
Sample records for del ictus cerebrovascular

  1. Uso de esteronitronas para el tratamiento y prevención del ictus o accidente cerebrovascular, enfermedades de alzheimer, parkinson y esclerosis lateral amiotrófica


    Marco-Contelles, José; Alcázar González, Alberto


    Uso y preparación de esteronitronas con alta permeabilidad a la barrera hematoencefálica, capacidad antioxidante y neuroprotectora, como potenciales fármacos para el tratamiento del ictus o accidente cerebrovascular, enfermedades de Alzheimer, Parkinson y esclerosis lateral amiotrófica.

  2. Enfermería y el Código Ictus, " Tiempo es cerebro"


    Pans Alcaina, Delia


    Introducción y objetivos: El Ictus es el periodo agudo de la enfermedad cerebrovascular siendo éste un trastorno brusco del flujo sanguíneo cerebral. Los Ictus se clasifican en dos subtipos: isquémicos y hemorrágicos. Las manifestaciones clínicas de los mismos dependerán del lugar donde se produce el Ictus pero son de aparición brusca. También hay de factores de riesgo que hacen a las personas más susceptibles de padecer un Ictus. Para el tratamiento de esta patología se establecen estrategia...

  3. ¿Sirve la escala ABCD2 del AIT para predecir y prevenir Ictus?

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    Laura Castelo Corral


    Resultados: Incluimos 172 pacientes ( edad media 71 años, 51% mujeres con un nuevo diagnostico de AIT. La puntuación media de la escala ABCD2 fue de 4.2 ± 1.4. Se produjeron 12 nuevos AIT, 21 Ictus no fatales y 3 ictus fatales durante el seguimiento. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue del 1.7% y la total durante el seguimiento de 1 año del 12 %. Una puntuación en la escala de ABCD2 de ≥ 4 tenia una sensibilidad del 88% y del 82% para predecir un ictus a los 7 y 30 días respectivamente, con una pobre especificidad del 30%.El valor predictivo negativo a 7 dias fue del 98%. Una puntuación ABCD2 ≥ 4 no tuvo valor predictivo significativo de ictus a los 7 días (hazard ratio [HR], 3.49; 95%CI, 0.42 to 27.93 ni a 30 días (HR, 1.97; 95%CI, 0.43 to 9.13. Como componente individual, solo la diabetes predijo la probabilidad de desarrollar un ictus en la primera semana (HR, 5.47; 95%IC 1.43 to 20.95 y durante el primer mes (HR, 3.60; 95%IC 1.08 to 12. Conclusiones: El poder discriminativo de la escala ABCD2 no ayuda a tomar decisiones de tratamiento salvo por su valor predictivo negativo del 98%. Solo la variable diabetes de la escala se asocio con una probabilidad relevante de tener un ictus.Probablemente cualquier tipo de presentación de AIT justifica la búsqueda rápida de la etiologia subyacente. Consideramos que en el AIT, independientemente de la escala ABCD2 , se debe realizar en menos de 24 horas un TAC cerebral, ECG, e imagen de carótida, mientras al mismo tiempo se inicia tratamiento preventivo urgente.

  4. Registro y control de factores de riesgo en prevención secundaria del ictus en Atención Primaria de la Región de Murcia


    Rubio Gil, Esther


    REGISTRO Y CONTROL DE FACTORES DE RIESGO EN PREVENCIÓN SECUNDARIA DEL ICTUS EN ATENCIÓN PRIMARIA DE LA REGIÓN DE MURCIA 1. ENFERMEDAD CARDIOVASCULAR Las enfermedades cardiovasculares, fundamentalmente la enfermedad isquémica cardíaca y la enfermedad cerebrovascular, han tomado relevancia en el ámbito sanitario y social debido a su alta incidencia y elevado coste sanitario. Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) generalmente se deben a una etiología multifactorial, por la frecue...

  5. Ictus cerebral e ingreso en el hogar

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    Clara Raisa Vera Miyar


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo en pacientes que egresaron con el diagnóstico de ictus cerebral de la unidad de cuidados intermedios de adultos del hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Mártires del 9 de abril" de Sagua la Grande, en el período comprendido de enero de 1999 a enero de 2000. Fueron ingresados en el hogar después de encontrarse estabilizados, se analizaron datos generales y epidemiológicos, y se concluyó que en la muestra existió un predominio de ictus isquémico. La hipertensión arterial, el hábito de fumar y los ictus previos, fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes, y las parálisis y los trastornos del lenguaje y esfinterianos los síntomas invalidantes predominantes al ser egresados del hospital. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los isquémicos y los hemorrágicos, con una evolución satisfactoria en su mayoría al ser ingresados en el hogar y con un ahorro de $ 10 932.A descriptive and prospective study was conducted among patients with the diagnosis of cerebral ictus that were discharged from the unit of intermediate care of "Mártires del 9 de Abril" Clinical and Surgical Teaching Hospital from January, 1999, to January, 2000. They were admitted at home after being stabilized. General and epidemiological data were analyzed and it was concluded that there was a predominance of ischemic ictus in the sample. Arterial hypertension, smoking and previous ictus were the most common risk factors whereas paralysis and speech and sphincter disorders were the prevailing disabling symptoms on discharge. There were no significant differences between the ischemic and the hemorrhagic ictus. A satisfactory evolution was observed in most of the patients on being admitted at home, which represented a saving of $10 932.

  6. Isquemia cerebral focal transitoria en rata: caracterización y utilidad del modelo de la sutura intraluminal en el estudio de estrategias neuroprotectoras


    Pérez Asensio, Fernando Jesús


    RESUMEN Los accidentes cerebrovasculares agudos (ictus cerebrales) son trastornos neurológicos originados por la disminución brusca del aporte sanguíneo cerebral (isquemia cerebral). La incidencia del ictus en España es de unos 200 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes, lo que le sitúa como la segunda causa de muerte, la primera de invalidez permanente y segunda de demencia. A excepción de la aplicación de la terapia trombolítica, actualmente no existe otro tratamiento eficaz del ictus en c...

  7. Influencia de la diabetes mellitus sobre la evolución del paciente con enfermedad cerebrovascular y nutrición enteral por sonda


    Coto García, Cristina


    La Diabetes Mellitus juega un importante papel tanto en la patogenia como en el pronóstico de la enfermedad cerebrovascular. El ictus y las complicaciones que este conlleva conforman una entidad de elevada morbimortalidad. El soporte nutricional constituye un pilar importante a la hora tratar a los pacientes que han sufrido un ictus. Valorar si existe diferencia en estancia media hospitalaria, éxitus y complicaciones relacionadas con la nutrición entre aquellos pacientes con diabetes melli...

  8. El talón de Aquiles de la cirugía coronaria: el ictus postoperatorio

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    Fernando Hornero


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con factores de riesgo preexistentes de enfermedad cerebrovascular tienen durante la cirugía coronaria un mayor riesgo de presentar un ictus postoperatorio. Entre los principales factores de riesgo a considerar esta la edad, las comorbilidades y la técnica quirúrgica, en especial la manipulación de la aorta. Este artículo revisa la información médico-quirúrgica actual de la lesión neurológica tipo ictus durante la CABG aislada.

  9. Valor de la resonancia magnética de imágenes en pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica Evaluation of the magnetic resonance imaging in patient with ischemic cerebrovascular disease

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    Laura María Pons Porrata


    Full Text Available La resonancia magnética de imágenes permite investigar aspectos morfológicos y funcionales del cerebro, lo cual es sumamente útil para diagnosticar enfermedades neurológicas, incluidas las cerebrovasculares y, por supuesto, la isquemia cerebral en las primeras horas de ocurrida, de modo que facilita seguir la evolución del ictus, reducir la zona de necrosis y garantizar una mejor calidad de vida de los pacientes. A diferencia de la tomografía y la angiografía no utiliza radiaciones ionizantes. En este artículo se concluye, entre otras inferencias, que su elevada sensibilidad supera el número de confirmaciones obtenidas a través de la tomografía axial computarizada.Magnetic resonance imaging allows to investigate morphological and functional aspects of the brain, something extremely useful to diagnose neurological diseases, including the cerebrovascular diseases and, of course, the cerebral ischemia in the first hours of its ocurrence, so it facilitates to follow the clinical course of ictus, to reduce the necrosis area and to guarantee a better life quality of patients. Contrary to tomography and angiography it doesn't use ionizing radiations. In this article it is concluded, among other things, that its high sensibility overcomes the number of confirmations obtained through computarized axial tomography.

  10. Coste del cuidado informal del ictus en una población general no institucionalizada Cost of informal care for stroke victims in a non-institutionalized general population

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    Adolfo Hervás


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: El impacto social del ictus es importante por tratarse de una enfermedad invalidante, que causa dependencia y necesidad de cuidados informales. La importancia de la dependencia cada vez es mayor en la sociedad, pero no hay registros de los costes del cuidado informal, y se desconoce cómo valorarla. Objetivos: Calcular el coste del cuidado informal del ictus en una población general y analizarlo en función del grado de dependencia. Realizar un análisis de sensibilidad con la variable costes unitarios a partir de fuentes diversas. Material y métodos: Se estudian todos los casos diagnosticados de ictus a 31 de diciembre de 2004 (n = 95 pertenecientes a una zona básica de salud de Navarra, de los que 40 (44,4% precisan cuidados informales. Se valora la dependencia para las actividades de la vida diaria mediante los índices de Barthel (actividades básicas [ABVD] y Lawton-Brody (actividades instrumentales [AIVD]. La valoración del tiempo del cuidado informal se realiza con una aproximación de abajo a arriba (bottom-up, mediante un cuestionario de recogida de actividades diarias. Resultados: El coste del cuidado informal de los pacientes con ictus es de 21.551,28 €/año, con un rango, según el análisis de sensibilidad, entre 6.490,80 y 31.436,72 €/año. Hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el coste del cuidado informal según el grado de dependencia (ABVD: 24.865,2 €/año; AIVD: 10.442,9 €/año. Conclusiones: El coste del cuidado informal en la atención al ictus es elevado y crece con el nivel de dependencia.Background: Stroke has a strong social impact since it causes disability, leading to dependency and the need for informal care. Although awareness of the importance of dependency is increasing, registries of the cost of informal care are lacking and consequently the real value of this activity to society is still unknown. Objectives: To calculate the cost of informal care of stroke victims in a

  11. Telerehabilitació en pacients amb accidents cerebrovascular: revisió bibliogràfica.


    Riba Lafarga, Roger


    L’ ictus és una alteració brusca de la circulació de la sang al cervell, sent la segona causa de mort al món i la primera en discapacitat. Objectius. Examinar si la telerehabilitació i la realitat virtual poden millorar l'estat físic i psíquic dels pacients amb accident cerebrovascular i avaluar l’impacte en les activitats de la vida diària. Conclusió. Els resultats indiquen que la fisioteràpia convencional i un programa combinat de telerehabilitació o realitat virtual amb fisioteràpia, mi...

  12. Revisión actualizada sobre enfermedad cerebrovascular: estudio de un caso


    Bardají Fandos, Teodosia


    La enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV), también denominada accidente cerebrovascular (ACV)o ictus, representa el 90% de las enfermedades neurológicas y constituye la tercera causa de muerte en la mayoría de los países desarrollados; en España representa la primera causa de muerte en mujeres de 75 años o más de edad.

  13. Cuidados de Enfermería en un paciente que ha sufrido un ACV


    Lobo López, Sandra


    El accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) o ictus es un trastorno brusco de la circulación cerebral que altera de forma transitoria o permanente la función de una determinada región del cerebro. Se puede producir por la oclusión de una arteria, disminuyendo el flujo de sangre que recibe una parte del cerebro (ictus isquémico) o por la rotura de una arteria cerebral (ictus hemorrágico). Es una de las principales causas de mortalidad e invalidez. Es la segunda causa de muerte en España (la primera ...

  14. Estudio sobre la percepción de calidad de vida que presentan pacientes que han sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular a través de la ECVI-38


    Rodríguez Álvarez, Sandra


    Trabajo fin de Grado, curso 2015/2016 [ES] Introducción. La OMS define el accidente cerebrovascular como la interrupción del suministro de sangre al cerebro, por lo general debido a que un vaso sanguíneo se rompe o es bloqueado por un coágulo. Esto corta el suministro de oxígeno y nutrientes, causando daños en el tejido cerebral. El Ictus representa la tercera causa de muerte y la primera de invalidez en los adultos de los países occidentales, con una incidencia de 200 casos por cada 10...

  15. Caracterización de la enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica en el servicio de medicina del hospital de Guanajay

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    Silvio Acosta Tabares


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles con el objetivo de caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente la enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica (ECVI. El grupo de casos estuvo constituido por 52 pacientes egresados con el diagnóstico de ictus isquémico, y el grupo control por igual número de pacientes que no la padecieron. Se determinó una prevalencia similar a la de otros estudios a escala mundial, con una incidencia mayor de la enfermedad en pacientes de 60 años y más, de la raza blanca y el sexo masculino. Los factores de riesgo con significación estadística fueron el sedentarismo, las dietas inadecuadas, el hábito de fumar y la hipercolesterolemia; la hipertensión arterial mostró fuerza de asociación tanto como antecedente familiar como personal con un 44,3 % para ambos. La trombosis cerebral fue la forma clínica predominante (63,5 %.A case-control study was conducted aimed at characterizing the ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD clinical and epidemiologically. The group of cases was made up of 52 patients discharged with the diagnosis of ischemic ictus, whereas the control group was composed of the same number of patients who did not suffer from it. It was determined a prevalence similar to that of other studies at world scale, with a higher incidence of the disease among white male patients aged 60 and over. The risk factors with statistical significance were sedentarism, inadequate diets, smoking and hypercholesterolemia. Arterial hypertension showed force of association as a family and personal history with 44.3 % for both. Cerebral thrombosis was the prevailing clinical form (63.5 %.

  16. Neuroimaging correlates of cognitive functioning in cerebrovascular disease


    Fernández-Andújar, Marina


    [spa] Los accidentes cerebrovasculares (ACV) son la tercera causa más común de muerte y la causa principal de discapacidad en adultos en los países desarrollados (Carmichael, 2012; Organización Mundial de la Salud, 2004). Concretamente, el ictus isquémico y las lesiones de sustancia blanca (LSB) frecuentemente dan lugar a múltiples secuelas neurológicas, deterioro cognitivo y alteraciones conductuales y emocionales (Gorelick et al., 2011; Troncoso et al., 2008). Los ACV son responsables de d...

  17. Cuidado popular de familias con un adulto mayor sobreviviente del primer accidente cerebrovascular

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    Lucero López-Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: el accidente cerebrovascular afecta a numerosas personas en el mundo y se constituye en la principal causa de muer- te. Los sobrevivientes pueden padecer discapacidad y sufrir modificaciones en las actividades cotidianas. La familia es el principal apoyo del sobreviviente y al ser parte de una misma cultura, construye acciones de cuidado en búsqueda del bienestar. Objetivo: describir las acciones del cuidado popular de las familias con un adulto mayor sobreviviente del primer accidente cerebrovascular. Método: estudio etnográfico, con observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad. Participaron siete familias bogotanas (siete adultos mayores entre los dos y diez meses posteriores al primer accidente cerebrovascular y los siete cuidadores principales respectivos. Resultados: cuidadores y adulto mayor comparten acciones de cuidado para la recuperación, relacionadas con la alimentación, el cuidado personal y la ingesta de medicamentos permeadas por la creencia religiosa, fuente de soporte y vínculo afectivo. Conclusión: conocer el cuidado popular de esta población posibilita proponer acciones culturalmente congruentes con sus valores y creencias para potencializar las ca- pacidades familiares e intermediar en los procesos de tratamiento.

  18. Interictal hyperperfusion in seizure focus during days after ictus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, J. M.; Hong, S. B.; Lee, K. H.; Choi, Y.; Choe, Y. S.; Kim, B. T.; Kim, S. E. [College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We retrospectively evaluated the temporal changes of the perfusion in seizure focus during days after ictus. Interictal {sup 99m}Tc-ECD SPECT images obtained I-14 days after ictal scan from 21 patients with intractable epilepsy (13 mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and 8 neocortical epilepsy) were analysed. On ictal SPECT all patients had hyperperfusion in seizure foci that were successfully resected subsequently. No patient had an ictal event before interictal SPECT. In 4 patients, interictal FDG PET were performed within 1 day of interictal SPECT. Asymmetry indices of perfusion (pAI) and metabolism (mAI) between seizure focus and contralateral region ((ipsilateral-contralateral)/(ipsilateral + contralateral)x 200%) were obtained on interictal SPECT and PET images, respectively. During I-14 days after ictus, 57% of the patients had interictal hyperperfusion (pAI> 5%) in seizure foci. There was a significant inverse correlation between time interval after ictus and pAI (rho=-0.59, p<0.01). The pAI became close to zero 4 days after ictus. Interictal FDG PET images obtained within 1 day of interictal SPECT from 4 patients who had interictal hyperperfusion (mean pAI=7.2{+-}3.1%) revealed metabolic decrease in seizure foci (mean mAI-36.6{+-}31.0%). We found interictal hyperperfusion in seizure focus during days after ictus in more than 50% of the patients. Thus one should be cautious when interpreting interictal scans obtained within several days after ictus. In addition, our results demonstrate a mismatch between perfusion and metabolism in seizure focus during days after ictus.

  19. Interictal hyperperfusion in seizure focus during days after ictus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, J. M.; Hong, S. B.; Lee, K. H.; Choi, Y.; Choe, Y. S.; Kim, B. T.; Kim, S. E.


    We retrospectively evaluated the temporal changes of the perfusion in seizure focus during days after ictus. Interictal 99m Tc-ECD SPECT images obtained I-14 days after ictal scan from 21 patients with intractable epilepsy (13 mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and 8 neocortical epilepsy) were analysed. On ictal SPECT all patients had hyperperfusion in seizure foci that were successfully resected subsequently. No patient had an ictal event before interictal SPECT. In 4 patients, interictal FDG PET were performed within 1 day of interictal SPECT. Asymmetry indices of perfusion (pAI) and metabolism (mAI) between seizure focus and contralateral region (ipsilateral-contralateral)/(ipsilateral + contralateral )x 200%) were obtained on interictal SPECT and PET images, respectively. During I-14 days after ictus, 57% of the patients had interictal hyperperfusion (pAI> 5%) in seizure foci. There was a significant inverse correlation between time interval after ictus and pAI (rho=-0.59, p<0.01). The pAI became close to zero 4 days after ictus. Interictal FDG PET images obtained within 1 day of interictal SPECT from 4 patients who had interictal hyperperfusion (mean pAI=7.2±3.1%) revealed metabolic decrease in seizure foci (mean mAI-36.6±31.0%). We found interictal hyperperfusion in seizure focus during days after ictus in more than 50% of the patients. Thus one should be cautious when interpreting interictal scans obtained within several days after ictus. In addition, our results demonstrate a mismatch between perfusion and metabolism in seizure focus during days after ictus

  20. Characterization of Ictus in the Long-lived Patient: A Decade of Study

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    Yainelí Cutiño Maás


    Full Text Available Background: the increase of longevity, together non-transmissible diseases, support the prediction of the occurrence of ictus as cause of death. Objective: to characterize lomg-lived patients who have suffered from ictus. Methods: it is a descriptive study which included 456, 90 year old or more patients, with the diagnosis of ictus admitted at the Hospital Gustavo Aldereguía Lima, from January 2005 to December 2014. The variables included were: age, sex, kind of ictus, toxic habits, personal pathologic antecedents and condition at discharge. Results: 5,41 % of the total admissions due to ictus corresponded to long-lived patients. Female sex was more representative with 58,6 %. Ischemic etiology with 91,4 %. Arterial hypertension (76, 1 % and ischemic cardiopathy (43, 9 % were the most frequent risk factors. Hospital death rate was 35,7 %. Conclusion: there is a progressive increase of the presentation of ictus in long-lived with higher prevalence in the female sex and a high hospital death rate.

  1. La atención hospitalaria al paciente con ictus en Cataluña: Resultados del «Primer Audit Clínic de l'Ictus. Catalunya, 2005/2006» In-hospital stroke care in Catalonia [Spain]: Results of the «First Clinical Audit of Stroke. Catalonia, 2005/2006»

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    Sònia Abilleira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Analizar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria al paciente con ictus en los hospitales públicos catalanes antes de la difusión de la Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC del ictus, estudiando el grado de adhesión a determinadas recomendaciones de la GPC. Métodos: Mediante revisión retrospectiva de historias clínicas de pacientes con ictus definidos mediante los códigos CIE-9 431, 433.x1, 434.x1, 436, e ingresados consecutivamente en 48 hospitales públicos catalanes en el primer semestre de 2005, se recogió información sobre distintos indicadores del proceso asistencial al ictus seleccionados según su evidencia científica o su importancia clínica. Los hospitales participantes reclutaron 20, 40 o 60 casos, según el número de ingresos/año. Se llevó a cabo una auditoría externa en el 9,3% de los casos reclutados en cada centro, tras selección aleatoria, para determinar la calidad de los datos recogidos. Los indicadores se agruparon en 6 perfiles relacionados con diferentes aspectos de la práctica clínica. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1.791 casos, un 53,9% hombres, con una media (desviación estándar de edad de 75,6 (12,4 años. La concordancia global entre observadores fue de 0,7. El cumplimiento de los perfiles asistenciales (porcentaje medio [intervalo de confianza del 95%] fue: calidad de la historia clínica, 78,5% (77,5-79,4; estándares de atención básica, 92,4% (91,5-93,2; evaluación neurológica, 38,3% (37,3-39,3; medidas iniciales del tratamiento rehabilitador, 44,9% (43,2-46,7; prevención y manejo de complicaciones, 68,4% (66,9-70, y medidas preventivas iniciales, 78,9% (77,3-80,4. Conclusiones: En 2005 la atención hospitalaria al ictus era mejorable, sobre todo los aspectos relacionados con la evaluación y el seguimiento neurológico del paciente y la rehabilitación.Objective: To determine the quality of in-hospital stroke care in public acute care hospitals in Catalonia before the implementation of a

  2. Citicoline for ischemic stroke: ICTUS trial

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    Vladimir Anatolyevich Parfenov


    Full Text Available The paper gives data available in the literature on the use of citicoline in an experimental model of ischemic stroke (IS and in randomized multicenter placebo-controlled trials. It analyzes the results of the ICTUS trial in which 2298 patients with IS who received randomly citicoline or placebo for 24 hours after the onset of symptoms (I000 mg intravenously every I2 hours during the first 3 days, then orally as one 500-mg tablet every 12 hours during 6 weeks. The results of the trial confirmed the safety of citicoline used in IS, but failed to show its significant advantage over placebo in reducing the degree of disability (global improvement 90 days later. However, to pool the results of the ICTUS trial with those of other randomized multicenter placebo-controlled studies demonstrates a significant decrease in the degree of disability in IS patients treated with citicoline.

  3. Enfermedad cerebrovascular en Colombia Cerebrovascular disease in Colombia

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    Federico A Silva


    Full Text Available Introducción: la enfermedad cerebrovascular constituye un problema de salud pública mundial. En Colombia es la cuarta causa de muerte en la población adulta y genera una alta discapacidad en estos pacientes. Objetivo: describir algunos resultados obtenidos por el grupo de Ciencias Neurovasculares de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia. Desarrollo y conclusiones: la enfermedad cerebrovascular es una entidad con una alta prevalencia en la población colombiana y genera discapacidad mental, motora y del lenguaje. Es necesaria la implementación de unidades de cuidado neurovascular con personal entrenado, protocolos definidos, tratamientos adecuados y tecnología de punta. En Colombia deben imponerse este tipo de unidades dentro del cuidado básico de los pacientes para disminuir la morbilidad, mortalidad y discapacidad generada en estos pacientes. La Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia es pionera en la implementación de este tipo de cuidados.Introduction: cerebrovascular disease constitutes a worldwide public health problem. In Colombia, it is the fourth leading cause of death in the adult population and generates high disability in these patients. Objective: to describe some results obtained by the Neurovascular Sciences group from the Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation. Development and conclusions: cerebrovascular disease has a high prevalence in the Colombian population and generates mental, motor, and language disabilities. The implementation of neurovascular care units with trained personnel, defined protocols, adequate treatments and high technology, are necessary. This kind of units must be imposed in Colombia as a basic care for these patients in order to decrease morbidity, mortality and disability. The Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation is pioneer in the implementation of these care units.

  4. Métodos para la evaluación motora objetiva de pacientes con daño cerebral adquirido en neurorrehabilitación funcional


    Villán Villán, Mailin Adriana


    El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) es una alteración de la actividad neuronal en áreas del cerebro que ocurre después del nacimiento. Las secuelas tras un episodio de DCA pueden ser motoras, cognitivas, sociales, entre otras, que pueden transformar la vida de los pacientes en los ámbitos educativo, laboral y familiar. Las causas del DCA pueden ser traumáticas y no traumáticas, siendo las más comunes el Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV) o Ictus y el Traumatismo Craneoencefálico (TCE). El ACV es la...

  5. La trombectomía mecánica en el tratamiento de accidentes cerebrovasculares (ACV en la fase aguda

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    Alain Bonafe


    Full Text Available En Francia, la incidencia anual de accidentes cerebro vasculares (ACV es de 1.6 a 2.4 por cada mil (1.000 personas, es decir entre 100.000 y 145.000 por año, con una mortalidad del 15 al 20% al cabo del primer mes y un 75% de personas sobrevivientes con secuelas. El tratamiento de preferencia es la Trombólisis IV (Intra Venosa con rt-PA (Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator - Activador del Plasminógeno Tisular Recombinante, el cual tiene una ventana de eficacia de 4 horas y media después del inicio de los síntomas. Sólo 2% de los pacientes eligibles para este tratamiento se benefician de una fibrinólisis por vía venosa. Las oclusiones de arterias de calibre grueso son responsables del 46% de los accidentes cerebrovasculares Isquémicos (ACVI y predicen una sobremortalidad y discapacidad funcional severa a los 6 meses. En ausencia de revascularización, la mitad de los ACVI de circulación anterior con oclusión arterial documentada fallece y solamente el 10% de ellos, tienen un buen pronóstico funcional a los tres meses. Algunas variables que han sido identificadas como predictoras de un mal pronóstico son: un puntaje clínico en la escala NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale - Escala del Ictus del Instituto Nacional de la Salud superior a 12 según Fischer 2005, una oclusión documentada de una arteria intracraneal, los fracasos y las contraindicaciones de la fibrinólisis intravenosa entre otros. Esta revisión busca presentar los mecanismos, la evaluación, la eficacia y las complicaciones reportadas por la literatura sobre la trombectomía mecánica.

  6. Clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Aspiration among patients who experienced a cerebrovascular accident Validación clínica del diagnóstico de enfermería riesgo de aspiración en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular Validação clínica do diagnóstico de enfermagem "risco de aspiração" em pacientes com acidente cerebrovascular

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    Tahissa Frota Cavalcante


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: the study's objective was the clinical validation of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Aspiration among patients who experienced cerebrovascular accidents (CVA. METHOD: a prospective cohort study was conducted with 24 patients hospitalized due to a CVA. The instrument used to collect the data addressed the risk factors for respiratory aspiration, validated by concept analysis and by experts. RESULTS: the most frequent risk factors for respiratory aspiration were: dysphagia (54.2% and impaired physical mobility (41.7%. The prevalence of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Aspiration was 58.3% and the prevalence of respiratory aspiration over the span of 48 hours (monitoring period was 37.5%. Risk factors for dysphagia and impaired physical mobility were significantly associated with respiratory aspiration. CONCLUSION: the risk factors dysphagia and impaired physical mobility are good predictors of the nursing diagnosis Risk for Aspiration. This study contributed to improving the NANDA-I Taxonomy and the systematization of the nursing process.OBJETIVO: el estudio tiene como objetivo la validación clínica del diagnóstico de enfermería riesgo de aspiración en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular. MÉTODO: un estudio de cohorte prospectivo desarrollado con 24 pacientes hospitalizados para el tratamiento del ictus agudo. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de datos contiene los factores de riesgo de aspiración respiratoria, validado en el análisis conceptual y por expertos. RESULTADOS: los factores de riesgo para aspiración respiratoria más presentes en los pacientes fueron: disfagia (54,2% y disminución de la movilidad física (41,7%. La prevalencia del diagnóstico de enfermería riesgo de aspiración fue del 58,3% y la prevalencia en 48 horas (el tiempo del seguimiento de la aspiración respiratoria fue de 37,5%. Los factores de riesgo disfagia y la disminución de la movilidad física se asociaron significativamente con

  7. Valor pronóstico del mapeo cerebral en la recuperación funcional del paciente con enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica Pronostic value of brain mapping in the functional recovery of patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease

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    Freddy Torres Candebat


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal y prospectivo de 22 pacientes con ictus isquémico, que fueron ingresados en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba desde enero de 2010 hasta igual mes de 2011, con vistas a establecer un pronóstico de recuperación funcional a partir del mapeo cerebral. Se realizó la valoración neurofisiológica y funcional mediante el índice de Barthel. En la serie estudiada la edad media fue de 57,2 años y predominó el sexo masculino. El mapeo cerebral se caracterizó por la presencia de actividad lenta (theta, delta y disminución de beta y alfa en regiones corticales ipsilaterales y contralaterales al territorio afectado por el foco isquémico; asimismo, la magnitud de estas alteraciones se correlacionó estrechamente con la ganancia funcional. La disminución de energía en las bandas alfa, asociada al incremento de esta en las bandas theta y delta, de tipo global, constituyeron índices de mal pronóstico rehabilitador.A longitudinal and prospective descriptive study was made in 22 patients with ischemic ictus that were admitted to "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from January, 2010 to the same month of 2011, aimed at establishing a prognosis of functional recovery from the cerebral mapping. A neurophysiological and functional evaluation was carried out by means of Barthel index. In the studied series the mean age was 57.2 years and the male sex prevailed. Cerebral mapping was characterized by the presence of slow activity (theta, delta and beta and alpha decreases in cortical ipsilateral and contralateral regions to the territory affected by the ischemic focus; likewise, the magnitude of these changes was closely correlated with the functional gain. The energy decrease in the alpha bands associated with its increment in the theta and delta bands, of global type, constituted rates of bad rehabilitation prognosis.

  8. Ocurrencia de enfermedad cerebrovascular en pacientes hipertensos

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    María de la Concepción Orbay Araña


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio para establecer la relación entre la hipertensión arterial esencial y la enfermedad cerebrovascular, en 19 consultorios del Médico de la Familia del Policlínico Plaza de la Revolución. Se aplicó una encuesta a pacientes reevaluados como hipertensos, confeccionándose una base de datos para tratamiento en el sistema FOXBASE versión 5.0. Aplicamos prueba de asociación entre variables cualitativas que se distribuyen en Chi cuadrado. Se identificó el comportamiento de la hipertensión arterial atendiendo a grados, los grupos etáreos, el sexo, la raza y los factores de riesgo asociados. Se estableció igualmente la relación entre el control de la hipertensión arterial y la aparición de la enfermedad cerebrovascular y encontramos un 15 % de población hipertensa, predominando la moderada (36,88 %, con mayor representación los grupos etáreos de 55 a 64 años (38,29 % y de 45 a 54 (23,16 %, del sexo femenino (55,02 % y de la raza blanca (54,04 %. La ocurrencia de enfermedad cerebrovascular estuvo representada por el 4, 35 %, correspondiente a 71 pacientes, con mayor asociación a la hipertensión arterial severa. No resultó significativamente estadística la relación entre enfermedad cerebrovascular e hipertensión arterial.A study was conducted to establish the relationship between essential arterial hypertension and cerebrovascular disease in 19 family physician offices of "Plaza de la Revolución" Polyclinic. Those patientes reevaluated as hypertensive were surveyed. A database for treatment was created in the FOXBASE system, version 5.0. A Chi square test of association among qualitative variables, which are distributed, was applied. The behavior of arterial hypertension was identified according to degrees, age groups, sex, race and the associated risk factors. The relation between the control of arterial hypertension and the appearance of cerebrovascular disease was also established. It was found a 15 % of

  9. Radioimmunoassay of serummyelin basic protein and its application to patients with cerebrovascular accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palfreyman, J.W.; Johnston, R.V.; Ratcliffe, J.G.; Forbes, G.D.; Thomas, D.G.T.


    Myelin basic protein-like immunoactivity was measured in the serum of patients after cerebrovascular accident (CVA) using a double antibody radioimmunoassay for myelin basic protein with a detection limit of 3 ng/ml serum. For up to 6 days after ictus, serum myelin basic protein levels in patients with severe CVA and patients who died as a result of CVA were significantly greater than those in control patients, patients with moderate CVA and patients surviving CVA. All patients with serum myelin basic protein levels greater than the range found in control subjects subsequently died. Serial dilutions of positive sera suggested that the immunoactivity differs from authentic myelin basic protein and may represent breakdown products of the protein. Serum from some patients with a previous history of moderate CVA had myelin basic protein binding activity consistent with the presence of antibodies to the protein. (Auth.)

  10. Evaluación del impacto de una trayectoria clínica sobre el ictus isquémico Impact of a clinical pathway for stroke patients

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    Margarita Esteve


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la introducción de una trayectoria clínica sobre la atención a los pacientes con un ictus isquémico. Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de intervención, controlado, sin asignación aleatoria, de seguimiento de 2 cohortes de pacientes, no coincidentes en el tiempo, correspondiente a los períodos inmediatamente anterior (grupo PRE o control y posterior (grupo POST o intervención a la introducción de la trayectoria clínica. Las principales medidas del resultado fueron: a indicadores de calidad asistencial; b mejora en la capacidad funcional (índice de Barthel y la función neurológica (escala Canadiense; c complicaciones intrahospitalarias; d satisfacción, y e estancia media. Resultados: Se reclutó a 139 pacientes, 69 correspondientes al período PRE y 70 al período POST, sin que se observaran diferencias significativas al ingreso entre ambos grupos. Se constató una reducción del 36,5% en el tiempo transcurrido desde el ingreso hasta el inicio de la movilización, aunque no se observaron diferencias significativas en los otros indicadores de calidad ni en el incremento de la función neurológica o la capacidad funcional. El porcentaje de individuos con alguna complicación durante el ingreso fue del 44,6% en el período PRE y del 28,6% en el período POST (p = 0,039. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la valoración global del cuestionario de satisfacción, pero los pacientes del período POST presentaron una mayor satisfacción en las dimensiones «información recibida» y «profesionalidad y confianza». La estancia media se redujo de 11 a 10 días. Conclusiones: La introducción de la trayectoria clínica del ictus isquémico puede contribuir a reducir el número de complicaciones y los días de estancia, así como mejorar la calidad de la atención y la satisfacción de los pacientes.Objective: To assess the impact of the implementation of a clinical pathway for stroke patients

  11. Evaluación en un paciente con ictus en fase crónica de un sistema autoadaptativo de neurorehabilitación robótica

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    Ricardo Morales


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este art́ıculo presenta un nuevo sistema de rehabilitación capaz de adaptarse al estado psicofisiológico del paciente durante tareas de rehabilitación robótica. Con este tipo de terapia se puede maximizar la motivación y participación del paciente durante la actividad de rehabilitación. En este trabajo se extienden los resultados del estudio presentado en (Badesa et al., 2014b, realizado con sujetos sanos, a su utilización con pacientes que hayan sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular. En una primera parte del art́ıculo se presentan los distintos componentes del sistema adaptativo, y se realiza una comparativa de distintas técnicas de aprendizaje automático para clasificar el estado psicofisiológico del paciente entre tres estados posibles: estresado, nivel de excitación media y relajado. Finalmente, se muestran los resultados del sistema autoadaptativo con un paciente con ictus en fase crónica, que modifica el comportamiento del robot de rehabilitación y de la tarea virtual en función de las medidas de las señales fisiológicas. Abstract: This paper presents a new rehabilitation system that is able to adapt its performance to patient's psychophysiological state during the execution of robotic rehabilitation tasks. Using this approach, the motivation and participation of the patient during rehabilitation activity can be maximized. In this paper, the results of the study with healthy subjects presented in (Badesa et al., 2014b have been extended for using them with patients who have suffered a stroke. In the first part of the article, the different components of the adaptive system are exposed, as well as a comparison of different machine learning techniques to classify the patient's psychophysiological state between three possible states: stressed, average excitation level and relaxed are presented. Finally, the results of the auto-adaptive system which

  12. Rehabilitació de l’extremitat superior en pacients amb ictus crònic mitjançant Realitat Virtual : revisió sistemàtica


    Jolis Rosell, Mireia


    L’ictus representa una de les principals causes de discapacitat en l’adult, comportant una disminució del nivell d’independència de la persona i la qualitat de vida. La Realitat Virtual (RV) és una teràpia que utilitza la tecnologia per a simular un entorn real generat per un ordinador, permetent la interacció i immersió de la persona dins un ambient simulat, mentre es rep un feedback sensorial multimodal. L’objectiu d’aquesta revisió sistemàtica és comprovar l’evidència de la realitat virtua...

  13. Anatomía humana y disfagia. Intervención logopédica en un caso de disfagia


    Valencia González, Beatriz


    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) está centrado en la intervención sobre la musculatura orofacial de una mujer de 88 años con dificultad motora tras sufrir un accidente cerebrovascular. Como secuela del ictus, la paciente presenta una afasia de Broca, disartria y disfagia orofaríngea todo ello sumado a las modificaciones anatómicas y funcionales propias de la tercera edad. Paralelamente, se presenta el estudio de las estructuras anatómicas que están implicadas en el proceso degl...

  14. Enfermedad cerebrovascular en mujeres: estado del arte y visión del cardiólogo

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    Johanna P. Contreras


    Full Text Available Resumen: La enfermedad cerebrovascular tiene varias denominaciones; en la actualidad se habla globalmente de ataque cerebrovascular, términos en los que se abarcan tanto manifestaciones hemorrágicas como isquémicas. Las mujeres son una población especial, con un riesgo relevante y mayores implicaciones pronósticas. Comparado con los hombres, comorbilidades como la hipertensión y la fibrilación auricular tienen mayor impacto vital y funcional en las mujeres. En el manejo no hay consideraciones que las diferencien de manera contundente, excepto en las mujeres embarazadas que requieren un ajuste especial al tratamiento, y en algunos casos no hay suficiente información para emitir una recomendación. Abstract: Cerebrovascular disease has several names and it is currently referred to as stroke, which encompasses hemorrhagic and ischemic manifestations. Women are a special population, with a relevant risk and greater prognostic implications. Comorbidities such as hypertension and atrial fibrillation have a greater impact at a vital and functional level, compared to men. Regarding management, there are no considerations that differentiate them in a definitive way, except in pregnant women (who require a special adjustment to the treatment, and in some cases there is not enough data to issue a recommendation. Palabras clave: Ataque cerebrovascular, Embarazo, Fibrilación auricular, Keywords: Stroke, Pregnancy, Atrial fibrillation

  15. Infartos cerebrales de repetición y anemia drepanocítica en un niño:: revisión de la literatura médica Repeated brain infarctions and sickle cell anemia in a child:: medical literature review

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    José Vargas Díaz


    Full Text Available Una de las complicaciones neurológicas más devastadoras de la anemia drepanocítica son los ictus, tanto isquémicos como hemorrágicos. El 11% de los pacientes con hemoglobina SS (HbSS tienen un ictus antes de los 20 años de edad. Se presenta el caso de un niño de 14 años, congolés, gravemente desnutrido, con anemia drepanocítica y antecedentes de ictus isquémicos de repetición, que fue atendido en la Clínica Internacional «Cira García». La resonancia magnética evidenció signos de infartos antiguos a diferentes niveles en ambos hemisferios y zonas de encefalomalacia. Este paciente muestra la evolución natural de las complicaciones cerebrovasculares de la anemia de células falciformes.Among the most devastating neurologic complications from sickle-cell anemia are the ischemic and hemorrhagic ictus. The 11% of patients with SS hemoglobin (HbSS has ictus before the twenties. This is the case of a child from the Congo aged 14 severely undernourished presenting with sickle-cell anemia and backgrounds of repeated ischemic ictus, seen in the "Cira García" International Clinic. Magnetic resonance showed signs of an old infarction at different levels of both hemispheres and encephalomalacia zones. This patient shows the natural course of the cerebrovascular complications of sickle-cell anemia.

  16. La enfermedad cerebrovascular en pacientes desde 29 días a 18 años de edad Cerebrovascular disease in patients from 29 days born to 18 years old

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    Nadia Arteche Díaz


    Full Text Available Introducción: la enfermedad cerebrovascular, tanto en adultos como en los niños, en los últimos años ha constituido un problema de gran interés para la comunidad médica y científica nacional e internacional. Objetivo: caracterizar la enfermedad cerebrovascular en pacientes desde 29 días de nacido hasta 18 años de edad. Material y método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y retroprospectiva de los pacientes atendidos en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Pedriático Docente "Pepe Portilla" en Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido de julio de 2005 a junio de 2011. La muestra estuvo consituida por 20 pacientes desde 29 de días de nacidos hasta 18 años de edad. Se revisaron las historias clínicas y se realizó una encuesta. Resultados: la tasa de incidencia anual más alta fue de 2,7 por 100 000 habitantes; el grupo de edad de mayor incidencia fue el de 5 a 14 años (2,2 por 100 000 habitantes; el diagnóstico más frecuente fue la hemorragia intracraneal (65 %; la evolución de los pacientes fue favorable con el tratamiento adecuado y solo cinco pacientes fallecieron debido a la enfermedad cerebrovascular (letalidad=25 % y se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico en un paciente con aneurisma de la carótida interna derecha, presentando evolución favorable sin secuelas neurológicas. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de los pacientes pediátricos con enfermedad cerebrovascular en la provincia de Pinar del Río, requiere de la aplicación de un programa de diagnóstico y manejo integral personalizado para permitir una evolución favorable, mejorando la calidad de vida del paciente.Introduction: cerebrovascular disease, both in adults and children, has constituted a problem of interest to the medical, national and international scientific community during last years. Objective: to characterize cerebrovascular disease in patients from 29 days born to 18 years old. Material and Method: a descriptive and retrospective

  17. Caracterización demográfica de cuidadores informales de ancianos con ictus y demencias en Santiago de Cuba / Demographic characterization of informal caretakers of ancient with ictus and dementias in Santiago de Cuba

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    Larissa Beatriz Turtós Carbonell


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó para caracterizar demográficamente a una población de cuidadores informales de pacientes con ictus y demencia, e identificar la relación estadística entre características demográficas y patologías asociadas a la tarea de cuidador. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo con 237 cuidadores. Se aplicó una Encuesta para obtener la información necesaria. El análisis de datos implicó estadística descriptiva y correlacional. El 71.7% de cuidadores fue mujer, el 28.3% hombre. La edad media es de 49.83 años, y el tiempo medio de dedicación a la tarea de 42.86 meses. El 49.4% de cuidadores son hijos o parejas del enfermo, el 50.6% tiene otros vínculos consanguíneos. El 53.2% es cuidador a tiempo completo, mientras 46.7% a tiempo parcial

  18. MR imaging of pontine infarction within 2 weeks after ictus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uchino, Akira; Hata, Hirofumi; Ohno, Masato (Kyushu Rosai Hospital, Fukuoka (Japan))


    Magnetic resonance (MR) images of 10 patients with pontine infarction were reviewed. A total of 17 examinations were performed on a 1.5 Tesla high-field scanner (GE) within two weeks after ictus. The infarcted area was detected by MR as early as 20 hours after stroke in one case. However, MR images obtained in two cases three and nine hours after onset were unremarkable. It is therefore suggested that follow-up study should be performed when initial MR images within 20 hours postictus are normal. T{sub 1}-weighted images at four, nine and twelve days after ictus were interpreted as normal. In two of these three examinations, the infarcted areas were clearly demonstrated as hyperintense lesions on T{sub 2}-weighted images. In the other examination, however, an area of mildly increased signal intensity was seen on T{sub 2}-weighted images. This case suggests that the fogging effect is also observed on MR imaging and that a small pontine infarction may be overlooked during the subacute stage. Basilar artery occlusion was detected as an absence-of-flow void in three of the ten patients. In conclusion, MR imaging proved to be a relatively useful diagnostic modality for evaluating acute and subacute pontine infarction. (author).

  19. Realidad virtual en el tratamiento del paciente con ictus post-isquémico. Revisión bibliográfica y narrativa.


    Vela Martínez, Daniela Elizabeth


    En España cada año hay 85000 nuevos casos de ictus isquémico. Entre sus secuelas está el déficit motor que afecta tanto a extremidades superiores como inferiores y su tratamiento fundamental es la rehabilitación. En la última década se han incorporado al proceso de rehabilitación nuevas tecnologías como es la realidad virtual. En este trabajo, mediante una revisión bibliográfica narrativa se pretende conocer lo publicado sobre la utilización de la realidad virtual junto al tratamient...

  20. Morbimortalidad por enfermedad cerebrovascular de tipo isquémica Morbimortality from ischemic stroke

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    Adianis González González


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades cerebrovasculares constituyen la tercera causa de muerte en Cuba y en la mayoría de los países desarrollados. Tiene estrecha relación su aparición y tórpida evolución con la existencia de enfermedades o factores de riesgo como: diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial, enfermedades cardíacas, accidentes vasculares encefálicos previos, tabaquismo y obesidad. La isquemia cerebral constituye la causa de la mayoría de los ictus, tanto de tipo trombótico como embólico; sus consecuencias causan postración e incapacidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo de aquellos pacientes admitidos en la Sala de Cuidados Especiales del Hospital “General Calixto García” en el período de enero a julio de 2006, con diagnóstico de enfermedad cerebrovascular, para identificar los factores de riesgo más frecuentes, evaluar los protocolos de actuación, definir grado de incapacidad al egreso, así como las causas más frecuentes de muerte. Encontramos que la enfermedad tuvo mayor incidencia en la 7ma. y 8va. décadas de la vida, los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron la hipertensión arterial y el antecedente de enfermedad cerebrovascular previa, los protocolos de actuación no fueron cumplidos debidamente por múltiples causas. Solo un 26,2 % estaba asintomático al alta desde el punto de vista funcional, el resto presentaba algún tipo de discapacidad. La causa de muerte más frecuente fue extraneurológica.Strokes are the third cause of death in Cuba and in most of the developed countries. Its appearance and torpid evolution are closely related to the existence of diseases or risk factors, such as: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, previous vascular encephalic accidents, smoking and obesity. Ischemic stroke is the cause of most of thrombotic and embolic strokes, whose consequences are prostration and disability. A cross-sectional descriptive study of those patients admitted in the special care ward of

  1. Marcadores Hemoquímicos de afectación al tejido nervioso como indicadores de daño en la hipertensión arterial esencial y en el ictus


    González García, Sergio


    En el presente trabajo se aborda la aplicabilidad clínica de las determinaciones séricas de algunos marcadores hemoquímicos de daño del SNC (NSE y S100B), inflamatorios (PCR, C3, C4 y AAT), de trombosis (fibrinógeno y DD) y de disfunción endotelial (μalb) en dos enfermedades íntimamente relacionadas, donde la afectación vascular constituye la base fisiopatológica: la HTA esencial y el ictus agudo. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue evaluar la utilidad de marcadores hemoquímicos c...

  2. Mortalidad intrahospitalaria por accidente cerebrovascular


    Federico Rodríguez Lucci; Virginia Pujol Lereis; Sebastián Ameriso; Guillermo Povedano; María F. Díaz; Alejandro Hlavnicka; Néstor A. Wainsztein; Sebastián F. Ameriso


    La mortalidad global por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) ha disminuido en las últimas tres décadas, probablemente debido a un mejor control de los factores de riesgo vascular. La mortalidad hospitalaria por ACV ha sido tradicionalmente estimada entre 6 y 14% en la mayoría de las series comunicadas. Sin embargo, los datos de ensayos clínicos recientes sugieren que esta cifra sería sustancialmente menor. Se revisaron datos de pacientes internados con diagnóstico de ACV del Banco de Datos de Str...

  3. How different are ICT-supported pedagogical practices from extensive and non-extensive ICT-using science teachers?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voogt, Joke


    This paper aims to understand the differences between characteristics of ICT-supported pedagogical practices of grade 8 science teachers of extensive and non-extensive ICT-using science teachers. The differences of the pedagogical practices are described in terms of innovative and traditionally

  4. Early Invasive Versus Selective Strategy for Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: The ICTUS Trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoedemaker, N.P.G.; Damman, P.; Woudstra, P.; Hirsch, A.; Windhausen, F.; Tijssen, J.G.; Winter, R.J. de; Verheugt, F.W.A.; et al.,


    BACKGROUND: The ICTUS (Invasive Versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable Coronary Syndromes) trial compared early invasive strategy with a selective invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) and an elevated cardiac troponin T. No long-term

  5. Early Invasive Versus Selective Strategy for Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: The ICTUS Trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoedemaker, Niels P. G.; Damman, Peter; Woudstra, Pier; Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; de Winter, Robbert J.; Peters, R. J. G.; Dunselman, P. H. J. M.; Verheugt, F. W. A.; Janus, C. L.; Umans, V.; Bendermacher, P. E. F.; Michels, H. R.; Sadé e, A.; Hertzberger, D.; de Miliano, P. A. R. M.; Liem, A. H.; Tjon Joe Gin, R.; van der Linde, M.; Lok, D.; Hoedemaker, G.; Pieterse, M.; van den Merkhof, L.; Danië ls, M.; van Hessen, M.; Hermans, W.; Schotborgh, C. E.; de Zwaan, C.; Bredero, A.; de Jaegere, P.; Janssen, M.; Louwerenburg, J.; Veerhoek, M.; Schalij, M.; de Porto, A.; Zijlstra, F.; Winter, J.; de Feyter, P.; Robles de Medina, R.; Withagen, P.; Sedney, M.; Thijssen, H.; van Rees, C.; van den Bergh, P.; de Cock, C.; van 't Hof, A.; Suttorp, M. J.; Windhausen, F.; Cornel, J. H.


    The ICTUS (Invasive Versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable Coronary Syndromes) trial compared early invasive strategy with a selective invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) and an elevated cardiac troponin T. No long-term benefit of an

  6. Signos Vitales de los CDC–Prevención de muertes por accidentes cerebrovasculares (Preventing Stroke Deaths)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de septiembre del 2017 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Cada año, más de 140 000 personas mueren y muchos sobrevivientes quedan con discapacidades. El ochenta por ciento de los accidentes cerebrovasculares son prevenibles. Conozca los signos de un accidente cerebrovascular y sepa cómo prevenirlo.  Created: 9/6/2017 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/6/2017.

  7. Resultados del tratamiento fisioterapéutico mediato en pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular Results from the immediate physiotherapeutic treatment in patients diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease

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    Enrique Arce Morera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio que comienza prospectivo, pero continúa y termina descriptivo sobre la enfermedad cerebrovascular, con los casos nuevos que fueron tratados en el Servicio de Rehabilitación Municipal de Artemisa en el año 2008, con el objetivo general de describir los resultados del tratamiento mediato. De un universo de 46 pacientes, la muestra tomada consistió en 25 pacientes, y como la población fue pequeña, se tomaron los catalogados como hemiparéticos, para comparar su evolución clínica al cabo de 6 meses de tratamiento normado e individualizado. Para comparar su grado de efectividad se utilizó la dócima de Mc Nemar o método de los 4 cuadros, utilizado en muestras pequeñas para buscar significación estadística y que los valores obtenidos no se deban al azar. En cuanto a los resultados: de los 14 casos que recibieron tratamiento de rehabilitación en etapas mediatas, 9 de ellos (63,7 % tuvieron mejoría clínica evidente al pasar al estadio de solo presentar signos neurológicos mínimos (definición operacional de variable. Hubo un predominio del grupo perteneciente al sexo masculino con un total de 30 casos, el 37 % estuvo en edades comprendidas entre 60 y 69 años, y el estadio clínico de hemiparéticos predominó de todos los casos (54,6 %.A prospective study was conducted which start and end in a descriptive way on the cerebrovascular disease with the new cases treated in the Municipal Rehabilitation Service of Artemisa municipality during 2008, with the general objective of to describe the results from the mediate treatment. From a universe including 40 patients, the sample was of 25 patients and due to the population was small; we selected those considered hemiparetic to compare its clinical course at 6 months of standardized and individualized treatment. To compare its effectiveness degree we used the McNemar's docime or the method of four pictures used in small samples to seek a statistic significance and that

  8. Spolupráce sester agentury domácí péče a rodinných příslušníků v péči o pacienta po cévní mozkové příhodě


    SILOVSKÁ, Petra


    Cerebrovascular accident means acute vascular brain damage. It may have various causes. This includes either blocking of a vein with a blood clot, vasoconstriction or combination of the aforementioned causes. Frequent symptoms of CVA are paralysis, weakness, loss of sensitivity in face or on one side of a limb. Another symptom may be speech disturbance. Cerebrovascular accident may be identified as brain ischemia and hemorrhagic ictus. The thesis includes characteristics and symptoms of the a...

  9. Impacto del síndrome metabólico en la resistencia a la recanalización arterial y en el pronóstico de los pacientes con oclusión aguda de la arteria cerebral media tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno


    Dorado Bouix, Laura


    La recanalización arterial precoz es un punto clave para alcanzar un buen pronóstico funcional tras un ictus isquémico. El síndrome metabólico (SM) podría jugar un papel en la evolución de los pacientes con ictus isquémico tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno (tPA) por vía sistémica (a) por su asociación a un estado protrombótico que podría interferir en la recanalización arterial inducida por tPA y (b) porque varias de las alteraciones metabólicas que acompañan al SM podrían contr...

  10. Mortalidad intrahospitalaria por accidente cerebrovascular

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    Federico Rodríguez Lucci


    Full Text Available La mortalidad global por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV ha disminuido en las últimas tres décadas, probablemente debido a un mejor control de los factores de riesgo vascular. La mortalidad hospitalaria por ACV ha sido tradicionalmente estimada entre 6 y 14% en la mayoría de las series comunicadas. Sin embargo, los datos de ensayos clínicos recientes sugieren que esta cifra sería sustancialmente menor. Se revisaron datos de pacientes internados con diagnóstico de ACV del Banco de Datos de Stroke de FLENI y los registros institucionales de mortalidad entre los años 2000 y 2010. Los subtipos de ACV isquémicos se clasificaron según criterios TOAST y los ACV hemorrágicos en hematomas intrapanquimatosos, hemorragias subaracnoideas aneurismáticas, malformaciones arteriovenosas y otros hematomas intraparenquimatosos. Se analizaron 1514 pacientes, 1079 (71% con ACV isquémico (grandes vasos 39%, cardioembólicos 27%, lacunares 9%, etiología indeterminada 14%, otras etiologías 11% y 435 (29% con ACV hemorrágico (intraparenquimatosos 27%, hemorragia subaracnoidea 30%, malformaciones arteriovenosas 25% y otros hematomas espontáneos 18%. Se registraron 38 muertes intrahospitalarias (17 ACV isquémicos y 21 ACV hemorrágicos, representando una mortalidad global del 2.5% (1.7% en ACV isquémicos y 4.8% en ACV hemorrágicos. No se registraron muertes asociadas al uso de fibrinolíticos endovenosos. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria en pacientes con ACV isquémico y hemorrágico en nuestro centro fue baja. El manejo en un centro dedicado a las enfermedades neurológicas y el enfoque multidisciplinario por personal médico y no médico entrenado en el cuidado de la enfermedad cerebrovascular podrían explicar, al menos en parte, estos resultados.

  11. Usefulness of the admission electrocardiogram to predict long-term outcomes after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 [FIR] Trials)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damman, Peter; Holmvang, Lene; Tijssen, Jan G P


    Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC II), Invasive Versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable Coronary Syndromes (ICTUS), and Randomized Intervention Trial of Unstable Angina 3 (RITA-3) patient-pooled database, 5,420 patients with NSTE-ACS with qualitative ECG data, of whom 2,901 had quantitative data...... the addition of quantitative characteristics to a model including qualitative characteristics. In conclusion, in the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 NSTE-ACS patient-pooled data set, admission ECG characteristics provided long-term prognostic value for cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction. Quantitative...

  12. Terapéuticas intervencionistas para el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico


    Alejandra T. Rabadán; Luciano Sposato; Claudio Mazia


    En los últimos 20 años se han desarrollado nuevas opciones para el tratamiento y para la prevención del accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) isquémico, muchas de ellas de carácter intervencionista, tales como la endarterectomía carotídea y la trombolisis intravenosa con activador tisular del plasminógeno. La evidencia científica ha llevado a su difusión y utilización en países desarrollados mientras que en naciones emergentes se observa un retraso en su adopción. Otras modalidades terapéuticas que...

  13. How different are ICT-supported pedagogical practices from extensive and non-extensive ICT-using science teachers?


    Voogt, Joke


    This paper aims to understand the differences between characteristics of ICT-supported pedagogical practices of grade 8 science teachers of extensive and non-extensive ICT-using science teachers. The differences of the pedagogical practices are described in terms of innovative and traditionally important practice orientations. The innovative practice orientation reflects a demand for education in an information society (e.g. communication skills; ability to learn at own pace), while the tradi...

  14. Arterial Spin Labeling and Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent MRI Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Cerebrovascular Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Smeeing, Diederik P J; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Petersen, Esben T


    BACKGROUND: The cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) results of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI studies performed in patients with cerebrovascular disease (steno-occlusive vascular disease or stroke) were systematically reviewed. SUMMARY: Thirty-one articles...... found a significant lower ASL CVR in the ipsilateral hemispheres of patients compared to controls. KEY MESSAGES: This review brings support for a reduced BOLD and ASL CVR in the ipsilateral hemisphere of patients with cerebrovascular disease. We suggest that future studies will be performed in a uniform...... way so reference values can be established and could be used to guide treatment decisions in patients with cerebrovascular disease....

  15. Factores de riesgo de los ictus arteriales isquémicos en la infancia Risk factors of arterial ischemic strokes in children

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    José Vargas Díaz


    Full Text Available Los ictus isquémicos infantiles pueden ocurrir en territorio arterial, la mayoría de ellos en la zona carotídea. Menos frecuentemente se presentan obstrucciones senovenosas, cuyo diagnóstico requiere adecuados índices de sospecha y técnicas de diagnóstico por la imagen capaces de detectarlas. Existen múltiples factores de riesgo genéticos y adquiridos relacionados con los ictus isquémicos. Las enfermedades cardíacas, los trastornos de la coagulación sanguínea, la anemia de células falciformes, las infecciones, el síndrome moyamoya, la disección arterial y otros trastornos genéticos infrecuentes, están entre los factores de riesgo más frecuentemente documentados. Las obstrucciones senovenosas parecen estar más relacionadas con infecciones de la cabeza o cuello, deshidratación, complicaciones perinatales y trastornos de la coagulación. Existe además la posibilidad de que varios de estos factores actúen al unísono en un paciente con ictus. La identificación y posible control de los factores de riesgo de los ictus infantiles son motivo de intensa investigación multicéntrica, en un intento de esclarecer la fisiopatogenia y verdadera relación causal de estos.Ischemic stroke in children may occur in the arterial area, most of them in the carotid zone. The sinovenous obstructions, whose diagnosis requires proper rates of suspicion and imaging diagnostic techniques capable of detecting them are less common. There are many genetic and acquired risk factors related to ischemic stroke. Cardiac diseases, blood coagulation disorders, sickle cell anemia, infections, moyamoya syndrome, arterial dissection, and other rare genetic disorders, are among the most frequent documented risk factors. Sinovenous obstructions seem to be connected with head or neck infections, dehydratation, perinatal complications, and coagulation disorders. There is also the possibility that many of these factors act at the same time on the patient with

  16. A Longitudinal Study of Transitions Between Informal and Formal Care in Alzheimer Disease Using Multistate Models in the European ICTUS Cohort.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coley, N.; Gallini, A.; Gares, V.; Gardette, V.; Andrieu, S.; Olde Rikkert, M.G.M.; et al.,


    BACKGROUND: We aimed to describe longitudinal patterns of care in community-dwelling European patients with Alzheimer disease (AD), and determine patient-, caregiver-, and country-related predictors of transitions across different care levels. METHODS: Two-year follow-up data from ICTUS cohort (1375

  17. Muertes por enfermedades cardiacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares prevenibles - (Preventable Deaths from Heart Disease and Stroke)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de septiembre del 2013 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Más de 800,000 personas en los Estados Unidos mueren cada año a causa de enfermedades cardiacas y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Aprenda cómo controlar todos los principales factores de riesgo.  Created: 9/3/2013 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   Date Released: 9/3/2013.

  18. Bilateral cerebrovascular accidents in incontinentia pigmenti. (United States)

    Fiorillo, Loretta; Sinclair, D Barry; O'Byrne, Mary L; Krol, Alfons L


    Incontinentia Pigmenti is an X-linked dominant neurocutaneous disorder with central nervous system manifestations in 30% of cases, including seizures and mental retardation. Ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accidents have been reported rarely in incontinentia pigmenti. Chart review and literature search was performed following identification of the index case. We describe a patient with incontinentia pigmenti who developed bilateral cerebrovascular accidents in the neonatal period, with resultant severe neurologic sequelae. This is the second reported case of bilateral cerebrovascular accidents in a patient with incontinentia pigmenti. This finding may be secondary to cerebrovascular anomalies, similar to those observed in the retina. Recognition of cerebrovascular accidents as a complication of incontinentia pigmenti will hopefully lead to earlier recognition and treatment.

  19. Grado de discapacidad en pacientes hemipléjicos del "Policlínico Docente Universitario del Cerro" Evaluation of disability in hemiplegic patients from Cerro university teaching polyclinic

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    Abel Estévez Perera


    Full Text Available Introducción: la hemiplejía como consecuencia de un ictus constituye una importante causa de discapacidad. La continuidad y calidad en el proceso rehabilitador supone mejores perspectivas en el pronóstico de los pacientes. Objetivo: evaluar el grado de discapacidad en los pacientes hemipléjicos del área de salud del Policlínico Docente Universitario del Cerro. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal en los pacientes que acudieron consecutivamente al área de rehabilitación del citado policlínico, desde septiembre de 2009 hasta julio de 2011. La muestra estuvo constituida por 124 hemipléjicos por enfermedad cerebrovascular mayores de 15 años, los cuales fueron evaluados con la Escala de Discapacidad de Rosetón. Se excluyeron los enfermos con afasia sensorial o mixta y aquellos que se negaron a participar. Resultados: en 84 (67,8 % pacientes se encontró independencia para la orientación y predominó la semidependencia para el desplazamiento y las necesidades físicas. Para la higiene personal, 48 (38,7 % pacientes resultaron ser dependientes. La falta de motivación para ocupar el tiempo libre se encontró en 92 (74,2 % pacientes, casi siempre por dificultades en la convivencia y en las relaciones familiares. Conclusiones: el grado de discapacidad de los pacientes hemipléjicos evaluados viene dado por la semidependencia en el desplazamiento y las necesidades físicas y la dependencia para el autocuidado. Las dificultades en la convivencia y las relaciones familiares interfieren en la motivación del paciente para ocupar el tiempo libre.Introduction: hemiplegia is an important cause of disability as a result of a stroke. The persistence and quality of the rehabilitative process lead to better results in the patient prognosis. Objective: to evaluate the extent of disability in hemiplegic patients from the health area under "Cerro" university teaching polyclinics. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in

  20. Serum homocysteine levels in cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Zongte, Zolianthanga; Shaini, L; Debbarma, Asis; Singh, Th Bhimo; Devi, S Bilasini; Singh, W Gyaneshwar


    Hyperhomocysteinemia has been considered an independent risk factor in the development of stroke. The present study was undertaken to evaluate serum homocysteine levels in patients with cerebrovascular accidents among the Manipuri population and to compare with the normal cases. Ninety-three cerebrovascular accident cases admitted in the hospital were enrolled for the study and twenty-seven age and sex matched individuals free from cerebrovascular diseases were taken as control group. Serum homocysteine levels were estimated by ELISA method using Axis homocysteine EIA kit manufactured by Ranbaxy Diagnostic Ltd. India. The finding suggests that hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with cerebrovascular accident with male preponderance, which increases with advancing age. However, whether hyperhomocysteinemia is the cause or the result of cerebrovascular accidents needs further investigations.


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    Gloria Cárcamo-Portillo


    Full Text Available Los lipomas intracraneales son lesiones infrecuentes y benignas que representan el 0,03 al 0,08% de todas las masas intracraneales. Estos se encuentran relacionados a un defecto de la línea media debido a un mal cierre del tubo neural; lo que conlleva a una mala diferenciación y una persistencia anormal de la meninge primitiva con posterior diferenciación al tejido adiposo. La mitad de los casos permanecen asintomáticos y son diagnosticados como un hallazgo incidental en los estudios imagenológicos. Sin embargo, otros casos se asocian a sintomatología neurológica como retraso psicomotor, cefalea, epilepsia y parálisis cerebral. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 46 años de edad, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2; que cursa con sintomatología de Evento Cerebrovascular Isquémico por lo que le realizan –una Tomografía Computarizada (TC y una Resonancia Magnética (RM. En el reporte se describen múltiples infartos a nivel del hemisferio cerebral izquierdo mientras que al nivel de la línea media se observó una imagen compatible con lipoma cerebral que afectaba el rostro, la rodilla y la porción anterior del cuerpo calloso. La identificación de este hallazgo fue incidental. Palabras claves: Lipoma Cerebral; Cuerpo Calloso; Resonancia Magnética; Accidente Cerebrovascular. (Fuente: DeCS BIREME.

  2. Fibroelastoma valvular aórtico como causa de accidente cerebrovascular embólico: Reporte de un caso




    Los tumores cardíacos son una causa rara de accidente cerebrovascular embólico. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente de 65 años quien debuta su historia con un accidente cerebrovascular. El estudio de fuente embólica con ecocardiografía transesofágica demostró un fibroelastoma de la válvula aórtica en el borde libre del velo no coronariano. El tumor fue extraído mediante circulación extracorpórea. El estudio anatomopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico y la paciente se encuentra en capacidad func...

  3. Tomografía axial computarizada en pacientes con enfermedades cerebrovasculares hemorrágicas Computerized axial tomography in patients with hemorrhagic cerebrovascular diseases

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    Solángel Bolaños Vaillant


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 196 pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica, que abarcó desde enero del 2004 hasta igual mes del 2005 en el Hospital Provincial Docente “Saturnino Lora” de Santiago de Cuba, a los cuales se indicó una tomografía axial computarizada. Al relacionar las imágenes tomográficas con los síntomas y signos presentados por los enfermos, se halló lenguaje tropeloso en todos ellos; predominio de hematomas intraparenquimatosos, generalmente en ganglios basales y región temporal, así como primacía de la hipertensión arterial entre los antecedentes patológicos más importantes. Se concluyó que la tomografía axial computarizada es un medio para diagnóstico certero en las urgencias médicas por esa grave afección.A descriptive and cross sectional study of 196 patients with cerebrovascular hemorrhagic disease was carried out from January, 2004 to the same month of 2005 in "Saturnino Lora" Teaching Provincial Hospital from Santiago de Cuba, to whom a computerized axial tomography was indicated. When relating the tomographic images with the symptoms and signs which they presented, trouble speaking was detected in all of them; prevalence of intraparenchymatous hematomas, generally in basal ganglia and temporal region, as well as prevalence of hypertension among the most important pathological history. It was concluded that computarized axial tomography is a mean for precise diagnosis in medical emergencies due to that serious disorder.

  4. Atención primaria de salud en la Enfermedad Cerebrovascular

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    Keidy Sabater Bueno


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo-descriptivo para evaluar las acciones de salud que el Médico de la Familia realizó sobre los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular y que fallecieron por ese motivo en el Área de Salud "Carlos Verdugo", Matanzas, durante los años 1994 y 1995. Se estudiaron 50 fallecidos en entrevista médico-familiar; se obtuvieron los datos de, edad, sexo y antecedentes patológicos personales que recogieron: enfermedades crónicas y factores de riesgo; dispensarización, que recogió número de controles realizados en los últimos 12 meses que precedieron a la defunción ya fueran en consultas, visitas de terreno y visitas integrales, así como el cumplimiento del tratamiento indicado. Se encontró que se dispensarizaron en el 100 % de los fallecidos la hipertensión arterial, la cardiopatía isquémica, la obesidad y la hiperlipidemia. El 72,4 % (12 fallecidos recibió entre 1 y 3 controles en consultas. El 79,3 % (16 fallecidos recibió entre 1 y 3 controles en visitas de terreno y el 100 % se controló entre 1 y 3 ocasiones en visitas integrales a la familia. Se concluyó que el cumplimiento del tratamiento indicado para la enfermedad cerebrovascular, los factores de riesgo y enfermedades crónicas no fue satisfactorio en el grupo estudiado. Se recomienda realizar un mayor número de controles en la atención primaria a los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular sobre todo cuando en la dispensarización se encuentra la asociación hipertensión arterial, hábito de fumar y mayores de 65 años.A retrospective descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the health actions taken by the family physician in connection with those patients that suffered from cerebrovascular disease and died due to this cause in the "Carlos Verdugo" health area, Matanzas, during 1994 and 1995. 50 dead patients were studied through doctor relative interviews. The following data were obtained: age, sex, personal pathological history

  5. Serum homocysteine levels in cerebrovascular accidents


    Zongte, Zolianthanga; Shaini, L.; Debbarma, Asis; Singh, Th Bhimo; Devi, S. Bilasini; Singh, W. Gyaneshwar


    Hyperhomocysteinemia has been considered an independent risk factor in the development of stroke. The present study was undertaken to evaluate serum homocysteine levels in patients with cerebrovascular accidents among the Manipuri population and to compare with the normal cases. Ninety-three cerebrovascular accident cases admitted in the hospital were enrolled for the study and twenty-seven age and sex matched individuals free from cerebrovascular diseases were taken as control group. Serum h...

  6. The ICTUS Study: A Prospective longitudinal observational study of 1,380 AD patients in Europe. Study design and baseline characteristics of the cohort.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reynish, E.; Cortes, F.; Andrieu, S.; Cantet, C.; Olde Rikkert, M.G.M.; Melis, R.J.F.; Froelich, L.; Frisoni, G.B.; Jonsson, L.; Visser, P.J.; Ousset, P.J.; Vellas, B.


    The long-term objective of the ICTUS study is to identify milestones in Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression and to develop a model to predict disease course in individual AD patients in Europe. The secondary objectives are to describe the patterns of prescribing, and the socioeconomic impact of AD

  7. Modificación de conocimientos y estilos de vida en adultos mayores con enfermedad cerebrovascular Modification to knowledge and lifestyles in older adults with cerebrovascular diseases

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    Leidys Proenza Fernández


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de intervención educativa en 26 pacientes mayores de 60 años pertenecientes a los Consultorios Médicos de Familia 5 y 16 de la Policlínica III "René Vallejo Ortiz" de Manzanillo, desde mayo del 2010 hasta igual mes del 2011, a fin de modificar sus conocimientos y estilos de vida sobre los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad cerebrovascular. Se confeccionó un formulario y una encuesta con vistas a determinar las necesidades de aprendizaje sobre el tema y se utilizó la prueba de los signos para la validación estadística de los hallazgos. En la casuística, el factor de riesgo predominante resultó ser la hipertensión arterial. Además, se comprobó que después de la aplicación del programa educativo mejoró el nivel de conocimientos sobre el tema y fue modificado el estilo de vida de estos adultos mayores.A quasi-experimental study of educational intervention was carried out in 26 patients older than 60 years from the Doctor's Offices 5 and 16 belonging to "René Vallejo Ortiz" Polyclinic III in Manzanillo, from May 2010 to May 2011, in order to modify their knowledge and lifestyles about risk factors for cerebrovascular disease. A questionnaire and a survey were made to determine the needs of learning on the subject and the sign test was used for the statistical validation of findings. In the case series the predominant risk factor was found to be hypertension. Furthermore, it was confirmed that after the implementation of the educational program the level of knowledge about the subject improved and the lifestyle of these older adults was modified.

  8. Hipertensión arterial sistólica. Impacto sobre la enfermedad cerebrovascular.

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    María C. Valle Campo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: La aterosclerosis es un proceso multifactorial sobre el cual actúan varios factores de riesgo. Constituye la principal causa de muerte y de morbilidad en ingresados hospitalarios, y puede ocasionar una acentuada disminución del flujo sanguíneo hacia todos los órganos del cuerpo humano
    : Determinar el impacto de la hipertensión arterial sistólica sobre la enfermedad cerebrovascular.
    : Se realizó un estudio transversal, observacional y analítico, en 59 fallecidos hipertensos. Se analizaron las arterias cerebrales y se cuantificó la lesión aterosclerótica y su variedad, aplicándose el sistema aterométrico, teniendo en cuenta los tipos de hipertensión arterial. Se emplearon procedimientos estadísticos (medidas de tendencia central y comparativos (prueba de comparación de media aritmética basadas en el test “t” de student.
    Resultados: Los infartos cerebrales recientes fueron más frecuentes en hipertensos sistodiastólicos. No hubo diferencia significativa en cuanto a la edad en el momento de aparición de las lesiones para ambos sexos, pero las mujeres con hipertensión sistólica, fueron significativamente más dañadas desde el punto de vista morfométrico. Se observó correlación significativa para ambos grupos de hipertensos entre tipo de accidente cerebrovascular y variables del sistema aterométrico. Conclusiones: La hipertensión arterial sistólica es un factor importante en la génesis de la enfermedad vasculocerebral y está asociada con la progresión de la placa de ateroma.


    Background: Atherosclerosis is a multifactor process in which several risk factors are involved. It is the leading cause of death and morbidity in hospital admitted patients, and it may cause

  9. Cerebrovascular accidents in patients with a ventricular assist device. (United States)

    Tsukui, Hiroyuki; Abla, Adib; Teuteberg, Jeffrey J; McNamara, Dennis M; Mathier, Michael A; Cadaret, Linda M; Kormos, Robert L


    A cerebrovascular accident is a devastating adverse event in a patient with a ventricular assist device. The goal was to clarify the risk factors for cerebrovascular accident. Prospectively collected data, including medical history, ventricular assist device type, white blood cell count, thrombelastogram, and infection, were reviewed retrospectively in 124 patients. Thirty-one patients (25%) had 48 cerebrovascular accidents. The mean ventricular assist device support period was 228 and 89 days in patients with and without cerebrovascular accidents, respectively (P cerebrovascular accidents occurred within 4 months after implantation. Actuarial freedom from cerebrovascular accident at 6 months was 75%, 64%, 63%, and 33% with the HeartMate device (Thoratec Corp, Pleasanton, Calif), Thoratec biventricular ventricular assist device (Thoratec Corp), Thoratec left ventricular assist device (Thoratec), and Novacor device (WorldHeart, Oakland, Calif), respectively. Twenty cerebrovascular accidents (42%) occurred in patients with infections. The mean white blood cell count at the cerebrovascular accident was greater than the normal range in patients with infection (12,900/mm3) and without infection (9500/mm3). The mean maximum amplitude of the thrombelastogram in the presence of infection (63.6 mm) was higher than that in the absence of infection (60.7 mm) (P = .0309). The risk of cerebrovascular accident increases with a longer ventricular assist device support period. Infection may activate platelet function and predispose the patient to a cerebrovascular accident. An elevation of the white blood cell count may also exacerbate the risk of cerebrovascular accident even in patients without infection. Selection of device type, prevention of infection, and meticulous control of anticoagulation are key to preventing cerebrovascular accident.

  10. Ambient Temperature and Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics in the Elderly. (United States)

    Pan, Wen-Chi; Eliot, Melissa N; Koutrakis, Petros; Coull, Brent A; Sorond, Farzaneh A; Wellenius, Gregory A


    Some prior studies have linked ambient temperature with risk of cerebrovascular events. If causal, the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying this putative association remain unknown. Temperature-related changes in cerebral vascular function may play a role, but this hypothesis has not been previously evaluated. We evaluated the association between ambient temperature and cerebral vascular function among 432 participants ≥65 years old from the MOBILIZE Boston Study with data on cerebrovascular blood flow, cerebrovascular resistance, and cerebrovascular reactivity in the middle cerebral artery. We used linear regression models to assess the association of mean ambient temperature in the previous 1 to 28 days with cerebrovascular hemodynamics adjusting for potential confounding factors. A 10°C increase in the 21-day moving average of ambient temperature was associated with a 10.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2%, 17.3%) lower blood flow velocity, a 9.0% (95% CI, 0.7%, 18.0%) higher cerebrovascular resistance, and a 15.3% (95%CI, 2.7%, 26.4%) lower cerebral vasoreactivity. Further adjustment for ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) did not materially alter the results. However, we found statistically significant interactions between ambient temperature and PM2.5 such that the association between temperature and blood flow velocity was attenuated at higher levels of PM2.5. In this elderly population, we found that ambient temperature was negatively associated with cerebral blood flow velocity and cerebrovascular vasoreactivity and positively associated with cerebrovascular resistance. Changes in vascular function may partly underlie the observed associations between ambient temperature and risk of cerebrovascular events.

  11. Aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho

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    Rebeca Manrique


    Full Text Available Varón de 60 años con antecedente de hipertensión arterial, diagnosticado incidentalmente de aneurisma del seno de Valsalva derecho de 7 cm con insuficiencia aórtica ligera. Bajo circulación extracorpórea y pinzamiento aórtico se reseca el aneurisma y se reconstruye el defecto con un parche de prótesis Dacron Hemashield Platinum® (Maquet, Rastatt, Alemania, reimplantando el ostium coronario derecho y realizando derivación aortocoronaria a primera marginal con vena safena (hallazgo en cateterismo preoperatorio. La ecocardiografía intraoperatoria objetivó insuficiencia aórtica trivial residual. Como complicación postoperatoria presentó ictus en el territorio de la cerebral media izquierda, con restitutio ad integrum.

  12. Blunt cerebrovascular injuries in trauma. (United States)

    Eastham, Shannon


    Blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI) includes trauma to the carotid or vertebral vessels and is noted in 0.1% of hospitalized trauma patients without an initial screening system in place. Several important topics must be addressed including determination of the appropriate screening population, the best modality of screening for diagnosis, treatment types, and required follow-up of blunt cerebrovascular injuries. Copyright © 2015 IJS Publishing Group Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Migraine, cerebrovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome

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    Alexandra J Sinclair


    Full Text Available Evidence is emerging that migraine is not solely a headache disorder. Observations that ischemic stroke could occur in the setting of a migraine attack, and that migraine headaches could be precipitated by cerebral ischemia, initially highlighted a possibly association between migraine and cerebrovascular disease. More recently, large population-based studies that have demonstrated that migraineurs are at increased risk of stroke outside the setting of a migraine attack have prompted the concept that migraine and cerebrovascular disease are comorbid conditions. Explanations for this association are numerous and widely debated, particularly as the comorbid association does not appear to be confined to the cerebral circulation as cardiovascular and peripheral vascular disease also appear to be comorbid with migraine. A growing body of evidence has also suggested that migraineurs are more likely to be obese, hypertensive, hyperlipidemic and have impaired insulin sensitivity, all features of the metabolic syndrome. The comorbid association between migraine and cerebrovascular disease may consequently be explained by migraineurs having the metabolic syndrome and consequently being at increased risk of cerebrovascular disease. This review will summarise the salient evidence suggesting a comorbid association between migraine, cerebrovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome.

  14. Cerebrovascular Accidents Associated with Sorafenib in Hepatocellular Carcinoma


    Saif, Muhammad W.; Isufi, Iris; Peccerillo, Jennifer; Syrigos, Kostas N.


    Sorafenib is an oral angiogenetic multikinase inhibitor approved in the treatment of renal and hepatocellular carcinoma. Bleeding and venous thrombotic events have been described with angiogenetic agents but cerebrovascular accidents are rarely reported. We report two cases of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who developed a cerebrovascular accident while on sorafenib. Neither patient had any risk factors for the cerebrovascular events apart from gender and age in the second patient. La...

  15. Endocarditis aórtica y pulmonar complicada con ictus hemorrágico: ¿cuál es el tiempo quirúrgico ideal?

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    Adrián Fernando Narvaez Muñoz


    Full Text Available Hombre de 77 años que presenta de forma súbita alteración del lenguaje y cambios de conducta; se realiza tomografía computarizada cerebral, en donde se observa hemorragia intraparenquimatosa frontal izquierda; su cuadro es acompañado de fiebre y hemocultivos positivos para Streptococcus bovis tipo i (gallolyticus. Se realiza un ecocardiograma transesofágico en donde se identifican vegetaciones a nivel de la válvula aortica y pulmonar; debido al contexto de su ictus hemorrágico, decidimos esperar al menos 4 semanas con tratamiento antibiótico antes de realizar cirugía. En la cirugía se resecó vegetación pulmonar y aórtica, realizándose recambio valvular aórtico metálico; la válvula pulmonar fue conservada. En el postoperatorio inmediato y mediato, el paciente presenta evolución favorable. El tratamiento antibiótico se continuó hasta la confirmación de los cultivos negativos de las válvulas extraídas. El ecocardiograma de control no mostró vegetaciones y el paciente fue dado de alta a su domicilio unos días después de su cirugía.

  16. Monitorización ultrasonográfica de endarterectomía carotídea y angioplastia transluminal percutánea como procedimientos de revascularización carotídea en estenosis de alto grado de la arteria carótida interna extracraneal


    Benavente Fernández, Lorena


    INTRODUCCIÓN El ictus aterotrombótico por ateromatosis carotídea, es el responsable del 15-20% de todos los ictus. Siendo la arteria carótida interna (ACI) un vaso principal para la irrigación del parénquima cerebral, cuando dicha ateromatosis condiciona una estenosis significativa con alto riesgo tromboembólico se plantea la necesidad de un tratamiento revascularizador. La endarterectomía carotídea (EAC) y la angioplastia endoluminal (ASC) con o sin implante de stent son las dos opciones ...

  17. Cerebrovascular Diseases and Early Seizure

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    Ayşegül Gündüz


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Cerebrovascular disease is one of the important causes of seizures and epilepsy among the advanced age group. Seziures are found to be associated with lesion localization and size in previous studies. METHODS: Here, we aimed to detect prevelance of seizure, relation of seizure and lesion localization, and observed seizure types. RESULTS: Three hundred seventy eight patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease or intraparenchymal hemorrhage who were followed in Cerrahpasa IVIedical School clinic were studied retrospectively and probability of seizure occurence within 1 month after stroke was evaluated. CONCLUSION: Among 378 patients hospitalized by acute stroke, 339 were diagnosed as ischemic cerebrovascular disease and 39 (10.3% had primary intraparenchymal hematoma. Seizures were observed in 16 patients (4.2%, 2 (%5.1 in intraparenchymal hematoma group and 14 (%4.1 in ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Early seizures were detected in 33% of patients with anterior cerebral artery, in 6.8% of posterior cerebral artery and in 3.3% of middle cerebral artery infarcts and in three patients out of 12 who were known to have epilepsy. Seizure types were secondarily generalised tonic-clonic seizure in nine cases (57%. Among whole group status epilepticus was observed in four patients (1.1%. Conclusion: Early seizure rates are found to be high among patients with anterior cerebral artery infarct and known epilepsy

  18. Clinical analysis of 34 cases symptomatic epilepsy secondary to cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng Mingyu; Liu Chunfeng


    Objective: To investigate the relation between cerebrovascular disease and symptomatic epilepsy. Method: 786 patients suffered cerebrovascular disease were retrospectively analyzed. Result: The occurrence rate of Secondary to Cerebrovascular Disease symptomatic epilepsy Secondary to Cerebrovascular Disease was 4.3%. Those older than 60 are prone to develop Acrodynia symptomatic epilepsy. Generalized epileptic seizure were often seen. Secondary to Cerebrovascular Disease epilepsy die to cortical lesion are more easily seem than subcortical lesion. Early epilepsy is more than late epilepsy. Conclusion: The cause of symptomatic epilepsy after cerebrovascular disease is not same in different types and course of CVD. Those who developed epilepsy particularly epilepsy continua would have bad prognosis

  19. Transition of care for the elderly after cerebrovascular accidents - from hospital to the home Transición del cuidado del adulto mayor despues del accidente cerebral vascular del hospital para casa Transição do cuidado com o idoso após acidente vascular cerebral do hospital para casa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to examine the transition of care in families caring for elderly persons who suffered the first episode of a cerebrovascular accident. METHODOLOGY: an instrumental ethnographic case study was used. The sample comprised 20 subjects: 10 caregivers and 10 elderly persons aged 65 or over, of both sexes, with diagnoses of first episode of cerebrovascular accident, capable of communicating, and requiring care from a main carer in their family. The data was collected through interviews, observation, existing documentation and field notes. Qualitative analysis techniques were used to codify and classify the data and to formulate significant categories, which generated typologies of care. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The central idea was the Transition of Care and showed the context in three typologies: The care process for the dependent elderly person, Strategies for the care process and Impact and acceptance of the limitations. CONCLUSION: The data indicates that caring for an elderly person after a cerebrovascular accident is a challenge for the family. The data permitted it possible to elaborate a proposal for a model for the organization of the work, with a view to holistic care delivery in the health services, forming a care network, which constitutes an advance for the area of nursing.OBJETIVO: examinar la transición del cuidado en familias que cuidan de adultos mayores que sufrieron el primer episodio de accidente cerebral vascular. METODOLOGÍA: Fue utilizado el estudio de caso etnográfico instrumental. La muestra fue constituida de 20 sujetos, siendo 10 cuidadores y 10 adultos con 65 años y más, de ambos sexos, con diagnóstico de primer episodio de accidente cerebral vascular, capaces de comunicarse, demandando cuidado de un cuidador principal en la familia. Los datos fueron colectados por medio de entrevistas, observaciones, documentos existentes y notas de campo. Fueron utilizadas las técnicas de análisis cualitativo para

  20. Mapping hypercapnia-induced cerebrovascular reactivity using BOLD MRI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zande, F.H.R. van der; Hofman, P.A.M.; Backes, W.H. [Maastricht University Hospital, Department of Radiology, P.O. Box 5800, Maastricht (Netherlands)


    Severe carotid artery stenosis or occlusion may put patients at risk for ischaemic stroke. Reduced cerebrovascular reserve capacity is a possible indicator of an imminent ischaemic event and can be determined by assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity to a vasodilative stimulus. However, little is known about the distribution of cerebrovascular reactivity in healthy individuals. In 13 healthy volunteers, dynamic T{sub 2}{sup *} MR images, acquired at alternating inspiratory pCO{sub 2} levels, showed a high percentage of signal change in grey matter, with a strong linear correlation with end-tidal pCO{sub 2}. The mean percentages of signal change for grey and white matter were 5.9{+-}1.2% and 1.9{+-}0.5%, respectively. The mean time lag between CO{sub 2} stimulus and haemodynamic response was 15{+-}4 s for grey matter and 180{+-}12 s for white matter. Parameter mapping revealed a hemispherically symmetrical and homogeneous distribution of cerebrovascular reactivity over the entire grey matter. These findings indicate that it may be feasible to detect exhausted cerebrovascular autoregulation in patients with a compromised cerebral vasculature. (orig.)

  1. Mapping hypercapnia-induced cerebrovascular reactivity using BOLD MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zande, F.H.R. van der; Hofman, P.A.M.; Backes, W.H.


    Severe carotid artery stenosis or occlusion may put patients at risk for ischaemic stroke. Reduced cerebrovascular reserve capacity is a possible indicator of an imminent ischaemic event and can be determined by assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity to a vasodilative stimulus. However, little is known about the distribution of cerebrovascular reactivity in healthy individuals. In 13 healthy volunteers, dynamic T 2 * MR images, acquired at alternating inspiratory pCO 2 levels, showed a high percentage of signal change in grey matter, with a strong linear correlation with end-tidal pCO 2 . The mean percentages of signal change for grey and white matter were 5.9±1.2% and 1.9±0.5%, respectively. The mean time lag between CO 2 stimulus and haemodynamic response was 15±4 s for grey matter and 180±12 s for white matter. Parameter mapping revealed a hemispherically symmetrical and homogeneous distribution of cerebrovascular reactivity over the entire grey matter. These findings indicate that it may be feasible to detect exhausted cerebrovascular autoregulation in patients with a compromised cerebral vasculature. (orig.)

  2. Frecuencia y factores de riesgo de enfermedad cerebrovascular en esquizofrenia y trastornos relacionados


    Berrocal Izquierdo, Núria


    [spa] La salud física de los pacientes con trastorno mental grave es un campo de interés creciente en medicina. En concreto, la enfermedad cerebrovascular es la causa más frecuente de muerte natural prematura en los pacientes con trastornos relacionados con la esquizofrenia, por lo que debería incluirse en toda estrategia de salud que incluya a dicha población. La tesis presentada nace de la percepción de los neurólogos del Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu de que los pacientes con trastornos ...

  3. Analysis of epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients admitted diagnosed with acute ischemic cerebrovascular event in internal medicine services and neurology of the Hospital Mexico in March 2013 to March 2014; Analisis de las caracteristicas epidemiologicas y clinicas de los pacientes ingresados con diagnostico de evento cerebrovascular isquemico agudo en los servicios de medicina interna y neurologia del Hospital Mexico de marzo 2013 a marzo 2014

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araya Gonzalez, Manuel Alberto


    mas frecuentemente encontradas han sido: hemiparesia faciobraquiocrural 60%, sindrome confusional 22%, disartria 22%, cefalea 20%, nauseas y/o vomito 17% y afasia en 15%. Un total de 13% de los pacientes han presentado alteracion de la consciencia y 5% ha necesitado soporte ventilatorio en las primeras 24 horas evolucion. El 27% de los pacientes han llegado en las primeras 3 horas de iniciado los sintomas, un 11% entre las 3 a 4.5 horas y el restante 62% mas alla de las 4.5 horas de evolucion. El 70% de los pacientes han tenido 1 o mas comorbilidades previas al evento, las 5 principales han sido: cardiopatia isquemica 31%, fibrilacion atrial 29%, enfermedad cerebrovascular 19%, enfermedad renal cronica 16% e insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva un 12%. En cuanto a la clasificacion topografica de los ictus, un 16% eran TACI, un 46% PACI, un 27% LACI y solo un 11% PoCI. El promedio de la escala de NIHSS ha sido de 9 puntos al ingreso, 10 a las 48 horas y 6 puntos al momento de egreso. Con respecto a la tomografia de cerebro al ingreso a 98% de los pacientes les fue realizada mientras que entre las 48 a 72 horas solo al 74%. Los hallazgos tomograficos mas frecuentes en el TAC inicial han sido: 49% hipodensidad de mas de 1/3 de territorio de arteria cerebral media, 46% sin alteraciones, 8% datos de edema cerebral y desviacion en la linea media. La transformacion hemorragica fue documentada en 6% de los casos. Al 70% de los pacientes les fue realizado ultrasonido Doppler de vasos del cuello. El 82% sin lesiones, un 9% con obstruccion entre 50-70% y 9% con mas de 70% obstruccion del lumen. La ecocardiografia fue realizada en 54% de los casos y fue obtenida 76% hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, 37% delitacion atrio izquierdo y 2% trombo intramural. Con respecto a la funcionalidad el 81% de los pacientes tenian ninguna o minima dependencia al momento de ingreso, para el momento de egreso 74% habian tenido discapacidad de moderada a severa, 12% leve y apenas un 14% se mostraba

  4. Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics in Women. (United States)

    Duque, Cristina; Feske, Steven K; Sorond, Farzaneh A


    Sex and gender, as biological and social factors, significantly influence health outcomes. Among the biological factors, sex differences in vascular physiology may be one specific mechanism contributing to the observed differences in clinical presentation, response to treatment, and clinical outcomes in several vascular disorders. This review focuses on the cerebrovascular bed and summarizes the existing literature on sex differences in cerebrovascular hemodynamics to highlight the knowledge deficit that exists in this domain. The available evidence is used to generate mechanistically plausible and testable hypotheses to underscore the unmet need in understanding sex-specific mechanisms as targets for more effective therapeutic and preventive strategies. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  5. Prevención de úlceras por presión y lesiones musculoesqueléticas: paciente con ictus Pressure ulcer prevention and muscular and skeletal injuries: Patient with stoke


    Carlos Luque Moreno; Marta Peña Salinas; Fátima Rodríguez Pappalardo; Luis López Rodríguez


    Planteamos un caso clínico en el que enfermera y fisioterapeuta ponen en común procedimientos para mejorar la higiene postural de un paciente encamado con un accidente cerebrovascular y hemiplejia izquierda. Describimos analíticamente una intervención conjunta durante un mes. A pesar de que se ha mantenido el riesgo máximo de UPP objetivado inicialmente, durante este periodo no han aparecido úlceras, obteniendo un mantenimiento o aumento del rango de las articulaciones. Es importante un traba...

  6. Ischemia-modified albumin levels in cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Gunduz, Abdulkadir; Turedi, Suleyman; Mentese, Ahmet; Altunayoglu, Vildan; Turan, Ibrahim; Karahan, Suleyman Caner; Topbas, Murat; Aydin, Murat; Eraydin, Ismet; Akcan, Buket


    Previous studies have demonstrated that ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) is a useful marker for the diagnosis of ischemic events. It was also recently demonstrated that IMA levels increase in the acute phase of cerebrovascular diseases. Yet the data regarding IMA levels in various types of cerebrovascular events are insufficient. The aim of this study was to evaluate IMA levels in various types of cerebrovascular events such as ischemic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and intracranial hemorrhage. This case-controlled study consisted of 106 consecutive patients, 43 with brain infarction (BI), 11 with brain hemorrhage (ICH), 52 with SAH, and a 43-member control group. We investigated whether there was a statistical correlation between these 3 groups and the control group. The relations among the 3 groups were also examined. Comparisons among groups were done with analysis of variance. Mean serum IMA levels were 0.280 +/- 0.045 absorbance units (ABSU) for BI patients, 0.259 +/- 0.053 ABSU for ICH patients, 0.243 +/- 0.061 ABSU for SAH patients, and 0.172 +/- 0.045 ABSU for the control group.There was a statistically significant difference between the mean IMA levels of BI, ICH, and SAH patients and the mean control patient IMA levels (P b .0001). Ischemia-modified albumin levels are high in cerebrovascular diseases. Ischemia-modified albumin measurement can also be used to distinguish SAH from BI during the acute phase of cerebrovascular event in the emergency department.

  7. Depression and dementia of cerebrovascular origin

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    Marmorato Paulo Germano


    Full Text Available We report the case of a patient who presented various psychiatric syndromes at the time of evaluation - partial complex epileptic seizures, personality change, and severe depression, which eventually progressed to dementia - resulting from multiple cerebral infarctions of probable neuro-angiopathic origin, of unknown etiology. Aspects related to depression following cerebrovascular accidents, as well as how cerebrovascular accidents can result in different disorders depending on the variables, are discussed based on the data from current literature.

  8. Raca e mortalidade cerebrovascular no Brasil

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    Paulo Andrade Lotufo


    Full Text Available Sendo desconhecidas as taxas de mortalidade cerebrovascular segundo raça no Brasil, foram coletadas informações de óbitos de 2010 do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Foram calculadas as taxas de mortalidade cerebrovascular, ajustadas por idade (por 100 mil, com intervalo de confiança de 95%, por sexo e raça/cor de pele. A diferença entre brancos, pardos e negros foi significativa para homens, com taxas, respectivamente, de 44,4 (43,5;45,3, 48,2 (47,1;49,3 e 63,3 (60.6;66,6; e para mulheres, com taxa, respectivamente, de 29,0 (28,3;29,7, 33,7 (32,8;34,6 e 51,0 (48,6;53,4. Em conclusão, a mortalidade cerebrovascular no Brasil é maior entre negros.

  9. Radiological study of cerebro-vascular accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Misri, H.T.; Kabawe, Bassam


    The role of computerized tomography scanner in studying the cerebro-vascular accidents has been discussed. One hundred fifty patients with cerebro-vascular accidents were studied at Aleppo University Hospital between 1989-1990. Clinical history and physical examination were recorded, as well as, computerized tomography scanning in all cases without using the contrast media mostly. Relationship between the density of the lesion (inforctionor hemorrhage) and the time has been found. This relationship can help in forensic medicine. (author). 29 refs., 5 tabs., 2 figs


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    R. R. Arustamyan


    Full Text Available Background: Acute cerebrovascular accidents are rare and serious complication of pregnancy, labor and puerperium, leading to an increase in maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. More than 12% of maternal mortality is related to stroke. Aim: To assess the impact of pregnancy on the incidence of stroke, as well as the impact of cerebrovascular disorders on pregnancy, labor and puerperium. Materials and methods: We retrospectively and prospectively analyzed the course of pregnancy, labor and puerperium in 136 female patients with strokes of various etiologies. The diagnosis of stroke and cerebrovascular disorders was verified with magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, conventional and multiaxial computerized tomography, ophthalmoscopy, electroencephalography, electrocardiography and echocardiography (trans-thoracic and trans-esophageal, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiogram monitoring, ultrasound assessment of extra and intracranial vasculature with duplex scanning, cerebral angiography and laboratory assessments. Results: The analysis of 92 strokes that occurred during pregnancy, labor and postpartum showed that 38% of the cases (n=35 were caused by various cerebrovascular abnormalities. In 18.5% of the cases (n=17, acute cerebrovascular accidents occurred in patients with preeclampsia/eclampsia. Most often (84.8%, or 78/97 of cases strokes or other cerebrovascular accidents developed in II and III trimesters. The most severe cases were patients with intracranial hemorrhages (n=31. In this group, there were 5  deaths of mothers, 1  antenatal and 1  neonatal fetal deaths. In 90% of these cases (28/31, intracranial hemorrhage in pregnancy was related to manifestation of intracerebral vascular abnormality (arteriovenous malformations, arterial aneurysms, cavernomas. We observed a 4-fold rate of arteriovenous malformation ruptures during pregnancy (21 cases vs. 5. The rates of arterial aneurysm and cavernoma ruptures

  11. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation and cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Stortecky, Stefan; Wenaweser, Peter; Windecker, Stephan


    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an evidence-based treatment alternative for selected high-risk patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis as acknowledged in the most recent edition of the ESC Guidelines on Valvular Heart Disease 2012. However, periprocedural complications and in particular cerebrovascular accidents remain a matter of concern. While transcatheter heart valve technology continuously improves and the development of novel and even less invasive implantation techniques is on-going, cerebrovascular events complicating TAVI may abrogate the usual improvement in terms of prognosis and quality of life. This article describes the incidence of cerebrovascular events after cardiovascular procedures, provides an overview of the pathophysiological mechanisms as well as the impact on outcomes and provides some insights into preventive strategies as well as the acute management of these events.

  12. Non-invasive examination method for cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiba, Kazuo


    CT is superior in the diagnosis of the characteristics and the region of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) to the examination with RI. The RI examination can only demonstrate the cerebrovascular diseases with large area disturbance of the cerebral cortex, that passed some days after the attack. Moreover, it is difficult to detect the small lesions or the lesions localized in the deep area such as the basal nucleus and the internal capsule by this method. A slight decrease and retardation in unilateral cerebral blood flow (under 20%, within 1.5 second) found by RI-angiography does not always indicate the side of the lesion of cerebrovascular diseases. It is expected that non-invasive examination method for CVD is improved more, and that more precise estimation method for regional cerebral circulation is developed. (Tsunoda, M.)

  13. Predictive factors for cerebrovascular accidents after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. (United States)

    Mariscalco, Giovanni; Piffaretti, Gabriele; Tozzi, Matteo; Bacuzzi, Alessandro; Carrafiello, Giampaolo; Sala, Andrea; Castelli, Patrizio


    Cerebrovascular accidents are devastating and worrisome complications after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. The aim of this study was to determine cerebrovascular accident predictors after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. Between January 2001 and June 2008, 76 patients treated with thoracic endovascular aortic repair were prospectively enrolled. The study cohort included 61 men; mean age was 65.4 +/- 16.8 years. All patients underwent a specific neurologic assessment on an hourly basis postoperatively to detect neurologic deficits. Cerebrovascular accidents were diagnosed on the basis of physical examination, tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging, or autopsy. Cerebrovascular accidents occurred in 8 (10.5%) patients, including 4 transient ischemic attack and 4 major strokes. Four cases were observed within the first 24-hours. Multivariable analysis revealed that anatomic incompleteness of the Willis circle (odds ratio [OR] 17.19, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.10 to 140.66), as well as the presence of coronary artery disease (OR 6.86, 95 CI% 1.18 to 40.05), were independently associated with postoperative cerebrovascular accident development. Overall hospital mortality was 9.2%, with no significant difference for patients hit by cerebrovascular accidents (25.0% vs 7.3%, p = 0.102). Preexisting coronary artery disease, reflecting a severe diseased aorta and anomalies of Willis circle are independent cerebrovascular accident predictors after thoracic endovascular aortic repair procedures. A careful evaluation of the arch vessels and cerebral vascularization should be mandatory for patients suitable for thoracic endovascular aortic repair.

  14. Influence of cerebrovascular disease on brain networks in prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease. (United States)

    Chong, Joanna Su Xian; Liu, Siwei; Loke, Yng Miin; Hilal, Saima; Ikram, Mohammad Kamran; Xu, Xin; Tan, Boon Yeow; Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy; Chen, Christopher Li-Hsian; Zhou, Juan


    Network-sensitive neuroimaging methods have been used to characterize large-scale brain network degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and its prodrome. However, few studies have investigated the combined effect of Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease on brain network degeneration. Our study sought to examine the intrinsic functional connectivity and structural covariance network changes in 235 prodromal and clinical Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. We focused particularly on two higher-order cognitive networks-the default mode network and the executive control network. We found divergent functional connectivity and structural covariance patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease, but not Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease, showed reductions in posterior default mode network functional connectivity. By comparison, while both groups exhibited parietal reductions in executive control network functional connectivity, only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increases in frontal executive control network connectivity. Importantly, these distinct executive control network changes were recapitulated in prodromal Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease. Across Alzheimer's disease patients with and without cerebrovascular disease, higher default mode network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater hippocampal volumes while higher executive control network functional connectivity z-scores correlated with greater white matter changes. In parallel, only Alzheimer's disease patients without cerebrovascular disease showed increased default mode network structural covariance, while only Alzheimer's disease patients with cerebrovascular disease showed increased executive control network structural covariance compared to controls. Our

  15. Tromboembolismo pulmonar y enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica embólica en un anciano boliviano

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    Daymarelis Rodríguez Yero


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de un paciente de 71 años de edad, quien en el 2008, luego de un episodio de tromboembolismo pulmonar, fuera ingresado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Integral Comunitario de Chacaltaya en Bolivia, por presentar una enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica embólica de tipo paradójica, como consecuencia de un agujero oval permeable. Como tratamiento se indicó, primero, heparina de bajo peso molecular y, posteriormente, dicumarínicos, con lo cual el paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente

  16. In-hospital Mortality from Cerebrovascular Disease in the Province of Cienfuegos

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    Ada Sánchez Lozano


    Full Text Available Background: cerebrovascular disease is the second leading cause of death in some countries, causing 10 million annual deaths. In-hospital mortality from these diseases is high in our country. Objective: to describe mortality from cerebrovascular disease at the Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima University General Hospital in Cienfuegos during 2006-2010. Methods: a retrospective case series study involving all patients (4449 diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease discharged from the Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima University General Hospital from January 1st, 2006 to December 31, 2010 was conducted. The variables analyzed included age, sex, status at discharge, types of cerebrovascular disease and hospital stay. Results: in-hospital mortality from cerebrovascular disease in the study period was 23.8 %. It was higher in men than in women (24.5 % and 22.9 %, respectively. According to the type of cerebrovascular disease, mortality rate of ischemic stroke was 20 %, subarachnoid hemorrhage, 22.4 % and intraparenchymal hemorrhage, 71.2 %. Conclusions: in-hospital mortality from cerebrovascular disease in Cienfuegos shows a downward trend, though it increased in 2010. It was more common in men. Death from stroke tends to decrease and, to a lesser extent, mortality due to brain hemorrhage, which remains high. There is also an increase in subarachnoid hemorrhage.

  17. Clinical application of SPECT and PET in cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ra, Young Shin


    Single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT) and positron emission tomography(PET) are modern imaging techniques that allow for both qualitative are quantitative assessment of hemodynamic changes in cerebrovascular diseases. SPECT has been becoming an indispensable method to investigate regional cerebral blood flow because equipment and isotope are easily available in most general hospitals. Acetazolamide stress SPECT has also been proved to be useful to evaluate the cerebrovascular reserve of occlusive cerebrovascular diseases and to select surgical candidate. PET has gained wide spread clinical use in the evaluation of the hemodynamic and metabolic consequences of extracranial or intracranial arterial obstructive disease despite its complexity and limited availability. PET has been established as an invaluable tool in the pathophysilogy investigation of acute ischemic stroke. The potentials, limitations, and clinical applications of SPECT and PET in various cerebrovascular diseases will be discussed in this article with reviews of literatures

  18. Clinical application of SPECT and PET in cerebrovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ra, Young Shin [Ulsan University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT) and positron emission tomography(PET) are modern imaging techniques that allow for both qualitative are quantitative assessment of hemodynamic changes in cerebrovascular diseases. SPECT has been becoming an indispensable method to investigate regional cerebral blood flow because equipment and isotope are easily available in most general hospitals. Acetazolamide stress SPECT has also been proved to be useful to evaluate the cerebrovascular reserve of occlusive cerebrovascular diseases and to select surgical candidate. PET has gained wide spread clinical use in the evaluation of the hemodynamic and metabolic consequences of extracranial or intracranial arterial obstructive disease despite its complexity and limited availability. PET has been established as an invaluable tool in the pathophysilogy investigation of acute ischemic stroke. The potentials, limitations, and clinical applications of SPECT and PET in various cerebrovascular diseases will be discussed in this article with reviews of literatures.

  19. El ictus en las mujeres: perspectiva de género en el ictus cardioembólico secundario a fibrilación auricular

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    Francisca Peñalver Pérez


    Full Text Available Introduction: The morbidity and mortality of stroke is higher in the cardioembolic etiology, caused mainly atrial fibrillation (AF, arrhythmia characterized by the increase in the elderly population, which together with the greater longevity of women, ranks as ad hoc risk. The aim is to confirm and characterize the major gender differences in this subtype. Methods: Observational, descriptive. Study population: patients admitted with a diagnosis of secondary cardio embolic ictus (CEI to AF at the University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca. Sample: 210 patients. Variables: sex, age, AF known/unknown, survival; disability and neurological deficit at high risk factors (RF. Source: Database of the Neurology. Statistical analysis: descriptive. Results: 210 patients (mean age, 77, 38± 58 years; 59% female were included. The average age of women (78, 49± 68 years was significantly higher (p>0, 05 than men (75, 78±1, 01 years. 36, 3% of women and 36,0% of men had unknown AF. One fame Mortality (11, 3% was observed compared to men (7%; moderate physical disabilities and moderate neurological deficit at discharge, with no significant differences between men and women. The main RF was arterial hypertension (76, 7% with a predominance between the women (79, 0% vs. 73, and 3% male. Conclusions: The CEI secondary to AF is more frequent and is the cause of a higher mortality amongst women relative to their higher age. The control of arrhythmia is deficient both in women and in men. There is a high risk of CEI for patients with AF in coexistence with arterial hypertension, this being higher in women.

  20. Infarto agudo del miocardio como primera manifestación del síndrome antifosfolípido primario en un paciente de veinticuatro años Acute myocardial infarction as first manifestation of primary antiphospholipid syndrome in a twenty-four years old patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E Uribe


    Full Text Available El síndrome antifosfolípido primario usualmente se manifiesta como trombosis venosa profunda, tromboembolismo pulmonar y como evento cerebrovascular en la circulación arterial. Se presenta el caso de un paciente joven previamente sano, con infarto agudo del miocardio como primera manifestación del síndrome antifosfolípido primario.Primary antiphospholipid syndrome is usually manifested with deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism and arterial thrombosis, including cerebrovascular accidents. We report the case of a previously healthy young patient who suffered an acute myocardial infarction as the first manifestation of a primary antiphospholipid syndrome.

  1. Sildenafil increases cerebrovascular reactivity: a transcranial Doppler study. (United States)

    Diomedi, M; Sallustio, F; Rizzato, B; Ferrante, F; Leone, G; Spera, E; Scarfini, M; Bernardi, G


    The authors performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 28 patients to evaluate the effects of sildenafil on cerebral hemodynamics. A significant improvement of cerebrovascular reactivity, without any modification of other variables, was recorded 1 hour after the administration of 50 mg sildenafil. Further investigations are needed to evaluate whether cerebrovascular reactivity improvement could contribute to triggering sildenafil-induced migraine.

  2. Comparative magnetic resonance imaging findings between gliomas and presumed cerebrovascular accidents in dogs. (United States)

    Cervera, Vicente; Mai, Wilfried; Vite, Charles H; Johnson, Victoria; Dayrell-Hart, Betsy; Seiler, Gabriela S


    Cerebrovascular accidents, or strokes, and gliomas are common intraaxial brain lesions in dogs. An accurate differentiation of these two lesions is necessary for prognosis and treatment decisions. The magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of 21 dogs with a presumed cerebrovascular accident and 17 with a glioma were compared. MR imaging findings were reviewed retrospectively by three observers unaware of the final diagnosis. Statistically significant differences between the appearance of gliomas and cerebrovascular accidents were identified based on lesion location, size, mass effect, perilesional edema, and appearance of the apparent diffusion coefficient map. Gliomas were predominantly located in the cerebrum (76%) compared with presumed cerebrovascular accidents that were located mainly in the cerebellum, thalamus, caudate nucleus, midbrain, and brainstem (76%). Gliomas were significantly larger compared with presumed cerebrovascular accidents and more commonly associated with mass effect and perilesional edema. Wedge-shaped lesions were seen only in 19% of presumed cerebrovascular accidents. Between the three observers, 10-47% of the presumed cerebrovascular accidents were misdiagnosed as gliomas, and 0-12% of the gliomas were misdiagnosed as cerebrovascular accidents. Diffusion weighted imaging increased the accuracy of the diagnosis for both lesions. Agreement between observers was moderate (kappa = 0.48, P < 0.01).

  3. [Early management of cerebrovascular accidents]. (United States)

    Libot, Jérômie; Guillon, Benoit


    A cerebrovascular accident requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.The management of a stroke must be early and adapted in order to improve the overall clinical outcome and lower the risk of mortality.

  4. Long-term outcome after an early invasive versus selective invasive treatment strategy in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome and elevated cardiac troponin T (the ICTUS trial): a follow-up study.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hirsch, A.; Windhausen, F.; Tijssen, J.G.P.; Verheugt, F.W.A.; Cornel, J.H.; Winter, R.J. de


    BACKGROUND: The ICTUS trial was a study that compared an early invasive with a selective invasive treatment strategy in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (nSTE-ACS). The study reported no difference between the strategies for frequency of death, myocardial infarction, or

  5. Long-term outcome after an early invasive versus selective invasive treatment strategy in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome and elevated cardiac troponin T (the ICTUS trial): a follow-up study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; Verheugt, Freek W. A.; Hein Cornel, Jan; de Winter, Robbert J.


    BACKGROUND: The ICTUS trial was a study that compared an early invasive with a selective invasive treatment strategy in patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (nSTE-ACS). The study reported no difference between the strategies for frequency of death, myocardial infarction, or

  6. Resumen de las evidencias científicas de la eficacia del ejercicio físico en las enfermedades cardiovasculares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.F. Aramendi


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son las más prevalentes en la sociedad occidental. En las últimas décadas, innumerables publicaciones informan del poder terapéutico del ejercicio físico (EF en estas patologías. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido buscar, valorar y resumir los resultados de las mejores pruebas científicas publicadas, sobre el efecto del EF, en la mortalidad y morbilidad de pacientes con enfermedad coronaria, insuficiencia cardiaca, hipertensión arterial, claudicación intermitente e ictus. Se buscaron revisiones sistemáticas en Medline, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews y Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects. Se concluye que, tanto el entrenamiento aeróbico, como el de fuerza son seguros y eficaces en la disminución de la mortalidad y morbilidad en la mejora de algunos signos y síntomas, y en el incremento de la función física en enfermos cardiovasculares.

  7. Cerebrovascular accidents associated with sorafenib in hepatocellular carcinoma. (United States)

    Saif, Muhammad W; Isufi, Iris; Peccerillo, Jennifer; Syrigos, Kostas N


    Sorafenib is an oral angiogenetic multikinase inhibitor approved in the treatment of renal and hepatocellular carcinoma. Bleeding and venous thrombotic events have been described with angiogenetic agents but cerebrovascular accidents are rarely reported. We report two cases of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who developed a cerebrovascular accident while on sorafenib. Neither patient had any risk factors for the cerebrovascular events apart from gender and age in the second patient. Laboratory data were noncontributory. The head CT scan did not reveal acute abnormalities. No hemodynamically significant stenosis was visible in the carotid ultrasound, and the echocardiogram showed normal size of the heart chambers and normal systolic function of the left ventricle. Sorafenib was discontinued in both cases. Physicians should monitor patients receiving sorafenib for neurologic symptoms, and in the absence of other etiology, prompt discontinuation of this drug should be considered.

  8. Chronic Pancreatitis Correlates With Increased Risk of Cerebrovascular Disease (United States)

    Wong, Tuck-Siu; Liao, Kuan-Fu; Lin, Chi-Ming; Lin, Cheng-Li; Chen, Wen-Chi; Lai, Shih-Wei


    Abstract The aim of this study is to explore whether there is a relationship between chronic pancreatitis and cerebrovascular disease in Taiwan. Using the claims data of the Taiwan National Health Insurance Program, we identified 16,672 subjects aged 20 to 84 years with a new diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis from 2000 to 2010 as the chronic pancreatitis group. We randomly selected 65,877 subjects aged 20 to 84 years without chronic pancreatitis as the nonchronic pancreatitis group. Both groups were matched by sex, age, comorbidities, and the index year of diagnosing chronic pancreatitis. The incidence of cerebrovascular disease at the end of 2011 was measured. The multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to measure the hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for cerebrovascular disease risk associated with chronic pancreatitis and other comorbidities. The overall incidence of cerebrovascular disease was 1.24-fold greater in the chronic pancreatitis group than that in the nonchronic pancreatitis group (14.2 vs. 11.5 per 1000 person-years, 95% CI = 1.19–1.30). After controlling for confounding factors, the adjusted HR of cerebrovascular disease was 1.27 (95% CI = 1.19–1.36) for the chronic pancreatitis group as compared with the nonchronic pancreatitis group. Woman (adjusted HR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.31–1.51), age (every 1 year, HR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.04–1.05), atrial fibrillation (adjusted HR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.02–1.48), chronic kidney disease (adjusted HR = 1.48, 95% CI = 1.31–1.67), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (adjusted HR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.16–1.40), diabetes mellitus (adjusted HR = 1.82, 95% CI = 1.72–1.92), hypertension (adjusted HR = 1.66, 95% CI = 1.56–1.76), and peripheral atherosclerosis (adjusted HR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.06–1.51) were other factors significantly associated with cerebrovascular disease. Chronic pancreatitis is

  9. 5-Year Clinical Outcomes in the ICTUS (Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable coronary Syndromes) Trial A Randomized Comparison of an Early Invasive Versus Selective Invasive Management in Patients With Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Damman, Peter; Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; de Winter, Robbert J.


    OBJECTIVES: We present the 5-year clinical outcomes according to treatment strategy with additional risk stratification of the ICTUS (Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable coronary Syndromes) trial. BACKGROUND: Long-term outcomes may be relevant to decide treatment strategy for patients

  10. Second-generation antipsychotics and risk of cerebrovascular accidents in the elderly. (United States)

    Percudani, Mauro; Barbui, Corrado; Fortino, Ida; Tansella, Michele; Petrovich, Lorenzo


    Concern has been recently raised for risperidone and olanzapine, possibly associated with cerebrovascular events in placebo-controlled trials conducted in elderly subjects with dementia. We investigated the relationship between exposure to second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) and occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents in the elderly. From the regional database of hospital admissions of Lombardy, Italy, we extracted all patients aged 65 or older with cerebrovascular-related outcomes for the year 2002. From the regional database of prescriptions reimbursed by the National Health Service, we extracted all patients aged 65 or older who received antipsychotic prescriptions during 2001. The 2 databases were linked anonymously using the individual patient code. The proportions of cerebrovascular accidents were 3.31% (95% confidence interval, 2.95-3.69) in elderly subjects exclusively exposed to SGAs and 2.37% (95% confidence interval, 2.19-2.57) in elderly subjects exclusively exposed to first-generation antipsychotics. After background group differences were controlled for, exposure to SGAs significantly increased the risk of accidents. The analysis of cerebrovascular events in elderly subjects exposed to each individual SGA, in comparison with exposure to haloperidol, showed a significantly increased risk for risperidone only (adjusted odds ratio, 1.43; 95% confidence interval, 1.12-1.93). These data provide preliminary epidemiological evidence that exposure to SGAs, in comparison with exposure to first-generation antipsychotics, significantly increased the risk of cerebrovascular accidents in the elderly.

  11. Psychological stress-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction: the role of metabolic syndrome and exercise. (United States)

    Brooks, Steven; Brnayan, Kayla W; DeVallance, Evan; Skinner, Roy; Lemaster, Kent; Sheets, J Whitney; Pitzer, Christopher R; Asano, Shinichi; Bryner, Randall W; Olfert, I Mark; Frisbee, Jefferson C; Chantler, Paul D


    What is the central question of this study? How does chronic stress impact cerebrovascular function and does metabolic syndrome accelerate the cerebrovascular adaptations to stress? What role does exercise training have in preventing cerebrovascular changes to stress and metabolic syndrome? What is the main finding and its importance? Stressful conditions lead to pathological adaptations of the cerebrovasculature via an oxidative nitric oxide pathway, and the presence of metabolic syndrome produces a greater susceptibility to stress-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction. The results also provide insight into the mechanisms that may contribute to the influence of stress and the role of exercise in preventing the negative actions of stress on cerebrovascular function and structure. Chronic unresolvable stress leads to the development of depression and cardiovascular disease. There is a high prevalence of depression with the metabolic syndrome (MetS), but to what extent the MetS concurrent with psychological stress affects cerebrovascular function is unknown. We investigated the differential effect of MetS on cerebrovascular structure/function in rats (16-17 weeks old) following 8 weeks of unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) and whether exercise training could limit any cerebrovascular dysfunction. In healthy lean Zucker rats (LZR), UCMS decreased (28%, P stress and increased production of nitric oxide in the cerebral vessels. In conclusion, UCMS significantly impaired MCA structure and function, but the effects of UCMS were more substantial in OZR vs. LZR. Importantly, aerobic exercise when combined with UCMS prevented the MCA dysfunction through subtle shifts in nitric oxide and oxidative stress in the cerebral microvasculature. © 2018 The Authors. Experimental Physiology © 2018 The Physiological Society.

  12. Juego serio para terapias de rehabilitación motora y cognitiva con realidad virtual


    Pinilla Giménez, Inés


    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en el desarrollo de un juego serio con realidad virtual para su uso como complemento en terapias de rehabilitación de pacientes que hayan sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular con posteriores secuelas motoras y/o cognitivas. Primero estudiaremos el ictus, junto con sus causas, los tipos existentes y sus distintas secuelas. A continuación, expondremos la importancia de la rehabilitación en este tipo de pacientes, y cómo los videojuegos de realidad virtual p...

  13. Asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis and cerebrovascular risk stratification

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nicolaides, Andrew N; Kakkos, Stavros K; Kyriacou, Efthyvoulos


    The purpose of this study was to determine the cerebrovascular risk stratification potential of baseline degree of stenosis, clinical features, and ultrasonic plaque characteristics in patients with asymptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis.......The purpose of this study was to determine the cerebrovascular risk stratification potential of baseline degree of stenosis, clinical features, and ultrasonic plaque characteristics in patients with asymptomatic internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis....

  14. Industrial accident compensation insurance benefits on cerebrovascular and heart disease in Korea. (United States)

    Kim, Hyeong Su; Choi, Jae Wook; Chang, Soung Hoon; Lee, Kun Sei


    The purpose of this study is to present the importance of work-related cerebrovascular and heart disease from the viewpoint of expenses. Using the insurance benefit paid for the 4,300 cases, this study estimated the burden of insurance benefits spent on work-related cerebrovascular and heart disease. The number of cases with work-related cerebrovascular and heart disease per 100,000 insured workers were 3.36 in 1995; they were increased to 13.16 in 2000. By the days of occurrence, the estimated number of cases were 1,336 in 2001 (95% CI: 1,211-1,460 cases) and 1,769 in 2005 (CI: 1,610-1,931 cases). The estimated average insurance benefits paid per person with work-related cerebrovascular and heart disease was 75-19 million won for medical care benefit and 56 million won for other benefits except medical care. By considering the increase in insurance payment and average pay, the predicted insurance benefits for work-related cerebrovascular and heart disease was 107.9 billion won for the 2001 cohort and 192.4 billion won for the 2005 cohort. From an economic perspective, the results will be used as important evidence for the prevention and management of work-related cerebrovascular and heart disease. PMID:12923322

  15. Mechanisms of Lethal Cerebrovascular Accidents in Turner Syndrome. (United States)

    Byard, Roger W


    A case of intracerebral hemorrhage in Turner syndrome is reported with an analysis of possible causes of cerebrovascular accidents in this condition. A 42-year-old woman with known Turner syndrome died soon after hospital admission having been found unconscious at her home address. At autopsy, she showed typical features of Turner syndrome with short stature, webbing of the neck, underdeveloped breasts, and an increased carrying angle of the arm. Death was due to a large left-sided intracerebral hemorrhage extending from the left basal ganglia into the white matter of the frontal lobe and lateral ventricle. Cases of unexpected death in Turner syndrome may arise from occult cerebrovascular accidents which may be hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic. Associated features include hypertension, vascular malformations, accelerated atherogenesis, cystic medial necrosis, and moyamoya syndrome. The possibility of Turner syndrome should be considered in cases where there has been a lethal cerebrovascular event in a younger woman. © 2016 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

  16. Unemployment, government healthcare spending, and cerebrovascular mortality, worldwide 1981-2009: an ecological study. (United States)

    Maruthappu, Mahiben; Shalhoub, Joseph; Tariq, Zoon; Williams, Callum; Atun, Rifat; Davies, Alun H; Zeltner, Thomas


    The global economic downturn has been associated with unemployment rises, reduced health spending, and worsened population health. This has raised the question of how economic variations affect health outcomes. We sought to determine the effect of changes in unemployment and government healthcare expenditure on cerebrovascular mortality globally. Data were obtained from the World Bank and World Health Organization. Multivariate regression analysis was used to assess the effect of changes in unemployment and government healthcare expenditure on cerebrovascular mortality. Country-specific differences in infrastructure and demographics were controlled for. One- to five-year lag analyses and robustness checks were conducted. Across 99 countries worldwide, between 1981 and 2009, every 1% increase in unemployment was associated with a significant increase in cerebrovascular mortality (coefficient 187, CI: 86.6-288, P = 0.0003). Every 1% rise in government healthcare expenditure, across both genders, was associated with significant decreases in cerebrovascular deaths (coefficient 869, CI: 383-1354, P = 0.0005). The association between unemployment and cerebrovascular mortality remained statistically significant for at least five years subsequent to the 1% unemployment rise, while the association between government healthcare expenditure and cerebrovascular mortality remained significant for two years. These relationships were both shown to be independent of changes in gross domestic product per capita, inflation, interest rates, urbanization, nutrition, education, and out-of-pocket spending. Rises in unemployment and reductions in government healthcare expenditure are associated with significant increases in cerebrovascular mortality globally. Clinicians may also need to consider unemployment as a possible risk factor for cerebrovascular disease mortality. © 2015 World Stroke Organization.

  17. Cerebrovascular reserve capacity is impaired in patients with sickle cell disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nur, Erfan; Kim, Yu-Sok; Truijen, Jasper; van Beers, Eduard J.; Davis, Shyrin C. A. T.; Brandjes, Dees P.; Biemond, Bart J.; van Lieshout, Johannes J.


    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with a high incidence of ischemic stroke. SCD is characterized by hemolytic anemia, resulting in reduced nitric oxide-bioavailability, and by impaired cerebrovascular hemodynamics. Cerebrovascular CO2 responsiveness is nitric oxide dependent and has been

  18. Auditory Dysfunction in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sadaharu Tabuchi


    Full Text Available Auditory dysfunction is a common clinical symptom that can induce profound effects on the quality of life of those affected. Cerebrovascular disease (CVD is the most prevalent neurological disorder today, but it has generally been considered a rare cause of auditory dysfunction. However, a substantial proportion of patients with stroke might have auditory dysfunction that has been underestimated due to difficulties with evaluation. The present study reviews relationships between auditory dysfunction and types of CVD including cerebral infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebrovascular malformation, moyamoya disease, and superficial siderosis. Recent advances in the etiology, anatomy, and strategies to diagnose and treat these conditions are described. The numbers of patients with CVD accompanied by auditory dysfunction will increase as the population ages. Cerebrovascular diseases often include the auditory system, resulting in various types of auditory dysfunctions, such as unilateral or bilateral deafness, cortical deafness, pure word deafness, auditory agnosia, and auditory hallucinations, some of which are subtle and can only be detected by precise psychoacoustic and electrophysiological testing. The contribution of CVD to auditory dysfunction needs to be understood because CVD can be fatal if overlooked.

  19. Apathy due to cerebrovascular accidents successfully treated with methylphenidate: a case series. (United States)

    Spiegel, David R; Kim, Jeffrey; Greene, Krista; Conner, Cheryl; Zamfir, Dan


    Apathy has been observed in various types of neuropsychiatric illness, including degenerative, traumatic, and cerebrovascular. In this article, the authors describe the neurobiology of cerebrovascular induced apathy and its treatment.

  20. Operative volume and outcomes of cerebrovascular neurosurgery in children. (United States)

    Bekelis, Kimon; Connolly, Ian D; Do, Huy M; Choudhri, Omar


    OBJECTIVE The impact of procedural volume on the outcomes of cerebrovascular surgery in children has not been determined. In this study, the authors investigated the association of operative volume on the outcomes of cerebrovascular neurosurgery in pediatric patients. METHODS The authors performed a cohort study of all pediatric patients who underwent a cerebrovascular procedure between 2003 and 2012 and were registered in the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID). To control for confounding, the authors used multivariable regression models, propensity-score conditioning, and mixed-effects analysis to account for clustering at the hospital level. RESULTS During the study period, 1875 pediatric patients in the KID underwent cerebrovascular neurosurgery and met the inclusion criteria for the study; 204 patients (10.9%) underwent aneurysm clipping, 446 (23.8%) underwent coil insertion for an aneurysm, 827 (44.1%) underwent craniotomy for arteriovenous malformation resection, and 398 (21.2%) underwent bypass surgery for moyamoya disease. Mixed-effects multivariable regression analysis revealed that higher procedural volume was associated with fewer inpatient deaths (OR 0.58; 95% CI 0.40-0.85), a lower rate of discharges to a facility (OR 0.87; 95% CI 0.82-0.92), and shorter length of stay (adjusted difference -0.22; 95% CI -0.32 to -0.12). The results in propensity-adjusted multivariable models were robust. CONCLUSIONS In a national all-payer cohort of pediatric patients who underwent a cerebrovascular procedure, the authors found that higher procedural volume was associated with fewer deaths, a lower rate of discharges to a facility, and decreased lengths of stay. Regionalization initiatives should include directing children with such rare pathologies to a center of excellence.

  1. Results of CT brain examinations in cerebrovascular emergency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinta, Z.; Dolansky, J.; Sorfova, J.; Jerie, T.


    Experience is briefly reported with CT (computerized tomography) diagnosis of cerebrovascular emergencies. It is pointed out that the introduction of computerized tomography greatly improved and made more accurate the diagnosis of focal ischemias and revealed significant differences in the foci of ischemia in hypertension patients and atherosclerosis patients without hypertension, and showed a higher incidence of intracerebral and subarachnoidal hemorrhages than previously thought. It is believed that knowledge gained thanks to CT (computerized tomography) will be of benefit to the primary and secondary prevention of cerebrovascular ischemias. (L.O.). 1 fig., 5 refs

  2. A meta-analysis of cerebrovascular disease and hyperhomocysteinaemia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, G M; Tvedegaard, K C; Andersen, Niels Trolle


    Hyperhomocysteinaemia has been identified as a risk factor for stroke and cerebrovascular disease in several studies. To evaluate the evidence we performed a meta-analysis. We found 21 studies searching Medline from 1966-July 1999 using the key words homocysteine, homocystine and cerebrovascular...... was used. The reports on 8 cross-sectional and 4 longitudinal studies gave data on the mean and standard deviations of plasma or serum homocysteine for both cases and controls, and these studies were included in the meta-analysis. The results of the 5 excluded studies all pointed to a positive relationship...

  3. Autocrine release of angiopoietin-2 mediates cerebrovascular disintegration in Moyamoya disease. (United States)

    Blecharz, Kinga G; Frey, Dietmar; Schenkel, Tobias; Prinz, Vincent; Bedini, Gloria; Krug, Susanne M; Czabanka, Marcus; Wagner, Josephin; Fromm, Michael; Bersano, Anna; Vajkoczy, Peter


    Moyamoya disease is a rare steno-occlusive cerebrovascular disorder often resulting in hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. Although sharing the same ischemic stimulus with atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease, Moyamoya disease is characterized by a highly instable cerebrovascular system which is prone to rupture due to pathological neovascularization. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this instability, angiopoietin-2 gene expression was analyzed in middle cerebral artery lesions obtained from Moyamoya disease and atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease patients. Angiopoietin-2 was significantly up-regulated in Moyamoya vessels, while serum concentrations of soluble angiopoietins were not changed. For further evaluations, cerebral endothelial cells incubated with serum from these patients in vitro were applied. In contrast to atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease serum, Moyamoya disease serum induced an angiopoietin-2 overexpression and secretion, accompanied by loss of endothelial integrity. These effects were absent or inverse in endothelial cells of non-brain origin suggesting brain endothelium specificity. The destabilizing effects on brain endothelial cells to Moyamoya disease serum were partially suppressed by the inhibition of angiopoietin-2. Our findings define brain endothelial cells as the potential source of vessel-destabilizing factors inducing the high plasticity state and disintegration in Moyamoya disease in an autocrine manner. We also provide new insights into Moyamoya disease pathophysiology that may be helpful for preventive treatment strategies in future.

  4. Un análisis en los accidentes cerebrovasculares una nueva mirada a los factores de riesgo para la aparición de la enfermedad. Un análisis en los accidentes cerebrovasculares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Felipe Herrera Jiménez


    Full Text Available ResumenLa presencia o no de factores psicológicos de riesgo para la aparición de distintas enfermedades continúa siendo un tema controvertido en las ciencias médicas y psicológicas, quizás por las dificultades que se presentan en el momento de su evaluación. No obstante, ya se han realizado primeras miradas en este sentido, presentando la siguiente investigación en personas con accidente cerebrovascular, como un análisis preliminar experimental; que más que brindar datos definitorios, permita a la vez, abrir nuevos caminos hacia la búsqueda de la multideterminación de los procesos patológicos. Con el objetivo central de determinar factores psicológicos de riesgo para la aparición de los accidentes cerebrovasculares, se establecieron dos grupos de estudio y testigo, a los cuales se le aplicaron el test de depresión Zung-Conde, el IDARE, el cuestionario de conductas de enfrentamiento y el examen neuropsicológico de Anne-Lise Crhistensen. Se pudo definir la existencia de factores más relacionados con características personológicas, factores externos fundamentalmente provenientes del medio y factores producto de esta interacción como lo constituyen el estrés y la ansiedad. (Duazary 2006; 1: 24 - 31 

  5. CT, MRI and MRA of cerebrovascular malformations (report of 16 cases)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Qingguo; Hu Chunhong; Guo Liang; Ding Yi


    Objective: To evaluate the value of CT, MRI and MRA in cerebrovascular malformations. Methods: 16 cases of cerebrovascular malformations were confirmed by angiography and pathology, including 12 cases of arteriovenous malformations, 4 cases of cavernous angiomas. All of these cases were performed with CT, MRI non-contrast scan and 3D-TOF MRA. Results: CT appearances of AVM were mixed density with hypo-density, iso-density or hyper-density. Some had calcification or acute hemorrhage. MRI scan showed the dilated and tortuous nidus of AVMs on T 1 WI and T 2 WI. The appearances of hemorrhage were variable. Feeding arteries and draining veins were showed clearly on MRA. The typical sign of cavernous angiomas was mixed signals with hypointensity ring on MRI, while MRA could not provide much information. Conclusions: CT, MRI and MRA had different value in diagnosis of cerebrovascular malformations. CT combined with MRI and MRA could sharply improve the accuracy of diagnosis, and aid in the comprehensive evaluation of cerebrovascular malformations

  6. l-arginine and l-NMMA for assessing cerebral endothelial dysfunction in ischaemic cerebrovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsson, William K; Sørensen, Caspar G; Kruuse, Christina


    Endothelial dysfunction (ED), in particular cerebral ED, may be an essential biomarker for ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. However, there is no consensus on methods to best estimate cerebral ED. In this systematic review, we evaluate the use of l-arginine and NG -monomethyl-l-arginine (l......-NMMA) for assessment of cerebral ED. A systematic search of PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library was done. We included studies investigating cerebrovascular response to l-arginine or l-NMMA in human subjects with vascular risk factors or ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. Seven studies (315 subjects) were eligible...... cerebrovascular disease. Inconsistencies in results were most likely due to variations in methods and included subject populations. In order to use cerebral ED as a prognostic marker, further studies are required to evaluate the association to cerebrovascular disease....

  7. Risk factors of cerebrovascular diseases and their intervention and management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    En XU


    Full Text Available Cerebrovascular diseases are important causes of clinical death and disability because of high prevalence and morbidity and easy to recurrence. A number of risk factors have involved in the progress of cerebrovascular diseases, which include uncontrolled and controlled risk factors. The former refers to old age, gender, low birth weight, race/ethnicity, genetic factors, etc. The latter includes hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation and other cardiac diseases, dyslipidemia, asymptomatic carotid stenosis, obesity, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, alcoholism, metabolic syndrome, hyperhomocysteinemia, etc. Meanwhile, hypertension is the most important one in the above-mentioned risk factors. It would effectively reduce or postpone the onset of cerebrovascular diseases through proper intervention and management on those risk factors. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2015.01.006

  8. Relationship of Aphasia and Topography of Cerebrovascular Territories

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Ghandehari


    Full Text Available Aphasia is a common manifestation of stroke and evaluation of relationships of aphasia and brain topography could lead to better understanding of cognitive neurophysiology.Consecutive 100 stroke patients with aphasia admitted in Valie Asr hospital, Khorasan in 2003 enrulled in this prospective study. Diagnosis of stroke and aphasia was made by a neurolosist and topography of involved cerebrovascular territories confirmed by topographic maps of brain in CT scan. Global, Broca and Wernicke subtypes of aphasia constituted 52%, 40% and 6% of the cases respectively. Based on the usual nourishment of Broca and Wernicke areas by anterior and posterior cortical branches of the middle cerebral artery, 79% of Global, 47% of Broca and 50% of Wernicke aphasias had a compatible infarct topography. Other cases had no congruent infarct topography with involved linguistic area of their brain. Specific cerebrovascular topography for subtypes of aphasia in stroke patients was not found. The effects of cerebrovascular lesions on linguistic functions are not predictable by their topography in CT scan.

  9. In-hospital cerebrovascular complications following orthotopic liver transplantation: A retrospective study

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    Liang Zhijian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Cerebrovascular complications are severe events following orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT. This study aimed to observe the clinical and neuroimaging features and possible risk factors of in-hospital cerebrovascular complications in the patients who underwent OLT. Patients and methods We retrospectively reviewed 337 consecutive patients who underwent 358 OLTs. Cerebrovascular complications were determined by clinical and neuroimaging manifestations, and the possible risk factors were analyzed in the patients with intracranial hemorrhage. Results Ten of 337 (3.0% patients developed in-hospital cerebrovascular complications (8 cases experienced intracranial hemorrhage and 2 cases had cerebral infarction, and 6 of them died. The clinical presentations were similar to common stroke, but with rapid deterioration at early stage. The hematomas on brain CT scan were massive, irregular, multifocal and diffuse, and most of them were located at brain lobes and might enlarge or rebleed. Infarcts presented lacunar and multifocal lesions in basal gangliar but with possible hemorrhagic transformation. The patients with intracranial hemorrhage had older age and a more frequency of systemic infection than non-intracranial hemorrhage patients. (P = 0.011 and 0.029, respectively. Conclusion Posttransplant cerebrovascular complications have severe impact on outcome of the patients who received OLT. Older age and systemic infection may be the possible risk factors of in-hospital intracranial hemorrhage following OLT.

  10. Autumn Weather and Winter Increase in Cerebrovascular Disease Mortality

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McDonagh, R


    Mortality from cerebrovascular disease increases in winter but the cause is unclear. Ireland’s oceanic climate means that it infrequently experiences extremes of weather. We examined how weather patterns relate to stroke mortality in Ireland. Seasonal data for Sunshine (% of average), Rainfall (% of average) and Temperature (degrees Celsius above average) were collected for autumn (September-November) and winter (December-February) using official Irish Meteorological Office data. National cerebrovascular mortality data was obtained from Quarterly Vital Statistics. Excess winter deaths were calculated by subtracting (nadir) 3rd quarter mortality data from subsequent 1st quarter data. Data for 12 years were analysed, 2002-2014. Mean winter mortality excess was 24.7%. Winter mortality correlated with temperature (r=.60, p=0.04). Rise in winter mortality correlated strongly with the weather in the preceding autumn (Rainfall: r=-0.19 p=0.53, Temperature: r=-0.60, p=0.03, Sunshine, r=0.58, p=0.04). Winter cerebrovascular disease mortality appears higher following cool, sunny autum

  11. [Direct economic burden of cerebrovascular disease, during 1993-2008 in China]. (United States)

    Lu, Jing; Xu, Ling; Zhai, Yi; Zhang, Yaoguang; Lyu, Yuebin; Shi, Xiaoming


    To evaluate the status and trend of direct economic burden on cerebrovascular disease, from 1993 to 2008 in China. Using two-step model to calculate the economic cost with related trend of cerebrovascular disease within the population among the over 30-year-olds, from 1993 to 2008. Data was gathered from the National Health Service Surveys Analysis Reports of 1993, 1998, 2003 and 2008, that including both direct outpatient and inpatient cost. There appeared a significant increase on the burden of cerebrovascular diseases in the period of 15 years, with direct economic cost increasing from 8.473 billion to 103.125 billion RMB. In fact, the actual increase was 5.3 times, without the influence of the price. The average annual growth rate was 13.1%, exceeding the rate of total expenditure on health and GDP during the same time span. In addition, the growth rate in 2003-2008 was the fastest, which appeared to be 19.8%. Burden that caused by cerebrovascular disease on individuals and the whole society was heavy which warrented further theoratical and practical studies on it.

  12. Diamox-enhanced brain SPECT in cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Yun Young


    Acute event in cerebrovascular disease is the second most common cause of death in Korea following cancer, and it can also cause serious neurologic deficits. Understanding of perfusion status is important for clinical applications in management of patients with cerebrovascular diseases, and then the attacks of ischemic neurologic symptoms and the risk of acute events can be reduced. Therefore, the normal vascular anatomy of brain, various clinical applications of acetazolamide-enhanced brain perfusion SPECT, including meaning and role of assessment of vascular reserve in carotid stenosis before procedure, in pediatric Moyamoya disease before and after operation, in prediction of development of hyperperfusion syndrome before procedure, and in prediction of vasospasm and of prognosis in subarachnoid hemorrhage were reviewed in this paper

  13. HM-PAO SPECT in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cordes, M.; Rummeny, E.; Reissmann, M.; Fox, K.; Panitz, N.; Pfannenstiel, P.


    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) after injection of 99m-Tc-HM-PAO was used to examine 34 patients whose clinical findings could not exclude a cerebrovascular disease. In all patients an X-ray computed tomography examination was inconclusive for the clinical-neurological findings. The regional cerebral bloodflow was pathologically disturbed in 10 of 34 patients in the HM-PAO SPECT examination. The detection of the regional cerebral bloodflow with HM-PAO SPECT is helpful in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease. (orig.) [de

  14. Cerebral blood flow in sickle cell cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huttenlocher, P.R.; Moohr, J.W.; Johns, L.; Brown, F.D.


    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been studied by the xenon-133 ( 133 Xe) inhalation method in 16 children with suspected sickle cell cerebrovascular disease. Abnormalities consisting of decreases in total, hemispheral, or regional CBF were found in 17 of 26 studies. Eleven studies performed immediately after stroke, transient ischemic attack, or depression of state of alertness showed abnormalities. In addition to confirming regional cerebrovascular insufficiency in children with stroke due to major cerebral artery occlusion, the method detected diffuse decrease in CBF in children with stupor, coma, and seizures who had normal angiographic findings. In contrast, six of seven studies obtained after exchange transfusion or during maintenance on hypertransfusion therapy showed normal findings. The difference between results in patients with acute neurologic disturbances and those receiving transfusion therapy was statistically significant (P less than .005). The data indicate that the 133 Xe method reliably demonstrates cerebrovascular impairment in sickle cell disease. They also suggest that CBF changes in patients with sickle cell disease can be reversed by exchange transfusion and by hypertransfusion therapy. The 133 Xe CBF method may be useful for following up children with sickle cell disease who are at high risk for recurrent stroke

  15. Dichotic auditory-verbal memory in adults with cerebro-vascular accident

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samaneh Yekta


    Full Text Available Background and Aim: Cerebrovascular accident is a neurological disorder involves central nervous system. Studies have shown that it affects the outputs of behavioral auditory tests such as dichotic auditory verbal memory test. The purpose of this study was to compare this memory test results between patients with cerebrovascular accident and normal subjects.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 20 patients with cerebrovascular accident aged 50-70 years and 20 controls matched for age and gender in Emam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, Iran. Dichotic auditory verbal memory test was performed on each subject.Results: The mean score in the two groups was significantly different (p<0.0001. The results indicated that the right-ear score was significantly greater than the left-ear score in normal subjects (p<0.0001 and in patients with right hemisphere lesion (p<0.0001. The right-ear and left-ear scores were not significantly different in patients with left hemisphere lesion (p=0.0860.Conclusion: Among other methods, Dichotic auditory verbal memory test is a beneficial test in assessing the central auditory nervous system of patients with cerebrovascular accident. It seems that it is sensitive to the damages occur following temporal lobe strokes.

  16. Neuropsychological evaluation of children after ischemic cerebrovascular disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guimarães Inês Elcione


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to associate neuropsychological evaluation with neuroimaging results in children with cerebral tomography indicating ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD. Neuroimaging, neurological exams and neuropsychological instruments were used to evaluate five children. The study revealed that the cognitive and perceptive skills in two children were normal and motor sequele in four cases. The rhythm, visual and speech receptive skills remained unchanged. In four cases the SPECT exam showed regions with hypoperfusion and in four cases the EEG was normal. Neuropsychological, neurological and image indication some degree of sequele demonstrating the importance of follow up of children who had suffered cerebrovascular disease.

  17. Pioglitazone improves reversal learning and exerts mixed cerebrovascular effects in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease with combined amyloid-β and cerebrovascular pathology.

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    Panayiota Papadopoulos

    Full Text Available Animal models of Alzheimer's disease (AD are invaluable in dissecting the pathogenic mechanisms and assessing the efficacy of potential new therapies. Here, we used the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma agonist pioglitazone in an attempt to rescue the pathogenic phenotype in adult (12 months and aged (>18 months bitransgenic A/T mice that overexpress a mutated human amyloid precursor protein (APPSwe,Ind and a constitutively active form of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1. A/T mice recapitulate the AD-related cognitive deficits, amyloid beta (Aβ and cerebrovascular pathologies, as well as the altered metabolic and vascular coupling responses to increased neuronal activity. Pioglitazone normalized neurometabolic and neurovascular coupling responses to sensory stimulation, and reduced cortical astroglial and hippocampal microglial activation in both age groups. Spatial learning and memory deficits in the Morris water maze were not rescued by pioglitazone, but reversal learning was improved in the adult cohort notwithstanding a progressing Aβ pathology. While pioglitazone preserved the constitutive nitric oxide synthesis in the vessel wall, it unexpectedly failed to restore cerebrovascular reactivity in A/T mice and even exacerbated the dilatory deficits. These data demonstrate pioglitazone's efficacy on selective AD hallmarks in a complex AD mouse model of comorbid amyloidosis and cerebrovascular pathology. They further suggest a potential benefit of pioglitazone in managing neuroinflammation, cerebral perfusion and glucose metabolism in AD patients devoid of cerebrovascular pathology.

  18. Cerebrovascular disease in Utah, 1968--1971. (United States)

    Lyon, J L; Bishop, C T; Nielsen, N S


    Utah mortality rates for cerebrovascular disease (ICD numbers 430--438) are 13% below U.S. rates. About 70% of Utahns are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly called Mormons of LDS, which proscribes use of tobacco and alcohol. Other studies on this group have found significantly lower occurrence of many cancers and ischemic heart disease. We tested the hypothesis that Utah's lower cerebrovascular disease (CBVD) mortality was contributed by the LDS population. We classified by religion all CBVD deaths (2,521) (except subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral embolism) occurring in the state in 1968--1971. No significant difference was found between LDS and non-LDS, but both groups had mortality rates below U.S. expectation. Although recent studies have reported smoking to be a risk factor for CBVD, we found no consistent difference between the LDS and non-LDS, even in the younger age groups. The results do not support the hypothesis that tobacco is an important etiologic agent in CBVD mortality.

  19. Aspirin Allergy Desensitization in Cerebrovascular Disease (United States)

    Zuckerman, Scott L; Seder, David B; Tsujiura, Crystiana; Cushing, Deborah; Gallup, Holly; Mocco, J; Hanel, Richard A; Ecker, Robert D


    Summary Aspirin (ASA) is the mainstay of treatment in cerebrovascular and systemic vascular disease. ASA hypersensitivity can pose a challenge to achieving optimum medical management prior to and after neurointerventional treatment. Desensitization to ASA is well described in the allergy and cardiovascular literature, but there are no similar discussions specific to neurointervention. The purpose of our study was to describe our experience with ASA hypersensitivity management and review the relevant literature. Two cases of patients with symptomatic cerebrovascular disease requiring neurointervention who were successfully desensitized to their ASA hypersensitivity prior to treatment are described. The subsequent literature is reviewed. Several ASA desensitization protocols exist and have been proven to successfully treat ASA hypersensitivity and allow for ASA therapy to be safely initiated. We describe several previously published protocols. ASA desensitization is a safe and simple way to manage ASA hypersensitivity. We provide comprehensive management guidelines for the neurointerventionalist engaging in ASA desensitization. PMID:24556294

  20. Positron emission tomography in cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powers, W.J.


    This paper reviews and discusses those aspects of PET that are relevant to its current and future role in the clinical care of individual patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease. In making a judgement about the value of any diagnostic test in the management of patients with a specific disease, one must decide what criteria to apply. It is tempting to conclude that any test that provides accurate data related to the pathophysiology of the disease under consideration must be clinically useful. This is not necessarily the case, however, if the data do not lead to better patient care by reducing either morbidity and mortality or expense. Such is currently the case for PET in human cerebrovascular disease. The data that PET can provide on CBF, CBV, OEF, and CMRO 2 are accurate and are directly related to the pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia. As yet, however, there is no evidence that the application of these data leads to improvements in patient care

  1. Promotor polymorphisms in leukotriene C4 synthase and risk of ischemic cerebrovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Freiberg, J.J.; Tybjaerg-Hansen, A.; Sillesen, H.


    OBJECTIVE: Cysteinyl leukotrienes are involved in inflammation and possibly in early carotid atherosclerosis. We tested the hypothesis that the -444 A/C and -1072 G/A polymorphisms of the leukotriene C(4) synthase associate with risk of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: We...... genotyped 10 592 individuals from the Danish general population, the Copenhagen City Heart Study. During 24 years of follow-up, 557 individuals developed ischemic cerebrovascular disease. The allele frequency was 0.07 for -1072 A and 0.29 for -444 C. Cumulative incidence for ischemic cerebrovascular disease...... was higher for -1072 AA versus GG genotype (log-rank: P=0.002), and lower for -444 CC versus AA genotype (log-rank: P=0.008). Combined genotypes showed corresponding cumulative incidence differences (log-rank: P=0.003). Multifactorially adjusted hazard ratios for ischemic cerebrovascular disease were 2...

  2. Dietary Curcumin Ameliorates Aging-Related Cerebrovascular Dysfunction through the AMPK/Uncoupling Protein 2 Pathway

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yunfei Pu


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Age-related cerebrovascular dysfunction contributes to stroke, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. One pathogenic mechanism underlying this effect is increased oxidative stress. Up-regulation of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2 plays a crucial role in regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS production. Dietary patterns are widely recognized as contributors to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that dietary curcumin, which has an antioxidant effect, can improve aging-related cerebrovascular dysfunction via UCP2 up-regulation. Methods: The 24-month-old male rodents used in this study, including male Sprague Dawley (SD rats and UCP2 knockout (UCP2-/- and matched wild type mice, were given dietary curcumin (0.2%. The young control rodents were 6-month-old. Rodent cerebral artery vasorelaxation was detected by wire myograph. The AMPK/UCP2 pathway and p-eNOS in cerebrovascular and endothelial cells were observed by immunoblotting. Results: Dietary curcumin administration for one month remarkably restored the impaired cerebrovascular endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in aging SD rats. In cerebral arteries from aging SD rats and cultured endothelial cells, curcumin promoted eNOS and AMPK phosphorylation, up-regulated UCP2 and reduced ROS production. These effects of curcumin were abolished by either AMPK or UCP2 inhibition. Chronic dietary curcumin significantly reduced ROS production and improved cerebrovascular endothelium-dependent relaxation in aging wild type mice but not in aging UCP2-/- mice. Conclusions: Curcumin improves aging-related cerebrovascular dysfunction via the AMPK/UCP2 pathway.

  3. Clinical observation of cerebrovascular diseases current in Chernobyl accident liquidators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golovchenko, Yu.Yi.; Usatenko, O.G.; Romanenko, N.Yi.


    The results of the clinical follow up study (1993-1997) of cerebrovascular diseases development in the Chernobyl accident liquidators are presented. The syndrome of autonomous nervous system dysfunction following to an exposure to the Chernobyl accident consequences factors promotes to fast development of atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. On the base of an analysis of the data obtained it was established that the primary diencephalic structures damage resulted in severe changes of different metabolic system, particularly in the cerebrovascular disorders development

  4. Historia natural de la oclusión aguda de gran arteria de la circulación cerebral anterior : serie clínica de 120 pacientes.


    Hernández Pérez, María


    : Para estudiar la historia natural del ictus isquémico por oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior se seleccionó una muestra prospectiva de pacientes con ictus agudo que no recibieron terapias de reperfusión en los que se confirmó una oclusión de gran vaso de la circulación anterior mediante Dúplex transcraneal. El 74% de los pacientes tuvo mal pronóstico. Los pacientes con oclusión de la a.carótida interna terminal y de la a.cerebral media proximal tuvieron peor pronóstico funciona...

  5. Riesgo de ictus isquémico en niños con Sβ talasemia. Estudio con Doppler transcraneal Risks of ischemic stroke in children suffering Sβ-thalassemia. Transcranial Doppler study

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    Claudio Enrique Scherle-Matamoros


    Full Text Available En niños con anemia por células falciformes, el riesgo de ictus isquémico varía según el genotipo de la hemoglobinopatía. En estos casos, la determinación de la velocidad de flujo sanguíneo mediante Doppler transcraneal (DTC puede predecir la ocurrencia de isquemia cerebral. Con el objetivo de describir las características del DTC en la Sβ talasemia, se estudiaron 32 enfermos menores de 18 años atendidos en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología y remitidos para su evaluación con ultrasonido. La edad media de los niños fue de 10,5 años. Se estudió la misma cantidad de enfermos con cada genotipo Sβ; solamente en un paciente la ventana temporal no fue útil. En el 97 % de los enfermos la velocidad media de flujo en las arterias cerebrales medias era inferior a 170 cm/s y solo en un niño estaban en el rango del grupo condicional. Se registraron asimetrías interhemisféricas en la velocidad media de flujo de las arterias cerebrales anteriores en el 29 % de los casos; en el 19,6 % en las arterias cerebrales medias; y en el 6,4 % en las carótidas internas extracraneales. Los niveles más altos de velocidad media de flujo se registraron en los enfermos con Sβ0 talasemia y en las arterias cerebrales medias. Existió una correlación inversa entre la edad y los niveles de hemoglobina con la velocidad de flujo de los 3 vasos estudiados. El riesgo de ictus isquémico en la Sβ talasemia es bajo, sin diferencia entre los 2 genotipos evaluados.In children with sickle cell anemia, the risk of ischemic stroke varies according to genotype of hemoglobinopathy. In these cases, determining the velocity of blood flow by transcranial Doppler (TCD can predict the occurrence of cerebral ischemia. In order to describe the characteristics of DTC in Sβ thalassemia, we studied 32 patients younger than 18 treated at the Institute of Hematology and Immunology, who were referred for ultrasound assessment. The age rate of children was 10.5 years old

  6. Effects of age on long-term outcomes after a routine invasive or selective invasive strategy in patients presenting with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: a collaborative analysis of individual data from the FRISC II - ICTUS - RITA-3 (FIR) trials

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Damman, Peter; Clayton, Tim; Wallentin, Lars; Lagerqvist, Bo; Fox, Keith A. A.; Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Swahn, Eva; Pocock, Stuart J.; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; de Winter, Robbert J.


    Objective To perform a patient-pooled analysis of a routine invasive versus a selective invasive strategy in elderly patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. Methods A meta-analysis was performed of patient-pooled data from the FRISC IIeICTUSeRITA-3 (FIR) studies. (Un)adjusted

  7. Resección de fibroelastoma papilar mitral mediante cirugía mínimamente invasiva en paciente con accidente cerebrovascular


    Velásquez, Oscar; Gómez, Francisco; Alzate, Fernando; Fortich, Fernando; Mejía, Alfonso


    Paciente quien consultó con síntomas neurológicos y se realizó diagnóstico de accidente cerebrovascular embólico cuya etiología consistió en un tumor cardíaco de la válvula mitral (fibroelastoma) con confirmación histológica. Fue intervenido quirúrgicamente mediante técnica mínimamente invasiva a través del tórax, con excelente evolución, sininfección ni requerimientos sanguíneos; no presentó secuelas valvulares ni neurológicas. Se reportó reincorporación temprana a la vida laboral....

  8. The role of inflammation and interleukin-1 in acute cerebrovascular disease

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    Galea J


    Full Text Available James Galea,1 David Brough21Manchester Academic Health Sciences Center, Brain Injury Research Group, Clinical Sciences Building, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, Salford, UK; 2Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, AV Hill Building, Manchester, UKAbstract: Acute cerebrovascular disease can affect people at all stages of life, from neonates to the elderly, with devastating consequences. It is responsible for up to 10% of deaths worldwide, is a major cause of disability, and represents an area of real unmet clinical need. Acute cerebrovascular disease is multifactorial with many mechanisms contributing to a complex pathophysiology. One of the major processes worsening disease severity and outcome is inflammation. Pro-inflammatory cytokines of the interleukin (IL-1 family are now known to drive damaging inflammatory processes in the brain. The aim of this review is to discuss the recent literature describing the role of IL-1 in acute cerebrovascular disease and to provide an update on our current understanding of the mechanisms of IL-1 production. We also discuss the recent literature where the effects of IL-1 have been targeted in animal models, thus reviewing potential future strategies that may limit the devastating effects of acute cerebrovascular disease.Keywords: cerebral ischemia, stroke, inflammation, microglia, interleukin-1, caspase-1

  9. Influence of cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis on cerebral oxygenation during exercise

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagayama, Osamu; Koike, Akira; Hoshimoto, Masayo; Yamaguchi, Kaori; Tajima, Akihiko; Goda, Ayumi; Uejima, Tokuhisa; Aizawa, Tadanori; Itoh, Haruki


    Although it is assumed that cerebral oxygenation during exercise is influenced by both cardiopulmonary function and cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis, the latter factor has not been fully clarified. In the present study the relationship between the degree of cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis and cerebral oxygenation during exercise was investigated. A total of 109 patients (69 patients with coronary artery disease, 40 patients with hypertensive heart disease) (61.7±9.7 years) performed a symptom-limited exercise test with respiratory gas measurements (CPX). From the respiratory gas analysis, peak O 2 uptake (VO 2 ), the slope of the increase in VO 2 to the increase in work rate (ΔVO 2 /ΔWR), and the slope of the increase in ventilation to the increase in CO 2 output (VE/VCO 2 slope) were calculated. Oxyhemoglobin (O 2 Hb) at the forehead was monitored using near-infrared spectroscopy. The brain ischemic score was counted based upon fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images of magnetic resonance imaging and expressed from 0 to 4. When compared with patients with a lower ischemic score ( 2 Hb during exercise (-1.08±2.7 vs 0.77±4.1 μmol/L, p=0.011). Of brain ischemic score, left ventricular ejection fraction, peak VO 2 , ΔVO 2 /ΔWR, and the VE/VCO 2 slope, ΔVO 2 /ΔWR was found to be the sole independent index determining cerebral O 2 Hb during exercise. The CPX parameters were also significantly related to the degree of cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis. Although cerebral oxygenation during exercise is mainly related to cardiopulmonary function, the degree of cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis partly influences cerebral oxygenation in patients with risk factors for atherosclerosis. (author)

  10. Positron emission tomography of cerebrovascular disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Makoto; Hirai, Shunsaku; Kondo, Susumu; Ishiguro, Koji; Yamazaki, Tsuneo


    The pathogenesis of cerebrovascular disorders which present PET findings significantly different from those by XCT were studied. The PET study was performed using a steady state method of 15 O 2 and C 15 O 2 inhalation. The XCT was obtained simultaneously. Seventeen cases with marked discrepancies between XCT and PET findings were selected from 50 cases with cerebrovascular disorders. Twenty-two findings, shown by PET but not by XCT, from the 17 cases were classified into three major groups on the basis of pathogenesis. Group I was composed of nine cases suffering from ischemic stroke either without any cerebral cortical structural abnormalities or with an organic lesion not revealed by XCT. Ischemic penumbra or allied mechanism may explain the discrepancy in this group. Perfusion and metabolic decreases in the 11 patients in Group II were caused by the transneuronal effects (diaschisis) of stroke; cortical effect of a small white matter infarction; cortical effect of thalamic hemorrhage; and an effect of a cerebral hemispheric lesion on the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere (crossed cerebellar diaschisis). Group III consisted of two cases studied in a period of prominent fogging effect. Regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) and metabolic rates of oxygen (CMRO 2 ) of the cerebral cortex or cerebellar hemisphere were measured in the area where perfusional and/or metabolic changes were demonstrated and in the corresponding area in the contralateral hemisphere. Reduction rates of CBF and CMRO 2 in the former to those in the latter were calculated. Evaluation of the functional images in PET depends primarily on visual and qualitative analyses. The comparison of radioactivities in a diseased region and in a reference region can inform a semiquantitative parameter in SPECT. The reduction rates of CBF and CMRO 2 in PET will serve as a good guide to evaluate the parameter in SPECT of cerebrovascular disorders. (J.P.N.)

  11. Antioxidants and Dementia Risk: Consideration through a Cerebrovascular Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginie Lam


    Full Text Available A number of natural and chemical compounds that exert anti-oxidative properties are demonstrated to be beneficial for brain and cognitive function, and some are reported to reduce the risk of dementia. However, the detailed mechanisms by which those anti-oxidative compounds show positive effects on cognition and dementia are still unclear. An emerging body of evidence suggests that the integrity of the cerebrovascular blood-brain barrier (BBB is centrally involved in the onset and progression of cognitive impairment and dementia. While recent studies revealed that some anti-oxidative agents appear to be protective against the disruption of BBB integrity and structure, few studies considered the neuroprotective effects of antioxidants in the context of cerebrovascular integrity. Therefore, in this review, we examine the mechanistic insights of antioxidants as a pleiotropic agent for cognitive impairment and dementia through a cerebrovascular axis by primarily focusing on the current available data from physiological studies. Conclusively, there is a compelling body of evidence that suggest antioxidants may prevent cognitive decline and dementia by protecting the integrity and function of BBB and, indeed, further studies are needed to directly examine these effects in addition to underlying molecular mechanisms.

  12. Abnormal Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

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    Carlos Henrique Ferreira Camargo


    Full Text Available Background. Orthostatic hypotension (OH is an important nonmotor manifestation of Parkinson’s disease (PD. Changes in cerebrovascular reactivity may contribute to this manifestation and can be monitored using transcranial Doppler. Objective. To identify possible changes in cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with OH. Methods. Twenty-two individuals were selected and divided into three groups: with and without OH and controls. Transcranial Doppler was used to assess basal mean blood flow velocity, postapnea mean blood flow velocity, percentage increase in mean blood flow velocity, and cerebrovascular reactivity as measured by the breath-holding index. Results. PD patients had lower values of basal velocity (p=0.019, postapnea velocity (p=0.0015, percentage increase in velocity (p=0.039, and breath-holding index (p=0.04 than the controls. Patients with OH had higher values of basal velocity (p=0.09 and postapnea velocity (p=0.19 but lower values of percentage increase in velocity (p=0.22 and breath-holding index (p=0.32 than patients without OH. Conclusions. PD patients present with abnormalities in a compensatory mechanism that regulates cerebral blood flow. OH could be an indicator of these abnormalities.

  13. Effects of Dietary Nitrates on Systemic and Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics

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    Vernon Bond


    Full Text Available Cerebral blood flow dysregulation is often associated with hypertension. We hypothesized that a beetroot juice (BRJ treatment could decrease blood pressure and cerebrovascular resistance (CVR. We subjected 12 healthy females to control and BRJ treatments. Cerebrovascular resistance index (CVRI, systolic blood pressure (SBP, total vascular resistance (TVR, and the heart rate-systolic pressure product (RPP measured at rest and at two exercise workloads were lower after the BRJ treatment. CVRI, SBP, and RPP were lower without a lower TVR at the highest exercise level. These findings suggest improved systemic and cerebral hemodynamics that could translate into a dietary treatment for hypertension.

  14. Results of CT brain examinations in cerebrovascular emergency. [computerized tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pinta, Z; Dolansky, J; Sorfova, J; Jerie, T


    Experience is briefly reported with CT (computerized tomography) diagnosis of cerebrovascular emergencies. It is pointed out that the introduction of computerized tomography greatly improved and made more accurate the diagnosis of focal ischemias and revealed significant differences in the foci of ischemia in hypertension patients and atherosclerosis patients without hypertension, and showed a higher incidence of intracerebral and subarachnoidal hemorrhages than previously thought. It is believed that knowledge gained thanks to CT (computerized tomography) will be of benefit to the primary and secondary prevention of cerebrovascular ischemias. (L.O.). 1 fig., 5 refs.

  15. Estudio descriptivo de la enfermedad cerebrovascular en el Hospital Regional Docente de Ica-Perú 2003 – 2006

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    J. Jhonnel Alarco


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar algunas características epidemiológicas de la enfermedad cerebro vascular (ECV, describir las características de la población estudiada según sexo, edad, procedencia, raza, forma de inicio, ubicación, tipos y subtipos, síntomas, antecedentes patológicos y mortalidad intrahospitalaria. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo. Lugar: Hospital Regional Docente de Ica. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de accidente cerebrovascular. Intervenciones: revisión de historias clínicas de archivo entre los años 2003 y 2006. Principales medidas de resultados: análisis estadístico: porcentajes y medidas de tendencia central, tabuladas en una base de datos con ayuda del programa Microsoft Excel 2003 para Windows®. Resultados: de 152 pacientes ingresados al servicio de Medicina 119 fueron casos de ECV isquémico, 33 casos fueron ECV hemorrágico. El principal antecedente patológico fue la hipertensión arterial con un 75.0 %. El síntoma más frecuente fue el trastorno motor con 80.3% seguido por alteraciones del lenguaje con 55.9%. El mayor número fue encontrado entre la séptima y octava décadas de la vida. La edad mínima fue de 17 y máxima de 102 años. La mortalidad global fue de 18 casos obteniéndose una tasa de letalidad específica para el ECV isquémico de 0,8% y de 51,5% para el ECV hemorrágico. Conclusiones: Se distingue a la HTA como el principal antecedente modificable, cuya prevención reduciría notablemente su mortalidad. Palabras clave:  accidente cerebrovascular, epidemiología, hospitales, Perú.

  16. [Effect of Chinese drugs for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis on carotid atherosclerosis and ischemic cerebrovascular events]. (United States)

    Lu, Yan; Li, Tao


    To explore the effect of Chinese drugs for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis (CDABCRBS) on carotid atherosclerotic plaque and long-term ischemic cerebrovascular events. By using open and control method, effect of 4 groups of platelet antagonists, platelet antagonists + CDABCRBS, platelet antagonists +atorvastatin, platelet antagonists +atorvastatin +CDABCRBS on carotid atherosclerotic plaque and long-term ischemic cerebrovascular events of 90 cerebral infarction patients were analyzed. Through survival analysis, there was no statistical difference in the effect of the 4 interventions on the variation of carotid stenosis rates or ischemic cerebrovascular events (P > 0.05). The occurrence of ischemic cerebrovascular events could be postponed by about 4 months in those treated with platelet antagonists + CDABCRBS and platelet antagonists + atorvastatin +CDABCRBS. By multivariate Logistic analysis, age, hypertension, and clopidogrel were associated with stenosis of extracranial carotid arteries (P cerebrovascular accidents (P cerebrovascular events. CDABCRBS could effectively prolong the occurrence time of ischemic cerebrovascular events.

  17. L-arginine and L-NMMA for Assessing Cerebral Endothelial Dysfunction in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease: A Systematic Review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Karlsson, William Kristian; Sørensen, Caspar Godthaab; Kruuse, Christina


    Endothelial dysfunction (ED), in particular cerebral ED, may be an essential biomarker for ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. However, there is no consensus on methods to best estimate cerebral ED. In this systematic review, we evaluate the use of l-arginine and NG -monomethyl-l-arginine (l......-NMMA) for assessment of cerebral ED. A systematic search of PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library was done. We included studies investigating cerebrovascular response to l-arginine or l-NMMA in human subjects with vascular risk factors or ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. Seven studies (315 subjects) were eligible...... cerebrovascular disease. Inconsistencies in results were most likely due to variations in methods and included subject populations. In order to use cerebral ED as a prognostic marker, further studies are required to evaluate the association to cerebrovascular disease....

  18. Cognitive performance correlates with cerebrovascular impairments in multi-infarct dementia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Judd, B.W.; Meyer, J.S.; Rogers, R.L.; Gandhi, S.; Tanahashi, N.; Mortel, K.F.; Tawaklna, T.


    Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured by the 133 Xe inhalation method in patients with multi-infarct dementia (MID, N = 26), Alzheimer's dementia (AD, N = 19), and among age-matched, neurologically normal, healthy volunteers (N = 26). Cognitive performance was assessed in all subjects using the Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination (CCSE). Cerebral vasomotor responses were calculated from differences in values of mean hemispheric gray matter blood flow (Delta CBF) measured during inhalation of 100% oxygen (hyperoxia) compared with CBF measured while breathing room air. Significant correlations were found between CCSE performance and vasomotor responsiveness in patients with MID (P less than .01), but not in patients with AD or in neurologically normal volunteers. Loss of vasomotor responsiveness is an indicator of cerebrovascular disease with rigidity and/or loss of reactivity of cerebral vessels, which impairs cerebrovascular responses to situational demands and predisposes to cerebral ischemia. Loss of cerebral vasomotor responsiveness among MID patients, which is a biologic marker of cerebrovascular disease, provides confirmatory evidence of the vascular etiology of MID and assists in separating MID from AD patients

  19. Ambulatory versus home versus clinic blood pressure: the association with subclinical cerebrovascular diseases: the Ohasama Study. (United States)

    Hara, Azusa; Tanaka, Kazushi; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Kondo, Takeo; Kikuya, Masahiro; Metoki, Hirohito; Hashimoto, Takanao; Satoh, Michihiro; Inoue, Ryusuke; Asayama, Kei; Obara, Taku; Hirose, Takuo; Izumi, Shin-Ichi; Satoh, Hiroshi; Imai, Yutaka


    The usefulness of ambulatory, home, and casual/clinic blood pressure measurements to predict subclinical cerebrovascular diseases (silent cerebrovascular lesions and carotid atherosclerosis) was compared in a general population. Data on ambulatory, home, and casual/clinic blood pressures and brain MRI to detect silent cerebrovascular lesions were obtained in 1007 subjects aged ≥55 years in a general population of Ohasama, Japan. Of the 1007 subjects, 583 underwent evaluation of the extent of carotid atherosclerosis. Twenty-four-hour, daytime, and nighttime ambulatory and home blood pressure levels were closely associated with the risk of silent cerebrovascular lesions and carotid atherosclerosis (all Ppressure values were simultaneously included in the same regression model, each of the ambulatory blood pressure values remained a significant predictor of silent cerebrovascular lesions, whereas home blood pressure lost its predictive value. Of the ambulatory blood pressure values, nighttime blood pressure was the strongest predictor of silent cerebrovascular lesions. The home blood pressure value was more closely associated with the risk of carotid atherosclerosis than any of the ambulatory blood pressure values when home and one of the ambulatory blood pressure values were simultaneously included in the same regression model. The casual/clinic blood pressure value had no significant association with the risk of subclinical cerebrovascular diseases. Although the clinical indications for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and home blood pressure measurements may overlap, the clinical significance of each method for predicting target organ damage may differ for different target organs.

  20. Advances in endovascular therapy for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jun Lu


    Full Text Available Endovascular therapy for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases has developed rapidly in recent years. The latest clinical trials of acute ischemic stroke have shown promising results with the continued advancement of concepts, techniques, and materials. Mechanical thrombectomy is recommended in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion of the anterior circulation, according to the guidelines updated in Europe, USA, and China. The long-term therapeutic efficacy of endovascular stenting for carotid artery stenosis has also been proved noninferior to that of carotid endarterectomy. However, the latest clinical trials have shown that the efficacy of stenting for intracranial artery and vertebral artery stenosis is inferior to that of medical treatment alone, which needs urgent attention through further development and studies. Keywords: Ischemic cerebrovascular diseases, Interventional surgery, Progress

  1. Resección de fibroelastoma papilar mitral mediante cirugía mínimamente invasiva en paciente con accidente cerebrovascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Paciente quien consultó con síntomas neurológicos y se realizó diagnóstico de accidente cerebrovascular embólico cuya etiología consistió en un tumor cardíaco de la válvula mitral (fibroelastoma con confirmación histológica. Fue intervenido quirúrgicamente mediante técnica mínimamente invasiva a través del tórax, con excelente evolución, sin infección ni requerimientos sanguíneos; no presentó secuelas valvulares ni neurológicas. Se reportó reincorporación temprana a la vida laboral.

  2. Imaging neurochemistry of cerebrovascular disease with PET and SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hatazawa, J.; Shimosegawa, E.


    Pathophysiology od cerebrovascular disease has been studied by measuring cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). These parameters are measures for brain tissue consisting of heterogeneous components such as neurons, glial cells, and blood vessels. It is still difficult to evaluate brain damages specifically involving either neurons or other components. Several trials were recently conducted to visualize neuron-specific injury in cerebrovascular disease by means of 11 C flumazenil for PET and 123 I-iomazenil for SPECT. These tracers selectively bind to central benzodiazepine receptor which is purely neuronal. A reduced accumulation of these ligands was found in the area surrounding the complete infarction and in the cortex remote from putaminal hemorrhage, indicating the existence of neuron specific injury not visualized by CT and MR. Neurological deficits were well correlated with the loss of cortical accumulation of these ligands. These preliminary studies indicated a potential of neurochemical imaging in cerebrovascular disease. Vulnerability to ischemia which may differ among brain tissue components, among subpopulations of neurons, and among pre-synaptic and post-synaptic functions can be more precisely examined. Neurochemical imaging can be also applied to reveal releases and re-organization of each neurotransmitter-acceptor system after stroke

  3. Imaging neurochemistry of cerebrovascular disease with PET and SPECT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hatazawa, J.; Shimosegawa, E. [Akita Research Institute of Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita (Japan). Dept. of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine


    Pathophysiology od cerebrovascular disease has been studied by measuring cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). These parameters are measures for brain tissue consisting of heterogeneous components such as neurons, glial cells, and blood vessels. It is still difficult to evaluate brain damages specifically involving either neurons or other components. Several trials were recently conducted to visualize neuron-specific injury in cerebrovascular disease by means of {sup 11}C flumazenil for PET and {sup 123}I-iomazenil for SPECT. These tracers selectively bind to central benzodiazepine receptor which is purely neuronal. A reduced accumulation of these ligands was found in the area surrounding the complete infarction and in the cortex remote from putaminal hemorrhage, indicating the existence of neuron specific injury not visualized by CT and MR. Neurological deficits were well correlated with the loss of cortical accumulation of these ligands. These preliminary studies indicated a potential of neurochemical imaging in cerebrovascular disease. Vulnerability to ischemia which may differ among brain tissue components, among subpopulations of neurons, and among pre-synaptic and post-synaptic functions can be more precisely examined. Neurochemical imaging can be also applied to reveal releases and re-organization of each neurotransmitter-acceptor system after stroke.

  4. Vivenciando a sobrecarga ao vir-a-ser um cuidador familiar de pessoa com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC: análise do conhecimento Viviendo la sobrecarga al convertirse en cuidador familiar de personas con accidente cerebrovascular: análisis del conocimiento Living the burden in becoming a family caregiver for a cerebrovascular accident survivor: knowledge analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Cristina Mangini Bocchi


    Full Text Available Trata-se de trabalho do tipo bibliográfico com a finalidade de fazer uma análise temática da produção do conhecimento em periódicos, acerca da sobrecarga em cuidadores familiares de pessoas com Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC. O corpus de análise reuniu artigos localizados nas décadas de 80 e 90, a partir das bases de dados Medline, Lilacs e Cinahl. A análise de conteúdo foi o referencial metodológico que permitiu organizar todo o conhecimento, em um corpo de categorias e subcategorias, denominadas: Categoria 1 - As seqüelas do AVC gerando sobrecarga; Categoria 2 - Aspectos gerando sobrecarga, congregando as subcategorias: o isolamento social, as mudanças e as insatisfações conjugais, as dificuldades financeiras e os déficits na saúde física e no autocuidado do cuidador; Categoria 3 - Outras análises relacionadas à sobrecarga em cuidadores familiares.Se trata de un trabajo del tipo bibliográfico con la finalidad de hacer un análisis temático de producción del conocimiento en revistas, sobre la carga de cuidadores familiares de personas con Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV. El corpus de análisis reunió artículos realizados en las décadas de 80 y 90 a partir de las bases de datos Medline, Lilacs y Cinahl. El análisis de contenido fue el referencial metodológico que permitió organizar todo el conocimiento en un cuerpo de categorías y subcategorías denominadas: categoría 1 - Las secuelas del ACV generando carga, Categoría 2 - Aspectos generadores de la carga que congregan las subcategorías: el aislamiento social, los cambios y las insatisfacciones conyugales, las dificultades financieras y los déficit en la salud física y en el cuidado consigo mismo, Categoría 3 - Otros análisis sobre la carga de cuidadores familiares de personas con ACV.This bibliographical research aims to carry out a thematic analysis of knowledge production in periodicals, about the burden placed on family caregivers of Cerebrovascular

  5. Effect of high-intensity training on endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolmos, Mia; Krawcyk, Rikke Steen; Kruuse, Christina


    OBJECTIVES: Exercise improves endothelial dysfunction, the key manifestation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, and is recommended in both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular rehabilitation. Disagreement remains, however, on the role of intensity of exercise. The purpose of this review...

  6. The effect of kineziotape on ankle joint in patients with cerebrovascular accident - objectivisation by a footscan


    Veličková, Barbora


    BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT Name and surname: Barbora Veličková Supervisor: Bc. Tereza Chalupská Opponent: Title: The effect of kineziotape on ankle joint in patients with cerebrovascular accident - objectivisation by a footscan Key words: kineziotaping, ankle joint, cerebrovascular accident, Footscan® Abstract: This bachelor thesis is focused on on the effect of kineziotape on ankle joint in patients with cerebrovascular accident. The bachelor thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. ...

  7. Clinical validation of nursing outcome mobility in patients with cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Moreira, Rafaella Pessoa; Araujo, Thelma Leite de; Lopes, Marcos Venicios de Oliveira; Cavalcante, Tahissa Frota; Guedes, Nirla Gomes; Chaves, Emília Soares; Portela, Regiane Campos; Holanda, Rose-Eloise


    To clinically validate the nursing outcome Mobility in patients with cerebrovascular accidents. Descriptive study, conducted in July 2011, with 38 outpatients, in northeastern Brazil. Data collection took place by evaluating two pairs of specialist nurses, where one pair used the instrument containing the constitutive and operational definitions of the indicators and magnitudes of the Mobility Outcome and the other pair without such definitions. When analyzing the evaluations among nurses, all indicators showed significant differences by the Friedman test (p cerebrovascular accident patient's mobility state.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Eloy Cruz Quesada


    Full Text Available Background: Atherosclerosis is a multifactor process in which several risk factors are involved. It is the leading cause of death and morbidity in hospital admitted patients, and it may cause a marked decrease in blood flow to all organs of the body.Objective: To determine the impact of systolic hypertension on cerebrovascular disease.Methods: A cross-sectional, observational and analytical study was conducted in 59 death patients who suffered from hypertension. Cerebral arteries were analyzed and atherosclerotic lesion and its variety were quantified by using the atherometric system. The different types of hypertension were considered. Statistical (central tendency measures and comparative (comparison test based on Student’s arithmetic t-test procedures were used.Results: Recent strokes were more frequent in systodiastolic hypertensive patients. There was no significant difference in the injury onset age for both sexes, but women with systolic hypertension were significantly more damaged (from a morphometric point of view. Significant correlation for both groups of hypertensive patients was observed between type of stroke and atherometric system variables.Conclusions: Systolic hypertension is an important factor in the genesis of cerebrovascular disease and is associated with the progression of atherosclerotic plaque.

  9. Asymptomatic Extracranial Artery Stenosis and the Risk of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases


    Wang, Dandan; Wang, Jing; Jin, Cheng; Ji, Ruijun; Wang, Anxin; Li, Xin; Gao, Xiang; Wu, Shouling; Zhou, Yong; Zhao, Xingquan


    Asymptomatic extracranial artery stenosis (ECAS) is a well-known risk factor for stroke events, but it remains unclear whether it has the same role in predicting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially in China. We investigated the potential associations between ECAS, carotid plaque and carotid intima-media thickness and the new occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the study. Out of 5440 study participants, 364 showed an asymptomatic ECAS at baseline, a...

  10. Doença cerebrovascular na infância: II. Aspectos clínicos em 42 casos Cerebrovascular disease in children: II. Clinical aspects in 42 cases

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    Full Text Available Entre 1990 e 1998 foram analisadas, do ponto de vista clínico, 42 crianças com diagnóstico de doença cerebrovascular, internadas no Hospital das Clínicas da FCM-UNICAMP. O distúrbio cerebrovascular mais frequente foi do tipo isquêmico com acometimento predominante da artéria cerebral média, sendo o quadro clínico agudo caracterizado por manifestações epilépticas e alterações motoras, principalmente em crianças de idade precoce. A avaliação do seguimento das crianças mostrou predomínio de sequelas motoras.We report the findings recorded in 42 children suffering cerebrovascular disease and assisted at the Hospital das Clínicas FCM-UNICAMP, over a 8 years period (January 1990 until April 1998. The ischemic type was the most common, and involvement of the middle cerebral artery, sudden onset of clinical manifestation with seizures and motor disability were more common in early aged children. Motor sequelae predominated in the follow-up of these children.

  11. Clinical utility of carotid and transcranial ultrasound in cerebrovascular diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Figueiredo L


    Full Text Available Lívia Figueiredo, Viviane F Zétola, Marcos C Lange Neurology Division, Hospital de Clínicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil Abstract: Carotid and transcranial (CTU ultrasound is a useful tool in a number of clinical settings, particularly in cerebrovascular diseases. CTU is the only method that provides real-time determination of velocity and the spectral waveform of blood flow in the extracranial and basal intracranial arteries, and is effective in the detection of stenosis and occlusion. When transcranial ultrasound is considered, CTU is the only method that allows visualization of microembolic signals in the intracranial arteries. CTU makes a rapid differential diagnosis possible, improving therapeutic decision-making in acute stroke and determining the risk of recurrence and prognosis based on its findings. It is also the standard of care in children with sickle cell disease, when selecting patients for chronic blood transfusion, and for reducing the risk of ischemic stroke in these patients. CTU has some advantages, ie, relative simplicity in terms of interpretation and performance, and affordability, noninvasiveness, and portability. The main concern with ultrasound is that it is an operator-dependent tool and requires a high level of expertise and knowledge of three-dimensional cerebrovascular anatomy for correct interpretation of sonograms. The most significant limitation of intracranial evaluation by transcranial ultrasound is the absence of a suitable bone window in approximately 10% of patients. This paper gives an overview of the current utility and importance of CTU in the prevention and evaluation of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Keywords: transcranial Doppler ultrasonography, Doppler ultrasonography duplex, cerebrovascular disorders, stroke

  12. Incidencia y prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica y enfermedad cerebrovascular en España: revisión sistemática de la literatura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ma José Medrano Albero


    Full Text Available La morbilidad de las enfermedades cardiovasculares no es bienconocida en España. Esta carencia de información se debe a que noexiste una fuente de datos que sea estable, exhaustiva y fiable. Elobjetivo de este trabajo es describir la frecuencia poblacional de car-diopatía isquémica y enfermedad cerebrovascular en España. Seidentificaron como fuentes de información los estudios científicospublicados en revistas médicas españolas o por autores españolescon fecha posterior al año 1990, mediante estrategias de búsquedabibliográfica en cuatro bases de datos distintas. Se seleccionaron losestudios derivados de registros poblacionales, encuestas de preva-lencia y estudios de cohortes de los que fue posible extraer tasas deincidencia y/o prevalencia ajustadas por edad. Se identificaron 19trabajos publicados entre 1993 y 2005, con información válida sobreincidencia o prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica o enfermedadcerebrovascular en España a nivel poblacional. Morbilidad por car-diopatía isquémica: Las tasas de incidencia de infarto agudo de mio-cardio oscilaron entre 135-210 nuevos casos anuales por cada100.000 varones y entre 29-61 por cada 100.000 mujeres entre 25 y74 años. No existen datos de prevalencia de cardiopatía isquémica,solamente hay un estudio de prevalencia de angina en la que ésta seestima en el 7,3% en hombres y 7,5% en mujeres. Las tasas de inci-dencia de enfermedad cerebrovascular por 100.000 habitantes seestiman en 364 en hombres y 169 en mujeres. Si la incidencia semidiera en población mayor de 69 años las tasas se elevarían a 2.371en hombres y 1.493 en mujeres. La prevalencia de ictus en poblaciónmayor de 65 años en España podría estimarse en un 7% en hombresy un 6% en mujeres. La información disponible en la actualidad pue-de servir como referencia inicial, pero sería necesario un esfuerzo deestandarización metodológica y de coordinación que excede la capa-cidad de grupos de investigaci

  13. Study of plasma neuropeptide levels in patients with acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Youfen; Lan Suixin; Chen Yu; He Ling; Huang Yuan; Ma Yaling


    Objective: To explore the relationship between the dynamic changes of plasma neuropeptide (β-EP, NT, NPY) levels and the pathogenesis as well as clinical outcomes of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Methods: The concentrations of serum neuropeptides (β-EP, NT, NPY) were measured on the 1 st, 3 rd, 7 th, 14 th day after the onset of disease with RIA in 103 patients with acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (38 cases of acute cerebral infarction, 32 cases of cerebral hemorrhage, 33 cases of acute myocardial infarction and acute heart failure) and 66 controls. Results: 1. NPY, NT and β-EP levels in patients with acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease were significantly higher than those in controls (p<0.01). (F=39.54, p<0.01; F=33.38, p<0.01; F=8.38, p<0.01 For β-EP, NPY and NT respectively). 2. The plasma neuropeptide levels were highest at onset and gradually lowered till to normal levels on the 14 th day. Conclusion: Plasma neuropeptide levels were closely related to the pathogenesis and clinical outcome of acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, study of which might be useful in the clinical management of the diseases

  14. Three-dimensional CT angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eguchi, Takahiko; Nikaido, Yuji; Nakamura, Takeshi; Yoneda, Shigeru


    We reported the usefulness of three dimensional CT angiography (3 DCTA) in cerebrovascular disease. Twenty two of twenty three intracerebral aneurysms were visualized in 3 DCTA. 3 DTPA was especially useful for the evaluation of posterior-projection anterior communicating arteries and the distinction between a carotid-posterior communicating aneurysm and an infundibular dilatation. An anterior-projection carotid bifurcation aneurysm, which we missed in DSA, was visualized clearly in 3 DCTA. Stenotic cervical carotid artery lesions were well evaluated in 3 DCTA, including ulceration. 3 DCTA was not so useful for evaluation of intracranial artery stenosis. 3 DCTA was useful as a non-invasive method to evaluate cerebrovascular diseases. (author)

  15. Unique cerebrovascular anomalies in Noonan syndrome with RAF1 mutation. (United States)

    Zarate, Yuri A; Lichty, Angie W; Champion, Kristen J; Clarkson, L Kate; Holden, Kenton R; Matheus, M Gisele


    Noonan syndrome is a common autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental disorder caused by gain-of-function germline mutations affecting components of the Ras-MAPK pathway. The authors present the case of a 6-year-old male with Noonan syndrome, Chiari malformation type I, shunted benign external hydrocephalus in infancy, and unique cerebrovascular changes. A de novo heterozygous change in the RAF1 gene was identified. The patient underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography angiography, and magnetic resonance angiography to further clarify the nature of his abnormal brain vasculature. The authors compared his findings to the few cases of Noonan syndrome reported with cerebrovascular pathology. © The Author(s) 2013.

  16. Increased Prevalence of Cerebrovascular Disease in Hospitalized Patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. (United States)

    Kim, Sarasa T; Cloft, Harry; Flemming, Kelly D; Kallmes, David F; Lanzino, Giuseppe; Brinjikji, Waleed


    Small studies have suggested that Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is associated with a number of cerebrovascular complications. We sought to determine whether a clinical diagnosis of EDS is associated with a higher prevalence of cerebrovascular diseases than the general population by performing a case-control study of hospitalized patients in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS). Using the 2000-2012 NIS, we performed a case-control study matching cases of EDS to controls without such a diagnosis. The prevalence of various cerebrovascular diseases between the 2 groups was compared, and multivariate logistic regression was used to adjust for suspected comorbidities. Between 2000 and 2012, there were a total of 9067 discharges carrying a diagnosis of EDS. On univariate analysis, patients with EDS were more likely to be hospitalized for carotid dissection (.2% versus .01%, odds ratio [OR] = 18.0, confidence interval [CI] = 2.41-135.12, P < .0001), vertebral dissection (.1% versus 0%, P = .008), cervical artery aneurysm (.1% versus .01%, OR = 9.01, CI = 1.14-71.11, P < .0001), cerebral aneurysm (.4% versus .09%, OR = 4.89, CI = 2.28-10.47, P < .0001), and cerebrovascular malformation (.1% versus .02%, OR = 5, CI = 1.10-22.85, P = .021), compared to the controls. On multivariate analysis adjusted for age, race, and comorbidities, EDS patients had significantly higher odds of carotid dissection (OR = 15.02, CI = 3.08-270.87, P < .0001), vertebral dissection (OR = 2406539.5, P = .0037), cervical artery aneurysm (OR = 11.75, CI = 2.11-220.71, P = .0026), cerebral aneurysm (OR = 5.59, CI = 2.69-13.18, P < .0001), and cerebrovascular malformation (OR = 4.67, CI = 1.20-30.87, P = .0243). Carotid and vertebral dissections, cervical and cerebral aneurysms, as well as other cerebrovascular malformations are more common in hospitalized patients with EDS compared to controls

  17. A five-year study of particulate matter (PM2.5) and cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leiva G, Manuel A.; Santibañez, Daniela A.; Ibarra E, Sergio; Matus C, Patricia; Seguel, Rodrigo


    Cerebrovascular accidents, or strokes, are the second leading cause of mortality and the leading cause of morbidity in both Chile and the rest of the world. However, the relationship between particulate matter pollution and strokes is not well characterized. The association between fine particle concentration and stroke admissions was studied. Data on hospital admissions due to cerebrovascular accidents were collected from the Ministry of Health. Air quality and meteorological data were taken from the Air Quality database of the Santiago Metropolitan Area. Santiago reported 33,624 stroke admissions between January 1, 2002 and December 30, 2006. PM2.5 concentration was markedly seasonal, increasing during the winter. This study found an association between PM2.5 exposure and hospital admissions for stroke; for every PM2.5 concentration increase of 10 μg m −3 , the risk of emergency hospital admissions for cerebrovascular causes increased by 1.29% (95% CI 0.552%–2.03%). Highlights: •Particulate matter pollution – cerebrovascular diseases relationship is not well known. •Cerebrovascular diseases are the second leading cause of mortality and the leading cause of morbidity. •PM2.5 increase 10 μg/m 3 the risk of hospital admissions for stroke causes increases by 1.29%. •The results are similar to that of other cities worldwide. -- Relationship between PM pollution and strokes is not well characterized. In Santiago the risk of the stroke increased by 1.29%; for every increase of 10 μg m −3 in PM2.5

  18. CDC Signos Vitales-Edad del corazón (Heart Age)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de septiembre del 2015 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. La "edad del corazón" es la edad que tienen su corazón y vasos sanguíneos como resultado de sus factores de riesgo de ataque cardiaco y accidente cerebrovascular. Si usted fuma o tiene la presión arterial alta, la edad de su corazón será mucho mayor que su edad real. Sepa qué puede hacer para disminuir la edad de su corazón y mantenerla baja.  Created: 9/1/2015 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 9/1/2015.

  19. Myocardial stress in patients with acute cerebrovascular events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jespersen, C.M.; Hansen, J.F.


    Signs of myocardial involvement are common in patients with acute cerebrovascular events. ST segment deviations, abnormal left ventricular function, increased N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), prolonged QT interval, and/or raised troponins are observed in up to one third...

  20. Elevated cardiac troponin I predicts cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events in hypertensive patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Li'na; Cao Yanfei; Qiu Yifan


    Objective: Whether elevated cTnI is associated with cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events in patients with hypertension (HT) without left ventricular(LV) systolic dysfunction is not clear. Method: We measured cTnI serum level in 170 patients with essential HT without LV systolic dysfunction (LVEF 55%),renal failure,and prior cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases. Besides, control group of 40 normal presons was established and following up (45±38)months. Results: Level of cTnI was elevated (≥0.04 ng/ml) in 15 (8.8%) of the 170 patients and in 0 (0%) of the 40 normal controls. The rate of diabetes mellitus(DM), the cardiothoracic ratio, serum NT-proBNP value, and LV mass index were significantly higher in patients with than without elevated cTnI (DM, 9/15 versus 25/155, P 2 , P=0.0001). Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated that significantly fewer (P<0.000001) patients with, than without elevated cTnI remained free of events (hospitalization due to cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease). Stepwise Cox multivariate analysis revealed that elevated cTnT (hazard ratio, 6.59, P=0.000001) and smoking (hazard ratio, 2.26, P=0.04) were independent predictors of events. Conclusion: The present findings indicate that cTnI is a biomarker and useful predictor of future cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events in hypertensive patients. (authors)

  1. Is beta-thalassemia trait a protective factor against ischemic cerebrovascular accidents? (United States)

    Karimi, Mehran; Borhani Haghighi, Afshin; Yazdani, Maryam; Raisi, Hamideh; Giti, Rahil; Namazee, Mohammad Reza


    In this research, we sought to determine the association between beta-thalassemia trait and ischemic cerebrovascular accident (CVA). In acase-control study, 148 patients with thromboembolic cerebrovascular events were evaluated for the presence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and beta-thalassemia trait. A total of 156 age- and sex-matched patients with no cardiac or cerebrovascular diseases, serving as the control group, were also investigated for the above-mentioned risk factors. We found that 6.1% of patients with ischemic CVA and 12.2% of the control group had beta-thalassemia trait (P = .066). In male patients, the negative association between ischemic CVA and presence of beta-thalassemia trait was significant (P = .008). In patients, the prevalence of hypertension was also significantly different between those with and without beta-thalassemia trait (P = .01); those with beta-thalassemia trait had a lower mean blood pressure than those without the trait. beta-Thalassemia trait may have a protective effect against ischemic CVA that might be caused by the lower arterial blood pressure observed in those with this trait.

  2. Prevención de úlceras por presión y lesiones musculoesqueléticas: paciente con ictus Pressure ulcer prevention and muscular and skeletal injuries: Patient with stoke

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Luque Moreno


    Full Text Available Planteamos un caso clínico en el que enfermera y fisioterapeuta ponen en común procedimientos para mejorar la higiene postural de un paciente encamado con un accidente cerebrovascular y hemiplejia izquierda. Describimos analíticamente una intervención conjunta durante un mes. A pesar de que se ha mantenido el riesgo máximo de UPP objetivado inicialmente, durante este periodo no han aparecido úlceras, obteniendo un mantenimiento o aumento del rango de las articulaciones. Es importante un trabajo multidisciplinar que evite la aparición de úlceras por decúbito y de futuras lesiones musculoesqueléticas que dificultarían la posterior reeducación funcional del paciente.We propose a case in which both a nurse and a physiotherapist analyse different procedures to improve the postural hygiene of bedridden patients with stroke and left hemiplegia. We describe analitically a joint intervention for a month. Although the maximum risk of pressure ulcer (UP as mentioned before, has remained, ulcers have not appeared during that period, obtaining an increasing articulation range. Multidisciplinary work is important to avoid the appearance of bedsores and future muscular and skeletal injuries that would hinder the future rehabilitation of the patient.

  3. The diagnosis and management of cerebrovascular disease in diabetes. (United States)

    Phipps, Michael S; Jastreboff, Ania M; Furie, Karen; Kernan, Walter N


    Cerebrovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetes. Compared with nondiabetic patients, diabetic patients have at least twice the risk for stroke, earlier onset of symptoms, and worse functional outcomes. Approximately 20 % of diabetic patients will die from stroke, making it one of the leading causes of death in this population. Effective strategies for primary and secondary prevention of stroke have been developed in research cohorts that included both diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Nevertheless, prevention in diabetes has some specific considerations. In this paper, we summarize evidence to guide the diagnosis and management of stroke in diabetic patients. We propose that diabetic stroke patients should have a robust risk assessment to target interventions, like other patients with cerebrovascular disease, but with special attention to glycemic control and lifestyle modification.

  4. Deconstructing racial differences: the effects of quality of education and cerebrovascular risk factors. (United States)

    Carvalho, Janessa O; Tommet, Doug; Crane, Paul K; Thomas, Michael L; Claxton, Amy; Habeck, Christian; Manly, Jennifer J; Romero, Heather R


    To evaluate the effects of vascular conditions and education quality on cognition over time in White and African American (AA) older adults. We investigated cross-sectional and longitudinal racial differences in executive functioning (EF) and memory composites among Whites (n = 461) and AAs (n = 118) enrolled in a cohort study. We examined whether cerebrovascular risk factors and Shipley Vocabulary scores (a proxy for education quality) accounted for racial differences. On average, AAs had lower quality of education and more cerebrovascular risk factors including hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. AAs had lower mean EF and memory at baseline, but there were no group differences in rates of decline. Cross-sectional racial differences in EF and memory persisted after controlling for vascular disease, but disappeared when controlling for Shipley Vocabulary. Quality of education appears to be more important than cerebrovascular risk factors in explaining cross-sectional differences in memory and EF performance between White and AA older adults. Further investigation is needed regarding the relative contribution of education quality and cerebrovascular risk factors to cognitive decline among ethnically/racially diverse older adults. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. A large, switchable optical clearing skull window for cerebrovascular imaging (United States)

    Zhang, Chao; Feng, Wei; Zhao, Yanjie; Yu, Tingting; Li, Pengcheng; Xu, Tonghui; Luo, Qingming; Zhu, Dan


    Rationale: Intravital optical imaging is a significant method for investigating cerebrovascular structure and function. However, its imaging contrast and depth are limited by the turbid skull. Tissue optical clearing has a great potential for solving this problem. Our goal was to develop a transparent skull window, without performing a craniotomy, for use in assessing cerebrovascular structure and function. Methods: Skull optical clearing agents were topically applied to the skulls of mice to create a transparent window within 15 min. The clearing efficacy, repeatability, and safety of the skull window were then investigated. Results: Imaging through the optical clearing skull window enhanced both the contrast and the depth of intravital imaging. The skull window could be used on 2-8-month-old mice and could be expanded from regional to bi-hemispheric. In addition, the window could be repeatedly established without inducing observable inflammation and metabolic toxicity. Conclusion: We successfully developed an easy-to-handle, large, switchable, and safe optical clearing skull window. Combined with various optical imaging techniques, cerebrovascular structure and function can be observed through this optical clearing skull window. Thus, it has the potential for use in basic research on the physiopathologic processes of cortical vessels. PMID:29774069

  6. Hospital descrlptlve epidemiology of cerebrovascular disorders in G. Almenara 1. Natlonal Hospital


    Deza, Luis; Aldave, Raquel; Concha, Gina; Salazar, Luis; Carmona, Jorge; Castillo, Marco


    We present an epidemiological approach of a two years clinical observation study of a cohort of 208 admissions with cerebrovascular disease. This report represents part of a wider project intended to clarify the natural history of cerebrovascular diseases in Peru. We found a 70.7% of occlusions or stenosis, a 26.9% of intracerebral hemorrhages, a 1.9% of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 0.5% of other unspecified. A mean age of onset of 62.2 years, with a very large range, probably with a later a...

  7. Sobrecarga dos cuidadores de idosos com acidente vascular cerebral Sobrecarga de los cuidadores de ancianos con accidente cerebrovascular Burden on caregivers of elderly victims of cerebrovascular accident

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Amorim Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sobrecarga dos cuidadores de idosos com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC, assim como correlacioná-la com as horas de cuidado, a idade e a independência funcional dos idosos. Trata-se de estudo transversal feito com 62 idosos com AVC e seus cuidadores. O instrumento continha variáveis sociodemográficas e econômicas, Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, Medida da Independência Funcional (MIF e a Escala de Zarit. A possível correlação entre os escores da escala de Zarit e as outras variáveis foi avaliada por meio do Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson. A maioria dos cuidadores era adultos, filhos, casados e do sexo feminino. A média do escore de Zarit foi 34,92 (15,8. A MIF apresentou correlação negativa com a sobrecarga do cuidador, porém, não houve correlação com a idade e as horas de cuidado. A sobrecarga da maioria dos cuidadores variou de moderada a severa e parece estar relacionada ao nível de independência funcional dos idosos.Se objetivó evaluar la sobrecarga de cuidadores de ancianos con accidente cerebrovascular (ACV, y correlacionarla con horas de cuidado, edad e independencia funcional de los ancianos. Estudio transversal con 62 ancianos con ACV y sus cuidadores. El instrumento contenía variables sociodemográficas y económicas, Mini-Examen del Estado Mental, Medida de la Independencia Funcional (MIF y la Escala de Zarit. La posible correlación entre los puntajes de la escala de Zarit y las otras variables fue evaluada por Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson. La mayoría de los cuidadores eran adultos, hijos, casados y de sexo femenino. El promedio de puntaje de Zarit fue 34,92 (15,8. La MIF presentó correlación negativa con la sobrecarga del cuidador, sin embargo no hubo correlación con edad y horas de cuidado. La sobrecarga de la mayoría de los cuidadores varió entre moderada y severa, y parece relacionarse con el nivel de independencia funcional del anciano.The aim was to

  8. Side differences in cerebrovascular accidents after cardiac surgery: a statistical analysis of neurologic symptoms and possible implications for anatomic mechanisms of aortic particle embolization. (United States)

    Boivie, Patrik; Edström, Cecilia; Engström, Karl Gunnar


    Aortic manipulation and particle embolization have been identified to cause cerebrovascular accidents in cardiac surgery. Recent data suggest that left-hemispheric cerebrovascular accident (right-sided symptoms) is more common, and this has been interpreted as being caused by aortic cannula stream jets. Our aim was to evaluate symptoms of cerebrovascular accident and side differences from a retrospective statistical analysis. During a 2-year period, 2641 consecutive cardiac surgery cases were analyzed. Patients positive for cerebrovascular accident were extracted from a database designed to monitor clinical symptoms. A protocol was used to confirm symptom data with the correct diagnosis in patient records. Patients were subdivided into 3 groups: control, immediate cerebrovascular accident, and delayed cerebrovascular accident. Among pooled patients, immediate and delayed cerebrovascular accidents were 3.0% and 0.9%, respectively. The expected predisposing factors behind immediate cerebrovascular accidents were significant, although the type of operation affected this search. Aortic quality was a strong predictor ( P cerebrovascular accident was unaffected by surgery group. Left-sided symptoms of immediate cerebrovascular accident were approximately twice as frequent ( P = .016) as on the contralateral side. This phenomenon was observed for pooled patients and for isolated coronary bypass procedures (n = 1882; P = .025). Immediate cerebrovascular accident and aortic calcifications are linked. The predominance of left-sided symptoms may suggest that aortic manipulation and anatomic mechanisms in the aortic arch are more likely to cause cerebrovascular accidents than effects from cannula stream jets.

  9. Stress test with adenosine in cerebral perfusion imaging for the diagnosis of ischemic cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Gengbiao; Kuang Anren; Chen Xuehong; Li Xihuan; Feng Jianzhong


    Objective: This study purpose is to evaluate cerebrovascular response and reserve capacity (CVR, CVRC) by stress test with adenosine in cerebral perfusion imaging for the diagnosis of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. Methods There were 25 patients suffered from transient ischemia attack and 16 patients suffered from occlusive cerebral artery in this study. The rest cerebral perfusion imaging was obtained 30 minutes post-injection of 99mTC-ethylene cysteinate dimmer. After 2-5 days, adenosine stress tests were performed. Adenosine (0.14 mg/kg min) was administered intravenously 3 minutes pre-injection of 99mTC-ECD.Under same condition, the rest and stress tests of cerebral perfusion imaging were performed. By visual and semiquantitative analysis, the results of the rest/stress imaging were divided into the following four patterns: A: The stress imaging showed an expand areas of hypoperfusion, asymmetry index (AI) was decreased; B: Rest imaging was normal but new hypoperfused areas appeared with AI index declining in stress test; C: The hypoperfused areas were decreased or disappeared in size with AI index increasing in stress test; D: No changes showed in cerebral perfusion imaging patterns and Al index between rest and stress tests. AI index was ratio of radio account of interest regions than average radio account of cerebella. Results It was found that A, B, C and D type were 24%,12%,56% and 8% respectively in the group of transient ischemia attack patients, and 31%,44%, 19% and 6% respectively in the group of occlusive cerebrovascular patients. In rest test, of 41 patients of cerebrovascular disease, there were 28 cases decreased of radio uptake, moreover in stress test, there were 38 case decreased of radio uptake, positive rate were 68.29% and 92.68% respectively. Compared to X±SD of AI index of rest/stress test, it is found to increasing and being significant statistics (p<0.01, Spass 8.0 statistics software). Conclusion: Adenosinal-induced vasodilatation

  10. Characteristics, treatment, and outcomes of periprocedural cerebrovascular accidents during electrophysiologic procedures. (United States)

    Harb, Serge C; Thomas, George; Saliba, Walid I; Nakhoul, Georges N; Hussein, Ayman A; Duarte, Valeria E; Bhargava, Mandeep; Baranowski, Bryan; Tchou, Patrick; Dresing, Thomas; Callahan, Thomas; Kanj, Mohamed; Natale, Andrea; Lindsay, Bruce D; Wazni, Oussama M


    We sought to identify the characteristics, treatment, and outcomes of periprocedural cerebrovascular accident (PCVA) during electrophysiologic (EP) procedures. Periprocedural cerebrovascular accident is one of the most feared complications during EP procedures with very few data regarding its characteristics, management, and outcomes. Between January 1998 and December 2008, we reviewed 30,032 invasive EP procedures for PCVA occurrence and characteristics. Management and outcomes were also determined. Thirty-eight CVAs were identified. Twenty (53 %) were intraprocedural and 18 (47 %) postprocedural. Thirty-two (84 %) were classified as strokes and six (16 %) as transient ischemic attacks. All CVAs except one (37, 97 %) were ischemic and the vast majority occurred during ablation procedures (36, 95 %). Among the 31 patients with ischemic stroke, 11 (35 %) were treated with reperfusion (eight catheter-based therapy and three intravenous t-PA) of whom five (46 %) had complete recovery, three (27 %) had partial recovery, and three (27 %) had no recovery. No hemorrhagic transformations occurred. Periprocedural cerebrovascular accident during EP procedures is rare and is almost always ischemic. It occurs more frequently during ablation procedures. Reperfusion therapy is feasible and safe.

  11. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cerebro-vascular malformations by CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schumacher, M.; Stoeter, P.; Voigt, K.


    In 38 patients, the diagnosis of a cerebrovascular malformation (17 arteriovenous angiomas including one low-flow- and two venous angiomas; 10 aneurysms; 4 arteriovenous fistulae of the cavernous sinus, the tentorium and one of the Great Vein of Galen; 6 megadolical basilar arteries) was initially made by computertomographic (CT) examination, including contrast enhancement. The characteristic and pathognomonic CT findings are described and compared with those of cerebral angiography also done in these cases. The problems of differential diagnosis and the reasons for a false CT diagnosis in 5 other patients with a cerebro-vascular malformation are investigated; and the diagnostic value of cerebral angiography and CT is discussed and their complementary functions are being pointed out. (orig.) 891 MG/orig. 892 MKO [de

  12. Characteristics of cerebrovascular accidents at time of diagnosis in a series of 98 patients with giant cell arteritis. (United States)

    Zenone, Thierry; Puget, Marie


    The objective of this study was to determine the characteristics of cerebrovascular accidents at time of diagnosis in patients with giant cell arteritis. Retrospective data were collected from 98 patients at a single hospital with giant cell arteritis (according to the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria) diagnosed between October 1999 and January 2012. Cerebrovascular accident was found at initial presentation in 6 patients (6.1 %, 95 % CIs 2.3-12.9). Most of them had other symptoms of giant cell arteritis when the disease began. Signs reflecting the involvement of vertebro-basilar territory were present in 3 cases. No other case of cerebrovascular accident was described during the follow-up of patient; particularly no case of cerebrovascular accident occurred once corticosteroid therapy for the treatment of giant cell arteritis had been initiated. No differences in the epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory features at the time of diagnosis between patients who had cerebrovascular accidents and the rest of the giant cell arteritis patients were observed. Prognosis was good in our survey. However, there was no case of bilateral vertebral artery occlusion, a condition associated with poor prognosis. The present study confirms that cerebrovascular accidents may be the initial manifestation of giant cell arteritis, an argument in favor of a direct effect of the vasculitis in the development of cerebrovascular accidents rather than a complication of the corticosteroid therapy. The diagnosis of giant cell arteritis should always be considered in an elderly patient with stroke and an unexplained elevation of inflammatory biomarkers.

  13. Digital subtraction angiography in ischemic cerebrovascular accidents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manelfe, C.; Bonafe, A.; Ducos de Lahitte, M.; Rascol, A.; Prere, J.; Guiraud, B.; Marc-Vergnes, J.P. (Hopital Purpan, 31 - Toulouse (France))


    Recent advances in computer and radiological technology have permitted reassessment of intravenous angiography in the evaluation of cerebrovascular disorders. Although digital subtraction angiography is a relatively new technique, it has rapidly gained a widespread acceptance. It has extended the use of angiography to outpatients and to people in whom conventional angiography is contraindicated. This reliable, safe, and relatively noninvasive technique offers the user two benefits: real-time subtraction and enhanced image quality. The system allows angiographic evaluation of the extracranial and intracranial vessels by means of intravenous injection of contrast material. Extracranial studies clearly demonstrate stenoses and occlusions of the major cervicocephalic arteries. Intracranial studies usually detect major cerebrovascular occlusions and provide insight into the collateral flow patterns. Intravenous digital subtraction angiography permits accurate assessment of cervicocephalic vessels after surgical repair. Although intravenous digital subtraction angiography obviates the need for conventional angiography in many cases, movements from the patients, or superimposition of vascular structures can substantially degrade the quality of the images. Digital subtraction angiography with intra-arterial injection of contrast medium will be contemplated in patients with poor intravenous digital subtraction angiography studies prior to surgery.

  14. Digital subtraction angiography in ischemic cerebrovascular accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manelfe, C.; Bonafe, A.; Ducos de Lahitte, M.; Rascol, A.; Prere, J.; Guiraud, B.; Marc-Vergnes, J.P.


    Recent advances in computer and radiological technology have permitted reassessment of intravenous angiography in the evaluation of cerebrovascular disorders. Although digital subtraction angiography is a relatively new technique, it has rapidly gained a widespread acceptance. It has extended the use of angiography to outpatients and to people in whom conventional angiography is contraindicated. This reliable, safe, and relatively noninvasive technique offers the user two benefits: real-time subtraction and enhanced image quality. The system allows angiographic evaluation of the extracranial and intracranial vessels by means of intravenous injection of contrast material. Extracranial studies clearly demonstrate stenoses and occlusions of the major cervicocephalic arteries. Intracranial studies usually detect major cerebrovascular occlusions and provide insight into the collateral flow patterns. Intravenous digital subtraction angiography permits accurate assessment of cervicocephalic vessels after surgical repair. Although intravenous digital subtraction angiography obviates the need for conventional angiography in many cases, movements from the patients, or superimposition of vascular structures can substantially degrade the quality of the images. Digital subtraction angiography with intra-arterial injection of contrast medium will be contemplated in patients with poor intravenous digital subtraction angiography studies prior to surgery [fr

  15. NSAIDs and cardiovascular drugs in neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.D.M. Haag (Mendel)


    textabstractNeurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases are frequent in elderly populations and comprise primarily of dementia (mainly Alzheimer disease (AD)), Parkinson disease (PD) and stroke. The prevalence of these neurological disorders rises with older age. From 55 years to 90 years and

  16. Electrocardiographic findings in acute cerebrovascular hemorrhage a prospective study of 70 patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walter Oleschko Arruda


    Full Text Available Seventy patients with hemorrhagic stroke were prospectively evaluated regarding the electrocardiographic abnormalities observed within the first 48 hours of the ictus. Group I comprised 55 patients with spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, and group II 15 patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Patients taking cardiac drugs (beta blockers, calcium-channel blockers, inotropic drugs or with severe metabolic/electrolyte disturbances were excluded. The most common ECG abnormality was a prolonged Q-Tc interval: group I, 37 (67.2%; group II, 8 (53.3%. Only 4 (7.2% patients of group I and no patient of group II had a normal ECG. No relation was found between the site of the intracerebral hematoma and the occurrence of any particular ECG change. A prolonged Q-Tc may be related to the development of severe cardiac arrhythmias observed in some patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage.

  17. Vivenciando o conjunto de circunstâncias que influenciam na significação da alta hospitalar: estudo de enfermagem Vivencia del conjunto de circunstancias que inciden en la importancia del alta hospitalaria: estudio de enfermería Experiencing the set of circumstances that influence the significance of hospital discharge: nursing study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Silva de Paiva


    Full Text Available A presente discussão é parte integrante da dissertação de mestrado intitulada: "Ressignificando a alta hospitalar e percebendo-se como o cuidador familiar: um estudo de enfermagem", vinculada à Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery. Teve como objeto o significado da alta hospitalar para a família do cliente com sequelas do acidente vascular cerebral. O objetivo traçado para esta discussão foi: discutir o contexto vivido pelo cuidador familiar, considerando o duelo de sentimentos, de manifestações, de atitudes e de práticas. Foram adotados o referencial teórico do Interacionismo e o método Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital público municipal. Os atores sociais foram cuidadores familiares de vítimas de um acidente vascular. A partir da análise das categorias, o fenômeno revela o entendimento do conjunto de circunstâncias que acompanham o acontecimento e que, ao se articularem, interferem no significado que os familiares concedem à alta hospitalar.Este debate forma parte de la tesis titulada: "Nuevo significado del alta hospitalaria y percepción de si propio como el cuidador familiar: un estudio de enfermería", vinculado a la Escuela de Enfermería Anna Nery. Tenía por objeto el significado del hospital para la familia del cliente con secuelas de ictus. El objetivo fijado para esta discusión fue: analizar el contexto vivido por los cuidadores de la familia teniendo en cuenta los sentimientos de duelo, expresiones, actitudes y prácticas. El enfoque teórico fue el Interaccionismo. Fue adoptado el método Grounded Theory. El estudio se realizó en una sala pública. Los participantes eran cuidadores familiares de las víctimas de un accidente cerebrovascular. A partir del análisis de las categorías, el fenómeno revela una comprensión del conjunto de circunstancias que rodean el caso y que, para articularse, interfieren con el significado de que miembros de la familia conceden a alta hospitalaria

  18. Cerebrovascular accidents in adult patients with congenital heart disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoffmann, A.; Chockalingam, P.; Balint, O.H.; Dadashev, A.; Dimopoulos, K.; Engel, R.; Schmid, M.; Schwerzmann, M.; Gatzoulis, M.A.; Mulder, B.J.M.; Oechslin, E.


    Objective To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) in a large population of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD). Methods and results In a retrospective analysis of aggregated European and Canadian databases a total population of 23 153 patients with

  19. Incidence of cerebrovascular accidents in patients undergoing minimally invasive valve surgery. (United States)

    LaPietra, Angelo; Santana, Orlando; Mihos, Christos G; DeBeer, Steven; Rosen, Gerald P; Lamas, Gervasio A; Lamelas, Joseph


    Minimally invasive valve surgery has been associated with increased cerebrovascular complications. Our objective was to evaluate the incidence of cerebrovascular accidents in patients undergoing minimally invasive valve surgery. We retrospectively reviewed all the minimally invasive valve surgery performed at our institution from January 2009 to June 2012. The operative times, lengths of stay, postoperative complications, and mortality were analyzed. A total of 1501 consecutive patients were identified. The mean age was 73 ± 13 years, and 808 patients (54%) were male. Of the 1501 patients, 206 (13.7%) had a history of a cerebrovascular accident, and 225 (15%) had undergone previous heart surgery. The procedures performed were 617 isolated aortic valve replacements (41.1%), 658 isolated mitral valve operations (43.8%), 6 tricuspid valve repairs (0.4%), 216 double valve surgery (14.4%), and 4 triple valve surgery (0.3%). Femoral cannulation was used in 1359 patients (90.5%) and central cannulation in 142 (9.5%). In 1392 patients (92.7%), the aorta was clamped, and in 109 (7.3%), the surgery was performed with the heart fibrillating. The median aortic crossclamp and cardiopulmonary bypass times were 86 minutes (interquartile range [IQR], 70-107) minutes and 116 minutes (IQR, 96-143), respectively. The median intensive care unit length of stay was 47 hours (IQR, 29-74), and the median postoperative hospital length of stay was 7 days (IQR, 5-10). A total of 23 cerebrovascular accidents (1.53%) and 38 deaths (2.53%) had occurred at 30 days postoperatively. Minimally invasive valve surgery was associated with an acceptable stroke rate, regardless of the cannulation technique. Copyright © 2014 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Homocysteine and cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Datta, Saikat; Pal, Salil K; Mazumdar, Hirak; Bhandari, Biswanath; Bhattacherjee, Sharmistha; Pandit, Sudipta


    Hyperhomocysteinaemia is rapidly emerging as an important risk factor for coronary artery disease, possibly because of its propensity to accelerate atherosclerosis. Whether it is also a risk factor for cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) is a matter of debate till now, as there are conflicting results of the various prospective studies. The present study was performed to correlate the levels of plasma homocysteine levels with that of ischaemic and haemorrhagic CVA. Forty-two cases of CVA were randomly selected over a period of one year, and their risk factors were assessed. It was observed that serum homocysteine levels were significantly raised in those with intracerebral infarcts when compared to those with intracerebral haemorrhage, although homocysteine levels didn't prove to be prognostically significant.

  1. Incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in Danish men and women with a prolonged heavy alcohol intake

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvidtfeldt, Ulla Arthur; Frederiksen, M.E.; Thygesen, L.C.


    significant higher incidence rates than would be expected in a standard population were observed for cardiovascular diseases (e.g., ischemic heart diseases, men: SIR = 1.76; 95% CI 1.69-1.83; women: SIR = 2.44; 95% CI 2.19-2.73) and cerebrovascular diseases (e.g., hemorrhagic stroke, men: SIR = 2.71; 95% CI 2...... rates of cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases than the population in general. METHODS: The cohort comprised 19,185 subjects (15,368 men and 3,817 women) who attended outpatient clinics for alcohol abusers within the Copenhagen Hospital Corporation (1954 to 1992). Incidence rates were standardized (SIR......) according to sex, age and calendar time to compare subjects' cardio- and cerebrovascular incidence with that of the general population of Copenhagen. RESULTS: During the period 1977 to 2001 a total of 9,397 events of cardio- and cerebrovascular disease were observed. In both men and women, statistically...

  2. Cerebrovascular accidents in adult patients with congenital heart disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoffmann, A.; Chockalingam, P.; Balint, O. H.; Dadashev, A.; Dimopoulos, K.; Engel, R.; Schmid, M.; Schwerzmann, M.; Gatzoulis, M. A.; Mulder, B.; Oechslin, E.


    To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) in a large population of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD). In a retrospective analysis of aggregated European and Canadian databases a total population of 23 153 patients with CHD was followed up to the

  3. Cerebrovascular defects in Foxc1 mutants correlate with aberrant WNT and VEGF-A pathways downstream of retinoic acid from the meninges. (United States)

    Mishra, Swati; Choe, Youngshik; Pleasure, Samuel J; Siegenthaler, Julie A


    Growth and maturation of the cerebrovasculature is a vital event in neocortical development however mechanisms that control cerebrovascular development remain poorly understood. Mutations in or deletions that include the FOXC1 gene are associated with congenital cerebrovascular anomalies and increased stroke risk in patients. Foxc1 mutant mice display severe cerebrovascular hemorrhage at late gestational ages. While these data demonstrate Foxc1 is required for cerebrovascular development, its broad expression in the brain vasculature combined with Foxc1 mutant's complex developmental defects have made it difficult to pinpoint its function(s). Using global and conditional Foxc1 mutants, we find 1) significant cerebrovascular growth defects precede cerebral hemorrhage and 2) expression of Foxc1 in neural crest-derived meninges and brain pericytes, though not endothelial cells, is required for normal cerebrovascular development. We provide evidence that reduced levels of meninges-derived retinoic acid (RA), caused by defects in meninges formation in Foxc1 mutants, is a major contributing factor to the cerebrovascular growth defects in Foxc1 mutants. We provide data that suggests that meninges-derived RA ensures adequate growth of the neocortical vasculature via regulating expression of WNT pathway proteins and neural progenitor derived-VEGF-A. Our findings offer the first evidence for a role of the meninges in brain vascular development and provide new insight into potential causes of cerebrovascular defects in patients with FOXC1 mutations. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Association of Vegetable Nitrate Intake With Carotid Atherosclerosis and Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease in Older Women. (United States)

    Bondonno, Catherine P; Blekkenhorst, Lauren C; Prince, Richard L; Ivey, Kerry L; Lewis, Joshua R; Devine, Amanda; Woodman, Richard J; Lundberg, Jon O; Croft, Kevin D; Thompson, Peter L; Hodgson, Jonathan M


    A short-term increase in dietary nitrate (NO 3 - ) improves markers of vascular health via formation of nitric oxide and other bioactive nitrogen oxides. Whether this translates into long-term vascular disease risk reduction has yet to be examined. We investigated the association of vegetable-derived nitrate intake with common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT), plaque severity, and ischemic cerebrovascular disease events in elderly women (n=1226). Vegetable nitrate intake, lifestyle factors, and cardiovascular disease risk factors were determined at baseline (1998). CCA-IMT and plaque severity were measured using B-mode carotid ultrasound (2001). Complete ischemic cerebrovascular disease hospitalizations or deaths (events) over 14.5 years (15 032 person-years of follow-up) were obtained from the West Australian Data Linkage System. Higher vegetable nitrate intake was associated with a lower maximum CCA-IMT (B=-0.015, P =0.002) and lower mean CCA-IMT (B=-0.012, P =0.006). This relationship remained significant after adjustment for lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors ( P ≤0.01). Vegetable nitrate intake was not a predictor of plaque severity. In total 186 (15%) women experienced an ischemic cerebrovascular disease event. For every 1 SD (29 mg/d) higher intake of vegetable nitrate, there was an associated 17% lower risk of 14.5-year ischemic cerebrovascular disease events in both unadjusted and fully adjusted models ( P =0.02). Independent of other risk factors, higher vegetable nitrate was associated with a lower CCA-IMT and a lower risk of an ischemic cerebrovascular disease event. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  5. Thrombotic stroke in the anesthetized monkey (Macaca mulatta): characterization by MRI - A pilot study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gauberti, Maxime; Gakuba, Clement; Orset, Cyrille; Obiang, Pauline; Guedin, Pierre; Balossier, Anne; Diependaele, Anne-Sophie; Young, Alan R.; Agin, Veronique; Chazalviel, Laurent; Vivien, Denis


    The lack of a relevant stroke model in large nonhuman primates hinders the development of innovative diagnostic/therapeutic approaches concerned with this cerebrovascular disease. Our objective was to develop a novel and clinically relevant model of embolic stroke in the anesthetized monkey that incorporates readily available clinical imaging techniques and that would allow the possibility of drug delivery including strategies of reperfusion. Thrombin was injected into the lumen of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in 12 anesthetized (sevoflurane) male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Sequential MRI studies (including angiography, FLAIR, PWI, DWI, and gadolinium-enhanced T1W imaging) were performed in a 3 T clinical MRI. Physiological and biochemical parameters were monitored throughout the investigations. Once standardized, the surgical procedure induced transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery in all operated animals. All animals studied showed spontaneous reperfusion, which occurred some time between 2 h and 7 days post-ictus. Eighty percent of the studied animals showed diffusion/perfusion mismatch. The ischemic lesions at 24 h spared both superficial and profound territories of the MCA. Some animals presented hemorrhagic transformation at 7 days post-ictus. In this study, we developed a pre-clinically relevant model of embolic stroke in the anesthetized nonhuman primate. (authors)

  6. Adaptive cognitive testing in cerebrovascular disease and vascular dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wouters, Hans; de Koning, Inge; Zwinderman, Aeilko H; van Gool, Willem A; Schmand, Ben; Buiter, Maarten; Lindeboom, Robert


    BACKGROUND/AIMS: To examine whether brevity can be combined with precision in measuring global cognitive ability in patients with cerebrovascular disease (CVD) or vascular dementia (VaD). Longer tests (e.g. the CAMCOG) are precise but inefficient, whereas brief tests (e.g. the MMSE) are efficient

  7. Identificación de síntomas relacionados al Síndrome de Apnea Obstructiva del sueño en historias clínicas de pacientes con eventos vasculares agudos.

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    Full Text Available El síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño (SAOS se caracteriza por ronquidos, pausas en la respiración y somnolencia diurna excesiva entre los síntomas más relevantes. Se ha demostrado una asociación con incremento de riesgo vascular en pacientes con SAOS. Objetivo: Evaluar si el personal médico busca síntomas relacionados al SAOS en pacientes con un cuadro cerebrovascular o síndrome coronario agudo, en los servicios de Medicina del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia en Lima, Perú, desde septiembre del 2003 hasta septiembre del 2004. Materiales y métodos: Se planteó un estudio observacional retrospectivo. Se revisaron historias clínicas de 291 pacientes con diagnóstico al ingreso de accidente cerebrovascular, ataque isquémico transitorio o síndrome coronario agudo, buscando información sobre síntomas relacionados al SAOS, incluyendo evaluación por especialidades y epicrisis, detallando los evaluadores que recogieron los datos. Resultados: En la evaluación de 291 pacientes participaron 1122 evaluadores, 0,98 % de ellos consignó descartar el SAOS, que correspondió a 9 pacientes. En sólo 1 paciente se sugirió realizar un estudio de polisomnografía para corroborar el diagnóstico, sin ofrecerse ninguna opción terapéutica. Del total de pacientes, en el 6,87 % se indagó por ronquidos durante el sueño, 28,52 % por somnolencia y 0,68 % por episodios de apneas durante el sueño. Conclusiones: No se realiza una adecuada búsqueda del SAOS en pacientes con un evento cardiovascular o cerebrovascular agudo. En los pocos pacientes en los que se sospecha esta patología no existe seguimiento clínico ni tampoco se ofrece opción diagnóstica ni terapéutica alguna. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:148-155.

  8. The Impact of Aging on Cardio and Cerebrovascular Diseases

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    Carmine Izzo


    Full Text Available A growing number of evidences report that aging represents the major risk factor for the development of cardio and cerebrovascular diseases. Understanding Aging from a genetic, biochemical and physiological point of view could be helpful to design a better medical approach and to elaborate the best therapeutic strategy to adopt, without neglecting all the risk factors associated with advanced age. Of course, the better way should always be understanding risk-to-benefit ratio, maintenance of independence and reduction of symptoms. Although improvements in treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly population have increased the survival rate, several studies are needed to understand the best management option to improve therapeutic outcomes. The aim of this review is to give a 360° panorama on what goes on in the fragile ecosystem of elderly, why it happens and what we can do, right now, with the tools at our disposal to slow down aging, until new discoveries on aging, cardio and cerebrovascular diseases are at hand.

  9. Alzheimer's disease: Cerebrovascular dysfunction, oxidative stress, and advanced clinical therapies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marlatt, M.W.; Lucassen, P.J.; Perry, G.; Smith, M.A.; Zhu, X.


    Many lines of independent research have provided convergent evidence regarding oxidative stress, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Clinical studies spurred by these findings engage basic and clinical communities with tangible results regarding molecular targets and

  10. Radioiodine therapy increases the risk of cerebrovascular events in hyperthyroid and euthyroid patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    la Cour, Jeppe Lerche; Jensen, Lars Thorbjoern; Vej-Hansen, Anders


    to radiation and is capable of inducing atherosclerosis. The objective of the study was to elucidate whether ionizing radiation from radioiodine might contribute to cerebrovascular morbidity. METHODS: In a retrospective register cohort study, 4000 hyperthyroid and 1022 euthyroid goitre patients treated...... with radioiodine between 1975 and 2008 were matched 1:4 on age and sex with random controls. The cohort was followed from the date of treatment until hospitalization due to cerebrovascular event, death, 20 years of follow-up or March 2013. Data were analyzed in competing risk models adjusting for age, sex...

  11. The relationship between cerebrovascular disease and homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 in serum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Wei; Yang Chen; Shi Yizhen; Liu Zengli


    To investigate the relationship between cerebrovascular disease and the serum levels of homocysteine(Hcy), folate and vitamin B 12 , the serum levels of Hcy, folate and vitamin B 12 in 148 patients with cerebrovascular disease were measured by fluorescence polarization immuno- assay and chemiluminescence and were compared with those in healthy controls. The result showed that the serum Hcy levels in patients with cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and vertebrobasilar ischemiay were significantly higher than those in healthy controls (P 12 levels were signifieantly lower (P 0.05). No significantly higher ratio of increased Hcy levels was observed in patient with complications (P> 0.05). Our conclusion is that hyperhomocysteinemia may be a new and an independent risk factor for cerebrovascular disease. The serum Hcy level is correlated with decreased levels of folate and vitamin B 12 but not obviously correlated with hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease. (authors)

  12. Retirement age and the age of onset of Alzheimer's disease: results from the ICTUS study.

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    Catherine Grotz

    Full Text Available To test whether deferred retirement is associated with delayed onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD, and, if so, to determine whether retirement age still predicts the age at onset of AD when two potential biases are considered.The study sample was gathered from the Impact of Cholinergic Treatment Use/Data Sharing Alzheimer cohort (ICTUS/DSA, a European study of 1,380 AD patients. Information regarding retirement age, onset of symptoms and covariates was collected at baseline whereas age at diagnosis was gathered from the patient's medical record prior to study entry. Linear mixed models, adjusted for gender, education, occupation, center, country, household income, depression and cardiovascular risk factors were conducted on 815 patients.(1 The global analyses (n = 815 revealed that later age at retirement was associated with later age at diagnosis (β = 0.31, p < 0.0001; (2 once the selection bias was considered (n = 637, results showed that this association was weaker but remained significant (β = 0.15, p = 0.004; (3 once the bias of the reverse causality (i.e., the possibility that subjects may have left the workforce due to prior cognitive impairment was considered (n = 447, the effect was no longer significant (β = 0.06, p = 0.18.The present study supports that there is an association between retirement age and age at onset of AD. However, the strength of this association appears to be overestimated due to the selection bias. Moreover, the causality issue remains unresolved. Further prospective investigations are mandatory in order to correctly address this question.

  13. Chronic Pancreatitis Correlates With Increased Risk of Cerebrovascular Disease: A Retrospective Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. (United States)

    Wong, Tuck-Siu; Liao, Kuan-Fu; Lin, Chi-Ming; Lin, Cheng-Li; Chen, Wen-Chi; Lai, Shih-Wei


    The aim of this study is to explore whether there is a relationship between chronic pancreatitis and cerebrovascular disease in Taiwan. Using the claims data of the Taiwan National Health Insurance Program, we identified 16,672 subjects aged 20 to 84 years with a new diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis from 2000 to 2010 as the chronic pancreatitis group. We randomly selected 65,877 subjects aged 20 to 84 years without chronic pancreatitis as the nonchronic pancreatitis group. Both groups were matched by sex, age, comorbidities, and the index year of diagnosing chronic pancreatitis. The incidence of cerebrovascular disease at the end of 2011 was measured. The multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to measure the hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for cerebrovascular disease risk associated with chronic pancreatitis and other comorbidities. The overall incidence of cerebrovascular disease was 1.24-fold greater in the chronic pancreatitis group than that in the nonchronic pancreatitis group (14.2 vs. 11.5 per 1000 person-years, 95% CI = 1.19-1.30). After controlling for confounding factors, the adjusted HR of cerebrovascular disease was 1.27 (95% CI = 1.19-1.36) for the chronic pancreatitis group as compared with the nonchronic pancreatitis group. Woman (adjusted HR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.31-1.51), age (every 1 year, HR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.04-1.05), atrial fibrillation (adjusted HR = 1.23, 95% CI = 1.02-1.48), chronic kidney disease (adjusted HR = 1.48, 95% CI = 1.31-1.67), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (adjusted HR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.16-1.40), diabetes mellitus (adjusted HR = 1.82, 95% CI = 1.72-1.92), hypertension (adjusted HR = 1.66, 95% CI = 1.56-1.76), and peripheral atherosclerosis (adjusted HR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.06-1.51) were other factors significantly associated with cerebrovascular disease. Chronic pancreatitis is associated with increased

  14. Anatomical variations of the circle of Willis and cerebrovascular accidents in transitional Albania

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    Edlira Harizi (Shemsi


    Full Text Available Aim: The purpose of this study was twofold: i in a case-control design, to determine the relationship between anatomical variations of the circle of Willis and cerebrovascular accidents; ii to assess the association between anatomical variations of the circle of Willis and aneurisms among patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Methods: A case-control study was conducted in Albania in 2013-2014, including 100 patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and 100 controls (individuals without cerebrovascular accidents. Patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage underwent a CT angiography procedure, whereas individuals in the control group underwent a magnetic resonance angiography procedure. Binary logistic regression was used to assess the association between cerebrovascular accidents and the anatomical variations of the circle of Willis. Conversely, Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the prevalence of aneurisms between subarachnoid hemorrhage patients with and without anatomical variations of the circle of Willis. Results: Among patients, there were 22 (22% cases with anatomical variations of the circle of Willis compared with 10 (10% individuals in the control group (P=0.033. There was no evidence of a statistically significant difference in the types of the anatomical variations of the circle of Willis between patients and controls (P=0.402. In age- and-sex adjusted logistic regression models, there was evidence of a significant positive association between cerebrovascular accidents and the anatomical variations of the circle of Willis (OR=1.87, 95%CI=1.03-4.68, P=0.048. Within the patients’ group, of the 52 cases with aneurisms, there were 22 (42.3% individuals with anatomical variations of the circle of Willis compared with no individuals with anatomical variations among the 48 patients without aneurisms (P<0.001. Conclusion: This study provides useful evidence on the association between anatomical variations of the circle of Willis and

  15. Clinical value of serum vitamin B12 and folate in cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhan Hao; Zhang Yongxue


    To study the clinical value of serum vitamin B 12 and folate in cerebrovascular disease, the concentration of serum vitamin B 12 and folate in 32 patients with cerebrovascular disease was measured by radioimmunoassay. The results showed that the changes in folate in all groups were not significant. The content of vitamin B 12 in multi-infarct dementia was markedly lower than that in cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. Moreover, the level of vitamin B 12 was lower in paralytic patients with muscular strength of grade 0-III. It can be concluded that serum vitamin B 12 level had association with intelligent disorder and paralytic degree

  16. Serum uric acid level as a cardio-cerebrovascular event risk factor in middle-aged and non-obese Chinese men. (United States)

    Li, Zhi-Jun; Yi, Chen-Ju; Li, Jing; Tang, Na


    The role of uric acid as a risk factor for cardio-cerebrovascular diseases is controversial. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between serum uric acid level and the risk of cardio-cerebrovascular events in middle-aged and non-obese Chinese men. We included 3152 participants from the health examination center of Tongji Hospital from June 2007 to June 2010. Clinical examination and medical records were collected at the annual health examination. The hazard ratios (HRs) of uric acid for cardio-cerebrovascular events were calculated by Cox proportional hazards models. Generalized additive model and threshold effect analysis were used to explore the non-linear relationship between serum uric acid level and the incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular event. The mean follow-up time was 52 months. When the participants were classified into four groups by the serum acid quarter (Q1-Q4), the HRs (95% CI) of Q2-Q4 for cardio-cerebrovascular events were 1.26 (0.83, 1.92), 1.97 (1.33, 2.91) and 2.05 (1.40, 3.01), respectively, compared with the reference (Q1). The actual incidence and conditional incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular events in the high serum acid group were higher than those in the low serum acid group, which were stratified by the turning point (sUA = 372 μmol/L). We also showed a strong prognostic accuracy of the multiple variable-based score in 3 years and 5 years, with area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.790 (0.756-0.823) and 0.777 (0.749-0.804), respectively. Serum uric acid level is a strong risk factor for cardio-cerebrovascular events.

  17. The increase of the life quality for patients who had a cerebrovascular accident by using the MBT physiotherapy device

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    Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus


    Full Text Available The cerebrovascular accident is a major health issue, with medical and economic consequences upon the society. The cerebrovascular accident determines the sensorial and motor impairment, the speech and postural control impairment. Some patients who had a cerebrovascular accident may have difficulties in the response to the postural perturbations. Some patients who had a cerebrovascular accident may have difficulties in the response to the postural perturbations. The recovery of the postural control and of the balance depends on the quality of the motor action in order to use the ADL and to ensure the social and professional reintegration of the patients. That is why the postural control is essential in the recovery of the patients who had a cerebrovascular accident. The current study aims at the possibilities to regain the postural control for the patients with motor deficit by an individual program of recovery sessions. The current trial aimed at finding the way in which it is possible to influence the quality of life for the patients who had a cerebrovascular accident by using the MBT physiotherapy device. The use of the MBT physiotherapy devices in the recovery programme of the postural control after the cerebrovascular accident involves the need to set up an individualized programme of kinetic therapy. According to the established deficiency, namely the average one and the slight one, the recovery programme would need the introduction of techniques and methods whose effect is to reeducate the postural function. This can be done more easily if the recovery is initiated by using the MBT physiotherapy device that can intervene in the functional recovery which corresponds to each recovery stage.

  18. Endogenous sex steroids and cardio- and cerebro-vascular disease in the postmenopausal period. (United States)

    Pappa, Theodora; Alevizaki, Maria


    Cardio- and cerebro-vascular diseases are two leading causes of death and long-term disability in postmenopausal women. The acute fall of estrogen in menopause is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The relative contribution of androgen to this risk is also being recognized. The use of more sensitive assays for estradiol measurement and the study of receptor and carrier protein gene polymorphisms have provided some new information on the clinical relevance of endogenous sex steroids. We provide an update on the role of endogenous sex steroids on cardio- and cerebro-vascular disease in the postmenopausal period. We performed a PubMed search using the terms 'endogenous estrogen', 'androgen', 'cardiovascular disease', 'cerebro-vascular disease', 'stroke', 'carotid artery disease', and 'subclinical atherosclerosis'. The majority of studies show a beneficial effect of endogenous estrogen on the vasculature; however, there are a few studies reporting the contrary. A significant body of literature has reported associations of endogenous estrogen and androgen with early markers of atherosclerosis and metabolic parameters. Data on the relevance of endogenous sex steroids in heart disease and stroke are inconclusive. Most studies support a beneficial role of endogenous estrogens and, probably, an adverse effect of androgens in the vasculature in postmenopausal women. However, the described associations may not always be considered as causal. It is possible that circulating estrogen might represent a marker of general health status or alternatively reflect the sum of endogenous androgens aromatized in the periphery. Elucidating the role of sex steroids in cardio- and cerebro-vascular disease remains an interesting field of future research.

  19. Registro de enfermedad cerebrovascular isquémica Ischemic stroke registry

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    Juan I. Rojas


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo y los aspectos epidemiológicos del accidente cerebrovascular (ACV provienen fundamentalmente de estudios de EE.UU. y Europa, con escasa información procedente de los países en desarrollo. Las características clínicas y epidemiológicas del ACV son variables en relación a factores regionales, por lo cual es necesario conocer cuál es la situación en nuestro continente. El objetivo del trabajo es describir los subtipos clínicos y los factores de riesgo de los pacientes con ACV isquémico. Se analizaron consecutivamente los pacientes ingresados desde el 01/06/2003 al 01/06/2005 con diagnostico de ACV isquémico. Sobre un total de 395 pacientes, la edad media fue de 71.36 años (± 13.82, el 55% fueron varones. Los subtipos de ACV fueron los siguientes: infarto lacunar (40%, enfermedad de gran arteria (20%, cardioembolia (10% y otras causas (5%. La hipertensión arterial (76%, la dislipidemia (50% y el antecedente de ACV previo (34% fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes. Los pacientes con síntomas corticales presentaron más frecuentemente estenosis carotídea > del 70% en el doppler de vasos de cuello, siendo esto estadísticamente significativo. La información sobre el ACV en los países en desarrollo es difícil de obtener. Esta puede ser la razón del escaso número de registros provenientes de Sudamérica. La hipertensión fue el factor de riesgo más prevalente en nuestra serie. El subtipo de ACV difiere de lo informado en otras regiones del mundo predominando la enfermedad de pequeña arteria.Current knowledge of stroke risk factors and epidemiology is based mostly on USA or European studies; scarce data have been published from developing countries. Because epidemiological and clinical characteristics in stroke vary according to regional factors, we need to know the peculiarities of stroke on this subcontinent. The purpose is to describe the clinical subtypes and risk factors in

  20. Time series analysis of the association between ambient temperature and cerebrovascular morbidity in the elderly in Shanghai, China (United States)

    Zhang, Xian-Jing; Ma, Wei-Ping; Zhao, Nai-Qing; Wang, Xi-Ling


    Research on the association between ambient temperature and cerebrovascular morbidity is scarce in China. In this study, we applied mixed generalized additive model (MGAM) to daily counts of cerebrovascular disease of Shanghai residents aged 65 years or older from 2007-2011, stratified by gender. Weighted daily mean temperature up to lags of one week was smoothed by natural cubic spline, and was added into the model to assess both linear and nonlinear effects of temperature. We found that when the mean temperature increased by 1 °C, the male cases of cerebrovascular disease reduced by 0.95% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.80%, 1.10%) or reduced by 0.34% (95% CI: -0.68, 1.36%) in conditions of temperature was below or above 27 °C. However, for every 1 °C increase in temperature, the female cases of cerebrovascular disease increased by 0.34% (95% CI: -0.26%, 0.94%) or decreased by 0.92% (95% CI: 0.72, 1.11%) in conditions of temperature was below or above 8 °C, respectively. Temperature and cerebrovascular morbidity is negatively associated in Shanghai. MGAM is recommended in assessing the association between environmental hazards and health outcomes in time series studies.


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    E. K. Kazakova


    Full Text Available The article presents a clinical case of 2 patients with heart arrhythmias of the sick sinus syndrome type, who were implanted electriccardiac pacemakers in the acute period of cerebrovascular accidents. There were no cardiac complaints in the clinical manifestation, however, a comprehensive assessment confirmed the diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome.

  2. Brain MRI hyperintense lesions and cerebrovascular risk factors in the elderly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iidaka, Tetsuya


    It is known that asymptomatic MRI lesions of the brain are found in elderly subjects, but the significance of the lesions has not been determined. In previous reports, the prevalence of MRI lesions varied from 11% to 59%, but many of the authors indicated a close relationship with cerebrovascular risk factors. We evaluated 76 elderly subjects (over 60 years old, average age ±SD was 66.7±4.5) without a history of cerebrovascular disease and dementia, and determined the prevalence of periventricular (PVH), white matter (WMH) and pontine (PH) hyperintensity and risk factors. The severity of MRI lesion was evaluated in T2-weighted images by Fazekas' scoring method of MRI hyperintense lesions. PVH, WMH and PH were graded visually from 0 to 3 by the author and these points are added to the MRI score. In T1-weighted images, we also measured the diameter of the third ventricle, frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. Our results were that 62% of subjects had PVH, 64% had WMH and 8% had PH. In regard to risk factors, 38% of subjects had hypertension, 17% had diabetes mellitus, 8% had ischemic heart disease. The PVH (+) group was significantly older (p<0.01) and had larger lateral ventricles (p<0.05) than the PVH (-) group. The WMH (+) group was significantly older (p<0.05) and had higher risk of cerebrovascular disease (0.05) than the WMH (-) group. The MRI score was related, but not significantly, to a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease. The MRI score and index of ventricular enlargement correlated with age (p<0.05). In conclusion, PVH was related to aging and cerebrovascular risk factors. Therefore, PVH and WMH were suspected to have different pathogenesis and WMH was more closely related to risk factors. Our scoring method permits evaluation and comparison of MRI lesions of different groups. (author)

  3. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and mortality due to cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease in Shenyang, China.

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    Pengfei Zhang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The relationship between ambient air pollution exposure and mortality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in human is controversial, and there is little information about how exposures to ambient air pollution contribution to the mortality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases among Chinese. The aim of the present study was to examine whether exposure to ambient-air pollution increases the risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study among humans to examine the association between compound-air pollutants [particulate matter <10 µm in aerodynamic diameter (PM(10, sulfur dioxide (SO(2 and nitrogen dioxide (NO(2] and mortality in Shenyang, China, using 12 years of data (1998-2009. Also, stratified analysis by sex, age, education, and income was conducted for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular mortality. The results showed that an increase of 10 µg/m(3 in a year average concentration of PM(10 corresponds to 55% increase in the risk of a death cardiovascular disease (hazard ratio [HR], 1.55; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.51 to 1.60 and 49% increase in cerebrovascular disease (HR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.45 to 1.53, respectively. The corresponding figures of adjusted HR (95%CI for a 10 µg/m(3 increase in NO(2 was 2.46 (2.31 to 2.63 for cardiovascular mortality and 2.44 (2.27 to 2.62 for cerebrovascular mortality, respectively. The effects of air pollution were more evident in female that in male, and nonsmokers and residents with BMI<18.5 were more vulnerable to outdoor air pollution. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution is associated with the death of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases among Chinese populations.

  4. Screening for cerebrovascular disease in microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II (MOPD II): an evidence-based proposal. (United States)

    Perry, Luke D; Robertson, Fergus; Ganesan, Vijeya


    Microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II (OMIM 210720) is a rare autosomal recessive condition frequently associated with early-onset cerebrovascular disease. Presymptomatic detection and intervention could prevent the adverse consequences associated with this. We reviewed published cases of microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II to ascertain prevalence and characteristics of cerebrovascular disease and use these data to propose an evidence-based approach to cerebrovascular screening. Of 147 cases identified, 47 had cerebrovascular disease (32%), including occlusive arteriopathy (including moyamoya) and cerebral aneurysmal disease. Occlusive disease occurred in younger individuals, and progression can be both rapid and clinically silent. A reasonable screening approach would be magnetic resonance imaging and angiography of the cervical and intracranial circulation at diagnosis, repeated at yearly intervals until 10 years, and every 2 years thereafter, unless clinical concerns occur earlier. At present it would appear that this needs to be life-long. Families and professionals should be alerted to the potential significance of neurologic symptoms and measures should be taken to maintain good vascular health in affected individuals. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Prevalencia de foramen oval permeable en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular o accidente isquémico transitorio criptogénicos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro E. Contreras


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónEl foramen oval permeable (FOP se encuentra en alrededor de la cuarta parte de la población general. Pese a que su hallazgo no tiene repercusiones clínicas y no requiere tratamiento,se reconoce como una posible causa de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV criptogénico.ObjetivoConocer la prevalencia de FOP en pacientes estudiados por ACV o crisis isquémicas transitorias(CIT criptogénicos.Material y métodosSe analizaron retrospectivamente los ecocardiogramas transesofágicos de pacientes con ACVo CIT criptogénicos derivados para la evaluación de fuentes embolígenas. Se definió FOP alpasaje de una o más burbujas dentro de los tres primeros latidos luego de la opacificación dela aurícula derecha. Se definió aneurisma del septum interauricular (ASA a la excursióndel septum hacia la aurícula derecha o izquierda de 10 mm o más.ResultadosSe evaluaron 43 pacientes, edad promedio 59,6 ± 16,9 años, 41,9% mujeres. Se halló FOPen 13 pacientes (30,2% - IC 95% 15% a 44%, de los cuales 7 (16,3% del total de la poblaciónpresentaban FOP grande. Hubo 6 casos de ASA (14%, todos asociados con FOP y en 4 deellos (66% el FOP era grande.ConclusionesLa prevalencia de FOP en pacientes con ACV o CIT criptogénicos es del 30% y en uno decada tres de ellos se asocia con aneurisma del septum interauricular.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2009;77:493-495.

  6. Evaluation of computer tomography in cerebro-vascular disease (Strokes)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Young Sik; Baek, Seung Yon; Rhee, Chung Sik; Kim, Hee Seup


    Most of cerebrovascular disease are composed of vascular occulusive changes and hemorrhage. Now a day, the computed tomography is the best way for evaluation of cerebrovascular disease including detection of nature, location, and associated changes. This study includes evaluation of computed tomography of 70 patients with cerebrovascular disease during the period of 10 months from April. 1983 to Feb. 1984 in Department of Radiology, Ewha Womans University Hospital. The results were as follows: 1. Age distribution of the total 70 patients was broad ranging from 25 years to 79 years. 78.6% of patients were over the age of 50. The male and female sex ratio was 1.4:1. 2. 4 out of 70 patients were normal and 66 patients revealed abnormal on C.T. findings; those were intracranial hemorrhage (28 patients), cerebral infarction (34 patients) and brain atrophy (4 patients). 3. In cases of cerebral infarction, the cerebral hemisphere was most common site of lesion (28 cases), and next was basal ganglia (2 cases). Most of the infarcts in cerebral hemisphere were located in the parietal and temporal lobes. 4. In cases of intracranial hemorrhage, the basal ganglia was most common site of lesion (15 cases). The next common site was cerebral hemisphere (9 cases). 6 patients of all intracranial hemorrhage were combined with intraventricular hemorrhage. Ratio of right and left was 2:3. 5. In patients with motor weakness or hemiparesis, more common findings on CT scan were cerebral infarction. In case with hemiplegia, more common CT findings were intracerebral hemorrhage. 6. Of the 40 cases thought to be cerebral infarction initially by clinical findings and spinal tap. 8 cases (20.0%) were proved to be cerebral hemorrhage by the CT scan. However, of the 22 cases thought to be cerebral hemorrhage, initially, only two cases (9.0%) were cerebral infarction

  7. Cardiomyopathy and Cerebrovascular Accident Associated with Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Use. (United States)

    Mochizuki, Ronald M.; Richter, Kenneth J.


    A case report is presented of a 32 year-old male bodybuilder who sustained an ischemic cerebrovascular accident and showed signs of cardiomyopathy. Although no cause was found, the man had been taking steroids for 16 years. Harmful effects of steroid use are discussed. (IAH)

  8. Intra-individual variability in cerebrovascular and respiratory chemosensitivity: Can we characterize a chemoreflex "reactivity profile"? (United States)

    Borle, Kennedy J; Pfoh, Jamie R; Boulet, Lindsey M; Abrosimova, Maria; Tymko, Michael M; Skow, Rachel J; Varner, Amy; Day, Trevor A


    Intra-individual variability in the magnitude of human cerebrovascular and respiratory chemoreflex responses is largely unexplored. By comparing response magnitudes of cerebrovascular CO 2 reactivity (CVR; middle and posterior cerebral arteries; MCA, PCA), central (CCR; CO 2 ) and peripheral respiratory chemoreflexes (PCR; CO 2 and O 2 ), we tested the hypothesis that a within-individual reactivity magnitude profile could be characterized. The magnitudes of CVR and CCR were tested with hyperoxic rebreathing and PCR magnitudes were tested through transient respiratory tests (TT-CO 2 , hypercapnia; TT-N 2 , hypoxia). No significant intra-individual relationships were found between CCR vs. CVR (MCA and PCA), CCR vs. PCR (TT-N 2 or TT-CO 2 ) (r0.3) response magnitudes. Statistically significant relationships were found between MCA vs. PCA reactivity (r=0.45, Pvariability that exists in human cerebrovascular and respiratory chemoreflexes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Coding in Stroke and Other Cerebrovascular Diseases. (United States)

    Korb, Pearce J; Jones, William


    Accurate coding is critical for clinical practice and research. Ongoing changes to diagnostic and billing codes require the clinician to stay abreast of coding updates. Payment for health care services, data sets for health services research, and reporting for medical quality improvement all require accurate administrative coding. This article provides an overview of coding principles for patients with strokes and other cerebrovascular diseases and includes an illustrative case as a review of coding principles in a patient with acute stroke.

  10. Radiation-induced cerebrovascular disease in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, T.L.; Bresnan, M.J.


    Radiation-induced internal carotid artery occlusion has not been well recognized previously as a cause of childhood cerebrovascular disease. A child who had received radiation as a neonate for a hemangioma involving the left orbit at the age of 6 years experienced a recurrent right-sided paresis, vascular headaches, and speech difficulties. Angiography showed a hypoplastic left carotid artery with occlusion of both the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. Collateral vessels bypassed the occluded-stenotic segments. Review of the literature showed two additional cases of large vessel occlusion in childhood associated with anastomatic telangiectatic vessel development following early radiation therapy of facial hemangioma

  11. AltitudeOmics: Resetting of cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity following acclimatization to high altitude

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jui-Lin eFan


    Full Text Available Previous studies reported enhanced cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity upon ascent to high altitude using linear models. However, there is evidence that this response may be sigmoidal in nature. Moreover, it was speculated that these changes at high altitude are mediated by alterations in acid-base buffering. Accordingly, we reanalyzed previously published data to assess middle cerebral blood flow velocity (MCAv responses to modified rebreathing at sea level (SL, upon ascent (ALT1 and following 16 days of acclimatization (ALT16 to 5,260 m in 21 lowlanders. Using sigmoid curve fitting of the MCAv responses to CO2, we found the amplitude (95% vs. 129%, SL vs. ALT1, 95% confidence intervals (CI [77, 112], [111, 145], respectively, P=0.024 and the slope of the sigmoid response (4.5 vs. 7.5 %/mmHg, SL vs. ALT1, 95% CIs [3.1, 5.9], [6.0, 9.0], respectively, P=0.026 to be enhanced at ALT1, which persisted with acclimatization at ALT16 (amplitude: 177%, 95% CI [139, 215], P<0.001; slope: 10.3 %/mmHg, 95% CI [8.2, 12.5], P=0.003 compared to SL. Meanwhile, the sigmoidal response midpoint was unchanged at ALT1 (SL: 36.5 mmHg; ALT1: 35.4 mmHg, 95% CIs [34.0, 39.0], [33.1, 37.7], respectively, P=0.982, while it was reduced by ~7 mmHg at ALT16 (28.6 mmHg, 95% CI [26.4, 30.8], P=0.001 vs. SL, indicating leftward shift of the cerebrovascular CO2 response to a lower arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2 following acclimatization to altitude. Sigmoid fitting revealed a leftward shift in the midpoint of the cerebrovascular response curve which could not be observed with linear fitting. These findings demonstrate that there is resetting of the cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity operating point to a lower PaCO2 following acclimatization to high altitude. This cerebrovascular resetting is likely the result of an altered acid-base buffer status resulting from prolonged exposure to the severe hypocapnia associated with ventilatory acclimatization to high altitude.

  12. MDMA ("Ecstasy") and its association with cerebrovascular accidents: preliminary findings

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reneman, L.; Habraken, J. B.; Majoie, C. B.; Booij, J.; den Heeten, G. J.


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Abuse of the popular recreational drug "Ecstasy" (MDMA) has been linked to the occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents. It is known that MDMA alters brain serotonin (5-HT) concentrations and that brain postsynaptic 5-HT(2) receptors play a role in the regulation of brain

  13. Microbubbles as drug delivery systems in cerebrovascular diseases. (United States)

    Spinelli, Mariacarmela; Demitri, Christian; Sannino, Alessandro; Peruzzotti-Jametti, Luca; Bacigaluppi, Marco; Comi, Giancarlo; Corea, Francesco


    The field of neurovascular ultrasound is growing rapidly with new applications. While ultrasound contrast agents were initially used to overcome poor transcranial bone windows for identification of cerebral arteries, newgeneration microbubbles in combination with innovative contrast-specific ultrasound techniques now enable potential therapeutic procedures. This article will provide a review of recent and emerging developments along with patents in ultrasound technology and contrast-specific therapeutic techniques for cerebrovascular patients.

  14. Selective intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (IADSA) in cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchino, Akira; Satoh, Yoshiyuki; Ohno, Masato


    Selective right transbrachial intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography (transbrachial selective IADSA) was successfully performed for 24 of 26 patients with known or suspected cerebrovascular disease, four of whom were outpatients. Catheterization failed in two elderly hypertensive men because of tortuosity of their brachial arteries, and in one woman whose aberrant right subclavian artery (SCA) prevented bilateral common carotid arterial (CCA) catheterizations. No complications occurred. One-hundred and ten ''excellent'' images were obtained by means of 118 injections for the 24 patients. Iopamidol, the contrast medium, was diluted to 50 % concentration with saline, then warmed to 37 deg C. Nearly all the injections of both CCAs and right vertebral arteries (VAs) were completed using 10 ml injections and a 5 ml/sec flow rate. The mean examination time for the three-vessel study was 29.4 minutes. Transbrachial selective IADSA thus proved to be a safe, useful, and relatively easy means of diagnosing cerebrovascular disease. (author)

  15. Evaluating patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease using positron emission tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raichle, M.E.


    Recent advances in nuclear medicine imaging techniques offer an important alternative for the evaluation of therapy for ischemic cerebrovascular disease. In particular, positron emission tomography (PET), with its capacity to provide quantitative measurements of brain blood flow, metabolism and biochemistry on a truly regional basis, now offers the opportunity to evaluate therapy in terms of specific changes in these parameters. By doing this PET permits one to study the problem on an individual patient basis with each subject serving as his own control. The author has been pursuing this approach in patients considered candidates for superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis to bypass major stenotic or occlusive lesions of the internal carotid or middle cerebral artery. The results indicate that PET is of considerable value in establishing much more exactly the pathophysiology of certain forms of ischemic cerebrovascular disease and evaluating a form of therapy designed to correct the basic underlying defect. (Auth./C.F.)

  16. Cerebrovascular-Reactivity Mapping Using MRI: Considerations for Alzheimer’s Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. J. Chen


    Full Text Available Alzheimer’s disease (AD is associated with well-established macrostructural and cellular markers, including localized brain atrophy and deposition of amyloid. However, there is growing recognition of the link between cerebrovascular dysfunction and AD, supported by continuous experimental evidence in the animal and human literature. As a result, neuroimaging studies of AD are increasingly aiming to incorporate vascular measures, exemplified by measures of cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR. CVR is a measure that is rooted in clinical practice, and as non-invasive CVR-mapping techniques become more widely available, routine CVR mapping may open up new avenues of investigation into the development of AD. This review focuses on the use of MRI to map CVR, paying specific attention to recent developments in MRI methodology and on the emerging stimulus-free approaches to CVR mapping. It also summarizes the biological basis for the vascular contribution to AD, and provides critical perspective on the choice of CVR-mapping techniques amongst frail populations.

  17. Loss-of-function mutation in ABCA1 and risk of Alzheimer's disease and cerebrovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordestgaard, Liv Tybjærg; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne; Nordestgaard, Børge G


    .2%) versus AA (99.8%) was associated with a 13% lower plasma level of apoE (P = 1 × 10(-11)). Multifactorially adjusted hazard ratios for N1800H AC versus AA were 4.13 (95% confidence interval, 1.32-12.9) for AD, 2.46 (1.10-5.50) for cerebrovascular disease, and 8.28 (2.03-33.7) for the hemorrhagic stroke......-brain barrier via apoE-mediated pathways. METHODS: We tested whether a loss-of-function mutation in ABCA1, N1800H, is associated with plasma levels of apoE and with risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in 92,726 individuals and with risk of cerebrovascular disease in 64,181 individuals. RESULTS: N1800H AC (0...... subtype. DISCUSSION: A loss-of-function mutation in ABCA1, present in 1:500 individuals, was associated with low plasma levels of apoE and with high risk of AD and cerebrovascular disease in the general population....

  18. UBC-Nepal expedition: The use of oral antioxidants does not alter cerebrovascular function at sea level or high altitude. (United States)

    Hansen, Alexander B; Hoiland, Ryan L; Lewis, Nia C S; Tymko, Michael M; Tremblay, Joshua C; Stembridge, Michael; Nowak-Flück, Daniela; Carter, Howard H; Bailey, Damian M; Ainslie, Philip N


    What is the central question of the study? Does the use of antioxidants alter cerebrovascular function and blood flow at sea level (344 m) and/or high altitude (5050 m)? What is the main finding and its importance? This is the first study to investigate whether antioxidant administration alters cerebrovascular regulation and blood flow in response to hypercapnia, acute hypoxia and chronic hypoxia in healthy humans. We demonstrate that an acute dose of antioxidants does not alter cerebrovascular function and blood flow at sea level (344 m) or after 12 days at high altitude (5050 m). Hypoxia is associated with an increase in systemic and cerebral formation of free radicals and associated reactants that may be linked to impaired cerebral vascular function and neurological sequelae. To what extent oral antioxidant prophylaxis impacts cerebrovascular function in humans throughout the course of acclimatization to the hypoxia of terrestrial high altitude has not been examined. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of orally ingested antioxidants at clinically relevant doses (vitamins C and E and α-lipoic acid) on cerebrovascular regulation at sea level (344 m; n = 12; female n = 2 participants) and at high altitude (5050 m; n = 9; female n = 2) in a randomized, placebo-controlled and double-blinded crossover design. Hypercapnic and hypoxic cerebrovascular reactivity tests of the internal carotid artery (ICA) were conducted at sea level, and global and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF; i.e. ICA and vertebral artery) were assessed 10-12 days after arrival at 5050 m. At sea level, acute administration of antioxidants did not alter cerebral hypoxic cerebrovascular reactivity (pre versus post: 1.5 ± 0.7 versus 1.2 ± 0.8%∆CBF/-%∆SpO2; P = 0.96) or cerebral hypercapnic cerebrovascular reactivity (pre versus post: 5.7 ± 2.0 versus 5.8 ± 1.9%∆CBF/∆mmHg; P = 0.33). Furthermore, global CBF (P = 0.43) and

  19. [Descriptive study of cerebrovascular accidents in Douala, Cameroon]. (United States)

    Chiasseu, Mbeumi M T; Mbahe, S


    A cerebrovascular accident or stroke is a sudden-onset cerebral deficit of vascular origin lasting more than 24 hours. These events represent the second leading cause of death in the world and take a particularly heavy toll in third world countries. The purpose of this study was to describe cerebrovascular lesions (type, location, size) as well as patient age and gender in Cameroon. Brain CT-scan and MRI findings from 50 stroke patients admitted to two health centers in Douala were reviewed. Data showed that 74% of patients were over 50 years of age, the 51-60 year group being the most affected. Patients were male in 64% of cases. Ischemic stroke accounted for 60% of cases versus 40% for hemorrhagic stroke. The most affected sites were the sylvian territory site in ischemic stroke and the temporal lobe in hemorrhagic stroke, acconting for 43.3% and 35% of cases respectively. The median size of ischemic and hemorrhagic lesions were 2.81 cm3, and 26.98 cm3 respectively. Hemorrhagic stroke and lacunar infarcts were more common in this sample. Discrepancies between results at the two hospitals may be due to the use of different imaging techniques. Indeed, MRI is known to be more sensitive than CT-scan for acute detection of stroke lesions.

  20. Cerebral blood flow measurement in cerebrovascular occlusive diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanagihara, T.; Wahner, H.W.


    In order to evaluate cerebral blood flow (CBF) patterns among individual patients with increased statistical confidence, CBF measurements were carried out using the 133Xe-inhalation method and external head detectors. F1 values representing gray matter flow from 3 to 6 head detectors were averaged to form 16 different regions for each cerebral hemisphere. Normative values were obtained from 46 healthy volunteers, and data from individual regions were analyzed for absolute blood flow rates (ml/100g/min), for concordance between right and left hemispheres and as percent of mean hemispheric flow. CBF measurements were then carried out among 37 patients with cerebrovascular occlusive diseases, and results were compared with normative values. A high incidence of abnormal flows were detected among symptomatic patients with intracranial arterial stenosis or occlusion and those with extracranial internal carotid artery occlusion. By using the above method for data analysis, it was possible to delineate hypoperfused areas among these patients. Even though the 133Xe-inhalation method has inherent limitations, this is a practical and safe method for measurement of CBF which can provide reliable information useful for management of patients with cerebrovascular occlusive diseases, particularly when the results are presented with statistical confidence

  1. Bacterial Endocarditis and Cerebrovascular Disease. (United States)

    Silver, Brian; Behrouz, Réza; Silliman, Scott


    Cerebrovascular complications of endocarditis occur in 25-70% of patients with infective endocarditis. The cornerstone of treatment is early initiation of antibiotic treatment, which significantly reduces the risk of embolization after 1 week of treatment. In general, thrombolysis and anticoagulation of these patients should be avoided, while antiplatelet therapy may be considered in those with other indications. Endovascular treatment of acute septic emboli is uncertain, but a few case reports have demonstrated benefit. Other complications of infective endocarditis include intracerebral hemorrhage, which may be predicted by the presence of two or more cerebral microbleeds on gradient echo sequences. Intracranial mycotic aneurysms can often be managed with serial imaging and coiled if there is evidence of failure to reduce in size, or enlargement.

  2. Ultra-sensitive molecular MRI of cerebrovascular cell activation enables early detection of chronic central nervous system disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montagne, Axel; Gauberti, Maxime; Jullienne, Amandine; Briens, Aurelien; Docagne, Fabian; Vivien, Denis; Maubert, Eric; Macrez, Richard; Defer, Gilles; Raynaud, Jean-Sebastien; Louin, Gaelle; Buisson, Alain; Haelewyn, Benoit


    Since endothelial cells can be targeted by large contrast-carrying particles, molecular imaging of cerebrovascular cell activation is highly promising to evaluate the underlying inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS). In this study, we aimed to demonstrate that molecular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cerebrovascular cell activation can reveal CNS disorders in the absence of visible lesions and symptoms. To this aim, we optimized contrast carrying particles targeting vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and MRI protocols through both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Although, pre-contrast MRI images failed to reveal the ongoing pathology, contrast-enhanced MRI revealed hypoperfusion-triggered CNS injury in vascular dementia, unmasked amyloid-induced cerebrovascular activation in Alzheimer's disease and allowed monitoring of disease activity during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Moreover, contrast-enhanced MRI revealed the cerebrovascular cell activation associated with known risk factors of CNS disorders such as peripheral inflammation, ethanol consumption, hyperglycemia and aging. By providing a dramatically higher sensitivity than previously reported methods and molecular contrast agents, the technology described in the present study opens new avenues of investigation in the field of neuro-inflammation. (authors)

  3. [Sleep disorders in the structure of cerebrovascular diseases]. (United States)

    Iakupov, É Z; Aleksandrova, E A; Troshina, Iu V; Shebasheva, E V; Shagiakhmetova, L Ia


    The literature on the place and role of insomnia in cerebral blood circulation disturbances is reviewed. It is emphasized that insomnia is a modifying risk factor of cerebrovascular pathology. The syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea may be a cause of arterial hypertension. The diagnostic relevance of the complex examination of patients with sleep pathology, including polysomnographic technology, and its role in the choice of corrective measures and treatment of insomnia in whole are shown.

  4. Digital subtraction angiography in pediatric cerebrovascular occlusive disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faerber, E.N.; Griska, L.A.B.; Swartz, J.D.; Capitanio, M.A.; Popky, G.L.


    While conventional angiography has been used to demonstrate cerebrovascular occlusive disease in the past, digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is capable of showing progressive vascular involvement with ease, simplicity, and extremely low morbidity, making it particularly well suited for children and outpatients either alone or coordinated with computed tomography. The authors discuss the usefulness and advantages of DSA as demonstrated in 7 infants and children with hemiplegia, 4 of whom had sickle-cell disease

  5. The Clinical Characteristics of Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents Resulting from Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. (United States)

    Yang, Shuna; Yuan, Junliang; Qin, Wei; Li, Yue; Yang, Lei; Hu, Wenli


    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a serious complication that occurs after the ovarian-induction treatment. Acute cerebrovascular accident is one of the most dangerous manifestations of the syndrome. However, the characteristics of stroke resulting from OHSS have so far not been well summarised in any study. We reported 2 cases of acute cerebrovascular accidents secondary to OHSS. And then we performed a literature search for reports on this type of stroke, and summarised their characteristics. Thirty-six published cases of this type of stroke were reviewed. Thirty two out of 36 (88.9%) of the women were 35 years old or younger. Stroke in 28 out of 36 (77.8%) of these cases was caused by arterial thrombosis. In 17 out of 28 cases, the involved cerebral vascular branches were mainly middle cerebral artery (MCA) and internal carotid artery (ICA). The acute cerebrovascular accidents happened 7 and 9.25 days after embryo transplantation or 8 and 8.33 days after last human chorionic gonadotropin treatment respectively. The prognosis of patients was relatively good after anticoagulation and some supportive treatments. The MCA and ICA are easily involved in stroke resulting from OHSS. The young age may be a risk factor for developing stroke secondary to OHSS. Once thromboembolism develops, administering appropriate therapy is crucial. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  6. Impact of drinking and smoking habits on cerebrovascular disease risk among male employees. (United States)

    Hatanaka, Yoko; Shimokata, Keiko; Osugi, Shigeki; Kaneko, Noriyo


    We aimed to analyze the impact of drinking and smoking behavior on the risk of developing cerebrovascular diseases among male employees aged 20-46 years. Twenty years of follow-up data of male employees enrolled in the DENSO Health Insurance Program were used for analyses. Of 29,048 male employees aged 20-46 years who were enrolled in the insurance program in 1994, 25,084 (86.4%) employees underwent annual health check-ups until 2003 without missing an appointment. Of these 25,084 employees, the data of 11,784 (40.6%) employees who self-reported drinking and smoking habits were used for analyses. The hazard ratio and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for developing cerebrovascular disease in 2004-2013 were calculated in four risk groups categorized as per drinking and smoking behavior in the young group who were in their 20s and the middle-aged group who were in their 30s-40s in 1994. Based on their drinking behavior, participants were categorized into two groups: "not drinking or drinking sometimes" and "drinking every day." Based on their smoking behavior, participants were also categorized into two groups: "not smoking for 10 years" and "smoking for 10 years." A Cox's proportional hazard model revealed that after controlling for body mass index, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, total cholesterol, fasting plasma glucose, and age, the hazard ratios for "smoking and drinking every day" were 3.82 (95% CI: 1.40-10.41) in the young group and 2.31 (95% CI: 1.27-4.17) in the middle-aged group. Male employees who had been drinking and smoking for 10 years had a higher risk of developing cerebrovascular diseases. To prevent cerebrovascular diseases among male employees, it may be effective to offer behavior change interventions for both drinking and smoking habits, regardless of the age group.

  7. Dynamic computed tomography findings in cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Yutaka; Tomoda, Kaname; Kariya, Mitsumasa; Mori, Shigeru; Mitomo, Masanori.


    Dynamic CT was performed with 41 patients with the clinically diagnosed cerebrovascular diseases. A visual evaluation based on the dynamic CT images classified six patterns of brain parenchymal enhancement, especially four patterns of which could only be detected by dynamic CT technique. Dynamic CT was proved of great value in detecting regional cerebral tissue filled by collaterals in retrograde fashion because of the occlusion of main arteries, namely brain tissue perfusion of internal carotid occlusion disease and moyamoya disease was best understood by dynamic CT with adequate resolution. (author)

  8. Nitric oxide synthase inhibition and cerebrovascular regulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Iadecola, C; Pelligrino, D A; Moskowitz, M A


    tone and may play an important role in selected vasodilator responses of the cerebral circulation. Furthermore, evidence has been presented suggesting that NO participates in the mechanisms of cerebral ischemic damage. Despite the widespread attention that NO has captured in recent years and the large......There is increasing evidence that nitric oxide (NO) is an important molecular messenger involved in a wide variety of biological processes. Recent data suggest that NO is also involved in the regulation of the cerebral circulation. Thus, NO participants in the maintenance of resting cerebrovascular...

  9. First translational 'Think Tank' on cerebrovascular disease, cognitive impairment and dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barone, F.C.; Gustafson, D.; Crystal, H.A.; Moreno, H.; Adamski, M.G.; Arai, K.; Baird, A.E.; Balucani, C.; Brickman, A.M.; Cechetto, D.; Gorelick, P.; Biessels, G.J.; Kiliaan, A.J.; Launer, L.; Schneider, J.; Sorond, F.A.; Whitmer, R.; Wright, C.; Zhang, Z.G.


    As the human population continues to age, an increasing number of people will exhibit significant deficits in cognitive function and dementia. It is now recognized that cerebrovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases all play major roles in the evolution of cognitive impairment and

  10. Helical CT scan for emergent patients with cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Masato; Sato, Naoki; Nakano, Masayuki; Watanabe, Youichi; Kodama, Namio


    We studied 44 emergent patients with cerebrovascular diseases (18 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15 of occlusive lesions, 7 of intracerebral hematoma and 4 of suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage) using helical CT scan. The helical CT scan was performed with contrast medium at a rate of 3 ml/sec with a delay of 20 sec, and was carried out before conventional angiography. The reconstruction time of 3D-CTA was within 10 min. We were able to obtain findings for the lesion on 3D-CTA before those on conventional angiography. The 3D-CTA yielded excellent images of the vascular structures and anatomical relationships of the aneurysm, its neck and parent artery, and surrounding arteries. However, it proved difficult to visualize vessels of less than 1 mm in diameter, especially the perforating arteries. In occlusive diseases, the degree of stenosis depended on the changes in CT number threshold: at present, evaluations of the lesions should be made by conventional angiography. 3D-CTA using helical CT scan can thus be applied for emergent patients with cerebrovascular diseases. Surgical simulation images of 3D-CTA were especially useful at the time of operation. (author)

  11. Helical CT scan for emergent patients with cerebrovascular diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, Masato; Sato, Naoki; Nakano, Masayuki; Watanabe, Youichi; Kodama, Namio [Fukushima Medical Coll. (Japan)


    We studied 44 emergent patients with cerebrovascular diseases (18 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage, 15 of occlusive lesions, 7 of intracerebral hematoma and 4 of suspected subarachnoid hemorrhage) using helical CT scan. The helical CT scan was performed with contrast medium at a rate of 3 ml/sec with a delay of 20 sec, and was carried out before conventional angiography. The reconstruction time of 3D-CTA was within 10 min. We were able to obtain findings for the lesion on 3D-CTA before those on conventional angiography. The 3D-CTA yielded excellent images of the vascular structures and anatomical relationships of the aneurysm, its neck and parent artery, and surrounding arteries. However, it proved difficult to visualize vessels of less than 1 mm in diameter, especially the perforating arteries. In occlusive diseases, the degree of stenosis depended on the changes in CT number threshold: at present, evaluations of the lesions should be made by conventional angiography. 3D-CTA using helical CT scan can thus be applied for emergent patients with cerebrovascular diseases. Surgical simulation images of 3D-CTA were especially useful at the time of operation. (author).

  12. Tomography methods for diagnostic examination of cerebrovascular disease: a comparative evaluation of SPECT, PET and MR/CT findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reiche, W.; Kaiser, H.J.; Weiller, C.; Altehoefer, C.; Buell, U.; Isensee, C.


    Single Photon Emissions Computerized Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emissions Tomography (PET), Magnetic Resonance Tomography (MR), and Transmission Computerized Tomography (CT) complement each other and lead to a consideration of the cerebrovascular disease under patho-physiological aspects. Indications for the combined application of functionally oriented (SPECT/PET) and morphologically oriented (CT/MR) examination methods with cerebrovascular disease are presented. (orig./MG) [de

  13. Transition of care for the elderly after cerebrovascular accidents--from hospital to the home. (United States)

    Rodrigues, Rosalina Aparecida Partezani; Marques, Sueli; Kusumota, Luciana; dos Santos, Emanuella Barros; Fhon, Jack Roberto da Silva; Fabrício-Wehbe, Suzele Cristina Coelho


    to examine the transition of care in families caring for elderly persons who suffered the first episode of a cerebrovascular accident. an instrumental ethnographic case study was used. The sample comprised 20 subjects: 10 caregivers and 10 elderly persons aged 65 or over, of both sexes, with diagnoses of first episode of cerebrovascular accident, capable of communicating, and requiring care from a main carer in their family. The data was collected through interviews, observation, existing documentation and field notes. Qualitative analysis techniques were used to codify and classify the data and to formulate significant categories, which generated typologies of care. The central idea was the Transition of Care and showed the context in three typologies: The care process for the dependent elderly person, Strategies for the care process and Impact and acceptance of the limitations. The data indicates that caring for an elderly person after a cerebrovascular accident is a challenge for the family. The data permitted it possible to elaborate a proposal for a model for the organization of the work, with a view to holistic care delivery in the health services, forming a care network, which constitutes an advance for the area of nursing.

  14. Usefulness of the admission electrocardiogram to predict long-term outcomes after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 [FIR] Trials). (United States)

    Damman, Peter; Holmvang, Lene; Tijssen, Jan G P; Lagerqvist, Bo; Clayton, Tim C; Pocock, Stuart J; Windhausen, Fons; Hirsch, Alexander; Fox, Keith A A; Wallentin, Lars; de Winter, Robbert J


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the independent prognostic value of qualitative and quantitative admission electrocardiographic (ECG) analysis regarding long-term outcomes after non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE-ACS). From the Fragmin and Fast Revascularization During Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC II), Invasive Versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable Coronary Syndromes (ICTUS), and Randomized Intervention Trial of Unstable Angina 3 (RITA-3) patient-pooled database, 5,420 patients with NSTE-ACS with qualitative ECG data, of whom 2,901 had quantitative data, were included in this analysis. The main outcome was 5-year cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated with Cox regression models, and adjustments were made for established outcome predictors. The additional discriminative value was assessed with the category-less net reclassification improvement and integrated discrimination improvement indexes. In the 5,420 patients, the presence of ST-segment depression (≥1 mm; adjusted HR 1.43, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.25 to 1.63) and left bundle branch block (adjusted HR 1.64, 95% CI 1.18 to 2.28) were independently associated with long-term cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction. Risk increases were short and long term. On quantitative ECG analysis, cumulative ST-segment depression (≥5 mm; adjusted HR 1.34, 95% CI 1.05 to 1.70), the presence of left bundle branch block (adjusted HR 2.15, 95% CI 1.36 to 3.40) or ≥6 leads with inverse T waves (adjusted HR 1.22, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.55) was independently associated with long-term outcomes. No interaction was observed with treatment strategy. No improvements in net reclassification improvement and integrated discrimination improvement were observed after the addition of quantitative characteristics to a model including qualitative characteristics. In conclusion, in the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 NSTE-ACS patient-pooled data set

  15. Development of a Delivery System for Treating Cerebrovascular Aneurysms Final Report CRADA No. TC-1440-97

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Derbin, J. T. [Micrus Corp., Mountain View, CA (United States)


    The objective of the project was to develop a system for delivering an implantable medical device used to treat cerebrovascular aneurysms, which can cause disability or hemorrhagic stroke (over 15,000 strokes in the U.S. each year are caused by ruptured aneurysms). Micrus has developed an implantable device with the potential to significantly improve the treatment of cerebrovascular aneurysms. This implantable device should significantly reduce the number of hemorrhagic strokes. LLNL has performed proof-of-concept experiments for a delivery system that could be modified to deploy the Micrus device into aneurysms. The purpose of this CRADA was to complete development of the LLNL delivery system and to integrate it with the Micrus device. The goal of the project was to develop an integrated minimally-invasive medical device for treating cerebrovascular aneurysms. The device was designed to access aneurysms through commercially-available catheters which are introduced into the patient through a small incision in the leg.

  16. Is outdoor work associated with elevated rates of cerebrovascular disease mortality? A cohort study based on iron-ore mining. (United States)

    Björ, Ove; Jonsson, Håkan; Damber, Lena; Burström, Lage; Nilsson, Tohr


    A cohort study that examined iron ore mining found negative associations between cumulative working time employed underground and several outcomes, including mortality of cerebrovascular diseases. In this cohort study, and using the same group of miners, we examined whether work in an outdoor environment could explain elevated cerebrovascular disease rates. This study was based on a Swedish iron ore mining cohort consisting of 13,000 workers. Poisson regression models were used to generate smoothed estimates of standardized mortality ratios and adjusted rate ratios, both models by cumulative exposure time in outdoor work. The adjusted rate ratio between employment classified as outdoor work ≥25 years and outdoor work 0-4 years was 1.62 (95 % CI 1.07-2.42). The subgroup underground work ≥15 years deviated most in occurrence of cerebrovascular disease mortality compared with the external reference population: SMR (0.70 (95 % CI 0.56-0.85)). Employment in outdoor environments was associated with elevated rates of cerebrovascular disease mortality. In contrast, work in tempered underground employment was associated with a protecting effect.

  17. Central respiratory chemosensitivity and cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity: a rebreathing demonstration illustrating integrative human physiology. (United States)

    MacKay, Christina M; Skow, Rachel J; Tymko, Michael M; Boulet, Lindsey M; Davenport, Margie H; Steinback, Craig D; Ainslie, Philip N; Lemieux, Chantelle C M; Day, Trevor A


    One of the most effective ways of engaging students of physiology and medicine is through laboratory demonstrations and case studies that combine 1) the use of equipment, 2) problem solving, 3) visual representations, and 4) manipulation and interpretation of data. Depending on the measurements made and the type of test, laboratory demonstrations have the added benefit of being able to show multiple organ system integration. Many research techniques can also serve as effective demonstrations of integrative human physiology. The "Duffin" hyperoxic rebreathing test is often used in research settings as a test of central respiratory chemosensitivity and cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2. We aimed to demonstrate the utility of the hyperoxic rebreathing test for both respiratory and cerebrovascular responses to increases in CO2 and illustrate the integration of the respiratory and cerebrovascular systems. In the present article, methods such as spirometry, respiratory gas analysis, and transcranial Doppler ultrasound are described, and raw data traces can be adopted for discussion in a tutorial setting. If educators have these instruments available, instructions on how to carry out the test are provided so students can collect their own data. In either case, data analysis and quantification are discussed, including principles of linear regression, calculation of slope, the coefficient of determination (R(2)), and differences between plotting absolute versus normalized data. Using the hyperoxic rebreathing test as a demonstration of the complex interaction and integration between the respiratory and cerebrovascular systems provides senior undergraduate, graduate, and medical students with an advanced understanding of the integrative nature of human physiology. Copyright © 2016 The American Physiological Society.

  18. Contribution of physical fitness, cerebrovascular reserve and cognitive stimulation to cognitive function in postmenopausal women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gail A Eskes


    Full Text Available Studies of the effects of physical fitness on cognition suggest that exercise can improve cognitive abilities in healthy older adults, as well as delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline. The mechanisms for the positive benefit of exercise and how these effects interact with other variables known to influence cognitive function (e.g., involvement in cognitive activities are less well understood. The current study examined the associations between the physical fitness, cerebrovascular blood flow regulation and involvement in cognitive activities with neuropsychological function in healthy postmenopausal women. Methods: Forty-two healthy women between the ages of 55 and 90 were recruited. Physical fitness (V˙ o2max, cerebrovascular reserve (cerebral blood flow during rest and response to an increase in end-tidal (i.e., arterial PCO2, and cognitive activity (self-reported number and hours of involvement in cognitive activities were assessed. The association of these variables with neuropsychological performance was examined through linear regression. Results: Physical fitness, cerebrovascular reserve and total number of cognitive activities (but not total hours were independent predictors of cognitive function, particularly measures of overall cognitive performance, attention and executive function. In addition, prediction of neuropsychological performance was better with multiple variables than each alone. Conclusions: Cognitive function in older adults is associated with multiple factors, including physical fitness, cerebrovascular health and cognitive stimulation. Interestingly, cognitive stimulation effects appear related more to the diversity of activities, rather than the duration of activity. Further examination of these relationships is ongoing in a prospective cohort study.

  19. Blood pressure, risk of ischemic cerebrovascular and ischemic heart disease, and longevity in alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Morten; Tybjaerg-Hansen, Anne; Sillesen, Henrik


    Because elastase in alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency may attack elastin in the arterial wall, we tested whether alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency is associated with reduced blood pressure, risk of ischemic cerebrovascular (ICVD) and ischemic heart disease (IHD), and longevity.......Because elastase in alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency may attack elastin in the arterial wall, we tested whether alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency is associated with reduced blood pressure, risk of ischemic cerebrovascular (ICVD) and ischemic heart disease (IHD), and longevity....

  20. Cerebrovascular ischemic protection by pre- and post-conditioning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeffrey M Gidday


    Full Text Available Stroke and cardiac arrest involve injury to all the brain′s resident cells and their respective progenitors, including neurons, all glial subtypes, vascular smooth muscle, vascular endothelium, and pericytes, resulting either in the death of the individual or in a lesion that likely manifests as long-term impairments across a number of cognitive and functional domains. Thousands of studies in experimental animals and results from a few clinical trials in humans have demonstrated that the mechanisms responsible for ischemic brain injury can be blocked or slowed by survival-enhancing epigenetic responses induced by "conditioning" the brain with a stress stimulus paradigm before or even after ictus. The resultant reduction in lesion size and functional deficits are often termed endogenous "neuroprotection," but this in fact involves cytoprotective responses on the part of all the aforementioned resident brain cells and the circulating immune cells as well. The present review will summarize findings demonstrating conditioning-induced protection of the cerebral vasculature, that in turn manifests as reductions in vascularly targeted inflammatory responses; less endothelial injury and improvements in structural integrity of the circulation across all levels of organization; enhanced perfusion with less thrombosis; reductions in vascular dysregulation and reactivity impairments; and, over the longer term, more robust angiogenesis and vascular remodeling. Advancing the mechanistic basis for these innately vasculoprotective phenotypes may provide therapeutic targets for limiting cerebral circulatory injury and dysfunction following stroke and cardiac arrest.

  1. Effect of breath holding on cerebrovascular hemodynamics in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Veen, Teelkien R.; Panerai, Ronney B.; Haeri, Sina; Zeeman, Gerda G.; Belfort, Michael A.


    Preeclampsia (PE) is associated with endothelial dysfunction and impaired autonomic function, which is hypothesized to cause cerebral hemodynamic abnormalities. Our aim was to test this hypothesis by estimating the difference in the cerebrovascular response to breath holding (BH; known to cause

  2. Anton's syndrome due to cerebrovascular disease: a case report

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    Maddula Mohana


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Anton's syndrome describes the condition in which patients deny their blindness despite objective evidence of visual loss, and moreover confabulate to support their stance. It is a rare extension of cortical blindness in which, in addition to the injury to the occipital cortex, other cortical centres are also affected, with patients typically behaving as if they were sighted. Case presentation We present a case report of an 83-year-old white woman with cortical blindness as a result of bilateral occipital lobe infarcts. Despite her obvious blindness, illustrated by her walking into objects, the patient expressed denial of visual loss and demonstrated confabulation in her accounts of her surroundings, consistent with a diagnosis of Anton's syndrome. Conclusions A suspicion of cortical blindness and Anton's syndrome should be considered in patients with atypical visual loss and evidence of occipital lobe injury. Cerebrovascular disease is the most common cause of Anton's syndrome, as in our patient. However, any condition that may result in cortical blindness can potentially lead to Anton's syndrome. Recovery of visual function will depend on the underlying aetiology, with cases due to occipital lobe infarction after cerebrovascular events being less likely to result in complete recovery. Management in these circumstances should accordingly focus on secondary prevention and rehabilitation.

  3. Research on the influence factors of the fall efficiency of the hospitalized geriatric patients with cerebrovascular diseases. (United States)

    Li, Weili; Cheng, Ruilian


    To investigate the fall efficiency and its influence factors of the hospitalized geriatric patients with cerebrovascular diseases. The Modified Fall Efficacy Scale (MFES), Morse Fall Risk Assessment Scales (MFS), Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and Tinetti Gait Analysis (TGA) were adopted and the combined ways of questionnaires and observation were utilized to investigate the 113 hospitalized geriatric patients with cerebrovascular diseases. The fall efficiency of the geriatric patients with cerebrovascular diseases were 7.85±2.57 scores. The two projects "walking up and down stairs" and "taking public transport means" have got the lowest scores; The two projects "stretching out the hand to the box or the drawer for taking something" and "sitting up and down to the chair" have got the highest scores. It was found that there were three factors which had significant influences on the fall efficiency, they were myodynamia of the right upper extremity, Berg balance functions and gait. For the sake of helping the geriatric patients with cerebrovascular diseases to establish the self-confidence of preventing the falls, the medical workers need to take further psychological counseling for the patients and befittingly and specifically to improve the fall efficiency of patients so as to effectively prevent the occurring of the fall on the basis of improving the balance ability and gait of patients.

  4. MAPK signaling pathway regulates cerebrovascular receptor expression in human cerebral arteries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ansar, Saema; Eftekhari, Sajedeh; Waldsee, Roya


    if the upregulation of contractile cerebrovascular receptors after 48 h of organ culture of human cerebral arteries involves MAPK pathways and if it can be prevented by a MEK1/2 inhibitor. Human cerebral arteries were obtained from patients undergoing intracranial tumor surgery. The vessels were divided into ring...

  5. Clinical significance of the dynamic changes of serum IGF-1 levels in patients with acute cerebro-vascular accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Yujuan; Liu Xueyuan; Bian Weihong; Du Xinlu; Yang Hongyan


    Objective: To investigate the dynamic changes of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident. Methods: Serum IGF-1 levels were determined with RIA in 40 patients with cerebral infarction, 20 patients with lacunar infarcts and 40 patients with cerebral haemorrhage within 3days after onset and on d14 as well as in 30 controls. Results: The serum IGF-1 levels in patients with cerebral vascular accidents were significantly lower than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Serum levels of IGF-1 dropped markedly during the acute stage after cerebrovascular accident and the magnitude might reflect the severity of the event, IGF-1 might be capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier after cerebrovascular accident and providing some protection against nerve injury, this fact might be of potential clinical applicability. (authors)

  6. Nutritional Improvement and Energy Intake Are Associated with Functional Recovery in Patients after Cerebrovascular Disorders. (United States)

    Nii, Maria; Maeda, Keisuke; Wakabayashi, Hidetaka; Nishioka, Shinta; Tanaka, Atsuko


    Malnutrition affects the activities of daily living (ADLs) in convalescent patients with cerebrovascular disorders. We investigated the relationship between nutritional improvement, energy intake at admission, and recovery of ADLs. We evaluated 67 patients with cerebrovascular disorders admitted to our rehabilitation hospital between April 2013 and April 2015. These patients received interventions from the rehabilitation nutritional support team according to the following criteria: weight loss of 2 kg or more and body mass index of 19 kg/m(2) or lower. Exclusion criteria included a body mass index of 25 kg/m(2) or higher, duration of intervention of less than 14 days, or transfer to an acute care hospital because of clinical deterioration. We assessed nutritional status using the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) and ADL using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) score, FIM gain, and FIM efficiency. The mean age of the patients was 78.7 ± 8.0 years. The numbers of patients in each category of cerebrovascular disorder were 39 with cerebral infarction, 16 with intracerebral hemorrhage, 8 with subarachnoid hemorrhage, and 4 others. Compared with the counterpart group, the group with an improvement in GNRI had a greater gain in FIM (median 17 and 20, respectively; P = .036) and a higher FIM efficiency (.14 and .22, respectively; P = .020). Multivariate stepwise regression analysis showed that an improvement in GNRI, increasing energy intake at admission, and intracerebral hemorrhage were associated independently with greater FIM efficiency. This study suggested that nutritional improvement and energy intake at admission are associated with recovery of ADL after cerebrovascular disorders. Copyright © 2015 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. PET in cerebrovascular disease; PET bei zerebrovaskulaeren Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herholz, K. [Neurologische Universitaetsklinik der Univ. Koeln (Germany)]|[Max-Planck-Institut fuer Neurologische Forschung, Koeln (Germany)


    Tissue viability is of particular interest in acute cerebral ischemia because it may be preserved if reperfusion can be achieved rapidly, e.g. by acute thrombolysis. Measurements of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen consumption by PET can assess tissue viability, and they have substantially increased our knowledge of th pathophysiology of ischemic stroke and the associated penumbra. Widerspread clinical application in acute stroke, however, is unlikely because of the large logistic and personnel resources required. In chronic cerebrovascular disease, measurement of regional CBF and glucose metabolism, which is usually coupled, provide detailed insights in disturbance of cortical function, e.g. due to deafferentiation, and contribute to differentiation of dementia types. Chronic misery perfusion, i.e. reduced perfusion that does not match the metabolic demand of the tissue, can be demonstrated by PET. It may be found in some patients with high-grade arterial stenoses. Less severe impairment of brain perfusion can be demonstrated by measurement of the cerebrovascular reserve capacity. The most frequent clinical situations can be assessed by less demanding procedures, e.g. by SPECT. In conclusion, PET has its role in cerebrovascular disease primarily within scientific studies, where high resolution and absolute quantitation of physiological variables are essential. (orig.). 65 refs. [Deutsch] Beim akuten ischaemischen Insult ist die Vitalitaet des Gewebes von besonderem Interesse, da sie durch rasche Reperfusion, z.B. durch Thrombolyse, erhalten bleiben kann. Messungen der zerebralen Durchblutung und des Sauerstoffumsatzes mittels PET geben darueber wesentliche Aufschluesse, und sie sind wichtig fuer das Verstaendnis der Pathophysiologie ischaemischer Infarkte und der Penumbra mit kritischer Perfusion beim Menschen. Ihre breitere Anwendung in der klinischen Patientenversorgung kommt allerdings wegen des hohen Aufwandes derzeit kaum in Betracht. Bei

  8. Impaired dynamic cerebrovascular response to hypercapnia predicts development of white matter hyperintensities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kevin Sam


    Conclusions: Vascular impairment in regions of NAWM that progresses to WMH consists not only of decreased magnitude of ssCVR, but also a pathological decrease in the speed of vascular response. These findings support the association between cerebrovascular dysregulation and the development of WMH.

  9. Correlation between serum fructosamine and hyperglycemia in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Kaiqiu Chu; Pengpeng Liu; Lijuan Tan; Shuhua Zhou; Lisheng Ren


    BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus is one of the risk factors in patients with acute cerebral disease, and always leads to stroke or get it worse. There is often a high level of blood glucose in those patients with diabetes mellitus and cerebral disease, but it is hard to distinguish from both kinds of hyperglycemia. Serum fructosamine is said to be correlated with blood glucose.OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationship between serum fructosamine and blood glucose in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease.DESTGN: A case-controlled study.SETTINGS: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Health Department for Cadres and Department of Neurology of Affiliated Hospital, Qingdao University Medical College.PARTICIPANTS: Forty-eight inpatients and outpatients with cerebrovascular diseases were selected from the Department of Neurology, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College from December 2004 to April 2005. All the patients were confirmed with CT and MRI. There were 25 patients with diabetes mellitus secondary cerebrovascular diseases, who met the diagnostic standards of diabetes mellitus set by WHO,including 12 males and 13 females with an average of (60±8) years old, the course of diabetes mellitus ranged from 1 to 21 years.. The other 23 patients had no diabetes mellitus (without diabetes mellitus group), including 14 males and 9 females with an average of (62±6) years old. Meanwhile, another 50 healthy physical examinees in the hospital were selected as control group, including 26 males and 24 females with the average age of (62±5) years old. Informed content was obtained from all the participants.METHODS: Venous blood was drawn from all the participants, and content of blood glucose was assayed by means of glucose oxidase, and the concentration of serum fructosamine was determined by nitroblue tetrazolium colorimetric method. Comparison between groups was performed by the analysis of variance and q test, and the correlation was tested by linear

  10. Influencing factors for early acute cerebrovascular accidents in patients with stroke history following off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting. (United States)

    Wang, Bin; Jia, Ming; Jia, Shijie; Wan, Jiuhe; Zhou, Xiao; Luo, Zhimin; Zhou, Ye; Zhang, Jianqun


    To analyse risk factors for early acute cerebrovascular accidents following off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB) in patients with stroke history, and to propose preventive measures to reduce the incidence of these events. A total of 468 patients with a history of stroke underwent OPCAB surgery in Beijing Anzhen Hospital of China from January 2010 to September 2012. They were retrospectively divided into two groups according to the occurrence of early acute cerebrovascular accidents within 48 hours following OPCAB. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to find risk or protective factors for early acute cerebrovascular accidents following the OPCAB. Fifty-two patients (11.1%) suffered from early acute cerebrovascular accidents in 468 patients, including 39 cases of cerebral infarction, two cases of cerebral haemorrhage, 11 cases of transient ischaemic attack (TIA). There were significant differences between the two groups in preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35%, severe bilateral carotid artery stenosis, poorly controlled hypertension, intraoperative application of Enclose® II proximal anastomotic device, postoperative acute myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, hypotension, ventilation time > 48h, ICU duration >48h and mortality. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that preoperative severe bilateral carotid stenosis (OR=6.378, 95%CI: 2.278-20.987) and preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction ≤ 35% (OR=2.737, 95%CI: 1.267-6.389), postoperative acute myocardial infarction (OR=3.644, 95%CI: 1.928-6.876), postoperative atrial fibrillation (OR=3.104, 95%CI:1.135∼8.016) and postoperative hypotension (OR=4.173, 95%CI: 1.836∼9.701) were independent risk factors for early acute cerebrovascular accidents in patients with a history of stroke following OPCAB procedures, while intraoperative application of Enclose® II proximal anastomotic device was protective factor (OR=0.556, 95%CI: 0.337-0.925). This


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    O. V. Rodionova


    Full Text Available Currently the problem of preventing cerebrovascular disorders, in which antiplatelet therapy takes one of the leading places, remains relevant. The efficiency of the therapy depends on a large number of modifiable and non-modifiable factors. There are many methods to assess the severity of the response to antiplatelet therapy, but there is no common approach to the assessment of the results and their prognostic significance. Further studies of this issue are essential with the aim of individualization of antiplatelet therapy thereby increasing its efficiency and safety.

  12. Increased Prevalence of Cerebrovascular Disease in Hospitalized Patients with Marfan Syndrome. (United States)

    Kim, Sarasa T; Cloft, Harry; Flemming, Kelly D; Kallmes, David F; Lanzino, Giuseppe; Brinjikji, Waleed


    Small studies have suggested that Marfan syndrome is associated with a number of cerebrovascular complications. We sought to determine whether a clinical diagnosis of Marfan syndrome is associated with a higher prevalence of cerebrovascular diseases than the general population by performing a case-control study of hospitalized patients in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS). Using the 2000-2012 NIS, we performed a case-control study matching cases of Marfan syndrome to controls without such a diagnosis. The prevalence of various cerebrovascular diseases between the 2 groups were compared, and multivariate logistic regression was used to adjust for suspected comorbidities. Between 2000 and 2012, there were a total of 13,883 discharges carrying a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome. On univariate analysis, patients with Marfan syndrome were more likely to have a primary or secondary diagnosis of hemorrhagic stroke (0.5% versus 0.3%, odds ratio [OR] = 1.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.06-2.29, P = 0.02) as well as intracranial hemorrhage (subarachnoid hemorrhage [SAH] and hemorrhagic stroke) (0.3% versus 0.2%, OR = 1.72, 95% CI = 1.05-2.82, P = 0.03). Patients hospitalized with Marfan syndrome were significantly more likely to have carotid dissection (0.3% versus 0.0%, OR = 11.69, 95% CI = 3.60-38.08, P Marfan syndrome had significantly higher odds of ischemic stroke (OR = 1.20, 95% CI = 1.02-1.43, P = 0.03), hemorrhagic stroke (OR = 1.75, 95% CI = 1.18-2.63, P = 0.005), carotid artery dissection (OR = 11.94, 95% CI = 4.23-50.03, P Marfan syndrome when compared with controls. Copyright © 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Outcomes With Edoxaban Versus Warfarin in Patients With Previous Cerebrovascular Events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rost, Natalia S; Giugliano, Robert P; Ruff, Christian T


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients with atrial fibrillation and previous ischemic stroke (IS)/transient ischemic attack (TIA) are at high risk of recurrent cerebrovascular events despite anticoagulation. In this prespecified subgroup analysis, we compared warfarin with edoxaban in patients with ver......BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients with atrial fibrillation and previous ischemic stroke (IS)/transient ischemic attack (TIA) are at high risk of recurrent cerebrovascular events despite anticoagulation. In this prespecified subgroup analysis, we compared warfarin with edoxaban in patients...... with versus without previous IS/TIA. METHODS: ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 (Effective Anticoagulation With Factor Xa Next Generation in Atrial Fibrillation-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48) was a double-blind trial of 21 105 patients with atrial fibrillation randomized to warfarin (international normalized ratio......). Because only HDER is approved, we focused on the comparison of HDER versus warfarin. RESULTS: Of 5973 (28.3%) patients with previous IS/TIA, 67% had CHADS2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, prior stroke/transient ischemic attack) >3 and 36% were ≥75 years. Compared with 15 132...

  14. Clinical application of dynamic digital subtraction angiography in cerebrovascular ischemic diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirata, Yoshifumi; Nonaka, Nobuhito; Matsukado, Yasuhiko; Takahashi, Mutsumasa


    Dynamic intravenous digital subtraction angiography (IV-DSA) was performed in 37 patients with cerebrovascular ischemic diseases. The time density curve of IV-DSA was analysed, and peak time, mean transit time and mode of transit time were obtained in each patient. On the basis of these values, cerebral perfusion was classified into low, normal and high perfusion patterns. Normal perfusion pattern was noted in 40% of patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) and 7 % of patients with cerebral infarction. Low perfusion pattern was observed in 60 % of patients with TIA and 87 % of patients with cerebral infarction. High perfusion pattern was encountered only in 7 % of patients with cerebral infarction. In ischemic patients with moyamoya disease, extremely prolonged cerebral circulation time was evidenced by the presence of a flat or uphill type of the time density curve. This finding well correlated with decreased cerebral blood flow on single photon emission tomography. These findings suggest that the analysis of dynamic DSA is very important and useful in the clinical evaluation of patients with cerebrovascular ischemic diseases.

  15. Neurological signs in relation to type of cerebrovascular disease in vascular dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Staekenborg, S.S.; van der Flier, W.M.; van Straaten, E.C.W.; Lane, R.; Barkhof, F.; Scheltens, P.


    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE - The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of a number of neurological signs in a large population of patients with vascular dementia (VaD) and to compare the relative frequency of specific neurological signs dependent on type of cerebrovascular disease. METHODS -

  16. The Sarcoglycan complex is expressed in the cerebrovascular system and is specifically regulated by astroglial Cx30 channels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne-Cécile eBoulay


    Full Text Available Astrocytes, the most prominent glial cell type in the brain, send specialized processes called endfeet, around blood vessels and express a large molecular repertoire regulating the cerebrovascular system physiology. One of the most striking properties of astrocyte endfeet is their enrichment in gap junction protein Connexin 43 and 30 (Cx43 and Cx30 allowing in particular for direct intercellular trafficking of ions and small signaling molecules through perivascular astroglial networks. In this study, we addressed the specific role of Cx30 at the gliovascular interface. Using an inactivation mouse model for Cx30 (Cx30Δ/Δ, we showed that absence of Cx30 does not affect blood-brain barrier (BBB organization and permeability. However, it results in the cerebrovascular fraction, in a strong upregulation of Sgcg encoding γ-Sarcoglycan (SG, a member of the Dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC connecting cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. The same molecular event occurs in Cx30T5M/T5M mutated mice, where Cx30 channels are closed, demonstrating that Sgcg regulation relied on Cx30 channel functions. We further characterized the expression of other Sarcoglycan complex (SGC molecules in the cerebrovascular system and showed the presence of α-, β-, δ-, γ-, ε- and ζ- SG, as well as Sarcospan. Their expression was however not modified in Cx30Δ/Δ. These results suggest that a full SGC might be present in the cerebrovascular system, and that expression of one of its member, γ-Sarcoglycan, depends on Cx30 channels. As described in skeletal muscles, the SGC may contribute to membrane stabilization and signal transduction in the cerebrovascular system, which may therefore be regulated by Cx30 channel-mediated functions.

  17. Factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico entre los años 2013 a 2016: estudio de casos y controles

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    Juan-David Vega P.


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico en el servicio de urgencias de la Clínica Especializada Los Andes, de la ciudad de Tunja, entre los años 2013 a 2016. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles; los casos correspondieron a 97 pacientes con ataque cerebrovascular isquémico (infarto cerebral isquémico y accidente isquémico transitorio y los controles a 291 pacientes sin ataque cerebrovascular isquémico que ingresaron a urgencias entre los años 2013 a 2016. Resultados: El sexo femenino correspondió al 56,7% (55 de los casos y al 54,6% de los controles (154 (p = 0,069. La media de edad en el grupo caso fue de 73,7 años [DE: 10,5 años] y en los controles de 64,5 años [DE: 11,3 años]. Los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico fueron: antecedente de ataque cerebrovascular isquémico [OR 7,7 IC 95% 3,2; 18 p= 0,000], tabaquismo [OR 4,4 IC 95% 1,1; 18 p= 0,022], dislipidemia [OR 3 IC 95% 1,2; 7,5 p= 0,017], edad igual o mayor a 70 años [OR 2,3 IC 95% 1,3; 4,1 p= 0,002] e hipertensión arterial [OR 1,8 IC 95% 1,06; 3,3 p= 0,029]. Conclusiones: Los factores asociados al ataque cerebrovascular isquémico fueron, en orden de importancia, antecedente de ataque cerebrovascular isquémico, tabaquismo, dislipidemia, edad igual o mayor a 70 años e hipertensión arterial. Abstract: Objective: To determine the factors associated with ischaemic cerebrovascular accidents (ICVA in the Emergency Department of the Andes Specialist Clinic of the city of Tunja, between the years 2013 and 2016. Patients and methods: A case-control study was conducted in which the cases consisted of 97 patients with ICVA (ischaemic cerebral infarction and transient ischaemic accident, and the controls were 291 patients with no ICVA, who were admitted to the Emergency Department between the years 2013 and 2016. Results: There were 56.7% (55

  18. [Trend analysis on the death rate of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease among Xuzhou residents from 2011 to 2015]. (United States)

    Chen, P P; Lou, P A; Zhang, P; Qiao, C; Li, T; Dong, Z M


    Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and trend of ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease mortality among Xuzhou residents from 2011 to 2015. Methods: The mortality data of the ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease were obtained from the registration disease surveillance system covering the residents of the city from 2011 to 2015. Ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease were identified according to the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), Ischemic heart diseases include I20 to I25 (angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction, other acute ischemic heart diseases chronic ischemic heart disease); cerebrovascular diseases include I60 to I69 (subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, other non-traumatic hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, stroke not specified as hemorrhage or infarction, other cerebrovascular diseases, sequelae of cerebrovascular disease). Results: (1)From 2011 to 2015, the chronic ischemia Cardio-Cerebrovascular disease mortality of residents in Xuzhou was 261.2 per one hundred thousand (129 950/49 748 321), 269.9 per one hundred thousand(69 562/25 775 930)for male residents, 252.0 per one hundred thousand(60 388/23 972 391)for female residents, the mortality rate in men was significantly higher than that in women ( P disease mortality rate of urban residents was 243.8 per one hundred thousand(17 049/6 993 787), which was lower than the rate of rural residents (264.0 per one hundred thousand(112 901/42 754 534), P heart disease in Xuzhou city remained unchanged: 117.1 per one hundred thousand(11 416/9 747 768), 126.8 per one hundred thousand(12 177/9 600 745), 112.0 per one hundred thousand(11 184/9 986 877), 115.2 per one hundred thousand(11 697/10 151 842), 117.1 per one hundred thousand(12 019/10 261 089, P >0.05). The mortality rate of cerebrovascular disease were 154.0 per one hundred thousand(15 014

  19. Shape and texture analysis of the carotid plaque, and its correlation with cerebral infarctions on CT, and cerebrovascular symptoms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kalomiris, Konstantinos; Tegos, Thomas J; Sabetai, Michael; Nicolaides, Andrew N [Irvine Laboratory for Cardiovascular Investigations and Research, Imperial College School of Medicine at St Mary` , Praed Street, London W2 1NY (United Kingdom)


    This work has studied the relationship between ultrasonic texture characteristics, ultrasonic shape characteristics, cerebral infarctions on CT, and cerebrovascular symptoms, in an attempt to identify the unstable carotid plaque, i.e. the plaque associated with high prevalence of ipsilateral cerebral infarctions on CT, and cerebrovascular symptoms. The morphological features used were : the grey scale median (GSM) for the texture, and the bending energy (BE) for the shape. It has been shown that echoluscent plaques (plaques with low GSM) with irregular shape (high BE) are associated with high prevalence of ipsilateral cerebral infarctions on CT and cerebrovascular symptoms, whereas echogenic plaques (high GSM) with smooth shape (low BE) are associated with low prevalence of ipsilateral cerebral infarctions on CT and cerebrovascular symptoms. Previous work has demonstrated the significance of the GSM in identifying the unstable carotid plaques, but no attempt, to our knowledge, has been made to establish the clinical significance of the ultrasonic shape characteristics of the carotid plaque. The importance of the ultrasonic texture and shape characteristics will be established in prospective studies of patients with asymptomatic carotid plaques, aiming at the identification of patients with a high risk for stroke, and therefore for a better selection of asymptomatic patients who might benefit from a carotid endarterectomy. (authors) 5 refs., 3 figs.

  20. Is outdoor work associated with elevated rates of cerebrovascular disease mortality? : a cohort study based on iron-ore mining


    Björ, Ove; Jonsson, Håkan; Damber, Lena; Burström, Lage; Nilsson, Tohr


    BACKGROUND: A cohort study that examined iron ore mining found negative associations between cumulative working time employed underground and several outcomes, including mortality of cerebrovascular diseases. In this cohort study, and using the same group of miners, we examined whether work in an outdoor environment could explain elevated cerebrovascular disease rates. METHODS: This study was based on a Swedish iron ore mining cohort consisting of 13,000 workers. Poisson regression models wer...

  1. The influence of general anesthesia on the brain in aged patients with previous ischemic cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kokubo, Yasuaki; Kayama, Takamasa; Kondo, Rei; Oki, Masato; Takaoka, Seiji


    Whenever we discuss the overall results of surgical treatment for unruptured cerebral aneurysms, especially in aged patients, we tend to consider advanced age or general anesthesia as causes for unfavorable results. There are no reports concerning ischemic stroke events following general anesthesia in aged patients with a prior history of cerebrovascular disease. The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of general anesthesia on the brats in aged patients with a previous history of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. The subjects were 30 consecutive patients over 70 years of age with previous ischemic cerebrovascular disease who underwent various surgeries except brain and cardiac surgery under general anesthesia. The patients were 70 to 85 years old, with a mean age of 76. Twenty-three were men and 7 were women. Surgical procedures were 12 gastrointestinal, 6 orthopedic and 4 urogenital and others. The type of cerebrovascular disease evaluated by neuroradiologist and anesthesiologist based on MR imaging was devided as follows: 16 patients had minor stroke, 7 had transient ischemic attack/reversible ischemic neurological deficit (TIA/RIND) and 7 had asymptomatic cerebral infarction. MR angiography was also assessed to evaluate the main artery in the brain. Blood pressure and arterial blood gas (PaCO 2 ) during general anesthesia were analyzed, and the rate of systemic and neurological complications following general anesthesia were evaluated. MR angiography revealed no occlusion or severe stenosis of the main artery in the brain of any of the patients. The minimum systolic blood pressure showed less than 100 mmHg transiently for 5-20 minutes in 28 of 30 patients during general anesthesia. The minimum value was 65 mmHg maintained for 5 minutes. The minimum PaCO 2 during general anesthesia was as follows: 1 case 36 mmHg. There were no neurological complications following general anesthesia in this study. One of 30 patients (3.3%) had suffered from pneumonia

  2. Detección de lesión de órgano diana y rigidez arterial mediante monitorización de la presión arterial en 24 horas y frecuencia cardiaca en pacientes hipertensos


    García García, Ángel


    [ES] Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la primera causa de morbi-mortalidad en los países desarrollados y la hipertensión arterial es el principal factor de riesgo para su aparición. Es responsable del 54% de los ictus y del 47% de las cardiopatías isquémicas y, un retraso en su diagnóstico y tratamiento, conlleva a la aparición de lesiones de órganos diana. La lesión de órgano diana renal se evalúa con la creatinina plasmática, la tasa de filtrado glomerular o la microalbuminuria;...

  3. Multifractal characterization of cerebrovascular dynamics in newborn rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavlov, A.N.; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O.V.; Lychagov, V.V.; Abdurashitov, A.S.; Pavlova, O.N.; Sindeeva, O.A.; Sindeev, S.S.


    In this paper we study the cerebrovascular dynamics in newborn rats using the wavelet-based multifractal formalism in order to reveal effective markers of early pathological changes in the macro- and microcirculation at the hidden stage of the development of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). We demonstrate that the singularity spectrum estimated with the wavelet-transform modulus maxima (WTMM) technique allows clear characterization of a reduced complexity of blood flow dynamics and changes of the correlation properties at the transformation of normal physiological processes into pathological dynamics that are essentially different at the level of large and small blood vessels

  4. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) MRI with CO2 challenge: A technical review. (United States)

    Liu, Peiying; B De Vis, Jill; Lu, Hanzhang


    Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) is an indicator of cerebrovascular reserve and provides important information about vascular health in a range of brain conditions and diseases. Unlike steady-state vascular parameters, such as cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV), CVR measures the ability of cerebral vessels to dilate or constrict in response to challenges or maneuvers. Therefore, CVR mapping requires a physiological challenge while monitoring the corresponding hemodynamic changes in the brain. The present review primarily focuses on methods that use CO2 inhalation as a physiological challenge while monitoring changes in hemodynamic MRI signals. CO2 inhalation has been increasingly used in CVR mapping in recent literature due to its potency in causing vasodilation, rapid onset and cessation of the effect, as well as advances in MRI-compatible gas delivery apparatus. In this review, we first discuss the physiological basis of CVR mapping using CO2 inhalation. We then review the methodological aspects of CVR mapping, including gas delivery apparatus, the timing paradigm of the breathing challenge, the MRI imaging sequence, and data analysis. In addition, we review alternative approaches for CVR mapping that do not require CO2 inhalation. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Endocarditis trombótica no bacteriana (Libman-Sacks

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    Antonio García-Valentín


    Full Text Available Mujer de 47 años ingresada en 2002 por ictus. Se diagnosticó masa valvular aórtica. Se intervino realizándose exéresis de trombo no bacteriano (Fig 1a, b. Durante el estudio de trombofilia fue diagnosticada de síndrome antifosfolípido primario (SAP, inciándose anticoagulación. Hasta la fecha, ha padecido múltiples accidentes cerebrovasculares, isquémicos y hemorrágicos. Está en diálisis peritoneal con probable origen en SAP. SAP es un trastorno autoinmune caracterizado por fenómenos trombóticos iterativos y alargamiento de tiempos de coagulación. La cirugía cardiaca conlleva morbimortalidad por tromboembolias, suponiendo un reto en el manejo de la circulación extracorpórea. Las complicaciones tromboembólicas son frecuentes durante el seguimiento.

  6. Effects of the intraoperative application of dexmedetomidine on hemodynamics and cerebral oxygen metabolism of patients with cerebrovascular malformations

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    Liang Feng


    Full Text Available Circulatory stability of patients with cerebrovascular malformations during the surgery is critical to their prognosis. Anesthesia-induced intubation, tumor separation, clamping and other operations may cause severe fluctuations in blood pressure and even result in aneurysm rupture. As a highly efficient and selective adrenergic α2 receptor agonists, dexmedetomidine hydrochloride is able to regulate the release of catecholamine by means of negative feedback so as to control blood pressure. This study aims to assess the effects of dexmedetomidine hydrochloride on hemodynamics and cerebral oxygen metabolism of intraoperative patients with cerebrovascular malformations.

  7. Association between aerobic fitness and cerebrovascular function with neurocognitive functions in healthy, young adults. (United States)

    Hwang, Jungyun; Kim, Kiyoung; Brothers, R Matthew; Castelli, Darla M; Gonzalez-Lima, F


    Studies of the effects of physical activity on cognition suggest that aerobic fitness can improve cognitive abilities. However, the physiological mechanisms for the cognitive benefit of aerobic fitness are less well understood. We examined the association between aerobic fitness and cerebrovascular function with neurocognitive functions in healthy, young adults. Participants aged 18-29 years underwent measurements of cerebral vasomotor reactivity (CVMR) in response to rebreathing-induced hypercapnia, maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2 max) during cycle ergometry to voluntary exhaustion, and simple- and complex-neurocognitive assessments at rest. Ten subjects were identified as having low-aerobic fitness (LF aerobic fitness (HF > 80th fitness percentile). There were no LF versus HF group differences in cerebrovascular hemodynamics during the baseline condition. Changes in middle cerebral artery blood velocity and CVMR during hypercapnia were elevated more in the HF than the LF group. Compared to the LF, the HF performed better on a complex-cognitive task assessing fluid reasoning, but not on simple attentional abilities. Statistical modeling showed that measures of VO 2 max, CVMR, and fluid reasoning were positively inter-correlated. The relationship between VO 2 max and fluid reasoning, however, did not appear to be reliably mediated by CVMR. In conclusion, a high capacity for maximal oxygen uptake among healthy, young adults was associated with greater CVMR and better fluid reasoning, implying that high-aerobic fitness may promote cerebrovascular and cognitive functioning abilities.

  8. Vascular care in patients with Alzheimer's disease with cerebrovascular lesions-a randomized clinical trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Richard, Edo; Kuiper, Roy; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G. W.; van Gool, Willem A.


    OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether vascular care slows dementia progression in patients with Alzheimer's disease with cerebrovascular lesions on neuroimaging. DESIGN: Multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial with 2-year follow-up. SETTING: Neurological and geriatric outpatient clinics in 10

  9. Cerebrovascular reactivity among native-raised high altitude residents: an fMRI study

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    Zhang Jiaxing


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The impact of long term residence on high altitude (HA on human brain has raised concern among researchers in recent years. This study investigated the cerebrovascular reactivity among native-born high altitude (HA residents as compared to native sea level (SL residents. The two groups were matched on the ancestral line, ages, gender ratios, and education levels. A visual cue guided maximum inspiration task with brief breath holding was performed by all the subjects while Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent (BOLD functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI data were acquired from them. Results Compared to SL controls, the HA group showed generally decreased cerebrovascular reactivity and longer delay in hemodynamic response. Clusters showing significant differences in the former aspect were located at the bilateral primary motor cortex, the right somatosensory association cortex, the right thalamus and the right caudate, the bilateral precuneus, the right cingulate gyrus and the right posterior cingulate cortex, as well as the left fusiform gyrus and the right lingual cortex; clusters showing significant differences in the latter aspect were located at the precuneus, the insula, the superior frontal and temporal gyrus, the somatosensory cortex (the postcentral gyrus and the cerebellar tonsil. Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV, which is an important aspect of pulmonary function, demonstrated significant correlation with the amount of BOLD signal change in multiple brain regions, particularly at the bilateral insula among the HA group. Conclusions Native-born HA residents generally showed reduced cerebrovascular reactivity as demonstrated in the hemodynamic response during a visual cue guided maximum inspiration task conducted with BOLD-fMRI. This effect was particularly manifested among brain regions that are typically involved in cerebral modulation of respiration.

  10. Oxidative stress upregulates the NMDA receptor on cerebrovascular endothelium. (United States)

    Betzen, Christian; White, Robin; Zehendner, Christoph M; Pietrowski, Eweline; Bender, Bianca; Luhmann, Heiko J; Kuhlmann, Christoph R W


    N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R)-mediated oxidative stress has been implicated in blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption in a variety of neuropathological diseases. Although some interactions between both phenomena have been elucidated, possible influences of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the NMDA-R itself have so far been neglected. The objective of this study was to examine how the cerebroendothelial NMDA-R is affected by exposure to oxidative stress and to assess possible influences on BBB integrity. RT-PCR confirmed several NMDA-R subunits (NR1, NR2B-D) expressed in the bEnd3 cell line (murine cerebrovascular endothelial cells). NR1 protein expression after exposure to ROS was observed via in-cell Western. The functionality of the expressed NMDA-R was determined by measuring DiBAC fluorescence in ROS-preexposed cells upon stimulation with the specific agonist NMDA. Finally, the effects on barrier integrity were evaluated using the ECIS system to detect changes in monolayer impedance upon NMDA-R stimulation after exposure to ROS. The expression of NR1 significantly (p<0.001) increased 72 h after 30 min exposure to superoxide (+33.8+/-7.5%), peroxynitrite (+84.9+/-10.7%), or hydrogen peroxide (+92.8+/-7.6%), resulting in increased cellular response to NMDA-R stimulation and diminished monolayer impedance. We conclude that oxidative stress upregulates NMDA-R on cerebrovascular endothelium and thus heightens susceptibility to glutamate-induced BBB disruption.

  11. Cerebrovascular accidents complicating transcatheter aortic valve implantation: frequency, timing and impact on outcomes. (United States)

    Stortecky, Stefan; Windecker, Stephan; Pilgrim, Thomas; Heg, Dik; Buellesfeld, Lutz; Khattab, Ahmed A; Huber, Christoph; Gloekler, Steffen; Nietlispach, Fabian; Mattle, Heinrich; Jüni, Peter; Wenaweser, Peter


    Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) are considered among the most serious adverse events after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the frequency and timing of CVA after TAVI and to investigate the impact on clinical outcomes within 30 days of the procedure. Between August 2007 and October 2011, 389 high-risk elderly patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis underwent TAVI via transfemoral, transapical or subclavian access. A total of 14 patients (3.6%) experienced at least one CVA within 30 days of follow-up and most events (74%) occurred within the first day of the procedure. Patients with CVA had an increased risk of all-cause (42.3% vs. 5.1%, ORadjusted 11.7, 95% CI 3.4-40.3, pCerebrovascular accidents among patients undergoing TAVI occur predominantly during the periprocedural period, are associated with multiple implantation attempts of the bioprosthesis and significantly impair prognosis.


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    S. G. Sukhanov


    Full Text Available Background: At present, coronary bypass graft (CABG that was first introduced more than 45 years ago, is one of the most common types of surgeries in the world. Despite progress and improvements in myocardial revascularization techniques and methods aimed at higher safety of the intervention, postoperative cerebrovascular complications continue to be one of the most common problems.Aim: To identify predictors of perioperative stroke in patients undergoing CABG.Materials and methods: From January 2013 to December 2014, 2823 isolated CABG procedures have been done.Results: All-cause in-hospital mortality after isolated CABG was 1.2% (n = 36. Perioperative strokes were diagnosed in 32 (1.1% of patients. For subsequent analysis, we divided all patients into two groups. Group A included 32 patients who had a stroke in their postoperative period, group B comprised 2791 patients without severe cerebrovascular disorders. There were more female patients in group A, compared to group B (13/32 [40.6%] vs. 543/2791 [19.5%], respectively (р < 0.01, more elderly patients (21 [65.6%] vs. 1251 [44.8%] (р < 0,05 above 60 years of age, and 9 [28.1%] vs. 348 [12.5%] (р < 0.05 above 70 years, respectively. In group B, the number of patients with atrial fibrillation was 244 (8.7% vs. 7 (21.9% in group A, the difference being statistically significant at р < 0.01. Among those with stroke, diabetes was found in 12 (37.5% of patients, among those who did not have a stroke, in 212 (7.6% (p < 0.01. Significant differences were found between numbers of patients with atherosclerosis of brachyocephalic arteries (17 [53.1%] in group A vs. 624 [22.4%] in group B, p < 0.01 and atherosclerosis of lower limb arteries (16 [50%] vs. 715 [25.6%] (p < 0.01, respectively.Conclusion: The most significant prognostic factors affecting the risk of perioperative stroke are concomitant atherosclerosis of brachyocephalic arteries, of lower limb arteries, atrial fibrillation, diabetes

  13. Vascular risk factors, cerebrovascular reactivity, and the default-mode brain network. (United States)

    Haight, Thaddeus J; Bryan, R Nick; Erus, Guray; Davatzikos, Christos; Jacobs, David R; D'Esposito, Mark; Lewis, Cora E; Launer, Lenore J


    Cumulating evidence from epidemiologic studies implicates cardiovascular health and cerebrovascular function in several brain diseases in late life. We examined vascular risk factors with respect to a cerebrovascular measure of brain functioning in subjects in mid-life, which could represent a marker of brain changes in later life. Breath-hold functional MRI (fMRI) was performed in 541 women and men (mean age 50.4 years) from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Brain MRI sub-study. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) was quantified as percentage change in blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal in activated voxels, which was mapped to a common brain template and log-transformed. Mean CVR was calculated for anatomic regions underlying the default-mode network (DMN) - a network implicated in AD and other brain disorders - in addition to areas considered to be relatively spared in the disease (e.g. occipital lobe), which were utilized as reference regions. Mean CVR was significantly reduced in the posterior cingulate/precuneus (β=-0.063, 95% CI: -0.106, -0.020), anterior cingulate (β=-0.055, 95% CI: -0.101, -0.010), and medial frontal lobe (β=-0.050, 95% CI: -0.092, -0.008) relative to mean CVR in the occipital lobe, after adjustment for age, sex, race, education, and smoking status, in subjects with pre-hypertension/hypertension compared to normotensive subjects. By contrast, mean CVR was lower, but not significantly, in the inferior parietal lobe (β=-0.024, 95% CI: -0.062, 0.014) and the hippocampus (β=-0.006, 95% CI: -0.062, 0.050) relative to mean CVR in the occipital lobe. Similar results were observed in subjects with diabetes and dyslipidemia compared to those without these conditions, though the differences were non-significant. Reduced CVR may represent diminished vascular functionality for the DMN for individuals with prehypertension/hypertension in mid-life, and may serve as a preclinical marker for brain dysfunction in later

  14. Beneficial effects of estrogen in a mouse model of cerebrovascular insufficiency.

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    Naohito Kitamura

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The M(5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor is known to play a crucial role in mediating acetylcholine dependent dilation of cerebral blood vessels. Previously, we reported that male M(5 muscarinic acetylcholine knockout mice (M5R(-/- mice suffer from a constitutive constriction of cerebral arteries, reduced cerebral blood flow, dendritic atrophy, and short-term memory loss, without necrosis and/or inflammation in the brain. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We employed the Magnetic Resonance Angiography to study the area of the basilar artery in male and female M5R(-/- mice. Here we show that female M5R(-/- mice did not show the reduction in vascular area observed in male M5R(-/- mice. However, ovariectomized female M5R(-/- mice displayed phenotypic changes similar to male M5R(-/- mice, strongly suggesting that estrogen plays a key role in the observed gender differences. We found that 17beta-estradiol (E2 induced nitric oxide release and ERK activation in a conditional immortalized mouse brain cerebrovascular endothelial cell line. Agonists of ERalpha, ERbeta, and GPR30 promoted ERK activation in this cell line. Moreover, in vivo magnetic resonance imaging studies showed that the cross section of the basilar artery was restored to normal in male M5R(-/- mice treated with E2. Treatment with E2 also improved the performance of male M5R(-/- mice in a cognitive test and reduced the atrophy of neural dendrites in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. M5R(-/- mice also showed astrocyte swelling in cortex and hippocampus using the three-dimensional reconstruction of electron microscope images. This phenotype was reversed by E2 treatment, similar to the observed deficits in dendrite morphology and the number of synapses. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings indicate that M5R(-/- mice represent an excellent novel model system to study the beneficial effects of estrogen on cerebrovascular function and cognition. E2 may offer new therapeutic

  15. Role of Nrf2 and protective effects of Metformin against tobacco smoke-induced cerebrovascular toxicity

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    Shikha Prasad


    Full Text Available Cigarette smoking (CS is associated with vascular endothelial dysfunction in a causative way primarily related to the TS content of reactive oxygen species (ROS, nicotine, and inflammation. TS promotes glucose intolerance and increases the risk of developing type-2 diabetes mellitus (2DM with which it shares other pathogenic traits including the high risk of cerebrovascular and neurological disorders like stroke via ROS generation, inflammation, and blood-brain barrier (BBB impairment. Herein we provide evidence of the role played by nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2 in CS-induced cerebrobvascular/BBB impairments and how these cerebrovascular harmful effects can be circumvented by the use of metformin (MF; a widely prescribed, firstline anti-diabetic drug treatment. Our data in fact revealed that MF activates counteractive mechanisms primarily associated with the Nrf2 pathway which drastically reduce CS toxicity at the cerebrovascular level. These include the suppression of tight junction (TJ protein downregulation and loss of BBB integrity induced by CS, reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress, renormalization of the expression levels of the major BBB glucose transporter Glut-1 and that of the anticoagulant factor thrombomodulin. Further, we provide additional insights on the controversial interplay between Nrf2 and AMPK. Keywords: Oxidative stress, Cigarette smoke, Metformin, Blood hemostasis, Blood brain barrier, Tight junctions, Nrf2, Glucose transporter

  16. Incidencia de Alteraciones Lipoprotéicas en Familiares de Primer Grado de Pacientes con Accidente Vasculocerebral de Origen Aterotrombótico Menores de 60 años.


    Santos Lozano, José Manuel


    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la primera causa de muerte en España, causando en 1990 el 40,7% de todas las defunciones. Dentro de las enfermedades cardiovasculares destacan en primer lugar las EVC, representando aproximadamente la tercera parte de la mortalidad cardiovascular total, seguidas de las enfermedades isquémicas del corazón, que representan una cuarta parte de todas las muertes cardicirculatorias. El ictus aparece como la tercera causa de muert...

  17. Utilidad del factor de crecimiento fibroblástico 23 en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

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    Ibón Santos


    Full Text Available El factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 23 es una proteína recientemente descubierta, producida por osteocitos y cuya función principal es regular la homeostasis del fosfato y del calcio en el metabolismo mineral óseo. Algunos estudios han encontrado evidencia que sugiere la asociación entre el aumento de las concentraciones del factor de crecimiento fibroblástico 23 y la aparición de diferentes patologías cardiovasculares como: la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, la falla cardiaca, el choque cardiogénico, la ateroesclerosis, la calcificación vascular, la fibrilación auricular y el accidente cerebrovascular. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios para esclarecer el rol de esta hormona y las patologías antes mencionadas.

  18. Estudio diagnóstico de la mortalidad humana en el Ecuador, en la Provincia de Tungurahua, el Cantón capital Ambato y los principales cantones con el mayor porcentaje de mortalidad. República del Ecuador. 2014.


    Castañeda Guillot, Carlos David; González Miranda, Victoria María


    Se realiza estudio diagnóstico de las diez principales causas de mortalidad humana en Ecuador a nivel de país, la provincia de Tungurahua y principales cantones basada la  investigación en  los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos y Ministerio de Salud Pública correspondientes al año 2014 en base al Registro Internacional de Mortalidad Humana. Por orden de incidencia predominan enfermedades cardiovasculares (isquemia del corazón, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y enfermedades h...

  19. Cerebrovascular accident and abnormal focus of hyperactivity revealed by dynamic study in scintiangioencephalography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Planchon, C.A.; Perez, R.; Lebourges, J.


    A 75-year-old female was admitted to the hospital for suspicion of a cerebrovascular accident. An important focus of hyperactivity was noted during a dynamic study by scintiangioencephalography, consistent with a highly vascular tumor, but corresponding in fact to a focal transitory hyperfusion with accompanying intense neuronal activity. (orig.)

  20. Síndrome de apnea del sueño (SAS Sleep apnea syndrome

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    Camilo José Borrego Abello


    Full Text Available Se describe el síndrome de apnea del sueño (SAS abarcando los aspectos históricos, signos y síntomas, las diversas modalidades (apneas obstructiva, central y mixta, complicaciones, principalmente cardiovasculares y cerebrovasculares y formas de tratamiento. Se hace énfasis en la ayuda diagnóstica del polisomnograma que ha permitido definir como SAS síntomas antes considerados inespecíficos y cuantificar su gravedad. Se describen las diversas medidas terapéuticas, locales y generales, recalcando los beneficios que se obtienen con la aplicación de los aparatos de respiración a presión positiva. Estos permiten tratamientos no invasivos que hacen desaparecer la totalidad de los síntomas y evitan los riesgos incrementados de trastornos cardiovasculares y accidentes laborales o de tránsito. Este grave síndrome afecta a un grupo grande de población por lo que su importancia es indudable.

    Different aspects of the sleep apnea síndrome (SAS are described, including history, clinical manifestations, clinical forms (obstructive, central and mixed, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and other complications and treatment. With the use of the polysomnogram it has been possible to define non-specific symptoms as due to SAS and to quantitate their seriousness. Different therapeutic approaches are described, both local and systemic, with emphasis on the benefits obtained from the use of positive pressure breathing machines which control every manifestation of the syndrome and avoid the increased cardiovascular risks aswell as work and traffic accidents. This syndrome is important in terms of frequency and of increased death risk.

  1. Tratamiento del dolor neuropático central; futuras terapias analgésicas: revisión sistemática


    R. Mora Moscoso; M. Guzmán Ruiz; A.M. Soriano Pérez; R. de Alba-Moreno


    Introducción: el dolor neuropático central (DNC) es aquel causado por una lesión primaria o disfunción del sistema nervioso central que genera una patología incapacitante, difícil de reconocer y tratar. Las causas más frecuentes son accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), esclerosis múltiple y lesión medular traumática. Objetivos: realizar revisión sistemática de las principales causas de dolor neuropático central, presentar evidencia de la efectividad y tolerabilidad de las opciones terapéuticas ac...

  2. Motor function declines over time in human immunodeficiency virus and is associated with cerebrovascular disease, while HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder remains stable. (United States)

    M Elicer, Isabel; Byrd, Desiree; Clark, Uraina S; Morgello, Susan; Robinson-Papp, Jessica


    HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) remain prevalent in the combined antiretroviral therapy (CART) era, especially the milder forms. Despite these milder phenotypes, we have shown that motor abnormalities persist and have quantified them with the HIV Dementia Motor Scale (HDMS). Our objectives were to replicate, in an independent sample, our prior findings that the HDMS is associated with cognitive impairment in HIV, while adding consideration of age-associated comorbidities such as cerebrovascular disease, and to examine the longitudinal trajectories of cognitive and motor dysfunction. We included all participants enrolled in the Manhattan HIV Brain Bank (MHBB) from January 2007 to May 2017 who had complete baseline data (N = 164). MHBB participants undergo standardized longitudinal assessments including documentation of comorbidities and medications, blood work, the HDMS, and neurocognitive testing. We found that motor dysfunction, cognitive impairment, and cerebrovascular disease were significantly associated with each other at baseline. Cerebrovascular disease independently predicted cognitive impairment in a multivariable model. Longitudinal analysis in a subset of 78 participants with ≥ 4 years of follow-up showed a stable cognition but declining motor function. We conclude that the HDMS is a valid measurement of motor dysfunction in HIV-infected patients and is associated with cognitive impairment and the presence of cerebrovascular disease. Cognitive impairment is mild and stable in CART-treated HIV; however, motor function declines over time, which may be related to the accrual of comorbidities such as cerebrovascular disease. Further research should examine the mechanisms underlying motor dysfunction in HIV and its clinical impact.

  3. Vivendo o acidente vascular encefálico agudo: significados da doença para pessoas hospitalizadas Viviendo el accidente cerebrovascular agudo: significado de la enfermedad para personas hospitalizadas Experiencing acute stroke: the meaning of the illness for hospitalized patients

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    Samia Jardelle Costa de Freitas Maniva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se compreender o significado da experiência vivenciada pela pessoa adoecida por acidente vascular encefálico agudo. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, fundamentado nos pressupostos teóricos do interacionismo simbólico, realizado em uma unidade especializada no tratamento de acidente vascular encefálico de um hospital terciário, situado na cidade de Fortaleza, CE. Participaram do estudo 10 pacientes. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista aberta e os dados foram organizados e analisados segundo a técnica de enunciação. Cumpriram-se todos os aspectos éticos. O significado da experiência de adoecimento foi construído com base na percepção dos sentimentos surgidos durante a hospitalização, caracterizados por medo da morte e das sequelas da doença; tristeza pelo distanciamento do lar; alívio, ao evidenciar-se melhora do quadro clínico, e desejo de mudança dos hábitos de vida. Apreendeu-se que a experiência de adoecimento por acidente vascular encefálico é complexa, e nela os significados são elaborados com base em sentimentos, ações e comportamentos dos sujeitos.Se objetivó comprender el significado de la experiencia de la persona que padeció accidente cerebrovascular agudo. Estudio cualitativo, fundamentado en los presupuestos teóricos del interaccionismo simbólico, realizado en unidad especializada en tratamiento de accidente cerebrovascular de un hospital terciario en Fortaleza-CE. Participaron diez pacientes. Datos recolectados mediante entrevista abierta, organizados y analizados según técnica de enunciación. Se cumplió con todos los aspectos éticos. El significado de la experiencia del padecimiento fue construido en base a la percepción de los sentimientos surgidos durante la internación, caracterizados por el miedo a la muerte y a las secuelas de la enfermedad; tristeza por alejarse del hogar; alivio al evidenciarse mejoras del cuadro clínico; e intención de cambio de hábitos de vida

  4. Cerebrovascular risk factors for patients with cerebral watershed infarction: A case-control study based on computed tomography angiography in a population from Southwest China. (United States)

    Dong, Mei-Xue; Hu, Ling; Huang, Yuan-Jun; Xu, Xiao-Min; Liu, Yang; Wei, You-Dong


    To determine cerebrovascular risk factors for patients with cerebral watershed infarction (CWI) from Southwest China.Patients suffering from acute ischemic stroke were categorized into internal CWI (I-CWI), external CWI (E-CWI), or non-CWI (patients without CWI) groups. Clinical data were collected and degrees of steno-occlusion of all cerebral arteries were scored. Arteries associated with the circle of Willis were also assessed. Data were compared using Pearson chi-squared tests for categorical data and 1-way analysis of variance with Bonferroni post hoc tests for continuous data, as appropriate. Multivariate binary logistic regression analysis was performed to determine independent cerebrovascular risk factors for CWI.Compared with non-CWI, I-CWI had higher degrees of steno-occlusion of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery, ipsilateral carotid artery, and contralateral middle cerebral artery. E-CWI showed no significant differences. All the 3 arteries were independent cerebrovascular risk factors for I-CWI confirmed by multivariate binary logistic regression analysis. I-CWI had higher degrees of steno-occlusion of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery compared with E-CWI. No significant differences were found among arteries associated with the circle of Willis.The ipsilateral middle cerebral artery, carotid artery, and contralateral middle cerebral artery were independent cerebrovascular risk factors for I-CWI. No cerebrovascular risk factor was identified for E-CWI.

  5. Postmenopausal hormone therapy and subclinical cerebrovascular disease (United States)

    Coker, L H.; Hogan, P E.; Bryan, N R.; Kuller, L H.; Margolis, K L.; Bettermann, K; Wallace, R B.; Lao, Z; Freeman, R; Stefanick, M L.; Shumaker, S A.


    Objective: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS) hormone therapy (HT) trials reported that conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) with or without medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) increases risk for all-cause dementia and global cognitive decline. WHIMS MRI measured subclinical cerebrovascular disease as a possible mechanism to explain cognitive decline reported in WHIMS. Methods: We contacted 2,345 women at 14 WHIMS sites; scans were completed on 1,424 (61%) and 1,403 were accepted for analysis. The primary outcome measure was total ischemic lesion volume on brain MRI. Mean duration of on-trial HT or placebo was 4 (CEE+MPA) or 5.6 years (CEE-Alone) and scans were conducted an average of 3 (CEE+MPA) or 1.4 years (CEE-Alone) post-trial termination. Cross-sectional analysis of MRI lesions was conducted; general linear models were fitted to assess treatment group differences using analysis of covariance. A (two-tailed) critical value of α = 0.05 was used. Results: In women evenly matched within trials at baseline, increased lesion volumes were significantly related to age, smoking, history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lower post-trial global cognition scores, and increased incident cases of on- or post-trial mild cognitive impairment or probable dementia. Mean ischemic lesion volumes were slightly larger for the CEE+MPA group vs placebo, except for the basal ganglia, but the differences were not significant. Women assigned to CEE-Alone had similar mean ischemic lesion volumes compared to placebo. Conclusions: Conjugated equine estrogen–based hormone therapy was not associated with a significant increase in ischemic brain lesion volume relative to placebo. This finding was consistent within each trial and in pooled analyses across trials. GLOSSARY 3MSE = modified Mini-Mental State Examination; BMI = body mass index; CEE = conjugated equine estrogen; CVD = cerebrovascular disease; HT = hormone therapy; MCI = mild cognitive impairment; MPA

  6. High-intensity interval exercise and cerebrovascular health: curiosity, cause, and consequence. (United States)

    Lucas, Samuel J E; Cotter, James D; Brassard, Patrice; Bailey, Damian M


    Exercise is a uniquely effective and pluripotent medicine against several noncommunicable diseases of westernised lifestyles, including protection against neurodegenerative disorders. High-intensity interval exercise training (HIT) is emerging as an effective alternative to current health-related exercise guidelines. Compared with traditional moderate-intensity continuous exercise training, HIT confers equivalent if not indeed superior metabolic, cardiac, and systemic vascular adaptation. Consequently, HIT is being promoted as a more time-efficient and practical approach to optimize health thereby reducing the burden of disease associated with physical inactivity. However, no studies to date have examined the impact of HIT on the cerebrovasculature and corresponding implications for cognitive function. This review critiques the implications of HIT for cerebrovascular function, with a focus on the mechanisms and translational impact for patient health and well-being. It also introduces similarly novel interventions currently under investigation as alternative means of accelerating exercise-induced cerebrovascular adaptation. We highlight a need for studies of the mechanisms and thereby also the optimal dose-response strategies to guide exercise prescription, and for studies to explore alternative approaches to optimize exercise outcomes in brain-related health and disease prevention. From a clinical perspective, interventions that selectively target the aging brain have the potential to prevent stroke and associated neurovascular diseases.

  7. Diabetes mellitus: long-term prognostic value of whole-body MR imaging for the occurrence of cardiac and cerebrovascular events. (United States)

    Bamberg, Fabian; Parhofer, Klaus G; Lochner, Elena; Marcus, Roy P; Theisen, Daniel; Findeisen, Hannes M; Hoffmann, Udo; Schönberg, Stefan O; Schlett, Christopher L; Reiser, Maximilian F; Weckbach, Sabine


    To study the predictive value of whole-body magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for the occurrence of cardiac and cerebrovascular events in a cohort of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). This HIPAA-compliant study was approved by the institutional review board. Informed consent was obtained from all patients before enrollment into the study. The authors followed up 65 patients with DM (types 1 and 2) who underwent a comprehensive, contrast material-enhanced whole-body MR imaging protocol, including brain, cardiac, and vascular sequences at baseline. Follow-up was performed by phone interview. The primary endpoint was a major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event (MACCE), which was defined as composite cardiac-cerebrovascular death, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular event, or revascularization. MR images were assessed for the presence of systemic atherosclerotic vessel changes, white matter lesions, and myocardial changes. Kaplan-Meier survival and Cox regression analyses were performed to determine associations. Follow-up was completed in 61 patients (94%; median age, 67.5 years; 30 women [49%]; median follow-up, 70 months); 14 of the 61 patients (23%) experienced MACCE. Although normal whole-body MR imaging excluded MACCE during the follow-up period (0%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0%, 17%), any detectable ischemic and/or atherosclerotic changes at whole-body MR imaging (prevalence, 66%) conferred a cumulative event rate of 20% at 3 years and 35% at 6 years. Whole-body MR imaging summary estimate of disease was strongly predictive for MACCE (one increment of vessel score and each territory with atherosclerotic changes: hazard ratio, 13.2 [95% CI: 4.5, 40.1] and 3.9 [95% CI: 2.2, 7.5], respectively), also beyond clinical characteristics as well as individual cardiac or cerebrovascular MR findings. These initial data indicate that disease burden as assessed with whole-body MR imaging confers strong prognostic information in patients with DM. Online

  8. Association between Smokefree Legislation and Hospitalizations for Cardiac, Cerebrovascular and Respiratory Diseases: A Meta-Analysis (United States)

    Tan, Crystal E.; Glantz, Stanton A.


    Background Secondhand smoke causes cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Smokefree legislation is associated with a lower risk of hospitalization and death from these diseases. Methods and Results Random effects meta-analysis was conducted by law comprehensiveness to determine the relationship between smokefree legislation and hospital admission or death from cardiac, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases. Studies were identified using a systematic search for studies published before November 30, 2011 using Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, PubMed, and Embase and references in identified papers. Change in hospital admissions (or deaths) in the presence of a smokefree law, duration of follow-up, and law comprehensiveness (workplaces only; workplaces and restaurants; or workplaces, restaurants, and bars) were recorded. Forty-five studies of 33 smokefree laws with median follow-up of 24 months (range 2–57 months) were included. Comprehensive smokefree legislation was associated with significantly lower rates of hospital admissions (or deaths) for all 4 diagnostic groups: coronary events (RR .848, 95% CI .816–.881), other heart disease (RR .610, 95% CI .440–.847), cerebrovascular accidents (RR .840, 95% CI .753–.936), and respiratory disease (RR .760, 95% CI .682–.846). The difference in risk following comprehensive smokefree laws does not change with longer follow-up. More comprehensive laws were associated with larger changes in risk. Conclusions Smokefree legislation was associated with a lower risk of smoking-related cardiac, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases, with more comprehensive laws associated with greater changes in risk. PMID:23109514

  9. Estudio sobre la habilidad del cuidado de los cuidadores primarios de personas adultas discapacitadas por enfermedad cerebrovascular, asistentes al servicio de consulta externa del hospital universitario erasmo meoz y centro de rehabilitación del norte de santander

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olga Marina Vega-Angarita


    Full Text Available This study must like intention it describes the abilities of well-taken care of the primary caretakers of people in situation of chronic disease with secondary discapacidad to disease to cerebrovascular of the North of Santander, by means of the application of instrument CAI (Caring Hability Inventory, Proposed by doctor Ngozi Or Nkongho with the intention of quantifying the degree of ability of taken care of a person to take care of to another one. The design applied in the study was cross-sectional descriptive type with quantitative boarding in 70 participant primary caretakers in the external advisory service of the University Hospital Erasmo Meoz and Center de Rehabilitación. The found results make evident that on the ability of single total care a 30% count on the ability required for the care delivery, remaining percentage 70% present/display deficiencies in the roll.

  10. The diagnostic value of 13N-ammonia PET in ischemic cerebrovascular disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiao Shuixian; Tang Anwu; Wang Lijuan; Liu Xintong; Yuan Yanbo; Chen Liguang; Luo Yaowu; Zhang Xiangsong; Wang Shuxia; Liu Bin; Xu Weiping


    Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of 13 N-ammonia PET in diagnosing ischemic cerebrovascular disorders. Methods: A total of 25 subjects were investigated. Five healthy volunteers served as normal control. Twenty patients included 13 with transient ischemic attack (TIA), 6 with brain infarction and 1 with moyamoya disease. 740-925 MBq of 13 N-ammonia was injected intravenously, 3-5 min later, PET imaging was performed with T + E 2D acquisition with Siemens ECAT EXACT HR + PET scanner. Image analysis was done by visual and semiquantitative estimating. Standardized uptake value (SUV) was measured in mirror regions of cerebrum with autocopy methods. Nine patients underwent drug stress with oral acetazolamide (ACZ). Images were compared before and after oral ACZ intervention. Results: Physiological brain uptake with SUV ratio of 0.99 +- 0.15 (n=5, left/right) was observed in healthy volunteers. L/N 13 N-ammonia as radioactive tracer was a safe and noninvasive, sensitive and accurate functional imaging modality for brain perfusion. The oral ACZ stress is a safe, simple and reliable diagnostic method for ischemic cerebrovascular disorders. It is of important uses in detecting the potential reserve of cerebral blood flow

  11. Cerebrovascular Accident Incidence in the NASA Astronaut Population (United States)

    LaPelusa, Michael B.; Charvat, Jacqueline M.; Lee, Lesley R.; Wear, Mary L.; Van Baalen, Mary


    The development of atherosclerosis is strongly associated with an increased risk for cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), including stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIA). Certain unique occupational exposures that individuals in the NASA astronaut corps face, specifically high-performance aircraft training, SCUBA training, and spaceflight, are hypothesized to cause changes to the cardiovascular system. These changes, which include (but are not limited to) oxidative damage as a result of radiation exposure and circadian rhythm disturbance, increased arterial stiffness, and increased carotid-intima-media thickness (CIMT), may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and subsequent CVA. The purpose of this study was to review cases of CVA in the NASA astronaut corps and describe the comorbidities and occupational exposures associated with CVA.

  12. Cerebrovascular reactivity changes in asymptomatic female athletes attributable to high school soccer participation. (United States)

    Svaldi, Diana O; McCuen, Emily C; Joshi, Chetas; Robinson, Meghan E; Nho, Yeseul; Hannemann, Robert; Nauman, Eric A; Leverenz, Larry J; Talavage, Thomas M


    As participation in women's soccer continues to grow and the longevity of female athletes' careers continues to increase, prevention and care for mTBI in women's soccer has become a major concern for female athletes since the long-term risks associated with a history of mTBI are well documented. Among women's sports, soccer exhibits among the highest concussion rates, on par with those of men's football at the collegiate level. Head impact monitoring technology has revealed that "concussive hits" occurring directly before symptomatic injury are not predictive of mTBI, suggesting that the cumulative effect of repetitive head impacts experienced by collision sport athletes should be assessed. Neuroimaging biomarkers have proven to be valuable in detecting brain changes that occur before neurocognitive symptoms in collision sport athletes. Quantifying the relationship between changes in these biomarkers and head impacts experienced by female soccer athletes may prove valuable to developing preventative measures for mTBI. This study paired functional magnetic resonance imaging with head impact monitoring to track cerebrovascular reactivity changes throughout a season and to test whether the observed changes could be attributed to mechanical loading experienced by female athletes participating in high school soccer. Marked cerebrovascular reactivity changes were observed in female soccer athletes, relative both to non-collision sport control measures and pre-season measures and were localized to fronto-temporal aspects of the brain. These changes persisted 4-5 months after the season ended and recovered by 8 months after the season. Segregation of the total soccer cohort into cumulative loading groups revealed that population-level changes were driven by athletes experiencing high cumulative loads, although athletes experiencing lower cumulative loads still contributed to group changes. The results of this study imply a non-linear relationship between cumulative

  13. The Vulnerability of Vessels Involved in the Role of Embolism and Hypoperfusion in the Mechanisms of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yong Peng Yu


    Full Text Available Accurate definition and better understanding of the mechanisms of stroke are crucial as this will guide the effective care and therapy. In this paper, we review the previous basic and clinical researches on the causes or mechanisms of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases (ICVD and interpret the correlation between embolism and hypoperfusion based on vascular stenosis and arterial intimal lesions. It was suggested that if there is no embolus (dynamic or in situ emboli, there might be no cerebral infarction. Three kinds of different clinical outcomes of TIA were theoretically interpreted based on its mechanisms. We suppose that there is a correlation between embolism and hypoperfusion, and which mechanisms (hypoperfusion or hypoperfusion induced microemboli playing the dominant role in each type of ICVD depends on the unique background of arterial intimal lesions (the vulnerability of vessels. That is to say, the vulnerability of vessels is involved in the role of embolism and hypoperfusion in the mechanisms of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. This inference might enrich and provide better understandings for the underlying etiologies of ischemic cerebrovascular events.

  14. Study on the relationship between serum leptin level and ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luo Nanping; Hu Chengjing; Wang Ruishan; Yin Qiuxia; Niu Aijun; Xue Lian; Xue Shenwu; Chen Qing


    Objective: To investigate the inter-relationship among serum leptin insulin resistance and blood lipids, and to explore the role of leptin in the pathogenesis of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases (ICVD). Methods: Levels of serum leptin, insulin and blood lipids were determined with RIA in 131 patients with different types of ICVD and 36 controls. Results: The levels of serum leptin in ICVD patients were significantly higher than those in the controls (P<0.01). Changes of blood lipids and insulin paralleled those of leptin (cxcept with HDL-C). The serum leptin were positively correlated to cholesterol, TG and insulin levels (r=0.45, P<0.05; r=0.31, P<0.05, r=0.55, P<0.01), but negatively correlated to HDL-C (r=-0.88, P<0.05). Conclusion: The high expression of leptin in ICVD patients is associated with high lipid and insulin levels. The close relationship among them indicates that high leptin levels play an important role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome as well as atheromatous cerebrovascular diseases. (authors)

  15. Neuro-ophthalmic manifestations of cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Ghannam, Alaa S Bou; Subramanian, Prem S


    Ocular functions can be affected in almost any type of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) creating a burden on the patient and family and limiting functionality. The present review summarizes the different ocular outcomes after stroke, divided into three categories: vision, ocular motility, and visual perception. We also discuss interventions that have been proposed to help restore vision and perception after CVA. Interventions that might help expand or compensate for visual field loss and visuospatial neglect include explorative saccade training, prisms, visual restoration therapy (VRT), and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). VRT makes use of neuroplasticity, which has shown efficacy in animal models but remains controversial in human studies. CVAs can lead to decreased visual acuity, visual field loss, ocular motility abnormalities, and visuospatial perception deficits. Although ocular motility problems can be corrected with surgery, vision, and perception deficits are more difficult to overcome. Interventions to restore or compensate for visual field deficits are controversial despite theoretical underpinnings, animal model evidence, and case reports of their efficacies.

  16. Acetazolamide as a vasodilatory stimulus in cerebrovascular diseases and in conditions affecting the cerebral vasculature

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Settakis, G.; Molnár, C.; Kerényi, L.; Kollár, J.; Legemate, D.; Csiba, L.; Fülesdi, B.


    Pathologic processes affecting the brain vessels may damage cerebral vasodilatory capacity. Early detection of cerebral dysfunction plays an important role in the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. In recent decades acetazolamide (AZ) has frequently been used for this purpose. In the present

  17. Evaluation of high-pitch dual-source CT angiography for evaluation of coronary and carotid-cerebrovascular arteries

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sun, Kai [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Li, Kuncheng, E-mail: [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Han, Ruijuan [Department of Cardiology, Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100020 (China); Li, Wenhuan; Chen, Nan; Yang, Qi; Du, Xiangying; Wang, Chen [Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053 (China); Liu, Guorong; Li, Yuechun [Department of Neurology Baotou Central Hospital, Inner Mongolia, Baotou 014040 (China); Zhou, Maorong [Department of Radiology, Baotou Central Hospital, Inner Mongolia, Baotou 014040 (China); Li, Ligang; Heidrun, Endt [CT BM Clinic Marketing, Siemens Healthcare, Beijing 100102 (China)


    Objectives: To explore the feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of a combined one-step high-pitch dual-source computed tomography angiography (CTA) technique for evaluation of coronary and carotid-cerebrovascular arteries. Materials and methods: 85 symptomatic patients suspected of coronary artery and cerebrovascular disease referred for simultaneous coronary and carotid-cerebrovascular CTA were included. Additional invasive angiography of the coronary and cerebral arteries was performed within 30 days in 23 and 13 patients, respectively. The objective parameters of image quality, the mean CT attenuations, image noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were evaluated. The subjective image quality of vessels was also assessed by 2 independent radiologists blinded to the patients’ medical history and scan protocols. The diagnostic performance of CTA including sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) for the detection or exclusion of significant artery stenosis was calculated using the chi-squared test of contingency and correlated with the results of invasive angiography representing the standard of reference. Results: Image quality was rated excellent (score 1) in 95.3% (1074/1127), good (score 2) in 3.3% (37/1127), adequate (score 3) in 1.0% (11/1127), and non-diagnostic (score 4) in 0.4% (5/1127) of coronary segments. Image quality of carotid and cerebral vessels was rated mostly excellent (score 1, 95.12% [78/82]; score 2, 3.66% [3/82]; score 3, 1.22% [1/82]). The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for the detection of coronary stenosis were 92.2% (81.1–97.7%), 95.2% (91.7–97.5%), 79.6% (67.1–89.1%) and 98.3% (95.8–99.5%), respectively. For the detection of carotid and cerebral artery stenosis, CTA demonstrated a sensitivity of 92.8% (80.5–98.4%), a specificity of 93.5% (88.3–96.8%), a PPV of 79.6% (65.6–89.7%) and a NPV of 97.9% (94.1–99.5%). The effective

  18. The effects of 'Oren-gedoku-to' and quantitative evaluation of cerebral blood flow for cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ushikubo, Yukio; Sakurai, Takatoshi; Yokouchi, Tetuya


    Fifty-seven patients with sequela of cerebrovascular diseases were treated with 'Oren-gedoku-to' for 8 weeks to examine the possibilities of improvements in subjective symptom, motive deterioration, mental disorder, unusual behaviors and intellectual malfunction. These symptoms showed improvement of 41.6%, 54.2%, 75.0%, 63.0%, 21.3%, respectively. For 21 patients, amount of regional cerebral blood flow were measured with SPECT. Results showed an increase of 1.7ml/100g/min. at average. However, there was no statistical difference observed among 'improved' cases, 'slightly improved' cases and 'no change or deteriorated' cases. 'Oren-gedoku-to' worked effectively for cerebrovascular diseases with the exception of intellectual malfunction. Results of the SPECT suggest though, it is uncertain whether these improvements were brought about by the increase of cerebral blood flow. (author)

  19. Nuclear medicine imaging in cerebrovascular disorders; Nuklearmedizinische Bildgebung bei zerebrovaskulaeren Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barthel, H. [Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig A.oe.R. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin; Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Translationszentrum fuer Regenerative Medizin; Hesse, S.; Sabri, O. [Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig A.oe.R. (Germany). Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin


    For diagnosing cerebrovascular disorders, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) employing blood flow and oxygen consumption markers is applied. Currently, competing imaging techniques which do not rely on radiotracers are more dominant in clinical routine. However, brain SPECT and PET substantially contribute towards diagnosis and therapy monitoring in acute and chronic cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, cerebral vasculitis, vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain tolerance during balloon occlusion tests and brain death can be accurately diagnosed. (orig.)

  20. Prevalência e padrão de distribuição das doenças cerebrovasculares em 242 idosos, procedentes de um hospital geral, necropsiados em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, no período de 1976 a 1997 Prevalence and types of cerebrovascular diseases in 242 hospitalized elderly patients, autopsied in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 1976 to 1997

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Eymard H. Pittella


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência e os tipos das doenças cerebrovasculares (DCVs em indivíduos idosos necropsiados. MÉTODO: Foram consultados os laudos neuropatológicos de 242 pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 61 anos, procedentes em sua maioria do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, e necropsiados consecutivamente no período 1976 a 1997. RESULTADO: Os principais grupos de doenças do sistema nervoso central (SNC foram representados por DCVs (71,9%, infecções (12,4%, neoplasias (7,1%, traumatismos crânio-encefálicos (3,7%, doenças nutricionais (2,5% e doenças degenerativas (1,7%. As DCVs mais frequentes foram: aterosclerose (61,2%, doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva (25,6% e infarto cerebral (14,9%. Observou-se aumento da frequência e da gravidade da aterosclerose e da frequência da doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva com o avançar da idade. Houve associação significativa entre doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva e aterosclerose. As DCVs foram clinicamente sintomáticas e as responsáveis diretas pelo óbito em 42,7% e 17,3% dos pacientes, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: As DCVs constituíram o principal grupo de doenças do SNC no idoso. A aterosclerose e a doença cerebrovascular hipertensiva foram as principais doenças deste grupo, notando-se aumento de sua frequência com o avançar da idade e associação significativa entre ambas.OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence and the types of cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs in autopsied elderly individuals. METHOD: Consecutive clinical charts and neuropathological reports of 242 patients aged 61 years or older were reviewed. The patients died in Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 1976 to 1997. RESULTS: The prevalent diseases of the central nervous system (CNS found in decreasing order were: CVDs (71.9%, infections (12.4%, neoplasms (7.1%, head

  1. Association between ALT level and the rate of cardio/cerebrovascular events in HIV-positive individuals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sabin, Caroline A; Ryom, Lene; Kovari, Helen


    An inverse association between serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) has been reported in the general population. We investigated associations between ALT levels and the risk of various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular outcomes in a large cohort ...

  2. Clinical evaluation of SPECT in cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oshibuchi, Masao; Satoh, Mitsutaka; Kanda, Tetsuro; Nishi, Fumiaki; Yamane, Kanji; Fujimatsu, Masahiko; Edamitsu, Satoshi; Anno, Yasuro; Ohtake, Hisashi.


    In 131 patients with cerebrovascular disease, regional cerebral blood flow were determined by 123 I-IMP (N-isopropyl ( 123 I)-iodoamphetamine) or 99m Tc-HM-PAO ( 99m Tc (d, 1)-hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime) SPECT and findings were compared with those of X-CT or MRI. The perfusion deficit detected by SPECT was larger than the deficit by X-CT or MRI in every case. The perfusion deficit area was more clearly demonstrated by SPECT than by X-CT or MRI in patients with acute cerebral infarction. The hypoperfusion area determined by 123 I-IMP SPECT was wider than that by 99m Tc-HM-PAO SPECT. The crossed cerebellar diaschisis was observed in 56 out of 131 cases (43%). The results of operation were quantitatively evaluated by 123 I-IMP SPECT in 25 patients. (author)

  3. Modelo basado en SIG para el estudio de la mortalidad por enfermedad cerebro-vascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Alberto Tangarife Villa


    Full Text Available En los últimos 15 años el estudio para una de las tres primeras causas de muerte a nivel mundial –enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV– se caracteriza por utilizar el enfoque epidemiológico tradicional y sus técnicas de análisis estadístico bivariado y multivariado orientadas a identificar su composición según variables de persona y explorar relaciones con sus determinantes pero sin impactar significativamente su ocurrencia, sin embargo, en el presente artículo se identifica como alternativa de análisis la modelación espacio-temporal con SIG a niveles de desagregación detallados; en este sentido el análisis comparativo de los modelos utilizados en los estudios conocidos, desvela el uso de datos y técnicas de análisis espacial básicas para identificar patrones como los evidenciados en los cinturones de diabetes y ECV en USA o el clúster colombiano de enfermedades del aparato circulatorio identificado en la región andina que sugiere un comportamiento similar para la ECV. El panorama anterior demanda la combinación de enfoques con énfasis en sus técnicas de análisis avanzadas –análisis multi-criterio, kriging, interpolación, correlación y regresión espacial– soportadas con SIG y por lo tanto, como contribución final se propone un modelo integrado dirigido a impactar positivamente la mortalidad por ECV.

  4. Depression, anxiety and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients following coronary artery bypass graft surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tully, Phillip J; Winefield, Helen R; Baker, Robert A


    anhedonia, anxious arousal and general distress/negative affect symptom dimensions. Incident MACCE was defined as fatal or non-fatal; myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, repeat revascularization, heart failure, sustained arrhythmia, stroke or cerebrovascular accident, left ventricular failure......BACKGROUND: Although depression and anxiety have been implicated in risk for major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE), a theoretical approach to identifying such putative links is lacking. The objective of this study was to examine the association between theoretical...... and mortality due to cardiac causes. Time-to-MACCE was determined by hazard modelling after adjustment for EuroSCORE, smoking, body mass index, hypertension, heart failure and peripheral vascular disease. RESULTS: In the total sample, there were 698 cumulative person years of survival for analysis with a median...

  5. Estudio descriptivo de la enfermedad cerebrovascular en el Hospital Regional Docente de Ica-Perú 2003 - 2006

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Jhonnel Alarco


    Full Text Available Objetivo, Determinar algunas características epidemiológicas de la enfermedad cerebro vascular (ECV, describir las características de la población estudiada según sexo, edad, procedencia, raza, forma de inicio, ubicación, tipos y subtipos, síntomas, antecedentes patológicos y mortalidad intrahospitalaria. Materiales y métodos, estudio descriptivo. Lugar, Hospital Regional Docente de Ica. Criterios de inclusión, pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de accidente cerebrovascular. Intervenciones, revisión de historias clínicas de archivo entre los años 2003 y 2006 Principales medidas de resultados, análisis estadístico, porcentajes y medidas de tendencia central, tabuladas en una base de datos con ayuda del programa Microsoft Excel 2003 para Windows®. Resultados, de 152 pacientes ingresados al servicio de Medicina 119 fueron casos de ECV isquémico, 33 casos fueron ECV hemorrágico. El principal antecedente patológico fue la hipertensión arterial con un 75.0 %. El síntoma más frecuente fue el trastorno motor con 80.3% seguido por alteraciones del lenguaje con 55.9%. El mayor número fue encontrado entre la séptima y octava décadas de la vida. La edad mínima fue de 17 y máxima de 102 años. La mortalidad global fue de 18 casos obteniéndose una tasa de letalidad específica para el ECV isquémico de 0,8% y de 51,5% para el ECV hemorrágico. Conclusiones: Se distingue a la HTA como el principal antecedente modificable, cuya prevención reduciría notablemente su mortalidad.

  6. [Lipids and cerebrovascular disease - New therapeutic options in lowering LDL-cholesterol]. (United States)

    Lovadi, Emese; Csécsei, Péter; Lovig, Csenge; Karádi, Zsófia; Szapáry, László


    Stroke is the third most common cause of death worldwide following myocardial infaction and malignancies, furthermore, its functional outcome is the worst of all conditions. Cholesterol, especially LDL-cholesterol plays a key role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. It has been verified recently that escalating incidence and mortality of cerebrovascular diseases are proportional to increased levels of LDL-cholesterol. Statin therapy undeniably reduces the risk of stroke, however other methods for decreasing lipid levels have not been proved significantly effective. Preventive effect of high-dose statin treatment is without doubt, although administration of such high dosage might require special precautions for patients with prior intracerebral hemorrhage and it also risks development of incident diabetes. The recently published IMPROVE-IT study is the first to prove that the addition of ezetimibe as a non-statin type drug, to statin treatment contributes to further reduction of LDL-cholesterol. The combination treatment results in additional decrease in the incidence and mortality of cerebrovascular events, without any expansion in the number or adverse effects. These results confirm the importance of any further reduction of LDL-cholesterol levels. Achieving target values with statin-ezetimibe combination allows administration of low to moderate dose of statin, which decreases risks of adverse effects related to high-dose statin therapy. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(52), 2059-2065.

  7. Morphological changes of cerebral vessels and expression patterns of MMP-2 and MMP-9 on cerebrovascular wall of alcoholic rats. (United States)

    Qi, Qian; Liu, Xia; Zhang, Guozhong; He, Wenjing; Ma, Rufei; Cong, Bin; Li, Yingmin


    Alcohol abuse increases the incidence of cerebral accidents, which correlates with cerebrovascular structural changes. The present study was designed to observe the cerebrovascular remodeling of drinking rats with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Short-term alcohol administration induced apparent amplification of perivascular spaces around small vessels in brain tissue, while long-term administration caused pathological changes of basilar arteries (BAs), including endothelial exfoliation, inner elastic lamina (IEL) fragmentation and thickening of tunica media and adventitia. In addition, the relationship between cerebrovascular remodeling and MMP-2 and MMP-9 synthesized by endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells was explored by immunohistochemistry. The two protein expression in cerebral vessels changed dynamically, peaking at 1-2 weeks after treatment, and decreasing as treatment continued. These results suggest that MMP-2 and MMP-9 may play a significant role in blood-brain barrier disruption after alcohol abuse. But the chronic changes of cerebral arteries resulted from drinking are not coincident with time course of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression in situ.

  8. Prognosis in Acute Cerebrovascular Accidents in Relation to Respiratory Pattern and Blood—gas Tensions (United States)

    Rout, M. W.; Lane, D. J.; Wollner, L.


    Respiratory pattern and arterial blood gas tensions were assessed in patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents. Hyperventilation, low Pco2, and high arterial pH were associated with a poor prognosis, whereas patients with normal respiratory pattern and blood gas tensions survived. Periodic and Cheyne-Stokes breathing carried an intermediate prognosis. PMID:5091916

  9. Cerebrovascular diseases in a fixed population Hiroshima and Nagasaki with special reference to relationship between type and risk factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Chow-How; Shimizu, Yukiko; Kato, Hiroo; Robertson, T.L.; Furonaka, Hiroshi.


    A study was made of the incidence of cerebrovascular diseases, their chronological trend, and relationship between the disease types and risk factors on 16,491 subjects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who underwent medical examination at least once between 1958 - 74, and who were free of cerebrovascular disease at the initial examination. During the 16-year period, 1,162 cases of cerebrovascular disease developed in this study population with the diagnosis definite in 621, and the annual incidence was 3.2 per 1,000 population. By type, there were 108 cases of cerebral hemorrhage, 469 cases of cerebral infarction, 33 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and 11 cases of other unclassifiable types, with cerebral infarction occurring more frequently than cerebral hemorrhage at the ratio of 4.5 : 1. The incidence of cerebrovascular diseases increased with age in both types, but the proportion of younger subjects in cerebral hemorrhage was greater than that in cerebral infarction. A secular trend of declining incidence was noted for both cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. As a risk factor of cerebral hemorrhage, elevation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure was the most closely related to onset, and left ventricular hypertrophy on electrocardiogram (ECG) and proteinuria were also related. However, a tendency was seen for the risk to be somewhat higher the lower the levels of serum cholesterol. In cerebral infarction, aging, like systolic blood pressure, was a most important risk factor. Left ventricular hypertrophy on ECG, proteinuria, and diabetes could also be risk factors. However, the relation to blood pressure, especially diastolic blood pressure, was not so great as in the case of cerebral hemorrhage. (author)

  10. [Systolic blood pressure and functional outcome in patients with acute stroke: a Mexican registry of acute cerebrovascular disease (RENAMEVASC)]. (United States)

    Baños-González, Manuel; Cantú-Brito, Carlos; Chiquete, Erwin; Arauz, Antonio; Ruiz-Sandoval, José Luís; Villarreal-Careaga, Jorge; Barinagarrementeria, Fernando; Lozano, José Juan


    To analyze the association between the admission systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 30-day outcome in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease. The REgistro NAcional Mexicano de Enfermedad VAScular Cerebral (RENAMEVASC) is a hospital-based multicenter registry performed between November 2002 and October 2004. A total of 2000 patients with clinical syndromes of acute cerebrovascular disease confirmed by neuroimaging were registered. The modified Rankin scale was used for outcome stratification. We analyzed 1721 patients who had registered their SBP: 78 (4.5%) had transient ischemic attack, 894 (51.9%) brain infarction, 534 (30.9%) intracerebral hemorrhage, 165 (9.6%) subarachnoid hemorrhage and 50 (2.9%) cerebral venous thrombosis. Among 1036 (60.2%) patients with the antecedent of hypertension, only 32.4% had regular treatment. The 30-day case fatality rate presented a J pattern with respect to SBP, so that the risk of death was highest in 65 years (RR: 2.16, IC 95%: 1.74 - 2.67). Both hypotension and significant arterial hypertension at hospital admission are associated with an adverse outcome after acute cerebrovascular disease. Nevertheless, a good functional outcome can be attained in a wide range of SBP.

  11. Taquiarritmias postoperatorias en la cirugía cardíaca del adulto. Profilaxis


    Fernando Enríquez; Antonio Jiménez


    Las arritmias en el periodo postoperatorio de la cirugía cardíaca suelen ser un hallazgo común ligado a múltiples mecanismos. Las condiciones particulares inherentes al acto quirúrgico pueden iniciar, facilitar o agravar un evento arrítmico por modificaciones en el sustrato anatómico y en sus moduladores. Aunque tradicionalmente consideradas como arritmias transitorias, diversos estudios muestran su asociación con una mayor morbimortalidad, riesgo de ictus, compromiso hemodinámico, iatrogenia...

  12. Targeted overexpression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells improves cerebrovascular reactivity in Ins2Akita-type-1 diabetic mice. (United States)

    Chandra, Saurav B; Mohan, Sumathy; Ford, Bridget M; Huang, Lei; Janardhanan, Preethi; Deo, Kaiwalya S; Cong, Linlin; Muir, Eric R; Duong, Timothy Q


    Reduced bioavailability of nitric oxide due to impaired endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity is a leading cause of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Enhancing eNOS activity in diabetes is a potential therapeutic target. This study investigated basal cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reactivity in wild-type mice, diabetic mice (Ins2(Akita+/-)), nondiabetic eNOS-overexpressing mice (TgeNOS), and the cross of two transgenic mice (TgeNOS-Ins2(Akita+/-)) at six months of age. The cross was aimed at improving eNOS expression in diabetic mice. The major findings were: (i) Body weights of Ins2(Akita+/-) and TgeNOS-Ins2(Akita+/-) were significantly different from wild-type and TgeNOS mice. Blood pressure of TgeNOS mice was lower than wild-type. (ii) Basal cerebral blood flow of the TgeNOS group was significantly higher than cerebral blood flow of the other three groups. (iii) The cerebrovascular reactivity in the Ins2(Akita+/-) mice was significantly lower compared with wild-type, whereas that in the TgeNOS-Ins2(Akita+/-) was significantly higher compared with the Ins2(Akita+/-) and TgeNOS groups. Overexpression of eNOS rescued cerebrovascular dysfunction in diabetic animals, resulting in improved cerebrovascular reactivity. These results underscore the possible role of eNOS in vascular dysfunction in the brain of diabetic mice and support the notion that enhancing eNOS activity in diabetes is a potential therapeutic target. © The Author(s) 2015.

  13. Prevalence and Incidence of Myocardial Infarction and Cerebrovascular Accident in Ageing Persons with Intellectual Disability (United States)

    Jansen, J.; Rozeboom, W.; Penning, C.; Evenhuis, H. M.


    Background: Epidemiological information on age-related cardiovascular disease in people with intellectual disability (ID) is scarce and inconclusive. We compared prevalence and incidence of cerebrovascular accident and myocardial infarction over age 50 in a residential population with ID to that in a general practice population. Method: Lifetime…

  14. Intraplaque stretch in carotid atherosclerotic plaque--an effective biomechanical predictor for subsequent cerebrovascular ischemic events.

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    Zhongzhao Teng

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Stretch is a mechanical parameter, which has been proposed previously to affect the biological activities in different tissues. This study explored its utility in determining plaque vulnerability. METHODS: One hundred and six patients with mild to moderate carotid stenosis were recruited in this study (53 symptomatic and 53 asymptomatic. High resolution, multi-sequence magnetic resonance (MR imaging was performed to delineate various plaque components. Finite element method was used to predict high stretch concentration within the plaque. RESULTS: During a two-year follow-up, 11 patients in symptomatic group and 3 in asymptomatic group experienced recurrent cerebrovascular events. Plaque stretch at systole and stretch variation during one cardiac cycle was greater in symptomatic group than those in the asymptomatic. Within the symptomatic group, a similar trend was observed in patients with recurrent events compared to those without. CONCLUSION: Plaques with high stretch concentration and large stretch variation are associated with increased risk of future cerebrovascular events.

  15. Trends in Mortality from Cerebrovascular and Hypertensive Diseases in Brazil Between 1980 and 2012

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    Paolo Blanco Villela


    Full Text Available Abstract Background: Cerebrovascular and hypertensive diseases are among the main causes of death worldwide. However, there are limited data about the trends of these diseases over the years. Objective: To evaluate the temporal trends in mortality rates and proportional mortality from cerebrovascular and hypertensive diseases according to sex and age in Brazil between 1980 and 2012. Methods: We evaluated the underlying causes of death between 1980 and 2012 in both sexes and by age groups for circulatory diseases (CD, cerebrovascular diseases (CBVD, and hypertensive diseases (HD. We also evaluated death due to all causes (AC, external causes (EC, and ill-defined causes of death (IDCD. Data on deaths and population were obtained from the Department of Information Technology of the Unified Health System (Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde, DATASUS/MS. We estimated crude and standardized annual mortality rates per 100,000 inhabitants and percentages of proportional mortality rates. Results: With the exception of EC, the mortality rates per 100,000 inhabitants of all other diseases increased with age. The proportional mortality of CD, CBVD, and HD increased up to the age range of 60-69 years in men and 70-79 years in women, and reached a plateau in both sexes after that. The standardized rates of CD and CBVD declined in both sexes. However, the HD rates showed the opposite trend and increased mildly during the study period. Conclusion: Despite the decline in standardized mortality rates due to CD and CBVD, there was an increase in deaths due to HD, which could be related to factors associated with the completion of the death certificates, decline in IDCD rates, and increase in the prevalence of hypertension.

  16. Cerebral hyperperfusion and decreased cerebrovascular reactivity correlate with neurologic disease severity in MELAS. (United States)

    Rodan, L H; Poublanc, J; Fisher, J A; Sobczyk, O; Wong, T; Hlasny, E; Mikulis, D; Tein, I


    To study the mechanisms underlying stroke-like episodes (SLEs) in MELAS syndrome. We performed a case control study in 3 siblings with MELAS syndrome (m.3243A>G tRNA(Leu(UUR))) with variable % mutant mtDNA in blood (35 to 59%) to evaluate regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) and arterial cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) compared to age- and sex-matched healthy study controls and a healthy control population. Subjects were studied at 3T MRI using arterial spin labeling (ASL) to measure CBF; CVR was measured as a change in % Blood Oxygen Level Dependent signal (as a surrogate of CBF) to repeated 10 mmHg step increase in arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2). MELAS siblings had decreased CVR (p ≤ 0.002) and increased CBF (p MELAS disease severity and mutation load were inversely correlated with Interictal CVR and directly correlated with frontal CBF. These metrics offer further insight into the cerebrovascular hemodynamics in MELAS syndrome and may serve as noninvasive prognostic markers to stratify risk for SLEs. Class III. Copyright © 2015 © Elsevier B.V. and Mitochondria Research Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Comparison of MR sequences in early cerebral infarction at 0.5 T

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saatci, I.; Baskan, O.; Cekirge, H.S.; Besim, A.


    To compare the diagnostic values of fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and gradient spin-echo (GRASE) with those of conventional spin-echo (SE) and fast SE T2-weighted sequences in the evaluation of acute cerebrovascular lesions at 0.5 T. Material and Methods: Twenty-two consecutive patients with the clinical diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular accident were examined by MR imaging within the first 48 h of ictus. MR examination included 5-mm axial conventional SE and turbo SE (TSE) T2-weighted, dual-echo GRASE and FLAIR sequences. The patients also had pre- and postcontrast T1-weighted axial images. Two examiners evaluated the images and scored the conspicuity of the acute lesions. Results: Regardless of location, FLAIR provided the best lesion conspicuity in the detection of acute infarcts, followed by the GRASE sequence. In the posterior fossa, TSE and SE demonstrated the lesions better than GRASE and FLAIR techniques. In the detection of hemorrhagic elements within the ischemic region, TSE demonstrated statistically significant superiority over other sequences. Conclusion: In the detection of acute ischemic lesions in locations other than the posterior fossa, FLAIR provided the best lesion conspicuity among four T2-weighted sequences, including SE, TSE, GRASE and FLAIR. However, for the posterior fossa examination, preference of SE or TSE T2-weighted sequences is suggested

  18. Comparison of MR sequences in early cerebral infarction at 0.5 T

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saatci, I.; Baskan, O.; Cekirge, H.S.; Besim, A. [Hacettepe Univ. Hospital, Ankara (Turkey). Radiology Dept.


    To compare the diagnostic values of fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and gradient spin-echo (GRASE) with those of conventional spin-echo (SE) and fast SE T2-weighted sequences in the evaluation of acute cerebrovascular lesions at 0.5 T. Material and Methods: Twenty-two consecutive patients with the clinical diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular accident were examined by MR imaging within the first 48 h of ictus. MR examination included 5-mm axial conventional SE and turbo SE (TSE) T2-weighted, dual-echo GRASE and FLAIR sequences. The patients also had pre- and postcontrast T1-weighted axial images. Two examiners evaluated the images and scored the conspicuity of the acute lesions. Results: Regardless of location, FLAIR provided the best lesion conspicuity in the detection of acute infarcts, followed by the GRASE sequence. In the posterior fossa, TSE and SE demonstrated the lesions better than GRASE and FLAIR techniques. In the detection of hemorrhagic elements within the ischemic region, TSE demonstrated statistically significant superiority over other sequences. Conclusion: In the detection of acute ischemic lesions in locations other than the posterior fossa, FLAIR provided the best lesion conspicuity among four T2-weighted sequences, including SE, TSE, GRASE and FLAIR. However, for the posterior fossa examination, preference of SE or TSE T2-weighted sequences is suggested.

  19. [TCD functional test for vertigo induced by ischemic cerebrovascular disorders]. (United States)

    Li, Q; Zhong, N; Xue, X


    To diagnose differentially the vetigo induced by some ischemic cerebrovascular disorder. Patients with vertebrobasilar artery transient ischemic vertigo (group A), migraine (group B), hyperventilation syndrome (group C), hypertension (group D) are measured by using TCD functional examination which included blood peak velocity of systolic (Vs) and diastolic (Vd) end-period of vertibrobasilar artery of routine TCD (TCD-R), one minute hyperventilation TCD (TCD-HV) and one minute voluntary apnea TCD (TCD-B) respectively. It showed that the Vs, Vd are decreased under the three conditions in A, B and D groups. The most apparent decrease are obversed in D group. The values of the decrease are similar between group A and B. No changes are found in C group. The abnormal Vs incidences of TCD-B measurement in group A are higher than those in group B and C, but significant lower than those in group D; and in TCD-HV test lower than group D and C, higher than group B; in TCD-R test, lower than group D, and no difference with group B and C. The abnormal incidences of Vd in group A are lower than group D and higher than group B in TCD-B test. In TCD-HV test, the group A abnormol incidences are lower than group D but higher than group B and C. In TCD-R test, the abnormal incidences are lower than group D and no difference between group B and C. The TCD measuremen is useful for differential diagnosis of vertigo induced by ischemic cerebrovascular disorders.

  20. The accuracy of prehospital diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular accidents: an observational study


    Karli?ski, Micha?; Gluszkiewicz, Marcin; Cz?onkowska, Anna


    Introduction Time to treatment is the key factor in stroke care. Although the initial medical assessment is usually made by a non-neurologist or a paramedic, it should ensure correct identification of all acute cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs). Our aim was to evaluate the accuracy of the physician-made prehospital diagnosis of acute CVA in patients referred directly to the neurological emergency department (ED), and to identify conditions mimicking CVAs. Material and methods This observationa...

  1. Clinical study on magnetic resonance imaging of lacunar infarcts and cerebrovascular high-risk group

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hironaka, Masatoshi (Hiroshima Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine)


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study was performed in 32 patients with recent lacunar stroke. T2-weighted images showed ischemic lesions more clearly than T1-weighted images. Sixty-six percent of 32 patients had periventricular lesions. Eighty-four percent had subcortical white matter lesions. Sixty-nine percent had lesions in basal ganglia. Twenty-eight percent had lesions in brainstem. Periventricular lesions were revealed symmetrically. On the other hand, lesions in other areas were not detected symmetrically. Severe periventricular lesions on MRI were similar to those of Binswanger's disease. Patients with severe periventricular lesions had often hypertension. Moreover, two of them had dementia. Twenty-three patients with transient ischemic attack had less remarkable lesions than patients with lacunar stroke. Thirty-seven patients with a history of cerebrovascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes mellitus) had severer lesions compared with normal controls. Sixty-one percent of controls, who had no cerebrovascular symptoms and signs, had MRI lesions. These results suggest that MRI is useful for detection of cerebral ischemic lesions with no associated clinical symptoms or signs. (author).

  2. Anti-inflamatórios não esteroides: Efeitos cardiovasculares, cérebro-vasculares e renais Antiinflamatorios no esteroides: efectos cardiovasculares, cerebrovasculares y renales Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and renal effects

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    Michel Batlouni


    inhibidores de la ciclo-oxigenase (COX, selectivos o no. Los AINEs no selectivos son los más antiguos, y designados como tradicionales o convencionales. Los AINEs selectivos para la COX-2 se designan COXIBEs. En los últimos años, ha sido cuestionada la seguridad del uso de los AINEs en la práctica clínica, particularmente de los inhibidores selectivos de la COX-2. Las evidencias sobre el aumento del riesgo cardiovascular con el uso de AINEs son todavía incompletas, debido a la ausencia de ensayos randomizados y controlados con poder para evaluar desenlaces cardiovasculares relevantes. Sin embargo, los resultados de estudios clínicos prospectivos y de metaanálisis indican que los inhibidores selectivos de la COX-2 ejercen importantes efectos cardiovasculares adversos, que incluyen aumento del riesgo de infarto del miocardio, accidente cerebrovascular, insuficiencia cardiaca, insuficiencia renal y hipertensión arterial. El riesgo de estos efectos adversos es mayor en pacientes con historia previa de enfermedad cardiovascular o con alto riesgo para desarrollarla. En estos pacientes, el uso de inhibidores de la COX-2 debe ser limitado a aquellos para los que no hay alternativa apropiada y, aun así, solamente en dosis bajas y por el menor tiempo necesario. Aunque los efectos adversos más frecuentes se relacionen a la inhibición selectiva de la COX-2, la ausencia de selectividad para esta isoenzima no elimina completamente el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares, de modo que todos los fármacos del largo espectro de los AINEs se deben prescribir solamente tras consideración del balance riesgo/beneficio.The nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs are among the most often prescribed drugs in the world. This heterogeneous class of drugs includes aspirin and several other selective or non-selective cyclooxygenase (COX inhibitors. The non-selective NSAIDs are the oldest ones and are called traditional or conventional NSAIDs. The selective NSAIDs are called COX-2

  3. Incidência de acidente cerebro-vascular embólico na cardiopatia chagásica crônica

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    A. Spina-França


    Full Text Available A incidência de acidente vascular cerebral embólico na cardiopatia chagásica crônica foi avaliada a partir de duas séries consecutivas de casos: a primeira compreendendo 63 pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica crônica e, a segunda, 84 pacientes com acidentes cerebrovasculares, 59 dos quais de tipo não hemorrágico. Em relação aos casos de cardiopatia chagásica crônica a incidência de acidente vascular cerebral embólico mostrou-se da ordem de 3,17%; em relação aos acidentes cerebrovasculares, da ordem de 4,76% e quando considerados apenas aqueles de tipo não hemorrágico, da ordem de 6,78%.

  4. The cerebrovascular structure and brain tissue volume: a comparative study between beagle dogs and mongrel dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Sheng; Shi Haibin; Hu Weixing; Zu Qingquan; Lu Shanshan; Xu Xiaoquan; Sun Lei; Li Linsun


    Objective: To compare the differences of cerebrovascular structure and brain tissue volume between beagle and mongrel dogs by using angiography and MR scanning. Methods: A total of 40 dogs, including 20 beagle dogs (beagle group) and 20 mongrel dogs (mongrel group), were enrolled in this study. Under general anesthesia, all dogs were examined with cerebral angiography and MR scanning. The cerebrovascular structure was evaluated with angiography via selective catheterization of aortic arch, bilateral external cerebral arteries (ECA), maxillary arteries, internal cerebral arteries (ICA) and vertebral arteries separately. The diameters of the ICA, middle cerebral artery (MCA), rostral cerebral artery (RCA), the anastomosis channel ICA and ECA, and basilar artery (BA) were measured at the similar point of each dog. Meanwhile the volumes of the brain tissue were calculated in coronal T2 view of MR scanning. The statistical analysis was performed among the weight of dogs, the diameter of arteries and the volume of brain tissue. The differences in the diameters and brain tissue volume were compared between the two groups. Results: No obvious variations in the cerebrovascular structure and brain tissue volume were found in these dogs. One mongrel dog was excluded from this study because of the severe stenosis of ICA. The mean weight of 20 beagle dogs and 19 mongrel dogs was (12.81±1.29) kg and (12.85±1.12) kg, respectively. The diameters of the ICA, MCA, RCA, the anastomosis channel between ICA and ECA and BA in beagle group were (1.26±0.07) mm, (0.90±0.05) mm, (0.58±0.07) mm, (0.55±0.07) mm and (0.95±0.06) mm, respectively. These parameters in mongrel group were (1.27±0.07) mm, (0.92±0.05) mm, (0.59±0.06) mm, (0.67±0.07) mm and (0.94±0.05) mm, respectively. The volume of brain in two groups was (76232.33±5018.51) mm 3 and (71863.96±4626.87) mm 3 , respectively. There were no obvious correlation among the body weight, the cerebrovascular diameters and brain

  5. Cerebrovascular accident in the aged: changes in family relations El anciano tras accidente cerebrovascular: alteraciones en el relacionamento familiar O idoso após acidente vascular cerebral: alterações no relacionamento familiar

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    Sueli Marques


    Full Text Available The aims of this study were: to identify aged persons who were victims of Cerebrovascular Accident and received care at the Emergency Unit of a Public Hospital in Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil, and their respective families, as well as to identify the changes in family relations that occurred after the event. In order to identify these changes, the adapted Critical Incident Technique was used, while the analysis was based on the idea of Current of Thought. The sample consisted of 11 families, totaling 34 participants. The analysis of the consequences displayed the changes in family relations, which made up 13 subcategories, 5 of which were positive and 8 negative, totaling 58 alterations, 30 of which were positive and 28 negative. The study revealed the need to work with the family in order to identify changes and develop an action plan to favor the family's relations and adaptation to the demands, with a view to improving the living conditions of its members, including the aged person.Las finalidades de este estudio fueron las de identificar a los ancianos con diagnóstico médico de Accidente Cerebrovascular, atendidos en la Unidad de Emergencia de un Hospital Gubernamental de Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brasil, y a sus respectivas familias y también identificar las alteraciones en el relacionamiento familiar, que ocurrieron tras el evento. Fue utilizada la Técnica de Incidentes Críticos adaptada para identificar las alteraciones en el relacionamiento familiar ocurridas tras la enfermedad. Para el análisis, fue adoptada la reflexión del Camino del Pensamiento. La muestra fue compuesta por 11 familias, totalizando 34 participantes. El análisis de las consecuencias reveló las alteraciones en el relacionamiento familiar, que constituyeron 13 subcategorías, 5 positivas y 8 negativas, con un total de 58 alteraciones, siendo 30 positivas y 28 negativas. El estudio reveló la necesidad de trabajar con la familia para identificar las alteraciones y

  6. Crossed cerebellar atrophy in cases with cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yagishita, Toshiyuki; Kojima, Shigeyuki; Hirayama, Keizo; Iwabuchi, Sadamu.


    Crossed cerebellar atrophy (CCA) was investigated by X-ray CT to establish the incidence, mechanism, and the relation to cerebral lesions in 130 cases of unilateral supratentorial cerebrovascular diseases. The 130 cases consisted of 83 males and 47 females with cerebral infarction (65 cases) and cerebral hemorrhage (65 cases). The patients' average age was 57.6 years. Crossed cerebellar atrophy was demonstrated in 8 cases (6.2%), 6 of whom had massive cerebral infarction in the middle cerebral artery area (9.2% of the 65 cases of cerebral infarction. The six cases of CCA caused by cerebral infarction had lesions in the frontal and temporal lobes. Two had a cerebral hemorrhage in the putamen and in the thalamus, respectively, accounting for 3.1% of the 65 cases of cerebral hemorrhage. Of the 2 cases, one had putaminal hemorrhage, and the other had thalamic hemorrhage. Cerebrovascular stroke had occured in these patients with CCA more than 2 months previously. In 5 of the 8 cases of CCA, atrophy was present in the basis pedunculi and the basis pontis on the side of the cerebral lesion. However, neither dilation nor deformity of the fourth ventricle was present in any of the patients, suggesting that none of the CCA patients had atrophy of the dentate nucleus. The CCA patients had massive cerebral lesion in the frontal and temporal lobes or atrophy of the basis pedunculi and basis pontis, suggesting the presence of the transsynaptic degeneration of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway. In the case of the thalamic hemorrhage, who had not hemorrhagic lesion in the frontal and temporal lobes, atrophy of the basis peduncli and basis pontis was not observed. Though dilation or deformity of the fourth ventricle is not observed in this case, presence of the degeneration of the dentate-rubro-thalamic pathway cannot be denied. CCA seems to be caused by both the transsynaptic degeneration of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway and the dentate-rubro-thalamic pathway. (J.P.N.)

  7. Subjective and objective knowledge and decisional role preferences in cerebrovascular patients compared to controls

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    Riechel C


    Full Text Available Christina Riechel,1,* Anna Christina Alegiani,1,* Sascha Köpke,2 Jürgen Kasper,3,4 Michael Rosenkranz,1,5 Götz Thomalla,1 Christoph Heesen1,4 1Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 2Nursing Research Unit, Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany; 3Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway; 4Institute of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 5Department of Neurology, Albertinen-Krankenhaus, Hamburg, Germany *These authors contributed equally to this work Background: Risk knowledge and active role preferences are important for patient involvement in treatment decision-making and adherence. Although knowledge about stroke warning signs and risk factors has received considerable attention, objective knowledge on secondary prevention and further self-esteem subjective knowledge have rarely been studied. The aim of our study was to investigate knowledge and treatment decisional role preferences in cerebrovascular patients compared to controls. Methods: We performed a survey on subjective and objective stroke risk knowledge and autonomy preferences in cerebrovascular patients from our stroke outpatient clinic (n=262 and from pedestrians on the street taken as controls during a “World Stroke Day” (n=274. The questionnaire includes measures for knowledge and decisional role preferences from previously published questionnaires and newly developed measures, for example, subjective knowledge, revealed on a visual analog scale. Results: The overall stroke knowledge was low to moderate, with no differences between patients and controls. Knowledge about secondary prevention was particularly low. Only 10%–15% of participants correctly estimated the stroke absolute risk reduction potential of aspirin. The medical data

  8. Impact of vessel wall lesions and vascular stenoses on cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with intracranial stenotic disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cogswell, Petrice M; Davis, Taylor L; Strother, Megan K; Faraco, Carlos C; Scott, Allison O; Jordan, Lori C; Fusco, Matthew R; Frederick, Blaise deB; Hendrikse, Jeroen; Donahue, Manus J


    PURPOSE: To compare cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) and CVR lagtimes in flow territories perfused by vessels with vs. without proximal arterial wall disease and/or stenosis, separately in patients with atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic (moyamoya) intracranial stenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS:

  9. Costos por ausentismo laboral atribuibles al consumo de tabaco en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social y en México, 2006-2009 Absenteeism attributable to smoking in the Mexican Social Security Institute, 2006-2009

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    Carlos Manuel Guerrero-López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Calcular los costos por ausentismo laboral atribuibles al tabaquismo en los asegurados del IMSS y población ocupada en México para el periodo 2006-2009. MATERIAL y MÉTODOS: Los costos se estimaron usando fracciones atribuibles para cáncer pulmonar, enfermedad cerebrovascular, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica e infarto agudo de miocardio, así como registros de salarios y días de incapacidad por esas enfermedades en asegurados del IMSS. Los parámetros encontrados se extrapolaron a la población ocupada. RESULTADOS: El IMSS erogó 143.9 millones de pesos a precios de 2009 atribuibles al tabaquismo como subsidio por incapacidad en el período 2006-2009. La productividad perdida atribuible al tabaquismo en asegurados del IMSS ascendió a 298.2 millones de pesos y a 437.8 millones de pesos en población ocupada del país en el mismo período. CONCLUSIONES: El tabaquismo impone costos importantes a las instituciones de seguridad en el país y causa pérdidas en la productividad. Por tanto, deben fortalecerse las políticas gubernamentales de control del tabaco incluidas en el Convenio Marco para el Control del Tabaco.OBJECTIVE: To calculate the absenteeism costs by lung cancer, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and acute myocardial infarction attributable to smoking in the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS and the occupied population from 2006 to 2009. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Productivity loss data from selected illnesses were obtained from IMSS records. The smoking attributable fraction was used, and extrapolation to occupied population was conducted. RESULTS: IMSS paid $143.9 million pesos (2009 prices attributable to smoking between 2006 and 2009. The productivity loss was $298.2 million pesos and $437.8 million pesos in the occupied population, attributable to smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco smoking implies costs to the individual, families and society, which urge to strengthen policies

  10. Eficacia de una dieta mediterránea en la prevención primaria de insuficiencia cardiaca y fibrilación auricular en hipertensos de alto riesgo cardiovascular


    Lozano Rodríguez, Jesús Manuel


    Falta palabras clave Objetivos: Principal. Estudiar el efecto de una dieta mediterránea (DTM), en comparación con una dieta baja en grasas (DBG), sobre la incidencia de insuficiencia cardiaca (IC), fibrilación auricular (FA), ictus y cardiopatía isquémica (CI) en pacientes hipertensos de alto riesgo cardiovascular, que reciben tratamiento farmacológico antihipertensivo y que aún no han presentado ninguna manifestación clínica de enfermedad del aparato circulatorio y no tienen FA. Secundari...

  11. La mediatización del pensamiento rumiativo

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    Jennifer Delgado Suárez


    Full Text Available ResumenLa prevalencia creciente de los accidentes cerebrovasculares a nivel mundial compulsa a la realización de investigaciones que analicen la influencia de los factores de riesgo de índole psicológica para obtener una perspectiva más integral de esta patología. El pensamiento rumiativo ha sido descrito como un determinante esencial para la aparición de los estados ansiosos, el estrés y la depresión; es por esto que el presente estudio se centra en caracterizar el pensamiento rumiativo antes de la aparición del accidente cerebrovascular (n= 45. Para la obtención de información se utilizaron las técnicas: While-Bear Supresión Inventory (WBSI y la entrevista psicológica estructurada de retest. Finalmente se delimitaron algunas generalidades: el pensamiento rumiativo es más frecuente en las personas de mayor edad y en las mujeres y, el pensamiento supresivo está relacionado con los diferentes niveles de escolaridad y los estratos socio-económicos. (Duazary 2008; 1: 15 - 23AbstractThe increasing prevalence of stroke at world-wide level lead to investigations that analyze the influence of psychological factors in order to obtain an integral perspective about that pathology. Rumiative thinking has been described as an essential cause to the appearance of anxious states, stress and depression; that is why this study is focused in characterize ruminative thinking before the appearance of stroke (n=45.To obtain the information were used: While-Bear Supresión Inventory and psychological retest interview. Finally some patterns were defined: ruminative thiking is more common in old ages and women and suppressive thinking is related with different levels of schooling and socio-economical stratum.Key words: ruminative thinking; suppressive thinking; stroke.

  12. Metabolic Syndrome and Cardio-Cerebrovascular Risk Disparities Between Pilots and Aircraft Mechanics. (United States)

    Kim, Myeong-Bo; Kim, Hyun-Jin; Kim, Soo-Hyeon; Lee, Suk-Ho; Lee, Se-Ho; Park, Won-Ju


    In the Republic of Korea Air Force, the health of pilots is strictly supervised, but there is comparatively not enough interest in aircraft mechanics' health. Among mechanics, who are heavily involved in military aircraft maintenance, the occurrence of sudden cardio-cerebrovascular diseases (CCVDs) is a possible risk factor during the maintenance process, which should be performed perfectly. We performed health examinations on 2123 male aircraft pilots and 1271 aircraft mechanics over 30 yr of age and determined the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS), an important risk factor for CCVDs. The prevalence of MetS in the aircraft mechanics (21.3%) was significantly higher than in the pilots (12.6%), and the gap in prevalence tended to grow as age increased. Among aircraft mechanics in their 30s and 40s, the prevalence of MetS was lower than in the general population. However, the prevalence of MetS among aircraft mechanics in their 50s (36.0%) was similar to that in the general population (35.7%). Systematic health management is needed for aircraft mechanics for aviation safety and for the maintenance of military strength via the prevention of CCVDs.Kim M-B, Kim H-J, Kim S-H, Lee S-H, Lee S-H, Park W-J. Metabolic syndrome and cardio-cerebrovascular risk disparities between pilots and aircraft mechanics. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2017; 88(9):866-870.

  13. Risk of cerebrovascular events in persons with and without HIV: A Danish nationwide population-based cohort study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Line D; Engsig, Frederik Neess; Christensen, Hanne


    OBJECTIVE:: To assess the risk of cerebrovascular events (CVE) in HIV-infected individuals and evaluate the impact of proven risk factors, injection drug abuse (IDU), immunodeficiency, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and family-related risk factors. DESIGN:: Nationwide, population...

  14. The relationship between cerebrovascular complications and previously established use of antiplatelet therapy in left-sided infective endocarditis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Snygg-Martin, Ulrika; Rasmussen, Rasmus Vedby; Hassager, Christian


    Cerebrovascular complications (CVC) in infective endocarditis (IE) are common. The only established treatments to reduce the incidence of CVC in IE are antibiotics and in selected cases early cardiac surgery. Potential effects of previously established antiplatelet therapy are under debate....

  15. Comparison of carotid and cerebrovascular disease between diabetic and non-diabetic patients using dual-source CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Ci; Yang Zhigang; Chu Zhigang; Dong Zhihui; Li Yunming; Shao Heng; Deng Wen


    Purpose: To clarify the differences of the carotid and cerebrovascular disease between patients with and without type 2 diabetes using dual-source CT angiography. Materials and methods: Dual-source CT angiography of the carotid and cerebrovascular arteries was performed in 79 type 2 diabetic patients and 207 non-diabetic patients. The type, extent and distribution of plaques, and luminal stenosis were compared. Results: Compared with non-diabetic patients, diabetic patients had a higher overall incidence of plaque (p 0.05), as well as for the number of diseased segments and the distribution of plaques; both mainly involved the bilateral cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery. As for the stenosis, non-obstructive lesions were more common in diabetic patients (p 0.05). Conclusion: Diabetes is associated with a higher incidence of plaque and non-obstructive stenosis. However, no significant differences were observed in the type, extent and distribution of involved plaques between diabetic and non-diabetic patients.

  16. [Cerebrovascular mortality in Portugal: are we overemphasizing hypertension and neglecting atrial fibrillation?]. (United States)

    Providência, Rui; Gonçalves, Lino; Ferreira, Maria João


    Cerebrovascular disease has long been the leading cause of death in Portugal. Despite improvements in the treatment of hypertension and the resulting decrease in associated mortality, the progressive aging of the population and increased prevalence of atrial fibrillation have prevented the incidence of stroke from falling as much as desired. The authors review the evidence on the situation in Portugal and propose an intervention plan. Copyright © 2013 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  17. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene polymorphism is not related to the risk of ischemic cerebrovascular disease in a Brazilian population Polimorfismo no gene de metilenetetrahidrofolato redutase não está relacionado com o risco de doença cerebrovascular isquêmica em uma população brasileira

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    Samuel Katsuyuki Shinjo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Data are conflicting concerning the risk for ischemic stroke associated with a common polymorphism in the gene encoding 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T, which predisposes carriers to hyperhomocysteinemia. A meta-analysis study suggested that the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677TT genotype might have a small influence in determining susceptibility to ischemic stroke. METHODS: We analyzed the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 677TT genotype polymorphism in Brazilian subjects with ischemic stroke, using a case-control design. RESULTS: We compared 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genotypes in groups of subjects presenting ischemic stroke (n = 127 and normal control (n = 126 and found an odds ratio of 1.97 (95% CI, 0.84-4.64 in a multivariate analysis in which results were adjusted to baseline clinical characteristics of study participants. CONCLUSION: We found that the homozygous 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T genotype was not a risk factor for ischemic stroke in these Brazilian subjects.OBJETIVO: Os dados são conflitantes em relação a risco de acidente cerebrovascular associado a polimorfismo do gene 5,10-metilenetetrahidrofolato redutase C677T, o qual predispõe a hiperhomocisteinemia. Um estudo de meta-análise sugere que o genotipo 5,10-metilenetetrahidrofolato redutase 677TT poderia ter uma pequena influência em determinar susceptibilidade a acidente cerebrovascular. MÉTODOS: Analisamos este polimorfismo em indivíduos brasileiros com acidente cerebrovascular isquêmico, baseando-se em um estudo de caso-controle. RESULTADOS: Comparamos os genótipos 5,10-metilenetetrahidrofolato redutase em grupos de indivíduos com acidente cerebrovascular isquêmico (n=127 e controle normal (n=126, e encontramos Odds Ratio de 1,97 (IC 95% 0,84 - 4,64 em uma análise multivariada, na qual os resultados foram ajustados a características clínicas basais dos indivíduos estudados. DISCUSS

  18. Importance of variants in cerebrovascular anatomy for potential retrograde embolization in cryptogenic stroke

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markl, Michael; Semaan, Edouard; Carr, James; Collins, Jeremy; Stromberg, LeRoy; Prabhakaran, Shyam


    To test the hypothesis that variants in cerebrovascular anatomy will affect the number of patients demonstrating a plausible retrograde embolization mechanism from plaques in the descending aorta (DAo). Thirty-five patients (aged 63 ± 17 years) with cryptogenic stroke underwent 4D flow MRI for the assessment of aortic 3D blood flow and MR angiography for the evaluation of circle of Willis, posterior circulation, and aortic arch architecture. In patients with proven DAo plaque, retrograde embolization was considered a potential mechanism if retrograde flow extended from the DAo to a supra-aortic vessel supplying the cerebral infarct territory. Retrograde embolization with matching cerebral infarct territory was detected in six (17%) patients. Circle of Willis and aortic arch variant anatomy was found in 60% of patients, leading to reclassification of retrograde embolization risk as present in three (9%) additional patients, for a total 26% of cryptogenic stroke patients. 4D flow MRI demonstrated 26% concordance with infarct location on imaging with retrograde diastolic flow into the feeding vessels of the affected cerebral area, identifying a potential etiology for cryptogenic stroke. Our findings further demonstrate the importance of cerebrovascular anatomy when determining concordance of retrograde flow pathways with vascular stroke territory from DAo plaques. (orig.)

  19. Importance of variants in cerebrovascular anatomy for potential retrograde embolization in cryptogenic stroke

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Markl, Michael [Northwestern University, Department of Radiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (United States); Northwestern University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, McCormick School of Engineering, Chicago, IL (United States); Semaan, Edouard; Carr, James; Collins, Jeremy [Northwestern University, Department of Radiology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (United States); Stromberg, LeRoy [Northwestern University, Department of Neurology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (United States); Edward Hospital, Department of Radiology, Naperville, IL (United States); Prabhakaran, Shyam [Northwestern University, Department of Neurology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL (United States)


    To test the hypothesis that variants in cerebrovascular anatomy will affect the number of patients demonstrating a plausible retrograde embolization mechanism from plaques in the descending aorta (DAo). Thirty-five patients (aged 63 ± 17 years) with cryptogenic stroke underwent 4D flow MRI for the assessment of aortic 3D blood flow and MR angiography for the evaluation of circle of Willis, posterior circulation, and aortic arch architecture. In patients with proven DAo plaque, retrograde embolization was considered a potential mechanism if retrograde flow extended from the DAo to a supra-aortic vessel supplying the cerebral infarct territory. Retrograde embolization with matching cerebral infarct territory was detected in six (17%) patients. Circle of Willis and aortic arch variant anatomy was found in 60% of patients, leading to reclassification of retrograde embolization risk as present in three (9%) additional patients, for a total 26% of cryptogenic stroke patients. 4D flow MRI demonstrated 26% concordance with infarct location on imaging with retrograde diastolic flow into the feeding vessels of the affected cerebral area, identifying a potential etiology for cryptogenic stroke. Our findings further demonstrate the importance of cerebrovascular anatomy when determining concordance of retrograde flow pathways with vascular stroke territory from DAo plaques. (orig.)

  20. Osteoprotegerin CGA haplotype protection against cerebrovascular complications in anti-CCP negative patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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    Fernanda Genre

    Full Text Available Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease with high incidence of cardiovascular disease due to accelerated atherosclerosis. Osteoprotegerin (OPG has been associated with increased risk of atherosclerotic disease in the general population. Several polymorphisms in the OPG gene with functional effects on cardiovascular disease in non-rheumatic individuals have been described. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the effect of three of these functional OPG polymorphisms on the risk of cardiovascular disease in a large and well-characterized cohort of Spanish patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Three OPG gene variants (rs3134063, rs2073618 and rs3134069 were genotyped by TaqMan assays in 2027 Spanish patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP antibody testing was positive in 997 of 1714 tested. Also, 18.3% of the whole series had experienced cardiovascular events, including 5.4% with cerebrovascular accidents. The relationship between OPG variants and cardiovascular events was assessed using Cox regression.No association between OPG gene variants and cardiovascular disease was observed in the whole group of rheumatoid arthritis patients or in anti-CCP positive patients. Nevertheless, a protective effect of CGA haplotype on the risk of cardiovascular disease in general, and specifically in the risk of cerebrovascular complications after adjusting for sex, age at disease diagnosis and traditional cardiovascular risk factors was disclosed in anti-CCP negative patients (HR = 0.54; 95%CI: 0.31-0.95; p = 0.032 and HR = 0.17; 95%CI: 0.04-0.78; p = 0.022, respectively.Our results indicate a protective effect of the OPG CGA haplotype on cardiovascular risk, mainly due to a protective effect against cerebrovascular events in anti-CCP negative rheumatoid arthritis patients.

  1. Cases similar to the cerebrovascular 'Moyamoya disease'. Investigation by angiography and computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tomura, Noriaki; Inugami, Atsushi; Higano, Shuichi; Fujita, Hideaki; Abe, Toushi; Shishido, Fumio; Uemura, Kazuo


    Findings of cerebral computed tomographies were investigated in 13 patients who did not satisfy the criteria of cerebrovascular Moyamoya disease, but showed the Moyamoya vessels (so-called pseudo-Moyamoya disease). Their ages ranged from 15 to 70 years old. Single patients were diagnosed as having pituitary adenoma after radiation therapy, head trauma, aplastic anemia, and the Rainoud phenomenon, and five as having hypertension. Angiography revealed occlusion and stenosis in the unilateral carotid forks in 7 and 5 patients, respectively. Other appearances included transdural anastomosis via the superficial temporal arteries, the anterior ethmoid arteries, and the collateral pathway from the perforating branches to the cortical branches. Low density areas were seen on CT in 10 patients, seven of whom had multiple areas. Low density areas were seen in the cerebral basal ganglia, watershed zone, and the outer side of the lateral cerebral body, in that order. Four patients had intracranial hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and hemorrhage infarction. Pseudo-Moyamoya disease was sometimes of the incomplete form of the cerebrovascular Moyamoya disease, and attributable to arterial stenosis or constricture due to radiation therapy. (Namekawa, K.).

  2. Social Cognition Deficits: Current Position and Future Directions for Neuropsychological Interventions in Cerebrovascular Disease

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    Progress Njomboro


    Full Text Available Neuropsychological assessments of cognitive dysfunction in cerebrovascular illness commonly target basic cognitive functions involving aspects of memory, attention, language, praxis, and number processing. Here, I highlight the clinical importance of often-neglected social cognition functions. These functions recruit a widely distributed neural network, making them vulnerable in most cerebrovascular diseases. Sociocognitive deficits underlie most of the problematic social conduct observed in patients and are associated with more negative clinical outcomes (compared to nonsocial cognitive deficits. In clinical settings, social cognition deficits are normally gleaned from collateral information from caregivers or from indirect inferences made from patients’ performance on standard nonsocial cognitive tests. Information from these sources is however inadequate. I discuss key social cognition functions, focusing initially on deficits in emotion perception and theory of mind, two areas that have gained sizeable attention in neuroscientific research, and then extend the discussion into relatively new, less covered but crucial functions involving empathic behaviour, social awareness, social judgements, and social decision making. These functions are frequently impaired following neurological change. At present, a wide range of psychometrically robust social cognition tests is available, and this review also makes the case for their inclusion in neuropsychological assessments.

  3. Polyarticular gout attacks following cerebrovascular accidents: is hemiparesis in fact protective? 2 cases and a review of the literature. (United States)

    Hsiao, Susan J; Vaynrub, Maksim; Furer, Victoria; Samuels, Jonathan


    Cerebrovascular disease appears to have implications on rheumatic diseases, including gout. Accumulating evidence suggests that hemiparesis exerts a protective effect against gout via the down-regulation of mechanical and neural modulators of inflammation in neurologically impaired extremities. We present 2 divergent cases of unilateral gout following cerebrovascular events. One patient with a hemorrhagic stroke developed polyarticular gout only on the ipsilateral side to his hemiparesis, while another patient with basilar artery thrombosis and locked-in syndrome suffered a polyarticular gout flare only on the side that had regained limited function. As suggested by these cases, the effect of hemiparesis on gout is complex. Further insight into the interplay between gouty flares and hemiparesis may lead to novel therapeutic strategies for gout.

  4. Prolongation of bleeding time and inhibition of platelet aggregation by low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in patients with cerebrovascular disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boysen, G; Boss, A H; Ødum, Niels


    the bleeding time averaged 11.2 minutes in contrast to 7.0 minutes in the placebo group, p less than 0.001. This study confirms our previous findings of platelet inhibition by low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in patients with cerebrovascular disease. The prolongation of the bleeding time demonstrates that we......Platelet aggregation and bleeding time was measured in 43 cerebrovascular patients participating in a controlled double-blind study of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid. In 19 patients with satisfactory inhibition of the platelet aggregation obtained by 50 to 70 mg acetylsalicylic acid per day...... are dealing not merely with an in vitro phenomenon but with a significant in vivo effect. The study provides the rationale for clinical evaluations of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in stroke prophylaxis....

  5. Cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular response to acetazolamide in patients with chronic alcoholism


    Oishi, M; Mochizuki, Y; Takasu, T


    Cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular response to acetazolamide were studied in 12 patients with chronic alcoholism and 12 age matched healthy controls. Blood flows in the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and putamen were significantly lower in the chronic alcoholic group than in the healthy control group. The increase in blood flow caused by acetazolamide did not show any significant difference between the two groups. These findings suggest that the decreased cerebral blood flow i...

  6. Accidente cerebrovascular isquémico en mayores de 80 años Acute ischemic stroke in patients aged 80 or older

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    Juan I Rojas


    Full Text Available En los pacientes de edad avanzada, el perfil de factores de riesgo vascular y el subtipo de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV es diferente en comparación con pacientes más jóvenes. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir el perfil de factores de riesgo y subtipo de ACV isquémico en nuestra población de pacientes ancianos. Incluimos a pacientes mayores de 80 años con diagnóstico de ACV isquémico y ataque isquémico transitorio (AIT entre junio de 2003 y junio de 2006. De 535 pacientes con eventos cerebrovasculares isquémicos, en 366 casos el diagnóstico fue de ACV y 169 de AIT. El 33.5% (179 pacientes fueron mayores de 80 años. La edad media fue de 84.4 ± 4.4 años. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron: hipertensión arterial 82.7%, dislipemia 40.2% y fibrilación auricular 24.6%. El subtipo de ACV que se presentó con mayor frecuencia fue la enfermedad de pequeñas arterias en un 41.7%, seguido por el evento cardioembólico en el 19.7%, enfermedad de gran arteria 6%, otras causas en el 0.8%. De los factores de riesgo vasculares tradicionales, los más significativos fueron hipertensión e hipercolesterolemia. Estos datos son coincidentes con estudios epidemiológicos previos y explican la mayor incidencia de infartos lacunares.Young and old age stroke groups have different vascular risk profiles for cerebral ischemic events. The objective of the study was to describe the risk factor profile and stroke subtype in this population of very elderly people. We included patients over 80 years old with diagnosis of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack registered between June 2003 and June 2006. We described the demographic data and subtype of ischemic stroke. Of 535 patients with cerebrovascular ischemic events, the final diagnosis was stroke in 366 cases and transient ischemic attack in 169. Of these patients 33.5% were over 80 years old (179. The mean age was 84.4 ± 4.4 years. The most frequent risk factors were

  7. Cerebrovascular disease in newborn infants: report of three cases with clinical follow-up and brain SPECT imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moura-Ribeiro, Maria Valeriana L. de; Ciasca, Sylvia Maria; Vale-Cavalcanti, Mariza; Etchebehere, Elba C.S.C.; Camargo, Edwaldo E. [Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas


    The clinical and neurological findings of three neonates with the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease are reported. The neuropsychological evaluation disclosed impairment of fine motor function, coordination, language, perception and behavioral disturbances. Brain SPECT imaging revealed perfusional deficits in the three cases. (author)

  8. Cerebrovascular disease in newborn infants: report of three cases with clinical follow-up and brain SPECT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moura-Ribeiro, Maria Valeriana L. de; Ciasca, Sylvia Maria; Vale-Cavalcanti, Mariza; Etchebehere, Elba C.S.C.; Camargo, Edwaldo E.


    The clinical and neurological findings of three neonates with the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease are reported. The neuropsychological evaluation disclosed impairment of fine motor function, coordination, language, perception and behavioral disturbances. Brain SPECT imaging revealed perfusional deficits in the three cases. (author)

  9. Association between smoke-free legislation and hospitalizations for cardiac, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Tan, Crystal E; Glantz, Stanton A


    Secondhand smoke causes cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Smoke-free legislation is associated with a lower risk of hospitalization and death from these diseases. Random-effects meta-analysis was conducted by law comprehensiveness to determine the relationship between smoke-free legislation and hospital admission or death from cardiac, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases. Studies were identified by using a systematic search for studies published before November 30, 2011 with the use of the Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, PubMed, and Embase and references in identified articles. Change in hospital admissions (or deaths) in the presence of a smoke-free law, duration of follow-up, and law comprehensiveness (workplaces only; workplaces and restaurants; or workplaces, restaurants, and bars) were recorded. Forty-five studies of 33 smoke-free laws with median follow-up of 24 months (range, 2-57 months) were included. Comprehensive smoke-free legislation was associated with significantly lower rates of hospital admissions (or deaths) for all 4 diagnostic groups: coronary events (relative risk, 0.848; 95% confidence interval 0.816-0.881), other heart disease (relative risk, 0.610; 95% confidence interval, 0.440-0.847), cerebrovascular accidents (relative risk, 0.840; 95% confidence interval, 0.753-0.936), and respiratory disease (relative risk, 0.760; 95% confidence interval, 0.682-0.846). The difference in risk following comprehensive smoke-free laws does not change with longer follow-up. More comprehensive laws were associated with larger changes in risk. Smoke-free legislation was associated with a lower risk of smoking-related cardiac, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases, with more comprehensive laws associated with greater changes in risk.

  10. Assessment of neuro-optometric rehabilitation using the Developmental Eye Movement (DEM test in adults with acquired brain injury

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    Neera Kapoor


    daño cerebral traumático leve (mTBI y cinco con ictus, con anterioridad y posterioridad a un programa de entrenamiento de ocho semanas, informático oculomotor y versional (movimientos de fijación, sacádicos, de persecución y lectura simulada, de 9,6 horas en total. El protocolo incorporó un diseño cruzado e intervencional, con y sin adición de retroalimentación auditiva en relación a la posición bi-dimensional de los ojos. La medida del resultado clínico se llevó a cabo mediante la puntuación de la prueba DEM (Developmental Eye Movement (ratio, errores realizada con anterioridad, en el punto medio, e inmediatamente tras el entrenamiento. Resultados: Para el parámetro de ratio DEM, se encontraron mejoras en el 80-89% de los sujetos. Para el parámetro de error DEM, se encontraron mejoras en el 100% de los sujetos. La incorporación del componente de retroalimentación auditiva reveló una tendencia hacia la mejora del rendimiento. Los hallazgos fueron similares para ambos parámetros DEM, así como para la incorporación de la retroalimentación auditiva, en ambos grupos diagnósticos. Discusión: Los resultados del presente estudio demostraron mejoras considerables de las puntuaciones de la prueba DEM tras la terapia oculomotora, lo que refleja una mayor optimización y precisión del seguimiento sacádico en el tiempo tras la terapia. Deberá considerarse la prueba DEM como una prueba clínica para valorar el rendimiento del seguimiento sacádico global en la población de DCA. Keywords: Traumatic brain injury (TBI, Cerebral vascular accident (CVA/stroke, Developmental Eye Movement (DEM test, Eye movements, Neuro-optometric rehabilitation, Palabras clave: Daño cerebral traumático (DCT, Accidente cerebro-vascular (ACV/ictus, Prueba DEM (Developmental Eye Movement, Movimientos oculares, Rehabilitación neuro-optométrica

  11. Hospital registry in special department for patients with acute cerebrovascular disease

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    Maslyuk О.А.


    Full Text Available Aim: organization and follow-up of a registry of patients with cerebrovascular disease in in special department. Materials and methods. In the period from January 2011 to December 2013 all cases of cerebrovascular disease in the special department were recorded. Each patient had an electronic case book and thematic record, developed on the basis of the materials of the National Stoke Association of "Registry of stroke." Results. 418 cases of cerebral stroke were registered. Male to female ratio was 3.7: 1. Patients with initial diagnosed cerebral stroke were 78%, secondary 22%. The average age of patients was 63. The big number of strokes was observed in men aged 56-57 years; in women aged 75-77 years. TOAST criteria for subtypes of ischemic stroke were distributed to: atherothrombotic (29,3%, cardioembolic (29,1 %, 22,4% lacunar ischemic stroke due to other established reasons (8,8%, crptogenic (10,4%. Hemorrhagic stroke was observed in 16.8% of cases. Parenchymal hemorrhage was observed in 10.7% of cases, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (4,5%. Among the risk factors in patients with ischemic stroke identified: arterial hypertension (88,9%, coronary heart disease (43%, heart rhythm disorders (28,4%, diabetes (18,6%. The proportion of endovascular interventions performed for 3 years was 31.2%. Mortality rate was 3.74% (10 people in 2011; 4.65% (14 people in 2012; 2.48% (7 people in 2013. Conclusion. Follow up the hospital stroke registry allowed to estimate the structure andcourse of cerebral stroke, found the risk factors to identify the most important factors of death.

  12. The national burden of cerebrovascular diseases in Spain: a population-based study using disability-adjusted life years. (United States)

    Catalá-López, Ferrán; Fernández de Larrea-Baz, Nerea; Morant-Ginestar, Consuelo; Álvarez-Martín, Elena; Díaz-Guzmán, Jaime; Gènova-Maleras, Ricard


    The aim of the present study was to determine the national burden of cerebrovascular diseases in the adult population of Spain. Cross-sectional, descriptive population-based study. We calculated the disability-adjusted life years (DALY) metric using country-specific data from national statistics and epidemiological studies to obtain representative outcomes for the Spanish population. DALYs were divided into years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLLs) and years of life lived with disability (YLDs). DALYs were estimated for the year 2008 by applying demographic structure by sex and age-groups, cause-specific mortality, morbidity data and new disability weights proposed in the recent Global Burden of Disease study. In the base case, neither YLLs nor YLDs were discounted or age-weighted. Uncertainty around DALYs was tested using sensitivity analyses. In Spain, cerebrovascular diseases generated 418,052 DALYs, comprising 337,000 (80.6%) YLLs and 81,052 (19.4%) YLDs. This accounts for 1,113 DALYs per 100,000 population (men: 1,197 and women: 1,033) and 3,912 per 100,000 in those over the age of 65 years (men: 4,427 and women: 2,033). Depending on the standard life table and choice of social values used for calculation, total DALYs varied by 15.3% and 59.9% below the main estimate. Estimates provided here represent a comprehensive analysis of the burden of cerebrovascular diseases at a national level. Prevention and control programmes aimed at reducing the disease burden merit further priority in Spain. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. Improvement of postoperative cognitive dysfunction and attention network function of patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease via dexmedetomidine. (United States)

    Zhang, Jingchao; Wang, Guoliang; Zhang, Fangxiang; Zhao, Qian


    The protective effect of dexmedetomidine on cognitive dysfunction and decreased attention network function of patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease after stenting was investigated. Fifty-eight patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease undergoing stenting in Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital were selected and randomly divided into control group (n=29) and dexmedetomidine group (n=29). The dexmedetomidine group was treated with dexmedetomidine before induced anesthesia, while the control group was given the same dose of normal saline; and the normal volunteers of the same age were selected as the normal group (n=29). At 3 days after operation, the levels of serum S100B and nerve growth factor (NGF) in each group were detected using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was detected via western blotting. Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) and attention network test (ANT) were performed. Moreover, the cognitive function and attention network function, and the effects of dexmedetomidine on cognitive function and attention network function were evaluated. The concentrations of serum S100B and NGF in dexmedetomidine group was lower than those in control group (Pfunction scores, attention scores, delayed memory scores, targeted network efficiency and executive control network efficiency in dexmedetomidine group were obviously higher than those in control group (Pcognitive function and attention network function of patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease have a certain degree of damage, and the preoperative administration of dexmedetomidine can effectively improve the patient's cognitive dysfunction and attention network function after operation.

  14. Elevated arterial blood pressure after superior cavo-pulmonary anastomosis is associated with elevated pulmonary artery pressure and cerebrovascular dysautoregulation. (United States)

    Cabrera, Antonio G; Kibler, Kathleen K; Blaine Easley, R; Goldsworthy, Michelle; Shekerdemian, Lara S; Andropoulos, Dean B; Heinle, Jeffrey; Gottlieb, Erin A; Vu, Eric; Brady, Ken M


    BackgroundElevated arterial blood pressure (ABP) is common after superior bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis (BCPA). The effects of elevated ABP after BCPA on cerebrovascular hemodynamics are unknown. We sought to determine the relationship between elevated ABP and cerebrovascular autoregulation after BCPA.MethodsProspective, observational study on infants with single-ventricle physiology after BCPA surgery. Continuous recordings of mean ABP, mean cavopulmonary artery pressure (PAP), near-infrared spectroscopy measures of cerebral oximetry (regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO 2 )), and relative cerebral blood volume index were obtained from admission to extubation. Autoregulation was measured as hemoglobin volume index (HVx). Physiologic variables, including the HVx, were tested for variance across ABP.ResultsSixteen subjects were included in the study. Elevated ABP post-BCPA was associated with both, elevated PAP (PABP and alterations in rSO 2 . Using piecewise regression, the relationship of PAP to ABP demonstrated a breakpoint at 68 mm Hg (interquartile range (IQR) 62-70 mm Hg). Curve fit of HVx as a function of ABP identified optimal ABP supporting robust autoregulation at a median ABP of 55 mm Hg (IQR 51-64 mm Hg).ConclusionsElevated ABP post-BCPA is associated with cerebrovascular dysautoregulation, and elevated PAP. The effects, of prolonged dysautoregulation within this population, require further study.Pediatric Research advance online publication, 18 April 2018; doi:10.1038/pr.2018.31.

  15. Terapéuticas intervencionistas para el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico Update on interventional treatment of acute ischemic stroke

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    Alejandra T. Rabadán


    Full Text Available En los últimos 20 años se han desarrollado nuevas opciones para el tratamiento y para la prevención del accidente cerebrovascular (ACV isquémico, muchas de ellas de carácter intervencionista, tales como la endarterectomía carotídea y la trombolisis intravenosa con activador tisular del plasminógeno. La evidencia científica ha llevado a su difusión y utilización en países desarrollados mientras que en naciones emergentes se observa un retraso en su adopción. Otras modalidades terapéuticas que parecen ser muy promisorias, aunque sin tanta evidencia científica que las avale, requieren la realización y conclusión de estudios randomizados. Dentro de la evolución del ACV isquémico existe una situación particular como es el infarto cerebral "maligno". Constituye un evento devastador, que se presenta en aproximadamente el 10 al 15% de los ACV carotídeos o silvianos, y está asociado con elevada morbimortalidad. Con la información disponible actualmente, es posible recomendar la craniectomía descompresiva (CD como un método efectivo y seguro para disminuir rápidamente la presión intracraneal y lograr un pronóstico favorable sobre una base racional. Aunque no hay estudios randomizados y controlados en la literatura, existe suficiente evidencia para recomendar la CD en casos especiales.New options have been developed for the prevention and treatment of acute ischemic stroke in the last 20 years, such as carotid endarterectomy and intravenous thrombolysis with tissue plasminogen activator. Scientific evidence has supported their use in developed countries, while there is an evident delay in their use among emerging countries. Other promising modalities require the conclusion of ongoing randomized, controlled trials. Malignant middle or carotid cerebral artery infarction accounts for 10 to 15% ischemic strokes and constitutes a devastating event associated with high morbidity and mortality. Decompressive craniectomy seems to be an

  16. Clinical Characteristics of Cerebrovascular Pathology with Patients Suffering from Ph-Negative Myeloproliferative Disease

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    Marine M. Tanashyan


    Full Text Available Background: Disturbances of microcirculation play a significant role in the development and progression of both acute and chronic cerebrovascular diseases (CVD and may be associated with different hemogram abnormalities. One of the reasons of the prothrombogenic state of the endothelium is the increase in the number of blood corpuscles leading to (non-Ph myeloproliferative disorders (MPD including essential thrombocythemia (ET, polycythemia vera (PV, and primary myelofibrosis (PM. Materials and Methods: The study included 167 patients: 102 patients with Ph-MPD and the control group comprising 65 patients with CVD. According to MPD subtype, the patients were divided into three groups: patients with ET (37%, n = 38, male/female 7/31, age 52 ± 7 years, those with PV (40%, n = 41, male/female 20/21, age 50 ± 6 years and those with PM (23%, n = 23, male/female 5/18, age 54 ± 4 years. Results: In 79% (n = 81 of cases in the study group (with Ph-MPD, patients had chronic CVD, with the most frequently identified symptoms being asthenia (92% and headache (72%. Headache in Ph-MPD patients was more frequently (86% associated with PM, while in patients with PV and ET it was equally distributed (70%. Neurological symptoms in 53% of cases were associated with focal changes of the brain on MRI localized in the subcortical area of the frontal and parietal lobes. Twenty-one (21% patients suffered an acute cerebrovascular accident, 8 of them had thrombotic occlusion of one of the internal carotid arteries leading to hemispheric infarcts. Endothelial function (as measured by flow-dependent dilation of the brachial artery was severely impaired in all study groups (median 5% with normal cut-off at 10%, the lowest degree of vasodilator activity being specific for patients with a history of stroke (p = 0.011. Conclusion: Patients suffering from MPD had asymptomatic focal changes in the brain in the absence of concomitant vascular disease (hypertension

  17. Congenital and genetic cerebrovascular anomalies as risk factors for stroke in Saudi Arabia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salih, Mustafa A.; Al-Jarallah, Ahmed A.; Kentab, Amal Y.; Murshid, Waleed R.; Zahraa, Jihad N.; Abdel-Gader, Abdel-Galil M.; Alorainy, Ibrahim A.; Hassan, Hamdy H.; Tjan, G. T.


    To explore the role of and report congenital and genetic cerebrovascular anomalies as risk factors for stroke in a prospective and retrospective cohort of Saudi children. Children with stroke were evaluated at the Division of Pediatric Neurology (Dpn), or were seen as inpatients in the Pediatric Wards at King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the periods July 1992 to February 2001 (retrospective study) and February 2001 to March 2003 (prospective study). Stroke work-up for each suspected case included hemostatic assays, serological, biochemical and neurophysiological tests. Neuroimaging modalities included routine skill x-rays, CT, MRI, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and conventional cerebral angiography. Of 104 children with stroke, congenital and genetic cerebrovascular anomalies were the underlying risk factor in 7 (6.7%). The patients were evaluated at the DPN at a mean age of 66 months (range = 8 months to 11 years, median = 6 years); and they had stroke at a mean age of 48 months (range = 2 months to 10 years, median = 8 months). Four patients had stroke in association with neurocutaneous syndromes. Two had Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS), one had Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome associated with SWS, and the fourth had neurofibromatosis type 1. Two patients had intracranial hemorrhage secondary to ruptured aneurysm. A girl (aged 9 years and 4 months) had left posterior cerebral artery aneurysm. She was diagnosed to have autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease following renal ultrasonography. She died 5 months later despite surgical intervention (clipping of aneurysm). The second child was an 8-months-old boy who presented with subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) following ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm. He recovered with no residual symptoms following successful clipping of the aneurysm. Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) caused IVH in a 7-year-old boy who reported to hospital 5 hours

  18. Urological surgery and antiplatelet drugs after cardiac and cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Eberli, Daniel; Chassot, Pierre-Guy; Sulser, Tullio; Samama, Charles Marc; Mantz, Jean; Delabays, Alain; Spahn, Donat R


    The perioperative treatment of patients on dual antiplatelet therapy after myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular event or coronary stent implantation represents an increasingly frequent issue for urologists and anesthesiologists. We assess the current scientific evidence and propose strategies concerning treatment of these patients. A MEDLINE and PubMed search was conducted for articles related to antiplatelet therapy after myocardial infarction, coronary stents and cerebrovascular events, as well as the use of aspirin and/or clopidogrel in the context of surgery. Early discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention is associated with a high risk of coronary thrombosis, which is further increased by the hypercoagulable state induced by surgery. Aspirin has recently been recommended as a lifelong therapy. Clopidogrel is mandatory for 6 weeks after myocardial infarction and bare metal stents, and for 12 months after drug-eluting stents. Surgery must be postponed beyond these waiting periods or performed with patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy because withdrawal therapy increases 5 to 10 times the risk of postoperative myocardial infarction, stent thrombosis or death. The shorter the waiting period between revascularization and surgery the greater the risk of adverse cardiac events. The risk of surgical hemorrhage is increased approximately 20% by aspirin and 50% by clopidogrel. The risk of coronary thrombosis when antiplatelet agents are withdrawn before surgery is generally higher than the risk of surgical hemorrhage when antiplatelet agents are maintained. However, this issue has not yet been sufficiently evaluated in urological patients and in many instances during urological surgery the risk of bleeding can be dangerous. A thorough dialogue among surgeon, cardiologist and anesthesiologist is essential to determine all risk factors and define the best possible strategy for each patient. Copyright 2010 American Urological Association

  19. Adaptive feedback analysis and control of programmable stimuli for assessment of cerebrovascular function


    Fan, Lingke; Bush, Glen; Katsogridakis, Emmanuel; Simpson, David M.; Allen, Robert; Potter, John; Birch, Anthony A.; Panerai, Ronney B.


    The assessment of cerebrovascular regulatory mechanisms often requires flexibly controlled and precisely timed changes in arterial blood pressure (ABP) and/or inspired CO2. In this study, a new system for inducing variations in mean ABP was designed, implemented and tested using programmable sequences and programmable controls to induce pressure changes through bilateral thigh cuffs. The system is also integrated with a computer-controlled switch to select air or a CO2/air mixture to be provi...

  20. The complex contribution of NOS interneurons in the physiology of cerebrovascular regulation

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    Sonia eDuchemin


    Full Text Available Following the discovery of the vasorelaxant properties of nitric oxide (NO by Furchgott and Ignarro, the finding by Bredt and coll. of a constitutively expressed NO synthase in neurons (nNOS led to the presumption that neuronal NO may control cerebrovascular functions. Consequently, numerous studies have sought to determine whether neuraly-derived NO is involved in the regulation of cerebral blood flow. Anatomically, axons, dendrites or somata of NO neurons have been found to contact the basement membrane of blood vessels or perivascular astrocytes in all segments of the cortical microcirculation. Functionally, various experimental approaches support a role of neuronal NO in the maintenance of resting cerebral blood flow as well as in the vascular response to neuronal activity. Since decades, it has been assumed that neuronal NO simply diffuses to the local blood vessels and produce vasodilation through a cGMP-PKG dependent mechanism. However, NO is not the sole mediator of vasodilation in the cerebral microcirculation and is known to interact with a myriad of signaling pathways also involved in vascular control. In addition, cerebrovascular regulation is the result of a complex orchestration between all components of the neurovascular unit (i.e. neuronal, glial and vascular cells also known to produce NO. In this review article, the role of NO interneuron in the regulation of cortical microcirculation will be discussed in the context of the neurovascular unit.

  1. Awake craniotomy in a patient with ejection fraction of 10%: considerations of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular physiology. (United States)

    Meng, Lingzhong; Weston, Stephen D; Chang, Edward F; Gelb, Adrian W


    A 37-year-old man with nonischemic 4-chamber dilated cardiomyopathy and low-output cardiac failure (estimated ejection fraction of 10%) underwent awake craniotomy for a low-grade oligodendroglioma resection under monitored anesthesia care. The cerebrovascular and cardiovascular physiologic challenges and our management of this patient are discussed. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries: Advances in Screening, Imaging, and Management Trends. (United States)

    Nagpal, P; Policeni, B A; Bathla, G; Khandelwal, A; Derdeyn, C; Skeete, D


    Blunt cerebrovascular injury is a relatively uncommon but sometimes life-threatening injury, particularly in patients presenting with ischemic symptoms in that vascular territory. The decision to pursue vascular imaging (generally CT angiography) is based on clinical and imaging findings. Several grading scales or screening criteria have been developed to guide the decision to pursue vascular imaging, as well as to recommend different treatment options for various injuries. The data supporting many of these guidelines and options are limited however. The purpose of this article is to review and compare these scales and criteria and the data supporting clinical efficacy and to make recommendations for future research in this area. © 2017 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  3. Factores de riesgo relacionados con mortalidad por enfermedad cerebro vascular. armenia 2008 = Risk factors associated with cerebrovascular disease mortality, Armenia, Colombia, 2008

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    Álvarez Aristizábal, Luis Carlos


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Enfermedad cerebro vascular (ECV se encuentra entre las primeras causas de morbimortalidad en adultos en todo el mundo. Comparte con la enfermedad cardiovascular factores de riesgo modificables y no modificables; constituye una prioridad para la salud pública realizar todos los esfuerzos necesarios en la prevención primaria a través del tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico adecuados.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y la mortalidad del accidente cerebrovascular y la relación con factores de riesgo.Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cross sectional .Se revisaron 318 historias clínicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de ECV que ingresaron a IPS de tercer nivel en la ciudad de Armenia entre 2005 y 2007. Se analizó la frecuencia de los factores de riesgo y se relacionaron con la mortalidad y tipos de ECV.Resultados: La edad promedio fue 72 años; la mortalidad del 29.9%. Presentaron ECV isquémico 61.9% y hemorrágica 38.1%, con una mortalidad de 21.3% y 43.8% respectivamente. Los factores de riesgo más prevalentes fueron: hipertensión arterial (74.5%, tabaquismo (23.3%, ACV o cardiopatía isquémica previos (15.4%, y diabetes (15.1%. Se encontraron asociados a mortalidad: presión arterial media al ingreso a urgencias mayor a 105 (OR 1.6, presión arterial diastólica mayor a 100 (OR 3.1 y ECV hemorrágica (OR 2.9.Conclusiones: los eventos hemorrágicos son menos frecuentes pero ocasionan mayor mortalidad que los isquémicos; es necesario realizar programas de prevención secundaria para el adecuado control de factores como la hipertensión arterial; además impulsar la promoción para el cambio a estilos de vida saludables.

  4. Transesofagic echocardiography in the study of patient with cerebrovascular events in who origin cardiovascular embolic is suspected

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escobar Q, Carlos I; Jaramillo U, Mario; Tenorio, Luis F; Molina V, Claudia; Saldarriaga A, Marcela; Arango, Angela M


    Cerebrovascular events have an enormous social and economic impact. Twenty percent are of cardiac embolic origin and thirty five percent are of unknown cause or cryptogenic. In the cryptogenic group some echocardiographic findings could explain a cardiovascular origin. Echocardiography helps to study 55% of patients with cerebrovascular accidents. We present our experience during ten years since December 1992 to May 2002 in the Santa Maria cardiovascular clinic with 866 patients, 416 women and 450 men, mean age of 62:1:15 years. The five most frequent diagnoses were: aortic atheromatosis (34%), dilated cardiopathy (8.2%), ischemic cardiopathy (8.2%), left atrial spontaneous contrast (8%), patent foramen ovale (7.7%) and atrial septal aneurysm (4.5%). thirty percent of this population had a normal study. echocardiography helped to guide most of the patient's treatment. there was one esophagus rupture and fifteen minor oropharinx hemorrhages. Trans esophageal echocardiography is a very useful diagnostic method in this patient's study

  5. Diagnostic value of MRI in cerebrovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sone, Reiko; Uchiyama, Shinichiro; Kobayashi, Itsuro; Maruyama, Shoichi; Kakinoki, Yoshio; Ono, Yuko; Kobayashi, Naotoshi (Tokyo Women' s Medical Coll. (Japan))


    Thirty-four patients with cerebrovascular disease were studied with both magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cranial computed tomography (CT). They were 29 cerebral or cerebreller infarction and 5 cerebral bleeding. From the clinical symptoms, supratentorial lesions were suspected in 17 patients. Areas of abnormal density on CT were detected in all these patients. Areas of abnormal intensity on MRI were detected in 14 patients. Based on the infratentorial MRI, in four patients who have not shown any abnormal symptoms asyptomatic small lesions were detected. Infratentorial lesions were suspected in 17 patients. Areas of abnormal density on CT were detected in 6 patients (35%), while areas of abnormal intensity on MRI were detected in 13 patients (77%). Abnormal regions, which failed to be demonstrated on MRI were enhanced with Gd-DTPA in a patient with midbrain infarction. In a patient with Wallenberg's syndrome, area of abnormal intensity shown by MRI was consistent with lateral medullary infarct identified by autopsy. The results indicate that MRI is more useful than CT for detecting brainstem lesions in stroke. (author).

  6. Como mejorar la función motora en el paciente hemipléjico


    Martín de la Hoz, Raquel


    La hemiplejia, resultado de un accidente cerebrovascular, presenta una gran prevalencia e incidencia, lo que hace que este proceso merezca una especial atención dentro del ámbito de la fisioterapia. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica que nos permita conocer la evidencia científica existente, hasta el momento, respecto a las técnicas que se utilizan en la reeducación de la marcha en pacientes hemipléjicos adultos tras sufrir un accidente cerebrovascular. Pa...

  7. Relationship between oxygen free radicals, cytokines, cortisol and stress complications in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Yingbin; Wang Bingjie; Li Yunchao


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between oxygen free radicals, cytokines, cortisol and stress complications in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease (ACVD). Methods: Serum levels of superoxide dismutases (SOD), malonaldehyde (MDA) (with biochemistry) interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and cortisol (with RIA) were measured in 32 patients with acute cerebrovascular disease (ACVD) plus stress complications and 48 patients without stress complications as well as 36 controls. Results: Serum SOD contents in non-stressed group were higher than those in stressed group (P<0.05) but lower than those of the controls (P<0.05). However the levels of MDA, IL-6, TNF-α and cortisol were highest in the stressed group and lowest in the controls (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Oxygen free radicals, IL-6, TNF-α and cortisol were involved in stress complications in patients with ACVD. Monitoring the levels of serum SOD, MDA, IL-6, TNF-α and cortisol could be useful for predicting stress complications and evaluating the therapeutic effect. (authors)

  8. Ictus Emeticus

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    J Gordon Millichap


    Full Text Available A 9-year-old Arabic male with a 5 year history of recurrent episodes of severe vomiting and unusual frightened behavior, was eventually diagnosed with ictal vomiting, in a report from Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel, Petah Tiqva, and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

  9. Carga de enfermedad por tabaquismo e impacto potencial del incremento de precios de cigarrillos en el Perú

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    Ariel E Bardach

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Estimar la carga de enfermedad asociada al tabaquismo y evaluar el potencial impacto económico y en salud del aumento de los impuestos a los cigarrillos en el Perú. Materiales y métodos. Mediante un modelo de microsimulación se estimó el impacto en mortalidad, calidad de vida y costos atribuibles al tabaquismo por enfermedad cardiaca y cerebrovascular, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, neumonía, cáncer de pulmón y otras nueve neoplasias. Se evaluaron tres escenarios de aumento de impuestos. Resultados. Un total anual de 16 719 muertes, 6926 diagnósticos de cáncer, 7936 accidentes cerebrovasculares y 7548 hospitalizaciones por enfermedad cardiovascular se pueden atribuir al tabaquismo en Perú. Asimismo, se pierden 396 069 años de vida por muerte prematura y discapacidad cada año, y el costo de tratar los problemas de salud ocasionados por el tabaco asciende a 2500 millones de soles (PEN 2015. Actualmente, los impuestos al tabaco llegan a cubrir solamente el 9,1% de dicho gasto. Un incremento del 50% en el precio de los cigarrillos podría evitar 13 391 muertes, 6210 eventos cardiovasculares y 5361 nuevos cánceres en los próximos diez años, y representaría un beneficio económico de 3145 millones (PEN por ahorro de costos sanitarios y aumento de la recaudación impositiva. Conclusiones. La carga de enfermedad y el costo para el sistema de salud asociados al tabaquismo son elevados en Perú. Incrementar los impuestos al cigarrillo podría derivar en importantes beneficios para el país, tanto sanitarios como económicos.

  10. Cerebrovascular blood oxygenation level dependent pulsatility at baseline and following acute exercise among healthy adolescents. (United States)

    Theyers, Athena E; Goldstein, Benjamin I; Metcalfe, Arron Ws; Robertson, Andrew D; MacIntosh, Bradley J


    Arterial stiffness is linked to cerebral small vessel damage and neurodegeneration, but barriers to accessing deep cerebrovascular anatomy limit our ability to assess the brain. This study describes an adaptation of a cardiac-related scrubbing method as a means of generating blood oxygenation level-dependent pulsatility maps based on the cardiac cycle. We examine BOLD pulsatility at rest, based on the non-parametric deviation from null metric, as well as changes following acute physiological stress from 20 min of moderate-intensity cycling in 45 healthy adolescents. We evaluate the influence of repetition time (TR) and echo time (TE) using simulated and multi-echo empirical data, respectively. There were tissue-specific and voxel-wise BOLD pulsatility decreases 20 min following exercise cessation. BOLD pulsatility detection was comparable over a range of TR and TE values when scan volumes were kept constant; however, short TRs (≤500 ms) and TEs (∼14 ms) acquisitions would yield the most efficient detection. Results suggest cardiac-related BOLD pulsatility may represent a robust and easily adopted method of mapping cerebrovascular pulsatility with voxel-wise resolution.

  11. Effects of age on long-term outcomes after a routine invasive or selective invasive strategy in patients presenting with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: a collaborative analysis of individual data from the FRISC II - ICTUS - RITA-3 (FIR) trials. (United States)

    Damman, Peter; Clayton, Tim; Wallentin, Lars; Lagerqvist, Bo; Fox, Keith A A; Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Swahn, Eva; Pocock, Stuart J; Tijssen, Jan G P; de Winter, Robbert J


    To perform a patient-pooled analysis of a routine invasive versus a selective invasive strategy in elderly patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. A meta-analysis was performed of patient-pooled data from the FRISC II-ICTUS-RITA-3 (FIR) studies. (Un)adjusted HRs were calculated by Cox regression, with adjustments for variables associated with age and outcomes. The main outcome was 5-year cardiovascular death or myocardial infarction (MI) following routine invasive versus selective invasive management. Regarding the 5-year composite of cardiovascular death or MI, the routine invasive strategy was associated with a lower hazard in patients aged 65-74 years (HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.58 to 0.90) and those aged ≥75 years (HR 0.71, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.91), but not in those aged RITA-3).

  12. Correlation of cerebrovascular reserve as measured by acetazolamide-challenged perfusion CT with collateral circulation in unilateral high grade carotid stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Doran; Lee, Young Hen; Seo, Hyung Suk; Je, Bo Kyoung; Suh, Sang Il; Seol, Hae Young; Kim, Jung Hyuk; Lee, Nam Joon; Yang, Kyung Sook


    We correlated cerebrovascular reserve in unilateral high grade carotid artery stenosis or occlusion with a type of collateral circulation using acetazolamide-challenged perfusion CT (ACZ-PCT). Among the patients who underwent ACZ-PCT in our institution, we retrospectively selected the patients with unilateral high grade internal carotid artery or middle cerebral artery stenosis (> 70%) or occlusion; we verified the types of their dominant collateral circulation by digital subtraction angiography or 3T MR-angiography; first, the primary collaterals flow through the circle of Willis; second, the secondary collaterals that flow through the opthalmic artery, the basal artery or other external carotid artery. Using ACZ-PCT, we measured the difference in percentage change of cerebral blood flow of the stenotic hemisphere against contralateral normal hemisphere and compared cerebrovascular reserves of lesional hemisphere, according to the type of collaterals. A total of 28 patients were included. The percentage changes of cerebral blood flow were significantly lower in the stenotic hemisphere than the contralateral hemisphere (14.34 ± 36.43% and 34.53 ± 47.82%, p < 0.001), and in the hemisphere predominantly supplied by secondary collaterals than primary (7.03 ± 32.71% and 24.37 ± 42.03%, p < 0.05), respectively. Cerebrovascular reserves in the ipsilateral hemisphere predominantly supplied by secondary collaterals were more impaired than primary collaterals in patients with unilateral high grade carotid stenosis or occlusion.

  13. Cerebrovascular Manifestations of Neurosarcoidosis: An Underrecognized Aspect of the Imaging Spectrum. (United States)

    Bathla, G; Watal, P; Gupta, S; Nagpal, P; Mohan, S; Moritani, T


    Involvement of the central nervous system by sarcoidosis, also referred to as neurosarcoidosis, is seen clinically in about 5% of patients with systemic disease. CNS involvement most frequently affects the leptomeninges and cranial nerves, though the ventricular system, brain parenchyma, and pachymeninges may also be involved. Even though the involvement of the intracranial vascular structures is well-known on postmortem studies, there is scant literature on imaging manifestations secondary to the vessel wall involvement, being confined mostly to isolated case reports and small series. The authors present a review of various cerebrovascular manifestations of neurosarcoidosis, along with a brief synopsis of the existing literature. © 2018 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  14. Cerebrovascular Remodeling and Neuroinflammation is a Late Effect of Radiation-Induced Brain Injury in Non-Human Primates (United States)

    Andrews, Rachel N.; Metheny-Barlow, Linda J.; Peiffer, Ann M.; Hanbury, David B.; Tooze, Janet A.; Bourland, J. Daniel; Hampson, Robert E.; Deadwyler, Samuel A.; Cline, J. Mark


    Andrews, R. N., Metheny-Barlow, L. J., Peiffer, A. M., Hanbury, D. B., Tooze, J. A., Bourland, J. D., Hampson, R. E., Deadwyler, S. A. and Cline, J. M. Cerebrovascular Remodeling and Neuroinflammation is a Late Effect of Radiation-Induced Brain Injury in Non-Human Primates. Radiat. Res. 187, 599–611 (2017). Fractionated whole-brain irradiation (fWBI) is a mainstay of treatment for patients with intracranial neoplasia; however late-delayed radiation-induced normal tissue injury remains a major adverse consequence of treatment, with deleterious effects on quality of life for affected patients. We hypothesize that cerebrovascular injury and remodeling after fWBI results in ischemic injury to dependent white matter, which contributes to the observed cognitive dysfunction. To evaluate molecular effectors of radiation-induced brain injury (RIBI), real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was performed on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC, Brodmann area 46), hippocampus and temporal white matter of 4 male Rhesus macaques (age 6–11 years), which had received 40 Gray (Gy) fWBI (8 fractions of 5 Gy each, twice per week), and 3 control comparators. All fWBI animals developed neurologic impairment; humane euthanasia was elected at a median of 6 months. Radiation-induced brain injury was confirmed histopathologically in all animals, characterized by white matter degeneration and necrosis, and multifocal cerebrovascular injury consisting of perivascular edema, abnormal angiogenesis and perivascular extracellular matrix deposition. Herein we demonstrate that RIBI is associated with white matter-specific up-regulation of hypoxia-associated lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and that increased gene expression of fibronectin 1 (FN1), SERPINE1 and matrix metalloprotease 2 (MMP2) may contribute to cerebrovascular remodeling in late-delayed RIBI. Additionally, vascular stability and maturation associated tumor necrosis super family member 15 (TNFSF15) and

  15. Seguimiento de las recomendaciones en prevención secundaria cerebrovascular en atención primaria

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    Carmen Tamayo-Ojeda


    Conclusiones: El seguimiento de las recomendaciones de las guías clínicas para la prevención de la enfermedad cerebrovascular en atención primaria es mejorable, especialmente en los más jóvenes. Son necesarios cambios organizativos e intervención más activa de los profesionales, así como estrategias para combatir la inercia terapéutica.

  16. Bibliometric analysis of literature in cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases rehabilitation: growing numbers, reducing impact factor. (United States)

    Ugolini, Donatella; Neri, Monica; Cesario, Alfredo; Marazzi, Giuseppe; Milazzo, Daniele; Volterrani, Maurizio; Bennati, Luca; Bonassi, Stefano; Pasqualetti, Patrizio


    To explore temporal trends, geographic distribution, and socioeconomic determinants of scientific production in the field of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease (CCD) rehabilitation. Citations from 1967 to 2008 were downloaded from the PubMed database. Core of the search strategy was the key word cardiovascular diseases in the Medical Subject Headings major field with the subheading rehabilitation. Journal Citation Reports was used to assign an impact factor (IF). Demographic and economic data were retrieved from the International Monetary Fund. All articles retrieved were included in the bibliometric analysis. The search strategy was validated on a random sample of the articles retrieved. The search quality reflected the level of error of the PubMed database. Publications retrieved were 10,379 and have grown 8.6 times in 40 years, faster than the all-diseases rehabilitation field (7.8 times), with a particularly steep growth for cerebrovascular diseases in the last 15 years (5 times). However, in the last decade, the articles' quality (IF) decreased. From 1994 to 2008, 3466 citations were retrieved; 44.4% came from the European Union and 30.3% from the United States. The highest mean IF was reported for France (4.127). The United Kingdom and some relatively small northern European Union countries had the best ratio of IF (sum) to resident population or to gross domestic product. The most frequently used key word was stroke, and 3 journals (Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Clinical Rehabilitation, and Stroke) published one quarter of the articles. The overall scientific production in the field of CCD rehabilitation showed a steep growth in the last decade, especially because of cerebrovascular research. In the same period, a decrease in the overall IF was observed. The European Union and the United States contributed 3 of every 4 articles in the field, although some Asian countries showed promising performance. Copyright © 2013 American

  17. Transient ischemic attack and minor stroke are the most common manifestations of acute cerebrovascular disease: a prospective, population-based study--the Aarhus TIA study. (United States)

    von Weitzel-Mudersbach, Paul; Andersen, Grethe; Hundborg, Heidi H; Johnsen, Søren P


    Severity of acute vascular illness may have changed in the last decades due to improvements in primary and secondary prevention. Population-based data on the severity of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease are sparse. We aimed to examine incidence, characteristics and severity of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease in a well-defined population. All patients admitted with transient ischemic attack (TIA) or acute ischemic stroke from March 1, 2007, to February 29, 2008, with residence in the Aarhus area, were included. Incidence rates and characteristics of TIA and ischemic stroke were compared. TIA accounted for 30%, TIA and minor stroke combined for 65% of all acute ischemic cerebrovascular events. Age-adjusted incidence rates of TIA and ischemic stroke were 72.2/100,000 and 129.5/100,000 person-years, respectively. TIA patients were younger than stroke patients (66.3 vs. 72.7 years; p TIA and stroke patients share many characteristics; however, TIA patients are younger and have fewer manifestations of atherosclerotic diseases, indicating a high potential for secondary prevention. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  18. Small Vessel Cerebrovascular Disease: The Past, Present, and Future

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    Réza Behrouz


    Full Text Available Brain infarction due to small vessel cerebrovascular disease (SVCD—also known as small vessel infarct (SVI or “lacunar” stroke—accounts for 20% to 25% of all ischemic strokes. Historically, SVIs have been associated with a favorable short-term prognosis. However, studies over the years have demonstrated that SVCD/SVI is perhaps a more complex and less benign phenomenon than generally presumed. The currently employed diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are based upon historical and contemporary perceptions of SVCD/SVI. What is discovered in the future will unmask the true countenance of SVCD/SVI and help furnish more accurate prognostication schemes and effective treatments for this condition. This paper is an overview of SVCD/SVI with respect to the discoveries of the past, what is known now, and what will the ongoing investigations evince in the future.

  19. Colour Doppler evaluation of extracranial carotid artery in patients presenting with features of cerebrovascular disease: A clinical and radiological correlation

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    Sanjeev Sehrawat


    Full Text Available Aim: To evaluate the morphological and hemodynamic changes that take place in carotid arteries by colour Doppler in patients presenting with features of stroke. Background and Objectives: Cerebrovascular accidents constitute a major cause of adult mortality. The principal indication for cerebrovascular Doppler examination is stroke prevention. Colour Doppler sonography is a sensitive method for detection of atherosclerotic plaque and provides considerable information about the extent and severity of plaque as well as the resulting diminution of arterial lumen. The main strengths of sonography of carotid arteries are patient comfort, lack of risk and accuracy in detecting carotid stenosis. Material and Methods: A prospective study of Colour Doppler in carotid arteries was carried out for 12 months from 1 st July 2009 to 1 st July 2010. The study was carried out on 40 individuals, suspected of cerebrovascular insufficiency and having one or the other risk factors for cerebrovascular disease. A detailed clinical history, CNS examination findings and evidence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia and ischemic heart disease were noted. Carotid Doppler evaluation was done by using Siemens Antares Ultrasound system. The data gathered were grey scale and Doppler findings of common carotid artery, internal carotid artery and external carotid arteries. Doppler findings were correlated with clinical features and risk factors. Results: In our study of 40 patients, the commonest lesion found was the atherosclerotic plaque. Highest incidence of plaque was seen in males 41% in the age group of 60-70 years and in females 37% in age group of 70-80 years. Cigarette smoking was the most common risk factor (60% associated with stroke/ Transient Ischaemic Attacks (TIA. Hemiparesis was the most common presenting symptom (35% among the symptomatic cases. Atheromatous plaque was most commonly found in the right carotid system (60%. Most common site for

  20. Inhibition of cerebrovascular raf activation attenuates cerebral blood flow and prevents upregulation of contractile receptors after subarachnoid hemorrhage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ansar, Saema; Maddahi, Aida; Edvinsson, Lars


    of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 signal pathway. We hypothesize that SAH initiates cerebrovascular ERK1/2 activation, resulting in receptor upregulation. The raf inhibitor will inhibit the molecular events upstream ERK1/2 and may provide...

  1. Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events after the ross procedure: A report from the german-dutch ross registry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    H. Sievers (Hans Hinrich); U. Stierle (Ulrich); E.I. Charitos (Efstratios); T. Hanke; M. Misfeld (Martin); J.F.M. Bechtel (Matthias); A. Gorski (Armin); U.F. Franke (Ulrich); B. Graf (Bernhard); D.R. Robinson (Derek); A.J.J.C. Bogers (Ad); A. Dodge-Khatami (Ali); J.O. Boehm (Juergen); J.G. Rein (Joachim); C.A. Botha (Cornelius); R. Lange (Rüdiger); J. Hoerer (Juergen); A. Moritz (Anton); T. Wahlers (Thorsten); M. Breuer (Martin); K. Ferrari-Kuehne (Katharina); R. Hetzer (Roland); M. Huebler (Michael); G. Ziemer (Gerhard); J.J.M. Takkenberg (Hanneke); W. Hemmer


    textabstractBackground-: The purpose of the study is to report major cardiac and cerebrovascular events after the Ross procedure in the large adult and pediatric population of the German-Dutch Ross registry. These data could provide an additional basis for discussions among physicians and a source

  2. O escore de CHADS2 na predição de eventos cerebrovasculares: uma metanálise

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    Cristina Santos


    Full Text Available O escore de CHADS2 é um método de estratificação do risco de eventos cardiovasculares, sendo útil na decisão terapêutica em doentes de moderado/alto risco. Esta metanálise tem como objectivo averiguar se o escore de CHADS2 é eficaz na predição de eventos cerebrovasculares em doentes com Fibrilação Auricular (FA. Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica informatizada nos motores de busca PubMed, EMBASE e SciELO, durante o período de março de 2011 a abril de 2012. Os estudos foram seleccionados de acordo com critérios predeterminados. A metanálise incidiu em seis estudos de coorte, observacionais e prospectivos, que avaliaram a capacidade preditiva do escore de CHADS2 para eventos cerebrovasculares e morte. Os endpoints definidos (mortalidade e/ou Acidente Vascular Cerebral [AVC] não fatal foram comparados entre doentes com CHADS2 2, e também em função da presença/ausência de FA. No que diz respeito à ocorrência de eventos cardiovasculares combinados, morte e AVC, observou-se um maior risco no grupo com escore de CHADS2 > 2 e com FA crônica, com Odds Ratio (OR respectivamente de 2.92 (IC:2.08-4.10; p 2, independentemente da presença de FA: OR = 2.93 (IC:2.81-3.06; p < 0,00001 nos doentes com FA; OR = 2.94; (IC:2.87-3.01; p < 0,00001 nos doentes sem FA. Os estudos indicam claramente a capacidade discriminativa do escorede CHADS2 para o risco de eventos cerebrovasculares, independentemente da presença ou não de FA, permitindo desta forma identificar doentes de moderado/alto risco e seleccionar estratégias terapêuticas adequadas.

  3. Contrast MR imaging of acute cerebral infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kogame, Saeko; Syakudo, Miyuki; Inoue, Yuichi (Osaka City Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine) (and others)


    Thirty patients with acute and subacute cerebral infarction (13 and 17 deep cerebral infarction) were studied with 0.5 T MR unit before and after intravenous injection of Gd-DTPA. Thirteen patients were studied within 7 days after neurological ictus, 17 patients were studied between 7 and 14 days. Two types of abnormal enhancement, cortical arterial and parenchymal enhancement, were noted. The former was seen in 3 of 4 cases of very acute cortical infarction within 4 days after clinical ictus. The latter was detected in all 7 cases of cortical infarction after the 6th day of the ictus, and one patient with deep cerebral infarction at the 12th day of the ictus. Gd-DTPA enhanced MR imaging seems to detect gyral enhancement earlier compared with contrast CT, and depict intra-arterial sluggish flow which was not expected to see on contrast CT scans. (author).

  4. Effects of Resveratrol on Cognitive Performance, Mood and Cerebrovascular Function in Post-Menopausal Women; A 14-Week Randomised Placebo-Controlled Intervention Trial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamish M. Evans


    Full Text Available We tested whether chronic supplementation with resveratrol (a phytoestrogen could improve cerebrovascular function, cognition and mood in post-menopausal women. Eighty post-menopausal women aged 45–85 years were randomised to take trans-resveratrol or placebo for 14 weeks and the effects on cognitive performance, cerebral blood flow velocity and pulsatility index (a measure of arterial stiffness in the middle cerebral artery (using transcranial Doppler ultrasound, and cerebrovascular responsiveness (CVR to both cognitive testing and hypercapnia were assessed. Mood questionnaires were also administered. Compared to placebo, resveratrol elicited 17% increases in CVR to both hypercapnic (p = 0.010 and cognitive stimuli (p = 0.002. Significant improvements were observed in the performance of cognitive tasks in the domain of verbal memory (p = 0.041 and in overall cognitive performance (p = 0.020, which correlated with the increase in CVR (r = 0.327; p = 0.048. Mood tended to improve in multiple measures, although not significantly. These results indicate that regular consumption of a modest dose of resveratrol can enhance both cerebrovascular function and cognition in post-menopausal women, potentially reducing their heightened risk of accelerated cognitive decline and offering a promising therapeutic treatment for menopause-related cognitive decline.

  5. Use of cardiovascular polypills for the secondary prevention of cerebrovascular disease. (United States)

    Masjuan, J; Gállego, J; Aguilera, J M; Arenillas, J F; Castellanos, M; Díaz, F; Portilla, J C; Purroy, F


    There is little control of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in secondary prevention after an ischaemic stroke, in part due to a lack of adherence to treatment. The CV polypill may contribute to proper treatment adherence, which is necessary for CV disease prevention. This study aimed to establish how and in what cases the CV polypill should be administered. A group of 8 neurologists drafted consensus recommendations using structured brainstorming and based on their experience and a literature review. These recommendations are based on the opinion of the participating experts. The use of the CV polypill is beneficial for patients, healthcare professionals, and the health system. Its use is most appropriate for atherothrombotic stroke, lacunar stroke, stroke associated with cognitive impairment, cryptogenic stroke with CV risk factors, and silent cerebrovascular disease. It is the preferred treatment in cases of suspected poor adherence, polymedicated patients, elderly people, patients with polyvascular disease or severe atherothrombosis, young patients in active work, and patients who express a preference for the CV polypill. Administration options include switching from individual drugs to the CV polypill, starting treatment with the CV polypill in the acute phase in particular cases, use in patients receiving another statin or an angiotensin ii receptor antagonist, or de novo use if there is suspicion of poor adherence. Nevertheless, use of the CV polypill requires follow-up on the achievement of the therapeutic objectives to make dose adjustments. This document is the first to establish recommendations for the use of the CV polypill in cerebrovascular disease, beyond its advantages in terms of treatment adherence. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  6. First translational 'Think Tank' on cerebrovascular disease, cognitive impairment and dementia. (United States)

    Barone, Frank C; Gustafson, Deborah; Crystal, Howard A; Moreno, Herman; Adamski, Mateusz G; Arai, Ken; Baird, Alison E; Balucani, Clotilde; Brickman, Adam M; Cechetto, David; Gorelick, Philip; Biessels, Geert Jan; Kiliaan, Amanda; Launer, Lenore; Schneider, Julie; Sorond, Farzaneh A; Whitmer, Rachel; Wright, Clinton; Zhang, Zheng Gang


    As the human population continues to age, an increasing number of people will exhibit significant deficits in cognitive function and dementia. It is now recognized that cerebrovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases all play major roles in the evolution of cognitive impairment and dementia. Thus with our more recent recognition of these relationships and our need to understand and more positively impact on this world health problem, "The Leo and Anne Albert Charitable Trust" (Gene Pranzo, Trustee with significant support from Susan Brogan, Meeting Planner) provided generous support for this inaugural international workshop that was held from April 13-16, 2015 at the beautiful Ritz Carlton Golf Resort in North Naples, Florida. Researchers from SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY organized the event by selecting the present group of translationally inclined preclinical, clinical and population scientists focused on cerebrovascular disease (CVD) risk and its progression to vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) and dementia. Participants at the workshop addressed important issues related to aging, cognition and dementia by: (1) sharing new data, information and perspectives that intersect vascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, (2) discussing gaps in translating population risk, clinical and preclinical information to the progression of cognitive loss, and (3) debating new approaches and methods to fill these gaps that can translate into future therapeutic interventions. Participants agreed on topics for group discussion prior to the meeting and focused on specific translational goals that included promoting better understanding of dementia mechanisms, the identification of potential therapeutic targets for intervention, and discussed/debated the potential utility of diagnostic/prognostic markers. Below summarizes the new data-presentations, concepts, novel directions and specific discussion topics addressed by this international

  7. Aspirin allergy desensitization in cerebrovascular disease. A report of two cases, literature review and management guide for the neurointerventionalist. (United States)

    Zuckerman, Scott L; Seder, David B; Tsujiura, Crystiana; Cushing, Deborah; Gallup, Holly; Mocco, J; Hanel, Richard A; Ecker, Robert D


    Aspirin (ASA) is the mainstay of treatment in cerebrovascular and systemic vascular disease. ASA hypersensitivity can pose a challenge to achieving optimum medical management prior to and after neurointerventional treatment. Desensitization to ASA is well described in the allergy and cardiovascular literature, but there are no similar discussions specific to neurointervention. The purpose of our study was to describe our experience with ASA hypersensitivity management and review the relevant literature. Two cases of patients with symptomatic cerebrovascular disease requiring neurointervention who were successfully desensitized to their ASA hypersensitivity prior to treatment are described. The subsequent literature is reviewed. Several ASA desensitization protocols exist and have been proven to successfully treat ASA hypersensitivity and allow for ASA therapy to be safely initiated. We describe several previously published protocols. ASA desensitization is a safe and simple way to manage ASA hypersensitivity. We provide comprehensive management guidelines for the neurointerventionalist engaging in ASA desensitization.

  8. Warfarin therapy and incidence of cerebrovascular complications in left-sided native valve endocarditis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Snygg-Martin, U; Rasmussen, Rasmus Vedby; Hassager, C


    Anticoagulant therapy has been anticipated to increase the risk of cerebrovascular complications (CVC) in native valve endocarditis (NVE). This study investigates the relationship between ongoing oral anticoagulant therapy and the incidence of symptomatic CVC in left-sided NVE. In a prospective...... factors for CVC, while warfarin on admission (aOR 0.26, 95% CI 0.07-0.94), history of congestive heart failure (adjusted OR 0.22, 95% CI 0.1-0.52) and previous endocarditis (aOR 0.1, 95% CI 0.01-0.79) correlated with lower CVC frequency....

  9. Clinical application of MR susceptibility weighted imaging in cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Wenzhen; Qi Jianpin; Shen Hao; Wang Chengyuan; Xia Liming; Hu Junwu; Feng Dingyi


    Objective: To assess clinical application value of susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) in cerebrovascular diseases. Method: Twenty-three patients with cerebrovascular disease were investigated, including 7 cases of cavernoma, 4 of venous hemangioma, 3 of small AVM, 1 of Sturge-Weber Syndrome, 2 of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and 6 of chronic cerebral infarction. All patients underwent standard Mill and SWI, and most of them also underwent enhanced T 1 WI and MRA. The corrected phase (CP) values were obtained at the lesions and control areas. Results: The average CP values of the lesions and the control areas were -0.112±0.032 and -0.013±0.004, respectively (t=2.167, P 2 WI. The cavemoma could be differentiated from the hemorrhage within lesions. Moreover, multiple microcavernomas were detected on SWI. In 4 cases of venous hemangioma, SWI detected spider-like lesions with more hair-thin pulp veins adjacent to the dilated draining vein than contrast MRI. In 3 cases of small AVM, SWI was more advantageous than MRA in clearly detecting the small feeding artery. In 1 case of Sturge-Weber Syndrome, SWI demonstrated large areas of calcification and the abnormal vessels on the cerebral surface and the deep part of the cerebrum at the same time. In 2 cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, the deep draining veins and superficial venous rete were generally dilated and winding, and the hemorrhagic lesions could be detected earlier than conventional MR images in one case. In 6 eases of cerebral infarction, old hemorrhage was clearly displayed within the lesions. Conclusion: SWI has more predominant advantages than conventional MRI and MRA in detecting the low-flow cerebral vascular malformations, identifying microbleeds and cerebral infarction accompanying hemorrhage, and the dilation of cerebral deep or superficial veins in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Moreover, SWI can show the phase contrast between the lesions and the control areas. (authors)

  10. Cerebrovascular reactivity in migraineurs as measured by transcranial Doppler

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, T.D.; Harpold, G.J.


    Transcranial Doppler ultrasound is a relatively new diagnostic modality which allows the non-invasive assessment of intracranial circulation. A total of 10 migraine patients were studied and compared to healthy controls without headaches. Migraineurs during the headache-free interval demonstrated excessive cerebrovascular reactivity to CO 2 , evidenced by an increase in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity of 47% ± 15% compared to 28% ± 14% in controls. Differences between the two study groups revealed no significant decrease in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity with hypocapnia. However, the differences between middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity during hyperventilation and CO 2 inhalation were significantly different comparing migraineurs and controls. Instability of the baseline blood flow velocities was also noted in migraineurs during the interictal period. Characteristics which may allow differentiation of migraineurs from other headache populations could possibly be obtained from transcranial Doppler ultrasound flow studies. 24 refs., 2 tabs

  11. La concentración de mercado en el sector farmacéutico colombiano 2002-2003. Un análisis parcial para las enfermedades cerebrovasculares e isquemias, diabetes mellitus y morbimortalidad cardiovascular

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    Ismarlen Jiménez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo estudia la concentración de mercado del sector farmacéutico colombiano para diferentes grupos farmacológicos, teniendo en cuenta el índice de Hefindahl en los años 2002 y 2003. Metodológicamente, se parte de los indicadores de mortalidad para el año 2002, de donde se obtienen las principales causas de muerte para la población mayor de 45 años, esto es; enfermedades cerebrovasculares e isquemias, diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares y enfermedades crónicas de las vías respiratorias inferiores. Dichas patologías fueron atendidas con aproximadamente 507 medicamentos, comerciales y genéricos, por diferentes laboratorios de tipo nacional y multinacional. Como resultado importante se destaca que las patologías fueron atendidas por oligopolios fuertes en el año 2002, acentuando su posición para el año 2003.

  12. Current therapy for chronic cerebrovascular attack

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    A. A. Shmonin


    Full Text Available Chronic cerebrovascular attack (CCVA is a brain lesion caused by vascular factors. CCVA appears as cognitive impairments (CIs, affective (emotional disorders and focal syndromes. Treatment for CCVA requires a comprehensive approach. Effective combination therapy for CCVA involves secondary prevention of stroke and CIs; treatment of CIs; treatment of depression and other affective disorders; and neuroprotective therapy. Basic therapy for CCVA includes modification of risk factors, antihypertensive, hypolipidemic, and antithrombotic therapies. Central acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (galantamine, rivastigmine, donepezil and a reversible NMDA receptor blocker (memantine are symptomatically used at a stage of vascular and mixed dementia. There are no unique guidelines for the therapy of mild and moderate vascular nondementia-related CIs. Drug use, based on the neurochemical mechanisms underlying the development of vascular CIs, is substantiated. When choosing psychotropic agents, it is necessary to take into account the causes and clinical manifestations of neuromediator deficiency. Antidepressants are used as essential drugs. Neuroleptics and tranquilizers are additionally administered in complex-pattern syndromes, such as depression with marked anxiety. Prescription of neuroprotectors may be effective in treating both stroke and CCVA. These medicaments are most effective when a damaging factor acts, i.e. neuroprotectors should be given in a risk situation and to reduce damage. Citicoline is one of the most test drugs in a group of neuroprotectors. 

  13. The Effects of Endotracheal Suctioning with Manual Hyperventilation on Cerebrovascular Status of Closed Head Injured Patients (United States)


    PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION AFIT STUDENT AT (if applicable) AFIT/CIA Univ of MDI 6c. ADDRESS (City, State...Medicine, Pediatrics, ICU USAF Regional Hospital RAF Lakenheath, England 1987-Present Graduate Student Air Force Institute of Technology or closed head injury to determine the acute physiologic alterations in cerebrovascular status that occurred during chest physiotherapy (CPT). ICP

  14. Trends of stroke subtypes mortality in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1996-2003 Tendência da mortalidade pelos subtipos da doença cerebrovascular (1996-2003

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    Paulo A. Lotufo


    Full Text Available The decline of stroke mortality rates has been described in Brazil; however, there is no data about stroke subtypes. We described the changes of stroke mortality rates in the city of Sao Paulo (1996-2003 emphasizing intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. We categorized mortality data by gender and 10-year age-strata from 30 to 79 years-old. For men, an annual reduction of all types of stroke (-3.9%, and of stroke subtypes as intracerebral hemorrhage (-3.0% and cerebral infarction was observed (-2.7% as well as, a decline of ill-defined stroke (-7.4%. For women, a decline was observed for all types of stroke (-3.3% and for ill-defined stroke (-12%. However, the switch of ill-defined cases to stroke subtype categories due to a better clinical diagnosis blurred a real decline of both cerebral infarction and intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke among women.O declínio da mortalidade pela doença cerebrovascular no Brasil é conhecido, porém há poucos dados sobre a evolução temporal dos dois principais subtipos, a hemorragia parenquimatosa e o infarto cerebral. As modificações temporais dos subtipos de doença cerebrovascular foram estudadas na cidade de São Paulo entre 1996 e 2003 por gênero e faixa etária decenal entre os 30 e 79 anos. Para os homens detectou-se redução anual para todo os tipos (-3,9%, para hemorragia parenquimatosa (-3,0%, para infarto cerebral (-2,7% bem como para os casos mal definidos (-7.4%. Para as mulheres somente houve variação significativa para todos os tipos da doença cerebrovascular (-3,3% e para os casos mal definidos (-12%. Concluindo, as taxas de doença cerebrovascular estão em queda, porém entre as mulheres devido à melhoria do diagnóstico clínico houve migração de casos mal definidos para casos bem definidos. Devido a isso não foi possível detectar declínio nas taxas de mortalidade pelos subtipos de doença cerebrovascular.

  15. Assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity during major depression and after remission of disease

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    Vakilian Alireza


    Full Text Available Background: There are a growing number of studies suggesting that depression may increase the risk of stroke. Impaired autoregulation of vascular tone may contribute to a higher risk of developing cerebrovascular diseases. Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR reflects the compensatory dilatory capacity of cerebral arterioles to a dilatory stimulus and is an important mechanism that ensures constant cerebral blood flow. There is a hypothesis that CVR is reduced in major depression, which would explain the association between depression and stroke. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of depression on CVR in cerebral vessels by comparing CVR during the depression phase with that during remission. Material and Methods: Using the apnea test, we assessed CVR in 16 patients with unipolar depression during disease and after remission of disease by calculating the increase in cerebral blood flow velocity after breath-holding (the apnea test. Blood flow velocities were measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD. Results: CVR was significantly reduced in the depression phase in comparison to that in the remission phase. However, this change was not seen in all the patients. Conclusion: CVR was reduced in most of the depressed patients. The decreased CVR, as indicated by the changes in peak systolic velocity (PSV and mean flow velocity (MFV of the middle cerebral artery, in depressed patients was more marked on the right side, which could point to a vascular basis for some kinds of depression. We recommend that other studies, with larger samples, be done; future studies should assess whether the changes in the CVR varies with the severity and type of depression.

  16. Association between fish consumption, long chain omega 3 fatty acids, and risk of cerebrovascular disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Chowdhury (Rajiv); S. Stevens (Sarah); D. Gorman (Donal); A. Pan (An); S. Warnakula (Samantha); S. Chowdhury (Susmita); H. Ward (Heather); L.A. Johnson (Laura); F. Crowe (Francesca); F.B. Hu (Frank); O.H. Franco (Oscar)


    textabstractObjective: To clarify associations of fish consumption and long chain omega 3 fatty acids with risk of cerebrovascular disease for primary and secondary prevention. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: Studies published before September 2012 identified through

  17. Cost-effectiveness of early versus selectively invasive strategy in patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijksman, L. M.; Hirsch, A.; Windhausen, F.; Asselman, F. F.; Tijssen, J. G. P.; Dijkgraaf, M. G. W.; de Winter, R. J.


    AIMS: The ICTUS trial compared an early invasive versus a selectively invasive strategy in high risk patients with a non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome and an elevated cardiac troponin T. Alongside the ICTUS trial a cost-effectiveness analysis from a provider perspective was performed.

  18. Blunt Traumatic Extracranial Cerebrovascular Injury and Ischemic Stroke

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    Paul M. Foreman


    Full Text Available Background: Ischemic stroke occurs in a significant subset of patients with blunt traumatic cerebrovascular injury (TCVI. The patients are victims of motor vehicle crashes, assaults or other high-energy collisions, and suffer ischemic stroke due to injury to the extracranial carotid or vertebral arteries. Summary: An increasing number of patients with TCVI are being identified, largely because of the expanding use of computed tomography angiography for screening patients with blunt trauma. Patients with TCVI are particularly challenging to manage because they often suffer polytrauma, that is, numerous additional injuries including orthopedic, chest, abdominal, and head injuries. Presently, there is no consensus about optimal management. Key Messages: Most literature about TCVI and stroke has been published in trauma, general surgery, and neurosurgery journals; because of this, and because these patients are managed primarily by trauma surgeons, patients with stroke due to TCVI have been essentially hidden from view of neurologists. This review is intended to bring this clinical entity to the attention of clinicians and investigators with specific expertise in neurology and stroke.

  19. Maternal cerebrovascular accidents in pregnancy: incidence and outcomes. (United States)

    Walsh, Jennifer; Murphy, Cliona; Murray, Aoife; O'Laoide, Risteard; McAuliffe, Fionnuala M


    Stroke occurring during pregnancy and the postnatal period is a rare but potentially catastrophic event. The aim of this study was to examine the incidence and outcomes of pregnancies complicated by maternal stroke in a single centre. This is a prospective study of over 35,000 consecutive pregnancies over a four-year period at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin from 2004 to 2008; in addition we also retrospectively examined all cases of maternal mortality at our institution over a 50-year period from 1959 to 2009. We prospectively identified eight cases of strokes complicating pregnancy and the postnatal period giving an overall incidence of 22.34 per 100,000 pregnancies or 24.74 per 100,000 deliveries. There were no stroke-related mortalities during that time. Retrospective analysis of maternal mortality revealed 102 maternal deaths over a 50-year period, 19 (18.6%) of which were due to cerebrovascular accidents. In conclusion, strokes complicating pregnancy and the puerperium remain a rare event and though there appears to be evidence that the incidence is increasing, the associated maternal mortality appears to be falling.

  20. Potential Linkage Between Cerebrovascular Diseases and Metabolic Syndrome. (United States)

    Jabir, Nasimudeen R; Firoz, Chelapram Kandy; Khan, Mohd Shahnawaz; Zaidi, Syed Kashif; Ashraf, Ghulam Md; Shakil, Shazi; Kamal, Mohammad Amjad; Tabrez, Shams


    Cerebrovascular disease (CD) and metabolic syndrome (MetS) are two devastating health dilemma that continues to be a potential contributor to disability and mortality in human population all across the world. Scientific data clearly shows several mechanistic similarities between these two co-existing and interlinked conditions. The linkage exacerbates ongoing patho-physiological condition towards more lethal events. In view of the presence of modifiable risk factors in both CD and MetS, their management holds potential therapeutic value. Hence, developing common treatment strategies for these diseases could involve common molecular agents. In this communication, we have summarized some of the common pathological conditions viz. abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and endothelial dysfunction that further deteriorate existing homeostasis in CD and MetS. Based on our article, it is advocated that substantial improvements in novel multi-targeted drug discovery could provide the effective treatment methods in order to avoid the fatal complications related with CD and MetS. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  1. The role of CT and cerebral angiography in the neurosurgical treatment of cerebrovascular diseases and their sequels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bock, W.J.


    It is found that for cerebro-vascular diseases which can be surgically treated, neither angiography nor CT alone yields sufficient information. Only a combination of the two methods can help to reach a clear decision; CT is better suited for course control while angiography helps to make a diagnosis and to decide upon the best surgical treatment. (orig./AJ) [de

  2. Impaired cerebrovascular function in coronary artery disease patients and recovery following cardiac rehabilitation.

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    Udunna C Anazodo


    Full Text Available Coronary artery disease (CAD poses a risk to the cerebrovascular function of older adults and has been linked to impaired cognitive abilities. Using magnetic resonance perfusion imaging, we investigated changes in resting cerebral blood flow (CBF and cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR to hypercapnia in 34 coronary artery disease (CAD patients and 21 age-matched controls. Gray matter volume images were acquired and used as a confounding variable to separate changes in structure from function. Compared to healthy controls, CAD patients demonstrated reduced CBF in the superior frontal, anterior cingulate, insular, pre- and post-central gyri, middle temporal and superior temporal regions. Subsequent analysis of these regions demonstrated decreased CVR in the anterior cingulate, insula, postcentral and superior frontal regions. Except in the superior frontal and precentral regions, regional reductions in CBF and CVR were identified in brain areas where no detectable reductions in gray matter volume were observed, demonstrating that these vascular changes were independent of brain atrophy. Because aerobic fitness training can improve brain function, potential changes in regional CBF were investigated in the CAD patients after completion of a 6-month exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation program. Increased CBF was observed in the bilateral anterior cingulate, as well as recovery of CBF in the dorsal aspect of the right anterior cingulate, where the magnitude of increased CBF was roughly equal to the reduction in CBF at baseline compared to controls. These exercise-related improvements in CBF in the anterior cingulate is intriguing given the role of this area in cognitive processing and regulation of cardiovascular autonomic control.

  3. Cerebrovascular reactivity in migraineurs as measured by transcranial Doppler

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, T.D.; Harpold, G.J. (Alabama Univ., Birmingham, AL (USA). School of Medicine); Troost, B.T. (Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC (USA))


    Transcranial Doppler ultrasound is a relatively new diagnostic modality which allows the non-invasive assessment of intracranial circulation. A total of 10 migraine patients were studied and compared to healthy controls without headaches. Migraineurs during the headache-free interval demonstrated excessive cerebrovascular reactivity to CO{sub 2}, evidenced by an increase in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity of 47% {plus minus} 15% compared to 28% {plus minus} 14% in controls. Differences between the two study groups revealed no significant decrease in middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity with hypocapnia. However, the differences between middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity during hyperventilation and CO{sub 2} inhalation were significantly different comparing migraineurs and controls. Instability of the baseline blood flow velocities was also noted in migraineurs during the interictal period. Characteristics which may allow differentiation of migraineurs from other headache populations could possibly be obtained from transcranial Doppler ultrasound flow studies. 24 refs., 2 tabs.

  4. Cerebrovascular CO2 reactivity in normotensive and hypertensive man

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tominaga, S; Strandgaard, S; Uemura, K


    Cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2 inhalation and voluntary hyperventilation was studied in seven normotensive subjects and nine hypertensive patients without clinical or angiographical signs of arteriosclerosis. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured by the intracarotid 133Xe clearance method...... and calculated as the initial slope index. Three to five CBF measurements were made in each patient in the PaCO2 range of 20 to 55 mm Hg. No difference was observed in reactivity between hypertensive and normotensive patients, either during CO2 inhalation or during hyperventilation. The shape of the CBF:PaCO2...... curve suggested a decrease in reactivity below a PaCO2 of 30 to 35 mm Hg in both groups. Above a PaCO2 of 35 mm Hg, exponential regression analysis yielded a mean reactivity of 6 +/- 2%, whereas below a PaCO2 of 30 mm Hg it was about 2%. The rise in CBF during CO2 inhalation was not influenced...

  5. CT findings of cerebrovascular diseases in patients with atrial fibrillation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kubo, Hideki; Iwamoto, Toshihiko; Kanaya, Kiyoshi; Hanyu, Haruo; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiko; Katsunuma, Hideyo


    CT findings of cerebrovascular diseases were studied in 111 patients with atrial fibrillation (Af). One of these patients had cerebral hemorrhage, and another, subarachnoid hemorrhage, while the others all had cerebral infarctions. CT revealed 122 lesions with a low-density area (LDA) in 105 patients. Based on the cerebral artery territory, the 122 CT lesions were classified into the following 8 types: 10 hemispheric, 43 superficial, 23 deep, 28 superficial+deep, 1 anterior cerebral artery, 6 posterior cerebral artery, 10 watershed, and 1 vertebrobasilar. Therefore, infarctions of the internal carotid artery (ICA) system, including 94 infarctions of the middle cerebral artery territory, were most frequent, accounting for 94% of all lesions. The ratio of the left to the right infarctions of the ICA system was 1.1:1. However, it should be noted that non-embolic infarctions can occur even patients with Af.

  6. Brainstem and cerebellar changes after cerebrovascular accidents: magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uchino, A.; Takase, Y.; Nomiyama, K.; Egashira, R.; Kudo, S.


    We illustrate the various types of secondary degeneration in the brainstem and/or cerebellum detected on magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained after cerebrovascular accidents. The changes include: (a) ipsilateral nigral degeneration after striatal infarction; (b) Wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract in the brainstem after supratentorial pyramidal tract or motor cortex injury; (c) Wallerian degeneration of the corticopontine tract in the brainstem after frontal lobe infarction; (d) ipsilateral brainstem atrophy and crossed cerebellar atrophy due to an extensive supratentorial lesion; (e) ipsilateral superior cerebellar peduncle atrophy, contralateral rubral degeneration, contralateral inferior olivary degeneration and ipsilateral cerebellar atrophy after dentate nucleus hemorrhage; (f) ipsilateral inferior olivary degeneration after pontine tegmentum hemorrhage; (g) bilateral wallerian degeneration of the pontocerebellar tracts after ventromedial pontine infarction or basis pontis hemorrhage; and (h) ipsilateral cerebellar atrophy after middle cerebellar peduncle hemorrhage. (orig.)

  7. Brainstem and cerebellar changes after cerebrovascular accidents: magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uchino, A.; Takase, Y.; Nomiyama, K.; Egashira, R.; Kudo, S. [Saga Medical School, Department of Radiology, Saga (Japan)


    We illustrate the various types of secondary degeneration in the brainstem and/or cerebellum detected on magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained after cerebrovascular accidents. The changes include: (a) ipsilateral nigral degeneration after striatal infarction; (b) Wallerian degeneration of the pyramidal tract in the brainstem after supratentorial pyramidal tract or motor cortex injury; (c) Wallerian degeneration of the corticopontine tract in the brainstem after frontal lobe infarction; (d) ipsilateral brainstem atrophy and crossed cerebellar atrophy due to an extensive supratentorial lesion; (e) ipsilateral superior cerebellar peduncle atrophy, contralateral rubral degeneration, contralateral inferior olivary degeneration and ipsilateral cerebellar atrophy after dentate nucleus hemorrhage; (f) ipsilateral inferior olivary degeneration after pontine tegmentum hemorrhage; (g) bilateral wallerian degeneration of the pontocerebellar tracts after ventromedial pontine infarction or basis pontis hemorrhage; and (h) ipsilateral cerebellar atrophy after middle cerebellar peduncle hemorrhage. (orig.)

  8. Invasive and noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring of patients with cerebrovascular accidents. (United States)

    Velmahos, G C; Wo, C C; Demetriades, D; Bishop, M H; Shoemaker, W C


    Seventeen patients with hemodynamic instability from acute cerebrovascular accidents were evaluated shortly after arrival at the emergency department of a university-run county hospital with both invasive Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter placement and a new, noninvasive, thoracic electrical bioimpedance device. Values were recorded and temporal patterns of survivors and nonsurvivors were described. Cardiac indices obtained simultaneously by the 2 techniques were compared. Of the 17 patients, 11 (65%) died. Survivors had higher values than nonsurvivors for mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, and oxygen saturation, delivery, and consumption at comparable times. Cardiac index values, as measured by invasive and noninvasive methods, were correlated. We concluded that hemodynamic monitoring in an acute care setting may recognize temporal circulatory patterns associated with outcome. Noninvasive electrical bioimpedance technology offers a new method for early hemodynamic evaluation. Further research in this area is warranted. PMID:9682626

  9. Evaluation of the cerebrovascular pressure reactivity index using non-invasive finapres arterial blood pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasprowicz, M; Kim, D J; Haubrich, C; Czosnyka, Z; Smielewski, P; Czosnyka, M; Schmidt, E


    A pressure reactivity index (PRx) can be assessed in patients with continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure (ABP) and intracranial pressure (ICP) as a moving correlation coefficient between slow fluctuations of these two signals within a low frequency bandwidth. The study aimed to investigate whether the invasive ABP monitoring can be replaced with non-invasive measurement of ABP using a Finapres plethysmograph (fABP) to calculate the fPRx. There is a well-defined group of patients, suffering from hydrocephalus and undergoing CSF pressure monitoring, which may benefit from such a measurement. 41 simultaneous day-by-day monitoring of ICP, ABP and fABP were performed for about 30 min in 10 head injury patients. A Bland–Altman assessment for agreement was used to compare PRx and fPRx calculations. Performance metrics and the McNemary test were used to determine whether fPRx is sensitive enough to distinguish between functioning and disturbed cerebrovascular pressure reactivity. The fPRx correlated with PRx (R Spearman = 0.92, p < 0.001; bias = −0.04; lower and upper limits of agreement: −0.26 and 0.17, respectively). The fPRx distinguished between active and passive reactivity in more than 89% cases. The fPRx can be used with care for assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity in patients for whom invasive ABP measurement is not feasible. The fPRx is sensitive enough to distinguish between functional and deranged reactivity

  10. Computed tomography of cerebrovascular accidents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jong Deuk; Moon, Yang In; Lim, Se Hwan; Lee, Cheorl Woo; Kim, Byung Chan; Won, Jong Jin


    Computed tomography (CT) is an accurate and noninvasive method in the evaluation of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) for detection of nature, location, extension and associated changes. Retrospective analysis was done in 402 patients of clinically suspected CVA who were performed CT in our hospital from December 1985 to December 1987. The results were as follows; 1. The analysis of CT findings in 402 patients showed 321 cases of CVA, 79 cases of normal findings, and 2 cases of brain tumors. 2. Among 321 cases of CVA, intracerebral hemorrhage was noted in 158 cases, cerebral infarction in 126 cases, and subarachnoid hemorrhage in 37 cases. 3. The common sites of cerebral hemorrhage were basal ganglia in 99 cases, especially putamen, thalamus in 32 cases, and cerebrum, cerebellum in 11 cases respectively. Cerebral infarction was found chiefly at the areas distributed by the middle cerebral artery: cerebral lobe 55 cases and basal ganglia 51 cases. The aneurysm was the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and its common site was posterior communicating artery and middle cerebral artery areas. 4. The common shape of cerebral infarction was oval in basal ganglia and wedged in the cerebral lobes. The contrast enhancement of the cerebral infarction was observed in 10% of cases between the 3rd days and 2nd weeks after onset, and was usually gyral patients (77.7%). 5. The aneurysm was noted as enhancing nodule on contrast CT in all 14 cases. In conclusion, the most common cause of CVA is intracerebral hemorrhage in Iri, Korea. High resolution contrast enhanced CT can be used in the diagnosis of the ruptured cerebral aneurysm without the aid of cerebral angiography

  11. Computed tomography of cerebrovascular accidents

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jong Deuk; Moon, Yang In; Lim, Se Hwan; Lee, Cheorl Woo; Kim, Byung Chan; Won, Jong Jin [Wonkwang University School of Medicine, Iri (Korea, Republic of)


    Computed tomography (CT) is an accurate and noninvasive method in the evaluation of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) for detection of nature, location, extension and associated changes. Retrospective analysis was done in 402 patients of clinically suspected CVA who were performed CT in our hospital from December 1985 to December 1987. The results were as follows; 1. The analysis of CT findings in 402 patients showed 321 cases of CVA, 79 cases of normal findings, and 2 cases of brain tumors. 2. Among 321 cases of CVA, intracerebral hemorrhage was noted in 158 cases, cerebral infarction in 126 cases, and subarachnoid hemorrhage in 37 cases. 3. The common sites of cerebral hemorrhage were basal ganglia in 99 cases, especially putamen, thalamus in 32 cases, and cerebrum, cerebellum in 11 cases respectively. Cerebral infarction was found chiefly at the areas distributed by the middle cerebral artery: cerebral lobe 55 cases and basal ganglia 51 cases. The aneurysm was the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and its common site was posterior communicating artery and middle cerebral artery areas. 4. The common shape of cerebral infarction was oval in basal ganglia and wedged in the cerebral lobes. The contrast enhancement of the cerebral infarction was observed in 10% of cases between the 3rd days and 2nd weeks after onset, and was usually gyral patients (77.7%). 5. The aneurysm was noted as enhancing nodule on contrast CT in all 14 cases. In conclusion, the most common cause of CVA is intracerebral hemorrhage in Iri, Korea. High resolution contrast enhanced CT can be used in the diagnosis of the ruptured cerebral aneurysm without the aid of cerebral angiography.

  12. A síndrome ombro-mão nas hemiplegias vasculares Shoulder-hand syndrome in cerebrovascular hemiplegia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastião E. Melo Souza


    Full Text Available São expostos os dados obtidos em 18 casos de síndrome ombro-mão, encontrados mediante revisão de 175 pacientes acometidos de afecção cerebro-vascular aguda. Em todos os casos a síndrome se instalou no lado paralisado, evidenciando a importância da imobilização. O início se deu, na maioria das vezes, por edema de mão, aparecendo dentro de duas a três semanas após o icto. Os resultados eletromiográficos obtidos em 7 casos, são comentados. O tratamento de maior êxito se deve à cinesiterapia, podendo-se associar a griseofulvina, útil no alívio da dor.From 175 cases of cerebrovascular disease, 18 patients with shoulder-hand syndrome are studied. In all patients the syndrome involved the paralysed limb, a fact that points to immobility as a enhancing factor. Hand edema occurring two to three weeks after the stroke was the first sign of the syndrome. Eletromyographic data were evaluated in 7 patients. Griseofulvine (for pain and kinesiotherapy are the best available tratment.

  13. No relationship between cerebral blood flow velocity and cerebrovascular reserve capacity and contemporaneously measured glucose and insulin concentrations in diabetes mellitus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fülesdi, B.; Limburg, M.; Bereczki, D.; Molnár, C.; Michels, R. P.; Leányvári, Z.; Csiba, L.


    Blood glucose and insulin concentrations have been reported to influence cerebral hemodynamics. We studied the relationship between actual blood glucose and insulin concentrations and resting cerebral blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery and cerebrovascular reserve capacity after

  14. Blood oxygen-level dependent functional assessment of cerebrovascular reactivity: Feasibility for intraoperative 3 Tesla MRI. (United States)

    Fierstra, Jorn; Burkhardt, Jan-Karl; van Niftrik, Christiaan Hendrik Bas; Piccirelli, Marco; Pangalu, Athina; Kocian, Roman; Neidert, Marian Christoph; Valavanis, Antonios; Regli, Luca; Bozinov, Oliver


    To assess the feasibility of functional blood oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) MRI to evaluate intraoperative cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) at 3 Tesla field strength. Ten consecutive neurosurgical subjects scheduled for a clinical intraoperative MRI examination were enrolled in this study. In addition to the clinical protocol a BOLD sequence was implemented with three cycles of 44 s apnea to calculate CVR values on a voxel-by-voxel basis throughout the brain. The CVR range was then color-coded and superimposed on an anatomical volume to create high spatial resolution CVR maps. Ten subjects (mean age 34.8 ± 13.4; 2 females) uneventfully underwent the intraoperative BOLD protocol, with no complications occurring. Whole-brain CVR for all subjects was (mean ± SD) 0.69 ± 0.42, whereas CVR was markedly higher for tumor subjects as compared to vascular subjects, 0.81 ± 0.44 versus 0.33 ± 0.10, respectively. Furthermore, color-coded functional maps could be robustly interpreted for a whole-brain assessment of CVR. We demonstrate that intraoperative BOLD MRI is feasible in creating functional maps to assess cerebrovascular reactivity throughout the brain in subjects undergoing a neurosurgical procedure. Magn Reson Med 77:806-813, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  15. Possibilities of using naftidrofuryl in the therapy of cerebrovascular diseases: Literature review and the authors’ observations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. N. Belova


    Full Text Available The efficacy of naftidrofuryl in treating cerebrovascular diseases is analyzed on the basis of a review of the Russian and foreign literature. Naftidrofuryl is a seroton 5-HT2 receptor antagonist and acts on brain energy metabolism mainly during hypoxia or ischemia. The results of preclinical studies proving the antispasmodic and neuroprotective properties of the drug and its capacity to normalize microcirculation in hypoxia are briefly considered. Experimental findings served as a basis for further studies of the efficacy of naftidrofuryl in patients with stroke, chronic cerebral ischemia, or vascular dementia. The use of naftidrofuryl (dusopharm was demonstrated to statistically significantly enhance the efficiency of rehabilitation in post-stroke patients and to be followed by significant psychoemotional improvement. According to a Cochrane review, the naftidrofuryl-treated patients with vascular dementia showed a tendency towards better executive and cognitive functions, behavior, and mood. The drug was noted to have a positive effect on the health of patients with chronic cerebral ischemia.The authors provide the data of their trial of naftidrofuryl used in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, which have confirmed its efficacy in this category of patients. The data available in the literature suggest that oral naftidrofuryl has a good tolerability and safety profile in patients with cerebrovascular diseases.

  16. Effect of mitral regurgitation on cerebrovascular accidents in patients with atrial fibrillation and left atrial thrombus. (United States)

    Nair, Chandra K; Aronow, Wilbert S; Shen, Xuedong; Anand, Kishlay; Holmberg, Mark J; Esterbrooks, Dennis J


    The effect of mitral regurgitation (MR) on the incidence of new cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) and mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and left atrial thrombus (LAT) is unknown. To investigate the effect of MR in patients with AF and LAT on new CVA and mortality. Eighty nine consecutive patients, mean age 71 years, with AF and LAT documented by transesophageal echocardiography were investigated to determine the prevalence and severity of MR and the association of the severity of MR with new cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) and mortality at 34-mo follow-up. Of 89 patients, 1 + MR was present in 23 patients (26%), 2 + MR in 44 patients (50%), 3 + MR in 17 patients (19%), and 4 + MR in 3 patients (4%). Mean follow-up was 34 +/- 28 mo. The Cox proportional hazards model showed that the severity of increased MR did not significantly increase new CVA or mortality at 34-mo follow-up. The only variable predictive of mortality was left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and with every unit increase in LVEF, the risk decreased by 3%. MR occurred in 87 of 89 patients (98%) with AF and LAT. There was no association between the severity of MR and the incidence of CVA or mortality.

  17. Choline and its metabolites are differently associated with cardiometabolic risk factors, cardiovascular history and MRI documented cerebrovascular disease in older adults (United States)

    Background: There is a potential role of choline in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease through its involvement in lipid and one-carbon metabolism. Objective: We evaluated the associations of plasma choline and choline-related compounds with cardiometabolic risk factors, history of cardiovas...

  18. Risk of Cerebrovascular Events in Elderly Patients After Radiation Therapy Versus Surgery for Early-Stage Glottic Cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, Julian C.; Kruser, Tim J.; Gondi, Vinai; Mohindra, Pranshu; Cannon, Donald M.; Harari, Paul M.; Bentzen, Søren M.


    Purpose: Comprehensive neck radiation therapy (RT) has been shown to increase cerebrovascular disease (CVD) risk in advanced-stage head-and-neck cancer. We assessed whether more limited neck RT used for early-stage (T1-T2 N0) glottic cancer is associated with increased CVD risk, using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)-Medicare linked database. Methods and Materials: We identified patients ≥66 years of age with early-stage glottic laryngeal cancer from SEER diagnosed from 1992 to 2007. Patients treated with combined surgery and RT were excluded. Medicare CPT codes for carotid interventions, Medicare ICD-9 codes for cerebrovascular events, and SEER data for stroke as the cause of death were collected. Similarly, Medicare CPT and ICD-9 codes for peripheral vascular disease (PVD) were assessed to serve as an internal control between treatment groups. Results: A total of 1413 assessable patients (RT, n=1055; surgery, n=358) were analyzed. The actuarial 10-year risk of CVD was 56.5% (95% confidence interval 51.5%-61.5%) for the RT cohort versus 48.7% (41.1%-56.3%) in the surgery cohort (P=.27). The actuarial 10-year risk of PVD did not differ between the RT (52.7% [48.1%-57.3%]) and surgery cohorts (52.6% [45.2%-60.0%]) (P=.89). Univariate analysis showed an increased association of CVD with more recent diagnosis (P=.001) and increasing age (P=.001). On multivariate Cox analysis, increasing age (P<.001) and recent diagnosis (P=.002) remained significantly associated with a higher CVD risk, whereas the association of RT and CVD remained not statistically significant (HR=1.11 [0.91-1.37,] P=.31). Conclusions: Elderly patients with early-stage laryngeal cancer have a high burden of cerebrovascular events after surgical management or RT. RT and surgery are associated with comparable risk for subsequent CVD development after treatment in elderly patients

  19. Risk of Cerebrovascular Events in Elderly Patients After Radiation Therapy Versus Surgery for Early-Stage Glottic Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hong, Julian C.; Kruser, Tim J. [Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin (United States); Gondi, Vinai [Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin (United States); Central Dupage Hospital Cancer Center, Warrenville, Illinois (United States); Mohindra, Pranshu; Cannon, Donald M.; Harari, Paul M. [Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin (United States); Bentzen, Søren M., E-mail: [Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin (United States)


    Purpose: Comprehensive neck radiation therapy (RT) has been shown to increase cerebrovascular disease (CVD) risk in advanced-stage head-and-neck cancer. We assessed whether more limited neck RT used for early-stage (T1-T2 N0) glottic cancer is associated with increased CVD risk, using the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER)-Medicare linked database. Methods and Materials: We identified patients ≥66 years of age with early-stage glottic laryngeal cancer from SEER diagnosed from 1992 to 2007. Patients treated with combined surgery and RT were excluded. Medicare CPT codes for carotid interventions, Medicare ICD-9 codes for cerebrovascular events, and SEER data for stroke as the cause of death were collected. Similarly, Medicare CPT and ICD-9 codes for peripheral vascular disease (PVD) were assessed to serve as an internal control between treatment groups. Results: A total of 1413 assessable patients (RT, n=1055; surgery, n=358) were analyzed. The actuarial 10-year risk of CVD was 56.5% (95% confidence interval 51.5%-61.5%) for the RT cohort versus 48.7% (41.1%-56.3%) in the surgery cohort (P=.27). The actuarial 10-year risk of PVD did not differ between the RT (52.7% [48.1%-57.3%]) and surgery cohorts (52.6% [45.2%-60.0%]) (P=.89). Univariate analysis showed an increased association of CVD with more recent diagnosis (P=.001) and increasing age (P=.001). On multivariate Cox analysis, increasing age (P<.001) and recent diagnosis (P=.002) remained significantly associated with a higher CVD risk, whereas the association of RT and CVD remained not statistically significant (HR=1.11 [0.91-1.37,] P=.31). Conclusions: Elderly patients with early-stage laryngeal cancer have a high burden of cerebrovascular events after surgical management or RT. RT and surgery are associated with comparable risk for subsequent CVD development after treatment in elderly patients.

  20. Dipyridamole cerebral flow stress test evaluating ischemic cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xiu, Y.; Chen, S.; Sun, X.; Liu, S.; Li, W.; Fan, W.; Wang, X.


    To detect the clinical value of dipyridamole cerebral blood flow stress test in cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). Nineteen patients (9 male, 10 female, mean age=65) who were diagnosed as CVD were included. One suffered from infarct, two suffered from thrombosis, one feel dizziness. All 4 performed rest and stress test. The other 15 were VBI, 9 of them performed stress test. Rest and stress test were done two-day method using Elscint Apex SP-6 SPECT equipped with low energy all purpose collimator. Rest perfusion imaging was started 30 min after injecting 1.11 GBq 99m Tc-ECD. Dipyridamole stress test was done within one week. 0.56 mg/Kg dipyridamole was injected intravenously during 4 min the same dose of ECD was injected 2 min later. The acquisition started 30 min later with the same parameter. Heart rate, ECG and the patient's complaint were monitored 2 min before and after dipyridamole. After correction for attenuation, transverse, coronal and sagittal slices were reconstructed. Eighteen ROIs were drawn symmetrically on cingulate, frontal, temporal-parietal, temporal, occipital, vision cortex, basal ganglia, superior frontal and parietal on the 3 rd , 6 th , 9 th transverse slices, selecting the contralateral as the reference region. The counts per pixel in each ROI were divided by the counts of the mirror region to obtain the relative uptake ratio. We think it abnormality when the ratio is above 1,1 or below 0.9. The sensitivity for rest and stress rCBF test was compared. rCBF was decreased at 10 of 19 patients (sensitivity 52.6%). 14 had low rCBF after dipyridamole (sensitivity 72.3%), Among the patients who studied stress test, 6 had normal rCBF at rest and low rCBF after stress. The abnormal area was enlarged after dipyridamole for 1 patients, 2 improved and 2 unchanged. 8 of 15 VBI had normal rCBF at rest (sensitivity 53.3%). 9 of 15 VBI performed stress test. rCBF was normal at rest for 5 patients, rCBF was decreased after stress, it was improved for one

  1. Asymptomatic cerebrovascular lesions detected by magnetic resonance imaging in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus lacking a history of neuropsychiatric events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nomura, Kumiko; Yamano, Shigeru; Ikeda, Yukiko [Nara Medical Univ., Kashihara (Japan)] (and others)


    To clarify the extent of asymptomatic cerebrovascular involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and ultrasonography findings of 100 patients with SLE lacking present or past clinical neurologic deficits were compared with 66 age-matched volunteers to determine the combined intima-media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery, and tests for anti-cardiolipin antibodies (aCL). Thirty-eight patients, but only 2 controls, showed imaging abnormalities. Among 23 SLE patients with cerebrovascular lesions by MRI who underwent single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 14 showed hypoperfusion of the lesion. The IMT value and prevalence of aCL did not differ between the 55 SLE patients tested and controls. SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) as assessed by a quantitative clinical index was significantly greater in patients with brain lesions than in those without. The prevalence of asymptomatic brain lesions in SLE patients is high, and shows a relationship to disease activity. (author)

  2. The Comparison of Continuous and Intermittent Enteral Nutrition In Cerebrovascular Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Levent Güngör


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Dysphagia and malnutrition are not so rare in stroke patients, and have an unfavorable influence on recovery. Nutritional support may reduce infections, duration of hospital stay and mortality. However, there is no clear evidence about the modality of nasogastric nutrition. In this study, intermittent and continuous enteral nutrition is compared by means of pulmonary infections and gastrointestinal tolerance, among acute cerebrovascular patients. METHODS: Sixty two acute cerebrovascular patients with dysphagia were included the study. The same volume of nutrition product was infused 4 times daily to 31 patients, and continuously for 24 hours to the remaining 31. After 10 days of follow-up, the rates of pulmonary infections, diarrhea, increased gastric residual volumes, vomiting and tube occlusion were compared between two groups. RESULTS: Twenty patients developed pneumonia (32% and 8 diarrhea (13%. Mortality due to complications associated with tube feeding was 6%. Aspiration and related pneumonia was present in 11 patients in the intermittent nutrition group (35%, and in 9 patients in the continuous nutrition group (29%. The rate of pulmonary infection was not statistically different between two groups (p>0.05. Diarrhea was observed in 7 intermittently fed patients (23%, while was present only in 1 patient (3% in the continuously fed group. Diarrhea was more common in the intermittent nutrition group, just at the statistical border (p=0.05. None of the patients developed tube occlusion, vomiting and gastric retention. The rate of mortality and the interruption of feeding was not significantly different between two groups (p>0.05. CONCLUSION: Diarrhea and pulmonary infections are more prevalent with intermittent tube feeding with respect to continuous enteral nutrition, though the difference is not so conspicuous. The reason may be contamination of the equipments and the feeding solution because of frequent manipulation and

  3. The Comparison of Continuous and Intermittent Enteral Nutrition In Cerebrovascular Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Levent Güngör


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Dysphagia and malnutrition are not so rare in stroke patients, and have an unfavorable influence on recovery. Nutritional support may reduce infections, duration of hospital stay and mortality. However, there is no clear evidence about the modality of nasogastric nutrition. In this study, intermittent and continuous enteral nutrition is compared by means of pulmonary infections and gastrointestinal tolerance, among acute cerebrovascular patients. METHODS: Sixty two acute cerebrovascular patients with dysphagia were included the study. The same volume of nutrition product was infused 4 times daily to 31 patients, and continuously for 24 hours to the remaining 31. After 10 days of follow-up, the rates of pulmonary infections, diarrhea, increased gastric residual volumes, vomiting and tube occlusion were compared between two groups. RESULTS: Twenty patients developed pneumonia (32% and 8 diarrhea (13%. Mortality due to complications associated with tube feeding was 6%. Aspiration and related pneumonia was present in 11 patients in the intermittent nutrition group (35%, and in 9 patients in the continuous nutrition group (29%. The rate of pulmonary infection was not statistically different between two groups (p>0.05. Diarrhea was observed in 7 intermittently fed patients (23%, while was present only in 1 patient (3% in the continuously fed group. Diarrhea was more common in the intermittent nutrition group, just at the statistical border (p=0.05. None of the patients developed tube occlusion, vomiting and gastric retention. The rate of mortality and the interruption of feeding was not significantly different between two groups (p>0.05. CONCLUSION: Diarrhea and pulmonary infections are more prevalent with intermittent tube feeding with respect to continuous enteral nutrition, though the difference is not so conspicuous. The reason may be contamination of the equipments and the feeding solution because of frequent manipulation and

  4. Significance of Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Accidents

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    Sumnima Acharya


    Full Text Available Introduction: Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA is defined as abrupt onset of a neurological deficit that is attributable to a focal vascular cause. CT scan is a widely available, affordable, non-invasive and relatively accurate investigation in patients with stroke and is important to identify stroke pathology and exclude mimics. Aim of this study is to establish the diagnostic significance of computed tomography in cerebrovascular accident and to differentiate between cerebral infarction and cerebral haemorrhage with CT for better management of CVA. Methods: A one year observational cross sectional study was conducted in 100 patients that presented at the department of radiodiagnosis from emergency or ward within the one year of study period with the clinical diagnosis of stroke, and had a brain CT scan done within one to fourteen days of onset. Results: A total of 100 patients were studied. 66 were male and 34 were female with a male/female ratio of 1.9:1. Maximum number of cases (39% was in the age group of 61-80 yrs. Among 100 patients, 55 cases were clinically diagnosed as hemorrhagic stroke and 45 cases were clinically diagnosed with an infarct. Out of the 55 hemorrhagic cases, two cases were diagnosed as both hemorrhage and infarct by CT scan, one case had normal CT scan findings and one had subdural haemorrhage. These four cases were excluded while comparing the clinical diagnosis with CT scan finding. Among 51 clinically diagnosed cases of hemorrhagic stroke, 32(62.7% cases were proved by CT scan as hemorrhagic stroke and among clinically diagnosed cases of infarct, 39(86.7% cases were proved by CT scan as infarct which is statistically significant (p <0.001. A significant agreement between clinical and CT diagnosis was observed as indicated by kappa value of 0.49. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of clinical findings as compared to CT in diagnosing hemorrhage were 84.2%, 67.2%, 62.8% and 86


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    Daniel Bruno Resende Chaves


    Full Text Available Una de las secuelas más comunes en personas con accidente cerebrovascular y que pueden afectar la calidad de vida de los pacientes es el cambio en la comunicación. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la prevalencia del diagnóstico de enfermería Comunicación verbal perjudicada en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular en la fase de rehabilitación. Estudio transversal, exploratorio, realizado en dos instituciones de rehabilitación en Fortaleza, Brasil. Se evaluaron 40 individuos en el período de marzo-abril de 2008. Comunicación verbal perjudicada ha sido encontrada en 15 participantes (37,5%. El cambio en la habla traducida en la forma de diagnóstico Comunicación verbal perjudicada ha sido frecuente en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular en este estudio. Esto demuestra secuela importancia, mereciendo mayor atención y preparación del enfermero para proporcionar cuidados específicos a las personas con esto cambio.

  6. Collateral blood flow in different cerebrovascular hierarchy provides endogenous protection in cerebral ischemia. (United States)

    Luo, Chuanming; Liang, Fengyin; Ren, Huixia; Yao, Xiaoli; Liu, Qiang; Li, Mingyue; Qin, Dajiang; Yuan, Ti-Fei; Pei, Zhong; Su, Huanxing


    Collateral blood flow as vascular adaptions to focal cerebral ischemia is well recognized. However, few studies directly investigate the dynamics of collateral vessel recruitment in vivo and little is known about the effect of collateral blood flow in different cerebrovascular hierarchy on the neuropathology after focal ischemic stroke. Here, we report that collateral blood flow is critically involved in blood vessel compensations following regional ischemia. We occluded a pial arteriole using femtosecond laser ablating under the intact thinned skull and documented the changes of collateral flow around the surface communication network and between the surface communication network and subsurface microcirculation network using in vivo two photon microscopy imaging. Occlusion of the pial arteriole apparently increased the diameter and collateral blood flow of its leptomeningeal anastomoses, which significantly reduced the cortical infarction size. This result suggests that the collateral flow via surface communicating network connected with leptomeningeal anastomoses could greatly impact on the extent of infarction. We then further occluded the target pial arteriole and all of its leptomeningeal anastomoses. Notably, this type of occlusion led to reversals of blood flow in the penetrating arterioles mainly proximal to the occluded pial arteriole in a direction from the subsurface microcirculation network to surface arterioles. Interesting, the cell death in the area of ischemic penumbra was accelerated when we performed occlusion to cease the reversed blood flow in those penetrating arterioles, suggesting that the collateral blood flow from subsurface microcirculation network exerts protective roles in delaying cell death in the ischemic penumbra. In conclusion, we provide the first experimental evidence that collateral blood vessels at different cerebrovascular hierarchy are endogenously compensatory mechanisms in brain ischemia. © 2016 International Society of

  7. Dynamic cerebral autoregulation and cerebrovascular reactivity: a comparative study in lacunar infarct patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gommer, E D; Mess, W H; Reulen, J P H; Staals, J; Van Oostenbrugge, R J; Lodder, J


    The major purpose of this study was to simultaneously evaluate dCA before and shortly after cerebral vasodilatation evoked by infusion of acetazolamide (ACZ). It was questioned if and to what degree dCA was changed after ACZ infusion. Using 15 mg kg −1 ACZ infusion cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) was assessed in 29 first ever lacunar stroke patients (19 M/10 F). During the CVR-test, the electrocardiogram, non-invasive finger arterial blood pressure (ABP) and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (CBFV) were recorded. DCA based on spontaneous blood pressure variations was evaluated in 24 subjects by linear transfer function analysis. Squared coherence, gain and phase angle in the frequency range of autoregulation (0.04–0.16 Hz) were compared before and after ACZ infusion. After ACZ infusion, median phase angle decreased significantly (p < 0.005 Wilcoxon) to 0.77 rad compared to a pre-test baseline value of 1.05 rad, indicating less efficient dCA due to ACZ. However, post-test phase values are still mostly within the normal range. Poor and statistically non-significant correlations were found between CVR and absolute dCA phase angle. It can be concluded that CVR testing with body weight adjusted infusion of ACZ lowers dCA performance but by no means exhausts dCA, suggesting that in this way maximal CVR is not determined. Characterizing dCA based on transfer function analysis of ABP to CBFV needs no provocation and adverse patient effects are minimal. The poor correlation between CVR and dCA phase angle supports an interpretation that CVR and dCA study different mechanisms of cerebrovascular control

  8. CT findings of cerebrovascular diseases in patients with atrial fibrillation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubo, Hideki; Iwamoto, Toshihiko; Kanaya, Kiyoshi; Hanyu, Haruo; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiko; Katsunuma, Hideyo


    CT findings of cerebrovascular diseases were studied in 111 patients with atrial fibrillation (Af). One of these patients had cerebral hemorrhage, and another, subarachnoid hemorrhage, while the others all had cerebral infarctions. CT revealed 122 lesions with a low-density area (LDA) in 105 patients. Based on the cerebral artery territory, the 122 CT lesions were classified into the following 8 types: 10 hemispheric, 43 superficial, 23 deep, 28 superficial+deep, 1 anterior cerebral artery, 6 posterior cerebral artery, 10 watershed, and 1 vertebrobasilar. Therefore, infarctions of the internal carotid artery (ICA) system, including 94 infarctions of the middle cerebral artery territory, were most frequent, accounting for 94% of all lesions. The ratio of the left to the right infarctions of the ICA system was 1.1:1. However, it should be noted that non-embolic infarctions can occur even patients with Af. (author)

  9. Accidente cerebro-vascular en la enfermedad de Fabry: Algo más que una simple estenosis Stroke in Fabry disease: More than a simple stenosis

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    Juan Manuel Politei


    Full Text Available Se analiza la evidencia existente a la fecha sobre los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que pueden generar accidentes cerebrovasculares en la enfermedad de Fabry. Esta entidad es el resultado de la deficiencia de a-galactosidasa A, lo que resulta en depósito patológico de glicoesfingilípidos en distintas poblaciones celulares. Asociados a la insuficiencia renal y cardíaca, los accidentes cerebrovasculares pueden derivar en la muerte de los pacientes. Durante mucho tiempo el único mecanismo generador de daño vascular informado fue la oclusión vascular por depósito lipídico a nivel endotelial. En la actualidad se describen otros mecanismos. El advenimiento de la terapia de reemplazo enzimático ha generado gran expectativa en cuanto la posibilidad de reversión de estos mecanismos. Si bien la evidencia es escasa y son necesarios más estudios a largo plazo, algunos informes demuestran que luego de meses, el tratamiento ha logrado revertir algunos de los mecanismos implicados.The objective is to analyze the updated evidence on the physiopathological mechanisms that can generate cerebrovascular damage in Fabry disease. Fabry disease is the result of the deficiency of a-galactosidasa A, which causes pathological storage of glycosphingolipids, in different cells. Associated to renal and cardiac insufficiency, cerebrovascular complications can derive in the death of the patients. During a long time the only reported mechanism was the vascular occlusion by deposit of lipids at endothelial level. At the present time, other mechanisms are postulated. The arrival of enzyme replacement therapy has generated great expectation on the possibility of reversion of these alterations. Although the evidence is scarce and more long term studies are necessary, some reports demonstrate that after months, the treatment has managed to revert some of the mechanisms involved.

  10. Cerebrovascular disease in neonates: evaluation of four cases Doença cerebrovascular em recém nascidos: avaliação de quatro casos

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    Full Text Available The clinical and neurological study in four neonates infants with cerebral infarction are reported. The purpose of this study is to call attention for the clinical course, cranial ultrasound, computed tomography and laboratories tests, in order to evaluate the neurological sequelae. A careful evaluation has be taken in order to determine the significance of clinical and laboratory tests for syndromic, topographic and etiologic diagnosis after one year ambulatorial follow-up.Apresentamos o estudo clínico e neurológico de quatro recém nascidos com diagnóstico de doença cerebrovascular. A finalidade do presente estudo é chamar a atenção para o reconhecimento clínico e a valorização dos procedimentos laboratoriais para o diagnóstico sindrômico, topográfico e etiológico, bem como para avaliar as sequelas após um ano de acompanhamento ambulatorial.

  11. Positron emission tomographic studies using C-11-glucose in normal aging and cerebrovascular dementia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ujike, Takashi; Terashi, Akiro; Soeda, Toshiyuki; Kitamura, Shin; Kato, Toshiaki; Iio, Masaaki.


    Seven normal volunteers and 11 patients with cerebrovascular dementia were studied about the relations between effect of aging, severity of dementia, cerebral glucose metabolism and metabolic response to verbal stimuli by positron emission tomography (PET) using C-11-glucose. Regional distribution of glycogenic metabolites (RDGM: mg/100 g brain), which was a semi-quantitation of the pool of glycogenic metabolites mainly amino acids, were calculated. The RDGM values in elder normal subjects were significantly low compared with young normal subjects in frontal cortex (p < 0.05). The decline in frontal cortex metabolism could have been caused by the morphological changes in the course of aging. In temporal cortex, there was no significance between two groups. RDGM increased significantly respond to the verbal stimuli in frontal and temporal cortex both young and elder normal subjects. The RDGM values in vascular dementias were significantly low (p < 0.001) compared with elder normal subjects' in frontal and temporal cortex. Significant difference existed between mild and severe dementia in frontal cortex (p < 0.05). However, there was no significance between mild and severe dementias in temporal cortex. In mild dementias, RDGM increased significantly respond to the verbal stimuli in frontal and temporal cortex. In severe dementias, metabolic response to the verbal stimuli was less or lacking. Our results suggest that the cerebral metabolic functional reserve and the ability of the cerebral cortex to function respond to psychophysiologic stimulation are preserved in young and elder normal subjects and mild cerebrovascular dementias. (J.P.N.)

  12. Estatinas para el síndrome coronario agudo

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    Noah Vale


    Conclusiones de los autores: Según las pruebas disponibles, el inicio del tratamiento con estatinas en el transcurso de 14 días después del SCA no reduce la muerte, el infarto de miocardio ni el accidente cerebrovascular hasta los cuatro meses, pero reduce la ocurrencia de angina inestable a los cuatro meses después del SCA.

  13. Electrocardiographic abnormalities in acute cerebro-vascular accidents and their correlation with cerebro-spinal fluid pressure and serum electrolytes

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    Gambhir M


    Full Text Available Electrocardiographic studies have been carried out in 50 patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents. These cases included 31 cases from non-haemorrhagic group and 19 cases from haemor-rhagic group. `T′ or T-U wave abnormalities were seen in 63.1% of cases in haemorrhagic group and in 35.4% of cases from non-hae-morrhagic group. Abnormal prolongation of QTc interval (105% of normal i.e. 0.45 Secs. was observed in 73.6% cases from haemorrhagic group and in 35.4% of cases from non-haemorrhagic group. On comparing these two groups it was found that QTc was signi-ficantly more prolonged in patiens of haemorrhagic group than non--haemorrhagic group. The CSF pressure was found to be signi-ficantly more in patients with ECG abnormalities. However, there teas no correlation between serum electrolyte levels and ECG abnormalities. After 2 weeks, the ECG abnormalities disappeared, except in two cases from haemorrhagic group. There was no signi-ficant difference in the incidence of mortality between patient having ECG abnormalities and the patients without ECG abnormalities. In the light of these findings the probable mechanism of production of ECG changes in acute cerebrovascular accidents is discussed.

  14. Doença cerebrovascular na infância: I. Manifestações epilépticas Cerebrovascular disease in children: I. Epileptic manifestations

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    Full Text Available As crises epilépticas podem constituir complicação de doença cerebrovascular (DCV, e a sua prevalência, apresentação clínica, fatores de risco e evolução em crianças tem sido estudadas por poucos autores. Neste estudo, 39 crianças com diagnóstico de DCV foram avaliadas quanto à ocorrência de manifestações epilépticas. Vinte e quatro (61,5% apresentaram crises durante algum momento da doença (22 na fase aguda e 2 na tardia; 13 (54,2% apresentaram crises generalizadas, 7 (29,2% parciais, e 4 (16,6% secundariamente generalizadas. A prevalência de manifestação epiléptica em lactentes foi significativamente maior (p=0,0362 do que nas outras faixas etárias. A localização cortical da DCV mostrou determinar de modo estatisticamente significante (p=0,0101 a ocorrência de crises. Não houve relação significativa entre o tipo de insulto vascular (isquêmico ou hemorrágico e a ocorrência de crises. Quatorze pacientes evoluíram sem crise após a fase aguda; os 2 pacientes previamente epilépticos tiveram suas crises controladas com droga anti-epiléptica (DAE; 3 evoluíram com epilepsia (1 controlado com DAE e 2 de difícil controle; 3 continuaram em acompanhamento ambulatorial e não houve tempo hábil para definir se o quadro evoluirá para epilepsia e em 2 ocorreu óbito na fase aguda.Seizures may occur as a complication of cerebrovascular disease (CVD and its prevalence, clinical presentation, risk factors and evolution have been reported by few authors. We evaluated 39 children with CVD and analysed the association with seizures. Seizures occurred in 24 (61.5% patients and were classified as partial (29.2%, generalized (54.2% and secondarily generalized (16.6%. Infants had a significantly higher prevalence of seizures (p=0.0362 than children at other ages. Cortical localization was associated with a significantly higher prevalence of seizures (p=0.0101. There were no differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes

  15. [Experience of Regional Vascular Centre in assisting patients with severe cerebrovascular accidents in Novosibirsk]. (United States)

    Doronin, B M; Marushak, A A; Popova, T F; Gribacheva, I A; Petrova, E V


    The analysis of the work of the neurological department of the Novosibirsk regional vascular center of City Clinical Hospital #1 for the period from 2013 to 2015 was done. We analyzed the annual reports of the regional vascular center, dynamics of cerebrovascular disease patterns, lethality, about the provision of medical care to patients with stroke, the use of high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment. Ascertain the progress achieved and the perspectives of further improving the quality of care to patients with stroke due to wider use of methods of rehabilitation in the acute stage of stroke.

  16. Dynamic computed tomography for the evaluation of cerebrovascular disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Terada, Tomoaki; Nishiguchi, Takashi; Hyotani, Genhachi; Miyamoto, Kazuki; Hayashi, Seiji; Komai, Norihiko [Wakayama Medical Coll. (Japan); Nakamura, Yoshinari; Moriwaki, Hiroshi


    Dynamic computed tomography (DCT) was evaluated as a diagnostic indicator for chronic supratentorial ischemia in 50 cases with or without minor neurological deficits. Peak height (PH, the maximum value of the gamma fitted curve), peak time (PT, the time to PH from the start of DCT), transit time (TT, the time between the first and second inflection points of the gamma fitted curve), and their functional maps were analyzed. Cerebral angiography was then performed in all cases to identify stenotic or occlusive vascular lesions in major cerebral arteries. DCT clearly detected 12 of 13 occlusions of the internal carotid artery (ICA) or middle cerebral artery (MCA), although one ICA occlusion was masked by the contralateral MCA occlusion. However, DCT detected only severe ICA or MCA stenosis (more than 90%). Probably, stenotic lesions of less than 90% did not cause detectable hemodynamic compromise. DCT using PH, PT, and TT functional maps is a useful diagnostic method for hemodynamic changes in ischemic cerebrovascular disease, althogh bilateral lesions and less stenotic lesions (<90%) are difficult to detect. (author).

  17. The anatomy and pathophysiology of extracranial atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Connor, R.A.J.


    The brain is supplied by two pairs of arteries, the large carotid arteries anteriorly and the vertebral arteries (so called because they are so close to the vertebral column) posteriorly. All four arteries enter the skull at the base of the brain and are connected in the arterial circle of Willis, a unique safety device that permits arterial blood to cross from one side to the other, in case of need, or from front to back or back to front. When one inflow artery is narrowed or occluded, flow increases via other inflow arteries to maintain pressure and flow within the circle. This collateral circulation is also assisted by inflow to the circle through the orbit. When needed, arterial blood reaches the circle of Willis from the face by traversing the orbit in reverse direction. In unusual circumstances, blood in the circle of Willis can leave the brain and flow down the vertebral artery-the so-called ''vertebral steal.'' The authors provide a detailed description of the anatomy, particularly as it affects the signs, symptoms, and noninvasive diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease

  18. Evaluation of mobility and functionality outcomes post cerebrovascular accident

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    Jeanne Caldas Carvalho


    Introduction: individuals with cerebrovascular accident (CVA have sequels that interfere with its functionality and mobility and undertake activities of daily living (Dlas. Objectives: the aim of this study was to correlate the mobility with functional independence in people with sequelae of CVA. Methods: the 19 volunteers were evaluated through Functional independence measurement and Time Up and Go. The descriptive analysis of data was performed by statistics percentage, average, and standard deviation and the Pearson Correlation was used to analyze the correlation of variables in the study. Results: the statistical analysis on the functional independence pointed out that 52.6% of individuals require 25% more aid in the performance of daily activities. In relation to mobility, 63.1% of participants needed more than 20 seconds to perform the Time Up and Go. There was a negative correlation (r = - 0.6 between the functionality and mobility in individuals affected by CVA (p < 0.05. It is concluded that the performance of the individual affected by a CVA is related to the level of mobility. This study supports new studies which can develop new hypotheses.

  19. Hemiplejía aguda infantil asociada a infección por enterovirus


    Muñoz, Erika; Caramuta, Luciana; Frenkel, Susana; Cáceres, Lidia


    El ictus isquémico en la infancia es una entidad infrecuente, en el 50% de los casos no existe una causa identificable. Sin embargo, con el advenimiento de nuevas técnicas diagnósticas se han podido conocer más afecciones causales. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 9 años con hemiplejía aguda izquierda, con estudios de neuroimágenes poco significativos y en la cual el análisis del líquido cefalorraquídeo por método de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR) para ARN viral, fue positivo pa...

  20. Characterization of (/sup 3/H)5-hydroxytryptamine uptake within rat cerebrovascular tree

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amenta, F.; Rossi, M. de; Mione, M.C.; Geppetti, P.


    The in vitro uptake of tritiated serotonin ((/sup 3/H)5HT) was studied in a preparation of rat extracerebral arteries. The uptake of (/sup 3/H)5HT was time- and temperature-dependent and of high affinity; linear regression analysis gave a Ksub(m) value of 6.48 X 10/sup 7/ M for the specific uptake. Histoautoradiographic studies showed the highest density of silver grains at the level of the adventitial-medial border of the basilar artery. Fluoxetine inhibited the accumulation of silver grains within the adventitial-medial border in the blood vessel studied. The present data further support the view that a neuronal serotonergic system may play a role in the control of blood flow in the cerebrovascular tree.

  1. SPECT and PET in cerebrovascular diseases. SPECT und PET bei cerebrovaskulaeren Erkrankungen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Knapp, W.H. (Herzzentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bad Oeynhausen (Germany). Inst. fuer Nuklearmedizin)


    Investigations using recently emerged perfusion tracers for SPECT, Tc-99m-HMPAO in particular, and studies of local glucose metabolism and oxygen utilisation with PET have deepened our knowledge of the pathophysiology in development and in the sequel of stroke. Studies of local cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve capacity are indicated in case of neurological symptoms suspected to be caused by transient ischemic attacks or in case of significant narrowing of the cerebral arteries. PET investigations of local metabolism (at the present state) are indicated in patients with incompleted stroke or with infarction and extended ischemic border zone. The differential diagnosis between multi-infarct-dementia and primarily neurodegenerative dementias is facilitated, in some individuals, by the characteristic topography of reduced flow. (orig./MG).

  2. Identificação do risco de quedas em idosos após acidente vascular encefálico Identicación del riesgo de caídas en ancianos después de accidente cerebrovascular Identification of the risk of falls in elderly after stroke

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    Alice Gabrielle de Sousa Costa


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar a ocorrência do diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de quedas em indivíduos idosos acometidos por acidente vascular encefálico. Estudo do tipo exploratório, realizado em unidades de reabilitação, no período de novembro de 2007 a março de 2008, por meio de entrevista e exame físico. Utilizou-se a Taxonomia II da Nursing American North Diagnosis Association quanto à nomeação diagnóstica. A população foi composta por 73 idosos com idade média de 69,5 anos, predominância do sexo feminino, baixo nível de escolaridade e renda financeira. Encontrou-se média de 1,6 episódio de acidente vascular encefálico em 2,4 anos. O diagnóstico esteve presente na totalidade dos participantes, e os fatores de risco mais percebidos foram: Força diminuída nas extremidades inferiores, Mobilidade física prejudicada, Dificuldades na marcha e Equilíbrio prejudicado. Assim, a avaliação diagnóstica contínua e individualizada faz-se imprescindível para nortear ações preventivas aos problemas de saúde dos idosos.El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la ocurrencia del diagnóstico de enfermería Riesgo de caídas en ancianos con enfermedad cerebrovascular. Estudio exploratorio, desarrollado en unidades de rehabilitación, de noviembre de 2007 a marzo de 2008, por medio de entrevista y examen físico. Se utilizó la Taxonomía II de la Nursing American North Diagnosis Association para la designación del diagnóstico. La populación fue compuesta por 73 ancianos con 69,5 años en media, predominancia de mujeres, bajo nivel educacional y renta financiera. Se encontró media de 1,6 episodios de enfermedad cerebrovascular en 2,4 años. El diagnóstico fue presente en la totalidad de los participantes y los factores de riesgo más percibidos fueron: Disminución de la fuerza en las extremidades inferiores, Movilidad física perjudicada, Dificultades en la marcha y Equilibrio perjudicado. La evaluación diagn

  3. Efficacy of standard and intensive statin treatment for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in diabetes patients : A meta-analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Vries, Folgerdiena M.; Kolthof, Johan; Postma, Maarten J.; Denig, Petra; Hak, Eelko


    Aims: To estimate the efficacy of standard and intensive statin treatment in the secondary prevention of major cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in diabetes patients. Methods: A systematic search was conducted in Medline over the years 1990 to September 2013. Randomized, double-blind,

  4. Factores predictores de mortalidad por accidente cerebrovascular en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira (Colombia)


    Cristhian David Morales-Plaza; Claudio Aguirre-Castañeda; Jorge Enrique Machado-Alba


    Objetivo: Determinar los factores predictores de mortalidad por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2011. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en los pacientes con diagnóstico de ACV. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas, teniendo en cuenta las variables edad, sexo, tipo de ACV (isquémico o hemorrágico), trastorno asociado, antecedentes personales relacionados con ACV, morta...

  5. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic cerebrovascular disease, use of pentoxifylline

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    V. A. Parfenov


    Full Text Available Chronic cerebrovascular disease (CCVD is one of the most common  iagnoses in Russian neurology, by which is meant vascular cognitive impairment (VCI in modern foreign literature. There are data available in the literature on the diagnosis and treatment of CCVD (VCI. Theresults of the author’s studies show that CCVD often masks other diseases (anxiety and depressive disorders, primary headache, peripheral vestibulopathy, and Alzheimer's disease that are unfortunately poorly diagnosed in our country, so patients do not receive effective treatment. To modify risk factors for stroke (smoking and alcohol cessation, sufficient exercise, to normalize blood pressure (the use of antihypertensivemedications, to reduce blood cholesterol levels (statins, to perform antithrombotic therapy (antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, and to use cognitive enhancers are of key importance when treating patients with CCVD (VCI. There are data on the use of pentoxifylline in patients with CCVD, vascular dementia.

  6. Change of blood rheology in newborn and its cerebrovascular damage

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    Guang-Ming Chen


    Full Text Available Objective: To explore the blood rheology, changes in myocardial enzyme spectrum and brain damage in newborn whose hematocritg (HCT are among 60%-65%. Methods: A total of 100 cases newborn whose HCT among 60%-65% with blood routine examination were set as observation group, 100 cases newborn whose HCT <60% were set as control group, compared the blood rheology, changes in myocardial enzyme spectrum and brain damage between two groups. Results: The HCT, whole blood viscosity (high, whole blood viscosity (low shear, erythrocyte aggregation index, erythrocyte rigidity index, aspertate aminotransferase, creatine kinase, creatine kinase isoenzyme, lactate dehydrogenase, Vs, Vs and the abnormal rate of aEEG examination in observation group were significantly higher than the control group, the difference had statistical significance, RI in observation group were significantly lower than the control group, the difference had statistical significance. Conclusions: newborn whose HCT among 60%-65% but not with polycythemia have appeared and cerebrovascular lesions, it should cause clinical positive value.

  7. Reliable quantification of BOLD fMRI cerebrovascular reactivity despite poor breath-hold performance. (United States)

    Bright, Molly G; Murphy, Kevin


    Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) can be mapped using BOLD fMRI to provide a clinical insight into vascular health that can be used to diagnose cerebrovascular disease. Breath-holds are a readily accessible method for producing the required arterial CO2 increases but their implementation into clinical studies is limited by concerns that patients will demonstrate highly variable performance of breath-hold challenges. This study assesses the repeatability of CVR measurements despite poor task performance, to determine if and how robust results could be achieved with breath-holds in patients. Twelve healthy volunteers were scanned at 3 T. Six functional scans were acquired, each consisting of 6 breath-hold challenges (10, 15, or 20 s duration) interleaved with periods of paced breathing. These scans simulated the varying breath-hold consistency and ability levels that may occur in patient data. Uniform ramps, time-scaled ramps, and end-tidal CO2 data were used as regressors in a general linear model in order to measure CVR at the grey matter, regional, and voxelwise level. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) quantified the repeatability of the CVR measurement for each breath-hold regressor type and scale of interest across the variable task performances. The ramp regressors did not fully account for variability in breath-hold performance and did not achieve acceptable repeatability (ICC0.4). Further analysis of intra-subject CVR variability across the brain (ICCspatial and voxelwise correlation) supported the use of end-tidal CO2 data to extract robust whole-brain CVR maps, despite variability in breath-hold performance. We conclude that the incorporation of end-tidal CO2 monitoring into scanning enables robust, repeatable measurement of CVR that makes breath-hold challenges suitable for routine clinical practice. © 2013.

  8. Recent advances in measuring cerebral blood flow and metabolism in human aging, cerebrovascular disease, dementia, sleep and the epilepsies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, J.S.; Baylor Univ., Houston, TX


    The 133 Xe inhalation method, positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, X-ray transmission tomography by inhalation of 37.5% stable xenon gas during CT scanning, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques contributions to knowledge of normal aging, cerebrovascular disorders, the dementias, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, normal and abnormal sleep, migraine and cluster headache are summarized. 62 refs.; 4 figs.; 2 tabs

  9. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  10. Depression, anxiety and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients following coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A five year longitudinal cohort study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P.J. Tully (Phillip); H.R. Winefield (Helen); R.A. Baker (Robert); J. Denollet (Johan); S.S. Pedersen (Susanne); G.A. Wittert (Gary); D.A. Turnbull (Deborah)


    textabstractBackground: Although depression and anxiety have been implicated in risk for major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE), a theoretical approach to identifying such putative links is lacking. The objective of this study was to examine the association between

  11. Depression, anxiety and major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients following coronary artery bypass graft surgery : A five year longitudinal cohort study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tully, P.J.; Winefield, H.R.; Baker, R.A.; Denollet, Johan; Pedersen, S.S.; Wittert, G.A.; Turnbull, D.


    Background Although depression and anxiety have been implicated in risk for major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE), a theoretical approach to identifying such putative links is lacking. The objective of this study was to examine the association between theoretical

  12. Changes in Cerebral Partial Oxygen Pressure and Cerebrovascular Reactivity During Intracranial Pressure Plateau Waves. (United States)

    Lang, Erhard W; Kasprowicz, Magdalena; Smielewski, Peter; Pickard, John; Czosnyka, Marek


    Plateau waves in intracranial pressure (ICP) are frequently recorded in neuro intensive care and are not yet fully understood. To further investigate this phenomenon, we analyzed partial pressure of cerebral oxygen (pbtO2) and a moving correlation coefficient between ICP and mean arterial blood pressure (ABP), called PRx, along with the cerebral oxygen reactivity index (ORx), which is a moving correlation coefficient between cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and pbtO2 in an observational study. We analyzed 55 plateau waves in 20 patients after severe traumatic brain injury. We calculated ABP, ABP pulse amplitude (ampABP), ICP, CPP, pbtO2, heart rate (HR), ICP pulse amplitude (ampICP), PRx, and ORx, before, during, and after each plateau wave. The analysis of variance with Bonferroni post hoc test was used to compare the differences in the variables before, during, and after the plateau wave. We considered all plateau waves, even in the same patient, independent because they are separated by long intervals. We found increases for ICP and ampICP according to our operational definitions for plateau waves. PRx increased significantly (p = 0.00026), CPP (p pressure remains stable in ICP plateau waves, while cerebral autoregulatory indices show distinct changes, which indicate cerebrovascular reactivity impairment at the top of the wave. PbtO2 decreases during the waves and may show a slight overshoot after normalization. We assume that this might be due to different latencies of the cerebral blood flow and oxygen level control mechanisms. Other factors may include baseline conditions, such as pre-plateau wave cerebrovascular reactivity or pbtO2 levels, which differ between studies.

  13. Taquiarritmias postoperatorias en la cirugía cardíaca del adulto. Profilaxis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Enríquez


    Full Text Available Las arritmias en el periodo postoperatorio de la cirugía cardíaca suelen ser un hallazgo común ligado a múltiples mecanismos. Las condiciones particulares inherentes al acto quirúrgico pueden iniciar, facilitar o agravar un evento arrítmico por modificaciones en el sustrato anatómico y en sus moduladores. Aunque tradicionalmente consideradas como arritmias transitorias, diversos estudios muestran su asociación con una mayor morbimortalidad, riesgo de ictus, compromiso hemodinámico, iatrogenia, estancia hospitalaria y mayor gasto sanitario. La presente revisión aborda la información de que disponemos de las taquiarritmias en el postoperatorio de la cirugía cardíaca, y las pautas de actuación basadas en la evidencia.

  14. [Epidemiology of cerebrovascular disease in Spain]. (United States)

    Brea, Angel; Laclaustra, Martín; Martorell, Esperanza; Pedragosa, Angels


    In Spain, cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is a very common cause of morbidity and hospitalization. They are the second leading cause of mortality in the general population, and the first in women. They also constitute a very high social spending, which is estimated to increase in coming years, due to the aging of our population. Data from the Hospital Morbidity Survey of the National Statistics Institute recorded, in 2011, 116,017 strokes and 14,933 transient ischemic attacks, corresponding, respectively, to an incidence of 252 and 32 events per 100,000 people. In 2002, the cost of hospitalization for each stroke was estimated at €3,047. The amount of total cost health care throughout the life of a stroke patient is calculated at €43,129. Internationally, the direct costs of stroke constitute 3% of national health spending, this being similar amount in different countries around us. Hypertension was the cardiovascular risk factor (CVRF) more prevalent in both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, followed by dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Peripheral arterial disease and hypertension were more frequently associated with atherothrombotic events, atrial fibrillation with cardioembolic strokes, and obesity and high blood pressure to lacunar infarcts. In Spain, as showing several studies, we are far from optimal control of CVRF, especially in secondary prevention of stroke. According to the ICTUSCARE study, achieving recommended values was 17.6% in the case of hypertension, 29.8% in LDL-cholesterol, 74.9% of smoking, and 50.2% in diabetes mellitus. In this review, we analyze in detail the epidemiology, prevention and costs originated by CVD. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L. y SEA. All rights reserved.

  15. Specific plasma oxylipins increase the odds of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients with peripheral artery disease. (United States)

    Caligiuri, Stephanie P B; Aukema, Harold M; Ravandi, Amir; Lavallée, Renée; Guzman, Randy; Pierce, Grant N


    Oxylipins and fatty acids may be novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease. The objective was to determine if plasma oxylipins or fatty acids can influence the odds of cardiovascular/cerebrovascular events. In 98 patients (25 female, 73 male) with peripheral artery disease, the prevalence of transient ischemic attacks, cerebrovascular accidents, stable angina, and acute coronary syndrome was n = 16, 10, 16, and 24, respectively. Risk factors such as being male, diagnosed hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia were not associated with events. Plasma fatty acids and oxylipins were analyzed with gas chromatography and HPLC-MS/MS, respectively. None of 24 fatty acids quantified were associated with events. In contrast, 39 plasma oxylipins were quantified, and 8 were significantly associated with events. These 8 oxylipins are known regulators of vascular tone. For example, every 1 unit increase in Thromboxane B 2 /Prostaglandin F 1 α and every 1 nmol/L increase in plasma 16-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, thromboxane B2, or 11,12-dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid (DiHETrE) increased the odds of having had ≥2 events versus no event (p < 0.05). The greatest predictor was plasma 8,9-DiHETrE, which increased the odds of acute coronary syndrome by 92-fold. In conclusion, specific oxylipins were highly associated with clinical events and may represent specific biomarkers and (or) therapeutic targets of cardiovascular disease.

  16. Lower prevalence of carotid plaque hemorrhage in women, and its mediator effect on sex differences in recurrent cerebrovascular events.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neghal Kandiyil

    Full Text Available Women are at lower risk of stroke, and appear to benefit less from carotid endarterectomy (CEA than men. We hypothesised that this is due to more benign carotid disease in women mediating a lower risk of recurrent cerebrovascular events. To test this, we investigated sex differences in the prevalence of MRI detectable plaque hemorrhage (MRI PH as an index of plaque instability, and secondly whether MRI PH mediates sex differences in the rate of cerebrovascular recurrence.Prevalence of PH between sexes was analysed in a single centre pooled cohort of 176 patients with recently symptomatic, significant carotid stenosis (106 severe [≥70%], 70 moderate [50-69%] who underwent prospective carotid MRI scanning for identification of MRI PH. Further, a meta-analysis of published evidence was undertaken. Recurrent events were noted during clinical follow up for survival analysis.Women with symptomatic carotid stenosis (50%≥ were less likely to have plaque hemorrhage (PH than men (46% vs. 70% with an adjusted OR of 0.23 [95% CI 0.10-0.50, P<0.0001] controlling for other known vascular risk factors. This negative association was only significant for the severe stenosis subgroup (adjusted OR 0.18, 95% CI 0.067-0.50 not the moderate degree stenosis. Female sex in this subgroup also predicted a longer time to recurrent cerebral ischemic events (HR 0.38 95% CI 0.15-0.98, P = 0.045. Further addition of MRI PH or smoking abolished the sex effects with only MRI PH exerting a direct effect. Meta-analysis confirmed a protective effect of female sex on development of PH: unadjusted OR for presence of PH = 0.54 (95% CI 0.45-0.67, p<0.00001.MRI PH is significantly less prevalent in women. Women with MRI PH and severe stenosis have a similar risk as men for recurrent cerebrovascular events. MRI PH thus allows overcoming the sex bias in selection for CEA.

  17. Análisis de la productividad, colaboración e impacto científico de la cardiología española (1999-2008)


    Bolaños-Pizarro, Máxima


    De acuerdo con los datos disponibles por Who (2004), alrededor del 50% del total de las muertes en Europa se encuentran relacionadas con enfermedades reumáticas, hipertensión, isquemias, enfermedades cerebrovasculares o enfermedades cardiovasculares e inflamatorias. Según la información proporcionada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (2010) las enfermedades cardiovasculares se constituyen como la primera causa de muerte, siendo responsables del 31,7% del total de las defunciones en 200...

  18. Clarithromycin for stable coronary heart disease increases all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and cerebrovascular morbidity over 10years in the CLARICOR randomised, blinded clinical trial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winkel, Per; Hilden, Jørgen; Hansen, Jørgen Fischer


    -cause mortality (hazard ratio (HR): 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.00-1.21) and cerebrovascular disease during 10years (HR: 1.19, 95% CI: 1.02-1.38). The increased mortality and morbidity were restricted to patients not on statin at entry (HR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.04-1.31, and HR: 1.25, 95% CI: 1...... death outside hospital and cerebrovascular morbidity in patients with stable coronary heart disease who were not on statin. The increased cardiovascular mortality was years later compensated, likely through frailty attrition.......BACKGROUND: The CLARICOR trial reported that clarithromycin compared with placebo increased all-cause mortality in patients with stable coronary heart disease. This study investigates the effects of clarithromycin versus placebo during 10years follow up. METHODS: The CLARICOR trial is a randomised...

  19. Cerebral blood flow, oxidative metabolism and cerebrovascular carbon dioxide reactivity in patients with acute bacterial meningitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Kirsten; Strauss, Gitte Irene; Thomsen, Gerda


    BACKGROUND: The optimal arterial carbon dioxide tension (P(a)CO(2)) in patients with acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) is unknown and controversial. The objective of this study was to measure global cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebrovascular CO(2) reactivity (CO(2)R), and cerebral metabolic rates...... and hyperventilation with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) (14 patients) and/or the Kety-Schmidt technique (KS) (11 patients and all controls). In KS studies, CMR was measured by multiplying the arterial to jugular venous concentration difference (a-v D) by CBF. RESULTS: CBF did not differ...

  20. Magnetization transfer MR of cerebrovascular disorders using calculated images

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Enomoto, Kyoko; Watabe, Tsuneya; Amanuma, Makoto; Heshiki, Atsuko [Saitama Medical School, Moroyama, Saitama (Japan)


    This study applied a magnetization transfer contrast method to patients with cerebrovascular disorders. A 1.5 T superconducting MR unit was used, and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) images were calculated by evaluating two paired images before and after off-resonance gradient echo pulse sequences. The normal white matter showed the highest MTRs, CSF the lowest, and gray matter, intermediate. Cerebral ischemic patients showed two patterns according to the chronological stage of the affected area. Lesions in the acute and subacute stages revealed higher transfer rates than those in the chronic stage. Patients with cerebral hemorrhage were divided into three groups: the hyperacute group showed a low transfer pattern; the acute group presented inhomogeneous high transfer rates; and the subacute group showed remarkably low transfer rates. In the acute and subacute ischemic stages, increased macromolecules caused higher MTRs than in the chronic stage. In hemorrhagic groups, low MTRs in subacute hemorrhage reflected the transfer of methemoglobin. High MTRs in acute hemorrhage with rich deoxyhemoglobin suggested increased fibrin, plasma, and serum components of macromolecules. The MTC method provided new chronological information on cerebral hemorrhage, adding to that provided by routine MR images. (author)

  1. Cyclooxygenases 1 and 2 differentially regulate blood pressure and cerebrovascular responses to acute and chronic intermittent hypoxia: implications for sleep apnea. (United States)

    Beaudin, Andrew E; Pun, Matiram; Yang, Christina; Nicholl, David D M; Steinback, Craig D; Slater, Donna M; Wynne-Edwards, Katherine E; Hanly, Patrick J; Ahmed, Sofia B; Poulin, Marc J


    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease resulting from intermittent hypoxia (IH)-induced inflammation. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-formed prostanoids mediate the inflammatory response, and regulate blood pressure and cerebral blood flow (CBF), but their role in blood pressure and CBF responses to IH is unknown. Therefore, this study's objective was to determine the role of prostanoids in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular responses to IH. Twelve healthy, male participants underwent three, 6-hour IH exposures. For 4 days before each IH exposure, participants ingested a placebo, indomethacin (nonselective COX inhibitor), or Celebrex(®) (selective COX-2 inhibitor) in a double-blind, randomized, crossover study design. Pre- and post-IH blood pressure, CBF, and urinary prostanoids were assessed. Additionally, blood pressure and urinary prostanoids were assessed in newly diagnosed, untreated OSA patients (n=33). Nonselective COX inhibition increased pre-IH blood pressure (P ≤ 0.04) and decreased pre-IH CBF (P=0.04) while neither physiological variable was affected by COX-2 inhibition (P ≥ 0.90). Post-IH, MAP was elevated (P ≤ 0.05) and CBF was unchanged with placebo and nonselective COX inhibition. Selective COX-2 inhibition abrogated the IH-induced MAP increase (P=0.19), but resulted in lower post-IH CBF (P=0.01). Prostanoids were unaffected by IH, except prostaglandin E2 was elevated with the placebo (P=0.02). Finally, OSA patients had elevated blood pressure (P ≤ 0.4) and COX-1 formed thromboxane A2 concentrations (P=0.02). COX-2 and COX-1 have divergent roles in modulating vascular responses to acute and chronic IH. Moreover, COX-1 inhibition may mitigate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity in OSA. Unique identifier: NCT01280006.

  2. Ambient Air Pollution Exposure and Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Mortality in Cape Town, South Africa: 2001?2006


    Wichmann, Janine; Voyi, Kuku


    Little evidence is available on the strength of the association between ambient air pollution exposure and health effects in developing countries such as South Africa. The association between the 24-h average ambient PM10, SO2 and NO2 levels and daily respiratory (RD), cardiovascular (CVD) and cerebrovascular (CBD) mortality in Cape Town (2001–2006) was investigated with a case-crossover design. For models that included entire year data, an inter-quartile range (IQR) increase in PM1...

  3. Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs among healthy people and specific cerebrovascular safety

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fosbøl, Emil L; Olsen, Anne-Marie Schjerning; Olesen, Jonas Bjerring


    BACKGROUND: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can increase bleeding and thrombosis, but little is known about the cerebrovascular safety of these drugs, especially among healthy people. AIMS: The aim of this study was to examine the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke associated with the use...... stroke). RESULTS: We selected 1,028,437 healthy individuals (median age 39 years). At least one nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug was claimed by 44·7% of the study population, and the drugs were generally used for a short period of time and in low doses. High-dose ibuprofen and diclofenac were......·35-3·42)]. CONCLUSIONS: In healthy individuals, use of commonly available nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, and naproxen was associated with increased risk of stroke....

  4. Editorial. Salud Uninorte en los 50 años de nuestra universidad y su papel en la internacionalización

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristhian David Morales-Plaza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los factores predictores de mortalidad por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV en el Hospital Universitario San Jorge de Pereira entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2011. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en los pacientes con diagnóstico de ACV. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas, teniendo en cuenta las variables edad, sexo, tipo de ACV (isquémico o hemorrágico, trastorno asociado, antecedentes personales relacionados con ACV, mortalidad. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística para determinar qué variables se asociaron significativamente con la mortalidad. Resultados: Se evaluó un total de 350 pacientes con edad promedio 69,2+/-11,6 años; del total, 51,4 % fueron mujeres; 57,4 % presentaron un episodio súbito; 78,6 % de los ACV fueron de tipo isquémico y el 21,4 % hemorrágico. Los trastornos, en orden de aparición, fueron: déficit motor (80,9 %, déficit de lenguaje (43,4 %, cefalea (35,7 %, alteración de pares craneales (28,3 %. Las comorbilidades encontradas fueron: hipertensión arterial (72,6 %, dislipidemia (47,7 %, diabetes mellitus (19,7 %, tabaquismo (17,4 %, enfermedad cardíaca isquémica (9,4 %, ACV previo (6 % y fibrilación auricular (6 %. El 16 % de pacientes falleció por ACV; de estos, el 74,6 % fueron hemorrágicos. Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre muerte por ACV e inicio súbito (OR:0,65; IC95 %:0,021- 0,200; p<0,001, hemorragia intraparenquimatosa (OR:91,3; IC95 %:20,6-403,7; p<0,001 y edad entre 40 y 55 años (OR: 2,91; IC95 %:2,07-5,18; p<0,001. Conclusiones: Dado que las variables asociadas con muerte no son modificables al ingreso del paciente al hospital, se deben reforzar las medidas de salud pública para prevenir la aparición de ictus.

  5. Disfunção intestinal em pacientes com lesão cerebral decorrente de acidente vascular cerebral e traumatismo craniencefálico: estudo retrospectivo de uma série de casos

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    Cinthia Carlos Dourado


    Full Text Available La disfunción del intestino es una queja común entre los pacientes con daño cerebral debido a una lesión cerebral traumática y accidente cerebrovascular. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la prevalencia de disfunción del intestino (incontinencia y constipación en pacientes con daño cerebral debido a una lesión cerebral traumática y accidente cerebrovascular admitidos para la rehabilitación. Este es un estudio retrospectivo de una serie de casos a partir del análisis de los datos de 138 expedientes de los pacientes ingresados en el primer semestre de 2009. La prevalencia de disfunción del intestino fue de 41%, siendo 33 (24% incontinencia anal y 37 (27%, constipación. El comprometimiento motor, ayuda a la movilidad, cambios en la memoria y la comunicación se asocian con la presencia de la incontinencia anal. La prevalencia de disfunción del intestino es alta en esta población, identificar en forma temprana los factores relacionados, y promover el reentrenamiento intestinal pueden ayudar a mejorar la calidad de sus vidas.

  6. Technetium-labeled HM-PAO studies in patients with cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, F.W.; Sharp, P.F.; Gemmell, H.; Evans, N.T.; MacDonald, A.F.


    Technetium-labeled hexamethyl-propyleneamineoxime (HM-PAO) is a promising radiopharmaceutical for the demonstration of cerebral blood flow. Twenty-four patients who had experienced either acute stroke (AS) or transient ischemic attack (TIA) were studied by x-ray CT and SPECT using technetium-labeled HM-PAO total of 26 studies. HM-PAO has a cerebral distribution similar to that of iodoamphetamine, but labeling with technetium allows good SPECT imaging on demand in any nuclear medicine department. In ten of the 16 patients who had experienced AS, findings on HM-PAO and CT studies correlated well. In six patients reduced cortical perfusion was detected on HM-PAO imaging, but only small infarcts in the internal capsule were seen on CT. In four of the eight patients who had experienced TIA, neither study revealed any abnormality. In the remaining four, areas of cortical underperfusion were seen on HM-PAO imaging, whereas the CT examination was normal. The findings in this study suggest that HM-PAO imaging is a more sensitive method for demonstrating the extent of cerebral underperfusion in cases of cerebrovascular accident

  7. Magnetic resonance imaging in the acute stage of cerebrovascular disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Tokutaro; Sakai, Tsuneo; Fujishima, Ichiro; Yamamoto, Takamichi; Uemura, Kenichi; Teramura, Atsushi.


    Thirty patients with acute cerebrovascular disease were evaluated by both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The 17 patients with cerebral infarction (CI) were evaluated within 24 hours and the 13 with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms. All ICHs were detected in T2-weighted images and appeared as perifocal, ring-like areas of high signal intensity. T2-weighted images also demonstrated a ruptured aneurysm and an arteriovenous malformation. In T1-weighted images, all ICHs displayed high signal intensity, which paralleled the CT images and is characteristic of MR imaging with an ultra-low magnetic filed. These findings were obtained as early as 90 minutes from the onset of symptoms. In cases of CI, T2-weighted images obtained 3 - 7 hours after onset demonstrated the pathology more clearly than did CT. This study proved MR imaging useful in the evaluation of both ICH and CI in the acute stage. In addition, it was possible to differentiate ICH from CI in the acute stage by T2-weighted images alone. (author)

  8. Study of cerebrovascular diseases and SPECT with 99mTc HMPAO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collazo de la Maza, A.; Borron Molinos, M.; Barroso, E.


    Thirty eight patients with Cerebrovascular disease, that had suffered a Thrombotic brain infraction, demonstrated by Computed electroencephalogram or Brain Mapping (BM) and Computerized Tomography (CT) were investigated with '99' '9' 'm' Tc HM-PAO brain SPECT. Their ages ranged from 37 to 73 years old, 18 males and 20 female. Some of them were followed up with these diagnostic methods. The acquisition and processing of the SPECT studies were donw with a SOPHY DS7 Gamma Camera. The results showed that the global diagnostic sensibility of the SPECT was 79%. The sensibility of SPECT in the Acute stage was 75 %, CT 57% and BM 92%. In Steady stage we found a high positivity of SPECT with 83 %, Ct 66% and BM 66%. In the Recuperation Stage SPECT was 77%, CT 66% and 45%. Some phenomenon like the Luxury Perfusion and Diaschisis were studied and it is possible to found some prognostic relation

  9. Cerebrovascular mental stress reactivity is impaired in hypertension

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    Naqvi Tasneem Z


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Brachial artery reactivity in response to shear stress is altered in subjects with hypertension. Since endothelial dysfunction is generalized, we hypothesized that carotid artery (CA reactivity would also be altered in hypertension. Purpose To compare (CA endothelium-dependent vasodilation in response to mental stress in normal and hypertensive subjects. Methods We evaluated CA reactivity to mental stress in 10 young healthy human volunteers (aged 23 ± 4 years, 20 older healthy volunteers (aged 49 ± 11 years and in 28 patients with essential hypertension (aged 51 ± 13 years. In 10 healthy volunteers and 12 hypertensive subjects, middle cerebral artery (MCA PW transcranial Doppler was performed before and 3 minutes after mental stress. Results Mental stress by Stroop color word conflict, math or anger recall tests caused CA vasodilation in young healthy subjects (0.61 ± 0.06 to 0.65 ± 0.07 cm, p Conclusion Mental stress produces CA vasodilation and is accompanied by an increase in CA and MCA blood flow in healthy subjects. This mental stress induced CA vasodilation and flow reserve is attenuated in subjects with hypertension and may reflect cerebral vascular endothelial dysfunction. Assessment of mental stress induced CA reactivity by ultrasound is a novel method for assessing the impact of hypertension on cerebrovascular endothelial function and blood flow reserve.

  10. Acute cerebrovascular incident in a young woman: Venous or arterial stroke? – Comparative analysis based on two case reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sleiman, Katarzyna; Zimny, Anna; Kowalczyk, Edyta; Sąsiadek, Marek


    Cerebrovascular diseases are the most common neurological disorders. Most of them are arterial strokes, mainly ischemic, less often of hemorrhagic origin. Changes in the course of cerebral venous thrombosis are less common causes of acute cerebrovascular events. Clinical and radiological presentation of arterial and venous strokes (especially in emergency head CT) may pose a diagnostic problem because of great resemblance. However, the distinction between arterial and venous stroke is important from a clinical point of view, as it carries implications for the treatment and determinates patient’s prognosis. In this article, we present cases of two young women (one with an acute venous infarction, the second with an arterial stroke) who presented with similar both clinical and radiological signs of acute vascular incident in the cerebral cortex. We present main similarities and differences between arterial and venous strokes regarding the etiology, clinical symptoms and radiological appearance in various imaging techniques. We emphasize that thorough analysis of CT (including cerebral vessels), knowledge of symptoms and additional clinical information (e.g. risk factors) may facilitate correct diagnosis and allow planning further diagnostic imaging studies. We also emphasize the importance of MRI, especially among young people, in the differential diagnosis of venous and arterial infarcts

  11. Arteriosclerosis and the promise of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors in stroke Arteriosclerosis y nuevas perspectivas de los inhibidores del receptor GPIIb/IIIa en stroke

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Ischemic mechanisms in patients with brain and heart attacks have been studied for more than 150 years. Antiplatelets agents did show benefit in secondary prevention. Aspirin is the most common antiaggregant in clinical use today. However, the benefit produced by the "best" antiplatelet regimen in stroke prevention is lower than 40%. The adherence of circulating platelets to the subendothelium is mediated by glycoprotein (GP residing on the cell's surface. GPIIb/IIIa is the most important platelet membrane receptor that mediates the process of platelet aggregation, and thrombus formation. Thus, new drugs that block the GPIIb/IIIa receptor have recently emerged. Clinical trials using these agents have shown effectiveness in acute coronary syndromes. However, the absence of studies in cerebrovascular disease and the potential hemorrhagic complications questioned their use in stroke prevention. We review the clinical trials using the new GPIIb/IIIa agents in myocardial ischemia, and consider the potential implications for cerebrovascular disease.Los mecanismos de isquemia en infarto de miocardio y enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV han sido estudiados por mas de 150 años. Drogas antiplaquetarias mostraron un beneficio en la prevención secundaria. La aspirina es el mas común de los antiagregantes usados en la practica clínica. No obstante, el beneficio producido, aun con el "mejor" tratamiento antiagregante, en la prevención de ECV es inferior al 40%. La adhesión plaquetaria es un proceso mediado por glicoproteinas (GP de la membrana celular. GPIIb/IIIa es un receptor de membrana plaquetaria que interviene en el proceso de agregación plaquetaria y formación del trombo. Estudios clínicos con nuevos agentes que bloquean a este receptor mostraron ser efectivos en los síndromes coronarios agudos. No obstante, la falta de estudios en ECV y las potenciales complicaciones hemorrágicas, limitan su uso en la prevención de stroke. Revisamos los

  12. Latent cardiac dysfunction as assessed by echocardiography in bed-bound patients following cerebrovascular accidents: comparison with nutritional status. (United States)

    Masugata, Hisashi; Senda, Shoichi; Goda, Fuminori; Yoshihara, Yumiko; Yoshikawa, Kay; Fujita, Norihiro; Himoto, Takashi; Okuyama, Hiroyuki; Taoka, Teruhisa; Imai, Masanobu; Kohno, Masakazu


    The aim of this study was to elucidate the cardiac function in bed-bound patients following cerebrovascular accidents. In accord with the criteria for activities of daily living (ADL) of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 51 age-matched poststroke patients without heart disease were classified into 3 groups: rank A (house-bound) (n = 16, age, 85 +/- 6 years), rank B (chair-bound) (n = 16, age, 84 +/- 8 years), and rank C (bed-bound) (n = 19, age, 85 +/- 9 years). Using echocardiography, the left ventricular (LV) diastolic function was assessed by the ratio of early filling (E) and atrial contraction (A) transmitral flow velocities (E/A) of LV inflow. LV systolic function was assessed by LV ejection fraction (LVEF), and the Tei index was also measured to assess both LV systolic and diastolic function. No difference was observed in the E/A and LVEF among the 3 groups. The Tei index was higher in rank C (0.56 +/- 0.17) than in rank A (0.39 +/- 0.06) and rank B (0.48 +/- 0.17), and a statistically significant difference was observed between rank A and rank C (P cerebrovascular accidents. The Tei index may be a useful index of cardiac dysfunction in bed-bound patients because it is independent of the cardiac loading condition.

  13. Health care in patients 1 year post-stroke in general practice : research on the utilisation of the Dutch Transmural Protocol transient ischaemic attack/cerebrovascular accident

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Weerd, L.; Rutgers, A.W.F.; Groenier, K.H.; van der Meer, K.


    This study evaluates the kind of aftercare that ischaemic stroke patients receive and the extent that aftercare fulfils the criteria of the 'Dutch Transmural Protocol transient ischaemic attack/cerebrovascular accident'. Fifty-seven patients were interviewed 1 year post-stroke about secondary

  14. A Systematic Review of Validated Methods for Identifying Cerebrovascular Accident or Transient Ischemic Attack Using Administrative Data (United States)

    Andrade, Susan E.; Harrold, Leslie R.; Tjia, Jennifer; Cutrona, Sarah L.; Saczynski, Jane S.; Dodd, Katherine S.; Goldberg, Robert J.; Gurwitz, Jerry H.


    Purpose To perform a systematic review of the validity of algorithms for identifying cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) or transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) using administrative and claims data. Methods PubMed and Iowa Drug Information Service (IDIS) searches of the English language literature were performed to identify studies published between 1990 and 2010 that evaluated the validity of algorithms for identifying CVAs (ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, intracranial hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage) and/or TIAs in administrative data. Two study investigators independently reviewed the abstracts and articles to determine relevant studies according to pre-specified criteria. Results A total of 35 articles met the criteria for evaluation. Of these, 26 articles provided data to evaluate the validity of stroke, 7 reported the validity of TIA, 5 reported the validity of intracranial bleeds (intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage), and 10 studies reported the validity of algorithms to identify the composite endpoints of stroke/TIA or cerebrovascular disease. Positive predictive values (PPVs) varied depending on the specific outcomes and algorithms evaluated. Specific algorithms to evaluate the presence of stroke and intracranial bleeds were found to have high PPVs (80% or greater). Algorithms to evaluate TIAs in adult populations were generally found to have PPVs of 70% or greater. Conclusions The algorithms and definitions to identify CVAs and TIAs using administrative and claims data differ greatly in the published literature. The choice of the algorithm employed should be determined by the stroke subtype of interest. PMID:22262598

  15. Short-Term Effects of Gaseous Pollutants and Particulate Matter on Daily Hospital Admissions for Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease in Lanzhou: Evidence from a Heavily Polluted City in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shan Zheng


    Full Text Available Panel studies show a consistent association between increase in the cardiovascular hospitalizations with air pollutants in economically developed regions, but little evidence in less developed inland areas. In this study, a time-series analysis was used to examine the specific effects of major air pollutants [particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10, sulfur dioxide (SO2, and nitrogen dioxides (NO2] on daily hospital admissions for cardio-cerebrovascular diseases in Lanzhou, a heavily polluted city in China. We examined the effects of air pollutants for stratified groups by age and gender, and conducted the modifying effect of seasons on air pollutants to test the possible interaction. The significant associations were found between PM10, SO2 and NO2 and cardiac disease admissions, SO2 and NO2 were found to be associated with the cerebrovascular disease admissions. The elderly was associated more strongly with gaseous pollutants than younger. The modifying effect of seasons on air pollutants also existed. The significant effect of gaseous pollutants (SO2 and NO2 was found on daily hospital admissions even after adjustment for other pollutants except for SO2 on cardiac diseases. In a word, this study provides the evidence for the detrimental short-term health effects of urban gaseous pollutants on cardio-cerebrovascular diseases in Lanzhou.

  16. Association Between Inflammatory Skin Disease and Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Co-Morbidities in US Adults: Analysis of Nationwide Inpatient Sample Data. (United States)

    Kwa, Michael C; Silverberg, Jonathan I


    Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis or eczema (AD-E), pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid (BP), and hidradenitis are chronic inflammatory skin disorders associated with systemic immune activation, considerable symptom burden, stigma, functional disturbances, and mental health symptoms. All of these might increase cardiovascular risk. The objective of this study was to determine whether these inflammatory skin diseases are associated with increased cardiovascular/cerebrovascular risk and/or disease. We analyzed data from the 2002-2012 National Inpatient Sample, including a representative 20% sample of all US hospitalizations (n = 72,108,077 adults). In multivariate logistic regression models with propensity score matching, patients hospitalized with versus without a diagnosis the inflammatory skin diseases examined had higher odds of obesity (odds ratio [95% confidence interval] for pemphigus: 1.16 [1.05-1.29]; BP 1.14 [1.06-1.23]; AD-E: 1.82 [1.79-1.86]; psoriasis: 2.36 [2.32-2.41]; hidradenitis: 2.79 [2.59-3.01]). Inflammatory skin disease was also associated with significantly higher odds of different cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension (pemphigus: 1.39 [1.31-1.48]; BP 1.96 [1.88-2.05]; AD-E: 1.19 [1.17-1.21]; psoriasis: 1.61 [1.59-1.64]), and diabetes mellitus with complications (pemphigus: 1.34 [1.18-1.52]; BP: 2.06 [1.90-2.24]; AD-E: 1.13 [1.10-1.17]; psoriasis: 1.39 [1.35-1.44]), as well as vascular, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular disease, including peripheral vascular disease (pemphigus: 1.14 [1.00-1.30]; BP: 1.83 [1.69-1.98]; AD-E: 1.18 [1.14-1.22]; psoriasis: 1.32 [1.28-1.35]), peripheral and visceral atherosclerosis (BP: 1.67 [1.53-1.81]; AD-E: 1.16 [1.12-1.20]; psoriasis: 1.27 [1.24-1.30]), pulmonary circulation disorders (pemphigus: 1.67 [1.39-2.01]; BP: 2.17 [1.92-2.45]; AD-E: 1.39 [1.33-1.45]; psoriasis: 1.37 [1.31-1.43]), congestive heart failure (pemphigus: 1.75 [1.60-1.90]; BP: 2.82 [2.68-2.98]; AD-E: 1.10 [1.07-1.13]; psoriasis: 1.05 [1

  17. Clinical significance of measurements of serum IL-6 levels in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Cuihua; Luo Nanping; Zhang Daojie; Wei Hong


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum IL-6 levels in patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Methods: Serum IL-6 levels were determined with RIA in 35 patients with coronary heart disease, 20 patients with essential hypertension, 28 patients with cerebral infarction and 30 controls. Results: Serum IL-6 levels in patients with coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction were significantly higher than those in the controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Serum IL-6 levels changes could reflect the severity of the inflammatory process and would be helpful in clinical assessment. (authors)

  18. Prothrombin and risk of venous thromboembolism, ischemic heart disease and ischemic cerebrovascular disease in the general population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Weischer, Maren; Juul, Klaus; Zacho, Jeppe


    OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypotheses that Prothrombin G20210A heterozygosity associate with increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), ischemic heart disease (IHD), and ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD) in the general population and re-tested risk of IHD and ICVD in two case......-control studies. METHODS: 9231 individuals from the Danish general population were followed for VTE (VTE=DVT+PE), deep venous thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), IHD, myocardial infarction (MI), ICVD, and ischemic stroke (IS) for a median of 24 years. Case-control studies included 2461 IHD cases and 867...

  19. Normal and abnormal patterns of cerebrovascular reserve tested by 133 Xe inhalation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meyer, J.S.; Sakai, F.; Naritomi, H.; Grant, P.


    Cerebrovascular functional reserve was tested by noninvasive measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (nrCBF) at rest in quiet darkness and when repeated during standard multiple psychophysiologic activation. The test was applied to normal volunteers and patients with different neurologic disorders. The test included counting, conversation, music, and observing movements, while rCBF was measured over both cerebral hemispheres, brain stem, and cerebellum. In normal persons at rest, mean gray matter flow (Fg) values were the same for each hemisphere. Highest Fg values were observed in brain stem and both frontal regions. During activation in normal persons, there was a significant increase in Fg values over both hemispheres and in brain stem. During activation, three types of abnormal rCBF responses were seen: Demented patients showed no change, patients with vascular occlusion showed little or no increase over the ischemic hemisphere, and some patients with epilepsy showed excessive increases

  20. Cerebrovascular accidents in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S V Kakorin


    Full Text Available Cerebrovascular accident (CA is a nowadays widely spread, highly incapacitating and often lethal event that poses a prominent clini- cal problem. Cardiovascular disease (CVD and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM – an “epidemic” of the century, – are known to be its primary risk factors. Hyperglycemia promotes CA risks by induction of protein glycosylation, elevation of blood plasma atherogenic potential, activation of coagulation system with higher risk for thrombosis and disturbance of microcirculation on tissue and organ lev- els. Influence of hyperglycemia on severity and extent of neurologic damage is still under evaluation. Development of macroangiopathy is thought to be associated with media calcification, distal polyneuropathy and renal disorders, all of which are cardiovascular risk factors. Application of so-called metabolic drugs resulted in certain disillusionment, as these agents failed to prove their efficacy during clinical trials. Incidence of pulmonary edema in patients with ischemic CA and T2DM is important as it dictates the necessity for use of loop diuretics. Incidence and severity of heart failure and its correlation with degree of glycemic disorders, incidence of pulmonary em- bolism, as well as tactics of management and prognosis in patients with ischemic CA and T2DM, remains a relevant research problem.