas y sus potenciales correlaciones regionales. Esta sucesión ha permanecido indefinida en general, mientras que su...

  7. Los costos del crimen en Uruguay


    Diego Aboal; Jorge Campanella; Bibiana Lanzilotta


    En este trabajo se estiman algunos de los costos asociados a la criminalidad y la violencia en Uruguay. El método utilizado es el de la contabilidad de costos. Entre los costos considerados se incluyen costos de seguridad y prevención del delito, de justicia, reclusión y rehabilitación de reclusos, costos de bienes robados, costos de salud y por pérdida de vidas a consecuencia de la violencia, y costos asociados a la pérdida de tiempo productivo en prisión de los reclusos. Para esto se ha uti...

  8. Las arañas Mygalomorphae del Uruguay : clave para familias, géneros y especies

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    Laura Montes de Oca


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una clave para el reconocimiento de familias, géneros y especies de arañas del infraorden Mygalomorphae encontradas en Uruguay. Asimismo, se indica por primera vez la presencia de cuatro especies de Mygalomorphae para el país. Adicionalmente se brinda información biológica sintética acerca de las familias presentes en Uruguay.AbstractThis paper includes a key for the recognition of families, genera and species of spiders of the infraorder Mygalomorphae found in Uruguay. The presence of four species is reported for the fi rst time for the country. Additionally we give brief biological information about the families present in Uruguay.

  9. LA LOCALIDAD HISTÓRICO ARQUEOLÓGICA DEL RÍO SAN SALVADOR (SORIANO, URUGUAY The historical archaeological town of Rio San Salvador (Soriano, Uruguay

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    José López Mazz


    Full Text Available Los primeros cronistas de la conquista del Río de la Plata expusieron la diversidad cultural reinante en el área en el siglo XVI. Las investigaciones arqueológicas de los años 60 y 70 confirman, a nivel arqueológico, la intensa ocupación de la que fue objeto esta zona próxima a la confluencia del río Paraná con el río Uruguay. Este trabajo presenta información producida durante un trabajo de diagnóstico realizado en el marco de la llamada Arqueología Pública, en un sitio de ocupación española del siglo XVI ubicado al oriente de dicha confluencia. Los resultados muestran que la ocupación del sitio desde el año 1000 AP está caracterizada por una amplia diversidad de estilos cerámicos. El área constituyó un lugar estratégico para los asentamientos europeos en función de la presencia de redes de intercambio pre existente. La información producida permite afinar la secuencia cronológica prehistórica para el bajo río Uruguay, al tiempo que abre el debate  respecto de la dinámica etnohistórica regional y del rol jugado por este particular asentamiento humano.   Palabras claves: asentamientos europeos, Uruguay, río San Salvador, siglo XVI.    Abstract Early chroniclers of the conquest of the Río de la Plata exposed the cultural diversity prevailing in the area in the sixteenth century. Archaeological research during the 60’s and 70’s confirm an intense occupation of the confluence of the Paraná river and the Uruguay river area. This paper presents information recovered during a diagnostic fieldwork developed on a Spanish settlement from the sixteenth century. The results show an intense occupation of the site since 1000 AP, characterized by a wide variety of ceramic styles. The area was a strategic location for European occupation due to the presence of preexisting exchange networks. Information produced refines prehistoric chronological sequence for lower Uruguay river while opening the discussion about regional

  10. Mecanismos de determinación del salario en la actividad privada en Uruguay

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    Héctor Babace


    Full Text Available I. Introducción. II. Reseña histórica de los sistemas de reglamentación y de determinación del salario en Uruguay. III. Descripción y análisis del actual sistema de determinación de salarios en la actividad privada en Uruguay. Análisis de la ley Nº 18.566 sobre negociación colectiva. 1. La negociación colectiva y la determinación de salarios. a. Características del sistema de relaciones laborales de Uruguay. b. Procedimientos para el establecimiento de condiciones de trabajo y para la determinación de salarios mínimos. b1. Determinación de salarios por negociación colectiva. b2. Determinación de salarios en Consejos de Salarios. b3. Preferencia por la negociación colectiva sobre los Consejos de Salarios para la determinación de salarios mínimos. 3. Los nuevos Consejos de Salarios. 4 El Consejo Superior Tripartito. 5. Otras cuestiones expresamente reguladas. 6. Los niveles de negociación y su articulación. 6. Prevención y solución de conflictos. La determinación del salario constituye un tema central en la protección de la justa remuneración y especialmente contribuyen al referido propósito, los mecanismos que se instrumenten para establecer los salarios mínimos.

  11. Arroyo del Soldado group: paleontology, dating and Vendian to Lower Cambrian, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaucher, C.; Sprechmann, P.


    The fossil content of the Vendian to Lower Cambrian Arroyo del Soldado Group of the Nico Perez Terrane of Uruguay is analysed.Organic walled microfossils represented by acritarchs, eukariotic algae (sensu lato) and iron bacteria are recognized. An updated list of these microfossils is presented, which were are now reported in the Yerbal and Barriga Negra formations.Events of weutrphic conditions were reconstructed. The occurrence of Cloudina riemkeae, the earliest known metazoanwith a mineralized skeleton is communicated for the first time in Uruguay. The organic walled microfossils as well as Cloudina riemkeae are indicative of a Vendian age, whereas the trace fossils of the uppermost unit(Cerro Victoria) suggest the Early Cambrian. This would imply that the Group contains the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. The Arroyo del Soldado Group is correlated with the Jacadiga and Corunba Groups (Brasil) and the Nama Group (Namibia). (author)

  12. La gramaticalización de usted: un cambio lingüístico en proceso. Evidencias en el Uruguay del siglo XIX

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    Virginia Bertolotti


    Full Text Available Estudio aquí la presencia/ausencia de usted sujeto y la alternancia del sintagma a usted con lo o la objeto directo a lo largo del siglo XIX en Uruguay. El estudiodel comportamiento de los miembros de la subclase de usted se contrasta con el de lasotras posibilidades alocutivas singulares en el español en Uruguay (la subclase de tú y lasubclase de vos. La interpretación de los datos se realiza a la luz del enfoque de la gramaticalización en relación con estudios de la cortesía y muestra las características delproceso de cambio el paradigma de usted durante el siglo XIX en Uruguay.

  13. La investigación y la enseñanza del periodismo en el Uruguay

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    Manuel Olarreaga


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene actualidad e importancia, por ser Uruguay uno de los países de América Latina que aún no ha incorporado la Enseñanza Superior de las Ciencias de la Comunicación a nivel universitario. El autor hace un análisis de lo que hasta la presente fecha se ha realizado en el campo de la investigación de la comunicación colectiva y la enseñanza del periodismo en el Uruguay. Se describe las investigaciones efectuadas y la metodología empleada en cada una de ellas, lo que da una imagen cabal del desarrollo y esfuerzo por incorporar las disciplinas de la comunicación a la investigación y enseñanza universitarias.

  14. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Fuente del Puma Sheet G-27

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Pena, S.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Fuente del Puma) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils. The area corresponding to Fuente del Puma is located in the SW of Lavalleja and NW of Maldonado town and its stratigraphy belong to the Cretaceous and Cenozoic formations as well as the Cambrian and upper Precambrian

  15. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Paso del Palmar Sheet N-19

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I.; Montana, J.; Morales, H.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Paso del Palmar) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary period in San Gregorio, Arapey, Mercedes, Asencio and Fray Bentos formations

  16. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Cuchilla del Ombu. Sheet H-12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montana, J.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Cuchilla del Ombu) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological, lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils. In crystalline rocks have been recognized four basic units: porphyritic granite, Cunapiru granite, Cunapiru subvolcanic microgranite and metamorfites

  17. Relictos del paisaje historico rural de Uruguay: Estructuras en piedra relevadas en estudios de impacto arqueológico.

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    Irina Capdepont Caffa


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan las evidencias materiales del paisaje rural de diferentes zonas de Uruguay. El registro material refiere a estructuras en piedra relevadas en estudios de evaluación y diagnostico de impacto arqueológico. Estos estudios han sido llevados a cabo en el marco de proyectos privados de emprendimientos mineros. Los proyectos, enmarcados en la Arqueología de Contrato, buscaron diagnosticar los impactos de las obras proyectadas sobre el registro arqueológico del área y establecer las correspondientes medidas de mitigación, corrección o compensación. Buscando ahondar en el conocimiento de los paisajes antrópicos de Uruguay se da continuidad a estos proyectos, entendiendo esta continuidad como parte de la mitigación del impacto. Se presentan cinco casos de estudio que evidencian procesos de ocupación y explotación llevados a cabo en el medio rural a partir del siglo XVII.

  18. Uruguay mining Inventory: Geochemical prospecting results of Valentines mapping; Inventario minero del Uruguay : Resultados de la prospeccion geoquimica del fotoplano Valentines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spangenberg, J; Filippini, J


    This work is about geochemical prospecting carried out into the Uruguay mining inventory framework. In this case the survey was in Valentines mapping. Florida, Durazno and Treinta y Tres provinces of Uruguay .

  19. Impacto de advertencias sanitarias del empaquetado de cigarros: un análisis comparativo en Brasil, Uruguay y México Assessing the impact of cigarette package health warning labels: a cross-country comparison in Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico

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    James F Thrasher


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el impacto de diferentes advertencias sanitarias (AS. Material y métodos. Se analizaron datos de la Encuesta Internacional para el Control del Tabaco (ITC Survey, un estudio de fumadores adultos en Brasil, Uruguay y México, tres países con distintas AS (con imágenes de sufrimiento humano y órganos enfermos; con imágenes abstractas del riesgo; mensajes de solo texto, respectivamente. Se analizó prominencia e impacto cognitivo de las AS. Resultados. Las AS de Uruguay (que era el único país con AS en la parte frontal del paquete tuvieron una mayor prominencia que en Brasil o México. En México, la gente que tenía un nivel de educación mayor eran mas propensos a leer mensajes de advertencia, mientras que educación no se asoció con prominencia en Brasil o Uruguay. Las AS de Brasil tuvieron un mayor impacto cognitivo y conductual que las AS de Uruguay o México. Las AS de Uruguay generaron un menor impacto cognitivo y conductual que las AS de sólo texto en México. En Brasil, los impactos cognitivos fueron los más fuertes entre fumadores con un bajo nivel educacional. Conclusiones. Este estudio sugiere que las AS tienen el mayor impacto cuando son prominentes (por ej. en el frente y la parte trasera del paquete e incluyen imágenes emocionalmente llamativas que muestran impactos negativos en el cuerpo o sufrimiento humano debido al fumar.Objective. To assess the impact of different health warning labels (HWL. Material and Methods. Data from the International Tobacco Control Survey (ITC Survey were analyzed from adult smokers in Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico, each of which used a different HWL strategy (pictures of human suffering and diseased organs; abstract pictorial representations of risk; and text-only messages, respectively. Main outcomes were HWL salience and cognitive impact. Results. HWLs in Uruguay (which was the only country with a HWL on the front of the package had higher salience than either Brazilian or

  20. Los emisarios culturales del fascismo en el Uruguay de entreguerras

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    Juan Andrés Bresciano


    Full Text Available En el período interbélico, escritores, artistas y científicos italianos visitan Uruguay para dictar conferencias o realizar actividades de divulgación cultural. Patrocinados por el régimen fascista y recibidos por la Legación Italiana en Montevideo, se convierten en embajadores de una latinidad supuestamente renovada y aparentemente vigorosa, fruto del Nuevo Orden. El presente artículo estudia detenidamente las actividades que los visitantes realizan y las repercusiones que generan en la comunidad ítalo-uruguaya con el propósito de ilustrar las estrategias propagandísticas utilizadas por las autoridades diplomáticas que los invitan.

  1. Catolicismo y Protestantismo en los inicios del Uruguay moderno (1876-1880

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    Sebastián Hernández Méndez

    Full Text Available Durante los años de gobierno del coronel Lorenzo Latorre (1876-1880, Uruguay vivió un intenso debate sobre la legitimidad de la religión, su función en la sociedad moderna, y el papel que hasta entonces venía desempeñando la Iglesia Católica como institución modeladora de cultura. El presente trabajo busca atender las principales notas de esa discusión que mantuvieron en particular católicos y metodistas, al tiempo que analiza las distintas respuestas ensayadas por la Iglesia Católica para enfrentar el proselitismo disidente.

  2. Sociedad y políticas sociales en Uruguay: desde la transición democrática al gobierno del frente amplio

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    Gustavo de ARMAS CURIEL


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Durante los últimos veinte años Uruguay ha experimentado diversas transformaciones en su economía y sociedad. Luego del crecimiento sostenido de la economía uruguaya entre 1984 y 1998, y de la consecuente reducción de la pobreza (de 46% a 15%, el país atravesó una de las peores crisis económicas de su historia: el Producto Bruto Interno (PBI disminuyó en más de 20% y el porcentaje de población pobre se duplicó, alcanzando entre los niños niveles similares a los de 1986. Durante este período, en Uruguay se han ido consolidando algunos fenómenos de exclusión social que obedecen a causas estructurales más profundas. Frente a este panorama, el gobierno del Frente Amplio elegido en el 2004 se propone desarrollar una serie de cambios en el campo de las políticas sociales. En este contexto, deberá enfrentar varios desafíos: entre otros, la transformación de la arquitectura del Estado de Bienestar uruguayo construido a comienzos del siglo XX y la reasignación del gasto público social.ABSTRACT: During the last twenty years Uruguay has experienced several economic and social changes. After a period of economic growth between 1984 and 1998, and the consequent reduction of poverty rates (from 46% to 15%, the country went through one of the worst economic crisis of its history: The GDP was reduced in a 20% and the poverty rate was increased from 15% to 33%, reaching the same levels of 1986 among children. During this period, Uruguay has consolidated several processes of social exclusion produced by structural causes. In this context, ?the new government elected in 2004, is developing a set of changes in social policies and will have to face several challenges: the transformation of the architecture of its traditional Welfare State, built in the beginnings of the 20th century, and the relocation of the social budget.

  3. Estado de derecho, gobernabilidad y democracia en Uruguay: presente y escenarios futuros

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    Carlos Moreira Betancor


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente artículo es abordar el funcionamiento de la democracia en Uruguay a comienzos del siglo xxi, con especial énfasis en las características del Estado de derecho. El trabajo consta de tres partes y un epílogo. En la primera parte se expone brevemente cómo llegó el Frente Amplio al gobierno y cómo gobierna en Uruguay. En la segunda parte se mencionan algunos de los aspectos sustantivos del debate contemporáneo en torno a la calidad de la democracia. En la tercera parte se presentan las características de la democracia en Uruguay, haciendo énfasis en el funcionamiento del Estado de derecho (Rule of Law. A manera de conclusión, el epílogo consta de una serie de reflexiones sobre el Estado de derecho, aplicadas al caso estudiado.

  4. Modelos basados en grafos: una aplicación al estudio del gasto de cruceristas en Uruguay || Graph-Based Models: An Application to the Study of Cruise Passengers' Expenditure in Uruguay

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    Brida, Juan Gabriel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo introduce el uso de grafos en el análisis de los determinantes del gasto de los turistas y lo aplica al estudio del comportamiento de los pasajeros de cruceros que desembarcan en Uruguay en los puertos de Montevideo y Punta del Este. Este enfoque ofrece un abordaje alternativo a los usualmente empleados para analizar los determinantes del gasto turístico al introducir una representación gráfica que permite sintetizar y visualizar las relaciones entre el conjunto de variables que caracterizan a los turistas o grupos de turistas y los determinantes de su nivel de gasto. En particular, la metodología permite representar las relaciones de dependencia entre variables (entre nodos adyacentes e independencias condicionadas (entre nodos no adyacentes. Para su aplicación, se consideran datos individuales de las encuestas realizadas a cruceristas correspondientes a la temporada de cruceros comprendida entre noviembre de 2014 y abril de 2015, ambos incluidos, en Uruguay. Se estudia la existencia de dependencias de las variables relativas a registrar el gasto de los cruceristas con otras variables (sociodemográficas, de contexto, etc.. El estudio muestra que las variables que mejor explican el comportamiento de los visitantes son las vinculadas al puerto de desembarco y al gasto. Asimismo, los resultados muestran que las variables socioeconómicas no están vinculadas al gasto en forma directa. || This paper introduces the use of graphs in the analysis of the determinants of tourists' expenditure, providing an alternative approach to the methods usually employed. Graph-based analysis is applied to study the behavior of cruise passengers arriving at the ports of Montevideo and Punta del Este in Uruguay. The graphical representation allows to synthesize and visualize the relationships between the set of variables that characterize tourists or tourist groups and the determinants of their level of spending. The graph-based methodology is

  5. Los Primeros Momentos de la Violencia Estatal durante el Proceso de Reorganización Nacional (1976-1983. Un Estudio de Caso: Concepción del Uruguay

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    Julio Lisandro Cañón Voirin


    Full Text Available La dictadura militar del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional ha sido objeto de múltiples análisis, existiendo a día de hoy un gran número de investigaciones que han profundizado en el conocimiento del período. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre cómo se desarrolló en provincias, regiones, ciudades medianas, pequeñas y pueblos. En el presente artículo proponemos un abordaje a escala local para conocer la especificidad del proceso en la ciudad de Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos. En primer lugar analizaremos la matriz discursiva y la materialidad ideológica donde abreva la práctica exterminadora del PRN. Luego, reconstruiremos algunos aspectos de la violencia estatal persecutoria, su implementación a través de la Oficina Técnica de la Policía Federal, ahondando en el estudio de las características de la represión en el Colegio Nacional de Concepción del Uruguay.   The military dictatorship of the National Reorganization Process (NRP has been studied from multiple perspectives, which translates into there being a great deal of research that has contributed to the understanding of this period. However, little is known about its development in the provinces, regions, small cities, towns and villages. Therefore, this article proposes a microanalytical methodology so as to determine the specificity of the process in the city of Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos. Firstly, it analyses the discursive framework and the ideological materiality from which the NRP’s exterminating practice derives. Secondly, it looks at some aspects of the persecuting State violence as well as its implementation by the Federal Police’s Technical Office. In doing so, this paper aims at delving into the study of the characteristics of the repression that took place at the Colegio Nacional de Concepción del Uruguay.

  6. La democracia directa en Uruguay

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    Rodolfo González Rissoto


    Full Text Available Describe la trayectoria de Uruguay como uno de los países del mundo con una larga y rica tradición en el uso de los institutos de democracia directa. En Uruguay plebiscito y referéndum son conceptos distintos. El plebiscito en el ordenamiento institucional uruguayo no constituye un instituto de democracia directa, sino simplemente una etapa, la última, en un proceso de reforma constitucional. En tanto el referéndum supone el ejercicio de un derecho previsto expresamente en la Constitución de la República, con la finalidad de intentar derogar o abrogar una norma de rango legal. Adiciona un cuadro o tabla donde se analiza el empleo de los institutos de democracia directa en Uruguay durante los últimos cincuenta y cinco años, que incluye también los plebiscitos.

  7. Acianthera hygrophila(Orchidaceae, nuevo registro para Uruguay

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    Andrés J. Rossado


    Full Text Available Se reporta por primera vez para la flora de Uruguay la orquídea epífita Acianthera hygrophila (Barb. Rodr. Pridgeon & M.W. Chase. La misma fue hallada en el bosque ribereño del Río Yaguarón en el este del departamento de Cerro Largo próximo al límite con Brasil. Este registro representa el límite sur de distribución de la especie. Se presenta una descripción ampliada, ilustración y mapa de distribución de A. hygrophila, así como una clave para la identificación de las especies de Acianthera presentes en Uruguay

  8. Caracterización del residuo pétreo de la industria minera del oro para la producción de hormigón en Uruguay


    Fernando Daniel Tomeo Suárez


    En el siglo pasado, tanto en Uruguay como en el mundo, se hizo evidente la consolidación de la utilización del hormigón armado, como material fundamental, para la construcción de estructuras de uso en obras arquitectura como de ingeniería civil. Esta realidad exigió la investigación en el área de los materiales como así también de modelos de diseño estructural. Por otra parte, en la última década, este proceso coincide con el fortalecimiento de la industria minera del oro en el noreste del te...

  9. Uruguay minerals fuels[Study of Uranium geochemical prospection in Uruguay]; Los combustibles minerales del Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goso, H


    In this report the bases for the development of the necessary works of prospection are exposed on mineral fuels of Uruguay. We have taken the set from: coal, lutitas bituminous, uranium, petroleum and disturbs. In all the cases we have talked about to the present state of the knowledge and to the works that we considered necessary to develop in each case.


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    Full Text Available A partir de la revisión de muestras de herbarios y nuevos relevamientos florísticosconcluimos que Maytenus spinosa (Celastraceae, especie citada para la flora deUruguay, fue reiteradamente confundida con Condalia buxifolia (Rhamnaceae,cuya presencia en Uruguay pasó inadvertida durante casi un siglo. Maytenus spinosadebe ser excluida de la flora del Uruguay.

  11. Western cratonic domain in Uruguay: geochronology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Peel, F.; Muzio, R.; Ledesma, J.; Guerequiz, R.


    In this article has been studied the Western cratonic in Uruguay are divided into three major units: Piedra Alta Terrane, Valentines Block and Pavas Terrane. Piedra Alta Terrane has of evidence of Neo proterozoic orogenesis . Sarandi del Yi -Arroyo Solis Grande shear zone separate, it from Valentine block . Valentine Block separate it from Pavas terrane by Cueva del Tigre shear zone

  12. Proyecto de formación universitaria en Inteligencia Territorial : Uruguay 2012-2016 en Minas, Lavalleja


    Bozzano, Horacio Rodolfo


    Este proyecto de formación universitaria en Inteligencia Territorial y Transformación nació en 2008 en Minas, capital del Departamento de Lavalleja, de la articulación de factores socio-territoriales, institucionales y científicos; continuó luego con la Intendencia de Lavalleja, el Parlamento del Mercosur, el GDRI-INTI, el MEC Ministerio de Educación y Cultura del Uruguay y actualmente, el CLAEH, instituto universitario del Uruguay. El objetivo es la formación de agentes de cambio y sujetos d...

  13. Los Consejos de Salarios en el Uruguay en la década del cuarenta. Su contexto y resultados. Los casos de la industria gráfica, del caucho, del cuero y química

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    Claudio Fernández Caetano


    Full Text Available En Uruguay, desde el inicio de la década del treinta hasta mediados de los años cincuenta, se desarrolló el modelo industrial sustitutivo de importaciones. El cambio en la estructura productiva tuvo consecuencias en el mercado laboral, influenciado por el rol protector del Estado, fundamentalmente desde la llegada del denominado neobatllismo. Con el desarrollo industrial y sus consecuencias sociales, la legislación laboral y social cobró impulso mejorando las condiciones de vida y trabajo en el medio urbano, deterioradas como consecuencia del período de crisis anterior. El resultado fue la innovación en materia de negociación colectiva creándose los Consejos de Salarios tripartitos, como el escenario del Sistema de Relaciones Laborales. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar la evolución del salario real en las rondas inaugurales de los Consejos de Salarios, en el Uruguay en la década del cuarenta, para cuatro industrias seleccionadas: la del cuero y fabricación de calzado, la química, del caucho y la industria gráfica; así como también las diferencias salariales existentes entre las distintas calificaciones de los trabajadores agrupadas en tipos de ocupación. Como principal resultado se constató el incremento del salario real tanto en todos los grupos analizados. Los salarios de los trabajadores con categorías de obreros, los menos calificados, tuvieron mayores aumentos salariales respecto a los agrupados en la definición de empleados, con mayor calificación. La discriminación de género siguió haciéndose efectiva mediante diferenciaciones salariales y estipulación de salarios diferenciados entre mujeres y hombres para categorías laborales con idénticas tareas asignadas.

  14. Uruguay mining inventory. Geochemical prospecting results of the Amarillo aerial map[Study of Uranium geochemical prospection in Uruguay]; Inventario minero del Uruguay. Resultados de la prospeccion geoquimica del fotoplano Amarillo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeegers, H; Spangenberg, J


    This report is about the results of the geochemical prospection carried out on the Amarillo aerial map, it placed in the area 24 of Uruguay (G11 section).This prospection was carried out by Geologic Institute team of Uruguay (IGU) with the technical assistance of BRGM. The Amarillo aerial map covers parts of Isla Cristalina. This is the window of the insular precrambrian shelf and it is surounded by geological formation as paleozoic and other more reecently formations too. The precambrian formation are represented by three big whole groups: metamorphic serial; groups of intrusing granites; and metamorphic rocks.

  15. Biología, medicina y eugenesia en Uruguay

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    Barrán, Juan Pedro


    Full Text Available In this work are analyzed the deep relationships between biology, medicine and society that were settled down in the Uruguay along the XIX century as well as the process of «medicalization» and «biologization» of the social thought that take place along the first decades of the XX century, and the role that played the eugenic ideas and defenders of eugenics in that process.

    En este trabajo se analizan las profundas relaciones entre biología, medicina y sociedad que se establecieron en el Uruguay a lo largo del siglo XIX así como el proceso de medicalización y biologización del pensamiento social que se produce a lo largo de las primeras décadas del siglo XX, y el papel que jugaron en ese proceso las ideas eugénicas y los defensores de la eugenesia.

  16. Mecanismo de inserción del Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay en el Parque Tecnológico Industrial del Cerro

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    Laura Márquez


    Full Text Available El Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU, teniendo en cuenta su misión: "Impulsar el desarrollo sustentable del país y su inserción internacional a través de la innovación y transferencia de soluciones de valor, en servicios analíticos, metrológicos, tecnológicos, de gestión y evaluación de la conformidad de a cuerdo a la normativa aplicable", está trabajando en el apoyo a las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas del país. Como estrategia para contribuir al logro de la misión, se ha iniciado una política de descentralización, eligiendo zonas de actividad con requerimientos similares, en cuanto a las necesidades de mejora de la competitividad de las empresas. En la zona de Montevideo llamada el Cerro, el gobierno municipal gestiona un Parque Tecnológico Industrial, PTIC, apoyando y alojando en su predio, 58 empresas. Este Parque se puede ver como un conglomerado de empresas, en una misma zona, con necesidades similares. El mecanismo de inserción del LATU en el PTIC, ha contado con una herramienta fundamental que es la instalación de una oficina en el propio Parque, cuyo objetivo principal es facilitar y asegurar la contribución del LATU al desarrollo y competitividad de las mipymes allí agrupadas.AbstractAttending to the Technological Laboratory of Uruguay (LATU's mission, to promote the sustainable development of the country and its international insertion through innovation and transfer of valuable solutions, it is working on support for micro, small and medium companies. As a management strategy to achieve the mission, a policy of decentralization, approaching to the enterprises, it's being implemented. In this context, it has been developed a methodology for insertion in the Industrial Technological Park of Cerro, PTIC. This park, which is managed by the municipal government, agglomerates a group of companies, in the same area with similar needs. The LATU's mechanism of insertion in the PTIC, has counted on with a

  17. The uranium works prospection developed since 1976 in the Republica Oriental del Uruguay[Geochemical prospection of Uranium in Uruguay]; Los trabajos de prospeccion de uranio desarrollados a partir de 1976 en la Republica Oriental del Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In this report there are described the works of exploration of uranium developed in the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay from 1976.Then do the precedents and of an analysis of the big zones. Dates structural that compose the geology of the Uruguay, describe the works carried out in general exploration, towards the North-East of the country and of detail in the same zone: Districts Long Hill South and The Canes. Finally, a series of considerations are carried out on the perspectives of uranium in the Uruguay, in relation by the sedimentary areas: Devonian (formation Cerrezuelo) and Gondwana (formation San Gregorio and Three Islands) and, on the crystalline areas, of the center, southwest and this one.

  18. Algunos aspectos de la climatología solar del Uruguay Some aspects of the solar climatology of Uruguay

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    Hugo Grossi Gallegos


    Full Text Available La cobertura espacial de las redes de medición en tierra no puede satisfacer todas las necesidades de los usuarios debido a su baja densidad esto es más notable en el caso de la radiación solar. La escasez de datos de irradiación global es la razón para utilizar la heliofanía para su estimación mediante el empleo de diferentes correlaciones que han probado tener un buen ajuste con las mediciones. Para trazar cartas de heliofanía (y a partir de ellas, de irradiación solar global en un territorio tan extenso como América del Sur es necesario estudiar la relación error-distancia entre estaciones en zonas homogéneas. Para ello, lo habitual es analizar el comportamiento espacial de algunos estadísticos de campos aleatorios, como por ejemplo, la función estructura. En este trabajo, se han utilizado datos medios mensuales de heliofanía de Uruguay y se analizó su variación con la distancia entre estaciones. Se presentan gráficos obtenidos para diferentes épocas del año, analizándose las condiciones de extrapolación espacial de la información. Además, se muestran los resultados del análisis estadístico de series temporales de valores medios anuales de la heliofanía diaria mediante la aplicación del test de Mann-Kendall. Finalmente, se presentan 12 cartas con la distribución espacial de la media mensual de la heliofanía diaria.The spatial coverage of land measurement networks cannot fulfill all the user's needs because their density is low; and this fact becomes more important in the case of solar radiation. The scarcity of global irradiation data is the reason for using sunshine hours in order to estimate them through different correlations which have shown a good fit with the measurements data. In order to draw charts with the spatial distribution of the sunshine-hours monthly averages (and from them, global solar radiation charts also on such a vast territory as South America, it is necessary to study the error

  19. Phytolith analysis in fluvial quaternary sediment (San Salvador and Palmar formation) Uruguay river and Argentina eastern

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patterer, N.; Passeggi, E.; Zucol, A.; Brea, M.; Krohling, D.


    This work is about two microfossils fluvial units deposited by the Uruguay river during the Quaternary. These are San Salvador and Palmar formation (Plio-Pleistocene - Upper Pleistocene).The Palmar formation is a band of 4-15 km along the right bank of the Uruguay river outcropping from the eastern provinces of Corrientes and Entre Rios, to Concepcion del Uruguay

  20. Tres leyes innovadoras en Uruguay: Aborto, matrimonio homosexual y regulación de la marihuana


    Arocena, Felipe; Aguiar, Sebastián


    Uruguay sorprendió al mundo en 2013 por tres leyes aprobadas en poco más de un año: el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, la despenalización del aborto y la regulación de la marihuana. En este trabajo, desarrollaremos el contenido de estas normas, exploraremos algunas de las principales causas de su aprobación en este momento histórico del país, y, finalmente, discutiremos las probables virtudes y problemas de las respectivas implementaciones Uruguay shocked the world in 2013 with t...

  1. Report to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay government[Study of uranium prospection in Uruguay]; Informe al gobierno de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saad, S


    This report evaluates the works of exploration of Uranium executed in the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay in the period between 1949 and 1983, with the application of geophysical, geochemical and geological methods. There was analyzed all the information relating to the works of own execution or across agreements with companies or foreign organizations. This evaluation includes visits to the principal radioactive indications, including those of the basin Paleozoic and of the Pre cambric of La Calera.

  2. Evidencias paleoclimáticas en duricostras, paleosuelos y sedimentitas silicoclásticas del Cenozoico de Uruguay Paleoclimatic evidence in duricrust, paleosoils and siliciclastic deposit of the Cenozonic of Uruguay


    Ofelia Rita Tófalo; Héctor J. M. Morrás


    Las sedimentitas continentales del oeste y sur de Uruguay permiten inferir importantes cambios climáticos ocurridos durante el Cenozoico, que se inicia con calizas palustres paleocenas denominadas Formación Queguay y relacionadas con calcretes freáticos que afectan principalmente a sedimentitas fluviales de la Formación Mercedes (Cretácico Tardío). La presencia de estas rocas carbonáticas indica clima semiárido, marcadamente estacional. La Formación Asencio (Eoceno temprano) está separada de ...

  3. Uruguay y Alemania: negocios y negociaciones de la década del treinta

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    María Magdalena Camou


    Full Text Available En las vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el marco del cerramiento de la economía como consecuencia de la crisis mundial de 1929, las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre Alemania y Uruguay se intensificaban a través de un mecanismo complejo y poco transparente de trueque. El relevamiento de las estadísticas de comercio exterior alemanas y uruguayas, y de la correspondencia diplomática permiten analizar las dimensiones y características del intercambio económico entre ambos países. El enfoque desde estas fuentes constituye una aproximación inédita para la historiografía a un tema que no ha sido abordado sistemáticamente pero que generó en aquel momento –y aún genera– muchas interrogantes. Las fuentes consultadas fueron diversos archivos históricos alemanes y la biblioteca del Instituto Ibero-Americano de Berlín. Lamentablemente la documentación de la cancillería uruguaya es muy escasa. La documentación alemana es mucho más abundante pero no completa debido a la destrucción voluntaria o involuntaria que sufrieron los documentos en el derrumbamiento del Tercer Reich. Todos los documentos alemanes utilizados en esta investigación fueron traducidos por la autora.

  4. Commentary of Uruguay geological structure - Present status of its mining activity; Comentarios sobre conformacion geologica del Uruguay - Estado actual de su actividad minera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This work is about the geological structure of Uruguay and its mining activity. The Rio de la Plata socket basin and the Rivera crystalline island are the oldest geochronological structures in Uruguay. This unit represents the 60% of the crystalline field and belongs to the Uruguay orogenetic Precambrian cycle. In the north there are sedimentary rocks and granites of the Upper Precambrian period.The mining and processing of marble, granite, agate, amethyst and metallic minerals are declared of national interest.

  5. Los grupos del magisterio racionalista en Argentina y Uruguay hacia 1910 y sus actitudes ante la enseñanza laica oficial

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este trabajo versa sobre los grupos del magisterio racionalista en Argentina, y sobre todo Uruguay, a principios de la segunda década de este siglo, y su actitud frente a la enseñanza básica público-estatal, de carácter más o menos laico. Se sabe que el movimiento docente racionalista, según el modelo de Bakunin, Robin y Francisco Ferrer, y sobre una base libertaria y laicista radical, suponía un modelo alternativo de educación popular hacia 1910, de carácter público no estatal. En este estudio vamos a ver qué planteamientos ofrece este movimiento en algunos de los países más avanzados social y culturalmente de América Latina por aquellas fechas. También intentaremos evaluar algunas de las razones del relativo o total fracaso de proyectos significativos de educación laico-racionalista e integral del tipo del de la Liga Popular para la educación razonada de la infancia (L.P.E.R.I. en Uruguay. Muchos son los interrogantes que un propósito como el que anima este estudio plantea. Nos permitimos hacer un inventario de ellos en la conclusión. Pero ni que decir tiene que sólo investigaciones posteriores y mucho acopio de material documental in situ permitirán darles cumplida respuesta. Aquí y ahora, sólo se trata de poner un granito de arena al esclarecimiento del racionalismo educativo en América Latina.

  6. Prevalencia de maloclusiones en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes del interior del Uruguay. Relevamiento nacional de salud bucal 2010-2011

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    Mariana Ourens

    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de maloclusiones, su severidad y necesidad de tratamiento en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes entre 15 y 24 años del interior del Uruguay, así como su asociación con variables sociodemográficas, de calidad de vida e indicadores de riesgo. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal utilizando datos originados del “Primer Relevamiento Nacional de Salud Bucal en población joven y adulta uruguaya”, realizado entre 2010 y 2012. Análisis estadístico: Las diferencias de prevalencias entre categorías de covariables fueron testadas con test chi-quadrado para heterogeneidad con linearización de Taylor. Resultados: La prevalencia de maloclusiones en la población de estudio fue de 33,8% en el periodo 2010-2012. Las maloclusiones presentaron asociación con la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: Estos resultados son los primeros con una muestra representativa en esta población, siendo de interés para gestores de salud pública y útiles para otros investigadores del área en futuros estudios

  7. Regional characterization of suspected land Punta del Este ( east of the Republica Oriental del Uruguay )

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Sanchez Bettucci, L.; Oyhantcabal, P.; Pecoits, E.; Aubet, N.; Peel, E.; Basei, M.


    Field Suspect Punta del Este (TSPE) is located in the easternmost portion of Uruguay (Figure 1). This is bounded to the west by Shear Zone Punta del Este-Cordillera (Masquelin, 1990; Preciozzi et al., 1999; 2002), while the east with Rocha makes Formation (Hasui et al, 1975;.. Sanchez-Bettucci and Mezzano, 1993). The TSPE is represented by gneisses and Migmatites formed in the range of 1100 and 630 Ma (Preciozzi et al, in prep.) and have been intensively reworked during Rio Doce orogeny (ca. 600 Ma). Field Suspect Punta del Este (TSPE) is separated from the Neoproterozoic granitoids or granitoids by central Shear Zone Punta del Este-Cordillera represented by a thin strip of mylonite s and gneisses mylonitic able to anatexis. Granitoids are sub alkaline trend throughout of this guideline. The mylonitic foliation has a general direction between N15ºE and N40ºE with sub vertical slope where development ductile quartz and muscovite bands observed (Figure 2). The base of TSPE consists essentially of porphyritic granitoids deformed with biotite and muscovite, and ortho gneisses oftalmíticos granitoids, showing an attenuation of that reaching isotropic deformation terms. From studies in zircons from a sample of ortho gneisses (UCUR 03) by U / Pb conventional and SHRIMP ages of 753 ± 14 Ma for the edge obtained (consistent with the conventional age) and 1000 Ma for zircon center. This has allowed us to recognize in the protoliths one Grenvillian heritage in this area, preserved during crustal melting processes. Also, new U / Pb (Preciozzi et al., In prep.) Data show a orogénesis penicontemporánea to the Brasiliano cycle would be responsible for most of the generation of the rocks that make up the TSPE

  8. Burnout en Uruguay: Unos aportes para los resultados de Añon et al. (2012.

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    Cesar Merino Soto


    Full Text Available La presente carta pone de relieve algunas preguntas que podrían desafiar la validez de los resultados presentados por Añón et al. (2012, respecto a sus descripciones del nivel de burnout en un hospital público de Montevideo. Su estudio es importante para el aporte descriptivo local del burnout en trabajadores en Uruguay, y de la prevalencia del mismo en un plano internacional. Aparentemente, es uno de los pocos estudios publicados sobre el síndrome de burnout en Uruguay. Pero hay aspectos relacionados con la validez de las interpretaciones de sus resultados, que no han tomado en cuenta.

  9. Educación física y retorno a la democracia en Uruguay: del cuerpo a la conciencia

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    Cecilia Seré QUINTERO


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza las propuestas de Educación Física proyectadas en Uruguay luego de finalizada la última dictadura cívico-militar en 1985. Los resultados muestran un cambio en las intervenciones documentadas por la Comisión Nacional de Educación Física, que disminuye el énfasis en la participación obligada y la espectacularización del cuerpo, características del régimen dictatorial, y promueve como contrapartida la participación voluntaria y convencida de la población, procurando unificar la sociedad mediante modalidades atrayentes de actividades de educación física, deporte y recreación.

  10. Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de las lesiones de la mucosa oral en la población urbana del Uruguay

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    Beatriz Casnati

    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de las lesiones de la mucosa bucal e identificar los factores de riesgo en el desarrollo de las mismas en una muestra representativa de la población adulta urbana del Uruguay. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal que registró 922 personas (537 F/385M, edades de 15-24, 35-44 y 65-74 años basado en un diseño muestral estratificado por conglomerado polietápico. A partir de los datos de la muestra se estimaron las prevalencias de cada entidad así como los intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: La candidosis y las lesiones proliferativas se observaron en 26% y en 17% de las personas y se presentaron significativamente asociadas al género femenino. La prevalencia de la leucoplasia fue del 7% y en el análisis multivariado presentó una asociación significativa con el consumo de mate. Conclusiones: Las lesiones orales se presentan de manera prevalente en los adultos mayores en el Uruguay, lo que sugiere que se deberían implementar programas de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado de las mismas

  11. Acceso y calidad del empleo de la inmigración reciente en Uruguay

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    Victoria Prieto

    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo analiza las características de acceso y calidad de la inserción laboral de los inmigrantes extranjeros llegados a Uruguay entre 2007 y 2015. Los desempeños de los inmigrantes se comparan con los de la población nativa no migrante y retornada, primero de forma bivariada, luego mediante la inclusión de la condición migratoria en la estimación de modelos logísticos binomiales de la probabilidad de empleo, informalidad y sobrecalificación. La fuente empleada corresponde a las Encuestas Continuas de Hogares del período 2012 – 2015. Los resultados muestran una desventaja sistemática en el acceso al empleo de la población extranjera, y mayor riesgo de sobrecalificación y de informalidad entre los ocupados del mismo origen. Dentro de los extranjeros las mujeres tienen menores chances de insertarse en el mercado de trabajo pero no se encuentra un efecto negativo de la doble condición mujer-inmigrante en los indicadores de calidad del empleo. Si bien el tiempo de asentamiento mitiga el efecto adverso de la condición inmigratoria sobre el empleo, la informalidad y sobrecalificación, éste no desaparece entre los inmigrantes más antiguos.

  12. Current state about the cuaternary knowledge of Uruguay; Estado actual sobre los conocimientos del cuaternario en Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anton, D; Goso, H


    This work is about current state of cuaternary knowledge Uruguayan. It is considered that the cuaternary presented a change from the hot and dry weather of the Pliocene to more humid and colder weather in Uruguay.

  13. The uranium works prospection developed since 1976 in the Republica Oriental del Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this report there are described the works of exploration of uranium developed in the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay from 1976.Then do the precedents and of an analysis of the big zones. Dates structural that compose the geology of the Uruguay, describe the works carried out in general exploration, towards the North-East of the country and of detail in the same zone: Districts Long Hill South and The Canes. Finally, a series of considerations are carried out on the perspectives of uranium in the Uruguay, in relation by the sedimentary areas: Devonian (formation Cerrezuelo) and Gondwana (formation San Gregorio and Three Islands) and, on the crystalline areas, of the center, southwest and this one

  14. New stratigraphic proposal for supra crustal the Dom Feliciano Belt ( Proterozoic , Uruguay )

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Sanchez Bettucci, L.; Oyhantcabal, P.; Pecoits, E.; Aubet, N.; Peel, E.; Basei, M.


    Dom Feliciano Belt (Fragoso Cesar 1980) is represented in Uruguay so Preciozzi et to the. (1991) defined as Dionisio Blade Belt. It brings together all affected units by metamorphism and deformation during the Brasiliano (sensu Almeida et al. 1973) and magmatism in the same age range, which develops constituting a belt in southeastern Uruguay. Various supra crustal successions have been recognized in the Western domain of this belt in Uruguay, namely Fm. Zanja del Tigre (Sanchez-Bettucci 1998), Lavalleja Group (Bossi 1966), Arroyo del Soldado Group (Gaucher et al. 1996) and Formations Playa Hermosa (Masquelin and Sanchez Bettucci 1993) and Las Ventanas (Midot 1984), among others. The Group has been Lavalleja correlated with Porongos Group and the Brazilian Brusque Metamorphic Complex (Hasui et al. 1975; Silva and Dias 1981). This group has a granitic basement-probably associated gnéissico to Block Valentines (Preciozzi et al. 1979) and the Land Pavas, aged Paleoproterozoicas and Archean (Hartmann et al. 2001). It comprises varied lithologies, metasedimentary; metavolcanic acid; basic and metagabbros metavolcanic

  15. Conservation status assessment of the amphibians and reptiles of Uruguay Evaluación del estado de conservación de los anfibios y reptiles del Uruguay

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    Andrés Canavero

    Full Text Available The native species of amphibians and reptiles of Uruguay were categorized according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Out of 47 amphibian species, seven are listed as Critically Endangered (CR, five as Endangered (EN, one as Vulnerable (VU, three as Near Threatened (NT, and two as Data Deficient (DD; the remaining species are considered to be Least Concern (LC. Among the 64 species of reptiles evaluated, one is listed as Critically Endangered (CR, seven as Endangered (EN, two as Vulnerable (VU, one as Near Threatened (NT and seven as Data Deficient (DD; the rest are considered to be Least Concern (LC. The use of these results as an additional criterion in the definition of protected areas in Uruguay will contribute towards the conservation of the aforementioned threatened species and their associated ecosystems.Las especies nativas de anfibios y reptiles de Uruguay fueron categorizadas de acuerdo a los criterios de la Lista Roja de UICN. De las 47 especies de anfibios, siete se encuentran En Peligro Crítico (CR, cinco En Peligro (EN, una Vulnerable (VU, tres Casi Amenazadas (NT, y dos con Datos Deficientes (DD; las especies restantes son consideradas como Preocupación Menor (LC. Entre las 64 especies de reptiles evaluados, una se encuentra en Peligro Crítico (CR, siete En Peligro (EN, dos como Vulnerables (VU, una Casi Amenazadas (NT y siete con Datos Deficientes (DD; las especies restantes son consideradas como Preocupación Menor (LC. El uso de estos resultados como un criterio adicional en la definición de áreas protegidas en Uruguay contribuirá hacia la conservación de dichas especies amenazadas y sus ecosistemas asociados.

  16. Jóvenes que no estudian ni trabajan en Uruguay. La experiencia del Programa Jóvenes en Red

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    Mónica De Martino Bermúdez


    Full Text Available La situación de los jóvenes y las jóvenes “ni-ni” ha tomado cierta relevancia en Uruguay a partir de los resultados del sistema de educación formal y los impactos del desempleo en la juventud. Inserto en este campo temático, el presente trabajo parte de la sistematización de una práctica profesional en el Programa Jóvenes en Red, dependiente del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, con un doble objetivo: por un lado, colectivizar las formas de intervención desarrolladas para aportar al trabajo con la juventud; por otro lado, analizar las construcciones simbólicas de estos jóvenes y estas jóvenes en torno a su propia condición. Esto arrojó al menos tres cuestiones a las que este artículo se dedica: las dificultades de objetivación, la dosis de angustia no canalizada y la fuerte domesticidad psicosocial que caracteriza a esta población.

  17. Une révolution numérique dans les salles de classe de l'Uruguay ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 janv. 2011 ... La mise en oeuvre de ce projet pilote est assurée par le Laboratorio Tecnológio del Uruguay. Les responsables ambitionnent de fournir des portables à tous les élèves du primaire en Uruguay d'ici 2009. Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI), organisme canadien, aide au ...

  18. Las especies de Trichogramma de Uruguay (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae Trichogramma species from Uruguay (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae

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    César Basso


    Full Text Available Fueron recolectadas cinco especies de Trichogramma Westwood en Uruguay. La más ampliamente distribuida T. pretiosum Riley parasita Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, Heliothis zea (Boddie, Alabama argillacea (Hübner y Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick. Trichogramma exiguum Pinto & Platner, a menudo confundida con T. fuentesi Torre, parasitan Bonagota cranaodes (Meyrick y A. sphaleropa. Otras dos especies T. galloi Zucchi y T. distinctum Zucchi parasita D. saccharalis. Ellas presentan una morfología relativamente similar y, de acuerdo a la información disponible, no es posible decidir si son especies próximas o sinónimas. Finalmente, T. bellaunionense Basso & Pintureau fue recolectada en Uruguay hasta el momento sólo sobre D. saccharalis. Se provee una clave ilustrada para determinar esas cinco especies. Por otra parte, se incluye una revisión del uso actual y proyectado de Trichogramma para controlar diferentes plagas en diversos cultivos en este país.Five Trichogramma Westwood species were collected in Uruguay. The widely distributed T. pretiosum Riley parasitizes Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, Heliothis zea (Boddie, Alabama argillacea (Hübner and Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick. Trichogramma exiguum Pinto & Platner, often confused with T. fuentesi Torre, parasitizes Bonagota cranaodes (Meyrick and A. sphaleropa. The two species T. galloi Zucchi and T. distinctum Zucchi parasitize D. saccharalis. Their morphology is relatively close and, from the information available, it is not possible to decide if they are closely related species or synonymous species. Finally, up to now, T. bellaunionense Basso & Pintureau was only collected from Uruguay on D. saccharalis. An illustrated key is provided to identify these five species. Moreover, the present and expected use of Trichogramma to control different pests in different Uruguayan crops is reviewed.

  19. Organized factions and disorganized parties: electoral incentives in Uruguay Grupos organizados y partidos desorganizados: incentivos electorales en Uruguay

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    Full Text Available This paper extends the study of party organization and legislative voting to factionalize party systems. After developing a typology of factional types, it argues that hierarchically organized factions respond to a competing incentive system. Factions have interests that push them to work together for the good of the party, but at the same time, they have interests in distinguishing themselves for electoral purposes. Further, the electoral cycle drives the weights of these competing pressures, leading factional cooperation to break down as elections near. These patterns and incentives are particularly evident in Uruguay, and the paper uses roll-call data from that country's legislature to test the propositionsEl presente artículo aplica el estudio de la organización de partidos y el voto legislativo a sistemas de partidos con facciones. Tras desarrollar una clasificación de los diferentes tipos de facciones, se argumenta que las facciones jerárquicamente organizadas responden a un sistema competitivo de incentivos. Pese a que las facciones tienen intereses que las empujan a trabajar juntas por el bien del partido, al mismo tiempo, tienen interés en diferenciarse unas de otras por propósitos electorales. Además, el ciclo electoral dirige los pesos de estas presiones competitivas provocando la ruptura en la cooperación entre las facciones conforme se aproximan las elecciones. Estas pautas e incentivos son particularmente evidentes en el caso de Uruguay, por lo que el artículo utiliza datos del voto nominal del Legislativo del país para probar estos argumentos.

  20. El impacto en el aprendizaje del programa Una Laptop por Niño. La evidencia de Uruguay

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    Gioia de Melo


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: En los últimos años muchos países han realizado inversiones sustanciales en los programas Una Laptop por Niño (OLPC, por sus siglas en inglés, en tanto que otros están por implementar este tipo de intervenciones. Este artículo contribuye al estudio del efecto que tienen los programas OLPC en el desempeño de los estudiantes en lectura y matemáticas y, para ello, utiliza un diseño cuasi experimental basado en datos de Uruguay, el primer país en implementar un programa OLPC a escala nacional: el Plan CEIBAL.Métodos: Empleamos una estrategia de diferencias en diferencias (DiD para estimar el impacto del Plan CEIBAL en el desempeño educativo. El análisis explota especialmente el hecho de que el despliegue del programa se basó en criterios geográficos y no en el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes. Se cuenta con la fecha exacta en que se le entregó la laptop a cada estudiante de la muestra. Ello nos permite hacer una medición continua y sin margen de error del tratamiento con base en el número de días en que cada estudiante ha estado expuesto al Plan CEIBAL al llegar la fecha de seguimiento (normalizado a años. Se controla por las diferencias sistemáticas que se dan potencialmente a lo largo del tiempo respecto a un mejor aprovechamiento escolar entre las escuelas en la capital, Montevideo, y el resto de Uruguay.Resultados: Nuestros resultados sugieren que el programa no tuvo impacto en las calificaciones en lectura y matemáticas. Tampoco encontramos efectos heterogéneos entre alumnos cuyas madres poseen distintos niveles de educación. Al analizar la evidencia descriptiva sobre la frecuencia de uso de la laptop en clase, observamos que su uso diario no está generalizado en todas las escuelas públicas. Además, su principal uso en clase consiste en la búsqueda de información en internet y no en la capacitación mediante ejercicios o prácticas de repetición. Una característica particularmente importante

  1. Report to the Republica Oriental del Uruguay government

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saad, S.


    This report evaluates the works of exploration of Uranium executed in the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay in the period between 1949 and 1983, with the application of geophysical, geochemical and geological methods. There was analyzed all the information relating to the works of own execution or across agreements with companies or foreign organizations. This evaluation includes visits to the principal radioactive indications, including those of the basin Paleozoic and of the Pre cambric of La Calera

  2. Uruguay in International Relations

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    Anton Sergeevich Andreev


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the foreign policy of the leftist government of Uruguay at the beginning of the XXI century. Latin America is an important actor in the process of creating a multipolar world, and Uruguay becomes one of the political and economic centers of the continent. One of the important political processes in South America is a regional integration which has many forms. This article shows the main areas of Uruguay diplomacy in various integration formations of the region. Based on the analysis of the program of the third government of “Broad Front” article shows the goals and objectives of the country in the processes of regional integration, the problems and prospects of these processes. The author notes that the Government of Uruguay is looking for creating common political and economic institutions for the united Latin American continent. In the new political and economic conditions Uruguay becomes important partner for the BRICS countries as well as for the EU and the United States. The article shows the prospects for Uruguay in the BRICS in the context of changing the place of developing countries in the architecture of the global world, as well as in the context of the participation of ex-President Jose Mujica in the BRICS summit 2014. Currently, Uruguay is standing in front of a political choice, because the country has people who want the development of relations with the United States as economic partner and political center of the region. Also in Uruguay are supporters of the development of relations with the EU. The paper shows the tasks and objectives of Uruguay's foreign policy towards the US and the EU, as well as a place of Uruguay in the foreign policy of major actors of international relations. The article says the prospects for the foreign policy of Uruguay in the context of the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2014, a new government and the conservation status of Uruguay as a country of “left turn

  3. Report of the procedure of voluntary interruption of pregnancy at a university hospital in Uruguay. (United States)

    Bentancor, Ana; Hernández, Ana Laura; Godoy, Yamile; Dapueto, Juan J


    To describe the constitution and operation of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy team of a university hospital, from the outlook of the mental health team. In this case study, the following aspects were analyzed: 1) historical background; 2) implementation of Law 18,897 of October 22, 2012; and 3) functioning of the program at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), taking into account three dimensions: structure, process, and results. Between December 2012 and November 2013, a total of 6,676 voluntary interruptions of pregnancy were reported in Uruguay; out of these, 80 were conducted at the Hospital de Clínicas. The patients' demographic data agreed with those reported at the national level: Of the total patients, 81.0% were aged over 19 years; 6.2% decided to continue with the pregnancy; and only 70.0% attended the subsequent control and received advice on contraception. In its implementation year in Uruguay, we can assess the experience as positive from the point of view of women's health. Our experience as a mental health team at the Hospital de Clínicas, inserted into the multidisciplinary voluntary interruption of pregnancy team, is in the process of assessment and reformulation of practices. Describir la conformación y funcionamiento de un equipo de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo de un hospital universitario, desde la mirada del equipo de salud mental. En este estudio de caso, se analizan los siguientes aspectos: 1) antecedentes históricos; 2) implementación de la Ley 18.897 de 22 de octubre de 2012; y 3) funcionamiento del programa en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), teniendo en cuenta tres dimensiones (estructura, proceso y resultados). Entre diciembre de 2012 y noviembre de 2013, se reportaron en Uruguay un total de 6.676 interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo; de ellas, 80 se llevaron a cabo en el Hospital de Clínicas. Los

  4. Area Handbook Series: Uruguay, A Country Study. (United States)


    de la Banda Oriental, 1982. Faroppa, Luis, Marisa Buchelli, Alberto Couriel, and Alberto Ben- si6n. Cuatro tesis sobre la situacidn econdmica nacional...mercado de carnes. Montevideo: Fun- daci6n de Cultura Universitaria, 1979. -___ Modelo Batllista: ý Variacidn sobre un viejo tema ? Montevideo: Editorial...Uruguay.: Desde sus origenes hasta 1930. ( Temas del Siglo XX series.) Montevideo: Ediciones de la Banda Oriental, 1984. Elizaincin, Adolfo. "The Emergence

  5. Caracterización y tratamiento de las úlceras por presión en instituciones de salud pública y privada y residencias geriátricas del Uruguay


    García Parodi, Lucía


    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer las características que presentan las Ulceras por Presión ( localización, severidad de las lesiones, antigüedad) y cuales son las estrategias de tratamiento existentes ( toma de decisión, tipo de cura, frecuencia, existencia de protocolos institucionales) por parte del personal sanitario que asiste a los pacientes hospitalizados en instituciones de salud públicas y privadas y residenciales geriátricos del Uruguay. Máster en Gestión Integral e...


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    Héctor A. González


    Full Text Available Se registra por primera vez para la flora uruguaya a Lycopodium clavatum (Lycopodiaceae, hallada en los departamentos de Durazno y Maldonado. Este nuevo registro extiende su área de distribución, es- tableciendo las localidades situadas en el centro y este del Uruguay como el límite distribucional austral de Lycopodium s. str. Se presenta una descripción diagnóstica, un mapa de distribución en el país, así como la ilustración de la especie y fotografías del hábitat.

  7. Aborto y Parlamento: un estudio sobre Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina


    Rocha,Maria Isabel Baltar da; Rostagnol,Susana; Gutiérrez,María Alicia


    El presente trabajo desarrolla un estudio comparativo entre Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay sobre las legislaciones y las acciones de diversos actores en relación a la despenalización y/o legalización del aborto. El tema se instala en la agenda pública en los tres países a partir del proceso de democratización iniciado en la década de los 80 produciéndose diversas intervenciones tanto del movimiento de mujeres, como de las corporaciones médicas y otros actores sociales en el transcurso de la déca...

  8. Car-borne prospecting methodology. First results from the Cuenca del Nordeste (Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, H.; Spoturno, J.; Preciozzi, F.


    The paper reports on a prospecting procedure used in Uruguay for the selection of areas of interest and on the first results obtained in the Cuenca del Nordeste (North-East Basin). The methodology developed (preliminary radiometric investigation) consists of four successive stages: compilation of material; radiometric survey; statistical analysis; revision of anomalies. The compilation of material has the aim of obtaining geological and cartographic data and of laying out the network of tracks of the area to be prospected. The radiometric survey provides data by means of a car-borne recording scintillometer, together with geological information necessary for preparing the geological map. By statistical analysis of the results it is possible to define and quantify various types of anomalies in a simple manner. Use of a log-normal model yielded a highly logical and coherent approximation in the treatment of the data obtained, and a classification of the defined anomalies in order of importance. Anomaly revision is carried out on first and second order anomalies, and on those of the third order deemed to be significant. This methodology has been developed and is in use on sedimentary formations of the Devonian, Gondwana and Cretaceous, where there are various problems presented by the overburden and the grid size ranges between 1 km and 4-8 km 2 . In the particular case of the Cuenca del Nordeste (Gondwana), with no background of uranium mineralization, it was possible to select a zone of some 1000 km 2 in the San Gregorio-Tres Islas formation with a view to carrying out more detailed work. (author)

  9. Uruguay. (United States)


    Uruguay, officially "The Oriental Republic of Uruguay," is a country of 176,215 sq km with a temperate climate and a good water supply, which contributed to the emergence of stock raising as the economy's traditional base. 1.31 million of the country's 2,940,200 people live in Montevideo, the capital and only large city. The population is 85%-95% white and 66% Roman Catholic. The dominant culture and official language is Spanish, although 25% of the people are of Italian origin. The annual population growth is only 0.5%, due to a low birth rate and large net outmigration. Infant mortality in 1986 was 27.1/1000, and life expectancy was 73 years. Literacy is 96%, due to an extensive system of public and private education. There is a large, urban middle class, which enjoys a high standard of living. 22% of the work force is in industry, 21% in government, 15% in commerce, and 28% in services. The 1986 gross domestic product was $6.2 billion, per capita $1701. The annual growth rate is now 6.3%, which is an upturn from the generally stagnant economic conditions of the last 30 years. 1986 exports were $834 million (mainly meat, wool, hides, and leather goods); imports were $870 million. Inflation averages 76.4%, and 270 pesos=$1.00. The major economic problem is managing the huge external debt of almost $5.4 billion. In 1987 Uruguay reached a debt rescheduling agreement with creditor banks and the International Monitary Fund, stretching out repayment dates through 2004. Exchange rates were allowed to float in 1982, and the country is trying to reduce the burden of the excessively large government sector through various privatization schemes. Uruguay has also been working with Argentina and Brazil toward integrating their economies. The only aboriginal inhabitants of Uruguay were the Charrua Indians. In 1811 Jose Gervasio Artigas led Uruguay's revolt against Spain, and total independence was achieved in 1828. Jose Batlle y Ordonez, who served as president from 1903 to

  10. Proposition presented from BRGM to Industry and Commerce Mini stere to rationalization of the exploitation, re valorization and semiprecious stones trade in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Bureau du Recherche Geologique et Mini ere was been required by Instituto -Geologique del Uruguay and Soils resources studies commission with the aim not only to make arrangements between precious stones exploitations in Uruguay but also re valorization of uncut stones and selective trade of products with a better quality.


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    Gabriel Oyhantçabal Benelli


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la trayectoria de la lucha por la tierra en Bella Unión, una región característica en Uruguay por la producción de caña de azúcar, a través de los movimientos de clase de sus principales protagonistas: los cortadores de caña sindicalizados en la Unión de Trabajadores Azucareros de Artigas (UTAA. El recorrido histórico hace énfasis en dos períodos históricos diferentes: 1961-1973 y 2005-presente. El primero va desde la fundación del sindicato hasta el golpe militar. Se da en un contexto de auge de la lucha de masas en Uruguay en el cual los trabajadores rurales se organizan en la UTAA levantando, entre otras, la bandera de la Reforma Agraria. El segundo período está marcado por la llegada al gobierno nacional del Frente Amplio, una coalición social-demócrata que reactiva la producción de caña de azúcar en Bella Unión. Este cambio supone una oportunidad para las luchas sociales que la UTAA aprovecha con ocupaciones de tierra favoreciendo un proceso de colonización para los trabajadores rurales. Sin embargo el acceso a la tierra genera nuevas contradicciones, y por tanto nuevos desafíos, por los cambios en la forma de subsunción del trabajo al capital.

  12. Uruguay mining inventory. Geochemical prospecting results of the Las Flores aerial map[Study of Uranium geochemical prospection in Uruguay]; Inventario minero del Uruguay. Resultados de la prospeccion geoquimica del fotoplano Las Flores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zeegers, H; Bonnefoy, D; Garau, M; Spangenberg, J


    In the context of the Uruguay mining inventory, the aerial photography map Las Flores had been covered by a specific strategic which included geochemical prospecting elements. The surface covered has the 550 km2, and 1042 samples which they have been analized in Orleans France. 22 elements by plasma spectroscopy and gold by atomic absorption and for uranium laser spectroscopy . They have been evidenced the following anomalies: gold, Pb, Pb-Ba-Cu, Ba and Ni-Cr.



    Josling, Timothy E.; Honma, Masayoshi; Lee, Jaeok; MacLaren, Donald; Miner, William M.; Sumner, Daniel A.; Tangermann, Stefan; Valdes, Alberto


    Contact for this paper: Laura Bipes/University of Minnesota/Department of Applied Economics/ 1994 Buford Avenue./ St. Paul, MN 55108 USA. From the start, agriculture played a central role in the Uruguay Round of GATT trade negotiations. The Punta del Este Declaration called for a solution to the problems facing agricultural trade through modified trade rules and an agreement to lower protection levels. It was recognized that such an improvement implied negotiations on the national farm polici...

  14. Costo-efectividad de la vacunación universal antineumocócica en Uruguay Cost-effectiveness of universal pneumococcal vaccination in Uruguay

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    Gustavo Giachetto Larraz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar la relación costo-efectividad del programa de vacunación universal con la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada heptavalente (VCN7 en niños menores de 5 años en Uruguay. MÉTODOS: Se desarrolló un modelo Markov simulando una cohorte de 48 000 niños nacidos en 2007 y su evolución hasta los 76 años de edad. El caso base usó un esquema de tres dosis con una duración estimada de protección de cinco años. La presunción de eficacia y efectividad de la vacuna se realizó acorde con estudios realizados en Estados Unidos con ajuste a la prevalencia-incidencia de serotipos en Uruguay. Los resultados se expresaron como costo incremental por año de vida ganado (AVG y por año de vida [ganado] ajustado por calidad (AVAC. RESULTADOS: Para el caso base, el costo incremental fue de US$ 7 334,6 por AVG y US$ 4 655,8 por AVAC, previniéndose 8 muertes y 4 882 casos de otitis, 56 bacteriemias-sepsis, 429 neumonías y 7 meningitis. El modelo muestra sensibilidad a variaciones en eficacia, costo de la vacuna y tasa de mortalidad por neumonía. CONCLUSIONES: El programa de vacunación universal con VCN7 en Uruguay es altamente costo-efectivo y, en consecuencia, recomendable para otros países con carga de enfermedad neumocócica y cobertura de serotipos similares a Uruguay.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the cost-effectiveness ratio of the program for universal vaccination with heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7 in children under 5 years of age in Uruguay. METHODS: A Markov model was developed that simulated a cohort of 48 000 children born in 2007 and their progress to age 76. The baseline case used a regimen of three doses with estimated protection for five years. The presumption of vaccine efficacy and effectiveness was based on studies conducted in the United States with adjustment for serotype prevalence-incidence in Uruguay. The results were expressed as the incremental cost per life year gained (LYG and quality-adjusted life year

  15. Transformaciones institucionales y tecnológicas del esquema de protección social en el Uruguay : el caso del Plan de Centros de Atención a la Infancia y la Familia Plan CAIF : 2003 - 2009


    Vecinday, María Laura


    La investigación se propuso analizar las transformaciones institucionales y tecnológicas del esquema de protección social a partir de un estudio de caso: el Plan de Centros de Atención a la Infancia y la Familia (Plan CAIF). En Uruguay se trata del ejemplo más acabado de incorporación de las nuevas orientaciones adoptadas en las políticas sociales llamadas de segunda generación. El Plan CAIF es un servicio de protección social focalizado en niños menores de 4 años y sus familias en “situación...

  16. Cooperativism, self-help and self-government: The Uruguay alternative of council tenancy


    Aristondo Martín, Graciela Laura


    Desde su surgimiento en la segunda mitad de los años 60, las cooperativas de vivienda por ayuda mutua del Uruguay han demostrado ser una experiencia de gran impacto en la producción social del hábitat popular urbano. El grado de organización alcanzado durante la etapa de ayuda mutua se extiende a la etapa posterior de la construcción de las viviendas, a través del desarrollo de una red nacional de servicios sociales autogestionados por los usuarios en las áreas de la salud, alimentación, educ...

  17. Western cratonic domains in Uruguay: geochronology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Peel, E.; Muzio, E.; Ledesma, R.; Guerequiz, R.


    The western cratonic domains in Uruguay are divided into three major units: Piedra Alta Terrane, Valentines Block and Pavas Block. Piedra Alta Terrane lacks of evidence of Neoproterozoic orogenesis (deformation, metamorphism or magmatism). Sarandí del Yi - Arroyo Solís Grande shear zone, separates it from Valentines Block. Valentines Block is separated from Pavas Block by Cueva del Tigre shear zone. Magmatic rocks with different ages, compositions and emplacements occur all over the Piedra Alta Terrane distributed in three metamorphic belts (Arroyo Grande, San José and Montevideo) as well as in the Central Gneissic-Migmatitic Complex (Figure 1). Samples from the Gneissic-Migmatitic complex, late tectonic granitoids and basic rocks associated to the metamorphic belts were analyzed using Rb/Sr, U/Pb, K/Ar and Sm/Nd methodologies. The age ranges obtained for granitoids

  18. Consistencia de indicadores de especialización en el comercio internacional. Aplicación al caso de la mantequilla en Argentina y Uruguay // Consistency of Specialization Indicators. An Application to Argentina and Uruguay Butter International Trade

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    Depetris Guiguet, Edith


    Full Text Available Este artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar, en términos de su consistencia cardinal, ordinal y dicotómica, cinco indicadores alternativos de especialización comercial. Tres están basados en el enfoque de las ventajas comparativas reveladas: una versión simétrica del índice de Balassa, el chi-cuadrado y el índice de Ventajas Relativas del Comercio. Los otros dos están basados en el enfoque de la balanza comercial: una variante del índice de Michaely y otra del índice de Iapadre. Se aplica al caso particular del comercio mundial de mantequilla de Argentina y Uruguay en el período 1995-2006. Los resultados varían entre los dos países, habiéndose encontrado que algunos indicadores podrían utilizarse de manera sustitutiva mientras que otros deberían utilizarse de manera complementaria. En términos económicos, se detecta una especialización fluctuante según los años en Argentina y mucha estabilidad en Uruguay. // This study aims to evaluate, in terms of their cardinal, ordinal, and dichotomy consistency, five alternative comercial specialization indicators: a Balassa symmetric index version; a Chi-Squared Index; and the Relative Trade Advantage Index, all these three based on revealed comparative advantage theory; and two additional: Michaely Index variation, and Iapadre Index variation, based on trade balance flows. It is applied to the particular case of Argentina and Uruguay butter world trade during 1995-2006. The results vary for both countries. Some indicators are found to be useful as substitutes while other in a complementary manner. Economically, the indicators show that the Argentine specialization fluctuates among years while the Uruguayan is very stable.

  19. Políticas públicas y Patrimonio Cultural en Uruguay (Ponencia)


    Villarmarzo, Eugenia; Gianotti, Camila; Criado-Boado, Felipe; López Mazz, José María; Marozzi, Oscar; Capdepont, Irina; Carve, Federico; Sotelo, Moira


    [ES] En los últimos tiempos Uruguay ha dado impulso a una serie de instrumentos de ordenación del territorio y planificación estratégica, dentro de los cuales se integra el Patrimonio Cultural (PC). Al mismo tiempo que la normativa patrimonial comienza a discutirse pretendiendo adecuarse a esta situación cambiante, desde la Arqueología se intenta hacer aportes y generar resultados prácticos para la gestión integral del PC. Es así que, enmarcados en nuevas propuestas de gestión ...

  20. El Poder Simbólico de las Gremiales Ganaderos en el Uruguay Contemporáneo The simbolic power of cattle raisers' associations in contemporary Uruguay

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    Alberto Riella


    Full Text Available En este artículo se buscará estudiar el amplio poder de influencia que los grandes estancieros y sus gremiales logran mantener desde hace más de un siglo en el Uruguay. Mediante el análisis de la dimensión simbólica del mundo social agrario estudiaremos las prácticas discursivas de las Gremiales Ganaderas - Asociación Rural del Uruguay y Federación Rural - como parte central de su estrategia simbólica para mantener su hegemonía en el campo social agrario. En este sentido, creemos que la construcción social del territorio en nuestro país se asienta en la forma de percepción impuesta por el poder simbólico de este grupo que ha hecho de sus formas particulares de apropiación y uso de la tierra la única forma posible y legítima de utilización de los recursos naturales. Para el análisis de las prácticas discursivas partimos del supuesto de que las organizaciones sociales, gremiales y corporativas están siempre inmersas en luchas simbólicas, ya que en ellas está en juego la realización objetiva de sus intereses a largo plazo. Utilizando los términos de Merton, podríamos afirmar que, más allá de la función manifiesta de una organización - gremial, comercial, profesional -, siempre hay una función latente que procura imponer a sus adversarios y a la opinión pública la "visión del mundo" propia del grupo que representa. En consecuencia, en las prácticas discursivas de estos agentes podremos encontrar claramente expresado su poder, sus alianzas, sus conflictos, lo que nos permite acceder a la comprensión de su estrategia simbólica de reproducción social.This article will try to study the broad influence and power maintained by large landowners and their associations since over a century ago in Uruguay. Based on the analysis of the symbolic dimensions of the agrarian world, we will study discursive practices of Cattle Owners Associations - Asociación Rural del Uruguay and Federación Rural - as a core part of their

  1. La imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en Uruguay

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    José Manuel Sánchez Patrón


    Full Text Available La ratificación del Convenio sobre la imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes de guerra y de los crímenes de lesa humanidad por parte de Uruguay, constituye un primer paso dirigido a limitar la impunidad de los partícipes en la comisión de estas infracciones internacionales. Para la consecución de esta misma finalidad, el Estado Uruguayo ha dado un segundo paso, consistente en la ratificación del Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional, lo que ha llevado a efecto casi un año después del anterior. Ambas decisiones demuestran la intención de Uruguay de comprometerse Internacionalmente con el fin de evitar la impunidad de los responsables de la comisión de determinadas figuras delictivas, especialmente los crímenes de guerra y los crímenes contra la humanidad, ya que en tomo a estas dos infracciones internacionales gravitan los convenios internacionales a los que nos acabamos de referir.Contenido: imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en el pasado. Imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en el presente. Imprescriptibilidad de los crímenes contra la humanidad en el futuro. Conclusiones

  2. Submission of Republica Oriental del Uruguay to the Commission on the limits of the continental shelf pursuant to provisions of article 76, paragraph 8, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: executive summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mata Prates, C.; Tajes, J.; Burgos, M.; Caamaño; Lamartheé; Montiel, D.; Preciozzi, F.; De Santa Ana, H.


    Pursuant to provisions of article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (hereinafter the Convention), and to article 4 of Annex II of same, República Oriental del Uruguay (Uruguay) hereby submits to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (the Commission) particulars on the outer limit of its continental shelf, extending beyond 200 nautical miles (M) from the baselines from which the breadth of territorial sea is measured. On December 10, 1982 Uruguay signed the Convention, which was subsequently approved by Uruguayan Law Nº 16,287, and ratified on December 10, 1992. The porvisions of article 76 invoked in Uruguay submission fixed points delimiting Uruguay’s Continental Shelf. There exist, at present, no unresolved disputes over the maritime border with either of Uruguay’s neighbouring countries, Argentina or Brazil. It was received assistance in the elaboration of this Submission April 2008, from member of the Commission and also assistance from other, non-member consultants and institutions from Germany, Brazil, Portugal and Norway

  3. Los consejos de salarios en Uruguay con el gobierno de la izquierda

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    Luis Ibarra


    Full Text Available artículo analiza los Consejos de Salarios organizados en Uruguay por el gobierno de izquierda. Procura demostrar que no son simplemente una vuelta atrás, desde la desregulación laboral hacia la institución clásica del compromiso social. Envuelven, por el contrario, una inversión de las relaciones del trabajo con el estado y el capital.

  4. Evolución del espacio de productos exportados: ¿está Uruguay en el lugar equivocado?


    Vaillant, Marcel; Ferreira-Coimbra, Natalia


    This paper studies the pattern of trade specialization (PTE) of Uruguay and the dynamics that characterized it throughout the last twenty years. From a descriptive analysis of the PTE is used the methodological framework of the product space developed by Haussman et al (2007) to site Uruguay in terms of its commercial specialization. The EP is the network of relationships that are established between products that are internationally traded. There is a link between the value of each product a...

  5. Tierras estatales y desigualdad de género en Uruguay=State lands and gender inequality in Uruguay

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    Paula Florit O`Neill


    Full Text Available Resumen En Uruguay, el Instituto Nacional de Colonización (INC es la institución encargada de la adjudicación de tierra por parte del Estado, orientado a la distribución racional de la tierra y su acceso por parte de la población rural más vulnerable. A partir del año 2005, atravesó una reforma que jerarquizó su rol en las políticas de Estado y gestó un nuevo modelo de adjudicación de tierras: las experiencias asociativas. Ese mismo año, el nuevo gobierno impulsó la transversalización de género en el Estado, impulso que anclara en el INC a partir del 2013. Este artículo analiza desde una perspectiva de género la reforma refundacional y la nueva política de tierras, develando la ceguera de género de la reforma y evidenciando desafíos pendientes para la transversalización de género en el diseño de la principal modalidad de adjudicación de tierras públicas.      Abstract In Uruguay, the National Institute of Colonization is the institution resposible for the adjudication of land by the State, aimed at the rational distribution of land and its access by the most vulnerable rural population. Since 2005, the INC went through a reform that prioritized its role in the policies of the State and created a new model of land adjudication: associative experiences of colonization. In that same year, the new government promoted gender mainstreaming in the State, impulse that took roots in the INC from 2013 onwards. This article analyzes from a gender perspective the refounding reform and the new land policy, unveiling the gender blindness of the reform and highlighting pending challenges for gender mainstreaming in the design of the main public land adjudication modality.

  6. Perspectives of the wind power generation in Uruguay; Perspectivas de la generacion eolica en Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez, Daniel Luis [Administracion Nacional de Usinas y Transmisiones Electricas (UTE), Montevideu (Uruguay)


    The objective of this paper is to describe, the journey for the development of power generation through source of wind, and to establish the elements that must be overcome to enable implementation of wind projects in Uruguay. For its achievement will be a descriptive framework that has been developing wind energy in the region, particularly as it relates to the Argentine case, as opposed to activities in the Uruguay in the same period. Carry out a review and interrelation between the greenhouse effect, the internalization of environmental costs and sustainable development concept, as well as analyzing the input of emissions to the environment by issuing sector. It will describe, briefly, the composition of the matrix of power generation in Uruguay. Subsequently analyzing the history of wind energy in Uruguay, the results of this experience and will be explored regarding the existence or absence of incentives within the existing legal framework. Finally, described the wind power perspectives in Uruguay and propound what will be the key steps and tools necessary to facilitate the development of this source of generation in the country.

  7. Implicancias del uso de nonoxinol en el Uruguay

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    Diana Míguez Carames


    Full Text Available Los disruptores endócrinos interfieren con la actividad de las hormonas en el organismo, imitando o bloqueando a las naturales. Son ubicuas y bioacumulables. Los que interfieren con estrógenos pueden provocar cáncer o una merma de la capacidad reproductora, además de cambios en el sexo de los peces y una afectación de la biodiversidad. En nuestro país aun se están consumiendo sustancias han sido prohibidas a nivel mundial por causar estos efectos. Así por ejemplo, desde enero de 2005 en Europa se ha prohibido productos con más de 0,1% de nonilfenol polietoxilado. En Uruguay se usa cada vez más, como agente de limpieza industrial (lavaderos de lana, curtiembres, institutional y doméstica (polvos de baja espuma, limpiadores. Es poco biodegradable y llega a los cursos de agua, sus sedimentos y a los seres vivos. Se debería tomar conciencia de la gravedad de este asunto y utilizar los sucedáneos para prevenir estas consecuencias.AbstractEndocrine disruptors interfere with the hormonal activity in the organism, mimicking or blocking natural hormones. They are ubiquitous and bioaccumulative. These substances interfere with estrogens and may cause cancer or a decrease in reproductive capacity in addition to changes in the sex of fish and an affectation of biodiversity. In our country we are still consuming substances that have been prohibited globally for causing these effects. For example, since January 2005 in Europe has banned products with more than 0.1% of nonylphenol polyethoxylated. In Uruguay, it is increasingly used as an industrial cleaning agent (wool washing, tanneries, institutional and domestic cleaning (low foam powdered detergents, cleaners. It has low biodegradability and reaches the waterways, sediments and living beings. We should grasp the seriousness of this matter and use substitutes to prevent these consequences.

  8. Desempeño competitivo de Argentina y Uruguay en la leche en polvo


    Depetris Guiguet, Edith; García Arancibia, Rodrigo; Rossini, Gustavo


    Los sectores lácteos de Argentina y Uruguay hacen importantes contribuciones tanto al producto interno bruto como a la generación de divisas provenientes de sus exportaciones. Al constituirse el MERCOSUR ambos países tenían excedentes exportables de leche en polvo entera y descremada, y aunque con similares condiciones del contexto externo impuestas por la integración y la evolución del mercado internacional, el comportamiento exportador no ha sido igual en las dos naciones. Esto lleva a cues...

  9. An estimation of the wage curve for Uruguay

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    González Rodríguez-Villamil Cecilia


    Full Text Available La existencia de la relación empírica entre salario y desempleo en Uruguay, se analizada en este trabajo. Se estiman varios modelos para el período 1986-2005 utilizando dos aproximaciones para medir el salario. Se obtiene una elasticidad de -0,09 entre desempleo y salarios. La elasticidad es mayor para los jóvenes, las mujeres y los menos educados. Los resultados indican que la elasticidad crece ante choques macroeconómicos adversos. Además, al desagregar por ocupación o formalidad e informalidad, los resultados sugieren que un aumento del desempleo produce un aumento de la informalidad y del cuentapropismo que lleva a una caída de los ingresos en estos sectores, que actúan como “amortiguador”.

  10. Frecuencia de las enfermedades de la mucosa bucal en el Uruguay en niños de 0 a 14 años

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    Verónica Keochgerián

    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio clínico-epidemiológico, analítico y transversal en 401 individuos de 0 a 14 años, distribuidos en dos muestras aleatorias, provenientes del Instituto Nacional del Niño y Adolescente del Uruguay (INAU y el Centro de Asistencia del Sindicato Médico del Uruguay (CASMU. El objetivo fue establecer la prevalencia de las enfermedades de la mucosa bucal en 401 pacientes y en cada una de las muestras; determinar la influencia del género, la edad, la localización en la mucosa, la situación socio-económica-cultural, establecer la frecuencia relativa por categorías de enfermedades y comparar los resultados obtenidos con estudios similares de otrosmedios. La prevalencia total fue de 32.9%; en CASMU 36.8% y en INAU 29%. Las variables edad y género no determinaron diferencias significativas. Se consideraron lesiones: traumáticas, de desarrollo, infecciosas, inmunoalérgicas, crecimientos tisulares, por acción del tabaco e idiopáticas. Las lesiones más prevalentes fueron las traumáticas y las de desarrollo


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    Gerardo Gaetano


    Full Text Available En este artículo se propone un análisis a propósito de algunas revisiones de importancia que en tiempos recientes se han verificado sobre las matrices clásicas del modelo de laicidad predominante en la sociedad uruguaya. A título de introducción se exponen ciertas visiones de síntesis y balance a propósito de las pautas más señaladas del modelo clásico de vínculos entre religión y política que consolidó su vigencia en Uruguay de fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Asimismo, se perfilan también algunas pistas de reflexión conceptual para nutrir la reflexión comparativa sobre los contextos más contemporáneos, así como en relación a la renovación teórica que se ha generado en el campo de los estudios sobre el tema. Luego se analizan varios de los fenómenos salientes del período más contemporáneo que refieren un cambio en las relaciones entre política y religión en Uruguay, así como los inicios de una rediscusión del modelo de laicidad imperante en el país.

  12. Integrated coastal management in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Integrated coastal management in Uruguay Carmelo includes the following areas-Nueva Palmira challenges and opportunities for local development in a context of large-scale industrial (Conchillas Uruguay), coastal management and stream Arroyo Solis Solis Chico Grande, Punta Colorada and Punta Negra, Maldonado Province Arroyo Valizas and sustainable tourism.

  13. Política fiscal, asequibilidad y efectos cruzados de precios en la demanda de productos de tabaco: el caso de Uruguay Fiscal policy, affordability and cross effects in the demand for tobacco products: the case of Uruguay

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    Alejandro Ramos Carbajales


    Full Text Available Uruguay es un país que desde 2005 ha realizado una política activa de control del tabaco. Sin embargo, la evolución de la demanda del total de productos de tabaco muestra un descenso insignificante en los últimos cinco años, lo que es contrario a lo esperado. La hipótesis es que el fuerte crecimiento del ingreso de los hogares unido a una elasticidad-ingreso de la demanda de cigarrillos cercana a 1 fue uno de los factores que contrarrestó el aumento real en los precios vía impuestos. El aumento en el ingreso de los hogares fue de 36% en términos reales en el periodo 2005-2009 debido a la fuerte recuperación luego de la crisis del año 2002. Por otro lado, un segundo factor explicativo importante de la demanda de cigarrillos en el Uruguay es la sustituibilidad entre cigarrillos y tabaco de armar. El impuesto y precio del tabaco de armar sigue siendo sustancialmente más bajo que el del cigarrillo, de forma que en los últimos años la cantidad demandada de tabaco de armar ha subido. El trabajo consistió entonces en revisitar un estudio de demanda realizado en 2004 por los autores y volver a estimar una función demanda de los dos productos principales de tabaco en el Uruguay (cigarrillos y tabaco de armar, lo que permite estimar las elasticidades precio, ingreso y cruzadas. A partir de estas estimaciones se realiza un ejercicio de simular alternativas de incrementos de impuestos con lo que se evalúa qué aumentos son necesarios para realmente impactar sobre la demanda en un escenario de crecimiento del ingreso de los hogares moderado de 2.5% anual y alto de 5% anual. Se confirma que se necesitan aumentos de impuestos muy superiores a los verificados en el último quinquenio.Uruguay, a country with a solid tobacco control policy since 2005 shows, contrary to expectations, an insignificant decrease in total tobacco products' sales in the last five years. The hypothesis is that on one side, changes in household income and the income

  14. Uruguay - Corporate Governance Country Assessment


    World Bank


    This report provides an assessment of Uruguay's corporate governance policy framework, enforcement and compliance practices. It highlights recent improvements in corporate governance regulation, makes policy recommendations, and provides investors with a benchmark against which to measure corporate governance in Uruguay. The report identifies several key next steps that focus on implementa...

  15. Decree 316/011. It approve the bases for the oil companies selection process about the hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation in the Republica Oriental del Uruguay offshore Round II including the respective model contract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This decree approve the bases for the oil companies interested in the hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation in the Republica Oriental del Uruguay. The energetic fossil research is regulated by the energetic sector with rules defined by the executive. Ancap evaluate the company proposals in relation of different topics such as drilling and processing, electromagnetism, sea floor sediments samples, oil well evidences and seismic information

  16. Uranium prospecting and geological favour ability in Uruguay; Prospeccion uranifera y favorabilidad geologica en el Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goso, H [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Montevideo (Uruguay)


    Uranium prospecting carried out in Uruguay since 1976 is described. On the basis of literature available and of an analysis of the large structural units pertinent to Uruguay's geology, the prospecting performed in general in the northeast of the country, and in particular in the districts of Cerro Largo and Las Canas, is described. Some information is presented on uranium favour ability in Uruguay related to sedimentary formations: Devonian (Cerrezuelo Formation) and Gondwana (San Gregorio and Tres Islas Formations), and to the Crystalline formations of the centre and Southwest (1700-2000 m.y.) and of the east and southeast (500-700 m.y.)

  17. Plastics and microplastics on recreational beaches in Punta del Este (Uruguay): Unseen critical residents? (United States)

    Lozoya, J P; Teixeira de Mello, F; Carrizo, D; Weinstein, F; Olivera, Y; Cedrés, F; Pereira, M; Fossati, M


    Beaches are social-ecological systems that provide several services improving human well-being. However, as one of the major coastal interfaces they are subject to plastic pollution, one of the most significant global environmental threats at present. For the first time for Uruguayan beaches, this study assessed and quantified the accumulation of plastic and microplastic debris on sandy beaches of the major touristic destination Punta del Este during the austral spring of 2013. Aiming to provide valuable information for decision-making, we performed a detailed analysis of plastic debris, their eventual transport pathways to the coast (from land and sea), and the associated persistent pollutants. The results indicated that the smallest size fractions (<20 mm) were the dominant size range, with fragments and resin pellets as types with the highest number of items. PAHs and PCBs were found in plastic debris, and their levels did not differ from baseline values reported for similar locations. The abundance of plastic debris was significantly and positively correlated with both the presence of possible land-based sources (e.g. storm-water drains, beach bars, beach access, car parking, and roads), and dissipative beach conditions. The analysis of coastal currents suggested some potential deposition areas along Punta del Este, and particularly for resin pellets, although modeling was not conclusive. From a local management point of view, the development and use of indices that allow predicting trends in the accumulation of plastic debris would be critically useful. The time dimension (e.g. seasonal) should also be considered for this threat, being crucial for locations such as Uruguay, where the use of beaches increases significantly during the summer. This first diagnosis aims to generate scientific baseline, necessary for improved management of plastic litter on beaches and their watersheds. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Aplicación del fideicomiso en Uruguay. Protección de derechos de acreedores

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    Gonzalo Garmendia Vázquez


    Full Text Available The banking crisis of 2002 and the problems in the uruguayan capital market since 1998 ascribe importance to the theme of creditor´s rights protection. In adittion, the present context determines the necessity to develop diverse financial instruments to banking credit. It is in this framework that the Fideicomiso Law is approved in October 2003. Thus, the present article analizes the situation of creditor´s rights protection, an important element for an adequate utilization of Fideicomiso in Uruguay. We review the three elements that it includes: the normative precepts, the institutions that dictate and control them, and the efficiency of the Warranty´s System. The conclusion is that there are no particular problems with the precepts or with the efficiency of the Warranty´s System, a situation that is different with the institution that dictates and controls the normativity related to Fideicomiso, that is, the Central Bank of Uruguay.

  19. El impacto del origen del capital en la implementación de prácticas de responsabilidad social empresarial, el caso de Uruguay (Has the origin of capitals a relevant impact on implementing corporate social responsibility? The Uruguayan case

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    Natalia Melgar


    Full Text Available We assess whether being socially responsible is influenced by the origin of capitals and we examine the different views of the firms regarding CSR, in the case of a small open economy, Uruguay. Our dataset comes from the 2007 Corporate Social Responsibility Survey. The contributions of this research are threefold. Firstly, while a great part of the research on this issue is based on special cases, we employ and draw conclusions from a representative survey. Secondly, we deal with an unexplored issue: the incidence of the origin of capitals in motivating social responsible behavior. Finally, we highlighted the need of strengthening the communication channels between the firms and the public. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si el origen del capital de las empresas (extranjeras, nacionales o mixtas tiene un impacto significativo en el hecho de ser socialmente responsable en el caso de una economía pequeña y abierta, Uruguay. La fuente de datos es la encuesta realizada en el año 2007 por el Departamento de Economía (Universidad de la República que constituye la primera encuesta representativa de las empresas instaladas en Uruguay y una de las primeras encuestas en las Américas que nos permite analizar un tema inexplorado. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias relevantes en la implementación de prácticas de responsabilidad social, tanto en la cantidad sino como también en las áreas a las cuales estas prácticas se vinculan. Finalmente, dado que la literatura previa sobre el tema ha brindado evidencia sobre la incidencia de estas prácticas en la decisión de compra del consumidor, se destaca la necesidad de reforzar los canales de comunicación con la opinión pública, tanto para informa sobre lo que las empresas socialmente responsables realizan como para ganar confianza entre los consumidores. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:

  20. El Uruguay progresista: entre la soberanía y el biocontrol

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    Marcelo Rossal


    Full Text Available A partir de un largo proceso de investigación etnográfica con usuarios de drogas en situación de extrema pobreza, presento un recorrido del tratamiento que distintos sectores del Estado uruguayo otorgan a los ciudadanos que se encuentran en sus márgenes: personas en situación de pobreza extrema, encarceladas o con usos problemáticos de drogas. Uruguay, un país entendido como progresista y liberal, con leyes que en los últimos años han regulado el acceso de las personas al cannabis, al matrimonio igualitario y de las mujeres a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, tiene una contracara tutelar y vigilante que exige la obediencia de los sujetos para otorgar el ejercicio de los derechos y los cuidados. Al igual que en otras partes, el Estado uruguayo se debate entre las amenazas a su soberanía y el ejercicio de formas contemporáneas del biocontrol.

  1. Corporate Governance Country Assessment : Uruguay


    World Bank


    This report provides an assessment of Uruguay's corporate governance policy framework, enforcement and compliance practices. It highlights recent improvements in corporate governance regulation, makes policy recommendations, and provides investors with a benchmark against which to measure corporate governance in Uruguay. The report identifies several key next steps that focus on implementation including: Improving corporate information, particularly ownership disclosure, related party transac...

  2. Nuclear raw materials prospection mission 1965 report to the Government of the Republic Oriental del Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cameron, J


    A preliminary reconnaissance survey of Uruguay for nuclear raw materials has been completed. Over 7.700 kilometers have been surveyed by car borne scintillometer and 112 radioactive anomalies have been discovered. Favourable areas with high incidence of anomalies and indications of uranium occurrences have been de-limited in the Minas- Aigua, Valentines-Treinta y Tres, Las Canas, Minas de Corrales and Melo areas. A possibly important indication of uranium at Paso de Las Piedras, Department of Durazno, has also 'been discovered by other means.The area investigated only comprises 0.83 of the total area of Uruguay and the high incidence of anomalies discovered and the other indications of uranium within this area are favourable and encouraging factors for further work,.

  3. Nuclear raw materials prospection mission 1965 report to the Government of the Republic Oriental del Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cameron, J.


    A preliminary reconnaissance survey of Uruguay for nuclear raw materials has been completed. Over 7.700 kilometers have been surveyed by car borne scintillometer and 112 radioactive anomalies have been discovered. Favourable areas with high incidence of anomalies and indications of uranium occurrences have been de-limited in the Minas- Aigua, Valentines-Treinta y Tres, Las Canas, Minas de Corrales and Melo areas. A possibly important indication of uranium at Paso de Las Piedras, Department of Durazno, has also 'been discovered by other means.The area investigated only comprises 0.83 of the total area of Uruguay and the high incidence of anomalies discovered and the other indications of uranium within this area are favourable and encouraging factors for further work,

  4. Anti capitalismo romántico y asistencia: una emancipación ilusoria en el Uruguay progresista = Romantic anti capitalism and assistance: an illusory emancipation in progressive Uruguay

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    Bentura Alonso, José Pablo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se recoge parte de las conclusiones de la tesis doctoral del autor, en la cual se analiza la política asistencial del gobierno frenteamplista en Uruguay intentando, a partir de una construcción típico ideal, establecer qué perspectiva de cuestión social valiza la intervención del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social. El análisis desarrollado permite afirmar que la propuesta de intervención sobre “lo social” de la izquierda en el gobierno expresa una perspectiva que articula contenidos propios del pensamiento conservador y del pensamiento neoliberal. Tal articulación resulta, en principio, extraña a una propuesta de izquierda. Sin embargo, tal ajenidad se vuelve relativa si se reconoce que, el pensamiento conservador, conformado como “anticapitalismo romantico”, no es extraño a la formación del pensamiento de izquierda en Latinoamerica. La comunidad entonces es creada como una esfera desmercantilizada que funciona en paralelo al mercado, no interfiere con sus leyes y donde la práctica moralizante de los sectores neoconservadores opera con autorización del pensamiento neoliberal

  5. Exploration of Uranium. Report to the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay; Prospeccion de uranio. Informe al gobierno de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muset, J A [International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)


    The Government of Uruguay with IAEA assistance carried out the Uranium prospection project and the evolution of uraniferous minerals resources on this country soil. Several arrangement were did such as the recollection and analysis of the geologic material. The Uranium project began with radiometric anomalies and out crops.

  6. Uruguay: cambios políticos recientes y su contexto socioeconómico

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    Gerónimo de Sierra


    Full Text Available El artículo describe y analiza las significativas novedades que introdujo en el sistema de partidos y las relaciones políticas del Uruguay el resultado de las elecciones nacionales, a dos vueltas, de octubre y noviembre de 1999. En particular, el fin del bipartidismo tradicional; la constitución como partido claramente mayoritario a nivel nacional, y de algunos departamentos, del Frente Amlio/ Encuentro Progresista; la cuasi necesidad de gobiernos de coalición; los nuevos dilemas del pluralismo efectivo de partidos; la novedad de que el candidato del partido mayoritario no ocupe la presidencia del país. Al mismo tiempo, presenta resumidamente las transformaciones externas y las crisis socioeconómicas locales, fenómenos que enmarcan dicho proceso; así como su posible incidencia –-junto a los cambios de las reglas electorales— en los resultados electorales y en las perspectivas de gobernabilidad en el país. Finalmente, analiza el funcionamiento del gobierno y sus relaciones con la oposición política en el primer año del nuevo escenario post electoral.

  7. Estructura agraria y trabajo en un contexto de cambios: el caso de Uruguay

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    Joaquín Cardeillac Gulla


    Full Text Available El artículo describe los cambios de la estructura agraria y la estructura social que ocurrieron en Uruguay entre 1980 y 2011. Mediante información censal, se muestra la disminución del número absoluto de asalariados agropecuarios, que se da junto al aumento de su importancia relativa frente a otros tipos sociales vinculados al sector, particularmente en relación a los productores familiares. Por otro lado, se observan modificaciones en las zonas de residencia de estos asalariados, que comienzan a cuestionar esa fuerte restricción a la elección del lugar de residencia, tradicional entre los trabajadores rurales.

  8. Renovación historiográfica en el Uruguay de la dictadura y de la reinstitucionalización democrática (1973-1995

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    Zubillaga, Carlos


    Full Text Available The author provides an overview of the historical research done in Uruguay in the period from the eve of the military coup of June, 1973 to the present a period of the systematic renewal in this area of scholarship. Over these 25 years there have been significant changes in theoretical criteria, research interests, patterns of cooperation among historians, diffusions of their work, and professionalism in the field.

    Se ofrece un panorama de la situación historiográfica en Uruguay desde los prolegómenos del golpe de Estado (junio de 1973 hasta la actualidad, advirtiendo la renovación sistemática operada en este campo del conocimiento. La indagatoria supone develar los cambios registrados en los criterios teóricos, los intereses temáticos, las modalidades de articulación del colectivo de historiadores, la difusibilidad de la producción historiográfica y la profesionalización de la disciplina.

  9. Biological monitoring of the micro watershed - Canada del Dragon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandez, H.; Rossetti, K.; Caceres, T.; Palma, R.; Garcia, P.; De la Rosa, A.; Seoane, I.


    The working group under the Uruguay RCA L-5053 project is about La canada del Dragon (located in Santa Lucia basin - Uruguay) evaluation using benthic macro invertebrates. The main problems of the study area were the riverbanks expansion, the erosion and the pesticides impact on the native fish. The group implemented the water quality evaluation through the study of the invertebrates in the basin.

  10. Efectos educativos de la fecundidad adolescente: evidencia causal a partir de la legalización del aborto en Uruguay


    Alzúa, María Laura; Velázquez Battistessa, Cecilia


    Uruguay registra una fuerte brecha entre las tasas de asistencia escolar de las madres adolescentes y sus pares sin hijos. Este trabajo investiga si esta brecha responde a una relación causal, identificando el impacto de tener un hijo en la adolescencia sobre la asistencia al sistema educativo y la acumulación de capital humano de las jóvenes. Para subsanar el problema de endogeneidad de las decisiones educativas y de fecundidad, se hace uso de la reforma que legalizó el aborto en Uruguay ...

  11. El entorno local como objeto de estudio y de aplicación del saber geoambiental. Una experiencia práctica en Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

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    Gabriela Ethel Benítez Martínez


    Full Text Available Este texto presenta la importancia de los métodos de aprendizaje, tanto para la enseñanza de la geografía, como para la prevención y atención de problemas socioambientales concretos. Para este propósito, se expondrá el análisis de una experiencia pedagógica llevada a cabo con estudiantes de secundaria, en torno al impacto de las acciones humanas avaladas, en forma directa e indirecta, por las autoridades gubernamentales locales y nacionales sobre el sistema de humedales que forman parte de la franja costera de la ciudad de Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. Se espera demostrar cómo la enseñanza de la geografía en la secundaria, desde una postura reflexiva, crítica y activa, favorece el desarrollo de capacidades cognitivas en los educandos que redundan en la formación de individuos responsables, autónomos y con capacidad crítica, capaces de dar soluciones y tomar decisiones con respecto a problemas concretos como el arriba enunciado.

  12. Caracterización, distribución y manejo de los bosques nativos en el norte de Uruguay Characterization, distribution and management of native forests in northern Uruguay

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    Ignacio P. Traversa-Tejero


    Full Text Available Los bosques del norte de Uruguay sufren de procesos de transformación del territorio y degradación, actualmente existe escasa información sobre la estructura y composición florística de las comunidades arbóreas que sirva como base para estudiar su dinámica. Se analizó la distribución, la composición arbórea y el manejo silvícola de los bosques de la región de Rivera, Uruguay. El área de estudio comprende 33 000 ha delimitadas mediante 2 criterios, uno natural (cuenca hidrológica y otro socioeconómico (ciudad de referencia. La información proveniente de inventarios florísticos y encuestas a productores fue ingresada a un sistema de información geográfica. Los bosques se agruparon de acuerdo al gradiente hídrico asociado con curvas de nivel. La superficie de los bosques ocupa el 13.9% del área de estudio (región de Rivera, cifra que triplica la superficie de bosques existente a nivel nacional. Se registraron 60 especies leñosas. Las familias con mayor frecuencia fueron Anacardiaceae (26.5% y Euphorbiaceae (14.7%. Las Anacardiaceae son más frecuentes en los bosques subxerófilos y las Euphorbiaceae en los bosques hidrófilos. Todos los bosques son vulnerables debido a la mayor importancia que se concede a la ganadería, sin que exista un manejo integrado de los bosques que contemple la multifuncionalidad de usos (silvicultura y ganadería. Los bosques cercanos a la ciudad están más degradados debido a la presencia de especies exóticas.The northern region of Uruguay undergoes land transformation processes, and degradation of native forest. The existing information on the structure and floristic composition of the forests in that region, as a basis for studies about dynamics, is scarce. Species distribution, floristic composition (wooden species and forest management, was assessed in the Rivera Region, Uruguay. The study area (33 000 ha was delimited by 2 simultaneous and complementary approaches, the first one natural

  13. Consume and reserves of limestone in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spoturno Pioppo, J.; Roth, W.; Gomez Rifas, C.; Heinzen, W.


    The Geologic Institute of Uruguay (I.GU) with the cooperation of the Cattle and Agriculture Ministere have been investigated the situation about the raw material supplying for the construction. This work intend to show the situation of the cement and lime industry in Uruguay.


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    Marcelo D. Arana


    Full Text Available En este estudio se actualiza la taxonomía y distribución de las Osmundaceae, familia de helechos que habitan bosques y humedales subtropicales de la Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay. Actualmente la familia comprende cuatro géneros, dos de ellos, con una especie cada uno, estan presentes en la región estudiada. Se acepta Osmunda spectabilis como una especie válida, diferente de O. regalis , la que no se encuentra presente en el área de estudio. Se reconoce a nivel de género a Osmundastrum con una única especie O. cinnamomeum var. cinnamomeum . Se incluyen una clave para los géneros, descripciones, la sinonimia relevante para América del Sur, distribuciones e ilustraciones de las especies. Se lectotipifica a Osmunda imbricata, Osmunda palustris y Osmunda spectabilis var. brasiliensis .

  15. Uruguay report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quintanilla, R.


    The best ancients rocks in Uruguay are composed by the crystalline shield. In this shield are recognised two big units. The Rio de la Plata insular shelf and the Atlantic zone insular shelf. The geological post-cambrian environment is determined by the deposit basins and the basaltic plateau.

  16. El modelo actual de desarrollo turístico al oeste del balneario La Paloma, Rocha, Uruguay. Tendencias, riesgos y propuestas

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    Isabel Gadino


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the development model of the Atlantic coast of Uruguay and its capacity to preserve relevant ecosystem services. The chosen study area was Playa Solari – Barra, one of the most important touristic spots of Uruguay (located in Laguna de Rocha, Rocha, Uruguay. This coastal zone has experienced important territorial changes during the last decades, with conflicts arising among traditional urban development for beaches, the recent strategies of rural-coastal tourism and natural and cultural heritage conservation strategies. The results show that the strong process of urban consolidation is negatively affecting the most important economic resources and ecosystem services in the study area, particularly those that directly promote touristic activities. For the last five years, the trend of urban development seems to point out towards an increase of the observed negative effects. Based on that evidence, this paper proposes specific strategies, particularly a new land use model, to revert negative impacts.

  17. IDRC in Uruguay

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    policies to compete in the global econ- omy, stimulate ... economies in Mercosur, a trade agree- ment that ... labour markets. □ South ... Uruguay, brings new approaches to empower women in the ... and neighbourhood associations in the four.

  18. Detección de cepas de Neisseria meningitidis resistentes a rifampicina en el Uruguay Detection of rifampicin-resistant strains of Neisseria meningitidis in Uruguay

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    Gabriel Pérez Giffoni


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar fenotípica y genotípicamente dos aislamientos de Neisseria meningitidis resistentes a rifampicina relacionados con dos eventos independientes de transmisión de enfermedad meningocócica grave que se presentaron en septiembre y octubre de 2010 en Montevideo, Uruguay. Se revisó también la base de datos de la vigilancia nacional de resistencia a los antimicrobianos de los últimos 10 años, para estimar la frecuencia de la particularidad de los meningococos caracterizados. La resistencia a rifampicina se estudió por el método epsilométrico. El serotipo y serosubtipo de los aislamientos se determinaron por ELISA y la caracterización genotípica se realizó por digestión del ADN con NheI y electroforesis en gel con campo pulsátil. Ambos aislamientos eran idénticos, B:2a:P1.5, y su fenotipo no figuraba en la colección de 408 cepas de N. meningitidis aisladas en el Uruguay en los últimos 10 años, con la excepción de dos aislamientos sensibles a rifampicina. Los dos aislamientos estudiados también compartían un pulsotipo único, diferente del de otros dos aislamientos resistentes a rifampicina obtenidos en 2003 y 2007. Por lo tanto, ambos eventos de transmisión fueron causados por una única cepa resistente a rifampicina, que podría haberse introducido al país desde otras regiones o haberse originado por un cambio del serogrupo C al B, como producto de la presión selectiva ejercida por vacunas administradas a la población. Es necesario mantener y extremar la vigilancia. No obstante, en vista de que hasta el momento este tipo de hallazgo ha sido esporádico, no se justifica cambiar el fármaco antimicrobiano que se administra a los contactos para la profilaxis, a menos que se identifique un caso secundario.The objective of this study was to characterize the phenotype and genotype of two isolates of rifampicin-resistant Neisseria meningitidis associated with two independent events

  19. Matrimonios consanguíneos en Uruguay (1800-1994: subestructuración y su relación con marcadores uniparentales

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    Sans, Mónica


    Full Text Available En Uruguay existen escasos estudios sobre consanguinidad, todos éstos referidos a la segunda mitad del siglo XX. El objetivo de esta presentación es analizar las características de los matrimonios consanguíneos en dos regiones del Uruguay (sur y nordeste durante casi dos siglos (1800-1994, y los tipos de matrimonies consanguíneos con relación a la herencia de marcadores uniparentales. Se analizaron 28393 matrimonios registrados en archivos parroquiales de las ciudades de Montevideo y Melo, y las 633 (2,23% dispensas por consanguinidad otorgadas. Se estimó el índice medio de consanguinidad α, la frecuencia de los distintos grados de matrimonios consanguíneos, y la frecuencia de subtipos clasificados según relación y sexo de los ancestros para matrimonios entre primos hermano. El subtipo A (las madres de los contrayentes eran hermanas fue el más frecuente, y especialmente, las uniones paralelas (A+D con relación a las uniones cruzadas (B+C. Se discute cómo éstas preferencias afectan la consanguinidad y la transmisión del ADN mitocondrial , el cromosoma Y, y los genes ligados al cromosoma X.

  20. Tabaquismo durante el embarazo en Argentina y Uruguay Smoking during pregnancy in Argentina and Uruguay

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    Fernando Althabe


    Full Text Available Argentina y Uruguay están entre los países con mayor proporción de mujeres jóvenes fumadoras. Se desconoce cuál es la proporción exacta de ellas que fuman durante el embarazo así como las características de las que dejan de fumar y las que continúan fumando durante el embarazo. Realizamos una encuesta administrada por un/a entrevistador/a a 1512 mujeres embarazadas de 18 años o mayores (796 en Argentina; 716 en Uruguay, que concurrían a control prenatal en hospitales públicos de grandes conglomerados urbanos. 44% de las mujeres en Argentina y 53% en Uruguay habían sido o eran fumadoras. Durante el embarazo, 11% de las mujeres en Argentina y 18% en Uruguay continuaron fumando. En ambos países, la proporción de mujeres que vive con fumadores, permite fumar en el hogar y regularmente o siempre se encuentra en lugares cerrados con personas que estén fumando fue 49%, 46% y 20% entre las mujeres que nunca fumaron, 67%, 60% y 32% entre las que dejaron, y 78%, 75% y 52% entre las que continuaron fumando respectivamente. El estudio confirma un importante problema de salud pública y documenta que la exposición ambiental persiste en subgrupos de mujeres, aun en aquéllas que dejaron de fumar. Es importante que el sector de salud pública provea acceso a programas efectivos para dejar de fumar durante el embarazo. Cualquier nueva intervención a desarrollar que intente tener un éxito al menos moderado y sostenible, debiera incluir componentes que actúen sobre el entorno fumador de la mujer embarazada que fuma.Argentina and Uruguay are among the countries in which a large proportion of young women smoke. The rate of smokers during pregnancy in both countries is not well known, and data on the characteristics of women who quit smoking during pregnancy compared to those who continue smoking are not available. We conducted a survey including 1512 pregnant women >18 years old (796 in Argentina; 716 in Uruguay, during antenatal visits in

  1. Prospección química y microbiológica del bosque de galería del Río Uruguay Prospecção química e microbiológica do bosque de galeria do Rio Uruguai Chemical and microbiological prospecting woodland along the Uruguay River

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    Stephanie Barneche


    Full Text Available La bioprospección es la búsqueda de información a partir de especies biológicas para su uso posterior en procesos de producción en diversos sectores. Ejemplos de esa información es la contenida en el material genético de todos los seres vivos, en los compuestos químicos que producen, en sus interacciones o en el conocimiento de las personas que de una manera u otra han estudiado a esos seres vivos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la prospección botánica, química y microbiológica del bosque de galería del río Uruguay en la zona del rio Queguay, ecosistema con gran biodiversidad (comprende unas 200 especies y de características poco comunes en el país dado su carácter subtropical. Se estudiaron 75 extractos provenientes de 31 especies pertenecientes a quince familias cubriendo de esa forma una gran biodiversidad.A bioprospecção é a bisca de informações a partir de espécies biológicas para seu uso posterior em processos de produção em diversos setores. Exemplos dessa informação está contida no material genético de todos os seres vivos, nas substâncias químicas que produzem, nas suas interações ou n o conhecimento das pessoas que, de uma maneira ou de outra, estudam os seres vivos. Neste trabalho é apresentado os resultados da prospecção botânica, química e microbiológica do bosque de galeria do Rio Uruguai na zona do Rio Queguay, ecosistema com grande biodiversidade, com cerca de duzentas espécies, e de características pouco comum no país dado seu caráter subtropical. Foram estudados 75 extratos provenientes de 31 espécies pertencentes a quinze famílias, cobrindo, assim, uma grande biodiversidade.Bioprospecting is the search for information from biological species for later use in production processes in various sectors. Examples of this information is contained in the genetic material of all living beings in the chemicals they produce, in their interactions or the knowledge of people who

  2. Uranium prospecting and geological favour ability in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, H.


    Uranium prospecting carried out in Uruguay since 1976 is described. On the basis of literature available and of an analysis of the large structural units pertinent to Uruguay's geology, the prospecting performed in general in the northeast of the country, and in particular in the districts of Cerro Largo and Las Canas, is described. Some information is presented on uranium favour ability in Uruguay related to sedimentary formations: Devonian (Cerrezuelo Formation) and Gondwana (San Gregorio and Tres Islas Formations), and to the Crystalline formations of the centre and Southwest (1700-2000 m.y.) and of the east and southeast (500-700 m.y.)

  3. Uruguay mining Inventory: Geochemical prospecting results of Valentines mapping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spangenberg, J.; Filippini, J.


    This work is about geochemical prospecting carried out into the Uruguay mining inventory framework. In this case the survey was in Valentines mapping. Florida, Durazno and Treinta y Tres provinces of Uruguay .

  4. Procesos de privatización del agua en América Latina: análisis y seguimiento de la interacción estratégica entre movimientos sociales versus multinacionales en Bolivia, Uruguay y México. Período 2000 – 2006


    Reyes Becerra, Lina María


    El presente escrito, constituye una aproximación a los procesos de privatización del agua en América Latina. Lo anterior, en el marco de la acción colectiva, específicamente de los movimientos sociales y su interacción estratégica con oponentes como las compañías multinacionales, las organizaciones financieras internacionales y el Estado. Tomando como referencia las luchas ocurridas en Bolivia, Uruguay y México, con especial énfasis en La Guerra del Agua en Cochabamba (Bolivia).

  5. Long run economic growth and tourism: Inferring from Uruguay


    Brida, Juan Gabriel; Lionetti, Stefania; Risso, Wiston Adrian


    Argentina is the principal source of tourism in Uruguay. This paper analyzes the effects in the long run of tourism from Argentina on the economic growth of Uruguay. Using quarterly data from 1987.I to 2006.IV, the study uses co-integration analysis and shows the existence of one cointegrated vector among Uruguayan real per capita GDP, Argentinean tourism expenditure, and real exchange rate between Uruguay and Argentina, and tests that the causality relationship positively goes in one way fro...

  6. Lavalleja group (Uruguay) a neoproterozoic metavolcanic-sedimentary sequence: ore deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez Bettucci, L.; Preciozzi, F.; Ramos, V.


    The Lavalleja meta volcano-sedimentary Group, exposed along the Dom Feliciano Belt, is located in the southeast of Uruguay and formed by meta gabbros, basic and acid meta volcanic rocks. It was developed during late Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic Brasiliano orogeny. Based on the geochemical signature, Sánchez-Bettucci et al. (2001) suggested a back-arc basin tectonic setting. The metamorphic grade increases to the southeast, ranging from very low grade to lower green schist facies in the Minas formation, to lower amphibolite facies in the Fuente del Puma and Zanja del Tigre Formations (Sánchez-Bettucci et al., 2001). The metamorphic mineral assemblages correspond to a low-pressure regional metamorphism associated with a high thermal gradient (Sánchez-Bettucci et al., 2001).A compressive deformational event, that probably corresponds to the basin closure of the Lavalleja Group during a continental collision was recognized. The petrology, geochemistry, metamorphism grade, and tectonic setting are consistent with a back-arc basin as suggested by Sánchez-Bettucci et al. (2001)

  7. Precarización laboral y revitalización sindical en Uruguay: los trabajadores de comercio y servicios

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    Nicolás Eduardo Marrero


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda las transformaciones del mundo del trabajo y el sindicalismo en Uruguay, para ello se estudia el caso de la Federación de Empleados de Comercio y Servicios (Fuecys. El texto centra su atención en la percepción del actor sindical sobre los cambios vinculados a las formas de organización del trabajo. Se analizan las propuestas programáticas y las acciones sindicales vinculadas al mundo del trabajo. Con esto, se constata que los cambios del mundo del trabajo y la intervención del Estado en la relación capital-trabajo configuran escenarios que limitan y posibilitan la acción del sujeto sindical. La acción de la Fuecys se desarrolla en medio de dos tensiones: por una parte, se lleva a cabo en un mundo del trabajo cuya característica sobresaliente para el sector de comercio y servicios es la emergencia estructural de la precariedad laboral y su origen se ubica en los cambios de la organización del trabajo, que operan como una fuente de debilitamiento de la organización sindical. Por otra parte, a partir de las transformaciones político-institucionales que resultan del cambio de gobierno en Uruguay desde el 2005, se configura un nuevo marco de relaciones laborales que reinstala los Consejos de Salarios como un mecanismo fundamental para la regulación del conflicto entre capital y trabajo y deja al Estado la tarea de mediador en esta relación. El aprovechamiento continuo de las libertades sindicales y de los mecanismos de negociación colectiva por parte de la Fuecys ha significado un aumento del número de sus integrantes así como mayor capacidad de movilización y organización colectivas. La estrategia metodológica se basa en el estudio de caso y las técnicas de recolección y análisis de información corresponden a entrevistas en profundidad, revelamiento de documentos y de material de propaganda de los sindicatos, observación directa y análisis de datos secundarios. El estudio se enfoca en

  8. Perennial grasses traits as functional markers of grazing intensity in basaltic grasslands of Uruguay Rasgos de gramíneas perennes como marcadores funcionales de la intensidad de pastoreo en pastizales de basalto en Uruguay

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    Martin Jaurena


    Full Text Available Natural grasslands in the basaltic region of Uruguay are threatened by an increase in stocking rates and changes in land use. To assess the effect of grazing intensification, plant functional types are proposed as simple tools to aid the monitoring and management of vegetation. In the present study we evaluated the effect of stocking rate increase at community level taking into account plant traits of 23 dominant perennial grass species. In order to identify plant functional types, we determined the grazing response in an experiment with two wethers stocking rates (0.78 and 1.56 livestock units ha-1 quantifying species cover and traits values. Leaf dry matter content (LDMC and specific leaf area (SLA were the traits that best described the perennial grasses response to the stocking rate increase and therefore are suggested to be used as functional markers. Three functional types were identified. Low stocking rates were related to functional type A (tall, warm season species with low SLA and high LDMC and functional type B (tall, cool-season species, with intermediate levels of leaf traits. On the other hand, high stocking rate encouraged functional type C (prostrate, warm season species, with high SLA and low LDMC. The classification of a highly diverse community into three functional types and the selection of traits as functional markers candidates is an innovative approach to develop simple and general methods to diagnosis the state of basaltic grasslands in Uruguay and to advise on its management.Las praderas naturales de la region bas áltica de Uruguay están amenazadas por el incremento de la carga animal y cambios en el uso del suelo. Para evaluar el efecto del pastoreo se han propuesto los grupos funcionales como una herramienta simple para el monitoreo y manejo de la vegetación. El presente estudio evaluó el efecto del incremento de la carga animal considerando rasgos de 23 especies de gramineas perennes dominantes. Para identificar

  9. Pensadores y pobreza. El rol del conocimiento especializado en las políticas de lucha contra la pobreza en Uruguay

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    María Belén Villegas Plá


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta las dinámicas mediante las cuales el conocimiento especializado interviene en el diseño e implementación de las políticas públicas. Se buscó contribuir al debate sobre los mecanismos por los cuales se cons-truye sentido común en el espacio político, y el papel de la investigación social en este proceso. La presente investigación pretende aportar información a este debate por medio del análisis de dos de los planes fundamentales impulsados por el gobierno del Frente Amplio en Uruguay: Plan de Emergencia Social y Plan de Equidad. Se plantean dos conjuntos de interrogantes res-pecto a la relación entre la investigación social y el diseño de políticas públicas. El primero refiere a cuáles son las instituciones promotoras de conocimiento involucradas en el proceso de di-seño de los planes nacionales en estudio. ¿Cuál es su grado y modalidad de participación? ¿En virtud de qué dichas instituciones intervienen en el policy making process? En segundo lugar, ¿es la influencia de la investigación similar en ambos casos? ¿Suscitan ambos procesos las mismas ventajas y desventajas en lo que se refiere a los factores promotores de la intersección de los policy makers con la investigación social?

  10. Overview of the uranium prospecting in Uruguay[Study of Uranium prospection in Uruguay]; Panorama de la prospeccion de Uranio en el Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rossi, P; Vaz Chaves, N; Pirelli, H


    The report is about Uranium prospection in Uruguay by DINAMIGE experts. They were explained the radioactive properties elements in Uranium and its importance as a fuel oil for electric energy generation.

  11. The land Piedra Alta : A geotectonic unit in the juvenile Paleoproterozoic craton del Rio de la Plata ( Uruguay )

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Sanchez Bettucci, L.; Oyhantcabal, P.; Pecoits, E.; Aubet, N.; Peel, E.; Basei, M.


    Brazilian Shield (Rio Grande do Sul) where Paleoproterozoic os land, located in the region Western, are covered by Paleozoic sediments of the Paraná Basin. The Neoproterozoic domains develop east of the Precambrian shield of Uruguay. The Exceptions to this comparative correlation are represented by the Campanero Unit and Field Suspect Punta del Este, only identified in Uruguayan territory. The Piedra Alta (Río de la Plata Craton, ss.) Is composed of a complex gneissic-migmatítico plant, essentially composed of porphyritic foliated granitoids interspersed with different types of mafic rocks Paleoproterozoicas Migmatites and, at least in the southern portion, where four metamorphic belts of different degree and extent are interleaved (Montevideo, San Jose, Cerros de San Juan and Arroyo Grande). Granites, granodiorites, and bodies mafic, of different composition, age and location environment are intruding the whole ground. The last magmatic activity is represented by a swarm of dykes aged mafic ca. 1750 - 1790 Ma (Bossi and Pitched, 1991, Halls et al., 2001) and meta tuffs acid intercalated in the Belt of Los Cerros de San Juan whose ages by the method U / Pb located in the vicinity of 1753 ± 5 Ma (Preciozzi et al, in prep.). The Piedra Alta Terrane no evidence of being affected by events tectonotérmicos Neoproterozoic and is separated from the Block Valentines by the shear zone Sarandi del Yi (Preciozzi et al., 1979). From geochronological studies U / Pb, Rb / Sr, K / Ar and Sm / Nd recent, carried out on the rocks Intrusive and Piedra Alta Land gneisses, it has been possible to observe a set of events that They affected the Land

  12. Uruguay - Surface Weather Observations (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Surface weather observation forms for 26 stations in Uruguay. Period of record 1896-2005, with two to eight observations per day. Files created through a...

  13. Geo Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book is based on the Geo Uruguay project which consists on the analysis and diagnosis of the environmental impact in the human welfare. The main topics covered in the different chapters are: human welfare, geographical aspects, climate change, transport and energy, changes in land use, coastal features, biodiversity, industrial urbanization, waste and territorial ordering, energy offers like oil, wood, natural gas, coal and electricity

  14. Instalación de sistemas de silvopastoreo con productores ganaderos de Colonia Gestido (Uruguay)


    Aguirre, Sergio; Galván, Guillermo A.


    Ubicada al norte de Uruguay la Colonia Gestido ocupa 3000 hectáreas, distribuidas en 55 predios dedicados a cultivos y frutales diversificadas con ganadería y lechería. Enmarcado en una tesis del Doctorado en Agroecología (Colombia), este trabajo define como problema “el pobre desempeño global de estos sistemas productivos” dado entre otros aspectos por una “inadecuada integración animal-vegetal” y “escasa presencia de árboles y arbustos multipropósito”. Para levantar estas res...

  15. Uruguay 1968: una nueva mirada histórica cuarenta años después

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    Ana María Buriano Castro


    Full Text Available El movimiento contestatario latinoamericano de los 60 se inscribió en el ciclo planetario a partir de una pluralidad de configuraciones y motivos. Desde el muy sangriento 68 mexicano al norte hasta el extremo sur del continente, los movimientos populares ganaron la escena y fueron responsables de los intentos de transformar un mundo que sentían periclitado. ¿El 68 latinoamericano se subió, en un movimiento inercial, a la cresta de una ola cuyo centro estaba fuera del continente o, fue un componente orgánico de la misma? Convencidos tanto del potencial dinamizador de aquellas expresiones, como de su concurrencia con una crisis histórica del sistema predominante, el objetivo de este artículo es estudiar desde el presente el periodo 1968-1971 pasado, en Uruguay pasado, a nivel de relato y análisis de coyuntura, como expresión del carácter proteico de las propuestas manejadas en el marco de las luchas sociales latinoamericanas._________________ABSTRACT:The Latin American anti-establishment and ground-breaking movement of the 60s emerged and fed the global scene on the basis of a variety of configurations and reasons. From the very bloody Mexican 1968 in the north towards the south of the continent, popular movements gained presence and were responsible for the attempts of changing a world they viewed as falling into decline. So, did the year 68 in Latin America climb out of inertia on the crest of a wave whose inner forces were outside the continent or, it was a structural component of it? Convinced both of the energizing potential of those manifestations and their concurrence with a historical crisis of the ruling system, the purpose of this paper is to analyze from the present, the 1968-1971 period in Uruguay, at narration and conjuntural analysis level, as an expression of the dynamic character of the proposals made by then, in the framework of social struggles in Latin America.  

  16. Gas hydrates:estimation of the gas potential, from reflection seismic data in the continental shelf of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Santa Ana, H.; Ucha, N.; Gutierrez, L.; Veroslavsky, G.


    The uruguayan continental shelf shows geophysical indicators of gas hydrates in the Oriental del Plata, Pelotas and Punta del Este basin. The aim of this work is to present the potential presence of gas at the continental shelf in Uruguay and to evaluate the possibility of exploration of unconventional hydrocarbon plays. Analysis of the seismic surface based on regional and stratgigraphic information that proceeded from previous hydrocarbon exploration in the area have been used to estimatge resources of gas hydrates. Gas hydrates accumulation was mapped using characteristic reflectors and amplitude anomalies of seismic lines (BSR). Its quantity was estimated on this basis in about 86 TCF.

  17. Acute Contact Toxicity Test of Oxalic Acid on Honeybees in the Southwestern Zone of Uruguay Prueba de Toxicidad Aguda por Contacto de Ácido Oxálico en Abejas de la Zona Sudoeste de Uruguay

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    Leonidas Carrasco-Letelier


    Full Text Available This work studies the acute contact toxicity of oxalic acid (OA on a honeybee polyhybrid subspecies (Apis mellifera, which is the dominant biotype in southwestern zone of Uruguay (SWZU and the country's most important honey-producing region. We determined the mean lethal dose (LD50, as well as the no observed effect level (NOEL and the lowest observed effect level (LOEL values. We also estimated the total number of honeybees per hive in the test area. The aim was to assess the relationship between the maximum OA dose used in Uruguay (3.1 g OA per hive and the toxicological parameters of honeybees from SWZU. The current dose of 3.1 g OA per hive corresponds to 132.8 OA per honeybee since determined NOEL is 400 OA per honeybee; our results indicate that the current dose could be increased to 9.3 g OA per hive. The results also highlight some differences between the LD50 value in SWZU honeybees (548.95 OA per honeybee and some published LD50 values for other honeybee subspecies.Este trabajo estudió la toxicidad aguda por contacto del ácido oxálico (AO sobre una subespecie poli-híbrida de abejas (Apis mellifera, la cual es el biotipo dominante en la zona sudoeste de Uruguay (SWZU, la región más importante para la producción de miel en este país. Este estudio determinó la dosis letal 50 (DL50, así como el nivel de efecto no observado (NOEL, el nivel de efecto mínimo observado (LOEL, y el número total de individuos por colmena. El propósito fue evaluar la relación entre la dosis máxima de AO usada en Uruguay (3.1 g AO por colmena y los parámetros toxicológicos de las abejas de la SWZU. Los resultados mostraron que es posible elevar la dosis actual de AO por colmena a 9.3 g, ya que la dosis actual de 3.1 g de AO corresponde a 132.8 AO por abeja, y el NOEL determinado es 400 AO por abeja. Los resultados también destacaron algunas diferencias entre la DL50 de las abejas del SWZU (548.95 AO por abeja y algunos valores de DL50 publicados

  18. Geology of Uruguay review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez Rifas, C.


    This work is about the Uruguay geology review.This country has been a devoted to breeding cattle and agriculture.The evolution of geological knowledge begun with Dr. Karl Walther who published 53 papers between 1909 and 1948.

  19. The genus Phanerochaete (Corticiaceae, Basidiomycotina) sensu lato in Uruguay (United States)

    Sebastian Martinez; Karen K. Nakasone


    Eight species of Phanerochaete are reported from Uruguay for the first time, including a new species, P. vesiculosa. Phanerochaete vesiculosa is characterized by thin-walled, clavate to cylindrical vesicles embedded in the subiculum. A key to the known species of Phanerochaete from Uruguay is provided.

  20. Assessment of the quality of immunization data produced by the national individual registration system in Uruguay, 2006 Evaluación de la calidad de los datos de vacunación generados por el sistema nacional de registro individual en Uruguay, 2006

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    Olivier Ronveaux


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The nominal registration system of Uruguay's national immunization program (NIP tracks administered vaccines on a paper form filled out after each vaccination and collated into a national database, thus allowing for individual follow-up. This study performed a comprehensive assessment of the quality of Uruguay's immunization data in November 2006 to evaluate the validity of the information and to confirm the high national immunization coverage reported by the program. METHODS: The research team analyzed the concordance of the operational-level numerators (infant immunization data from 18 public and private vaccination centers in six country departments with department- and national-level data, and compared the national-level (NIP infant denominators with other official sources. A standardized questionnaire was used to evaluate system performance at the operational (vaccination center, department, and national level. Rapid house-to-house monitoring was conducted to generate additional coverage estimates. RESULTS: Numerator accuracy throughout the data flow was 100%, and national-level denominators appeared to be exhaustive. Overall system performance was excellent (proper archiving and recording of form data, sufficient supply of forms, timely flow of information, adequate defaulter tracing practices and computer system security. The main weaknesses were the degree of data analysis and feedback to peripheral levels. House-to-house monitoring showed high overall immunization coverage (97%. CONCLUSION: Uruguay's NIP registration system produces remarkably reliable information, ensuring valid measurement of immunization coverage. In addition, by allowing for monitoring of each child's current vaccination status, it facilitates management of interventions designed to reduce vaccination default and thus helps achieve the country's high level of coverage.OBJETIVOS: El sistema de registro nominal del programa nacional de vacunación (PNV de

  1. United Nations programme for the assistance in Uruguay mining exploration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Uruguay government asked for the United Nations for the development of technical assistance programme in geological considerations of the Valentines iron deposits. This agreement was signed as Mining prospect ion assistance in Uruguay.

  2. Traditional application of slates in Uruguay (United States)

    Morales Demarco, Manuela; Cardenes Van den Eynde, Víctor


    Commercial slates in Uruguay are represented by dolomitic and pelitic slates, which are known in the local market with the generic name of "piedra laja". The dolomitic slates, or more precisely the "slaty dolomitic semipelites" and "slaty dolomitic metacarbonate rocks" (following the nomenclature of the British Geological Survey for metamorphic rocks, Robertson 1999), dominates the production since 1960. The mining started in a quarry called "Libro Gigante", which means "giant book" in Spanish, as the slaty cleavage of these rocks is almost vertical, which resembles a book when looked from far away. These slates integrate the Lavalleja Group, a unit that comprises the schist belt of the Neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano Belt that crops out in south-eastern Uruguay. According to Morales Demarco et al (2013), there are two active slate mining districts in this region: the northern, called "Arroyo Minas Viejas Mining District", from where light grey, light and dark green and green-red slate varieties are mined, and the southern called "Arroyo Mataojo Mining District" and where only dark grey slates are extracted. Few kilometres eastern from these districts, and still in Lavalleja Group, a quarry of slaty dolomitic pelite is found with sporadic production. Far to the east, the slaty muscovitic pelites of Rocha Group are mined from one quarry in "Puntas del Chafalote". The traditional applications of these slates in the country are as façade cladding and floor slabs, both indoor and outdoor. The potential use of the dolomitic slates as roofing slates has been investigated and discarded by Morales Demarco et al (2013), as the slabs resulting from splitting are too thick (0.5 to 2 cm) and thus too heavy for this application. The parameter that controls the fissility of slates is the mass value (Bentz and Martini, 1968; DIN EN 12326-2, 2000) and is very important to determine their potential applications. It takes into account the number of mica layers per mm and the average

  3. Diverging patterns of fertility decline in Uruguay

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    Mathías Nathan


    Full Text Available Background: The total fertility rate (TFR in Uruguay fell from 2.5 to 1.9 children per woman between 1996 and 2011. However, no study to date has examined the decline of the TFR by observing changes in fertility patterns by birth order. Objective: The main aim of this study is to analyze recent changes in fertility level and timing of childbearing by birth order in Uruguay. Methods: We estimate unconditional and conditional age- and birth-order-specific fertility rates for 1996-2011 using data from vital statistics, population census, and national population estimates. Additionally, three period summary measures of birth-order-specific fertility quantum are calculated: TFR, PATFR and TFRp*. Timing changes by birth order are examined with MAB and TMAB, focusing on MAB1 and its standard deviation and comparing their evolutions in Uruguay with those of selected countries. Results: Fertility decline fits a parity-specific stopping model with a moderate increase in the mean ages of first, second, and third births. The distribution of conditional fertility rates for first and second births depicts an asymmetric bimodal shape linked to the increasing heterogeneity of the timing of childbearing. Compared to countries with similar fertility trends, heterogeneity in the age at first birth in Uruguay is remarkably high. Conclusions: Previous studies suggest that heterogeneity in first and second birth timing is related to structural social inequalities, as women from lower social strata have not significantly changed the age at which they bear a first child, whereas women of middle to high social strata have started to postpone it. The new evidence reinforces the idea that postponement transition in Uruguay cannot be studied without considering this consolidation of social status polarization in fertility timing.

  4. Uruguay mining inventory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the framework of the studies by the group DINAMIGE-BRGM it has carried out a programme about the Uranium prospection in Uruguay.The main resources used were: geologic mapping, radiometry, analysis and sampling of soils,alluvial and rocks, geophysical and perforations.The Uranium programme can be estimated on five or six years of duration



    Delgado Coto, Sergio; França Tarragó, Omar


    Se exploró el estado del flujo de material pornográfico infantil online en 10 países latinoamericanos, con especial atención a Uruguay, en el período anual 2011 y primeros ochos meses 2012. A partir del software especializado “Florencio”, se emprendió el rastreo de la descarga de archivos identificados con contenido pornográfico infantil en la plataforma de intercambio de tipo “punto a punto” (p2p) Ares Galaxy (Ares). A su vez, se discriminaron todas las direcciones de Internet (IP) geo-refer...

  6. El Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud en Uruguay y los desafíos para la Atención Primaria The Integrated National Healthcare System in Uruguay and the challenges for Primary Healthcare

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    Ana Sollazzo


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda resultados del análisis panorámico de la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS en Uruguay en Uruguay en 2009, en el marco de un estudio multicéntrico con objetivo de identificar posibilidades para reorientar la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS como estrategia para alcanzar sistemas de salud universales, considerando la segmentación del sistema y la fragmentación en la provisión. La metodología incluyó análisis documental, entrevistas con informantes clave y triangulación de fuentes de información. Los resultados se presentan en base al modelo analítico construido en cinco dimensiones: conducción, financiamiento, recursos, integralidad e intersectorialidad de la APS. A nivel macro se observa la reciente reforma sectorial con creación de un Sistema Nacional Integrado de Salud (SNIS que favorece el desarrollo de la APS desde una concepción integradora. Se han definido acciones que apuntan a superar la segmentación del sistema y la fragmentación de los cuidados. Sin embargo a nivel operativo la segmentación presente antes del SNIS, así como el bajo nivel de coordinación de los cuidados no se han modificado aún. Esto se relaciona con la capacidad de gestión y factores organizacionales. La falta de recursos humanos adecuados para la implementación de la estrategia de APS, se identifica como factor relevante.The article examines the results of the overview of PHC (Primary Healthcare in Uruguay in 2009, within the context of the multicentric study of PHC with a view to identifying possibilities of redefining PHC as a strategy to achieve universal healthcare systems, taking into account the healthcare system's segmentation and fragmentation. The methodology included document analysis, key informant interviews and triangulation of information sources. The results presented are based on the analytical model structured in five dimensions: delivery, financing, resources, and integrated and intersectoral PHC. At the macro

  7. Report on Evaluation of Tender for the Valentine Iron Ore Project in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report prepared by Dastur Engineering International GmbH (DEI)Consulting Engineers, Dusseldorf at the instance of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) seeks to present an evaluation of the feasibility study presented by Republica Oriental del Uruguay, Ministerio de Industria y- Energia (Project Authority) by the Brazilian Consortium (comprising Tenenga, Coferraz, Cimetal and Interbras) along with a project BID including financing possibilities. In accordance with the contract requirements, this Draft Final Report is being submitted. Based on the comments to be received on the findings incorporated in this Draft Final Report from UNIDO and Project Authorities in Uruguay, the Final Report will be prepared and submitted to UNIDO in accordance with the time schedule stipulated in the contract between UNIDO and DEI. The aims of the Project are:a) The development objective is the utilisation of the country's natural resources by exploiting the iron ore deposits of Valentines, for iron and steel production. b)The immediate objective is to evaluate the tenders for the execution of a project to undertake the industrial exploitation of the iron or deposits in close co-operation and co-ordination with the Uruguayan authorities.

  8. Los gonfotéridos (Mammalia, Proboscidea de Uruguay: taxonomía, estratigrafía y cronología

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    Perea, D.


    Full Text Available A large sample composed of relatively fragmentary remains of Gomphotheriidae was found in Uruguay. Belonging to this family there are materials assigned to Camacho Formation (Late Miocene, and to Pleistocene to Early Holocene units (Sopas, Libertad and Dolores formations. The Camacho and Sopas formations contain remains of indeterminate Gomphotheriidae, and the species Stegomastodon platensis is identified for the Libertad and Dolores formations. We think taxonomically suitable to support the opinion that all gomphotherids inhabitants of South American plains pertain to the genus Stegomastodon and to consider that species as the only representative of the genus in South America.En Uruguay se han hallado numerosos aunque relativamente fragmentarios restos de Gomphotheriidae. Pertenecientes a esta familia existen materiales asignados a la Formación Camacho (Mioceno tardío, y a unidades del Pleistoceno y Holoceno temprano (formaciones Sopas, Libertad y Dolores. Las formaciones Camacho y Sopas contienen restos de Gomphotheridae indeterminados, mientras que la especie Stegomastodon platensis está identificada para las formaciones Libertad y Dolores. Entendemos taxonómicamente adecuado el criterio de mantener a los gonfotéridos habitantes de las planicies sudamericanas bajo el género Stegomastodon y considerar dicha especie como única representante del género en Sudamérica.

  9. Investigar en educación sexual. No vayas a decir las cosas que te dijimos (Uruguay, 2009 - 2010)


    Darré, Silvana


    Como parte de las políticas educativas llevadas adelante por el gobierno progresista en Uruguay, se implementa a partir del año 2007 el Programa Nacional de Educación Sexual en los niveles de educación primaria, secundaria, técnica y formación docente de todo el país. A través de un proceso lento de institucionalización parece hacerse efectiva la incorporación de la temática al sistema educativo público en todos los niveles de la educación formal. Como parte del proceso, durante el año 2009 s...

  10. Cretacic tectonics in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez Rifas, C.


    This work is about Cretacic tectonics in Uruguay, this formation is characterized by high level cortex because the basament is cratonized since Middle Devonian. There were formed two main grabens such as Santa Lucia and Mirim-Pelotas which are filled with basalt and sediments.

  11. Turismo enológico en Uruguay: ¿qué quiere el visitante local?

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    Gianfranca María Camussi Calvi


    Full Text Available El turismo enológico en Uruguay comienza a desarrollarse, con una demanda compuesta mayoritariamente por turistas extranjeros y visitantes locales en segundo plano. Con el objetivo de aportar conocimiento sobre el visitante doméstico y sus expectativas y aspiraciones, para el logro de un plan de marketing ajustado, se realizó una encuesta, a residentes de Montevideo de alto nivel socioeconómico. El 86% desea realizar enoturismo; los intereses específicos permiten separar grupos por afinidad. Respecto a las actividades propias del enoturismo, se diferencia un grupo que desea focalizarse en degustar y comprar vino, y otro que prefiere conocer el proceso productivo completo. Todos desean actividades complementarias, y se dicotomizan en - un grupo que prefiere gastronomía, cultura y arte, - mientras el otro, deportes o actividades al aire libre. Se ha identificado la amplitud de servicios para un turismo del vino exitoso que busque la satisfacción del cliente y la fidelización de los visitantes locales.

  12. Susceptibilidad de Biomphalaria tenagophila de las cuencas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay a Schistosoma mansoni Susceptibility of Biomphalaria tenagophila from the Paraná and Uruguay river basins to Schistosoma mansoni

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    C. Edgardo Borda


    Full Text Available Con el fin de estudiar la posibilidad de extensión de la esquistosomiasis a las cuencas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay se expusieron experimentalmente a infección por Schistosoma mansoni 1 711 caracoles criados en laboratorio a partir de ejemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila recolectados en 15 poblaciones de dicha zona geográfica. Se utilizaron tres cepas de S. mansoni: la BH2, adaptada a B. glabrata, y las cepas SJ y SJ2, adaptadas a B. tenagophila. No se produjo infección de ninguno de los 543 caracoles expuestos a la cepa BH2 ni de los 668 expuestos a la SJ. En cambio, de los 500 expuestos a la cepa SJ2, fueron susceptibles a la infestación 4 de 163 caracoles (2% procedentes de Ayolas, una localidad de la cuenca del Paraná, y 8 de 45 (18% de los procedentes de Fuente Salto, en la cuenca del Uruguay. Estos hallazgos son similares a los de otras áreas geográficas en las que se han encontrado poblaciones de B. tenagophila que no se infectan y otras que sí son susceptibles a S. mansoni. Los resultados de este trabajo señalan la posibilidad de expansión de la esquistosomiasis a una amplia región de Sudamérica en la que se halla B. tenagophila.To study the possibility that schistosomiasis might be able to spread into the basins of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers, 1 711 snails were experimentally exposed to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. These snails were laboratory-bred progeny of Biomphalaria tenagophila collected from 15 populations in the geographic area under consideration. Three strains of S. mansoni were used: BH2, adapted to B. glabrata, and SJ and SJ2, adapted to B. tenagophila. None of the 543 snails exposed to the BH2 strain became infected, nor did any of the 668 exposed to SJ. However, of the 500 exposed the SJ2, 4 of 163 snails (2% from Ayolas, a locality in the Paraná basin, were susceptible, as were 8 of 45 (18% from Fuente Salto, in the Uruguay basin. These findings are similar to those of studies done in other

  13. Uruguay minerals fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, H.


    In this report the bases for the development of the necessary works of prospection are exposed on mineral fuels of Uruguay. We have taken the set from: coal, lutitas bituminous, uranium, petroleum and disturbs. In all the cases we have talked about to the present state of the knowledge and to the works that we considered necessary to develop in each case

  14. Ronda Uruguay del GATT: evaluación de los resultados alcanzados en el área institucional

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    Sergio Abreu Bonilla


    Full Text Available Para los países de pequeña dimensión como Uruguay, el fortalecimiento de las normas y disciplinas internacionales constituye la principal garantía contra la aplicación de medidas unilaterales por parte de los países de mayor poder económico (...Contenido: Introducción. Organización Mundial de Comercio. Entendimiento sobre un sistema integrado de solución de diferencias

  15. Soomlased ajendasid Uruguay ja Argentina vahelise tselluloositüli / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Argentiinlased protestivad Uruguay jõe Uruguay-poolsel kaldal ehitavate tselluloositehaste vastu, ehitustööd mõistis hukka ka president Nestor Kirchner. Tehased rajab Soome kontsern Metsä-Botnia. Lisa: Argentinal endal keskkonnale ohtlikud tehased

  16. The geological map of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossi, J.; Ferrando, L.; Fernandez, A.; Elizalde, G.; Morales, H.; Ledesma, J.; Carballo, E.; Medina, E.; Ford, I.; Montana, J.


    The geological map of Uruguay is about the morphological characteristics of the soil such as rocks, sediments and granites belong to different periods. These periods are the proterozoic, paleozoic, permian, mesozoic, jurassic, cretaceous, cenozoic and holocene.

  17. Bovine respiratory syncytial virus: first serological evidence in Uruguay. (United States)

    Costa, M; García, L; Yunus, A S; Rockemann, D D; Samal, S K; Cristina, J


    Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is a major cause of respiratory disease in calves resulting in a substantial economic loss for the cattle industry worldwide. In order to determine the presence of BRSV in Uruguay, an immunoenzymatic test was set up, using a recombinant BRSV nucleocapsid (N) protein as the antigen. The N protein was produced in Sf9 insect cells by a recombinant baculovirus expressing the N protein. Serum samples collected from one hundred cattle from four different geographic regions of Uruguay were analyzed. Antibodies against the N protein of BRSV were detected in 95% of the serum samples analyzed. These results show for the first time the presence of BRSV antibodies and suggest a widespread BRSV infection in the cattle population of Uruguay.

  18. Uruguay mining inventory[Geochemical prospection of Uranium in Uruguay]; Inventario Minero Nacional

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the framework of the studies by the group DINAMIGE-BRGM it has carried out a programme about the Uranium prospection in Uruguay.The main resources used were: geologic mapping, radiometry, analysis and sampling of soils,alluvial and rocks, geophysical and perforations.The Uranium programme can be estimated on five or six years of duration.

  19. Sociedad civil, Derecho y Política en Uruguay: un modelo desde la perspectiva de Habermas

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    Henry Trujillo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone un bosquejo de marco teórico que puede ser productivo para investigar el problema de la democracia y la ciudadanía en América Latina, y en particular algunas características del funcionamiento del sistema jurídico en Uruguay. Para ello, en primer lugar se describe un modelo presentado por Habermas que vincula sociedad civil, esfera de la opinión pública y sistema político administrativo. En especial, se discutirá la noción de sociedad civil, subrayando que su componente asociativo y de tradición liberal es el que resulta congruente con este modelo. A continuación, se exploran datos empíricos para América Latina. Luego se retoma el concepto de “partidocentrismo”, propuesta para describir el hecho de que Uruguay fueron las organizaciones de los partidos políticos los que gestionaron el acceso de las demandas sociales al sistema político administrativo. Esto permite comprender mejor algunos fenómenos relevantes para el Derecho y el sistema jurídico, como ser el carácter flexible de la Constitución uruguaya, el papel central que parece tomar la Constitución con relación a ciertas luchas políticas, y el fenómeno de judicialización o juridificación de ciertas áreas de la vida social y política. 

  20. Más allá de la cría extensiva: un estudio matizado sobre la geografía económica de Uruguay antes de la modernización

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    Carolina Vicario


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza algunas características sociodemográficas y económicas de las sociedades de América Latina precapitalistas del Cono Sur; específicamente, la estructura demográfica y ocupacional del sur de Uruguay entre 1760 y 1860. Se enfatiza en la importancia de la mano de obra familiar en los distintos contextos socioeconómicos de la región, así como en el peso de los sectores productivos en la estructura ocupacional. A partir de esto se visualiza una geografía económica distinta a la que planteaba a Uruguay como un territorio homogéneo: las regiones se distinguen según su trayectoria demográfica y económica y se matiza la imagen de una sociedad segmentada en estancieros y gauchos, característica de la historiografía tradicional de la cuenca del Plata. A partir de padrones de la población de Montevideo y sus alrededores se estudia el tamaño y la composición de los hogares, la población activa y la estructura ocupacional.The aim of this paper is to establish some questions about some economic and demographic characteristics of pre-industrial Latin America societies, specially the demographic and occupational structure of the South of Uruguay between 1760 and 1860 in the Río de la Plata context. We highlight in the first place the importance of the familiar labor force in different socioeconomic contexts of the region; in the second place, the size of the productive sectors in the occupational structure. From this, we can see a different economic geography from those which raised the image of Uruguay as a homogeneous territory: the regions are distinguished by the demographic and economic path and the society segmented in estancieros and gauchos is questioned. From population registers from Montevideo and surroundings we analyze the size and composition of the homes, the active population and the occupational structure.

  1. Gobernabilidad del acuífero transfronterizo Guaraní: Ciencia y Gestión

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    Jorge Néstor Santa Cruz


    Full Text Available Para el estudio del Piloto transfronterizo local de Argentina y Uruguay (Concordia-Salto del finalizado ( en el 2009 Proyecto para la Protección Ambiental y el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní-PSAG, se determinaron especialmente las características hidrogeológicas-hidroquímicas e isotópicas, configuración actual de la piezometría a ambos lados de la frontera política entre Argentina y Uruguay en ese sector, y se realizaron simulaciones de configuración del macrocono y depresiones futuras en base a un modelo matemático.  En agosto del año 2010, Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay, firmaron un Acuerdo de explotación, manejo y sustentabilidad del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní. El mismo, al igual que el Proyecto UN-CDI sobre Derecho de los Acuíferos Transfronterizos de agosto de 2008,  utiliza la terminología: evitar “perjuicio sensible” entre las partes, uso “equitativo y razonable” del agua subterránea, y permitir un “funcionamiento efectivo”, entre otras. Se considera que estos conceptos son insuficientes para representar fehacientemente la especificidad y comportamiento del agua subterránea y preservación en todo el Acuífero; situación distinta a lo que ocurre con el agua superficial. Se propone una complementación al Acuerdo 2010, para el Sector Transfronterizo Concordia-Salto del Acuífero Guaraní permitiendo convenir acciones técnicas conjuntas y concretas en tiempo y forma, apuntando a mejorar el conocimiento, mayor control y prevención, sin perjuicio de acciones de vigilancia general sobre “el todo regional” contempladas en el Plan Estratégico de Acciones del PSAG. Para el caso especìfico del área de este Sector del Acuìfero Transfronterizo Concordia-Salto del Acuífero Guaraní, se podría adoptar una figura geométrica simétrica a ambos lados del río Uruguay, similar a la originalmente considerada del Piloto del SAG, donde las zonas de protección más alejadas del Sector a

  2. The Neoproterozoic Lavalleja group in Uruguay: geology and base metal deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sánchez-Bettucci, L.; Preciozzi, F.; Ramos, V.; Basei, M.


    The Lavalleja Group, which is exposed along the Dom Feliciano Belt is located in the southeast of Uruguay and is represented by metavolcano-sedimentary rocks. It is developed during late Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic Brasiliano orogeny. Based on geochemical signature of the rocks of the Lavalleja Group, mainly metagabbros, basic and acidic metavolcanic rocks, a back-arc basin tectonic setting is suggested by Sánchez-Bettucci et al. (2001). The metamorphic grade increases to the southeast, ranging from lower greenschist facies to lower amphibolite facies in the Fuente del Puma and Zanja del Tigre Formations (Sánchez-Bettucci et al., 2001). The non-metamorphic to anchimetamorphic Minas Formation of Sánchez-Bettucci et al. (2001) is a junior synonim of the Arroyo del Soldado Group, previously defined by Gaucher et al. (1996). The metamorphic mineral assemblages correspond to a low-pressure regional metamorphism associated with a high thermal gradient (Sánchez-Bettucci et al., 2001).A compressive deformational event, that probably corresponds to the basin closure of the Lavalleja Group during a continental collision was recognized. The petrology, geochemistry, metamorphism grade, and tectonic setting are consistent with a back-arc basin for the Lavalleja Group (Sánchez-Bettucci et al., 2001)

  3. The Teaching of Astronomy in Uruguay. (Spanish Title: La Enseñanza de la Astronomía en Uruguay.) O Ensino da Astronomia no Uruguai (United States)

    Pintos Ganón, Reina; Fernández, Julio Angel


    We present in this work the development of astronomy in Uruguay since the colony times up to the present, stressing in particular those aspects related to the formal as well as informal teaching of astronomy. The first antecedents of astronomical studies in our country go back to the beginnings of the XVIIIth century related to the scientific expeditions from Europe coming to our shores. The teaching of astronomy was generalized at the high school level as soon as the end of the XIXth century, while itsintroduction at the university level happened much later, around the middle of the last century. We analyze the current situation of this subject, its problems, and some measures to strengthen its development. Se presenta en este trabajo el desarrollo de la astronomía en el Uruguay desde la época colonial hasta el presente, destacando en particular los aspectos vinculados a su enseñanza tanto formal como informal. Los primeros antecedentes de estudios astronómicos datan de la época colonial relacionados con las expediciones científicas del Viejo Mundo que llegaban a nuestras costas. La enseñanza de la Astronomía se generalizó en el ámbito de los estudios secundarios ya a fines del siglo XIX, mientras que en la Universidad su arribo fue mucho más tardío, a mediados del siglo pasado. Se analiza la situación actual de esta disciplina, sus problemas, y algunas medidas para fortalecer su desarrollo. Apresentamos, neste trabalho, o desenvolvimento da Astronomia no Uruguai desde a época colonial até o presente, destacando em particular os aspectos vinculados ao seu ensino tanto formal quanto informal. Os primeiros antecedentes de estudos astronômicos em nosso país datam da época colonial relacionados com as expedições científicas do Velho Mundo que chegavam às nossas costas. O ensino da Astronomia se generalizou no âmbito dos estudos secundários já no final do século XIX, enquanto que sua introdução na universidade foi muito mais tardia, em

  4. The renewable energies in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is about the energetic politc and its strong commitment with the incorporation of autochthonous sources and renewable energy. The objective and the main lines of action in Uruguay are: provide electric power, wind, biomass, bioethanol, biodiesel, solar and hydroelectric power

  5. La innovación en Uruguay. Problemas, instituciones, perspectivas

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    Judith Sutz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se aborda la innovación en Uruguay desde dos puntos de vista: por una parte, se plantea la innovación como problema; por otra, se analiza el tejido institucional en el cual se desarrollan los procesos innovativos. La necesidad de esfuerzos en el marco del desarrollo científico-tecnológico mundial, la especificidad de un país pequeño, la inadecuación de las formas canónicas de la evaluación académica, el desconocimiento de los actores productivos acerca de la oferta local de soluciones, y la innovación como cuestión de Estado, constituyen el primer abordaje. El segundo presenta un mapa sintético de las diversas instituciones -incluyendo empresas- involucradas en procesos de innovación, señalando sus logros y limitaciones.

  6. “A few kids at least” A Sirian children reaseatlmente experience in Uruguay

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    Pilar Uriarte Bálsamo


    Full Text Available En este artículo abordamos el Programa de Reasentamiento de Personas Sirias Refugiadas (PRPSR en Uruguay, implementado en cooperación con ACNUR en 2014, interrumpiéndose sobre finales del 2015, y que tuvo como principales destinatarios a niños víctimas de la catástrofe humanitaria en Siria. A lo largo del texto problematizamos cómo un sector de la población refugiada —definido en torno a la edad cronológica entendida como correlato de un momento específico y diferenciado del ciclo vital— se transforma en una categoría central en disputa. Focalizamos en la pugna entre los diferentes sentidos que se establecen para las categorías de niños y menores, las formas en que son reelaboradas en cada contexto y cómo están vinculadas a los procesos de asimilación proyectados. Proponemos que, por encima de los derechos humanos, lo que moviliza finalmente las acciones en torno al reasentamiento es un fuerte impulso nacionalista que refuerza una identidad nacional: la uruguaya.

  7. Technologies uses in education: Geology virtual Museum of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabo, F.


    For several years we come seeing the advance from the new technologies of the information in the education. That is a contribution to the geological knowledge of Uruguay. This presentations were done considering the three learning styles (VAK) Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic, that the NLP describes. We considered that this publication modality is a form to present to us inside and outside our country, and what our institution this doing in the didactic area, in subjects as they are geology and the mining through a CD without letting consider the low publication costs. He is usual that many institutions of education of Uruguay do not have possibility of acceding to our Museum for economic reasons for which what we propose it is the accomplishment of a crossed CD with one virtual visit to the Geology of Uruguay

  8. Mining inventory of Uruguay : Uranium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    With the aim of Uruguay Uranium prospecting in this document has been summarized the following items: lithostratigraphy, background, economics aspects, radiation measuring, geochemistry, geophysics in Yerba Sola, Magnolia, Paso Amarillo, La Mercedes, Puntas de Abrojal, Las Chircas, La Divisa, Chuy, Apretado and Frayle Muerto

  9. The Permian mega floras of Uruguay.A synthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crisafulli, A.; Herbst, R.


    The Permian megafloras of Uruguay. A synthesis. An analysis of the impression and fossil wood floras from the Permian of Uruguay is given through a series of Tables. These show : (1) the list of taxa, (2) anatomical characters of the woods, (3) data on the microfloral associations, (4) paleoenvironmental information and (5) comparisons with contemporaneous Gondwana floras. The evolutionary degree of the woods is briefly analyzed where they correspond to the so-called ''transition xilotaphofloras'' as they present typical Paleozoic anatomical characters but with secondary xylem of more advanced characteristics. (author)

  10. The importance of XRD analysis in provenance and palaeoenvironmental studies of the Piedras de Afilar Formation, Neoproterozoic of Uruguay (United States)

    Pamoukaghlian, K.; Poiré, D. G.; Gaucher, C.; Uriz, N.; Cingolani, C.; Frigeiro, P.


    ímite norte del Terreno Piedra Alta (Uruguay). Importancia de la faja milonítica sinestral de Colonia. Actas XVI Congreso Argentino de Geología, de La Plata. Gaucher, C., Poiré, D.G., Finney, S.C., Valencia, V.a., Blanco, G., Pamoukaghlian, K., Gómez Peral, L. (2008). Detrital zircón ages of Neoproterozoic sedimentary successions in Uruguay and Argentina: Insights into the geological evolution of the Rio de la Plata Craton. Precambrian Research. Hartmann, L.A., Campal, N., Santos, J.O., Mc. Neughton, N.J., Schipilov, A., Lafon, J.M. (2001). Archean crust in the Rio de la Plata Craton, Uruguay - SHRIMP U-Pb zircon reconnaissance geochronology. Journal of South American Earth Science, 14, 557-570. Pamoukaghlian, K., Gaucher, C., Bossi, J., Sial, N., Poire, D.G. (2006). First C and O isotopic data for the Piedras de Afilar Formation, Tandilia Terrane, Uruguay: their bearing on correlation and age. Fifth South American Symposium on Isotope Geology, Punta del Este.

  11. 17.879 law approve it integral agreement about Energetic Cooperation between Republic Oriental del Uruguay Government and Republic Bolivariana de Venezuela

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 17.879 law describe the Uruguay -Venezuela Agreement with the followings items about :main aims and cooperation areas, information uses, budget, competent authorities, mixed commission, labour relationship, controversy solutions, sovereignty, duties, signal with others, duration and force entrance

  12. Molecular diversity of bovine viral diarrhea virus in uruguay. (United States)

    Maya, L; Puentes, R; Reolón, E; Acuña, P; Riet, F; Rivero, R; Cristina, J; Colina, R


    Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) affects bovine production and reproduction causing significant economic losses all over the world. Two viral species has been recognized: BVDV-1 and BVDV-2, both distributed worldwide. Recently, novel specie of BVDV named HoBi-like pestivirus was discovered. The presence of BVDV was confirmed in 1996 in Uruguay, however, does not exist until today a schedule of compulsory vaccination along the country. Serological studies with samples from all Uruguayan herds were performed during 2000 and 2001 demonstrating that all of them were seropositive to BVDV with a mean prevalence of 69%. In addition, there have been no new studies done since those previously described and it is important to mention that the genetic diversity of BVD has never been described in Uruguay. Nowadays, there is strongly suspect that BVDV is one of the most important causes of reproductive failures in our herds. The aim of this study was to describe for the first time in Uruguay the genetic diversity of BVDV with samples collected from different regions along the country. Serological status of 390 non-vaccinated animals against BVDV with reproductive problems from farms of Rivera, Tacuarembó and Florida departments of Uruguay were studied. All herds were seropositive to BVDV and high proportion of animals were positive (298/390), while 4.1% (16/390) of the animals were positive to Antigen Capture ELISA test and Real Time PCR. Phylogenetic analysis performed with concatenated sequences from the 5'UTR and Npro genomic regions revealed that BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 are infecting our herds, being BVDV-1 the most frequently found. The major subtype was BVDV-1a, followed by BVDV-1i and BVDV-2b. This is the first study that describes the genetic diversity of BVDV in Uruguay and it will contribute to the elaboration of sanitization programs.

  13. Freshwater gastropods diversity hotspots: three new species from the Uruguay River (South America

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    Diego E. Gutiérrez Gregoric


    Full Text Available Background: The Atlantic Forest is globally one of the priority ecoregions for biodiversity conservation. In Argentina, it is represented by the Paranense Forest, which covers a vast area of Misiones Province between the Paraná and Uruguay rivers. The Uruguay River is a global hotspot of freshwater gastropod diversity, here mainly represented by Tateidae (genus Potamolithus and to a lesser extent Chilinidae. The family Chilinidae (Gastropoda, Hygrophila includes 21 species currently recorded in Argentina, and three species in the Uruguay River. The species of Chilinidae occur in quite different types of habitats, but generally in clean oxygenated water recording variable temperature ranges. Highly oxygenated freshwater environments (waterfalls and rapids are the most vulnerable continental environments. We provide here novel information on three new species of Chilinidae from environments containing waterfalls and rapids in the Uruguay River malacological province of Argentina. Materials and Methods: The specimens were collected in 2010. We analyzed shell, radula, and nervous and reproductive systems, and determined the molecular genetics. The genetic distance was calculated for two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I–COI- and cytochrome b -Cyt b- for these three new species and the species recorded from the Misionerean, Uruguay River and Lower Paraná-Río de la Plata malacological provinces. In addition, the COI data were analyzed phylogenetically by the neighbor-joining and Bayesian inference techniques. Results: The species described here are different in terms of shell, radula and nervous and reproductive systems, mostly based on the sculpture of the penis sheath. Phylogenetic analyses grouped the three new species with those present in the Lower Paraná-Río de la Plata and Uruguay River malacological provinces. Discussion: Phylogenetic analyses confirm the separation between the Uruguay River and the Misionerean

  14. Resolution 188/013. It authorize the direct contracting of the Geophysical AS petroleum firm by Ancap, for the realization of a multi-client contract for the execution, marketing and revenue participation in a program for the acquisition and processing of three-dimensional seismic data ''Costa Afuera del Uruguay'' no exclusive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Resolution authorizes the direct contracting of the Geophysical AS petroleum firm by Ancap. This contract has the purpose of the execution, marketing and revenue participation in a program for the acquisition and processing of three dimensional seismic data 'Costa afuera del Uruguay' no exclusive. ANCAP is the only organization that authorizes the execution of the activities, businesses and operations of the oil industry according to regulations.

  15. La violencia patriarcal nuestra de todos los días: el acoso sexual callejero en Uruguay.


    Fonseca Estévez, Agustina


    Trabajo de Conclusión de Curso presentado al Instituto Latino-Americano de Economía, Sociedad y Política de la Universidad Federal de Integración Latino-Americana (UNILA), como requisito parcial a la obtención del título de Licenciada en Ciencia Política y Sociología – Estado, Sociedad y Política en América Latina El presente trabajo de investigación estudia el acoso sexual callejero como una expresión de violencia, específicamente de violencia de género en Montevideo, Uruguay. El trabajo ...

  16. Iron and manganese deposits in Uruguay; Los yacimientos de hierro y manganeso en el Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alvarado, B


    This report is the results of the study carried out for the United Nations expert which the main object was: the study of the information available about iron and manganese formation in Uruguay, as well as the main researching deposit to determinate economical possibilities in the exportation.

  17. Immunological assessment of exposure to Echinococcus granulosus in a rural dog population in Uruguay. (United States)

    Gasser, R B; Parada, L; Acuna, A; Burges, C; Laurenson, M K; Gulland, F M; Reichel, M P; Paolillo, E


    An ELISA was used to screen a dog population in Uruguay (Sarandi Del Yi, Durazno District) for the prevalence of specific serum antibodies (IgG, IgA and IgE) to Echinococcus granulosus. The sensitivity (61%) and specificity (97%) of the ELISA were determined using well-defined serum groups. A total of 408 dogs from Sarandi del Yi and environs were screened serologically, and 29.7% (8.6-13.8% for each antibody class) of dogs had positive levels of antibody to E. granulosus. This antibody prevalence (exposure) was significantly higher than the percentage of dogs found to be positive for E. granulosus worms by arecoline purgation (7.6%). This level of exposure to E. granulosus determined by ELISA is considered unacceptable from a public health perspective. Measures will now focus on obtaining data on the true prevalence of current infection in this dog population and on determining the transmission patterns of the disease in this endemic region.

  18. La reforma del proceso laboral en Uruguay. El regreso al proceso laboral autónomo

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    Hugo Fernández


    Full Text Available The reform of the labor process in Uruguay. The return to the autonomous labor processThe reform of the Uruguayan labor process and the return to an autonomous legal regime represent a radical and fundamental change in the national legislation. The simplicity of new procedural structures governed by principles and owns norms of labor discipline give the new regime a dogmatic autonomous space lost for many years. The procedural labor reform is built on the adjectival character of its nature prioritizing the substantive law and adjusting the procedural rule to its characteristics. The principles of Labor Law (substantive and procedural are the foundation of the new regime

  19. Psicólogos en Uruguay; una aproximación

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    Luis Emilio Gimenez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una aproximación exploratoria a la situación de los psicólogos en el Uruguay. Realiza una estimación cuantitativa de alguna de sus características y problemas, a partir de fuentes de datos distintas y en especial el Censo Nacional en Psicología del año 2014 y las Bases de Recursos Humanos del Ministerio de Salud Pública. Se fundamenta la necesidad de mayores y mejores estudios, teniendo en cuenta la inserción profesional de los psicólogos en el contexto del cambio de modelo de atención, impulsado por la reforma de la salud. Observa el incremento de los inscritos y graduados de estudios de grado, en términos absolutos y relativos respecto a las otras carreras universitarias. La existencia de un alto número de psicólogos ubica al país posiblemente en el primer lugar, en relación a su población, con un porcentaje mayoritariamente femenino, alta presencia de egresados recientes, y residencia concentrada en zona metropolitana. Aún con mejoras en los últimos años, los datos muestran aún una débil inserción en el sistema de salud, lo que es consistente con la percepción de una respuesta insuficiente a las necesidades de atención psicológica. Se requieren por tanto, avanzar en las investigaciones que generen insumos para el diseño de políticas de recursos humanos en salud.

  20. El Sistema de Acreditación de Carreras de Grado del MERCOSUR (ARCU-SUR en la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la República - Uruguay

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    Ernesto Domínguez Misa

    Full Text Available Resumen: La participación en el ARCU-SUR, plantea en las carreras el debate sobre la calidad y su aseguramiento, así como la respuesta institucional a la misma. Irrumpen en la agenda temas derivados como el reconocimiento de títulos, la nueva institucionalidad, la relación público - privado y universidad - estado. Este artículo realizará una revisión sobre los fundamentos, resultados e impactos producidos en la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay, por el Mecanismo Experimental de Acreditación de Carreras de Grado del MERCOSUR (MEXA y el Sistema de Acreditación ARCU-SUR, centrándose en los efectos derivados, pero explora retrospectivamente la evolución institucional en las políticas de evaluación .

  1. Las transformaciones de la actividad agrícola en Uruguay: “el entorno institucional” y sus consecuentes implicancias sobre el funcionamiento del mercado. Una mirada desde la nueva economía institucional

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    Myriam Felperín


    Full Text Available Los procesos de globalización e internacionalización de la economía han operado profundos cambios en los mercados en general y en el sector agroindustrial en particular; han impuesto nuevas normas de producción y comercialización que incluyen en su cadena de valor a una multiplicidad de sujetos (productores, proveedores, distribuidores que intervienen y se interrelacionan a lo largo del proceso. En este sentido, ha quedado superada la visión fragmentada y horizontal de la producción agraria que la concebía como una actividad sencilla que nacía y finalizaba en el establecimiento rural, instaurando una clara división entre la agricultura, el almacenamiento, la industria y la comercialización. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde una perspectiva teórica, el rol de las instituciones en el marco de las transformaciones de la actividad agrícola de Uruguay, sus consecuentes implicancias sobre el funcionamiento del mercado y los costos de transacción que emergen de ello.

  2. Explicative memory of the geologic map of Uruguay. Esc. 1.500.000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi Porta, F.; Spoturno, J.; Rossi, P.; Heinzen, W.


    The Geological Map of Uruguay Esc. 1.500.000 is part of the Geological Map Programme developed by the Institute Geologic during the years 1977 - 1980. Its memory describe the geography, the lit ho stratigraphy and the crystalline area in the soil of Uruguay.

  3. Los métodos de fijación del salario en el Uruguay y los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo

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    Álvaro Rodríguez Azcúe


    Full Text Available El salario y la jornada de trabajo han sido en nuestro país, seguramente, los dos temas que forjaron el nacimiento del Derecho del trabajo1. Dentro del primero, el método de fijación del salario predominante, generalmente, refleja algo mucho más amplio que la política salarial de un gobierno. En realidad pone de manifiesto un eje central de la política laboral, o, más aún, una determinada forma de abordar la cuestión social.Por ese motivo nos proponemos analizar el tema a partir de su evolución histórica y de algunos de los particularismos que, en la concepción de Barbagelata, posee el Derecho del trabajo: la subyacencia del conflicto en las relaciones laborales y la significación del tiempo social.En esa perspectiva se confirma, según enseña Ermida Uriarte, el indudable papel protagónico que han desempeñado los Consejos de Salarios en el Derecho del trabajo y el sistema laboral uruguayo.Presentación. Referencia a los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo. Los métodos teóricos de fijación del salario. Evolución histórica de los métodos a la luz de los particularismos. Algunas reflexiones finales

  4. Experiencia exploratoria con Maestros de Apoyo del Plan Ceibal (Uruguay como insumo para la creación de un Modelo de Alfabetización en Información

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    Lucía Baica Preyones


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en la experiencia exploratoria de prácticas de búsqueda, selección y evaluación de fuentes de información con Maestros de Apoyo del Plan Ceibal (MAC (Uruguay. La experiencia se realizó dentro del marco del Proyecto “Alfabetización en información y competencias lectoras” que se lleva adelante en el Programa de Desarrollo Académico de la Información y la Comunicación (PRODIC de la Facultad de Información y Comunicación (FIC de la Universidad de la República (UdelaR. Se trabajó con 20 maestros de escuelas públicas de la zona oeste de la ciudad de Montevideo en modalidad de taller, observando el proceso de búsqueda, selección y evaluación de la información realizado por los mismos a partir de una consigna que tomaba como base de la búsqueda temas de actualidad. El objetivo de la experiencia fue sensibilizar a los maestros sobre la importancia de la alfabetización en información y conocer primariamente sus comportamientos en cuanto al vínculo con la información. Los resultados de la experiencia fueron volcados a la construcción de un Modelo de alfabetización en información para el Plan Ceibal. The article presents the results obtained in an exploratory experiment of research, selection and evaluation of information sources. These practices were made with the Plan Ceibal (MAC support teachers (Uruguay. The experiment was carried out within the framework of the “information and reading literacy” program, which is carried out in the Academic Development Program on Information and Communication (PRODIC of the Information and Comunicación Faculty (FIC of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR. The research worked with 20 teachers who came from state schools in the western district of Montevideo and who developed the project in a workshop mode, observing the research, selection and evaluation of the information. These processes were made by the teachers themselves by

  5. Reflexiones sobre la práctica turística: abordaje territorial para definir lugares sustentables. Iniciativas en Minas, Lavalleja (Uruguay

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    Fabricio Gliemmo


    Full Text Available Se reflexiona sobre acciones e iniciativas desarrolladas en tres lugares turísticos del departamento de Lavalleja, Rou del Uruguay, en el marco del Observatorio de Inteligencia y Desarrollo Territorial como estrategia más amplia de desarrollo turístico sustentable y herramienta útil de conservación de biodiversidad, del patrimonio y mejora de calidad de vida. Se indaga la relación entre los lugares, el desarrollo turístico sustentable y la inteligencia territorial, entendida como un campo multidisciplinar que tiene por objeto el desarrollo sustentable de los territorios, y por sujeto, a las comunidades territoriales. Se analizan fuentes primaras, secundarias y, desde una metodología cualitativa (entrevistas, en qué medida están presentes en las acciones e iniciativas de los diferentes actores del territorio: a la valorización de aspectos patrimoniales naturales y culturales en lugares seleccionados, b el alcance de dimensiones de sustentabilidad, c en qué grado se manifiestan lecturas en clave de inteligencia territorial.

  6. De la letra de la constitución a la realidad de las prácticas: formas de construcción del estado y la ciudadanía en tres estados rioplatenses durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX

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    Buchbinder, Pablo


    Full Text Available This article examines the ambivalent relation between Constitutional Texts and Political Practices in three South American States during the XIX Century. The Study focuses on the Building of Citizenship, the changes of the system of local government, the military power and the Electoral System in Corrientes, Paraguay and Uruguay.

    El artículo examina la ambigua relación entre textos constitucionales y prácticas políticas en tres estados sudamericanos durante la primera mitad del siglo XIX. El estudio se centra especialmente en cuestiones tales como la construcción de la ciudadanía, el poder miliciano, los cambios en la organización municipal y la cuestión del sufragio en Corrientes, Paraguay y Uruguay.

  7. Actitudes lingüísticas en Uruguay. Tensiones entre la variedad y la identidad

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    Elizabeth García de los Santos


    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo analiza las actitudes lingüísticas de los hablantes nativos de español de la ciudad de Montevideo hacia al español de Uruguay y el de los otros países hispanohablantes. El artículo es parte de los resultados del Proyecto LIAS (Linguistic Identity and Attitudes in Spanish-speaking Latin America, financiado por El Consejo Noruego de Investigaciones (RCN. La recolección de los datos se realizó en la capital del país, entrevistando a una muestra de 400 informantes previamente estratificada con las variables de edad, sexo y nivel socioeconómico. Los resultados presentan el grado de identificación de los hablantes frente a su variedad del español (creencias, lealtad hacia la norma propia y las actitudes de los hablantes respecto a las variedades entendidas como de mayor o menor prestigio; se encuentran ciertas regularidades en las causas que determinan estas actitudes. El estudio analizar el grado de tolerancia a las diferencias lingüísticas de acuerdo a distintos géneros discursivos (noticias de radio y televisión, información telefónica, publicidades y los resultados muestran que el contexto y el medio de comunicación son importantes para la manera en la que el hablante reacciona al uso del lenguaje. Abstract This article analyzes the linguistic attitudes of native Spanish-speakers from Montevideo towards Spanish spoken in Uruguay and in the other Spanish-speaking countries. It is a result of the LIAS-Project (Linguistic Identity and Attitudes in Spanish-speaking Latin America, funded by The Research Council of Norway (RCN. The data were gathered in the capital of the country, interviewing a stratified sample of 400 respondents, based on the variables of age, sex and socioeconomic status. The results describe the degree of identification of the speakers with their own variety of Spanish (beliefs, loyalty to the norm and their attitudes toward linguistic varieties of high or low prestige, and the findings

  8. Debt, Labor and Coercion. The Experiences of Canary Colonization in the Estado Oriental del Uruguay (1830-1843

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    Florencia Thul Charbonnier


    Full Text Available This article analyzes the experiences of colonization from the Canary Islands driven by private entrepreneurs and backed by the Uruguayan State during the 1830s. This was a special type of immigration, close to indenture servitude, where individuals moving across the continents signed a contract that forced them to keep working in Uruguay until the debt they had incurred (the cost of their maritime passage was repaid. The Uruguayan State, through the police, was both the guarantor and enforcer of these contracts.

  9. Susceptibilidad de Biomphalaria tenagophila de las cuencas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay a Schistosoma mansoni

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    C. Edgardo Borda


    Full Text Available Con el fin de estudiar la posibilidad de extensión de la esquistosomiasis a las cuencas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay se expusieron experimentalmente a infección por Schistosoma mansoni 1 711 caracoles criados en laboratorio a partir de ejemplares de Biomphalaria tenagophila recolectados en 15 poblaciones de dicha zona geográfica. Se utilizaron tres cepas de S. mansoni: la BH2, adaptada a B. glabrata, y las cepas SJ y SJ2, adaptadas a B. tenagophila. No se produjo infección de ninguno de los 543 caracoles expuestos a la cepa BH2 ni de los 668 expuestos a la SJ. En cambio, de los 500 expuestos a la cepa SJ2, fueron susceptibles a la infestación 4 de 163 caracoles (2% procedentes de Ayolas, una localidad de la cuenca del Paraná, y 8 de 45 (18% de los procedentes de Fuente Salto, en la cuenca del Uruguay. Estos hallazgos son similares a los de otras áreas geográficas en las que se han encontrado poblaciones de B. tenagophila que no se infectan y otras que sí son susceptibles a S. mansoni. Los resultados de este trabajo señalan la posibilidad de expansión de la esquistosomiasis a una amplia región de Sudamérica en la que se halla B. tenagophila.

  10. Overview of the uranium prospecting in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, P; Vaz Chaves, N.; Pirelli, H.


    The report is about Uranium prospection in Uruguay by DINAMIGE experts. They were explained the radioactive properties elements in Uranium and its importance as a fuel oil for electric energy generation

  11. Icnology and fossils of the 'Palacio Member of the Asencio Formation' (superior cretaceous - inferior tertiary of Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gonzalez, M.; Tofalo, O.; Pazos, P.


    Observations at three different quarries outcrops of the Del Palacio Member of the Asencio Formation near Nueva Palmira suggest that insect fossil nests occur in tiered paleosols, in which two different subborizons can be recognized. One of them showing columnar structure containing mostly Palmiraichmus castellonsi and Teisseirei barattinia preserved in their origininal position in many of them containing fossil nests rotated from their original position. This level is characterized by the abundance of Caprinisphaera ispp, Monesichnus ameghinoi and Uruguay ispp. Although rain forest conditions, the trace fossil association suggests that insects nested more likely under ecological conditions compatible with herbaceous. (author)

  12. Update of Energy policy of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The National Energy Directorate from Uruguay called a contest for Update Policy L Energy of Uruguay so as to ensure energy supply at the lowest possible cost, with greater safety and lower environmental impact and taking account efficient use of the Energy. FIEL was selected to carry out the work planned within three months and responding to a broad agenda that included the following points in the order of the Terms of Reference of the contest (TORs): 3.1. Evaluation of the existing energy policy 3.2. relative price optimization fuel 3.3. Optimization of tax policy in fuel 3.4. assessment of cost and benefits of alternative import 3.5. strategic reserve 3.6. Ambiental impacts Identification 3.7. Recommendations to improve the framework regulatory 3.8. Institutional framework for the energy sector in Uruguay 3.9. Evaluation of potential of renewable national energy resources 3.10. Energy efficiency 3.11. Action Plan for the National Energy The report presents and order of the TORs. In the first chapter updates assessment of energy policy presented in the progress report. In point 3.2 approaching the economic costs of the various energy alternatives from the parities import and cost efficient products in non tradable. Along with the environmental costs estimated in Section 3.6 is evaluated in the 3.3 How should the taxes structure to take into account externalities generating energy. In Section 3.4 discusses different options imported and in 3.5 energy supply costs are assessed count a strategic reserve, which Uruguay has decided that it is in the form of capacity thermal generation. In paragraphs 3.7 and 3.8 governing institutions is analyzed and they plan the sector, not only from a regulatory point of view but also the organization Internal DNE. In 3.9 alternatives are discussed renewable resources from national and international studies existentes, and in 3.1 updating the results of a recent study on energy efficiency by the World Bank and the case of an eventual

  13. 78 FR 41259 - Importation of Fresh Citrus Fruit From Uruguay, Including Citrus (United States)


    ... therefore opposed importation of fresh citrus fruit from Uruguay until its effectiveness could be validated...'' imports. The commenter stated that this argument is invalid due to the year-round marketing of citrus... metric tons, which is less than 3 percent of U.S. production. Uruguay's total fresh orange and lemon...

  14. Hydrogeologic characterization of devonian aquifers in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massa, E.


    This article carried out the assistance research project implementation in devonian sedimentary units as a potentials aquifers and their best use to school supplying and rural population in central area of Uruguay.

  15. Modeling Electoral Coordination: Voters, Parties and Legislative Lists in Uruguay Modelando la Coordinación Electoral: Votantes, Partidos y Listas Legislativas en Uruguay

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    Ines Levin


    Full Text Available During each electoral period, the strategic interaction between voters and political elites determines the number of viable candidates in a district. In this paper, we implement a hierarchical seemingly unrelated regression model to explain electoral coordination at the district level in Uruguay as a function of district magnitude, previous electoral outcomes and electoral regime. Elections in this country are particularly useful to test for institutional effects on the coordination process due to the large variations in district magnitude, to the simultaneity of presidential and legislative races held under different rules, and to the reforms implemented during the period under consideration. We find that district magnitude and electoral history heuristics have substantial effects on the number of competing and voted-for parties and lists. Our modeling approach uncovers important interaction-effects between the demand and supply side of the political market that were often overlooked in previous research.En cada período electoral, votantes y élites interactúan para determinar el número de agentes políticos postulados para la elección, así como el número de agentes políticos que reciben apoyo de los votantes. En este artículo, modelamos la interacción entre votantes y élites usando un modelo jerárquico de regresiones aparentemente no relacionadas, explicando la coordinación electoral a nivel de distrito en el Uruguay en función de la magnitud del distrito, resultados de elecciones anteriores, y régimen electoral. Las elecciones en este país son particularmente útiles para el estudio de los determinantes institucionales de la coordinación electoral debido a la amplia variación en la magnitud de los diferentes distritos, a la simultaneidad de las elecciones presidenciales y legislativas reguladas por normas electorales diversas, y a las reformas que tuvieron lugar durante el período bajo consideración. Encontramos que la

  16. Renewable energy for rural electrification in Uruguay; Energias renovables para la electrificacion rural en Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chaer, R; Zeballos, R [Facultad de Inngenieria, Instituto de Ingenieria Electrica, Montevideo (Uruguay)


    The analysis of the possibility of application of the eolic technologies is presented and for the electrification of small rural consumers in the Uruguay, comparing them with the alternative of being connected to the National electric net using the but economic of the systems with return for earth. It was carried out to summary of the existent alternatives in both technologies and it builds to shammer to evaluates it the generation cost and with to classification, for consumption level, of the potential users, it can make to Map of the Uruguay that allows to guide on the solution to adopt according to the consumption level, the distance to the National electric net and according to the characteristics of the wind in the geographical location of the location. All the systems were evaluated on a base of 20 year-old operation keeping in mind the replacements of the materials whose useful life is inferior. In this work, the results of the studies are presented and the followed methodology is shown on a concrete example.

  17. The Impact of the Uruguay Round on World Agriculture

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    Chung-Sil Kim


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the impact of the Uruguay Round (UR implementation on world agriculture using a multi-regional general equilibrium model and the mapping function of the Geographic Information System (GIS. The results of this study show that the Uruguay Round has had a negative impact on world agriculture in the light of total food production and food distribution. For commodities such as grains, while grain production rises in exporting countries, the effect is not sufficient to cover the fall in production in importing countries. In particular, the impact is serious on food security in importing countries of agricultural products. The negative impact is almost concentrated in importing countries, particularly Japan, the European Union (EU and South Korea. As is clearly visible on the maps produced by the GIS function, the real state of world agriculture as well as the results evaluated by this Computable General Equilibrium (CGE model has changed negatively in major importing countries and particularly the Least Developed Countries (LDCs, Sub-Saharan Africa following the Uruguay Round.

  18. Mineral deposits research in Uruguay. Technical economic part; Investigacion de yacimientos de minerales en el Uruguay. Parte tecnico economica.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Raabe, W


    Technical researches, mineralogical and chemical analysis were carried out in Zapucay and Iman deposit located in Uruguay south America, as a result of that, researchers was described the mineral adherences of the deposits.

  19. Uruguay; 2011 Selected Issues


    International Monetary Fund


    This 2011 Article IV Consultation—Selected Issues paper focuses on estimating potential output and the output gap and spillovers from agriculture in the case of Uruguay. It introduces additional economic information and theory to estimate potential output, shedding some light on the discussion of current monetary and fiscal policies. The objective is to take advantage of economic data to disentangle the most recent economic performance by introducing multivariate techniques. The paper also pr...

  20. Uso de las tecnologías de la información por los cirujanos plásticos del Uruguay: encuesta nacional en línea

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    F.E. Castillo Arboleda


    Full Text Available Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta esencial en la comunicación moderna que ha cambiado de manera significativa y duradera la forma de relación y comunicación personal en sus diferentes aspectos, incluido el profesional. Actualmente, la gran mayoría de la información disponible para el médico tanto durante su formación como en su vida profesional está en Internet; el acceso a esta información y el tener la capacidad de sacar ventaja de la tecnología tienen por tanto una importancia clave. En 2010, al menos 100 investigaciones médicas en revistas indexadas internacionalmente se basaron en datos de encuestas; entre éstas, las encuestas en línea a través de correos electrónicos o sitios de Internet se están volviendo cada día más habituales por su bajo costo, su accesibilidad e inmediatez de contacto. Teniendo en cuenta todos estos aspectos, desarrollamos una encuesta en línea sobre el uso de la tecnología de la información por los cirujanos plásticos en Uruguay, con el apoyo de la Cátedra de Cirugía Plástica y la Sociedad de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética del Uruguay (SCPREU. La encuesta se realizó mediante el servicio de encuesta en línea Survey Methods® (Dallas, Texas, EE.UU.. Usando la base de datos de correos electrónicos de afiliados a la SCPREU, enviamos por correo electrónico 142 encuestas y obtuvimos 71 respuestas para una tasa bruta de respuesta del 50 % . La encuesta se envió mediante una invitación inicial y 3 mensajes de recordatorio, 1 cada semana. Los resultados más relevantes de la encuesta mostraron que la mayoría de los que respondieron tiene más de un equipo que le permite acceder a Internet, y que el 84,51 % accede a la red con regularidad diaria. El 95,77 % de quienes respondieron a la encuesta, buscan información científica en Internet a la misma y el 98,57 % está interesado en recibir información científica por correo electrónico. Consideramos que estos datos

  1. Iron and manganese deposits in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarado, B.


    This report is the results of the study carried out for the United Nations expert which the main object was: the study of the information available about iron and manganese formation in Uruguay, as well as the main researching deposit to determinate economical possibilities in the exportation.

  2. Contributions to knowledge of the continental margin of Uruguay. Description of background samples in the continental margin of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F


    This study provide data concerning of the background sediments of the continental margin of Uruguay. There were carried out different works with witnesses in order to extract various sediment samples from the continental shelf

  3. Memoria individual y nostalgia colectiva en Uruguay: la fragmentación del tiempo en los relatos enmarcados de Tijeras de Plata de Hugo Burel

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    Giuseppe Gatti


    Full Text Available Dentro de la narrativa hispanoamericana del siglo XX, el presente estudio analiza el papel desempeñado por los procesos de rememoración en el espacio literario uruguayo contemporáneo. El trabajo se propone concentrar la atención en las dinámicas de recuperación del tiempo pasado en la obra del montevideano Hugo Burel (1951, y en particular en su novela Tijeras de Plata (2003. La primera parte de nuestro estudio se centrará en el impacto sobre una novela de ambientación típicamente montevideana que plasma a nivel simbólico los cambios geo-sociales que han caracterizado el espacio uruguayo a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX (descentralización poblacional urbana; paulatino quiebre en el tejido social, cultural y económico de barrios enteros; desaparición de vestigios materiales e inmateriales del pasado arcádico. Se pondrán en relación estos fenómenos con las formas narrativas utilizadas (relatos enmarcados, lo cual nos ofrecerá la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre otro tipo de fragmentación, de naturaleza extra-literaria. El objetivo consistirá en identificar una relación de causa/efecto entre la literatura y un determinado espacio social: en el caso de Uruguay, nos referimos a esa sensación de «fractura» con el pasado que experimentó, a todo nivel, la sociedad uruguaya. En la segunda parte, se evidenciará cómo Tijeras de Plata es una novela de reivindicación de un pasado desaparecido, que construye gran parte de su esencia como «narración de la memoria» sobre la evidencia –y no la condena– del proceso de pauperización experimentado por amplias zonas urbanas de la ciudad. Se centrará la atención en la manera en que la novela bureliana recupera el espacio del recuerdo, no en términos melancólicos ni de exaltación nostálgica de un pasado nunca olvidado. Se intenta, por el contrario, demostrar cómo la doble operación de rescate (por un lado, de las memorias individuales relacionadas con el barrio; por

  4. Odonata de Uruguay: lista de especies y nuevos registros Odonata from Uruguay: species list and new records

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    Natalia Von Ellenrieder


    Full Text Available Se proporciona una lista de las 70 especies citadas para Uruguay. Catorce de ellas constituyen nuevos registros para el país: Mnesarete pruinosa (Hagen en Selys [Calopterygidae, Acanthagrion lancea Selys, A. peruvianum Leonard, Argia serva Hagen en Selys y Oxyagrion chapadense Costa (Coenagrionidae, Neoneura ethela Williamson (Protoneuridae, Progomphus costalis Hagen en Selys (Gomphidae, Elasmothemis constricta (Calvert, Erythrodiplax basalis (Kirby, Erythrodiplax media Borror, Micrathyria hypodidyma Calvert, Micrathyria ringueleti Rodrigues Capitulo, Orthemis ambinigra Calvert y Perithemis icteroptera (Selys en Sagra (Libelullidae.A list of 70 species known to occur in Uruguay is given. Fourteen species are new country records: Mnesarete pruinosa (Hagen in Selys (Calopterygidae, Acanthagrion lancea Selys, A. peruvianum Leonard, Argia serva Hagen in Selys, and Oxyagrion chapadense Costa (Coenagrionidae, Neoneura ethela Williamson (Protoneuridae, Progomphus costalis Hagen in Selys (Gomphidae, Elasmothemis constricta (Calvert, Erythrodiplax basalis (Kirby, Erythrodiplax media Borror, Micrathyria hypodidyma Calvert, Micrathyria ringueleti Rodrigues Capitulo, Orthemis ambinigra Calvert, and Perithemis icteroptera (Selys in Sagra (Libelullidae.

  5. Gender, age, social disadvantage and quitting smoking in Argentina and Uruguay. (United States)

    Niedzin, Mirosław; Gaszyńska, Ewelina; Krakowiak, Jan; Saran, Tomasz; Szatko, Franciszek; Kaleta, Dorota


    Cessation of tobacco use has the potential to provide the greatest immediate benefits for tobacco control. Understanding the social determinants of smoking cessation is an essential requirement for increasing smoking cessation at the population level. The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-economic dimensions associated with cessation success among adults in Argentina and Uruguay. Data from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), a cross-sectional, population-based, nationally representative survey conducted in Argentina (n=5,383) and Uruguay (n=4,833) was utilized. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses with results being presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals were applied to study differences among those respondents who sustained smoking abstinence (≥1 year) and those who continued smoking. The GATS study revealed that social gradients in tobacco quitting exist in Argentina and Uruguay. Being aged 25-34, particularly men in Uruguay, women in Argentina, low educated men in Argentina and having a lower asset index were associated with reduced odds for quitting. Factors that are driving differences in smoking cessation between diverse social groups in Latin America countries need to be considered when implementing relevant interventions to ensure tobacco control strategies work effectively for all population segments.

  6. Uruguay valitsus hakkab riiki korrastama / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Esimest korda tuleb nii valitsuse kui parlamendi tasandil Uruguays võimule vasakpoolne koalitsioon, mis suutis eemale tõrjuda kokku 174 aastat võimul olnud kahte parteid. Uueks presidendiks sai Tabare Vazquez, kelle poolt hääletasid pooled valijad


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    Roberto Álvarez E.


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza un conjunto de consorcios tecnológicos apoyados con recursos públicos en Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Uruguay. Estos programas buscan facilitar la interacción entre empresas e instituciones dedicadas a la producción de ciencia y tecnología. Los resultados, basados en datos recabados para un subconjunto de los grupos apoyados, ponen en relieve las dificultades y los largos tiempos que se re-quieren para lograr resultados concretos, en particular, en innovación tecnológica. El trabajo cuantitativo muestra una evaluación relativamente baja de las empresas res-pecto al efecto de estos instrumentos en la generación de innovaciones de productos y procesos y la obtención de patentes, aunque existen aspectos relativamente mejor evaluados, como el mejoramiento del acceso a conocimiento tecnológico, en ámbitos como el mercadeo y los recursos humanos. Esto puede deberse a que varios de los consorcios llevan poco tiempo en funcionamiento y necesitan un plazo más largo para ser evaluados.

  8. Geo structural chart of Uruguay. Scale 1/2.000.000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Spoturno, F.; Heinzen, W.


    This work is about the Geo-Structural Chart of Uruguay , Esca le 1 / 2,000,000. The geological information synthesis in the country, obtained from: published geological work or whose information is registered by laboratory work and geophysical surveys. This Chart will allow an overview of the degree of geological knowledge of Uruguay, restricted to the limits imposed by the scale of this work. The realization of this Chart included a thorough and careful compilation, critical analysis, standardization and interpretation of all geological and geophysical maps available in the country

  9. Uruguay; 2011 Article IV Consultation


    International Monetary Fund


    This 2011 Article IV Consultation highlights that the growth momentum in Uruguay has continued into 2011 but a slowdown is under way, led by weaker exports and slower public investment. Uruguay’s economic and financial vulnerabilities are modest, and the government has reduced debt vulnerabilities significantly and built important financial buffers. Executive Directors have commended authorities’ skillful macroeconomic management that has underpinned Uruguay’s excellent economic performance, ...

  10. Uruguay; Recent Economic Developments


    International Monetary Fund


    This paper describes economic developments in Uruguay during the 1990s. Real GDP expanded on average by more than 4 percent a year in 1990–94 and fell by 2½ percent in 1995. The rapid growth of output during 1990–94 reflected buoyant external demand from Uruguay’s main trading partners (Argentina and Brazil), as well as progress in strengthening the public finances, reducing wage indexation, opening the economy, and curtailing government intervention. Consumer price inflation fell steadily fr...

  11. Emigration and Economic Crisis: Recent Evidence from Uruguay

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    Adela Pellegrino


    Full Text Available Uruguay es uno de los países sudamericanos con una proporción significativa de su población viviendo en el exterior. Desde los años setenta, el país ha tenido una emigración neta. Aunque esta tendencia se debilitó a principios de los noventa, recobró fuerza con la llegada de una severa crisis económica en 1999. En este artículo se discuten las características de la migración reciente de uruguayos y se pone en evidencia la relación entre crisis económica y emigración. El volumen del flujo poblacional en 2002 es comparable con las olas de migración que tuvieron lugar en los setenta. Los emigrantes con educación universitaria están sobrerrepresentados en comparación con la población general. Existe una correlación entre el acceso a redes de emigrantes uruguayos en los países de destino y la probabilidad de que un hogar haya tenido un miembro que emigró en 2002.

  12. Study of the viability of nuclear power generation in Uruguay. V. 1,2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This study was carried out to take into consideration the Nuclear Power option in Uruguay. Though Nuclear Power could be useful since year 2000, this does not mean a Nuclear Power station should be necessarily built. In the accomplishment of the nuclear option, next stage to take into account is the comparison of the following: a) 300/600 Mw Nuclear Power station owned by Uruguay; b) 600/1200 Mw Nuclear Power station shared amongst Uruguay and neighboring countries. National energy needs were studied, including previous electric demand studies made by international consultants. National direct resources and support infrastructure were also analysed. Oil, gas, coal and hydraulic options were compared to the nuclear option

  13. Uruguay; Report on Observance of Standards and Codes-Data Module and the Response by the Authorities


    International Monetary Fund


    The paper provides a summary of Uruguay's practices with respect to the coverage, periodicity, and timeliness of the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) data categories, and an assessment of the quality of national accounts, prices, fiscal, monetary and financial, and external sector statistics. Uruguay has made good progress recently in improving the dissemination of statistical information. The Internet pages of the Central Bank of Uruguay (BCU) and the National Institute of Statisti...

  14. Activation of shared identities on the Uruguayan and Brazilian frontier triggered by the construction of Uruguay as a consumption proposal

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    Roberta Brandalise


    Full Text Available Estudamos a participação do jornalismo brasileiro na articulação de representações sociais e de identidades culturais na fronteira Brasil-Uruguai, a partir das apropriações e usos que brasileiros e uruguaios fronteiriços fizeram de narrativas noticiosas sobre o Uruguai e que eles consideraram relevantes em seu cotidiano. Realizamos o estudo de caso sob a perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais Britânicos e Latino-Americanos, com entrevistas semiestruturadas junto a uma amostra de 12 fronteiriços. O Uruguai foi caracterizado no discurso jornalístico como uma proposta de consumo, como destino turístico ou em função de seus produtos e recursos naturais. As narrativas noticiosas colaboraram para reforçar a identificação entre uruguaios e brasileiros com respeito ao pertencimento regional e ao estilo de vida.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunicação; Consumo; Fronteiras; Uruguai; Brasil.     ABSTRACT We studied the participation of Brazilian journalism in the articulation of social representations and of cultural identities on the Brazilian and Uruguayan border based on the news narratives about Uruguay that frontier Brazilians and Uruguayans appropriated, made use of and considered relevant in their everyday lives. We conducted the study case from the perspective of British and Latin American social studies, using semi-structured interviews for questioning 12 frontier people. Uruguay was featured in newspaper discourse as a consumption proposal, a tourist destination, or a stand for its products and natural resources. The narrative news helped to reinforce the mutual identification of Uruguayans and Brazilians with respect to their belonging to the region and their life style.   KEYWORDS: Communication; Consumption; Frontiers; Uruguay; Brazil.     RESUMEN Estudiamos la participación del periodismo brasileño en la articulación de representaciones sociales y de identidades culturales en la frontera Brasil-Uruguay, a partir de las

  15. Groundwater resources in Uruguay: Importance and present use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montano J; Gagliardi, S; Montano, M.


    Traditionally the use of the water resources in Uruguay was based on the exploitation of surface waters due to the great density of the hydrographic network. The intensive use of the groundwater resources began after 1950, mainly for supplying small towns the country, nowadays this practice covers the 70% of the country. Basically, this evolution was a consequence of the lower cost of the groundwater, its availability and good quality. Since 1980 the use of the groundwater has been intensified even more, mainly with the purpose of satisfying different demands like vegetable plantation irrigation either in the open air or in the entrance of cholera to the country during the 1990 decade trough a program for supplying water to small communities in the frontier area. In addition, it is marked out the use of thermal and flowing aquifers belonging to the Guarani Aquifer System as water suppliers for thermal spas and hotels in a reduced area, eventhough having a great hydric potencial whose exploitation yields one of the major foreing currency entrance because of regional tourism. Moreover, it can be stated that Uruguay do not present an important groundwater weath because of regional tourism. Moreover, it can be stated that Uruguay do not present an important groundwater weath because the 65% of its aquifers are fisurated and the others are pourous with diverse potentiality.

  16. 7 CFR 1405.7 - Uruguay Round Agreements Act. (United States)


    ... Uruguay Round Agreements Act. In the event the outlays by the United States for domestic support measures... level of domestic support provided by the United States complies with the commitments of the United...

  17. Mineral deposits research in Uruguay. Technical economic part

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raabe, W.


    Technical researches, mineralogical and chemical analysis were carried out in Zapucay and Iman deposit located in Uruguay south America, as a result of that, researchers was described the mineral adherences of the deposits.

  18. Geochemical methodology for gold prospect ion in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spangenber, J.


    This work is about the history of gold prospection in Uruguay. In this study there are considered the geochemical aspects, the gold performance, the applicability to mining prospection and the gold prospection aluvionar

  19. Distribución de los subtipos del VIH-1 en nueve países de América del Sur, 1995-2002

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    V. Alberto Laguna-Torres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la distribución de los subtipos del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH-1 y las presencia de cepas recombinantes en Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela a través de estudios epidemiológicos y de genotipificación. Materiales y Métodos: Se incluyeron a los participantes de los protocolos realizados en los nueve paises, incluyendo poblaciones de trabajadoras sexuales (TS, hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH, individuos VIH positivos, gestantes y paciente con tuberculosis (TB. Se utilizó la prueba de movilidad heteroduplex de envoltura (env HMA, ProRT, secuenciamiento completo o ambas para determinar los subtipos de VIH 1. Resultados: Se identificaron 3081 individuos positivos al VIH (de un total de 42 290 voluntarios, las prevalencias oscilaban entre menos de 1% a 29% según población estudiada, siendo mayor en los HSH. Un total de 1654 muestras (54% fueron genotipificadas. Se encontró el subtipo B en 1380 (83% muestras, el subtipo F en 218 (13%, así como los subtipos A y C en 0,1% y 0,4% respectivamente. Se hallaron subtipos recombinantes BF en 39 muestras (2% y formas recombinantes CRF01_AE(0,1%, CRF17_BF(0,4% y CRF02_AG(0,1%. En Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Chile (paises andinos predominó el subtipo B, mientras en Argentina, Uruguay y Paraguay hubo un alto porcentaje del subtipo F. Conclusiones: En la mayoría de países andinos la epidemia de VIH-1 se concentró en los HSH con un predominio del subtipo B. El subtipo F es más frecuente en las TS en Argentina y Uruguay. Esta información es útil para implementar planes de prevención y futuros ensayos de vacunas en esta región.

  20. Diet of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Poeciliidae and Jenynsia multidentata (Anablepidae in a hypertrophic shallow lake of Uruguay Dieta de Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Poeciliidae y Jenynsia multidentata (Anablepidae en un lago hipereutrófico de Uruguay

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    Federico Quintans


    Full Text Available Se analizaron las dietas de Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns, 1842 y Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns, 1842 en el Lago Rodó, un lago urbano hipereutrófico de Montevideo, Uruguay. Ambas especies mostraron un comportamiento omnívoro. Los ítems más consumidos por C. decemmaculatus fueron zooplancton, perifiton, fitoplancton y detritos; la dieta de J. multidentata incluyó zooplancton, insectos, crustáceos y peces juveniles. Estos resultados sugieren que ambas especies pueden actuar como planctívoros facultativos. La comunidad de peces de este lago se caracteriza por la dominancia de C. decemmaculatus y J. multidentata. Bajo esta condición, la depredación sobre el zooplancton de gran tamaño podría indirectamente estar contribuyendo a una alta abundancia de fitoplancton y una baja transparencia del agua.Diet of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns, 1842 and Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns, 1842 were analysed in Lake Rodó, an urban hypertrophic lake from Montevideo, Uruguay. Both species displayed omnivory. The most consumed items for C. decemmaculatus were zooplankton, periphyton, phytoplankton and detritus; the diet of J. multidentata included zooplankton, insects, crustaceans and juvenile fish. Our results suggest that both species could be acting as facultative planktivores. The fish community of this lake is characterised by the dominance of C. decemmaculatus and J. multidentata. Under this condition, predation on large-bodied zooplankton could indirectly be contributing to maintain a high phytoplankton abundance and a low water transparency.

  1. Colombia, España, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador: Seguridad Social para el adulto mayor

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    Oscar José Dueñas Ruiz


    Full Text Available Estudio de tres bloques de derechos necesarios para el adulto mayor: salud, pensiones y servicios sociales. Se analizan dentro de un marco conceptual jurídico e histórico, acudiéndose a un lenguaje sencillo y entendible. Este artículo es corolario de un proyecto investigativo ya terminado elaborado por la Universidad del Rosario y la Organización Iberoamericana de la Seguridad Social (OISS. Se estudiaron esos tres derechos en el escenario colombiano, con base en la normatividad, la jurisprudencia y la praxis. Para tener una visión del ámbito iberoamericano se investigó el tratamiento que se les da en otros países: España, Ecuador, Cuba, Costa Rica, Uruguay, destacándose los rasgos más importantes. Varios capítulos fueron desarrollados con base en el método holístico dialéctico configuracional. Las conclusiones se ubican preferencialmente en un espacio jurídico. La principal consiste en que sea cual fuere el modelo de seguridad social, es indispensable una visión humanista.

  2. Antecedentes de la aplicación del Protocolo a la Convención contra la tortura: el monitoreo de los lugares de detención y la prevención de la tortura en Uruguay

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    Álvaro Garcé García y Santos


    Full Text Available La ratificación del Protocolo Facultativo a la Convención contra la Tortura representa para nuestro país un compromiso ético y jurídico de dar prioridad a la prevención del maltrato de todas las personas privadas de libertad, alojadas en cárceles o en otros lugares de detención, a consecuencia de una decisión judicial o en virtud de un mandato administrativo.La principal obligación que emerge de dicho Protocolo consiste en establecer un Mecanismo Nacional de Prevención, técnica y económicamente independiente, encargado del monitoreo sistemático de los establecimientos de reclusión.La reciente creación de la Institución Nacional de Derechos Humanos, más el mandato legal que ésta posee de coordinar sus funciones con el preexistente Comisionado Parlamentario, abre, por fin, la posibilidad cierta de cumplir los compromisos emanados del Protocolo.Al mismo tiempo, la original solución nacional, inédita en la región, supone una serie de complejidades jurídicas que son abordadas en este trabajo.La cooperación iniciada entre las dos instituciones estatales involucradas en el tema, además de evitar una inútil superposición de funciones genera un promisorio escenario para la prevención de la tortura en Uruguay.

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    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    English · Français ... Business Cooperation and Regional Productive Development in Chile, El Salvador, Paraguay, and Uruguay (TTI). Project. Several studies have shown that some forms of collaborative business networking can have a ...

  4. Current state about the cuaternary knowledge of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anton, D; Goso, H.


    This work is about current state of cuaternary knowledge Uruguayan. It is considered that the cuaternary presented a change from the hot and dry weather of the Pliocene to more humid and colder weather in Uruguay.

  5. Considerations about Santa Catalina Formation northeast of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keidel, J.


    A serial of land deposits placed in Santa Catharina south Brazil, and northeast of Uruguay. Most of them have been composed with a number of marine sediments, marshy region and swamp from upper paleozoic and low mesozoic.

  6. A survey of Senecio spp. affecting livestock in Uruguay and their associated pyrrolizidine alkaloid content (United States)

    In Eastern Uruguay there has been a significant increase of seneciosis in grazing livestock with most affected localities related to counties neighboring the Brazilian border. A survey in 28 farms associated with poisoning outbreaks in grazing cattle in Eastern Uruguay was carried out. Fifty populat...

  7. Uruguay: Population Geography of a Troubled Welfare State (United States)

    Tata, Robert J.


    Discussed is whether or not Uruguay's elaborate welfare system can be maintained by a deteriorating economy plagued by social tension and political unrest. Historical background is presented, demographic variables are discussed and modern influences are measured. (Author/DB)

  8. Doing Business Economy Profile 2017 : Uruguay


    World Bank Group


    This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Uruguay. To allow useful comparison, it also provides data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for each indicator. Doing Business 2017 is the 14th in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Economies are ranked on their ease of doing b...

  9. Geographic distribution and conservation status of Caiman latirostris (Crocodylia, Alligatoridae in Uruguay

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    Claudio Borteiro


    Full Text Available Populations of Caiman latirostris are known to occur in Uruguay but their geographic distribution remains uncertain. This work presents anupdate of the species distribution and conservation status in Uruguay. Surveys conducted by the authors confirmed the presence of this species in the previously known distribution range of northwestern Uruguay, where it seems to be widespread and relatively abundant in contrast to earlier reports. We report new localities for C. latirostris, most relevant being those of the Cebollatí and Tacuarí Rivers, and the Pelotas, India Muerta and San Miguel stream basins, which significantly expand its distribution through important wetlands in the eastern part of the country. The overall distribution is coincident with different landscape types, where lagoons, artificial impoundments, livestock waterholes, rivers, streams, creeks and marshes are inhabited by caiman. Illegal non-commercial hunting was detected all over the country.

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    Research on Innovation Systems and Social Inclusion in Emerging Economies and Beyond: RISSI at ... Program: Networked Economies ... Region: Brazil, South America, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, North and Central America, West Indies.

  11. The Punta del Este Suspect Terrane: a possible counterpart in Eastern Uruguay of the Namaqua Complex and Gariep Belt in Western Africa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Basei, M.; Peel, E.


    two tectono-stratigraphic sets with the eastern portion occupied by parautochthonous units of a passive continental margin (Port Nolloth Zone) and a western allochthonous domain (Marmora Terrane). The evidences of blueschist facies metamorphism, countless times referred in the literature (Kröner, 1974; Porada, 1979), have been recently ruled out by Frimmel and Hartnady (1992). The sedimentation period of the Gariep Group is attributed to the Neoproterozoic because it lays discordantly on the rhyolite units (Ross Pinah Formation) dated by the single zircon evaporation technique as 735Ma (Frimmel, 1995). Meert §& Van der Voo (1994) correlated diamictite intercalations, probably of age between 580 and 560 Ma, in the upper portion of the Gariep Group with the glacial deposits of Vendian age. The northeastern portion of the Gariep Group is covered by not metamorphosed sediments of the Nama Group. In the South-American counterpart, that is, the South-Brazilian region and the Uruguayan territory, an old western domain is observed The Central Domain is represented by the Rio de La Plata Craton (sensus Almeida et al.,1973) ,by de Nico Perez Terrane (Bossi et al.,1992 ;Valentines Block,PavasTerrane (Preciozzi et al.,1979) and the Rivera granitic-gneissic complex ..All of them were generated or intensively reworked during the Neoproterozoic, distributed along its eastern border and as a whole organised in the NE-SW direction. In these domain, a granitic-migmatitic infrastructure and sedimentary basins and low- to medium metamorphic grade covers predominate, related to the Lavalleja-supergroup and Zanja del Cerro Grande Group The Rocha formation is developed as a metasedimentary cover in the Punta del Este Terrane,being associated to the Atlantic Domain. Geochronologic studies recently performed in the southeastern portion of Uruguay allowed the identification of igneous rocks with U-Pb ages in zircons ranging from 650 to 1000Ma. These ages, added to the geological

  12. Desarrollo de la competencia resolución de problemas en el área de matemática en el nivel educativo primario de Uruguay. Factores asociados


    Luaces Bernasconi, Oscar A.


    La ponencia se basa en la tesis, presentada por quien suscribe, para la obtención del título de Maestría en Evaluación de Políticas Públicas, en la Universidad ORT de Uruguay, en el mes de abril del año 2004. El desarrollo de la investigación estuvo dirigido al área de Educación y analizó la incidencia de factores asociados al desarrollo, en el área de Matemática, de la competencia Resolución de Problemas. La investigación partió de un modelo teórico de función de producción educativ...

  13. Prevalence of flavored cigarettes and e-cigarettes in Uruguay : findings from the Wave 5 of the ITC Uruguay survey

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    Diego Rodriguez Sendoya


    Full Text Available Background Uruguay has implemented strong tobacco control policies over the years which has resulted in decreased tobacco consumption. However, there is little information about flavored cigarettes and on electronic cigarettes (ECs. EC sales are banned in Uruguay. The purpose of this study is to evaluate consumption of these products. Methods Data is from the International Tobacco Control (ITC Uruguay Wave 5 smokers aged 18 and older in five cities. The sample size was 1,428 smokers. Results The minimum age of onset of smoking was 5 years old and 96% of smokers started smoking before the age of 25. Two out of three (68.6% smokers chose their cigarette brand because of the taste. 72.5% have tried flavored (menthol cigarettes, and1.3% currently smoking menthol brands. Younger age (94% aged 18-24 and smokers with higher education (84% high, 74% medium, 61% low have tried menthol cigarettes associated with. Awareness of ECs was 56% among the smokers, but it is higher among smokers aged 18-24 (62% and smokers with higher education (81%. Among the smokers who had heard of e-cigarettes. 12.8% had tried once (higher under age 24 (24% and higher among smokers with high education level (20%. Among the smokers, 1.3% using EC daily and 1.9% using EC weekly. Conclusions Taste is a very important factor for Uruguayan smokers. Almost all young smokers have tried menthol cigarettes. ECs use is also on the rise, mainly among young peopleand people with higher education. There is a need for monitoring flavored cigarettes and EC consumptionto defining new regulations for them.

  14. Uruguay; Financial System Stability Assessment


    International Monetary Fund


    The buffers built in the aftermath of Uruguay’s 2002 banking crisis have shielded the financial sector from the effects of the global financial turmoil. Growth has been robust and the outlook continues to be favorable. However, inflation persists but capital inflows have improved, and policy measures have been taken in response. Uruguay exhibits no obvious signs of near-term domestic macrofinancial vulnerability. The external risks to the economy and the financial system come from a fragile g...

  15. La contribución de los inmigrantes en Uruguay

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    Felipe Arocena


    Full Text Available Este es un estudio comparativo acerca de cómo nueve comunidades inmigrantes y los afrodescendientes fueron conformando la cultura de Uruguay, un pequeño país en América del Sur. La imagen más común de este país, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, es la de una sociedad homogénea y europeizada, construida sobre la base de inmigrantes provenientes de España e Italia, con una escasa población afro y sin nativos. Este panorama es cierto sólo a medias ya que también han sido fundamentales las contribuciones de inmigrantes provenientes de Asia, Rusia, otros países europeos y de esclavos africanos y sus descendientes libres. En particular analizaré cómo las personas de ascendencia africana, vascos, italianos, suizos, rusos, armenios, libaneses, judíos, musulmanes y peruanos, han contribuido en la construcción de la nación uruguaya. Este artículo presenta las conclusiones más relevantes de una investigación basada en casi un centenar de entrevistas en profundidad con integrantes de estas comunidades.

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    Topic: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY, INNOVATIONS, COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, POVERTY MITIGATION, SOCIAL INEQUALITY, COOPERATION BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONS. Region: Brazil ... Region: Brazil, South America, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, North and Central America, West Indies. Program: ...

  17. Aportes al estudio comparativo del turismo en el Cono Sur (1900-1930

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    Nelly da Cunha


    Full Text Available En la etapa inicial de la expansión del turismo en el Cono Sur de América, se propone dilucidar los factores básicos y comunes, así como las diferencias en su implementación. Asimismo, su relevancia en el proceso urbanístico modernizador en Montevideo (Uruguay y la simultaneidad con Mar del Plata (Argentina, Río de Janeiro (Brasil y complementariamente con Viña del Mar (Chile, constatándose diferentes estrategias provenientes de las prioridades de los modelos económicos de los países y del papel asignado al Estado. El objetivo es contribuir a la consolidación del turismo como objeto de estudio de las ciencias sociales a partir de la historia económica y social.

  18. Cartografías de la actividad de atención directa a niños, niñas y adolescentes en situación de calle en Montevideo, Uruguay

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    Daniel Fagundez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación realizada sobre el estudio de la actividad de atención directa a niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA en situación de calle. En Uruguay son atendidos 1100 NNA por diferentes dispositivos gestionados y controlados por el Estado. Esto representa un alto nivel de atención de una población extremadamente vulnerable. Los educadores sociales y psicólogos son las principales profesiones que participan de la atención directa, constituyendo un modelo educativo hibrido entre varios enfoques disciplinares. El estudio se realizó a partir de un seguimiento de un equipo de atención directa a esta población en Montevideo, Uruguay, mediante la metodología etnográfica y cartográfica. Los resultados plantean la complejidad por la cual los trabajadores atraviesan, en una actividad que tiene una alta carga de frustración y creatividad. Se discute sobre la implicación de los educadores entre ser agentes técnicos del Estado y ejercer una ética desde la educación social y desde una perspectiva de los derechos del niño.

  19. Agenda de derechos en Uruguay. Acontecimiento, biopolítica, inmunidad y fuerza de ley

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    Sebastián Aguiar Antía


    Full Text Available La aprobación entre 2013 y 2014 y la posterior implementación en Uruguay de un conjunto de iniciativas novedosas (regulación de la marihuana, legalización del aborto, matrimonio igualitario y otras presenta varias aristas interesantes desde una perspectiva "biopolítica": la procedencia de estos cambios legislativos, finalmente "acontecimental", una ola de protestas; el carácter crucial y ambivalente de las relaciones de edad detrás de esta nueva agenda; la entrada en la escena de la gubernamentalidad y la regulación de la vida; los procedimientos de inmunización que mantienen nuevos límites tras la incorporación. Finalmente, se muestra la existencia de un cierto estado de excepción, donde fuerzas diferenciales disputan el ejercicio de la ley tras su aprobación legislativa.

  20. Uruguay Mining inventory. Florida fotoplano geochemical prospecting results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Artignan, D.; Vairon, P.


    This work is about the geochemical prospecting carried out in Florida fotoplano within the framework of Uruguay Mining inventory. In this work were covered 660 km2 obtaining 752 samples for study which were analyzed by Plasma Emission Spectrometry in Orleans BRGM laboratories

  1. Uruguay mining inventory. Geochemical prospecting results of the Amarillo aerial map

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Spangenberg, J.


    This report is about the results of the geochemical prospection carried out on the Amarillo aerial map, it placed in the area 24 of Uruguay (G11 section).This prospection was carried out by Geologic Institute team of Uruguay (IGU) with the technical assistance of BRGM. The Amarillo aerial map covers parts of Isla Cristalina. This is the window of the insular precrambrian shelf and it is surounded by geological formation as paleozoic and other more reecently formations too. The precambrian formation are represented by three big whole groups: metamorphic serial; groups of intrusing granites; and metamorphic rocks

  2. Influencing parliamentary debate on labour policy in Uruguay | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Influencing parliamentary debate on labour policy in Uruguay ... The study has been presented in international conferences and was recently published in the ... Mini soap operas foster financial education and inclusion of women in Peru.

  3. Estudio de la prevalencia de la comorbilidad entre el distrés psicológico y el abuso de drogas en usuarios del Portal Amarillo, Montevideo - Uruguay

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    Diana Domenech


    Full Text Available La comorbilidad psiquiátrica en personas con trastorno por consumo de alcohol y otras drogas tiene alta prevalencia, impacta en la salud individual y familiar y genera mayores costos. Este estudio epidemiológico descriptivo, multicéntrico, transversal, estima la prevalencia de la comorbilidad del distrés psicológico en 134 pacientes mayores de 18 años en tratamiento en el Portal Amarillo de Montevideo - Uruguay. Describe las características sociodemográficas, consumo de drogas, funcionalidad familiar, y grado de satisfacción de la población usuaria. Para la recolección de datos se usaron los cuestionarios EULAC-CICAD, K-10 y APGAR-familiar. La prevalencia de distrés severo y muy severo fue de un 71.6%; el 90.6% refirió estar satisfecho con la atención recibida y el 48% percibió que su familia no presentaba disfunción. Por ende, es necesario contemplar la presencia de comorbilidad psiquiátrica en el abordaje de usuarios con trastorno por consumo de sustancias en Centros de tratamiento.

  4. Carta del Editor

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    Luis Eladio Proaño


    Full Text Available La publicación se centra en temas como: Procesos electorales en México e Italia, se analizan los procesos comunicacionales y sus efectos; las infiltraciones de las agencias de seguridad en la actividad periodística en Europa; la radio y la televisión pública en los EE.UU. Para conocer cómo la prensa enfrenta los problemas críticos entre países, esta el caso de Uruguay y Argentina (discrepancia por la planta de procesamiento de papel y la contaminación del Río de La Plata. Otro artículo refiere la difícil relación entre los medios de comunicación y el gobierno de Chávez en Venezuela. Se aborda el caso brasileño para entender el crecimiento de los Observatorios de Medios; otro sobre el crecimiento del "periodismo confidencial" en la web y la prensa gratuita. Se estudia el impacto de la telenovela "pasión de gavilanes". Para quienes interese la penetración del Internet está: "Usos y competencias del weblog en las corporaciones" más otro sobre la lucha sorda que mantienen los gigantes de la autopista de la información Google y Yahoo.

  5. Renewable energy for rural electrification in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaer, R.; Zeballos, R.


    The analysis of the possibility of application of the eolic technologies is presented and for the electrification of small rural consumers in the Uruguay, comparing them with the alternative of being connected to the National electric net using the but economic of the systems with return for earth. It was carried out to summary of the existent alternatives in both technologies and it builds to shammer to evaluates it the generation cost and with to classification, for consumption level, of the potential users, it can make to Map of the Uruguay that allows to guide on the solution to adopt according to the consumption level, the distance to the National electric net and according to the characteristics of the wind in the geographical location of the location. All the systems were evaluated on a base of 20 year-old operation keeping in mind the replacements of the materials whose useful life is inferior. In this work, the results of the studies are presented and the followed methodology is shown on a concrete example

  6. VERTISOLES Y CERÁMICA INDÍGENA: UN ESTUDIO DE PROCEDENCIA BASADO EN DRX, SITIO GUAYACAS (PAYSANDÚ, URUGUAY / Vertisols and indigenous ceramics: a provenience study based on XRD from Guayacas site (Paysandú, Uruguay

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    Irina Capdepont


    Full Text Available El registro arqueológico más abundante de la región litoral del Uruguay para el Holoceno medio y tardío se encuentra conformado por material cerámico. La información existente sobre el mismo  proviene comúnmente de estudios macroscópicos en los que se aborda la reconstrucción de formas, tecnología y estilos decorativos. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de DRX sobre cerámicas de conjuntos arqueológicos del sitio Guayacas (Departamento de Paysandú. En este estudio se busca complementar el conocimiento de la primera etapa del proceso de manufactura: la selección de materia prima. Para ello, también se realizan estudios de DRX sobre sedimentos y afloramientos de la zona, así como sobre sedimentos de la excavación arqueológica. Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca la homogeneidad entre las pastas y la ausencia de minerales de tipo illita; los suelos antropogénicos presentan esmectita, cuarzo, illita e interestratificados y los suelos naturales y afloramientos están dominados por arcillas esmectiticas más cuarzo, proponiéndose a uno de ellos como fuente potencial de abastecimiento de materia prima local. Los datos obtenidos aportan nueva información al conocimiento del área de ocupación sobre el río Daymán durante el Holoceno tardío. Palabras clave: alfarería; mineralogía; vertisoles; DRXAbstract The most abundant archaeological record in the middle and late Holocene in the litoral region of Uruguay is formed by ceramic materials. Previous information usually comes from macroscopic studies, oriented to the reconstruction of decorative styles, forms, and technology. This paper presents XRD analyses of archaeological ceramics from Guayacas site (Department of Paysandú . This study seeks to complement the knowledge about the first stage of the process of manufacture: the selection of raw materials. In order to do this, an XRD analysis is also carried out on sediments and

  7. The Holocene in the coastal zone of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia Rodriguez, F.


    This book represents a compilation of several scientific Holocene paleoenvironmental aspects of the coastal zone in Uruguay. It includes information about geological, geomorphological, evolutionary genetics, paleontological, paleobotanic, paleoclimatological, paleolimnological, paleoceanographic and archeologic aspects. The chapters presented were arbitrated by national and foreign recognized scientists

  8. Uruguay Mining inventory. Minas fotoplano geochemical prospecting results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Artignan, D.; Vairon, P.


    This work is about the geochemical prospecting carried out in Minas fotoplano within the framework of Uruguay Mining inventory. In this work were covered 380 km2 obtaining with 433 samples for study which were analized by Plasma Emission Spectrometry in Orleans BRGM laboratories

  9. Uruguay 2006: desarrollo equivo o ruptura con la historia

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: En este artículo se argumenta que el muy bajo desempeño económico de Uruguay durante el siglo XX y en particular desde la década de 1960, que lo aleja progresivamente de la dinámica de la economía mundial aumentando la brecha de subdesarrollo, se explica fundamentalmente por la especialización del país en productos de muy escasa dinámica en el mercado mundial así como de muy bajo dinamismo tecnológico. El ensayo de modelo (neoliberal en lo económico y conservador en lo político resultó un fracaso en términos de mejorar la tasa de crecimiento de largo plazo del país, profundizando su especialización basada en productos primarios. Esto implica además un problema en términos de la capacidad de generación de empleos y de la distribución de ingresos. La reactivación reciente así como algunas medidas adoptadas por el nuevo Gobierno Progresista han resultado exitosas en aumentar los salarios, reducir la informalidad y ordenar la macroeconomía luego de la profunda crisis financiera que explotó en el 2002. Pero la ruptura con el pasado, necesaria para elevar significativamente la tasa de crecimiento sostenible de esta economía, requerirá posiblemente de otras acciones en torno a una estrategia de desarrollo de largo plazo, que ponga sus miras en mejorar la capacidad innovadora de la estructura productiva desarrollando nuevas ramas mediante la integración regional.ABSTRACT: This article shows that Uruguay’s very low long term growth performance, which implies an increasing divergence with respect to the world economy, is explained by specialization and productive problems. Uruguay produces and sells goods with very low dynamics in the world markets, and with slow technology changes. The (neoliberal and politically conservative development model applied in the last decades, failed in the objective of improving the long term growth rate, because this model implied a productive structure based in natural resources with

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    In the La Plata basin, production of industrial crops and biofuels is rapidly ... Region: Argentina, South America, Peru, Uruguay, North and Central America ... Region: Brazil, South America, Chile, Costa Rica, North and Central America, Mexico ...

  11. Speculative petroleum systems of the Punta del Este Basin (offshore Uruguay

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    Ethel Morales

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The Uruguayan continental margin was generated as the result of the breakup of Gondwana and, later, the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, which began in the Jurassic. Three major areas of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation are located in the Uruguayan offshore: the Punta del Este Basin, the southernmost sector of the Pelotas Basin and the Oriental del Plata Basin. These basins share the classical stages of tectono-sedimentary evolution of the other Atlantic basins, including the prerift (Paleozoic, rift (Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, transition (Barremian-Aptian and postrift (Aptian-present phases. Based on the analysis of basin evolution through seismic sections and well data as well as on the establishment of analogies with productive Atlantic basins, four speculative petroleum systems are proposed for the Punta del Este Basin: 1 Marine petroleum system of the prerift stage: Devonian/Permian-Devonian/Permian(?, 2 Lacustrine petroleum system of the synrift stage: Neocomian-Neocomian(?, 3 Marine petroleum system of the Cretaceous postrift: Aptian-Late Cretaceous(?, 4 Marine petroleum system of the Cenozoic postrift: Paleocene-Paleogene/Neogene(?.

  12. Echinococcus granulosus infections of dogs in the Durazno region of Uruguay. (United States)

    Parada, L; Cabrera, P; Burges, C; Acuña, A; Barcelona, C; Laurenson, M K; Gulland, F M; Agulla, J; Parietti, S; Paolillo, E


    The prevalence and distribution of Echinococcus granulosus in domestic dogs was examined in three dog populations in the Durazno region of Uruguay. The prevalence was 19.7 per cent in 704 dogs successfully purged with arecoline hydrobromide. Higher prevalences were detected in dogs from the rural area (30.0 per cent) and the village of La Paloma (25.9 per cent) than in the town of Sarandi del Yi (7.9 per cent). The frequency distribution of E granulosus was overdispersed (k, the negative binomial parameter = 0.08), with only a few animals harbouring heavy infections. The results of a questionnaire showed that the prevalence was greatest in male dogs, in dogs that were not kennelled, in dogs that had access to fields and in dogs that were not dosed with praziquantel. Dogs that were given raw sheep offal by their owners were no more likely to be parasitised than other dogs; this may reflect the inaccuracy of the owners' replies, or that the dogs were being infected outside their home.

  13. Uruguay: Milestones in the Regional Evolution of INIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rebellato, Ana Elda


    My first contact with the IAEA was in 1989 in Moscow, at ATOMINFORM while attending the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) training: INIS Human Resources: On the Job Group Training for Developing INIS Member States. Lectures were given about FIBRE data entry software and searches on INIS CD-ROM. Through the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, specifically by the ARCAL X project, modern technologies for access to information were introduced and the creation of INIS Centres was supported. During its execution, from 1985–1992, many countries in the region became members of INIS, including our country, Uruguay. Our involvement in the RLA/0/017 ARCAL XLII Regional Network for Nuclear Information increased after our application for INIS Liaison Officer was submitted by government authorities in Uruguay. This enabled better conditions for the formation of a nuclear Regional Information Network with 15 countries in Latin America

  14. Aspect of the early human occupation in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castineira, C.


    This work is about the studies carried out in the geological sedimentary formation called So pa which is located in the basaltic basin in the north of Uruguay. The results obtained allow to recognize characteristics of the late pleistocene - early holocene as well as geometric morpho metrics aspects

  15. Uruguay project - Metalic silicon manufacturing. Palmar location study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This work is about the Soriano town possibilities offered to Rima Industrial S.A in relation with the metallic silicon project in Uruguay. In this zone there is the Palmar hydroelectric plant with a capacity of 33 MW and its development is part of the Rio Negro river

  16. Lithosphere evolution during the pre devonian of Uruguay: Prevalence of strike slip faults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossi, J.


    The available data about mega shear zones were analyzed. Also the geo chronological trusty data about pre devonian rocks from Uruguay were overlapped. Emphasizing in the basic rocks, four tecto no-stratigraphy c terranes might be recognized. The approximate age of those rocks is known as well as the displacement trend. It can be concluded that the transmazonian age Piedra Alta Terrane (transmazonian age 2000 ± 100 My) is the most ancient block followed by the Tandilla Terrane (ages 2200 ± 100 My) which was joined through 1700 Ma. The Nico Perez Terrane displaced itself towards South generating the continental N10W mega shear fault Sarandi del Yi- Piriapolis towards 1250 My. Finally, the Arachania called continent made tangential collision from SE towards 525 Ma generating the ultramylonites band of the Sierra Ballena share zone. Each one of these terranes have totally different stratigraphy and lithological associations, and the chronological ages did not agree with the arrival of each one of the identified terranes


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    Patterer, Noelia I.


    Full Text Available Los palmares de Butia yatay (Mart. Becc. en el Parque Nacional El Palmar (Colón, Entre Ríos, son comunidades relictuales que se desarrollan sobre los suelos arenosos que pertenecen al orden de los Entisoles. Estos suelos constituyen las terrazas antiguas del río Uruguay. La serie de suelos Puerto Yeruá son suelos arenosos pardos formados sobre terrazas y poseen un mayor desarrollo pedológico. Se ha estudiado la composición fitolítica de la secuencia pedológica de esta serie de suelos con la finalidad de contribuir al conocimiento de la flora que acompañó el desarrollo de los mismos. Las asociaciones fitolíticas observadas reflejan el cambio de dos ciclos pedológicos, que dividen al perfil analizado en dos zonas demarcadas por la presencia de diferentes paleocomunidades: una de palmares asociados a un estrato herbáceo pobre y una superior de pastizales meso-megatérmicos con escasa presencia de microrestos afines a elementos arbóreos. El registro fitolítico descripto en el presente trabajo es el primer antecedente que muestra el posible punto de cambio en la fisonomía del paisaje y la retracción de los palmares de yatay en el área de estudio.

  18. All projects related to uruguay | Page 4 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    End Date: October 16, 2013. Topic: PEACE RESEARCH, CONFLICT RESOLUTION, DEMOCRATIZATION, ECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTION, Economic and social development. Region: Argentina, South America, Brazil, Chile, Haiti, North and Central America, Mexico, Uruguay. Total Funding: CA$ 1,549,100.00. Impact 2.0 ...

  19. Computing and Education in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. (United States)

    Sadowsky, Manuel

    Although the report is specifically about Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, the considerations presented are valid for all of Latin America. In September, 1969, Argentina had approximately 200 electronic computers. The annual growth is estimated at 15-20% and the implementation of teleprocessing and time-sharing systems have made evident the…

  20. Economic impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay Impacto económico de la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dagna O. Constenla


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the economic impact of vaccination with the pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7 in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. METHODS: A decision analytic model was constructed to compare pneumococcal vaccination of children 0-5 years old with no vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Costs and health outcomes were analyzed from the societal perspective. Vaccine, demographic, epidemiologic, and cost data were incorporated into this economic analysis. RESULTS: At the rate of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP vaccine coverage and a vaccine price of US$ 53 per dose, PCV7 was projected to prevent 23 474 deaths per year in children under 5 years old in the three countries studied, thus averting 884 841 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs yearly. To vaccinate the entire birth cohort of the three countries, total vaccine costs would be US$ 613.9 million. At US$ 53 per dose, the cost per DALY averted from a societal perspective would range from US$ 664 (Brazil to US$ 2 019 (Chile. At a cost of US$ 10 per dose, vaccine cost is lower than the overall cost of illness averted (US$ 125 050 497 versus US$ 153 965 333, making it cost effective and cost-saving. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate that the incorporation of PCV7 vaccine at US$ 53 per dose confers health benefits at extra costs. It is unclear whether vaccination at the current price is affordable to these countries.OBJETIVOS: Evaluar el impacto económico de la aplicación de la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada heptavalente (PCV7 en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. MÉTODOS: Se elaboró un modelo analítico de decisiones para comparar la vacunación antineumocócica de los niños de 0-5 años de edad con la no vacunación, en Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. Los costos y los desenlaces para la salud se analizaron desde el punto de vista de la sociedad. Al análisis económico se incorporaron los costos y los datos demográficos, epidemiológicos y de la vacuna. RESULTADOS

  1. Mining inventory of Uruguay. Polanco fotoplano geochemical prospecting results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H; Artignan, D; Vairon, P


    This work is about the geochemical prospecting carried out in Polanco fotoplano within the framework of Uruguay Mining inventory . In this work were covered 660 km2 obtaining 685 samples for study which were analyzed by Plasma Emission Spectrometry in Orleans BRGM laboratories

  2. Recetas contra el conjuro: los estilos de desarrollo en el Uruguay contemporáneo y los debates sobre el desarrollo latinoamericano (1973-2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastián Levalle


    Full Text Available Desde el comienzo de la década de 1950, el Secretario General de la CEPAL, Raúl Prebisch, alertó sobre el deterioro de los términos del intercambio que afectaba a los países del subcontinente en función del mayor crecimiento de la demanda de productos manufacturados importados con respecto a la de bienes primarios a exportar. El aporte prebischeano al mensaje de la industrialización prefiguró una serie de debates que las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas comenzaron a darse en los años 1960/70. En dichos intercambios sedimentó un conjunto de conceptos explicativos de la realidad latinoamericana que en los trabajos posteriores fueron relegados a un segundo plano. Frente a esta amnesia recurrente en el pensamiento de nuestros países creemos pertinente analizar los principales estilos de desarrollo del Uruguay entre 1974 y 2014 desde aquellos debates fundantes de las ciencias sociales latinoamericanas. En primer lugar, analizaremos la configuración de un estilo de desarrollo dependiente, concentrador y excluyente desde 1973 hasta el 2004. En un segundo momento, analizaremos las características de las políticas económicas y sociales implementadas por los gobiernos del Frente Amplio (2005-2014.

  3. Mining inventory of Uruguay : Uranium; Inventario Minero Nacional : Uranio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With the aim of Uruguay Uranium prospecting in this document has been summarized the following items: lithostratigraphy, background, economics aspects, radiation measuring, geochemistry, geophysics in Yerba Sola, Magnolia, Paso Amarillo, La Mercedes, Puntas de Abrojal, Las Chircas, La Divisa, Chuy, Apretado and Frayle Muerto.

  4. Uruguay Mining inventory. Las Animas fotoplano geochemical prospecting results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Spangenberg, J.


    This work is about the geochemical prospecting carried out in Las Animas fotoplano within the framework of Uruguay Mining inventory. In this work were covered 660 km2 obtaining 738 samples for study which were analyzed by Plasma Emission Spectrometry in Orleans BRGM laboratories.

  5. Importance of phosphate and exploration alternatives in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spoturno, J.


    This work is about the importance of some considerations of phosphates in the agricultural inputs market of Uruguay. At the same time are exposed a Geo structural draft and are analyzed different alternatives of exploration taking into account the current state of geological knowledge in the country as well as the anomalies in different areas

  6. Cross-fertilization between genetically modified and non-genetically modified maize crops in Uruguay. (United States)

    Galeano, Pablo; Debat, Claudio Martínez; Ruibal, Fabiana; Fraguas, Laura Franco; Galván, Guillermo A


    The cultivation of genetically modified (GM) Bt maize (Zea mays L.) events MON810 and Bt11 is permitted in Uruguay. Local regulations specify that 10% of the crop should be a non-GM cultivar as refuge area for biodiversity, and the distance from other non-GM maize crops should be more than 250 m in order to avoid cross-pollination. However, the degree of cross-fertilization between maize crops in Uruguay is unknown. The level of adventitious presence of GM material in non-GM crops is a relevant issue for organic farming, in situ conservation of genetic resources and seed production. In the research reported here, the occurrence and frequency of cross-fertilization between commercial GM and non-GM maize crops in Uruguay was assessed. The methodology comprised field sampling and detection using DAS-ELISA and PCR. Five field-pair cases where GM maize crops were grown near non-GM maize crops were identified. These cases had the potential to cross-fertilize considering the distance between crops and the similarity of the sowing dates. Adventitious presence of GM material in the offspring of non-GM crops was found in three of the five cases. Adventitious presence of event MON810 or Bt11 in non-GM maize, which were distinguished using specific primers, matched the events in the putative sources of transgenic pollen. Percentages of transgenic seedlings in the offspring of the non-GM crops were estimated as 0.56%, 0.83% and 0.13% for three sampling sites with distances of respectively 40, 100 and 330 m from the GM crops. This is a first indication that adventitious presence of transgenes in non-GM maize crops will occur in Uruguay if isolation by distance and/or time is not provided. These findings contribute to the evaluation of the applicability of the "regulated coexistence policy" in Uruguay. © ISBR, EDP Sciences, 2011.

  7. Decret 454/006 it approves offer presentation award contracts regulations to prospection stage as well as hydrocarbons exploration and exploitation in Republica Oriental del Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Then and the efforts of the National Fuel Alcohol and Portland (ANCAP), to achieve fitness to the actual circumstances of the oil industry, the Resolution of the Executive no.930/993 determining the regime for the presentation offers for the award of exploration and exploitation contratosde of hydrocarbons in the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

  8. Políticas de educación superior en países del Cono Sur

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    Pamela Tejeda Cerda


    Full Text Available Resumen Antecedentes. Para esta investigación se revisaron, como antecedentes, las políticas educativas nacionales de los países del Cono Sur y posteriormente se compararon las políticas institucionales de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina, la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Chile y la Universidad de La República (Uruguay. Objetivo. Caracterizar e interpretar las políticas de educación superior en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay, determinando factores que promueven o restringen una educación universitaria inclusiva para los estudiantes con discapacidad. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cualitativo a partir de fuentes documentales. Desde una perspectiva comparada, se exploraron las leyes nacionales y las normativas universitarias que nutrieron las categorías y matrices para el análisis político de la información. Resultados. Se encontraron diferentes enfoques políticos: Argentina con una postura de enfoque de derechos, Chile desde un enfoque biomédico y diferencial, y Uruguay con un enfoque social de la discapacidad. Conclusiones. Argentina lidera en la carrera para lograr una política de educación superior inclusiva; tanto en Chile como Uruguay hay cambios en sus políticas institucionales, sin embargo aún presentan limitaciones; en Chile los procesos de acceso están restringidos por altos costos y dificultades de financiamiento. La desigualdad social y económica en Latinoamérica afecta particularmente a los estudiantes con discapacidad. Si bien existe un marco jurídico que resguarda la educación, las realidades de los países del Cono Sur difieren en los procesos de acceso, permanencia y egreso de estos estudiantes. Palabras claves: Personas con discapacidad; Educación superior; Políticas públicas (DeCS.   Summary Background National education policies of the Southern Cone countries were reviewed as a background for this research. Later on, institutional policies of the National University of La Plata

  9. Short communication. Sensory evaluation of commercial beef produced in Uruguay and three European countries


    San-Julián, R.; Campo, M. M.; Nute, G.; Montossi, F.; Font-i-Furnols, M.; Guerrero, L.; Oliver, M. A.; Sañudo, C.


    The main goal of this study was to characterize and compare the organoleptic quality of beef from Uruguay and from three European countries. In Uruguay, 40 Hereford steers were raised exclusively under grazing conditions up to either two or three years old. Meat samples were aged for 20 days, matching commercial conditions. In Europe, one commercial local beef type, with two ageing times (7 and 20 days), from Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom were compared with Uruguayan beef samples, usi...

  10. Assessing the impact of cigarette package health warning labels: a cross-country comparison in Brazil, Uruguay, and Mexico (United States)

    Thrasher, James F; Villalobos, Victor; Szklo, André; Fong, Geoffrey T; Pérez, Cristina; Sebrié, Ernesto; Sansone, Natalie; Figueiredo, Valeska; Boado, Marcelo; Arillo-Santillán, Edna; Bianco, Eduardo


    Objective To assess the impact of different health warning labels (HWL). Material and Methods Data from the International Tobacco Control Survey (ITC Survey) were analyzed from adult smokers in Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico, each of which used a different HWL strategy (pictures of human suffering and diseased organs; abstract pictorial representations of risk; and text-only messages, respectively). Main outcomes were HWL salience and cognitive impact. Results HWLs in Uruguay (which was the only country with a HWL on the front of the package) had higher salience than either Brazilian or Mexican packs. People at higher levels of educational attainment in Mexico were more likely to read the text-only HWLs whereas education was unassociated with salience in Brazil or Uruguay. Brazilian HWLs had greater cognitive impacts than HWLs in either Uruguay or Mexico. HWLs in Uruguay generated lower cognitive impacts than the text-only HWLs in Mexico. In Brazil, cognitive impacts were strongest among smokers with low educational attainment. Conclusions This study suggests that HWLs have the most impact when they are prominent (i.e., front and back of the package) and include emotionally engaging imagery that illustrates negative bodily impacts or human suffering due to smoking. PMID:21243191

  11. Community-Associated MRSA in Uruguay

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is an antibiotic-resistant bacterium that is typically associated with infections in healthcare settings. In the past couple of decades, MRSA has emerged in the community, most often causing skin infections in healthy people who haven't recently been hospitalized. After an increase in community cases in Uruguay in 2004, health officials investigated to learn more about what was happening and found some interesting trends. In this podcast, CDC's Dr. Stephen Benoit discusses what they learned, the results of which are published in the August 2008 issue of CDC's journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases.

  12. Uruguay Energy Supply Options Study: a Detailed Multi-Sector Integrated Energy Supply and Demand Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conzelmann, G.; Veselka, T.


    Uruguay is in the middle of making critical decisions affecting the design of its future energy supply system.Momentum for change is expected to come from several directions including recent and foreseeable upgrades and modifications to energy conversion facilities, the importation of natural gas from Argentina, the possibility for a stronger interconnection of regional electricity systems, the country s membership in MERCOSUR, and the potential for energy sector reforms by the Government of Uruguay.The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of several fuel diversification strategies on Uruguay s energy supply system.The analysis pays special attention to fuel substitution trends due to potential imports of natural gas via a gas pipeline from Argentina and increasing electricity ties with neighboring countries.The Government of Uruguay contracted Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to study several energy development scenario ns with the support of several Uruguayan Institutions.Specifically, ANL was asked to conduct a detailed energy supply and demand analysis, develop energy demand projections based on an analysis of past energy demand patterns with support from local institutions, evaluate the effects of potential natural gas imports and electricity exchanges, and determine the market penetration of natural gas under various scenarios

  13. Uruguay: Political and Economic Conditions and U.S. Relations (United States)


    and 2006, however, councils were only convened for the construction, health, transport, and state sectors. “Uruguay risk: Labour market risk...more than 500,000 Uruguayan citizens residing abroad the right to vote absentee . Currently, Uruguayans must return to the country in order to cast a

  14. Long-term flow forecasts based on climate and hydrologic modeling: Uruguay River basin (United States)

    Tucci, Carlos Eduardo Morelli; Clarke, Robin Thomas; Collischonn, Walter; da Silva Dias, Pedro Leite; de Oliveira, Gilvan Sampaio


    This paper describes a procedure for predicting seasonal flow in the Rio Uruguay drainage basin (area 75,000 km2, lying in Brazilian territory), using sequences of future daily rainfall given by the global climate model (GCM) of the Brazilian agency for climate prediction (Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Clima, or CPTEC). Sequences of future daily rainfall given by this model were used as input to a rainfall-runoff model appropriate for large drainage basins. Forecasts of flow in the Rio Uruguay were made for the period 1995-2001 of the full record, which began in 1940. Analysis showed that GCM forecasts underestimated rainfall over almost all the basin, particularly in winter, although interannual variability in regional rainfall was reproduced relatively well. A statistical procedure was used to correct for the underestimation of rainfall. When the corrected rainfall sequences were transformed to flow by the hydrologic model, forecasts of flow in the Rio Uruguay basin were better than forecasts based on historic mean or median flows by 37% for monthly flows and by 54% for 3-monthly flows.

  15. Efectos del aborto clandestino en la subjetividad de las mujeres: resultados de una investigación cualitativa en Uruguay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandra López Gómez


    Full Text Available La dimensión subjetiva implicada en el proceso de aborto voluntario en contextos de ilegalidad y penalización ha sido escasamente explorada. Cuando un aborto se produce en la clandestinidad es, por definición, un aborto inseguro, independientemente de las condiciones sanitarias en el cual éste tenga lugar. El contexto de ilegalidad y penalización se transforma en un texto que determina la experiencia y sus resultados médicos, psicológicos, familiares, sociales y jurídicos. El estudio se realizó en base a un diseño cualitativo con entrevistas en profundidad a mujeres que abortaron clandestinamente en los últimos 15 años en Uruguay. Los hallazgos permitieron conocer los factores subjetivos asociados a las experiencias de aborto en un contexto, como el uruguayo, donde la práctica es tipificada como delito por la ley vigente en el país. The subjective dimension involved in the process of voluntary abortion in contexts of illegality and criminalization hasn't been studied in depth. A clandestine abortion is, by definition, an unsafe abortion, regardless of the sanitary conditions under which it takes place. The context of illegality and criminalization turns into a text that determines the experience and the medical, psychological, family, social and legal outcome. The study was carried out on the basis of a qualitative design with in-depth interviews to women who underwent clandestine abortions in the past 15 years in Uruguay. The findings allowed for the discovery of the subjective factors associated to abortion experiences in a context, such as the Uruguayan, where the practice is defined as a crime by the law in force.

  16. Contribution to the knowledge of the Val le Chico Uruguay formation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pirelli, H.


    This research has been designed to contribute with Val le Chico Uruguay formation knowledge, taking into the alkaline type tectonic environment, geochronology, granitoid types, lithologies and mineralizations existing in the area

  17. The Dom Feliciano belt (Brazil-Uruguay)and its fore land (Rio de la Plata Craton): framework, tectonic evolution and correlations with similar terranes of southwestern Africa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Basei, M.; Siga, O.; Masquelin, H.; Harara, O.; Reis Neto, J.; Preciozzi, F.


    The Dom Feliciano Belt (DFB) stretches for ca. 1,200 km along southeastern Brazil and eastern Uruguay, with an average width of 150 km. From its northern limit in Santa Catarina to its termination m Uruguay, DFB is internally organized according three crustal segments characterized, from southeast to northwest, by a Granitoid belt (calci-alkaline to alkaline granitoid rocks deformed to different degrees); a Schist belt (volcano-sedimentary rocks metamorphosed from green schist to amphibolite facies), and a Fore land belt (sedimentary and anchimetamorphic volcanic rocks), the latter situated between the Schist belt and the old western terranes. Despite discontinuously covered by younger sediments, the continuity of these three segments is suggested by the similar lithotypes and structural characteristics, as well as by the gravimetric geophysical signature.In this work, DBF is interpreted as the product of successive subduction s and collisions related to the agglutination of different terranes generated or intensely reworked from the Neoproterozoic to the Cambrian, during the Brasiliano and Rio Doce orogenesis, with maximum time starting at 900 Ma (opening of the Adamastor Ocean) and ending at 530 Ma (deformation of the fore land basins) related to the tecto no-magmatic events associated with the formation of the Western Gondwana.Besides the Neoproterozoic DFB and its fore land, the Rio de la Plata Craton and the Luis Alves Microplate, constituted by Paleoproterozoic gneissic-migmatitic rocks, two other tectonic units can be recognized in southeastern Brazil and eastern Uruguay: the Sao Gabriel Block (RS) where Neoproterozoic juvenile material can be characterized in regional scale (in great part associated with an island are), and the Punta del Este Terrane, which presents, in southern Uruguay, an ortho gneiss basement with ages around 1,000 Ma and a meta sedimentary cover (Rocha Group), which can correspond in the South-American portion, to the Namaqua and Gariep

  18. Evaluación ecotoxicológica de sedimentos en una zona del Río Uruguay, con puntos finales indicadores de toxicidad aguda, sub-letal, crónica, reproductiva y teratogénica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Míguez Carames


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la toxicidad de los sedimentos de una zona del Río Uruguay, aplicando una batería de bioensayos. Las muestras provinieron de: una zona de influencia de descargas domésticas y efluentes de una planta de celulosa (Fray Bentos, una ciudad turística aguas abajo (Las Cañas y otra aguas arriba (Nuevo Berlín, sin influencia directa de dichos vertidos. Los bioensayos aplicados en elutriados fueron: de toxicidad con Photobacterium leiognathi, de reproducción con Ceriodaphnia dubia, de teratogenicidad y letalidad con Pimephales promelas y el ensayo sub-letal en sedimento completo con Hyalella curvispina. Para evaluar la biodisponibilidad y las rutas de toxicidad, se midió el fraccionamiento del 2,4,5-triclorofenol, con resultados: 63% disuelto, 27% adsorbido sobre partículas y el resto sedimentado.Se observó toxicidad por orgánicos y metales con P. leioghnati para todos los sitios. La frecuencia de malformaciones vertebralesde P. promelas fue de 3.3% en Fray Bentos, pero C. dubia sólo mostró efectos en Nuevo Berlín y Las Cañas. Los efectos con H. curvispina se evidenciaron en todas las muestras. Las rutas de toxicidad incluirían la ingestión de contaminantes disueltos y particulados asociados a arcillas y limo. El vínculo causa-efecto para la toxicidad se continuará investigando.

  19. Latin American special project: kidney health cooperation project between Uruguay and Bolivia. (United States)

    Sola, Laura; Plata-Cornejo, Raúl; Fernández-Cean, Juan


    Uruguay and Bolivia are two countries that show heterogenicity of the Latin American region, including the national income, the expenditure on health and the services for renal care. In Bolivia, there is manpower shortage for renal care with only 5 nephrologists per million people (pmp) and the prevalence of patients on dialysis is only 200 pmp. This is much lower than the mean prevalence rate of renal replacement therapy for Latin America as a whole. Uruguay on the other hand has more dedicated renal resources with 50 nephrologists pmp, and renal replacement therapy is provided to ~ 1,000 dialysis patients pmp. In November 2012, a collaborative project financed by the Uruguayan International Cooperation Agency was signed by both the Uruguay and Bolivia Ministries of Health, and the goal was to develop a comprehensive program for the prevention and management of all stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Bolivia. The specific objectives were to: a) promote renal healthcare in the primary healthcare setting, b) identify kidney disease in populations at risk, and c) optimize patient care at all stages of CKD, including dialysis and transplantation supported with a national ESRD registry in Bolivia. As a first step, delegates from the Bolivian Health Ministry, visited Uruguay in April 2014, primarily to strengthen the development of tools required for developing and maintaining a national registry. In addition, during this visit, a meeting with the president of the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH) culminated in designing a training program for peritoneal dialysis. This highly cooperative relationship is advancing the prevention and care of CKD in Bolivia and may serve as a model for international approaches to advance system level CKD care in countries with limited healthcare resources.

  20. Kepentingan Pemerintah Uruguay Melegalisasi Ganja Pada Masa Pemerintahan Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano Tahun 2010-2015


    Nainggolan, Pebrianto; Yelta, Den


    This study explain about Uruguay government interests to legalization marijuana in the reign of Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano in 2013. Uruguay is a first country who legalize cultivation, distribution, and consumtion of marijuana in the world. Marijuana is plant which producing a fiber, but better known as narcotic substance in the seeds that can make the user feeling pleasure without cause. This regulation was first proposed by Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano and approved by parlament and senate. ...

  1. De historiografías y militancias. Izquierda, artiguismo y cuestión agraria en el Uruguay (1950-1973

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    González Demuro, Wilson


    Full Text Available In Uruguay, throughout the XX century all political forces, without exception, made a sustained political use of the main historical figure of the country, José Artigas, who was one of the leaders of the revolutionary process that shook the Río de la Plata region between 1810 and 1820. From 1950 up to the beginning of the military dictatorship in 1973, the left carried out a rescue operation and appropriation of Artigas and his revolution. Within the framework of a process of social and political agitation without precedents, many people thought that the country was on the verge of revolution. In this context, some historians who belonged officially or unofficially to these leftist parties and movements, published a series of studies that somehow reinforced the concept that the true artiguista tradition was rooted in their revolutionary forces, not in the traditional political parties. Moreover, they considered them as followers of the work of the enemies of José Artigas.

    En el Uruguay, a lo largo del siglo XX todas las fuerzas políticas, sin excepción, han hecho un sostenido uso político de la principal figura histórica del país, José Artigas, uno de los conductores del proceso revolucionario que sacudió al Río de la Plata entre 1810 y 1820. Desde 1950, y hasta el inicio de la dictadura militar en 1973, las izquierdas llevaron adelante una doble operación de rescate y apropiación de Artigas y su revolución, en el marco de un proceso de agitación social y política sin precedentes, que para muchos parecía poner al país al borde de la revolución. En este contexto, algunas escuelas historiográficas cuyos miembros se vincularon más o menos claramente con estos partidos y movimientos izquierdistas, publicaron una serie de estudios que de alguna manera reforzaban el concepto de que la verdadera tradición artiguista arraigaba en estas fuerzas revolucionarias, y no en los llamados “partidos tradicionales”, a los que ve

  2. Evaluation of dolomitic resources of Uruguay (Minas - Pan de Azucar Region)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arrighetti, R; Pirelli, H.; Gianotti, V.;


    This investigation tries - through Phase I and Phase II stages - to get and estimation of the volume of dolomite resources by means of prospecting the region between the city of Minas and the Pan de Azucar hill, Uruguay; with the objective of achieve a reactivation of this area, increasing job offer, commerce, industrial production and construction activities. Phase I is intended to add valuable information about the precise location of calcareous bodies, their basic features, its geochemical characterization and definition of bodies to be studied with higher detail in Phase II. This second stage points to get an evaluation of the Inferred Resources using 1:10 000 maps and lithological sampling networks to obtain a geochemical characterization of the rocky bodies and the core samples extracted by drilling.Keywords: dolomite, exploration, evaluation, Uruguay. (author)

  3. Vínculos para la gestión: dinámicas socio-institucionales y perspectivas para el manejo integrado de la pesca artesanal en Laguna de Rocha (Uruguay

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    Ximena Lagos Miranda


    Full Text Available El área protegida Laguna de Rocha es un importante sitio para la conservación de la biodiversidad del Uruguay y alberga una de las comunidades de pescadores artesanales más antiguas del pais. En el marco del Manejo Costero Integrado, este trabajo analiza las dinámicas y vínculos socio-institucionales en el area protegida, en su trayectoria de conformación y en torno a la pesca artesanal del lugar. Asimismo, se discute como estos procesos y las características del sistema de gobernanza, permiten evaluar las capacidades del sector para el desarrollo de instrumentos de gestión integrada, tales como la certificación de pesquerías. La conformación del área protegida muestra un proceso de innovación socionstitucional que permitió la consolidación de una red de actores robustecidos para su gestión. El sistema de gobernanza del área, los vínculos de alta intensidad y los aprendizajes de 20 años de experiencias en torno a la conservación del área, potencian las capacidades para promover un proceso de certificación pesquera adecuado al contexto local. Sin embargo, las mayores limitantes se encuentran en la falta de voluntad a nivel gubernamental para politicas de largo plazo, debilidad en los mecanismos de comunicación y el desconocimiento del potencial de este tipo de instrumentos.

  4. 78 FR 68327 - Importation of Ovine Meat From Uruguay (United States)


    ... thus has no bearing on this rulemaking. Goat Meat One commenter expressed concern that inspectors may... goats. It is unlikely that a facility would slaughter a goat and present its meat as ovine meat. As.... APHIS-2008-0085] RIN 0579-AD17 Importation of Ovine Meat From Uruguay AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health...

  5. Intercomparación bilateral entre LATU y PTB de calibración en puntos fijos (ITS-90 del Zn al Hg de un SPRT con PTB como laboratorio piloto

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    Ofelia Robatto


    Full Text Available El Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU, es el Instituto Metrológico Nacional del Uruguay, miembro fi rmante del Acuerdo de Reconocimiento Mutuo (MRA entre Laboratorios Nacionales de Metrología del Comité Internacional de Pesas y Medidas (CIPM. Las capacidades de medida y calibración (CMCs del LATU fueron reconocidas en junio de 2004 y se encuentran publicadas en la BIPM- Key Comparison Data Base (BIPM, 2009. El LATU estuvo acreditado desde 2001 hasta junio de 2007 por el Deutscher Kalibrier Dienst (Servicio de Acreditación Alemán en las magnitudes Masa, Balanzas y Temperatura (Laboratorio DKD, DKD-K-25601. Se decidió a partir de ese momento probar el cumplimiento con los criterios establecidos por el CIPM MRA y los requisitos de la Norma ISO/IEC 17025 en el marco de una auditoría in situ llevada a cabo en el LATU en enero de 2008. Como parte de ese proceso de revisión de pares, se realizó una Intercomparación Bilateral entre el PTB y el LATU en los puntos fi jos de la Escala Internacional de Temperatura (ITS-90, desde el punto triple de Hg hasta el punto de congelación del Zn, con el PTB como laboratorio piloto. En este artículo los resultados son presentados y discutidos de manera de sostener ladeclaración de mejores capacidades de medida y calibración (CMCs en sustitución de las ya declaradas.AbstractLaboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU, is the National Metrology Institute of Uruguay, signatory of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA, has Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs in temperature that were fi rst published in the BIPM Key Comparison Data Base (BIPM, 2009 in June 2004. LATU was a DKD Laboratory accredited in Mass, Balances and Temperature from 2001 until June 2007 when it was decided to adopt the CIPM criteria for proving compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 through a Peer Review process. The LATU on site Peer Review was carried out in January 2008, as part of the process. During the

  6. Geology of Sierra de San Miguel area Rocha department (Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muzio, R.; Veroslavsky, G.; Morales, E. . E mail:


    This paper is part of a regional study about Mesozoic magmatism, tectonics and sedimentation in Uruguay. As a result of the geological studies carried out in Sierra de San Miguel area (Rocha department), lithological descriptions, their stratigraphic relationships and their petrographic characterization are presented [es

  7. Políticas de Cuidado Infantil en América Latina: Análisis comparado de Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay y México

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    Full Text Available Los gobiernos dan forma a los problemas sociales y las propuestas para resolverlos, modelando así sus intervenciones públicas. Con el fin de contribuir al debate sobre el cuidado infantil en América Latina, el objetivo del trabajo es comparar los diferentes marcos interpretativos de las políticas de cuidado infantil de Chile, Costa Rica, Uruguay y México. A la luz del enfoque de análisis crítico de marcos, y a partir de los discursos de los actores sociales, se examinan las so - luciones que se ofrecen, así como la forma en que se interpreta el problema. El trabajo se basa en el análisis de documentos oficiales como planes y programas, y en algunos escritos académicos o producidos por organizaciones sociales, así como en la revisión de la literatura especializada sobre el tema en la región latinoamericana.

  8. Language Policies in Uruguay and Uruguayan Sign Language (LSU) (United States)

    Behares, Luis Ernesto; Brovetto, Claudia; Crespi, Leonardo Peluso


    In the first part of this article the authors consider the policies that apply to Uruguayan Sign Language (Lengua de Senas Uruguaya; hereafter LSU) and the Uruguayan Deaf community within the general framework of language policies in Uruguay. By analyzing them succinctly and as a whole, the authors then explain twenty-first-century innovations.…

  9. Integrative and sustantibility management of the underground water in America Latina. Sustantibility management of Raigon Aquifer. Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This work is a Project which was carried out with the participation of Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. These countries carried out eleven hydrogeolical studies with conventional and isotopic methods.The aim of this project is improve the hydrogeologic knowledge. In Uruguay the interest of its study was The Raigon System Aquifer which was denominated as maintained gestion of Raigon Aquifer.

  10. ¿Actividad liberal o libertinaje? La práctica laboral en la arqueología de contrato en uruguay

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    Irina Capdepont Caffa


    Full Text Available El desarrollo económico y los procesos de modernización gestados en Uruguay, generan transformaciones afectando al patrimonio arqueológico mediante la jecución de obras. El aumento de estas, junto con la Ley de Impacto Ambiental forjó la ejecución de estudios de impacto arqueológico. Ello genero un crecimiento en el campo laboral que no ha sido acompañado de un cambio legal, administrativo y académico. La problemática originada por todo ello hacen abordar y reflexionar sobre la situación actual del accionar arqueológico, los procedimientos metodológicos y éticos y el rol de los organismos fiscalizadores en el contexto de la Arqueología de Contrato o Arqueología Aplicada.

  11. Solar energy in Uruguay. Increase the use of solar panels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matos, V.


    This article is about the future of the solar energy in Uruguay. The main aspects of this kind of energy are solar thermic which is used for cooking food and heating water through solar collectors as well as the photovoltaics which allows the generation of electricity

  12. Towards a sustainable architecture: Learning of the constructed thing. The case of the residential sector I publish in Uruguay; Hacia una arquitectura sostenible: Aprendiendo de lo construido. El caso del sector residencial publico en Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piccion, A.; Camacho, M.; Lopez, N.; Milicua, S.


    This article presents measure data and satisfaction question in dwellings which had been Safety financed in ninety decade, in two cities of Uruguay. It assess the design strategies which are essentially used by architects, using the collected interior and exterior temperature data, the comfort hour percentages and the user perception of thermal environment. In Montevideo we observe a good performance to the strategies (solar protection, window factor and high inertia) adapted for the warm period. In Salto we observe a poor thermal behaviour, focus on users comfort due to the architects applied design strategies with identical criteria as in Montevideo, forgetting the local climate. (Author)

  13. Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in freshwaters of Uruguay

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    Sylvia Bonilla


    Full Text Available Cyanobacterial blooms are a worldwide environmental problem. This phenomenon is typically associated with eutrophication (nutrient enrichment and changes in hydrology. In this study we analysed the distribution of planktonic cyanobacteria in Uruguay and their toxins (microcystin, saxitoxin and cylindrospermopsin, working with an interagency team (OSE, DINAMA, IM, University of the Republic and IIBCE. An historical data base (n = 3061 for 64 ecosystems, years 1980-2014 was generated. Differences between lotic and lentic ecosystems were found in terms of chlorophyll a and nutrient concentrations, usually indicating eutrophication. Two geo-referenced maps for the country were generated with cyanobacteria biomass indicators and the most relevant toxin (microcystin, according to risk levels suggested by the World Health Organization for recreational waters. The areas of greatest risk of exposure were the reservoirs of large rivers (Uruguay and Río Negro and Río de la Plata beaches. In the second part of the study, up to 20 mg L-1of microcystin was quantified in bloom (scum samples, as well as the presence of genes that suggest more microcystin varieties, potentially with greater toxicity. This study provides basic information about the distribution of cyanobacteria in Uruguayan freshwaters that will be useful for national monitoring programs and scientific research.

  14. A New "Shield of the Weak": Continued Paternalism of Domestic Violence Services in Uruguay. (United States)

    Bloom, Allison


    Drawing on ethnographic and historical research, this article illuminates the limitations of the Uruguayan domestic violence services system. In spite of how advocates in Uruguay successfully used a human rights platform to secure legislation and services, this system now faces significant critique. Using Iris Marion Young's work on the "logic of masculinist protection" and historical parallels in Uruguay's welfare system, I discuss how a paternalistic approach may be to blame. I highlight how this paternalism contributes to the paternalism that problematically underlies gendered violence-reinforcing rather than addressing oppressive ideologies and structures that impede improving conditions for women.

  15. Paleoescatology in the sopas formation (Upper Pleistocene) form Uruguay, paleobilogic focus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verde, M.; Ubilla, M.; Soloviy, J.


    Continental tetrapod coprolites are reported for the first time for Uruguay, these remains come from the Sopas Formation (Upper Pleistocene). They are assigned to carnivore mammals based on morphology and inclusions of micrommmal remains besides of other attributes.(author)

  16. Prevalence of Escherichia coli adhesion-related genes in neonatal calf diarrhea in Uruguay. (United States)

    Umpiérrez, Ana; Acquistapace, Sofía; Fernández, Sofía; Oliver, Martín; Acuña, Patricia; Reolón, Eduardo; Zunino, Pablo


    Neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD), one of the most important diseases of neonatal dairy and beef calves in Uruguay, has become relevant in association with intensive systems. This disease generates substantial economic losses every year worldwide as a result of increased morbidity and mortality. Escherichia coli, one of the pathogens associated with NCD, can express several fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins. The objective of this study was to assess the presence of clpG, f5, f17A, f17G(II), and f17G(I) genes that encode three important adhesins expressed in diarrheagenic E. coli: F5, F17 and CS31A, isolated from feces of calves in Uruguay. Feces of 86 (70 diarrheic and 16 healthy) calves, from 15 animal facilities in Uruguay, were collected between 2012 and 2013. Biochemical and molecular identification were performed to finally obtain 298 E. coli isolates. Partial amplification of adhesion-related genes was performed by polymerase chain reaction. The most prevalent gene was f17A (31.2%), followed by f17G(II), clpG, f17G(I) and f5 (25.8%, 17.5%, 3.7% and 0.7%, respectively). All genes were present in diarrheic and healthy animals except f5 and f17G(I); these genes were present only in affected calves, although in low numbers. This is the first report of the presence of F5, F17, and CS31A genes in E. coli strains from NCD cases in Uruguay. Prevalence values of the genes, except f5, were in accordance with regional findings. It is expected that further characterization of locally transmitted strains will contribute to control a problem of regional and international magnitude.

  17. Community-Associated MRSA in Uruguay

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is an antibiotic-resistant bacterium that is typically associated with infections in healthcare settings. In the past couple of decades, MRSA has emerged in the community, most often causing skin infections in healthy people who haven't recently been hospitalized. After an increase in community cases in Uruguay in 2004, health officials investigated to learn more about what was happening and found some interesting trends. In this podcast, CDC's Dr. Stephen Benoit discusses what they learned, the results of which are published in the August 2008 issue of CDC's journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases.  Created: 8/5/2008 by Emerging Infectious Diseases.   Date Released: 8/7/2008.

  18. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Uruguay: results of a nationwide survey. (United States)

    Gallarreta, Marcelo; Furtado, João M; Lansingh, Van C; Silva, Juan Carlos; Limburg, Hans


    To investigate and describe the prevalence and causes of blindness and moderate and severe visual impairment in older adults living in Uruguay. All individuals aged ≥ 50 years old living in randomly selected clusters were eligible to participate. In each census enumeration unit selected, 50 residents aged 50 years and older were chosen to participate in the study using compact segment sampling. The study participants underwent visual acuity (VA) measurement and lens examination; those with presenting VA (PVA) glaucoma (14.3%) were the main causes of blindness. Prevalence of SVI and MVI was 0.9% (95% CI: 0.5-1.3) and 7.9% (95% CI: 6.0-9.7) respectively. Cataract was the main cause of SVI (65.7%), followed by uncorrected refractive error (14.3%), which was the main cause of MVI (55.2%). Cataract surgical coverage was 76.8% (calculated by eye) and 91.3% (calculated by individual). Of all eyes operated for cataract, 70.0% could see ≥ 20/60 and 15.3% could not see 20/200 post-surgery. Prevalence of blindness in Uruguay is low compared to other Latin American countries, but further reduction is feasible. Due to Uruguay's high cataract surgical coverage and growing proportion of people ≥ 50 years old, the impact of posterior pole diseases as a contributing factor to blindness might increase in future.

  19. Uruguay mining Inventory: geochemical prospecting results of Cerro de las Cuentas mapping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spangenberg, J.; Filippini, J.


    This work is about the geochemical prospecting carried out into the Uruguay mining inventory framework. In this case the survey was in Cerro de las Cuentas mapping. Cerro Largo department. Scale 1 / 50000.

  20. Estudio multinivel basado em PISA 2009: determinantes del rendimiento educativo em Uruguay

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    Vivian Tatiane Rodrigues Yuane


    Full Text Available Los resultados de PISA 2009 manifiestan que el nivel educativo de los estudiantes Uruguayos se sitúa en una posición por debajo del promedio de los países de la OCDE, además, el promedio de los mismos discrepa entre las regiones del país. Frente a eso, este ensayo se propone a analizar los determinantes del desempeño estudiantil basado en los factores que tradicionalmente la literatura ha identificado como determinantes de la eficacia escolar. Dichos factores están relacionados con el propio alumno, con el centro educativo al que pertenece, su familia y su situación socioeconómica. Este ensayo además, procura controlar los aspectos regionales, para ello, la metodología empleada en este estudio es la regresión multinivel con la que es posible considerar la estructura jerárquica de las variables, el modelo incluye tres niveles: alumno, escuelas y regiones. Los resultados muestran que el nivel educativo de los padres, la calificación de los profesores y el nivel socioeconómico de los alumnos que concurren a la misma escuela, cuanto mayor sean sus valores correspondientes, mayor es el resultado esperado en el rendimiento de los alumnos en el área de comprensión lectora.

  1. Piriápolis: Pionera planificación urbana en América del Sur

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    Alfredo Palacios Barra


    Full Text Available Piriápolis es una de las principales ciudades balnearias de Uruguay, ubicada en el Departamento de Maldonado a 97 kms. al norte de la ciudad capital de Montevideo y a 40 kms. al sur de Punta del Este, una de las más importantes ciudades vacacionales de la costa atlántica y a la que se encuentra conectada por una importante red de vías pavimentadas.

  2. Mesoproterozoic evolution of the Rio de la Plata Craton in Uruguay: at the heart of Rodinia?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gaucher, Claudio; Frei, Robert; Chemale, Farid


    Mesoproterozoic volcanosedimentary units and tectonic events occurring in the Ri´o de la Plata Craton (RPC) are reviewed. A belt consisting of volcanosedimentary successions exhibiting greenschist-facies metamorphism is exposed in the eastern RPC (Nico Pe´rez Terrane) in Uruguay. The Parque UTE...... and top, and Conophyton-bearing limestones and massive dolostones in the middle. A U–Pb LA-ICP MS zircon age of 1,433 ± 6 Ma is reported here for lapilli-tuffs at the base of the Mina Verdu´n Group (Cerro de las Vi´boras Formation). This age shows that the Mina Verdu´n Group immediately postdates...... the Sarandi´ del Yi´ megashear. We report a U–Pb LA-ICP MS zircon age (upper intercept) of 3,096 ± 45 Ma for metatonalites of the La China Complex (Nico Pe´rez Terrane), which yield a lower intercept age of 1,252 Ma. A proto-Andean, Mesoproterozoic belt is envisaged to account for abundant Mesoproterozoic...

  3. Brief Counseling on Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Pregnant Women in Argentina and Uruguay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alicia Alemán


    Full Text Available Argentina and Uruguay have a high prevalence of smoking during pregnancy, as well as of secondhand smoke (SHS exposure. In this secondary analysis of a trial to implement brief smoking cessation counseling during antenatal care in Argentina and Uruguay, we aim to evaluate the effects of the intervention on the rates of self-reported SHS exposure at home and at work, and on attitudes recalled by non-smoker women enrolled in the intervention group compared with the control group. We randomly assigned (1:1 20 antenatal care clusters in Argentina and Uruguay to receive a multifaceted intervention to implement brief smoking cessation counseling, which also included questions and counseling regarding SHS exposure, or to receive the standard of care. There was not a statistically significant difference between groups of the intervention’s effect (reduction of exposure to SHS on any of the three exposure outcome measures (exposure at home, work or other indoor areas or on the attitudes of women regarding exposure (avoiding breathing SHS and having rooms where smoking is forbidden. This analysis shows that we should not expect reductions in SHS exposure with this modest intervention alone. To achieve such reductions, strategies engaging partners and other household members may be more effective.

  4. Brief Counseling on Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Pregnant Women in Argentina and Uruguay. (United States)

    Alemán, Alicia; Morello, Paola; Colomar, Mercedes; Llambi, Laura; Berrueta, Mabel; Gibbons, Luz; Buekens, Pierre; Althabe, Fernando


    Argentina and Uruguay have a high prevalence of smoking during pregnancy, as well as of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure. In this secondary analysis of a trial to implement brief smoking cessation counseling during antenatal care in Argentina and Uruguay, we aim to evaluate the effects of the intervention on the rates of self-reported SHS exposure at home and at work, and on attitudes recalled by non-smoker women enrolled in the intervention group compared with the control group. We randomly assigned (1:1) 20 antenatal care clusters in Argentina and Uruguay to receive a multifaceted intervention to implement brief smoking cessation counseling, which also included questions and counseling regarding SHS exposure, or to receive the standard of care. There was not a statistically significant difference between groups of the intervention's effect (reduction of exposure to SHS) on any of the three exposure outcome measures (exposure at home, work or other indoor areas) or on the attitudes of women regarding exposure (avoiding breathing SHS and having rooms where smoking is forbidden). This analysis shows that we should not expect reductions in SHS exposure with this modest intervention alone. To achieve such reductions, strategies engaging partners and other household members may be more effective.

  5. Uruguay : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Argentina, South America, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, North and Central America, Uruguay. Programme: Emploi et croissance. Financement total : CA$ 352,841.00. Participation sociale à la santé au sein du MERCOSUR. Projet. Avec l'aide du CRDI, l'Instituto de la Salud, Medio Ambiente, Economia y ...

  6. Uruguay : tous les projets | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    , Mexico, Uruguay ... Selon les données estimatives de l'Organisation panaméricaine de la santé (2004), la population des villes d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes - évaluée à 300 millions d'habitants - produit chaque jour 225 000 tonnes de ...

  7. A nationwide survey on seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in beef cattle in Uruguay. (United States)

    Bañales, Pedro; Fernandez, Leandro; Repiso, María V; Gil, Andres; Dargatz, David A; Osawa, Takeshi


    Bovine abortions due to Neospora caninum infection have been reported worldwide and its economic impact on the beef industry has been acknowledged as a problem. Uruguay has the largest export value of beef per acre in South America. However, no data on the prevalence of N. caninum infection have been available in this country. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and distribution of N. caninum infection in beef cattle in Uruguay through a nationwide survey. A two stage sampling design was used with farms being selected in stage one and animals being selected in stage two. A brief questionnaire was administered on each farm. Seroprevalence of N. caninum in 4444 beef cattle from 229 farms in all the counties, except Montevideo, of Uruguay was determined by an ELISA. The data were then analyzed to identify associations between infection and variables such as type of animal (cow or heifer), herd size, use of veterinary advice, productivity of the soil in relation to the national average, use of improved grass, use of mineral salts, use of supplemental feed, and presence of a dog(s) on the farm. The estimated proportion of positive farms for all the beef cattle operations was 69.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 53.7-84.7). The overall cattle seroprevalence was estimated as 13.9% (95% CI, 11.6-16.3). The prevalence estimation by animal category was 14.3% (95% CI, 11.4-17.2) for beef cows and 12.9% (95% CI, 10.0-15.8) for beef heifers. There was no significant difference in the estimated prevalence between the two animal types. There was no significant difference in the animal level prevalence of N. caninum infection among different herd sizes. None of the herd demographic or management variables was significantly associated with the seropositivity to N. caninum infection. In conclusion, these results show that N. caninum infection is common among beef herds across Uruguay. Since the beef industry is one of the key industries in Uruguay, the

  8. Geographic distribution and apparent decline of Crotalus durissus terrificus (Laurenti, 1768; Serpentes, Viperidae) in Uruguay


    Prigioni, Carlos M.; Borteiro, Claudio; Kolenc, Francisco; Colina, Marcelo; González, Enrique M.


    The rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus (Laurenti, 1768; Serpentes, Viperidae) is a rare species in Uruguay, where it reaches the southern boundaries of its distribution. The most recent distribution map available for this species in Uruguay is based on a few specimens that were collected during the 1950s and 1960s. Herein, we make a comprehensive account of rattlesnake records in this country obtained from herpetological literature and other bibliographic sources, specimens accessioned ...

  9. Los límites de la inclusión: mitos y realidades de la educación uruguaya del último siglo


    Marrero, Adriana


    El artículo se propone mostrar que la desigualdad educative no es un fenómeno nuevo en Uruguay. Lejos de un sentido común generalizado que sostiene que la educación uruguaya del mediados del Siglo XX tenía altos grados de calidad y de inclusión social, el artículo muestra las dificultades que tuvo siempre el sistema educativo uruguayo para incluir a los sectores más pobres de la población. Simultáneamente, se ensayan explic...

  10. Predicción Climática Estacional de Precipitación Acumulada en Primavera y Verano en el Sur de Uruguay

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    Matilde Ungerovich

    Full Text Available Resumen Se desarrollan diferentes modelos pre-operativos de pronóstico dinámico-estadístico de precipitación estacional en el sur de Uruguay para primavera y verano. Para ello se utilizan regresiones lineales entre predicciones de variables dinámicas y observaciones de precipitación. Los pronósticos se inicializan en Agosto y Noviembre para los trimestres de Setiembre-Noviembre y Diciembre-Febrero, respectivamente. Las predicciones de las variables dinámicas son salidas de un ensamble del modelo de circulación general de la atmósfera ICTP MCGA forzado con condiciones de borde de temperatura de superficie del mar (TSM pronosticadas por NCEP-CFSv2. Las observaciones de precipitación provienen de 10 estaciones meteorológicas ubicadas al sur del Río Negro. Los mejores índices predictores se encuentran mediante validación cruzada, utilizando ventanas de un año, con las variables dinámicas. Se concluye que el mejor índice predictor es el viento meridional en 200 hPa promediado en una región que incluye el Sudeste de Sudamérica y es tal que anomalías de componente norte están asociadas a lluvias por encima de lo normal en el sur del país. Se encuentra que para todo el sur del país los pronósticos tienen habilidad únicamente en primavera mientras que para la zona metropolitana de Montevideo los pronósticos muestran habilidad para ambas estaciones y principalmente para verano.

  11. Self-propelled prospection methodology: first results obtained in the northeast basin (Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, H; Spoturno, J; Peciozzi, F.


    This report refers about uranium prospection methodology in Uruguay and its first results obtained in the northeast basin.The preliminary radiometric researching is carried out four works phases: material preparation, radiometric, statistics analysis, anomalies revision

  12. La experiencia de Uruguay: el Proyecto de Ley de Defensa de la Salud Reproductiva The experience in Uruguay: the Bill for the Defense of Reproductive Health

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    Mónica Xavier


    Full Text Available El artículo se refiere a la experiencia uruguaya de estos últimos años respecto al debate sobre los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Si bien el proyecto de ley de defensa de la salud reproductiva no pudo salvar la barrera del Senado, tanto el proceso previo como los impactos posteriores, han sido relevantes, generando un debate social, aún incipiente, pero que ha involucrado a medios de comunicación, la Academia y los partidos políticos y convocando a una discusión que por primera vez se realiza en ambas Cámaras. En dicho contexto debe destacarse el papel de las ONGs defensoras de los derechos de la mujer - en especial de los sexuales y reproductivos -, quienes concretaron una coordinación, incluyendo al movimiento sindical, que apoyó la propuesta parlamentaria. El debate generó asimismo vínculos internacionales que lo proyectaron fuera de fronteras. El artículo releva brevemente antecedentes y fundamentos del proyecto, las investigaciones realizadas, los compromisos internacionales asumidos por el país, culminando con una síntesis del mismo y de los desafíos que se generan en torno a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, y concretamente respecto a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo.This article reports on the recent Uruguayan experience with the debate on sexual and reproductive rights. While the Bill for the Defense of Reproductive Health did not pass in the Senate, both the prior process and the subsequent impacts have been relevant, generating a social debate that is still incipient but has involved the mass media, academia, and the political parties and spawning a discussion that has involved both houses of Congress for the first time. Within this context, an outstanding role has been played by NGOs devoted to the defense of women's rights (especially sexual and reproductive, who established a coordinating body that included the trade union movement, which supported the bill. The debate also led to international

  13. Aborto y Parlamento: un estudio sobre Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina Aborto e Parlamento: um estudo sobre Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina Abortion and Parliament: a study on Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Isabel Baltar da Rocha


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo desarrolla un estudio comparativo entre Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay sobre las legislaciones y las acciones de diversos actores en relación a la despenalización y/o legalización del aborto. El tema se instala en la agenda pública en los tres países a partir del proceso de democratización iniciado en la década de los 80 produciéndose diversas intervenciones tanto del movimiento de mujeres, como de las corporaciones médicas y otros actores sociales en el transcurso de la década del 90 y los primeros años del Siglo XXI. En ese sentido se han trabajado las distintas intervenciones en el ámbito legislativo (tanto Cámara de Senadores como de Diputados, así como estrategias de políticas públicas implementadas desde los estados, con el monitoreo y seguimiento del movimiento de mujeres, para paliar una situación gravísima de violación de derechos humanos. El incumplimiento de los derechos, consagrados en los cuerpos constitucionales, afecta a las mujeres, especialmente las más vulnerables, en relación al derecho a la salud y la equidad. Se analizaron además los avances y retrocesos visualizados en el transcurso del período a estudiar, así como la importancia de mantener el tema en la agenda pública y en los medios masivos de comunicación que han cumplido un papel importante, tanto promoviendo, como deslegitimando el logro del derecho al aborto.O presente trabalho é um estudo comparativo entre Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai em torno das legislações e ações de diversos atores em relação à descriminalização e/ou legalização do aborto. Este tema entrou na agenda pública dos três países a partir do processo de democratização, iniciado na década de 1980, e de diversas intervenções, tanto do movimento de mulheres, como da classe médica e outros atores sociais, ao longo da década de 1990 e dos primeiros anos do século XXI. Nesse sentido, foram estudadas as diversas intervenções no

  14. Intra-generational Social Mobility and Entrepreneurship in Uruguay


    Daniel Bukstein; Néstor Gandelman


    In this paper we follow an income-based, time-dependence approach to measure the impact of entrepreneurship on social mobility in Uruguay. The working definition of entrepreneur is business owners with employees. Using household surveys from 1982 to 2010 we show that their income level, income volatility, and evolution over the business cycle are consistent with them being opportunity entrepreneurs. Self-employed workers are more similar to necessity entrepreneurs. We find significant evidenc...

  15. Predicting the Diffusion of Improved Pastures in Uruguay


    Lovell S. Jarvis


    Research suggests the logistic curve is the characteristic diffusion path for new technologies. Econometric analysis of fertilized grass-legume pastures in Uruguay indicated that their diffusion during the first years following introduction also followed a logistic path. Some departure from a simple logistic shape was explained by including beef and fertilizer prices within the diffusion framework. Both the rate and limit of diffusion were positively related to changes in the technology's pro...

  16. Stratigraphy of Guichon Formation (lower cretaceous) in litoral basin, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, C.; Perea, D.; Perinotto, J.


    This report is about the stratigraphic al analysis of the Guichon Formation (lower cretaceous, litoral basin in Uruguay). The facies association is represented by conglomerates mainly fine sandstones and mud stones wi ch is interpreted as an alluvial system. A regional palaeogeography and a new geochronological alternative are established for this formation. (author).

  17. Stratigraphy of neoproterozoic sedimentary and volcano sedimentary successions of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pecoits, E.; Aubet, N.; Oyhantcabal, P.; Sanchez Bettucci, L.


    Based on the new data the different characteristics of the Neoproterozoic (volcano) sedimentary succesions of Uruguay are described and discussed. Their stratigraphic tectonics and palaeoclimatic implications are analyzed.The results of the present investigations also allow to define the Maldonado Group which would beintegrated by the Playa Hermosa and Las Ventanas formations.

  18. Exploring options for sustainable development of vegetable farms in South Uruguay

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dogliotti Moro, S.


    Keywords:land use system, modeling, farming system, future-oriented studies, vegetables,

    The sustainable development of vegetable farms in South Uruguay requires the development of farming systems that contribute

  19. Quality assurance for radiodiagnostic equipment in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cotelo, Elena D.


    Since Uruguay did not have an study on X-ray equipment, students of Radiation Protection course (RP) made this field work throughout the country. The objective is to obtain information on the number and kind of X-ray radiodiagnostic equipment. Some of the results are: there are 666 radiodiagnostic equipment. The ratio of population to equipment is 4.515 to 1 in the capital and the mean rate in the rest of the country is 4.383 to one, with a minimum of 1.707 and a maximum of 8.220. The Public Health Ministry (MSP) and the Instituciones de Asistencia Medica Colectiva (a kind of private heath assurance) (IAMC) have less equipment in the capital than in the rest of the country. The 37% of the capital population receives assistance through the IAMC , with a 42.5 % of the equipment. Uruguay except the capital has 18 districts and 17 computed tomography equipment, from which only 3 belong to the MSP. Five districts do not have any. In Montevideo, there are 11.500 females over forty years of age per X-ray mammography equipment, and this relation in the rest of the country is 13.900. There are 21 X-ray Interventional radiology equipment, 16 of them are in the capital. Is from relating the radiodiagnostic equipment, the population and the procedures, that quality assistance indicators emerge. This owns high importance on the way to create a RP National Programme. (author)

  20. El acceso a la información pública y los archivos en Uruguay

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    Lourdes Ramos


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza la situación actual de los archivos en Uruguay en relación a las leyes de Acceso a la Información Pública y de Sistema Nacional de Archivos, normativas que surge cuando el Estado uruguayo inicia una fase de reordenación de su gestión promoviendo cambios que fomentan la democratización y la eficiencia, a la vez que anulan la opacidad y extrema reserva en su administración. Se analiza cómo los profesionales archivólogos estuvieron estrechamente involucrados en el proceso de gestación de ambas leyes, dando inicio a una etapa de consecución de fuertes voluntades políticas que apoyaran los proyectos, convencidos que la premisa evidente del Derecho de Acceso es que el documento al que se pretenda acceder exista y sea recuperable. Se estudia como la coexistencia de ambas normas implicaban un cambio cultural, una evolución en el comportamiento de las organizaciones que no acompañó a la puesta en marcha de los instrumentos legales. Se concluye que el Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública está basado en el principio fundamental de transparencia de los Órganos del Estado, por lo que no es de extrañar que una ley que obliga a brindar información tenga el riesgo de devenir en letra muerta. El Archivo debe ser “condición” administrativa, lo que exige una nueva dimensión de ellos y de sus profesionales dentro de los organismos del Estado, de forma tal que se conviertan en una inmejorable herramienta para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Ley de Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública.

  1. The Texts of the Instruments connected with the Agency's assistance to Uruguay in Establishing a Research Reactor Project

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The texts of the Supply Agreement between the Agency and the Governments of the United States of America and Uruguay, and of the Project Agreement between the Agency and the Government of Uruguay, in connection with the Agency's assistance to the latter Government in establishing a research reactor project, are reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. These Agreements entered into force on 24 September 1965

  2. The Texts of the Instruments connected with the Agency's assistance to Uruguay in Establishing a Research Reactor Project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the Supply Agreement between the Agency and the Governments of the United States of America and Uruguay, and of the Project Agreement between the Agency and the Government of Uruguay, in connection with the Agency's assistance to the latter Government in establishing a research reactor project, are reproduced in this document for the information of all Members. These Agreements entered into force on 24 September 1965.

  3. uruguay : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Plusieurs études ont montré que certaines formes de réseautage d'affaires collaboratif peuvent avoir une incidence positive sur l'innovation, les résultats financiers et le développement régional. Région: Chile, El Salvador, Paraguay, Uruguay. Programme: Initiative Think tank. Financement total : CA$ 250,000.00.

  4. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Guayabos Sheet N-15

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gancio, F.; Ford, I.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Guayabos) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils of Arapey, Guichon, Mercedes and Asencio formations in the Cretaceous period

  5. Pasado, presente y futuro: el GATT, las áreas de libre comercio y ¿la Organización Mundial del Comercio?


    Bernardos Domínguez, Gonzalo


    Para la mayoría de los economistas, la firma del acuerdo final de la Ronda Uruguay en abril de 1994 en Marrakech (Marruecos) comporta una sustancial mejora en las perspectivas referentes a las relaciones comerciales entre los distintos países. Esta mejora tiene como base la liberalización comercial que suponen los acuerdos alcanzados y, en especial, la creación de una nueva institución: la Organización Mundial de Comercio (OMC). La OMC tiene como objetivo recoger el testigo del Acuerdo Genera...

  6. Epidemiología de las Enfermedades Periodontales en el Uruguay. Pasado y presente.

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    Ernesto Andrade

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo del artículo fue realizar una revisión sobre la Enfermedad Periodontal en Uruguay. Fueron consultadas bases de datos internacionales (PUBMED, SCOPUS, EBSCO, SciELO. Paralelamente la búsqueda abarcó fuentes nacionales (Biblioteca Nacional de Odontología, Centro de documentación de la Facultad de Odontología, Ministerio de Salud Pública, Dirección Nacional de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, complementado por búsqueda manual. Los estudios hallados aportaron información epidemiológica útil, además de permitir un repaso histórico sobre conceptos de epidemiología, etio-patogenía y corrientes hegemónicas de la periodoncia. La Enfermedad Gingival representa la patología más prevalente, mientras que los cuadros periodontales destructivos afectan fundamentalmente a los adultos. La edad, el origen geográfico, la clase social y el hábito de fumar son indicadores fuertemente asociados con dichos trastornos. De la lectura pormenorizada de los artículos recopilados se plantean sugerencias a ser consideradas en los próximos relevamientos epidemiológicos.

  7. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Cololo Sheet 0-19

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales, H.; Ford, I.; Montana, J.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Cololo) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils of Holocene, Oligocene and upper Cretaceous in Asencio and Fray Bentos formations

  8. Tobacco smoke exposure in public places and workplaces after smoke-free policy implementation: a longitudinal analysis of smoker cohorts in Mexico and Uruguay (United States)

    Thrasher, James F.; Nayeli Abad-Vivero, Erika; Sebrié, Ernesto M.; Barrientos-Gutierrez, Tonatiuh; Boado, Marcelo; Yong, Hua Hie; Arillo-Santillán, Edna; Bianco, Eduardo


    Objective: To determine the prevalence, correlates and changes in secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure over the period after comprehensive smoke-free policy implementation in two Latin American countries. Methods: Data were analysed from population-based representative samples of adult smokers and recent quitters from the 2008 and 2010 waves of the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey in Mexico (n = 1766 and 1840, respectively) and Uruguay (n = 1379 and 1411, respectively). Prevalence of SHS exposure was estimated for regulated venues, and generalized estimating equations were used to determine correlates of SHS exposure. Results: Workplace SHS exposure in the last month was similar within and across countries (range: Mexico 20–25%; Uruguay 14–29%). At the most recent restaurant visit, SHS exposure was lower where comprehensive smoke-free policies were implemented (range: Uruguay 6–9%; Mexico City 5–7%) compared with Mexican cities with weaker policies, where exposure remained higher but decreased over time (32–17%). At the most recent bar visit, SHS exposure was common (range: Uruguay 8–36%; Mexico City 23–31%), although highest in jurisdictions with weaker policies (range in other Mexican cities: 74–86%). In Uruguay, males were more likely than females to be exposed to SHS across venues, as were younger compared with older smokers in Mexico. Conclusions: Comprehensive smoke-free policies are more effective than weaker policies, although compliance in Mexico and Uruguay is not as high as desired. PMID:23172895

  9. Women, feminism and social change in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, 1980-1940

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    Guimoar Dueñas


    Full Text Available Asunción Lavrin. Women, feminism and social change in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, 1890-1940. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1995, 481 páginas. Tercer volúmen de la serie Engendering Latin America.

  10. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Piriapolis Sheet G-29

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F; Pena, S; Masquelin, E; Pias, J; Tabo, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Piriapolis) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils. Geomorphologically Piriapolis fotoplano is dominated by Las Animas and an important Cenozoic coverage

  11. Cinnabar presence ar round the Valentin stream in Florida district of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez, L.


    Some little grains of cinnabar were found in Valentin River, Florida, Uruguay during the Gold Exploration Project on the Area in 1991. We present some chemical data to prove the existence of mercury probably related to a greissen hydrothermal event.

  12. Resolution 574/006 it authorizes to the National Administration of Oil Alcohol and Portland to sign a contract directly with PETROBRAS Uruguay services and operation S.A. in terms and conditions included in the Agreement to carried out hydrocarbons survey in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Then and the efforts of the National Fuel Alcohol and Portland (ANCAP) in seeking approval of an agreement between this Administration and services and operations PETROBRAS SA Uruguay work for the realization of search for hydrocarbons in Uruguay. The above general agreement aims to conduct a regional study, by integrating seismic and well data, with a view to mounting a stratigraphic and structural characterization of structural and stratigraphic styles by sequence.

  13. DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis (United States)

    Gayo, Valeria; Sanchis, Jaime; Artigas, Patricio; Khoubbane, Messaoud; Birriel, Soledad; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Background Fascioliasis is a pathogenic disease transmitted by lymnaeid snails and recently emerging in humans, in part due to effects of climate changes, anthropogenic environment modifications, import/export and movements of livestock. South America is the continent presenting more human fascioliasis hyperendemic areas and the highest prevalences and intensities known. These scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. A study including DNA marker sequencing of fasciolids and lymnaeids, an experimental study of the life cycle in Uruguay, and a review of human fascioliasis in Uruguay, are performed. Methodology/Principal findings The characterization of Fasciola hepatica from cattle and horses of Uruguay included the complete sequences of the ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and mitochondrial DNA cox1 and nad1. ITS-2, ITS-1, partial cox1 and rDNA 16S gene of mtDNA were used for lymnaeids. Results indicated that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. The life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay were studied under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. On this baseline, we reviewed the 95 human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyzed the risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations. Conclusions/Significance The correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock into Uruguay allowed to understand the molecular diversity detected. Although Uruguayan L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of Bolivian G. truncatula. This allows to understand the transmission and

  14. DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis. (United States)

    Bargues, María Dolores; Gayo, Valeria; Sanchis, Jaime; Artigas, Patricio; Khoubbane, Messaoud; Birriel, Soledad; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Fascioliasis is a pathogenic disease transmitted by lymnaeid snails and recently emerging in humans, in part due to effects of climate changes, anthropogenic environment modifications, import/export and movements of livestock. South America is the continent presenting more human fascioliasis hyperendemic areas and the highest prevalences and intensities known. These scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. A study including DNA marker sequencing of fasciolids and lymnaeids, an experimental study of the life cycle in Uruguay, and a review of human fascioliasis in Uruguay, are performed. The characterization of Fasciola hepatica from cattle and horses of Uruguay included the complete sequences of the ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and mitochondrial DNA cox1 and nad1. ITS-2, ITS-1, partial cox1 and rDNA 16S gene of mtDNA were used for lymnaeids. Results indicated that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. The life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay were studied under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. On this baseline, we reviewed the 95 human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyzed the risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations. The correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock into Uruguay allowed to understand the molecular diversity detected. Although Uruguayan L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of Bolivian G. truncatula. This allows to understand the transmission and epidemiological differences between Andean highlands and non

  15. Institutional effectiveness of energy efficiency national programs: Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay cases; Eficacia institucional de los programas nacionales de eficiencia energetica: los casos del Brasil, Chile, Mexico y el Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruchansky, Beno [Division de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura de la CEPAL (Chile); De Buen Rodriguez, Odon [Energia, Tecnologia y Educacion, S.C., ENTE, S.C. (Mexico); Januzzi, Gilberto; Romero, Andres


    supports the implementation of mechanisms, programs and policies to promote EE. [Spanish] En este trabajo se aborda la experiencia de cuatro paises latinoamericanos en temas relacionados con la Eficiencia Energetica (EE), con especial enfasis en la creacion de la institucionalidad requerida para el desarrollo de politicas, programas y mecanismos de promocion de la EE, y su eficacia para el logro de tal fin. El amplio abanico de situaciones que presenta el estudio de los casos nacionales de Brasil, Chile, Mexico y Uruguay, asi como la riqueza de sus experiencias, pueden constituir un importante aporte para la promocion de la EE en la region. Brasil destaca por su larga y rica trayectoria en el campo de la promocion de la EE. Entre esos antecedentes sobresale la labor realizada desde 1985 por el PROCEL, un programa federal con base de operacion en ELETROBRAS, que oficio en gran parte del periodo como coordinador nacional de las actividades de EE en el sector electrico y fue responsable de la exitosa implementacion de actividades de fomento a la EE en multiples areas. Si bien el PROCEL y CONPET siguen cumpliendo un importante rol, a lo largo del tiempo, se han ido incorporando otros actores a las actividades relacionadas con la EE, constatandose en los ultimos anos un gradual traspaso de las actividades de dichos programas hacia las principales agencias del sector, particularmente MME, ANEEL, ANP y EPE. Actualmente Brasil presenta una extensa red de instituciones publicas y privadas que actuan en el ambito de la EE, asi como un marco normativo favorable al impulso de la EE, con recursos y mecanismos regulatorios adecuados para financiar y orientar dichas actividades. No obstante la multiplicidad de iniciativas implementadas, estas no constituyen aun una politica nacional de EE. En este sentido es perceptible la necesidad de una mayor coordinacion institucional que permita una mejor convergencia de resultados, aprovechamiento de las economias de escala y que genere

  16. Institutional effectiveness of energy efficiency national programs: Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay cases; Eficacia institucional de los programas nacionales de eficiencia energetica: los casos del Brasil, Chile, Mexico y el Uruguay

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruchansky, Beno [Division de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura de la CEPAL (Chile); De Buen Rodriguez, Odon [Energia, Tecnologia y Educacion, S.C., ENTE, S.C. (Mexico); Januzzi, Gilberto; Romero, Andres


    implementation of mechanisms, programs and policies to promote EE. [Spanish] En este trabajo se aborda la experiencia de cuatro paises latinoamericanos en temas relacionados con la Eficiencia Energetica (EE), con especial enfasis en la creacion de la institucionalidad requerida para el desarrollo de politicas, programas y mecanismos de promocion de la EE, y su eficacia para el logro de tal fin. El amplio abanico de situaciones que presenta el estudio de los casos nacionales de Brasil, Chile, Mexico y Uruguay, asi como la riqueza de sus experiencias, pueden constituir un importante aporte para la promocion de la EE en la region. Brasil destaca por su larga y rica trayectoria en el campo de la promocion de la EE. Entre esos antecedentes sobresale la labor realizada desde 1985 por el PROCEL, un programa federal con base de operacion en ELETROBRAS, que oficio en gran parte del periodo como coordinador nacional de las actividades de EE en el sector electrico y fue responsable de la exitosa implementacion de actividades de fomento a la EE en multiples areas. Si bien el PROCEL y CONPET siguen cumpliendo un importante rol, a lo largo del tiempo, se han ido incorporando otros actores a las actividades relacionadas con la EE, constatandose en los ultimos anos un gradual traspaso de las actividades de dichos programas hacia las principales agencias del sector, particularmente MME, ANEEL, ANP y EPE. Actualmente Brasil presenta una extensa red de instituciones publicas y privadas que actuan en el ambito de la EE, asi como un marco normativo favorable al impulso de la EE, con recursos y mecanismos regulatorios adecuados para financiar y orientar dichas actividades. No obstante la multiplicidad de iniciativas implementadas, estas no constituyen aun una politica nacional de EE. En este sentido es perceptible la necesidad de una mayor coordinacion institucional que permita una mejor convergencia de resultados, aprovechamiento de las economias de escala y que genere oportunidades para la

  17. Hábitos de vida y consumo en mujeres climatéricas del Uruguay

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    Egaña, Ana


    Full Text Available Durante el climaterio se produce en las mujeres una serie de cambios fisiológicos que, en numerosos casos, originan tanto patologías físicas, como síntomas psicosomáticos denominados “síndrome climatérico”. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la influencia de los hábitos de vida (práctica de ejercicio y el consumo de algunos alimentos y sustancias (ingesta de productos lácteos, café, té y mate y consumo de tabaco y alcohol en la edad de menopausia, así como en la manifestación de los síntomas y patologías asociados en tres muestras de población uruguaya. Los datos para este análisis surgen de encuestas realizadas a 100 mujeres residentes del Área Metropolitana de Montevideo y a otras 30 mujeres del interior del país (Trinidad, Departamento de Flores; y por otra parte, se obtiene información de 100 fichas médicas de pacientes que se atienden en un consultorio ginecológico. Se observan diferencias tanto en hábitos de vida y consumo de alimentos, como en la sintomatología manifestada por las mujeres según la muestra considerada.

  18. Nueva luz sobre viejos problemas: incidencia de la cuantificación en la historiografía sobre la industria temprana en Uruguay

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    Javier E. Rodríguez Weber


    Full Text Available El trabajo analiza la influencia que la introducción de métodos cuantitativos ha tenido en la historiografía de la industria temprana en Uruguay. Se distinguen dos etapas articuladas por un periodo transicional. Sostenemos que la difusión entre historiadores económicos de métodos cuantitativos y, en particular, la estimación de series de producto total e industrial, provocó un viraje en la forma de abordar la industria anterior a 1930. Si bien permanecen los antiguos problemas -como la importancia del proteccionismo-, se modifica el tipo de evidencia utilizada, y se cuestiona la tesis central y la periodización de la historiografía anterior. Según esta, la industria temprana creció al amparo de las leyes proteccionistas y en el entorno de las crisis internacionales. La historiografía cuantitativa sostiene que esto no se constata en las estimaciones de producto y destaca la importancia de la economía en su conjunto y los encadenamientos provenientes del sector exportador.In this paper we analyze the impact of quantitative research on the historiography of early industry in Uruguay. We distinguish two phases that are connected by a transitional period. We maintain that the diffusion of quantitative methods among economic historians, and in particular their estimates of GDP, made for a change in the way they approached industry before 1930. Although the traditional problems remain -like the role of protectionism- the kind of evidence used to support the arguments changed. Also, the key role off protectionism in the explanation of industrial growth has been challenged. The new evidence suggests that the factors behind early industrial growth were protectionist laws and the effects of international crises. Quantitative historiography maintains that this is not accounted for in estimations of product, and stresses the importance of the economy as a whole and the linkages between the export and domestic sectors.

  19. Mining inventory of Uruguay. Results of geochemical prospecting of Cerro Partido fotoplano

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Artignan, D.; Vairon, P.


    This work is about the analitical results of the geological prospection carried out in Cerro Partido zone within the framework of Mining inventory of Uruguay. In this fotoplano (Esc. 1/50.000 and 1/400.000 there are metamorphic, mesozoic and carbonated formations

  20. Asthma mortality in Uruguay, 1984-1998. (United States)

    Baluga, J C; Sueta, A; Ceni, M


    Asthma mortality rates have increased worldwide during the past several years despite the increased availability of new and effective medications. Few studies show reliable data from Latin American countries. To determine asthma mortality rates from 1984 to 1998 and to relate mortality to sales of asthma medications. We conducted a retrospective epidemiologic study in the total population of Uruguay. Data were obtained from the Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Public Health. Trends in mortality rates were analyzed using linear regression procedures. Spearman rank correlations were used to relate mortality rates to sales of asthma medications. The mean overall mortality rate was 5.10 per 100,000 during the period 1984 to 1998, (range 6.08 to 3.39) and showed a decreasing trend (P = 0.001). During the period 1995 to 1998, a more pronounced decrease was observed (mean mortality rate, 4.10 per 100,000). In the 5- to 34-year-old age group the mean mortality rate was 0.43 (range 0.65 to 0.13). Similarly, the mortality rate in this age group decreased particularly in the 1994 to 1998 period (mean 0.19; P = 0.005). Finally, the mortality rate was inversely correlated with sales of inhaled corticosteroids; for the overall mortality rate, p = -0.71, P = 0.003; for 5- to 34-year-old age group, p = -0.63, P = 0.01. Although mortality attributable to asthma seems to be decreasing, the overall mortality rate is still high compared with more economically developed countries. A more pronounced decrease in asthma mortality has been seen in the 5- to 34-year-old group. At present, Uruguay is a Latin American country with a low rate of asthma mortality. This is probably related to the use of new therapies to treat asthma.

  1. Husband and Wife Interaction and Family Regulation in Rural Uruguay. (United States)

    De Winter, A. M.

    Decision-making and family planning were studied in the rural city of Durazno, Uruguay, by means of answers to questions by both husbands and wives. A sample size of 268 couples in which at least one partner was between 21 and 50 years of age was used. Data were collected by means of a pretested and precoded interview schedule. Major conclusions…

  2. First approach to exhaust emissions characterization of light vehicles in Montevideo, Uruguay. (United States)

    D'Angelo, Mauro; González, Alice Elizabeth; Rezzano Tizze, Nicolás


    According to Act No. 17283 of November 28th, 2000, air quality protection is a general concern in Uruguay. Road transport is the main emitter of nitrogen oxides (NO x ), as the National Inventory of Air Emissions 2006 stated. Actually, it is responsible for the emissions of 59.8% of NO x and 28% of carbon monoxide (CO). The number of households owning a car in Uruguay increased from 29% in 2005 to 39% in 2013, enhancing the importance of characterizing the vehicular emissions of the national fleet. In this paper, a first approach for this characterization is presented. It was carried out on a sample of 11 light vehicles currently in use in Montevideo city, Uruguay. On-road emissions measurements of nitrogen monoxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) were carried out for calculating the emission factors. The fitness of the set of calculated emission factors values to different probability distributions was tested. When possible, the 95% confidence intervals were obtained for the mean emission factors (CO: 2.0g/km±0.3g/km; NO: 0.05g/km±0.01g/km). This procedure was useful to obtaining accurate confidence intervals from a relatively small sample size. Finally, the link between atmospheric emissions and some other parameters of the tested vehicles was studied using a multivariate statistical tool, highlighting the strong increase in carbon monoxide emissions observed for low vehicles speeds and fuel efficiencies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Lo sano y lo enfermo. El consumo de vinos y los problemas sociales del alcoholismo en el Montevideo del novecientos

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    Daniela Bouret


    Full Text Available En Uruguay existe un creciente consumo de drogas cuyas consecuencias negativas son visibles en los siniestros laborales, de tránsito y en el recrudecimiento de la violencia doméstica y delictiva. Este tema es considerado asunto de Estado y se entiende el alcohol como la primera droga de inicio (incluye la ingesta de vino. Nos interesa analizar el vínculo entre medicina y moral que, desde el Novecientos, ha pautado la relación del consumo de alcohol entre lo «saludable» o lo «excesivo». En esa atmósfera de creciente higienismo se desarrolló, sin embargo, una industria vitivinícola con éxito. En este artículo buscamos desnaturalizar los discursos médicos como construcción histórica y sus consecuencias en el cuerpo de los alcohólicos en espacios de reclusión (hospitales y cárceles y en la sociedad del Montevideo en el Novecientos.

  4. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Talita Sheet J-24

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campal, N; Chulepin, H


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Talita) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils.The area belongs to the Rio de la Plata socket basin is associated with the orogenic cycle

  5. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Molles Sheet K-19

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Molles) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to the Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary period in Arapey, Mercedes, Asencio, Palmitas, Fray Bentos and Libertad formations

  6. The great depression in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay : revisiting vulnerabilities and policies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerona Morales, Marcelo Esteban; Sosa Clavijo, Silvana Maria


    In this thesis Marcelo Gerona and Silvana Sosa undertake an analysis of the Great Depression (1928-1934) in a sample of three highly interconnected South American countries: Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay (ABU). The problem tackled in this work is the relative vulnerabilities of ABU, which

  7. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Chafalote Sheet D-26

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masquelin, H; Tabo, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Chafalote) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils. The area corresponding to Chafalote is located in central and eastern metamorphic formation constituted by Lavalleja-Rocha group

  8. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Palmitas Sheet 0- 22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I.; Gancio, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Molles) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to the Proterozoic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary period in Mercedes, Asencio, Palmitas and Fray Bentos formations

  9. Regional Hub port development : the case of Montevideo, Uruguay


    Wilmsmeier, Gordon; Martínez Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Fiess, Norbert


    This paper reflects on port development in Uruguay in an environment of trilateral interport competition. The regional characteristics of port development in terms of their geographical, functional and operational characteristics are discussed by analysing the port system’s evolution. The case of Montevideo as the success or failure of a regional hub port development strategy is analysed in detail. Particular attention is given to the evolution and impact of the liner shipping service network...

  10. Il regionalismo commerciale dopo l'Uruguay Round (Commercial regionalism after the Uruguay Round

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    Full Text Available The attempts by a number of countries to partially or totally liberalise their trade on a discriminatory basis have long been documented. Despite the wide spread of the GATT in both geographical and temporal terms, regionalism has never easily co-existed with commercial multilateralism. The Uruguay Round has taken place in a period in which several key countries have radically changed trade policies. In this light, the search for a new balance between the multilateralism de jure and the regionalism de facto practiced by many members of the GATT took on importance as a test of their intentions to continue or not with the existing multilateral order or rather to modify it in a regional sense. This paper reviews the problems of coexistence between regionalism and multilateralism in the international trade order and demonstrates how few concrete conclusions can be drawn from an examination of both the theory and the empirical evidence.JEL: F13

  11. Biología, medicina y eugenesia en Uruguay


    Barrán, Juan Pedro


    In this work are analyzed the deep relationships between biology, medicine and society that were settled down in the Uruguay along the XIX century as well as the process of «medicalization» and «biologization» of the social thought that take place along the first decades of the XX century, and the role that played the eugenic ideas and defenders of eugenics in that process.

    En este trabajo se analizan las profundas relaciones entre biología, medicina y sociedad que se estab...

  12. Uruguay vasakpoolne president tahab vaeses riigis korra majja lüüa / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Märtsikuus tuli Uruguays võimule vasakpoolne koalitsioon. President Tabare Vazquez peab kõige olulisemaks vaesusest jagusaamist riigis, välispoliitikas on tema eelistus sidemete arendamine teiste vasakpoolsete režiimidega

  13. Nuclear right and South Market Common : health citizen protection and environment: comparative study Mercosur situation:critical analysis Uruguay situation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puig, D


    The present work presents to general study on: the applications of nuclear techniques, technical fundamental for stablishment of to program of radiation protection, to comparative study legislation in radiation protection in the South Market Common (MERCOSUR)Argentina,Brazil,Paraguay,Uruguay as well as Treaties and Agreements. The author carries out a critical analysis from the situation to Institutional level in the Uruguay and it outlines some alternatives to improve the situation [es

  14. El impacto del sistema tributario y el gasto social en la distribución del ingreso y la pobreza en América Latina: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Perú, República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela Una aplicación del marco metodológico del proyecto Compromiso con la Equidad (CEQ

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    Nora Lustig


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Este artículo aplica el método de incidencia fiscal tradicional y los nuevos desarrollos del Instituto Compromiso con la Equidad (CEQ para estimar el impacto de la política fiscal en la desigualdad y la pobreza en 16 países de América Latina alrededor del año 2010.Método: A partir de la información disponible sobre ingresos y gastos y otras dimensiones en las encuestas de hogares y del conocimiento de las características del sistema fiscal, el método del CEQ consiste en asignar a cada individuo según corresponda la carga de los impuestos a la renta y al consumo, y los beneficios de las transferencias monetarias, los subsidios al consumo y el gasto en educación y salud. De esta manera, se construyen los diferentes conceptos de ingreso prefiscal y posfiscal, mismos que se utilizan para generar los correspondientes indicadores de desigualdad y pobreza. Esto permite estimar, para cada país, el impacto sobre la distribución del ingreso y la pobreza de cada componente del sistema fiscal, así como el del sistema en su conjunto. Como la metodología es común, los resultados se pueden comparar entre países.Resultados: Los países que más redistribuyen son Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica y Uruguay, y los que menos, Guatemala, Honduras y Perú. La política fiscal reduce la pobreza extrema (monetaria en 12 de los 16 países. Sin embargo, la incidencia de la pobreza después de impuestos, subsidios y transferencias monetarias es mayor que la incidencia para el ingreso de mercado en Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua, aun cuando en estos cuatro países la política fiscal sí reduce la desigualdad. El efecto de las pensiones contributivas sobre la desigualdad es heterogéneo y, contrariamente a lo que a veces se arguye, igualador en nueve países de la región. El gasto en educación preescolar y primaria es igualador y propobre (el beneficio por persona baja con el ingreso por persona en todos los países. El gasto en

  15. Uruguay Roselli 1938 and Rosellichnus, N. Ichnogenus: Two ichnogenera for clusters of fossil bee cells (United States)

    Genise, Jorge F.; Bown, Thomas M.


    The systematics of the fossil bee nest ichnogenus Uruguay from the Uruguayan Cretaceous or lower Tertiary is reviewed and two new ichnospecies of a new ichnogenus, Rosellichnus, are proposed for fossil bee nests from the Miocene of the United Arab Emirates and Patagonian Argentina. Uruguay contains U. auroranormae(the ich‐notype) and U. rivasi, which differs from the type ichnospecies in having clustered cells arranged in three rows, with one central and two marginal rows of subparallel cells. No bee nest architecture known to us unequivocally fits with any ichnospecies described herein. Uruguay was constructed in the subsoil and may be of halictid origin; however, its large cell size, thick cell walls, and the presence of a vestibular cell do not fit the architecture of nests of extant halictids. Rosellichnus arabicus lacks the complete cavity surrounding the cell cluster that is typical in nests of Old World halictids, but it may, nonetheless, still be of halictid origin. R. pa‐tagonicus has an architecture more similar to nests of anthophorine bees than to those of Neotropical Halictidae. Therefore, the ichnogenus Rosellichnus may include both halictid and anthophorine constructions. Although the smooth inner cell walls, spiral cell caps, and clustering of cells indicate that both Uruguay and Rosellichnus are trace fossils of bee origin, it is likely that both represent nest architectures that are no longer employed by extant bees, or those that are as yet unknown. The paleoenvironments of both the Argentine and Emirates species of Rosellichnus indicate that the trace‐makers of this ichnogenus constructed their nests in open ground sandy soils.

  16. New proposal for the Piedras de Afilar lithostratigraphic formation, upper Neo proterozoic of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pamoukaghlian, K.; Gaucher, C.; Poire, D.


    This work is about the Piedras de Afilar lithostratigraphic formation which is part of Tandilia Precambrian terrain of Uruguay. This sedimentary sequence of Neo proterozoic age is supported by a Paleoproterozoic basement

  17. Regressive transgressive cycle of Devonian sea in Uruguay verified by Palynology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Da Silva, J.


    This work is about the results and conclusions of the populations palinomorphs study, carried out in Devonian formations in the center of Uruguay. The existence of a regressive transgressive cycle is verified by analyzing the vertical distribution of palinomorphs as well as is mentioned the presence of chintziest for the section studied - hoesphaeridium Cyathochitina kinds

  18. Imaginarios nacionales latinoamericanos en el tránsito del siglo XIX al XX Latin American nations' imaginary in the transition from the XIX to the XX century

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    Carmen Norambuena Carrasco


    Full Text Available Se reflexiona sobre la construcción de los imaginarios que fueron urdiéndose a través del siglo XIX, en países del sur americano: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay y Brasil, en los que se procura instalar una imagen moderna y atractiva de país en el llamado "mundo civilizado". Se procura establecer un marco comprensible en el cual replantear aspectos de nuestra historia común, en este caso, la formación de un imaginario de países prósperos, tan potente que oscurece la visualización de otros imaginarios.This work is a reflection about the construction of imaginaries that took form along the XIX century in the South American countries: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. These countries intended to install a modern and attractive appearance consistent with the so-called "civilized world." We try to establish an understandable frame for posing again different issues of our common history; in this case, the creation of an imaginary of prosperous countries, so powerful as to hide other possible imaginaries.

  19. Geological map of Uruguay scale 1.100.000 Canada Nieto Sheet P-23

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrando, L; Eugui, W; Cabrera, Z; Elias, R


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Canada Nieto) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils of the pre devoniam period in the Mercedes , Asencio and Fray Bentos formations

  20. French Trade Policy During the GATT Uruguay Round: Between Domestic and International Constraints

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alons, G.C.


    During the GATT Uruguay Round (1986-1993) France was one of the most conservative European member states and succeeded in influencing European position taking on agricultural trade liberalization. France’s recalcitrant position is often considered an outcome of purely domestic political

  1. ¿Quién hablará de nosotros cuando ya no estemos? Memoria e historia del Uruguay del exilio a partir de un análisis bibliográfico

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Uruguay ha construido su identidad como país de inmigrantes, pero a partir de la segunda mitad de este siglo comienza a generarse un fuerte proceso de emigración que hoy alcanza niveles preocupantes, sin ser considerado como fenómeno trascendente hasta los últimos años. En este proceso de emigración se produce en los 70 y los 80 un fenómeno de emigración forzada o exilio por razones políticas derivado de procesos autoritarios y una posterior dictadura militar(1973-1984. El estudio de la atención que el problema ha suscitado a través de la bibliografía existente sobre ese período refleja cómo el exilio es un tema poco tratado frente a otras consecuencias de tales procesos políticos. La relevancia relativa evidencia y refleja un proceso de olvido protagonizado por múltiples actores que trae como consecuencia que el exilio esté reservado a la memoria individual no existiendo ni en la memoria social ni en la memoria histórica.ABSTRACT: Uruguay has constructed its identity as a country of immigrants, but from the second half of the past century, a strong process of emigration has been generated, and today reaches worrisome levels, even if not considered an important phenomenon until the last years. This process of emigration, which takes place in the ‘70s and the ‘80s, produced a phenomenon of forced emigration or exile for political reasons derived from authoritarian processes and a later military dictatorship (1973-1984. The study of the attention that the subject has provoked through the existing bibliography on that period reflected as exile is a subject little treated as opposed to other consequences of such political processes. The relative relevance reflects a process of forgetfulness carried out by multiple actors which bring as consequence that exile is reserved to the individual memory, not existing neither in the social memory nor in the historical memory.

  2. Agricultural Trade Barriers 10 years later Uruguay Round Trade Agreement Signature


    Mahia, R.; Arce, Rafael de; Escribano, Gonzalo


    In this paper, an analysis of current state of agricultural trade barriers is carried out alter ten years of Uruguay Round Agricultural Trade Agreement Signature The descriptive analysis showed that small advances in trade barriers removing have been taken out. About the heterogeneity in tariff applications, tariff progresivity and peak tariffs, the same situation is pointed out.

  3. Postmodernity and fin de siècle in Uruguay

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    Hugo Achugar


    Full Text Available Since the end of the military regime, Uruguay has been culturally and politically divided. During the period of repression, the opposition was united against the dictatorship. Yet economic decline and the military dictatorship have profoundly divided Uruguayan culture. On the positive side, new cultural actors have emerged—women, younger poets and writers and the marginalized—on the negative side, there is a sense of malaise that has neither been adequately discussed nor theoretized.

  4. Fossils mollusc asemblage found at Zagarzazu, marine Pleistocene, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rojas, A. . E mail:


    There are presented the results of the paleoecological analysis of the mollusc assemblage found at Zagarzazu, Colonia department. The fossils are well preserved, arranged in thin shell-beds with some specimens in life position. The assemblage is indicative of higher temperatures than present, and a strong marine influence. It is important to stress that new thermophilic molluscs for the marine Quaternary were found and that this locality represents a new Pleistocene marine record in Uruguay [es

  5. Indications of the Implementation in the Process of Educational Reform in Uruguay Indicadores de la implementación en procesos de reforma educativa en Uruguay

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    Marcos R. Sarasola


    Full Text Available In this paper the author investigates, from a qualitative perspective, the problems associated with implementing educational innovations. He studies the recent case of the Basic Cycle reform in Uruguay. Based on the concepts of van der Vegt and Vandenberghe (1992, he analyzes the "functions guides" exercised by the director in order to be able to regulate the internal flow of the implementation. The first of these is "conceptual clarity", which has to do with providing the professors with a clear vision of what will take place within the implementation, and with specifying that vision in terms of the professional knowledge and abilities of the faculty as well. The second of these is "directional pressure," which refers to an operational level of the implementation; that is to say, how daily activities mesh with the objectives of the reform. Next, "function of support" refers to the support offered by the director for the management of resources (material, emotional, technical, and administrative resources, so that the resources may then effectively support the work in the center. Finally is "definition of latitude," that is, the degree of educational autonomy that the faculty have with respect to the external objectives of the reform. En este trabajo el autor estudia, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, la problemática de la implementación de innovaciones educativas. Toma por caso la reciente reforma del Ciclo Básico en Uruguay. Con base en los conceptos de van der Vegt y Vandenberghe (1992, analiza las "funciones guía" ejercidas por el director para poder regular el flujo interno de la implementación. La primera de ellas es la "claridad conceptual", que tiene que ver con las posibilidades de proveer a los profesores de una clara visión de lo que ha de lograrse con la implementación y con concretar esa visión en términos de saber profesional y habilidades de los docentes. La segunda es la "presión direccional" que refiere a un nivel

  6. Taxonomía y dinámica de las expectativas económicas de los empresarios industriales en Uruguay. Un análisis de conglomerados

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    Bibiana Lanzilotta Mernies


    Full Text Available Este artículo investiga los vínculos existentes entre los sectores industriales en Uruguay, con el fin de extraer señales acerca del proceso de formación de sus expectativas. El enfoque es predominantemente empírico, basado en la exploración de algoritmos de agrupación, mediante una única conexión con el vecino más cercano. Los resultados muestran que existe un grupo de industrias conectadas en expectativas, mayormente integrado por aquellas más expuestas a la competencia internacional. Estos ocupan los nodos centrales de la red de conexiones intersectoriales. Adicionalmente, se prueba que la cohesión entre las ramas industriales tiene una correlación positiva con el crecimiento manufacturero.

  7. Reseña Bibliográfica: Dutrénit Bielous, Silvia, La embajada indoblegable. Asilo mexicano en Montevideo durante la dictadura, Editorial Fin de Siglo, Instituto de Ciencia Política, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2011, 203 pp.


    Lastra, María Soledad


    La reseña el libro de Silvia Dutrénit, "La embajada indoblegable", recorre las principales problemáticas que explora la autora sobre el asilo diplomático otorgado por la embajada mexicana en Montevideo durante los años de la dictadura cívico-militar en Uruguay. De las distintas experiencias represivas de las últimas dictaduras militares que azotaron a la región del Cono Sur durante los años setenta, el exilio y en asilo han tenido un lugar poco explorado en las investigaciones académicas, con...

  8. Developing medical geology in Uruguay: a review. (United States)

    Mañay, Nelly


    Several disciplines like Environmental Toxicology, Epidemiology, Public Health and Geology have been the basis of the development of Medical Geology in Uruguay during the last decade. The knowledge and performance in environmental and health issues have been improved by joining similar aims research teams and experts from different institutions to face environmental problems dealing with the population's exposure to metals and metalloids and their health impacts. Some of the Uruguayan Medical Geology examples are reviewed focusing on their multidisciplinary approach: Lead pollution and exposed children, selenium in critically ill patients, copper deficiency in cattle and arsenic risk assessment in ground water. Future actions are also presented.

  9. Domestic tourism in Uruguay: a matrix approach

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    Magdalena Domínguez Pérez


    Full Text Available In this paper domestic tourism in Uruguay is analyzed by introducing an Origin-Destination matrix approach, and an attraction coefficient is calculated. We show that Montevideo is an attractive destination to every department except itself (even if it emits more trips than it receives, and the Southeast region is the main destination. Another important outcome is the importance of intra-regional patterns, associated to trips to bordering departments. Findings provide destination managers with practical knowledge, useful for reducing seasonality and attracting more domestic tourists throughout the year, as well as to deliver a better service offer, that attracts both usual visitors and new ones from competitive destinations.

  10. Developing Medical Geology in Uruguay: A Review

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    Nelly Mañay


    Full Text Available Several disciplines like Environmental Toxicology, Epidemiology, Public Health and Geology have been the basis of the development of Medical Geology in Uruguay during the last decade. The knowledge and performance in environmental and health issues have been improved by joining similar aims research teams and experts from different institutions to face environmental problems dealing with the population’s exposure to metals and metalloids and their health impacts. Some of the Uruguayan Medical Geology examples are reviewed focusing on their multidisciplinary approach: Lead pollution and exposed children, selenium in critically ill patients, copper deficiency in cattle and arsenic risk assessment in ground water. Future actions are also presented.

  11. Gestión integrada de recursos hídricos en el Uruguay en el contexto internacional

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    Diana Margarita Míguez Caramés


    Full Text Available La necesidad de proteger el medio ambiente y en especial la cantidad y la calidad de las fuentes de agua dulce contra los efectos de las presiones naturales y antrópicas se ha vuelto cada vez más importante a nivel mundial. Para ello, no basta con aplicar tecnologías de extracción de agua y de depuración efectivas, sino que también se debería implementar sistemas de gestión participativos para alinear las actividades humanas hacia el desarrollo sostenible. La herramienta más idónea para realizarlo es la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos (GIRH mediante la cual se genera información sobre la que basar políticas de gestión ambiental y de provisión de agua potable y saneamiento equitativas, que contemplen las opiniones de todos los grupos de interés. En el caso de Uruguay, la Constitución de la República consagra el derecho de todos los habitantes del país al acceso al agua y al saneamiento. El proceso de implementación del sistema de GIRH se inició dándole participación a la ciudadanía a través de un referéndum, luego del cual los referentes en el tema de todos los sectores de la sociedad aconsejaron a nivel parlamentario, y el procesó derivó en la reglamentación de la ley del agua. Se consolidó así una estructura de gestión por cuencas hidrográficas basada en el ciclo hidrológico que se encuentra hoy en un grado de desarrollo que refleja la mejora continua de la institucionalidad de la gobernanza del agua. En esta revisión se releva el desarrollo de estos procesos tanto a nivel nacional como mundial y se propone una serie de herramientas y estrategias para hacer cada vez más eficiente la gobernanza.



    Venzal, José M; Castro, Oscar; Katz, Helena; Félix, María L; Morgades, Diana; Palma, Ricardo L


    In this study, 17 lice species were collected and identified from marine and coastal birds from the Atlantic Ocean coast, rivers and lagoons of Uruguay. Among them, 16 species (one at generic level only) are recorded for the first time for this country.

  13. De los acuerdos del Gatt a la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Implicaciones para América Latina

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    Orlando Gutiérrez Rozo


    Full Text Available Desde la creación del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Gatt en 1947, la liberalización del comercio de mercancías se constituyó en un propósito de primer orden para las relaciones económicas internacionales de la segunda posguerra. Tras ocho rondas de negociaciones multilaterales, atravesadas por no pocas recomposiciones del proceso de acumulación de capital, se creó la Organización Mundial del Comercio -OMC- como expresión de una necesaria institucionalidad supranacional, la cual se propuso reglamentar el proceso de una liberalización que ya se trascendía a las mercancías. Los programas de liberalización de productos agrícolas, así como lo referente a los textiles y confecciones, no fueron suficientes para los imperativos expansivos del comercio y del capital. Así pues, la Ronda Uruguay del Gatt debería abordar los llamados "nuevos temas", lo cual expresa tanto el papel que ellos desempeñan en la productividad y el comercio, como los intereses de las grandes empresas y de los países industrializados. El creciente rol de los servicios en la economía mundial, la necesidad de reglamentar en un gran acuerdo el régimen de propiedad intelectual y la consecuente liberalización de las inversiones extranjeras, condujeron a largos procesos de negociación internacional. Debatir la naturaleza, el carácter y el contexto económico en el cual se inscriben los acuerdos alcanzados sobre estas materias en torno a la OMC, constituyen los ejes temáticos de este artículo.

  14. Política comercial y política de infraestructura: un ejercicio de simulación sobre los impactos en la localización industrial en Uruguay


    Juan Labraga


    In this paper we used a model of New Economic Geography (NEG) to simulate the effects on industrial location in Uruguay for the implementation of alternative trade policy and infrastructure policy. The exercises show that a reduction of non-tariff barriers with Argentina reduces the location of industries in Uruguay, while implementing the same policy in Brazil increases the location of industries in Uruguay. Infrastructure policies, regardless of the country that are made, increase the local...

  15. Reseña del libro: Las Laurencias. Violencia sexual y de género en el terrorismo de Estado uruguayo de Soledad Gonzalez Baica y Mariana Risso (comps.)


    Alonso, Jimena; Larrobla, Carla


    El siguiente artículo se propone realizar un recorrido analítico de los distintos momentos atravesados por la memoria femenina del terrorismo de Estado en Uruguay. A partir de 1985 fueron emergiendo memorias del horror desde los espacios que se iban habilitando para ellas. Pocos fueron sin embargo los relatos escritos por los protagonistas directos, y menos los de las mujeres. La característica fundamental, de todas estas producciones, fue su carácter esencialmente masculino. Con un relato ba...

  16. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Carmelo Sheet P-24

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrando, L; Eugui, W; Cabrera, Z; Elias, R


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Carmelo) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils of the precambrian period in the Mercedes , Fray Bentos, Libertad and Raigon formations. The Precambrian rocks are found in large quarries in Carmelo hill

  17. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Algorta Sheet N-16

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I; Gancio, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Algorta) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological soil characteristics of the upper cretaceous in Guichon, Mercedes and Asencio formaltions as well as the lower tertiary period of Palmitas and Fray Bentos formations

  18. Agreement on Agriculture in the Uruguay Round of GATT, The


    Zuhair A. Hassan


    The Uruguay Round is the eighth round of multilateral trade negotiations (MTN) under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The previous seven rounds produced significant reductions in tariffs on manufactured goods, but little or no progress was made in opening international markets for agricultural trade (see Appendix A0. However, the distortions in international agricultural trade and domestic agricultural production and the increasing budgetary outlays prompted trade ministers ...

  19. Sangre indígena en Uruguay. Ciudadanías post étnicas y Derechos Sociales.

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    José María López Mazz


    Full Text Available In this paper I explore derives circumstances of the extermination of native people of Uruguay and their integration to postcolonial class society. It was thought that this affair was a problem solved, but the recent history questions Uruguayan State identity and the myth of social and cultural homogeneous society products of European immigration. Social and political crisis (1973-1984 put in discussion symbolism and social stereotypes of the called modern Uruguay. The re activation of a news Indians identities is a memory processes under construction which combine scientific research with the fight for Human Rights, and deep questions about official historical narratives. In recent years Anthropological studies and heritage process collaborated with making more visible natives American heritage.

  20. Arreglos de convivencia en la vejez en Uruguay: perfiles específicos para una política de cuidados

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    Lucía MONTEIRO


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone analizar los arreglos de convivencia en la vejez en Uruguay y las impli - caciones que presentan para el diseño e implementación de políticas de cuidado. Uruguay es uno de los países más envejecidos de la región y su configuración de arreglos familiares en la vejez presenta especificidades en relación a Latinoamérica dado que predominan los arreglos uniper - sonales y nucleares sin hijos. Los procesos de feminización y de envejecimiento convierten a las mujeres de edades muy avanzadas en población vulnerable. Paralelamente se está implementan - do en Uruguay un sistema de cuidados. Este artículo busca responder las siguientes preguntas ¿Qué implica para el sistema de cuidados pensar en clave de arreglos de convivencia? ¿En base a qué características un hogar integrado por adultos mayores se convierte en vulnerable?

  1. The Maastrichtiense Daniense and Middle Eocene age transgression in the Punta del Este basin and it regional correlation established by dinoflagellate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daners, G.; Veroslavsky, G.; Guerstein, G.; Guler, M.


    In the Punta del Este Basin (Uruguay), two transgressions were recognized through the study of dinoflagellate associations of Gaviotin Formation. The transgression cycles were assigned to Maastrichtian-Danian and Middle Eocene ages, separated by a paracomformity established through biostratigraphic criteria. A regional correlation for these transgressive cycles was stablished by the comparisson of these dinoflagellate associations with those of other Atlantic and Austral basins (Colorado, Neuquina and Austral) [es

  2. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Bequelo Sheet N0-20

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montana, J.; Ford, I.; Morales, H.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Bequelo) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics of the precambrian period in the Bequelo stream as well as the Mercedes , Asencio and Fray Bentos formations

  3. Historical approximation of the Syenite extracting , development and industrialization in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baumann, N.


    This work is about the syenite exploitation in Uruguay which had particularly importance at the end of XI X century. The main centers of granite exploitation were La Paz and Piriapolis. The grains of Piriapolis for its structure and shades were used as polished plates to covering the walls of the emblematic and representative buildings, witnesses of a time flourishing economy.

  4. Estudio de las propiedades psicométricas del Brief COPE para una muestra de mujeres uruguayas

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    Micaela Reich


    Full Text Available La escala Brief COPE (Carver, 1997 es la versión abreviada, ampliamente utilizada, del COPE Inventory (Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub, 1989, que ha demostrado ser de utilidad para evaluar las estrategias de afrontamiento en investigaciones en salud. La versión en español del Brief COPE (Perczek, Carver, Price, & Pozo-Kaderman, 2000 consta de 12 subescalas compuestas por dos ítems cada una. Se analizan las propiedades psicométricas del Brief COPE, en su versión en castellano, a partir del estudio en una muestra de 203 mujeres adultas pertenecientes a la población general uruguaya. El análisis factorial exploratorio, estudiando los ítems, indica la existencia de cuatro factores para la muestra estudiada. La agrupación resultó considerablemente coincidente con la reportada por los autores de la escala. La fiabilidad y las evidencias de validez obtenidas con el Brief COPE para la presente muestra avalan su uso en el ámbito de la investigación en población del sexo femenino en Uruguay

  5. Uruguay's ambitious energy goals: Focus on biomass; Uruguayische Energie-Offensive. Ambitionierte Ziele sollen vor allem mit Biomasse erreicht werden

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jensen, Dierk


    Pasture farming has a long-standing tradition in Uruguay, but it is threatened now as soy, rice, citrus fruit, sugar cane and especially forest wood are getting sought after as animal feed and power generation materials. While forests are growing, the country's energy policy is aiming at a 50 percent share of renewable energy sources in primary energy supply. This makes Uruguay a leading country in Latin America. (orig.)

  6. Bio fuels and family farming in Uruguay: A feasible alliance?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carambula, M.; Chiappe, M.; Fernandez, E.; Figueredo, S.


    The global energy crisis caused by high levels of fossil fuels consumption and the signs of oil depletion explain the search for alternative energy to traditional sources. Progress towards bio-fuels policy is positioned in a central place in Uruguay s political agenda. This context converges with a scenario of expansion of agricultural activity, marked by a dynamism based on the domestic economic environment changes, and major transformations in the productive base. In this context, in order to assess the social impacts resulting from the expansion of crops for energy purposes, this research was carried out. It explores the social impact of bio fuels production in Uruguay taking as a reference the situation of family farm production. It assumes that the demand of land for energy crop production puts pressure on other production systems. Related to this, it is possible to establish a continuum between a view that holds that family farms are marginal to bio fuel production, and an inclusive view which encourages the incorporation of family farmers into national production chains. In this scenario, the paper attempts to provide elements to answer the question about whether this new line of national production generates opportunities or threats to family farming

  7. Espacio del producto y cambio estructural: un enfoque latinoamericano y una aplicación al caso uruguayo Product space and structural change: a Latin American approach and an application to the Uruguayan case

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    Álvaro Brunini


    Full Text Available Este artículo se inserta en el debate al respecto de los determinantes de la convergencia de los ingresos de los países y parte de la idea de que la estructura productiva es uno de los fundamentales para su explicación. En este sentido, se realiza un estudio comparativo sobre las potencialidades para el cambio estructural entre Uruguay y otros países que presentan una especialización similar a éste. Para esto se reinterpreta el Espacio del Producto creado por Hausmann y otros investigadores de la Universidad de Harvard, desde la visión de los trabajos más recientes de la CEPAL, que identifican en las capacidades tecnológicas una de los principales determinantes de las potencialidades de las estructuras productivas. La principal conclusión del trabajo es que Uruguay presenta diferentes potencialidades para el cambio estructural en comparación a un conjunto de países con estructuras productivas que, a priori, podían considerarse "similares" a la suya.This article immerses into the debate about the determinants of countries income level convergence, and states that the productive structure of a country is one of the most important of such determinants. A comparative study is performed, testing the potentiality for structural change for Uruguay and nine other countries with a commercial specialization that could be considered similar between them. In order to do this, the article proposes a new interpretation of the Product Space created by Hausmann and other Harvard University researchers, based upon the theoretical framework of the latest works of the ECLALC, which point to technological capabilities as one of the most important determinants of the potentialities of productive structures. The article's main conclusion is that Uruguay shows different potentialities for structural change from those countries with a similar specialization.



    Kartal, Zeki


       Bu makalenin problem alanını dünya pazarı ile bu pazarda ticaretin en büyük bölümünü düzenleyen GATT ve Uruguay-Raunt'u oluşturdu. Bu alanın aktörleri olarak da sanayi ülkeleri ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler seçildi. Çalışma bakımından anlamlı bulunan sorular şöyle formüle edildi: GATT ve Uruguay-Raunt'un dünya pazarında gelişmekte olan ülkelerin bağımlılığını arttırdı mı yoksa azalttı mı? GATT ve Uruguay-Raunt'un kazananları ve kaybedenleri kimlerdir?   Yukarıdaki sorulara şu m...

  9. Interpretation of the phosphate showings found in Uruguay. Recommendations for a a working programme; Interpretacion de los indicios de fosfato encontrados en Uruguay: recomendaciones para un programa de trabajo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slansky, M


    The radioactive anomalies put in evidence during the investigation of uranium and the mining inventory carried out in Uruguay, are due to rocks more or less strongly phosp hated of the top proterozoic and of the paleozoic. These anomalies drive to interrogating ourselves on the possibilities of existence of deposits of phosphates exploitable.

  10. Report of the procedure of voluntary interruption of pregnancy at a university hospital in Uruguay

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    Ana Bentancor


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the constitution and operation of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy team of a university hospital, from the outlook of the mental health team. METHODS In this case study, the following aspects were analyzed: 1 historical background; 2 implementation of Law 18,897 of October 22, 2012; and 3 functioning of the program at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay, taking into account three dimensions: structure, process, and results. RESULTS Between December 2012 and November 2013, a total of 6,676 voluntary interruptions of pregnancy were reported in Uruguay; out of these, 80 were conducted at the Hospital de Clínicas. The patients’ demographic data agreed with those reported at the national level: Of the total patients, 81.0% were aged over 19 years; 6.2% decided to continue with the pregnancy; and only 70.0% attended the subsequent control and received advice on contraception. CONCLUSIONS In its implementation year in Uruguay, we can assess the experience as positive from the point of view of women’s health. Our experience as a mental health team at the Hospital de Clínicas, inserted into the multidisciplinary voluntary interruption of pregnancy team, is in the process of assessment and reformulation of practices.

  11. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. El Ombu Sheet N-18

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (El Ombu) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to the Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary period in Arapey, Mercedes, Asencio, Palmitas, Fray Bentos and Libertad formations

  12. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Cerro Partido Sheet F-24

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diaz, R; Albanell, H.; Bossi, J.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Cerro Partido) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils. The area corresponding to the Cerro Partido fotoplano is located in the orogenic belt or Don Feliciano belt

  13. Hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction before and after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy in Uruguay (United States)

    Sebrié, Ernesto Marcelo; Sandoya, Edgardo; Hyland, Andrew; Bianco, Eduardo; Glantz, Stanton A; Cummings, K Michael


    Background Stimulated by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, many countries in Latin America adopted comprehensive smoke-free policies. In March 2006, Uruguay became the first Latin American country to adopt 100% smoke-free national legislation, which ended smoking in all indoor public places and workplaces, including restaurants and bars. The objective of this study was to evaluate trends in hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease 2 years before and 2 years after the policy was implemented in Uruguay. Methods Reports of hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (International Classification of Disease-10 I21) from 37 hospitals (79% of all hospital admissions in the country), representing the period 2 years before and 2 years after the adoption of a nationwide smoke-free policy in Uruguay (between 1 March 2004 and 29 February 2008), were reviewed. A time series analysis was undertaken to compare the average monthly number of events of hospital admission for AMI before and after the smoke-free law. Results A total of 7949 hospital admissions for AMI were identified during the 4-year study period. Two years after the smoke-free policy was enacted, hospital admissions for AMI fell by 22%. The same pattern and roughly the same magnitude of reduction in AMI admissions were observed for patients seen in public and private hospitals, men, women and people aged 40–65 years and older than 65 years. Conclusions The national smoke-free policy implemented in Uruguay in 2006 was associated with a significant reduction in hospital admissions for AMI. PMID:22337557

  14. Hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction before and after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy in Uruguay. (United States)

    Sebrié, Ernesto Marcelo; Sandoya, Edgardo; Hyland, Andrew; Bianco, Eduardo; Glantz, Stanton A; Cummings, K Michael


    Stimulated by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, many countries in Latin America adopted comprehensive smoke-free policies. In March 2006, Uruguay became the first Latin American country to adopt 100% smoke-free national legislation, which ended smoking in all indoor public places and workplaces, including restaurants and bars. The objective of this study was to evaluate trends in hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease 2 years before and 2 years after the policy was implemented in Uruguay. Reports of hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (International Classification of Disease-10 I21) from 37 hospitals (79% of all hospital admissions in the country), representing the period 2 years before and 2 years after the adoption of a nationwide smoke-free policy in Uruguay (between 1 March 2004 and 29 February 2008), were reviewed. A time series analysis was undertaken to compare the average monthly number of events of hospital admission for AMI before and after the smoke-free law. A total of 7949 hospital admissions for AMI were identified during the 4-year study period. Two years after the smoke-free policy was enacted, hospital admissions for AMI fell by 22%. The same pattern and roughly the same magnitude of reduction in AMI admissions were observed for patients seen in public and private hospitals, men, women and people aged 40-65 years and older than 65 years. The national smoke-free policy implemented in Uruguay in 2006 was associated with a significant reduction in hospital admissions for AMI.


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    Clarisa Flous Lesca


    Full Text Available El presente artículo surge como parte de nuestra investigación[1] sobre la construcción de los discursos de las políticas y programas de inclusión educativa en enseñanza media básica. Dicho problema y objeto de estudio fue ubicado específicamente para Uruguay en el período 2005‑2012. En el trabajo abordamos algunos aspectos vinculados a esas políticas, aunque se analizaron los programas de inclusión educativa relacionados con el Consejo de Educación Secundaria (CES en dicho período. Ellos son: Programas Aulas Comunitarias (PAC, Programa Impulso a la Universalización del Ciclo Básico (PIU y Programa Tránsito Educativo.En los siguientes párrafos pretendemos plantear aspectos de nuestro recorrido de investigación, abordando el proceso de construcción del problema y algunas referencias que son sus antecedentes. A su vez, presentamos una síntesis de la perspectiva teórica y metodológica de la investigación. También tratamos el concepto de inclusión educativa,sus distintas interpretaciones y algunas explicaciones en torno al problema, así como una serie de construcciones basadas en lógicas o racionalidades que observamos en los diferentes discursos durante nuestro trabajo de campo.   Palabras clave: enseñanza media, políticas educativas, inclusión educativa.   DISCOURSES OF POLICIES AND INCLUSIVE EDUCATION PROJECTS IN LOWER SECONDARY EDUCATION IN URUGUAY FORM 2005 TO 2012 Abstract   This paper is the result of research into the construction of discourses on policies and projects of inclusive education in lower secondary education in Uruguay from 2005 to 2012. The study takes into account some general elements in these policies, and more specifically, inclusive education projects carried out by Consejo de Educación Secundaria (CES such as Programa Aulas Comunitarias (PAC, Programa Impulso a la Universalización del Ciclo Básico (PIU and Programa Tránsito Educativo. The aim is to present some elements of our

  16. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Zapican Sheet F-22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Zapican) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils.The fotoplano Zapican is located in the north of Lavalleja town and geologically is formed by Lavalleja group and the west socket represented by granites and volcanic reefs

  17. Exploring biophysical potential and sustainability of wheat cultivation in Uruguay at the national level

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mantel, S.; Engelen, van V.W.P.; Molfino, J.H.; Resink, J.W.


    A methodology is presented that explores soil survey information at the national level (1:1 M), generating sustainability indicators for wheat cultivation in Uruguay. Potential yields were calculated for simplified crop production situations under several constraints, such as limitation of water

  18. Exploration of Uranium. Report to the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muset, J.A.


    The Government of Uruguay with IAEA assistance carried out the Uranium prospection project and the evolution of uraniferous minerals resources on this country soil. Several arrangement were did such as the recollection and analysis of the geologic material. The Uranium project began with radiometric anomalies and out crops

  19. The Political Economy of Healthcare Litigation : Model and Empirical Application to Uruguay


    Corduneanu-Huci, Cristina; Hamilton, Alexander; Masses-Ferrer, Issel


    The political economy of health care is complex, as stakeholders have conflicting preferences over efficiency and equity. This paper formally models the preferences of consumer and producer groups involved in priority setting and judicialization in public health care. It uses a unique dataset of stakeholder perceptions, from Uruguay, to test whether these hypotheses are consistent with emp...

  20. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Melo Sheet D-15

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrando, L.; Andreis, R.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Melo) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to the pre devonian period in Melo, Buena Vista Yaguari and Tres islas formations. These metamorphic rocks would be compared with the orogenic cycle of the east and southeast groups

  1. Les disparus politiques en Uruguay, entre l’histoire et la mémoire

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    Eugenia Allier Montaño


    Full Text Available Depuis un certain temps, les discussions sur les passés récents et violents, connus lors des années 1960-1980, sont l’un des enjeux majeurs des espaces publics dans plusieurs pays de l’Amérique du Sud. L’Uruguay, ayant vécu un régime civique militaire fortement répressif entre 1973 et 1985, n’a pas été l’exception. Pourtant, bien que les mémoires publiques sur ce passé aient traversé différentes périodes, c’est la disparition des personnes qui conduit presque toute l’histoire des luttes autour de la mémoire du pays. Dans ce texte, nous nous attelons à tracer l’histoire de la mémoire des disparus politiques dans l’arène publique en Uruguay pour connaître les motifs qu’ont faits des disparus de l’image du passé récent.Discussions on violence during the years 1960-1980 in South America have for some time been a central issue in the public space of many South American countries. Uruguay, having gone through a strongly repressive civic-military regime between 1973 and 1985, was no exception. While public memories on this period have gone through different phases, the forced disappearances have always been the main focus of the struggles for memory. This article attempts to trace the history of the remembering of these victims of forced disappearance in the Uruguayan public arena in order to determine memory patterns in the image of a recent past.

  2. Estimating the Burden of Serious Fungal Infections in Uruguay

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    Marina Macedo-Viñas


    Full Text Available We aimed to estimate for the first time the burden of fungal infections in Uruguay. Data on population characteristics and underlying conditions were extracted from the National Statistics Institute, the World Bank, national registries, and published articles. When no data existed, risk populations were used to estimate frequencies extrapolating from the literature. Population structure (inhabitants: total 3,444,006; 73% adults; 35% women younger than 50 years. Size of populations at risk (total cases per year: HIV infected 12,000; acute myeloid leukemia 126; hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 30; solid organ transplants 134; COPD 272,006; asthma in adults 223,431; cystic fibrosis in adults 48; tuberculosis 613; lung cancer 1400. Annual incidence estimations per 100,000: invasive aspergillosis, 22.4; candidemia, 16.4; Candida peritonitis, 3.7; Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia, 1.62; cryptococcosis, 0.75; severe asthma with fungal sensitization, 217; allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, 165; recurrent Candida vaginitis, 6323; oral candidiasis, 74.5; and esophageal candidiasis, 25.7. Although some under and overestimations could have been made, we expect that at least 127,525 people suffer from serious fungal infections each year. Sporothrichosis, histoplasmosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, and dermatophytosis are known to be frequent but no data are available to make accurate estimations. Given the magnitude of the burden of fungal infections in Uruguay, efforts should be made to improve surveillance, strengthen laboratory diagnosis, and warrant access to first line antifungals.

  3. Aging and cancer in Uruguay: epidemiology and health screenings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrios, E.; Musé, I.


    According to estimates by the UICC 2020 the annual number of new cases cancer worldwide will reach 20 million, of which 14 occur in developing countries, which must address the problem with little human and material resources. This increase, in particular the care burden will weigh in countries development, is the result, among other factors, the transition patterns epidemiological, accompanied by an increase in life expectancy at birth. This determines the prevalence of chronic and degenerative diseases within which highlights the cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In Uruguay, the life expectancy at birth has increased from 45 in 1900-75 to end of the century. In parallel we are witnessing a progressive aging of the population, with an increasing proportion of older age groups. taking population aged 65 or more, it represented 4.5% in 1908 and reached 21.2% in 2000 Similarly, cancer mortality has increased percentage, in 2001 representing 23.8% of total deaths. Depending on age, analyzed the increased risk of developing or dying from cancer in Uruguay and its impact is weighted mortality of seven locations more frequent. For each of these locations the percentage of deaths in the population of 65 or more years is as follows: lung 60.9%, breast 60.3%, prostate 91.4%, colorecto 78.3%, 72.3% stomach, esophagus 70.3%, 72.2% pancreas, averaging 69.4% overall. Some etiopathogenic aspects and care projections are discussed this onco-geriatric problems.


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN El género Potamolithus Pilsbry, 1896 (Gastropoda; Tateidae, posee 31 especies, 22 de las cuales se hayan en la Argentina distribuidas principalmente en la cuenca Del Plata, definiendo al río Uruguay y al Río de la Plata como una zona caliente de diversidad en gasterópodos dulceacuícolas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de sus especies han sido descriptas solo por caracteres conquilógicos y, unas pocas tienen datos anatómicos, conllevando a la descripción de subespecies o morfos que se superponen unos a otros. A Potamolithus lapidum algunos autores le atribuyen cuatro subespecies (con datos conquiológicos, y una con datos parciales de anatomía blanda, sin embargo otros incluyen ocho “morfos”. Aquí nosotros damos un comienzo en el estudio de Potamolithus lapidum elevando a Potamolithus lapidum supersulcatus Pilsbry, 1896 a la categoría de especie, de la cual solo se conocen caracteres conquiológicos y radulares parcialmente. Aportamos datos de: concha, órganos paleales, cabeza, pie, pene, rádula, sistemas reproductor femenino y masculino, sistema nervioso y, secuencia parcial del gen mitocondrial citocromo c oxidasa subunidad I. Es necesario realizar una buena descripción de las especies del género Potamolithus debido a que algunas de las especies ya han sido citadas como especies vulnerables y que habitan ríos que están siendo modificados por la actividad humana y por la presencia del bivalvo invasor Limnoperna fortunei.

  5. Tectonics and sedimentary process in the continental talud in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Santa Ana, H.; Soto, M.; Morales, E.; Tomasini, J.; Hernandez-Molina, F.; Veroslavsky, G.


    The morphology and evolution of the continental margin of Uruguay is due to the interaction of an important set of sedimentary processes. The contourite and turbiditic are the most significant processes which are associated with the development of submarine canyons as well as the gravitational mass respect to major landslides. These processes generate erosional and depositional features with a direct impact on different areas of application, which have potential environmental risks (gravitational landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis) and potential economic resources

  6. The Uruguay Round and Welfare in Some Distorted Agricultural Economies


    James E. Anderson


    There is widespread concern that the Uruguay Round may reduce the welfare of developing countries through its effect on world agricultural prices. Reduced agricultural price distortions among major supplying nations are predicted to increase basic food prices and decrease some important export prices such as those for coffee and cotton. It appears that raising food prices paid by food importers must be bad for them, while reducing world coffee and cotton prices appears bad for exporters of th...

  7. Aging and cancer in Uruguay: epidemiology and health screenings; Envejecimiento y cáncer en Uruguay : aspectos epidemiológicos y proyecciones sanitarias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrios, E.; Musé, I. [Comisión Honoraria de Lucha Contra el Cáncer, Montevideo (Uruguay)


    According to estimates by the UICC 2020 the annual number of new cases cancer worldwide will reach 20 million, of which 14 occur in developing countries, which must address the problem with little human and material resources. This increase, in particular the care burden will weigh in countries development, is the result, among other factors, the transition patterns epidemiological, accompanied by an increase in life expectancy at birth. This determines the prevalence of chronic and degenerative diseases within which highlights the cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In Uruguay, the life expectancy at birth has increased from 45 in 1900-75 to end of the century. In parallel we are witnessing a progressive aging of the population, with an increasing proportion of older age groups. taking population aged 65 or more, it represented 4.5% in 1908 and reached 21.2% in 2000 Similarly, cancer mortality has increased percentage, in 2001 representing 23.8% of total deaths. Depending on age, analyzed the increased risk of developing or dying from cancer in Uruguay and its impact is weighted mortality of seven locations more frequent. For each of these locations the percentage of deaths in the population of 65 or more years is as follows: lung 60.9%, breast 60.3%, prostate 91.4%, colorecto 78.3%, 72.3% stomach, esophagus 70.3%, 72.2% pancreas, averaging 69.4% overall. Some etiopathogenic aspects and care projections are discussed this onco-geriatric problems.

  8. Final report to United Nations Industrial development organization on evaluation of tender for the Valentine iron ore project in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Government of Uruguay (Project Authorities)is desirous of improving their national economy through exploitation of resources with which the nation is endowed. Studies so far conducted in Uruguay reveal that the Valentine iron ore deposits amount to about 30 million tons with an average Fe-content of 331; an additional probable reserve of about 17 million tons is also expected. The Project Authorities have been examining the possibility of exploiting these iron reserves for the establishment of a viable iron and steel complex within the country.

  9. The Permian basin geology in the north of Uruguay.Sedimentology exam about the uranium signs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lhomer, A.; Manigault, B.; Doyhenart, A.; Rossi, P.; Spoturno, J.; De Santana, H.; Vaz, N.


    The basin is located in the Precambrian insular shelf limited to the North. East and South. The North (Brazil) and south (Uruguay) edge are constituted by the insular shelf ancient nucleus which dates from 2000 million years.

  10. La reducción de la mortalidad infantil en Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay. Entre intenciones, logros y desafíos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Marta Santillán Pizarro


    Full Text Available La importancia de la reducción de la mortalidad infantil es reconocida internacionalmente en distintos tratados de Derechos Humanos, entre ellos la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN y se refuerza con metas cuantificables en los planes de acción de las conferencias basadas en los mismos, a los que Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay adhieren. A veinte años de ratificada la CDN, nos preguntamos en qué medida la reducción de la mortalidad infantil en estos países ha sido suficiente para alcanzar las metas establecidas. Nos interesa conocer cuáles son los logros alcanzados y los temas pendientes para dar cumplimiento a los compromisos asumidos ante la comunidad internacional. En base a información publicada por los institutos nacionales de estadística y por el Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE - División de Población de la CEPAL, se concluye que Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay han realizado importantes logros en la reducción de la mortalidad infantil, de manera que habrían conseguido la meta de reducción en un tercio el nivel de la mortalidad infantil entre los años 1990 y 2000. Sin embargo, a pesar de haber continuado el descenso en años posteriores, el ritmo no sería suficiente para alcanzar las metas planteadas para el año 2010 ni para el año 2015. En cuanto a las metas relacionadas a la disminución de las brechas entre sectores sociales, la situación es más preocupante ya que las diferencias se mantienen en valores inaceptables. Por estos motivos, los países deberían redoblar los esfuerzos para dar cumplimiento a dichos compromisos.

  11. La reducción de la mortalidad infantil en Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay. Entre intenciones, logros y desafíos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eleonora Soledad Rojas-Cabrera


    Full Text Available La importancia de la reducción de la mortalidad infantil es reconocida internacionalmente en distintos tratados de Derechos Humanos, entre ellos la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN y se refuerza con metas cuantificables en los planes de acción de las conferencias basadas en los mismos, a los que Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay adhieren. A veinte años de ratificada la CDN, nos preguntamos en qué medida la reducción de la mortalidad infantil en estos países ha sido suficiente para alcanzar las metas establecidas. Nos interesa conocer cuáles son los logros alcanzados y los temas pendientes para dar cumplimiento a los compromisos asumidos ante la comunidad internacional. En base a información publicada por los institutos nacionales de estadísticas y por el Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CEPAL/CELADE, se concluye que Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay han realizado importantes logros en la reducción de la mortalidad infantil, de manera que habrían logrado la meta de reducción en un tercio el nivel de la mortalidad infantil entre los años 1990 y 2000. Sin embargo, a pesar de haber continuado el descenso en años posteriores, el ritmo no sería suficiente para alcanzar las metas planteadas para el año 2010 ni para el año 2015. En cuanto a las metas relacionadas a la disminución de las brechas entre sectores sociales, la situación es más preocupante ya que las diferencias se mantienen en valores inaceptables. Por estos motivos, los países deberían redoblar los esfuerzos para dar cumplimiento a dichos compromisos.

  12. Nd-Sr isotopic compositions of dissolved and particulate material transported by the Parana and Uruguay rivers during high (december 1993) and low (september 1994) water periods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henry, F.; Thouron, D.; Garcon, V.; Henry, F.; Probst, J.L.


    Our motivation is to better constrain the neodymium and strontium isotopic signatures of the closest continental riverine source (Parana and Uruguay rivers) to the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence zone in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. We thus present new isotopic data on the Nd and Sr of the dissolved and suspended loads of the Parana and Uruguay rivers for two water periods forming the Rio de la Plata whose drainage basin is the second largest one in South America. The Parana dissolved material shows less radiogenic (ε Nd (0) ranging between -12.1 and -8.2) than the Uruguay one with a mean ε Nd (0) value of -6.3 ± 0.3. Suspended particulates display the same isotopic trend (mean ε Nd (0) value of -10.3 and -6.0 for the Parana and Uruguay rivers, respectively). Dissolved load 87 Sr/ 86 Sr in the Parana (0.7123) is found to be more radiogenic than the Uruguay one (0.7097); the suspended load follows the same trend with 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios of 0.7247 and 0.7115 in the Parana and Uruguay rivers, respectively. The relatively radiogenic Nd and non radiogenic Sr of the Uruguay River as compared to the Parana River could be attributed to a predominance of tholeiitic basalts in the drainage basin. A revisited estimation of the fluxes of Nd considering all South American rivers delivering into the western South and Tropical Atlantic Ocean yields a Nd particulate flux to estuarine water two orders of magnitude higher than the Nd dissolved flux. Considering the net dissolved and suspended fluxes of Nd reaching the Rio de la Plata, we have calculated a resulting ε Nd (0) equal to -10.2. The computation of ε Nd (0) of the Rio de la Plata outflow waters gives a value of -8.3, taking into account various removal processes within the estuary. (authors)

  13. Gender, age, social disadvantage and quitting smoking in Argentina and Uruguay


    Mirosław Niedzin; Ewelina Gaszyńska; Jan Krakowiak; Tomasz Saran; Franciszek Szatko; Dorota Kaleta


    Introduction Cessation of tobacco use has the potential to provide the greatest immediate benefits for tobacco control. Understanding the social determinants of smoking cessation is an essential requirement for increasing smoking cessation at the population level. The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-economic dimensions associated with cessation success among adults in Argentina and Uruguay. Material and Methods Data from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), a cross...

  14. A survey of Senecio spp. affecting livestock in Uruguay and their associated pyrrolizidine alkaloid content

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Agustín García


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: In Eastern Uruguay there has been a significant increase of seneciosis in grazing livestock with most affected localities related to counties neighboring the Brazilian border. A survey in 28 farms associated with poisoning outbreaks in grazing cattle in Eastern Uruguay was carried out. Fifty populations of Senecio plants were collected for alkaloid analysis and species identification. Four species were identified: S. oxyphyllus DC, S. madagascariensis Poir, S. brasiliensis (Spreng. Less., and S. selloi DC. Alkaloids were identified by a combination of GC-MS and HPLC-MS analysis and included: retrorsine in S. oxyphyllus; retrorsine, usaramine, and senecivernine/senecionine in S. selloi; retrorsine, senecivernine/senecionine, integerrimine, and usaramine in S. madagascariensis; and integerrimine, retrorsine and senecionine in S. brasiliensis. Total mean alkaloid concentration was reported to be highest in S. brasiliensis (17.6mg/g followed by S. oxyphyllus (6.2mg/g, S. selloi (1.8mg/g and S. madagascariensis (0.6mg/g. Alkaloid concentrations were also reported to be higher in 2015 vs. 2016 probably due to a common environmental factor. The species S. oxyphyllus and S. madagascariensis were not previously recognized as toxic plants in Eastern Uruguay. Particularly, S. oxyphyllus was present in 82% of the farms surveyed and occurred in high density with relative high concentrations of pyrrolizidine alkaloids suggesting S. oxyphyllus may be the main species involved in the reported outbreaks of seneciosis.

  15. Room source management decontamination in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blanco, D.; Montanez, Osvaldo


    A surface,work materials and tools contamination it produced for Ra-226 sources management in des use in Uruguayan radioactive waste and sources management and storage room specifically in the Uruguay Republic University in Nuclear Search Center. A surface contamination direct was performed measurement with Eberline alpha particles Contamat FHT 111M with 42 496/30 sounder. It found greater and least contamination grade in all cement floor as well as in tables where was managed with Ra-226 sources. A value measured surface contamination can see in the Room scheme with more 200 Bq/cm in extension small places. A segregation between work materials and tools considerate d free contamination was realized. The contaminated objects was separated for a future treatment. A proceeding followed in the decontamination was inhale, abrasion,sweep essays in different representative zones, obtain decontamination factors and residual activity

  16. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. La Union Sheet J-29

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, C.; Veroslavsky, G.; Oyantcabal, P.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (La Union) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to the Holocene Pleistocene, Pliocene, Oligocene and Precambrian period. This area is located in the eastern of Montevideo and the South West of Canelones

  17. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Guaycuru Sheet M-24

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garat, I.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Guaycuru)) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to the Cenozoic and Precambrian period. The Cuaycuru area is located in the West of the Rio de la Plata socket constituted by metamorphic belts and is associated with migmatitic and intrusive granitoids

  18. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Piraraja Sheet F-23

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Piraraja) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to Cenozoic, Cretaceous, Jurassic and Precambrian period.The Pirafja fotoplano is located in Lavalleja and geomorphologically is constituted by the Lavalleja group, the Atlantic socket, Piraraja granite and the Barriga Negra group

  19. Héctor Tizón: la escritura y los avatares del exilio

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    Adriana Mancini


    Full Text Available Desde sus comienzos, desde los primeros pasos para lograr la independencia de la futura Nación Argentina, luchas intestinas signaron el tenor del recorrido institucional. La generación del 37, jóvenes nacidos en la primera década del siglo XIX cuando la Revolución de Mayo de 1810 exaltaba los ánimos patriotas empeñados en cortar lazos con España, enfrentaban ideológicamente a los denominados «federales» cuyo conductor, Juan Manuel de Rosas, dominaba la rica y extensa región de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. El exilio fue el camino obligado de los disidentes al régimen rosista. Los países vecinos de Chile y Uruguay fueron refugio de Domingo Faustino Sarmiento y Esteban Echeverría, dos de los principales protagonistas de esta contienda. En el exilio, ambos escribieron dos textos fundantes de la literatura argentina: Facundo, una suerte de biografía del caudillo homónimo de la región de Cuyo y el Noroeste argentino de donde era originario Sarmiento y El matadero de Esteban Echeverría cuyo título, a través de una sinécdoque, refería a la situación de violencia que reinaba en la provincia de Buenos Aires. La intolerancia política, la persecución y muerte marcaron las décadas en la Argentina de forma sistemática hasta 1983, fecha en la que se recuperó la democracia. La literatura en sus variadas manifestaciones genéricas, particularmente narrativa y dramaturgia, dejaron un testimonio elocuente y verosímil de los hechos. Paradójicamente, la ficción tuvo a su cargo la verdadera historia; la contracara de la historia oficial que se difundía en épocas de gobiernos dictatoriales donde la censura imperaba. En el siglo XX y en particular durante la dictadura del último gobierno militar acaecida entre 1976 y 1983, los textos circulaban en forma clandestina y los escritores –aquellos que pudieron huir y salvaron su vida– escribieron desde el exterior. Esta vez, España y México fueron, entre otros, países  que

  20. Mobbing in schools and hospitals in Uruguay : Prevalence and relation to loss of status

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buunk, Abraham P.; Franco, Silvia; Dijkstra, Pieternel; Zurriaga, Rosario


    In the present study in secondary schools and hospitals in Uruguay (N = 187), we examined the relationship between feeling the victim of mobbing and a perceived loss of status. Nearly all forms of mobbing were more prevalent among hospital employees than among school employees. Among hospital

  1. [Rejecting or prioritizing life? The ambiguities of AIDS biopolitics in Uruguay]. (United States)

    Reihling, Hanspeter


    The biopolitics of aids in Uruguay could be seen between two big poles: the investment and the rejection of life. The productive mode can be expressed in the treatment of children who contracted HIV through mother to child transmission. For these children the infection in many cases becomes an asset until they reach adolescence. Except of some efforts of forced detention and mandatory testing, the public health system as well as NGOs show little interest in assisting adolescence infected or affected by HIV/aids. This is the result of a moral economy which marks people who are able to transmit the virus sexually or who have contracted it through sexual intercourse. Especially HIV positive mothers are seen as irresponsible and dangerous in contraposition to their "pure" offspring. However, this moral discourse hardly takes into account the larger social and economic context in which those mothers contracted the virus and as they faced Antiretroviral Therapy (ART). The life history of an adolescent boy will be told in order to reflect upon the modes of inclusion and exclusion of people living with HIV/aids since the beginning of the epidemic in Uruguay. Although the case is not representative, it identifies dynamics within the Uruguayan health system which are difficult to discern through conventional statistical methods.

  2. La realización del derecho a la educación en América Latina: Análisis comparado de la eficiencia del gasto público y perspectivas educativas para la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia


    Andrés Felipe Mora-Cortés


    Mediante la elaboración de un estudio comparado, el documento tiene como objetivo identificar experiencias significativas de política pública para garantizar de manera eficiente el derecho a la educación. Para ello se propone un Índice Compuesto de Realización del Derecho a la Educación y se aplica la metodología Free Disposal Hull. En un conjunto de veinte países latinoamericanos, Cuba, Argentina y Uruguay resultan ser quienes materializan en mayor grado y de manera más eficiente el derecho ...

  3. Statute of Limitations in Uruguay and the ethical-political essence of the left

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    Ana Buriano


    Full Text Available This paper compares parties and citizen behavior in the referendum and plebiscite of 1989 and 2009 in Uruguay, concerning the derogation or repeal of articles of the amnesty law, as well as the unfinished epilogue of this process. This will allow us to observe a change in the axis-force that drives citizens' initiatives in the matter. While in 1989 the Frente Amplio (FA assumed and promoted the derogatory referendum, in 2009 the social organizations won the centrality of the scene. In that last year the negative position and subsequent support for the plebiscite campaign by the partisan left. Its virtual absence from the coalition generates doubts about the management of the demands concerning human rights and the ethical-doctrinal nature of the partisan left. Although in 2010 the FA tried to resume leadership, it was weakened by an internal dispute that resulted in contempt towards the legislative debate to neutralize the effects of the act. The civic, identity and perhaps political configuration of the XXI century Uruguay will depend on the resolution of this gap.

  4. Law 16.097 Prevention program of uterine cervix cancer in Uruguay: Uterine cervix cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Every year in Uruguay, is diagnosed around 600 new cases of cancer of uterine cervix. Next important information was related on this cancer and the evolution that will have the carrying of this illness, it was informed about the prevention, symptoms, I diagnose and treatment of the same one

  5. Technical Cooperation. Project No. 77.210.9. Geological German Mission in Uruguay. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roth, W.


    This report shows the result of work carried out in the framework of the German mission in Uruguay. The main results obtained were the general inventory of non metallic raw as well as important raw materials investigation such as bentonite, limestone, fluorite, graphite, talc and materials for construction

  6. U-Pb age constraints for the La Tuna Granite and Montevideo Formation (Paleoproterozoic, Uruguay): Unravelling the structure of the Río de la Plata Craton (United States)

    Pamoukaghlián, Karina; Gaucher, Claudio; Frei, Robert; Poiré, Daniel G.; Chemale, Farid; Frei, Dirk; Will, Thomas M.


    The Río de la Plata Craton is a continental block that crops out in Uruguay, eastern Argentina, southernmost Brazil and Paraguay. It comprises in Uruguay the Piedra Alta, Tandilia and Nico Pérez terranes, separated by the Colonia and the Sarandí del Yí megashears. The La Tuna Granite, which intrudes the Araminda metasandstones in the Tandilia Terrane, was considered Cambrian in age and the intruded sandstones were assigned to the Neoproterozoic Piedras de Afilar Formation. We show that the granite is Paleoproterozoic in age and that the host metasandstones do not belong to the Piedras de Afilar Formation, but to the Paleoproterozoic Montevideo Formation. U-Pb LA ICP-MS of zircon ages for the La Tuna Granite yielded a concordant crystallization age of 2156 ± 26 Ma. Furthermore a metamorphic event at 2010 ± 9 Ma is revealed by Pb stepwise leaching dating of monazites. U-Pb detrital zircon ages of the host Araminda metasandstone yield an upper intercept discordia age of 2152 ± 29 Ma, which marks the intrusion of the La Tuna pluton, and which is in accordance with the zircon U-Pb LA ICP MS constraints. A concordant U-Pb detrital zircon age of 2465 ± 40 Ma provides a maximum depositional age constraint for the metapsammites. Comparing quartz arenites of the Ediacaran Piedras de Afilar Formation with the Araminda metaquartzites, we conclude that they are very similar regarding petrology but they differ in age and metamorphic overprint. Detrital zircons in quartz arenites of the Piedras de Afilar Formation show youngest ages of 1.0 Ga. On the other hand, detrital zircons recovered from the Araminda metasandstones and the age of the intruding granite allow interpreting a depositional age between 2465 and 2150 Ma. Nd model ages show crustal residence times in average more than 200 myr older for the Tandilia Terrane both in Uruguay and Argentina, with a significant Neoarchean component, which is lacking in the Piedra Alta Terrane. Whereas the Piedra Alta Terrane was

  7. Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Uruguay: results of a nationwide survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Gallarreta


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate and describe the prevalence and causes of blindness and moderate and severe visual impairment in older adults living in Uruguay. METHODS: All individuals aged ≥ 50 years old living in randomly selected clusters were eligible to participate. In each census enumeration unit selected, 50 residents aged 50 years and older were chosen to participate in the study using compact segment sampling. The study participants underwent visual acuity (VA measurement and lens examination; those with presenting VA (PVA < 20/60 also underwent direct ophthalmoscopy. Moderate visual impairment (MVI was defined as PVA < 20/60-20/200, severe visual impairment (SVI was defined as PVA < 20/200-20/400, and blindness was defined as PVA < 20/400, all based on vision in the better eye with available correction. RESULTS: Out of 3 956 eligible individuals, 3 729 (94.3% were examined. The age- and sex-adjusted prevalence of blindness was 0.9% (95% confidence interval (CI: 0.5-1.3. Cataract (48.6% and glaucoma (14.3% were the main causes of blindness. Prevalence of SVI and MVI was 0.9% (95% CI: 0.5-1.3 and 7.9% (95% CI: 6.0-9.7 respectively. Cataract was the main cause of SVI (65.7%, followed by uncorrected refractive error (14.3%, which was the main cause of MVI (55.2%. Cataract surgical coverage was 76.8% (calculated by eye and 91.3% (calculated by individual. Of all eyes operated for cataract, 70.0% could see ≥ 20/60 and 15.3% could not see 20/200 post-surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of blindness in Uruguay is low compared to other Latin American countries, but further reduction is feasible. Due to Uruguay's high cataract surgical coverage and growing proportion of people ≥ 50 years old, the impact of posterior pole diseases as a contributing factor to blindness might increase in future.

  8. Conophyton occur in Burgueno Quarry (Nueva Carrara, Uruguay): outcrop new of Grupo Mina Verdun and its importance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaucher, C.; Cernuschi, F.; Chiglino, L.


    The succession exposed in the Burgueno Quarry, in the vicinity of Nueva Carrara (Maldonado, Uruguay), is here assigned to the Mina Verdun Group. It is composed, from base to top, by meta marls, calcareous breccias and limestones, stromatolitic limestones and massive dolostones. Exposed thickness exceeds 110 m. Stromatolites assigned to the group Conophyton occur in the stromatolitic limestones (El Calabozo Formation). Stromatolites are characterized by straight to sinuous columns, showing circular to elliptical transverse sections 1.5 to 26 cm in maximum diameter. Height of columns exceeds 50 cm. The stromatolitic laminations are well preserved. Sedimentary environment for this unit is inferred as sub tidal, under low energy conditions. The Las Ventanas Formation overlies with angular and erosional unconformity the Mina Verdun Group at Burgueno Quarry. The Las Palmas Formation is tentatively correlated with the Las Ventanas Formation, on the basis of stratigraphic relationships and lithologic similarity. Considering the data presented here, it is envisaged that the Lavalleja/Fuente del Puma Group is not part of the basement of the Las Ventanas Formation. A Proterozoic, pre-Vendian age is postulated for the Mina Verdun Group, thus older than ca. 600 Ma [es

  9. Computer analysis to the geochemical of soil and stream sediments data in an area of Southern Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spangenberg, J.


    This work is about geochemical interpretation of multi-element data from a soil and stream sediment survey carried out in Southern of Uruguay .This zone has several occurrences of metal sulphide mineralization

  10. Vulnerability of family livestock farming on the Livramento-Rivera border of Brazil and Uruguay: Comparative analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. D. Waquil


    Full Text Available Social, ecological, and economic sciences have all shown interest in studying the social group called family livestock farmers. The main characteristic of this group, which is present in the Pampa biome in Southern Brazil and Uruguay, is beef cattle production based on family work on small lands, expressing an autonomous way of life which is, however, highly dependent on strong relations with the physical environment and marked by risk aversion. In this study we made a comparative analysis of vulnerability factors of family livestock farming in Brazil and Uruguay. We also compared these social actors’ perceptions of risks, and the strategies built to mitigate threats. A survey was thus carried out and included 16 family livestock farmers’ interviews, eight in each country,near the cities of Santana do Livramento (Brazil and Rivera (Uruguay. Although these cities are next to each other on each side of the border and thus present environmental similarities, we chose them because family farming was not subjected to the same political and economic conditions which might (or might not have influenced farmers’ perceptions and reactions. Results showed that livestock farmers were mainly affected by vulnerabilities arising from external elements such as the climate (e.g. droughts or harsh winters, but also from internal elements (lack of land access and successors. From the family livestock farmers’ standpoint, the highest risks to their production systems and social system reproduction were more related to climate than to price and market variations.

  11. Detrital zircons from samples of five Neo proterozoic sandstone units deposited on Uruguay and Argentina: about evolution of paleographic Rio de la Plata craton

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaucher, C.; Poire, D.G.; Pamoukaghlian, K.; Gomez Peral, L.; Finney, S.; Valencia, V.; Blanco, G.


    We report U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from samples of five Neoproterozoic sandstone units deposited on the Rio de la Plata Craton (RPC) in Uruguay and Argentina. Quartz-arenites of the Piedras de Afilar Formation show typical Transamazonian ages, with peaks at 2.00-2.07, 1.87 and 1.78 Ga. However, the most important zircon population is Mesoproterozoic, showing maxima at 1.49, 1.35, 1.25 and 1.0 Ga. Zircons recovered from two sandstone levels in the Arroyo del Soldado Group (Yerbal and Cerros San Francisco formations) are mostly Archean in age, with maxima at 3.2 and 2.7 Ga. Palaeoproterozoic zircons are also prominent in this unit, with peaks at 2.45 and 2.18, with the latter a typical Transamazonian age. Two samples from the Sierras Bayas Group in Tandilia (Argentina) show different age spectra. Sandstones of the Villa Monica Formation show a unimodal zircon population of Transamazonian age (peak at 2.13 Ga). Sandstones of the Cerro Largo Formation are characterized by a dominant Transamazonian zircon population (peaks at 2.15, 2.0 and 1.79), but also important Archean-lowermost Palaeoproterozoic (3.33, 2.99, 2.7, 2.47 Ga) and Mesoproterozoic peaks (1.55, 1.23 and 1.06). The abundance of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons is surprising. A proto-Andean, Mesoproterozoic belt is suggested as the source of the Mesoproterozoic detritus. Archean rocks of the RPC crop out only in the Nico Perez Terrane in Uruguay, suggesting that the Nico Perez Terrane was much closer to Tandilia than it is today. The sinistral reactivation of the Sarandi del Yi Shear Zone in the Cambrian, as a result of tangential collision of the Cuchilla Dionisio-Pelotas Terrane, may explain this observations. The absence of Neoproterozoic zircons shows that the studied units were deposited in a stable continental margin opening to the East and South. These Neoproterozoic basins had obviously no contribution whatsoever from Brasiliano-Pan African belts, supporting the idea of Cambrian terrane

  12. Políticas y planes de lectura: El caso de Uruguay


    Ceretta Soria, María Gladys


    Public policies for reading promotion are analyzed. It is enhanced the design of national plans, in relation with the socio educative context of a country. It is presented a brief revision of some actions in favor of reading promotion in iberoamerican countries, and the national reading plan of Uruguay is analyzed in detail. Concepts such as reading campaign, reading promotion, book and reading animation activities, and reading public policies are defined. Reading is evaluated in the new soci...

  13. Lead contamination and repercussion about of the Uruguay health: and antecedents and actual situation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manay, N.


    Many years ago, the Toxicology and environmental Hygiene Lectureship of the Chemical College from Uruguay, had been studing effects in the man of the lead environmental, toxicity and risks, blood lead in uruguayan children and possible sources of exposure. Studies of PB-S in blood and results values have been given too

  14. Interpretation of the phosphate showings found in Uruguay. Recommendations for a a working programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slansky, M.


    The radioactive anomalies put in evidence during the investigation of uranium and the mining inventory carried out in Uruguay, are due to rocks more or less strongly phosp hated of the top proterozoic and of the paleozoic. These anomalies drive to interrogating ourselves on the possibilities of existence of deposits of phosphates exploitable

  15. Essential oils of Mentha pulegium and Mentha rotundifolia from Uruguay

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    Lorenzo Daniel


    Full Text Available Essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from leaves of Mentha pulegium L. and Mentha rotundifolia (L. Huds. from Uruguay were analysed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Oxygen-containing monoterpenes were the main group of constituents in both oils. Pulegone, isomenthone and menthone were the major components in the oil of M. pulegium, whereas piperitenone oxide and (Z-sabinene hydrate were the major ones in M. rotundifolia. Enantiomerically pure (--menthone, (+-isomenthone, (+-isomenthol, (--menthol and (+-pulegone were detected by multidimensional gas chromatography in the case of M. pulegium oil.

  16. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Bizcocho Sheet N-0-21

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I; Gancio, F


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Bizcocho) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics of the lower Proterozoic in the socket of the La Plata river, Upper Cretaceous in Mercedes and Asencio formations, lower Tertiary in Palmitas and Fray Bentos formations and soils characteristics of the Quaternary period

  17. New records of Psomophis obtusus (Cope, 1863 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae in Argentina and Uruguay

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    Di Pietro, Diego O.


    Full Text Available Herein we report the southernmost locality of the genus Psomophis and a new department record of Psomophis obtusus in Uruguay. We analyzed 23 specimens of P. obtusus deposited at the Herpetological Collections of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Iológicas (CENAI, housed at MACN, and Museo de La Plata (MLP.

  18. Evaluation of Bacterial Contamination as an Indicator of Viral Contamination in a Sedimentary Aquifer in Uruguay.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gamazo, P; Victoria, M; Schijven, J F; Alvareda, E; Tort, L F L; Ramos, J; Burutaran, L; Olivera, M; Lizasoain, A; Sapriza, G; Castells, M; Colina, R


    In Uruguay, groundwater is frequently used for agricultural activities, as well as for human consumption in urban and rural areas. As in many countries worldwide, drinking water microbiological quality is evaluated only according to bacteriological standards and virological analyses are not

  19. Estimating the economic effects of cystic echinococcosis: Uruguay, a developing country with upper-middle income. (United States)

    Torgerson, P R; Carmona, C; Bonifacino, R


    Cost-benefit analyses, run before the commencement of a programme to control a parasitic disease, should include estimates of the economic losses attributable to the disease. Uruguay, a middle-income, developing country, has a recent history of persistent problems with cystic echinococcosis, in both its human population and livestock. The economic effects in Uruguay of this disease, caused by the larval stage of the canine tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus, have now been evaluated. Data on the incidence of the disease, in humans and livestock, were used to construct cost estimates. The estimated minimum cost (U.S.$2.9 million/year) was based on the condemnation costs of infected offal together with the actual costs of the hospital treatment of the human cases. The estimate of the maximum cost (U.S.$22.1 million/year) also included the production losses resulting from lower livestock efficiency and the reduced income of individuals with morbidity attributable to the disease.

  20. Evaluación de la campaña antitabaco en Uruguay: balance de diez años y desafíos

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    Patricia Triunfo

    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el año 2005, poco tiempo después de ratificar el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco (CMCT, Uruguay comenzó una ambiciosa campaña de control de tabaco que ubicó a este país a la vanguardia mundial de la lucha antitabaco. La gran diversidad de medidas implementadas en un lapso relativamente corto y la rigurosidad con que se aplicaron y observaron las políticas tienen escasos precedentes, incluso en los países más desarrollados. En este trabajo, se presenta una síntesis y actualización de varios trabajos de los autores en los que se evalúan algunos aspectos de la campaña a diez años de la ratificación del CMCT. En particular, estas investigaciones resaltan el impacto agregado que tuvo la campaña en la caída de la prevalencia en la población adulta, en los jóvenes y en las decisiones de abandono del consumo de tabaco en las embarazadas (1, 2, así como el impacto relativo de las políticas impositivas en relación a medidas de control de tabaco distintas de los precios. Los análisis se basan en estudios observacionales (a nivel de la población o el individuo que utilizan grupos de control externos (Argentina y Chile e internos (población no fumadora. Se plantean, también, los desafíos pendientes en el diseño de políticas antitabaco.

  1. Spawning of migratory fish species between two reservoirs of the upper Uruguay River, Brazil

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    David A. Reynalte-Tataje

    Full Text Available This study investigated the migratory fish spawning within the reservoirs of the Machadinho and Itá dams (upper Uruguay River, Brazil and its relationship to environmental variables. Sampling was conducted in the lotic region of the river in two sites between the dams' reservoirs: Uruguay (main river and Ligeiro (tributary. Sampling included nine consecutive reproductive periods (RP spanning the period from 2001 to 2010 and was conducted at night on the water surface using cylindrical-conical plankton nets (0.5 mm mesh; environmental variables were also recorded. The spawning of the migratory species Salminus brasiliensis, Prochilodus lineatus, and Steindachneridion scriptum was registered: S. brasiliensis and P. lineatus spawned in the tributary river at the end of spring/beginning of summer, during flooding and during periods of high water temperature. Steindachneridion scriptum spawned in the main river at the beginning of spring. The study showed that S. brasiliensis, P. lineatus, and S. scriptum are able to spawn in small lotic river stretches within two reservoirs, but only under very specific and not common environmental conditions.

  2. Aporte de Minerales del mate cocido a la dieta

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    Lorena Francini


    Full Text Available Este trabajo surgió como la continuación del trabajo "YERBA MATE... ¿SIMPLEMENTE UN HABITO O UN BUEN ALIMENTO?" en el cual se analizó el contenido total de: K, Mn, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, Na, Cu y Ni en once yerbas comercializadas en Uruguay.En la región comprendida por Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil y Paraguay la yerba mate se consume mayoritariamente como mate (extracción en caliente, tereré (extracción en frío y mate cocido (infusión caliente. A los efectos de conocer el aporte de minerales de la yerba a la dieta diaria, se analizó el contenido de K, Mn, Mg, Fe y Zn (por ser los presentes en mayor cantidad en la yerba mate en una simulación de mate cocido, con lo que se determinó que porcentaje de estos es extraído en dicha infusión.Para realizar la simulación de mate cocido, se colocaron 50g de yerba mate en 1L de agua desionizada y se calentó en plancha con agitación hasta alcanzar una temperatura de 99°C. La solución sobrenadante fue filtrada en caliente en filtro de papel de 640W y luego en frío a través de filtro de membrana de 0,45 µm. Los minerales antes mencionados fueron determinados por espectroscopía de emisión óptica (PERKIN ELMER OPTIMA 2100. Obteniéndose como resultado Zn= 2,9mg/L, Fe= 0,36mg/L, Mn= 57mg/L, K= 848mg/L en el extracto preparado como se mencionó anteriormente. Representando una extracción del contenido total de la yerba mate cercano al 100% para potasio y cinc, del 70% para el manganeso y del 2% para el hierro.De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que de consumirse un litro de mate cocido diario preparado en forma similar a la de este trabajo, se cubrirían ampliamente los requerimientos diarios de manganeso, se cubriría el 50% de los requerimientos diarios de magnesio, el 20% de los de potasio y cinc y el 6% de los de hierro.La yerba mate es un alimento ampliamente difundido y en los estratos sociales más bajos llega a sustituir una o más comidas diarias, lo que convierte a la I

  3. Practices to Reduce Milk Carbon Footprint on Grazing Dairy Farms in Southern Uruguay: Case Studies. (United States)

    Carbon footprint (CF) is an increasingly relevant indicator to estimate the impact of a product on climate change. This study followed international guidelines to quantify the CF of milk produced on 24 dairy farms in Uruguay. Cows were grazed all year and supplemented with concentrate feeds. These d...

  4. In the wake of structural adjustment programs: Exploring the relationship between domestic policies and health outcomes in Argentina and Uruguay. (United States)

    Oliver, Helen C


    The implementation of structural adjustment programs (SAPs) in developing countries has been followed by a marked reduction in their progress on economic growth, health outcomes, and social indicators. Comprehensive and contextualized explorations of the effects of SAPs are needed to assist health and social policy-makers in better determining responses to such programs that continue to dominate global trade, aid and debt cancellation negotiations. A comparative case study of Argentina and Uruguay was developed exploring the effects of SAPs on health. Using a framework developed to analyze the relationship between globalization and health, changes in domestic policies resulting from SAPs and the corresponding economic, social and health outcomes of the countries were explored. In general, SAPs were implemented with greater severity and speed in Argentina than in Uruguay, with the greatest differences occurring over the 1980s. The more gradual and modest reforms implemented in Uruguay were associated with better economic, social and health outcomes. Findings support those of previous studies demonstrating that countries that have maintained more dynamic public social and health programming while applying SAPs have been better able to protect the health of the most vulnerable sectors of society.

  5. Farmers versus ideas: explaining the continuity in French agricultural trade policy during the GATT Uruguay Round

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alons, G.C.


    France's protectionist position regarding agricultural trade is often claimed to result from French farm lobby influence. This article challenges such established claims, based on an analysis of French decision-making on the agricultural chapter of the GATT Uruguay Round. Farm lobby pressure cannot

  6. Reduction of secondhand tobacco smoke in public places following national smoke-free legislation in Uruguay. (United States)

    Blanco-Marquizo, Adriana; Goja, Beatriz; Peruga, Armando; Jones, Miranda R; Yuan, Jie; Samet, Jonathan M; Breysse, Patrick N; Navas-Acien, Ana


    Smoke-free legislation eliminating tobacco smoke in all indoor public places and workplaces is the international standard to protect all people from exposure to secondhand smoke. Uruguay was the first country in the Americas and the first middle-income country in the world to enact a comprehensive smoke-free national legislation in March 2006. To compare air nicotine concentrations measured in indoor public places and workplaces in Montevideo, Uruguay before (November 2002) and after (July 2007) the implementation of the national legislation. Air nicotine concentrations were measured for 7-14 days using the same protocol in schools, a hospital, a local government building, an airport and restaurants and bars. A total of 100 and 103 nicotine samples were available in 2002 and 2007, respectively. Median (IQR) air nicotine concentrations in the study samples were 0.75 (0.2-1.54) microg/m(3) in 2002 compared to 0.07 (0.0-0.20) microg/m(3) in 2007. The overall nicotine reduction comparing locations sampled in 2007 to those sampled in 2002 was 91% (95% CI 85% to 94%) after adjustment for differences in room volume and ventilation. The greatest nicotine reduction was observed in schools (97% reduction), followed by the airport (94% reduction), the hospital (89% reduction), the local government building (86% reduction) and restaurants/bars (81% reduction). Exposure to secondhand smoke has decreased greatly in indoor public places and workplaces in Montevideo, Uruguay, after the implementation of a comprehensive national smoke-free legislation. These findings suggest that it is possible to successfully implement smoke-free legislations in low and middle-income countries.

  7. Characterization of home gardens in northern Uruguay and methodology for its diagnosis


    Ignacio Traversa; Reyes Alejano


    An ecological, productive and social diagnosis of homegardens in Northern Uruguay is displayed in this paper, as well as methodology to achieve it, that could be used in other similar systems. The fieldwork consisted of interactive surveys to producers and field inventories for gathering information on the social, technical, productive and ecologicalaspects of green orchards. . A map of the orchards was done by using a Geographic Information System (GIS). The homegarden is organic, aligned ...



    Magdalena Bertino; Natalia Mariño; Martina Querejeta; Milton Torrelli; Daniela Vásquez


    This paper combines two interrelated approaches to examine the evolution of the state as entrepreneur in Uruguay over its century of existence. One of them uses qualitative sources to reconstruct its development, identifying two periods in this evolution; these coincide with the different development models that the country and the world have adopted since the Thirties. During the first one the state progressively expanded its functions and the expansion of public companies played an importan...

  9. Mining inventory of Uruguay. Geochemistry prospection results about the aerial photography - Moirones and Alborada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Spangenberg, J.


    This report show the geochemistry prospect ion strategy used to do the Mining inventory of Uruguay about the aerial photography of Moirones and Alborada.The samples obtained and its analysis was carried out in the Orleans laboratory.For that study was selected : anomaly Pb-Zn-Mo, one Zn-Ba, two anomalies Zn, two anomalies Be and one radiometric anomaly.

  10. El complejo cárnico uruguayo ante la realidad del MERCOSUR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Segrelles Serrano, José Antonio


    Full Text Available The agricultural origins of Uruguay are still a highly important factor in its present economy, although meat agrocomplex has a special weight concerning both production and foreign trade. The Uruguay meat agrocomplex will have to face progressive globalization of the economy and growing free trade around the world. Regional integration in Mercosur" will be an efficient instrument to entrance the comparative advantages of the different livestock subsectors. However, we should not forget the repercussions that proceed from economic power, competitivity and political, monetary and financial stability of Argentina and Brazil.

    [es] Los orígenes agropecuarios de Uruguay continúan representando una realidad trascendental en su economía actual, aunque ante todo destaca el complejo cárnico, tanto por lo que respecta a la producción como al comercio exterior. El complejo cárnico uruguayo va a tener que hacer frente a la progresiva globalización de la economía y a la creciente liberalización comercial en el mundo. Su integración regional en el Mercosur puede ser un instrumento eficaz para resaltar las ventajas comparativas de sus distintos subsectores ganaderos. Sin embargo, no conviene olvidar las repercusiones que deriven del peso económico, posible competencia y estabilidad política, monetaria y financiera de Argentina y Brasil. [fr] Les origines du complexe agricole et de l'élevage représente encore aujourd'hui une réalité vitale pour son économia actuelle même si c'est surtout l'industrie de la vianda celle qui se détache aussi bien par sa production que par son commerce extérieur. Les industries de la viande à Uruguay doit affronter la progressive globalisation de l'économie et la libéralisation commerciale toujours croissante dans le monde. Leur intégration régionale dans Mercosur peut être un instrument efficace pour la mi se eu relief des avantages des différents sous-secteurs de l'élevage et la comparaison

  11. Geology of hole drill thermal infra basaltic (Guarani Aquifer System) in Salto Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, C.; Muzio, R.; Marmisolle, J.; De Souza, S.


    This paper deals with the lithological description of a thermal infrabasaltic (Guarani Aquifer System) hole drill cutting in Dayman (Kanarek Hotel), Salto department (Uruguay). This hole drill shows 152 meters of Buena Vista Formation (Upper Permian- Lower Triassic), 188 meters of Tacuarembo Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) and 940meters of Arapey Formation (Lower Cretaceous). Petrographical studies of six basaltic levels were done [es

  12. Provenance and paleogeography of the Devonian Durazno Group, southern Parana Basin in Uruguay (United States)

    Uriz, N. J.; Cingolani, C. A.; Basei, M. A. S.; Blanco, G.; Abre, P.; Portillo, N. S.; Siccardi, A.


    A succession of Devonian cover rocks occurs in outcrop and in the subsurface of central-northern Uruguay where they were deposited in an intracratonic basin. This Durazno Group comprises three distinct stratigraphic units, namely the Cerrezuelo, Cordobés and La Paloma formations. The Durazno Group does not exceed 300 m of average thickness and preserves a transgressive-regressive cycle within a shallow-marine siliciclastic shelf platform, and is characterized by an assemblage of invertebrate fossils of Malvinokaffric affinity especially within the Lower Devonian Cordobés shales. The sedimentary provenance of the Durazno Group was determined using petrography, geochemistry, and morphological studies of detrital zircons as well as their U-Pb ages. Sandstone petrography of Cerrezuelo and La Paloma sequences shows that they have a dominantly quartz-feldspathic composition with a minor contribution of other minerals. Whole-rock geochemical data indicate that alteration was strong in each of the three formations studied; chondritic-normalized REE patterns essentially parallel to PAAS, the presence of a negative Eu-anomaly, and Th/Sc and La/Hf ratios point to an average source composition similar to UCC or slightly more felsic. Within the Cerrezuelo Formation, recycling of older volcano-metasedimentary sources is interpreted from Zr/Sc ratios and high Hf, Zr, and REE concentrations. U-Pb detrital zircon age populations of the Cerrezuelo and La Paloma formations indicate that the principal source terranes are of Neoproterozoic age, but include also minor populations derived from Mesoproterozoic and Archean-Paleoproterozoic rocks. A provenance from the Cuchilla Dionisio-Dom Feliciano, Nico Pérez and Piedra Alta terranes of Uruguay and southern Brazil is likely. This study establishes an intracratonic extensional tectonic setting during Durazno time. Considering provenance age sources, regional paleocurrent distributions and the established orogenic history recorded in SW

  13. Groundwater arsenic content in Raigon Aquifer System (San Jose, Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manay, N.; Piston, M.; Goso, C.; Fernnandez, T.; Rejas, M.; Garcia Valles, M.


    As a Medical Geology research issue, an environmental arsenic risk assessment study in the most important sedimentary aquifer in southern Uruguay is presented. The Raigon Aquifer System is the most exploited in Uruguay. It has a surface extent of about 1,800 square kilometres and 10,000 inhabitants in San Jose Department, where it was studied. Agriculture and cattle breeding are the main economic activities and this aquifer is the basic support. The groundwater sampling was done on 37 water samples of PRENADER (Natural Resources Management and Irrigation Development Program) wells. Outcropping sediments of Raigon Formation and the overlying Libertad Formation were also sampled in the Kiyu region. The analyses were performed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed 80% samples with arsenic levels exceeding the 10 μg/l of WHO as limit for waters, and 11% exceeds the 20 μg/l limit of uruguayan regulation. The median, maximum and minimum water arsenic concentrations determined have been 14.24, 24.19 and 1.44 μg/l, respectively. On the other hand, nine sediment samples of Raigon and Libertad Formations in Kiyu region were analysed and yielded median, maximum and minimum arsenic concentrations of 5.03, 9.82 and 1.18 ppm, respectively. This issue leads to the supposition that the population, as well as industrial and agricultural activities, are consuming water with arsenic concentrations over the national and international maximum recommended limit.

  14. Un fantasma recorre el Uruguay: la reemergencia charrúa en un “país sin indios” / A Spectre Is Haunting Uruguay: The Charrua Reemergence in “a Country without Indians”

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    Gustavo Verdesio


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the reemergence of Charrua ethnicity in Uruguay, a country that has imagined itself, since de second half of the eighteenth century, as one without indigenous inhabitants. In a relatively recent framework of decolonization that has made possible the advancement of indigenous political and social agendas, the activists of the reemergent groups constitute a serious challenge to the predominant Uruguayan national narratives.

  15. Tariffs, investments and financing of the electric power sector in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iglesias, M.I.


    An approach to the study of electricity prices in Uruguay, emphasizing the relation linking prices, investment funds and loan requirements for the electric utility is presented. The main part of the work is a survey of the evolution of electricity prices, amounts of investment, an external debt of the Uruguayan electric power sector from 1973 to 1988. There is also a prospective analysis, to determine whether the current electricity price level would be able to ensure the electric system expansion, if current trends are maintained. (author)

  16. Exploring options for sustainable farming systems development for vegetable family farmers in Uruguay using a modeling toolkit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Casagrande, M.; Dogliotti, S.; Groot, J.C.J.; Aguerre, V.; Abbas, A.; Albin, A.; Claassen, G.D.H.; Chilibroste, P.; Rossing, W.A.H.


    Economic and environmental sustainability of family-based vegetable production systems in south Uruguay are seriously compromised after two decades of net decreasing prices and strategies based on specialization and intensification. This paper presents a model-based exploration of alternative

  17. Quaternary continental deposits in north of Uruguay: stratigraphy and paleontology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso Aguilar, C.; Ubilla, M.


    Conglomeradic and sandstones lithofacies corresponding to fluvial and alluvial environments were recognized. These sediments partially belong to the quaternary Mataojos Formation. A discordant contact with the upper pelitic deposits identified with the Sopas Formation was detected. This paper deals with sedimentological and stratigraphical considerations in order to explain the sedimentary processes during the genesis of these stratigraphic sections as well as to begin a lithostratigraphical discussion about the operability of those units. In turn, chronologic and paleoenvironment comments are provided taken into account vertebrates fossils and tools to perform chronocorrelation with southern sedimentological units of Uruguay [es

  18. The incidence and economic significance of ovine toxoplasmosis in Uruguay. (United States)

    Freyre, A; Bonino, J; Falcón, J; Castells, D; Correa, O; Casaretto, A


    Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were measured before and after pregnancy in a 1:64 dilution of sera with the direct agglutination test in 1613 ewes from 18 farms in eight different counties of Uruguay from 1992 to 1994. The overall seroprevalence increased from 28.7% before mating to 38.5% after lambing in 2.5 years and thus the incidence was 9.8%. Losses due to toxoplasmosis during pregnancy were estimated to be 1.4-3.9% of the total number of ewes investigated, amounting to approximately US$1.4-4.7 million for the whole country.

  19. Solución de controversias en los tratados bilaterales de inversión: mapa de situación en América del Sur

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    Magdalena Bas Vilizzio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las características particulares del sistema legal internacional de solución de controversias inversor-Estado, con especial foco en los tratados bilaterales de inversión (TBI en vigor en América del Sur, salvo excepciones. En este marco, aplicando la teoría de los regímenes internacionales (Krasner, 1983, se examinan las tres posiciones de los Estados de la región en torno al tema: 1 no ratificar TBI ni ser miembro del Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI (Brasil; 2 denunciar los TBI en vigor y abandonar el CIADI (Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela; 3 mantener los TBI en vigor y permanecer en los foros de solución de controversias actuales (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam y Uruguay.

  20. Geological map of Uruguay scale 1,100,000. Agraciada Sheet R-23, Nueva Palmira Sheet R- 24

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrando, L.; Eugui, W.; Cabrera, Z.; Elias, R.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Agraciada and Nueva Palmira) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological soil characteristics of: Fray Bentos, Camacho, Raygon, Libertad and Villa Soriano formations

  1. Uruguay mining inventory. Geochemical prospecting results of the Las Flores aerial map

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeegers, H.; Bonnefoy, D.; Garau, M.; Spangenberg, J.


    In the context of the Uruguay mining inventory, the aerial photography map Las Flores had been covered by a specific strategic which included geochemical prospecting elements. The surface covered has the 550 km2, and 1042 samples which they have been analized in Orleans France. 22 elements by plasma spectroscopy and gold by atomic absorption and for uranium laser spectroscopy . They have been evidenced the following anomalies: gold, Pb, Pb-Ba-Cu, Ba and Ni-Cr

  2. Estructura, concentración y transformaciones en los medios del Cono Sur latinoamericano Structure, Concentration and Changes of the Media System in the Southern Cone of Latin America

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    Guillermo Néstor Mastrini


    Full Text Available El presente texto analiza los cambios en la estructura del sistema de medios de comunicación en cuatro países de América del Sur durante la primera década del siglo XXI: Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay. La premisa general es que los niveles actuales de concentración en los mercados los medios de comunicación se incrementaron durante la última década, como consecuencia de los procesos históricos que han tenido lugar en estos países, aunque cada uno tiene diferentes orígenes y efectos. La profundización del proceso de concentración, la convergencia de los medios con las telecomunicaciones e Internet, la creciente dependencia financiera del sector, la adquisición extranjera de una cantidad importante de sus bienes a manos de las empresas multinacionales y la crisis de los marcos reglamentarios actuales son los principales marcos para la comprensión de la transformación de los medios de comunicación en el Cono Sur de América Latina. Los procesos de cambio identificados en el análisis de la evolución de Argentina, Brasil, Argentina, Chile y Uruguay en los últimos años no se habrían podido lograr sin la colaboración de los diferentes gobiernos y sin radicales transformaciones en la gestión y la propiedad de los medios de comunicación.The present text analyzes the changes in the structure of the media system in four South American countries during the first decade of the 21st century: Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. The general premise is that the current levels of concentration in media markets have accelerated during the first decade of the 21st century as a consequence of the historical processes which have taken place in these countries, although each has different origins and effects in each of these national cases. Increased concentration, the media convergence with telecommunications and the Internet, the growing financial dependence of the sector, the foreign acquisition of a significant amount of their

  3. Recent trends in cancer mortality in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garau, M.; Alonso, R.; Musetti, C.; Barrios, E.


    Objective: To analyze trends in cancer mortality in Uruguay in the period 1989-2008. Methodology: The National Cancer Registry (NCR) collects information from cancer mortality from the death certificates: 147 631 deaths were identified in the period from cancer, which was recorded topography, sex and age. They were calculated for each year mortality rates adjusted for age (TMAE) using as standard the world population. Trends were assessed using the method and calculated the joinpoint Estimated Annual Percent Change (ESPP). Results: The TMAE presents downward trend in both sexes (ESPP = significant -0.60 in men and -0.49 In women). In the period studied, mortality presented decreasing trend when it comes to cancer breast cancer in women (ESPP -0.79, significant), and increased for prostate cancer (ESPP = 0.70) and kidney (ESPP = 1.82 and 1.71 in men and women respectively). As regards the digestive system decreased mortality observed for esophageal cancer (ESPP in = -1.93 men and women = -1.78) and stomach (ESPP = -2.22 men and women -2.24 ). Mortality for cancer of colorectum is stable in men (ESPP = 0.35 No significant (NS)) and shows a decline slight but steady in women (ESPP -0.5). As for cancers that show strong association with smoking, decreased mortality observed lung and laryngeal cancer in men (ESPP = -1.11 and -2.05 respectively), confirming the trend found between 1990 and 2001; in women there is increased mortality from lung cancer (ESPP = 2.76) that is not accompanied by increased mortality from laryngeal cancer (-0.1 ESPP = NS). Mortality from cancers oral cavity and pharynx is stable, but in women a significant increase (ESPP = 1.84) is observed when the oral cavity is analyzed in isolation (lip, tongue, gums, palate). As cervical cancer, mortality trends in 20 years is to increase (ESPP = 1.14), however, if consider only the past decade, mortality appears stabilized (ESPP = 0.57 NS). Conclusions: The overall trend of cancer mortality (all sites

  4. Multiple primary tumor (TPM) in Uruguay - 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Musetti, C; Garau, M; Alonso, R; Barrios, E.


    Objective: To evaluate the incidence of TPM in Uruguay through the RNC data. Materials and Methods: Of the incident cases registered in 2008, they were selected those presented in the database prior cancer registry. The are excluded in situ of the cervix and non-melanoma skin carcinomas. Results: At the present time are entered to the the base of the RNC 11859 new cases of cancer incidents in 2008. Of these 566 (4.7%) had a prior record of criteria selection where 308 were women and 258 men. Of these, 450 met the IACR / IARC criteria (*). (Two topographies and / or different histologies). The median age of first tumor presentation was 65 years (22-89). The second 71 years (27-94). The median of the difference was about 4 years Analyzed by gender: Breast cancer (CM) was the most frequent tumor in women, cancer as first (142) and as second (85). The most common associations (excluding Bilateral) CM, CM with gynecological tumors were (TG: ovarian and corpus uteri) 11% CM and colo-rectum (CCR) (9.4%), TG and CCR (5%). 26% of female cases occurred in two hormone-dependent tumors (CM and CM bilateral or TG). In men prostate cancer (PC) is the most common tumor as first cancer (76) but the CCR is the most frequent and second (56). The association comprises CP-CCR 15% of cases and CP association and transitional tumors (TT) 10%. The association of two or more snuff-dependent tumors was observed in 8% of cases. When discriminated by sex in men is 13%, amounting to 19% if taking into account the multiple TT, while in women corresponds to 2%. Conclusions: The profile presentation of TPM in the RNC of Uruguay is similar to that reported other records in both frequency (depending on the criteria that defined) and associated type of tumors. The most frequent associations also They are similar to those observed by other authors: CCR, CM and TG women and CCR, and CP TT in men. The association of tumors are also observed with risk common factors: in women hormonal factors linked to

  5. Economic impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. (United States)

    Constenla, Dagna O


    To evaluate the economic impact of vaccination with the pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. A decision analytic model was constructed to compare pneumococcal vaccination of children 0-5 years old with no vaccination in Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Costs and health outcomes were analyzed from the societal perspective. Vaccine, demographic, epidemiologic, and cost data were incorporated into this economic analysis. At the rate of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine coverage and a vaccine price of US$ 53 per dose, PCV7 was projected to prevent 23 474 deaths per year in children under 5 years old in the three countries studied, thus averting 884,841 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) yearly. To vaccinate the entire birth cohort of the three countries, total vaccine costs would be US$ 613.9 million. At US$ 53 per dose, the cost per DALY averted from a societal perspective would range from US$ 664 (Brazil) to US$ 2019 (Chile). At a cost of US$ 10 per dose, vaccine cost is lower than the overall cost of illness averted (US$ 125,050,497 versus US$ 153,965,333), making it cost effective and cost-saving. The results of this study demonstrate that the incorporation of PCV7 vaccine at US$ 53 per dose confers health benefits at extra costs. It is unclear whether vaccinatfon at the current price is affordable to these countries.

  6. [Seroprevalence of antibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi in 13 departments of Uruguay]. (United States)

    Salvatella, R; Calegari, L; Casserone, S; Civila, E; Carbajal, S; Pérez, G; Somma, R; Sampaio, I; Llanes, M E; Conti, M


    In 1985 a study was undertaken of the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in 13 departments of Uruguay where transmission of the parasite by the vector Triatoma infestans persists. A total of 5,924 serum samples were selected using a probabilistic method--3,840 from individuals over the age of 12 (sample I) and 2,084 from subjects who were 12 years old (sample II). The population was classified according to place of residence (capital city, non-capital city, suburban area, and rural area). The percentage of positive sera detected by indirect immunofluorescence in the different departments ranged from 1 to 11%, and overall seroprevalence for the area was 3.4%. Based on the results obtained, it was possible to distinguish three areas: A, with seroprevalence from 6 to 11%; B, 2 to 3.2%, and C, 1 to 1.4%. In sample II from the Departments of Paysandú, Soriano, Flores, Florida, and Durazno, no cases of Chagas' disease were detected, which suggests that there is no active transmission of T. cruzi in this age group in the area studied. The number of persons estimated to have the disease was 36,952, or 1.3% of the total population of Uruguay and 4% of the population in the area surveyed. These seroprevalence figures are similar to those recorded in the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina, and in the neighboring municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

  7. Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction for middle and late holocene in Uruguay southeastern New contributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Del Puerto, L.; Bracco, R.; Inda, H.; Garcia, F.; Panario, D.; Castineira, C.; Capdepont, I.


    This work is about the study carried out within the framework of the environmental evolution and the prehistoric human occupation on coastal lagoons in the east of Uruguay. The analysis of the sediments in the zone enable the reconstruction of the Holocene climate history as well as the construction of the Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental model belong to the middle and late Holocene

  8. Acción del cloro y carbón activado en polvo sobre la remoción de microcistinas en tratamientos de agua potable

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    R.J. Rosales


    Full Text Available Las floraciones (bloom de algas cianofíceas en el Lago de Salto Grande (Argentina- Uruguay son consecuencia del estado de eutrofización y las condiciones ambientales. Representan un problema ecológico, sanitario y económico porque afectan el turismo, producen aumento del costo de tratamiento de agua potable y, lo más importante, riesgos para la salud pública por exposición a productos de su metabolismo: las cianotoxinas. Las microcistinas son las toxinas halladas con mayor frecuencia y más tóxicas sobre el ser humano, y se ha detectado su presencia en todas las floraciones registradas en el Lago. Se estudió la acción del cloro y el carbón activado en polvo para la remoción de microcistinas, en condiciones de laboratorio, demostrándose mayor efectividad sobre la remoción de las mismas del tratamiento de oxidación con cloro respecto del método de adsorción con carbón activado en polvo.

  9. Vulnerability and Hydrogeologic Risk of the Guarani Aquifer System in the outcropping area located in Rivera Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montano, J.; Collazo, P.; Auge, M.


    The Project named Vulnerability and Hydrogeologic Risk of the Guarani Aquifer System in the outcropping area located in Rivera, Uruguay is developed by the Faculty of Science University of the Republic, together with the Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, and it is financed by the Guarani Fund of Universities - Project for the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of the Guarani Aquifer System. This project has the aim of researching the characteristics and the hydrogeologic behavior of the Guarani Aquifer in the North portion of Uruguay, Department of Rivera (outcropping area). Moreover, to propose measures directed to their preservation through their sustainable use. The Hydrogeologic Study of the Guarani Aquifer System in this area will contribute not only with the best knowledge in its dynamics, but also helping to take measures in the water management and to avoid potential risks of contamination [es

  10. Seguridad regional en el proceso de integración: Plan Cóndor (antecedente de la integración del Cono Sur)


    Pasten, Gustavo


    En la historia de América Latina existen momentos históricos que dejaron hondas huellas en su haber. Uno de ellos lo constituye la “Operación Cóndor”, una alianza represiva entre los Servicios de Inteligencia, Fuerzas Armadas y de Seguridad de países como Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brasil, y más tarde Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela quienes sufrieron su accionar durante las décadas del setenta y ochenta. La misma fue hasta ahora, el proceso de integración mas exitoso que ha conoc...

  11. Integral study of the quantity and quality of the underground water in the Santa Lucia basin in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This work study different aspects about the underground water in the Santa Lucia sedimentary basin in Uruguay. It is situated between the San Jose and Santa Lucia river as well as the adyacent Rio de La Plata coast.

  12. Dental anomalies in Didelphis albiventris (Mammalia, Marsupialia, Didelphidae) from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay


    Chemisquy, M. Amelia; Martin, Gabriel M.


    ABSTRACT Dental anomalies have been investigated and reported for most orders of mammals, including marsupials. Previous works in Didelphis albiventris Lund, 1840 only described one kind of malformation or just a few observations from some collections, thus the type and presence of anomalies for this species was underestimated. The aim of this contribution is to describe and analyze several dental anomalies found in specimens of Didelphis albiventris from Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. Dental...

  13. Uruguay - Policy Options for Improving the Efficiency of Uruguay’s Railway Sector : Consolidated Report


    World Bank


    The aim of this paper is to review the state of the productive infrastructure of Uruguay and the development policies that govern it and to propose policy options for the long term contribution to achieving a higher level of economic and sustainable development, based on the premise that there is a link between the development of a country's infrastructure and its economic growth. The stud...

  14. Prevalencia de trastornos témporo mandibulares y bruxismo en Uruguay: PARTE I

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    Raúl Riva

    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivos: Determinar el nivel de prevalencia de Bruxismo y Trastornos Témporo Mandibulares (TTM en dos poblaciones, Montevideo e Interior, en Uruguay. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a nivel nacional. El muestreo fue estratifi cado polietápico. Resultados: Las variables seleccionadas y analizadas en este primer artículo fueron: grado de apertura bucal, dolor muscular, chasquido de ATM, facetas de desgaste parafuncional, dolor de cabeza, relato de ruidos articulares, sensación de haber dormido apretando los dientes y autopercepción del stress. Se han comprobando las siguientes prevalencias globales: para TTM: 55% con al menos un síntoma, siendo más prevalente en Montevideo (57% que en el Interior (53%. Con al menos un signo clínico: 44%, siendo también mas prevalente en Montevideo (47% que en el Interior (41%. En cuanto a Bruxismo activo, ante la pregunta de tener la sensación al despertar de haber dormido apretando los dientes, se encontró una prevalencia de 30,72% en Montevideo y 23,19% en el Interior, en tanto que de ser o haber sido bruxómano a través de la valoración de las facetas de desgaste parafuncional 71,95% en Montevideo y 62,17% en el Interior. Conclusiones: Con este relevamiento hemos constatado una elevada prevalencia de TTM y Bruxismo en la población uruguaya y recomendamos la elaboración de medidas de prevención y tratamiento a nivel colectivo

  15. Party-political and electoral system of Uruguay

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    Samuel Decresci


    Full Text Available The Oriental Republic of Uruguay is seen by many as a pioneer among Latin American nations to modernize its state and its policy. Since the late nineteenth century to the twentieth, Uruguayan political actors operate significant changes such as the separation of church and state, labor regulation, divorce law, women's vote, etc. Because of this and the progressive modernization, it was called the “Switzerland of the Americas”. Today, it still stands out in this area by regularizing abortion, homoaffective marriage, liberalization and access to marijuana. Moreover, noteworthy that such measures were achieved largely because of governance that the executive enjoys in the midst of this political system. Thus, this work aims to analyze such Uruguayan political system. In short, a political system is understood by the government system, the electoral system and the party system. That said, it will be analyzed in the political scenario of the country, their characteristics, party and election rules, political parties, party dynamics and relations between the powers.


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    Camia Bruna Zanetti


    Full Text Available El texto planteará concisamente la previsión constitucional de los derechos económicos y sociales en las Constituciones de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay y de su institucionalización en Mercosur a través de lostratados y de las políticas económicas comunes desarrolladas mientras los países del bloque, con énfasis a los principios de la efectividady en la prohibición del retroceso de los derechos humanos. Discurre sobre los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales como parte inseparable de los derechos humanos, partiendo del presupuesto que estos son indudablementeel factor de consolidación del desarrollo político y económico de los bloques económicos. A través del comparativo de las Constituciones económicas, será estudiado cual es la orden social y económica establecida en cada paísdel bloque y como estas influenciaron o fueron reproducidas en el proceso de integración del Mercosur, y si existe la represión a los derechos humanos en razón de preocupaciones meramente económicas.

  17. Sustainability of meat production beyond carbon footprint: a synthesis of case studies from grazing systems in Uruguay

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Picasso, V.D.; Modernel Hristoff, P.D.; Becona, G.; Salvo, L.; Gutierrez, L.; Astigarraga, L.


    Livestock production has been challenged as a large contributor to climate change, and carbon footprint has become a widely used measure of cattle environmental impact. This analysis of fifteen beef grazing systems in Uruguay quantifies the range of variation of carbon footprint, and the trade-offs

  18. EVOLUCION HISTORICA DE LOS ESTUDIOS DE ODONTOLOGIA EN EL URUGUAY: 1ª Parte. Desde la época Colonial hasta la creación de la Escuela de Odontología

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    Pablo Escudero Morère

    Full Text Available Después de los aportes pioneros de Ubaldino Morales en 1920, muy poco se investigó y publicó sobre la historia de la Odontología en el Uruguay y la evolución que tuvieron sus estudios. En su mayoría se trató de publicaciones de carácter anecdótico, repeticiones de los trabajos de Morales o recopilaciones estadísticas. Las excepciones fueron los dos excelentes trabajos del argentino Diego Bagúr y la Historia de la Odontología de Alberto Fernández, una extensa investigación malograda al publicarse con una estructura desordenada y una redacción confusa. La presente investigación está basada en los textos mencionados y en documentos existentes en los archivos y bibliotecas de las Facultades de Odontología y Medicina, de la Universidad de la República, del Hospital Maciel, de la Biblioteca Nacional, del Palacio Legislativo y de la Intendencia Municipal de Montevideo. Cada vez que fue posible hallarlos, se trabajó con documentos originales. Dado lo vasto del tema se lo dividió en tres partes, utilizando para ello algunos puntos salientes de esa evolución: Desde la época Colonial hasta la creación de la Escuela de Odontología Desde la creación de la Escuela hasta la creación de la Facultad de Odontología El camino hasta el edificio propio. El presente artículo abarca el primer periodo

  19. Application of geophysical methods to gold prospecting in Minas de Corrales, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Costa, Antonio Flavio U.; Dias, Rogerio Aguirre; Barcelos, Andre B.B. de


    Geophysical methods were tested in San Gregorio gold mine, Minas de Corrales, north region of Uruguay. The ores are mainly stockworks, sheeted veinlet zones, ore shoot and disseminated sulfides types, situated in a silicated and carbonated shear zone structure, over granitic mylonites, quartz diorites, quartz-feldspathic breccia, basic rocks and quartz veins. Magnetic and radiometric methods were applied . VLF and EM34-3 detected the high resistivity silicated and carbonated zone and IP detected a weak PFE anomaly associated with pyrite/gold zone. (author)

  20. Growing Culture: An Ethnographic Study of the Legalization of Cannabis in Uruguay


    Thorsen, Mats Skjervheim


    This thesis is based on six months of fieldwork conducted in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. The country legalized cannabis in 2013, but during my fieldwork only two of three aspects of the law were implemented. It was legal to cultivate privately or join a cannabis club, but there are no places to legally buy the product. In the thesis, I aim to explore different aspects of the cannabis movement in the country. In the first empirical chapter I look at how my informants perceive cannabis,...

  1. Nuevos Derechos en La Educación Media Uruguaya Liceo: Mario Benedetti Universidad del Trabajo: Santa Catalina

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    Mónica Elizabeth Olaza


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda dos experiencias de un mismo proyecto, realizado entre 2016 y 2017 por la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la República (UDELAR, el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (MIDES, el “Liceo Mario Benedetti” y la Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay (UTU “Santa Catalina”, pertenecientes a la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP. Se presentan algunos resultados de la intervención en las instituciones educativas mencionadas, obtenidos a partir de la elaboración de dos memorias que incluyeron entrevistas, talleres, observación y reuniones con actores institucionales: estudiantes, docentes, direcciones, comunidad y otros funcionarios. Se aborda la implementación de algunos nuevos derechos siguiendo la escucha de los actores y en el mismo sentido la necesidad y significados de la pertenencia en la institución educativa.


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    Daniel Buquet


    Full Text Available So far Uruguay is the only country in the world in which parties carried out open and simultaneous primary elections in order to select their presidential candidates. The effects of employing primaries on the election results are determined by the particular characteristics of the electorate who voluntarily participate in them. From survey data, we analyze the factors affecting participation in such instances and their effects on the type of presidential candidates tend to be elected. The results show that in primary elections vote citizens more educated, more interested in politics, identified with political parties and with more extreme ideological positions. As a result we observe that through primaries, candidates away from the median voter are more likely to be winners than with DSV system.

  3. Dolichospermum Uruguayense sp. nov., a planktic nostocacean cyanobacterium from the Lower Uruguay River, South America.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kozlíková-Zapomělová, Eliška; Ferrari, G.; Del Carmen Pérez, M.


    Roč. 16, č. 2 (2016), s. 189-200 ISSN 1802-5439 R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP504/10/1501; GA ČR(CZ) GA14-18067S Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : 16s rRNA gene phylogeny * cyanobacteria * Dolichospermum * phytoplankton * polyphasic approach * taxonomy * Uruguay River Subject RIV: DA - Hydrology ; Limnology Impact factor: 1.350, year: 2016

  4. Agricultural trade liberalization in the Uruguay Round : one step forward, one step back?


    Ingco, Merlinda D.


    After evaluating the Uruguay Round's impact on agriculture and border protection in the next decade, the author concludes that while there was significant reform of the rules - particularly the conversion of nontariff barriers into tariffs and the reduction and binding of all tariffs - in practice, trade will probably be liberalized less than expected. The objective of the Round was to reverse protectionism and remove trade distortions. This may not be achieved in practice, at least not until...

  5. Experiencia de mujeres con cesárea en Uruguay: el derecho a estar acompañada por una persona de su elección y las dificultades en su cumplimiento

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    Carolina Farías


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el acompañamiento durante la cesárea, por parte de una persona de confianza de la mujer, consagrado por la Ley nº 17.386 de “acompañamiento en el parto”, aprobada en Uruguay en el año 2001. Los resultados forman parte de una investigación mayor sobre la vivencia y el significado de la cesárea para las mujeres que pasaron por esta experiencia. Para ello se optó por una metodología cualitativa de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo. La técnica utilizada fue la entrevista en profundidad, realizada a un total de 31 mujeres, cuyas cesáreas tuvieron lugar en su primera gestación, en Montevideo y área metropolitana (Uruguay. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que el acompañamiento en el proceso de trabajo de parto y nacimiento es vivido por las mujeres como un factor de protección emocional ante las ansiedades que genera la experiencia de una cirugía mayor como es la cesárea. Sin embargo, para las mujeres entrevistadas, el “acompañamiento” más que continuo se caracterizó por una serie de separaciones, tanto de sus acompañantes, como de sus hijos/as, lo cual provocó ansiedad, angustia, sentimientos de ambivalencia ante el recién nacido, dificultades en el establecimiento del vínculo materno-filial, sobre todo en el puerperio inmediato.

  6. Cenozoic deposits exposed along Rio de la Plata coast in the Canelones Department (Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso Aguilar, C.; Spoturno, J.


    This paper allows to know some sedimentological and stratigraphical features of the Cenozoic deposits exposed along Rio de la Plata coast in the Canelones department, Uruguay. The results, mainly collected from metric thickness of local stratigraphical sections and coastal outcrops of that region are presented. Both Tertiary and Quaternary sediments are present, however transitional Pleistocenic deposits of Chuy Formation and continental sediments of Libertad Formation are more dominant [es

  7. Studies on post-partum reproductive performance of Hereford beef cows in Uruguay with the aid of progesterone assay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cavestany, D.; Cardozo, W.; Tagle, R.; Gama, S.; Lanzzeri, S.; Perdigon, F.


    A trial was undertaken on Hereford beef cows to determine the length of their post-partum (pp) anoestrous periods under traditional conditions of feeding and management in Uruguay. Three subsequent trials to shorten pp anoestrus involving early weaning (at 40 days pp), temporary weaning for 72 hours (at 45 days), and temporary weaning for 24 hours combined with GnRH, were run in different parts of Uruguay under different soil and pasture conditions. No treatment differences were found, but cows on improved pastures had shorter pp anoestrous periods (74, 99 and 102 days for the three trials respectively) and higher pregnancy rates (80%, 46% and 55% respectively). It was concluded that the main cause of low reproductive efficiency was poor nutrition and that, under such conditions, no treatment to shorten the pp anoestrus would ever be expected to be successful. (author). 14 refs, 2 figs, 2 tabs

  8. Aplicación e información del derecho extranjero en el ámbito interamericano, regional y en el Uruguay

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    Eduardo Tellechea Bergman


    Full Text Available El actual incremento de las relaciones privadas internacionales consecuencia, entre otras variables, del desarrollo de los medios de comunicación internacional en sus distintas modalidades y de una paralela flexibilización de las fronteras nacionales, es determinante a nivel jurisdiccional del planteo de diversas cuestiones vinculadas a la aplicación e información del derecho extranjero, que el presente trabajo aborda en su regulación a nivel interamericano y regional, así como en el Derecho Internacional Privado uruguayo.

  9. A Study of public policies for the management of the intangible cultural heritage in Uruguay.

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    Andrea Anon


    Full Text Available The present study aims to perform a review of the evolution of the intangible cultural heritage, to understand the difficulties and limitations that this heritage faces in the present. In a first moment, will present in the role that the State has maintained with this intangible heritage when even the category did not exist as such and the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage of UNESCO (2003 had not been ratified by Uruguay. Counting with this background will be analyzed the current regulations and decrees governing the field of intangible heritage to understand how different intangible expressions are conceived and managed. Since 2009, Uruguay has two elements declared by UNESCO as Intangible Heritage, the Tango and the Candombe. The second manifestation will be the conducting wire through which will be seen how over the years the expression was worked by the State. Through interviews with authorities from different institutions of intangible heritage and a thorough study of academic texts, the article seeks to understand the framework and the dispute between the Candombe and his interests and the State structure and their possibilities to manage and safeguard this heritage.

  10. Fusarium and Aspergillus mycotoxins contaminating wheat silage for dairy cattle feeding in Uruguay

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    Agustina del Palacio

    Full Text Available Abstract Wheat is one of the most important cultivated cereals in Uruguay for human consumption; however, when harvest yields are low, wheat is usually used in ensiling for animal feeding. Ensiling is a forage preservation method that allows for storage during extended periods of time while maintaining nutritional values comparable to fresh pastures. Silage is vulnerable to contamination by spoilage molds and mycotoxins because ensilage materials are excellent substrates for fungal growth. The aim of the study was to identify the mycobiota composition and occurrence of aflatoxins and DON from wheat silage. A total of 220 samples of wheat were collected from four farms in the southwest region of Uruguay were silage practices are developed. The main fungi isolated were Fusarium (43% and Aspergillus (36%, with Fusarium graminearum sensu lato and Aspergillus section Flavi being the most prevalent species. Aflatoxin concentrations in silo bags ranged from 6.1 to 23.3 µg/kg, whereas DON levels ranged between 3000 µg/kg and 12,400 µg/kg. When evaluating aflatoxigenic capacity, 27.5% of Aspergillus section Flavi strains produced AFB1, 5% AFB2, 10% AFG1 and 17.5% AFG2. All isolates of F. graminearum sensu lato produced DON and 15-AcDON. The results from this study contribute to the knowledge of mycobiota and mycotoxins present in wheat silage.

  11. Population genetic analysis and trichothecene profiling of Fusarium graminearum from wheat in Uruguay. (United States)

    Pan, D; Mionetto, A; Calero, N; Reynoso, M M; Torres, A; Bettucci, L


    Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto (F. graminearum s.s.) is the major causal agent of Fusarium head blight of wheat worldwide, and contaminates grains with trichothecene mycotoxins that cause serious threats to food safety and animal health. An important aspect of managing this pathogen and reducing mycotoxin contamination of wheat is knowledge regarding its population genetics. Therefore, isolates of F. graminearum s.s. from the major wheat-growing region of Uruguay were analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism assays, PCR genotyping, and chemical analysis of trichothecene production. Of the 102 isolates identified as having the 15-ADON genotype via PCR genotyping, all were DON producers, but only 41 strains were also 15-ADON producers, as determined by chemical analysis. The populations were genotypically diverse but genetically similar, with significant genetic exchange occurring between them. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that most of the genetic variability resulted from differences between isolates within populations. Multilocus linkage disequilibrium analysis suggested that the isolates had a panmictic population genetic structure and that there is significant recombination occurs in F. graminearum s.s. In conclusion, tour findings provide the first detailed description of the genetic structure and trichothecene production of populations of F. graminearum s.s. from Uruguay, and expands our understanding of the agroecology of F. graminearum and of the correlation between genotypes and trichothecene chemotypes.

  12. Development and Climate Change in Uruguay. Focus on Coastal Zones, Agriculture and Forestry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agrawala, S.; Moehner, A.; Gagnon-Lebrun, F.; Van Aalst, M.; Smith, J.; Hagenstad, M.; Baethgen, W.E.; Martino, D.L.; Lorenzo, E.


    This document is an output from the OECD Development and Climate Change project, an activity jointly overseen by the EPOC Working Party on Global and Structural Policies (WPGSP), and the DAC Network on Environment and Development Co-operation (ENVIRONET). The overall objective of the project is to provide guidance on how to mainstream responses to climate change within economic development planning and assistance policies, with natural resource management as an overarching theme. This report presents the integrated case study for Tanzania carried out under an OECD project on Development and Climate Change. This report presents the integrated case study for Uruguay carried out under an OECD project on Development and Climate Change. The report is structured around a three-tiered framework. First, recent climate trends and climate change scenarios for Uruguay are assessed and key sectoral impacts are identified and ranked along multiple indicators to establish priorities for adaptation. Second, donor portfolios are analyzed to examine the proportion of development assistance activities affected by climate risks. A desk analysis of donor strategies and project documents as well as national plans is conducted to assess the degree of attention to climate change concerns in development planning and assistance. Third, an in-depth analysis is conducted for adaptation in coastal zones as well as for mainstreaming carbonsequestration within the agriculture and forestry sectors

  13. Determinación del flujo salivar en niños uruguayos portadores de HIV

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    Alvarez L


    Full Text Available La mayoría de niños infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH presentan, dentro de sus primeros signos de enfermedad, manifestaciones orales. Uno de los factores a considerar es la disminución del flujo salival producido por infiltración glandular por el propio virus o como efecto secundario a la toma de medicación antiretroviral. Objetivo: Determinar el flujo salival en niños uruguayos portadores de VIH, que asisten al Centro Nacional de Referencia VIH SIDA del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, (CHPR en Montevideo-Uruguay. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo cuantitativo analítico de casos y controles. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes portadores de VIH que asisten al Centro Nacional de Referencia (CHPR y los pacientes del grupo control eran usuarios del mismo Hospital, con similares condiciones socio-económicas y sanos desde el punto de vista general. Se realizó el recuento de flujo salival. Los niños del grupo de estudio se dividieron a su vez en dos grupos, según su adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral, que era calificada en buena o mala. Se estudiaron también otros parámetros como hipertrofia parotídea y actividad de caries. Resultados: Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los niños del grupo de estudio y grupo control en relación a flujo salival (p= 0,0002, independiente de la adherencia al tratamiento antiretroviral.

  14. The Tale of Two Civil Societies: Comparing disability rights movements in Nicaragua and Uruguay

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    Stephen Meyers


    Full Text Available The UNCRPD is unique amongst international rights instruments because it empowers civil society organizations to represent the rights-bearers themselves—persons with disabilities. As such, DPOs in the Global South have become a major concern for UN agencies and international NGOs who believe that grassroots disability associations need political advocacy training in order to take up their role as rights advocates. These expectations contain implicit assumptions regarding civil society-state relations and the existence of governmental capacity. The authors, however, hypothesize that not all civil societies will fit the rights advocacy model due to the political culture and public resources available within their respective, local communities. Disability movements in Nicaragua and Uruguay are compared and contrasted. In Nicaragua, a disability rights coalition dismisses many international expectations in favor for continuing to follow traditional civil society expectations to provide services. In Uruguay, a long history of high levels of social spending and disability organizing enabled DPOs to successfully advocate for progressive laws. The deaf community, however, decided to implement their own, separate advocacy strategies to ensure a fairer distribution of public resources. The authors conclude that rather than top-down civil society training, the international movement should allow local organizations set their own priorities.

  15. El cooperativismo de ayuda mutua en el Uruguay: una alternativa popular y autogestionaria de solución al problema de la vivienda

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    Nahoum, Benjamín


    Full Text Available This work attempts to describe the characteristics of the system of building houses by Mutual Assistance Cooperatives, which was introduced in Uruguay in 1968. Its advantages are analyzed with respect to other systems in countries with a capitalist economy, dependent in economic and urban aspects on adapting to the needs of those it is designed for and, in particular, with reference to the profound social and community meaning contained in these experiments. This aspect, which reaffirms values of solidarity deeply-rooted in the sectors of society organized into Cooperatives, subsequently leads the groups to also face colectively other social problems they come up against, which arise from the conditions of under-development and dependence pertaining to Latin American countries: in short, the substantive feature of this type of experience, more than its unquestionable validity, is rather the idea of housing cooperativism as a solution to the habitation problem.El presente trabajo procura describir las características del sistema de construcción de viviendas por Cooperativas de Ayuda Mutua, implantado en el Uruguay, en 1968. Se analizan sus ventajas respecto de otros sistemas en países de economía capitalista dependiente en aspectos económicos, urbanísticos, en la adaptación a las necesidades de los destinatarios y, sobre todo, en lo referente al profundo sentido social y comunitario que estas experiencias contienen. Este aspecto, que reafirma valores solidarios arraigados en los sectores populares organizados en las Cooperativas, conduce posteriormente a los grupos a encarar, también colectivamente, otros problemas sociales que ellos enfrentan, emergentes de las condiciones de subdesarrollo y dependencia de los países latinoamericanos; éste es, en definitiva, más allá de la indiscutible validez, el cooperativismo de vivienda como solución a la problemática habitacional, el rasgo sustantivo de este tipo de experiencias.

  16. Albian Phyto geography and environment in Santa Lucia basin, Uruguay: a study based on palynomorphs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Campos, C.; Veroslavsky, G.


    This paper presents bioestratigraphic results on the Castellanos and Migues formations, Upper Cretaceous of the Santa Lucia basin, Uruguay. The samples are from six exploratory wells drilled by Ancap and YPF, in 50 th and 70 th decades. The palynological data have been used to determine the paleoenvironmental evolution, the paleoclimate as well as the paleogeografic reconstruction for this area, in the Albian time. (author).

  17. Une révolution numérique dans les salles de classe de l'Uruguay ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 janv. 2011 ... Les élèves des écoles primaires publiques de l'Uruguay vont bientôt voir leurs salles de classe se colorer de vert. Grâce à une initiative pilote mondiale, des millions d'ordinateurs portables peu coûteux seront distribués aux enfants les plus pauvres de la planète au cours de l'an prochain.

  18. Recent advances about of the orogenic modern belt (1000-500 M.A.) in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bossi, J.


    Progress in lithologic, structural, tectonic and geo tectonic data about a 1000-500 m.y.orogenic belt developed at the East of Uruguay, arrived in the 80, are here described. Conclusions are mainly based on the 1/100.000 scale geologic map of a 6000 sq. km comprised between Sierra Ballena, Sierra de Animas, Pan de Azucar and Mariscala. These new data clearly states the lithological distribution and contribute to guide strategic prospect ion.

  19. Some aspects of the nuclear education of Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rebellato, Ana; Hermida Lamanna, Juan C.


    This paper provides an overview of the status and trend of university education in Uruguay doing special emphasis on the nuclear area. Furthermore, the regulatory framework, current education law, main principles which govern, objectives, brief description of the Ceibal plan and social inclusion for children and adolescents are listed. They are presented the main indicators at different levels of education. A special section presents bodies historical background which they have developed nuclear activities. They are described lines of work in the development and use of nuclear techniques in the most recent country and statement of projects Cyclotron (CUDIM) and gamma irradiation (LATU).Current status and trends in nuclear power generation energy policy its regulatory framework .Main offer in university careers in the subject, new courses creating and educational resources available: e learning environment program - PROEVA and free institutional knowledge repositories of the University -COLIBRI ROU

  20. Imaginarios rurales. El modelo de afincamiento en la Planificación Rural del Uruguay de Gómez Gavazzo

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    Lucio de Souza


    Full Text Available Entre 1934 y 1952 el Arquitecto Carlos Gómez Gavazzo desarrolla un enfoque de las problemáticas rurales de Latinoamérica y en particular de nuestro país. Ampliando la escala de las preocupaciones, pasa de problematizar la unidad de hábitat familiar del campo a una completa teoría sobre el modo de ordenar la totalidad del territorio productivo rural. Este decurso va acompañado de una formulación precisa de un imaginario radicalmente alternativo al habitual de los trabajadores rurales. Esta tesis busca probar que las condiciones del hábitat propuestas para el ámbito conformarían una red de localizaciones de pequeña escala, de alta densidad y equipada con buen nivel de servicios, es decir, un imaginario netamente urbano para la vida en el campo. Para ello se analizará el proceso de construcción de la problemática rural y se tomará por caso el proyecto para el centro colónico de Chapicuy de 1953