
Sample records for del esmalte dental

  1. Fragilidad y comportamiento mecánico del esmalte dental


    Rivera-Velásquez, C. A. (Camilo Alberto); Ossa, A. (Alexander); Arola, D. (Dwayne)


    El esmalte dental es el tejido duro más mineralizado del cuerpo humano. En este trabajo se estudiaron las propiedades mecánicas fundamentales de este tejido para terceros molares de pacientes jóvenes colombianos. Se establecieron la dureza, la tenacidad a la fractura aparente y la fragilidad del esmalte dental en función de la profundidad a partir de la superficie oclusal mediante técnicas de medición de microindentación. Se encontró que las mediciones de dureza son altamente dependi...

  2. Microdureza del esmalte dental en incisivos centrales permanentes de dos genotipos bovinos

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    Jorge Cabrera A


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la microdureza del esmalte dental de novillos criollos de origen patagónico y cruza índica criados en ambientes diferentes. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron dientes incisivos centrales derechos de novillos adultos: ocho Criollos Patagónicos (GCP y siete Cruzas Índicas (GCI. Para cada diente se definió una transecta central recorriendo el diente desde el borde externo del esmalte hacia la dentina y se midió la dureza en tres profundidades equidistantes: a 30 μ del borde exterior (P1, a 30 μ previos a la conexión amelodentinaria (P3 y P2 equidistante entre P1 y P3. Las mediciones de microdureza se realizaron con un microdurómetro Shimadzu modelo HMV-2 y se expresaron en unidades Vickers. Para el análisis se utilizó un modelo de regresión aleatoria. Se empleó el criterio de información de Akaike para la elección de la estructura de las matrices asociadas a los efectos aleatorios. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó el procedimiento PROC MIXED de SAS, y un nivel de significación del 5%. Resultados. No se detectó falta de paralelismo entre los grupos (p>0.05, con lo cual se ajustaron rectas de igual pendiente en cada grupo. La dureza media del esmalte disminuyó al aumentar la profundidad de la medición para ambos genotipos. Se observó heterogeneidad en la variabilidad de los grupos. Conclusiones. El GCP presentó mayor dureza pero fue el de mayor variabilidad. Se confirma la disminución de la dureza media con el aumento de la profundidad en el esmalte independientemente del genotipo y el ambiente.

  3. Imágenes en odontología clínica. Perlas del esmalte

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    Ignacio Roa


    Full Text Available Una mujer de 19 años de edad asiste a la consulta odontológica con indicación de exodoncia del diente 1.8. Luego del acto quirúrgico se examinó el diente y se observó la presencia de dos perlas del esmalte a nivel radicular. Las perlas de esmalte son una anomalía del desarrollo dental, que se presentan como glóbulos ectópicos de esmalte en la superficie radicular. La prevalencia media de perlas de esmalte es 2,69%; teniendo predilección por los molares y rara vez se asocian con premolares, caninos o incisivos. La teoría sugiere que se desarrollan debido a presencia de remanentes de la vaina epitelial radicular (de Hertwig. Adquieren real relevancia debido a su asociación como factor retentivo de placa subgingival y a enfermedad periodontal localizada.

  4. Molecular analysis of tooth enamel by Raman spectroscopy after treatment with bleaching agents at different concentrations; Analisis molecular del esmalte dental por medio de espectroscopia Raman despues del tratamiento con agentes blanqueadores a diferentes concentraciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duran Sedo, Randall; Obando Rosabal, Sofia; Saenz Bonilla, Paola; Soto Aguilar, Calendy; Vasquez Rodriguez, Amaya


    The changes in the concentration of the v1 phosphate molecule of the surface of dentin enamel are treated and researched with bleaching agents of chemical activation to basis of hydrogen peroxide than 9,5% and 14% and carbamide peroxide than 38%, for a period of 28 days. Raman spectroscopy was used and 30 dental pieces extracted, of which, were to be free of blemishes and pigmentations, without possessing fractures of the enamel, decay nor any other type of defect. The Raman spectrum was obtained of each dental piece prior to the application of bleaching agents. The specimens were separated into three experimental groups according to the concentration of whitening. The concentration of the v1 phosphate molecule was measured in the tooth enamel to the second and fourth week of treatment. In addition, ANOVA was performed for respective measurements (p≤0.05). A reduction of the v1 phosphate molecule were observed during and after the bleaching process in the experimental groups that have used of hydrogen peroxide to 14% and carbamide peroxide 38%. In the group of hydrogen peroxide to 9,5% has remained unproven a significant reduction. Within the limitations of this study is concluded that the bleaching agent causes a loss of v1 phosphate. This loss has been greater in the whitening of higher concentration. In spite, that the possible effect remineralizing of the saliva on a teeth whitening process has been unevaluated, it is recommended using during and after the treatment, toothpastes, mouthwashes, chewing gums, dental floss, among others, that contain ACP to help to cushion the potential loss of phosphate from tooth enamel. (author) [Spanish] Los cambios en la concentracion de la molecula de fosfato v1 de la superficie del esmalte dental son tratados e investigados con agentes blanqueadores de activacion quimica a base de peroxido de hidrogeno al 9,5% y 14% y peroxido de carbamida al 38%, por un periodo de 28 dias. Espectroscopia Raman fue utilizada y 30 piezas

  5. Resistencia al cizallamiento de una resina compuesta al aplicar diferentes agentes blanqueadores y su efecto sobre la microestructura del esmalte


    Cornejo Peña, María Antonieta


    Muchos han sido los estudios que se han reportado acerca del efecto de sustancias aclaradoras sobre la adhesión y estructura del esmalte, sin embargo, poco se ha reportado sobre las alteraciones morfológicas de la estructura exterior del esmalte después del blanqueamiento. A pesar de la reducción de la microdureza del esmalte se ha informado que esta alteración no es sólo por el procedimiento de blanqueamiento, sino también por el pH de la fórmula utilizada. Algunos estudios no han encontrado...

  6. Efectos de la chicha morada y café sobre el esmalte dental bovino blanqueado con peróxido de hidrógeno


    Castillo-Ghiotto, Gisella; Delgado-Cotrina, Leyla; Evangelista-Alva, Alexis


    Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio in vitro fue evaluar la susceptibilidad del esmalte dental bovino expuesto a chicha morada y café después del blanqueamiento con peróxido de hidrógeno (PH) al 35% con y sin calcio. Material y métodos: Setenta y dos dientes de bovino fueron blanqueados con peróxido de hidrógeno al 35% con y sin calcio (Whiteness HP Blue® - FGM y Whiteness HP Maxx® - FGM, respectivamente) y se expusieron al café instantáneo, refresco de maíz morado artificial y saliva (con...

  7. In vitro study of dose-response relationship of fluoride with dental enamel = Estudo in vitro da relação dose-resposta do fluoreto com esmalte dental

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    Arthur, Rodrigo Alex


    Full Text Available Modelos in vitro para avaliação da reatividade do fluoreto (F devem apresentar resposta dose-efeito. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a relação dose-resposta do fluoreto presente em solução aquosa com o esmalte dental bovino. Cento e vinte blocos de esmalte bovino (5 × 5 × 2 mm, 60 hígidos e 60 com lesão artificial de cárie, foram submetidos durante 10 minutos à água destilada e deionizada (controle negativo e soluções aquosas contendo 50, 100, 200 ou 400 µg F/mL. Cada grupo experimental recebeu 12 blocos hígidos e 12 blocos com lesão artificial de cárie. Duas camadas consecutivas de esmalte dental foram removidas de todos os blocos dentais por meio de ataque ácido e o fluoreto extraído foi determinado com eletrodo específico. Os resultados de fluoreto incorporado foram expressos em µg por g de esmalte removido, considerando a quantidade total das duas camadas. A incorporação de fluoreto pelo esmalte hígido mostrou uma relação dose-resposta linear (p = 0,0001, enquanto que os blocos com lesão de cárie mostraram relação polinomial quadrática (p < 0,0001. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo in vitro de reatividade empregado no presente estudo é apropriado para avaliar a relação doseresposta entre o fluoreto em solução aquosa e aquele incorporado pelo esmalte dental bovino hígido ou com lesão artificial de cárie

  8. La hipomineralización incisivo molar y la caries dental


    Negre Barber, Adela


    La formación dental es un proceso largo y complejo que se inicia antes de nacer y termina con la mineralización de los terceros molares al final de la adolescencia. Durante este tiempo, cualquier alteración en el órgano dental puede derivar en un defecto en el desarrollo del esmalte (DDE) observándose al erupcionar el diente.La caries dental y los defectos del esmalte son actualmente los problemas mas frecuentes observados en la dentición temporal y joven permanente. Existen protocolos de pre...

  9. Remineralización in vivo del esmalte desmineralizado artificialmente

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se evalúa una técnica para medir la capacidad individual de remineralización (del Grupo Provincial de Investigaciones de Materiales, Métodos y Medicamentos para la Estomatología Preventiva, GRIMEP en función del tiempo, de un área del esmalte previa y ligeramente desmineralizado de manera artificial por la técnica, para medir la resistencia del esmalte en 65 niños de 8 a 11 años. Se observó una variación significativa (p=0,001 en el promedio de la capacidad individual de remineralización (CIR a las 96 y 120 horas en relación con las 72 horas, equivalente a la elevación de la CIR, y un incremento significativo (X²=pA technique to measure the individual capacity of remineralization in the course of time of an enamel area which had been artificially demineralized before and also to measure enamel's resistance in 65 children aged 8 to 11 years was evaluated in this paper. This technique was developed by the Provincial Research Group of Materials , Methods and Drugs for Preventive Dentistry (GRIMEP in Spanish. A significant variation was observed (p=0.001 in the average individual capacity of remineralization (ICR at 96h and 120h as compared to that recorded at 72 h, which meant a rise in ICR and a significant increase (X²=p< 0,001 in the percentage of children showing good ICR as time went by. At 120 h, the majority of children showed good ICR (93.4%, therefore this is the ideal moment for measuring it because maybe those having poor ICR exhibit greater susceptibility to caries.

  10. Estudio in vitro del efecto erosivo en la superficie del esmalte dentario, por acción de tres bebidas artificiales no alcohólicas, valorado a través de la microdureza adamantina

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    Fernando Ramiro Guanoluisa


    Full Text Available Uno de los problemas que los odontólogos atienden cada vez con mayor frecuencia son los desgastes dentales, que incluyen a la erosión, caracterizada por la pérdida crónica de la estructura mineral del diente por acción de ácidos no bacterianos. Se comparó el efecto erosivo en la superficie de esmalte dentario por acción de tres bebidas de alto consumo en la ciudad de Quito, a través de la valoración de la microdureza adamantina inicial y final, con el empleo del microdurómetro Rockwell. Para lo cual se utilizaron 65 bloques de esmalte con una dureza inicial entre, 320 y 366 Kg/mm2 según la escala Knoop. Los cuales fueron divididos en 32 y 33 elementos, para dos protocolos erosivos (con y sin saliva natural. Las bebidas empleadas fueron: Coca-Cola, Gatorade y V220; cada grupo fue sometido 10 minutos diarios por un período de 5 días a la acción de cada bebida (siendo omitido este paso en los grupos control. Al sexto día, se midió nuevamente la microdureza para determinar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados fueron analizados con ANOVA, prueba Tukey y Prueba-T. Se concluyó que al aplicar los dos protocolos, hubo una disminución significativa de la microdureza del esmalte, siendo mayor en el que no se incluyó la saliva, donde sobresale la Coca-Cola (pH: 2,64 ya que la erosión guardó relación inversa con el pH de la bebida (a menor pH, mayor erosión. En cambio, cuando el esmalte estuvo expuesto a saliva, la erosión guardó relación con la composición y efervescencia de los productos, resultando ser el V220, el que presentó mayor erosión.

  11. Effect of thickener agents on dental enamel microhardness submitted to at-home bleaching Efeito de agentes espessantes na microdureza do esmalte submetido ao clareamento dental caseiro

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    José Augusto Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Dental bleaching occurs due to an oxidation reaction between the bleaching agents and the macromolecules of pigments in the teeth. This reaction is unspecific and the peroxides can also affect the dental matrix causing mineral loss. On the other hand, recent studies have suggested that the thickener agent carbopol can also cause mineral loss. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect of at-home dental bleaching on dental enamel microhardness after the use of bleaching agents with and without carbopol as a thickener agent. Bovine dental slabs with 3 x 3 x 3 mm were obtained, sequentially polished, and randomly divided into 4 groups according to the experimental treatment: G1: 2% carbopol; G2: 10% carbamide peroxide with carbopol; G3: carbowax; G4: 10% carbamide peroxide with poloxamer. Bleaching was performed daily for 4 weeks, immersed in artificial saliva. Enamel microhardness values were obtained before the treatment (T0 and 7 (T1, 14 (T2, 21 (T3, 28 (T4, and 42 (T5 days after the beginning of the treatment. ANOVA and Tukey's test revealed statistically significant differences only for the factor Time (F = 5.48; p O clareamento dental ocorre devido a uma reação de oxidação entre o agente clareador e as macromoléculas de pigmentos presentes nos dentes. Esta reação é inespecífica e o peróxido pode agir na matriz dental causando perdas de mineral. Por outro lado, estudos recentes sugerem que o agente espessante carbopol também pode causar perda mineral. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar in vitro o efeito do clareamento caseiro sobre a microdureza do esmalte após o uso de agentes clareadores com e sem carbopol como espessante. Fragmentos de esmalte bovino de 3 x 3 x 3 mm foram obtidos, polidos seqüencialmente e aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos de acordo com o tratamento experimental: G1: carbopol a 2%; G2: peróxido de carbamida a 10% com carbopol; G3: carbowax; G4: peróxido de carbamida a

  12. Diagnóstico y epidemiología de erosión dental Diagnosis and epidemiology of dental erosion

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    Maria Claudia Fajardo Santacruz


    Full Text Available La erosión dental es la pérdida localizada, crónica y patológica de tejido duro dental. Ésta es causada por soluciones químicas las cuales entran en contacto con los dientes. La apariencia de los dientes erosionados es suave, sedosa y brillante, a veces mate, la superficie del esmalte tiene una ausencia de periquimatíes y esmalte intacto en el margen gingival. Se ha hipotetizado que la banda de esmalte preservado a lo largo del margen vestibular y lingual pudiera ser debido a que algunos remanentes de placa podían actuar como una barrera de difusión para los ácidos. Un diagnóstico temprano de este daño del tejido duro dental es de importancia clínica. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar algunos aspectos básicos de erosión dental en términos de diagnóstico y epidemiología. Este documento enfatiza sobre factores de riesgo extrínsecos los cuales son discutidos con respecto a su relevancia para el desarrollo de erosión dental. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2: 179-189Dental erosion is a pathologic, chronic, localized loss of dental hard tissue. It is caused by chemical solutions which come into contact with the teeth. The appearance of eroded teeth is smoothing, silky-glazed, sometimes dull, the enamel surface has an absence of perikymata and intact enamel on the gingival margin. It has been hypothesized that the preserved enamel band along the oral and facial gingival margin could be due to some plaque remnants could act as a diffusion barrier for acids. Early diagnosis of this damage of dental hard tissue is of clinical importance. The aim of this article is to show some basic aspects of dental erosion in terms of diagnosis and epidemiology. This paper emphasize on extrinsic risk factors which are discussed with respect to their relevance for the development of dental erosion. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2: 179-189

  13. Avaliação in situ de um dentifrício contendo MFP/DCPD na incorporação de flúor e remineralização do esmalte dental humano

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    KOO Hyun


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar in situ a efetividade de um dentifrício contendo monofluorfosfato (MFP e sistema abrasivo fosfodicálcio diidratado (DCPD, quando comparado com dentifrício placebo. O estudo foi do tipo cross-over com oito voluntários em duas etapas de 45 dias. Os voluntários utilizaram dispositivo intra-oral palatino de resina acrílica contendo 4 blocos de esmalte com lesão de cárie artificial. Após cada etapa, foi analisada a incorporação de flúor (flúor total em ppm F e microdureza (em Knoop dos blocos de esmalte dental. Os resultados obtidos (média ± E.P. das áreas integradas sob as curvas demonstraram que a concentração de flúor incorporado no esmalte tratado com dentifrício MFP/DCPD foi significativamente maior que no placebo (4.508,55 ± 965,82 e 1.485,51 ± 191,72, respectivamente e os dados de microdureza demonstraram que o dentifrício MFP/DCPD foi capaz de remineralizar o esmalte dental em 34%, enquanto no placebo observou-se perda de 14% de mineral. Assim, os dados obtidos deste estudo demonstraram que o dentifrício MFP/DCPD foi efetivo não apenas na incorporação de flúor no esmalte, mas também na capacidade de remineralizar a lesão de cárie, quando comparado com o placebo.

  14. Concentração de chumbo, defeitos de esmalte e cárie em dentes decíduos Lead level, enamel defects and dental caries in deciduous teeth

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    Viviane Elisângela Gomes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação da concentração de chumbo no esmalte de dentes decíduos com a presença de defeitos de esmalte e sua relação com cárie dental em pré-escolares. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi de 329 crianças de pré-escolas municipais de uma área próxima de indústrias (N=132 e outra não industrial (N=197 da cidade de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo. Essa amostra pertencente a um estudo inicial realizado entre 2000 e 2001 no qual o chumbo foi analisado por meio de biópsia de esmalte. Foram realizados exames clínicos bucais para verificação da prevalência de defeitos de esmalte (Developmental Defects of Enamel Index - DDE, da Federação Dentária Internacional - FDI e cárie (Índice ceos, Organização Mundial da Saúde, em ambas regiões. Foram utilizados teste de qui-quadrado e cálculo do risco relativo ao nível de significância de 5%, considerando cada região separadamente. RESULTADOS: Houve maior proporção de crianças com cárie entre aquelas com maiores concentrações de chumbo nos decíduos na região não industrial (p=0,02, o que não se observou na região industrial (p=0,89. Houve risco relativo (RR aumentado de cárie nas crianças da região não industrial o que não foi verificado nas crianças da região industrial. Não se observou relação entre a presença de chumbo e os defeitos de esmalte. CONCLUSÕES: Não foram encontados dados que evidenciassem a relação entre concentração de chumbo e defeitos no esmalte em nenhuma das regiões pesquisadas. Não foi encontrada relação entre chumbo e cárie na região industrial, ressaltando a necessidade de mais estudos dessas relações.OBJECTIVE: To verify the relationship between lead concentration in the enamel of deciduous teeth and the presence of enamel defects and, consequently, with dental caries among preschool children. METHODS: The sample consisted of 329 preschool children in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo: 132 attending municipal


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    María Clemencia Vargas Vargas


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: El diente es de gran importancia cuando se trata de caracterizar individuos, poblaciones vivas o desaparecidas. Este componente es el que más resiste a la descomposición, debido a que al terminar su calcificación, el diente se conforma definitivamente y por tal razón no sufre ningún cambio. A excepción del desgaste mecánico o atrición y la acumulación de dentina secundaria. Objetivo: Deducir los posibles factores etiológicos que ocasionaron grandes desgastes dentales y condujeron a una rápida respuesta del complejo pulpo dentinal, en los individuos pertenecientes a una población prehispánica de cazadores-recolectores, del precerámico temprano y tardío cuya dieta era basada en alimentos fibrogénicos y abrasivos. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal donde se tomaron 15 piezas dentales, pertenecientes a dos poblaciones cazadoras-recolectoras: Precerámico temprano (Chequa y Precerámico tardío (Aguazuque.  A estos dos grupos se tomaron las muestras para realizar un análisis clínico, radiográfico y microscópico. Resultados: Disminución evidente en el tamaño de la corona clínica dental, se observaron diferentes grados de desgaste dental con exposición dentinaria delimitado por esmalte en su circunferencia. La dentina expuesta por el desgaste dental presenta un color amarillo, las superficies oclusales e incisales se presentan lisas. Ninguna de las piezas dentarias presentó signos clínicos de caries. Respecto al examen radiográfico, los datos obtenidos confirmaron los hallazgos clínicos. Conclusiones: El desgaste dental es la característica clínica que más se presentó, posiblemente asociado al consumo de alimentos fibrosos y a la fuerza imprimida en la acción masticatoria, además es agravado por partículas abrasivas que se adherían a los alimentos, durante la maceración con elementos líticos. Las estructuras dentales más afectadas por el desgaste dental corresponden al esmalte y

  16. Fluorosis y caries dental en niños de 6 a 12 años

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    Ana María Dobarganes Coca


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo de la fluorosis y la caries dental es importante para disminuir la prevalencia de estas enfermedades. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en niños de la zona rural de Ingenio Viejo, del municipio de Camagüey, con el objetivo de caracterizar la fluorosis y la caries dental, desde septiembre de 2011 hasta septiembre de 2012. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 67 escolares, a los que se les determinó la presencia de fluorosis dental y los índices de dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados, en la dentición temporal y en la permanente (ceo-d y COP-D, respectivamente. Los factores de riesgo asociados a la caries dental que se tomaron en consideración fueron: susceptibilidad del esmalte, dieta cariogénica e higiene bucal deficiente. Se detectó la presencia de higiene bucal deficiente (71,6 % y dieta cariogénica (82,1 %, sin embargo, el 29,8 % y el 41,8 % de los niños, respectivamente, aunque estuvieron sometidos a estos factores de riesgo no desarrollaron caries dental. El mayor por ciento de los niños sin caries (70,3 % presentó esmalte resistente. Se observó un índice ceo-d de 1,50 y COP-D de 0,20. De los pacientes sin fluorosis, el 60,6 % no presentó caries dental

  17. The most commonly used drugs during early childhood and their relationship to the incisor molar hypomineralization syndrome : experimental study in mice= Relación entre los fármacos de uso más frecuente en la primera infancia y la aparición del síndrome de hipomineralización incisivo-molar: estudio experimental en ratones


    Serna Muñoz, Clara


    El término hipomineralización incisivo molar (MIH) fue descrito por primera vez por Weerheijm, Jälevik y Alaluusua (2001), y definitivamente adoptado por la comunidad dental internacional como resultado de un consenso tras varias discusiones sobre un defecto del desarrollo del esmalte en el Congreso de la Academia Europea de Odontopediatría celebrado en Atenas, en 2003 (Weerheijm et al., 2003). La MIH es un defecto cualitativo del esmalte, que afecta a los primeros molares y los incisivos per...

  18. Avaliação comparativa da ultraestrutura e propriedades físicas do esmalte bovino, bubalino e humano

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    Bárbara C.L. Nogueira


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como finalidade comparar a morfologia e propriedades físicas da estrutura do esmalte dos dentes bovinos, bubalinos e humanos. A análise deste tecido foi realizada por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, composição mineral, microdureza e rugosidade superficial do esmalte em 41 incisivos bubalinos (Bos taurus indicus, 41 incisivos bovinos (Pelorovis antiques e 30 incisivos permanentes de humanos. Os resultados mostraram que a ultraestrutura do esmalte revela uma significativa similaridade das espécies estudadas com a encontrada em amostras humanas. No esmalte bovino e bubalino os elementos químicos que apresentaram maior concentração foram: O, Ca e P, justamente os que formam os cristais de hidroxiapatita - Ca10(PO46(OH2. Na microdureza Knoop não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as três espécies. Porém, a rugosidade superficial do esmalte bubalino (2,16µm ±0,23 foi significativamente maior quando comparada aos dentes humano (0,36µm ±0,05 e bovino (0,41µm ±0,07. Conclui-se que as características e propriedades do esmalte bovino e bubalino, por meio de análises e testes, apresentou uma morfologia semelhante à de humanos, arquitetura ultraestrutural similar, microdureza e composição mineral equivalente ao tecido dental humano, tornando-se modelos de referência para pesquisas.

  19. Prevalencia de defectos del desarrollo del esmalte en los incisivos permanentes de escolares: un estudio fotográfico en el Sur de Brasil

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    Renata Barbieri Bogo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia y distribución de diferentes tipos de problemas de desarrollo del esmalte (DDE en los incisivos de los escolares de una población de la pequeña ciudad del sur de Brasil. Examinamos a todos los niños y adolescentes que asistieron, del 5 al 8 º grado de educación en las escuelas públicas en la ciudad de Camboriu – SC, cuyas escuelas y cuyos padres aceptaron de forma individual y dieron su consentimiento para su participación. Fueron incluidos en el estudio aquellos que presentaban incisivos con al menos tres cuartas partes de la corona en erupción y en condiciones de ser examinados (sin aparatología ortodontica, fractura, lesión cariosa o restauración extensa, n = 223. Dos evaluadores, previamente capacitados utilizaron los criterios clínicos del “FDI World Dental Federation” para el diagnóstico de DDE, a través de proyección de imágenes de fotografías de los incisivos. Análisis descriptivo y test de Chi-cuadrado. 1728 dientes se clasificaron de acuerdo a la presencia de DDE. La prevalencia de DDE fue del 34,1% para los escolares, siendo que 10,3% de los dientes examinados presentaron algún tipo de DDE. La prevalencia de las diferentes alteraciones en los incisivos examinados fueron: opacidad difusa (6,6%, opacidad demarcada (3,4% e hipoplasia (0,4% y las clasificaciones mas frecuentes fueron la opacidad difusa lineal (3,7% , seguido por opacidad blanca demarcada (3% y opacidad difusa irregular (2,8%. Hubo una asociación estadísticamente significativa (p <0,001 entre la presencia de DDE y la arcada dentaria, siendo los incisivos superiores más afectados. Los incisivos centrales fueron estadísticamente más afectados (p <0,001 que los laterales. Los incisivos inferiores mostraron una prevalencia similar de DDE entre sí. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la prevalencia de DDE en función del género y el lado del diente. Se concluye que la

  20. Influência dos agentes clareadores e um refrigerante a base de cola na microdureza do esmalte dental e a ação da saliva na superfície tratada = Influence of bleaching agents and a carbonated soft drink on dental enamel microhardness as well as the artificial saliva effect on the treated surface

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    Araújo, Rodrigo Maximo de


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de três agentes clareadores e uma bebida carbonatada, à base de cola, sobre a microdureza do esmalte dental, assim como os efeitos da saliva artificial sobre o esmalte tratado com estes agentes. Foram utilizados quarenta dentes incisivos bovinos embutidos em resina acrílica. As amostras foram avaliadas em microdurômetro (Future Tech FM 700 após a divisão em quatro grupos, uma leitura inicial da microdureza serviu como controle do experimento: Grupo 1: peróxido de carbamida a 10% (Whiteness Perfect – FGM; Grupo 2: refrigerante Coca-Cola; Grupo 3: peróxido de carbamida a 37% (Whiteness Super – FGM; Grupo 4: peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Whiteness HP – FGM. Os dados foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos ANOVA e Tukey. Conclui-se que os agentes clareadores não diminuíram a microdureza do esmalte; a exposição à Coca-Cola diminuiu significantemente a microdureza do esmalte; o tempo de exposição aos agentes foi significante apenas para a Coca- Cola; o armazenamento em saliva aumentou a microdureza do esmalte exposto ao peróxido de carbamida a 37%; à Coca-Cola e ao peróxido de hidrogênio à 35%

  1. Prevalence of developmental defects of enamel in children and adolescents with asthma Prevalência de defeitos do desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário em crianças e adolescentes com asma

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    Rodrigho Pelisson Guergolette


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of developmental defects of enamel (DDEs in relation to asthma severity, symptom onset and pharmacological treatment in pediatric asthma patients. METHODS: Children and adolescents (68 asthma patients and 68 controls, 5-15 years of age and residents of the city of Londrina, Brazil, were enrolled in the study. Medical and dental histories were collected through the use of a structured questionnaire. Each participant underwent a dental examination in which the examiner employed the DDE index. RESULTS: Of the 68 asthma group subjects, 61 (89.7% presented dental enamel defects, compared with only 26 (38.2% of those in the control group. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, we estimated the risk of DDEs in permanent dentition to be 11 times higher in pediatric subjects with asthma than in those without (OR = 11.88, p = 0.0001. The occurrence of dental enamel defects correlated with greater asthma severity (p = 0.0001 and earlier symptom onset (p = 0.0001. However, dental enamel defects did not correlate with the initiation of treatment (p = 0.08 or the frequency of medication use (p = 0.93. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatric patients with severe, early-onset asthma are at increased risk of dental enamel defects and therefore require priority dental care.OBJETIVO: Avaliou-se a prevalência de developmental defects of enamel (DDEs, defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário em pacientes pediátricos com asma e sua relação com a severidade da asma, o início dos sintomas e o tratamento medicamentoso. MÉTODOS: Os participantes do estudo eram residentes do município de Londrina (PR, com 5 a 15 anos, sendo 68 asmáticos e 68 controles. Foram levantados dados retrospectivos da história médica e de saúde bucal da população do estudo através de um questionário estruturado. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a um exame dental. Para a avaliação dos defeitos de desenvolvimento do

  2. Valoración "in vitro" de las fuerzas de adhesión de un sistema adhesivo convencional y otro autograbante en esmalte de dientes temporales y permanentes


    Herrera Martínez, Gilberto de Jesús


    El presente trabajo trata de aportar más información sobre un nuevo adhesivo autograbante a esmalte de dientes temporales y permanentes. El objetivo es valorar las fuerzas de adhesión en MPa de los sistemas adhesivos (convencional y autograbante),en el esmalte de dientes temporales y permanentes. Métodos: utilizando una muestra de 160 dientes (temporales y permanentes)a nivel de la estructura del esmalte, divididos en cuatro grupos, no tomándose en cuenta para el criterio de selección la p...

  3. Utilidad del fluoruro diamínico de plata en el diagnóstico precoz de la desmineralización del esmalte/caries incipiente en los primeros molares permanentes


    Moreno Morejón, Gladys Eugenia; Parra Coronel, Janeth Judith


    El estudio se aplicó en niños escolares de 9-12 años de la parroquia urbano marginal de Narancay. La intervención se efectuó en dos meses y mediante las tres técnicas se evaluaron 120 molares con un total de 359 superficies examinadas. Resultados: el resultado global de la valoración de los diferentes índices de salud bucal presenta resultados positivos para calificarla como población de alto riesgo. El FDP detectó más lesiones de desmineralización del esmalte/caries incipientes que el examen...

  4. Efeito sobre a morfologia do esmalte dental e análise físico-química de medicamentos utilizados por pacientes pediátricos com paralisia cerebral

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    Vanessa Feitosa ALVES

    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução Muitos medicamentos pediátricos líquidos são considerados fatores de risco para a estrutura dentária. Esse potencial pode aumentar quando ingeridos de forma crônica, como é o caso do tratamento de algumas condições, tal como a paralisia cerebral. Objetivo Avaliar o efeito sobre a morfologia do esmalte dental e as propriedades físico-químicas de medicamentos de uso contínuo indicados a pacientes infantis com Paralisia Cerebral. Material e método A amostra foi constituída por quatro medicamentos: Fenobarbital (M1, Carbamazepina (M2, Oxcarbazepina (M3 e Domperidona (M4, todos em suspensão oral. Analisaram-se o pH, o teor de Sólidos Solúveis Totais (SST e a viscosidade dos medicamentos. Todos os testes foram realizados em duplicata. Para análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, 15 blocos de esmalte bovino foram distribuídos aleatoriamente e imersos em oxcarbamazepina (n=5, carbamazepina (n=5 e saliva artificial (n=5. Os ciclos de imersão foram feitos por seis dias, durante cinco minutos, duas vezes ao dia, com intervalos de 12 horas, quando ficavam mantidos em saliva artificial. O grupo controle permaneceu em saliva artificial. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente. Resultado Em relação ao pH endógeno, os valores variaram de 2,82 (M3 a 9,60(M1. Para o SST, as médias de maior e menor valor foram, respectivamente, de 20,5% (M3 e 46% (M1. A viscosidade variou de 6,89 mm2/s (M1 a 58 mm2/s (M3. Em MEV, observaram-se alterações sugestivas de perda de estrutura no esmalte dental em oxcarbamazepina e carbamazepina, proveniente da ação dos medicamentos analisados. Conclusão Concluiu-se que os medicamentos líquidos pediátricos analisados, indicados a pacientes com paralisia cerebral, apresentam potencial cariogênico e erosivo, destacando-se a Oxcarbazepina.


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    María Clemencia Vargas Vargas


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} Antecedentes: El diente es de gran importancia cuando se trata de caracterizar individuos, poblaciones vivas o desaparecidas. Este componente es el que más resiste a la descomposición, debido a que al terminar su calcificación, el diente se conforma definitivamente y por tal razón no sufre ningún cambio. A excepción del desgaste mecánico o atrición y la acumulación de dentina secundaria. Objetivo: Deducir los posibles factores etiológicos que ocasionaron grandes desgastes dentales y condujeron a una rápida respuesta del complejo pulpo dentinal, en los individuos pertenecientes a una población prehispánica de cazadores-recolectores, del precerámico temprano y tardío cuya dieta era basada en alimentos fibrogénicos y abrasivos. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal donde se tomaron 15 piezas dentales, pertenecientes a dos poblaciones cazadoras-recolectoras: Precerámico temprano (Chequa y Precerámico tardío (Aguazuque.  A estos dos grupos se tomaron las muestras para realizar un análisis clínico, radiográfico y microscópico. Resultados: Disminución evidente en el tamaño de la corona clínica dental, se observaron diferentes grados de desgaste dental con exposición dentinaria delimitado por esmalte en su circunferencia. La dentina expuesta por el desgaste dental presenta

  6. In vitro study of dose-response relationship of fluoride with dental enamel

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    Arthur, Rodrigo Alex et al.


    Full Text Available Modelos in vitro para avaliação da reatividade do fluoreto (F devem apresentar resposta dose-efeito. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a relação dose-resposta do fluoreto presente em solução aquosa com o esmalte dental bovino. Cento e vinte blocos de esmalte bovino (5 × 5 × 2 mm, 60 hígidos e 60 com lesão artificial de cárie, foram submetidos durante 10 minutos à água destilada e deionizada (controle negativo e soluções aquosas contendo 50, 100, 200 ou 400 µg F/mL. Cada grupo experimental recebeu 12 blocos hígidos e 12 blocos com lesão artificial de cárie. Duas camadas consecutivas de esmalte dental foram removidas de todos os blocos dentais por meio de ataque ácido e o fluoreto extraído foi determinado com eletrodo específico. Os resultados de fluoreto incorporado foram expressos em µg por g de esmalte removido, considerando a quantidade total das duas camadas. A incorporação de fluoreto pelo esmalte hígido mostrou uma relação dose-resposta linear (p = 0,0001, enquanto que os blocos com lesão de cárie mostraram relação polinomial quadrática (p < 0,0001. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo in vitro de reatividade empregado no presente estudo é apropriado para avaliar a relação doseresposta entre o fluoreto em solução aquosa e aquele incorporado pelo esmalte dental bovino hígido ou com lesão artificial de cárie.






  8. Caries dental y ecología bucal, aspectos importantes a considerar Dental caries and oral ecology, important aspects to be considered: Bibliographic review

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    Johany Duque de Estrada Riverón


    Full Text Available La caries dental constituye actualmente la enfermedad más frecuente en el ser humano. Existen algunos elementos de la ecología bucal que pueden favorecer su desarrollo. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo fundamental de profundizar en los conocimientos teóricos sobre las características del tejido adamantino, aspectos específicos del Streptococcus mutans, papel de la saliva en el medio bucal e influencia de la ingesta de carbohidratos que pueden predisponer a la aparición de caries dental. Se concluye que se debe aumentar la resistencia del esmalte e impedir la adhesión inicial del Streptococcus mutans para prevenir esta enfermedad; la saliva debe ser considerada como un sistema y debemos fomentar la educación nutricional e higiénica de la familia.Dental caries are nowadays the most frequent disease among human beigns. There are some elements of oral ecology that may favor their development. A bibliographic review is made aimed at going deep into the theoretical knowledge of the characteristics of the adamantine tissue, the specific aspects of Streptococcus mutans, the role of saliva in the oral environment, and the influence of the ingestion of carbohydrates that may predispose the appareance of dental caries. It is concluded that the enamel resistance should be increased and that the initial adhesion of Streptococcus mutans should be impeded to prevent this disease. Saliva should be considered as a system and we should promote the family nutritional and hygiene education.

  9. Infiltración de resina como tratamiento mínimamente invasivo de lesiones de caries dental incipiente

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    Alain Manuel Chaple Gil

    Full Text Available La mínima intervención en cariología ha sido definida como la filosofía de cuidados estomatológicos que se encarga del tratamiento de la primera aparición, la detección temprana y el tratamiento de la caries dental. Una de las técnicas para el tratamiento temprano y detención de lesiones incipientes es la infiltración de resina. El objetivo es mostrar la utilidad de las resinas fluidas para la infiltración de un primer y segundo molar inferior permanentes con una lesión incipiente de caries dental. Se trata de un paciente masculino de 17 años de edad sin antecedentes patológicos, que acude a consulta estomatológica. En hemiarcada inferior izquierda se observaron manchas en forma de punto de color marrón oscuro cerca de la fosita central y en la estría vestibular del 36 y 37 respectivamente, que no presentaban más de 1 mm de profundidad. Se diagnosticaron lesiones de caries dental incipiente y se decidió realizar una infiltración con resina compuesta de baja viscosidad o fluida en consulta única. El uso de resinas compuestas fluidas es beneficioso en la infiltración de lesiones cariosas incipientes de esmalte, pues evita su propagación y sella las brechas de esmalte afectado. Es una técnica de mínima intervención en cariología, que propicia una solución inmediata para estos procesos y mayor sencillez para la solución de la enfermedad caries dental al equilibrar las expectativas estéticas y de mantenimiento de las estructuras dentarias sanas.

  10. A modified pH-cycling model to evaluate fluoride effect on enamel demineralization Modelo de ciclagens de pH para avaliar o efeito do fluoreto na desmineralização do esmalte

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    Rosane Maria Orth Argenta


    Full Text Available Since in vitro pH-cycling models are widely used to study dental caries, they should allow evaluations of fluoride effect on early stages of caries development. Therefore, acid etching on enamel surface must be avoided, enabling surface microhardness (SMH analysis. In the present study, the pH-cycling model originally described by Featherstone et al.9 (1986 was modified to preserve the enamel surface and to produce early carious lesions that could be evaluated using SMH and cross-sectional microhardness (CSMH measurements. In order to validate this modified model, a dose-response evaluation with fluoride was made. Human enamel blocks with known SMH were submitted to such regimen with the following treatments: distilled deionized water (DDW; control and solutions containing 70, 140 and 280 ppm F. Data from %SMH change and deltaZ (mineral loss showed a statistically significant negative correlation between F concentration in treatment solutions and mineral loss. In conclusion, the modified pH-cycling model allowed the evaluation of changes on the outermost enamel layer during caries development, and a dose-response effect of fluoride reducing enamel demineralization was observed.Considerando que os modelos de ciclagens de pH são amplamente usados para estudar a cárie dental, eles deveriam possibilitar a avaliação do efeito do fluoreto nos estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento da cárie. Desse modo, o ataque ácido erosivo na superfície do esmalte deve ser evitado, possibilitando a análise da microdureza de superfície (MDS. No presente estudo, o modelo de ciclagens de pH descrito por Featherstone et al.9 (1986 foi modificado para preservar a superfície do esmalte e para produzir lesões iniciais que pudessem ser avaliadas usando MDS e microdureza do esmalte seccionado longitudinalmente. Para validar esse modelo modificado, uma avaliação dose-resposta a fluoreto foi feita. Blocos de esmalte dental humano de MDS conhecida foram submetidos a

  11. Características generales de la fluorosis dental

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    Josefa Calderón Betancourt


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, utilizando los recursos disponibles desde la red infomed, con el objetivo de describir las características generales de la fluorosis dental. Esta es la hipomineralización del esmalte dental y tiene tres formas de presentación: leve, moderada y severa. Su cuadro clínico esta dado principalmente por manchas blanquecinas que cubre una mínima superficie del diente, hasta manchas de color café oscuro y su complicación más temida es la fractura que causa una agresiva y acentuada pérdida de la estructura dentaria. Es causada por el acumulo excesivo de flúor en el diente. Su prevención está encaminada a la administración de flúor sistémico en las diferentes edades y entre las recomendaciones para evitarla se encuentra: usar en lo posible agua con el nivel adecuado de flúor, utilizar pastas de dientes con los contenidos óptimos de flúor, excepto en las zonas con aguas fluoradas y no aplicar las lacas fluoradas a estos niños

  12. Novedades en el uso del barniz de flúor. Reporte de caso

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    Guido Perona Miguel de Priego


    Full Text Available Los barnices fluorados se utiliza en la odontologia desde hace mucho tiempo demostrando ser eficaz en la inhibición de la desmineralización del esmalte y promoción de la remineralización del mismo, una presentación tradicional es de color amarillo/naranja que siempre ha sido de cuestionar por los padres de familia si se está realizando una profilaxis dental porque aplicar uma sustancia de color sobre los dientes. Se presenta la técnica de um nuevo barniz transparente en un niño de 5 años de edad que presentaba lesiones de manchas blancas y su control a los 21 días.

  13. Defectos del esmalte, caries en dentición primaria, fuentes de fluoruro y su relación con caries en dientes permanentes Enamel defects, caries in primary dentition and fluoride sources: relationship with caries in permanent teeth

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    Ana Alicia Vallejos-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Explorar la relación entre la presencia de defectos del esmalte (DE, la experiencia de caries en la dentición temporal, y la exposición a diversas fuentes de fluoruros, con la presencia de caries en la dentición permanente de niños con dentición mixta. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 713 sujetos de 6-9 años de edad de 4 escuelas de Campeche, México, mediante un cuestionario dirigido a las madres, y un examen clínico bucal a los niños. La variable dependiente fue la prevalencia de caries en la dentición permanente. Resultados: El promedio de dientes temporales cariados, extraídos y obturados (ceod y dientes permanentes cariados, perdidos y obturados (CPOD fue de 2,48 (2,82 (ceod > 0 = 58,9% y 0,40 (0,98 (CPOD > 0 = 18,2%, respectivamente. El índice SiC (índice de caries significativa, calculado en la dentición temporal fue de 5,85 para los niños de 6 años de edad. En el análisis de regresión logística multivariado permanecieron significativas, después de ajustar por variables de exposición a fluoruros, la mayor edad (odds ratio [OR] = 2,99, el ceod > 0 (OR = 5,46, la menor escolaridad de la madre (OR = 1,57 y una interacción entre sexo y defectos del esmalte. Conclusiones: Las caries en la dentición temporal y permanente fueron relativamente menores que las observaciones publicadas por otros estudios en México. Los resultados confirmaron que la caries en la dentición temporal se asoció fuertemente con la caries en la dentición permanente. No hubo una relación significativa entre las fuentes de fluoruro y la caries dental en la dentición permanente.Objective: To examine the relationship between the presence of enamel defects, dental caries in primary teeth, and exposure to various fluoride technologies and the presence of dental caries in permanent teeth in children with mixed dentition. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 713 children aged 6-9 years old

  14. Factores de riesgo asociados con la enfermedad caries dental en niños

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    Johany Duque de Estrada Riverón


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio sobre los factores de riesgo que más inciden en la aparición de la enfermedad caries dental, dada la alta prevalencia que presenta, que afecta del 95 al 99 % de la población y la sitúa como la principal causa de pérdida de dientes. El estudio analítico del tipo casos y controles se llevó a cabo en el municipio de Colón, Matanzas, durante los cursos académicos 2000-2002. El universo estuvo constituido por 2 995 niños de 9-12 y 15 años de edad, de los cuales se tomó una muestra aleatoria de alrededor del 50 % (P = 0,50. En la selección, se consideraron como casos al grupo de pacientes portadores de la enfermedad caries dental, y como controles a los niños sanos o que no presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad. Se determinó el grado de infección por E. mutans (41 %, el grado de resistencia del esmalte a la dilución ácida (24 %, mala higiene bucal (80 % e ingestión de alimentos azucarados (100 %.

  15. Evaluation of the bleached human enamel by Scanning Electron Microscopy Avaliação do esmalte dental humano submetido ao tratamento clareador por meio de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura

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    Carolina Baptista Miranda


    aumento da popularidade de tratamentos clareadores, o interesse em se pesquisar os efeitos dos peróxidos nos tecidos dentais duros é crescente. Proposta: O objetivo deste trabalho foi conduzir uma análise qualitativa in vitro do esmalte dental humano após clareamento com agentes para consultório, por meio de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV. Material e métodos: Foram utilizados 20 terceiros molares humanos hígidos, extraídos por motivos ortodônticos, sendo aleatoriamente divididos em 4 grupos (n=5 e tratados da seguinte forma: G1-armazenamento em saliva artificial (grupo controle; G2- 4 aplicações de peróxido de carbamida a 35% por 30 min (tempo total de aplicação: 2h; G3- 4 aplicações de peróxido de carbamida a 35% por 2 h (tempo total de aplicação: 8h; G4- 2 aplicações de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35%, que foi foto-ativado com lâmpada halógena a 700mW/cm² por 7 min e mantido em contato com o dente durante 20 min (tempo total de aplicação: 40min. A avaliação dos grupos submetidos ao clareamento com peróxido de carbamida a 35% após 2 tempos de aplicação (30 minutos e 2 horas por sessão para testar as situações extremas recomendadas pelo fabricante. As amostras foram recobertas com ouro para análise em MEV e foram examinadas utilizando 15kV e aumentos de 500x e 2000x. Resultados: Foram detectadas alterações morfológicas similares na superfície do esmalte após o clareamento com peróxido de carbamida a 35% e peróxido de hidrogênio a 35%. Porosidades e irregularidades caracterizando um processo erosivo foram observadas no esmalte humano. Áreas de depressão, incluindo a formação de crateras e exposição dos prismas de esmalte também foram observadas. Conclusão: Os efeitos do clareamento na morfologia do esmalte encontraram-se distribuídos aleatoriamente por toda a superfície do esmalte e danos em diferentes intensidades puderam ser evidenciados. Significância clínica: Agentes concentrados para clareamento em

  16. Peroxide bleaching agent effects on enamel surface microhardness, roughness and morphology Efeitos de agentes clareadores à base de peróxidos na microdureza, rugosidade e morfologia superficial do esmalte

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    Cristiane Franco Pinto


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface roughness, microhardness and morphology of human enamel exposed to six bleaching agents (at baseline and post-treatment. Human dental enamel samples were obtained from human third molars and randomly divided into seven groups (n = 11: control, Whiteness Perfect - 10% carbamide peroxide (10% CP, Colgate Platinum - 10% CP, Day White 2Z - 7.5% hydrogen peroxide (7.5% HP, Whiteness Super - 37% CP, Opalescence Quick - 35% CP and Whiteness HP - 35% HP. Bleaching agents were applied according to manufacturers' instructions. The control group remained not treated and stored in artificial saliva. Microhardness testing was performed with a Knoop indentor and surface roughness was analyzed with a profilometer. Morphologic observations were carried out with scanning electron microscopy (SEM. Results were statistically analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test (5%, and revealed a significant decrease in microhardness values and a significant increase in surface roughness post-bleaching. Changes in enamel morphology after bleaching were observed under SEM. It was concluded that bleaching agents can alter the microhardness, roughness and morphology of dental enamel surface.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a rugosidade, microdureza e morfologia superficial do esmalte dental humano tratado com seis agentes clareadores (antes e depois do tratamento. Amostras de esmalte dental humano foram obtidas de terceiros molares e aleatoriamente distribuídas em sete grupos (n = 11: controle, Whiteness Perfect - peróxido de carbamida a 10% (PC 10%, Colgate Platinum - PC 10%, Day White 2Z - peróxido de hidrogênio a 7,5% (PH 7,5%, Whiteness Super - PC 37%, Opalescence Quick - PC 35% e Whiteness HP - PH 35%. Os agentes clareadores foram aplicados de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes. O grupo controle permaneceu sem tratamento e armazenado em saliva artificial. O teste de microdureza foi realizado

  17. Influence of storage solution on enamel demineralization submitted to pH cycling Influência da solução de armazenagem na desmineralização do esmalte submetido à ciclagem de pH

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    Juliana Silva Moura


    Full Text Available Extracted human teeth are frequently used for research or educational purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to store them in disinfectant solutions that do not alter dental structures. Thus, this study evaluated the influence of storage solution on enamel demineralization. For that purpose, sixty samples were divided into the following groups: enamel stored in formaldehyde (F1, stored in thymol (T1, stored in formaldehyde and submitted to pH cycling (F2, stored in thymol and submitted to pH cycling (T2. All samples were evaluated by cross-sectional microhardness analysis and had their percentage of mineral volume versus micrometer (integrated area determined. Differences between groups were found up to 30-µm depth from the enamel surface (p Dentes humanos extraídos são freqüentemente utilizados para propósitos educacionais ou de pesquisa. Desta forma, é necessário o armazenamento dos mesmos em soluções desinfetantes que não alterem a estrutura dental. Para tanto, sessenta espécimes foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: esmalte armazenado em formol (F1, armazenado em timol (T1, armazenado em formol e submetido à ciclagem de pH (F2 e armazenado em timol e submetido à ciclagem de pH (T2, sendo avaliados por meio de análise de microdureza longitudinal e tiveram a porcentagem de volume mineral pro micrômetro determinada. Diferenças entre os grupos foram encontradas até a profundidade de 30µm da superfície do esmalte (p<0,05, onde o grupo mais desmineralizado era T2. Foi concluído que a solução de armazenagem influenciou na reação do substrato dental a um desafio cariogênico, sugerindo que o formaldeído pode aumentar a resistência do esmalte à desmineralização promovida pelo modelo de ciclagem de pH, quando comparado à desmineralização ocorrida no esmalte armazenado em timol.

  18. Origen geográfico de camélidos en el periodo mochica (100-800 AD) y análisis isotópico secuencial del esmalte dentario: enfoque metodológico y aportes preliminares


    Goepfert, Nicolas; Dufour, Elise; Gutiérrez, Belkys; Chauchat, Claude


    Comunes en los sitios arqueológicos costeños peruanos en la época prehispánica, los camélidos se encuentran hoy en día ausentes de este medio ambiente. Por lo tanto, se sugirió durante mucho tiempo que estos animales llegaban a la costa a través de intercambios con la sierra. Este trabajo representa un primer intento en la utilización del oxígeno en los análisis isotópicos secuenciales para reconstruir el origen geográfico de los camélidos en la zona andina. El análisis isotópico del esmalte ...






  20. Efeito da fumaça de cigarro nas propriedades físicas e químicas do esmalte e dentina e na resistência de união à resina composta utilizando diferentes sistemas adesivos = : Effect of cigarette smoke on the physical and chemical properties of the enamel and dentin and bond strength to resin composite using different adhesive systems


    Jéssica Dias Theobaldo


    Resumo: Este estudo avaliou o efeito da fumaça do cigarro nas propriedades físico-químicas da estrutura dental e na resistência de união à resina composta utilizando diferentes sistemas adesivos, em dois estudos. O objetivo do Estudo 1 foi avaliar a influência da exposição à fumaça (20 cigarros/dia, durante 5 dias) e da ciclagem de pH (8 dias) na composição química e na dureza superficial e sub-superficial do esmalte dental. Foram utilizados 40 fragmentos dentais bovinos (esmalte e dentina), ...

  1. Aportes de la Calidad del Servicio en clínicas dentales


    Vargas Perez, Ana Maria; Solana Perez, Pablo; Marcado Idoeta, Carmelo


    Debido a la necesidad de gestionar los nuevos modelos de negocios de las clínicas dentales y la demanda de nuevos servicios requeridos por el paciente, el conocimiento sobre la “calidad del servicio” del sector dental necesita ser ampliado. En la evaluación de la calidad del servicio dental y sanitario, al paciente le es difícil valorar los aspectos técnicos (calidad técnica). El paciente (cliente) de estos servicios se diferencia de otros clientes por su renuencia a recibir el servicio...

  2. Efeito erosivo in vitro de um vinho tinto brasileiro sobre o esmalte bovino observado em microscopia eletrônica de varredura = “In vitro” erosive effect of a brazilian red wine on bovine enamel observed in scanning electron microscopy

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    Hugo, Fernando Neves


    Full Text Available O termo clínico erosão dental é usado para descrever os efeitos físicos de uma perda localizada, crônica e patológica de tecido mineral dentário que é removido quimicamente da superfície dentária por meio de ácido ou substâncias quelantes, sem envolvimento bacteriano. Estudos apontam diversos tipos de vinho como agentes causadores de erosão dentária. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o efeito erosivo de um vinho tinto brasileiro sobre o esmalte bovino previamente imerso em saliva humana e água. Foram obtidos 20 blocos de esmalte bovino (3 mm × 3 mm × 3 mm. A metade da superfície de cada bloco foi coberta com esmalte de unhas. 10 blocos foram imersos em água e 10 em saliva humana por 12 horas. Após esse período, as peças foram imersas em vinho por 1 hora, submetidas ao ultra-som com acetona, lavados e secos. As peças foram analisadas em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Em todos os blocos analisados foi possível observar erosão na superfície do esmalte. Em 2 blocos essa erosão foi leve, caracterizando-se como um alargamento das ranhuras fisiológicas do esmalte. No restante dos blocos ocorreu erosão severa, sendo possível observar o aspecto de favos de mel dos prismas de esmalte. O efeito erosivo no grupo de blocos imerso em saliva e em água foi similar. Concluiu-se que o vinho utilizado nesta experiência produziu erosão significativa na superfície do esmalte, in vitro. A imersão em saliva, precedente à exposição ao vinho, não pôde proteger o esmalte bovino contra a desmineralização, neste modelo experimental

  3. Reología de suspensiones de esmaltes cerámicos para monococción: estudio de la influencia de los aditivos utilizados

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    Andreola, F.


    Full Text Available In this paper are presented the results obtained by the characterisation and the study of the rheological behavior of concentrated frits suspensions used in the preparation of ceramic glazes for single firing porous tiles. In particular the effects of different components and additives on the rheological parameters which control the processing phases were put out. For this work the rotational viscosimetry has been utilised to study the rheological behavior of glaze suspensions using flow curves in a wide range of apparent viscosity values (1-104cP. The measurements on the glaze suspensions were carried out on continuos flow which results the best method to reproduce the conditions where the glazes are undergo during the preparation and application phases.

    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la caracterización y el estudio del comportamiento reológico de suspensiones de fritas cerámicas para la elaboración de esmaltes para baldosas de monococción porosa. En particular se evidencian los efectos que los distintos componentes y aditivos, ejercen sobre los parámetros reológicos que controlan las fases de preparación y de aplicación. El presente estudio se ha desarrollado usando la viscosimetría rotacional como técnica de estudio, para evaluar el comportamiento reológico de los esmaltes, por medio del análisis de curvas de flujo en un amplio intervalo de viscosidades (1-104cP. Las pruebas reológicas ó fueron hechas en flujo continuo que aproxima el efecto de cizalla y reproduce bastante bien las condiciones de preparación y aplicación de los esmaltes.

  4. Nivel de conocimiento de defectos de esmalte y su tratamiento entre odontopediatras

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    María Gabriela Acosta de Camargo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento de defectos de esmalte entre odontólogos especialistas en Odontopediatría y tratamientos disponibles Material y método: Fue una investigación de tipo descriptiva con un diseño de campo no experimental, con encuesta transversal. La población objeto de estudio estuvo conformada por 31 especialistas de Odontopediatría, practicantes en Venezuela, quienes provenían de 7 universidades de diferentes países. Resultados: Se encontró que 77,41% de los encuestados sabían el defecto de esmalte que estaban observando, específicamente fluorosis, y 51,61% Pigmentación. De los encuestados 41.93% acertaron con el diagnóstico de Hipomineralización Molar Incisivo. Los tratamientos más conocidos entre odontopediatras fueron la microabrasión (90.32%, blanqueamiento (58.06%, carillas (54.83% y resinas (51.61%. Conclusión: Los odontopediatras consultados en el presente estudio mostraron un nivel aceptable de conocimiento hacia los defectos de esmalte y los tratamientos disponibles para mejorar la apariencia de los mismos.

  5. Avaliação da espessura do esmalte proximal em segundos pré-molares superiores humanos e sua correlação com o diâmetro mésio-distal = Thickness valuation of adjacent enamel in second superior human pre molar teeth an their relationship with mesio distal diameter

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    Fischer, Luís Henrique


    Full Text Available A determinação da espessura do esmalte proximal à altura do ponto de contato é de grande importância, visto que o desgaste desta região dental é freqüentemente utilizado na clínica ortodôntica com a finalidade de correção de discrepâncias dentais e estabilidade do tratamento. Com o intuito de determinar os valores do diâmetro mésio-distal e aferir os valores médios da espessura do esmalte nas faces proximais à altura do ponto de contato, foram avaliados 42 segundos pré-molares superiores. Os diâmetros mésio-distais foram mensurados com auxílio de um paquímetro digital, em seguida foram incluídos em resina e seccionados obtendo-se uma lâmina central de 0,7 mm de espessura, possibilitando a medição da espessura do esmalte em um perfilômetro de precisão milesimal. Com base nos dados obtidos, também foram analisadas as possíveis correlações entre a espessura do esmalte nas faces proximais e o diâmetro mésio-distal. Os resultados indicaram que o valor médio do diâmetro mésio-distal é de 6,85 mm para o segundo pré-molar superior e com espessura media do esmalte de 1,101 mm na mesial e 1,157 mm na distal. De acordo com os testes de Spearman e Pearson foram encontradas correlações estatisticamente significantes no lado direito entre a espessura do esmalte na face mesial e o diâmetro mésio-distal, entre a espessura na face distal e o diâmetro mésiodistal. No lado esquerdo foram encontradas correlações positivas entre a espessura do esmalte distal e o diâmetro mésio-distal. Em ambos os lados houve correlações estatisticamente significantes entre a espessura do esmalte mesial e a espessura do esmalte distal. Independente do lado, a espessura média do esmalte é maior na face distal que na mesial

  6. La evolución tecnológica del distrito cerámico de Castellón: la contribución de la industria de fritas, colores y esmaltes

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    Tortajada Esparza, E.


    Full Text Available The industrial district of Castellon is characterized by a great dynamism based on technological innovation, both product and process, the origins of which are to be found on its providers (1, the machinery industry and the frit, glaze and colours industry. In this paper the current situation of the frit, glaze and colour industry is analyzed, accounting also for the situation of its main European competitor in Italy. The formation and development of the industry is also described in relation to the industrial district and the innovation system where it belongs, together with the R&D activity, the innovation activity, and the main technological milestones that have made it become the world leader. The analysis shows the challenges to which this subsector, and more generally, the tile innovation system need to react to, by means of cooperation, in order to maintain the tile district leadership. Globalization implies new behaviours and one of the most relevant is the increase of cooperation among the different actors in the innovation system.

    El distrito industrial de Castellón se caracteriza por un gran dinamismo fundamentado en la innovación tecnológica, tanto de proceso como de producto, cuyo origen está básicamente en sus proveedores (1, la industria de equipamiento mecánico y la industria de fritas, esmaltes y colores cerámicos. En este artículo se analiza la situación actual de la industria de fritas, esmaltes y colores cerámicos española, atendiendo además a la situación de su mayor competidor europeo, Italia. Se describe también la formación y desarrollo de la industria en el entorno del distrito cerámico de Castellón y de su sistema de innovación, se analizan, asimismo la actividad en I+D e innovación así como los hitos tecnológicos que le han llevado a ocupar un liderazgo mundial. El análisis realizado identifica los retos frente a los que el subsector y, en general, el sistema de innovación cer

  7. Patologías en aborígenes precolombinos de la región central de Santiago del Estero

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    Drube, Hilton


    Full Text Available Restos óseos humanos pertenecientes a cuatro individuos son analizados en el presente trabajo con el propósito de evaluar fundamentalmente sus correspondientes patologías óseas y dentales. Los esqueletos fueron exhumados en dos sitios de ocupación aborigen del Período Tardío en la provincia de Santiago del Estero y corresponden a tres adultos, dos de ellos masculinos y el restante femenino, y a un individuo subadulto de sexo probable masculino. Mediante un minucioso análisis escópico se detecta la presencia de anomalías congénitas, anemia, cuadros infecciosos, alteraciones de origen funcional y evidencias de situaciones traumáticas. El individuo subadulto presenta malformaciones de tipo congénitas, afectando sus elementos sacros y al menos una de sus vértebras cervicales. Se observan evidencias de anemia en el mismo individuo, bajo la forma de porosis hiperostótica. Indicadores de infecciones en tejido óseo están presentes en dos adultos, afectando los miembros apendiculares en el primero de ellos y las piezas craneales en el segundo. Las patologías dentales incluyen presencia de periodontitis, cálculos e incidencia poco significativa de caries en los individuos adultos, en tanto que se observa apiñamiento dental, caries e hipoplasia en el esmalte del individuo subadulto. El conjunto de los datos recabados, a pesar del tamaño poco significativo de la muestra, permite aproximar algunas características bioculturales presentes en las poblaciones precolombinas que ocuparon el área de la provincia de Santiago del Estero.

  8. Avaliação das medidas de oximetria de pulso em indivíduos sadios com esmalte de unha Evaluación de las medidas de oximetría de pulso en individuos sanos con esmalte de uña Evaluation of pulse oximetry measurements in healthy subjects with nail polish

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    Solange Diccini


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações nas medidas da oximetria de pulso em indivíduos sadios com esmaltes de unha. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 80 voluntárias sadias. As cores de esmalte utilizadas para avaliar a saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2 foram: café com leite, café, chocolate, vermelho e ameixa. Estas cores foram distribuídas entre as unhas dos dedos da mão esquerda. Os dedos da mão direita foram os controles. RESULTADOS: As cores vermelha (p=0,047 e café (p=0,024 mostraram valores menores na SpO2 quando comparados ao controle. As outras cores não alteraram a medida da SpO2. CONCLUSÃO: As cores vermelha e café causaram redução na medida da SpO2, porém a relevância clínica deste achado é questionável, pois os valores estavam dentro do intervalo de normalidade.OBJETIVO: Evaluar las alteraciones en las medidas de la oximetría de pulso en individuos sanos con esmalte de uña. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado con 80 voluntarias sanas. Los colores de esmalte utilizados para evaluar la saturación periférica de oxígeno (SpO2 fueron: café con leche, café, chocolate, rojo y ciruela. Estos colores fueron distribuidos entre las uñas de los dedos de la mano izquierda. Los dedos de la mano derecha fueron los controles. RESULTADOS: Los colores rojo (p=0,047 y café (p=0,024 mostraron valores menores en la SpO2 cuando fueron comparados al control. Los otros colores no alteraron la medida del SpO2. CONCLUSIÓN: Los colores rojo y café causaron reducción en la medida del SpO2, sin embargo la relevancia clínica de este hallazgo es cuestionable, pues los valores estaban dentro del intervalo de normalidad.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the changes in measurements of pulse oximetry in healthy individuals with nail polish. METHODS: Cross sectional study with 80 healthy volunteers. The colors of enamel used to assess oxygen saturation (SpO2 were: coffee with milk, coffee, chocolate, red and plum. These colors were

  9. Caries dental en escolares del Distrito Federal

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Presentar las estimaciones de la prevalencia y la severidad de caries dental, así como las necesidades de tratamiento de la población escolar del Distrito Federal examinada en la encuesta de caries dental que se llevó a cabo en 1988 con la finalidad de obtener datos basales sobre caries en los escolares al inicio del Programa Nacional de Fluoruración de la Sal en México. Material y métodos. La población de estudio fue seleccionada empleando un marco muestral basado en el listado de las escuelas primarias y los jardines de niños registrados por la Secretaría de Educación Pública en 1988. En el examen de la cavidad bucal de los escolares se utilizaron los criterios diagnósticos señalados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados. Un total de 4 475 escolares de 5 a 12 años de edad participaron en el estudio. La prevalencia de caries dental en la población alcanzó 90.5%. El índice de necesidades de tratamiento fue elevado (79.6%. El promedio de los índices de caries en los escolares de 12 años de edad fue CPOD= 4.42 (desviación estándar -DE- 3.2 y CPOS= 6.53 (DE 4.8. Conclusiones. Los resultados de la encuesta subrayan la pertinencia de un programa preventivo de amplia cobertura, como el de fluoruración de la sal. Además, muestran que se requiere elaborar estrategias para mejorar el acceso de la población escolar a los servicios odontológicos del sistema de salud en México.


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    Angelo Stefano SECCO


    Full Text Available Este estudo determinou a resistência e o tipo de fratura do esmalte suportado pelos materiais restauradores ionômeros de vidro convencional e modificado por resina e resina composta, bem como a influência dessa técnica restauradora na resistência das cúspides dos dentes. A remoção da estrutura dental para o preparo de cavidades tipo classe II e a presença de esmalte socavado diminuiram significativamente a resistência das cúspides dos dentes em relação ao dente hígido (p This study determined the resistance to fracture and its pattern for enamel supported with conventional and modified glass ionomer cements, and composite resin restorative materials, as well as the influence of these restorative techniques on cuspal strength of teeth. Removal of dental structure by class II cavity preparations and unsupported enamel had decreased significantly the cuspal strength in relation to healthy teeth (p < 0.01. Restorative materials used to support enamel reduced the fracture rate of restored cusps, but did not increase the fracture resistance values statistically. All tested groups presented alterations in the fracture pattern

  11. Diagnóstico y tratamiento del trauma dental

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    Juana María Abreu Correa


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio acerca del diagnóstico y tratamiento del trauma dental en un grupo de 40 pacientes cuyas edades oscilaron entre 5 y 25 años. La edad en que ocurrió el trauma con mayor frecuencia fue de 5 a 11 años y la porción dentaria más afectada fue la corona, aunque tenemos 2 casos con fracturas radiculares. Se atendieron 31 pacientes que habían sufrido trauma pasados varios días y habían sido atendidos por otros estomatólogos. La conducta que seguimos fue realizar tratamiento en correspondencia con la afección que presentaba el paciente en ese momento. Tres pacientes acudieron a consulta entre 6 y 24 horas y 6 antes de las 5 horas, a los que se les realizó el tratamiento correcto. Todos los pacientes atendidos después de las 24 horas del trauma presentaron sintomatología dolorosa; no ocurrió así para los pacientes atendidos entre las 5 y 24 horas, que su posoperatorio fue exitoso.It was conducted a study on the diagnosis and treatment of dental trauma in a group of 40 patients aged 5-25. The trauma occurred more frequently among those aged 5-11 and the crown was the most affected dental portion, eventhough there were 2 cases with radicular fractures. 31 patients who had suffered from trauma some days later and had been seen by other stomatologists were attended. 3 patients went to the dental office between 6 and 24 hours after the trauma, whereas 6 did it before the 5 hours. These patients received the correct treatment. The rest of the patients that were given attention 24 hours after the trauma presented a painful symptomatology. It was not so for the patients attended between 5 and 24 hours and whose postoperative was successful.

  12. Effect of bicarbonate on fluoride reactivity with enamel = Efeito do bicarbonato na reatividade do fluoreto com esmalte

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    Peres, Paulo Edelvar


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O bicarbonato (HCO-3 é uma substância alcalina e tamponante encontrada em dentifrícios, que poderia melhorar o efeito anticárie do fluoreto (F. No entanto, HCO-3 poderia reduzir a formação de fluoreto de cálcio (CaF2, o mais importante produto da reatividade do F com esmalte, cuja formação é maior em baixo pH. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro se o HCO-3 interfere na reatividade do F com o esmalte humano. Metodologia: Cinco formulações de dentifrícios foram avaliadas: placebo de F e HCO-3 (pH 7,0; HCO-3 (pH 9,0; F (pH 7,0; F (pH 9,0 e F+HCO-3 (pH 9,0. Os dentifrícios fluoretados continham NaF e todos continham sílica como abrasivo. As concentrações de F total (FT, CaF2 e F firmemente ligado (FA, tipo flúorapatita formadas no esmalte após 1 minuto de reação com as suspensões dos dentifrícios (1: 3 foram determinadas. Resultados: A formação de FT, CaF2 e FA foram reduzidas em 22,1 %; 47,9 % e 4,8 %, respectivamente, pela presença de HCO-3 na formulação do dentifrício. Conclusão: Os resultados in vitro sugerem que a adição de HCO-3 a um dentifrício pode interferir com a reatividade do F com o esmalte, principalmente reduzindo a concentração de CaF2 formado no esmalte

  13. Study and structural and chemical characterization of human dental smalt by electron microscopy; Estudio y caracterizacion estructural y quimico del esmalte dental humano por microscopia electronica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Belio R, I A; Reyes G, J [Instituto de Fisica, UNAM, A.P. 20-364, 01000 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The study of human dental smalt has been subject to investigation for this methods with electron microscopy, electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction and image simulation programs have been used with the purpose to determine its chemical and structural characteristics of the organic and inorganic materials. This work has been held mainly for the characterization of hydroxyapatite (Ca){sub 10} (PO{sub 4}){sub 6} (OH{sub 4}){sub 2}, inorganic material which conforms the dental smalt in 97%, so observing its structural unity which is composed by the prisms and these by crystals and atoms. It was subsequently initiated the study of the organic material, with is precursor of itself. (Author)

  14. Evaluation of enamel surface after bracket debonding and polishing Avaliação da superfície do esmalte dentário após a remoção do braquete e polimento

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    Lilian Maria Brisque Pignatta


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Preserving the dental enamel structure during removal of orthodontic accessories is a clinician's obligation. Hence the search for an evidence based debonding protocol. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate and compare, by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM, the effects of four different protocols of bracket debonding and subsequent polishing on enamel surface, and to propose a protocol that minimizes damage to enamel surface. METHODS: Twelve bovine permanent incisors were divided into four groups according to the instrument used for debonding and removal of the adhesive remnant. In groups 1 and 2, brackets were debonded with a straight debonding plier (Ormco Corp., Glendora, California, USA, and in groups 3 and 4, debonding was performed with the instrument Lift-Off (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California, USA. In groups 1 and 3, the adhesive remnant was removed using a long adhesive removing plier (Ormco Corp., Glendora, California, USA and in groups 2 and 4, residual adhesive was removed with a tungsten carbide bur (Beavers Dental at high-speed. After each stage of debonding and polishing, enamel surfaces were replicated and electron micrographs were obtained with 50 and 200X magnification. RESULTS: All four protocols of debonding and polishing caused enamel irregularities. CONCLUSION: Debonding brackets with straight debonding plier, removal of adhesive remnant with a tungsten carbide bur and polishing with pumice and rubber cup was found to be the protocol that caused less damage to enamel surface, therefore this protocol is suggested for debonding brackets.INTRODUÇÃO: a preservação da estrutura de esmalte após a remoção dos acessórios ortodônticos é obrigação do clínico. Portanto, procura-se um protocolo de descolagem com bases científicas. OBJETIVO: objetivou-se avaliar por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV a influência de quatro protocolos de remoção de braquetes e polimento da superfície do esmalte e propor um

  15. Interference of nail polish on the peripheral oxygen saturation in patients with lung problems during exercise La interferencia del esmalte de uñas en la saturación periférica de oxígeno en pacientes con pneumopatía en el ejercicio Interferência do esmalte de unha na saturação periférica de oxigênio em pacientes pneumopatas no exercício

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    Walkiria Shimoya-Bittencourt


    Full Text Available AIM: To assess the interference of nail polish on the reading of peripheral oxygen saturation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on the step exercise. METHODS: In this study, there was the inclusion of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, current non-smokers, of both sexes. Four different colours of nail polish were used in the present study (base, light pink, red and brown, randomly distributed among the fingers of the right hand, with the corresponding fingers on the opposite hand being controls. Saturation was measured at rest, with and without the polish, and also during the 4th, 5th and 6th minutes of the exercise programme. RESULTS: The experimental universe included 42 patients with ages of 62.9±8.7 years. In the exercise considered, the red colour reduced it in the fourth minute of the exercise (p=0.047. In contrast, the brown colour reduced saturation at rest and also during the course of exercise (p=0.01. CONCLUSION: In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the red and brown colours interfered with the reading of the peripheral oxygen saturation during exercise. This study is registered at the Brazilian Register of Clinical Trials (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos under No. RBR-9vc722.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la interferencia del esmalte de uñas en la lectura de la saturación periférica de oxígeno en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica en el ejercicio de la etapa. MÉTODOS: Fueron incluidos pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica estable, no fumadores actuales, de ambos los sexos. Fueron utilizadas cuatro colores de esmalte (base, rosa claro, rojo y marrón distribuidas aleatoriamente entre los dedos de la mano derecha teniendo los dedos contralaterales como control. La saturación fue medida en reposo con y sin esmalte y durante el 4º, 5º y 6º minutos del ejercicio. RESULTADOS: Fueron incluidos 42 pacientes con edad de 62,9±8,7 años. En el

  16. Evaluation of commercial fluoride solutions on bovine enamel demineralization, using pH-cycling model = Avaliação de soluções fluoretadas comerciais na redução da perda mineral em esmalte bovino, utilizando modelo de ciclagem de pH

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    Carvalho, Maira de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi analisar a concentração de flúor em diferentes soluções fluoretadas para bochechos e sua capacidade de interferir no processo de cárie. Metodologia: A análise da concentração de flúor nas soluções para bochecho foi realizada com eletrodo específico para íon flúor acoplado a um analisador de íons Orion. Blocos de esmalte de dentes incisivos bovinos com a microdureza superficial conhecida foram submetidos à ciclagem de pH e uso de soluções fluoretadas, sendo, posteriormente, avaliados por uma nova análise de microdureza e também pela incorporação de flúor. Resultados: As concentrações de flúor (ppm encontradas nas soluções SANiFill®, Colgate® Plax®, Oral B®, Sorriso® e Cepacol® (não fluoretada foram, respectivamente: 245,94; 247,61; 251,50; 258,01 e 38,44. A menor perda de porcentagem de dureza superficial foi observada com o uso da solução fluoretada Sorriso® (29,7%±14,4, seguida por Colgate® Plax® (33%±14,1 e Oral B® (43%±18,3. Todas as soluções fluoretadas analisadas mostraram capacidade de incorporar flúor no esmalte dental. Conclusão: Os dados sugerem que as soluções fluoretadas foram capazes de interferir nos fenômenos de desmineralização e remineralização, promover incorporação de flúor e, conseqüentemente, diminuir a perda de dureza no esmalte dental

  17. Caries dental en escolares del Distrito Federal Dental caries in school children in Mexico City

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Presentar las estimaciones de la prevalencia y la severidad de caries dental, así como las necesidades de tratamiento de la población escolar del Distrito Federal examinada en la encuesta de caries dental que se llevó a cabo en 1988 con la finalidad de obtener datos basales sobre caries en los escolares al inicio del Programa Nacional de Fluoruración de la Sal en México. Material y métodos. La población de estudio fue seleccionada empleando un marco muestral basado en el listado de las escuelas primarias y los jardines de niños registrados por la Secretaría de Educación Pública en 1988. En el examen de la cavidad bucal de los escolares se utilizaron los criterios diagnósticos señalados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados. Un total de 4 475 escolares de 5 a 12 años de edad participaron en el estudio. La prevalencia de caries dental en la población alcanzó 90.5%. El índice de necesidades de tratamiento fue elevado (79.6%. El promedio de los índices de caries en los escolares de 12 años de edad fue CPOD= 4.42 (desviación estándar –DE– 3.2 y CPOS= 6.53 (DE 4.8. Conclusiones. Los resultados de la encuesta subrayan la pertinencia de un programa preventivo de amplia cobertura, como el de fluoruración de la sal. Además, muestran que se requiere elaborar estrategias para mejorar el acceso de la población escolar a los servicios odontológicos del sistema de salud en México.Objective. To estimate the prevalence and severity of dental caries and the dental treatment necessities of school children in Mexico City. The studied population was surveyed for dental caries in 1988 to obtain data necessary for the National Program of Salt Fluoridation in Mexico. Material and methods. The population was selected with a sample frame based on a list of Kindergardens and primary schools registered at the Ministry of Public Education in 1988. The oral cavity examination was based on diagnostic criteria marked by the

  18. Estudo in situ do efeito da freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola na erosão do esmalte-dentina e reversão pela saliva

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    FUSHIDA Claudia Emy


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi uma avaliação intra-oral do efeito erosivo de refrigerante no esmalte-dentina e a capacidade da saliva em reverter as alterações, considerando a adequação do modelo e a inexistência de pesquisas em relação à dentina. Para tanto, foram utilizados dentes bovinos, a partir dos quais prepararam-se blocos de esmalte e dentina radicular adequados para determinação de microdureza superficial. Nove voluntários, utilizando dispositivos intra-orais palatinos contendo 4 blocos de esmalte e 4 de dentina, participaram deste estudo de 4 etapas, nas quais Coca-Cola foi ingerida de 1 a 8 vezes ao dia. Foram feitas determinações de microdureza superficial utilizando-se o aparelho SHIMADZU HMV 2000, e cargas de 50,0 e 15,0 g, respectivamente para esmalte e dentina, durante 5,0 segundos. Os resultados mostraram que, em função da freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola, a porcentagem de perda de dureza foi de 18,7 a 27,9 para o esmalte e de 24,6 a 32,6 para a dentina. Estas reduções foram estatisticamente significativas a 5% (teste "t" pareado. A porcentagem de recuperação de dureza pela ação da saliva foi parcial, porém significativa (p < 0,05, variando de 43,6 a 35,6 para o esmalte e de 40,5 a 34,6 para a dentina. Houve também uma correlação significativa entre freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola e % de perda de dureza, sendo de 0,97 para o esmalte e de 0,72 para a dentina. Por outro lado, em termos de recuperação de dureza, a correlação foi negativa, -0,70 para o esmalte e -0,74 para a dentina. Conclui-se que em função da freqüência de ingestão de Coca-Cola há perdas proporcionais e irreversíveis da estrutura superficial tanto do esmalte como da dentina.

  19. Estudio de la prevalencia y posibles factores etiológicos relacionados con la Hipomineralización incisivo molar (mih) en un grupo de niños y adolescentes


    Martínez Gómez, Teresita Patricia


    La hipomineralización incisivo molar (MIH) por sus siglas en inglés, es un defecto cualitativo del desarrollo del esmalte de uno o cuatro primeros molares permanentes, frecuentemente asociado con defecto en los incisivos. Clínicamente, se observa como una alteración en la translucides del esmalte, caracterizado por opacidades demarcadas cuyos bordes bien definidos separa claramente el esmalte afectado del normal adyacente, la zona cervical de la corona anatómica mantiene una aparaiencia y co...

  20. Desarrollo y caracterización de un nuevo esmalte antideslizante de textura lisa y de fácil limpieza para baldosas de gres porcelánico

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    E. Barrachina Albert


    Full Text Available Dada la problemática que presentan los esmaltes antideslizantes convencionales, los cuales poseen una rugosidad superficial que dificulta la limpieza de la superficie de la pieza, se ha diseñado un esmalte antideslizante de naturaleza vitrocerámica que es resistente a las manchas y presenta una textura lisa, de tacto suave. Para ello, se han utilizado nuevas fritas de naturaleza mate y materias primas de composiciones similares, suficientemente refractarias para ser adecuadas para esmaltar piezas de gres porcelánico. El esmalte vitrocerámico así obtenido se ha caracterizado a través de varias técnicas instrumentales (fluorescencia de rayos X [FRX], microscopia electrónica de barrido [MEB], difracción de rayos X [DRX], perfilometría mecánica y medidas de microdureza con el fin de comprobar la naturaleza de las fases cristalizadas, su morfología, la rugosidad superficial y la microdureza de la pieza acabada. Además, se ha valorado la calidad de la pieza esmaltada mediante las normativas de resistencia química, resistencia a las manchas y resistencia a la resbaladicidad. El esmalte obtenido ha desvitrificado en cristales de silicoaluminatos de calcio y bario, cumple la normativa de antideslizamiento y es resistente a las manchas, ya que presenta una rugosidad superficial similar a un esmalte no antideslizante.

  1. Evaluation of radiation effects on dental enamel hardness and dental restorative materials; Avaliacao do efeito da irradiacao na dureza do esmalte dental e de materiais odontologicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adachi, Lena Katekawa; Saiki, Mitiko [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Supervisao de Radioquimica; Campos, Tomie Nakakuki [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Odontologia. Dept. de Protese


    This research presents the results of the microhardness of human dental enamel and of the following dental restorative materials: three dental porcelains - Ceramco II, Finesse and Noritake, and two resin restorative materials - Artglass and Targis, for materials submitted to different times of irradiation at the IEA-R1m nuclear reactor under a thermal neutron flux of 10{sup 12}n cm{sup -2}.s{sup -1} . The results obtained indicated that there is a decrease of the surface microhardness when the enamel is irradiated for 1 h and when dental materials are irradiated for 3 h. However, enamels irradiated for 30 min. did not show significant change of their surface hardness. Therefore, the selection of irradiation time is an important factor to be considered when irradiated teeth or dental materials are used in the investigations of their properties. (author)

  2. Utilización de una nueva materia prima borácica para la formulación de esmaltes

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    Gómez-Tena, M. P.


    Full Text Available The Rio Tinto Minerals company has developed a new borate (E-4972, which can be used in glaze formulation (patent WO 2007/148101. This new borate, synthesised by low-temperature calcination, fundamentally contributes five oxides: silicon oxide (SiO2, aluminium oxide (Al2O3, boron oxide (B2O3, calcium oxide (CaO, and sodium oxide (Na2O, its content in B2O3 being between 10 and 11% by weight. It is largely amorphous, and quartz is the major crystalline phase present. The characteristics of this new borate, such as its low solubility and ability readily to form glassy phase, enable it to be used as a raw material in glaze compositions. Its suitability for glaze formulation has been the result of several years’ research in collaboration with the Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica. In this paper, the feasibility has been studied of fabricating ceramic glazes by using a new synthetic borate raw material that contributes boron to the glaze composition without this needing to be done in fritted form. It has been possible to obtain fired glazes with similar technical and aesthetics characteristics to those obtained from industrial glaze compositions that contain typical frits in their compositions, thus enabling glazes to be formulated by using the new synthetic boron raw material. The results obtained show that this new raw material (E-4972 is particularly appropriate for use in producing glazes with low gloss at high temperature.

    La empresa Rio Tinto Minerals ha desarrollado un nuevo borato (E-4972, que puede ser utilizado en la formulación de esmaltes (patente WO 2007/148101. Este nuevo borato, sintetizado mediante calcinación a baja temperatura, aporta fundamentalmente cinco óxidos: óxido de silicio (SiO2, de aluminio (Al2O3, de boro (B2O3, de calcio (CaO y de sodio (Na2O, siendo su

  3. Análise micromorfológica de esmalte e dentina expostos ao laser de Nd: YAG em regime de picossegundos

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    Lizarelli Rosane de Fátima Zanirato


    Full Text Available A eficiência da ablação com laser através de um regime de picossegundos minimiza a destruição do material adjacente devido à formação de plasma e ataque. Isso previne a geração excessiva de ondas de choque e promove uma considerável diminuição nos efeitos mecânicos. Nesse estudo foi utilizado um laser de Nd:YAG em picossegundo "Q-switched" e "mode-locked" (Antares 76-s, Coherent, Palo Alto, CA, três molares humanos recém-extraídos e foram realizados 15 microcavidades em esmalte e 9 em dentina. Os parâmetros para irradiar o esmalte seguiram uma freqüência fixa de 100 Hz e potência média de 1,3 W; enquanto que para a dentina, a freqüência foi fixa em 15 Hz enquanto que a potência média variou em 800, 700 e 600 mW. O esmalte demonstrou ser mais capaz de dissipar as ondas de choque do que a dentina, uma vez que as trincas originadas nas microcavidades foram mais freqüentes em tecido dentinário, diferentemente do esmalte. Em conclusão, parece que para manter os aspectos de definição de bordas é importante escolher tempos de irradiação mais curtos, quando as potências médias forem mantidas mais altas, ou seja, energia total entregue mais baixa e bem localizada.

  4. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Berta Oramas Rodríguez


    Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Author...

  5. Traumatismos dentales en niños de 12 a 14 años en el municipio San José de las Lajas Traumatic dental injures in 12-14 years-old children from San José de las Lajas municipality

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    Jesús Gallego Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico retrospectivo en 1 280 alumnos, 679 varones y 601 hembras de las secundarias básicas del municipio San José de las Lajas, provincia de La Habana, cuyas edades oscilaron entre los 12 y 14 años de edad, para conocer los tipos, la prevalencia y la etiología de los traumatismos dentarios en los dientes antero-superiores. Se utilizó la clasificación de Andreassen para determinar los tipos de fracturas coronarias. La fractura simple de esmalte predominó, con el 63,1 %, la principal causa de traumatismos dentarios se debió a caídas (75,3 % seguidas de choques con personas u objetos inanimados (10,3 %; los varones sufrieron más lesiones en los dientes que las hembras (63,2 y 36,7 %, respectivamente. El diente más afectado fue el incisivo central derecho (47,4 %. La mayoría de los alumnos (77,1 % no concurrieron a las clínicas estomatológicas para recibir tratamiento.A prospective cross-sectional study of 1280 students (679 boys and 601 girls aged 12-14 years-old from high schools located in San José de las Lajas municipality, La Habana province was conducted. The objective was to find out types, prevalence and etiology of traumatic dental injures in upper anterior teeth. Andreassen´s classification was used to determine the type of dental fracture. Simple enamel fracture predominated (63.1%. The main cause of dental injures was fall (75.3% followed by collisions with persons or objects (10,3%. Boys experienced more injures than girls (63,2 vs. 36,7% did. The most affected tooth was right central incisor (47,4%. The majority of students (77,1% that suffered dental injures did not go to a dental clinic to be treated.

  6. Effect of 0.02% NaF solution on enamel demineralization and fluoride uptake by deciduous teeth in vitro Efeito da solução de NaF a 0,02% na desmineralização e incorporação de fluoreto pelo esmalte de dentes decíduos in vitro

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    Silvia José Chedid


    Full Text Available The application of 0.02% NaF solution on teeth with a cotton swab instead of brushing with fluoride dentifrice has been suggested for young children to reduce the risk of dental fluorosis, but its anticariogenic effect has not been evaluated. Thus, we studied the in vitro effect of 0.02% NaF solution on enamel demineralization and fluoride uptake in deciduous teeth; non-fluoride dentifrice and fluoride dentifrice (1,100 mg F/g were used, respectively, as negative and positive controls. The treatment with fluoride dentifrice was more effective in reducing enamel demineralization (p A aplicação da solução de NaF a 0,02%, no lugar de dentifrício fluoretado, tem sido sugerida para ser aplicada com cotonete nos dentes de bebês para reduzir o risco de fluorose dental. Como o efeito anticariogênico dessa recomendação não tem sido estudado, avaliou-se in vitro seu efeito na redução da desmineralização e incorporação de fluoreto no esmalte de dentes decíduos; dentifrício não fluoretado e fluoretado (1.100 mg F/g foram utilizados como controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente. O dentifrício fluoretado foi mais efetivo que a solução de NaF a 0,02% na redução de desmineralização e na incorporação de fluoreto no esmalte (p < 0,05. Os dados sugerem que uso alternativo de NaF a 0,02% ao invés de dentifrício fluoretado para reduzir o risco de fluorose dental deve ser reavaliado, especialmente se a cárie dental precisa ser controlada.

  7. Influence of carbamide peroxide-based bleaching agents on the bond strength of resin-enamel/dentin interfaces Influência de agentes clareadores à base de peróxido de carbamida na resistência de união entre resina-esmalte/dentina

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    Vanessa Cavalli


    Full Text Available In this bond strength study, a bleaching agent containing 10% carbamide peroxide was applied over composite-teeth bonded interfaces of two adhesive systems applied to enamel and dentin. Sixteen human third molars were used for bonding procedures. Single Bond (SB and Clearfil SE Bond (CB were applied to enamel and dentin according to the manufacturers' instructions. A resin composite cube-like structure was incrementally built on the bonded surfaces. The restored teeth were sectioned into 0.7 mm thick slices that were trimmed at enamel or dentin bonded interfaces to an hourglass shape with a cross-sectional area of approximately 0.5 mm². Specimens were assigned to 8 groups (n = 10 according to the following factors under study: dental substrate (enamel and dentin; adhesive system (SB and CB and treatment (10% carbamide peroxide and not bleached/control. The bleaching gel (Opalescence was applied at the bonded interfaces for 6 hours during 14 days and after daily treatment specimens were stored in artificial saliva. Unbleached specimens were stored in artificial saliva for 14 days. Specimens were tested for tension and the data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p Este estudo avaliou a resistência de união de dois sistemas adesivos ao esmalte e à dentina após a aplicação de agente clareador sobre a união compósito-dente. Dezesseis terceiros molares humanos foram usados nos procedimentos restauradores. Single Bond (SB e Clearfil SE Bond (CB foram aplicados no esmalte e na dentina de acordo com as instruções dos fabricantes. Um bloco de compósito foi construído nas superfícies tratadas com os adesivos. Os dentes restaurados foram seccionados em fatias com espessura de 0,7 mm, que receberam constrição na interface de união num formato de ampulheta, com área de secção transversal de ± 0,5 mm². Os espécimes foram distribuídos em 8 grupos (n = 10 de acordo com os fatores em estudo: substrato dental (esmalte e

  8. Evolución histórica del cepillo dental

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    Isidro de Jesús Nápoles González

    Full Text Available La higiene bucal proviene de épocas remotas. En la era primitiva el hombre empleaba sus uñas o fragmentos de madera, en la prehispánica los indígenas utilizaban la raíz de una planta o se frotaban los dientes con los dedos. Pero el cepillo de dientes tal y como hoy se conoce comenzó a utilizarse en el siglo XVII. En su diseño se han combinado diferentes tipos, tamaños y grosores de cerdas, dispuestas en distintas angulaciones para facilitar el cepillado dental. Conocer la evolución histórica del cepillo dental constituye el propósito de esta revisión. Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva retrospectiva automatizada en internet, utilizando el buscador Google. Para reunir la información necesaria se emplearon las herramientas para la comunicación asincrónica de gestores personales como Endnote, que facilitan el ordenamiento de las citas. Se consultaron artículos originales en revistas, informaciones en sitios web y blogs. No hubo restricciones en la selección de los materiales, ni por fecha, autores o estilos. Se revisaron textos que en sus páginas presentan referencias concernientes al tema de investigación. Consideramos que no es necesario utilizar cepillos de alta tecnología para la lograr la higiene dental. Aplicar una técnica adecuada y saber emplear el cepillo dental facilitará este proceso, para evitar enfermedades frecuentes causadas por la placa dentobacteriana (caries dentales y enfermedad periodontal, y así lograr por más tiempo la conservación dientes funcionales en la cavidad bucal.

  9. Importancia del tratamiento ortodóncico en la efectividad de los implantes dentales

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    Isabel Cristina Díaz Acosta

    Full Text Available Los implantes osteointegrados permite recuperar de forma fija y cómoda todas las funciones del diente perdido. El objetivo de esta presentación es demostrar los beneficios de realizar tratamientos ortodóncico previos a la colocación de implantes dentales en pacientes edentes. Un paciente de 21 años acudió a consulta de implantología en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente “Dr. Ismael Clark y Mascaró” de Camagüey, por ausencia de incisivos central y lateral superior derecho (11 y 12. Se valoró por el equipo multidisciplinario, el cual planteó cerrar el espacio de la brecha edente con aparatología ortodóncica fija y después realizar cirugía de avanzada y la colocación de un implante Leader Nano. La rehabilitación protésica se realizó a los ocho meses. Se demostró la eficacia de la realización de tratamiento ortodóncico previo a la colocación de implantes dentales así como el restablecimiento del estado estético y psicológico del paciente.

  10. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Authors made a comparative analysis about effect of chlorophyl dental gel and toothpaste containing red propolis, on some parameters related to dental caries in a group of students that brushed their teeth during 21 days using such products. Favourable results were obtained, mainly in decrease of infection level from Streptococcus mutans, and in increase of individual capacity of remineralization; except for this latter, there weren´t statistically significant differences.

  11. Análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura da superfície do esmalte dentário submetido à ação de sucos de frutas cítricas = Analysis in electronic microscopy of sweeping of the surface of the dental enamel submitted citric fruit juice action


    Claudino, Lígia Vieira


    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a superfície do esmalte humano submetido à ação de diferentes sucos de frutas cítricas, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Foram selecionados 22 dentes extraídos por razões ortodônticas, livres de trincas e/ou fraturas, sendo obtidos 44 blocos de esmalte a partir das superfícies vestibulares e linguais/palatinas destes elementos. Os blocos foram aleatoriamente divididos em 10 grupos experimentais (n = 4), submetidos ao contato por 5 minutos com...

  12. Nivel de conocimiento de defectos de esmalte y su tratamiento entre odontopediatras


    María Gabriela Acosta de Camargo; Alfredo Natera


    Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento de defectos de esmalte entre odontólogos especialistas en Odontopediatría y tratamientos disponibles Material y método: Fue una investigación de tipo descriptiva con un diseño de campo no experimental, con encuesta transversal. La población objeto de estudio estuvo conformada por 31 especialistas de Odontopediatría, practicantes en Venezuela, quienes provenían de 7 universidades de diferentes países. Resultados: Se encontró que 77,41% de los encuestados sabía...

  13. Microdureza de caries incipientes artificiales infiltradas con resinas de baja viscosidad antes y después del termociclado


    X. Zamorano Pino; V. Valenzuela Aránguiz; C. Vial Prado; M. Vidal Tardón


    Introducción: En Odontología Mínimamente Invasiva, el procedimiento denominado Infiltración de caries, pretende detener la progresión de las caries incipientes mediante el sellado de las microporosidades del esmalte afectado. Este tratamiento se realiza con la aplicación de resinas de baja viscosidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la microdureza superficial de caries incipientes artificiales infiltradas con resinas de baja viscosidad antes y después del proceso de termociclado. Meto...

  14. Enfermedad celíaca. Alteraciones neurológicas y psiquiátricas Celiac disease. Neurological and psychiatric alterations


    A. Martínez Bermejo


    Otra manifestación de enfermedad celiaca silente es la asociación con otras enfermedades bien definidas que tengan una base inmunológica o no. La enfermedad celiaca ha sido asociada con diversos procesos, tanto generales como neurológicos. Al menos el 10% de los niños con enfermedad celiaca presentan de forma asociada otras alteraciones entre las que destacan de forma especial la deficiencia en IgA, dermatitis herpetiforme, anomalías del esmalte dental y la diabetes mellitus tipo I. También s...

  15. Prevalência de defeitos de esmalte em indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas da Paraíba, Brasil

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    Rosa Helena Wanderley Lacerda


    Full Text Available Os defeitos de esmalte estão entre as alterações que acometem os indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas. O propósito do presente estudo foi descrever a prevalência de defeitos de esmalte em indivíduos portadores de fissuras, bem como a sua distribuição quanto ao tipo de fissura e lado fissurado, nos pacientes que procuraram o serviço de referência em ortodontia no atendimento de fissurados da Paraíba, Brasil. Para tanto, este estudo caracterizou-se por ser do tipo transversal e observacional, adotando como estratégia de coleta de dados o exame clínico em 76 indivíduos portadores de fissuras pós e transforame incisivo unilateral ou bilateral, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 13,3 anos. O exame foi realizado nos dentes incisivos e caninos superiores, por dois examinadores previamente treinados (kappa= 0,89. Os pacientes incluídos foram todos que estavam em atendimento no período de janeiro a junho de 2011 em que as faces vestibulares dos dentes a serem examinados permitissem a avaliação clínica. Foram excluídos os que apresentavam outras deformidades associadas e que não tivessem sido submetidos às cirurgias primárias. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística descritiva e ao teste estatístico qui-quadrado, sendo significativo ao nível de 5 %. Houve predominância do gênero masculino (57,9 % e da fissura transforame incisiva unilateral esquerda (40,8 %. Em relação ao defeito de esmalte, o dente mais acometido foi o incisivo central, a maioria dos examinados apresentou opacidade difusa (14,9 %, seguida pela presença de opacidade demarcada (13,15 % e opacidade mais hipoplasia (10,9 % e houve diferença estatística significativa (p< 0,00001 entre o lado fissurado e o contralateral. Os resultados mostram elevada frequência de defeitos de esmalte nos pacientes estudados, particularmente nos casos bilaterais e nos dentes adjacentes à fissura.

  16. Hipomineralización molar-incisiva (MIH: una patología emergente

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    Licet Alvarez

    Full Text Available El aumento en la prevalencia de hipomineralizaciones del esmalte preocupa a la Odontopediatría. Las lesiones abarcan desde opacidades delimitadas blanco amarillentas o amarronadas hasta la ruptura del esmalte, siempre afectando a los primeros molares e incisivos permanentes. Por tal motivo se define esta patología con el nombre de "Molar Incisor Hipomineralization", lo que motiva el uso internacional de la sigla MIH. Se trata de una lesión de Hipomineralización del esmalte, de origen sistémico y etiología variada que se desarrolla en el primer año de vida del individuo. Se debe hacer el diagnóstico diferencial con hipoplasias del esmalte, fluorosis y amelogénesis imperfecta Las lesiones tienen un significativo impacto en las necesidades de tratamiento, incluso en poblaciones con baja actividad de caries, dificultan las técnicas adhesivas y requieren procedimientos rehabilitadores de alto costo en el adulto. La prevalencia reportada a nivel internacional varía entre 3 y 23.4%, afectando por igual a ambos sexos. En nuestro país son necesarios estudios para determinar su prevalencia.

  17. Os defeitos do esmalte e a erupção dentária em crianças prematuras Evaluation of the dental eruption pattern and of enamel defects in the premature child

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    Fabíola Ferreira Caixeta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A proposta do trabalho foi verificar a relação entre defeitos do esmalte e atraso da erupção dentária com prematuridade. MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu de 100 crianças prematuras, entre seis meses a seis anos de idade em acompanhamento no Instituto da Criança da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Foi feita uma anamnese da cavidade bucal por apenas um observador, avaliando o tempo da erupção dentária e a ocorrência de defeitos no esmalte. Realizou-se também uma avaliação médica, com dados referentes a possíveis problemas durante o período pré-natal, neonatal e pós-natal. A avaliação estatística utilizou análise descritiva, freqüência média e intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Defeitos apareceram em 35% das crianças prematuras; 51,43% das que tinham defeitos haviam nascido com peso baixo (2500g . Não houve relação entre ocorrência de defeitos com baixo Boletim de Apgar em 1 minuto, 2 minutos e 5 minutos (p=0,628; p=0,308; p=0,193. Os defeitos mais comuns foram as opacidades brancas, tanto na dentição decídua (19% quanto na permanente (100%. Os terços incisais e cervicais das superfícies vestibulares foram os mais afetados com valores de 88,04% na dentição decídua e 100% na permanente. Cerca de 42% das crianças tiveram dentes irrompidos entre 6 e 10 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Crianças prematuras podem apresentar defeitos do esmalte causados por diferentes fatores durante a gravidez com uma possível associação entre baixo peso e defeito. Os dentes irromperam em tempo normal, no entanto, o número total de dentes até os 36 meses foi menor do que os encontrados em crianças nascidas a termo.BACKGROUD: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between enamel defects and delay of dental eruption with prematurity. METHODS: the sample consisted of 100 premature children ranging from six months to six years of age, observed in the Children Institute of the Medical School of the USP. An anamnesis


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    Claudina Victoria González


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar desde una perspectiva bioarqueológica las condiciones generales de salud de las poblaciones humanas que ocuparon la región austral de las Sierras Pampeanas en el Holoceno tardío (ca. 2500-400 años A.P., particularmente a través del estudio de bioindicadores dentales tales como hipoplasias del esmalte dental, abscesos y pérdidas dentales ante mortem. Se analizó una muestra de 80 individuos adultos de ambos sexos, procedentes de 48 sitios de toda la región. Se calcularon prevalencias por sexo, edad, cronología -Holoceno tardío inicial (ca. 2500-1500 años AP. y final (ca.1500-400 años AP-, así como sub-regiones geográficas - Sierras Chicas, Noreste, Noroeste, Llanura extraserrana, Sur y Traslasierra-. Posteriormente, se evaluó si las diferencias observadas eran significativas o no, mediante la aplicación del test de Chi-cuadrado (X2. Los resultados indican que las poblaciones asentadas en la región hacia momentos finales del Holoceno tardío habrían sufrido un deterioro en las condiciones generales de salud, principalmente los individuos adultos jóvenes y medios de toda el área, siendo mayor la intensidad en las sub regiones Noreste y Traslasierra.   Palabras clave: bioindicadores dentales, salud, región austral de las Sierras Pampeanas, Bioarqueología   Estimating Late Holocene health from Cordoba´s Central Highlands end Eastern Lowland populations (Argentina. A dental anthropology approach   Abstract The aim of this work is to study, from a bioarchaeological perspective, the health conditions of the populations that inhabited the southern portion of the Sierras Pampeanas region (Córdoba province by the Late Holocene (ca. 2500-400 years BP, through the analysis of three non-specific indicators of stress and infectious diseases: hypoplasia of dental enamel, abscesses, and antemortem teeth loss. The sample is composed by 80 adult individuals from 48 archaeological sites. We

  19. Morbilidad bucal: Su relación con el estado nutricional en niños de 2 a 5 años de la Consulta de Nutrición del Hospital Pediátrico Docente de Centro Habana Oral morbidity and its relationship with the nutritional status of 2-5 years-old children

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    María Elena Quiñónez Ybarra


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe la morbilidad de las principales afecciones bucales y su relación con el estado nutricional y peso al nacer en niños de 2 a 5 años de edad. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal donde se evaluaron 230 niños, de ellos 115 eutróficos y 115 desnutridos, según tablas de referencia cubana de peso y talla, exámenes bioquímicos y exámenes clínicos, utilizándose como variables: estado nutricional, peso al nacer, índice coe-d, retardo del brote dentario, lesiones de esmalte, maloclusión e índice PMA. Para su procesamiento estadístico se aplicaron pruebas Chi cuadrado con un nivel de confiabilidad del 95 % (alfa 0,05. Se concluye que el índice coe-d fue de 0,14 para los eutróficos y de 0,71 para los desnutridos. El brote dentario estuvo retardado en el 2,63 % en los eutróficos, mientras que los desnutridos fue del 39,4 % y estuvo más retardado en los bajo peso al nacer, desnutridos, con el 75 %. Solo aparecieron lesiones de esmalte en el grupo de desnutridos (22,60 % y se incrementó en los bajo peso de este grupo (34,61 %. El porcentaje de maloclusión en el grupo eutrófico fue de 36,52 %, en los desnutridos 62,6 % y aumentó en los de bajo peso, con el 84,61 %. Se apreció como trastorno periodontal el 26,92 % de gingivitis moderada en niños desnutridos de bajo peso.The present paper describes the morbidity of the main oral diseases and their relationship with nutritional status and low birthweight in 2-5 years-old children. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to evaluate 230 children - 115 eutrophic and 115 undernourished- according to the Cuban weight-size reference tables, biochemical and clinical examinations, using variables such as nutritional status, birthweight, coe-d index, dental eruption retardation, dental enamel lesions, malocclusion, and PMA index. For statistical processing, Chi-square test with a 95% confidence interval (alpha 0,05 was applied. It was

  20. Estudio de algunos factores que afectan a la solubilidad de fritas en suspensiones de esmaltes

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    Gazulla, M. F.


    Full Text Available In view of the importance of certain problems relating to frit solubility in ceramic tile manufacture, a study was undertaken to determine how a set of different factors affect frit solubility. It was determined how the solubility of two frits was modified of the type of raw material used to make the frits and a series of variables relating to the glazes prepared from these frits. Relevant information was thus obtained regarding the industrial use of the frits, which is where the problems occur. The influence was specifically studied of milling time, suspension temperature, standing time, stirring intensity and the chemical composition of certain additives (binders and deflocculants on solubility. They were all found to substantially affect frit solobility, specially for certain elements (calcium, magnesium and cinc.

    Dada la importancia que revisten algunos problemas relacionados con la solubilidad de fritas en el proceso de fabricación de baldosas cerámicas, se ha abordado la realización de un trabajo destinado a conocer la influencia que ejercen sobre aquella un conjunto de factores de diferente naturaleza. Se ha determinado cómo se modifica la solubilidad de dos fritas en función del tipo de materia prima empleada para fabricarlas y de una serie de variables relacionadas con los esmaltes que se preparan a partir de aquellas. De esta forma se ha obtenido información relevante desde el punto de vista del uso industrial que se hace de las fritas, que es donde aparecen los problemas a que se ha hecho referencia anteriormente. Concretamente se ha estudiado la influencia sobre la solubilidad del tiempo de molturación, la temperatura de la suspensión, el tiempo de reposo, la intensidad de la agitación y la composición química de algunos aditivos (ligantes y desfloculantes. Se ha constatado que todas ellas inciden sustancialmente en la propiedad estudiada, especialmente para algunos elementos (calcio, magnesio y cinc.

  1. La bioarqueología y los estudios sobre complejidad social

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    Nielsen, Axel E.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares del análisis de una muestra de quince individuos exhumados en seis unidades funerarias durante la excavación de dos habitaciones en el asentamiento de Muyuna (Departamento Humahuaca, Jujuy adscribible al llamado "Período Medio" de la región con fechas radiocarbónicas que se distribuyen entre 900 y 1200 d.C. Con el objetivo de aproximarnos al conocimiento del estilo de vida y En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares del análisis de una muestra de quince individuos exhumados en seis unidades funerarias durante la excavación de dos habitaciones en el asentamiento de Muyuna (Departamento Humahuaca, Jujuy adscribible al llamado "Período Medio" de la región con fechas radiocarbónicas que se distribuyen entre 900 y 1200 d.C. Con el objetivo de aproximarnos al conocimiento del estilo de vida y En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares del análisis de una muestra de quince individuos exhumados en seis unidades funerarias durante la excavación de dos habitaciones en el asentamiento de Muyuna (Departamento Humahuaca, Jujuy adscribible al llamado "Período Medio" de la región con fechas radiocarbónicas que se distribuyen entre 900 y 1200 d.C. Con el objetivo de aproximarnos al conocimiento del estilo de vida y estado de salud de la población se analizan diversos indicadores: dieta (caries y desgaste dental, estrés nutricional (líneas de Harris, hipoplasia de esmalte, hiperostosis porótica y criba orbitaria y estrés funcional (enfermedades degenerativas, inserciones musculares. La muestra presenta un mal estado de conservación debido a la humedad del sedimento en el cual fueron inhumados. A pesar del grado de destrucción de los huesos fue posible analizarlos parcialmente observando importantes porcentajes de dientes con caries, un grado medio de desgaste dental y ausencia de hipoplasia del esmalte. Las vértebras, principalmente las lumbares

  2. Dental mineralization and salivary activity are reduced in offspring of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR A mineralização dental e a atividade salivar estão reduzidas em filhotes de ratas espontaneamente hipertensas (SHR

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    Gracieli Prado Elias


    Full Text Available Several pathologies have been diagnosed in children of hypertensive mothers; however, some studies that evaluated the alterations in their oral health are not conclusive. This study analyzed the salivary gland activity and dental mineralization of offsprings of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR. Thirty-day-old SHR males and Wistar rats were studied. The salivary flow was evaluated by injection of pilocarpine, the protein concentration and salivary amylase activity, by the Lowry method and kinetic method at 405 nm, respectively. Enamel and dentin mineralization of the mandibular incisors was quantified with aid of the microhardness meter. The results were analyzed by the ANOVA or Student's t test (pDiversas patologias têm sido diagnosticadas em filhos de mães hipertensas, entretanto alguns estudos que avaliaram as possíveis alterações na saúde oral não são conclusivos. Neste trabalho foram analisadas a atividade das glândulas salivares e a mineralização dental de filhotes de ratas espontaneamente hipertensas (SHR. Ratos machos, com 30 dias de vida, SHR e Wistar, foram estudados. O fluxo salivar foi avaliado pela injeção de pilocarpina e a concentração de proteínas e atividade da amilase na saliva, pelo método de Lowry e método cinético a 405 nm, respectivamente. A mineralização do esmalte e dentina de incisivos inferiores foi quantificada através da medida da microdureza. Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste ANOVA ou t de Student's não pareado (p<0,05. Verificou-se que o fluxo salivar (0,026 mL/min/100 g ± 0,002 e a concentração de proteínas na saliva (2,26 mg/mL ± 0,14 de filhotes SHR estavam reduzidos em comparação com filhotes normotensos Wistar (0,036 mL/min/100 g ± 0,003 e 2,91 mg/mL ± 0,27, respectivamente, porém sem nenhuma alteração da atividade da amilase (SHR: 242,4 U/mL ± 36,9, Wistar: 163,8 U/mL ± 14,1. A microdureza mostrou-se menor tanto no esmalte (255,8 KHN ± 2,6 quanto na dentina (59

  3. Adhesión después del uso de dentífricos: Una revisión de la literatura


    Ordoñez Reyes, Leydi Fiorela; Estrada Suarez, Dante Martín; Tay Chu Jon, Lidia Yileng


    La adhesión representa uno de los procedimientos de mayor empleo en la odontología restauradora, para ello el sistema adhesivo debe contar con propiedades mecánicas ideales, pues su técnica es muy sensible. Muchos reportes indican que el uso de dentífricos puede afectar el proceso de adhesión al sustrato dental, sea esmalte o dentina, y puede variar de acuerdo a su composición. Algunos pueden afectar obliterando los túbulos dentinarios, así también las pastas blanqueadoras liberan radicales l...

  4. Adhesión después del uso de dentífricos. Una revisión de la literatura


    Ordoñez Reyes, Leydi Fiorela; Estrada Suarez, Dante Martín; Tay Chu Jon, Lidia Yileng


    La adhesión representa uno de los procedimientos de mayor empleo en la odontología restauradora, para ello el sistema adhesivo debe contar con propiedades mecánicas ideales, pues su técnica es muy sensible. Muchos reportes indican que el uso de dentífricos puede afectar el proceso de adhesión al sustrato dental, sea esmalte o dentina, y puede variar de acuerdo a su composición. Algunos pueden afectar obliterando los túbulos dentinarios, así también las pastas blanqueadoras liberan radicales l...

  5. Evaluación de los efectos clínicos del blanqueamiento dental aplicando dos técnicas diferentes


    Lahoud Salem, Victor; Mendoza Zapata, Janet; Uriarte Mora, Carlos; Munive Degregori, Arnaldo


    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos clínicos del blanqueamiento dental aplicando dos técnicas diferentes. Técnica aplicada en consultorio. Técnica aplicada en Hogar. Fueron seleccionados 10 pacientes divididos en 2 grupos de 5 pacientes para cada técnica. Los criterios de evaluación fueron: duración de color, sensibilidad post operatoria, estado de salud gingival. Los resultados de la evaluación clínica a los 08 meses presentan 100% de estabilidad del color en los casos tratados c...

  6. Avaliação do selamento marginal promovido por sistemas adesivos aplicados em esmalte e dentina

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    Amanda Aguiar


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar o selamento marginal promovido por dois diferentes sistemas adesivos em esmalte e dentina através de microinfiltração. Método: Foram utilizados 20 terceiros molares humanos hígidos. Os sistemas adesivos Adper Single Bond 2 (convencional e Adper SE Plus (autocondicionante foram aplicados em cavidades Classe V, nas faces vestibular e lingual, seguindo-se restauração com resina composta Filtek Z350 na técnica incremental e fotoativação com aparelho de lâmpada halógena (VIP, Bisco, 550mW/cm². Os dentes restaurados permaneceram armazenados em água destilada (24h/37°C, foi feito o acabamento, termociclagem (500 ciclos, 5°/55°C, 30 segundos, impermeabilização dos ápices dentários com resina acrílica e o restante do dente com três camadas de esmalte cosmético, exceto 1 milímetro ao redor da cavidade. Seguiram-se a imersão em solução aquosa de nitrato de prata a 50% (2 h em ambiente escuro, lavagem, imersão em solução reveladora Kodak (8 h sob luz fluorescente e lavagem. As restaurações foram seccionadas pelo centro, no sentido V-L, obtendo-se duas fatias. A microinfiltração foi avaliada por um examinador treinado, em software UTHSCSA Image Tool for Windows 3.0, com dois métodos: qualitativo (escala visual: 0- sem infiltração; 1- infiltração em esmalte; 2- em dentina nas paredes axial e gengival; 3 – idem 3 e em direção à polpa e quantitativo (porcentagem de infiltração de nitrato de prata. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t de Student (alfa=5%. Resultados: Não foi observada diferença entre os materiais na porcentagem de infiltração de nitrato de prata (p=0,595, nem na avaliação por escala (p=0,408. Houve infiltração em dentina nos dois grupos. Conclusão: os sistemas adesivos testados apresentaram comportamento semelhante.

  7. Nueva materia prima borácica como componente de esmaltes cerámicos. Estudio de su solubilidad en suspensiones acuosas concentradas

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    Galindo, M.


    Full Text Available This paper presents an alternative to the use of conventional ceramic frits as raw materials that contribute boron to glaze compositions: a new semi-processed borate (patent pending (WO 2007/148101. The solubility of this new raw material is analysed and compared with that exhibited by conventional ceramic frits and other, natural and processed borates. This comparative analysis has been performed by determining the boron percentage present in the liquid phase of several glaze compositions prepared with each of these raw materials, modifying the type of deflocculant used and the solid/liquid contact time. The results of this study demonstrate the low solubility of the new semi-processed borate and its suitability for use in ceramic glaze formulation.

    En el presente trabajo se presenta una alternativa a la utilización de fritas cerámicas convencionales como materias primas que aportan boro a las composiciones de esmalte: un nuevo borato sintético (patente pendiente WO2007/148101. Se ha estudiado y comparado la solubilidad de esta nueva materia prima con la que exhiben las fritas cerámicas convencionales y otros boratos, tanto naturales como sintéticos. Para ello, se ha determinado el porcentaje de boro presente en la fase líquida de varios esmaltes preparados con cada una de dichas materias primas, modificando el tipo de desfloculante utilizado y el tiempo de contacto sólido/líquido. El resultado de este trabajo ha puesto de manifiesto la baja solubilidad que presenta el nuevo borato sintético y su aptitud para ser usado en la formulación de esmaltes cerámicos.

  8. Determinación de la edad ósea a través del desarrollo dental en pacientes de Ortodoncia Assessment of bone age by dental developmental seen in Orthodontia patients

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available La tendencia actual en Ortodoncia consiste en reducir el número de radiaciones con fines diagnósticos a las estrictamente necesarias, por lo que se han desarrollado índices de maduración ósea a través del desarrollo dental, dentro de los que se encuentra el método de Demirjian y colaboradores, sustituyéndose la radiografía de la mano que constituye una radiografía adicional para los pacientes, además de que la misma no se realiza en los servicios de Estomatología. Con el objetivo de determinar la edad ósea a través del desarrollo dental, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, para lo cual fueron realizadas una radiografía de la mano izquierda y una radiografía panóramica o periapicales de la hemiarcada mandibular izquierda, a 150 pacientes de Ortodoncia y se determinó la edad ósea, a través de los métodos Tanner-Whitehouse 2 (TW2 y Demirjian y colaboradores. Se encontraron correlaciones altas muy significativas entre las edades óseas calculadas en ambos sexos (hembras r= 0,828 y varones r= 0,957. Concluyéndose que la edad ósea calculada a través del desarrollo dental, en nuestra muestra, puede ser aplicada para predecir la edad ósea a través del método TW2, siendo posible sustituir la radiografía de la mano izquierda.Present trend in Orthodontics is to reduce the number of strictly needed diagnostic radiations that is why bone maturation indexes have been created by dental developmental including the Demirjian et al method, substituting the hand radiography which is an additional strategy for patients due to it is not performed in Stomatology Services. To determine the bone age by dental developmental, a cross-sectional and transversal study was carried out and also a left hand radiography and a panoramic and a periapical one of left mandibular hemicardia in 150 orthodontic patients determining the bone age by Tanner-Whitehouse 2 method (TW2 and Demirjian et al. There were very significant high

  9. Estudio de las alteraciones del esmalte en la enfermedad celiaca


    Bonet Coloma, Cristina


    La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía caracterizada por una intolerancia permanente al gluten, proteína existente en el trigo, centeno, cebada y avena que provoca una lesión severa de las vellosidades intestinales, y se normaliza tras su retirada de la dieta. La sintomatología varía de un paciente a otro dependiendo del daño de la mucosa intestinal. La presentación típica incluye diarrea, pérdida de peso, fatiga, distensión abdominal, vómitos, deficiencias nutricionales y anemia p...

  10. O efeito do jateamento do esmalte na força de adesão na colagem de braquetes The effect of air abrasion in enamel adhesion of orthodontic bracket

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    Carla D'Agostini Derech


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o propósito deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar o efeito do jateamento com óxido de alumínio na adesão de braquetes ortodônticos e compará-lo à tradicional técnica de condicionamento ácido do esmalte. METODOLOGIA: foram utilizados 80 dentes bovinos distribuídos aleatoriamente entre quatro grupos, sendo que a superfície do esmalte foi tratada da seguinte maneira: grupo 1 (somente jateamento com óxido de alumínio, grupo 2 (profilaxia com pedra-pomes e condicionamento com ácido, grupo 3 (jateamento com óxido de alumínio e condicionamento ácido e grupo 4 (somente condicionamento ácido. Após, foi aplicado sistema adesivo e o braquete colado com resina. Os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao teste de cisalhamento e análise do IAR. Aos resultados foram aplicados o teste de variância múltipla (ANOVA e a comparação entre pares (Tukey. Para a análise do IAR foi aplicado o teste Qui-quadrado. RESULTADOS: o grupo 1 apresentou a menor resistência ao cisalhamento (3,6MPa e o 3 a maior (13,27MPa. A análise Qui-quadrado do IAR demonstrou que o tratamento da superfície do esmalte tem influência sobre a quantidade de remanescente de resina sobre o esmalte e os grupos 3 e 4 apresentaram a maior quantidade de resina aderida. CONCLUSÕES: o jateamento de óxido de alumínio não deve ser o único procedimento utilizado no preparo da superfície do esmalte na colagem de braquetes, porém, quando associado ao condicionamento ácido, mostrou-se eficaz no aumento da retenção entre esmalte e resina. Novos estudos são necessários visando menor dano do esmalte e adesão satisfatória.AIM: The purpose of this study in vitro was to evaluate the effect of the air abrasion with Al-oxide in the adhesion of orthodontic brackets and compare with traditional technique of acid conditioning of the enamel. METHODS: Eighty bovine teeth distributed randomly between four groups had been used and the surface of the enamel was prepared in the

  11. Deterioro de las cerámicas y vidrieras del edificio del Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián

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    Alava, J. I.


    Full Text Available The ornamental ceramics and stained-glass windows of the City Hall building of San Sebastian have been studied. This building is a national monument which has been restored recently. It has been studied the origin of the observed high deterioration degree of the superficial enamel of these ceramics. We have concluded that the deterioration has a physicochemical origin. The biological origin has been excluded because of the high concentration of heavy metals leached from the enamel which avoid the growth of microorganisms. It has also been observed an increase of some elements and the loss of another ones in the first µm of depth.

    Se ha estudiado las cerámicas y las vidrieras que sirven de adorno al edificio del Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián, considerado monumento nacional, y que ha sido objeto de una reciente restauración. Se ha observado que las cerámicas presentan un alto grado de deterioro de la capa de esmalte superficial, y se ha estudiado el posible origen de este deterioro. Se concluye que el deterioro es de origen fisicoquímico, no pudiendo este ser de origen biológico debido a las elevadas concentraciones de metales pesados que lixivian de dicho esmalte y que impiden el crecimiento de microorganismos. Se ha observado asimismo que las vidrieras presentan un aumento de ciertos elementos y pérdida de otros en los primeros µm de profundidad.

  12. Evaluación de la adherencia del biofilm sobre salivaderas dentales de acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina


    Butler, Teresa Adela


    El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue estudiar el desarrollo de la biopelícula depositada sobre las salivaderas dentales de tres materiales diferentes (acero inoxidable, cerámica y opalina), de equipos odontológicos correspondientes a dos zonas diferentes del casco urbano de la ciudad de La Plata (Z1 y Z2). Para ello se realizaron 38 cortes de salivaderas dentales de los tres materiales, de cada zona En primer lugar se realizó el análisis de la microbiota planctónica y sé...

  13. El análisis del acceso de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia a la atención dental en Pernambuco: un estudio comparativo entre los años 2001 y 2009

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    Italene Barros VIANA


    Full Text Available El estudio presenta un análisis del acceso a la atención dental individual desarrollado en el estado de Pernambuco, al comparar los años 2001 y 2009, como parte de los Equipos de Salud Bucal de la Estrategia de Salud Familiar. Así como una descripción del proceso de la evolución en la cobertura de los equipos de salud bucal en el período mencionado. El principal indicador para evaluar el acceso individual a las acciones dental se utilizó el promedio individual de procedimientos dentales básicos. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de bases de datos oficiales. Pernambuco tuvo un incremento del 881,82% en el número de ESB en los años estudiados. El promedio de los procedimientos dentales individuales aumentaron un 65% cuando se comparan los años. A pesar de la positiva evolución del indicador, este porcentaje no siguen la proporción porcentual del desarrollo de la ESB en el estado. Los resultados mostraron que el cuidado de la salud oral en Pernambuco es la abreviatura de la idealizada por el SUS. Es necesario repensar las estrategias para asegurar el acceso progresivo de todas las familias que viven en áreas cubiertas por equipos de salud bucal de las acciones de cada uno de los procedimientos dentales.

  14. Determinación de la edad de muerte a través del análisis de la altura total de la corona dental en muestras del Holoceno temprano del sudeste de la región pampeana

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    Barrientos, Gustavo


    Full Text Available La exploración de nuevas vías metodológicas y técnicas que permitan inferir con mayor precisión la estructura etárea de muestras arqueológicas y que, al mismo tiempo, incorporen parámetros de marcada especificidad poblacional (i.e. desgaste dental, constituye actualmente un problema relevante en bioarqueología. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la metodología utilizada para la determinación de la edad de muerte basada en el análisis de la variación intramuestral en la altura total de la corona dental (ATC. Para ello se analizó una muestra de 18 individuos del sitio Arroyo Seco 2 (Pcia. de Buenos Aires; ca. 8000 a 6000 años AP. La ATC, definida como la sumatoria de las alturas linguales y bucales de la corona de cada pieza dental, se midió en la totalidad de los dientes permanentes presentes (400 piezas dentales. Con los datos correspondientes al M1, M1 y M2 de los individuos subadultos, se generaron nueve curvas suavizadas por ponderación exponencial negativa con intersección en x= 0 a los 55, 60 y 65 años para al M1 y M1 y 61, 66 y 71 años para M2. Las edades de los individuos adultos se calcularon mediante el uso de cada uno de los modelos de curvas generados, promediándose los resultados obtenidos para cada diente y obteniéndose la media ponderada de las mismas. Finalmente, se compararon las distribuciones de edades resultantes con las derivadas del análisis de la sínfisis púbica y de la superficie auricular del ilion. Se concluye que el conjunto de los resultados obtenidos permite considerar a la media ponderada como la mejor estimación de la edad de muerte de los individuos que integran la muestra, debido a que ésta presentó la mejor correlación (R= 0,84 con las edades derivadas del uso de otros indicadores.

  15. Efectos secundarios del tratamiento inmunosupresor con cyclosporina: Revisión bibliográfica

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    Lilia Aquino Medina


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre los efectos secundarios del tratamiento con cyclosporina. La cyclosporina es una sustancia inmunosupresora de tipo selectivo que actúa sobre las células de la inmunidad celular. Ocasiona varios efectos secundarios, algunos de ellos de interés para la estomatología y, como son: la hiperplasia gingival, la hiperestesia perioral transitoria, el retraso en la erupción dentaria y severas hipoplasias del esmalte, entre otros; no existe unanimidad de criterios en cuanto a la relación con la dosis tiempo de tratamiento, la edad, el sexo, la concentración en sangre periférica o sinergismo con bloqueadores de los canales de calcio. Aunque algunos no refieren mejoría de las lesiones con elcontrol de la placa, algunos obtuvieron beneficios con ésta por medios químicos o con el tratamiento quirúrgico en los casos necesarios.A bibliographic review on the sids effects of the treatment with cyclosporine is presented. The cyclosporine is an immunosuppressor substance of selective type acting on the cells of cellular immunity. Some of its side effects of interest for dentistry are: gingival hyperplasia, transitory perioral hyperesthesia, retardation of dental bud, and severe enamel hypoplasias, among others. There is no unanimity of criteria in connection with the relation existing between dosage, time of treatment, age, sex, the concentration of peripheral blood, or the synergism with blockers of the calcium ducts. In spite of the fact that some patients do not improve with the control plaque others and benefitted from this by chemical means or by surgical treatment when it is necessary.

  16. Estudio in vitro sobre los efectos de la cocaína sobre los tejidos duros del diente In vitro study on the effects of cocaine on the hard tissues of the tooth

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    Eduvigis Solórzano Navarro


    Full Text Available El uso de los derivados de la cocaína es un problema de salud pública en continuo crecimiento. Estas drogas son frecuentemente frotadas sobre la mucosa gingival, pero sus efectos son poco conocidos y de difícil diagnóstico. Con este trabajo se pretende demostrar in vitro, que la aplicación por frotación de la cocaína sobre la superficie dentaria produce erosión del esmalte. Se seleccionaron 30 dientes sanos, distribuidos aleatoriamente en 3 grupos, a los cuales se frotó sobre la superficie vestibular clorhidrato de cocaína, basuco y limón (grupo control respectivamente, durante 40 semanas. Las lesiones más características observadas fueron fractura y pérdida de sustancia dura, demostrando así que la aplicación tópica y continua de drogas en cavidad bucal produce lesiones en los tejidos duros del diente.The use of cocaine derivatives is an increasingly growing public health problem. These drugs are frequently rubbed on the gingival mucosa, but their efffects are little known and difficult to be diagnosed. This paper pretends to prove in vitro that the rubbing of cocaine on the dental surface produces enamel erosion. 30 healthy teeth were selected and distributed at random into 3 groups that were rubbed cocaine hydrochloride, bazuko and lemon (control group on the vestibular surface, respectively, during 40 weeks. The most observed characteristic lesions were fracture and loss of the dental hard substance, which showed that the topical and continual application of drugs on the oral cavity causes lesions in the hard tissues of the tooth.

  17. Asociación del sobrepeso y caries dental en niños de 3 a 6 años

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    Carmen de la Luz-Ayala-Escandón


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: En los últimos años de nuestro país, los cambios en los patrones de alimentación han incrementado los casos de obesidad y sobrepeso en los niños. Objetivo: determinar si la prevalencia de caries dental se asocia al sobrepeso y obesidad en preescolares de la Zona Metropolitana Zacatecas-Guadalupe. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó estudio observacional de cohorte retrospectivo, en dos grupos de estudio: niños con peso normal (n=108 y niños con sobrepeso u obesidad (n=54. Para determinar el sobrepeso o peso normal, se utilizó un estadiómetro y una báscula digital, los datos se analizaron de acuerdo a los puntos de corte de IMC para cada edad según género con tablas de percentiles del Center for Diseases Control (CDC. Para el registro de la enfermedad caries dental se realizó examen clínico de las superfi\tdentales bajo luz artifi espejo dental plano, sonda de la OMS y barreras de protección, utilizando los criterios del Sistema Internacional de Evaluación y Detección de Caries Dental (ICDAS II. Los datos recopilados se procesaron en el paquete estadístico SPSS 17 para la obtención de tablas y fi\tPara determinar la asociación entre las variables de estudio se utilizó las pruebas X2 y riesgo relativo (RR. Resultados: En los niños con peso normal la prevalencia de caries fue de 77.8% mientras que en los niños con sobrepeso fue de 69.1%. Conclusiones: Este estudio no encontró evidencia de asociación entre caries dental y sobrepeso.

  18. Análise química e morfológica do esmalte dentário humano tratado com laser argônio durante a colagem ortodôntica Chemical and morphological analysis of the human dental enamel treated with argon laser during orthodontic bonding

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    Glaucio Serra Guimarães


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: as principais utilizações do laser argônio na Ortodontia são a redução do tempo de polimerização durante a colagem ortodôntica e o aumento da resistência à cárie do esmalte dentário. OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações químicas e morfológicas do esmalte dentário humano tratado com laser argônio nos parâmetros da colagem ortodôntica. MÉTODOS: quinze primeiros pré-molares hígidos, extraídos por indicação ortodôntica, foram selecionados e seccionados no sentido do longo eixo em dois segmentos iguais. Uma metade de cada elemento dentário foi tratada e a outra permaneceu sem tratamento. Um total de 30 amostras foi analisado, criando o grupo laser (n = 15 e o grupo controle (n = 15. O tratamento foi feito com laser argônio com 250mW de potência por 5 segundos, com densidade de energia de 8J/cm². RESULTADOS: a análise de difração de raios X demonstrou duas fases em ambos os grupos, as fases apatita e monetita. A redução da fase monetita foi significativa após o tratamento com laser, sugerindo maior cristalinidade. A análise de Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva (EDS indicou aumento na razão cálcio-fósforo no grupo laser, compatível com a diminuição da fase monetita. A morfologia superficial do esmalte dentário apresentou-se mais lisa após o tratamento com laser argônio. CONCLUSÕES: o aumento de cristalinidade e a lisura superficial do esmalte no grupo laser são fatores sugestivos de aumento de resistência à cárie no esmalte dentário.INTRODUCTION: The main utilities of the argon laser in orthodontics are the high speed curing process in orthodontic bonding and the caries resistance promotion of the tooth enamel. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and morphological changes in the tooth enamel treated with the argon laser in the orthodontic bonding parameters. METHODS: Fifteen sound human first premolars, removed for orthodontic

  19. Corrigendum

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    Carlos Vargas


    Full Text Available Presentamos excusas a nuestros lectores y al antropólogo Javier Andrés Sandoval Andrade puesto que en el Vol 15 No 2 del 2011 de la revista Earth Science research Journal (ESRJ se publicó el articulotitulado "Quaternary dating by electron spin resonance (ESR applied to human tooth enamel" en el cual no se hace un correcto pie de página de la figura 1, ya que no es tomada de (Groot, 1992como reza la misma, sino que es tomada de la tesis de pregrado titulada DATACIÓN DE RESTOS HUMANOS PREHISPÁNICOS A TRAVÉS DE ESMALTE DENTAL USANDO RESONANCIAPARAMAGNÉTICA ELECTRÓNICA (EPR (2010. Asimismo, no corresponde al sitio arqueológico Aguazuque, sino que corresponde al sitio arqueológico Checua. Corrigendum We apologize to our readers and the antropology Javier andres Sandoval Andrade because in the Vol 15 Issue 2 year 2011 in the Earth Science Research Journal (ESRJ published the article entitled "Quaternary dating by electron spin resonance (ESR applied to human tooth enamel" which there is an incorrect footnote in the Figure 1 as it is not quoted from (Groot, 1992, but it is taken from the undergraduate thesis entitled DATACION DE RESTOS HUMANOS PREHISPANICOS A TRAVES DE ESMALTE DENTAL USANDO RESONANCIA PARAMAGNETICA ELECTRONICA (EPR (2010. Also, this figure do not correspond with the Aguazuque arqueological site, but it is from the Checua arquelogical site. Carlos Vargas Editor-in-Chief Earth Science Research Journal

  20. Mecanobiología de la interfase hueso-implante dental Mechanobiology of bone-dental implant interphase

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    Juan Carlos Vanegas Acosta


    Full Text Available La osteointegración es la conexión estructural y funcional entre el hueso y un implante. Cuando un implante se inserta en el hueso, se crea la denominada interfase hueso-implante, una zona de unión entre la superficie del biomaterial del implante y el hueso circundante. La cicatrización de esta interfase depende de las condiciones biológicas del hueso, las características de diseño del implante y la distribución de cargas entre hueso e implante. En este artículo se hace una revisión del proceso de cicatrización de la interfase hueso-implante para el caso de un implante dental. El objetivo es describir la secuencia de eventos biológicos iniciados con la lesión causada por la inserción del implante y que concluyen con la formación de nuevo hueso en la interfase. Esta descripción incluye una novedosa clasificación de los fenómenos mecánicos que intervienen durante el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos lesionados. Esta descripción mecanobiológica de la interfase hueso-implante dental se utiliza para determinar las características más relevantes a tener en cuenta en la formulación de un modelo matemático de la osteointegración de implantes dentales.The osteointegration is the structural and functional connection between bone and implant. When an implant is inserted in bone, it creates the so-called bone-implant interphase, a joint zone between implant biomaterial surface and the surrounding bone. The healing of this interphase depends on bone biological conditions, characteristic of implant design and the distribution of loads between bone and implant. The aim of present article is to review of healing process of bone-implant interphase for a dental implant and also to describe the sequence of biological events beginning with lesion caused by implant insertion and leading to the formation of a new bone in the interphase. This description includes a novel classification of mechanical phenomena present in the healing

  1. Asociación del Estreptococos mutans y lactobacilos con la caries dental en niños Association of Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli with dental caries in children

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    José Alberto Pérez Quiñones


    Full Text Available La caries dental es una enfermedad ampliamente extendida en el mundo, por lo que ha sido y sigue siendo la enfermedad más frecuente del hombre moderno. Dada la alta incidencia que presenta esta enfermedad bucal, así como la gran necesidad de prevenirla, decidimos realizar esta investigación, con el objetivo de evaluar la relación de los microorganismos cariogénicos y algunas variables demográficas con la caries dental en niños. Se realizó un estudio analítico del tipo de casos y controles en el municipio de Matanzas, provincia de Matanzas, en el período comprendido por el curso académico 2004-2005. El universo estuvo constituido por 11 311 niños entre 6 y 12 años de edad, determinándose una muestra aleatoria de 900 niños (300 casos y 600 controles. Se obtuvo que el mayor porcentaje (62 % de niños de piel blanca estaba afectados por caries, el 91,3 % y el 40 % de los niños pertenecientes al grupo de casos, tenían un alto grado de infección por Estreptococo mutans y lactobacilos, respectivamente, lo que demuestra una asociación positiva entre la caries dental y estas variables.Dental caries is a disease widely spread in the world, therefore, it has been and it is still the most frequent disease of modern man. Due to the high incidence of this oral disease, and to the great need to prevent it, it was decided to conduct this investigation in order to evaluate the connection of the cariogenic microorganisms and some demographic variables with dental caries in children. A case-control analytical study was undertaken in the municipality of Matanzas, province of Matanzas, during the academic course 2004-2005. The study group was composed of 11 311 children aged 6-12. A randomized sample of 900 children (300 cases and 600 controls was selected. The highest percentage of white children (62 % were affected by caries, 91.3 % and 40 % of the children from the case group had an elevated degree of infection caused by Streptococcus mutans y

  2. Percepción de ingesta de flúor a través del cepillado dental en niños colombianos Perception of fluoride ingestion by dental brushing in Colombian children


    Farith González Martínez; Luis Carmona Arango; Antonio Díaz Caballero


    Objetivo: describir la percepción de los padres sobre la ingesta de flúor a través del cepillado dental en los niños residentes en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Métodos: el universo del estudio lo constituyeron todos los padres residentes en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, con hijos en edades entre uno y cinco años. La muestra estuvo integrada por 420 individuos. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado, diligenciado por los participantes, con el cual se midieron tópicos relaci...

  3. Efeito da aplicação tópica de um verniz de TiF4 quimicamente estável na desmineralização do esmalte dentário bovino: estudo in vitro

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    Arthur Marinho Lira

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, in vitro, o efeito preventivo da aplicação tópica de um verniz à base de tetrafluoreto de titânio quimicamente estável e de um verniz à base de fluoreto de sódio sobre o esmalte bovino, mediante ciclagem de pH. METODOLOGIA: A amostra foi constituída por 75 blocos de esmalte bovino 3×3 mm, sendo 15 aleatoriamente alocados em cada um dos cinco grupos: G1: Dentifrício Fluoretado + Verniz sem princípio ativo; G2: Dentifrício Fluoretado + Verniz à base de TiF4 (4 minutos; G3: Dentifrício Fluoretado + Verniz à base de TiF4 (24 horas; G4: Dentifrício Fluoretado + Verniz à base de NaF (24 horas; G5: Dentifrício Fluoretado. A ciclagem de pH foi realizada por um período de 14 dias, constando de oito ciclos, a 37 °C. Os blocos tratados foram mantidos em solução desmineralizante por oito horas e, por 16 horas, em solução remineralizante, sendo submetidos à análise da superfície em microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva. RESULTADO: O verniz à base de TiF4 promoveu uma maior proteção ao esmalte quando comparado com os demais grupos. Mesmo após o período de ciclagem, foram encontrados fósforo, cálcio, sódio, magnésio, titânio, cloro, silício, alumínio, enxofre, potássio, oxigênio e flúor na superfície do esmalte. CONCLUSÃO: O aspecto da estrutura adamantina submetida à ação do tetrafluoreto de titânio revelou a presença de uma película protetora. O cálcio e o fósforo foram os principais compostos inorgânicos encontrados no esmalte, sendo observadas alterações na constituição química da camada superficial adamantina em função do tratamento com fluoreto instituído.


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    Lucia G. Díaz-Barriga


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se muestra la preparación de un recubrimiento epóxico transparente reforzado con 200 ppm de nanoestructuras de carburo de zirconio (ZrC. Las nanoestructuras de ZrC se elaboraron mediante mecanosíntesis. Se presentan las características del aditivo analizadas mediante difracción de rayos X (DRX y Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (MEB. El contacto del recubrimiento epóxico con la placa de acero se observó por MEB. A las pinturas reforzadas se les realizó un análisis termogravimétrico (TGA entre 20-700°C. El esmalte reforzado fue comparado con un esmalte sin nanoestructuras. Se observó que no hay vaporización en los recubrimientos reforzados en las temperaturas 95 y 100 °C con tamaños de partículas de 10 μm y 120 nm respectivamente. La degradación final del esmalte es más lenta cuando se tiene un 14% en peso del residuo y 426 °C con partículas de diámetros de 120nm.

  5. Fluorosis dental: no solo un problema estético Dental fluorosis: not only an aesthetic problem

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    Iliana Hidalgo-Gato Fuentes


    Full Text Available Mientras la profesión estomatológica plantea que la fluorosis dental es solamente un problema estético y no un efecto de salud, esta declaración es una asunción y no un hecho. Ciertamente, la fluorosis dental representa un efecto tóxico en las células del diente, pero se pregunta si las células del diente son las únicas células en el cuerpo que son impactadas por este efecto. Motivados por lo controvertido del tema, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo fundamental de profundizar en los conocimientos teóricos y las características clínicas de esta afección que puede manifestarse tanto de formal local como general, y las consecuencias del uso inadecuado del flúor en el organismo humano. Se concluye que fluorosis es una enfermedad que no solo afecta las estructuras dentarias, y no puede ser enmarcada solamente pos los estomatólogos debido a las afecciones dentarias que puede producir, pues en muchas ocasiones es el primer signo de que la persona ha estado expuesta a niveles elevados de flúor.While the stomatological profession states that dental fluorosis is only an aesthetic problem and not a health effect, this declaration is an assumption and not a fact. Certainly, dental fluorosis represents a toxic effect in the tooth cells, but it is asked if the tooth cells are the only body cells impacted by this effect. Motivated by this controversial topic, a bibliographic review was made aimed mainly at going deep into the theoretical knowledge and the clinical characteristics of this affection that may manifest in a local or general way, and into the consequences of the inadequate use of fluor in the human organism. It was concluded that fluorosis is a disease that not only affects the dental structures and that it can not only be defined by the stomatologists due to the dental affections it may produce, since in many occasions it is the first sign that the person has been exposed to elevated levels of fluorine.

  6. Análise em microscopia eletrônica de varredura da superfície do esmalte dentário submetido à ação de sucos de frutas cítricas = Analysis in electronic microscopy of sweeping of the surface of the dental enamel submitted citric fruit juice action

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    Claudino, Lígia Vieira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a superfície do esmalte humano submetido à ação de diferentes sucos de frutas cítricas, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. Foram selecionados 22 dentes extraídos por razões ortodônticas, livres de trincas e/ou fraturas, sendo obtidos 44 blocos de esmalte a partir das superfícies vestibulares e linguais/palatinas destes elementos. Os blocos foram aleatoriamente divididos em 10 grupos experimentais (n = 4, submetidos ao contato por 5 minutos com: sucos diluídos (300 ml de suco + 300 ml de água das frutas: G1 – abacaxi; G2 – caju; G3 – acerola; G4 – laranja; G5 – limão; e com sucos puros das frutas: G1’ – abacaxi; G2’ – caju; G3’ – acerola; G4’ – laranja; G5’ – limão; e um grupo controle – G6 (n = 4. O pH foi mensurado, após a preparação dos sucos. Em seguida os espécimes foram lavados em água destilada e armazenados para posterior observação em MEV. O pH registrado para os sucos foi: G1 – 3,5; G2 – 4,0; G3 – 2,8; G4 – 3,5; G5 – 1,7; G1’ – 3,6; G2’ – 3. 84; G3’ – 2,84; G4’ – 3,09; G5’ – 1,64. Constatou-se a presença de áreas erosivas nos grupos experimentais que diferiam morfologicamente do esmalte registrado no grupo controle. As alterações foram mais expressivas nos grupos submetidos aos sucos de limão, acerola e abacaxi, sendo estas mais evidentes nos espécimes expostos aos sucos puros de limão e laranja e, aos sucos diluídos de acerola, abacaxi e caju. Conclui-se que, os sucos de frutas avaliados apresentaram pH ácido, demonstrando potencial erosivo, sendo este fato confirmado pelas alterações na superfície do esmalte exposto a tais líquidos

  7. Application of the ultrashort pulses in bovine dental enamel; Aplicacao de pulsos ultracurtos em esmalte dental bovino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Todescan, Carla de Rago


    The interaction of lasers with the hard structures of the teeth, has found the excess of heat as a problem for its utilization. This study analyzes, in vitro, the interaction of the ultrashort pulse laser of Ti:safire (830 nm) with the bovine dental enamel. The system consisted in one main oscillator integrated with an amplifier (CPA). The pulses extracted before the temporal compression inside the amplifier had 30 ps, 1000 Hz and {approx}1 mJ. The pulses extracted after the compression had 60 fs, 1000 Hz and {approx}0,7 mJ. The M{sup 2} was 1,3, the focal lens 2,5 cm, the focal distance 29,7 and a computerized translation stage x,y,z. We evaluated the amount of tissue removed per pulse,the resulting cavities and the surrounding tissues not irradiated, under OM and SEM. The fluency was the major factor for differentiating the two regimens studied, therefore, the intensity was not so important as we expected in this process. We found: one ablation region in 'cat tongue', one ablation length, one fluency {approx}0,7 J/cm{sup 2} for 30 ps and {approx}0,5 J/cm{sup 2} for 60 fs (50% of high speed burr), smooth edge for 30 ps and high precision of the sharp edge cut of submicrometric order for 60 fs. (author)

  8. Application of the ultrashort pulses in bovine dental enamel; Aplicacao de pulsos ultracurtos em esmalte dental bovino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Todescan, Carla de Rago


    The interaction of lasers with the hard structures of the teeth, has found the excess of heat as a problem for its utilization. This study analyzes, in vitro, the interaction of the ultrashort pulse laser of Ti:safire (830 nm) with the bovine dental enamel. The system consisted in one main oscillator integrated with an amplifier (CPA). The pulses extracted before the temporal compression inside the amplifier had 30 ps, 1000 Hz and {approx}1 mJ. The pulses extracted after the compression had 60 fs, 1000 Hz and {approx}0,7 mJ. The M{sup 2} was 1,3, the focal lens 2,5 cm, the focal distance 29,7 and a computerized translation stage x,y,z. We evaluated the amount of tissue removed per pulse,the resulting cavities and the surrounding tissues not irradiated, under OM and SEM. The fluency was the major factor for differentiating the two regimens studied, therefore, the intensity was not so important as we expected in this process. We found: one ablation region in 'cat tongue', one ablation length, one fluency {approx}0,7 J/cm{sup 2} for 30 ps and {approx}0,5 J/cm{sup 2} for 60 fs (50% of high speed burr), smooth edge for 30 ps and high precision of the sharp edge cut of submicrometric order for 60 fs. (author)

  9. Signos Vitales de los CDC–Los selladores dentales previenen las caries (Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast se basa en la edición de octubre del 2016 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Los selladores dentales, que se aplican poco después de que les salgan las muelas permanentes a los niños, pueden protegerlos contra las caries hasta por nueve años. Aplicarles los selladores dentales a los niños de bajos ingresos en las escuelas podría ahorrar millones de dólares en costos de tratamientos.

  10. Efectos del blanqueamiento dental sobre el tejido pulpar


    Cedillo Orellana, Sara Ivanna


    El blanqueamiento dental es un proceso dinámico que busca la eliminación de manchas de la estructura dental mediante el empleo de productos químicos, principalmente el peróxido de hidrógeno, el cual fue utilizado por primera vez en 1884 y hasta la fecha continúa siendo el principal componente activo de muchos productos usados para terapias de blanqueamiento dental, y es utilizado en su forma pura o como producto final de la degradación de otras sustancias empleadas para blanqueamiento, como...

  11. Utilization of radiometric method in evaluation of wear on human dental enamel in vitro by dental porcelain glazed and polished; Utilizacao do metodo radiometrico na avaliacao in vitro do desgaste provocado ao esmalte dental humano por porcelanas dentais glazeadas e polidas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adachi, Lena Katekawa; Campos, Tomie Nakakuki de; Adachi, Eduardo Makoto [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Odontologia. Dept. de Protese]. E-mail:; Saiki, Mitiko [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The dental porcelain is a material commonly used in prosthesis. Disadvantages of dental porcelain use include possibility to cause tooth or dental materials wear. Before its use in the mouth, surfaces are treated with polishing and/or glazing. This research used the radiometric method to verify the influence of these surface treatments on the porcelains of commercial brands: Ceramco II, Noritake and Finesse. This method was originally developed for dentifrice abrasiveness evaluation. Five specimens of dental enamel and 10 specimens of each porcelain (5 glazed, 5 polished) were used. The dental enamel was flattened and irradiated with neutrons from the IEA-R1 (IPEN/CNEN) nuclear reactor. Then it was weared by each porcelain in sliding motion, with water. After 2,500 cycles for each porcelain specimen, the released enamel residue was measured. The enamel wear was evaluated by measuring beta activity of {sup 32}P transferred to water from the irradiated tooth. Results varied from 2.57 to 5.81 {mu}g of enamel /mm{sup 2} weared surface. There was no statistical difference ({alpha}=0.05) between dental enamel wear caused by the same porcelains glazed or polished. The results suggest that adequate surface finishing depend on the type of dental porcelain. (author)

  12. Efecto de la malnutrición fetal sobre los tejidos dentarios

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    Ailín Bello Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en 200 niños nacidos en el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico Docente "Mariana Grajales", de la ciudad de Santa Clara, durante los años 1988 y 1989, de los cuales 100 eran malnutridos fetales y 100 tenían un crecimiento normal, con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia del factor nutricional en la calidad y textura de los tejidos dentarios. Se comprobó la alta incidencia de hipoplasias de esmalte en los niños que sufrieron la malnutrición, de igual forma se comportó la prevalencia de caries dental, todo lo cual revela el papel decisivo de la nutrición en la formación dentaria.A cross-sectional study of 200 children who were born at the "Mariana Grajales" Gynecoobstetric Teaching Hospital, in the city of Santa Clara, from 1988 to 1989, was conducted aimed at evaluating the influence of the nutritional factor on the quality and texture of dental tissues. 100 of them were fetal malnourished and the rest had a normal growth. It was observed a high incidence of dental hypoplasias in children who suffered from malnutrition, as well as a high prevalence of dental caries, which reveals the decesive role of nutrition in dental formation.

  13. Percepción de ingesta de flúor a través del cepillado dental en niños colombianos Perception of fluoride ingestion by dental brushing in Colombian children

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    Farith González Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir la percepción de los padres sobre la ingesta de flúor a través del cepillado dental en los niños residentes en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Métodos: el universo del estudio lo constituyeron todos los padres residentes en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, con hijos en edades entre uno y cinco años. La muestra estuvo integrada por 420 individuos. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado, diligenciado por los participantes, con el cual se midieron tópicos relacionados con el uso de las cremas dentales a través del cepillado. Además se tuvieron en cuenta la edad, el género y el estrato socioeconómico. Los datos fueron analizados a través de pruebas de frecuencia; se asumieron intervalos de confianza al 95 %. Para encontrar significación estadística se utilizó la prueba de X². Resultados: el 88,0 % de los padres encuestados refiere usar el cepillado con crema dental. La edad promedio de cepillado es de 2,3 años (DE= 1,6. El 46 % se cepilla dos veces al día; el tipo de crema dental más usada es la de adultos. La mayoría de los encuestados afirma que los niños han ingerido la pasta durante el cepillado. Con respecto al análisis bivariado, se encontraron diferencias entre el cepillado con crema dental y la edad (p= 0,0001, y con el estrato (p= 0,04. Además, el tipo de crema dental con la edad, (p= 0,0001 y la cantidad de pasta utilizada con la edad (p= 0,0001 y el estrato (p= 0,01. Conclusión: se perciben hábitos poco favorables, asociados al cepillado con pasta dental, los cuales pueden ser responsables de la ingestión de cantidades de flúor consideradas nocivas para la salud.Objective: To describe the parents perception on the fluoride ingestion with the use of dental brushing in the children residents in the city of Cartagena de Indias. Methods: Study universe included al parents residents in the city above mentioned whose children were aged 1-5. Sample included 420 subjects. A structural

  14. O emprego do laser de CO2 no controle da cárie dentária = The use of CO2 laser on dental on dental caries control

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    Rodrigues, Lidiany Karla Azevedo


    Full Text Available O laser de dióxido de carbono atua na inibição da desmineralização do esmalte, reduzindo sua solubilidade aos ácidos e, este efeito pode ser potencializado quando associado a agentes fluoretados. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever as características do laser de CO2, discutir os mecanismos de ação do laser na inibição da desmineralização do esmalte e ainda, revisar a literatura a respeito de seus efeitos quando combinado ao íon flúor

  15. Variabilidad morfométrica dental en muestras arqueológicas tardías del sudeste de la región pampeana y noreste de Patagonia

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    Bernal, Valeria


    Full Text Available Recientemente, se ha postulado la ocurrencia de un proceso de expansión demográfico y geográfico de las poblaciones del norte de Patagonia durante el Holoceno tardío, con posterioridad a la denominada Anomalía Climática Medieval (ca. 800 - 1350 AD. En el marco del proyecto "La Dinámica Evolutiva de Poblaciones y Metapoblaciones Humanas en las Regiones Pampeana y Patagónica (33°- 52° Lat. Sur durante el Holoceno Tardío" (Subsidio de Inicio de Carrera Fundación Antorchas Nº 14116-111 se están desarrollando estudios orientados a analizar la variación morfológica craneal y postcraneal de las poblaciones humanas de ambas regiones, con el fin de discutir la dinámica poblacional durante el Holoceno tardío. En este contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la variabilidad morfométrica dental de muestras diacrónicas procedentes del SE de la Región Pampeana y NE de Patagonia (v.g. valles de los ríos Chubut y Negro, litoral atlántico sudbonaerense. Las variables consideradas incluyen diámetros mesiodistales y bucolinguales sobre la corona dental y el margen cervical, medidos sobre piezas dentales permanentes. Los resultados obtenidos mediante el empleo de test estadísticos uni y multivariados, serán discutidos con relación al resto de la evidencia morfológica actualmente disponible para ambas regiones.

  16. Características sistémicas y orales de la nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma en niños - Reporte de caso

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    Carmen de la Luz Ayala Escandón


    Full Text Available Introducción. La nefrolitiasis es una enfermedad caracterizada por la formación de cálculos en el riñón, de gran incidencia y alta recurrencia, considerada rara en niños. Cuando no se trata evoluciona con altos índices de complicaciones. El asma es una enfermedad crónica inflamatoria de las vías respiratorias y ocasiona una importante morbilidad y mortalidad. Metodología: Se informa del caso de una niña de 4 años diagnosticada con nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma, referida para atención odontológica. Se incluye: Revisión bibliográfica de las patologías base, metodología clínica utilizada en el estado de salud general y oral, pre y post tratamiento dental. Conclusiones: En concordancia con lo descrito por diversos autores, los niños con nefrolitiasis bilateral y asma tienen un mayor índice de caries, higiene oral deficiente, una alta susceptibilidad a otras infecciones como candidiasis y a menudo exhiben defectos del esmalte, mucosas cianóticas, malposición dental y xerostomía. La prevención primaria es decisiva, una higiene dental apropiada, revisiones odontológicas habituales, así como el uso de broncodilatadores constituyen elementos significativos sobre todo en pacientes de alto riego.

  17. Prevalencia del estado periodontal de pacientes portadores de prótesis parcial removible tratados en una clínica dental privada


    Marco Gonzáles, Gian; Chávez-Reategui, Beatriz; Manrique-Chávez, Jorge; Hidalgo-López, Ivonne


    Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia del estado periodontal de los pacientes portadores de prótesis parcial removible que acudieron a la Clínica Dental Docente de la UPCH. Materiales y métodos: Diseño retrospectivo con universo conformado por pacientes portadores de prótesis parcial removible recepcionados por alumnos de pregrado. Resultados: Se incluyeron a 130 historias clínicas encontrando mayor prevalencia del género femenino (66.92%), con una edad media de 43.57 años. En el análisis univ...

  18. Histomorfología de la atrición en dientes temporarios

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    Melisa R Lezcano

    Full Text Available Resumen En la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, provincia de Corrientes, Argentina, se desarrolló un trabajo de investigación en el cual se estudiaron las características histológicas que presentaban el esmalte y la dentina de piezas dentarias temporarias bajo el proceso fisiológico de la atrición. Para dicho estudio, se obtuvieron 25 piezas dentarias temporarias de pacientes que concurrieron a la Cátedra de Odontopediatría para su atención. Las muestras fueron protocolizadas y clasificadas según la escala de desgaste dentario de Gerasimov modificada. Las piezas dentarias se procesaron mediante la técnica de desgaste para su observación al microscopio óptico, determinándose que el 48% de los casos el desgaste correspondía a grado I, el 36% al grado II y el resto al grado III. En los casos que afectó al esmalte únicamente se observó la sección de los prismas del esmalte. Cuando afectó esmalte y dentina en los grados II y III de la escala se observan tanto casos de dentina esclerótica como de trayectos muertos

  19. Caries dental aguda del primer molar permanente en niños de 12 años

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    Daniel Enrique Reyes Romagosa

    Full Text Available Introducción: el primer molar permanente es considerado la llave de la oclusión dentaria, la presencia de caries en éste es elevada, lo que dificulta el logro de las metas trazadas por organizaciones de salud a nivel mundial en este grupo de edad. Objetivo: determinar el comportamiento de la caries dental aguda en primer molar permanente en una población de 12 años de edad atendida en la Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz de la Parroquia Goaigoaza. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Clínica Estomatológica Santa Cruz. Parroquia Goaigoaza, municipio Puerto Cabello, estado Carabobo, en el período comprendido entre abril del 2009 a abril 2010. Se seleccionaron 97 pacientes de 12 años de edad los que constituyeron el universo y la muestra. Acudieron a la consulta por dolor debido a la presencia de caries dental aguda. Se registraron las variables: edad, sexo, grado clínico de la caries dental, estímulos externos que provocaron dolor, la cara dental y la arcada dentaria más afectadas. La información fue recogida mediante interrogatorio y examen clínico. Resultados: el sexo masculino representó el 63,9 %. La caries dental de 3er grado estuvo presente en un 68 %. Los estímulos externos que provocaron dolor fueron: el frío presente en 75,2 % y los alimentos dulces en 69,1 % en ambos sexos. El primer molar inferior derecho resultó más afectado (46,4 % que el izquierdo (36,1 %, así como la arcada dentaria inferior (25,8 % y la cara oclusal (64,9 %. Conclusiones: predominaron el sexo masculino y la caries dental aguda de 3er grado. El frío y los alimentos dulces fueron los estímulos externos más frecuentes. Los más afectados resultaron el primer molar inferior derecho, la cara oclusal y la arcada dentaria inferior.

  20. Los microbios en el agua de las unidades dentales

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    Chris H. Milleri


    Full Text Available Los microbios están presentes en el agua de las unidades dentales y existen en la biocapa que cubre las paredes de las tuberías de agua. El mejoramiento de la calidad microbiana del agua en las unidades dentales según estén disponibles los medios es una parte natural del mantenimiento de la calidad para la atención al paciente y al equipo de trabajo.

  1. In vitro evaluation of human dental enamel surface roughness bleached with 35% carbamide peroxide and submitted to abrasive dentifrice brushing Avaliação in vitro da rugosidade superficial do esmalte dental humano clareado com peróxido de carbamida a 35% e submetido à escovação com dentifrícios abrasivos

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    Claudia Cia Worschech


    Full Text Available The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the surface roughness of human enamel bleached with 35% carbamide peroxide at different times and submitted to different superficial cleaning treatments: G1 - not brushed; G2 - brushed with fluoride abrasive dentifrice; G3 - brushed with a non-fluoride abrasive dentifrice; G4 - brushed without dentifrice. Sixty fragments of human molar teeth with 4 x 4 mm were obtained using a diamond disc. The specimens were polished with sandpaper and abrasive pastes. A perfilometer was used to measure roughness average (Ra values of the initial surface roughness and at each 7-day-interval after the beginning of treatment. The bleaching was performed on the surface of the fragments for 1 hour a week, and the surface cleaning treatment for 3 minutes daily. The samples were stored in individual receptacles with artificial saliva. Analysis of variance and the Tukey test revealed significant differences in surface roughness values for G2 and G3, which showed an increase in roughness over time; G1 and G4 showed no significant roughness differences. The bleaching with 35% carbamide peroxide did not alter the enamel surface roughness, but when the bleaching treatment was performed combined with brushing with abrasive dentifrices, there was a significant increase in roughness values.O propósito deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar em diferentes tempos a rugosidade superficial do esmalte dental humano clareado com peróxido de carbamida a 35% e submetido a diferentes tratamentos superficiais de limpeza: G1 - não escovado; G2 - escovado com dentifrício fluoretado abrasivo; G3 - escovado com dentifrício não fluoretado abrasivo; G4 - escovado sem dentifrício. Sessenta fragmentos de molares humanos com 4 x 4 mm foram obtidos através do seccionamento com discos diamantados. Os espécimes foram polidos com lixas e pastas abrasivas. Um perfilômetro foi utilizado para determinar os valores da média de dureza Ra ("roughness

  2. SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome and dental anomalies. (United States)

    Chacon-Camacho, Oscar Francisco; Fuerte-Flores, Bertha Irene; Ricardez-Marcial, Edgar F; Zenteno, Juan Carlos


    SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome is an uncommon autosomal dominant syndrome caused by mutations in the SOX2 gene and clinically characterized by severe eye malformations (anophthalmia/microphthalmia) and extraocular anomalies mainly involving brain, esophagus, and genitalia. In this work, a patient with the SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome and exhibiting a novel dental anomaly is described. SOX2 genotyping in this patient revealed an apparently de novo c.70del20 deletion, a commonly reported SOX2 mutation. A review of the phenotypic variation observed in patients carrying the recurrent SOX2 c.70del20 mutation is presented. Although dental anomalies are uncommonly reported in the SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome, we suggest that a dental examination should be performed in patients with SOX2 mutations. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Effective atomic number of dental smalt; Numero atomico efetivo do esmalte dentario

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rodas D, J.E.; Nogueira, M.S. [Departamento de Fisica e Matematica da FFCLRP-USP. 14040-901 Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo (Brazil)


    The effective atomic numbers Z are enough utilized for to characterize the interactions of ionizing radiation with matter. Particularly for the Z calculation in biological tissues and/or composed materials we need to know the relationship between the cross sections of the diverse radiations interactions with mattera and the atomic numbers Z of the constituent elements in the tissue or composed material. Normally the cross section by atom {sigma} {sup 2} is proportional to Z{sup m}. The m value depends of the iterative process type and the energy of the incident photons. In the case of the photoelectric interaction, the m vary will vary between 4,698 and 4,799 for energies between 10 to 200 keV. It was verified that constituent elements with high Z (>20) they had a major contribution. The m values for the Compton interation and the coherent scattering were calculated of similar way. Knowing the m values, we calculate the partials Z of a composed material. For the calculation of total Z, we can use alternatives starting from the equivalent atomic number corresponding to the total cross section {sigma} {sup d} tot, mc of the composed material. In this work for the calculation of Z values corresponding to diverse interations, we applied a linear regression at the values of Ln {sigma} {sup a} x LnZ for different energies. In general, to characterize a simulator material of a tissue or composed material we need to know the total Z in function of the photon energy applied to dental smalt increases until some hundreds of keV the partial values of Z owing to photoelectric effect and the coherent scattering this is owing to the smalt has a great concentration of elements with high Z. (Author)

  4. Mapeo cromático dental a partir de imágenes digitales

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    Josué González Sandoval


    Full Text Available El mapeo cromático dental es una técnica que consiste en la estimación de las características ópticas de la dentadura del paciente. Su objetivo es crear un mapa de tonalidades que facilite, al especialista, la elección de resinas o cerámicas a utilizar en la restauración de piezas dentales. Actualmente, el mapeo cromático se realiza comparando directamente la dentadura del paciente contra una guía de colores. Dicho procedimiento se ve afectado por diferentes factores como: condiciones ambientales, características del paciente, percepción del especialista, entre otras, lo que involucra un alto grado de subjetividad. En el presente trabajo se describe un método para el mapeo cromático dental a partir de imágenes digitales. El principal objetivo de esta propuesta es reducir la subjetividad en la selección de los materiales para la reconstrucción de piezas dentales, y en un futuro, desarrollar una herramienta que realice este trabajo automáticamente.

  5. Historia de la docencia estomatológica de pregrado. Pinar del Río History of dental Teaching. Pinar del Río

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    Eva Zeida Rodríguez Perera


    Full Text Available Conocer que una de las temáticas a desarrollar en la VI Conferencia Científico Metodológica de la Facultad es la Historia de la Educación Médica, que nos motivó a realizar una revisión con el objetivo de exponer la Historia de la Docencia de pregrado de Estomatología en la provincia de Pinar del Río, para lo que se hizo necesario hacer un recuento de cómo surgió nuestra profesión, y como ante las necesidades de la población y los cambios en los modelos de atención, la docencia estomatológica ha brindado una respuesta adecuada y oportuna en la formación de los recursos humanos de esta rama, pasando por diferentes etapas en las que ha sufrido grandes transformaciones en sus planes de estudio para garantizar la formación de un egresado que responda a las exigencias de estos tiempos.Knowing that the History of the Medical Education is one of the topics to be discussed during the 6th Scientific Methodological Conference at the Medical School motivated us to carry out a revision with the purpose of presenting the History of Dental Teaching in Pinar del Río province; henceforth it was necessary to go back to the emergence of our profession, and how, considering the population's needs and changes in the assistance patterns, dental teaching has provided a timely and appropriate response in the formation of human resources of this branch, going through difficult stages in which it has undergone major transformations in its syllabi to guarantee the formation of graduates who respond to the demands of these days.

  6. Conocimientos sobre implantes dentales en estomatólogos de los municipios de Centro Habana, Habana del Este y Habana Vieja Knowledge level on dental implants in stomatologists from Centro Habana, Habana del Este and Habana Vieja municipalities

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    Eneida García López


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal, con el objetivo de evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre implantes dentales de los estomatólogos generales básico e integrales de los municipios, Habana del Este, Centro Habana y Habana Vieja. El Ministerio de Salud Pública tiene especial interés en la implementación y generalización de las técnicas de implantología dental a nivel de los municipios por lo que esta temática se convierte en tema de necesario dominio para los estomatólogos, pues necesitan orientar, tratar y remitir a sus pacientes. Para medir los conocimientos fue aplicada una encuesta que constaba de diez preguntas, y se utilizó los criterios de conocen y desconocen, para evaluar las respuestas según su calidad. El nivel de conocimientos se clasificó en adecuado cuando la encuesta tuvo un 70 % o más de respuestas con el criterio de conocen. El nivel de conocimientos fue no adecuado para los grupos de estudios y para los municipios.A cross-sectional and descriptive research was carried out to assess the knowledge level on dental implants of Basic and Integral General Stomatologists from Habana del Este, Centro Habana and Habana Vieja municipalities and due to its spreading in the different media and the interest of our Public Health Ministry in application of this technique at municipality level it becomes necessary domain of stomatologists because of they need to guide, to treat and to refer the patients. To knowledge measurement we applied a survey including ten questions using to know and not to know criteria to assess the answers according to its quality. The knowledge level was classified as suitable when there was a 70 % or more of answers with the criterion of to know, but this knowledge level was not suitable for study groups and for the municipalities.

  7. An in vitro study of dental enamel wear by restorative materials using radiometric method; Estudo in vitro do desgaste do esmalte dental pelos materiais restauradores utilizando metodo radiometrico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adachi, Lena Katekawa


    There is an increasing demand and interest to study the dental materials wear as well as about the abrasion effect on antagonistic teeth. Due to the fact that the existent restorative materials have no specifications about their abrasiveness, it is necessary the establishment of degrees of comparison among them to support clinical application. In this work, the radiometric method was applied to study the enamel wear caused by another enamel and by restorative materials (Ceramco II, Noritake and Finesse porcelains, Artglass and Targis). The dental enamel made radioactive by irradiation at the IEA-R1m nuclear research reactor under a thermal neutron flux was submitted to wear in a machine which allows sliding motion of an antagonistic surface in contact with this radioactive enamel. The enamel wear was evaluated by measuring beta activity of {sup 32}P transferred to water from this irradiated tooth. Results obtained indicated that dental porcelains cause pronounced enamel wear when compared with that provoked by another enamel or by resin materials. Resin materials caused less enamel wear than another enamel. Vickers microhardness data obtained for antagonistic materials showed a correlation with the wear caused to the enamel. This study allowed to conclude that the radiometric method proposed can be used satisfactorily in the evaluation of enamel wear by restorative materials. This method presents advantages due to quick responses and ease of analyses There is (author)

  8. Signos Vitales de los CDC–Los selladores dentales previenen las caries (Dental Sealants Prevent Cavities)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast se basa en la edición de octubre del 2016 del informe Signos Vitales de los CDC. Los selladores dentales, que se aplican poco después de que les salgan las muelas permanentes a los niños, pueden protegerlos contra las caries hasta por nueve años. Aplicarles los selladores dentales a los niños de bajos ingresos en las escuelas podría ahorrar millones de dólares en costos de tratamientos.  Created: 10/18/2016 by National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP).   Date Released: 10/18/2016.

  9. Esmaltes Digitales para un proceso de esmaltación y decoración totalmente digital

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    Itaca Grupo, Esmalglas-


    Full Text Available The Spanish Society of Ceramic & Glass has awarded Esmalglass – Itaca Group with an “Alfa de Oro” on its 2011 edition, for the following investigation work: the development of a new range of glazes applied with digital systems that will allow to complete the innovation of the industrial manufacturing of glazed & digitally decorated ceramic tiles.

    Esmalglass-Itaca Grupo ha sido galardonada por la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio con un Alfa de Oro en su edición de 2011 por el siguiente trabajo de investigación: el desarrollo de una novedosa familia de esmaltes aplicados a través de sistemas digitales que permiten completar la innovación de proceso de fabricación industrial de baldosas cerámicas esmaltadas y decoradas digitalmente.

  10. Sex and dental treatment influence on child's dental anxiety: Behaviour valuation


    Sánchez Aguilera, F; Toledano, M; Osario, R


    La actitud de un niño ante el tratamiento dental suele, con demasiada frecuencia, dificultar dicho tratamiento ya que disminuye su cooperación y provoca la aparición de un comportamiento negativo. Los objetivos del estudio han sido: 1) comparar la ansiedad ante la odontología que aparece en un grupo de niñas en relación a uno de niños; 2) establecer la relación existente entre el comportamiento y la ansiedad que presenta un niño en su tratamiento dental; y, 3) contrastar la ansiedad que se pr...

  11. Mecanobiología de la interfase hueso-implante dental

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    Juan Carlos Vanegas Acosta


    Full Text Available La osteointegración es la conexión estructural y funcional entre el hueso y un implante. Cuando un implante se inserta en el hueso, se crea la denominada interfase hueso-implante, una zona de unión entre la superficie del biomaterial del implante y el hueso circundante. La cicatrización de esta interfase depende de las condiciones biológicas del hueso, las características de diseño del implante y la distribución de cargas entre hueso e implante. En este artículo se hace una revisión del proceso de cicatrización de la interfase hueso-implante para el caso de un implante dental. El objetivo es describir la secuencia de eventos biológicos iniciados con la lesión causada por la inserción del implante y que concluyen con la formación de nuevo hueso en la interfase. Esta descripción incluye una novedosa clasificación de los fenómenos mecánicos que intervienen durante el proceso de cicatrización de los tejidos lesionados. Esta descripción mecanobiológica de la interfase hueso-implante dental se utiliza para determinar las características más relevantes a tener en cuenta en la formulación de un modelo matemático de la osteointegración de implantes dentales.

  12. Identificación radiográfica de implantes dentales


    Insua Brandariz, Ángel


    La identificación de implantes dentales en pacientes sin registros clínicos representa un problema importante y creciente debido a la movilidad de la población, al incremento del número de implantes colocados, así como al aumento del número de diseños y sistemas de implantes. Objetivos 1. Crear la primera base de datos donde se describan las características morfo-radiográficas de todos los tipos de implantes dentales. 2. Identificar morfológica y radiográficamente los implan...


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    Sergio Miguel Vélez Zambrano


    Full Text Available La investigación tuvo como propósito identificar y describir especies de Meliola (Meliolales/Ascomycetes/Ascomycota asociadas a plantas silvestres del Cerrado brasileño. Se analizaron muestras colectadas en la hacienda Pelicano del Parque Estatal Serra Ricardo Franco, situado en Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade en la frontera con Bolivia, y también en Barra do Garças, ambos sitios localizados en el Estado de Mato Grosso. A partir de la visualización de estructuras vegetativas y reproductivas de los hongos fueron montadas láminas de vidrio que contenían lactoglicerol y que fueron selladas con esmalte, para su posterior observación a través de microscopio estereoscópico y microscopio de luz. Se identificaron un total de 5 especies de Meliola, siendo estas M. alibertiae en Alibertia edulis, M. desmodii–laxiflori y M. stizolobii var. eriosematis en Desmodium spp., M. kernii en Casearia sp. Meliola voacangae en Aspidosperma nobile. Cada especie fue identificada basándose en la planta hospedera, morfología del ascoma, forma y dimensión de las ascosporas, ramificación de las hifas, distribución de los apresorios e hifopodios espermáticos en las hifas.

  14. Análisis del comportamiento mecánico de una aleación Ni-Cr-Mo para pilares dentales/Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Ni-Cr-Mo alloy for Dental Abutments

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    Luis Alberto Laguado Villamizar


    Full Text Available El presente estudio caracteriza una aleación aplicable al diseño de pilares para implantes dentales. Se propone un material biocompatible y de alta resistencia mecánica como alternativa a las aleaciones de Titanio, disminuyendo los costos de materia prima y procesamiento. Se realizan pruebas mecánicas de tracción y de compresión a la aleación de Ni-Cr-Mo, posteriormente se realiza modelado 3D y simulación de sus propiedades mecánicas por medio de análisis de elementos finitos. Como resultado se obtiene que el material disminuye su resistencia mecánica después del proceso de fundición empleado. El modelo de simulación es válido para análisis de resistencia en pilares dentales.This study presents the characterization of a dental implant alloy for abutments. It proposes a biocompatible material and high mechanical resistance as an alternative to Titanium alloys, lowering costs of raw materials and processing. Mechanical testing of the Ni-Cr-Mo alloy and subsequently perform simulations of its mechanical properties by means of finite element analysis. As a result is obtained that the material reduces its mechanical strength after the casting for electric induction molding process. The simulation model is valid to make analysis of resistance to this type of dental devices.

  15. Effect of prophylactic treatments on the superficial roughness of dental tissues and of two esthetic restorative materials Efeito de tratamentos profiláticos na rugosidade superficial de tecidos dentais e de dois materiais restauradores estéticos

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    Daniele Salami


    Full Text Available Dental prophylaxis is a common way to remove dental plaque and stain, both undesirable factors in most dentistry procedures. However, besides cleaning the tooth surface, prophylactic techniques may increase the surface roughness of restorations and dental tissues, which, in turn, may result in plaque accumulation, superficial staining and superficial degradation. This study evaluated the effect of three prophylactic techniques - sodium bicarbonate jet, pumice paste and whiting paste - on the superficial roughness of two restorative materials - a composite resin and a compomer - and on the superficial roughness of two dental surfaces - enamel and cementum/dentin - through rugosimetric and scanning electron microscopy (SEM analysis. Statistical analysis of the rugosimetric data showed that the use of pumice paste on enamel produced a significantly smoother surface than the natural surface. However, comparing the effect of the three techniques, prophylaxis with the pumice paste produced a rougher surface than did the other techniques as regards enamel and cementum/dentin probably due to its abrasiveness. On composite resin, the pumice paste only produced a rougher surface than did the whiting paste. On compomer, all of the applied treatments produced similar results. Based on rugosimetric and SEM analysis, we could conclude that the prophylactic treatments employed did not improve roughness of the studied surfaces. As to the effects of the techniques, they were different depending on the surfaces on which the prophylactic treatments were applied.A profilaxia dental é uma prática comum para a remoção de placa bacteriana e outros indutos que dificultam a realização dos procedimentos restauradores. Entretanto, como efeito secundário à limpeza, pode-se ter uma superfície mais rugosa e sujeita a manchamentos e degradações. O presente estudo avaliou os efeitos de três técnicas de profilaxia - jato de bicarbonato de sódio, pasta de pedra

  16. Ansiedad y miedos dentales en escolares hondureños


    Ivette Carolina Rivera Zelaya; Antonio Fernández Parra


    La ansiedad a la atención y tratamiento dental puede afectar de forma significativa a la salud oral de los niños así como a la calidad del tratamiento dental recibido. A pesar de su importancia se han realizado muy pocos estudios sobre la ansiedad y miedo dental infantil en Latinoamérica, concretamente en Honduras. En este estudio se evaluó la ansiedad dental de una muestra aleatoria de 170 escolares (6-11 años) de la región metropolitana de Tegucigalpa. La evaluación se realiz...

  17. The genetics of amelogenesis imperfecta: a review of the literature Genética da amelogênese imperfeita: uma revisão da literatura

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    Maria Cristina Leme Godoy dos Santos


    Full Text Available A melogenesis imperfecta (AI is a group of inherited defects of dental enamel formation that show both clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Enamel findings in AI are highly variable, ranging from deficient enamel formation to defects in the mineral and protein content. Enamel formation requires the expression of multiple genes that transcribes matrix proteins and proteinases needed to control the complex process of crystal growth and mineralization. The AI phenotypes depend on the specific gene involved, the location and type of mutation, and the corresponding putative change at the protein level. Different inheritance patterns such as X-linked, autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive types have been reported. Mutations in the amelogenin, enamelin, and kallikrein-4 genes have been demonstrated to result in different types of AI and a number of other genes critical to enamel formation have been identified and proposed as candidates for AI. The aim of this article was to present an evaluation of the literature regarding role of proteins and proteinases important to enamel formation and mutation associated with AI.A melogênese imperfeita é um grupo de doenças hereditárias que causa defeito na formação esmalte dental e mostra heterogeneidade clínica e genética. O esmalte é afetado com alta variabilidade, desde deficiência na formação do esmalte até defeitos no conteúdo mineral e protéico. A formação do esmalte requer a expressão de múltiplos genes que transcrevem proteínas e proteinases importantes para controlar o complexo processo de crescimento dos cristais e mineralização. O fenótipo da AI depende do gene envolvido, sua localização e tipo de mutação, e a conseqüente alteração na proteína. Diferentes padrões hereditários com ligado ao X, autossômico dominante e autossômico recessivo já foram descritos. Mutações nos genes correspondentes da amelogenina, enamelina, e calicreína-4 demonstraram resultar em

  18. In vitro study of the diode laser effect on artificial demineralized surface of human dental enamel; Estudo in vitro do efeito do laser diodo sobre a superficie de esmalte dental humano desmineralizado artificialmente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ebel, Patricia


    In scientific literature there are many reports about fusion and resolidification of dental enamel after laser irradiation and their capability to generate surfaces with increased resistance to demineralization compared to non-irradiated areas. The use of high power diode laser on demineralized surfaces of human dental enamel is presented as a good alternative in caries prevention. The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphological changes produced by the use of one high power diode laser on human dental enamel surface after demineralization treatment with lactic acid, under chosen parameters. Fifteen samples of human dental molars were used and divided in four groups: control - demineralization treatment with lactic acid and no irradiation, and demineralization treatment with lactic acid followed of irradiation with 212,20 mJ/cm{sup 2}, 282,84 mJ/cm{sup 2} and 325,38 mJ/cm{sup 2}, respectively. The samples were irradiated with high power diode laser (808 nm) with a 300 {mu}m diameter fiber optics. Black ink was used on enamel surface to enhance the superficial absorption. The samples were studied by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Modifications on the enamel surfaces were observed. Such modifications were characterized by melted and re-solidified region of the enamel. According with our results the best parameter was 2.0 W, presenting the most uniform surface. The use of high power diode laser as demonstrated in this study is able to promote melting and re-solidification on human dental enamel. (author)

  19. Rehabilitación dental y trastornos temporomandibulares en adolescentes de Puebla, México / Dental rehabilitations and temporomandibular disorders in adolescents of Puebla, Mexico

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    Gabriel Muñoz Q


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar el factor de riesgo para desarrollar trastornos temporomandibulares (ttm en adolescentes sometidos a rehabilitación dental. Métodos: cohorte realizada en 153 adolescentes, (52,9% mujeres y 47% hombres libres de ttm. Para diagnosticar los ttm se utilizaron los Criterios Diagnósticos para la Investigación de los ttm (cdi/ttm, para determinar caries se aplicó el índice cpod. Se formaron dos grupos, el grupo expuesto a rehabilitación dental (74, y el grupo no expuesto (79. Se realizaron seguimientos a las dos semanas, tres y seis meses de la rehabilitación dental. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y se calculó el riesgo relativo con intervalos de confianza al 95%. Para el grupo de los expuestos, se incluyeron adolescentes libres de ttm en los que fue necesario realizar tratamiento de rehabilitación dental en órganos posteriores con caries en esmalte y dentina en fosas y fisuras. Para el grupo no expuesto, se incluyeron adolescentes pareados por edad y sexo con los expuestos, libres de ttm sin necesidades de rehabilitación dental. Resultados: la incidencia de ttm a los quince días de los expuestos (18,9% fue superior en contraste con los no expuestos (5,0%. El riesgo relativo de desarrollar ttm en los adolescentes rehabilitados con resina a las dos semanas posteriores a la rehabilitación fue de 2.412 (I.C. 95% 1.001-5,81 veces más que en aquellos que no fueron sometidos a la rehabilitación. Conclusión: la rehabilitación dental es un factor de riesgo mínimo para desarrollar ttm a corto plazo (15 días de realizado el procedimiento, dicho padecimiento inducido por la rehabilitación dental es agudo y auto limitante Objective: determine the risk factor involved with developing temporomandibular disorders (tmd in adolescents undergoing dental rehabilitation. Methodology: cohort study carried out on 153 tmd-free adolescents (52.9% women and 47% women. In order to diagnose tmds the Diagnostic Criteria for Research

  20. Alkali-soluble fluoride deposition on enamel after professional application of topical fluoride in vitro Formação de flúor fracamente ligado ao esmalte após a aplicação tópica profissional de flúor in vitro

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    Mitsue Fujimaki Hayacibara


    Full Text Available Since the efficacy of topical fluoride products is related to the fluoride (F availability and its reactivity with enamel, this study was conducted. The F concentration of the following materials was verified: I- acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF gel (1.23% F, II- APF foam (1.23% F and III- Varnish (2.26% F. Forty blocks of bovine enamel were divided into 4 groups and treated according to the materials described, being one of them used as control. Loosely bound fluoride (''CaF2'' was determined on enamel after extraction with 1.0M KOH and analyzed by ion-selective electrode. Total F concentration found in gel was 12,642, in foam 12,755 and in varnish 23,183 mg F/g. All products formed statistically higher amounts of ''CaF2'' on enamel compared to the control group (p 0.05. Thus, ''CaF2'' formation was not proportional to the total F content in the products, suggesting that the pH and the vehicle used are more important.Considerando que a eficácia dos produtos para aplicação tópica profissional de flúor (géis, espumas e vernizes está relacionada com a reatividade do flúor (F com o esmalte e sendo esta dependente da disponibilidade do F em cada produto, este estudo foi conduzido. A concentração de F nos seguintes produtos foi estudada: I - Flúor Fosfato Acidulado (FFA gel (1,23% F, II - FFA espuma (1,23% F e III- Verniz fluoretado (2,26% F. Foram confeccionados 40 blocos de esmalte bovino, tratados de acordo com os grupos descritos, sendo um deles utilizado como controle. O F fracamente ligado (''CaF2'' ao esmalte foi determinado após a extração com 1.0 M KOH e analisado em eletrodo específico. A concentração de F encontrada no gel foi de 12.642, na espuma 12.755 e no verniz 23.183 mg F/g. Todos os produtos formaram uma quantidade significantemente maior de ''CaF2'' na superfície do esmalte, comparado ao grupo controle (p 0,05. Assim, a formação de ''CaF2'' na superfície do esmalte não foi proporcional ao conteúdo de F nos

  1. Effect of fluoridated varnish and silver diamine fluoride solution on enamel demineralization: pH-cycling study Efeito do verniz fluoretado e da solução de diamino fluoreto de prata na desmineralização do esmalte: estudo utilizando modelo de ciclagem de pH

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    Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: In the present investigation, the anticariogenic effect of fluoride released by two products commonly applied in infants was evaluated. METHODS: Bovine sound enamel blocks were randomly allocated to each one of the treatment groups: control (C, varnish (V and diamine silver fluoride solution (D. The blocks were submitted to pH cycles in an oven at 37ºC. Next, surface and cross-sectional microhardness were assessed to calculate the percentage loss of surface microhardness (%SML and the mineral loss (deltaZ. The fluoride present in enamel was also determined. RESULTS: F/Px10-3 (ANOVA, pOBJETIVOS: Este trabalho avaliou o efeito anticariogênico do flúor liberado por dois produtos comumente aplicados em crianças. MÉTODOS: Para isto, utilizaram-se blocos de esmalte de dentes bovinos distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de tratamento: controle (C, verniz fluoretado (V e solução de diamino fluoreto de prata (D. Os blocos foram submetidos à ciclagem de pH a 37ºC. Após, realizou-se o teste de microdureza de superfície (para o cálculo da % da perda de microdureza de superfície - %SML e em secção longitudinal do esmalte (% de alteração da área mineral - %deltaZ e a determinação do flúor presente no esmalte (F/P x 10-3. RESULTADOS: As concentrações de flúor (ANOVA, p<0,05 na 1ª camada do esmalte, antes da ciclagem de pH, foram (C, V e D: 1,6ª; 21,6b e 4,0c. Os resultados de %SML (Kruskal-Wallis, p<0.05 foram: -64,0ª, -45,2b e -53,1c. Os valores de %deltaZ (ANOVA, p<0.05 foram: -18,7ª, -7,7b e -17,3ª. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que o flúor liberado pelo verniz apresentou maior interação com o esmalte promovendo menor perda mineral quando comparado à solução de diamino de prata.

  2. Anomalías dentomaxilofaciales en dientes permanentes y su relación con traumas en la primera infancia Dental-maxillary-facial anomalies in permanent teeth and their relation to traumas in early childhood

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    Arlene Liset Corrales León


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo que incluyó niños de 7 a 14 años de edad, pertenecientes al área de salud de la "Clínica Estomatológica Docente Guama" del municipio Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido entre febrero del 2003 a marzo de 2005, con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de anomalías dentomaxilofaciales en dentición permanente y su relación con traumas en la primera infancia. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por 250 niños, y de ellos, se seleccionó una muestra de 60 niños y se les confeccionó una planilla recolectora de datos para la investigación. Los resultados obtenidos fueron procesados estadísticamente mediante el sistema automatizado STATISTIC y la prueba de CHI CUADRADO, en su aplicación de bondad de ajuste, y el paquete SPSS, para la prueba de comparación de proporciones. En todos los casos se prefija un nivel de significación de 0,05. Entre los resultados globales más significativos encontramos que fueron los traumas ocurridos en las edades de 5-6 años los que más anomalías dentomaxilofaciales causaron en la dentición permanente. Resultó el sexo masculino el más afectado por estas alteraciones, fueron los traumas recibidos directamente sobre los dientes, los mayores causantes de anomalías en la dentición permanente. Resultaron las hipoplasias del esmalte, como otras anomalías no ortodóncicas las más frecuentes; se comprobó que el sexo femenino tuvo mayor implicación psicosocial por estas alteraciones y se divulgaron a estomatólogos, padres y maestros orientaciones sobre la relación entre los traumas en la primera infancia y las anomalías dentomaxilofaciales en la dentición permanente.A descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective research was carried out including children from 7 to 14 years old belonging to the health area of "Guama" Dental University Clinic in Pinar del Rio Municipality, from February 2003 to March 2005 aimed at determining



    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  4. Caries dental en niños de 0-5 años del municipio de Andes, Colombia. Evaluación mediante el sistema internacional de detección y valoración de caries - ICDAS

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    Blanca S. Ramírez-Puerta


    Full Text Available La falta de información de la situación de caries dental en la primera infancia en Andes, limita las acciones en el marco de la Alianza por un Futuro libre de Caries. Objetivo: establecer la situación de caries dental de los niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años del Municipio de Andes, Colombia. Metodología: fueron examinados 623 niños y niñas para evaluar la presencia y severidad de las lesiones de caries, con base en criterios del Sistema Internacional para la detección y evaluación de caries - icdas. Se calcularon las proporciones de experiencia y prevalencia de caries dental, y los índices cICDAS 5-6 opd y cICDAS 1-6 opd. Resultados: el 38,2% tenía experiencia de caries dental severa, cuando se incluyen las lesiones iniciales y moderadas de caries dental la experiencia fue 88,4%. Al año de edad, el 4,9% tenía lesiones severas de caries dental, y a los 5 años el 53,6% presentó este tipo de lesiones. El índice cICDAS 5-6 opd fue 0,15±0,8 al año de edad y 2,79±3,6 a los 5 años; el valor del indicador aumenta a 1,97±2,9 y 9,61±4,6 respectivamente, cuando se incluyen lesiones iniciales y moderadas de caries dental, cICDAS 1-6 opd. Discusión: la enfermedad está presente desde el primer año en el 58,8%, el doble de lo reportado en el país a esta edad (29,3%. Conclusión: los hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de diseñar estrategias integrales para el control de la enfermedad, que involucren la salud bucal en políticas y programas de primera infancia.

  5. Células madre mesenquimales orales: estado del arte en Odontología


    M. Cea-Sanhueza; G. Sánchez-Sanhueza


    Desde la organogénesis y hasta estadios adultos, las células madre mesenquimales participan activamente dando origen y manteniéndola homeostasis del organismo. En la cavidad oral han sido aisladas desde variadas estructuras del órgano dental tales como el ligamento periodontal, pulpa dental, tejido gingival, folículo dental y papila apical significando una prometedora fuente de células madre mesenquimales las que pueden ser caracterizadas de acuerdo a los criterios mínimos establecidos por "T...

  6. Prevalência de defeitos de esmalte em indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas da Paraíba, Brasil Prevalencia de amelogénesis imperfecta en pacientes con labio y paladar fisurados en Paraíba, Brasil Prevalence of defective amelogenesis in patients with palatoschisis in Paraíba, Brazil

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    Rosa Helena Wanderley Lacerda


    Full Text Available Os defeitos de esmalte estão entre as alterações que acometem os indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas. O propósito do presente estudo foi descrever a prevalência de defeitos de esmalte em indivíduos portadores de fissuras, bem como a sua distribuição quanto ao tipo de fissura e lado fissurado, nos pacientes que procuraram o serviço de referência em ortodontia no atendimento de fissurados da Paraíba, Brasil. Para tanto, este estudo caracterizou-se por ser do tipo transversal e observacional, adotando como estratégia de coleta de dados o exame clínico em 76 indivíduos portadores de fissuras pós e transforame incisivo unilateral ou bilateral, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 13,3 anos. O exame foi realizado nos dentes incisivos e caninos superiores, por dois examinadores previamente treinados (kappa= 0,89. Os pacientes incluídos foram todos que estavam em atendimento no período de janeiro a junho de 2011 em que as faces vestibulares dos dentes a serem examinados permitissem a avaliação clínica. Foram excluídos os que apresentavam outras deformidades associadas e que não tivessem sido submetidos às cirurgias primárias. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística descritiva e ao teste estatístico qui-quadrado, sendo significativo ao nível de 5 %. Houve predominância do gênero masculino (57,9 % e da fissura transforame incisiva unilateral esquerda (40,8 %. Em relação ao defeito de esmalte, o dente mais acometido foi o incisivo central, a maioria dos examinados apresentou opacidade difusa (14,9 %, seguida pela presença de opacidade demarcada (13,15 % e opacidade mais hipoplasia (10,9 % e houve diferença estatística significativa (pLos defectos en el esmalte son algunos de los cambios que afectan a las personas con labio y paladar fisurados. El propósito de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia de defectos del esmalte con fisura labial y palatina, así como su distribución por tipo de fisura, en

  7. Crema dental con manzanilla, efecto estomatológico


    Estela Gispert Abreu; . Elena Cantillo Estrada; . Aracelys Rivero López; Berta Oramas Rodríguez


    Se plantea que la manzanilla tiene propiedades antiinflamatorias y antisépticas. Se evaluó el efecto estomatológico del cepillado con una crema dental que contiene aceite esencial de manzanilla, una vez al día durante 21 días en 27 niños de 10 años de edad, y en otros 23 niños que se cepillaron con una crema dental placebo. Entre los grupos no existían al inicio diferencias significativas en los parámetros evaluados. El grupo cepillado con la crema dental de manzanilla redujo significativamen...

  8. Interferência da coloração de esmaltes de unha e do tempo na oximetria de pulso em voluntários sadios Interference of nail polish colors and time on pulse oximetry in healthy volunteers

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    Mara Harumi Miyake


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A oximetria de pulso é um método não invasivo de mensuração da saturação periférica da oxiemoglobina (SpO2. É freqüentemente utilizado em unidades de emergência, de terapia intensiva e em centro cirúrgico. A leitura da oximetria de pulso tem acurácia limitada na presença de metaemoglobina, carboxiemoglobina, anemia, vasoconstrição periférica, esmalte de unha, luz fluorescente e movimentação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a interferência da coloração de esmalte de unha e do tempo sobre a SpO2 em indivíduos sadios. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 61 voluntárias sadias, com idades entre 18 e 32 anos. Foi avaliada SpO2 nas seguintes colorações de esmaltes: base (dedo mínimo, rosa claro (dedo anular, rosa claro com cintilante (dedo médio e vermelha (polegar. O indicador não recebeu esmalte. Foi analisado o tempo para cada coloração de esmalte, a cada minuto até completar cinco minutos. RESULTADOS: Quando comparadas as medidas da SpO2 com o controle, as colorações base (p = 0,56, rosa claro (p = 0,56 e rosa claro com cintilante (p = 0,37 não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante. A SpO2 apresentou variação significante na cor vermelha (p BACKGROUND: Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method to measure the saturation of peripheral oxyhaemoglobin (SpO2. It's usually used in emergency, intensive care and operating room units. Pulse oximeter readings have limited accuracy in the presence of methemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, anaemia, peripheral vasoconstriction, nail polish, fluorescent light, and motion. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the interferences of the color of nail polishes and time on SpO2 in healthy individuals. METHODS: Sixty-one healthy female volunteers, ages ranging from 18 to 32 years. The nail polish colors used to evaluate SpO2 were: base coat on the little finger, light pink on the ring finger, sparkling light pink on the medium finger and red on the thumb. The index finger was used as control

  9. Identificada una malformació dental no gaire comuna en un individu del III mil·lenni aC


    López Onaindia, Diego


    Un estudi de la UAB ha permès identificar el cas més antic de macrodòncia bilateral aïllada a les segones premolars inferiors descrit fins a la data. Es tracta d'una malformació dental no gaire comuna que s'ha trobat en un individu de la Cova del Pantà de Foix (Castellet i la Gornal, Barcelona), les inhumacions de la qual estan datades al III mil·lenni aC. Tot i que no es coneix la causa d'aquesta malformació, els resultats la relacionen amb l'existència de factors d'estrès ambiental que haur...

  10. Teste de microtração em esmalte de um sistema adesivo universal pela técnica etch-and-rinse e etch-and-dry


    Peneque, Carolina Martins Santos


    Tese de mestrado, Medicina dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2014 Objetivo: Recorrendo ao teste de microtração, avaliar e comparar as forças adesivas em esmalte cortado de um sistema adesivo universal (Scotchbond Universal Adhesive, 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA) usado segundo as instruções do fabricante, nos modos etch-and-rinse e etch-and-dry. A hipótese nula testada é a de que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas forças de adesão ao esm...

  11. Claves para el reconocimiento taxonómico dentario en taxa del Superorden Squalomorphi de Chile (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii Taxonomic dental keys for the Chilean taxa of the Superorder Squalomorphi (Chondricthyes: Elasmobranchii

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    Sylvia Sáez


    Full Text Available Se presenta una serie de claves para el reconocimiento dentario de diferentes taxa del Superorden Squalomorphi de Chile. Se seleccionaron características dentarias externas que permitan obtener una observación más expedita que conduzcan a un estudio más acabado, de la diagnosis de los diferentes taxa constituyentes de este grupo de peces, haciéndolas extensibles para estudios de piezas dentales fósiles.A series of taxonomic dental keys is presented for the Chilean taxa of the Superorder Squalomorphi. External dental characteristics were selected for easier observation, leading to more thorough studies. This allows diagnoses of the different taxa comprising this group of fishes and, moreover, can be extended to studies of fossil teeth.

  12. Tetralogia de Fallot e sua repercussão na saúde bucal Repercussion of tetralogy of Fallot on oral health

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    Cristiane Meira Assunção


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar o caso de um paciente com tetralogia de Fallot e sua condição bucal. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente do gênero masculino atendido no Curso de Especialização em Odontopediatria da Escola de Aperfeiçoamento Profissional da Associação Brasileira de Odontologia da seção Paraná dos cinco aos sete anos de idade. O exame clínico intrabucal inicial revelou quadro de cárie severa da infância. Durante o acompanhamento, verificou-se a erupção dos primeiros molares permanentes com a presença de defeitos de desenvolvimento de esmalte e perda de estrutura dental. À anamnese, a mãe relatou que o paciente foi portador de tetralogia de Fallot e que a cirurgia corretora foi realizada com um ano e 11 meses de idade. COMENTÁRIOS: A formação do esmalte dental dos primeiros molares permanentes ocorre a partir do primeiro mês de vida e é finalizada entre dois e quatro anos de idade. Neste caso, tal etapa coincidiu com o período anterior à cirurgia para correção da tetralogia de Fallot, fato que pode ter interferido negativamente no processo de mineralização dos primeiros molares permanentes. Os defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte podem levar a perda de estrutura dental, favorecendo o aparecimento da cárie dentária. Dessa forma, o odontopediatra deve realizar um diagnóstico precoce dessas alterações e intervir preventivamente para evitar a perda de tais dentes. Uma anamnese bem detalhada e a maior interação entre pediatras e odontopediatras podem proporcionar melhor acompanhamento de crianças com fatores de risco para apresentar defeitos de desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário.OBJECTIVE: To report a case of a child with tetralogy of Fallot and his oral conditions. CASE DESCRIPTION: A male patient was assisted at the Pediatric Dentristry Specialization Course of the Brazilian Dentistry Association in the State of Paraná, Brazil, from five to seven years old. At the first intrabucal examination, the child

  13. Concentration and bioavailability of fluoride in mouthrinses prepared in dispensing pharmacies Concentração e biodisponibilidade do fluoreto de enxagüatórios bucais preparados em farmácias de manipulação

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    Cínthia Pereira Machado Tabchoury


    Full Text Available Considering the importance of medication quality control and that mouthrinses for dental caries prevention have commonly been prepared in dispensing pharmacies, this study assessed formulations containing 0.05% NaF acquired from 6 dispensing pharmacies in the city of Piracicaba, S.P. The mouthrinse formulations were purchased in 3 separate periods and coded from A to F. Fluoride ion (F- concentration was determined in all formulations in the 3 periods, and in those acquired in the 3rd period, the bioavailability of fluoride with dental enamel with caries-like lesions and the pH of products were evaluated. A solution of 0.05% NaF and distilled deionized water were used, respectively, as positive and negative controls. In the bioavailability analysis, fluoride present in dental enamel was determined removing, by acid etching, two layers of enamel; fluoride in the acid extract was determined with a specific electrode. The mouthrinses prepared in 5 pharmacies presented a F- concentration close to the expected value, except for the product prepared in one of them, in which a mean of 0.01% NaF was found. All products were more efficient than the negative control (pConsiderando a importância do controle de qualidade de medicamentos e que os enxagüatórios bucais para prevenção da cárie dental tem sido comumente preparados em farmácias de manipulação, este estudo avaliou enxagüatórios contendo NaF 0,05% adquiridos em 6 farmácias de manipulação na cidade de Piracicaba, SP. Os enxagüatórios foram adquiridos em 3 períodos distintos e codificados de A a F. A concentração de fluoreto (F- foi determinada em todas as soluções nos 3 períodos, e naquelas adquiridas no 3º período, a biodisponibilidade do fluoreto com o esmalte dental com lesão de cárie artificial e o pH dos produtos foram avaliados. Uma solução de NaF 0,05% e água destilada deionizada atuaram, respectivamente, como controle positivo e negativo. Na análise de

  14. Actividad anticaries de una crema dental con propóleos


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Marela Padrón Illance


    Por muestreo aleatorio simple se seleccionaron 50 escolares con antecedentes de alta infección por Streptococcus mutans, para verificar la actividad anticaries de una crema dental que contiene 0,8 de extracto de propóleo blando. Se perdieron del estudio a 7 escolares por inasistencia y traslados. Se crearon 2 grupos: uno control (n=19) que se cepilló con una crema dental placebo y otro tratamiento (n=24) que se cepilló con la crema dental de propóleo. Entre ambos grupos no había diferencia si...

  15. Comparison of nail lacquer clobetasol efficacy at 0,05%, 1% and 8% in nail psoriasis treatment: prospective, controlled and randomized pilot study Comparação da eficácia do clobetasol em esmalte 0,05%, 1% e 8% no tratamento da psoríase ungueal: estudo piloto, prospectivo, controlado e randomizado

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    Robertha Carvalho Nakamura


    com resultados insatisfatórios causados pela ineficiência da penetração da substância ativa através da placa ungueal e dobra proximal. Recentemente tem sido proposto o uso do clobetasol em veículo esmalte, demonstrando resultados satisfatórios e ausência de efeitos colaterais. OBJETIVO: Determinar a eficácia e segurança do clobetasol em veículo esmalte em três concentrações (0,05%, 1% e 8% nos pacientes com psoríase ungueal. MÉTODOS: Estudo piloto, prospectivo, controlado e randomizado com quinze pacientes portadores de psoríase ungueal em ambas as mãos. Os pacientes foram subdivididos em três grupos: A (esmalte clobetasol 0,05%, B (esmalte de clobetasol 1% e C (esmalte de clobetasol 8%. Os pacientes usaram esmalte de clobetasol na mão esquerda e esmalte base (sem medicação - controle na direita, aplicandoos duas vezes por semana, por 16 semanas. Fez-se a avaliação clínica por registros fotográficos e pelos MÉTODOS: NAPSI da mão tratada e controle e NAPSI modificado da unha mais acometida da mão tratada. RESULTADOS: O grupo C apresentou de forma estatisticamente significativa a resposta clínica mais relevante, refletida na melhora dos parâmetros clínicos, do NAPSI da mão tratada comparado ao da mão controle e do NAPSI modificado da unha mais acometida da mão tratada. CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo piloto, o esmalte de clobetasol a 8% foi eficaz e seguro, mostrando-se uma boa opção de terapêutica tópica no tratamento da psoríase ungueal.

  16. Utilización del acrílico dental (metil metacrilato) como barra estabilizadora-conectora para reducciones cerradas en fracturas de tibia/peroné o radio/cúbito en caninos


    Cavero A., Francisco; Fernández A., Víctor


    El metil metacrilato (mmc) es una resina acrílica utilizada en moldes para fabricar prótesis dentales y puede cumplir la función de barra estabilizadora-conectora en la reducción de fracturas, permitiendo la colocación de clavos en planos múltiples. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo comprobar que el acrílico dental sirve como barra conectora en la fijación externa esquelética, y demostrar que es posible fijar las fracturas con un método poco traumático, alejado del foco fracturario, para...

  17. Fluorosis dental en escolares de una zona rural de Camagüey

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    Naise López Larquin


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de los factores de riesgo de la fluorosis dental es importante para disminuir la prevalencia de esta enfermedad. Determinar su severidad y evaluar los factores de riesgo asociados fue el objetivo de esta investigación, para lo cual se realizó un estudio descriptivo en los consultorios 46 y 64 de la zona rural de Ingenio Viejo, del municipio de Camagüey, en el período comprendido entre julio de 2011 y febrero de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por 84 niños de seis a doce años y la muestra por 67 escolares. La fluorosis dental se clasificó en: leve, moderada y grave. Las concentraciones de flúor natural en el agua de consumo, la exposición a altas concentraciones del elemento y el tiempo de exposición al mismo, fueron los factores de riesgo asociados a la fluorosis dental estudiados. Al concluir el estudio, se observó un predominio de la fluorosis dental leve (52,9 %, seguido de la moderada (38,2 %. Las concentraciones de flúor natural encontradas en las aguas de consumo fueron óptimas (0,7 y 1,2 ppm en el 44,8 % de los casos y altas (1,7 y 2,0 ppm en el 55,2 %. El 81,8 % de los casos sin fluorosis han estado expuestos a la acción del flúor solamente de uno a tres años, mientras que todos los niños con fluorosis dental lo han recibido por más de cuatro años, aumentando la severidad en la medida en que se incrementa el tiempo de exposición. El 36,4 % de los niños que ingirieron flúor antes de los seis años no presentaron fluorosis dental

  18. Conocimientos sobre implantes dentales en estomatólogos de los municipios de Centro Habana, Habana del Este y Habana Vieja

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    Eneida García López


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal, con el objetivo de evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre implantes dentales de los estomatólogos generales básico e integrales de los municipios, Habana del Este, Centro Habana y Habana Vieja. El Ministerio de Salud Pública tiene especial interés en la implementación y generalización de las técnicas de implantología dental a nivel de los municipios por lo que esta temática se convierte en tema de necesario dominio para los estomatólogos, pues necesitan orientar, tratar y remitir a sus pacientes. Para medir los conocimientos fue aplicada una encuesta que constaba de diez preguntas, y se utilizó los criterios de conocen y desconocen, para evaluar las respuestas según su calidad. El nivel de conocimientos se clasificó en adecuado cuando la encuesta tuvo un 70 % o más de respuestas con el criterio de conocen. El nivel de conocimientos fue no adecuado para los grupos de estudios y para los municipios.

  19. Resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica

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    Oviedo Pérez Pérez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio longitudinal y prospectivo en 802 pacientes en quienes se colocaron 2 165 implantes, en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente de Santiago de Cuba y la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana en el decenio 20002009. Se evaluaron las variables: técnica quirúrgica, longitud y diámetro de los implantes, complicaciones intraoperatorias y complicaciones postoperatorias, los resultados del tratamiento se evaluaron en supervivencia y fracaso. Resultados: se logró la supervivencia de los implantes en 705 pacientes para el 87,9 % y se produjo el fracaso en 97 pacientes para el 12,1 %. Se colocaron 2 165 implantes, se logró efectividad de 2 055 para el 94,9 % y fracasaron 110 que representan el 5,08 %. No existen diferencias significativas de los resultados de acuerdo a la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Los implantes que más fracasaron fueron los de 10 mm, para el 34,9 % y 8 mm con el 13,1 %. La efectividad se incrementa a medida que aumenta el diámetro. En las complicaciones intraoperatorias el fracaso fue mayor en relación con la perforación de la tabla ósea con el 92,9 %, inestabilidad con el 86 % y la dehiscencia ósea con el 57,4 %. En el postoperatorio fue notable que en el 100 % de los casos con dolor existió fracaso de los implantes. Conclusiones: en la etapa quirúrgica existe una fuerte asociación de los resultados con la longitud, diámetro de los implantes y la presencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias y postoperatorias.

  20. Evaluación del efecto citotóxico de una resina dental a base de siloranos sobre fibroblastos L929

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    Milena Guerrero F


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las resinas dentales basadas en siloranos, son el resultado de la unión química de siloxanos y oxiranos. Dentro del proceso de evolución de las resinas, se han modificado sus formulaciones para optimizar sus propiedades físicas, mecánicas y estéticas. Sin embargo, aún presentan problemas como la contracción de polimerización, problemas alérgicos y toxicológicos. Objetivo: Determinar el potencial efecto citotóxico de las resinas a base de siloranos sobre la viabilidad celular en un cultivo de fibroblastos de la línea L929. Metodología: Se estudió la exposición de fibroblastos de ratón L929 a resinas dentales a base de siloranos Filtek p90 y metacrilatos Filtek p60 en tres tiempos de fotocurado durante 6 días. Se evaluó el efecto sobre la viabilidad celular mediante pruebas de exclusión vital, micrografías electrónicas y composición elemental de superficie (Mg, Na, K y Ca por ESEM/EDAX. Resultados: La resina Filtek p90 mostró un mayor efecto citotóxico a tiempos de fotocurado prolongados (20 segundos o más respecto a la resina Filtek p60. El efecto resultó más marcado para 20 segundos de fotocurado, ya que las concentraciones de Ca y K en la superficie celular fueron las más afectadas. Conclusiones: La resina dental Filtek p90 ejerce un efecto citotóxico relativamente bajo sobre las células de fibroblastos L929 (p <0.01. Su uso en la práctica odontológica se puede considerar bioseguro, pero un tiempo de fotocurado prolongado con la resina dental a base de siloranos puede afectar significativamente la viabilidad de los tejidos dentales


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    Manuel Roberto Sarmiento Limas


    Full Text Available Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el grado de opacidad o translucidez de acuerdo a su tamaño de partícula que nos ofrecen las resinas compuestas para seleccionar cual es la ideal de acuerdo al grado de dificultad estética. Materiales Y Metodos: Se realizaron muestras de resina circunferenciales, distribuidos así: Filtek Z350 XT®, Premisa Direct®, Exthet-X HD®, Tetric N Ceram®, Helio Molar®, Vit-l-escense, Amleogen Plus®, Miris 2 ® y Brilliant NG ®. Y se realizaron lecturas de reflectancia y transmitancia a través del Espectrofotometro Cary 5000.  Resultados: Las muestras estudiadas presentan un comportamiento similar tanto en reflectancia como en transmitancia, encontrando dos extremos opuestos, uno hacia opacidad (dentinas y otro hacia translucidez (esmaltes, pero con un gran número de muestras con valores intermedios, y comportamiento similar que no permite clasificarlas como dentinas o esmaltes a pesar de la clasificación dada por cada marca. Amleogen Plus®, Vit - L- Escence® Y Esthet X HD®  son las marcas que presentan mayor diferencia en el comportamiento de sus esmaltes en comparación con sus dentinas, contrario a lo observado con Helio Molar®, Brilliant NG® y Tetric N Ceram®. En cuanto al tamaño de partícula no se encuentran diferencias significativas en su comportamiento. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos demuestran que existen dentinas con comportamiento de esmaltes y esmaltes con comportamientos de dentinas. Conclusiones: Existe diferencia significativa entre las masas de resina compuesta de dentina y esmalte, valoradas en relación a las variables de opacidad y translucidez a través reflectancia y transmitancia, entre las diferentes marcas y dentro de cada una de ellas.

  2. Inmunidad bucal en la primera infancia

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    Enrique Rotemberg Wilf

    Full Text Available La aparición precoz de enfermedades bucales infecciosas y transmisibles en niños, como caries dentales y enfermedad periodontal, resulta de un desequilibrio entre los mecanismos defensivos del huésped y la virulencia de microorganismos presentes en el medio bucal, a favor de estos últimos. La erupción dentaria que comienza desde el primer año de vida brinda nuevos hábitat a las bacterias en el medio bucal como la superficie del esmalte dental y el surco gingival en el paradencio de inserción dentaria, propicios para el desarrollo de especies bacterianas cariogénicas y/o paradenciopáticas. Este desarrollo es favorecido por condiciones adversas como dieta rica en azúcares fermentables, higiene bucal deficitaria, malposiciones dentarias, escasa secreción salival, hábitos prolongados nocivos como succión no nutritiva, respiración bucal, masticación mínima por ingesta de alimentos que casi no requieren procesamiento para ser deglutidos. Es prioritario controlar los circuitos de infectividad bucal, especialmente durante la primera infancia, cuando el sistema inmune del niño aún está inmaduro y comienza a tomar contacto con antígenos. La madre por el estrecho vínculo físico con su hijo resulta el principal transmisor de gérmenes, sumado a la fase de reconocimiento oral del niño de su propio cuerpo y el entorno. Pese a ello el niño cuenta desde el nacimiento con mecanismos de defensa innatos y otros adquiridos pasivamente en la gestación y a través de la lactancia materna, que dificultan el desarrollo de enfermedades infecciosas bucales y sistémicas

  3. Third Molar Agenesis, Prevalence, Distribution and Association with Other Dental Anomalies


    Herrera-Atoche, José Rubén; Colomé-Ruiz, Gabriel Eduardo; Escoffié-Ramírez, Mauricio


    La agenesia de terceros molares se ha reportado en un 24,3% en México. La agenesia dental está asociada a otras anomalías dentales debido a su origen genético. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia y distribución de agenesia de terceros molares así como establecer su asociación con otras anomalías dentales en una población ortodóntica. La muestra incluyó 670 pacientes ortodónticos de 9 a 20 años de edad. Se excluyeron pacientes con tratamiento ortodóntico previo y con...

  4. Estabilidad y funcionalidad de sellantes dentales en altas temperaturas ambientales


    Mishina, Anastasia; Mayelín Guerra, Rosa; Durán Ramos, Ivette; Sabatier, Juan D.


    Los sellantes dentales son materiales que se emplean en estomatología para sellar las fosas y fisuras oclusales de los dientes y evitar la adherencia del estreptococus mutans agente que produce la caries dental. Estos materiales se suministran en dos partes que al mezclarse producen el endurecimiento de la resina. Sin embargo, estos productos presentan dificultades para su comercialización en los países tropicales, debido a que las altas temperaturas ambientales traen problemas en...

  5. The Vine Trust's Amazon Hope boats--providing a dental service on the Amazon. (United States)

    Mason, Shona M C


    The Vine Trust's Amazon Hope Project is a medical and dental programme providing healthcare to communities along the Amazon River in Peru. Volunteers from the UK and other countries work alongside Peruvian staff employed by their partner organization, Union Biblica del Peru, to provide a health service from a boat which serves communities on several tributaries who otherwise would have no other access to care. The dental programme involves a basic restorative and extraction service, with scope to develop a preventive programme. Dentists'and DCPs' skills are transferable globally: this article illustrates how one volunteer dental project is working to provide relevant and sustainable dental health care in the Amazon jungle.

  6. Assessment of enamel demineralization using conventional, digital, and digitized radiography Avaliação da desmineralização do esmalte por meio de radiografias convencional, digital e digitalizada

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    Rívea Inês Ferreira


    Full Text Available This experimental research aimed at evaluating the accuracy of enamel demineralization detection using conventional, digital, and digitized radiographs, as well as to compare radiographs and logarithmically contrast-enhanced subtraction images. Enamel subsurface demineralization was induced on one of the approximal surfaces of 49 sound third molars. Standardized radiographs of the teeth were taken prior to and after the demineralization phase with three digital systems - CygnusRay MPS®, DenOptix® and DIGORA® - and InSight® film. Three radiologists interpreted the pairs of conventional, digital, and digitized radiographs in two different occasions. Logarithmically contrast-enhanced subtraction images were examined by a fourth radiologist only once. Radiographic diagnosis was validated by cross-sectional microhardness profiling in the test areas of the approximal surfaces. Accuracy was estimated by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC analysis. Chi-square test, at a significance level of 5%, was used to compare the areas under the ROC curves (Az calculated for the different imaging modalities. Concerning the radiographs, the DenOptix® system (Az = 0.91 and conventional radiographs (Az = 0.90 presented the highest accuracy values compared with the other three radiographic modalities. However, logarithmically contrast-enhanced subtraction images (Az = 0.98 were significantly more accurate than conventional, digital, and digitized radiographs (p = 0.0000. It can be concluded that the DenOptix® system and conventional radiographs provide better performance for diagnosing enamel subsurface demineralization. Logarithmic subtraction significantly improves radiographic detection.O objetivo desta pesquisa experimental foi investigar a acurácia da detecção de desmineralizações em esmalte por meio de radiografias convencionais, digitais e digitalizadas, e compará-las às imagens por subtração logarítmica. Foram induzidas desmineraliza

  7. Education About Dental Hygienists' Roles in Public Dental Prevention Programs: Dental and Dental Hygiene Students' and Faculty Members' and Dental Hygienists' Perspectives. (United States)

    Pervez, Anushey; Kinney, Janet S; Gwozdek, Anne; Farrell, Christine M; Inglehart, Marita R


    In 2005, Public Act No. 161 (PA 161) was passed in Michigan, allowing dental hygienists to practice in approved public dental prevention programs to provide services for underserved populations while utilizing a collaborative agreement with a supervising dentist. The aims of this study were to assess how well dental and dental hygiene students and faculty members and practicing dental hygienists have been educated about PA 161, what attitudes and knowledge about the act they have, and how interested they are in additional education about it. University of Michigan dental and dental hygiene students and faculty members, students in other Michigan dental hygiene programs, and dental hygienists in the state were surveyed. Respondents (response rate) were 160 dental students (50%), 63 dental hygiene students (82%), 30 dental faculty members (26%), and 12 dental hygiene faculty members (52%) at the University of Michigan; 143 dental hygiene students in other programs (20%); and 95 members of the Michigan Dental Hygienists' Association (10%). The results showed that the dental students were less educated about PA 161 than the dental hygiene students, and the dental faculty members were less informed than the dental hygiene faculty members and dental hygienists. Responding dental hygiene faculty members and dental hygienists had more positive attitudes about PA 161 than did the students and dental faculty members. Most of the dental hygiene faculty members and dental hygienists knew a person providing services in a PA 161 program. Most dental hygiene students, faculty members, and dental hygienists wanted more education about PA 161. Overall, the better educated about the program the respondents were, the more positive their attitudes, and the more interested they were in learning more.

  8. Fracaso en los implantes dentales: Fibrointegración. Reporte de caso clínico

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    Iris Luz Santís Chamorro


    Full Text Available  ResumenLa rehabilitación con implantes dentales en los pacientes con edentulismo parcial o total posee amplias indicaciones que se ven limitadas por factores anatómicos y biológicos. La oseointegración surge como un hecho descubierto entre la adaptación biológica del hueso a la superficie del titanio del implante (interfase hueso-implante por lo que se afirma que el motivo de fracaso de la mayoría de los sistemas de implantes es que éstos se encapsulen en un tejido de cicatrización fibroso (fibrointegración mal diferenciado lo que crea movilidad, que lleva a reacciones en la mucosa y finalmente a la pérdida. El objetivo del presente artículo es promover la presentación de casos clínicos de pacientes con fracaso de implantes dentales, con el ánimo de esclarecer las posibles causas y los factores coadyuvantes de dicho fracaso, y así mejorar los resultados en implantología. (Duazary 2008; 115-120AbstractThe rehabilitation with dental implants in the patients with partial absence or total of teeth possesses extensive indications that are seen limited by biological and anatomical factors. The oseointegration arises like a discovered fact among the biological adaptation of the bone to the surface of the titanic of the implant (interface bone-implant for which it is affirmed that the motive of failure of the majority of the systems of implants is that these it self envelop in a scar formation of fibrous tissue (Fibrointegration badly differentiated what creates mobility, that carries to reactions in the mucous membrane and finally to the loss. The objective of the present article is to promote the presentation of patients' clinical cases with failure of dental implants, with the intention of clarifying the possible reasons and the helping factors of the above mentioned failure, and this way to improve the results in implantology.Key Words: Fibrointegration; oseointegration; dentals implants; interface; implants failure.

  9. Factores de riesgo ambientales y alimentarios para la fluorosis dental, Andes, Antioquia, 2015

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    Gustavo A. Posada-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar los factores ambientales y alimentarios asociados a la fluorosis dental en la población de 12 a 15 años del municipio de Andes en el año 2015, para generar propuestas de intervención en salud bucal. Metodología: estudio de casos y controles, con un control por caso. Con una población de 206 adolescentes de 12 a 15 años. Criterios de selección: adolescentes con diagnóstico de fluorosis dental entre 2012 y 2014, reportados al Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica; se excluyeron aquellas personas que no tuvieran dientes erupcionados en más de un 50%, restauraciones amplias o caries extensas, dientes fracturados y edentulos totales. Los casos fueron seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple, los controles a conveniencia. Se realizó examen clínico para clasificar según el Índice de Dean la presencia y nivel de fluorosis dental, se aplicó encuesta a los padres para indagar sobre hábitos de autocuidado, e identificar posibles fuentes de exposición a flúor. Se analizaron variables sociodemográficas, alimentarias y comportamentales, ambientales y clínicas, se utilizaron Chi2 de Pearson – or con intervalos de confianza del 95%. Se efectúo análisis de contenido de concentración de flúor en muestras de agroquímicos, alimentos, agua de consumo humano, sal, cremas dentales y suelos. Resultados: mediante regresión logística binaria usando el método stepwise los resultados mostraron una asociación entre manipulación de agroquímicos y fluorosis dental (or = 2,093; 95% 1,017 y 4,307. Conclusión: la manipulación de agroquímicos es un factor de riesgo para la aparición de la fluorosis dental en los adolescentes del municipio de Andes.

  10. Satisfacción con el aspecto dental general y tratamientos deseados en estudiantes universitarios

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    Clarisse Virginia Díaz Reissner


    Full Text Available La apariencia dental es considerada un componente de la belleza facial, que al ser restaurada por el odontólogo, podría influir con un efecto positivo en la valoración personal y la calidad de vida. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la satisfacción general con la apariencia dental en estudiantes de las carreras de Artes Visuales y Diseño de Indumentaria del Instituto Superior de Arte de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, matriculados en el 2014. Se aplicó un cuestionario que contenía preguntas sobre datos demográficos, satisfacción con el aspecto dental general y con diversos aspectos dentales, así como también sobre el tratamiento estético deseado. La muestra quedó conformada por 108 estudiantes, que corresponde al 49,1% de la población. Se observó que el 48,2% se encontraba insatisfecho con el aspecto general de sus dientes, siendo los tratamientos de elección: blanqueamiento (63,9% y ortodoncia (47,2%. Los factores predisponentes a la insatisfacción fueron residir en Gran Asunción e interior del país y percibir sus dientes como desalineados. Por otro lado, favoreció la satisfacción el haberse sentirse a gusto con el color de sus dientes.

  11. Mercurio y salud en la odontología Mercury and health in the dental practice

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    Ivelin Morales Fuentes


    Full Text Available El mercurio es un metal pesado ampliamente utilizado por el hombre. Se considera muy tóxico por generar afecciones sobre el sistema nervioso central, perturbaciones en el comportamiento y trastornos renales, inmunes y sexuales, entre otros. Desde hace más de un siglo, el mercurio es utilizado en la práctica odontológica por su capacidad de unir metales (amalgamar, su bajo costo y su rápida fijación en la reparación de piezas dentales. Actualmente, existe una gran controversia acerca de la seguridad del uso de las amalgamas dentales y se ha demostrado el riesgo ocupacional al que están expuestos dentistas y asistentes dentales. El objetivo del trabajo es revisar aspectos relacionados con la toxicidad del mercurio metálico tanto para el personal involucrado en la práctica odontológica como para los pacientes con amalgamas. De igual modo, se presentan las rutas de exposición a este metal en la odontología, los riesgos ocupacionales a los cuales están expuestos los odontólogos y asistentes dentales y las medidas para prevenir la intoxicación por mercurio. Se realizó la búsqueda bibliográfica sobretudo en las bases de datos Biological Abstracts y Science Citation Index para el período comprendido entre los años 1990 y 2000.Mercury is a heavy metal widely used by man. It is considered very toxic causing conditions in the central nervous system, behavior disturbances, and renal and sexual disorders. For a century, mercury has been used in the dental practice for its capacity of joining metals (amalgamate, its low cost and its rapid fixing in dental pieces repair. Currently, there is much controversy about the safety of dental amalgams and it has been demonstrated it poses occupational risks to dental practitioners and their assistants. The objective of this study is review aspects related to metallic mercury toxicity for personnel involved in the dental practice and patients with dental amalgams. Routes of mercury exposure in

  12. Influence of alumina characteristics on glaze properties

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    Arrufat, S.


    altas temperaturas, >1100 °C. En la fabricación de los esmaltes, α-Al2O3 es el tipo principal de alúmina usado. Esta materia prima actúa como matificante: el efecto mate depende del tamaño de la partícula de alúmina y de su contenido en el esmalte. Este estudio examina el efecto del grado de calcinación de la alúmina en las propiedades estéticas y técnicas del esmalte. Para esto, se han añadido alúminas con distintos grados de calcinación al esmalte formulado con una frita transparente y caolín, para simplificar el sistema a estudiar. Los resultados demuestran que, en función del grado de calcinación, las partículas de alúmina pueden reaccionar con los componentes del esmalte (SiO2, CaO, y ZnO para formar nuevas fases cristalinas (anortita y gahnita. Ambas cristalizaciones extraen CaO y ZnO de la fase vítrea, incrementando la viscosidad de la fase vítrea. La variación de las fases cristalinas y la viscosidad de la fase vítrea generan vidriados con propiedades técnicas y estéticas distintas.

  13. Vida y muerte de un grupo inca local en Santiago de Chile: cementerio incaico estación Quinta Normal

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    Henríquez, Mario C.


    Full Text Available A raíz de los trabajos de construcción de la estación Quinta Normal de la Línea 5 del Metro de Santiago, se excavan cinco entierros de individuos adultos (un masculino y cuatro femeninos, en un cementerio incaico ubicado en calle Matucana esquina calle Catedral. Si bien el patrón mortuorio revela cierta homogeneidad en los contextos funerarios con relación al tipo de sepultura y a la disposición y tratamiento de los cuerpos, se observa cierta diversidad con relación a sus ofertorios cerámicos. El análisis bioantropológico, por otro lado, pone de manifiesto las ocurrencia de alteraciones óseas causadas por procesos degenerativos, lesiones traumáticas y problemas nutricionales, donde estos últimos afectan especialmente a los individuos femeninos. Las condiciones del aparato masticatorio: desgaste oclusal leve, importante frecuencia de caries, baja incidencia de traumas dentales no intencionales ocurridos en vida, muestran en su frecuencia y distribución, una dieta basada plenamente en la horticultura, caracterizada por la ingesta de alimentos blandos, ricos en carbohidratos y con un bajo contenido de partículas abrasivas. La frecuencia de hipoplasias del esmalte y el intervalo de edad en que ocurren, reflejan que algunos individuos estuvieron sometidos a factores de estrés ambiental durante su infancia, posiblemente relacionados con el destete.

  14. Dental Calculus Arrest of Dental Caries. (United States)

    Keyes, Paul H; Rams, Thomas E

    An inverse relationship between dental calculus mineralization and dental caries demineralization on teeth has been noted in some studies. Dental calculus may even form superficial layers over existing dental caries and arrest their progression, but this phenomenon has been only rarely documented and infrequently considered in the field of Cariology. To further assess the occurrence of dental calculus arrest of dental caries, this study evaluated a large number of extracted human teeth for the presence and location of dental caries, dental calculus, and dental plaque biofilms. A total of 1,200 teeth were preserved in 10% buffered formal saline, and viewed while moist by a single experienced examiner using a research stereomicroscope at 15-25× magnification. Representative teeth were sectioned and photographed, and their dental plaque biofilms subjected to gram-stain examination with light microscopy at 100× magnification. Dental calculus was observed on 1,140 (95%) of the extracted human teeth, and no dental carious lesions were found underlying dental calculus-covered surfaces on 1,139 of these teeth. However, dental calculus arrest of dental caries was found on one (0.54%) of 187 evaluated teeth that presented with unrestored proximal enamel caries. On the distal surface of a maxillary premolar tooth, dental calculus mineralization filled the outer surface cavitation of an incipient dental caries lesion. The dental calculus-covered carious lesion extended only slightly into enamel, and exhibited a brown pigmentation characteristic of inactive or arrested dental caries. In contrast, the tooth's mesial surface, without a superficial layer of dental calculus, had a large carious lesion going through enamel and deep into dentin. These observations further document the potential protective effects of dental calculus mineralization against dental caries.

  15. Dental Calculus Arrest of Dental Caries (United States)

    Keyes, Paul H.; Rams, Thomas E.


    Background An inverse relationship between dental calculus mineralization and dental caries demineralization on teeth has been noted in some studies. Dental calculus may even form superficial layers over existing dental caries and arrest their progression, but this phenomenon has been only rarely documented and infrequently considered in the field of Cariology. To further assess the occurrence of dental calculus arrest of dental caries, this study evaluated a large number of extracted human teeth for the presence and location of dental caries, dental calculus, and dental plaque biofilms. Materials and methods A total of 1,200 teeth were preserved in 10% buffered formal saline, and viewed while moist by a single experienced examiner using a research stereomicroscope at 15-25× magnification. Representative teeth were sectioned and photographed, and their dental plaque biofilms subjected to gram-stain examination with light microscopy at 100× magnification. Results Dental calculus was observed on 1,140 (95%) of the extracted human teeth, and no dental carious lesions were found underlying dental calculus-covered surfaces on 1,139 of these teeth. However, dental calculus arrest of dental caries was found on one (0.54%) of 187 evaluated teeth that presented with unrestored proximal enamel caries. On the distal surface of a maxillary premolar tooth, dental calculus mineralization filled the outer surface cavitation of an incipient dental caries lesion. The dental calculus-covered carious lesion extended only slightly into enamel, and exhibited a brown pigmentation characteristic of inactive or arrested dental caries. In contrast, the tooth's mesial surface, without a superficial layer of dental calculus, had a large carious lesion going through enamel and deep into dentin. Conclusions These observations further document the potential protective effects of dental calculus mineralization against dental caries. PMID:27446993

  16. Radiopacity of restorative materials using digital images Radiopacidade de materiais restauradores utilizando imagens digitais

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    Leda Maria Pescinini Salzedas


    Full Text Available The radiopacity of esthetic restorative materials has been established as an important requirement, improving the radiographic diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of six restorative materials using a direct digital image system, comparing them to the dental tissues (enamel-dentin, expressed as equivalent thickness of aluminum (millimeters of aluminum. Five specimens of each material were made. Three 2-mm thick longitudinal sections were cut from an intact extracted permanent molar tooth (including enamel and dentin. An aluminum step wedge with 9 steps was used. The samples of different materials were placed on a phosphor plate together with a tooth section, aluminum step wedge and metal code letter, and were exposed using a dental x-ray unit. Five measurements of radiographic density were obtained from each image of each item assessed (restorative material, enamel, dentin, each step of the aluminum step wedge and the mean of these values was calculated. Radiopacity values were subsequently calculated as equivalents of aluminum thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA indicated significant differences in radiopacity values among the materials (PA radiopacidade dos materiais tem sido valorizada como importante requisito, incrementando o diagnóstico radiográfico. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, no sistema digital Digora, as densidades radiográficas de 06 materiais restauradores comparando-os aos tecidos dentais (esmalte e dentina, expressos em milímetros de alumínio (mm Al. Foram confeccionadas 05 amostras de cada material e três cortes de um molar extraído hígido (incluindo esmalte e dentina, com 2 mm de espessura, e um penetrômetro de alumínio com 09 degraus. Sobre cada placa óptica foram colocados amostras dos diferentes materiais, um corte do dente humano, o penetrômetro e a identificação, e feita a exposição utilizando um aparelho de raios X. Foram obtidas 05 medidas de densidade radiográfica de

  17. Caries y pérdida dental en estudiantes preuniversitarios mexicanos Dental decay and tooth loss at the high school level in Mexican students

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    Javier de la Fuente-Hernández


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Conocer la prevalencia de caries y pérdida dental para calcular las necesidades terapéuticas en estudiantes de educación media superior que ingresan a la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo en el que se obtuvo una muestra de 77 191 estudiantes correspondientes a las generaciones de ingreso al bachillerato 2003, 2004 y 2005. Los datos de salud bucal se obtuvieron a partir del índice CPOD incluido en el Examen Médico Automatizado (EMA, instrumento de autorrespuesta estandarizado que aplica la Dirección General de Servicios Médicos (DGSM. El análisis del EMA fue univariado con la finalidad de identificar la distribución y la frecuencia de las variables. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de caries y pérdida dental fue de 48.0 y 34.2%, respectivamente, con una cuantificación del índice CPOD de 5. Las necesidades de tratamiento para caries y pérdida dental se obtuvieron en al menos un diente por estudiante. CONCLUSIONES: Cerca de la mitad de los alumnos que ingresan al bachillerato de la UNAM requiere al menos la atención de una caries o prótesis dental. Lo anterior evidencia que las políticas en salud bucal instrumentadas no han alcanzado los índices en salud esperados en relación con los objetivos internacionales, así como la necesidad de impulsar nuevas líneas de investigación orientadas a identificar la gravedad de la enfermedad y factores vinculados con el deterioro de la salud bucal.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of dental decay and tooth loss, and to consider the treatment needs for students at the Mexican National Autonomous University (UNAM. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross sectional study was designed including 77 191 students corresponding to the years of entrance to high school 2003, 2004 and 2005. Oral health data were obtained from the DMF-T index included in the Automatized Medical Exam (AME, a student self-answer instrument






  19. Experiencia de caries en dentición primaria en niños de 5 años, Medellín, Colombia/ Caries experience in primary dentition among 5-year-olds in Medellin, Colombia

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    Blanca S. Ramírez-Puerta


    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivo: estimar la experiencia de caries dental en niños de 5 años de edad de Medellín, Colombia. Metodología: los datos se obtuvieron en una muestra probabilística de 486 niños, examinados para el diagnóstico de experiencia de caries en dentina y de lesiones limitadas al esmalte dental. Se calcularon los índices de experiencia de caries ceo-d clásico y ceo-d modificado (ceod-m. Se realizaron pruebas Chi-Cuadrado y t student. Resultados: el 54,7% de los niños de estratos bajos y el 26 % de los estratos medio y altos tenían experiencia de caries en dentina; los porcentajes aumentan a 88,6% y 50,7% respectivamente, cuando se incluyen lesiones limitadas al esmalte dental. Los promedios de los índices ceod clásico (ceod-c y ceod modificado (ceod-m fueron fue 1,9±2,9, 4,9±4,6 respectivamente. En los niños de estratos bajos el ceod clásico fue 2,2±3,1 y en los de estratos altos fue 0,6±1,2; mientras que los valores del ceod-m fueron 5,4±4,7 y 1,9±2,8 respectivamente. Conclusión: los niños de estrato socioeconómico bajo de Medellín, a la edad de cinco años tienen altos niveles de caries dental, resultado que indica la necesidad de implementar programas preventivos y de atención en salud bucal desde edades tempranas./ Abstract Objective: To estimate the experience of dental caries among five-year-olds from Medellín, Colombia. Methodology: data were obtained from a random probabilistic sample of 486 children who were examined for caries experience in dentin and caries limited to tooth enamel. The classic dmft and modified dmft caries experience indexes were calculated. Similarly, Chi-square and student t tests were conducted. Results: the percentage of children with caries experience was 54.7% for children of lower classes, and 26% for children of middle and upper classes. These percentages increased to 88.6% and 50.7% respectively after including lesions limited to dental enamel. The averages of the classic and

  20. Comportamiento de traumatismos dentoalveolares en niños deportistas del área "Ciro Frías", del municipio de Arroyo Naranjo

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    María Elena Quiñones Ybarría

    Full Text Available Introducción: los traumatismos dentoalveolares constituyen una de las principales urgencias estomatológicas. Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento de los traumatismos dentarios en niños deportistas del área "Ciro Frías". Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal, en deportistas menores de 19 años del área "Ciro Frías", del municipio Arroyo Naranjo, La Habana, desde febrero de 2011 hasta febrero de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por 57 niños. Se utilizó un formulario de datos creado por los autores y validado por un comité de expertos; se realizó examen bucal y facial; se vaciaron los datos y se procesaron utilizando estadística descriptiva. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, sexo, deporte, momento del traumatismo, dientes lesionados, localización en la arcada, tipo de trauma dentario, etiología, asistencia al estomatólogo y tratamiento. Resultados: los niños que más traumatismos dentarios presentaron fueron los de 12 a 14 años (45,6 % y el sexo más afectado fue el masculino (77,2 %. Los traumas ocurrieron principalmente fuera del entrenamiento (61,4 % y el deporte con más niños afectados fue el Karate (19,3 %. Los dientes más dañados fueron los incisivos centrales superiores (62,9 %. La fractura no complicada de la corona (32,3 % fue la lesión más acentuada. La etiología principal de los traumas fue la práctica de deportes (36,8 %. El 68,4 % de los niños no recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: predominaron los traumas en el sexo masculino, entre 12 a 14 años, fuera del entrenamiento. El deporte con más niños afectados fue el Karate. Los dientes más lesionados fueron los incisivos centrales superiores. Los traumatismos más frecuentes fueron las fracturas no complicadas de la corona y la infractura del esmalte. Las causas de traumatismos dentarios más frecuentes fueron la práctica de deportes y las caídas. Prevalecieron los niños que no asistieron a consulta

  1. Traumatismo dental en bebés

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    Antonio Jose da Silva Nogueira


    Full Text Available Las ocurrencias traumáticas pueden traer consecuencias desagradables tanto en lo físico como en lo estético, como en el aspecto psicológico. Los traumas sufridos por bebés traen situaciones casi irreparables en el momento, tales como las limitaciones inherentes a la edad del paciente cuando aún es bebé. Las soluciones protésicas, por ejemplo, son casi siempre descartadas porque la edad del paciente es incompatible con el uso de una prótesis. Así, como ésta, también ocurren muchas otras situaciones, limitando un tratamiento inmediato y representando para el paciente un problema a ser resuelto. Por lo tanto, en el trabajo se hace una revisión de la bibliografía que aborda el traumatismo dental en bebés y comentarios sobre los exámenes a realizar, siempre considerando la edad, crecimiento y desarrollo, además de relatar las consecuencias de esos traumatismos en esta franja etaria inicial de vida como resultado. Finalmente, trata de alertar a los responsables de los niños de los cuidados de emergencia que se deben tener en algunas ocurrencias de traumatismos dentales en bebés.

  2. El embarazo y la salud bucal


    Bouza Vera, Meylín; Martínez Abreu, Judit; Carmenate Rodríguez, Yamila; Betancourt González, Magdalena; García Nicieza, Maydelis


    El embarazo es un proceso natural y sublime en la vida de una mujer, etapa que está acompañada de cambios fisiológicos, patológicos y psicológicos. El aumento de los niveles hormonales, entre ellos, de estrógenos y progesteronas indispensables para el desarrollo del feto, se asocian a enfermedades bucales como la gingivitis del embarazo. Por su parte, la gonadotropina, se relaciona con náuseas y vómitos, que pueden llegar a producir erosión del esmalte. Este malestar trae consigo un inadecuad...

  3. Interacción paciente-alumno/docente a partir de la ansiedad del acto quirúrgico


    Mattano, Claudia Aurora; Capraro, María Cecilia; Capraro, Carlos Gabriel; Sparacino, Sandra; Schuler, Mónica P.; Bogo, Hernán; Ricciardi, Nicolás; Capraro, María Eugenia; Ricciardi, Alfredo


    El comportamiento de los individuos afecta positiva o negativamente a su salud dental del mismo modo que ciertas enfermedades o problemas dentales afectan al comportamiento de aquellos que la padecen. Entre las conductas de riesgo para la salud bucodental, se encuentran los hábitos orales perjudiciales, las conductas relacionadas con la dieta alimenticia, bruxismo, ansiedad comportamientos disruptivos y la evitación de tratamientos dentales. En la situación dental el miedo y la ansiedad son p...

  4. Patologías dentales en incisivos, caninos y primer premolar en caballos chilenos adultos Dental pathologies in incisors, canines and first premolar in adult Chilean horses


    L Muñoz; F Vidal; O Sepúlveda; O Ortiz; C Rehhof


    Las patologías dentales han ido tomando mayor relevancia clínico veterinaria, aumentando el número de consultas, tratamientos y procedimientos preventivos. En caballos chilenos, la información existente de patologías dentales es nula, por lo que se hace primordial la investigación y recolección de datos en esta raza. Se analizaron 100 caballos pertenecientes a la Asociación de Rodeo Concepción, entre los meses de junio y septiembre del año 2007. Los materiales que se utilizaron fueron puro, l...

  5. Prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental en niños escolares Prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in school children


    Nayda Nasco Hidalgo; Estela de los A Gispert Abreu; Maria I Ventura Hernández; Raúl J Pupo Triguero


    OBJETIVOS: determinar la prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental en los niños de 6-11 años de la escuela primaria "José A Echeverría," municipio Plaza de la Revolución en el período de enero a diciembre del 2006, identificar en el grupo estudiado, la frecuencia de niños según número de lesiones incipientes y la frecuencia de lesiones incipientes por ubicación del diente en la arcada y por superficie dentaria. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte trans...

  6. Dental Calculus Arrest of Dental Caries


    Keyes, Paul H.; Rams, Thomas E.


    Background An inverse relationship between dental calculus mineralization and dental caries demineralization on teeth has been noted in some studies. Dental calculus may even form superficial layers over existing dental caries and arrest their progression, but this phenomenon has been only rarely documented and infrequently considered in the field of Cariology. To further assess the occurrence of dental calculus arrest of dental caries, this study evaluated a large number of extracted human t...

  7. Relación de caries dental y el índice de masa corporal en niños de edad preescolar

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    Mónica Vianey-García-Padilla


    Full Text Available La caries dental sigue siendo un problema con alta prevalencia así como el sobrepeso y la obesidad en los preescolares de México. Objetivo: determinar la relación de Caries Dental y el Índice de Masa Corporal en los preescolares. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 348 preescolares del municipio de Tepatitlán Jalisco, midiéndose el Índice de masa corporal, Índice de caries dental, el índice de higiene oral simplificado y los momentos de azúcar/día. Resultados: se observó que en los 348 niños se encontró una prevalencia de caries del 75.3% con solo un 0.4 ±0.05 de dientes obturados; el 56.3 % estuvieron dentro del peso normal y 43.7% se encontraron con problemas de nutrición. Los niños que presentaron índice de caries más alto fueron los eutróficos y los de obesidad grave presentaron más lesiones cariosas. Sin embargo, los niños en sobrepeso y obesidad son los que tuvieron menores porcentajes de lesiones cariosas. Conclusiones: no existe una relación significativa entre la caries dental y el índice de masa corporal en el grupo estudiado, sin embargo, la prevalencia de caries y problemas nutricionales en los niños de edad preescolar son altos. Observándose que con un aumento del índice de higiene oral existe un aumento en el índice de caries siendo así de gran importancia fomentar cuidados orales preventivos y una atención dental temprana

  8. Informe preliminar sobre un hallazgo de restos humanos en urna

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    Drube, Hilton


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en el análisis de un conjunto esqueletal originariamente depositado en un ceramio con fines mortuorios. La vasija funeraria yacía superficialmente en adyacencias de un camino vecinal próximo a un antiguo afluente del río Dulce, en la región central de la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Toda el área inmediata a la zona del hallazgo conforma sitios de ocupación prehispánica, caracterizados por la presencia de cerámica Sunchituyoj. A pesar del estado sumamente fragmentario de la urna, y del deterioro parcial del contexto, se pudo rescatar todos los elementos óseos en ella depositados, los que corresponden a dos individuos, un adulto y un infante. Se aplicaron métodos convencionales, tanto escópicos como métricos, a fin de dilucidar la edad, sexo y estatura. El individuo adulto corresponde al sexo femenino y se estima en treinta años su edad a la muerte. Destaca en el mismo la presencia de osteofitosis en las vértebras y entesofitosis en los huesos largos. También se observa tejido óseo proliferativo en elementos costales y en el íleon. Asimismo puede evidenciarse caries e hipoplasia en el esmalte en algunas piezas dentales. Los componentes óseos del infante presentan un estado de conservación regular, estimándose en tres años su edad al deceso. A pesar de la destrucción parcial del contexto en el cual se encontraban los remanentes esqueletales en consideración, la información lograda a partir de los mismos es muy relevante, pues permite incrementar el conocimiento bioarqueológico para la región.

  9. Efectos clínicos y estructurales del blanqueamiento dental


    Petkova Gueorguieva de Rodríguez, Marieta


    The aim of this study was to revise the recently scientific literature about risks of dental bleaching. It has been revised several articles which had for subject clínical and structural effects of tooth whitening. The principal clinical effects were tooth sensitivity and longevity of bleaching; as structural effects were seen enamel demineralization, decreasing in dentine hardness, modification of adherence capacity and morphology of macrophages and secretory capacity and proliferation of ...

  10. Bioseguridad en el uso de los rayos x en el consultorio dental


    Ballona Chambergo, Pedro


    Busca conocer si los rayos x en los consultorios dentales de la ciudad de Lima son utilizados con los debidos conocimientos y normas básicas de radioprotección que establece el reglamento de bioseguridad radiológica. Mide el grado de conocimiento y aplicación de los medios de protección radiológica, que posee el profesional ó personal asistente, que labora con equipos de rayos x dentales. Determina el grado de conocimiento acerca de los parámetros básicos, en el manejo del equipo de rayos x. ...

  11. Urgencias estomatológicas por lesiones pulpares Dental emergencies caused by pulpar lesions

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    Yunaisy Montoro Ferrer


    Full Text Available Varias son las enfermedades que llevan a los pacientes a acudir a la consulta de urgencias estomatológicas, la gran mayoría corresponde a afecciones pulpares debido a la sintomatología dolorosa que las caracteriza. El objetivo de este trabajo describir el comportamiento de las enfermedades pulpares en pacientes del área de salud de la clínica estomatológica “27 de Noviembre” en el período comprendido entre los meses de octubre 2008 a diciembre 2009, se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal en el cual se incluyeron 173 pacientes adultos entre 19 y 59 años que acudieron al servicio con diagnóstico de cualquiera de las enfermedades pulpares agudas. Del total de casos diagnosticados el 81 para un 46,8 % correspondió a la pulpitis aguda irreversible, el 34,7 % a pulpitis transitoria y el 18,5 % a hiperemia pulpar. El grupo dentario más afectado fue el de los molares y el tipo de lesión pulpar resultó independiente del grupo dentario al igual que resultó independiente del factor causal, entre los cuales aparece con un alto predominio la caries dental con un 65,9 %; el dolor tanto en tipo como en intensidad dependen del tipo de lesión que tenga la pulpa según los resultados del estadígrafo X² de Pearson obtenidos en el estudio, donde el dolor espontáneo se presentó solamente para los pacientes con pulpitis aguda irreversible, en los que ningún caso se reportó el dolor con categoría leve.There is a range of diseases that make the patients go to the dental emergency service; most of them result from pulp disorders due to the painful symptoms that characterize them. The objective of this paper was to describe the behavior of pulp diseases in patients from the health area of "27 de Noviembre2dental clinic in the period of October 2008 through December 2009. To this end, a cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in 173 adult patients aged 19 to 59 years and diagnosed as having any of the acute pulp diseases

  12. Tratamiento de la alveolitis dental con tintura de propóleos al 5 % Treatment of dental alveolitis with 5 % propolis tincture

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    Ada Vivian Bravo Venero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la efectividad entre el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % y el tratamiento farmacológico convencional en pacientes diagnosticados con alveolitis dental. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal de casos y controles en la Clínica Estomatológica "José Martí" del municipio Consolación del Sur, durante el 2009. El universo estuvo constituido por 90 pacientes, los cuales se dividieron en dos grupos de tratamiento diferentes de manera aleatoria, teniendo en cuenta un grupo de casos (grupo I conformado por 30 pacientes a los que se les aplicó tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 %, y otro grupo de controles (grupo II con 60 pacientes tratados con la terapéutica medicamentosa convencional. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: en ambos grupos de tratamiento prevaleció el sexo femenino y hubo un predominio de la alveolitis en el grupo de edad entre los 46 y 60 años. El grupo I logró la remisión de los síntomas entre el segundo (36,6 % y el tercer días de tratamiento (60 % y solo un paciente requirió tratamiento por 5 días; mientras el grupo II requirió de un mayor período para la evolución del cuadro, entre 5 y 7 días de tratamiento para un 61,3 % (27 pacientes y 23,3 % (14 pacientes. Conclusiones: el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % resultó altamente efectivo, pues aportó una remisión más notoria de los síntomas, ya que se observó una disminución de estos, así como la disminución del número de sesiones necesarias, lo que permite recomendarlo como una opción terapéutica adecuada.Objective: to compare the effectiveness of 5 % propolis tincture and of the conventional pharmacological treatment in patients diagnosed with dental alveolitis. Methods: a longitudinal, descriptive and prospective case-control study was carried out in "Jose Martí" dental clinic located

  13. Conocimiento de los padres sobre hábitos bucales deformantes y traumas dentales asociados a las alteraciones bucales en niños de 4 a 10 años de edad de la I.E. Nuestros Héroes de la Guerra del Pacífico del distrito de Tacna, 2012


    Aparcana Díaz, José Alfredo


    El objetivo se centró en determinar si se asocia el conocimiento que poseen los padres sobre hábitos bucales deformantes y traumas dentales con las alteraciones bucales en niños de 4 a 10 años de edad de la I.E. Nuestros Héroes de la Guerra del Pacífico del distrito de Tacna en el periodo 2012. El diseño fue no experimental, descriptivo transversal y de asociación. La población de estudio, fueron 248 padres y 248 hijos/as escolares de 4 a 10 años. Se utilizó un test de conocimientos de ...

  14. Fibroma desmoplásico de mandíbula asociado a esclerosis tuberosa: Revisión de la literatura y presentación de un caso Desmoplastic fibroma of the jaw associated with tuberous sclerosis: Literature review and case report

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    M. Acosta Feria


    Full Text Available La esclerosis tuberosa es una anomalía congénita del desarrollo embrionario que se transmite de forma autosómica dominante caracterizada por la presencia por trastornos neurológicos, cutáneos o dermatológicos, y retraso mental. Se pueden afectar otros órganos y sistemas, y dar manifestaciones orofaciales. La lesión a nivel del esmalte dental constituye la lesión intraoral más frecuente. Rara vez se pueden encontrar lesiones óseas en los maxilares. El fibroma desmoplásico es un infrecuente tumor fibroso intraóseo localmente agresivo de lento crecimiento, que se asocia muy rara vez a la esclerosis tuberosa. Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente de 33 años afecto de esclerosis tuberosa con una lesión en la mandíbula diagnosticada como fibroma desmoplásico. Se discuten los métodos diagnósticos, presentación clínica y tratamiento.Tuberous sclerosis is a congenital anomaly of embryonic development with an autosomal dominant inheritance. It is characterized by the presence of neurologic and dermatologic disorders and mental retardation. It can affect other organs and systems and produce orofacial manifestations. Dental enamel defects are the most frequent intraoral lesion. Bone lesions rarely occur in the upper jaw. Desmoplastic fibroma is an infrequent, slow-growing, locally aggressive intraosseous fibrous tumor that rarely is associated with tuberous sclerosis. We report the clinical case of a 33-year-old man with tuberous sclerosis and a jaw lesion diagnosed as desmoplastic fibroma. The diagnostic methods, clinical presentation, and treatment are discussed.

  15. Sellado de lesiones de caries dental no cavitadas: ensayo clínico aleatorio controlado

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    Jesús Alberto-Luengo-Fereira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del sellado de lesiones de caries dental no cavitadas. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un ensayo clínico, aleatorio, doble ciego, controlado y diseño de boca dividida. Fueron seleccionados 262 primeros molares permanentes, en 74 niños con edad media de 7,47±0.8 años. Cada paciente tenía mínimo un par de primeros molares permanentes con lesiones bilaterales de caries dental códigos 1, 2 o 3 del Sistema Internacional de Detección y Valoración de Caries Dental. Se asignaron aleatoriamente a tres tipos de tratamiento, 1: vidrio ionomérico (3M ESPE Ketac Molar Easymix®, 2: Sellante resinoso (3M ESPE Climpro®, 3: vidrio ionomérico modificado con resina (3M ESPE Ketac® N100. La retención y progresión de caries dental fueron evaluadas. Los datos se procesaron con el programa SPSS V15. Se utilizaron las pruebas Chi Cuadrado y Test de Fisher. Resultados: La tasa retención total de los tratamientos 1, 2 y 3 fue respectivamente: 51,7%, 43,4% y 26,4%; no obstante estas diferencias no fueron significativas. La incidencia de caries en los molares no sellados fue 31,8% y en los molares sellados con perdida completa del material 28,5%. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la progresión de las lesiones entre molares que reciben y los que no reciben tratamiento. Conclusiones: En este estudio, no se encontraron evidencias de diferencias en la retención y en la progresión de las lesiones selladas y no selladas, entre el vidrio ionomérico convencional de alta densidad, el sellante a base de resina y un vidrio ionomérico modificado con resina.

  16. Evaluación de una crema dental con extracto de cuproclorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Bertha Oramas Rodríguez; Esther Barreto Banderas


    Se evaluó el efecto del cepillado con crema dental que contiene extracto de cuproclorofila en 23 niños de 10 años (otros 23 niños se tomaron como control). Se observaron reducciones significativas según chi cuadrado en cuanto a la infección por Streptococcus mutans, la acumulación de placa dentobacteriana y en la inflamación gingival del grupo tratado con respecto al control.The effect of tooth brushing with a dentrifice containing cuprochlorophyll extract in 23 children aged 10 (other 23 wer...

  17. Prevalencia de erosión dental en niños de 6 a 12 años de edad utilizando el índice Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE

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    Karla Rosella Baltuano Songhurst


    Full Text Available Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia, distribución y severidad de erosión dental en niños de 6 a 12 años de edad de la institución educativa pública Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Lima-Perú. Material y métodos: Una muestra aleatoria de 247 niños de primaria fueron evaluados clínicamente para medir la erosión dental utilizando el índice Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE, obteniendo un score acumulativo el cual posteriormente es comparado con el cuadro de niveles de riesgo/manejo clínico propio del índice. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables presencia de erosión dental, género, edad, localización de la lesión. Resultados: La prevalencia de erosión dental fue de 9.31% y la media y DS del score BEWE fue 0.25±0.90. Conclusiones: La erosión dental en niños de 6 a 12 años encontrada en esta institución educativa es menor a la de otros estudios epidemiológicos realizados en escuelas de otras partes del mundo. Este tipo de estudio epidemiológico puede ser viable en niños de este rango de edad de otras partes del Perú, en donde las costumbres, hábitos alimenticios y otros factores varían notablemente.

  18. Superficies de titanio en implantes dentales de carga inmediata


    Aparicio, C.; Padrós, A.; Planell Estany, Josep Anton; Gil, F.J.


    Se ha obtenido una capa de fosfato de calcio del mismo contenido mineral que el hueso en la superficie del implante dental de titanio, que tiene como consecuencia una muy rápida y eficaz osteointegración. Esta capa se ha obtenido mediante un método biomimético por vía termoquímica. La capa se une al substrato por enlace químico. Este hecho evita todos los inconvenientes de los métodos de recubrimiento convencionales (plasma spray, ablación láser...) cuya unión es por interacción mecánica, lo ...

  19. Enfoque de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad de la Implantología dental en Camagüey

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    Judith Aúcar López

    Full Text Available Existe un auge en la colocación de implantes dentales, dispositivos que mejoran la salud del paciente y restauran su estética y función, lo cual motivó la realización de este trabajo con el objetivo de argumentar la importancia del servicio de implantes dentales en Camagüey desde el enfoque de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Cuba es el único país que tiene un servicio de implantología social, que se ha convertido en una herramienta complementaria de los tratamientos protésicos. Desde 2006 se desarrolla en la provincia para mejorar la calidad de vida de la población.

  20. 75 FR 33169 - Dental Devices: Classification of Dental Amalgam, Reclassification of Dental Mercury, Designation... (United States)


    .... FDA-2008-N-0163] (formerly Docket No. 2001N-0067) RIN 0910-AG21 Dental Devices: Classification of Dental Amalgam, Reclassification of Dental Mercury, Designation of Special Controls for Dental Amalgam... the Federal Register of August 4, 2009 (74 FR 38686) which classified dental amalgam as a class II...

  1. Agenesia dental: Epidemiología, clínica y genética en pacientes antioqueños


    J. Echeverri Escobar; L.A. Restrepo Perdomo; G. Vásquez Palacio; N. Pineda Trujillo; D.M. Isaza Guzmán; H.A. Manco Guzmán; M.L. Marín Botero


    Introducción: La odontogénesis es un proceso molecular complejo, susceptible a errores durante las etapas del desarrollo, que puede generar alteraciones, como agenesias dentales. Metodología: Se realizó una descripción epidemiológica de la agenesia dental en 814 pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquía entre 2006 y 2008, con base en la historia clínica y radiografías panorámicas. Se evaluó clínica y genéticamente una familia con agenesia dental no sindrómica, se ...

  2. Dental Amalgam (United States)

    ... Products and Medical Procedures Dental Devices Dental Amalgam Dental Amalgam Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing options Linkedin Pin it Email Print Dental amalgam is a dental filling material which is ...

  3. Bifosfonatos e implantes dentales, ¿son incompatibles? Revisión de la literatura

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    Manuel Moreno-Sánchez


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento con bifosfonatos no disminuye la osteointegración del implante dental, aunque estos resultados se han obtenido en base a estudios retrospectivos en humanos. Se han descrito casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada con bifosfonatos en estos pacientes, sobre todo tras tratamiento prolongado.

  4. Dental caries and oral ecology, important aspects to be considered: Bibliographic review


    Duque de Estrada Riverón, Johany; Pérez Quiñonez, José Alberto; Hidalgo-Gato Fuentes3, Iliana


    La caries dental constituye actualmente la enfermedad más frecuente en el ser humano. Existen algunos elementos de la ecología bucal que pueden favorecer su desarrollo. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo fundamental de profundizar en los conocimientos teóricos sobre las características del tejido adamantino, aspectos específicos del Streptococcus mutans, papel de la saliva en el medio bucal e influencia de la ingesta de carbohidratos que pueden predisponer a la aparición de...

  5. Importancia del proceso de limpieza y desinfección de superficies críticas en un servicio dental. Impacto de un programa de intervención


    Véliz, Elena; Vergara, Teresa; Pearcy, Mercedes; Dabanch, Jeannette


    Resumen Introducción La atención odontológica se ha transformado en un desafío para los programas de prevención y control de infecciones asociadas a la atención de salud (IAAS), dado que el ambiente, entre otros factores, juega un rol importante en la cadena de transmisión. Método Se realizó un programa de intervención en el Servicio de Dental del Hospital Militar de Santiago, entre los años 2014-2015, que contempló tres etapas: etapa diagnóstica, de intervención y de evaluación. Objetivo ...

  6. Weaker dental enamel explains dental decay. (United States)

    Vieira, Alexandre R; Gibson, Carolyn W; Deeley, Kathleen; Xue, Hui; Li, Yong


    Dental caries continues to be the most prevalent bacteria-mediated non-contagious disease of humankind. Dental professionals assert the disease can be explained by poor oral hygiene and a diet rich in sugars but this does not account for caries free individuals exposed to the same risk factors. In order to test the hypothesis that amount of amelogenin during enamel development can influence caries susceptibility, we generated multiple strains of mice with varying levels of available amelogenin during dental development. Mechanical tests showed that dental enamel developed with less amelogenin is "weaker" while the dental enamel of animals over-expressing amelogenin appears to be more resistant to acid dissolution.

  7. Influencia de los tratamientos microabrasivos sobre la resistencia adhesiva en dientes con fluorosis


    Paola Mena Silva; Ana del Carmen Armas


    La búsqueda de tratamientos mínimamente invasivos y altamente estéticos para pacientes con fluorosis, ha llevado a buscar mecanismos para solucionar esta problemática, mediante la utilización de resinas como la primera opción. Sin embargo el principal problema del tratamiento, se centra en la poca adhesión debido a las características estructurales del esmalte fluorótico, en grados de fluorosis TF 1 al 3, el ácido no actúa correctamente, causando ausencia de grabado principalmente entre las e...

  8. Aumento de la temperatura en la superficie dental durante la foto-polimerización


    Hernández, Douglas Jarquín; Bonilla, Silvia


    ResumenSe sabe que durante el fotocurado de los materiales dentales se libera calor, ya sea por parte de la fuente emisora de luz o por la reacción de polimerización del compuesto utilizado. Este aumento de temperatura se transmite a los tejidos, el cual puede repercutir en ellos. Debido a esto, se realiza un estudio comparativo de la temperatura alcanzada durante la obturación y reconstrucción de piezas dentales in vitro, utilizando lámparas de fotocurado de tipo cuarzo-tungsteno-halógeno (Q...

  9. Anomalías dentales en pacientes de ortodoncia de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia


    Bedoya-Rodríguez, Antonio; Collo-Quevedo, Lina; Gordillo-Meléndez, Laura; Yusti-Salazar, Andrea; Tamayo-Cardona, Julián Andrés; Pérez-Jaramillo, Adolfo; Jaramillo-García, Manolo


    Resumen Introducción y objetivo: Las anomalías dentales son malformaciones congénitas de los tejidos dentarios, pudiendo ser de forma, tamaño, número y posición. Estas anomalías logran ocasionar problemas a nivel maxilar comprometiendo la longitud y oclusión del paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de las anomalías dentales de pacientes de una clínica de ortodoncia de la ciudad de Cali. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal...

  10. Dental Fear and Delayed Dental Care in Appalachia-West Virginia. (United States)

    Wiener, R Constance


    The people of Appalachia-West Virginia are culturally unique and are known to have oral health disparities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate dental fear in relation to delayed dental care as a factor influencing oral health behaviors within this culture. A cross sectional study design was used. Participants were urgent care patients in a university dental clinic. The sample included 140 adults over age 18 years. The Dental Fear Survey was used to determine dental fear level. Self-report of delayed dental care was provided by the participants. The Dental Fear Survey was dichotomized at score 33, with higher scores indicating dental fear. The prevalence of dental fear was 47.1% (n=66). There was a significant association of dental fear and dental delay. The unadjusted odds ratio was 2.87 (95% CI: 1.17, 7.04; p=0.021). The adjusted odds ratio was 3.83 (95%CI: 1.14, 12.82; p=0.030), controlling for tobacco use, perceived oral health status, pain, and last dental visit. A difference in dental delay between men and women was not present in this sample. The only significant variable in delayed dental care was dental fear. In Appalachia-West Virginia, there remains a high level of dental fear, despite advances in dental care, techniques, and procedures. Copyright © 2015 The American Dental Hygienists’ Association.

  11. Developing a flexible core Dental Public Health curriculum for predoctoral dental and dental hygiene schools. (United States)

    Atchison, Kathryn; Mascarenhas, Ana Karina; Bhoopathi, Vinodh


    The curriculum for graduating dental and dental hygiene students must prepare them to contribute to the improvement or maintenance of health for individual patient's and the public's health. The objective is to describe the background for and the process used to develop a core Dental Public Health Curriculum for such students. The process used was to solicit and review existing dental public health curriculum in dental and dental hygiene schools; review curriculum for other health professionals; identify the themes needed to frame the curriculum; select usable materials and identify gaps in existing curricular materials; and develop appropriate curriculum materials that would embody the competencies developed for undergraduate dental and dental hygiene education. Twenty-three topics were identified as embodying the eight competencies. Based on these topics, six courses, Principles of Dental Public Health, Evidence-Based Dentistry, Ethics and Dental Public Health, Dental Public Health Policy and Advocacy, Oral Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and Oral Health Literacy and Dental Public Health, were prepared. Each course includes syllabus, PowerPoint presentations, student assignments and activities, instructor guide, and classroom discussion points. Depending on the hours available in the existing curriculum at the dental or hygiene school, lecture presentations and take home assignments/discussions may be used independently or in combination with presentations from other courses. In addition, individual discussions and activities may be used to integrate dental public health materials into other courses. A flexible curriculum is available at the AAPHD website to enable the incorporation of DPH topics into the curriculum. © 2015 American Association of Public Health Dentistry.

  12. Economic impact of dental hygienists on solo dental practices. (United States)

    Lazar, Vickie F; Guay, Albert H; Beazoglou, Tryfon J


    The fact that a significant percentage of dentists employ dental hygienists raises an important question: Are dental practices that utilize a dental hygienist structurally and operationally different from practices that do not? This article explores differences among dental practices that operate with and without dental hygienists. Using data from the American Dental Association's 2003 Survey of Dental Practice, a random sample survey of U.S. dentists, descriptive statistics were used to compare selected characteristics of solo general practitioners with and without dental hygienists. Multivariate regression analysis was used to estimate the effect of dental hygienists on the gross billings and net incomes of solo general practitioners. Differences in practice characteristics--such as hours spent in the practice and hours spent treating patients, wait time for a recall visit, number of operatories, square feet of office space, net income, and gross billings--were found between solo general practitioners who had dental hygienists and those who did not. Solo general practitioners with dental hygienists had higher gross billings. Higher gross billings would be expected, as would higher expenses. However, net incomes of those with dental hygienists were also higher. In contrast, the mean waiting time for a recall visit was higher among dentists who employed dental hygienists. Depending on personal preferences, availability of qualified personnel, etc., dentists who do not employ dental hygienists but have been contemplating that path may want to further research the benefits and opportunities that may be realized.

  13. Crema dental con manzanilla, efecto estomatológico

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se plantea que la manzanilla tiene propiedades antiinflamatorias y antisépticas. Se evaluó el efecto estomatológico del cepillado con una crema dental que contiene aceite esencial de manzanilla, una vez al día durante 21 días en 27 niños de 10 años de edad, y en otros 23 niños que se cepillaron con una crema dental placebo. Entre los grupos no existían al inicio diferencias significativas en los parámetros evaluados. El grupo cepillado con la crema dental de manzanilla redujo significativamente la gingivitis y el grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans en relación con el control.Authors state that chamomile has a anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. We evaluated stomatological effect of toothbrushing using a toothposte containing chamomile essential oil one time a day, during 21 days in 27 childrens aged 10 years; another 23 children brushed their teeth using placebo toothpaste. Between groups initially, there weren´t significant differences in study parameters. Group used chamomile toothpaste markedly reduced gingivitis, and infection level from Stretpococcus mutans, relative to controls.

  14. Actividad anticaries de una crema dental con propóleos

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Por muestreo aleatorio simple se seleccionaron 50 escolares con antecedentes de alta infección por Streptococcus mutans, para verificar la actividad anticaries de una crema dental que contiene 0,8 de extracto de propóleo blando. Se perdieron del estudio a 7 escolares por inasistencia y traslados. Se crearon 2 grupos: uno control (n=19 que se cepilló con una crema dental placebo y otro tratamiento (n=24 que se cepilló con la crema dental de propóleo. Entre ambos grupos no había diferencia significativa en el índice de caries COP-D ni en el porcentaje de afectados. Luego de los 10 ciclos de cepillado durante 18 meses, dentro del grupo tratamiento se redujo significativamente en índice de caries y el porcentaje de afectados (Q = p50 students with history of high infection caused by Streptococcus mutans were selected by simple random sampling aimed at verifying the anticaries activity of a tooth paste containing 0.8 of soft propolis extract. 7 students did not conclude the study due to absences and transfers. 2 groups were created: a control group (n = 19 that brushed its teeth with a placebo tooth paste and the other under treatment (n = 24 that used a tooth paste with propolis. There was no significant difference between both groups as regards the COP-D caries index and the percentage of affection. A significant reduction of the caries index and of the percentage of affected individuals (Q = p

  15. Correlation between the green-like coloration and the structural and electronic properties of celadon glazes (I Correlação entre a coloração esverdeada e as propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas de esmaltes celadon (I

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    M. Hidaka


    Full Text Available Celadon glazes have been investigated by means of ordinary X-ray fluorescence analysis, and X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectra using synchrotron radiation. The tentative glazes are prepared by mixing raw celadon materials of Masuda feldspar, limestone, quartz, and extra-added Fe2O3 of about 1wt% at thermal treatment till about 1300 °C. It is found that the glaze-colors strongly depend on the Fe2O3 amount and the high-temperature treatment under oxidizing and deoxidizing in the used kiln. Especially, the characteristic color of blue-green, white-green-brown, and white-blue-green result from complex hybridized 3d5L and 3d6L bands. The 3d6L hybridization is induced by an electronic exchange interaction between an empty 3d6 orbital of Fe ions and an occupied 2p orbital of surrounding O ions in the (SiO2 - Al2O3 - CaO basic complex ceramics of glass-state under the deoxidizing thermal treatment.Esmaltes celadon foram investigados por meio de análise de fluorescência de raios X, e difração de raios X e espectros de absorção de raios X usando radiação síncrotron. Os esmaltes foram preparados por mistura de matérias-primas de celadon de feldspato Masuda, calcita, quartzo e 1 peso% a mais de Fe2O3 com tratamento térmico até 1300 °C. Foi verificado que as cores dos esmaltes dependem fortemente do teor de Fe2O3 e do tratamento térmico a alta temperatura sob atmosfera oxidante e desoxidante. As cores características verde azulada, marron esverdeada esbranquecida resultam das bandas de hibridização complexa 3d5L and 3d6L. A hibridização 3d6L é induzida por interação de troca eletrônica entre o orbital vazio 3d6 e íons Fe e um orbital 2p ocupado com íons oxigênio vizinhos nas cerâmicas complexas básicas (SiO2 - Al2O3 - CaO no estado vítreo sob tratamento térmico desoxidante.

  16. El Patró de microestriació dental de primats "Catarrhini": un model ecològic per primats fòssils i homínids


    Galbany i Casals, Jordi


    [cat] Aquest treball proposa una metodologia que permet l'obtenció d'informació a nivell microscòpic de les corones dentals sense una excessiva manipulació dels espècimens originals dipositats en diverses col·leccions osteològiques. La tècnica consisteix en la realització de motlles dentals d'alta resolució i la posterior obtenció de positius amb resina o poliuretà, per disposar de rèpliques d'alta qualitat. Així mateix s'han considerat diversos aspectes tècnics en la utilització del Microsco...

  17. Patró de microestriació dental de primats "Catarrhini": un model ecològic per primats fòssils i homínids, El


    Galbany i Casals, Jordi


    Aquest treball proposa una metodologia que permet l'obtenció d'informació a nivell microscòpic de les corones dentals sense una excessiva manipulació dels espècimens originals dipositats en diverses col·leccions osteològiques. La tècnica consisteix en la realització de motlles dentals d'alta resolució i la posterior obtenció de positius amb resina o poliuretà, per disposar de rèpliques d'alta qualitat. Així mateix s'han considerat diversos aspectes tècnics en la utilització del Microscopi Ele...

  18. Effects of blue light irradiation on dental enamel remineralization in vitro; Avaliacao dos efeitos promovidos pela radiacao azul na remineralizacao do esmalte dentario in vitro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kato, Ilka Tiemy


    This study aimed to investigate the effects of blue radiation on dental enamel remineralization. In addition, a methodology of analysis was developed to evaluate alterations of enamel mineral content by optical coherence tomography. Artificial lesions were formed in bovine dental enamel slabs by immersing the samples in under saturated acetate buffer (2 mL/mm{sup 2} e 6.25 mL/mm{sup 2}). The lesions were irradiated with blue LED (l=455{+-}20nm), with radiant power of 110 mW, irradiance of 1.4 W/cm{sup 2}, radiant exposure of 13.8 J/{sup c}m2 and exposure time of 10 s. Remineralization was induced by pH-cycling model during 8 days. Cross-sectional hardness and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were used to assess mineral changes after remineralization. Hardness data showed that non-irradiated enamel lesions presented higher mineral content than irradiated ones and this difference was more evident in lesions formed in higher solution volume. The analysis of OCT signal also demonstrated that the mineral content of non-irradiated group was higher than in irradiated one; however, no significant difference was observed. Furthermore, significant differences in OCT sign were detected between sound and demineralized enamel. Based on the results obtained in the present study it can be concluded that blue radiation caused an inhibition of enamel remineralization. The methodology adopted for OCT analysis allowed the quantification of enamel mineral loss; however, the remineralization process could not be evaluated by this technique. (author)

  19. Revista de Ciências Médicas e Biológicas


    Araújo, Maria Thereza Barral; Campos, Elisângela de Jesus; Rodrigues, Carina Souza; Serravalle, Lilian S.; Lima, Max José Pimenta; Araújo, Danilo Barral de


    p. 16-32 A possibilidade de intervir na dissolução do esmalte dentário, diminuindo significativamente a perda de minerais, e de reverter o progresso de lesões cariosas iniciais torna o fluoreto um elemento indispensável à saúde dental. Enquanto recurso preventivo, o fluoreto é uma alternativa de saúde pública bucal extremamente eficaz e de baixo custo. Visando subsidiar a literatura que trata da eficácia do fluoreto de sódio (NaF), do monofluorfosfato de sódio (MFP) e da ...

  20. El desgaste dental. ¿Un método fiable para la estimación de la edad?


    Trujillo Mederos, Aioze; Calderón Ordóñez, Alejandra


    En aquest pòster es qüestiona si la utilització del desgast dental, per sí mateix, com a mètode per estimar l’edat de la mort és realment vàlid en totes les societats o si abans de proposar-se a utilitzar aquest mètode, s’ha de tenir en compte el context cultural de la població a estudiar. Per això, s’han seleccionat part de les restes bioantropològiques procedents del jaciment inca de Chinchero (Cuzco, Perú), l’edat osteològica dels quals no correspon amb l’edat estimada a partir del desgast...

  1. Dental, Dental Hygiene, and Advanced Dental Students' Use, Knowledge, and Beliefs Regarding Tobacco Products. (United States)

    Shearston, Jenni A; Shah, Krina; Cheng, Eric; Moosvi, Rizvan; Park, Su Hyun; Patel, Naiya; Spielman, Andrew I; Weitzman, Michael L


    Using cigarettes and alternative tobacco products (ATPs) is associated with negative oral health outcomes, and dental health professionals are poised to help patients quit. The aim of this study was to determine dental, dental hygiene, and advanced dental students' use, knowledge, and beliefs about cigarettes and ATPs, including perceptions about their education in tobacco dependence treatment and counseling experience. All 1,783 students enrolled in the dental, dental hygiene, and postdoctoral dental programs at the New York University College of Dentistry were invited to participate in the survey in 2016. A total of 708 students at least partially completed the survey, for a response rate of 39.7%. In the results, 146 of the students (20.1%) reported ever using cigarettes, while 253 (35.7%) reported ever using any ATP. Regarding tobacco use intervention, the students reported they had not received enough training on ATPs, were neutral about cigarettes, and were somewhat confident and not so confident counseling a cigarette smoker or ATP user, respectively. By their fourth year, 77.8% of the dental students reported they had counseled someone to stop smoking cigarettes, but only 40.7% had counseled someone to stop using ATPs. Overall, all groups of students reported feeling more confident and had received more education on interventions for cigarettes than for ATPs (ptobacco and did not perceive they had received enough training on intervening with patients on use of cigarettes and ATPs. These findings call for a revised tobacco education curriculum for dental, dental hygiene, and advanced dental students, focused on building knowledge and confidence for promoting tobacco dependence treatment.

  2. 42 CFR Appendix G to Part 75 - Standards for Licensing Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants in Dental Radiography (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Standards for Licensing Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants in Dental Radiography G Appendix G to Part 75 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE...—Standards for Licensing Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants in Dental Radiography The following section...

  3. Dental caries in children: a contagious disease


    Palomer R, Leonor


    Introducción: La carie dental es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia en todo el mundo y actualmente se define como una patología transmisible, en cuyo contagio juega un rol fundamental el Streptococcus Mutans (SM). Muchos estudios indican que la colonización temprana de la boca del niño por dicha bacteria es a través de la saliva de los adultos, especialmente de las madres. Objetivos: Familiarizar al médico pediatra, quien tiene la posibilidad de revisar a los niños desde su nacimiento, en los...

  4. Potencial erosivo (ph salival asociado con el consumo de naranja, manzana y yogurt en niños y niñas de siete a nueve años de edad.

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    Fabricio Marcelo Cevallos González


    Full Text Available El marketing industrial, ha llevado a que las grandes empresas influencien con fuerza en el consumo e ingesta de alimentos y bebidas carbonatadas de alto contenido ácido en su composición, lo que ha provocado el inevitable incrementó de lesiones cariosas y no cariosas con consecuencias irreversibles para el esmalte dental. Así entonces, el presente estudio pretendió determinar mediante la variación del pH salival, los cambios producidos tras la ingesta de tres alimentos de alto contenido ácido (naranja, manzana y yogurt de frutilla, asociándolos con su potencial de erosión dental. La investigación se realizó en un grupo de 163 individuos de 7 a 9 años de edad divididos en cuatro grupos: control, naranja, yogurt y manzana, sin presencia de caries ni placa bacteriana; la medición de pH salival en los grupos de intervención se realizó previo y posterior a la ingesta de dichos alimentos a los 20 y 40 minutos. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante pruebas estadísticas, Friedman, Anova y test de Schefe que revelaron descensos más significativos de pH salival a los 20 minutos post consumo especialmente en el grupo naranja pH (5,4 probablemente por su asociación con el ácido cítrico, observándose estabilización del pH de forma más acelerada en la manzana aparentemente relacionada con la presencia de ácido málico que obtuvo un pH de (6,1. El ácido láctico presente en el yogurt mantuvo valores de pH neutros (6,2 en todo el proceso, pudiendo a este considerarlo como sustancia de menos potencial erosivo.

  5. Managing dental caries with atraumatic restorative treatment in children: successful experience in three Latin American countries Control de la caries dental mediante tratamiento restaurador atraumático en niños: experiencia exitosa en tres países de América Latina

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    Saskia Estupiñán-Day


    amalgamas en Ecuador, Panamá y Uruguay. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionaron niños de 7 a 9 años de edad, de escuelas rurales y urbanas, que presentaban como mínimo una lesión inicial cavitada de caries del esmalte o una lesión de la dentina en un primer molar permanente, y se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en el grupo sometido a TRA (intervención o en el grupo tratado con amalgamas (control. Se evaluó el fracaso de la restauración a los 12 y 24 meses. Se midió el grado de cooperación y el dolor observados durante los procedimientos. Se calculó el fracaso acumulado e incidental de las restauraciones a los 12 y 24 meses para los dentistas que aplicaron restauraciones de tipo TRA o amalgamas, y únicamente a los 12 meses para el personal auxiliar que llevó a cabo restauraciones de tipo TRA. RESULTADOS: La muestra total incluyó a 1 629 niños. Los grupos de estudio fueron similares en cuanto a país, sexo y ubicación geográfica. La tasa de fracaso acumulado a los 12 meses varió según el grupo: fue de 0,9 a 5,7% para la amalgama aplicada por dentistas; de 2,0 a 10,5% para el TRA aplicado por dentistas; y de 5,7 a 15,8% para el TRA aplicado por personal auxiliar. A los 24 meses, se observaron mayores fracasos acumulados en el grupo de amalgamas aplicadas por dentistas en comparación con el grupo de TRA aplicado por dentistas en Ecuador y Panamá pero no en Uruguay. Fue menos probable que la aplicación de amalgama obtuviera el mejor grado de cooperación, y la aplicación de TRA por personal auxiliar se asoció con la menor intensidad de dolor. El costo de usar el método de TRA en el tratamiento de la caries dental, incluido el retratamiento, fue aproximadamente de la mitad del costo del empleo de amalgama sin retratamiento. CONCLUSIONES: La restauración mediante TRA llevado a cabo por personal auxiliar logrará una supervivencia presumiblemente inferior a la obtenida por la aplicación de amalgama o TRA por dentistas. A pesar del mayor riesgo de fracaso, la tasa es

  6. Does dental caries affect dental development in children and adolescents? (United States)

    Dhamo, Brunilda; Elezi, Besiana; Kragt, Lea; Wolvius, Eppo B; Ongkosuwito, Edwin M


    Although a link between dietary changes, caries, and dental development has been observed, the literature provides little insight about this relationship. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between dental caries and dental development in a clinical sample of Albanian children and adolescents. In total, 118 children and adolescents, born between 1995 and 2004 and aged 6–15 years, were included. Dental caries in the deciduous dentition was assessed using the Decayed, Filled Teeth (dft) index and dental caries in the permanent dentition was assessed using the Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMFT) index. Dental development during the permanent dentition was determined using the Demirjian method. Linear and ordinal regression models were applied to analyze the associations of dental caries with dental age and developmental stages of each left mandibular tooth. Dental caries in the deciduous dentition, estimated as a median dft of 2.0 (90% range, 0.0–9.1), was significantly associated with lower dental age (β = -0.21; 90% CI: -0.29, -0.12) and with delayed development of the canine, both premolars, and the second molar. Untreated dental caries (dt) was associated with lower dental age (β = -0.19; 90% CI: -0.28, -0.10). Dental caries in the permanent dentition, estimated as a median DMFT of 1.0 (90% range, 0.0–8.0), was not significantly associated with dental age (β = 0.05; 90% CI: -0.04, 0.14). However, the DMFT was associated with the advanced stages of development of both premolars and the second molar. The untreated dental caries in the deciduous dentition delays the development of permanent teeth. PMID:29659350

  7. Alterações orais em crianças prematuras e de baixo peso ao nascer: a importância da relação entre pediatras e odontopediatras Oral abnormalities in preterm and low birth weight infants: the importance of the relationship between pediatricians and pediatric dentists

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    Michele Baffi Diniz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão de literatura sobre as alterações orais em crianças prematuras e de baixo peso ao nascer. FONTES DE DADOS: Foram selecionados artigos em inglês e português, desde 1976 até 2009, pesquisados no PubMed, Lilacs e na Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO, além de livros e consensos nacionais e internacionais. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram: "prematuro", "recém-nascido de baixo peso", "cárie dentária", "hipoplasia do esmalte dentário", "manifestações bucais e "dentição primária". Selecionaram-se artigos avaliando incidência, prevalência e etiologia das alterações orais, além de revisões de literatura e relatos de casos clínicos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: As alterações orais mais comuns em crianças prematuras e de baixo peso ao nascer são os defeitos no esmalte dentário (hipoplasias e hipocalcificações, a predisposição ao desenvolvimento de lesões de cárie dentária, as alterações na cronologia de erupção dentária e as alterações no palato com consequente aparecimento de maloclusão. Outras alterações também são relatadas, como diferenças nas dimensões das coroas dentárias e na espessura e porosidade do esmalte dentário. A interação entre pediatras e odontopediatras é fundamental no manejo dessas crianças. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento das alterações orais em crianças pré-termo e de baixo peso ao nascer por parte dos pediatras e odontopediatras favorece a atuação multidisciplinar com o objetivo de educar, prevenir e atenuar as possíveis mudanças físicas e dentárias nessas crianças.OBJECTIVE: To review the literature review concerning oral abnormalities in preterm and low birth-weight infants. DATA SOURCES: Articles published in English and Portuguese on this subject were selected from 1976 to 2009, browsed on PubMed, Lilacs and Brazilian Dentistry Bibliography, besides books and national and international consensus. The search used the following key

  8. Presencia de Stegomastodon (Gomphotheriidae, Proboscidea en el Pleistoceno Superior de la zona costera de Santa Clara del Mar (Argentina

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    Alberdi, M. T.


    paleogeográficas de esta especie de América del Sur. A partir de una datación radio-métrica por AMS de una muestra de esmalte dentario se sitúan estratigráficamente los restos de Santa Clara del Mar en el Pleistoceno superior (17.880 ± 60 AP.

  9. Obtención de células madre de la pulpa dental : caracterización y adaptación a diversas condiciones de oxígeno


    El Alami, Marya


    Uno de los retos actuales de las cirugías odontológicas es la regeneración ósea, especialmente del hueso alveolar para la realización del implante dental. En los últimos años, las células madre mesenquimales derivadas la pulpa dental (CMPDs), se han convertido en un objetivo de estudio prometedor para la regeneración ósea gracias a su potencial de diferenciación a odontoblastos y osteoblastos así como sus propiedades inmunológicas. Sin embargo, su aplicación sigue siendo limitada por el gran ...

  10. Dental formulations for the prevention of dental erosion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    The invention relates to a therapeutic method for preventing and/or inhibiting dental erosion in a mammalian subject, and the provision of a dental care product for performing the method. The dental care product of the invention comprises a starch-degrading enzyme of E. C., wherein said...... product comprises less than 1 wt.% ionic surfactant, and preferably is substantially free of endoprotease and/or lipase. The properties of the dental care product serve to prevent and/or inhibit dental erosion in a subject that typically results from repeated exposure of the patient's tooth surfaces...

  11. Factores de riesgo asociados con la caries dental en niños de círculos infantiles Risk factor associated to dental caries in children from nurseries

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    Ricardo Rodríguez Llanes


    Full Text Available Los factores de riesgo asociados con la caries dental constituyen una probabilidad medible y tienen valor predictivo en la prevención de esta enfermedad que la sitúa como la principal causa de pérdida dentaria. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal para determinar el comportamiento clínico epidemiológico de los factores de riesgo de la caries dental en niños de círculos infantiles del municipio Artemisa entre abril y diciembredel 2007, con la finalidad de identificar la prevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados con la caries dental y analizar el grado de riesgo en la muestra objeto de estudio. El universo de trabajo estuvo formado por 642 infantes pertenecientes a 6 círculos infantiles y la muestra se realizó por factibilidad, en la cual se seleccionaron 2 círculos infantiles para un total de 240 infantes, los cuales se agruparon atendiendo a la edad, sexo, prevalencia de caries dental y factores de riesgo mayormente asociados, así como el grado de riesgo. Se realizó un formulario que incluía el interrogatorio a padres y/o tutores y el examen bucal a los niños en las mismas instituciones, aplicando en cada caso el índice ceo-d. Entre los principales resultados se destaca, que el 80 % de los niños se encontraban libres de caries, que los factores de riesgo que más incidieron fueron la dieta cariogénica y la higiene bucal deficiente y que más del 80 % de la muestra posee un bajo riesgo a caries. Se concluye que la prevalencia de caries dental en estas instituciones es baja, a pesar de la influencia de factores de riesgo que condicionan la aparición de la enfermedad.Risk factors associated to dental caries are a measurable likelihood and also a predictive value in prevention of this condition, which is the major cause of teeth loss. We made a cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study to determine the clinicoepidemiologic behavior of risk factors of dental caries in children from

  12. Patients' satisfaction with dental care provided by public dental ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: In Tanzania, patient satisfaction with dental services has received only minor attention. Objective: To assess patients' satisfaction with public dental health services in Dar es Salaam. Design: A cross-sectional study. Setting: Five public dental clinics randomly selected from a list of all the nine public dental ...

  13. Description and Documentation of the Dental School Dental Delivery System. (United States)

    Chase, Rosen and Wallace, Inc., Alexandria, VA.

    A study was undertaken to describe and document the dental school dental delivery system using an integrated systems approach. In late 1976 and early 1977, a team of systems analysts and dental consultants visited three dental schools to observe the delivery of dental services and patient flow and to interview administrative staff and faculty.…

  14. Exodoncia del tercer molar: Factores que determinan complejidad

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    Ivan Manotas Arevalo


    Full Text Available ResumenUno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en el campo de la Cirugía Oral es la exodoncia, o extracción dental. La prevención y la promoción de hábitos saludables dentro de los que se cuenta la práctica del cepillado dental, uso de dentífricos, hilo dental y enjuagatorios bucales, además de visitas periódicas de control a especialistas y odontólogos generales e higienistas bucales ha conllevado a una reducción en la perdida de estructuras dentarias por causa de la caries y las periodontopatìas. Sin embargo se mantiene alto el número de exodoncias indicadas por falta de espacio en la estructura de los maxilares para la erupción dental, así como alteraciones en la posición y angulacion de los órganos dentales sobre su eje que impide una adecuada ubicación logrando que se indique su extracción. Dentro de la serie dental los órganos dentarios más frecuentemente afectados por este tipo de alteraciones son los terceros molares. También se mencionan que son esos mismos dientes los que acusan mayor grado de complejidad para realizar el procedimiento de exodoncia, y los que causan mayor grado de morbilidad posquirúrgica en el paciente, con un número mayor de complicaciones y su severidad, descritas en la literatura. (Duazary 2008; 141-147. Este artículo pretende analizar los factores que determinan complejidad en la exodoncia del tercer molar a partir de una revisión bibliografía y comparación de ésta.AbstractOne of the most frequent procedure used in the field of Oral Surgery is extracted, or tooth extraction. The prevention and promoting healthy habits in mind that the practice of brushing teeth, use of toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss mouth, in addition to regular monitoring visits to specialists and general dentists and oral hygiene has led to a reduction in the loss of structures caused by tooth decay and periodontal pathology. However remains high number of extractions indicated by lack of space in the

  15. Dental anxiety and salivary cortisol levels before urgent dental care. (United States)

    Kanegane, Kazue; Penha, Sibele S; Munhoz, Carolina D; Rocha, Rodney G


    Dental anxiety is still prevalent, despite advances in treatment, and affects the utilization of health care services. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine if patients with different degrees of dental anxiety and pain undergoing emergency dental care have different stress reactions as measured by salivary cortisol. Seventy three patients completed the modified dental anxiety scale (MDAS), and described any previous dental traumatic experience. Their socio-demographic characteristics were also recorded. They also rated pain intensity on a 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS). A saliva sample was collected before the procedure, and analyzed by enzyme immunoassay. Thirty patients were dentally anxious and forty one complained of pain. In this sample, dental anxiety was not related to gender, age, educational level and family income; however, a previous traumatic event was related to dental anxiety. There was no association between salivary cortisol concentrations and gender or dental anxiety. Patients with pain showed higher cortisol levels. When gathering patient information, the dentist should note patients' negative dental experiences in order to provide more effective, less traumatic treatment.

  16. Bovidae (artiodactyla, mammalia del mioceno medio de Tarazona de Aragon (depresión del Ebro, provincia de Zaragoza

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    Pereda-Suberbiola, X.


    Full Text Available In this paper cranial, dental and postcraneal fossil remains of the Bovidae family from Tarazona de Aragón are described. There are two forms in this Middle Miocene paleontological site of the Ebro Basin according to the metric and morphological characteristics of the dentition and hom cores. One form is referred to Eotragus and classified as E. aff. sansaniensis, showing more developed features than the other Iberian forms of the same genus. The other form is classified provisionally as aff. Tethytragus because it is quite similar to the Iberian Tethytragus langai and differs from Eotragus. The two bovids from Tarazona show differences in size, hypsodoncy and dental morphology, especially the differences of development and prominence of the styles/stylideds and ribs are obvious.Se describen restos fósiles dentarios, craneales y postcraneales pertenecientes a la familia Bovidae del yacimiento de Tarazona de Aragón. Según las características morfológicas y métricas de la dentición y los núcleos óseos, existen dos formas en este yacimiento del Mioceno medio de la Cuenca del Ebro. Una ha sido atribuida al género Eotragus y clasificada como E. aff. sansaniensis, mostrando características más derivadas que el resto de las formas ibéricas del mismo género. La otra se clasifica, provisionalmente, como aff. Tethytragus, ya que guarda similitudes con la especie ibérica Tethytragus langai y diferencias evidentes con respecto a Eotragus. Los dos taxones se diferencian netamente respecto a la talla, hipsodoncia y morfología de la dentición; sobre todo, las diferencias de desarrollo y prominencia de los estilos/estílidos y costillas mismos son evidentes.

  17. Caracterización mecánica de materiales para aplicaciones dentales

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    Pajares, A.


    Full Text Available An study of the damage induced in dental materials and model multilayer systems by masticatory contact stresses, simulated by hertzian indentation test, have been performed. In particular, the nature of induced damage has been identified, and quantified from stressstrain curves and critical loads for yielding or crack initiation. For multilayer systems, test have been numerically simulated using finite element techniques (FEM. FEM simulations complement indentation test, allowing to justify the observed fracture modes from calculated stress fields. Practical implications can be derived from our results, relevant to the design of multilayer structures tolerant to contact damage.

    En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio del daño introducido en materiales dentales y en sistemas multicapa prototipo cuando soportan las tensiones de contacto que se generan en la boca del paciente, simuladas mediante ensayos de indentación Hertz. En particular, se ha determinado la naturaleza del daño introducido, y se ha procedido a su cuantificación a partir de la obtención de curvas tensión-deformación y cargas críticas para el inicio de la deformación plástica y/o fractura. Además, en el caso del sistema multicapa, los ensayos se han simulado numéricamente mediante el método de elementos finitos (FEM. La simulación FEM es el complemento perfecto a los ensayos Hertz, ya que permite cuantificar el campo de tensiones y por consiguiente justificar los diferentes modos de fractura observados. A partir de los resultados de este estudio se deducen implicaciones de interés práctico para el diseño de materiales multicapa resistentes al daño por contacto.

  18. Awareness of dental implants among dental patients in Nigeria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to determine the level of awareness of dental implant in Nigerian patients and their willingness to choose dental implant as a tooth replacement option. A survey was conducted among patients presenting for dental treatment in 3 teaching hospitals and private dental clinics in 3 urban cities of ...

  19. Dental, Dental Hygiene, and Graduate Students' and Faculty Perspectives on Dental Hygienists' Professional Role and the Potential Contribution of a Peer Teaching Program. (United States)

    McComas, Martha J; Inglehart, Marita R


    The changing role of dental hygienists deserves dental and dental hygiene educators' attention. The first aim of this survey study was to assess University of Michigan dental, dental hygiene, and graduate students' and faculty members' perceptions of dental hygienists' roles; their attitudes and behaviors related to clinical interactions between dental and dental hygiene students; and perceived benefits of engaging dental hygiene students as peer teachers for dental students. The second aim was to assess whether one group of dental students' experiences with dental hygiene student peer teaching affected their perceptions of the dental hygiene profession. Survey respondents were 57 dental hygiene students in all three years of the program (response rate 60% to 100%); 476 dental students in all four years (response rate 56% to 100%); 28 dental and dental hygiene graduate students (response rate 28%); and 67 dental and dental hygiene faculty members (response rate 56%). Compared to the other groups, dental students reported the lowest average number of services dental hygienists can provide (p≤0.001) and the lowest average number of patient groups for which dental hygienists can provide periodontal care (ppeer teaching (ppeer teaching. After experiencing dental hygiene student peer teaching, the dental students' perceptions of dental hygienists' roles, attitudes about clinical interactions with dental hygienists, and perceived benefits of dental hygiene student peer teachers improved and were more positive than the responses of their peers with no peer teaching experiences. These results suggest that dental hygiene student peer teaching may improve dental students' perceptions of dental hygienists' roles and attitudes about intraprofessional care.

  20. Dental Workforce Availability and Dental Services Utilization in Appalachia: A Geospatial Analysis (United States)

    Feng, Xue; Sambamoorthi, Usha; Wiener, R. Constance


    Objectives There is considerable variation in dental services utilization across Appalachian counties, and a plausible explanation is that individuals in some geographical areas do not utilize dental care due to dental workforce shortage. We conducted an ecological study on dental workforce availability and dental services utilization in Appalachia. Methods We derived county-level (n = 364) data on demographic, socio-economic characteristics and dental services utilization in Appalachia from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) using person-level data. We obtained county-level dental workforce availability and physician-to-population ratio estimates from Area Health Resource File, and linked them to the county-level BRFSS data. The dependent variable was the proportion using dental services within the last year in each county (ranging from 16.6% to 91.0%). We described the association between dental workforce availability and dental services utilization using ordinary least squares regression and spatial regression techniques. Spatial analyses consisted of bivariate Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) and geographically weighted regression (GWR). Results Bivariate LISA showed that counties in the central and southern Appalachian regions had significant (p dental workforce availability, low percent dental services utilization). GWR revealed considerable local variations in the association between dental utilization and dental workforce availability. In the multivariate GWR models, 8.5% (t-statistics >1.96) and 13.45% (t-statistics >1.96) of counties showed positive and statistically significant relationships between the dental services utilization and workforce availability of dentists and dental hygienists, respectively. Conclusions Dental workforce availability was associated with dental services utilization in the Appalachian region; however, this association was not statistically significant in all counties. The findings suggest

  1. Danish dental education:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moore, Rod


    The effects of Danish cultural traditions on dental education in Denmark are described, as well as the system's current structure and developing issues. Some Danish ideas for future exports of dental education programs and dental personnel are also discussed.......The effects of Danish cultural traditions on dental education in Denmark are described, as well as the system's current structure and developing issues. Some Danish ideas for future exports of dental education programs and dental personnel are also discussed....

  2. Diet and environment 1.2 million years ago revealed through analysis of dental calculus from Europe's oldest hominin at Sima del Elefante, Spain (United States)

    Hardy, Karen; Radini, Anita; Buckley, Stephen; Blasco, Ruth; Copeland, Les; Burjachs, Francesc; Girbal, Josep; Yll, Riker; Carbonell, Eudald; Bermúdez de Castro, Jose María


    Sima del Elefante, Atapuerca, Spain contains one of the earliest hominin fragments yet known in Europe, dating to 1.2 Ma. Dental calculus from a hominin molar was removed, degraded and analysed to recover entrapped remains. Evidence for plant use at this time is very limited and this study has revealed the earliest direct evidence for foods consumed in the genus Homo. This comprises starchy carbohydrates from two plants, including a species of grass from the Triticeae or Bromideae tribe, meat and plant fibres. All food was eaten raw, and there is no evidence for processing of the starch granules which are intact and undamaged. Additional biographical detail includes fragments of non-edible wood found adjacent to an interproximal groove suggesting oral hygiene activities, while plant fibres may be linked to raw material processing. Environmental evidence comprises spores, insect fragments and conifer pollen grains which are consistent with a forested environment.

  3. Expanded function allied dental personnel and dental practice productivity and efficiency. (United States)

    Beazoglou, Tryfon J; Chen, Lei; Lazar, Vickie F; Brown, L Jackson; Ray, Subhash C; Heffley, Dennis R; Berg, Rob; Bailit, Howard L


    This study examined the impact of expanded function allied dental personnel on the productivity and efficiency of general dental practices. Detailed practice financial and clinical data were obtained from a convenience sample of 154 general dental practices in Colorado. In this state, expanded function dental assistants can provide a wide range of reversible dental services/procedures, and dental hygienists can give local anesthesia. The survey identified practices that currently use expanded function allied dental personnel and the specific services/procedures delegated. Practice productivity was measured using patient visits, gross billings, and net income. Practice efficiency was assessed using a multivariate linear program, Data Envelopment Analysis. Sixty-four percent of the practices were found to use expanded function allied dental personnel, and on average they delegated 31.4 percent of delegatable services/procedures. Practices that used expanded function allied dental personnel treated more patients and had higher gross billings and net incomes than those practices that did not; the more services they delegated, the higher was the practice's productivity and efficiency. The effective use of expanded function allied dental personnel has the potential to substantially expand the capacity of general dental practices to treat more patients and to generate higher incomes for dental practices.

  4. Determinantes de la utilización de los servicios de salud bucal en estudiantes universitarios del municipio de Pasto, 2011 / Determinants of dental health service use among university students in the Pasto municipality, 2011

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    Anderson Rocha-Buelvas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar los factores determinantes de la utilización de los servicios de salud bucal en hombres y mujeres universitarios del municipio de Pasto, Departamento de Nariño (Colombia. Metodología: en una muestra de 338 estudiantes de una universidad, se aplicó una encuesta confidencial, elaborada con base en estudios previos utilizando un modelo comportamental de uso de servicios de salud. Resultados: la prevalencia de utilización de los servicios de salud bucal fue del 57%. Se encontró con respecto a factores de predisposición, que más de la mitad de la población encuestada eran adultos jóvenes entre 20-24 años; que asistían más a la consulta los estudiantes de semestres académicos superiores y menos los de mayor edad; que la mitad pertenecían a un estrato socioeconómico medio y que una décima parte poseían un bajo apoyo social. Se encontró sobre factores de capacidad que las tres cuartas partes que respondieron tener un buen estado de salud, eran los que más utilizaban los servicios de salud bucal; que los que respondieron estar satisfechos con la apariencia de sus dientes, eran los que menos utilizaban los servicios de salud bucal; que una tercera parte había tenido un mal estado de salud bucodental y que casi la mitad tuvo problemas dentales. Sobre los factores de necesidad se encontró que cuando un estudiante tiene afectada su calidad de vida por minusvalía asiste más a la consulta odontológica en el último año. Conclusión: existen leves diferencias por sexo en la utilización de los servicios de salud bucal y que si bien en esta población el resultado fue mayor que en otros estudios, no necesariamente este resultado garantiza que tengan una mejor salud bucal. Objective: to identify the determinant factors of dental health service use among university students in the municipality of Pasto (located in the Nariño Department, Colombia. Methodology: a confidential survey was used on a sample of 338

  5. Radiographic Assessment of Dental Maturation in Children With Dental Agenesis. (United States)

    Medina, Aida Carolina; Pozo, Rodrigo Del; de Cedres, Lucila Blanco

    Dental agenesis is the most common developmental anomaly in humans, frequently associated with disorders in dental development and maturation. The purpose of this study is to determine radiographic variations in dental maturation in a group of Venezuelan children with dental agenesis. 1,188 panoramic radiographs, from healthy patients ages 5 to 12 years old were studied for agenesis of permanent teeth. Dental maturation was assessed by relative eruption and dental age according to Nolla, comparing children affected with dental agenesis to a stratified control group selected from the same population, excluding children with premature loss of primary teeth in the left quadrants and unclear radiographs. Descriptive analysis, and differences between means and medians (Student t test, Kruskall-Wallis p=0.05) were performed. Medians for Nolla stages were similar between groups, with delay in tooth formation in the agenesis group for second molars (p<0.05) and maxillary lateral incisors and second premolars. Dental age was significantly underestimated for both groups, -0.89 (±0.78) for the control group and -1.20 (±0.95) for the study group. Tooth eruption was similar between groups. Dental age was significantly delayed in Venezuelan children with dental agenesis, with variable significance for tooth formation of studied teeth.

  6. Factores que modifican la frecuencia de cepillado dental en adultos mayores de 18 años de edad


    Baena Santillán, Elena Saraí


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar los factores socioeconómicos y sociodemográficos que se asocian a la modificación de la frecuencia de cepillado de adultos mayores de 18 años de edad que acudieron a las clínicas de atención dental del Área Académica de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo durante el período Enero 2008- Diciembre 2009. Material y Métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal, con muestreo aleatorio simple. Se utilizó la fre...

  7. Riesgos asociados a la pérdida de la longitud del arco dentario en la dentición mixta temprana Risks associated with loss of dental arch length in the early mixed teething

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    Manuela Ricardo Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de los 155 niños con pérdida de la longitud del arco dentario en la dentición mixta temprana que acudieron a la consulta de odontología en el área de salud de Genaro Méndez, estado de Táchira, República Bolivariana de Venezuela, desde enero hasta noviembre de 2008, para determinar los riesgos asociados a esta afección. En la serie se obtuvo que la caries dental (36,27 % y las extracciones prematuras (31,37 % constituyeron los riesgos de mayor prevalencia en los niños y niñas de 8 a 9 años. El grupo dentario más afectado fue el posterior (55,48 %; y el diente que más comúnmente perdido por las extracciones prematuras, el segundo molar temporal (42,76 %.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 155 children with loss of dental arch length in the early mixed teething, who attended the dental outpatient department in the health area of Genaro Méndez, state of Táchira, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, from January to November, 2008, to determine the risks associated with this condition. In the series it was found that the dental decay (36,27 % and early extractions (31,37 % were the most prevalent risks in 8-9 year-old children. The most affected teeth group was the posterior one (55,48 %, and the tooth most commonly lost by early extractions was the second temporal molar (42,76 %.

  8. Dental pain and dental treatment of young children attending the general dental service. (United States)

    Milsom, K M; Tickle, M; Blinkhorn, A S


    The objective was to examine the relationship between dental pain (and its sequelae), and the extent of restorative care provided for primary molars, amongst children who regularly attend a general dental practitioner. A retrospective review of the clinical case notes of 677 children with caries who attended 50 general dental practitioners on a regular basis. Analyses were performed at the subject level. Logistic regression models were fitted for the dependent variables whether or not pain, a dental extraction for pain or sepsis and a course of antibiotics was recorded, after taking into account the proportion of carious teeth that were restored, the total number of carious teeth, the age caries was first recorded, gender and the clustering of the subjects within dental practices. Almost half of the children in the study (48%) were recorded as having at least one episode of pain. Total decay experience in the primary molars was a significant predictor of pain, extraction due to pain or sepsis and prescription of antibiotics. There was no significant association between the proportion of carious teeth restored and each of the three dependent variables. For those children who regularly attend their general dental practitioner and who have decay in their primary molars, dental pain is a common finding. Total decay experience in primary molars is the principal predictor of pain, extraction due to pain and the need for antibiotics, whilst the level of restorative care in the primary dentition is less important. In order to reduce the incidence of dental pain in young children, effective methods of preventing caries at the individual and public health levels need to be expanded.

  9. About Dental Amalgam Fillings (United States)

    ... and Medical Procedures Dental Devices Dental Amalgam About Dental Amalgam Fillings Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More ... should I have my fillings removed? What is dental amalgam? Dental amalgam is a dental filling material ...

  10. Relación del índice de cristalinidad (IC con la edad y el contenido de iones F y CO3 en muestras de vertebrados fósiles

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    Morales, J.


    Full Text Available The crystalline fraction of enamel, dentin and metapodial bone of modern and fossil mammals were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis. The powdered samples were collected from several equids, giraffids, rhinocerotids and proboscideans of Spanish Neogene deposits. Changes in the crystallinity index (CI of apatite are particularly useful to estimate later diagenetic changes in the fossil material. The enamel displays larger CI than dentine and metapodial bone since they have a more dense structure; furthermore there is not a clear relationship between the CI enlargement and the geological age of samples. In addition, the fluorine content increases during the fossilization process and accordingly the parameter CI increases in fossil samples. The carbonate enrichment is not linked to the age of the deposits; however this carbonate increase in enamel, dentine and metapodial bone reduces the CI parameter. The host sediments play an essential role in the crystallinity changes observed in fossil bones; e.g., in the silica sands case, samples display a high CI while in the claystone and chalks case, they display a lower crystallinity index.Se ha determinado el índice de cristalinidad (IC mediante difracción de rayos X de muestras actuales y fósiles pertenecientes a esmalte, dentina y hueso de metápodo de équidos, jiráfidos, rinocerótidos y proboscídeos de diferentes yacimientos neógenos españoles. Con estos valores de la cristalinidad del apatito se estima semicuantitativamente la evolución de los cambios diagenéticos ocurridos en el material óseo fósil. Se ha observado que el esmalte presenta un IC mayor que la dentina y hueso de metápodo, debido a su estructura más compacta. Sin embargo, no hay una correlación clara entre el incremento de la cristalinidad y la edad de las muestras. Además, el contenido de flúor aumenta durante los procesos de fosilización y como consecuencia aumenta el IC en las muestras fósiles. Por otro lado, el

  11. Postoperative dental morbidity in children following dental treatment under general anesthesia. (United States)

    Hu, Yu-Hsuan; Tsai, Aileen; Ou-Yang, Li-Wei; Chuang, Li-Chuan; Chang, Pei-Ching


    General anesthesia has been widely used in pediatric dentistry in recent years. However, there remain concerns about potential postoperative dental morbidity. The goal of this study was to identify the frequency of postoperative dental morbidity and factors associated with such morbidity in children. From March 2012 to February 2013, physically and mentally healthy children receiving dental treatment under general anesthesia at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan were recruited. This was a prospective and observational study with different time evaluations based on structured questionnaires and interviews. Information on the patient demographics, anesthesia and dental treatment performed, and postoperative dental morbidity was collected and analyzed. Correlations between the study variables and postoperative morbidity were analyzed based on the Pearson's chi-square test. Correlations between the study variables and the scale of postoperative dental pain were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Fifty-six pediatric patients participated in this study, with an average age of 3.34 ± 1.66 years (ranging from 1 to 8 years). Eighty-two percent of study participants reported postoperative dental pain, and 23% experienced postoperative dental bleeding. Both dental pain and bleeding subsided 3 days after the surgery. Dental pain was significantly associated with the total number of teeth treated, while dental bleeding, with the presence of teeth extracted. Patients' gender, age, preoperative dental pain, ASA classification, anesthesia time, and duration of the operation were not associated with postoperative dental morbidity. Dental pain was a more common postoperative dental morbidity than bleeding. The periods when parents reported more pain in their children were the day of the operation (immediately after the procedure) followed by 1 day and 3 days after the treatment.

  12. Dental fluorosis and dental caries prevalence among 12 and 15 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Fluoride is a double edged sword. The assessment of dental caries and fluorosis in endemic fluoride areas will facilitate in assessing the relation between fluoride concentrations in water with dental caries, dental fluorosis simultaneously. Aim: The objective of the following study is to assess the dental caries ...

  13. Manejo psicológico del niño en la consulta estomatológica

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    Yolexis Pérez Espinosa


    Full Text Available La relación humana estomatólogo-niño-padres en el ejercicio de la Odontopediatría es fundamental para el éxito del tratamiento. El desarrollo psicológico por edades debe servir de base para comprender la respuesta normal del niño en relación con su medio, a medida que crece y se desarrolla. Las reacciones emocionales más frecuentes en el niño ante el trata¬miento dental son: temor, ansiedad, resistencia, regresión, retracción, timidez. Las categorías de comportamiento de acuerdo al conjunto de reacciones emociona¬les que presentan ante el tratamiento dental se agrupan en: conducta cooperativa, conducta no cooperativa y conducta potencialmente no cooperativa. Lograr un estado emocional adecuado en los niños con la ayuda del Estomatólogo General Integral, aplicando las diferentes técnicas de manejo y modificación de la conducta en ellos, le aportará elementos para enfrentarse a los problemas de salud de la infancia con mayor seguridad de poder lograr comunicación, aceptación y cooperación ante el tratamiento estomatológico, ahí se centra el objetivo del presente trabajo.

  14. Perceived Dentist and Dental Hygienist Task Distribution After Dental and Dental Hygiene Students' Team Intervention

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reinders, Jan J.; Krijnen, Wim P.; Stegenga, Boudewijn; van der Schans, Cees P.


    Attitudes of dental students regarding the provision of treatment tend to be dentist-centered; however, facilitating mixed student group formation could change such perceptions. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceived scope of practice of dental and dental hygiene students and whether

  15. Perceived dentist and dental hygienist task distribution after dental and dental hygiene students' team intervention

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reinders, Jan J; Krijnen, Wim P; Stegenga, Boudewijn; van der Schans, Cees P

    Attitudes of dental students regarding the provision of treatment tend to be dentist-centered; however, facilitating mixed student group formation could change such perceptions. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceived scope of practice of dental and dental hygiene students and whether

  16. 75 FR 16511 - Pentron Clinical Technologies, a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Kerr Dental/Sybron Dental... (United States)


    ... produce dental materials such as dental prosthetics, dental composites, dental impressions, dental... materials such as dental prosthetics, dental composites, dental impressions, dental adhesives, and other... Technologies, a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Kerr Dental/Sybron Dental Specialities, Formally Known as Customedix...

  17. Prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental en niños escolares Prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in school children

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    Nayda Nasco Hidalgo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: determinar la prevalencia de lesiones incipientes de caries dental en los niños de 6-11 años de la escuela primaria "José A Echeverría," municipio Plaza de la Revolución en el período de enero a diciembre del 2006, identificar en el grupo estudiado, la frecuencia de niños según número de lesiones incipientes y la frecuencia de lesiones incipientes por ubicación del diente en la arcada y por superficie dentaria. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, el universo estuvo integrado por todos los niños que estuvieran en esas edades y que cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión, para un total de 236, los cuales fueron examinados al aire libre y con luz natural, utilizando el método visual- táctil suave. Los dientes se limpiaron con algodón y se secaron con peras de aire para detectar la presencia de lesiones incipientes de caries, las cuales fueron señalizadas en un modelo de dentigrama, en el lugar correspondiente a la superficie afectada. RESULTADOS: se halló que el 22,5 % de los escolares examinados presentaba estas lesiones, de ellos el 60,1 % correspondió al sexo femenino; el 19,5 % del total de niños presentó una lesión y sólo el 3% tenia dos lesiones incipientes de caries dental; el 79,2 % de las mismas se encontraron en los dientes posteriores, fueron las superficies lisas las más afectadas con un 45,3 %. CONCLUSIONES: Alrededor de la cuarta parte de los niños estudiados presentaron lesiones incipientes de caries, siendo el sexo femenino el más afectado. Del total de niños que poseían lesiones incipientes, la mayor cifra correspondió a los que presentaban una lesión. Los dientes posteriores fueron los más afectados por lesiones incipientes. Las superficies lisas mostraron más lesiones incipientes que las oclusales y proximalesOBJECTIVES: to determine the prevalence of incipient lesions of dental caries in children aged 6-11 of "José A Echeverría" Primary

  18. Estudio prospectivo de quistes de la lámina dental en neonatos venezolanos vih(+ y vih(-

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de quistes de la lámina dental en un grupo de neonatos venezolanos VIH (+ y VIH (- verticalmente expuestos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, analítico y descriptivo. Se recolectaron datos en neonatos VIH(+ y VIH (- verticalmente expuestos. Fueron examinados clínicamente con la técnica rodilla a rodilla y con iluminación de la lámpara de la unidad dental. Se analizó la información general obtenida de las madres. El tratamiento de los datos se realizó mediante el Programa SPSS versión 11 de la escuela de Estadística y Actuario de la Facultad de Economía Universidad Central de Venezuela. Resultados: La población estuvo conformada por 62 neonatos 32 VIH (+ Y 30 VIH(-. La ocupación de la madre en su mayoría eran amas de casa, 68% procedía de Caracas, 57% pertenecían al género masculino, el motivo de consulta de los expuestos fue el control 72% y el de VIH(+ emergencias 88%, el 83% presentaron quistes, con un predominio en el reborde maxilar. Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten destacar la importancia de la participación del odontopediatra dentro del equipo interdisciplinario que atiende a neonatos así como destacar la importancia del examen bucal del recién nacido.

  19. Magnetic resonance tomography and dental radiology (Dental-MRT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gahleitner, A.; Wien Univ.; Solar, P.; Ertl, L.; Nasel, C.; Homolka, P.; Youssefzadeh, S.; Schick, S.


    Purpose: To demonstrate the usefulness of Dental-MRT for imaging of anatomic and pathologic conditions of the mandible and maxilla. Methods: Seven healthy volunteers, 5 patients with pulpitis, 9 patients with dentigerous cysts, 5 patients after tooth transplantation and 12 patients with atrophic mandibles were evaluated. Studies of the jaws using axial T1- and T2-weighted gradient echo and spin echo sequences in 2D and 3D technique have been to performed. The acquired images were reconstructed with a standard dental software package on a workstation as panoramic and cross sectional views of the mandible or maxilla. Results: The entire maxilla and mandibula, teeth, dental pulp and the content of the mandibular canal were well depicted. Patients with inflammatory disease of the pulp chamber demonstrate bone marrow edema in the periapical region. Dentigerous cysts and their relation to the surrounding structures are clearly shown. After contrast media application marked enhancement of the dental pulp can be found. Conclusion: Dental-MRT provides a valuable tool for visualization and detection of dental diseases. (orig.) [de

  20. Burnout, depression and suicidal ideation in dental and dental hygiene students. (United States)

    Deeb, George R; Braun, Sarah; Carrico, Caroline; Kinser, Patricia; Laskin, Daniel; Golob Deeb, Janina


    The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between burnout, depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in dental and dental hygiene students and to evaluate the influence of gender, programme type and year of study. Third- and fourth-year dental (DS) and first- and second-year hygiene students (DHS) completed the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and an abbreviated Maslach Burnout Inventory online as measures of depressive symptoms/suicidality and burnout, respectively. The statistical analyses included summary statistics and tests for intergroup comparisons (chi-square) to evaluate the influence of gender, programme type (DHS or DS) and year of study. Correlations between depression, suicidality and burnout were also conducted. A total of 32 dental hygiene and 119 dental students participated. 40% of the dental and 38% of the hygiene students met criteria for burnout. No differences were found between years or between programmes. Nine per cent of both dental and hygiene students were above the cut-off for moderate depressive symptoms, but there were no statistical differences between the third- and fourth-year dental and the first- and second-year hygiene students. Six per cent of the dental and 9% of the dental hygiene students were above the cut-off for clinically significant suicidal ideation, but there were no statistical differences between dental and hygiene students. There were no differences noted in the dental students based on gender for any of the measures. Depression was significantly associated with all three subscales of burnout. Suicidal ideation was only significantly related to the lack of personal accomplishment subscale of burnout. These findings suggest the need for introducing preventive measures for such affective states in dental and dental hygiene training programmes. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Exploring Dental Providers' Workflow in an Electronic Dental Record Environment. (United States)

    Schwei, Kelsey M; Cooper, Ryan; Mahnke, Andrea N; Ye, Zhan; Acharya, Amit


    A workflow is defined as a predefined set of work steps and partial ordering of these steps in any environment to achieve the expected outcome. Few studies have investigated the workflow of providers in a dental office. It is important to understand the interaction of dental providers with the existing technologies at point of care to assess breakdown in the workflow which could contribute to better technology designs. The study objective was to assess electronic dental record (EDR) workflows using time and motion methodology in order to identify breakdowns and opportunities for process improvement. A time and motion methodology was used to study the human-computer interaction and workflow of dental providers with an EDR in four dental centers at a large healthcare organization. A data collection tool was developed to capture the workflow of dental providers and staff while they interacted with an EDR during initial, planned, and emergency patient visits, and at the front desk. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted on the observational data. Breakdowns in workflow were identified while posting charges, viewing radiographs, e-prescribing, and interacting with patient scheduler. EDR interaction time was significantly different between dentists and dental assistants (6:20 min vs. 10:57 min, p = 0.013) and between dentists and dental hygienists (6:20 min vs. 9:36 min, p = 0.003). On average, a dentist spent far less time than dental assistants and dental hygienists in data recording within the EDR.

  2. Quiste dentígero en niños

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    Fernanda Astrogilda de Sousa Feitosa


    Full Text Available Introducción: El quiste dentígero es el segundo tipo de quistes odontogénicos más frecuentes de los maxilares, desarrollándose a partir de alteraciones del epitelio del órgano del esmalte, donde ocurre una acumulación de líquido entre el epitelio y el esmalte. Por lo general está relacionado a la corona de un diente no erupcionado. Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los aspectos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de los quistes dentígero en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos indexados en la base de datos bibliográficos PUBMED® en el período comprendido entre febrero y marzo de 2015, mediante el descriptor "dentigerous cyst". Resultados: Se encontraron 147 artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Todos los artículos que trataban sobre quiste dentígero en niños fueron incluidos en este estudio. La literatura revisada destaca puntos importantes sobre la epidemiología, manejo y tratamiento de quiste dentígero en pacientes pediátricos. Conclusión: De los artículos revisados se puede concluir que el quiste dentígero es más frecuente en los niños del género masculino y con una edad media de 10 años. Afecta principalmente a la mandíbula y tanto la enucleación como la marsupialización están indicados para el tratamiento de quistes

  3. Dental caries experience and use of dental services among Brazilian prisoners. (United States)

    Cavalcanti, Alessandro Leite; Rodrigues, Iris Sant Anna Araujo; de Melo Silveira, Ingrid Thays; de Oliveira, Thaliny Batista Sarmento; de Almeida Pinto, Magaly Suenya; Xavier, Alidianne Fabia Cabral; de Castro, Ricardo Dias; Padilha, Wilton Wilney Nascimento


    This ross-sectional study involving 127 male prisoners evaluates the use of dental services and dental caries among Brazilian inmates. Data were collected by interview and clinical examination. Sociodemographic and sentencing information as well as use of dental services, self-reported dental morbidity, self-perception, and oral health impacts were investigated. The mean DMFT index value was 19.72. Of the components, the decayed component showed the highest mean value (11.06 ± 5.37). Statistically significant association was found between DMFTs with values from 22 to 32 and oral health satisfaction (p = 0.002), difficulty speaking (p = 0.024), shame of talking (p = 0.004) and smiling (p dental services, 80% had their last dental appointment less than one year ago, with most visits occurring in prison (80%), with restorative treatment (32%), followed by dental pain (26.4%), being the main reasons for such appointments. Most prisoners used dental services provided by the prison. Although restorative treatment has been the main reason for the use of dental services, "decayed" and "missing" components contributed to the high mean DMFT index.

  4. Cuidados paliativos buco-dentales. Un campo desatendido en odontología

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    Dairo Javier Marín Zuluaga


    Full Text Available Los cuidados paliativos se dan ante la presencia de una enfermedad avanzada, progresiva e incurable, que presenta falta de posibilidades razonables de respuesta al tratamiento especí co, y está muy relacionada con la presencia, explícita o no, de la muerte. En esta situación se pueden presentar múltiples problemas o síntomas intensos, multifactoriales y cambiantes que producen gran impacto emocional en el paciente, su familia y el equipo terapéutico. Aunque las personas que reciben cuidados paliativos, presentan frecuentemente problemas buco-dentales, la salud bucal es un área regularmente descuidada y el odontólogo no participa en los equipos de trabajo de cuidados paliativos. En este marco se hace necesario que tanto el cuidador como todos los profesionales de salud conformen y trabajen en equipo, pues esto favorece al paciente. Se pueden presentar múltiples problemas para el cuidado paliativo de la boca, pues las condiciones que presenta el paciente le pueden imposibilitar colaborar con el tratamiento-. Los profesionales y/o cuidadores no siempre poseen los conocimientos requeridos, bien sobre los cuidados buco-dentales, bien sobre las patologías de base y su implicación sobre la boca y su cuidado; además los profesionales y el personal encargado del cuidado, en ocasiones no consideran importante la salud buco-dental en el contexto de la salud general y la calidad de vida. Finalmente se pueden presentar barreras administrativas, económicas o socio-culturales, que di culten o impidan la realización de los cuidados paliativos buco-dentales. En este contexto resulta fundamental que el odontólogo conozca los problemas relacionados con la enfermedad y entienda su naturaleza; pero también que el equipo de atención reconozca la importancia de la boca y su adecuado estado y funcionamiento para la salud general y la calidad de vida. Los planes de intervención deben organizarse de acuerdo al riesgo clínico, a la

  5. Diagnostic methods for dental caries used by private dental ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the preference profiles of various types of diagnostic tools and methods used by private dental practitioners in Ankara for detecting dental caries. Methods: Private dental practitioners, in five districts of Ankara, were provided with questionnaires comprising demographic ...

  6. Dental students' part-time jobs in dental practices in the Netherlands. (United States)

    Poorterman, J H G; Dikkes, B T; Brand, H S


    In the Netherlands, the Individual Health Care Professions Act (IHCP Act) allows dental students, amongst other non-qualified individuals, to work under certain conditions in a dental practice. The aim of the study was to determine how many dental students have part-time employment in dental practice and which professional tasks they carry out. We also asked the dental students their opinion about the IHCP Act. All the enrolled dental students at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA) in the Netherlands received a questionnaire by e-mail. Within 1 month, two reminders were sent. The response was 44% (427 students). Of the responding students, 71% had paid employment in addition to their study. Twenty-five per cent of all students worked in a dental practice, usually 8 h a week. Study year and age were positively related to working part-time in dental practice. Activities frequently performed were providing chair side assistance, giving oral hygiene instruction, fluoride applications, scaling and root planning. The self-reported knowledge about the IHCP Act was positively related to study year and working in a dental practice. Hardly any information about the requirements of the IHCP Act with regard to delegation of tasks was provided by the employer. Many Dutch dental students work in a dental practice, taking over a variety of tasks. Although the self-reported knowledge about the IHCP Act was relatively high, many dental students expressed the need for more detailed information about the legal aspects of their tasks.


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    Manuel Roberto Sarmiento Limas


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-CO X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el grado de opacidad o translucidez de acuerdo a su tamaño de partícula que nos ofrecen las resinas compuestas para seleccionar cual es la ideal de acuerdo al grado de dificultad estética. Materiales Y Metodos: Se realizaron muestras de resina circunferenciales, distribuidos así: Filtek Z350 XT®, Premisa Direct®, Exthet-X HD®, Tetric N Ceram®, Helio Molar®, Vit-l-escense, Amleogen Plus®, Miris 2 ® y Brilliant NG ®. Y se realizaron lecturas de reflectancia y transmitancia a través del Espectrofotometro Cary 5000.  Resultados: Las muestras estudiadas presentan un comportamiento similar tanto en reflectancia como en transmitancia, encontrando dos extremos opuestos, uno hacia opacidad (dentinas y otro hacia translucidez (esmaltes, pero con un gran número de muestras con valores intermedios, y comportamiento similar que no permite clasificarlas como dentinas o esmaltes a pesar de la clasificación dada por cada marca. Amleogen Plus®, Vit - L- Escence® Y Esthet X HD®  son las marcas que presentan mayor diferencia en el comportamiento de sus esmaltes en comparación con sus dentinas, contrario a lo observado con Helio Molar®, Brilliant NG® y Tetric N Ceram®. En cuanto al tamaño de partícula no se encuentran diferencias significativas en su

  8. Factors related to dental health in 12-year-old children: a cross-sectional study in pupils Factors related to dental health in 12-year-old children: a cross-sectional study in pupils

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ernesto Smyth


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to identify factors related to the prevalence of caries in 12-year-old schoolchildren. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using a representative sample (n = 1217 of the population of 12-year-old schoolchildren in Galiza (northwest Spain. Independent variables were measured through a questionnaire, and dependent variables were determined through oral examination. Multiple and logistic regression were applied. Results: The decayed, missing and filled permanent teeth/decayed, filled primary teeth (DMFT-dft value in the sample was 1.83 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.67-1.98, the DMFT value was 1.53 (95% CI, 1.37-1.67, and the prevalence of caries was 61% (95% CI, 57.7-64.5. The prevalence of caries was directly related to a low frequency of brushing, greater use of toothpaste, and a higher consumption of sweets. The prevalence of caries was higher in rural than in urban areas. In contrast, the higher the mother's level of education and the greater the subject's knowledge of dental health, the lower the prevalence of caries. Conclusions: The main goals of dental health programmes should be to achieve quality brushing every day in children, to reduce the consumption of sweets, and to increase knowledge of dental health.Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a la prevalencia de caries en escolares de 12 años. Métodos: Estudio transversal sobre una muestra (n = 1.217 de escolares de 12 años de Galicia. Las variables independientes se midieron mediante un cuestionario y las dependientes, a través de exploración bucal. En el análisis estadístico se aplicaron regresión logística y regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: El índice CAO-co en la muestra fue 1,83 (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 1,67-1,98, el índice CAO 1,53 (IC del 95%, 1,37-1,67, mientras que la prevalencia de caries se situó en el 61% (IC del 95%, 57,7-64,5. La prevalencia de caries estuvo directamente asociada a

  9. Cariogenicity of the combination of sucrose with starch and effect of fluoride toothpaste on enamel and dentine demineralization = : Cariogenicidade da combinação de sacarose com amido e efeito de dentifrício fluoretado na desmineralização de esmalte e dentina


    Juliana Nunes Botelho


    Resumo: Sacarose é o carboidrato mais cariogênico da dieta e o amido é considerado não cariogênico para esmalte e moderadamente cariogênico para dentina. Por outro lado, a combinação de amido e sacarose (amido+sacarose) tem sido considerada mais cariogênica que apenas sacarose, mas esse ainda é um assunto em debate. Além do mais, o efeito do dentifrício fluoretado na cariogenicidade dessa combinação é desconhecido. Assim, com o objetivo de estudar esse assunto três experimentos foram conduzid...

  10. Surface Abrasion of Glazed Ceramic Tiles

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    Esposito, L.


    Full Text Available The characteristics of the proper surface of glazed ceramic tiles have a considerable influence on their mechanical response to the various stresses coming from the environment. In this regard, one of the most important parameters to define the correct use of these products is the wear behaviour of the proper surface. Since the glaze layer is the physical interface between the environment and ceramic body, its characteristics also determine the service life of the tile. The objective of the research reported here was to assess the influence of hardness, fracture toughness and porosity of the glaze layer on the wear behaviour of the proper surface of glazed ceramic tiles. The results obtained show a clear relationship between the characteristics of the glaze layer and the material removal in the form of normalised weight loss, which can be considered a useful tool to predict the wear behaviour of these products.

    Las características de la propia superficie de los azulejos cerámicos esmaltados tiene una influencia considerable en la respuesta mecánica de éstos a las distintas tensiones provenientes del entorno. De acuerdo con esto, uno de los parámetros más importantes que definen la correcta utilización de estos productos es el comportamiento ante el desgaste de la propia superficie. Debido a que la capa de esmalte es la conexión física entre el entorno y el cuerpo cerámico, sus características también determinan vida útil del azulejo. El objetivo de la investigación de la que damos cuenta aquí fue calcular la influencia de la dureza, resistencia a la fractura y porosidad de la capa de esmalte en el comportamiento ante el desgaste de la propia superficie de los azulejos cerámicos esmaltados. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una clara relación entre las características de la capa de esmalte y la eliminación del material en forma de pérdida de peso normalizada, que puede ser considerada como una herramienta útil para

  11. Dental Fear and Avoidance in Treatment Seekers at a Large, Urban Dental Clinic. (United States)

    Heyman, Richard E; Slep, Amy M Smith; White-Ajmani, Mandi; Bulling, Lisanne; Zickgraf, Hana F; Franklin, Martin E; Wolff, Mark S


    The prevalence and correlates of dental fear have been studied in representative population studies, but not in patients presenting for dental treatment. We hypothesized that dental fear among patients presenting at a large, urban college of dentistry would be similar to that of the population (e.g. 11% high dental fear, 17% to 35% moderate or higher fear) and that fear would be associated with avoidance of routine dental care, increased use of urgent dental care and poor oral health. Participants were 1070 consecutive patients at a large, urban dental care center. All patients completed a clinical interview, including demographics, medical history, dental history and presenting concerns, and behavioral health history. Patients were also asked to rate their dental anxiety/fear on a 1 (none) to 10 (high) scale. Over 20% of patients reported elevated anxiety/fear, of which 12.30% reported moderate and 8.75% high fear. Severity of dental anxiety/fear was strongly related to the likelihood of avoiding dental services in the past and related to myriad presenting problems. As hypothesized, the prevalence of moderate or higher fear in dental patients was considerable and closely matched that found in general population surveys. Thus, the 'dental home' is an ideal location to treat clinically significant dental anxiety/fear.

  12. Variaciones de la enzima fosfatasa alcalina en la pulpa dental Variations of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in the dental pulp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zoraida Pons Pinillos


    Full Text Available En las últimas décadas, numerosas investigaciones se han dedicado al estudio de los mecanismos potenciales implicados en el desarrollo de la caries dental y su prevención, sin embargo, a pesar de haber disminuido gradualmente el índice de caries en la población, son muchos los pacientes que necesitan tratarse la caries dental, tal es así que continuamente se están utilizando diferentes materiales en la búsqueda de aquel que ante una agresión a la pulpa, ayude a una respuesta biológica de la misma, conservando de esta forma su integridad. De ahí la importancia de la actividad de la fosfatasa alcalina de la pulpa en el proceso carioso, como una reacción ante el hidróxido de calcio que continuamente se está usando en toda la red docente-asistencial del país. Se seleccionaron 50 dientes monorradiculares, con pulpa viva y con caries de segundo, tercer y cuarto grado y 50 dientes sanos de pacientes de diferentes edades. Se extrajo la pulpa de cada diente y se realizaron improntas (3 por cada muestra, una de las cuales se procesó para obtener orientación morfológica, y las otras 2 para valorar la actividad de la fosfatasa alcalina. Para esto se utilizaron 2 métodos: el de calcio cobalto y el de alpha naftol fosfato de Gomori. Como resultado, se obtuvo que la pulpa tiene más actividad enzimática en caries profunda y que la edad del paciente no determina el aumento o disminución de dicha actividad.In the last decades, numerous investigations have been made on the study of potential mechanisms involved in the development of dental caries and their prevention. However, in spite of the gradual reduction of dental caries in the population, a lot of patients need to have their dental caries treated and different materials are continuously used searching for one that before the aggression to the pulp helps it to give a biological response, conserving this way its integrity. That's why the activity of the alkaline phosphatase of the pulp

  13. Exploring Dental Providers’ Workflow in an Electronic Dental Record Environment (United States)

    Schwei, Kelsey M; Cooper, Ryan; Mahnke, Andrea N.; Ye, Zhan


    Summary Background A workflow is defined as a predefined set of work steps and partial ordering of these steps in any environment to achieve the expected outcome. Few studies have investigated the workflow of providers in a dental office. It is important to understand the interaction of dental providers with the existing technologies at point of care to assess breakdown in the workflow which could contribute to better technology designs. Objective The study objective was to assess electronic dental record (EDR) workflows using time and motion methodology in order to identify breakdowns and opportunities for process improvement. Methods A time and motion methodology was used to study the human-computer interaction and workflow of dental providers with an EDR in four dental centers at a large healthcare organization. A data collection tool was developed to capture the workflow of dental providers and staff while they interacted with an EDR during initial, planned, and emergency patient visits, and at the front desk. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted on the observational data. Results Breakdowns in workflow were identified while posting charges, viewing radiographs, e-prescribing, and interacting with patient scheduler. EDR interaction time was significantly different between dentists and dental assistants (6:20 min vs. 10:57 min, p = 0.013) and between dentists and dental hygienists (6:20 min vs. 9:36 min, p = 0.003). Conclusions On average, a dentist spent far less time than dental assistants and dental hygienists in data recording within the EDR. PMID:27437058

  14. Dental anomalies and dental age assessment in treated children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (United States)

    Khojastepour, L; Zareifar, S; Ebrahimi, M


    This cross sectional study was performed to evaluate dental ages and incidence of dental anomalies in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). A total of 25 ALL patient who passed at least 2 years of chemotherapy and 25 healthy sex and age matched children were evaluated. Dental age as well as dental anomalies in shape, size, number, and structure was recorded based on their panoramic radiographies which were taken for dental purposes. The number of dental anomalies significantly increased in ALL treated children. Seven ALL cases (28%) in compression to only one (4%) in control group had at least one dental anomaly. However, there was neither statistically significant differences between the mean of dental (p=0.32) and chronologic age (p=0.12) in both groups, nor between dental age of cases and control group (p=0.62).The age at the onset of treatment as well as treatment durations has not affected dental age and the incidence of dental anomalies significantly (pdental anomaly. Dental age, maturity, and development process however seems to be independent from chemotherapy.

  15. Dental negligence. (United States)

    Tay, C S


    Medical and dental errors and negligence are again in the spotlight in recent news report. Dead because of doctor's bad handwriting Prescribing drug overdoses Germ-infested soap pumps--infections in hospitals This articles explains dental negligence including dental duty of care and the standard of care expected of dentists in relation to the Bolam principle.

  16. Recent trends in dental visits and private dental insurance, 1989 and 1999. (United States)

    Wall, Thomas P; Brown, L Jackson


    This article describes recent trends in dental visits and private dental insurance in the United States. This study is based on the analyses of data regarding dental visits and private dental insurance among the population 2 years of age or older from the 1989 and 1999 National Health Interview Surveys. Overall, the percentage of the population with a dental visit rose from 57.2 percent in 1989 to 64.1 percent in 1999, while the percentage with private dental insurance fell from 40.5 percent to 35.2 percent. Although a higher percentage of people with private dental insurance reported having a dental visit than did those without private dental insurance in both years, the increase from 1989 to 1999 in the percentage of those with a visit was larger among the uninsured. If this trend persists, a smaller portion of practicing dentist's clientele will be insured. This may affect demand for services, as well as front office operations.

  17. Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits Increase Use Of Dental Care, But Impact Of Expansion On Dental Services Use Was Mixed. (United States)

    Singhal, Astha; Damiano, Peter; Sabik, Lindsay


    Dental coverage for adult enrollees is an optional benefit under Medicaid. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have expanded eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Millions of low-income adults have gained health care coverage and, in states offering dental benefits, oral health coverage as well. Using data for 2010 and 2014 from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, we examined the impact of Medicaid adult dental coverage and eligibility expansions on low-income adults' use of dental care. We found that low-income adults in states that provided dental benefits beyond emergency-only coverage were more likely to have had a dental visit in the past year, compared to low-income adults in states without such benefits. Among states that provided dental benefits and expanded their Medicaid program, regression-based estimates suggest that childless adults had a significant increase (1.8 percentage points) in the likelihood of having had a dental visit, while parents had a significant decline (8.1 percentage points). One possible explanation for the disparity is that after expansion, newly enrolled childless adults might have exhausted the limited dental provider capacity that was available to parents before expansion. Additional policy-level efforts may be needed to expand the dental care delivery system's capacity. Project HOPE—The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.

  18. Predictors of dental avoidance among Australian adults with different levels of dental anxiety. (United States)

    Armfield, Jason M; Ketting, Manon


    It has been proposed that avoidance of dental visits might be the main determinant of poor oral health outcomes in people with high dental anxiety (HDA). This study aimed to determine the predictors of dental avoidance among people with HDA and also whether these predictors differed from those found in people with lower dental anxiety (LDA). Study participants (n = 596; response rate = 41.1%) comprised a random cross-sectional sample of the Australian adult population who completed a mailed self-complete questionnaire containing items relating to the use and accessibility of dental services, trust in dental professionals, dental anxiety, dental experiences, self-perceived oral health, vulnerability-related perceptions of visiting the dentist, and psychological health. Multiple imputation was used to replace missing values and statistically significant variables in bivariate analyses were entered into a multivariable logistic generalized linear model. More than two-thirds of participants with HDA were currently avoiding or delaying a dental visit. Among people with HDA, dental avoidance was independently and significantly predicted by difficulty paying a $300 dental bill, having no or only little trust in the last-visited dentist, perceived treatment need and dental anxiety. Among people with LDA, only perceived treatment need and dental anxiety predicted avoidance. In addition to their high anxiety, a number of additional barriers to dental visiting were found for people with HDA. These barriers, especially cost and communication issues with dentists, need to be addressed to assist people with HDA obtain necessary, regular dental care. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  19. Satisfaction with Dental Appearance and Attitude toward improving Dental Esthetics among Patients attending a Dental Teaching Center. (United States)

    Maghaireh, Ghada A; Alzraikat, Hanan; Taha, Nessrin A


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the factors influencing the satisfaction of dental appearance and attitude toward treatments to improve dental esthetics among patients attending a dental teaching center. A questionnaire was used to collect data of four background variables among 450 patients attended a dental teaching center in the city of Irbid in Jordan. The questionnaire enclosed self-reported questions about the appearance of anterior teeth, received esthetic treatment and desired treatment for improving esthetics. Descriptive, multiple logistic regression and Chi-square tests were used for data analysis (p ≤ 0.05). The 450 participants consisted of (66.2%) male and (33.8%) female. Of these, 69.3% were satisfied with their dental appearance and 58.0% with the color of their teeth. Esthetic restorations were the most received treatment (39.8%) and whitening of teeth was the most desired treatment (55.3%). The patients' satisfaction with dental appearance was influenced by teeth color, crowding and receiving whitening (p < 0.05. r = 0.561, r(2) = 0.315). The most desired esthetic treatments influenced by the satisfaction with dental appearance were esthetic restorations and orthodontics (p < 0.05. r = 0.223, r(2) = 0.05). Significantly more female reported having esthetic restorations and orthodontics (p = 0.008, 0.000) and desired to have orthodontic, crowns or veneers and esthetic restorations (p = 0.000, 0.015, 0.028). Satisfaction with dental appearance was affected by teeth color, feeling teeth are crowded, desire for esthetic restorations and orthodontic treatment. A high percentage of patients were not satisfied with the color of their teeth. Recognizing the factors that affect patients' satisfaction with their present dental appearance and attitude toward treatments to improve dental esthetic can guide clinicians to strategies to improve esthetics.

  20. Dental anxiety reduction and dental attendance after treatment in a dental fear clinic: A follow-up study.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aartman, I.H.A.; de Jongh, A.; Makkes, P.C.; Hoogstraten, J.


    The aim of the present study was to assess treatment outcome in terms of dental anxiety reduction at a post-treatment assessment and dental anxiety reduction and dental attendance one year later. Furthermore, it was determined to what extent psychopathological characteristics were related to

  1. Magnetic resonance tomography and dental radiology (Dental-MRT); Die Magnetresonanztomographie in der Dentalradiologie (Dental-MRT)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gahleitner, A. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Abt. fuer Osteologie; Wien Univ. (Austria). Abt. fuer Orale Chirurgie; Solar, P.; Ertl, L. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Abt. fuer Orale Chirurgie; Nasel, C.; Homolka, P. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Inst. fuer Biomedizinische Technik und Physik; Youssefzadeh, S.; Schick, S. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Abt. fuer Osteologie


    Purpose: To demonstrate the usefulness of Dental-MRT for imaging of anatomic and pathologic conditions of the mandible and maxilla. Methods: Seven healthy volunteers, 5 patients with pulpitis, 9 patients with dentigerous cysts, 5 patients after tooth transplantation and 12 patients with atrophic mandibles were evaluated. Studies of the jaws using axial T1- and T2-weighted gradient echo and spin echo sequences in 2D and 3D technique have been to performed. The acquired images were reconstructed with a standard dental software package on a workstation as panoramic and cross sectional views of the mandible or maxilla. Results: The entire maxilla and mandibula, teeth, dental pulp and the content of the mandibular canal were well depicted. Patients with inflammatory disease of the pulp chamber demonstrate bone marrow edema in the periapical region. Dentigerous cysts and their relation to the surrounding structures are clearly shown. After contrast media application marked enhancement of the dental pulp can be found. Conclusion: Dental-MRT provides a valuable tool for visualization and detection of dental diseases. (orig.) [German] Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Vorstellung der Untersuchungsmoeglichkeiten des Ober- und Unterkiefers mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (Dental-MRT) und ihre Anwendung bei der Diagnose zahnmedizinischer Erkrankungen. Sieben gesunde Probanden, 5 Patienten mit Pulpitis, 9 Patienten mit dentogenen Zysten, 5 Patienten nach Zahntransplantationen und 12 Patienten mit atrophem Unterkiefer wurden untersucht. Axiale T1- und T2-gewichtete Gradientenecho- und Spinecho-Sequenzen in 2D und 3D-Technik wurden durchgefuehrt. Nach der Untersuchung wurden zusaetzliche Panoramaschnitte und orhoradiale Rekonstruktionen des Ober- und Unterkiefers, unter Verwendung einer gebraeuchlichen Dental-Software, angefertigt. Der gesamte Ober- oder Unterkiefer, Zaehne, Pulpa und der Inhalt des Mandibularkanals koennen gut dargestellt werden. Patienten mit einer Entzuendung der

  2. Dental hygiene students' part-time jobs in dental practices in the Netherlands. (United States)

    Poorterman, J H G; Dikkes, B T; Brand, H S


    Many students have paid employment while studying. In the Netherlands, the Individual Health Care Professions Act (IHCP Act) allows dental hygiene students to work under certain conditions in a dental practice. The aim of the study was to determine how many dental hygiene students have part-time job employment in dental practice and which professional tasks they carry out. We also asked the dental hygiene students their opinion of the IHCP Act. All the enrolled dental hygiene students (n = 341) at a School of Health in the Netherlands received a questionnaire by email. The response was 52% (176 students). Of the responding students, 75% had paid employment in addition to their study. A proportion of the students (35%) worked in a dental practice. The median number of hours worked per week was eight. Study year, age and prior education were positively related to working part-time in dental practice. Activities frequently performed were giving oral hygiene instruction, fluoride applications, scaling and root planning, providing chair side assistance and giving local anaesthesia. Although the self-reported knowledge about the IHCP Act was high, almost half of the students expressed the need for more detailed legal information. Many dental hygiene students work in a dental practice, taking over a number of tasks usually performed by the dentist. More information in the dental hygiene curriculum about the requirements of the IHCP Act seems desirable.

  3. Relationships between dental personnel and non-dental primary health care providers in rural and remote Queensland, Australia: dental perspectives. (United States)

    Stuart, Jackie; Hoang, Ha; Crocombe, Len; Barnett, Tony


    Collaboration between dental practitioners and non-dental primary care providers has the potential to improve oral health care for people in rural and remote communities, where access to oral health services is limited. However, there is limited research on collaboration between these professional disciplines. The purpose of this paper was to explore the relationships between dental practitioners and non-dental primary care providers from rural and remote areas of Queensland and to identify strategies that could improve collaboration between these disciplines from the perspective of dental participants. Semi-structured interviews were conducted between 2013 and 2015 with visiting, local and regional dental practitioners (n = 12) who had provided dental services to patients from eight rural and remote Queensland communities that did not have a resident dentist. Participants were purposely recruited through a snow ball sampling technique. Interview data were analysed using thematic analysis with the assistance of QSR Nvivo v.10. Four major themes emerged from the data: (1) Communication between dental practitioners and rural primary care providers; (2) Relationships between dental and primary care providers; (3) Maintenance of professional dualism; (4) Strategies to improve interprofessional relationships (with subthemes: face to face meetings; utilisation of technology; oral health training for primary care providers; and having a community based oral health contact person). Participants observed that there was a lack of communication between the dental providers who saw patients from these rural communities and the primary care providers who worked in each community. This was attributed to poor communication, the high turnover of staff and the siloed behaviours of some practitioners. Visiting dental practitioners were likely to have stronger professional relationships with hospital nursing, administrative and allied health care staff who were often long term

  4. On dental caries and dental erosion in Swedish young adults. (United States)

    Isaksson, Helén


    All children in Sweden are entitled to regular, free dental care up to 20 years of age. While dental caries generally continues to decline, still there is a pronounced skewness in caries prevalence. Furthermore, the reported increase in dental erosion in young adults is cause for concern. The aim was to study the prevalence of dental caries and dental erosion in a cohort of Swedish 20 year-olds, with special reference to the influence of previous caries experience and lifestyle as well as parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. The study was prospective, longitudinal and cross-sectional in design and based on registration of caries lesions, dental erosion, body adiposity status, saliva sampling, interviews, and questionnaires at 20 years of age. Data were available for the same cohort at 1, 3, 6 and 15 years of age. 499 subjects (74 percent of the original cohort) were included. Five individuals were subsequently excluded, leaving a final sample of 494. 74 percent of the subjects had initial and/or manifest caries lesions and/or restorations. The mean number of DimFS was 5.8 and the mean number of DmFS on occlusal surfaces of molars was 1.1. There was a strong relationship between caries activity at 3 and 6 years of age and approximal caries prevalence in premolars and molars at 20 years of age. Overweight/obese individuals had significantly higher caries prevalence than normal weight individuals. Parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors during infancy were related to approximal caries at age 20. Dental erosion was found in 75 percent of the individuals: 18 percent of these had extensive erosion. There was a significant association between caries and dental erosion. A relationship was found between dental erosion and lifestyle factors and overweight/obesity. There is a strong relationship between caries prevalence at age 20 and caries experience in early childhood. Young adults show a high prevalence of dental erosion, but the severity is

  5. Estimación de la edad dental en un grupo de niños venezolanos utilizando el método de Nolla

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    A. Carolina Medina


    Full Text Available La edad dental es un indicador de maduración corporal de importancia clínica en Odontología para la planificación del tratamiento de pacientes en crecimiento. El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer la precisión de la determinación de la edad dental calculada con el método Nolla, en un grupo de niños y niñas del Área Metropolitana de Caracas. Materiales y Métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra estratificada por edad y género incluyendo 238 radiografías panorámicas de elevada calidad de personas sanas con edades entre 5 y 13 años. Se calculó la diferencia entre la edad cronológica y dental distribuyéndola entre géneros y grupos de edad. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando pruebas de correlación (Pearson, y diferencias entre medias t -Student, ANOVA, fijando p<0,05. El coeficiente k intraobservador fue de 0,68. Resultados: La correlación entre la edad dental cronológica y la edad dental fue de 0,92 años (p=0,01. La formación dental se presentó retrasada en varones al compararla con la de las hembras, alcanzando significación estadística sólo para los caninos y primer premolar superior. Para el total, la diferencia entre la edad dental y cronológica fue estadísticamente significativa, registrándose una subestimación de la edad en -0,88 ± 0,94 años (p=0,01. La subestimación fue mayor para las hembras (-1,04±0,93 años que para los varones (-0,72±0,94 años. Conclusión: Se concluye que el Método de Nolla puede ser utilizado para la identificación de etapas de formación dental en la población de niños y niñas venezolanos, aunque carece de precisión para el cálculo de su edad dental.

  6. 78 FR 2647 - Dental Devices; Reclassification of Blade-Form Endosseous Dental Implant (United States)


    .... FDA-2012-N-0677] Dental Devices; Reclassification of Blade-Form Endosseous Dental Implant AGENCY: Food...) is proposing to reclassify the blade- form endosseous dental implant, a preamendments class III... proposing to revise the classification of blade-form endosseous dental implants. DATES: Submit either...

  7. Creation of a scholars program in dental leadership (SPDL) for dental and dental hygiene students. (United States)

    Taichman, Russell S; Green, Thomas G; Polverini, Peter J


    There is a great need for leaders in the dental profession. As technological advances make our world smaller and our lives faster and more complex, we as a profession face challenges and opportunities that are evolving. Many of the changes in the scope and mode of practice will require new and different approaches. Meeting these challenges will require changes in how we as dental professionals do business; interact with our patients, other stakeholders, and health care providers; and educate our future colleagues. The purposeful incorporation of leadership education into dental and dental hygiene curricula represents an important departure from existing paradigms-but will help prepare our students to address these challenges. This article provides an overview of the development of a Scholars Program in Dental Leadership (SPDL) at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Our aim for the program is to create a learning environment that fosters leadership development, so that students are prepared and motivated to assume leadership positions in the profession and their communities.

  8. Dental Implant Surgery (United States)

    ... here to find out more. Dental Implant Surgery Dental Implant Surgery Dental implant surgery is, of course, ... to find out more. Wisdom Teeth Management Wisdom Teeth Management An impacted wisdom tooth can damage neighboring ...

  9. Hombres que tienen sexo con hombres y detección del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en odontología

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    Jesús Eduardo Elizondo


    implementation of rapid HIV-1/2 testing in the dental practice, and to evaluate MSM's perceptions of stigma and discrimination related to sexual orientation by dental care professionals. Methods: Cross-sectional study using a self-administered, anonymous, structured analytical questionnaire answered by 185 MSM in Mexico. The survey included sociodemographic variables, MSM's perceptions towards public and private dental providers, and dental services, as well as their perception towards rapid HIV-1/2 testing in the dental practice. In addition, the perception of stigma and discrimination associated with their sexual orientation was explored by designing a psychometric Likert-type scale. The statistical analysis included factor analysis and non-hierarchical cluster analysis. Results: 86.5% of the respondents expressed their willingness to take a rapid HIV-1/2 screening test during their dental visit. Nevertheless, 91.9% of them considered it important that dental professionals must be well-trained before administering any rapid HIV-1/2 tests. Factor analysis revealed two factors: experiences of sexual orientation stigma and discrimination in dental settings, and feelings of concern about the attitude of the dentist and dental staff towards their sexual orientation. Based on these factors and cluster analysis, three user profiles were identified: users who have not experienced stigma and discrimination (90.3%; users who have not experienced stigma and discrimination, but feel a slight concern (8.1%, and users who have experienced some form of discrimination and feel concern (1.6%. Conclusion: The dental practice may represent a potential location for rapid HIV-1/2 testing contributing to early HIV infection diagnosis. Palabras clave: Serodiagnóstico de sida, Prevención del VIH/sida, Odontología en salud pública, Personal de odontología, Hombres que tienen sexo con hombres, Estudios transversales, Psicometría, México, Keywords: AIDS serodiagnosis, HIV/AIDS prevention, Public

  10. Infant dental care (image) (United States)

    ... sugar water. As the child grows, establishing proper dental hygiene will promote healthy teeth and gums which are essential to overall good health. Poor dental development, dental disease, and dental trauma can result ...

  11. Evaluación de una crema dental con extracto de cuproclorofila

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del cepillado con crema dental que contiene extracto de cuproclorofila en 23 niños de 10 años (otros 23 niños se tomaron como control. Se observaron reducciones significativas según chi cuadrado en cuanto a la infección por Streptococcus mutans, la acumulación de placa dentobacteriana y en la inflamación gingival del grupo tratado con respecto al control.The effect of tooth brushing with a dentrifice containing cuprochlorophyll extract in 23 children aged 10 (other 23 were selected as controls was evaluated. Significant reductions were observed according to Chi square test as regards the infection caused by Streptococcus mutans, the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the gingival inflammation of the group treated compared with the controls.

  12. Dental Environmental Noise Evaluation and Health Risk Model Construction to Dental Professionals


    Ma, Kuen Wai; Wong, Hai Ming; Mak, Cheuk Ming


    Occupational noise is unavoidably produced from dental equipment, building facilities, and human voices in the dental environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of occupational noise exposure on the dental professionals’ health condition. The psychoacoustics approach noise exposure assessment followed by the health risk assessment was carried on at the paediatric dentistry clinic and the dental laboratory in the Prince Philip Dental Hospital of Hong Kong. The A-weigh...

  13. Prevalence of Dental Fear and Anxiety amongst Patients in Selected Dental Clinics in Ghana (United States)

    Ofori, Marian A.; Adu-Ababio, F.; Nyako, E. A.; Ndanu, Tom A.


    Objective: To find out the prevalence of dental anxiety and fear amongst patients in various selected dental clinics in Accra, Ghana. Study design: Dental patients (n = 279) who had either been exposed to dental treatments or had no prior dental exposure, attending four selected dental clinics in Accra were randomly sampled. They were interviewed…

  14. Hand hygiene amongst dental professionals in a tertiary dental clinic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To evaluate hand washing attitude and practices among Dentists and Dental Students treating patients in a Nigerian Tertiary Dental Clinic. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey of Dentists and Dental Students treating patients in University of Benin Teaching Hospital was conducted between February ...

  15. Dental laboratory communication regarding removable dental prosthesis design in the UAE. (United States)

    Haj-Ali, Reem; Al Quran, Firas; Adel, Omar


    The purpose of this study was to determine the methods dental practitioners in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) use to communicate cast removable dental prosthesis (RDP) design to dental laboratories; identify common practices taken by dentists/dental technicians prior to fabrication of RDP framework; and seek out dental technicians' attitudes toward their role in RDP design decisions. All dental laboratories (n = 28) listed in a local telephone directory were invited to complete a questionnaire through a face-to-face interview. They were also requested to examine RDP cases fabricated in the past 2 months and identify steps taken by dentists/dental technicians prior to fabrication of the framework. Descriptive statistics were used to report frequencies and percentages. Twenty-one (75%) dental laboratories agreed to participate, out of which 19 had the facilities to fabricate chrome-cobalt RDPs. Cast RDPs comprised approximately 4.04% (±2.67) of services provided. A reported 84.2% of dentists frequently communicate through generic lab script, with 89.5% rarely/never giving details regarding RDP design. While 52.6% of labs agree/strongly agree that it is the dentist's responsibility to decide the final RDP design, 94.7% agree/strongly agree that dentists should depend on dental technicians for design-making decisions. A total of 19 RDP cases were reviewed. All 19 were surveyed and designed by dental technicians but received dentist approval of design prior to fabrication. Thirteen (68.4%) had rest-seat preparations done by dentists after approval, and new impressions sent to the lab. No other tooth modifications were noted. The responsibility of RDP design appeared to be largely delegated to dental technicians. Importance of tooth modifications seemed to be undervalued and not completed prior to framework fabrication. © 2012 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  16. Pediatric dental chair vs. traditional dental chair: A pediatric dentist′s poll

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khushboo Barjatya


    Full Text Available Objective: Proper positioning of the child patient, can not only have positive ramifications for the operator′s posture, comfort, and career longevity - it can also lead to better treatment and increased productivity. The aim of the survey questionnaire was to assess the utilization, need, and attitude concerning dental chairs among pediatric dentist while working on and managing the child patient. Study Design: The questions were structured using adobe forms central online software, regarding the user-friendliness of pediatric dental chair vs. traditional adult dental chair available in the market. Results: Our result shows that out of 337 respondents, 79% worked on pediatric dental chair, whereas 21% had no experience of it. Of these 79% pediatric dentist, 48% preferred pediatric dental chair. But pediatric dental problem still has certain disadvantages like higher cost, leg space problem, lower availability, etc. Conclusion: During the research it was found that ergonomics and usability issues were the main problems. Thus, pediatric dental chair is not so popular in the current scenario. This study allowed for general ideas for the improvement of dental chairs and thus improved dental chair would fill the gap in the current scenario.

  17. Organisational aspects of dental practices: do dental students think like patients or like general dental practitioners? (United States)

    Sonneveld, R E; Brands, W G; Bronkhorst, E M; Welie, J V M; Truin, G J


    In view of transparency in health care, the widespread desire for more patient-centred care, and in an attempt to facilitate educational programmes that effectively respond to these changes, two research questions are formulated: (i) How do dental students rate the importance of various organisational aspects of dental practices compared with dental patients and general dental practitioners (GDPs), and what prescripts, defined as specific operational responsibilities of GDPs in these matters, do dental students propose? and (ii) In doing so, do students resemble patients or GDPs? In two survey studies, dental students (n = 198), patients (n = 3127) and GDPs (n = 303) were asked to rate by questionnaire the importance of 41 organisational aspects of a general dental practice and proposed specific operational responsibilities ('prescripts'). Seven of 41 aspects were rated as important by the majority of the students. Although in a different rank order, three aspects were predominantly selected by all three groups: continuing education, accessibility by telephone and Dutch-speaking GDP. For most aspects, significant differences were found between the prescripts proposed by students and those proposed by patients, and few differences were found between students and GDPs. The findings do not permit the general conclusion that the views of dental students resemble those of patients or GPDs. Looking at the overall rank order, the three respondent groups showed a great resemblance although significant differences were found for specific aspects. With regard to the proposed prescripts, students showed realistic views and the majority wants to participate in continuing education and work with protocols and guidelines. In this, they tend to resemble GDPs more than they resemble patients. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  18. Dental education in Peru. (United States)

    Komabayashi, Takashi; Sato, Manuel; Rodiguez, Lyly; Sato, Doris; Bird, William F


    This paper provides information about Peru's dental history and dental school system, including the curriculum and dental licensure. With the increase in the number of dental schools in Peru, the number of dentists is also increasing. Until 1965, Peru had only three dental schools; currently, there are 14. Four of these dental schools are public, and ten are private. A five- or six-year dental program leads to the B.D.S. degree. After successful completion of a thesis defense or competency examination, the D.D.S. degree is awarded. The D.D.S. is mandatory for practicing dentistry in Peru. Currently, there are approximately 14,000 active dentists, with a dentist-patient ratio of approximately 1:2,000.

  19. U.S. Dental School Deans’ Perceptions of the Rising Cost of Dental Education and Borrowing Pressures on Dental Students: Report of Survey Results. (United States)

    McAllister, Dora Elías; Garrison, Gwen E; Feldman, Cecile A; Anderson, Eugene L; Cook, Bryan J; Valachovic, Richard W


    This report presents findings from a survey of U.S. dental school deans designed to capture their perceptions regarding the rising cost of dental education and its impact on borrowing by dental students to finance their education. The survey included questions about factors influencing the cost of dental education, concerns about dental student borrowing, and financial awareness resources for students. The survey was distributed to the deans of all 63 U.S. dental schools in January 2013; 42 deans responded, for a 67% response rate. The results indicate that, according to the responding deans, new clinical technologies, technology costs, and central university taxes are the main factors that contribute to the increasing cost of dental education. Coupled with reduced state appropriations at public dental schools and declines in private giving at all dental schools, dental school deans face a perplexing set of financial management challenges. Tuition and fees are a primary source of revenue for all dental schools; however, many deans do not have total control over the cost of attending their schools since tuition and fees are often tied to mandates and policies from the parent university and the state legislature. The findings of this study indicate that U.S. dental school deans are aware of and concerned about the impact of increases in tuition and fees on dental student debt and that they are using a variety of strategies to address the growth in dental student borrowing.

  20. Barriers and Drawbacks of the Assessment of Dental Fear, Dental Anxiety and Dental Phobia in Children: A Critical Literature Review. (United States)

    Asl, Aminabadi Naser; Shokravi, Marzieh; Jamali, Zahra; Shirazi, Sajjad

    Dental anxiety, fear and phobia have different etiology, response patterns, time courses, and intensities that justify a clear distinction between these constructs. Differentiation of dental anxiety, fear or phobia in practice is a critical prerequisite for developing and implementing effective treatment for children. The aim of this study was to investigate whether current researches in the pediatric dentistry appropriately discriminate the central construct of dental anxiety, fear and phobia. We also highlighted the specific methodological issues in the assessment of these issues in pediatric dentistry. A systematic search was conducted in Pubmed/medline and Scopus for articles which assessed dental anxiety, fear or phobia in children. 104 research papers were included in the review that had made a distinction between dental anxiety, fear and phobia and had not used them interchangeably. Only five studies used different clinical measures or cut-offs to discriminate between dental anxiety, fear and phobia. The dental literature appears unable to capture and also measure the multi-sided construct of dental anxiety, fear and phobia and, therefore, there was a tendency to use them interchangeably.

  1. [Oral and dental health and oral and dental support of home patients--role of dental hygienist in the home service nursing station]. (United States)

    Hayashi, T; Kimura, M; Tamura, N; Hirata, S; Yabunaka, T; Kamimura, Y


    Home patients have few chances for going out, so communication with their family means a lot. Talking and eating are particular pleasures. Therefore, oral and dental health and oral and dental support are very important for home patients. A dental hygienist from our clinic visits and offers oral and dental health (oral care) and oral and dental support (oral rehabilitation) to home patients as part of a care plan with home care nurses. Moreover, as general conditions are closely related with oral function, maintaining oral and dental health and regular oral and dental support are very important in order to improve the quality of life (QOL) of home patients.

  2. Conocimiento sobre salud buco-dental de las embarazadas. Consultorio La California. 2012


    Yero Mier, Ileana María; García Rodríguez, Marisel; Reytor Saavedra, Eduardo; Nazco Barrios, Lidia Ester


    Fundamento: existe desconocimiento sobre salud bucal de las embarazadas, como consecuencia acuden con frecuencia a los servicios de estomatología. Objetivo: identificar el nivel de conocimiento sobre salud buco-dental en pacientes embarazadas del Consultorio La California. 2012. Metodología: se realizó estudio observacional descriptivo. La población y la muestra fueron 93 embarazadas que asistieron a la consulta estomatológica. Se analizaron diferentes afecciones e identificación de factores ...

  3. Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa in Dental and Dental Hygiene Curricula. (United States)

    Gross, Karen B. W.; And Others


    Dentists and dental hygienists are in a unique position to identify an eating disorder patient from observed oral manifestations and to refer the patient for psychological therapy. The inclusion of information on general and oral complications of bulimia and anorexia nervosa in dental and dental hygiene curriculum was examined. (MLW)

  4. A Mid-Level Dental Provider in Oregon: Dental hygienists' perceptions. (United States)

    Coplen, Amy E; Bell, Kathryn; Aamodt, Gail L; Ironside, Lynn


    Purpose: Many states are exploring alternative provider models and examining the role of the dental hygienist to address access to care challenges as the United States continues to face increasing demands for oral healthcare services. The purpose of this study was to assess dental hygienists' opinions in the state of Oregon regarding the current limitations of dental hygienists' scope of practice, perceived need for a mid-level provider in Oregon, and personal interest in becoming a mid-level provider. Methods: In December 2013 a survey was mailed to a sample of 1,231 dental hygienists registered in Oregon representing 30% of the licentiates. All licentiates holding expanded practice permits (EPP) were included in the sample (n=351). The following categories were included in the 32-question survey: scope of practice, mid-level provider, current practice, and demographics. Results: A total of 440 surveys were returned for a response rate of 36%. Of the EPP holders, 51% responded to the survey. Over half of respondents (59%) believe that a mid-level provider is needed in the state. Respondents holding membership in the American Dental Hygienists' Association, as well as EPP holders, were significantly more likely to respond that a mid-level dental provider was needed in the state (plevel provider was introduced in Oregon, the new provider should be a registered dental hygienist model. Forty-three percent (n=186) of respondents were interested in becoming mid-level providers and 47% (n=203) of respondents believed that the minimum education for a mid-level provider should be a bachelor's degree. The majority, 74% (n=137), of those interested in becoming a mid-level provider indicated a preference in completing their education through online teaching combined with a clinical internship. Conclusion: There is strong support from dental hygienists in Oregon that a need exists for a mid-level dental provider and that this provider model should be dental hygiene based

  5. General dental practitioner's views on dental general anaesthesia services. (United States)

    Threlfall, A G; King, D; Milsom, K M; Blinkhom, A S; Tickle, M


    Policy has recently changed on provision of dental general anaesthetic services in England. The aim of this study was to investigate general dental practitioners' views about dental general anaesthetics, the reduction in its availability and the impact on care of children with toothache. Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and clinical case scenarios. General dental practitioners providing NHS services in the North West of England. 93 general dental practitioners were interviewed and 91 answered a clinical case scenario about the care they would provide for a 7-year-old child with multiple decayed teeth presenting with toothache. Scenario responses showed variation; 8% would immediately refer for general anaesthesia, 25% would initially prescribe antibiotics, but the majority would attempt to either restore or extract the tooth causing pain. Interview responses also demonstrated variation in care, however most dentists agree general anaesthesia has a role for nervous children but only refer as a last resort. The responses indicated an increase in inequalities, and that access to services did not match population needs, leaving some children waiting in pain. Most general dental practitioners support moving dental general anaesthesia into hospitals but some believe that it has widened health inequalities and there is also a problem associated with variation in treatment provision. Additional general anaesthetic services in some areas with high levels of tooth decay are needed and evidence based guidelines about caring for children with toothache are required.

  6. Disparities in unmet dental need and dental care received by pregnant women in Maryland. (United States)

    Singhal, Astha; Chattopadhyay, Amit; Garcia, A Isabel; Adams, Amy B; Cheng, Diana


    To examine prenatal dental care needs, utilization and oral health counseling among Maryland women who delivered a live infant during 2001-2003 and identify the factors associated with having a dental visit and having an unmet dental need during pregnancy. Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System is an ongoing population based surveillance system that collects information of women's attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy. Logistic regression was used to model dental visits and unmet dental need using predictor variables for Maryland 2001-2003 births. Less than half of all women reported having a dental visit and receiving oral health advice during pregnancy. Twenty-five percent of women reported a need for dental care, of which 33 % did not receive dental care despite their perceived need. Multivariate modeling revealed that racial minorities, women who were not married and those with annual income dental visit. Women who were not married, had low annual income, were older than 40 years of age, had an unintended pregnancy and received prenatal care later than desired were most likely to have an unmet dental need during pregnancy. Despite reported needs and existing recommendations to include oral health as a component of prenatal care, less than half of pregnant women have a dental visit during their pregnancy. One-third of women with a dental problem did not have a dental visit highlighting the unmet need for dental care during pregnancy.

  7. Child dental anxiety, parental rearing style and dental history reported by parents. (United States)

    Krikken, J B; Vanwijk, A J; Tencate, J M; Veerkamp, J S


    To examine the relationship between self-reported parental rearing style, parent's assessment of their child's dental anxiety and the dental history of children. Parents of primary school children were asked to complete questionnaires about their parenting style, using four different questionnaires. Parents also completed the Child Fear Survey Schedule Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS) on behalf of their child and a questionnaire about the dental history of their child. 454 interview forms were available for analysis. Minor associations were found between dental anxiety and parenting style. Anxious parents were more permissive and less restrictive in their parenting style. Parents of children who did not visit their dentist for regular check-ups reported more laxness and less restrictiveness. Children who had a cavity at the time of investigation, children who had suffered from toothache in the past and children who did not have a nice and friendly dentist reported more dental anxiety. No clear associations between parenting style and dental anxiety were found. Known causes of dental anxiety were confirmed.

  8. Patterns of dental services and factors that influence dental services among 64-65 year-old regular users of dental care in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Rosing, Kasper; Lempert, Susanne Merethe


    to dental status and caries experience. Finally, to discuss the future planning of dental services aimed at the increasing population of elderly citizens. [Correction made on 21 March 2014, after first online publication: The sentence ‘Data on elderly's dental service are scarce, although increased use....... Conclusion For future planning of dental care for elderly, dental status, geographical and social area-based factors and to some degree gender, income, and education must be taken into consideration as all these factors seem to influence the future demand for dental services....

  9. Evaluación de la edad dental en niños venezolanos utilizando el método de Schour y Massler

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Objetivo: La presente investigación pretende determinar la precisión del método propuesto por Schour y Massler para la estimación de la edad dental en un grupo de niños Venezolanos que asistió al Servicio de Ortodoncia de Interceptiva de la Universidad Central de Venezuela en el período de 2001-2011. Materiales y métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra estratifi por edad y sexo incluyendo radiografías panorámicas de alta calidad tomadas a pacientes sanos con edades de 4 a 10 años. Se determinó estadio de erupción (con barrera ósea, sin barrera ósea, en plano oclusal y formación radicular (etapas de Nolla en la muestra, comparando las medias con las tablas de Schour y Massler (ANOVA p=0.05 distribuyendo por rangos de edad. Resultados: La erupción dental fue similar a la graficada en las tablas de Schour y Massler, con un adelanto estadísticamente significavo para el incisivo central inferior y retardo para del primer premolar superior y segundo premolar inferior. La formación radicular estuvo retrasada en comparación con las tablas, siendo estadísticamente signifi\tpara las etapas fi\tde formación radicular del incisivo lateral inferior, el primer premolar superior, segundos premolares y segundo molar superior. Conclusiones: La estimación de edad dental utilizando las tablas de Schour y Massler fue apropiada en esta muestra de niños Venezolanos.

  10. Gender differences in first-year dental students' motivation to attend dental school. (United States)

    Scarbecz, Mark; Ross, Judith A


    Women's role in the field of dentistry has historically been limited to the dental auxiliary fields, rather than that of D.D.S. or D.M.D. Today, women are nearly 38 percent of U.S. dental school students and 14 percent of active practitioners. The slow(er) influx of women into dentistry has been little studied by dental educators. During the 2000-01 academic year, we conducted a survey of first-year dental students at a sample of publicly funded U.S. dental schools. The purpose of the survey was to assess gender differences in motives for pursuing a dental career. The data show that male dental students rate self-employment and business-related motives as more important, while female dental students rate people-oriented motives more highly. Factor analysis revealed four distinct clusters of motives for pursuing a dental career: a financial motive, a business-oriented motive, a people-oriented or caring motive, and a flexibility motive. Women scored significantly higher than men on the caring factor, whereas the reverse was true on the business factor. Male and female students rated financial and flexibility motives equally. The implications of the results for attracting students to the profession of dentistry are discussed.

  11. Reasons for late seeking of dental care among dental patients ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Reasons for delayed reporting for oral care were negligence (53.5%); poor dental services or visited but not treated (19.4%); financial reasons (14.8%); and dental fear (12.3%). Seventy seven percent of respondents who had toothache due to advanced dental caries were aware that the aching tooth was decayed, of which, ...

  12. Dental esthetic satisfaction, received and desired dental treatments for improvement of esthetics. (United States)

    Akarslan, Zühre Zafersoy; Sadik, Burak; Erten, Hüya; Karabulut, Erdem


    The purposes of this research were to investigate factors influencing patients' satisfaction with their present dental esthetic, received previous dental treatments on anterior teeth and basic treatments that they wanted to undergo to improve their dental appearance. A total of 1014 patients who attended a dental school in a major city in Turkey participated in the study. The participants were surveyed with a questionnaire containing questions about gender, age, education level, self-reported tooth appearance, received previous dental treatments on anterior teeth and desired basic esthetic dental treatments. Statistical analysis of the verifying data was made with descriptive statistics, chi2 test and multiple logistic regression analyses. According to the analyses of the verifying data, 55.1% of the patients were dissatisfied with the color of their teeth, 42.7% with dental appearance, 29.9% with crowding of anterior teeth, 23.3% were hiding teeth while smiling, 16.1% had non-esthetic restorations and 11.9% thought that their anterior teeth were protruding. Esthetic restoration was found to be the most-performed treatment recently (29.0%) and whitening of teeth was the most-desired dental treatment (49.0%). Gender, age and education level had an effect on satisfaction and received previous and desired dental treatments for improvement of esthetics. Many of the Turkish patients surveyed in the study were dissatisfied and desired the improvement of dental esthetics. Therefore, dentists should consider this as an important dimension in their practice.

  13. Deposición electroforética de una porcelana dental sobre acero inoxidable austenítico 304

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vargas, G.


    Full Text Available An alternative technique for the production of dental restorations with porcelain, is the electrophoretic deposition (EPD. In this work, deposits of dental porcelain on stainless steel were obtained by EPD using water, ethanol and isopropanol as suspension mediums. The effect of the porcelain concentration, the intensity of the electric field and the suspension medium on the quantity of deposited mass were studied. All the tests were carried out at constant voltage, using a deposition time of 3 min. The particle size of the dental porcelain was in the range between 1.5 and 2.3 μm in the suspension. The results showed that the porcelain in the aqueous medium presented the major deposition velocity, in comparison with both ethanol and isopropanol. However, due to low the low suspension stability and hydrolysis of the water problems, the best coating finishes were obtained with ethanol. These results were obtained applying voltages between 70 and 150 V, for a deposition time of 3 min. Using isopropanol heterogeneous deposits were obtained due to the low suspension stability and to electrochemical reactions problems in the working electrodes, resulted from the high voltages application.

    Una técnica alternativa para la fabricación de restauraciones dentales con porcelana, es la deposición electroforética (EPD. En este trabajo depósitos de porcelana dental sobre acero inoxidable fueron obtenidos por EPD utilizando como medios de suspensión: agua, etanol e isopropanol. Se estudió el efecto de la concentración de porcelana, de la intensidad del campo eléctrico y del medio de suspensión sobre la cantidad de masa depositada. Todas las pruebas fueron realizadas a voltaje constante, utilizando un tiempo de deposición de 3 min. La porcelana dental utilizada presentó un intervalo de tamaño de partícula entre 1,5 y 2,3 μm. Los resultados mostraron que la porcelana en el medio acuoso presentó la mayor velocidad de deposición, en

  14. Low-dose Dental-CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gahleitner, A.; Imhof, H.; Homolka, P.; Fuerhauser, R.; Freudenthaler, J.; Watzek, G.


    Dental-CT is a relatively new, increasingly used investigation technique in dental radiology. Several authors have stated that the indication for Dental-CT has to be chosen on a strict basis, due to high dose values. This article describes the technique of performing dental-CT and calculates the effective dose based on published data and own measurements as well as the dose reduction potential to achieve an optimized protocol for Dental-CT investigations. (orig.) [de

  15. Marketing Dental Services | Tuominen | Tanzania Dental Journal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tanzania Dental Journal. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 9, No 1 (2000) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads. Username, Password, Remember me, or Register. Marketing Dental Services. R Tuominen. Abstract. No Abstract.

  16. Dental Radiographs Ordered by Dental Professionals: an ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conclusions: Even in resource limited settings dental caries is still the regular indication for taking dental radiographs, and periapical views are the most frequent type of radiograph ordered. Maxillary central incisors and mandibular molars were types of teeth commonly x-rayed mainly due to the aesthetic importance of the ...

  17. Proposal for internet-based Digital Dental Chart for personal dental identification in forensics. (United States)

    Hanaoka, Yoichi; Ueno, Asao; Tsuzuki, Tamiyuki; Kajiwara, Masahiro; Minaguchi, Kiyoshi; Sato, Yoshinobu


    A dental chart is very useful as a standard source of evidence in the personal identification of bodies. However, the kind of dental chart available will often vary as a number of types of odontogram have been developed where the visual representation of dental conditions has relied on hand-drawn representation. We propose the Digital Dental Chart (DDC) as a new style of dental chart, especially for open investigations aimed at establishing the identity of unknown bodies. Each DDC is constructed using actual oral digital images and dental data, and is easy to upload onto an Internet website. The DDC is a more useful forensic resource than the standard types of dental chart in current use as it has several advantages, among which are its ability to carry a large volume of information and reproduce dental conditions clearly and in detail on a cost-effective basis.

  18. Aguja dental rota en el espacio pterigomandibular. Reporte de un caso


    Ghersi Miranda, Hugo; Martinez López, Alan


    Los accidentes por fractura de agujas dentales durante la colocación de anestesia, son infrecuentes.Dentro de las zonas más afectadas con esta complicación es el espacio pterigo mandibular, almomento de realizar el bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior. Los motivos por los cuales sepueden fracturar las agujas son varios, inicialmente se debió al material poco flexible con el queeran construídas, luego que se mejoró la aleación, permitiéndole mayor resistencia, la fractura sedebe principalmente...

  19. The importance of dental aesthetics among dental students assessment of knowledge


    Manipal, Sunayana; Mohan, C. S. Anand; Kumar, D. Lokesh; Cholan, Priyanka K.; Ahmed, Adil; Adusumilli, Preethi


    Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the dental esthetics awareness among dental students in a private university in Chennai as none is available in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Materials and Methods: The dental esthetics awareness questionnaire consisting of a battery of 19 questions under five aspects that is, physical, functional, social, knowledge, and psychological aspects was administered to a sample of 100 dental college students aged between 18 and 27 years in a private college in Ch...

  20. Surface morphological changes on the human dental enamel and cement after the Er:YAG laser irradiation at different incidence angles; Avaliacao morfologica das superficies do esmalte e do cimento dental apos a irradiacao do laser de Er:YAG em diferentes angulacoes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tannous, Jose Trancoso


    This is a morphological analysis study through SEM of the differences of the laser tissue interaction as a function of the laser beam irradiation angle, under different parameters of energy. Fourteen freshly extracted molars stored in a 0,9% sodium chloride solution were divided in seven pairs and were irradiated with 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 mJ per pulse, respectively. Each sample received three enamel irradiations and three cement irradiations, either in the punctual or in the contact mode, one near to the other, with respectively 30, 45 and 90 inclinations degrees of dental surface-laser-beam incidence. Four Er:YAG pulses (2,94 {mu}m, 7-20 Hz, 0,1-1 J energy/pulse - Opus 20 - Opus Dent) with water cooling system (0,4 ml/s) were applied. After the laser irradiation the specimens were analysed through scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results were analysed by SEM micrographs showing a great difference on the laser tissue interaction characteristics as a function of the irradiation angle of the laser beam. All the observations led to conclude that, considering the laser parameters used, the incidence angle variation is a very important parameter regarding the desired morphological effects. This represents an extremely relevant detail on the technical description of the Er:YAG laser irradiation protocols on dental tissues. (author)

  1. Prevalencia de erosión dental en escolares de Tampico, Madero, Altamira y su relación con el pH salival

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Monserrat-Gutiérrez-Oviedo


    Full Text Available Introducción: La erosión dental es la pérdida de la superficie del diente causada por el ataque ácido y es un problema de salud dental en el mundo moderno; determinar su etiología y factores de riesgo permitirán tratarla y prevenirla correctamente antes de que se presente un daño más severo. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de erosión dental en escolares de Tampico, Madero, Altamira y su relación con el pH salival. Material y Métodos: Fue un estudio observacional y transversal, se examinaron a 510 escolares de Tampico, Madero y Altamira. Se utilizó el índice de erosión de Aine. Resultados: De los 510 escolares, 63 presentaron una frecuencia de erosión dental del 12.35%, de los cuales 35 (13.67% fueron niñas y 28 (11.02% niños. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre niños y niñas (p=.36. En relación con el pH salival no se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas. (p=.11. El órgano dental más afectado fue el 46 (7.20% y el 63 (4.93%. El grado que más prevaleció fue grado 1 (8.03%. En cuanto a la superficie más afectada fue la vestibular. Conclusiones: Es importante para el odontopediatra detectar los signos de erosión en etapas iníciales, identificar la causa y vigilar la nutrición de los niños que presentan erosión para prevenirla oportunamente.

  2. DENTAL SCHOOL PLANNING. (United States)



  3. Examination of social networking professionalism among dental and dental hygiene students. (United States)

    Henry, Rachel K; Molnar, Amy L


    Becoming a dental professional requires one to apply ethical decision making skills and demonstrate high standards of professionalism in practice, including the way professionals present themselves to the public. With social media as an evergrowing part of personal and professional communications, this study aimed to determine the accessibility, amount, and type of unprofessional content on Facebook profiles of dental hygiene and dental students in a college of dentistry. The authors evaluated the online profiles of all 499 dental and dental hygiene students at The Ohio State University using objective measures that included existence of a profile, current privacy settings, and access to personally identifiable information. A sample of profiles were evaluated for unprofessional content including photos, comments, and wall posts. The majority of these students were found to use Facebook, with 61 percent having Facebook profiles. Dental hygiene students were more likely to have a Facebook profile than were dental students: 72.6 percent and 59.1 percent, respectively (p=0.027). The majority of the students' profiles had some form of privacy setting enabled, with only 4 percent being entirely open to the public. Fewer than 2 percent of the students allowed non-friends access to personal information. Based on in-depth analysis of the profiles, fourteen (5.8 percent) instances of unprofessionalism were recorded; the most common unprofessional content involved substance abuse. This study found that these dental and dental hygiene students frequently possessed an identifiable Facebook account and nearly half had some kind of personal information on their profile that could potentially be shared with the public. In some instances, the students gave patients, faculty, and potential employers access to content that is not reflective of a dental professional. Academic institutions should consider implementing policies that bring awareness to and address the use of social media

  4. Association between Childhood Dental Experiences and Dental Fear among Dental, Psychology and Mathematics Undergraduates in Brazil

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    Júnia M. Serra-Negra


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between childhood dental experiences and dental fear in adulthood among dentistry, psychology and mathematics undergraduate students. A cross-sectional study of 1,256 students from the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, was performed. Students responded to the Brazilian version of the Dental Fear Survey (DFS and a questionnaire regarding previous dental experiences. Both the DFS and the questionnaire were self-administered. Association was tested using descriptive, bivariate and multivariate linear regression analysis, with a 5% significance level. Dentistry undergraduates reported lower scores than psychology (p < 0.001 and mathematics undergraduates (p < 0.05 for all three dimensions of the DFS. Negative dental experiences in childhood was associated with dimensions of Avoidance (B = 2.70, p < 0.001, Physiological arousal (B = 1.42, p < 0.001 and Fears of specific stimuli/situations (B = 3.44, p < 0.001. The reason for first visit to dentist was associated with dimensions of Physiological arousal (B = 0.76, p < 0.01 and Fears of specific stimuli/situations (B = 1.29, p < 0.01. Dentists should be encouraged to evaluate the dental fear of their patients before treatment. The DFS has been found to be an effective instrument for this purpose.

  5. Dental cavities (United States)

    ... this page: // Dental cavities To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Dental cavities are holes (or structural damage) in the ...

  6. Biocompatibility of dental alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braemer, W. [Heraeus Kulzer GmbH and Co. KG, Hanau (Germany)


    Modern dental alloys have been used for 50 years to produce prosthetic dental restorations. Generally, the crowns and frames of a prosthesis are prepared in dental alloys, and then veneered by feldspar ceramics or composites. In use, the alloys are exposed to the corrosive influence of saliva and bacteria. Metallic dental materials can be classified as precious and non-precious alloys. Precious alloys consist of gold, platinum, and small amounts of non-precious components such as copper, tin, or zinc. The non-precious alloys are based on either nickel or cobalt, alloyed with chrome, molybdenum, manganese, etc. Titanium is used as Grade 2 quality for dental purposes. As well as the dental casting alloys, high purity electroplated gold (99.8 wt.-%) is used in dental technology. This review discusses the corrosion behavior of metallic dental materials with saliva in ''in vitro'' tests and the influence of alloy components on bacteria (Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus mutans). The test results show that alloys with high gold content, cobalt-based alloys, titanium, and electroplated gold are suitable for use as dental materials. (orig.)

  7. Adult Dental Anxiety: Recent Assessment Approaches and Psychological Management in a Dental Practice Setting. (United States)

    Humphris, Gerry; Spyt, James; Herbison, Alice G; Kelsey, Thomas W


    Dental anxiety of patients is a common feature of the everyday experience of dental practice. This article advocates the use of regular assessment of this psychological construct to assist in patient management. Various tools, such as the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS), are available to monitor dental anxiety that are quick to complete and easy to interpret. Patient burden is low. A new mobile phone assessment system (DENTANX) is being developed for distribution. This application and other psychological interventions are being investigated to assist patients to receive dental care routinely. Clinical relevance: This article provides evidence and expert opinion on the worth of regular dental anxiety assessment in dental practice using structured tools, such as the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale, and consideration of psychological intervention development.

  8. Reconstruction of pseudo three-dimensional dental image from dental panoramic radiograph and tooth surface shape

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imura, Masataka; Kuroda, Yoshihiro; Oshiro, Osamu; Kuroda, Tomohiro; Kagiyama, Yoshiyuki; Yagi, Masakazu; Takada, Kenji; Azuma, Hiroko


    Three-dimensional volume data set is useful for diagnosis in dental treatments. However, to obtain three-dimensional images of a dental arch in general dental clinics is difficult. In this paper, we propose a method to reconstruct pseudo three-dimensional dental images from a dental panoramic radiograph and a tooth surface shape which can be obtained from three dimensional shape measurement of a dental impression. The proposed method finds an appropriate curved surface on which the dental panoramic radiograph is mapped by comparing a virtual panoramic image made from a tooth surface shape to a real panoramic radiograph. The developed pseudo three-dimensional dental images give clear impression of patient's dental condition. (author)

  9. Comportamiento del síndrome dolor disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular con tratamiento medicamentoso y láser


    Lidice Esther Mesa Rodríguez; Maydelyn Ureña Espinosa; Yadira Rodríguez González; Nilvia Medero Rodríguez


    Los trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular son las causas más comunes del dolor facial después del dolor dental. Se realizó un estudio tipo longitudinal prospectivo en la consulta de Máxilo Facial del Hospital General Docente “Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”; en el período comprendido entre enero de 2011 y mayo de 2012, en la Provincia de Las Tunas; con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del tratamiento conjunto de terapia de apoyo medicamentosa y láser, aplicadas a los pacientes ...

  10. History of dental hygiene research. (United States)

    Bowen, Denise M


    Dental hygiene is defined as the science and practice of the recognition, treatment and prevention of oral diseases. The history of dental hygiene research is considered in the context of the development of the discipline and an emerging infrastructure. Research-related events supporting the growth and maturation of the profession are considered from the early years to the most recent. The benefits of preventive oral health services provided by dental hygienists have been supported by research, and the practice of dental hygiene has expanded as a result of research findings since its inception 100 years ago. Dental hygienists' engagement in research, however, did not begin until the 1960s as research associates or administrators, primarily with dental researchers as primary investigators. The Journal of Dental Hygiene (JDH) has provided information for dental hygiene practice since 1927, and has been the primary venue for dissemination of dental hygiene research since 1945. Graduate education in dental hygiene at the master's degree level and the work of early dental hygiene researchers led to the first conference on dental hygiene research in 1982. Over 30 years later, dental hygiene has established a meta-paradigm and defined conceptual models, built an initial infrastructure to support research endeavors and contributed much to the development of dental hygiene as a unique discipline. A doctoral degree in the discipline, continued theory-based research, initiatives to foster collaborations between dental hygiene and other researchers and enhanced capabilities to attract funding to support large scale studies are goals that must be attained through the efforts of future researchers to address the needs for additional development in the discipline of dental hygiene. Dental hygiene research supports the growing discipline and its value to society.






  12. Reporte de caso: restauración del sector anterior con prótesis parcial fija en cerámica de fluorapatita

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    Janeth Mercedes Rojas Murillo


    Full Text Available La necesidad de restauración del sector anterior, no solo por estética sino para mejorar la función y autoestima del paciente, lleva a pensar en satisfacer estos requerimientos teniendo en cuenta los inconvenientes que dependen del estado inicial, involucrando los tejidos duros y blandos, que pueden llevar a un éxito o fracaso del tratamiento; por lo cual se debe tener una planeación adecuada del tratamiento, dependiendo las características individuales del paciente. La utilización de prótesis realizadas en metal cerámica, que ha venido siendo reemplazada por el uso de sistemas totalmente cerámicos ha llevado a desarrollar materiales con una resistencia y propiedades equivalentes a las prótesis convencionales con el fin de dar un resultado final más estético. Al encontrar pacientes cuya preocupación es el cambio de prótesis removibles por prótesis fijas en los que se encuentra una  mayor pérdida dental, se debe evaluar la posibilidad y  viabilidad de realizar prótesis fijas , que pueden ofrecer resultados más estéticos, sin comprometer la resistencia y duración del tratamiento a largo plazo, además de encontrar condiciones desfavorables como puede ser la perdida de dimensión vertical, o desgastes dentales extensos que requieran de una rehabilitación integral para el éxito del  tratamiento, aspectos importantes para la elección del material ideal para el caso individual del paciente.

  13. Reporte de caso: restauración del sector anterior con prótesis parcial fija en cerámica de fluorapatita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janeth Mercedes Rojas Murillo


    Full Text Available La necesidad de restauración del sector anterior, no solo por estética sino para mejorar la función y autoestima del paciente, lleva a pensar en satisfacer estos requerimientos teniendo en cuenta los inconvenientes que dependen del estado inicial, involucrando los tejidos duros y blandos, que pueden llevar a un éxito o fracaso del tratamiento; por lo cual se debe tener una planeación adecuada del tratamiento, dependiendo las características individuales del paciente. La utilización de prótesis realizadas en metal cerámica, que ha venido siendo reemplazada por el uso de sistemas totalmente cerámicos ha llevado a desarrollar materiales con una resistencia y propiedades equivalentes a las prótesis convencionales con el fin de dar un resultado final más estético. Al encontrar pacientes cuya preocupación es el cambio de prótesis removibles por prótesis fijas en los que se encuentra una  mayor pérdida dental, se debe evaluar la posibilidad y  viabilidad de realizar prótesis fijas , que pueden ofrecer resultados más estéticos, sin comprometer la resistencia y duración del tratamiento a largo plazo, además de encontrar condiciones desfavorables como puede ser la perdida de dimensión vertical, o desgastes dentales extensos que requieran de una rehabilitación integral para el éxito del  tratamiento, aspectos importantes para la elección del material ideal para el caso individual del paciente.

  14. Patterns of dental services and factors that influence dental services among 64-65-year-old regular users of dental care in Denmark. (United States)

    Christensen, Lisa B; Rosing, Kasper; Lempert, Susanne M; Hede, Børge


    To describe the pattern of dental services provided to 64-65-year-old Danes who are regular users of dental care over a 5-year period, to analyse whether this pattern is associated with socio-demographic and/or socioeconomic factors, and if different uses of dental services are related to dental status and caries experience. Finally, to discuss the future planning of dental services aimed at the increasing population of elderly citizens. [Correction made on 21 March 2014, after first online publication: The sentence 'Data on elderly's dental service are scarce, although increased use is seen and more teeth are present in this age group.' was removed.] A cross-sectional study of all aged 64-65 (n = 37 234) who received a dental examination in 2009 was conducted. Clinical data comprised dental services received under the National Health Insurance reimbursement scheme, dental status and DMFT. Geographical, socio-demographic and socioeconomic data derived from public registers. Almost all received restorations, while periodontal treatment was received by dental services was dominated by periodontal services. Periodontal services were most prevalent in the capital and the most affluent areas. Relatively more extractions were related to low income and persons in least affluent areas. Total number of services was highest among women, persons with ≥20 teeth, persons living in the capital, and where the ratio user per dentist was low. For future planning of dental care for elderly, dental status, geographical and social area-based factors and to some degree gender, income, and education must be taken into consideration as all these factors seem to influence the future demand for dental services. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S and The Gerodontology Association. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. SWOT Analysis of Dental Health Workforce in India: A Dental alarm. (United States)

    Halappa, Mythri; B H, Naveen; Kumar, Santhosh; H, Sreenivasa


    India faces an acute shortage of health personnel. Together with inequalities in distribution of health workers, dental health workers also become a part contributing to it impeding the progress towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. To assess dental health-workforce distribution, identify inequalities in dental health-workers provision and report the impact of this mal distribution in India. Situational analysis done by using the primary data from the records of Dental Council of India. In India, 0.088% of dental health worker per 1000 population exists. Inequalities in the distribution of dentists exist in India. Certain states are experiencing an acute shortage of dental health personnel whereas certain cities are over fledged with dentists like Karnataka, Maharastra, Tamilnadu being states with high concentration & Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal being the least. Although the production of health workers has expanded greatly in recent years by increase in number of dental colleges the problems of imbalances in their distribution persist. In the race of increasing dentist population ratio in total, inequitable distribution of appropriately trained, motivated and supported dentists gives a mere feel of saturation in jobs making youngsters to not to choose dentistry as a career giving an alarm.

  16. Dental therapists: a global perspective. (United States)

    Nash, David A; Friedman, Jay W; Kardos, Thomas B; Kardos, Rosemary L; Schwarz, Eli; Satur, Julie; Berg, Darren G; Nasruddin, Jaafar; Mumghamba, Elifuraha G; Davenport, Elizabeth S; Nagel, Ron


    In 1921, New Zealand began training school dental nurses, subsequently deploying them throughout the country in school-based clinics providing basic dental care for children. The concept of training dental nurses, later to be designated dental therapists, was adopted by other countries as a means of improving access to care, particularly for children. This paper profiles six countries that utilise dental therapists, with a description of the training that therapists receive in these countries, and the context in which they practice. Based on available demographic information, it also updates the number of dental therapists practising globally, as well as the countries in which they practice. In several countries, dental therapy is now being integrated with dental hygiene in training and practice to create a new type of professional complementary to a dentist. Increasingly, dental therapists are permitted to treat adults as well as children. The paper also describes the status of a current initiative to introduce dental therapy to the United States. It concludes by suggesting that dental therapists can become valued members of the dental team throughout the world, helping to improve access to care and reducing existing disparities in oral health.

  17. Smartphones and dental trauma: the current availability of apps for managing traumatic dental injuries. (United States)

    Djemal, Serpil; Singh, Parmjit


    There is a general consensus regarding the lack of awareness regarding the emergency management of traumatic dental injuries amongst laypersons and dental professionals. This article aims to provide an overview of the apps available for traumatic dental injuries using smartphones. These apps may serve as a gateway for raising awareness of traumatic dental injuries. Three smartphone devices were used to access their respective app stores (Nokia Lumia 635 with Windows Phone OS 8.1; iPhone 5 with iOS 8.1; Samsung Galaxy Ace II with Android OS v2.3.6 Gingerbread). Nine phrases were searched: broken tooth/teeth; chipped tooth/teeth; dental emergency; dental injury; dental trauma; fractured tooth/teeth; knocked-out tooth/teeth; tooth/teeth injury; and tooth/teeth trauma. Seven apps for the Android and one app for the Apple operating system were relevant. The only Apple iOS app retrieved (Dental Trauma) was also found for the Android OS (Dental Trauma First Aid) and had the endorsement of the International Association of Dental Traumatology. AcciDent was the only app dedicated to traumatic dental injuries targeted solely towards dental professionals. Five other apps (Chipped Tooth Solution, Dental Crown Repair, Fixing Cracked Tooth, Repairing the Front Tooth and Solution to Broken Tooth) appeared to come from the same source (KBES). No traumatic dental injury apps were found for the Windows Phone OS. There are apps available for both patients and dentists that range in quality and on the whole lack real-life photographs. Future apps should continue to provide good quality, evidence-based and validated material. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Entrepreneurship in continuing dental education: a dental school perspective. (United States)

    Liberto, Vincent N


    The definition of continuing dental education is presented, along with its benefits to the profession. The preeminence of dental schools in providing lifelong learning opportunities and freedom from commercial involvement that existed even twenty years ago has changed. Less than a quarter of CE takes place in school, and the focus there is increasingly on material with deep scientific background and hands-on learning. The newest innovations and those with the greatest commercial potential are taught elsewhere. Proposed changes in the ADA CERP standards would take on a "purist" approach that could place dental schools at a severe disadvantage while allowing "for profit" institutes to flourish and thus further undermine the role dental schools can play in providing quality professional development experiences.

  19. The etiology of childhood dental fear: The role of dental and conditioning experiences.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    ten Berge, M.; Veerkamp, J.S.J.; Hoogstraten, J.


    This study aimed to examine the relative importance of invasive treatment experiences in the acquisition of dental fear in children. For this purpose, the complete dental history of 401 children (aged 5-10 years) was studied. The level of dental fear in these children was assessed using the Dental

  20. Perception of Nepalese dental hygiene and dentistry students towards the dental hygienists profession. (United States)

    Knevel, Rjm; Gussy, M G; Farmer, J; Karimi, L


    This study investigates student and stakeholder perceptions of the role of the dental hygienist in Nepal. The impact of these perceptions on the professionalization of dental hygienists is described whilst exploring the consequences for oral health workforce planning. Dentistry and dental hygiene students from one dental college in Nepal were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire; 171 students returned the questionnaire containing a mix of forced response and open-ended items. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS ® 22. These data were complemented with qualitative information from survey open questions and from semi-structured interviews with key informants from several relevant organizations. Qualitative data were manually analysed and coded. Data were triangulated to contextualize quantitative data. A high level of positive regard for the role of the dental hygienist in Nepal was evident amongst dentistry and dental hygiene students in this college. Both groups believe that the dental hygienist can play a major role in raising oral health awareness in Nepal. The scope of practice of the dental hygienist was unclear with issues surrounding the scope of practice and reports of illegal practice by dental hygienists. Significant differences (P dental hygiene and dentistry students in relation to their opinion regarding independent practice and the need of supervision by a dentist. Supervision of the dental hygienist by dentists and issues surrounding the scope of practice are polarizing the relationship between dentists, dental hygienists and the relevant professional organizations. This could hinder cooperation between these oral health professionals and might lead to underutilization of the dental hygienist. To improve the understanding about the roles of each oral health professional, establishing functional relationships and intraprofessional education involving dentistry and dental hygiene students needs to be introduced. This will benefit the

  1. Dental Anomalies and Dental Age Assessment in Treated Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia


    Khojastepour, L; Zareifar, S; Ebrahimi, M


    Background This cross sectional study was performed to evaluate dental ages and incidence of dental anomalies in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Methods and materials A total of 25 ALL patient who passed at least 2 years of chemotherapy and 25 healthy sex and age matched children were evaluated. Dental age as well as dental anomalies in shape, size, number, and structure was recorded based on their panoramic radiographies which were taken for dental purposes. Results ...

  2. Dental sealants (United States)

    ... this page: // Dental sealants To use the sharing features on this ... case a sealant needs to be replaced. How Dental Sealants are Applied Your dentist applies sealants on ...

  3. La participación del personal auxiliar de odontología en los sistemas locales de salud

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    Frazão Paulo


    Full Text Available Aunque numerosos sistemas locales de salud (SILOS del Brasil emplean personal auxiliar de odontología, existe poca información disponible sobre la contribución de esos trabajadores a los programas de salud bucodental. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la participación de ese personal en 10 SILOS de cinco municipios del estado de São Paulo. Se preparó un cuestionario que fue contestado por 245 (75,4% de los 325 auxiliares y técnicos de higiene dental empleados en esos sistemas. Los resultados indicaron que la participación del personal auxiliar de odontología en las actividades de promoción de la salud bucodental es variable en los distintos SILOS estudiados. En algunos, el personal dedicó más tiempo a las actividades de promoción que a las tareas de asistencia odontológica. Las actividades más frecuentes de promoción de la salud bucodental fueron los enjuagues de flúor, la detección de la placa bacteriana dental seguida del cepillado supervisado y las actividades educativas en unidades básicas de salud y escuelas. En todos los casos, la participación del personal auxiliar de odontología de los SILOS ha sido muy importante pues ha contribuido a transformar la práctica de la odontología en el ámbito de la salud pública.

  4. Influencia de la salud bucal durante el embarazo en la salud del futuro bebé


    Díaz Valdés, Liuba; Valle Lizama, Raúl Luis


    Fundamento: El embarazo se relaciona con una mayor incidencia de caries y gingivitis. Objetivo: Profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la influencia de estas afecciones bucales en la salud del futuro bebé. Conclusiones: El embarazo genera adaptaciones en la fisiología femenina las cuales pueden repercutir en la salud bucal de la gestante. Las afecciones bucales más frecuentes son la caries dental y la gingivitis, estas si no son tratadas a tiempo pueden afectar la salud del futuro bebé. Back...

  5. Knowledge and attitude towards preventive dental care among dental faculties in Bangalore city

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    Nikhil Ahuja


    Full Text Available Background and Objectives: Preventive approach in dental practice has been cited as a reason for the decline in oral diseases and as a predominant part of the service-mix of dental practices in the future. Dental faculty′s knowledge and attitude toward prevention are important, since they have exceptionally important direct and indirect roles in shaping student′s preventive orientation and also potentially influencing their patient′s ability to take care of their teeth. Thus, this study was conducted to assess knowledge and attitudes toward preventive dental care among dental faculties and their relation to demographic and professional characteristics. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among dental faculties in Bangalore city. Of 17 dental colleges, 4 were selected by simple random sampling. A total of 218 dental faculties was individually asked to complete a pretested questionnaire. The questionnaire requested information on dental faculty′s demographic and professional characteristics and their knowledge and attitudes toward preventive dental care. Descriptive, Chi-square tests, and ANOVA were used to analyze the data. Results: The highest knowledge was seen among dental faculties regarding prevention of malocclusion (3.51 ± 1.02 followed by oral cancer (2.95 ± 1.09 and periodontal diseases (2.86 ± 1.02. The least knowledge was seen for the prevention of caries (2.63 ± 1.35. The most positive attitudes regarding preventive dentistry was characterized as being essential (6.34 ± 1.05, useful (6.32 ± 1.07 and valuable (6.27 ± 1.00. Statistically significant differences were found in relation to knowledge and attitudes for all demographic and professional characteristics except for gender and Department of Teaching. Conclusion: Dental faculty seems to have differing levels of knowledge regarding oral diseases with positive attitudes seen regarding preventive dentistry. Continuing education activities and

  6. Regenerative medicine in dental and oral tissues: Dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell

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    Janti Sudiono


    Full Text Available Background. Regenerative medicine is a new therapeutic modality using cell, stem cell and tissue engineering technologies. Purpose. To describe the regenerative capacity of dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell. Review. In dentistry, stem cell and tissue engineering technologies develop incredibly and attract great interest, due to the capacity to facilitate innovation in dental material and regeneration of dental and oral tissues. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from dental pulp, periodontal ligament and dental follicle, can be isolated, cultured and differentiated into various cells, so that can be useful for regeneration of dental, nerves, periodontal and bone tissues. Tissue engineering is a technology in reconstructive biology, which utilizes mechanical, cellular, or biological mediators to facilitate regeneration or reconstruction of a particular tissue. The multipotency, high proliferation rates and accessibility, make dental pulp as an attractive source of mesenchymal stem cells for tissue regeneration. Revitalized dental pulp and continued root development is the focus of regenerative endodontic while biological techniques that can restore lost alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and root cementum is the focus of regenerative periodontic. Conclucion. Dentin-derived morphogens such as BMP are known to be involved in the regulation of odontogenesis. The multipotency and angiogenic capacity of DPSCs as the regenerative capacity of human dentin / pulp complex indicated that dental pulp may contain progenitors that are responsible for dentin repair. The human periodontal ligament is a viable alternative source for possible primitive precursors to be used in stem cell therapy.

  7. Dental anxiety and personality: investigating the relationship between dental anxiety and self-consciousness. (United States)

    Economou, George C


    This study investigated whether personality plays a role in a condition called dental anxiety. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between dental anxiety (the negative response to the stress elicited from a dental interaction) and self-consciousness (the tendency to evaluate aspects of oneself that are subject to private and public display). The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics possessed by dentally anxious individuals who face potential health risks because of their avoidance. Sixty York University undergraduate students were recruited by convenience sampling to participate. These subjects completed Corah's Dental Anxiety Scale and the Self-Consciousness Scale. The Self-Consciousness Scale consists of three subscales, including private self-consciousness, public self-consciousness, and social anxiety. Results indicated an 0.54 significant correlation between dental anxiety and self-consciousness. The public self-consciousness and social anxiety subscales correlated the most with dental anxiety. Furthermore, the data did not indicate a significant moderating relationship for gender between the two aforementioned variables. These results contribute to the establishment of personality characteristics as one of the dimensions determining dental anxiety.

  8. Inaccurate Dental Charting in an Audit of 1128 General Dental Practice Records. (United States)

    Brown, Nathan L; Jephcote, Victoria E L


    Fourteen dentists at different practices in the UK assessed the dental charts of 1128 patients who were new to the dentist but not new to the practice; 44% of the dental charts were found to be inaccurate. Inaccuracy of the individual practice-based charts ranged between 16% for the best performing practices to 83% for the worst: 5% of dental charts had too many teeth charted and 5% had too few teeth charted; 13% of charts had missed amalgam restorations and 18% had missed tooth-coloured restorations; 5% of charts had amalgam restorations recorded but with the surfaces incorrect (eg an MO restoration charted but a DO restoration actually present); 9% of charts had tooth-coloured restoration surfaces incorrectly recorded. For 7.5% of charts, amalgams were charted but not actually present. Other inaccuracies were also noted. The authors reinforce the requirements of the GDC, the advice of defence organizations, and the forensic importance of accurate dental charts. Clinical relevance: Dental charting forms part of the patient’s dental records, and the GDC requires dentists to maintain complete and accurate dental records.

  9. Corte y sellado reversible de dientes para obtener superficies internas de esmalte incólumes

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    Ana Milena Santiago-Medina


    Full Text Available Las superficies internas de los dientes, que se obtienen por cortes con discos, están generalmente desorganizadas por los giros, la velocidad y la rugosidad del disco. El calor altera la superficie y el agua de la refrigeración la composición química porque disuelve los componentes. En estudios de difusión, el perfil se borra por el corte, lo que anula resultados. Objetivo: desarrollar un método de sellado de superficies internas, ya cortadas antes de los ensayos de difusión, sin dejar trazas químicas o partículas. Materiales y metedos: se probó in vitro la habilidad de cuatro materiales de sellado con 40 especimenes, provenientes de 20 coronas de terceros molares, cortadas sagitalmente. Los especímenes se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos (n = 10: G1: Teflón (Topex®, G2: Tela de caucho (Dental DAM®, G3: película de cloruro de polivinilo (Vinilpel® y G4: Cinta aislante (Tesa®. Se usó una solución de azul de metileno (AM al 2% por 6 días como indicadora de filtración. Por observación visual de cada muestra, se le asignó un valor (sí o no dependiendo de la presencia o ausencia de cualquier punto MB sobre la superficie de sellado. Los resultados fueron analizados siguiendo un modelo estadístico de respuesta binomial. Resultados: Siguiendo los procedimientos descritos, el teflón es el único material que previene la filtración de AM en la superficie interna expuesta por el corte. Conclusión: Se propone un protocolo de sellado reversible de las superficies internas con teflón, previo al corte de los dientes, para no alterar los resultados experimentales.

  10. Dental magnetic resonance tomography (dental-MRT) as a method for imaging of the maxillo-mandibular bone; Dentale Magnetresonanztomographie (Dental-MRT) als Verfahren zur Darstellung des maxillomandibulaeren Zahnhalteapparates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gahleitner, A.; Nasel, C.; Schick, S.; Dorffner, S.; Imhof, H.; Trattnig, S. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Abt. fuer Osteologie; Bernhart, T.; Mailath, G.; Watzek, G. [Wien Univ. (Austria). Abt. fuer Orale Chirurgie


    Purpose: To establish a new method for dental imaging using magnetic resonance tomography named Dental-MRT and to demonstrate its usefulness in diagnosing dentogen pathologies of the mandible and maxilla. Methods: Seven healthy volunteers, three patients with pulpitis, two patients with dentigerous cysts, two patients after tooth transplantation, and three patients with atrophic mandibles have been evaluated. Optimized axial T{sub 1}- and T{sub 2}-weighted gradient echo and spin echo sequences in 2D and 3D technique have been established to perform studies of the jaws. The acquired images were reconstructed with a standard dental software package on a workstation as panorama and cross-sectional views of the mandible or maxilla. Results: The entire maxillo-mandibular bone, teeth, dental pulp, and the content of the mandibular canal were well depicted. Patients with pulpitis demonstrate bone marrow edema in the periapical region. Dentigerous cysts and their relation to the surrounding structures are clearly shown. After contrast media administration marked enhancement of the dental pulp can be demonstrated. Conclusion: Dental-MRT promises to provide a new tool for visualization and detection of dental diseases. (orig.) [Deutsch] Ziel: Das Vorstellen der Dental-MRT als neue Methode zur Darstellung des Ober- und Unterkiefers und ihre Anwendung bei der Diagnose zahnmedizinischer Erkankungen. Methoden: 7 gesunde Probanden, drei Patienten mit Pulpitis, zwei Patienten mit odontogenen Zysten, zwei Patienten nach Zahntransplantationen und drei Patienten mit atrophem Unterkiefer wurden untersucht. Optimierte axiale T{sub 1}- und T{sub 2}-gewichtete Gradienten-Echo- und Spin-Echo-Sequenzen in 2D und 3D-Technik wurden angewandt. Nach der Untersuchung wurden Panoramaschnitte und dentale Rekonstruktionen des Ober- und Unterkiefers, unter Verwendung einer gebraeuchlichen Dental-Software, angefertigt. Ergebnisse: Der gesamte Kieferbereich, Zaehne, Pulpa und der Inhalt des

  11. Diagnosing dental caries in populations with different levels of dental fluorosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nyvad, Bente; Machiulskiene, Vita; Fejerskov, Ole


    concentrations of 0.3 and 1.1 ppm (0.3 and 1.1 mg/l) fluoride, respectively, 150 children were clinically examined twice, 2 wk apart, for dental fluorosis, using the Thylstrup-Fejerskov index (TF index), and for dental caries using the Nyvad visual-tactile caries criteria. The prevalence of dental fluorosis......, a pronounced dental fluorosis background did not reduce the reliability of the caries recordings, which appeared to be slightly less reliable at very low levels of dental fluorosis.......The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of the Nyvad visual-tactile caries-diagnostic criteria when used among children who have been lifelong residents in areas with 'optimal' or low concentrations of fluoride in the drinking water. In each of two areas with drinking water fluoride...

  12. Utilization of Dental Services in Public Health Center: Dental Attendance, Awareness and Felt Needs. (United States)

    Pewa, Preksha; Garla, Bharath K; Dagli, Rushabh; Bhateja, Geetika Arora; Solanki, Jitendra


    In rural India, dental diseases occur due to many factors, which includes inadequate or improper use of fluoride and a lack of knowledge regarding oral health and oral hygiene, which prevent proper screening and dental care of oral diseases. The objective of the study was to evaluate the dental attendance, awareness and utilization of dental services in public health center. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 251 study subjects who were visiting dental outpatient department (OPD) of public health centre (PHC), Guda Bishnoi, and Jodhpur using a pretested proforma from month of July 2014 to October 2014. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect the data regarding socioeconomic status and demographic factors affecting the utilization of dental services. Pearson's Chi-square test and step-wise logistic regression were applied for the analysis. Statistically significant results were found in relation to age, educational status, socioeconomic status and gender with dental attendance, dental awareness and felt needs. p-value dental services, thereby increasing the oral health status of the population.

  13. Obtención de recubrimientos vitrocerámicos esponjosos sobre materiales de naturaleza férrea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gómez de Salazar, J. M.


    Full Text Available To obtain a glass-ceramic enamel layer on a ferrous material optimum condition, are achieved when the interface has a continuous structure (this structure is produced by the formation of oxides. Fundamental to the achievement of these conditions is the initial treatment of the surface plays a key role in the process, from simple degreasing operations to nickel deposition processes. The key variables that influence in the production of pores in the enamels (foam are: the temperature, the ceramic used to obtained the pores, its weight percentage and the grain size of the said particles. It has been demonstrated that the pore size in the foam increases with the volume fraction of the ceramic used with the enamels. In practice, the temperature to obtain foam enamels is between 650 to 850 ºC, but at 825 ºC the optimum conditions are obtained. The application of glass-ceramics enamels in foam form is the construction industry where their thermal and acoustic insulating properties, resulting from this natural porosity, are sought after.

    Las condiciones óptimas de obtención de esmaltes vitrocerámicos sobre materiales férreos son logradas cuando la interfase presenta una estructura continua constituida por la formación de óxidos. Para la obtención de estas condiciones se considera fundamental el tratamiento primario superficial, que engloba desde simples procesos de desengrase hasta procesos de deposición de níquel. Cuando la formación de los óxidos en la interfase no tiene lugar, aparecen fenómenos de esponjamiento en estos recubrimientos, provocados por reacciones durante el proceso de cocción. Las distintas variables que influyen en la obtención de los mismos son: temperatura de cocción del esmalte, porcentaje, naturaleza y granulometría de carga cerámica utilizada. Queda demostrado que el grado de esponjamiento es mayor cuanto mayor sea la fracción volumétrica de carga en el esmalte, menor su granulometría, así como la

  14. Escova dental e dedeira na remoção da placa bacteriana dental em cães The dental brush and thumb-stall in the removal of the dental plaque in dogs

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    Tânia Berbert Ferreira Lima


    Full Text Available A placa bacteriana é fator primário na formação de gengivite, cálculo dentário, halitose e doença periodontal. Objetivou-se avaliar a quantidade de placa bacteriana dental removida pela escova dental e dedeira. Foram utilizados 60 cães machos e fêmeas de diferentes raças, idade e peso, divididos em dois grupos. O índice Logan & Boyce foi utilizados para quantificar a placa bacteriana antes e após a escovação. Observou-se diferença estatística (p0,05 entre a utilização da escova dental e a dedeira.The dental plaque is the primary factor for gingivitis formation, dental calculus, oral malodor and periodontal disease. To evaluate the amount of dental plaque removed by the dental brush and thumb-stall, 60 male and female dogs of different races, age and weight were divided in two groups and studies. The index of Logan & Boyce was used to quantify the dental plaque before and after the toothbrush. Statistical difference was observed (p 0.05 between the use of the dental brush and the thumb-stall.

  15. An audit of dental prescriptions between clinics and dental laboratories. (United States)

    Stewart, C A


    To discover the quality of written instructions from dentists to dental technicians and the nature of non-compliant prescriptions. An audit of laboratory prescription compliance was conducted within an NHS Trust Dental Teaching Hospital to determine the level of communication between dentists and dental technicians. One hundred and fifty prescriptions were audited from dental undergraduates and qualified dentists throughout the different departments. A total of two-thirds of prescriptions were considered non-compliant and failed to meet relevant ethical and legal guidelines. This problem was seen throughout all departments and at all professional levels. A breakdown in communication between dentists and technicians through the use of prescriptions is evident even within a close working environment.

  16. Awareness of Infection Control Protocols Among Dental Students in Babylon Dental Faculty

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    Khalil Ibraheem Zaidan


    Full Text Available Infection control and knowledge of common "infectious diseases" is essential for safe dental practice. Conveyance of infectious diseases is likely "from one individual to another during dental procedures", thorough" blood-borne" viruses and bacteria   "such as hepatitis" , human immunodeficiency virus (HIV. Thence in dental practice, the  sterilization and particular protection  is of most importance Process in  dental procedures,  and patient sponsor settings seek specific strategies guide to prevent the  transmission of diseases among dental students , oral verdure care staffs and their patients. Aim: Current study highlight  the methods and behavior  to evaluate  the  benefits of awareness, stance and pursuit of infection control between dental students in training dental clinic at Babylon  dental collage . Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional wipe using a rear ordered questionnaire was executed. The reconnaissance consisted of 38 closed-ended questions that included the key areas of infection control, including hand hygiene, personal preservation, sterilization and disinfection and ecological infection monitoring. There were also questions to elicit perceptions regarding the treatment of HBV and HIV/AIDS patients. Results: Survey study was done for dental students replied to the reconnaissance. Their situation and realization across infection control in college teaching  clinic .The results were assorted between 100% were orderly using gloves and 96% mask   with patient to 6% were orderly wore eye glasses. The type of sterilization of instrument was 90% autoclave and 10% oven and from analysis of data revealed most teaching clinics devoid of instruction post about control of infection control measures   Conclusion: "Improved compliance with recommended infection control procedures is required for all dentists" and graduated dental students  predestined in the existing project. Enduring instruction "programs and short

  17. What is dental ecology? (United States)

    Cuozzo, Frank P; Sauther, Michelle L


    Teeth have long been used as indicators of primate ecology. Early work focused on the links between dental morphology, diet, and behavior, with more recent years emphasizing dental wear, microstructure, development, and biogeochemistry, to understand primate ecology. Our study of Lemur catta at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar, has revealed an unusual pattern of severe tooth wear and frequent tooth loss, primarily the result of consuming a fallback food for which these primates are not dentally adapted. Interpreting these data was only possible by combining our areas of expertise (dental anatomy [FC] and primate ecology [MS]). By integrating theoretical, methodological, and applied aspects of both areas of research, we adopted the term "dental ecology"-defined as the broad study of how teeth respond to the environment. Specifically, we view dental ecology as an interpretive framework using teeth as a vehicle for understanding an organism's ecology, which builds upon earlier work, but creates a new synthesis of anatomy and ecology that is only possible with detailed knowledge of living primates. This framework includes (1) identifying patterns of dental pathology and tooth use-wear, within the context of feeding ecology, behavior, habitat variation, and anthropogenic change, (2) assessing ways in which dental development and biogeochemical signals can reflect habitat, environmental change and/or stress, and (3) how dental microstructure and macro-morphology are adapted to, and reflect feeding ecology. Here we define dental ecology, provide a short summary of the development of this perspective, and place our new work into this context. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Fear of dental pain in Italian children: child personality traits and parental dental fear. (United States)

    D'Alessandro, Giovanni; Alkhamis, Nadia; Mattarozzi, Katia; Mazzetti, Michela; Piana, Gabriela


    Dental anxiety could impede dental treatment in children. Evidence shows that parents' fear of dentists contributes to children's anxiety towards dentists. The aim of the present study was to determine whether and to what extent: a) parents' anxiety and depression personality traits, b) parent's dental fear, and c) child personality traits can predict children's dental anxiety in an Italian population. One hundred and four children (5-14 years old) and one of their parents participated in the study. Well-known and validated questionnaires were administered to children (MCDASf, CFSS-DS, TAD) and parents (FDPQ, STAI Y1, Y2, and BDI-II). Dental anxiety is significantly associated with the anxiety personality trait and depression of the child and with parental fear of dental pain. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that, regardless of age and gender, the best predictor of child dental anxiety is parent's fear of dental pain, rather than relatively stable temperaments of the child. In line with the literature concerning adults, these findings highlight the children dental anxiety as a complex phenomena consisting of different components, including the child's personality traits (anxiety trait and depression) and parents' dental fear. Clinical implications of this evidence are discussed. © 2015 American Association of Public Health Dentistry.

  19. Dental responsibility loadings and the relative value of dental services. (United States)

    Teusner, D N; Ju, X; Brennan, D S


    To estimate responsibility loadings for a comprehensive list of dental services, providing a standardized unit of clinical work effort. Dentists (n = 2500) randomly sampled from the Australian Dental Association membership (2011) were randomly assigned to one of 25 panels. Panels were surveyed by questionnaires eliciting responsibility loadings for eight common dental services (core items) and approximately 12 other items unique to that questionnaire. In total, loadings were elicited for 299 items listed in the Australian Dental Schedule 9th Edition. Data were weighted to reflect the age and sex distribution of the workforce. To assess reliability, regression models assessed differences in core item loadings by panel assignment. Estimated loadings were described by reporting the median and mean. Response rate was 37%. Panel composition did not vary by practitioner characteristics. Core item loadings did not vary by panel assignment. Oral surgery and endodontic service areas had the highest proportion (91%) of services with median loadings ≥1.5, followed by prosthodontics (78%), periodontics (76%), orthodontics (63%), restorative (62%) and diagnostic services (31%). Preventive services had median loadings ≤1.25. Dental responsibility loadings estimated by this study can be applied in the development of relative value scales. © 2017 Australian Dental Association.

  20. The relationship of dental caries and dental fear in Malaysian adolescents: a latent variable approach (United States)


    Background To investigate the role of geography (place of residence) as a moderator in the relationship between dental caries disease and treatment experience and dental fear in 16-year-olds living in Malaysia. Methods A multi-stage-stratified sampling method was employed. Five hundred and three, 16-year-olds from 6 government secondary schools participated in this study. The questionnaire examined participants’ demographic profile and assessed their dental fear using the Dental Fear Survey (DFS). The clinical examination consisted of the DMFT as the outcome measure of dental caries disease and treatment experience by a single examiner (ICC = 0.98). Structural equation modelling inspected the relationship between dental fear and dental caries disease and treatment experience. Results The mean DMFT was 2.76 (SD 3.25). The DT, MT and FT components were 0.64 (SD 1.25), 0.14 (SD 0.56) and 1.98 (SD 2.43) respectively. Rural compared with urban adolescents had significantly greater mean numbers of decayed and missing teeth. The mean DFS score was 40.8 (SD 12.4). Rural compared with urban adolescents had significantly higher mean scores for physical symptoms of dental fear. The correlation between dental fear (DFS) and dental caries disease and treatment experience (DMFT) was 0.29, p dental caries disease and treatment experience. The strength of the relationship between dental fear and dental caries disease and treatment experience varied in accordance with place of residence. Conclusion In conclusion a relationship between dental fear and dental caries disease and treatment experience was shown to exist in 16-year-old adolescents living in Malaysia. This study showed that the rural–urban dichotomy acted as a moderator upon this relationship. PMID:24621226

  1. American Dental Education Association (United States)

    ... Interest Groups ADEA Governance Documents and Publications ADEA Dental Faculty Code of Conduct ADEA Bylaws ADEAGies Foundation ... Benefits for Faculty ADEA Member Benefits for Allied Dental Programs ADEA Member Benefits for Dental Schools ADEA ...

  2. Dental students′ compliance with antibiotic prescribing guidelines for dental infections in children

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    Yee Chen Wong


    Full Text Available Context: To investigate the antibiotic prescribing training received by dental students, clinical experience in treating child patients, awareness of antibiotic prescribing guidelines, preparedness in antibiotic prescribing, and compliance with antibiotic prescribing guidelines for the management of dental infections in children. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving final year dentals students from Malaysian and Asian dental schools. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of five clinical case scenarios was e-mailed to all final year students at selected dental schools. Students′ responses were compared for each clinical case scenario with the prescribing guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association. Compliance in each scenario was tested for association with their preparedness in antibiotic prescribing, previous training on antibiotic prescribing and awareness of antibiotic prescribing guidelines using Chi-square test. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS statistics version 20. Results: A total of 108 completed responses were received. About 74 (69% students were from Malaysian dental schools. The compliance rate with prescribing guidelines ranged from 15.7% to 43.5%. Those attending Malaysian dental schools (47.3% and those who had treated child patient more often (46.3% were more likely (P < 0.05 to be aware of the guidelines. Those who had received antibiotic prescribing training (21.3% were more likely to think they were well prepared in antibiotic prescribing (P < 0.05. Conclusions: Final year dental students had low awareness and compliance with antibiotic prescribing guidelines. Further research is needed to investigate how compliance with the guidelines may be enhanced.

  3. Case based dental radiology. (United States)

    Niemiec, Brook A


    Dental radiology is quickly becoming integral to the standard of care in veterinary dentistry. This is not only because it is critical for proper patient care, but also because client expectations have increased. Furthermore, providing dental radiographs as a routine service can create significant practice income. This article details numerous conditions that are indications for dental radiographs. As you will see, dental radiographs are often critical for proper diagnosis and treatment. These conditions should not be viewed as unusual; they are present within all of our practices. When you choose not to radiograph these teeth, you leave behind painful pathology. Utilizing the knowledge gained from dental radiographs will both improve patient care and increase acceptance of treatment recommendations. Consequently, this leads to increased numbers of dental procedures performed at your practice.

  4. Adhesión entre polímeros dentales, influencia de sus componentes y sistema de polimerización


    Paz, Alejandro; Arias, Silvia; Gardinerc, Ricardo; Abel, Vilma


    Muchos trabajos científicos hacen hincapié en el estudio de la unión de los sistemas de fijación a los tejidos dentarios, creemos que se debe estudiar a los sistemas adhesivo basando sus uniones a dentina y esmalte pero sabemos que debe analizarse el comportamiento con todos los sustratos intervinientes es por eso que es necesario la observación de la unión con el material restaurador o medio de cementado mediante la capa inhibida que forma el adhesivo dentinario. Se confeccionaron dos grupos...

  5. A retrospective evaluation of traumatic dental injury in children who applied to the dental hospital, Turkey. (United States)

    Sari, M E; Ozmen, B; Koyuturk, A E; Tokay, U; Kasap, P; Guler, D


    The purpose of this study was to analyze traumatic dental injuries in children visiting the dental hospital emergency department in Samsun of Turkey, in the period from 2007 to 2011. Data of age, gender, causes of dental trauma, injured teeth, type of dental injuries, the application period, the dental treatments, and traumatic dental injuries according to the seasons were obtained from the records at dental hospital. Of all 320 patients with traumatic dental injury, 205 were boys and 115 were girls with a boys/girls ratio 1.78:1. Traumatic dental injury was observed more frequently in the 7-12 age groups: 52.5% in girls and 67.8% in boys. Falls are the major cause of traumatic dental injury in the age group 6-12 (51.4%). Sport activities are a common cause of traumatic dental injury in the 7-12 age group (34.2%). Patients visited a dentist within approximately 2 h (57.1%). The upper anterior teeth were subjected to trauma more frequently than the lower anterior teeth. The maxillary central incisors were the most commonly affected teeth, and the mandibular canins were the least affected teeth. In primary teeth, avulsion was the most common type of dental injury (23%); on the other hand, enamel fractures were the most common type of dental injury (30.6%) observed in permanent teeth. In the primary dentition, the most commonly performed treatments were dental examination and prescribing (70%). The most common treatment choices in permanent teeth were restoration and dental examination (49.7 and 15.8%, respectively). The results of the study show that the emergency intervention to traumatized teeth is important for good prognosis of teeth and oral tissues. Therefore, the parents should be informed about dental trauma in schools, and dental hospital physicians should be subjected to postgraduate training.

  6. Dental and Dental Hygiene Intraprofessional Education: A Pilot Program and Assessment of Students' and Patients' Satisfaction. (United States)

    Jones, Vickie E; Karydis, Anastasios; Hottel, Timothy L


    Interprofessional and intraprofessional education (when students from two or more professions or within the same profession, respectively, learn about, from, and/or with each other) is crucial for effective interdisciplinary collaboration. The aims of this study were to assess the effectiveness of a clinical intraprofessional education program for dental and dental hygiene students, based on students' expectations and satisfaction with the program and patients' satisfaction with the team-based care. The pilot program was developed at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry, where dental hygiene students were paired randomly with dental students scheduled for prophylaxis, scaling and root planing, or periodontal maintenance. Surveys with questions about the students' expectations and satisfaction were distributed to 89 senior dental students and 27 senior dental hygiene students before and after team-based procedures. Another survey was distributed to 17 patients asking about their satisfaction with the team-based care. All 27 dental hygiene students (100% response rate), 51 dental students (57.3% response rate), and all 17 patients (100% response rate) participated in the surveys. The results showed that both the dental and dental hygiene students had high expectations and were overall satisfied with the intraprofessional education. The students' expectations and perceived educational gap (difference between expectations and satisfaction) differed for the dental and dental hygiene students (ppatients were overwhelmingly satisfied with the team-based care. These results suggest that this intraprofessional practice model provided an effective educational experience for both dental and dental hygiene students and patients. The differences between the dental hygiene and dental students' expectations will help in the design of more effective training that promotes intraprofessional and interprofessional teamwork.

  7. Dental hygiene students’ part-time jobs in dental practices in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poorterman, J.H.G.; Dikkes, B.T.; Brand, H.S.


    Objective:  Many students have paid employment while studying. In the Netherlands, the Individual Health Care Professions Act (IHCP Act) allows dental hygiene students to work under certain conditions in a dental practice. The aim of the study was to determine how many dental hygiene students have

  8. Adult Dental Health Survey 2009: relationships between dental attendance patterns, oral health behaviour and the current barriers to dental care. (United States)

    Hill, K B; Chadwick, B; Freeman, R; O'Sullivan, I; Murray, J J


    The importance of understanding barriers to dental attendance of adults in the UK was acknowledged in the first Adult Dental Health Survey in 1968 and has been investigated in all subsequent ADH surveys. In 1968, approximately 40% of dentate adults said they attended for a regular check-up; by 2009 this was 61%. Attendance patterns were associated with greater frequency of toothbrushing, use of additional dental hygiene products, lower plaque and calculus levels. Just under three-fifths of adults said they had tried to make an NHS dental appointment in the previous five years. The vast majority (92%) successfully received and attended an appointment, while a further 1% received an appointment but did not attend. The remaining 7% of adults were unable to make an appointment with an NHS dentist. The majority of adults were positive about their last visit to the dentist, with 80% of adults giving no negative feedback about their last dentist visit. Cost and anxiety were important barriers to care. Twenty-six percent of adults said the type of treatment they had opted for in the past had been affected by the cost and 19% said they had delayed dental treatment for the same reason. The 2009 survey data demonstrated a relationship between dental anxiety and dental attendance. Adults with extreme dental anxiety were more likely to attend only when they had trouble with their teeth (22%) than for a regular check-up.

  9. Potencialidad de estudios arqueobotánicos sobre tártaro dental de cazadores recolectores de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Musaubach, María G.


    Full Text Available El análisis del tártaro dental desde una perspectiva arqueobotánica, constituye un acercamiento innovador en el estudio de la alimentación humana, la manipulación de fibras vegetales con los dientes y el uso de plantas con fines medicinales. Esto se debe a que la identificación de microfósiles de interés arqueológico que quedaron entrampados en el sarro nos permite conocer qué plantas fueron consumidas o manipuladas con los dientes. En este trabajo se analizan los microfósiles extraídos del tártaro dental de individuos del sitio Chenque I y se evalúa la técnica apropiada para recuperar y observar la mayor cantidad y tipo de micropartículas. Las principales morfologías de fitolitos registradas corresponden al tejido epidérmico de especies de Poaceae. Es notable la presencia de restos de tejidos epidérmicos de frutos de (sp. Prosopis y gramíneas presentes en los molares. El tejido entrampado en el sarro, resulta un dato de interés al momento de analizar las prácticas alimenticias y de salud bucal de los cazadores recolectores pampeanos.

  10. En búsqueda de marcadores de celulas madre mesenquimales de la pulpa dental


    Merino, Graciela; Dewey, Ricardo; Mayocchi, Karina; Butler, Teresa Adela; Dorati, Pablo; Basal, Roxana Lía; Paggi, Ricardo; Cantarini, Martín; Pinola, Lidia; Micinquevich, Susana


    Al plantearse aislar y cultivar células madre de la pulpa dental, es Importante conocer sus características morfológicas, inmunohistoquímica, ultraestructurales y moleculares. Respecto a la inmunohistoquímica se conocen moléculas marcadoras ubicadas en la superficie celular. Ellas tienen la propiedad de reconocer determinados anticuerpos. Las siglas utilizadas para su Identificación se reconocen como CD (Cluster of Differentiation). El objetivo del presente trabajo fue diseñar una tabla, en b...

  11. Panoramic Dental X-Ray (United States)

    ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Panoramic Dental X-ray Panoramic dental x-ray uses a very small dose of ... x-ray , is a two-dimensional (2-D) dental x-ray examination that captures the entire mouth ...

  12. Advancing education in dental hygiene. (United States)

    Battrell, Ann; Lynch, Ann; Steinbach, Pam; Bessner, Sue; Snyder, Josh; Majeski, Jean


    The changing health care environment and societal imperatives indicate the need for transformative change within the dental hygiene profession to serve the emerging needs of the public. The American Dental Hygienists' Association is leading the way toward meaningful change. The American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) has as its vision the integration of dental hygienists into the health care delivery system as essential primary care providers to expand access to oral health care. This article provides data on current dental hygiene education programs and those in development. Also included is a discussion regarding how the dental hygiene profession can better serve the health and wellness needs of society by transforming the way graduates are prepared for the future. ADHA's dental hygiene survey center data, policies and a futuristic analysis plus a review of the professional literature describe the current state of dental hygiene education and the profession. A discussion of societal, health care and educational trends that creates the imperative for transformation of the dental hygiene profession is provided. Ultimately, the purpose of advancing education in dental hygiene is to achieve better oral and overall health for more people. The profession's responsibility to the public includes evaluating its own ability to provide care and taking the steps necessary to ensure its maximum effectiveness. ADHA is leading this process for dental hygienists in diverse ways. It is imperative that the dental hygiene profession understands and embraces the changing health care environment. Through open dialog and the sharing of evidence the professional path will be determined along with forward movement for the benefit of society and the dental hygiene profession. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Alaska Dental Health Aide Program. (United States)

    Shoffstall-Cone, Sarah; Williard, Mary


    In 1999, An Oral Health Survey of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Dental Patients found that 79% of 2- to 5-year-olds had a history of tooth decay. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium in collaboration with Alaska's Tribal Health Organizations (THO) developed a new and diverse dental workforce model to address AI/AN oral health disparities. This paper describes the workforce model and some experience to date of the Dental Health Aide (DHA) Initiative that was introduced under the federally sanctioned Community Health Aide Program in Alaska. These new dental team members work with THO dentists and hygienists to provide education, prevention and basic restorative services in a culturally appropriate manner. The DHA Initiative introduced 4 new dental provider types to Alaska: the Primary Dental Health Aide, the Expanded Function Dental Health Aide, the Dental Health Aide Hygienist and the Dental Health Aide Therapist. The scope of practice between the 4 different DHA providers varies vastly along with the required training and education requirements. DHAs are certified, not licensed, providers. Recertification occurs every 2 years and requires the completion of 24 hours of continuing education and continual competency evaluation. Dental Health Aides provide evidence-based prevention programs and dental care that improve access to oral health care and help address well-documented oral health disparities.

  14. Alaska Dental Health Aide Program

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Shoffstall-Cone


    Full Text Available Background. In 1999, An Oral Health Survey of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN Dental Patients found that 79% of 2- to 5-year-olds had a history of tooth decay. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium in collaboration with Alaska’s Tribal Health Organizations (THO developed a new and diverse dental workforce model to address AI/AN oral health disparities. Objectives. This paper describes the workforce model and some experience to date of the Dental Health Aide (DHA Initiative that was introduced under the federally sanctioned Community Health Aide Program in Alaska. These new dental team members work with THO dentists and hygienists to provide education, prevention and basic restorative services in a culturally appropriate manner. Results. The DHA Initiative introduced 4 new dental provider types to Alaska: the Primary Dental Health Aide, the Expanded Function Dental Health Aide, the Dental Health Aide Hygienist and the Dental Health Aide Therapist. The scope of practice between the 4 different DHA providers varies vastly along with the required training and education requirements. DHAs are certified, not licensed, providers. Recertification occurs every 2 years and requires the completion of 24 hours of continuing education and continual competency evaluation. Conclusions. Dental Health Aides provide evidence-based prevention programs and dental care that improve access to oral health care and help address well-documented oral health disparities.

  15. Children's experiences of dental anxiety. (United States)

    Morgan, Annie G; Rodd, Helen D; Porritt, Jenny M; Baker, Sarah R; Creswell, Cathy; Newton, Tim; Williams, Chris; Marshman, Zoe


    Dental anxiety is common among children. Although there is a wealth of research investigating childhood dental anxiety, little consideration has been given to the child's perspective. This qualitative study sought to explore with children their own experiences of dental anxiety using a cognitive behavioural therapy assessment model. Face-to-face, semi-structured interviews were conducted with dentally anxious children aged 11-16 years. The Five Areas model was used to inform the topic guide and analysis. Data were analysed using a framework approach. In total, 13 children were interviewed. Participants described their experiences of dental anxiety across multiple dimensions (situational factors and altered thoughts, feelings, physical symptoms, and behaviours). Participants placed considerable value on communication by dental professionals, with poor communication having a negative influence on dental anxiety and the dentist-patient relationship. This study confirms the Five Areas model as an applicable theoretical model for the assessment of childhood dental anxiety. Children provided insights about their own dental anxiety experiences that have not previously been described. © 2016 BSPD, IAPD and John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Estudio de predicción de vida a fatiga de implantes dentales de titanio y de sus principales tipos de conexiones implantoprotésicas


    Ivorra Server, Carlos


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2017. Directores de la Tesis: Juan Carlos Prados Frutos y Carlos Navarro Vila Se denomina implante dental al elemento aloplástico que se aloja en el tejido óseo o debajo del periostio con la finalidad de reemplazar los dientes ausentes (Schou et al. 2000). La Academia Americana de Implantología (AAID, por sus siglas en inglés) define el implante dental como un elemento cilíndrico, fabricado generalmente de tita...

  17. Dental school finances: current status. (United States)

    Crawford, W H


    Total expenditures and revenues of 58 US dental school were derived from reports of the ADA Division of Educational Measurements. These financial data were studied by type of dental school (public, state-related private, and private) and by expenditure/revenue categories. Dental schools showed little diversity in expenditures: most were directed toward instruction; few were directed toward research or continuing education. Several distinctive patterns among the three types of dental schools in revenues were observed. Two configurations emerged: public and state-related private dental schools receive more than 75% of their revenues from government and tuition, and private dental schools, more than 50%.

  18. Calculus detection calibration among dental hygiene faculty members utilizing dental endoscopy: a pilot study. (United States)

    Partido, Brian B; Jones, Archie A; English, Dana L; Nguyen, Carol A; Jacks, Mary E


    Dental and dental hygiene faculty members often do not provide consistent instruction in the clinical environment, especially in tasks requiring clinical judgment. From previous efforts to calibrate faculty members in calculus detection using typodonts, researchers have suggested using human subjects and emerging technology to improve consistency in clinical instruction. The purpose of this pilot study was to determine if a dental endoscopy-assisted training program would improve intra- and interrater reliability of dental hygiene faculty members in calculus detection. Training included an ODU 11/12 explorer, typodonts, and dental endoscopy. A convenience sample of six participants was recruited from the dental hygiene faculty at a California community college, and a two-group randomized experimental design was utilized. Intra- and interrater reliability was measured before and after calibration training. Pretest and posttest Kappa averages of all participants were compared using repeated measures (split-plot) ANOVA to determine the effectiveness of the calibration training on intra- and interrater reliability. The results showed that both kinds of reliability significantly improved for all participants and the training group improved significantly in interrater reliability from pretest to posttest. Calibration training was beneficial to these dental hygiene faculty members, especially those beginning with less than full agreement. This study suggests that calculus detection calibration training utilizing dental endoscopy can effectively improve interrater reliability of dental and dental hygiene clinical educators. Future studies should include human subjects, involve more participants at multiple locations, and determine whether improved rater reliability can be sustained over time.

  19. Evaluation of the shielding of dental X-rays units; Evaluacion del blindaje de unidades de rayos X dentales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medrano, E.; Vega C, H. R.; Letechipia de L, C.; Hernandez D, V. M.; Salas L, M. A., E-mail: [Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Apdo. Postal 336, 98000 Zacatecas (Mexico)


    The capacity of the walls of the dental radio-diagnostic rooms has been determined, to diminish the dose levels during the use of the X-rays equipment s. The study was carried out in the Dentistry Academic Unit of the campus Siglo X XI of the Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas. The X-rays equipment s are a learning tool for the dentistry students and they are also used for offering health services to the population; for this reason is important to verify that the dose levels outside of the room walls are safe. During the evaluation process were used conservative approaches without prejudice of the thickness necessary in benefit of the radiological protection. Of the evaluation was found that all the walls satisfy their function thoroughly like barriers against the X-rays. (Author)

  20. Dental care coverage and income-related inequalities in foregone dental care in Europe during the great recession. (United States)

    Elstad, Jon Ivar


    This study examines income inequalities in foregone dental care in 23 European countries during the years with global economic crisis. Associations between dental care coverage from public health budgets or social insurance, and income-related inequalities in perceived access to dental care, are analysed. Survey data 2008-2013 from 23 countries were combined with country data on macro-economic conditions and coverage for dental care. Foregone dental care was defined as self-reported abstentions from needed dental care because of costs or other crisis-related reasons. Age-standardized percentages reporting foregone dental care were estimated for respondents, age 20-74, in the lowest and highest income quartile. Associations between dental care coverage and income inequalities in foregone dental care, adjusted for macro-economic indicators, were examined by country-level regression models. In all 23 countries, respondents in the lowest income quartile reported significantly higher levels of foregone dental care than respondents in the highest quartile. During 2008-2013, income inequalities in foregone dental care widened significantly in 13 of 23 countries, but decreased in only three countries. Adjusted for countries' macro-economic situation and severity of the economic crisis, higher dental care coverage was significantly associated with smaller income inequalities in foregone dental care and less widening of these inequalities. Income-related inequalities in dental care have widened in Europe during the years with global economic crisis. Higher dental care coverage corresponded to less income-related inequalities in foregone dental care and less widening of these inequalities. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Perception and understanding of dental practitioners in provision of dental treatment to pregnant women in Karachi, Pakistan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aisha Wali


    Full Text Available Aim: The aim of the study was to that assess the perceptions and understanding of dental practitioners in the provision of dental treatment to pregnant women. Materials and Methods: The study was a quantitative, cross-sectional type. A sample size of 200 dental practitioners were included in the study between the period of 6 months, i.e. June–December. A cluster sampling technique was employed covering four different dental institutes. A structured questionnaire was designed to assess the perception and understanding of dental practitioners in providing treatment to the pregnant women. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 19. Chi-square test was done to analyze the association of perception of dental practitioners in treating pregnant women in relation to gender. Results: A total of 200 dental practitioners filled the questionnaire out of which 43% (86 were males and 57% (114 were females. Eighty-two percent of the total participants said that it is safe to provide dental treatment during pregnancy, almost 90.4% of the total dentist interviewed was aware of the special position in which to place a pregnant woman on a dental chair. 85.5% of the study population do not prefer taking radiographs of a pregnant woman, 63% of the entire dentist surveyed prefers to use local anesthesia before any dental procedure on a pregnant patient. 96.5% care to educate their pregnant patient about improving dental health care. 59.5% of the dental practitioners said that they would consult the patient's gynecologist as a mandatory requirement before treating the patient. 57% of the dental practitioners answered with gingivitis. 70.5% agreed on scaling. The majority of the dentists prescribed paracetamol 85.5%. Conclusion: Little is known about the perception and utilization of dental practitioners in providing dental treatment to pregnant women in Pakistan. The present survey concluded that dental practitioners lack

  2. Stress Among Dental Students

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.M. Alzahem (Abdullah)


    markdownabstractAbstract Dental students are facing many stressors in dental education, causing many negative outcomes. The most common are the exams and the clinical requirements. We suggest exposing the dental students to patient care as early as possible in their curriculum. This can help to

  3. Is liberal independent dental practice in danger? Assessing forms of dental practice in the European Regional Organization (ERO) zone of the FDI World Dental Federation. (United States)

    Wolf, Thomas Gerhard; Seeberger, Gerhard Konrad; Callaway, Angelika; Briseño-Marroquín, Benjamín; Rusca, Philippe; Frank, Michael; Otterbach, Ernst-Jürgen


    A trend towards increasingly new forms of dental practice has been observed in the FDI World Dental Federation. Elementary foundations such as the free dentist and therapy choice, and independent, free, self-responsible professional practice may be undermined. The current study is aimed at analyzing the general training framework, organization, and professional types of dental practice in the European Regional Organization (ERO) zone and at critically discussing selected aspects of changes in the dental profession. A questionnaire was developed by the ERO Working-Group "Liberal Dental Practice." Information about dental schools, professional organizations, dental practice regulations, and ambulatory healthcare centers was analyzed. Self-employed dental practice is the most common type of practice (51.7%). Dentists are allowed to work independently immediately after graduation (72.7%). Approximately one-third are organized as compulsory members in chambers/corporations. The density of dentists has a mean of 1,570 inhabitants per dentist. In most countries, there are no special rules for founding dental ambulatory healthcare centers. In a total of 353 universities of the ERO countries surveyed, 16,619 dentists per year were trained, with a trend toward a higher percentage of female students (63%). Despite modern forms of dental practice, the charter of the individual liberal dental profession (CED et al, 2013) should be respected and taken into account on the basis of ethical principles. The commercialization of the dental profession can be neutralized only by establishing and following well-defined ethical principles; oral healthcare quality can thus be ensured without the influence of third parties.

  4. Dental OCT (United States)

    Wilder-Smith, Petra; Otis, Linda; Zhang, Jun; Chen, Zhongping

    This chapter describes the applications of OCT for imaging in vivo dental and oral tissue. The oral cavity is a diverse environment that includes oral mucosa, gingival tissues, teeth and their supporting structures. Because OCT can image both hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity at high resolution, it offers the unique capacity to identity dental disease before destructive changes have progressed. OCT images depict clinically important anatomical features such as the location of soft tissue attachments, morphological changes in gingival tissue, tooth decay, enamel thickness and decay, as well as the structural integrity of dental restorations. OCT imaging allows for earlier intervention than is possible with current diagnostic modalities.

  5. Factors of Child Dental Fear : A Literature Review of Dental Fear in Children


    Nakata, Ayumi; Sato, Yoko


    Objectives. To provide an overview of the literature investigating dental fear in children during the past ten years and to review factors of child dental fear. Methods. The literature was systematically retrieved from an electronic database. The thirty four literatures which were written about the fear of dentistry, psychology and behavior during dental treatment were chosen. Results. The terms of fear being used were “Shika-kyoufu”, “Dental fear”, etc. However, the terms were not defined in...

  6. Is treatment under general anaesthesia associated with dental neglect and dental disability among caries active preschool children? (United States)

    Kvist, T; Zedrén-Sunemo, J; Graca, E; Dahllöf, G


    To study if treatment under general anaesthesia (GA) is associated with dental neglect or dental disability. This was a retrospective study. Dental records of all children in the age 0-6 years who underwent GA at a specialist paediatric dentistry clinic during 2006-2011 were studied with regard to decayed-missed-filled teeth, traumatic injuries, emergency visits, behaviour management problems and the history of attendance. The final sample consisted of 134 children. Matched controls were selected among recall patients who had not received treatment under GA. Fishers exact test or Pearson Chi-square test analysed response distribution and comparisons between groups, and for multivariate analyses, logistic regression was used. The results show that children treated under GA had significantly higher caries prevalence, apical periodontitis and infections due to pulpal necrosis. Dental neglect as well as dental disability was significantly more prevalent in the GA group compared to the control group. In a multivariate analysis with dental neglect as independent factor, dental disability was the only significant factor (p = 0.006). Children treated under general anaesthesia were significantly more often diagnosed with both dental neglect and dental disability. Dental disability was the only factor significantly related to dental neglect. There is a need for improved documentation in the dental records to better identify dental neglect and dental disability, and also a continued training of dentists regarding child protection.

  7. Dental Effluent Guidelines (United States)

    Overview and documents for Dental Office Category regulation (40 CFR Part 441); comprising pretreatment standards for discharges of dental amalgam pollutants, including mercury, into publicly owned treatment works (POTWs).

  8. Exploring Current and Future Roles of Non-Dental Professionals: Implications for Dental Hygiene Education. (United States)

    Maxey, Hannah L; Farrell, Christine; Gwozdek, Anne


    The health care system is undergoing transformation in which oral health is not only valued as an aspect of overall health, but health care delivery systems are aligning to better deliver total patient care. As a result of this transformation, education for many non-dental professionals incorporates oral health content to prepare them to practice in comprehensive delivery models. While some non-dental professionals already incorporate oral health care in their service, many opportunities exist for expansion of oral health care delivery by other non-dental professionals, including radiologic technicians, nursing staff, and human services professionals. As non-dental professionals take on expanded roles in oral health care, the dental hygiene workforce must be prepared to practice in settings with new types of professionals. Dental hygiene curricula should prioritize interprofessional education to best prepare these students for practice in evolved delivery models. This article was written as part of the project "Advancing Dental Education in the 21 st Century."

  9. Dental Environmental Noise Evaluation and Health Risk Model Construction to Dental Professionals. (United States)

    Ma, Kuen Wai; Wong, Hai Ming; Mak, Cheuk Ming


    Occupational noise is unavoidably produced from dental equipment, building facilities, and human voices in the dental environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of occupational noise exposure on the dental professionals' health condition. The psychoacoustics approach noise exposure assessment followed by the health risk assessment was carried on at the paediatric dentistry clinic and the dental laboratory in the Prince Philip Dental Hospital of Hong Kong. The A-weighted equivalent sound level, total loudness, and sharpness values were statistically significantly higher for the noise at the laboratory than that at the clinic. The degree of perceived influences and sharpness of noise were found to have the impacts on the dental professionals' working performance and health. Moreover, the risk of having a bad hearing state would a have 26% and 31% higher chance for a unit increment of the short-term and long-term impact scores, respectively. The dental professionals with the service length more than 10 years and the daily working hours of more than eight showed the highest risk to their hearing state. The worse the hearing state was, the worse the health state was found for the dental professionals. Also, the risk of dissatisfaction would be increased by 4.41 and 1.22 times for those who worked at the laboratory and a unit increment of the long-term impact score. The constructed health risk mode with the scientific and statistical evidence is hence important for the future noise management of environmental improvement.

  10. Mandatory Clinical Practice for Dental and Dental Hygiene Faculty. (United States)

    Cameron, Cheryl A.; And Others


    Dental and dental hygiene faculty should maintain their clinical skills through regular practice, to improve their ability to relate to students through instruction, provide an additional source of income, and improve their image in the community. Institutional policies fostering and regulating faculty practice plans are suggested. (Author/MSE)

  11. The Management of Dental Waste in Dental Offices and Clinics in Shiraz, Southern Iran

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Danaei


    Full Text Available Background: Dental waste can be hazardous to humans and the environment. Objective: To determine the current status of dental waste management in private and public dental clinics and private dental offices in Shiraz, southern Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences from February through June 2013. A stratified random sampling method was used to study 86 private offices, 14 private clinics and 10 public clinics. Types of waste studied included mercury and amalgam, lead foil packets, sharps, infectious tissues and fluids, pharmaceuticals and domestic waste materials. Compliance with established standards by the monitored dental offices and clinics and public clinics were compared. Results: 89.1% of dental offices and clinics disposed their infectious waste with domestic waste. Only 60% of centers used standard method for sharps disposal. None of the dental centers disposed their pharmaceutical waste and x-ray fixer waste by standard methods. Less than 10% of centers recycled the amalgam and lead foil pockets waste to the manufacture. Conclusion: Government agencies should establish monitoring programs for all dental offices and clinics to identify noncompliant activity and enforce recommended regulations.

  12. 21 CFR 872.3700 - Dental mercury. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Dental mercury. 872.3700 Section 872.3700 Food and... DENTAL DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 872.3700 Dental mercury. (a) Identification. Dental mercury is a... dental cavity or a broken tooth. (b) Classification. Class I. ...

  13. Access to dental care-parents' and caregivers' views on dental treatment services for people with disabilities.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Prabhu, Neeta T


    The goal of this study was to elicit the views of patients or parents\\/caregivers of patients with disabilities regarding access to dental care. A questionnaire was generated both from interviews with patients\\/parents\\/caregivers already treated under sedation or general anesthesia as well as by use of the Delphi technique with other stakeholders. One hundred thirteen patients from across six community dental clinics and one dental hospital were included. Approximately, 38% of the subjects used a general dental practitioner and 35% used the community dental service for their dental care, with only 27% using the hospital dental services. Overall waiting time for an appointment at the secondary care setting was longer than for the primary care clinics. There was a high rate of parent\\/caregiver satisfaction with dental services and only five patients reported any difficulty with travel and access to clinics. This study highlights the need for a greater investment in education and training to improve skills in the primary dental care sector.

  14. Dental PACS development in Korea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Eun Kyung


    Picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is an image information technology system for the transmission and storage of medical images. In Korea the first full PACS was installed at Samsung Medical Center in 1994, but, the rate of distribution was very slow. The government's approval for the medical insurance reimbursement for full PACS examinations in November 1999 became the turning point. Thereafter the number of hospitals with full PACS has steeply increased. In September of this year, PACS was installed at 906 medical institutes, including most of university hospitals and general hospitals. The first full dental PACS was installed at Wonkwang University Dental Hospital in 2002. Now ten out of eleven university dental hospitals implemented full dental PACS. The current status and technological factors of dental PACS in Korean university dental hospitals and the future perspectives of dental PACS are described.

  15. An overview of dental radiology: a primer on dental radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manny, E.F.; Carlson, K.C.; McClean, P.M.; Rachlin, J.A.; Segal, P.


    To provide medical and scientific background on certain selected technologies generally considered to be of particular significance, the National Center for Health Care Technology (NCHCT) has commissioned a series of overview papers. This is one of several projects entered into jointly by the Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH) and NCHCT relating to the use of radiation for health care. Dental radiation protection has been a long-time interest of BRH. Both past and on-going efforts to minimize population radiation exposure from electronic products have included specific action programs directed at minimizing unnecessary radiation exposure to the population from dental radiology. Current efforts in quality assurance and referral criteria are two aspects of NCHCT's own assessment of this technology which are described within the larger picture presented in this overview. The issues considered in this document go beyond the radiation exposure aspects of dental x-ray procedures. To be responsive to the informational needs of NCHCT, the assessment includes various other factors that influence the practice of dental radiology. It is hoped this analysis will serve as the basis for planning and conducting future programs to improve the practice of dental radiology

  16. Evaluation of radiation effects on dental enamel hardness and dental restorative materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adachi, Lena Katekawa; Saiki, Mitiko; Campos, Tomie Nakakuki


    This research presents the results of the microhardness of human dental enamel and of the following dental restorative materials: three dental porcelains - Ceramco II, Finesse and Noritake, and two resin restorative materials - Artglass and Targis, for materials submitted to different times of irradiation at the IEA-R1m nuclear reactor under a thermal neutron flux of 10 12 n cm -2 .s -1 . The results obtained indicated that there is a decrease of the surface microhardness when the enamel is irradiated for 1 h and when dental materials are irradiated for 3 h. However, enamels irradiated for 30 min. did not show significant change of their surface hardness. Therefore, the selection of irradiation time is an important factor to be considered when irradiated teeth or dental materials are used in the investigations of their properties. (author)

  17. Dental status and dental caries in 85-year-old Danes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vilstrup, Lene; Holm-Pedersen, Poul; Mortensen, Erik Lykke


    OBJECTIVES: This study reports findings on the dental status and the prevalence of dental caries among a group of 85-year-old Danes from the Glostrup 1914 Cohort, Denmark. The purpose of the study was to analyse whether caries experience was related to number of teeth and to indicators...... of functional ability and cognitive function. METHODS: A total of 191 individuals (78 men and 113 women) participated in a cross-sectional population study conducted in 2000. Using mobile dental equipment, a clinical oral examination and an interview were administered to all participants in their homes...... and cognitive impairment tended to have more active caries than 85-year-olds with no impairment. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of 85-year-old individuals had retained a natural dentition; however, active dental caries is a problem of concern among the most elderly....

  18. Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH): correlation with dental caries and dental fear. (United States)

    Kosma, I; Kevrekidou, A; Boka, V; Arapostathis, K; Kotsanos, N


    This cross-sectional study was to investigate correlations between molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH), dental caries and child dental fear. The subjects in the study were representative samples of 8 and 14 year old children from three Greek cities (total N = 2335). Dental examinations were performed by one calibrated examiner in classrooms, after the children had brushed their teeth, using an intraoral mirror and artificial room light supplemented by a penlight. All the children completed the children's fear survey schedule-dental subscale (CFSS-DS) questionnaire. MIH scores were recorded using EAPD criteria and dental caries experience by DMFS/dmfs index. Data were analysed with the Chi-squared (χ (2)), Mann-Whitney and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient tests. The mean DMFS in children with MIH (8-year olds: 1.60 ± 2.01, 14-year olds: 4.60 ± 4.41) was statistically significantly higher than children without MIH (8-year olds: 1.01 ± 1.78, 14-year olds: 3.46 ± 4.28) (p MIH had statistically significantly higher mean DMFS scores than children with mild or no MIH (p MIH status (p = 0.332). Caries experience was associated with the MIH status of the first permanent molars in both age groups (p MIH (26.5 ± 9.6) (p = 0.339), regardless of MIH severity. A positive association between MIH and dental caries was confirmed and a lack of association found between MIH and dental fear in Greek children.

  19. A humanistic environment for dental schools: what are dental students experiencing? (United States)

    Quick, Karin K


    A Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) standard now requires that dental schools commit to establishing a "humanistic culture and learning environment" for all members of the academic environment. The aim of this study was to identify students' perceptions of factors that affect the dental school environment and to test differences in their experiences in terms of gender and year. This picture of the existing environment was meant to serve as a first step toward creating and supporting a more humanistic academic environment. A mixed-methods approach was used for data collection during the 2009-10 and 2010-11 academic years at one U.S. dental school. Four focus groups were first conducted to explore challenges and conflicts faced by students during their dental education. A written survey informed by the focus group results was then used to obtain quantitative data. The survey response rate was 47 percent (N=188). Faculty inconsistency, cheating, and belittlement/disrespect were experienced by many of the responding dental students during their education, similar to what has been documented in medicine. These students also reported experiencing both constructive communication (90 percent) and destructive communication (up to 32 percent). The female students reported more gender discrimination and sexual harassment than their male peers, and the clinical students reported more experience with belittlement and destructive communication than the preclinical students. The results suggest that greater effort should be directed toward creating a more humanistic environment in dental schools. Based on the issues identified, steps academic institutions can take to improve these environments and student skills are outlined.

  20. First-year dental students' motivation and attitudes for choosing the dental profession. (United States)

    Avramova, Nadya; Yaneva, Krassimira; Bonev, Boyko


    To determine first-year dental students' current motivation and attitudes for choosing the dental profession at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria. An anonymous questionnaire, consisting of 12 questions about students' socio-demographic profile and their motivation for choosing dentistry, was administered to 119 first-year dental students at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Medical University of Sofia. The study was conducted at the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year. The data was processed and analyzed with the following software: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2; Microsoft SQL Server 2008; Internet Information Server 7.5.; Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010. The majority of the students (73%) were self-motivated for choosing dentistry as a career; 61% of them did not have relatives in the medical profession; 43% chose dental medicine because it is a prestigious, humane and noble profession; 50% - for financial security; 59% - because of the independence that it provides. There were no significant differences in the motivation between males and females. Independence, financial security and 'prestige' were the predominant motivating factors in this group of first-year dental students. Determining the reasons for choosing dentistry has important implications for the selection and training of students as well as for their future job satisfaction. Copyright © 2014 by Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  1. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersson, Lars; Andreasen, Jens O; Day, Peter


    Avulsion of permanent teeth is one of the most serious dental injuries, and a prompt and correct emergency management is very important for the prognosis. The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) has developed a consensus statement after a review of the dental literature and gr...

  2. American Dental Association (United States)

    ... CE providers and find CE courses. Commission on Dental Accreditation Explore CODA's role and find accredited schools and programs Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations Learn about the examinations used in licensing ...

  3. Desarrollo y validación de una nueva tecnología, basada en arginina al 1.5%, un compuesto de calcio insoluble y fluoruro, para el uso diario en la prevención y tratamiento de la caries dental. (United States)

    Cummins, D


    este artículo discute brevemente la prevalencia de caries, la naturaleza multifactorial de su etiología, el riesgo de caries y el papel y eficacia del fluoruro. Resalta también la investigación sobre el metabolismo bacteriano, que ha aportado conocimientos sobre la defensa natural oral contra la caries y la base para el desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la prevención diaria y el tratamiento de la caries. Por último, se resume la evidencia que respalda que la tecnología complementa y mejora la eficacia anti-caries de la crema dental con fluoruro. los datos globales muestran que a pesar de la exitosa introducción del fluoruro, la caries dental es una enfermedad prevalente. La experiencia de caries depende del balance entre el consumo de azúcares, la higiene oral y el uso del fluoruro. Hay tres conceptos científicos que son fundamentales en las nuevas mediciones para detectar, tratar y monitorear la caries: (1) la caries dental es un proceso dinámico, (2) la caries dental es un proceso continuo de etapas que van desde reversible (pre-clínica) hasta irreversible (lesiones clínicamente detectables), y (3) el proceso de la caries es un balance de factores patológicos y protectores que pueden modularse para el manejo de la caries. El fluoruro funciona como factor protector al detener y revertir el proceso de la caries, pero el fluoruro no previene los factores patológicos que inician el proceso. Se ha identificado una tecnología novedosa, basada en arginina y un compuesto insoluble de calcio, que está dirigida a la placa dental para prevenir la iniciación del proceso de caries al reducir los factores patológicos. Como los mecanismos de acción de la arginina y el fluoruro son altamente complementarios, se ha desarrollado un nuevo dentífrico que combina la arginina y el fluoruro, y se ha probado clínicamente que brinda una prevención superior contra la caries. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. The virtual dental home: a critique. (United States)

    Friedman, Jay W; Nash, David A; Mathu-Muju, Kavita R


    The Virtual Dental Home is a concept of the Pacific Center for Special Care of the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco. It is designed to improve access to dental care for underserved populations, specifically children and institutionalized adults. This article describes the development and implementation of the Virtual Dental Home, subsequently critiquing the concept. The criteria for a dental home are not met by the program. It is the equivalent of a traditional public oral health prevention and screening program, with the additional dimension of allowing dental hygienists and assistants to place interim glass ionomer restorations in dental cavities. The critique questions the need to insert a "cloud" dentist into the process. The routine utilization of radiographs is also challenged. The VDH not only lacks the attributes of a dental home, it has not been shown to be as efficient and effective as traditional programs staffed by dental hygienists and dental therapists. The article concludes by describing how programs utilizing dental therapists could address the deficiencies of the Virtual Dental Home, effectively improving access to oral health care for underserved populations. © 2017 American Association of Public Health Dentistry.

  5. Dental magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilgenfeld, Tim; Bendszus, Martin; Haehnel, Stefan


    Growing distribution and utilization of digital volume tomography (DVT) extend the spectrum of clinical dental imaging. Additional diagnostic value, however, comes along with an increasing amount of radiation. In contrast, magnetic resonance imaging is a radiation free imaging technique. Furthermore, it offers a high soft tissue contrast. Morphological and numerical dental anomalies, differentiation of periapical lesions and exclusion of complications of dental diseases are field of applications for dental MRI. In addition, detection of caries and periodontal lesions and injury of inferior alveolar nerve are promising application areas in the future.

  6. Predictors of dental avoidance among Australian adults with different levels of dental anxiety

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Armfield, J.M.; Ketting, M.


    Objectives: It has been proposed that avoidance of dental visits might be the main determinant of poor oral health outcomes in people with high dental anxiety (HDA). This study aimed to determine the predictors of dental avoidance among people with HDA and also whether these predictors differed from

  7. 21 CFR 872.3240 - Dental bur. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Dental bur. 872.3240 Section 872.3240 Food and... DENTAL DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 872.3240 Dental bur. (a) Identification. A dental bur is a rotary... materials intended for use in the fabrication of dental devices. (b) Classification. Class I (general...

  8. The vicious cycle of dental fear: exploring the interplay between oral health, service utilization and dental fear

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spencer A John


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Based on the hypothesis that a vicious cycle of dental fear exists, whereby the consequences of fear tend to maintain that fear, the relationship between dental fear, self-reported oral health status and the use of dental services was explored. Methods The study used a telephone interview survey with interviews predominantly conducted in 2002. A random sample of 6,112 Australian residents aged 16 years and over was selected from 13 strata across all States and Territories. Data were weighted across strata and by age and sex to obtain unbiased population estimates. Results People with higher dental fear visited the dentist less often and indicated a longer expected time before visiting a dentist in the future. Higher dental fear was associated with greater perceived need for dental treatment, increased social impact of oral ill-health and worse self-rated oral health. Visiting patterns associated with higher dental fear were more likely to be symptom driven with dental visits more likely to be for a problem or for the relief of pain. All the relationships assumed by a vicious cycle of dental fear were significant. In all, 29.2% of people who were very afraid of going to the dentist had delayed dental visiting, poor oral health and symptom-driven treatment seeking compared to 11.6% of people with no dental fear. Conclusion Results are consistent with a hypothesised vicious cycle of dental fear whereby people with high dental fear are more likely to delay treatment, leading to more extensive dental problems and symptomatic visiting patterns which feed back into the maintenance or exacerbation of existing dental fear.

  9. Dental anxiety among children of age between 5 to 10 years visiting a teaching dental hospital Islamabad, Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raja, G.H.; Malik, F.S.; Attaullah, M.; Bashir, U.


    Background: The assessment of dental anxiety among children will aid in dealing with management issues related to dental treatment. There is no study available from Pakistan on dental anxiety in children. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental anxiety in children attending a teaching dental hospital in Islamabad, Pakistan. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 252 children aged between 5-10 years attending a dental clinic in a dental hospital in Islamabad, Pakistan. Dental anxiety was assessed by using the Faces Version of the Modified Child Dental Anxiety Scale. This scale uses faces as pictograms to indicate the levels of dental anxiety making it easier for children to answer the questionnaire. Results: A total of 252 children were observed for assessment of dental anxiety having mean age of 7.88±1.55 years with 123 (48.8 percentage) males and 129 (51.2 percentage) females. Out of these children 150 (59.5 percentage) had previously visited a dentist and 102 (40.5 percentage) had no experience with a dentist before; 38 percentage (95/252) of children had moderate and severe dental anxiety. Dental anxiety decreased significantly with age (p=0.0003). The difference in anxiety levels was not statistically significant between males and females and in different socio-economic status. Conclusion: This study has highlighted dental anxiety as a potential public health concern regarding children in Pakistan. Assessment of dental anxiety is a useful way to identify anxious dental patients. (author)

  10. Dental Sealants: Knowledge, Value, Opinion, and Practice among Dental Professionals of Bathinda City, India


    Asawa, Kailash; Gupta, Vivek V.; Tak, Mridula; Nagarajappa, Ramesh; Chaturvedi, Pulkit; Bapat, Salil; Mishra, Prashant; Roy, Santanu Sen


    Objective. The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge, value, opinion, and practice regarding use of dental sealants among private dental practitioners in Bathinda City, Punjab, India. Materials and Methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among all private dental practitioners in Bathinda City, Punjab. A self-administered structured questionnaire consisting of 28 items was used to assess their knowledge, value, opinion, and practice regarding dental sealants. One-way analysi...

  11. Changes in sick leave among Swedish dental patients after treatment for dental fear. (United States)

    Hakeberg, M; Berggren, U


    The most obvious consequence of a genuine dental phobic reaction is the avoidance of necessary dental care. Previous research has indicated that such avoidance results in deterioration of the oral status, which subsequently worsens patients' well-being and quality of life. The authors' previous investigations have shown overt behavioural and social effects by an increased time spent on sick leave compared with the public experience. Self-reports by patients also indicated that the time spent on sick leave was reduced after successful treatment for dental fear. The present investigation assessed the frequency of sick leave days among patients with dental fear and avoidance with regard to successful or unsuccessful treatment for dental fear (subsequent regular dental visit habits). A sub-sample of the fear group was compared with a group of matched controls. Data were collected from the official register of the National Health Insurance Board. It was revealed that the number of sick leave days was significantly reduced after treatment for dental fear among treated patients. This effect was also confirmed by a significant post-treatment difference between treated patients and those who discontinued or never started treatment. When compared with a matched control group, the positive change was further supported by a significant pre-treatment difference and a non-significant post-treatment difference.

  12. Dental students' perceptions of dental specialties and factors influencing specialty and career choices. (United States)

    Dhima, Matilda; Petropoulos, Vicki C; Han, Rita K; Kinnunen, Taru; Wright, Robert F


    The goals of this study were to 1) evaluate dental students' perceptions of dental specialties, 2) identify factors that play an important role in students' decision to pursue specialty training or career choices, and 3) establish a baseline of students' perceptions of the dental fields with the best future in terms of salary, personal and patient quality of life, and overall impact on the dental profession. Surveys were distributed to 494 students at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Data were collected from 380 traditional four-year students and thirty advanced standing students. Chi-square tests, multivariate analysis, and logistic regressions were used to determine associations and independent contributions of student demographics to their perceptions of dental specialties and factors influencing specialty training or career choices. Debt was a statistically significant factor (p<0.001) in choosing specialty training or career independent of gender, age, or class year. Enjoyment of providing care in a specialty or field was identified as the single most important factor in choosing a specialty career. Half of the respondents had decided not to specialize. Pursuing postdoctoral general dentistry training and private practice in general dentistry were the most commonly reported plans after completion of dental school. Suggestions are made for ways to inform students about specialty training.

  13. Academic dental public health diplomates: their distribution and recommendations concerning the predoctoral dental public health faculty. (United States)

    Kaste, L M; Sadler, Z E; Hayes, K L; Narendran, S; Niessen, L C; Weintraub, J A


    The purpose of this study was to assess the representation of academically based diplomates of the American Board of Dental Public Health (ABDPH) and to identify their perceptions on the training of dental public health predoctoral faculty. Data were collected by a mailed, self-administered, 13-item questionnaire. The population was the 48 diplomates of the ABDPH as of March 1997 associated with academic institutions. Twenty of the 55 US dental schools had a diplomate of the ABDPH with a mean of 1.8 diplomates per school with a diplomate. An average of 4.5 full-time faculty members per school were associated with teaching dental public health. A master's degree in public health (MPH) was the most frequently suggested educational requirement for dental public health faculty. Continuing education courses were training needs perceived for dental public health faculty. The lack of time, money, and incentives, along with perceived rigidity of requirements for board certification, were reported as major barriers for faculty becoming dental public health board certified. Numerous challenges confront the development of a strong dental public health presence in US dental schools. These challenges include, among others, insufficient numbers of academic dental public health specialists and insufficient motivations to encourage promising candidates to pursue specialty status.

  14. Diabetes: Dental Tips (United States)

    Diabetes: Dental Tips For more copies contact: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse ... damage the gum and bone that hold your teeth in place and may lead to painful chewing ...

  15. The 'simple' general dental anaesthetic

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dental anaesthesia should not be underestimated. Eddie Oosthuizen .... dental surgeon has limited training in airway management. ... primary teeth to hours for extensive dental conservation .... options after the extraction of permanent teeth ...

  16. Dental patients' use of the Internet.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    To determine the use of the Internet by patients attending a range of dental clinics to search for information regarding dental procedures, and also to investigate their interest in online dental consultations and \\'dental tourism\\'.

  17. Dental biofilm infections

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Tove; Fiehn, Nils-Erik


    and cause gingival inflammation and breakdown of supporting periodontal fibers and bone and ultimately tooth loss, i.e., gingivitis, chronic or aggressive periodontitis, and around dental implants, peri-implantitis. Furthermore, bacteria from the dental biofilm may spread to other parts of the body......-fermenting bacteria causing demineralization of teeth, dental caries, which may further lead to inflammation and necrosis in the pulp and periapical region, i.e., pulpitis and periapical periodontitis. In supra- and subgingival biofilms, predominantly gram-negative, anaerobic proteolytic bacteria will colonize...

  18. Confronting shibboleths of dental education. (United States)

    Masella, Richard S


    Shibboleths are common expressions presented as indisputable truths. When used in educational discussions, they reflect "motherhood and apple pie" viewpoints and tend to bring debate to a halt. Use of shibboleths may precede a desired imposition of "locksteps" in educational programming and are easily perceived as paternalistic by recipients. Nine shibboleths are presented as common beliefs of dental faculty and administrators. Evidence contradicting the veracity of the "obvious truths" is offered. The traditional "splendid isolation" of dentistry contributes to parochialism and belief in false shibboleths. Sound principles of higher and health professions education, student learning, and dental practice apply to dental education as to all health disciplines. Student passivity in dental education is not the best preparation for proficiency in dental practice. The master teacher possesses a repertoire of methodologies specific to meeting defined educational objectives. Active learning experiences bear close resemblances to professional duties and responsibilities and internally motivate future doctors of dental medicine. The difficulty in achieving curricular change leads to curricular entrenchment. Dentistry and dental education should not trade their ethical high ground for the relatively low ethical standards of the business world. Principles of professional ethics should govern relationships between dentists, whether within the dental school workplace or in practice. Suggestions are made on how to confront shibboleths in dental school settings.

  19. Dental anxiety among adult patients and its correlation with self-assessed dental status and treatment needs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syed, S.; Bilal, S.; Dawani, N.; Rizvi, K


    Objective: To evaluate the dental anxiety levels and to assess its correlation with self-assessed dental status and treatment needs of patients. Methods: The study was conducted at the Out Patient Department of Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan Institute of Oral Health Sciences, Karachi. Using non-probability quota sampling, the study included the first 32 patients between 18 and 35 years of age, visiting the facility. Over a period of one month (22 working days) 704 patients comprised the study population. They were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to self-assess their dental anxiety levels, oral health status and treatment needs. The data was analysed using SPSS 17.0 with descriptive frequencies and chi-square test. Results: Of the total participants, 650 (92.32%) patients provided consent. Average dental anxiety scale score was 12.46, representing high anxiety score. There were 174 (26.8%) smokers; only 234 (36%) had visited a dentist less than a year ago; 385 (59.2%) considered their dental health to be satisfactory; 306 (47.1%) thought of their treatment needs to be little'; 222 (34.2%) brushed their teeth twice daily. Dental anxiety was statistically significant with treatment needs and dental status. Relation of tooth-brushing with last dental visit and treatment needs was also found to be significant. Conclusion: A high level of dental anxiety was observed among the study population. The dental professionals should seek ways to help dentally anxious individuals. (author)

  20. Dental case manager encounters: the association with retention in dental care and treatment plan completion. (United States)

    Lemay, Celeste A; Tobias, Carol; Umez-Eronini, Amarachi A; Brown, Carolyn; McCluskey, Amanda; Fox, Jane E; Bednarsh, Helene; Cabral, Howard J


    Little is known about dental case managers as few programs have been scientifically evaluated. The goal of this study was to explore the impact of dental case manager on retention in dental care and completion of treatment plans, while specifically exploring the number of dental case manager encounters. Fourteen programs enrolled people with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in dental care and a longitudinal study between 2007 and 2009. The 758 participants had a total of 2715 encounters with a dental case manager over twelve months: 29% had a single encounter; 21% had two; 27% had 3-4 and; 23% had 5-29 encounters. Adjusting for baseline characteristics, participants receiving more encounters were significantly more likely to complete their Phase 1 treatment plan, be retained in dental care, and experience improvements in overall oral health status. Organizations considering efforts to improve the oral health of vulnerable, hard-to-engage populations should consider these findings when planning interventions. ©2012 Special Care Dentistry Association and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Tratamiento implanto protético de la agenesia del segundo premolar superior: Reporte de un caso clínico


    Tomaghelli, Emanuel Ricardo; Perdomo Sturniolo, Ivana Lorena


    La agenesia dental es una de las anomalías craneofaciales más comunes en el desarrollo humano. Paciente de género femenino de 22 años de edad que a la inspección ocular se observa la persistencia del diente temporario de la pieza Nº 65, realizando un examen radiográfico en búsqueda del diente permanente retenido o en ubicación ectópica se observa la “agenesia” del mismo. Como plan de tratamiento se optó por la exodoncia atraumática de la pieza temporaria y la colocación inmediata de un impla...

  2. American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (United States)

    ... New Research AADSM Highlights Members More news... Dental Sleep Medicine: An area of dental practice that focuses on ... SomnoMed Silver Sponsors Copyright © American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, All Rights Reserved. American Academy of Dental Sleep ...

  3. Clinical characteristics of dental emergencies and prevalence of dental trauma at a university hospital emergency center in Korea. (United States)

    Bae, Ji-Hyun; Kim, Young-Kyun; Choi, Yong-Hoon


    The aim of this study was to examine the clinical characteristics of dental emergency patients who visited a university hospital emergency center and to evaluate the incidence of dental trauma. A retrospective chart review of patients with dental complaints and who visited the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH) emergency center in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, from January 2009 to December 2009 was conducted. Information regarding age, gender, the time, day, and month of presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up was collected and analyzed. One thousand four hundred twenty-five patients with dental problems visited the SNUBH emergency center. Dental patients accounted for 1.47% of the total 96,708 patients at the emergency center. The male-to-female ratio was 1.68:1, with a considerably larger number of male patients (62.7%). The age distribution peak was at 0-9 years (27.5%), followed by patients in their forties (14.1%). The number of patients visiting the dental emergency center peaked in May (14.2%), on Sundays (22.4%), and between 2100 and 2400 h (20.8%). The patients' chief complaints were as follows: dental trauma, dental infection, oral bleeding, and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). The prevalence of dental trauma was 66%. The reasons for dental emergency visits included the following: dental trauma, dental infection, oral bleeding, and TMD, with 66% of the patients requiring management of dental trauma. It is important that dentists make a prompt, accurate diagnosis and initiate effective treatment in case of dental emergencies, especially dental trauma. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  4. The Ukrainian Dental Market: Characteristics of Demand for Services in the Segment of Dental Implantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Slipchenko Tetiana O.


    Full Text Available The article is aimed at analyzing the market for dental services in Ukraine in the implantology segment, studying the demand factors for these services and developing a system of measures to manage the demand for dental implantation services. It has been proven that the market for dental services according to a complex of its attributes is more in line with the type of market of monopolistic competition. One of the promising ways of developing the dental market is to transform producers of dental services into the vertically integrated holdings. As one of the specific features of the dental services market is allocated the asymmetry of information, which leads to a conflict between the medical and economic interests of dentists. The price and non-price factors of demand for dental implantation services were determined, the prime cost structure of a dental service was analyzed. The characteristic attributes of a medical service have been defined as consistently defined actions or a complex of actions by medical personnel aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, which have a self-contained complete meaning and a certain price.

  5. Awareness of Consumer Protection Act among dental health professionals in dental schools of Ghaziabad, India. (United States)

    Prasad, Sumanth; Menon, Ipseeta; Dhingra, Chandan; Anand, Richa


    The study aimed to assess the awareness of the Consumer Protection Act among dental health professionals in dental schools of Ghaziabad, India. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was carried out on dental health professionals in dental schools of Ghaziabad, India. A total of 348 dental health professionals (170 males and 178 females) were surveyed, out of which 116 were MDS faculty, 45 were BDS faculty and 187 were pursuing post graduation. The questionnaire comprised of 24 questions about the awareness of consumer protection act. Statistical analysis was done using Chi-square test, student's t test and ANOVA. A total of 84.8% (n=295) reported to be aware of consumer protection act. Amongst them, MDS faculty showed more awareness as compared to BDS faculty and those pursuing post-graduation. Considering the present scenario, MDS faculty dental professionals have more awareness of consumer protection act compared to other dental professionals. So, we must upgrade our knowledge on consumer protection act at all levels of our profession and change our attitude by inculcating a practice to spread the message of consumer protection act for delivering quality dental care.

  6. LGBT Coverage in U.S. Dental Schools and Dental Hygiene Programs: Results of a National Survey. (United States)

    Hillenburg, Kenneth L; Murdoch-Kinch, Carol A; Kinney, Janet S; Temple, Henry; Inglehart, Marita R


    The aims of this study were to assess curricular coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) content in U.S. and Canadian dental schools and U.S. dental hygiene programs, including hours of LGBT content, pedagogy used, and assessment methods, and to determine whether respondents perceived their institution's coverage as adequate. Data were collected from academic deans at 32 U.S. and two Canadian dental schools and from program directors at 71 U.S. dental hygiene programs (response rates 49%, 20%, 23%, respectively). The results showed that 29% of responding dental schools and 48% of responding dental hygiene programs did not cover LGBT content. Among the respondents, dental schools dedicated on average 3.68 hours and dental hygiene programs 1.25 hours in required settings to LGBT content. Lectures (dental schools 68%, dental hygiene programs 45%) and small group instruction (43%, 25%) were reported as the most common methodology used in teaching this content. Most of the responding dental schools and dental hygiene programs covered HIV (85%, 53%), oral disease risk (63%, 54%), and barriers to accessing health care for LGBT people (58%, 38%). Up to a third reported no need for coverage of topics such as sexual orientation (21%, 32%), coming out (29%, 37%), transitioning (29%, 38%), and sex reassignment surgery (32%, 35%). Assessment was through written examinations (41%, 30%) and faculty-observed patient interactions (21%, 23%); some respondents (20%, 33%) reported no assessment of learning outcomes. The most frequently endorsed strategies for increasing LGBT content were receiving curricular material focusing on LGBT-related health issues and health disparities and having trained faculty to teach LGBT content.

  7. Riesgo de caries dental en niños atendidos en el hogar en el período 2006-2007 Risk of dental caries in children seen at home in 2006-2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deyanira Cabrera Escobar


    Full Text Available La caries dental es una enfermedad que aparece en la infancia con el brote de los dientes. Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal en una muestra de 200 niños de 2 a 4 años (niños atendidos en el hogar, del municipio Plaza de la Revolución, para evaluar la relación entre el nivel de riesgo y la prevalencia de caries dental, los cuales se seleccionaron por muestreo estratificado polietápico con probabilidad proporcional al tamaño. La información se obtuvo mediante encuestas. Se empleó la prueba estadística Chi cuadrado y Anova Bonferroni. Los resultados demostraron que los categorizados de alto riesgo en los aspectos de riesgo: específico, nivel educativo, perfil individual y comunitario, por organización y funcionamiento de los servicios de salud, y riesgo total, tuvieron la mayor prevalencia de la caries dental (47,8 % con índice 0,48; 25,0 % con índice 0,25; 39,1 % con índice 0,39; 100 % con índice 1,0 y 36,9 % con índice 0,37, respectivamente. Se concluye que existió relación entre los niveles de riesgo y la prevalencia de caries dental en los niños atendidos en el hogar.Dental caries is a disease appearing during childhood with the teeth bud. Across-sectional analytical study was made in a cohort of 200 children aged 2 -4 (children seen at home from Plaza de Revolución municipality, to assess the relation between risk level and dental caries prevalence, which were selected by a multistage stratified sampling with a proportional probability to size. Information was retrieved through surveys. We used the Chi2 statistical test and the Anova Bonferroni. Results showed that those classified as high risk in the following features: specific risk, educational level, individual and community profile, by organization and performance of health service, and total risk, had the greater prevalence of dental caries ,the 47,8% with a rate of 0,48; the 25,0% with a rate of 0,25; the 39,1% with of 0,39; the 100% with a rate of 1

  8. Program Design Considerations for Leadership Training for Dental and Dental Hygiene Students (United States)

    Taichman, Russell S.; Parkinson, Joseph W.; Nelson, Bonnie A.; Nordquist, Barbara; Ferguson-Young, Daphne C.; Thompson, Joseph F.


    Since leadership is an essential part of the oral health professions, oral health educators can play an essential role in establishing a culture of leadership and in mentoring students to prepare them for future leadership roles within the profession. However, leadership training for oral health professionals is a relatively new concept and is frequently not found within dental and dental hygiene curricula. The purpose of this article is to propose several models for leadership training that are specific to the oral health professions. The authors hope that providing an overview of leadership programs in academic dental institutions will encourage all U.S. and Canadian dental schools to begin developing a culture that promotes leadership development. PMID:22319084

  9. Dental caries and its association with diet and dental erosion in Libyan schoolchildren. (United States)

    Huew, Rasmia; Waterhouse, Paula; Moynihan, Paula; Kometa, Simon; Maguire, Anne


    BACKGROUND. The change towards a more Westernised diet in Libya may increase the risk of caries and erosion in children. AIMS. To investigate any association between dental caries, dental erosion, and potential dietary risk factors in Libyan schoolchildren. METHODS. A random sample of 791 schoolchildren aged 12 years underwent dental examination for caries and erosion and completed a questionnaire to provide dietary data. Dental caries was assessed using the WHO (Oral Health Surveys: Basic Methods, 1997) criteria. Erosion was assessed using UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS, Young People Aged 4-18 years. Volume 2: Report of the Oral Health Survey, 2000) criteria. Associations between caries and dietary variables were investigated through bivariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS. Of the 791 12-year olds, 57.8% (457) had caries experience and 40.8% (323) had experience of erosion. One hundred and ninety-two subjects (42%) of the subjects with caries experience also had erosion, whilst 131 subjects (39.2%) of the 334 without caries had clinical signs of erosion (P = 0.464; OR, 1.123; 95% CI, 0.842, 1.497). There was no statistically significantly relationship between dental caries and dental erosion. Frequency of consumption of fruit-based sugared drinks was statistically significantly positively associated with experience of caries (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS. Dental caries experience was associated with frequency of consumption of sugared dietary items but not with dental erosion. © 2011 The Authors. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry © 2011 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.






  11. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries. 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Diangelis, A J; Andreasen, J O; Ebeleseder, K A


    Avulsion of permanent teeth is one of the most serious dental injuries, and a prompt and correct emergency management is very important for the prognosis. The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) has developed a consensus statement after a review of the dental literature...

  12. Effect of dental education on Peruvian dental students' oral health-related attitudes and behavior. (United States)

    Sato, Manuel; Camino, Javier; Oyakawa, Harumi Rodriguez; Rodriguez, Lyly; Tong, Liyue; Ahn, Chul; Bird, William F; Komabayashi, Takashi


    This study evaluated the effect of dental education on oral health-related attitudes and behavior of students in a five-year dental program in Peru. A survey using the Hiroshima University-Dental Behavioral Inventory (HU-DBI), which consists of twenty dichotomous responses (agree-disagree) regarding oral health behavior and attitudes, was completed by Year 1 and Year 5 dental students at the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega in Lima, Peru. A total of 153 Year 1 students and 120 Year 5 students responded to the Spanish version of the HU-DBI questionnaire. The data were analyzed using chi-square tests and logistic regression analyses. Compared to the Year 1 students, the Year 5 dental students were more likely to agree with questions such as "I think I can clean my teeth well without using toothpaste" (OR=0.24, 95% CI: 0.10-0.58); "I have used a dye to see how clean my teeth are" (OR=0.19, 95% CI: 0.10-0.36); and "I have had my dentist tell me that I brush very well" (OR=0.34, 95% CI: 0.17-0.69). Overall, the data showed that the curriculum in this dental school in Peru resulted in more positive oral health-related attitudes and behavior among Year 5 dental students compared to those of Year 1 dental students.

  13. Dental Trauma Guide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Jens Ove; Lauridsen, Eva; Gerds, Thomas Alexander


    Diagnosis and treatment for traumatic dental injuries are very complex owing to the multiple trauma entities represented by six luxation types and nine fracture types affecting both the primary and the permanent dentition. When it is further considered that fracture and luxation injuries are often...... problems in selecting proper treatment for some of these trauma types. To remedy this situation, an Internet-based knowledge base consisting of 4000 dental trauma cases with long-term follow up is now available to the public and the professions on the Internet using the address http://www.Dental...

  14. Funzionalizzazione della mandibola dopo ricostruzione con lembo libero rivascolarizzato di fibula "single strut". Al di là del deficit di verticalità.


    Gessaroli, Manlio


    Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità  più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), a...

  15. Dental pulp stem cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ashri, N. Y.; Ajlan, S. A.; Aldahmash, Abdullah M.


    scaffold, and guided through signaling molecules. Dental pulp stem cells have been used in an increasing number of studies in dental tissue engineering. Those cells show mesenchymal (stromal) stem cell-like properties including self-renewal and multilineage differentiation potentials, aside from...... an updated review on dental pulp stem cells and their applications in periodontal regeneration, in combination with different scaffolds and growth factors....

  16. Utilization of dental health services by Danish adolescents attending private or public dental health care systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Lisa Bøge; Petersen, Poul Erik; Bastholm, Annelise


    The objectives of the study were: 1) to describe the choice of dental care system among 16-year-olds, 2) to describe the utilization of dental services among 16-17-year-olds enrolled in either public or private dental care systems, and to compare the dental services provided by the alternative...

  17. Transnational dental care among Canadian immigrants. (United States)

    Calvasina, Paola; Muntaner, Carles; Quiñonez, Carlos


    This study examines predictors of transnational dental care utilization, or the use of dental care across national borders, over a 4-year period among immigrants to Canada. Data from the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada (LSIC, 2001-2005) were used. Sampling and bootstrap weights were applied to make the data nationally representative. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were applied to identify factors associated with immigrants' transnational dental care utilization. Approximately 13% of immigrants received dental care outside Canada over a period of 4 years. Immigrants lacking dental insurance (OR = 2.05; 95% CI: 1.55-2.70), those reporting dental problems (OR = 1.45; 95% CI: 1.12-1.88), who were female (OR = 1.59; 95% CI: 1.22-2.08), aged ≥ 50 years (OR = 2.30; 95% CI: 1.45-3.64), and who were always unemployed (OR = 1.70; 95% CI: 1.20-2.39) were more likely to report transnational dental care utilization. History of social assistance was inversely correlated with the use of dental services outside Canada (OR = 0.48; 95% CI: 0.30-0.83). It is estimated that roughly 11 500 immigrants have used dental care outside Canada over a 4-year period. Although transnational dental care utilization may serve as an individual solution for immigrants' initial barriers to accessing dental care, it demonstrates weaknesses to in-country efforts at providing publicly funded dental care to socially marginalized groups. Policy reforms should be enacted to expand dental care coverage among adult immigrants. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcela Díaz-Matallana


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue el de deter-minar in vitro el haplogrupo de la región hipervariable I (HVR-I del ADN mitocondrial (ADNmt obtenido a partir de una muestra dental perteneciente a un individuo asociado a la comunidad de los Paracas, hallada por Jorge Reynolds en los años 60 del siglo XX en Ica (Perú. Gracias a esta tipificación molecular, hemos podido contribuir a la información arqueológica y antropológica ya registrada para esta población peruana de más de 2000 años de antigüedad, de-terminando su linaje materno y su vínculo con otros pobladores nativos americanos en la región.

  19. Effects of a proposed rural dental school on regional dental workforce and access to care. (United States)

    Wanchek, Tanya N; Rephann, Terance J


    Southwest Virginia is a rural, low-income region with a relatively small dentist workforce and poor oral health outcomes. The opening of a dental school in the region has been proposed by policy-makers as one approach to improving the size of the dentist workforce and oral health outcomes. A policy simulation was conducted to assess how a hypothetical dental school in rural Southwest Virginia would affect the availability of dentists and utilization levels of dental services. The simulation focuses on two channels through which the dental school would most likely affect the region. First, the number of graduates who are expected to remain in the region was varied, based on the extensiveness of the education pipeline used to attract local students. Second, the number of patients treated in the dental school clinic under different dental school clinical models, including the traditional model, a patient-centered clinic model and a community-based clinic model, was varied in the simulation to obtain a range of additional dentists and utilization rates under differing dental school models. Under a set of plausible assumptions, the low yield scenario (ie private school with a traditional clinic) would result in three additional dentists residing in the region and a total of 8090 additional underserved patients receiving care. Under the high yield scenario (ie dental pipeline program with community based clinics) nine new dentists would reside in the region and as many as 18 054 underserved patients would receive care. Even with the high yield scenario and the strong assumption that these patients would not otherwise access care, the utilization rate increases to 68.9% from its current 60.1%. While the new dental school in Southwest Virginia would increase the dentist workforce and utilization rates, the high cost combined with the continued low rate of dental utilization suggests that there may be more effective alternatives to improving oral health in rural areas

  20. The possible usability of three-dimensional cone beam computed dental tomography in dental research (United States)

    Yavuz, I.; Rizal, M. F.; Kiswanjaya, B.


    The innovations and advantages of three-dimensional cone beam computed dental tomography (3D CBCT) are continually growing for its potential use in dental research. Imaging techniques are important for planning research in dentistry. Newly improved 3D CBCT imaging systems and accessory computer programs have recently been proven effective for use in dental research. The aim of this study is to introduce 3D CBCT and open a window for future research possibilities that should be given attention in dental research.

  1. Fifty years of Brazilian Dental Materials Group: scientific contributions of dental materials field evaluated by systematic review. (United States)

    Rosa, Wellington Luiz de Oliveira; Silva, Tiago Machado; Lima, Giana da Silveira; Silva, Adriana Fernandes; Piva, Evandro


    A systematic review was conducted to analyze Brazilian scientific and technological production related to the dental materials field over the past 50 years. This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (Prisma) statement. Searches were performed until December 2014 in six databases: MedLine (PubMed), Scopus, LILACS, IBECS, BBO, and the Cochrane Library. Additionally, the Brazilian patent database (INPI - Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial) was screened in order to get an overview of Brazilian technological development in the dental materials field. Two reviewers independently analyzed the documents. Only studies and patents related to dental materials were included in this review. Data regarding the material category, dental specialty, number of documents and patents, filiation countries, and the number of citations were tabulated and analyzed in Microsoft Office Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, United States). A total of 115,806 studies and 53 patents were related to dental materials and were included in this review. Brazil had 8% affiliation in studies related to dental materials, and the majority of the papers published were related to dental implants (1,137 papers), synthetic resins (681 papers), dental cements (440 papers), dental alloys (392 papers) and dental adhesives (361 papers). The Brazilian technological development with patented dental materials was smaller than the scientific production. The most patented type of material was dental alloys (11 patents), followed by dental implants (8 patents) and composite resins (7 patents). Dental materials science has had a substantial number of records, demonstrating an important presence in scientific and technological development of dentistry. In addition, it is important to approximate the relationship between academia and industry to expand the technological development in countries such as Brazil.

  2. Fifty years of Brazilian Dental Materials Group: scientific contributions of dental materials field evaluated by systematic review (United States)

    ROSA, Wellington Luiz de Oliveira; SILVA, Tiago Machado; LIMA, Giana da Silveira; SILVA, Adriana Fernandes; PIVA, Evandro


    ABSTRACT Objective A systematic review was conducted to analyze Brazilian scientific and technological production related to the dental materials field over the past 50 years. Material and Methods This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (Prisma) statement. Searches were performed until December 2014 in six databases: MedLine (PubMed), Scopus, LILACS, IBECS, BBO, and the Cochrane Library. Additionally, the Brazilian patent database (INPI - Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial) was screened in order to get an overview of Brazilian technological development in the dental materials field. Two reviewers independently analyzed the documents. Only studies and patents related to dental materials were included in this review. Data regarding the material category, dental specialty, number of documents and patents, filiation countries, and the number of citations were tabulated and analyzed in Microsoft Office Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, United States). Results A total of 115,806 studies and 53 patents were related to dental materials and were included in this review. Brazil had 8% affiliation in studies related to dental materials, and the majority of the papers published were related to dental implants (1,137 papers), synthetic resins (681 papers), dental cements (440 papers), dental alloys (392 papers) and dental adhesives (361 papers). The Brazilian technological development with patented dental materials was smaller than the scientific production. The most patented type of material was dental alloys (11 patents), followed by dental implants (8 patents) and composite resins (7 patents). Conclusions Dental materials science has had a substantial number of records, demonstrating an important presence in scientific and technological development of dentistry. In addition, it is important to approximate the relationship between academia and industry to expand the technological development in

  3. Dental students--dental advocates. (United States)

    Bensch, Brittany


    Student advocacy and involvement in the political process is built into the structure of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA), especially in its Legislative Grassroots Network and an internal communication network among students to ensure political awareness. Students are concerned with such issues as a universally accepted, non-patient-based licensure process, mid-level providers, loan availability and tax deductibility, financial support for schools, and service early in one's professional career (giving forward rather than giving back). Through collaboration with the American Dental Education Association and with many state associations, students participate in lobbying, awareness campaigns, and behind the scenes as legislative aids. Although students share the same love for the profession that animates established practitioners, they are perceived by legislators as being different. Students are involved in the legislative process because it represents their future.

  4. Patient Satisfaction in Military Dental Treatment Facilities (United States)


    the variance in regards to overall satisfaction. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Dentistry, Patient Satisfaction, Military, Consumer Satisfaction, Dental... patient satisfaction in military dental treatment facilities. Dental health is extremely important for the military as dental assets are not always... customer satisfaction is an important component of military dental care. Quarterly patient satisfaction reports are generated for each dental treatment

  5. Development of dental anxiety in schoolchildren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Soares, Fernanda C.; Lima, Rodrigo A.; de Barros, Mauro V.G.


    's health-related behaviours. Additionally, the children's dental caries experience was clinically evaluated to obtain information about DMFT/dmft (decayed, filled and missing teeth) indices. Using the Dental Anxiety Question, children whose parents responded “yes” to the prompt “Is he/she very afraid...... used medication chronically had a 2.1 times greater likelihood of having high dental anxiety. Furthermore, children whose parents reported high dental anxiety had a 2.6 times greater likelihood of having high dental anxiety themselves. A one-unit increase in a child's dmft score increased the risk...... of high dental anxiety by 1.1 times at follow-up. Conclusion: After two years, the incidence of high dental anxiety was 15.0%. Poor oral health, unstable general health and parents with high dental anxiety were factors that were associated with this type of anxiety in schoolchildren. It is important...

  6. Today's threat is tomorrow's crisis: advocating for dental education, dental and biomedical research, and oral health. (United States)

    Bresch, Jack E; Luke, Gina G; McKinnon, Monette D; Moss, Myla J; Pritchard, Daryl; Valachovic, Richard W


    The current political environment in the nation's capital threatens federal support for programs vital to the academic dental community. To develop a strong cadre of advocates who can deliver an effective and unified message to members of Congress on behalf of dental education and dental research, the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) created a new organizational structure: the National Oral Health Advocacy Committee (NOHAC) and the National Advocacy Network (NAN). The basic skills and knowledge required to function as an effective advocate include an understanding of the political environment, a working knowledge of the legislative processes and the political players, and the ability to build and work with grassroots networks and coalitions. NOHAC and NAN are designed to provide leadership in these areas to support effective advocacy for dental education and dental research.


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    Carla De Negri

    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico, de una niña de 2 años de edad, nacida en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, portadora del Síndrome KID. Se trata de una displasia congénita ectodérmica caracterizada por la asociación de queratitis, ictiosis y sordera. Es producida por un desorden autosómico dominante, esporádico. Algunos autores lo refieren asociado a la presencia de alteraciones estructurales de órganos dentarios, del tipo hipoplasia e hipomineralización del esmalte y también a gingivitis y candidiasis a nivel de la mucosa bucal. La intervención oportuna del odontopediatra, integrando el equipo de salud, brinda un aporte importante, en la búsqueda de estrategias terapéuticas adecuadas al paciente y al contexto asistencial. El abordaje de tratamiento en pacientes portadores del Síndrome KID debe ser multidisciplinario, requiriendo en niños, la integración de un equipo de salud con pediatra, dermatólogo, oftalmólogo, otorrinolaringólogo y odontopediatra

  8. A national analysis of dental waiting lists and point-in-time geographic access to subsidised dental care: can geographic access be improved by offering public dental care through private dental clinics? (United States)

    Dudko, Yevgeni; Kruger, Estie; Tennant, Marc


    Australia is one of the least densely populated countries in the world, with a population concentrated on or around coastal areas. Up to 33% of the Australian population are likely to have untreated dental decay, while people with inadequate dentition (fewer than 21 teeth) account for up to 34% of Australian adults. Historically, inadequate access to public dental care has resulted in long waiting lists, received much media coverage and been the subject of a new federal and state initiative. The objective of this research was to gauge the potential for reducing the national dental waiting list through geographical advantage, which could arise from subcontracting the delivery of subsidised dental care to the existing network of private dental clinics across Australia. Eligible population data were collected from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. Waiting list data from across Australia were collected from publicly available sources and confirmed through direct communication with each individual state or territory dental health body. Quantum geographic information system software was used to map distribution of the eligible population across Australia by statistical area, and to plot locations of government and private dental clinics. Catchment areas of 5 km for metropolitan clinics and 5 km and 50 km for rural clinics were defined. The number of people on the waiting list and those eligible for subsidised dental care covered by each of the catchment areas was calculated. Percentage of the eligible population and those on the waiting list that could benefit from the potential improvement in geographic access was ascertained for metropolitan and rural residents. Fifty three percent of people on the waiting list resided within metropolitan areas. Rural and remote residents made up 47% of the population waiting to receive care. The utilisation of both government and private dental clinics for the delivery of subsidised dental care to the eligible population

  9. Conocimientos del personal estomatológico sobre la prevención de enfermedades transmisibles: Pinar del Río, 2007 What the Dentistry personnel knows on prevention of contagious diseases: Pinar del Río, 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Díaz Pacheco


    Full Text Available El presente estudio es una investigación analítica de corte transversal, que se realiza para evaluar los conocimientos sobre la prevención de enfermedades con riesgo de transmisión en Estomatología de los estomatólogos y técnicas de atención estomatológica (TAE, en las diferentes clínicas estomatológicas de la Ciudad de Pinar del Río entre los meses de Enero-Junio del año 2007. El universo de estudio coincide con la muestra y estuvo constituido por 60 estomatólogos y 60 técnicas de atención estomatológica, a los mismos se les aplicó un cuestionario. Una vez recogida la información se creó una base de datos con el programa Microsoft Excel, como medida resumen para los datos cualitativos se utilizó el porcentaje. Para analizar las diferencias entre grupos, se empleó el estadígrafo Chi cuadrado. Los datos se procesaran por el programa de tablas dinámicas de la hoja de calculo Excel y por el paquete estadístico SPSS, versión 8.0 para Windows, concluyendo que los estomatólogos y técnicas tienen gran necesidad de conocimientos sobre prevención de la transmisión de enfermedades con riesgo de propagación en la consulta. La mayoría de los estomatólogos y técnicos tienen evaluación de regular en la aplicación de las medidas de protección. Es contrastante que los estomatólogos en el cuestionario aplicado responden adecuadamente a las preguntas realizadas, sin embargo al observar el desempeño no se comportan de igual manera.The present study is an analytical cross sectional study aimed at assessing what the dentistry personnel knows about the disease prevention at risk of contagious as well as the techniques in the different dental clinics in Pinar del Rio city between January and June, 2007. Universe coincides with sample and it is comprised of 60 dentists and of 60 dental care techniques using the same questionnaire in both. A data base was created using Microsoft Excel Program and the percentage method was used as a


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    Ninoska Maneiro Malavé


    Full Text Available

    Se presenta un algoritmo evolutivo utilizado para ubicar seis materiales distintos en seis tanques que alimentan dos líneas de producción en una empresa fabricante de cremas dentales. Trabajos previos han demostrado que los algoritmos evolutivos son una herramienta eficiente para la búsqueda y selección de buenas soluciones, en un tiempo de computación aceptable. El algoritmo desarrolado proporciona la mejor localización de los materiales en los tanques,   minimizando

    costos de manejo de materiales y tiempo en la preparación de las líneas para producir cada lote. Así mismo, se pudo comprobar convergencia y  robustez del algoritmo ante varios conjuntos de parámetros.


  11. Intergrated dental care in nursing homes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gerritsen, P.F.M.


    The thesis deals with integrated dental care in nursing homes. First, the dental treatment needs were ascertained of 432 residents in three Dutch nursing homes that offer integrated dental care. Dentist researchers intra-orally examined the residents and found that 72% required dental treatment.

  12. 42 CFR 410.24 - Limitations on services of a doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Limitations on services of a doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine. 410.24 Section 410.24 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES... Medical and Other Health Services § 410.24 Limitations on services of a doctor of dental surgery or dental...

  13. Dental radiology for children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, D.R.


    The benefit for the child from the judicious use of diagnostic dental radiography is improved dental health. The risk to the child from dental diagnostic radiation exposure appears to be extremely low. Despite the low risk, the dentist must minimize the child's exposure to ionizing radiation by using sound clinical judgment to determine what radiographs are necessary and to provide children with optimal protection from ionizing radiation

  14. Pattern of dental caries in Mulago Dental School clinic, Uganda ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Information on dental caries among patients attending Mulago Hospital is scarce. Yet knowledge of the pattern of caries can be used to plan preventive and treatment interventions. This study describes the pattern of dental caries (in terms of age group, tooth and tooth surface and gender) among patients attending the ...

  15. Dental Care for Medicaid and CHIP Enrollees (United States)

    ... FAQs Home › Medicaid › Benefits › Dental Care Dental Care Dental Care Related Resources Learn How to Report the ... services and opportunities and challenges to obtaining care. Dental Benefits for Children in Medicaid Medicaid covers dental ...

  16. Dental caries, age and anxiety: factors influencing sedation choice for children attending for emergency dental care. (United States)

    Carson, P; Freeman, R


    The aim of the study was to examine how physical (dental caries) and psychosocial (age, dental anxiety and dental health behaviour) factors, associated with child and parent, influenced dentists' sedation choice when a child presents in pain. 600 parents whose children were aged between 5 and 11 years took part: 200 attended for routine dental care (RDC); the remaining 400 attended as emergency patients and were offered either dental general anaesthesia (DGA) or relative analgesia (RA). The subjects were approached and invited to take part. The researcher was blind as to the child's pattern of dental attendance and the type of sedation offered. All parents and children completed self-reported ratings of dental anxiety. The children's teeth were examined to determine past and present dental caries experience. The results showed that children who were offered DGA had greater experience of dentinal caries, were younger and dentally anxious. The children offered RA were older, had a higher frequency of brushing their teeth with fluoride toothpaste and were also dentally anxious. Discriminant analysis showed that 2 canonical functions provided clear categorisation of the three treatment groups. Function 1 was a physical (dental caries) factor, which was related to the child's experience of dentinal caries. Function 2 was a psychosocial factor, which was related to the child's age, dental anxiety and frequency of tooth brushing. A greater proportion of the variance in the treatment offered was explained by Function 1, suggesting that the most important factor in the decision to offer DGA was dentinal caries. Function 2 was of lesser importance. The findings have implications for the type of sedation offered to children presenting for emergency care. These children may not otherwise receive treatment and the need to provide less anxiety provoking forms of sedation must be promoted. By doing so, parents who have only brought their children when in pain may take advantage

  17. Tres casos de odontomas

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los odontomas son los tumores odontogénicos más comunes, casi siempre se diagnostican accidentalmente, en exámenes radiográficos; pueden sospecharse al retardar el brote dentario o producir maloclusiones. Se clasifican en odontomas compuestos y complejos, ambos constituidos por estructuras dentales como: esmalte, dentina, cemento y tejido pulpar. Su eliminación quirúrgica y la biopsia es el tratamiento de elección. El propósito de este trabajo es reportar tres casos de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico de Las Tunas, todos remitidos previamente por el ortodoncista. El primero, tipo compuesto, en un escolar de 9 años de edad, masculino, asociado a un 31 retenido; el segundo caso se trata de un gran odontoma complejo en una escolar de 11 años de edad, femenina, que produjo interferencia en el brote del 11 y el tercero compuesto; en un escolar de 10 años, masculino, en la línea media entre 11 y 21, con producción de diastema y brote del 12 por palatino. De ellos uno fue descubierto por un examen radiográfico de rutina y los otros dos sospechados por la maloclusión secundaria; todos se trataron quirúrgicamente. Estos casos demuestran la frecuencia de estos tumores en la cavidad bucal y la importancia de la realización de exámenes clínicos y radiográficos para su detección y tratamiento precoz, así como la importancia de la interrelación entre el ortodoncista y el maxilofacial en la resolución satisfactoria de esta entidad

  18. Dental caries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pitts, Nigel B; Zero, Domenick T; Marsh, Phil D


    Dental caries is a biofilm-mediated, sugar-driven, multifactorial, dynamic disease that results in the phasic demineralization and remineralization of dental hard tissues. Caries can occur throughout life, both in primary and permanent dentitions, and can damage the tooth crown and, in later life......, exposed root surfaces. The balance between pathological and protective factors influences the initiation and progression of caries. This interplay between factors underpins the classification of individuals and groups into caries risk categories, allowing an increasingly tailored approach to care. Dental...... caries is an unevenly distributed, preventable disease with considerable economic and quality-of-life burdens. The daily use of fluoride toothpaste is seen as the main reason for the overall decline of caries worldwide over recent decades. This Primer aims to provide a global overview of caries...

  19. Dental Anomalies: An Update

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatemeh Jahanimoghadam


    Full Text Available Dental anomalies are usual congenital malformation that can happen either as isolated findings or as a part of a syndrome. Developmental anomalies influencing the morphology exists in both deciduous and permanent dentition and shows different forms such as gemination, fusion, concrescence, dilaceration, dens evaginatus (DE, enamel pearls, taurodontism or peg-shaped laterals. All These anomalies have clinical significance concerning aesthetics, malocclusion and more necessary preparing of the development of dental decays and oral diseases. Through a search in PubMed, Google, Scopus and Medline, a total of eighty original research papers during 1928-2016 were found with the keywords such as dental anomaly, syndrome, tooth and hypodontia. One hundred review titles were identified, eighty reviews were retrieved that were finally included as being relevant and of sufficient quality. In this review, dental anomalies including gemination, fusion, concrescence, dilaceration, dens invaginatus, DE, taurodontism, enamel pearls, fluorosis, peg-shaped laterals, dentinal dysplasia, regional odontodysplasia and hypodontia are discussed. Diagnosing dental abnormality needs a thorough evaluation of the patient, involving a medical, dental, familial and clinical history. Clinical examination and radiographic evaluation and in some of the cases, specific laboratory tests are also needed. Developmental dental anomalies require careful examination and treatment planning. Where one anomaly is present, clinicians should suspect that other anomalies may also be present. Moreover, careful clinical and radiographical examination is required. Furthermore, more complex cases need multidisciplinary planning and treatment.

  20. A concise overview of dental implantology

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    Olanrewaju Abdurrazaq Taiwo


    Full Text Available Background: The emergence of osseointegrated dental implants has resulted in several applications in diverse clinical settings. Hence, has contributed to the suitable replacement of missing teeth and the realization of an optimal facial appearance. This paper describes the benefits, applications, contraindications, and complications of dental implants in contemporary dental practice. Materials and Methods: An electronic search was undertaken in PUBMED without time restriction for appropriate English papers on dental implants based on a series of keywords in different combinations. Results: Fifty-eight acceptable, relevant articles were selected for review. The review identified the various components of dental implants, classification, and brands. It also looked at osseointegration and factors promoting and inimical to it. It also explored primary and secondary stability; and patients' selection for a dental implant. Complications of dental implants were also highlighted. Conclusion: With over 95% success rate, dental implants remain the gold standard for achieving aesthetic and functional oral rehabilitation.

  1. Managing dental erosion. (United States)

    Curtis, Donald A; Jayanetti, Jay; Chu, Raymond; Staninec, Michal


    The clinical signs of dental erosion are initially subtle, yet often progress because the patient remains asymptomatic, unaware and uninformed. Erosion typically works synergistically with abrasion and attrition to cause loss of tooth structure, making diagnosis and management complex. The purpose of this article is to outline clinical examples of patients with dental erosion that highlight the strategy of early identification, patient education and conservative restorative management. Dental erosion is defined as the pathologic chronic loss of dental hard tissues as a result of the chemical influence of exogenous or endogenous acids without bacterial involvement. Like caries or periodontal disease, erosion has a multifactorial etiology and requires a thorough history and examination for diagnosis. It also requires patient understanding and compliance for improved outcomes. Erosion can affect the loss of tooth structure in isolation of other cofactors, but most often works in synergy with abrasion and attrition in the loss of tooth structure (Table 1). Although erosion is thought to be an underlying etiology of dentin sensitivity, erosion and loss of tooth structure often occurs with few symptoms. The purpose of this article is threefold: first, to outline existing barriers that may limit early management of dental erosion. Second, to review the clinical assessment required to establish a diagnosis of erosion. And third, to outline clinical examples that review options to restore lost tooth structure. The authors have included illustrations they hope will be used to improve patient understanding and motivation in the early management of dental erosion.

  2. Relationship between Risk Behavior for Eating Disorders and Dental Caries and Dental Erosion. (United States)

    Brandt, Lorenna Mendes Temóteo; Fernandes, Liege Helena Freitas; Aragão, Amanda Silva; Aguiar, Yêska Paola Costa; Auad, Sheyla Márcia; de Castro, Ricardo Dias; Cavalcanti, Sérgio D'Ávila Lins Bezerra; Cavalcanti, Alessandro Leite


    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether there is an association between risk behavior for eating disorders (EDs) and dental erosion and caries. A controlled cross-sectional study was conducted in Brazil, involving 850 randomly selected female adolescents. After evaluating risk behavior for eating disorders through the Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh, 12 adolescents were identified with severe risk behavior for EDs and matched to 48 adolescents without such risk. Dental examinations, anthropometric measurements, and eating habits and oral hygiene were performed. Adolescents with high severity eating disorder condition were not more likely to show dental caries ( p = 0.329; OR = 2.2, 95% CI: 0.35-13.72) or dental erosion ( p = 0.590; OR = 2.33; 95% CI: 0.56-9.70). Adolescents with high body mass index (BMI) were five times more likely to have high severity eating disorder condition ( p = 0.031; OR = 5.1; 95% CI: 1.61-23.07). Therefore, high severity risk behavior for EDs was not significantly associated with dental caries and dental erosion. However, high BMI was a risk factor for developing eating disorders and should be an alert for individuals with this condition.

  3. What Will Dental Practice Be Like In 2025? Will You Help Dental Hypotheses Find Answers

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    Edward F. Rossomando


    Full Text Available As a result of the rapid acceptance of digital dental equipment, the dental office of 2011 looks very different from that of 1900. Despite these changes, the general dentist of 2011 performs almost the same functions as in 1900 namely the restoration of decayed teeth and the replacement of those lost due to disease. In addition to changes in technology, the last few decades of the 20th century ushered in a revolution in biology leading to the development of a genomic basis of dental disease and the development of bio-based diagnostics and therapeutics. In 2011 few if any of these bio-discoveries have changed dental practice but by 2025 we expect they will. In this editorial, Dental Hypotheses asks readers to “hypothesize” on what dental practice will be like in 2025.

  4. Identifying barriers to receiving preventive dental services: expanding access to preventive dental hygiene services through affiliated practice. (United States)

    Gross-Panico, Michelle L; Freeman, Wilbur K


    Minority children and children from lower income families are more likely to experience the burden of oral disease. Since oral disease reduces quality of life, it is a priority to utilize preventive dental services. The research questions ask if affiliated practice increases utilization of preventive dental services by underserved children from birth to 18 years of age, and what the barriers to receiving preventive dental services are and their level of importance. A survey was administered to parents/guardians of patients from birth to 18 years of age who received preventive dental services from Catholic Healthcare West East Valley Children's Dental Clinic, an affiliated practice dental clinic in Chandler, Arizona. Thirty-four surveys were completed: 21 completed in English and 13 completed in Spanish. The data was analyzed to provide descriptive statistics and non-parametrically analyzed using the Friedman's, Kendall's W and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Tests. The cost of preventive dental services is more important to this population than both convenience of appointment time and distance traveled. As the cost increases for preventive dental services, this population will utilize preventive dental services less frequently. The study indicated that the increase of self-reported utilization of preventive dental services by underserved children, ranging in age from birth to 18 years old, in Arizona affiliated practice dental clinics, was primarily impacted by perceived reduced costs of receiving care. Funding efforts, reimbursement mechanisms and legislative policies should support this dental care delivery model to provide care to underserved children, adults and seniors throughout the U.S.

  5. Dental insurance and dental care among working-age adults: differences by type and complexity of disability. (United States)

    Horner-Johnson, Willi; Dobbertin, Konrad


    People with disabilities experience barriers to dental care, which may vary depending on type of disability and disability complexity (e.g., impact on activities of daily living). The purpose of this study was to examine differences in dental insurance, receipt of dental checkups, and delayed and unmet needs for dental care by type and complexity of disability. We conducted cross-sectional analysis of 2002-2011 data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Multivariable logistic regression analyses compared adults ages 18-64 in five disability type groups (physical, cognitive, vision, hearing, or multiple disabilities) to those with no disabilities, and compared people with complex activity limitations to those without complex limitations. All disability types except hearing had significantly higher adjusted odds of being without dental insurance, as did people with complex activity limitations. All disability groups except those with cognitive disabilities had increased odds of receiving dental checkups less than once a year. Similarly, all disability groups were at increased risk of both delayed and unmet needs for dental care. Odds ratios were generally highest for people with multiple types of disabilities. There are significant disparities in having dental insurance and receiving dental care for adults with disabilities, especially those with multiple types of disabilities, after controlling for socioeconomic and demographic differences. Further, disparities in care were apparent even when controlling for presence of dental insurance. © 2016 American Association of Public Health Dentistry.

  6. Variabilidad de las proporciones molares en poblaciones humanas: un abordaje empleando modelos del desarrollo y experimentales / Variability of molar proportions in human populations: insights from developmental models and experiments in mice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucas A. D´Addona


    Full Text Available Los datos sobre la variación dental interpoblacional y sobre los mecanismos que regulan el desarrollo dental aportados por estudios experimentales aún no han sido integrados en el contexto de investigaciones antropobiológicas. En este sentido, el presente trabajo se propone: a evaluar la consistencia entre la variación de las proporciones molares en poblaciones humanas que exhiben gran variación en el tamaño dental con las predicciones derivadas de un modelo de desarrollo dental de cascada inhibitoria, y b analizar el efecto de los factores sistémicos que controlan el crecimiento del organismo sobre las proporciones de los molares inferiores empleando cepas de Mus musculus. Se calcularon las áreas de los molares inferiores mediante los diámetros bucolingual y mesiodistal. La variación interpoblacional en las proporciones M2/M1 y M3/M1 fue concordante con las expectativas derivadas del modelo y la mayoría de los grupos exhibieron una tendencia a la reducción del tamaño en sentido antero-posterior. Asimismo, se observó una asociación significativa y positiva entre el área molar total y las proporciones molares. En los modelos experimentales la alteración del crecimiento por factores sistémicos (subnutrición proteica y reducción de la hormona de crecimiento resultó en la disminución del área molar total y cambios en las proporciones molares. Estos últimos, consistentes con el incremento del efecto inhibitorio en sentido antero-posterior. En conjunto, los resultados sugieren que la modificación de los factores sistémicos que regulan el área molar total podría conducir a cambios en la proporción de activadores-inhibidores y contribuir a la diferenciación interpoblacional en las proporciones molares. Palabras clave: Modelo de cascada inhibitoria; tamaño dental; aproximación experimental y comparativa Data on dental variation among human populations and the mechanisms regulating tooth development elucidated by

  7. Correlation between radiographic analysis of alveolar bone density around dental implant and resonance frequency of dental implant (United States)

    Prawoko, S. S.; Nelwan, L. C.; Odang, R. W.; Kusdhany, L. S.


    The histomorphometric test is the gold standard for dental implant stability quantification; however, it is invasive, and therefore, it is inapplicable to clinical patients. Consequently, accurate and objective alternative methods are required. Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) and digital radiographic analysis are noninvasive methods with excellent objectivity and reproducibility. To analyze the correlation between the radiographic analysis of alveolar bone density around a dental implant and the resonance frequency of the dental implant. Digital radiographic images for 35 samples were obtained, and the resonance frequency of the dental implant was acquired using Osstell ISQ immediately after dental implant placement and on third-month follow-up. The alveolar bone density around the dental implant was subsequently analyzed using SIDEXIS-XG software. No significant correlation was reported between the alveolar bone density around the dental implant and the resonance frequency of the dental implant (r = -0.102 at baseline, r = 0.146 at follow-up, p > 0.05). However, the alveolar bone density and resonance frequency showed a significant difference throughout the healing period (p = 0.005 and p = 0.000, respectively). Conclusion: Digital dental radiographs and Osstell ISQ showed excellent objectivity and reproducibility in quantifying dental implant stability. Nonetheless, no significant correlation was observed between the results obtained using these two methods.


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    Anuar Elián Barona Triviño


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar cuatro técnicas de manejo de muestras dentales, propuestas para analizarla precisión de los localizadores electrónicos de ápice radicular. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo exploratorio in vitro. Previo acceso endodóntico y localización del conducto radicular, 51 dientes uniradiculares fueron montados en modelos de alginato, se midió la longitud del conducto radicular hasta el foramen apical con una lima de acero inoxidable, empleando un localizador apical; en ese momento la lima  se fijó con cianoacrilato dentro del conducto. Los dientes fueron divididos en 4 grupos de manera aleatoria, divididos de la siguiente forma: 3 grupos evaluaron distintas  técnicas de clarificación dental, normalmente utilizadas para observar morfología interna radicular y que se proponen como una nueva alternativa en la evaluación de los localizadores apicales, las técnicas  fueron: 1 Técnica de Okumura, modificada por Aprile, 2 Técnica de Gulavibala, 3 Técnica propuesta por los investigadores del presente estudio. Estas técnicas se compararon contra la Técnica de desgaste apical propuesta por Jakobson la cual se ha reportado recientemente con buenos resultados. Posteriormente bajo estereoscopio se digitalizaron  imágenes  de los dientes y con el Software ImageTool V3.0 ® se tomaron medidas desde la punta de la lima hasta el foramen apical visible, ya sea por clarificación o por desgaste. Estas medidas  se analizaron usando las pruebas estadísticas Anova, Bonferroni, Sidak y Scheffé. Resultados: Las medidas con las técnicas de clarificación presentaron destrucción de tejido dental lo que afectó la evaluación de la medida que hizo el localizador apical. La evaluación con la técnica de desgaste presento los mejores resultados Conclusiones: La técnica de clarificación no es utilizable para evaluar localizadores apicales. La técnica de desgaste se encuentra indicada en la evaluación de

  9. [Influence of the fluoride releasing dental materials on the bacterial flora of dental plaque]. (United States)

    Płuciennik, Małgorzata; Sakowska, Danuta; Krzemiński, Zbigniew; Piatowska, Danuta


    The assessment of influence of silver-free, fluor releasing dental materials on dental plaque bacteria quantity. 17 patients were included into the study. 51 restorations were placed following manufacturers recommendations. Following materials were used: conventional glassionomer Ketac-Molar ESPE, resin modified glassionomer Fuji II LC GC and fluor containing composite Charisma Heraeus Kulzer Class V restorations were placed in following teeth of upper and lower jaw: canines, first bicuspids, second bicuspids. Sound enamel was a control. After 10 weeks the 72 hours old dental plaque was collected from surface of restorations and control using sterile probe. Total amount of 68 dental plaques were investigated. Each plaque was placed on scaled and sterile aluminum foil. The moist weight of dental plaque was scaled. Dental plaque was moved into 7 ml 0.85% NaCl solution reduced by cystein chlorine hydrogen and disintegrated by ultrasounds (power:100 Watt, wave amplitude: 5 micorm). The suspension of dental plaque was serially diluted from 10(-4) to 10(-5) in sterile 0,85% NaCl solution, and seeded with amount of 0.1 ml on appropriate base. In dental plaque trials the amount of cariogenic bacteria was calculated--Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Veillonella and Neisseria, and also total amount of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria was measured. Microbiologic studies were performed in Institute of Microbiology, Medical University, Łódź. Statistical analysis of collected data was accomplished. In 72 hours old dental plaques collected from the surfaces of Ketac -Molar, Fuji II LC, Charisma after 10 weeks since being placed into the class V cavity, results show no statistically significant differences in the amount of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp., Veillonella spp., Neisseria spp, in total amount of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and in the quantity proportion of Streptococcus mutans versus Streptococcus spp. in comparison

  10. Valuing the delivery of dental care: Heterogeneity in patients' preferences and willingness-to-pay for dental care attributes. (United States)

    Sever, Ivan; Verbič, Miroslav; Sever, Eva Klaric


    To examine the amount of heterogeneity in patients' preferences for dental care, what factors affect their preferences, and how much they would be willing to pay for improvement in specific dental care attributes. A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was used to elicit patients' preferences. Three alternative dental care services that differed in the type of care provider, treatment explanation, dental staff behavior, waiting time and treatment cost were described to patients. Patients (n=265) were asked to choose their preferred alternative. The study was conducted at a public dental clinic of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb. Mixed logit and latent class models were used for analysis. On average, the patients would be willing to pay €45 for getting a detailed explanation of treatment over no explanation. This was the most valued attribute of dental care, followed by dental staff behavior with marginal willingness-to-pay (WTP) of €28. Dental care provided by the faculty members and private dental care were valued similarly, while student-provided care was valued €23 less. Patients also disliked longer waiting time in the office, but this was the least important attribute. Four classes of patients with distinct preferences for dental care were identified. Older and/or more educated patients tended to give relatively less importance to treatment explanation. Higher education was also associated with a higher propensity to substitute faculty dental care with the private care providers. Large heterogeneity in patients' preferences was detected. Understanding their preferences may improve the delivery of dental care. Dental care providers should pay particular attention to providing a detailed treatment explanation to their patients. Dental care for older and/or more educated patients should be more attentive to interpersonal characteristics. Faculty dental care provided by faculty members could be price competitive to private care, and student

  11. 77 FR 4469 - Dental Conditions (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 38 CFR Part 3 RIN 2900-AN28 Dental Conditions AGENCY: Department of... rule the proposal to amend its adjudication regulations regarding service connection of dental... Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) for service connection of dental conditions for the purpose of...

  12. 76 FR 14600 - Dental Conditions (United States)


    ... qualify for VHA dental treatment, including any claim for treatment of periodontal disease or calculus... DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 38 CFR Part 3 RIN 2900-AN28 Dental Conditions AGENCY: Department of... its adjudication regulations regarding service connection of dental conditions for treatment purposes...

  13. Music interventions for dental anxiety. (United States)

    Bradt, J; Teague, A


    Anxiety is a significant issue in the dental care of adults and children. Dental anxiety often leads to avoidance of dental care which may result in significant deterioration of oral and dental health. Non-pharmacological anxiety management interventions such as music listening are increasingly used in dental care. Although efficacy for music's anxiolytic effects has been established for pre-operative anxiety, findings regarding the use of music listening for dental anxiety are inconclusive, especially for children. The use of music for passive distraction may not be adequate for children and highly anxious adults. Instead, interventions offered by a trained music therapist may be needed to optimize music's anxiolytic impact. Music therapy interventions are individualized to the patient's presenting needs and geared at enhancing patients' active engagement in the management of their anxiety. Interventions may include (i) active refocusing of attention, (ii) music-guided deep breathing, (iii) music-assisted relaxation, and (iv) music-guided imagery. In addition, music therapists can teach patients music-based anxiety management skills prior to dental treatments, offer them the opportunity to express emotions related to the upcoming procedure, and help them gain a sense of control and safety. Clinical guidelines for the use of music listening by dental practitioners are offered. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Estudio de adecuación fisiológica y salud bucal de restos óseos de cazadores recolectores del holoceno tardío del lago Salitroso (noroeste de Santa Cruz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guráieb, Ana Gabriela


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de los estudios de salud y adecuación fisiológica de la cavidad oral, efectuados sobre una muestra de 30 individuos de distinto sexo y edad, correspondientes a grupos cazadores-recolectores del Holoceno tardío de la cuenca del lago Salitroso (Noroeste de Santa Cruz. Se emplearon técnicas macroscópicas y radiológicas para evaluar la prevalencia de caries, pérdida de dientes antemortem, abscesos y enfermedad periodontal. Asimismo, sólo de forma macroscópica, se relevó la prevalencia de cálculo dental y el grado de desgaste de la corona. Se observaron bajas prevalencias de caries, abscesos y pérdidas de piezas antemortem, altos grados de desgaste y moderadas frecuencias de cálculo dental. Se compararon estos resultados con aquellos obtenidos para otros grupos cazadores-recolectores. Los datos obtenidos en el lago Salitroso coinciden con lo observado para grupos con dietas altamente abrasivas y de bajo contenido de alimentos cariogénicos. Metodológicamente, la inclusión de técnicas radioscópicas permitió refinar el diagnóstico de abscesos, aunque mostró una baja sensibilidad para la detección de caries.

  15. 21 CFR 872.6390 - Dental floss. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Dental floss. 872.6390 Section 872.6390 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES DENTAL DEVICES Miscellaneous Devices § 872.6390 Dental floss. (a) Identification. Dental floss is a...

  16. Mejoramiento de las propiedades de biomateriales dentales metálicos mediante el uso de inhibidores orgánicos : Análisis de biocompatibilidad de los biomateriales tratados


    Morales, María Laura


    Objetivos: a) General: mejorar las propiedades, biocompatibilidad y durabilidad de biomateriales dentales metálicos (BMDM) de modo que una vez instalados en la cavidad oral, beneficien la calidad de vida del ser humano. b) Específicos: estudiar la estabilidad y citotoxicidad de BMDM en medios biológicos simulados, en presencia de nuevos inhibidores orgánicos de la corrosión y comparar los resultados con los obtenidos en su ausencia. Enfoque y planificación del tr...

  17. The Swedish national dental insurance and dental health care policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moore, Rod


    Sweden initiated a dental health care insurance in 1973. The health insurance is outlined, current problems and political issues are described. The benefits and limitations are described.......Sweden initiated a dental health care insurance in 1973. The health insurance is outlined, current problems and political issues are described. The benefits and limitations are described....

  18. Nigerian Dental Journal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... needs of dental practitioners in Nigeria, Africa and international community interested in the dental practice in the developing world. The NDJ is published biannually and accepts reports of original research, review articles, clinical case reports and innovations in surgical techniques related to dentistry and allied subjects ...

  19. Attitudes among dentists and dental hygienists towards extended scope and independent practice of dental hygienists

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reinders, Jan J.; Krijnen, Wim; Onclin, Pieter; van der Schans, Cees P.; Stegenga, Boudewijn


    AIMS: Attitudes of dentists and dental hygienists towards extended scope and independent dental hygiene practice are described in several studies, but the results are heterogenous. The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the attitudes of dentists and dental hygienists towards extended

  20. Attitudes among dentists and dental hygienists towards extended scope and independent practice of dental hygienists

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Reinders, Jan J.; Krijnen, Wim P.; Onclin, Pieter; van der Schans, Cees P.; Stegenga, Boudewijn

    Aims: Attitudes of dentists and dental hygienists towards extended scope and independent dental hygiene practice are described in several studies, but the results are heterogenous. The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the attitudes of dentists and dental hygienists towards extended

  1. Strategies to manage patients with dental anxiety and dental phobia: literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Appukuttan DP


    Full Text Available Deva Priya Appukuttan Department of Periodontics, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India Abstract: Dental anxiety and phobia result in avoidance of dental care. It is a frequently encountered problem in dental offices. Formulating acceptable evidence-based therapies for such patients is essential, or else they can be a considerable source of stress for the dentist. These patients need to be identified at the earliest opportunity and their concerns addressed. The initial interaction between the dentist and the patient can reveal the presence of anxiety, fear, and phobia. In such situations, subjective evaluation by interviews and self-reporting on fear and anxiety scales and objective assessment of blood pressure, pulse rate, pulse oximetry, finger temperature, and galvanic skin response can greatly enhance the diagnosis and enable categorization of these individuals as mildly, moderately, or highly anxious or dental phobics. Broadly, dental anxiety can be managed by psychotherapeutic interventions, pharmacological interventions, or a combination of both, depending on the level of dental anxiety, patient characteristics, and clinical situations. Psychotherapeutic interventions are either behaviorally or cognitively oriented. Pharmacologically, these patients can be managed using either sedation or general anesthesia. Behavior-modification therapies aim to change unacceptable behaviors through learning, and involve muscle relaxation and relaxation breathing, along with guided imagery and physiological monitoring using biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, distraction, positive reinforcement, stop-signaling, and exposure-based treatments, such as systematic desensitization, “tell-show-do”, and modeling. Cognitive strategies aim to alter and restructure the content of negative cognitions and enhance control over the negative thoughts. Cognitive behavior therapy is a combination of behavior therapy and cognitive therapy

  2. Clinical use of dental classification. (United States)

    Jones, Gordon


    The Dental Classification system used by the uniformed services is supposed to predict the incidence of dental emergencies in the operational setting, at least on the unit level. Since most Sailors and Marines are deployed without close dental support, the sea services have adopted a policy of early treatment of class 3 dental conditions during recruit training. The other services are beginning to do the same. Recently, two factors have emerged that are affecting this early dental class 3 treatment. These factors must be considered when planning to provide early dental treatment. First, changing population and dentist provider demographics in the civilian sector are beginning to affect the class 3 treatment needs of incoming military recruits. Second, attrition from recruit training results in treatment provided to recruits who leave military service before finishing their training. Some view this as a waste of resources, others as a cost of doing business. As operational jointness increases, the three services must develop and use a single dental classification terminology, as well as unified standards and guidelines, both for better research in this area and for the readiness and well-being of our patients.

  3. Prevalencia de traumatismos dentoalveolares en pacientes infantiles del complejo asistencial Dr. Sótero del Río Prevalence of dental trauma of infants attended at Dr. Sótero del Río Hospital


    PF Castro Brezzo; E Dreyer Arroyo


    En el presente estudio descriptivo de incidencia, 604 niños menores de 15 años fueron examinados y atendidos en la Clínica de Odontopediatría del Complejo Asistencial Dr. Sotero del Río, con diagnóstico de Traumatismo Dentoalveolar (TDA), desde Enero a Diciembre del 2010. El propósito de este estudio fue caracterizar los TDA de acuerdo a la clasificación de Andreasen y Andreasen, determinar su frecuencia y distribución estacional, tipo y número de dientes afectados, distribución de género y e...

  4. Oral Health, Dental Insurance and Dental Service use in Australia. (United States)

    Srivastava, Preety; Chen, Gang; Harris, Anthony


    This study uses data from the 2004-2006 Australian National Survey of Adult Oral Health and a simultaneous equation framework to investigate the interrelationships between dental health, private dental insurance and the use of dental services. The results show that insurance participation is influenced by social and demographic factors, health and health behaviours. In turn, these factors affect the use of dental services, both directly and through insurance participation. Our findings confirm that affordability is a major barrier to visiting the dentist for oral health maintenance and treatment. Our results suggest that having supplementary insurance is associated with some 56 percentage points higher probability of seeing the dentist in the general population. For those who did not have private insurance cover, we predict that conditional on them facing the same insurance conditions, on average, having insurance would increase their visits to the dentist by 43 percentage points. The uninsured in the survey have lower income, worse oral health and lower rates of preventive and treatment visits. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  5. A review of the prevalence of dental fluorosis in Mexico Revisión de la prevalencia de fluorosis dental en México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Ernesto Soto-Rojas


    investigaciones publicadas sobre la prevalencia de fluorosis dental en México, a fin de valorar si hay un aumento de esta prevalencia y si la fluorosis dental constituye un problema de salud pública en el país. MÉTODOS: Se examinaron los artículos de corte clínico, experimental y de revisión publicados en varias bases de datos bibliográficas dedicadas a la literatura científica, utilizando "fluorosis y Mexico" para hacer la búsqueda. Para incluirse en el estudio, los materiales identificados tenían que satisfacer ocho criterios específicos adicionales. RESULTADOS: De los 24 artículos identificados en la búsqueda bibliográfica, 14 cumplieron todos los criterios de inclusión. La prevalencia de fluorosis dental informada para México fue de 30 a 100% en zonas donde el agua era fluorada de manera natural y de 52 a 82% en zonas donde se consumía sal fluorada. La mayoría de los 14 estudios se realizaron en áreas donde el nivel de fluoruros en el agua era superior al óptimo y los casos de fluorosis informados en esos artículos se clasificaron entre "moderados" y "graves". Desde que se introdujo la fluoración de la sal en México en 1991 se han informado muy pocos casos de fluorosis dental. Sin embargo, en algunos de estos estudios se encontraron prevalencias mayores que las esperadas, si se tienen en cuenta los datos históricos de comunidades con fluoración óptima en otros países. CONCLUSIÓN: Debido a lo limitado de la información no es posible determinar si hay un aumento de la prevalencia de fluorosis dental en México o si esta afección constituye un problema de salud pública. Para responder objetivamente a estas interrogantes se requieren estudios más controlados en zonas donde se distribuya sal fluorada, donde los niveles de fluoruros en el agua sean superiores al óptimo y en poblaciones situadas a mayor altura sobre el nivel del mar.

  6. Avaliação quantitativa do efeito do jato de bicarbonato de sódio no esmalte de dentes permanentes jovens Quantitative analysis of the effect of sodium bicarbonate on the enamel surface of young permanent teeth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Nader MARTA


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se clinicamente o efeito do jato de bicarbonato de sódio sob pressão, empregado na profilaxia da superfície de esmalte sadio de dentes permanentes jovens. Trabalhou-se com réplicas positivas, o que permitiu a análise antes e após a realização de tal procedimento. Foram feitas sessenta moldagens da superfície vestibular de incisivos centrais superiores, as quais sofreram um preparo para a análise quantitativa da rugosidade das superfícies de esmalte. A análise quantitativa foi efetuada utilizando-se o programa para computador Diracom-3, que mensura as sombras e penumbras das imagens dos espécimes. Estabeleceram-se três grupos experimentais com vinte crianças que nunca haviam sido submetidas à profilaxia com Profident, as quais foram moldadas em três momentos. Antes do procedimento ou controle (Grupo 1; imediatamente após (Grupo 2; e um mês após o tratamento (Grupo 3. A análise quantitativa dos dados mostrou não haver diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos analisados.The effect of sodium bicarbonate under pressure used in the prophylaxis of the healthful enamel surface of young permanent teeth was clinically evaluated. Positive reproductions were used, which permitted the analysis before and after the realization of such procedure. The moldings of the vestibular surface of central superior incisives made totalized sixty, which went trough a preparation for the quantitative rugosity analysis of the enamel surfaces. The computer program DIRACOM - 3, that measures the shades and half - shadows of the sample images was used for quantitative analysis for which the scanning electron microscopy was employed. Three experimental groups with twenty children each, who had never been submitted to that technique of prophylaxis were established and molds taken in three moments: Group 1 - before the procedure or control ; Group 2 - immediately after and Group 3 - one month after the treatment ( subgroup 2c . The

  7. Dental Curriculum Development in Developing Countries. (United States)

    Phantumvanit, Prathip


    Since establishment of formal dental education in Southeast Asia, changes stemming from research and technology have led to dental curriculum changes. Development of the dental curriculum can be divided into three phases: disease oriented; health oriented; and community oriented. Evolution of these phases is traced in the dental curricula of Laos,…

  8. Utilization of dental care: An Indian outlook (United States)

    Gambhir, Ramandeep Singh; Brar, Prabhleen; Singh, Gurminder; Sofat, Anjali; Kakar, Heena


    Oral health has a significant impact on the quality of life, appearance, and self-esteem of the people. Preventive dental visits help in the early detection and treatment of oral diseases. Dental care utilization can be defined as the percentage of the population who access dental services over a specified period of time. There are reports that dental patients only visit the dentist when in pain and never bother to return for follow-up in most cases. To improve oral health outcomes an adequate knowledge of the way the individuals use health services and the factors predictive of this behavior is essential. The interest in developing models explaining the utilization of dental services has increased; issues like dental anxiety, price, income, the distance a person had to travel to get care, and preference for preservation of teeth are treated as barriers in regular dental care. Published materials which pertain to the use of dental services by Indian population have been reviewed and analyzed in depth in the present study. Dental surgeons and dental health workers have to play an adequate role in facilitating public enlightenment that people may appreciate the need for regular dental care and make adequate and proper use of the available dental care facilities. PMID:24082719

  9. The Primary Dental Care Workforce. (United States)

    Neenan, M. Elaine; And Others


    A study describes the characteristics of the current primary dental care workforce (dentists, hygienists, assistants), its distribution, and its delivery system in private and public sectors. Graduate dental school enrollments, trends in patient visits, employment patterns, state dental activities, and workforce issues related to health care…

  10. Dental Hygiene Realpolitik Affecting Education. (United States)

    Bader, James D.


    Current conditions in dental hygiene influencing professional education are discussed. Workplace/practice issues include dental hygiene care as a component of dental practice, content, effects, and quality of care, hygienist supply and demand, and job satisfaction. Professional issues include the knowledge base, definitions of practice, and…

  11. The importance of dental aesthetics among dental students assessment of knowledge. (United States)

    Manipal, Sunayana; Mohan, C S Anand; Kumar, D Lokesh; Cholan, Priyanka K; Ahmed, Adil; Adusumilli, Preethi


    The aim of this study is to assess the dental esthetics awareness among dental students in a private university in Chennai as none is available in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The dental esthetics awareness questionnaire consisting of a battery of 19 questions under five aspects that is, physical, functional, social, knowledge, and psychological aspects was administered to a sample of 100 dental college students aged between 18 and 27 years in a private college in Chennai, India. Gender variations on the responses of their effects and the impact on dental esthetics awareness had been analyzed using a Chi-square test. With respect to physical aspects, pigmentation shows more significance as students want to get treated for their pigmentation of lips and gums. With respect to functional aspects, eating shows more significance as students have difficulty while eating. In social aspects, habits show more significance as it affects their esthetics. With respect to psychological aspects, mental depression shows more significance as students feel more deprived due to their unesthetic appearance. This study shows a high level of self-consciousness and the findings of the studies prove that even the slightest of variations have a greater impact on the above-mentioned dimensions in particular to psychological, functional, and physical aspects.

  12. The Dental Solid Waste Management in Different Categories of Dental Laboratories in Abha City, Saudi Arabia (United States)

    Haralur, Satheesh B.; Al-Qahtani, Ali S.; Al-Qarni, Marie M.; Al-Homrany, Rami M.; Aboalkhair, Ayyob E.; Madalakote, Sujatha S.


    Aim: To study the awareness, attitude, practice and facilities among the different categories of dental laboratories in Abha city. Materials and Methods: A total of 80 dental technicians were surveyed in the study. The dental laboratories included in the study were teaching institute (Group I), Government Hospital (Group II), Private Dental Clinic (Group III) and Independent laboratory (Group IV). The pre-tested anonymous questionnaire was used to understand knowledge, attitude, facilities, practice and orientation regarding biomedical waste management. Results: The knowledge of biomedical waste categories, colour coding and segregation was better among Group I (55-65%) and Group II (65-75%). The lowest standard of waste disposal was practiced at Group IV (15-20%) and Group III (25-35%). The availability of disposal facilities was poor at Group IV. The continuous education on biomedical waste management lacked in all the Groups. Conclusion: The significant improvement in disposal facilities was required at Group III and Group IV laboratories. All dental technicians were in need of regular training of biomedical waste management. Clinical Significance: The dental laboratories are an integral part of dental practice. The dental laboratories are actively involved in the generation, handling and disposal of biomedical waste. Hence, it is important to assess the biomedical waste management knowledge, attitude, facilities and practice among different categories of dental laboratories. PMID:26962373

  13. Attitude and awareness of medical and dental students towards collaboration between medical and dental practice in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Zhang, Shinan; Lo, Edward C M; Chu, Chun-Hung


    Medical-dental collaboration is essential for improving resource efficiency and standards of care. However, few studies have been conducted on it. This study aimed to investigate the attitude and awareness of medical and dental students about collaboration between medical and dental practices in Hong Kong. All medical and dental students in Hong Kong were invited to complete a questionnaire survey at their universities, hospitals and residential halls. It contained 8 questions designed to elicit their attitudes about the collaboration between medical and dental practice. Students were also asked about their awareness of the collaboration between dentistry and medicine. The questionnaires were directly distributed to medical and dental students. The finished questionnaires were immediately collected by research assistants on site. A total of 1,857 questionnaires were distributed and 809 (44%) were returned. Their mean attitude score (SD) towards medical-dental collaboration was 6.37 (1.44). Most students (77%) were aware of the collaboration between medical and dental practice in Hong Kong. They considered that Ear, Nose & Throat, General Surgery and Family Medicine were the 3 most common medical disciplines which entailed collaboration between medical and dental practice. In this study, the medical and dental students in general demonstrated a good attitude and awareness of the collaboration between medical and dental practice in Hong Kong. This established an essential foundation for fostering medical-dental collaboration, which is vital to improving resource efficiency and standards of care.

  14. R&D on dental implants breakage (United States)

    Croitoru, Sorin Mihai; Popovici, Ion Alexandru


    Most used dental implants for human dental prostheses are of two steps type: first step means implantation and, after several months healing and osseointegration, second step is prosthesis fixture. For sure, dental implants and prostheses are meant to last for a lifetime. Still, there are unfortunate cases when dental implants break. This paper studies two steps dental implants breakage and proposes a set of instruments for replacement and restoration of the broken implant. First part of the paper sets the input data of the study: structure of the studied two steps dental implants based on two Romanian patents and values of the loading forces found in practice and specialty papers. In the second part of the paper, using DEFORM 2D™ FEM simulation software, worst case scenarios of loading dental implants are studied in order to determine which zones and components of the dental implant set are affected (broken). Last part of the paper is dedicated to design and presentation of a set for extracting and cutting tools used to restore the broken implant set.

  15. Radiographic signs and diagnosis of dental disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellows, J.


    Dental radiographs are critical for the complete assessment and treatment of dental diseases. Dental radiography is commonly used to evaluate congenital dental defects, periodontal disease, orthodontic manipulations, oral tumors, endodontic treatments, oral trauma, and any situation where an abnormality is suspected. Although standard radiographic equipment and film can be used to produce dental radiographs, dental X-ray equipment and film provide superior quality images and greater convenience of animal patient positioning. An understanding of normal dental radiographic anatomy is important when interpreting dental radiographs. Stage III periodontitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease at which radiographic abnormalities become apparent. Bone loss associated with periodontal disease can be classified as either horizontal or vertical. Periapical radiolucencies can represent granulomas, cysts, or abscesses, whereas periapical radiodensities may represent sclerotic bone or condensing osteitis. Lytic lesions of the bone of the jaw often represent oral neoplasms. Neoplasms also can displace or disrupt teeth in the dental arch. Resorptive lesions can be external or internal and appear as radiolucent areas involving the external surface of the root or the pulp cavity, respectively. Feline dental resorptive lesions, also known as odontoclastic resorptions, are a specific form of dental resorptive lesions unique to cats

  16. In vitro comparison of the cariostatic effect between topical application of fluoride gels and fluoride toothpaste Comparação in vitro do efeito cariostático entre a aplicação tópica de flúor e dentifrício fluoretado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to compare the effect of topical fluoride products [acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF or neutral gel (NF x fluoride toothpaste (MFP], in respect to fluoride uptake and anticariogenic action. One hundred and twenty five blocks of human teeth, sorted in 5 groups according to the treatment, were submitted to pH cycling for ten days. The parameters analyzed were: fluoride uptake before and after pH cycling and surface (SMH and cross-sectional (CSMH microhardness of the enamel blocks. The results of fluoride concentration in enamel after the pH cycling showed an enhancement of fluoride uptake for all groups compared to sound control. No significant differences between APF and MFP were observed for surface microhardness, percentage change of surface microhardness and mineral loss. The volume percent mineral obtained from cross-sectional microhardness demonstrated that APF has a different lesion progression rate regarding subsurface carious lesion. The results suggest that professionally applied fluoride gel or frequent fluoride application in low concentration is a positive preventive measure for the control of dental caries.O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar in vitro o efeito da aplicação tópica de flúor na forma de gel acidulado (FFA ou neutro (FFN com um dentifrício fluoretado (MFP, na incorporação e ação anticariogênica do flúor. Foram utilizados 125 blocos obtidos de esmalte humano, divididos em 5 grupos de acordo com o tratamento e submetidos à ciclagem de pH durante dez dias. Analisou-se o flúor incorporado antes e depois da ciclagem de pH; a microdureza superficial (SMH e a microdureza interna do esmalte (CSMH. Os resultados da concentração de flúor no esmalte após a ciclagem indicou uma maior quantidade de flúor incorporado para todos os grupos comparados ao grupo controle sadio. A microdureza superficial entre APF e MFP, assim como a porcentagem de alteração da microdureza superficial e

  17. Dental Encounter System (DES) (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — Dental Encounter System (DES) is an automated health care application designed to capture critical data about the operations of VA Dental Services. Information on...

  18. Ergonomic design for dental offices. (United States)

    Ahearn, David J; Sanders, Martha J; Turcotte, Claudia


    The increasing complexity of the dental office environment influences productivity and workflow for dental clinicians. Advances in technology, and with it the range of products needed to provide services, have led to sprawl in operatory setups and the potential for awkward postures for dental clinicians during the delivery of oral health services. Although ergonomics often addresses the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders for specific populations of workers, concepts of workflow and productivity are integral to improved practice in work environments. This article provides suggestions for improving workflow and productivity for dental clinicians. The article applies ergonomic principles to dental practice issues such as equipment and supply management, office design, and workflow management. Implications for improved ergonomic processes and future research are explored.

  19. A questionnaire study regarding local anesthesia in dentistry and safety measures in dental clinics among dental students


    オオケ, ハナコ; クドウ, マサル; シンヤ, ノボル; Hanako, OHKE; Masaru, KUDO; Noboru, SHINYA


    This reports the results of a questionnaire study of dental students on the awareness of "local anesthesia" and "use of patient monitoring systems" in dental clinics. Subjects participated in the present study included 96 sixth year dental students (D6) and 93 first year dental students (D1). The results indicate that the majority of respondents including both D6 and D1 support the notion that a "dentist" is the most suitable person to perform local anesthesia in dental treatment. With respec...

  20. [Maintenance care for dental implant]. (United States)

    Kamoi, K


    Dental implant has tried at the early stage in 19th century recovering an oral function and esthetics. Technological revolutions in biochemical and new materials have developed on the remarkable change in the dental implants, nowadays we call the three generation therapy for dental implantology. There are many kinds of methods and techniques in dental implants, however a lot of troublesome complication on the process of surgical phase, construction of prothodontics and prognosis of maintenance care. In the proceedings of this symposium, I would like to propose you how to manage the maintenance care for various kind of dental implants through the methodology and case presentations. Tendenay and future for dental implants The current outlook of dental implant has increasing supply and demand not only dentists but also patients. According to Japanese Welfare Ministry's report in 1987, average missing teeth over sixty years old generations are approximately 42% in accordance with NIDR (U.S.A.) research. They are missed on ten over teeth in full 28th teeth dentitions owing to dental caries and periodontal diseases. Generally speaking, latent implant patients are occupied on the same possibility of needs for dental implants both Japan and U.S.A. Management of maintenance care The patients hardly recognized the importance of plaque control for the maintenance care in the intraoral condition after implantation. Dentists and dental staffs must be instruct patients for importance of plaque removal and control, because they already had forgotten the habit of teeth cleaning, especially in the edenturous conditions. 1) Concept of establishment in oral hygiene. Motivation and instruction for patients include very important factors in dental implants as well as in periodontal diseases. Patients who could not achieve on good oral hygiene levels obtained no good results in the long term observations. To establish good oral hygiene are how to control supra plaque surrounding tissues