
Sample records for del nci doctor

  1. Les competències. La doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definició de les competències. Les competències exclusives, les compartides i les executives. - Las competencias. La doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definición de las competencias. Competencias exclusivas, compartidas y ejecutivas.

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    Ramon Riu


    Full Text Available La doctrina de la Sentència 31/2010 sobre la definició estatutària de les categories competencials (251-257 Mercè Barceló i SerramaleraLa doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la definició de competències. Les competències exclusives, les compartides i les executives (258-261Antoni Bayona RocamoraLa doctrina de la Sentència 31/2010 sobre les competències executives (Xavier Bernadí GilLa doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definició de les competències. Les ompetències exclusives, les compartides i les executives (270-276Marc Carrillo LópezEls efectes de la Sentència sobre la definició estatutària de les competències: la «devaluació» jurídica dels estatuts d’autonomia (277-281Mercè Corretja TorrensLes categories funcionals de competències a l’Estatut d’autonomia de Catalunya. Comentaris a la Sentència 31/2010 (282-287Ramon Riu FortunyTipologia de les competències. El seu abast funcional: els articles 110 a 112 (288-294Joaquín Tornos Massostenella e no enmendalla (262-269 La doctrina de la Sentencia 31/2010 sobre la definición estatutaria de las categorías competenciales (251-257Mercè Barceló i SerramaleraLa doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la definición de competencias. Las competencias exclusivas, las compartidas y las ejecutivas (258-261Antoni Bayona RocamoraLa doctrina de la Sentencia 31/2010 sobre las competencias ejecutivas (sostenella e no enmendalla (262-270 Xavier Bernadí GilLa doctrina del Tribunal sobre la definición de las competencias. Las competencias exclusivas, las compartidas y las ejecutivas (271-277Marc Carrillo LópezLos efectos de la Sentencia sobre la definición estatutaria de las competencias:la «devaluación» jurídica de los estatutos de autonomía (278-283Mercè Corretja TorrensLas categorías funcionales de competencias en el Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña. Comentarios a la Sentencia 31/2010 (284-289Ramon Riu FortunyTipología de las competencias. Su alcance

  2. Test de visualitat: les preferències del bon disseny

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    Quim Merino


    Full Text Available Aquest article pretén donar notícia de la investigació dirigida pel Grup de Recerca en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques (en endavant, GRP de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona duta a terme pels autors d'aquesta ressenya. El treball s'emmarca en una activitat de l'assignatura de Disseny en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques del Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques de la UAB. L'objectiu del treball és constatar les preferències del consumidor davant diferents estímuls formals del disseny gràfic en publicitat

  3. Caracterización del género Pseudo-nitzschia en la Costa Catalana


    Quijano-Scheggia, Sonia


    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Sonia Isabel Quijano Scheggia para optar al grado de Doctora por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), realizada bajo la dirección de la Dra. Esther Garcés i Pieres del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 169 pages


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    Francesc Fusté


    Full Text Available Aquest article tracta sobre les possibilitats que la creació d’experiències té en relació al desenvolupament empresarial i regional, gràcies a la tematització del sector turístic i la modificació intencional de l’entorn, tant cultural com natural. El paisatge caracteritza els espais en funció de la seva configuració territorial i també arquitectònica i urbana. Les estructures arquitectòniques, els esdeveniments i les activitats que impliquen la participació activa dels usuaris són la clau de l’èxit del disseny de les experiències amb un valor afegit, on les noves tecnologies ajuden a emfatitzar-ne l’impacte. Sigui com sigui, convertir els llocs en experiències tant pels residents com pels visitants.

  5. IJUE. Tema 3. Les competències de la Unió Europea


    Torres Pérez, María


    PowerPoint del Tema 3 de la asignatura "Institucions Jurídiques de la Unió Europea". Curso académico 2017-2018. Tema 3. Les competències de la Unió Europea. 1. L’atribució de competències a la Unió Europea. 2. La delimitació de les competències a la Unió Europea. 3. Els principis que regeixen l’exercici de les competències. 4. L’exercici de les competències de la Unió per “alguns Estats membres”.

  6. La història de les ciències en l'ensenyament de la física i la química


    Traver i Ribes, Manel Josep


    TESI DOCTORAL : “LA HISTÒRIA DE LES CIÈNCIES EN L’ENSENYAMENT DE LA FÍSICA I LA QUÍMICA” RESUM El problema que s’ha investigat en aquest treball consisteix en l’anàlisi del paper que juga actualment la Història de la Ciència en l’ensenyament de la Física i la Química i de la seua influència en la imatge de la ciència i en les actituds dels alumnes. S’hi han investigat dues hipòtesis principals. La primera consisteix en la constatació de l’escàs paper atribuït habitualment a la His...

  7. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... can play an active role in your health care by talking to your doctor. Clear and honest ... Institute on Aging (NIA) Cancer Communication in Cancer Care , National Cancer Institute (NCI) Español Complementary and Integrative ...

  8. Ecología y sistemática de los cnidarios planctónicos de la corriente de Benguela (Atlántico sudoriental)


    Pagès, Francesc


    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Francesc Pagès para obtener el título de Doctor en Biología por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB), realizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Josep Maria Gili Sardà del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 406 pages

  9. En el día del bibliotecario: Homenaje al Doctor Luis Ángel Arango

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    Ernesto Delgado


    Full Text Available Palabras pronunciadas por el presidente de la Asociación Colombiana de Bibliotecarios, señor Ernesto Delgado, en el Salón de Actos de la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, el sábado 28 de abril, Día del Bibliotecario, con motivo del homenaje que dicha corporación rindió a la memoria del doctor Luis Ángel Arango.

  10. Anàlisi forense d'evidències digitals


    Bonachera López, Esteban


    L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte consisteix en la realització de l'anàlisi forense del disc dur i de la memòria RAM d'un ordinador personal, en concret un Netbook, vinculat a una possible conducta delictiva. També s'inclou en l'anàlisi una base de dades del conegut programari WhatsApp extreta d'un smartphone. Per realitzar aquesta tasca s'utilitzaran eines específiques per localitzar les evidències digitals que puguin demostrar els presumptes delictes. El objetivo principal de este p...

  11. Shedding ligth on the role of the prokaryotic assemblage in the biogeochemical cycles of the dark ocean


    Baltar, Federico


    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Federico Baltar González para obtener el grado de Doctor en Oceanografía por la Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), bieno (2005-2007), realizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Javier Arístegui Ruiz, del Dr. Gerhard Herndl y del Dr. Josep Maria Gasol Piqué del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 317 pares


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    Hector Pedraza M.


    Full Text Available

    Palabras del Profesor Héctor Pedraza M., en el Cementerio Central de Bogotá.

    Señores Académicos, colegas, señoras, señores:

    El doctor Hernando Groot, Presidente de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, nos encomienda que pronunciemos algunas palabras frente al féretro que contiene los despojos mortales del Académico Alfonso Agusti Pastor, Miembro Numerario de nuestra ilustre corporación, Médico ejemplar en el ejercicio profesional y Profesor Agregado por concurso en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional, para que hagamos breve elogio de quien fue sobresaliente en aquel plantel por su caballerosidad y consagración al estudio,
    por lo cual obtuvo, desde entonces, merecidas distinciones.

    Su temperamento observador y analítico lo condujo a ejercer la medicina en el dificil campo de la siquiatría, la cual exige cualidades especiales de sabiduría, templanza y equilibrio en el razonamiento y el concepto. Poseedor de estas cualidades pudo cuidar con éxito y humanidad a sus pacientes que estaban sumergidos en la tinieblas de la demencia
    y de otras afecciones menores, que en este tiempo alteran cada vez con mayor frecuencia el siquismo, y que estorban o impiden vivir en paz consigo y con sus semejantes. El doctor Alfonso Agusti Pastor fue de los primeros en nuestro medio con el Profesor Maximiliano Rueda, en aplicar el shock, para ciertas enfermedades mentales; por tal motivo obtuvo merecido renombre.

    En la Academia de Medicina nos deleitó con magníficas semblanzas de sus ilustres maestros profesores: Edmundo Rico, Julio Manrique, Maximiliano Rueda y Alfonso Esguerra Gómez, dando así prueba de su generosidad y agradecimiento y de su compromiso con Hipócrates.

    Felizmente tales escritos quedaron consignados en la Revista "Medicina", órgano de publicidad de la Academia...

  13. Malalties de transmissió sexual a urgències pediàtriques


    Díaz Sabogal, Diana; Curcoy Barcenilla, Ana Isabel; Trenchs Sainz de la Maza, Victoria; Giménez Roca, Clara; Luaces Cubells, Carles


    Determinar les característiques dels pacients diag- nosticats de malalties de transmissió sexual (MTS) a urgèn- cies i establir la freqüència en què són degudes a abús sexual. Mètode. Estudi retrospectiu fet entre el gener del 2007 i el desembre del 2011. S'inclouen els pacients menors de 18 anys diagnosticats a urgències d'MTS -infecció per Neisse- ria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Treponema palli- dum, , virus d'immunodeficiència humana (VIH), virus del pa- pil loma humà (VPH) i virus...

  14. Prevalença i perfil sociodemogràfic del maltractament psíquic, físic i sexual en les pacients d’urgències a la regió de Múrcia


    González Morga, Natalia; García Guillamón, Glória; Brando Asensio, Immaculada


    La violència de gènere és un fenomen parcialment visible en la societat del segle XXI. Amb aquest estudi es pretén determinar la prevalença de violència de gènere en dones que van a urgències per altres patologies i relacionar la presència del maltractament psicològic, físic i sexual amb diferents variables sociodemogràfiques per establir el perfil de la dona víctima del maltractament encobert en l’escenari estudiat. Per fer-ho, 151 dones, pacients de l’Hospital General Universitari Morales M...

  15. Presencia de un pueblo : reminiscencias de la ciudad de San Gil del doctor Rito Rueda Rueda

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    Victor Emilio Jara


    Full Text Available La muy noble y muy leal Villa de Santa Cruz y San Gil de la Nueva Baeza en el Reino de Granada aparece con su acta de fundación en el libro Presencia de un pueblo, del que es autor el historiador y abogado doctor Rito Rueda Rueda, quien presenta la fausta efemérides con la totalidad del documento de fundación del que transcribimos esta muestra...

  16. Data Sets from Major NCI Initiaves (United States)

    The NCI Data Catalog includes links to data collections produced by major NCI initiatives and other widely used data sets, including animal models, human tumor cell lines, epidemiology data sets, genomics data sets from TCGA, TARGET, COSMIC, GSK, NCI60.

  17. Tendències en el disseny metodològic de recerca sobre l’avaluació de competències a l’educació superior

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    Karina Angélica Villegas Sandoval


    Full Text Available L’article té com a finalitat descriure i analitzar les metodologies d'investigació utilitzades per estudis recents que aborden el tema de l’avaluació per competències a l’educació superior i la formació docent, per tal de detectar les tendències en el disseny metodològic i orientar futurs projectes d'investigació sobre aquest tema. El mètode de treball que s'ha seguit per dur a terme aquest estudi és l’anàlisi de contingut de 22 documents trobats a Dialnet. Els resultats mostren que les investigacions que tracten el tema assenyalat han anat en augment en els últims tretze anys, i es destaca el canvi de metodologia utilitzada, amb dissenys majoritàriament descriptius i avaluatius. Al seu torn, però, crida l'atenció que un gran nombre d'estudis no expliquen ni el mètode ni el disseny d'investigació que han aplicat. Es conclou que és important que les investigacions presentin un apartat que al·ludeixi al disseny metodològic a fi d’afavorir la comprensió del lector dels processos d'indagació que s'han dut a terme.

  18. Incorporació de petites seqüències de cinema comercial en l’ensenyament de les drogodependències. Assaig pilot en l'assignatura de Toxicologia

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    Miguel Rodamilans-Pérez


    Full Text Available El Grup d'Innovació Docent Orfila, en el seu projecte per millorar la qualitat de la docència, està assajant la utilització del cinema amb finalitat didàctica. El material didàctic que hem desenvolupat en aquest projecte són petites seqüències de pel·lícules comercials de 3 a 5 minuts, per ser utilitzades com a elements il·lustratius del procés addictiu. Se seleccionen escenes de la filmografia i s'adeqüen als nostres programes docents. Es recull l'opinió dels professors participants, així com la dels alumnes, mitjançant una entrevista personal i una enquesta d'opinió, respectivament.De les entrevistes als professors i de les enquestes d'opinió dels alumnes, es dedueix un alt grau de satisfacció.

  19. Spatial, temporal and behavioral patterns of marine protists


    Rodríguez Giner, Caterina


    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Caterina Rodríguez Giner para optar al grado de Doctora en Ciencias del Mar por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), realizada bajo la dirección del Dr. Ramon Massana y el Dr. Ramiro Logares del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 223 pages

  20. Memòries del santuari del Mont (final s. XVIII-1953)


    Gifre i Ribas, Pere; Puig Pla, Santi; Tremoleda Trilla, Joaquim


    Transcripció del text inèdit de memòries del santuari del Mont. El text va ser escrit, bàsicament, pels preveres custodis i administradors del santuari. Es recull, primerament, els costums litúrgics de la parròquia de Sous, a la manera de les consuetes. A partir de 1791 s’anoten els fets més importants, a parer del custodi administrador, ocorreguts al santuari: obres de reforma i restauració del santuari i les seves dependències, adquisicions de mobiliari i parament de la casa, donacions al s...

  1. La voz del amauta en el poema Llamado a algunos doctores (Huk Doctorkunaman Qayay

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    Rolando Álvarez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se pretende establecer, algunas relaciones que el poema de José María Arguedas, Llamado a algunos doctores, construye con determinados rasgos del pensamiento mostrado por el autor en Todas las sangres, Los ríos profundos, Warma Kuyay y El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo; así como en la mesa redonda sobre Todas las sangres de junio de 1965. Se intenta encontrar, en la voz poética, la voz del amauta, en la forma en que el poeta expresa su relación con la naturaleza y con lo divino. This paper seeks to establish some relationships that the poem of Jose Maria Arguedas, Llamado a algunos doctores, established with certain features of the thought expressed by the author in Todas las sangres, Los ríos profundos, Warma Kuyay and El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo; as well the roundtable of june of 1965 about Todas las sangres. It tries to find the poetic voice in the voice of amauta in the way the poet expresses his relationship with nature and the divine.

  2. NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer (United States)

    The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer funds the Cancer Nanotechnology Training Centers collectively with the NCI Cancer Training Center. Find out about the funded Centers, to date, that train our next generation of scientists in the field of Canc

  3. NCI Holds on to Defelice Cup | Poster (United States)

    NCI kept the Defelice Cup trophy this year after beating Leidos Biomedical Research, 15 to 9, at the 10th annual Ronald H. Defelice Golf Tournament held on Columbus Day. Sixteen players on each team battled it out at the yearly contractor vs. government tournament held at Rattlewood Golf Course in Mount Airy, Md. NCI leads the series 6–4. “The score was the highest NCI margin

  4. License Agreements | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    NCI Technology Transfer Center (TTC) licenses the discoveries of NCI and nine other NIH Institutes so new technologies can be developed and commercialized, to convert them into public health benefits.

  5. NCI & Division Obligations (United States)

    Displays obligations for grants, contracts, training fellowships, intramural research, and management and support, including the number of grant awards, funding amounts, and percent of the total NCI budget.

  6. Caracterización ecológica de comunidades de microorganismos planctónicos marinos, basada en relaciones entre la distribución de tamaños, composición química y taxonomía


    Arin, Laura


    Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Laura Arin Carrau para obtener el título de Doctora en Biología por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), realizada bajo la dirección de la Dra. Marta Estrada Miyares del Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 176 pages

  7. Sobre el fragment dels Catasterismes d'Eratòstenes del manuscrit Parisinus Graecus 1310: el nom dels planetes Saturn i Júpiter


    Pàmias i Massana, Jordi


    El ms. Parisinus Graecus 1310 inclou un breu fragment de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, obra atribuïda a Eratòstenes. A banda d'alguna variant respecte del textus receptus, presenta un capítol (43) del tot reelaborat, en què l'excepcional irregularitat de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, pel que fa a les correspondències divines dels dos primers planetes de la nòmina de cinc, ha estat corregida per tal d'adequar els noms dels planetes Faiuou i Faethou a Saturn i a Júpiter respectivament. The man...

  8. NCI collaborates with Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (United States)

    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) announced a collaboration with the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) to incorporate MMRF's wealth of genomic and clinical data on the disease into the NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC), a publicly available datab

  9. Avaluació de competències professionalitzadores en els estudis de grau de comunicació audiovisual

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    Marina Romeo


    Full Text Available Els recents canvis en la formació universitària han comportat un destacable nivell de professionalització dels estudis i una constant adequació a les demandes socials. En aquest sentit, una de les necessitats per a la formació universitària a l'àrea de la comunicació audiovisual és desenvolupar en els estudiants competències professionalitzadores que els permetin trobar nínxols d'ocupació en un mercat altament competitiu i sotmès a canvis continus. Aquesta recerca té per objecte crear una rúbrica que permeti avaluar l'aprenentatge professionalitzador en els estudis de grau en comunicació audiovisual (CAV que es desenvolupen a Espanya. Per desenvolupar-la hem comptat amb ocupadors i acadèmics experts de l'àmbit de la comunicació audiovisual triats de forma intencional. La rúbrica final desenvolupada, a més de permetre avaluar el grau d'adquisició de les competències professionalitzadores en CAV, permet dibuixar un mapa clar de l'organització i adequació dels processos i metodologies docents. En aquest sentit, la rúbrica pot ser un instrument pedagògic clau per a una futura promoció d'estudiants, i es pot convertir en un instrument que afavoreixi l'avaluació formativa dels alumnes.

  10. El procés d'avaluació i intervenció psicològica a pacients amb trastorns per abús d' alcohol i/o altres substàncies psicotròpiques


    Trasovares Navarrete, María Victoria


    Aquest treball, realitzat al Centre d'Atenció i Seguiment de Drogodependències (CASD) de Nou Barris, ha tingut com a objectiu principal observar el rol del psicòleg clínic en el procés d'avaluació i intervenció psicoterapèutica en pacients que presenten un trastorn per dependència de substàncies psicotròpiques. Este trabajo, realizado en el Centro de Atención y Seguimiento de Drogodependencias (CASD) de Nou Barris, ha tenido como principal objetivo observar el rol del psicólogo clínico en ...

  11. Les experiències artístiques en l'espai públic. Art efímer com a catàlisi de la vida urbana

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    Lucila Urda Peña


    Full Text Available L'art efímer urbà, com a corrent d'expressió de pensament col·lectiu és una font de generació de projectes comunitaris en què els ciutadans poden recuperar "l'experiència de ciutat". La profusió de diverses manifestacions d'art efímer en ciutats de tot el món des de començaments del segle XXI està tenint conseqüències en l'espai urbà tant a nivell local com a nivell global. Una d'elles és la transformació del paisatge urbà, cada vegada més considerat com a escenari visible en projectes de regeneració urbana. A més de la transformació física també es produeixen canvis en les dinàmiques urbanes ja que els efectes de les intervencions tenen conseqüències més enllà dels canvis d'imatge. Els efectes socioeconòmics locals o fins i tot globals de les transformacions lligades a l'art efímer són cada vegada més evidents. Aquest article relata l'origen i desenvolupament de diverses manifestacions artístiques urbanes i reflexiona sobre les seves conseqüències en la vida urbana com a eina de transformació física i social.

  12. Hombres: Doctor Luis Ángel Arango

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    Boletín Cultural y Bibliográfico Banco de la República


    Full Text Available En el documento se realiza la nota de conmemoración  del fallecimiento del Doctor Luis Ángel Arango  Esta nota tiene como fin realizar un homenaje a tan reputado ciudadano colombiano y mienbro de la comunidad de funcionarios del Banco de la República.

  13. CRADA Payment Options | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    NCI TTC CRADA PAYMENT OPTIONS: Electronic Payments by Wire Transfer via Fedwire, Mail a check to the Institute or Center, or Automated Clearing House (ACH)/Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF) payments via (NCI ONLY).

  14. NCI Visuals Online (United States)

    NCI Visuals Online contains images from the collections of the National Cancer Institute's Office of Communications and Public Liaison, including general biomedical and science-related images, cancer-specific scientific and patient care-related images, and portraits of directors and staff of the National Cancer Institute.

  15. L’avaluació de competències a l’Educació Superior: el cas d’un màster universitari

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    Xavier Ma. Triadó i Ivern


    Full Text Available La implantació de les competències és una tasca que ha anat incorporant-se paulatinament pels docents de la universitat espanyola amb l’entrada en vigor del EEES. Tot i això, encara s’està lluny d’aconseguir nivells òptims d’avaluació de les mateixes. Aquest article permet reflexionar sobre algunes bones practiques al respecte i sobre les dificultats i limitacions que apareixen en voler implementar un canvi en les metodologies docents, en el marc d’un màster universitari. Els resultats indiquen el grau en què s’han avaluat i adquirit tant les competències genèriques com especifiques en l’educació superior.

  16. Incidència i consequències de les caigudes en les persones grans que viuen a la comunitat


    Salvà, Antoni


    ANTECEDENTS I OBJECTIUS: Avaluar la incidència de les caigudes en funció dels factors sociodemogràfics i de salut, i determinar llurs conseqüències físiques, psicològiques i socials. Desenvolupar una nova eina d'avaluació del factor de risc amb l'objectiu d'assolir una intervenció preventiva multifactorial. METODOLOGIA: Estudi poblacional prospectiu, que inclou una cohort representativa de 448 persones grans, de 65 anys o més, que viuen a la ciutat de Mataró (Espanya). Hem fet una avaluació b...

  17. International Fellows of NCI at Frederick | Poster (United States)

    Each year, the Employee Diversity Team (EDT) acknowledges members of the NCI at Frederick Community for their achievements and contributions towards the mission of facility.  Historically, the team has profiled the “Women of NCI at Frederick,” but this year, the team decided to instead shed light on the diverse and successful individuals who make up the international fellows community.

  18. La sombra sobre Marvel : reescrituras del horror arquetípico en los cómics del Doctor Extraño.


    Martín, Jorge


    Desde que H.P. Lovecraft sentó las bases del horror cósmico, otros muchos autores y medios han seguido el influjo de esta manifestación de lo fantástico. Entre ellos, el comic book americano también ha tratado de incorporar a sus códigos los terrores arquetípicos imaginados por el autor de Providence. Nuestro estudio pretende analizar un caso paradigmático: el superhéroe de la editorial Marvel conocido como Doctor Extraño, pues las particularidades de este personaje parecen óptimas para la tr...

  19. NCI at Frederick Ebola Response Team | Poster (United States)

    Editor’s note: This article was adapted from the Employee Diversity Team’s display case exhibit “Recognizing the NCI at Frederick Ebola Response Team,” in the lobby of Building 549. The Poster staff recognizes that this article does not include everyone who was involved in the response to the Ebola crisis, both at NCI at Frederick and in Africa. When the Ebola crisis broke out

  20. An NCI perspective on creating sustainable biospecimen resources. (United States)

    Vaught, Jimmie; Rogers, Joyce; Myers, Kimberly; Lim, Mark David; Lockhart, Nicole; Moore, Helen; Sawyer, Sherilyn; Furman, Jeffrey L; Compton, Carolyn


    High-quality biospecimens with appropriate clinical annotation are critical in the era of personalized medicine. It is now widely recognized that biospecimen resources need to be developed and operated under established scientific, technical, business, and ethical/legal standards. To date, such standards have not been widely practiced, resulting in variable biospecimen quality that may compromise research efforts. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR) was established in 2005 to coordinate NCI's biospecimen resource activities and address those issues that affect access to the high-quality specimens and data necessary for its research enterprises as well as the broader translational research field. OBBR and the NCI Biorepository Coordinating Committee developed NCI's "Best Practices for Biospecimen Resources" after consultation with a broad array of experts. A Biospecimen Research Network was established to fund research to develop additional evidence-based practices. Although these initiatives will improve the overall availability of high-quality specimens and data for cancer research, OBBR has been authorized to implement a national biobanking effort, cancer HUman Biobank (caHUB). caHUB will address systematically the gaps in knowledge needed to improve the state-of-the-science and strengthen the standards for human biobanking. This commentary outlines the progressive efforts by NCI in technical, governance, and economic considerations that will be important as the new caHUB enterprise is undertaken.

  1. La formación actual del médico: fortalezas y debilidades The current training of doctors: strengths and weaknesses

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    X. Clèries


    Full Text Available Las “Jornadas estatales de estudio y debate sobre el futuro de la formación integral del médico ¿bioingeniería o medicina?” que se realizaron en Barcelona el 8 y 9 de febrero de 2008 fueron el marco para que un grupo de trabajo abordara el tema de las fortalezas y debilidades de la formación actual del médico. Las principales aportaciones se estructuraron en los tres niveles educativos siguientes: pregrado, posgrado y formación continuada. Se destacó la necesidad de una formación integral y psicosocial en la enseñanza de pregrado, la conveniencia de una estructuración troncal de la formación de posgrado para conseguir una mayor transversalidad de la competencia del médico y la contextualización de la formación continuada en el desarrollo profesional de cada médico. El predominio de los conocimientos biomédicos y tecnológicos en la formación actual del médico contrastan con las demandas de carácter psicosocial de una gran parte de la población en el sistema sanitario.The “National Conference for study and debate on the future of the integral training of doctors: bioengineering or medicine?” that were realized in Barcelona on February 8-9th, 2008 it was the context so that a work group was carried out on the topic about strengths and weaknesses of the current training of physicians. The main contributions were structured around three educational levels: undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. In the undergraduate level was emphasized the need to achieve an integral and psychosocial education. The postgraduate education should have a core subject in order to acquire a better global understanding of doctors' competences. Continuing medical education in the context of professional development of every physician. The predominance of the biomedical and technological knowledge in the current training of doctors contrasts with psychosocial demands of the population of healthcare system.

  2. L'Estatut bàsic de l'empleat públic: les competències autonòmiques - El Estatuto Básico del Empelado Público: las competencias autonómicas - The Basic Statute for Public Employees: the Powers of the Autonomous Governments

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    Federico Castillo Blanco


    Full Text Available El treball  que es presenta és un estudi de les competències autonòmiques en matèria d'ocupació  pública i, molt especialment, d'allò que es refereix a les competències assumides per Catalunya en virtut de les reformes estatutàries esdevingudes en els últims anys i la incidència de la jurisprudència constitucional sobre aquestes reformes esdevinguda com a conseqüència de l'examen de la constitucionalitat del nou Estatut d'autonomia.El trabajo que se presenta es un estudio de las competencias autonómicas en materia de empleo público y, muy especialmente, en aquello que se refiere a las competencias asumidas por Cataluña en virtud de las reformas estatutarias acontecidas en los últimos años y la incidencia en las mismas de la jurisprudencia constitucional emitida como consecuencia del examen de la constitucionalidad del nuevo Estatuto de autonomía.This paper studies the powers of the governments of the autonomous regions with respect to public employment, in particular, 1 the powers taken on by Catalonia as a result of the statutory reforms of recent years, and 2 the impact on these powers of the constitutional case law that has developed as a result of the challenges to the constitutionality of the new Statute of Autonomy. 

  3. Investidura de doctores Honoris Causa de Albert Bandura y José del Castillo Nicolau. Universidad de Salamanca, 17 de julio de 1992


    Sánchez López, Cándido, Candy


    Cincuenta y siete fotografías de la ceremonia de investidura de doctores Honoris Causa de Albert Bandura y José del Castillo Nicolau. Acto celebrado en el Paraninfo de la Universidad de Salamanca el 17 de julio de 1992.

  4. DNA fingerprinting of the NCI-60 cell line panel. (United States)

    Lorenzi, Philip L; Reinhold, William C; Varma, Sudhir; Hutchinson, Amy A; Pommier, Yves; Chanock, Stephen J; Weinstein, John N


    The National Cancer Institute's NCI-60 cell line panel, the most extensively characterized set of cells in existence and a public resource, is frequently used as a screening tool for drug discovery. Because many laboratories around the world rely on data from the NCI-60 cells, confirmation of their genetic identities represents an essential step in validating results from them. Given the consequences of cell line contamination or misidentification, quality control measures should routinely include DNA fingerprinting. We have, therefore, used standard DNA microsatellite short tandem repeats to profile the NCI-60, and the resulting DNA fingerprints are provided here as a reference. Consistent with previous reports, the fingerprints suggest that several NCI-60 lines have common origins: the melanoma lines MDA-MB-435, MDA-N, and M14; the central nervous system lines U251 and SNB-19; the ovarian lines OVCAR-8 and OVCAR-8/ADR (also called NCI/ADR); and the prostate lines DU-145, DU-145 (ATCC), and RC0.1. Those lines also show that the ability to connect two fingerprints to the same origin is not affected by stable transfection or by the development of multidrug resistance. As expected, DNA fingerprints were not able to distinguish different tissues-of-origin. The fingerprints serve principally as a barcodes.

  5. NCI Pediatric Preclinical Testing Consortium (United States)

    NCI has awarded grants to five research teams to participate in its Pediatric Preclinical Testing Consortium, which is intended to help to prioritize which agents to pursue in pediatric clinical trials.

  6. Percepcion de los estudiantes participantes del programa doctoral: planificación e innovación educativa

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    María Luisa Collarte Inzuna


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende recoger la percepción de algunos profesores chilenos participantes del ingreso 2013 al programa de Doctorado en Planificación e Innovación educativa dictado por la Universidad extranjera, Alcalá de Henares. Es un análisis de situación que se realizó a través de un cuestionario y conversaciones personales, se procuró conocer sus motivaciones, dificultades, impacto en sus familias y trabajos. En la línea de formación continua del educador, ser Doctor es el mayor grado académico que se puede obtener, lo que debiese repercutir en la investigación educativa en nuestro país. Este pequeño trabajo podría ser el inicio de una línea de investigación, referente a la calidad de los postgrados en educación, la motivación del profesorado, forma de financiamiento, metodología, evaluación, entre otros. Es importante investigar el por qué la relación entre el mundo académico y la investigación educativa, se percibe tan lejano de parte del educador de aula, y no constituye un real aporte a la calidad de la educación.

  7. Protocol per a la implantació d’eines didàctiques virtuals: competències i habilitats adquirides pels estudiants

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    Laura Guitart Tarrés


    Full Text Available L’adaptació al nou espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES ha plantejat alguns canvis en l’enfocament de la formació universitària al nostre país. On abans era el docent el protagonista, ara és l’estudiant el que pren el rol d’actor principal de la seva formació, i l’aprenentatge s’orienta cap a una autonomia i reflexió més grans. En aquest escenari, les noves tecnologies ofereixen un ampli ventall d’opcions per millorar els processos formatius. En aquests sentit, el Grup d’Innovació Docent G•IDEA ha participat activament en aquest procés d’adaptació des de ja fa uns quants anys, i ha creat una sèrie de recursos docents digitals que han estat àmpliament provats en diversos ensenyaments de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar el protocol dissenyat per l’equip d’investigadors del G•IDEA per implantar aquestes eines didàctiques (webquestes i exercicis tutoritzats, i també els resultats d’una enquesta de satisfacció sobre les competències i habilitats adquirides pels nostres estudiants en la utilització dels recursos. Els resultats mostren, d’una banda, que no ha estat possible crear un mateix protocol aplicable a tots els recursos, a causa de les diferències en els objectius didàctics de les distintes eines docents implantades. D’altra banda, la valoració que els estudiants fan de la utilització de les eines és molt positiva, tot i que hi ha algunes diferències entre els recursos analitzats. Conèixer la valoració que l’alumnat fa d’aquests recursos permet al grup d’investigadors poder-los millorar i adequar al perfil dels estudiants perquè aquests en puguin treure el màxim profit possible.

  8. NCI's Role in Immunotherapy Research (United States)

    ... Reporting & Auditing Grant Transfer Grant Closeout Contracts & Small Business Training Cancer Training at NCI (Intramural) Resources for ... promising immunotherapies to the clinic more efficiently and cost effectively. For ... of the checkpoint inhibitor pembrolizumab in patients with ...

  9. Presència, tendències i aspectes diferenciadors de la formació sobre drets d'autor en l'alfabetització informacional en l'àmbit universitari


    Uribe Tirado, Alejandro


    Objectiu. Analitzar la presència de la temàtica dels drets d'autor, dels aspectes legals de la informació acadèmica i científica, en diferents programes, cursos o programes d'aprenentatge d'alfabetització informacional (ALFIN) de diferents universitats al voltant del món, per identificar les tendències i aspectes diferenciadors que es presenten actualment respecte a la formació en aquestes temàtiques en relació amb la informació digital. També s'analitza com de preparades estan les comunitats...

  10. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  11. NCI-MATCH Trial Links Targeted Drugs to Mutations (United States)

    Investigators for the nationwide trial, NCI-MATCH: Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice, announced that the trial will seek to determine whether targeted therapies for people whose tumors have specific gene mutations will be effective regardless of their cancer type. NCI-MATCH will incorporate more than 20 different study drugs or drug combinations, each targeting a specific gene mutation, in order to match each patient in the trial with a therapy that targets a molecular abnormality in their tumor.

  12. NCI Takes Back the Defelice Cup at Ninth Annual Golf Tournament | Poster (United States)

    By Ashley DeVine, Staff Writer After being down by a point in the morning, NCI reclaimed the Defelice Cup trophy from Leidos Biomedical Research, with a final score of 12 ½ to 11 ½, at the ninth annual Ronald H. Defelice Golf Tournament, held Oct. 13. “The tightest matches in the nine-year history of this cup competition resulted in a narrow victory for NCI and allowed NCI to

  13. Find an NCI-Designated Cancer Center (United States)

    Find the locations of NCI-designated cancer centers by area, region, state, or name that includes contact information to help health care providers and cancer patients with referrals to clinical trials.

  14. NCI's Transdisciplinary High Performance Scientific Data Platform (United States)

    Evans, Ben; Antony, Joseph; Bastrakova, Irina; Car, Nicholas; Cox, Simon; Druken, Kelsey; Evans, Bradley; Fraser, Ryan; Ip, Alex; Kemp, Carina; King, Edward; Minchin, Stuart; Larraondo, Pablo; Pugh, Tim; Richards, Clare; Santana, Fabiana; Smillie, Jon; Trenham, Claire; Wang, Jingbo; Wyborn, Lesley


    The Australian National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) manages Earth Systems data collections sourced from several domains and organisations onto a single High Performance Data (HPD) Node to further Australia's national priority research and innovation agenda. The NCI HPD Node has rapidly established its value, currently managing over 10 PBytes of datasets from collections that span a wide range of disciplines including climate, weather, environment, geoscience, geophysics, water resources and social sciences. Importantly, in order to facilitate broad user uptake, maximise reuse and enable transdisciplinary access through software and standardised interfaces, the datasets, associated information systems and processes have been incorporated into the design and operation of a unified platform that NCI has called, the National Environmental Research Data Interoperability Platform (NERDIP). The key goal of the NERDIP is to regularise data access so that it is easily discoverable, interoperable for different domains and enabled for high performance methods. It adopts and implements international standards and data conventions, and promotes scientific integrity within a high performance computing and data analysis environment. NCI has established a rich and flexible computing environment to access to this data, through the NCI supercomputer; a private cloud that supports both domain focused virtual laboratories and in-common interactive analysis interfaces; as well as remotely through scalable data services. Data collections of this importance must be managed with careful consideration of both their current use and the needs of the end-communities, as well as its future potential use, such as transitioning to more advanced software and improved methods. It is therefore critical that the data platform is both well-managed and trusted for stable production use (including transparency and reproducibility), agile enough to incorporate new technological advances and

  15. 76 FR 28439 - Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request; NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory Web-Based... (United States)


    ...; Comment Request; NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory Web-Based Application Form and Update Mailer... currently valid OMB control number. Proposed Collection: Title: NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory Web... included in the NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory on NCI's Web site. The information...

  16. NCI Scientists Awarded National Medal of Technology and Innovation by President Obama | Poster (United States)

    Two NCI scientists received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement. The award was announced by President Obama in October. The honorees, John Schiller, Ph.D., Laboratory of Cellular Oncology (LCO), Center for Cancer Research, NCI, and Douglas Lowy, M.D., also from LCO and NCI deputy director, received their medals at a White House ceremony on Nov. 20.

  17. Selected Publications by the NCI Director (United States)

    Dr. Norman Sharpless's written work on cancer research appears in many leading scientific journals, as well as a variety of other publications. This page lists some of the articles published by Dr. Sharpless since becoming NCI director.

  18. Invention Development Program Helps Nurture NCI at Frederick Technologies | Poster (United States)

    The Invention Development Fund (IDF) was piloted by the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) in 2014 to facilitate the commercial development of NCI technologies. The IDF received a second round of funding from the NCI Office of the Director and the Office of Budget and Management to establish the Invention Development Program (IDP) for fiscal year 2016. The IDP is using these funds to help advance a second set of inventions.

  19. Competències i factors clau per a l’èxit educatiu des de la perspectiva dels estudiants universitaris fills/es dels immigrants


    Cano García, Elena


    L’estudi realitzat ha abordat quines són les competències i els factors clau que estudiants universitaris d’origen immigrant consideren que han estat claus per arribar a la universitat, assolint així l’èxit educatiu. S’han escollit estudiants que haguessin fet l’escolaritat obligatòria total o parcialment a Catalunya.Per dur a terme la recerca s’ha treballat amb relats de vida (un total de 13 escrits) i narracions audiovisuals (amb un total de 4 produccions), essent finalment 17 les evidèncie...

  20. About TTC | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The TTC facilitates licensing and co-development partnerships between biomedical industry, academia, and government agencies and the research laboratories of the NCI and nine other institutes and centers of NIH.

  1. Life Outside NCI | Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (United States)

    The CPFP Office is located at the NCI facilities in Rockville, Maryland, near the Nation’s Capital. With the convenient Metro subway reaching throughout the metropolitan area, transportation is within easy reach.

  2. La superación del modelo del ángel del hogar:


    Hurtado Muñoz, Mónica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superación del modelo del "ángel del hogar". Recuperación de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un análisis sociológico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer española en el cambio de siglo en el ámbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las características propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye que la cr...

  3. Evolució del marc constitucional de la Unió Europea en la regulació de la inversió estrangera directa

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    Hector López Bofill


    Full Text Available Amb l’entrada en vigor del Tractat de Lisboa la Unió Europea (UE ha assumit competències en matèria d’inversió estrangera directa. Aquest article descriu el sistema de distribució competencial entre la Unió i els estats membres en aquest àmbit, remarca les competències retingudes pels estats i exercides a través dels tractats bilaterals d’inversió i perfila els instruments que poden fer compatible la política d’inversions de la UE amb la política d’inversions desplegada pels estats. En particular, el text se centra en el desenvolupament de la política de la UE a partir dels nous acords globals d’inversió a punt de ser ratificats o en fase de negociació (com en el cas de l’acord amb el Canadà, de l’acord amb Singapur o de l’acord amb els Estats Units i aprofundeix en les conseqüències derivades de l’establiment d’un sistema de resolució de controvèrsies inversor/estat previst en aquests acords i la seva compatibilitat amb el principi d’autonomia del dret de la UE.

  4. At NCI, Supporting the Best Science (United States)

    Yesterday, at the AACR annual meeting, Dr. Doug Lowy spoke directly to the research community about his goals as NCI Acting Director. Dr. Lowy said that he plans to continue many of the programs launched by his predecessor, Dr. Harold Varmus, and to sharp

  5. L’aula com laboratori d’anàlisi històrica: el naixement del feixisme a Europa

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    Rodrigo Salazar-Jiménez


    Full Text Available L’article presenta una unitat didàctica que neix com experiència pilot per al desenvolupament d’una tesi doctoral y de dos projectes de recerca del grup d’innovació DHIGECS (Didàctica de la Història, la Geografia i altres Ciències Socials, 2014 SGR 955 de la Universitat de Barcelona. En aquesta experiència es va marcar com a objectiu primordial que els estudiants desenvolupessin pràctiques de treball col·laboratiu simulant la feina dels experts/es per a la comprensió de la història sobre Fascisme italià i el Nacionalsocialisme alemany. El pilot es va implementar amb alumnat de 4t de l’ESO d’un Institut Educatiu de Secundària Obligatòria a Cornellà de Llobregat. Amb la descripció de l’experiència en el present article pretenem assolir una doble finalitat: per una banda, donar a conèixer la tècnica de jigsaw o puzzle com a estratègia metodològica eficaç per l’aprenentatge de la història, i per l’altre banda, exposar els primers resultats sobre el desenvolupament del pensament històric en els estudiants participants mitjançant aquesta estratègia.

  6. Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions


    Farnós Amorós, Esther


    La tesi doctoral "Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions" analitza els efectes del consentiment a les tècniques de reproducció assistida prestat en el marc d'un projecte parental. La tesi ofereix una resposta als conflictes que enfronten exesposos o exconvivents en relació al destí dels preembrions sobrants d'un cicle de fecundació "in vitro" iniciat durant la relació. Aquests conflictes constitueixen un grup de casos al voltant del qual no hi ha solucions legislatives qu...

  7. Robert Wiltrout Says Goodbye to NCI in 2015 | Poster (United States)

    After 34 years at NCI, Robert Wiltrout, Ph.D., said he is looking forward to trading his I-270 commute for another type of commute: exploring the waterways of Maryland, Alaska, and Wyoming to fulfill his love of fishing. Wiltrout officially retired as director of the NCI Center for Cancer Research (CCR) on July 2 of last year. Throughout his college academic career, Wiltrout had an interest in science, but it was not until he was working on a research project for his master’s degree that he considered a career in scientific research.

  8. NCI and the Precision Medicine Initiative® (United States)

    NCI's activities related to precision medicine focuses on new and expanded precision medicine clinical trials; mechanisms to overcome drug resistance to cancer treatments; and developing a shared digital repository of precision medicine trials data.

  9. Human Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting Glypican-2 in Neuroblastoma | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Researchers at the National Cancer Institute’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology (NCI LMB) have developed and isolated several single domain monoclonal human antibodies against GPC2. NCI seeks parties interested in licensing or co-developing GPC2 antibodies and/or conjugates.

  10. Profesor Doctor Fernando Sonnet: In Memoriam

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    Alberto José Figueras


    Full Text Available Recuerdo del Profesor Doctor Fernando Sonnet, destacado docente e investigador, en las áreas de economía agraria, economía de empresas y microeconomía, en el Instituto de Economía y Finanzas de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Palabras Clave: Fernando H. Sonnet; Recuerdo; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Código JEL: B32. Professor Doctor Fernando Sonnet: In MemoriamAbstractRemembrance of Professor Doctor Fernando Sonnet, a senior lecturer and researcher in the areas of agricultural economics, business economics and microeconomics at the Institute of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Economics, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Keywords: Fernando H. Sonnet; Memory; Universidad Nacional de CórdobaJEL Classification: B32.

  11. NIH and NCI grant-related changes during fiscal years 2014 and 2015 (United States)

    Wong, Rosemary S. L.


    The 2014 fiscal year (FY) continued to be a challenging one for all federal agencies despite the many Congressional strategies proposed to address the U.S. budget deficit. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 passed by the House and Senate in December 2013 approved a two-year spending bill which cancelled the FY2014 and FY2015 required sequestration cuts (i.e., 4-5% National Institute of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (NCI) budget reduction initiated on March 1, 2013), but extended the sequestration period through FY2023. This bill passage helped minimize any further budget reductions and resulted in a final FY2014 NIH budget of 29.9 billion and a NCI budget of 4.9 billion. Both NIH and NCI worked hard to maintain awarding the same number of NIH/NCI investigator-initiated R01 and exploratory R21 grants funded in FY2014 and similar to the level seen in FY2013 and previous years (see Tables 1 and 2). Since Congress only recently passed the 2015 spending bill in December 16, 2014, the final NIH and NCI budget appropriations for FY2015 remains unknown at this time and most likely will be similar to the FY2014 budget level. The NCI overall success and funding rates for unsolicited investigator-initiated R01 applications remained at 15%, while the success rate for exploratory R21 applications was 12% in FY2014 with similar rates seen in FY2013 (see Tables 1 and 2). The success rate for biomedical research applications in the Photodynamic Therapy and laser research field will be provided for the past few years. NIH provides numerous resources to help inform the extramural biomedical research community of new and current grant applicants about new grant policy changes and the grant submission and review processes.

  12. NCI International EBV-Gastric Cancer Consortium (United States)

    A collaboration among NCI and extramural investigators, established by DCEG in 2006, that utilizes data and biospecimens from completed and ongoing case series and observational studies of gastric cancer to replicate and extend findings from previous studies hindered by small numbers of EBV-positive cases, and to stimulate multidisciplinary research in this area.

  13. Spatial patterns of FUS-immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) in neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID). (United States)

    Armstrong, Richard A; Gearing, Marla; Bigio, Eileen H; Cruz-Sanchez, Felix F; Duyckaerts, Charles; Mackenzie, Ian R A; Perry, Robert H; Skullerud, Kari; Yokoo, Hideaki; Cairns, Nigel J


    Neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID), a rare form of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), is characterized neuropathologically by focal atrophy of the frontal and temporal lobes, neuronal loss, gliosis, and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) containing epitopes of ubiquitin and neuronal intermediate filament (IF) proteins. Recently, the 'fused in sarcoma' (FUS) protein (encoded by the FUS gene) has been shown to be a component of the inclusions of NIFID. To further characterize FUS proteinopathy in NIFID, we studied the spatial patterns of the FUS-immunoreactive NCI in frontal and temporal cortex of 10 cases. In the cerebral cortex, sectors CA1/2 of the hippocampus, and the dentate gyrus (DG), the FUS-immunoreactive NCI were frequently clustered and the clusters were regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary. In a proportion of cortical gyri, cluster size of the NCI approximated to those of the columns of cells was associated with the cortico-cortical projections. There were no significant differences in the frequency of different types of spatial patterns with disease duration or disease stage. Clusters of NCI in the upper and lower cortex were significantly larger using FUS compared with phosphorylated, neurofilament heavy polypeptide (NEFH) or α-internexin (INA) immunohistochemistry (IHC). We concluded: (1) FUS-immunoreactive NCI exhibit similar spatial patterns to analogous inclusions in the tauopathies and synucleinopathies, (2) clusters of FUS-immunoreactive NCI are larger than those revealed by NEFH or ΙΝΑ, and (3) the spatial patterns of the FUS-immunoreactive NCI suggest the degeneration of the cortico-cortical projections in NIFID.

  14. College Graduate with NCI Internship Gains Experience, Carries Chemistry into Medicine | Poster (United States)

    For Jennifer Marshall, the skills learned through an internship at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at Frederick have prepared her for the next step of her life—medical school. Marshall, who will be attending the West Virginia University School of Medicine in the fall, spent three summers in NCI at Frederick’s Summer Internship Program expanding her love and passion for

  15. Com traduir i modificar un dels formats bibliogràfics de RefWorks al castellà


    Feliu, M. Àngels


    L'ús de gestors de referències com RefWorks agilitza el treball dels autors però el seu ús en castellà presenta dificultats a causa de la seva construcció original en anglès. Per això, un dels formats de RefWorks s'ha adaptat a les normes gramaticals i ortogràfiques del castellà i s'ha posat a disposició de la comunitat científica.

  16. Vaccine for BK Polyomavirus-associated Infections in Transplant Recipients | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    NCI researches identified a BK polyomavirus (BKV) virulent strain that causes chronic urinary tract infections, and the development of vaccine and therapeutic methods that would block BKV pathogenesis. The NCI Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, seek parties to license or co-develop this technology.

  17. Programa de prevenció del consum d’alcohol i altres drogues amb alumnes de secundària a la Unitat Terapèutica i Educativa del Centre Penitenciari de Villabona


    Palasí Luna, Eva; Valverde Molina, Jesús; , Elisabet


    El consum de substàncies tòxiques per part dels joves és un fenomen social molt present. Des de l’administració pública i també des d’entitats socials i del tercer sector es duen a terme diversitat de campanyes i iniciatives orientades a la prevenció d’aquests consums amb orientacions i objectius diversos. En aquest article presentem una programa de prevenció que es desenvolupa a la Unitat Terapèutica i Educativa del Centre Penitenciari de Villabona, en el qual participen les persones interne...

  18. The NCI Digital Divide Pilot Projects: implications for cancer education. (United States)

    Kreps, Gary L; Gustafson, David; Salovey, Peter; Perocchia, Rosemarie Slevin; Wilbright, Wayne; Bright, Mary Anne; Muha, Cathy


    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) supported four innovative demonstration research projects, "The Digital Divide Pilot Projects," to test new strategies for disseminating health information via computer to vulnerable consumers. These projects involved active research collaborations between the NCI's Cancer Information Service (CIS) and regional cancer control researchers to field test new approaches for enhancing cancer communication in vulnerable communities. The projects were able to use computers to successfully disseminate relevant cancer information to vulnerable populations. These demonstration research projects suggested effective new strategies for using communication technologies to educate underserved populations about cancer prevention, control, and care.

  19. Published Research - NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer (United States)

    The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer has published much exciting and impactful research over the years. Find here a list of all of these listed in PubMed and others across the field of Cancer Nanotechnology.

  20. NCI intramural research highlighted at 2014 AACR meeting (United States)

    This year’s American Association for Cancer Research meeting featured plenary talks by two NCI scientists, Steven Rosenberg, M.D., and Louis Staudt, M.D., Ph.D., that highlighted the challenges in developing varied and potentially synergistic treatments f

  1. NCI Core Open House Shines Spotlight on Supportive Science and Basic Research | Poster (United States)

    The lobby of Building 549 at NCI at Frederick bustled with activity for two hours on Tuesday, May 1, as several dozen scientists and staff gathered for the NCI Core Open House. The event aimed to encourage discussion and educate visitors about the capabilities of the cores, laboratories, and facilities that offer support to NCI’s Center for Cancer Research.

  2. Global Proteome Analysis of the NCI-60 Cell Line Panel

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    Amin Moghaddas Gholami


    Full Text Available The NCI-60 cell line collection is a very widely used panel for the study of cellular mechanisms of cancer in general and in vitro drug action in particular. It is a model system for the tissue types and genetic diversity of human cancers and has been extensively molecularly characterized. Here, we present a quantitative proteome and kinome profile of the NCI-60 panel covering, in total, 10,350 proteins (including 375 protein kinases and including a core cancer proteome of 5,578 proteins that were consistently quantified across all tissue types. Bioinformatic analysis revealed strong cell line clusters according to tissue type and disclosed hundreds of differentially regulated proteins representing potential biomarkers for numerous tumor properties. Integration with public transcriptome data showed considerable similarity between mRNA and protein expression. Modeling of proteome and drug-response profiles for 108 FDA-approved drugs identified known and potential protein markers for drug sensitivity and resistance. To enable community access to this unique resource, we incorporated it into a public database for comparative and integrative analysis (

  3. Les tècniques del parlamentarisme racionalitzat en la Constitució de Tunísia de 2014


    Olivetti, Marco


    La Constitució de Tunísia de 2014, que és el resultat del procés constituent obert l’any 2011, després de la derrota del president Ben Ali, conté una regulació detallada dels òrgans de govern que es distribueixen les funcions de direcció política (Assemblea de Representants del Poble, president de la República, cap del govern); la Constitució regula la formació, el funcionament, les competències d’aquests òrgans i les relacions entre ells. Les característiques més destacades de la forma de go...

  4. Apuntes para la historia del paludismo en Colombia

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available La Revista viene publicando trabajos sobre paludismo realizados últimamente, unos bajo los auspicios del Ministerio de Higiene y lso más, del Departamento Tropical de la Facultad de Medicina. En este mismo número aparece el interesante y utilísimo estudio "Biología y distribución geográfica de los mosquitos anofelinos de Colombia", hecho por el doctor Augusto Gast de la Sección de Estudios Especiales y uno de los médicos más enterados en el problema del paludismo. En desarrollo del tema y por sugestión del doctor Gast, apuntamos unos pocos datos que se nos vienen a la mente sobre tentativas de investigación y esbozos de lucha antipalúdica en Colombia.

  5. Mecanismos cognitivos del optimismo en cáncer de mama : relaciones con la calidad de vida /


    Pastells Pujol, Sílvia,


    Departament responsable de la tesi: Departament de Psicologia Bàsica, Evolutiva i de l'Educació Introducció El càncer de mama és la patologia oncològica més diagnosticada a Espanya i al món occidental. El seu diagnòstic i tractament suposen una situació estressant que pot durar mesos o fins i tot cronificar-se quan apareixen recurrències. Les diferents fases de la malaltia desencadenen diferents conseqüències físiques, emocionals i socials que afecten la vida diària de les pacients. Un del...

  6. NCI investment in nanotechnology: achievements and challenges for the future. (United States)

    Dickherber, Anthony; Morris, Stephanie A; Grodzinski, Piotr


    Nanotechnology offers an exceptional and unique opportunity for developing a new generation of tools addressing persistent challenges to progress in cancer research and clinical care. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recognizes this potential, which is why it invests roughly $150 M per year in nanobiotechnology training, research and development. By exploiting the various capacities of nanomaterials, the range of nanoscale vectors and probes potentially available suggests much is possible for precisely investigating, manipulating, and targeting the mechanisms of cancer across the full spectrum of research and clinical care. NCI has played a key role among federal R&D agencies in recognizing early the value of nanobiotechnology in medicine and committing to its development as well as providing training support for new investigators in the field. These investments have allowed many in the research community to pursue breakthrough capabilities that have already yielded broad benefits. Presented here is an overview of how NCI has made these investments with some consideration of how it will continue to work with this research community to pursue paradigm-changing innovations that offer relief from the burdens of cancer. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  7. Pharmacologically directed strategies in academic anticancer drug discovery based on the European NCI compounds initiative. (United States)

    Hendriks, Hans R; Govaerts, Anne-Sophie; Fichtner, Iduna; Burtles, Sally; Westwell, Andrew D; Peters, Godefridus J


    The European NCI compounds programme, a joint initiative of the EORTC Research Branch, Cancer Research Campaign and the US National Cancer Institute, was initiated in 1993. The objective was to help the NCI in reducing the backlog of in vivo testing of potential anticancer compounds, synthesised in Europe that emerged from the NCI in vitro 60-cell screen. Over a period of more than twenty years the EORTC-Cancer Research Campaign panel reviewed ∼2000 compounds of which 95 were selected for further evaluation. Selected compounds were stepwise developed with clear go/no go decision points using a pharmacologically directed programme. This approach eliminated quickly compounds with unsuitable pharmacological properties. A few compounds went into Phase I clinical evaluation. The lessons learned and many of the principles outlined in the paper can easily be applied to current and future drug discovery and development programmes. Changes in the review panel, restrictions regarding numbers and types of compounds tested in the NCI in vitro screen and the appearance of targeted agents led to the discontinuation of the European NCI programme in 2017 and its transformation into an academic platform of excellence for anticancer drug discovery and development within the EORTC-PAMM group. This group remains open for advice and collaboration with interested parties in the field of cancer pharmacology.

  8. El doctor Francisco Guerra, bibliófilo


    Sánchez Mariana, Manuel


    Biografía del doctor Francisco Guerra, médico y uno de los bibliófilos más representativos de comienzos del s. XXI, poseedor de una importantísima biblioteca, donada por decisión propia, en el año 2006 a la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense. La biblioteca está compuesta por más de 4000 impresos y manuscritos de una variada seleccion de títulos humanísticos y científicos: clásicos griegos, romanos y españoles, clásicos de economía, descubrimiento de América, crónicas españolas...

  9. La colección ibero-balear de Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

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    Prieto, M.


    Full Text Available The Ibero-Balearic collection of Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona A commented catalogue of the Ibero-Balearic collection of Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810 housed in the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona is presented. The studied material consists of 2,129 specimens belonging to 49 of 64 species from the Iberian peninsula and the Balearic Islands. The temporal coverage of the collection extends from the last decades of the nineteenth century to the present time. Revision, documentation, and computerization of the material have been made, resulting in 963 collection records (June 2014. For each lot, the catalogue includes the register number, geographical data, collection date, collector or origin of the collection, and number of specimens. Information about taxonomy and distribution of the species is also given. Chorological novelties are provided, extending the distribution areas for most species. The importance of the collection for the knowledge of the Ibero-Balearic fauna of Meloidae is discussed, particularly concerning the area of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian peninsula as it accounts for 60% of the records. Some rare or particularly interesting species in the collection are highlighted, as are those requiring protection measures in Spain and Catalonia. The catalogue also shows a brief gallery of photographs that includes four type specimens.

  10. UNC Cancer Center Director to Lead NCI. (United States)


    President Donald Trump has selected Norman "Ned" Sharpless, MD, director of the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, to lead the NCI. The news was met with widespread approval among cancer researchers, who view Sharpless as a strong communicator who can ably represent the needs of the cancer community in the face of proposed funding cuts. ©2017 American Association for Cancer Research.

  11. Creating Start-up Companies around NCI Inventions | Poster (United States)

    By Karen Surabian, Thomas Stackhouse, and Rose Freel, Contributing Writers, and Rosemarie Truman, Guest Writer The National Cancer Institute (NCI), led by the Technology Transfer Center (TTC),  the Avon Foundation, and The Center for Advancing Innovation have partnered to create a “first-of-a-kind” Breast Cancer Start-up Challenge.

  12. Predicción de los trastornos de la personalidad del Eje II del DSM-IV-TR a partir de diferentes modelos dimensionales: Costa y McCrae, Zuckerman y Cloninger


    Gallart Masià, Salvador


    Aquest estudi pretén comprovar l’existència o no de diferències estructurals entre la personalitat normal i patològica. D’altra banda, interessa veure la capacitat predictiva dels tests de personalitat normal respecte als trastorns de la personalitat segons els criteris del DSM-IV-TR, en població sana i clínica. S'utilitzen tres instruments psicomètrics (NEO-PI-R, ZKPQ-50-CC i TCI-R), pertanyents als models dimensionals de personalitat de Costa i McCrae (Cinc Grans Factors), Zuckerman (Cinc A...

  13. Perfil histológico e inmunohistoquímico del desarrollo del mesenquima de la extremidad del embrión y feto


    Gosálbez García, Javier


    El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio del mesémquima de la extremidad de embriones y fetos obtenidos de 50 muestras procedentes de abortos recogidas del archivo del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del H.U.C.A. Tras la clasificación de las muestras según el tamaño y edad de gestación probable, el procesamiento de los tejidos se realizó según la técnica habitual de preparación de muestras para su estudio histológico con microscopio óptico. Las tinciones se realizaron ...

  14. Implementació del programari lliure al web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales


    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón; Contell Calabuig, Mari Carmen


    Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els...

  15. Help NCI at Frederick “Knock Out Hunger” | Poster (United States)

    NCI at Frederick is once again participating in the Feds Feed Families initiative, an annual food drive that addresses severe shortages of non-perishable items in food banks across D.C., Maryland, and Virginia during the summer months, when giving is at its lowest.

  16. TESIS DOCTORALES Doctoral dissertations

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    Esteban Hernández Esteve


    Full Text Available TESIS DOCTORALES Doctoral dissertations María Soledad Campos Lucena: El control de las arcas municipales a través de la rendición de cuentas. La transformación del proceso del Antiguo al Nuevo régimen y la consolidación del modelo liberal: 1745-1914 The control of municipal coffers by means of account rendering. The change from Ancien Régime to the New Regime and the consolidation of liberalism: 1745-1914 Candelaria Castro Pérez: La institución parroquial a través de los registros contables del Señorío episcopal de la Villa de Agüimes. (1500-1860 The parochial institution seen through the account books of the Episcopal domain of the city of Aguimes (1500-1860 José Julián Hernández Borreguero: El Cabildo Catedral de Sevilla: organización y sistema contable. (1625-1650 Administrative and accounting organization of the Seville Cathedral. (1625-1650 Juan Lanero Fernández: El esplendor de la teneduría de libros: la partida doble en los tratados contables ingleses de la dinastia Tudor (1543-1588 Bookkeeping splendor: double-entry in the English accounting treatises at the time of the Tudor dynasty (1543-1588 María Llompart Bibiloni: Un análisis histórico-contable de la Procuración del Real Patrimonio en el Reino de Mallorca, período 1310-1330 An accounting historical análisis of the Royal Exchequer of the Kingdom of Mallorca (1310-1330

  17. Tendències de les publicacions informatives cientificomèdiques en l'era 2.0

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    González Pacanowski, Antonio


    Full Text Available En els últims anys ha crescut l'audiència que consulta continguts de salut en publicacions i mitjans a Internet, especialment a Europa i als Estats Units. S'ha passat d'un usuari d'Internet unidireccional en la comunicació a un escenari en el qual la multidireccionalitat i la instantaneïtat són constants. Els nous mitjans i la creació de plataformes d'intercanvi d'informació més especialitzada mostren que els recursos multimèdia i la interactivitat també poden donar-se en mitjans especialitzats i distants del públic general com ara informació sobre biomedicina i salut. Simultàniament, el canvi cap a actituds més solidàries i d'ajuda mútua aflora mitjançant les xarxes socials. Amb l'objectiu de traçar un escenari sobre el comportament de les audiències davant els continguts de caràcter científic, especialment els de tipus sanitari, s'analitzen en aquest treball els perfils i costums dels usuaris utilitzant referències estadístiques tant europees com nord-americanes. De la mateixa manera, s'identifica el mapa actual de cibermitjans relacionats amb la informació cientificomèdica segmentada en mitjans de comunicació generals, especialitzats i els propis del web 2.0, com ara blogs i mitjans cocreatius. Aquesta descripció permet orientar sobre les tendències que seguiran els públics diferents i segmentats, però ara interconnectats per les noves tecnologies, i sobre la transformació de l'arquitectura i les funcionalitats dels mitjans a Internet.En los últimos años ha crecido la audiencia que consulta contenidos de salud en publicaciones y medios en Internet, especialmente en Europa y Estados Unidos. Se ha pasado de un usuario de Internet unidireccional en la comunicación a un escenario en el que la multidireccionalidad y la instantaneidad son constantes. Los nuevos medios y la creación de plataformas de intercambio de información más especializada evidencian que los recursos multimedia y la interactividad tambi

  18. Personalidad y preferencias de uso en las redes sociales en línea


    Casado Riera, Carla


    Les dimensions dels cinc grans factors de la personalitat conegudes com Big Five (extraversió, neuroticisme, apertura, amabilitat i responsabilitat) s'han estudiat en relació als comportaments que tenen els usuaris a les xarxes socials en línia, específicament a Facebook. No obstant, Twitter i Instagram manquen de recerques en relació a l'estudi de la personalitat. Per això, aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en estudiar les preferències d'ús social, informatiu i professional a Twitter i Faceboo...

  19. Aprenentatge cooperatiu interdisciplinari i rúbriques per a la millora del procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge

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    Beatriz Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa


    Full Text Available L'adaptació dels títols a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES suposa l'ocasió de millorar l'educació integral dels alumnes, orientant les accions docents cap al desenvolupament de competències. L'adquisició de competències exigeix la incorporació de metodologies docents actives que permetin la generació enfront de la mera transmissió de coneixements. Així mateix, nombrosos estudis adverteixen de l'escassa transferència existent en els coneixements tractats en les assignatures quan es consideren de manera individual. El treball interdisciplinari constitueix una valuosa eina perquè els estudiants facin connexions, plantegin i trobin respostes a situacions problemàtiques i ajustin el seu aprenentatge a un coneixement integral. Pel que s'ha vist la necessitat de desenvolupar, en el currículum formatiu de l'alumne, aproximacions interdisciplinàries.Tenint en compte aquests aspectes, s'ha realitzat una experiència d'innovació docent universitària de caràcter interdisciplinari en la qual s'integren els continguts i competències de diverses assignatures per abordar el procés de solució de problemes econòmics. S'ha treballat la interdisciplinaritat amb tècniques d'aprenentatge cooperatiu. La interacció d’aquests aspectes és la raó por la quual hem denominat a l'experiència “Aprenentatge Cooperatiu Interdisciplinari” (ACI. L'avaluació de l'aprenentatge es realitza de forma individual, (mitjançant heteroevaluació i coevaluació, i grupal, (mitjançant rúbriques i coevaluació.Els resultats mostren diversos aspectes: 1 La metodologia ACI no solament permet formar en continguts sinó també en competències. 2 La interconnexió entre assignatures ha permès que els alumnes ajuste n els seus aprenentatges cap a un coneixement més integral. 3 La unió de les diferents innovacions docents ha repercutit positivament en la motivació de l'alumnat. 4 S'han assolit resultats d'aprenentatge positius en l'alumnat, majors

  20. Phenethyl Isothiocyanate Induces Apoptotic Cell Death Through the Mitochondria-dependent Pathway in Gefitinib-resistant NCI-H460 Human Lung Cancer Cells In Vitro. (United States)

    Hsia, Te-Chun; Huang, Yi-Ping; Jiang, Yi-Wen; Chen, Hsin-Yu; Cheng, Zheng-Yu; Hsiao, Yung-Ting; Chen, Cheng-Yen; Peng, Shu-Fen; Chueh, Fu-Shin; Chou, Yu-Cheng; Chung, Jing-Gung


    Some lung cancer patients treated with gefitinib develop resistance to this drug resulting in unsatisfactory treatment outcomes. Phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), present in our common cruciferous vegetables, exhibits anticancer activities in many human cancer cell lines. Currently, there is no available information on the possible modification of gefitinib resistance of lung cancer in vitro by PEITC. Thus, the effects of PEITC on gefitinib resistant lung cancer NCI-H460 cells were investigated in vitro. The total cell viability, apoptotic cell death, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Ca 2+ , levels of mitochondria membrane potential (ΔΨ m ) and caspase-3, -8 and -9 activities were measured by flow cytometry assay. PEITC induced chromatin condensation was examined by DAPI staining. PEITC-induced cell morphological changes, decreased total viable cell number and induced apoptotic cell death in NCI-H460 and NCI-H460/G cells. PEITC decreased ROS production in NCI-H460 cells, but increased production in NCI-H460/G cells. PEITC increased Ca 2+ production, decreased the levels of ΔΨ m and increased caspase-3, -8 and -9 activities in both NCI-H460 and NCI-H460/G cells. Western blotting was used to examine the effect of apoptotic cell death associated protein expression in NCI-H460 NCI-H460/G cells after exposure to PEITC. Results showed that PEITC increased expression of cleaved caspase-3, PARP, GADD153, Endo G and pro-apoptotic protein Bax in NCI-H460/G cells. Based on these results, we suggest that PEITC induces apoptotic cell death via the caspase- and mitochondria-dependent pathway in NCI-H460/G cells. Copyright© 2018, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.

  1. 77 FR 2734 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request: Solar Cell: A Mobile UV Manager for Smart Phones (NCI) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Proposed Collection; Comment Request: Solar Cell: A Mobile UV Manager for Smart Phones (NCI) SUMMARY: In compliance with the... Manager for Smart Phones (NCI). Type of Information Collection Request: New. Need and Use of Information...

  2. The generalizability of NCI-sponsored clinical trials accrual among women with gynecologic malignancies. (United States)

    Mishkin, Grace; Minasian, Lori M; Kohn, Elise C; Noone, Anne-Michelle; Temkin, Sarah M


    Enrollment of a representative population to cancer clinical trials ensures scientific reliability and generalizability of results. This study evaluated the similarity of patients enrolled in NCI-supported group gynecologic cancer trials to the incident US population. Accrual to NCI-sponsored ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer treatment trials between 2003 and 2012 were examined. Race, ethnicity, age, and insurance status were compared to the analogous US patient population estimated using adjusted SEER incidence data. There were 18,913 accruals to 156 NCI-sponsored gynecologic cancer treatment trials, ovarian (56%), uterine (32%), and cervical cancers (12%). Ovarian cancer trials included the least racial, ethnic and age diversity. Black women were notably underrepresented in ovarian trials (4% versus 11%). Hispanic patients were underrepresented in ovarian and uterine trials (4% and 5% versus 18% and 19%, respectively), but not in cervical cancer trials (14 versus 11%). Elderly patients were underrepresented in each disease area, with the greatest underrepresentation seen in ovarian cancer patients over the age of 75 (7% versus 29%). Privately insured women were overrepresented among accrued ovarian cancer patients (87% versus 76%), and the uninsured were overrepresented among women with uterine or cervical cancers. These patterns did not change over time. Several notable differences were observed between the patients accrued to NCI funded trials and the incident population. Improving representation of racial and ethnic minorities and elderly patients on cancer clinical trials continues to be a challenge and priority. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Regular paths in SparQL: querying the NCI Thesaurus. (United States)

    Detwiler, Landon T; Suciu, Dan; Brinkley, James F


    OWL, the Web Ontology Language, provides syntax and semantics for representing knowledge for the semantic web. Many of the constructs of OWL have a basis in the field of description logics. While the formal underpinnings of description logics have lead to a highly computable language, it has come at a cognitive cost. OWL ontologies are often unintuitive to readers lacking a strong logic background. In this work we describe GLEEN, a regular path expression library, which extends the RDF query language SparQL to support complex path expressions over OWL and other RDF-based ontologies. We illustrate the utility of GLEEN by showing how it can be used in a query-based approach to defining simpler, more intuitive views of OWL ontologies. In particular we show how relatively simple GLEEN-enhanced SparQL queries can create views of the OWL version of the NCI Thesaurus that match the views generated by the web-based NCI browser.

  4. La formació docent del professorat de la Universitat de Barcelona: satisfacció, transferència i impacte

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    Teresa Pagés Costas


    Full Text Available Aquest estudi analitza l'efecte que els programes de formació de l'Institut de Ciències de l'Educació (ICE de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB té sobre l'acció docent del professorat que rep aquesta formació. S'ha valorat la satisfacció del professorat sobre els cursos rebuts, el nivell de transferència dels coneixements adquirits a la docència i la seva repercussió en el rendiment acadèmic, en la motivació i en la participació dels estudiants. També s'analitzen les dificultats per transferir a la pràctica els coneixements i les habilitats adquirides en la formació. Els indicadors utilitzats per a la recollida i l'anàlisi de dades formen part del Sistema Intern de Garantia de Qualitat (SIGQ dels programes de formació de l'ICE de la UB. Les dades mostren una alta satisfacció del professorat amb la formació rebuda. Indiquen que els programes dissenyats afavoreixen l'adquisició de competències docents i proporcionen als professors una major capacitat per introduir canvis en la seva docència Aquests canvis repercuteixen en la millora del rendiment acadèmic, així com en la participació i motivació dels estudiants. La percepció que alguns aspectes organitzatius de la institució obstaculitzen la transferència és més gran en el professorat que ha rebut més formació. Així mateix es posa de manifest que el SIGQ és una bona eina per al seguiment i l'avaluació dels programes de formació, per al seu acreditar-los, i en conseqüència, per acreditar també el desenvolupament docent del professorat 

  5. Discurso de Posesión del Académico Doctor Zoilo Cuéllar Montoya.

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    Zoilo Cuéllar-Montoya


    Debieron pasar casi treinta años hasta que el Profesor Rafael Ucrós Durán fuera electo para presidir la Academia para un primer período, cargo que ocupó del 1º de septiembre de 1932 al 26 de junio de 1934 y, reelegido, junto con la totalidad de su Junta Directiva, continuó en la Presidencia de la Academia de esta fecha hasta el 3 de septiembre de 1936. Veinte años después, el Profesor Jorge E. Cavelier Jiménez, Bogotano de nacimiento, de prosapia gala y cartagenera, se hizo cargo de la Presidencia de la Academia, entre el 26 de octubre de 1956 y el 2 de abril de 1959 cuando, por reelección, continuó en el cargo hasta el 9 de marzo de 1961. Unos pocos años después, el 11 de marzo de 1965, se posesionó el ilustre radiólogo bogotano, el Profesor Gonzalo Esguerra Gómez, en la Presidencia de la Academia. Reelegido en dicho cargo, lo ocupó del 16 de marzo de 1967 al 13 de marzo de 1969. Había pasado un poco más de una década cuando, el 20 de marzo de 1980, el ilustre Profesor Doctor Hernando Groot Liévano, nuestro querido Secretario Perpetuo, ocupaba por primera vez la Presidencia de la Academia, para la cual fue reelecto y se posesionó, nuevamente, el 18 de febrero de 1982, cargo en el cual permaneció hasta el 9 de febrero de 1984...

  6. El doctor Moreno Pérez y el anopheles crucians

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available En el año de 1933, con ocasión del conflicto del Amazonas, el doctor Ignacio Moreno·Pérez trabajó como médico de sanidad en la hoya del río Caquetá. Prosiguiendo sus estudios sobre paludismo y mosquitos transmisores a que dedicó gran parte de su meritoria vida, practicó una inspección entomológica de las cercanías de Florencia, capital de la comisaria del Caquetá, y encontró una raza en aguas salobres de Anopheles crucians. El hallazgo comunicado por él en el informe de 1934 de la comisión de paludismo del valle del Magdalena, (Estudios de Paludismo en el Valle del Magdalena, Departamento Nacional de Higiene, Sección de Sanidad Rural, Bogotá editorial de "Cromos", 1934, despertó mucho interés y fué objeto de controversias, porque conforme a los estudios de Howard, Dyar y Knab (1917, la localización del Anopheles crucians era casi hiperbórea, por encima del paralelo 25 en la América del Norte y solamente se había logrado ver además en Cuba y Jamaica.

  7. Gardasil® and Cervarix® | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Vaccine for human papilloma virus (HPV) to protect from cancers Key elements of the technology for Gardasil® and Cervarix originated from the HPV research of the laboratory of Drs. Douglas Lowy and John Schiller of the NCI.

  8. Curcumin Inhibits Growth of Human NCI-H292 Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells by Increasing FOXA2 Expression

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    Lingling Tang


    Full Text Available Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC is a common histological lung cancer subtype, but unlike lung adenocarcinoma, limited therapeutic options are available for treatment. Curcumin, a natural compound, may have anticancer effects in various cancer cells, but how it may be used to treat LSCC has not been well studied. Here, we applied curcumin to a human NCI-H292 LSCC cell line to test anticancer effects and explored underlying potential mechanisms of action. Curcumin treatment inhibited NCI-H292 cell growth and increased FOXA2 expression in a time-dependent manner. FOXA2 expression was decreased in LSCC tissues compared with adjacent normal tissues and knockdown of FOXA2 increased NCI-H292 cells proliferation. Inhibition of cell proliferation by curcumin was attenuated by FOXA2 knockdown. Moreover inhibition of STAT3 pathways by curcumin increased FOXA2 expression in NCI-H292 cells whereas a STAT3 activator (IL-6 significantly inhibited curcumin-induced FOXA2 expression. Also, SOCS1 and SOCS3, negative regulators of STAT3 activity, were upregulated by curcumin treatment. Thus, curcumin inhibited human NCI-H292 cells growth by increasing FOXA2 expression via regulation of STAT3 signaling pathways.

  9. Drets lingüístics i ordenament constitucional. Seguretat lingüística vs jerarquia lingüística. Un estudi comparat de Suïssa i Espanya


    Tasa Fuster, Vicenta


    Aquesta tesi doctoral té com a objecte l’anàlisi comparat del tractament legal que reben les diferents llengües d’Espanya i de Suïssa en les constitucions i en la legislació respectives, tot considerant que Espanya i Suïssa són dos estats plurilingües i amb una organització territorial complexa. El treball és fet dins del Dret Constitucional; però té en compte també altres ciències socials, com ara la Ciència Política, la Teoria Política, anàlisi de les polítiques públiques o la sociolingüíst...

  10. Anàlisi de la mobilitat de l'estudiant universitari en el marc de l'Europa 2020 per al foment de l'ocupació i les competències genèriques. Un estudi de casos en la Universitat d'Oviedo

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    Javier Fombona Cadavieco


    Full Text Available Aquesta investigació analitza la percepció de l'estudiant universitari sobre els beneficis de la mobilitat estudiantil en l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior. Especialment atenem a l'anàlisi de competències genèriques que puguin atorgar més possibilitats en la recerca d'ocupació. Per això, abordem un estudi de casos a la Universitat d'Oviedo des d'una metodologia quantitativa prenent com a referència els objectius marcats en la iniciativa Europa 2020. Les conclusions donen resultats molt positius en competències interdisciplinars per a la recerca de feina, com ara el domini idiomàtic, el coneixement de noves societats i dels entorns professionals. 

  11. Suicide in doctors and wives of doctors. (United States)

    Sakinofsky, I


    This paper re-examines the widespread belief that doctors have a proneness for suicide greater than the general population. The Standardized Mortality Ratio for male physicians is 335 and for single women doctors 257. Doctors' wives have an even greater risk: their SMR is 458. These rates for doctors are higher than for most other professional groups (except pharmacists) and the rate for doctors' wives far exceeds that for wives of other professionals. The intrinsic causes of the physician's high occupational mortality include his knowledge of toxicology and ready access to lethal drugs, so that impulsive suicide is more often successful. Professional stress and overwork, particularly the unrelenting responsibility for decisions upon which the lives of others may depend, have been inculpated. These stresses interact with the decline in the doctors' self-respect and with a personality that is prestige-oriented and independent. Some physicians turn in their frustration to alcohol/and or drugs, accelerating the process of deterioration. The high suicide rate in doctors' wives appears to be the result of unrequited needs for caring and dependency which the doctors' career demands and personality deny them.

  12. Masculinity in the doctor's office: Masculinity, gendered doctor preference and doctor-patient communication. (United States)

    Himmelstein, Mary S; Sanchez, Diana T


    Mortality and morbidity data suggest that men have shorter life expectancies than women and outrank women on several leading causes of death. These gendered disparities may be influenced by psychosocial factors like masculinity. Three studies (Total N=546) examined the role of masculinity in men's doctor choices and doctor-patient interactions. In Studies 1 and 2, men completed measures of masculinity, gender bias, and doctor preference. Using structural equation modeling, we tested the direct relationship between masculinity and male doctor preference and the indirect relationship of masculinity on male doctor preference through an association with gendered competence stereotypes. Participants in Study 3 disclosed symptoms in private followed by disclosure to a male or female interviewer in a clinical setting. Using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), we examined the interaction among symptom reporting, masculinity and doctor gender, controlling for participant comfort. In Study 1, results suggested that masculinity encouraged choice of a male doctor directly and indirectly via beliefs that men make more competent doctors than women; Study 2 directly replicated the results of Study 1. In Study 3, independent of participant comfort, an interaction between interviewer gender and masculinity emerged such that men scoring higher on masculinity reported symptoms less consistently to male interviewers (relative to higher scoring men reporting to female interviewers); the reverse was found for men scoring low on masculinity. Taken together these studies suggest that masculinity may affect men's health by encouraging choice of a male doctor with whom doctor-patient communication may be impaired. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer: achievement and path forward. (United States)

    Ptak, Krzysztof; Farrell, Dorothy; Panaro, Nicholas J; Grodzinski, Piotr; Barker, Anna D


    Nanotechnology is a 'disruptive technology', which can lead to a generation of new diagnostic and therapeutic products, resulting in dramatically improved cancer outcomes. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) of National Institutes of Health explores innovative approaches to multidisciplinary research allowing for a convergence of molecular biology, oncology, physics, chemistry, and engineering and leading to the development of clinically worthy technological approaches. These initiatives include programmatic efforts to enable nanotechnology as a driver of advances in clinical oncology and cancer research, known collectively as the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer (ANC). Over the last 5 years, ANC has demonstrated that multidisciplinary approach catalyzes scientific developments and advances clinical translation in cancer nanotechnology. The research conducted by ANC members has improved diagnostic assays and imaging agents, leading to the development of point-of-care diagnostics, identification and validation of numerous biomarkers for novel diagnostic assays, and the development of multifunctional agents for imaging and therapy. Numerous nanotechnology-based technologies developed by ANC researchers are entering clinical trials. NCI has re-issued ANC program for next 5 years signaling that it continues to have high expectations for cancer nanotechnology's impact on clinical practice. The goals of the next phase will be to broaden access to cancer nanotechnology research through greater clinical translation and outreach to the patient and clinical communities and to support development of entirely new models of cancer care.

  14. Implementación del software libre en la web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales


    Ordóñez Nievas, Ramón; Contell Calabuig, Mari Carmen


    Es descriu el projecte de disseny i implementació del web de la Biblioteca Pública de Palma Can Sales per mitjà d'un sistema de gestió de continguts open source que permeti integrar les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació, obtenir un major grau d'accessibilitat i usabilitat i un disseny visual més amigable, acord amb les noves tendències web. S'incorporen les noves eines web 2.0 per aconseguir una major participació dels usuaris en l'elaboració dels continguts i millorar així els...

  15. University strategy for doctoral training: the Ghent University Doctoral Schools. (United States)

    Bracke, N; Moens, L


    The Doctoral Schools at Ghent University have a three-fold mission: (1) to provide support to doctoral students during their doctoral research, (2) to foster a quality culture in (doctoral) research, (3) to promote the international and social stature and prestige of the doctorate vis-a-vis potential researchers and the potential labour market. The Doctoral Schools offer top-level specialized courses and transferable skills training to doctoral students as part of their doctoral training programme. They establish mechanisms of quality assurance in doctoral research. The Doctoral Schools initialize and support initiatives of internationalization. They also organize information sessions, promotional events and interaction with the labour market, and as such keep a finger on the pulse of external stakeholders.

  16. How You Can Partner with NIH | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    NCI Technology Transfer Center (TTC) provides an array of agreements to support the National Cancer Institute's partnering. Deciding which type of agreement to use can be a challenge: CRADA, MTA, collaboration, agreement, CTA, Materials-CRADA

  17. History of the Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ) | EGRP/DCCPS/NCI/NIH (United States)

    Learn about the evolution of the Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ), developed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) initially in 2001, to the DHQ II in 2010, up to the present version, DHQ III, launched in 2018.

  18. Russian delegation visits NIH and NCI to discuss research collaboration (United States)

    The NCI Center for Global Health hosted a delegation from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research to discuss ongoing and future collaborations in cancer research. The delegation was accompanied by representatives from the US Embassy in Moscow and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Washington DC.

  19. NIH Employee Invention Report (EIR) | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    NIH researchers must immediately contact their Laboratory or Branch Chief and inform him or her of a possible invention, and then consult with your NCI TTC Technology Transfer Manager about submitting an Employee Invention Report (EIR) Form. | [google6f4cd5334ac394ab.html

  20. Vertebrados marinos del neógeno del suroeste de la Península Ibérica


    Toscano Grande, Antonio


    Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio de los vertebrados marinos presentes en las formaciones del Mioceno y Plioceno del SO de la Cuenca del Guadalquivir en la provincia de Huelva, sus aspectos evolutivos e implicaciones paleoecológicas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten definir con mayor resolución la evolución de los ecosistemas litorales y marinos del SO de la Península Ibérica durante el Neógeno superior. Durante esta época, las dos principales vías de comunicación entre el océano Atlánti...

  1. Transformaciones del Estado y las nuevas exigencias del control de la corrupción: transparencia fiscal, control administrativo y control social


    Mileski, Helio Saul


    [ES] Tesis doctoral sobre las transformaciones del Estado y las nuevas exigencias del control de la corrupción: transparencia fiscal, control administrativo y control social. [EN] Dissertation on the transformations of the state and the new demands of control of corruption: fiscal transparency, administrative control and social control.

  2. CellMiner: a relational database and query tool for the NCI-60 cancer cell lines

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    Reinhold William C


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Advances in the high-throughput omic technologies have made it possible to profile cells in a large number of ways at the DNA, RNA, protein, chromosomal, functional, and pharmacological levels. A persistent problem is that some classes of molecular data are labeled with gene identifiers, others with transcript or protein identifiers, and still others with chromosomal locations. What has lagged behind is the ability to integrate the resulting data to uncover complex relationships and patterns. Those issues are reflected in full form by molecular profile data on the panel of 60 diverse human cancer cell lines (the NCI-60 used since 1990 by the U.S. National Cancer Institute to screen compounds for anticancer activity. To our knowledge, CellMiner is the first online database resource for integration of the diverse molecular types of NCI-60 and related meta data. Description CellMiner enables scientists to perform advanced querying of molecular information on NCI-60 (and additional types through a single web interface. CellMiner is a freely available tool that organizes and stores raw and normalized data that represent multiple types of molecular characterizations at the DNA, RNA, protein, and pharmacological levels. Annotations for each project, along with associated metadata on the samples and datasets, are stored in a MySQL database and linked to the molecular profile data. Data can be queried and downloaded along with comprehensive information on experimental and analytic methods for each data set. A Data Intersection tool allows selection of a list of genes (proteins in common between two or more data sets and outputs the data for those genes (proteins in the respective sets. In addition to its role as an integrative resource for the NCI-60, the CellMiner package also serves as a shell for incorporation of molecular profile data on other cell or tissue sample types. Conclusion CellMiner is a relational database tool for

  3. Like a Good Neighbor, NCI-Frederick Is There | Poster (United States)

    The main campus of the National Cancer Institute at Frederick is an island of sorts: 68 acres of land that was once part of Fort Detrick. Accessing NCI property means passing through the Fort Detrick gates and crossing the post. While the campus is surrounded by the military installation, is protected by NIH police, and doesn’t allow the use of tobacco products, it is not a

  4. In Memoriam Doctor Marcel Gutiérrez-Correa (1952-2017

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    Gretty K. Villena


    Full Text Available El Doctor Marcel Gutiérrez-Correa, gran Maestro, reconocido científico, y Padre de la Biotecnología en el País, fue Profesor Principal del Departamento de Biología en la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNALM. Se graduó de Biólogo en la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM y obtuvo el grado de Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. en Ciencias Agrícolas-Biotecnología por la Gifu University, Japón. Fue Fundador y Director hasta su partida, del Laboratorio de Micología y Biotecnología de la UNALM, dedicando su vida a la investigación científica durante 41 años ininterrumpidos. Fue Académico de Número en la Academia Nacional de Ciencias. Su excelencia académica y científica es equiparable a su calidad humana y grandeza de espíritu. Valoró su condición de Profesor Universitario, como un Título Nobiliario, al que honró hasta el final de sus días. Este artículo está dedicado a la memoria del Profesor Marcel, con eterno agradecimiento, a quién fue mi Maestro y mi referente académico, y quién seguirá siendo a través de mi testimonio y el de sus alumnos, modelo de inspiración para las generaciones futuras.

  5. NCI designated cancer center funding not influenced by organizational structure. (United States)

    Wolfe, Margaret E; Yagoda, Daniel; Thurman, Paul W; Luna, Jorge M; Figg, William Douglas


    National Cancer Institutes (NCI) designated cancer centers use one of three organizational structures. The hypothesis of this study is that there are differences in the amount of annual NCI funding per faculty member based on a cancer center's organizational structure. The study also considers the impact of secondary factors (i.e., the existence of a clinical program, the region and the size of the city in which the cancer center is located) on funding and the number of Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigators at each cancer center. Of the 63 cancer centers, 44 use a matrix structure, 16 have a freestanding structure, and three have a Department of Oncology structure. Kruskal-Wallis tests reveal no statistically significant differences in the amount of funding per faculty member or the number of HHMI investigators between centers with a matrix, freestanding or Department of Oncology structure. Online research and telephone interviews with each cancer center were used to gather information, including: organizational structure, the presence of a clinical program, the number of faculty members, and the number of Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators. Statistical tests were used to assess the impact which organizational structure has on the amount of funding per faculty member and number of HHMI investigators. While the results seem to suggest that the organizational structure of a given cancer center does not impact the amount of NCI funding or number of HHMI investigators which it attracts, the existence of this relationship is likely masked by the small sample size in this study. Further studies may be appropriate to examine the effect organizational structure has on other measurements which are relevant to cancer centers, such as quality and quantity of research produced.

  6. Doctors on display: the evolution of television's doctors. (United States)

    Tapper, Elliot B


    Doctors have been portrayed on television for over 50 years. In that time, their character has undergone significant changes, evolving from caring but infallible supermen with smoldering good looks and impeccable bedside manners to drug-addicted, sex-obsessed antiheroes. This article summarizes the major programs of the genre and explains the pattern of the TV doctors' character changes. Articulated over time in the many permutations of the doctor character is a complex, constant conversation between viewer and viewed representing public attitudes towards doctors, medicine, and science.

  7. [Influence of patients' attitude on doctors' satisfaction with the doctor-patient relationship]. (United States)

    Xie, Zheng; Qiu, Ze-qi; Zhang, Tuo-hong


    To describe the doctors' satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship and find out the influencing factors of the patients, gathering evidence to improve the doctor-patient relationship. This study was a cross-sectional study, in which doctors and nurses in 10 hospitals of Beijing, Shandong and Chongqing were surveyed with structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The mean score of the doctors' satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship was 59.97, which was much lower than the patients'. The patients' socio-demographic characteristics, social economic status (SES) and behavior characteristics influence the interaction of the doctors and the patients. The doctors' satisfaction of the doctor-patient relationship was influenced by the patients' trust. The doctors' perspective is helpful to define the tension and the cause of the doctor-patient relationship. The patients' characteristics have important influence on the doctor-patient relationship. It's necessary to take action on the patients to improve the doctor-patient relationship.

  8. Investigation of internalization and cytotoxicity of 125I-[Tyr3]-octreotide in NCI-H446 cell line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Junjie; Fan Wo; Xu Yujie; Zhang Youjiu; Zhu Ran; Hu Mingjiang


    Objective: To investigate the [Tyr 3 ]-octreotide (TOC) internalizing capacity of NCI-H446 cell line, and the cytotoxicity of 125 I-TOC in NCI-H446 cell line. To assess the therapeutic radiopharmaceutical potentiality of 125 I-TOC for the somatostatin receptor (SSTR) positive tumor. Methods: NCI-H446 cells were incubated together with 125 I-TOC for different periods of time, the amount of internalized 125 I-TOC and the 125 I-TOC bound on the cellular nucleus were detected with γ counter, respectively. The viability of the cells was analyzed by a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay at different time points with various doses of 125 I-TOC, free 125 I and TOC. Results: 125 I-TOC was internalized into the nucleus and bound on the nucleus in a time-dependent manner. 125 I-TOC bound on the nucleus increased to the highest level at 24 h, the amount of nucleus bound 125 I-TOC at 24 h was 7 times higher than that at 0.5 h. Cytotoxicity of 125 I-TOC in SSTR positive NCI-H446 cells was also dose- and time-dependent. The supreme effect of cytotoxicity was found at 96 h with 74 kBq 125 I-TOC, the survival ratio of cells was reduced to (44.8 ± 7.2)%. Conclusions: 125 I-TOC can be internalized into SSTR positive cells mediated by SSTR. The NCI-H446 cells can be killed by Auger electron emitting from 125 I-TOC. Effect of cytotoxicity showed dose- and time-dependent

  9. Responsabilidad profesional del arquitecto en el marco europeo: propuesta de integración común del seguro de responsabilidad civil


    Herrera Medina, Víctor


    Es por ello que proponemos esta Tesis Doctoral, que en primer lugar realice un análisis exhaustivo del Estado del Arte actual del marco de la Responsabilidad del arquitecto en Europa, estudiando de forma comparada esta realidad y su evolución en el Continente, para posteriormente proponer una regulación concreta y homogénea a todos los países de la Unión. Este estudio busca, por tanto, realizar ese análisis de la heterogeneidad profesional arquitectónica, con el fin de comprender las diferenc...

  10. Experiències de realitat augmentada en biblioteques : estat de la qüestió

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    Arroyo Vázquez, Natalia


    Full Text Available Objectiu: donar a conèixer les experiències més significatives d'ús de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques, amb una especial atenció als resultats obtinguts, les aportacions i les limitacions que s'han de tenir en compte. -- Metodologia: revisió bibliogràfica, selecció i anàlisi d'experiències sobre l'ús de realitat augmentada en biblioteques. -- Resultats: tot i ser una tecnologia recent, són diversos els exemples d'ús de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques. No obstant això, es fa necessari donar a conèixer els resultats d'aquestes experiències, de manera que puguin servir no solament com a model, sinó també per conèixer què és el que funciona. Es presenta als professionals un catàleg d'usos de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques, dels quals s'analitzen de forma crítica els possibles beneficis i limitacions, i s'agrupen en set apartats segons la utilitat: geolocalització, contextualització històrica, exposicions i altres activitats, publicacions, enriquiment dels espais físics, alfabetització i ludificació i, finalment, usos professionals.Objetivo: dar a conocer las experiencias más significativas de uso de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas, con una especial atención a los resultados obtenidos, las aportaciones y las limitaciones que se deben tener en cuenta. -- Metodología: revisión bibliográfica, selección y análisis de experiencias sobre el uso de realidad aumentada en bibliotecas. -- Resultados: a pesar de ser una tecnología reciente, son varios los ejemplos de uso de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas. Sin embargo, se hace necesario dar a conocer los resultados de dichas experiencias, de forma que puedan servir no solo como modelo, sino también para conocer qué es lo que funciona. Se presenta a los profesionales un catálogo de usos de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas, analizados de forma crítica sus posibles beneficios y limitaciones, agrupados en siete apartados según la utilidad

  11. Experiències de realitat augmentada en biblioteques : estat de la qüestió

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    Arroyo Vázquez, Natalia


    Full Text Available Objectiu: donar a conèixer les experiències més significatives d'ús de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques, fent una especial atenció als resultats obtinguts, les aportacions i les limitacions que s'han de tenir en compte. -- Metodologia: revisió bibliogràfica, selecció i anàlisi d'experiències sobre l'ús de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques. -- Resultats: malgrat ser una tecnologia recent, els exemples d'ús de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques són diversos. No obstant això, es fa necessari donar a conèixer els resultats d'aquestes experiències, de manera que puguin servir no solament com a model, sinó també per conèixer què és el que funciona. Es presenta als professionals un catàleg d'usos de la realitat augmentada en biblioteques, dels quals s'analitzen de forma crítica els possibles beneficis i limitacions, i s'agrupen en set apartats segons la utilitat: geolocalització, contextualització històrica, exposicions i altres activitats, publicacions, enriquiment dels espais físics, alfabetització i ludificació i, finalment, usos professionals.Objetivo: dar a conocer las experiencias más significativas de uso de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas, con una especial atención a los resultados obtenidos, las aportaciones y las limitaciones que se deben tener en cuenta. -- Metodología: revisión bibliográfica, selección y análisis de experiencias sobre el uso de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas. -- Resultados: a pesar de ser una tecnología reciente, son varios los ejemplos de uso de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas. Sin embargo, se hace necesario dar a conocer los resultados de dichas experiencias, de forma que puedan servir no solo como modelo, sino también para conocer qué es lo que funciona. Se presenta a los profesionales un catálogo de usos de la realidad aumentada en bibliotecas, analizados de forma crítica sus posibles beneficios y limitaciones, agrupados en siete apartados según la

  12. Consideraciones acerca de la opinión del profesor Ben Karpman sobre psicodiagnóstico y psicoterapia del criminal

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    Luis Jaime Sánchez


    Full Text Available Lanzado al público de las ciencias psíquicas por "The Mental Science Publishing", ha aparecido una trascendente monografía del doctor Ben Karpman, profesor de psiquiatría en la Universidad de Howard, sobre examen psicológico del criminal. Atiende al libro que mencionó un particular y básico interés profesional, y este motivo me lleva a examinar con alguna detención la idea conductiva del psiquiatra norteamericano.

  13. Best Performers Announced for the NCI-CPTAC DREAM Proteogenomics Computational Challenge | Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (United States)

    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) is pleased to announce that teams led by Jaewoo Kang (Korea University), and Yuanfang Guan with Hongyang Li (University of Michigan) as the best performers of the NCI-CPTAC DREAM Proteogenomics Computational Challenge. Over 500 participants from 20 countries registered for the Challenge, which offered $25,000 in cash awards contributed by the NVIDIA Foundation through its Compute the Cure initiative.

  14. Direct cortical hemodynamic mapping of somatotopy of pig nostril sensation by functional near-infrared cortical imaging (fNCI). (United States)

    Uga, Minako; Saito, Toshiyuki; Sano, Toshifumi; Yokota, Hidenori; Oguro, Keiji; Rizki, Edmi Edison; Mizutani, Tsutomu; Katura, Takusige; Dan, Ippeita; Watanabe, Eiju


    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a neuroimaging technique for the noninvasive monitoring of human brain activation states utilizing the coupling between neural activity and regional cerebral hemodynamics. Illuminators and detectors, together constituting optodes, are placed on the scalp, but due to the presence of head tissues, an inter-optode distance of more than 2.5cm is necessary to detect cortical signals. Although direct cortical monitoring with fNIRS has been pursued, a high-resolution visualization of hemodynamic changes associated with sensory, motor and cognitive neural responses directly from the cortical surface has yet to be realized. To acquire robust information on the hemodynamics of the cortex, devoid of signal complications in transcranial measurement, we devised a functional near-infrared cortical imaging (fNCI) technique. Here we demonstrate the first direct functional measurement of temporal and spatial patterns of cortical hemodynamics using the fNCI technique. For fNCI, inter-optode distance was set at 5mm, and light leakage from illuminators was prevented by a special optode holder made of a light-shielding rubber sheet. fNCI successfully detected the somatotopy of pig nostril sensation, as assessed in comparison with concurrent and sequential somatosensory-evoked potential (SEP) measurements on the same stimulation sites. Accordingly, the fNCI system realized a direct cortical hemodynamic measurement with a spatial resolution comparable to that of SEP mapping on the rostral region of the pig brain. This study provides an important initial step toward realizing functional cortical hemodynamic monitoring during neurosurgery of human brains. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  15. ¿Debería realizar la tesis doctoral?: una retrospectiva compartida

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    González Geraldo, J.L.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo desnuda el proceso de tesis doctoral, a la luz del incipiente Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES, a través de enfoque en el que el propio autor es, al mismo tiempo, la muestra. A través de tres partes claramente diferenciadas, se expondrán los pasos que conforman el proceso general de investigación de una tesis doctoral para, después, comprobar su disección desde un doble prisma: externo e interno. Las reflexiones que deriven de su lectura deberían de ser de especial interés para futuros doctorandos y directores de tesis, pues muestran el inicio, desarrollo y gestación de una tesis que, objetivamente, puede ser considerada como una buena práctica para comenzar, o al menos plantearse realizar, una tesis doctoral, especialmente, en relación con el ámbito educativo.

  16. NCI and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Sign Statement of Intent (United States)

    Today the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Cancer Institute/Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CICAMS) signed a statement of intent to share an interest in fostering collaborative biomedical research in oncology and a common goal

  17. Patient-doctor relationship: the practice orientation of doctors in Kano. (United States)

    Abiola, T; Udofia, O; Abdullahi, A T


    Attitude and orientation of doctors to the doctor-patient relationship has a direct influence on delivery of high quality health- care. No study to the knowledge of these researchers has so far examined the practice orientation of doctors in Nigeria to this phenomenon. The aims of this study were to determine the orientation of Kano doctors to the practice of doctor-patient relationship and physicians' related-factors. Participants were doctors working in four major hospitals (i.e., two federal-owned and two state-owned) servicing Kano State and its environs. The Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) and a socio-demographic questionnaire were completed by the 214 participants. The PPOS has 18 items and measures three parameters of a total score and two dimension of "sharing" and "caring". The mean age of participants was 31.72 years (standard deviation = 0.87), with 22% being females, 40.7% have been practicing for ≥ 6 years and about two-third working in federal-owned health institution. The Cronbach's alpha of total PPOS scores was 0.733 and that of two sub-scale scores of "sharing" and "caring" were 0.659 and 0.546 respectively. Most of the doctors' orientation (92.5%) was towards doctor-centered (i.e., paternalistic) care, majority (75.2%) upheld the view of not sharing much information and control with patients, and showing little interest in psychosocial concerns of patients (i.e., 'caring'=93.0%). Respondents' characteristics that were significantly associated with high doctor 'caring' relationship orientation were being ≥ 30-year-old and practicing for ≥ 6 years. Working in State-owned hospitals was also significantly associated with high doctor "sharing" orientation. This paper demonstrated why patient-centered medical interviewing should be given top priority in medical training in Nigeria, and particularly for federal health institutions saddled with production of new doctors and further training for practicing doctors.

  18. Comentario al margen del artículo estenosis malignas del estómago


    Gaitán Yanguas, Mario


    Leyendo la magnífica contribución que con el título anotado publicaron los doctores Jácome, Gutierrez, Parra, Forero y Medina en la página 214 del volumen 22 de la Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, encontré que dicen los autores que "entre los 301 casos de estenosis malignas del estómago observados en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología no se encuentra ningún caso" de sarcoma gástrico, y que todos corresponden a carcinomas (escamosos ó glandulares). Sin embargo, existen en los archivos...

  19. NCI's national environmental research data collection: metadata management built on standards and preparing for the semantic web (United States)

    Wang, Jingbo; Bastrakova, Irina; Evans, Ben; Gohar, Kashif; Santana, Fabiana; Wyborn, Lesley


    National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) manages national environmental research data collections (10+ PB) as part of its specialized high performance data node of the Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) program. We manage 40+ data collections using NCI's Data Management Plan (DMP), which is compatible with the ISO 19100 metadata standards. We utilize ISO standards to make sure our metadata is transferable and interoperable for sharing and harvesting. The DMP is used along with metadata from the data itself, to create a hierarchy of data collection, dataset and time series catalogues that is then exposed through GeoNetwork for standard discoverability. This hierarchy catalogues are linked using a parent-child relationship. The hierarchical infrastructure of our GeoNetwork catalogues system aims to address both discoverability and in-house administrative use-cases. At NCI, we are currently improving the metadata interoperability in our catalogue by linking with standardized community vocabulary services. These emerging vocabulary services are being established to help harmonise data from different national and international scientific communities. One such vocabulary service is currently being established by the Australian National Data Services (ANDS). Data citation is another important aspect of the NCI data infrastructure, which allows tracking of data usage and infrastructure investment, encourage data sharing, and increasing trust in research that is reliant on these data collections. We incorporate the standard vocabularies into the data citation metadata so that the data citation become machine readable and semantically friendly for web-search purpose as well. By standardizing our metadata structure across our entire data corpus, we are laying the foundation to enable the application of appropriate semantic mechanisms to enhance discovery and analysis of NCI's national environmental research data information. We expect that this will further

  20. Ressonàncies en plasmons sobre grafè


    Alcaraz Iranzo, David


    Treball final de màster oficial fet en col·laboració amb Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Universitat de Barcelona (UB) i Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ICFO) [ANGLÈS] Graphene is used as a novel, versatile plasmonic material. The most common way to implement resonant light-plasmon coupling is to etch graphene into periodic nanostructures, which is invasive. Here, we study a non-invasive way to engineer graphene plasmon resonances, based on periodic doping profiles. The plasmon r...

  1. Craig Reynolds, Ph.D., to Retire as NCI Associate Director for Frederick | Poster (United States)

    On December 2, Craig Reynolds, Ph.D., director, Office of Scientific Operations, and NCI associate director for Frederick, will put the finishing touches on a 37-year career with the National Cancer Institute.

  2. The doctor(s) in house: an analysis of the evolution of the television doctor-hero. (United States)

    Strauman, Elena C; Goodier, Bethany C


    The medical drama and its central character, the doctor-hero have been a mainstay of popular television. House M.D. offers a new (and problematic) iteration of the doctor-hero. House eschews the generic conventions of the "television doctor" by being neither the idealized television doctor of the past, nor the more recent competent but often fallible physicians in entertainment texts. Instead, his character is a fragmented text which privileges the biomedical over the personal or emotional with the ultimate goal of scientifically uncovering and resolving instances of disease. This article examines the implicit and explicit messages in House M.D. and critically analyzes both the show and its lead character in relation to the traditional medical drama genre that highlights the "doctor-hero" as the central character. While at first House seems to completely violate narrative and generic norms, ultimately the program provides a new form that reinforces the presence of the doctor-hero, but highlights House's character as the central figure who is personally and interpersonally problematic but biomedically effective.

  3. La Hospitalitat Kantiana i la crisi dels refugiats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Aparicio


    Full Text Available Davant situacions de crisis (siguin aquestes de caire personal, social o polític els humans acostumem a cercar referents que ens ajudin a transitar-les i, a ser possible, a superar-les. Sovint, aquestes referències no resulten suficientment útils per a superar la situació de crisi viscuda, però si més no (ni que sigui per permetre albirar una solució alternativa acostumen a ser un ancoratge on recolzar les nostres decisions. És en aquest sentit que, la recuperació del tractat de Kant sobre La pau perpètua adquireix plena actualitat. La greu crisi humanitària que està vivint Europa en els darrers mesos, amb milers de persones que fugen de l’horror de la guerra als seus països i que truquen a la porta del vell continent a la recerca de la oportunitat d’una vida millor, o de vegades senzillament d’una vida, està posant de manifest la incapacitat (o el que és més greu, la indiferència dels governs europeus. Aquella Europa, bressol de la democràcia, del naixement i reconeixement de drets i llibertats civils i polítiques afronta la gestió de la crisi dels refugiats amb una clara i flagrant vulneració dels drets humans d’aquestes persones.

  4. New Phone System Coming to NCI Campus at Frederick | Poster (United States)

    By Travis Fouche and Trent McKee, Guest Writers Beginning in September, phones at the NCI Campus at Frederick will begin to be replaced, as the project to upgrade the current phone system ramps up. Over the next 16 months, the Information Systems Program (ISP) will be working with Facilities Maintenance and Engineering and Computer & Statistical Services to replace the current

  5. Perfil biográfico del canonista Juan Josef Alfranca y Castellote (1754-1817, rector del colegio de Bolonia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Astorgano Abajo, Antonio


    Full Text Available Juan Jose Alfranca y Castellote (Zaragoza, 8.III.1754 – Cuevas de Cañart [Teruel], 1817 of nobleman origin, doctor in canon laws by the universities of Zaragoza and Bolonia, wassuccesfully, schoolboy and rector of Saint Clement school for Spaniards in Bolonia (1780,1788, Mayor of crime in the courthouse of Seville, listener and one of the foundersof the Royal Courthouse of Extremadura (1791, and doctoral canon and then ecclesiastical governor of the Teruel diocese during the French invasion (1812. In this essay, the stages of his vital road are highlighted, as well as the features of his personality which are characterized by his uprightness and deep law knowledge and by his reformist and well educated atitude, as he made clear in the cross-examination to the Llerena Perty (1791.Juan José Alfranca y Castellote (Zaragoza, 8.III.54 – ¿Cuevas de Cañart? [Teruel], 1817, de origen infanzón, doctor en Cánones por las universidades de Zaragoza y Bolonia, fue sucesivamente, colegial y rector del Colegio de San Clemente de Españoles de Bolonia (1780-1788, alcalde del crimen de la Audiencia de Sevilla, oidor y uno de los fundadores de la Real Audiencia de Extremadura (1791 y canónigo doctoral y gobernador eclesiástico de la diócesis de Teruel durante la ocupación francesa (1812. En el presente trabajo se ponen de relieve las etapas de su trayectoria vital, así como los rasgos de su personalidad, caracterizada por su rectitud y profundos conocimientos jurídicos, y por su actitud reformista e ilustrada, como puso de manifiesto en el Interrogatorio del Partido de Llerena (1791.

  6. Académico Doctor Francisco Antonio Carmona Marulanda – (1919-2007.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoilo Cuéllar-Montoya


    En el curso de su valiosa vida se le distinguió con la Medalla de Honor al Mérito Administrativo de la Gobernación de Caldas y, en 1966, mereció una Mención de Honor en el Premio Academia Nacional de Medicina. El Doctor Carmona ingresó a la Academia Nacional de Medicina, el 22 de julio de 2004, con el trabajo titulado “Suicidio” y, con posterioridad a su ingreso, propuso al Presidente Cuellar-Montoya la creación de un Grupo para el estudio de la prevención del suicidio, propuesta que éste aceptó inmediatamente. Meses después, de dicho grupo surgió el de Salud Mental de la Academia, que tanta actividad y tantos aportes ha dado, no sólo a la Corporación, sino al país entero: entre el 2005 y el 2006, el Grupo colaboró con la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz en el aspecto técnico, favoreciendo así los diálogos del Alto Comisionado, Doctor Luís Carlos Restrepo, con los grupos alzados en armas y la preparación de programas para ayudar a la estabilización de dicha reincorporación a la vida civil. Desde su ingreso a la Academia, Carmona fue un fiel y puntual asistente a las sesiones y demás actividades de la Corporación...

  7. The effect of the doctor's sex on the doctor-patient relationship


    Gray, Judith


    The differences between male and female doctors are investigated, and what patients expect from their doctors is examined. Some conclusions are drawn from the preferences which patients express for male and female doctors and from the different outcomes of male and female doctor-patient interactions.

  8. Building doctoral ecologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard


    heavily from the support from informal and extra-curricular researcher communities and non-formal support systems even beyond the institution in the private and societal lifeworlds. The chapter describes and analyses such forms of organizational and existential darkness within doctoral education...... and professionalization of doctoral education, with Graduate schools increasing in size and organizational complexity. Paradoxically, we see in contemporary research into doctoral students’ learning experiences that the students do not favour the formalized support systems and supervision, but on the contrary draw most......, and discusses how institutions and doctoral programmes could use such sprawling spaces for learning to build doctoral ecologies and to strengthening existentially based pedagogies within doctoral education....

  9. Análisis morfométrico de poblaciones : un estudio cuantitativo de las neuronas del NGLD del talamo del conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.)


    Carmona Martos, Ramón


    La determinacion del numero forma y distribucion de los elementos que forman parte de una estructura resulta para la histología y la estereologia uno de los problemas mas difíciles de resolver al entender de reconocidos autores tales como weibel y cruz-orive. el estudio que se realiza en esta tesis doctoral sienta las bases para la resolución practica de tal problema mediante un sistemaoperativo conseguido a partir de la conjunción de los aspectos teoricos del temay de una serie de procedi...

  10. Choose your doctorate. (United States)

    Jolley, Jeremy


    The development of education options for nurses has been inexorable and it is increasingly the case that senior nurses are considering a doctorate as the logical next step in their educational career. Such individuals need to make important decisions as to whether they should embark on a taught doctorate, professional doctorate or a traditional PhD. Each of these options will necessitate a considerable investment in time and money as well as the sacrifice of quality time and spare time over a significant number of years. A doctorate is not for everyone. Those still reading this text may be asking 'could this possibly be for me'? This paper will try to help the reader decide which if any option to take. It is suggested that nurses will now turn to the doctoral degree as their next adventure in academic study. It is argued that this development is not being controlled by management forces and indeed cannot be controlled by them. This last is chiefly because the move towards doctoral education is led by individuals who choose to study for a doctorate simply because they can. The paper considers what choices are available to nurses who wish to pursue a doctoral programme of study. In particular, this paper considers what new developments in doctoral courses are becoming available and what advantage there may be in studying for one of the newer professional doctorates rather than a traditional PhD. The material here is the result of a review of the literature on recent developments in doctoral education for nurses. The existing provision by UK and other universities was also reviewed, the data being collected by an informal review of universities' advertising material. It is inevitable that some nurses who are already qualified to degree and masters degree will take advantage of the doctoral degree opportunities which now newly present themselves. For nurses in practice, the advantages of the professional doctorate is that it is more structured, enables more peer and

  11. La comunicación del cambio climático: análisis del discurso de los telediarios españoles sobre las cumbres de Cancún y Durban


    Águila Coghlan, Juan Carlos


    Como parte de los requisitos para optar al grado de Doctor en Comunicación, Cambio Social y Desarrollo, se ha realizado una tesis doctoral cuyo título es “La comunicación del Cambio Climático: Análisis del Discurso de los Telediarios Españoles sobre las Cumbres de Cancún y Durban”. Este estudio se ha desarrollado en cinco partes consistentes en cinco capítulos y cinco anexos La Primera Parte se refiere al Marco Teórico, que en el Capítulo 1 comprende cuatro puntos principales: 1.Comunicación ...

  12. A Gene-Based Prognostic for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient Response to Adjuvant Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The gold standard of care for hepatocellular carcinoma patients with intermediate- to locally advanced tumors is transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), a procedure whereby the tumor is targeted both with local chemotherapy and restriction of local blood supply. NCI scientists have identified a 14-gene signature predictive of response to TACE, and NCI seeks licensees or co-development partners to develop the technology toward commercialization.

  13. It’s Easy to Recycle at NCI at Frederick | Poster (United States)

    From 2013 through the first quarter of 2018, NCI at Frederick has recycled over 1,667 tons of material, while incinerating or landfilling over 4,273 tons of trash. This earns us a recycling rate close to 28 percent, which is below the national average of 32 percent, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, and well below our goal of 50 percent. (These numbers only

  14. Doctors on display: the evolution of television's doctors


    Tapper, Elliot B.


    Doctors have been portrayed on television for over 50 years. In that time, their character has undergone significant changes, evolving from caring but infallible supermen with smoldering good looks and impeccable bedside manners to drug-addicted, sex-obsessed antiheroes. This article summarizes the major programs of the genre and explains the pattern of the TV doctors' character changes. Articulated over time in the many permutations of the doctor character is a complex, constant conversation...

  15. Radiographers as doctors: A profile of UK doctoral achievement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snaith, B.; Harris, M.A.; Harris, R.


    Introduction: Radiography aspires to be a research active profession, but there is limited information regarding the number of individuals with, or studying for, a doctoral award. This study aims to profile UK doctoral radiographers; including their chosen award, approach and employment status. Method: This was a prospective cohort study utilising an electronic survey. No formal database of doctoral radiographers existed therefore a snowball sampling method was adopted. The study sample was radiographers (diagnostic and therapeutic) based in the UK who were registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and who held, or were studying for, a doctoral award. Results: A total of 90 unique responses were received within the timescale. The respondents comprised 58 females (64.4%) and the majority were diagnostic radiographers (n = 71/90; 78.9%). The traditional PhD was the most common award, although increasing numbers were pursuing Education or Professional Doctorates. An overall increase in doctoral studies is observed over time, but was greatest amongst those working in academic institutions, with 63.3% of respondents (n = 57/90) working solely within a university, and a further 10% employed in a clinical–academic role (n = 9/90). Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that radiography is emerging as a research active profession, with increasing numbers of radiographers engaged in study at a doctoral level. This should provide a platform for the future development of academic and clinical research. - Highlights: • 90 radiographers were identified as holding, or studying for, a doctoral award. • The PhD is the most common award. • EdD and professional doctorates are increasing in popularity. • Academic staff were more likely to pursue such research training.

  16. La Transició Forestal a Catalunya. Causes socioeconòmiques i efectes ambientals. Evolució del paisatge agroforestal a la Catalunya Central (1868-2005)


    Cervera Zaragoza, Teresa


    Bibliografia. Aquesta tesi tracta sobre l'estudi de la Transició Forestal (TF) a Catalunya i de les forces motrius i els efectes ambientals dels canvis en el paisatge agroforestal al llarg de la història. Es parteix del supòsit que la TF a Catalunya ha seguit les mateixes tendències que a la resta de països de la Mediterrània, amb dos grans cicles de signe clarament oposat: una etapa de creixent desforestació, des de mitjans de segle XIX fins el primer terç del segle XX, seguida per una al...

  17. La responsabilidad social corporativa de las marcas globales y sus efectos en la conducta del consumidor: un estudio del sector moda rápida.


    Rivera Alcamí, José Javier


    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de las Marcas Globales y sus Efectos en la Conducta del Consumidor: un Estudio del Sector Moda Rápida. Esta tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo principal, diseñar y contrastar empíricamente un modelo de relaciones causales, que analiza los efectos en la conducta del consumidor de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC), de las marcas globales. Los efectos, en la conducta del consumidor, se analizan a partir de la percepción de marca global, y a trav...

  18. Analysis of 125I-[Tyr3] octreotide receptors of NCI-H466 cell line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Junjie; Fan Wo; Xu Yujie; Zhang Youjiu; Zhu Ran


    Objective: To study the affinity of small cell lung carcinoma to [Tyr 3 ] octreotide (TOC). Methods: Taking 125 I-[Tyr 3 ] octreotide (labeled by chloramine-T method), as the ligand, small cell lung carcinoma NCI-H466 cell line was inspected for the receptor-binding points and affinity constant. Results: The radio-chemical purity of 125 I-TOC purified through sephadex G-10 was higher than 95%. Receptor analysis study showed that the expression of somatostatin receptors on NCI-H446 cells was numerous (Bmax = 1.17 x 10 5 /cell) with strong affinity to 125 I-TOC (Kd = 0.56 nM). Conclusion: Labeled TOC could be used for small cell lung carcinoma receptor imaging and radio-pharmaceutical therapy

  19. Evaluación de tesis doctoral en la escuela de post grado de la UNA - Puno


    Supo Condori, Felipe


    La investigación titulada "Evaluación de Tesis Doctoral en la Escuela de Post Grado de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno" responde a la interrogante de carácter general ¿Cuál es el nivel de calidad de las tesis del Programa de Doctorado sustentadas durante los años 2009 al 2010 en la Escuela de Post Grado de la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano de Puno en relación a los aspectos académicos expresados en la aplicación de la rigurosidad epistemológica y metodológica de la investiga...

  20. [The motivation to become a medical doctor - doctoral students in a formal academic study program compared with those pursuing their doctorate independently]. (United States)

    Pfeiffer, M; Dimitriadis, K; Holzer, M; Reincke, M; Fischer, M R


    Weight and quality of medical doctoral theses have been discussed in Germany for years. Doctoral study programs in various graduate schools offer opportunities to improve quality of medical doctoral theses. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate distinctions and differences concerning motivation, choice of subject and the dissertation process between doctoral candidates completing the doctoral seminar for doctoral students in the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich and doctoral candidates doing their doctorate individually. All 4000 medical students of the LMU obtained an online-questionnaire which was completed by 767 students (19 % response rate). The theoretical framework of this study was based upon the Self-Determination-Theory by Deci and Ryan. Doctoral candidates completing the doctoral study program were more intrinsically motivated than doctoral candidates doing their doctorate individually; no difference was found in their extrinsic motivation. In regard to choice of subject and dissertation process the doctoral students in the seminar were distinguished from the individual group by having chosen a more challenging project. They anticipated a demanding dissertation process including conference participation, publishing of papers, etc. Intrinsic motivation correlates positively with choosing a challenging project and a demanding dissertation process. High intrinsic motivation seems to be very important for autonomous scholarly practice. Our results suggest that doctoral study programs have a positive impact on intrinsic motivation and interest in research. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  1. Program Spotlight: Ground Broken for NCI-supported Cancer Treatment Center in Puerto Rico (United States)

    Dr. Sanya A. Springfield represented NCI at the groundbreaking ceremonies for the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) cancer hospital. In her remarks, she acknowledged the driving force behind this development is the UPR and the MD Anderson Cancer Center partnership.

  2. Softball Games Bring NCI and Leidos Biomed Employees Together | Poster (United States)

    NCI and Leidos Biomed employees took to the fields at Nallin Pond for the third annual slow-pitch softball games on August 26. The series attracted 54 employees who were divided into four teams, Red, Blue, Gray, and White, and they were cheered on by about 40 enthusiastic spectators. In the first set of games, the Gray team defeated the Blue team, 15–8, and the White team

  3. Doctoral Women: Managing Emotions, Managing Doctoral Studies (United States)

    Aitchison, Claire; Mowbray, Susan


    This paper explores the experiences of women doctoral students and the role of emotion during doctoral candidature. The paper draws on the concept of emotional labour to examine the two sites of emotional investment students experienced and managed during their studies: writing and family relationships. Emotion is perceived by many dominant…

  4. Webgrafia al voltant del ciberplagi. Referències a la xarxa sobre el ciberplagi acadèmic

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    Jaume Sureda


    Full Text Available En aquest article es proporcionen les fonts de documentació que hi ha a internet i que poden aportar al lector que hi estigui interessat un coneixement més profund de qualsevol de les cares, les arestes i els vèrtexs del polièdric fenomen del plagi acadèmic entre l'alumnat. Text complet (PDFDossier complet (PDF

  5. La traducción del humor del alemán al castellano. Un análisis contrastivo-traductológico de la versión castellana del cómic "Kleines Arschloch" de Walter Moers


    Ponce Márquez, Nuria


    Los objetivos de esta Tesis Doctoral son:a) Identificar la enorme repercusión del texto origen (TO) en el mercado germanoparlante y anglófono en contraposición a la escasez de éxito comercial del texto meta (TM) en el mercado hispanoparlante. b) Analizar los factores externos a la traducción que pueden haber influido en la escasez de repercusión del TM en el mercado hispanoparlante realizando una consulta a la editorial encargada de su traducción al castellano.

  6. Vaccines for HIV | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The development of an effective HIV vaccine has been an ongoing area of research. The high variability in HIV-1 virus strains has represented a major challenge in successful development. Ideally, an effective candidate vaccine would provide protection against the majority of clades of HIV. Two major hurdles to overcome are immunodominance and sequence diversity. This vaccine utilizes a strategy for overcoming these two issues by identifying the conserved regions of the virus and exploiting them for use in a targeted therapy. NCI seeks licensees and/or research collaborators to commercialize this technology, which has been validated in macaque models.

  7. Doctor Ramón Luis Miranda Torres, su relación con las neurociencias


    Hodelín Tablada,Ricardo


    Objetivo: en el presente trabajo se reseña la relación del doctor Ramón Luis Miranda con las neurociencias, dirigido a destacar su inclinación por estas disciplinas. Desarrollo: conocido en la historiografía médica como el médico de José Martí el apóstol cubano el doctor Ramón Luis Miranda Torres, se destacó en otros aspectos poco divulgados, por lo que opinamos que no se le ha otorgado su verdadera dimensión. Nacido en la ciudad de Matanzas, Cuba, estudió medicina en Francia y desde sus años...

  8. La modernización del Japón


    rikiwo Shikama


    RESUMEN El autor presenta de forma general una visión del proceso de modernización del Japón. El significado importante de la Revolución Meiji, haciendo alusión al contexto en el cual ésta se desarrolló. Hace un análisis comparativo de la China y Japón derivado de las tesis del doctor Reischaver, catedrático de la universidad de Harvard. Resalta la importancia que tuvo en el proceso de modernización las características específicas del régimen Feudad Japonés, y el alto nivel de alfabet...

  9. NCI's High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Computing Platform for Environmental and Earth System Data Science (United States)

    Evans, Ben; Allen, Chris; Antony, Joseph; Bastrakova, Irina; Gohar, Kashif; Porter, David; Pugh, Tim; Santana, Fabiana; Smillie, Jon; Trenham, Claire; Wang, Jingbo; Wyborn, Lesley


    The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) has established a powerful and flexible in-situ petascale computational environment to enable both high performance computing and Data-intensive Science across a wide spectrum of national environmental and earth science data collections - in particular climate, observational data and geoscientific assets. This paper examines 1) the computational environments that supports the modelling and data processing pipelines, 2) the analysis environments and methods to support data analysis, and 3) the progress so far to harmonise the underlying data collections for future interdisciplinary research across these large volume data collections. NCI has established 10+ PBytes of major national and international data collections from both the government and research sectors based on six themes: 1) weather, climate, and earth system science model simulations, 2) marine and earth observations, 3) geosciences, 4) terrestrial ecosystems, 5) water and hydrology, and 6) astronomy, social and biosciences. Collectively they span the lithosphere, crust, biosphere, hydrosphere, troposphere, and stratosphere. The data is largely sourced from NCI's partners (which include the custodians of many of the major Australian national-scale scientific collections), leading research communities, and collaborating overseas organisations. New infrastructures created at NCI mean the data collections are now accessible within an integrated High Performance Computing and Data (HPC-HPD) environment - a 1.2 PFlop supercomputer (Raijin), a HPC class 3000 core OpenStack cloud system and several highly connected large-scale high-bandwidth Lustre filesystems. The hardware was designed at inception to ensure that it would allow the layered software environment to flexibly accommodate the advancement of future data science. New approaches to software technology and data models have also had to be developed to enable access to these large and exponentially

  10. Os Doutores da Alegria na unidade de internação pediátrica: experiências da equipe de enfermagem Los Doctores de la Alegría en una unidad pediátrica de internación: experiencias del equipo de enfermería The Clown Doctors in a pediatric unit of internment: experiences of the nursing staff

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    Roberta Ramos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O estudo enfoca a experiência da equipe de enfermagem com a atuação dos Doutores da Alegria na unidade de internação pediátrica, tendo como objetivos: descrever os conhecimentos da equipe de enfermagem quanto à atuação dos Doutores da Alegria e analisar as experiências da equipe de enfermagem quanto a esta atuação. O estudo é de natureza qualitativa, e os sujeitos do estudo foram dez membros da equipe de enfermagem. Para a abordagem dos sujeitos, foi utilizada a entrevista não diretiva em grupo. Constata-se que a maioria das depoentes conhece a atuação dos Doutores da Alegria, sendo possível evidenciar reações e benefícios durante a hospitalização da criança, bem como a tríade de relações entre palhaços, mãe acompanhante e equipe de enfermagem. Conclui-se que os palhaços atuam como agentes facilitadores, atentando para o fato de que brincadeiras e brinquedos constituem recursos que podem/devem ser utilizados no contexto hospitalar, acarretando novos significados ao cuidar.El estudio enfoca la experiencia del equipo de enfermería con los Doctores de la Alegría en una unidad pediátrica de internación, teniendo como objetivos: describir el conocimiento del equipo de enfermería cuanto a de la actuación de los Doctores de la Alegría y analizar las experiencias del equipo de enfermería cuanto a ellos. Estudio de naturaleza cualitativa, y los sujetos fueron diez miembros del equipo de enfermería Para el abordaje de los sujetos fue usado entrevista no directiva en grupo. Constatase que la mayoría de los deponentes conocían la actuación de los Doctores de la Alegría, siendo posible evidenciar reacciones y ventajas durante la hospitalización del niño, tan bien como la tríada de relaciones entre los payasos, la madre acompañando y el equipo de enfermería. Se concluye que los payasos actúan como agentes facilitadores, dando atención para el hecho de que trampeas y juguetes constituyen los recursos, de los

  11. Understanding Your Cancer Prognosis (United States)

    Understanding Your Cancer Prognosis is the main video in the NCI Prognosis Video Series, which offers the perspectives of three cancer patients and their doctor, an oncologist who is also a national expert in doctor-patient communication.

  12. Concepción y estructuras diferentes del doctorado para formar investigadores.

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    Edmundo Resenos Díaz


    Full Text Available El Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias, con especialidad en ciencias administrativas, de la Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN hasta 1995 era de tipo escolarizado, por asignaturas. El tiempo promedio que consumían los alumnos para concluir el  programa y graduarse era de 11 años. En ese año, el IPN autorizó, de manera oficial, establecer el programa reestructurado, nuevo para nuestro ambiente en esa época. Los objetivos principales del programa fueron: a formar investigadores, b incrementar la eficiencia terminal. Los supuestos, hipótesis y estrategias principales que sustentaban la propuesta fueron:   - El grado de Doctor en Ciencias es el nivel más elevado de educación formal que existe en el sistema de educación nacional y del mundo.   - Los aspirantes que ingresan al programa ya son autodidactas, al menos, saben estudiar por cuenta propia, ostentan un grado de maestría, por lo tanto, pueden adquirir por sí mismos todos los conocimientos, los que les falten o necesiten para culminar su formación.   - Los investigadores se forman haciendo investigación, no asistiendo al aula a escuchar profesores doctos que les trasmiten sus conocimientos y experiencias.   - La práctica hace al investigador, no los ejercicios y prácticas escolares diseñadas por la experiencia de diversos profesores, que simulan en aula escenarios de la realidad a investigar.   - El desarrollo de competencias y aptitudes del Doctor en ciencias.   - La calidad se logra con la interdisciplinaridad e interinstitucionalidad nacional.   Los resultados principales han sido: a graduar investigadores con grado de Doctor en Ciencias en un tiempo promedio de 4 años; b el incremento de eficiencia terminal ha sido del 275%, de julio de 1995 a agosto de 2003 se han graduado 46 doctores. Esta autoevaluación del programa de doctorado proporciona evidencias de la contribución a la generación de un nuevo paradigma de

  13. NCI and the Chinese National Cancer Center pursue new collaborations in cancer research (United States)

    CGH Director, Dr. Ted Trimble, and East Asia Program Director, Dr. Ann Chao, traveled to Beijing with Mr. Matthew Brown from the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs to attend the Joint Meeting of the NCC and the U.S. NCI.

  14. Factores determinantes del rendimiento en el ejercicio de dominadas y efectos del entrenamiento concurrente de fuerza y resistencia


    Sánchez Moreno, Miguel


    Programa de Doctorado en Actividad Física, Rendimiento Deportivo y Salud En la presente Tesis Doctoral se abordan una serie de problemáticas relacionadas, por una parte, con la mejora del entendimiento sobre aquellos factores que pueden ser determinante para el rendimiento en el ejercicio de dominadas y por otra parte, sobre cuestiones relacionadas con la influencia que puede tener la realización de dos grados de esfuerzo durante el entrenamiento de fuerza del miembro inferior sobre el re...

  15. Doctors in Balzac's work. (United States)

    Moulin, Thierry


    Balzac wrote his novels during a time of great literary and scientific change. Romanticism gave way to the school of realism, of which Balzac could be considered the founder. It was via realism, where both the positive and negative aspects of life were depicted, that doctors naturally gained a much more active role in novels. In conjunction with this was the development of science and medicine, which fascinated Balzac, also leading to the significant and prevalent role of doctors in his works. His fascination with the sciences led to him to gain many acquaintances and much knowledge in the medical domain, especially in neuropsychiatry and physiology. His fictional doctors, such as Desplein and Bianchon, thus demonstrate considerable knowledge of pathology, physiology, and neuropsychiatry. The doctors in Balzac's novels can be grouped into four categories: provincial doctors, Parisian doctors, country doctors, and military doctors. They were most often fictitious representations of real individuals (e.g. Guillaume Dupuytren), and often symbolize schools of thought which were in vogue at the time. In addition to the accurate scientific depiction of doctors, it must be noted that his doctors not only played an active role in clinically assessing their patients, but also had a sociological role in assessing society; it is through his doctors that Balzac gave his opinion of the world in which he lived. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  16. Ratio Based Biomarkers for the Prediction of Cancer Survival | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The NCI seeks licensees or co-development partners for this technology, which describes compositions, methods and kits for identifying, characterizing biomolecules expressed in a sample that are associated with the presence, the development, or progression of cancer.

  17. Doctors Today

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Murphy, JFA


    Doctors’ relationship with patients and their role in society is changing. Until the 1960s doctors concentrated on the welfare of patients with less emphasis placed on patients’ rights1. Over recent decades there has been increasing empowerment of the individual across all facets of society including health care. Doctors continue to be perceived as having expertise and authority over medical science. Patients, however, now hold sway over questions of values or preferences. We all must be aware of this change in the doctor- patient interaction. We need to be more aware of the outcomes that patients view as important. The concept of shared decision-making with the patient is now widely appreciated. The process involves a change in mind set particularly for doctors who trained in an earlier era.

  18. Cost incentives for doctors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schottmüller, Christoph


    If doctors take the costs of treatment into account when prescribing medication, their objectives differ from their patients' objectives because the patients are insured. This misalignment of interests hampers communication between patient and doctor. Giving cost incentives to doctors increases...... welfare if (i) the doctor's examination technology is sufficiently good or (ii) (marginal) costs of treatment are high enough. If the planner can costlessly choose the extent to which doctors take costs into account, he will opt for less than 100%. Optimal health care systems should implement different...... degrees of cost incentives depending on type of disease and/or doctor....

  19. Mission & Role | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The NCI TTC serves as the focal point for implementing the Federal Technology Transfer Act to utilize patents as incentive for commercial development of technologies and to establish research collaborations and licensing among academia, federal laboratories, non-profit organizations, and industry. The TTC supports technology development activities for the National Cancer Institute and nine other NIH Institutes and Centers. TTC staff negotiate co-development agreements and licenses with universities, non-profit organizations, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to ensure compliance with Federal statutes, regulations and the policies of the National Institutes of Health. TTC also reviews employee invention reports and makes recommendations concerning filing of domestic and foreign patent applications. | [google6f4cd5334ac394ab.html

  20. Informe sobre el manuscrito "Resultados del examen de las primeras 5.000 muestras de higado humano obtenidas en Colombia para estudio de la fiebre amarilla", trabajo original presentado a la Academia Nacional de Medicina por el doctor Augusto Gast-Galvis

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    Luis Patiño Camargo


    Full Text Available Señor Presidente, señores Académicos: Por ausencia del académico Profesor Franco, la presidencia me encomendó el estudio de una comunicación presentada a la Academía de Medicina, por el mérito doctor Augusto Gast-Galvis. Cumplo con el deber de rendir el informe reglamentario.

  1. Informe sobre el manuscrito "resultados del examen de las primeras 5.000 muestras de higado humano obtenidas en colombia para estudio de la fiebre amarilla", trabajo original presentado a la academia nacional de medicina por el doctor augusto gast-galvis


    Patiño Camargo, Luis


    Señor Presidente, señores Académicos: Por ausencia del académico Profesor Franco, la presidencia me encomendó el estudio de una comunicación presentada a la Academía de Medicina, por el mérito doctor Augusto Gast-Galvis. Cumplo con el deber de rendir el informe reglamentario.

  2. NCI at Frederick Employees Receive Awards at the Spring Research Festival | Poster (United States)

    NCI and Frederick National Laboratory staff members were among those honored at the Spring Research Festival Awards Ceremony on May 28. The ceremony was the culmination of the festival, which was sponsored by the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR), May 4–7. Maj. Gen. Brian Lein, commanding general, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command

  3. Silica-Coated Nanodiamonds for Imaging and Delivery of Therapeutic Agents | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    The NCI Radiation Oncology Branch and the NHLBI Laboratory of Single Molecule Biophysics seek parties to co-develop fluorescent nanodiamonds for use as in vivo and in vitro optical tracking probes toward commercialization.

  4. 76 FR 14034 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request; NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory Web-Based... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Proposed Collection; Comment Request; NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory Web-Based Application Form and Update Mailer Summary: In... Cancer Genetics Services Directory Web-based Application Form and Update Mailer. [[Page 14035

  5. Interpersonal perception in the context of doctor-patient relationships: a dyadic analysis of doctor-patient communication. (United States)

    Kenny, David A; Veldhuijzen, Wemke; Weijden, Trudy van der; Leblanc, Annie; Lockyer, Jocelyn; Légaré, France; Campbell, Craig


    Doctor-patient communication is an interpersonal process and essential to relationship-centered care. However, in many studies, doctors and patients are studied as if living in separate worlds. This study assessed whether: 1) doctors' perception of their communication skills is congruent with their patients' perception; and 2) patients of a specific doctor agree with each other about their doctor's communication skills. A cross-sectional study was conducted in three provinces in Canada with 91 doctors and their 1749 patients. Doctors and patients independently completed questions on the doctor's communication skills (content and process) after a consultation. Multilevel modeling provided an estimate of the patient and doctor variance components at both the dyad-level and the doctor-level. We computed correlations between patients' and doctors' perceptions at both levels to assess how congruent they were. Consensus among patients of a specific doctor was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The mean score of the rating of doctor's skills according to patients was 4.58, and according to doctors was 4.37. The dyad-level variance for the patient was .38 and for the doctor was .06. The doctor-level variance for the patient ratings was .01 and for the doctor ratings, .18. The correlation between both the patients' and the doctors' skills' ratings scores at the dyad-level was weak. At the doctor-level, the correlation was not statistically significant. The ICC for patients' ratings was .03 and for the doctors' ratings .76. Overall, this study suggests that doctors and their patients have a very different perspective of the doctors' communication skills occurring during routine clinical encounters. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Re-Imagining Doctoral Education: Professional Doctorates and beyond (United States)

    Lee, Alison; Brennan, Marie; Green, Bill


    Portents of the demise of the Professional Doctorate have emerged in some recent policy and institutional circles in Australia, raising questions about the meaning and relevance of the Professional Doctorate in an era of "league tables" and research assessment in Australia. This article argues that such portents, based largely on narrow…

  7. Patient-Doctor relationship. between sign supremacy and sympton exclusion La relación médico paciente: entre la supremacía del signo y la exclusión del síntoma

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    Julio Eduardo Hoyos Zuluaga


    Full Text Available This text approaches a central point of the medical act, namely, the construction of a diagnostic judgement starting from the basis of medical semiology: recognition of signs and symptoms. Nevertheless, in our work along with medical doctors, we have observed ever more frequently that there is an objectivation attempt that privileges signs, since supposedly they do not deceive; this latter characteristic is attributed to symptoms from the time of Hipocrates. To demonstrate this a brief historical journey is carried out for the construction of the medical sign, as well as a parallel between this and the linguistic sign, in order to arrive at what we denominate misunderstanding with the patient. We try to point out how the patient’s being, that could be listened in the symptom, is excluded in favor of observation of the sign. El texto aborda un punto central del acto médico, como es el de la construcción de un juicio diagnóstico a partir de la puesta en acción de la propedéutica médica: reconocimiento de signos y síntomas. No obstante, en nuestro trabajo al lado de los médicos, hemos observado cómo cada vez más hay un intento de objetivación en el acto, que privilegia al signo, en tanto se supone que no engaña, carácter que sí se le atribuye al síntoma desde tiempos de Hipócrates. Para demostrar esto se realiza inicialmente un breve recorrido histórico por la construcción del signo médico, así como por un paralelo entre éste y el signo lingüístico, para arribar a lo que denominamos los desencuentros con el paciente. Allí intentamos señalar cómo el ser del paciente que podría escucharse en el síntoma es excluido, en favor a la observación del signo.



    Simon, Steven L.


    The U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI, National Institutes of Health) was requested by the U.S. Congress in 2004 to assess the number of radiation-related illnesses to be expected among the people of the Marshall Islands from nuclear tests conducted there during 1946-1958. A thorough analysis conducted by the NCI concluded that 20 of the 66 nuclear devices tested in or near the Marshall Islands resulted in measurable fallout deposition on one or more of the inhabited atolls of the Marshall ...

  9. Doctors and pharmaceutical industry. (United States)

    Beran, Roy G


    The pharmaceutical industry is seen as seducing doctors by providing expensive gifts, subsidising travel and underwriting practice expenses in return for those doctors prescribing products that otherwise they would not use. This paints doctors in a very negative light; suggests doctors are available to the highest bidder; implies doctors do not adequately act as independent agents; and that doctors are driven more by self-interest than by patient needs. Similar practices, in other industries, are accepted as normal business behaviour but it is automatically assumed to be improper if the pharmaceutical industry supports doctors. Should the pharmaceutical industry withdraw educational grants then there would be: fewer scientific meetings; reduced attendance at conferences; limited post graduate education; and a depreciated level of maintenance of professional standards. To suggest that doctors prescribe inappropriately in return for largesse maligns their integrity but where there is no scientific reason to choose between different treatments then there can be little argument against selecting the product manufactured by a company that has invested in the doctor and the question arises as to whether this represents bad medicine? This paper will examine what constitutes non-professional conduct in response to inducements by the pharmaceutical industry. It will review: conflict of interest; relationships between doctors and pharma and the consequences for patients; and the need for critical appraisal before automatically decrying this relationship while accepting that there remain those who do not practice ethical medicine.

  10. Relat del VII Congrés Internacional sobre Internet, Dret i Política: Neutralitat de la Xarxa i dret a l'oblit

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    Javier de la Cueva González-Cotera


    Full Text Available

    Els dies 11 i 12 de juliol del 2011 es va celebrar a Barcelona el VII Congrés Internacional sobre Internet, Dret i Política que es va centrar en els dos temes principals de la neutralitat de la Xarxa i el dret a l'oblit. A més d'aquests continguts, els autors hi van exposar ponències relacionades amb l'última problemàtica jurídica i política l'objecte de la qual és Internet. En aquest article es fa una crònica no exhaustiva del congrés, incloses les conclusions del relator al final de cada jornada.

  11. Paracytosis of Haemophilus influenzae through cell layers of NCI-H292 lung epithelial cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Schilfgaarde, M.; van Alphen, L.; Eijk, P.; Everts, V.; Dankert, J.


    Haemophilus influenzae penetrates the respiratory epithelium during carriage and invasive disease, including respiratory tract infections. We developed an in vitro model system consisting of lung epithelial NCI-H292 cells on permeable supports to study the passage of H. influenzae through lung

  12. NCI Requests Targets for Monoclonal Antibody Production and Characterization | Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (United States)

    In an effort to provide well-characterized monoclonal antibodies to the scientific community, NCI's Antibody Characterization Program requests cancer-related protein targets for affinity production and distribution. Submissions will be accepted through July 9, 2012.

  13. Wanted--doctors who care. (United States)

    Lovdal, L T; Pearson, R


    A study was conducted to determine what consumers value in doctors' behavior. Results indicate that consumers in the sample population studied prefer doctors who are friendly and caring as well as those who are technically competent. However, these respondents reported less favorable opinions about doctors' friendliness (i.e., affective behavior) than they did about doctors' competence (i.e., instrumental behavior).

  14. Conocimiento didáctico del contenido en la enseñanza del campo eléctrico

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    Jaime Duván Reyes Roncancio


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta resultados de investigación correspondientes a la tesis doctoral en educación en ciencias titulada “Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido (CDC en profesores de física en formación inicial: el caso de la enseñanza del campo eléctrico”. El enfoque metodológico cualitativo utilizado fundamentó la aplicación de una encuesta y una entrevista semiestructurada, así como el análisis de contenido del plan de aula de un profesor de física en el prácticum. La triangulación de la información obtenida a partir de estos instrumentos permitió constituir el caso de la enseñanza del campo eléctrico desde la caracterización del CDC del profesor de física, proceso en el cual se utiliza como referencia una matriz estilo hipótesis de progresión y el uso de metáforas.

  15. Australian doctors and the visual arts. Part 3. Doctor-artists in Victoria. (United States)

    Hamilton, D G


    The contribution of doctors to the visual arts is being discussed in a series of six articles. The first two articles dealt with doctors and the visual arts in New South Wales. In this, the third, doctor-artists in Victoria are discussed.

  16. Microsoft Office 365 Deployment Continues through June at NCI at Frederick | Poster (United States)

    The latest Microsoft suite, Office 365 (O365), is being deployed to all NCI at Frederick computers during the months of May and June to comply with federal mandates. The suite includes the latest versions of Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Skype for Business, along with cloud-based capabilities. These cloud-based capabilities will help meet the federal mandates that

  17. Relat del Congrés IDP 2012

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    Ignacio Alamillo Domingo


    Full Text Available

    Aquest article conté el relat del VIII Congrés Internet, Dret i Política, organitzat per la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i que va tenir lloc a les instal·lacions del CosmoCaixa a Barcelona els dies 9 i 10 de juliol de 2012.

    En el Congrés, amb la temàtica de l'entreteniment en línia com a fil conductor, hi va haver tres ponències principals, dues taules de debat i la presentació de vint-i-vuit comunicacions, agrupades en quatre grans dominis: propietat intel·lectual, comerç electrònic i joc en línia, govern i polítiques reguladores, i privadesa.

    Les intervencions del Congrés, molt diverses, han posat de manifest una transformació important del model de relacions a internet, que afecta el substrat sociològic en el qual es va basar el disseny de normes com la propietat intel·lectual, la formalització contractual de les relacions de consum i la protecció de dades personals i altres drets fonamentals, de manera que es pot anticipar la necessitat de més regulació i més bona, realista i equilibrada: més harmonitzada dins de la Unió Europea, i més ben coordinada amb la legislació dels Estats Units, sense renunciar als principis i drets constitucionals de la nostra tradició.

  18. Puerto Rico NCI Community Oncology Research Program Minority/Underserved | Division of Cancer Prevention (United States)

    The Puerto Rico NCI Community Oncology Research Program (PRNCORP) will be the principal organization in the island that promotes cancer prevention, control and screening/post-treatment surveillance clinical trials. It will conduct cancer care delivery research and will provide access to treatment and imaging clinical trials conducted under the reorganization of the National

  19. Neoplasia Intraepitelial Cervical grado II y III: Estudio morfométrico de sus diferencias y relación con el Virus del Papiloma Humano


    Carrasco García, Miguel Ángel


    El propòsit del nostre treball és valorar morfomètricament les diferències existents entre la Neoplàsia Intraepitelial Cervical (CIN) grau 2 i 3, així com el tipus de Virus del Papil·loma Humà (VPH) present, estudiat mitjançant Hibridació in situ.Hem estudiat 66 peces quirúrgiques d'exèresi del coll uterí de pacients amb diagnòstic histològic de CIN 2 i 82 de CIN 3. Hem demostrat amb el nostre estudi que la superfície afectada en el coll cervical per CIN 3 és significativament més gran que la...

  20. El texto narrativo en la clínica psicoanalítica del síntoma de aprendizaje del lenguaje: un análisis estructural

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    Gláucia Grohs


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta datos de uno de los estudios desarrollados en la tesis doctoral "El texto narrativo como intervención terapéutica en problemas del lenguaje escrito en la adolescencia: el análisis estructural del texto narrativo producido en psicoterapia de orientación psicoanalítica". Se demuestra a partir de este análisis la posibilidad de utilizar el texto narrativo como instrumento de intervención y medida de resultados en investigación en psicoterapia en la clínica del adolescente que trata síntomas en el aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito.

  1. Non-EEA-doctors in EEA-countries: doctors or cleaners?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herfs, Paul; Kater, L.; Haalboom, J.R.E.


    Background: Migration of non-EEA doctors to EEA-countries has become a common phenomenon. As coordination within the EEA has not yet been established, every EEA-country is re-inventing the wheel of assessment of foreign medical degrees and developing additional programmes for non-EEA doctors. There

  2. La recerca sobre el parc rural de la Torre Negra: oportunitats per a la reforma ambiental de Sant Cugat del Vallès.


    Llerena del Castillo, Germán; Espinet Blanch, Mariona; Martín-Aragón Navazo, Aitana; Fisher Sabrià, Kevin


    Amb aquest article es fa un balanç de les aportacions fetes per recerques universitàries a l’Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) al voltant del parc rural de la Torre Negra. Les recerques són de naturalesa educativa i territorial, posant en valor per primer cop l’agricultura per una ciutat que ha deixat de ser pagesa per esdevenir un símbol de qualitat de vida urbana. Una primera recerca (Martín-Aragón i Espinet, 2007), realitzada com a treball de final de carrera de Ciències Ambi...

  3. La modernización del Japón

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    rikiwo Shikama


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El autor presenta de forma general una visión del proceso de modernización del Japón. El significado importante de la Revolución Meiji, haciendo alusión al contexto en el cual ésta se desarrolló. Hace un análisis comparativo de la China y Japón derivado de las tesis del doctor Reischaver, catedrático de la universidad de Harvard. Resalta la importancia que tuvo en el proceso de modernización las características específicas del régimen Feudad Japonés, y el alto nivel de alfabetización, que supuso una mayor capacidad  para absorber y asimilar la cultura occidental.

  4. Conceptos espaciales en una 'political ecology' de extractivismo aurífero, partiendo del caso de Marmato, Colombia


    Pignolet, Thierry


    Este papel es un trabajo sobre la apropriación de conceptos espaciales en la definición del problema de investigación doctoral (sobre una 'political ecology' de extractivismo aurífero, partiendo del caso de Marmato, en Colombia), en el contexto del Seminario complementario I del Doctorado en ciencias sociales (semestre 2017-2) de la Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA), Colombia.

  5. Leonardo de Vinci, el pregonero del porvenir

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    Ernesto Cortés Ahumada


    Full Text Available Marcha de frailes, de chantres, de gonfalonieros, de miembros del Consejo de los Ochenta, de canónigos, de doctores y maestros de teología, de caballeros del capitán Bargello, de trompeteros y maceros. ¡Arre, arre! Adentro: las mandolinas, los tableros de ajedrez, los cuadros excitantes, los dibujos que parecen estallar en aromas y en contactos inefables, las mujeres livianas, los bustos de los dioses paganos, de los héroes , de los filósofos, esculpidos en madera y arcilla.

  6. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to Your Doctor , National Eye Institute (NEI) Español Aging Planning Your Doctor Visit , Videos: Talking ... A Guide for Older People , National Institute on Aging (NIA) Talking With Your Doctor Presentation Toolkit , National ...

  7. La tècnica de l’itinerari didàctic en la formació inicial del professorat: reconstrucció d’una experiència

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    José Cantó Doménech


    Full Text Available El present article té com a objectiu analitzar críticament el procés i els resultats d’una experiència d’innovació docent realitzada al curs 2013-2014 conjuntament per tres assignatures de les àrees de didàctica de les ciències experimentals i les ciències socials al quart curs del Grau de Mestre en Educació Infantil. El seu objectiu principal ha estat proporcionar eines teòriques i pràctiques al futur professorat d’infantil per a la utilització de la tècnica de l’itinerari didàctic en aquest nivell educatiu. Entenem que els resultats obtinguts incideixen en la potencialitat educativa de la tècnica de l’itinerari didàctic, en les virtuts de l’aprenentatge autònom i a través de la pràctica, així com en la necessitat i avantatges d’incloure la preparació per a l’ús de la tècnica de l’itinerari didàctic als programes de formació inicial del professorat.

  8. Mecanismos de regulación del anabolismo lipídico en el tejido adiposo del paciente obeso


    Ortega Delgado, Francisco José


    La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud pública más importante. Los estudios de expresión aplicados a los depósitos de grasa en sujetos obesos han aportado importantes indicios sobre la fisiopatología del tejido adiposo. Los datos recogidos en esta tesis doctoral demuestran que la síntesis de grasa (lipogénesis) está disminuida en el tejido adiposo del paciente obeso, y describen el comportamiento de un nuevo factor lipogénicos. Se demuestra además que el tejido adiposo subcutáneo (situa...

  9. How To Talk to Your Doctor (and Get Your Doctor To Talk to You!). An Educational Workshop on Doctor Patient Communication = Como Hablarle a su Doctor (iY que su doctor le hable a usted!). Un seminario educativo sobre la comunicacion entre el doctor y el paciente. (United States)

    Baylor Coll. of Medicine, Houston, TX.

    This workshop, written in both English and Spanish, focuses on improving communication between physician and patient. In the workshop, the trainers will talk about "building bridges" between patient and doctor by understanding the doctor's role and his/her duty to the patient. According to the workshop, a person's doctor should…

  10. 75 FR 46945 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request; the Drug Accountability Record (Form NIH 2564) (NCI) (United States)


    ... Request; the Drug Accountability Record (Form NIH 2564) (NCI) SUMMARY: In compliance with the requirement... Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. Proposed Collection Title: The Drug Accountability... agent accountability. In order to fulfill these requirements, a standard Investigational Drug...

  11. Presentación del Libro: “Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, Hombre de Ciencia”

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    Adolfo De Francisco Zea


    conducen, me quedará al menos la satisfacción de haber trabajado tenazmente por hallar la verdad”.

    En el libro que presento esta noche, he intentado analizar un tanto la noble personalidad del doctor Carrasquilla; señalar sus constantes esfuerzos por alcanzar la verdad en las diversas empresas en que se comprometió a lo largo de su meritoria existencia; recordar sus aciertos y sus posibles faltas, mencionar su perseverancia en las investigaciones que emprendía, y destacar, además, esa dignidad personal suya que le fue tan característica, que le permitía recibir sin arrogancia las alabanzas y aceptar sin pesadumbre las críticas que fueran razonables.

    En la Introducción a la semblanza de su sobresaliente vida digo las siguientes palabras: “Cuando hace algunos años escribía la biografía de mi abuelo el doctor Luis Zea Uribe, me encontré con el Discurso que pronunciara en el sepelio del doctor Juan de Dios Carrasquilla el 15 de julio de 1908. Las palabras del doctor Zea Uribe en esa dolorosa ocasión señalaban dos de las características más sobresalientes del ilustre médico desaparecido: su honestidad y su bondad. A partir de esos días, mi interés se encaminó a descubrir las razones que tuvo el doctor Zea para describir con esas dos hermosas palabras la personalidad del doctor Carrasquilla; quizás porque para mí son vocablos que representan dos virtudes excelsas del hombre: la honestidad que es la esencia del hombre moral, y la bondad que es la sublimación de todas las demás fortalezas del alma.

    Intenté en consecuencia aproximarme a todo aquello que pudiera llevarme a descubrir los propósitos del doctor Zea Uribe al pronunciar sus elocuentes palabras; a penetrar con curiosidad, así fuera fugazmente, en la vida y la obra del hombre al que muchos de sus contemporáneos conocieron con el apelativo de “sabio”, para indagar con serenidad y sin pasiones en los aconteceres de su existencia y en sus ejecutorias más notables

  12. Memòria final : Practium I de psicologia clínica al Centre de Salut Mental d'Adults del Segrià (CSMA) de l'Hospital Santa Maria de Lleida


    Sansa Foixench, Rosa


    En aquest treball es recull tota una sèrie d'experiències pràctiques i teòriques que permeten que ens endinsem en l'aprenentatge del rol del psicòleg clínic en un centre de salut mental d'adults, com també en una unitat sociosanitària, i veure les diferents eines d'avaluació i intervenció emprades en diferents psicopatologies. Este trabajo contiene toda una serie de experiencias prácticas y teóricas que permiten que nos adentremos en el aprendizaje de la función del psicólogo clínico en un...

  13. Nursing doctoral education in Turkey. (United States)

    Yavuz, Meryem


    Quality health care is an issue of concern worldwide, and nursing can and must play a major and global role in transforming the healthcare environment. Doctorally prepared nurses are very much needed in the discipline to further develop and expand the science, as well as to prepare its future educators, scholars, leaders, and policy makers. In 1968, the Master of Science in Nursing Program was initiated in Turkey, followed by the Nursing Doctoral Education Program in 1972. Six University Schools of Nursing provide nursing doctoral education. By the graduating year of 2001, 154 students had graduated with the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph.D.), and 206 students were enrolled in related courses. Many countries in the world are systematically building various collaborative models in their nursing doctoral education programs. Turkey would like to play an active role in creating collaborative nursing doctoral education programs with other countries. This paper centres on the structure and model of doctoral education for nurses in Turkey. It touches on doctoral programs around the world; describes in detail nursing doctoral education in Turkey, including its program structure, admission process, course units, assessment strategies and dissertation procedure; and discusses efforts to promote Turkey as a potential partner in international initiatives to improve nursing doctoral education.

  14. Time, Concentration, and pH-Dependent Transport and Uptake of Anthocyanins in a Human Gastric Epithelial (NCI-N87 Cell Line

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    Allison A. Atnip


    Full Text Available Anthocyanins are the largest class of water soluble plant pigments and a common part of the human diet. They may have many potential health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and cardioprotective activities. However, anthocyanin metabolism is not well understood. Studies suggest that anthocyanins absorption may occur in the stomach, in which the acidic pH favors anthocyanin stability. A gastric epithelial cell line (NCI-N87 has been used to study the behavior of anthocyanins at a pH range of 3.0–7.4. This work examines the effects of time (0–3 h, concentration (50–1500 µM, and pH (3.0, 5.0, 7.4 on the transport and uptake of anthocyanins using NCI-N87 cells. Anthocyanins were transported from the apical to basolateral side of NCI-N87 cells in time and dose dependent manners. Over the treatment time of 3 h the rate of transport increased, especially with higher anthocyanin concentrations. The non-linear rate of transport may suggest an active mechanism for the transport of anthocyanins across the NCI-N87 monolayer. At apical pH 3.0, higher anthocyanin transport was observed compared to pH 5.0 and 7.4. Reduced transport of anthocyanins was found to occur at apical pH 5.0.

  15. 78 FR 2678 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request (60-Day FRN): The National Cancer Institute (NCI... (United States)


    ... Request (60-Day FRN): The National Cancer Institute (NCI) SmokefreeTXT (Text Message) Program Evaluation..., Behavioral Scientist/ Health Science Administrator, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, 6130... text message smoking cessation intervention designed for young adult smokers ages 18-29. The Smokefree...

  16. Components del procés interactiu que afavoreixen la formació de l'alumnat a l'educació secundària obligatòria

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    Núria Giné


    Full Text Available L’educació secundària obligatòria sembla que estigui permanentment en crisi: situacions conflictives entre els diferents agents, fracàs escolar, bullying o reiterades modificacions curriculars són alguns dels múltiples exemples que envaeixen els medis educatius i el debat social i accentuen les crítiques i les experiències negatives que es donen en aquesta etapa educativa. Certament, la secundària obligatòria té com a repte fonamental la comprensivitat, que comporta l’atenció a la diversitat de tots els adolescents en una etapa vital complicada; aquest repte educatiu i social, sens dubte, ha de tenir ombres, però també té llums en forma d’experiències reeixides que convergeixen en un millor i major aprenentatge de l’alumnat. La recerca que es presenta en aquest article es proposa fer emergir i difondre les característiques que reuneixen les pràctiques exitoses que es donen a les aules de la secundària obligatòria. La metodologia usada per assolir aquesta finalitat essencial ha estat el recull i l’anàlisi de relats de persones de diferents trams d’edat sobre les seves millors experiències en la secundària obligatòria com a alumnes.Els diversos objectius que es pretenen amb el recull i l'estructuració d’aquestes veus es poden sintetitzar en dos: identificar les característiques essencials o components de les «bones pràctiques» i contribuir a la reflexió i el debat en la formació inicial i permanent del professorat. A partir de les aportacions recollides es pot concloure que: - A l’ESO, en el nostre context, es registren nombroses experiències reeixides per a l’aprenent. Les experiències tenen incomptables formes de concretar-se en la pràctica (en forma de projectes, plans estratègics, programes concrets de determinades matèries, etc.. - Malgrat la diversitat de pràctiques concretes, hi ha un nombre reduït de components que determinen i caracteritzen aquestes pràctiques reeixides. El nostre

  17. Síntesis de nuevos antioxidantes derivados del hidroxitirosol. Interacción con ciclodextrinas


    Marset Castro, Azucena


    Tesis descargada desde TESEO En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha llevado a cabo la preparación de derivados funcionales del hidroxitirosol (HT), con objeto de obtener nuevos polifenoles bioactivos de interés en el ámbito de los alimentos funcionales, cosmética o industria farmacéutica. En primer lugar se describe la conversión del HT en ésteres alifáticos de cadena variable; en este contexto, se ha abordado la transesterificación quimioselectiva del hidroxilo alifático del hidroxitirosol c...

  18. Noticias de la Academia de Medicina del Valle, Nueva Junta Directiva 2008-2010.

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    Antonio José Montoya Casella


    Con frecuencia la atención médica está acompañada de una tutela, que en muchas oportunidades se responde tardíamente. El mecanismo de la tutela ya hace parte del armamentario médico. El sistema nos ha llevado tanto a enfermos como a doctores a un triste pero real acuerdo “Las EPS no pueden perder, son un negocio que debe fortalecerse económicamente a base del trabajo mal remunerado del médico y de la reiterada insatisfacción del paciente”.

  19. Futuros lastrados: comunicación de la CIA sobre el futuro del mundo

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    José María Tortosa


    Full Text Available En el trabajo se describen dos ejercicios de prospectiva, llevados a cabo por el NCI, un think tank de la CIA, y disponibles en Internet, sobre los escenarios posibles, respectivamente, para 2015 y 2020 publicados en 2001 y 2005. En el primero se accedió a profesionales sólo estadounidenses, mientras que en el segundo se amplió la base de información. Los cambios producidos en el mundo y, en concreto, desde la presidencia de Clinton a la del segundo Bush quedan reflejados en las diferencias entre ambos ejercicios, pero también parece quedar claro el papel que este tipo de productos puede jugar en la diplomacia pública del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos sobre todo al comparar sus resultados con los obtenidos con muchos menos medios. This work describes two prospective exercises published in 2001 and 2005, and available on the Internet, on the possible scenarios for 2015 and 2020, respectively, carried out by NCI, a CIA "think tank". Access to only us professionals was gained in the first, whereas the information base was extended in the second. The changes which have taken place in the world, specifically from Clinton's presidency to second Bush's presidency, are reflected in the differences between both exercises. However, the role that this type of products may play in the "public diplomacy" of the United States Government is also apparently clear, especially when their results are compared with those obtained by much less means.

  20. NCI Requests Cancer Targets for Monoclonal Antibody Production and Characterization | Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (United States)

    In an effort to provide well-characterized monoclonal antibodies to the scientific community, NCI's Antibody Characterization Program requests cancer-related protein targets for affinity production and distribution. Submissions will be accepted through July 11, 2014.

  1. Profesor Doctor. Hernando Groot Lievano. Premio Nacional al Mérito Científico 2001. Modalidad "Vida y Obra"

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    Juan Mendoza Vega


    Full Text Available

    La Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia, en este primer año del Siglo XXI y del Tercer Milenio de Occidente, otorga el "Premio Nacional al Mérito Científico 2001", en la modalidad "Vida y Obra de un Científico", al destacado médico colombiano doctor Hernando Groot Liévano
    Nació el doctor Groot en Bogotá, Colombia, el 25 de Julio de 1917 y recibió su grado de Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en 1939; obtuvo luego el Master en Salud Pública, Cum Laude, en la Universidad de Harvard (1942 y Diploma de Alta Gerencia en la Universidad de Los Andes de Bogotá (1968.
    Su larga trayectoria de investigador se inició en 1935, cuando obtuvo por concurso la posición de "preparador" en la cátedra de Parasitología que regentaba el destacado científico César Uribe Piedrahita; en 1937 hizo su primera publicación, "Frecuencia de los parásitos intestinales en los enfermos del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Bogotá", y desde entonces ha realizado estudios sobre temas relativos a la virología, la microbiología y las enfermedades tropicales, muchas de ellas pioneras en el mundo como la demostración de que el flagelado Trypanosoma rangeli no es patógeno para el ser humano, la identificación de una nueva bacteria (descrita antes solamente en aves y serpientes como patógena para nuestra especie, el hallazgo de una forma antes desconocida del virus de la encefalitis equina venezolana y la demostración de que la vacuna contra la fiebre amarilla deja inmunidad por más de diez años, lo que permitió duplicar el período internacional de validez para esta vacuna.
    Demostró también el doctor Groot que muchas de las frecuentes fiebres que sufren las personas en el Alto Magdalena son en realidad episodios de dengue, y estudió con detalle las dos primeras grandes epidemias de esta enfermedad que se presentaron en Colombia...

  2. Doctoral education in the nuclear sector; La formacion de doctores en el sector nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minguez, E.


    Doctoral aducation is a major priority for European universities. In the context of the Bologna Process the importance of doctoral education as the third cycle of higher education and the first stage of a young researchers career, and thus in linking the European Higher Education and Research Areas, was first highlighted in the 2003 Berlin Report. The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. considering the need for structured doctoral programs and the need for transparent supervision and assessment, we note that the normal workload of the third cycle in most countries would correspond 3-4 years full time. This is spirit of the new Spanish Doctoral Law. Then, universities should ensure that their doctoral programmes promote interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills, thus meeting the needs of the wider employment market. We need to achieve and overall increase in the numbers of doctoral candidates taking up research careers as early stage researchers and also increase the employability as a normal way as it is the case of other advance countries. In Spain, universities with doctoral nuclear programmes and the CIEMAT, with the sponsorship of the nuclear sector, a doctoral school in nuclear science and engineering should be created to enhance the research careers of Young students for the future of nuclear activities in Spain. (Author)

  3. 78 FR 53763 - Proposed Collection; 60-day Comment Request Cancer Trials Support Unit (CTSU) (NCI) (United States)


    ... proposed data collection projects, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects to be submitted to the Office of Management and... proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (3...

  4. [Job satisfaction among Norwegian doctors]. (United States)

    Nylenna, Magne; Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw


    Doctors' job satisfaction has been discussed internationally in recent years based on reports of increasing professional dissatisfaction. We have studied Norwegian doctors' job satisfaction and their general satisfaction with life. A survey was conducted among a representative sample of practicing Norwegian doctors in 2008. The validated 10-item Job Satisfaction Scale was used to assess job satisfaction. 1,072 (65 %) doctors responded. They reported a mean job satisfaction of 5.3 on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 7 (very satisfied). Job satisfaction increased with increasing age. Private practice specialists reported the highest level of job satisfaction (5.8), and general practitioners reported higher job satisfaction (5.5) than hospital doctors (5.1). Among specialty groups, community doctors scored highest (5.6) and doctors in surgical disciplines lowest (5.0). While long working hours was negatively correlated with job satisfaction, the perception of being professionally updated and having part-time affiliation(s) in addition to a regular job were positively correlated with job satisfaction. 52.9 % of doctors reported a very high general satisfaction. Norwegian doctors have a high level of job satisfaction. Satisfaction with life in general is also high and at least in line with that in the Norwegian population.

  5. Vulnerabilidad y transmisión del sentido en la Bioética del Cuidado : aportaciones de Gabriel Marcel, Viktor Frankl y Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


    Ruiz Gros, Sandra


    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es el análisis de la vulnerabilidad del ser humano en la enfermedad y ante el final de la vida. En estas situaciones, la transmisión del sentido es un problema ético y antropológico. Aquí analizo esa transmisión como acompañamiento, escucha activa, presencia y contacto. Para desarrollar esta investigación he acudido a tres autores que marcan el paso del siglo XIX al XX y de éste al XXI: Gabriel Marcel, Viktor Frankl y Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Fueron testigos ...





    Es de interés en la presente tesis doctoral ampliar el campo de aplicación del polipropileno isotáctico homopolímero (PP) basándose en las propiedades mecánicas, químicas y el bajo costo de producción del polímero. Las excelentes propiedades mecánicas car 176p.

  7. A Qualitative Examination of Challenges Influencing Doctoral Students in an Online Doctoral Program (United States)

    Deshpande, Anant


    The main purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges faced by students in completion of an online doctoral program at the University of Liverpool, Online Doctoral Business Administration program. We analyse the responses of 91 doctoral students in an online DBA program. Based on the exploratory qualitative study themes were developed…

  8. Highlights of recent developments and trends in cancer nanotechnology research--view from NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer. (United States)

    Hull, L C; Farrell, D; Grodzinski, P


    Although the incidence of cancer and cancer related deaths in the United States has decreased over the past two decades due to improvements in early detection and treatment, cancer still is responsible for a quarter of the deaths in this country. There is much room for improvement on the standard treatments currently available and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has recognized the potential for nanotechnology and nanomaterials in this area. The NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer was formed in 2004 to support multidisciplinary researchers in the application of nanotechnology to cancer diagnosis and treatment. The researchers in the Alliance have been productive in generating innovative solutions to some of the central issues of cancer treatment including how to detect tumors earlier, how to target cancer cells specifically, and how to improve the therapeutic index of existing chemotherapies and radiotherapy treatments. Highly creative ideas are being pursued where novelty in nanomaterial development enables new modalities of detection or therapy. This review highlights some of the innovative materials approaches being pursued by researchers funded by the NCI Alliance. Their discoveries to improve the functionality of nanoparticles for medical applications includes the generation of new platforms, improvements in the manufacturing of nanoparticles and determining the underlying reasons for the movement of nanoparticles in the blood. © 2013.

  9. Challenges to the Doctoral Journey: a Case of Female Doctoral Students from Ethiopia

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    Asamenew Demessie Bireda


    Full Text Available This study aimed to investigate some challenges female doctoral students experience in their doctoral journey. The study used a qualitative design and structured interviews. The theoretical framework that guided the study was that of Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic theory. A purposely selected sample of five female doctoral students from the University of South Africa Ethiopia campus participated in the study. The results identified three major areas of concern such as: academic, psychosocial and home/work related. Specifically, female doctoral students reported concerns surrounding quality of supervision support, inadequate academic skill, nature or system of education, stress, motivation, isolation, balancing personal and professional life, relationship problems, home and work related concerns. Hence, universities must provide opportunities and resourceful strategies to meet the challenges posed by women scholars in the doctoral journey.

  10. Anàlisi i classificació dels jocs de la infància de Joan Amades en funció de la seva lògica interna i del gènere dels practicants (1674-1947

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    Jordi Brasó-Rius


    Full Text Available En aquest treball es proposa una anàlisi històrica dels jocs motors a Espanya entre el 1674 i el 1947. L’objecte d’estudi és l’auca Jochs d’Infanteça de 1674, que Joan Amades va recollir el 1947 a l’Auca dels Jocs de la Mainada. L’estudi se centra en el simbolisme d’aquestes pràctiques, en la seva caracterització social, en les relacions de gènere i a presentar la seva lògica interna motriu. Aquesta aportació tracta de les característiques motrius i socials d’aquests jocs en el període analitzat i, a més, revisa les funcions i els rols dels participants en cadascuna d’aquestes pràctiques. La metodologia ha partit d’una revisió bibliogràfica de les fonts originals de l’època (1674-1947, que, amb el suport d’altres estudis actuals, ha servit per contextualitzar el marc teòric. En l’apartat dels resultats s’ha elaborat una taxonomia dels jocs de l’auca i, a partir d’aquesta, s’han estudiat dos aspectes concrets: la lògica interna i el gènere predominant d’aquestes pràctiques lúdiques. Tot aquest procés ha permès detallar els valors simbòlics dels jocs i les seves característiques motrius. Finalment, l’estudi palesa les diferències de gènere en l’evolució de les pràctiques lúdiques, que, tot i la seva disminució en la idealització del model coeducatiu actual, encara es fan evidents.

  11. [Gender patterns in Spanish otolaryngologic doctoral theses]. (United States)

    Prim-Espada, María Pilar; De Diego-Sastre, Juan Ignacio; Pérez-Fernández, Elia


    In last decades women in Spain have a greater access to postgraduate education. The objective of this study was to perform a gender analysis on the Otolaryngology doctoral theses presented in a 25 year-period. The TESEO data base on doctoral theses was searched for theses on Otorhinolaryngology written between 1981 and 2005. As strategy for the research we employed the terms: 1) Otorrinolaringología (Otorhinolaryngology); 2) Cirugía de garganta, nariz y oídos (Ear, nose and throat surgery); 3) Fisiología de la audición (Physiology of hearing); 4) Fisiología del equilibrio (Physiology of balance); 5) Física de la audición (Physics of hearing); and 6) Bioacústica (Bioacoustics). A total of 450 theses (18.0±8.3 theses/year) were found, of which 129 were written by females (28.6%). There was a gender imbalance among authors, with 5.2±3.4 theses/year for women vs. 12.9±6.6 theses/year for men (p=0.0002). Nevertheless, there was a tendency toward equality in the last 10 years (p=0.001). On the other hand, the PhD student's gender was clearly related to the supervisor's gender (p=0.0001). With respect to the main topics in our area (otology, audiology/vestibular diseases, rhinology and pathology of paranasal sinuses and neck diseases), there were no significant differences between males and females (p=0.231). These results indicate a tendency towards equality in the number of men and women successfully completing doctoral studies in Otolaryngology. However, the PhD student's gender is clearly related to the supervisor's gender. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  12. El desarrollo del pensamiento interpretativo del estudiante universitario desde un enfoque didáctico-matemático


    Eurico Wongo Gungula; Raquel Diéguez; Eglys Pérez


    Uno de los retos más importantes de la Universidad actual es su adaptación a los cambios que la sociedad le exige, tanto en relación a la mejoría de la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, como de las investigaciones científicas que realiza. El presente artículo es resultado de la construcción teórica y práctica de una tesis doctoral desarrollada en la dinámica del proceso de formación interpretativa en la Matemática Superior (Gungula, 2014). Su objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo d...

  13. NCI Think Tank Concerning the Identifiability of Biospecimens and “-Omic” Data


    Weil, Carol J.; Mechanic, Leah E.; Green, Tiffany; Kinsinger, Christopher; Lockhart, Nicole C.; Nelson, Stefanie A.; Rodriguez, Laura L.; Buccini, Laura D.


    On June 11 and 12, 2012, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) hosted a think tank concerning the identifiability of biospecimens and “omic” Data in order to explore challenges surrounding this complex and multifaceted topic. The think tank brought together forty-six leaders from several fields, including cancer genomics, bioinformatics, human subject protection, patient advocacy, and commercial genetics. The first day involved presentations regarding the state of the science of re-identificati...

  14. El trabajo como relación social una problematización del modo de construcción del objeto a partir de la sociología del salariado de Pierre Naville


    García López, Jorge


    Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta algunas de las obras e investigaciones de Pierre Naville (1904-1993) en materia de Sociología. Apoyándose en ellas trata de problematizar críticamente el modo de formalización del objeto característico de la Sociología del Trabajo clásica y contemporánea. En la Primera Parte se aborda ésta desde una relectura de algunos de los autores, hitos y escuelas más destacados en los manuales al uso en nuestro país. Estos planteamientos son deconstruidos al hilo de los sign...

  15. 75 FR 61763 - Submission of OMB Review; Comment Request; Drug Accountability Record (Form NIH 2564) (NCI) (United States)


    ...; Comment Request; Drug Accountability Record (Form NIH 2564) (NCI) SUMMARY: In compliance with the..., 2011, unless it displays a valid OMB control number. Proposed Collection: Title: Drug Accountability... accountability. In order to fulfill these requirements, a standard Investigational Drug Accountability Report...

  16. Photoactivatable Lipid-based Nanoparticles as a Vehicle for Dual Agent Delivery | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) RNA Biology Laboratory have developed nanoparticles that can deliver an agent (i.e., therapeutic or imaging) and release the agent upon targeted photoactivation allowing for controlled temporal and localized release of the agent.

  17. A marketing clinical doctorate programs. (United States)

    Montoya, Isaac D; Kimball, Olive M


    Over the past decade, clinical doctorate programs in health disciplines have proliferated amid both support and controversy among educators, professional organizations, practitioners, administrators, and third-party payers. Supporters argue that the explosion of new knowledge and increasing sophistication of technology have created a need for advanced practice models to enhance patient care and safety and to reduce costs. Critics argue that necessary technological advances can be incorporated into existing programs and believe that clinical doctorates will increase health care costs, not reduce them. Despite the controversy, many health disciplines have advanced the clinical doctorate (the most recent is the doctor of nursing practice in 2004), with some professions mandating the doctorate as the entry-level degree (i.e., psychology, pharmacy, audiology, and so on). One aspect of the introduction of clinical doctoral degrees has been largely overlooked, and that is the marketing aspect. Because of marketing considerations, some clinical doctorates have been more successfully implemented and accepted than others. Marketing is composed of variables commonly known as "the four P's of marketing": product, price, promotion, and place. This report explores these four P's within the context of clinical doctorates in the health disciplines.

  18. Canviar les regles del (videojoc. Mecanismes de control contractual en plataformes d’entreteniment en línia

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    Antoni Rubí Puig


    Full Text Available

    L'objectiu d'aquest article és examinar l'abast jurídic de les facultats d'exclusió i control que atorguen els drets de propietat intel·lectual i, sobretot, el dret de contractes als qui posen a disposició en línia un videojoc o un altre producte d'entreteniment. A partir d'una sentència nord-americana recent, MDY Industries v. Blizzard Entertainment, es fa una relació dels problemes que planteja el recurs als remeis propis del dret de contractes, enfront de les solucions jurídiques previstes per a la infracció de drets d'autor, per a controlar les conductes dels usuaris d'una plataforma en línia, com ara en el supòsit de fet jutjat, la prohibició establerta en una llicència de programari de fer servir programes robot en interacció amb un videojoc.

    A partir de la discussió del cas citat, l'article identifica els principals problemes que genera la interrelació entre drets d'autor i dret de contractes i els seus efectes sobre la innovació i la competència en el mercat. La comprensió d'aquesta interrelació s'ha de centrar, entre altres aspectes, a examinar: (1 la qüestió de si, gràcies a l'autonomia privada, mitjançant una llicència d'usuari, unes condicions d'ús predisposades o, si és el cas, un contracte negociat entre les parts es pot alterar l'equilibri d'interessos dissenyat pel legislador en la regulació sobre drets d'autor; (2 la formació del consentiment en el cas de llicències d'usuari o altres contractes; (3 els límits al principi d'eficàcia relativa del contracte i a la creació de facto de drets amb eficàcia absoluta; (4 les diferències en el règim de remeis disponibles davant un incompliment d'una llicència que proporcionen, d'una banda, el Text refós de la Llei de propietat intel·lectual (TRLPI i, de l'altra, el Codi civil, i (5 els límits que pot imposar el dret de defensa de la competència a l'ús del dret de contractes.

  19. Interventions for improving patients' trust in doctors and groups of doctors. (United States)

    Rolfe, Alix; Cash-Gibson, Lucinda; Car, Josip; Sheikh, Aziz; McKinstry, Brian


    Trust is a fundamental component of the patient-doctor relationship and is associated with increased satisfaction, adherence to treatment, and continuity of care. Our 2006 review found little evidence that interventions improve patients' trust in their doctor; therefore an updated search was required to find out if there is further evidence of the effects of interventions that may improve trust in doctors or groups of doctors. To update our earlier review assessing the effects of interventions intended to improve patients' trust in doctors or a group of doctors. In 2003 we searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE, Health Star, PsycINFO, CINAHL, LILACS, African Trials Register, African Health Anthology, Dissertation Abstracts International and the bibliographies of studies selected for inclusion. We also contacted researchers active in the field. We updated and re-ran the searches on available original databases (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, The Cochrane Library issue 2, 2013), MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE (OvidSP), PsycINFO (OvidSP), CINAHL (Ebsco)) as well as Proquest Dissertations and Current Contents for the period 2003 to 18 March 2013. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-randomised controlled trials, controlled before and after studies, and interrupted time series of interventions (informative, educational, behavioural, organisational) directed at doctors or patients (or carers) where trust was assessed as a primary or secondary outcome. Two review authors independently extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. Where mentioned, we extracted data on adverse effects. We synthesised data narratively. We included 10 randomised controlled trials (including 7 new trials) involving 11,063 patients. These studies were all undertaken in North America, and all but two involved primary care.  As expected, there was considerable heterogeneity between

  20. Reducing Friction: An Update on the NCIP Open Development Initiative - NCI BioMedical Informatics Blog (United States)

    NCIP has migrated 132 repositories from the NCI subversion repository to our public NCIP GitHub channel with the goal of facilitating third party contributions to the existing code base. Within the GitHub environment, we are advocating use of the GitHub “fork and pull” model.

  1. 77 FR 4334 - Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Solar Cell: A Mobile UV Manager for Smart Phones (NCI) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Solar Cell: A Mobile UV Manager for Smart Phones (NCI) SUMMARY: In compliance with the... Manager for Smart Phones [[Page 4335

  2. introducción del turismo rural

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    Isis Alejandra Camargo Toribio


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo forma parte de los resultados obtenidos en la tesis doctoral «Aportaciones metodológicas para la introducción del turismo rural en la República de Cuba. Estudio de caso: zona turística de Viñales». El objetivo principal del mismo es analizar los diferentes recursos naturales y culturales que conforman el patrimonio turístico de una localidad (Viñales, en la República de Cuba, con el fin de apoyar la introducción de la modalidad de turismo rural. Para alcanzar tal propósito se realizaron varias entrevistas a trabajadores del turismo y familias campesinas de la región quienes, con su experiencia y sabiduría popular, contribuyeron a la realización de esta investigación.

  3. L'aplicació de l'estudi de cas en el Màster en Professorat de la Universitat de Saragossa

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    Natalia Larraz


    Full Text Available Els canvis metodològics proposts per l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES han propiciat l'aplicació del método de l'estudi de cas en distintes ensenyances. En este estudi s'analitza l'aplicació del métode de cas en el Màster en Professorat de l'Universitat de Saragossa. Este estudi s'ha aplicat en dos grups d'estudiants de distintes especialitats (Ciències Naturals i Ciències Experimentals de l'assignatura d'Interacció i convivència en l'aula, formant una mostra conjunta de 98 estudiants (N=98. En la finalitat d'analitzar els resultats d'aprenentage obtinguts a través del métode de cas i de l'assignatura, s'ha comprovat si existix una relació entre els aprenentatges adquirits a través de la resolució del cas i l'aprenentage global de l'assignatura. Els resultats mostren l'existència d'una correlació positiva moderadament significativa entre els dos tipus d'aprenentatge (p<.001, observant una correlació major en l'especialitat de Ciències Naturals en comparació a la de Ciències Experimentals. Aquests resultats mostren l'utilitat del métode de l'estudi de cas per a millorar el procés d'ensenyança-aprenentatge en les institucions d'educació superior i l'importància de l'ús d'aquesta metodologia per part del professorat, que podria promoure l'adquisició de competències transversals, tals com la creativitat, el pensament crític i metacognitiu en la resolució de problemes. Les implicacions d'aquest treball aposten pel disseny de diferents tipus d'activitats en les quals s'aplica el métode del cas i el seu impacte en l'aprenentatge. 

  4. Spin doctoring


    Vozková, Markéta


    1 ABSTRACT The aim of this text is to provide an analysis of the phenomenon of spin doctoring in the Euro-Atlantic area. Spin doctors are educated people in the fields of semiotics, cultural studies, public relations, political communication and especially familiar with the infrastructure and the functioning of the media industry. Critical reflection of manipulative communication techniques puts spin phenomenon in historical perspective and traces its practical use in today's social communica...

  5. Tinta y piel en Castellón: un viaje por la cultura del tatuaje


    Pérez Cabezas, María Asunción


    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Noves Tendències i Processos d'Innovació en Comunicació (Pla 2013). Codi: SAZ052. Curs acadèmic: 2013-2014 Se pueden ver tatuajes en las alfombras rojas, jugando al fútbol, sobre un escenario, paseando por las calles,… Y, aún así, parece que el tatuaje es un auténtico desconocido. Tinta y Piel en Castellón es un reportaje digital que persigue mostrar las distintas caras del tatuaje: la histórica, la técnica y la social. Todo ello enfocado en la esce...

  6. La protecció de dades a Espanya i a la Unió Europea. Especial referència als mecanismes jurídics de reacció davant la vulneració del dret a la intimitat

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    Elisenda Bru Cuadrada


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    L'imparable avenç de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació en la societat actual facilita el tractament i intercanvi de dades en els diferents sectors d'activitat econòmica i social. Aquest tractament massiu que les TIC possibiliten pot provocar riscos per a la intimitat, la qual cosa fa necessari dotar de protecció específica aquest àmbit dels drets de l'individu. En l'àmbit europeu, la Directiva 95/46/CE s'aprova amb la voluntat d'apropar les legislacions estatals de protecció de dades personals dels estats membres de la Unió. La transposició de la Directiva als diferents estats ha d'establir, entre altres aspectes, el règim d'infraccions i sancions que s'han d'aplicar en cas d'incompliment de les disposicions adoptades en la matèria. D'altra banda, la legislació penal protegeix també certs àmbits del dret a la intimitat en els ordenaments jurídics dels diferents estats. El present treball analitza les similituds i diferències en els mecanismes jurídics de protecció del dret a la intimitat a Espanya, Alemanya, França, Itàlia i Suècia a través de l'estudi del règim sancionador previst en les seves legislacions. La conclusió a la qual s'arriba és que les diferències entre ordenaments existeixen, malgrat l'esperit de la Directiva, que perseguia com a objectiu essencial l'harmonització en el nivell de protecció de dades personals a tots els estats membres.

  7. Balanç benefici/risc del contingut en polifenols i alcohol del vi: bases científiques dels efectes del consum moderat de vi sobre el sistema cardiovascular


    Chiva Blanch, Gemma


    [cat] L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és avaluar els efectes de les fraccions del vi (alcohòlica i no alcohòlica -principalment polifenols-) sobre els principals factors de risc cardiovascular en 67 homes amb un elevat risc de patir malalties cardiovasculars. Es va realitzar un assaig clínic, aleatoritzat i creuat en el qual tots els participants van rebre en un ordre aleatori les tres intervencions: 30 gr d'alcohol / dia en forma de vi negre, la mateixa quantitat de polifenols en forma de...

  8. Working with doctors and nurses (United States)

    ... with doctors and nurses Working with doctors and nurses Answering questions, filling out papers, getting poked and ... to pay? What questions will the doctor or nurse ask? top It’s a good idea to know ...

  9. El mundo del libro: enero de 1959

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: Visión breve de Ibero América. Por F. Gil Tovar. El teatro. Enciclopedia de Arte Escénico. Dirección de Guillermo Díaz Plaja. Barcelona y París. Los rollos del mar muerto. Por Millar Burrows. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Trayecto y signo del arte en Colombia. Por F. Gil Tovar. Más allá del existencialismo. Por Ismael Quiles. Editor Luis Miracle. Barcelona. Guia de Tunja por el doctor Emilio Calle, Secretario de la Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia. Siberia. Por Y. Semionov. Editorial Labor S. A. Voces al mundo. Por Emilia Ayarza. El Poseso. Retrato de Edgar Allan Poe. Por Phillip Lindsay.

  10. Improving global data infrastructures for more effective and scalable analysis of Earth and environmental data: the Australian NCI NERDIP Approach (United States)

    Evans, Ben; Wyborn, Lesley; Druken, Kelsey; Richards, Clare; Trenham, Claire; Wang, Jingbo; Rozas Larraondo, Pablo; Steer, Adam; Smillie, Jon


    The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) facility hosts one of Australia's largest repositories (10+ PBytes) of research data collections spanning datasets from climate, coasts, oceans, and geophysics through to astronomy, bioinformatics, and the social sciences domains. The data are obtained from national and international sources, spanning a wide range of gridded and ungridded (i.e., line surveys, point clouds) data, and raster imagery, as well as diverse coordinate reference projections and resolutions. Rather than managing these data assets as a digital library, whereby users can discover and download files to personal servers (similar to borrowing 'books' from a 'library'), NCI has built an extensive and well-integrated research data platform, the National Environmental Research Data Interoperability Platform (NERDIP, The NERDIP architecture enables programmatic access to data via standards-compliant services for high performance data analysis, and provides a flexible cloud-based environment to facilitate the next generation of transdisciplinary scientific research across all data domains. To improve use of modern scalable data infrastructures that are focused on efficient data analysis, the data organisation needs to be carefully managed including performance evaluations of projections and coordinate systems, data encoding standards and formats. A complication is that we have often found multiple domain vocabularies and ontologies are associated with equivalent datasets. It is not practical for individual dataset managers to determine which standards are best to apply to their dataset as this could impact accessibility and interoperability. Instead, they need to work with data custodians across interrelated communities and, in partnership with the data repository, the international scientific community to determine the most useful approach. For the data repository, this approach is essential to enable

  11. El humanismo del Che Che's Humanism

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    Avelino Fernández Espert


    Full Text Available Los autores, estudiosos de la raigal influencia del pensamiento y la obra del Comandante Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Che en Cuba y América, proyectan la estampa humanista de este revolucionario médico, con el empleo de las más trascendentes pinceladas históricas de un amplia hoja de vida en distintas latitudes del mundo. El Che, joven estudiante, médico graduado con prometedoras dotes que sabe ubicar al ser humano y sus valores por encima de un promisorio futuro como científico y profesional de la medicina. El artículo dedica atención especial a sus conceptos sobre el hombre, su vida e historia y a su proverbial apego a una ética revolucionaria de elevado calibre. El artículo contribuye al enriquecimiento de los conocimientos sobre el desarrollo histórico del humanismo médico cubano, al proyectarlo en la figura de uno de sus más míticos modelosThe authors, studious of the extraordinary influence of Commandant and Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna 's thought in Cuba and America, unveil the humanist perspective of this revolutionary doctor, through the most transcendental historical events in this man's life in different latitudes of the world. Che, young student, medicine doctor with promising gifts that knew how to place the human being and his values above his promissory future as scientific and medicine professional. The article dedicates special attention to his concepts about men, as well as his life and history and to his proverbial attachment to valuable revolutionary ethics. The article contributes to the enrichment of knowledge on the historical development of Cuban medical humanism, by reflecting this in the figure of one of its most mythical models


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    Guillermo Rueda Montaña


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    (Palabras del doctor Guillermo Rueda Montaña, durante el entierro del doctor Jorge Cavelier, el 25 de junio de 1978.


    Cuentan viejos relatos indígenas, de la "Tierra de los árboles inmensos", que en los grandes bosques se produce un silencio total de muchas horas, cuando cae uno de esos titanes. Varias veces centenario. Como si la tierra y todas sus criaturas recibieran el impacto y el profundo dolor de la caída de un ser aparentemente inmortal. Así nosotros, absortos y asombrados, presenciamos el derrumbe de este otro gigante que proyectó su sombra sobre el Territorio Nacional, y se constituyó por sus ejecutorias, en figura casi mística en la Medicina Colombiana.

    Pues fue JORGE CAVELIER el hombre - acción. Si hubiera vivido en el Egipto clásico, habría construído una pirámide, si en los tiempos medioevales, habría emprendido una cruzada o levantado una Catedral.
    Tenía una visión muy clara y era capaz de traducirla a fuerza de mandobles si fuere necesario, en una obra de interés común.
    La hercúlea conformación de su raza, mezcla de celtas y vikingos, creadora de marinos, de hombres de acción, de grandes capitanes, lo impulsaba a la ejecución.
    Cuando se fijaba una meta, siempre orientada hacia el progreso de la comunidad, se lanzaba en procura sin que ningún obstáculo pudiera detener el impulso emocional de su voluntad ejecutiva. Así también, con esa misma garra, se enfrentó a la muerte, a rompe y rasga, sin cuartel, sin concesiones, porque quería vivir, para continuar haciendo.

    Esos ojos profundamente azules, que en tantas ocasiones reflejaron la ira, cuando algo o alguien se interponía en el camino de su férrea voluntad, eran también capaces de brillar emocionados cuando se tocaba sus más íntimas fibras de aguda sensibilidad social y
    completa solidaridad humana.
    Fué intemperante y fue soberbio, pero fue grande en sus prop

  13. Inteligencia emocional y motivación del estudiante universitario


    Pérez Rojas, Araceli


    Programa de doctorado: Formación del Profesorado [ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal analizar la relación que existe entre los tres factores de inteligencia emocional del modelo Salovey y Mayer en el esquema de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación, en concreto con el clima motivacional de orientación hacia la tarea, por lo que estudiaremos la relación que existe entre la inteligencia emocional percibida y la motivación autodeterminada en el contexto de la educación u...

  14. Intolerance and Violence Against Doctors. (United States)

    Singh, Meharban


    Intolerance and grouse against doctors is a global phenomenon but India seems to lead the world in violence against doctors. According to World Health Organization, about 8-38% healthcare workers suffer physical violence at some point in their careers. Many more are verbally abused or threatened. Public is almost behaving like health sector terrorists. The spate of increasing attacks on doctors by damaging their property and causing physical injury is not acceptable by any civilized society. The public is becoming increasingly intolerant to a large number of social issues because of poor governance and vote bank politics. There is a need to arrest the development of further distrust between doctors and their patients/relatives, otherwise it will compromise all achievements of medical science and adversely affect healing capabilities of doctors. Rude and aggressive behavior of the patients or their family members, and arrogant and lackadaisical approach of the doctor, adversely affects the doctor-patient relationship and the outcome of the patient. The doctors, hospital administration and government must exercise "zero tolerance" with respect to acts of violence against healthcare professionals. It is possible to reduce the incidence of intolerance against doctors but difficult to eliminate it completely. The healthcare providers should demonstrate greater compassion and empathy with improved communication skills. The hospitals must have adequate infrastructure, facilities and staff to handle emergencies without delay and with due confidence and skills. The security of healthcare providers, especially in sensitive areas, should be improved by having adequate number of security guards, frisking facilities, extensive CCTV network and availability of "Quick response team" to handle unruly mob. In case of any grievances for alleged mismanagement, the public should handle the situation in a civilized manner and seek redressal through Medical Protection Act and legal

  15. Persisting Dreams: The Impact of the Doctoral Socialization Process on Latina Post-Doctoral Career Aspirations


    Westerband, Yamissette


    Latinas are underrepresented within the professorate and within doctoral programs, particularly within Research Intensive Institutions. This dissertation explores how the doctoral socialization process impacts the pipeline from the Ph.D. to scholarly careers for Latinas in Research universities. Given the low numbers of representation and production at the doctoral level for Latinas, what happens when they do enter Ph.D. programs? Their doctoral experience must be marked in one way or anot...


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    Hernán Urbina Joiro


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    En un momento extraño el bastón de Asclepio, dios de la medicina, fue cambiado por el caduceo de Mercurio, dios del comercio y también de los ladrones.

    Distintas tradiciones griegas dicen que Asclepio se servía de un bastón y de la serpiente para sanar enfermos, enseñar y resucitar difuntos1,2 y que cuando volvió a la vida a Hipólito, hijo de Teseo, le había restado tantos muertos a Hades, rey de los infiernos, que el propio Hades fue a querellarse ante Zeus, quien convencido de la amenaza que representaría Asclepio para mantener el orden establecido, lo hirió con un rayo3,4. La vara de Asclepio —Esculapio para los romanos— con una serpiente enrollada simbolizó la sanación mediada por el médico5.

    De Hermes —Mercurio para los romanos—, dios griego del comercio, las comunicaciones, la astucia y los ladrones6, la tradición afirma que su caduceo consistía en un bastón de oro con alas y dos serpientes enrolladas, y que le fue regalado por Apolo a cambio de la flauta del dios Pan7. Una práctica anglosajona del siglo XVI, iniciada por el doctor William Butts, médico del rey Enrique VIII, introdujo el caduceo de Mercurio —en lugar de lavara de Asclepio— como símbolo entre médicos británicos8 y de allí pasó a galenos del cuerpo médico del ejército de los Estados Unidos y de diversas otras comunidades médicas. Por cierto, Mrs. Butts aparece en Enrique VIII, de William Shakespeare, como «El doctor Butts, médico del Rey»9.

    Sin embargo, de acuerdo con Michel Foucault, sólo en el siglo XVIII se expresaría en pleno la era de la «economía política»10 como el eje del arte de gobernar y en donde la medicina jugaría un papel central para vigilar a los pueblos, perseguir amenazas como la locura, los descarríos sexuales, las infecciones e incluso a la propia delincuencia11. En La vida de los hombres infames12, Foucault sostiene que fue en la Alemania de finales del siglo XVIII donde surgi

  17. Evolución del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis en el Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta

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    Pedro Pablo Velásquez Rico


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    La Academia Nacional de Medicina y el Ministerio de Salud patrocinaron en la sede de nuestra Corporación, un Seminario Coordinado por el académico doctor Gilberto Rueda Pérez, para estudiar el estado actual de la Campana contra la Tuberculosis en el país y optimizar las labores que en este caso se adelantan.
    Corno reconocimiento y estímulo al trabajo más completo y objetivo de los presentados en este certamen. publicamos el estudio que sobre la lucha anti-tuberculosa en el Meta. realizó la delegación de este Departamento. Médico Coordinador:’ Dr. Velásquez.

    Dentro del marco del XII CURSO DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA y CONTROL DE LA TUBERCULOSIS, para médicos, enfermeras y bacteriólogas realizado del 3 al 30 de octubre de 1988, en el Hospital Santa Clara, organizado por la sección de Transmisibles del Ministerio de Salud a cargo del Doctor Guido Chaves Montagno; se llevó también a cabo el XVIII SEMINARIO NACIONAL DE EVALUACION DEL PROGRAMA DE TUBERCULOSIS, en el cual cada Servicio Seccional de Salud presentó un trabajo para concurso, mostrando la evolución del programa del año 1982 a 1987.

    Concurso en el cual el primer puesto le fue otorgado al Programa de Control de Tuberculosis del Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta: este trabajo es el que a continuación se presenta. Quiere el Coordinador del Programa en el Meta, presentar agradecimientos al Ministerio de Salud y al Instituto Nacional de Salud por el gran apoyo que siempre se le ha brindado; lo mismo ljue a todos los funcionarios del Servicio Seccional de Salud, como a los de los diferentes organismos de salud del Departamento y un reconocimiento muy especial a todo el grupo de Tuberculosis del Hospital San Antonio de Villavicencio, donde funciona el Consultorio de Vías Respiratorias; ya que gracias a su activa participación en las diferentes actividades del Programa es quc se

  18. El mundo del libro: Julio de 1958

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available Se presentan las reseñas de las siguientes obras y autores: Italia, Guía para vagabundos -- Por Arciniegas, Germán. -- Editorial Suramericana -- 233 páginas. Por los valores del espíritu -- Por Sánchez, Álvaro -- Ediciones del Instituto de Cultura Hispánica. Editorial A B C -- 303 páginas. Colombia Literaria -- Dos Volúmenes -- Litografía Villegas -- División de Extensión Cultural del Ministerio de Educación -- Compilación y trabajo de J.M. Álvarez D'Orsonville.  Temas de castellano. Por Flórez, Luis -- Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. Palabras a la juventud -- Por el doctor Agustín Nieto Caballero --Editorial A B C -- 229 páginas. Peligro en occidente. Por Gonzalo Restrepo Jaramillo. Panamericanismo Democrático. Por Diego Uribe Vargas -- Ediciones Nuevo Signo. Instituciones de Derecho Tributario -- Por A.D. Gianinni -- Editorial de Derecho Financiero de Madrid. Oro y Tormenta -- Por Juana de Ibarborou -- Editorial Zig Zag -- Santiago de Chile. Setenta sonetos del atardecer.

  19. Skill set development of doctoral and post-doctoral graduates in life sciences. (United States)

    Kanwar, R S


    Doctoral and post-doctoral training programs at leading research universities in the USA are highly important in generating the much needed knowledge in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for keeping rural and urban economies strong and societies healthy and prosperous. In addition, innovative graduate and post doctoral research programs are the driving engines of the success of U.S. economy and have made the U.S. the most successful model of generating new knowledge in the broader areas of life sciences (and agricultural education, research, and extension). We need to do everything in our power to make these training programs innovative, collaborative, independent, and resourceful so that students are trained in different disciplines making them more flexible within a range of challenges and opportunities. The training programs must empower students to solve complex and interdisciplinary problems of the society in 21st century and make our students competitive within a global economic system, to improve the health of the nation's economy. If our land grant schools and institutions of higher learning are not preparing doctoral students to be globally competitive scientists to create new knowledge and technologies to solve complex and interdisciplinary problems of the 21st century, then either we need to redefine the mission of our land grant system or we risk losing our role to serve the public and industry effectively. Doctoral and post doctoral students should be given the needed skills and experiences to prepare them for tenure track faculty jobs at leading US Universities in the 21st century as well as prepare them for the world outside of academia. I would say minimum competency skills are needed as "bare survival skills" for all doctoral students to become successful after obtaining PhD degrees. Today's PhD students will be working in a global but highly competitive, rapidly changing, and complex world. It is no longer enough to be a good

  20. The national cancer institute (NCI) and cancer biology in a 'post genome world'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klausner, Richard D.


    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) exists to reduce the burden of all cancers through research and discovery. Extensive restructuring of the NCI over the past year has been aimed at assuring that the institution functions in all ways to promote opportunities for discovery in the laboratory, in the clinic, and in the community. To do this well requires the difficult and almost paradoxical problem of planning for scientific discovery which, in turn is based on the freedom to pursue the unanticipated. The intellectual and structural landscape of science is changing and it places new challenges, new demands and new opportunities for facilitating discovery. The nature of cancer as a disease of genomic instability and of accumulated genetic change, coupled with a possibility of the development of new technologies for reading, utilizing, interpreting and manipulating the genome of single cells, provides unprecedented opportunities for a new type of high through-put biology that will change the nature of discovery, cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic decision-making and therapeutic discovery. To capture these new opportunities will require attention to be paid to integrate the development of technology and new scientific discoveries with the ability to apply advances rapidly and efficiently through clinical trials

  1. Reexamining the Structure of Hemingway's "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife." (United States)

    Mulvey, James


    Considers how Hemingway's "The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife" is a model of Edgar Allan Poe's aesthetic of the short story. Examines this work on many levels. Concludes that great writers, such as Ernest Hemingway, challenge readers to find the clues, to connect the dots, to pay attention to the "little details." (SG)

  2. Coaching doctoral students

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Godskesen, Mirjam Irene; Kobayashi, Sofie


    In this paper we focus on individual coaching carried out by an external coach as a new pedagogical element that can impact doctoral students’ sense of progress in doctoral education. The study used a mixed methods approach in that we draw on quantitative and qualitative data from the evaluation...... impact the supervisor – student relationship in a positive way....

  3. NCI Workshop Report: Clinical and Computational Requirements for Correlating Imaging Phenotypes with Genomics Signatures

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    Rivka Colen


    Full Text Available The National Cancer Institute (NCI Cancer Imaging Program organized two related workshops on June 26–27, 2013, entitled “Correlating Imaging Phenotypes with Genomics Signatures Research” and “Scalable Computational Resources as Required for Imaging-Genomics Decision Support Systems.” The first workshop focused on clinical and scientific requirements, exploring our knowledge of phenotypic characteristics of cancer biological properties to determine whether the field is sufficiently advanced to correlate with imaging phenotypes that underpin genomics and clinical outcomes, and exploring new scientific methods to extract phenotypic features from medical images and relate them to genomics analyses. The second workshop focused on computational methods that explore informatics and computational requirements to extract phenotypic features from medical images and relate them to genomics analyses and improve the accessibility and speed of dissemination of existing NIH resources. These workshops linked clinical and scientific requirements of currently known phenotypic and genotypic cancer biology characteristics with imaging phenotypes that underpin genomics and clinical outcomes. The group generated a set of recommendations to NCI leadership and the research community that encourage and support development of the emerging radiogenomics research field to address short-and longer-term goals in cancer research.

  4. Doctors and baldness: a five thousand year old challenge. (United States)

    Campo, Daniele; D'Acunzo, Valeria


    The history of trichology follows a thread that continually intersects with that of the history of medicine in general. Even Hippocrates believed that the approach to baldness should be of a medical nature. This confrontation between doctors and hair loss, which has lasted for five thousand years, begins with the invocations of the head physicians in the Egyptian era and ends with the recent institution of postgraduate Master's degrees at Faculties of Medicine and Surgery. The biggest names in medicine concerned themselves with trichology beginning with Hippocrates, who dealt with the topic in his most famous work: the Aphorisms. Even the most celebrated doctors of the Roman era, such as Galen and Pliny the Elder, did not disdain considering hair loss, leaving important scientific contributions before passing on the baton to their distinguished colleagues of the Byzantine Empire. The narrative then flows through the most prestigious institutions of the Middle Ages, such as the Salerno School of Medicine and the Siena Accademia del Fisiocritici where, at the end of the 1600s, the distinguished anatomical describer Marcello Malpighi also taught trichology, and left his contribution to "Hair Science" with a fine description of the hair follicle in the pages of his Opera Posthuma. At the turn of the late Middle Ages and the early modern era, barbers formed the primordial nucleus of surgery and at the same time became the ones to concern themselves with hair loss. In the 1800s, several doctors published the first texts dealing with the anatomy and physiology of the hair and taking into account the principal forms of alopecia, but at the therapeutic level did not yet propose anything scientifically valid. Until a few decades ago trichology still lent itself to various commercial speculations. It was not until the twentieth century that the pathogenetic mechanisms of baldness were clarified in a scientific manner. With this knowledge, the pharmaceutical industry has been

  5. Finding the Right Doctor (United States)

    ... certified hospital Communicating with Healthcare Professionals for Caregivers Consumer Health Care • Home • Health Insurance Information • Your Healthcare Team Introduction Finding the Right Doctor Talking to Your Doctor Getting a Second ...

  6. El carácter intrínsecamente teatral del mito fáustico

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    Carmen Leñero


    Full Text Available Mucho se ha escrito sobre las diferencias (históricas, ideológicas, filosóficas, políticas, estéticas entre los diversos personajes ficticios que han encarnado el mito fáustico. La figura de Fausto ha atravesado la historia moderna desde sus inicios hasta el día de hoy: desde principios del renacimiento, pasando por la ilustración, el romanticismo y existencialismo del siglo xx, y ha “transmigrado” de un género artístico a otro: de la leyenda oral al teatro, del poema a la novela, del ensayo a la pintura o la música, del tablado de títeres a la ópera y el cine. En cada uno de estos ámbitos de ficción, su famoso pacto con el Mal (materializado en otra figura clave del mito: el Diablo cambia de significación, ya sea que se conciba a Fausto como representante de la cultura alemana en particular, de la cultura europea y occidental en general, o incluso del gé- nero humano. Sin ignorar los contextos culturales de las obras en que aparece, en este ensayo exploro los aspectos propiamente “teatrales”, comunes a todas las versiones del mito. Me referiré en especial al Volksbuch o Libro popular del Doctor Faustus, editado por Johann Spies en 1587, a la pieza teatral de Christopher Marlowe (1592, a El drama de títeres, cuya primera representación data de 1746, a las dos partes el poema dramático Fausto de Johann W. von Goethe (de 1808 y de 1832, respectivamente y a la novela de Thomas Mann, Doctor Faustus (1947.

  7. NCI-FDA Interagency Oncology Task Force Workshop Provides Guidance for Analytical Validation of Protein-based Multiplex Assays | Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (United States)

    An NCI-FDA Interagency Oncology Task Force (IOTF) Molecular Diagnostics Workshop was held on October 30, 2008 in Cambridge, MA, to discuss requirements for analytical validation of protein-based multiplex technologies in the context of its intended use. This workshop developed through NCI's Clinical Proteomic Technologies for Cancer initiative and the FDA focused on technology-specific analytical validation processes to be addressed prior to use in clinical settings. In making this workshop unique, a case study approach was used to discuss issues related to

  8. Australian doctors and the visual arts. Part 1. Doctor-artists in New South Wales. (United States)

    Hamilton, D G

    Since Europeans first settled in Australia their doctors have been interested in the visual arts. Some have been hobby painters and sculptors, a few with great distinction. Some have been gallery supporters and administrators. A few have written art books. Some have been outstanding photographers. Of the larger number of doctors who have collected art, only those are mentioned who have made their collections public or have made important donations to galleries. The subject of Australian doctors and the visual arts will be discussed in six articles in this and following issues of the journal. The first deals with doctor-artists in New South Wales.

  9. NCI Statement on the U.S. Surgeon General's "Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer" (United States)

    As the Federal Government's principal agency for cancer research and training, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) endorses the U.S. Surgeon General’s “Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer,” which provides a comprehensive evaluation of the current state of skin cancer prevention efforts in the United States and recommends actions for improvement in the future.

  10. The Rise of Professional Doctorates: Case Studies of the Doctorate in Education in China, Iceland and Australia (United States)

    Wildy, Helen; Peden, Sanna; Chan, Karyn


    Doctoral education is going through a period of transition. This transition is evident in the many varieties of doctoral degrees currently offered in higher education institutions worldwide, from the traditional research-based Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to the Professional Doctorate and the New Route PhD. This article reports on a study which…

  11. Healthy Doctors – Sick Medicine

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    Olaf Gjerløw Aasland


    Full Text Available Doctors are among the healthiest segments of the population in western countries. Nevertheless, they complain strongly of stress and burnout. Their own explanation is deprofessionalisation: The honourable art of doctoring has been replaced by standardised interventions and production lines; professional autonomy has withered. This view is shared by many medical sociologists who have identified a “golden age of medicine,” or “golden age of doctoring,” starting after World War II and declining around 1970. This article looks at some of the central sociological literature on deprofessionalisation, particularly in a perspective of countervailing powers. It also looks into another rise-and-fall model, proposed by the medical profession itself, where the fall in professional power was generated by the notion that there are no more white spots to explore on the map of medicine. Contemporary doctoring is a case of cognitive dissonance, where the traditional doctor role seems incompatible with modern health care.Keywords: deprofessionalisation, professional autonomy, cognitive dissonance, golden age of doctoring

  12. The development of online doctor reviews in China: an analysis of the largest online doctor review website in China. (United States)

    Hao, Haijing


    Since the time of Web 2.0, more and more consumers have used online doctor reviews to rate their doctors or to look for a doctor. This phenomenon has received health care researchers' attention worldwide, and many studies have been conducted on online doctor reviews in the United States and Europe. But no study has yet been done in China. Also, in China, without a mature primary care physician recommendation system, more and more Chinese consumers seek online doctor reviews to look for a good doctor for their health care concerns. This study sought to examine the online doctor review practice in China, including addressing the following questions: (1) How many doctors and specialty areas are available for online review? (2) How many online reviews are there on those doctors? (3) What specialty area doctors are more likely to be reviewed or receive more reviews? (4) Are those reviews positive or negative? This study explores an empirical dataset from Good Doctor website,—the earliest and largest online doctor review and online health care community website in China—from 2006 to 2014, to examine the stated research questions by using descriptive statistics, binary logistic regression, and multivariate linear regression. The dataset from the Good Doctor website contained 314,624 doctors across China and among them, 112,873 doctors received 731,543 quantitative reviews and 772,979 qualitative reviews as of April 11, 2014. On average, 37% of the doctors had been reviewed on the Good Doctor website. Gynecology-obstetrics-pediatrics doctors were most likely to be reviewed, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.497 (95% CI 1.461-1.535), and internal medicine doctors were less likely to be reviewed, with an OR of 0.94 (95% CI 0.921-0.960), relative to the combined small specialty areas. Both traditional Chinese medicine doctors and surgeons were more likely to be reviewed than the combined small specialty areas, with an OR of 1.483 (95% CI 1.442-1.525) and an OR of 1

  13. Didáctica Del Campo Eléctrico: Perspectiva Del Profesor De Física En Formación Inicial

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    Jaime Duván Reyes Roncancio


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta resultados de la  tesis doctoral en Educación en Ciencias de la Naturaleza de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas,  en donde se establecen características del conocimiento didáctico de contenido sobre la enseñanza del campo eléctrico. La perspectiva metodológica de corte cualitativo permitió  constituir un caso de estudio sobre la didáctica del profesor de física en formación inicial en el contexto de su practica docente. Los resultados se organizan desde narrativas metafóricas  y discuten  lo enfoques didácticos utilizados y que a su vez cuestionan implicaciones curriculares  en la formación  inicial de docentes de física.

  14. Perceptions of doctors on being treated by a doctor just completing the house job. (United States)

    Ahmad, Amina; Haque Shaikh, Siraj Ul; Tayyab, Muhammad; Gardezi, Javed Raza


    To determine the percentage of medical teachers and fresh doctors who feel that graduating doctors are competent or incompetent to handle common ailments and to evaluate the reasons for their perceptions. Sequential mixed method. First phase extending from December 2010 to December 2011 and second phase was conducted in March 2014. First phase comprised electronic distribution of questionnaire to 100 medical teachers and fresh doctors working in hospitals attached with 5 private and 5 public sector medical colleges of Lahore and Karachi to rate an average house officer on a frequency scale of 1 - 6 and do self-assessment, in case of a fresh doctor. The second phase included interviews of 20 medical teachers to explore justification for their rating in the survey questionnaire and for triangulation of data. Quantitative data was analyzed through SPSS version 15 to calculate frequencies and percentages and interviews were analyzed through quasi-statistical approach. In survey, 38.36% out of 73 medical teachers and 30% out of 20 medical teachers in interviews confirmed their confidence on consulting fresh doctors for common ailments as opposed to 61.64% and 70% respectively, expressing their dissatisfaction. Self-assessment of fresh doctors indicated that 40% are confident in handling common medical conditions as opposed to 33.3% out of 75 respondents, who are not confident about their clinical skills. Faculty and self-assessment of fresh doctors has a fair overlap, indicating room for further improvement in the house job training program.

  15. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... for the doctor’s contact information and their preferred method of communication. Remember that nurses and pharmacists are also good sources of information. How to Talk to your Doctor Talking With Your Doctor , NIH ...

  16. Working as a doctor when chronically ill or disabled: comments made by doctors responding to UK surveys. (United States)

    Smith, Fay; Goldacre, Michael J; Lambert, Trevor W


    To report a qualitative study of themes doctors raised spontaneously, in a large-scale prospective cohort study covering many aspects of their medical careers, when referring to their own chronic illness or disability. Questionnaire survey. UK. Questionnaires were sent one, five and 10 years after graduation to 44,539 doctors who qualified between 1993 and 2012 in the UK: 38,613 questionnaires were returned and 11,859 respondents provided comments made by doctors about their training or work. The comments of 123 doctors about their own chronic illness or disability. Main themes raised included poor support for doctors with chronic illness or disability, delays in and changes to careers (either planned ahead or imposed), the impact of pressure at work, difficulties returning to work after illness, limitations on career choices and inadequate careers advice for doctors with chronic illness or disabilities. More needs to be done to ensure that doctors with chronic illness or disability receive appropriate support. Occupational health guidance should be monitored closely, with more support for ill doctors including adjustments to the job, help if needed with morale and mental health, and advice on career options. Further studies should establish the prevalence of long-term health conditions among doctors.

  17. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... You Talking to Your Doctor Science Education Resources Community Resources Clear Health A–Z Publications List More » ... can play an active role in your health care by talking to your doctor. Clear and honest ...

  18. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Impact of NIH Research Science, Health, and Public Trust You are here Home » Institutes at NIH » NIH ... Your Doctor Plain Language Science, Health, and Public Trust Talking to Your Doctor Part I: Preparing for ...

  19. Doctoral education in the nuclear sector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Minguez, E.


    Doctoral education is a major priority for European universities. In the context of the Bologna Process the importance of doctoral education as the third cycle of higher education and the first stage of a young researchers career, and thus in linking the European Higher Education and Research Areas, was first highlighted in the 2003 Berlin Report. The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. considering the need for structured doctoral programs and the need for transparent supervision and assessment, we note that the normal workload of the third cycle in most countries would correspond 3-4 years full time. This is spirit of the new Spanish Doctoral Law. Then, universities should ensure that their doctoral programmes promote interdisciplinary training and the development of transferable skills, thus meeting the needs of the wider employment market. We need to achieve and overall increase in the numbers of doctoral candidates taking up research careers as early stage researchers and also increase the employability as a normal way as it is the case of other advance countries. In Spain, universities with doctoral nuclear programmes and the CIEMAT, with the sponsorship of the nuclear sector, a doctoral school in nuclear science and engineering should be created to enhance the research careers of Young students for the future of nuclear activities in Spain. (Author)

  20. Diabetes Mellitus: Aptitud clínica del médico de atención primaria Diabetes Mellitus: Clinical aptitude of the doctor of primary care

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    Víctor Manuel Gómez-López


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar la aptitud clínica del médico de las Unidades de Medicina Familiar, en la atención de la diabetes mellitus. Material y métodos: Diseño transversal y comparativo. Se aplicó un instrumento de evaluación validado previamente por un grupo de expertos, a 78 médicos familiares que se desempeñan en el primer nivel de atención. Dentro de los indicadores explorados con el instrumento de evaluación se incluyen: I Reconocimiento de factores de riesgo, II Reconocimiento de signos y síntomas, III Utilización e interpretación de recursos de laboratorio y gabinete, IV Integración diagnóstica, V Utilización de medidas terapéuticas y VI Medidas de seguimiento. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó la prueba de Kruskall-Wallis y la Ji cuadrada con un nivel de significancia de 0.05 Resultados: El puntaje que correspondió a lo explicable por efectos del azar fue Objective: to compare the clinic aptitude of the doctor in the unities of familiar medicine in the care of the diabetes mellitus. Material and Methods: Transversal and comparative pattern. A evaluation previously validated by a group of experts was apply to 78 specialist in familiar medicine who redeem in the first level of attention. The indicators explored in the evaluation are. I recognition of cause of risk. II recognition of signs and symptoms. III utilization and interpretation of laboratory studies and consultation studies. IV diagnostic integration. V utilization of terapeutic measures and VI following measures. For the statistical analysis, it was used the Kruskall-Wallis and chi-square with a level of important of 0.05 Results: the points to the explainable for effects of chance were of < 24 in global grade. According to the scale used, the 64 % (IC 95 % de 53 a 70 % of the results in the grades was situated in the low scale (49-73. In general it didn´t appear significative differences in the results of clinic aptitude by indicator and academic degree

  1. Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes de un consultorio médico del policlínico "Ana Betancourt" Cardiovascular risk found in patients from a doctor's office in "Ana Betancourt" polyclinics

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    Luis Manuel Hernández Vázquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la capacidad predictiva del riesgo coronario es superior a la que se establece por la consideración aislada de los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares. Objetivo: determinar la magnitud del riesgo coronario y las prioridades de prevención cardiovascular en pacientes pertenecientes al consultorio médico de la familia No.5, del policlínico "Ana Betancourt", en el municipio Playa. Métodos: investigación descriptiva, de corte transversal realizada entre 2009-2010. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por las 856 personas mayores de 20 años perteneciente a dicho consultorio. Después de aplicados los criterios de selección, la muestra quedó conformada por 242 pacientes. Se utilizaron los criterios de las Tablas de Predicción del Riesgo Coronario de Framingham, que permiten estimar dicho riesgo a diez años, en las personas con factores de riesgo cardiovascular que aún no han tenido enfermedad coronaria establecida y que requieren intervenciones de cambio de su estilo de vida. Resultados: predominaron los pacientes en la categoría de riesgo coronario moderado, 97 (40,1 %, seguido por los de alto riesgo, 82 (33, 8 % y finalmente, los de bajo riesgo, 63 (26 %. Ninguno de los pacientes estudiados estaba exento de riesgo coronario. Conclusiones: es muy probable, que más de la mitad de la muestra sufra un episodio coronario, mortal o no, durante los próximos diez años. Es urgente aplicar una estrategia de intervención comunitaria, basada en la modificación de los factores de riesgo asociados al estilo de vida, que permita disminuir la actual expresión del riesgo coronario en la población estudiada.Introduction: the predictive capacity of the coronary risk is greater than the prediction set by the individual consideration of the cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: to determine the coronary risk and the cardiovascular prevention priorities in patients from the family doctor's office no.5 in "Ana Betancourt

  2. Eficacia del entrenamiento muscular en el aumento de la fuerza del suelo pélvico


    González Morán, Janire


    RESUMEN: Introducción: La gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva (GAH) fue creada en los años 80 por el Doctor Marcel Caufriez. Surge como alternativa para tonificar la faja abdominal de las mujeres en el postparto, logrando una disminución de la presión intraabdominal (1). Los ejercicios de Kegel consisten en el fortalecimiento del suelo pélvico mediante contracciones voluntarias (2,3). Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia de los ejercicios Kegel y la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva en la me...

  3. Tuberculosis y escritura, las dos muertes de El Doctor Centeno

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    Flores Ruiz, Eva M.


    Full Text Available Pérez Galdós outlines in El Doctor Centeno (1863 the clinical and literary symptoms of the decline of Spanish romanticism in the mid-nineteenth century brought about by the positivism advocated by the bourgeoisie. This article explores the way in which Galdós, to achieve this, uses Alejandro Miquis, a consumed character who along the narrative experiences a twofold feverish process of romantic origin and nature. In the Madrid of 1863, Miquis is dying of tuberculosis, the same illness that romanticism had elevated to mythic proportions. At the same time, this character strives to renew the drama of his time by writing and offering to the brand new middle class a historical play of unmistakable romantic leanings, which is as anachronistic and moribund as he is. Thus, through his death, the ensuing defiling of his work, and a narrative structure filled with medical and literary winks, Galdós succeeds in expanding the death certificate to the whole romantic culture.En El Doctor Centeno (1883, Pérez Galdós perfila un cuadro clínico-literario del ocaso del romanticismo en la España de mediados del siglo XIX, arrollado por el positivismo que abanderaba la nueva sociedad burguesa. Este artículo explora la forma en que Galdós, a tal fin, se sirve de Alejandro Miquis, personaje consumido a lo largo de la narración por un doble proceso febril de naturaleza y origen románticos. En el Madrid de 1863 y, mientras agoniza de la misma enfermedad que el romanticismo elevara a categoría mítica —la tuberculosis—, Miquis se empeña en renovar el teatro de su época, creando y ofreciendo a la naciente sociedad un drama histórico de clara filiación romántica, tan anacrónico y moribundo como él. Así, mediante su muerte y posterior profanación de su obra, y valiéndose de una estructura plagada de guiños médico-literarios, Galdós acierta a extender el acta de defunción de la cultura romántica.

  4. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... NIH Website NIH Employee Intranet Staff Directory En Español Site Menu Home Health Information Health Info Lines ... Talking With Your Doctor , NIH News in Health Español Talking to Your Doctor , National Eye Institute (NEI) ...

  5. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Communications & Public Liaison » Clear Communication Clear Communication Clear Communication Health Literacy Clear & Simple Clear Health from NIH Cultural Respect Language Access Talking to Your Doctor Plain Language Science, Health, and Public Trust Talking to Your Doctor ...

  6. Coaching Doctoral Students--A Means to Enhance Progress and Support Self-Organisation in Doctoral Education (United States)

    Godskesen, Mirjam; Kobayashi, Sofie


    In this paper we focus on individual coaching carried out by an external coach as a new pedagogical element that can impact doctoral students' sense of progress in doctoral education. The study used a mixed-methods approach in that we draw on quantitative and qualitative data from the evaluation of a project on coaching doctoral students. We…

  7. Inequality and Doctoral Education: Exploring the "Rules" of Doctoral Study through Bourdieu's Notion of Field (United States)

    Gopaul, Bryan


    While studies have examined a myriad of issues in doctoral study, much of this research has not employed the tools of major social and cultural thinkers to the dynamics of doctoral education. This paper explores the use of Bourdieu's notion of field to render visible the practices and contexts of doctoral education that produce inequalities across…

  8. Dr Oen Boen Ing Patriot doctor, social activist, and doctor of the poor

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    Ravando Lie


    Full Text Available This article examines the efforts and achievements of Oen Boen Ing, a Tionghoa doctor, to improve the quality of health of the poorer inhabitants of Surakarta. Dr Oen played an important role in five different periods: Dutch colonialism, the Japanese occupation, the Indonesian revolution, Soekarno’s regime, and Suharto’s New Order. Known for being a benevolent doctor, activist, and patriot of the revolution during his life-time, Dr Oen also gave medical assistance to the needy, which famously earned him the accolade of “doctor of the poor”. During the Indonesian revolution, Dr Oen assisted the Student Soldiers (Tentara Pelajar and afterwards was appointed the member of Supreme Advisory Council (Dewan Pertimbangan Agung/DPA by Soekarno in 1949. As a benevolent doctor and activist, Dr Oen is remembered for founding the Panti Kosala Hospital which was renamed to perpetuate his name on 30 October 1983, exactly a year after his passing. When he died, thousands of peoples gathered to pay their final respects to the doctor. He was honoured with a ceremony conducted in the Mangkunegaran Palace. Dr Oen’s name will be eternally respected, especially in Surakarta.

  9. Escuela de formación doctoral de la Universidad de Guantánamo: interfase innovadora e integrada al desarrollo local

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    Alberto Turro -Breff


    Full Text Available En la propuesta se sistematiza la experiencia de la Escuela de formación doctoral de la Universidad de Guantánamo (eFD-UG como interfase innovadora e integrada al desarrollo local. Se presenta el diagnóstico conectado a la formación doctoral, se explica el modelo de gestión con el propósito de asegurar la formación de la reserva científica de pregrado y profesionales en la formación doctoral de forma colaborativa y tutelar, así como la superación posdoctoral, se argumentan las acciones y su conexión con las líneas de investigación, proyectos, grupos científicos estudiantiles, reserva científica y los aspirantes, así como los principales resultados y retos en función de las necesidades y demandas del desarrollo local.

  10. Estudio de la contribución del epicardio durante la regeneración del corazón en un modelo de criolesión ventricular en pez cebra


    González Rosa, Juan Manuel


    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Molecular. Fecha de lectura: 21-06-2013 El corazón del pez cebra regenera completamente después de la amputación del ápex del ventrículo. Aunque este modelo de lesión ha sido útil para la elucidación de ciertos mecanismos, está basado en la eliminación quirúrgica de una porción de un órgano y no en la inducción de un daño tisular real. En este trabajo se ha caracterizado las r...

  11. Cuerpo y palabra: el mito de Fausto según La Fura dels Baus

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    Aarón Rodríguez Serrano


    Full Text Available We are going to build a new lecture of the Faust´s original myth based in the La Fura dels Baus trilogy. Our main objective is study how two of the main important theatre codes (word/body are used to build a new postmodern cover of the goethian original.Ofrecemos una lectura de la trilogía que La Fura dels Baus dedicó al mito del Doctor Fausto en clave de análisis textual. Nuestro principal objetivo es observar cómo dos de los códigos tradicionales en la construcción teatral (cuerpo/palabra se deslizan hasta ofrecer una lectura postmoderna del texto original de Goethe.

  12. Metformin synergistically enhances antiproliferative effects of cisplatin and etoposide in NCI-H460 human lung cancer cells

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    Sarah Fernandes Teixeira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To test the effectiveness of combining conventional antineoplastic drugs (cisplatin and etoposide with metformin in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in the NCI-H460 cell line, in order to develop new therapeutic options with high efficacy and low toxicity.METHODS: We used the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT assay and calculated the combination index for the drugs studied.RESULTS: We found that the use of metformin as monotherapy reduced the metabolic viability of the cell line studied. Combining metformin with cisplatin or etoposide produced a synergistic effect and was more effective than was the use of cisplatin or etoposide as monotherapy.CONCLUSIONS: Metformin, due to its independent effects on liver kinase B1, had antiproliferative effects on the NCI-H460 cell line. When metformin was combined with cisplatin or etoposide, the cell death rate was even higher.

  13. Talking to Your Doctor

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Discovery Into Health ® Impact of NIH Research Science, Health, and Public Trust You are here Home » Institutes at NIH » ... Access Talking to Your Doctor Plain Language Science, Health, and Public Trust Talking to Your Doctor Part I: Preparing ...

  14. Dementia - what to ask your doctor (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about dementia; Alzheimer disease - what to ask your doctor; Cognitive impairment - what to ask your doctor ... Alzheimer's Association. Dementia Care Practice Recommendations ... in a Home Setting. Updated 2009. ...

  15. Seeking and using intention of health information from doctors in social media: The effect of doctor-consumer interaction. (United States)

    Wu, Tailai; Deng, Zhaohua; Zhang, Donglan; Buchanan, Paula R; Zha, Dongqing; Wang, Ruoxi


    The aim of this study is to investigate how doctor-consumer interaction in social media influences consumers' health information seeking and usage intention. Based on professional-client interaction theory and expectation confirmation theory, we propose that doctor-consumer interaction can be divided into instrumental interaction and affective interaction. These two types of interaction influence consumers' health information seeking and usage intention through consumer satisfaction and trust towards doctors. To validate our proposed research model, we employed the survey method. The measurement instruments for all constructs were developed based on previous literatures, and 352 valid answers were collected by using these instruments. Our results reveal that consumers' intention to seek health information significantly predicts their intention to use health information from social media. Meanwhile, both consumer satisfaction and trust towards doctors influences consumers' health information seeking and usage intention significantly. With regards to the impact of the interaction between doctors and consumers, the results show that both types of doctor-consumer interaction significantly affect consumer satisfaction and trust towards doctors. The mediation analysis confirms the mediation role of consumer satisfaction and trust towards doctors. Compared with many intentional intervention programs, doctor-consumer interaction can be treated as an effective intervention with low cost to promote consumers' health information seeking and usage. Meanwhile, both instrumental and affective interaction should be highlighted for the best interaction results. At last, consumer satisfaction and trust towards doctors could be considered as the important working mechanisms for the effect of doctor-consumer interaction. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Gestión del Conocimiento y Cultura investigativa. Una Aproximación Teórica-Crítica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourdes C. Marín


    Full Text Available En el contexto de la sociedad del conocimiento y la era planetaria, las posibilidades del conocimiento son infinitas, dada las complejas interconexiones de orden multicultural en el contexto de una sociedad global. Esta especial característica del mundo de hoy, conduce a interpelar la epistemología y la teoría acerca del conocimiento existente en el campo de las Ciencias Sociales y específicamente, educativas. Este particular desafío epistémico traduce desentrañar las complejidades ontogénicas existentes en el sistema Educación Superior, investigación doctoral, gestión del conocimiento y cultura investigativa. En efecto, la presente investigación se propone generar una reconfiguración teórica-crítica acerca de la gestión del conocimiento y la cultura investigativa en el contexto de los estudios doctorales de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. En estas circunstancias, se asume que el eje articulador de la investigación universitaria de nivel doctoral debe girar en torno a la gestión del conocimiento científico para la construcción colectiva de una cultura investigativa. La investigación se fundamenta en los aportes de la teoría crítica. El objeto de estudio será abordado epistemologicamente con base en el paradigma interpretativo, en el marco del pensamiento transdisciplinario y con método hermenéutico a partir de una investigación de campo de naturaleza interpretativa. Se prevé entrevistar, algunos profesores como a los doctorantes, que se encuentren en la fase de culminación o egresados del subprograma doctoral en las diferentes sedes del país. Para tales fines se aplicarán diversas técnicas propias de la propuesta de investigación cualitativa, así como el método comparativo constante. Finalmente, el proceso de análisis crítico, la interpretación de las categorías emergentes y reflexiones de la investigadora, será el cimiento de un nuevo corpus teórico-crítico acerca de la gestión del

  17. [Murder of the doctor]. (United States)

    Lorettu, Liliana; Falchi, Lorenzo; Nivoli, Fabrizia L; Milia, Paolo; Nivoli, Giancarlo; Nivoli, Alessandra M


    To examine possible risk factors for the doctor to be killed by the patient in the clinical practice by examining a series of murders that involved physicians. This aim has been achieved through a retrospective review on clinical cases of doctors killed by patients within the period between 1988 and 2013, in Italy. In this period 18 Italian doctors have been killed in the workplace, with a rate of 0.3/100,000. In 7 cases, the murder resulted in the context of doctor-dissatisfaction; in 7 cases the murder was committed by a psychiatric patient; 1 case in the context of a stalking; 3 cases occurred in a workplace which was not safe enough. Four categories of at-risk contexts have been identified. One category includes a murder in the context of a doctor-dissatisfaction, perceived by patient. The second category concerns murders committed by patients suffering from mental illness. A third category includes homicides in a workplace which is not safe. The last category comprises the murder in the context of stalking. These categories identify specific dangerous situations for physicians, in which are highlighted elements that have played a crucial role in the murder and for which special precautions are suggested preventive.

  18. Search Technologies | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Our team of technology transfer specialists has specialized training in invention reporting, patenting, patent strategy, executing technology transfer agreements and marketing. TTC is comprised of professionals with diverse legal, scientific, and business/marketing expertise. Most of our staff hold doctorate-level technical and/or legal training.

  19. Available Technologies | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Our team of technology transfer specialists has specialized training in invention reporting, patenting, patent strategy, executing technology transfer agreements and marketing. TTC is comprised of professionals with diverse legal, scientific, and business/marketing expertise. Most of our staff hold doctorate-level technical and/or legal training.

  20. Partnering Events | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    Our team of technology transfer specialists has specialized training in invention reporting, patenting, patent strategy, executing technology transfer agreements and marketing. TTC is comprised of professionals with diverse legal, scientific, and business/marketing expertise. Most of our staff hold doctorate-level technical and/or legal training.

  1. On Doctoral Student Development: Exploring Faculty Mentoring in the Shaping of African American Doctoral Student Success (United States)

    Felder, Pamela


    This study examines the influence of faculty mentorship in the shaping of African American doctoral student success. A case analysis framework is used to investigate the belief systems that doctoral students held about their doctoral experience. Data collection involved a one-phase semi-structured interview protocol used to gather information…

  2. Through doctors' eyes: A qualitative study of hospital doctor perspectives on their working conditions.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McGowan, Yvonne


    BACKGROUND: Hospital doctors face significant challenges in the current health care environment, working with staff shortages and cutbacks to health care expenditure, alongside increased demand for health care and increased public expectations. OBJECTIVE: This article analyses challenges faced by junior hospital doctors, providing insight into the experiences of these frontline staff in delivering health services in recessionary times. DESIGN: A qualitative methodology was chosen. METHODS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 doctors from urban Irish hospitals. Interviews were recorded via note taking. Full transcripts were analysed thematically using NVivo software. RESULTS: Dominant themes included the following: (1) unrealistic workloads: characterised by staff shortages, extended working hours, irregular and frequently interrupted breaks; (2) fatigue and its impact: the quality of care provided to patients while doctors were sleep-deprived was questioned; however, little reflection was given to any impact this may have had on junior doctors own health; (3) undervalued and disillusioned: insufficient training, intensive workloads and a perceived lack of power to influence change resulted in a sense of detachment among junior doctors. They appeared immune to their surroundings. CONCLUSION: Respondents ascribed little importance to the impact of current working conditions on their own health. They felt their roles were underappreciated and undervalued by policy makers and hospital management. Respondents were concerned with the lack of time and opportunity for training. This study highlighted several \\'red flags\\

  3. [Patients, doctors and the internet]. (United States)

    Jeannot, Jean Gabriel; Bischoff, Thomas


    The majority of the Swiss population uses the internet to seek information about health. The objective is to be better informed, before or after the consultation. Doctors can advise their information-seeking patients about high quality websites, be it medical portals or websites dedicated to a specific pathology. Doctors should not see the internet as a threat but rather as an opportunity to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship.

  4. Fourth Doctoral Student Assembly

    CERN Multimedia

    Ingrid Haug


    On 10 May, over 130 PhD students and their supervisors, from both CERN and partner universities, gathered for the 4th Doctoral Student Assembly in the Council Chamber.   The assembly was followed by a poster session, at which eighteen doctoral students presented the outcome of their scientific work. The CERN Doctoral Student Programme currently hosts just over 200 students in applied physics, engineering, computing and science communication/education. The programme has been in place since 1985. It enables students to do their research at CERN for a maximum of three years and to work on a PhD thesis, which they defend at their University. The programme is steered by the TSC committee, which holds two selection committees per year, in June and December. The Doctoral Student Assembly was opened by the Director-General, Fabiola Gianotti, who stressed the importance of the programme in the scientific environment at CERN, emphasising that there is no more rewarding activity than lear...

  5. An analytical comparison of the patient-to-doctor policy and the doctor-to-patient policy in the outpatient clinic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hulshof, P.J.H.; Vanberkel, P.T.; Boucherie, Richardus J.; Hans, Elias W.; van Houdenhoven, Mark; van Ommeren, Jan C.W.

    Outpatient clinics traditionally organize processes such that the doctor remains in a consultation room, while patients visit for consultation, we call this the Patient-to-Doctor policy. A different approach is the Doctor-to-Patient policy, whereby the doctor travels between multiple consultation

  6. Enhanced Missing Proteins Detection in NCI60 Cell Lines Using an Integrative Search Engine Approach. (United States)

    Guruceaga, Elizabeth; Garin-Muga, Alba; Prieto, Gorka; Bejarano, Bartolomé; Marcilla, Miguel; Marín-Vicente, Consuelo; Perez-Riverol, Yasset; Casal, J Ignacio; Vizcaíno, Juan Antonio; Corrales, Fernando J; Segura, Victor


    The Human Proteome Project (HPP) aims deciphering the complete map of the human proteome. In the past few years, significant efforts of the HPP teams have been dedicated to the experimental detection of the missing proteins, which lack reliable mass spectrometry evidence of their existence. In this endeavor, an in depth analysis of shotgun experiments might represent a valuable resource to select a biological matrix in design validation experiments. In this work, we used all the proteomic experiments from the NCI60 cell lines and applied an integrative approach based on the results obtained from Comet, Mascot, OMSSA, and X!Tandem. This workflow benefits from the complementarity of these search engines to increase the proteome coverage. Five missing proteins C-HPP guidelines compliant were identified, although further validation is needed. Moreover, 165 missing proteins were detected with only one unique peptide, and their functional analysis supported their participation in cellular pathways as was also proposed in other studies. Finally, we performed a combined analysis of the gene expression levels and the proteomic identifications from the common cell lines between the NCI60 and the CCLE project to suggest alternatives for further validation of missing protein observations.

  7. Penumbra: Doctoral support as drama

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wisker, Gina; Robinson, Gill; Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard


    Much international doctoral learning research focuses on personal, institutional and learning support provided by supervisors, managed relationships,‘nudging’ robust, conceptual, critical, creative work. Other work focuses on stresses experienced in supervisor-student relationships and doctoral...... journeys. Some considers formal and informal learning communities supporting students on research journeys, and roles played by families, friends and others, sometimes o ering encouragement and sometimes added stress. However, little has been explored concerning often uno cial, largely unrecognised...... sanctioned (‘lightside’), and less well recognised often unsanctioned (‘darkside’) on doctoral research and writing learning journey, instigating questions about doctoral student needs, and the range of support provided, both legitimate, well known, less legitimate. This work concentrates on the ‘darkside’....

  8. Psychiatric Prescribers' Experiences With Doctor Shoppers. (United States)

    Worley, Julie; Johnson, Mary; Karnik, Niranjan


    Doctor shopping is a primary method of prescription medication diversion. After opioids, benzodiazepines and stimulants are the next most common prescription medications used nonmedically. Studies have shown that patients who engage in doctor shopping find it fun, exciting, and easy to do. There is a lack of research on the prescriber's perspective on the phenomenon of doctor shopping. This study investigates the experiences of prescribers in psychiatry with patients who engage in doctor shopping. Fifteen prescribers including psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners working in outpatient psychiatry were interviewed to elicit detailed information about their experiences with patients who engage in doctor shopping. Themes found throughout the interview were that psychiatric prescribers' experience with patients who engage in doctor shopping includes (a) detecting red flags, (b) negative emotional responding, (c) addressing the patient and the problem, and (d) inconsistently implementing precautions. When red flags were detected when prescribing controlled drugs, prescribers in psychiatry experienced both their own negative emotional responses such as disappointment and resentment as well as the negative emotions of the patients such as anger and other extreme emotional responses. Psychiatric prescribers responded to patient's doctor shopping in a variety of ways such as changing their practice, discharging the patients or taking steps to not accept certain patients identified as being at risk for doctor shopping, as well as by talking to the patient and trying to offer them help. Despite experiencing doctor shopping, the prescribers inconsistently implemented precautionary measures such as checking prescription drug monitoring programs. © The Author(s) 2015.

  9. La giuridificazione del concetto europeo di pensioni adeguate, sicure e sostenibili = La juridificación del concepto europeo de pensiones adecuadas, seguras y sostenibles


    Ortiz González-Conde, Francisco Miguel


    La tesis doctoral «La juridificación del concepto europeo de pensiones adecuadas, seguras y sostenibles» aborda el encaje en el ordenamiento jurídico español de la agenda europea de modernización de los sistemas de protección social y en concreto del concepto de pensiones adecuadas, seguras y sostenibles propuesto por el Libro Blanco de Pensiones, el cual, culmina un proceso de casi más de una década en torno a la reforma de los sistemas europeos de pensiones y establecer las pautas a seguir ...

  10. Agency doctorates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Staff members of the Agency working at the Seibersdorf laboratory are continuing to achieve high academic distinction. Two more - both Austrian - have now been awarded the degree of Doctor of Agriculture. Joachim Kramer, who is 26, graduated from the Hochschule fur Bodenkultur in 1967 with the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur and then started work in the plant breeding and genetics section of the laboratory under the direction of Dr. Knut Mikaelsen. The results of the research work he carried out were accepted as the subject of a thesis for which he has now been granted his doctorate. The doctoral promotion took place on 30 June, at a ceremony attended by Dr. Andre Finkelstein, Deputy Director General for Research and Isotopes. The subject of Dr. Kramer's thesis was a comprehensive study of the mutagenic effects of fast neutrons and gamma rays, and the influence of various modifying factors such as water content, oxygen and metabolic state of seeds at the time of irradiation. This work has contributed significantly to the understanding of the mechanisms by which these two types of ionizing radiation produce mutations in seeds. The knowledge gained will be of great importance in the efficient use of ionizing radiation in practical plant breeding. Paul Wassermann, who is 33 years old, joined the Agency in 1965. He, too, graduated from the Hochschule fur Bodenkultur as Diplom-Ingenieur in agriculture, having graduated with honours previously from the agricultural secondary school at Raumberg, Austria, in 1958. Dr. Wassermann's own words may be used to explain how he came to gain his doctorate. 'In October, 1966, I completed my studies at the Hochschule,' he writes. 'I was employed at the Agency laboratories in Seibersdorf, working in the plant and soils group. Encouraged by the interesting research which was performed there, a thesis entitled 'the Fate of Nitrogen in Submerged Rice Soils' was started, which finally led to the doctor's degree in Agriculture in June this year

  11. The doctoral learning penumbra

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard; Robinson, Gill; Wisker, Gina

    This paper presents our cross-national research into what we term the ‘doctoral learning penumbra’, which covers the diverse, unnoticed, and often unrecognised forms of help and support that doctoral students draw from during their PhD, and which are vital for completion. Our aim is to better...

  12. Headache - what to ask your doctor (United States)

    ... Migraine - what to ask your doctor; Tension-type headache - what to ask your doctor; Cluster headache - what to ask your doctor ... How can I tell if the headache I am having is dangerous? What are ... headache ? A migraine headache ? A cluster headache ? What medical ...

  13. Australian doctors and the visual arts. Part 4. Doctors as supporters of art galleries and artists in Victoria. (United States)

    Hamilton, D G


    The contribution of doctors to the visual arts is being discussed in a series of six articles. Doctor-artists in New South Wales and Victoria, and doctors as collectors, donors, gallery supporters and writers in New South Wales, have been discussed in earlier articles. This, the fourth article, deals with doctors as supporters of art galleries and artists in Victoria.

  14. African International Doctoral Students in New Zealand: Englishes, Doctoral Writing and Intercultural Supervision (United States)

    Doyle, Stephanie; Manathunga, Catherine; Prinsen, Gerard; Tallon, Rachel; Cornforth, Sue


    While the experiences of international doctoral students, especially those from Asian countries, have been well researched, fewer studies have explored the experiences of African students in Southern countries like Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. This article reports on doctoral writing and student and supervisor perspectives on English…

  15. [Life conditions of Togolese doctors]. (United States)

    Koffi-Tessio, Annick Viwalé; Oniankitan, Owonayo; Mijiyawa, Moustafa


    A study has been carried out by Togolese medical doctors in order to determine the perceived and the real life of their profession. The study, which was transversal, has taken in account a sample of 52 medical doctors made on the basis of a cautious choice. Most of these medical doctors (15 general practitioners, 23 specialists and 14 hospitalo-universitaires) work in the medical cares centres of Lomé. A sheet of survey has permitted the collection of demographic data and data relating to the medical studies and career. The 52 medical doctors included in the study (7 women, 45 men) were between 25 and 59 years old; their age of getting their A-level was between 16 and 23 years old, and that of getting the doctorate diploma between 24 and 37. The length of professional experience stands between 8 months and 27 years. The marital status was specified by 47 of the 52 medical doctors: 13 single, one divorced, and 33 married; 5 of the 7 women who took part in the survey were single and without any child. The love of the profession (65%), the social status it confers (37%) and the honour tied to the profession (27%) were the main motives of choosing the profession. The decision of doing medical studies was taken during secondary studies by 45 of the 52 persons. The faculty of medicine of Lomé has been the study frame to general medicine studies of 35 persons (67%). The low payment (83%), the poverty of the patients (83%), the narrowness of the technical platform (79%), the insufficiency of cares structures in paramedical personnel (67%), the insufficiency of continuing education (60%), and the lack or insufficiency of drugs (58%) were the main problems encountered during their professional experience by the people questioned. 22 medical doctors (43%) have estimated that their profession has given them a particular social status. Only 8 medical doctors have found that the real things they have gone trough in the profession matches with the idea they had, while 32 (62

  16. Reinventing The Doctor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moyez Jiwa


    Full Text Available There has been a seismic shift in the lives of people because of technology. People are far better informed than they were in the 1980s and 1990s. Much of this information is available through the media but even more is available and archived on the internet. The forces pushing the internet into health and health care are strong and unstoppable, ensuring that the internet and the choices it offers must be part of the design of our future health care system. We are no longer content to wait in queues as we live at a faster pace than earlier generations — we don’t not have time to wait for appointments months, weeks or even days in advance. The internet offers the prospect of online consultations in the comfort of your own home. The physical examination will change as new devices are developed to allow the necessary sounds and signals emitted by our malfunctioning bodies to be recorded, interpreted and captured at a remote location. Meanwhile, for those who prefer to see a health care practitioner in person the options to consult practitioners other than doctors who can advise on our health is expanding. The reality is we can’t afford to train or pay for all the doctors we need under the current “doctor-knows-best” system of health care. Patients no longer believe the rhetoric and are already voting with their feet. Pharmacists, nurses and other allied health professionals are beginning to play a much greater role in offering relief from symptoms and monitoring of chronic diseases. Of course, the doctor of the future will still need to offer face-to-face consultations to some people most of the time or most people some of the time. The social role doctors play will continue to be important as humans will always need other humans to personally respond to their distress. As doctors reinvent themselves, the internet and the value of time with patients will be the driving forces that move us into a more sustainable future in health care.

  17. Persistent Identifier Practice for Big Data Management at NCI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jingbo Wang


    Full Text Available The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI manages over 10 PB research data, which is co-located with the high performance computer (Raijin and an HPC class 3000 core OpenStack cloud system (Tenjin. In support of this integrated High Performance Computing/High Performance Data (HPC/HPD infrastructure, NCI’s data management practices includes building catalogues, DOI minting, data curation, data publishing, and data delivery through a variety of data services. The metadata catalogues, DOIs, THREDDS, and Vocabularies, all use different Uniform Resource Locator (URL styles. A Persistent IDentifier (PID service provides an important utility to manage URLs in a consistent, controlled and monitored manner to support the robustness of our national ‘Big Data’ infrastructure. In this paper we demonstrate NCI’s approach of utilising the NCI’s 'PID Service 'to consistently manage its persistent identifiers with various applications.

  18. The Criminal Justice Doctorate: A Study of Doctoral Programs in the United States. (United States)

    Felkenes, George T.

    Graduates of six institutions were surveyed in an effort to develop a profile of doctoral graduates from institutions that have traditionally offered doctoral programs oriented specifically toward the field of criminal justice. A second research objective was to develop an understanding of the attitudes, frustrations, and utilization patterns of…

  19. Competencias TIC del profesor de educación media superior en la modalidad abierta de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


    Valdez Alejandre, Francisco J.


    La evaluación de las competencias TIC del profesor de educación media superior en la modalidad abierta de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México permitirá a la institución encuestada identificar el conocimiento, el uso y las acciones que realiza el profesorado universitario en la mejora de sus competencias TIC. L'avaluació de les competències TIC del professor d'educació mitjana superior en la modalitat oberta de la Facultad de Contaduría ...

  20. Feasible utopias in doctoral education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elliot, Dely; Guccione, Kay; Bengtsen, Søren Smedegaard

    -Martek, Chen & McAlpine, 2011). PGRs’ motivation, creativity, resilience and momentum during their long and intense doctoral journey are often strongly sustained by unseen informal structures, social support systems and extra-curricular activities tacitly providing emotional, social, pastoral and academic......Part 1 Abstract Ongoing educational and psycho-social challenges in doctoral education (e.g. psychological distress, attrition and delay in completion) warrant a more comprehensive understanding of the expanded doctoral education context and how the different facets of doctoral support mechanisms......, 2016b; Bengtsen & Barnett, 2017; Bryan & Guccione, 2018; Elliot et al., 2016b, 2016c; Wisker et al., 2017). Yet, there remains a somewhat limited understanding not only of these multifaceted components but how they interact with already existing formal and informal support mechanisms offered...

  1. Reasons for consulting a doctor on the Internet: Web survey of users of an Ask the Doctor service. (United States)

    Umefjord, Göran; Petersson, Göran; Hamberg, Katarina


    In 1998 the Swedish noncommercial public health service Infomedica opened an Ask the Doctor service on its Internet portal. At no charge, anyone with Internet access can use this service to ask questions about personal health-related and disease-related matters. To study why individuals choose to consult previously-unknown doctors on the Internet. Between November 1, 2001, and January 31, 2002 a Web survey of the 3622 Ask the Doctor service users, 1036 men (29%) and 2586 (71%) women, was conducted. We excluded 186 queries from users. The results are based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of the answers to the question "Why did you choose to ask a question at Infomedica's 'Ask the Doctor' service?" 1223 surveys were completed (response rate 36 %). Of the participants in the survey 322 (26%) were male and 901 (74%) female. As major reasons for choosing to consult previously-unknown doctors on the Internet participants indicated: convenience (52%), anonymity (36%), "doctors too busy" (21%), difficult to find time to visit a doctor (16%), difficulty to get an appointment (13%), feeling uncomfortable when seeing a doctor (9%), and not being able to afford a doctors' visit (3%). Further motives elicited through a qualitative analysis of free-text answers were: seeking a second opinion, discontent with previous doctors and a wish for a primary evaluation of a medical problem, asking embarrassing or sensitive questions, seeking information on behalf of relatives, preferring written communication, and (from responses by expatriates, travelers, and others) living far away from regular health care. We found that that an Internet based Ask the Doctor service is primarily consulted because it is convenient, but it may also be of value for individuals with needs that regular health care services have not been able to meet.

  2. When doctors share visit notes with patients: a study of patient and doctor perceptions of documentation errors, safety opportunities and the patient-doctor relationship. (United States)

    Bell, Sigall K; Mejilla, Roanne; Anselmo, Melissa; Darer, Jonathan D; Elmore, Joann G; Leveille, Suzanne; Ngo, Long; Ralston, James D; Delbanco, Tom; Walker, Jan


    Patient advocates and safety experts encourage adoption of transparent health records, but sceptics worry that shared notes may offend patients, erode trust or promote defensive medicine. As electronic health records disseminate, such disparate views fuel policy debates about risks and benefits of sharing visit notes with patients through portals. Presurveys and postsurveys from 99 volunteer doctors at three US sites who participated in OpenNotes and postsurveys from 4592 patients who read at least one note and submitted a survey. Patients read notes to be better informed and because they were curious; about a third read them to check accuracy. In total, 7% (331) of patients reported contacting their doctor's office about their note. Of these, 29% perceived an error, and 85% were satisfied with its resolution. Nearly all patients reported feeling better (37%) or the same (62%) about their doctor. Patients who were older (>63), male, non-white, had fair/poor self-reported health or had less formal education were more likely to report feeling better about their doctor. Among doctors, 26% anticipated documentation errors, and 44% thought patients would disagree with notes. After a year, 53% believed patient satisfaction increased, and 51% thought patients trusted them more. None reported ordering more tests or referrals. Despite concerns about errors, offending language or defensive practice, transparent notes overall did not harm the patient-doctor relationship. Rather, doctors and patients perceived relational benefits. Traditionally more vulnerable populations-non-white, those with poorer self-reported health and those with fewer years of formal education-may be particularly likely to feel better about their doctor after reading their notes. Further informing debate about OpenNotes, the findings suggest transparent records may improve patient satisfaction, trust and safety. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Sanmartín Barberi


    Full Text Available

    La reunión que hoy nos congrega en esta sesión conjunta tiene por objeto conmemorar una importante efemérides de la medicina universal y tributar homenaje a la memoria de un excepcional galeno de nuestra patria.

    Me permitiré leer una breve comunicación que el 8 de octubre del año pasado dirigí al Presidente de nuestra Academia, pues resume el motivo central de esta ceremonia:
    “El año próximo venidero se cumplen ochenta de la trascendental comunicación del Dr. Roberto Franco sobre una epidemia febril que estudió en las Minas de Muzo.
    Tal investigación constituye uno de los hitos más importantes de la medicina tropical. Las novedosas conclusiones del Dr. Franco, basadas en un juicioso estudio de campo y en una sagaz observación clínica y epidemiológica, fueron puestas en duda y aún negadas en su época. Sólo el tiempo y las investigaciones posteriores dieron razón a su notable afirmación de la existencia de la fiebre amarilla de los bosques.

    Me parece que sería justo y oportuno que la Academia celebre tal aniversario de manera apropiada y que se aproveche la ocasión para exaltar la memoria del que fue, sin duda, una de las figuras cimeras de la medicina nacional”.
    Tanto la Academia como nuestra Sociedad histórica, a las que me honro en pertenecer, acogieron favorablemente la sugerencia. Me enaltece sobremanera ser yo quien esta noche las representa.

    En el número 331 de Noviembre de 1907 de la Revista Médica de Bogotá, órgano de la Academia Nacional de Medicina, se publicó el informe presentado al Presidente del Sindicato de las Minas de Muzo, por la misión encargada de estudiar la epidemia de fiebres observada en la mina en los meses de Marzo y Abril de 1907. Tal documento tiene fecha del 14 de Mayo del mismo año y está suscrito por el Dr. Roberto Franco, quien deja constancia de la invaluable colaboración de dos de sus estudiantes que le acompañaron a Muzo y que fueron los

  4. Influencia del cambio de uso sobre la erosión del suelo, carbono transportado por erosión y stocks de carbono en ambientes semiáridos mediterráneos


    López Carratalá, Jorge


    A continuación se describen los temas principales que serán abordados en la tesis doctoral futura: - Relevancia del proceso de erosión hídrica en zonas semiáridas mediterráneas. - Influencia de la erosión en la dinámica del carbono. - Relaciones estructura-Erosión hídrica-Carbono. - Pools de carbono asociados con la erosión hídrica - Contribución de la erosión hídrica a la pérdida de carbono. - Cambio en las propiedades básicas del suelo debido al cambio de uso. - Cambios...

  5. Escuela de formación doctoral de la Universidad de Guantánamo, una experiencia para el desarrollo local

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Durand-Rill


    Full Text Available En la propuesta se sistematiza la experiencia de la Universidad de Guantánamo como institución científica, tecnológica y humanista acerca del proyecto de la Escuela de Formación Doctoral desde su fundación, el cual se encamina a elevar la calidad de la preparación de los profesionales expresado en su desempeño.

  6. Palabras del Señor Académico Don Jaime Posada Díaz. Director de la Academia Colombiana de la Lengua y Presidente del Colegio Máximo de las Academias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victoria Rodriguez


    Full Text Available

    Señora Ministra de Salud, doctora María Teresa Forero de Saade; señor Presidente, doctor Gilberto Rueda Pérez; señor Presidente de la Corporación, doctor José Félix Patiño; señores miembros salientes y electos de las Mesas Directivas; señores Presidentes de las Academias y Sociedades que integran el Colegio Máximo; señores Exministros de Estado, miembros del Cuerpo Diplomático; señor Presidente de la Cruz Roja Nacional, doctor Guillermo Rueda Montaña; señores Académicos y Rectores Universitarios, señores profesores, amigos todos:

    En razón de la trascendencia de la convocatoria de esta noche y dada la presencia de los miembros de la Junta Directiva, el Colegio Máximo de las Academias ha resuelto que la jornada de esta noche sea la primera reunión plenaria del Colegio en el trimestre inicial de 1998.

    Se posesionan hoy el Presidente y la nueva Junta Directiva de la Academia Nacional de Medicina integrada por los doctores José Félix Patiño Restrepo, Presidente; Juan Mendoza-Vega, Vicepresidente; Hernando Groot Liévano, Secretario Perpetuo; Joaquín Silva Silva, Secretario General y Hernando Forero Caballero, Tesorero.

    En representación del Colegio Máximo de las Academias Colombianas, les doy una cordial y merecida bienvenida y felicito a la Academia Nacional de Medicina por el afortunado escogimiento.

    Simultáneamente me corresponde agradecer al Presidente y a la Junta que terminan, y que en anteriores ocasiones fueron reelegidos, agradecer la activa y provechosa colaboración que prestaron a las tareas del Colegio Máximo los doctores Gilberto Rueda Pérez, Presidente, Roberto de Zubiría, Vicepresidente; Hernando Groot, Secretario Perpetuo; Zoilo Cuéllar, Secretario y Gonzalo López, Tesorero, merecen la gratitud por la buena voluntad creativa que mostraron en todo momento.

    Al doctor Gilberto Rueda Pérez le correspondió una gestión de altísimas responsabilidades, no sólo en la

  7. ¿Qué opinan los médicos penitenciarios sobre el control de la infección por el VIH en las prisiones españolas?: Resultados del Estudio del Grupo de Trabajo en Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Sociedad Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria (GEISESP What do prison doctors think about HIV infection control in Spanish prisons?: Results of the study of the Spanish Society of Prison Health Working Group on Infectious Diseases (GEISESP

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    P. Saiz De la Hoya


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del estudio realizado por el Grupo de Enfermedades Infecciosas de la Sociedad Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria (GEISESP sobre la opinión de los facultativos penitenciarios en cuanto a la conveniencia o no de realizar el control de la infección por el VIH en el medio carcelario y sobre las dificultades, esfuerzos, necesidades y responsabilidades que esta actividad puede suponer. Este estudio se efectuó en el año 2007 utilizando una encuesta diseñada ad hoc remitida a todos los facultativos de 73 centros penitenciarios españoles. Se recibieron 116 cuestionarios válidos, estimándose que los datos obtenidos podían aplicarse al total de la población con un nivel de confianza del 95% y un margen de error del 8%. La mitad de los médicos refirieron prescribir tratamientos antirretrovirales, aunque sólo el 10% decían prescribir combinaciones de rescate. Es de destacar también que sólo la mitad de los médicos se consideran formados adecuadamente para atender pacientes infectados por el VIH, aunque la mayoría afirma haber hecho formación específica de postgrado en esta materia. En general, los médicos consideran que la calidad de la asistencia recibida por los infectados por el VIH en prisión es buena.We present the results of the study carried out by The Spanish Society of Penitentiary Health Working Group on Infectious Diseases (GEISESP on the opinion of prison doctors concerning the suitability of undertaking or not undertaking controls of HIV infection in prisons and about the difficulties, efforts, needs and responsibilities that this activity may involve. This study was carried out in 2007 using an ad hoc survey designed and sent to doctors at 73 prisons in Spain. 116 valid questionnaires were received. It was considered that the data received could be applied to the whole population with a level of trust of 95% and an 8% margin of error. Half the doctors referred to prescribing antiretroviral

  8. Análisis de las poblaciones de microorganismos fijadores de nitrógeno del suelo aplicando procedimientos metagenómicos


    Calderoli, Priscila Anabel


    En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se llevó a cabo el análisis de las poblaciones de microorganismos fijadores de nitrógeno del suelo aplicando análisis independientes del cultivo. Se analizaron suelos de la principal región agrícola de la Argentina, la región pampeana.

  9. Does a self-referral counselling program reach doctors in need of help? A comparison with the general Norwegian doctor workforce

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    Gude Tore


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Doctors have a relatively high degree of emotional distress, but seek help to a lesser degree and at a later stage than other academic groups. This can be deleterious for themselves and for their patients. Prevention programs have therefore been developed but it is unclear to what extent they reach doctors in need of help. This study describes doctors who participated in a self-referrral, easily accessible, stress relieving, counselling program in Norway, and compares them with a nationwide sample of Norwegian doctors. Methods Two hundred and twenty seven (94% of the doctors, 117 women and 110 men, who came to the resort centre Villa Sana, Modum, Norway, between August 2003 and July 2005, agreed to participate in the study. Socio-demographic data, reasons for and ways of help-seeking, sick-leave, symptoms of depression and anxiety, job stress and burnout were assessed by self-reporting questionnaires. Results Forty-nine percent of the Sana doctors were emotionally exhausted (Maslach compared with 25% of all Norwegian doctors. However, they did not differ on empathy and working capacity, the other two dimensions in Maslach's burnout inventory. Seventy-three percent of the Sana doctors could be in need of treatment for depression or anxiety based on their symptom distress scores, compared with 14% of men and 18% of women doctors in Norway. Twenty-one percent of the Sana doctors had a history of suicidal thoughts, including how to commit the act, as compared to 10% of Norwegian doctors in general. Conclusion Sana doctors displayed a higher degree of emotional exhaustion, symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as job related stress, compared with all Norwegian doctors. This may indicate that the program at Villa Sana to a large extent reaches doctors in need of help. The counselling intervention can help doctors to evaluate their professional and private situation, and, when necessary, enhance motivation for seeking adequate

  10. Best practices in doctoral retention: Mentoring

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    Judie L. Brill


    Full Text Available  The aim of this critical literature review is to outline best practices in doctoral retention and the successful approach of one university to improve graduation success by providing effective mentorship for faculty and students alike. The focus of this literature review is on distance learning relationships between faculty and doctoral students, regarding retention, persistence, and mentoring models. Key phrases and words used in the search and focusing on mentoring resulted in over 20,000 sources. The search was narrowed to include only doctoral study and mentoring. Research questions of interest were: Why do high attrition rates exist for doctoral students? What are the barriers to retention? What are the benefits of doctoral mentoring? What programs do institutions have in place to reduce attrition? The researchers found a key factor influencing doctoral student retention and success is effective faculty mentorship. In particular, the design of a mentoring and faculty training program to increase retention and provide for success after graduation is important. This research represents a key area of interest in the retention literature, as institutions continue to search for ways to better support students during their doctoral programs and post-graduation. DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v4i2.186

  11. EHR adoption among doctors who treat the elderly. (United States)

    Yeager, Valerie A; Menachemi, Nir; Brooks, Robert G


    The purpose of this study is to examine Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption among Florida doctors who treat the elderly. This analysis contributes to the EHR adoption literature by determining if doctors who disproportionately treat the elderly differ from their counterparts with respect to the utilization of an important quality-enhancing health information technology application. This study is based on a primary survey of a large, statewide sample of doctors practising in outpatient settings in Florida. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine whether doctors who treat a high volume of elderly (HVE) patients were different with respect to EHR adoption. Our analyses included responses from 1724 doctors. In multivariate analyses controlling for doctor age, training, computer sophistication, practice size and practice setting, HVE doctors were significantly less likely to adopt EHR. Specifically, compared with their counterparts, HVE doctors were observed to be 26.7% less likely to be utilizing an EHR system (OR=0.733, 95% CI 0.547-0.982). We also found that doctor age is negatively related to EHR adoption, and practice size and doctor computer savvy-ness is positively associated. Despite the fact that EHR adoption has improved in recent years, doctors in Florida who serve the elderly are less likely to adopt EHRs. As long as HVE doctors are adopting EHR systems at slower rates, the elderly patients treated by these doctors will be at a disadvantage with respect to potential benefits offered by this technology. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  12. Aprendiendo de las consecuencias de los actos: estudio electrofisiológico del hipocampo, corteza prefrontal y núcleo accumbens


    Jurado Parras, María Teresa


    Programa de Doctorado en Neurociencias La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en el estudio del papel del hipocampo, la corteza prefrontal medial y el núcleo accumbens en la adquisición del condicionamiento instrumental, del aprendizaje por observación y de la ejecución de tareas instrumentales. Además, se ha estudiado la participación de las sinapsis CA3 ¿ CA1, CA1 ¿ corteza prefrontal medial, corteza prefrontal medial ¿ núcleo accumbens y núcleo accumbens ¿ corteza prefrontal medial e...

  13. Estacionalidad e impacto del turismo en la atención urgente hospitalaria y primaria


    Mateu Sbert, Josep


    Los servicios de urgencias médicas hospitalarios y de atención primaria son considerados claves en el funcionamiento del sistema sanitario. Modelizar el comportamiento temporal de las visitas urgentes es fundamental para planificar adecuadamente su demanda, especialmente en aquellas regiones donde se producen altas oscilaciones estacionales de población. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es estimar el impacto del turismo sobre las series de urgencias médicas de titularidad pública, tanto de ...

  14. Smart strategies for doctors and doctors-in-training: heuristics in medicine. (United States)

    Wegwarth, Odette; Gaissmaier, Wolfgang; Gigerenzer, Gerd


    How do doctors make sound decisions when confronted with probabilistic data, time pressures and a heavy workload? One theory that has been embraced by many researchers is based on optimisation, which emphasises the need to integrate all information in order to arrive at sound decisions. This notion makes heuristics, which use less than complete information, appear as second-best strategies. In this article, we challenge this pessimistic view of heuristics. We introduce two medical problems that involve decision making to the reader: one concerns coronary care issues and the other macrolide prescriptions. In both settings, decision-making tools grounded in the principles of optimisation and heuristics, respectively, have been developed to assist doctors in making decisions. We explain the structure of each of these tools and compare their performance in terms of their facilitation of correct predictions. For decisions concerning both the coronary care unit and the prescribing of macrolides, we demonstrate that sacrificing information does not necessarily imply a forfeiting of predictive accuracy, but can sometimes even lead to better decisions. Subsequently, we discuss common misconceptions about heuristics and explain when and why ignoring parts of the available information can lead to the making of more robust predictions. Heuristics are neither good nor bad per se, but, if applied in situations to which they have been adapted, can be helpful companions for doctors and doctors-in-training. This, however, requires that heuristics in medicine be openly discussed, criticised, refined and then taught to doctors-in-training rather than being simply dismissed as harmful or irrelevant. A more uniform use of explicit and accepted heuristics has the potential to reduce variations in diagnoses and to improve medical care for patients.

  15. Which Doctor to Trust: A Recommender System for Identifying the Right Doctors. (United States)

    Guo, Li; Jin, Bo; Yao, Cuili; Yang, Haoyu; Huang, Degen; Wang, Fei


    Key opinion leaders (KOLs) are people who can influence public opinion on a certain subject matter. In the field of medical and health informatics, it is critical to identify KOLs on various disease conditions. However, there have been very few studies on this topic. We aimed to develop a recommender system for identifying KOLs for any specific disease with health care data mining. We exploited an unsupervised aggregation approach for integrating various ranking features to identify doctors who have the potential to be KOLs on a range of diseases. We introduce the design, implementation, and deployment details of the recommender system. This system collects the professional footprints of doctors, such as papers in scientific journals, presentation activities, patient advocacy, and media exposure, and uses them as ranking features to identify KOLs. We collected the information of 2,381,750 doctors in China from 3,657,797 medical journal papers they published, together with their profiles, academic publications, and funding. The empirical results demonstrated that our system outperformed several benchmark systems by a significant margin. Moreover, we conducted a case study in a real-world system to verify the applicability of our proposed method. Our results show that doctors' profiles and their academic publications are key data sources for identifying KOLs in the field of medical and health informatics. Moreover, we deployed the recommender system and applied the data service to a recommender system of the China-based Internet technology company NetEase. Patients can obtain authority ranking lists of doctors with this system on any given disease.

  16. Cimientos y categorización de la emancipación. Consolidación del hogar propio.


    Garcia Masia, Anna


    El presente artículo resume las estrategias de emancipación que resultan del análisis de datos de las encuestas realizadas en 2007 para la tesis doctoral "El proceso de emancipación de los jóvenes desde una perspectiva socioeconómica y del mercado inmobiliario. El caso del Maresme". Se realizan a este nivel análisis estadísticos para discernir diferentes comportamientos, agrupados en tres clasificaciones de jóvenes, y a partir de las cuales se desarrollan diversas estrategias de emancip...

  17. Efectos ecológicos divergentes de anomalías oceanográficas en los ecosistemas terrestres de la costa del Pacífico mexicano /


    Caso Chávez, Margarita sustentante.


     tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, presenta Margarita Caso Chávez ; asesor Exequiel Ezcurra, aría Adela Monreal Gómez. 80, [23] páginas : ilustraciones. Doctorado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología UNAM, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, 2009

  18. The Trouble with Doctoral Aspiration Now (United States)

    Burford, James


    This article attends to the affective-political dimensions of doctoral aspiration. It considers why doctoral students continue to hope for an 'academic good life' in spite of the depressed and precarious features of the academic present. The article emerges from 2013 research with ten doctoral students in the Arts and Social Sciences, at a…

  19. Vivienda del doctor Eichhorn - Düsseldorf - Alemania Federal

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    Schneider-Esleben, P.


    Full Text Available The house, designed in a linear way, comprises the living flat and the basement. The house comprises parents and children's bedrooms, study, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, and a swimming-pool covered with a pergola which limits the building in the north. The living room is extended by means of a hall reaching into the garden. The walls are constructed of brick-work and cement mortar. The roof is flat, in reinforced concrete with concrete edge beams.Se trata de una vivienda de tipo lineal, compuesta de planta noble y sótano, en la que están dispuestos de modo sucesivo: los dormitorios de matrimonio y de niños, un cuarto de trabajo, cuarto de baño, sala de estar, comedor, cocina y una piscina, cubierta por una pérgola, que limita la construcción por el lado norte. La sala de estar se prolonga, perpendicularmente al resto del edificio, mediante un vestíbulo que se extiende hasta el jardín. La construcción se realizó con muros de fábrica de ladrillo y mortero de cemento. La cubierta es plana, de hormigón armado, con vigas de borde también de hormigón.

  20. Los organismos internacionales y su incidencia en el desarrollo latinoamericano: la gravitación del pensamiento y las estrategias del Banco Mundial en las políticas públicas mexicanas


    Enríquez Pérez, Isaac


    El informe de investigación correspondiente a la Tesis Doctoral titulada Los organismos internacionales y su incidencia en el desarrollo latinoamericano, la gravitación del pensamiento y las estrategias del Banco Mundial en las políticas públicas mexicanas presenta un estudio sobre la relación orgánica suscitada entre las directrices de desarrollo diseñadas y difundidas por los organismos internacionales especialmente por el Banco Mundial y las políticas públicas de una nación subdesarrollada...

  1. Notas clínicas: Un quiste mucoide del ovario derecho de treinta y cuatro libras de peso, extraído con feliz éxito a una anciana de setenta años

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    Arturo Durán D.


    servicio de mujeres, salón de caridad, a cargo del doctor Alejandro Bernal Jiménez, del Hospital San José del Líbano, Departamento del Tolima, la enferma L. S., de 70 años de edad natural de Chiquinquirá, hija de Manuel Sánchez y Joaquina Cortés.

  2. Conceptualising Doctoral Writing as an Affective-political Practice

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    James Burford


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose: This article offers a conceptual summary and critique of existing literature on doctoral writing and emotion. The article seeks to intervene in current debates about doctoral writing by re-positioning it as an affective-political practice Background: Over recent decades public interest in the doctorate has expanded as it has become re-framed as a key component of national success in the global knowledge economy. It is within this context that the practice of doctoral writing has crystallised as an object of interest. While researchers have examined the increased regulation, surveillance, and intensification of doctoral writing, often this work is motivated to develop pedagogies that support students to meet these new expectations. At this point, there has been limited attention to what broad changes to the meanings and practices of doctoral writing feel like for students. Methodology: The paper offers a conceptual review that examines the ways in which doctoral writing tends to be understood. A review of literature in the areas of doctoral writing, doctoral emotion, and critical studies of academic labour was undertaken in order to produce a more comprehensive understanding of the political and emotional dynamics of doctoral writing. Contribution: It is intended that this conceptual research paper help researchers attend to the emotional context of doctoral writing in the current university context. Critical studies of academic work and life are identified as a possible platform for the development of future doctoral education research, and the conceptual tool of “affective-politics” is advanced as a novel frame for approaching doctoral writing research.

  3. Panorama de la formación doctoral en enfermería Panorama da formação doutoral em enfermagem Overview of the doctoral education in nursing

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    Full Text Available El nivel de la educación en enfermería ha evolucionado a través del tiempo, como respuesta a la necesidad de formar capital humano capaz de desarrollar conocimiento propio y de promover estrategias innovadoras de cambio en las áreas de ciencia y tecnología. Objetivos: describir el panorama de la formación doctoral en enfermería a escala mundial, latinoamericana y nacional, y reflexionar sobre sus aportes para la disciplina y la sociedad colombiana. Metodología: se desarrolla en tres partes: panorama mundial de la formación doctoral en enfermería, situación actual de los doctorados en Colombia y pertinencia de los doctores de enfermería en Colombia. Resultados y discusión: los hallazgos muestran diferencias entre los desarrollos de la formación doctoral enfermera mundial y latinoamericana y los generados en Colombia. Se destaca el crecimiento de programas en Europa, Asia y Latinoamérica, lo cual es positivo para el desarrollo de la disciplina.O nível da educação em enfermagem tem evoluído através do tempo, como resposta à necessidade de formar capital humano capaz de desenvolver conhecimento próprio e de promover estratégicas inovadoras de mudança nas áreas de ciência e tecnologia. Objetivos: descrever o panorama da formação doutoral em enfermagem a escala mundial, latino-americana e nacional, e refletir sobre seus contributos para a disciplina e a sociedade colombiana. Metodologia: a metodologia está dividida em três partes: panorama mundial da formação doutoral em enfermagem, situação atual dos cursos de doutorados na Colômbia e pertinência dos doutores em enfermagem na Colômbia. Resultados e discussão: os achados mostram diferenças entre os progressos da formação doutoral em enfermagem mundial e latino-americana e aqueles oferecidos na Colômbia. Vale a pena salientar o crescimento de programas na Europa, Ásia e América Latina, o qual é positivo para o desenvolvimento da disciplina.The level of

  4. Do not judge according to appearance: patients' preference of a doctor's face does not influence their assessment of the patient-doctor relationship. (United States)

    Lee, Soon-Ho; Chang, Dong-Seon; Kang, O-Seok; Kim, Hwa-Hyun; Kim, Hackjin; Lee, Hyejung; Park, Hi-Joon; Chae, Younbyoung


    The aim of this study was to investigate whether a patient's preference for a doctor's face is associated with better assessments of relational empathy in the patient-doctor relationship after the first clinical consultation. A total of 110 patients enrolled in a traditional Korean medical clinic participated in the study. Patients' preference for doctors' faces was assessed by a two alternative forced choice (2AFC) task, with 60 different pairs of six different Asian male doctors' faces. One of the six doctors then carried out the initial clinical consultation for these patients. The patient-doctor relationship was assessed using the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) measure. The data of all patients' simulated preferences for a doctor's face and their assessment values of a doctor's relational empathy was compared, and no significant correlation was found between both values (r=-0.024, p>0.809). These findings suggest that the perceived empathy in the patient-doctor relationship is not influenced by the patient's preference for a certain doctor's face. The first impression of a doctor is often determined by his appearance and look. However, whether or not the patient particularly prefers a doctor's face does not seem to matter in developing a good patient-doctor relationship.

  5. Análisis de las poblaciones de microorganismos fijadores de nitrógeno del suelo aplicando procedimientos metagenómicos


    Calderoli, Priscila Anabel


    En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se llevó a cabo el análisis de las poblaciones de microorganismos fijadores de nitrógeno del suelo aplicando análisis independientes del cultivo. Se analizaron suelos de la principal región agrícola de la Argentina, la región pampeana. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas

  6. El valor del silencio humano en la cultura escolar

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    Full Text Available El contenido del presente artículo constituye un apartado del marco teórico de la tesis doctoral del autor, intitulada La actitud de escucha en la conversación pedagógica de aula, indagación que se ubica en el interjuego entre el lenguaje y la cultura, y se focaliza hacia las habilidades comunicativas básicas, profundizando en el fenómeno de la escucha que comparten los sujetos educativos estudiante y docente. El opúsculo se propone poner en escena el alcance de la significación que puede tener el silencio humano en el contexto de la cultura escolar actual, específicamente en la vivencia del aula, marcada por la presencia explícita del ruido y la desescucha; abordar el silencio pedagógico como un acto del lenguaje y como fundamento de la escucha áulica; y mostrar que se hace impostergable la resignificación del silencio humano a través de memes que hagan posible su comprensión y puesta en práctica en la conversación pedagógica de aula y en la comunicación cotidiana de los sujetos educativos.

  7. Work of female rural doctors. (United States)

    Wainer, Jo


    To identify the impact of family life on the ways women practice rural medicine and the changes needed to attract women to rural practice. Census of women rural doctors in Victoria in 2000, using a self-completed postal survey. General and specialist practice. Two hundred and seventy-one female general practitioners and 31 female specialists practising in Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Area Classifications 3-7. General practitioners are those doctors with a primary medical degree and without additional specialist qualifications. Interaction of hours and type of work with family responsibilities. Generalist and specialist women rural doctors carry the main responsibility for family care. This is reflected in the number of hours they work in clinical and non-clinical professional practice, availability for on-call and hospital work, and preference for the responsibilities of practice partnership or the flexibility of salaried positions. Most of the doctors had established a satisfactory balance between work and family responsibilities, although a substantial number were overworked in order to provide an income for their families or meet the needs of their communities. Thirty-six percent of female rural general practitioners and 56% of female rural specialists preferred to work fewer hours. Female general practitioners with responsibility for children were more than twice as likely as female general practitioners without children to be in a salaried position and less likely to be a practice partner. The changes needed to attract and retain women in rural practice include a place for everyone in the doctor's family, flexible practice structures, mentoring by women doctors and financial and personal recognition. Women make up less than a quarter of the rural general practice workforce and an even smaller percentage of the specialist rural medical workforce. As a result their experiences are not well articulated in research on rural medical practice and their needs are

  8. Doctor's perception of doctor-patient relationships in emergency departments: What roles do gender and ethnicity play?

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    Borde Theda


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Emergency departments continuously provide medical treatment on a walk-in basis. Several studies investigated the patient's perception of the doctor-patient relationship, but few have asked doctors about their views. Furthermore, the influence of the patient's ethnicity and gender on the doctor's perception remains largely unanswered. Methods Based on data collated in three gynaecology (GYN/internal medicine (INT emergency departments in Berlin, Germany, we evaluated the impact of the patient's gender and ethnicity on the doctors' satisfaction with the course of the treatment they provided. Information was gathered from 2.429 short questionnaires completed by doctors and the medical records of the corresponding patients. Results The patient's ethnicity had a significant impact on the doctors' satisfaction with the doctor-patient relationship. Logistic regression analysis showed that the odds ratio (OR for physician satisfaction was significantly lower for patients of Turkish origin (OR = 2.6 INT and 5.5 GYN than for those of German origin. The main reasons stated were problems with communication and a perceived lack of urgency for emergency treatment. The odds ratios for dissatisfaction due to a lack of language skills were 4.48 (INT and 6.22 (GYN, and those due to perceived lack of urgency for emergency treatment were 0.75 (INT and 0.63 (GYN. Sex differences caused minor variation. Conclusion The results show that good communication despite language barriers is crucial in providing medical care that is satisfactory to both patient and doctors, especially in emergency situations. Therefore the use of professional interpreters for improved communication and the training of medical staff for improved intercultural competence are essential for the provision of adequate health care in a multicultural setting.

  9. Doctoral education in a successful ecological niche

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Mette Krogh; Lund, Ole


    Scholarly communities are dependent on and often measured by their ability to attract and develop doctoral students. Recent literature suggests that most scholarly communities entail ecological niches in which the doctoral students learn the codes and practices of research. In this article, we...... successful doctoral education because it: 1) fleshes out the professional attitude that is necessary for becoming a successful researcher in the department, 2) shapes and adapts the doctoral students’ desires to grasp and identify with the department’s practices, and 3) provides the doctoral students...... explore the microclimate in an ecological niche of doctoral education. Based on a theoretical definition of microclimate as the emotional atmosphere that ties group members together and affects their actions, we conducted a case study that aimed to describe the key features of the microclimate...

  10. Capacidad transactivadora del gen pttg1 y su implicación en tumorigénesis


    Romero Franco, Ana


    Falta palabras clave Objetivos: Los objetivos planteados en esta tesis doctoral son los que se enumeran a continuación: 1) Estudiar la capacidad moduladora que ejerce el gen pttg1 sobre la expresión de genes relacionados con el microambiente del tumor, en células inmortalizadas de ratón NIH3T3. 2) Estudiar la capacidad transactivadora del gen pttg1 en células tumorales humanas y establecer nexos con su posible implicación biológica en el desarrollo del tumor. 3) Estudiar el efecto en el de...

  11. Doctors with dyslexia: strategies and support. (United States)

    Locke, Rachel; Alexander, Gail; Mann, Richard; Kibble, Sharon; Scallan, Samantha


    Looking beyond dyslexia as an individual doctor's issue requires adjusting a working environment to better serve the needs of doctors with dyslexia. With an increasing number of doctors disclosing dyslexia at medical school, how can educators best provide this support? Our research looks at the impact of dyslexia on clinical practice and the coping strategies used by doctors to minimise the effect. Qualitative data were collected from 14 doctors with dyslexia using semi-structured interviews and by survey. 'In situ' demonstration interviews were conducted in order to understand how dyslexia is managed in the workplace from first-hand experience. Employers and educators who have responsibility for meeting the needs of this group were also consulted. Even in cases of doctors who had a diagnosis, they often did not disclose their dyslexia to their employer. Study participants reported having developed individual ways of coping and devised useful 'workarounds'. Support from employers comes in the form of 'reasonable adjustments', although from our data we cannot be sure that such adjustments contribute to an 'enabling' work environment. Supportive characteristics included the opportunity to shadow others and the time and space to complete paperwork on a busy ward. How can educators best provide support [for doctors with dyslexia]? Doctors with dyslexia need to be helped to feel comfortable enough to disclose. Educators need to challenge any negative assumptions that exist as well as promote understanding about the elements that contribute to a positive working environment. As a result of the research there is now practice available for educators to identify evidence-based strategies and resources. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and The Association for the Study of Medical Education.

  12. NCI Helps Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to Identify and Treat New Target in Pediatric Cancer | Poster (United States)

    There may be a new, more effective method for treating high-risk neuroblastoma, according to scientists at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and collaborators in the Cancer and Inflammation Program at NCI at Frederick. Together, the groups published a study describing a previously unrecognized protein on neuroblastoma cells, called GPC2, as well as the creation of a

  13. Epilepsy - what to ask your doctor - adult (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about epilepsy - adult; Seizures - what to ask your doctor - adult; Seizure - what to ask your doctor ... call to find more information about driving and epilepsy? What should I discuss with my boss at ...

  14. Open notes: doctors and patients signing on. (United States)

    Delbanco, Tom; Walker, Jan; Darer, Jonathan D; Elmore, Joann G; Feldman, Henry J; Leveille, Suzanne G; Ralston, James D; Ross, Stephen E; Vodicka, Elisabeth; Weber, Valerie D


    Few patients read their doctors' notes, despite having the legal right to do so. As information technology makes medical records more accessible and society calls for greater transparency, patients' interest in reading their doctors' notes may increase. Inviting patients to review these notes could improve understanding of their health, foster productive communication, stimulate shared decision making, and ultimately lead to better outcomes. Yet, easy access to doctors' notes could have negative consequences, such as confusing or worrying patients and complicating rather than improving patient-doctor communication. To gain evidence about the feasibility, benefits, and harms of providing patients ready access to electronic doctors' notes, a team of physicians and nurses have embarked on a demonstration and evaluation of a project called OpenNotes. The authors describe the intervention and share what they learned from conversations with doctors and patients during the planning stages. The team anticipates that "open notes" will spread and suggests that over time, if drafted collaboratively and signed by both doctors and patients, they might evolve to become contracts for care.

  15. La emergencia del feminismo en la Argentina: un análisis de las tramas discursivas a comienzos del siglo XX

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    Natalia Martínez Prado


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo nos propusimos reconstruir algunos de los sentidos dominantes que adquirieron las primeras prácticas reconocidas como “feministas” a partir de una aproximación a sus (des articulaciones con otras prácticas femeninas. Sosteniendo una concepción anti-esencialista, relacional y radical de la identidad, nuestro análisis se detiene en la lectura de dos corpus textuales de las activistas a comienzos del siglo XX. Analizamos el discurso de las anarquistas desde el periódico: “La Voz de la Mujer” y nos detenemos en la tesis doctoral de Elvira López, defendida en 1901 y titulada: “El movimiento feminista. Primeros trazos del feminismo en Argentina”.



    Eurico Wongo Gungula; Raquel Dieguez Batista; Eglys Pérez Ugartemendía


    El presente artículo es síntesis del aporte práctico de una tesis doctoral desarrollada en la dinámica del proceso de formación interpretativa en la Matemática Superior, realizada en la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, desde Septiembre de 2010 hasta Junio de 2014. Para su implementación en la práctica educativa se diseñó una serie de acciones conducentes al desarrollo del pensamiento interpretativo de los estudiantes universitarios, pautadas esencialmente en la socialización ...

  17. Learning through inter- and intradisciplinary problem solving: using cognitive apprenticeship to analyse doctor-to-doctor consultation. (United States)

    Pimmer, Christoph; Pachler, Norbert; Nierle, Julia; Genewein, Urs


    Today's healthcare can be characterised by the increasing importance of specialisation that requires cooperation across disciplines and specialities. In view of the number of educational programmes for interdisciplinary cooperation, surprisingly little is known on how learning arises from interdisciplinary work. In order to analyse the learning and teaching practices of interdisciplinary cooperation, a multiple case study research focused on how consults, i.e., doctor-to-doctor consultations between medical doctors from different disciplines were carried out: semi-structured interviews with doctors of all levels of seniority from two hospital sites in Switzerland were conducted. Starting with a priori constructs based on the 'methods' underpinning cognitive apprenticeship (CA), the transcribed interviews were analysed according to the principles of qualitative content analysis. The research contributes to three debates: (1) socio-cognitive and situated learning, (2) intra- and interdisciplinary learning in clinical settings, and (3), more generally, to cooperation and problem solving. Patient cases, which necessitate the cooperation of doctors in consults across boundaries of clinical specialisms, trigger intra- as well as interdisciplinary learning and offer numerous and varied opportunities for learning by requesting doctors as well as for on-call doctors, in particular those in residence. The relevance of consults for learning can also be verified from the perspective of CA which is commonly used by experts, albeit in varying forms, degrees of frequency and quality, and valued by learners. Through data analysis a model for collaborative problem-solving and help-seeking was developed which shows the interplay of pedagogical 'methods' of CA in informal clinical learning contexts.

  18. Effective doctor-patient communication: an updated examination. (United States)

    Matusitz, Jonathan; Spear, Jennifer


    This article examines, in detail, the quality of doctor-patient interaction. Doctor-patient communication is such a powerful indicator of health care quality that it can determine patients' self-management behavior and health outcomes. The medical visit (i.e., the medical encounter) plays a pivotal role in the health care process. In fact, doctor-patient communication is one of the most essential dynamics in health care, affecting the course of patient care and patient compliance with recommendations for care. Unlike many other analyses (that often look at only one or two specific aspects of doctor-patient relationships), this analysis is more encompassing; it looks at doctor-patient communication from multiple perspectives.

  19. Factores implicados en la regulación del desarrollo de las vías del dolor.


    Valdés Sánchez, Teresa


    En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral hemos querido investigar aspectos de la regulación de las neuronas sensoriales periféricas que participan en la detección del dolor y, para ello, hemos estudiado la contribución de la neurotrofina BDNF y de la metaloproteasa MT-5 al desarrollo y mantenimiento de esta población sensorial de indudable inetrés biomédico. Los aspectos más destacables de los hallazgos pueden resumirse en: 1) hemos identificado por primera vez la dependencia trófica postnata...

  20. Nuevos métodos de desinfección y limpieza del sistema de conductos radiculares


    Castelo Baz, Pablo


    La desinfección y limpieza del sistema de conductos radiculares, es considerada una parte esencial en la preparación químico-mecánica del mismo, cuyo fin es poder conseguir el éxito en endodoncia. El fin de esta tesis doctoral es demostrar la utilidad clínica de dos de estos nuevos mecanismos, la irrigación ultrasónica continua por un lado y el láser de diodo por el otro.

  1. Interacciones entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo: Consecuencias para la dinámica de comunidades vegetales


    Lozano Bernal, Yudi M.


    En esta tesis doctoral pretendemos aclarar aspectos fundamentales relacionados con la interacción entre plantas y microorganismos del suelo y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las comunidades vegetales. Pretendemos comprobar si las comunidades microbianas están determinando interacciones negativas y/o positivas entre plantas; si tras el abandono de tierras dedicadas al cultivo, las plantas y los microorganismos del suelo siguen patrones sucesionales, y si los microorganismo...

  2. Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program Application Period is Open until August 25 | Division of Cancer Prevention (United States)

    The application period for the NCI Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program (CPFP) is open. Since 1987, CPFP has provided funding support for post-doctoral Fellows to train the next generation of researchers and leaders in the field. |

  3. Understanding doctors' ethical challenges as role virtue conflicts. (United States)

    McDougall, Rosalind


    This paper argues that doctors' ethical challenges can be usefully conceptualised as role virtue conflicts. The hospital environment requires doctors to be simultaneously good doctors, good team members, good learners and good employees. I articulate a possible set of role virtues for each of these four roles, as a basis for a virtue ethics approach to analysing doctors' ethical challenges. Using one junior doctor's story, I argue that understanding doctors' ethical challenges as role virtue conflicts enables recognition of important moral considerations that are overlooked by other approaches to ethical analysis. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  4. Discurso de Posesión del Doctor Efraím Otero Ruiz

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    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Full Text Available

    Señor Expresidente Betancur y señora de Betancur.
    Señor Viceministro de Salud.
    Señor doctor Jorge Cavelier, Presidente y demás miembros de la Junta Directiva saliente.
    Señor Secretario Perpetuo.
    Señores Académicos.
    Señoras, señores.

    Resulta doblemente exultante el poder acceder aquí, esta noche, ‘al sillón de los Presidentes de la Academia Nacional de Medicina: por una parte, por el cálido desafío que significa el tener que suceder, desprevenida y casi que obligatoriamente a un hombre de las cualidades personales y profesionales de Jorge Cavelier Gaviria, de quien ya más autorizadas voces han exaltado sus atributos, y por otra, por ser precisamente en 1990, a los 100 años casi exactos de haber expedido el Gobierno Nacional la Ley de creación de la Academia, centenario que nos hace contemplar hacia atrás su pasado fulgurante y no puede menos de comprometernos gravosamente para el futuro.

    Estas dos circunstancias añaden a la solemnidad de este acto consagratorio la responsabilidad de un compromiso que resuena con más urgencia en las paredes venerables de este recinto máximo de las Academias de Colombia.

    La distancia de 100 años no solo nos separa cronológicamente de varias generaciones sino que nos hace mirar con un cuidadoso lente retrospectivo la Colombia de hace un siglo. En efecto, cuando se dicta la Ley 71 de 1890 “por la cual se crea la Academia de Medicina Nacional” bajo la presidencia de don Carlos Holguín, el país apenas convalece de la penúltima de sus guerras civiles y estrena una nueva Constitución.

    Por eso en el libro de Leyes de 1890, Edición Oficial hecha bajo la dirección del Consejo de Estado y publicada por la Imprenta La Luz de Bogotá, aparecen, al lado de leyes que regulan la construcci

  5. Trans arquitectura : imaginación, invención e individuación del objeto técnico arquitectónico : transferencia tecnológica desde la industria del transporte al proyecto arquitectónico (1900-1973)


    García-Setién Terol, Diego


    Se presenta la tesis doctoral, titulada ‘TRANS Arquitectura. Imaginación, Invención e individuación del objeto tecnico arquitectónico. Transferencia tecnológica desde la Industria del Transporte al Proyecto de Arquitectura [1900-1973]'’, que aborda la relación entre la Arquitectura y el Objeto Técnico durante la Modernidad.1 La temática de la tesis gravita en torno a la cultura técnica, la cultura material y la historia de la Tecnología del siglo XX. Hipótesis Se sostiene aquí la existencia d...

  6. Did You Hear the One About the Doctor? An Examination of Doctor Jokes Posted on Facebook


    Davis, Matthew A; Haney, Carol Sue; Weeks, William B; Sirovich, Brenda E; Anthony, Denise L


    Background Social networking sites such as Facebook have become immensely popular in recent years and present a unique opportunity for researchers to eavesdrop on the collective conversation of current societal issues. Objective We sought to explore doctor-related humor by examining doctor jokes posted on Facebook. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study of 33,326 monitored Facebook users, 263 (0.79%) of whom posted a joke that referenced doctors on their Facebook wall during a 6-month o...

  7. Proceedings of Arcom Doctoral Workshop Research Methodology


    Scott, Lloyd


    Editorial Editorial Welcome to this special doctoral workshop on Research Methodology which forms part of what is now a well-established support mechanism for researchers in the discipline of the Built Environment and more particularly construction management. The ARCOM doctoral series, around now for some seventeen years, has addressed many of the diverse research areas that PhD researchers in the discipline have chosen to focus on in their doctoral journey. This doctoral workshop has as ...

  8. Radon house doctor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nitschke, I.A.; Brennan, T.; Wadach, J.B.; O'Neil, R.


    The term house doctor may be generalized to include persons skilled in the use of instruments and procedures necessary to identify, diagnose, and correct indoor air quality problems as well as energy, infiltration, and structural problems in houses. A radon house doctor would then be a specialist in radon house problems. Valuable experience in the skills necessary to be developed by radon house doctors has recently been gained in an extensive radon monitoring and mitigation program in upstate New York sponsored by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. These skills, to be described in detail in this paper, include: (i) the use of appropriate instruments, (ii) the evaluation of the symptoms of a radon-sick house, (iii) the diagnostic procedures required to characterize radon sources in houses, (iv) the prescription procedures needed to specify treatment of the problem, (v) the supervision of the implementation of the treatment program, (vi) the check-up procedures required to insure the house cured of radon problems. 31 references, 3 tables

  9. Women who doctor shop for prescription drugs. (United States)

    Worley, Julie; Thomas, Sandra P


    Doctor shopping is a term used to describe a form of diversion of prescription drugs when patients visit numerous prescribers to obtain controlled drugs for illicit use. Gender differences exist in regard to prescription drug abuse and methods of diversion. The purpose of this phenomenological study guided by the existential philosophy of Merleau-Ponty was to understand the lived experience of female doctor shoppers. Interviews were conducted with 14 women, which were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. Included in the findings are figural aspects of the participants' experience of doctor shopping related to the existential grounds of world, time, body, and others. Four themes emerged from the data: (a) feeding the addiction, (b) networking with addicts, (c) playing the system, and (d) baiting the doctors. The findings suggest several measures that nurses can take to reduce the incidence of doctor shopping and to provide better care for female doctor shoppers.

  10. Distinction in Doctoral Education: Using Bourdieu's Tools to Assess the Socialization of Doctoral Students (United States)

    Gopaul, Bryan


    This conceptual article uses the tools of Pierre Bourdieu (1977, 1986, 1990) to examine the socialization of doctoral students by suggesting that the processes of doctoral study highlight inequities among students. Using Young's (1990) social justice approach as a framework to complement the ideas of Bourdieu, I demonstrate how aspects of academic…

  11. Child Development and the Coworking of Doctor and Teacher: A Waldorf School Doctor's Perspective. (United States)

    Karnow, Gerald F.

    This paper draws on the nearly 20 years' experiences of a school doctor working with teachers at the Rudolf Steiner School in New York City to describe general principles of assessing child development in relation to educational progress. The paper contrasts the customary role of school doctors (related to conducting physical examinations for…


    CERN Multimedia

    Medical Service


    IN URGENT NEED OF A DOCTOR GENEVA EMERGENCY SERVICES GENEVA AND VAUD 144 FIRE BRIGAD 118 POLICE 117 CERN FIREMEN 767-44-44 ANTI-POISONS CENTRE Open 24h/24h 01-251-51-51 Patient not fit to be moved, call family doctor, or: GP AT HOME, open 24h/24h 748-49-50 Association Of Geneva Doctors Emergency Doctors at home 07h-23h 322 20 20 Patient fit to be moved: HOPITAL CANTONAL CENTRAL 24 Micheli-du-Crest 372-33-11 ou 382-33-11 EMERGENCIES 382-33-11 ou 372-33-11 CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 6 rue Willy-Donzé 372-33-11 MATERNITY 32 la Cluse 382-68-16 ou 382-33-11 OPHTHALMOLOGY 22 Alcide Jentzer 382-33-11 ou 372-33-11 MEDICAL CENTRE CORNAVIN 1-3 rue du Jura 345 45 50 HOPITAL DE LA TOUR Meyrin EMERGENCIES 719-61-11 URGENCES PEDIATRIQUES 719-61-00 LA TOUR MEDICAL CENTRE 719-74-00 European EmergencyCall 112 FRANCE EMERGENCY SERVICES 15 FIRE BRIGADE 18 POLICE 17 CERN FIREMEN AT HOME 00-41-22-767-44-44 ANTI-POISONS CENTRE Open 24h/24h 04-72-11-69-11 All doctors will...

  13. The Cape doctor 1807-1910: perspectives. (United States)

    Phillips, Howard


    This chapter contrasts the Cape doctor in 1807 and in 1910, and finds that, in a whole variety of ways, the differences between the two were not of degree but of kind. Underlying this sea-change was the germ revolution of the late Victorian era, which transformed the Cape doctor out of all recognition, thereby laying important foundations for the development of the twentieth-century South African doctor.

  14. Understanding Cancer Prognosis

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Reporting & Auditing Grant Transfer Grant Closeout Contracts & Small Business Training Cancer Training at NCI (Intramural) Resources for ... M.D., a national expert on doctor-patient communications, talks with one of his patients about what ...

  15. Understanding Cancer Prognosis

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Research Tools, Specimens, and Data Conducting Clinical Trials Statistical Tools and Data Terminology Resources NCI Data Catalog ... poor prognosis if the cancer is harder to control. Whatever your doctor tells you, keep in mind ...

  16. Understanding Cancer Prognosis

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Reporting & Auditing Grant Transfer Grant Closeout Contracts & Small Business Training Cancer Training at NCI (Intramural) Funding for ... M.D., a national expert on doctor-patient communications, talks with one of his patients about what ...

  17. Understanding Cancer Prognosis

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Reporting & Auditing Grant Transfer Grant Closeout Contracts & Small Business Training Cancer Training at NCI (Intramural) Funding for ... may not be based on treatments being used today. Still, your doctor may tell you that you ...

  18. El capital social dels estudiants del darrer curs de Magisteri. Una aproximació a les seves xarxes socials en el marc de la facultat

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    Mireia Civís


    Full Text Available Estudis recents indiquen la importància del capital social en educació pel que fa a l’èxit educatiu. Així, aquesta recerca pren com a mostra els 321 estudiants de quart curs dels graus d’Educació Infantil i Primària de la Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i l’Esport Blanquerna (curs 2014-2015 i n’analitza la xarxa de relacions en el context acadèmic. El projecte s’emmarca en el Pràcticum i en la qualitat de les relacions dels estudiants dins el seu grup classe. Així, la recerca indaga la construcció i les característiques de les xarxes socials dels futurs mestres a través d’un qüestionari sobre xarxes socials, en el qual se’ls pregunta per les xarxes que utilitzen a l’hora de demanar consell, compartir idees, pràctiques, materials, de fer amistats i quan tenen necessitat de desfogar-se. Es va obtenir un 80 % de respostes. Els resultats mostren unes xarxes amb unes estructures i uns comportaments força similars, de baixa densitat, en què la xarxa per demanar consell és la que presenta una mitjana més elevada de relacions directes de tots els actors individuals. També constatem que, en general, la xarxa està més activa en termes acadèmics que emocionals. Així, l’article conclou que seria desitjable augmentar la densitat de les xarxes (tant acadèmiques com emocionals i tendir cap a xarxes menys centralitzades.

  19. Configuración del paisaje, espacio público y arte público en el Perú


    Crousse Rastelli, Verónica


    En este artículo se discuten algunos aspectos que fueron materia de estudio en mi tesis doctoral “Reencontrando la espacialidad para el arte público en el Perú”, desarrollada en el doctorado “Espacio público y Regeneración Urbana; arte, teoría y conservación del Patrimonio” de la Universidad de Barcelona, bajo la dirección del Dr. Antoni Remesar. La tesis indaga sobre la construcción del paisaje en el Perú, y en el arte público como elemento configurador de estos paisajes. Ante el análisis de...

  20. Los orígenes del Instituto provincial de higiene de las Canarias orientales y la sanidad municipal (1926-1927: cambios estructurales y asistenciales

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    Martín del Castillo, Juan Francisco


    Full Text Available The «Instituto Provincial de Higiene de las Canarias Orientales» is an example of Estatuto Provincial of José Calvo Sotelo (1925. Involved in administrative affaires and economical distributions between the Townhall of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Insular Council, its beginning is labour of Doctor Antonio Ortiz de Landázuri, in that moment Health Inspector. In this paper, be described the structure and functions of Hygiene Institute, so the change of technical members of laboratories and stations of previous town health services.

    El Instituto Provincial de Higiene de las Canarias Orientales es un ejemplo de la puesta en marcha del Estatuto Provincial de José Calvo Sotelo (1925. Envuelto en medidas administrativas y repartos financieros entre el Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el Cabildo Insular, su inicio es obra directa del doctor Antonio Ortiz de Landázuri, en aquellos momentos al cargo de la Inspección de Sanidad. En el presente, quedan descritos la estructura y funciones del Instituto de Higiene, además del pase de los miembros facultativos de los laboratorios y estaciones de anteriores servicios municipales del ramo.

  1. Conocimiento del consentimiento informado en servicios quirúrgicos Knowledge of informed consent in surgical services

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    Verónica Castillo Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: el conocimiento informado constituye un elemento esencial de la relación médico paciente actualmente. Objetivo: diagnosticar el conocimiento que sobre el consentimiento informado tienen los miembros de los servicios quirúrgicos así como los pacientes que en esta etapa de la investigación se le practicó alguna intervención quirúrgica. Método: se realizó un estudio en los servicios quirúrgicos del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Dr. León Cuervo Rubio de Pinar del Río en el período de Enero a Marzo del 2012, para ello se encuestaron profesionales de los servicios de cirugía y anestesiología así como a pacientes que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente en igual período de tiempo. Con un universo de 73 profesionales médicos y 253 pacientes, con una muestra de 45 médicos e igual cantidad de personal de enfermería así como 220 pacientes Resultados: existe un dominio incompleto del consentimiento informado en los pacientes, en la mayoría de los cirujanos y enfermeros no tienen dominio y no aplican correctamente el mismo, sin embargo habían recibido perfeccionamiento sobre dicho tema. Conclusiones: el reconocimiento de la autonomía del paciente y el proceso provocó un cambio en la relación médico paciente en la práctica de la cirugía. Además de la profundización en el estudio de los principios bioéticos y su aplicación, se hace necesaria la búsqueda de respuestas útiles a los problemas bioéticos en estos servicios que afectan la propia relación médico paciente así como la seguridad que les debemos brindar a los pacientes para respaldar el procedimiento quirúrgico.Introduction: current knowledge of informed consent constitutes an essential element of doctor-patient relationship. Objective: to identify knowledge of informed consent in the members of surgical services and in patients who underwent surgeries during the period of investigation. Method: a study was conducted in the surgical services

  2. Overview of the doctoral education in nursing Panorama de la formación doctoral en enfermería Panorama da formação doutoral em enfermagem

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    Full Text Available

    The level of education in nursing has evolved as a response to the need of educating human capital capable of developing personal knowledge and promoting innovative change strategies in the domains of science and technology.

    Objectives: describe the overview of the doctoral education in nursing in Latin America, Colombia and the world, and ponder over its contributions to the discipline and the Colombian society.

    Methodology: the methodology is divided into three segments: worldwide overview of the doctoral education in nursing, current situation of doctoral programs in Colombia and pertinence of nursing doctors in Colombia.

    Results and discussion: findings show differences among the progress made regarding the doctoral education in nursing in the World, Latin America and Colombia. It is worth highlighting the growth of programs in Europe, Asia and Latin America, which is positive to achieve further development of the discipline.

    El nivel de la educación en enfermería ha evolucionado a través del tiempo, como respuesta a la necesidad de formar capital humano capaz de desarrollar conocimiento propio y de promover estrategias innovadoras de cambio en las áreas de ciencia y tecnología.

    Objetivos: describir el panorama de la formación doctoral en enfermería a escala mundial, latinoamericana y nacional, y reflexionar sobre sus aportes para la disciplina y la sociedad colombiana.

    Metodología: se desarrolla en tres partes: panorama mundial de la formación doctoral en enfermería, situación actual de los doctorados en Colombia y pertinencia de los doctores de enfermería en Colombia.

    Resultados y discusión: los hallazgos muestran diferencias entre los desarrollos de la formaci





    El estrés crónico aumenta la ansiedad y disminuye el recuerdo de la extinción del miedo. En la presente tesis doctoral evaluamos en ratas Sprague-Dawley el efecto a corto y a largo plazo del estrés por restricción de movimiento sobre la ansiedad y el recuerdo de la extinción del miedo condicionado. Encontramos. que el estrés crónico produjo un aumento de la ansiedad y una disminución del recuerdo de la extinción. Tres semanas después del término del estrés, la ansiedad de los animales s...

  4. Plant collecting program in Southeast Asia under the sponsorship of the United States National Cancer Institute (NCI) (1986-1991)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soejarto, D.D.


    Under the funding from the United States National Cancer Institute (NCI)¹, a program was undertaken to collect plant samples in Southeast Asia to be tested for their cancer- and AIDS-arresting properties, for the period of September 1, 1986 through August 31, 1991. The program was implemented with

  5. Taxonomía, zoogeografía y aspectos ecológicos de los cangrejos ermitaños de la familia Diogenidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura) del Pacífico mexicano /


    Ayón Parente, Manuel sustentante.


     tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, presenta Manuel Ayón Parente ; asesor Michel Edmond Hendrickx Reners. 465 páginas : ilustraciones. Doctorado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología UNAM, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, 2009

  6. Female physicist doctoral experiences


    Katherine P. Dabney; Robert H. Tai


    The underrepresentation of women in physics doctorate programs and in tenured academic positions indicates a need to evaluate what may influence their career choice and persistence. This qualitative paper examines eleven females in physics doctoral programs and professional science positions in order to provide a more thorough understanding of why and how women make career choices based on aspects both inside and outside of school and their subsequent interaction. Results indicate that female...

  7. El paisaje como archivo del territorio

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    Esther Isabel Prada Llorente


    (1 Este trabajo es una parte seleccionada sobre un aspecto muy concreto, como es la escala territorial, de la tesis doctoral “Sayago, evolución histórica y proyección futura de su estructura territorial” leída en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid en octubre de 2002. (2 Sayago: Posible relación con yacimientos mineros de época celta derivando de la palabra céltica Salliacum. Sus formas medievales serían: Saliago, Salago, Salagu y Sayago (cfr. MARTÍN VISO, 1996. De sayo, sayal, capa o “sagum” celtibérico y lusitano de color pardo, buriel o vellorí de las ovejas llamadas negras. Se pagaban como tributos por los vencidos celtíberos a las tribus romanas. Con el “paño sayal” se confeccionaron (hasta finales del s.XIX, principios del XX, todas las prendas externas de la indumentaria sayaguesa (cfr. Del Brío Mateos, 1998. (3 Escuadro: Topónimo de origen romanizador posiblemente referido a algún tipo de parcelación romana (Informante: Juan Vicent, prehistoriador del C.S.I.C. “Ex-cuadro” o “fuera del cuadro”, según la tradición popular este poblamiento hubiera surgido a raíz de los acompañamientos que las tropas romanas necesitaban para su abastecimiento en todos los aspectos, dejando fuera del recinto en otro lugar, al conjunto de herreros, artesanos, prostitutas, etc. que constituían dicho acompañamiento

  8. Hybrid Doctoral Program: Innovative Practices and Partnerships (United States)

    Alvich, Dori; Manning, JoAnn; McCormick, Kathy; Campbell, Robert


    This paper reflects on how one mid-Atlantic University innovatively incorporated technology into the development of a hybrid doctoral program in educational leadership. The paper describes a hybrid doctoral degree program using a rigorous design; challenges of reworking a traditional syllabus of record to a hybrid doctoral program; the perceptions…

  9. Cultural and musical activity among Norwegian doctors. (United States)

    Nylenna, Magne; Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw


    The cultural and musical activity of Norwegian doctors was studied in 1993. We wished to re-examine their cultural and musical activity, analyse the development and study the correlation with satisfaction, health and other leisure activities. In the autumn of 2010, a survey was undertaken among a representative sample of economically active Norwegian doctors. The survey asked the same questions as in 1993, and the responses were also compared to the population studies conducted by Statistics Norway. We also used a cultural index that we have developed ourselves. Altogether 1,019 doctors (70%) responded to the survey. They reported a higher level of cultural activity in 2010 than in 1993, measured in terms of reading of non-medical literature and visits to the cinema, theatre and concerts. The doctors engaged in musical activity of their own especially frequently: 58% reported to be able to play an instrument, and 21% reported to play on a regular basis, which is more than among other academic professions. We found a significant correlation between the doctors' level of cultural activity and their job satisfaction, general satisfaction, self-reported health and physical activity. The doctors who engage most frequently in cultural activities are thus most satisfied with their work and with life in general. Furthermore, they also have better self-reported health. Norwegian doctors give priority to cultural and musical activities. The assertion that doctors are particularly fond of music is more than just a myth.

  10. Will Medical Technology Deskill Doctors? (United States)

    Lu, Jingyan


    This paper discusses the impact of medical technology on health care in light of the fact that doctors are becoming more reliant on technology for obtaining patient information, making diagnoses and in carrying out treatments. Evidence has shown that technology can negatively affect doctor-patient communications, physical examination skills, and…

  11. Doctorate Program Trains Industrial Chemists. (United States)

    Chemical and Engineering News, 1982


    The University of Texas (Dallas) has initiated a new Ph.D. program specifically to train chemists for doctoral level work in industry (Doctor of Chemistry). Participants will complete three research practica (at an industrial site and in two laboratory settings) instead of the traditional dissertation, emphasizing breadth and flexibility in…

  12. Did you hear the one about the doctor? An examination of doctor jokes posted on Facebook. (United States)

    Davis, Matthew A; Haney, Carol Sue; Weeks, William B; Sirovich, Brenda E; Anthony, Denise L


    Social networking sites such as Facebook have become immensely popular in recent years and present a unique opportunity for researchers to eavesdrop on the collective conversation of current societal issues. We sought to explore doctor-related humor by examining doctor jokes posted on Facebook. We performed a cross-sectional study of 33,326 monitored Facebook users, 263 (0.79%) of whom posted a joke that referenced doctors on their Facebook wall during a 6-month observation period (December 15, 2010 to June 16, 2011). We compared characteristics of so-called jokers to nonjokers and identified the characteristics of jokes that predicted joke success measured by having elicited at least one electronic laugh (eg, an LOL or "laughing out loud") as well as the total number of Facebook "likes" the joke received. Jokers told 156 unique doctor jokes and were the same age as nonjokers but had larger social networks (median Facebook friends 227 vs 132, PFacebook likes (rate ratio [RR] 2.36, 95% CI 0.97-5.74). This study provides insight into the use of social networking sites for research pertaining to health and medicine, including the world of doctor-related humor.

  13. For People with Osteoporosis: How to Find a Doctor (United States)

    ... With Osteoporosis: How to Find a Doctor For People With Osteoporosis: How to Find a Doctor Isabel ... a doctor with expertise in osteoporosis. For many people, finding a doctor who is knowledgeable about osteoporosis ...

  14. Cholesterol - what to ask your doctor (United States)

    ... your doctor; What to ask your doctor about cholesterol ... What is my cholesterol level? What should my cholesterol level be? What are HDL ("good") cholesterol and LDL ("bad") cholesterol? Does my cholesterol ...

  15. Understanding Cancer Prognosis

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... control. Whatever your doctor tells you, keep in mind that a prognosis is an educated guess. Your ... Website en español Multimedia Publications Site Map Digital Standards for NCI Websites POLICIES Accessibility Comment ...



    Carlos Sanmartín Barberi


    La reunión que hoy nos congrega en esta sesión conjunta tiene por objeto conmemorar una importante efemérides de la medicina universal y tributar homenaje a la memoria de un excepcional galeno de nuestra patria.

    Me permitiré leer una breve comunicación que el 8 de octubre del año pasado dirigí al Presidente de nuestra Academia, pues resume el motivo central de esta ceremonia:
    “El año próximo venidero se cumplen ochenta de la trascendental comunicación del...

  17. Women, Men and the Doctorate. (United States)

    Centra, John A; Kuykendall, Nancy M.

    This study describes the current status and professional development of a sample of women doctorates and compares them to a sample of men who have attained the same educational status. Chapters cover the sample and procedures used; employment patterns; doctorates in academe; publications, income, and job satisfaction; marriage and family life;…

  18. Doctoral Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ridder, Hanne Mette Ochsner


    Doctoral education covers the “third cycle” of degrees following the bachelor’s and the master’s degree. The education of researchers is necessary for developing music therapy as a scientific discipline and calls for a certain research culture that not only brings knowledge on research...... with an integration of science and practice. This leads to a description of the principles of problem-based learning as a social constructive approach, problematization, self-directed learning and learning community. The chapter is concluded with an example of a model of doctoral education, the Aalborg model, where...... the coursework, supervision, and curriculum is based on problem-based learning. About the book: 'International Perspectives in Music Therapy Education and Training: Adapting to a Changing World,' the first anthology of its kind, edited by Professor Karen Goodman, brings noted educators from Brazil, Canada...

  19. "Seeing a doctor is just like having a date": a qualitative study on doctor shopping among overactive bladder patients in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Siu, Judy Yuen-Man


    Although having a regular primary care provider is noted to be beneficial to health, doctor shopping has been documented as a common treatment seeking behavior among chronically ill patients in different countries. However, little research has been conducted into the reasons behind doctor shopping behavior among patients with overactive bladder, and even less into how this behavior relates to these patients' illness and social experiences, perceptions, and cultural practices. Therefore, this study examines overactive bladder patients to investigate the reasons behind doctor shopping behavior. My study takes a qualitative approach, conducting 30 semi-structured individual interviews, with 30 overactive bladder patients in Hong Kong. My study found six primary themes that influenced doctor shopping behavior: lack of perceived need, convenience, work-provided medical insurance, unpleasant experiences with doctors, searching for a match doctor, and switching between biomedicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Besides the perceptual factors, participants' social environment, illness experiences, personal cultural preference, and cultural beliefs also intertwined to generate their doctor shopping behavior. Due to the low perceived need for a regular personal primary care physician, environmental factors such as time, locational convenience, and work-provided medical insurance became decisive in doctor shopping behavior. Patients' unpleasant illness experiences, stemming from a lack of understanding among many primary care doctors about overactive bladder, contributed to participants' sense of mismatch with these doctors, which induced them to shop for another doctor. Overactive bladder is a chronic bladder condition with very limited treatment outcome. Although patients with overactive bladder often require specialty urology treatment, it is usually beneficial for the patients to receive continuous, coordinated, comprehensive, and patient-centered support from their

  20. Changing organisational routines in doctoral education: an intervention to infuse social justice into a social welfare curriculum

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shapiro, Valerie B.


    Full Text Available This paper describes one effort to infuse a social justice framework into a social work doctoral education programme in a prominent research university of the United States. The “Social Justice in Doctoral Education” (SJDE Project identified Social Justice Learning Objectives (SJLOs in the categories of scholarship, teaching, and service. Doctoral students were surveyed in 2010 to determine the extent to which the SJLOs were being systematically facilitated by their doctoral programme. The forms that guide and shape the milestones of doctoral education at that institution were revised in 2011 in an attempt to create new opportunities for social justice learning. A second survey of doctoral students in 2013 resulted in two findings. First, doctoral students reported using the SJLOs to guide their education. Second, a pre/post comparison of student perceptions indicated an increase in opportunities for social justice learning through doctoral education. This case study provides preliminary support for the modification of organisational routines to expand social justice education in social work.En este artículo se describe el esfuerzo para infundir un marco de justicia social en un programa doctoral de trabajo social dentro de una universidad prominente de investigación de los Estados Unidos. El proyecto de investigación “Justicia Social en la Educación Doctoral” (SJDE identificó los Objetivos de Aprendizaje de la Justicia Social (SJLOs en una serie de categorías de la investigación científica, como la enseñanza y el servicio. Los estudiantes de doctorado respondieron a una encuesta en 2010 para determinar el grado en el que los SJLOs se facilitaban sistemáticamente en el programa de doctorado. En 2011 se revisaron los formularios que guían y dan forma a los hitos de la educación doctoral en esa institución, en un intento de crear nuevas oportunidades para la justicia social de aprendizaje. En 2013, una encuesta seguimiento a

  1. Las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras del Paleolítico superior final pirenaico. Territorios económicos y sociales


    Sánchez de la Torre, Marta


    La presente tesis doctoral es una aproximación, a través del estudio de las materias primas líticas, al conocimiento socio-cultural de los grupos de cazadores – recolectores que al fin del Paleolítico superior se asentaron en el Pirineo centro-oriental. Se trata de un trabajo orientado a la consecución de un corpus de datos sobre las estrategias de adquisición y gestión de recursos líticos empleadas por los mencionados grupos y al conocimiento del tipo de relación que tuvieron estas co...

  2. Doctoral Program Selection Using Pairwise Comparisons. (United States)

    Tadisina, Suresh K.; Bhasin, Vijay


    The application of a pairwise comparison methodology (Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process) to the doctoral program selection process is illustrated. A hierarchy for structuring and facilitating the doctoral program selection decision is described. (Author/MLW)

  3. Durero y los Hieroglyphica. Tres estampas y una pintura. Némesis (La Gran Fortuna. La Justicia. Melancolía I. Cristo ante los Doctores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González de Zárate, Jesús María


    Full Text Available The present study attempts to analyze several prints by Albrecht Dürer, as well as his painting Christ among the Doctors, in relation to the well-known Hieroglyphica of Horapollo, which we published in Spanish in 1991 (Akal. Erwin Panofsky analyzed the works of the German artist, but he apparently did not take into consideration certain iconographic details. Durer, following the advice of his protector Pirckheimer, elaborated the drawings for Horapollo’s Hieroglyphica, published by Professor George Boas. This visual and semantic vocabulary, of great importance in the History of Art from the Renaissance onward, and specifically in Durer’s graphic art, is evident in the carvings for the Triumphal Arch of Maximilian (1515, studied by Panofsky.

    El presente estudio trata de analizar algunas estampas de Alberto Durero, así como su pintura Cristo ante los doctores, en función de los conocidos Hieroglyphica de Horapollo que publicamos en edición castellana en el año 1991 (Akal. El análisis de la obra artística del maestro alemán fue realizado por Erwin Panofsky, pero algunos detalles iconográficos, al parecer, no se tuvieron en cuenta. Durero, bajo el consejo de su protector Pirckheimer elaboró los dibujos de los Hieroglyphica de Horapollo que han sido editados por el profesor americano Georges Boas. Este vocabulario visual y semántico, que tanto incidió en la Historia del Arte en la época Moderna, y más concretamente en el arte gráfico del maestro alemán, se demuestra en las entalladuras del Arco de Triunfo de Maximiliano de 1515 que estudiara Panofsky. Son algunas creaciones artísticas muy relevantes del maestro pintor-grabador, las que encierran de igual modo esta lectura, las que tratamos de analizar en el comentario que presentamos.

  4. Doctor and pharmacy shopping for controlled substances. (United States)

    Peirce, Gretchen L; Smith, Michael J; Abate, Marie A; Halverson, Joel


    Prescription drug abuse is a major health concern nationwide, with West Virginia having one of the highest prescription drug death rates in the United States. Studies are lacking that compare living subjects with persons who died from drug overdose for evidence of doctor and pharmacy shopping for controlled substances. The study objectives were to compare deceased and living subjects in West Virginia for evidence of prior doctor and pharmacy shopping for controlled substances and to identify factors associated with drug-related death. A secondary data study was conducted using controlled substance, Schedule II-IV, prescription data from the West Virginia Controlled Substance Monitoring Program and drug-related death data compiled by the Forensic Drug Database between July 2005 and December 2007. A case-control design compared deceased subjects 18 years and older whose death was drug related with living subjects for prior doctor and pharmacy shopping. Logistic regression identified factors related to the odds of drug-related death. A significantly greater proportion of deceased subjects were doctor shoppers (25.21% vs. 3.58%) and pharmacy shoppers (17.48% vs. 1.30%) than living subjects. Approximately 20.23% of doctor shoppers were also pharmacy shoppers, and 55.60% of pharmacy shoppers were doctor shoppers. Younger age, greater number of prescriptions dispensed, exposure to opioids and benzodiazepines, and doctor and pharmacy shopping were factors with greater odds of drug-related death. Doctor and pharmacy shopping involving controlled substances were identified, and shopping behavior was associated with drug-related death. Prescription monitoring programs may be useful in identifying potential shoppers at the point of care.

  5. Investigación perfil en competencias y habilidades del empresario bogotano: trabajo de campo


    Granada Forero, José Andrés; Lara Salinas, Karen Eliana


    Este documento corresponde al trabajo de campo para la investigación doctoral de Luis Alberto Estrada titulado “Perfil en competencias del empresario bogotano”. El objetivo que el equipo de investigación definió fue concretar las habilidades y competencias que acompañan a los emprendedores y fundadores de empresa en la primera década del siglo XXI. Para ello, se tomó una base de datos de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, la cual contiene la información comercial de las empresas de la ciudad...

  6. Angina - what to ask your doctor (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about angina and heart disease; Coronary artery disease - what to ask your doctor ... the signs and symptoms that I am having angina? Will I always have the same symptoms? What ...

  7. Australian doctors and the visual arts. Part 2. Doctors as collectors, donors, gallery supporters and writers in New South Wales. (United States)

    Hamilton, D G


    The contribution of doctors to the visual arts if being discussed in a series of six articles. The first article dealt with doctor-artists in new South Wales. In this, the second, doctors are discussed as collectors, donors, gallery supporters and writers in this State.

  8. Children and their parents assessing the doctor-patient interaction: a rating system for doctors' communication skills. (United States)

    Crossley, Jim; Eiser, Christine; Davies, Helena A


    Only a patient and his or her family can judge many of the most important aspects of the doctor-patient interaction. This study evaluates the feasibility and reliability of children and their families assessing the quality of paediatricians' interactions using a rating instrument developed specifically for this purpose. A reliability analysis using generalisability theory on the ratings from 352 doctor-patient interactions across different speciality clinics. Ratings were normally distributed. They were highest for 'overall' performance, and lowest for giving time to discuss the families' agenda. An appropriate sample of adults' ratings provided a reliable score (G = 0.7 with 15 raters), but children's ratings were too idiosyncratic to be reproducible (G = 0.36 with 15 raters). CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK: Accompanying adults can provide reliable ratings of doctors' interactions with children. Because an adult is usually present at the consultation their ratings provide a highly feasible and authentic approach. Sampling doctors' interactions from different clinics and with patients of both genders provides a universal picture of performance. The method is ideal to measure performance for in-training assessment or revalidation. Further work is in progress to evaluate the educational impact of feeding ratings back to the doctors being assessed, and their use in a range of clinical contexts.

  9. NCI's Distributed Geospatial Data Server (United States)

    Larraondo, P. R.; Evans, B. J. K.; Antony, J.


    Earth systems, environmental and geophysics datasets are an extremely valuable source of information about the state and evolution of the Earth. However, different disciplines and applications require this data to be post-processed in different ways before it can be used. For researchers experimenting with algorithms across large datasets or combining multiple data sets, the traditional approach to batch data processing and storing all the output for later analysis rapidly becomes unfeasible, and often requires additional work to publish for others to use. Recent developments on distributed computing using interactive access to significant cloud infrastructure opens the door for new ways of processing data on demand, hence alleviating the need for storage space for each individual copy of each product. The Australian National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) has developed a highly distributed geospatial data server which supports interactive processing of large geospatial data products, including satellite Earth Observation data and global model data, using flexible user-defined functions. This system dynamically and efficiently distributes the required computations among cloud nodes and thus provides a scalable analysis capability. In many cases this completely alleviates the need to preprocess and store the data as products. This system presents a standards-compliant interface, allowing ready accessibility for users of the data. Typical data wrangling problems such as handling different file formats and data types, or harmonising the coordinate projections or temporal and spatial resolutions, can now be handled automatically by this service. The geospatial data server exposes functionality for specifying how the data should be aggregated and transformed. The resulting products can be served using several standards such as the Open Geospatial Consortium's (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) or Web Feature Service (WFS), Open Street Map tiles, or raw binary arrays under

  10. "Seeing a doctor is just like having a date": a qualitative study on doctor shopping among overactive bladder patients in Hong Kong (United States)


    Background Although having a regular primary care provider is noted to be beneficial to health, doctor shopping has been documented as a common treatment seeking behavior among chronically ill patients in different countries. However, little research has been conducted into the reasons behind doctor shopping behavior among patients with overactive bladder, and even less into how this behavior relates to these patients’ illness and social experiences, perceptions, and cultural practices. Therefore, this study examines overactive bladder patients to investigate the reasons behind doctor shopping behavior. Methods My study takes a qualitative approach, conducting 30 semi-structured individual interviews, with 30 overactive bladder patients in Hong Kong. Results My study found six primary themes that influenced doctor shopping behavior: lack of perceived need, convenience, work-provided medical insurance, unpleasant experiences with doctors, searching for a match doctor, and switching between biomedicine and traditional Chinese medicine. Besides the perceptual factors, participants’ social environment, illness experiences, personal cultural preference, and cultural beliefs also intertwined to generate their doctor shopping behavior. Due to the low perceived need for a regular personal primary care physician, environmental factors such as time, locational convenience, and work-provided medical insurance became decisive in doctor shopping behavior. Patients’ unpleasant illness experiences, stemming from a lack of understanding among many primary care doctors about overactive bladder, contributed to participants’ sense of mismatch with these doctors, which induced them to shop for another doctor. Conclusions Overactive bladder is a chronic bladder condition with very limited treatment outcome. Although patients with overactive bladder often require specialty urology treatment, it is usually beneficial for the patients to receive continuous, coordinated

  11. Consideraciones alrededor del Libro del Almismo, el Libro del Pensar.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MartaLucía Tamayo Fernandez


    Full Text Available

    La doctora MarthaLucía Tamayo comparte muchas inquietudes alrededor del Libro del Almismo, el Libro del Pensar; de dónde salió ese nombre; de juntar en medicina y en genética a tres escritores como lo son Jorge Luis Borges, Macedonio Fernández y Julio Cortázar. Su conferencia dice así:

    El término almismo fue ideado por Macedonio Fernández porque defendía mucho el ensimismamiento y el pensamiento hacia el interior, mirar hacia adentro; cada uno somos un “sí mismo” que nos hace diferentes aunque al mismo tiempo podemos ser iguales. Todos tenemos esa parte interior que la medicina debe trabajar y que no puede olvidar.

    “El Libro del Almismo, el libro del pensar” nos lleva a replantear y a repensar un poco la medicina que queremos, una medicina vuelta a pensar.

    Quiero contarles la historia de cómo se llegó a este libro y por qué y para qué se sigue trabajando en estos temas: Después de mi internado y de un trabajo un poco triste de rural, volví al Instituto de Genética y a la Universidad Javeriana en donde encontré al doctor Bernal y un espacio que estaba buscando para esa medicina diferente que quería, con un grupo de personas que me permitía no sólo ver la medicina sino ver muchas otras cosas más; había espacio para la literatura, para Mafalda, para hablar de niños, de locos, había incluso tiempo para hablar de medicina dentro del golf, de carros antiguos y de todo eso fui aprendiendo.

    Eso era lo que estaba buscando. Una medicina que diera espacios diferentes, que fuera más humanizada. Rápidamente me ubiqué y me quedé! No me arrepiento en lo absoluto de haberme quedado porque fue, ha sido y sigue siendo, una experiencia enriquecedora, de muchas vivencias importantes. Sabía exactamente dónde estaba y sabía que había que seguir rápido y había que trabajar muchos aspectos de esa medicina que estábamos buscando y de esa genética especial.

    Rápidamente empezamos a trabajar

  12. Patient perception of smartphone usage by doctors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kerry G


    Full Text Available Georgina Kerry,1 Shyam Gokani,2 Dara Rasasingam,2 Alexander Zargaran,3 Javier Ash,2 Aaina Mittal2 1College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 2Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, 3Faculty of Medicine, St George’s University of London, London, UK Abstract: Technological advancements have revolutionized modern medicine and smartphones are now ubiquitous among health care professionals. The ability to look up information promptly is invaluable to doctors and medical students alike, but there is an additional contiguous benefit to patients. Queries can be answered more accurately through fingertip access to evidence-based medicine, and physicians have instant access to emergency care protocols. However, is consideration always extended to the patient’s perception of the use of smartphones by doctors? Do patients know why we use smartphones to assist us in their care? What do they think when they see a doctor using a smartphone?An independent question, conducted within a wider service evaluation (ethical approval not required, full verbal and written electronic consent provided by all patients at St. Mary’s Hospital, London, indicated that although the majority (91.0% of patients owned a smartphone, many (61.6% did not agree that the use of smartphones at work by doctors is professional. This highlights the potential for damage to the doctor–patient relationship. There is a risk that these patients will disconnect with care services with possible detriment to their health. Additionally, it is notable that a larger proportion of those patients aged >70 years found the use of smartphones by doctors at work unprofessional, compared with patients aged <70 years.Adequate communication between the doctor and patient is critical in ensuring that doctors can make use of modern technology to provide the best possible care and that patients are comfortable with this and do not feel isolated or

  13. Modelos organizativos basados en el conocimiento. Desde la gerencia de la información a la gestión del conocimiento


    Olmedo Narbona, Antonio


    Esta tesis doctoral estudia la evolución de los modelos de gestión del conocimiento, analizando la relación entre el modelo EFQM y los modelos organizativos basados en el conocimiento. Como aplicación práctica se propone el desarrollo de un modelo organizativo basado en el conocimiento para los Centros del Profesorado, unidades administrativas de la Junta de Andalucía.

  14. Effect of bcl-2 antisense oligodexynucleotides on chemotherapy efficacy of Vp-16 on human small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H69

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Wenqian; Liu Zhonghua


    Objective: To study the effect of bcl-2 antisense oligodexynucleotides on chemotherapy efficacy of Vp-16 on human small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H69. Methods: Cultured NCI-H69 cells were derided into 4 groups: bcl-2 antisense oligodexynucleotides (ASODN) added, sense oligodexynucleotides (SODN) added, nonsense oligodexynucleotides (NSODN) added and control (no nucleotides added), the oligodexynucleotides were transfected into the cultured cells with oligofectamine. The cellular expression of Bcl-2 protein 72h later was examined with Western-Blot. The four different groups of cultured tumor cells were treated with etopside(Vp-16) at different concentrations (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 μg/ml) for 48hr then the cell survival fraction was assessed with MTY test. Results: The apoptotic rate of cells in the ASODN group was significantly higher than that of the control group, also, the survival fraction of cells in ASODN group was significantly lower than that of the control group. The Bcl-2 protein expression in ASODN group was significantly lower than that in the control group, but no inhibition was observed in SODN and NSODN groups. Conclusion: The bcl-2 ASODN could enhance the sensitivity to chemotherapy with Vp-16 in small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H69 by effectively blocking bcl-2 gene expression. (authors)

  15. Resveratrol enhances radiosensitivity of human non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H838 cells accompanied by inhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B activation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liao, Hui-Fen; Kuo Cheng-Deng; Yang, Yuh-Cheng; Lin, Chin-Ping; Tai, Hung-Chi; Chen, Yu-Jen; Chen, Yu-Yawn


    Resveratrol, a polyphenol in red wine, possesses many pharmacological activities including cardio-protection, chemoprevention, anti-tumor effects, and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) inactivation. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects and possible mechanism of resveratrol in enhancing radiosensitivity of lung cancer cells. Human non-small cell lung cancer NCI-H838 cells were irradiated with or without resveratrol pretreatment. The surviving fraction and sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER) were estimated by using a colony formation assay and linear-quadratic model. The cell-cycle distribution was evaluated by using prospidium iodide staining and flow cytometry. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)-based assay with immobilized oligonucleotide was performed to assess the DNA binding activity of NF-κB. Resveratrol had no direct growth-inhibitory effect on NCI-H838 cells treated for 24 hours with doses up to 25 μM. Pretreatment with resveratrol significantly enhanced cell killing by radiation, with an SER up to 2.2. Radiation activated NF-κB, an effect reversed by resveratrol pretreatment. Resveratrol resulted in a decrease of cells in the G 0 /G 1 phase and an increase in the S phase. Our results demonstrate that resveratrol enhances the radiosensitivity of NCI-H838 cells accompanied by NF-κB inhibition and S-phase arrest. (author)

  16. Doctor Guillermo García López (1905-1956, gran diabetólogo cubano Doctor Guillermo García López (1905-1956, a great cuban diabetologist

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dagoberto Álvarez Aldana


    Full Text Available Con esta breve semblanza pretendemos esbozar algunos datos biográficos del profesor Guillermo García López (1905-1956 notable, pero casi desconocido galeno, y resaltar su labor profesional en el campo asistencial, docente y científico en nuestro país, que lo avalan como uno de los más importantes diabetólogos cubanos. Consultamos la bibliografía médica de la época, archivos, expedientes y otras fuentes para la realización de esta investigación. El doctor Guillermo García López aportó más de 50 contribuciones médicas, las cuales se publicaron en prestigiosas revistas dentro y fuera de Cuba. Sobresalió por sus estudios sobre la diabetes infantil, como se le llamaba en aquellos años, las mejores combinaciones de insulinitas, el uso de insulina NPH, las hormonas adrenocorticotrópicas (ACTH y la cortisona, entre otros.With this brief biographical profile we intend to outline some data on professor Guillermo García López (1905-1956, an outstanding but almost unknown doctor, and to highlight his professional work in the assistance, teaching and scientific field in our country, that makes him one of the most important Cuban diabetologists. We consulted the medical bibliography of that time, archives, records and other sources as part of this research. Doctor Guillermo García López made more than 50 medical contributions that were published in prestigious journals in Cuba and abroad. He stood out for his studies on infantile diabetes, as it was called in those years, the best insulin combinations, the use of NPH insulin, adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH and cortisone, among others.


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    Academia Nacional de Medicina


    Full Text Available

    El Comité Organizador del Simposio "' Aspéctos Medicos de la Erupción Volcanica del Nevado del Ruiz". confor­mado por los doctores Pablo Gomez Martinez, Jose Felix Patino, Valentin Malagón, German Fernandez. Ivan Munera y Luis Jorge Perez, se permite informar a la opinion publica, las conclusiones preliminares a las que ha llegado despues de haber analizado todas las ponencias presentadas por las personas y entidades que atendieron sobrevivientes de la catastrofe de noviembre de 1985.

    1. Aspectos geológicos

    Colombia está situada en el area denominada Cinturón de Fuego, que envuelve el Oceano Pacifico y en su conformación geográfica se encuentran 30 volcanes, situados en su mayorla en la Cordillera Central. De estos, 11 están en mayor o menor actividad y 7 tienen historia de erupciones. Las capas geol6ógicas sobre las cuales se extiende el pals presentan zonas de elevada sismicidad

    Las caracterlsticas de la erupción del Nevado del Ruiz permiten clasificarlo como un volcan de tipo "'Pliniano- explosivo". que puede emitir enorme cantidad de gases y fragmentos sólidos a grandes velocidades y altas tempe­raturas, como tambien lodo caliente, con deshielo de las nieves perpetuas cuyo resultado es Ia formación del "lahar" que sepultó las poblaciones y cubrió extensas zonas de terreno. Estas erupciones se presentan de manera intermitente y su comportamiento es impredecible. Existe siempre la posibilidad de erupciones late­rales que aumentan su peligro y radio de acción.

    El "lahar" fue una avalancha de lodo que cubrió a la poblacion de Armero; lo componían materiales inorgánicos provenientes del volcan, mezclados con los materiales orgánicos presentes en las tierras fertiles dedicadas a la agricultura y la ganadería. Estudios microbiológicos demostraron la presencia de una rica flora bacteriana y de hongos...

  18. El método de los elementos de contorno en los problemas de mecánica del suelo


    Alarcón Álvarez, Enrique; Dominguez Abascal, José; Fraile de Lerma, Alberto


    La preparación de estas notas ha llevado, al más veterano de los autores, a rememorar sus primeros tanteos con los métodos numéricos. Tratando de desarrollar su tesis doctoral sobre efectos dinámicos en puentes de ferrocarril, descubrió, en 1968, en la biblioteca del Laboratorio de Transporte (donde el profesor ]iménez Salas era Director) las Actas de la reunión ASTM en las que Quilan y Sung proponían la asimilación del comportamiento dinámico del semiespacio elástico a un sistema con u...

  19. Computational Environments and Analysis methods available on the NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform (United States)

    Evans, B. J. K.; Foster, C.; Minchin, S. A.; Pugh, T.; Lewis, A.; Wyborn, L. A.; Evans, B. J.; Uhlherr, A.


    The National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) has established a powerful in-situ computational environment to enable both high performance computing and data-intensive science across a wide spectrum of national environmental data collections - in particular climate, observational data and geoscientific assets. This paper examines 1) the computational environments that supports the modelling and data processing pipelines, 2) the analysis environments and methods to support data analysis, and 3) the progress in addressing harmonisation of the underlying data collections for future transdisciplinary research that enable accurate climate projections. NCI makes available 10+ PB major data collections from both the government and research sectors based on six themes: 1) weather, climate, and earth system science model simulations, 2) marine and earth observations, 3) geosciences, 4) terrestrial ecosystems, 5) water and hydrology, and 6) astronomy, social and biosciences. Collectively they span the lithosphere, crust, biosphere, hydrosphere, troposphere, and stratosphere. The data is largely sourced from NCI's partners (which include the custodians of many of the national scientific records), major research communities, and collaborating overseas organisations. The data is accessible within an integrated HPC-HPD environment - a 1.2 PFlop supercomputer (Raijin), a HPC class 3000 core OpenStack cloud system and several highly connected large scale and high-bandwidth Lustre filesystems. This computational environment supports a catalogue of integrated reusable software and workflows from earth system and ecosystem modelling, weather research, satellite and other observed data processing and analysis. To enable transdisciplinary research on this scale, data needs to be harmonised so that researchers can readily apply techniques and software across the corpus of data available and not be constrained to work within artificial disciplinary boundaries. Future challenges will

  20. Estrategia didáctica para el perfeccionamiento del proceso de formación interpretativa en la matemática superior


    Wongo Gungula, Eurico; Dieguez Batista, Raquel; Pérez Ugartemendía, Eglys


    El presente artículo es síntesis del aporte práctico de una tesis doctoral desarrollada en la dinámica del proceso de formación interpretativa en la Matemática Superior, realizada en la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba, desde Septiembre de 2010 hasta Junio de 2014. Para su implementación en la práctica educativa se diseñó una serie de acciones conducentes al desarrollo del pensamiento interpretativo de los estudiantes universitarios, pautadas esencialmente en la socialización de procedimientos de...

  1. Seguimiento longitudinal de la masa ósea en mujeres postmenopáusicas en función de los polimorfismo BSMI y APAI del gen del receptor de la vitamina D (VDR)


    Pedrera Canal, María


    La Osteoporosis es una condición poligénica que está determinada por la influencia de diversos genes, cada uno de los cuales tiene un efecto modesto sobre la masa ósea. El objetivo del presente trabajo de tesis doctoral fue determinar como los polimorfismos del gen receptor de la vitamina D (BsmI y ApaI) están asociados con la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), los valores de DMO en mujeres osteoporóticas y la respuesta al tratamiento en mujeres osteoporóticas postmenopáusicas españolas. Un total d...

  2. Talking to Your Doctor (For Teens) (United States)

    ... problems , weight concerns, depression, suicidal thoughts , and even body odor . You should be able to talk to your doctor about everything, but that's easier said than done. Being examined and questioned about your body can also be intimidating, especially when the doctor ...

  3. Burnout and Doctors: Prevalence, Prevention and Intervention (United States)

    Kumar, Shailesh


    Doctors are exposed to high levels of stress in the course of their profession and are particularly susceptible to experiencing burnout. Burnout has far-reaching implications on doctors; patients and the healthcare system. Doctors experiencing burnout are reported to be at a higher risk of making poor decisions; display hostile attitude toward patients; make more medical errors; and have difficult relationships with co-workers. Burnout among doctors also increases risk of depression; anxiety; sleep disturbances; fatigue; alcohol and drug misuse; marital dysfunction; premature retirement and perhaps most seriously suicide. Sources of stress in medical practice may range from the emotions arising in the context of patient care to the environment in which doctors practice. The extent of burnout may vary depending on the practice setting; speciality and changing work environment. Understanding dynamic risk factors associated with burnout may help us develop strategies for preventing and treating burnout. Some of these strategies will be reviewed in this paper. PMID:27417625

  4. Burnout and Doctors: Prevalence, Prevention and Intervention

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    Shailesh Kumar


    Full Text Available Doctors are exposed to high levels of stress in the course of their profession and are particularly susceptible to experiencing burnout. Burnout has far-reaching implications on doctors; patients and the healthcare system. Doctors experiencing burnout are reported to be at a higher risk of making poor decisions; display hostile attitude toward patients; make more medical errors; and have difficult relationships with co-workers. Burnout among doctors also increases risk of depression; anxiety; sleep disturbances; fatigue; alcohol and drug misuse; marital dysfunction; premature retirement and perhaps most seriously suicide. Sources of stress in medical practice may range from the emotions arising in the context of patient care to the environment in which doctors practice. The extent of burnout may vary depending on the practice setting; speciality and changing work environment. Understanding dynamic risk factors associated with burnout may help us develop strategies for preventing and treating burnout. Some of these strategies will be reviewed in this paper.

  5. El Dibujo como Herramienta Integral al Servicio del conocimiento en diversos Marcos Disciplinares: Su vigencia y necesidad hoy.


    García Góngora, Víctor Manuel


    Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende dilucidar mediante obras y experiencias del autor, bibliografía y referencias externas, la vigencia del dibujo en una actualidad dominada por métodos digitales que se ha vuelto escéptica sobre su “utilidad” real y que desgraciadamente se está viendo marginada en planes de estudio y desarrollo profesional. La situación ha llegado a tal grado que el dibujo, incluso en disciplinas como las bellas artes y la arquitectur...

  6. [Physician's role in "medical drama" pitfall? Reflection of stereotypical images of doctors in context of contemporary doctor's series]. (United States)

    Köhler, M; Grabsch, C; Zellner, M; Noll-Hussong, M


    In contemporary U.S. doctor's series, the characters are usually represented by good-looking or typical character actors. The aim of our pilot study was to investigate whether the long-term impact of this format on German television viewers could have an influence on the choice of doctor in Germany. Two different groups of people anticipating TV consumption patterns were questioned: a first group of younger adults who knew theTV series was asked to judge their doctor choice using a web-based survey tool with respect to three criteria (sympathy, expertise and own treatment preference). The second group of adults beyond the 40th year of life who need not know theTV series were shown photos of the serial figures. Study participants should select the "doctor" of which they would most likely want to be treated and this based on two predetermined reasons (sympathy or expertise). Our results indicate that stereotypical images of doctors found high approval only in the first group of people, while the participants in the second group decided in majorityfora more realistic representation of average appearance.

  7. The Professional Doctorate in Nursing: A Position Paper (United States)

    Newman, Margaret A.


    The need for family-centered health care could be met by nurses now if they had a professional doctorate and the recognition and authority that go with it. The author distinguishes between an academic doctorate (Preparation for scholars) and a professional doctorate (a practice degree). (Author/BP)

  8. Richard W. Ziolkowski Receives Honorary Doctorate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breinbjerg, Olav


    At the annual Commemoration of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on April 27, 2012, Prof. Richard W. Ziolkowski, University of Arizona (UoA), received DTU's highest academic degree, the Honorary Doctor degree: Doctor Technices Honoris Causa (Figure 1). Prof. Ziolkowski has been a close...


    CERN Multimedia

    Medical Service


    IN URGENT NEED OF A DOCTOR GENEVA EMERGENCY SERVICES GENEVA AND VAUD 144 FIRE BRIGADE 118 POLICE 117 CERN FIREMEN 767-44-44 ANTI-POISONS CENTRE Open 24h/24h 01-251-51-51 Patient not fit to be moved, call family doctor, or: GP AT HOME, open 24h/24h 748-49-50 Association Of Geneva Doctors Emergency Doctors at home 07h-23h 322 20 20 Patient fit to be moved: HOPITAL CANTONAL CENTRAL 24 Micheli-du-Crest 372-33-11 ou 382-33-11 EMERGENCIES 382-33-11 ou 372-33-11 CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL 6 rue Willy-Donzé 372-33-11 MATERNITY 32 la Cluse 382-68-16 ou 382-33-11 OPHTHALMOLOGY 22 Alcide Jentzer 382-33-11 ou 372-33-11 MEDICAL CENTRE CORNAVIN 1-3 rue du Jura 345 45 50 HOPITAL DE LA TOUR Meyrin EMERGENCIES 719-61-11 URGENCES PEDIATRIQUES 719-61-00 LA TOUR MEDICAL CENTRE 719-74-00 European Emergency Call 112 FRANCE EMERGENCY SERVICES 15 FIRE BRIGADE 18 POLICE 17 CERN FIREMEN AT HOME 00-41-22-767-44-44 ANTI-POISONS CENTRE Open 24h/24h 04-72-11-69-11 All doctors ...

  10. Aplicación de modelos de transferencia radiativa para el control operativo del programa BSRN (Baseline Surface Radiation Network) del Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña


    García Cabrera, Rosa Delia


    Esta nota técnica se basa en la tesis doctoral de la autora realizada en el marco del Convenio de colaboración entre la Universidad de Valladolid y AEMET para el "Establecimiento de metodologías y sistemas de control de calidad para los programas de fotometría, radiometría, ozono y aerosoles atmosféricos en el marco del programa de Vigilancia atmosférica global de la Organización meteorológica mundial". Esta tesis aborda el análisis de las tres componentes de la radiación solar (global, di...

  11. Reasons for Consulting a Doctor on the Internet: Web Survey of Users of an Ask the Doctor Service


    Umefjord, Göran; Petersson, Göran; Hamberg, Katarina


    Background In 1998 the Swedish noncommercial public health service Infomedica opened an Ask the Doctor service on its Internet portal. At no charge, anyone with Internet access can use this service to ask questions about personal health-related and disease-related matters. Objective To study why individuals choose to consult previously-unknown doctors on the Internet. Methods Between November 1, 2001, and January 31, 2002 a Web survey of the 3622 Ask the Doctor service users, 1036 men (29%) a...

  12. Un caso de hernia diafragmatica (Agenesia parcial del hemídiafragma izquierdo plastia del díafragma con pulmón atelectásico

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    Alfonso Bonilla Naar


    Full Text Available Hospital de la Misericordia. Servicio del doctor Martínez. Sala Rosa. C. J. P. E. 10 años. N. El Charquito (Soacha. F. de L .Septi~tnbre 12 de 1950. F. de S. Noviembre 5 de 1950. D. Preliminar, neumonía. C. de ingreso. Consulta porque desde hace dos días tiene dolor abdominal difuso, vómito, estreñimiento, anorexia y fiebre (vomitó un Ascaris. Se trata del primer caso operado en nuestro medio de una hernia diafragmática (por agenesia y vale anotar que según Meyer (1 quien cita a Sagal, hasta 1.933 sólo se conocian doce casos. Harrington (2 cita 12 casos en la Mayo Clinic. Hasta ahora, el defecto del diafragma se había cerrado con faciaperirrenal o con músculo (gran dorsal. En este caso se ensayó con éxito una plastia con un lóbulo pulmonar atelectásico. (Original.

  13. State Level Review of Doctoral Programs in Texas. (United States)

    Whittington, Nil

    Review of doctoral degree programs in Texas public colleges and universities is discussed. Attention is directed to review procedures and strengths and weaknesses in the state's doctoral programs in educational psychology, counseling and guidance, and student personnel services. Doctoral programs were reviewed because of their high cost and a…

  14. El desarrollo del pensamiento interpretativo del estudiante universitario desde un enfoque didáctico-matemático

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    Eurico Wongo Gungula


    Full Text Available Uno de los retos más importantes de la Universidad actual es su adaptación a los cambios que la sociedad le exige, tanto en relación a la mejoría de la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, como de las investigaciones científicas que realiza. El presente artículo es resultado de la construcción teórica y práctica de una tesis doctoral desarrollada en la dinámica del proceso de formación interpretativa en la Matemática Superior (Gungula, 2014. Su objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo del pensamiento interpretativo del estudiante universitario desde un enfoque didáctico-matemático, dadas las inconsistencias analíticas e interpretativas que se aprecian en los estudiantes angolanos que ingresan a la Educación Superior contemporánea. La estructura y la articulación del procedimiento metodológico seguido en su construcción son consecuentes con el Enfoque Holístico Configuracional y las propuestas de De Guzmán (2007, Fuentes (2009 y Matos y Cruz (2011. Además, la concepción metodológica que emerge del sistema de relaciones que se establece entre dichas construcciones es coherente con los subprocesos y eslabones requeridos para el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico e interpretativo del estudiante universitario. La sinergia de la estrategia didáctica propuesta como vía de instrumentación de la construcción teórica en la práctica educativa emerge de la pertinencia formativa de su aplicabilidad en el perfeccionamiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática en la Educación Superior. Los resultados derivados de su aplicación práctica, así como de las valoraciones emitidas por los expertos, evidencian la pertinencia científica y metodológica de la construcción teórica y práctica realizada para el proceso de desarrollo del pensamiento interpretativo del estudiante universitario.

  15. Doctoral Education in Nursing: Future Directions (United States)

    Downs, Florence S.


    Problems that confront nursing education and the quality of doctoral preparation are discussed in this article and include the steep rise in requests from nurses for admission into doctoral programs and tight university budgets; other concerns are the development of scholars and sharing research findings. (TA)

  16. Joan Maragall com a lector i traductor dels fragments "Abans que surti el sol" i "De l'immaculat coneixement" d'Així parlà Zaratustra

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    Heidi Grünewald


    Full Text Available El plantejament de l’autocreació permanent del subjecte, la il∙lusió de l’esperit lliure i el desig de viure la totalitat de l’ésser no determinen només el nucli temàtic dels dos fragments d’Així parlà Zaratustra que Joan Maragall va traduir i publicar a finals de febrer de 1898, sinó que també palesen la configuració nietzscheana d’un lector total que s’oposa a l’hàbit del «coneixement pur» i que prioritza el valor epistèmic de la vivència. La traducció que Maragall va realitzar dels fragments «Abans que surti el sol» i «De l’immaculat coneixement» és un aprofundiment poètic del text de Nietzsche que revela una simpatia cap a l’estètica de l’escenari cosmològic. A més a més, com a intel∙lectual, Maragall reafirma en aquesta tria temàtica el seu rebuig de la raó abstracta i suggereix la imprecisió d’un etern esdevenir de l’home a través de les seves experiències.

  17. Doctor - patient relationship La relación médico-paciente

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    Jaime Bedoya Restrepo


    Full Text Available

    Llama la atención el inusitado interés que en los últimos tiempos ha despertado el aspecto ético del ejercicio de la medicina. Este interés, no obstante, parece más centrado en los aspectos legales y sólo tangencialmente en el dilema moral que se origina en muchas de las actuaciones de los médicos. 

    La relación médico-paciente se puede entender como de tipo contractual, fundamentada en la confianza

    y el respeto mutuos, condicionada por la necesidad de ayuda por parte del enfermo y suministrada ésta por un profesional competente.

    Some brief considerations are made concerning doctor-patient relationship with emphasis on informed consent and on respect for the autonomy of the patient.

  18. El pensamiento de los primeros administrativistas españoles y su plasmación enla estructura de la administración del estado


    González Leonor, María del Carmen


    El objeto del presente trabajo de investigación lo constituye el proceso de formación del modelo de Estado español decimonónico. Elementos esenciales de este proceso son los individuos que lo formularon teóricamente. De ahí la importancia del estudio de sus figuras. Para explicar este proceso se ha divido en varias etapas que se corresponden con cada uno de los capítulos de esta tesis doctoral, realizando un recorrido desde los últimos años del reinado de Femando VII, momento en el cual los a...

  19. NCI Releases Video: Proteogenomics Research - On the Frontier of Precision Medicine | Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (United States)

    The Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, announces the release of an educational video titled “Proteogenomics Research: On the Frontier of Precision Medicine."  Launched at the HUPO2017 Global Leadership Gala Dinner, catalyzed in part by the Cancer Moonshot initiative and featuring as keynote speaker the 47th Vice President of the United States of America Joseph R.

  20. Looking Back at Doctoral Education in South Africa (United States)

    Herman, Chaya


    This article provides a quantitative picture of doctoral education in South Africa up to 2010, from the time the first doctorate was awarded in 1899. It identifies the different institutional profiles and emphases of doctoral graduation in South African universities at various periods of time in the context of economic, political and social…

  1. Implantació de recursos didàctics digitals en assignatures d'Organització d'Empreses

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    Ana Núñez


    Full Text Available L’objectiu d’aquest article és presentar el protocol d’implantació de diverses eines didàctiques, així com el nivell de satisfacció dels estudiants que les utilitzen. Els resultats mostren, primer, que no és possible crear un únic protocol aplicable a tots els recursos, ateses les diferències en els objectius didàctics existents. Segon, la valoració que els estudiants fan de la utilització dels recursos és molt positiva, tot i que existeixen algunes diferències entre les diferents eines. Aquests resultats permeten millorar els recursos i adequar-los al perfil dels estudiants per què aquests puguin treure’n el major profit possible. 

  2. Quantitative Preparation in Doctoral Education Programs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Doctoral Student Perspectives on their Quantitative Training

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    Sarah L Ferguson


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose: The purpose of the current study is to explore student perceptions of their own doctoral-level education and quantitative proficiency. Background: The challenges of preparing doctoral students in education have been discussed in the literature, but largely from the perspective of university faculty and program administrators. The current study directly explores the student voice on this issue. Methodology: Utilizing a sequential explanatory mixed-methods research design, the present study seeks to better understand doctoral-level education students’ perceptions of their quantitative methods training at a large public university in the southwestern United States. Findings: Results from both phases present the need for more application and consistency in doctoral-level quantitative courses. Additionally, there was a consistent theme of internal motivation in the responses, suggesting students perceive their quantitative training to be valuable beyond their personal interest in the topic. Recommendations for Practitioners: Quantitative methods instructors should emphasize practice in their quantitative courses and consider providing additional support for students through the inclusion of lab sections, tutoring, and/or differentiation. Pre-testing statistical ability at the start of a course is also suggested to better meet student needs. Impact on Society: The ultimate goal of quantitative methods in doctoral education is to produce high-quality educational researchers who are prepared to apply their knowledge to problems and research in education. Results of the present study can inform faculty and administrator decisions in doctoral education to best support this goal. Future Research: Using the student perspectives presented in the present study, future researchers should continue to explore effective instructional strategies and curriculum design within education doctoral programs. The inclusion of student voice can strengthen

  3. Criterio profesional acerca del error médico

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    Elisa Gálvez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se demuestra el desconocimiento que de determinados aspectos de la ética médica existe en los profesionales de la salud, a pesar de la extraordinaria importancia que éstos tienen. Se diseña un modelo de encuesta que se aplica a diferentes médicos que brindan asistencia en la atención primaria y secundaria del municipio Plaza de la Revolución en la Ciudad de La Habana; se obtiene resultados que corroboran nuestra hipótesis: sólo la tercera parte de los médicos encuestados, a pesar de sus años de experiencia y de la alta calificación en general de la muestra seleccionada, responde satisfactoriamente la encuesta. Se ofrecen otras conclusiones en el análisis de los resultados del trabajo que resultan de gran interésIt is demonstrated the lack of knowledge existing among health profesionals about certain aspects of medical ethics, in spite of their extraordinary importance. A survey model is designed and applied to different doctors working at the primary and secondary health care level at the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución, in Havana City. The results obtained corroborate our hypothesis: just one third of the doctors who participated in the survey, despite their years of experience and the high qualification in general of the sample, answered satisfactorily. Other interesting conclusions derived from the analysis of the results are offered

  4. Stress in doctors and dentists who teach. (United States)

    Rutter, Harry; Herzberg, Joe; Paice, Elisabeth


    To explore the relationship between a teaching role and stress in doctors and dentists who teach. Medline, PubMed, BIDS database for social sciences literature, and the ERIC database for educational literature were searched using the key words 'stress' or 'burnout' with the terms doctor, physician, dentist, teacher, lecturer, academic staff, and university staff. Other books and journals known to the authors were also used. Many studies have shown high levels of stress in doctors, dentists, teachers, and lecturers. A large number of factors are implicated, including low autonomy, work overload, and lack of congruence between power and responsibility. Doctors and dentists who take on a teaching role in addition to their clinical role may increase their levels of stress, but there is also evidence that this dual role may reduce job-related stress. Working as a doctor or dentist may entail higher levels of stress than are experienced by the general population. In some situations adding in the role of teacher reduces this stress, but more research is needed to explain this finding.

  5. Epilepsy - what to ask your doctor - child (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about epilepsy - child; Seizures - what to ask your doctor - child ... should I discuss with my child's teachers about epilepsy? Will my child need to take medicines during ...

  6. The Plight of the Woman Doctoral Student (United States)

    Holmstrom, Engin Inel; Holmstrom, Robert W.


    This study investigated factors underlying discrimination against woman doctoral students. Analyses revealed that faculty attitudes and behavior toward woman doctoral students contributed significantly to their emotional stresses and self-doubts. (Author/NE)

  7. Surviving the Doctoral Years

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    Scott P. Kerlin


    Full Text Available This article probes the implications of neo-conservative public education policies for the future of the academic profession through a detailed examination of critical issues shaping contemporary doctoral education in U.S. and Canadian universities. Institutional and social factors such as financial retrenchment, declining support for affirmative action, downward economic mobility, a weak academic labor market for tenure-track faculty, professional ethics in graduate education, and backlash against women's progress form the backdrop for analysis of the author's survey of current doctoral students' opinions about funding, support, the job market, and quality of learning experiences.

  8. Attracting and retaining doctors in rural Nepal. (United States)

    Shankar, P R


    In Nepal, a number of private sector medical schools have opened recently; although sufficient numbers of doctors are graduating there continues to be a doctor shortage in rural areas. This article analysed the rural doctor shortage in Nepal and reviewed the international literature for strategies that may be suitable for use in Nepal. Original research articles, reviews, magazine articles and project reports dealing with Nepal and other developing countries during the period 1995 to 2010 were sourced via Google, Google Scholar and Pubmed. Full text access was obtained via WHO's HINARI database. The health workforce in Nepal is unevenly distributed resulting in doctor shortages in rural areas. The recent introduction of mandatory rural service for scholarship students was aimed to reduce the loss of medical graduates to developed nations. High tuition fees in private medical schools and low Government wages prevent recent graduates from taking up rural positions, and those who do face many challenges. Potential corrective strategies include community-based medical education, selecting rural-background medical students, and providing a partial or complete tuition fee waiver for medical students who commit to rural service. Traditional healers and paramedical staff can also be trained for and authorized to provide rural health care. A range of strategies developed elsewhere could be used in Nepal, especially community-oriented medical education that involves rural doctors in training medical students. The reimbursement of tuition fees, assistance with relocation, and provision of opportunities for academic and professional advancement for rural doctors should also be considered. Government investment in improving working conditions in rural Nepal would assist rural communities to attract and retain doctors.

  9. Concussion - what to ask your doctor - child (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about concussion - child; Mild brain injury - what to ask your doctor - child ... What type of symptoms or problems will my child have? Will my child have problems thinking or ...

  10. La evolución del paisaje fluvial en la confluencia de los ríos Tajo y Jarama


    Berrocal Menárguez, Ana Belén


    La tesis doctoral que se presenta realiza un análisis de la evolución del paisaje fluvial de las riberas de los ríos Tajo y Jarama en el entorno de Aranjuez desde una perspectiva múltiple. Contempla y conjuga aspectos naturales, tales como los hidrológicos, geomorfológicos y ecológicos; también culturales, como la regulación hidrológica y la gestión del agua, las intervenciones en cauce y márgenes, la evolución de la propiedad y los cambios de usos del suelo, fundamentalmente. Este análisis h...

  11. [The virtuous doctor in cinema: the final examination]. (United States)

    Figueroa, Gustavo


    The virtuous doctor has subscribed an oath and by subscribing to this solemn promise, he is committed to live in accordance with the purposes, obligations and virtues established in the medical profession. Cinematic art has shown only a superficial interest in complex aspects of medical profession. An exception is Ingmar Bergman's film "Wild Strawberries", where Professor Isak Borg, a widowed 76-year-old physician, is to be awarded the Doctor Jubilaris degree, 50 years after he received his doctorate at Lund University. During the trip, Isak is forced by a nightmare to reevaluate his professional life as not being a virtuous doctor.

  12. Skills and Competences of a Doctor of Engineering

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    Michael H. W. Hoffmann


    Full Text Available Not only in Europe but also on other continents, it is felt that a reform of the doctoral phase in tertiary education is necessary. To make this reform a success, it is necessary to first define the skills and competences of a doctor in general and of a doctor of engineering in particular to dispose of measurable criteria for the outcomes of the reform. These criteria are intended to foster not only an academic career but also careers in industry and administration, i.e. to support the careers of future chief executives. It is also presented how these skills and competences are seen by industrial companies as well as by the young Doctors of Engineering. Finally, it is discussed how existing methods might be reformed to further improve the doctoral phase at and in cooperation with universities.

  13. El efecto del entorno en la emisión de fluorescencia . Modelos teóricos y aplicaciones analíticas


    Delgado Camón, Mª Arantzazu


    En esta Tesis Doctoral se abordan aspectos teóricos y prácticos de la fluorescencia molecular, en medio líquido y sólido, que pueden resumirse en: 1.- Estudio y utilización del efecto del entorno molecular en la intensidad de fluorescencia, que se refiere a cómo las interacciones no covalentes que sufre un fluoróforo en presencia de un analito y un disolvente afectan a su emisión y a la utilización de esos cambios para obtener información analítica del entorno. Para ello se ha desarrollad...

  14. Newborn jaundice - what to ask your doctor (United States)

    Jaundice - what to ask your doctor; What to ask your doctor about newborn jaundice ... What causes jaundice in a newborn child? How common is newborn jaundice? Will the jaundice harm my child? What are the ...

  15. Doctors' health: obstacles and enablers to returning to work. (United States)

    Cohen, D; Rhydderch, M; Reading, P; Williams, S


    For doctors returning to work after absence due to ill-health or performance concerns, the obstacles can seem insurmountable. Doctors' perspectives of these obstacles have been investigated. To support them more effectively, the perspectives of organizations that interact with such doctors should also be considered. To explore the obstacles and enablers to doctors' return to work after long-term absence from the perspective of key organizations involved in assessment and support. We identified organizations operating in the field of doctors' health, well-being and performance. We conducted semi-structured, 30-45 min telephone interviews with representatives of the organizations, exploring problems that they had encountered that were experienced by doctors with health or performance concerns returning to work after absence of a month or longer. We analysed our field notes using theoretical analysis. We conducted 11 telephone interviews. Data analysis identified four key themes of obstacles and enablers to returning to work: 'communication', 'return to work', 'finance and funding' and 'relationships and engagement'. Sub-themes relating to the organization and the individual also emerged. Organizations responsible for supporting doctors back to work reported poor communication as a significant obstacle to doctors returning to work after illness. They also reported differences between specialities, employing organizations, occupational health departments and human resources in terms of knowledge and expertise in supporting doctors with complex issues. Clear communication channels, care pathways and support processes, such as workplace advocates, were perceived as strong enablers to return to work for doctors after long-term absence. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. The quality of doctoral nursing education in South Africa

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    Siedine K. Coetzee


    Full Text Available Background: The number of doctoral programmes in nursing has multiplied rapidly throughout the world. This has led to widespread concern about nursing doctoral education, specifically with regard to the quality of curricula and faculty, as well as to the availability of appropriate institutional resources. In South Africa, no study of these issues has been conducted at a national level. Objective: To explore and describe the quality of nursing doctoral education in South Africa from the perspectives of deans, faculty, doctoral graduates and students. Method: A cross-sectional survey design was used. All deans (N = 15; n = 12, faculty (N = 50; n = 26, doctoral graduates (N = 43; n = 26 and students (N = 106; n = 63 at South African nursing schools that offer a nursing doctoral programme (N = 16; n = 15 were invited to participate. Data were collected by means of structured email-mediated Quality of Nursing Doctoral Education surveys. Results: Overall, the graduate participants scored their programme quality most positively of all the groups and faculty scored it most negatively. All of the groups rated the quality of their doctoral programmes as good, but certain problems related to the quality of resources, students and faculty were identified. Conclusion: These evaluations, by the people directly involved in the programmes, demonstrated significant differences amongst the groups and thus provide valuable baseline data for building strategies to improve the quality of doctoral nursing education in South Africa.

  17. Patient‑doctor relationship: The practice orientation of doctors in Kano

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Aug 19, 2013 ... relationship borders mainly on patients' satisfaction[12‑16] from either the .... Female. 47 (22.0). Marital status. Single. 87 (40.7). Married. 127 (59.3) ... doctors' place of work was only statistically significant in the “sharing” ...

  18. Is networking different with doctors working part-time? Differences in social networks of part-time and full-time doctors. (United States)

    Heiligers, Phil J M; de Jong, Judith D; Groenewegen, Peter P; Hingstman, Lammert; Völker, Beate; Spreeuwenberg, Peter


    Part-time working is a growing phenomenon in medicine, which is expected to influence informal networks at work differently compared to full-time working. The opportunity to meet and build up social capital at work has offered a basis for theoretical arguments. Twenty-eight teams of medical specialists in the Netherlands, including 226 individuals participated in this study. Interviews with team representatives and individual questionnaires were used. Data were gathered on three types of networks: relationships of consulting, communication and trust. For analyses, network and multilevel applications were used. Differences between individual doctors and between teams were both analysed, taking the dependency structure of the data into account, because networks of individual doctors are not independent. Teams were divided into teams with and without doctors working part-time. Contrary to expectations we found no impact of part-time working on the size of personal networks, neither at the individual nor at the team level. The same was found regarding efficient reachability. Whereas we expected part-time doctors to choose their relations as efficiently as possible, we even found the opposite in intended relationships of trust, implying that efficiency in reaching each other was higher for full-time doctors. But we found as expected that in mixed teams with part-time doctors the frequency of regular communication was less compared to full-time teams. Furthermore, as expected the strength of the intended relationships of trust of part-time and full-time doctors was equally high. From these findings we can conclude that part-time doctors are not aiming at efficiency by limiting the size of networks or by efficient reachability, because they want to contact their colleagues directly in order to prevent from communication errors. On the other hand, together with the growth of teams, we found this strategy, focussed on reaching all colleagues, was diminishing. And our data

  19. Critical and Creative Thinking Nexus: Learning Experiences of Doctoral Students (United States)

    Brodin, Eva M.


    Critical and creative thinking constitute important learning outcomes at doctoral level across the world. While the literature on doctoral education illuminates this matter through the lens of experienced senior researchers, the doctoral students' own perspective is missing. Based upon interviews with 14 doctoral students from four disciplines at…

  20. Encouraging formative assessments of leadership for foundation doctors. (United States)

    Hadley, Lindsay; Black, David; Welch, Jan; Reynolds, Peter; Penlington, Clare


    Clinical leadership is considered essential for maintaining and improving patient care and safety in the UK, and is incorporated in the curriculum for all trainee doctors. Despite the growing focus on the importance of leadership, and the introduction of the Medical Leadership Competency Framework (MLCF) in the UK, leadership education for doctors in training is still in its infancy. Assessment is focused on clinical skills, and trainee doctors receive very little formal feedback on their leadership competencies. In this article we describe the approach taken by Health Education Kent, Sussex and Surrey (HEKSS) to raise the profile of leadership amongst doctors in training in the South Thames Foundation School (STFS). An annual structured formative assessment in leadership for each trainee has been introduced, supported by leadership education for both trainees and their supervisors in HEKSS trusts. We analysed over 500 of these assessments from the academic year 2012/13 for foundation doctors in HEKSS trusts, in order to assess the quality of the feedback. From the analysis, potential indicators of more effective formative assessments were identified. These may be helpful in improving the leadership education programme for future years. There is a wealth of evidence to highlight the importance and value of formative assessments; however, particularly for foundation doctors, these have typically been focused on assessing clinical capabilities. This HEKSS initiative encourages doctors to recognise leadership opportunities at the beginning of their careers, seeks to help them understand the importance of acquiring leadership skills and provides structured feedback to help them improve. Leadership education for doctors in training is still in its infancy. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Convertirse en madre. Etnografía del tiempo de gestación: reseña


    Bogino Larrambebere, Mercedes


    Reseña de la obra de Elixabete Imaz "Convertirse en madre. Etnografía del tiempo de gestación", publicada por Cátedra, Instituto de la Mujer, Universitat de Valencia, 2010. 420 p. ISBN: 978–84–376–2685–7 Este libro nace de una investigación etnográfica emprendida por Elixabete Imaz para su proyecto de tesis doctoral “Mujeres gestantes, madres en gestación”, bajo la orientación académica de Teresa del Valle. Las protagonistas de este estudio son mujeres que experimentan el tránsito...

  2. Doctor's Orders

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ "To become a doctor is like becoming a bomb expert:It takes a long time to learn this skill; you must use care and intuition; and you must understand that your work has grave consequences for those around you,"said Amgalan Gamazhapov,an advanced medical student who studies traditional Chinese and Mongolian medicine at the Inner Mongolia Medical University.

  3. Doctor-Shopping Behavior among Patients with Eye Floaters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gow-Lieng Tseng


    Full Text Available Patients suffering from eye floaters often resort to consulting more than one ophthalmologist. The purpose of this study, using the Health Belief Model (HBM, was to identify the factors that influence doctor-shopping behavior among patients with eye floaters. In this cross-sectional survey, 175 outpatients who presented floaters symptoms were enrolled. Data from 143 patients (77 first time visitors and 66 doctor-shoppers who completed the questionnaire were analyzed. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were performed. We found that women and non-myopia patients were significantly related with frequent attendance and doctor switching. Though the HBM has performed well in a number of health behaviors studies, but most of the conceptual constructors of HBM did not show significant differences between the first time visitors and true doctor-shoppers in this study. Motivation was the only significant category affecting doctor-shopping behavior of patients with eye floaters.

  4. Doctor-Shopping Behavior among Patients with Eye Floaters. (United States)

    Tseng, Gow-Lieng; Chen, Cheng-Yu


    Patients suffering from eye floaters often resort to consulting more than one ophthalmologist. The purpose of this study, using the Health Belief Model (HBM), was to identify the factors that influence doctor-shopping behavior among patients with eye floaters. In this cross-sectional survey, 175 outpatients who presented floaters symptoms were enrolled. Data from 143 patients (77 first time visitors and 66 doctor-shoppers) who completed the questionnaire were analyzed. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses were performed. We found that women and non-myopia patients were significantly related with frequent attendance and doctor switching. Though the HBM has performed well in a number of health behaviors studies, but most of the conceptual constructors of HBM did not show significant differences between the first time visitors and true doctor-shoppers in this study. Motivation was the only significant category affecting doctor-shopping behavior of patients with eye floaters.

  5. Find a Doctor (United States)

    ... Manager Book Appointments Getting Care When on Active Duty Getting Care When Traveling What's Covered Health Care Dental Care ... Manager Book Appointments Getting Care When on Active Duty Getting Care When Traveling Bread Crumbs Home Find a Doctor ...

  6. Una momia en el salón. Los museos anatómicos domésticos del doctor Velasco (1854-1874

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Gómez, Luis Ángel


    Full Text Available In this article we examine the two anatomical museums organized by Dr. Pedro González Velasco in his own homes in nineteenth-century Madrid. We analyze the circumstances that made possible the formation of the centers, which were related to the study and teaching of anatomy and to some Velasco’s political projects of regeneration and modernization of Spanish Medicine. We explore its collections (of anatomy, teratology, zoology, ethnography and “curiosities” and we try to show how Velasco used his museums with both teaching and sociopolitical objectives. Finally, it is clear that without the formation of these little museums it would not have been possible for Velasco the construction of his great Anthropological Museum, in 1875, which now houses the National Museum of Anthropology.El artículo estudia los museos anatómicos organizados por el doctor Pedro González Velasco en dos de sus domicilios particulares en el Madrid decimonónico. Se revisan las circunstancias que hacen posible su creación, vinculadas tanto con el estudio y la docencia de la anatomía como con los proyectos políticos de regeneración y modernización de la Medicina española que trata de poner en marcha su propietario. Se comentan sus singulares colecciones (de anatomía, teratología, zoología, etnografía y curiosidades diversas y se analiza la proyección docente y sociopolítica de ambos centros, sin cuya existencia no hubiera sido posible que Velasco construyera poco después su gran Museo Antropológico, sede del actual Museo Nacional de Antropología en Madrid.

  7. Influencia de la adición al suelo de residuos de almazara en el comportamiento de herbicidas utilizados en el cultivo del olivar


    Cabrera Mesa, Alegría


    Texto completo descargado del CSIC En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se han estudiado los procesos de adsorción-desorción, disipación y lixiviación de cuatro herbicidas utilizados ampliamente en el cultivo del olivar (diurón, terbutilazina, MCPA y amitrol) en dos suelos con distintas características, un suelo arcillo limoso, procedente de Mengíbar (Jaén) y otro suelo clasificado como franco arenoso de Coria del Río (Sevilla), así como la influencia que la adición de residuos de almazara (a...

  8. [Doctoral thesis projects for medical students? Retrospective estimation of the fraction of successfully completed medical doctoral thesis projects at Witten/Herdecke University]. (United States)

    Scharfenberg, Janna; Schaper, Katharina; Krummenauer, Frank


    The German "Dr med" plays a specific role in doctoral thesis settings since students may start the underlying doctoral project during their studies at medical school. If a Medical Faculty principally encourages this approach, then it should support the students in performing the respective projects as efficiently as possible. Consequently, it must be ensured that students are able to implement and complete a doctoral project in parallel to their studies. As a characteristic efficiency feature of these "Dr med" initiatives, the proportion of doctoral projects successfully completed shortly after graduating from medical school is proposed and illustrated. The proposed characteristic can be estimated by the time period between the state examination (date of completion of the qualifying medical examination) and the doctoral examination. Completion of the doctoral project "during their medical studies" was then characterised by a doctoral examination no later than 12 months after the qualifying medical state examination. To illustrate the estimation and interpretation of this characteristic, it was retrospectively estimated on the basis of the full sample of all doctorates successfully completed between July 2009 and June 2012 at the Department of Human Medicine at the Faculty of Health of the University of Witten/Herdecke. During the period of investigation defined, a total number of 56 doctoral examinations were documented, 30 % of which were completed within 12 months after the qualifying medical state examination (95% confidence interval 19 to 44 %). The median duration between state and doctoral examination was 27 months. The proportion of doctoral projects completed parallel to the medical studies increased during the investigation period from 14 % in the first year (July 2009 till June 2010) to 40 % in the third year (July 2011 till June 2012). Only about a third of all "Dr med" projects at the Witten/Herdecke Faculty of Health were completed during or close to

  9. Australian doctors and the visual arts. Part 5. Doctor-artists in South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and Queensland. (United States)

    Hamilton, D G


    The contributions of Australian doctors to the visual arts are being described in a series of six articles. Work from doctors in New South Wales and Victoria has been covered previously. Now activities in South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory are presented.

  10. El médico del trabajo en el control del uso de equipos de protección individual y los problemas de la salud derivados

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Lastras González


    Full Text Available En este trabajo proporcionaremos la información disponible sobre los equipos de protección individual (EPIs como parte importante de nuestra labor como médicos del trabajo. Todos los trabajadores están expuestos a una serie de riesgos, la mayor parte de ellos prevenibles de forma colectiva, pero en algunas ocasiones, estas medidas no llegan a ser del todo eficaces por lo que son necesarios equipos de protección individual. Estos equipos están destinados a ser llevados o sujetados por los trabajadores para protegerles de los riesgos que puedan amenazar su seguridad o su salud en el ámbito del trabajo, pero sin embargo, son capaces por sí mismos de crear efectos indeseables en la salud de los trabajadores, derivados de su uso. Por este motivo, los médicos del trabajo deben vigilar la salud de los trabajadores, valorando sus factores personales que puedan dificultar el uso de EPIs, informar y formar a los trabajadores sobre todo lo relativo al uso de los mismos, elegir el EPI adecuado para cada trabajador y, sobretodo, realizar un seguimiento para detectar posibles efectos indeseables del uso de EPIs y así evitar la no utilización y, por tanto, la ineficacia del EPI.In this study will provide information on personal protective equipment (PPE as an important part of our work as doctors work. All workers are exposed to a number of risks, most of them preventable in a collective manner, but in some cases, these measures do not become fully effective it is necessary protective equipment. These teams are intended to be carried or restrained by workers to protect them from risks that may threaten their safety or health in the workplace, but nevertheless they are capable of creating their own effects on the health of workers, derived from its use. For this reason, doctors should monitor the work of health workers, assessing their personal factors that might hinder the use of PPE, inform and train workers on all matters relating to the use of

  11. La comunicación en la formación del profesional de arte

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    MSc. Marivel Jurado Ronquillo


    Full Text Available La comunicación desempeña un papel fundamental en la formación de cualquier profesional universitario, pero reviste una vital importancia en la formación del especialista de arte, pues el mismo debe combinar los lenguajes pedagógicos y artísticos para lograr un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje desde una visión comunicativa. Para el desarrollo del mismo se ha utilizado una metodología cualitativa con predominio del método análisis de documento que permitió reflexionar desde la teoría sobre el tema y asumir posiciones. Los fun­damentos teóricos que se exponen en el mismo constituye el sustento de un trabajo de investigación doctoral que se desarrolla en la actualidad en la Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador.

  12. Gender variations in specialties among medical doctors working in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Gender variations exist in the choice of specialties among ... as it affects the distribution of doctors in public health institutions and patient care. ... For female doctors,pediatrics was the topmost specialty (25%) followed by ... Keywords: Gender variation,Specialties,Doctors,Public healthcare,Health workforce ...

  13. Improving clinical research and cancer care delivery in community settings: evaluating the NCI community cancer centers program. (United States)

    Clauser, Steven B; Johnson, Maureen R; O'Brien, Donna M; Beveridge, Joy M; Fennell, Mary L; Kaluzny, Arnold D


    In this article, we describe the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP) pilot and the evaluation designed to assess its role, function, and relevance to the NCI's research mission. In doing so, we describe the evolution of and rationale for the NCCCP concept, participating sites' characteristics, its multi-faceted aims to enhance clinical research and quality of care in community settings, and the role of strategic partnerships, both within and outside of the NCCCP network, in achieving program objectives. The evaluation of the NCCCP is conceptualized as a mixed method multi-layered assessment of organizational innovation and performance which includes mapping the evolution of site development as a means of understanding the inter- and intra-organizational change in the pilot, and the application of specific evaluation metrics for assessing the implementation, operations, and performance of the NCCCP pilot. The assessment of the cost of the pilot as an additional means of informing the longer-term feasibility and sustainability of the program is also discussed. The NCCCP is a major systems-level set of organizational innovations to enhance clinical research and care delivery in diverse communities across the United States. Assessment of the extent to which the program achieves its aims will depend on a full understanding of how individual, organizational, and environmental factors align (or fail to align) to achieve these improvements, and at what cost.

  14. Quantification of Biodegradation: Applied Example on Oil Seeps in Armàncies Fm, Southeastern Pyrenees


    Permanyer, Albert; Caja, Miguel Ángel


    La presencia de petróleo expulsado directamente de la roca madre de la Formación Armàncies, constituye un caso único para el estudio de los procesos de biodegradación aeróbica en petróleo. El estado de degradación bacteriana es moderado y está principalmente limitado a la alteración de n-alcanos, isoprenoides y algunos aromáticos. La cuantificación ha sido realizada mediante el contenido en sulfuro y con los marcadores moleculares de la fracción aromática. Los resultados obtenidos...

  15. Legitimidad judicial en la garantía de los derechos sociales: especial referencia a la ejecución penal en eol estado del Maranhão


    Tamer, Sergio Víctor


    [ES]El trabajo presentado como Tesis Doctoral se propone, como punto de partida, el examen de los fundamentos del Estado social y democrático de Derecho y la adopción de sus principios constitucionales e históricos, como fuente del Derecho. Son principios que legitiman el Poder Judicial, como uno de los órganos soberanos del Estado, en garantizar los derechos sociales constitucionalmente exigibles, inclusive en las cárceles. La investigación cubre tres aspectos: 1. El desarroll...

  16. The Doctorate in Chemistry. Carnegie Essays on the Doctorate: Chemistry. (United States)

    Breslow, Ronald

    The Carnegie Foundation commissioned a collection of essays as part of the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (CID). Essays and essayists represent six disciplines that are part of the CID: chemistry, education, English, history, mathematics, and neuroscience. Intended to engender conversation about the conceptual foundation of doctoral…

  17. Vectors to Increase Production Efficiency of Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) | NCI Technology Transfer Center | TTC (United States)

    This invention describes the discovery that specific p53 isoform increase the number of inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPS). It is known that the activity of p53 regulates the self-renewal and pluripotency of normal and cancer stem cells, and also affects re-programming efficiency of iPS cells. This p53 isoform-based technology provides a more natural process of increasing iPS cell production than previous methods of decreasing p53. NCI seeks licensees for this technology.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Bing-yong Han; Jian-guo Liang; Jian-min Lu; Feng An; Wan-tai Yang


    Anionic polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA), n-butyl methacrylate (nBMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) initiated by nBuCu(NCy2)Li (1) in tetrahydrofuran (THF) at -50℃ to -10℃ was investigated. It was found that the polymerization of MMA and nBMA initiated by 1 proceeded quantitatively in THF to afford PMMA and PBMA with polydispersity index 1.15-1.30 and nearly 100% initiator efficiencies at -10℃. The molecular weights increased linearly with the ratio of [monomer]/[1]. However, a post-polymerization experiment carried out on this system revealed a double polymer peak by GPC when fresh monomer was added after an interval of 10 rain. Polymerization of styrene could be initiated by 1, but the initiator efficiency was low.

  19. Doctors and romance: not only of interest to Mills and Boon readers. (United States)

    Callister, Paul; Badkar, Juthika; Didham, Robert


    Internationally there is a growing demand for health services. Skilled health workers, including doctors, have a high degree of international mobility and New Zealand (NZ) stands out internationally in terms of the significant flows of doctors in and out of the country. Through changes in training of doctors in NZ and migration flows, there have been major shifts in the composition of the medical workforce in NZ since the mid-1980s. Studies of the changing nature of the medical workforce often focus on gender and migration separately as well as only considering doctors as individuals. The aim of this exploratory study is to examine the living arrangements of doctors, the composition of migrant doctors who are coming to NZ, and to understand the educational and employment status of the partners of doctors. This study is a descriptive analysis primarily using census data from 1986 through to 2006 and immigration data collected by the Department of Labour. Half of the female medical doctors approved for residence through the Skilled/Business stream migrated independently, while for male doctors less than athird came to NZ independently. Male migrant doctors were more likely to be partnered. Census data showed that people with medical backgrounds tend to partner with each other. However, these relationships are changing, as more women become doctors. In 1986 about 14% of male doctors had a nurse or midwife as a partner and nearly 9% had a doctor partner. By 2006 the proportion of partners of male doctors who were also doctors had risen to 16%, higher than the 9% who were nurses. For female doctors the changes are more dramatic. In 1986, 42% of female doctors in relationships had a doctor as a partner. By 2006, female doctors had increased substantially, but the percentage with a doctor partner had dropped to under athird. Well-qualified couples where one or both are doctors, have a greater propensityto live in main urban areas. Through official reports and extensive

  20. Doctor Down

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N.V. Nagornaya


    Full Text Available The article presents the biographical data of John Langdon Down, his invaluable contribution to the development of rehabilitation programs for children with Down syndrome. The basis of these programs was the socialization of people with intellectual disabilities. In doctor Down’s rehabilitation center there were used methods, including health care, education, physical education, the formation of correct behavior.

  1. Doctoral Dissertation Defences: Performing Ambiguity between Ceremony and Assessment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Heide, Arjen; Rufas, Alix; Supper, Alexandra


    Dissertation defenses are ambiguous affairs, which mark both the end of a long process of doctoral education and the inauguration of a doctoral candidate into a body of experts. At Maastricht University (and other Dutch universities), the decision to award a doctoral degree is made on the basis of

  2. Així escriuen els químics, encara que no tinguin llapis ni bolígraf ...


    Corominas Viñas, Josep


    Aquest article explica un treball pràctic de química que consisteix en una electròlisi de substàncies iòniques, presentat en un aspecte lúdic. L’activitat pràctica pot presentar-se com a una activitat POE (Predicció-Observació-Explicació), per a estudiants de química de batxillerat i com un aspecte de la interacció entre matèria (substàncies iòniques) i energia (corrent elèctric) per estudiants d’ESO. Per altra part l’observació dels canvis de colors dels indicadors àcid-base, permet ajuntar ...

  3. Life Satisfaction and Frequency of Doctor Visits (United States)

    Kim, Eric S.; Park, Nansook; Sun, Jennifer K.; Smith, Jacqui; Peterson, Christopher


    Objective Identifying positive psychological factors that reduce health care use may lead to innovative efforts that help build a more sustainable and high quality health care system. Prospective studies indicate that life satisfaction is associated with good health behaviors, enhanced health, and longer life, but little information is available about the association between life satisfaction and health care use. We tested whether higher life satisfaction was prospectively associated with fewer doctor visits. We also examined potential interactions between life satisfaction and health behaviors. Methods Participants were 6,379 adults from the Health and Retirement Study, a prospective and nationally representative panel study of American adults over the age of 50. Participants were tracked for four years. We analyzed the data using a generalized linear model with a gamma distribution and log link. Results Higher life satisfaction was associated with fewer doctor visits. On a six-point life satisfaction scale, each unit increase in life satisfaction was associated with an 11% decrease in doctor visits—after adjusting for sociodemographic factors (RR = 0.89, 95% CI = 0.86 to 0.93). The most satisfied respondents (N=1,121; 17.58%) made 44% fewer doctor visits than the least satisfied (N=182; 2.85%). The association between higher life satisfaction and reduced doctor visits remained even after adjusting for baseline health and a wide range of sociodemographic, psychosocial, and health-related covariates (RR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.93 to 0.99). Conclusions Higher life satisfaction is associated with fewer doctor visits, which may have important implications for reducing health care costs. PMID:24336427

  4. Life satisfaction and frequency of doctor visits. (United States)

    Kim, Eric S; Park, Nansook; Sun, Jennifer K; Smith, Jacqui; Peterson, Christopher


    Identifying positive psychological factors that reduce health care use may lead to innovative efforts that help build a more sustainable and high-quality health care system. Prospective studies indicate that life satisfaction is associated with good health behaviors, enhanced health, and longer life, but little information about the association between life satisfaction and health care use is available. We tested whether higher life satisfaction was prospectively associated with fewer doctor visits. We also examined potential interactions between life satisfaction and health behaviors. Participants were 6379 adults from the Health and Retirement Study, a prospective and nationally representative panel study of American adults older than 50 years. Participants were tracked for 4 years. We analyzed the data using a generalized linear model with a gamma distribution and log link. Higher life satisfaction was associated with fewer doctor visits. On a 6-point life satisfaction scale, each unit increase in life satisfaction was associated with an 11% decrease in doctor visits--after adjusting for sociodemographic factors (relative risk = 0.89, 95% confidence interval = 0.86-0.93). The most satisfied respondents (n = 1121; 17.58%) made 44% fewer doctor visits than did the least satisfied (n = 182; 2.85%). The association between higher life satisfaction and reduced doctor visits remained even after adjusting for baseline health and a wide range of sociodemographic, psychosocial, and health-related covariates (relative risk = 0.96, 95% confidence interval = 0.93-0.99). Higher life satisfaction is associated with fewer doctor visits, which may have important implications for reducing health care costs.

  5. IDRC Doctoral Research Awards 2018 | IDRC - International ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    May 30, 2018 ... You must be enrolled at a Canadian university at the doctoral level ... IDRC Doctoral Research Awards are intended to promote the capacity and growth of ... including academic training, local language capacity, professional ... funding opportunity to support Canadian-African research teams studying Ebola.

  6. Differential growth in doctor-patient communications skills

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M van Es, Judith; Wieringa-de Waard, Margreet; Visser, Mechteld R. M.


    Although doctor-patient communication is considered a core competency for medical doctors, the effect of training has not been unequivocally established. Moreover, knowledge about the variance in the growth of different skills and whether certain patterns in growth can be detected could help us to

  7. Diarrhea - what to ask your doctor - child (United States)

    What to ask your doctor about diarrhea - child; Loose stools - what to ask your doctor - child ... FOODS What foods can make my child's diarrhea worse? How should I prepare the foods for my child? If my child is still breastfeeding or bottle feeding, do I ...

  8. The feminisation of Canadian medicine and its impact upon doctor productivity. (United States)

    Weizblit, Nataly; Noble, Jason; Baerlocher, Mark Otto


    We examined the differences in work patterns between female and male doctors in Canada to gain insight into the effect of an increased number of female doctors on overall doctor productivity. Data on the practice profiles of female and male doctors across Canada were extracted from the 2007 National Physician Survey. A doctor productivity measure, 'work hours per week per population' (WHPWPP), was created, based on the number of weekly doctor hours spent providing direct patient care per 100,000 citizens. The predicted WHPWPP was calculated for a hypothetical time-point when the female and male doctor populations reach equilibrium. The differences in current and predicted WHPWPP were then analysed. Female medical students currently (2007) outnumber male medical students (at 57.8% of the medical student population). The percentage of practising doctors who are women is highest in the fields of paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry and family practice. Female doctors work an average of 47.5 hours per week (giving 30.0 hours of direct patient care), compared with 53.8 hours worked by male doctors (35.0 hours of direct patient care) (P work less on call hours per week and see fewer patients while on-call. Female doctors are also more likely to take parental leave or a leave of absence (P work patterns described in the present study persist, an overall decrease in doctor productivity is to be anticipated.

  9. Alto a la tuberculosis en mi generación: Un llamado a un mundo libre de tuberculosis. Podcast del Día Mundial de la Tuberculosis del 2013 (Stop TB in My Lifetime: A Call for a World Free of TBWorld TB Day 2013)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    En este podcast el doctor Kenneth Castro, Director de la División de Eliminación de la Tuberculosis, habla sobre el Día Mundial de la Tuberculosis, así como del tema y eslogan de este año.

  10. The social gradient in doctor-patient communication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verlinde Evelyn


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective In recent years, the importance of social differences in the physician-patient relationship has frequently been the subject of research. A 2002 review synthesised the evidence on this topic. Considering the increasing importance of social inequalities in health care, an actualization of this review seemed appropriate. Methods A systematic search of literature published between 1965 and 2011 on the social gradient in doctor-patient communication. In this review social class was determined by patient's income, education or occupation. Results Twenty original research papers and meta-analyses were included. Social differences in doctor-patient communication were described according to the following classification: verbal behaviour including instrumental and affective behaviour, non-verbal behaviour and patient-centred behaviour. Conclusion This review indicates that the literature on the social gradient in doctor-patient communication that was published in the last decade, addresses new issues and themes. Firstly, most of the found studies emphasize the importance of the reciprocity of communication. Secondly, there seems to be a growing interest in patient's perception of doctor-patient communication. Practice implications By increasing the doctors' awareness of the communicative differences and by empowering patients to express concerns and preferences, a more effective communication could be established.

  11. Barriers facing junior doctors in rural practice. (United States)

    Smith, Deborah M


    Early postgraduate, or junior doctors, are still required to practise in rural and remote communities, and they continue to face numerous issues and difficulties. Within the hospital setting, exposure to rural practice appears to be very limited during internship, and also to some extent, during the second postgraduate year and beyond. This is a major issue for those required to undertake country relieving, rural terms or who will be bonded to rural and remote practice for several years after internship. This research investigated the current issues and difficulties faced by junior doctors, required to undertake rural and remote practice in Queensland, Australia. An exploratory study was undertaken. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews held with key stakeholders. Stakeholders included: directors of clinical training; medical educators; junior doctors; rural practitioners; academic rural practitioners; and medical administrators. Of the 23 people approached, a total of 19 agreed to be interviewed. The response rate was 82.6%. Similar to the issues identified in the literature, there are currently a number of barriers influencing the ability of junior doctors to practise competently and confidently when undertaking practice in rural and remote communities. Minimal clinical experience, lack of supervision and on-site support, inadequate orientation and uninformed expectations, limited access to relevant education, and the influence of isolation, results in an overall lack of preparation both professionally and personally. When asked, respondents supported the identification of core skills and knowledge, and integration of these and other issues affecting rural practice, into their hospital-based programs. Current hospital-based education and training programs were not adequately preparing junior doctors for rural and remote practice. It was commented that orientation and education, with a rural emphasis, could assist junior doctors in their

  12. The complex thinking and prospect of actions of future doctors

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    Patrícia Segtowich


    Full Text Available This paper aims at discussing prospects of actions manifested by future doctors in the beginning of their doctoral training. The research started through my involvement in the ambit of doctoral education in the curriculum component Epistemological Basis of Research on Education in Science and Mathematics, offered in the Postgraduate Course in Science and Mathematics Education, at Federal University of Pori (UFPA in 2010 academic year. At these meetings, the teachers trainers requested the doctoral students, in pairs, to elaborate three questions about the following positioning: "HOW DO I SEE MYSELF AS A DOCTOR?" These questions were discussed by all the doctoral students and subsequently reduced to five to be answered by all individually. The responses to this questionnaire provided the data for this research. The answers revealed that doctoral students are not tied to methodologies or unique processes, this positioning being demonstrated through prospects of performance in ways that were diverse and interactive

  13. El futur de l´educació superior, algunes claus

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    Dolors Reig-Hernández


    Full Text Available L'article analitza algunes de les actuals tendències en educació. Comença introduint els canvis produïts en la societat del coneixement, especialment al voltant de les noves abundàncies informatives i formatives que genera, passant després a presentar les diferents teories, les noves abundàncies i narratives que emergeixen entorn de la confluència entre Societat-xarxa i educació. Des d'una perspectiva possibilista es presenten l'Aprenentatge connectat, Aprenentatge Social, Aprenentatge Autònom, Aprenentatge Proactiu i Aprenentatge Informal, detallant els matisos que cadascún aporta al futur de l'educació. Es proposen finalment, adaptats al tema que ens ocupa, alguns valors que poden distingir, en un futur relativament proper, oferta educativa general de difícil supervivència en el nou ecosistema d'oferta educativa excel lent i per tant amb probabilitats de sostenibilitat dins del mateix. 

  14. Stress and wellbeing of junior doctors in Australia: a comparison with American doctors and population norms


    Soares, Deanne S.; Chan, Lewis


    Background Stress in doctors adversely affects decision-making, memory, information-recall and attention, thereby negatively impacting upon the provision of safe and high quality patient care. As such, stress in doctors has been subject to increasing scientific scrutiny and has amassed greater public awareness in recent years. The aims of this study are to describe stress levels and the psychological wellbeing of current junior medical officers (JMOs), and to compare this to their predecessor...

  15. [Effect of doctor-patient communication education on oral clinical practice]. (United States)

    Wang, Yi; Tang, Yu; He, Yan; Zhu, Ya-qin


    To evaluate the effect of doctor-patient communication education on dental clinical practice. The process of 61 dental interns' clinical practice was divided into two stages. The dental interns were taught with traditional teaching method in the first stage. Doctor-patient communication and communication skill training were added to the second stage. Scale of medical student's doctor-patient communication behavior was used to evaluate the dental interns' behavior by themselves after two stages. The SEGUE frame work was used to evaluate the dental interns' behavior by teachers after two stages. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 software package. The result of scale of medical student's doctor-patient communication behavior was analyzed using Fisher exact test or Chi-square test. The score of the SEGUE frame work was analyzed using Student's t test. The result of Scale of medical student's doctor-patient communication behavior showed only 37.71% of dental interns could establish good doctor-patient relationship in the first stage. After doctor-patient communication and communication skill training, the percentage became 75.4%. The result of the SEGUE frame work showed the score was raised from 16.066±3.308 to 21.867±2.456, and a significant difference was found between the two stages. Doctor-Patient communication education can improve dental interns' communication skills and help to establish a good doctor-patient relationship.

  16. Polítiques d’habitatge sostenible a Dinamarca

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard


    relacionades amb l’habitatge sostenible, centrades tant en la construcció de nous habitatges, com en la rehabilitació del parc existent. Finalment, es mostren algunes experiències recents per a la defensa del medi ambient del Taller de la Ciència de la Universitat Tecnològnica de Dinamarca en col·laboració amb...

  17. Papel del sistema cannabinoide endógeno en el alcoholismo: implicaciones fisiológicas y terapéuticas


    Rubio Gómez, Marina


    Numerosas evidencias (genéticas, bioquímicas y farmacológicas) relacionan al sistema cannabinoide en ciertas áreas del cerebro con el desarrollo del alcoholismo. Sin embargo, existen diferentes aspectos de esta relación que no han sido aún completamente esclarecidos. En base a esta idea se ha definido la hipótesis central de esta tesis doctoral, que pretende de forma global profundizar en las bases bioquímicas y farmacológicas que sustentan que el sistema cannabinoide tiene una función en los...

  18. Doctor of Professional Counseling: The Next Step (United States)

    Southern, Stephen; Cade, Rochelle; Locke, Don W.


    Professional doctorates have been established in the allied health professions by clinicians seeking the highest levels of independent practice. Allied health professional doctorates include nursing practice (DNP), occupational therapy (OTD), psychology (PsyD), social work (DSW), and marriage and family therapy (DMFT). Lessons learned from the…

  19. Do doctors need statistics? Doctors' use of and attitudes to probability and statistics. (United States)

    Swift, Louise; Miles, Susan; Price, Gill M; Shepstone, Lee; Leinster, Sam J


    There is little published evidence on what doctors do in their work that requires probability and statistics, yet the General Medical Council (GMC) requires new doctors to have these skills. This study investigated doctors' use of and attitudes to probability and statistics with a view to informing undergraduate teaching.An email questionnaire was sent to 473 clinicians with an affiliation to the University of East Anglia's Medical School.Of 130 respondents approximately 90 per cent of doctors who performed each of the following activities found probability and statistics useful for that activity: accessing clinical guidelines and evidence summaries, explaining levels of risk to patients, assessing medical marketing and advertising material, interpreting the results of a screening test, reading research publications for general professional interest, and using research publications to explore non-standard treatment and management options.Seventy-nine per cent (103/130, 95 per cent CI 71 per cent, 86 per cent) of participants considered probability and statistics important in their work. Sixty-three per cent (78/124, 95 per cent CI 54 per cent, 71 per cent) said that there were activities that they could do better or start doing if they had an improved understanding of these areas and 74 of these participants elaborated on this. Themes highlighted by participants included: being better able to critically evaluate other people's research; becoming more research-active, having a better understanding of risk; and being better able to explain things to, or teach, other people.Our results can be used to inform how probability and statistics should be taught to medical undergraduates and should encourage today's medical students of the subjects' relevance to their future careers. Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  20. El problema del control de la Tuberculosis en Colombia

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    Gilberto Rueda P.


    Full Text Available

    Bogotá, Noviembre de 1.978
    Señor Presidente de la Academia
    Doctor CésarAugusto Pantoja
    E. S. D.
    Señor Presidente:

    La Comisión con la cual Ud. ha tenido a bien honrarnos, ha analizado el problema del control de la Tuberculosis en Colombia en la siguiente forma:
    Resúmen: La TBC en Colombia como en todos, los países del tercer mundo constituye problema prioritario de salud pública.
    Los datos oficiales colombianos determinan 50.000 pacientes activos en tratamiento y 12.000 casos nuevos bacteriólogicamente diagnosticados por año.
    Se han denunciado numerosos casos de TBC exrrapulmonar no diagnosticables bacteriológicamente.
    La vacunación BCC, de acuerdo con cifras oficiales, cubre el 780/0 de la población infantil globalmente, pero solamente el 300/0 de los menores de 1 año y el 430/0 de los menores de 4 años, lo cual es claramente insuficiente.
    El descubrimiento de casos a base únicamente del recurso bacteriológico debe ser basado en una infraestructura humana y técnica prácticamente perfecta para que éste recurso cumpla un efecto que no sea contraproducente.
    El tratamiento utilizado en Colombia, recomendado por la OMS se hace a base de drogas bacteriostáticas de bajo costo, utilizadas por períodos prolongados que van de 1 año a 18 meses y que provocan un abandono del 230/0 según cifras oficiales.

    La Unión Internacional contra la Tuberculosis con la aquiescencia de la OMS ha estudiado esquemas modernos de tratamiento con las llamadas "drogas esenciales" bacteriolíticas que, en períodos breves (6 a 9 meses curan más del 950/0 de los pacientes. El Seminario Nacional de TBC (Bogotá - abril/78 recomendó la introducción de estas drogas para uso general en el país.
    Se hace un resumen de los principales esquemas recomendados.