
Sample records for del mono desnudo

  1. Nūdo shashin: la construcción del desnudo femenino en la fotografía del periodo Meiji

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    María Ibarí Ortega


    Full Text Available En este texto examinaré los retratos fotográficos de desnudos femeninos de la colección privada de Ishiguro Keishō, producidos en Japón durante el periodo Meiji (1868-1912, para analizar la forma en que se visualizó el cuerpo femenino bajo los discursos modernos producidos en torno a la sexualidad, la re-significación de lo erótico y la distinción de género, durante el complejo proceso de modernización que se generó en Japón durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.





    Para precisar la historia muy particular de la hormona del crecimiento (GH) en los primates, se describieron los loci GH del mono araña, un mono del Nuevo Mundo y del chimpancé, una especie cercana al humano. Al menos seis genes integran ambos loci GH: todos del tipo GH en el mono araña, y dos GHs y cuatro lactógenos placentarios (PLs) en el chimpancé. Las regiones intergénicas del locus del chimpancé presentan un tamaño mayor a las del mono araña. Este trabajo conf...

  3. Durabilidad del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmósferas de muy diferentes corrosividades. I. Aluminio desnudo

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    González, J. A.


    Full Text Available The behaviour of bare aluminium is studied in atmospheric exposure at 11 natural testing stations with salinity levels ranging between 2.1 and 684 mg Cl-1m-2d-1. In atmospheres of low or moderate aggressivity aluminium behaves as a passive material, though the insignificant corrosion that is produced is sufficient to spoil its appearance. In contrast, at salinity levels of 50 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 or above, aluminium is susceptible to pitting corrosion even in the first year of atmospheric exposure, or in the second year at salinities of s: 10 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 . For comparative purposes, results are included for aluminium protected with an anodic film of 28 μm thickness exposed at the same testing stations. A 28 μm anodic film, correctly sealed, prevents the risk of localised corrosion even in the most unfavourable situations.

    Se estudia el comportamiento del aluminio desnudo durante la exposición atmosférica en 11 estaciones de ensayos naturales, con salinidades que oscilan entre 2,1 y 684 mg Cl-1m-2d-1. En atmósferas de agresividades bajas y moderadas, el aluminio se comporta como un material pasivo, pero la insignificante corrosión que se produce es suficiente para perjudicar el aspecto. Sin embargo, el aluminio es susceptible a la corrosión por picaduras, ya durante el primer año de exposición atmosférica, para salinidades de 50 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 o superiores y, durante el segundo año, para salinidades > 10 mg Cl-1m-2d-1. A efectos comparativos se incluyen resultados de aluminio protegido con un anodizado de 28 μm de espesor, expuesto en las mismas estaciones de ensayo. Un anodizado de 28 μm, correctamente sellado, evita el riesgo de corrosión localizada, incluso en las situaciones más desfavorables.

  4. Efecto de la cobertura del suelo y de una enmienda de yeso en la infiltración del agua en riego por aspersión


    Berenguer, María José; Faci González, José María; Martínez-Cob, Antonio


    [ES] Este trabajo analizó el efecto del riego por aspersión sobre la infiltración de un suelo de textura franco-limosa en un ensayo de campo realizado en los nuevos regadíos de Monegros II (Huesca). Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: 1) cultivo de sorgo, 2) cultivo de sorgo más yeso, 3) suelo desnudo, 4) suelo desnudo con yeso y 5) suelo desnudo con arena. Los resultados indican que la dispersión de la superficie del suelo por causas físicas fue minimizada por la propia cobertura d...

  5. Miradas fragmentarias: sobre los desnudos en la obra fotográfica de Norma Patiño

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    Raymundo Mier


    Full Text Available Este texto (en realidad un conjunto de breves textos pretende una aproximación a las fotografías de Norma Patiño a partir de la conjunción de tres puntos de vista: una reflexión sobre el objeto y el acto fotográficos, una reflexión sobre la condición significativa de mirada y sus límites en la aprehensión del cuerpo con el espectro de sus sentidos, y una reflexión sobre los sentidos de la experiencia corporal y la desnudez en el dominio del erotismo. Las diversas series fotográficas de Norma Patiño, que exploran por distintas vías estas tres esferas de la significación del cuerpo y la fuerza icónica de imagen fotográfica, emplean y recrean una vastedad de recursos estéticos en la tradición los desnudos fotográficos, pero también hacen visibles sus límites, sus fracturas, hace patente las tensiones a la deriva en la aprehensión de la corporalidad y en las aporías de la representación del cuerpo y del juego de la transgresión.

  6. Semántica del desnudo cristiano

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    John Jairo Osorio Arango


    Full Text Available Ayudado por las Sagradas Escrituras –fuente primordial–, la Tradición, la literatura apócrifa, la patrística, la hagiografía, la mística y la leyenda, y otras herramientas de la historiografía: la biografía de los artistas y lo que las mismas obras de arte revelan, este trabajo busca componer una gramática que sepa leer sin equívocos, confusiones u ofuscasiones el delicado tema de la desnudez en el pensamiento y enfáticamente en la plástica cristiana, sin prescindir del Magisterio de la Iglesia para que esta hermenéutica no se juzgue como mera especulación, y buscando conclusiones no arbitrarias, amañadas o subjetivas. Se trata de un esfuerzo por estructurar la gramática con que el pensamiento cristiano ha visto la representación de la desnudez a lo largo de su bimilenaria tradición y que abre muchísimas y generosas posibilidades de composición y contemplación artística, útiles tanto para la espiritualidad como para la celebración del misterio de Cristo encarnado.

  7. Caracterización del cariotipo del mono aullador colorado Alouatta seniculus que habita en Colombia

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    Torres Olga María


    Full Text Available Presentamos cariotipos con bandas Q, G, R Y C del mono aullador colorado de Colombia, con base en el análisis de los cariotipos de 12 ejemplares cautivos y la reevaluación de los cariotipos de bandas Q de un macho y de una hembra publicados (Yunis et al. 1976. Reinterpretamos el mecanismo cromosómico de determinación del sexo y la morfología del cromosoma X de Alouatta seniculus seniculus. Los resultados indican que el cromosoma X es un metacéntrico de tamaño medio (4.85 % TCL similar al cromosoma X de otros primates de los géneros Cebus, Aotus y Ateles estudiados hasta la fecha, así como al cromosoma X humano. Además, los machos portan una translocación entre el cromosoma Y y el autosoma 3, demostrando un mecanismo cromosómico de  determinación del sexo XIXI X2X2 IXIX2 YIY2, diferente del convencional XX I XV. Todos los animales estudiados presentaron un número diploide de 44.This paper presents Q- G- R- and C-bands karyotypes ofred howler from Colombia, based on analyses of karyotypes oftwelve caught specimens besides a female and a male Q banding karyotypes (Yunis et al. 1976 reevaluated. We reappraisal X chromosome morphology and sex determination chromosome mechanism of Alouatta seniculus seniculus. This work shows X chromosome is a nearly metacentric médium sized chromosome (4.85 %TCL, similar to other primates X chromosome from Cebus, Aotus and Ateles genus up to now studied, as well as human X chromosome. Further in males, Y chromosome undergone a translocation onto autosome 3, named X1X2Y1Y2• Al! specimens studied shows 44 chromosomes diploid number.

  8. Anatomía Cerebral del mono araña Ateles geoffroyi estudiada utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética. Primer reporte: estudio comparativo con el cerebro humano Homo Sapiens


    Chico-Ponce de León, Fernando; Platas-Neri, Diana; Muñoz-Delgado, Jairo; Santillán-Doherty, Ana-María; Arenas-Rosas, Rita; Trejo, David; Conde, Rubén; Ojeda-Flores, Rafael; Campos-Romo, Aurelio; Castro-Sierra, Eduardo; Cervantes, Juan José; Braun, Marc


    El objetivo del presente estudio cualitativo fue analizar los aspectos morfológicos de la anatomía cerebral interna utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética (IRM) en dos especies de primates, El mono Araña (A. geoffroyi) y el humano (H. sapiens), tomando como base un estudio comparativo de las estructuras cerebrales de las dos especies, concentrándose primordialmente en el sistema límbico del cerebro del mono araña. Aunque es una especie común en el hemisferio occidental, es interesante pa...



    Botina G., Bibiana; Velásquez I., ángel; Bacca, Tito; Castillo F., Jesús; Dias, Lucimar G.


    El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la diversidad, abundancia y biomasa de la macrofauna en cuatro diferentes usos del suelo; cultivo de papa con labranza mínima, cultivo de papa con labranza tradicional, suelo desnudo y una pradera de kikuyo. Para evaluar la fauna fue utilizada la metodología del programa Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF). La macrofauna del suelo fue identificada hasta nivel de orden y familia. La mayor abundancia y diversidad de macroinvertebrados fue enc...

  10. Humanos salvajes y monos altruistas. Reflexiones sobre Darwin

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    Jorge Martinez Contreras


    Full Text Available RESUMEN   Darwin propuso en 1871 que preferiría descender de un mono que de los “salvajes”. El mono es un babuino hamadryas que, en un relato de Brehm, salva a un infante de una jauría. Los “salvajes” son los fueguinos a los que visitó en los años 1830. ¿Por qué Darwin fue tan buen observador del comportamiento animal y por qué no dudo discernir en qué consistía la sociedad de cazadores-recolectores de los cuatro grupos de Tierra del Fuego?. Esto es lo que tratamos de dilucidar en este trabajo.   Palabras clave: Darwin, fueguinos, hamadryas, altruismo, egoísmo.

  11. Pollos cuello desnudo alimentados con harina de Morus alba y Cajanus cajan

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    Tito Solís-Barros


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar el comportamiento productivo de pollos cuello desnudo heterocigotos que se alimentaron con harina de hojas de Morus alba y granos de Cajanus cajan tostados a 120 ºC por 12 min, se utilizaron 144 pollos sexados de la estirpe T451N de 1 a 90 d de edad. Se distribuyeron según diseño de bloques al azar, en tres tratamientos, 48 pollos por tratamiento repartidos en ocho réplicas. Fueron criados en piso, en instalaciones rústicas. Se evaluaron indicadores productivos como el consumo de alimento, ganancia de peso promedio diario, conversión alimentaria y la eficiencia en el uso de los nutrientes. Los tratamientos fueron: T1=Control, T2=5% Cajanus cajan y 3% Morus alba y T3=3% C. cajan y 5% M. alba. El control consumió maíz y soya, como dieta base. La mayor ingestión de alimento (p

  12. What's Mono? (United States)

    ... mono? Have you ever heard of the "kissing disease"? If you said that it's mono, you're absolutely correct. But you don't get mono only from kissing. Infectious mononucleosis, called mono for short, is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is a type of herpes ...

  13. Paganismo, denuncia y sátira en Débora Arango

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    Santiago Londoño Vélez


    Full Text Available Hasta el cuarto decenio del siglo, la pintura colombiana representó desnudos femeninos con poca frecuencia. Cuando lo hizo, fue para ilustrar propósitos moralizantes, como lo muestran dos ejemplares significativos: La mujer del levita, pintada por Epifanio Garay (1849-1903, y La última copa, de Francisco Antonio Cano (1865-1935. Hasta entonces los desnudos femeninos carecían de facciones precisas e incluso ocultaban el rostro; los cuerpos se presentaban generalmente en escorzo y la ausencia del vello púbico les confería un pretendido tono de inocencia y pudor cuyo contrapunto era la cuidadosa y sensual modelación ejercida por la luz sobre la piel.


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    Full Text Available La cadena z es una proteína transmembranal que se encuentra en los linfocitos T, uno de los tipos de células más importantes en el sistema inmune adaptativo, haciendo parte de un complejo multimérico que se ubica en la superficie de la célula y que se encarga, por un lado, del reconocimiento antigénico y por otro, de la transmisión de señales durante la activación de la misma. Esta proteína es una de las que primero se fosforila luego de la estimulación a través del receptor y se sabe que es esencial en los primeros eventos de señalización. Dobles mutantes de esta molécula muestran una respuesta adaptativa inadecuada; así mismo, se ha visto que su expresión está alterada en cáncer y en algunas enfermedades auto-inmunes. La fosforilación en residuos de tirosina que se encuentran en los motivos de activación de residuos de tirosina de los receptores inmunes (ITAMs, de los cuales hay tres en la región citoplasmática, ha demostrado ser uno de los eventos principales durante la activación. En este reporte se presenta la caracterización de la estructura primaria de la cadena z en los monos del nuevo mundo Aotus nancymaae; la secuencia de aminoácidos se dedujo a partir de la secuencia nucleotídica de su cADN. Las moléculas de Aotus presentaron una identidad del 95.5 y del 95.7% con la molécula de humano en las secuencias de nucleótidos y de aminoácidos, respectivamente. Una comparación de la proteína por regiones, mostró una identidad del 100% en la región extracelular y la conservación de residuos y regiones importantes en el resto de la molécula; esto incluye aminoácidos polares en la región transmembranal y los ITAMs en la región citoplasmática. Los resultados sugieren que la proteína de Aotus es plenamente funcional y que los procesos de activación de los linfocitos T se suceden de manera similar a lo descrito en humanos. El resultado mostrado aquí soporta las evidencias previas en el sentido de que las

  15. Detección y cuantificación del Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) en Colombia mediante qRT-PCR


    Nevar García Bastidas; Pablo Gutiérrez Sánchez; Mauricio Marín Montoya


    El Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) es uno de los virus re-emergentes en cultivos de papa en Colombia. Es transmitido por Spongospora subterranea, el agente causal de la sarna polvosa. La detección del PMTV presenta dificultades debido a su distribución irregular en las plantas, bajo título y movimiento sistémico como ARN desnudo. Con el fin de ampliar el rango de herramientas disponibles para detectar el PMTV en los programas de certificación de tubérculo-semilla, en este estudio se evaluó la pru...

  16. Caracterización morfométrica de la gallina de cuello desnudo (Gallus domesticus nudecollis en la región ch'ortí de Chiquimula, Guatemala

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    Raúl Jáuregui


    Full Text Available Se caracterizaron morfométrica, faneróptica y morfológicamente a gallinas y gallos de cuello desnudo (324 hembras y 60 machos en los cuatro municipios de la región ch’ortí de Chiquimula. Las variables evaluadas fueron 18 cuantitativas para la hembra y 16 para el macho, nueve cualitativas y ocho índices zoométricos. El análisis delas variables zoométricas se realizó a través del procedimiento análisis univariado, con medidas de tendencia central y medidas de dispersión, y para analizar la proporcionalidad y armonía entre las diversas regiones corporales mediante la correlación de Pearson. Los resultados principales son: peso de 1.84 kg/hembra y 2.29 kg/macho; alzada 27.84 cm/hembra y 32.51 cm/macho; metatarso 10.25 cm/hembra y 11.76 cm/macho; ambos tienen más alzada que longitud, inclinados hacia adelante; en cuanto a sus perímetros, el abdominal es el mayor y curvado característica de las gallinas ponedoras y una grupa alargada con dorso plano. Sus índices corporales son aves alargadas, con capacidad reproductiva (índice pélvico 71.82% y poca formación de músculo para la producción de carne (índice compacidad 6.80%/hembra y 7.03%/macho, cabeza alargada, tórax elíptico y miembros fuertes y altos. Las características morfológicas y fanerópticas describen un ave de piel blanca, metatarso amarillo, plumas en garganta, cresta simple con barbilla y orejuelas, los colores de pluma son la combinación de marrón, negro, gris y blanco, el color de la cáscara varia del blanco al marrón claro y con una armonización corporal hasta del 61% lo que le da una homogeneidad medianamente aceptable a la morfoestructura de la gallina.

  17. How Is Mono Spread? (United States)

    ... How Is Mono Spread? Print My sister has mononucleosis. I drank out of her drink before we ... that I have mono now? – Kyle* Mono, or mononucleosis, is spread through direct contact with saliva. This ...

  18. Una aproximación desde la sociología del cuerpo a los movimientos sociales

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    Alexis Sossa Rojas


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo articular dos perspectivas algo separadas en el debate sociológico actual: la sociología de los movimientos sociales y la sociología del cuerpo. En este sentido, buscamos problematizar tres cosas. Primero, por qué la relevancia de la categoría cuerpo,sobre todo, del desnudo, como forma y/o recurso en las protestas. Segundo, a partir de Foucault problematizar cómo lo social se inmiscuye en el cuerpo, en fenómenos como la sexualidad o la familia. Por último, a partir de las tensiones señaladas en el punto dos, se discute cómo esto da origen a movimientos que tienen demandas relacionadas al cuerpo, y qué teoría de los movimientos sociales es la mejor para explicarlos.

  19. Comportamiento del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmósferas con grados de contaminación muy diferentes

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    Bautista, A.


    Full Text Available In the present research, the responses of unprotected and anodized aluminium specimens are compared after they have been exposed to 12 different atmospheres. The significance of the anodizing and the sealing on the atmospheric corrosion behaviour is analysed. The results show that the anodizing and sealing of aluminium exclude the risk of pitting corrosion in marine atmospheres and that the oxide thickness is not determining, at least during the first year of exposure.

    En la presente investigación, comparando las respuestas de muestras de aluminio desnudas y anodizadas, expuestas a 12 atmósferas diferentes, se analiza la repercusión del anodizado y sellado del aluminio en el comportamiento frente a la corrosión atmosférica. Se demuestra que la anodización y sellado del aluminio elimina el riesgo de corrosión por picaduras que afecta a estos materiales en atmósferas marinas, sin que el espesor del recubrimiento resulte determinante, al menos, en el primer año de exposición.

  20. Detección por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa de transcriptasa inversa del virus de la fiebre amarilla en monos silvestres: una herramienta sensible para la vigilancia epidemiológica

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    Jairo A. Méndez


    Conclusión. El hallazgo del virus de la fiebre amarilla en monos silvestres representa una evidencia de su actividad enzoótica en nuestro territorio, que incrementa el riesgo de transmisión a humanos y de urbanización por procesos de migración de la población.

  1. Efecto de tres coberturas plásticas y dos sistemas de siembra en la fenología de la cebolla de bulbo Effect of three polyethylene mulchs and two plant systems on the phenology of the common onion (Allium cepa L. at the Sabana de Bogota

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    Rondón Sandra Yaneth


    Full Text Available En el Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Tibaitatá CORPOICA, se cultivo cebolla de bulbo (Allium cepa L. híbrido Yellow Granex PRR, en siembra directa y trasplante, sobre tres coberturas plásticas (negra, gris y blanca, un testigo en suelo desnudo y un testigo absoluto, durante el segundo semestre de 1995 y los meses de Enero y Febrero de 1996. Para ambos sistemas de siembra, con las coberturas y sin elias, las plantas de cebolla presentaron las mismas fenofases, las cuales fueron: Emergencia, primera hoja verdadera, plántula, iniciación del llenado del bulbo, máximo desarrollo vegetativo y terminación del llenado del bulbo. La duración de cada fenofase fue diferente entre tratamientos, pues las plantas bajo coberturas emergieron primero que en el testigo (suelo desnudo y en el semillero. Para siembra directa, el inicio del llenado del bulbo ocurrió antes que en el transplante; este atraso se relacionó con el estrés causado por el cambio del semillero al lugar definitivo y la adaptación al mismo. En la terminación del llenado del bulbo, los coberturas plásticas negra y gris en siembra directa registraron mayores pesos secos del bulbo, en comparación con el acolchado blanco y el testigo (suelo desnudo.Three polyethylene mulches (black, white and gray and two planting systems (direct seeded and transplant were tested in common onion (Allium cepa L. hybrid Yellow Granex PRR, whit the objective of evaluating the duration of developmental stages. The phenophases established were: Emergence, first true leaf, young plantlet, bulb filling initiation, maximal vegetative development and bulb filling termination. There were differences among planting systems in the duration of phenophases; the least duration occurred with the black and gray polyethylene mulches. The combination of these colored plastics and direct seeding shortened the vegetative cycle in 70 days and the yield per plant was higher than in the white plastic mulch and

  2. ¿Fue el trabajo o la contingencia conductual, el papel fundamental en la evolución del hombre?


    Esteban Hilario, Kasely


    Se analiza el artículo “El papel del trabajo en la transformación del mono en hombre” en el cual F. Engels le da al trabajo un papel fundamental en el proceso de transformación del mono en hombre, del origen del lenguaje y de la sociedad misma, a dicha postura se contrapone la teoría de la contingencia conductual de Skinner, es decir, el establecimiento de la conducta por las consecuencias de la misma, como causa del proceso de evolución no solo del hombre, sino de todas la especies.

  3. How Long Is Mono Contagious? (United States)

    ... Here's how it works: Mono is short for mononucleosis . It's usually caused by an infection with the ... May 2018 More on this topic for: Teens Mononucleosis How Do Doctors Test for Mono? Can a ...

  4. Mono pile foundation. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lyngesen, S.; Brendstrup, C.


    The use of mono piles as foundations for maritime structures has been developed during the last decades. The installation requirements within the offshore sector have resulted in equipment enabling driving of piles up to 3-4 m to large penetration depths. The availability of this equipment has made the use of large mono piles feasible as foundations for structures like wind turbines. The mono pile foundations consists of three parts; the bare pile, a conical transition and a boat landing. All parts are prefitted at the yard in order to minimise the installation work that has to be carried out offshore. The study of a mono pile foundations for a 1.5 MW wind turbine has been conducted for two locations, Horns Rev and Roedsand. Three different water depths: 5, 8 and 11 m have been investigated in the study. The on-site welding between pile and conical transition is performed by an automatic welding machine. Final testing and eventually repair of the weld are conducted at least 16 hours after welding. This is followed by final installation of J-tube, tie-in to subsea cables and installation of the impressed current system for corrosive protection of the mono pile. The total cost for procurement and installation of the mono pile using the welded connection is estimated. The price does not include procurement and installation of access platform and boat landing. These costs are estimated to 250.000 DKK. Depending on water depth the cost of the pile ranges from 2,2 to 2,7 million DKK. Procurement and fabrication of the pile are approx. 75% of the total costs. The remaining 25% are due to installation. The total costs are very sensitive to the unit price of pile steel. During the project it became obvious that ice load has a very large influence on the dimensions of the mono pile. (EG)

  5. Kant, y la polémica entre el constructivismo y el realismo. Reflexiones para un enfoque kantiano-constitutivista del dilema de Eutifrón.

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    Martín Fleitas González


    Full Text Available La intensa discusión que mantienen los constructivistas y realistas en torno a si Kant habría asumido una teoría de valor “proyeccionista” o “detectivista”, ha puesto al desnudo las insuficiencias del lenguaje y los términos empleados. Lo que podríamos llamar “lenguaje de Eutifrón”, no parece abrigar la suficiente sensibilidad como para capturar la singularidad de la ética kantiana. Ciertamente, Kant realiza afirmaciones proyeccionistas y detectivistas, y esto se debe a que su enfoque acerca de la normatividad posee componentes tanto constructivistas como realistas. En virtud de ello, el presente trabajo defiende la tesis de que la ética kantiana asume una teoría “constitutivista” del valor, la cual, en pocas palabras, entiende que las fuentes de la normatividad y el valor son construcciones reflexivas del agente que implican, al mismo tiempo, y de forma performativa, la asunción realista de la libertad en cuanto que valor absoluto.

  6. Caracterización del complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad clase II en primates del género Aotus


    Suárez Martínez, Carlos Fernando


    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito contribuir al conocimiento del complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad clase II (CMH-II) de los monos Aotus, contribuyendo a la validación de este primate como modelo experimental, y aumentando el conocimiento en la evolución de los genes del CMH en primates. Además, se profundizó en el análisis de convergencia y polimorfismo de los genes del CMH-DR en primates. Se implementaron metodologías de modelación computacional de la unión CMH-péptido, como ...

  7. Searching for Dark Matter in the Mono-Jet and Mono-Photon Channels with the ATLAS Detector

    CERN Document Server

    Ratti, Maria Giulia; Carminati, Leonardo

    This work presents searches for dark matter particles in the mono-jet and mono-photon final states using the data collected by the ATLAS experiment during 2015 and 2016. The thesis starts with an introduction to the basic concepts of the Standard Model, followed by a discussion of the dark matter problem and the WIMP hypothesis. The focus then shifts to the description of the experimental facilities to collect the data and reconstruct the collision events. Particular focus is put on the reconstruction and performance of the missing transverse momentum. After characterizing a few theoretical models predicting dark matter particles in the mono-photon and mono-jet final states, the searches in these two signatures are thoroughly discussed, with particular focus on the background estimation techniques. While no significant deviations from the Standard Model predictions are found, the results obtained by these searches further restrict the phase-space where the dark matter particles can lie.

  8. Corrosion of bare and galvanized steel in gypsum

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    Gómez, Mercedes


    Full Text Available Gypsum is a relatively low-cost building material much abounding in our country. When it is put in contact with steel, it may produce high corrosion rates due to its pH value (close to 7. This work reports the results obtained in studying the corrosion rates of bare and galvanized steel in contact with gypsum and plaster, as well as the influence curing thermal treatment applied to gypsum, enviromental relative humidity and addition of compounds with different natures and purposes may have in such process. In-situ observations, as well as the measurement of the Polarization Resistance and the weight loss have been used as measurement technics. From the results obtained it has been possible to deduce that galvanized steel has better behaviour in dry enviroments than bare steel in the same conditions and moist atmosphere induces proportionally more corrosion in galvanized steel than in bare one. Additions to gypsum do not modified these conclusions, though it may be pointed out that addition of nitrites or lime improves the behaviour of bare steel, while galvanized behaviour is not modified. The addition of lime is not recommended because phenomena of dilated along time expansion may take place.

    El yeso es un material de construcción de relativo bajo coste y que, además, es muy abundante en nuestro país. Debido a su pH cercano a la neutralidad, cuando entra en contacto con el acero, este puede corroerse a elevadas velocidades. En esta comunicación se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre la velocidad de corrosión del acero desnudo y galvanizado en contacto con yeso y escayola y la influencia que tienen: el tratamiento térmico del curado del yeso, la humedad relativa ambiental y la adición de aditivos de diversa naturaleza y finalidad. Como técnicas de medida se han utilizado la medida de la Resistencia de Polarización y de la pérdida de peso, así como observaciones visuales. De los resultados se puede deducir que en

  9. Ferrous sulphate mono and heptahydrate reduction of hexavalent chromium in cement: effectiveness and storability

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    Valverde, J. L.


    Full Text Available In Community legislation, substances containing hexavalent chromium are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic and sensitizing. In cement, hexavalent chromium intensifies sensitization and may set off severe allergic reactions in workers in routine contact with the product, whether in the factory or on construction sites. The allergic or contact dermatitis causes is a very painful disease that may lead to permanent worker disability. According to Directive 2003/53/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, Governments of all member countries will be required to prohibit the marketing and use, as of 17 January 2005, of any cement or cement preparation containing more than 2 ppm of chromium (VI. Hexavalent chromium can be reduced with ferrous sulphate to trivalent chromium, which is water-insoluble and therefore innocuous to the skin. The present paper reports the effects of adding ferrous sulphate mono- or heptahydrate to a commercial cement and the storage time of the mix on the concentration of hexavalent chromium. The salts studied were found to effectively reduce hexavalent chromium in cement for at least three months.

    Las sustancias que contienen cromo hexavalente están clasificadas en la legislación comunitaria como sustancias carcinogénicas, mutagénicas y sensibilizantes. El cromo hexavalente del cemento potencia la sensibilización y provoca graves reacciones alérgicas que sufren bastante a menudo los trabajadores que lo manipulan habitualmente, ya sea en fábrica o en el sector de la construcción. La dermatitis alérgica o de contacto que produce es muy dolorosa y puede dejar a los trabajadores en estado de discapacidad. La Directiva 2003/53/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, exige a los Gobiernos de los países miembros, que a partir del 17 de enero de 2005, prohiban el uso y la comercialización de todos aquellos cementos y preparados que contengan cemento, cuyo contenido en cromo (VI soluble, una vez hidratados

  10. Fantasía romántica: La doncella del mar

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    Adel López Gómez


    Full Text Available No hacía sol, pero sí bochorno. El estero estaba lleno, y el manglar sumergido. No se movia una rama. Olía a tanino. Los tres hombres sudaban copiosamente. Pascual, el champero negro, sentado en la popa, dejaba que la traspiración le corriera por el torso desnudo, como un barniz brillante.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Hiroshi; Timossi, Chris


    Mono is an independent implementation of the .NET Framework by Novell that runs on multiple operating systems (including Windows, Linux and Macintosh) and allows any .NET compatible application to run unmodified. For instance Mono can run programs with graphical user interfaces (GUI) developed with the C(number s ign) language on Windows with Visual Studio (a full port of WinForm for Mono is in progress). We present the results of tests we performed to evaluate the portability of our controls system .NET applications from MS Windows to Linux

  12. Transesterificación de ésteres grasos con arilaminoalcoholes. Síntesis de mono- y diacilderivados del 3-fenilamino-1,2-propanodiol

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    Gómez Gómez, R.


    Full Text Available In this paper the synthesis of acylderivatives of 3-phenylamino- 1,2 propanediol has been studied. These compounds are prepared by transesterification of fatty acids methyl esters with the amino-alcohol and sodium methoxide as catalyst. The reaction was carried out with mechanical stirring under vacuum. The effect of temperature, molar relation of reactives, time and concentration of catalyst on the reaction yield has been investigated. Yield increases with temperature and ester concentration until the optimun reaction temperature is reached. This temperature depend on molar relation ester/aminoalcohol (140 °C for 1/1 and 2/1 values and 120 °C for 4/1 value. The composition of reaction mixture was evaluated from the mono/di relation. This relation decrease when temperature and molar relation increase.

    En el presente trabajo se ha abordado la síntesis de los acilderivados del 3-fenilamino-1,2-propanodiol por transesterificación de ésteres metílicos de ácidos grasos con 3-fenilamino- 1,2-propanodiol utilizando metóxido sódico como catalizador. La reacción se lleva a cabo bajo presión reducida y agitación mecánica. Se ha estudiado la influencia de la temperatura, relación molar de los reactivos, tiempo y concentración de catalizador sobre el rendimiento de la reacción. El rendimiento aumenta con la temperatura y la concentración de éster hasta alcanzar la temperatura óptima de reacción. Esta temperatura depende de la relación molar y es de 140 °C para las relaciones molares éster: 3-fenilamino-1,2-propanodiol (1:1 y (2:1 y de 120 °C para (4:1. La composición de la mezcla de reacción se evalúa mediante la relación mono-/di-. Esta relación disminuye conforme aumenta la temperatura y la relación molar.

  13. Synthesis, purification, and time-dependent disposition studies of 9- or 10-mono-iodostearic acid and 9- and 10-mono-iodostearyl carnitine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reed, K.W.


    The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the potential use of radiolabeled 9- or 10-mono-iodostearyl carnitine as a perfusion and metabolic imaging agent for the heart. Radiochemical purity was achieved and determined by the use of silica gel and/or anion exchange resin chromatography. Radiochemical yields of 45-63 and 4% were obtained for the fatty acid and carnitine ester, respectively. Male albino mice were sacrificed at 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 50 minutes post-injection with either 125 I 9- or 10-mono-iodostearic acid or 9- or 10-mono-iodostearyl (-) carnitine. The lungs, liver heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, stomach, thyroid, blood, fat, and skeletal muscle tissue were excised and assayed for levels of radioactivity in a NaI crystal well counter. The very low target-to-nontarget ratios obtained with 125 I 9- or 10-mono-iodostearyl carnitine in mice strongly suggest that radioiodinated 9- or 10-mono-iodostearyl carnitine is not suitable for use as a myocardial imaging agent. However, radioiodinated 9- or 10-mono-iodostearic acid showed promise as a myocardial imaging agent and may warrant further investigation

  14. Una óptica igualitaria: Autorretratos, construcción del ser, y encuentro homosocial en una plantación bananera en Honduras

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    Kevin Coleman


    Full Text Available En una imagen inédita de la década de 1930, aparece el fotógrafo Rafael Platero Paz abrazando a un estadounidense blanco cerca de un río en El Progreso, Honduras. Ambos hombres se muestran completamente desnudos y cubriendo sus genitales únicamente con una hojas. Ambos miran directamente a la cámara. Este trabajo examina los autorretratos de Platero Paz que hemos encontrado en un archivo visual compuesto por fotos de campesinos y bananeros, de imágenes de nuevas madres y de comerciantes locales. Invocando la feonomenología de la mirada de Jean-Paul Sartre, propongo que en sus autorretratos tradicionales, Platero Paz posó para otro eventual. . Ahí estaba él, esperando el reconocimiento y la aprobación del Otro. Y en la medida en que el Otro fue postulado como el observador ideal de estos retratos, Platero Paz declaraba: “Yo soy el Otro”.  En contraste, en la foto del Jardín del Edén Platero Paz incorpora al Otro en su paisaje y declara “Yo soy nosotros”, estableciendo una relación homosocial, sino homoerótica, una relación sujeto-sujeto en el espacio hipermasculino de una plantación bananera.

  15. On mono-W signatures in spin-1 simplified models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haisch, Ulrich; Tait, Tim M.P.


    The potential sensitivity to isospin-breaking effects makes LHC searches for mono-W signatures promising probes of the coupling structure between the Standard Model and dark matter. It has been shown, however, that the strong sensitivity of the mono-W channel to the relative magnitude and sign of the up-type and down-type quark couplings to dark matter is an artefact of unitarity violation. We provide three different solutions to this mono-W problem in the context of spin-1 simplified models and briefly discuss the impact that our findings have on the prospects of mono-W searches at future LHC runs.

  16. Durabilidad del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmósferas de muy diferentes corrosividades. II. Aluminio anodizado

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    López, V.


    Full Text Available The behaviour of three anodic films with thicknesses of approximately 7,17 and 28 μm is studied in atmospheric exposure at 11 natural testing stations with salinity levels ranging between 2.1 and 684 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 To evaluate the results, use was made of gravimetric techniques, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS, EDX microanalysis, standard quality control tests, optical microscopy and, occasionally, electron microscopy. It is shown that anodising with correct sealing is an appropriate solution for preventing localised corrosion of aluminium and conserving its appearance, even in atmospheres of high corrosivity, provided that an ill-defined minimum thickness threshold is passed. The 7 μm anodic films suffer corrosion after the second annual cycle in the most aggressive environments. Corrosion, when it occurs, is localised in the form of pitting or filiform corrosion.

    Se estudia el comportamiento de tres anodizados, de 7, 17 y 28 μm, aproximadamente, durante la exposición en 11 estaciones de corrosión atmosférica, con salinidades que oscilan entre 2,1 y 684 mg Cl-1m-2d-1 En la valoración de resultados se utilizaron técnicas gravimétricas, de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIE, microanálisis por EDX, ensayos normalizados de control de calidad, microscopía óptica y, ocasionalmente, microscopía electrónica. Se demuestra que la anodización, con un sellado correcto y siempre que supere un umbral mínimo de espesor, no bien definido, es una solución adecuada para prevenir la corrosión localizada del aluminio y conservar el aspecto, incluso, en atmósferas de elevada corrosividad. Los anodizados de 7 μm sufren corrosión, en los ambientes más agresivos, a partir del segundo ciclo anual. La corrosión, cuando se presenta, es localizada, en forma de picaduras o de corrosión filiforme. Palabras clave

  17. Evaluación del impacto de la caza en mamíferos de la cuenca del río Alto Itaya, Amazonía peruana

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    Rolando Aquino


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se informa sobre la abundancia, presión de caza y el impacto de la caza en mamíferos que habitan los bosques de la cuenca del río Alto Itaya. La información procede de censos por transectos y registros de caza llevados a cabo en seis comunidades. Entre los mamíferos de caza, el choro (Lagothrix poeppigii Schinz fue el más abundante con 15,4 individuos/km², mientras que el mono aullador (Alouatta seniculus Linnaeus y el venado colorado (Mazama americana Erxleben fueron los menos abundantes con 0,15 individuos/km² y 0,5 individuos/ km2, respectivamente. Por otro lado, del área fueron cosechados un promedio anual de 1176 mamíferos, equivalente a 14184,6 kg. Finalmente, el modelo de cosecha sugiere sobrecaza del tapir (Tapirus terrestris Linnaeus, huangana (Tayassu pecari Link, choro (L. poeppigii, mono aullador (A. seniculus y machín negro (Cebus apella Linnaeus, cuyas cosechas en algunos casos alcanzaron el 100% de la producción anual.

  18. Magnetic and gravity studies of Mono Lake, east-central, California (United States)

    Athens, Noah D.; Ponce, David A.; Jayko, Angela S.; Miller, Matt; McEvoy, Bobby; Marcaida, Mae; Mangan, Margaret T.; Wilkinson, Stuart K.; McClain, James S.; Chuchel, Bruce A.; Denton, Kevin M.


    From August 26 to September 5, 2011, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected more than 600 line-kilometers of shipborne magnetic data on Mono Lake, 20 line-kilometers of ground magnetic data on Paoha Island, 50 gravity stations on Paoha and Negit Islands, and 28 rock samples on Paoha and Negit Islands, in east-central California. Magnetic and gravity investigations were undertaken in Mono Lake to study regional crustal structures and to aid in understanding the geologic framework, in particular regarding potential geothermal resources and volcanic hazards throughout Mono Basin. Furthermore, shipborne magnetic data illuminate local structures in the upper crust beneath Mono Lake where geologic exposure is absent. Magnetic and gravity methods, which sense contrasting physical properties of the subsurface, are ideal for studying Mono Lake. Exposed rock units surrounding Mono Lake consist mainly of Quaternary alluvium, lacustrine sediment, aeolian deposits, basalt, and Paleozoic granitic and metasedimentary rocks (Bailey, 1989). At Black Point, on the northwest shore of Mono Lake, there is a mafic cinder cone that was produced by a subaqueous eruption around 13.3 ka. Within Mono Lake there are several small dacite cinder cones and flows, forming Negit Island and part of Paoha Island, which also host deposits of Quaternary lacustrine sediments. The typical density and magnetic properties of young volcanic rocks contrast with those of the lacustrine sediment, enabling us to map their subsurface extent.

  19. On mono-W signatures in spin-1 simplified models

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    Ulrich Haisch


    Full Text Available The potential sensitivity to isospin-breaking effects makes LHC searches for mono-W signatures promising probes of the coupling structure between the Standard Model and dark matter. It has been shown, however, that the strong sensitivity of the mono-W channel to the relative magnitude and sign of the up-type and down-type quark couplings to dark matter is an artifact of unitarity violation. We provide three different solutions to this mono-W problem in the context of spin-1 simplified models and briefly discuss the impact that our findings have on the prospects of mono-W searches at future LHC runs.

  20. Dark matter searches with a mono-Z′ jet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai, Yang; Bourbeau, James; Lin, Tongyan


    We study collider signatures of a class of dark matter models with a GeV-scale dark Z ′ . At hadron colliders, the production of dark matter particles naturally leads to associated production of the Z ′ , which can appear as a narrow jet after it decays hadronically. Contrary to the usual mono-jet signal from initial state radiation, the final state radiation of dark matter can generate the signature of a mono-Z ′ jet plus missing transverse energy. Performing a jet-substructure analysis to tag the Z ′ jet, we show that these Z ′ jets can be distinguished from QCD jets at high significance. Compared to mono-jets, a dedicated search for mono-Z ′ jet events can lead to over an order of magnitude stronger bounds on the interpreted dark matter-nucleon scattering cross sections.

  1. Niimina Ahubiya: Western Mono Song Genres


    Loether, Christopher


    Although Native American communities may lose their ancestral language or other aspects of their traditional culture, music seems to be more resistant to the continual onslaught of the dominant Euro-American culture. Even today, traditional music remains a vital part of Native American communities throughout the United States. In this article I examine one aspect of the musical traditions of the Western Mono, specifically the different types of songs, and their functions within Western Mono s...


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    Full Text Available Se determinó la respiración del suelo (RS en una comunidad sucesional de pastizal de Holcus lanatus y Anthoxanthum odoratum en la franja altoandina de la cuenca del río Pamplonita, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Las medias mensuales de la RS fueron unimodales de día y de noche; la anual diurna fue de 118,44 mg CO2 m-2 h-1; y la nocturna, de 140,57 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. La diferencia entre estos dos valores se atribuyó a un incremento del brillo solar y a una disminución del recorrido del viento entre septiembre y diciembre de 2006 que condujo a un aumento de la tasa de evaporación. La RS nocturna se correlacionó con la humedad relativa y la temperatura máxima del aire y la diurna con el recorrido del viento. La RS acumulada (diurna y nocturna mostró una tendencia lineal con respecto al tiempo. La producción anual diurna de carbono, con base en la RS acumulada anual, se estimó entre 32,67 y 40,73 y la nocturna entre 35,65 y 43,02 g de C m-2.

  3. Reconstruction of mono-vacancies in carbon nanotubes: Atomic relaxation vs. spin polarization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berber, S. [Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8571 (Japan)]. E-mail:; Oshiyama, A. [Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8571 (Japan)


    We have investigated the reconstruction of mono-vacancies in carbon nanotubes using density functional theory (DFT) geometry optimization and electronic structure calculations, employing a numerical basis set. We considered mono-vacancies in achiral nanotubes with diameter range {approx}4-9A. Contrary to previous tight-binding calculations, our results indicate that mono-vacancies could have several metastable geometries, confirming the previous plane-wave DFT results. Formation energy of mono-vacancies is 4.5-5.5eV, increasing with increasing tube diameter. Net magnetic moment decreases from ideal mono-vacancy value after reconstruction, reflecting the reduction of the number of dangling bonds. In spite of the existence of a dangling bond, ground state of mono-vacancies in semiconducting tubes have no spin polarization. Metallic carbon nanotubes show net magnetic moment for most stable structure of mono-vacancy, except for very small diameter tubes.

  4. Reconstruction of mono-vacancies in carbon nanotubes: Atomic relaxation vs. spin polarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berber, S.; Oshiyama, A.


    We have investigated the reconstruction of mono-vacancies in carbon nanotubes using density functional theory (DFT) geometry optimization and electronic structure calculations, employing a numerical basis set. We considered mono-vacancies in achiral nanotubes with diameter range ∼4-9A. Contrary to previous tight-binding calculations, our results indicate that mono-vacancies could have several metastable geometries, confirming the previous plane-wave DFT results. Formation energy of mono-vacancies is 4.5-5.5eV, increasing with increasing tube diameter. Net magnetic moment decreases from ideal mono-vacancy value after reconstruction, reflecting the reduction of the number of dangling bonds. In spite of the existence of a dangling bond, ground state of mono-vacancies in semiconducting tubes have no spin polarization. Metallic carbon nanotubes show net magnetic moment for most stable structure of mono-vacancy, except for very small diameter tubes

  5. Generalized dynamic model and control of ambiguous mono axial vehicle robot

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    Frantisek Duchon


    Full Text Available This article deals with the novel concept of ambiguous mono axial vehicle robot. Such robot is a combination of Segway and dicycle, which utilizes the advantages of each chassis. The advantage of dicycle is lower energy consumption during the movement and the higher safety of carried payload. The movable platform inside the ambiguous mono axial vehicle allows using the various sensors or devices. This will change the ambiguous mono axial vehicle to the Segway type robot. Both these modes are necessary to control in the stable mode to ensure the safety of the ambiguous mono axial vehicle’s movement. The main contents of the article contain description of generalized dynamic model of ambiguous mono axial vehicle and related control of ambiguous mono axial vehicle. The proposal is unique in that the same controller is used for both modes. Several simulations verify proposed control schemes and identified parameters. Moreover, the dicycle type of platform has never been used in robotics and that is another novelty.

  6. Memoria espacial en monos capuchinos de Argentina: un estudio observacional en vida silvestre / Spatial memory in capuchin monkeys (Argentina:a wildlife observational study

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    María P. Tujague


    Full Text Available La memoria espacial se considera un factor selectivo en la evolución de la inteligencia. Los estudios en animales permiten pensar que los procesos cognitivos descriptos en humanos comparten características con los de otras especies. Se estudió el comportamiento espacial vinculado a la búsqueda del alimento de los monos capuchinos y su capacidad de retener información sobre la ubicación y estado del mismo. Durante los seguimientos de tres grupos de Cebus nigritus silvestres se aplicó un diseño observacional cualitativo que evaluó las cantidades de fruta madura e inmadura presentes en los árboles frutales consumidos por los monos en sus desplazamientos diarios. Las visitas a los árboles de frutos indicaron que los monos retienen información particular sobre la ubicación y condición de cada árbol. Los resultados obtenidos son fundamentales para la comprensión del funcionamiento de los mecanismos cognitivos no mediados por el lenguaje, lo cual permite ampliar los conocimientos de la base biológica del comportamiento espacial no humano. Palabras clave: Cebus=Sapajus nigritus; árboles frutales; velocidad de acercamiento; visita Spatial memory is considered a selective factor in the evolution of intelligence. Animal studies lead us to believe that cognitive processes described in humans may have much in common with those of other species. We studied the foraging spatial behavior of capuchin monkeys and their ability to retain information about food location and quality. We analyzed whether individuals were able to integrate stored information about food sites and changes in the ripening of the resource. A qualitative observational design was used to monitor three groups of wild Cebus nigritus in their daily movements, evaluating the amounts of ripe and unripe fruit present in the fruiting trees consumed by monkeys. Visits to fruiting trees showed that monkeys remember specific information on the location and condition of each tree

  7. Retrofitting of beaters with mono-drive at a beater-wheel mill; Nachruestung von Vorschlaegern mit Mono-Antrieb an einer Schlagradmuehle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krecher, Johannes J.; Hildebrandt, Rainer [Lignite-Mono-Drive Engineering GmbH, Essen (Germany); Geradts, Paul [RWE Power AG, Grevenbroich (Germany)


    Due to a future energy crisis, the use of the domestic brown coal continuously must be strengthened. At the beginning of 2007, the power station Frimmersdorf of RWE Power AG (Essen, Federal Republic of Germany) commissioned Lignite-Mono-Drive Engineering GmbH (Essen, Federal Republic of Germany) with the retrofitting of a N90.60 beater-wheel mill to a mono-drive-system. Thus, the production losses of 20 GWh/a of the 150 MW brown coal block M should be avoided, and the performance of this brown coal block should be increased by nearly 3 MW. Apart from the milling process and drying process, the authors of the contribution under consideration describe the application and operation results of these mono-drive-mills.

  8. La insustancia de la voz

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    Isabelle Morin


    Full Text Available La voz es el punto primitivo deinserción del deseo del Otro. Apartir de este dato fundamentalIsabelle Morin intenta respondera la pregunta planteada por Lacanrespecto a lo que ocurre con la pulsiónal final del análisis. La autorapropone que, al final del análisis, elanalizante se encuentra, así sea porun momento, con una extraccióndel a minúscula del objeto, su sustanciagozante para dejar el objetovoz al desnudo. Esta insustancia delobjeto es interrogada a partir detestimonios de los músicos GlennGould y Pascal Dusapin, quieneshan buscado extraer el sonido de lamúsica para reducirla a la letra.Palabras clave: voz, sonido, insustancia,extracción de goce, objeto a.

  9. Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and NETC#

    CERN Document Server

    McClure, Wallace B; Croft, John J; Dick, Jonathan; Hardy, Chris


    A one-of-a-kind book on Android application development with Mono for Android The wait is over! For the millions of .NET/C# developers who have been eagerly awaiting the book that will guide them through the white-hot field of Android application programming, this is the book. As the first guide to focus on Mono for Android, this must-have resource dives into writing applications against Mono with C# and compiling executables that run on the Android family of devices. Putting the proven Wrox Professional format into practice, the authors provide you with the knowledge you need to become a succ

  10. Fatigue Analysis of a Mono-Tower Platform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Poul Henning; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard; Brincker, Rune

    In this paper, a fatigue reliability analysis of a Mono-tower platform is presented. The failure mode, fatigue failure in the butt welds, is investigated with two different models. The one with the fatigue strength expressed through SN relations, the other with the fatigue strength expressed thro...... of the natural period, damping ratio, current, stress Spectrum and parameters describing the fatigue strength. Further, soil damping is shown to be significant for the Mono-tower.......In this paper, a fatigue reliability analysis of a Mono-tower platform is presented. The failure mode, fatigue failure in the butt welds, is investigated with two different models. The one with the fatigue strength expressed through SN relations, the other with the fatigue strength expressed...... through linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). In determining the cumulative fatigue damage, Palmgren-Miner's rule is applied. Element reliability as well as systems reliability is estimated using first-order reliability methods (FORM). The sensitivity of the systems reliability to various parameters...

  11. El destape del cartel de cine español. La nueva libertad sexual en la transición española

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    Rocío Collado Alonso


    Full Text Available Este artículo, que sintetiza los resultados de un trabajo más amplio, pretende explorar la relación entre el cartel de cine y el cambio social, centrándose en el análisis del primero y no del segundo, por lo que se trata de un estudio comunicacional y no sociológico, buscando las interrelaciones que pueden producirse entre ambas opciones: el uso del cartel como reflejo de los valores sociales existentes y como elemento provocador del cambio social. Para ello situamos nuestro análisis en el período de la transición española, momento histórico de profundas transformaciones políticas, económicas y sociales. Es evidente que en nuestro país, desde comienzos de la década de los setenta, todavía con Franco, empieza a notarse el cambio político que estaba por llegar, sobre todo la permisividad oficial hacia un cine que se atreve a plantear temas anteriormente intocables, relacionados sobretodo con la política y con el sexo. La censura franquista había silenciado durante muchos años el deseo sexual y el erotismo, pero desde finales de los años sesenta comienza a surgir un cine comercial que manifiesta una clara tendencia hacia una cierta liberalización en temáticas sexuales, que terminará afianzándose en los años setenta apareciendo los primeros desnudos en la pantalla. Con todo ello, nuestro trabajo pretende analizar el papel del cartel de cine como reflejo de esta nueva situación. 

  12. Festival nimega Mono / Ivar Sakk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sakk, Ivar, 1962-


    Haapsalu graafilise disaini festival Haapsalu Linnagaleriis: sisaldab ülevaate- ja teemanäitust ning väikest sümpoosioni. Temaatilise aastanäituse motiiv on "MONO". Plakateid on ka välismaa tegijatelt. Kuraator Marko Kekishev

  13. Genetic structure and hierarchical population divergence history of Acer mono var. mono in South and Northeast China.

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    Chunping Liu

    Full Text Available Knowledge of the genetic structure and evolutionary history of tree species across their ranges is essential for the development of effective conservation and forest management strategies. Acer mono var. mono, an economically and ecologically important maple species, is extensively distributed in Northeast China (NE, whereas it has a scattered and patchy distribution in South China (SC. In this study, the genetic structure and demographic history of 56 natural populations of A. mono var. mono were evaluated using seven nuclear microsatellite markers. Neighbor-joining tree and STRUCTURE analysis clearly separated populations into NE and SC groups with two admixed-like populations. Allelic richness significantly decreased with increasing latitude within the NE group while both allelic richness and expected heterozygosity showed significant positive correlation with latitude within the SC group. Especially in the NE region, previous studies in Quercus mongolica and Fraxinus mandshurica have also detected reductions in genetic diversity with increases in latitude, suggesting this pattern may be common for tree species in this region, probably due to expansion from single refugium following the last glacial maximum (LGM. Approximate Bayesian Computation-based analysis revealed two major features of hierarchical population divergence in the species' evolutionary history. Recent divergence between the NE group and the admixed-like group corresponded to the LGM period and ancient divergence of SC groups took place during mid-late Pleistocene period. The level of genetic differentiation was moderate (FST  = 0.073; G'ST  = 0.278 among all populations, but significantly higher in the SC group than the NE group, mirroring the species' more scattered distribution in SC. Conservation measures for this species are proposed, taking into account the genetic structure and past demographic history identified in this study.

  14. Genetic Structure and Hierarchical Population Divergence History of Acer mono var. mono in South and Northeast China (United States)

    Shen, Hailong; Hu, Lijiang; Saito, Yoko; Ide, Yuji


    Knowledge of the genetic structure and evolutionary history of tree species across their ranges is essential for the development of effective conservation and forest management strategies. Acer mono var. mono, an economically and ecologically important maple species, is extensively distributed in Northeast China (NE), whereas it has a scattered and patchy distribution in South China (SC). In this study, the genetic structure and demographic history of 56 natural populations of A. mono var. mono were evaluated using seven nuclear microsatellite markers. Neighbor-joining tree and STRUCTURE analysis clearly separated populations into NE and SC groups with two admixed-like populations. Allelic richness significantly decreased with increasing latitude within the NE group while both allelic richness and expected heterozygosity showed significant positive correlation with latitude within the SC group. Especially in the NE region, previous studies in Quercus mongolica and Fraxinus mandshurica have also detected reductions in genetic diversity with increases in latitude, suggesting this pattern may be common for tree species in this region, probably due to expansion from single refugium following the last glacial maximum (LGM). Approximate Bayesian Computation-based analysis revealed two major features of hierarchical population divergence in the species’ evolutionary history. Recent divergence between the NE group and the admixed-like group corresponded to the LGM period and ancient divergence of SC groups took place during mid-late Pleistocene period. The level of genetic differentiation was moderate (FST = 0.073; G′ST = 0.278) among all populations, but significantly higher in the SC group than the NE group, mirroring the species’ more scattered distribution in SC. Conservation measures for this species are proposed, taking into account the genetic structure and past demographic history identified in this study. PMID:24498039

  15. Genetic structure and hierarchical population divergence history of Acer mono var. mono in South and Northeast China. (United States)

    Liu, Chunping; Tsuda, Yoshiaki; Shen, Hailong; Hu, Lijiang; Saito, Yoko; Ide, Yuji


    Knowledge of the genetic structure and evolutionary history of tree species across their ranges is essential for the development of effective conservation and forest management strategies. Acer mono var. mono, an economically and ecologically important maple species, is extensively distributed in Northeast China (NE), whereas it has a scattered and patchy distribution in South China (SC). In this study, the genetic structure and demographic history of 56 natural populations of A. mono var. mono were evaluated using seven nuclear microsatellite markers. Neighbor-joining tree and STRUCTURE analysis clearly separated populations into NE and SC groups with two admixed-like populations. Allelic richness significantly decreased with increasing latitude within the NE group while both allelic richness and expected heterozygosity showed significant positive correlation with latitude within the SC group. Especially in the NE region, previous studies in Quercus mongolica and Fraxinus mandshurica have also detected reductions in genetic diversity with increases in latitude, suggesting this pattern may be common for tree species in this region, probably due to expansion from single refugium following the last glacial maximum (LGM). Approximate Bayesian Computation-based analysis revealed two major features of hierarchical population divergence in the species' evolutionary history. Recent divergence between the NE group and the admixed-like group corresponded to the LGM period and ancient divergence of SC groups took place during mid-late Pleistocene period. The level of genetic differentiation was moderate (FST  = 0.073; G'ST  = 0.278) among all populations, but significantly higher in the SC group than the NE group, mirroring the species' more scattered distribution in SC. Conservation measures for this species are proposed, taking into account the genetic structure and past demographic history identified in this study.


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    Tania Ximena Salcedo Goméz


    Full Text Available Es de tarde y el sol inclemente de febrero se refleja sobre Las cálidas aguas del río Magdalena; sus visos en naranja y rojo se inmortalizan en el tapiz del cielo, mientras en tierra, esta gama de luz iridescente se forja en la piel de los hombres y mujeres de San Zenón. Los árboles desnudos han sido bañados por el frío invierno. Las ciénagas y el río han dejado sus marcas a través del marrón 330 de sus cortezas. Las pocas hojas que quedan son solo un breve recuerdo de un amanecer con sombra. El asfalto y la pasividad del viento, quienes amenazan la lucidez.

  17. Professional iPhone Programming with MonoTouch and .NET/C#

    CERN Document Server

    McClure, Wallace B; Dunn, Craig


    What .NET C# developers need to enter the hot field of iPhone apps. iPhone applications offer a hot opportunity for developers. Until the open source MonoTouch project, this field was limited to those familiar with Apple's programming languages. Now .NET and C# developers can join the party. This Wrox guide is the first book to cover MonoTouch, preparing developers to take advantage of this lucrative opportunity.: MonoTouch opens the field of iPhone app development to .NET and C# developers for the first time; the Wrox reputation among .NET developers assures them that this guide covers everyt

  18. Roles of mono-ubiquitinated Smad4 in the formation of Smad transcriptional complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Bei; Suzuki, Hiroyuki; Kato, Mitsuyasu


    TGF-β activates receptor-regulated Smad (R-Smad) through phosphorylation by type I receptors. Activated R-Smad binds to Smad4 and the complex translocates into the nucleus and stimulates the transcription of target genes through association with co-activators including p300. It is not clear, however, how activated Smad complexes are removed from target genes. In this study, we show that TGF-β enhances the mono-ubiquitination of Smad4. Smad4 mono-ubiquitination was promoted by p300 and suppressed by the c-Ski co-repressor. Smad4 mono-ubiquitination disrupted the interaction with Smad2 in the presence of constitutively active TGF-β type I receptor. Furthermore, mono-ubiquitinated Smad4 was not found in DNA-binding Smad complexes. A Smad4-Ubiquitin fusion protein, which mimics mono-ubiquitinated Smad4, enhanced localization to the cytoplasm. These results suggest that mono-ubiquitination of Smad4 occurs in the transcriptional activator complex and facilitates the turnover of Smad complexes at target genes

  19. Obtención de hidrogeles derivados del ácido itacónico

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    Francisco J. Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta una técnica para la obtención de hidrogeles de acrilamida, empleando comonámeros monoésteres del ácido itacántco. A estos hidrogeles se les determina su cinética de hinchamiento a pH neutro y 20°C.

  20. Fatigue Reliability Analysis of a Mono-Tower Platform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkegaard, Poul Henning; Sørensen, John Dalsgaard; Brincker, Rune


    In this paper, a fatigue reliability analysis of a Mono-tower platform is presented. The failure mode, fatigue failure in the butt welds, is investigated with two different models. The one with the fatigue strength expressed through SN relations, the other with the fatigue strength expressed thro...... of the natural period, damping ratio, current, stress spectrum and parameters describing the fatigue strength. Further, soil damping is shown to be significant for the Mono-tower.......In this paper, a fatigue reliability analysis of a Mono-tower platform is presented. The failure mode, fatigue failure in the butt welds, is investigated with two different models. The one with the fatigue strength expressed through SN relations, the other with the fatigue strength expressed...... through linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). In determining the cumulative fatigue damage, Palmgren-Miner's rule is applied. Element reliability, as well as systems reliability, is estimated using first-order reliability methods (FORM). The sensitivity of the systems reliability to various parameters...

  1. Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch

    CERN Document Server

    Costanich, Bryan


    Developing C# Applications for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch shows you how to use your existing C# skills to write apps for the iPhone and iPad. Fortunately, there's MonoTouch, Novell's .NET library that allows C# developers to write C# code that executes in iOS. Furthermore, MonoTouch allows you to address all the unique functions of the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. And the big plus: You needn't learn any Objective-C to master MonoTouch!. Former Microsoft engineer and published app-store developer Bryan Costanich shows you how to use the tools you already know to create native apps in iOS

  2. Cristo desnudo en la cruz: el problemático comienzo de dicha representación

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    John Jairo Osorio Arango


    Full Text Available Para nada fácil que las primeras comunidades cristianas llegaran con resolución a la representación del patíbulo en el cual fuera (aparentemente derrotado el Hijo de Dios. El tema de la ejecución (condenación y maldición sumado al problema plástico (proclive a la idolatría, parecen explicar la tardanza de llegar a ese primer intento de un crucificado que encontraremos solo hasta el siglo IV-V. Poco después se da la respuesta teológica que pretendía superar la problemática herejía que negaba o separaba la condición divina de la humana y otro tanto después el papel devocional, espiritual y (si se lo quiere litúrgico de dichas representaciones. Pero mucho antes del Renacimiento Humanista del siglo XV ya el franciscanismo del siglo XIII habría hecho de esta temática, con un particular velo de pureza, una feliz y primera gramática del todo significativa y tanto más única para la revelación así como para esta estética.

  3. Niña-mujer-objeto de arte: la sexualidad femenina en la pintura.


    Sánchez Concha, Francisco José; García Torralbo, María Cruz


    Hasta los impresionistas, el desnudo femenino formaba parte de la historia que el artista quería contar en su obra. El Impresionismo rompió los moldes tanto en la paleta como en la forma de tratar el desnudo de una mujer. A partir de entonces, la sexualidad femenina expresada en los cuadros de desnudos ha ido alcanzando cotas inimaginables ni por el Arte ni por el espectador. Sensualidad, erotismo, pasión, se convierten en algunos pintores en la más descarnada sexualidad, al...

  4. El mono gramático y el sabio alquimista. Algunas reflexiones en torno a la poética de Octavio Paz en El Mono Gramático

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    Óscar Pujol


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una comparación entre la poética de Octavio Paz en El Mono Gramático y un autor indio del siglo XI Abhinavagupta, a quien llamamos el Sabio Alquimista en referencia a la teoría india de la emoción estética: el rasa. Una idea subyacente en ambos autores es que el lenguaje ordinario enmascara la realidad, mientras que el lenguaje poético se resuelve en una abolición de la escritura que nos enfrenta a una realidad indecible. Se comparan un total de seis características distintas y se llega a la conclusión que la mayor discrepancia entre ambos autores es la naturaleza de esa realidad innombrable que revela la poesía. Para el autor indio se trata de una realidad inefable y gozosa: la conciencia pura. Para Paz es una realidad insoportable y enloquecedora, aunque al mismo tiempo fascinante. La diferencia es cultural, pues la tradición india adora a esa realidad innombrable mientras que la modernidad occidental desconfía de un absoluto inmensurable e impositivo. En este sentido Paz ejemplifica el dilema del hombre moderno: angustia ante esa realidad anterior al lenguaje, pero también una fascinación que busca en el arte y la poesía su modo último de expresión.

  5. Inversor elevador mono - etapa


    Herber Ramírez, Juan José De Jesús


    En este trabajo de tesis se estudia una topología Mono - Etapa de un Inversor Elevador. Esta estructura está formada por dos convertidores CD - CD Elevadores bidireccionales en corriente, los cuales son controlados por dos señales senoidales, con cierto nivel de CD, desfasadas 180º. Las principales ventajas que esta topología presenta son: 1) Este Inversor genera de manera natural, mediante el control adecuado, un voltaje CA de salida mayor que el voltaje de CD de entrada ...

  6. La fracción evaporativa en diferentes regiones agrícolas y naturales del centro-noroeste de la Argentina

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    E.S Luna Toledo


    Full Text Available La fracción evaporativa (FE permite cuantificar la porción de la energía disponible usada en el proceso de evapotranspiración. Se obtuvo la distribución espacial de la FE para cinco tipos de cobertura: árboles, cultivos, pastizales, arbustos y suelo desnudo de cinco ecorregiones del centro-noroeste de la Argentina, usando productos del sensor MODIS-TERRA. FE se calculó mediante el método triangular según la relación entre la fracción de la cobertura de suelo (Fr y la temperatura de superficie (Ts. Ambas variables fueron correlacionadas para cada tipo de cobertura por ecorregión. Fr y Ts están inversamente asociadas, y diferentes coberturas por ecorregiones mostraron cambios en la pendiente de la recta entre ambas variables debido a cambios en el porcentaje y el tipo de cobertura, en los gradientes pluviométricos y en la estructura de la vegetación. Los valores medios de Fr y FE por ecorregiones y tipo de cobertura fueron procesados mediante el análisis de la varianza y por comparaciones múltiples de Fisher. Existen diferencias estadísticas significativas en las variables Fr y FE según el tipo de cobertura, y la ecorregión y la relación entre Fr y FE no es lineal. Finalmente, se generó un mapa con la distribución espacial de la FE.

  7. Pierre Charmoz : La montagne à seins nus, un roman érotique de montagne, ou de la destruction du mythe alpin par le langage Pierre Charmoz: La Montagne à seins nus, or, the Debunking of the Alpine Myth trough Language Pierre Charmoz, La Sierra de los pechos desnudos o la destrucción del mito alpino por el lenguage

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    Michel Mestre


    Full Text Available La Montagne à seins nus de Pierre Charmoz est l'un des rares romans de montagne dans lequel l'érotisme joue un rôle important. C'est également une tentative de remise en cause des mythologies sur lesquelles le roman de montagne s'appuie, pour n'en garder que l'aspect léger et humoristique.La Montagne à seins nus, by Pierre Charmoz, is one of these few mountain novels in which eroticism plays a major part, it is also an attempt at debunking the mythologies on which alpine novels traditionally rest. It keeps only laughter and a gentle spirit of derision from it.La Sierra de los pechos desnudos, de Pierre Charmoz, es una de las raras novelas de montaña en las cuales el erotismo ocupa un lugar preponderante. También se empeña en derribar los mitos sobre los cuales suelen construirse las novelas alpinas tradicionales. De éstos permanece la risa, y uno disfruta mientras se hace burla de ellos.

  8. Finite Element Analysis Of Structural And Magmatic Interactions At Mono Basin (California) (United States)

    La Marra, D.; Manconi, A.; Battaglia, M.


    Mono Basin is a northward trending graben situated east of the Sierra Nevada and west of Cowtrack Mountains, extending from the northern edge of Long Valley Caldera towards the Bodie Hills. From a hydrographic perspective, the Mono Basin is defined by all streams that drain into Mono Lake. The Mono-Inyo Craters forms a prominent 25-km-long volcanic complex from the NW corner of Long Valley caldera to the southern edge of Mono Lake. The late Quaternary Hartley Springs fault occurs along the Sierran range front between June Lake and the northern border of Long Valley Caldera. Recently it has been proposed that the manifestation of the volcanic and of the tectonic activity in this area is likely interrelated. According to Bursik et al (2003), stratigraphic data suggest that during the North Mono-Inyo eruption sequence of ~1350 A.D., a series of strong earthquakes occurred across the end of the North Mono explosive phase and the beginning of the Inyo explosive phase. Moreover, geological and geomorphic features of the Hartley Springs fault are consistent with rupture of the fault during the eruption sequence. We use the Finite Element Method (FEM) to simulate a three-dimensional model and investigate the feedback mechanism between dike intrusion and slip along the Hartley Springs fault. We first validate our numerical model against the Okada (1985) analytical solution for a homogeneous and elastic flat half-space. Subsequently, we evaluate the distribution of local stress changes to study the influence of the Inyo Dike intrusion in ~1350 A.D. on Hartley Springs fault, and how the fault slip may encourage the propagation of dikes towards the surface. To this end, we considered the standard Coulomb stress change as failure criterion. Finally, we analyze the effects of the topography and of vertical and lateral heterogeneities of the crust on the distribution of local and regional stress changes. In this presentation, we highlight the preliminary results of our analysis

  9. Substituent effects on mono-substituted and poly-substituted nitriles; Efeitos dos substituintes em nitrilas mono- e polissubstituidas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sofia, Raquel C.R.; Carneiro, Paulo I.B.; Rittner, Roberto [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Inst. de Quimica; Fabi, Marino T [Rhodia S.A., Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    This work studies various mono substituted aliphatic nitriles, Y C H{sub 2} (Y=H, F, Cl, Br, I, OMe, S Me, SEt{sub 2}, Me and Ph), and some reference nitriles (Y=Et, n-Pr, n-Bu, n-Am, n-Hex and n-Hept) 12 refs., 3 tabs.

  10. PCNA mono-ubiquitination and activation of translesion DNA polymerases by DNA polymerase {alpha}. (United States)

    Suzuki, Motoshi; Niimi, Atsuko; Limsirichaikul, Siripan; Tomida, Shuta; Miao Huang, Qin; Izuta, Shunji; Usukura, Jiro; Itoh, Yasutomo; Hishida, Takashi; Akashi, Tomohiro; Nakagawa, Yoshiyuki; Kikuchi, Akihiko; Pavlov, Youri; Murate, Takashi; Takahashi, Takashi


    Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) involves PCNA mono-ubiquitination and TLS DNA polymerases (pols). Recent evidence has shown that the mono-ubiquitination is induced not only by DNA damage but also by other factors that induce stalling of the DNA replication fork. We studied the effect of spontaneous DNA replication errors on PCNA mono-ubiquitination and TLS induction. In the pol1L868F strain, which expressed an error-prone pol alpha, PCNA was spontaneously mono-ubiquitinated. Pol alpha L868F had a rate-limiting step at the extension from mismatched primer termini. Electron microscopic observation showed the accumulation of a single-stranded region at the DNA replication fork in yeast cells. For pol alpha errors, pol zeta participated in a generation of +1 frameshifts. Furthermore, in the pol1L868F strain, UV-induced mutations were lower than in the wild-type and a pol delta mutant strain (pol3-5DV), and deletion of the RAD30 gene (pol eta) suppressed this defect. These data suggest that nucleotide misincorporation by pol alpha induces exposure of single-stranded DNA, PCNA mono-ubiquitination and activates TLS pols.

  11. Comparison between mono-bloc and bi-bloc mandibular advancement devices for obstructive sleep apnea. (United States)

    Lee, Woo Hyun; Wee, Jee Hye; Lee, Chul Hee; Kim, Min-Su; Rhee, Chae-Seo; Yun, Pil-Young; Yoon, In-Young; Kim, Jeong-Whun


    Although mandibular advancement device (MAD) is widely used, there are a few papers comparing the efficacy and compliance at the same time according to the type of MAD. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy and compliance between mono-bloc and bi-bloc MAD in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Ninety-three patients who treated with mono-bloc MAD and 60 patients with bi-bloc MAD from January 2007 through September 2011 were retrospectively enrolled. All the patients underwent full-night polysomnography(PSG) before and 3 months after MAD was applied. The response rate was significantly higher in the patients using mono-bloc than those using bi-bloc MAD (77.4 vs. 58.3 %; P = 0.012). In contrast, the compliance rate of MAD use was significantly higher in the patients using bi-bloc than those using mono-bloc MAD (68.8 vs. 83.3 %; P = 0.044) at 1 year. According to the severity of OSA, the response rate was significantly higher in severe OSA than in mild to moderate OSA (P = 0.033 for mono-bloc MAD and P = 0.048 for bi-bloc MAD). However, there was no difference in the compliance between mild to moderate OSA and severe OSA. Our study showed that mono-bloc MAD was superior to bi-bloc MAD in efficacy while bi-bloc MAD is superior to mono-bloc MAD in compliance. We propose that both the efficacy and compliance should be considered in using MAD for treatment of OSA.

  12. ¿Cómo nos mira Débora Arango?

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    Ricardo Sánchez


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo la miraban sus contemporáneos y cómo la miramos hoy; nosotros, gente de final del siglo y del milenio??? Tal parece una buena perspectiva para evaluar y dilucidar el sentido de su obra, hoy colgada en la Luis Ángel Arango. Inquietante en sus distintas significaciones de imágenes, formas, colores, materiales, interpelaciones. Polifónica por los caminos escogidos: el retrato, el desnudo, lo social, lo político. Figurativa y expresionista por la semántica de los lenguajes pictóricos. Realista crítica y testimonial por las tendencias conceptuales y de escuela en que se manifiesta su arte.

  13. Three-Dimensional Analysis of dike/fault interaction at Mono Basin (California) using the Finite Element Method (United States)

    La Marra, D.; Battaglia, M.


    Mono Basin is a north-trending graben that extends from the northern edge of Long Valley caldera towards the Bodie Hills and is bounded by the Cowtrack Mountains on the east and the Sierra Nevada on the west. The Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain forms a north-trending zone of volcanic vents extending from the west moat of the Long Valley caldera to Mono Lake. The Hartley Springs fault transects the southern Mono Craters-Inyo Domes area between the western part of the Long Valley caldera and June Lake. Stratigraphic data suggest that a series of strong earthquakes occurred during the North Mono-Inyo eruption sequence of ~1350 A.D. The spatial and temporal proximity between Hartley Springs Fault motion and the North Mono-Inyo eruption sequence suggests a possible relation between seismic events and eruptions. We investigate the interactions between slip along the Hartley Springs fault and dike intrusion beneath the Mono-Inyo craters using a three-dimensional finite element model of the Mono Basin. We employ a realistic representation of the Basin that includes topography, vertical and lateral heterogeneities of the crust, contact relations between fault planes, and a physical model of the pressure required to propagate the dike. We estimate (a) the distribution of Coulomb stress changes to study the influence of dike intrusion on Hartley Springs fault, and (b) the local stress and volumetric dilatation changes to understand how fault slip may influence the propagation of a dike towards the surface.

  14. Mono Lake sediments preserve a record of recent environmental change (United States)

    Meixnerova, J.; Betts, M.; Westacott, S.; Ingalls, M.; Miller, L. G.; Sessions, A. L.; Trower, L.; Geobiology Course, A.


    Modern Mono Lake is a geochemically unique closed-basin, hypersaline soda lake. Since 1941, anthropogenic water diversions have decreased the lake's volume and water level, driving changes in water chemistry and ecology. Mono Lake sediments offer an opportunity to investigate the nature and extent of these changes. We analyzed a 70 cm sediment core from the center of Mono Lake recording the past 116 years of deposition. At the time of recovery, the entire core was dark green. 16S rRNA gene analysis indicated a sedimentary bacterial community dominated by Cyanobacteria. SEM imaging revealed abundant, well-preserved diatom frustules below 10 cm core depth, in contrast they are nearly absent above 10 cm depth. Fatty acid (FAME) biomarkers for diatoms and algal sterols were present throughout the core in varying concentrations. Phytol was exceptionally abundant in the core; ratios of phytol/C-18 FAME were commonly >200. The δ13Corg ranged between -17.5 and -20‰ in the lower 52 cm of the core while the upper part shows significant decrease of δ13Corg to -28‰. We interpret the shift in δ13Corg as an ecological transition from mainly diatoms in the lower core towards the green alga Picocystis, which is the main primary producer today and has a δ13Corg value of -32.5‰. The onset of this change dates back 23 years, which roughly coincides with the highest reported salinity, 88 g/L in 1995. We hypothesize that diatoms gradually became marginalized as a result of hypersaline conditions. We also observed a variety of trends that may be characterized as unique fingerprints of Mono Lake. The unusually high abundance of phytol was consistent with the core's pervasive green coloring and could potentially indicate a higher preservation potential of phytol under alkaline conditions. Throughout the core, δ15Norg fluctuated between +10 and +13‰. Such atypical enrichment in δ15Norg could be explained by NH4 dissociation and subsequent NH3 volatilization under high p

  15. 2 keV filters of quasi-mono-energetic neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adib, M.; Habib, N.; El-Mesiry, M.S.; Bashter, I.I.; Saleh, A.; Fathallah, M.


    A simulation study for the production of 2 keV filters of quasi-mono-energetic neutrons based on the deep interference minima in the 45 Sc total cross-section was carried out. A computer code QMENF-II was adapted to calculate the optimum amounts of the 45 Sc as a main filter element and additional component ones to obtain sufficient intensity at high resolution and purity of the filtered quasi-mono-energetic neutrons. The emitted neutron spectrum from nuclear reactor and from the reaction of 2.6 MeV protons on a lithium fluoride target at the accelerator beam port, are used for simulation

  16. Aza-Michael Mono-addition Using Acidic Alumina under Solventless Conditions

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    Giovanna Bosica


    Full Text Available Aza-Michael reactions between primary aliphatic and aromatic amines and various Michael acceptors have been performed under environmentally-friendly solventless conditions using acidic alumina as a heterogeneous catalyst to selectively obtain the corresponding mono-adducts in high yields. Ethyl acrylate was the main acceptor used, although others such as acrylonitrile, methyl acrylate and acrylamide were also utilized successfully. Bi-functional amines also gave the mono-adducts in good to excellent yields. Such compounds can serve as intermediates for the synthesis of anti-cancer and antibiotic drugs.

  17. High-resolution aeromagnetic survey of the Mono Basin-Long Valley Caldera region, California (United States)

    Ponce, D. A.; Mangan, M.; McPhee, D.


    A new high-resolution aeromagnetic survey of the Mono Basin-Long Valley Caldera region greatly enhances previous magnetic interpretations that were based on older, low-resolution, and regional aeromagnetic data sets and provides new insights into volcano-tectonic processes. The surveyed area covers a 8,750 km2 NNW-trending swath situated between the Sierra Nevada to the west and the Basin and Range Province to the east. The surveyed area includes the volcanic centers of Mono Lake, Mono-Inyo Craters, Mammoth Mountain, Devils Postpile, and Long Valley Caldera. The NW-trending eastern Sierra frontal fault zone crosses through the study area, including the active Mono Lake, Silver Lake, Hartley Springs, Laurel Creek, and Hilton Creek faults. Over 6,000 line-kilometers of aeromagnetic data were collected at a constant terrain clearance of 150 m, a flight-line spacing of 400 m, and a tie-line spacing of 4 km. Data were collected via helicopter with an attached stinger housing a magnetic sensor using a Scintrex CS-3 cesium magnetometer. In the northern part of the survey area, data improve the magnetic resolution of the individual domes and coulees along Mono Craters and a circular shaped magnetic anomaly that coincides with a poorly defined ring fracture mapped by Kistler (1966). Here, aeromagnetic data combined with other geophysical data suggests that Mono Craters may have preferentially followed a pre-existing plutonic basement feature that may have controlled the sickle shape of the volcanic chain. In the northeastern part of the survey, aeromagnetic data reveal a linear magnetic anomaly that correlates with and extends a mapped fault. In the southern part of the survey, in the Sierra Nevada block just south of Long Valley Caldera, aeromagnetic anomalies correlate with NNW-trending Sierran frontal faults rather than to linear NNE-trends observed in recent seismicity over the last 30 years. These data provide an important framework for the further analysis of the

  18. Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Treatment Outcomes of Isoniazid- and Rifampicin-Mono-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lima, Peru.

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    Leonela Villegas

    Full Text Available Isoniazid and rifampicin are the two most efficacious first-line agents for tuberculosis (TB treatment. We assessed the prevalence of isoniazid and rifampicin mono-resistance, associated risk factors, and the association of mono-resistance on treatment outcomes.A prospective, observational cohort study enrolled adults with a first episode of smear-positive pulmonary TB from 34 health facilities in a northern district of Lima, Peru, from March 2010 through December 2011. Participants were interviewed and a sputum sample was cultured on Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ media. Drug susceptibility testing was performed using the proportion method. Medication regimens were documented for each patient. Our primary outcomes were treatment outcome at the end of treatment. The secondary outcome included recurrent episodes among cured patients within two years after completion of the treatment.Of 1292 patients enrolled, 1039 (80% were culture-positive. From this subpopulation, isoniazid mono-resistance was present in 85 (8% patients and rifampicin mono-resistance was present in 24 (2% patients. In the multivariate logistic regression model, isoniazid mono-resistance was associated with illicit drug use (adjusted odds ratio (aOR = 2.10; 95% confidence interval (CI: 1.1-4.1, and rifampicin mono-resistance was associated with HIV infection (aOR = 9.43; 95%CI: 1.9-47.8. Isoniazid mono-resistant patients had a higher risk of poor treatment outcomes including treatment failure (2/85, 2%, p-value<0.01 and death (4/85, 5%, p<0.02. Rifampicin mono-resistant patients had a higher risk of death (2/24, 8%, p<0.01.A high prevalence of isoniazid and rifampicin mono-resistance was found among TB patients in our low HIV burden setting which were similar to regions with high HIV burden. Patients with isoniazid and rifampicin mono-resistance had an increased risk of poor treatment outcomes.

  19. Niños y niñas esclavos de origen africano en la capital novohispana (siglo xvii)


    León, Cristina V Masferrer


    Sin niños, está uno como desnudo. Proverbio yoruba Durante mucho tiempo las poblaciones africanas y afrodescendientes de México fueron olvidadas de la memoria histórica, de la identidad nacional y de las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, desde hace varias décadas se realizan investigaciones que favorecen el desarrollo del conocimiento de estos grupos no sólo a lo largo de la historia, sino en la actualidad. Los temas que se han abordado son diversos y se ha buscado dar cuenta tanto de los hombr...

  20. Detection and quantification of potato mop-top virus (pmtv) in colombia using qrt-pcr


    García Bastidas, Nevar Alirio; Gutiérrez Sánchez, Pablo Andrés; Marín Montoya, Mauricio Alejandro


    El Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) es uno de los virus re-emergentes en cultivos de papa en Colombia. Es transmitido por Spongospora subterranea, el agente causal de la sarna polvosa. La detección del PMTV presenta dificultades debido a su distribución irregular en las plantas, bajo título y movimiento sistémico como ARN desnudo. Con el fin de ampliar el rango de herramientas disponibles para detectar el PMTV en los programas de certificación de tubérculo-semilla, en este estudio se evaluó la pru...

  1. Cruz y raya en los libros: Abril de 1966

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernesto Cortés Ahumada


    Full Text Available PERICO RAMIREZ, MARIO. De la entraña a la piel. Introducción de Eduardo Mendoza Varela. Tunja. Fondo Rotatorio de Publicaciones de la Contraloría Departamental. 1966, 246 p. He aquí un libro en extremo individual porque todo cuanto dice es algo personal, en el sentido de que si bien en ninguna parte nos cuenta hechos de la propia vida del autor, con vehemente intensidad, en cambio, nos describe, nos deja ver puro desnudo su yo temperamental. Mejor aún: nos lo avienta apostrofador e increpante.

  2. Aportes del sector minería del carbón al desarrollo de la región norte de Santander - Colombia, y formulación del plan estratégico


    Vargas Rosas, José Agustín; Vargas Rosas, José Agustín


    La actividad minera del carbón en el departamento Norte de Santander desde su inicio al final de la década de los 70, ha sido mono dimensional, la parte operativa dentro de su estructura para la producción es la más importante, sin tener en cuenta que estamos en un ambiente más competitivo y cambiante, y que para garantizar la sostenibilidad en los procesos debe involucrar además de la dimensión operativa, la dimensiones estructural, externa y el tiempo. El sector minero enfrenta retos com...

  3. Modification and performance evaluation of a mono-valve engine (United States)

    Behrens, Justin W.

    A four-stroke engine utilizing one tappet valve for both the intake and exhaust gas exchange processes has been built and evaluated. The engine operates under its own power, but has a reduced power capacity than the conventional 2-valve engine. The reduction in power is traced to higher than expected amounts of exhaust gases flowing back into the intake system. Design changes to the cylinder head will fix the back flow problems, but the future capacity of mono-valve engine technology cannot be estimated. The back flow of exhaust gases increases the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate and deteriorates combustion. Intake pressure data shows the mono-valve engine requires an advanced intake valve closing (IVC) time to prevent back flow of charge air. A single actuation camshaft with advanced IVC was tested in the mono-valve engine, and was found to improve exhaust scavenging at TDC and nearly eliminated all charge air back flow at IVC. The optimum IVC timing is shown to be approximately 30 crank angle degrees after BDC. The mono-valve cylinder head utilizes a rotary valve positioned above the tappet valve. The open spaces inside the rotary valveand between the rotary valve and tappet valve represent a common volume that needs to be reduced in order to reduce the base EGR rate. Multiple rotary valve configurations were tested, and the size of the common volume was found to have no effect on back flow but a direct effect on the EGR rate and engine performance. The position of the rotary valve with respect to crank angle has a direct effect on the scavenging process. Optimum scavenging occurs when the intake port is opened just after TDC.

  4. Estudio preliminar para el establecimiento de un protocolo de crioconservación para palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Villa Alba Lucía


    Full Text Available

    El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar e implementar un protocolo de crioconservación para embriones cigóticos de palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq., como alternativa para complementar la conservación de genotipos de palma ante las dificultades que se presentan en la colección de campo en la actualidad. Se evaluaron las etapas de pre y poscongelación de embriones cigóticos con la metodología de desecación en silica gel a diferentes tiempos de exposición (2, 2,5 y 3 h, seguido de un congelamiento rápido y una etapa de recuperación en un medio de cultivo Murashige y Skoog (1962. Todos los tratamientos de crioconservación fueron evaluados con un fotoperíodo de 16 h luz y 8 h de oscuridad, con una temperatura media de 28 ºC. Previamente se determinó el estado de desarrollo adecuado de los embriones para crioconservar. Además, se realizó la prueba de viabilidad con Tetrazolio para embriones desnudos como un control inicial del lote de semilla solicitado. Se logró establecer un protocolo de crioconservación a partir de embriones cigóticos desnudos de palma, el cual permitió obtener plántulas de embriones congelados en nitrógeno líquido (-196 ºC; alcanzando una sobrevivencia del 84,37% para embriones crioconservados. En cuanto a la diferenciación de estructuras de los embriones crioconservados, el tratamiento de dos horas obtuvo valores para plúmula del 88,9%, radícula del 55,57% y haustorio del 66,7%. Esta metodología permitiría conservar material valioso a largo plazo como copia de seguridad complementaria de la colección de campo y reduciría los costos de mantenimiento y conservación.

  5. Method for separating mono- and di-octylphenyl phosphoric acid esters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnold, W.D. Jr.


    A method for separating mono-octylphenyl phosphoric acid ester and di-octylphenyl phosphoric acid ester from a mixture thereof comprises reacting the ester mixture with a source of lithium or sodium ions to form a mixture of the phosphate salts; contacting the salt mixture with an organic solvent which causes the dioctylphenyl phosphate salt to be dissolved in the organic solvent phase and the mono-octylphenyl phosphate salt to exist in a solid phase; separating the phases; recovering the phosphate salts from their respective phases; and acidifying the recovered salts to form the original phosphoric acid esters

  6. Tubes, Mono Jets, Squeeze Out and CME

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Longacre, R. [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)


    Glasma Flux Tubes, Mono Jets with squeeze out flow around them plus the Chiral Magnetic Effect(CME) are physical phenomenon that generate two particle correlation with respect to the reaction plane in mid-central 20% to 30% Au-Au collision √sNN = 200.0 GeV measured at RHIC.

  7. Imaging the magmatic system of Mono Basin, California with magnetotellurics in three--dimensions (United States)

    Peacock, Jared R.; Mangan, Margaret T.; McPhee, Darcy K.; Ponce, David A.


    A three–dimensional (3D) electrical resistivity model of Mono Basin in eastern California unveils a complex subsurface filled with zones of partial melt, fluid–filled fracture networks, cold plutons, and regional faults. In 2013, 62 broadband magnetotelluric (MT) stations were collected in an array around southeastern Mono Basin from which a 3D electrical resistivity model was created with a resolvable depth of 35 km. Multiple robust electrical resistivity features were found that correlate with existing geophysical observations. The most robust features are two 300 ± 50 km3 near-vertical conductive bodies (3–10 Ω·m) that underlie the southeast and north-eastern margin of Mono Craters below 10 km depth. These features are interpreted as magmatic crystal–melt mush zones of 15 ± 5% interstitial melt surrounded by hydrothermal fluids and are likely sources for Holocene eruptions. Two conductive east–dipping structures appear to connect each magma source region to the surface. A conductive arc–like structure (resistivity (200 Ω·m) suggestive of a cooled connection. A third, less constrained conductive feature (4–10 Ω·m) 15 km deep extending to 35 km is located west of Mono Craters near the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada escarpment, and is coincident with a zone of sporadic, long–period earthquakes that are characteristic of a fluid-filled (magmatic or metamorphic) fracture network. A resistive feature (103–105 Ω·m) located under Aeolian Buttes contains a deep root down to 25 km. The eastern edge of this resistor appears to structurally control the arcuate shape of Mono Craters. These observations have been combined to form a new conceptual model of the magmatic system beneath Mono Craters to a depth of 30 km.

  8. Detección y cuantificación del Potato mop-top virus (PMTV en Colombia mediante qRT-PCR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nevar García Bastidas


    Full Text Available El Potato mop-top virus (PMTV es uno de los virus re-emergentes en cultivos de papa en Colombia. Es transmitido por Spongospora subterranea, el agente causal de la sarna polvosa. La detección del PMTV presenta dificultades debido a su distribución irregular en las plantas, bajo título y movimiento sistémico como ARN desnudo. Con el fin de ampliar el rango de herramientas disponibles para detectar el PMTV en los programas de certificación de tubérculo-semilla, en este estudio se evaluó la prueba de RT-PCR en tiempo real (qRT-PCR en dos pasos: con los cebadores PMTV-1948F/PMTV-2017R y la sonda Taqman® PMTV-1970, dirigidos al gen CP-RT del ARN2 viral. Se construyó una curva estándar a partir de la transcripción in vitro de un fragmento de 1513 pb de este gen. Posteriormente, se evaluó la utilidad de la técnica a partir de tres tipos de muestras: plantas señuelo de Nicotiana benthamiana y Solanum phureja inoculadas con quistosoros de Sss, raíces de papa con síntomas de sarna polvosa del municipio de La Unión (Antioquia y tubérculos-semilla. Mediante qRT-PCR fue posible detectar el virus en 11 de las 20 muestras de raíz de plantas señuelo, mientras que 14 de las 15 muestras de raíces de papa resultaron positivas, estimándose una concentración entre 4.72 x 10(11 y 7.60 x 10(13 partículas virales/µl. Adicionalmente, en el ensayo de tubérculo-semilla se determinó la presencia del PMTV en una de las 16 muestras. Estos resultados indican la viabilidad de utilizar rutinariamente la técnica de qRT-PCR para la detección de PMTV en Colombia.

  9. [Technique of complex mammary irradiation: Mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy and helical tomotherapy]. (United States)

    Vandendorpe, B; Guilbert, P; Champagne, C; Antoni, T; Nguyen, T D; Gaillot-Petit, N; Servagi Vernat, S


    To evaluate the dosimetric contribution of helical tomotherapy for breast cancers compared with conformal radiotherapy in mono-isocentric technique. For 23 patients, the dosimetric results in mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy did not satisfy the constraints either of target volumes nor organs at risk. A prospective dosimetric comparison between mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy and helical tomotherapy was therefore carried out. The use of helical tomotherapy showed a benefit in these 23 patients, with either an improvement in the conformity index or homogeneity, but with an increase in low doses. Of the 23 patients, two had pectus excavatum, five had past thoracic irradiation and two required bilateral irradiation. The other 14 patients had a combination of morphology and/or indication of lymph node irradiation. For these patients, helical tomotherapy was therefore preferred to mono-isocentric 3D conformational radiotherapy. Tomotherapy appears to provide better homogeneity and tumour coverage. This technique of irradiation may be justified in the case of morphological situations such as pectus exavatum and in complex clinical situations. In other cases, conformal radiotherapy in mono-isocentric technique remains to be favoured. Copyright © 2017 Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  10. Cost-Effective Mass Production of Mono Bucket Foundations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gres, Szymon; Nielsen, Søren Andreas; Fejerskov, Morten


    for innovative and cost-effective design of Mono Bucket foundations. Established approach merges wind and wave load models, soil/structure interaction topics, structural optimization and installation/fabrication aspects, into software package with ability to perform optimal design of the individual foundations...

  11. Selective mono-radioiodination and characterization of a cell-penetrating peptide. L-Tyr-maurocalcine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmadi, Mitra; Bacot, Sandrine; Perret, Pascale; Riou, Laurent; Ghezzi, Catherine [Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France); INSERM U1039, Grenoble (France). Radiopharmaceutiques Biocliniques; Poillot, Cathy; Cestele, Sandrine [INSERM U836, Grenoble (France). Grenoble Inst. of Neuroscience; Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France); Desruet, Marie-Dominique [INSERM U1039, Grenoble (France). Radiopharmaceutiques Biocliniques; Couvet, Morgane; Bourgoin, Sandrine; Seve, Michel [CRI-INSERM U823, Grenoble (France). Inst. of Albert Bonniot; Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France); Waard, Michel de [INSERM U836, Grenoble (France). Grenoble Inst. of Neuroscience; Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France); Smartox Biotechnologies, Grenoble (France)


    Mono-and poly-iodinated peptides form frequently during radioiodination procedures. However, the formation of a single species in its mono-iodinated form is essential for quantitative studies such as determination of tissue concentration or image quantification. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to define the optimal experimental conditions in order to exclusively obtain the mono-iodinated form of L-maurocalcine (L-MCa). L-MCa is an animal venom toxin which was shown to act as a cell-penetrating peptide. In order to apply the current direct radioiodination technique using oxidative agents including chloramine T, Iodo-Gen {sup registered} or lactoperoxidase, an analogue of this peptide containing a tyrosine residue (Tyr-L-MCa) was synthesized and was shown to fold/oxidize properly. The enzymatic approach using lactoperoxidase/H{sub 2}O{sub 2} was found to be the best method for radioiodination of Tyr-L-MCa. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analyses were then used for identification of the chromatographic eluting components of the reaction mixtures. We observed that the production of different radioiodinated species depended upon the reaction conditions. Our results successfully described the experimental conditions of peptide radioiodination allowing the exclusive production of the mono-iodinated form with high radiochemical purity and without the need for a purification step. Mono-radioiodination of L-Tyr-MCa will be crucial for future quantitative studies, investigating the mechanism of cell penetration and in vivo biodistribution.

  12. 21 CFR 582.4505 - Mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming acids. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 6 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or... GENERALLY RECOGNIZED AS SAFE Emulsifying Agents § 582.4505 Mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming acids. (a) Product. Mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat...

  13. Emotions in freely varying and mono-pitched vowels, acoustic and EGG analyses. (United States)

    Waaramaa, Teija; Palo, Pertti; Kankare, Elina


    Vocal emotions are expressed either by speech or singing. The difference is that in singing the pitch is predetermined while in speech it may vary freely. It was of interest to study whether there were voice quality differences between freely varying and mono-pitched vowels expressed by professional actors. Given their profession, actors have to be able to express emotions both by speech and singing. Electroglottogram and acoustic analyses of emotional utterances embedded in expressions of freely varying vowels [a:], [i:], [u:] (96 samples) and mono-pitched protracted vowels (96 samples) were studied. Contact quotient (CQEGG) was calculated using 35%, 55%, and 80% threshold levels. Three different threshold levels were used in order to evaluate their effects on emotions. Genders were studied separately. The results suggested significant gender differences for CQEGG 80% threshold level. SPL, CQEGG, and F4 were used to convey emotions, but to a lesser degree, when F0 was predetermined. Moreover, females showed fewer significant variations than males. Both genders used more hypofunctional phonation type in mono-pitched utterances than in the expressions with freely varying pitch. The present material warrants further study of the interplay between CQEGG threshold levels and formant frequencies, and listening tests to investigate the perceptual value of the mono-pitched vowels in the communication of emotions.

  14. Matta en el inverso del universo con sus amigos detrás del espejo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique de Santiago


    Full Text Available Este ensayo sobre Roberto Matta explora el trayecto, un trayecto otro, desde una proyección sensitiva del artista, arquitecto, filósofo y poeta chileno. Matta evoca la inmersión desde un proyecto del ser hasta un proyecto cósmico y alquímico, donde concurre con decisión irrevocable la relación entre alquimia y ciencia: Eliphas Lévi, Fulcanelli y Albert Einstein; el texto también pone en juego los vasos comunicantes entre la búsqueda del artista Matta y sus relaciones libres, muy libres, para con el movimiento surrealista (Breton y para sí mismo, en la medida en lo extrae y traduce del movimiento artístico referido, además, de sus intervenciones y participaciones en los movimientos del arte moderno y en el movimiento de sí mismo. En palabras de Roberto Matta (1965: La función del artista en nuestra sociedad consiste en ser este personaje deslumbrador y repudiado, como el niño del cuento de Andersen, que es el único que dice que el rey va desnudo. Esta situación de denuncia del escándalo hace de él un minoritario. No se trata, pues, para el artista, de establecer un relación entre un azul y un verde: estos cuadros estéticos son más o menos poseídos por aquellos que los contemplan. Yo quiero, al contrario, inquietar, para que el que contempla se convierta en minoritario. Deseo que este espectador, en lugar de poseer el cuadro, sea poseído por él, que sea bombardeado por una enorme cantidad de conciencia que le llegue de todas partes. Así, atrapado en una situación insoportable a causa de esta pintura, se ve obligado, también él, a realizar un acto poético de creación para hacerla suya: asediado por lo real, se siente vencido y, por tanto, reflexiona. En este sentido, este ensayo sobre Roberto Matta trata sobre el furor estético. No hay estética sin ciencia y sin videncia, como lo propone y lo provoca Matta. the career (a short one from a sensitive projection of the Chilean artist, architect, philosopher, and poet

  15. Air quality in bedded mono-slope beef barns (United States)

    Bedded mono-slope barns are becoming more common in the upper Midwest. Because these are new facilities, little research has been published regarding environmental quality, building management and animal performance in these facilities. A team of researchers from South Dakota State University, USDA ...

  16. Long-term thermophilic mono-digestion of rendering wastes and co-digestion with potato pulp

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayr, S.; Ojanperä, M.; Kaparaju, P.; Rintala, J.


    Highlights: • Rendering wastes’ mono-digestion and co-digestion with potato pulp were studied. • CSTR process with OLR of 1.5 kg VS/m 3 d, HRT of 50 d was unstable in mono-digestion. • Free NH 3 inhibited mono-digestion of rendering wastes. • CSTR process with OLR of 1.5 kg VS/m 3 d, HRT of 50 d was stable in co-digestion. • Co-digestion increased methane yield somewhat compared to mono-digestion. - Abstract: In this study, mono-digestion of rendering wastes and co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp were studied for the first time in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) experiments at 55 °C. Rendering wastes have high protein and lipid contents and are considered good substrates for methane production. However, accumulation of digestion intermediate products viz., volatile fatty acids (VFAs), long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and ammonia nitrogen (NH 4 -N and/or free NH 3 ) can cause process imbalance during the digestion. Mono-digestion of rendering wastes at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.5 kg volatile solids (VS)/m 3 d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 d was unstable and resulted in methane yields of 450 dm 3 /kg VS fed . On the other hand, co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp (60% wet weight, WW) at the same OLR and HRT improved the process stability and increased methane yields (500–680 dm 3 /kg VS fed ). Thus, it can be concluded that co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp could improve the process stability and methane yields from these difficult to treat industrial waste materials

  17. Precisiones sobre la corrosión del acero en contacto con hormigón

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrade, C.


    Full Text Available In this paper, we emphasize that now it is possible to use some electrochemical non-destructive techniques for measuring the corrosion rate of the metals. Also, it is possible to use the gravimetric determinations if the appropriate instrumentation is not available. The simple visual observation is a good complementary technique but it must not be used alone because of its subjectivity. Also, we stress some aspects, such as the influence of the alkalinity and the humidity, about the corrosion, that the bare and galvanized steel, can suffer in contact with construction materials. We analyze mainly, the influence of the type of cement on the risk of corrosion of both kinds of metals.

    En los presentes comentarios se insiste en que, para evaluar la velocidad de corrosión de los metales, en la actualidad se pueden utilizar técnicas electroquímicas no destructivas que permiten seguir la evolución del proceso diariamente, o bien, en el caso de no contar con los aparatos apropiados, se puede acudir a una determinación gravimétrica de la pérdida de metal. La simple observación visual es una valiosa indicación complementaria de las técnicas antes mencionadas, pero no debe utilizarse como técnica de medida única por la subjetividad que conlleva. También se precisan algunos aspectos sobre la corrosión que el acero desnudo y el galvanizado pueden sufrir por estar en contacto con materiales de construcción, como son la influencia de la alcalinidad y de la humedad del medio y, fundamentalmente, se analiza la influencia que puede ejercer el tipo de cemento en el riesgo de corrosión de ambas clases de metales.

  18. Studies of mono-crystalline CVD diamond pixel detectors

    CERN Document Server

    Bartz, E; Atramentov, O; Yang, Z; Hall-Wilton, R; Schnetzer, S; Patel, R; Bugg, W; Hebda, P; Halyo, V; Hunt, A; Marlow, D; Steininger, H; Ryjov, V; Hits, D; Spanier, S; Pernicka, M; Johns, W; Doroshenko, J; Hollingsworth, M; Harrop, B; Farrow, C; Stone, R


    The Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT) is a dedicated luminosity monitor, presently under construction, for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It measures the particle flux in several three layered pixel diamond detectors that are aligned precisely with respect to each other and the beam direction. At a lower rate it also performs particle track position measurements. The PLTs mono-crystalline CVD diamonds are bump-bonded to the same readout chip used in the silicon pixel system in CMS. Mono-crystalline diamond detectors have many attributes that make them desirable for use in charged particle tracking in radiation hostile environments such as the LHC. In order to further characterize the applicability of diamond technology to charged particle tracking we performed several tests with particle beams that included a measurement of the intrinsic spatial resolution with a high resolution beam telescope. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  19. Studies of mono-crystalline CVD diamond pixel detectors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bugg, W. [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (United States); Hollingsworth, M., E-mail: [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (United States); Spanier, S.; Yang, Z. [University of Tennessee, Knoxville (United States); Bartz, E.; Doroshenko, J.; Hits, D.; Schnetzer, S.; Stone, R.; Atramentov, O.; Patel, R.; Barker, A. [Rutgers University, Piscataway (United States); Hall-Wilton, R.; Ryjov, V.; Farrow, C. [CERN, Geneva (Switzerland); Pernicka, M.; Steininger, H. [HEPHY, Vienna (Austria); Johns, W. [Vanderbilt University, Nashville (United States); Halyo, V.; Harrop, B. [Princeton University, Princeton (United States); and others


    The Pixel Luminosity Telescope (PLT) is a dedicated luminosity monitor, presently under construction, for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It measures the particle flux in several three layered pixel diamond detectors that are aligned precisely with respect to each other and the beam direction. At a lower rate it also performs particle track position measurements. The PLT's mono-crystalline CVD diamonds are bump-bonded to the same readout chip used in the silicon pixel system in CMS. Mono-crystalline diamond detectors have many attributes that make them desirable for use in charged particle tracking in radiation hostile environments such as the LHC. In order to further characterize the applicability of diamond technology to charged particle tracking we performed several tests with particle beams that included a measurement of the intrinsic spatial resolution with a high resolution beam telescope.

  20. Mono and bimetallic nanoparticles of gold, silver and palladium-catalyzed NADH oxidation-coupled reduction of Eosin-Y (United States)

    Santhanalakshmi, J.; Venkatesan, P.


    Mono metallic (Au, Ag, Pd) and bimetallic (Au-Ag, Ag-Pd, Au-Pd) with 1:1 mol stoichiometry, nanoparticles are synthesized using one-pot, temperature controlled chemical method using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as the capping agent. The particle sizes (Au = 5.6, Ag = 5.0, Pd = 6.0, Au-Ag = 9.2, Ag-Pd = 9.6, Au-Pd = 9.4 nm) are characterized by UV-Vis, HRTEM, and XRD measurements, respectively. CTAB bindings onto mono and bimetallic nanoparticles are analyzed by FTIR spectra. The catalytic activities of mono and bimetallic nanoparticles are tested on the reaction between NADH oxidation and Eosin-Y reduction. The effects of base, pH, ionic strength, nature of mono and bimetallic catalysts are studied and the reaction conditions are optimized. Bimetallic nanoparticles exhibited better catalysis than the mono metallic nanoparticles, which may be due to the electronic effects of the core to shell metal atoms.

  1. Long-term thermophilic mono-digestion of rendering wastes and co-digestion with potato pulp

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bayr, S., E-mail:; Ojanperä, M.; Kaparaju, P.; Rintala, J.


    Highlights: • Rendering wastes’ mono-digestion and co-digestion with potato pulp were studied. • CSTR process with OLR of 1.5 kg VS/m{sup 3} d, HRT of 50 d was unstable in mono-digestion. • Free NH{sub 3} inhibited mono-digestion of rendering wastes. • CSTR process with OLR of 1.5 kg VS/m{sup 3} d, HRT of 50 d was stable in co-digestion. • Co-digestion increased methane yield somewhat compared to mono-digestion. - Abstract: In this study, mono-digestion of rendering wastes and co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp were studied for the first time in continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) experiments at 55 °C. Rendering wastes have high protein and lipid contents and are considered good substrates for methane production. However, accumulation of digestion intermediate products viz., volatile fatty acids (VFAs), long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and ammonia nitrogen (NH{sub 4}-N and/or free NH{sub 3}) can cause process imbalance during the digestion. Mono-digestion of rendering wastes at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.5 kg volatile solids (VS)/m{sup 3} d and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 d was unstable and resulted in methane yields of 450 dm{sup 3}/kg VS{sub fed}. On the other hand, co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp (60% wet weight, WW) at the same OLR and HRT improved the process stability and increased methane yields (500–680 dm{sup 3}/kg VS{sub fed}). Thus, it can be concluded that co-digestion of rendering wastes with potato pulp could improve the process stability and methane yields from these difficult to treat industrial waste materials.

  2. 1. Mono([8]annulene)Uranium(4) half-sandwich complexes, 2. Novel syntheses of symmetrically substituted cyclooctatetetraenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boussie, T.R.


    A reproducible, high-yield synthesis of mono([8]annulene)uranium(4)dichloride (1) is reported, along with the X-ray crystal structural of the bis(pyridine) adduct. Metathesis reactions of the half-sandwich complex 1 with a variety of simple alkyl and alkoxy reagents failed to generate any isolable mono-ring complexes. Reactions of 1 with polydentate, delocalized anions did produce stable derivatives, including mono([8]annulene)uranium(4)bis(acetylacetonate) (4). An X-ray crystal structure of 4 is reported

  3. 1. Mono([8]annulene)Uranium(4) half-sandwich complexes, 2. Novel syntheses of symmetrically substituted cyclooctatetetraenes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boussie, Thomas Richard [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    A reproducible, high-yield synthesis of mono([8]annulene)uranium(4)dichloride (1) is reported, along with the X-ray crystal structural of the bis(pyridine) adduct. Metathesis reactions of the half-sandwich complex 1 with a variety of simple alkyl and alkoxy reagents failed to generate any isolable mono-ring complexes. Reactions of 1 with polydentate, delocalized anions did produce stable derivatives, including mono([8]annulene)uranium(4)bis(acetylacetonate) (4). An X-ray crystal structure of 4 is reported.

  4. 1. Mono((8)annulene)Uranium(4) half-sandwich complexes, 2. Novel syntheses of symmetrically substituted cyclooctatetetraenes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boussie, T.R.


    A reproducible, high-yield synthesis of mono((8)annulene)uranium(4)dichloride (1) is reported, along with the X-ray crystal structural of the bis(pyridine) adduct. Metathesis reactions of the half-sandwich complex 1 with a variety of simple alkyl and alkoxy reagents failed to generate any isolable mono-ring complexes. Reactions of 1 with polydentate, delocalized anions did produce stable derivatives, including mono((8)annulene)uranium(4)bis(acetylacetonate) (4). An X-ray crystal structure of 4 is reported.

  5. Mono and bimetallic nanoparticles of gold, silver and palladium-catalyzed NADH oxidation-coupled reduction of Eosin-Y

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santhanalakshmi, J.; Venkatesan, P.


    Mono metallic (Au, Ag, Pd) and bimetallic (Au–Ag, Ag–Pd, Au–Pd) with 1:1 mol stoichiometry, nanoparticles are synthesized using one-pot, temperature controlled chemical method using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as the capping agent. The particle sizes (Au = 5.6, Ag = 5.0, Pd = 6.0, Au–Ag = 9.2, Ag–Pd = 9.6, Au–Pd = 9.4 nm) are characterized by UV–Vis, HRTEM, and XRD measurements, respectively. CTAB bindings onto mono and bimetallic nanoparticles are analyzed by FTIR spectra. The catalytic activities of mono and bimetallic nanoparticles are tested on the reaction between NADH oxidation and Eosin-Y reduction. The effects of base, pH, ionic strength, nature of mono and bimetallic catalysts are studied and the reaction conditions are optimized. Bimetallic nanoparticles exhibited better catalysis than the mono metallic nanoparticles, which may be due to the electronic effects of the core to shell metal atoms.Graphical Abstract

  6. Leptonic mono-top from single stop production at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duan, Guang Hua [CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190 (China); Hikasa, Ken-ichi [Department of Physics, Tohoku University,Sendai 980-8578 (Japan); Wu, Lei [Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023 (China); ARC Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale,School of Physics, The University of Sydney,NSW 2006 (Australia); Yang, Jin Min [CAS Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190 (China); Department of Physics, Tohoku University,Sendai 980-8578 (Japan); Zhang, Mengchao [Center for Theoretical Physics and Universe, Institute for Basic Science (IBS),Daejeon 34051 (Korea, Republic of)


    Top squark (stop) can be produced via QCD interaction but also the electroweak interaction at the LHC. In this paper, we investigate the observability of the associated production of stop and chargino, pp→t̃{sub 1}χ̃{sub 1}{sup −}, in compressed electroweakino scenarios at 14 TeV LHC. Due to small mass splitting between the lightest neutralino (χ̃{sub 1}{sup 0}) and chargino (χ̃{sub 1}{sup −}), the single stop production can give the mono-top signature through the stop decay t̃{sub 1}→tχ̃{sub 1}{sup 0}. We analyze the leptonic mono-top channel of the single stop production and propose a lab-frame observable cos θ{sub bℓ} to reduce the SM backgrounds. We find that such leptonic mono-top events from the single stop production can be probed at 2σ level at the HL-LHC if m{sub t̃{sub 1}}<760 GeV and m{sub χ̃{sub 1{sup 0}}}<150 GeV. Given a discovery of the stop and a measurement of the single stop production cross section, the stop mixing angle can also be determined from the single stop production at the HL-LHC.

  7. Seasonality of cavitation and frost fatigue in Acer mono Maxim. (United States)

    Zhang, Wen; Feng, Feng; Tyree, Melvin T


    Although cavitation is common in plants, it is unknown whether the cavitation resistance of xylem is seasonally constant or variable. We tested the changes in cavitation resistance of Acer mono before and after a controlled cavitation-refilling and freeze-thaw cycles for a whole year. Cavitation resistance was determined from 'vulnerability curves' showing the percent loss of conductivity versus xylem tension. Cavitation fatigue was defined as a reduction of cavitation resistance following a cavitation-refilling cycle, whereas frost fatigue was caused by a freeze-thaw cycle. A. mono developed seasonal changes in native embolisms; values were relatively high during winter but relatively low and constant throughout the growing season. Cavitation fatigue occurred and changed seasonally during the 12-month cycle; the greatest fatigue response occurred during summer and the weakest during winter, and the transitions occurred during spring and autumn. A. mono was highly resistant to frost damage during the relatively mild winter months; however, a quite different situation occurred during the growing season, as the seasonal trend of frost fatigue was strikingly similar to that of cavitation fatigue. Seasonality changes in cavitation resistance may be caused by seasonal changes in the mechanical properties of the pit membranes. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Mono- and binuclear complexes of low-valent zirconium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wielstra, IJtsen


    This thesis is a study on the synthesis and reactivity of low-valent zirconium. The investigation can be divided in two parts: the first describes the chemistry of mono-cyclopentadienyl Zr (II) complexes (Chapter II, III and IV), and the second describes some synthetic pathways successfully used for

  9. MonoSLAM: real-time single camera SLAM. (United States)

    Davison, Andrew J; Reid, Ian D; Molton, Nicholas D; Stasse, Olivier


    We present a real-time algorithm which can recover the 3D trajectory of a monocular camera, moving rapidly through a previously unknown scene. Our system, which we dub MonoSLAM, is the first successful application of the SLAM methodology from mobile robotics to the "pure vision" domain of a single uncontrolled camera, achieving real time but drift-free performance inaccessible to Structure from Motion approaches. The core of the approach is the online creation of a sparse but persistent map of natural landmarks within a probabilistic framework. Our key novel contributions include an active approach to mapping and measurement, the use of a general motion model for smooth camera movement, and solutions for monocular feature initialization and feature orientation estimation. Together, these add up to an extremely efficient and robust algorithm which runs at 30 Hz with standard PC and camera hardware. This work extends the range of robotic systems in which SLAM can be usefully applied, but also opens up new areas. We present applications of MonoSLAM to real-time 3D localization and mapping for a high-performance full-size humanoid robot and live augmented reality with a hand-held camera.

  10. Single-step brazing process for mono-block joints and mechanical testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Casalegno, V.; Ferraris, M.; Salvo, M.; Rizzo, S. [Politecnico di Torino, Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Dept., Torino (Italy); Merola, M. [ITER International Team, llER Joint Work Site, Cadarache, 13 - St Paul Lez Durance (France)


    Full text of publication follows: Plasma facing components act as actively cooled thermal shields to sustain thermal and particle loads during normal and transient operations in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). The plasma-facing layer is referred to as 'armour', which is made of either carbon fibre reinforced carbon composite (CFC) or tungsten (W). CFC is the reference design solution for the lower part of the vertical target of the ITER divertor. The armour is joined onto an actively cooled substrate, the heat sink, made of precipitation hardened copper alloy CuCrZr through a thin pure copper interlayer to decrease, by plastic deformation, the joint interface stresses; in fact, the CFC to Cu joint is affected by the CTE mismatch between the ceramic and metallic material. A new method of joining CFC to copper and CFC/Cu to CuCrZr alloy was effectively developed for the flat-type configuration; the feasibility of this process also for mono-block geometry and the development of a procedure for testing mono-block-type mock-ups is described in this work. The mono-block configuration consists of copper alloy pipe shielded by CFC blocks. It is worth noting that in mono-block configuration, the large thermal expansion mismatch between CFC and copper alloy is more significant than for flat-tile configuration, due to curved interfaces. The joining technique foresees a single-step brazing process: the brazing of the three materials (CFC-Cu-CuCrZr) can be performed in a single heat treatment using the same Cu/Ge based braze. The composite surface was modified by solid state reaction with chromium with the purpose of increasing the wettability of CFC by the brazing alloy. The CFC substrate reacts with Cr which, forming a carbide layer, allows a large reduction of the contact angle; then, the brazing of CFC to pure copper and pure copper to CuCrZr by the same treatment is feasible. This process allows to obtain good joints using a non

  11. Single-step brazing process for mono-block joints and mechanical testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casalegno, V.; Ferraris, M.; Salvo, M.; Rizzo, S.; Merola, M.


    Full text of publication follows: Plasma facing components act as actively cooled thermal shields to sustain thermal and particle loads during normal and transient operations in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). The plasma-facing layer is referred to as 'armour', which is made of either carbon fibre reinforced carbon composite (CFC) or tungsten (W). CFC is the reference design solution for the lower part of the vertical target of the ITER divertor. The armour is joined onto an actively cooled substrate, the heat sink, made of precipitation hardened copper alloy CuCrZr through a thin pure copper interlayer to decrease, by plastic deformation, the joint interface stresses; in fact, the CFC to Cu joint is affected by the CTE mismatch between the ceramic and metallic material. A new method of joining CFC to copper and CFC/Cu to CuCrZr alloy was effectively developed for the flat-type configuration; the feasibility of this process also for mono-block geometry and the development of a procedure for testing mono-block-type mock-ups is described in this work. The mono-block configuration consists of copper alloy pipe shielded by CFC blocks. It is worth noting that in mono-block configuration, the large thermal expansion mismatch between CFC and copper alloy is more significant than for flat-tile configuration, due to curved interfaces. The joining technique foresees a single-step brazing process: the brazing of the three materials (CFC-Cu-CuCrZr) can be performed in a single heat treatment using the same Cu/Ge based braze. The composite surface was modified by solid state reaction with chromium with the purpose of increasing the wettability of CFC by the brazing alloy. The CFC substrate reacts with Cr which, forming a carbide layer, allows a large reduction of the contact angle; then, the brazing of CFC to pure copper and pure copper to CuCrZr by the same treatment is feasible. This process allows to obtain good joints using a non-active brazing

  12. TURISMO Y CUERPOS DESNUDOS Moda y culto al sol en el litoral marítimo argentino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Regina Schlüter


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Resumen: Los cambios en la estructura social que se observaron en Argentina después de la Primera Guerra Mundial le dieron a la mujer una mayor libertad de acción permitiéndole ingresar en el campo laboral, practicar deportes y participar del turismo. Esto tuvo un gran impacto en la moda de la época y modificó las formas de socialización lo que se observa en los destinos de sol y playa de la época. La vestimenta femenina que se caracterizaba por una extrema formalidad que no dejaba nada al descubierto fue dejando a la vista cada vez mayores partes del cuerpo y se comenzó a priorizar la comodidad. También la moda del bronceado jugó un rol preponderante en las costumbres de la época ya que se convirtió en un elemento importante de diferenciación social.

  13. Tritium enrichment from aqueous solutions using cryosublimation of mono- and polysaccharides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wierczinski, B.; Muellen, G.; Rosenhauer, S.


    Cryosublimation is one technique, which allows the accumulation of tritium from aqueous solutions using certain chemical compounds. After studying several inorganic compounds such as zeolites and metal salts, as well as some humic substances, we have now investigated several mono- and polysaccharides, such as glucose, maltose, galactose, starch, agar, and gelatine. Except for starch all of the above mentioned compounds showed a clear enrichment of tritium. The highest value was reached for Agartine, which gave an enrichment factor of 6.2. Since mono- and polysaccharides form weak hydrogen bonds, these results prove again our theory that tritium is preferably accumulated in exchangeable hydrogen bonds. (author)

  14. Separation of type and grade in cervical tumours using non-mono-exponential models of diffusion-weighted MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winfield, Jessica M.; Collins, David J.; Morgan, Veronica A.; DeSouza, Nandita M.; Orton, Matthew R.; Ind, Thomas E.J.; Attygalle, Ayoma; Hazell, Steve


    Assessment of empirical diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) models in cervical tumours to investigate whether fitted parameters distinguish between types and grades of tumours. Forty-two patients (24 squamous cell carcinomas, 14 well/moderately differentiated, 10 poorly differentiated; 15 adenocarcinomas, 13 well/moderately differentiated, two poorly differentiated; three rare types) were imaged at 3 T using nine b-values (0 to 800 s mm -2 ). Mono-exponential, stretched exponential, kurtosis, statistical, and bi-exponential models were fitted. Model preference was assessed using Bayesian Information Criterion analysis. Differences in fitted parameters between tumour types/grades and correlation between fitted parameters were assessed using two-way analysis of variance and Pearson's linear correlation coefficient, respectively. Non-mono-exponential models were preferred by 83 % of tumours with bi-exponential and stretched exponential models preferred by the largest numbers of tumours. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and diffusion coefficients from non-mono-exponential models were significantly lower in poorly differentiated tumours than well/moderately differentiated tumours. α (stretched exponential), K (kurtosis), f and D* (bi-exponential) were significantly different between tumour types. Strong correlation was observed between ADC and diffusion coefficients from other models. Non-mono-exponential models were preferred to the mono-exponential model in DW-MRI data from cervical tumours. Parameters of non-mono-exponential models showed significant differences between types and grades of tumours. (orig.)

  15. Separation of type and grade in cervical tumours using non-mono-exponential models of diffusion-weighted MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winfield, Jessica M.; Collins, David J.; Morgan, Veronica A.; DeSouza, Nandita M. [The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, MRI Unit, Sutton, Surrey (United Kingdom); The Institute of Cancer Research, Cancer Research UK Cancer Imaging Centre, Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, London (United Kingdom); Orton, Matthew R. [The Institute of Cancer Research, Cancer Research UK Cancer Imaging Centre, Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, London (United Kingdom); Ind, Thomas E.J. [The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Gynaecology Unit, London (United Kingdom); Attygalle, Ayoma; Hazell, Steve [The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Histopathology, London (United Kingdom)


    Assessment of empirical diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) models in cervical tumours to investigate whether fitted parameters distinguish between types and grades of tumours. Forty-two patients (24 squamous cell carcinomas, 14 well/moderately differentiated, 10 poorly differentiated; 15 adenocarcinomas, 13 well/moderately differentiated, two poorly differentiated; three rare types) were imaged at 3 T using nine b-values (0 to 800 s mm{sup -2}). Mono-exponential, stretched exponential, kurtosis, statistical, and bi-exponential models were fitted. Model preference was assessed using Bayesian Information Criterion analysis. Differences in fitted parameters between tumour types/grades and correlation between fitted parameters were assessed using two-way analysis of variance and Pearson's linear correlation coefficient, respectively. Non-mono-exponential models were preferred by 83 % of tumours with bi-exponential and stretched exponential models preferred by the largest numbers of tumours. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and diffusion coefficients from non-mono-exponential models were significantly lower in poorly differentiated tumours than well/moderately differentiated tumours. α (stretched exponential), K (kurtosis), f and D* (bi-exponential) were significantly different between tumour types. Strong correlation was observed between ADC and diffusion coefficients from other models. Non-mono-exponential models were preferred to the mono-exponential model in DW-MRI data from cervical tumours. Parameters of non-mono-exponential models showed significant differences between types and grades of tumours. (orig.)

  16. Characteristics of the surface layer above a row crop in the presence of local advection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figuerola, P.I. [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires (Argentina)]. E-mail:; Berliner, P.R. [Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)


    from zero for the uppermost layers Z/h = 2.7 and 3.2 during these periods. Our findings suggest that the depth and location of the internal equilibrium layer above trickle irrigated row crop fields surrounded by dry bare areas, vary in response to wind speed and the temperature of the soil in between the rows of the crop. For some time intervals, the computation of fluxes using the conventional flux-gradient approach measurements was not possible. [Spanish] En algunas regiones aridas los campos cultivados no son contiguos y estan rodeados por grandes areas de suelo desnudo. Durante el verano, estacion sin lluvia con alta radiacion solar, la temperatura del suelo durante el dia en las areas desnudas y secas es mucho mas alta que la del aire. El calor sensible generado sobre estas zonas puede ser advectado hacia los campos irrigados. Los cultivos son usualmente plantados en hileras y son irrigados por sistema de goteo, no mojando totalmente la superficie del suelo. El suelo desnudo y seco entre las hileras del cultivo alcanza altas temperaturas y lleva a una conveccion dentro del cultivo entre las hileras. La adveccion desde el area seca de los alrededores y la actividad convectiva dentro del cultivo entre el suelo desnudo afecta la capa arriba del cultivo. Se estudio la capa superficial encima de un cultivo irrigado de tomate plantado en el desierto del Negev, Israel. El cultivo fue plantado en hileras, irrigado por goteo y la distancia entre bordes y dos filas adyacentes era de 0.36 m al momento de realizar las mediciones. Los gradientes de temperatura y presion de vapor de agua fueron medidos a varias alturas arriba de la cobertura vegetal con un apartado de Bowen. El residuo de la ecuacion de balance de energia fue usado como criterio para determinar la capa de equilibrio. Durante la manana predominaron condiciones inestables y la capa interna de equilibrio estuvo entre Z/h {approx} 1.9 a 2.4. En algunas circunstancias, a las ultimas horas de la manana, el suelo

  17. Behavioral ecology of American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) at Mono Craters, California: living on the edge (United States)

    Andrew T. Smith; John D. Nagy; Connie Millar


    The behavioral ecology of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) was investigated at a relatively hot south-facing, low-elevation site in the Mono Craters, California, a habitat quite different from the upper montane regions more typically inhabited by this species and where most prior investigations have been conducted. Mono Craters pikas exhibited...

  18. On the positron-trapping states of metal mono-vacancies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sankar, S.; Iyakutti, K.


    A model calculation based on the static dielectric screening theory has been performed to estimate the probable number of positron-trapping levels in metal mono-vacancies and it is shown that there cannot be more than one. (author). 8 refs, 1 tab

  19. New thiol-responsive mono-cleavable block copolymer micelles labeled with single disulfides. (United States)

    Sourkohi, Behnoush Khorsand; Schmidt, Rolf; Oh, Jung Kwon


    Thiol-responsive symmetric triblock copolymers having single disulfide linkages in the middle blocks (called mono-cleavable block copolymers, ss-ABP(2)) were synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization in the presence of a disulfide-labeled difunctional Br-initiator. These brush-like triblock copolymers consist of a hydrophobic polyacrylate block having pendent oligo(propylene oxide) and a hydrophilic polymethacrylate block having pendent oligo(ethylene oxide). Gel permeation chromatography and (1)H NMR results confirmed the synthesis of well-defined mono-cleavable block copolymers and revealed that polymerizations were well controlled. Because of amphiphilic nature, these copolymers self-assembled to form colloidally stable micelles above critical micellar concentration of 0.032 mg · mL(-1). In response to reductive reactions, disulfides in thiol-responsive micelles were cleaved. Atomic force microscopy and dynamic light scattering analysis suggested that the cleavage of disulfides caused dissociation of micelles to smaller-sized assembled structures in water. Moreover, in a biomedical perspective, the mono-cleavable block copolymer micelles are not cytotoxic and thus biocompatible. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. sistemas de producción tipo kanban: Descripción, componentes, diseño del sistema, y bibliografía relacionada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oscar Javier Parra Ortega


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio, los sistemas de producción tipo ensamble (tree structure tipo Kanban, mono-producto, con tiempos de procesamiento aleatorios para las estaciones que lo conforman, y con capacidad limitada de producción para cada estación. Adicionalmente, se restringe el análisis de dichos sistemas, para horizontes finitos de producción. Después de una descripción del mecanismo de operación de un sistema Kanban simple, de los elementos que los componen, y del estado del arte en sistemas de producción tipo Kanban, se propone e implementa un modelo heurístico para determinar el número de kanbans, minimizando el costo promedio del inventario en proceso.

  1. Two coarse pyroclastic flow deposits, northern Mono-Inyo Craters, CA (United States)

    Dennen, R. L.; Bursik, M. I.; Stokes, P. J.; Lagamba, M.; Fontanella, N.; Hintz, A. R.; Jayko, A. S.


    The ~1350 A.D., rhyolitic North Mono eruption, Mono-Inyo Craters, CA, included the extrusion and destruction of Panum Dome and associated clastic deposits. Overlying the tephras of the North Mono sequence, the Panum deposits include a block-and-ash flow (BAF) deposit, covering ~3.5 km2. Blocks within the deposit are typically lithic rhyolite and banded gray micro-vesicular glass, showing white, almost powdery marks ranging from circular to linear in shape. These marks are interpreted as friction marks resulting from collisions between clasts. The deposit also contains bread-crusted obsidians with pressed-in clasts as well as reticulite with a bread-crusted surface texture. Near the centerline of the deposit is a ridge-topping train of jigsaw fractured blocks, often with reddish-orange alteration. One house sized jigsaw block sits upstream of a long, thinning pile of reddish orange debris; this “flow shadow” indicates that the block remained relatively stationary while the block and ash flow continued to propagate around it. The bread-crusted reticulite is most common at proximal localities. It is proposed that the dome destruction included a debris avalanche emplacing the train of jigsaw fractured blocks and creating a topographic high, the block-and-ash flow (the farthest reaching deposit from this event) which flowed around the debris avalanche deposits, and a final “lateral expansion” of a magma foam, creating the reticulite seen concentrated at proximal locations. Another coarse pyroclastic flow (here termed the “lower blast deposit”) underlies the North Mono tephra. It is more obsidian rich and finer grained than the Panum BAF. The lower blast deposit may have originated from Pumice Pit vent, which is now capped with an older dome ~0.5 km southeast of Panum. The lower blast deposit extends farther from the Panum vent than does the Panum BAF deposit, and apparently was mistaken for the Panum BAF deposit by previous workers. Hence the run

  2. Geothermal systems of the Mono Basin-Long Valley region, eastern California and western Nevada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Higgins, C.T.; Flynn, T.; Chapman, R.H.; Trexler, D.T.; Chase, G.R.; Bacon, C.F.; Ghusn, G. Jr.


    The region that includes Mono Basin, Long Valley, the Bridgeport-Bodie Hills area, and Aurora, in eastern California and western Nevada was studied to determine the possible causes and interactions of the geothermal anomalies in the Mono Basin-Long Valley region as a whole. A special goal of the study was to locate possible shallow bodies of magma and to determine their influence on the hydrothermal systems in the region. (ACR)

  3. Entre monos y centauros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serge Gruzinski


    Full Text Available    ¿Qué relación puede existir entre Ovidio, Tiziano y unos tlacuilo indios de la sierra otomí ? ¿Qué tienen en comun  el pintor mas famoso del siglo XVI , el veneciano Tiziano (+ 1576,  un poeta latino del primer siglo despues de Cristo, Publio Ovidio Nasón (-43/17 ,  y unos artistas indígenas anónimos del pueblo otomi de Ixmiquilpan?   Aunque la reunión de estos tres nombres parezca extraña y sorprendente, los hilos que los unen no son nada anecdóticos.  Permiten entender mejor la manera...

  4. Impact of temperature on performance of series and parallel connected mono-crystalline silicon solar cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subhash Chander


    Full Text Available This paper presents a study on impact of temperature on the performance of series and parallel connected mono-crystalline silicon (mono-Si solar cell employing solar simulator. The experiment was carried out at constant light intensity 550 W/m2with cell temperature in the range 25–60 oC for single, series and parallel connected mono-Si solar cells. The performance parameters like open circuit voltage, maximum power, fill factor and efficiency are found to decrease with cell temperature while the short circuit current is observed to increase. The experimental results reveal that silicon solar cells connected in series and parallel combinations follow the Kirchhoff’s laws and the temperature has a significant effect on the performance parameters of solar cell.

  5. Mono-fermentation of shea waste in anaerobic digesters - laboratory ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    For the purpose of understanding the characteristics in performance of the shea waste and to provide the necessary input parameters towards the design of biogas plants, mono-fermentation as an option in anaerobic digestion for energy (methane) generation was investigated. Six horizontal reactors with a liquid volume of ...

  6. The Effects of Operational Parameters on a Mono-wire Cutting System: Efficiency in Marble Processing (United States)

    Yilmazkaya, Emre; Ozcelik, Yilmaz


    Mono-wire block cutting machines that cut with a diamond wire can be used for squaring natural stone blocks and the slab-cutting process. The efficient use of these machines reduces operating costs by ensuring less diamond wire wear and longer wire life at high speeds. The high investment costs of these machines will lead to their efficient use and reduce production costs by increasing plant efficiency. Therefore, there is a need to investigate the cutting performance parameters of mono-wire cutting machines in terms of rock properties and operating parameters. This study aims to investigate the effects of the wire rotational speed (peripheral speed) and wire descending speed (cutting speed), which are the operating parameters of a mono-wire cutting machine, on unit wear and unit energy, which are the performance parameters in mono-wire cutting. By using the obtained results, cuttability charts for each natural stone were created on the basis of unit wear and unit energy values, cutting optimizations were performed, and the relationships between some physical and mechanical properties of rocks and the optimum cutting parameters obtained as a result of the optimization were investigated.

  7. Biofilm formation and disinfectant resistance of Salmonella sp. in mono- and dual-species with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (United States)

    Pang, X Y; Yang, Y S; Yuk, H G


    This study aimed to evaluate the biofilm formation and disinfectant resistance of Salmonella cells in mono- and dual-species biofilms with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and to investigate the role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the protection of biofilms against disinfection treatment. The populations of Salmonella in mono- or dual-species biofilms with P. aeruginosa on stainless steel (SS) coupons were determined before and after exposure to commercial disinfectant, 50 μg ml -1 chlorine or 200 μg ml -1 Ecolab ® Whisper™ V (a blend of four effective quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC)). In addition, EPS amount from biofilms was quantified and biofilm structures were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Antagonistic interactions between Salmonella and P. aeruginosa resulted in lower planktonic population level of Salmonella, and lower density in dual-species biofilms compared to mono-species biofilms. The presence of P. aeruginosa significantly enhanced disinfectant resistance of S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis biofilm cells for 2 days, and led to an average of 50% increase in polysaccharides amount in dual-species biofilms than mono-species biofilms of Salmonella. Microscopy observation showed the presence of large microcolonies covered by EPS in dual-species biofilms but not in mono-species ones. The presence of P. aeruginosa in dual-species culture inhibited the growth of Salmonella cells in planktonic phase and in biofilms, but protected Salmonella cells in biofilms from disinfection treatment, by providing more production of EPS in dual-species biofilms than mono-species ones. This study provides insights into inter-species interaction, with regard to biofilm population dynamics and disinfectant resistance. Thus, a sanitation protocol should be designed considering the protective role of secondary species to pathogens in biofilms on SS surface which has been widely used at food surfaces and manufacturers. © 2017 The Society

  8. Dynamics of biogeochemical sulfur cycling in Mono Lake (United States)

    Phillips, A. A.; Fairbanks, D.; Wells, M.; Fullerton, K. M.; Bao, R.; Johnson, H.; Speth, D. R.; Stamps, B. W.; Miller, L.; Sessions, A. L.


    Mono Lake, California is a closed-basin soda lake (pH 9.8) with high sulfate (120mM), and is an ideal natural laboratory for studying microbial sulfur cycling. Mono Lake is typically thermally stratified in summer while mixing completely in winter. However, large snowmelt inputs may induce salinity stratification that persists for up to five years, causing meromixis. During the California drought of 2014-16, the lake has mixed thoroughly each winter, but the abundant 2017 snowmelt may usher in a multi-year stratification. This natural experiment provides an opportunity to investigate the temporal relationship between microbial sulfur cycling and lake biogeochemistry. We analyzed water samples from five depths at two stations in May of 2017, before the onset of meromixis. Water column sulfate isotope values were generally constant with depth, centering at a δ34SVCDT of 17.39 ± 0.06‰. Organic sulfur isotopes were consistently lighter than lake sulfate, with a δ34SVCDT of 15.59 ± 0.56‰. This significant offset between organic and inorganic sulfur contradicts the minimal isotope effect associated with sulfate assimilation. Sediment push core organic values were further depleted, ranging between δ34SVCDT of -8.94‰ and +0.23‰, implying rapid turnover of Mono Lake sulfur pools. Both lipid biomarkers and 16S rRNA gene amplicons identify Picocystis salinarum, a unicellular green alga, as the dominant member of the microbial community. However, bacterial biomarkers and 16S rRNA genes point to microbes capable of sulfur cycling. We found that dsrA increased with depth (R2 = 0.9008, p reducers and sulfide oxidizers after >1 year of stratification. We saw no evidence in May of 2017 of sulfate reducing bacteria across the oxycline. Additionally, no sulfide was detectable in lake bottom waters despite oxygen below 6.25 µM. Preliminary results suggest a dynamic interplay between sulfide oxidation, sulfate reduction, and the onset of lake stratification. Additional

  9. Una discutible ocupación de las páginas de cultura en el diario madrileño El País

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    Dr. José Manuel de Pablos Coello -


    Full Text Available El autor, despué de hacer una introducción al concepto de cultura y al trato que en prensa suele darse a la divulgación cultural, muestra cómo en el diario madrileño El País hay una cierta confusión entre los contenidos de las páginas de cultura y de espectáculos, que van seguidas y en ocasiones muestran textos intercambiados. Analiza cómen la sección "La cultura" se inserta con frecuencia y en el tiempo del tercer director (Jesús Ceberio informaciones sobre moda femenina, siempre ilustradas con bellas modelos que muestran partes de su cuerpo al desnudo. Esa estrategia informativa la califica el autor como una premeditada idea de erotizar las páginas del periódico.

  10. Vestidors nus


    Robles Expósito, Mireia


    Vestidors nus presenta una descripció etnogràfica centrada en el vestidor femení d'una piscina pública. Les línies teòriques d'estudi parteixen de l'espai físic i la seva relació amb el comportament humà, tenint en compte les qualitats biològiques, culturals, socials i de gènere. Vestuarios desnudos presenta una descripción etnográfica centrada en el vestuario femenino de una piscina pública. Las líneas teóricas de estudio parten del espacio físico y su relación con el comportamiento huma...

  11. Production of mono sugar from acid hydrolysis of seaweed | Jang ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... the process conditions for the saccharification of macroalgae (seaweed) into mono sugar using the following parameters such as: Amount of biomass, catalyst concentration, temperature and reaction time. The major component of Ulva pertusa (green seaweed), Laminaria japonica (brown seaweed) and Gelidium amansii ...

  12. Pregnenolone co-treatment partially restores steroidogenesis, but does not prevent growth inhibition and increased atresia in mouse ovarian antral follicles treated with mono-hydroxy methoxychlor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craig, Zelieann R.; Hannon, Patrick R.; Flaws, Jodi A.


    Mono-hydroxy methoxychlor (mono-OH MXC) is a metabolite of the pesticide, methoxychlor (MXC). Although MXC is known to decrease antral follicle numbers, and increase follicle death in rodents, not much is known about the ovarian effects of mono-OH MXC. Previous studies indicate that mono-OH MXC inhibits mouse antral follicle growth, increases follicle death, and inhibits steroidogenesis in vitro. Further, previous studies indicate that CYP11A1 expression and production of progesterone (P 4 ) may be the early targets of mono-OH MXC in the steroidogenic pathway. Thus, this study tested whether supplementing pregnenolone, the precursor of progesterone and the substrate for HSD3B, would prevent decreased steroidogenesis, inhibited follicle growth, and increased follicle atresia in mono-OH MXC-treated follicles. Mouse antral follicles were exposed to vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide), mono-OH MXC (10 μg/mL), pregnenolone (1 μg/mL), or mono-OH MXC and pregnenolone together for 96 h. Levels of P 4 , androstenedione (A), testosterone (T), estrone (E 1 ), and 17β-estradiol (E 2 ) in media were determined, and follicles were processed for histological evaluation of atresia. Pregnenolone treatment alone stimulated production of all steroid hormones except E 2 . Mono-OH MXC-treated follicles had decreased sex steroids, but when given pregnenolone, produced levels of P 4 , A, T, and E 1 that were comparable to those in vehicle-treated follicles. Pregnenolone treatment did not prevent growth inhibition and increased atresia in mono-OH MXC-treated follicles. Collectively, these data support the idea that the most upstream effect of mono-OH MXC on steroidogenesis is by reducing the availability of pregnenolone, and that adding pregnenolone may not be sufficient to prevent inhibited follicle growth and survival. - Highlights: • Mono-OH MXC inhibited antral follicle steroidogenesis, growth, and survival. • Pregnenolone partially restored steroidogenesis in mono-OH MXC

  13. Pregnenolone co-treatment partially restores steroidogenesis, but does not prevent growth inhibition and increased atresia in mouse ovarian antral follicles treated with mono-hydroxy methoxychlor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Craig, Zelieann R., E-mail:; Hannon, Patrick R., E-mail:; Flaws, Jodi A., E-mail:


    Mono-hydroxy methoxychlor (mono-OH MXC) is a metabolite of the pesticide, methoxychlor (MXC). Although MXC is known to decrease antral follicle numbers, and increase follicle death in rodents, not much is known about the ovarian effects of mono-OH MXC. Previous studies indicate that mono-OH MXC inhibits mouse antral follicle growth, increases follicle death, and inhibits steroidogenesis in vitro. Further, previous studies indicate that CYP11A1 expression and production of progesterone (P{sub 4}) may be the early targets of mono-OH MXC in the steroidogenic pathway. Thus, this study tested whether supplementing pregnenolone, the precursor of progesterone and the substrate for HSD3B, would prevent decreased steroidogenesis, inhibited follicle growth, and increased follicle atresia in mono-OH MXC-treated follicles. Mouse antral follicles were exposed to vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide), mono-OH MXC (10 μg/mL), pregnenolone (1 μg/mL), or mono-OH MXC and pregnenolone together for 96 h. Levels of P{sub 4}, androstenedione (A), testosterone (T), estrone (E{sub 1}), and 17β-estradiol (E{sub 2}) in media were determined, and follicles were processed for histological evaluation of atresia. Pregnenolone treatment alone stimulated production of all steroid hormones except E{sub 2}. Mono-OH MXC-treated follicles had decreased sex steroids, but when given pregnenolone, produced levels of P{sub 4}, A, T, and E{sub 1} that were comparable to those in vehicle-treated follicles. Pregnenolone treatment did not prevent growth inhibition and increased atresia in mono-OH MXC-treated follicles. Collectively, these data support the idea that the most upstream effect of mono-OH MXC on steroidogenesis is by reducing the availability of pregnenolone, and that adding pregnenolone may not be sufficient to prevent inhibited follicle growth and survival. - Highlights: • Mono-OH MXC inhibited antral follicle steroidogenesis, growth, and survival. • Pregnenolone partially restored steroidogenesis

  14. The FA Core Complex Contains a Homo-dimeric Catalytic Module for the Symmetric Mono-ubiquitination of FANCI-FANCD2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paolo Swuec


    Full Text Available Activation of the main DNA interstrand crosslink repair pathway in higher eukaryotes requires mono-ubiquitination of FANCI and FANCD2 by FANCL, the E3 ligase subunit of the Fanconi anemia core complex. FANCI and FANCD2 form a stable complex; however, the molecular basis of their ubiquitination is ill defined. FANCD2 mono-ubiquitination by FANCL is stimulated by the presence of the FANCB and FAAP100 core complex components, through an unknown mechanism. How FANCI mono-ubiquitination is achieved remains unclear. Here, we use structural electron microscopy, combined with crosslink-coupled mass spectrometry, to find that FANCB, FANCL, and FAAP100 form a dimer of trimers, containing two FANCL molecules that are ideally poised to target both FANCI and FANCD2 for mono-ubiquitination. The FANCC-FANCE-FANCF subunits bridge between FANCB-FANCL-FAAP100 and the FANCI-FANCD2 substrate. A transient interaction with FANCC-FANCE-FANCF alters the FANCI-FANCD2 configuration, stabilizing the dimerization interface. Our data provide a model to explain how equivalent mono-ubiquitination of FANCI and FANCD2 occurs.

  15. Heavy metals behaviour during mono-combustion and co-combustion of sewage sludge

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopes, M. Helena; Abelha, Pedro; Olieveira, J.F. Santos; Gulyurtlu, Ibrahim; Cabrita, Isabel [INETI-DEECA, Lisboa (Portugal)


    This paper presents the study of the combustion of granular dry sewage sludge performed on a pilot fluidized bed system. The results of mono-combustion of sludge and co-combustion with coal were compared with those of coal combustion for ash partitioning, the formation of gaseous pollutants and heavy metals behaviour. It was found that the mineral matter of sludge was essentially retained as bottom ashes. The production of fines ashes was small during the mono-combustion due to the tendency of coal to produce fine ashes which also contained unburned char. The degree of heavy metal volatilization was found to be slightly higher during co-combustion than in mono-combustion; however, most of them were retained in ashes and their emissions were found to be below the regulated levels. Hg was completely volatilized; however, during combustion trials involving coal it was captured by cyclone ashes at temperatures below 300 deg C. During sludge mono-combustion the retention of Hg in cyclone ashes containing low LOI was not enough to decrease emissions below the regulated levels; hence, it is necessary to install dedicated flue gas treatment for Hg removal. The leachability and ecotoxicity of sludge and ashes was compared with the new regulatory limits for landfill disposal in the EU. It was found that the release of organic matter and heavy metals found in the sludge was low from granular bed ashes; hence, except for sulphate release, bed ashes were converted into inert and non-ecotoxic materials. Ashes from test with limestone and cyclone ashes seemed to be more problematic because of pH effects and contamination with steel corrosion products. The recovery and reutilization of sludge bed ashes could, therefore, be possible, as long as the release of sulphate do not interfere with the process.

  16. The deregulation of the Italian natural gas industry and diversification processes in the down-stream sector; I riflessi dell'apertura del mercato italiano del gas naturale sul riposizionamento strategico degli operatori nel settore down-stream

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fazioli, R. [Ferrara Univ., Ferrara (Italy); Quaglino, S. [Cap Gemini Ernst and Young, Energy Division, Milan (Italy); Di Domenico, M. [Milan Bocconi Univ., Milan (Italy). Istituto di Economia delle Fonti di Energia


    The opening of the italian gas market , due to the privatisation and liberalisation process, has been implemented by the important normative evolution of this sector both at european and national level. The debate following this process in the gas market has focussed, basically, on the up-stream sector leaving aside the important down-stream sector also concerning gas local distribution and sales. In this article it is paid more attention to the down-stream sector considering the firms' evolution from a basic mono utility to multi utility and multi services organisational structure. This potential firms' evolution in the italian gas market will be considered also referring to specific international experience in this market. [Italian] L'apertura del mercato italiano del gas naturale e' la conseguenza, principalmente, dei processi di privatizzazione e liberalizzazione che sono seguiti alla normativa europea e nazionale che disciplinano tale mercato. Il dibattito seguito a questo processo si e' essenzialmente focalizzato sul settore up-stream e poca attenzione e' stata invece rivolta all'importante settore down-stream, ossia la distribuzione locale e la vendita. Su tale settore si focalizza l'attenzione di questo articolo nell'intento di delineare i possibili scenari di sviluppo delle imprese operanti che, da una semplice strutura mono-utility, si evolvano verso una struttura multi-utility e multi-service.

  17. Gamma spectra pictures using a digital plotter. Program MONO; Representacion de Espectros directos mediante un trazado digital. Prograa MONO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Los Arcos, J M


    The program MONO has been written for a CALCOMP-936 digital plotter operating off- -line with a UMI VAC 1106 computer, to obtain graphic representations of single gamma spectra stored on magnetic tape. It allows to plot the whole spectrum or only a part, as well as to draw a given spectrum on the same or different picture than the previous one. Ten representation scales are available and at up nine comment lines can be written in a graphic. (Author) 4 refs.

  18. Rotavirus infection in children: mono-and combines forms, especially clinics and course

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. B. Denisyuk


    Full Text Available Analyzed 74 case histories of children under one year with rotavirus infection. The most commonly detected rotavirus gastroenteritis in the form of mono-and combined forms. Mono-infection in 78.3% of cases occurred in the moderate form with a leading syndrome in the form of gastroenteritis, severe dehydration proceeded with symptoms of varying severity. Mixed variants in 98.7% of cases are in the unfavorable premorbid background, in 42.8% of children were registered in the severe forms, and children younger than 6 months were erased within. The diagnosis of intestinal infection was confirmed by PCR, bacteriological and immunological methods.

  19. Increased CD56(bright) NK cells in HIV-HCV co-infection and HCV mono-infection are associated with distinctive alterations of their phenotype. (United States)

    Bhardwaj, Suvercha; Ahmad, Fareed; Wedemeyer, Heiner; Cornberg, Marcus; Schulze Zur Wiesch, Julian; van Lunzen, Jan; Sarin, Shiv K; Schmidt, Reinhold E; Meyer-Olson, Dirk


    HIV-HCV co-infection is associated with accelerated progression to hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma than HCV mono-infection. The contribution of innate immunity during HIV-HCV co-infection has been a relatively under-investigated area. Natural killer (NK) cells are pivotal sentinels of innate immunity against viruses and tumour cells. In this study we evaluated the effect of HIV-HCV co-infection on peripheral blood NK cell subsets with emphasis on the phenotype of CD56(bright) NK cells. Sixty patients were included in the study; HIV mono-infected (n = 12), HCV mono-infected (n = 15), HCV-HIV co-infected (n = 21) and healthy controls (n = 16). PBMCs were isolated and immunophenotyping of NK cells was performed by flowcytometry. We observed an expansion of CD56(bright) NK cell subset in HIV-HCV co-infection as compared to healthy controls and HIV mono-infected group. All the infected groups had an upregulated expression of the activating receptor NKG2D on CD56(bright) NK cells in comparison to healthy controls while not differing amongst themselves. The expression of NKp46 in HIV-HCV co-infected group was significantly upregulated as compared to both HIV as well as HCV mono-infections while NKp30 expression in the HIV-HCV co-infected group significantly differed as compared to HIV mono-infection. The CD56(bright) NK cell subset was activated in HIV-HCV co-infection as assessed by the expression of CD69 as compared to healthy controls but was significantly downregulated in comparison to HIV mono-infection. CD95 expression on CD56(bright) NK cells followed the same pattern where there was an increased expression of CD95 in HIV mono-infection and HIV-HCV co-infection as compared to healthy controls. In contrast to CD69 expression, CD95 expression in HCV mono-infection was decreased when compared to HIV mono-infection and HIV-HCV co-infection. Finally, expression of CXCR3 on CD56(bright) NK cells was increased in HIV-HCV co-infection in comparison

  20. Dust Generation Resulting from Desiccation of Playa Systems: Studies on Mono and Owens Lakes, California (United States)

    Gill, Thomas Edward


    Playas, evaporites, and aeolian sediments frequently are linked components within the Earth system. Anthropogenic water diversions from terminal lakes form playas that release fugitive dust. These actions, documented worldwide, simulate aeolian processes activated during palaeoclimatic pluvial/interpluvial transitions, and have significant environmental impacts. Pluvial lakes Russell and Owens in North America's Great Basin preceded historic Mono and Owens Lakes, now desiccated by water diversions into dust-generating, evaporite -encrusted playas. Geochemical and hydrologic cycles acting on the Owens (Dry) Lake playa form three distinct crust types each year. Although initial dust production results from deflation of surface efflorescences after the playa dries, most aerosols are created by saltation abrasion of salt/silt/clay crusts at crust/ sand sheet contacts. The warm-season, clastic "cemented" crust is slowest to degrade into dust. If the playa surface is stabilized by an unbroken, non-efflorescent crust, dust formation is discouraged. When Mono Lake's surFace elevation does not exceed 1951 meters (6400 feet), similar processes will also generate dust from its saline lower playa. Six factors--related to wind, topography, groundwater, and sediments--control dust formation at both playas. These factors were combined into a statistical model relating suspended dust concentrations to playa/lake morphometry. The model shows the extent and severity of Mono Lake dust storms expands significantly below the surface level 6376 feet (1943.5 meters). X-ray diffraction analysis of Mono Basin soils, playa sediments, and aerosols demonstrates geochemical cycling of materials through land, air and water during Mono Lake's 1982 low stand. Soils and clastic playa sediments contain silicate minerals and tephra. Saline groundwater deposited calcite, halite, thenardite, gaylussite, burkeite and glauberite onto the lower playa. Aerosols contained silicate minerals (especially

  1. Assessment of genetic diversity and variation of acer mono max seedlings after spaceflight

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Long, C.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, M.


    Genetic diversity and variation of Acer Mono Maxim seedlings sampled from space-mutated (sm) populations were compared to seedlings from parallel control (ck) ones using molecular markers. RAMP analysis showed that the percentage of polymorphic band, Shannon diversity index and Nei gene diversity index of the space-mutated populations were higher than those of the control ones, which indicated that genetic variation increased after spaceflight in populations of Acer Mono Maxim. By using un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) method, three space-mutated repeats (populations) were clustered together, and control groups clustered separately, which further indicated that there was difference between the space-mutated ones and the control ones, which may be caused by space mutation. Further analysis of genomic inconsistency between the root and leaf samples from the same tree showed that a total variation rate of 6.3% and 1.7% were obtained in ten space-mutated individuals by using RAMP and SSR markers, respectively, however, the variation rate was zero in control ones. It provided that space mutation may be caused the individual variation of Acer Mono Maxim. (author)

  2. Electrochemical noise evaluation of anodized aluminum. Comparative study against corrosion behaviour in the atmosphere

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Betancourt, N.


    Full Text Available The present work reports the evaluation of aluminum and anodized aluminum by electrochemical noise, as a part of the PATINA/CYTED project of the working group Nº 5. A visual examination is also made. The samples were exposed at several Ibero-American atmospheres up to 2 years of exposure. Different thickness of anodized aluminum were evaluated. The electrochemical potential noise of the 5 μm unexposed sample (pattern showed a different behaviour to that showed by the other anodized specimens. This could be due to a slower sealed of the samples of higher thickness. The same behaviour was observed on the samples exposed at the rural station El Pardo. According to the visual examination, the samples of bare aluminum and those of anodized 5 μm thickness were the most affected by pitting corrosion in the highly polluted atmospheres. A good correlation between corrosion behaviour determined by visual examination and EN was obtained.

    Como parte de las investigaciones de la Red PATINA el grupo de trabajo Nº 5 dedicó su atención al comportamiento del aluminio desnudo y anodizado con diferentes espesores en diferentes atmósferas de Iberoamérica. En el presente trabajo se presenta una evaluación de patrones de aluminio 99,5 % de pureza desnudo y anodizado con espesores de 15 y 25 μm, mediante ruido electroquímico. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan con el comportamiento determinado en diferentes atmósferas durante un período de 2 años. El ruido de voltaje del patrón de 5 μm de espesor presenta un comportamiento diferente al de los restantes espesores, lo que coincide con una mayor susceptibilidad a la corrosión picadura de este primer anodizado. Se reportan también algunas diferencias en el ruido de corriente. Se concluye que mediante la utilización del ruido electroquímico es posible caracterizar el aluminio con respecto a su sensibilidad a la corrosión picadura en condiciones atmosféricas.

  3. Madness, Dissidence and Transduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Craig Stewart Walker


    Full Text Available El artista disidente ruso Piotr (o Petr Pavlensky recibió atención internacional luego de que en 2013 se transmitiera un video en el que aparecía sentado con los testículos clavados a los adoquines de la Plaza Roja de Moscú. Posteriormente, se reveló que el incidente hacía parte de una serie de acciones artísticas de Pavlensky, que incluyeron coserse la boca, aparecer desnudo dentro de un rollo de alambre de púas frente a la sede de la Asamblea Legislativa, construir una barrera de neumáticos en llamas en el centro de San Petersburgo, haciendo alusión a los levantamientos políticos en Kiev, cortarse su propia oreja mientras se sentaba desnudo en la pared del Hospital Psiquiátrico de Serbsky y prender fuego a las puertas de madera del cuartel general del Servicio Secreto ruso. Aunque las autoridades rusas han intentado en varias ocasiones tratar a Pavlensky como si estuviera criminalmente loco, él sigue defendiendo de manera articulada sus actividades como obras de arte político disidente. Este artículo explora la idea de que Pavlensky usa deliberadamente la transducción como una herramienta por medio de la cual su trabajo cobra sentido. Pavlensky invoca conscientemente dos campos diferentes de interpretación cultural. La primera es la adhesión de las autoridades al Código Penal ruso, que se utiliza para ejercer un control despótico sobre el pueblo ruso. El segundo es el discurso internacional que rodea el arte de vanguardia, que defiende la libertad de expresión, incluidas las obras disidentes. Al asegurar que hay una transducción de su trabajo desde el primer campo al segundo, Pavlensky crea una colisión de opinión en la que la legitimidad de la política estatal de Rusia es desafiada y deslegitimada.

  4. MonoMax Suture: A New Long-Term Absorbable Monofilament Suture Made from Poly-4-Hydroxybutyrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erich K. Odermatt


    Full Text Available A long-term absorbable monofilament suture was developed using poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB made from a biosynthetically produced homopolymer of the natural metabolite 4-hydroxybutyrate. The suture, called MonoMax, has prolonged strength retention. At 12 weeks, a size 3-0 MonoMax suture retains approximately 50% of its initial tensile strength in vivo and is substantially degraded in one year with minimal tissue reaction. In contrast, PDS II monofilament suture (Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ has no residual strength in vivo after 12 weeks. In vivo, the MonoMax suture is hydrolyzed primarily by bulk hydrolysis, and is then degraded via the Krebs cycle. MonoMax is substantially more compliant than other monofilament sutures, and incorporates an element of elasticity. Its tensile modulus of 0.48 GPa is approximately one-third of the value of the PDS II fiber providing an exceptionally flexible and pliable fiber with excellent knot strength and security. These features are further enhanced by the fiber's elasticity, which also improves knot security and may help prevent wound dehiscence. Because of its performance advantages, this suture may find clinical utility in applications where prolonged strength retention, and greater flexibility are required, particularly in procedures like abdominal wall closure where wound dehiscence is still a significant post-surgical complication.

  5. Water miscible mono alcohols' effect on the proteolytic performance of Bacillus clausii serine alkaline protease. (United States)

    Duman, Yonca Avci; Kazan, Dilek; Denizci, Aziz Akin; Erarslan, Altan


    In this study, our investigations showed that the increasing concentrations of all examined mono alcohols caused a decrease in the Vm, kcat and kcat/Km values of Bacillus clausii GMBE 42 serine alkaline protease for casein hydrolysis. However, the Km value of the enzyme remained almost the same, which was an indicator of non-competitive inhibition. Whereas inhibition by methanol was partial non-competitive, inhibition by the rest of the alcohols tested was simple non-competitive. The inhibition constants (KI) were in the range of 1.32-3.10 M, and the order of the inhibitory effect was 1-propanol>2-propanol>methanol>ethanol. The ΔG(≠) and ΔG(≠)E-T values of the enzyme increased at increasing concentrations of all alcohols examined, but the ΔG(≠)ES value of the enzyme remained almost the same. The constant Km and ΔG(≠)ES values in the presence and absence of mono alcohols indicated the existence of different binding sites for mono alcohols and casein on enzyme the molecule. The kcat of the enzyme decreased linearly by increasing log P and decreasing dielectric constant (D) values, but the ΔG(≠) and ΔG(≠)E-T values of the enzyme increased by increasing log P and decreasing D values of the reaction medium containing mono alcohols.

  6. Anaerobic mono-digestion of lucerne, grass and forbs – Influence of species and cutting frequency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wahid, Radziah; Feng, Lu; Cong, Wenfeng


    but it was not possible to ascertain whether this was due to organic overload alone or if high ammonia levels during Lu-4 digestion were contributing to the reduced performance. It was found that four cuts per year was suitable for a lab-scale mono-digestion system as the substrate was less fibrous and has lower dry......In the present study, biogas potentials of multispecies swards including grass, lucerne, caraway, ribwort plantain and chicory from two- and four-cut regimes (Mix-2 and Mix-4) for mono-digestion applying batch and continuous modes under lab-scale conditions were investigated. The gas yields...... confirmed with continuous experiments, during which the reactor digesting Mix-4 was stable throughout the experiment with low ammonia and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. Meanwhile, mono-digestion of Lu-4 led to elevated VFA levels, even at a comparatively low organic loading rate of 1.76 g L−1 d−1...

  7. Retrograde axoplasmic flow of serotonin in central mono-aminergic neurons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leger, Lucienne; Pujol, J.-F.; Bobillier, Pierre; Jouvet, Michel


    Following an injection of 3 H-5 HT in the neostriatum of the Rat, the tracer is transported by axoplasmic retrograde flow to the cell groups containing mono-aminergic neurons which are known or thought to have afferences to this structure: substantia nigra, dopaminergic group A8 and n. raphe dorsalis [fr

  8. Strenuous running exacerbates knee cartilage erosion induced by low amount of mono-iodoacetate in rats


    Saito, Ryusuke; Muneta, Takeshi; Ozeki, Nobutake; Nakagawa, Yusuke; Udo, Mio; Yanagisawa, Katsuaki; Tsuji, Kunikazu; Tomita, Makoto; Koga, Hideyuki; Sekiya, Ichiro


    Background It is still debated whether strenuous running in the inflammatory phase produces beneficial or harmful effect in rat knees. We examined (1) the dropout rate of rats during a 30-km running protocol, (2) influences of strenuous running and/or low amounts of mono-iodoacetate injection on cartilage, and (3) the effect of strenuous running on synovitis. Methods Rats were forced to run 30?km over 6?weeks and the dropout rate was examined. One week after 0.1?mg mono-iodoacetate was inject...

  9. Presentación del Libro “Tres Médicos Árabes” Rhases, Averroes, Avicena

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Efraim Otero Ruiz


    Pero esa misma migratoriedad, especialmente de las del norte, hizo que gradualmente se extendieran por Siria, Mesopotamia y por todo el antiguo imperio Persa hasta la India, por el oriente; y por Egipto y la costa norte del Africa hasta Gibraltar, por el occidente. Unidos por lenguajes ancestrales derivados del sumerio, el babilonio, el sánscrito y el urdu, que dieron origen al idioma árabe, en esas regiones había enclaves de muchas tribus y muchas religiones, mono y politeístas. El genio de Mahoma y su Corán fue el unificarlos monoteísticamente y darles un sentido de trascendencia, en esta vida y en la otra. Por eso, en el milenio que nos ocupa, se cumplió lo que después describiría maravillosamente Carlyle, el pensador inglés: Aquella estirpe, polvo inflamable por mucho tiempo aislado en el desierto, de golpe prendió fuego y sus llamas formidables se elevaron al cielo desde Dehli, en la India, hasta Granada en España...

  10. Photo-modulation of the spin Hall conductivity of mono-layer transition metal dichalcogenides

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sengupta, Parijat; Bellotti, Enrico [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 (United States)


    We report on a possible optical tuning of the spin Hall conductivity in mono-layer transition metal dichalcogenides. Light beams of frequencies much higher than the energy scale of the system (the off-resonant condition) do not excite electrons but rearrange the band structure. The rearrangement is quantitatively established using the Floquet formalism. For such a system of mono-layer transition metal dichalcogenides, the spin Hall conductivity (calculated with the Kubo expression in presence of disorder) exhibits a drop at higher frequencies and lower intensities. Finally, we compare the spin Hall conductivity of the higher spin-orbit coupled WSe{sub 2} to MoS{sub 2}; the spin Hall conductivity of WSe{sub 2} was found to be larger.

  11. [Detection of fps tumor antigen with mono-specific anti-fps serum in tumors induced by acute transforming ALV]. (United States)

    Wang, Yixin; Chen, Hao; Zhao, Peng; Li, Jianliang; Cui, Zhizhong


    To prepare anti-fps mono-specific serum, and detect the fps antigen in tumors induced by acute transforming avian leukosis/sarcoma virus containing v-fps oncogene. Two part of v-fps gene was amplified by RT-PCR using the Fu-J viral RNA as the template. Mono-specific serum was prepared by immuning Kunming white mouse with both two recombinant infusion proteins expressed by the prokaryotic expression system. Indirect immunofluorescent assay was used to detect fps antigen in tumor tissue suspension cells and CEF infected by sarcoma supernatant. Immunohistochemical method was used to detect fps antigen in tumor tissue. The mouse mono-specific serum was specific as it had no cross reaction with classical ALV-J strains. The result reveals that the tumor tissue suspension cells, the CEF infected by sarcoma supernatant, and the slice immunohistochemistry of the sarcoma showed positive results. The anti-fps mono-specific serum was prepared, and the detection method was established, which laid the foundation for the study of viral biological characteristics and mechanism of tumourgenesis of acute transforming avian leukosis/sarcoma virus containing v-fps oncogene.

  12. Influência da mono-hidrogenação da fração C5 na síntese do TAME usando Amberlyst 15 como catalisador Influence of mono-hydrogenation of C5 cut on the synthesis of TAME using Amberlyst 15

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilberto da Cunha Gonçalves


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, foi estudada a síntese do TAME, em fase líquida, a partir de uma fração C5 e metanol, utilizando Amberlyst 15 como catalisador. A fração C5 utilizada possui uma diolefina, que tem uma alta tendência à formação de gomas e um alto teor de mono-olefinas. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da mono-hidrogenação da fração C5 na síntese do TAME. A hidrogenação foi feita a 80oC e 10 kgf/cm2 de H2, usando um catalisador 0,3% Pt/Al2O3. A diolefina foi totalmente hidrogenada e o teor de mono-olefinas significativamente reduzido sem um decréscimo apreciável no teor de isoamilenos reativos. A eterificação foi feita em um reator tipo batelada de 250 mL, com agitação magnética. A temperatura foi variada na faixa de 50 a 90oC, com uma pressão de 10 kgf/cm2 e razão molar isoamileno/metanol de aproximadamente um. Os produtos de reação foram analisados por cromatografia gasosa. A conversão total observada foi aproximadamente a mesma para o os cortes original e mono-hidrogenado. Entretanto, os produtos obtidos utilizando a fração C5 original apresentaram cheiro forte e coloração, mesmos para os testes a temperaturas mais baixas, que são características da formação de gomas. Por outro lado, quando a fração mono-hidrogenada foi usada na eterificação, o cheiro forte e coloração não foram observados. Portanto, a mono-hidrogenação da fração C5 contendo os isoamilenos reativos é necessária para que o TAME produzido na reação de eterificação possa ser adicionado à gasolinaTAME was synthesized in liquid phase from refinery C5 cut and methanol using Amberlyst 15 as catalyst. The C5 stream contains mainly mono-olefins and, in a less amount, a diolefin, which have a high gum formation tendency. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of mono-hydrogenation of C5 cut on TAME synthesis. The hydrogenation step was carried out at 80 oC and 10 kgf/cm2 of H2

  13. Experimental damping assessment of a full scale offshore mono bucket foundation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gres, Szymon; Fejerskov, Morten; Ibsen, Lars Bo


    This paper quantifies the system damping of a offshore meteorological mast supported by a Mono Bucket foundation based on a long-term experimental campaign. The structure is located at Dogger Bank west, North Sea, and equipped with a measurement system monitoring acceleration, strain, inclination...

  14. In vitro quantification of the performance of model-based mono-planar and bi-planar fluoroscopy for 3D joint kinematics estimation. (United States)

    Tersi, Luca; Barré, Arnaud; Fantozzi, Silvia; Stagni, Rita


    Model-based mono-planar and bi-planar 3D fluoroscopy methods can quantify intact joints kinematics with performance/cost trade-off. The aim of this study was to compare the performances of mono- and bi-planar setups to a marker-based gold-standard, during dynamic phantom knee acquisitions. Absolute pose errors for in-plane parameters were lower than 0.6 mm or 0.6° for both mono- and bi-planar setups. Mono-planar setups resulted critical in quantifying the out-of-plane translation (error bi-planar in quantifying the rotation along bone longitudinal axis (error bi-planar (error comparable to bi-planar, but with halved computational costs, halved segmentation time and halved ionizing radiation dose. Bi-planar analysis better compensated for the out-of-plane uncertainty that is differently propagated to relative kinematics depending on the setup. To take its full benefits, the motion task to be investigated should be designed to maintain the joint inside the visible volume introducing constraints with respect to mono-planar analysis.

  15. On the Development of Constitutive Relations for Plain and Reinforced Concrete. (United States)


    Costitutive e Con- dizioni di Rottura del Calcestruzzo in Stati de Tensione Mono e Pluriassiali." Costruzione in Cemento Armato, Studi e Rendiconti...leggi, costitutive e con- dizioni di rottura del calcestruzzo in stati di tensione mono e pluriassiali." Construzione in Cemento Armato, Studi e

  16. Microbial ecology of soda lakes: investigating sulfur and nitrogen cycling at Mono Lake, CA, USA (United States)

    Fairbanks, D.; Phillips, A. A.; Wells, M.; Bao, R.; Fullerton, K. M.; Stamps, B. W.; Speth, D. R.; Johnson, H.; Sessions, A. L.


    Soda lakes represent unique ecosystems characterized by extremes of pH, salinity and distinct geochemical cycling. Despite these extreme conditions, soda lakes are important repositories of biological adaptation and have a highly functional microbial system. We investigated the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and nitrogen compounds in Mono Lake, California, located east of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Mono lake is characterized by hyperalkaline, hypersaline and high sulfate concentrations and can enter prolonged periods of meromixis due to freshwater inflow. Typically, the microbial sulfur cycle is highly active in soda lakes with both oxidation and reduction of sulfur compounds. However, the biological sulfur cycle is connected to many other main elemental cycles such as carbon, nitrogen and metals. Here we investigated the interaction between sulfur and nitrogen cycling in Mono lake using a combination of molecular, isotopic, and geochemical observations to explore the links between microbial phylogenetic composition and functionality. Metagenomic and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing were determined at two locations and five depths in May 2017. 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing analysis revealed organisms capable of both sulfur and nitrogen cycling. The relative abundance and distribution of functional genes (dsrA, soxAB, nifH, etc) were also determined. These genetic markers indicate the potential in situ relevance of specific carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur pathways in the water column prior to the transition to meromictic stratification. However, genes for sulfide oxidation, denitrification, and ammonification were present. Genome binning guided by the most abundant dsrA sequences, GC content, and abundance with depth identified a Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus bin containing genes capable of sulfur oxidation, denitrification, and nitrate reduction. The presence of a large number of sulfur and nitrogen cycling genes associated with Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus

  17. Advanced virtual monochromatic reconstruction of dual-energy unenhanced brain computed tomography in children: comparison of image quality against standard mono-energetic images and conventional polychromatic computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Juil [Seoul National University Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Young Hun [Seoul National University Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Cheon, Jung-Eun; Kim, Woo Sun; Kim, In-One [Seoul National University Children' s Hospital, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University College of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Pak, Seong Yong [Siemens Healthineers, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Krauss, Bernhard [Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim (Germany)


    Advanced virtual monochromatic reconstruction from dual-energy brain CT has not been evaluated in children. To determine the most effective advanced virtual monochromatic imaging energy level for maximizing pediatric brain parenchymal image quality in dual-energy unenhanced brain CT and to compare this technique with conventional monochromatic reconstruction and polychromatic scanning. Using both conventional (Mono) and advanced monochromatic reconstruction (Mono+) techniques, we retrospectively reconstructed 13 virtual monochromatic imaging energy levels from 40 keV to 100 keV in 5-keV increments from dual-source, dual-energy unenhanced brain CT scans obtained in 23 children. We analyzed gray and white matter noise ratios, signal-to-noise ratios and contrast-to-noise ratio, and posterior fossa artifact. We chose the optimal mono-energetic levels and compared them with conventional CT. For Mono+maximum optima were observed at 60 keV, and minimum posterior fossa artifact at 70 keV. For Mono, optima were at 65-70 keV, with minimum posterior fossa artifact at 75 keV. Mono+ was superior to Mono and to polychromatic CT for image-quality measures. Subjective analysis rated Mono+superior to other image sets. Optimal virtual monochromatic imaging using Mono+ algorithm demonstrated better image quality for gray-white matter differentiation and reduction of the artifact in the posterior fossa. (orig.)

  18. Some transition metal complexes derived from mono- and di-ethynyl perfluorobenzenes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Armitt, D.J.; Bruce, M.I.; Gaudio, M.; Zaitseva, N.N.; Skelton, B.W.; White, A.H.; Le Guennic, B.; Halet, J.-F.; Fox, M.A.; Roberts, R.L.; Hartl, F.; Low, P.J.


    Transition metal alkynyl complexes containing perfluoroaryl groups have been prepared directly from trimethylsilyl-protected mono- and di-ethynyl perfluoroarenes by simple desilylation/metallation reaction sequences. Reactions between Me3SiC CC6F5 and RuCl(dppe)Cp'[Cp' = Cp, Cp*] in the presence of

  19. Radiation degradation and hemolytic toxicity evaluation of mono azo reactive dyes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saeed, Q.U.; Bhatti, I.A.; Ashraf, A.


    Monoazo reactive dyes have been synthesized and subjected to degradation before their application. Advanced oxidation process has been recognized as a promising radiation technology for the remediation of hazardous organic compounds. Radiation induced degradation of two mono azo reactive dyes have been tried at different absorbed dose, 5 kGy,10 kGy and 15 kGy. Aqueous solutions of these dyes were treated with gamma radiation using Cs 137 radiation source at Nuclear Institute of Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) Faisalabad. Dyes were evaluated spectrophotometrically by UV-visible and fourier transform infra red (FT-IR) spectroscopic techniques before and after irradiation to analyse their percentage decolorization and degradation. Maximum percentage decolorization of 93% and 63% was achieved for mono azo dyes D1 and D2 at 15 kGy absorbed dose. Toxicity study of these dyes was also tested by haemolytic activity assay. Percentage haemolytic activity of untreated dyes was found within permissible limit showing non toxicity of dye solutions. (author)

  20. Simulation of gas hydrogen diffusion through partially water saturated mono-modal materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boher, C.; Lorente, S.; Frizon, F.; Bart, F.


    Concerning the disposal of nuclear wastes, it is important to design concrete envelopes with pore networks that allow the diffusion of hydrogen towards the outside. This work documents the relationship between geo-polymers, which are materials with a quasi mono-modal pore network, and their gaseous diffusivity capacities. Using a mono-modal material allows studying a specific pore size contribution to gaseous diffusion. The pore network is characterized by mercury porosimetry. These experimental results are used as data in a model named MOHYCAN. The modeling work consists of creating a virtual pore network. Then, water layers are deposited in this network to simulate variable water saturation levels. Finally hydrogen is transported through the virtual network using a combination of ordinary diffusion and Knudsen diffusion. MOHYCAN calculates the hydrogen diffusion coefficient for water saturation degree from 0% to 100%. The impacts of the pore network arrangement or the pore network discretization have been studied. The results are, for a quasi mono-modal material: -) the diffusion coefficient is not sensitive to different virtual pore network arrangement; -) the diffusion coefficient values have a sharp drop at specific water saturation (this is due to the water saturation of the main and unique pore family); -) a 2 pores family based model is sufficient to represent the pore network. Theses observations will not be valid if we consider a material with a large pore size distribution, like cementitious materials

  1. PKD1 Mono-Allelic Knockout Is Sufficient to Trigger Renal Cystogenesis in a Mini-Pig Model


    He, Jin; Li, Qiuyan; Fang, Suyun; Guo, Ying; Liu, Tongxin; Ye, Jianhua; Yu, Zhengquan; Zhang, Ran; Zhao, Yaofeng; Hu, Xiaoxiang; Bai, Xueyuan; Chen, Xiangmei; Li, Ning


    PKD1 and PKD2 mutations could lead to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), which afflicts millions of people worldwide. Due to the marked differences in the lifespan, size, anatomy, and physiology from humans, rodent ADPKD models cannot fully mimic the disease. To obtain a large animal model that recapitulates the disease, we constructed a mini-pig model by mono-allelic knockout (KO) of PKD1 using zinc finger nuclease. The mono-allelic KO pigs had lower PKD1 expression than t...

  2. Biochemical Properties of a New Cold-Active Mono- and Diacylglycerol Lipase from Marine Member Janibacter sp. Strain HTCC2649

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongjuan Yuan


    Full Text Available Mono- and di-acylglycerol lipase has been applied to industrial usage in oil modification for its special substrate selectivity. Until now, the reported mono- and di-acylglycerol lipases from microorganism are limited, and there is no report on the mono- and di-acylglycerol lipase from bacteria. A predicted lipase (named MAJ1 from marine Janibacter sp. strain HTCC2649 was purified and biochemical characterized. MAJ1 was clustered in the family I.7 of esterase/lipase. The optimum activity of the purified MAJ1 occurred at pH 7.0 and 30 °C. The enzyme retained 50% of the optimum activity at 5 °C, indicating that MAJ1 is a cold-active lipase. The enzyme activity was stable in the presence of various metal ions, and inhibited in EDTA. MAJ1 was resistant to detergents. MAJ1 preferentially hydrolyzed mono- and di-acylglycerols, but did not show activity to triacylglycerols of camellia oil substrates. Further, MAJ1 is low homologous to that of the reported fungal diacylglycerol lipases, including Malassezia globosa lipase 1 (SMG1, Penicillium camembertii lipase U-150 (PCL, and Aspergillus oryzae lipase (AOL. Thus, we identified a novel cold-active bacterial lipase with a sn-1/3 preference towards mono- and di-acylglycerides for the first time. Moreover, it has the potential, in oil modification, for special substrate selectivity.

  3. IRIS Toxicological Review of Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl ... (United States)

    EPA released the draft report, Toxicological Review for Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl Ether , that was distributed to Federal agencies and White House Offices for comment during the Science Discussion step of the IRIS Assessment Development Process. Comments received from other Federal agencies and White House Offices are provided below with external peer review panel comments. EPA is conducting a peer review of the scientific basis supporting the human health hazard and dose-response assessment of EGBE that will appear on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) database.

  4. Measurement and prediction of dabigatran etexilate mesylate Form II solubility in mono-solvents and mixed solvents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiao, Yan; Wang, Jingkang; Wang, Ting; Ouyang, Jinbo; Huang, Xin; Hao, Hongxun; Bao, Ying; Fang, Wen; Yin, Qiuxiang


    Highlights: • Solubility of DEM Form II in mono-solvents and binary solvent mixtures was measured. • Regressed UNIFAC model was used to predict the solubility in solvent mixtures. • The experimental solubility data were correlated by different models. - Abstract: UV spectrometer method was used to measure the solubility data of dabigatran etexilate mesylate (DEM) Form II in five mono-solvents (methanol, ethanol, ethane-1,2-diol, DMF, DMAC) and binary solvent mixtures of methanol and ethanol in the temperature range from 287.37 K to 323.39 K. The experimental solubility data in mono-solvents were correlated with modified Apelblat equation, van’t Hoff equation and λh equation. GSM model and Modified Jouyban-Acree model were employed to correlate the solubility data in mixed solvent systems. And Regressed UNIFAC model was used to predict the solubility of DEM Form II in the binary solvent mixtures. Results showed that the predicted data were consistent with the experimental data.

  5. Biosynthesis and Degradation of Mono-, Oligo-, and Polysaccharides: Introduction (United States)

    Wilson, Iain B. H.

    Glycomolecules, whether they be mono-, oligo-, or polysaccharides or simple glycosides, are—as any biological molecules—the products of biosynthetic processes; on the other hand, at the end of their lifespan, they are also subject to degradation. The beginning point, biochemically, is the fixation of carbon by photosynthesis; subsequent metabolism in plants and other organisms results in the generation of the various monosaccharides. These must be activated—typically as nucleotide sugars or lipid-phosphosugars—before transfer by glycosyltransferases can take place in order to produce the wide variety of oligo- and polysaccharides seen in Nature; complicated remodelling processes may take place—depending on the pathway—which result in partial trimming of a precursor by glycosidases prior to the addition of further monosaccharide units. Upon completion of the 'life' of a glycoconjugate, glycosidases will degrade the macromolecule finally into monosaccharide units which can be metabolized or salvaged for incorporation into new glycan chains. In modern glycoscience, a wide variety of methods—genetic, biochemical, analytical—are being employed in order to understand these various pathways and to place them within their biological and medical context. In this chapter, these processes and relevant concepts and methods are introduced, prior to elaboration in the subsequent more specialized chapters on biosynthesis and degradation of mono-, oligo-, and polysaccharides.

  6. [Improvement of symptoms in mild hyperthyroidism with an extract of Lycopus europaeus (Thyreogutt® mono)]. (United States)

    Eiling, Rudolf; Wieland, Veronika; Niestroj, Michael


    Extracts of Lycopus europaeus are used clinically for the control of vegetative and irritative symptoms in mild hyperthyroidism. This study assessed the effects and safety of an extract of Lycopus europaeus (Thyreogutt® mono tablets or drops) in a general practice setting. The study was conducted as an open post-marketing surveillance study consisting of three cohorts, i.e. a prolective assessment in patients receiving Thyreogutt® mono for 4 weeks, a retrolective documentation of data from patients who had received at least one course (4 weeks) of Thyreogutt® mono therapy during the previous 2 years, and a control cohort receiving no drug treatment. Assessments comprised symptoms of mild hyperthyroidism, laboratory tests of thyroid function and adverse events surveillance. Response was defined as normal thyroid hormone values at the end of therapy or a reduction of at least 20% in the number of symptoms after treatment. Responder rates were calculated. Four hundred and three patients with mild symptomatic hyperthyroidism were observed. The prolective assessment included 146 patients, the retrolective assessment 171 patients, and the control cohort 86 untreated patients. The responder rate was 72.6% in the prolective assessment and 96.5% in the retrolective assessment whereas the responder rate in the untreated control cohort amounted to 41.2%. No adverse events were reported. The extract of Lycopus europaeus was well tolerated and associated with a statistically significant and clinically relevant improvement of the symptoms in mild hyperthyroidism. The improvement was markedly better in both Thyreogutt® mono cohorts than in the control cohort.

  7. Comportamiento social del mono capuchino común Cebus olivaceus (Primates: Cebidae en tres exhibiciones zoológicas de Caracas, Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Charlotte López


    Full Text Available El confinamiento es una situación extrema para los primates con áreas de vivienda extensas, y su efecto sobre la conducta puede ser considerable. Cebus olivaceus es el primate más común en los zoológicos de Venezuela pero su conducta en esta condición no ha sido documentada. Para estimar el efecto del confinamiento sobre el comportamiento social de C. olivaceus, observamos tres grupos en zoológicos de Caracas (Caricuao, Parque del Este, El Pinar, que diferían en las condiciones de cautiverio. El grupo en Caricuao, podía desplazarse libremente en un área no cercada, mientras que en Parque del Este y El Pinar estaban en fosas relativamente pequeñas. Se determinó el repertorio de conductas sociales y la frecuencia, duración y tiempo dedicado por individuo a cada comportamiento. Se realizaron observaciones focales de cada individuo, barridos del grupo y observaciones ad libitum. Se estableció la dominancia relativa y las asociaciones afiliativas entre individuos. El repertorio de conductas sociales fue similar entre grupos y respecto a lo observado en condiciones naturales. Sin embargo, las conductas afiliativas fueron menos frecuentes pero más largas en el grupo de Caricuao, mientras que las conductas agonísticas fueron más frecuentes en Parque del Este y El Pinar. Además, el agonismo fue menos frecuente en los grupos observados que en la naturaleza. Las diferencias entre grupos se explican por la condición del cautiverio. Sugerimos que con el confinamiento incrementa la tensión social y la probabilidad de encuentros agonísticos, en contraposición, la afiliación reduciría esta tensión. Por otra parte, la convivencia prolongada, la imposibilidad de mantener distancias individuales óptimas o de migrar del grupo promoverían la reducción del agonismo, a largo plazo, lo que explicaría las diferencias con los grupos naturales. En los tres grupos hubo cierta estructura social (relaciones de dominancia, afiliaciones y

  8. Immune biomarker differences and changes comparing HCV mono-infected, HIV/HCV co-infected, and HCV spontaneously cleared patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lauren E Kushner

    Full Text Available Immune biomarkers are implicated in HCV treatment response, fibrosis, and accelerated pathogenesis of comorbidities, though only D-dimer and C-reactive protein have been consistently studied. Few studies have evaluated HIV/HCV co-infection, and little longitudinal data exists describing a broader antiviral cytokine response.Fifty immune biomarkers were analyzed at baseline (BL and HCV end of treatment follow-up(FU time point using the Luminex 50-plex assay in plasma samples from 15 HCV-cleared, 24 HCV mono- and 49 HIV/HCV co-infected patients receiving antiretroviral treatment, who either did or did not receive pegylated-interferon/ribavirin HCV treatment. Biomarker levels were compared among spontaneous clearance patients, mono- and co-infected, untreated and HCV-treated, and sustained virologic responders (SVR and non-responders (NR at BL and FU using nonparametric analyses. A Bonferroni correction, adjusting for tests of 50 biomarkers, was used to reduce Type I error.Compared to HCV patients at BL, HIV/HCV patients had 22 significantly higher and 4 significantly lower biomarker levels, following correction for multiple testing. There were no significantly different BL levels when comparing SVR and NR in mono- or co-infected patients; however, FU levels changed considerably in co-infected patients, with seven becoming significantly higher and eight becoming significantly lower in SVR patients. Longitudinally between BL and FU, 13 markers significantly changed in co-infected SVR patients, while none significantly changed in co-infected NR patients. There were also no significant changes in longitudinal analyses of mono-infected patients achieving SVR or mono-infected and co-infected groups deferring treatment.Clear differences exist in pattern and quantity of plasma immune biomarkers among HCV mono-infected, HIV/HCV co-infected, and HCV-cleared patients; and with SVR in co-infected patients treated for HCV. Though >90% of patients were male and

  9. Pulsed electromagnetic field affects intrinsic and endoplasmatic reticulum apoptosis induction pathways in MonoMac6 cell line culture. (United States)

    Kaszuba-Zwoinska, J; Chorobik, P; Juszczak, K; Zaraska, W; Thor, P J


    Current studies were aimed to elucidate influence of pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation on cell viability and apoptosis induction pathways. For the experimental model we have chosen monocytic cell line MonoMac6 and several apoptosis inducers with different mechanism of death induction like puromycin, colchicine, cyclophosphamide, minocycline and hydrogen peroxide. MonoMac6 cell line was grown at density 1x10(5) cells/well in 96-well culture plates. To induce cell death cell cultures were treated with different apoptosis inducers like puromycin, colchicine, cyclophosphamide, minocycline, hydrogen peroxide and at the same time with pulsed electromagnetic field 50 Hz, 45±5 mT (PEMF) for 4 hour per each stimulation, three times, in 24 hours intervals. Afterwards, cells were harvested for flow cytometry analysis of cell viability measured by annexin V-APC labeled and propidium iodide staining. Expression of apoptosis related genes was evaluated by semi quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR assay. NuPAGE Novex Western blot analysis was carried out for apoptosis inducing factor (AIF) abundance in cytosolic and nuclear extracts of MonoMac6 cells. Puromycin, colchicine and minocycline activated cells and simultaneously treated with PEMF have shown out diminished percentage of annexinV positive (AnV+) cells comparing to controls without PEMF stimulation. MonaMac6 cells puromycin/colchicyne and PEMF treated were to a higher extent double stained (AnV+,PI+), which means increased late apoptotic as well as necrotic (PI+) cells, than non-stimulated controls. On the other hand, minocycline activated cells prior to PEMF treatment showed diminished amount of apoptotic and necrotic (annexin V, annexin V and propidium iodide, propidium iodide positive staining) cells. The opposite effect of PEMF on the percentage of annexin V positively stained cells has been achieved after treatment of MonoMac6 culture with cyclophoshamide and hydrogen peroxide. PEMF enhanced early

  10. A Tephra Database With an Intelligent Correlation System, Mono-Inyo Volcanic Chain, CA (United States)

    Bursik, M.; Rogova, G.


    We are assembling a web-accessible, relational database of information on past eruptions of the Mono-Inyo volcanic chain, eastern California. The PostgreSQL database structure follows the North American Data Model and CordLink. The database allows us to extract the features diagnostic of particular pyroclastic layers, as well as lava domes and flows. The features include depth in the section, layer thickness and internal stratigraphy, mineral assemblage, major and trace element composition, tephra componentry and granulometry, and radiocarbon age. Our working hypotheses are that 1) the database will prove useful for unraveling the complex recent volcanic history of the Mono-Inyo chain 2) aided by the use of an intelligent correlation system integrated into the database system. The Mono-Inyo chain consists of domes, craters and flows that stretch for 50 km north-south, subparallel to the Sierran range front fault system. Almost all eruptions within the chain probably occurred less than 50,000 years ago. Because of the variety of magma and eruption types, and the migration of source regions in time and space, it is nontrivial to discern patterns of behaviour. We have explored the use of multiple artificial neural networks combined within the framework of the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence to construct a hybrid information processing system as an aid in the correlation of Mono-Inyo pyroclastic layers. It is hoped that such a system could provide information useful to discerning eruptive patterns that would otherwise be difficult to sort and categorize. In a test case on tephra layers at known sites, the intelligent correlation system was able to categorize observations correctly 96% of the time. In a test case with layers at one unknown site, and using a pairwise comparison of the unknown site with the known sites, a one-to-one correlation between the unknown site and the known sites was found to sometimes be poor. Such a result could be used to aid a

  11. IRIS Toxicological Review of Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether (Egbe) (Final Report) (United States)

    EPA has finalized the Toxicological Review of Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether: in support of the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Now final, this assessment may be used by EPA’s program and regional offices to inform decisions to protect human health.

  12. Single-molecule magnetism in a single-ion triamidoamine uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    King, David M.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T. [Nottingham Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Chemistry; Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J.L. [Manchester Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Chemistry


    Straightforward oxidation of a triamidoamine uranium(III) complex with trimethyl-N-oxide affords a uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex which is the first clear-cut example of a uranium(V) single-molecule magnet (SMM). This monometallic complex unambiguously shows that a strongly axially ligated and thus anisotropic ligand field can be used to overcome the limited magnetic anisotropy of uranium(V). [German] Die direkte Oxidation eines Triamidoamin-Uran(III)-Komplexes mit Trimethyl-N-oxid liefert einen terminalen Uran(V)-Mono(oxo)komplex, der das erste gesicherte Beispiel eines Uran(V)-Einzelmolekuelmagnets ist. Dieser monometallische Komplex zeigt eindeutig, dass ein starkes axiales und somit anisotropes Ligandenfeld die begrenzte magnetische Anisotropie von Uran(V) beseitigen kann.

  13. Bi-articular Knee-Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton Produces Higher Metabolic Cost Reduction than Weight-Matched Mono-articular Exoskeleton (United States)

    Malcolm, Philippe; Galle, Samuel; Derave, Wim; De Clercq, Dirk


    The bi-articular m. gastrocnemius and the mono-articular m. soleus have different and complementary functions during walking. Several groups are starting to use these biological functions as inspiration to design prostheses with bi-articular actuation components to replace the function of the m. gastrocnemius. Simulation studies indicate that a bi-articular configuration and spring that mimic the m. gastrocnemius could be beneficial for orthoses or exoskeletons. Our aim was to test the effect of a bi-articular and spring configuration that mimics the m. gastrocnemius and compare this to a no-spring and mono-articular configuration. We tested nine participants during walking with knee-ankle-foot exoskeletons with dorsally mounted pneumatic muscle actuators. In the bi-articular plus spring condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the thigh segment with an elastic cord. In the bi-articular no-spring condition the pneumatic muscles were also attached to the thigh segment but with a non-elastic cord. In the mono-articular condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the shank segment. We found the highest reduction in metabolic cost of 13% compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered-off in the bi-articular plus spring condition. Possible explanations for this could be that the exoskeleton delivered the highest total positive work in this condition at the ankle and the knee and provided more assistance during the isometric phase of the biological plantarflexors. As expected we found that the bi-articular conditions reduced m. gastrocnemius EMG more than the mono-articular condition but this difference was not significant. We did not find that the mono-articular condition reduces the m. soleus EMG more than the bi-articular conditions. Knowledge of specific effects of different exoskeleton configurations on metabolic cost and muscle activation could be useful for providing customized assistance for specific gait impairments. PMID:29551959

  14. Bi-articular Knee-Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton Produces Higher Metabolic Cost Reduction than Weight-Matched Mono-articular Exoskeleton

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philippe Malcolm


    Full Text Available The bi-articular m. gastrocnemius and the mono-articular m. soleus have different and complementary functions during walking. Several groups are starting to use these biological functions as inspiration to design prostheses with bi-articular actuation components to replace the function of the m. gastrocnemius. Simulation studies indicate that a bi-articular configuration and spring that mimic the m. gastrocnemius could be beneficial for orthoses or exoskeletons. Our aim was to test the effect of a bi-articular and spring configuration that mimics the m. gastrocnemius and compare this to a no-spring and mono-articular configuration. We tested nine participants during walking with knee-ankle-foot exoskeletons with dorsally mounted pneumatic muscle actuators. In the bi-articular plus spring condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the thigh segment with an elastic cord. In the bi-articular no-spring condition the pneumatic muscles were also attached to the thigh segment but with a non-elastic cord. In the mono-articular condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the shank segment. We found the highest reduction in metabolic cost of 13% compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered-off in the bi-articular plus spring condition. Possible explanations for this could be that the exoskeleton delivered the highest total positive work in this condition at the ankle and the knee and provided more assistance during the isometric phase of the biological plantarflexors. As expected we found that the bi-articular conditions reduced m. gastrocnemius EMG more than the mono-articular condition but this difference was not significant. We did not find that the mono-articular condition reduces the m. soleus EMG more than the bi-articular conditions. Knowledge of specific effects of different exoskeleton configurations on metabolic cost and muscle activation could be useful for providing customized assistance for specific gait impairments.

  15. Bi-articular Knee-Ankle-Foot Exoskeleton Produces Higher Metabolic Cost Reduction than Weight-Matched Mono-articular Exoskeleton. (United States)

    Malcolm, Philippe; Galle, Samuel; Derave, Wim; De Clercq, Dirk


    The bi-articular m. gastrocnemius and the mono-articular m. soleus have different and complementary functions during walking. Several groups are starting to use these biological functions as inspiration to design prostheses with bi-articular actuation components to replace the function of the m. gastrocnemius. Simulation studies indicate that a bi-articular configuration and spring that mimic the m. gastrocnemius could be beneficial for orthoses or exoskeletons. Our aim was to test the effect of a bi-articular and spring configuration that mimics the m. gastrocnemius and compare this to a no-spring and mono-articular configuration. We tested nine participants during walking with knee-ankle-foot exoskeletons with dorsally mounted pneumatic muscle actuators. In the bi-articular plus spring condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the thigh segment with an elastic cord. In the bi-articular no-spring condition the pneumatic muscles were also attached to the thigh segment but with a non-elastic cord. In the mono-articular condition the pneumatic muscles were attached to the shank segment. We found the highest reduction in metabolic cost of 13% compared to walking with the exoskeleton powered-off in the bi-articular plus spring condition . Possible explanations for this could be that the exoskeleton delivered the highest total positive work in this condition at the ankle and the knee and provided more assistance during the isometric phase of the biological plantarflexors. As expected we found that the bi-articular conditions reduced m. gastrocnemius EMG more than the mono-articular condition but this difference was not significant. We did not find that the mono-articular condition reduces the m. soleus EMG more than the bi-articular conditions . Knowledge of specific effects of different exoskeleton configurations on metabolic cost and muscle activation could be useful for providing customized assistance for specific gait impairments.

  16. Synergistic extraction of Am(III) using HTTA and bi-functional (DHDECMP) and mono-functional (TBP) donors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pai, S.A.; Lohithakshan, K.V.; Mithapara, P.D.; Aggarwal, S.K.


    The equilibrium constant (log Ks) for the organic phase synergistic reaction for Am(III)-HTTA system with bi-functional neutral donor di-hexyl di-ethyl carbamoylmethyl phosphonate (DHDECMP) was found to be about two orders of magnitude higher than that of the mono-functional neutral donor (TBP) with comparable basicity values. This log Ks value along with a large positive entropy change with DHDECMP compared to that with TBP confirms that the neutral donors like DHDECMP behave as bi-functional, in sharp contrast to its mono-functional behaviour in Pu(VI). (author)

  17. Intra-articular osteoid osteoma as a differential diagnosis of diffuse mono-articular joint pain. (United States)

    Rolvien, Tim; Zustin, Jozef; Mussawy, Haider; Schmidt, Tobias; Pogoda, Pia; Ueblacker, Peter


    The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the frequency of intra-articular osteoid osteoma (iaOO) in a large study cohort and to demonstrate its clinical relevance as an important differential diagnosis of non-specific mono-articular joint pain. We searched the registry for bone tumours of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf for osteoid osteomas in the last 42 years. Herein, we present three selected iaOO which were detected in the three major weight-bearing joints. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were performed for initial diagnosis. Out of a total of 367 osteoid osteomas, 19 (5.2 %) tumours were localized intra-articularly. In all three presented tumours, a history of severe mono-articular pain was reported; however, the mean time to correct diagnosis was delayed to 20.7 months. Clearly, the nidus seen in CT and MRI images in combination with inconsistent salicylate-responsive nocturnal pain led to the diagnosis of iaOO. Rarely, osteoid osteoma can occur in an intra-articular location. In cases of diffuse mono-articular pain, iaOO should be considered both in large and smaller joints to avoid delays in diagnosis and therapy of this benign bone tumour.

  18. Structure of the Mina Deflection in Mono Lake, CA: Inferences from Paleoseismology (United States)

    Sangani, Radhika Chandrakant

    Walker Lane, a zone of transcurrent faulting along the Sierran range front, is dominated by NNW trending normal faults. Within the Walker Lane, the Mina Deflection is a region of structural anomaly, where a significant component of regional displacement and seismicity is transferred from NNW-trending faults to ENE-trending faults of the Excelsior-Coledale domain. Geographically, the western boundary of the Mina Deflection lies along the western margin of Mono Basin. This is kinematically implied by the distributed tensional and shear stress in the NNW- and ENE- trending faults of the region. Transfer of strain from the NNW-trending, right-lateral oblique slip faults to the ENE-trending, primarily left-lateral faults is poorly understood. The nature of this transfer is complicated by the presence of the young volcanics of Mono Lake at the stepover bend. I undertook detailed study of the sub-km scale geometry and kinematics of the stepover bend, and its relation to nearby recent magmatic fluid flow within the Mono Lake. Fault orientations, slip rates and ages of most recent events allow for understanding strain transfer between faulting and volcanism. The results suggest that strain is transferred from the outer arc to the inner arc of the stepover bend. Within the inner arc, the magmatism on Paoha Island seems to have arisen from a sill-like intrusion. Furthermore, strain transfer is accomplished through sets of faults and fissures that variously act as large-scale Reidel shears and tension gashes allowing the migration of magmatic fluids from depth.

  19. Análisis Ultraestructural del Efecto Neuroprotector de la Melatonina sobre las lesiones del Cortex Cerebeloso del Embrión de Pollo inducidas por Glutamato Monosódico.


    García de la Oliva, Alejandro


    En el presente estudio analizamos el efecto neuroprotector que la administración exógena de la melatonina ejerce sobre las lesiones neurodegenerativas de la corteza cerebelosa del embrión de pollo causadas por excitotoxicidad glutamatérgica. Para ello hemos diseñado un modelo experimental que nos permite: por un lado, evaluar y seguir la evolución de las lesiones que sobre el desarrollo de la corteza cerebelosa produce la administración de gl...

  20. Maillard reaction products of rice protein hydrolysates with mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides (United States)

    Rice protein, a byproduct of rice syrup production, is abundant but, its lack of functionality prevents its wide use as a food ingredient. Maillard reaction products of (MRPs) hydrolysates from the limited hydrolysis of rice protein (LHRP) and various mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides were evaluat...

  1. Scour properties of mono bucket foundation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stroescu, Ionut Emanuel; Frigaard, Peter Bak


    Field experience proved that the Mono Bucket Foundations (MBFs) have good response against scour development. Moreover, the ratio between large diameter (bucket lid) and the small diameter (shaft tower) is the driving parameter for the process of erosion/backfill, like scour protection diameter...... in the case of scour protected monopiles. However, the structural design to reduce the scour development for MBFs is still open to optimization. The influences of parameters that generate backfill and scour, the transfer load webs and the misalignment with seabed, have not been systematically studied until...... analysis compared with real surveys and existing studies showed good agreements. Scour protection based on collar solution shows high efficiency when scour protection should be required. The paper demonstrates good agreement between field measurements and small-scale studies. The unique value of the field...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heidi Eliana Mateus Arbelaez


    MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó extracción de ADN y PCR para la amplificación de ocho microsatélites o STRs tetra y dinucleotídicos situados a lo largo del cromosoma X. Los productos amplificados se analizaron en el secuenciador ALF EXPRESS. Con la  información alélica se realizó la construcción del haplotipo y el análisis de dosis génica mediante la determinación del área bajo la curva. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: El análisis de los 8 STRs realizados en la paciente y sus padres, permitió establecer que los cromosomas X extras corresponden a información alélica heredada de la madre. Se analizan los resultados y los eventos que se han documentado como relacionados con los fenómenos de no disyunción. CONCLUSIÓN: El origen de la doble no disyunción que generó la pentasomia es materna, en donde un ovulo tetrasómico, con cuatro copias de cromosoma X fue fecundado con un espermatozoide monosómico normal.

  3. 21 CFR 582.4101 - Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat... (United States)


    ... diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming fatty acids. 582.4101 Section 582.4101 Food and... Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming fatty acids. (a) Product. Diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or...

  4. Synthesis and Anti-Proliferative Effects of Mono- and Bis-Purinomimetics Targeting Kinases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea Bistrović


    Full Text Available A series of mono-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines 4a–4k, unsymmetrical bis-purine isosteres 5a–5e and symmetrical bis-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines 6a and 6b connected via di(1,2,3-triazolylphenyl linker were synthesized by click chemistry. Whereas mono- 4g and bis-pseudopurine 5e showed selective inhibitory activities on cervical carcinoma (HeLa cells, bis-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine 6b exhibited potent and selective anti-proliferative effect in the nanomolar range on pancreatic carcinoma (CFPAC-1 cells. Among these, compound 6b induced a significant reduction in the expression level of CDK9 (cyclin-dependent kinase 9/cyclin T1 in CFPAC-1 cells concomitant with attenuation of proliferative signaling mediated by c-Raf (rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma and p38 MAP (mitogen-activated protein kinases. Our findings encourage further development of novel structurally related analog of 6b to obtain more selective anticancer agent for treating pancreatic cancer.

  5. Gamma spectra pictures using a digital plotter. Program MONO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Los Arcos Merino, J.M.


    The program MONO has been written for a CALCOMP-936 digital plotter operating off- -line with a UMI VAC 1106 computer, to obtain graphic representations of single gamma spectra stored on magnetic tape. It allows to plot the whole spectrum or only a part, as well as to draw a given spectrum on the same or different picture than the previous one. Ten representation scales are available and at up nine comment lines can be written in a graphic. (Author) 4 refs

  6. High pressure structural phase transition of neodymium mono pnictides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pagare, Gitanjali; Ojha, P.; Sanyal, S.P.; Aynyas, Mahendra


    We have investigated theoretically the high-pressure structural phase transition of two neodymium mono NdX (X=As, Sb) using an interionic potential theory with necessary modification to include the effect of Coulomb screening by the delocalized f electrons of Nd ion. These compounds exhibits first order crystallographic phase transition from their NaCl (B 1 ) phase to body centered tetragonal (BCT) at 27 GPa and 15.3 GPa respectively. We also calculated the Nd-Nd distance as a function of pressure. (author)

  7. Screening for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by using cytokeratin 18 and transient elastography in HIV mono-infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amine Benmassaoud

    Full Text Available HIV-infected individuals are at high risk of developing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH, a leading cause of end-stage liver disease in Western countries. Nonetheless, due to the invasiveness of liver biopsy, NASH remains poorly understood in HIV mono-infection. We aimed to characterize the prevalence and predictors of NASH in unselected HIV mono-infected patients by means of non-invasive diagnostic tools.HIV-infected adults without significant alcohol intake or co-infection with hepatitis B or C underwent a routine screening program employing transient elastography (TE with controlled attenuation parameter (CAP and the serum biomarker cytokeratin-18 (CK-18. NASH was diagnosed non-invasively as the coexistence of fatty liver (CAP ≥248 dB/m and CK-18 >246 U/L. Identified cases of NASH were offered a diagnostic liver biopsy. Predictors of NASH were determined by multivariate logistic regression analysis.202 consecutive HIV mono-infected patients were included. NASH was non-invasively diagnosed in 23 cases (11.4%. Among them, 17 underwent a liver biopsy, and histology confirmed NASH in all cases. The prevalence of NASH was higher in patients with hypertriglyceridemia (17.1%, insulin resistance defined by homeostasis model for assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR (25%, those with detectable HIV viral load (42.9% and those with elevated ALT (53.6%. After adjustment, higher HOMA-IR (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.20, 95% CI 1.01-1.43; p = 0.03 and ALT (aOR = 2.39, 95% CI 1.50-3.79; p<0.001 were independent predictors of NASH.NASH, diagnosed by a non-invasive diagnostic approach employing CK-18 and TE with CAP, is common in unselected HIV mono-infected individuals, particularly in the presence of insulin resistance and elevated ALT.

  8. Distribución geográfica del mono aullador rojo (Alouatta seniculus y la fiebre amarilla en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Piedrahita-Cortés


    Conclusiones. En 69,5 % de los departamentos con antecedentes de fiebre amarilla se registró la presencia de A. seniculus, lo cual resulta relevante por el papel que los primates no humanos desempeñan como reservorio natural del virus y por su contribución en la presentación de la fiebre amarilla, lo cual les confiere gran utilidad como centinelas.

  9. Antagonistic Mono- and Bi-Articular Lower-Limb Muscle Activities’ Model Characterization at Different Speeds

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dzahir M.A.M


    Full Text Available Nowadays, medical rehabilitation system has become a requirement due to increment in national rehabilitation centres and medical hospitals. An assistive rehabilitation orthosis becomes essential and was used for rehabilitation therapy, condition monitoring, and physical strengthening. This study focused on the lower limb assistive rehabilitation orthosis development using pneumatic artificial muscle. To successfully control this orthosis system which consists of antagonistic mono- and biarticular muscle actuators, it is necessary to construct a reliable control algorithm. The suitable control scheme and strategy to manoeuvre this orthosis system similar to human musculoskeletal system have yet to be fully developed and established. Based on the review study, it is said that the co-contraction controls of anterior-posterior pneumatic muscles was able to improve the joint stiffness and stability of the orthosis as well as good manoeuvrability. Therefore, a characterization model of an antagonistic mono- and bi-articular muscles activities of human's lowerlimb during walking motion will be necessary. A healthy young male subject was used as test subject to obtain the sEMG muscle activities for antagonistic mono- and bi-articular muscles (i.e., Vastus Medialis-VM, Vastus Lateralis-VL, Rectus Femoris-RF, and Bicep Femoris-BF. The tests were carried out at different speeds of 2km/h, 3km/h, and 4km/h for one minute walking motion on a treadmill. Then, the patterns of the sEMG muscle activities were modelled and characterised using fifth order polynomial equation. Based on the results, it is shown that the anterior and posterior muscles were exhibited a muscle synergy in-between multiple anterior or posterior muscles and muscle co-contraction between anteriorposterior muscles in order to control the movements at the joints during walking motion. As conclusion, it is proven that the sEMG muscle activities of the antagonistic mono- and bi

  10. An unusual mono-substituted Keggin anion-chain based 3D framework with 24-membered macrocycles as linker units

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pang Haijun; Ma Huiyuan; Yu Yan; Yang Ming; Xun Ye; Liu Bo


    A new compound, [Cu I (H 2 O)(Hbpp) 2 ]⊂{[Cu I (bpp)] 2 [PW 11 Cu II O 39 ]} (1) (bpp=1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane), has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. In compound 1, the unusual –A–B–A–B– array mono-substituted Keggin anion-chains and 24-membered (Cubpp) 2 cation-macrocycles are linked together to form a (2, 4) connected 3D framework with channels of ca. 9.784×7.771 Å 2 along two directions, in which the [Cu(H 2 O)(Hbpp) 2 ] coordination fragments as guest components are trapped. The photocatalytic experiments of compound 1 were performed, which show a good catalytic activity of compound 1 for photodegradation of RhB. Furthermore, the IR, TGA and electrochemical properties of compound 1 were investigated. - Graphical abstract: An unusual example of mono-substituted Keggin anion-chain based hybrid compound that possesses a 3D structure has been synthesized, which offers a feasible route for synthesis of such compounds. Highlights: ► The first example of –A–B–A–B– array mono-substituted Keggin chain is observed. ► An unusual three dimensional structure based mono-substituted Keggin anion-chains. ► The photocatalysis and electrochemical properties of the title compound were studied.

  11. Polyelectrolyte Properties in Mono and Multi-Valent Ionic Media: Brushes and Complex Coacervates (United States)

    Farina, Robert M.

    Materials composed of polyelectrolytes have unique and interesting physical properties resulting primarily from their charged monomer segments. Polyelectrolytes, which exist in many different biological and industrial forms, have also been shown to be highly responsive to external environmental changes. Here, two specific polyelectrolyte systems, brushes and complex coacervates, are discussed in regards to how their properties can be tailored by adjusting the surrounding ionic environment with mono and multi-valent ions. End-tethered polyelectrolyte brushes, which constitute an interesting and substantial portion of polyelectrolyte applications, are well known for their ability to provide excellent lubrication and low friction when coated onto surfaces (e.g. articular cartilage and medical devices), as well as for their ability to stabilize colloidal particles in solution (e.g. paint and cosmetic materials). These properties have been extensively studied with brushes in pure mono-valent ionic media. However, polyelectrolyte brush interactions with multi-valent ions in solution are much less understood, although highly relevant considering mono and multi-valent counterions are present in most applications. Even at very low concentrations of multi-valent ions in solution, dramatic polyelectrolyte brush physical property changes can occur, resulting in collapsed chains which also adhere to one another via multi-valent bridging. Here, the strong polyelectrolyte poly(sodium styrene sulfonate) was studied using the Surface Forces Apparatus (SFA) and electrochemistry in order to investigate brush height and intermolecular interactions between two brushes as a function of multi-valent counterion population inside a brush. Complex coacervates are formed when polyanions and polycations are mixed together in proper conditions of an aqueous solution. This mixing results in a phase separation of a polymer-rich, coacervate phase composed of a chain network held together via

  12. Nuchal translucency measurements are highly correlated in both mono- and dichorionic twin pairs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wøjdemann, Karen R; Larsen, Severin Olesen; Shalmi, Anne-Cathrine


    OBJECTIVES: To establish the distribution of serological and ultrasound first-trimester Down syndrome markers in twins and identify correlations of significance for risk calculation. METHODS: Nuchal translucency (NT), PAPP-A and betahCG data were extracted from 181 twin pregnancies (31 mono- and ...

  13. Radiocarbon constraints on fossil thinolite tufa formation in the Mono Basin, CA, USA (United States)

    Leroy, S. L.; Zimmerman, S. R.; Hemming, S. R.; Stine, S.; Guilderson, T. P.


    Mono Lake is a terminal lake located at the western edge of the Great Basin, and is famous for its tufa towers. Thinolite, which is thought to be a CaCO3 pseudomorph of ikaite, is found around the Mono Basin in many fossil tufa towers, particularly at elevations above 2000 meters. The subaqueous parent mineral ikaite forms at low temperatures (34 kyr) to as young as 15.5 14C kyr BP. In general there is a consistent stratigraphic trend of ages within the mound, but the thinolite ages are anomalously young and one thinolite sample shows a large age reversal. The best estimate of the age of the precipitation of this tufa mound is given by the non-thinolite textures. More work is needed to determine the best sampling and sample preparation strategies in order to get a reliable age model for this mound.

  14. Differences in Classification Between Mono- and Polytrauma and Low- and High-Energy Trauma Patients With an Ankle Fracture: A Retrospective Cohort Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Briet, Jan Paul; Houwert, Roderick Marijn; Smeeing, Diederik P. J.; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G. W.; Verleisdonk, Egbert Jan; Leenen, Luke P. H.; Hietbrink, Falco


    Although fracture type and treatment options for ankle fractures are well defined, the differences between mono- and polytrauma patients and low- and high-energy trauma have not been addressed. The aim of the present study was to compare the fracture type and trauma mechanism between mono- and


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angélica Moreno


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango (Mangifera indica L. Var. Tommy Atkins al ser tratado con la combinación de los métodos de deshidratación osmótica con o sin pulso de vacío (DOPV y DO y con secado por aire caliente o con vacío (SAC y VAC. El tiempo utilizado en la cinética del proceso de DO fue de 42 horas y la DOPV de 30 horas; en los procesos de secado, el SAC se realizó durante 24 horas y el VAC requirió 40 horas. En el perfil de compuestos volátiles del mango fresco analizado por cromatografía de gases acoplada a detector de espectrometría de masas (GC-MS se encontraron compuestos tipo mono y sesquiterpénico, además de ácidos y ésteres grasos. El germacreno D (20,49% fue el compuesto terpénico de mayor abundancia encontrado en el análisis realizado. La cantidad de compuestos volátiles en la fruta procesada fue afectada por la aplicación de DOPV y VAC; sin embargo estas pérdidas fueron menores que en las muestras secadas sin pretratamiento osmótico. En el análisis sensorial realizado, las frutas tratadas con DOPV y DO presentaron una menor intensidad calificada en el olor en comparación con la muestra no pretratada.

  16. The MONOS memory transistor: application in a radiation-hard nonvolatile RAM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, W.D.


    The MONOS (metal-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon) device is a prime candidate for use as the nonvolatile memory element in a radiation-hardened RAM (random-access memory). The endurance, retention and radiation properties of MONOS memory transistors have been studied as a function of post nitride deposition annealing. Following the nitride layer deposition, all devices were subjected to an 800 0 C oxidation step and some were then annealed at 900 0 C in nitrogen. The nitrogen anneal produces an increase in memory window size of approximately 40%. The memory window center of the annealed devices is shifted toward more positive voltages and is more stable with endurance cycling. Endurance cycling to 10 9 cycles produces a 20% increase in memory window size and a 60% increase in decay rate. For a radiation total dose of 10 6 rads (Si), the memory window size is essentially unchanged and the decay rate increases approximately 13%. A combination of 10 9 cycles and 10 6 rads (Si) reduces the decades of retention (in sec) from 6.3 to 4.3 for a +- 23-V 16-μsec write/erase pulse. (author)

  17. Endotoxin testing of proteins for parenteral administration using the Mono Mac 6 assay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moesby, Lise; Hansen, E W; Christensen, J D


    Pharmaceutical products containing proteins cause problems in testing for endotoxin and pyrogens. Many proteins interfere with the LAL test and the proteins are immunogenic in rabbits. The monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 is an alternative assay for detection of endotoxin and other pyrogens....

  18. The nest predator assemblage for songbirds in Mono Lake basin riparian habitats (United States)

    Quresh S. Latif; Sacha K. Heath; Grant Ballard


    Because nest predation strongly limits avian fitness, ornithologists identify nest predators to inform ecological research and conservation. During 2002–2008, we used both video-monitoring of natural nests and direct observations of predation to identify nest predators of open-cup nesting riparian songbirds along tributaries of Mono Lake, California. Video cameras at...

  19. [Synthesis and biological activity of 2,3-secotriterpene acid mono- and diamides]. (United States)

    Tolmacheva, I A; Igosheva, E V; Vikharev, Iu B; Grishko, V V; Savinova, O V; Boreko, E I; Eremin, V F


    Four types of amide (C3; C28; C3-C28) conjugates based on 2,3-seco-18alphaH-oleanane and 2,3-secolupane mono- and dicarboxylic acids were synthesized. The range of diamide derivatives was supplemented with C3-C3' and C28-C28' dicondensed amides with two A-secotriterpene backbones educed by reacting monocarboxylic A-secoacids with biogenic amino acid lysine. Compounds with inhibitory action against herpes virus reproduction (EC50 8.7 and 4.1 McM) were found among the synthesized mono- and diamide derivatives containing an ethyl-beta-alaninate fragment. It has been ascertained that diamide with ethyl-beta-alaninate fragment combines anti-herpes virus properties and anti-HIV activity (EC50 5.1 McM). For active compounds, the maximum non-toxic concentration (MNTC)/EC50 ratios ranges from 9.7 to 40.8. The synthesized amide conjugates do not exhibit any marked cytotoxic effects against human tumor cell lines rabdomiosarcoma RD TE32, A549 lung carcinoma and melanoma MS.

  20. Enhanced cooling in mono-crystalline ultra-thin silicon by embedded micro-air channels

    KAUST Repository

    Ghoneim, Mohamed T.; Fahad, Hossain M.; Hussain, Aftab M.; Rojas, Jhonathan Prieto; Sevilla, Galo T.; Alfaraj, Nasir; Lizardo, Ernesto B.; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    In today’s digital world, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology enabled scaling of bulk mono-crystalline silicon (100) based electronics has resulted in their higher performance but with increased dynamic and off-state power consumption. Such trade-off has caused excessive heat generation which eventually drains the charge of battery in portable devices. The traditional solution utilizing off-chip fans and heat sinks used for heat management make the whole system bulky and less mobile. Here we show, an enhanced cooling phenomenon in ultra-thin (>10 μm) mono-crystalline (100) silicon (detached from bulk substrate) by utilizing deterministic pattern of porous network of vertical “through silicon” micro-air channels that offer remarkable heat and weight management for ultra-mobile electronics, in a cost effective way with 20× reduction in substrate weight and a 12% lower maximum temperature at sustained loads. We also show the effectiveness of this event in functional MOS field effect transistors (MOSFETs) with high-κ/metal gate stacks.

  1. Enhanced cooling in mono-crystalline ultra-thin silicon by embedded micro-air channels

    KAUST Repository

    Ghoneim, Mohamed T.


    In today’s digital world, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology enabled scaling of bulk mono-crystalline silicon (100) based electronics has resulted in their higher performance but with increased dynamic and off-state power consumption. Such trade-off has caused excessive heat generation which eventually drains the charge of battery in portable devices. The traditional solution utilizing off-chip fans and heat sinks used for heat management make the whole system bulky and less mobile. Here we show, an enhanced cooling phenomenon in ultra-thin (>10 μm) mono-crystalline (100) silicon (detached from bulk substrate) by utilizing deterministic pattern of porous network of vertical “through silicon” micro-air channels that offer remarkable heat and weight management for ultra-mobile electronics, in a cost effective way with 20× reduction in substrate weight and a 12% lower maximum temperature at sustained loads. We also show the effectiveness of this event in functional MOS field effect transistors (MOSFETs) with high-κ/metal gate stacks.

  2. Fabrication and Application of Mono-sized Spherical Micro Particles by Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    DONG Wei


    Full Text Available A novel technology called pulsated orifice ejection method(POEM and used for preparing mono-sized and high-precision spherical micro particles was introduced in this article. The working principle of the technique was illustrated and it was in two modes:low-melting point diaphragm mode and high-melting point rod mode, depending on the different melting points of materials. The particles prepared by POEM have the advantages of mono-sized, uniform and controllable particle size, high sphericity, and consistent thermal history. By introducing the application of particles prepared by this method, showing the huge application prospects of this technology in electronic packaging, bioengineering, micro-fabrication, rapid solidification analysis of metal droplets, additive manufacturing and so on.With the development of POEM, this technology is predicted to have wider prospects due to its unique characteristics.

  3. Calix[6]arene mono-diazonium salt synthesis and covalent immobilization onto glassy carbon electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cannizzo, Caroline; Jasmin, Jean-Philippe; Vautrin-Ul, Christine; Chausse, Annie; Wagner, Mathieu; Doizi, Denis; Lamouroux, Christine


    This Letter describes the fast synthesis of a mono-aminated calix[6]arene. The immobilization of this macrocycle onto glassy carbon electrodes via diazonium salt chemistry and the electrochemical characterization of the grafted organic layer are also reported. (authors)

  4. Mono-carboxylate conversion coatings for AZ31 Mg alloy protection

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frignani, A.; Grassi, V.; Zucchi, F.; Zanotto, F. [Corrosion Study Centre A. Dacco, University of Ferrara (Italy)


    Conversion coatings on a magnesium alloy were obtained by dipping AZ31 specimens in aqueous solutions of sodium salts of mono-carboxylic acids (stearic, palmitic, myristic, lauric, mono-carboxylate ion concentration from 1 to 5 mM, depending on the salt solubility) for 24 and 72 h at room temperature, or 24 h at 50 C. The influence exerted by the treatment time, bath temperature and alkyl chain length on the efficiency of these coatings was studied. The performances of the coatings were evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization curve recording after 1 h immersion in 0.05 M Na{sub 2}SO{sub 4} solution, while their temporal evolution was monitored by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) spectra during 24 h. Further and long lasting tests were carried out also in 0.1 M NaCl solution. The efficiency of the coatings depended on the aliphatic chain length, and increased as the treatment time and the bath temperature were increased. The coating of lower homologue only hindered the cathodic process, while those of the higher homologues markedly inhibited the anodic process too. The best performances were displayed by 24 h-50 C stearic conversion coating, which maintained a very high efficiency for over 800 h immersion in 0.05 M sulphate solution. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Differences in Classification Between Mono- and Polytrauma and Low- and High-Energy Trauma Patients With an Ankle Fracture : A Retrospective Cohort Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Briet, Jan Paul; Houwert, Roderick Marijn; Smeeing, Diederik P J; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G. W.; Verleisdonk, Egbert Jan M M; Leenen, Luke P H; Hietbrink, Falco


    Although fracture type and treatment options for ankle fractures are well defined, the differences between mono- and polytrauma patients and low- and high-energy trauma have not been addressed. The aim of the present study was to compare the fracture type and trauma mechanism between mono- and

  6. Characteristics of poly- and mono-crystalline BeO and SiO{sub 2} as thermal and cold neutron filters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adib, M.; Habib, N. [Reactor Physics Department, NRC, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Bashter, I.I. [Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University (Egypt); Morcos, H.N.; El-Mesiry, M.S. [Reactor Physics Department, NRC, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Mansy, M.S., E-mail: [Reactor Physics Department, NRC, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt)


    Highlights: • Neutron filtering features of BeO and SiO{sub 2} poly- and mono-crystals. • Calculations of the cold and thermal neutron cross sections and transmission with the code “HEXA-FILTERS”. • Optimal mosaic spread, thicknesses and cutting planes for BeO and SiO{sub 2} mono-crystals. - Abstract: A simple model along with a computer code “HEXA-FILTERS” is used to carry out the calculation of the total cross-sections of BeO and SiO{sub 2} having poly or mono-crystalline form as a function of neutron wavelength at room (R.T.) and liquid nitrogen (L.N.) temperatures. An overall agreement is indicated between the calculated neutron cross-sections and experimental data. Calculation shows that 25 cm thick of polycrystalline BeO cooled at liquid nitrogen temperature was found to be a good filter for neutron wavelengths longer than 0.46 nm. While, 50 cm of SiO{sub 2}, with much less transmission, for neutrons with wavelengths longer than 0.85 nm. It was also found that 10 cm of BeO and 15 cm SiO{sub 2} thick mono-crystals cut along their (0 0 2) plane, with 0.5° FWHM on mosaic spread and cooled at L.N., are a good thermal neutron filter, with high effect-to-noise ratio.

  7. Manufacturing and testing of W/Cu mono-block small scale mock-up for EAST by HIP and HRP technologies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Qiang [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei, Anhui (China); Qin, Sigui [Advanced Technology and Materials Co., Ltd, Beijing (China); Wang, Wanjing; Qi, Pan [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei, Anhui (China); Roccella, Selanna; Visca, Eliseo [Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione, Frascati (Italy); Liu, Guohui [Advanced Technology and Materials Co., Ltd, Beijing (China); Luo, Guang-Nan, E-mail: [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP), Hefei, Anhui (China)


    ITER-like W/Cu mono-block plasma-facing components (PFCs) will be used in vertical target regions of the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) divertor. The first W/Cu mono-block small scale mock-up with five W mono-blocks has been manufactured successfully by technological combination of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and hot radial pressing (HRP). The joining of a W mono-block and a pure copper interlayer was achieved by means of HIP technology and the bonding strength was over 150 MPa. The good bonding between the pure copper interlayer and a CuCrZr cooling tube was obtained by means of HRP technology. In order to understand deeply the process of HRP, the stress distribution of the mock-up during HRP process was simulated using ANSYS code. Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing (NDT) of the W/Cu and Cu/CuCrZr interfaces was performed, showing that excellent bonding of the W/Cu and Cu/CuCrZr interfaces. The thermal cycle fatigue testing of the mock-up has been carried out by means of an e-beam device in Southwest Institute of Physics, Chengdu (SWIP) and the mock-up withstood 1000 cycles of heat loads up to 8.4 MW/m{sup 2} with the cooling water of 2 m/s, 20 °C, 0.2 MPa.

  8. Unique Intramolecular Electronic Communications in Mono-ferrocenylpyrimidine Derivatives: Correlation between Redox Properties and Structural Nature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiang, Debo; Noel, Jerome; Shao, Huibo; Dupas, Georges; Merbouh, Nabyl; Yu, Hua-Zhong


    Highlights: • Unique intramolecular electronic communications (electron withdrawing and π-bond delocalization effects) exist in the mono-ferrocenylpyrimidine derivatives. • The redox potential shift correlates the pyrimidine ring torsion angle with the extent of electron delocalization. • The correlation between redox properties and structural nature in mono-ferrocenylpyrimidine derivatives is evident. - Abstract: The correlation between redox properties and structural nature in a complete set of mono-ferrocenylpyrimidine derivatives (2-ferrocenylpyrimidine, 2-FcPy; 4-ferrocenylpyrimidine, 4-FcPy; 5-ferrocenylpyrimidine, 5-FcPy) was evaluated by investigating the intramolecular electronic communications. Both conventional electrochemical measurements in organic solvents and thin-film voltammetric studies of these compounds were carried out. It was discovered that their formal potentials are significantly different from each other, and shift negatively in the order of 4-FcPy > 5-FcPy > 2-FcPy. This result suggests that the intramolecular electronic communication is dictated by the delocalization effect of the π-bonding systems in 2-FcPy, and that the electron-withdrawing effect of the nitrogen atoms in the pyrimidine ring plays the key role in 4-FcPy and 5-FcPy. The single crystal X-ray structure analyis and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculation provided additional evidence (e.g., different torsion angles between the cyclopentadienyl and pyrimidine rings) to support the observed correlation between the redox properties and structural nature

  9. IRIS Toxicological Review of Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl Ether (Egbe) (Interagency Science Discussion Draft) (United States)

    EPA released the draft report, Toxicological Review for Ethylene Glycol Mono-Butyl Ether , that was distributed to Federal agencies and White House Offices for comment during the Science Discussion step of the IRIS Assessment Development Process. Comments received from ot...

  10. Notas sobre la recepcion del “lanzarote” Español en el siglo XVI (Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, ms. 9.611

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel Lucía Megías


    Full Text Available En el Libra del cavallero Zifar (romance Castellano de principios del siglo XIVI se alude al lai Lanval de María de Francia en un curioso episodio que está llamado a ser uno de los primeros reclamos literarios explícitos de la materia artúrica en la Península Ibérica. Detengámonos en él unos instantes: Roboán, hijo del Cavallero Zifar, es enviado por el emperador de Trigrida al Otro Mundo, a las Islas Dotadas. En un "batel sin gobernalle" arriba a una tierra protegida por rocas tan altas que llegan basta el cielo. El infante entra por un "postigo" que abre las puertas ante su presencia y después de recorrer algo más de "seis migeros" por un caño, llega "a la otra parte" y se encuentra con dos doneelias "muy bien vestidas e muy apuestas" que le informan sobre la naturaleza encantada del lugar, el nombre de su señora -Nobleza-, y la historia de su madre -Señora del Parescer-, de su padre -Lanval. Mientras que el grupo se encamina al encuentro de la emperatriz, una doncella comienza a leer Ia historia de Lanval (Yván en el Zifar.

  11. Designing real-time systems based on mono-master Profibus-DP networks


    Monforte, Salvatore; Alves, Mário; Vasques, Francisco; Tovar, Eduardo


    Profibus networks are widely used as the communication infrastructure for supporting distributed computer-controlled applications. Most of the times, these applications impose strict real-time requirements. Profibus-DP has gradually become the preferred Profibus application profile. It is usually implemented as a mono-master Profibus network, and is optimised for speed and efficiency. The aim of this paper is to analyse the real-time behaviour of this class of Profibus networks...

  12. Mono-implicit Runge Kutta schemes for singularly perturbed delay differential equations (United States)

    Rihan, Fathalla A.; Al-Salti, Nasser S.


    In this paper, we adapt Mono-Implicit Runge-Kutta schemes for numerical approximations of singularly perturbed delay differential equations. The schemes are developed to reduce the computational cost of the fully implicit method which combine the accuracy of implicit method and efficient implementation. Numerical stability properties of the schemes are investigated. Numerical simulations are provided to show the effectiveness of the method for both stiff and non-stiff initial value problems.

  13. High pressure behaviour of uranium mono pnictides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pagare, Gitanjali; Ojha, Poonam; Sanyal, S.P.; Aynyas, Mahendra


    The pressure induced structural phase transition of three actinide mono pnictides AX (A=U and X=As, Sb, Bi), have been studied theoretically using two body interionic potential with necessary modifications to include the effect of Coulomb screening by the delocalized 5f electrons of the actinide (uranium) ion. The peculiar properties of these compounds have been interpreted in terms of the hybridization of f electrons with the conduction band. The calculated compression curves are compared with the experimental results. These compounds exhibits first order crystallographic phase transition from their NaCl (B 1 ) phase to CsCl (B 2 ) phase at 17GPa, 9.5GPa and 5.3 GPa respectively. The NaCl phase possesses lower energy than CsCl phase and stable at ambient pressure. (author)

  14. Geochemistry of ikaite formation at Mono Lake, California: Implications for the origin of tufa mounds (United States)

    Council, Todd C.; Bennett, Philip C.


    The mineral ikaite (CaCO3 ṡ 6H2O), not previously observed in lake environments, precipitates seasonally along the shore of Mono Lake, California, where Ca-HCO3 spring water mixes with cold Na-CO3 lake water. During the winter, cold water temperatures and high concentrations of PO43- and organic carbon inhibit calcite precipitation, allowing the metastable ikaite to form. During the spring warming, however, ikaite decomposes to form calcium carbonate and water, occasionally leaving pseudomorphs of the primary precipitate. The identification of modern ikaite suggests that both Pleistocene and Holocene tufas in the Mono basin originally precipitated as ikaite. This mineral may also form in other lake environments, but rapid recrystallization after warming destroys the physical, chemical, and isotopic evidence of formation, and alters the geochemical record.

  15. Elevated levels of homocysteine increase IL-6 production in monocytic Mono Mac 6 cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Aken, B. E.; Jansen, J.; van Deventer, S. J.; Reitsma, P. H.


    Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and thrombosis. The aim of this study was to analyze if exposure of monocytic cells to increased levels of homocysteine (HCY) induces the accumulation of inflammatory mediators. Interleukin (IL)-6 production by monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6

  16. Serum metabolomics analysis of patients with chikungunya and dengue mono/co-infections reveals distinct metabolite signatures in the three disease conditions (United States)

    Shrinet, Jatin; Shastri, Jayanthi S.; Gaind, Rajni; Bhavesh, Neel Sarovar; Sunil, Sujatha


    Chikungunya and dengue are arboviral infections with overlapping clinical symptoms. A subset of chikungunya infection occurs also as co-infections with dengue, resulting in complications during diagnosis and patient management. The present study was undertaken to identify the global metabolome of patient sera infected with chikungunya as mono infections and with dengue as co-infections. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the metabolome of sera of three disease conditions, namely, chikungunya and dengue as mono-infections and when co-infected were ascertained and compared with healthy individuals. Further, the cohorts were analyzed on the basis of age, onset of fever and joint involvement. Here we show that many metabolites in the serum are significantly differentially regulated during chikungunya mono-infection as well as during chikungunya co-infection with dengue. We observed that glycine, serine, threonine, galactose and pyrimidine metabolisms are the most perturbed pathways in both mono and co-infection conditions. The affected pathways in our study correlate well with the clinical manifestation like fever, inflammation, energy deprivation and joint pain during the infections. These results may serve as a starting point for validations and identification of distinct biomolecules that could be exploited as biomarker candidates thereby helping in better patient management.

  17. Enhanced cooling in mono-crystalline ultra-thin silicon by embedded micro-air channels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohamed T. Ghoneim


    Full Text Available In today’s digital world, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS technology enabled scaling of bulk mono-crystalline silicon (100 based electronics has resulted in their higher performance but with increased dynamic and off-state power consumption. Such trade-off has caused excessive heat generation which eventually drains the charge of battery in portable devices. The traditional solution utilizing off-chip fans and heat sinks used for heat management make the whole system bulky and less mobile. Here we show, an enhanced cooling phenomenon in ultra-thin (>10 μm mono-crystalline (100 silicon (detached from bulk substrate by utilizing deterministic pattern of porous network of vertical “through silicon” micro-air channels that offer remarkable heat and weight management for ultra-mobile electronics, in a cost effective way with 20× reduction in substrate weight and a 12% lower maximum temperature at sustained loads. We also show the effectiveness of this event in functional MOS field effect transistors (MOSFETs with high-κ/metal gate stacks.

  18. Tri-block copolymers with mono-disperse crystallizable diamide segments: synthesis, analysis and rheological properties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Araichimani, A.; Gaymans, R.J.


    Tri-block copolymers with polyether mid-segments and mono-disperse amide end segments were synthesized, analyzed and some properties studied. The end segment was an aromatic diamide (diaramide, TΦB). The polyether mid-segment was a difunctional poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PTMO, 1000 and 2900 g/mol).

  19. 40 CFR 721.3130 - Sulfuric acid, mono-C9-11-alkyl esters, sodium salts. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Sulfuric acid, mono-C9-11-alkyl esters, sodium salts. 721.3130 Section 721.3130 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... significant new uses are: (i) Industrial, commercial, and consumer activities. Requirements as specified in...

  20. Preparation of diesel emulsion using auxiliary emulsifier mono ethylene glycol and utilization in a turbocharged diesel engine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yilmaz, Emre; Solmaz, Hamit; Polat, Seyfi; Uyumaz, Ahmet; Şahin, Fatih; Salman, M. Sahir


    Highlights: • Mono-ethylene glycol was used as an auxiliary emulsifier. • Using mono ethylene glycol prolonged precipitation duration of emulsions. • With using E5 and E10 fuels engine torque averagely increased by 0.35% and 1.73% respectively. • It was found that specific fuel consumption of emulsions is lower than diesel. • Using E10 fuel reduced CO, NO x and soot emissions 44%, 47% and 5% respectively. - Abstract: Diesel engines are used widely as they have lower fuel consumption and higher thermal efficiency in transportation sector. However, the emitted high NO x , CO and soot emissions have led researchers to search different alternative fuels. At this point, diesel fuels emulsions help to reduce exhaust emissions. In this study, the effects of diesel fuel emulsions containing 5% (E5) and 10% (E10) water on engine performance an exhaust emissions has been investigated. Mono ethylene glycol was used as an auxiliary emulsifier in the preparation of the emulsion. Use of the mono ethylene glycol reduced the subsidence rate of the E5 and E10 about 34.5% and 47.1% respectively. The experiments were conducted at full load condition and at 2500, 3250 and 4000 rpm engine speeds. Engine torque and power increased according to diesel fuel between 2400 and 3600 engine speed range when emulsified fuels were used. But significant reductions were observed after that engine speed range. It was observed that the nitrogenoxide (NO x ) emission reduced 5.42% and 11.01% with using E5 and E10 fuel respectively according to diesel fuel at 2500 rpm. Also the soot emissions reduced 12.39% and 22.97% with using E5 and E10

  1. Mono- and di-n-butyl phosphates of some metals in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solovkin, A.S.


    Results of investigations which have been carried out in the Soviet Union for the last 10 years on the determination of the composition, structure, conditions of the formation and solubility of mono- and di-n-butyl phosphates of metals (U/sup 6 +/, Pu/sup 4 +/, Pu/sup 3 +/, Th, Zr, Fe/sup 3 +/, Am, Al, rare-earth elements), which are important for the processes of irradiated nuclear fuel reprocessing, are presented. A conclusion is made that zirconium mono- and di-n-butyl phosphates are the least soluble in aqueous and organic solvents of all investigated compounds. FeA/sub 3/ and AmA/sub 3/ are weakly soluble in aqueous solutions. The other compounds are sufficiently soluble in moderately acidic aqueous solutions or in DBP and TBP with dilutents. The obtained results indicate at the similarity of zirconium and plutonium (4) chemical properties; thorium, in this respect, is not an analogue of plutonium (4). Possible structural formulas of the investigated compounds are considered.

  2. PCDFs, PCDDs, non-ortho PCBs, and mono-ortho PCBs in northern fulmars from the Faroe Islands

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ericson, I.M.; Hagberg, J.; Bavel van, B.; Lindstrom, G. [Orebro Univ., Orebro (Sweden). MTM Research Centre; Dam, M. [Food and Environment Agency, Torshavn, Faroe Islands (Denmark); Jensen, J.K.; Danielsen, J. [Faroese Museum of Natural History, Faroe Islands (Denmark)


    Eggs and tissues of Northern Fulmars have been used to monitor the contamination of the Canadian Arctic marine environment since 1975. Dioxin levels for northern fulmars in the Arctic are among the highest reported for birds. This study reported the results of analyses of dioxins (PCDDs) and non- and mono-ortho polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in liver tissue from juvenile northern fulmars from the Faeroe Islands in 2003. The samples were collected during a traditional hunt and ground with anhydrous sodium sulfate. Sample extraction was performed using supercritical fluid extraction coupled to a solid phase liquid chromatography trap (SFE-LC). Target compounds were collected on a solid phase trap containing AX-21 carbon on ODS silica and eluted with 6 ml n-hexane/dichloromethane for non-planar compounds and xylene for planar compounds. PCDD and planar PCB analysis was performed on an a high resolution gas chromatography (GC) mass spectrometer (MS) operating at 10,000 resolution using EI ionization at 35 eV. Concentrations of PCDFs, PCDDs, non, and mono-ortho PCBs were detected in all samples. High levels of mono-ortho PCBs were detected, as well as non-ortho PCBs, PCDFs, and PCDDs. It was concluded that levels and congener patterns in fulmars from the Faroe Islands and the Canadian Arctic were comparable. However, slightly higher levels were detected in the Faeroe Islands samples. 9 refs., 1 tab., 2 figs.

  3. Las hermanas de los pobres de San Pedro Claver

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael Méndez Buendía


    Full Text Available "El ser humano actúa, siente y se desenvuelve siempre de acuerdo con lo que él imagina ser verdad acerca de sí mismo y del ambiente que le rodea". Esta es la ley básica del pensamiento humano y este es el modo de que estamos hechos ya que la imaginación desempeña en nuestras vidas un papel mucho más importante de lo que nos podemos imaginar. Extraña al parecer la manera de iniciar este ensayo monográfico de una ilustre congregación religiosa que nace en Barranquilla, "la puerta de oro de Colombia" y "la sultana de los pies desnudos", allá por febrero de 1912, bajo el título de "Hermanas de los Pobres de San Pedro Claver", nombre sugerido a la fundadora por el obispo de Cartagena, monseñor Brioschi, para honrar en forma tal, según sus palabras, al "modelo de virtudes religiosas y al gran apóstol de la caridad cristiana".

  4. Health Disparities and Relational Well-Being between Multi- and Mono-Ethnic Asian Americans (United States)

    Zhang, Wei


    Focusing on Hawaii, a state with 21.3% of the population being multi-racial according to the 2010 U.S. Census, this study aims to examine the existence and nature of health disparities between mono- and multi-ethnic Asian Americans and the importance of Relational Well-Being in affecting the health of Asian Americans. A series of ordinary least…

  5. Estudio del grado de madurez y/o maduración de tomates empleando técnicas espectroscópicas moleculares


    Jurado Capel, Laura


    Este Trabajo Fin de Máster versa sobre el estudio de la madurez en tomates evaluando la evolución de distintos pigmentos (carotenos, tocoferoles, flavonoides)y otros compuestos como el glutamato monosódico. Para ello se hace uso de técnicas espectroscópicas moleculares donde el análisis de la muestra se aborda a través de dos estrategias diferentes que permita comparar el análisis directo sobre la piel del fruto mediante ATR-FTIR y análisis de extractos metanólicos de la piel mediante Fluore...

  6. Bayesian risk maps for Schistosoma mansoni and hookworm mono-infections in a setting where both parasites co-exist

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanna Raso


    Full Text Available There is growing interest in the use of Bayesian geostatistical models for predicting the spatial distribution of parasitic infections, including hookworm, Schistosoma mansoni and co-infections with both parasites. The aim of this study was to predict the spatial distribution of mono-infections with either hookworm or S. mansoni in a setting where both parasites co-exist. School-based cross-sectional parasitological and questionnaire surveys were carried out in 57 rural schools in the Man region, western Côte d’Ivoire. A single stool specimen was obtained from each schoolchild attending grades 3-5. Stool specimens were processed by the Kato-Katz technique and an ether concentration method and examined for the presence of hookworm and S. mansoni eggs. The combined results from the two diagnostic approaches were considered for the infection status of each child. Demographic data (i.e. age and sex were obtained from readily available school registries. Each child’s socio-economic status was estimated, using the questionnaire data following a household-based asset approach. Environmental data were extracted from satellite imagery. The different data sources were incorporated into a geographical information system. Finally, a Bayesian spatial multinomial regression model was constructed and the spatial patterns of S. mansoni and hookworm mono-infections were investigated using Bayesian kriging. Our approach facilitated the production of smooth risk maps for hookworm and S. mansoni mono-infections that can be utilized for targeting control interventions. We argue that in settings where S. mansoni and hookworm co-exist and control efforts are under way, there is a need for both mono- and co-infection risk maps to enhance the cost-effectiveness of control programmes.

  7. Dietary flavonoids bind to mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1 in nuclei, and inhibit chemical induced mutagenesis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirata, Fusao, E-mail:; Harada, Takasuke; Corcoran, George B.; Hirata, Aiko


    Highlight: • Nuclear mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1 is involved in DNA damage induced mutagenesis. • Dietary flavonoids bind to and inhibit purified mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1 helicase. • Dietary flavonoids show anti-mutagenic action. • Annexin A1 may serve as a putative target of cancer chemoprevention by flavonoids. - Abstract: In order to investigate the mechanisms of anti-mutagenic action by dietary flavonoids, we investigated if they inhibit mutation of the thymidine kinase (tk) gene in L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells. Silibinin, quercetin and genistein suppressed mutation of the tk gene induced in L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and As{sup 3+}. Flavone and flavonol were less effective. To establish that mutation of the tk gene in L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells by MMS and As{sup 3+} is mediated through mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1, L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells were treated with annexin A1 anti-sense oligonucleotide. The treatment reduced mRNA as well as protein levels of annexin A1, and suppressed mutation of the tk gene. Nuclear extracts from L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells catalyzed translesion DNA synthesis with an oligonucleotide template containing 8-oxo-guanosine in an annexin A1 dependent manner. This translesion DNA synthesis was inhibited by the anti-mutagenic flavonoids, silibinin, quercetin and genistein, in a concentration dependent manner, but only slightly by flavone and flavonol. Because these observations implicate involvement of annexin A1 in mutagenesis, we examined if flavonoids suppress nuclear annexin A1 helicase activity. Silibinin, quercetin and genistein inhibited ssDNA binding, DNA chain annealing and DNA unwinding activities of purified nuclear mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1. Flavone and flavonol were ineffective. The apparent direct binding of anti-mutagenic flavonoids to the annexin A1 molecule was supported by fluorescence quenching. Taken together, these findings illustrate that nuclear annexin A1 may be

  8. Dietary flavonoids bind to mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1 in nuclei, and inhibit chemical induced mutagenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirata, Fusao; Harada, Takasuke; Corcoran, George B.; Hirata, Aiko


    Highlight: • Nuclear mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1 is involved in DNA damage induced mutagenesis. • Dietary flavonoids bind to and inhibit purified mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1 helicase. • Dietary flavonoids show anti-mutagenic action. • Annexin A1 may serve as a putative target of cancer chemoprevention by flavonoids. - Abstract: In order to investigate the mechanisms of anti-mutagenic action by dietary flavonoids, we investigated if they inhibit mutation of the thymidine kinase (tk) gene in L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells. Silibinin, quercetin and genistein suppressed mutation of the tk gene induced in L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and As 3+ . Flavone and flavonol were less effective. To establish that mutation of the tk gene in L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells by MMS and As 3+ is mediated through mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1, L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells were treated with annexin A1 anti-sense oligonucleotide. The treatment reduced mRNA as well as protein levels of annexin A1, and suppressed mutation of the tk gene. Nuclear extracts from L5178Ytk(±) lymphoma cells catalyzed translesion DNA synthesis with an oligonucleotide template containing 8-oxo-guanosine in an annexin A1 dependent manner. This translesion DNA synthesis was inhibited by the anti-mutagenic flavonoids, silibinin, quercetin and genistein, in a concentration dependent manner, but only slightly by flavone and flavonol. Because these observations implicate involvement of annexin A1 in mutagenesis, we examined if flavonoids suppress nuclear annexin A1 helicase activity. Silibinin, quercetin and genistein inhibited ssDNA binding, DNA chain annealing and DNA unwinding activities of purified nuclear mono-ubiquitinated annexin A1. Flavone and flavonol were ineffective. The apparent direct binding of anti-mutagenic flavonoids to the annexin A1 molecule was supported by fluorescence quenching. Taken together, these findings illustrate that nuclear annexin A1 may be a novel

  9. Compartmentation of mono- and sesqui-terpene biosynthesis of the essential oil in poncirus trifoliata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinrich, G.; Wegener, R.; Schultze, W.


    The fruit of Poncirus trifoliata shows glandular cells complexes in the exocarp, which produce a volatile oil rich in monoterpenes but poor in sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds. The juice vesicles of the endocarp possess similar cell complexes mainly containing sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds, whereas monoterpenes only occur in small amounts. By the use of combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 19 components of the rind oil and 15 compounds of the endocarp oil could be identified. As demonstrated by electron microscopy the terpenes most probably are synthesized predominantly, if not exclusively in plastids. As shown by gasradiochromatography radioactive precursors ( 14 Co 2 and 14 C-leucine) are incorporated into mono- and sesqui-terpenes to a different extent. This is due to two gland types producing essential oils of different composition with regard to their mono- and sesqui-terpene percentage. In fruit development the exocarp glands differentiate earlier than the endocarp glands do. The activity of exogenously applied 14 Co 2 first reaches the peripheral glands and later on appears in the interior glands. Depending upon the growth season, labelled leucine transported by the conducting tissues from lower plant parts leads to a high specific activity of the sesqui-terpenes and oxigenated compounds. It could be argued that in this instance the glands of the pulp are better provided with precursors than the exocarp glands. The successive maxima of essential oil production in both glandular complexes, and the changes in the concentration of individual oil constituents during the ontogeny of the fruit also contribute to different incorporation ratios of radioactive precursors into mono- and sesqui-terpenes. (author)

  10. A mono isocentric radiotherapy technique for craniospinal irradiation using asymmetric jaws

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isin, G; Oezyar, E.; Guerdalli, S.; Arslan, G.; Uzal, D.; Atahan, I. L.


    Dose distribution across the junction of matching of craniospinal fields (lateral cranial fields and posterior spinal field) is important as severe complications may result if the beams overlap or disease may recurs if the gapping is too conservative. Various techniques have been used to achieve an effective transverse plane match and half-beam block technique is one of these techniques. Here, we describe a mono isocentric technique for the treatment of craniospinal fields using the asymmetric jaws of our linear accelerator (Philips SL-25). Before the clinical application of this non-standard technique, basic dosimetry parameters are evaluated. Asymmetric collimator dose distributions for various asymmetric field sizes were obtained and compared with symmetric dose distributions for 6 MV x-ray. A computerized 3-D water phantom with a pair of ionization chambers (reference and field) was used for dose profiles, isodose distributions and Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) for various asymmetric field sizes and different off axis distances. The measured values of off axis ratios for the interested depths were used in MU calculations. This new mono isocentric technique provides an ideal dose distribution at match-line as there is no need to move the patient during treatment. Use of heavy secondary cerrobend blocks (beam splitters) is eliminated. This technique provides the ease of consequent daily set-up's and fulfills the requirements for a conformal radiotherapy

  11. A load-displacement based approach to assess the bearing capacity and deformations of mono-bucket foundations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vahdatirad, Mohammadjavad; Diaz, Alberto Troya; Nielsen, Søren


    It is now accepted that a larger effort must be made in order to optimize the design so that offshore wind turbines can be competitive with the other energy resources. In this regard, mono-buckets are known as a cost-effective offshore foundation solution. In the current study, a load–displacemen......It is now accepted that a larger effort must be made in order to optimize the design so that offshore wind turbines can be competitive with the other energy resources. In this regard, mono-buckets are known as a cost-effective offshore foundation solution. In the current study, a load...... and run the calculations is proposed. The model is validated, and its accuracy is analyzed, by comparison with field test results for a bucket foundation installed in silty, sandy soil....

  12. Biological significance of lysine mono-, di- and trimethylation on histone and non-histone proteins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perez-Burgos, L.


    Histones are the proteins that compact DNA into the repeating unit of chromatin known as the nucleosome. The N-termini of histones are subject to a series of post-translational modifications, one of which is methylation. This modification is termed 'epigenetic' because it extends the information encoded in the genome. Lysines can be mono-, di- or tri-methylated at different positions on histones H1, H3 and H4. In order to study the biological role of histone lysine methylation, antibodies were generated against mono-, di- and trimethylated H3-K9 and H3-27. Indeed, different chromatin domains in the mouse nucleus are enriched in distinct forms of histone lysine methylation, such as pericentric heterochromatin and the inactive X chromosome. Interestingly, heterochromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana is enriched in the mono- and di-, but not the trimethylated form of H3-K9. Furthermore, there exists a hierarchy of epigenetic modifications in which H3-K9 trimethylation is found to be upstream of DNA methylation on mouse major satellites. Histone lysine methylation is also involved in gene regulation upon development. One example is the chicken 61538;-globin locus, a region of facultative chromatin that undergoes a loss of di- and trimethylated H3-K27 in mature red blood cells, concomitant with expression of the 61538;-globin genes. SET-domain proteins are enzymes that methylate histones, but some of them are also able to methylate non-histone substrates. In particular, p53 is methylated by Set9 on lysine 372, G9a and Glp-1 on lysine 373 and by Smyd2 on lysine 370. Smyd2 transcript levels are greatly increased upon irradiation and dimethylated p53-370 specifically binds to 53BP1, a protein involved in recognizing DNA double-stranded breaks upon ionizing radiation. These results argue for a novel role of p53-K370 methylation in the biology of DNA damage. In summary, lysine methylation is a post-translational modification that can occur both on histone and non-histone proteins

  13. A low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet is a balanced therapy for fibromyalgia with nutritional and symptomatic benefits


    Marum, Ana Paula; Moreira, Cátia; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Saraiva, Fernando; Guerreiro, Catarina Sousa


    Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a chronic rheumatic disease producing widespread pain, associated to a major comorbidity -irritable bowel syndrome. Low FODMAPS diet (low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols diet) has been effective in controlling irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Overweight is an aggravating factor for fibromyalgia. We studied effects of low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols diets on fibromyalgia symptoms and weight status. Methods: A longitudinal ...

  14. Elimination of Cu (II) and Zn (II) ions in mono-element and the bi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Elimination of Cu (II) and Zn (II) ions in mono-element and the bi-element aqueous solutions by adsorption on natural clay of Bikougou (Gabon) ... The modeling of the experimental results is better achieved by application of. Freundlich adsorption isotherm and Langmuir adsorption isotherm concerning the adsorption of Cu ...

  15. Self-construing in children with primary mono-symptomatic nocturnal enuresis--an investigation of three measures. (United States)

    Robinson, Joanne C; Butler, Richard J; Holland, Philip; Doherty-Williams, Dianne


    This study aims to measure different aspects of self-construing in children with primary mono-symptomatic nocturnal enuresis. 25 children aged 7-14 years, with nocturnal enuresis were recruited from a paediatric outpatient's unit specialising in enuresis [mean age 10.6 [males], 9.39 [females

  16. Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in HIV mono-infected patients. (United States)

    Jackson, Belinda D; Doyle, Joseph S; Hoy, Jennifer F; Roberts, Stuart K; Colman, John; Hellard, Margaret E; Sasadeusz, Joseph J; Iser, David M


    Unexplained liver injury including fibrosis and portal hypertension has rarely been reported among patients with HIV in the absence of co-infection with hepatitis B (HBV) or hepatitis C (HCV). We describe a series of HIV mono-infected patients with evidence of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. HIV-infected patients with evidence of portal hypertension who were anti-HBV and anti-HCV negative and HBV and HCV RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) negative were identified from patients managed by the Victorian statewide HIV referral service located at The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne. Portal hypertension was defined as either radiological or endoscopic evidence of varices, portal vein flow obstruction, or elevated hepatic venous pressure gradient (HPVG). Five patients were found to have portal hypertension. These patients were male, aged 41 to 65 years, with known duration of HIV infection between 11 to 25 years. All had been treated with antiretroviral therapy, including didanosine. Tests for metabolic, autoimmune, and hereditary causes of liver disease failed to establish an etiology for the liver injury. All had radiological or endoscopic findings of varices, and four patients had radiological features of portal vein obstruction or flow reversal. Only one patient underwent HPVG measurement, which was elevated. Non-invasive fibrosis assessment revealed increased liver stiffness in three (out of four) patients, and no cirrhotic features were found on those who underwent liver biopsy. To our knowledge, this is the largest published series of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension in HIV mono-infected patients in Australia. Further research is needed to understand what relationship, if any, HIV or its treatments might have on liver injury over time. © 2012 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  17. Transient Monotonic and Cyclic Load Effects on Mono Bucket Foundations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Søren Dam

    Today, 80 % of all European offshore wind turbines are installed on monopiles. A cost-effective alternative to the monopile is the mono bucket foundation. For an offshore wind turbine foundation in open seas, the dominant load is often coming from waves. During storms, large waves are formed...... the foundation is sucked to the seabed, creating extra capacity during the impact. Over the life-time of an offshore wind turbine foundation will be hit by millions of waves. Each wave might lead to a permanent rotation of the foundation. Therefore, it is important to be able to estimate the total deformation...

  18. Mono-Type TFT Logic Architectures for Low Power Systems on Panel Applications


    Yang, Yifan; Lee, Sungsik; Holburn, David Michael; Nathan, Arokia


    This paper introduces novel 7-T pseudo-CMOS for enhancement mode and 6-T pseudo-CMOS for depletion mode inverter circuit architectures. The designs are built around mono-type of TFTs and consume less power consumption than existing 4-T pseudo-CMOS circuits. In addition, they provide steep transfer curves, along with embedded control for compensation of device parameter variations. Analysis of the transient behavior for the various circuit architectures is presented, providing quantitative ins...

  19. Durability of bare and anodised aluminium in atmosphere of very different corrosivities I. Bare aluminium; Durabilidad del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmosferas de muy diferentes corrosividades. I. Aluminio desnudo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez, J. A.; Escudero, E.; Lopez, V.; Simancas, J.; Morcillo, M.


    The behaviour of bare aluminium is studied in atmospheric exposure at 11 natural testing stations with salinity levels ranging between 2.1 and 684 mg Cl''- m''-2 d''-1. In atmospheres of low or moderate aggressivity aluminium behaves as a passive material, though the insignificant corrosion that is produced is sufficient to spoil its appearance. In contrast, at salinity levels of 50 mg Cl''- m''-2 ''-1 or above, aluminium is susceptible to pitting corrosion even in the first year of atmospheric exposure, or in the second year at salinities of {<=} 10 mg Cl''- m''-2 d''-1. For comparative purposes, results are included for aluminium protected with an anodic film of 28 {mu}m thickness exposed at the same testing stations. A 28 {mu}m anodic film, correctly sealed, prevents the risk of localised corrosion even in the most unfavourable situations. (Author) 23 refs.

  20. Elastic source model of the North Mono eruption (1325-1368 A.D.) based on shoreline deformation (United States)

    Shaffer, Wil; Bursik, Marcus; Renshaw, Carl


    Topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) captures the permanent deformation of a prominent highstand of Mono Lake, California USA. Deformation of the Dechambeau Ranch highstand shoreline was measured using the elevation of the beach berm—shoreline bluff break-in-slope. Point source models and a boundary element dike model were used to approximate the source of deformation underneath the northern end of the Mono Craters. The point source model could not adequately explain the observed deformation. The dike model yielded the best results for a NW trending dike dipping 60° NE and inflated to widths greater than 60 m. The results suggest that the geometry of the source is more complex than a simple vertical dike and that the deformation is better explained with a dipping dike following a normal fault, or an elongated cryptodome.

  1. Anomalous I-V curve for mono-atomic carbon chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Bo; Fang Haiping; Sanvito, Stefano


    The electronic transport properties of mono-atomic carbon chains were studied theoretically using a combination of density functional theory and the non-equilibrium Green's functions method. The I-V curves for the chains composed of an even number of atoms and attached to gold electrodes through sulfur exhibit two plateaus where the current becomes bias independent. In contrast, when the number of carbon atoms in the chain is odd, the electric current simply increases monotonically with bias. This peculiar behavior is attributed to dimerization of the chains, directly resulting from their one-dimensional nature. The finding is expected to be helpful in designing molecular devices, such as carbon-chain-based transistors and sensors, for nanoscale and biological applications.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luko Hilje


    Full Text Available Aunque varios tipos de coberturas en suelo (inertes o vivas pueden reducir la afluencia de adultos de B. tabaci en plantas de tomate, se desconoce el mecanismo específico de acción de cada una de ellas. Por tanto, se realizó un experimento en un invernadero en Turrialba, Costa Rica, para determinar su respuesta tanto a coberturas inertes (metal verde y plástico plateado y amarillo como vivas: maní forrajero (Arachis pintoi, Fabaceae, cinquillo (Drymaria cordata, Caryophyllaceae y culantro (Coriandrum sativum, Umbelliferae. Se les comparó con un testigo (suelo desnudo. Hubo 4 repeticiones de cada tratamiento. Cada cobertura se sembró en una maceta grande, rodeado de una plántula de tomate de 15 cm de altura. Las macetas se colocaron sobre el piso del invernadero, espaciadas 40 cm entre sí. Cada experimento se repitió en 4 días consecutivos, para lo cual los tratamientos se aleatorizaron todos los días. Se utilizó un diseño de parcelas divididas, con las coberturas como la parcela principal y las fechas como las subparcelas. La víspera de cada repetición se liberaron 1200 adultos de B. tabaci (biotipo A en el área experimental y al día siguiente se registraron sus datos tanto en la planta de tomate como en cada cobertura. Los números de adultos fueron mucho mayores (p0,05. Aunque todas interfieren con la habilidad de los adultos para localizar las plantas de tomate, el mecanismo específico de acción difirió según la naturaleza de cada una, excepto en las coberturas vivas, que parecen compartir el mismo mecanismo.

  3. Conformational studies on pertrimethylsilyl derivatives of some mono- and disaccharides by 220 MHz PMR spectroscopy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliegenthart, J.F.G.; Streefkerk, D.G.; Bie, M.J.A. de


    The complete interpretation of 220 MHz PMR spectra and the accurate chemical shifts and coupling constants, obtained after computer simulation of the spectra, of a number of TMS-mono and -disaccharides are given. By means of an adapted Karplus equation the conformation of the derivatives has been

  4. Comparison study of exhaust plume impingement effects of small mono- and bipropellant thrusters using parallelized DSMC method.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyun Ho Lee

    Full Text Available A space propulsion system is important for the normal mission operations of a spacecraft by adjusting its attitude and maneuver. Generally, a mono- and a bipropellant thruster have been mainly used for low thrust liquid rocket engines. But as the plume gas expelled from these small thrusters diffuses freely in a vacuum space along all directions, unwanted effects due to the plume collision onto the spacecraft surfaces can dramatically cause a deterioration of the function and performance of a spacecraft. Thus, aim of the present study is to investigate and compare the major differences of the plume gas impingement effects quantitatively between the small mono- and bipropellant thrusters using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD. For an efficiency of the numerical calculations, the whole calculation domain is divided into two different flow regimes depending on the flow characteristics, and then Navier-Stokes equations and parallelized Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC method are adopted for each flow regime. From the present analysis, thermal and mass influences of the plume gas impingements on the spacecraft were analyzed for the mono- and the bipropellant thrusters. As a result, it is concluded that a careful understanding on the plume impingement effects depending on the chemical characteristics of different propellants are necessary for the efficient design of the spacecraft.

  5. Post-middle Miocene Tuffs of Bodie Hills and Mono Basin, California: Paleomagnetic Reference Directions and Vertical Axis Rotation (United States)

    Lindeman, J. R.; Pluhar, C. J.; Farner, M. J.


    The relative motions of the Pacific and North American plates about the Sierra Nevada-North American Euler pole is accommodated by dextral slip along the San Andreas Fault System (~75%) and the Walker Lane-Eastern California Shear Zone system of faults, east of the Sierra Nevada microplate (~25%). The Bodie Hills and Mono Basin regions lie within the Walker Lane and partially accommodate deformation by vertical axis rotation of up to 60o rotation since ~9.4 Ma. This region experienced recurrent eruptive events from mid to late Miocene, including John et al.'s (2012) ~12.05 Ma Tuff of Jack Springs (TJS) and Gilbert's (1968) 11.1 - 11.9 Ma 'latite ignimbrite' east of Mono Lake. Both tuffs can be identified by phenocrysts of sanidine and biotite in hand specimens, with TJS composed of a light-grey matrix and the latite ignimbrite composed of a grey-black matrix. Our paleomagnetic results show these units to both be normal polarity, with the latite ignimbrite exhibiting a shallow inclination. TJS's normal polarity is consistent with emplacement during subchron C5 An. 1n (12.014 - 12.116 Ma). The X-ray fluorescence analyses of fiamme from TJS in Bodie Hills and the latite ignimbrite located east of Mono Lake reveal them both to be rhyolites with the latite ignimbrite sharing elevated K composition seen in the slightly younger Stanislaus Group (9.0 - 10.2 Ma). We establish a paleomagnetic reference direction of D = 352.8o I = 42.7o α95 = 7.7o n = 5 sites (42 samples) for TJS in the Bodie Hills in a region hypothesized by Carlson (2012) to have experienced low rotation. Our reference for Gilbert's latite ignimbrite (at Cowtrack Mountain) is D = 352.9o I = 32.1o α95 = 4.7o. This reference locality is found on basement highland likely to have experienced less deformation then the nearby Mono Basin since ignimbrite emplacement. Paleomagnetic results from this latite ignimbrite suggests ~98.2o × 5.5o of clockwise vertical axis rotation of parts of eastern Mono Basin since

  6. Nitrogen fixation dynamics of two diazotrophic communities in Mono Lake, California (United States)

    Oremland, R.S.


    Two types of diazotrophic microbial communities were found in the littoral zone of alkaline hypersaline Mono Lake, California. One consisted of anaerobic bacteria inhabiting the flocculent surface layers of sediments. Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) by flocculent surface layers occurred under anaerobic conditions, was not stimulated by light or by additions of organic substrates, and was inhibited by O2, nitrate, and ammonia. The second community consisted of a ball-shaped association of a filamentous chlorophyte (Ctenocladus circinnatus) with diazotrophic, nonheterocystous cyanobacteria, as well as anaerobic bacteria (Ctenocladus balls). Nitrogen fixation by Ctenocladus balls was usually, but not always, stimulated by light. Rates of anaerobic dark fixation equaled those in the light under air. Fixation in the light was stimulated by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea and by propanil [N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)propanamide]. 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea-elicited nitrogenase activity was inhibited by ammonia (96%) and nitrate (65%). Fixation was greatest when Ctenocladus balls were incubated anaerobically in the light with sulfide. Dark anaerobic fixation was not stimulated by organic substrates in short-term (4-h) incubations, but was in long-term (67-h) ones. Areal estimates of benthic N2 fixation were measured seasonally, using chambers. Highest rates (~29.3 ??mol of C2H4 m-2 h-1) occurred under normal diel regimens of light and dark. These estimates indicate that benthic N2 fixation has the potential to be a significant nitrogen source in Mono Lake.

  7. Novel non-viral vectors for gene delivery: synthesis of a second-generation library of mono-functionalized poly-(guanidinium)amines and their introduction into cationic lipids. (United States)

    Byk, G; Soto, J; Mattler, C; Frederic, M; Scherman, D


    The development of new gene delivery technologies is a prerequisite towards gene therapy clinical trials. Because gene delivery mediated by viral vectors remains of limited scope due to immunological and propagation risks, the development of new non-viral gene delivery systems is of crucial importance. We have synthesized a secondary library of mono-functionalized poly-(guanidinium)amines generated from a library of mono-functionalized polyamines applying the concept of "libraries from libraries." The method allows a quick and easy access to mono-functionalized geometrically varied poly-(guanidinium)amines. The new building blocks were introduced into cationic lipids to obtain novel poly-(guanidinium)amine lipids, which are potential DNA vectors for gene delivery. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  8. 21 CFR 172.856 - Propylene glycol mono- and diesters of fats and fatty acids. (United States)


    ... fatty acids. 172.856 Section 172.856 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH... diesters of fats and fatty acids. Propylene glycol mono- and diesters of fats and fatty acids may be safely... and/or fatty acids in compliance with § 172.860 and/or oleic acid derived from tall oil fatty acids in...

  9. Ultrasonication of pyrogenic microorganisms improves the detection of pyrogens in the Mono Mac 6 assay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moesby, Lise; Hansen, E W; Christensen, J D


    The monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 is sensitive to pyrogens. When exposed to pyrogens secretion of interleukin-6 is induced. However, some eukaryotic pyrogenic microorganisms are not detectable. The aim of this study is to introduce a pretreatment of samples to expand the detection range of the a...

  10. Interleukin-27 is differentially associated with HIV viral load and CD4+ T cell counts in therapy-naive HIV-mono-infected and HIV/HCV-co-infected Chinese.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lai He

    Full Text Available Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV infection and the resultant Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS epidemic are major global health challenges; hepatitis C virus (HCV co-infection has made the HIV/AIDS epidemic even worse. Interleukin-27 (IL-27, a cytokine which inhibits HIV and HCV replication in vitro, associates with HIV infection and HIV/HCV co-infection in clinical settings. However, the impact of HIV and HCV viral loads on plasma IL-27 expression levels has not been well characterized. In this study, 155 antiretroviral therapy-naïve Chinese were recruited. Among them 80 were HIV- and HCV-negative healthy controls, 45 were HIV-mono-infected and 30 were HIV/HCV-co-infected. Plasma level HIV, HCV, IL-27 and CD4+ number were counted and their correlation, regression relationships were explored. We show that: plasma IL-27 level was significantly upregulated in HIV-mono-infected and HIV/HCV-co-infected Chinese; HIV viral load was negatively correlated with IL-27 titer in HIV-mono-infected subjects whereas the relationship was opposite in HIV/HCV-co-infected subjects; and the relationships between HIV viral loads, IL-27 titers and CD4+ T cell counts in the HIV mono-infection and HIV/HCV co-infection groups were dramatically different. Overall, our results suggest that IL-27 differs in treatment-naïve groups with HIV mono-infections and HIV/HCV co-infections, thereby providing critical information to be considered when caring and treating those with HIV mono-infection and HIV/HCV co-infection.

  11. A Study on Mono-energetic Beam Source Using Characteristic X-ray for Substance Identification System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Hwan Soo


    A new mono-energetic beam source was developed by using characteristic X-ray for improving performance of the substance identification system. Most of inspection systems use X-ray tubes for their source modules. However, the broad energy spectrum of X-ray tube causes an increase of uncertainty. In this study, it was found that mono-energetic beam sources can be generated by using X-ray tube and the designed target filter assembly. In order to investigate the monoenergetic beam source, the sensitivity study was conducted with a series of different X-ray tube potentials, radiator and filter materials using Monte Carlo simulation. The developed beam sources have a mono-energy peak at 69 keV, 78 keV and 99 keV, and they are named as characteristic X-ray beam BEAM69, BEAM78 and BEAM99, respectively. The characteristic X-ray beam intensity was over thirty three times more than that of hardening beam used previous work at Hanyang University. And BEAM69 and BEAM99 were applied to the substance identification system as a source. The relative error between results of characteristic X-ray beams and 69 keV and 99 keV photons was about 2% on the average for five unknown materials. In comparison with experiment results by using hardening beam, characteristic X-ray beam achieves better accuracy which is about 6.46 % on the average. Hence, it is expected that the developed characteristic X-ray beam source helps lower uncertainty of the inspection system, and the inspection time will be reduced considerably due to its high beam intensity

  12. Literature review on cyclic lateral loading effects of mono-bucket foundations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kapitanov, Lachezar Rosenov; Duroska, Peter; Quirante, Cesar Antonio Garcia


    and consequently cost-effectiveness compared to other common solutions. The long-term cyclic loading can cause degradation of soil-bucket system stiffness, which yields into accumulated and permanent deformations. Despite of the advantages, there is no standard procedure to design the foundation especially...... calculation is highly demanded at the different design phases. The intention of the current study is to present, review and summarize the existing techniques to assess the effect of cyclic loading on Mono-Bucket foundations while emphasizing the advantage and disadvantage of each of them. Additionally...

  13. Dynamics of polyelectrolyte adsorption and colloidal flocculation upon mixing studied using mono-dispersed polystyrene latex particles

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Feng, Lili; Cohen Stuart, Martien; Adachi, Yasuhisa


    The dynamic behavior of polyelectrolytes just after their encounter with the surface of bare colloidal particles is analyzed, using the flocculation properties of mono-dispersed polystyrene latex (PSL) particles. Applying a Standardized Colloid Mixing (SCM) approach, effects of ionic strength and

  14. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  15. Forced vibration and wave propagation in mono-coupled periodic structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ohlrich, Mogens


    This paper describes the wave propagation and vibration characteristics of mono-coupled structures which are of spatially periodic nature. The receptance approach to periodic structure theory is applied to study undamped periodic systems with composite structural elements; particular emphasis...... and a general `closed form' solution is found for the forced harmonic response at element junctions. This `junction-receptance' is used to determine-discrete junction mode shapes of a finite system. Finally, the forced response of a finite structure with an internal obstruction is derived as a natural extension...... of the determination of the junction-receptance. The influence of such a disorder is illustrated by a simple example...

  16. Single-molecule magnetism in a single-ion triamidoamine uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, David M.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.; Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J.L.


    Straightforward oxidation of a triamidoamine uranium(III) complex with trimethyl-N-oxide affords a uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex which is the first clear-cut example of a uranium(V) single-molecule magnet (SMM). This monometallic complex unambiguously shows that a strongly axially ligated and thus anisotropic ligand field can be used to overcome the limited magnetic anisotropy of uranium(V). [de

  17. Mitochondrial membranes with mono- and divalent salt: Changes induced by salt ions on structure and dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pöyry, S.; Róg, T.; Karttunen, M.E.J.; Vattulainen, I.


    We employ atomistic simulations to consider how mono- (NaCl) and divalent (CaCl2) salt affects properties of inner and outer membranes of mitochondria. We find that the influence of salt on structural properties is rather minute, only weakly affecting lipid packing, conformational ordering, and

  18. MRI gel dosimetry for verification of mono-isocentric junction doses in head and neck radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Back, S.A.J.; Jayasekera, P.M.; Lepage, M.; Baldock, C.; Menzies, N.; Back, P.


    Full text: The use of independent collimators in the abutment of two adjacent treatment volumes, as in head and neck radiation treatments, consists typically of positioning the collimator rotation axis (CRA) at the junction of the volumes, and offsetting each field by its half-field width. This has the effect of positioning one of the collimator jaws at the CRA for each field. However, misalignment of the jaws can lead to variations in dose uniformity in the junction region. We have used gel dosimetry to measure junction doses in three dimensions. PAG gel MRI was used to investigate junction dosimetry for a mono-isocentriic treatment of two orthogonal pairs of opposed (ant/post and lateral) 6 MV x-ray beams. PAG gels in an 11cm diameter cylindrical gel phantom were imaged using a Siemens Vision 1.5 T MRI. The exposures were made using a Philips SL 20 linear accelerator with independent jaws that were known to overlap at the isocentre for sequential abutting offset (within manufacturer's specifications for symmetric fields). X-Omat V films were exposed in mono-directional beams, and optically scanned for comparison. Measurements of off-axis ratios and of relative depth profiles using gel MRI and perpendicular film were in excellent agreement with each other. Measurements through the multi-directional junction at the isocentre are illustrated in the graph, for orthogonal planes centred at the isocentre of the neck phantom. They demonstrate a minimum dose of 75 % of that of the adjacent 'treatment' regions, which agrees closely with the results measured (72%) in the mono-directional case with film. We conclude that this measurement confirms that junction dosimetry at the isocentre measured with perpendicular film for a single direction is a good approximation to the situation in multiple directions. Copyright (2000) Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

  19. E. P. R. spectroscopic study of nitroxide mono- and bi-radicals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lemaire, H.


    A nitroxide is a molecule containing the group N-O where the oxygen atom made only one bond instead of the usual two. The main advantage of these radicals is their exceptional stability; this allows the study of well defined chemical structures while varying at will the experimental conditions. Studies by electron paramagnetic resonance of nitroxide mono-radicals have given the principal directions and the principal values of the electron-nitrogen nucleus hyperfine tensor and of the anisotropic g-factor tensor. The results were then related to the electronic structure of radicals. An understanding was obtained of the influence of the solvent on the principal values of the tensors, and the marked differences observed in the broadening of hyperfine lines when the medium become viscous. In the nitroxide biradicals, the hyperfine spectra depends not only on the magnetic interactions relative to each monomer, but also on the magnitude of the exchange interaction between the singlet and the triplet states of the dimer; the biradicals studied here are the first organic compounds which show clearly the influence of this exchange on the hyperfine structure. The two unpaired electrons also interact by a magnetic dipolar interaction: in the intermediate case, this can be used to derive the sign of the exchange interaction if the bi-radical is studied in a liquid crystal. Just as for mono-radicals, the hyperfine spectra of bi-radicals show selective broadening in viscous media, which is caused by an overall motional modulation of the anisotropic tensors. This gives another way to determine the sign of the exchange interaction. (author) [fr

  20. Computational fluid dynamics study on mixing mode and power consumption in anaerobic mono- and co-digestion. (United States)

    Zhang, Yuan; Yu, Guangren; Yu, Liang; Siddhu, Muhammad Abdul Hanan; Gao, Mengjiao; Abdeltawab, Ahmed A; Al-Deyab, Salem S; Chen, Xiaochun


    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was applied to investigate mixing mode and power consumption in anaerobic mono- and co-digestion. Cattle manure (CM) and corn stover (CS) were used as feedstock and stirred tank reactor (STR) was used as digester. Power numbers obtained by the CFD simulation were compared with those from the experimental correlation. Results showed that the standard k-ε model was more appropriate than other turbulence models. A new index, net power production instead of gas production, was proposed to optimize feedstock ratio for anaerobic co-digestion. Results showed that flow field and power consumption were significantly changed in co-digestion of CM and CS compared with those in mono-digestion of either CM or CS. For different mixing modes, the optimum feedstock ratio for co-digestion changed with net power production. The best option of CM/CS ratio for continuous mixing, intermittent mixing I, and intermittent mixing II were 1:1, 1:1 and 1:3, respectively. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. Rapid identification of vibrio-cholerae O1 by coaglutination test using mono-specifis antibody

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bazargan SA


    Full Text Available In our investigation, rabbit hyper-immune serum to V.cholerae ogawa was absorbed with V.cholerae inaba whole-cells and vice versa. Applying ammonium sulphate precipitation method, mono-specific g globulins were purified and concentrated from the absorbed whole serum. These antibodies were fixed on staphylococcus cowan 1 NCTC-8325 whole-cells, using different chemical fixatives. It was observed that maximum fixation of g globulin to protein-A was achieved by 1-propanol 50% at 3 hours, which revealed through single radial immuno-diffusion techniqe. The rectal swab samples were cultured in an enrichment bile-peptons broth. After 5 hours 37°C while agitations, one drop of each sample was mixed with one drop of vibrio-cholerae bivalent mono-specific coagglutination reagent (VBCR. The results were read after 2 to 3 minutes. Finally though statistical analysis sensitivity and specificity of coagglutination test were calculated to be 95.1% and 99.2% respectively, when compared to positive & negative controls and conventional culture methods. Using VBCR, coagglutination test can be therefore considered as a simple, reliable and rapid method to detect V.cholerae O1 in the stool of patients in endemic area and less equipped laboratories

  2. Production of pulse in mono-cropped rice system in the coastal region of Eastern India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, A.R.; Nanda, P.; Chandra, Dinesh; Ghorai, A.K.; Behera, M.S.


    This experiment was undertaken with an objective to increase the yield of black-gram leguminous pulse crop through optimal doses of phosphatic fertilizer with supplemental irrigation in mono-cropped rice-fallow regions of India. Irrigation and phosphorus fertilizer application were introduced for enhancing productivity of black-gram to provide better returns to available water resources

  3. Solvent extraction of uranium(VI), plutonium(VI) and americium(III) with HTTA/HPMBP using mono- and bi-functional neutral donors. Synergism and thermodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pai, S.A.; Lohithakshan, K.V.; Mithapara, P.D.; Aggarwal, S.K.


    Synergistic extraction of hexavalent uranium and plutonium as well as trivalent americium was studied in HNO 3 with thenoyl, trifluoro-acetone (HTTA)/1-phenyl, 3-methyl, 4-benzoyl pyrazolone-5 (HPMBP) in combination with neutral donors viz. DPSO, TBP, TOPO (mono-functional) and DBDECMP, DHDECMP, CMPO (bi-functional) with wide basicity range using benzene as diluent. A linear correlation was observed when the equilibrium constant log Ks for the organic phase synergistic reaction of both U(VI) and Pu(VI) with either of the chelating agents HTTA or HPMBP was plotted vs. the basicity (log Kh) of the donor (both mono- and bi-functional) indicating bi-functional donors also behave as mono-functional. This was supported by the thermodynamic data (ΔG 0 , ΔH 0 , ΔS 0 ) obtained for these systems. The organic phase adduct formation reactions were identified for the above systems from the thermodynamic data. In the Am(III) HTTA system log K s values of bi-functional donors were found to be very high and deviate from the linear plot (log K s vs. log K h ) obtained for mono-functional donors, indicating that they function as bi-functional for the Am(III)/HTTA) system studied. This was supported by high +ve ΔS 0 values obtained for this system. (author)

  4. N resource of grasses and N2-fixation of alfalfa in mono-culture and mixture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Shuxiu


    The N behavior in alfalfa and gramineous forage grasses, tall fescue, siberian wild rye, wheat grass and awnless brome were studied in potting and pasture experiments in 1986-1988 by using 15 N isotope dilution technique. Comparison was made between the mixed culture and mono-culture. The % Ndff and %Ndfs of grasses were decreased by 14.19% and 20.76% respectively, while %Ndfa of alfalfa was increased by 20.22% in mixed culture as compared with mono-culture. The 15 N and soil N uptake data revealed that this enhancement was largely due to a lower competitive ability for soil N by alfalfa than by grass in mixed stands, causing the alfalfa to depend more on atmospheric N 2 fixation. 20.62%of N of grasses in mixed culture was from the N 2 -fixation by alfalfa, causing N level in root-sphere of alfalfa decreasing, which was considered to be one of the reasons that %Ndfa increased in mixed culture. N transfer may be carried out by the decomposition of roots and nodules of alfalfa plants

  5. Production of D- and L-Lactic Acid by Mono- and Mixed Cultures of Lactobacillus sp.

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    Antonija Trontel


    Full Text Available Batch cultivation of monoculture of Lactobacillus sp. and two–strain mixed culture of Lactobacillus sp. and Lactobacillus amylovorus DSM 20531T was carried out with the aim of producing L-(+- and D-(–/L-(+-lactic acid to be implemented in poly(lactic acid polymer production. Metabolic capacity of two Lactobacillus strains to ferment different carbon sources (glucose, sucrose or soluble starch during cultivation in MRS medium at 40 °C, in a laboratory-scale stirred tank bioreactor was defined. Lactobacillus sp. showed similar affinity towards mono- and disaccharide substrates, which were homofermentatively converted mostly to L-(+-lactic acid. L. amylovorus DSM 20531T has been characterized as a D/L-lactate producer and it is capable of conducting simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. Due to the interaction of Lactobacillus sp. with L. amylovorus DSM 20531T, starch was hydrolysed and fermented to the mixture of L-(+- and D-(–-lactic acid. Modified Luedeking-Piret kinetics used for the description of substrate utilization, growth of mono- and mixed cultures and production of lactic acid stereoisomers showed good agreement with experimental data.

  6. On Hydrogen Bonding in the Intramolecularly Chelated Taitomers of Enolic Malondialdehyde and its Mono- and Dithio-Analogues

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Lars; Duus, Fritz


    The intramolecular hydrogen bondings in enolic malondialdehyde and it mono- and dithio-analogues have been evaluated by a semiempricial SCF–MO–CNDO method. The calculations predict that the hydrogen bonds play an important part in the stabilities of malondialdehyde and monothiomalondialdehyde...

  7. Mono-jet signatures of gluphilic scalar dark matter

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    Rohini M. Godbole


    Full Text Available A gluphilic scalar dark matter (GSDM model has recently been proposed as an interesting vision for WIMP dark matter communicating dominantly with the Standard Model via gluons. We discuss the collider signature of a hard jet recoiling against missing momentum (“mono-jet” in such a construction, whose leading contribution is at one-loop. We compare the full one-loop computation with an effective field theory (EFT treatment, and find (as expected that EFT does not accurately describe regions of parameter space where mass of the colored mediator particles are comparable to the experimental cuts on the missing energy. We determine bounds (for several choices of SU(3 representation of the mediator from the s=8 TeV data, and show the expected reach of the s=13 TeV LHC and a future 100 TeV pp collider to constrain or discover GSDM models.

  8. Correlation between the structure and infra-red absorption characteristics of mono-deuterated compounds: contribution to the study of organo-magnesium compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paillous, A.


    The high sensitivity of the ν (C-D) vibration to the variations brought about by the substitution of the carbon attached to the deuterium is shown in the case of organic or organo-metallic mono-deuterated molecules. In particular, syntheses of various mono-deuterated organo-magnesium compounds have been carried out; results are given concerning an infra-red spectrometric examination of these compounds in the range 2100 - 2250 cm -1 . The results show the existence of only one type of deuterated carbon, which suggests that the same carbanion is involved in various ionic associations for the different magnesium-containing compounds. (authors) [fr

  9. Mechanically flexible optically transparent porous mono-crystalline silicon substrate

    KAUST Repository

    Rojas, Jhonathan Prieto; Syed, Ahad A.; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    For the first time, we present a simple process to fabricate a thin (≥5μm), mechanically flexible, optically transparent, porous mono-crystalline silicon substrate. Relying only on reactive ion etching steps, we are able to controllably peel off a thin layer of the original substrate. This scheme is cost favorable as it uses a low-cost silicon <100> wafer and furthermore it has the potential for recycling the remaining part of the wafer that otherwise would be lost and wasted during conventional back-grinding process. Due to its porosity, it shows see-through transparency and potential for flexible membrane applications, neural probing and such. Our process can offer flexible, transparent silicon from post high-thermal budget processed device wafer to retain the high performance electronics on flexible substrates. © 2012 IEEE.

  10. The assessment of bee venom responses in an experimental model of mono-arthritis using Tc-99m DPD bone scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Chung-Yong; Park, Soon-Ah; Oh, Kyung-Jae; Yang, Yun-Sik


    Several recent studies have shown that bee venom (BV) has an anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis. However, objective methods for evaluation of the therapeutic effect of BV is insufficient in animal studies and clinical trials. Our purpose was to determine the usefulness of bone scintigraphy using Tc-99m DPD (3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propan-dicarbonacid) about effects of BV applied to carrageenan-induced mono-arthritis (CIA) model. Mono-arthritis was induced by an intra-articular injection of carrageenan in Sprague-Dawley rats. Administration of BV (0.8 mg/kg) was performed at 30 min before and at 4 h after the induction of mono-arthritis. We assigned rats to BV-before, BV-after, control-before and control-after groups and compared the results of each group by the weight-loading test and bone scintigraphy. The rats received an intravenous injection of 37 MBq of Tc-99m DPD by the tail vein and then scanning was performed at 4 and 24 h after the injection. Visual assessment and quantitative analysis were performed for both knees. The BV-before and BV-after groups were more improved than the control groups on the weight load test (p<0.05). Bone scintigraphy showed lower activity in the BV-before group than in the control-before group (p<0.05) on the 4 h imaging. However, a significant difference in the BV-before and BV-after groups was not observed on the 24 h imaging. BV had therapeutic effects by anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity in the CIA and bone scintigraphy performed on 4 h imaging provided visual and quantitative information for the assessment of the therapeutic response to BV as an objective method in mono arthritis model. (author)

  11. A chicory cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase CYP71AV8 for the oxidation of (+)-valencene

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cankar, K.; van Houwelingen, A.; Bosch, H.J.; Sonke, T.; Bouwmeester, H.; Beekwilder, J.P.


    Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), which is known to have a variety of terpene-hydroxylating activities, was screened for a P450 mono-oxygenase to convert (+)-valencene to (+)-nootkatone. A novel P450 cDNA was identified in a chicory root EST library. Co-expression of the enzyme with a valencene

  12. Measurements of the total neutron cross-sections of poly- and mono-germanium crystals at neutron energies below 1 eV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maayouf, R.M.A.; Abdel-Kawy, A.; Abbas, Y.; Habib, N.; Adib, M.; Hamouda, I.


    Total neutron cross-section measurements have been performed for poly and mono-germanium crystals in the energy range from 2 meV-1eV. The measurements were performed using two TOF and a double axis crystal spectrometer installed at the ET-RR-1 reactor. The obtained neutron cross-sections were analyzed using the single level Breit-Wigner formula. The coherent scattering amplitude was determined from the Bragg reflections observed in the total neutron cross-section of Ge and the analysis of its neutron diffraction pattern. The incoherent and thermal diffuse scattering cross-sections of Ge were estimated from the analysis of the total cross-section data obtained for Ge mono-crystal

  13. Slow neutron total cross-section, transmission and reflection calculation for poly- and mono-NaCl and PbF{sub 2} crystals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mansy, Muhammad S., E-mail: [Reactor Physics Department, Nuclear Research Centre, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Radioactive Waste Management Unit, Hot Labs Centre, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Adib, M.; Habib, N. [Reactor Physics Department, Nuclear Research Centre, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt); Bashter, I.I. [Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University (Egypt); Morcos, H.N.; El-Mesiry, M.S. [Reactor Physics Department, Nuclear Research Centre, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt)


    Highlights: • Slow neutron cross-section calculation for poly- and mono-crystalline materials. • Monochromatic features of PbF{sub 2} and NaCl mono-crystals. • Characterization of poly- and mono-crystal filters used in neutron diffraction. • Computer code developed calculates neutron cross-section, transmission & reflection. - Abstract: A detailed study about the calculation of total neutron cross-section, transmission and reflection from crystalline materials was performed. The developed computer code is approved to be sufficient for the required calculations, also an excellent agreement has been shown when comparing the code results with the other calculated and measured values. The optimal monochromator and filter parameters were discussed in terms of crystal orientation, mosaic spread, and thickness. Calculations show that 30 cm thick of PbF{sub 2} poly-crystal is an excellent cold neutron filter producing neutron wavelengths longer than 0.66 nm needed for the investigation of magnetic structure experiments. While mono-crystal filter PbF{sub 2} cut along its (1 1 1), having mosaic spread (η = 0.5°) and thickness 10 cm can only transmit thermal neutrons of the desired wavelengths and suppress epithermal and γ-rays forming unwanted background, when it is cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature. NaCl (2 0 0) and PbF{sub 2} (1 1 1) monochromator crystals having mosaic spread (η = 0.5°) and thickness 10 mm shows high neutron reflectivity for neutron wavelengths (λ = 0.114 nm and λ = 0.43 nm) when they used as a thermal and cold neutron monochromators respectively with very low contamination from higher order reflections.

  14. Utilización de hematíes de primates sudamericanos en la prueba inhibición de hemaglutinación para el diagnóstico del Virus del Sarampión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Palacios


    Full Text Available La utilidad del empleo de hematíes de especies sudamericanas de primates no humanos durante pruebas de hemaglutinación e inhibición de la hemaglutinación con virus sarampión ha sido evaluada. El estudio se Ilevó a cabo en 18 meses, habiéndose iniciado a fines de 1995 y terminado a comienzos de 1997. Se obtuvo muestras de sangre de primates en solución citratada, en la sede del Instituto de Investigaciones Tropicales y de Altura en Iquitos (IVITA y en el Parque de las Leyendas en Lima; el procesamiento se realizó en el Laboratorio de Virología del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Se analizaron muestras de 22 primates de 8 especies de la Amazonía peruana, probándolos en paralelo con hematíes patrón de monos Rhesus y Cercophitecus, por hemaglutinación con antígeno purificado de virus sarampión. Las especies Saimiri boliviensis peruvianus y Sanguinus mystax exhibieron afinidad hemaglutinante con el virus, siendo ésta parcial o incompleta y no persistente, con elusión espontánea a los 30 minutos. Se hizo ensayos de inhibición de hemaglutinación con sueros pareados de personas que estuvieron con infección sarampionosa 10 a 15 días antes de obtener la segunda muestra. No se recomienda su empleo rutinario durante encuestas serológicas por IHA, dados los sesgos en lecturas e interpretación que podrián presentarse.

  15. Rosero Diago

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    Juana Alejandra López Lozano


    Full Text Available En Señor que no conoce la luna, el escritor colombiano Evelio Rosero Diago configura dos mundos enfrentados en una relación de poder: los dominantes (sociedad vestida y los dominados (comunidad desnuda. El héroe -un desnudo lúcido- ante la degradación del mundo en el que habita decide refugiarse dentro de un armario. Desde este espacio asume una actitud de escepticismo frente a la realidad circundante: un mundo moderno en el que se percibe el fracaso del Proyecto Ilustrado, siendo imposible la construcción de un individuo autónomo, libre y feliz. En un intento por dilucidar la toma de posición asumida por Rosero Diago en Señor que no conoce la luna, en el presente artículo se efectúa el análisis de los niveles de producción de sentido presentes en la novela. Para ello, se recurrirá a la noción de toma de posición y de puesta en forma, conceptos fundamentales dentro de la propuesta sociológica de Pierre Bourdieu, relacionada con la génesis de la obra literaria.

  16. A comparative hospital-based observational study of mono- and co-infections of malaria, dengue virus and scrub typhus causing acute undifferentiated fever. (United States)

    Ahmad, S; Dhar, M; Mittal, G; Bhat, N K; Shirazi, N; Kalra, V; Sati, H C; Gupta, V


    Positive serology for dengue and/or scrub typhus infection with/without positive malarial smear (designated as mixed or co-infection) is being increasingly observed during epidemics of acute undifferentiated febrile illnesses (AUFIs). We planned to study the clinical and biochemical spectrum of co-infections with Plasmodium sp., dengue virus and scrub typhus and compare these with mono-infection by the same organisms. During the period from December 2012 to December 2013, all cases presenting with AUFIs to a single medical unit of a referral centre in Garhwal region of the north Indian state of Uttarakhand were retrospectively selected and categorised aetiologically as co-infections, malaria, dengue or scrub typhus. The groups thus created were compared in terms of demographic, clinical, biochemical and outcome parameters. The co-infection group (n = 49) was associated with milder clinical manifestations, fewer, milder and non-progressive organ dysfunction, and lesser need for intensive care, mechanical ventilation and dialysis as compared to mono-infections. When co-infections were sub-grouped and compared with the relevant mono-infections, there were differences in certain haematological and biochemical parameters; however, this difference did not translate into differential outcomes. Scrub typhus mono-infection was associated with severe disease in terms of both morbidity and mortality. Malaria, dengue and scrub typhus should be routinely tested in all patients with AUFIs. Co-infections, whether true or due to serological cross-reactivity, appear to be a separate entity so far as presentation and morbidity is concerned. Further insight is needed into the mechanism and identification of the protective infection.

  17. Mono-uridylation of pre-microRNA as a key step in the biogenesis of group II let-7 microRNAs. (United States)

    Heo, Inha; Ha, Minju; Lim, Jaechul; Yoon, Mi-Jeong; Park, Jong-Eun; Kwon, S Chul; Chang, Hyeshik; Kim, V Narry


    RNase III Drosha initiates microRNA (miRNA) maturation by cleaving a primary miRNA transcript and releasing a pre-miRNA with a 2 nt 3' overhang. Dicer recognizes the 2 nt 3' overhang structure to selectively process pre-miRNAs. Here, we find that, unlike prototypic pre-miRNAs (group I), group II pre-miRNAs acquire a shorter (1 nt) 3' overhang from Drosha processing and therefore require a 3'-end mono-uridylation for Dicer processing. The majority of let-7 and miR-105 belong to group II. We identify TUT7/ZCCHC6, TUT4/ZCCHC11, and TUT2/PAPD4/GLD2 as the terminal uridylyl transferases responsible for pre-miRNA mono-uridylation. The TUTs act specifically on dsRNAs with a 1 nt 3' overhang, thereby creating a 2 nt 3' overhang. Depletion of TUTs reduces let-7 levels and disrupts let-7 function. Although the let-7 suppressor, Lin28, induces inhibitory oligo-uridylation in embryonic stem cells, mono-uridylation occurs in somatic cells lacking Lin28 to promote let-7 biogenesis. Our study reveals functional duality of uridylation and introduces TUT7/4/2 as components of the miRNA biogenesis pathway. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Aspirin mono-therapy continuation does not result in more bleeding after knee arthroplasty. (United States)

    Schwab, Pierre-Emmanuel; Lavand'homme, Patricia; Yombi, JeanCyr; Thienpont, Emmanuel


    Current clinical practice guidelines sometimes still recommend stopping aspirin five to seven days before knee arthroplasty surgery. Literature regarding multimodal blood management and continuation of anti-platelet therapy in this type of surgery is scant. The study hypothesis was that knee arthroplasty under low-dose aspirin mono-therapy continuation does not cause more total blood loss than knee arthroplasty performed without aspirin. Blood loss would be measured by haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit (HTC) levels drop at day 2 or day 4 for patients who benefit from multimodal bleeding control measures. A database of all patients undergoing knee arthroplasty between 2006 and 2014 was analysed. Demographic, surgical and complete blood workup data were collected. A retrospective comparison study analysed both groups in terms of blood loss, by mean calculated blood loss as haemoglobin or haematocrit drop between the preoperative Nadir value and the postoperative day 2 and 4 value. A group of 198 (44 UKA and 154 TKA) patients underwent surgery without interrupting their aspirin therapy for cardiovascular prevention. Mean (SD) age was 71 (8) and the mean (SD) BMI was 29 (5.5) kg/m 2 . The control group consisted of 403 (102 UKA and 301 TKA) patients who were not under aspirin, or any other anti-platelet agent. Mean (SD) age was 65 (10) (p aspirin mono-therapy for cardiovascular prevention. III.

  19. Bis(trialkylsilyl) peroxides as alkylating agents in the copper-catalyzed selective mono-N-alkylation of primary amides. (United States)

    Sakamoto, Ryu; Sakurai, Shunya; Maruoka, Keiji


    The copper-catalyzed selective mono-N-alkylation of primary amides with bis(trialkylsilyl) peroxides as alkylating agents was reported. The results of a mechanistic study suggest that this reaction should proceed via a free radical process that includes the generation of alkyl radicals from bis(trialkylsilyl) peroxides.

  20. Facile Synthesis of Mono-Dispersed Polystyrene (PS/Ag Composite Microspheres via Modified Chemical Reduction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wen Zhu


    Full Text Available A modified method based on in situ chemical reduction was developed to prepare mono-dispersed polystyrene/silver (PS/Ag composite microspheres. In this approach; mono-dispersed PS microspheres were synthesized through dispersion polymerization using poly-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP as a dispersant at first. Then, poly-dopamine (PDA was fabricated to functionally modify the surfaces of PS microspheres. With the addition of [Ag(NH32]+ to the PS dispersion, [Ag(NH32]+ complex ions were absorbed and reduced to silver nanoparticles on the surfaces of PS-PDA microspheres to form PS/Ag composite microspheres. PVP acted both as a solvent of the metallic precursor and as a reducing agent. PDA also acted both as a chemical protocol to immobilize the silver nanoparticles at the PS surface and as a reducing agent. Therefore, no additional reducing agents were needed. The resulting composite microspheres were characterized by TEM, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, XRD, UV-Vis and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS. The results showed that Ag nanoparticles (NPs were homogeneously immobilized onto the PS microspheres’ surface in the presence of PDA and PVP. PS/Ag composite microspheres were well formed with a uniform and compact shell layer and were adjustable in terms of their optical property.

  1. Imperfections and phase transformations by mono-N-alkylammonium-uranium glimmers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kammermeier, H.


    Uranium glimmers have a layered structure. Bimolecular intermediate layered films of parallel ordered alkyl chains can be produced by exchange of the intermediate layer kations with the mono-n-alkylammonium ions and the succession of soaking with n-alkanols. Phase changes can occur in these films that are accompanied by a change of the layer distance of the solid inorganic basic matrix. N-alkyl ammonium-n-alkanol-intercalcation compounds of uranium glimmers represent systems that can conveniently be examined with X-rays. Thermal phase changes can be performed easily. This paper describes how one can derive conclusions on the reaction mechanism of phase changes in bimolecular alkyl chain films by means of a profile analysis of X-ray reflexes. (orig./HBR) [de

  2. Characterization of the crystal orientation in mono-oriented films of HDPE/LLDPE blends by IR dichroism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canevarolo, Sebastião V., E-mail:; Ravazzi, Camila; Silva, Jorge, E-mail: [Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Universidade Federal de São Carlos Rod. Washington Luiz Km 235, 13565-905, SãoCarlos, SP - Brazil (Brazil); Elias, Marcelo [Motechfilm Produtos Plásticos, Estrada Municipal do Bonfim, 100, Pinhal, Cabreúva, SP - Brazil (Brazil)


    Polyethylene films are a common packaging material. The level and type of chain orientation in these films are a very important property which is of great care and concern of the converter personnel during the conformation process. Usually bi-orientation is the conventional procedure but when easy tear in one direction is needed mono-orientation is sought. This paper deal with the characterization of the crystalline orientation in films of polyethylene blends (HDPE/LLDPE) which have being oriented in two steps: initially the polymer was bi-oriented via extrusion-blown, cooled, and then in a second process hot stretched along the machine direction in order to produce mono-oriented films. In order to evaluate the orientation of the film, the polarization of the FT-IR beam was rotated 360° in steps of 5° by rotating the polarizer. In each step the absorbance spectrum was recorded and the corresponding dichroic ratio (DR) calculated after subtracting the baseline. With differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was possible to infer about the changes in the morphology caused by the stretching.

  3. Single-molecule magnetism in a single-ion triamidoamine uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    King, David M.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T. [School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom); Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J.L. [School of Chemistry and Photon Science Institute, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)


    Straightforward oxidation of a triamidoamine uranium(III) complex with trimethyl-N-oxide affords a uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex which is the first clear-cut example of a uranium(V) single-molecule magnet (SMM). This monometallic complex unambiguously shows that a strongly axially ligated and thus anisotropic ligand field can be used to overcome the limited magnetic anisotropy of uranium(V). (Copyright copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  4. Single-molecule magnetism in a single-ion triamidoamine uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    King, David M.; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T.; Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J.L.


    Straightforward oxidation of a triamidoamine uranium(III) complex with trimethyl-N-oxide affords a uranium(V) terminal mono-oxo complex which is the first clear-cut example of a uranium(V) single-molecule magnet (SMM). This monometallic complex unambiguously shows that a strongly axially ligated and thus anisotropic ligand field can be used to overcome the limited magnetic anisotropy of uranium(V). (Copyright copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Empirical mono- versus combination antibiotic therapy in adult intensive care patients with severe sepsis – A systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sjövall, Karl Fredrik Lennart; Perner, Anders; Hylander Møller, Morten


    assessment and trial sequential analysis (TSA). We included randomised clinical trials (RCT) assessing empirical mono-antibiotic therapy versus a combination of two or more antibiotics in adult ICU patients with severe sepsis. We exclusively assessed patient-important outcomes, including mortality. Two...... reviewers independently evaluated studies for inclusion, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias. Risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated and the risk of random errors was assessed by TSA. Results Thirteen RCTs (n = 2633) were included; all were judged as having high risk...... of bias. Carbapenems were the most frequently used mono-antibiotic (8 of 13 trials). There was no difference in mortality (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.95–1.29; p = 0.19) or in any other patient-important outcomes between mono- vs. combination therapy. In TSA of mortality, the Z-curve reached the futility area...

  6. Comparing environmental consequences of anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of pig manure to produce bio-energy – A life cycle perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    De Vries, J.W.; Vinken, T.M.W.J; Hamelin, Lorie


    The aim of this work was to assess the environmental consequences of anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of pig manure to produce bio-energy, from a life cycle perspective. This included assessing environmental impacts and land use change emissions (LUC) required to replace used co-substrates for an...... (up to 568%), but at expense of increasing climate change (through LUC), marine eutrophication, and land use. Codigestion with wastes or residues like roadside grass gave the best environmental performance.......-substrates for anaerobic digestion. Environmental impact categories considered were climate change, terrestrial acidification, marine and freshwater eutrophication, particulate matter formation, land use, and fossil fuel depletion. Six scenarios were evaluated: mono-digestion of manure, co-digestion with: maize silage...

  7. Radiochemical investigations on the decomposition of (mono)methylmercury by means of acid with regard to the determination of total mercury in fish

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harms, U.


    Considerable amounts of mercury in fish muscle tissue are organically bound, i.e. appear as (mono)methylmercury-compounds. In order to make mercury of organic origin available for the determination of total mercury by the 'cold vapour atomic absorption method', a splitting of the carbon-mercury bond by means of suitable chemical treatment must be maintained beforehand. The main subject of this article are investigations with special regard to the behaviour of (mono)methylmercurychloride during different wet digestion methods. The procedures under study involve wet digestion under reflux with HNO 3 , with mixtures of HNO 3 and HClO 4 and HNO 3 and H 2 SO 4 , as well as wet digestion with HNO 3 in a closed system (pressure decomposition). The course of the decomposition of (mono)methylmercury dependent on time, temperature and concentration of reagents are discussed in detail. All experiments were controlled by measurement of the radioactivity of Hg-203 which had been added in the chemical form of CH 3 -Hg-Cl. From the analytical results obtained two methods of sample preparation have been derived that permit a reliable determination of total mercury in fish. (orig.) [de

  8. Mono-colonization with Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM affects the intestinal metabolome in mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roager, Henrik Munch; Sulek, Karolina; Skov, Kasper

    (NCFM) on the intestinal metabolome (jejunum, caecum, and colon) in mice by comparing NCFM mono-colonized (MC) mice with GF mice using liquid chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry (LC-MS). The study adds to existing evidence that NCFM in vivo affects the bile acid signature of mice......-tocopherol acetate) in higher levels in the intestine of GF mice compared to MC mice, suggesting that NCFM either metabolizes the compound or indirectly affects the absorption by changing the metabolome in the intestine. The use of NCFM to increase the uptake of vitamin E supplements in humans and animals...

  9. Lake Level Changes in the Mono Basin During the Last Deglacial Period (United States)

    Wang, X.; Ali, G.; Hemming, S. R.; Zimmerman, S. R. H.; Stine, S. W.; Hemming, G.


    Mono Basin, located in the southwestern corner of the US Great Basin, has long been known to have experienced large lake level changes, particularly during the last deglaciation. But until recently it was not possible to establish a reliable lake level time series. We discovered many visually clean, white, shiny, dense calcite samples in the basin, associated with tufa deposits from high terraces. Their low thorium, but high uranium contents allow precise and reproducible U/Th age determinations. A highly resolved history of a minimum lake level through the last deglaciation can therefore be inferred based on sample locations and their ages. We found that the lake level reached ~2030 m asl at ~20.4 ka, evidenced by calcite coatings on a tufa mound at the upper Wilson Creek. The lake then rose to ~2075 m by ~19.1 ka, shown by calcite cements on conglomerates from the Hansen Cut terrace. The lake climbed to at least ~2140 m at ~15.9 ka, indicated by beach calcites from the east Sierra slope. Such timing of the highest lake stand, occurring within Heinrich Stadial 1, is reinforced by U/Th dates on calcite coatings from widespread locations in the basin, including the Bodie Hills and Cowtrack Mountains. The lake then dropped rapidly to ~2075 m at ~14.5 ka. It stood near this height over the next ~300 years, evidenced by a few-centimeter thick, laminated calcite rims on the Goat Ranch tufa mounds. It subsequently plunged to ~2007 m at ~13.8 ka, indicated by calcite coatings from cemetery road tufa mounds. The lake level came back to ~2030 m at ~12.9 ka, as seen in upper Wilson Creek tufa mounds. The lake level had a few fluctuations within the Younger Dryas, and even shot up to ~2075 m at ~12.0 ka. It then fell to levels in accord with Holocene climatic conditions. Relative to the present lake level of ~1950 m, Mono Lake broadly stood high during Heinrich Stadial 1 and Younger Dryas, when the climate was extremely cold over the North Atlantic, and the Asian monsoon was


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yamandú Acosta


    Full Text Available El artículo focaliza a las constituciones de la República del Ecuador de 2008 y del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia de 2009 como unidades de lectura. Las entiende básicamente en su especificidad de leyes fundamentales que fijan la organización política de los respectivos estados. Subsidiariamente las resignifica, considerándolas como utopías narrativas. Leídas éstas en la perspectiva de la función utópica del discurso, habilitan la construcción de las unidades de análisis del Estado plurinacional e intercultural en cada uno de los casos propuestos -evaluados como emergencias de la trans-modernidad-, que interpelan como ideas crítico-reguladoras la condición nacional y monocultural paradigmática del Estado moderno.Palabras clave: Constitución, Utopía, Modernidad, Trans-Modernidad, Estado Plurinacional, Estado Intercultural._________________________The article focuses on the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and the 2009 Pluri-national Constitution of Bolivia as units of analysis. I basically look at these constitutions as specific and fundamental laws that frame the political organization of these states. The essay reads these constitutions as utopic narratives. From that standpoint, I argue that they contribute to a different approach and unit of analysis of the multinational-multicultural state in each of the two cases selected for study. They are explored as expressions of trans-modernity that interrogate and question the national and mono-cultural paradigm of the modern state.Keywords: Constitution, Utopia, Modernity, Trans-Modernity, Pluri-National State, Inter-Cultural State.

  11. Metal–Organic Frameworks Stabilize Mono(phosphine)–Metal Complexes for Broad-Scope Catalytic Reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sawano, Takahiro; Lin, Zekai; Boures, Dean; An, Bing; Wang, Cheng; Lin, Wenbin (UC); (Xiamen)


    Mono(phosphine)–M (M–PR3; M = Rh and Ir) complexes selectively prepared by postsynthetic metalation of a porous triarylphosphine-based metal–organic framework (MOF) exhibited excellent activity in the hydrosilylation of ketones and alkenes, the hydrogenation of alkenes, and the C–H borylation of arenes. The recyclable and reusable MOF catalysts significantly outperformed their homogeneous counterparts, presumably via stabilizing M–PR3 intermediates by preventing deleterious disproportionation reactions/ligand exchanges in the catalytic cycles.

  12. First-principles study on mono-vacancy self diffusion and recovery in tungsten crystal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wen, Shu long; Chen, Ji ming; Liu, Xiang; Zhu, Hao; Chang, Hong yan; Huang, Zheng; Pan, Min; Zhao, Yong


    Highlights: • The migration barrier energy E_m of vacancy indicated that the optimum diffusion paths would exist in the diffusion process. • The Frenkel pair’s recovery had a close correlation with the “I–V” distance and within a range of 1.86–2.08 eV. • The self-recovery region has an ellipsoid profile with the semiminor axis of 2.7 Å and the semimajor axis of 5.5 Å. • The probability for the vacancy migration was closely assosiated with the E_m and the working temperature. - Abstract: The point defects behavior becomes one of the most basic issues under the challenge of fusion environment. The recovery mechanisms of Frenkel pair defects and the self-diffusion coefficient of mono-vacancy in bulk bcc tungsten were researched by the first principle calculations. The calculation of migration energy curves for SIAs indicated that the process of the Frenkel pair recovery had a close correlation with the “I–V” distance, and the migration barrier energies E_m was within a limit range of 1.86–2.08 eV. It was found that the self-recovery region had an ellipsoid profile with the semiminor axis of 2.7 Å and the semimajor axis of 5.5 Å. The self-diffusion coefficients of the mono-vacancy were calculated and the results showed that the probability for the vacancy migration was not only associated with the E_m but also the temperature being challenged.

  13. Static and Ultrafast Transient Photophysics of Mono- and Dual-Branched Triarylamines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng-Ming, Li; Wen-Ke, Feng; Shu-Feng, Wang; Qi-Huang, Gong; Fan-Shun, Meng; He, Tian


    Mono- and dual-branched molecules, {4-[2-(4-benzothiazol-2-yl-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-(4-methoxy-phenyl) -phenyl-amine (BS1) and bis-{4-[2-(4-benzothiazol-2-yl-phenyl)-vinyl]-phenyl}-(4-methoxy-phenyl) -phenyl-amine (BS2), are investigated with one- and two-photon static spectroscopy, and the femtosecond fluorescence up-conversion technique. The molecules show branch-based fluorescence emission at low quantum yield. Ultrafast non-radiative decay on a picosecond time scale is found and is attributed to intramolecular charge-transfer bridged by the central triphenylamine. The two-photon absorption cross-sections of BS1 and BS2 are 19.1 and 19.4 GM, respectively. (cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)

  14. Metabolism of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and mono-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) in rats: in vivo and in vitro dose and time dependency of metabolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lhuguenot, J.C.; Mitchell, A.M.; Milner, G.; Lock, E.A.; Elcombe, C.R.


    This study investigated the in vivo metabolism of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP) in rats after multiple dosing, the metabolism of MEHP in primary rat hepatocyte cultures for periods of up to 3 days, and the biotransformation of some major metabolites of MEHP. Rats were orally administered [ 14 C]DEHP or [ 14 C]MEHP at doses of 50 and 500 mg/kg body wt for three consecutive days. Urine was collected at 24-hr intervals, and metabolite profiles were determined. After a single dose of either compound, urinary metabolite profiles were similar to those previously reported. However, after multiple administration of both DEHP and MEHP at 500 mg/kg, increases in omega-/beta-oxidation products [metabolites I and V, mono(3-carboxy-2-ethylpropyl) phthalate and mono(5-carboxy-2-ethylpentyl) phthalate, respectively] and decreases in omega - 1-oxidation products [metabolites VI and IX, mono(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate and mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate, respectively] were seen. At the low dose of 50 mg/kg little or no alteration in urinary metabolite profiles was observed. At 500 mg/kg of MEHP a 4-fold stimulation of CN- -insensitive palmitoyl-CoA oxidation (a peroxisomal beta-oxidation marker) was seen after three consecutive daily doses. At the low dose of 50 mg/kg only a 1.8-fold increase was noted. Similar observations were made with rat hepatocyte cultures. MEHP at concentrations of 50 and 500 microM was extensively metabolized in the rat hepatocyte cultures. Similar metabolic profiles to those seen after in vivo administration of MEHP were observed. At the high (500 microM) concentration of MEHP, changes in the relative proportions of omega- and omega- 1-oxidized metabolites were seen

  15. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  16. Fringing in MonoCam Y4 filter images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brooks, J.; Nomerotski, A.; Fisher-Levine, M.


    We study the fringing patterns observed in MonoCam, a camera with a single Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) CCD sensor. Images were taken at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona (NOFS) employing its 1.3 m telescope and an LSST y 4 filter. Fringing occurs due to the reflection of infrared light (700 nm or larger) from the bottom surface of the CCD which constructively or destructively interferes with the incident light to produce a net ''fringe'' pattern which is superimposed on all images taken. Emission lines from the atmosphere, dominated by hydroxyl (OH) spectra, can change in their relative intensities as the night goes on, producing different fringe patterns in the images taken. We found through several methods that the general shape of the fringe patterns remained constant, though with slight changes in the amplitude and phase of the fringes. We also found that a superposition of fringes from two monochromatic lines taken in the lab offered a reasonable description of the sky data.

  17. Loss of Kynurenine 3-Mono-oxygenase Causes Proteinuria. (United States)

    Korstanje, Ron; Deutsch, Konstantin; Bolanos-Palmieri, Patricia; Hanke, Nils; Schroder, Patricia; Staggs, Lynne; Bräsen, Jan H; Roberts, Ian S D; Sheehan, Susan; Savage, Holly; Haller, Hermann; Schiffer, Mario


    Changes in metabolite levels of the kynurenine pathway have been observed in patients with CKD, suggesting involvement of this pathway in disease pathogenesis. Our recent genetic analysis in the mouse identified the kynurenine 3-mono-oxygenase (KMO) gene (Kmo) as a candidate gene associated with albuminuria. This study investigated this association in more detail. We compared KMO abundance in the glomeruli of mice and humans under normal and diabetic conditions, observing a decrease in glomerular KMO expression with diabetes. Knockdown of kmo expression in zebrafish and genetic deletion of Kmo in mice each led to a proteinuria phenotype. We observed pronounced podocyte foot process effacement on long stretches of the filtration barrier in the zebrafish knockdown model and mild podocyte foot process effacement in the mouse model, whereas all other structures within the kidney remained unremarkable. These data establish the candidacy of KMO as a causal factor for changes in the kidney leading to proteinuria and indicate a functional role for KMO and metabolites of the tryptophan pathway in podocytes. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology.

  18. Analytical Evaluation and Antioxidant Properties of Some Secondary Metabolites in Northern Italian Mono- and Multi-Varietal Extra Virgin Olive Oils (EVOOs) from Early and Late Harvested Olives. (United States)

    Trombetta, Domenico; Smeriglio, Antonella; Marcoccia, Daniele; Giofrè, Salvatore Vincenzo; Toscano, Giovanni; Mazzotti, Fabio; Giovanazzi, Angelo; Lorenzetti, Stefano


    The antioxidant activity and the phenolic and α-tocopherol content of 10 Northern Italian mono- and multi-varietal extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs), after early and late olive harvests, was analyzed. A hierarchical cluster analysis was used to evaluate sample similarity. Secoiridoids (SIDs), lignans and flavonoids were the most abundant phenolic compounds identified. The organic Casaliva (among mono-cultivar) and the organic multi-varietal (among blended oils) EVOOs had the higher total phenol content both in early (263.13 and 326.19 mg/kg, respectively) and late harvest (241.88 and 292.34 mg/kg, respectively) conditions. In comparison to late harvest EVOOs, early harvest EVOOs, in particular the organic mono-cultivar Casaliva, showed both higher antioxidant capacity (up to 1285.97 Oxygen Radicals Absorbance Capacity/ORAC units), probably due to the higher SID fraction (54% vs. 40%), and higher α-tocopherol content (up to 280.67 mg/kg). Overall, these results suggest that SIDs and α-tocopherol mainly contribute to antioxidant properties of the studied EVOOs. In light of this, the authors conclude that early harvest, organic mono-cultivar Casaliva EVOO represents the most interesting candidate to explicate healthy effects ascribed to these functional constituents, particularly regarding oxidative stress-related pathologies.

  19. Characteristics of poly- and mono-crystalline BeO and SiO2 as thermal and cold neutron filters (United States)

    Adib, M.; Habib, N.; Bashter, I. I.; Morcos, H. N.; El-Mesiry, M. S.; Mansy, M. S.


    A simple model along with a computer code "HEXA-FILTERS" is used to carry out the calculation of the total cross-sections of BeO and SiO2 having poly or mono-crystalline form as a function of neutron wavelength at room (R.T.) and liquid nitrogen (L.N.) temperatures. An overall agreement is indicated between the calculated neutron cross-sections and experimental data. Calculation shows that 25 cm thick of polycrystalline BeO cooled at liquid nitrogen temperature was found to be a good filter for neutron wavelengths longer than 0.46 nm. While, 50 cm of SiO2, with much less transmission, for neutrons with wavelengths longer than 0.85 nm. It was also found that 10 cm of BeO and 15 cm SiO2 thick mono-crystals cut along their (0 0 2) plane, with 0.5° FWHM on mosaic spread and cooled at L.N., are a good thermal neutron filter, with high effect-to-noise ratio.

  20. A low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet is a balanced therapy for fibromyalgia with nutritional and symptomatic benefits (United States)

    Marum, Ana Paula; Moreira, Cátia; Tomas-Carus, Pablo; Saraiva, Fernando; Guerreiro, Catarina Sousa


    Fibromyalgia is a chronic rheumatic disease producing widespread pain, associated to a major comorbidity -irritable bowel syndrome. Low FODMAPS diet (low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols diet) has been effective in controlling irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Overweight is an aggravating factor for fibromyalgia. We studied effects of low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols diets on fibromyalgia symptoms and weight status. A longitudinal study was performed on 38 fibromyalgia patients using a four-week, repeated assessment as follow: M1 = first assessments/presentation of individual low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols diet; M2 = second assessments/reintroduction of FODMAPs; M3 = final assessments/nutritional counselling. The assessment instruments applied were: Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire (FSQ); Severity Score System (IBS-SSS); visual analogic scale (VAS). Body mass-index/composition and waist circumference (WC) were also measured. Daily macro-micronutrients and FODMAP intake were quantified at each moment of the study. The studied cohort was 37% overweight, 34% obese (average body mass-index 27.4 ± 4.6; excess fat mass 39.4 ± 7%). Weight, body mass-index and waist circumference decreased significantly (p body composition was observed. All fibromyalgiasymptoms, including somatic pain, declined significantly post-LFD (p fibromyalgia [Fibromyalgia survey questionnaire: M1 = 21.8; M2 = 16.9; M3 = 17.0 (p < 0.01)]. The intake of essential nutrients (fiber, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D) showed no significant difference. The significant reduction in FODMAP intake (M1 = 24.4 g; M2 = 2.6g; p < 0.01) reflected the "Diet adherence" (85%). "Satisfaction with improvement of symptoms" (76%), showed correlating with "diet adherence" (r = 0.65; p < 0.01). Results are highly encouraging, showing low fermentable oligo-di-mono-saccharides and polyols diets as a nutritionally balanced approach, contributing to weight loss

  1. Hepatic HMOX1 expression positively correlates with Bach-1 and miR-122 in patients with HCV mono and HIV/HCV coinfection. (United States)

    Jabłonowska, Elżbieta; Wójcik, Kamila; Szymańska, Bożena; Omulecka, Aleksandra; Cwiklińska, Hanna; Piekarska, Anna


    To analyze the expression of HMOX1 and miR-122 in liver biopsy samples obtained from HCV mono-and HIV/HCV co-infected patients in relation to selected clinical parameters, histological examination and IL-28B polymorphism as well as to determine whether HMOX1 expression is dependent on Bach-1. The study group consisted of 90 patients with CHC: 69 with HCV mono and 21 with HIV/HCV co-infection. RT-PCR was used in the analysis of HMOX1, Bach-1 and miR-122 expression in liver biopsy samples and in the assessment of IL-28B single-nucleotide polymorphism C/T (rs12979860) in the blood. Moreover in liver biopsy samples an analysis of HO-1 and Bach-1 protein level by Western Blot was performed. HCV mono-infected patients, with lower grading score (G600000 IU/mL) demonstrated higher expression of HMOX1. In patients with HIV/HCV co-infection, the expression of HMOX1 was lower in patients with lower lymphocyte CD4 count and higher HIV viral load. IL28B polymorphism did not affect the expression of either HMOX1 or miR-122. Higher HMOX1 expression correlated with higher expression of Bach-1 (Spearman's ρ = 0.586, p = 0.000001) and miR-122 (Spearman's ρ = 0.270, p = 0.014059). HMOX1 and miR-122 play an important role in the pathogenesis of CHC in HCV mono-and HIV/HCV co-infected patients. Reduced expression of HMOX1 in patients with HIV/HCV co-infection may indicate a worse prognosis in this group. Our results do not support the importance of Bach-1 in repression of HMOX1 in patients with chronic hepatitis C.

  2. Effect of Mono and Di-rhamnolipids on Biofilms Pre-formed by Bacillus subtilis BBK006. (United States)

    De Rienzo, Mayri A Díaz; Martin, Peter J


    Different microbial inhibition strategies based on the planktonic bacterial physiology have been known to have limited efficacy on the growth of biofilms communities. This problem can be exacerbated by the emergence of increasingly resistant clinical strains. Biosurfactants have merited renewed interest in both clinical and hygienic sectors due to their potential to disperse microbial biofilms. In this work, we explore the aspects of Bacillus subtilis BBK006 biofilms and examine the contribution of biologically derived surface-active agents (rhamnolipids) to the disruption or inhibition of microbial biofilms produced by Bacillus subtilis BBK006. The ability of mono-rhamnolipids (Rha-C10-C10) produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 and the di-rhamnolipids (Rha-Rha-C14-C14) produced by Burkholderia thailandensis E264, and phosphate-buffered saline to disrupt biofilm of Bacillus subtilis BBK006 was evaluated. The biofilm produced by Bacillus subtilis BBK006 was more sensitive to the di-rhamnolipids (0.4 g/L) produced by Burkholderia thailandensis than the mono-rhamnolipids (0.4 g/L) produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027. Rhamnolipids are biologically produced compounds safe for human use. This makes them ideal candidates for use in new generations of bacterial dispersal agents and useful for use as adjuvants for existing microbial suppression or eradication strategies.

  3. Combined chelation based on glycosyl-mono- and bis-hydroxypyridinones for aluminium mobilization: solution and biodistribution studies. (United States)

    Chaves, Sílvia; Dron, Paul I; Danalache, Florina A; Sacoto, Diana; Gano, Lurdes; Santos, M Amélia


    Taking into account the recognized interest of a poly-pharmacological strategy in chelation therapy, a study of aluminium combined chelation based on 3-hydroxy-4-pyridinone (3,4-HP) compounds with complementary properties, associated to different denticity, size and extrafunctionality, is presented herein. In particular, Al-chelation has been explored, using a tetradentate IDA bis-(3,4-HP) ligand, L, and two N-glycosyl mono-(3,4-HP) derivatives (A or B). Combined complexation studies with the tetradentate and the most promising bidentate ligand (A) evidenced the formation of ternary complexes with high thermodynamic stability (Al-L-A) being the predominant species at physiological pH. In vivo studies on the ability for radiotracer ((67)Ga) removal from loaded mice, as a model of aluminium accumulation in body, have shown that the simultaneous administration to (67)Ga-loaded mice of a mono- and a bis-(3,4-HP) chelator (e.g. A and L) leads to a rapid metal elimination from main organs and whole animal model. This may be rationalized by coadjuvation and eventual synergistic effects, due to complementary accessibility of the chelators to different cellular compartments.

  4. Fragmentos en torno al acto didáctico a partir del acto lingüístico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel ESCUDERO


    Full Text Available Remontémonos previamente a algunos presupuestos pertinentes al origen y curso de la Didáctica, antes de abordar el tema mismo del acto didáctico. En un principio, había una especie de Arte del discurso, tradicionalmente muy ligado en el Mundo Antiguo con lo que luego sería la filosofía -sobre todo en aquel pensamiento pre-socrático y después socrático- que nunca perdía de vista lo que se iba pensando, había que soltarlo, o enseñarlo, para que en la misma transmisión, en el lenguaje en acto, creciera el pensamiento. La masa misma de este discurso era de transmisión oral y siempre actuaba como Enseñanza, o por lo menos era un discurrir pragmático, naciendo de la calle o las plazas la escuela misma. No debemos, pues, olvidar que la Pedagogía, en sentido amplio, no nace como instrucciones de saberes sabidos acumulados, sino como lenguaje que actúa; es decir, que razona hablando y así va creando el saber. Razón común frente a opinión propia.

  5. Constraining Dark Matter using Mono-X, Dijet, and Dilepton Final States with the ATLAS Detector

    CERN Document Server

    Tolley, Emma; The ATLAS collaboration


    Weakly-coupled TeV-scale particles may mediate interactions between dark matter (DM) and Standard Model (SM) particles. DM production at colliders may be evident in “mono-X” topologies, and mediator production in in dijet and dilepton events. The latest results obtained by the ATLAS experiment are presented and interpreted following the LHC DM WG guidelines, with particular focus on the complementarity between different collider searches as well as direct detection experiments.

  6. Transitions from mono- to co- to tri-culture uniquely affect gene expression in breast cancer, stromal, and immune compartments. (United States)

    Regier, Mary C; Maccoux, Lindsey J; Weinberger, Emma M; Regehr, Keil J; Berry, Scott M; Beebe, David J; Alarid, Elaine T


    Heterotypic interactions in cancer microenvironments play important roles in disease initiation, progression, and spread. Co-culture is the predominant approach used in dissecting paracrine interactions between tumor and stromal cells, but functional results from simple co-cultures frequently fail to correlate to in vivo conditions. Though complex heterotypic in vitro models have improved functional relevance, there is little systematic knowledge of how multi-culture parameters influence this recapitulation. We therefore have employed a more iterative approach to investigate the influence of increasing model complexity; increased heterotypic complexity specifically. Here we describe how the compartmentalized and microscale elements of our multi-culture device allowed us to obtain gene expression data from one cell type at a time in a heterotypic culture where cells communicated through paracrine interactions. With our device we generated a large dataset comprised of cell type specific gene-expression patterns for cultures of increasing complexity (three cell types in mono-, co-, or tri-culture) not readily accessible in other systems. Principal component analysis indicated that gene expression was changed in co-culture but was often more strongly altered in tri-culture as compared to mono-culture. Our analysis revealed that cell type identity and the complexity around it (mono-, co-, or tri-culture) influence gene regulation. We also observed evidence of complementary regulation between cell types in the same heterotypic culture. Here we demonstrate the utility of our platform in providing insight into how tumor and stromal cells respond to microenvironments of varying complexities highlighting the expanding importance of heterotypic cultures that go beyond conventional co-culture.

  7. El lenguaje ruidoso: la dramaturgia femenina contemporánea en el Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Guichot Muñoz


    Full Text Available La dramaturgia femenina, recogida escasamente en la historia oficial de la literatura peruana, posee desde finales del siglo XIX voces de dramaturgas que se suceden con éxito y permanencia en cada una de las generaciones. En este artículo estudiaremos dos piezas de dos autoras contemporáneas: Mariana de Althaus y Celeste Viale Yerobi, escritoras que rompen el silencio con una escritura comprometida con su identidad femenina y con su momento histórico, convuslionado por los sucesos acaecidos en el conflicto armado que comienza e la década de los ochenta. LLevaremos a cabo un análisis en cotejo de una pieza teatral de cada una de estas escritoras desde un punto de vista no meramente estético sino antropológico, social y cultural, con el fin de alcanzar su realidad fragmentada, el duelo de las escritoras en las dictaduras, las censuras implícitasy su impactante desnudo en la escena.

  8. Influence of asymmetrical mating patterns and male reproductive success on the maintenance of sexual polymorphism in Acer pictum subsp. mono (Aceraceae). (United States)

    Shang, Hui; Luo, Yi-Bo; Bai, Wei-Ning


    Populations of Acer species often contain more than three sex phenotypes with complex sexual polymorphism including duodichogamy, protandry and protogyny. We identified the mechanisms that maintain sexual polymorphism in Acer pictum subsp. mono, a temperate tree from northern China, by investigating maternal mating patterns and male reproductive success. We used paternity analyses to estimate rates of outcrossing and disassortative mating, as well as male outcrossed siring success, in a population of A. pictum subsp. mono with uneven sex phenotype ratios (duodichogamous 69.1%, protandrous 19.6%, protogynous 11.3%). We used a pollen-transfer model to investigate whether the unequal ratios of sex phenotypes could be explained by the observed patterns of mating. Most progeny resulted from outcrossing, particularly disassortative among the sex phenotypes. Although the duodichogamous phenotype showed a significant amount of intraphenotypic mating, the frequency did not exceed that of disassortative mating. We detected no significant differences in male outcrossed siring success among the sex phenotypes. The pollen-transfer model demonstrated that sex phenotype ratios could be maintained by the observed mating pattern in the population. Our results indicate that disassortative mating among the sex phenotypes can maintain sexual polymorphism in A. pictum subsp. mono and that ratios biased towards duodichogamy can result from frequent intraphenotypic mating in this phenotype. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  9. Resveratrol induces cellular senescence with attenuated mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B in glioma cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, Zhen; Xu, Michael S.; Barnett, Tamara L.; Xu, C. Wilson


    Research highlights: → Resveratrol induces cellular senescence in glioma cell. → Resveratrol inhibits mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120. → Depletion of RNF20, phenocopies the inhibitory effects of resveratrol. → Mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120 is a novel target of resveratrol. → RNF20 inhibits cellular senescence in proliferating glioma cells. -- Abstract: Resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene), a polyphenol naturally occurring in grapes and other plants, has cancer chemo-preventive effects and therapeutic potential. Although resveratrol modulates multiple pathways in tumor cells, how resveratrol or its affected pathways converge on chromatin to mediate its effects is not known. Using glioma cells as a model, we showed here that resveratrol inhibited cell proliferation and induced cellular hypertrophy by transforming spindle-shaped cells to enlarged, irregular and flatten-shaped ones. We further showed that resveratrol-induced hypertrophic cells expressed senescence-associated-β-galactosidase, suggesting that resveratrol-induced cellular senescence in glioma cells. Consistent with these observations, we demonstrated that resveratrol inhibited clonogenic efficiencies in vitro and tumor growth in a xenograft model. Furthermore, we found that acute treatment of resveratrol inhibited mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120 (uH2B) in breast, prostate, pancreatic, lung, brain tumor cells as well as primary human cells. Chronic treatment with low doses of resveratrol also inhibited uH2B in the resveratrol-induced senescent glioma cells. Moreover, we showed that depletion of RNF20, a ubiquitin ligase of histone H2B, inhibited uH2B and induced cellular senescence in glioma cells in vitro, thereby recapitulated the effects of resveratrol. Taken together, our results suggest that uH2B is a novel direct or indirect chromatin target of resveratrol and RNF20 plays an important role in inhibiting cellular senescence programs that are

  10. Resveratrol induces cellular senescence with attenuated mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B in glioma cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gao, Zhen; Xu, Michael S.; Barnett, Tamara L. [Nevada Cancer Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89135 (United States); Xu, C. Wilson, E-mail: [Nevada Cancer Institute, Las Vegas, NV 89135 (United States)


    Research highlights: {yields} Resveratrol induces cellular senescence in glioma cell. {yields} Resveratrol inhibits mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120. {yields} Depletion of RNF20, phenocopies the inhibitory effects of resveratrol. {yields} Mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120 is a novel target of resveratrol. {yields} RNF20 inhibits cellular senescence in proliferating glioma cells. -- Abstract: Resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene), a polyphenol naturally occurring in grapes and other plants, has cancer chemo-preventive effects and therapeutic potential. Although resveratrol modulates multiple pathways in tumor cells, how resveratrol or its affected pathways converge on chromatin to mediate its effects is not known. Using glioma cells as a model, we showed here that resveratrol inhibited cell proliferation and induced cellular hypertrophy by transforming spindle-shaped cells to enlarged, irregular and flatten-shaped ones. We further showed that resveratrol-induced hypertrophic cells expressed senescence-associated-{beta}-galactosidase, suggesting that resveratrol-induced cellular senescence in glioma cells. Consistent with these observations, we demonstrated that resveratrol inhibited clonogenic efficiencies in vitro and tumor growth in a xenograft model. Furthermore, we found that acute treatment of resveratrol inhibited mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K120 (uH2B) in breast, prostate, pancreatic, lung, brain tumor cells as well as primary human cells. Chronic treatment with low doses of resveratrol also inhibited uH2B in the resveratrol-induced senescent glioma cells. Moreover, we showed that depletion of RNF20, a ubiquitin ligase of histone H2B, inhibited uH2B and induced cellular senescence in glioma cells in vitro, thereby recapitulated the effects of resveratrol. Taken together, our results suggest that uH2B is a novel direct or indirect chromatin target of resveratrol and RNF20 plays an important role in inhibiting cellular

  11. Controlled Rh-Catalyzed Mono- and Double-decarbonylation of Alkynyl α-Diones To Form Conjugated Ynones and Disubstituted Alkynes. (United States)

    Whittaker, Rachel E; Dong, Guangbin


    A Rh-catalyzed controlled decarbonylation of alkynyl α-diones is described. By using different ligand and solvent combinations, mono- and double-decarbonylation can be selectively achieved to give conjugated ynones and disubstituted alkynes, respectively. A fundamental study on catalytic activation of unstrained C-C bonds under nonoxidative conditions is presented.

  12. Germinación de semillas de Ficus insipida (Moraceae defecadas por tucanes (Ramphastos sulfuratus y monos araña (Ateles geoffroyi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura E Domínguez-Domínguez


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar y comparar el efecto que tiene el paso de las semillas del higo Ficus insipida Willd (Moraceae, por el tracto digestivo de dos especies de vertebrados frugívoros, se ofrecieron frutos a individuos cautivos de tucán (Ramphastos sulfuratus: Ramphastidae y de mono araña (Ateles geoffroyi: Cebidae, en la hipótesis de que siendo ambos frugívoros especialistas deberían favorecer de manera similar a la germinación de semillas de esta especie arbórea. De las heces se separaron las semillas y se pusieron a germinar en cajas petri en condiciones controladas de luz, temperatura y humedad, con una muestra de semillas testigo que no pasaron por el tracto digestivo de ningún animal. Se calculó la latencia, la capacidad y velocidad de geminación, y el valor germinativo de las semillas de cada grupo experimental. El 65% de las semillas de frutos de F. insipida consumidos por A. geofroyi germinaron con éxito, mientras que de las obtenidas de las heces de tucán, apenas el 4% logró germinar. El valor germinativo fue mayor en las semillas extraídas de excretas de mono (índice=13.76, en comparación con las de tucán (0.046 y las del grupo testigo (0.172. A. geoffroyi fue la especie que favoreció más la germinación de semillas de F. insipida, siendo probable que esta condición se relacione con el mayor tiempo de digestión de este primate. Deberá considerarse también la dificultad de establecer siempre concordancia con estos resultados, debido a la gran variabilidad en la capacidad germinativa de las semillas de individuos arbóreos, a la diferencia entre las cosechas y periodos de fructificación, así como en la madurez y estado fisiológico de los animales utilizados en las pruebas. Se concluye que la especialización alimentaria no necesariamente se relaciona con la efectividad de la calidad de la dispersión.Germination of Ficus insipida (Moraceae seeds from toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus and spider monkey (Ateles

  13. Mono- and polyadducts of C60 with anthracenes by Diels-Alder-reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duarte-Ruiz, A.


    This work describes the synthesis and characterization of seven new mono-adducts of 9-methylanthracene, 9,10-dimethylanthracene, 9-bromoanthracene. 2,3,6,7-tetramethylanthracene, 1-methylanthracene, 2,6-di-tert-butylanthracen, as well as 2-methylanthracene to fullerene C60 in solution at r.t. by means of [4+2] Diels-Alder reactions. It could be shown that the mono-adducts with 9-methylanthracene, 9,10-dimethylanthracene, and 1-methylanthracene form the corresponding antipodal bis-adduct 'trans-1' on heating the solid to 180 o C. Furthermore the functionalization of fullerene C60 anthracene mono-adduct (C60C14H10) with anthracene through [4+2] Diels-Alder reactions was investigated which made it possible to separate and to characterize the five possible bis-adducts ('trans-1', 'trans-2', 'trans-3', 'trans-4', and 'e') that can form when the second anthracene adds either 'trans' to the opposite hemisphere (compared to the first addition of anthracene) or to an equatorial position. An exact identification of the bis-adducts 'trans-2' and 'trans-4' could only be acquired with spectroscopic methods, fortunately the bis-adducts 'trans-4', 'trans-3', and 'e' could also be examined by x-ray, thus all five could be fully characterized. No bis-adducts on the same hemisphere ('cis') were found. UV/VIS-spectra of the bis-adducts opened up the possibility to identify other [4+2] Diels-Alder products in the future. It has been noticed that the eluation sequence of the bis-adducts ('trans-1' before 'trans-2' before 'trans-4' before 'trans-3' before 'e') doesn't strictly correlate with the dipole moments. Furthermore six new tris-adducts ('t4t4t2', 't3t3t3', 't3t3t4', 'et3t2', 'et3t4', and 'eee') and one tetra-adduct ('eeet3') were separated and characterized. The tris-adduct 't3t3t3' was additionally characterized by x-ray which showed that the crystal contains only one enatiomer. All bis- and tris-adducts form the antipodal bis-adduct 'trans-1' on heating to 180 o C for 10 min

  14. Behavior of the potential-induced degradation of photovoltaic modules fabricated using flat mono-crystalline silicon cells with different surface orientations (United States)

    Yamaguchi, Seira; Masuda, Atsushi; Ohdaira, Keisuke


    This paper deals with the dependence of the potential-induced degradation (PID) of flat, p-type mono-crystalline silicon solar cell modules on the surface orientation of solar cells. The investigated modules were fabricated from p-type mono-crystalline silicon cells with a (100) or (111) surface orientation using a module laminator. PID tests were performed by applying a voltage of -1000 V to shorted module interconnector ribbons with respect to an Al plate placed on the cover glass of the modules at 85 °C. A decrease in the parallel resistance of the (100)-oriented cell modules is more significant than that of the (111)-oriented cell modules. Hence, the performance of the (100)-oriented-cell modules drastically deteriorates, compared with that of the (111)-oriented-cell modules. This implies that (111)-oriented cells offer a higher PID resistance.

  15. Comportamiento del aluminio desnudo y anodizado en atmósferas con grados de contaminación muy diferentes


    Bautista, A.; Morcillo, M.; González, J. A.; Simancas, J.; Otero, E.


    In the present research, the responses of unprotected and anodized aluminium specimens are compared after they have been exposed to 12 different atmospheres. The significance of the anodizing and the sealing on the atmospheric corrosion behaviour is analysed. The results show that the anodizing and sealing of aluminium exclude the risk of pitting corrosion in marine atmospheres and that the oxide thickness is not determining, at least during the first year of exposure.

    En l...

  16. First-principles study on mono-vacancy self diffusion and recovery in tungsten crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wen, Shu long [Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education), Superconductivity and New Energy R& D Ceter, Southwest JiaoTong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Chen, Ji ming; Liu, Xiang [Fusion Science of Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041 (China); Zhu, Hao; Chang, Hong yan [Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education), Superconductivity and New Energy R& D Ceter, Southwest JiaoTong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Huang, Zheng, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education), Superconductivity and New Energy R& D Ceter, Southwest JiaoTong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Pan, Min, E-mail: [Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education), Superconductivity and New Energy R& D Ceter, Southwest JiaoTong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd., Xi’an, Shanxi 710018 (China); Zhao, Yong [Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education), Superconductivity and New Energy R& D Ceter, Southwest JiaoTong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China)


    Highlights: • The migration barrier energy E{sub m} of vacancy indicated that the optimum diffusion paths would exist in the diffusion process. • The Frenkel pair’s recovery had a close correlation with the “I–V” distance and within a range of 1.86–2.08 eV. • The self-recovery region has an ellipsoid profile with the semiminor axis of 2.7 Å and the semimajor axis of 5.5 Å. • The probability for the vacancy migration was closely assosiated with the E{sub m} and the working temperature. - Abstract: The point defects behavior becomes one of the most basic issues under the challenge of fusion environment. The recovery mechanisms of Frenkel pair defects and the self-diffusion coefficient of mono-vacancy in bulk bcc tungsten were researched by the first principle calculations. The calculation of migration energy curves for <111> SIAs indicated that the process of the Frenkel pair recovery had a close correlation with the “I–V” distance, and the migration barrier energies E{sub m} was within a limit range of 1.86–2.08 eV. It was found that the self-recovery region had an ellipsoid profile with the semiminor axis of 2.7 Å and the semimajor axis of 5.5 Å. The self-diffusion coefficients of the mono-vacancy were calculated and the results showed that the probability for the vacancy migration was not only associated with the E{sub m} but also the temperature being challenged.

  17. Synthesis, spectroscopic and biological activities studies of acyclic and macrocyclic mono and binuclear metal complexes containing a hard-soft Schiff base. (United States)

    Abou-Hussein, Azza A A; Linert, Wolfgang


    Mono- and bi-nuclear acyclic and macrocyclic complexes with hard-soft Schiff base, H(2)L, ligand derived from the reaction of 4,6-diacetylresorcinol and thiocabohydrazide, in the molar ratio 1:2 have been prepared. The H(2)L ligand reacts with Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II) and UO(2)(VI) nitrates, VO(IV) sulfate and Ru(III) chloride to get acyclic binuclear complexes except for VO(IV) and Ru(III) which gave acyclic mono-nuclear complexes. Reaction of the acyclic mono-nuclear VO(IV) and Ru(III) complexes with 4,6-diacetylresorcinol afforded the corresponding macrocyclic mono-nuclear VO(IV) and Ru(IIII) complexes. Template reactions of the 4,6-diacetylresorcinol and thiocarbohydrazide with either VO(IV) or Ru(III) salts afforded the macrocyclic binuclear VO(IV) and Ru(III) complexes. The Schiff base, H(2)L, ligand acts as dibasic with two NSO-tridentate sites and can coordinate with two metal ions to form binuclear complexes after the deprotonation of the hydrogen atoms of the phenolic groups in all the complexes, except in the case of the acyclic mononuclear Ru(III) and VO(IV) complexes, where the Schiff base behaves as neutral tetradentate chelate with N(2)S(2) donor atoms. The ligands and the metal complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV-vis (1)H-NMR, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and ESR, as well as the measurements of conductivity and magnetic moments at room temperature. Electronic spectra and magnetic moments of the complexes indicate the geometries of the metal centers are either tetrahedral, square planar or octahedral. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were calculated using Coats-Redfern equation, for the different thermal decomposition steps of the complexes. The ligands and the metal complexes were screened for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus as Gram-positive bacteria, and Pseudomonas fluorescens as Gram-negative bacteria in addition to Fusarium oxysporum fungus. Most of the complexes exhibit

  18. Historia deldel = History of Padel

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    Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo resume la historia del deporte deldel. Existen dos versiones sobre el origen deldel. La primera versión relaciona los antecedentes deldel con los de otros deportes de raqueta como el tenis o el bádminton, siendo su origen común el jeu de la paume francés. Posteriormente, surgen variantes en Estados Unidos como el Paddle Tennis y el Platform Tennis, siendo versiones reducidas del tenis, pero con elementos muy comunes al pádel actual. La segunda versión, aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Pádel, afirma que este deporte nació en México, en 1969, a través del empresario Enrique Corcuera.--------------------------------------------------------------------This research summarizes the history of paddle sport. There are two versions about the origin of paddle. The first version relates the history of paddle with other racket sports like tennis or badminton, and its common origin of the Jeu de Paume French. Later, in in the United States, appear two sports called Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis, which are reduced versions of tennis sport, but these have lot of common characteristics with paddle. The second version, approved by the International Padel Federation, said the sport was born in Mexico in 1969, through the businessman Enrique Corcuera.

  19. Synthesis, fluorescence properties of Tb(Ⅲ) complexes with novel mono-substituted β-diketone ligands

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    罗一鸣; 李石凤; 李军; 陈学娟; 唐瑞仁


    Two novel pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid derivatives of mono-β-diketone named methyl 6-biphenylacetyl-2-pyridinecarboxylate (MBP) and 6-biphenylacetyl-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid (BAA) and their corresponding binary complexes Tb(MBP)3.6H2O and Tb(BAA)3·6H2O were synthesized. The ligands were characterized by elemental analysis, FT-IR and 1H-NMR, and the complexes were characterized with elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H-NMR and thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis(TG-DTA). The investigation of fluo...

  20. Organic geochemistry and brine composition in Great Salt, Mono, and Walker Lakes (United States)

    Domagalski, Joseph L.; Orem, W.H.; Eugster, H.P.


    Samples of Recent sediments, representing up to 1000 years of accumulation, were collected from three closed basin lakes (Mono Lake, CA, Walker Lake, NV, and Great Salt Lake, UT) to assess the effects of brine composition on the accumulation of total organic carbon, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon, humic acid structure and diagenesis, and trace metal complexation. The Great Salt Lake water column is a stratified Na-Mg-Cl-SO4 brine with low alkalinity. Algal debris is entrained in the high density (1.132-1.190 g/cc) bottom brines, and in this region maximum organic matter decomposition occurs by anaerobic processes, with sulfate ion as the terminal electron acceptor. Organic matter, below 5 cm of the sediment-water interface, degrades at a very slow rate in spite of very high pore-fluid sulfate levels. The organic carbon concentration stabilizes at 1.1 wt%. Mono Lake is an alkaline (Na-CO3-Cl-SO4) system. The water column is stratified, but the bottom brines are of lower density relative to the Great Salt Lake, and sedimentation of algal debris is rapid. Depletion of pore-fluid sulfate, near l m of core, results in a much higher accumulation of organic carbon, approximately 6 wt%. Walker Lake is also an alkaline system. The water column is not stratified, and decomposition of organic matter occurs by aerobic processes at the sediment-water interface and by anaerobic processes below. Total organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon concentrations in Walker Lake sediments vary with location and depth due to changes in input and pore-fluid sulfate concentrations. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies (13C) of humic substances and dissolved organic carbon provide information on the source of the Recent sedimentary organic carbon (aquatic vs. terrestrial), its relative state of decomposition, and its chemical structure. The spectra suggest an algal origin with little terrestrial signature at all three lakes. This is indicated by the ratio of aliphatic to

  1. Anaerobic halo- alkaliphilic bacterial community of athalassic, hypersaline Mono lake and Owens Lake in California (United States)

    Pikuta, Elena V.; Detkova, Ekaterina N.; Bej, Asim K.; Marsic, Damien; Hoover, Richard B.


    The bacterial diversity of microbial extremophiles from the meromictic, hypersaline Mono Lake and a small evaporite pool in Owens Lake of California was studied. In spite of these regions had differing mineral background and different concentrations of NaCl in water they contain the same halo- alkaliphiles anaerobic bacterial community. Three new species of bacteria were detected in this community: primary anaerobe, dissipotrophic saccharolytic spirochete Spirochaeta americana strain AspG1T, primary anaerobe which is proteolytic Tindallia californiensis strain APOT, and secondary anaerobe, hydrogen using Desulfonatronum thiodismutans strain MLF1T, which is sulfate- reducer with chemo-litho-autotrophic metabolism. All of these bacteria are obligate alkaliphiles and dependent upon Na+ ions and CO32- ions in growth mediums. It is interesting that closest relationships for two of these species were isolates from samples of equatorial African soda Magadi lake: Spirochaeta americana AspG1T has 99.4% similarity on 16S rDNA- analyses with Spirochaeta alkalica Z- 7491T, and Tindallia californiensis APOT has 99.1% similarity with Tindallia magadiensis Z-7934T. But result of DNA-DNA- hybridization demonstrated less then 50% similarity between Spirochaeta americana AspG1T and Spirochaeta alkalica Z-7491T. Percent of homology between Tindallia californiensis APOT and Tindallia magadiensis Z-7934T is only 55%. The sulfate-reducer from the alkalic anaerobic community of Magadi lake Desulfonatronovibrio hydrogenovorans Z-7935T was phylogenetically distant from this sulfate-reducer in Mono lake, but genetically closer (99.7% similarity) to the sulfate-reducer, isolated from Central Asian alkalic lake Khadyn in Siberia Desulfonatronum lacustre Z-7951T. The study of key enzymes (hydrogenase and CO- hydrogenase) in Tindallia californiensis APOT and Desulfonatronum thiodismutans MLF1T showed the presence of high activity of both the enzymes in first and only hydrogenase in second

  2. SIMAC - A phosphoproteomic strategy for the rapid separation of mono-phosphorylated from multiply phosphorylated peptides

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thingholm, Tine E; Jensen, Ole N; Robinson, Phillip J


    spectrometric analysis, such as immobilized metal affinity chromatography or titanium dioxide the coverage of the phosphoproteome of a given sample is limited. Here we report a simple and rapid strategy - SIMAC - for sequential separation of mono-phosphorylated peptides and multiply phosphorylated peptides from...... and an optimized titanium dioxide chromatographic method. More than double the total number of identified phosphorylation sites was obtained with SIMAC, primarily from a three-fold increase in recovery of multiply phosphorylated peptides....

  3. Influence of thermal treatment on bentonite used as adsorbent for Cd, Pb, Zn retention from mono-solute and poly-solute aqueous solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susana Yamila Martinez Stagnaro


    Full Text Available The retentions of Zn, Cd and Pb cations by one treated bentonite up to 750 °C were analyzed. The retentions were evaluated by using mono-and poly-solute aqueous solutions of such cations. The adsorptions were carried out in batch system at room temperature. The solid/liquid ratio was 2% wt.v-1. The solids were characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermal and chemical analyses. The Zn cation from mono- or polysolute-solutions was retained in higher amount than Cd and Pb cations in similar solution types by bentonite. The retentions were effective up to 450 °C calcined bentonite, after that, the retention capacity decreased in concordance with dehydroxylation of the structure of clay minerals.


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    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:La insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia.En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal. SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one.In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia. En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal.SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one. In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.

  6. Potencial del Agua del suelo

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    Bustamante Heliodoro


    Full Text Available La energía potencial del agua presenta diferencias de un punto del suelo a otro; esas diferencias son las que originan el movimiento del agua de acuerdo a la tendencia universal de la materia en el sentido de moverse de donde la energía potencial es mayor a donde dicha energía es menor. En el suelo el agua en consecuencia se mueve hacia donde su energía decrece hasta lograr su estado de equilibrio. Se desprende entonces que la cantidad de energía potencial absoluta contenida en el agua, no es importante por sí misma, sino por su relación con la energía en diferentes lugares dentro del suelo. El concepto Potencial de agua del suelo es un criterio para esta energía.

  7. Monojets and mono-photons from light higgsino pair production at LHC14

    CERN Document Server

    Baer, Howard; Tata, Xerxes


    Naturalness arguments imply the existence of higgsinos lighter than 200-300 GeV. However, because these higgsinos are nearly mass degenerate, they release very little visible energy in their decays, and signals from electroweak higgsino pair production typically remain buried under Standard Model backgrounds. Moreover, gluinos, squarks and winos may plausibly lie beyond the reach of the LHC14, so that signals from naturalness-inspired supersymmetric models may well remain hidden via conventional searches. We examine instead prospects for detecting higgsino pair production via monojets or mono-photons from initial state radiation. We find typical signal-to-background rates at best at the 1 % level, leading to rather pessimistic conclusions regarding detectability via these channels.

  8. Radiometric titration of diethanolamine with 65ZnSO4 and determination of mono and diethanolamines in a mixture by a radiometric method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varadan, R.; Sriman Narayanan, S.; Rao, V.R.S.


    Radiometric titration of diethanolamine with 65 ZnSO 4 is reported. Determination of individual amounts of mono- and diethanolamines in a mixture is described. The procedure is simple, rapid and accurate. (author)

  9. Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz


    Furcal-Beriguete, Parménides; Herrera-Barrantes, Alejandra


    Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, ...

  10. Caracterización molecular de un aislamiento cubano de parvovirus canino

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    Anniet Fresneda-Disotuar


    Full Text Available El parvovirus canino tipo 2 (VPC-2 es el agente causal de una enfermedad infecto-contagiosa que produce gastroenteritis aguda hemorrágica que afecta a caninos jóvenes. El VPC-2 es un virus con genoma ADN, pequeño, desnudo y muy resistente a las condiciones ambientales que emergió y se expandió rápidamente a fines de la década de los años 70. En los años 80 surgieron consecutivamente dos variantes antigénicas, denominadas VPC-2a y VPC-2b. En el 2000 se detectó una nueva variante antigénica llamada VPC-2c, reportándose con frecuencia en comunidades caninas de varios países del mundo. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en caracterizar un aislamiento cubano de parvovirus canino, atenuado y adaptado a cultivo celular. El material genético fue amplificado por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y secuenciado posteriormente. Las secuencias obtenidas fueron analizadas y comparadas con secuencias de aislados y cepas conocidas depositadas en las bases de datos, donde se evidenció que el aislamiento cubano era del tipo VPC-2.

  11. The stability of mandibular prognathism corrected by bilateral sagittal split osteotomies: a comparison of bi-cortical osteosynthesis and mono-cortical osteosynthesis. (United States)

    Hsu, S S-P; Huang, C-S; Chen, P K-T; Ko, E W-C; Chen, Y-R


    This study evaluated the differences in surgical changes and post-surgical changes between bi-cortical and mono-cortical osteosynthesis (MCO) in the correction of skeletal Class III malocclusion with bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (BSSOs). Twenty-five patients had bi-cortical osteosynthesis (BCO), 32 patients had mono-cortical fixation. Lateral and postero-anterior cephalometric radiographs, taken at the time of surgery, before surgery, 1 month after surgery, and on completion of orthodontic treatment (mean 9.9 months after surgery), were obtained for evaluation. Cephalometric analysis and superimposition were used to investigate the surgical and post-surgical changes. Independent t-test was performed to compare the difference between the two groups. Pearson's correlations were tested to evaluate the factors related to the relapse of the mandible. The sagittal relapse rate was 20% in the bi-cortical and 25% in the mono-cortical group. The forward-upward rotation of the mandible in the post-surgical period contributed most of the sagittal relapse. There were no statistically significant differences in sagittal and vertical changes between the two groups during surgery and in the post-surgical period. No factors were found to correlate with post-surgical relapse, but the intergonial width increased more in the bi-cortical group. The study suggested that both methods of skeletal fixation had similar postoperative stability. Copyright © 2011 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Dynamic Covalent Self-Assembly of Mono-, Bi- and Trimacro-cycles from Hydrogen Bonded Preorganized Templates

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LIN Jianbin; WU Jing; JIANG Xikui; LI Zhanting


    This paper describes the dynamic covalent assembly of three mono-, bi- and trimacrocycles by utilizing hydro-gen bonding-driven zigzag anthranilamides as "leading" components. The monomacrocycle, a tetraamino molecule, was prepared from the [24+2] coupling reaction of a "'U"-shaped dialdehyde and a porphyrin diamine, followed by the reduction of the macrocyclic tetraimine by NaBH3CN, while the bi-and trimacrocycles were obtained through two six-component coupling reactions with rigid tri- and tetraamino-appended oligomers as templates.

  13. Microwave Photocatalysis of Mono-Chloroacetic Acid over Nanoporous Titanium(IV) Oxide Thin Films Using Mercury Electrodeless Discharge Lamps

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Církva, Vladimír; Žabová, Hana; Hájek, Milan


    Roč. 198, č. 1 (2008), s. 13-17 ISSN 1010-6030 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA104/06/0992; GA ČR GA104/07/1212 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504 Keywords : microwave-assisted photocatalysis * electrodeless discharge lamp * mono-chloroacetic acid Subject RIV: CH - Nuclear ; Quantum Chemistry Impact factor: 2.362, year: 2008

  14. The use of approximation formulae in calculations of acid-base equilibria-II: salts of mono- and diprotic acids. (United States)

    Narasaki, H


    The pH of solutions of salts of mono- and diprotic acids is calculated by use of approximation formulae and the theoretically exact equations. The regions for useful application of the approximation formulae (error monoprotic acids, areas are symmetrically equal to those of the acids. For salts of diprotic acids the ranges generally depend on K(2)/K(1).

  15. Studio del danneggiamento mediante tomografia in luce del sincrotrone: impatto di un cono d’ombra sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni

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    Andrea Bernasconi


    Full Text Available Un’accurata osservazione della geometria tridimensionale di cricche e difetti è necessaria per lo studio dei meccanismi alla base del processo di danneggiamento. I metodi convenzionali utilizzati a questo scopo sono distruttivi o non possiedono una sufficiente risoluzione. Le tecniche di imaging che utilizzano la luce di sincrotrone, ed in particolare la microtomografia (micro-CT a raggi X, invece, uniscono i vantaggi di una tecnica non distruttiva ad un’elevata risoluzione spaziale e risultano quindi particolarmente interessanti. Un limite all’applicazione di questa tecnica è costituito dalla propensione della cricca a richiudersi una volta rimosso il carico che ha provocato il danneggiamento, superabile attraverso l’impiego di un dispositivo in grado di esercitare un carico di trazione durante l’acquisizione dei dati. Facendo riferimento al set-up sperimentale della linea SYRMEP di Elettra, il sincrotrone di Trieste, e tralasciando per il momento i vincoli legati a pesi e ingombri, è possibile pensare di inserire tra camera di ionizzazione e CCD una macchina per prove di trazione mono-colonna commerciale, in grado di mantenere aperto il difetto per tutta la durata della tomografia. In questo lavoro viene valutato l’impatto di questo vincolo sulla qualità finale delle ricostruzioni.

  16. 21 CFR 582.4521 - Monosodium phosphate derivatives of mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat... (United States)


    ... diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming fatty acids. 582.4521 Section 582.4521 Food and... Monosodium phosphate derivatives of mono- and diglycerides of edible fats or oils, or edible fat-forming... oils, or edible fat-forming fatty acids. (b) Conditions of use. This substance is generally recognized...

  17. Stochastic resonance in a time-delayed mono-stable system with correlated multiplicative and additive white noise

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Yu-Rong


    This paper considers the stochastic resonance for a time-delayed mono-stable system, driven by correlated multiplicative and additive white noise. It finds that the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) varies non-monotonically with the delayed times. The SNR varies non-monotonically with the increase of the intensities of the multiplicative and additive noise, with the increase of the correlation strength between the two noises, as well as with the system parameter. (general)

  18. Efeitos de misturas de napropamide e simazine no controle de mono e dicotiledoneas em cafeeiros novos Effects of napropamide and simazine mixtures on the control of mono and dicotyledon on new coffee trees

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    L.S.P. Cruz


    Full Text Available Com a finalidade de se conhecer a ação de misturas de napropamide e simazine no controle de plantas daninhas mono e dicotiledôneas em cafee iros com dois anos de idade, foi conduzido um experimento de campo em Araras, SP, em 1979/80. 0 delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso com nove tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: napropamide a 2,00 kg e 3,00 kg/ha; simazine a 0,50 kg e 0,75 kg/ha; e, misturas de 2,00 kg/ha de napropamide com 0,50 kg e 0,75 kg/ha de simazine, e de 3,00 kg/ha de napropamide também com 0,50 kg e 0,75 kg/ha de simaz ine . Constou do experimento ainda, uma testemunha sem herbicida. Aos 45 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas foi feita uma contagem das plantas daninhas, e a cada 15 dias, até aos 90 dias da aplicação, foram realizadas observações visuais de porcentagem de infestação do mato. Nestas mesmas épocas também foram realizadas observações sobre sintomas de fi totoxicidade causados pelos herbicidas aos cafeeiros. As plantas daninhas presentes em maior número no ensaio foram as monocotiledôneas capim - de-colchão - Digitaria horizontalis Willd e capimpé -de-galinha Eleusine indica (L.1 Gaertn, e as dicotiledôneas carurú-de-mancha - Amaranthus viridis L. e picão-preto - Bidens pilosa L. Como era esperado, as misturas foram superiores aos tratamentos com herbicidas isolados. sendo bastante eficientes no controle das mono e dicotiledõneas que incidiram no experimento. Todos os tratamentos com 0.75 k ' ha de simazine apresentaram leves sintomas de fitotoxicidade, limitados a algumas folhas dos cafeeiros. até a última observação realizada.A field experiment was conducted in Araras in 1979/80 with the purpose to study the effects of mixture of napropamide and simazine on the control of mono and dicotyledons weeds in two years old coffee trees. The experiment was in randomised blocks with nine treatments and four repplications. The treatments were the following

  19. Hydrolysis of Zr(4) with formation of mono- and polynuclear hydroxocomplexes in solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davydov, Yu.P.; Zabrodskij, V.N.


    The state of Zr(4) has been studied in the wide range of H + -ions concentrations (10 -3 -3.0 mol/l) and in the wide range of Zr(4) concentrations (10 -13 -10 -12 mol/l) in the solution using a set of such physical-chemical methods as spectrophotometry, ion exchange, dialysis, centrifugation. The conditions of formation of hydrated cations, monochange, dialysis, centrifugation. The conditions of formation of hydrated cations, mono- and polynuclear hydrocomplexes, colloidal-size particles have been determined. The thermodynamic stability of ZrOH 3+ and Zr(OH) 2 2+ complexes has been determined by the ion exchange and spectrophotometry methods

  20. Determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad: el caso del Valle del Cauca en Colombia

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    Sebastián Urueña Abadía


    Full Text Available Colombia, al igual que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos, consciente de las repercusiones sociales y económicas negativas del trabajo infantil, se ha comprometido en la lucha por la erradicación de este fenómeno. Prueba de ello es la ratificación por parte del gobierno colombiano en el año 2007, del Convenio 182 de la OIT sobre la Prohibición de las Peores Formas de Trabajo Infantil y la Acción Inmediata para su Eliminación. En el plano regional, como parte del Plan de Desarrollo del Departamento del Valle del Cauca 2008-2011, se está implementando actualmente una estrategia territorial de erradicación del trabajo infantil en sus 42 municipios. Considerando este panorama, este trabajo indaga cuáles son los determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad en el departamento del Valle a partir de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida del año 2003. Para el análisis se emplea un modelo econométrico Probit Bivariado, que permite el estudio conjunto e interrelacionado de decisiones diferentes, en este caso la asistencia escolar y el trabajo.

  1. La superación del modelo del ángel del hogar:


    Hurtado Muñoz, Mónica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superación del modelo del "ángel del hogar". Recuperación de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un análisis sociológico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer española en el cambio de siglo en el ámbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las características propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye que la cr...

  2. Transplacental transfer of monomethyl phthalate and mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in a human placenta perfusion system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mose, Tina; Knudsen, Lisbeth E; Hedegaard, Morten


    The transplacental passage of monomethylphtalate (mMP) and mono (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (mEHP) was studied using an ex vivo placental perfusion model with simultaneous perfusion of fetal and maternal circulation in a single cotyledon. Umbilical cord blood and placental tissue collected both before...... plasma samples. mMP and possibly other short-chained phthalate monoesters in maternal blood can cross the placenta by slow transfer, whereas the results indicate no placental transfer of mEHP. Further studies are recommended....

  3. Metallic Contact Formation for Molecular Electronics : Interactions between Vapor-Deposited Metals and Self-Assembled Monolayers of Conjugated Mono- and Dithiols

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, Bert de; Frank, Martin M.; Chabal, Yves J.; Jiang, Weirong; Garfunkel, Eric; Bao, Zhenan


    We present grazing-incidence Fourier transform infrared and AFM data of Au, Al, and Ti vapor-deposited onto self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of conjugated mono- and dithiols. SAMs of 4,4'''-dimercapto-p-quaterphenyl, 4,4''-dimercapto-p-terphenyl, and 4,4'-dimercapto-p-biphenyl have reactive thiols

  4. Transient heating and evaporation of moving mono-component liquid fuel droplets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yin, Chungen


    of which the flow and energy transport equations are numerically solved using the finite volume method. The computer code for the model is developed in a generic 3D framework and verified in different ways (e.g., by comparison against analytical solutions for simplified cases, and against experimental......This paper presents a complete description of a model for transient heating and evaporation of moving mono-component liquid fuel droplets. The model mainly consists of gas phase heat and mass transfer analysis, liquid phase analysis, and droplet dynamics analysis, which address the interaction...... between the moving droplets and free-stream flow, the flow and heat and mass transfer within the droplets, and the droplet dynamics and size, respectively. For the liquid phase analysis, the droplets are discretized into a number of control volumes along the radial, polar and azimuthal directions, on each...

  5. Searches for Dark Matter via Mono-W Production in Inert Doublet Model at the LHC (United States)

    Wan, Neng; Li, Niu; Zhang, Bo; Yang, Huan; Zhao, Min-Fu; Song, Mao; Li, Gang; Guo, Jian-You


    The Inert Doublet Model (IDM) is one of the many beyond Standard Model scenarios with an extended scalar sector, which provide a suitable dark matter particle candidate. Dark matter associated visible particle production at high energy colliders provides a unique way to determine the microscopic properties of the dark matter particle. In this paper, we investigate that the mono-W + missing transverse energy production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where W boson decay to a lepton and a neutrino. We perform the analysis for the signal of mono-W production in the IDM and the Standard Model (SM) backgrounds, and the optimized criteria employing suitable cuts are chosen in kinematic variables to maximize signal significance. We also investigate the discovery potential in several benchmark scenarios at the 14 TeV LHC. When the light Z2 odd scalar higgs of mass is about 65 GeV, charged Higgs is in the mass range from 120 GeV to 250 GeV, it provides the best possibility with a signal significance of about 3σ at an integrated luminosity of about 3000 fb‑1. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11205003, 11305001, 11575002, the Key Research Foundation of Education Ministry of Anhui Province of China under Grant Nos. KJ2017A032, KJ2016A749, KJ2013A260, and Natural Science Foundation of West Anhui University under Grant No. WXZR201614

  6. Date of planting and seeding rate effects on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of turnip in agro forestry compared to mono cropping systems

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    M.R. Chaichi


    Full Text Available Agroforestry is one the aspects of sustainable agriculture in which multiple cropping of perennial trees in mixture with crops guarantees the environmental, economical and social sustainability in rural communities. High demands for forage in Northern provinces of Iran lead to agroforestry in citrus orchards as a potential mean for forage production through agroforestry systems. This research was conducted to determine the best planting date and seeding rate of turnip in agroforestry and mono cropping systems. The treatments were arranged as split factorial based on a completely randomized block design with three replications. The cropping systems (agroforestry and mono cropping were assigned to the main plots and the factorial combinations of planting dates (March 10th, March 25th, and April 9th and seeding rates (1, 2, and 4 kg seed ha-1 were randomly assigned to the subplots. The results of the experiment showed that as the seeding rate increased to 4 kg.ha-1, a significant increase (by 5% in total forage production was observed in both cropping systems. A decreasing trend in forage production was observed in latter planting dates for both cropping systems; however, this decrement in mono cropping was more severe than agroforestry system. In later planting dates the water soluble carbohydrates and forage dry matter digestibility increased but ADF decreased. The results of this experiment indicated a great potential for forage production in citrus orchards of the northern provinces of the country through agroforestry systems.

  7. Electron transfer kinetics on mono- and multilayer graphene. (United States)

    Velický, Matěj; Bradley, Dan F; Cooper, Adam J; Hill, Ernie W; Kinloch, Ian A; Mishchenko, Artem; Novoselov, Konstantin S; Patten, Hollie V; Toth, Peter S; Valota, Anna T; Worrall, Stephen D; Dryfe, Robert A W


    Understanding of the electrochemical properties of graphene, especially the electron transfer kinetics of a redox reaction between the graphene surface and a molecule, in comparison to graphite or other carbon-based materials, is essential for its potential in energy conversion and storage to be realized. Here we use voltammetric determination of the electron transfer rate for three redox mediators, ferricyanide, hexaammineruthenium, and hexachloroiridate (Fe(CN)(6)(3-), Ru(NH3)(6)(3+), and IrCl(6)(2-), respectively), to measure the reactivity of graphene samples prepared by mechanical exfoliation of natural graphite. Electron transfer rates are measured for varied number of graphene layers (1 to ca. 1000 layers) using microscopic droplets. The basal planes of mono- and multilayer graphene, supported on an insulating Si/SiO(2) substrate, exhibit significant electron transfer activity and changes in kinetics are observed for all three mediators. No significant trend in kinetics with flake thickness is discernible for each mediator; however, a large variation in kinetics is observed across the basal plane of the same flakes, indicating that local surface conditions affect the electrochemical performance. This is confirmed by in situ graphite exfoliation, which reveals significant deterioration of initially, near-reversible kinetics for Ru(NH3)(6)(3+) when comparing the atmosphere-aged and freshly exfoliated graphite surfaces.

  8. Activity-based assay for human mono-ADP-ribosyltransferases ARTD7/PARP15 and ARTD10/PARP10 aimed at screening and profiling inhibitors. (United States)

    Venkannagari, Harikanth; Fallarero, Adyary; Feijs, Karla L H; Lüscher, Bernhard; Lehtiö, Lari


    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) or diphtheria toxin like ADP-ribosyl transferases (ARTDs) are enzymes that catalyze the covalent modification of proteins by attachment of ADP-ribose units to the target amino acid residues or to the growing chain of ADP-ribose. A subclass of the ARTD superfamily consists of mono-ADP-ribosyl transferases that are thought to modify themselves and other substrate proteins by covalently adding only a single ADP-ribose moiety to the target. Many of the ARTD enzymes are either established or potential drug targets and a functional activity assay for them will be a valuable tool to identify selective inhibitors for each enzyme. Existing assays are not directly applicable for screening of inhibitors due to the different nature of the reaction and different target molecules. We modified and applied a fluorescence-based assay previously described for PARP1/ARTD1 and tankyrase/ARTD5 for screening of PARP10/ARTD10 and PARP15/ARTD7 inhibitors. The assay measures the amount of NAD(+) present after chemically converting it to a fluorescent analog. We demonstrate that by using an excess of a recombinant acceptor protein the performance of the activity-based assay is excellent for screening of compound libraries. The assay is homogenous and cost effective, making it possible to test relatively large compound libraries. This method can be used to screen inhibitors of mono-ARTDs and profile inhibitors of the enzyme class. The assay was optimized for ARTD10 and ARTD7, but it can be directly applied to other mono-ARTDs of the ARTD superfamily. Profiling of known ARTD inhibitors against ARTD10 and ARTD7 in a validatory screening identified the best inhibitors with submicromolar potencies. Only few of the tested ARTD inhibitors were potent, implicating that there is a need to screen new compound scaffolds. This is needed to create small molecules that could serve as biological probes and potential starting points for drug discovery projects against

  9. Efecto de los cortafuegos sobre el ensamble de hormigas (Hymenoptera, Formicidae en una región semiárida, Argentina Effects of firebreaks on ant density (Hymenoptera, Formicidae in a semiarid region, Argentina

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    Francisco Rodrigo Tizón


    Full Text Available En las regiones áridas y semiáridas los bordes de los caminos o cortafuegos pueden afectar variables micro-climáticas las cuales, a su vez, alteran la abundancia de las hormigas que nidifican en el suelo. Se estudió la densidad de nidos en ambientes con diferentes características edáficas (suelos sueltos y compactados, y de cobertura de vegetación (monte cerrado, pastizal y suelo desnudo. El área de estudio se encuentra en el sur del Caldenal (sudeste de La Pampa, tiene 12 ha clausuradas al pastoreo con seis unidades experimentales en cada una de las cuales se seleccionaron tres sitios con cobertura leñosa (monte, con cobertura herbácea (pastizal y con el 80% de suelo desnudo (cortafuegos. En cada sitio se registraron la temperatura superficial, y la humedad, el pH, y el grado de compactación del suelo. La densidad de nidos se evaluó colocando tres transectas (80 m x 5 m al azar por cada unidad experimental. La temperatura del suelo fue mayor en los cortafuegos y la compactación del suelo fue mayor en los ambientes de monte y pastizal. El ensamble de hormigas estudiado no mostró diferencias (p>0,05 de nidificación entre los ambientes. En cambio, Acromyrmex striatus (Roger, 1863 se encontró principalmente en los cortafuegos donde los suelos sueltos con mayor porosidad permiten mayor intercambio gaseoso e infiltración de agua. La construcción de cortafuegos favorece el establecimiento de especies cortadoras de hojas que por ventajas competitivas podrían afectar negativamente la composición de la comunidad de hormigas y las comunidades vegetales.In arid and semiarid regions, the presence of roads or firebreaks can affect microclimatic variables that influence the abundance of soil nesting ants. We studied ant nest density in environments with different soil types (loose and compacted soil, and vegetation cover (shrubland, grassland and bare soil south of Caldenal, La Pampa, Argentina. We selected three areas with woody cover

  10. Culturas del Mundo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benwell, Ann Fenger; Costa, Alberto; Waehle, Espen


    ’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39......’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39...

  11. Abiotic gradients drive floristic composition and structure of plant communities in the Monte Desert Gradientes abióticos dirigen la composición florística y la estructura de las comunidades de plantas en el Desierto del Monte

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    Full Text Available Defining plant communities in desert zones is difficult due to large scale homogeneity and small scale heterogeneity, thus making provision of systematic information for conservation decisions problematic. We analysed plant communities of the most arid sector of Monte Desert for structure, plant composition and environmental variables. Small-scale variables such as slope, rock cover, bare ground and litter, as well as large-scale ones such as species diversity, composition and similarity within and between sites were included. Analyses of floristic composition showed the difficulty of segregating distinct communities due to high internal heterogeneity and overlap between the different sites. Only mesquite woodlands, a community situated at the extreme of the soil moisture-gradient was segregated. Ordination on structural variables was somewhat more successful in segregating communities on the basis of substrate type and of tree and shrub cover. Our results showed the difficulty distinguishing plant communities in temperate deserts, suggesting the existence of relatively stable assemblages of species at the extremes of the gradients and of great heterogeneity within and between sites. They cannot be defined by floristic variables solely, but require environmental information also.La definición de comunidades discretas de plantas en zonas desérticas es complejo debido tanto a su homogeneidad a gran escala como a su heterogeneidad a pequeña escala, lo que acaba generando dificultades para la toma de decisiones de conservación. En este trabajo analizamos las comunidades de plantas del sector más árido del Desierto del Monte en función de su estructura y composición florística. Se han utilizado también variables ambientales estimadas a pequeña escala como la pendiente o la superficie de roca, suelo desnudo y hojarasca, así como variables que operan a mayor escala como la diversidad de especies, la composición florística y la similitud

  12. Comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques for the fault diagnosis of mono block centrifugal pump using vibration signals

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    N.R. Sakthivel


    Full Text Available Bearing fault, Impeller fault, seal fault and cavitation are the main causes of breakdown in a mono block centrifugal pump and hence, the detection and diagnosis of these mechanical faults in a mono block centrifugal pump is very crucial for its reliable operation. Based on a continuous acquisition of signals with a data acquisition system, it is possible to classify the faults. This is achieved by the extraction of features from the measured data and employing data mining approaches to explore the structural information hidden in the signals acquired. In the present study, statistical features derived from the vibration data are used as the features. In order to increase the robustness of the classifier and to reduce the data processing load, dimensionality reduction is necessary. In this paper dimensionality reduction is performed using traditional dimensionality reduction techniques and nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques. The effectiveness of each dimensionality reduction technique is also verified using visual analysis. The reduced feature set is then classified using a decision tree. The results obtained are compared with those generated by classifiers such as Naïve Bayes, Bayes Net and kNN. The effort is to bring out the better dimensionality reduction technique–classifier combination.

  13. Erodabilidad y erosión hídrica potencial en un sector de la cuenca del rio Otún - Colombia

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    Madero Morales Edgar Enrique


    textura, aceptación de lluvia, efecto torsional, pérdida de suelo real y con pendiente del 9%, surcamiento tienen relación con las pérdidas de suelo en lo referente a Material Erodable y a Volumen de Flujo Superficial; no pretenden cuantificar las pérdidas actuales o potenciales de un lugar, pero pueden servir como estimativos de la variabilidad del factor K en función de la labranza, del contenido de grava superficial, del estado de humedad del suelo y del tiempo. Para predecir el avance de la erosión laminaren porciones de suelo desnudo, Bergsma (1989 propuso un sistema semicuantitativo, cuyo principio consiste en determinar la frecuencia de aparición de seis rasgos micro topográficos superficiales después de cada lluvia y a partir de la última labor de preparación: peds resistentes, superficies erodadas, superficies de flujo, presurcos y surcos, depresiones y vegetación o piedras; la extensión de cada rasgo no pasa de 25 cm. La densidad mínima de observaciones demostró el valor práctico de las pruebas de erodabilidad requiriéndose no más de tres repeticiones por unidad de manejo. Hubo mayor proporción de suelos (8 de 12 con baja erodabilidad. La evolución de los rasgos micro topográficos superficiales reveló que en maíz, frijol y pasto de corte aumentaron paulatinamente las superficies de flujo y los presurcos; la tendencia en cebolla fue similar pero con incremento relativo de los surcos. Los sistemas de cultivo de frijol y pasto de corte fueron los de menor riesgo de erosión hídrica dado que permitieron poca pérdida de suelo en los terrenos más inestables; los de maíz y cebolla permitieron el mayor avance de la erosión en los suelos más estables.

  14. Simulation study of accelerator based quasi-mono-energetic epithermal neutron beams for BNCT. (United States)

    Adib, M; Habib, N; Bashter, I I; El-Mesiry, M S; Mansy, M S


    Filtered neutron techniques were applied to produce quasi-mono-energetic neutron beams in the energy range of 1.5-7.5 keV at the accelerator port using the generated neutron spectrum from a Li (p, n) Be reaction. A simulation study was performed to characterize the filter components and transmitted beam lines. The feature of the filtered beams is detailed in terms of optimal thickness of the primary and additive components. A computer code named "QMNB-AS" was developed to carry out the required calculations. The filtered neutron beams had high purity and intensity with low contamination from the accompanying thermal, fast neutrons and γ-rays. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca

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    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m3 de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m3 en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro "MIEVHR" como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.

  16. Pedagogical Comparison of Five Reactions Performed under Microwave Heating in Multi-Mode versus Mono-Mode Ovens: Diels-Alder Cycloaddition, Wittig Salt Formation, E2 Dehydrohalogenation to Form an Alkyne, Williamson Ether Synthesis, and Fischer Esterification (United States)

    Baar, Marsha R.; Gammerdinger, William; Leap, Jennifer; Morales, Erin; Shikora, Jonathan; Weber, Michael H.


    Five reactions were rate-accelerated relative to the standard reflux workup in both multi-mode and mono-mode microwave ovens, and the results were compared to determine whether the sequential processing of a mono-mode unit could provide for better lab logistics and pedagogy. Conditions were optimized so that yields matched in both types of…

  17. Comparing environmental consequences of anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of pig manure to produce bio-energy – A life cycle perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, de J.W.; Vinken, T.M.W.J.; Hamelin, L.; Boer, de I.J.M.


    The aim of this work was to assess the environmental consequences of anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of pig manure to produce bio-energy, from a life cycle perspective. This included assessing environmental impacts and land use change emissions (LUC) required to replace used co-substrates for

  18. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar durante el Cuaternario


    Pousa, Jorge Lorenzo; Isla, Federico Ignacio; Schnack, Enrique Jorge


    Los cambios del nivel del mar han ejercido una fuerte influencia en la evolución del planeta y en la historia de la humanidad. En una escala de tiempo geológico, las variaciones de los niveles oceánicos han dejado un registro ampliamente distribuido en la forma de depósitos sedimentarios. El descenso del nivel del mar durante la Ultima Glaciación, que alcanzó unos 120 metros hace 18.000 años, permitió la emergencia del estrecho de Bering y la migración humana desde Eurasia hacia América. Se e...

  19. Experimental investigation of heat transfer potential of Al2O3/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol nanofluids as a car radiator coolant

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    Dattatraya G. Subhedar


    Full Text Available In this research, the heat transfer potential of Al2O3/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol nanofluids is investigated experimentally as a coolant for car radiators. The base fluid was the mixture of water and mono ethylene glycol with 50:50 proportions by volume. The stable nanofluids obtained by ultra-sonication are used in all experiments. In this study nanoparticle volume fraction, coolant flow rate, inlet temperature used in the ranges of 0.2–0.8%, 4–9 l per minute and 65–85 °C. The results show that the heat transfer performance of radiator is enhanced by using nanofluids compared to conventional coolant. Nanofluid with lowest 0.2% volume fraction 30% rise in heat transfer is observed. Also the estimation of reduction in frontal area of radiator if base fluid is replaced by Nanofluid is done which will make lighter cooling system, produce less drag and save the fuel cost.

  20. Nigeria’s Mono-Cultural Economy: Impact Assessment and Prospects

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    Victor Nwaoba ITUMO


    Full Text Available The article takes an insight into the nature of the oil based mono-cultural economy of Nigeria, providing an in-depth analysis of the situation. It clearly assesses the oil resource based economy, highlights the impacts- positive and negative on Nigeria’s economic development and why Nigeria urgently needs to diversify its economy away from oil resource dependence. If Nigeria will not change the oil dependency economy, there will be grave implications for its economic growth and development as it already negatively affects annual budgetary provisions and other fiscal responsibilities. As it is well known, Nigeria is one of the foremost countries in the global oil export, with disruptions in its supply affecting the international oil market in some ways, huge reliance on oil as a resource has seen one of the foremost economies in Africa challenged in her economic growth and development with oil price volatility and decline on the global market. The research made use of secondary data to assess the situation and also drew the conclusion that Nigeria needs to diversify her economy as reliance on a basic resource discourages growth.

  1. Radiometric titration of diethanolamine with /sup 65/ZnSO/sub 4/ and determination of mono and diethanolamines in a mixture by a radiometric method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Varadan, R.; Sriman Narayanan, S.; Rao, V.R.S. (Indian Inst. of Tech., Madras. Dept. of Chemistry)


    Radiometric titration of diethanolamine with /sup 65/ZnSO/sub 4/ is reported. Determination of individual amounts of mono- and diethanolamines in a mixture is described. The procedure is simple, rapid and accurate.

  2. Synthesis of the mono- and di(4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)) phosphoric acids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Elias, H.; Zaoui, A.; Attou, M.; Hadj Bachir, D.; Bouzidi, N.; Didi, M.


    This work is related to the synthesis of organophosphorus extracting agents used in purification of heavy metals such as uranium. The mono- and di (4-(1,1,3,3- tetramethylbutyl)) phenyl phosphoric acids, respectively MOPPA and DOPPA, are synthesizd by reaction of phosphorus pentoxid with 4(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbuthyl)) phenol. the separation of MOPPA from DOPPA is realised by liquid-liquid extraction. The Characterization, carried out by infrared uv-visible spectrophotometries, ph-metry and mass spectrometry, has confirmed the identity of the synthesized products. This study also showed that the products proportions are comporable to those of the homologous products obtained with 2-ethylbexanol in the same synthesis conditions

  3. Utilization of 14C-labelled cellulose in conventional, germ-free and mono-associated rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juhr, N.C.; Franke, J.; Ratsch, H.


    This report deals with the ultilization of 14 C-labelled cellulose in conventional, defined associated, and germ-free rats. With conventional animals 35.8% of the administered 14 C dose can be demonstrated in the exhaled air, 5.9% in organs, and 3.9% in the urine. 58.6% could be identified as not utilized in the intestinal and fecal contents. Animals mono-associated with Bacteroides succinogenes have about the same utilization rate. The appearance of 14 C in the exhaled air, in organs and the urine of germ-free animals is caused by a part of 14 C-labelled starch in the used test material. (author)

  4. New mono-organotin (IV) dithiocarbamate complexes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muthalib, Amirah Faizah Abdul; Baba, Ibrahim


    Eighteen new mono-organotin dithiocarbamate compounds derived each nine from methyltin(IV) and phenyltin(IV) reacted using in-situ method with various type of N-dialkylamine together with carbon disulphide with the ratio of 1:3:3. Elemental and gravimetric analysis showed that the general formula of these compounds were RSnCl[S 2 CNR′R″] 2 (R= Ph, CH 3 , R′ = CH 3 , C 2 H 5 , C 7 H 7 and R″ = C 2 H 5 , C 6 H 11 , iC 3 H 7 , C 7 H 7 ). These compounds had been characterized by infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy, 1 H, 13 C NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray crystallography. The infrared spectra of these compounds showed three important peaks indicating the formation of dithiocarbamate compounds, ν(C N), ν(C S) and ν(Sn-S) band which present in the region of 1444–1519, 954–1098 and 318–349 cm −1 respectively. The ultraviolet-visible spectra showed an absorption band for the π - π* transition of N C S group in the range of 253 – 259 nm due to the intramolecular charge transfer of the ligand. The 13 C NMR spectra showed an important shift for δ(N 13 CS 2 ) in the range of 196.8 – 201.9 ppm.. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies showed three new structures with the general formula of PhSnCl[S 2 CN(Et)(i−Pr)] 2 , MeSnCl[S 2 CN(Me)(Cy)] 2 and MeSnCl[S 2 CN(i−Pr)(CH 2 Ph)] 2 . All structures having a distorted octahedral geometry set by CClS 4 donor atom from the two chelating dithiocarbamate ligands


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    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas, silicio foliar, silicio foliar más plaguicidas y testigo comercial. Como fuente se utilizaron si- licio en polvo al 70% de SiO2, aplicado quince días antes de siembra en dosis de 100 kg SiO2/ha, y líquido concentrado 40% SiO2 y 36% MgO, aplicado al follaje en dosis de 4 l/ha a los 17 y 30 días después de la siembra. El suelo del orden inceptisol de formación aluvial, al inicio del experimento tenía pH 4,9, valores de P y Si disponibles de 29 ppm y 44,7 ppm, respectivamente, acidez intercambiable 1,2 cmol(+/l y suma de bases 19,11 cmol(+/l. No hubo diferencia estadística significativa del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y en la calidad molinera; sin embargo, la combinación del silicio aplicado al suelo y el uso de plaguicidas incrementaron el contenido de zinc y cobre en el suelo, y del zinc y magnesio en las hojas de arroz, pero este efecto no se tradujo en rendimiento y calidad de granos. La aplicación de plaguicidas influyó positivamente en el peso y rendimiento del arroz en granza (p≤0,05.

  6. A chicory cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase CYP71AV8 for the oxidation of (+)-valencene


    Cankar, K.; Houwelingen, van, A.M.M.L.; Bosch, H.J.; Sonke, Th.; Bouwmeester, H.J.; Beekwilder, M.J.


    Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), which is known to have a variety of terpene-hydroxylating activities, was screened for a P450 mono-oxygenase to convert (+)-valencene to (+)-nootkatone. A novel P450 cDNA was identified in a chicory root EST library. Co-expression of the enzyme with a valencene synthase in yeast, led to formation of trans-nootkatol, cis-nootkatol and (+)-nootkatone. The novel enzyme was also found to catalyse a three step conversion of germacrene A to germacra-1(10),4,11(13)-tr...

  7. PARP16/ARTD15 is a novel endoplasmic-reticulum-associated mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase that interacts with, and modifies karyopherin-ß1.

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    Simone Di Paola

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Protein mono-ADP-ribosylation is a reversible post-translational modification that modulates the function of target proteins. The enzymes that catalyze this reaction in mammalian cells are either bacterial pathogenic toxins or endogenous cellular ADP-ribosyltransferases. The latter include members of three different families of proteins: the well characterized arginine-specific ecto-enzymes ARTCs, two sirtuins and, more recently, novel members of the poly(ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP/ARTD family that have been suggested to act as cellular mono-ADP-ribosyltransferases. Here, we report on the characterisation of human ARTD15, the only known ARTD family member with a putative C-terminal transmembrane domain. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy were performed to characterise the sub-cellular localisation of ARTD15, which was found to be associated with membranes of the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum. The orientation of ARTD15 was determined using protease protection assay, and is shown to be a tail-anchored protein with a cytosolic catalytic domain. Importantly, by combining immunoprecipitation with mass spectrometry and using cell lysates from cells over-expressing FLAG-ARTD15, we have identified karyopherin-ß1, a component of the nuclear trafficking machinery, as a molecular partner of ARTD15. Finally, we demonstrate that ARTD15 is a mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase able to induce the ADP-ribosylation of karyopherin-ß1, thus defining the first substrate for this enzyme. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data reveal that ARTD15 is a novel ADP-ribosyltransferase enzyme with a new intracellular location. Finally, the identification of karyopherin-ß1 as a target of ARTD15-mediated ADP-ribosylation, hints at a novel regulatory mechanism of karyopherin-ß1 functions.

  8. Dissolution of different zinc salts and zn uptake by Sedum alfredii and maize in mono- and co-cropping under hydroponic culture. (United States)

    Jiang, Cheng'ai; Wu, Qitang; Zeng, Shucai; Chen, Xian; Wei, Zebin; Long, Xinxian


    Previous soil pot and field experiments demonstrated that co-cropping the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii with maize increased Zn phytoextraction by S. alfredii and decreased Zn uptake by maize shoots. This hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate whether the facilitation of Zn phytoextraction by S. alfredii resulted from improved dissolution in this co-cropping system and its relation to root exudates. S. alfredii and maize were mono- and co-cropped (without a root barrier) in nutrient solution spiked with four Zn compounds, ZnS, ZnO, Zn3(PO4)2 and 5ZnO x 2CO3-4H2O (represented as ZnCO3) at 1000 mg/L Zn for 15 days without renewal of nutrient solution after pre-culture. The root exudates were collected under incomplete sterilization and analyzed. The results indicated that the difference in Zn salts had a greater influence on the Zn concentration in maize than for S. alfredii, varying from 210-2603 mg/kg for maize shoots and 6445-12476 mg/kg for S. alfredii in the same order: ZnCO3 > ZnO > Zn3(PO4)2 > ZnS. For the four kinds of Zn sources in this experiment, co-cropping with maize did not improve Zn phytoextraction by S. alfredii. In most cases, compared to co-cropped and mono-cropped maize, mono-cropped S. alfredii resulted in the highest Zn2+ concentration in the remaining nutrient solution, and also had a higher total concentration of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) and lower pH of root exudation. Root exudates did partly influence Zn hyperaccumulation in S. alfredii.

  9. Comparison of skeletal stability after sagittal split ramus osteotomy among mono-cortical plate fixation, bi-cortical plate fixation, and hybrid fixation using absorbable plates and screws. (United States)

    Ueki, Koichiro; Moroi, Akinori; Yoshizawa, Kunio; Hotta, Asami; Tsutsui, Takamitsu; Fukaya, Kenichi; Hiraide, Ryota; Takayama, Akihiro; Tsunoda, Tatsuta; Saito, Yuki


    The purpose of this study was to examine skeletal stability and plate breakage after sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) with the mono-cortical plate fixation, bi-cortical plate fixation, and hybrid fixation techniques using absorbable plates and screws. A total of 76 Japanese patients diagnosed with mandibular prognathism with and without maxillary deformity were divided into 3 groups randomly. A total of 28 patients underwent SSRO with mono-cortical plate fixation, 23 underwent SSRO with bi-cortical plate fixation, and 25 underwent SSRO with hybrid fixation. Skeletal stability and horizontal condylar angle were analyzed by axial, frontal, and lateral cephalograms from before the operation to 1 year postoperatively. Breakage of the plate and screws was observed by 3-dimensional computed tomography (3DCT) immediately after surgery and after 1 year. Although there was a significant difference between the mono-cortical plate fixation group and hybrid fixation group regarding right MeAg in T1 (P = 0.0488) and occlusal plane in T1 (P = 0.0346), there were no significant differences between the groups for the other measurements in each time interval. In 2 cases, namely, 6 sides in the mono-cortical plate fixation group, breakage of the absorbable plate was found by 3DCT. However, there was no breakage in the bi-cortical plate fixation group and hybrid fixation group. This study results suggested that there were no significant differences in the postoperative skeletal stability among the 3 groups, and bi-cortical fixation as well as hybrid fixation was a reliable and useful method to prevent plate breakage even if an absorbable material was used. Copyright © 2016 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Effects of neutron irradiation on microstructure and deformation behaviour of mono- and polycrystalline molybdenum and its alloys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Singh, B.N.; Evans, J.H.; Horsewell, A.


    The influence of neutron irradiation on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of mono- and polycrystalline molybdenum and its alloys has been investigated. Tensile specimens and 3 mm diameter discs of monocrystals of pure molybdenum and Mo-5%Re were irradiated with fission neutrons...... microscopy are presented and discussed in terms of intracascade clustering of self-interstitial atoms and the role of one-dimensional glide of these clusters in controlling microstructural evolution and the resulting mechanical properties....

  11. Catàleg dels Miridae (Heteroptera) del Massís del Garraf


    Goula Goula, Marta


    Per a la redacció d'aquest catàleg, s'aporten dades d'observació pròpia al llarg dels anys 1980-1984, així com les troballes publicades per CUNI (1889a,1889b,1889c,1891) i per RIBES (1978a,1978b,1980,1984). Totes aquestes observacions s'han fet en localitats del Massis del Garraf, que será objecte d'una curta descripció.

  12. La Orden de Medidas Provisionales del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso del buque de guerra ARA Libertad

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    Martin Cabrera Mirassou


    Full Text Available El presente comentario tiene por finalidad describir la reciente orden de medidas provisionales emitida por el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso relativo a la detención de la Fragata ARA Libertad. La controversia contiene un complejo trasfondo político, económico y jurídico, en el cual se destaca el alcance de la inmunidad de los buques de guerra, el funcionamiento del sistema de solución de controversias de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar y, en particular, la competencia del Tribunal. Con la finalidad de lograr un entendimiento más profundo de su jurisprudencia se abordan los principales aspectos que permitan comprender el valor de la decisión para los actores del régimen de los océanos.

  13. Funciones del estilo personal del terapeuta en profesionales del campo de las adicciones

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    Leandro Casari


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar el estilo personal del terapeuta entre dos grupos de profesionales, uno dedicado a la atención de pacientes drogodependientes (grupo adicciones y otro a la atención clínica en general (grupo clínico. Método. La muestra estuvo formada por 100 psicoterapeutas que trabajan en instituciones públicas y privadas de tres provincias del interior de Argentina, pareados por las variables socioprofesionales (sexo, edad, años de experiencia profesional, enfoque teórico, grupo etario de trabajo, tipo de abordaje predominante, duración del tratamiento y grado de especialización. El instrumento empleado fue el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta. Resultados. Para el análisis de datos se emplearon pruebas de comparación de medias y se analizó su tamaño del efecto. Se obtuvieron diferencias signifi cativas en la función expresiva: grupo clínico (M = 40.36 y grupo adicciones (M = 29.86; así como también en la función instruccional: grupo clínico (M = 28.01 y grupo adicciones (M = 32.67. Esto indica una mayor distancia emocional y un incremento en la rigidez del encuadre terapéutico en los terapeutas de pacientes adictos. Conclusión. Se discuten estos resultados en función de postulados previos que señalan la complejidad del vínculo terapéutico y el énfasis en las características del encuadre terapéutico, tal como la puesta de límites.

  14. Calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo

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    Joheni A. Urdaneta G.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la calidad del servicio de los taxis en el municipio Maracaibo, ya que los mismos forman parte del sistema de transporte urbano de la ciudad, y es un servicio público fundamental para la convivencia de la sociedad; para lograr este objetivo se realizó una adaptación del modelo SERVPERF, diseñando un instrumento tipo cuestionario, con 32 ítems en 6 dimensiones, adecuado a las características propias del servicio de taxi, con la finalidad de confirmar que los ítems de los instrumentos se correspondían con las dimensiones adaptadas se aplicó la técnica de análisis factorial resultando un nuevo instrumento con 24 ítems en 3 dimensiones. Se utilizó la escala de Likert con tres (3 alternativas de respuesta. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y aplicada, bajo diseño no experimental de tipo transeccional descriptiva y de campo. La población quedó conformada por los usuarios de las líneas de taxis del municipio Maracaibo. Se aplicó muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado. La confiabilidad del instrumento se midió a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach resultando de 0,82 lo cual se considera aceptable. Los resultados revelan que la calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo es mediana por lo tanto este servicio es susceptible a mejoras, las cuales son necesarias para elevar la calidad de vida de los marabinos. Este resultado se obtuvo con el instrumento originalmente adaptado de 32 ítems y con el cuestionario resultante del análisis factorial, de 24 ítems; esto confirma lo apropiado de esta técnica, ya que se redujo el número de ítems y de las dimensiones originalmente adaptadas y no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los resultados con ambos instrumentos; de esta manera se puede medir la calidad del servicio de taxis en el municipio Maracaibo a través de las dimensiones: confiabilidad del servicio, socialización y responsabilidad.

  15. [superscript 1]H NMR Spectroscopy-Based Configurational Analysis of Mono- and Disaccharides and Detection of ß-Glucosidase Activity: An Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory (United States)

    Periyannan, Gopal R.; Lawrence, Barbara A.; Egan, Annie E.


    A [superscript 1]H NMR spectroscopy-based laboratory experiment explores mono- and disaccharide structural chemistry, and the enzyme-substrate specificity of glycosidic bond cleavage by ß-glucosidase towards cellobiose (ß-linked gluco-disaccharide) and maltose (a-linked gluco-disaccharide). Structural differences between cellobiose, maltose, and…

  16. En busca del concepto de gerencia del cuidado

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    Ligia Teresa Mora-Delgado


    Full Text Available Este articulo, presenta los conceptos de gerencia del cuidado de enfermería, desarrollado por las enfermeras profesionales que laboran en le Empresa social del estado Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz de las Ciudad de Cúcuta, desde su desempeño en la asistencia, administración y docencia. Se pretende además precisar los elementos gerenciales, sociales, humanísticos y éticos que deben hacer parte del concepto de gerencia del cuidado.

  17. Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions


    Farnós Amorós, Esther


    La tesi doctoral "Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions" analitza els efectes del consentiment a les tècniques de reproducció assistida prestat en el marc d'un projecte parental. La tesi ofereix una resposta als conflictes que enfronten exesposos o exconvivents en relació al destí dels preembrions sobrants d'un cicle de fecundació "in vitro" iniciat durant la relació. Aquests conflictes constitueixen un grup de casos al voltant del qual no hi ha solucions legislatives qu...

  18. Ketone deprotonation mediated by mono- and heterobimetallic alkali and alkaline earth metal amide bases: structural characterization of potassium, calcium, and mixed potassium-calcium enolates. (United States)

    He, Xuyang; Noll, Bruce C; Beatty, Alicia; Mulvey, Robert E; Henderson, Kenneth W


    Potassium, calcium, and mixed potassium-calcium amide combinations have been shown to be efficient reagents in enolization reactions, and a set of representative intermediate mono- and heterobimetallic enolates have been successfully isolated and crystallographically characterized.

  19. Degradation of a mono sulfonated azo dye by an integrated bio sorption and anaerobic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncalves, L. C.; Campos, R.; Pinheiro, H. M.; Lopes, A.; Ferra, M. I.


    A simulated textile effluent containing a mono sulphonated azo dye was fed to an anaerobic bioreactor in which a natural adsorbent, spent brewery grains (SBG), was incorporated. SABG is a by-product of the brewing industry and could act as adsorbent as well an electron shuttle (lignin fraction) in the dye degradation mechanism. Furthermore, it can also work as a conditioner for the anaerobic biomass. The influence of the dye (Acid Orange 7, AO7) concentration (60 and 150 mg/L) and the presence of SBG in the performance of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) was evaluated. (Author)

  20. Selfenergy effect on the magnetic ordering transition in the mono- and bilayer honeycomb Hubbard model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Honerkamp, Carsten [Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, RWTH Aachen University (Germany); JARA - Fundamentals of Future Information Technology, Aachen (Germany)


    We investigate the impact of electron self-energy corrections on potential antiferromagnetic ordering instabilities in mono- and bilayer graphene, modeled by a Hubbard-type lattice model with onsite interactions among the electrons, using a self-consistent random phase approximation (RPA). In qualitative agreement with earlier studies we find that the electronic interactions cause non-Fermi liquid behavior at low energies. In self-consistent RPA, the transition scales for antiferromagnetic ordering are renormalized significantly by these self-energy effects, both for interaction-driven and temperature-driven cases. (copyright 2017 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  1. Degradation of a mono sulfonated azo dye by an integrated bio sorption and anaerobic system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goncalves, L. C.; Campos, R.; Pinheiro, H. M.; Lopes, A.; Ferra, M. I.


    A simulated textile effluent containing a mono sulphonated azo dye was fed to an anaerobic bioreactor in which a natural adsorbent, spent brewery grains (SBG), was incorporated. SABG is a by-product of the brewing industry and could act as adsorbent as well an electron shuttle (lignin fraction) in the dye degradation mechanism. Furthermore, it can also work as a conditioner for the anaerobic biomass. The influence of the dye (Acid Orange 7, AO7) concentration (60 and 150 mg/L) and the presence of SBG in the performance of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) was evaluated. (Author)

  2. Estado Actual de Ateles fusciceps fusciceps en el Noroccidente Ecuatoriano


    Madden, R. H.; Albuja Viteri, Luis Humberto


    En este artículo se dan a conocer los resultados de los estudios sobre el estado actual de conservación del mono araña o bracilargo(Ateles f. fusciceps), que se realizó en el sector noroccidental del Ecuador, en el que se incluye una parte de la Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi, Cayapas.

  3. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares


    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales...

  4. Efecto del corredor vial Buga-Buenaventura, ubicado en la reserva natural bosque de Yotoco (Valle del Cauca, Colombia en la comunidad de mamíferos y fundamento para una propuesta de corredores artificiales

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    Wendy Francy López Meneses


    de movilidad de la fauna, por la carretera Buga-Buenaventura que pasa a través de la Reserva Natural Bosque de Yotoco, Valle del Cauca. La caracterización topográfica y fisionómica de la vegetación mostró un mosaico de diez ambientes asociados a la carretera los cuales se asociaron con los puntos captura, de observación y de atropellamiento. Se encontró que individuos de Melanomys caliginosus, Oryzomys talamancae, Rhipidomys mastacalis y Marmosa robinsoni, recapturados en más de tres ocasiones, tienden a moverse paralelamente a la carretera, sin ninguna evidencia de cruce. A pesar de que no hubo recapturas de individuos de las especies de mamíferos voladores Anoura cauddifer, Artibeus jamaicensis, Artibeus sp., Carollia brevicauda, Desmodus rotundus, Glosophaga Soricina, Sturnira luisi y Myotis riparius se puede afirmar que cruzan indiferentemente la carretera, viven en los desagues bajo esta y algunos forrajean en el borde. Particularmente Myotis riparius se ve atraída por los insectos que llegan por efecto de la luz vehicular. Los mamíferos medianos y grandes Cebus capucinus, Alouatta seniculus, Potos flavus, Aotus sp., Bradypus variegatus y Choloepus hoffmanni, forrajean en el día y en la noche cerca del borde, algunos individuos de Cebus capucinus y Alouatta seniculus fueron vistos cruzando la carretera del fragmento pequeño al grande. La fragmentación de hábitat ocasionada por dicha carretera es evidente y está ocasionando un aislamiento total en las especies de pequeños mamíferos y genera peligro de atropellamiento para algunas especies de murciélagos y monos que la cruzan. Ambientes hostiles como helechales, pastizales, cañaduzales y deslizamientos penetran cada vez más hacia el interior de cada fragmento, aislando las poblaciones y abriendo paso a fauna doméstica y a personas que se adentran a la reserva a cazar o a saquear recursos de supervivencia para la fauna nativa, al tiempo que introducen desechos, plagas (Rattus rattus

  5. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (segunda parte)


    Zorrilla Salgador, Juan Pablo


    Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición del riesgo base.Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición d...

  6. Metabolism of UC-labelled urea in conventional, germ-free and mono-associated rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Juhr, N.C.; Franke, J.


    This report deals with the utilization of UC-labelled urea in conventional, defined associated and germ-free rats. With conventional animals 71.44% of the administered UC dose can be demonstrated in the exhaled air, 0.47% in organs and 27.35% in the urine. 1.04% was found in the intestinal and fecal contents. Animals mono-associated with Proteus mirabilis have nearly the same utilization rate (59.15, 0.34, 35.98, 2% resp.). In germ-free animals 1.21% of the activity appeared in the exhaled air and showed a small part of non-enzymatic hydrolysis of urea. The excretion of 97.70% in the urine shows that urea is absorbed from the intestine in germ-free animals.

  7. Substituting poly- and mono-unsaturated fat for dietary carbohydrate reduces hyperinsulinemia in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. (United States)

    Perelman, Dalia; Coghlan, Nicole; Lamendola, Cindy; Carter, Susan; Abbasi, Fahim; McLaughlin, Tracey


    Hyperinsulinemia is a prevalent feature of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), contributing to metabolic and reproductive manifestations of the syndrome. Weight loss reduces hyperinsulinemia but weight regain is the norm, thus preventing long-term benefits. In the absence of weight loss, replacement of dietary carbohydrate (CHO) with mono/polyunsaturated fat reduces ambient insulin concentrations in non-PCOS subjects. The current study evaluated whether this dietary intervention could ameliorate hyperinsulinemia in women with PCOS. Obese women with PCOS (BMI 39 ± 7 kg/m 2 ) and insulin resistance completed a crossover study (Stanford University Clinical Research Center) comparing two isocaloric diets, prepared by research dietitians, containing 60% CHO/25% fat versus 40% CHO/45% fat (both 15% protein and ≤7% saturated fat). After 3 weeks on each diet, daylong glucose, insulin, and fasting lipid/lipoproteins were measured. Daylong glucose did not differ according to diet. Daylong insulin concentrations were substantially (30%) and significantly lower on the low CHO/higher fat diet. Beneficial changes in lipid profile were also observed. Replacement of dietary CHO with mono/polyunsaturated fat yields clinically important reductions in daylong insulin concentrations, without adversely affecting lipid profile in obese, insulin-resistant women with PCOS. This simple and safe dietary intervention may constitute an important treatment for PCOS. Identifier: NCT00186459.

  8. Electrical and spectroscopic analysis of mono- and multi-tip pulsed corona discharges in air at atmospheric pressure (United States)

    Mraihi, A.; Merbahi, N.; Yousfi, M.; Abahazem, A.; Eichwald, O.


    This work is devoted to the analysis of experimental results obtained in dry air at atmospheric pressure in a positive point-to-plane corona discharge under a pulsed applied voltage in the cases of anodic mono- and multi-tips. In the mono-tip case, the peak corona current is analysed as a function of several experimental parameters such as magnitude, frequency and duration of pulsed voltage and gap distance. The variation of the corona discharge current is correlated with the ozone production. Then in the multi-tip case, the electrical behaviour is analysed as a function of the distance between two contiguous tips and the tip number in order to highlight the region of creation active species for the lowest dissipated power. Intensified charge-coupled device pictures and electric field calculations as a function of inter-tip distance are performed to analyse the mutual effect between two contiguous tips. The optical emission spectra are measured in the UV-visible-NIR wavelength range between 200 nm and 800 nm, in order to identify the main excited species formed in an air corona discharge such as the usual first and second positive systems with first negative systems of molecular nitrogen. The identification of atomic species (O triplet and N) and the quenching of NOγ emission bands are also emphasized.

  9. Electrical and spectroscopic analysis of mono- and multi-tip pulsed corona discharges in air at atmospheric pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mraihi, A; Merbahi, N; Yousfi, M; Abahazem, A; Eichwald, O


    This work is devoted to the analysis of experimental results obtained in dry air at atmospheric pressure in a positive point-to-plane corona discharge under a pulsed applied voltage in the cases of anodic mono- and multi-tips. In the mono-tip case, the peak corona current is analysed as a function of several experimental parameters such as magnitude, frequency and duration of pulsed voltage and gap distance. The variation of the corona discharge current is correlated with the ozone production. Then in the multi-tip case, the electrical behaviour is analysed as a function of the distance between two contiguous tips and the tip number in order to highlight the region of creation active species for the lowest dissipated power. Intensified charge-coupled device pictures and electric field calculations as a function of inter-tip distance are performed to analyse the mutual effect between two contiguous tips. The optical emission spectra are measured in the UV–visible–NIR wavelength range between 200 nm and 800 nm, in order to identify the main excited species formed in an air corona discharge such as the usual first and second positive systems with first negative systems of molecular nitrogen. The identification of atomic species (O triplet and N) and the quenching of NOγ emission bands are also emphasized.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  12. Study of the dissolution of three synthetic minerals: zirconolite, Y-britholite and mono-silicate fluor-apatite; Etude de la solubilite de trois mineraux synthetiques: la zirconolite, la britholite-Y et la fluorapatite monosilicatee

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kamel, N.E.H.; Telmoune, S.A. [Centre de Recherche Nucleaire d' Alger, Div. des Techniques Nucleaires, Alger (Algeria); Ait-Amar, H. [Unitersite des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Dept. de Genie des Procedes, Alger (Algeria)


    In this study, we were interested in the synthesis by natural sintering of three minerals analogue of natural rocks: zirconolite, Y-britholite and mono-silicated fluor-apatite. Cerium was used as an actinide surrogate. A simple physical characterization of the materials was made by X-ray diffraction and by measuring both densities and hardnesses. A static leaching test allowed determining the cerium immobilization capacity of the minerals. The most stable mineral was mono-silicated fluor-apatite, with a maximum amount of released cerium less than 2 %. For zirconolite and Y-britholite, this amount reached 15 and 18 % of the total cerium in the minerals, respectively. For the latter compounds, the cerium content in the materials was too weak, and the chosen synthesis method gave less satisfactory physicochemical mineral properties compared to those obtained for mono-silicated fluor-apatite. (authors)

  13. Mono-colonization with Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM affects the intestinal metabolome as compared to germ-free mice

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roager, Henrik Munch; Sulek, Karolina; Skov, Kasper

    Every single species of the gut microbiota produce low-molecular-weight compounds that are absorbed constantly from the intestinal lumen and carried to systemic circulation where they play a direct role in health and disease. However, very few studies address the host metabolome as a function...... of colonizing bacteria. In this study the effect of the Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM strain was investigated by comparing the metabolome of mono-colonized and germ-free mice in several compartments. By liquid-chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, we were able to show that the metabolome differed...

  14. Oxygen vacancies in oxides studied by annihilation of mono-energetic positrons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hugenschmidt, Christoph; Pikart, Philip [ZWE FRM II, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Lichtenbergstrasse 1, 85747 Garching (Germany); Physik-Department E21, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, James-Franck-Strasse, 85748 Garching (Germany); Schreckenbach, Klaus [Physik-Department E21, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, James-Franck-Strasse, 85748 Garching (Germany)


    Oxygen vacancies play a fundamental role for the material properties of various oxides, e.g. charge carrier density in high-Tc superconductors, magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors or paramagnetic properties of SiO{sub 2}. In this study, open volume defects in (metal) oxides are investigated by Doppler-broadening spectroscopy (DBS) of the positron annihilation. More detailed information about the chemical surrounding at the positron annihilation site is gained by additional coincident DBS experiments, where a signature of positrons annihilating with electrons from oxygen is observed. The mono-energetic positron beam at NEPOMUC was used which allows depth dependent measurements, and hence the investigation of thin oxide layers. Recent results for metallic oxides such as ZnO are presented and compared with various non-metallic oxides such as amorphous and crystalline SiO{sub 2}, oxygen terminated Si-surface, and ice. The role of neutral and charged oxygen vacancies and the application of the positron annihilation technique to study oxygen vacancies will be discussed.

  15. Study of gamma propagation by using the ZEUS mono-kinetic code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vergnaud, Therese


    As studies of radiation protection often require the knowledge of heating due to capture gamma of thermal neutrons, the authors report an attempt of assessment of neutrons and γ propagation by using the same code (Zeus) which computes particle scattering by implementing a mono-kinetic Monte Carlo method. With this method, it is possible to study rather complex geometries and gamma source distributions directly obtained by a previous calculation of thermal neutrons. However, this method is not suitable for the study of energy degradation of gamma rays during their propagation. An approximate shock law is used to take shock-induced energy loss into account. This method is tested for different materials or media (either light like water and aluminium, or heavy like iron). Results are compared with those obtained by Goldstein with the method of moments. Results obtained by using Zeus are discussed: some of them appear to be over-estimated [fr

  16. Mechanism of manganese (mono and di) telluride thin-film formation and properties (United States)

    Sharma, Raj Kishore; Singh, Gurmeet; Shul, Yong Gun; Kim, Hansung


    Mechanistic studies on the electrocrystallization of manganese telluride (MnTe) thin film are reported using aqueous acidic solution containing MnSO 4 and TeO 2. Tartaric acid was used for the inhibition of hydrated manganese oxide anodic growth at counter electrode. A detailed study on the mechanistic aspect of electrochemical growth of MnTe using cyclic voltametry is carried out. Conditions for electrochemical growth of manganese mono and di telluride thin films have been reported using cyclic voltammetric scans for Mn 2+, Te 4+ and combined Mn 2+ and Te 4+. X-ray diffraction showed the formation of polycrystalline MnTe films with cubic, hexagonal and orthorhombic mixed phases. MnTe film morphology was studied using scanning electron microscope. Susceptibility and electrical characterization supports the anti-ferromagnetic behavior of the as-deposited MnTe thin film.

  17. Mono-static GPR without transmitting anything for pavement damage inspection: interferometry by auto-correlation applied to mobile phone signals (United States)

    Feld, R.; Slob, E. C.; Thorbecke, J.


    Creating virtual sources at locations where physical receivers have measured a response is known as seismic interferometry. A much appreciated benefit of interferometry is its independence of the actual source locations. The use of ambient noise as actual source is therefore not uncommon in this field. Ambient noise can be commercial noise, like for example mobile phone signals. For GPR this can be useful in cases where it is not possible to place a source, for instance when it is prohibited by laws and regulations. A mono-static GPR antenna can measure ambient noise. Interferometry by auto-correlation (AC) places a virtual source on this antenna's position, without actually transmitting anything. This can be used for pavement damage inspection. Earlier work showed very promising results with 2D numerical models of damaged pavement. 1D and 2D heterogeneities were compared, both modelled in a 2D pavement world. In a 1D heterogeneous model energy leaks away to the sides, whereas in a 2D heterogeneous model rays can reflect and therefore still add to the signal reconstruction (see illustration). In the first case the amount of stationary points is strictly limited, while in the other case the amount of stationary points is very large. We extend these models to a 3D world and optimise an experimental configuration. The illustration originates from the journal article under submission 'Non-destructive pavement damage inspection by mono-static GPR without transmitting anything' by R. Feld, E.C. Slob, and J.W. Thorbecke. (a) 2D heterogeneous pavement model with three irregular-shaped misalignments between the base and subbase layer (marked by arrows). Mono-antenna B-scan positions are shown schematically. (b) Ideal output: a real source at the receiver's position. The difference w.r.t. the trace found in the middle is shown. (c) AC output: a virtual source at the receiver's position. There is a clear overlap with the ideal output.

  18. Isoniazid Mono-Resistant Tuberculosis: Impact on Treatment Outcome and Survival of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Southern Mexico 1995-2010. (United States)

    Báez-Saldaña, Renata; Delgado-Sánchez, Guadalupe; García-García, Lourdes; Cruz-Hervert, Luis Pablo; Montesinos-Castillo, Marlene; Ferreyra-Reyes, Leticia; Bobadilla-Del-Valle, Miriam; Canizales-Quintero, Sergio; Ferreira-Guerrero, Elizabeth; Téllez-Vázquez, Norma; Montero-Campos, Rogelio; Yanes-Lane, Mercedes; Mongua-Rodriguez, Norma; Martínez-Gamboa, Rosa Areli; Sifuentes-Osornio, José; Ponce-de-León, Alfredo


    Isoniazid mono-resistance (IMR) is the most common form of mono-resistance; its world prevalence is estimated to range between 0.0 to 9.5% globally. There is no consensus on how these patients should be treated. To describe the impact of IMR tuberculosis (TB) on treatment outcome and survival among pulmonary TB patients treated under programmatic conditions in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. We conducted a prospective cohort study of pulmonary TB patients in Southern Mexico. From 1995 to 2010 patients with acid-fast bacilli or culture proven Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples underwent epidemiological, clinical and microbiological evaluation. We included patients who harbored isoniazid mono-resistant (IMR) strains and patients with strains susceptible to isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol and streptomycin. All patients were treated following Mexican TB Program guidelines. We performed annual follow-up to ascertain treatment outcome, recurrence, relapse and mortality. Between 1995 and 2010 1,243 patients with pulmonary TB were recruited; 902/1,243 (72.57%) had drug susceptibility testing; 716 (79.38%) harbored pan-susceptible and 88 (9.75%) IMR strains. Having any contact with a person with TB (adjusted odds ratio (aOR)) 1.85, 95% Confidence interval (CI) 1.15-2.96) and homelessness (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.76, 95% CI 1.08-6.99) were associated with IMR. IMR patients had a higher probability of failure (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 12.35, 95% CI 3.38-45.15) and death due to TB among HIV negative patients (aHR 3.30. 95% CI 1.00-10.84). All the models were adjusted for socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results from our study provide evidence that the standardized treatment schedule with first line drugs in new and previously treated cases with pulmonary TB and IMR produces a high frequency of treatment failure and death due to tuberculosis. We recommend re-evaluating the optimal schedule for patients harboring IMR. It is necessary to strengthen

  19. Componente Cultura del Agua del PMGRH: plan de trabajo


    Autoridad Nacional del Agua; Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos


    Describe el plan de trabajo del Componente Cultura del Agua del Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos (PMGRH) en relacion a dos aspectos estructurales del proyecto: 1. Mejora de la capacidad de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) a nivel nacional y 2. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de GIRH en las cuencas.

  20. High-resolution tephrochronology of the Wilson Creek Formation (Mono Lake, California) and Laschamp event using 238U-230Th SIMS dating of accessory mineral rims (United States)

    Vazquez, Jorge A.; Lidzbarski, Marsha I.


    Sediments of the Wilson Creek Formation surrounding Mono Lake preserve a high-resolution archive of glacial and pluvial responses along the eastern Sierra Nevada due to late Pleistocene climate change. An absolute chronology for the Wilson Creek stratigraphy is critical for correlating the paleoclimate record to other archives in the western U.S. and the North Atlantic region. However, multiple attempts to date the Wilson Creek stratigraphy using carbonates and tephras yield discordant results due to open-system effects and radiocarbon reservoir uncertainties as well as abundant xenocrysts. New ion microprobe 238U-230Th dating of the final increments of crystallization recorded by allanite and zircon autocrysts from juvenile pyroclasts yield ages that effectively date eruption of key tephra beds and delimit the timing of basal Wilson Creek sedimentation to the interval between 26.8±2.1 and 61.7±1.9 ka. Tephra (Ash 15) erupted during the geomagnetic excursion originally designated the Mono Lake excursion yields an age of 40.8±1.9 ka, indicating that the event is instead the Laschamp excursion. The new ages support a depositional chronology from magnetostratigraphy that indicates quasi-synchronous glacial and hydrologic responses in the Sierra Nevada and Mono Basin to regional climate change, with intervals of lake filling and glacial-snowpack melting that are in phase with peaks in spring insolation.

  1. Biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. under mono and dual-species conditions and their sensitivity to cetrimonium bromide, peracetic acid and sodium hypochlorite

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maricarmen Iñiguez-Moreno

    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this study was evaluated the biofilm formation by Staphylococcus aureus 4E and Salmonella spp. under mono and dual-species biofilms, onto stainless steel 316 (SS and polypropylene B (PP, and their sensitivity to cetrimonium bromide, peracetic acid and sodium hypochlorite. The biofilms were developed by immersion of the surfaces in TSB by 10 d at 37 °C. The results showed that in monospecies biofilms the type of surface not affected the cellular density (p > 0.05. However, in dual-species biofilms on PP the adhesion of Salmonella spp. was favored, 7.61 ± 0.13 Log10 CFU/cm2, compared with monospecies biofilms onto the same surface, 5.91 ± 0.44 Log10 CFU/cm2 (p < 0.05. The mono and dual-species biofilms were subjected to disinfection treatments; and the most effective disinfectant was peracetic acid (3500 ppm, reducing by more than 5 Log10 CFU/cm2, while the least effective was cetrimonium bromide. In addition, S. aureus 4E and Salmonella spp. were more resistant to the disinfectants in mono than in dual-species biofilms (p < 0.05. Therefore, the interspecies interactions between S. aureus 4E and Salmonella spp. had a negative effect on the antimicrobial resistance of each microorganism, compared with the monospecies biofilms.

  2. High-resolution tephrochronology of the Wilson Creek Formation (Mono Lake, California) and Laschamp event using 238U-230Th SIMS dating of accessory mineral rims (United States)

    Vazquez, Jorge A.; Lidzbarski, Marsha I.


    Sediments of the Wilson Creek Formation surrounding Mono Lake preserve a high-resolution archive of glacial and pluvial responses along the eastern Sierra Nevada due to late Pleistocene climate change. An absolute chronology for the Wilson Creek stratigraphy is critical for correlating the paleoclimate record to other archives in the western U.S. and the North Atlantic region. However, multiple attempts to date the Wilson Creek stratigraphy using carbonates and tephras yield discordant results due to open-system effects and radiocarbon reservoir uncertainties as well as abundant xenocrysts. New ion microprobe 238U-230Th dating of the final increments of crystallization recorded by allanite and zircon autocrysts from juvenile pyroclasts yield ages that effectively date eruption of key tephra beds and delimit the timing of basal Wilson Creek sedimentation to the interval between 26.8±2.1 and 61.7±1.9 ka. Tephra (Ash 15) erupted during the geomagnetic excursion originally designated the Mono Lake excursion yields an age of 40.8±1.9 ka, indicating that the event is instead the Laschamp excursion. The new ages support a depositional chronology from magnetostratigraphy that indicates quasi-synchronous glacial and hydrologic responses in the Sierra Nevada and Mono Basin to regional climate change, with intervals of lake filling and glacial-snowpack melting that are in phase with peaks in spring insolation.

  3. Biodegradation of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) and in silico structural characterization of mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP) hydrolase on the basis of close structural homolog. (United States)

    Singh, Neha; Dalal, Vikram; Mahto, Jai Krishna; Kumar, Pravindra


    Three bacterial strains capable of degrading phthalates namely Pseudomonas sp. PKDM2, Pseudomonas sp. PKDE1 and Pseudomonas sp. PKDE2 were isolated and characterized for their degradative potential. These strains efficiently degraded 77.4%-84.4% of DMP, 75.0%-75.7% of DEP and 71.7%-74.7% of DEHP, initial amount of each phthalate is 500mgL -1 of each phthalate, after 44h of incubation. GC-MS results reveal the tentative DEHP degradation pathway, where hydrolases mediate the breakdown of DEHP to phthalic acid (PA) via an intermediate MEHP. MEHP hydrolase is a serine hydrolase which is involved in the reduction of the MEHP to PA. The predicted 3D model of MEHP hydrolase from Pseudomonas mosselii was docked with phthalate monoesters (PMEs) such as MEHP, mono-n-hexyl phthalate (MHP), mono-n-butyl phthalate (MBP) and mono-n-ethyl phthalate (MEP), respectively. Docking results show the distance between the carbonyl carbon of respective phthalate monoester and the hydroxyl group of catalytic serine lies in the range of 2.9 to 3.3Å, which is similar to the ES complex of other serine hydrolases. This structural study highlights the interaction and the role of catalytic residues of MEHP hydrolase involved in the biodegradation of PMEs to phthalate. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Prevalence and correlates of cigarette smoking among Chinese schizophrenia inpatients receiving antipsychotic mono-therapy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yan-Min Xu

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence rate of cigarette smoking and its socio-demographic and clinical correlates in Chinese schizophrenia inpatients receiving antipsychotic mono-therapy. METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional, two-site, hospital-based survey. Four hundred and twenty-nine schizophrenia patients (male/female: 66.9% vs. 33.1% were consecutively recruited from psychosis inpatient wards of two large specialty psychiatric hospitals in mainland China. Patients were assessed using a cigarette smoking questionnaire, the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale, the Simpson Angus Scale, the Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale, and the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale. Socio-demographic and other clinical data were also collected. We calculated the prevalence of current smoking in our sample as well as its indirectly standardized prevalence ratio (ISPR using data from the 2010 Global Adult Tobacco Survey in China. RESULTS: The prevalence rate of current smoking was 40.6% in our sample, and 57.5% in males and 6.3% in females. The ISPRs of all patients, men and women were 1.11(95%CI: 0.95 ∼ 1.29, 1.07(95%CI = 0.91 ∼ 1.24 and 4.64(95% CI = 2.12 ∼ 8.82, respectively. The overall and male-specific prevalence of current smoking did not differ significantly between patients and the general population. In multiple logistic regression analysis, male sex, older age, poor marital status, alcohol use, use of first-generation antipsychotics, longer duration of illness, more frequent hospitalizations, and more severe negative symptoms were independently associated with current smoking. CONCLUSION: Male Chinese inpatients with schizophrenia who received a mono-therapy of antipsychotics were not more likely to smoke than the general population. Cigarette smoking is more common in schizophrenia patients with more severe illness.


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    Yu. V. Vasilevich


    Full Text Available  FEM-analysis of dynamics in the bearing system of a heavy-duty machine tool has been carried out in the paper. This is a prospective variant for a large-size multi-purpose machine tool with a horizontal sliding ram. A saddle and a ram are moving vertically along a subtle mono-column. A rigid double-column is used in the existing analog machine tool. A static, modal and harmonic analysis of the bearing system with the mono-column has been made in the paper. It has been done with the help of FEM-simulation prior to fabrication of a prototype sample. Previously conducted calculations for the analog machine tool have shown good compatibility of FEM-calculation with experiments.Six common machine tool resonances have been revealed for the bearing system. Their oscillating cutting forces are actively exciting three-four resonance modes. Ranges of a flexure-torsion resonance (20–40 Hz and nose-diving resonances (70–90 Hz have been determined in the paper. The paper shows that the range of multi-wave resonances starts significantly higher from 140 Hz. These resonances are interconnected with bending oscillations of the ram and bucklings of the column walls which are matched with the oscillations. The paper demonstrates stability in resonance pattern. The torsional resonance of the column on the frequency of nearly 40 Hz is considered as the more dangerous one. Spindle rigidity goes down up to 3.8 Н/μm. It is possible to observe self-stabilization of the torsional resonance. Frequency of the torsional oscillations is practically unchangeable when there is a lifting or lowering down of the saddle and the ram. It is related to the migration of dynamical axis of torsion.Frequency-response characteristics of the bearing system have been constructed for various saddle positions on the column. Three frequency intervals that make it possible to carry out machining operation have been determined in the paper. The first interval is a static one. The

  6. Factor de la reflectancia bi-cónica en especies vegetales contrastantes: modelación de los ángulos cenitales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Cano González


    Full Text Available La información multi-angular de las reflectancias de las clases de la vegetación natural ha sido planteada, para su discriminación, bajo diferentes enfoques de caracterización. Aunque en apariencia este enfoque permite definir en forma confiable firmas espectrales multi-angulares típicas, su uso generalizado no ha sido analizado. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de los efectos del ángulo cenital de visión e iluminación en las reflectancias y se valida en un conjunto de experimentos de ocho especies vegetales con arquetipos contrastantes más suelo desnudo, bajo condiciones de iluminación-visión bi-cónicas. Los resultados muestran que el modelo propuesto es robusto y confiable, por lo que puede usarse en forma operacional. Los análisis realizados para el efecto del suelo y la densidad de plantas muestran que hay importantes zonas de confusión (traslape de información entre las especies, al considerar efectos combinados para diferentes ángulos acimutales. Estos resultados ponen en duda el uso en forma generalizada de la información espectral multi-angular y solo justifican este enfoque de clasificación si se dejan fijos el fondo de la vegetación y la densidad de plantas (cantidad de follaje.

  7. Tribological properties of BixTiyOz films grown via RF sputtering on 316L steel substrates

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    Johanna Parra


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el análisis químico superficial, la caracterización morfológica y evaluación de las propiedades tribológicas de recubrimientos de titanato de bismuto amorfo (BixTiyOz depositados sobre sustratos de acero inoxidable 316L utilizando la técnica de pulverización catódica rf. El análisis químico elemental se realizó por medio de espectroscopia de electrones Auger (EEA, la morfología de los recubrimientos se determinó mediante microscopia de fuerza atómica (MFA. Las medidas del coeficiente de fricción y la tasa de desgaste fueron obtenidas mediante pruebas de bola sobre disco. Los análisis de EEA permitieron establecer que los primeros 10 nm de los recubrimientos están formados probablemente por óxidos de Bi4Ti3O12 y Ti2O3, las medidas de AFM indican que los recubrimientos tienen una rugosidad promedio de 22.28nm y un tamaño de grano de 50nm. Finalmente, las pruebas tribológicas establecieron que el coeficiente de fricción y la tasa de desgaste del acero recubierto tiene valores similares al acero desnudo.

  8. Cover crop with Teramnus labialis in a citrus orchard: effects on some physical properties of the soil / Cubierta vegetal con Teramnus labialis en plantaciones citrícolas: efectos sobre algunas propiedades físicas del suelo Cubierta vegetal con Teramnus labialis en plantaciones citrícolas: efectos sobre algunas propiedades físicas del suelo

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    Leydis Castellano Rodríguez


    suelo Ferralítico Rojo típico, perteneciente a la CPA ¨José Martí¨ , en Ciego de Ávila. Se empleó un diseño de bloque al azar, con tres tratamientos: con cobertura de Teramnus labialis (T1 con una dosis de siembra 2.5 kg.ha-1 a voleo, cobertura natural (T2 y suelo desnudo (T3. Se determinaron las propiedades estructuro-funcionales del suelo, la composición de macroagregados expresadas en el coeficiente de estructura y el porcentaje de agregados estables en agua, densidad del suelo, humedad y la porosidad. Los incrementos en los contenidos de humedad, el volumen específico total de poros y de aire, el coeficiente de estructura, así como el porcentaje de agregados estables al agua, en el suelo, donde se establece la cobertura de Teramnus labialis, demuestran la eficiencia de la cobertura vegetal en estas plantaciones citrícolas.

  9. Obtención de un índice de riesgo de erosión eólica y su aplicación en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Erosion risk index attainment and its application in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina

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    Susana Goldberg


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone un índice climático para estimar el riesgo de ocurrencia de erosión eólica basado en las leyes físicas que cuantifican el efecto de la agresión del medio (turbulencia atmosférica sobre la resistencia del sistema (textura del suelo. Este indicador es obtenido en función de observaciones meteorológicas estándar a partir de un modelo que incluye la alteración del perfil vertical del viento ocasionada por la presencia de partículas de suelo en el aire y es expresado en términos de la probabilidad de que la potencia del viento supere las condiciones umbrales para el comienzo del proceso. Si bien el índice fue obtenido para suelo seco y desnudo, la metodología permite avanzar hacia un modelo de evaluación de riesgo más general, si se determinan previamente los valores de velocidad de fricción umbral que corresponden a distintas condiciones que afectan la resistencia del suelo tales como la humedad del suelo, el contenido de materia orgánica, cobertura y uso de la tierra. Este modelo ha sido utilizado para evaluar la distribución espacial del riesgo de erosión eólica en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.This paper proposes a climatic index to estimate the wind erosion risk based upon physical laws that quantify the effect of environment's aggression (atmospheric turbulence on system resistance (soil texture. This index is obtained as a function of standard meteorological observations including the alteration of the wind profile produced by the presence of soil particles in the air and it is expressed in terms of the probability for the wind power to exceed the threshold conditions. Although this index was obtained for dry and bare soil, it may mean an advance towards a more general model for risk evaluation if other factors intervening in soil resistance, such as soil humidity, organic material content, land cover and use are included. This model has been used to evaluate the spatial distribution

  10. An Assessment of Elemental Compositions and Concentrations in a Marble Sample from Hatnub Area using Internal Mono Standard Neutron Activation Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soliman, N.F.; EL-Shershaby, A.; EL-Bahi, S.; Walley El-Dine, N.; Abd El-Halim, E.S.; Afifi, S.


    A marble sample was taken from Hatnub area near Asyot, where a high pollution is expected. The sample was specially treated and prepared for elemental analysis using the k 0 -based internal mono standard neutron activation analysis . The irradiation facility of the first Egyptian Training Research Reactor (ETRR-1) was used to irradiate the sample together with gold and zirconium monitor samples. The pneumatic irradiation rabbit system (PIRS) built in the vertical thermal column of the second Egyptian Training Research Reactor (ETRR-2) was used to irradiate another weight of the marble sample and a sample from a certificated reference material JB-1 for short time irradiation. A new method was developed to measure the thermal to epithermal neutron flux ratio and the deviation in the real epithermal neutron spectrum ( 1/E 1±a lpha ) from the ideal (1/E ). The elemental analysis was carried out by high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry. The accuracy of the internal mono standard method has been evaluated by analyzing the JB-1 certified reference material

  11. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares

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    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Full Text Available Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales del hogar y el gasto de otros hogares con características similares. También examina la influencia de la incertidumbre acerca de los ingresos en el gasto de los hogares para comprobar si estos actúan con motivos de precaución.

  12. Análisis del "Curso sobre la Evolución del Pensamiento Juslaboralista" del Profesor Emérito Héctor-Hugo Barbagelata (El espejo retrovisor del Derecho del Trabajo y los Principios del Dr. H. H. Barbagelata

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    Helios Sarthou


    Full Text Available Los que sabíamos que el profesor Emérito de “Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social" Dr. Hector Hugo Barbagelata, tenía en preparación un libro sobre Evolución del pensamiento Juslaboralista –de algún modo en la senda del Curso que había fundado en nuestra Facultad de Derecho- lo considerábamos de altísima importancia, no sólo en el plano técnico-jurídico, sino también por las implicancias históricas, sociales y políticas que la temática implicaba.- Y esto es así en esta época, en que el pensamiento neoliberal no obstante el camino ya recorrido, continúa buscando incidir en el Derecho del Trabajo, recurriendo a excusas para el retorno al Derecho Civil, o para alcanzar la flexibilidad con mengua del respeto a los principios de tuitividad y justicia social que debe garantizar el Derecho del Trabajo o, en otros casos directamente promoviendo la irrelevancia técnica de la disciplina en beneficio del Derecho Civil o del Derecho Procesal, en su caso.-

  13. Reconocimiento del habla mediante el uso de la correlación cruzada y una perceptrón multicapa

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    Carlos A. de Luna-Ortega


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se da a conocer una alternativa algorítimica a los sistemas actuales de reconocimiento automático del habla (ASR, mediante una propuesta en la forma de realizar la caracterización de las palabras basada en una aproximación que usa la extracción de coeficientes de la codificación de predicción lineal (LPC y la correlación cruzada. La implementación consiste en extraer las características fonéticas mediante los coeficientes LPC, después se forman vectores de patrones de la pronunciación conformados por el promedio de los coeficientes LPC de las muestras de las palabras obteniendo un vector característico de cada pronunciación mediante la autocorrelación de las secuencias de coeficientes LPC; estos vectores se utilizan para entrenar un clasificador de tipo perceptrón multicapa (MLP. Se realizaron pruebas de desempeño previo entrenamiento con los diferentes patrones de las palabras a reconocer. Se utilizó la fonética de los dígitos del cero al nueve como vocabulario objetivo, debido a su amplia aplicación, y para estimar el desempeño de este método se utilizaron dos corpus de pronunciaciones: el corpus UPA, que contempla en su base de datos la pronuncación de la región occidente de México, y el corpus Tlatoa, que hace lo propio para la región centro de México. Las señales en ambos corpus fueron adquiridas en el lenguaje español, y a una frecuencia de muestreo de 8kHz. Los porcentajes de reconocimiento obtenidos fueron del 96.7 y 93.3% para las modalidades de mono-locutor para el corpus UPA y múltiple-locutor para el corpus Tlatoa, respectivamente. Asimismo, se realizó una comparación contra dos métodos clásicos del reconocimiento de voz y del habla, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW y Hidden Markov Models (HMM.


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    Celia Torren


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una síntesis del trabajo "Rasgos Geográficos del Valle del Río Agrio Inferior, el cual es un estudio de base para el conocimiento de la geografía de la región: - apoyando el esfuerzo que está realizando la población del área para lograr una identidad propia y una definitiva integración al contexto provincial; - aportando al proyecto "Rescate Arqueológico en Quili Malal, Neuquén" (subsidiado por CONICET y UNESCO, cuya dirección está a cargo de la profesora Susana Rodríguez de la U.N.C., a través de la confección del mapa geomorfológico del área; y - contribuyendo a los estudios que resultan necesarios ante la construcción de una obra hidroeléctrica de la magnitud de "El Chihuido I", emprendimiento que será llevado a cabo por Agua y Energía eléctrica de la Nación. Los límites del área estudiada fueron establecidos teniendo en cuenta el área del valle inferior del Río Agrio que será completamente inundada por el futuro embalse de la represa "El Chihuido I", a emplazarse 5,5 Km aguas abajo de la confluencia de los ríos Agrio y Neuquén. Además de esta área de afectación directa se tomó también una zona de perilago estrechamente vinculada a la anterior. De esta manera los límites este y oeste quedaron establecidos por la confluencia de los ríos antes mencionados y la localidad de Bajada del Agrio, respectivamente.

  15. Memòries del santuari del Mont (final s. XVIII-1953)


    Gifre i Ribas, Pere; Puig Pla, Santi; Tremoleda Trilla, Joaquim


    Transcripció del text inèdit de memòries del santuari del Mont. El text va ser escrit, bàsicament, pels preveres custodis i administradors del santuari. Es recull, primerament, els costums litúrgics de la parròquia de Sous, a la manera de les consuetes. A partir de 1791 s’anoten els fets més importants, a parer del custodi administrador, ocorreguts al santuari: obres de reforma i restauració del santuari i les seves dependències, adquisicions de mobiliari i parament de la casa, donacions al s...

  16. Pd(II)-Catalyzed Hydroxyl-Directed C–H Olefination Enabled by Mono-Protected Amino Acid Ligands (United States)

    Lu, Yi; Wang, Dong-Hui; Engle, Keary M.


    A novel Pd(II)-catalyzed ortho-C–H olefination protocol has been developed using spatially remote, unprotected tertiary, secondary, and primary alcohols as the directing groups. Mono-N-protected amino acid ligands were found to promote the reaction, and an array of olefin coupling partners could be used. When electron-deficient alkenes were used, the resulting olefinated intermediates underwent subsequent Pd(II)-catalyzed oxidative intramolecular cyclization to give the corresponding pyran products, which could be converted into ortho-alkylated alcohols under hydrogenolysis conditions. The mechanistic details of the oxidative cyclization step are discussed and situated in the context of the overall catalytic cycle. PMID:20359184

  17. Más allá del telar: el mundo del trabajo femenino en la Asturias del siglo XVIII

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    Patricia Suárez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En el Siglo de la Razón proliferaron los tratados dónde, por primera vez en la historia, se ponía de relieve la necesidad de educar de forma conveniente a las mujeres. Sin embargo, a pesar del reconocimiento que los Ilustrados otorgaron al sexo femenino, siguieron relegando a éstas a las paredes del hogar, exhortándoles a quedarse fuera del mundo del trabajo extra-doméstico, reservado sólo para los hombres de la familia. No obstante, la necesidad obligaba, y cuando los recursos u hombres de una casa escaseaban, la mujer tenía que salir a buscarse el sustento. Este es el caso de cientos de mujeres del Principado de Asturias, dónde, a mediados del siglo XVIII, la realidad femenina difería de lo que lo que se consideraba ideal. Este trabajo arrojará pues luz, en un campo hasta ahora desconocido: el del mundo profesional de las mujeres asturianas del Setecientos, dónde comprobaremos cómo en ocasiones llegaban a adquirir, gracias a su status profesional, papeles relevantes dentro de la sociedad.

  18. Examen del fenómeno del turismo contemporáneo y la Competitividad en la Frontera del Conocimiento

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    Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar


    Full Text Available A partir del inicio del presente siglo, el estudio de la competitividad turística es un tema que ha llamado la atención tanto de académicos del área como de organizaciones públicas y privadas de diversas categorías, con la expectativa de que su comprensión permita a países y destinos turísticos obtener ventajas en captación de visitantes, ingresos y sostenibilidad de su operación turística, de cara a la intensa contienda internacional por la preferencia del turista. El presente trabajo se deriva de la discusión que tuvo lugar en el Panel Competitividad y Turismo, en el marco de la 5ª Cátedra Patrimonial en Turismo Sergio Molina-Estrategias del Turismo en la Frontera del Conocimiento, organizado por el Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, efectuado en el mes de abril del año 2013. Para este fin, se analizaron un conjunto de trabajos académicos e institucionales, a fin de identificar sus marcos de referencia, definiciones y modelos teóricos, con la perspectiva de obtener una visión panorámica del estado del arte en la materia.

  19. Obtention of Samarium and Gadolinium concentrates by solvent extraction using mono-2-ethylhexyl ester of 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid; Obtencao de concentrados de samario e gadolinio via extracao por solventes com o ester mono-2-etilhexil do acido 2-etilhexilfosfonico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miranda, Junior, Pedro


    The rare earth chlorides solution employed in this study, which is constituted by medium and heavy fractions, is derived from monazite processing accomplished by NUCLEMON-Mineroquimica (SP). This solution shows an acidity about 1.18 M and 189 g/L of rare earth oxides, containing as main constituents: Sm(34.55%), Gd(23.85%), Dy (6.82%), and Y (24.45%). It was used, as organic phase, 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid, mono-2-ethylhexylester diluted to 1 M in isododecane. (author)

  20. Mono- and Di-Alkylation Processes of DNA Bases by Nitrogen Mustard Mechlorethamine. (United States)

    Larrañaga, Olatz; de Cózar, Abel; Cossío, Fernando P


    The reactivity of nitrogen mustard mechlorethamine (mec) with purine bases towards formation of mono- (G-mec and A-mec) and dialkylated (AA-mec, GG-mec and AG-mec) adducts has been studied using density functional theory (DFT). To gain a complete overview of DNA-alkylation processes, direct chloride substitution and formation through activated aziridinium species were considered as possible reaction paths for adduct formation. Our results confirm that DNA alkylation by mec occurs via aziridine intermediates instead of direct substitution. Consideration of explicit water molecules in conjunction with polarizable continuum model (PCM) was shown as an adequate computational method for a proper representation of the system. Moreover, Runge-Kutta numerical kinetic simulations including the possible bisadducts have been performed. These simulations predicted a product ratio of 83:17 of GG-mec and AG-mec diadducts, respectively. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Endospores of B subtilis are pyrogenic and activate Mono Mac 6 cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moesby, Lise; Hansen, Erik W; Christensen, Jens D


    interleukin-6. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) dose-dependently induce interleukin-6 release, but the curve differs from that of LTA both in shape and offset. The interleukin-6 secretion induced by LPS, LTA and B. subtilis bacteria can be blocked by 73-85% by an antibody directed against CD14, whereas the antibody......The monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 is sensitive to pyrogens and interleukin-6 secretion is induced after exposure to pyrogens. The aim of this study is to examine the pyrogenic activity and the interleukin-6-inducing capacity of the Gram-positive B. subtilis bacteria, endospores and isolated cell...... in a sandwich immunoassay. B. subtilis bacteria and endospores induce interleukin-6 in a dose-dependent manner. Endospores are less potent than bacteria. Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) isolated from B. subtilis induces interleukin-6 in a dose-dependent manner, whereas muramyl dipeptide (MDP) is unable to induce...

  2. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.


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    Margarita M. Pérez O.


    Full Text Available Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, también conocidos como los Objetivos del Milenio, constituyeron las metas finales que aprobaron los dirigentes mundiales, 189 jefes de estado y de gobierno en la Cumbre del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas celebrada en Nueva York en el año 2000, en la cual los Estados miembros de la organización reafirmaron su compromiso de luchar por un mundo en el que el desarrollo sostenible y la eliminación de la pobreza tuvieran máxima prioridad1 . En la cumbre se definió la Declaración del Milenio, la cual detalla los objetivos, principios, valores, metas y acciones para erradicar la pobreza Mundial hacia el año 2015, todos ellos ratificados con alto interés y acción estratégica de carácter global, como marco para la medición de los progresos en materia de desarrollo.

  4. Estrategias del Teatro del Oprimido para la formación permanente del profesorado

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    Tomás Motos-Teruel


    Full Text Available Este artículo relata una experiencia y su valoración de formación permanente del profesorado basada en el aprendizaje vivencial utilizando como estrategia metodológica el Teatro del Oprimido (TO para estimular y favorecer la reflexión sobre la práctica educativa. Sus objetivos básicos fueron dar a conocer la formulación teórica y la metodología del TO y hacer la transferencia de las estrategias metodológicas vivenciadas a la práctica docente. El estudio se ha planteado desde una óptica cualitativa con el estudio de caso único. Y como resultados más destacables hay que reseñar el interés y la percepción de la utilidad personal y profesional del TO como instrumento de reflexión sobre la acción y generador de clima positivo. El Teatro del Oprimido es una formulación teórica y un método estético cuya teoría y praxis están inspiradas en la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire, utiliza las técnicas dramáticas como un instrumento eficaz para la comprensión y la búsqueda de alternativas a problemas sociales, interpersonales e individuales.

  5. DelPhi: a comprehensive suite for DelPhi software and associated resources

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    Li Lin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Accurate modeling of electrostatic potential and corresponding energies becomes increasingly important for understanding properties of biological macromolecules and their complexes. However, this is not an easy task due to the irregular shape of biological entities and the presence of water and mobile ions. Results Here we report a comprehensive suite for the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann solver, DelPhi, enriched with additional features to facilitate DelPhi usage. The suite allows for easy download of both DelPhi executable files and source code along with a makefile for local installations. The users can obtain the DelPhi manual and parameter files required for the corresponding investigation. Non-experienced researchers can download examples containing all necessary data to carry out DelPhi runs on a set of selected examples illustrating various DelPhi features and demonstrating DelPhi’s accuracy against analytical solutions. Conclusions DelPhi suite offers not only the DelPhi executable and sources files, examples and parameter files, but also provides links to third party developed resources either utilizing DelPhi or providing plugins for DelPhi. In addition, the users and developers are offered a forum to share ideas, resolve issues, report bugs and seek help with respect to the DelPhi package. The resource is available free of charge for academic users from URL:

  6. Modulation stability and dispersive optical soliton solutions of higher order nonlinear Schrödinger equation and its applications in mono-mode optical fibers (United States)

    Arshad, Muhammad; Seadawy, Aly R.; Lu, Dianchen


    In mono-mode optical fibers, the higher order non-linear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) describes the propagation of enormously short light pulses. We constructed optical solitons and, solitary wave solutions of higher order NLSE mono-mode optical fibers via employing modified extended mapping method which has important applications in Mathematics and physics. Furthermore, the formation conditions are also given on parameters in which optical bright and dark solitons can exist for this media. The moment of the obtained solutions are also given graphically, that helps to realize the physical phenomena's of this model. The modulation instability analysis is utilized to discuss the model stability, which verifies that all obtained solutions are exact and stable. Many other such types of models arising in applied sciences can also be solved by this reliable, powerful and effective method. The method can also be functional to other sorts of higher order nonlinear problems in contemporary areas of research.

  7. Hacia una conceptualización del legado del traductor

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    Guzmán María Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  8. Poly(mono/diethylene glycol n-tetradecyl ether vinyl ethers with Various Molecular Weights as Phase Change Materials

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    Dongfang Pei


    Full Text Available At present, research on the relationship of comb-like polymer phase change material structures and their heat storage performance is scarce. Therefore, this relationship from both micro and macro perspectives will be studied in this paper. In order to achieve a high phase change enthalpy, ethylene glycol segments were introduced between the vinyl and the alkyl side chains. A series of poly(mono/diethylene glycol n-tetradecyl ether vinyl ethers (PC14EnVEs (n = 1, 2 with various molecular weights were polymerized by living cationic polymerization. The results of PC14E1VE and PC14E2VE showed that the minimum number of carbon atoms required for side-chain crystallization were 7.7 and 7.2, which were lower than that reported in the literature. The phase change enthalpy 89 J/g (for poly(mono ethylene glycol n-tetradecyl ether vinyl ethers and 86 J/g (for poly(hexadecyl acrylate were approximately equal. With the increase of molecular weight, the melting temperature, the melting enthalpy, and the initial thermal decomposition temperature of PC14E1VE changed from 27.0 to 28.0 °C, from 95 to 89 J/g, and from 264 to 287 °C, respectively. When the number average molar mass of PC14EnVEs exceeded 20,000, the enthalpy values remained basically unchanged. The introduction of the ethylene glycol chain was conducive to the crystallization of alkyl side chains.

  9. Effects of a mixture of non-ortho- and mono-ortho-polychlorinated biphenyls on reproduction in Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Black, D.E.; Gutjahr-Gobell, R.; Pruell, R.J.; Bergen, B. [Environmental Protection Agency, Narragansett, RI (United States); McElroy, A.E. [State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, NY (United States). Marine Sciences Research Center


    To assess the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on reproduction, female Fundulus heteroclitus were exposed to a mixture of non-ortho- and mono-ortho-PCBs, mimicking the mixture found in fish collected from New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, USA, a PCB-contaminated estuary. Exposure was by intraperitoneal injection of the mixture dissolved in corn oil. Doses of 0.76, 3.8, and 19 {micro}g PCB mixture per gram of wet weight produced liver concentrations of 2.99, 12.2, and 32.8 {micro}g non-ortho- and mono-ortho-PCBs per gram of dry liver, with dioxin toxic equivalency concentrations (TEQs) of 0.0963, 0.409, and 0.720 ng/g, respectively. Female mortality was 58%, and egg production was reduced by 77% at the highest dose, compared to controls. Food consumption declined with increasing PCB concentration, suggesting that PCBs act indirectly to reduce fecundity through an energetic effect. Pituitary gonadotropin content appeared to be suppressed at the highest dose, but the ability of ovarian follicles to produce estradiol and testosterone in vitro was not impaired. Significant residue-effects linkages were found, with TEQ emerging as a potential indicator of adverse effects. Mortality was directly related, and egg production was inversely related to log{sub 10}TEQ. Multiple regression analysis indicated that egg production was directly related to pituitary gonadotropin content and food consumption.

  10. VELOCIRAPTOR: An X-band photoinjector and linear accelerator for the production of Mono-Energetic {gamma}-rays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, S.G., E-mail: [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94551 (United States); Albert, F.; Bayramian, A.J.; Beer, G.; Bonanno, R.E.; Cross, R.R.; Deis, G.; Ebbers, C.A.; Gibson, D.J.; Hartemann, F.V.; Houck, T.L.; Marsh, R.A.; McNabb, D.P.; Messerly, M.J.; Scarpetti, R.D.; Shverdin, M.Y.; Siders, C.W.; Wu, S.S.; Barty, C.P.J. [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94551 (United States); Adolphsen, C.E. [SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025 (United States); and others


    The rf photoinjector and linear accelerator in the Mono-Energetic Gamma-ray (MEGa-ray) facility at LLNL is presented. This machine uses 11.4 GHz rf technology to accelerate a high-brightness electron beam up to 250 MeV to produce MeV {gamma}-rays through Compton scattering with a Joule-class laser pulse. Compton scattering-based generation of high flux, narrow bandwidth {gamma}-rays places stringent requirements on the performance of the accelerator. The component parts of the accelerator are presented and their requirements described. Simulations of expected electron beam parameters and the resulting light source properties are presented.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Mao-gen Zhang; Zhi-xue Weng; Zhi-ming Huang; Zu-ren Pan


    A series of new water-soluble bifunctional comonomers having both carboxyl and alkyl polyoxyethylene groups, such as sodium mono(ethyl polyoxyethylene) maleate (ZE series) with various molecular weights of polyoxyethylene ethyl ether, were synthesized and characterized. The effects of the structural factor, the amount and feeding mode of the comonomers, the initiator concentration and polymerization temperature on the stability of emulsifier-free emulsion copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and butyl acrylate (BA) in the presence of a small amount of ZE with potassium persulfate as initiator were investigated. Stable, almost monodispersed MMA/BA/ZE emulsifier-free latex particles were prepared.

  12. Primary studies of trace quantities of green vegetation in Mono Lake area using 1990 AVIRIS data (United States)

    Chen, Zhi-Kang; Elvidge, Chris D.; Groeneveld, David P.


    Our primary results in Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve indicate that high spectral resolution Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data may provide a substantial advantage in vegetation, based on the chlorophyll red edge feature from 700-780 nm. The chlorophyll red edge was detected for green vegetation cover as low as 4.8 percent. The objective of our studies in Mono Lake area is to continue the experiments performed in Jasper Ridge and to examine the persistence of red edge feature of trace quantities of green vegetation for different plant communities with non-uniform soil backgrounds.

  13. The synthesis of mono- and diacetyl-9H-fluorenes. Reactivity and selectivity in the Lewis acid catalyzed Friedel-Crafts acetylation of 9H-fluorene

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Titinchi, Salam J. J.; Kamounah, Fadhil S.; Abbo, Hanna S.


    Friedel-Crafts acetylation of 9H-fluorene is an effective route for the preparation of mono- and diacetyl-9H-fluorenes. Using acetylchloride as the reagent and aluminum chloride as the Lewis acid catalyst the effect of the solvent polarity, the temperature, the reaction time and the mode of addit......Friedel-Crafts acetylation of 9H-fluorene is an effective route for the preparation of mono- and diacetyl-9H-fluorenes. Using acetylchloride as the reagent and aluminum chloride as the Lewis acid catalyst the effect of the solvent polarity, the temperature, the reaction time and the mode......,7-diacetyl-9H-fluorene was obtained in 5-11 % yield when carbon disulfide was used as the solvent. Acetylation of 9H-fluorene in dichloroethane and carbon disulfide, using an excess of acetyl chloride and aluminum chloride at reflux temperature, gives 2,7-diacetyl-9H-fluorene exclusively in high yields (> 97...

  14. River crossings by Ateles geoffroyi and Alouatta pigra in southern Mexico: A preliminary report Habilidad para cruzar ríos en Ateles geoffroyi y Alouatta pigra en el sur de México: Un reporte preliminar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    del río. Este estudio se realizó a lo largo del río Lacantún, sur de México, el cual divide la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules de la región altamente deforestada de Marqués de Comillas. Con base en 428 horas de monitoreos a lo largo del río y en entrevistas a 58 residentes en cuatro comunidades de Marqués de Comillas determinamos si los monos eran capaces de cruzar el río, así como la frecuencia de estos eventos en ambas especies de monos y su dirección. Además, determinamos si este comportamiento estaba relacionado con la tasa de deforestación y/o el número de habitantes en los sitios de estudio. Solamente en dos ocasiones observamos monos araña cruzando el río, de Marqués de Comillas hacia la reserva. Sin embargo las entrevistas indicaron que pese a su rareza, este comportamiento ocurría en ambas especies y era más frecuente en los monos aulladores que en los monos araña (13 versus 8 avistamientos, respectivamente. En los puntos en que se reportaron estos eventos, el ancho del río fue menor que en otras zonas del río. Sin embargo, el número de registros de monos cruzando el río no estuvo significativamente relacionado con la tasa de deforestación ni con el tamaño de las poblaciones humanas estudiadas. Cualesquiera que sean las causas que promueven este comportamiento, es indudable que estas deben ser lo suficientemente importantes como para que de vez en cuando ambas especies de monos estén dispuestas a tomar el riesgo de cruzar el río Lacantún.

  15. La equinoterapia en las distintas alteraciones del desarrollo del menor.


    Chamorro González, Mireya


    La equinoterapia consiste en la utilización del caballo como un método terapéutico para rehabilitar a personas con discapacidad. Esta terapia es considerada una gran alternativa para aumentar el autoestima de los que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad, también a través de esta terapia se mejora y fortalece el estado emocional, así del mismo modo ayuda a mejorar la manera de desenvolverse en su entorno social. Esta terapia se realiza a través de la trasmisión del calor corporal del caballo, del...

  16. Search for Dark Matter in the mono-X final states (X = jets, Z, W, H) with ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Lo Sterzo, Francesco; The ATLAS collaboration


    Dark Matter searches in the ATLAS Experiment are perfomed analysing a wide number of experimental signatures. Among these, mono-X searches are a powerful tool since many models can be probed depending on the nature (jet, photon, vector boson, Higgs boson) of the Standard Model object which is used to identify and select the events. In this report a short introduction of the theoretical framweork is given, followed by three examples of different signatures that probe different theoretical models that describe an interaction between the Standard Model and Dark Matter.

  17. Gestión del talento humano y competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán 2016


    Serpa Reyes, Elisa Soledad


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, Conocer la relación que existe entre gestión del talento humano y las competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán en el año 2016. El tipo de investigación es no experimental, de diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población fue de 709 trabajadores, y la muestra de 217 trabajadores del hospital Hermilio Valdizán, la muestra es probabilística aleatoria simple. Se aplicó el cuestionario de gestión del...

  18. Seccional del Lago Lleu Lleu extracto del resumen ejecutivo del estudio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manuel Durán


    Full Text Available En el siguiente reportaje se presentan los estudios contratados por el MINVU Planes Seccionales del Lago Lleu Lleu y del Lago Pangue; realizados por las oficinas de Manuel Durán y Lira y Peña Asoc. A continuación entrevistamos al Sr. Tito Rojas, ex Director Regional de SERNATUR y actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Arauco, y a Patricio Aguirre, Director de la Carrera de Turismo del DUOC-UC sede Concepción. Mientras que los instrumentos de planificación desarrollan estrategias específicas para potenciar el turismo aprovechando las potencialidades del recurso lacustre; los entrevistados nos dan su opinión en cuanto a diversos aspectos relacionados con el turismo y los lagos de esta zona: el delicado equilibrio entre turismo y protección de los recursos; las potencialidades de las áreas aledañas a los lagos Pangue y Lleu Lleu; el patrimonio paisajístico y cultural de la provincia de Arauco, entre otros, son los aspectos que se exponen en las próximas páginas.

  19. Alkylsilyl Peroxides as Alkylating Agents in the Copper-Catalyzed Selective Mono-N-Alkylation of Primary Amides and Arylamines. (United States)

    Sakamoto, Ryu; Sakurai, Shunya; Maruoka, Keiji


    The copper-catalyzed selective mono-N-alkylation of primary amides or arylamines using alkylsilyl peroxides as alkylating agents is reported. The reaction proceeds under mild reaction conditions and exhibits a broad substrate scope with respect to the alkylsilyl peroxides, as well as to the primary amides and arylamines. Mechanistic studies suggest that the present reaction should proceed through a free-radical process that includes alkyl radicals generated from the alkylsilyl peroxides. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Comportamiento del servicio Diselin en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, en el. período 2003- octubre del 2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matilde Palacios Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se aborda el comportamiento del servicio Diselin durante el período 2003 hasta octubre del 2005, en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, a partir de los contenidos cuantitativos y cualitativos generados en la base de datos Diselin, correspondientes a la estadística general del servicio, relacionada con los indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario: suministro de documentos y satisfacción del cliente a través del talón de retroacoplamiento, como indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario que permiten hacer una valoración más exhaustiva de la evolución de este servicio tradicional con modalidad electrónica que es lo novedoso, aprovechando las tecnologías de información instaladas. Se presentan tablas y gráficos que demuestran la gestión y el impacto del servicio desde el punto de vista organizacional.

  1. Hepatic steatosis progresses faster in HIV mono-infected than HIV/HCV co-infected patients and is associated with liver fibrosis. (United States)

    Pembroke, Thomas; Deschenes, Marc; Lebouché, Bertrand; Benmassaoud, Amine; Sewitch, Maida; Ghali, Peter; Wong, Philip; Halme, Alex; Vuille-Lessard, Elise; Pexos, Costa; Klein, Marina B; Sebastiani, Giada


    Hepatic steatosis (HS) seems common in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, the relative effect of HIV, as well as hepatitis C virus (HCV) in those co-infected, and the influence of HS on liver fibrosis progression are unclear. The LIVEr disease in HIV (LIVEHIV) is a Canadian prospective cohort study using transient elastography and associated controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) to screen for HS and liver fibrosis, in unselected HIV-infected adults. HS progression was defined as development of any grade HS (CAP ⩾248dB/m), or transition to severe HS (CAP >292dB/m), for those with any grade HS at baseline. Fibrosis progression was defined as development of significant liver fibrosis (liver stiffness measurement [LSM] >7.1kPa), or transition to cirrhosis (LSM >12.5kPa) for those with significant liver fibrosis at baseline. Cox regression analysis was used to assess predictors of HS and fibrosis progression. A prospective cohort study was conducted, which included 726 HIV-infected patients (22.7% HCV co-infected). Prevalence of any grade HS did not differ between HIV mono-infected and HIV/HCV co-infected patients (36.1% vs. 38.6%, respectively). 313 patients were followed for a median of 15.4 (interquartile range 8.5-23.0) months. The rate of HS progression was 37.8 (95% confidence interval [CI] 29.2-49.0) and 21.9 (95% CI 15.6-30.7) per 100 person-years in HIV mono-infection and HIV/HCV co-infection, respectively. HCV co-infection was an independent negative predictor of HS progression (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.50, 95% CI 0.28-0.89). HS predicted liver fibrosis progression in HIV mono-infection (aHR 4.18, 95% CI 1.21-14.5), but not in HIV/HCV co-infection. HS progresses faster and is associated with liver fibrosis progression in HIV mono-infection but not in HIV/HCV co-infection. Lay summary: Fatty liver is the most frequent liver disease in Western countries. People living with HIV seem at high risk of fatty liver due to

  2. Sobre el significado del descubrimiento del gen FOXP2


    Longa Martínez, Víctor Manuel


    El reciente descubrimiento del gen FOXP2 ha ofrecido la primera evidencia clara de la base genética del lenguaje, mostrando una correlación inequívoca desde la perspectiva genética entre una versión mutada de F0XP2 y los trastornos lingüísticos de diferente tipo sufridos por una familia inglesa, conocida como KE. El objetivo central del presente trabajo es discutir diferentes aspectos relacionados con tal descubrimiento; especialmente, la discusión del significado de FOXP2 con ...

  3. Entrenamiento funcional del core: eje del entrenamiento inteligente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iván Dario Pinzón Ríos


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La evolución del entrenamiento físico busca la optimización de la salud y el bienestar, como piedra angular de todo programa de ejercicio. El Entrenamiento Funcional (EF es recomendable para optimizar el control postural del core, mejorando el balance y la ejecución de actividades de la vida diaria.  Objetivo: Revisar la definición, elementos constitutivos, características e implicaciones del EF del core en el movimiento corporal humano (MCH y la salud desde la perspectiva del fisioterapeuta. Metodología: Se incluyeron artículos en inglés y español de las bases Pubmed, Scielo y Ebsco; adicionalmente se incluyeron fuentes electrónicas e impresas y libros. Resultados: 56 documentos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. La definición más adoptada de EF fue entrenar con un propósito buscando obtener un efecto positivo en la aptitud física. Las implicaciones del EF en el MCH, se relacionan con la ganancia y mejoría de la estabilidad. La propuesta de EF enfocada a las actividades de la vida diaria incluye fases que permiten adquirir la estabilidad hasta lograr el desarrollo de movimiento que demanden más agilidad. En la planificación del EF se deben estructurar los procesos a ejecutar considerando el criterio de funcionalidad. Para organizar la sesión del EF, el fisioterapeuta cuenta con tres maneras de planificar la sesión: globales, por hemisferios y por grupos musculares. Conclusión: La fundamentación teórica sobre el EF permite al fisioterapeuta comprender y determinar cómo esta modalidad de intervención repercute de manera positiva sobre el desempeño funcional y calidad de vida de los sujetos.

  4. Metabolism of 14C-labelled urea in conventional, germ-free and mono-associated rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Juhr, N.C.; Franke, J.


    This report deals with the utilization of 14 C-labelled urea in conventional, defined associated and germ-free rats. With conventional animals 71.44% of the administered 14 C dose can be demonstrated in the exhaled air, 0.47% in organs and 27.35% in the urine. 1.04% were found in the intestinal and fecal contents. Animals mono-associated with Proteus mirabilis have nearly the same utilization rate (59.15, 0.34, 35.98, 2% resp.). In germ-free animals 1.21% of the activity appeared in the exhaled air and showed a small part of non-enzymatic hydrolysis of urea. The excretion of 97.70% in the urine shows, that urea is absorbed from the intestine in germ-free animals. (author)

  5. Desarrollo de la Habilidad de Administración del Tiempo en directivas del primer nivel del MITRANS.


    García Remus, Mayelín


    Valoración de cómo administran el tiempo las mujeres directivas del sector del transporte en Ciudad de La Habana. Establece las competencias individuales que pueden influir en el desarrollo de la habilidad de administración del tiempo.





    El septum lateral (SL), es un núcleo del cerebro anterior, que, procesa la información sensorial afectiva procedente del hipocampo y dirige sus respuestas, importantes para la supervivencia, hacia las zonas del hipotálamo importantes para la motivación, como lo es el núcleo tuberomamilar del hipotálamo (TMN). El TMN contiene las neuronas histaminérgicas en el cerebro, la cual relacionamos con la vigilia y alerta en conductas motivadas y así puede dirigir y reforzar el comportamiento. El TM...

  7. Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) on Mono-uranium Nitride Fuel Development for SSTAR and Space Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, J; Ebbinghaus, B; Meiers, T; Ahn, J


    The US National Energy Policy of 2001 advocated the development of advanced fuel and fuel cycle technologies that are cleaner, more efficient, less waste-intensive, and more proliferation resistant. The need for advanced fuel development is emphasized in on-going DOE-supported programs, e.g., Global Nuclear Energy Initiative (GNEI), Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI), and GEN-IV Technology Development. The Directorates of Energy and Environment (E and E) and Chemistry and Material Sciences (C and MS) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) are interested in advanced fuel research and manufacturing using its multi-disciplinary capability and facilities to support a design concept of a small, secure, transportable, and autonomous reactor (SSTAR). The E and E and C and MS Directorates co-sponsored this Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Project on Mono-Uranium Nitride Fuel Development for SSTAR and Space Applications. In fact, three out of the six GEN-IV reactor concepts consider using the nitride-based fuel, as shown in Table 1. SSTAR is a liquid-metal cooled, fast reactor. It uses nitride fuel in a sealed reactor vessel that could be shipped to the user and returned to the supplier having never been opened in its long operating lifetime. This sealed reactor concept envisions no fuel refueling nor on-site storage of spent fuel, and as a result, can greatly enhance proliferation resistance. However, the requirement for a sealed, long-life core imposes great challenges to research and development of the nitride fuel and its cladding. Cladding is an important interface between the fuel and coolant and a barrier to prevent fission gas release during normal and accidental conditions. In fabricating the nitride fuel rods and assemblies, the cladding material should be selected based on its the coolant-side corrosion properties, the chemical/physical interaction with the nitride fuel, as well as their thermal and neutronic properties. The US

  8. Synthesis, chemical and biological properties of the new mono- and bis-derivatives of imidazoles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. V. Welchinska


    Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. The lectin’s preparations were obtained by treatment of culture Liquid of saprophytic strain Bacillus from Ukrainian Collection of Microorganisms of Institute of Microbiology and Virology (IMV: B. polymyxa 102 KGU; in future: lectine 102 was clarified by treatment with ammonium sulfate (70% concentration of a saturated solution. Results. For the first time the interaction of a series of imidazole substituted with halothane compounds have been investigated, the conditions of the reaction have been defined, the methods have been developed and the composition of the reaction products has been studied. The studies revealed that the initial heterocycle, namely imidazole reacts with the intermediate product of halothane conversion in an alkaline medium, under conditions of phase transfer catalysis DB-18-crown-6 in a solvent system (dimethyl formamide - benzene - diethyl ether or in another variant: in DMSO with the presence of anhydrous potassium carbonate with the formation of mono-and bis-derivatives of imidazole. This reaction made possible a new strategy of synthesis of selectively poly-functionalized molecules, the chemical structure of which is available for incorporation of new pharmacophore fragments into molecule. It has been discovered that mono-, bis-derivatives of imidazole, molecular complex of bis-derivative of imidazole and antitumour bacterial lectin are low toxic preparations (LD50: from 278 mg/kg to 102 mg/kg. Conclusion. New mono- and bis-adducts of imidazole, molecular complex of Bacillus polymyxa 102 KGU and imidazole bis-derivative have been prepared and its toxicity has been tested. New convenient methods for the preparation of heterocyclic mono- and bis-adducts of imidazole with 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-bromo-2-chloroethane (halothane have been described. The reactions were catalyzed by DB-18-crown-6-complex (at the alkali medium. Investigation of the critical toxicity

  9. Crystalline mono- and multilayer self-assemblies of oligothiophenes at the air-water interface

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isz, S.; Weissbuch, I.; Kjær, K.


    The formation of Langmuir monolayers at the air-water interface has long been believed to be limited to amphiphilic molecules containing a hydrophobic chain and a hydrophilic headgroup. Here we report the formation of crystalline mono- and multilayer self-assemblies of oligothiophenes, a class...... of aromatic nonamphiphilic molecules, self-aggregated at the air-water interface. As model systems we have examined the deposition of quaterthiophene (S-4), quinquethiophene (S-5). and sexithiophene (S-6) from chloroform solutions on the water surface. The structures of the films were determined by surface...... surface. S-5 self-ageregates at the water surface to form mixtures of monolayers and bilayers of the beta polymorph; S-6 forms primarily crystalline monolayers of both alpha and beta forms. The crystalline assemblies preserve their integrity during transfer from the water surface onto solid supports...


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    Gerardo Pérez-León


    Full Text Available Sansevieria spp. (Agavaceae es una ornamental de follaje originaria de África y Asia. S. trifasciata (St es la especie con mayor número de cultivares en el mercado de exportación de Costa Rica a Estados Unidos y Holanda. Muestras foliares de S. trifasciata var. “Hahnii” con lesiones circulares y acuosas (algunas alargadas y secas, fueron analizadas. El patógeno recuperado fue identificado como Colletotrichum sansevieriae Nakamura (CsN mediante pruebas de patogenicidad, morfología y técnicas moleculares. Los aislamientos mono-hifales presentaron coloración crema, crecimiento postrado y escasa producción de conidios. La patogenicidad de CsN se evaluó en 7 variedades de St; Sansevieriasp., var., jiboia; S. cylindrica y las ornamentalesCodiaeum variegatum, Cordelyne terminalis y Dracaena deremensis, mediante 2 sistemas deinoculación: plantas en maceta (invernaderoy hojas separadas (laboratorio; con ambos sereprodujeron los síntomas de la enfermedad. Cinco de las variedades de S. trifasciata desarrollaron síntomas, “Hahnii” la más susceptible. Ninguna de las otras ornamentales presentósíntomas. CsN fue re-aislado de hojas inoculadas (postulados de Koch. La amplificación mediante PCR de la región ITS con los iniciadores ITS5 e ITS4 produjo un fragmento de aproximadamente 600pb, cuya secuencia de nucleótidos fue idéntica para los aislamientos mono-hifales. En el Banco de Genes, la secuencia alineó con accesiones de CsN de Australia y USA, con un índice de simi laridad del 99 al 100%. El análisis filogenético, con base en la región ITS2, agrupó (99% valor debootstrap los aislamientos costarricenses con elaislamiento tipo CsN de Japón y los de Australia y USA. Hasta donde se conoce, éste es el primer informe de la antracnosis de Sansevieria en C. R.

  11. Irradiation of micro-organisms with mono-energetic X-rays; biological consequences of the Auger effect

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Halpern, A; Muetze, B [Kernforschungsanlage Juelich G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.)


    The radiation resonance effect reported previously for isolated biomolecules has now for the first time been observed in a cellular system. Dried bacteria, Micrococcus denitrificans, in which TdR in DNA was partially substituted by BUdR, were subjected to mono-energetic X-rays of energies below or above the K-edge for Br. Subsequently, the colony-forming ability was assayed. For photon energy slightly above the K-edge, the lethality/rad was greater than that below the K-edge. This is interpreted in terms of the Auger effect initiated selectively by photo-absorption in constituent Br atoms. The differential absorption of low-energy photons in constituent atoms of DNA is also discussed.

  12. Direct electron transfer of Cytochrome c at mono-dispersed and negatively charged perylene-graphene matrix. (United States)

    Zhang, Nan; Lv, Xiangyu; Ma, Weiguang; Hu, Yuwei; Li, Fenghua; Han, Dongxue; Niu, Li


    Mono-dispersed 3,4,9,10-perylene tetracarboxylic acid (PTCA) functionalized graphene sheets (PTCA-graphene) were fabricated by a chemical route and dispersed well in aqueous solution. PTCA-graphene with plenty of -COOH groups as electrostatic absorbing sites were beneficial to the loading of Cytochrome c (Cyt c). Cyt c, which was tightly immobilized on the PTCA-graphene modified glassy carbon electrode, maintained its natural conformation. Direct electron transfer of Cyt c and the electro-catalytic activity towards the reduction of H2O2 were also achieved. It has been substantiated that PTCA-graphene is a preferable biocompatible matrix for Cyt c. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Caracterización del mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida, Venezuela


    Villasmil R., María A.; Andrade, Henry


    Esta investigación trata sobre modelos que permiten caracterizar Mercados Laborales Locales (MLL), ya que en Venezuela el manejo de los mismos es casi inexistente. En este sentido, se plantea como objetivo caracterizar al mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida-Venezuela en función del conocimiento de las particularidades económicas, institucionales, políticas, sociales, educativas y culturales de la zona así como las condiciones que se tengan en materia de empleo, oferta de for...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Néstor Juan Sanabria


    Full Text Available Este artículo ofrece una síntesis del estado del arte sobre los temas del desarrollo y es parte integrante de la investigación sobre los pymes y el desarrollo económico. Desde los enfoques clásicos hasta los modelos contemporáneos se ha debatido ampliamente la relación entre crecimiento y desarrollo económico. Para muchos autores el desarrollo está vinculado a los problemas de distribución. Para otros el desarrollo es sinónimo de disminución y eliminación de la pobreza o se resuelve a través de aumentar la producción. Otros enfoques se centran en la importancia de minimizar los costos de transacción o en la generación de una mejor calidad de vida. Ahora bien, las teorías del desarrollo predominantes hasta la década de los ochenta, asumen que el proceso del desarrollo no es más que la ruta de homogenización de los mercados duales. Para otros autores el problema se explica por la diferencia de tecnologías, capital social, capital intelectual y humano. Esta síntesis revisa entre otros enfoques los modelos con los que se ha intentado explicar la peculiaridad del desarrollo en los países del tercer mundo, en las economías en proceso de industrialización y la complejidad del caso particular del desarrollo en Latinoamérica y su modelo de sustitución de importaciones.

  15. Glass-liquid-glass reentrance in mono-component colloidal dispersions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez-Gonzalez, P E; Medina-Noyola, M; Vizcarra-Rendon, A; Guevara-Rodriguez, F de J


    The self-consistent generalized Langevin equation (SCGLE) theory of colloid dynamics is employed to describe the ergodic-non-ergodic transition in model mono-disperse colloidal dispersions whose particles interact through hard-sphere plus short-ranged attractive forces. The ergodic-non-ergodic phase diagram in the temperature-concentration state space is determined for the hard-sphere plus attractive Yukawa model within the mean spherical approximation for the static structure factor by solving a remarkably simple equation for the localization length of the colloidal particles. Finite real values of this property signals non-ergodicity and determines the non-ergodic parameters f(k) and f s (k). The resulting phase diagram for this system, which involves the existence of reentrant (repulsive and attractive) glass states, is compared with the corresponding prediction of mode coupling theory. Although both theories coincide in the general features of this phase diagram, there are also clear qualitative differences. One of the most relevant is the SCGLE prediction that the ergodic-attractive glass transition does not preempt the gas-liquid phase transition, but always intersects the corresponding spinodal curve on its high-concentration side. We also calculate the ergodic-non-ergodic phase diagram for the sticky hard-sphere model to illustrate the dependence of the predicted SCGLE dynamic phase diagram on the choice of one important constituent element of the SCGLE theory

  16. Glass-liquid-glass reentrance in mono-component colloidal dispersions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez-Gonzalez, P E; Medina-Noyola, M [Instituto de Fisica ' Manuel Sandoval Vallarta' , Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Alvaro Obregon 64, 78000 San Luis Potosi, SLP (Mexico); Vizcarra-Rendon, A [Unidad Academica de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Paseo la Bufa y Calzada Solidaridad, 98600, Zacatecas, Zac. (Mexico); Guevara-Rodriguez, F de J [Coordinacion de IngenierIa Molecular, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Eje Central Lazaro Cardenas 152, 07730 Mexico, DF (Mexico)


    The self-consistent generalized Langevin equation (SCGLE) theory of colloid dynamics is employed to describe the ergodic-non-ergodic transition in model mono-disperse colloidal dispersions whose particles interact through hard-sphere plus short-ranged attractive forces. The ergodic-non-ergodic phase diagram in the temperature-concentration state space is determined for the hard-sphere plus attractive Yukawa model within the mean spherical approximation for the static structure factor by solving a remarkably simple equation for the localization length of the colloidal particles. Finite real values of this property signals non-ergodicity and determines the non-ergodic parameters f(k) and f{sub s}(k). The resulting phase diagram for this system, which involves the existence of reentrant (repulsive and attractive) glass states, is compared with the corresponding prediction of mode coupling theory. Although both theories coincide in the general features of this phase diagram, there are also clear qualitative differences. One of the most relevant is the SCGLE prediction that the ergodic-attractive glass transition does not preempt the gas-liquid phase transition, but always intersects the corresponding spinodal curve on its high-concentration side. We also calculate the ergodic-non-ergodic phase diagram for the sticky hard-sphere model to illustrate the dependence of the predicted SCGLE dynamic phase diagram on the choice of one important constituent element of the SCGLE theory.

  17. Conventional laparoscopic adrenalectomy versus laparoscopic adrenalectomy through mono port. (United States)

    Kwak, Ha Na; Kim, Jun Ho; Yun, Ji-Sup; Son, Byung Ho; Chung, Woong Youn; Park, Yong Lai; Park, Chan Heun


    A standard procedure for single-port laparoscopic adrenal surgery has not been established. We retrospectively investigated intraoperative and postoperative outcomes after laparoscopic adrenalectomy through mono port (LAMP) and conventional laparoscopic adrenalectomy to assess the feasibility of LAMP. Between March 2008 and December 2009, 22 patients underwent adrenalectomy at the Department of Surgery, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital. Twelve patients underwent conventional laparoscopic adrenalectomy and 10 patients underwent LAMP. The same surgeon performed all the surgeries. The 2 procedures were compared in terms of tumor size, operating time, time to resumption of a soft diet, length of hospital day, and postoperative complications. The 2 groups were similar in terms of tumor size (30.08 vs. 32.50 mm, P=0.796), mean operating time (112.9 vs. 127 min, P=0.316), time to resumption of a soft diet (1.25 vs. 1.30 d, P=0.805), and length of hospital day (4.08 vs. 4.50 d, P=0.447). Despite 1 patient in the LAMP group experiencing ipsilateral pleural effusion as a postoperative complication, this parameter was similar for the 2 groups (P=0.195). Perioperative mortality, blood transfusion, and conversion to open surgery did not occur. Perioperative outcomes for LAMP were similar to those for conventional laparoscopic adrenalectomy. LAMP appears to be a feasible option for adrenalectomy.

  18. Isothermal (vapour + liquid) equilibrium for binary mixtures of polyethylene glycol mono-4-nonylphenyl ether (PEGNPE) with methanol, ethanol, or 2-propanol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khoiroh, Ianatul; Lee, Ming-Jer


    Highlights: → An autoclave apparatus was used for binary (vapour + liquid) equilibrium data measurement. → The studied systems are polyethylene glycol mono-4-nonylphenyl ether with alcohols. → The saturated pressure data were fitted accurately to the Antoine equation. → The NRTL model correlated well the phase equilibrium data. → The solvent activities have been calculated. - Abstract: Saturated pressures of three binary systems of oligomeric polyethylene glycol mono-4-nonylphenyl ether (PEGNPE) with methanol, ethanol, and 2-propanol have been measured by using an autoclave (vapour + liquid) equilibrium (VLE) apparatus at temperatures ranging from (340 to 455) K and the oligomer content ranging from 0.100 to 0.400 in mole fraction. With a given feed composition, equilibrium pressures were measured at various temperatures to obtain VLE data. The experimental data were fitted to the Antoine equation and also correlated with activity coefficient models, the NRTL and the UNIQUAC. The correlation results showed good agreement between the calculated values and the experimental data. In general, the NRTL model yielded better results. Additionally, the solvent activities were evaluated from the experimental results and were compared with those from the NRTL and the UNIQUAC models.

  19. Differentiated mono and multimaterial waste collection methods; Sistemi di raccolta differenziata di rifiuti solidi urbani: metodologie tecnico-economiche applicate ad un ambito territoriale calabrese

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reitano, A [Calabria Univ., Arcavata di Rende, CS (Italy). Dipt. di Organizzazione Aziendale e Amministrazione Pubblica; Giacchino, P P


    The technical, economical and financial estimate of differentiated mono and multimaterial waste collection methods is the subject of this research. This is referred to a Calabrian (Italy) territorial ambit and it is divided in two stages: the first one is based on the evaluation of the possible technical achievement of the two alternatives; the second one lies in the formulation of foreseeing economic and capital accounts to which operative and financial methods are applied for the evaluation of investments. [Italian] La ricerca ha come oggetto la valutazione tecnica ed economico-finanziaria dei sistemi per la raccolta differenziata mono e multi-materiale dei rifiuti solidi urbani. Specificatamente riferita ad un ambito territoriale calabrese, si articola in due fasi: la prima e' focalizzata sulla realizzabilita' tecnica delle due alternative; la seconda consiste nella formulazione dei conti previsionali economico e di capitale, cui vengono, quindi, applicati i metodi operativi e finanziari per la valutazione degli investimenti.

  20. Los métodos de fijación del salario en el Uruguay y los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo

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    Álvaro Rodríguez Azcúe


    Full Text Available El salario y la jornada de trabajo han sido en nuestro país, seguramente, los dos temas que forjaron el nacimiento del Derecho del trabajo1. Dentro del primero, el método de fijación del salario predominante, generalmente, refleja algo mucho más amplio que la política salarial de un gobierno. En realidad pone de manifiesto un eje central de la política laboral, o, más aún, una determinada forma de abordar la cuestión social.Por ese motivo nos proponemos analizar el tema a partir de su evolución histórica y de algunos de los particularismos que, en la concepción de Barbagelata, posee el Derecho del trabajo: la subyacencia del conflicto en las relaciones laborales y la significación del tiempo social.En esa perspectiva se confirma, según enseña Ermida Uriarte, el indudable papel protagónico que han desempeñado los Consejos de Salarios en el Derecho del trabajo y el sistema laboral uruguayo.Presentación. Referencia a los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo. Los métodos teóricos de fijación del salario. Evolución histórica de los métodos a la luz de los particularismos. Algunas reflexiones finales

  1. Sulforaphane Modulates Joint Inflammation in a Murine Model of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant-Induced Mono-Arthritis

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    João Francisco Silva Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Rheumatoid arthritis (RA is characterized by inflammation of one or more joints, and affects ~1% of the adult population worldwide. Sulforaphane (SFN is a natural compound that has been suggested as an antioxidant. Here, SFN’s effects were evaluated in a murine mono-arthritis model. Mono-arthritis was induced in mice by a single intra-articular injection of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA-10 µg/joint, in 10 µL into the ipsilateral joint. The contralateral joint received an equal volume of PBS. On the 4th day post-joint inflammation induction, animals received either SFN (10 mg/kg or vehicle (3% DMSO in saline, intraperitoneally (i.p., twice a day for 3 days. Joint swelling and secondary mechanical allodynia and hyperalgesia were evaluated over 7 days post-CFA. After this period, animals were culled and their blood and synovial fluid samples were collected for analysis of cell populations, cytokine release and thioredoxin reductase (TrxR activity. Knee joint samples were also collected for histology. SFN reduced joint swelling and damage whilst increasing the recruitment of Ly6C+ and Ly6G+ cells to CFA-injected joints. SFN-treated animals presented down-regulation of CD11b and CD62L on synovial fluid Ly6G+ cells. Synovial fluid samples obtained from CFA-injected joints and plasma samples of SFN-treated mice presented higher levels of IL-6 and increased activity of TrxR, in comparison with controls. These results indicate that SFN reduces knee joint damage by modulating cell activation/migration to the joints, cytokine production and increasing the activity of TrxR, and therefore, may represent an alternative treatment to joint inflammation.

  2. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  3. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Perdomo Morales

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  4. Indicadores de desempeño del sistema de riego del Rio Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prieto, D.; Angella, G.; Angueira, M.C.; Pérez Carrera, A.; Moscuzza, C.


    Mucha atención se ha puesto en el estudio del desempeño de los sistemas de riego a partir de la década de 1990, al tomarse conciencia de los bajos resultados de muchos de ellos, y su impacto ambiental negativo. El Sistema de Riego del Río Dulce en Santiago del Estero (PRD), no es la excepción,

  5. Coaxial Mono-Energetic Gamma Generator for Active Interrogation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ludewigt, Bernhard A.; Antolak, A.J.; Henestroza, E.; Leitner, M.; Leung, K.-N.; Waldron, W.; Wilde, S.; Kwan, J.W.


    Compact mono-energetic photon sources are sought for active interrogation systems to detect shielded special nuclear materials in, for example, cargo containers, trucks and other vehicles. A prototype gamma interrogation source has been designed and built that utilizes the 11B(p,gamma)12C reaction to produce 12 MeV gamma-rays which are near the peak of the photofission cross section. In particular, the 11B(p,gamma)12C resonance at 163 kV allows the production of gammas at low proton acceleration voltages, thus keeping the design of a gamma generator comparatively small and simple. A coaxial design has been adopted with a toroidal-shaped plasma chamber surrounding a cylindrical gamma production target. The plasma discharge is driven by a 2 MHz rf-power supply (capable up to 50 kW) using a circular rf-antenna. Permanent magnets embedded in the walls of the plasma chamber generate a multi-cusp field that confines the plasma and allows higher plasma densities and lower gas pressures. About 100 proton beamlets are extracted through a slotted plasma electrode towards the target at the center of the device that is at a negative 180 kV. The target consists of LaB6 tiles that are brazed to a water-cooled cylindrical structure. The generator is designed to operate at 500 Hz with 20 mu s long pulses, and a 1percent duty factor by pulsing the ion source rf-power. A first-generation coaxial gamma source has been built for low duty factor experiments and testing.

  6. La motivación del veredicto en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo


    Vegas Torres, Jaime


    1. Introducción. 2. Alcance de la exigencia de motivación del veredicto. 2.1. Extensión de la motivación. 2.1.1. Hechos no controvertidos. 2.1.2. Hechos que el jurado encuentra no probados. 2.2. Profundidad de la motivación. 2.2.1. Admisibilidad de la explicación conjunta de todas las respuestas del jurado a las cuestiones del objeto del veredicto. 2.2.2. Contenido de la motivación. 3. Motivación del veredicto y prueba por indicios. 3.1. Motivación del veredicto basado en prueba de indicios. ...

  7. Fused pyrazine mono-N-oxides as bioreductive drugs. II cytotoxicity in human cells and oncogenicity in a rodent transformation assay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Langmuir, Virginia K.; Laderoute, Keith R.; Mendonca, Holly L.; Sutherland, Robert M.; Hei, Tom K.; Liu, S.-X.; Hall, Eric J.; Naylor, Matthew A.; Adams, Gerald E.


    Purpose: To determine what structural moieties of the fused pyrazine mono-N-oxides are determining factors in their in vitro cytotoxicity and oncogenicity. Methods and Materials: A new series of experimental bioreductive drugs, fused pyrazine mono-N-oxides, was evaluated in vitro for aerobic and hypoxic cytotoxicity in the HT29 human colon adenocarcinoma cell line by using clonogenic assays. The relative oncogenicities of these compounds were also determined in aerobic cultures of C3H 10T1/2 mouse embryo fibroblasts by using a standard transformation assay. Results: Removal of the 4-methyl piperazine side chain from the parent compound, RB 90740, reduced the potency of the hypoxic cytotoxin. Reduction of the N-oxide function increased the aerobic cytotoxicity and eliminated most of the hypoxic/aerobic cytotoxic differential. The reduced N-oxide also had significant oncogenicity, consistent with a mechanism of genotoxicity following bioreduction of RB 90740. Conclusion: This new series of bioreductive compounds may be effective in cancer therapy, particularly the lead compound RB 90740. The oncogenic potential of these compounds is similar to that for other cancer therapies. Further studies should include evaluation of these compounds in vivo and the development of analogs with reduced oncogenic potential and retention of the hypoxic/aerobic cytotoxicity differential

  8. Del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz

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    Tomás MAIGI


    Full Text Available En agosto de 1947, habiendo llegado a la excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Teruel rumores de recientes deterioros en el friso pintado del abrigo rupestre del "Charco del Agua Amarga", nos fué requerida oficialmente, por dicha Corporación, la presentación de un informe sobre la realidad de los hechos expuestos, así como el planeamiento de las medidas adecuadas para salvaguardar en forma eficaz, en el futuro, las referidas pinturas.

  9. Analysis of Gas Membrane Ultra-High Purification of Small Quantities of Mono-Isotopic Silane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    de Almeida, Valmor F [ORNL; Hart, Kevin J [ORNL


    A small quantity of high-value, crude, mono-isotopic silane is a prospective gas for a small-scale, high-recovery, ultra-high membrane purification process. This is an unusual application of gas membrane separation for which we provide a comprehensive analysis of a simple purification model. The goal is to develop direct analytic expressions for estimating the feasibility and efficiency of the method, and guide process design; this is only possible for binary mixtures of silane in the dilute limit which is a somewhat realistic case. Among the common impurities in crude silane, methane poses a special membrane separation challenge since it is chemically similar to silane. Other potential problematic surprises are: ethylene, diborane and ethane (in this order). Nevertheless, we demonstrate, theoretically, that a carefully designed membrane system may be able to purify mono-isotopic, crude silane to electronics-grade level in a reasonable amount of time and expenses. We advocate a combination of membrane materials that preferentially reject heavy impurities based on mobility selectivity, and light impurities based on solubility selectivity. We provide estimates for the purification of significant contaminants of interest. To improve the separation selectivity, it is advantageous to use a permeate chamber under vacuum, however this also requires greater control of in-leakage of impurities in the system. In this study, we suggest cellulose acetate and polydimethylsiloxane as examples of membrane materials on the basis of limited permeability data found in the open literature. We provide estimates on the membrane area needed and priming volume of the cell enclosure for fabrication purposes when using the suggested membrane materials. These estimates are largely theoretical in view of the absence of reliable experimental data for the permeability of silane. Last but not least, future extension of this work to the non-dilute limit may apply to the recovery of silane from

  10. Concentraciones del activador tisular del plasminógeno y del inhibidor del activador del plasminógeno en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica

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    Beatriz Meneses


    Full Text Available El aumento moderado o severo de Homocisteína (Hcy en sangre y las alteraciones en el sistema fibrinolítico, se asocian con enfermedad vascular que afecta venas y arterias de todos los calibres. Los pacientes con homocistinuria clásica padecen con mucha frecuencia eventos tromboembólicos, que son su principal causa de mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las concentraciones de Hcy, Inhibidor del Activador del Plasminógeno tipo 1 (PAI-1 y Activador tisular del Plasminógeno (tPA en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica, en familiares de éstos y en población control sana.

  11. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (primera parte

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    Juan Pablo Zorrilla


    Full Text Available A partir de la desaparición del sistema Bretton-Woods, y la libre flotación del tipo de cambio, el mundo se volvió más susceptible a todo tipo de riesgos. El presente artículo pretende explicar a los gestores financieros o empresarios interesados en el tema de instrumentos financieros derivados, a conocer lo más relevante y necesario acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio, instrumento útil para cubrir riesgos derivados del tipo de cambio para las empresas que se dedican a importar, exportar o para protegerse de un crédito otorgado en moneda extranjera.

  12. Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium data for mono ethylene glycol extraction from water with the new ionic liquid tetraoctyl ammonium 2-methyl-1-naphtoate as solvent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia Chavez, L.Y.; Schuur, Boelo; de Haan, A.B.


    Thermal recovery of mono ethylene glycol (MEG) from aqueous streams is one of the most energy demanding operations in industry, because of the large amount of water that needs to be evaporated. The use of alternative technologies such as liquid–liquid extraction could save energy. A new tailor made

  13. Liquid-liquid equilibrium data for mono ethylene glycol extraction from water with the new ionic liquid tetraoctyl ammonium 2-methyl-1-naphtoate as solvent

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia Chavez, L.Y.; Schuur, B.; Haan, de A.B.


    Thermal recovery of mono ethylene glycol (MEG) from aqueous streams is one of the most energy demanding operations in industry, because of the large amount of water that needs to be evaporated. The use of alternative technologies such as liquid–liquid extraction could save energy. A new tailor made

  14. Calculo del valor en riesgo del futuro de energia e internacionalizacion del sector energetico en Colombia


    Esquivel Fonseca, Leidy Gioanna


    El presente trabajo de grado busca definir cuál es el mejor método para determinar el valor en riesgo del contrato de futuro de energía eléctrica que se transa en Colombia, para cumplir con este objetivo se toma como referencia el marco histórico del VaR y de los futuros seguido de las características de la fijación de precios, la estructura del contrato, que políticas y métodos hay para cubrirse del riesgo y como se realiza en otros países, realizando algunos cálculos de los modelos más trad...

  15. Effect of Xanthan, Mono-di-Glyceride and Cultivar on Physical and Sensory Properties of Canned Rice During Storage

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    A. Nasirpour


    Full Text Available Ready-to-eat or canned products have an important place in urban life style. Rice is consumed by half of world population. Problems related to production of canned rice are the coherences of rice kernel, retrogradation of rice starch and physico-chemical changes of rice during storage. Main factors affecting physico-chemical properties of canned rice are rice cultivar, amylose and amylopectin content of kernels, precooking conditions, kernel composition and added stabilizers. In this study, effect of three cultivars, Basmati and two local cultivars, Tarom Mazandaran and Tarom Hashemi, also two types of stabilizers, Xanthan, Mono-di-glyceride, on sensory and physical properties of canned rice were studied. Type and level of stabilizers, cultivars and time had significant effect on texture of cooked rice. Initially during storage, Basmati had the highest firmness and Tarom Mazandaran and Tarom Hashemi had lower firmness. The results of texture analysis indicated that both stabilizers reduced firmness of cooked rice during storage. Adding xhanthan as stabilizer had higher effect on reducing of cooked rice firmness comparing to mono-di-glyceride. Result of color analysis showed that Basmati cultivar was most yellowish and Tarom Mazandaran indicated maximum lightness. Sensory analysis of samples indicated that Basmati had the best score on texture, appearance and acceptability and Tarom Hashemi had the best score on taste and flavor. Type of stabilizer had significant effect on taste and flavor of cooked rice.

  16. Rola nagrań wideo w badaniu ontogenezy mowy w środowisku mono- i bilingwalnym

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    Anna Nallur


    Full Text Available The article presents the audio – video techniques that nowadays are the basic tools for the study of the child’s language development. These techniques could be used for mono and bilingual children. The author describes a “language biography” as one of the methods for the acquisition of language competence. According to W. Miodunka (2016, the “language biography” as a research method should include the following characteristics: openness, natural, and excellent communication. These features could be accomplished by using a camera during everyday activities. Additionally, the article presents the principles of recording videos for research purposes that could be valuable information for other studies. Thereafter, the author shows the technique to transcribe recordings based on the language development study of two bilingual and two monolingual children.



    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete; Alejandra Herrera-Barrantes


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas), silicio foliar, silicio fol...

  18. Differences in Classification Between Mono- and Polytrauma and Low- and High-Energy Trauma Patients With an Ankle Fracture: A Retrospective Cohort Study. (United States)

    Briet, Jan Paul; Houwert, Roderick Marijn; Smeeing, Diederik P J; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G W; Verleisdonk, Egbert Jan; Leenen, Luke P H; Hietbrink, Falco

    Although fracture type and treatment options for ankle fractures are well defined, the differences between mono- and polytrauma patients and low- and high-energy trauma have not been addressed. The aim of the present study was to compare the fracture type and trauma mechanism between mono- and polytrauma and low- and high-energy trauma patients with an ankle fracture. We performed a single-center retrospective cohort study. Fractures were classified according to the Lauge-Hansen classification and a descriptive classification. High-energy trauma (HET) was defined using triage criteria. All other patients were classified as having experienced low-energy trauma (LET). The patients were divided into 2 groups according to the injury severity score (ISS). Monotrauma patients were defined as patients with an ISS of 4 to 11 with an isolated ankle fracture or an ankle fracture with a minor contusion or laceration. Polytrauma patients were defined as patients with an ISS of ≥16 with ≥2 body regions involved. Patients with an ISS from 12 to 15 were excluded. A total of 96 patients were eligible for analysis. Of the 96 patients, 62 had experienced monotrauma and 34 had experienced polytrauma. A significant difference was found between the mono- and polytrauma patients in the Lauge-Hansen classification (p polytrauma patients. The same pattern was observed for ankle fractures after HET compared with LET (p polytrauma patients sustain different types of ankle fractures than patients with an isolated ankle fracture. This difference likely results from the high-energy transfer associated with polytrauma, because pronation abduction and supination adduction injuries were only observed after HET. Copyright © 2017 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. A systematic study of the isothermal crystallization of the mono-alcohol n-butanol monitored by dielectric spectroscopy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Mikkel Hartmann; Hecksher, Tina; Niss, Kristine


    Isothermal crystallization of the mono-hydroxyl alcohol n-butanol was studied with dielectric spectroscopy in real time. The crystallization was carried out using two different sample cells at 15 temperatures between 120 K and 134 K. Crystallization is characterized by a decrease of the dielectric...... intensity. In addition, a shift in relaxation times to shorter times was observed during the crystallization process for all studied temperatures. The two different sample environments induced quite different crystallization behaviors, consistent and reproducible over all studied temperatures...... that a microscopic interpretation of crystallization measurements requires multiple probes, sample cells, and protocols....

  20. Competitividad sectorial internacional. Caso: sector del cuero y del calzado

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    Diana Carolina Villegas Álvarez


    Full Text Available El presente escrito se origina en un trabajo de investigación cuya pretensión fue indagar sobre el nivel de competitividad internacional (C.I, del sector del cuero y del calzado colombiano, mediante la aplicación de indicadores que, a partir de la información estadística de las variables de comercio exterior permiten establecer ciertas relaciones que dan cuenta de la importancia del producto en los mercados de los países de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN, seleccionados para la comparación.

  1. Sobre el fragment dels Catasterismes d'Eratòstenes del manuscrit Parisinus Graecus 1310: el nom dels planetes Saturn i Júpiter


    Pàmias i Massana, Jordi


    El ms. Parisinus Graecus 1310 inclou un breu fragment de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, obra atribuïda a Eratòstenes. A banda d'alguna variant respecte del textus receptus, presenta un capítol (43) del tot reelaborat, en què l'excepcional irregularitat de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, pel que fa a les correspondències divines dels dos primers planetes de la nòmina de cinc, ha estat corregida per tal d'adequar els noms dels planetes Faiuou i Faethou a Saturn i a Júpiter respectivament. The man...

  2. Obtention of Samarium and Gadolinium concentrates by solvent extraction using mono-2-ethylhexyl ester of 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miranda Junior, Pedro


    The rare earth chlorides solution employed in this study, which is constituted by medium and heavy fractions, is derived from monazite processing accomplished by NUCLEMON-Mineroquimica (SP). This solution shows an acidity about 1.18 M and 189 g/L of rare earth oxides, containing as main constituents: Sm(34.55%), Gd(23.85%), Dy (6.82%), and Y (24.45%). It was used, as organic phase, 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid, mono-2-ethylhexylester diluted to 1 M in isododecane. (author)

  3. Paradoxical expression of IL-28B mRNA in peripheral blood in human T-cell leukemia virus Type-1 mono-infection and co-infection with hepatitis C Virus

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    Kamihira Shimeru


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1 carriers co-infected with and hepatitis C virus (HCV have been known to be at higher risk of their related diseases than mono-infected individuals. The recent studies clarified that IL-28B polymorphism rs8099917 is associated with not only the HCV therapeutic response by IFN, but also innate immunity and antiviral activity. The aim of our research was to clarify study whether IL-28B gene polymorphism (rs8099917 is associated with HTLV-1/HCV co-infection. Results The genotyping and viral-serological analysis for 340 individuals showed that IL-28B genotype distribution of rs8099917 SNP did not differ significantly by respective viral infection status. However, the IL-28B mRNA expression level was 3.8 fold higher in HTLV-1 mono-infection than HTLV-1/HCV co-infection. The high expression level was associated with TT (OR, 6.25, whiles the low expression was associated with co-infection of the two viruses (OR, 9.5. However, there was no association between down-regulation and ATL development (OR, 0.8. Conclusion HTLV-1 mono-infection up-regulates the expression of IL-28B transcripts in genotype-dependent manner, whiles HTLV-1/HCV co-infection down-regulates regardless of ATL development.

  4. Factores de riesgo implicados en el comportamiento agresivo del perro y del gato


    Amat Grau, Marta


    El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de algunos aspectos de la agresividad del perro y del gato. El estudio de la agresividad canina y felina es importante por varios motivos. En primer lugar, los problemas de agresividad del perro y del gato son muy frecuentes y, al menos en los centros de referencia, son el principal problema de comportamiento. La agresividad del perro y del gato también es importante, porque constituye una de las principales causas de eutanasia y abandono de perros ...

  5. Rare earth element and uranium-thorium variations in tufa deposits from the Mono Basin, CA (United States)

    Wilcox, E. S.; Tomascak, P. B.; Hemming, N.; Hemming, S. R.; Rasbury, T.; Stine, S.; Zimmerman, S. R.


    Samples of fossil tufa deposits from several localities in the Mono Basin, eastern California, were analyzed for trace element concentrations in order to better understand changes in lake composition in the past. These deposits were formed during the last glacial cycle, mostly during deglaciation (Benson et al., 1990, PPP). Three elevations are represented by the analyses. Samples from near Highway 167 were sampled between 2063 and 2069 m asl. Samples from near Thompson Road were sampled between 2015 and 2021 m. One layered mound was sampled at 1955 m. Concentrations of the lanthanide rare earth elements (REE), in particular the heavy/light (HREE/LREE) distributions, have been shown to be sensitive to alkalinity in modern saline lakes (e.g., Johannesson et al., 1994, GRL, 21, 773-776), and the same has been suggested for U/Th (Anderson et al., 1982, Science, 216, 514-516). Holocene to near-modern tufa towers exist in shallow water and around the current shoreline (1945 m). Tufa towers above 2000 m include a characteristic morphology termed thinolite, interpreted to represent pseudomorphs after the very cold water mineral ikaite. Most lower elevation towers do not have the thinolite morphology, but some layered tufa mounds at low elevations include several layers of thinolite, such as the one sampled for this project. Analyses were made on millimeter-scale bulk samples from tufa towers. Measurements were made on sample solutions with a Varian 820MS quadrupole ICP-MS. Mono Basin tufa samples have total REE concentrations ranging from 0.029 to 0.77 times average shales. Samples have flat to moderately HREE-enriched shale-normalized patterns with limited overall variability ([La/Lu]SN of 1.8 to 9.6) but with some variability in the slope of the HREE portion of the patterns. Tufa towers sampled from three elevations have (Gd/Lu)SN of 0.40 to 1.5. The REE patterns of most samples have small positive Ce anomalies, but a minority of samples, all from the layered tufa mound

  6. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of mono- and bissalicylic acid derivatives

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    Đurendić Evgenija A.


    Full Text Available A simple synthesis of mono- and bis-salicylic acid derivatives 1-10 by the transesterification of methyl salicylate (methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate with 3-oxapentane-1,5-diol, 3,6- dioxaoctane-1,8-diol, 3,6,9-trioxaundecane-1,11-diol, propane-1,2-diol or 1-aminopropan- 2-ol in alkaline conditions is reported. All compounds were tested in vitro on three malignant cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, PC-3 and one non-tumor cell line (MRC- 5. Strong cytotoxicity against prostate PC-3 cancer cells expressed compounds 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10, all with the IC50 less than 10 μmol/L, which were 11-27 times higher than the cytotoxicity of antitumor drug doxorubicin. All tested compounds were not toxic against the non-tumor MRC-5 cell line. Antioxidant activity of the synthesized derivatives was also evaluated. Compounds 2, 5 and 8 were better OH radical scavengers than commercial antioxidants BHT and BHA. The synthesized compounds showed satisfactory scavenger activity, which was studied by QSAR modeling. A good correlation between the experimental variables IC50 DPPH and IC50 OH and MTI (molecular topological indices molecular descriptors and CAA (accessible Connolly solvent surface area for the new compounds 1, 3, and 5 was observed.

  7. Enfermedad del virus del Ébola (Ebola Virus Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast proporciona información general sobre la enfermedad del virus del Ébola y el brote en África Occidental. El programa contiene declaraciones del director de los CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden, así como una breve descripción de las actividades de respuesta de los CDC.


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    J.C. Alberdi Collantes


    Full Text Available La Ley del suelo del País Vasco del 2007 nace con el objeto de favorecer el acceso a una vivienda digna. Sin embargo, en la medida en que apuesta por frenar la especulación y la sostenibilidad del medio legisla sobre el tratamiento que se le ha de aportar al suelo no urbanizable. En este caso, no altera sustancialmente la regulación del suelo rural pero sí incorpora nuevas obligaciones dirigidas a frenar la intensidad de la urbanización en este suelo. Se regula la construcción de nueva vivienda, el desarrollo urbanístico de núcleos y barrios rurales y se obliga a profundizar en la calificación del suelo no urbanizable. La aplicación de los nuevos contenidos quedan en manos de los municipios e instituciones sectoriales y los primeros resultados parecen denotar un cambio de tendencia en municipios que han observado la pérdida de calidad paisajística del medio rural, la creciente especulación y la desagrarización de este entorno.

  9. Evolución del desarrollo del color en sistema modelo de composición similar al dulce de leche. Influencia del tiempo de calentamiento y del Ph

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    Analía Rodríguez Blanco


    Full Text Available El color es un atributo importante en la elección del producto dulce de leche por parte del consumidor. El mismo se desarrolla en el proceso de elaboración debido principalmente a las reacciones de pardeamiento no enzimático, las cuales se ven influenciadas por varios factores. En este trabajo se evaluó el desarrollo de color, con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial como variables tecnológicas, en un sistema modelo compuesto de caseinato, lactosa, sacarosa y agua destilada cuya composición fue similar a la del dulce de leche comercial. El estudio del color se realizó utilizando los parámetros de medición de color del sistema CIELAB y el índice de Kubelka Munk (K/S. Con ambos métodos se constató un aumento significativo del dE*ab y del K/S con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial. Con el sistema CIELAB además se observó una tendencia a disminuir la luminosidad con el tiempo y el aumento del pH inicial, y el aumento de a* con el tiempo.

  10. Acerca del moho (United States)

    El moho forma parte del medio ambiente natural. Afuera del hogar, el moho juega un papel en la naturaleza al desintegrar materias organicas tales como las hojas que se han caido o los arboles muertos. El moho puede crecer adentro del hogar cuando las espor

  11. La teoria del ciclo vitale del risparmio di Modigliani cinquant’anni dopo

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    Mauro Baranzini


    Full Text Available Nei primi anni ’50 Franco Modigliani, insieme a Richard Brumberg e ad Albert Ando, formulò lateoria del ciclo vitale del consumo e del risparmio, che ha riscosso un enorme e indiscussosuccesso per almeno tre decenni. Tuttavia, a partire dai primi anni ’80 la teoria del ciclo vitale èstata criticata in modo sempre più serrato, per almeno quattro ragioni. La prima consistenell’esistenza di una significativa trasmissione intergenerazionale della ricchezza, da ricondurre acause esogene al modello del ciclo vitale. La seconda ragione è rappresentata dalla crescenteevidenza che i ricchi continuano a risparmiare in misura maggiore rispetto ai meno fortunati,come, in effetti, Keynes sosteneva. Il terzo motivo è che vi sono prove sempre più evidenti,almeno nell’Europa occidentale e in Giappone, che le famiglie giovani, durante i venti e i trentaanni di età, risparmiano una quota positiva e crescente del proprio reddito, e ciò si pone indeciso contrasto con la versione originaria della teoria del ciclo vitale. Infine, numerosi lavoriempirici hanno rilevato che i pensionati accantonano una parte elevata del proprio reddito. Ciòimpone un serio ripensamento dell’approccio della teoria del ciclo vitale, che interessa sia l’analisieconomica sia la politica economica.

  12. Max Weber o el enigma emocional del origen del capitalismo




    Se analiza el trabajo clave de Max Weber, La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo, desde la perspectiva de la Sociología de las Emociones. Aunque la inclusión de las emociones de los fenómenos sociales es clave para entender la idea de Weber sobre el dogma de la predestinación, los sociólogos han trivializado el papel de la emoción. Tras detallar la creencia de Weber en que el espíritu del capitalismo parte del conocimiento de que el destino del hombre está predeterminado (la ética...

  13. Produccion Gaseosa del Cometa Halley: Erupciones Y Fotodisociacion del Radical OH (United States)

    Silva, A. M.; Mirabel, I. F.


    RESUMEN:En este trabajo informamos la detecci6n de 20 erupciones en la li'nea de =18cm (1667MHz) del radical OH en el Cometa Halley.Las observaciones incluyen todos los monitoreos existentes y se extienden desde 120 dias antes del perihelio hasta 90 dias despues.Se detectan bruscos crecimientos en el flujo medido,hasta un factor 1O,seguidos por decaimientos lentos asociados con la fotodisociaci6n del OH. Se obtuvieron valores para el tiempo de vida fotoquimico del OH y del H2O basandose en el modelo desarrollado previamente por Silva(1988). Esos tiempos de vida estan de acuerdo con predicciones teoricas y con las observaciones en el Ultravioleta, y los resultados, los que son fuertemente dependientes de la velocidad heliocentrica del Coineta (variando hasta un factor 6), han sido calculados para varios rangos de velocidad entre +28 y -28 km/seg. Key wo'L :


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    Johnny Patricio Bayas Escudero


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de realizar el diagnóstico del sector turístico del cantón Bolívar, se partió, inicialmente, de la identificación de los recursos y atractivos turísticos existentes, asi como su nivel de incidencia en el desarrollo de esta jurisdicción, para posteriormente, proponer los potenciales productos turísticos que permitan la implementación de planes y programas de desarrollo del turismo. Para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos, se realizó una caracterización general del territorio, identificando e inventariando los recursos y atractivos turísticos del cantón, basándose en las fichas de inventario del Ministerio de Turismo y una propuesta de valoración de atractivos que dejaron como resultado un nuevo inventario de atractivos turísticos; se analizó la superestructura turística y la política turística cantonal; se caracterizó la infraestructura y servicios relativos al turismo; se analizó la oferta y demanda turística actual del cantón, determinando y analizando a su vez, la competencia directa que tiene el cantón para el desarrollo de esta actividad, se realizó el análisis FODA del componente turismo del cantón, que permitió proponer estrategias de desarrollo turístico para Bolívar. Se establecieron 13 potencialidades turísticas del cantón, cuantificando y cualificando su carácter y atributos; de los cuales, cuatro se consideran como las más significativas; en base a las potencialidades determinadas se caracterizaron las actividades turísticas potenciales a desarrollarse en base a categorías, redes de producto y niveles de intervención.

  15. Elementos del sistema electoral del Congreso Mexicano

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    Aldo Medina García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un estudio de los componentes del sistema electoral, diseñado por el legislador mexicano para integrar al parlamento federal. Estudio desarrollado a sabiendas de la importancia que reviste el sistema electoral como un medio que permite a los ciudadanos convertir su voto expresado en las urnas en escaños a favor de determinado candidato o partido. En dicho análisis tomamos en cuenta la evolución constitucional del sistema electoral mexicano, la participación de las fuerzas minoritarias en la integración del Senado y de la Cámara de Diputados, la división que se hace del territorio en circunscripciones electorales, la barrera electoral que se fija a los partidos políticos para acceder a la representación en el Parlamento, la fórmula de asignación que se aplica a la votación obtenida, para finalmente concluir que el sistema electoral mexicano es esencialmente mayoritario aun cuando se vista de proporcional.

  16. Dimensión integral e interdisciplinaria del concepto de comportamiento del consumidor


    Gil Hernández, Cleysi Yumara; Torres Estrada, Isabel Cristina; López Torres, Zulima Azeneth


    Este artículo busca analizar el aporte teórico que la economía, la antropología,la psicología, la sociología y la estética hacen al estudio del concepto decomportamiento del consumidor.El estudio del comportamiento del consumidor debe buscar una miradaintegral, que permita, desde diferentes saberes y disciplinas, comprender alsujeto, su entorno y sus prácticas de consumo.El estudio del consumidor no debe supeditarse exclusivamente a los momentosdel consumo; su comprensión implica un análisis ...

  17. Identificación del genotipo del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes portadoras de lesiones cérvico uterinas

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    Alexander Morales Fontaine


    Full Text Available Fundamento: en los últimos años se ha observado un elevado predominio de mujeres infestadas por genotipos del  Virus del Papiloma Humano considerados de alto riesgo por su elevada oncogenicidad.Objetivo: identificar los genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano en pacientes portadoras de este con lesiones cervicales, cuyas biopsias fueron analizadas en el departamento de anatomía patológica, perteneciente al Hospital General Docente ¨Ernesto Guevara de la Serna¨, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2014.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, en 45 pacientes cuyas biopsias fueron tomadas de forma aleatoria de un total de 456 casos en los que se encontraron evidencias histopatológicas de infección por el  Virus del Papiloma Humano, en el período referido período de estudio. Las biopsias fueron enviadas al Laboratorio de Biología Molecular del departamento de Virología del Instituto de Medicina Tropical ´´Pedro Kourí´, a fin de aislar e identificar los tipos de este virus, involucrados en la patogénesis de las lesiones premalignas en estudio. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias dadas por los resultados de la identificación del genotipo del virus aislado enviados desde dicha institución. Los datos se procearon según la estadística descriptiva, mediante el análisis porcentual.Resultados: en el 88,8 % de la muestra se obtuvo infestación por el Virus del Papiloma Humano, de alto riesgo de oncogenicidad, de ellos hay una preponderancia del genotipo 16, con 26 casos (57,7 % seguido del 31 con 12 aislamientos (26,6 % y 2 pacientes presentaron el genotipo 52 para el 4,4 %. El 6,6 % de la muestra resultó estar infestadas por el genotipo 11, el cual es considerado de bajo riesgo y en 2 casos no fue posible realizar la tipificación.Conclusiones: Existió gran predominio de pacientes afectadas por Virus de Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo de oncogenicidad.

  18. Estudio de la relación del ascenso del nivel del Mar Caspio con el regadio en la Cuenca del Mar de Aral


    Vidal Cruz, Rafael


    El nivel del Mar Caspio ha venido subiendo desde mediados de los años 60. Se plantea la conjetura de que este ascenso sea debido al augmento de las extensiones de cultivo situadas en las cuencas de regadío del Mar de Aral. Ello provoca un aumento de humedad atmosférica, que es transportada hacia la cuenca del Mar Caspio. El objetivo de la tesina es estudiar dicha conjetura.


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    Full Text Available Se determinaron los valores energéticos de los residuos agroindustriales del departamento del Cauca, mediante análisis del poder calorífico, datos técnicos reportados en las tablas estadísticas del Anuario Estadístico del Sector Agropecuario y Pesquero 2011 y con las expresiones simples presentadas en la metodología de Antolín G.G para el cálculo de variables energéticas.Los valores obtenidos del poder caloríficoen base seca fueron: 116187,97kJ/kgpara bagacillo de caña, 15419,95kJ/kg para polvillo de fique y 15262,18kJ/kg para afrecho de yuca.El valor promediodelas mezcla fue de 15623,35kJ/kg.Se concluye que 15623,35 kJ/kg representa la energía promedio que puede liberarse en un proceso de combustión deestos residuos y es comparable con la energía liberada por otras fuentes de biomasa. El potencial energético del bagacillo de caña con el valor de 163.45TJ/año, contribuye con el 35.73% de la energía, por lo cual ofrece mayores ventajas energéticas en comparación alvalor del afrecho de yuca,que tiene un potencial de 0.91 TJ/año. La mezcla con la mejor característica energética esta compuesta por 33.3% bagacillo de caña, 33.3% polvillo de fique y 33.3% afrecho de yuca y tiene un potencial energético de 48.39 TJ/año.

  20. Randomized Trial Evaluating the Impact of Ribavirin Mono-Therapy and Double Dosing on Viral Kinetics, Ribavirin Pharmacokinetics and Anemia in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 Infection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waldenström, Jesper; Westin, Johan; Nyström, Kristina


    In this pilot study (RibaC), 58 hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 infected treatment-naïve patients were randomized to (i) 2 weeks ribavirin double dosing concomitant with pegylated interferon-α (pegIFN-α), (ii) 4 weeks ribavirin mono-therapy prior to adding pegIFN-α, or (iii) standard-of-care (......In this pilot study (RibaC), 58 hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 infected treatment-naïve patients were randomized to (i) 2 weeks ribavirin double dosing concomitant with pegylated interferon-α (pegIFN-α), (ii) 4 weeks ribavirin mono-therapy prior to adding pegIFN-α, or (iii) standard......, by day 14, double dosing entailed a greater hemoglobin decline as compared to SOC (2.2 vs. 1.4 g/dL; P = 0.03). Conclusion: Ribavirin down-regulates IP-10, and may have an anti-viral effect differently regulated across IL28B genotypes....