
Sample records for del distress respiratorio

  1. Radicales libres de oxígeno y distress respiratorio agudo

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    Aracelis E. Dorado Lambert


    Full Text Available Se realizó una revisión acerca de la formación de radicales libres de oxígeno en el organismo, así como el aumento exagerado de su génesis durante la exposición a altas concentraciones de oxígeno y en el desarrollo de la explosión respiratoria que acompaña la fagocitosis. Se analiza además la formación de estos radicales en el pulmón durante la evolución del distress respiratorio agudo. Se abordó, posteriormente, el uso actual, sobre todo en el ámbito internacional, de los antioxidantes y bloqueadores de la lipoperoxidación para disminuir los efectos adversos de los radicales libres. A pesar de estas nuevas medidas, se corrobora que la disminución experimentada en la mortalidad por esta entidad, obedece a la optimización de los cuidados respiratorios, en especial la ventilación mecánica.The formation of free oxygen radicals in the body and the excessive increase of its genesis during exposure to high concentrations of oxygen and in the development of respiratory burst accompanying phagocytosis were reviewed. Also the formation of these radicals in lung during acute respiratory distress was analyzed. Similarly, the present use at the international level of antioxidants and lipoperoxidation blockers to diminish adverse effects of free radicals are addressed in this paper. In spite of these new measures, it was confirmed that the reduction of mortality rate from this disease was due to the improvement of respiratory care particularly the mechanical ventilation.

  2. Enfermedad y síntomas respiratorios en niños de cinco municipios carboníferos del Cesar, Colombia


    Quiroz-Arcentales, Leonardo; Hernández-Flórez, Luis J.; Agudelo Calderón, Carlos A.; Medina, Katalina; Robledo-Martínez, Rocío; Osorio-García, Samuel D.


    Objetivos Establecer la prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios y enfermedad respiratoria en niños menores de 12 años de municipios de influencia de la zona carbonífera del departamento del Cesar y posibles factores asociados. Métodos Estudio transversal en 1 627 niños menores de 10 años habitantes de municipios carboneros del Cesar expuestos a diferentes niveles de MP10 en los años 2008-2010, en quienes se midieron enfermedades y síntomas respiratorios relacionados con exposición a PM10, busca...

  3. Enfermedad y síntomas respiratorios en niños de cinco municipios carboníferos del cesar, colombia


    Quiroz, Leonardo; Hernández Flórez, Luis Jorge; Agudelo, Carlos; Medina, Katalina; Robledo, Rocío; Osorio García, Samuel David


    Objetivos Establecer la prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios y enfermedad respiratoria en niños menores de 12 años de municipios de influencia de la zona carbonífera del departamento del Cesar y posibles factores asociados.Métodos Estudio transversal en 1 627 niños menores de 10 años habitantes de municipios carboneros del Cesar expuestos a diferentes niveles de MP10 en los años 2008-2010, en quienes se midieron enfermedades y síntomas respiratorios relacionados con exposición a PM10, buscan...

  4. Trastornos respiratorios del sueño en la edad pediátrica


    Nazar M. Gonzalo, Dr.


    Los trastornos respiratorios del sueño (TRS), incluyendo la apnea obstructiva del sueño, afectan a un grupo importante de los pacientes pediátricos. Su más frecuente síntoma, el ronquido, debe ser buscado dirigidamente en los controles pediátricos e investigado cuando esté presente. La principal causa de los TRS en niños es la hipertrofia adenoamigdalina, pudiendo contribuir también la obesidad, cuadros alérgicos, trastornos neuromusculares y malformaciones craneofaciales. La apnea del sueño ...

  5. Síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio del cerdo (PRRS. Revisión

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    Sandra Maricruz López-Heydeck


    Full Text Available El síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio del cerdo (PRRS, es una enfermedad de origen viral que ocasiona fallas reproductivas severas en cerdas gestantes, con menos grado en la calidad del semen en verracos y problemas respiratorios en cerdos de todas las edades pero principalmente en lechones; también se asocia o incrementa la manifestación de otras enfermedades respiratorias. Es una de las enfermedades de mayor importancia económica mundial, en la mayoría de los países de producción de porcinos, donde en gran parte de ellos permanece endémico. El virus de PRRS (PRRSV presenta un alto grado de mutabilidad, por lo que hay una gran diversidad genética de cepas del linaje norteamericano (PRRSV NA y entre el PRRSV NA y el linaje europeo (PRRSV EU, lo que afecta la homogeneidad y poca o nula antigenicidad cruzada para vacunas; el virus vacunal modificado, único comercialmente accesible para generar algún grado confiable de inmunidad, ha mostrado la capacidad de revertirse a patógeno, con replicabilidad y recombinación con virus de campo; las vacunas sólo se utilizan para disminuir el grado de afección de la enfermedad; el virus muestra una capacidad de inmunosupresión e inmunoregulación que le permite, prolongar el tiempo de viremia en los animales enfermos, quienes eliminan el virus por saliva, secreciones tras placentarias, mamarias y muy posiblemente excremento, siendo la transmisión principal por contacto directo o por objetos contaminados; además presenta una posterior selectividad a pocos tejidos linfoides, que le permite permanecer inadvertido hasta que, en condiciones favorables, vuelve a manifestarse la enfermedad, ya sea como pequeños brotes, o como pandemia.


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    Dr. Carlos A. Asenjo


    Full Text Available El sistema o aparato respiratorio, presenta diferencias significativas con el adulto, derivadas principalmente de su inmadurez anatómica y fisiológica. Esto le confiere gran labilidad funcional, tanto mayor cuanto menor es su edad. Como compensación, presenta abundancia e intensidad de síntomas en la falla respiratoria, que hace que las enfermedades respiratorias no pasen inadvertidas y merezcan especial atención, en forma precoz. Como excepción a la regla, los recién nacidos expresan pobremente el compromiso respiratorio. Sin embargo, la aparición de signos como apnea y bradicardia en presencia de hipoxemia, hecho inhabitual en el niño mayor, nos indican que la característica anterior no es permanente ni homogénea, otorgándole una condición única no concordante con la fisiología del organismo adulto. El conocimiento sobre las características anatómicas y funcionales de la vía aérea extra e intratorácica, nos va a permitir identificar precozmente las características fisiopatológicas que nos permitan sospechar una enfermedad en todo paciente pediátrico.

  7. Surfacen: Un surfactante natural para el tratamiento del síndrome del distress respiratorio neonatal

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    Dahís Manzanares


    Full Text Available Surfacen es un extracto orgánico obtenido del lavado pulmonar de cerdos. Contiene aproximadamente 93 % de fosfolípidos y 1 % de proteínas de peso molecular pequeño. En varios lotes el preparado tiene como promedio 69 % de fosfolidilcolina y menos de 1 % de lisofosfatidilcolina. La tensión superficial fue evaluada por el método de la presión máxima de la burbuja y en varios experimentos la tensión superficial de equilibrio varió entre 25 y 30 nM/m. Cada lote de Surfacen fue también evaluado en experimentos en fetos de conejos de 27 días de edad, a los cuales se les hacía curvas estáticas de presión y volumen, con dosis de fosfolípidos entre 45 y 80 mq/kg, con presión de abertura entre 15 y 20 cm de H2O y volumen de expansión máxima de 39 mL/kg. Un mejoramiento significante de la función pulmonar ha sido también demostrado en carneros recién nacidos inmaduros (135 a 140 días de gestación. En 7 animales el producto fue administrado 100 mg/kg y la PO2 aumentó hasta 40 kPa y la fracción inspirada de oxígeno pudo ser reducida de 0,7 a 0,2 en 4,5 horas. Posteriormente el Surfacen fue empleado en 23 neonatos humanos pretérminos (peso promedio de 1 368 g y 30,5 semanas de edad gestacional, con evidencia clínica y radiológica de síndrome de distress respiratorio severo. Estos neonatos tenían una fracción inspirada de oxígeno 0,6, presión media de vías aéreas 8 cm H2O y PaO2/FiO2 20 kPa. En 16 neonatos se empleó una dosis de 100 mg/kg, en 6, 2 y en 1,3. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: la presión arterial de oxígeno aumentó significativamente más de 9,3 kPa en pacientes en la primera hora de administrado el Surfacen, con un promedio de 19,2 kPa en el grupo total; la relación presión arterial y alveolar de oxígeno aumentó aproximadamente 2,5 veces durante las primeras 72 horas; hubo una mejoría radiológica en todos los pacientes y la fracción inspirada de oxígeno y la presión media de vías aéreas se

  8. Trastornos respiratorios del sueño en la edad pediátrica

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    Nazar M. Gonzalo, Dr.


    Full Text Available Los trastornos respiratorios del sueño (TRS, incluyendo la apnea obstructiva del sueño, afectan a un grupo importante de los pacientes pediátricos. Su más frecuente síntoma, el ronquido, debe ser buscado dirigidamente en los controles pediátricos e investigado cuando esté presente. La principal causa de los TRS en niños es la hipertrofia adenoamigdalina, pudiendo contribuir también la obesidad, cuadros alérgicos, trastornos neuromusculares y malformaciones craneofaciales. La apnea del sueño en población pediátrica se asocia a trastornos neurocognitivos, retraso del crecimiento, aumento de la resistencia vascular pulmonar, trastornos metabólicos y enuresis. La evaluación es inicialmente clínica, pudiendo ser complementada con una nasofibroscopía y, en casos dudosos, con estudios del sueño (saturometría ambulatoria de O2, polisomnograma. El tratamiento de elección es la adenoamigdalectomía, cirugía con una alta efectividad en resolver los TRS infantiles y con una baja tasa de complicaciones. En casos seleccionados puede ser necesario utilizar equipos de presión positiva (C-PAP.

  9. Enfoque Pediátrico para el Estudio de los Trastornos Respiratorios del Sueño




    Los Trastornos Respiratorios del Sueño (TRS) pueden generar un impacto en la salud de niños y adolescentes, en un periodo altamente vulnerable para el neurodesarrollo. La anamnesis y examen fisco pueden orientar a su diagnóstico, sin embargo, poseen limitaciones importantes, especialmente en etapas precoces de la enfermedad. En niños con factores de riesgo específicos es necesario tener un alto nivel de sospecha y realizar estudios diagnósticos. Este artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo d...

  10. Método simplificado para el diagnóstico del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño (SAHS: A propósito de una serie de casos empleando el polígrafo respiratorio BREAS SC-20.

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    Jorge Rey de Castro Mujica


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Presentar una serie de casos con diagnóstico de síndrome apnea hipopnea del Sueño (SAHS establecido con un polígrafo respiratorio (PR. Materiales y métodos: Se presentan 53 PRs realizadas entre enero 2005 y octubre 2006 en pacientes con sospecha de trastornos respiratorios del sueño. Se utilizó el polígrafo respiratorio BREAS SC-20 validado por nosotros anteriormente. La prueba fue implementada a lo largo de la noche en el domicilio del paciente y sin supervisión de personal técnico. En 32 (60% casos la PR fue instalada en el consultorio y el resto en el domicilio del paciente. Resultados: Se analizaron 53 PRs, realizadas en el mismo número de pacientes. El equipo falló en seis (11% ocasiones; las seis pruebas fueron repetidas obteniéndose buenos resultados para el análisis. El Tiempo de registro fue 7,7±1,1 [5,5-10,7] horas, índice de apnea-hipopnea 35,5±20 [0-82], tiempo porcentual de registro con SatO2Hb menor de 90% (T90 9,8±15,2 [0-62] % y desaturación máxima de oxígeno (DesMax 73±14,8 [38-91] %. Los principales diagnósticos fueron: SAHS 46 (86%, apnea central con patrón periódico Cheyne Stokes 3 (6%, ronquido primario benigno 2 (4% y prueba normal 2 (4%. El procedimiento fue bien tolerado y no hubo efectos secundarios relacionados. Conclusiones: Con los resultados obtenidos, consideramos que el sistema BREAS SC-20 bajo supervisión de médicos entrenados en los trastornos respiratorios del sueño; es una herramienta útil, práctica y económica para el diagnóstico del SAHS.(Rev Med Hered 2007;18:59-67.

  11. Evaluación del aparato respiratorio en trabajadores expuestos a polvo del mineral zeolita

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    Guillermo López Espinosa


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo transversal en la Mina-Planta de Zeolita Tasajeras, que pertenece al municipio de Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, en el período comprendido entre junio y septiembre de 1997, con el objetivo de determinar el estado clínico y funcional ventilatorio de los trabajadores. A los 73 pacientes con 2 o más años en la fábrica se les aplicó un cuestionario, y se les realizó un examen físico y una prueba funcional ventilatoria. Los resultados más relevantes corroboran que los trabajadores del área de mayor exposición al polvo refieren un mayor número de síntomas respiratorios, sobre todo los fumadores. Sin embargo, el 94,5 % presenta un examen físico de tórax negativo, el 68,8 % de los pacientes con prueba funcional ventilatoria patológica integran el área planta, son fumadores el 62,5 %, y el 63,1 % no usa con frecuencia el filtro respiratorio como medio de protección individualA croos-sectional observational study was carried out at the mine-plant zeolite in Tasajeras, municipality of Ranchuelo, Villa Clara, from June to September, 1997, aimed at determining the clinical and functional ventilatory status of the workers. 73 patients with 2 or more years in the factory answered a questionnarie and underwent a physical examination and a functional ventilatory test. According to the results, those workers that were more exposed to dust had a higher number of respiratory symptoms, mainly smokers. However, 94,5 % had a negative chest physical examination. 68.8 % of the area patients with pathological functional ventilatory test work in the of the plant. 62.5 % are smokers and 63.1 % do not use frequently the respiratory filter as a menas of individual protection.

  12. Caracterización de sintomáticos respiratorios en poblaciones de la frontera andina del norte de Ecuador


    Saca Vélez, Laura Janeth


    Contexto: La baja detección de los sintomáticos respiratorios sigue siendo uno de los problemas más frecuentes en muchas provincias del Ecuador y una de las mayores dificultades en el control de la tuberculosis pulmonar. Las poblaciones de la zona fronteriza debido a la constante movilidad humana y sus características particulares las hacen más vulnerables para controlar y prevenir la transmisión de la tuberculosis pulmonar; constituyéndose en un factor añadido a la hora de planificar accione...

  13. Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio Agudo: Utilidad de los Corticoides Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Role of steroids

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    Célica L. Irrazábal


    Full Text Available En Argentina, el síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo (SDRA representa el 7.7% de las admisiones en terapia intensiva y está asociado con una alta morbilidad y mortalidad (58%. Con frecuencia la muerte puede ser atribuida a más de una causa. La hipoxemia refractaria es una causa de muerte poco frecuente (15% y en muchos casos puede coexistir con disfunción multiorgánica, sepsis o shock séptico. La utilidad de los esteroides como parte del tratamiento es aún motivo de debate a pesar de las múltiples series de casos y estudios clínicos publicados. En el artículo se evalúa la utilidad de los esteroides en el SDRA a través de la revisión de la bibliografía disponible. Se concluye que los esteroides estarían indicados en un pequeño subgrupo de pacientes con SDRA no resuelto o tardío, después de descartar o controlar una infección activa.The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS represents 7.7% of the intensive care population, and is associated with great morbidity and mortality (58%. Frequently, the mortality can be attributed to more than one cause. Refractory hypoxemia is uncommon (15% and most of the patients also have multiple organic dysfunction, sepsis or septic shock. Although there are many publications concerning series of cases and clinical trials using steroids as a part of the treatment of ARDS, this issue remains controversial. In this article the role of steroids in the ARDS is evaluated by analysis of the available literature. We conclude that steroids are useful in a subgroup of patients with unresolving ARDS, after ruling out an active infection or after treatment with antibiotics.

  14. Predicción de la epidemia del virus sincitial respiratorio en Bogotá, D.C., utilizando variables climatológicas

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    Gilberto González-Parra


    Full Text Available Introducción. El virus sincitial respiratorio es uno de los principales causantes de mortalidad de niños y adultos mayores en el mundo. Objetivo. Predecir las semanas de inicio de los brotes de infección por el virus sincitial respiratorio en Bogotá entre 2005 y 2010, utilizando variables climatológicas como variables de predicción. Materiales y métodos. Se establecieron las fechas de inicio de los brotes en niños menores de cinco años ocurridas entre 2005 y 2010, en Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Se seleccionaron las variables climatológicas utilizando una matriz de correlación y, posteriormente, se construyeron 1.020 modelos resultado de la combinación de las distintas variables climatológicas y las semanas de antelación al inicio del brote. Se seleccionaron los modelos utilizando los datos correspondientes a periodos de seis (2005-2010, cuatro (2005-2008 y dos años (2009-2010. Se determinaron los mejores modelos y las variables climatológicas más relevantes, utilizando clasificadores bayesanos ingenuos y curvas características de operación del receptor (Receiver Operating Characteristic, ROC. Resultados. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con los modelos que utilizaron el periodo de dos años (2009-2010 y la semana 0, con 52 y 60 % de aciertos, respectivamente. La humedad mínima fue la variable que más apareció en los mejores modelos (62 %. Los clasificadores bayesanos ingenuos permitieron establecer cuáles eran los mejores modelos para predecir la semana de inicio del brote. Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que los modelos en que se utilizaron la humedad mínima, la velocidad del viento y la temperatura mínima serían los modelos de predicción más eficaces.

  15. Estudio de la eficacia del Surfacen en el distress respiratorio del recién nacido

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    Olimpo Moreno Vázquez


    Full Text Available En 1994 se empleó el Surfacen, surfactante natural porcino, en 50 neonatos prematuros con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria, diagnosticados clínica y radiográficamente, con una deficiencia de oxigenación dada por una fracción inspirada de oxígeno (FiO2 de 0,8, una presión parcial de oxígeno PaO2/FiO2 de 12,1 kPa y un índice de a/AO2 de 0,13. El surfactante se aplicó por vía traqueal a la dosis de 100 mg de fosfolípidos y se repitió una segunda en 13 pacientes y en uno 3 dosis. La edad promedio de aplicación fue 3,5 horas, siempre después de estabilizado el paciente. A los 10 minutos la PaO2 aumentó de 9 a 20,6 kPa, la PaO2/FiO2 se elevó a 29,8 kPa y el índice a/AO2 a 0,34. No hubo respuesta favorable en el 4 % de los pacientes. El examen radiográfico de tórax a las 4 horas de administrado el Surfacen mostró una mejoría en 86,7 %. A las 72 horas de vida la FiO2 fue de 0,37 y la presión media de las vías aéreas de 10,3 con H2O. Las complicaciones más importantes fueron: ductus arterioso permeable 22, neumonía y hemorragia intraventricular grados III y IV 10 cada una, neumotórax 3 y displasia broncopulmonar 2. Al comparar las complicaciones con un grupo control histórico de 49 pacientes en quienes no se empleó surfactante se observa que en el grupo estudio hubo una disminución significativa del neumotórax, la neumonía y la hemorragia pulmonar y un aumento del ductus arterioso permeable. En el grupo tratado con Surfacen fallecieron 17 pacientes.Surfacen, a natural porcine surfactant, was used in 1994 in 50 preterm neonates with clinical and radiologically diagnosed respiratory distress syndrome with an oxygenation deficiency due to an inspired fraction of oxygen (If02 of 0.8, a partial pressure of oxygen Pa02 of 2.1 kPa, and an index of a/A02 of 0.13. The surfactant was administered by the trachea at a dose of 100 mg of phospholipids. 13 patients received 2 doses and 1, 3. The average age of administration was 3

  16. Decúbito prono en pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo

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    Mariano Setten

    Full Text Available RESUMEN El síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo ocupa gran atención en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. A pesar del amplio conocimiento alcanzado sobre la fisiopatología de éste síndrome, el enfoque en la unidad de cuidados intensivos consiste, en gran parte, en un tratamiento de soporte vital y en evitar los efectos secundarios de las terapéuticas invasivas. Si bien, durante los últimos 20 años, se generaron grandes avances en ventilación mecánica con un impacto importante sobre la mortalidad, ésta continúa siendo elevada. Una característica de los pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo, sobre todo los más severos, es la presencia de hipoxemia refractaria debido a la existencia de shunt, pudiendo requerir tratamientos adicionales a la ventilación mecánica, entre ellos la ventilación mecánica en decúbito prono. Este método, recomendado para mejorar la oxigenación por primera vez en 1974, puede ser implementado fácilmente en cualquier unidad de cuidados intensivos con personal entrenado. El decúbito prono tiene un sustento bibliográfico sumamente robusto. Varios ensayos clínicos randomizados han demostrado el efecto del decúbito prono sobre la oxigenación en pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo medida a través de la relación PaO2/FiO2 e incluso su impacto en el aumento de la sobrevida de estos pacientes. Los integrantes del Comité de Kinesiología Intensivista de la Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva realizaron una revisión narrativa con el objetivo de exponer la evidencia disponible en relación a la implementación del decúbito prono, los cambios producidos en el sistema respiratorio por la aplicación de la maniobra y su impacto sobre la mortalidad. Por último, se sugerirán lineamientos para la toma de decisiones.

  17. Caracterización de los sintomáticos respiratorios en población de frontera Oriental del Ecuador


    Naula Ruiz, Mauricio Fabián


    Contexto: Una tercera parte de la población a nivel mundial está en contacto con el agente causal de la tuberculosis. La identificación de los sintomáticos respiratorios, sus características y probable desarrollo de tuberculosis pulmonar en poblaciones vulnerables que se encuentran en condiciones socio-económicas inadecuadas pueden favorecer a la diseminación de dicha enfermedad. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los sintomáticos respiratorios y asociar las características sociales con la condición de...


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    Rincón M. A.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo actualizar en el país la situación de la infección por el virus del Síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino (PRRS. Los departamentos incluidos en el estudio fueron aquellos donde se manejan producciones extensivas o de traspatio. Las muestras fueron tomadas de forma aleatoria en los mataderos de cada departamento, analizándose un total de 1.658 sueros, los cuales fueron clasiicados, hasta donde fue posible, de acuerdo a las categorías productivas (cerdos de descarte y cerdos de ceba. Las muestras obtenidas se analizaron a través de una prueba de ELISA, usando el kit comercial HerdChek PRRS 2XR (Laboratorios IDEXX. Al inal se obtuvo un total de 71 sueros reactores, lo que se traduce en una prevalencia del 4,3 ± 1,0% (p≤0,05. Los departamentos con mayor prevalencia fueron Norte de Santander y Arauca, mientras que los departamentos de La Guajira, Magdalena y Sucre mantuvieron su condición de no reactividad serológica en estos sistemas de producción.


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    MC Cruz


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo actualizar en el país la situación de la infección por el virus del Síndrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino (PRRS. Los departamentos incluidos en el estudio fueron aquellos donde se manejan producciones extensivas o de traspatio. Las muestras fueron tomadas de forma aleatoria en los mataderos de cada departamento, analizándose un total de 1.658 sueros, los cuales fueron clasiicados, hasta donde fue posible, de acuerdo a las categorías productivas (cerdos de descarte y cerdos de ceba. Las muestras obtenidas se analizaron a través de una prueba de ELISA, usando el kit comercial HerdChek PRRS 2XR (Laboratorios IDEXX. Al inal se obtuvo un total de 71 sueros reactores, lo que se traduce en una prevalencia del 4,3 ± 1,0% (p≤0,05. Los departamentos con mayor prevalencia fueron Norte de Santander y Arauca, mientras que los departamentos de La Guajira, Magdalena y Sucre mantuvieron su condición de no reactividad serológica en estos sistemas de producción.

  20. ECMO respiratorio como opción terapéutica en falla respiratoria refractaria en la edad pediátrica

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    Otto M. González-Pardo


    La ECMO es una terapia que desde el año 1985 ha mostrado tener una sobrevida del 53% en este grupo, llegando a niveles del 63% en los últimos años, particularmente, si la etiología es el virus sincitial respiratorio. Se reportan dos casos de pacientes lactantes menores con falla respiratoria refractaria en quienes se decidió iniciar la ECMO logrando la sobrevida de ambos.

  1. Síntomas respiratorios causados por el uso del electrocauterio en médicos en formación quirúrgica de un hospital de México Respiratory symptoms caused by the use of electrocautery in physicans being trained in surgery in a Mexican hospital

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    María Cristina Navarro-Meza


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de determinar la frecuencia de síntomas respiratorios entre los residentes de especialidades quirúrgicas expuestos al humo del electrocauterio, se realizó un estudio transversal durante el mes de febrero de 2012. Se incluyeron 50 médicos residentes del tercer año, de diferentes especialidades quirúrgicas, de un hospital de tercer nivel perteneciente al Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado ubicado en Jalisco, México. La selección de sujetos fue no probabilística. Para la recolección de datos, se empleó el cuestionario de síntomas respiratorios desarrollado en Cuba. Los síntomas más comunes fueron sensación de cuerpo extraño (58% y ardor faríngeo (22%. La especialidad con mayor índice de exposición fue la de neurocirugía (24,1 min/acto quirúrgico. La totalidad de los médicos de esta especialidad tuvieron algún síntoma respiratorio. Se concluye que la inhalación del humo del cauterio puede constituir un riesgo para desarrollar síntomas respiratorios entre los médicos de especialidades quirúrgicasIn order to determine the frequency of respiratory symptoms among residents from surgical specialties dures exposed to the electrocautery smoke, a cross-sectional study was conducted in February 2012. 50 third-year residents from different surgical specialties coming from a third-level hospital belonging to the Institute of Security and Social Services of the State Workers in Jalisco, Mexico, were included. The subject selection was non-probabilistic. A questionnaire on respiratory symptoms developed in Cuba was used for data collection. The most common symptoms were sensation of a lump in the throat (58%, and a sore throat (22%. The specialty with the highest rate of exposure was neurosurgery (24.1 min/surgical procedure. All, the physicians from this specialty had respiratory symptoms. We conclude that the cauterization smoke may be considered a risk for developing


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    Dra. María Angélica Palomino


    Full Text Available La atrofia muscular espinal (AME es la primera causa genética de mortalidad en lactantes. La severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas es un continuo, con tres principales subtipos en pediatría: AME1 que se presenta en recién nacidos y no logran sentarse, AME2 en niños que no logran caminar pero sí sentarse y AME3 que logran caminar. La complicación más seria es la insuficiencia respiratoria. El enfoque del manejo respiratorio es preventivo, con toma de decisiones anticipadas por parte de los cuidadores, que incluye optimizar el manejo de la tos, evitar la deformación de la caja torácica y permitir un desarrollo pulmonar adecuado, tratar la hipoventilación, manejar oportunamente las infecciones respiratorias, el trastorno de deglución, el reflujo gastroesofágico y la malnutrición. A las puertas del desarrollo de tratamientos específicos modificadores de la enfermedad, mediante oligonucleótidos antisentido o vectores genéticos entre otros, los cuidados en AME con enfoque multidisciplinario nos imponen nuevos desafíos donde los cuidados respiratorios deberían estar de acuerdo a lo sugerido en consensos de estándar de manejo, optimizando sus condiciones globales a la espera de tratamientos más específicos.

  3. Virus sincicial respiratorio: presentación, manejo y prevención de un brote intrahospitalario en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales de Lima

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    T Paredes


    Full Text Available El virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR es el principal patógeno causante de infecciones del tracto respiratorio bajo durante el primer año de vida y ocasiona un elevado índice de hospitalización en niños menores de 12 meses; la presentación clínica severa y su aparición como brotes epidemiológicos en las unidades con recién nacidos prematuros representa un riesgo elevado de morbimortalidad. Se realiza la presentación de dos casos y el análisis sobre la importancia del diagnóstico precoz, el manejo individualizado y las medidas de control de infecciones como factores que reducen la morbimortalidad en estas situaciones y previenen la diseminación de los casos en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN.

  4. Diagnóstico de virus respiratorios utilizando un sistema automatizado de PCR múltiples (FilmArray y su comparación con métodos convencionales

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    Débora N Marcone


    Full Text Available Las infecciones respiratorias agudas producen una importante morbimortalidad y comúnmente son causadas por virus. En Argentina, los programas de vigilancia epidemiológica se basan en la detección de antígenos virales por inmunofluorescencia (IF, aunque es bien conocido que los métodos moleculares son más sensibles. El panel respiratorio (PR FilmArray (PR-FilmArray es un equipo comercial automatizado de PCR múltiples que detecta 17 virus respiratorios y 3 bacterias, en un sistema cerrado que requiere 5 min de procesamiento y una 1 h de instrumentación. Se evaluó un total de 315 muestras respiratorias de niños menores de 6 años con infecciones respiratorias agudas por IF para 8 virus respiratorios y por RT-PCR para rinovirus. Posteriormente, estas muestras se estudiaron con el PR-FilmArray. La frecuencia de positividad al considerar los 9 virus estudiados por IF y RT-PCR fue del 75 %; por PR-FilmArray fue del 92 %. El porcentaje de acuerdo positivo entre ambas metodologías fue del 70,5 % y el de acuerdo negativo fue del 99,6 % (intervalo de confianza 95 %: 65,5-75,1 y 99,2-99,8, respectivamente. El PR-FilmArray permitió obtener un mayor diagnóstico positivo (97 % y detectó otros virus, como los coronavirus NL63, 229E, OC43 y HKU1 (10 % y los bocavirus (18 %. Además, permitió identificar coinfecciones múltiples (39 % con 2, 3, 4 y hasta 5 virus. Actualmente, la IF continúa siendo el método más utilizado en los países latinoamericanos para el diagnóstico de virus respiratorios por su bajo costo, por su capacidad para procesar un alto número de muestras simultáneamente y porque los resultados de los virus más frecuentes están disponibles en 5 h. Sin embargo, la futura incorporación de métodos moleculares aumentaría notablemente la capacidad diagnóstica.



    Dra. María Angélica Palomino; Dra. Claudia Castiglioni


    La atrofia muscular espinal (AME) es la primera causa genética de mortalidad en lactantes. La severidad de las manifestaciones clínicas es un continuo, con tres principales subtipos en pediatría: AME1 que se presenta en recién nacidos y no logran sentarse, AME2 en niños que no logran caminar pero sí sentarse y AME3 que logran caminar. La complicación más seria es la insuficiencia respiratoria. El enfoque del manejo respiratorio es preventivo, con toma de decisiones anticipadas por parte de lo...

  6. Hallazgo de Lophomonas sp. en secreciones del tracto respiratorio de niños hospitalizados con enfermedad pulmonar grave Lophomonas sp. in respiratory tract secretions in hospitalized children with severe lung disease

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    Rito Zerpa


    Full Text Available Lophomonas sp. es un parásito habitual del tracto intestinal de las cucarachas y que no es reconocido como patógeno humano. Sin embargo, en la literatura mundial existen escasos reportes de Lophomonas sp. en secreciones del tracto respiratorio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar grave, principalmente en adultos. Presentamos evidencias de Lophomonas sp. en el tracto respiratorio inferior de niños atendidos en el centro de referencia nacional de enfermedades pediátricas de Lima, Perú, en el periodo 2009-2010. Se encontró seis casos, 4/23 provenientes de muestras de lavado broncoalveolar y 2/794 muestras de aspirado traqueal de niños. Cinco de ellos tuvieron neumonía y uno atelectasia, cuatro estuvieron en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Es necesario conocer más sobre la presencia de este organismo en infecciones respiratorias así como su rol patogénico real.Lophomonas sp. is a habitual parasite of the intestinal tract of the cockroaches and that is not recognized as pathogenic human being. Nevertheless, in the world literature are few reports of Lophomonas sp. in respiratory tract secretions in patients with severe pulmonary disease, mostly in adults. We present evidences of Lophomonas sp. in the respiratory low tract of children attended in the national reference center of paediatric diseases of Lima, Peru, in the period 2009- 2010. We found six cases, 4/23 from broncoalveolar lavage and 2/794 from tracheal aspirate samples of children. Five of them had pneumonia and one atelectasis, four were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Increase knowledge about the presence of this organism in respiratory infections is needed, as its real pathogenic role.

  7. Compromiso respiratorio en fumadores de marihuana


    Torres, Verónica; Esteche,


    RESUMEN La marihuana es la droga ilegal más consumida en el mundo. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir las consecuencias a nivel respiratorio de fumar marihuana, basado en estudios publicados recientemente. Los efectos de fumar cannabis sobre la mucosa respiratoria comprenden inflamación de la mucosa bronquial con mayor prevalencia de bronquitis aguda y crónica; alteración de las defensas antifúngicas y bacterianas de los macrófagos alveolares con predisposición a infecciones respirator...


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    Lídice Álvarez Miño


    Full Text Available undamentos: Los efectos del material particulado (PM10 sobre la salud respiratoria son de interés en salud pública por el alto riesgo de enfermar y morir de la población expuesta, más aun cuando se trata de niños. El objeti- vo del estudio fue identificar la asociación entre las concentraciones de PM10 con la presencia de síntomas respiratorios y la alteración de la función pulmonar en niños de 6 a 14 años en la ciudad de Santa Marta. Método: Estudio transversal. La muestra fue de 305 niños seleccionados aleatoriamente entre los escolares matriculados en los colegios de las zo- nas identificadas. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios: (i la encuesta del Inter- national Study of Asthma Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC, para identifi- car síntomas de rinitis alérgica y asma y (ii la encuesta de identificación de co-variables en el ambiente domiciliario. Se realizaron espirometrías para evaluar la función pulmonar. Para caracterizar la exposición se defi- nieron cuatro zonas de la ciudad en las que se ubicaron muestreadores de bajo volumen fmrOMNI, para medir las concentraciones de PM10. Se uti- lizó EpiInfo 3.5.3 para los análisis bivariados (chi2 y multivariados (re- gresión logística y se calcularon odds ratio (OR. Resultados: La prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios en la población es- tudiada fue de 39,3%. Vivir en zonas expuestas (ORa=2,19 p=0,0015 y tener gatos (ORa=1,79 p=0,0389 aumentaron el riesgo de presentar sín- tomas del tracto respiratorio superior. Conclusiones: En escolares de 6 a 14 años la exposición a concentracio- nes de PM10 superiores a 70μg/m3 aumenta el riesgo de presentar sínto- mas de tracto respiratorio superior y de alterar la función pulmonar.

  9. Indicadores de los estudios de diagnóstico de los trastornos respiratorios vinculados al sueño y el riesgo de la simplificación


    Borsini, Eduardo; Nigro, Carlos; Nogueira, Facundo


    Datos recientes indican que los trastornos respiratorios del sueño afectan 15 a 20% de la población adulta y 5 a 10% de los niños. El Síndrome de apneas e hipopneas obstructivas del sueño (SAHOS) constituye una entidad de alto impacto epidemiológico con una creciente demanda en nuestro medio. Para comenzar a resolver el problema es necesario conocer los fundamentos básicos en la interpretación de los métodos diagnósticos. La confirmación es requerida ante la sospecha de SAHOS. Las guías de la...

  10. Síndrome agudo respiratorio severo: un panorama mundial de la epidemia

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    Franco-Paredes Carlos


    Full Text Available A principios de febrero de 2003 la Organización Mundial de la Salud comenzó a recibir reportes de pacientes con un síndrome caracterizado por neumonía atípica, con rápida progresión hacia insuficiencia respiratoria sin una causa identificada. Los casos aparentemente se iniciaron en el sur de China y se han diseminado a otras regiones en Asia, Europa, Sudáfrica, Norte América y Sur América. La causa de este síndrome es una nueva variedad de Coronavirus, aislado en secreciones respiratorias y en otras. El síndrome ha sido definido en inglés como SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se caracteriza por un periodo de incubación de 1 a 10 días (promedio de cinco días, una fase febril prodrómica que aparece entre los días 1 a 3. Posteriormente, aparecen síntomas respiratorios como tos, disnea, y signos como hipoxemia, que en 10 a 40% de los casos requieren de ventilación mecánica. La tasa de letalidad ha variado de 3% hasta 16%. Los hallazgos de laboratorio incluyen trombocitopenia, leucopenia, elevación de creatinin-fosfokinasa, y, en ocasiones, de transaminasas hepáticas y deshidrogenasa láctica. El tratamiento incluye medidas de apoyo; la utilización empírica del antiviral ribavirina es controvertida, debido a que hasta el momento no existe un tratamiento específico. Se recomienda el aislamiento respiratorio de los pacientes, la utilización de máscaras protectoras y el lavado estricto de manos como principales medidas de prevención. Desde el inicio de esta epidemia México estableció un sistema de vigilancia, así como recomendaciones al personal de salud para la identificación, prevención de casos secundarios y manejo clínico de casos sospechosos.

  11. Morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con síndrome de distress respiratorio agudo/injuria pulmonar aguda por Influenza A H1N1 que requirieron soporte cardiopulmonar en un hospital general

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    Jaime Zegarra


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes con síndrome de distress respiratorio agudo (SDRA/injuria pulmonar aguda (IPA por Influenza A H1N1 que requirieron soporte cardiopulmonar en un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, tipo serie de casos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas, las hojas de monitoreo ventilatorio y hemodinámico de los pacientes con SDRA/IPA secundario a Influenza A H1N1 atendidos en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Generales (SCIG del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre mayo y setiembre de 2009. El diagnóstico de Influenza A H1N1 se realizó por PCR-RT. Resultados: Se atendieron 99 pacientes con Influenza A H1N1, 9 ingresaron al SCIG por SDRA/IPA; cinco requirieron ventilación mecánica invasiva (VMI, tres ventilación mecánica no invasiva y uno no requirió soporte ventilatorio. La edad promedio fue 43,3 ± 18,3 años; el tiempo de enfermedad 8 ± 3 días. Al ingreso, el 100% tuvo fiebre y disnea, el score APACHE II fue 10,5 ± 4,1 y el SOFA 5,6 ± 3,2; el Pa02/Fi02 96,74 ± 28,6. En 4/5 pacientes en VMI el Pa02/Fi02 a las 12 h y al final de la ventilación mecánica fue < 200. La presión en cuña estimada fue 15,69 ± 3,6 y el índice cardiaco por doppler esofágico 2,4 ± 0,34. La TGO fue 160 ± 152,15, DHL 2366,33 ± 1862,13 y CPK 216 ± 298,25. Todos los pacientes recibieron Oseltamivir 150 mg cada 12 h por 10 días. Cuatro pacientes fallecieron. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con SDRA/IPA por Influenza A H1 N1, fueron adultos jóvenes, con tiempo de enfermedad prolongado; con fiebre, disnea y linfopenia; sin compromiso cardiovascular y con hipoxemia refractaria como causa de muerte.

  12. Evaluación del Surfacén en el síndrome de dificultad respiratoria del prematuro

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    Ramón Acosta Díaz


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia del uso del surfactante exógeno cubano "Surfacén" en el síndrome de distress respiratorio del prematuro, se estudiaron 48 niños con edad gestacional menor de 34 semanas y peso inferior a 2000 g, nacidos en el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico Provincial Docente "Justo Legón Padilla" de Pinar del Río, desde enero de 1997 hasta diciembre de 1998. Los datos que se obtuvieron se depositaron en la base de datos para el procesamiento estadístico, y se les aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado y la prueba de comparación de medias, ambas con un nivel de significación del 5 %. Se usó Surfacén en 24 niños, los que constituyeron el grupo estudio y no se usó en 24, considerados el grupo control. Se observó una mejoría en la oxigenación de la enfermedad de la membrana hialina, pero no existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la mortalidad y las complicaciones, quizás porque los niños del estudio eran más inmaduros y de más bajo peso que los controles.48 children with gestational age under 34 weeks and less than 2000g of weight that were born at "Justo Legón Padilla" Provincial Gynecoobstetric Teaching Hospital, in Pinar del Río, between January, 1997, and December, 1999, were studied in order to evaluate the efficiency of the use of "Surfacén", a Cuban exogenous surfactant, in the respiratory distress syndrome of premature infants. The data were entered in the database for their statistical processing. The chi square test and the test of comparison of means, both with a level of significance of 5%, were applied. "Surfacén" was administered to 24 children (study group and it was not used in other 24 (control group. An improvement was observed in the oxygenation of the hyaline membrane disease, but there were no statistically significant differences as regards mortality and complications, maybe due to the fact that the children of the study group were more inmature and had a lower weight than

  13. Prevalencia de sintomáticos respiratorios y tuberculosis en la población en condición de desplazamiento, Bucaramanga, 2007

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    Lilibeth López Moreno, Enf


    Full Text Available Introducción: El desplazamiento es un fenómeno social que afecta la calidad de vida de sus víctimas quienes presentan un alto riesgo de enfermar debido a las condiciones a las cuales se enfrentan, aumentado así la carga de las enfermedades. La tuberculosis que es una enfermedad que continúa siendo un problema de salud pública, a pesar de ser prevenible y curable. Se pretende medir la prevalencia desintomáticos respiratorios y de tuberculosis en la poblacióncondición de desplazamiento de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Encuesta transversal. Se incluyeron 8 conglomerados formados por población desplazada. Resultados: Se encuestaron 146 personas. Un10.3% de los encuestados tuvo algún familiar con tuberculosis; 10.3% conocía algún sintomático respiratorio. El 80% tenía cicatriz de BCG. La prevalencia de sintomático respiratorio fue de 16.4% (IC 95% 10.8-23.4, con 24 personas. Estos últimos manifestaron haber tenido fiebre(6.2%, pérdida de peso (5.5%, decaimiento (6.8% y pérdida del apetito (7.5%. No se encontraron casos de tuberculosis (prevalencia 0%, IC95% 0 a 2.6%. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de sintomáticos respiratorios es mayor que la nacional, mientras que la de tuberculosis es inesperada. Se sugiere reforzar la búsqueda y las acciones de intervención planteadas a los responsables de salud enpoblaciones a riesgo.______________________________________________________________________Background: Displacement is a social phenomenon that affects quality life; its victims are at high risk of becoming ill because bad life conditions, increasing the burden of disease. Tuberculosis is a disease that remains a public health problem, despite being preventable and curable. This paper shows a research to measure the prevalence of respiratory symptoms of TB in the refugee population atBucaramanga, Colombia. Materials and methods: Cross sectional survey. We included 8 conglomerates formed by the displaced population

  14. Efecto del tabaquismo, los síntomas respiratorios y el asma sobre la espirometría de adultos de la Ciudad de México Effect of tobacco smoking, respiratory symptoms and asthma on spirometry among adults attending a check-up clinic in Mexico City

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    Justino Regalado-Pineda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto del tabaquismo, los síntomas respiratorios y el asma sobre la función pulmonar espirométrica en población adulta mexicana. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se generaron ecuaciones de predicción basadas en modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para la capacidad vital forzada (FVC, el vollumen espiratorio forzado al primer segundo (FEV1 y FEV1/FVC de espirometrías obtenidas de adultos que acuden a evaluación de salud y se determinó el efecto del tabaquismo, los síntomas respiratorios y el asma sobre los modelos de estos parámetros. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 919 sujetos de entre 14 y 86 años de edad. El asma disminuye la FVC y el FEV1 en hombres con un cambio en la R² OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of tobacco smoking, respiratory symptoms, and asthma on lung function among Mexican adults who were evaluated during a medical exam in a private health clinic. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Reference prediction equations were generated for spirometry parameters [forced vital capacity (FVC, forced expired volume in one second (FEV1 and FEV1/FVC] based on multiple linear regression models. The effect of tobacco smoking, respiratory symptoms and asthma on these equations were explored. RESULTS: Spirometry tests were performed on 919 subjects from 14 to 86 years of age. Asthma decreased FVC and FEV1 in men with a R² change <1%. Respiratory symptoms decreased the FEV1/FVC ratio in both sexes. Tobacco smoking was associated with a significant reduction in FEV1 in women. CONCLUSIONS: Asthma lightly reduced lung function in males while tobacco smoking decreased FEV1, particularly in females.

  15. Función del diafragma durante la colocación de cargas sobre el abdomen en sujetos normales

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    Sergio G. Monteiro


    Full Text Available Los efectos de las cargas en el abdomen con el objeto de producir entrenamiento del diafragma, no han sido suficientemente evaluados. Estudiamos la función del diafragma durante la colocación de cargas sobre el abdomen y con cambios en el patrón respiratorio. Se estudiaron 6 voluntarios normales. Se obtuvo flujo en la boca, presión gástrica (Pga, presión esofágica (Pes, movimiento torácico (TX y abdominal (AB, presión inspiratoria máxima (PImax y presión transdiafragmática media (Pdi y máxima (Pdimax. Se calculó la relación Pdi/Pdimax y el índice tensión-tiempo del diafragma (TTdi. Etapas: patrón normal (PN, patrón abdominal (PA y carga de 1, 2, 4 y 6 kg con PN y PA. El PA fue facilitado por las cargas sobre el abdomen. Solo con 6 kg (PN y PA la Pga a capacidad residual funcional aumentó significativamente (p 0.001. La Pdi siguió a las variaciones de la Pga y aumentó con todos los PA (p < 0.001. Con PA y carga el índice TTdi alcanzó un valor de 0.05 ± 0.02 (p < 0.001. Las cargas no aumentaron este índice más de lo que hizo el PA solo. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las cargas sobre el abdomen aumentan la propiocepción relacionada con los movimientos respiratorios y descenso del diafragma. Las cargas producen cambios leves en la mecánica del diafragma (en sujetos normales, 1/3 de la carga necesaria para desarrollar fatiga. En sujetos normales estos cambios parecen ser insuficientes para producir entrenamiento de los músculos respiratorios.

  16. Efectos del ejercicio en la fisiología ocular


    Manuel Sillero Quintana


    Toda actividad física extrema implica variaciones de los parámetros fisiológicos del deportista. Este artículo hace un repaso de los cambios sistémicos que se producen en el organismo durante la práctica deportiva y que, desde un punto de vista racional, podrían influir en el funcionamiento del sistema visual como son los cambios en el sistema cardiovascular, respiratorio, o neuro-endocrino. Posteriormente, y basándose en una revisión bibliográfica, realiza un análisis de la influencia direct...

  17. Variabilidad del patrón respiratorio durante la carga elástica inspiratoria Variability of breathing pattern during inspiratory elastic load

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    Carlos E. D´Negri


    Full Text Available La ventilación pulmonar en humanos tiene una variabilidad respiración a respiración no lineal, compleja y caótica. El objetivo del trabajo fue: caracterizar la variabilidad del patrón respiratorio en perros (n: 8 anestesiados respirando bajo carga elástica umbral (CEU inspiratoria (7 a 50 cm H2O. Con el flujo, presión traqueal y esofágica, se analizaron: tiempo inspiratorio (Ti, ritmo [tiempo espiratorio (Te; tiempo total (Ttot, y Ti/Ttot] e impulso central (Vt/Ti, variables relacionadas [volumen corriente (Vt y ventilación pulmonar (Ve]. Se determinaron: variabilidad grosera (varianzas, oscilaciones de baja frecuencia (análisis espectral y memoria a corto plazo (análisis de autocorrelación. La CEU produjo disminución de la varianza de medias en Te, Ttot, Vt y Vt/Ti (p In humans, lung ventilation exhibits breath-to-breath variability and dynamics that are nonlinear, complex and chaotic. Our objective was to characterize the breathing pattern variational activity in anesthetized dogs (n: 8 breathing through threshold inspiratory elastic load (7 to 50 cm H2O. Starting from flow signal and tracheal and esophageal pressures, we analyzed inspiratory time (Ti, timing (expiratory time, Te; total time, Ttot; and Ti/Ttot and central drive (Vt/Ti and variables related to it (tidal volume, Vt and pulmonary ventilation, Ve. We measured gross variability (variances, low frequency oscillations (spectral analysis, and short term memory (autocorrelation analysis. Loading decreased variance of the mean values of Te, Ttot, Vt and Vt/Ti (p < 0.05; the mean of variances for Ti/Ttot increased (p < 0.005 while it decreased for Vt and Vt/Ti (p < 0.05. In general, percent of data recordings with low frequency oscillations (OB% decreased (p < 0.02. During heavy load, timing parameters percent of data recordings with autocorrelations (AU% did not change, but Vt and its related parameters decreased their AU% (p < 0.005. There was a positive correlation (r: 0

  18. Problemas de salud bucal relacionados al uso de medicamentos por vía inhalatoria en trastornos respiratorios

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    Rosemarie Huartamendia

    Full Text Available En el Uruguay la prevalencia de niños con problemas respiratorios no infecciosos es alta. El tratamiento medicamentoso de esas afecciones puede tener un impacto negativo en la salud bucal. El objetivo del presente estudio fue profundizar en los conocimientos sobre el asma en niños y adolescentes, de los fámacos y dispositivos terapéuticos utilizados y relacionarlos con los eventos adversos observados a nivel bucal. La revisión bibliográfica realizada demuestra que el uso de medicació por vía inhalatoria para las afecciones respiratorias no infecciosas se relaciona con reacciones adversas como la erosión, caries dental, gingivitis, halitosis, candidiasis y xerostomía. El relevamiento realizado en pacientes del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell (2009-2010 mostró una correlación positiva entre los datos de la bibliografía revisada y lo observado en la clínica. Teniendo en cuenta estos antecedentes, es de importancia que el equipo de salud reconozca a la población que utiliza inhaladores como de alto riesgo potencial para el desarrollo de patologías bucales, enfatizando la necesidad de contar con programas educativo-preventivos específicos. La atención para la salud de los pacientes portadores de afecciones respiratorias requiere de un abordaje multidisciplinario

  19. Análisis de la saturación de oxígeno en sangre para la ayuda al diagnóstico del Síndrome de Apnea-hipopnea del Sueño en niños


    Vaquerizo Villar, Fernando


    El síndrome de apneas-hipopneas del sueño (SAHS)en la infancia es un trastorno respiratorio caracterizado por una obstrucción parcial prolongada de la vía aérea superior yju obstrucción intermitente completa que interrumpe la ventilación normal durante el sueño y los patrones normales del mismo. Elmétodo de diagnóstico estándar es la polisomnografía (PSG)nocturna en una unidad del sueño especializada. Sin embargo, esta prueba presenta numerosas limitaciones en cuanto a...

  20. La utilidad del monitoreo Holter con saturación de oxígeno en la valoración de pacientes con sospecha de apnea del sueño


    Araya - Gómez, Vivien; Alpízar - Rivas, Rodolfo


    Justificación: los trastornos respiratorios asociados con el sueño son frecuentes. Entre ellos la apnea del sueño ocupa un lugar importante como problema de salud, pues está asociada con la aparición de arritmias, trastornos metabólicos, hipertensión arterial y cardiopatía isquémica. La detección tiene cierto grado de dificultad, puesto que métodos como la polisomnografía pueden ser complejos y costosos. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la experiencia con el uso del monitoreo ambulato...

  1. Síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS) y embarazo


    Bourjeily, Ghada; Londoño-Palacio, Natalia; Rojas-Suárez, José Antonio


    Resumen El embarazo es una condición temporal de la vida en la que ocurren importantes cambios en la fisiología de la mujer, los cuales se resuelven, en gran medida, después del parto. Hay cambios físicos, hormonales y psicológicos, con un aumento progresivo de peso. Estos factores pueden predisponer a un trastorno respiratorio del sueño o a exacerbar alguno ya existente. La literatura científica sugiere una mayor prevalencia de ronquido en las mujeres embarazadas. Las bases de datos demuestr...

  2. Influencia del programa educativo sobre fisioterapia respiratoria en la práctica de la enfermera intensivista HNAAA, Chiclayo Perú 2011


    Arrascue Lara, Sara Maribel


    La presente tesis estuvo guiada por el paradigma cuantitativo, persiguiendo como objetivo general, determinar la influencia del programa educativo sobre fisioterapia respiratoria en la práctica de las enfermeras intensivistas y como objetivos específicos, determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre fisioterapia respiratoria, identificar las habilidades técnicas sobre este procedimiento respiratorio que tienen las enfermeras intensivistas antes y después de la aplicación del programa educativo ...

  3. Pesquisa activa de pacientes con síntomas respiratorios en el Policlínico Municipal Active screening in patients with breathing symptoms in the Municipal Polyclinic

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    Isabel M Pérez Pérez

    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal que consistió en una pesquisa activa en 710 pacientes con síntomas respiratorios, pertenecientes al área de salud "Municipal" de Santiago de Cuba durante el año 2006. Se constituyó un equipo multidisciplinario de la Unidad Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología y del área de salud, el cual trabajó en 210 viviendas seleccionadas por tener antecedentes de tuberculosis. Los principales factores de riesgo identificados para contraer la enfermedad fueron: el hábito de fumar, la edad mayor de 65 años y el alcoholismo, además de las condiciones socioeconómicas desfavorables y el hacinamiento. Setenta personas (9,8 % tenían síntomas respiratorios de más de 14 días y una fue diagnosticada con la afección. Los resultados del área de salud en la vigilancia especializada, previa a la investigación, fueron deficientes. De los pesquisados, 24 % estaban infectados por Micobacterium tuberculosis, según los resultados de la prueba de tuberculina, y de ellos, 9 % fueron hiperérgicos.A descriptive and cross-sectional investigation was carried out which consisted of an active screening in 710 patients with breathing symptoms, belonging to the "Municipal" health area of Santiago de Cuba during the year 2006. A multidisciplinary team of the Municipal Unit of Hygiene and Epidemiology and of the health area was constituted, which worked in 210 houses selected because they had a history of tuberculosis. The main risk factors identified to develop the disease were: the smoking habit, more than 65 years old and alcoholism, besides the unfavorable socioeconomic conditions and overcrowding. Seventy people (9,8% had breathing symptoms of more than 14 days and one was diagnosed with the disorder. The results of the health area in the specialized surveillance, previous to the investigation, were poor. Of the screened patients, 24% were infected by Micobacterium tuberculosis, according to the results of

  4. Relaciones estructura-función de la proteína SP-C del surfactante pulmonar: efectos sobre la estructura de membranas y papel del colesterol


    Roldán López, Nuria


    La función respiratoria depende del establecimiento de una interfase aire-líquido que tiene lugar en los alveolos pulmonares. La estabilización de dicha interfase requiere la presencia de un complejo lipoproteico que es sintetizado y secretado por las células epiteliales alveolares de tipo II, también llamadas neumocitos tipo II. Este material se denomina surfactante pulmonar y sus funciones principales implican la estabilización de los alveolos a lo largo de los ciclos respiratorios, así com...

  5. Evaluación del efecto citotóxico de doxiciclina sobre la línea celular CHO-K1


    De Luca, Julio César; Daniele, Marcela; Dade, Martín; Mestorino, Olga Nora


    Doxiciclina (DOX) es un antimicrobiano semisintético perteneciente al grupo de las tetraciclinas, muy utilizado en medicina veterinaria en aves de corral y en cerdos, para el tratamiento de enfermedades infecciosas del tracto digestivo y respiratorio. Si bien están establecidos los límites máximos de residuos (LMRs) permitidos en tejidos comestibles de origen animal (100 ng/g en músculo, 300 ng/g en hígado y grasa; y 600 ng/g en riñón), los efectos nocivos del antimicrobiano en concentracione...

  6. Evolución del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis en el Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta

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    Pedro Pablo Velásquez Rico


    pueden presentar los datos positivos por los cuales fuímos merecedores de este reconocimiento.

    Número de Consultas de Primera Vez en Mayores de 15 Años, Sintomáticos Respiratorios Bacilíferos Dpto. del Meta, entre 1982 y 1987.

    Se ha presentado un incremento del porcentaje de consultas de sintomáticos respiratorios la cual pasó de 8.9 a 14.5% lo cual indica que los pacientes están consultando más tempranamente, no cuando ya son francamente sintomáticos; por ésta razón también baja el porcentaje de positividad de un 4.9% a 3.0%.

    Lo anterior se ha logrado con la educación a la comunidad y a la mayor búsqueda acti va de casos, con lo cual estamos diagnosticando más temprano la enfermedad, disminuyendo así el riesgo de contagio para los contactos y la comunidad en general...

  7. Guías prácticas de diagnóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de apneas e hipopneas obstructivas del sueño


    Facundo Nogueira; Carlos Nigro; Hugo Cambursano; Eduardo Borsini; Julio Silio; Jorge Ávila


    El síndrome de apneas e hipopneas obstructivas del sueño (SAHOS) constituye una de las afecciones respiratorias crónicas de mayor relevancia, dada su elevada prevalencia en la población general y sus consecuencias clínicas. En 2001 la Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria (AAMR) publicó el Primer Consenso Argentino de Trastornos Respiratorios Vinculados al Sueño. Desde entonces se ha generado una gran cantidad de evidencia científica sobre esta enfermedad. Por tal motivo, la Sección S...

  8. Eficacia de la administración de betametasona antes de la cesárea electiva para prevenir el síndrome de distres respiratorio en recién nacidos a término


    Guerrero Domínguez, Lorena Janeth


    Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la administración de Betametasona antes de la cesárea electiva para reducir el Síndrome de Distres Respiratorio, en recién nacidos a término. Materiales y Método: Con un estudio clínico experimental aleatorizado, simple ciego, se determinó la eficacia de Betametasona, para reducir la frecuencia de Distres Respiratorio en recién nacidos a término por cesárea electiva. Un total de 166 mujeres embarazadas fueron aleatorizadas a dos grupos: Grupo A o tratami...

  9. Prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios indicativos de asma y asociación con contaminación atmosférica en preescolares de Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Laura Andrea Rodríguez


    Conclusiones. Es posible que en Bucaramanga los factores de contaminación domiciliaria puedan tener un mayor efecto sobre la presencia de síntomas respiratorios indicativos de asma en menores de siete años que los contaminantes externos.

  10. Valor predictor del cociente saturación hemoglobina/fio2 en pacientes pediátricos con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda debida a neumonía tratados con ventilación no invasiva. Predictive value of the pulse oximetric saturation/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio in pediatric patients with acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia treated with non-invasive ventilation


    Palanca Arias, Daniel


    RESUMEN: El uso de la ventilación no invasiva (VNI) en pacientes con fracaso respiratorio hipoxémico debido a neumonía es controvertido, alcanzando elevadas tasas de fracaso en el Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio Agudo (SDRA). Recientemente, el cociente SpO2/FiO2 (SF) se ha equiparado al cociente paO2/FiO2 (PF) para la valoración del SDRA. Determinamos en una cohorte de pacientes, diagnosticados de neumonía y tratados con VNI, si el cociente SF es una variable con valor predictor de fraca...


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    Ricardo Vivas Reyes


    Full Text Available En este estudio se ha evaluado por medio de la metodología de acoplamiento molecular una serie de 5 ligandos borados, que son variantes de la molécula FL-078. Estas moléculas tienen actividad inhibitoria frente a la proteasa Mpro responsable de la replicación del SARS-CoV. Haciendo uso del programa SYBYL7.0 se optimizó el homodímero de la Mpro (código 1Q2W, y a través del software FlexX se hizo el acople molecular con el fin de escoger el confórmero más estable de los ligandos aril borados frente a la macromolécula Mpro, encontrándose que la estructura FL-166 fue la de mejor conformación. Los 5 ligandos aril borados tienen la propiedad de interaccionar con el grupo hidroxilo (OH presente en los residuos tales como serinas, treoninas y tirosinas. Los resultados acople molecular muestran que el mejor acercamiento sobre la cavidad se da sobre el conjunto de treoninas 21, 24, 25 y 26, y no como se afirma en la literatura: que se da sobre el conjunto de serinas 139, 144 y 147.

  12. Síndrome apneico en el recién nacido prematuro

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    Solari B. Francesca, Dra.


    Full Text Available La apena del prematuro es un importante problema clínico, manifestado por un ritmo respiratorio inestable, reflejo de una inmadurez de los sistemas de control respiratorio. Esta revisión aborda definiciones, patogénesis y alternativas terapéuticas. Aún están en estudio y/o no son bien conocidos, los mecanismos neuronales que provocan apnea en el prematuro. En la reciente década, se ha conocido mejor la generación del ritmo respiratorio y su modulación en el neonato. Estos episodios de pérdida de respiración efectiva pueden conducir a cuadros de hipoxemia y bradicardia, que pueden ser lo suficientemente severos como para necesitar resucitación y el uso de ventilación asistida. La cafeína sigue siendo el principal tratamiento farmacológico. La Apnea del prematuro se resuelve típicamente con la maduración.

  13. Síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño y enfermedades respiratorias


    Londoño-Palacio, Natalia; Machado, Carlos


    Resumen El síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS) es una enfermedad sistémica con afectación de múltiples órganos. El presente artículo trata la relación que existe entre el SAHOS y algunas enfermedades que comprometen el sistema respiratorio como son la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, el asma, la tos crónica, el síndrome de hipoventilación alveolar y la fibrosis pulmonar. Por lo general, cada una de estas afectaciones se diagnostica por separado, pero es importante...

  14. Efectos del fMLP y de los antioxidantes sobre funciones inducidas por lipopolisacáridos bacterianos


    Vulcano, Marisa


    En el presente tabajo de Tesis se evaluaron las consecuencias de las interacciones de los lipopolisacáridos (LPS) y de los péptidos formilados de las bacterias Gram negativas sobre la activación de distintas funciones celulares involucradas en el desencadenamiento de la respuesta inflamatoria a la infección. En particular, se analizaron los efectos de estos dos componentes bacterianos sobre la activación del estallido respiratorio y la producción de TNF-α en células fagocíticas humanas. Los r...

  15. Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda


    Gutiérrez Muñoz, Fernando R.


    La función respiratoria básica es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido carbono; lo que implica un perfecto equilibrio y control entre los componentes del sistema respiratorio. a insuficiencia respiratoria aguda (IRA) es la incapacidad del sistema respiratorio de cumplir su función básica, que es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono. Basic respiratory function is gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which implies a perfect balance and control between the compo...

  16. Calidad de sueño autopercibida en pacientes con sospecha de trastornos respiratorios del sueño


    Barco Gómez, Andrea


    El síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño (SAHS) es una enfermedad frecuente, reconocida como un problema de salud pública. Presenta una compleja constelación de síntomas y signos derivados de la presencia de apneas recurrentes durante el sueño. El diagnóstico se basa en la polisomnografía (PSG) nocturna. Para su realización precisa dormir durante una noche en un ámbito hospitalario. Esto hace que a menudo el paciente refiera una mala calidad de sueño. Los objetivos del presente estudio son ...

  17. Frecuencia de virus respiratorios y características clínicas de niños que acuden a un hospital en México Frequency of respiratory viruses and clinical characteristics in children attending a care center in Mexico City

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    Rosa María Wong-Chew


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. Describir la frecuencia de virus respiratorios y características clínicas en niños con cuadros respiratorios de un hospital de tercer nivel en México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se incluyeron niños con diagnóstico de infección respiratoria y un resultado positivo por inmunofluorescencia de enero 2004 a octubre 2006. RESULTADOS. De 986 muestras nasofaríngeas, 138 (14% fueron positivas. La frecuencia fue: 80% virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR, 8% parainfluenza 1, 5% parainfluenza3, 2% adenovirus, 2% influenza A, 1% parainfluenza 2 y 1% influenza B. CONCLUSIONES. La frecuencia de virus respiratorios fue de 14%. El VSR se identificó asociado con más frecuencia, a neumonía y bronquiolitis en menores de 3 años.OBJECTIVE. To describe the frequency of respiratory viruses and clinical characteristics in children with respiratory signs and symptoms in a tertiary care center in Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Patients with a clinical diagnosis of respiratory infection and a positive immunofluorescence result (Light Diagnostics from January 2004 to October 2006 were included. RESULTS. From the 986 nashopharyngeal samples, 138 (14% were positive by immunofluorescence. The frequency was: 80% RSV, 8% parainfluenza 1, 5% parainfluenza 3, 2% adenovirus, 2% influenza A, 1% parainfluenza 2 and 1% influenza B. CONCLUSIONS. Respiratory viruses were detected in 14% of samples tested. RSV was the most frequently identified virus and was associated with pneumonia and bronchiolitis in children younger than 3 years old.

  18. Postinfectious bronchiolitis obliterans (United States)


    La bronquiolitis obliterante es una enfermedad pulmonar crónica infrecuente y grave producto de una lesión del tracto respiratorio inferior. En nuestro país, es más frecuente observarla secundaria a una lesión viral grave, en especial, por adenovirus. La bronquiolitis obliterante se caracteriza por la oclusión parcial o total del lumen de los bronquiolos respiratorios y terminales por tejido inflamatorio y fibrosis, que produce la obstrucción crónica de la vía aérea. Este consenso discute el estado actual del conocimiento en las diferentes áreas de la bronquiolitis obliterante secundaria a una lesión infecciosa.

  19. Navigating moral distress using the moral distress map. (United States)

    Dudzinski, Denise Marie


    The plethora of literature on moral distress has substantiated and refined the concept, provided data about clinicians' (especially nurses') experiences, and offered advice for coping. Fewer scholars have explored what makes moral distress moral If we acknowledge that patient care can be distressing in the best of ethical circumstances, then differentiating distress and moral distress may refine the array of actions that are likely to ameliorate it. This article builds upon scholarship exploring the normative and conceptual dimensions of moral distress and introduces a new tool to map moral distress from emotional source to corrective actions. The Moral Distress Map has proven useful in clinical teaching and ethics-related debriefings. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  20. Trastornos Respiratorios del sueño

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    Arteaga-Mendieta, Fabricio


    Full Text Available In the current population, strokes are one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality, to which new risk factors are increasingly being attributed. Of late, there is increased interest in the relationship between sleep disorders and strokes as regards risk and prognosis, in sleep architecture and brain activity in stroke patients, as well as the interaction between stroke and sleep disorders, including those which may also influence the outcome and recovery from strokes.The different treatments that have been described are reviewed here, as correct treatment of such sleep disorders may not only improve quality of life and reduce after-effects, but can also increase life expectancy. Sleep disorders are becoming increasingly associated to strokes. Not only can they be a risk factor; they can also interfere in the outcome and recovery of stroke patients

  1. Miopatía inflamatoria con compromiso inicial de músculos respiratorios y artritis reumatoidea

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    Martín Hunter


    Full Text Available Las miopatías inflamatorias constituyen un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades musculares adquiridas de presentación subaguda, crónica y a veces aguda. Las entidades clínicas más frecuentes son la dermatomiositis, la polimiositis, la miositis necrotizante autoinmune y la miositis por cuerpos de inclusión. Suelen presentarse con debilidad muscular con predominio proximal y simétrica, pero rara vez comprometen los músculos respiratorios. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 39 años con miopatía inflamatoria inespecífica que presentó insuficiencia respiratoria secundaria a hipoventilación alveolar por debilidad muscular y requirió asistencia respiratoria mecánica. Respondió favorablemente y de forma rápida tras el tratamiento instaurado con inmunosupresores (corticoides y metotrexato e inmunoglobulina humana endovenosa. Se utilizó ventilación no invasiva como alternativa a la intubación orotraqueal con adecuada tolerancia.

  2. Factores de riesgo y medidas de prevención primaria del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño


    García García, Juan


    El SAHS es un trastorno respiratorio en el que la respiración se interrumpe o se hace muy superficial, durante el sueño, como consecuencia de una alteración anatómico-funcional de la VAS que conduce a su colapso. Esto produce un descenso en la saturación de la hemoglobina y da lugar a microdespertares, lo cual conlleva un sueño no reparador, trastornos respiratorios o cardiacos y otras alteraciones. Esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en el estudio de los factores de riesg...

  3. Efecto del aceite esencial de Eucalyptus citriodora sobre el metabolismo energético mitocondrial

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    Luis Carlos Vesga


    Full Text Available Con el fin de contribuir al conocimiento de su actividad a nivel celular, se evaluó el mecanismo de acción del aceite esencial de Eucalyptus citriodora (Fam. Myrtaceae sobre la bioenergética mitocondrial, su efecto sobre la velocidad de consumo de oxígeno de mitocondrias energizadas (estados 3 y 4 y su coeficiente de control respiratorio (CCR. Además, se analizó la actividad de los complejos de la cadena respiratoria usando técnicas espectrofotométricas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el aceite esencial de E. citriodora aumenta la velocidad del consumo de oxígeno en los estados 3 y 4, disminuye el CCR, desacopla la fosforilación oxidativa, aumenta la actividad de la citocromo c oxidasa y aumenta la actividad ATPasa en mitocondrias íntegras, a partir de la concentración de 10 μg/mL. Estos resultados sugieren que el aceite esencial o sus metabolitos afectan el funcionamiento normal del transporte de electrones de la cadena respiratoria y la síntesis de ATP.

  4. Violencia de género y otros factores asociados a la salud emocional de las usuarias del sector salud en México Gender violence and other factors associated with emotional distress in female users of public health services in Mexico

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    Rosario Valdez-Santiago


    , tanto de malestar emocional como de violencia intrafamiliar. Además, se propone diseñar y poner en marcha programas de atención y referencia de casos de malestar emocional femenino y de violencia intrafamiliar.OBJECTIVE: To identify and describe the factors associated with emotional distress in a national sample of women users of public health services in Mexico, such a Secretaria de Salud (SSA, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This research study was conducted using the database of the National Survey of Violence against Women that consisted of the responses of a total of 26 042 female users of health care services provided by the Mexican government health agencies. The Personal Health Scale (ESP per its initials in Spanish was used to assess emotional distress. To measure violence a 19-item scale which explores different types of violence as well as severity was used. The relationship between emotional distress and gender violence was determined through a binary logistic regression model, as were economic status and demographic variables. RESULTS: One of the most important findings of this study is the high prevalence of emotional distress (15.3% among women seeking health care services from the public sector and the relationship of such emotional distress with the experience of marital physical, psychological, and sexual violence. Factors associated with emotional distress among female users of health care services were age (26 and older; activity (laborer; working hours (71 hours a week or more; alcohol intake (greater intake; abuse during childhood (frequency and types of abuse; severity of marital violence (severe violence; socioeconomic status (very low SES; and type of dwelling (urban. CONCLUSIONS: The principal predictor of emotional distress was intimate partner abuse, especially in severe expression. The next predictor was violence in


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    Full Text Available Los micoplasmas son importantes patógenos en las aves por ser responsables de cuadros respiratorios que ocasionan grandes pérdidas económicas a la industria avícola a nivel mundial. Existen principalmente dos especies de micoplasmas como causantes de enfermedad en aves comerciales, el Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG y el Mycoplasma synoviae (MS. Teniendo en cuenta su importancia y la necesidad de conocer y diferenciar la presencia de las diferentes especies de micoplasmas presentes en las explotaciones avícolas, se tomaron 91 muestras de hisopos traqueales de aves con síntomas respiratorios, provenientes de igual número de granjas de pollo de engorde, ponedoras comerciales y reproductoras pesadas ubicadas en los departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá y se determinó la presencia de MG y MS por la técnica de PCR. La prevalencia determinada fue de 39,6% para MG y 47,3% para MS, encontrándose diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se comparó la positividad a MG y MS y el tipo de explotación (p

  6. Susceptibilidad y síntomas respiratorios asociados a la exposición a dióxido de carbono y dióxido de azufre provenientes del volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica

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    Marisol Yglesias-González


    Full Text Available El volcán Turrialba ha mantenido en los últimos años una actividad de desgasificación, y paulatinamente se han mostrado los efectos de este dinamismo sobre la vegetación e infraestructuras de las comunidades aledañas. Entre las sustancias que conforman esta actividad de desgasificación se encuentra el dióxido de carbono y el dióxido de azufre que se han ido incrementando y son capaces de afectar la salud respiratoria de quienes se exponen a ellas. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la proclividad de las poblaciones aledañas de desarrollar síntomas respiratorios ante las exposiciones vía aérea de dióxido de carbono y dióxido de azufre provenientes del volcán Turrialba. La investigación consistió en un estudio transversal, descriptivo, analítico y cuantitativo. Se trabajó con ocho comunidades, y se obtuvo una muestra de 502 personas. Las comunidades estudiadas fueron: Hacienda La Fuente, La Central, La Silvia, Miravalles, Finca El Retiro, Guayabo Arriba, Las Virtudes y La Alegría. Esta última fue la comunidad control. Los estratos con mayor riesgo de presentar molestias en la garganta cuando hay exposición a gases volcánicos fueron los niños y adultos mayores (OR=1,93, mujeres (OR=1,86, personas que emplean varios tipos de cocina (OR=2,07, individuos con ocupaciones al aire libre (OR=1,51 y personas con ingresos iguales o mayores a los USD $475 (OR=2,09. Los estratos con mayor riesgo de presentar molestias en la nariz fueron los niños y adultos mayores (OR=1,37, mujeres (OR=1,83, personas que emplean cocina eléctrica (OR=2,23, individuos con ocupaciones dentro de edificaciones (2,12 y personas con ingresos inferiores a los USD $475 (OR=2,30.

  7. Susceptibilidad y síntomas respiratorios asociados a la exposición a dióxido de carbono y dióxido de azufre provenientes del volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica

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    Marisol Yglesias-González


    Full Text Available El volcán Turrialba ha mantenido en los últimos años una actividad de desgasificación, y paulatinamente se han mostrado los efectos de este dinamismo sobre la vegetación e infraestructuras de las comunidades aledañas. Entre las sustancias que conforman esta actividad de desgasificación se encuentra el dióxido de carbono y el dióxido de azufre que se han ido incrementando y son capaces de afectar la salud respiratoria de quienes se exponen a ellas. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la proclividad de las poblaciones aledañas de desarrollar síntomas respiratorios ante las exposiciones vía aérea de dióxido de carbono y dióxido de azufre provenientes del volcán Turrialba. La investigación consistió en un estudio transversal, descriptivo, analítico y cuantitativo. Se trabajó con ocho comunidades, y se obtuvo una muestra de 502 personas. Las comunidades estudiadas fueron: Hacienda La Fuente, La Central, La Silvia, Miravalles, Finca El Retiro, Guayabo Arriba, Las Virtudes y La Alegría. Esta última fue la comunidad control. Los estratos con mayor riesgo de presentar molestias en la garganta cuando hay exposición a gases volcánicos fueron los niños y adultos mayores (OR=1,93, mujeres (OR=1,86, personas que emplean varios tipos de cocina (OR=2,07, individuos con ocupaciones al aire libre (OR=1,51 y personas con ingresos iguales o mayores a los USD $475 (OR=2,09. Los estratos con mayor riesgo de presentar molestias en la nariz fueron los niños y adultos mayores (OR=1,37, mujeres (OR=1,83, personas que emplean cocina eléctrica (OR=2,23, individuos con ocupaciones dentro de edificaciones (2,12 y personas con ingresos inferiores a los USD $475 (OR=2,30.

  8. Revisión sistemática: Eficacia del método Schroth en el tratamiento fisioterapéutico de la escoliosis idiopática


    Gutiérrez Jimeno, Pablo


    Introducción: a lo largo de la historia se han propuesto diferentes tipos de tratamientos, para intentar disminuir o corregir la escoliosis idiopática, entre los que nos podemos encontrar: la cirugía, la observación, los aparatos ortopédicos, la actividad física y la fisioterapia. Sin embargo, el método Schroth es el único que propone una corrección tridimensional de las estructuras afectadas, del patrón respiratorio y de la percepción postural. Métodos: se han realizado bús...

  9. Evaluación de los beneficios del Método Mézières incluido al programa de fisioterapia respiratoria de los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica


    Massoni, Anne-Charlotte


    La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC), es un trastorno respiratorio causado mayoritariamente por el tabaquismo y caracterizado por una obstrucción progresiva y parcialmente reversible de las vías respiratorias, hiperinflación pulmonaria, manifestaciones sistémicas, expectoración anormal. Es la tercera causa de mortalidad en el mundo y se clasifica en 2: el enfisema y la bronquitis crónica. Nos centraremos en el aumento de deformaciones posturales, de la ansiedad y del dolor, la di...

  10. Efectos del ejercicio en la fisiología ocular

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    Manuel Sillero Quintana


    Full Text Available Toda actividad física extrema implica variaciones de los parámetros fisiológicos del deportista. Este artículo hace un repaso de los cambios sistémicos que se producen en el organismo durante la práctica deportiva y que, desde un punto de vista racional, podrían influir en el funcionamiento del sistema visual como son los cambios en el sistema cardiovascular, respiratorio, o neuro-endocrino. Posteriormente, y basándose en una revisión bibliográfica, realiza un análisis de la influencia directa de la práctica de actividad física sobre el sistema visual, tanto en las habilidades visuales (agudeza visual o acomodación, por ejemplo, como en parámetros anatómicos y fisiológicos como el ángulo irido-corneal, los diámetros pupilares, la presión intraocular, el flujo coroidal, la perfusión ocular o el diámetro de los vasos sanguíneos oculares. El artículo finaliza apuntando algunas líneas de investigación de interés dentro del ámbito de la fisiología ocular durante la práctica de actividad física, y algunas sugerencias para los investigadores que trabajen en el área de la visión deportiva.

  11. [Gender violence and other factors associated with emotional distress in female users of public health services in Mexico]. (United States)

    Valdez-Santiago, Rosario; Juárez-Ramírez, Clara; Salgado-de Snyder, V Nelly; Agoff, Carolina; Avila-Burgos, Leticia; Híjar, Martha C


    To identify and describe the factors associated with emotional distress in a national sample of women users of public health services in Mexico, such a Secretaria de Salud (SSA), Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE). This research study was conducted using the database of the National Survey of Violence against Women that consisted of the responses of a total of 26 042 female users of health care services provided by the Mexican government health agencies. The Personal Health Scale (ESP per its initials in Spanish) was used to assess emotional distress. To measure violence a 19-item scale which explores different types of violence as well as severity was used. The relationship between emotional distress and gender violence was determined through a binary logistic regression model, as were economic status and demographic variables. One of the most important findings of this study is the high prevalence of emotional distress (15.3%) among women seeking health care services from the public sector and the relationship of such emotional distress with the experience of marital physical, psychological, and sexual violence. Factors associated with emotional distress among female users of health care services were age (26 and older); activity (laborer); working hours (71 hours a week or more); alcohol intake (greater intake); abuse during childhood (frequency and types of abuse); severity of marital violence (severe violence); socioeconomic status (very low SES); and type of dwelling (urban). The principal predictor of emotional distress was intimate partner abuse, especially in severe expression. The next predictor was violence in childhood. Taking into consideration these predictors it is recommended to use screening instruments to identify emotional distress and gender violence in health setting. It is important to design and implement attention and reference programs in public

  12. Idioms of Distress. (United States)

    Desai, Geetha; Chaturvedi, Santosh K


    The presentations of psychosocial distress and cultural conflicts are often bodily symptoms, especially in traditional societies and village backgrounds. These might not meet the criteria of the current psychiatric diagnostic systems. Sociocultural milieu contributes to the unique presentations of the stress in the form of idioms of distress. The latter are alternative modes of expressing distress and indicate manifestations of distress in relation to personal and cultural meaning. Health professionals often consider these as hysterical, functional or having functional overlays, and abnormal illness behaviors. Management of idioms of distress would need cultural competence and sensitivity. This article highlights the common idioms of distress in India with specific focus on bodily symptoms.

  13. Síndrome de apnea - hipoapnea del sueño y cáncer. La importancia de la enfermería en atención primaria


    Prado Bravo, Gemma de


    El síndrome de Apneas Hipoapneas del sueño (SAHS) se produce por la oclusión intermitente y repetitiva de la vía aérea superior durante el mismo, ocasionando excesiva somnolencia diurna, trastornos cognitivo-conductuales, cardio-respiratorios, metabólicos, entre otros. Esta patología tiene una elevada prevalencia en la población general (4-6% en hombres y 2% en mujeres) considerándose un problema de salud pública. A su vez, el cáncer se define como un grupo numeroso de enfermedades que se car...

  14. Impacto del cigarrillo en el tracto gastrointestinal: Efecto diferencial en Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa

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    Loni Berkowitz Fiebich


    Full Text Available El impacto del consumo de cigarrillo a nivel respiratorio y cardiovascular ha sido extensamente investigado, sin embargo, aún queda mucho por estudiar sobre su impacto en el tracto gastrointestinal. Está demostrado que el tabaquismo es un importante factor de riesgo para desórdenes gastrointestinales, incluyendo úlceras pépticas, Enfermedad de Crohn y distintos tipos de cáncer. Los mecanismos propuestos incluyen daños a nivel de la mucosa, alteraciones en la irrigación del tejido y cambios en la respuesta inmune. Paradojalmente, el consumo de cigarrillo constituye un factor protector para el desarrollo y la progresión de la Colitis Ulcerosa. Esta patología, junto a la Enfermedad de Crohn, conforman las dos entidades más importantes dentro de las Enfermedades Inflamatorias Intestinales y comparten diversas características. El impacto diferencial del consumo de cigarrillo entre ambas ha sido un tema de gran interés en los últimos treinta años, y aún no ha logrado ser esclarecido. En esta revisión describiremos los efectos conocidos del tabaquismo sobre el tracto gastrointestinal, y particularmente en la inflamación intestinal, profundizando en los estudios disponibles que intentan explicar el efecto opuesto del cigarrillo en la Enfermedad de Crohn y la Colitis Ulcerosa

  15. Método madre canguro manejo ambulatorio del prematuro

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    Edgar Rey Sanabria


    Full Text Available En el Instituto Materno Infantil (lMI, donde se atienden aproximadamente 21.000 partos cada año, hay un índice de prematuros entre e114% y eI17%. Anteriormente los prematuros eran tratados de acuerdo con las normas convencionales. La alta mortalidad, que ocurría en ese entonces, obligó al IMI a cambiar esas normas y se obtuvieron los más positivos resultados, que sobrepasan los índices de las naciones más avanzadas. La alimentación natural se inicia, ofrecida directamente par la madre, en el servicio mismo. Sin consideración del peso del pequeño, y con base únicamente en su estado clínico, el niño va con su madre para que ella lo caliente, estimule y alimente, tanto orgánica como afectivamente, en su casa. Se hacen con troles domiciliarios especiales, y además se dan conferencias educativas como parte básica del programa. En dos años de experiencia se ha demostrado: la absoluta desaparición de enfermedades como la enterocolitis necrosante, y de diarreas, sepsis y entidades bacterianas del aparato respiratorio. Igualmente hay una baja significativa del índice de abandono y de los costos hospitalarios (cama, medicación, leches especiales, papillas, etc.. Se estableció estadísticamente que la supervivencia para niños con peso inferior a 1.000 gr. pas6 de 0% a 72.3%; para niños entre 1.001 gr. y 1.500 gr. subió de 27.3% a 89.04% y para niños entre 1.501 gr. y 2.000 gr. subi6 de 81.5% a 94%.

  16. Trastornos por déficit de atención y síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño en la edad pediátrica


    Alexander Torres Molina; César Prego Beltrán


    El trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad es la entidad neuropsiquiátrica más frecuente en la infancia; sin embargo, su forma clínica más rara es la que se exhibe de forma aislada, es decir, limitada a las manifestaciones propias del trastorno. La asociación comórbida entre los trastornos respiratorios asociados al sueño y el trastorno por déficit de atención con o sin hiperactividad, afecta aproximadamente el 30 % de los pacientes, por lo que es necesario evaluar sistemát...

  17. Beneficios de la distracción mandibular en neonatos con apnea del sueño

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    D.J. Caycedo-García


    Full Text Available La apnea obstructiva del sueño o hipoventilación obstructiva en neonatos, es distinta que en los adultos y también lo son su presentación, etiología y tratamiento. Se considera apnea del sueño cuando se produce 1 episodio de apnea por hora de más de 10 segundos de duración, con saturación menor del 87% e incremento del CO2. Existen varias causas, pero los factores anatómicos y neurofuncionales son la base del problema respiratorio superior que produce fallos en las fuerzas que contraen y dilatan la vía aérea. La retromicrognatia como causa anatómica, puede ser aislada o sindrómica. La hipoxemia y la hipercapnia aumentan la presión negativa intratorácica del paciente con la consecuencia de daño celular sin que se pueda cuantificar la gravedad de la lesión cerebral en esta etapa neonatal. En el presente estudio, observacional descriptivo, entre los años 2000 y 2011, en una serie de 49 pacientes neonatos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Recién Nacido del Hospital Universitario del Valle y del Centro Médico Imbanaco de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia, pretendemos evidenciar los beneficios del tratamiento precoz de los neonatos que presentan retromicrognatia y apnea obstructiva o hipoventilación obstructiva, intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante corticotomía, colocación de distractores y elongación mandibular, logrando que la apnea obstructiva desapareciera en un tiempo no superior a una semana y que la mejoría clínica de los recién nacidos con este diagnostico fuera evidente, evitando la traqueotomía y las posibles complicaciones y secuelas por hipoxia cerebral, a la vez que disminuyó la estancia hospitalaria.

  18. Distress screening using distress thermometer in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and evaluation of causal factors predicting occurrence of distress

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    Shirley Lewis


    Full Text Available Introduction: Distress is commonly seen in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Causal factors of distress are multifactorial; which encompasses physical, psychological, spiritual, and existential factors with complex interrelationship among the factors. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients undergoing head and neck radiotherapy were included in the study. Patients were screened for pain scores, distress scores, physical and psychological symptoms, and spiritual and emotional distress. Results: Significant increasing trend seen for pain score, distress score, and total number of symptoms during 2 nd week, 4 th week, and on completion of radiotherapy treatment (all P′s < 0.001 compared to pretreatment. Those who had chemotherapy (CT along with radiation had significantly greater pain score (t = 5.54, P = 0.03 and distress score (t = 3.9, P = 0.05 at 2 weeks into radiotherapy compared to those who did not receive CT. There was significantly higher grade of skin toxicity in those with spiritual distress (Somers′ d = 0.36, P = 0.02 and higher grade of mucositis in those with existential distress (d = 0.34, P = 0.02 at 4 weeks into radiotherapy. Conclusion: Positive correlation between distress score and pain score and occurrence of physical symptoms. Increasing trend seen for pain score, distress score, and total number of symptoms during 2 nd week, 4 th week, and completion of radiotherapy treatment compared to pretreatment. Increase in distress score in those with existential and spiritual distress.

  19. Particularidades fisiopatológicas de las alteraciones musculares en el paciente con EPOC Physiologic particularities of muscle impairments in the patient with COPD


    J. Gea; M. Orozco-Levi; E. Barreiro


    Los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) presentan con frecuencia disfunción de sus músculos esqueléticos, sean respiratorios o localizados en las extremidades. Esta disfunción puede aparecer incluso en fases relativamente precoces y condiciona los síntomas y calidad de vida del paciente. En el caso de los músculos respiratorios, los factores que parecen determinar la disfunción muscular son sobre todo los cambios en la configuración torácica y el desequilibrio entre o...

  20. Reporte del primer caso humano de infección parasitaria por Mammomonogamus laryngeus en Colombia

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    Jhon Carlos Castaño


    Full Text Available Los parásitos del género Mammomonogamus afectan el tracto respiratorio de mamíferos domésticos. La especie M. laryngeus es un nemátodo donde la hembra y el macho están unidos en permanente cópula produciendo una forma distintiva de letra "Y" mayúscula. En el mundo han sido reportados hasta el momento poco más de 100 casos de infección en humanos. Este reporte describe el primer paciente infectado en Colombia (Armenia, Quindío, quien presentó como sintomatología tos crónica productiva de dos meses de duración, con inmediata y total recuperación clínica luego de la expulsión del parásito en el esputo durante un fuerte acceso de tos. Este reporte incluye la descripción morfológica del gusano adulto, así como un breve resumen de la epidemiología y manifestaciones clínicas en humanos. También se presentan las fotografías tomadas al parásito, donde se observan algunos de los detalles morfológicos principales, que sirvieron para su identificación.

  1. La etnobotánica médica del área de transición pampeano cuyana

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    Walter A. Muiño


    Full Text Available comunidad rural del NW de La Pampa, Argentina, ubicada en el área de transición entre la región pampeana y cuyana. A lo largo de entrevistas abiertas y semiestructuradas llevadas a cabo con adultos de ambos sexos, se analizan también las interpretaciones etiológicas y terapéuticas de las dolencias, y se describen a los actores sociales que desempeñan el arte de curar y el estado actual del conocimiento botánico tradicional en torno a la medicina local. La mayor diversidad de usos está en correspondencia con las especies más abundantes y se relacionan con trastornos de origen respiratorio digestivo, urinario y traumatológico. Se evidencian procesos de erosión en torno al modelo hipocrático de la medicina tradicional en contraste con otras comunidades rurales de Sudamérica así como en las terapias de carácter sobrenatural donde intervienen símbolos y rituales religiosos.

  2. Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (United States)

    Hyaline membrane disease (HMD); Infant respiratory distress syndrome; Respiratory distress syndrome in infants; RDS - infants ... improves slowly after that. Some infants with severe respiratory distress syndrome will die. This most often occurs ...

  3. Development and psychometric testing of a new tool for detecting moral distress: the Moral Distress Thermometer. (United States)

    Wocial, Lucia D; Weaver, Michael T


    To report the development and psychometric testing of the Moral Distress Thermometer. The Moral Distress Thermometer is a new screening tool to measure moral distress in nurses who practise in the hospital setting. Moral distress occurs when one knows the ethically correct thing to do, but is prevented from acting on that perceived obligation. It is a well documented phenomenon with negative consequences that may be experienced by nurses. Creating an instrument to effectively and efficiently measure moral distress in a timely way has been identified as a priority for nursing. This study used a cross-sectional survey design. Data collection for this research occurred in 2009. Participants simultaneously completed either the adult or pediatric version of the Moral Distress Scale version 2009 and the Moral Distress Thermometer. A total of 529 participants from various clinical areas completed both tools. Coefficients alpha were adequate for both Adult (0·90) and Pediatric (0·92) Moral Distress Scale 2009 scales. Statistically significant Pearson correlations were found for the Moral Distress Thermometer with Adult Moral Distress Scale 2009 and Pediatric Moral Distress Scale 2009 and higher Moral Distress Thermometer, Adult Moral Distress Scale 2009 and Pediatric Moral Distress Scale 2009 means for participants who had left or who considered leaving a position because of moral distress. These findings provide support for the validity of the Moral Distress Thermometer. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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    Full Text Available El herpesvirus bovino-1 es un virus de distribución mundial causante de graves pérdidas económicas debidas principalmente a la disminución de la eficiencia y en los indicadores de salud y productividad de cualquier hato ganadero infectado. Luego de la infección inicial del tracto respiratorio de los animales, el virus establece un estado de latencia viral en las neuronas sensoriales del ganglio trigémino y en los centros germinales de las tonsilas faríngeas. Periódicamente, el virus es reactivado y excretado en secreciones a través de las cuales puede infectar a otros animales susceptibles. Durante dicho estado de latencia hay disminución dramática de la expresión de genes virales, llevando solo a la expresión de dos transcritos: El RNA codificado por el gen relacionado con latencia (RL y el ORF-E viral. Múltiples estudios demuestran como el RL y el ORF-E están involucrados en la regulación del complejo ciclo de latencia y reactivación de la infección. La presente revisión de literatura se enfocará en describir y analizar los distintos estudios que han llevado a dilucidar el papel jugado por el gen RL y el ORF-E, sus transcritos y sus productos proteicos en el establecimiento, mantenimiento y reactivación de la latencia del HVB-1.

  5. NAVA: Nuevo modo de Ventilación


    Martín Lorenzo, María del Carmen; Montón Giménez, Nuria; Paz Martín, Daniel


    La Ventilación Asistida Ajustada Neuronalmente (NAVA) es un nuevo modo de Ventilación Mecánica Asistida que utiliza la actividad eléctrica diafragmática (Edi) para el control del respirador. La Edi es registrada a través de un catéter esofágico, y representa directamente el impulso respiratorio central y, por lo tanto, la duración y la intensidad con que el paciente desea ventilar. La asistencia inspiratoria mecánica se inicia en el momento en que el centro respiratorio lo demanda, y el di...

  6. Pulmonary deposition of urban atmospheric aerosol. Assessments of the mass, number and surface of the deposited particles; Deposizione polmonare dell'aerosol atmosferico urbano in termini di massa, numero e superficie delle particelle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luciani, A.; Berico, M.; Castellani, C.M. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Ezio Clementel, Bologna (Italy). Dipt. Ambiente


    Pulmonary deposition of urban atmospheric aerosol has been calculated by means of the data derived from March 1995 measurement campaign of urban aerosol. The human respiratory tract model of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (n. 66) developed for radiation protection purposes has been used. The number and surface of the deposited particles, as well as the mass, have been also evaluated. [Italian] I dati relativi alla campagna di misure effettuata nel marzo 1995 sono stati rielaborati al fine di valutare la deposizione polmonare dell'aerosol atmosferico in area urbana. Le valutazioni di deposizione nel tratto respiratorio umano sono state condotte mediante l'utilizzo del modello del tratto respiratorio umano presentato per fini radioprotezionistici dalla International Commission on Radiological Protection (n. 66). Sono state effettuate valutazioni di deposizione in massa e in termini di numero e superficie delle particelle.

  7. Ethylene, Enzymatic and Respiratory Pattern Evolution in Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. Lindl. cv. Golden Nugget in the Last four Sequential Stages of Maturation Evolución del Patrón Respiratorio, Enzimático y de Etileno del Níspero Japonés (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb. Lindl. cv. Golden Nugget en los Últimos Cuatro Estadios Secuenciales de Madurez

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    Pedro L Undurraga M


    Full Text Available There is some controversy regarding the respiratory pattern of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica [Thunb.] Lindl.. Thus in order to provide information on this aspect of loquat, fruit of 50-70 g, from cv. Golden Nugget were harvested in four stages of maturity: green (BBCH 709, color break (BBCH 801, yellow (BBCH 807, and orange (BBCH 809. The parameters evaluated in each stage were: soluble solids, titratable acidity, respiration, ethylene generation, and activity of the enzymes pectin methyl esterase (PME, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase (PPO, polygalacturonase (PG, and cellulose, and the soluble solids:acidity ratio was calculated. The results show that ethylene concentration increased at the time of color break, which was not the case for the change in the respiratory rate. The activity of the peroxidase enzyme increased from the green stage to color break, while the enzymes PME, cellulase, and PG showed a constant reduction from the green to the orange stage, and PPO showed no change over the four stages studied. With regards to quality, from color break onwards soluble solids increased to 11.8 °Brix and titratable acidity dropped from 0.67 to 0.28 g L-1 malic acid. Based on these results, the conclusion is that towards the end of its development loquat cv. Golden Nugget evidence enzymatic and ethylene behavior similar to that of climacteric fruits.Existe controversia sobre el patrón respiratorio del níspero (Eriobotrya japonica [Thunb.] Lindl.. Con el fin de aportar información sobre este aspecto, frutos del cv. Golden Nugget entre 50-70 g, fueron cosechados en cuatro estadios de madurez; verde (BBCH 709, quiebre de color (BBCH 801, amarillo (BBCH 807, y anaranjado (BBCH 809. Los parámetros evaluados en cada estadio fueron: sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, relación sólidos solubles acidez, respiración, generación de etileno y la actividad de las enzimas pectin metil esterasa (PME, peroxidasa, polifenoloxidasa (PPO, poligalacturonasa


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    María Cristina Petenello


    Full Text Available La actividad industrial, el transporte de combustibles y las fugas de tanques y cañerías provocan frecuentemente derrames de hidrocarburos durante la manipulación y el uso de los mismos, que contaminan el suelo con el riesgo de alcanzar las capas freáticas. Dentro de los métodos de remediación de suelos contaminados, la fitorremediación es una de las técnicas de remoción de contaminantes para recuperar la salud del suelo que combina la acción de las plantas con los microorganismos asociados a ellas. En el presente trabajo se utilizó el proceso de remediación menos costoso, no se emplearon fertilizantes, ni se incorporaron bacterias seleccionadas por su capacidad remediadora, sino que se aprovechó la propia actividad de los microorganismos (atenuación natural. Ciertas propiedades biológicas del suelo pueden emplearse para monitorear la marcha de un proceso fitorremediador. En el experimento se emplearon dos concentraciones de diésel-oil en suelo (1 y 2%, con la presencia de plantas de Spartina argentinensis y Melilotus alba, se evaluaron la respiración, la biomasa microbiana y el cociente respiratorio en dos momentos. Hacia el final del experimento, la producción de CO2 se vio incrementada por la presencia de diésel-oil. La biomasa microbiana aumentó con la menor concentración de diésel-oil pero la mayor concentración provocó probablemente un efecto tóxico sobre los microorganismos, en consecuencia, el mayor estrés causado por la concentración de contaminante (2% de diésel-oil quedó demostrado con el qCO2. La importancia de los parámetros evaluados radica en que permiten conocer la respuesta de las comunidades microbianas del suelo ante la presencia del diésel-oil.

  9. Evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario de Detección de Malestar Emocional (DME en pacientes oncológicos Assessment of the psychometric properties of the Detection of Emotional Distress Scale in cancer patients

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    Joaquín T. Limonero


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Con el fin de valorar y aliviar el malestar emocional al final de la vida, se necesitan instrumentos de cribado sencillos, de fácil uso por los sanitarios y comprensibles por los enfermos. En el presente estudio multicéntrico se analiza la utilidad clínica del cuestionario de Detección del Malestar Emocional (DME en enfermos hospitalizados con cáncer avanzado. Métodos: Para determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se administró, a la vez que otros instrumentos y procedimientos, a 105 pacientes con enfermedad oncológica avanzada ingresados en unidades de cuidados paliativos de cinco hospitales de Cataluña. Resultados: Se observó que el 58,3% presentaba malestar emocional moderado o muy intenso, similar al objetivado con otras escalas, como el termómetro emocional. El análisis estadístico de las curvas ROC sugiere que el punto de corte para la detección de malestar emocional que muestra el DME equivale a una puntuación > 9 puntos, con una sensibilidad y una especificidad superiores al 75%. Conclusiones: El DME es útil y de fácil manejo para la identificación del malestar emocional en los enfermos oncológicos avanzados ingresados en unidades de cuidados paliativos. Se sugiere que esta escala también se podría aplicar a otros enfermos y ámbitos de la atención sanitaria, por ejemplo la atención domiciliaria o la atención primaria en enfermos crónicos.Objective: To evaluate and alleviate the emotional distress suffered by advanced cancer patients, simple screening methods that can be easily used by health staff and easily understood by patients are required. The objective of this multicenter study was to analyze the psychometric properties and clinical utility of the Detection of Emotional Distress (DED scale in advanced cancer patients attending a palliative care unit. Methods: The DED scale was administered to 105 advanced cancer patients attended in five palliative care units in Catalonia (Spain

  10. What Is Respiratory Distress Syndrome? (United States)

    ... Home / Respiratory Distress Syndrome Respiratory Distress Syndrome Also known as What Is Respiratory ... This condition is called apnea (AP-ne-ah). Respiratory Distress Syndrome Complications Depending on the severity of ...

  11. Investigación de un brote respiratorio agudo por exposición a cloro gas en una piscina pública Investigation of an outbreak of acute respiratory illness due to exposure to chlorine gas in a public swimming pool

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    Diego Almagro Nievas


    Full Text Available Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles para investigar el accidente químico ocurrido en una piscina pública en el verano de 2005 y describir los factores ambientales responsables, analizar el efecto del cloro gas y valorar la evolución clínica y funcional del aparato respiratorio. Las intervenciones fueron las siguientes: inspecciones ambientales, encuesta epidemiológica (variables sociodemográficas, ubicación en el momento del accidente, olor percibido y seguimiento clínico y espirométrico de la función respiratoria. Se encuestaron 65 casos y 48 controles. El suceso se produjo al mezclar accidentalmente ácido clorhídrico e hipoclorito sódico, lo que generó cloro gas. Los síntomas predominantes fueron tos y disnea. El riesgo de enfermar en niños era 10 veces mayor si tenían una enfermedad respiratoria previa y 4 veces superior si estaban a una distancia inferior a 40 m del lugar del accidente. Todos los casos evolucionaron hacia la curación, excepto uno que tenía antecedentes asmáticos.A case-control study was designed to investigate a chemical accident that occurred in a swimming-pool in the summer of 2005. The aim was to describe the environmental factors involved in the accident, to assess the effect of chlorine gas on the respiratory system, and to perform a clinical and spirometric follow-up. The following interventions were carried out: environmental inspection, epidemiologic survey (including sociodemographic variables, location at the time of the accident, perception of an abnormal smell, and clinical and spirometric outcomes to assess respiratory function. Sixty-five cases and 48 controls were identified and interviewed. The accident was produced by accidental admixture of hydrochloric acid with sodium hypochlorite resulting in chlorine gas release. The main clinical symptoms were dyspnea and cough. The risk of becoming ill was 10-fold higher in children with a previous lung disease and was 4-fold higher when

  12. Prevalencia de bacterias Gram negativas portadoras del gen blaKPC en hospitales de Colombia

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    Robinson Pacheco


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las enzimas carbapenemasas de tipo KPC tienen gran capacidad de diseminación, son causantes de epidemias y se asocian a mayor mortalidad y estancia hospitalaria. En Colombia se han venido reportando cada vez más desde 2007, pero se desconoce la prevalencia hospitalaria. Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia hospitalaria del gen blaKPC. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluó la presencia del gen blaKPC y su ‘clonalidad’ en aislamientos de enterobacterias y Pseudomonas aeruginosa de pacientes hospitalizados. Resultados. De los 424 aislamientos evaluados durante el periodo de estudio, 273 cumplieron con criterios de elegibilidad, 31,1 % fue positivo para el gen blaKPC y, al ajustar por ‘clonalidad’, la positividad fue de 12,8 %. El gen blaKPC se encontró con mayor frecuencia en Klebsiella pneumoniae seguido de P. aeruginosa y otras enterobacterias. A pesar de que la unidad de cuidados intensivos aportó el mayor número de aislamientos, no se encontró un patrón más prevalente del gen blaKPC en las ellas que en las otras salas. El aparato respiratorio fue el sitio anatómico de origen con la mayor prevalencia. No se presentó estacionalidad en la frecuencia de los aislamientos portadores del gen blaKPC. Conclusión. Este estudio reveló la alta prevalencia del gen blaKPC en diferentes microorganismos aislados en varias instituciones hospitalarias del país. La extraordinaria capacidad de propagación del gen blaKPC, las dificultades del diagnóstico y la limitada disponibilidad de antibióticos plantean la apremiante necesidad de fortalecer los sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica y ajustar oportunamente las políticas institucionales de uso racional de antibióticos con el fin de contener su diseminación a otras instituciones de salud del país.

  13. Moral distress in emergency nurses. (United States)

    Fernandez-Parsons, Robin; Rodriguez, Lori; Goyal, Deepika


    For nurses, moral distress leads to burnout, attrition, compassion fatigue, and patient avoidance. Using a quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive design, we assessed the frequency, intensity, and type of moral distress in 51 emergency nurses in 1 community hospital using a 21-item, self-report, Likert-type questionnaire. Results showed a total mean moral distress level of 3.18, indicative of overall low moral distress. Situations with the highest levels of moral distress were related to the competency of health care providers and following family wishes to continue life support, also known as futile care. Moral distress was the reason given by 6.6% of registered nurses for leaving a previous position, 20% said that they had considered leaving a position but did not, and 13.3% stated that they are currently considering leaving their position because of moral distress. Copyright © 2013 Emergency Nurses Association. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Metapneumovirus aviar: diagnóstico y control (Avian Metapneumovirus: diagnosis and control)


    Acevedo Beiras, Ana María.


    ResumenEl Metapneumovirus aviar (aMPV) causa una infección aguda, altamente contagiosa del tracto respiratorio superior principalmente en pavos y pollos.SummaryAvian metapneumovirus (aMPV) causes an acute highly contagious upper respiratory tract infection primarily of turkeys and chickens.

  15. Incidencia de síntomas respiratorios y su asociación con contaminación atmosférica en preescolares: un análisis multinivel Incidence of respiratory symptoms and the association with air pollution in preschoolers: a multilevel analysis

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    Laura Andrea Rodríguez Villamizar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la asociación entre contaminación atmosférica y el desarrollo de síntomas respiratorios en preescolares de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte durante un año, registrando síntomas en preescolares residentes en dos zonas de la ciudad con mediciones extremas de PM10 y se ajustó por variables individuales y residenciales con un modelo multinivel. Se siguieron 707 preescolares. El estornudo y la tos con flemas fueron los síntomas más frecuentes con tasas de incidencia de 277,2 y 203,3 eventos por 100 niños-mes en riesgo. En la zona de mayor contaminación, un incremento de 10µg/m³ en la concentración atmosférica de PM10 incrementó en 1,3 el número de síntomas diarios reportados. El análisis multinivel mostró ausencia de asociación entre PM10 y síntomas respiratorios y que la historia de asma, la exposición a alto flujo vehicular frente a la vivienda, la presencia de animales domésticos y de suelos de tierra, son las variables que tienen mayor efecto sobre la presencia de síntomas en esta población de preescolares.The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between air pollution and respiratory symptoms in preschoolers from Bucaramanga, Colombia. A cohort study was conducted by reporting daily symptoms in preschoolers living in two zones of the city with different PM10 air pollution levels. Individual and neighborhood variables were included in a multilevel analysis. In 707 preschoolers followed for a year, sneezing and cough with mucus were the most frequent symptoms, with incidence rates of 277.2 and 203.3 events per 100 child months at risk. In the high pollution zone, an increase of 10µg/m3 in PM10 concentration increased the reporting of daily symptoms by 1.3. Multilevel analysis showed no statistical association between PM10 and respiratory symptoms, but asthma history, heavy traffic in front of the residence, presence of domestic pets, and dirt

  16. Moral distress in nursing personnel Sufrimiento moral en trabajadores de enfermería Sofrimento moral em trabalhadores de enfermagem

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    Edison Luiz Devos Barlem


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: to analyze the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by nursing personnel in southern Brazil, covering elements of their professional practice. METHOD: a survey was undertaken in two hospitals in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with 247 nurses. Data was collected by means of the adapted Moral Distress Scale. RESULTS: the perception of situations that lead to moral distress is enhanced in nurses and in nursing staff working in institutions with greater openness to dialogue, which hold team meetings, with fewer working hours and a greater ratio of professionals to patients. CONCLUSION: understanding moral distress allows us to go beyond solving the problems of the workers themselves, enabling the development of an ethics of active individuals and wide opportunities, defined mainly by the relationship with oneself.OBJETIVO: analizar la frecuencia e intensidad del sufrimiento moral vivido por los profesionales de enfermería del sur de Brasil, abarcando los elementos de su rutina profesional. MÉTODO: investigación survey en dos hospitales, con 247 profesionales de enfermería. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante aplicación de la adaptación del Moral Distress Scale. RESULTADOS: la percepción de situaciones que conducen al sufrimiento moral es intensificada en enfermeros; en trabajadores de enfermería que actúan en instituciones con mayor apertura al dialogo, que realizan reuniones de equipo, con menos horas de trabajo y mayor relación del número de profesionales por paciente. CONCLUSIÓN: entender el sufrimiento moral permite ir más allá de la resolución de los problemas de los propios trabajadores, lo que posibilita la elaboración de una ética de sujetos activos y de amplias posibilidades, definidas principalmente por la relación consigo mismo.OBJETIVO: analisar a frequência e a intensidade de sofrimento moral vivenciado por trabalhadores de enfermagem do Sul do Brasil, contemplando elementos do seu cotidiano


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    Nubia Mercedes González Jiménez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. En 2003 se reportó incidencia de 762 casos de neumoconiosis y 3686 casos de enfermedad respiratoria crónica en Colombia. Objetivo. Evaluar la utilidad de las técnicas de espirometría y oximetría para determinar la prevalencia de disfuncionalidad respiratoria en trabajadores de minas de carbón de Paipa–Boyacá y establecer posibles factores asociados, como edad y tiempo de exposición, para proponer medidas preventivas de salud ocupacional. Material y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal, observacional, analítico. Mediante instrumento previamente diseñado se encuestó a 410, trabajadores de las minas de carbón. Se evaluaron aspectos generales del trabajo, antecedentes de salud y parámetros de función respiratoria por espirometría y oximetría. Resultados. Grupo de sujetos jóvenes: promedio de edad 35,07 años (SD=11,75. Promedio de exposición 12,8 años (SD=11,8. Alta prevalencia de síntomas respiratorios: tos (42,7%; expectoración (31,46%; disnea (48,8%; dolor torácico (19,75%. En 26,1 por ciento alteración funcional respiratoria y en 3,99 por ciento, hipoxemia. Tiempo de exposición superior a cinco años se asoció con alteración respiratoria (RP=1,75 y con hipoxemia (RP= 9,30. Igualmente edad superior a 40 años se asoció con alteración espirométrica (RP=1,91 e hipoxemia (RP=3,07. Conclusiones. Actividad de alto riesgo. Altas prevalencias de sintomatología sugestiva de neumoconiosis y enfermedad pulmonar crónica en progreso. Se encuentran elevadas prevalencia de anormalidad del patrón respiratorio y de hipoxemia, lo cual sugiere que estas estimaciones podrían ser predictores del desarrollo de enfermedad pulmonar crónica de origen laboral.

  18. Estimators of social awareness concerning the pollution crisis in the city of Madrid


    Vega-Penichet Andrada, Lucía


    Numerosos estudios epidemiológicos han demostrado la relación entre la contaminación del aire y la mortalidad y morbosidad del ser humano. En Europa se estima que la contaminación es la causa de un 6% de las muertes. Aunque intuitivamente la contaminación se relacione principalmente con enfermedades del aparato respiratorio como el asma o la bronquitis, la literatura disponible demuestra que la contaminación influye en otros diagnósticos como enfermedades cardiovasculares, enfermedades del ap...

  19. 47 CFR 80.1111 - Distress alerting. (United States)


    ... Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operating Procedures for Distress and Safety Communications § 80.1111 Distress alerting. (a) The transmission of a distress alert indicates...

  20. Guías prácticas de diagnóstico y tratamiento del síndrome de apneas e hipopneas obstructivas del sueño

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    Facundo Nogueira


    Full Text Available El síndrome de apneas e hipopneas obstructivas del sueño (SAHOS constituye una de las afecciones respiratorias crónicas de mayor relevancia, dada su elevada prevalencia en la población general y sus consecuencias clínicas. En 2001 la Asociación Argentina de Medicina Respiratoria (AAMR publicó el Primer Consenso Argentino de Trastornos Respiratorios Vinculados al Sueño. Desde entonces se ha generado una gran cantidad de evidencia científica sobre esta enfermedad. Por tal motivo, la Sección Sueño, Oxigenoterapia y otros Cuidados Respiratorios Domiciliarios de la AAMR, se propuso actualizar su Consenso confeccionando estas Guías Prácticas de tratamiento de pacientes con SAHOS. Un grupo de trabajo de la Sección, expertos y especialistas en el tema, revisó la bibliografía y confeccionó estas guías orientadas a la resolución práctica de problemas clínicos que pueden surgir de la atención de pacientes con este síndrome. En su desarrollo se define el cuadro, los criterios diagnósticos y de gravedad; a su vez se describen sus factores de riesgo, las formas de presentación, epidemiología y consecuencias, fundamentalmente los efectos sobre la capacidad cognitiva, el aparato cardio-vascular y el metabolismo. Se detalla la metodología diagnóstica, sus distintas variables e indicaciones y los requisitos técnicos para su validación e interpretación. Por último se desarrollan las alternativas terapéuticas, así como también aspectos prácticos de su implementación. La intención de los autores ha sido la de generar una herramienta accesible de formación y difusión de estos trastornos que afectan la salud de la población.

  1. Assessment of work intensification by managers and psychological distressed and non-distressed employees: a multilevel comparison. (United States)

    Bamberger, Simon Grandjean; Larsen, Anelia; Vinding, Anker Lund; Nielsen, Peter; Fonager, Kirsten; Nielsen, René Nesgaard; Ryom, Pia; Omland, Øyvind


    Work intensification is a popular management strategy to increase productivity, but at the possible expense of employee mental stress. This study examines associations between ratings of work intensification and psychological distress, and the level of agreement between compared employee-rated and manager-rated work intensification. Multi-source survey data were collected from 3,064 employees and 573 company managers from the private sector in 2010. Multilevel regression models were used to compare different work intensification ratings across psychological distress strata. Distressed employees rated higher degree of total work intensification compared to non-distressed employees, and on three out of five sub ratings there were an increased prevalence of work intensification in the case group. In general, there was poor agreement between employee and company work intensification rating. Neither manager-rated work intensification nor employee/manager discrepancy in work intensification ratings was associated with psychological distress. Distressed employees had a higher total score of employee/manager agreed work intensification, and a higher prevalence of increased demands of labour productivity. This study demonstrates higher ratings of employee/manager agreed work intensification in distressed employees compared to non-distressed employees, challenging previous findings of reporting bias in distressed employees' assessment of work environment.

  2. Psychological distress among homeless adults. (United States)

    Gelberg, L; Linn, L S


    Recent studies have reported a high prevalence of mental illness among the homeless. As part of a community-based survey of 529 homeless adults, we developed and tested a model to increase our understanding of the factors related to their psychological distress. Using a previously validated and reliable scale of perceived psychological distress, we found that homeless adults were more likely to report psychological distress than the general population (80% vs. 49%). Distress levels were not associated with most demographic or homeless characteristics or general appearance. However, distress was related to unemployment, greater cigarette and alcohol use, worse physical health, fewer social supports, and perceived barriers to obtaining needed medical care. Since mental, physical, and social health are strongly related among homeless adults, alleviating distress among them may be most effectively done by implementing a broad-based health services package coupled with employment programs provided in an accessible service delivery setting.

  3. Who is Distressed Applying the Diabetes Related Distress Scale in a Diabetes Clinic (United States)


    59 MDW /SGVU SUBJECT: Professional Presentation Approval 7APR 2017 1. Your paper, entitled Who is Distressed? Applying the Diabetes -Related Distress...Scale in A Diabetes Clinic presented at/published to American Diabetes Association 2017 Meeting, San Francisco, CA (National Conference), 9-16 a publication/presentation, a new 59 MOW Form 3039 must be submitted for review and approval.) Using the Diabetes -Related Distress Scale in

  4. Disfunción muscular respiratoria en pacientes llevados a cirugía cardiovascular

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    Diana Cáceres


    Conclusiones: Los pacientes llevados a la cirugía cardiovascular tienen una insospechada disfunción de los músculos respiratorios que empeora con la cirugía y la hospitalización, que se asocia a un incremento del riesgo de complicaciones respiratorias.

  5. Idioms of distress: alternatives in the expression of psychosocial distress: a case study from South India. (United States)

    Nichter, M


    This paper focuses attention on alternative modes of expressing distress and the need to analyze particular manifestations of distress in relation to personal and cultural meaning complexes as well as the availability and social implications of coexisting idioms of expression. To illustrate this point the case of South Kanarese Havik Brahmin women is presented. These women are described as having a weak social support network and limited opportunities to ventilate feelings and seek counsel outside the household. Alternative means of expressing psychosocial distress resorted to by Havik women are discussed in relation to associated Brahminic values, norms and stereotypes. Somatization is focused upon as an important idiom through which distress is communicated. Idioms of distress more peripheral to the personal or cultural behavioral repertoire of Havik women are considered as adaptive responses in circumstances where other modes of expression fail to communicate distress adequately or provide appropriate coping strategies. The importance of an 'idioms of distress' approach to psychiatric evaluation is noted.

  6. Tumores malignos del mediastino en niños: un problema clínico urgente

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    Iliana De los Reyes


    Full Text Available Los tumores de mediastino conforman un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades. La localización de la masa se relaciona con las características clínicas y la aparición de complicaciones. Las masas malignas del mediastino anterior más frecuentes en niños son las neoplasias de precursores linfoides tipo leucemia/linfoma linfoblástico T, el linfoma de Hodgkin y los tumores germinales. El manejo de la urgencia oncológica producida por el efecto compresivo de la masa requiere una evaluación exhaustiva y una rápida intervención, que permita salvaguardar la vida del paciente sin sacrificar el tratamiento óptimo posterior. El síndrome de la vena cava superior, el taponamiento cardiaco y otros hacen parte de las urgencias mecánicas más frecuentes.Se presenta el caso de un niño de ocho años de edad con síntomas respiratorios y presencia de masa en el mediastino anterior, confirmada por citometría de flujo como linfoma linfoblástico, que requirió manejo con esteroides y quimioterapia para citorreducción y mejoría de las complicaciones.

  7. Un modelo de opciones barreras para estimar las probabilidades de fracasos financieros de empresas. Barrier options model for estimate firm´s probabilities for financial distress

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    Gastón S. Milanesi


    Full Text Available Resumen Asimilar el valor del patrimonio como una opción de compra sobre los activos permitió desarrollar un conjunto de modelos dinámicos para predecir fracasos financieros empresariales. No obstante, el concepto presenta una importante debilidad: la relación directa y positiva entre valor del capital (prima y el nivel de volatilidad del activo subyacente. El razonamiento anterior indica que a mayor riesgo de la firma mayor debe ser su valor, lo que conduce a una lógica inconsistente para estimar probabilidades de fracasos financieros. Las opciones denominadas “exóticas barreras” constituyen un modelo alternativo para predecir dificultades financieras y su estructura se ajusta mejor a la relación valor-volatilidad en las empresas. El trabajo propone un modelo de opción barrera “operativo”, ya que simplifica la estimación de las inobservables variables: valor y riesgo del activo. Primero, se desarrolló formalmente los modelos de opción de compra simple y opción barrera para valorar el patrimonio de la firma y la estimación de probabilidades de fracaso financiero. Con un caso hipotético, se propuso un ejercicio de sensibilidad sobre volatilidades y plazos. Similar ejercicio se aplicó a dos firmas de capitales argentinos con diferentes grados de endeudamiento, gracias al cual se confirmó la consistencia entre volatilidad-valor-probabilidad de fracasos financieros del modelo propuesto. Finalmente se exponen las principales conclusiones.     Abstract Assimilation of the capital value as a call option over firm’s assets allows to develop a group of dynamic models to predict corporate financial distress. However, the concept shows an important weakness: the direct and positive relationship between the capital value (call with the level of underlying’s volatility. This reasoning indicates that the higher the risk is, the higher the value must be for the firm, leading to a weak rationality, in particular to estimate

  8. Protocolo para indicación de mucolíticos en la farmacia comunitaria

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    Moral Ajado M


    Full Text Available La exclusión de los medicamentos mucolíticos de la financiación sanitaria proporciona una gran oportunidad al farmacéutico comunitario para indicarlos en todas las consultas de los pacientes relacionadas con aquellos procesos que afectan al sistema respiratorio en los que hay un aumento de las mucosidades o variación de sus características reológicas (existencia de moco patológico. El farmacéutico puede indicar un medicamento mucolítico, no sólo para los procesos gripales y catarrales. En este trabajo veremos, tras un repaso de la anatomía y características del aparato respiratorio, otras situaciones en que su indicación está absolutamente justificada como por ejemplo en otitis, sinusitis, bronquitis, etc. Para ello se hará un repaso de los procesos patológicos del sistema respiratorio en los que la utilización de los mucolíticos es aconsejable y debemos indicarlos. También se aporta una revisión y comparación de los diferentes principios activos y formas farmacéuticas, para saber cuál debemos indicar a nuestro paciente en cada caso concreto. Finalmente se propone un protocolo de actuación en la indicación farmacéutica de mucolíticos en la farmacia comunitaria

  9. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (United States)

    ... page: // Acute respiratory distress syndrome To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a life-threatening lung ...

  10. Moral Distress, Workplace Health, and Intrinsic Harm. (United States)

    Weber, Elijah


    Moral distress is now being recognized as a frequent experience for many health care providers, and there's good evidence that it has a negative impact on the health care work environment. However, contemporary discussions of moral distress have several problems. First, they tend to rely on inadequate characterizations of moral distress. As a result, subsequent investigations regarding the frequency and consequences of moral distress often proceed without a clear understanding of the phenomenon being discussed, and thereby risk substantially misrepresenting the nature, frequency, and possible consequences of moral distress. These discussions also minimize the intrinsically harmful aspects of moral distress. This is a serious omission. Moral distress doesn't just have a negative impact on the health care work environment; it also directly harms the one who experiences it. In this paper, I claim that these problems can be addressed by first clarifying our understanding of moral distress, and then identifying what makes moral distress intrinsically harmful. I begin by identifying three common mistakes that characterizations of moral distress tend to make, and explaining why these mistakes are problematic. Next, I offer an account of moral distress that avoids these mistakes. Then, I defend the claim that moral distress is intrinsically harmful to the subject who experiences it. I conclude by explaining how acknowledging this aspect of moral distress should reshape our discussions about how best to deal with this phenomenon. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Girls in Distress in Israel. (United States)

    Steiner, Yosepha

    The typical girl in distress in Israel comes from a Jewish family of oriental origin. Her distress is partially due to the strains of immigrating to Israel from, in most cases, North Africa. Authority models in distressed girls' families feature either the role of the father as the commanding familial authority figure; the mother as the dominant…

  12. Distinguishing Between Spiritual Distress, General Distress, Spiritual Well-Being, and Spiritual Pain Among Cancer Patients During Oncology Treatment. (United States)

    Schultz, Michael; Meged-Book, Tehilah; Mashiach, Tanya; Bar-Sela, Gil


    Spiritual distress is present in approximately 25% of oncology patients. We examined the extent to which this measure is identical to a variety of other measures, such as spiritual well-being, spiritual injury, spiritual pain, and general distress. Structured interview of oncology outpatients over 12 months, approached nonselectively. The presence or absence of spiritual distress was compared against spiritual pain and two spiritual well-being tools: Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being 12-Item Scale (FACIT-Sp-12) and the Spiritual Injury Scale (SIS). We also examined whether a general distress visual analogue scale sufficed to identify spiritual distress. Other questions concerned demographic and clinical data. Of 416 patients approached, 202 completed the interview, of whom 23% reported spiritual distress. All measures showed significant correlation (receiver operating characteristic, area under the curve: SIS 0.79; distress thermometer [DT] 0.68; FACIT-Sp-12 0.67), yet none were identical with spiritual distress (sensitivity/specificity: SIS 64%/79%; spiritual pain 72%/76%; DT 41%/76%; FACIT-Sp-12 57%/72%). Of the FACIT-Sp-12 subscales, only peace correlated with spiritual distress. A significant predictor of spiritual distress was patients' self-evaluation of grave clinical condition (odds ratio 3.3; 95% CI 1.1-9.5). Multivariable analysis of individual measure items suggests an alternative three-parameter model for spiritual distress: not feeling peaceful, feeling unable to accept that this is happening, and perceived severity of one's illness. The DT is not sufficient to identify spiritual distress. The peace subscale of FACIT-Sp-12 is a better match than the measure as a whole. The SIS is the best match for spiritual distress, although an imperfect one. Copyright © 2017 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Deisy Lisseth Toloza Moreno


    Full Text Available La calidad del aire de los ambientes internos puede estar influenciada por distintas partículas suspendidas en la atmósfera (polvo, polen, bacterias, hongos, virus que pueden causar daños sobre los documentos y causar reacciones alérgicas sobre las personas que trabajan con éstos. Con este trabajo, se identificaron los microorganismos presentes en el ambiente del archivo central de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, que podrían causar alergias respiratorias en los trabajadores de esta área. Para las muestras de ambiente se empleó el método de sedimentación en placa utilizando Agar Papa Dextrosa, y se midió la temperatura y humedad relativa durante cada muestreo. Asimismo, se aplicó una encuesta a los trabajadores con el fin de conocer la sintomatología respiratoria sugestiva que podrían presentar por el manejo de los documentos y se tomaron muestras de fosas nasales a algunos de ellos. Se aislaron del ambiente 16 géneros entre hongos, levaduras y bacterias. Los géneros fúngicos predominantes fueron Mucor sp. y Penicillium sp., con un 36,6% y 27,5% respectivamente del total de colonias aisladas. Las formas levaduriformes y bacterianas fueron aisladas en menor proporción. No se encontró una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre el promedio de unidades formadoras de colonia con la temperatura y humedad relativa del ambiente. Además, en las muestras de fosas nasales solo se encontró flora normal de la nariz, lo cual indica que los síntomas respiratorios sugestivos que presentan los trabajadores no están influenciados directamente por la presencia de esporas de hongos en el ambiente del archivo central.

  14. 47 CFR 80.314 - Distress communications. (United States)


    ... radiotelephone distress call consists of: (1) The distress signal MAYDAY spoken three times; (2) The words THIS IS; (3) The call sign (or name, if no call sign assigned) of the mobile station in distress, spoken...

  15. Los efectos agudos de la contaminación del aire en la salud de la población: evidencias de estudios epidemiológicos

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    Rosales-Castillo José Alberto


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Sintetizar las evidencias de los efectos en la salud de la población por la exposición a contaminación del aire por ozono y partículas suspendidas. Material y métodos. A partir de las principales publicaciones internacionales y mexicanas, publicadas y referidas hasta junio del año 2000, se realizó un metanálisis para resumir los efectos reportados a través del empleo de modelos de efectos aleatorios. Resultados. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentajes de incremento por 10 unidades de concentración de PM10 (µg/m³ y ozono (ppb. Entre los efectos de PM10 cabe destacar el efecto agudo en la mortalidad (0.96%, hospitalizaciones (1.39%, visitas a salas de urgencias (3.11%, síntomas respiratorios (7.72%, parámetros de función pulmonar (1.42%, para capacidad vital forzada (CVF y días de actividad restringida (7.74%. Los efectos de la exposición a ozono son igualmente significativos. Conclusiones. Estos resultados muestran el gran impacto que las concentraciones de contaminantes del aire podrían tener en la salud de las poblaciones urbanas de las grandes metrópolis. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  16. Niña lactante con estenosis traqueal y arteria pulmonar izquierda en hamaca


    Fabiola Pérez-Juárez; Natalia Alemán-Sánchez; Eduardo López-Corella


    Niña de 3 meses y 16 días de edad que acudió al Servicio de Urgencias del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (Ciudad de México) con un cuadro respiratorio de rápida evolución y falleció horas después.

  17. Evaluation of the immune response after vaccination against distemper at a mink (Mustela vison) farm in Argentina


    Jar, A. M.; Ramayo, L. G.; Stempler, A.; Goldman, L. H.; Mundo, S. L.


    El virus del distemper produce una enfermedad en los visones que cursa con síntomas respiratorios, gastrointestinales, neurológicos y cutáneos y presenta alta morbilidad y mortalidad, principalmente en los cachorros. La enfermedad se controla mediante la aplicación de vacunas destinadas a esta especie. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el título de anticuerpos neutralizantes contra el virus del distemper en visones vacunados y no vacunados de un criadero de Argentina. Se analizó la cinét...

  18. Implementación y resultados de un nuevo programa de ECMO para trasplante de pulmón y distrés respiratorio agudo

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    Eduardo San Roman


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo: El desarrollo de la membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea en América Latina representa un desafío para la especialidad. El objetivo de este artículo fue describir los resultados de un nuevo programa de membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Incluye 22 pacientes que requirieron membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea desde Enero de 2011 hasta Junio de 2014. Se evaluaron características basales, indicaciones, duración de la corrida, días de ventilación mecánica, días de unidad de cuidados intensivos, complicaciones y mortalidad hospitalaria. Resultados: Quince pacientes requirieron membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea post-trasplante pulmonar y 7 pacientes por distrés respiratorio agudo. Todos los pacientes trasplantados fueron destetados de membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea, con una duración mediana de 3 días (Rango intercuantil - IQR: 2 - 5, de ventilación mecánica 15,5 días (IQR: 3 - 35, de estadía unidad de cuidados intensivos 31,5 días (IQR: 19 - 53 y de estadía hospitalaria 60 días (IQR: 36 - 89, con una mortalidad de 20%. Los pacientes con distrés respiratorio agudo tuvieron una mediana de duración de membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea de 9 días (IQR: 3 - 14, mediana de ventilación mecánica 25 días (IQR: 13 - 37, de estadía en terapia 31 días (IQR: 11 - 38, y hospitalaria 32 días (IQR: 11 - 41, y 57% de mortalidad. Las principales complicaciones fueron infecciones (80%, insuficiencia renal aguda (43%, sangrados en sitio quirúrgico y de inserción de cánulas (22%, plaquetopenia (60% y coagulopatía (30%. Conclusión: A pesar de encontrarnos transitando una curva de aprendizaje, consideramos la experiencia satisfactoria, con resultados y complicaciones comparables a las reportadas en la literatura.

  19. Síndrome agudo respiratorio severo: un panorama mundial de la epidemia Severe acute respiratory syndrome: a global view of the epidemic

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    Carlos Franco-Paredes


    Full Text Available A principios de febrero de 2003 la Organización Mundial de la Salud comenzó a recibir reportes de pacientes con un síndrome caracterizado por neumonía atípica, con rápida progresión hacia insuficiencia respiratoria sin una causa identificada. Los casos aparentemente se iniciaron en el sur de China y se han diseminado a otras regiones en Asia, Europa, Sudáfrica, Norte América y Sur América. La causa de este síndrome es una nueva variedad de Coronavirus, aislado en secreciones respiratorias y en otras. El síndrome ha sido definido en inglés como SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se caracteriza por un periodo de incubación de 1 a 10 días (promedio de cinco días, una fase febril prodrómica que aparece entre los días 1 a 3. Posteriormente, aparecen síntomas respiratorios como tos, disnea, y signos como hipoxemia, que en 10 a 40% de los casos requieren de ventilación mecánica. La tasa de letalidad ha variado de 3% hasta 16%. Los hallazgos de laboratorio incluyen trombocitopenia, leucopenia, elevación de creatinin-fosfokinasa, y, en ocasiones, de transaminasas hepáticas y deshidrogenasa láctica. El tratamiento incluye medidas de apoyo; la utilización empírica del antiviral ribavirina es controvertida, debido a que hasta el momento no existe un tratamiento específico. Se recomienda el aislamiento respiratorio de los pacientes, la utilización de máscaras protectoras y el lavado estricto de manos como principales medidas de prevención. Desde el inicio de esta epidemia México estableció un sistema de vigilancia, así como recomendaciones al personal de salud para la identificación, prevención de casos secundarios y manejo clínico de casos sospechosos.In early February 2003, the World Health Organization (WHO began receiving reports of patients with a syndrome characterized by an atypical pneumonia with rapid progression to respiratory failure without an identified cause






  1. Moral distress in nursing personnel


    Barlem,Edison Luiz Devos; Lunardi,Valéria Lerch; Lunardi,Guilherme Lerch; Tomaschewski-Barlem,Jamila Geri; Silveira,Rosemary Silva da; Dalmolin,Graziele de Lima


    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by nursing personnel in southern Brazil, covering elements of their professional practice. METHOD: a survey was undertaken in two hospitals in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with 247 nurses. Data was collected by means of the adapted Moral Distress Scale. RESULTS: the perception of situations that lead to moral distress is enhanced in nurses and in nursing staff working in institutions with greater openness to dialogu...

  2. Enfermedad gingival asociada al paciente pediátrico asmático


    Carfi Marin, Indhira Del Valle; Alarcón Palacios, Marco


    El asma es una enfermedad infl amatoria crónica del sistema respiratorio, caracterizada por ser hipersensible y episódica, reversible y con síntomas de abstracción del fl ujo de aire. La prevalencia del asma ha ido en aumento a través de todas las edades, sexo y grupos raciales; y resulta ser mayor entre los niños que en adultos. Últimamente ha sido asociada en numerosas investigaciones a la prevalencia de caries y enfermedad periodontal, donde diversos factores y la respuesta inmune actúan d...

  3. Pathogenesis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome: evaluation of the expression of cytokines and apoptosis phenomena in lymphoid organs and their role in the immune response


    Barranco Cabezudo, Inmaculada


    El Síndrome Reproductivo y Respiratorio Porcino (PRRS, del inglés Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) es una enfermedad vírica caracterizada por inducir una respuesta inmune errática en el hospedador y es considerada como una de las enfermedades más importantes en la industria del porcino debido a las importantes pérdidas económicas que provoca. A pesar de que varios estudios se han realizado con el objetivo de elucidar la respuesta inmune provocada frente al virus del PRRS (PRRSV,...

  4. Moral distress and moral conflict in clinical ethics. (United States)

    Fourie, Carina


    Much research is currently being conducted on health care practitioners' experiences of moral distress, especially the experience of nurses. What moral distress is, however, is not always clearly delineated and there is some debate as to how it should be defined. This article aims to help to clarify moral distress. My methodology consists primarily of a conceptual analysis, with especial focus on Andrew Jameton's influential description of moral distress. I will identify and aim to resolve two sources of confusion about moral distress: (1) the compound nature of a narrow definition of distress which stipulates a particular cause, i.e. moral constraint, and (2) the distinction drawn between moral dilemma (or, more accurately, moral conflict) and moral distress, which implies that the two are mutually exclusive. In light of these concerns, I argue that the definition of moral distress should be revised so that moral constraint should not be a necessary condition of moral distress, and that moral conflict should be included as a potential cause of distress. Ultimately, I claim that moral distress should be understood as a specific psychological response to morally challenging situations such as those of moral constraint or moral conflict, or both. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) (United States)

    ... Also known as What Is ARDS, or acute respiratory distress syndrome, is a lung condition that leads ... treat ARDS. Other Names Acute lung injury Adult respiratory distress syndrome Increased-permeability pulmonary edema Noncardiac pulmonary ...

  6. Niña lactante con estenosis traqueal y arteria pulmonar izquierda en hamaca

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    Fabiola Pérez-Juárez


    Full Text Available Niña de 3 meses y 16 días de edad que acudió al Servicio de Urgencias del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (Ciudad de México con un cuadro respiratorio de rápida evolución y falleció horas después.

  7. Condiciones para la transmision del hantavirus en zona andina de Río negro, Argentina

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    Gabriel Talmon


    Full Text Available El Síndrome Pulmonar por Hantavirus (SPH es una enfermedad de etiología viral que causa en el hombre un cuadro respiratorio grave. En Patagonia, la enfermedad es causada por el virus Andes Sur (AND, transmitido por el roedor Oligoryzomys longicaudatus. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar las actividades del hombre que favorecen su exposición a roedores, denominados escenarios de contagio. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo a partir de información recolectada en investigaciones de casos ocurridos en Río Negro, mediante Fichas Clínico-Epidemiológicas e informes de evaluación ecológico/ambiental. Se definieron como variables a ser consideradas: edad, sexo, época del año, grado de urbanización, localización geográfica, integración del hombre al hábitat de roedores, fuente probable de exposición, actividad humana y nivel de saneamiento. Se estudiaron 32 casos. La exposición rural se verificó en 18 (56.2% de los casos y 10 (31.3% en paraje rural (grupo de viviendas en zona rural. En relación al ambiente antropogénico 24 (75% resultaron en ambientes modificados por el hombre y 8 (25% en áreas poco modificadas. El sitio de exposición de mayor importancia en El Bolsón fue el interior de edificaciones en 8 de los 18 casos allí registrados (44.5%, mientras que en Bariloche fueron ambientes de exterior con 8/14 (57.1% casos. La actividad de riesgo fue laboral en 23 (71.9% de los casos y recreacional en 7 (28.1%. Determinar los escenarios de contagio a nivel local ha aportado información para aplicar todos los recursos disponibles en materia de prevención y educación sanitaria.

  8. Psychological distress among women with newly diagnosed breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mertz, Birgitte; Bistrup, Pernille Envold; Johansen, Christoffer


    PURPOSE: Psychological distress is common in the cancer continuum. Our objectives were to determine the prevalence of distress and to investigate the related problems and the characteristics of women with breast cancer who experienced psychological distress at the time of diagnosis. METHODS: We...... thermometer' to measure psychological distress and the accompanying 'problem list' to identify related problems. Logistic regression models with 95% confidence intervals were used to estimate the associations between psychological distress, age, social support and domains on the problem list. RESULTS......: With a cut-off of 3 on the distress thermometer, 77% of women with breast cancer reported distress, whereas when the cut-off was 7, 43% were distressed. The mean distress score was 5.4 (SD, 3.1). The most frequently reported problems were worry (77%) and nervousness (71%). Distress was significantly...

  9. Framing the issues: moral distress in health care. (United States)

    Pauly, Bernadette M; Varcoe, Colleen; Storch, Jan


    Moral distress in health care has been identified as a growing concern and a focus of research in nursing and health care for almost three decades. Researchers and theorists have argued that moral distress has both short and long-term consequences. Moral distress has implications for satisfaction, recruitment and retention of health care providers and implications for the delivery of safe and competent quality patient care. In over a decade of research on ethical practice, registered nurses and other health care practitioners have repeatedly identified moral distress as a concern and called for action. However, research and action on moral distress has been constrained by lack of conceptual clarity and theoretical confusion as to the meaning and underpinnings of moral distress. To further examine these issues and foster action on moral distress, three members of the University of Victoria/University of British Columbia (UVIC/UVIC) nursing ethics research team initiated the development and delivery of a multi-faceted and interdisciplinary symposium on Moral Distress with international experts, researchers, and practitioners. The goal of the symposium was to develop an agenda for action on moral distress in health care. We sought to develop a plan of action that would encompass recommendations for education, practice, research and policy. The papers in this special issue of HEC Forum arose from that symposium. In this first paper, we provide an introduction to moral distress; make explicit some of the challenges associated with theoretical and conceptual constructions of moral distress; and discuss the barriers to the development of research, education, and policy that could, if addressed, foster action on moral distress in health care practice. The following three papers were written by key international experts on moral distress, who explore in-depth the issues in three arenas: education, practice, research. In the fifth and last paper in the series, we highlight

  10. The cultural expression of spiritual distress in Israel. (United States)

    Schultz, Michael; Meged-Book, Tehilah; Mashiach, Tanya; Bar-Sela, Gil


    Although spiritual distress is present across cultures, the ways in which patients experience it vary between cultures. Our goal was to examine the cultural expression and key indicators of spiritual distress in Israel. We conducted a structured interview of 202 oncology outpatients in a cross-sectional study. Self-diagnosis of spiritual distress, which is a demonstrated gold standard for identifying its presence, was compared with the Facit-Sp-12 and a number of other items (from the Spiritual Injury Scale and newly developed Israeli items) hypothesized as Israeli cultural expressions of spiritual distress, demographic and medical data, and patient desire to receive spiritual care. Significant variation was found between Israeli cultural expression of spiritual distress and that found in studies from other countries. Key expressions of spiritual distress in this study included lack of inner peace, grief, and an inability to accept what is happening. Items related to faith were not significant, and loss of meaning showed mixed results. Patients requesting spiritual care were more likely to be in spiritual distress. No demographic or medical data correlated with spiritual distress. Specially designed interventions to reduce spiritual distress should address the expressions of the distress specific to that culture. Studies of the efficacy of spiritual care can examine the extent of spiritual distress in general or of its specific cultural expressions.

  11. Distress intolerance and clinical functioning in persons with schizophrenia (United States)

    Nugent, Katie L.; Chiappelli, Joshua; Rowland, Laura M.; Daughters, Stacey B.; Hong, L. Elliot


    Impaired tolerance to distress may help explain part of the cognitive and functional impairments in schizophrenia. This project investigated distress intolerance in schizophrenia patients (SZ) as compared to controls, and whether distress intolerance represented an independent domain in relationship to symptoms, cognition, and functional capacity. Healthy controls (n=43) and SZ (n=65) completed a psychological distress challenge experiment and their levels of intolerance to distress were estimated. SZ showed increased distress intolerance such that they were significantly more likely to terminate the distress challenge session early compared to controls. Greater distress intolerance was associated with reduced functional capacity and worse cognitive performance in SZ. Mediation analyses suggested that distress intolerance had an independent effect on functional capacity, while some of this effect was mediated by cognitive performance. Our results suggest that distress intolerance is a promising domain for treatment research, and functional capacity may be improved by targeting treatments towards SZ patient’s ability to tolerate distress. PMID:25107316

  12. Maternal psychological distress and child decision-making. (United States)

    Flouri, Eirini; Ioakeimidi, Sofia; Midouhas, Emily; Ploubidis, George B


    There is much research to suggest that maternal psychological distress is associated with many adverse outcomes in children. This study examined, for the first time, if it is related to children's affective decision-making. Using data from 12,080 families of the Millennium Cohort Study, we modelled the effect of trajectories of maternal psychological distress in early-to-middle childhood (3-11 years) on child affective decision-making, measured with a gambling task at age 11. Latent class analysis showed four longitudinal types of maternal psychological distress (chronically high, consistently low, moderate-accelerating and moderate-decelerating). Maternal distress typology predicted decision-making but only in girls. Specifically, compared to girls growing up in families with never-distressed mothers, those exposed to chronically high maternal psychological distress showed more risk-taking, bet more and exhibited poorer risk-adjustment, even after correction for confounding. Most of these effects on girls' decision-making were not robust to additional controls for concurrent internalising and externalising problems, but chronically high maternal psychological distress was associated positively with risk-taking even after this adjustment. Importantly, this association was similar for those who had reached puberty and those who had not. Given the study design, causality cannot be inferred. Therefore, we cannot propose that treating chronic maternal psychological distress will reduce decision-making pathology in young females. Our study suggests that young daughters of chronically distressed mothers tend to be particularly reckless decision-makers. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. Replicación del Herpesvirus equino y su asociación con la patogénesis molecular

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    Julián Ruiz Sáenz


    Full Text Available El herpesvirus equino (EHV es uno de los patógenos virales de mayor importancia en la industria equina mundial, debido a las grandes pérdidas económicas que acarrea. La enfermedad comúnmente asociada con el EHV se denomina rinoneumonitis equina y se caracteriza por ser una infección primaria del tracto respiratorio superior, que progresa a través de la mucosa; puede causar aborto en los últimos meses de gestación, muerte perinatal de potros, mortinatos y mieloencefalitis. La infección productiva es seguida por un estado de latencia viral, etapa en la cual el animal no presenta ningún signo clínico de enfermedad y no hay replicación viral. Bajo una situación de estrés, el virus puede reactivarse y caballos infectados infectar a otros caballos sanos. En esta revisión se presenta de manera sintetizada, los principales hallazgos relacionados con la replicación viral y patogénesis molecular del EHV, relacionando además las proteínas implicadas en la regulación de la replicación del genoma, todas las glicoproteínas estructurales que han sido estudiadas hasta el momento y que son el eje central de investigación de distintos grupos en el mundo. Se discute además, la verdadera importancia de la dispersión directa célula-célula del virus, la formación de placas, el crecimiento in vitro y en algunos casos, la asociación con la patogénesis, bien sea en un modelo animal o en el hospedero natural.

  14. The spiritual distress assessment tool: an instrument to assess spiritual distress in hospitalised elderly persons

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    Martin Estelle


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Although spirituality is usually considered a positive resource for coping with illness, spiritual distress may have a negative influence on health outcomes. Tools are needed to identify spiritual distress in clinical practice and subsequently address identified needs. This study describes the first steps in the development of a clinically acceptable instrument to assess spiritual distress in hospitalized elderly patients. Methods A three-step process was used to develop the Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT: 1 Conceptualisation by a multidisciplinary group of a model (Spiritual Needs Model to define the different dimensions characterizing a patient's spirituality and their corresponding needs; 2 Operationalisation of the Spiritual Needs Model within geriatric hospital care leading to a set of questions (SDAT investigating needs related to each of the defined dimensions; 3 Qualitative assessment of the instrument's acceptability and face validity in hospital chaplains. Results Four dimensions of spirituality (Meaning, Transcendence, Values, and Psychosocial Identity and their corresponding needs were defined. A formalised assessment procedure to both identify and subsequently score unmet spiritual needs and spiritual distress was developed. Face validity and acceptability in clinical practice were confirmed by chaplains involved in the focus groups. Conclusions The SDAT appears to be a clinically acceptable instrument to assess spiritual distress in elderly hospitalised persons. Studies are ongoing to investigate the psychometric properties of the instrument and to assess its potential to serve as a basis for integrating the spiritual dimension in the patient's plan of care.

  15. 47 CFR 80.1115 - Transmission of a distress alert by a station not itself in distress. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operating Procedures for Distress and Safety Communications § 80.1115 Transmission...

  16. How Does Distress Acquisition Incentivized by Government Purchases of Distressed Loans Affect Bank Default Risk?

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    Jyh-Jiuan Lin


    Full Text Available The topic of bank default risk in connection with government bailouts has recently attracted a great deal of attention. In this paper, the question of how a bank’s default risk is affected by a distress acquisition is investigated. Specifically, the government provides a bailout program of distressed loan purchases for a strong bank to acquire a bank in distress. The acquirer bank may likely refuse the acquisition with a bailout when the amount of distressed loan purchases is large or the knock-out value of the acquired bank is high. When the acquirer bank realizes acquisition gains, the default risk in the consolidated bank’s equity return is negatively related to loan purchases, but positively to the knock-out value of the acquired bank. The government bailout, as such, in large part contributes to banking stability.

  17. Partner personality in distressed relationships

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barelds, D.P.H.; Barelds-Dijkstra, P.


    The present study examines the personality characteristics of partners receiving marital therapy. On the basis of previous research, we expected partners in distressed relationships to be more neurotic and more introverted and to have lower self-esteem than partners in non-distressed relationships.

  18. Distress During the Menopause Transition

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    Marcianna Nosek


    Full Text Available In 2010, nearly 400 million women worldwide were of menopause age (45-54. Although many women transition through menopause with ease, some experience distress and a subsequent decrease in quality of life. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of distress in women during the menopause transition. A narrative analysis methodology was used maintaining participants’ complete narratives when possible. In-person interviews of 15 midlife women were digitally audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Women shared narratives of distress related to menstrual changes, emotional instability, vaginal dryness, and decreased libido affected by their relationships with self, partners, work, and family. Some experiences were presented against a backdrop of the past and influenced by concerns for the future. Detailed stories illuminated the effect that distressful symptoms had on quality of life and captured how intricately woven symptoms were with the women’s interpersonal and social lives.

  19. Piracetam for fetal distress in labour. (United States)

    Hofmeyr, G Justus; Kulier, Regina


    Piracetam is thought to promote the metabolism of brain cells when they are hypoxic. It has been used to prevent adverse effects of fetal distress. The objective of this review was to assess the effects of piracetam for suspected fetal distress in labour on method of delivery and perinatal morbidity. We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (15 February 2012). Randomised trials of piracetam compared with placebo or no treatment for suspected fetal distress in labour. Both review authors assessed eligibility and trial quality. One study of 96 women was included. Piracetam compared with placebo was associated with a trend to reduced need for caesarean section (risk ratio 0.57, 95% confidence interval 0.32 to 1.03). There were no statistically significant differences between the piracetam and placebo group for neonatal morbidity (measured by neonatal respiratory distress) or Apgar score. There is not enough evidence to evaluate the use of piracetam for fetal distress in labour.

  20. The Indirect Costs of Financial Distress in Indonesia

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    Wijantini Wijantini


    Full Text Available This paper presents quantitative estimates of the indirect cost of financial distress and its determinants. In order to measure the cost, this study estimates the annualized changes in industry-adjusted operation profit and sales from a year before the onset of distress to the resolution year. Using those approaches, the median of indirect financial distress cost is estimated between three and 11 percent annually. To the extent that the direct cost of financial distress reduces reported operating income, the estimated costs are overstated. The simple regressions analysis suggest that the indirect cost of financial distress significantly increases with size, leverage, number of creditors, and poor industry performance, but is not related to degree of bank loan reliance. The findings provide a weak support for the financial distress theory which suggests that conflicts of interest render the costs of financial distress.

  1. Distress risk and leverage puzzles: Evidence from Taiwan

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    Kung-Cheng Ho


    Full Text Available Financial distress has been invoked in the asset pricing literature to explain the anomalous patterns in the cross-section of stock returns. The risk of financial distress can be measured using indexes. George and Hwang (2010 suggest that leverage can explain the distress risk puzzle and that firms with high costs choose low leverage to reduce distress intensities and earn high returns. This study investigates whether this relationship exists in the Taiwan market. When examined separately, distress intensity is found to be negatively related to stock returns, but leverage is found to not be significantly related to stock returns. The results are the same when distress intensity and leverage are examined simultaneously. After assessing the robustness by using O-scores, distress risk puzzle is found to exist in the Taiwan market, but the leverage puzzle is not

  2. Translating 'distress' and screening for emotional distress in multicultural cancer patients in Israel. (United States)

    Cohen, Miri; Gagin, Roni; Cinamon, Tali; Stein, Tamar; Moscovitz, Marian; Kuten, Abraham


    The adaptability of the distress thermometer (DT) to multicultural groups has rarely been assessed. To assess DT adaptability to the Israeli population as a multicultural society. Participants were 496 cancer patients. They were recruited for 3 days a week in 2009-2010 (97% response rate). Participants completed the DT, a problem list, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18). Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analyses of DT scores yielded area under the curve (AUC) of 0.63 as against HADS and of 0.78 as against BSI-18. ROC analysis revealed that the optimal cutoff score was ≥ 3. It yielded sensitivity and specificity of 0.74 and 0.65, as against the HADS, and 0.64 and 0.64, as against the BSI-18. The Jewish participants reported higher distress than the Arab participants, and the ROC properties were markedly higher for the Jewish subgroup alone. The adapted DT was moderately efficient for detecting emotional distress in cancer patients in Israel. Cultural aspects related to distress should be taken into account for administration of the DT in multicultural societies.

  3. 47 CFR 80.1114 - False distress alerts. (United States)


    ... Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operating Procedures for Distress and Safety Communications § 80.1114 False distress alerts. The provisions of §§ 80.334 and 80.335 apply to...

  4. Perceived organizational support and moral distress among nurses. (United States)

    Robaee, Navideh; Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, Foroozan; Ashktorab, Tahereh; Baghestani, Ahmadreza; Barkhordari-Sharifabad, Maasoumeh


    Moral distress is prevalent in the health care environment at different levels. Nurses in all roles and positions are exposed to ethically challenging conditions. Development of supportive climates in organizations may drive nurses towards coping moral distress and other related factors. This study aimed at determining the level of perceived organizational support and moral distress among nurses and investigating the relationship between the two variables. This was a correlational-descriptive study. A total of 120 nurses were selected using random quota sampling method. A demographic questionnaire, Survey of Perceived Organizational Support, and Moral Distress Scale were used to collect the data which were analyzed using descriptive and analytical tests in SPSS20. The mean perceived organizational support was low (2.63 ± 0.79). The mean moral distress was 2.19 ± 0.58, which shows a high level of moral distress. Moreover, Statistical analysis showed no significant relationship between perceived organizational support and moral distress ( r  = 0.01, p  = 0.86). Given the low level of perceived organizational support and high moral distress among nurses in this study, it is necessary to provide a supportive environment in hospitals and to consider strategies for diminishing moral distress.

  5. Marital Adjustment and Psychological Distress in Japan (United States)

    Li, Angela; Robustelli, Briana L.; Whisman, Mark A.


    This study was conducted to examine the association between marital adjustment and psychological distress in a large, probability sample of married adults in Japan (N = 710) from the Midlife Development in Japan (MIDJA) study. Results indicate that positive and negative dimensions of marital adjustment were significantly associated with dimensional and categorical measures of psychological distress. Furthermore, the associations between marital adjustment and psychological distress remained significant when statistically controlling for neuroticism, quality of friend and family relationships, and demographic variables. These results demonstrate that the well-established association between marital adjustment and psychological distress found in European-American countries is also found in Japan. Findings support continued research on marital functioning and psychological distress in East Asian countries. PMID:28082761

  6. Probable transmisión vertical del virus de la influenza A (H1N1: a propósito de un caso Probable vertical transmission of the influenza virus A (H1N1: apropos of a case

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    Rubén D. Vásquez


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un recién nacido varón, producto de embarazo de 36 semanas, con diagnóstico de neumonía congénita y examen confirmatorio de infección por el virus de la influenza A (H1N1, sin ningún otro tipo de contacto sospechoso. La madre ingresó al hospital con insuficiencia respiratoria y antecedente de proceso gripal de cinco días de evolución, durante los primeros días de la pandemia en el Perú. Por la evolución grave del proceso respiratorio, se le administró ventilación mecánica para luego ser sometida a cesárea por sufrimiento fetal agudo y oligoamnios. Se confirmó en la madre infección por el virus de la influenza A H1N1 epidémico y tuberculosis pulmonar.We report the case of a male newborn, product of a 36 week pregnancy, with diagnosis of congenital pneumonia and with a confirmatory test for influenza A (H1N1 virus, without any other suspicious contact. The mother was admitted to the hospital with respiratory failure and the history of a flu-like episode of 5 days of evolution, during the first days of the pandemic in Peru. Due to the severe evolution of the respiratory process, assisted ventilation was given to her and then a cesarean section was performed due to acute fetal distress and oligoamnios. The mother was later confirmed as a case of epidemic influenza A (H1N1 and pulmonary tuberculosis.

  7. Comparing the meanings of living with advanced breast cancer between women resilient to distress and women with persistent distress: a qualitative study. (United States)

    Lam, W W T; Yoon, S W; Sze, W K; Ng, A W Y; Soong, I; Kwong, A; Suen, D; Tsang, J; Yeo, W; Wong, K Y; Fielding, R


    Most women with advanced breast cancer (ABC) show little distress, but about one in ten show persistent distress over time. It remains unclear if meanings ascribed by patients to ABC differentiate these distress trajectories. This qualitative study (a) compared illness meanings of ABC between women with persistent psychological distress and those with low/transient distress, and (b) examined how illness meanings might influence coping strategies. The sample was drawn from a prior quantitative study exploring psychological distress trajectories following ABC diagnosis. Overall, 42 Cantonese- or Mandarin-speaking Chinese women diagnosed with locally advanced or metastatic ABC were recruited based on their distress trajectory status (low-stable, transient, or persistent distress). Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed following grounded theory approach using simultaneous analysis. Women with persistent distress viewed their diagnosis as another blow in life, the illness was global, permeating every aspect of their life. Maladaptive rumination and thought suppression were common responses to illness demands. These women had poor social support. A sense of demoralization stood out in their narratives. In contrast, women with transient/low-stable distress encapsulated the illness, with minimum impacts of their life. They did not evidence dysfunctional repetitive thoughts. Living in a supportive environment, they were able to accept and/or live in the present-moment. Rumination, thought suppression, social constraints, and pre-existing exposure to life stress may be potential risks for chronic distress in response to advanced breast cancer. Persistent and transient distress responses to cancer may have different underpinnings. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  8. Maternal postpartum distress and childhood overweight

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adeltoft, Teresa Ajslev; Andersen, Camilla S; Ingstrup, Katja Glejsted


    We investigated associations between maternal postpartum distress covering anxiety, depression and stress and childhood overweight.......We investigated associations between maternal postpartum distress covering anxiety, depression and stress and childhood overweight....

  9. Psychological distress of adolescents exposed to Hurricane Hugo. (United States)

    Hardin, S B; Weinrich, M; Weinrich, S; Hardin, T L; Garrison, C


    To ascertain the effects of a natural disaster on adolescents, 1482 South Carolina high school students who were exposed to Hurricane Hugo were surveyed 1 year after the disaster. Subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire measuring Hugo exposure, nonviolent and violent life events, social support, self-efficacy, and psychological distress. Results showed that the students reported minimal exposure to the hurricane and psychological distress variables approximated national norms. As exposure increased, adolescents reported increased symptoms of psychological distress; i.e., anger, depression, anxiety, and global mental distress. Females and white students experienced higher levels of distress. In most cases, other stressful life events were at least as strong a predictor of psychological distress as was exposure to the hurricane. Self-efficacy and social support were protective.

  10. Mortalidad en recién nacidos de extremo bajo peso al nacer en la unidad de neonatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre enero 2000 y diciembre 2004.: January 2000 to December 2004

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    Pablo Lohmann Gandini-Billinghurst


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar los factores demográficos y clínicos más frecuentes en recién nacidos con peso menor a 1 000g al nacimiento (extremo bajo peso fallecidos en la unidad de neonatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Material y métodos: El estudio diseñado es una serie de casos. Se evaluaron las epicrisis y la base de datos NEOCOSUR de los pacientes con estas características, fallecidos durante la hospitalización, de enero 2000 a diciembre 2004. Resultados: Se encontraron 99 pacientes, con registros completos en 87 de ellos (88% de la muestra. La mortalidad en esta población fluctuó entre 70 y 85%, siendo las siguientes condiciones clínicas más frecuentes: control prenatal inadecuado, edad gestacional menor a 27 semanas, uso de corticoides prenatales, empleo de surfactante, enfermedad de membrana hialina-síndrome de distrés respiratorio y hemorragia intraventricular. Conclusiones: Los cuidados prenatales, el uso de corticoides prenatales y surfactante son factores modificables que tendrían impacto en la mortalidad. Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio-membrana hialina, sepsis y hemorragia intraventricular, constituyen las entidades de morbilidad más frecuentes. El alcance de este estudio permite formular estas hipótesis. La evaluación de las mismas requiere estudios tipo observacionales y analíticos posteriores. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:141-147.

  11. Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis as a cause of respiratory distress in newborns: presentation diagnosed by menas of CT; Estenosis congenita de la abertura piriforme nasal como causa de distress respiratorio en el recien nacido: aportacion de cuatro casos diagnosticados mediante TC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wichoff, A.; Perez-Candela, V.; Romera, C.; Lopez-Morales, L. [Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil de Canarias. Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. (Spain)


    Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) is a rare cause of newborn airway obstruction. It can be clinically indistinguishable from choanal atresia, which is much more frequent. CT confirms the diagnosis by revealing in detail the anatomical alterations underlying this anomaly. These might or might not occur in association with other alterations. We present 4 cases of CNPAS, all of which presented respiratory distress and clinical symptoms similar to those of choanal atresia in newborn children. The premature diagnosis and a conventional treatment of tube placement in order to keep the airway open, until the pyriform aperture grows large enough to permit normal breathing, resulted in recovery of the patients. (Author) 12 refs.

  12. Intensity cut-points for the Respiratory Distress Observation Scale (United States)

    Campbell, Margaret L; Templin, Thomas N


    Background The Respiratory Distress Observation Scale© is an innovative solution to assessment when a dyspnea report cannot be elicited. The Respiratory Distress Observation Scale has acceptable reliability and validity psychometrics. Aim To identify distress-intensity cut-points of the Respiratory Distress Observation Scale. Design Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was conducted with inpatients stratified by four levels of respiratory distress—none, mild, moderate, or severe. Patients provided three self-report measures of dyspnea: dichotomous (yes/no); a ranking of none, mild, moderate, or severe; and a numerical rating scale. Respiratory distress was assessed using the Respiratory Distress Observation Scale instrument. Setting/participants Participants were 136 adult inpatients, mean age 61.8 years (standard deviation = 13.18 years), 89.7% African American, and 56.6% female, who were recruited from an urban, tertiary care hospital in the Midwest of the United States. Results In all, 47% (n = 64) self-reported dyspnea (yes/no). Ranking was distributed as follows: none = 36, mild = 35, moderate = 40, and severe = 25. Numerical rating scale scores ranged from 0 to 10, mean = 4.99 (standard deviation = 2.9). Respiratory Distress Observation Scale scores ranged from 0 to 7, median (interquartile range) = 2 (1–3). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis–determined Respiratory Distress Observation Scale score of 0–2 suggests little or no respiratory distress; score ≥3 signified moderate to severe distress. Conclusion A Respiratory Distress Observation Scale score ≥3 signifies a patient’s need for palliation of respiratory distress. An end-point for identifying responsiveness to treatment, in other words, respiratory comfort, is Respiratory Distress Observation Scale <3. Because patients with imminent respiratory failure, as typified by dying patients, were not represented yielding lower than expected Respiratory Distress


    Liddle, Mitzi-Jane E; Bradley, Ben S; Mcgrath, Andrew


    Empathy is an important competence in our social world, a motivator of prosocial behavior, and thought to develop throughout the second year of life. The current study examined infants' responses to naturalistic peer distress to explore markers of empathy and prosocial behavior in young babies. Seventeen 8-month-old infants participated in a repeated measures design using the "babies-in-groups" paradigm, with maternal presence as the independent variable. Significant differences were found between response types: Gaze was the standard response to infant distress, followed by socially directed behaviors and affect, with self-distress rarely occurring. Maternal presence was not found to impact the nature or frequency of babies' responses to peer distress. During distress episodes, babies looked preferentially at the distressed peer, then other mothers, and least to their own mother. Data revealed that infant responses to peer distress resulted in a successful cessation of that distress episode over one third of the time. Case studies are provided to illustrate the quantitative data. The results provided evidence of empathic concern and prosocial behavior in the first year of life, and provoke a challenge to developmental theories of empathy. © 2015 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.

  14. Symptom distress in older adults following cancer surgery. (United States)

    Van Cleave, Janet H; Egleston, Brian L; Ercolano, Elizabeth; McCorkle, Ruth


    Symptom distress remains a significant health problem among older adults with cancer following surgery. Understanding factors influencing older adults' symptom distress may lead to early identification and interventions, decreasing morbidity and improving outcomes. We conducted this study to identify factors associated with symptom distress following surgery among 326 community-residing patients 65 years or older with a diagnosis of thoracic, digestive, gynecologic, and genitourinary cancers. This secondary analysis used combined subsets of data from 5 nurse-directed intervention clinical trials targeting patients after surgery at academic cancer centers in northwest and northeastern United States. Symptom distress was assessed by the Symptom Distress Scale at baseline and at 3 and 6 months. A multivariable analysis, using generalized estimating equations, showed that symptom distress was significantly less at 3 and 6 months (3 months: P psychological, treatment, and function covariates. Thoracic cancer, comorbidities, worse mental health, and decreased function were, on average, associated with increased symptom distress (all P cancer, comorbidities, mental health, and function may influence older adults' symptom distress following cancer surgery. Older adults generally experience decreasing symptom distress after thoracic, abdominal, or pelvic cancer surgery. Symptom management over time for those with thoracic cancer, comorbidities, those with worse mental health, those with decreased function, and those 75 years or older may prevent morbidity and improve outcomes of older adults following surgery.

  15. Prevalence and related factors of psychological distress among cancer inpatients using routine Distress Thermometer and Chinese Health Questionnaire screening

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    Chiou YJ


    Full Text Available Yu-Jie Chiou,1 Nien-Mu Chiu,1 Liang-Jen Wang,2 Shau-Hsuan Li,3 Chun-Yi Lee,1 Ming-Kung Wu,1 Chien-Chih Chen,1 Yi-Shan Wu,1 Yu Lee1 1Department of Psychiatry, 2Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 3Department of Hematology-Oncology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China Background: Clinical practice guidelines suggest routine screening for distress among cancer patients for immediate early psychiatric care. However, previous studies focusing on routine screening for psychological distress among cancer inpatients in Taiwan are scant. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and related factors of psychological distress and mental illness among cancer inpatients in Taiwan. Patients and methods: This study was conducted as a retrospective chart review in a general hospital in southern Taiwan. Cancer inpatients were regularly screened by nursing staff using the Distress Thermometer and the 12-item Chinese Health Questionnaire. Positive screening results on either instrument were followed by a non-commanded referral to psychiatrists for clinical psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Results: Of the 810 participants in this study, 179 (22.1% were recognized as having psychological distress. Younger age (odds ratio [OR] =1.82, having head and neck cancer (OR =2.43, and having not received chemotherapy (OR =1.58 were significantly related to psychological distress. Among the 56 patients (31.3% with psychological distress who were referred to psychiatrists, the most common mental illness was adjustment disorder (n=22, 39.2%, followed by major depressive disorder (n=13, 23.2%, depressive disorder not otherwise specified (n=6, 10.7%, and anxiety disorder not otherwise specified (n=4, 7.1%. Conclusion: Our study indicated that cancer inpatients with psychological distress were more likely to be younger in age, have head and neck cancer, and have not

  16. Female sexual distress in infertile Turkish women

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    Serdar Aydın


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the effect of infertility on sexual distress in women attending the infertility clinic. 
 Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study we evaluated sexual distress among 88 women who attended the infertility clinic in our institute between January and June 2015. All women who were experiencing primary or secondary infertility during the study sampling were included in the sudy. Sexual distress was measured using the Female sexual distress scale-revised (FSDS-R, a cross-validated patient-reported outcomes measure. Correlations of FSDS-R with patient characteristics and laboratory measurements were calculated using Spearman’s rank correlation tests. Results: With the exceptions of the age of couples and serum anti-mullerian hormone (AMH levels, no predictor of high sexual distress was found in the univariate analysis when comparing groups with regard to the FSDS-R cut-off score. The mean age of the sexually distressed women (33.6±5.8 years vs. 29.3±5.1 years and their partners (35.4±4.8 years vs. 31.6±4.2 years was significantly higher than those of the non distressed women, according to a FSDS-R score over 11 (p<0.05. The serum level of AMH was significantly lower in infertile women with high total sexual distress scores (1.4 vs. 7.6 ng/mL (p<0.001. Conclusion: In infertile women, age of woman, age of partner, and serum AMH levels are related with the hope of women to have a child despite an association with sexual distress. Serum AMH, which is perceived as necessary for fertility, had a significant inverse correlation with levels of sexual stress.

  17. A philosophical taxonomy of ethically significant moral distress. (United States)

    Thomas, Tessy A; McCullough, Laurence B


    Moral distress is one of the core topics of clinical ethics. Although there is a large and growing empirical literature on the psychological aspects of moral distress, scholars, and empirical investigators of moral distress have recently called for greater conceptual clarity. To meet this recognized need, we provide a philosophical taxonomy of the categories of what we call ethically significant moral distress: the judgment that one is not able, to differing degrees, to act on one's moral knowledge about what one ought to do. We begin by unpacking the philosophical components of Andrew Jameton's original formulation from his landmark 1984 work and identify two key respects in which that formulation remains unclear: the origins of moral knowledge and impediments to acting on that moral knowledge. We then selectively review subsequent literature that shows that there is more than one concept of moral distress and that explores the origin of the values implicated in moral distress and impediments to acting on those values. This review sets the stage for identifying the elements of a philosophical taxonomy of ethically significant moral distress. The taxonomy uses these elements to create six categories of ethically significant moral distress: challenges to, threats to, and violations of professional integrity; and challenges to, threats to, and violations of individual integrity. We close with suggestions about how the proposed philosophical taxonomy of ethically significant moral distress sheds light on the concepts of moral residue and crescendo effect of moral distress and how the proposed taxonomy might usefully guide prevention of and future qualitative and quantitative empirical research on ethically significant moral distress. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Inc. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  18. Psychological distress: precursor or consequence of dating infidelity? (United States)

    Hall, Julie H; Fincham, Frank D


    Research on infidelity-related distress has focused on victims with little attention to perpetrators. Two studies therefore explore the psychological functioning of individuals who have engaged in dating infidelity. Study 1 showed that, compared to faithful partners, individuals who had engaged in infidelity showed more psychological distress. Study 2 investigated the interrelationships among infidelity, psychological distress, and relationship satisfaction over time. Results suggested that initial levels of psychological distress predicted later infidelity but infidelity did not predict subsequent psychological distress. Findings are interpreted in light of the broader infidelity literature, potential mechanisms are suggested, and avenues for future research are recommended.

  19. Psychological distress associated with cancer screening: A systematic review. (United States)

    Chad-Friedman, Emma; Coleman, Sarah; Traeger, Lara N; Pirl, William F; Goldman, Roberta; Atlas, Steven J; Park, Elyse R


    Current national cancer screening recommendations include the potential risk of psychological harm related to screening. However, data on the relation of psychological distress to cancer screening is limited. The authors conducted a systematic review to assess psychological distress associated with cancer screening procedures. Studies that administered measures of psychological distress between 2 weeks before and 1 month after the screening procedure were included. In total, 22 eligible studies met criteria for review, including 13 observational trials and 9 randomized controlled trials. Eligible studies used a broad range of validated and unvalidated measures. Anxiety was the most commonly assessed construct and was measured using the State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Studies included breast, colorectal, prostate, lung, and cervical screening procedures. Distress was low across procedures, with the exception of colorectal screening. Distress did not vary according to the time at which distress was measured. None of the studies were conducted exclusively with the intention of assessing distress at the time of screening. Evidence of low distress during the time of cancer screening suggests that distress might not be a widespread barrier to screening among adults who undergo screening. However, more studies are needed using validated measures of distress to further understand the extent to which screening may elicit psychological distress and impede adherence to national screening recommendations. Cancer 2017;123:3882-94. © 2017 American Cancer Society. © 2017 American Cancer Society.

  20. The ethics of distress: toward a framework for determining the ethical acceptability of distressing health promotion advertising. (United States)

    Brown, Stephen L; Whiting, Demian


    Distressing health promotion advertising involves the elicitation of negative emotion to increase the likelihood that health messages will stimulate audience members to adopt healthier behaviors. Irrespective of its effectiveness, distressing advertising risks harming audience members who do not consent to the intervention and are unable to withdraw from it. Further, the use of these approaches may increase the potential for unfairness or stigmatization toward those targeted, or be considered unacceptable by some sections of the public. We acknowledge and discuss these concerns, but, using the public health ethics literature as a guide, argue that distressing advertising can be ethically defensible if conditions of effectiveness, proportionality necessity, least infringement, and public accountability are satisfied. We do not take a broad view as to whether distressing advertising is ethical or unethical, because we see the evidence for both the effectiveness of distressing approaches and their potential to generate iatrogenic effects to be inconclusive. However, we believe it possible to use the current evidence base to make informed estimates of the likely consequences of specific message presentations. Messages can be pre-tested and monitored to identify and deal with potential problems. We discuss how advertisers can approach the problems of deciding on the appropriate intensity of ethical review, and evaluating prospective distressing advertising campaigns against the conditions outlined. © 2013 International Union of Psychological Science.

  1. An NFKB1 promoter insertion/deletion polymorphism influences risk and outcome in acute respiratory distress syndrome among Caucasians.

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    Ednan K Bajwa


    Full Text Available Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB is required for transcription of many pro-inflammatory genes and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS. We hypothesized that a known functional polymorphism in the promoter of the NFKB1 gene may affect susceptibility to and outcome from ARDS.A case control study was conducted among a cohort of patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU with risk factors for the development of ARDS. 379 patients with ARDS and 793 at-risk controls were studied. Patients were followed for 60 days with development of ARDS as a primary outcome; ARDS-related mortality and organ dysfunction were secondary outcomes.Patients homozygous for the 4 base pair deletion in the promoter of NFKB1 (del/del did not have an increased odds ratio (OR of developing ARDS in unadjusted analysis but were more likely to develop ARDS in the presence of a significant interaction between the del/del genotype and age (OR 5.21, 95% CI 1.35-20.0. In multivariate analysis, patients with ARDS and the del/del genotype also had increased 60 day mortality (HR 1.54, 95% CI 1.01-2.36 and more severe daily organ dysfunction (P<.001 when compared to ARDS patients with other genotypes.The del/del genotype is associated with an age-dependent increase in odds of developing ARDS. Patients with the del/del genotype and ARDS also have increased hazard of 60 day mortality and more organ failure.

  2. Metaphorical profile of distress in English media discourse

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    Verbytska Anna


    Full Text Available The current research is directed towards the transition of distress studies in the English speaking culture from the prototype towards the conceptual metaphor approach. It enables the enlightenment of mental images, which underlie distress language usage in modern mass communication. The analysis involves identification of conceptual distress metaphors and metonymies within the image-schematic structure. The study includes a cognitive semantic analysis of linguistic units of the distress lexicon retrieved from the GloWbE, BNC, COCA, English newspapers and media platforms. Figurative language reveals conventional beliefs about distress represented in English media discourse, such as strong associations of emotion with darkness and coldness. Metaphorical mappings contain views about the reasons for distress experience which lie in the loss of balance or inner equilibrium, loss of control, and convictions about the reaction characterizing a person as being weak and brittle. The findings of data analysis are summed up in a metaphorical profile of distress (MPD which discloses the behavioural patterns (communicative behaviour, adequacy/inadequacy of behaviour, ability to socialize and physical effects including health issues.

  3. The Indirect Costs of Financial Distress in Indonesia


    Wijantini, Wijantini


    This paper presents quantitative estimates of the indirect cost of financial distress and its determinants. In order to measure the cost, this study estimates the annualized changes in industry-adjusted operation profit and sales from a year before the onset of distress to the resolution year. Using those approaches, the median of indirect financial distress cost is estimated between three and 11 percent annually. To the extent that the direct cost of financial distress reduces reported opera...

  4. A review on automated pavement distress detection methods

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Coenen, Tom B.J.; Golroo, Amir


    In recent years, extensive research has been conducted on pavement distress detection. A large part of these studies applied automated methods to capture different distresses. In this paper, a literature review on the distresses and related detection methods are presented. This review also includes

  5. Spiritual well-being and moral distress among Iranian nurses. (United States)

    Soleimani, Mohammad Ali; Sharif, Saeed Pahlevan; Yaghoobzadeh, Ameneh; Sheikhi, Mohammad Reza; Panarello, Bianca; Win, Ma Thin Mar


    Moral distress is increasingly recognized as a problem affecting healthcare professionals, especially nurses. If not addressed, it may create job dissatisfaction, withdrawal from the moral dimensions of patient care, or even encourage one to leave the profession. Spiritual well-being is a concept which is considered when dealing with problems and stress relating to a variety of issues. This research aimed to examine the relationship between spiritual well-being and moral distress among a sample of Iranian nurses and also to study the determinant factors of moral distress and spiritual well-being in nurses. A cross-sectional, correlational design was employed to collect data from 193 nurses using the Spiritual Well-Being Scale and the Moral Distress Scale-Revised. This study was approved by the Regional Committee of Medical Research Ethics. The ethical principles of voluntary participation, anonymity, and confidentiality were considered. Mean scores of spiritual well-being and moral distress were 94.73 ± 15.89 and 109.56 ± 58.70, respectively. There was no significant correlation between spiritual well-being and moral distress (r = -.053, p = .462). Marital status and job satisfaction were found to be independent predictors of spiritual well-being. However, gender and educational levels were found to be independent predictors for moral distress. Age, working in rotation shifts, and a tendency to leave the current job also became significant after adjusting other factors for moral distress. This study could not support the relationship between spiritual well-being and moral distress. However, the results showed that moral distress is related to many elements including individual ideals and differences as well as organizational factors. Informing nurses about moral distress and its consequences, establishing periodic consultations, and making some organizational arrangement may play an important role in the identification and management of moral distress and

  6. What is the best measure for assessing diabetes distress? A comparison of the Problem Areas in Diabetes and Diabetes Distress Scale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fenwick, Eva K.; Rees, Gwyn; Holmes-Truscott, Elizabeth


    This study used Rasch analysis to examine the psychometric validity of the Diabetes Distress Scale and the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale to assess diabetes distress in 3338 adults with diabetes (1609 completed the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale (n = 675 type 1 diabetes; n = 934 type 2 diabetes......) and 1705 completed the Diabetes Distress Scale (n = 693 type 1 diabetes; n = 1012 type 2 diabetes)). While criterion and convergent validity were good, Rasch analysis revealed suboptimal precision and targeting, and item misfit. Unresolvable multidimensionality within the Diabetes Distress Scale suggests...... a total score should be avoided, while suboptimal precision suggests that the Physician-related and Interpersonal distress subscales should be used cautiously....

  7. Fibromyalgia: When Distress Becomes (Unsympathetic Pain

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    Manuel Martinez-Lavin


    Full Text Available Fibromyalgia is a painful stress-related disorder. A key issue in fibromyalgia research is to investigate how distress could be converted into pain. The sympathetic nervous system is the main element of the stress response system. In animal models, physical trauma, infection, or distressing noise can induce abnormal connections between the sympathetic nervous system and the nociceptive system. Dorsal root ganglia sodium channels facilitate this type of sympathetic pain. Similar mechanisms may operate in fibromyalgia. Signs of sympathetic hyperactivity have been described in this condition. Genetic factors and/or distressful lifestyle may lead to this state of sympathetic hyperactivity. Trauma and infection are recognized fibromyalgia triggers. Women who suffer from fibromyalgia have catecholamine-evoked pain. Sympathetic dysfunction may also explain nonpain-related fibromyalgia symptoms. In conclusion, in fibromyalgia, distress could be converted into pain through forced hyperactivity of the sympathetic component of the stress response system.

  8. Authenticity, life satisfaction, and distress: a longitudinal analysis. (United States)

    Boyraz, Güler; Waits, J Brandon; Felix, Victoria A


    The purpose of the present study was to examine the reciprocal relationships between authenticity and measures of life satisfaction and distress using a 2-wave panel study design. Data were collected from 232 college students attending 2 public universities. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. The results of the cross-lagged panel analysis indicated that after controlling for temporal stability, initial authenticity (Time 1) predicted later distress and life satisfaction (Time 2). Specifically, higher levels of authenticity at Time 1 were associated with increased life satisfaction and decreased distress at Time 2. Neither distress nor life satisfaction at Time 1 significantly predicted authenticity at Time 2. However, the relationship between Time 1 distress and Time 2 authenticity was not significantly different from the relationship between Time 1 authenticity and Time 2 distress. Results are discussed in light of humanistic-existential theories and the empirical research on well-being. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.

  9. Perceptions of friendship among youth with distressed friends. (United States)

    Hill, Erin N; Swenson, Lance P


    This cross-sectional study examined the relationship between a friend's level of internalizing distress and the focal child's perceptions of friendship amongst 5th, 8th, and 11th grade youth. Participants completed the Youth Self-Report to assess internalizing distress and measures assessing perceptions of friendship quality, social support, and self-disclosure within reciprocal, same-sex friendship dyads. Results indicated that youth with friends experiencing low levels of internalizing distress reported poorer friendship quality and decreased levels of social support and self-disclosure within the friendship compared to youth with friends experiencing average or high internalizing distress. In a second set of analyses controlling for the focal child's own internalizing symptoms, gender, and age, friend's level of internalizing distress remained a significant, unique predictor of target participants' self-disclosure about their own problems within the friendship. The findings suggest that a mild degree of internalizing distress may enhance, rather than harm, friendships amongst youth.

  10. Factors associated with financial distress of nonprofit hospitals. (United States)

    Kim, Tae Hyun


    Financial distress can have a detrimental influence on the performance of hospitals. Hospital management needs to monitor potential financial distress effectively and know how it will respond depending on the severity of the circumstances. This study examined the multiple factors that may explain the financial distress of nonprofit hospitals during 1998 to 2001 and discussed their importance. To obtain more robust results, financial distress was assessed in 2 ways: first, financial strength index was used to incorporate 4 financial dimensions including profitability, liquidity, leverage, and physical facilities; second, cash flow (CF) was used to address the issues of accrual-based accounting in hospitals. This study finds that decrease in occupancy rate and increase in Medicaid payer mix, health maintenance organization penetration, market competition, physician supply, and percentage of the elderly are associated with increased likelihood of financial distress of urban hospitals. Increases in both Medicare and Medicaid payer mix, however, are related to higher likelihood of financial distress of rural hospitals.

  11. Analysis and evaluation of the moral distress theory. (United States)

    Wilson, Melissa A


    Moral distress is a pervasive problem in nursing resulting in a detriment to patient care, providers, and organizations. Over a decade ago, the moral distress theory (MDT) was proposed and utilized in multiple research studies. This middle range theory explains and predicts the distress that occurs in a nurse because of moral conflict. The research findings born from this theory have been substantial. Since inception of this theory, moral distress has been extensively examined which has further elaborated its understanding. This paper provides an analysis and evaluation of the MDT according to applicable guidelines. Current understanding of the phenomenon indicates that a new theory may be warranted to better predict, treat, and manage moral distress. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Screening for distress in cancer patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grassi, Luigi; Johansen, Christoffer; Annunziata, Maria Antonietta


    Routine screening for distress is internationally recommended as a necessary standard for good cancer care, given its high prevalence and negative consequences on quality of life. The objective of the current study was to contribute to the Italian validation of the Distress Thermometer (DT...

  13. Salud y trabajo: minería artesanal del carbón en Paipa, Colombia

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    Full Text Available Contexto: existe relación directa entre las técnicas de minería del carbón y riesgos laborales, con estado de salud y probabilidad de enfermar, principalmente por neumoconiosis, trauma y alteraciones osteomusculares. Objetivo: describir condiciones de trabajo y estado de salud en una muestra de mineros informales del carbón en Paipa, Boyacá. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Mediante instrumento previamente diseñado se evaluó a 196 mineros. Se exploró ambiente laboral y estado de salud. Además se revisaron algunas historias clínicas. La información se sistematizó y analizó en Epi-Info2002®. Se estimaron medidas de tendencia central y dispersión para las variables incluidas. Resultados: edad promedio 30 años; 16,3% menores de edad; características sociodemográficas compatibles con pobreza extrema; 34,7% no afiliados al SGSS; apenas 1% afiliado al régimen contributivo y 0,5% cubierto por ARP; ingreso promedio mensual $280.000 (US$140,0 aprox.; 48,9% consume alcohol semanalmente; promedio jornada 7,44 horas; 76,5% trabaja bajo superficie; 16,8% presentaba alguna enfermedad en la valoración; 15,65% refiere al menos un accidente de trabajo; 64,8% encuentra su labor monótona o repetitiva; trastornos oculares, respiratorios y osteomusculares se autorreportan frecuentemente. Conclusiones: alto riesgo ocupacional, población vulnerable, mal remunerada, sin protección laboral. Bajo nivel educativo, trabajo infantil, dieta inadecuada, consumo de alcohol y ambiente inapropiado son factores de riesgo encontrados, que se expresan principalmente como traumatismos, lesiones oculares, enfermedades respiratorias y alteraciones del sistema osteomuscular.


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    M M Karambin


    Full Text Available "nThere is a lack of large, prospective epidemiologic studies concerning acute lung injury (ALI and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS in pediatric population. To determine the different causes of respiratory distress in children, we prepared a retrospective study and included the whole 567 children with respiratory distress referred to 17-Shahrivar Hospital, Rasht, Guilan. Using their medical files, data including age, sex, and causes of respiratory distress were collected. SPSS 13.0 (statistical software applied for statistical analysis. Pneumonia, asthma, and croup were the major causes of ARDS in children with a rate of 38.4, 19.04, and 16.5 percent, respectively. It seems that infectious factors are at the top of the list of ARDS causing factors which can be helpful to approach and manage such patients. We suggest vaccinating these at risk groups against common infectious factors such as H. Influenza and RSV which can cause either pneumonia or inducing asthma.

  15. Development of a distress inventory for cancer: preliminary results.

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    Thomas B


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Advances in cancer treatment have led to cure and prolongation of patients′ lives; however associated psychosocial problems, including distress, can detrimentally affect patients′ compliance with treatment and ultimately, their outcome. Symptom distress has been well addressed in many studies; however, psychological distress has only been quantified by using depression or anxiety scales/checklists or quality of life scales containing a distress sub scale/component or by the use of scales that are not psychological distress-specific. AIMS: The present study is an attempt to construct a psychological distress inventory for specific use with cancer patients. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: The standardisation sample consisted of 63 randomly selected patients with head and neck cancer who had undergone/ were undergoing curative treatment at the Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Distress Inventory for Cancer contained 57 positively and negatively toned items. An item analysis was conducted, followed by a factor analysis, thereby identifying the domains influencing distress. RESULTS: The final questionnaire contained 26 items subdivided into four domains viz. the personal, spiritual, physical, and the family domains, with each domain providing a sub score. The reliability coefficient (Cronbach′s alpha of the scale was found to be 0.85. CONCLUSIONS: These are the preliminary results of an ongoing study on global distress and tool development process. Reported here is the first step towards development of such tool.

  16. Obesidad y embarazo: implicancias anestésicas


    Nazar J,Claudio; Bastidas E,Javier; Zamora H,Maximiliano; Lacassie,Héctor J


    La obesidad es una epidemia a nivel mundial, con más de 2.000 millones de adultos con sobrepeso u obesidad, por lo que cada vez es más probable enfrentarse a una embarazada obesa en la práctica clínica del equipo obstétrico. La obesidad incrementa los cambios fisiológicos del embarazo a nivel cardiovascular, respiratorio, metabólico y gastrointestinal, lo que tiene implicancias clínicas que aumentan los costos en salud y la morbimortalidad materna y fetal. Las embarazadas obesas son un consta...

  17. Efecto de un programa de entrenamiento con saltos y máquinas isocinéticas sobre la captación de glucosa en adultos deportistas aficionados de 55 a 65 años de edad


    Sepúlveda Peña, Celia Mónica; Ramirez Villada, Jhon Fredy


    En el proceso normal de envejecimiento del cuerpo se experimentan una serie de fenómenos que conllevan modificaciones a nivel fisiológico, las cuales con el tiempo, van afectando la función corporal y empeoran el sistema cardiovascular, respiratorio, metabólico, motriz, entre otros, que reducen la capacidad de esfuerzo y resistencia del mismo, llegando a un estrés físico con el pasar de los años (Izquierdo, 1998). De otra parte, en esta etapa de la vida se presenta una baja pro...

  18. Eficacia de vibraciones transtorácicas más in-exuflación mecánica versus:técnicas manuales para tos asistida en pacientes pediátricos con parálisis cerebral grave o profunda


    Vergara Lozano, Pedro


    Las infecciones respiratorias recurrentes son frecuentes en la Parálisis Cerebral (PCI). La tos asistida manual (TAM) y mecánica (TM) persigue preservar las funciones del aparato respiratorio. Objetivo:. Evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento con vibraciones transtorácicas más insuflación-exuflación mecánica frente a las técnicas manuales, para inducir tos asistida en pacientes pediátricos con PCI grave o profunda. Método: 40 niños con PCI hospitalizados por infecciones respiratorias con edad me...





    El moco es un gel polimérico e hidrofílico que cubre diversas superficies epiteliales y es parte del mecanismo de defensa innato presente en el tracto respiratorio humano. Las diversas partículas inhaladas y agentes patógenos que quedan atrapados en éste, son eliminados a través. del transporte mucociliar ("clearence" mucociliar). El moco, está formado por una matriz polimérica (1%), agua (95%) y también iones y otras proteínas (2%). La matriz polimérica está formada principalmente por ...


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    Martín Acosta Fernández


    Full Text Available Se llevó a cabo un Autodiagnóstico Participativo (ADP en una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de colchones y hule espuma en Guadalajara, México con la finalidad de involucrar a los trabajadores en la identificación de los problemas de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (SSO. Se conformó un grupo nominal de 14 participantes. La recogida de datos se efectuó a través de distintas técnicas participativas como la inserción en el campo, la entrevista y discusión en grupo nominal. Los resultados obtenidos fueron la identificación de nueve problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo. Desatacaron las molestias respiratorias por la aspiración de partículas de borra, los problemas visuales por fatiga y el estrés por procedimientos inadecuados con una calificación de (3 Muy frecuentes. El nivel de gravedad adjudicado a los problemas de salud fue de (3 Muy grave para el estrés por procedimientos inadecuados y caídas, (2 Grave para los problemas respiratorios por aspiración de partículas y problemas visuales. Las soluciones sugeridas fueron, para los problemas respiratorios, la utilización de equipo de protección personal, la reducción de partículas en suspensión y el uso de cubrebocas para los visitantes al área. Y para el estrés, reacomodo de materiales, reacondicionamiento del espacio de trabajo. Se concluyó que la participación de los trabajadores en la identificación de problemas de SSO les hace más conscientes de los problemas y más propositivos en la construcción de alternativas de solución.

  1. 174. Experiencia del oxigenador de membrana extracorpórea como asistencia respiratoria en el adulto

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    A.M. Bel Mínguez


    Conclusiones: Es una técnica rápida, poco agresiva y más económica que otros dispositivos de asistencia. Asimismo, los resultados con ECMO demuestran que representa un medio eficaz de proporcionar soporte respiratorio cuando el tratamiento convencional fracasa en pacientes sin otras alternativas.

  2. Efectos agudos de las partículas respirables y del dióxido de azufre sobre la salud respiratoria en niños del área industrial de Puchuncaví, Chile

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    Sánchez Juan


    Full Text Available Se investigó el efecto agudo de la contaminación atmosférica sobre la salud respiratoria en 114 niños de 6 a 12 años de edad residentes en la zona industrial de Puchuncaví, V Región de Chile: 57 con síntomas respiratorios crónicos y 57 asintomáticos. Durante 66 días se midieron diariamente los niveles de partículas respirables de tamaño < 10 mym (PM10 y de dióxido de azufre (SO2 en el aire. Los participantes fueron seleccionados y clasificados según su susceptibilidad a la enfermedad respiratoria crónica, para lo cual se utilizó un cuestionario de síntomas respiratorios aplicado a un total de 882 niños residentes en el área de influencia de las emisiones de una fundición de cobre y de una central termoeléctrica. Diariamente se registraron el flujo espiratorio máximo (FEM y la incidencia de síntomas respiratorios. La asociación de los niveles de PM10 y SO2 con el FEM y la incidencia de tos, expectoración, sibilancias, disnea y uso de broncodilatadores fue estimada por modelos de regresión (ecuaciones estimativas generalizadas. En los niños inicialmente sintomáticos, un incremento de 50 myg/m³ en el nivel medio diario de SO2 dio lugar a una reducción de -1,42 L/min (intervalo de confianza de 95% (IC95%: -2,84 a -0,71 en el FEM del día siguiente, mientras que un aumento de 30 myg/m³ en la concentración acumulada de tres días de PM10 produjo una disminución de -2,84 L/min (IC95%: -4,26 a 0,00. Con respecto a los síntomas, un aumento de 30 myg/m³ en el nivel medio semanal de PM10 se relacionó con un incremento de 26% (razón de posibilidades (RP = 1,26; IC95%: 1,01 a 1,57 en la incidencia de tos y de 23% (RP = 1,23; IC95%: 1,00 a 1,50 en la incidencia de expectoración, un aumento de 50 myg/m³ en el nivel medio de SO2 durante tres días se asoció a un incremento de 5% (RP = 1,05; IC95%: 1,00 a 1,10 en la incidencia de expectoración y un aumento de 30 (myg/m³ en el promedio diario de PM10 incrementó el uso

  3. Late Financial Distress Process Stages and Financial Ratios

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sormunen, Nina; Laitinen, Teija


    stage affects the classification ability of single financial ratios and financial distress prediction models in short-term financial distress prediction. The study shows that the auditor's GC task could be supported by paying attention to the financial distress process stage. The implications...... of these findings for auditors and every stakeholder of business firms are considered....


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    Dr. Carlos Ubilla


    Full Text Available La exposición de la población a la contaminación del aire es ubicua e involuntaria y puede ocasionar desde efectos fisiológicos imperceptibles hasta enfermedades y muerte. Los niños son un grupo especialmente vulnerable por la inmadurez del sistema respiratorio e inmune y por las conductas propias de la edad. Los efectos respiratorios en los niños a corto plazo más reportados en la literatura son: aumento de síntomas y consultas de urgencia por causas respiratorias, aumento de exacerbaciones asmáticas y reducción en la función pulmonar. El efecto a largo plazo con evidencia más consistente es el déficit en el crecimiento de la función pulmonar en los niños más expuestos. El efecto de la contaminación en la incidencia de asma, es más controversial. Es esencial que los profesionales de la salud reconozcan los efectos causados por la contaminación e instruyan a los padres para reducir al mínimo la exposición a los contaminantes en los niños.

  5. Understanding psychological distress among pediatric cancer caregivers. (United States)

    Nam, Gina E; Warner, Echo L; Morreall, Deborah K; Kirchhoff, Anne C; Kinney, Anita Y; Fluchel, Mark


    Few studies have examined distress in caregivers of pediatric cancer patients. We evaluated the association of socioeconomic, demographic, and patient clinical factors on caregivers' self-reported psychological distress associated with having a child with cancer. N = 366 pediatric cancer caregivers completed a self-administered questionnaire from July 2010 to July 2012. The Impact of Event Scale (IES), along with two subscales "intrusion" and "avoidance" measured caregiver cancer-specific distress, with higher scores indicating greater distress. Multivariable linear regression models were used to calculate coefficients (β) and 95 % confidence intervals (95 % CI) of IES by socioeconomic, demographic, and clinical factors. Average caregiver IES score was 31.2 (standard deviation (SD) = 16.9, range 0-75). Mean intrusion score was 18.1 (SD 9.8, range 0-35) and avoidance score was 12.8 (SD 9.0, range 0-40). Caregivers with household incomes psychological distress for caregivers of pediatric oncology patients. These findings underscore the importance of developing and testing interventions aimed at evaluating and addressing the psychosocial needs for high-risk caregivers in addition to those of patients.

  6. Riesgo reproductivo preconcepcional: análisis de su comportamiento en tres consultorios médicos Preconceptional reproductive risk: analysis of its behavior in three family physician’s offices

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    Yanet Cabrera Cao


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en el que se analizó el comportamiento del riesgo reproductivo preconcepcional en 412 mujeres en edad fértil de 3 consultorios del Grupo Básico de Trabajo C, del Policlínico "Plaza de la Revolución", en el período comprendido de enero de 2002 a enero de 2004. Se valoraron diferentes variables como: la edad, los principales factores de riesgo, los métodos anticonceptivos utilizados, y como resultado de las acciones integrales de salud, el riesgo obstétrico y la morbimortalidad maternoinfantil. Se encontró un subregistro del riesgo preconcepcional, y el factor de riesgo de mayor prevalencia fue la edad menor de 18 años. Los dispositivos intrauterinos y las píldoras predominaron dentro de los contraceptivos, pero no se vio un enfoque epidemiológico de riesgo individual e integral en la elección del método anticonceptivo según factor de riesgo. En los casos con riesgo preconcepcional, independientemente de su previa dispensarización o no, se apreció relación directa con el riesgo obstétrico y perinatal, siendo el peso de riesgo al nacer, los partos distócicos, la toxemia, el distress respiratorio y el sufrimiento fetal agudo los más frecuentes.A descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken to analyze the behavior of the preconceptional reproductive risk in 412 women at fertile age from 3 family physician’s offices of the Basic Working Group C of “Plaza de la Revolución” Polyclinic from January 2002 to January 2004. Different variables such as age, main risk factors, contraceptive methods used, and as a result of the comprehensive health actions, the obstetric risk and the maternal and children’s morbimortality. A subregistry of preconceptional risk was found and the risk factor of higher prevalence was the age under 18. The intrauterine devices and the pills predominated within the contraceptive methods, but there was not an epidemiological approach of

  7. Distress among young adult cancer survivors: a cohort study. (United States)

    Yanez, Betina; Garcia, Sofia F; Victorson, David; Salsman, John M


    Being diagnosed with cancer as a young adult can lead to significant psychological distress and impaired quality of life. Compared to children and older adults diagnosed with cancer, fewer studies have addressed psychological distress among young adult cancer survivors. This study sought to identify the prevalence of, and factors associated with, distress among young adult cancer survivors (ages 18-39). Young adult cancer survivors (N = 335, mean age = 31.8, women = 68.4%) were recruited from an online research panel and stratified by cohort (time postactive treatment: 0-12, 13-24, and 25-60 months). Participants completed measures assessing demographic and clinical characteristics, global impact of cancer, cancer-related education and work interruption, and cancer-specific distress using the impact of event scale (IES). The mean score on the IES (M = 31.0, range = 0-75) was above the cut point of 20, suggesting clinically elevated distress. Analysis of covariance revealed significant main effects for cohort, global impact and cancer-related education/work interruption, and an interaction between cohort and cancer-related education/work interruption on distress. Although there was no significant effect of education/work interruption on distress for those in the 0-12 month cohort (p = .88), survivors in the 13-24 and 25-60 month cohorts reporting education/work interruption were significantly more distressed than those not reporting education/work interruption in the respective cohorts (p cancer survivors face unique challenges. These data underscore the importance of attending to cancer-related distress beyond the completion of treatment and may help inform targeted interventions to prevent or reduce significant distress and related sequelae in this population.

  8. The effectiveness of bibliotherapy in alleviating tinnitus-related distress. (United States)

    Malouff, John M; Noble, William; Schutte, Nicola S; Bhullar, Navjot


    The present study examined the efficacy of bibliotherapy in assisting individuals experiencing distress related to tinnitus. One hundred sixty-two tinnitus sufferers from Australia participated in a study designed to examine the effectiveness of a cognitive-behaviorally based self-help book in reducing distress. To maximize the ecological validity of the findings, we excluded no individuals interested in treatment for tinnitus-related distress. The experimental condition lost 35% of participants at postassessment, compared to 10% in the control group. In an analysis of participants who completed postintervention assessment, those assigned to the intervention condition, who received a tinnitus self-help book, showed significantly less tinnitus-related distress and general distress 2 months later compared to those assigned to the waiting list control condition. The intervention group's reduction in tinnitus-related distress and general distress from preintervention to postintervention 2 months later was significant, and these participants maintained a significant reduction in distress on follow-up 4 months after they received the tinnitus self-help book. A long-term follow-up of all participants, who at that time had received the book at least a year previously, showed a significant reduction in tinnitus distress. Although these group differences and pre-post changes were significant, effect sizes were small. Intention-to-treat analyses showed no significant effect for between-groups analyses, but did show a significant effect for the 1-year follow-up pre-post analysis. Information on the effectiveness of using a self-help book, without therapist assistance, in alleviating distress is important, as bibliotherapy can provide inexpensive treatment that is not bound by time or place. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Psychological distress through immigration: the two-phase temporal pattern? (United States)

    Ritsner, M; Ponizovsky, A


    A large community sample, cross-sectional and in part longitudinal design, and comparison groups was used to determine the timing of psychological distress among immigrants. A total of 2,378 adult immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel completed the self-administered questionnaire Talbieh Brief Distress Inventory. The aggregate levels of distress and six psychological symptoms--obsessiveness, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and paranoid ideation--were compared at 20 intervals covering 1 to 60 months after resettlement. The level of psychological distress was significantly higher in the immigrants than that of Israeli natives but not in the potential immigrant controls. A two-phase temporal pattern of development of psychological distress was revealed consisting of escalation and reduction phases. The escalation phase was characterized by an increase in distress levels until the 27th month after arrival (a peak) and the reduction phase led to a decline returning to normal levels. The 1-month prevalence rate was 15.6% for the total sample, and for highly distressed subjects it reached 24% at the 27th month after arrival, and it declined to 4% at the 44th month. The time pattern of distress shared males and females, married and divorced/widowed (but not singles), as well as subjects of all age groups (except for immigrants in their forties). The two-phase pattern of distress obtained according to cross-sectional data was indirectly confirmed through a longitudinal way. Claims of early euphoric or distress-free period followed by mental health crisis frequently referred to in the literature on migration was not supported by this study.

  10. Hearts and minds: Agency and discourse on distress. (United States)

    Kemp, Martin


    This paper is based on ethnographic fieldwork in south Bristol, United Kingdom, and on the south Atlantic island of St Helena. It addresses the relationship between the experience of psychosocial distress, the language used to express such distress and the socio-cultural constraints on both language and experience. Accounts of emotional distress were obtained from interviews with 36 informants in south Bristol and with 40 informants on St Helena. Informants in both settings shared a Euro-American discourse on the self in which emotional distress is conceived as a breakdown in human agency. This discourse is linked to narrative as a way of depicting and re-affirming individual agency. A prototypical concept of narrative is used in this paper to interpret accounts of emotional distress. This interpretation demonstrates the usefulness of the idea of narrative for understanding such experiences.

  11. Comparison of the models of financial distress prediction

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    Jiří Omelka


    Full Text Available Prediction of the financial distress is generally supposed as approximation if a business entity is closed on bankruptcy or at least on serious financial problems. Financial distress is defined as such a situation when a company is not able to satisfy its liabilities in any forms, or when its liabilities are higher than its assets. Classification of financial situation of business entities represents a multidisciplinary scientific issue that uses not only the economic theoretical bases but interacts to the statistical, respectively to econometric approaches as well.The first models of financial distress prediction have originated in the sixties of the 20th century. One of the most known is the Altman’s model followed by a range of others which are constructed on more or less conformable bases. In many existing models it is possible to find common elements which could be marked as elementary indicators of potential financial distress of a company. The objective of this article is, based on the comparison of existing models of prediction of financial distress, to define the set of basic indicators of company’s financial distress at conjoined identification of their critical aspects. The sample defined this way will be a background for future research focused on determination of one-dimensional model of financial distress prediction which would subsequently become a basis for construction of multi-dimensional prediction model.

  12. Reduction in mental distress among substance users receiving inpatient treatment

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    Friborg Oddgeir


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Substance users being admitted to inpatient treatment experience a high level of mental distress. In this study we explored changes in mental distress during treatment. Methods Mental distress, as measured by the HSCL-10, was registered at admission and at discharge among 164 substance users in inpatient treatment in Northern Norway. Predictors of reduction in mental distress were examined utilizing hierarchical regression analysis. Results We found a significant reduction in mental distress in the sample, but the number of patients scoring above cut-off on the HSCL-10 at discharge was still much higher than in the general population. A more severe use of substances as measured by the AUDIT and the DUDIT, and being female, predicted a higher level of mental distress at admission to treatment as well as greater reduction in mental distress during treatment. Holding no education beyond 10 year compulsory school only predicted a reduction in mental distress. Conclusions The toxic and withdrawal effects of substances, level of education as well as gender, contributed to the differences in change in mental distress during treatment. Regression to the mean may in part explain some of the findings.

  13. Predicting Financial Distress and Closure in Rural Hospitals. (United States)

    Holmes, George M; Kaufman, Brystana G; Pink, George H


    Annual rates of rural hospital closure have been increasing since 2010, and hospitals that close have poor financial performance relative to those that remain open. This study develops and validates a latent index of financial distress to forecast the probability of financial distress and closure within 2 years for rural hospitals. Hospital and community characteristics are used to predict the risk of financial distress 2 years in the future. Financial and community data were drawn for 2,466 rural hospitals from 2000 through 2013. We tested and validated a model predicting a latent index of financial distress (FDI), measured by unprofitability, equity decline, insolvency, and closure. Using the predicted FDI score, hospitals are assigned to high, medium-high, medium-low, and low risk of financial distress for use by practitioners. The FDI forecasts 8.01% of rural hospitals to be at high risk of financial distress in 2015, 16.3% as mid-high, 46.8% as mid-low, and 28.9% as low risk. The rate of closure for hospitals in the high-risk category is 4 times the rate in the mid-high category and 28 times that in the mid-low category. The ability of the FDI to discriminate hospitals experiencing financial distress is supported by a c-statistic of .74 in a validation sample. This methodology offers improved specificity and predictive power relative to existing measures of financial distress applied to rural hospitals. This risk assessment tool may inform programs at the federal, state, and local levels that provide funding or support to rural hospitals. © 2016 National Rural Health Association.

  14. Predictors of distress and anxiety during pregnancy | Roos | African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: There is a high incidence of distressing psychological symptoms including anxiety in pregnancy. Nevertheless, predictors of distress and anxiety during pregnancy have not been well characterized. We determined whether temperament and character, trait anxiety, resilience, and social support predicted distress ...

  15. 47 CFR 80.1113 - Transmission of a distress alert. (United States)


    ... Section 80.1113 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operating Procedures for Distress and Safety Communications § 80.1113 Transmission of a distress alert. (a) The...

  16. Maternal psychological distress after preterm birth: Disruptive or adaptive?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hall, Ruby A.s.; Hoffenkamp, Hannah N.; Braeken, Johan; Tooten, Anneke; Vingerhoets, A.J.J.M.; Van Bakel, Hedwig J.a.


    BACKGROUND: Maternal postpartum distress is often construed as a marker of vulnerability to poor parenting. Less is known, however, about the impact of postpartum distress on parenting an infant born prematurely. The present study investigated whether high distress levels, which are particularly

  17. Stressors, resources, and distress among homeless persons: a longitudinal analysis. (United States)

    Wong, Y L; Piliavin, I


    Relations among stressors, resources, and psychological distress were examined using two waves of data obtained from a probability sample of homeless persons (N = 430) residing in a large, demographically diverse county in North California. The focus of research was to examine whether and how social resources and housing resources directly affect distress and mediate the impact of stress factors on depressive symptoms. Path analysis results revealed that levels of psychological distress were responsive to change in objective housing circumstances, with the attainment of domicile status being associated with fewer distress symptoms. Our findings, however, indicated only modest effects of social resources on psychological distress through direct effects and mediating effects of life stressors on distress. Overall, the study suggests that the relationships among stressors, resources, and distress for homeless persons may be understood within the same analytical framework for the general population.

  18. Asian elephants (Elephas maximus reassure others in distress

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    Joshua M. Plotnik


    Full Text Available Contact directed by uninvolved bystanders toward others in distress, often termed consolation, is uncommon in the animal kingdom, thus far only demonstrated in the great apes, canines, and corvids. Whereas the typical agonistic context of such contact is relatively rare within natural elephant families, other causes of distress may trigger similar, other-regarding responses. In a study carried out at an elephant camp in Thailand, we found that elephants affiliated significantly more with other individuals through directed, physical contact and vocal communication following a distress event than in control periods. In addition, bystanders affiliated with each other, and matched the behavior and emotional state of the first distressed individual, suggesting emotional contagion. The initial distress responses were overwhelmingly directed toward ambiguous stimuli, thus making it difficult to determine if bystanders reacted to the distressed individual or showed a delayed response to the same stimulus. Nonetheless, the directionality of the contacts and their nature strongly suggest attention toward the emotional states of conspecifics. The elephants’ behavior is therefore best classified with similar consolation responses by apes, possibly based on convergent evolution of empathic capacities.

  19. Resilience and Psychological Distress in Psychology and Medical Students. (United States)

    Bacchi, Stephen; Licinio, Julio


    The authors investigated levels of resilience and psychological distress in medical and psychology students, factors that may affect these levels, the relationship between resilience and psychological distress, and student opinion on causes of stress and possible interventions. A voluntary anonymous online survey was distributed to University of Adelaide medical and psychology students. Medical and psychology students (n = 560; response rate = 24.7%) had similar mean resilience and psychological distress scores, and 47.9% of medical students and 55.1% of psychology students were psychologically distressed. Higher levels of resilience were associated with lower levels of distress (p Students supported resilience-based interventions, greater financial support, clearer learning objectives and more continuous assessment as potential means to reduce the effects of stress. Higher levels of resilience were associated with lower levels of psychological distress. Further studies are required to determine the efficacy of resilience-based interventions in these groups.

  20. Narrating psychological distress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zinken, Jörg; Blakemore, Caroline; Zinken, Katarzyna


    Psychological research has emphasized the importance of narrative for a person's sense of self. Building a coherent narrative of past events is one objective of psychotherapy. However, in guided self-help therapy the patient has to develop this narrative autonomously. Identifying patients......' narrative skills in relation to psychological distress could provide useful information about their suitability for self-help. The aim of this study was to explore whether the syntactic integration of clauses into narrative in texts written by prospective psychotherapy patients was related to mild...... to moderate psychological distress. Cross-clausal syntax of texts by 97 people who had contacted a primary care mental health service was analyzed. Severity of symptoms associated with mental health difficulties was assessed by a standardized scale (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation outcome measure...

  1. Psychological and physical distress of cancer patients during radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koenig, A.


    Purpose: patients undergoing radiotherapy have physical and psychological symptoms related to the underlying disease and the treatment. In order to give the best possible support to the patients, more knowledge about the amount and the changing of distress in the course of radiotherapy is of essentially importance. Methods: The distress was measured in a consecutive sample of cancer patients (n=82) undergoing radiotherapy. Each patient was given the EORTC-QLQ-C30, the HADS and a special questionnaire which ascertain radiotherapy-specific items before starting the radiotherapy, at the onset of radiotherapy, in the third week of radiotherapy and 3 weeks after the end of radiotherapy. Results: within the first week of treatment the psychological distress of the patients is increasing; 98.8 % of the patients are 'moderate distressed', 46 % 'severe distressed'. General physical symptoms seem not to be affected by the radiotherapy, there is no changing. The distress caused by the organization of the radiotherapy is decreasing, while therapy-related symptoms are increasing in the course of radiotherapy. Even after the end of the therapy these symptoms keep on causing distress, sometimes in a higher amount than before. A correlation between sex, sort of cancer and curative or palliative treatment and the amount of distress was found. Conclusion: the results stress the importance of adequate emotional support for patients undergoing radiotherapy especially in the first week of treatment and after the treatment. There is a need for the development of a valid radiotherapy - questionnaire in order to be able to measure the distress of these patients. (author)

  2. Moral distress and professional freedom of speech among doctors. (United States)

    Førde, Reidun; Aasland, Olaf Gjerløw


    Previous studies indicate that Norwegian doctors experience distress in their encounter with differing and partly contradictory ideals, such as the obligation to criticise unethical and inappropriate practices. The objective of this study was to investigate the perception of moral distress and professional freedom of speech among Norwegian doctors as of today, as well as identify changes that have occurred since the previous study undertaken in 2004. A total of 1,522 economically active doctors received a questionnaire listing various statements describing the perception of moral distress and professional freedom of speech. The responses were compared to responses to the 2004 study. Altogether 67% of the doctors responded to the questionnaire. The proportion who reported «fairly strong» or «strong» moral distress varied from 24% to 70% among the different statements. On the whole, the «rank and file» hospital doctors reported the highest degree of moral distress. Nevertheless, a decrease in the scores for moral distress could be observed from 2004 to 2010. During the same period, the perception of professional freedom of speech increased slightly. A reduced level of distress associated with ethical conflicts in working life may be due to improved methods for handling distressing situations, or because the consequences of the health services reorganisations are perceived as less threatening now than in 2004, immediately after the introduction of the hospital reform. However, the perceived lower distress level may also be due to professional and ethical resignation. These findings should be followed up by a qualitative study.

  3. Mental distress predicts divorce over 16 years: the HUNT study. (United States)

    Idstad, Mariann; Torvik, Fartein Ask; Borren, Ingrid; Rognmo, Kamilla; Røysamb, Espen; Tambs, Kristian


    The association between mental distress and divorce is well established in the literature. Explanations are commonly classified within two different frameworks; social selection (mentally distressed people are selected out of marriage) and social causation (divorce causes mental distress). Despite a relatively large body of literature on this subject, selection effects are somewhat less studied, and research based on data from both spouses is scarce. The purpose of the present study is to investigate selection effects both at the individual level and the couple level. The current study is based on couple-level data from a Norwegian representative sample including 20,233 couples. Long-term selection effects were tested for by means of Cox proportional hazard models, using mental distress in both partners at baseline as predictors of divorce the next 16 years. Three identical sets of analyses were run. The first included the total sample, whereas the second and third excluded couples who divorced within the first 4 or 8 years after baseline, respectively. An interaction term between mental distress in husband and in wife was specified and tested. Hazard of divorce was significantly higher in couples with one mentally distressed partner than in couples with no mental distress in all analyses. There was also a significant interaction effect showing that the hazard of divorce for couples with two mentally distressed partners was higher than for couples with one mentally distressed partner, but lower than what could be expected from the combined main effects of two mentally distressed partners. Our results suggest that mentally distressed individuals are selected out of marriage. We also found support for a couple-level effect in which spouse similarity in mental distress to a certain degree seems to protect against divorce.

  4. Nurse moral distress: A survey identifying predictors and potential interventions. (United States)

    Rathert, Cheryl; May, Douglas R; Chung, Hye Sook


    Ethical dilemmas and conflicts are inherent in today's health care organizations and may lead to moral distress, which is often associated with physical and psychological symptoms. Although the existence of moral distress has been observed by scholars for decades, most of the research has been descriptive and has examined what types of health care conflicts lead to distress. This study tested a comprehensive model, underpinned by Social Cognitive Theory, that examined work environment and intrapersonal variables that may influence moral distress. We surveyed nursing staff employed in a U.S. acute care hospital (response rate=45%; n=290). More than half of the respondents reported they experience ethical dilemmas and conflicts from several times a month to daily, and nearly half reported they experience moral distress at least several times a month. Structural equation modeling analysis simultaneously examined the effects of five independent variables on moral distress and moral voice: (a) frequency of ethical dilemmas and conflicts; (b) moral efficacy; (c) ethics communication; (d) ethical environment; and (e) organizational ethics support. Results revealed significant independent effects of the frequency of ethics issues and organizational ethics support on moral distress. Bootstrapping analysis indicated that voice fully mediated the relationship between moral efficacy and moral distress, and partially mediated the relationship between organizational ethics support and distress. Supplemental analysis revealed that organizational ethics support moderated the moral efficacy-voice-moral distress relationship such that when organizational support was low, moral efficacy was negatively related to moral distress via voice. Although it may be impossible to eliminate all ethical dilemmas and conflicts, leaders and organizations may wish to help improve nurses' moral efficacy, which appears to give rise to voice, and reduced moral distress. Increasing organizational

  5. Young Children Sympathize Less in Response to Unjustified Emotional Distress (United States)

    Hepach, Robert; Vaish, Amrisha; Tomasello, Michael


    Three-year-old children saw an adult displaying the exact same distress in 3 different conditions: (a) the adult's distress was appropriate to a genuine harm, (b) the adult's distress was an overreaction to a minor inconvenience, and (c) there was no apparent cause for the adult's distress. Children who witnessed the adult being appropriately…

  6. It could have been me: vicarious victims and disaster-focused distress. (United States)

    Wayment, Heidi A


    College students who had experienced no personal bereavement in the September 11 terrorist attacks completed questionnaires between 3 and 5 weeks after the attacks and 5 months later. Cross-sectional and longitudinal structural equation model (SEM) analyses revealed that general distress and disaster-focused distress are discernable reactions following a collective loss. Both types of distress were higher among women and by those reporting social strain. General distress was associated with previous stressful events and mental health issues. Perceived similarity to the victims predicted disaster-focused distress and mediated the relationship between attending to media accounts of victims and disaster-focused distress. Only the disaster-focused distress reactions of survivor guilt and grief were associated with collective helping behaviors after the attacks and, for women, these behaviors were associated with greater reductions in these distress reactions over time. Discussion focuses on the importance of examining disaster-focused distress reactions following collective loss.

  7. Mental Disorder, Psychological Distress, and Functional Status in Canadian Military Personnel. (United States)

    Sampasa-Kanyinga, Hugues; Zamorski, Mark A; Colman, Ian


    We examined the overlap between mood and anxiety disorders and psychological distress and their associations with functional status in Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel. Data on Regular Forces personnel ( N = 6700) were derived from the 2013 Canadian Forces Mental Health Survey, a nationally representative survey of the CAF personnel. Current psychological distress was assessed using the Kessler K10 scale. Past-month mood and anxiety disorders were assessed using the World Health Organization World Mental Health Composite Diagnostic Interview. The prevalence of psychological distress was the same as that of any past-month mood or anxiety disorder (7.1% for each). A total of 3.8% had both distress and past-month mood or anxiety disorder, 3.3% had past-month disorder without psychological distress, while another 3.3% had psychological distress in the absence of a past-month mood or anxiety disorder. After adjusting for age, sex, marital, education, income, language, element, rank, and alcohol use disorder, individuals with both psychological distress and past-month mood and anxiety disorders exhibited the highest levels of disability, days out of role, and work absenteeism relative to those with neither mental disorders nor psychological distress. Relative to individuals with both disorder and distress, those who endured distress in the absence of mental disorder exhibited lower, but meaningful, levels of disability compared with those with neither disorder nor distress. Disability is most severe among CAF personnel with both distress and past-month mood and anxiety disorders. Nevertheless, distress in the absence of disorder is prevalent and is associated with meaningful levels of disability.

  8. Does tinnitus distress depend on age of onset?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Winfried Schlee

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Tinnitus is the perception of a sound in the absence of any physical source of it. About 5-15% of the population report hearing such a tinnitus and about 1-2% suffer from their tinnitus leading to anxiety, sleep disorders or depression. It is currently not completely understood why some people feel distressed by their tinnitus, while others don't. Several studies indicate that the amount of tinnitus distress is associated with many factors including comorbid anxiety, comorbid depression, personality, the psychosocial situation, the amount of the related hearing loss and the loudness of the tinnitus. Furthermore, theoretical considerations suggest an impact of the age at tinnitus onset influencing tinnitus distress. METHODS: Based on a sample of 755 normal hearing tinnitus patients we tested this assumption. All participants answered a questionnaire on the amount of tinnitus distress together with a large variety of clinical and demographic data. RESULTS: Patients with an earlier onset of tinnitus suffer significantly less than patients with an onset later in life. Furthermore, patients with a later onset of tinnitus describe their course of tinnitus distress as more abrupt and distressing right from the beginning. CONCLUSION: We argue that a decline of compensatory brain plasticity in older age accounts for this age-dependent tinnitus decompensation.

  9. Does tinnitus distress depend on age of onset? (United States)

    Schlee, Winfried; Kleinjung, Tobias; Hiller, Wolfgang; Goebel, Gerhard; Kolassa, Iris-Tatjana; Langguth, Berthold


    Tinnitus is the perception of a sound in the absence of any physical source of it. About 5-15% of the population report hearing such a tinnitus and about 1-2% suffer from their tinnitus leading to anxiety, sleep disorders or depression. It is currently not completely understood why some people feel distressed by their tinnitus, while others don't. Several studies indicate that the amount of tinnitus distress is associated with many factors including comorbid anxiety, comorbid depression, personality, the psychosocial situation, the amount of the related hearing loss and the loudness of the tinnitus. Furthermore, theoretical considerations suggest an impact of the age at tinnitus onset influencing tinnitus distress. Based on a sample of 755 normal hearing tinnitus patients we tested this assumption. All participants answered a questionnaire on the amount of tinnitus distress together with a large variety of clinical and demographic data. Patients with an earlier onset of tinnitus suffer significantly less than patients with an onset later in life. Furthermore, patients with a later onset of tinnitus describe their course of tinnitus distress as more abrupt and distressing right from the beginning. We argue that a decline of compensatory brain plasticity in older age accounts for this age-dependent tinnitus decompensation.

  10. Does Tinnitus Distress Depend on Age of Onset? (United States)

    Schlee, Winfried; Kleinjung, Tobias; Hiller, Wolfgang; Goebel, Gerhard; Kolassa, Iris-Tatjana; Langguth, Berthold


    Objectives Tinnitus is the perception of a sound in the absence of any physical source of it. About 5–15% of the population report hearing such a tinnitus and about 1–2% suffer from their tinnitus leading to anxiety, sleep disorders or depression. It is currently not completely understood why some people feel distressed by their tinnitus, while others don't. Several studies indicate that the amount of tinnitus distress is associated with many factors including comorbid anxiety, comorbid depression, personality, the psychosocial situation, the amount of the related hearing loss and the loudness of the tinnitus. Furthermore, theoretical considerations suggest an impact of the age at tinnitus onset influencing tinnitus distress. Methods Based on a sample of 755 normal hearing tinnitus patients we tested this assumption. All participants answered a questionnaire on the amount of tinnitus distress together with a large variety of clinical and demographic data. Results Patients with an earlier onset of tinnitus suffer significantly less than patients with an onset later in life. Furthermore, patients with a later onset of tinnitus describe their course of tinnitus distress as more abrupt and distressing right from the beginning. Conclusion We argue that a decline of compensatory brain plasticity in older age accounts for this age-dependent tinnitus decompensation. PMID:22125612

  11. Industry specific financial distress modeling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naz Sayari


    Full Text Available This study investigates uncertainty levels of various industries and tries to determine financial ratios having the greatest information content in determining the set of industry characteristics. It then uses these ratios to develop industry specific financial distress models. First, we employ factor analysis to determine the set of ratios that are most informative in specified industries. Second, we use a method based on the concept of entropy to measure the level of uncertainty in industries and also to single out the ratios that best reflect the uncertainty levels in specific industries. Finally, we conduct a logistic regression analysis and derive industry specific financial distress models which can be used to judge the predictive ability of selected financial ratios for each industry. The results show that financial ratios do indeed echo industry characteristics and that information content of specific ratios varies among different industries. Our findings show diverging impact of industry characteristics on companies; and thus the necessity of constructing industry specific financial distress models.

  12. Negative Emotions and Behaviors are Markers of Breakup Distress (United States)

    Field, Tiffany; Diego, Miguel; Pelaez, Martha; Deeds, Osvelia; Delgado, Jeanette


    Method: University students who experienced a recent romantic breakup were given several self-report measures and were then divided into high versus low breakup distress groups. Results: The high breakup distress versus the low breakup distress groups had higher scores on negative emotions scales including depression, anxiety and anger and…

  13. Psychological distress two years after diagnosis of breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bleiker, E M; Pouwer, F; Van Der Ploeg, Henk M


    The present prospective study aimed at (1) investigating the frequency of high levels of psychological distress in women with early-stage breast cancer almost two years after diagnosis and (2) identifying characteristics associated with long-term distress. One hundred and seventy women participated...... of surgery). At the second measurement, subjective distress was assessed for a second time by means of the Impact of Events Scale (IES). Almost two years after diagnosis, 16% of the women reported a high level of psychological distress as measured by the Intrusion scale (IES). Best predictors of a high level...

  14. Correlates of psychological distress, burnout, and resilience among Chinese female nurses (United States)

    ZOU, Guiyuan; SHEN, Xiuying; TIAN, Xiaohong; LIU, Chunqin; LI, Guopeng; KONG, Linghua; LI, Ping


    The present survey investigated the association between resilience, burnout and psychological distress among Chinese female nurses. A total of 366 female nurses were enrolled in our study. A series of self-reported questionnaires that dispose of the following constructs: psychological distress, burnout, and resilience were estimated. The hierarchical linear regression models were used to evaluate the mediating effect of resilience on the relationship between burnout and psychological distress. Results of the survey showed 85.5% nurses experienced psychological distress. Resilience was negatively related to psychological distress and burnout whereas burnout was positively associated with psychological distress. Mediation analysis revealed that resilience could partially mediate the relationship between the dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and psychological distress. This study highlights the mediator of resilience between burnout and psychological distress of female nurses. As such, interventions that attend to resilience training may be the focus for future clinical and research endeavors. PMID:27021058

  15. Attributional Models of Depression and Marital Distress. (United States)

    Horneffer, Karen J.; Fincham, Frank D.


    Compares attributional models presented in depression and marital literatures by examining simultaneously their prediction of depressive symptoms and marital distress with 150 married couples. Findings show that a model including paths from depressogenic and distress-maintaining marital attributions to both depressive symptoms and marital distress…

  16. [Acute respiratory distress syndrome: a review of the Berlin definition]. (United States)

    de Luis Cabezón, N; Sánchez Castro, I; Bengoetxea Uriarte, U X; Rodrigo Casanova, M P; García Peña, J M; Aguilera Celorrio, L


    Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is due to many causes. The absence of a universal definition up until now has led to a series of practical problems for a definitive diagnosis. The incidences of ARDS and Acute Lung Injury (ALI) vary widely in the current literature. The American-European Consensus Conference definition has been applied since its publication in 1994 and has helped to improve knowledge about ARDS. However, 18 years later, in 2011, the European Intensive Medicine Society, requested a team of international experts to meet in Berlin to review the ARDS definition. The purpose of the Berlin definition is not to use it as a prognostic tool, but to improve coherence between research and clinical practice. Copyright © 2013 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  17. Psychological distress and in vitro fertilization outcome. (United States)

    Pasch, Lauri A; Gregorich, Steven E; Katz, Patricia K; Millstein, Susan G; Nachtigall, Robert D; Bleil, Maria E; Adler, Nancy E


    To examine whether psychological distress predicts IVF treatment outcome as well as whether IVF treatment outcome predicts subsequent psychological distress. Prospective cohort study over an 18-month period. Five community and academic fertility practices. Two hundred two women who initiated their first IVF cycle. Women completed interviews and questionnaires at baseline and at 4, 10, and 18 months' follow-up. IVF cycle outcome and psychological distress. In a binary logistic model including covariates (woman's age, ethnicity, income, education, parity, duration of infertility, and time interval), pretreatment depression and anxiety were not significant predictors of the outcome of the first IVF cycle. In linear regression models including covariates (woman's age, income, education, parity, duration of infertility, assessment point, time since last treatment cycle, and pre-IVF depression or anxiety), experiencing failed IVF was associated with higher post-IVF depression and anxiety. IVF failure predicts subsequent psychological distress, but pre-IVF psychological distress does not predict IVF failure. Instead of focusing efforts on psychological interventions specifically aimed at improving the chance of pregnancy, these findings suggest that attention be paid to helping patients prepare for and cope with treatment and treatment failure. Copyright © 2012 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Medical student psychological distress and academic performance. (United States)

    Dendle, Claire; Baulch, Julie; Pellicano, Rebecca; Hay, Margaret; Lichtwark, Irene; Ayoub, Sally; Clarke, David M; Morand, Eric F; Kumar, Arunaz; Leech, Michelle; Horne, Kylie


    The impact of medical student psychological distress on academic performance has not been systematically examined. This study provided an opportunity to closely examine the potential impacts of workplace and study related stress factors on student's psychological distress and their academic performance during their first clinical year. This one-year prospective cohort study was performed at a tertiary hospital based medical school in Melbourne, Australia. Students completed a questionnaire at three time points during the year. The questionnaire included the validated Kessler psychological distress scale (K10) and the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28), as well as items about sources of workplace stress. Academic outcome scores were aggregated and correlated with questionnaire results. One hundred and twenty six students participated; 126 (94.7%), 102 (76.7%), and 99 (74.4%) at time points one, two, and three, respectively. 33.1% reported psychological distress at time point one, increasing to 47.4% at time point three. There was no correlation between the K10 scores and academic performance. There was weak negative correlation between the GHQ-28 at time point three and academic performance. Keeping up to date with knowledge, need to do well and fear of negative feedback were the most common workplace stress factors. Poor correlation was noted between psychological distress and academic performance.

  19. Estudio de la carga interna en pádel amateur mediante la frecuencia cardíaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jesús Díaz García


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar el nivel de condición física de 8 sujetos amateur de pádel, definir su perfil energético de esfuerzo en juego real mediante registro de frecuencia cardíaca (FC, y proponer un conjunto de variables justificadas de esta, que permita analizar el perfil de carga interna en pádel. Mediante prueba de esfuerzo incremental máxima en cinta de correr se obtuvieron parámetros ergoespirométricos, respiratorios y sus equivalentes cardíacos, introducidos en el sistema de registro de la FC Polar Team. Los sujetos disputaron 7 partidos de entrenamiento de 1 hora de duración y 72-96 horas de separación entre ellos, obteniéndose como variables: consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2 máx y porcentaje (% de VO2 máx en el umbral anaeróbico; en prueba de esfuerzo, FC máx., media y mín., y zonas de trabajo metabólicas (rangos de FC. Los resultados presentan VO2 máx de 51,15 ± 5,73 ml · kg–1 · min–1, FC máx. durante el juego de 154,75 ± 7,25 ppm, FC med de 130,0 ± 10,4 ppm para tiempo de juego y 89,75 % del tiempo de juego en zona de trabajo aeróbica. Como conclusión, el esfuerzo al que son sometidos durante el juego a nivel cardiorrespiratorio los jugadores amateur de pádel se basa casi exclusivamente en metabolismos aeróbicos. Además, las variables máx., mín. y media de FC para tiempos de juego y descanso y el establecimiento de zonas de trabajo de FC pueden aportarnos información importante sobre lo que ocurre en el juego a nivel cardiorrespiratorio.

  20. Moral distress among nurses in medical, surgical and intensive-care units. (United States)

    Lusignani, Maura; Giannì, Maria Lorella; Re, Luca Giuseppe; Buffon, Maria Luisa


    To assess the frequency, intensity and level of moral distress perceived by nurses working in medical, surgical and intensive care units. Moral distress among nurses compromises their ability to provide optimal patient care and may cause them to leave their job. A cross-sectional questionnaire survey of 283 registered nurses was conducted to evaluate the frequency, intensity and levels of moral distress. A revised version of the Moral Distress Scale (MDS-R) was used. The highest level of moral distress was associated with the provision of treatments and aggressive care that were not expected to benefit the patients and the competency of the health-care providers. Multivariate regression showed that nurses working in medical settings, nurses with lower levels of experience working in medical, surgical or intensive care settings, and nurses who intend to leave their job experienced the highest levels of moral distress. The present study indicates that nurses experience an overall moderate level of moral distress. Gaining further insight into the issue of moral distress among nurses and the clinical situations that most frequently cause this distress will enable development of strategies to reduce moral distress and to improve nurse satisfaction and, consequently, patient care. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Diabetes-Related Distress Assessment among Type 2 Diabetes Patients. (United States)

    Aljuaid, Majed O; Almutairi, Abdulmajeed M; Assiri, Mohammed A; Almalki, Dhifallah M; Alswat, Khaled


    Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases; it is a debilitating and hard to live with. Diabetes-related distress (DRD) refers to the emotional and behavioral changes caused by diabetes. Our study aims to assess the prevalence of DRD among type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients using Diabetes Distress Scale-17 items (DDS-17) and its relation to complications and treatment modalities. A cross-sectional study of adult T2D patients with follow-up visits at the Diabetes and Endocrinology Center in Taif, Saudi Arabia, between January and July 2017. We excluded patients with other forms of diabetes, untreated hypothyroidism, and psychiatric illness. The total score of DDS-17 was calculated by summing the 17 items' results and then dividing the total by 17. If the total score was >2, then it was considered as clinically significant results (moderate distress), but if it is ≥3, then it is classified as a high distress. A total of 509 T2D patients with a mean age of 58 ± 14 years were included. The majority of participants were male, married, not college educated, and reported a sedentary lifestyle. We found 25% of the screened T2D patients have moderate to high DRD. Regarding the DRD components, emotional distress was the most prevalent followed by physician-related distress. HabA1c was significantly higher in those with high combined distress and high emotional distress compared to those with mild/moderate distress ( p = 0.015 and 0.030, resp.). Our study shows that DRD is a medically relevant issue that clinicians need to address. Despite observing a low prevalence of DRD compared to other studies, we found significant correlations between DRD scores and HabA1c, triglyceride levels, BMI, T2D duration, and interval between visits.

  2. Distress attributed to negative symptoms in schizophrenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Selten, JP; Wiersma, D; van den Bosch, RJ


    The purpose of the study was to examine (1) to which negative symptoms schizophrenia patients attribute distress and (2) whether clinical variables can predict the levels of reported distress. With the help of a research assistant, 86 hospitalized patients completed a self-rating scale for negative

  3. Impact of Relational Proximity on Distress from Infidelity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maryanne Fisher


    Full Text Available Men are generally more distressed by a partner's sexual infidelity whereas women are generally more distressed by a partner's emotional infidelity. The importance of the identity of the interloper, however, has been neglected. We explored the influence of relational proximity (i.e., the degree of genetic relatedness on distress about infidelity. In Study 1, participants were most distressed when the imagined infidelity occurred between their current mate and close kin. In Study 2, relational proximity mattered more than the type of sexual behavior, the likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, and the likelihood of the infidelity leading to a damaged reputation. Together, the results indicate that identity matters, especially if the interloper is someone with whom we have familial bonds.

  4. Assessment of psychological distress among Asian adolescents and young adults (AYA) cancer patients using the distress thermometer: a prospective, longitudinal study. (United States)

    Chan, Alexandre; Poon, Eileen; Goh, Wei Lin; Gan, Yanxiang; Tan, Chia Jie; Yeo, Kelvin; Chua, Annabelle; Chee, Magdalene; Law, Yi Chye; Somasundaram, Nagavalli; Kanesvaran, Ravindran; Ng, Quan Sing; Tham, Chee Kian; Toh, Chee Keong; Lim, Soon Thye; Tao, Miriam; Tang, Tiffany; Quek, Richard; Farid, Mohamad


    Since few studies have investigated whether the Distress Thermometer (DT) in Asian adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients (between 15 and 39 years), we investigated the appropriateness of the DT as a screening tool for psychological symptom burden in these AYA patients and to evaluate AYA patients' distress across a trajectory of three time points longitudinally over a 6-month period. This was a prospective, longitudinal study. Recruited Asian AYA patients were diagnosed with lymphomas, sarcomas, primary brain malignancies, or germ cell tumors. Patients completed the DT, PedsQL Generic Core Scales, and the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. Data were analyzed using STATA version 15. Approximately half of the patients experienced clinically significant DT distress (distress score ≥ 4) early in their cancer journey with 43.1% patients presenting with distress at time of diagnosis and 47.7% patients 1 month after diagnosis. Among AYA patients > 24 years old, worry (68.3%), insurance/financial issues (61%), treatment decisions (43.9%), work/school issues (41.5%), nervousness (41.5%), and sadness (41.5%) were the top five identified problems. On the other hand, the top five identified problems among AYA ≤ 24 years were worry (54.2%), nervousness (41.7%), bathing/dressing problems (37.5%), work/school issues (33.3%), and fatigue (33.3%). DT scores were significantly associated with certain psychological symptom burden items such as worry (p psychological distress in AYA cancer patients with clinically significant distress being identified in the early phases of the cancer journey.

  5. Distress classification measures in the banking sector

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Carapeto


    Full Text Available This paper investigates distress classification measures in the banking sector. The power of ten different accounting measures is tested using media coverage as the benchmark for a sample of 1,175 banks which participated in merger and acquisitions or divestiture deals over the past 22 calendar years. According to the results of the study, a bank should be defined as distressed if the ratio of its non-performing loans to total loans is in the two highest deciles of the industry, using a three-year moving average. This measure is typically favored by practitioners, who maintain that other common measures, e.g., those involving provisions for loan losses, are not as accurate as they express only a managerial forecast. Interestingly, measures that capture capital adequacy too often depict the bank as healthy even if it is de facto distressed, while measures of asset quality, though highly correlated with each other, tend to overestimate the number of distressed banks.

  6. Diabetes Distress Among Persons With Type 1 Diabetes. (United States)

    Powers, Margaret A; Richter, Sara A; Ackard, Diann M; Craft, Cheryl


    Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate associations between diabetes distress and a range of psychological health behaviors and concerns among persons with type 1 diabetes for the benefit of enhancing early identification and intervention of at-risk individuals. Methods Persons with type 1 diabetes (n = 268; 57.1% female, 91.0% white, 76.8% satisfaction with life, self-esteem, self-efficacy, depression, perfectionism, body image satisfaction, dietary restraint and eating, and shape and weight concerns. Each subscale score was compared within age groups (depression scores and eating, and shape and weight concerns than those with low or moderate distress. For patients satisfaction with life, self-esteem, and self-efficacy and higher on dietary restraint and several areas of perfectionism than those with low or moderate distress. Conclusions Individuals with type 1 diabetes who have high diabetes distress also report higher A1C values and poorer psychological health concerns. A brief diabetes distress questionnaire can help to identify those who need additional screening, education and support, and treatment for overall health and well-being.

  7. Emotional distress in women presenting for breast imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, R.; Roy, S.; Nayak, Madhabika B.; Khoursheed, M.


    The aim of this study was to assess anxiety and depression in a sample of women presenting for imaging of breast following a clinical referral. Emotional distress in the women was also assessed in relation to demographic factors, reason for referral, presence for breast symptoms, type of imaging procedure performed and self-reported pain and discomfort during imaging. The study comprised 167 patients. The Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25) and a discomfort rating scale were used to assess emotional distress and discomfort or pain experienced during the imaging. While less than 10% of all subjects scored above psychiatric cut-off points for anxiety and depression, 25% and 20% reported significant distress associated with anxiety and depression symptoms respectively. Education alone was associated with higher anxiety scores, while the presence of breast symptoms significantly increased depression scores and reports of specific nonsomatic symptoms of depression. Higher anxiety and depression scores were also associated with pain experienced during the imaging procedure. Emotional distress may negatively impact women's experience of breast imaging. Screening for emotional distress is important within the context of breast imaging. (author)

  8. Women with breast cancer: self-reported distress in early survivorship. (United States)

    Lester, Joanne; Crosthwaite, Kara; Stout, Robin; Jones, Rachel N; Holloman, Christopher; Shapiro, Charles; Andersen, Barbara L


    To identify and compare levels of distress and sources of problems among patients with breast cancer in early survivorship. Descriptive, cross-sectional. A National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center. 100 breast cancer survivors were selected to represent four time points in the cancer trajectory. Distress was self-reported using the Distress Thermometer and its 38-item problem list. Analysis of variance and chi-square analyses were performed as appropriate. Distress scores, problem reports, and time groups. Participants scored in range of the cutoff of more than 4 (range = 4.1-5.1) from treatment through three months post-treatment. At six months post-treatment, distress levels were significantly lower. Significant differences were found between groups on the total problem list score (p = 0.007) and emotional (p = 0.01) and physical subscale scores (p = 0.003). Comparison of groups at different points in the cancer trajectory found similar elevated levels from diagnosis through three months. Distress remained elevated in early survivorship but significantly decreased at six months post-treatment. Interventions to reduce or prevent distress may improve outcomes in early survivorship.

  9. Behavioral Assessment of the Negative Emotion Aspect of Distress Tolerance. (United States)

    Veilleux, Jennifer C; Pollert, Garrett A; Zielinski, Melissa J; Shaver, Jennifer A; Hill, Morgan A


    The current behavioral tasks assessing distress tolerance measure tolerance to frustration and tolerance to physical discomfort, but do not explicitly assess tolerance to negative emotion. We closely evaluated the conceptual distinctions between current behavioral tasks and self-report tasks assessing distress tolerance, and then developed a new behavioral distress tolerance task called the Emotional Image Tolerance (EIT) task. The EIT task retains elements of existing behavioral tasks (e.g., indices of persistence) while augmenting the reliability and content sufficiency of existing measures by including multiple trials, including a variety of negative affect stimuli, and separating overall task persistence from task persistence after onset of distress. In a series of three studies, we found that the EIT correlated with extant behavioral measures of distress tolerance, the computerized mirror-tracing task and a physical cold pressor task. Across all of the studies, we also evaluated whether the EIT correlated with self-report measures of distress tolerance and measures of psychopathology (e.g., depression, anxiety, and binge eating). Implications for the refinement of the distress tolerance construct are discussed.

  10. Psychological Distress in Norwegian Nurses and Teachers over Nine Years

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    Per Nerdrum


    Full Text Available Psychological distress have been found to be high and influence negatively nurses’ and teachers’ work. In this nine-year project, we present the first longitudinal study comparing psychological distress from 1467 students and young professionals in nursing and teaching. Psychological distress was measured with GHQ 12 at the start and the end of their studies and three and six years after graduation. Both descriptive statistics and estimated models were used to assess psychological distress over time. Psychological distress increased significantly in both groups during education. The reduction of psychological distress was significant among the nurses, and they clearly showed a “healthy worker effect” when coming into clinical work. The teachers had a small and non-significant reduction in the same period and did not show a positive effect after starting pedagogical work.

  11. Predicting financial distress in publicly-traded companies

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    Felipe Fontaine Rezende


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Several models for forecasting bankruptcy have been developed over the years, one of the reasons for which is the important part it plays in decision-making. However, forecasting a company’s bankruptcy leaves a very short time for stakeholders to change the situation. It is in this context that this paper arises in order to develop a model for predicting financial distress, which is identified as a step prior to bankruptcy. The predictive model uses the logistic regression technique with panel data and a sample of Brazilian publicly-traded companies with shares listed on the São Paulo Stock, Commodities, and Futures Exchange between 2001 and 2014. As well as financial variables, the final model includes market expectations (macroeconomic and sector variables. These variables are statistically tested and the hypothesis is confirmed that they improve the accuracy of the model. The research identified the existence of financial distress in 96% of the companies that went bankrupt. In addition, the relationship between the phenomena of bankruptcy and financial distress is verified, using financial and macroeconomic explanatory variables. The results demonstrate that most (83% of the explanatory variables in the model for predicting bankruptcy are also present in the model for predicting the phenomenon of financial distress. The expected gross domestic product variables and the quick ratio, asset turnover, and net equity over total liabilities financial variables are statistically significant in predicting both phenomena. With this evidence, the study suggests the use of the concept of financial distress as a stage prior to bankruptcy and provides a model for predicting financial distress with 89% accuracy when applied to publicly-traded companies in Brazil in the period examined.

  12. Toxicidad por óxido de etileno

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    Téllez M. Jairo A.


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    El óxido de etileno, es un compuesto epóxido gaseoso, ampliamente utilizado en nuestro medio como agente esterilizante y de desinfección en instituciones hospitalarias. Los estudios realizados en varios países han demostrado efectos sobre la salud humana, caracterizados por  hipersensibilidad dérmica, irritación del tracto respiratorio, irritación ocular, excitación del S.N.C. y se asocia con presencia de abortos expontáneos, aberraciones cromosómicas e irritación crónica de laringe y tráquea en personal expuesto ocupacionalmente.

  13. Ecmo y ecmo mobile. soporte gardio respiratorio avanzado

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    Dr. G. Rodrigo Díaz


    Full Text Available ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation es un sistema de soporte vital extracorpóreo en falla pulmonar catastrófica, insuficiencia cardiaca aguda y reanimación de uso cada vez más común. En Chile se ha implementado en distintos centros, con resultados comparables al registro internacional. Cuando el candidato a ser sometido está demasiado inestable como para ser transportado a un hospital que cuente con ECMO, la canulación antes del traslado permite la estabilización y posterior transporte al centro de ECMO. Los resultados en los pacientes transportados son similares a los casos generados en el mismo lugar. En el siguiente artículo revisaremos las definiciones en soporte extracorpóreo, indicaciones y contraindicaciones, los resultados esperables y las experiencias internacionales y propia de Clínica Las Condes en ECMO y ECMO Mobile.

  14. Review of a Parent's Influence on Pediatric Procedural Distress and Recovery. (United States)

    Brown, Erin A; De Young, Alexandra; Kimble, Roy; Kenardy, Justin


    Understanding how parents influence their child's medical procedures can inform future work to reduce pediatric procedural distress and improve recovery outcomes. Following a pediatric injury or illness diagnosis, the associated medical procedures can be potentially traumatic events that are often painful and distressing and can lead to the child experiencing long-term physical and psychological problems. Children under 6 years old are particularly at risk of illness or injury, yet their pain-related distress during medical procedures is often difficult to manage because of their young developmental level. Parents can also experience ongoing psychological distress following a child's injury or illness diagnosis. The parent and parenting behavior is one of many risk factors for increased pediatric procedural distress. The impact of parents on pediatric procedural distress is an important yet not well-understood phenomenon. There is some evidence to indicate parents influence their child through their own psychological distress and through parenting behavior. This paper has three purposes: (1) review current empirical research on parent-related risk factors for distressing pediatric medical procedures, and longer-term recovery outcomes; (2) consider and develop existing theories to present a new model for understanding the parent-child distress relationship during medical procedures; and (3) review and make recommendations regarding current assessment tools and developing parenting behavior interventions for reducing pediatric procedural distress.

  15. Sharing, liking, commenting, and distressed? The pathway between Facebook interaction and psychological distress. (United States)

    Chen, Wenhong; Lee, Kye-Hyoung


    Studies on the mental health implications of social media have generated mixed results. Drawing on a survey of college students (N=513), this research uses structural equation modeling to assess the relationship between Facebook interaction and psychological distress and two underlying mechanisms: communication overload and self-esteem. It is the first study, to our knowledge, that examines how communication overload mediates the mental health implications of social media. Frequent Facebook interaction is associated with greater distress directly and indirectly via a two-step pathway that increases communication overload and reduces self-esteem. The research sheds light on new directions for understanding psychological well-being in an increasingly mediated social world as users share, like, and comment more and more.

  16. Gender and the experience of moral distress in critical care nurses. (United States)

    O'Connell, Christopher B


    Nursing practice is complex, as nurses are challenged by increasingly intricate moral and ethical judgments. Inadequately studied in underrepresented groups in nursing, moral distress is a serious problem internationally for healthcare professionals with deleterious effects to patients, nurses, and organizations. Moral distress among nurses has been shown to contribute to decreased job satisfaction and increased turnover, withdrawal from patients, physical and psychological symptoms, and intent to leave current position or to leave the profession altogether. Do significant gender differences exist in the moral distress scores of critical care nurses? This study utilized a quantitative, descriptive methodology to explore moral distress levels in a sample of critical care nurses to determine whether gender differences exist in their mean moral distress scores. Participants (n = 31) were critical care nurses from an American Internet nursing community who completed the Moral Distress Scale-Revised online over a 5-day period in July 2013. Institutional review board review approved the study, and accessing and completing the survey implied informed consent. The results revealed a statistically significant gender difference in the mean moral distress scores of participants. Females reported statistically significantly higher moral distress scores than did males. Overall, the moral distress scores for both groups were relatively low. The findings of a gender difference have not previously been reported in the literature. However, other findings are consistent with previous studies on moral distress. Although the results of this study are not generalizable, they do suggest the need for continuing research on moral distress in underrepresented groups in nursing, including cultural and ethnic groups. © The Author(s) 2014.

  17. Impact of ethical climate on moral distress revisited: multidimensional view. (United States)

    Atabay, Gülem; Çangarli, Burcu Güneri; Penbek, Şebnem


    Moral distress is a major problem in nursing profession. Researchers identified that the stronger the ethical basis of the organization, the less moral distress is reported. However, different ethical climates may have different impacts on moral distress. Moreover, conceptualization of moral distress and ethical climate as well as their relationship may change according to the cultural context. The main aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between different types of ethical climate as described in Victor and Cullen's framework, and moral distress intensity among nurses in Turkish healthcare settings. An online survey was administrated to collect data. Questionnaires included moral distress and ethical climate scales in addition to demographic questions. Data were collected from registered nurses in Turkey. In all, 201 of 279 nurses completed questionnaires, resulting in a response rate of 72%. Ethical approval was obtained from the university to which the authors were affiliated, after a detailed investigation of the content and data collection method. Factor analyses showed that moral distress had three dimensions, namely, organizational constraints, misinformed and over-treated patients, and lack of time and resources, while ethical climate had four types, namely, rules, well-being of stakeholders, individualism, and organizational interests. Positive correlations were identified between certain types of ethical climate (rules, individualism, or organizational interests) and moral distress intensity. Factor distribution of the scales shows some commonalities with the findings of previous research. However, context-specific dimensions and types were also detected. No particular ethical climate type was found to have a negative correlation with moral distress. Recommendations were made for reducing the negative impact of ethical climate on moral distress. These include solving the nursing-shortage problem, increasing autonomy, and improving physical

  18. Sexual Distress and Sexual Problems During Pregnancy: Associations With Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction. (United States)

    Vannier, Sarah A; Rosen, Natalie O


    Sexual problems are common during pregnancy, but the proportion of pregnant women who experience sexual distress is unknown. In non-pregnant samples, sexual distress is associated with lower sexual and relationship satisfaction. To identify the proportion of women experiencing sexual distress during pregnancy and to compare the sexual and relationship satisfaction of women who report sexual distress during pregnancy with that of women without distress. Two-hundred sixty-one pregnant women completed a cross-sectional online survey. Women completed validated measurements of sexual functioning (Female Sexual Function Index; score sexual problem), sexual distress (Female Sexual Distress Scale; score ≥ 15 indicates clinically significant distress), sexual satisfaction (Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction), and relationship satisfaction (Couples Satisfaction Index). Overall, 42% of women met the clinical cutoff for sexual distress. Of sexually active women (n = 230), 26% reported concurrent sexual problems and distress and 14% reported sexual distress in the absence of sexual problems. Sexual distress and/or problems in sexual functioning were linked to lower sexual and relationship satisfaction compared with pregnant women with lower sexual distress and fewer sexual problems. Sexual distress is common during pregnancy and associated with lower sexual and relationship satisfaction. Health care providers should ask pregnant women about feelings of sexual distress. Identifying pregnant women who experience sexual distress and referring them to appropriate resources could help minimize sexual and relationship problems during pregnancy. Vannier SA, Rosen NO. Sexual Distress and Sexual Problems During Pregnancy: Associations With Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction. J Sex Med 2017;14:387-395. Copyright © 2017 International Society for Sexual Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Maternal postpartum distress and childhood overweight.

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    Teresa A Ajslev

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: We investigated associations between maternal postpartum distress covering anxiety, depression and stress and childhood overweight. METHODS: We performed a prospective cohort study, including 21,121 mother-child-dyads from the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC. Maternal distress was measured 6 months postpartum by 9 items covering anxiety, depression and stress. Outcome was childhood overweight at 7-years-of age. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed and information on maternal age, socioeconomic status, pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, parity, smoking during pregnancy, paternal BMI, birth weight, gestational age at birth, sex, breastfeeding and finally infant weight at 5 and 12 month were included in the analyses. RESULTS: We found, that postpartum distress was not associated with childhood risk of overweight, OR 1.00, 95%CI [0.98-1.02]. Neither was anxiety, depression, or stress exposure, separately. There were no significant differences between the genders. Adjustment for potential confounders did not alter the results. CONCLUSION: Maternal postpartum distress is apparently not an independent risk factor for childhood overweight at 7-years-of-age. However, we can confirm previous findings of perinatal determinants as high maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, and smoking during pregnancy being risk factors for childhood overweight.

  20. The use and misuse of moral distress in neonatology. (United States)

    Prentice, Trisha M; Gillam, Lynn; Davis, Peter G; Janvier, Annie


    The neonatal intensive care unit is recognized as a stressful environment; the nature of caring for sick babies with uncertain outcomes and the need to make difficult decisions results in a work place where moral distress is prevalent. According to the prevailing definition, moral distress occurs when the provider believes that what is "done" is not the right course of action, with an element of constraint: the provider has no choice but to act this way. This can lead to adverse outcomes, including burnout and a change of career. Traditionally, moral distress was considered to represent a misuse of power that forced nurses (typically) to provide burdensome treatments they believed not in the patient's best interests. Today, with shared decision-making, it is rare for physicians to act in a purely paternalistic fashion and impose management strategies on a team and parents. However, in the grey zones, it is not unusual for individuals with different values to disagree on a course of treatment. Healthcare professionals across all disciplines may feel constrained despite there being no identified misuse of power. We argue for a broader understanding of moral distress and an awareness that maladaptive responses to moral distress may result in "transference" of moral distress on to other healthcare professionals and even on to the families of babies for whom we have a duty of care. Strategies for dealing with moral distress exist. An appreciation of these dynamics will enable providers to reduce the negative impacts of moral distress while also using it as a vehicle for constructive discussion and progressive thought that will better serve our patients and our colleagues. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. A Health System-wide Moral Distress Consultation Service: Development and Evaluation. (United States)

    Hamric, Ann B; Epstein, Elizabeth G


    Although moral distress is now a well-recognized phenomenon among all of the healthcare professions, few evidence-based strategies have been published to address it. In morally distressing situations, the "presenting problem" may be a particular patient situation, but most often signals a deeper unit- or system-centered issue. This article describes one institution's ongoing effort to address moral distress in its providers. We discuss the development and evaluation of the Moral Distress Consultation Service, an interprofessional, unit/system-oriented approach to addressing and ameliorating moral distress.

  2. The neonate in distress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ball, T.I. Jr.


    Respiratory distress is a very common and yet non-specific symptom in neonates and young infants. It may be manifested clinically in many ways, including tachypnea, apnea, periodic respiratory, grunting, retractions, nasal flaring, and cyanosis. In many instances, the chest radiograph is diagnostic or at least suggestive of the diagnosis. This fact is important in determining surgical or medical conditions that require emergency therapy. Even if the chest film is normal, valuable information can be gained. This initial normal radiograph can be used as a baseline film in the face of further developing symptoms which, likewise, may have developing radiographic findings. In any event, the chest radiograph gives the clinician ''direction'' in his or her search for the cause of the patient's respiratory distress

  3. Prevalence and etiology of respiratory distress in newborns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaman, S.; Goheer, L.; Riaz, H.


    Objective: To determine the prevalence and etiology of respiratory distress in the newborns delivered over the period of one year from 1st January 2008 to 31st Dec 2008. Study Design: A descriptive study Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in Armed Forces Hospital Sharurah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over a period of one year from January 2008 to Dec 2008 Patients and methods: All live newborns delivered at Armed Forces Hospital Sharurah during the study period were included and observed for development of respiratory distress. Results: All newborns (n=659), delivered at this hospital over the period of 12 months, were observed for respiratory distress. The overall prevalence of respiratory distress (RD) was 4.24%. Prevalence was 19.7% in preterm and 2.3% in full term. Transient tachypnea of newborn(TTN) was found to be the commonest 35.7% cause of Respiratory Distress (RD) followed by Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) 25%, meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) 17.9%, congenital pneumonia 7.1% and other congenital anomalies 14.3%. TTN was found to be common among both term and preterm babies, while hyaline membrane disease was seen among preterm, and meconium aspiration syndrome among term and post term babies. Conclusion: Respiratory distress is a common neonatal problem with significant morbidity and mortality. Majority of cases are due to TTN followed by hyaline membrane disease and meconium aspiration syndrome. (author)

  4. Terrorism, distress, and drinking: vulnerability and protective factors. (United States)

    Richman, Judith A; Rospenda, Kathleen M; Cloninger, Lea


    Research has demonstrated effects of 9/11 on distress and drinking outcomes in individuals directly affected and indirectly affected across the United States. Fewer studies have addressed vulnerability and protective factors shown to moderate the effects of stress exposure. We report findings from a Midwestern workplace cohort study. Respondents to a 6 wave longitudinal mail survey completed questionnaires prior to September 11, 2001 and again in 2003 and 2005. Regression analyses encompassed measures of terrorism-related beliefs and fears, workplace stressors (sexual harassment, generalized abuse and low decision latitude), marital and parental status, and perceived social support in 2003, and distress and deleterious drinking outcomes in 2005. Analyses showed that terrorism-related fears significantly interacted with workplace stressors and interpersonal social relationships in predicting distress, drinking or both, controlling for pre-9/11 distress and drinking. Gender differences were also found. This article suggests that certain individuals may be at heightened risk for distressful reactions to and/or deleterious drinking resulting from terrorism-related issues and fears due to additional risk factors involving workplace stressors and inadequate interpersonal bonds. However, limitations of the study were noted and future research was recommended.

  5. Assessment of Distress Associated to Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents

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    Wendy Reich


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper was to study the distress associated to psychopathology in children and adolescents. The sample included 330 children aged 8 to 17 years attending outpatient mental health services of the public network in Barcelona(Spain assessed using a structured diagnostic interview. A substantial part of children brought to treatment suffered distress associated to internalizing and externalizing psychological symptoms. Psychological distress was most frequent among girls and among adolescents, and was more frequently reported by children and adolescents than by their parents. It was also a marker of perception of need of psychological help, and it was significantly related to diagnosis, subthreshold conditions and functional impairment. Individual symptoms of depression, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder and oppositional defiant disorder were most associated with psychological distress. Given the potential importance of subjective distress as well as impairment for the identification and definition of psychopathology and planning of treatment, diagnostic assessment should include questions related to distress.

  6. Associations between psychological distress, workplace accidents, workplace failures and workplace successes. (United States)

    Hilton, Michael F; Whiteford, Harvey A


    This study investigates associations between psychological distress and workplace accidents, workplace failures and workplace successes. The Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ) was distributed to employees of 58 large employers. A total of 60,556 full-time employees were eligible for analysis. The HPQ probed whether the respondent had, in the past 30-days, a workplace accident, success or failure ("yes" or "no"). Psychological distress was quantified using the Kessler 6 (K6) scale and categorised into low, moderate and high psychological distress. Three binomial logistic regressions were performed with the dependent variables being workplace accident, success or failure. Covariates in the models were K6 category, gender, age, marital status, education level, job category, physical health and employment sector. Accounting for all other variables, moderate and high psychological distress significantly (P work failures and decrease the OR of workplace successes at similar levels. As the prevalence of moderate psychological distress is approximately double that of high psychological distress moderate distress consequentially has a greater workplace impact.

  7. Adolescent identity development and distress in a clinical sample. (United States)

    Wiley, Rachel E; Berman, Steven L


    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of identity development and identity distress to psychological adjustment within adolescents affected by psychological problems. Participants included 88 adolescents (43.2% female) ranging from 11 to 20 years of age who were receiving services from a community mental health center. A high proportion of the participants (22.7%) met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition Text Revision criteria for Identity Problem. Regression analyses found psychopathology symptom score was associated with identity distress, identity exploration, and identity commitment, while identity distress was only related to psychopathology symptom score and not the other two identity variables. Adolescents with a clinical diagnosis may report significant levels of identity distress. Given that the relationship between psychopathology and identity distress may be reciprocal, assessing for identity issues might be prudent when conducting clinical diagnostic interviews and useful in treatment planning. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Psychological distress, gender, and health lifestyles in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. (United States)

    Cockerham, William C; Hinote, Brian P; Abbott, Pamela


    This paper examines the relationship between psychological distress, gender, and health lifestyles in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. These countries have been subjected to highly stressful and extensive social change associated with the transition out of communism. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews (n = 10,406) in November 2001. Distress was measured by 12 psychological distress symptoms. Health lifestyles focused on measures of alcohol consumption, smoking and diet. We found that females carried a much heavier burden of psychological distress than males, but this distress did not translate into greater alcohol consumption and smoking for these women or for men. The greatest influence of distress on health lifestyle practices was on daily diets in that both less distressed females and males consumed a more balanced diet than more distressed persons. Our findings suggest that it is the normative demands of a particular lifestyle, rather than distress, that principally shapes the pattern of heavy male drinking. This is an important finding as some sources indicate heavy drinking is largely responsible for the health crisis in the former socialist states.

  9. Desobstrução ineficaz das vias aéreas em crianças asmáticas: um estudo descritivo

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    Lanuza Celes Mendes


    Full Text Available Estudio transversal realizado con 147 niños asmáticos ingresados en un hospital público de Fortaleza-CE, Brasil. Ha sido desarrollado con el objetivo de analizar la efectividad de las características definitorias del diagnóstico de enfermería "limpieza ineficaz de las vías aéreas" en niños asmáticos. Se utilizó un guión de examen físico para recopilar los datos. Las características definitorias más frecuentes fueron ruidos respiratorios agregados (82,3%, disnea (55,8% y cambio en la frecuencia respiratoria (50,3%. El diagnóstico de enfermería: "limpieza ineficaz de las vías aéreas" estuvo presente en el 55,8% de la muestra. La característica definitoria para este diagnóstico fueron los "ruidos respiratorios agregados". La característica específica ha sido "ojos muy abiertos". Con relación a los valores predictivos, los ruidos respiratorios agregados presentaron un alto valor predictivo negativo. Se llegó a la conclusión de que los estudios que contribuyen a configurar el perfil de las características definitorias más comunes a una población particular deben ser fomentados, pues sirven de guía para la práctica de enfermería.

  10. Predicting parental distress among children newly diagnosed with craniopharyngioma. (United States)

    Peterson, Rachel K; Ashford, Jason M; Scott, Sarah M; Wang, Fang; Zhang, Hui; Bradley, Julie A; Merchant, Thomas E; Conklin, Heather M


    Childhood brain tumor diagnoses are stressful for families. Children diagnosed with craniopharyngioma (Cp) present with particularly challenging medical and cognitive problems due to tumor location and associated biophysiologic comorbidities. This study examined parental distress in a sample of families of patients with Cp treated with proton beam therapy to identify factors for targeting psychological intervention. Prior to (n = 96) and 1 year after (n = 73) proton therapy, parents of children diagnosed with Cp (9.81 ± 4.42 years at baseline; 49% male) completed a self-report measure of distress, the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Children completed cognitive assessment measures at baseline; medical variables were extracted from the study database. At baseline, t-tests revealed parents reported higher levels of distress than normative expectations on Anxiety, Depression, Global Severity, and Positive Symptom Distress BSI scales (P < 0.05). Linear mixed effects models revealed parent report measures of child executive dysfunction and behavioral issues were more predictive of parental distress than patients' cognitive performance or medical status (P < 0.05). Models also revealed a significant reduction only in Anxiety over time (t = -2.19, P < 0.05). Extensive hypothalamic involvement at baseline predicted this reduction (P < 0.05). Parents experience significant distress before their child begins adjuvant therapy for Cp, though parental distress appears largely unrelated to medical complications and more related to parent perceptions of child cognitive difficulties (vs. child performance). Importantly, this may be explained by a negative parent reporting style among distressed parents. Knowledge of socio-emotional functioning in parents related to patient characteristics is important for optimization of psychological intervention. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Spirituality and distress in palliative care consultation. (United States)

    Hills, Judith; Paice, Judith A; Cameron, Jacqueline R; Shott, Susan


    One's spirituality or religious beliefs and practices may have a profound impact on how the individual copes with the suffering that so often accompanies advanced disease. Several previous studies suggest that negative religious coping can significantly affect health outcomes. The primary aim of this study was to explore the relationship between spirituality, religious coping, and symptoms of distress among a group of inpatients referred to the palliative care consult service. Pilot study. The study was conducted in a large academic medical center with a comprehensive Palliative Care and Home Hospice Program. (1) National Comprehensive Cancer Network Distress Management Assessment Tool; (2) Pargament Brief Religious Coping Scale (Brief RCOPE); (3) Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp); (4) Puchalski's FICA; and (5) Profile of Mood States-Short Form (POMS-SF). The 31 subjects surveyed experienced moderate distress (5.8 +/- 2.7), major physical and psychosocial symptom burden, along with reduced function and significant caregiving needs. The majority (87.2%) perceived themselves to be at least somewhat spiritual, with 77.4% admitting to being at least somewhat religious. Negative religious coping (i.e., statements regarding punishment or abandonment by God) was positively associated with distress, confusion, depression, and negatively associated with physical and emotional well-being, as well as quality of life. Palliative care clinicians should be alert to symptoms of spiritual distress and intervene accordingly. Future research is needed to identify optimal techniques to address negative religious coping.

  12. The Impact of Multiple Roles on Psychological Distress among Japanese Workers. (United States)

    Honda, Ayumi; Abe, Yasuyo; Date, Yutaka; Honda, Sumihisa


    There has been considerable interest in Japanese society in the problem of work-related stress leading to depressive symptoms, and an increasing number of primary houseworkers maintain paid employment. The purpose of this study was to examine the differential impact of multiple roles associated with psychological distress among Japanese workers. We studied 722 men and women aged 18-83 years in a cross-sectional study. The K10 questionnaire was used to examine psychological distress. The proportion of participants with psychological distress was higher in women (17.8%) compared with men (11.5%). Having three roles significantly decreased the risk of psychological distress [women: odds ratio (OR), 0.37-fold; men: OR, 0.41] compared with only one role. In working married women, there was significantly less psychological distress (OR, 0.27), and those with childrearing or caregiving responsibilities for elderly parents had significantly less psychological distress (OR, 0.38) than those with only an employment role. Similarly, working married men who had childrearing or caregiving responsibilities for elderly parents had significantly less psychological distress (OR, 0.41) than those who had only an employment role. The present study demonstrated that participants who had only an employment role had an increased risk of psychological distress. The degree of psychological distress was not determined solely by the number of roles. It is important to have balance between work and family life to reduce role conflict and/or role submersion, which in turn may reduce the risk of psychological distress.

  13. Multiple health-risk behaviour and psychological distress in adolescence. (United States)

    Arbour-Nicitopoulos, Kelly P; Faulkner, Guy E; Irving, Hyacinth M


    To examine the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress in a school-based sample of Canadian adolescents. Self-reported data of demographics, weight status, physical activity, screen-time, diet, substance use, and psychological distress were derived from a representative sample of 2935 students in grades 9 to 12 (M(age) = 15.9 years) from the 2009 Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey. Overall prevalence of psychological distress was 35.1%. Significant associations were shown between psychological distress and the following: being female, tobacco use, not meeting physical activity and screen-time recommendations, and inadequate consumption of breakfast and vegetables. These findings highlight the need for targeting greater physical health promotion for adolescents at risk of mental health problems.

  14. Non-pharmacological approaches to alleviate distress in dementia care. (United States)

    Mitchell, Gary; Agnelli, Joanne


    Distress is one of the most common clinical manifestations associated with dementia. Pharmacological intervention may be appropriate in managing distress in some people. However, best practice guidelines advocate non-pharmacological interventions as the preferred first-line treatment. The use of non-pharmacological interventions encourages healthcare professionals to be more person-centred in their approach, while considering the causes of distress. This article provides healthcare professionals with an overview of some of the non-pharmacological approaches that can assist in alleviating distress for people living with dementia including: reminiscence therapy, reality orientation, validation therapy, music therapy, horticultural therapy, doll therapy and pet therapy. It provides a summary of their use in clinical practice and links to the relevant literature.

  15. Distress vocalization sequences broadcasted by bats carry redundant information. (United States)

    Hechavarría, Julio C; Beetz, M Jerome; Macias, Silvio; Kössl, Manfred


    Distress vocalizations (also known as alarm or screams) are an important component of the vocal repertoire of a number of animal species, including bats, humans, monkeys and birds, among others. Although the behavioral relevance of distress vocalizations is undeniable, at present, little is known about the rules that govern vocalization production when in alarmful situations. In this article, we show that when distressed, bats of the species Carollia perspicillata produce repetitive vocalization sequences in which consecutive syllables are likely to be similar to one another regarding their physical attributes. The uttered distress syllables are broadband (12-73 kHz) with most of their energy focussing at 23 kHz. Distress syllables are short (~4 ms), their average sound pressure level is close to 70 dB SPL, and they are produced at high repetition rates (every 14 ms). We discuss that, because of their physical attributes, bat distress vocalizations could serve a dual purpose: (1) advertising threatful situations to conspecifics, and (2) informing the threatener that the bats are ready to defend themselves. We also discuss possible advantages of advertising danger/discomfort using repetitive utterances, a calling strategy that appears to be ubiquitous across the animal kingdom.

  16. Nurse middle manager ethical dilemmas and moral distress. (United States)

    Ganz, Freda D; Wagner, Nurit; Toren, Orly


    Nurse managers are placed in a unique position within the healthcare system where they greatly impact upon the nursing work environment. Ethical dilemmas and moral distress have been reported for staff nurses but not for nurse middle managers. To describe ethical dilemmas and moral distress among nurse middle managers arising from situations of ethical conflict. The Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing-Middle Manager Questionnaire and a personal characteristics questionnaire were administered to a convenience sample of middle managers from four hospitals in Israel. Middle managers report low to moderate levels of frequency and intensity of ethical dilemmas and moral distress. Highest scores were for administrative dilemmas. Middle managers experience lower levels of ethical dilemmas and moral distress than staff nurses, which are irrespective of their personal characteristics. Interventions should be developed, studied, and then incorporated into institutional frameworks in order to improve this situation. © The Author(s) 2014.

  17. Psychological distress and coping in military cadre candidates. (United States)

    Nakkas, Can; Annen, Hubert; Brand, Serge


    Soldiers must cope with stressors during both military operations and training if they are to accomplish their missions successfully and stay mentally stable. This holds true particularly for military superiors, as they bear greater responsibilities and must meet greater demands during both deployment and training. Accordingly, in the present study, we investigated whether recruits chosen for further promotion at the end of basic training differed with regard to psychological distress and coping strategies from those not chosen for promotion, and whether recruits' coping styles and distress levels were associated. A total of 675 Swiss recruits took part in the study. At the beginning of basic training, recruits filled out self-rating questionnaires covering demographic data, psychological distress (depression, somatization, anxiety, interpersonal sensitivity, and hostility), and coping styles. Results were compared between those recruits who received a recommendation for further promotion at the end of basic training and those who did not. Recruits selected for promotion had lower scores for depressive symptoms and hostility, engaged more in active coping, and considered their coping to be more effective. Dysfunctional and functional coping were associated with higher and lower distress levels, respectively. Recruits recommended for promotion exhibited less psychological distress during basic training and exhibited a socially more conducive profile of distress. They also endorsed more efficient and more prosocial coping strategies than those recruits not recommended for promotion. These cognitive-emotional features not only contribute to resilience but are also consistent with leadership research, indicating the importance of emotional stability and prosocial behavior in successful leaders.

  18. Psychopathic traits, victim distress and aggression in children

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Baardewijk, Y.; Stegge, G.T.M.; Bushman, B.J.; Vermeiren, R.R.J.M.


    Background: The relationship between psychopathic traits and aggression in children may be explained by their reduced sensitivity to signs of distress in others. Emotional cues such as fear and sadness function to make the perpetrator aware of the victim's distress and supposedly inhibit aggression.

  19. Impact of Relational Proximity on Distress from Infidelity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fisher, Maryanne; Geher, Glenn; Cox, Anthony; Tran, Ulrich S.; Hoben, Ashley; Arrabaca, Andrew; Chaize, Corinna; Dietrich, Robert; Voracek, Martin


    Men are generally more distressed by a partner's sexual infidelity whereas women are generally more distressed by a partner's emotional infidelity. The importance of the identity of the interloper, however, has been neglected. We explored the influence of relational proximity (i.e., the degree of

  20. Idioms of distress among trauma survivors: subtypes and clinical utility. (United States)

    Hinton, Devon E; Lewis-Fernández, Roberto


    In this introduction to the Special Issue on Trauma and Idioms of Distress, we provide an overview of the concept and typology of "idioms of distress," focusing particularly on their clinical utility. This includes the role of idioms as indicators of trauma exposure, of various types of psychopathology and of levels of distress, risk and functioning. It likewise includes the fact that idioms of distress may profoundly influence the personal meaning of having a trauma-related disorder, may shape the interpersonal course of the disorder and may pattern help-seeking and self-treatment. Finally, it illustrates the fact that idioms may also help clinicians understand sufferers' views of the causes of their distress, constitute key therapeutic targets and help increase therapeutic empathy and treatment adherence. This special issue focuses on the role played by idioms of distress in the local trauma ontology, the associations between the idioms and psychiatric disorders occurring in the context of trauma and the mechanisms by which the idioms profoundly influence the personal and interpersonal course of trauma-related disorders.

  1. Utilización de lectinas en la inhibición de la adhesión de Pasteurella multocida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magda Patricia Carrillo Lamus


    Full Text Available El primer paso de la infección es la adhesión de los organismos patógenos a las células blanco. Esta característica les permite no solo penetrar y desplegar las estrategias ofensivas para iniciar la colonización, sino contribuir a la protección y el resguardo de estos a los mecanismos de defensa tanto inmunológicos como mecánicos del hospedero. Este proceso se lleva a cabo en gran medida por la interacción de lectinas, que son proteínas de origen no inmune con la capacidad de reconocer y aglutinar carbohidratos. Este mecanismo ha sido reportado para muchos microorganismos como virus y bacterias. En el caso particular de la Pasteurella multocida, que es una bacteria gramnegativa, patógena oportunista, que inicia la infección en el epitelio respiratorio de muchos animales, se han descrito sobre su superficie sustancias lectinas como la fimbria tipo IV y carbohidratos como el lipopolisacárido o la cápsula que reconocen carbohidratos y lectinas, respectivamente, sobre la superficie de las células epiteliales del tubo respiratorio, circunstancia que le permite adherirse y resguardarse del efecto mucociliar. Debido a que para la gran mayoría de estos microorganismos —incluida P. multocida— es evidente la disminución de la susceptibilidad a los antibacterianos y a la efectividad de las vacunas, se han buscado nuevas tácticas terapéuticas y profilácticas con el fin de interrumpir la infección de los patógenos por medio del bloqueo por competencia de la unión carbohidratos-lectina, donde se ve disminuida la unión del microorganismo al tejido y, por consiguiente, la infección.

  2. Resources, stressors and psychological distress among older adults in Chennai, India. (United States)

    Chokkanathan, Srinivasan


    Scant information exists on the complex interaction between resources and stressors and their subsequent influence on the psychological distress of older adults in India. Within the framework of resource theory, the present study examined the various pathways through which resources and stressors influence psychological distress by testing four models - the independence model, the stress-suppression model, the counteractive model and the resource-deterioration model. The independence model posits that resources and stressors have a direct relationship with psychological distress. The stress-suppression model hypothesizes that stressors mediate the influence of resources on psychological distress. The counteractive model postulates that stressors mobilize resources, which in turn influence psychological distress. The resource-deterioration model states that stressors deplete resources and subsequently exacerbate distress. In the present study, resources include social support, religiosity and mastery; stressors include life events, abuse and health problems. Psychological distress was measured using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale and Geriatric Depression Scale. Interviews were conducted among 400 adults aged 65 years and above, randomly selected from the electoral list of urban Chennai, India. The battery of instruments was translated into Tamil (local language) by back-translation. Structural Equation Modeling was conducted to test the three models. The results supported the stress-suppressor model. Resources had an indirect, negative relationship with psychological distress, and stressors had a direct, positive effect on distress. As such there is a need to identify and strengthen the resources available to older adults in India.

  3. Does financial hardship account for elevated psychological distress in lone mothers? (United States)

    Hope, S; Power, C; Rodgers, B


    Lone mothers have been shown to have higher levels of psychological distress than married mothers, but it is not clear how this difference arises. Using data from the 1958 British birth cohort followed to age 33, we investigated alternative explanations for the excess distress of lone mothers. Logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios for distress (measured using the Malaise Inventory) in lone vs married mothers. Odds ratios were adjusted to assess the contribution of explanatory factors. At age 33, psychological distress was greater among lone than married mothers (OR 2.59, 95% CI 1.97, 3.41). The odds ratio decreased to 1.43 (95% CI 1.02, 2.01) after adjustment for all explanatory factors (prior psychological distress, age of youngest child and number of children in the household, and contemporary measures of financial hardship, employment, and social support). Attenuation of the odds ratio was most marked after taking account of financial hardship. Psychological distress was greater among divorced mothers than never married mothers, though not significantly (OR = 1.70, 95% CI 0.88, 3.28). This difference was not explained by the factors examined, and was not due to the immediate distress associated with a recent divorce. Elevated psychological distress of lone mothers appears to be related to financial hardship, while other explanations, including social support and selection, have a more modest impact. Not all of the elevated psychological distress among lone mothers was accounted for, particularly among divorced lone mothers.

  4. Assessment of sexually related personal distress accompanying premenopausal sexual dysfunction with an Arabic version of the Female Sexual Distress Scale. (United States)

    Ahmed, Magdy R; Shaaban, Mohamed M; Meky, Heba K


    To assess sexually related personal distress among premenopausal women with female sexual dysfunction (FSD) via a validated Arabic version of the Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS). A cross-sectional study was conducted among women attending Suez Canal University Hospital, Egypt, between May 2015 and July 2016. In a pilot study to evaluate test-retest reliability and internal consistency, 42 sexually active premenopausal women (aged ≥20 years) completed the Arabic FSDS at recruitment and 2 weeks later. Subsequently, premenopausal sexually active women (aged 20-45 years) were asked to complete the female sexual function index (FSFI) questionnaire; those with FSD (FSFI score ≤26.55) were invited to return to complete the validated version of the Arabic FSDS. The Arabic FSDS showed good test-retest reliability (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.93-0.98) and internal consistency (Cronbach α 0.83-0.92). Overall, 140 (58.1%) of 241 women who completed the FSFI had sexual dysfunction, of whom 51 (36.4%) had sexually related personal distress. Marriage duration was significantly increased among women with FSD (P<0.001). All FSFI sexual domains except lubrication were negatively correlated with FSDS. FSD and sexually related personal distress were highly interrelated and prevalent. An Arabic version of the FSDS was found to be valid and reliable for evaluation of sexually related personal distress. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  5. Sexual distress and quality of life among women with bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Thea; Giraldi, A; Vinberg, M


    Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM), Major Depression Inventory (MDI) and The World Health Organisation Quality of Life-Brief. RESULTS: In total, 61 women (age range 19-63, mean 33.7 years) were recruited. Overall, 54% reported sexual distress (n = 33) and 39% were not satisfied with their sexual life (n......BACKGROUND: Information on the association between bipolar disorder (BD), sexual satisfaction, sexual function, sexual distress and quality of life (QoL) is sparse. This study aims, in women with BD, to (i) investigate sexual dysfunction, sexual distress, general sexual satisfaction and QoL; (ii......) explore whether sexual distress was related to affective symptoms and (iii) investigate whether QoL was associated with sexual distress. The study is a questionnaire survey in an outpatient cohort of women with BD using: Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Female Sexual Distress Scale, Altman...

  6. Sexual distress and quality of life among women with bipolar disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Thea; Giraldi, A; Vinberg, M


    BACKGROUND: Information on the association between bipolar disorder (BD), sexual satisfaction, sexual function, sexual distress and quality of life (QoL) is sparse. This study aims, in women with BD, to (i) investigate sexual dysfunction, sexual distress, general sexual satisfaction and QoL; (ii......) explore whether sexual distress was related to affective symptoms and (iii) investigate whether QoL was associated with sexual distress. The study is a questionnaire survey in an outpatient cohort of women with BD using: Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire, Female Sexual Distress Scale, Altman...... Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM), Major Depression Inventory (MDI) and The World Health Organisation Quality of Life-Brief. RESULTS: In total, 61 women (age range 19-63, mean 33.7 years) were recruited. Overall, 54% reported sexual distress (n = 33) and 39% were not satisfied with their sexual life (n...

  7. Prospective relationships between workplace sexual harassment and psychological distress. (United States)

    Nielsen, M B; Einarsen, S


    Exposure to workplace sexual harassment (SH) has been associated with impaired mental health, but longitudinal studies confirming the relationship are lacking. To examine gender differences in prospective associations between SH and psychological distress. Baseline questionnaire survey data were collected in 2005 in a representative sample of Norwegian employees. Follow-up data were collected in 2007. SH was measured with the Bergen Sexual Harassment Scale. Psychological distress was measured with the 25 item Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-25) with cases of psychological distress defined as having a mean score of Workplace measures against SH would be expected to lead to a reduction in mental disorders. The finding that psychological distress predicts SH among men may indicate either a vulnerability factor or a negative perception mechanism.

  8. Shift work, mental distress and job satisfaction among Palestinian nurses. (United States)

    Jaradat, Y M; Nielsen, M B; Kristensen, P; Bast-Pettersen, R


    Associations between shift work (SW) schedules, mental distress and job satisfaction have never been completely described. To examine gender-specific associations of SW with mental distress and job satisfaction in nurses in Hebron District, Palestine, in 2012. Detailed information on work schedules (day versus shift), socio-demographic status, mental distress (General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-30) and job satisfaction (Generic Job Satisfaction Scale) in nurses employed in Hebron District, Palestine, was obtained through a questionnaire survey. Associations of SW and outcomes were examined by linear regression analysis. Of 372 nurses eligible for the study, 309 and 338 completed surveys regarding mental distress and job satisfaction, respectively. The sample comprised 62% women and 38% men. After adjusting for covariates, women working shifts reported significantly higher levels of mean mental distress [β coefficient 3.6; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3-7.0] compared with women working regular day shifts. Men working shifts reported significantly lower levels of job satisfaction (-3.3; 95% CI -6.2 to -0.5) than men working regular day shifts. Women reported higher levels of mental distress than men, but this was unrelated to work schedule. In this study, nurses working shifts reported higher levels of mental distress and lower levels of job satisfaction, although these associations were weaker when adjusted for potential covariates. There was no evidence of a gender differential in the association between SW and mental distress and job satisfaction. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine.

  9. Distress tolerance and physiological reactivity to stress predict women's problematic alcohol use. (United States)

    Holzhauer, Cathryn Glanton; Wemm, Stephanie; Wulfert, Edelgard


    Research has shown that measures of reactivity to distress-including distress tolerance and physiological reactivity to stress-are dysregulated in women who misuse alcohol. These variables may interact and create a risk profile for young adult women, reflecting patterns of stress reactivity that confer a risk for alcohol misuse. The current study tested this hypothesis by examining the independent and interactive associations of subjective distress tolerance, behavioral distress tolerance, and physiological stress reactivity with women's alcohol misuse. The study was conducted with a sample of 91 college women recruited on a large northeastern university campus. Results showed that subjective levels of distress tolerance and physiological reactivity to stress (skin conductance reactivity, SCR), but not behavioral distress tolerance, were independently associated with alcohol misuse. In addition, subjective distress tolerance moderated the relationship between SCR and negative alcohol-related consequences. Specifically, women with low physiological reactivity (SCR) to a stressful task and greater urge to quickly rid themselves of distress (low subjective distress tolerance) endorsed a significantly greater number of adverse consequences from their alcohol use. These results extend prior findings by showing that, even among a nonclinical sample of women, lower stress reactivity in combination with low subjective distress tolerance is associated with increased risk for various drinking-related negative consequences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  10. Psychological Distress and Emotional Expression on Facebook. (United States)

    Bazarova, Natalya N; Choi, Yoon Hyung; Whitlock, Janis; Cosley, Dan; Sosik, Victoria


    Social network sites (SNS) are a novel social environment for college students with psychological distress to connect with their peers, but the nature and effects of these interactions are not well understood. This study reports findings from a Facebook study among 238 college students reporting nonspecific psychological distress using the K-6 scale. Behavioral data included Facebook status updates containing affect words written by participants within the past 60 days and the number of responses (comments and likes) each update received. The updates were also coded for depression symptoms. Self-report data included participants' self-presentational concerns, the affective valence of each post, effects of responses on mood, and satisfaction with the responses to and outcome of each status update. Higher psychological distress was associated with displaying depression language on Facebook, with higher self-presentational concerns, and with less satisfaction with audiences' responses and less overall satisfaction with the outcome of the interaction. These results offer a unique glimpse into the social world of college students with psychological distress through their everyday use of Facebook, and how the interplay of this novel environment and students' mental health impacts their social behaviors and interaction meaning-making on Facebook.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukirno Sukirno


    Full Text Available This paper examines the usefulness of financial statements to predict financial distress in thecooperative. The financial distress is a condition before the bankruptcy that can be seen inthe financial statements. Furthermore, the financial statements are being analyzed using ratioanalysis. The ratio analysis  used as a predictor variable are current ratio, quick ratio, currentassets to total assets ratio, current liabilities to total assets, net profit margin ratio and net SHUto total assets ratio. While the research object is a cooperative financial statements reported on2012. There are 63 cooperatives used as the sample with purposive sampling approach. Thehypothesis is analysed using logistic regression. The results found that three variables can be used to predict financial distress of the cooperative. Those variables are ratio of current assets to total assets, current liabilities to total assets and net SHU to total assets. This implies theusefulnes of financial ratio to predict financial distress in the cooperative.

  12. Distinguishing Fear Versus Distress Symptomatology in Pediatric OCD. (United States)

    Rozenman, Michelle; Peris, Tara; Bergman, R Lindsey; Chang, Susanna; O'Neill, Joseph; McCracken, James T; Piacentini, John


    Prior research has identified OCD subtypes or "clusters" of symptoms that differentially relate to clinical features of the disorder. Given the high comorbidity between OCD and anxiety, OCD symptom clusters may more broadly associate with fear and/or distress internalizing constructs. This study examines fear and distress dimensions, including physical concerns (fear), separation anxiety (fear), perfectionism (distress), and anxious coping (distress), as predictors of previously empirically-derived OCD symptom clusters in a sample of 215 youth diagnosed with primary OCD (ages 7-17, mean age = 12.25). Self-reported separation fears predicted membership in Cluster 1 (aggressive, sexual, religious, somatic obsessions, and checking compulsions) while somatic/autonomic fears predicted membership in Cluster 2 (symmetry obsessions and ordering, counting, repeating compulsions). Results highlight the diversity of pediatric OCD symptoms and their differential association with fear, suggesting the need to carefully assess both OCD and global fear constructs that might be directly targeted in treatment.

  13. Ansiedad pre operatoria en pacientes quirúrgicos en el área de cirugía del Hospital Isidro Ayora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Carolina Gaona Rentería


    Full Text Available Introducción: La ansiedad es una reacción emocional ante una amenaza real o potencial, que altera el equilibrio biopsicosocial, cultural y espiritual, llevando a quien la padece a experimentar tensión, miedo, insomnio, dificultad para concentrarse, ante la experiencia de una intervención quirúrgica, y afectando la recuperación de la salud e incrementando la estancia hospitalaria. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de ansiedad del paciente en el preoperatorio, en el área de cirugía del Hospital Isidro Ayora, en la ciudad de Loja. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, observacional, de campo, y se trabajó con un universo de 75 pacientes prequirúrgicos. Para obtener la información se utilizó la técnica de la entrevista, mediante la escala de ansiedad de Hamilton. Resultados: Los resultados demuestran que de la mitad del grupo investigado fue afectado por un nivel de ansiedad leve, una tercera parte de la población con niveles de ansiedad moderados, y un porcentaje significativo no experimentó ningún nivel de ansiedad. Conclusiones: Un alto porcentaje de los pacientes pre quirúrgicos entrevistados en el área de cirugía, presentaron ansiedad en diferentes niveles siendo el nivel moderado el más significativo. La ansiedad prequirúrgica desencadenó manifestaciones psíquicas en los pacientes investigados, específicamente la tensión y el miedo, alcanzando niveles moderados; por su parte, el insomnio y dificultad para concentrarse alcanzaron un nivel leve con porcentajes significativos. La ansiedad en los pacientes pre operatorios generó en el grupo investigado manifestaciones somáticas, un alto porcentaje alcanzaron niveles leves de tensión muscular, alteraciones cardiovasculares, respiratorios, y genitourinarios.

  14. Riesgos biológico y químico en planta de compostaje de ingenio azucarero, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivá Darío López Villalobos


    Full Text Available El riesgo químico y biológico, son los principales riesgos a los que se exponen los colaboradores de la planta de compostaje del ingenio azucarero, es sin duda una posible causa de enfermedades de tipo respiratorio y de la piel, así como de enfermedades infecciosas, lo cual afecta directamente la productividad de la empresa. Se utilizó un estudio descriptivo cuya metodología se realizó en tres fases, una primera de diagnóstico e identificación de peligros, en seguida según los resultados de las listas de chequeo, se realizó una matriz DOFA, luego los árboles de problemas se convirtieron en arboles de objetivos remplazando cada uno de los problemas y consecuencias por las soluciones, así se definieron los objetivos prioritarios a emprender, para alcanzar las acciones de mejora en el proceso del compostaje. De los resultados obtenidos se resalta que el riesgo biológico tiene una interpretación de riesgo III (alto, mejorable y representa el 55,6%, mientras que el riesgo químico con una interpretación de riesgo I (muy alto, crítico representa el 44,4%. También debe mencionarse que la planta de compostaje presenta un déficit en las medidas de prevención y protección por el incumplimiento de la normatividad legal vigente en seguridad y salud. Es importante que la planta de compostaje empiece a gestionar el cumplimiento de lo establecido en el programa de intervención propuesto para la misma, para de esta forma disminuir la vulnerabilidad del personal expuesto a riesgos biológico y químico.

  15. Effects of Screening for Psychological Distress on Patient Outcomes in Cancer: a Systematic Review (United States)

    Meijer, Anna; Roseman, Michelle; Delisle, Vanessa C.; Milette, Katherine; Levis, Brooke; Syamchandra, Achyuth; Stefanek, Michael E.; Stewart, Donna E.; de Jonge, Peter; Coyne, James C.; Thombs, Brett D.


    Objective Several practice guidelines recommend routine screening for psychological distress in cancer care. The objective was to evaluate the effect of screening cancer patients for psychological distress by assessing the (1) effectiveness of interventions to reduce distress among patients identified as distressed; and (2) effects of screening for distress on distress outcomes. Methods CINAHL, Cochrane, EMBASE, ISI, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and SCOPUS databases were searched through April 6, 2011 with manual searches of 45 relevant journals, reference list review, citation tracking of included articles, and trial registry reviews through June 30, 2012. Articles in any language on cancer patients were included if they (1) compared treatment for patients with psychological distress to placebo or usual care in a randomized controlled trial (RCT); or (2) assessed the effect of screening on psychological distress in a RCT. Results There were 14 eligible RCTs for treatment of distress, and 1 RCT on the effects of screening on patient distress. Pharmacological, psychotherapy and collaborative care interventions generally reduced distress with small to moderate effects. One study investigated effects of screening for distress on psychological outcomes, and it found no improvement. Conclusion Treatment studies reported modest improvement in distress symptoms, but only a single eligible study was found on the effects of screening cancer patients for distress, and distress did not improve in screened patients versus those receiving usual care. Because of the lack of evidence of beneficial effects of screening cancer patients for distress, it is premature to recommend or mandate implementation of routine screening. PMID:23751231

  16. Psychological distress and coping amongst higher education students: a mixed method enquiry.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Deasy

    Full Text Available Psychological distress among higher education students is of global concern. Students on programmes with practicum components such as nursing and teacher education are exposed to additional stressors which may further increase their risk for psychological distress. The ways in which these students cope with distress has potential consequences for their health and academic performance. An in-depth understanding of how nursing/midwifery and teacher education students experience psychological distress and coping is necessary to enable higher education providers to adequately support these students.This mixed method study was employed to establish self-reported psychological distress (General Health Questionnaire, coping processes (Ways of Coping Questionnaire and lifestyle behaviour (Lifestyle Behaviour Questionnaire of a total sample (n = 1557 of undergraduate nursing/midwifery and teacher education students in one university in Ireland. Individual interviews (n = 59 provided an in-depth understanding of students experiences of psychological distress and coping.A significant percentage (41.9% of respondents was psychologically distressed. The factors which contributed to their distress, included study, financial, living and social pressures. Students used varied coping strategies including seeking social support, problem solving and escape avoidance. The positive relationship between elevated psychological distress and escape avoidance behaviours including substance use (alcohol, tobacco and cannabis and unhealthy diet is of particular concern. Statistically significant relationships were identified between "escape-avoidance" and gender, age, marital status, place of residence, programme/year of study and lifestyle behaviours such as diet, substance use and physical inactivity.The paper adds to existing research by illuminating the psychological distress experienced by undergraduate nursing/midwifery and teacher education students. It also

  17. Moral distress: a review of the argument-based nursing ethics literature. (United States)

    McCarthy, Joan; Gastmans, Chris


    The aim of this review is to examine the ways in which the concept of moral distress has been delineated and deployed in the argument-based nursing ethics literature. It adds to what we already know about moral distress from reviews of the qualitative and quantitative research. CINAHL, PubMed, Web of Knowledge, EMBASE, Academic Search Complete, PsycInfo, Philosophers' Index and Socindex. A total of 20 argument-based articles published between January 1984 and December 2013 were analysed. We found that like the empirical literature, most authors in this review draw on Jameton's original definition and describe moral distress in psychological-emotional-physiological terms. They also agree that moral distress is linked to the presence of some kind of constraint on nurses' moral agency, and that it is best understood as a two-staged process that can intensify over time. There is also consensus that moral distress has an important normative meaning, although different views concerning the normative meaning of moral distress are expressed. Finally, the authors generally agree that moral distress arises from a number of different sources and that it (mostly) affects negatively on nurses' personal and professional lives and, ultimately, harms patients. However, despite this consensus, many authors take issue with the way in which moral distress is conceptualized and operationalized. Moreover, while some worry that identifying nurses as a group of health professionals whose voices are ignored or marginalized might disempower nurses and encourage them to avoid their moral responsibilities, others take situations involving moral distress as indicative of more fundamental, structural inequities at the heart of contemporary healthcare provision. We conclude that research on moral distress in nursing is timely and important because it highlights the specifically moral labour of nurses. However, we suggest that significant concerns about the conceptual fuzziness and

  18. Adolescent adjustment and well-being: effects of parental divorce and distress. (United States)

    Størksen, Ingunn; Røysamb, Espen; Holmen, Turid L; Tambs, Kristian


    This study investigates the long-term effects of parental divorce on adolescent psychological adjustment and well-being, and to what extent the effects are accounted for by parental psychological distress. Data were collected among 8,984 Norwegian adolescents (13-19 years) and their parents. Outcome variables were symptoms of anxiety and depression, subjective well-being, and three areas of school problems. Parental divorce was found to be associated with both higher mean levels and larger variances in adolescent problems. Divorce and parental distress contributed independently to adolescent distress, supporting the notion of "double exposure" effects. The prevalence of adolescents with substantial distress symptoms was 14% among those with non-distressed non-divorced parents and 30% among those with divorced and distressed parents. In general effects remained when controlling for demographic factors. Long-term effects of divorce on symptoms of anxiety and depression were stronger among girls than among boys.

  19. Relationship between ICU nurses' moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover. (United States)

    Shoorideh, Foroozan Atashzadeh; Ashktorab, Tahereh; Yaghmaei, Farideh; Alavi Majd, Hamid


    Moral distress is one of intensive care unit nurses' major problems, which may happen due to various reasons, and has several consequences. Due to various moral distress outcomes in intensive care unit nurses, and their impact on nurses' personal and professional practice, recognizing moral distress is very important. The aim of this study was to determine correlation between moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover in intensive care unit nurses. This study is a descriptive-correlation research. A total of 159 intensive care unit nurses were selected from medical sciences universities in Iran. Data collection instruments included "demographic questionnaire," "ICU Nurses' Moral Distress Scale," "Copenhagen Burnout Inventory" and "Hinshaw and Atwood Turnover Scale." Data analysis was done by using SPSS19. Informed consent from samples and research approval was obtained from Shahid Beheshti Medical Sciences University Research Ethics Board in Tehran. The findings showed intensive care unit nurses' moral distress and anticipated turnover was high, but burnout was moderate. The results revealed that there was a positive statistical correlation between intensive care unit nurses' age, their work experience and the fraction of nurses' number to number of intensive care unit beds with their moral distress and burnout. However, there were no correlation between gender, marriage status, educational degree and work shift and moral distress. Some of the findings of this research are consistent with other studies and some of them are inconsistent. Similarly, moral distress with burnout and anticipated turnover did not have statistical correlation. However, a positive correlation was found between burnout and anticipated turnover. The results showed that increase in the recruitment of young nurses, and nursing personnel, and diminishing intensive care unit nurses' moral distress, burnout and their turnover intention are essential. © The Author(s) 2014.

  20. Social class, income, education, area of residence and psychological distress: does social class have an independent effect on psychological distress in Antalya, Turkey? (United States)

    Belek, I


    The aim of this study is to determine the separate effects of social class, income, education and area of residence on psychological distress. The study also assesses whether the association between prevalence of high score on the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12) and social class is independent of other variables. Psychological distress was assessed by means of the GHQ 12. The study covered 1,092 adults aged 15 years or more living in two different quarters of Antalya. Social class status was defined by occupational position, with income, education and area of residence treated as confounders. Chi-square and logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the data. Large inequalities in psychological distress by all variables were observed. Psychological distress was significantly associated with class status, after adjusting for income, education, area of residence and other potential confounders (age, sex and marital status). Class inequalities in psychological distress were observed between blue-collar workers/unqualified employees and bourgeoisie. These findings support the view that the recent widening of inequalities among social classes in Turkey pose a substantial threat to health.

  1. Psychological distress among adults admitted to medical and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Physical illness is commonly associated with psychological distress that may be a direct effect of the illness or an adjustment in coping with the physical illness or its treatment. Little is known about psychological distress of patients on general wards in developing countries. Objectives: This study aimed to ...

  2. Distressed Relationships : Lessons from the Norwegian Banking Crisis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ongena, S.; Smith, D.C.; Michalsen, D.


    This paper measures the economy-wide impact of bank distress on the loss of relationship benefits. We use the near-collapse of the Norwegian banking system during the period 1988 to 1991 to measure the impact of bank distress announcements on the stock prices of firms maintaining a relationship with

  3. Tinnitus- related distress: evidence from fMRI of an emotional stroop task

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dennis Golm


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chronic tinnitus affects 5 % of the population, 17 % suffer under the condition. This distress seems mainly to be dependent on negative cognitive-emotional evaluation of the tinnitus and selective attention to the tinnitus. A well-established paradigm to examine selective attention and emotional processing is the Emotional Stroop Task (EST. Recent models of tinnitus distress propose limbic, frontal and parietal regions to be more active in highly distressed tinnitus patients. Only a few studies have compared high and low distressed tinnitus patients. Thus, this study aimed to explore neural correlates of tinnitus-related distress. Methods Highly distressed tinnitus patients (HDT, n = 16, low distressed tinnitus patients (LDT, n = 16 and healthy controls (HC, n = 16 underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI during an EST, that used tinnitus-related words and neutral words as stimuli. A random effects analysis of the fMRI data was conducted on the basis of the general linear model. Furthermore correlational analyses between the blood oxygen level dependent response and tinnitus distress, loudness, depression, anxiety, vocabulary and hypersensitivity to sound were performed. Results Contradictory to the hypothesis, highly distressed patients showed no Stroop effect in their reaction times. As hypothesized HDT and LDT differed in the activation of the right insula and the orbitofrontal cortex. There were no hypothesized differences between HDT and HC. Activation of the orbitofrontal cortex and the right insula were found to correlate with tinnitus distress. Conclusions The results are partially supported by earlier resting-state studies and corroborate the role of the insula and the orbitofrontal cortex in tinnitus distress.

  4. Monitoring mechanisms and financial distress of public listed companies in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soheil Kazemian


    Full Text Available This study examines the relationships between financial distress and financial ratio (liquidity, leverage, profitability, firm’s performance, and dividend among public listed companies, using the Altman Z-Score to determine the financial distress levels among public listed companies in Malaysia. Five-year data has been collected (2010 to 2014 from the annual financial statements and from Data Stream of public listed companies in Malaysia. The findings indicate significant relationships between liquidity, leverage, profitability, firm’s performance, and dividend with the financial distress levels among the companies in question. This study also examines the interaction effects of financial ratios and the year after implementation of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG in 2012 on financial distress levels. The results suggest that only liquidity and firm’s performance have stronger effects on financial distress levels in two years after MCCG implementation. This indicates that after the implementation of the Code, liquidity and firms’ performance ratios had strong and significant effect on financial distress levels. Overall, this study could help investors, creditors as well as external regulators in monitoring companies from being classified as financially distressed companies.

  5. [Resilience, spirituality, distress and tactics for battered women's conflict resolution]. (United States)

    Jaramillo-Vélez, Diva E; Ospina-Muñoz, Doris E; Cabarcas-Iglesias, Germán; Humphreys, Janice


    Determining the relationship of resilience and spirituality in battered women to distress, the frequency and intensity of mistreatment and the severity of injury. A sample was taken of 199 women who consulted Comisarías de Familia de Medellín, Colombia (family police/counselling stations). Resilience scales (RS), spiritual perspective (SPS), SCL-90R and conflict tactics (CTS) were used. Internal consistency, correlation and main exploratory components were measured. The scales revealed internal consistency. Resilience was positively correlated to spirituality (r = 0.22; p = 0.0015) and negatively correlated to total positive distress symptoms (PST) (r = -0.39; p spirituality, a lower number of positive distress symptoms and less distress.

  6. Diffusion of a Distress Management Guideline into practice. (United States)

    Tavernier, Susan S; Beck, Susan L; Dudley, William N


    The purpose of this study was to explore system and clinician-related barriers, and predictors for the adoption of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Distress Management Guideline (DMG) into oncology outpatient practice. This descriptive, correlational study surveyed a national sample of oncology nurses working in an outpatient setting who completed the survey electronically or by mail. Study respondents (n = 409) were predominantly certified nurses (84%) yet largely unfamiliar with the DMG; 17% of respondents were using the DMG. Time, staff uncertainties and ambiguous accountability were the largest barriers to not assessing distress. Compared with those not using any assessment tool, those using the DMG were more comfortable discussing distress, worked as an oncology nurse longer, scored colleagues higher on valuing distress screening and had more organizational processes in place to support evidence-based practices. Significant predictors of DMG use included higher familiarity with the DMG (OR 3.81, p DMG, which are amenable to interventions. DMG adoption may be augmented by interventions, which increase familiarity with the guideline. Additionally, adoption of the DMG may improve through explicit articulation of the responsibilities oncology team members have in cancer-related distress screening and management. Further studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of such interventions and their impact on patient care outcomes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  7. 47 CFR 80.320 - Radiotelephone distress call and message transmission procedure. (United States)


    ... by its call sign or name, to permit direction-finding stations to determine its position. This... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Radiotelephone distress call and message... Procedures Distress, Alarm, Urgency and Safety Procedures § 80.320 Radiotelephone distress call and message...

  8. Job-related tension, self-esteem and psychological distress in rehabilitation professionals. (United States)

    Flett, R; Biggs, H; Alpass, F


    We examined perceptions of job-related tension among a non-random sample of 52 New Zealand rehabilitation service providers. We considered the relations between job tension and psychological distress and the extent to which feelings of self-esteem moderated this relationship. Major findings are that (a) there is a consistent positive relationship between job tension and general psychological distress; (b) there is a consistent negative relationship between self-esteem and both job tension and general distress; (c) self-esteem moderates the effect of job tension on general distress in that high levels of job tension were associated with increases in psychological distress among respondents with low self-esteem while among respondents with high-self esteem, job-related tension had little negative impact on feelings of psychological distress. Despite a number of limitations, the findings have a number of important implications for professional functioning among rehabilitation service providers and highlight the need for appropriate staff development and training initiatives which focus specifically on service provider wellbeing.

  9. Immigration distress and associated factors among Vietnamese women in transnational marriages in Taiwan. (United States)

    Yang, Yung-Mei; Wang, Hsiu-Hung; Anderson, Debra


    The purpose of this study was to explore the types and predictors of immigration distress among Vietnamese women in transnational marriages in Taiwan. A cross-sectional survey with face-to-face interviews was conducted for data collection. A convenient sample of 203 Vietnamese women in transnational marriages in southern Taiwan was recruited. The Demographic Inventory measured the participants' age, education, employment status, religion, length of residency and number of children, as well as their spouse's age, education, employment status and religion. The Demand of Immigration Specific Distress scale measured the level of distress and had six subscales: loss, novelty, occupational adjustment, language accommodation, discrimination and alienation. Among the 203 participants, 6.4% had a high level of immigration distress; 91.1% had moderate distress; and 2.5% had minor distress. Higher mean scores were found for the loss, novelty and language accommodation subscales of the Demand of Immigration Specific Distress scale. Participant's (r = 0.321, p immigration distress. Length of residency in Taiwan (r = 0.576, p immigration distress. It indicated that the participants who had stayed fewer years in Taiwan had a higher level of immigrant distress. Health care professionals need to be aware that the female newcomers in transnational marriages are highly susceptible to immigration distress. The study suggests that healthcare professionals need to provide a comprehensive assessment of immigration distress to detect health problems early and administer culturally appropriate healthcare for immigrant women in transnational marriages. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Psychological distress in remote mining and construction workers in Australia. (United States)

    Bowers, Jennifer; Lo, Johnny; Miller, Peta; Mawren, Daveena; Jones, Brooklyn


    To assess the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress in a sample of remote mining and construction workers in Australia. Design, setting: A cross-sectional, anonymous Wellbeing and Lifestyle Survey at ten mining sites in South Australia and Western Australia, administered at meetings held during 2013-2015. 1124 employees at remote construction, and open cut and underground mining sites completed the survey. General psychological distress (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, K10) and self-reported overall mental health status; work, lifestyle and family factors correlated with level of psychological distress. The final sample comprised 1124 workers; 93.5% were men, 63% were aged 25-44 years. 311 respondents (28%) had K10 scores indicating high/very high psychological distress, compared with 10.8% for Australia overall. The most frequently reported stressors were missing special events (86%), relationship problems with partners (68%), financial stress (62%), shift rosters (62%), and social isolation (60%). High psychological distress was significantly more likely in workers aged 25-34 years (v ≥ 55 years: odds ratio [OR], 3.2; P = 0.001) and workers on a 2 weeks on/1 week off roster (v 4 weeks on/1 week off: OR, 2.4; P mental health problems were at the greatest risk of high/very high psychological distress (v not stressed: OR, 23.5; P mental ill health in these workers need to be addressed, and the stigma associated with mental health problems reduced.

  11. Partner relationship satisfaction and maternal emotional distress in early pregnancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eberhard-Gran Malin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recognition of maternal emotional distress during pregnancy and the identification of risk factors for this distress are of considerable clinical- and public health importance. The mental health of the mother is important both for herself, and for the physical and psychological health of her children and the welfare of the family. The first aim of the present study was to identify risk factors for maternal emotional distress during pregnancy with special focus on partner relationship satisfaction. The second aim was to assess interaction effects between relationship satisfaction and the main predictors. Methods Pregnant women enrolled in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (n = 51,558 completed a questionnaire with questions about maternal emotional distress, relationship satisfaction, and other risk factors. Associations between 37 predictor variables and emotional distress were estimated by multiple linear regression analysis. Results Relationship dissatisfaction was the strongest predictor of maternal emotional distress (β = 0.25. Other predictors were dissatisfaction at work (β = 0.11, somatic disease (β = 0.11, work related stress (β = 0.10 and maternal alcohol problems in the preceding year (β = 0.09. Relationship satisfaction appeared to buffer the effects of frequent moving, somatic disease, maternal smoking, family income, irregular working hours, dissatisfaction at work, work stress, and mother's sick leave (P Conclusions Dissatisfaction with the partner relationship is a significant predictor of maternal emotional distress in pregnancy. A good partner relationship can have a protective effect against some stressors.

  12. Lifestyle and Mental Health Correlates of Psychological Distress in College Students (United States)

    Knowlden, Adam P.; Hackman, Christine L.; Sharma, Manoj


    Objective: College students are at an increased risk of mental distress. The purpose of this study was to determine whether mental and lifestyle factors differed according to self-reported levels of psychological distress. Design and setting: A self-report questionnaire comprising the Kessler-6 Psychological Distress Scale, Revised Life…

  13. Moral distress in undergraduate nursing students: A systematic review. (United States)

    Sasso, Loredana; Bagnasco, Annamaria; Bianchi, Monica; Bressan, Valentina; Carnevale, Franco


    Nurses and nursing students appear vulnerable to moral distress when faced with ethical dilemmas or decision-making in clinical practice. As a result, they may experience professional dissatisfaction and their relationships with patients, families, and colleagues may be compromised. The impact of moral distress may manifest as anger, feelings of guilt and frustration, a desire to give up the profession, loss of self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. The purpose of this review was to describe how dilemmas and environmental, relational, and organizational factors contribute to moral distress in undergraduate student nurses during their clinical experience and professional education. The research design was a systematic literature review. The search produced a total of 157 articles published between 2004 and 2014. These were screened with the assessment sheet designed by Hawker and colleagues. Four articles matched the search criteria (one quantitative study and three qualitative), and these were separately read and analyzed by the researchers. The process of review and analysis of the data was supervised by a colleague experienced in moral distress who provided an independent quality check. Since this was a systematic review, no ethical approval was required. From the analysis, it emerged that inequalities and healthcare disparities, the relationship with the mentor, and students' individual characteristics can all impact negatively on the decisions taken and the nursing care provided, generating moral distress. All these factors condition both the clinical experience and learning process, in addition to the professional development and the possible care choices of future nurses. Few studies dealt with moral distress in the setting of nurse education, and there is a knowledge gap related to this phenomenon. The results of this review underline the need for further research regarding interventions that can minimize moral distress in undergraduate nursing students.

  14. Distress among women receiving uninformative BRCA1/2 results: 12-month outcomes. (United States)

    O'Neill, Suzanne C; Rini, Christine; Goldsmith, Rachel E; Valdimarsdottir, Heiddis; Cohen, Lawrence H; Schwartz, Marc D


    Few data are available regarding the long-term psychological impact of uninformative BRCA1/2 test results. This study examines change in distress from pretesting to 12-months post-disclosure, with medical, family history, and psychological variables, such as pretesting perceived risk of carrying a deleterious mutation prior to testing and primary and secondary appraisals, as predictors. Two hundred and nine women with uninformative BRCA1/2 test results completed questionnaires at pretesting and 1-, 6-, and 12-month post-disclosure, including measures of anxiety and depression, cancer-specific and genetic testing distress. We used a mixed models approach to predict change in post-disclosure distress. Distress declined from pretesting to 1-month post-disclosure, but remained stable thereafter. Primary appraisals predicted all types of distress at 1-month post-disclosure. Primary and secondary appraisals predicted genetic testing distress at 1-month as well as change over time. Receiving a variant of uncertain clinical significance and entering testing with a high expectation for carrying a deleterious mutation predicted genetic testing distress that persisted through the year after testing. As a whole, women receiving uninformative BRCA1/2 test results are a resilient group. For some women, distress experienced in the month after testing does not dissipate. Variables, such as heightened pretesting perceived risk and cognitive appraisals, predict greater likelihood for sustained distress in this group and could be amenable to intervention.

  15. Psychological distress and prejudice following terror attacks in France. (United States)

    Goodwin, Robin; Kaniasty, Krzysztof; Sun, Shaojing; Ben-Ezra, Menachem


    Terrorist attacks have the capacity to threaten our beliefs about the world, cause distress across populations and promote discrimination towards particular groups. We examined the impact of two different types of attacks in the same city and same year on psychological distress and probable posttraumatic stress symptoms, and the moderating effects of religion or media use on distress/posttraumatic symptoms and inter-group relations. Two panel surveys four weeks after the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack (N = 1981) and the November 2015 Bataclan concert hall/restaurant attacks (N = 1878), measured intrinsic religiosity, social and traditional media use, psychological distress (K6), probable posttraumatic stress symptoms (proposed ICD-11), symbolic racism and willingness to interact with Muslims by non-Muslims. Prevalence of serious mental illness (K6 score > 18) was higher after November 2015 attacks (7.0% after the first attack, 10.2% the second, χ2 (1) = 5.67, p < 0.02), as were probable posttraumatic stress symptoms (11.9% vs. 14.1%; χ2 (1) = 4.15, p < 0.04). In structural equation analyses, sex, age, geographic proximity, media use and religiosity were associated with distress, as was the interaction between event and religiosity. Distress was then associated with racism symbolism and willingness to interact with Muslims. Implications are considered for managing psychological trauma across populations, and protecting inter-group harmony. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Workplace bullying and mental distress - a prospective study of Norwegian employees. (United States)

    Finne, Live Bakke; Knardahl, Stein; Lau, Bjørn


    Using a prospective design, the objective of this study was to determine the relationship between workplace bullying and mental distress. Altogether, 1971 Norwegian employees, recruited from 20 organizations, answered questions regarding workplace bullying and mental distress at both baseline and follow-up. Baseline data were gathered between 2004-2006, and follow-up data were gathered between 2006-2009. The time-lag between baseline and follow-up was approximately two years for all the respondents in all the organizations. The factors measured in the study were individual characteristics, mental distress measured with the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-10), self-reported workplace bullying measured with a single item from the General Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work (QPSNordic) and job demands and job control assessed by QPSNordic. A multiple linear regression analysis adjusted for mental distress, sex, age, job demands and job control at baseline [β=0.05, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.03-0.17] and a repeated measures ANOVA adjusted for sex and age [F(3,1965)=38.37; partial η (2)=0.06] showed that workplace bullying predicted mental distress. Furthermore, a multiple binary logistic regression analysis adjusted for bullying, sex, age, job demands and job control at baseline [odds ratio (OR) 2.30, 95% CI 1.43-3.69] showed that mental distress was a predictor of bullying. We found support for the notion that self-reported workplace bullying is a predictor of mental distress two years later. Bullying had an independent effect on mental distress after adjusting for job demands and job control. Mental distress was also found to be a predictor of bullying, indicating that the reverse relationship is also important.

  17. Experiences and psychological distress of fertility treatment and employment. (United States)

    Payne, Nicola; Seenan, Susan; van den Akker, Olga


    This study examined experiences and psychological distress about fertility treatment in people combining work and treatment. Five hundred and sixty-three participants in the UK completed an online survey asking about difficulties in combining work and treatment; workplace disclosure, support, absence and policy; and psychological distress about treatment. Absence from work and perceptions that treatment has an impact on work and career prospects were reported by the majority of participants and this was related to the psychological distress of treatment. Around three quarters of participants disclosed to their employer and colleagues. The key reason for disclosure was needing to ask for absence from work and the main reason for non-disclosure was privacy. Workplace policy relating to managing fertility treatment and support from colleagues and their employer was related to reduced psychological distress but workplace policy was reported by less than one quarter of participants. Difficulties experienced in combining work and treatment suggest that support is needed. Specific workplace policy, guidance for supervisors and flexibility in fertility clinic times should help support employees during treatment and reduce psychological distress, thereby potentially influencing physical health and treatment outcomes.

  18. 'Moral distress'--time to abandon a flawed nursing construct? (United States)

    Johnstone, Megan-Jane; Hutchinson, Alison


    Moral distress has been characterised in the nursing literature as a major problem affecting nurses in all healthcare systems. It has been portrayed as threatening the integrity of nurses and ultimately the quality of patient care. However, nursing discourse on moral distress is not without controversy. The notion itself is conceptually flawed and suffers from both theoretical and practical difficulties. Nursing research investigating moral distress is also problematic on account of being methodologically weak and disparate. Moreover, the ultimate purpose and significance of the research is unclear. In light of these considerations, it is contended that the notion of moral distress ought to be abandoned and that concerted attention be given to advancing inquiries that are more conducive to improving the quality and safety of moral decision-making, moral conduct and moral outcomes in nursing and healthcare domains. © The Author(s) 2013.

  19. Differences in Psychological Distress and Esteem Based on Sexual Identity Development (United States)

    Shepler, Dustin; Perrone-McGovern, Kristin


    A sample of 791 college students between the ages of 18 and 25 years were administered a series of measures to determine their sexual identity development status, global self-esteem, global psychological distress, sexual-esteem and sexual distress. As hypothesized, results indicated no significant difference in terms of psychological distress,…

  20. Psychological distress in patients with morphea and eosinophilic fasciitis.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kroft, Ilse; Jong, E.M.G.J. de; Evers, A.W.M.


    OBJECTIVE: To examine the level of psychological distress and factors contributing to distress in patients with morphea or eosinophilic fasciitis. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Dermatology outpatient clinic of a university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Of 120 patients with morphea or

  1. Researching moral distress among New Zealand nurses: a national survey. (United States)

    Woods, Martin; Rodgers, Vivien; Towers, Andy; La Grow, Steven


    Moral distress has been described as a major problem for the nursing profession, and in recent years, a considerable amount of research has been undertaken to examine its causes and effects. However, few research projects have been performed that examined the moral distress of an entire nation's nurses, as this particular study does. The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency and intensity of moral distress experienced by registered nurses in New Zealand. The research involved the use of a mainly quantitative approach supported by a slightly modified version of a survey based on the Moral Distress Scale-Revised. In total, 1500 questionnaires were sent out at random to nurses working in general areas around New Zealand and 412 were returned, giving an adequate response rate of 27%. The project was evaluated and judged to be low risk and recorded as such on 22 February 2011 via the auspices of the Massey University Human Ethics Committee. Results indicate that the most frequent situations to cause nursing distress were (a) having to provide less than optimal care due to management decisions, (b) seeing patient care suffer due to lack of provider continuity and (c) working with others who are less than competent. The most distressing experiences resulted from (a) working with others who are unsafe or incompetent, (b) witnessing diminished care due to poor communication and (c) watching patients suffer due to a lack of provider continuity. Of the respondents, 48% reported having considered leaving their position due to the moral distress. The results imply that moral distress in nursing remains a highly significant and pertinent issue that requires greater consideration by health service managers, policymakers and nurse educators. © The Author(s) 2014.

  2. Slow dissolving of emotional distress contributes to hyperarousal. (United States)

    Wassing, Rick; Benjamins, Jeroen S; Dekker, Kim; Moens, Sarah; Spiegelhalder, Kai; Feige, Bernd; Riemann, Dieter; van der Sluis, Sophie; Van Der Werf, Ysbrand D; Talamini, Lucia M; Walker, Matthew P; Schalkwijk, Frans; Van Someren, Eus J W


    The mechanisms underlying hyperarousal, the key symptom of insomnia, have remained elusive, hampering cause-targeted treatment. Recently, restless rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep emerged as a robust signature of sleep in insomnia. Given the role of REM sleep in emotion regulation, we hypothesized that restless REM sleep could interfere with the overnight resolution of emotional distress, thus contributing to accumulation of arousal. Participants (n = 1,199) completed questionnaires on insomnia severity, hyperarousal, self-conscious emotional distress, and thought-like nocturnal mentation that was validated to be a specific proxy for restless REM sleep (selective fragmentation: R = 0.57, P insomnia severity (β = 0.29, P Insomnia severity was associated with hyperarousal (β = 0.47, P insomnia was mediated specifically by reduced overnight resolution of emotional distress. The model outperformed all alternative mediation pathways. The findings suggest that restless REM sleep reflects a process that interferes with the overnight resolution of distress. Its accumulation may promote the development of chronic hyperarousal, giving clinical relevance to the role of REM sleep in emotion regulation in insomnia, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder.

  3. Fibromyalgia: When Distress Becomes (Un)sympathetic Pain


    Martinez-Lavin, Manuel


    Fibromyalgia is a painful stress-related disorder. A key issue in fibromyalgia research is to investigate how distress could be converted into pain. The sympathetic nervous system is the main element of the stress response system. In animal models, physical trauma, infection, or distressing noise can induce abnormal connections between the sympathetic nervous system and the nociceptive system. Dorsal root ganglia sodium channels facilitate this type of sympathetic pain. Similar mechanisms may...

  4. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: epidemiology and management approaches

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    Walkey AJ


    Full Text Available Allan J Walkey,1 Ross Summer,1 Vu Ho,1 Philip Alkana21The Pulmonary Center, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA; 2Asthma Research Center, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USAAbstract: Acute lung injury and the more severe acute respiratory distress syndrome represent a spectrum of lung disease characterized by the sudden onset of inflammatory pulmonary edema secondary to myriad local or systemic insults. The present article provides a review of current evidence in the epidemiology and treatment of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome, with a focus on significant knowledge gaps that may be addressed through epidemiologic methods.Keywords: acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, review, epidemiology

  5. Ordered LOGIT Model approach for the determination of financial distress. (United States)

    Kinay, B


    Nowadays, as a result of the global competition encountered, numerous companies come up against financial distresses. To predict and take proactive approaches for those problems is quite important. Thus, the prediction of crisis and financial distress is essential in terms of revealing the financial condition of companies. In this study, financial ratios relating to 156 industrial firms that are quoted in the Istanbul Stock Exchange are used and probabilities of financial distress are predicted by means of an ordered logit regression model. By means of Altman's Z Score, the dependent variable is composed by scaling the level of risk. Thus, a model that can compose an early warning system and predict financial distress is proposed.

  6. 47 CFR 80.313 - Frequencies for use in distress. (United States)


    ... 80.313 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Safety Watch Requirements and Procedures Distress, Alarm, Urgency and Safety Procedures § 80.313 Frequencies for use in distress. The frequencies specified in the...

  7. Prevalence of job-related distress and satisfaction in a nationwide cardiology setting: The IANUS - itAliaN cardiologists' Undetected distress Study. (United States)

    Majani, Giuseppina; Di Tano, Giuseppe; Giardini, Anna; De Maria, Renata; Russo, Giulia; Maestri, Roberto; Marini, Marco; Milli, Massimo; Aspromonte, Nadia


    Cardiologists' work distress has been seldom studied. The ItAliaN cardiologists' Undetected distress Study survey was designed to assess prevalence of work distress and satisfaction, and to gain insight into associations among these constructs and socio-demographics and job description. We invited members of our national cardiological society (Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri) to participate in an anonymous, self-report, exclusively web-based survey, posted on the Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri website. ItAliaN cardiologists' Undetected distress Study included socio-demographics, job description and a 15-item questionnaire on job-related distress and work satisfaction. Of 7393 invited cardiologists, 1064 completed the survey. Organizational problems and worries about medico-legal controversies were reported by 71% and 49% of participants, respectively; over one-third reported loss of enthusiasm, helplessness, work-life imbalance and lack of control over work. Conversely, 86% felt competent at work, 67% rewarded by the moral/human meaning of their work and 52% satisfied with their professional fulfilment. Factor analysis revealed a meaningful underlying structure including four factors: job strain, positive meaning, emotional fatigue and relational difficulties. Relational difficulties were more frequent in cardiologists working in primary-level than in secondary and tertiary care hospitals (P = 0.017 and P = 0.013, respectively). Interventional cardiologists reported higher positive meaning than those in the clinical inpatients area and outpatient diagnostic settings (P = 0.007 and P = 0.025, respectively) and lower emotional fatigue than subjects in the clinical inpatients area (P = 0.0005). Cardiologists' work distress should be interpreted integrating job-related negative aspects with a reappraisal of protective personal and relational resources, which should be fostered to promote physicians

  8. Future doctors : Mental distress during medical education: cross-sectional and longitudinal studies


    Dahlin, Marie


    Medical education is long and stressful and medical students may suffer from mental distress. The aims of this dissertation are threefold; to investigate levels of distress in medical students at one Swedish medical school, to examine gender differences in such distress and to study individual and environmental determinants of distress. Major outcome measures were self-rated depression, burnout and interviewer-rated psychiatric morbidity. The thesis consists of two cross-sec...

  9. Classification of natural and supernatural causes of mental distress. Development of a Mental Distress Explanatory Model Questionnaire. (United States)

    Eisenbruch, M


    This paper describes the background and development of a Mental Distress Explanatory Model Questionnaire designed to explore how people from different cultures explain mental distress. A 45-item questionnaire was developed with items derived from the Murdock et al. categories, with additional items covering western notions of physiological causation and stress. The questionnaire was administered to 261 people, mostly college students. Multi-dimensional scaling analysis shows four clusters of mental distress: a) stress; b) western physiological; c) nonwestern physiological; and d) supernatural. These clusters form two dimensions: western physiological vs. supernatural and impersonal vs. personalistic explanations. Natural and stress items are separated from supernatural and nonwestern physiological items along the first dimension. Brain damage, physical illness, and genetic defects have the greatest separation along the first dimension. Being hot, the body being out of balance, and wind currents passing through the body most strongly represent the non-western physiological category. The questionnaire has the potential to be used for community health screening and for monitoring patient care, as well as with students in the health sciences and with health practitioners.

  10. 47 CFR 80.1109 - Distress, urgency, and safety communications. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Distress, urgency, and safety communications. 80.1109 Section 80.1109 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS...

  11. Síntomas respiratorios asociados con la exposición a la contaminación del aire en cinco localidades de Bogotá, 2008-2011, estudio en una cohorte dinámica

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    Rodrigo Sarmiento


    Conclusión. Los efectos de la contaminación del aire extramuros se vieron potenciados por las condiciones socioeconómicas en las que vive y trabaja la población de Bogotá. Es necesario adoptar una aproximación conceptual más amplia desde la perspectiva de la salud pública y fortalecer la acción intersectorial para reducir los efectos de la contaminación del aire en la salud de la población.

  12. Tinnitus: distinguishing between subjectively perceived loudness and tinnitus-related distress.

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    Elisabeth Wallhäusser-Franke

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of tinnitus patients. Therefore, subclassification of tinnitus patients is expected to improve therapeutic allocation, which, in turn, is hoped to improve therapeutic success for the individual patient. The present study aims to define factors that differentially influence subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. METHODS: In a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey, the data of 4705 individuals with tinnitus were analyzed. The self-report questionnaire contained items about subjective tinnitus loudness, type of onset, awareness and localization of the tinnitus, hearing impairment, chronic comorbidities, sleep quality, and psychometrically validated questionnaires addressing tinnitus-related distress, depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. In a binary step-wise logistic regression model, we tested the predictive power of these variables on subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. RESULTS: The present data contribute to the distinction between subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Whereas subjective loudness was associated with permanent awareness and binaural localization of the tinnitus, tinnitus-related distress was associated with depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. CONCLUSIONS: Subjective tinnitus loudness and the potential presence of severe depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity should be assessed separately from tinnitus-related distress. If loud tinnitus is the major complaint together with mild or moderate tinnitus-related distress, therapies should focus on auditory perception. If levels of depressivity, anxiety or somatic symptom severity are severe, therapies and further diagnosis should focus on these symptoms at first.

  13. Tinnitus: Distinguishing between Subjectively Perceived Loudness and Tinnitus-Related Distress (United States)

    Wallhäusser-Franke, Elisabeth; Brade, Joachim; Balkenhol, Tobias; D'Amelio, Roberto; Seegmüller, Andrea; Delb, Wolfgang


    Objectives Overall success of current tinnitus therapies is low, which may be due to the heterogeneity of tinnitus patients. Therefore, subclassification of tinnitus patients is expected to improve therapeutic allocation, which, in turn, is hoped to improve therapeutic success for the individual patient. The present study aims to define factors that differentially influence subjectively perceived tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Methods In a questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey, the data of 4705 individuals with tinnitus were analyzed. The self-report questionnaire contained items about subjective tinnitus loudness, type of onset, awareness and localization of the tinnitus, hearing impairment, chronic comorbidities, sleep quality, and psychometrically validated questionnaires addressing tinnitus-related distress, depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. In a binary step-wise logistic regression model, we tested the predictive power of these variables on subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Results The present data contribute to the distinction between subjective tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related distress. Whereas subjective loudness was associated with permanent awareness and binaural localization of the tinnitus, tinnitus-related distress was associated with depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity. Conclusions Subjective tinnitus loudness and the potential presence of severe depressivity, anxiety, and somatic symptom severity should be assessed separately from tinnitus-related distress. If loud tinnitus is the major complaint together with mild or moderate tinnitus-related distress, therapies should focus on auditory perception. If levels of depressivity, anxiety or somatic symptom severity are severe, therapies and further diagnosis should focus on these symptoms at first. PMID:22529921

  14. Patterns of electronic cigarette use and level of psychological distress.

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    Su Hyun Park

    Full Text Available Psychological distress has been correlated with higher levels of nicotine dependence. To date, the possible association between individuals' levels of psychological distress and e-cigarette use has not been investigated, despite the dramatic growth of e-cigarette use in the US. We examined this possible association using a nationally representative sample of US adults.A total of 36,697 adults from the 2014 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS were included. The Kessler 6 scale was used to measure psychological distress. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the association between level of psychological distress and e-cigarette use.Both e-cigarette and cigarette use varied according to level of psychological distress as well as multiple socio-demographic characteristics. In a multivariate model, psychological distress was significantly associated with the following groups: (a exclusive e-cigarette ever-use (aOR = 3.7; 95% CI = 1.6, 8.6, (b current dual use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes (aOR = 4.6; 95% CI = 3.1, 6.7, (c former cigarette use and ever use of e-cigarette (aOR = 3.2; 95% CI = 2.2, 4.8 and (d current use of cigarettes only (aOR = 2.1; 95% CI = 1.7, 2.6.These are the first data to demonstrate that, as is true for cigarettes, e-cigarette use is associated with increased levels of psychological distress. Further large-scale, longitudinal studies are needed to determine the direction of this relationship and to evaluate the long-term positive and negative consequences of such use.

  15. Ethical dilemma and moral distress: proposed new NANDA diagnoses. (United States)

    Kopala, Beverly; Burkhart, Lisa


    To propose two NANDA diagnoses--ethical dilemma and moral distress--and to distinguish between the NANDA diagnosis decisional conflict and the proposed nursing diagnosis of ethical dilemma. Journal articles, books, and focus group research findings. Moral/ethical situations exist in health care. Nurses' experiences of ethical dilemmas and moral distress are extrapolated to the types and categories of ethical dilemmas and moral distress that patients experience and are used as the basis for development of two new nursing diagnoses. The two proposed NANDA diagnoses fill a void in current standardized terminology. It is important that nurses have the ability to diagnose ethical or moral situations in health care. Currently, NANDA does not offer a means to document this important phenomenon. The creation of two sets of nursing diagnoses, ethical dilemma and moral distress, will enable nurses to recognize and track nursing care related to ethical or moral situations.

  16. Negotiating Gender Norms to Support Men in Psychological Distress. (United States)

    Keohane, Aisling; Richardson, Noel


    Underpinning a general pattern of higher suicide rates in men is the assumption that men do not ask for help or utilize the health-care system during times of psychological distress. There has been a failure to grapple with the dynamic of when, how and from whom men might ask for help during times of psychological distress, and what key barriers or enabling factors are likely to influence potential help-givers' capacity or willingness to offer help to men in psychological distress. The aim of this study was to investigate how masculine norms impact men's help-seeking as well as care givers' behaviors and willingness to support men in need of psychological help or perceived to be at risk of suicide. Focus groups ( n = 13) were used with "high-risk suicide" groups of men and community gatekeepers. The principles of grounded theory were used for data analysis. Three themes emerged: "negotiating ways to ask for, offer and accept help without compromising masculinity"; "making and sustaining contact with men in psychological distress"; and "navigating roles responsibilities and boundaries to support men in psychological distress." Approaches to suicide prevention need to take account of how masculine norms shape men's willingness to ask for and accept help during times of psychological distress as well as care givers willingness to offer help. The findings address a gap in the literature by looking beyond men's help-seeking as a passive, one dimensional construct, to a more dynamic triad of help-seeking/giving/taking behaviors that are embedded in the sociocultural context of men's lives.

  17. Psychological distress in Japanese men with localized prostate cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Namiki, Shunichi; Saito, Seiichi; Arai, Yoichi; Tochigi, Tatsuo; Numata, Isao; Ioritani, Naomasa


    The objective of this study was to investigate: the level of psychological distress; and the relationships between the level of psychological distress and general or disease-specific HRQOL of Japanese men with localized prostate cancer following surgery or radiotherapy. The study was a retrospective cross-sectional survey of 253 men with localized prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy and 87 with external beam radiotherapy were collected. The measures used four questionnaires including: the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Health Survey; The University of California, Los Angeles Prostate Cancer Index; International Prostate Symptom Score; and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Mean anxiety and depression scores were 4.0 and 4.7, respectively (standard deviation, 3.3 and 3.7). On the anxiety section of HADS, 291 patients (85%) scored 7 points or less; and on the depression scale, 183 (54%) patients scored 4 points or less. Those 'cases' (HADS total, >10) with psychological distress scored lower in all domains of the general and disease related health-related quality of life (HRQOL) than the 'non-cases' (HADS total, ≤10) except for sexual domains. Logistic regression modeling suggested that the men who tended to experience moderate to high distress suffered from worse urinary and bowel symptoms. Most patients who underwent radical prostatectomy or external beam radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer experienced low levels of psychological distress after treatment. However, men who were experiencing urinary and bowel symptoms tended to suffer from moderate to higher distress compared with men reporting no or fewer such symptoms. (author)

  18. Predictors of Psychological Distress Trajectories in the First Year After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

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    Jin-Hee Park, RN, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Purpose: Psychological distress is a significant and ongoing problem for breast cancer. These mental health problems are often neglected as they are not always properly understood. This study was performed to explore the trajectory of psychological distress over 1 year since breast cancer surgery and to identify the associated factors for the trajectory. Methods: One hundred seventeen women who underwent surgery for breast cancer completed the psychological distress thermometer and problem lists from after surgery to 12 months after surgery. Information on their sociodemographic and clinical characteristics was also obtained. Group-based trajectory modeling was performed to identify the distinct trajectories of psychological distress. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were performed to determine predictors of psychological distress trajectories. Results: A two-group linear trajectory model was optimal for modeling psychological distress (Bayesian information criterion = −777.41. Group-based trajectory modeling identified consistently high-distress (19.4% and low-decreasing distress (80.6% trajectories. Old age, depression, nervousness, and pain were significant predictors of consistently high-distress trajectory. Conclusion: Our results indicate that distinct trajectory groups can be used as a screening tool to identify patients who may be at an increased risk of psychological distress over time. Screening for psychological distress during disease diagnosis is important and necessary to identify patients who are at an increased risk of elevated distress or at risk of experiencing psychological distress over time. Keywords: anxiety, breast neoplasms, depression, pain, psychological stress

  19. Diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios para crianças com infecção respiratória aguda Diagnósticos de enfermería respiratorios para niños con infección respiratoria aguda Respiratory nursing diagnoses for children with acute respiratory infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lívia Zulmyra Cintra Andrade


    las características definidoras más prevalentes. Los ruidos adventicios respiratorios aumentan en 80% la oportunidad para la DIVA. Entre los factores relacionados, se destacaron: secreciones en los bronquios y secreciones retenidas. Las secreciones en los bronquios favorecen en 80% la ocurrencia del PRI y en 60% la DIVA. Se verificó la asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las características y factores relacionados con los diagnósticos estudiados. CONCLUSIÓN: Los cuatro diagnósticos fueron identificados en niños con infecciones respiratorias agudas, presentando distintas prevalancias.OBJECTIVES: To identify the prevalence of nursing diagnoses: ineffective breathing pattern (IBP (00032, ineffective airway clearance (IAC (00031, impaired gas exchange (IGE (00030 and impaired spontaneous ventilation (ISP (00033, their defining characteristics and related factors, in children with acute respiratory infection. METHODS: A quantitative, transversal approach with 151 children. Data were collected by means of interviews and pulmonary evaluation. For data analysis, we used descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: The most prevalent diagnosis was IBP. Adventitious breath sounds and ineffective cough were the most prevalent defining characteristics. Adventitious breath sounds increased by 80% the chance for IAC. Among the related factors, the highlights were: secretions in the bronchi and retained secretions. Secretions in the bronchi favored in 80% the occurrence of IBP and in 60% of IAC. This verified a statistically significant association between the defining characteristics and related factors of the diagnoses studied. CONCLUSION: The four diagnoses were identified in children with acute respiratory infections, with different prevalences.

  20. "It's a Burden You Carry": Describing Moral Distress in Emergency Nursing. (United States)

    Wolf, Lisa A; Perhats, Cydne; Delao, Altair M; Moon, Michael D; Clark, Paul R; Zavotsky, Kathleen E


    Moral distress in nursing has been studied in many settings, but there is a paucity of research on moral distress as it manifests in the emergency department. One study suggests a correlation between moral distress and aspects of burnout, and other researchers report that nurses have considered leaving their position or even their profession because of moral distress. Further exploration of these issues may provide insight into their effects on ED patient care and the emergency nursing profession. The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of moral distress as it is experienced and described by emergency nurses. A qualitative, exploratory design was employed using semi-structured focus groups for data collection. Using an iterative process, transcripts were analyzed for emerging themes by the research team. Six researchers analyzed the transcripts using a thematic analysis approach. Themes from the data included dysfunctional practice arena, being overwhelmed, and adaptive/maladaptive coping. Participants described, overall, a profound feeling of not being able to provide patient care as they wanted to. Causes of moral distress in emergency nurses are environment driven, not incident driven, as is described in other settings, and include a high-acuity, high-demand, technical environment with insufficient resources. Interventions should be targeted to improve environmental factors that contribute to the moral distress of emergency nurses. Future research should focus on the development and validation of an instrument to measure moral distress in this setting. Copyright © 2016 Emergency Nurses Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Efectos a corto plazo de la contaminación atmosférica sobre la mortalidad: resultados del proyecto EMECAM en Madrid, 1992-1995

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    Galán Labaca Iñaki


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A pesar de los cambios producidos en las fuentes de emisión, los niveles de partículas, SO2, y CO continúan siendo importantes en el municipio de Madrid. Por otro lado, contaminantes fotoquímicos, como el NO2 y O3, están adquiriendo una importancia creciente debido al incremento del tráfico rodado y los elevados niveles de insolación que tiene esta ciudad. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer la relación a corto plazo entre los principales contaminantes y la mortalidad diaria en el municipio de Madrid, durante el periodo de 1992 a 1995, utilizando el protocolo estandarizado del proyecto EMECAM (Estudio Multicéntrico Español de Contaminación Atmosférica y Mortalidad. MÉTODOS: Las variaciones diarias de la mortalidad por todas las causas, menos las externas, en todas las edades y en las personas de 70 años y más, así como las del aparato circulatorio y respiratorio, se asocian con las variaciones diarias de partículas (PM10, SO2, NO2, CO y O3, mediante modelos de Poisson autorregresivos. Se controlan las variables estacionalidad, tendencia, temperatura, humedad relativa, gripe, día de la semana, y días festivos e inusuales. RESULTADOS: Se observan asociaciones positivas estadísticamente significativas del SO2 con todas las series de mortalidad analizadas, del CO con la mortalidad en las personas mayores de 69 años así como con la cardiovascular y respiratoria, y de las partículas con la mortalidad cardiovascular. El NO2 también se relaciona de forma estadísticamente significativa con la mortalidad cardiovascular. Estos efectos son inmediatos, es decir, ocurren con los contaminantes del mismo día. No se observaron asociaciones positivas significativas con el O3. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados sugieren que, para un espectro amplio de contaminantes principales, los niveles actuales de contaminación atmosférica en el municipio de Madrid se asocian con un incremento de la mortalidad.

  2. Low cerebral blood flow in hypotensive perinatal distress

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lou, H C; Lassen, N A; Friis-Hansen, B


    was used for the cerebral blood flow measurements. The study confirmed that perinatal distress may be associated with low arterial blood pressure, and it was shown that cerebral blood flow is very low, 20 ml/100 g/min or less, in hypotensive perinatal distress. It is concluded that cerebral ischaemia plays...... a crucial role in the development of perinatal hypoxic brain injury....

  3. Narcissistic personality disorder: relations with distress and functional impairment. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Campbell, W Keith; Pilkonis, Paul A


    This study examined the construct validity of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) by examining the relations between NPD and measures of psychologic distress and functional impairment both concurrently and prospectively across 2 samples. In particular, the goal was to address whether NPD typically "meets" criterion C of the DSM-IV definition of Personality Disorder, which requires that the symptoms lead to clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning. Sample 1 (n = 152) was composed of individuals receiving psychiatric treatment, whereas sample 2 (n = 151) was composed of both psychiatric patients (46%) and individuals from the community. Narcissistic personality disorder was linked to ratings of depression, anxiety, and several measures of impairment both concurrently and at 6-month follow-up. However, the relations between NPD and psychologic distress were (a) small, especially in concurrent measurements, and (b) largely mediated by impaired functioning. Narcissistic personality disorder was most strongly related to causing pain and suffering to others, and this relationship was significant even when other Cluster B personality disorders were controlled. These findings suggest that NPD is a maladaptive personality style which primarily causes dysfunction and distress in interpersonal domains. The behavior of narcissistic individuals ultimately leads to problems and distress for the narcissistic individuals and for those with whom they interact.

  4. Distress about mating rivals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buss, DM; Shackelford, TK; Choe, J; Buunk, BP; Dijkstra, P

    This research tested the evolutionary psychological hypothesis that men and women would be most distressed about threats from rivals who surpass them on sex-linked components of mate value. Six predictions were tested in samples from three cultures, the United States (N = 208), the Netherlands (N =

  5. The career distress scale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Creed, Peter; Hood, Michelle; Praskova, Anna


    distress items for model fit, item bias, location dependency, dimensionality, reliability, suitability of response options, and construct validity. Three of the 12 items examined were removed from consideration as they did not fit the Rasch model or were not invariant across groups. The remaining 9 items...

  6. Symptom Endorsement and Sociodemographic Correlates of Postnatal Distress in Three Low Income Countries

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    Amanda J. Nguyen


    Full Text Available Background. Maternal mental illness has been implicated in adverse child development outcomes. Factors such as context and culture may influence experiences of maternal distress and explain differences in outcomes across settings. Methods. We analyzed baseline data from 5,647 mothers in Ethiopia, India (Andhra Pradesh, and Vietnam participating in an ongoing cohort study (Young Lives to compare symptom endorsement and sociodemographic correlates of distress. Maternal distress was assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 Items (cutoff: ≥8. Logistic regressions were stratified by sample to identify correlates of distress. Results. Symptom endorsement was similar among distressed women, particularly with regard to feeling unhappy (76%, 80%, and 79%. Notable differences were observed in three items assessing Depressive Thoughts, which were most highly endorsed in Ethiopia (49%–56%. Having a child experiencing a life-threatening event was correlated with distress in all three samples. A variety of correlates were unique to only one sample. Conclusions. There were multiple similarities but also notable differences across sites in the expression and correlates of maternal distress. Feeling unhappy appears to be a hallmark feature of distress. Correlates highlight the relationship between distress and indicators of poverty, child wellbeing, and economic shocks. Differences demonstrate the value of further exploration of cross-cultural differences.

  7. Executive Summary: Transforming Moral Distress into Moral Resilience in Nursing. (United States)

    Rushton, Cynda Hylton; Schoonover-Shoffner, Kathy; Kennedy, Maureen Shawn

    To examine practices for addressing moral distress, a collaborative project was developed by the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, the American Journal of Nursing, and the Journal of Christian Nursing, along with the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses and the American Nurses Association. Its purpose was to identify strategies that individuals and systems can use to mitigate the detrimental effects of moral distress and foster moral resilience. On August 11 and 12, 2016, an invitational symposium, State of the Science: Transforming Moral Distress into Moral Resilience in Nursing, was held at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Baltimore, Maryland. Forty-five nurse clinicians, researchers, ethicists, organization representatives, and other stakeholders took part. The result of the symposium was group consensus on recommendations for addressing moral distress and building moral resilience in four areas: practice, education, research, and policy. Participants and the organizations represented were energized and committed to moving this agenda forward. The full report is available online at

  8. Moral sensitivity, moral distress, and moral courage among baccalaureate Filipino nursing students. (United States)

    Escolar-Chua, Rowena L


    Moral distress, moral sensitivity, and moral courage among healthcare professionals have been explored considerably in recent years. However, there is a paucity of studies exploring these topics among baccalaureate nursing students. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between and among moral distress, moral sensitivity, and moral courage of undergraduate baccalaureate nursing students. The research employed a descriptive-correlational design to explore the relationships between and among moral distress, moral sensitivity, and moral courage of undergraduate nursing students. Participants and research context: A total of 293 baccalaureate Filipino nursing students who have been exposed to various clinical areas participated in the study. Ethical considerations: Institutional review board approval was sought prior to the conduct of the study. Self-determination was assured and anonymity and confidentiality were guaranteed to all participants. Results indicate that a majority of the nursing students in the clinical areas encounter morally distressing situations that compromise quality patient care. However, despite the fact that they want to do what is in the best interest of their patients, their perception of being the inexperienced among the healthcare team drives the majority of them to ignore morally distressing situations to avoid conflict and confrontation. Another interesting finding is that 79.20% of the respondents hardly consider quitting the nursing profession even if they frequently encounter morally distressing situations. Analysis also shows associations between moral distress intensity and frequency ( r = 0.13, p < 0.05) and moral distress intensity and moral sensitivity ( r = 0.25, p < 0.05). The dimensions of moral courage are also related to both moral distress and moral sensitivity. Results of the study imply that moral distress is a reality among all healthcare professionals including nursing students and requires more

  9. Psychological distress in health sciences college students and its relationship with academic engagement

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    Cristina Liébana-Presa


    Full Text Available Objective: To determine the prevalence of psychological distress and its relationship with academic engagement (absorption, dedication and vigor, sex and degree among students from four public universities. Method: A non-experimental,comparative correlational, quantitative investigation without intervention. Study population: 1840 nursing and physical therapy students. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. Results: A 32.2% prevalence of psychological distress was found in the subjects; a correlation between vigor and psychological distress was found for all of the subjects and also for women. High absorption and dedication scores and low psychological distress scores predicted higher vigor scores. Conclusion: The risk of psychological distress is high, especially for women. Women seem to have a higher level of psychological distress than men. Vigor, energy and mental resilience positively influence psychological distress and can be a vehicle for better results during the learning and studying process.

  10. Keberadaan Corporate Governance Sebagai Variabel Moderasi Pengaruh Financial Distress Terhadap Earnings Management

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    Dody Hapsoro


      Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan bukti empiris pengaruh kesulitan keuangan terhadap manajemen laba dan pengaruh kesulitan keuangan terhadap manajemen laba yang dimoderasi oleh tata kelola perusahaan. Kesulitan keuangan terdiri dari DISTRESS1, DISTRESS2 dan DISTRESS3. Manajemen laba diukur dengan menggunakan akrual diskresioner yang mengaplikasikan Model Jones, dan tata kelola perusahaan terdiri dari tiga variabel (dewan direksi, komisaris independen, dan komite audit. Direksi diukur dengan menggunakan jumlah dewan direksi di dalam perusahaan termasuk chief executive officer (CEO. Komisaris independen diukur dengan menggunakan proporsi komisaris independen dimana total komisaris independen dibagi dengan total dewan komite komisaris, dan komite audit diukur dengan menggunakan jumlah anggota komite audit. Variabel kontrol dalam penelitian ini adalah ukuran perusahaan yang diukur dengan menggunakan logaritma total aset. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 423 perusahaan non keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari laporan tahunan perusahaan non-keuangan untuk periode 2014. Berdasarkan metode purposive sampling terdapat  62 sampel penelitian. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian pada Model 1 menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan manajemen laba, sedangkan variabel DISTRESS1, variabel DISTRESS2, dan variabel DISTRESS3 tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan manajemen laba. Hasil penelitian pada Model 2 menunjukkan bahwa variabel DISTRESS3, komisaris independen, dan interaksi antara kesulitan keuangan dengan tata kelola perusahaan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan manajemen laba, sedangkan variabel DISTRESS1, variabel DISTRESS2, dewan direksi, komite audit, dan ukuran perusahaan tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan manajemen laba.

  11. Association between age, distress, and orientations to happiness in individuals with disabilities. (United States)

    Terrill, Alexandra L; Müller, Rachel; Jensen, Mark P; Molton, Ivan R; Ipsen, Catherine; Ravesloot, Craig


    To determine how age and distress are associated in individuals with disabilities, and how happiness and its components (meaning, pleasure, and engagement) mediate or moderate this relationship. These were cross-sectional analyses of survey data from 508 community-dwelling adults with a variety of self-reported health conditions and functional disabilities. Measures included the Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire and items from the Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Greater distress was associated with lower global happiness in both mediation and moderation models. The mediation model showed that middle-aged participants (age: 45-64) scored lowest in global happiness, and the effect of age on distress was partially mediated by happiness. None of the happiness components mediated the relationship of age on distress. The moderation model showed a significant interaction effect for age and global happiness on distress, where younger participants low on happiness were significantly more distressed. Of the three happiness components, only meaning was significantly associated with distress. There was a significant interaction between age and meaning, where participants who were younger and scored low on the meaning scale reported significantly higher distress. Findings from this study lay groundwork for the development of clinical interventions to address distress in individuals with functional disabilities. Middle-aged and younger people with disabilities may be particularly affected by lower levels of happiness and might benefit from psychological interventions that focus on increasing overall well-being and providing meaning and purpose in life. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved.

  12. The Impact of Multiple Roles on Psychological Distress among Japanese Workers

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    Ayumi Honda


    Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that participants who had only an employment role had an increased risk of psychological distress. The degree of psychological distress was not determined solely by the number of roles. It is important to have balance between work and family life to reduce role conflict and/or role submersion, which in turn may reduce the risk of psychological distress.

  13. Understanding women's experiences of distress during pregnancy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (United States)

    Kaaya, S F; Mbwambo, J K; Fawzi, M C Smith; Van Den Borne, H; Schaalma, H; Leshabari, M T


    Several studies show depression is common during pregnancy. However, there is limited information in Tanzania on the magnitude of perceived distress during pregnancy and meanings ascribed to such distress. A descriptive survey collected data using unstructured interviews from 12 traditional practitioners and 10 peri-urban women with previous pregnancy related mental health concerns identified using a depression vignette. The objectives were to describe the sources and characteristics of distress during pregnancy, and idioms of distress that could inform cultural adaptation of depression screening tools. Narrative analysis showed an emergent category of "problematic pregnancies" framed women's recollections of prolonged periods of sadness. This experience was qualified using various idioms of distress that were differentially emphasized depending on informant's perceived causes of health concern. The idiom kusononeka was consistently used to describe extreme sadness across causal categories and clustered with at least two typical features of major depression. This suggested existence of a construct with similarities to biomedical criteria for depression. "Thinking too much" emerged as a distinctive expression associated with prolonged sadness. Distinctive expressions of social functioning impairments were identified that can inform depression severity assessments. In conclusion, contextual inquiry into experiences of psychological distress showed distinct local idioms that clustered in patterns similar to symptoms of biomedical depressive episodes. Further studies to assess the utility of local idioms of distress and distress related functional impairment in depression assessment tools are warranted.

  14. Influence of irradiation on therapy-associated psychological distress in breast carcinoma patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mose, Stephan; Budischewski, Kai Michael; Rahn, Angelika Notburga; Zander-Heinz, Anja Christina; Bormeth, Sabine; Boettcher, Heinz Dietrich


    Purpose: To confirm our assumptions regarding factors that apparently cause psychological distress related to adjuvant radiotherapy in breast cancer patients and to evaluate variables that can predict therapy-associated distress. Methods and Materials: Between January 1997 and April 1998, 111 women (33-84 years) with early-stage breast cancer were irradiated (56 Gy) after breast-conserving surgery. Patients were given self-assessment questionnaires on the first and last day of radiotherapy. Statistical analysis was performed using the structural equation model LISREL, variance analysis, and regression analysis. Results: The internal subject-related factors (coping, radiation-related anxiety, physical distress, psychological distress) reciprocally influenced each other, whereas external radiotherapy-specific factors (environmental influence, confidence in the medical staff) were causally related to coping, anxiety, and distress. Fifty-three percent of the women felt distressed because cancer affected the breast; 48% were initially afraid of radiotherapy. For 36%, anxiety was not reduced during treatment. Highly distressed women were identified by the following parameters: ≤58 years; initial anxiety; they were affected by having breast cancer, were negatively affected by environmental factors, and did not find distraction helpful. Conclusion: Despite considerable individual variability in breast cancer patients, it seems possible to identify women who run a high risk of therapy-associated distress. In these patients, psychosocial support is necessary to reduce treatment-related anxiety and to stabilize confidence in the medical staff

  15. Psychological distress, perceived stigma, and coping among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia

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    Ong HC


    Full Text Available Hui Chien Ong,¹ Norhayati Ibrahim,² Suzaily Wahab³ ¹Biomedical Science Programme, ²Health Psychology Programme, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, ³Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Abstract: Nowadays, family members are gradually taking on the role of full-time caregivers for patients suffering from schizophrenia. The increasing burden and tasks of caretaking can cause them psychological distress such as depression or anxiety. The aim of this study was to measure the correlation between perceived stigma and coping, and psychological distress as well as determine the predictors of psychological distress among the caregivers. Results showed that 31.5% of the caregivers experienced psychological distress. “Community rejection” was found to be positively associated with psychological distress. In case of coping subscales, psychological distress had a positive correlation with substance use, use of emotional support, behavioral disengagement, venting, and self-blame, while it was negatively correlated with “positive reframing”. Behavioral disengagement was the best predictor of psychological distress among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, followed by positive reframing, use of emotional support, self-blame, and venting. Health practitioners can use adaptive coping strategies instead of maladaptive for caregivers to help ease their distress and prevent further deterioration of psychological disorders. Keywords: family caregivers, social stigma, coping skills, psychological stress, schizophrenia

  16. Understanding how men experience, express and cope with mental distress: where next? (United States)

    Ridge, Damien; Emslie, Carol; White, Alan


    In line with the shift towards prioritising lay accounts and narratives of chronic illness in sociology, there is an emerging literature on men, their subjectivities and experiences of mental distress. We argue in this paper that subjectivities and distress among men are an important area for critical sociological research. Very little is known about men's subjectivities or the meanings they give to - and how they cope with or seek help for - distress. At the same time, current theories of gender relations, performativity and wellbeing as they pertain to men are likely to shed further light on subjectivity and distress. However, current theories (and qualitative research involving men and women) are pointing to considerable complexity. In this paper, we outline what is known about distress and men, and consider the utility of gender relations, performativity, subjectivities and wellbeing for a better understanding of distress. We also ask: What other factors influence distress, and how should these be considered in relation to men and masculinities? What are the implications for research and policy? © 2010 The Authors. Sociology of Health & Illness © 2010 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness/Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  17. Psychometric evaluation of the HIV symptom distress scale (United States)

    Marc, Linda G.; Wang, Ming-Mei; Testa, Marcia A.


    The objective of this paper is to psychometrically validate the HIV Symptom Distress Scale (SDS), an instrument that can be used to measure overall HIV symptom distress or clinically relevant groups of HIV symptoms. A secondary data analysis was conducted using the Collaborations in HIV Outcomes Research U.S. Cohort (CHORUS). Inclusion criteria required study participants (N=5,521) to have a valid baseline measure of the AIDS Clinical Trial Group Symptom Distress Module, with an SF-12 or SF-36 completed on the same day. Psychometric testing assessed unidimensionality, internal consistency and factor structure using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Construct validity examined whether the new measure discriminates across clinical significance (CD4 and HIV viral load). Findings show that the SDS has high reliability (α=0.92), and SEM supports a correlated second-order factor model (physical and mental distress) with acceptable fit (GFI=0.88, AGFI=0.85, NFI=0.99, NNFI=0.99; RMSEA=0.06, [90% CI 0.06 – 0.06]; Satorra Bentler Scaled, C2 =3274.20; p=0.0). Construct validity shows significant differences across categories for HIV-1 viral load (p< 0.001) and CD4 (p< 0.001). Differences in mean SDS scores exist across gender (p< 0.001), race/ethnicity (p< 0.05) and educational attainment (p < 0.001). Hence, the HIV Symptom Distress Scale is a reliable and valid instrument, which measures overall HIV symptoms or clinically relevant groups of symptoms. PMID:22409246

  18. Diabetes distress and related factors in South African adults with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    aDepartment of Behavioural Medicine, School of Nursing and Public Health, College of ... Keywords: adults, depression, diabetes-related distress, glycaemic index, South Africa ... self-care and glycaemic control.7,8 Diabetes-related distress is.

  19. Examining Victimization and Psychological Distress in Transgender College Students (United States)

    Effrig, Jessica C.; Bieschke, Kathleen J.; Locke, Benjamin D.


    Treatment-seeking and non-treatment-seeking transgender college students were examined with regard to victimization and psychological distress. Findings showed that transgender college students had elevated rates of distress as compared with college students who identified as men or women. Results indicated that treatment-seeking and non-treatment…

  20. Psychometric evaluation of the Moral Distress Risk Scale: A methodological study. (United States)

    Schaefer, Rafaela; Zoboli, Elma Lcp; Vieira, Margarida M


    Moral distress is a kind of suffering that nurses may experience when they act in ways that are considered inconsistent with moral values, leading to a perceived compromise of moral integrity. Consequences are mostly negative and include physical and psychological symptoms, in addition to organizational implications. To psychometrically test the Moral Distress Risk Scale. A methodological study was realized. Data were submitted to exploratory factorial analysis through the SPSS statistical program. Participants and research context: In total, 268 nurses from hospitals and primary healthcare settings participated in this research during the period of March to June of 2016. Ethical considerations: This research has ethics committee approval. The Moral Distress Risk Scale is composed of 7 factors and 30 items; it shows evidence of acceptable reliability and validity with a Cronbach's α = 0.913, a total variance explained of 59%, a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.896, and a significant Bartlett <0.001. Concerns about moral distress should be beyond acute care settings, and a tool to help clarify critical points in other healthcare contexts may add value to moral distress speech. Psychometric results reveal that the Moral Distress Risk Scale can be applied in different healthcare contexts.

  1. Do anticipatory grief and preparedness affect distress in bereaved caregivers?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mette Kjærgaard

    Objective Family caregivers of terminally ill patients are in a vulnerable position, and previous studies show that bereaved caregivers are at risk of psychological distress. Pre-loss grief symptoms seem to predict post-loss psychological distress, while preparedness for a looming loss tends...... to decrease distress. The aim of this nation-wide study was to investigate the association of both anticipatory grief symptoms and preparedness with psychological distress in bereaved family caregivers. Methods A list of all adult patients in Denmark receiving drug reimbursement for terminal illness...... was retrieved from the Danish Health and Medicines Authority on a weekly basis during 2012. All newly registered patients were requested by letter to pass on an enclosed baseline questionnaire to their closest relative. Responding caregivers bereaved within six months received a follow-up questionnaire six...

  2. Humor Use Moderates the Relation of Stressful Life Events With Psychological Distress. (United States)

    Fritz, Heidi L; Russek, Leslie N; Dillon, Melissa M


    Three studies examined humor and adjustment to stressful events. In Study 1, patients with fibromyalgia syndrome ( N = 22) reported on mental and physical adjustment, social interaction, and reappraisal of their illness. Dispositional humor was associated with reduced distress and fewer physical symptoms. Study 2 ( N = 109) examined undergraduates' reports of stressful events. Dispositional, self-enhancing, affiliative, and self-defeating humor showed direct effects on distress, which were mediated by social interaction and reappraisal. Moreover, dispositional and aggressive humor showed stress-buffering effects. Study 3 ( N = 105) examined undergraduates' adjustment to the September 11, 2001, attacks at 1 and 3 months postattack. At T1, affiliative humor showed a stress-buffering effect on distress. Social interaction mediated the relation of self-enhancing humor with reduced T1 distress, and mediated relations of aggressive and self-defeating humor with greater distress. Relations of T1 dispositional and self-defeating humor to changes in T2 distress were mediated by reappraisal.

  3. Psychological distress and coping in military cadre candidates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nakkas C


    Full Text Available Can Nakkas,1 Hubert Annen,1 Serge Brand2,3 1Department of Military Psychology Studies, Military Academy at ETH Zurich, Zurich, 2Psychiatric Clinics of the University of Basel, Center for Affective, Stress and Sleep Disorders, 3Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, Sport Science Section, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland Background: Soldiers must cope with stressors during both military operations and training if they are to accomplish their missions successfully and stay mentally stable. This holds true particularly for military superiors, as they bear greater responsibilities and must meet greater demands during both deployment and training. Accordingly, in the present study, we investigated whether recruits chosen for further promotion at the end of basic training differed with regard to psychological distress and coping strategies from those not chosen for promotion, and whether recruits’ coping styles and distress levels were associated. Methods: A total of 675 Swiss recruits took part in the study. At the beginning of basic training, recruits filled out self-rating questionnaires covering demographic data, psychological distress (depression, somatization, anxiety, interpersonal sensitivity, and hostility, and coping styles. Results were compared between those recruits who received a recommendation for further promotion at the end of basic training and those who did not. Results: Recruits selected for promotion had lower scores for depressive symptoms and hostility, engaged more in active coping, and considered their coping to be more effective. Dysfunctional and functional coping were associated with higher and lower distress levels, respectively. Conclusion: Recruits recommended for promotion exhibited less psychological distress during basic training and exhibited a socially more conducive profile of distress. They also endorsed more efficient and more prosocial coping strategies than those recruits not recommended for

  4. Relationship between infertility-related stress and emotional distress and marital satisfaction. (United States)

    Gana, Kamel; Jakubowska, Sylwia


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive effects of infertility-related stress on psychological distress and marital satisfaction. Structural equation modeling was used to estimate a nonrecursive model hypothesizing the impact of infertility-related stress on both emotional distress and marital dissatisfaction, which were supposed to have a reciprocal influence on each other. The model was estimated using data from a sample of 150 infertile patients (78 males and 72 females). Findings confirmed the predictive effects of infertility-related stress on both emotional and marital distress. However, infertility-related stress was found to have more impact on emotional distress than on marital satisfaction. © The Author(s) 2014.

  5. Can we respond mindfully to distressing voices? A systematic review of evidence for engagement, acceptability, effectiveness and mechanisms of change for mindfulness-based interventions for people distressed by hearing voices

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    Clara eStrauss


    Full Text Available Adapted mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs could be of benefit for people distressed by hearing voices. This paper presents a systematic review of studies exploring this possibility and we ask five questions: (1 Is trait mindfulness associated with reduced distress and disturbance in relation to hearing voices? (2 Are MBIs feasible for people distressed by hearing voices? (3 Are MBIs acceptable and safe for people distressed by hearing voices? (4 Are MBIs effective at reducing distress and disturbance in people distressed by hearing voices? (5 If effective, what are the mechanisms of change through which MBIs for distressing voices work?Fifteen studies were identified through a systematic search (n=479. In relation to the five review questions: (1 data from cross-sectional studies showed an association between trait mindfulness and distress and disturbance in relation to hearing voices; (2 evidence from qualitative studies suggested that people distressed by hearing voices could engage meaningfully in mindfulness practice; (3 MBIs were seen as acceptable and safe; (4 there were no adequately powered RCTs allowing conclusions about effectiveness to be drawn; and (5 it was not possible to draw on robust empirical data to comment on potential mechanisms of change although findings from the qualitative studies identified three potential change processes; (i reorientation of attention; (ii decentring; and (iii acceptance of voices. This review provided evidence that MBIs are engaging, acceptable and safe. Evidence for effectiveness in reducing distress and disturbance is lacking however. We call for funding for adequately powered RCTs that will allow questions of effectiveness, maintenance of effects, mechanisms of change and moderators of outcome to be definitively addressed.

  6. The distress thermometer in survivors of gynaecological cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Mette L.; Hansen, Merete K.; Hansson, Helena


    Purpose: Unrecognised psychological distress among cancer survivors may be identified using short screening tools. We validated the accuracy of the distress thermometer (DT) to detect psychological distress on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) among early stage gynaecological cancer...... survivors and whether the women’s DT and HADS scores were associated with the need of an individualised supportive intervention. Methods: One hundred sixty-five gynaecological cancer survivors answered DT and HADS before randomisation in a trial testing a nurse-led, person-centred intervention using...... supportive conversations. The number of conversations was decided in the woman-nurse dyad based on the woman’s perceived need. Nurses were unaware of the women’s DT and HADS scores. We validated DT’s accuracy for screening using HADS as gold standard and receiver operating characteristic curves. Associations...

  7. Workplace distress and ethical dilemmas in neuroscience nursing. (United States)

    Silén, Marit; Tang, Ping Fen; Wadensten, Barbro; Ahlström, Gerd


    This study concerns Swedish nurses' experiences of workplace stress and the occurrence of ethical dilemmas in a neurological setting. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 21 nurses. The interview results were subjected to qualitative latent content analysis and sorted into 4 content areas: workplace distress, ethical dilemmas, managing distress and ethical dilemmas, and quality of nursing. Common workplace stressors were high workload and lack of influence. These were perceived to have negative consequences for the quality of nursing. Ethical dilemmas mainly concerned decision making on initiation or withdrawal of treatment, which was experienced as a troublesome situation where conflicts could arise. The nurses managed the distress and ethical dilemmas by accepting and adjusting to the situation and seeking support from colleagues. They also endeavored to gain new strength in their private lives.

  8. Financial Distress Prediction Using Discrete-time Hazard Model and Rating Transition Matrix Approach (United States)

    Tsai, Bi-Huei; Chang, Chih-Huei


    Previous studies used constant cut-off indicator to distinguish distressed firms from non-distressed ones in the one-stage prediction models. However, distressed cut-off indicator must shift according to economic prosperity, rather than remains fixed all the time. This study focuses on Taiwanese listed firms and develops financial distress prediction models based upon the two-stage method. First, this study employs the firm-specific financial ratio and market factors to measure the probability of financial distress based on the discrete-time hazard models. Second, this paper further focuses on macroeconomic factors and applies rating transition matrix approach to determine the distressed cut-off indicator. The prediction models are developed by using the training sample from 1987 to 2004, and their levels of accuracy are compared with the test sample from 2005 to 2007. As for the one-stage prediction model, the model in incorporation with macroeconomic factors does not perform better than that without macroeconomic factors. This suggests that the accuracy is not improved for one-stage models which pool the firm-specific and macroeconomic factors together. In regards to the two stage models, the negative credit cycle index implies the worse economic status during the test period, so the distressed cut-off point is adjusted to increase based on such negative credit cycle index. After the two-stage models employ such adjusted cut-off point to discriminate the distressed firms from non-distressed ones, their error of misclassification becomes lower than that of one-stage ones. The two-stage models presented in this paper have incremental usefulness in predicting financial distress.

  9. Levels of Distress in Women at Risk for Ovarian Cancer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Kash, Kathryn M


    The overall goal of this study was to determine the levels of distress in women with a family history of ovarian cancer and to identify the mediating factors between risk of developing ovarian cancer and distress...

  10. Understanding psychological distress among mothers in rural Nepal: a qualitative grounded theory exploration (United States)


    Background There is a large burden of psychological distress in low and middle-income countries, and culturally relevant interventions must be developed to address it. This requires an understanding of how distress is experienced. We conducted a qualitative grounded theory study to understand how mothers experience and manage distress in Dhanusha, a low-resource setting in rural Nepal. We also explored how distressed mothers interact with their families and the wider community. Methods Participants were identified during a cluster-randomised controlled trial in which mothers were screened for psychological distress using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). We conducted 22 semi-structured interviews with distressed mothers (GHQ-12 score ≥5) and one with a traditional healer (dhami), as well as 12 focus group discussions with community members. Data were analysed using grounded theory methods and a model was developed to explain psychological distress in this setting. Results We found that distress was termed tension by participants and mainly described in terms of physical symptoms. Key perceived causes of distress were poor health, lack of sons, and fertility problems. Tension developed in a context of limited autonomy for women and perceived duty towards the family. Distressed mothers discussed several strategies to alleviate tension, including seeking treatment for perceived physical health problems and tension from doctors or dhamis, having repeated pregnancies until a son was delivered, manipulating social circumstances in the household, and deciding to accept their fate. Their ability to implement these strategies depended on whether they were able to negotiate with their in-laws or husbands for resources. Conclusions Vulnerability, as a consequence of gender and social disadvantage, manifests as psychological distress among mothers in Dhanusha. Screening tools incorporating physical symptoms of tension should be envisaged, along with

  11. Psychological Flexibility as a Buffer against Caregiver Distress in Families with Psychosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jansen, Jens E; Haahr, Ulrik H; Lyse, Hanne-Grethe


    involved. Recent advances in cognitive behavioral therapy seem to converge on the importance of acceptance- and mindfulness based processes. Aim: To examine the impact of psychological flexibility on caregiver distress in the early phases of psychosis, while controlling for known predictors of caregiver...... user symptoms, drug use and global functioning, psychological flexibility was a significant predictor of caregiver distress. Conclusion: Greater level of psychological flexibility in caregivers, seems to be related to lower levels of caregiver distress. This finding corresponds to studies within......Background: Research has shown that caregivers of persons with psychosis play an invaluable role in recovery, but unfortunately, often report high levels of distress. While cognitive models of caregiver distress have been well-supported, there is still limited knowledge of the psychological factors...

  12. Dos casos de quiste de intestino anterior en cavidad oral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celso Chuquisana-Mostacero

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivo: El quiste de intestino anterior es una entidad congénita poco frecuente. Cuando aparece, su localización más frecuente es el íleon y, aunque pueden aparecer a lo largo de todo el tracto digestivo, es rara su ubicación en la cavidad oral. A menudo se caracteriza por tres hallazgos principales: presencia de una capa de músculo liso bien desarrollada, una capa epitelial típica de alguna porción del tracto alimentario, y la unión íntima a alguna porción del tracto gastrointestinal. Las lesiones quísticas del suelo de boca en la edad infantil más frecuentes son los quistes salivares y las malformaciones linfáticas, ambas englobables en el término ránula. Sin embargo hay otras posibilidades, y la duplicación de intestino anterior, como aparece en los casos que presentamos, es una de ellas. Material y Método: Presentamos 2 pacientes en edad pediátrica con lesión lingual o de suelo de boca, que tras el estudio de imagen adecuado fueron operados por vía intraoral para la extirpación de la tumoración. En uno de los casos se usó abordaje cervical para extirpación de un segundo locus quístico. Resultados: El estudio anatomopatológico mostró en uno de los casos epitelio respiratorio, y en el segundo mucosa gástrica y epitelio respiratorio. Conclusiones: La importancia del diagnóstico y la extirpación completa en este tipo de lesiones viene dada por el riesgo de degeneración maligna en la edad adulta.

  13. Understanding Women's Differing Experiences of Distress after Colposcopy: A Qualitative Interview Study.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    O'Connor, Mairead


    Women who have an abnormal cervical cytology test may be referred for a colposcopy. Accumulating evidence suggests some women may experience distress after colposcopy. This exploratory study examined women\\'s differing experiences of post-colposcopy distress with the aim of identifying factors that are predictive of, or protective against, distress.

  14. Moral sensitivity and moral distress in Iranian critical care nurses. (United States)

    Borhani, Fariba; Abbaszadeh, Abbas; Mohamadi, Elham; Ghasemi, Erfan; Hoseinabad-Farahani, Mohammad Javad


    Moral sensitivity is the foremost prerequisite to ethical performance; a review of literature shows that nurses are sometimes not sensitive enough for a variety of reasons. Moral distress is a frequent phenomenon in nursing, which may result in paradoxes in care, dealing with patients and rendering high-quality care. This may, in turn, hinder the meeting of care objectives, thus affecting social healthcare standards. The present research was conducted to determine the relationship between moral sensitivity and moral distress of nurses in intensive care units. This study is a descriptive-correlation research. Lutzen's moral sensitivity questionnaire and Corley Moral Distress Questionnaire were used to gather data. Participants and research context: A total of 153 qualified nurses working in the hospitals affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences were selected for this study. Subjects were selected by census method. Ethical considerations: After explaining the objectives of the study, all the participants completed and signed the written consent form. To conduct the study, permission was obtained from the selected hospitals. Nurses' average moral sensitivity grade was 68.6 ± 7.8, which shows a moderate level of moral sensitivity. On the other hand, nurses also experienced a moderate level of moral distress (44.8 ± 16.6). Moreover, there was no meaningful statistical relationship between moral sensitivity and moral distress (p = 0.26). Although the nurses' moral sensitivity and moral distress were expected to be high in the intensive care units, it was moderate. This finding is consistent with the results of some studies and contradicts with others. As moral sensitivity is a crucial factor in care, it is suggested that necessary training be provided to develop moral sensitivity in nurses in education and practical environments. Furthermore, removing factors that contribute to moral distress may help decrease it in nurses.


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    Carlos Arturo Álvarez Moreno


    Full Text Available

    Las enfermedades causadas por microorganismos han amenazado la salud del hombre por siglos y dependiendo de su forma de transmisión, pueden diseminarse algunas de una forma más rápida que otras. En general aquellas que se transmiten de personas y solo por contacto o por el aire son más difíciles de controlar. A continuación, me limito a describir solo algunos ejemplos de epidemias que han ocurrido a través de la historia humana y que probablemente por su impacto sobre la humanidad son más conocidas.

    La plaga, muerte negra o peste bubónica, la enfermedad causada por una bacteria, la Y. pestis, conocida desde la época de los griegos y romanos, se hizo famosa por la pandemia al final de la edad medieval (siglos XIV pero posteriormente se presentaron otras nueve pandemias, registrándose la última en 1720. Estas pandemias causaron la muerte de al menos 25 millones de personas (20- 25% de la población europea de ese entonces y contrario a lo que se piensa, todavía se siguen presentado casos en muchas partes del mundo. Esta pandemia no solo tuvo gran impacto en el sistema de salud, sino que cambió los comportamientos humanos, incluyendo los destierros, la aplicación de las cuarentenas e incluso fue un tema repetido de pintores y escritores relacionándola con la muerte, o dedicados a San Roque, protector contra la peste; cuadros como el del pintor flamenco Pieter Breughel, El triunfo de la muerte, o publicaciones como El Decamerón, El flautista de Hamelin y más recientemente la epidemia en Argel de 1965, que inspiró a Albert Camus para su novela La peste.

    Otras epidemias famosas han sido causadas por el cólera o cólera nostras o bisuchika mordexim, causada por una bacteria llamada Vibrio cholerae de la cual se tiene noticias de una epidemia en 1503 que afectó a la población asiática. En el siglo XIX se extendió por toda Europa y fue una causa recurrente de mortalidad. Sin embargo, esta enfermedad no desapareci

  16. Prediksi Financial Distress Pada Koperasi Di Kabupaten Pemalang


    Sukirno, Sukirno; Haryadi, Haryadi; Budiarti, Laeli


    This paper examines the usefulness of financial statements to predict financial distress in thecooperative. The financial distress is a condition before the bankruptcy that can be seen inthe financial statements. Furthermore, the financial statements are being analyzed using ratioanalysis. The ratio analysis used as a predictor variable are current ratio, quick ratio, currentassets to total assets ratio, current liabilities to total assets, net profit margin ratio and net SHUto total assets ...

  17. Musical training and empathy positively impact adults’ sensitivity to infant distress

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine E Parsons


    Full Text Available Crying is the most powerful auditory signal of infant need. Adults’ ability to perceive and respond to crying is important for infant survival and in the provision of care. This study investigated a number of listener variables that might impact on adults’ perception of infant cry distress, namely parental status, musical training and empathy. Sensitivity to infant distress was tested using a previously validated task, which experimentally manipulated distress by varying the pitch of infant cries. Parents with musical training showed a significant advantage on this task when compared with parents without. The extent of the advantage was correlated with the amount of self-reported musical training. For non-parents, individual differences in empathy were associated with task performance, with higher empathy scores corresponding to greater sensitivity to infant distress. We suggest that sensitivity to infant distress can be impacted by a number of listener variables, and may be amenable to training.

  18. Coping With Moral Distress in Oncology Practice: Nurse and Physician Strategies. (United States)

    Lievrouw, An; Vanheule, Stijn; Deveugele, Myriam; Vos, Martine; Pattyn, Piet; Belle, Van; Benoit, Dominique D


    To explore variations in coping with moral distress among physicians and nurses in a university hospital oncology setting.
. Qualitative interview study.
. Internal medicine (gastroenterology and medical oncology), gastrointestinal surgery, and day clinic chemotherapy at Ghent University Hospital in Belgium.
. 17 doctors and 18 nurses with varying experience levels, working in three different oncology hospital settings. 
. Patients with cancer were interviewed based on the critical incident technique. Analyses were performed using thematic analysis.
. Moral distress lingered if it was accompanied by emotional distress. Four dominant ways of coping (thoroughness, autonomy, compromise, and intuition) emerged, which could be mapped on two perpendicular continuous axes. Moral distress is a challenging phenomenon in oncology. However, when managed well, it can lead to more introspection and team reflection, resulting in a better interpersonal understanding.
. Team leaders should recognize their own and their team members' preferred method of coping and tailored support should be offered to ease emotional distress.

  19. Alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, and caffeine use and symptom distress in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Hamera, E; Schneider, J K; Deviney, S


    The high prevalence of substance use, e.g., alcohol and illegal and nonprescribed drugs, in schizophrenia is widely recognized. One explanation for this high prevalence is that substance use may be a self-initiated method for managing symptoms. To test whether the intake of four substances--alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, and caffeine--would increase with increases in symptom distress, daily self-reports of symptom distress and substance intake over 12 weeks were analyzed with pooled time series analyses. Compliance with neuroleptic medication was added to the analyses to control for any changes in prescribed medication compliance while using nonprescribed drugs or alcohol. Of the four substances studied, only nicotine was significantly related to symptom distress. Higher distress with prodromal symptoms was related to decreases in nicotine use. Analysis of caffeine did not meet the criteria for significance but does provide direction for further research. Higher distress, with neurotic symptoms, was related to increases in caffeine use. Further research is needed to clarify the relationship between nicotine and symptoms.

  20. Screening for psychological distress in cancer: renewing the research agenda. (United States)

    Salmon, Peter; Clark, Louise; McGrath, Elly; Fisher, Peter


    Although health policy for cancer care promotes screening of patients for emotional distress, the utility and validity of screening have been questioned. Continued research to refine detection of distress or to evaluate outcomes of screening programmes is unlikely to end this controversy. Instead, we need to identify more fundamental research questions that address the validity or utility of screening in this context. We critically and selectively review research and policy literature on psychological screening in cancer care, drawing also from research literature about the nature of psychological needs in cancer care and from relevant literature on psychological screening in mental health. We identify three broad research questions: (i) Apart from intensity of distress, what further information should screening seek about the context of distress, psychological processes that promote distress and patients' own perspective on their needs? (ii) What are the implications of the contextual dependence of disclosure of emotional feelings, given that screening questions can be asked in contexts ranging from an impersonal questionnaire to dialogue with a trusted practitioner? (iii) How should a screen be responded to, given the inherent uncertainty associated with screening results and given that distress in a cancer context can indicate instrumental as well as psychological needs? Examining these questions will mean exchanging a diagnostic framework for screening, in which health need is indicated by the presence of a psychological disorder, for a public health framework, in which health need is identified from multiple perspectives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Toward interventions to address moral distress: navigating structure and agency. (United States)

    Musto, Lynn C; Rodney, Patricia A; Vanderheide, Rebecca


    The concept of moral distress has been the subject of nursing research for the past 30 years. Recently, there has been a call to move from developing an understanding of the concept to developing interventions to help ameliorate the experience. At the same time, the use of the term moral distress has been critiqued for a lack of clarity about the concepts that underpin the experience. Some researchers suggest that a closer examination of how socio-political structures influence healthcare delivery will move moral distress from being seen as located in the individual to an experience that is also located in broader healthcare structures. Informed by new thinking in relational ethics, we draw on research findings from neuroscience and attachment literature to examine the reciprocal relationship between structures and agents and frame the experience of moral distress. We posit moral distress as a form of relational trauma and subsequently point to the need to better understand how nurses as moral agents are influenced by-and influence-the complex socio-political structures they inhabit. In so doing, we identify this reciprocity as a framework for interventions. © The Author(s) 2014.

  2. Financial Distress Prediction of Iranian Companies Using Data Mining Techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moradi Mahdi


    Full Text Available Decision-making problems in the area of financial status evaluation are considered very important. Making incorrect decisions in firms is very likely to cause financial crises and distress. Predicting financial distress of factories and manufacturing companies is the desire of managers and investors, auditors, financial analysts, governmental officials, employees. Therefore, the current study aims to predict financial distress of Iranian Companies. The current study applies support vector data description (SVDD to the financial distress prediction problem in an attempt to suggest a new model with better explanatory power and stability. To serve this purpose, we use a grid-search technique using 3-fold cross-validation to find out the optimal parameter values of kernel function of SVDD. To evaluate the prediction accuracy of SVDD, we compare its performance with fuzzy c-means (FCM.The experiment results show that SVDD outperforms the other method in years before financial distress occurrence. The data used in this research were obtained from Iran Stock Market and Accounting Research Database. According to the data between 2000 and 2009, 70 pairs of companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange are selected as initial data set.

  3. The impact of borderline personality pathology on mothers' responses to infant distress. (United States)

    Kiel, Elizabeth J; Gratz, Kim L; Moore, Sarah Anne; Latzman, Robert D; Tull, Matthew T


    This study sought to extend extant research on the association between borderline personality (BP) pathology and at-risk parenting by examining the dynamic nature of parenting in response to infant distress in mothers with and without clinically relevant levels of BP pathology. Findings revealed that mothers with clinically relevant levels of BP pathology were less likely than those without BP pathology to display positive affect in response to infant distress. There were no differences in the overall likelihood of insensitive parenting behaviors as a function of BP pathology, either in general or in response to infant distress. However, consistent with literature emphasizing the transactional nature of parent-child relationships, findings revealed that the likelihood of insensitive parenting behaviors among mothers with clinically relevant levels of BP pathology changed over time, increasing significantly as infant distress persisted for longer durations (a pattern not present for mothers without BP pathology). Moreover, maternal responses to infant distress were found to influence infant distress, with the likelihood of infant distress decreasing after maternal positive affect and increasing after maternal insensitive behaviors. The implications of findings for understanding the mechanisms of risk for children of mothers with BP pathology, as well as the transactional nature of mother-infant relationships in general, are discussed.

  4. X-ray picture of the respiratory distress syndrome (shock lung)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharov, B.K.; Ana'ev, V.M.; Kiseleva, M.N.


    X-Ray picture of the respiratory distress syndrome (shock lung) in 78 patients exposed to high temperature as a result of gas condensate explosion is analyzed. X-ray and morphologic fundings in these patients are compared to those in 13 similar patients in whom acute respiratory failure developed because of other causes. Morphologic basis of the4 majority of x-ray signs of acute respiratory distress has been investigated. A relationship between respiratory distress syndrome development and changes in the heart size has been revealed, which may serve the prediction criterion

  5. Efectos del entrenamiento intermitente de alta intensidad en la condición física de jugadores de baloncesto en silla de ruedas

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    Cristina Granados Domínguez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos del entrenamiento intermitente de alta intensidad (EIAI en el rendimiento físico, las respuestas fisiológicas y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo en jugadores de baloncesto en silla de ruedas (BSR. Para ello, 12 jugadores masculinos (32.6 ± 10.7 años de primera división de la Liga Española participaron en este estudio. La batería de test (sprint en 5 y 20 m, sprint con arrastre de peso en 5 y 20 m, test de cambio de dirección y test de resistencia multi-stage fitness test –MSFT– se realizó en una única sesión midiéndose antes (T1 y después (T2 del programa de entrenamiento de EIAI. El tiempo en 5 m en T2 fue un 7.14% significativamente mayor (p < 0.05, d = 0.88, alto que en T1. No hubo diferencias significativas en el tiempo en 20 m ni en el sprint con arrastre de peso en 5 y 20 m ni en el test de cambio de dirección. Tampoco se obtuvieron diferencias en la distancia recorrida, la frecuencia cardiaca máxima (FCmax, la concentración de lactato sanguíneo (LA y la temperatura timpánica. Además, aunque no fue significativo, se observó un mayor esfuerzo percibido en el T2 respecto al T1, tanto a nivel respiratorio (RPEres, 16%, d = -0.64, moderado como a nivel muscular (RPEmus, 9%, d = 0.50, moderado. El programa de EIAI de 10 semanas no produjo ninguna mejora en jugadores de BSR, incluso disminuyó un 7% el rendimiento en el sprint en 5 m.

  6. Patterns of gender equality at workplaces and psychological distress.

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    Sofia Elwér

    Full Text Available Research in the field of occupational health often uses a risk factor approach which has been criticized by feminist researchers for not considering the combination of many different variables that are at play simultaneously. To overcome this shortcoming this study aims to identify patterns of gender equality at workplaces and to investigate how these patterns are associated with psychological distress. Questionnaire data from the Northern Swedish Cohort (n = 715 have been analysed and supplemented with register data about the participants' workplaces. The register data were used to create gender equality indicators of women/men ratios of number of employees, educational level, salary and parental leave. Cluster analysis was used to identify patterns of gender equality at the workplaces. Differences in psychological distress between the clusters were analysed by chi-square test and logistic regression analyses, adjusting for individual socio-demographics and previous psychological distress. The cluster analysis resulted in six distinctive clusters with different patterns of gender equality at the workplaces that were associated to psychological distress for women but not for men. For women the highest odds of psychological distress was found on traditionally gender unequal workplaces. The lowest overall occurrence of psychological distress as well as same occurrence for women and men was found on the most gender equal workplaces. The results from this study support the convergence hypothesis as gender equality at the workplace does not only relate to better mental health for women, but also more similar occurrence of mental ill-health between women and men. This study highlights the importance of utilizing a multidimensional view of gender equality to understand its association to health outcomes. Health policies need to consider gender equality at the workplace level as a social determinant of health that is of importance for reducing

  7. Patterns of Gender Equality at Workplaces and Psychological Distress (United States)

    Bolin, Malin; Hammarström, Anne


    Research in the field of occupational health often uses a risk factor approach which has been criticized by feminist researchers for not considering the combination of many different variables that are at play simultaneously. To overcome this shortcoming this study aims to identify patterns of gender equality at workplaces and to investigate how these patterns are associated with psychological distress. Questionnaire data from the Northern Swedish Cohort (n = 715) have been analysed and supplemented with register data about the participants' workplaces. The register data were used to create gender equality indicators of women/men ratios of number of employees, educational level, salary and parental leave. Cluster analysis was used to identify patterns of gender equality at the workplaces. Differences in psychological distress between the clusters were analysed by chi-square test and logistic regression analyses, adjusting for individual socio-demographics and previous psychological distress. The cluster analysis resulted in six distinctive clusters with different patterns of gender equality at the workplaces that were associated to psychological distress for women but not for men. For women the highest odds of psychological distress was found on traditionally gender unequal workplaces. The lowest overall occurrence of psychological distress as well as same occurrence for women and men was found on the most gender equal workplaces. The results from this study support the convergence hypothesis as gender equality at the workplace does not only relate to better mental health for women, but also more similar occurrence of mental ill-health between women and men. This study highlights the importance of utilizing a multidimensional view of gender equality to understand its association to health outcomes. Health policies need to consider gender equality at the workplace level as a social determinant of health that is of importance for reducing differences in health

  8. Patterns of gender equality at workplaces and psychological distress. (United States)

    Elwér, Sofia; Harryson, Lisa; Bolin, Malin; Hammarström, Anne


    Research in the field of occupational health often uses a risk factor approach which has been criticized by feminist researchers for not considering the combination of many different variables that are at play simultaneously. To overcome this shortcoming this study aims to identify patterns of gender equality at workplaces and to investigate how these patterns are associated with psychological distress. Questionnaire data from the Northern Swedish Cohort (n = 715) have been analysed and supplemented with register data about the participants' workplaces. The register data were used to create gender equality indicators of women/men ratios of number of employees, educational level, salary and parental leave. Cluster analysis was used to identify patterns of gender equality at the workplaces. Differences in psychological distress between the clusters were analysed by chi-square test and logistic regression analyses, adjusting for individual socio-demographics and previous psychological distress. The cluster analysis resulted in six distinctive clusters with different patterns of gender equality at the workplaces that were associated to psychological distress for women but not for men. For women the highest odds of psychological distress was found on traditionally gender unequal workplaces. The lowest overall occurrence of psychological distress as well as same occurrence for women and men was found on the most gender equal workplaces. The results from this study support the convergence hypothesis as gender equality at the workplace does not only relate to better mental health for women, but also more similar occurrence of mental ill-health between women and men. This study highlights the importance of utilizing a multidimensional view of gender equality to understand its association to health outcomes. Health policies need to consider gender equality at the workplace level as a social determinant of health that is of importance for reducing differences in health

  9. The Relationship of Body Image with Psychological Distress in Women with Breast Cancer

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    F Moradi Manesh


    Full Text Available Background & aim: Surgery and adjuvant therapies lead to body image problems and psychological distress in young women with breast cancer. The goal of this study was to examine the relationship of body image with psychological distress in women with breast cancer. Methods: This correlation study was carried out on 294 women with breast cancer at Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshah, Iran, in 2011. The selection of the participants was based on purposive sampling. The Body image was assessed by BIS. The Psychological distress was assessed by DASS-21. The collected data was analyzed by Pearson correlation and Independent sample test. Results: Results showed that body image had a significant positive relationship with psychological distress (P < 0.001. Furthermore, younger women had greater trouble about body image and experienced greater psychological distress compared to elder women. Conclusion: This study showed that dissatisfaction about body image accompanied psychological distress. Also, younger women experience greater difficulties about body image and psychological distress. Therefore, suitable psychological interventions are recommended.

  10. A Bowen Family Systems Model of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Romantic Relationship Distress. (United States)

    Priest, Jacob B


    Many individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) do not respond well to currently available treatments. Moreover, treatments are less effective when GAD is accompanied by romantic relationship distress. In order to develop effective treatments for GAD and relationship distress, it is necessary to conduct theory-based research to identify links common to both GAD and romantic relationship distress. Drawing on Bowen's family systems theory, the roles of family abuse/violence and differentiation in GAD and romantic relationship distress were examined using existing data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (n = 2,312; 2005). As predicted, family abuse/violence was directly linked to both GAD and romantic relationship distress. Differentiation mediated the relationship between family abuse/violence and GAD, and partially mediated the relationship between family abuse/violence and romantic relationship distress. Findings suggest that current and past relationship processes may help maintain chronic anxiety and that Bowen's theory may be a useful framework for developing couple therapy treatment of GAD and romantic relationship distress. © 2013 American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

  11. Does pre-operative psychological distress affect patient satisfaction after primary total hip arthroplasty?

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    Nolan John


    Full Text Available Abstract Background There are concerns that pre-operative psychological distress might be associated with reduced patient satisfaction after total hip replacement (THR. Methods We investigated this in a multi-centre prospective study between January 1999 and January 2002. We dichotomised the patients into the mentally distressed (MHS ≤ 56 and the not mentally distressed (MHS > 56 groups based on their pre-operative Mental Health Score (MHS of SF36. Results 448 patients (340 not distressed and 108 distressed completed the patient satisfaction survey. Patient satisfaction rate at five year was 96.66% (415/448. There was no difference in patient satisfaction or willingness to have the surgery between the two groups. None of pre-operative variables predicted five year patient satisfaction in logistic regression. Conclusions Patient satisfaction after surgery may not be adversely affected by pre-operative psychological distress.


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    Tiara Widya Antikasari


    Full Text Available In this globalization era, sub–sector telecommunication industry has rapid development as time goes by with the number of customers’ growth. However, its growth is not balanced with operational revenue development. Therefore, it is important to analyze the financial distress in telecommunication companies in order to avoid bankruptcy. This research aimed to investigate the effect of financial ratios to predict probability of financial distress. Financial ratios indicator used profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, activity ratio, and leverage ratio. The population in this research was telecommunication companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange periods 2009-2016. Based on purposive sampling method, the criteria of financial distress in this study was measured by using net operation negative two years, while statistic analysis used was logistic regression with a significance level of 10%. The result was that liquidity ratio (current ratio and activity ratio (total asset turnover ratio had a negative significant value, and profitability ratio(return on asset and leverage ratio (debt to total asset had positive significant value to predict financial distress.

  13. Inmunodeficiencia pasiva en potranca media sangre y efectos colaterales sistémicos

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    César Andrey Galindo Orozco


    Full Text Available El no consumo adecuado de calostro en el momento del nacimiento del potro es bastante perjudicial para las siguientes horas de vida del neonato, porque puede poner en riesgo su vida o posibilitar el desarrollo de enfermedades de los potros recién nacidos. Un 33% de las muertes en potros de hasta 2 meses de edad son causadas por procesos sépticos. La sobrevivencia a estos procesos infecciosos solo llega a 26%, incluso realizando un diagnóstico precoz y correcto. Cuando el potro sobrevive, generalmente desarrolla infecciones localizadas, como neumonías, osteomielitis o poliartritis, como en este caso. Estas infecciones pueden ser intra o extrauterinas. La puerta de entrada más frecuente de microorganismos patógenos son el sistema respiratorio y el tracto gastrointestinal como consecuencia de una deficiente y pobre inmunidad pasiva del potro en las primeras horas de nacimiento.

  14. Maternal Distress during Pregnancy and Offspring Childhood Overweight

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingstrup, Katja Glejsted; Schou Andersen, Camilla; Adeltoft, Teresa Ajslev


    Background. Maternal distress during pregnancy increases the intrauterine level of glucocorticoids, which may have long-term health consequences for the child. Objective. To examine if distress as a combined measure of anxiety, depression, and stress of the mother during pregnancy was associated...... with offspring childhood overweight at age 7. Methods. We performed a cohort study using prospective data from 37,764 women and child dyads from the Danish National Birth Cohort (1996-2002). At a telephone interview at approximately 30 weeks gestation, the women reported whether they felt anxious, depressed......, or stressed. The 95 percentile for body mass index in an international reference defined childhood overweight at any given age. Logistic regression was used for the analyses. Results. The prevalence of overweight children at 7 years of age was 9.9%. Prenatal exposure to maternal distress during pregnancy...

  15. Oncologists' identification of mental health distress in cancer patients: Strategies and barriers. (United States)

    Granek, L; Nakash, O; Ariad, S; Shapira, S; Ben-David, M


    The purpose of this research was to examine oncologists' perspectives on indicators of mental health distress in patients: what strategies they use to identify these indicators, and what barriers they face in this task. Twenty-three oncologists were interviewed, and the grounded theory method of data collection and analysis was used. Oncologists perceived distress to be a normative part of having cancer and looked for affective, physical, verbal and behavioural indicators using a number of strategies. Barriers to identification of mental health distress included difficulty in differentiating between mental health distress and symptoms of the disease, and lack of training. A systematic, time-efficient assessment of symptoms of emotional distress is critical for identification of psychiatric disorders among patients and differentiating normative emotional responses from psychopathology. Clinical bias and misdiagnosis can be a consequence of an ad hoc, intuitive approach to assessment, which can have consequences for patients and their families. Once elevated risk is identified for mental health distress, the patient can be referred to specialised care that can offer evidence-based treatments. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Psychological distress in young adults exposed to war-related trauma in childhood. (United States)

    Llabre, Maria M; Hadi, Fawzyiah; La Greca, Annette M; Lai, Betty S


    We tested a conceptual model of the effect of war-trauma exposure in childhood on psychological distress in young adulthood. Participants included 151 urban Kuwaiti children (51% female; M age = 10.62 years) exposed to the 1990-1991 Gulf crisis (assessed in 1993); participants also included 140 parents (81% female; M age mothers = 36.50 years; M age fathers = 41 years). In 2003, 120 participants were reassessed as young adults (50% female; M age = 21.19 years). The conceptual model was evaluated with structural equations. War-trauma exposure was associated with psychological distress in children and parents, but parents reported larger effects than children. Parents' psychological distress did not contribute to children's psychological distress. Children's psychological distress did not dissipate over time. Social support may function as a potential mediator of the effect of war-trauma exposure on psychological distress. Findings support the importance of early detection and treatment of children exposed to war trauma. Findings also implicate social support as a factor to consider in clinical interventions for children exposed to war trauma.

  17. Moral distress: a comparative analysis of theoretical understandings and inter-related concepts. (United States)

    Lützén, Kim; Kvist, Beatrice Ewalds


    Research on ethical dilemmas in health care has become increasingly salient during the last two decades resulting in confusion about the concept of moral distress. The aim of the present paper is to provide an overview and a comparative analysis of the theoretical understandings of moral distress and related concepts. The focus is on five concepts: moral distress, moral stress, stress of conscience, moral sensitivity and ethical climate. It is suggested that moral distress connects mainly to a psychological perspective; stress of conscience more to a theological-philosophical standpoint; and moral stress mostly to a physiological perspective. Further analysis indicates that these thoughts can be linked to the concepts of moral sensitivity and ethical climate through a relationship to moral agency. Moral agency comprises a moral awareness of moral problems and moral responsibility for others. It is suggested that moral distress may serve as a positive catalyst in exercising moral agency. An interdisciplinary approach in research and practice broadens our understanding of moral distress and its impact on health care personnel and patient care.

  18. Alcohol consumption and psychological distress in adolescents: a multi-country study. (United States)

    Balogun, Olukunmi; Koyanagi, Ai; Stickley, Andrew; Gilmour, Stuart; Shibuya, Kenji


    To examine the association between alcohol use and psychological distress among adolescents in a range of developing countries. Secondary data analysis of the Global School-Based Student Health Survey was conducted using nationally representative data from 12 developing countries: Botswana, Grenada, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, the Philippines, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Seychelles, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uganda. The surveys were conducted between 2003 and 2008 and involved 32,001 adolescents primarily aged 13-15 years. We used multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine the association between alcohol use and psychological distress. The prevalence of past 30-day alcohol use and lifetime drunkenness varied widely across countries, as did the occurrence of psychological distress (anxiety-induced sleeplessness and/or depression). The risk of psychological distress was significantly higher among adolescents when using alcohol in all countries except Myanmar. In nine of the 12 countries, past 30-day alcohol use was associated with psychological distress, while students who had been drunk at least once in their lifetime had an increased risk of experiencing psychological distress in 11 of the study countries. The high prevalence of alcohol use among adolescents and the strength of the association with psychological distress present a major public health challenge in developing countries. The urgent need to reduce adolescent alcohol use necessitates the implementation of context- and culture-specific strategies that reduce the physical availability of alcohol. Copyright © 2014 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.



    Sukirno Sukirno; Haryadi Haryadi; Laeli Budiarti


    This paper examines the usefulness of financial statements to predict financial distress in thecooperative. The financial distress is a condition before the bankruptcy that can be seen inthe financial statements. Furthermore, the financial statements are being analyzed using ratioanalysis. The ratio analysis  used as a predictor variable are current ratio, quick ratio, currentassets to total assets ratio, current liabilities to total assets, net profit margin ratio and net SHUto total assets ...

  20. [The Life Style Index: correlations with psychological distress and hostility]. (United States)

    Hyphantis, T; Floros, G D; Goulia, P; Iconomou, G; Assimakopoulos, K


    The Life Style Index (LSI) was designed to assess defense mechanisms, assuming that their use is related to specific emotional states and diagnostic concepts. Aiming to further investigate the psychometric properties of the Greek version of the LSI, the aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship of specific defense mechanisms with dimensions of psychological distress and hostility features in three different populations. The sample comprised 1261 adults (410 healthy participants, 723 medical patients and 128 psychiatric patients). Along with defense mechanisms (LSI), Psychological Distress (General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-28) and Hostility features (Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire, HDHQ) were also assessed. The results showed that increased psychological distress is related with increased use of all defenses except Denial, with which psychological distress is negatively associated. Regression is constantly related with psychological distress and differentiates psychiatric patients from the other groups of participants, while Compensation and Reaction Formation are related to depressive symptomatology. In medical patients, Repression was found to increase the physical dimension of psychological distress and the social dysfunction. On the contrary,Denial was negatively associated with these dimensions of psychological distress. In the psychiatric patient and healthy participant samples, Projection plays the most detrimental role. Regarding hostility and direction of hostility, those who were found to introvert their hostility presented with higher scores in Denial, indicating that they possibly 'deny' their hostility, and the degree of the Denial was found to be negatively associated with the degree of Introverted Hostility. Those who directed their hostility towards the others, presented with higher rates of Projection, while neither Denial nor Reaction Formation seemed sufficient enough to temper the degree of Extroverted

  1. Psychological Distress and Pain Reporting in Australian Coal Miners

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    Kristy N. Carlisle


    Conclusion: The study findings support the existence of widespread musculoskeletal pain among the coal-mining workforce, and this pain is associated with increased psychological distress. Operators (truck drivers and workers reporting poor sleep quality during work periods are most likely to report increased distress, which highlights the importance of supporting the mining workforce for sustained productivity.

  2. 47 CFR 80.319 - Radiotelegraph distress call and message transmission procedure. (United States)


    ...) SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES STATIONS IN THE MARITIME SERVICES Safety Watch Requirements and Procedures Distress, Alarm, Urgency and Safety Procedures § 80.319 Radiotelegraph distress call and message...

  3. Distress tolerance as a predictor of risky and aggressive driving. (United States)

    Beck, Kenneth H; Ali, Bina; Daughters, Stacey B


    The purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationship between distress tolerance and risky and aggressive driving. Distress tolerance, defined as an individual's capability to experience and endure negative emotional states, was hypothesized to be related negatively to aggressive driving and risky driving. An anonymous, web-based survey of 769 college students was conducted at a large East Coast university. After controlling for age, gender, race, ethnicity, year in school, grade point average, and driving frequency, distress tolerance was significantly inversely related to reported risky driving and aggressive driving. College drivers who have a diminished capacity to endure frustration without experiencing negative emotional states (i.e., low distress tolerance) tend to drive aggressively and in a risky manner. Traditional deterrence-based approaches to highway safety may benefit from inclusion of a wider array of prevention strategies that focus on emotion regulation while driving.

  4. Cultural Consonance, Religion and Psychological Distress in an Urban Community

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    William W. Dressler


    Full Text Available Cultural consonance is the degree to which individuals approximate prototypes encoded in cultural models. Low cultural consonance is associated with higher psychological distress. Religion may moderate the association between cultural consonance and psychological distress. Brazil, with substantial variation in religion, is an important society for the examination of this hypothesis. Research was conducted in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, using a mixed-methods design. Measures of cultural consonance were derived using ethnographic methods and then applied in a survey of 271 individuals drawn from four distinct social strata. Low cultural consonance was associated with higher psychological distress in multiple regression analysis ( B = -.430, p < .001. Members of Pentecostal Protestant churches reported lower psychological distress independently of the effect of cultural consonance ( B = -.409, p < .05. There was no buffering effect of religion. Implications of these results for the study of religion and health are discussed.

  5. Perceived distress and its association with depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients (United States)

    Ng, Chong Guan; Mohamed, Salina; Kaur, Kiran; Sulaiman, Ahmad Hatim; Zainal, Nor Zuraida; Taib, Nur Aishah


    Background Breast cancer patients often experience a high level of distress. Psychological distress is a broad construct encompass both depression and anxiety. Previous studies in examining which of these psychological symptoms (either anxiety or depression) were more significantly associated with the distress level in breast cancer patients is lacking. This study aims to compare the level of depression and anxiety between patients with different level of distress. The correlation between the changes in distress level with depression or anxiety over 12 months was also examined. Methods This study is from the MyBCC cohort study. Two hundred and twenty one female breast cancer patients were included into the study. They were assessed at the time of diagnosis, 6 months and 12 month using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and distress thermometer. The information on age, ethnicity, treatment types and staging of cancer were collected. Results 50.2%, 51.6% and 40.3% of patients had perceived high level of distress at baseline, 6 months and 1 year after diagnosis. Those with high perceived level of distress had significant higher anxiety scores even after adjusted for the underlying depressive scores (Adjusted OR at baseline = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.13–1.44; adjusted OR at 6 months = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.11–1.45; adjusted OR at 12 months = 1.51, 95% CI = 1.29–1.76). There were no significant differences in the depressive scores between the subjects with either low or high distress level. There was reduction in perceived level of distress, anxiety and depression scores at 12 months after the diagnosis. The decrease of distress was positively correlated with the reduction of anxiety scores but not the changes of depressive scores (r’ = 0.25). Conclusion Anxiety is a more significant psychological state that contributed to the feeling of distress in breast cancer as compared with depression. Levels of anxiety at diagnosis in this study would justify screening for

  6. Perceived distress and its association with depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chong Guan Ng

    Full Text Available Breast cancer patients often experience a high level of distress. Psychological distress is a broad construct encompass both depression and anxiety. Previous studies in examining which of these psychological symptoms (either anxiety or depression were more significantly associated with the distress level in breast cancer patients is lacking. This study aims to compare the level of depression and anxiety between patients with different level of distress. The correlation between the changes in distress level with depression or anxiety over 12 months was also examined.This study is from the MyBCC cohort study. Two hundred and twenty one female breast cancer patients were included into the study. They were assessed at the time of diagnosis, 6 months and 12 month using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS and distress thermometer. The information on age, ethnicity, treatment types and staging of cancer were collected.50.2%, 51.6% and 40.3% of patients had perceived high level of distress at baseline, 6 months and 1 year after diagnosis. Those with high perceived level of distress had significant higher anxiety scores even after adjusted for the underlying depressive scores (Adjusted OR at baseline = 1.28, 95% CI = 1.13-1.44; adjusted OR at 6 months = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.11-1.45; adjusted OR at 12 months = 1.51, 95% CI = 1.29-1.76. There were no significant differences in the depressive scores between the subjects with either low or high distress level. There was reduction in perceived level of distress, anxiety and depression scores at 12 months after the diagnosis. The decrease of distress was positively correlated with the reduction of anxiety scores but not the changes of depressive scores (r' = 0.25.Anxiety is a more significant psychological state that contributed to the feeling of distress in breast cancer as compared with depression. Levels of anxiety at diagnosis in this study would justify screening for anxiety, early identification and

  7. Why Do Distressed Firms Acquire?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Q. Zhang (Quxian)


    textabstractAcquisitions made by distressed firms in recent years are economically important. This paper explores the rationale behind such acquisitions using a natural experiment. Exploiting a recent tax change which reduces debt restructuring costs for certain creditors and decreases bankruptcy

  8. The impact of parental bonding on sexual distress in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Bargiota, Alexandra; Dimitropoulos, Konstantinos; Mouzas, Odysseas; Melekos, Michael; Tzortzis, Vassilios; Koukoulis, Georgios


    Psychosomatic and social issues have been found to be determinants of sexual distress in diabetic and non-diabetic populations. However, the role of parental bonding as a determinant for sexual distress has not been studied in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1). To study the role of parental care and overprotection, in the pathogenesis of sexual distress in women with DM-1. Seventy-seven women with uncomplicated DM-1 and 77 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. The Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS), the General Health Questionnaire-28, and the Parental Bonding Instrument were used to evaluate sexual distress, general health and bonding with parents, respectively. To assess the role of parental bonding as risk factor for sexual distress, in women with DM-1. Women with DM-1 had significantly higher FSDS scores compared with controls. Furthermore, women with DM-1 had significantly higher maternal and paternal care, and lower maternal overprotection in comparison with the healthy ones. Paternal overprotection and general health were similar in both groups (P > 0.05). Sexual distress was more frequent in women with DM-1 (31.43% vs. 8.57% of controls, P overprotection and lower paternal overprotection compared to diabetics without sexual distress (P 0.05). Moreover, sexually distressed DM-1 women had worse general health parameters in comparison with the non-sexually distressed diabetics (P overprotection were significant risk factors for sexual distress (P overprotection can lead to sexual distress and, therefore, to Female Sexual Dysfunction in DM-1 women. Evaluation of parental bonding is necessary in DM-1 women with distressing sexual problems. © 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine.

  9. Palliative sedation and moral distress: A qualitative study of nurses. (United States)

    Lokker, M E; Swart, S J; Rietjens, J A C; van Zuylen, L; Perez, R S G M; van der Heide, A


    Clinical nursing practice may involve moral distress, which has been reported to occur frequently when nurses care for dying patients. Palliative sedation is a practice that is used to alleviate unbearable and refractory suffering in the last phase of life and has been linked to distress in nurses. The aim of this study was to explore nurses' reports on the practice of palliative sedation focusing on their experiences with pressure, dilemmas and morally distressing situations. In-depth interviews with 36 nurses working in hospital, nursing home or primary care. Several nurses described situations in which they felt that administration of palliative sedation was in the patient's best interest, but where they were constrained from taking action. Nurses also reported on situations where they experienced pressure to be actively involved in the provision of palliative sedation, while they felt this was not in the patient's best interest. The latter situation related to (1) starting palliative sedation when the nurse felt not all options to relieve suffering had been explored yet; (2) family requesting an increase of the sedation level where the nurse felt that this may involve unjustified hastening of death; (3) a decision by the physician to start palliative sedation where the patient had previously expressed an explicit wish for euthanasia. Nurses experienced moral distress in situations where they were not able to act in what they believed is the patient's best interest. Situations involving moral distress require nurses to be well informed and able to adequately communicate with suffering patients, distressed family and physicians. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Financial Distress Prediction using Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machine (United States)

    Santoso, Noviyanti; Wibowo, Wahyu


    A financial difficulty is the early stages before the bankruptcy. Bankruptcies caused by the financial distress can be seen from the financial statements of the company. The ability to predict financial distress became an important research topic because it can provide early warning for the company. In addition, predicting financial distress is also beneficial for investors and creditors. This research will be made the prediction model of financial distress at industrial companies in Indonesia by comparing the performance of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) combined with variable selection technique. The result of this research is prediction model based on hybrid Stepwise-SVM obtains better balance among fitting ability, generalization ability and model stability than the other models.

  11. Síndrome pulmonar por Hantavirus (Virus Río Mamoré en la Amazonía Peruana Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (Rio Mamore Virus in the Peruvian Amazon region

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    Martín Casapía


    Full Text Available La hantavirosis es una infección viral zoonótica transmitida por roedores cuya forma clínica más letal es el síndrome pulmonar por Hantavirus (SPH. La variante río Mamoré es autóctona de Sudamérica y fue descrita en roedores sin asociarla a enfermedad en humanos. Se presenta dos casos de SPH causados por hantavirus río Mamoré en la Amazonía peruana en noviembre de 2011. En ambos casos, el diagnóstico confirmatorio fue molecular, efectuados en el Instituto Nacional de Salud de Perú. Se realizó análisis filogenético del fragmento de genoma viral y la evaluación histopatológica. Ambos pacientes evolucionaron a síndrome de distrés respiratorio del adulto y estado de choque refractario. Un paciente falleció y el otro se recuperó a los doce díasHantavirus infection is a viral zoonotic infection borne by rodents which most letal form clinical is the Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (SPH, Spanish abbreviation. The Mamore River variant originates in South America and was found in rodents without any association to human diseases. Two cases of SPH were identified in the Peruvian Amazon region in November 2011. In both cases, a molecular diagnostic testing was conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Salud from Peru. A phylogenetic analysis of a viral genome fragment and a histopathological evaluation were conducted. Both patients developed adult respiratory distress syndrome and refractory shock. A patient died and another one recovered 12 days later

  12. Psychological Distress Among Caregivers of Individuals With a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. (United States)

    Lerner, Debra; Chang, Hong; Rogers, William H; Benson, Carmela; Lyson, Mercedes C; Dixon, Lisa B


    The aim was to quantify caregiver distress among informal caregivers of individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and identify its correlates. From December 2014 through April 2015, ads posted with mental health advocates and the media recruited informal caregivers, age ≥21 years, to complete an online questionnaire. It included the ten-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (0, no distress; 39, highest) and hypothesized distress correlates in four groups: caregiver and care recipient characteristics; caregiver role demands; caregiver social supports; and caregiver cognitive appraisals of caregiving. Three hypotheses were tested: first, distress is significantly related to variables from each group; second, social supports moderate the effects of role demands on distress; and third, cognitive appraisals mediate the effects of role demands on distress. Hypotheses were tested with multiple linear regression equations and structural equation models (SEMs). Of 2,338 Web site "hits," 1,708 individuals consented, 1,398 were eligible, and 1,142 had complete data. Most caregivers were women (83%), white (89%), and college educated (59%), with a mean±SD age of 55.6±13.0. Compared with U.S. norms on the PSS (13.4±6.5), mean caregiver distress was high (18.9±7.1). According to SEMs, variables from each group were associated with distress. Contributing most to greater distress were caregiver health problems, providing frequent caregiving assistance, monitoring medication, having limited social support, and appraising caregiving negatively. Cognitive appraisals mediated the effects of demands on distress. Social support had a significant direct effect only. Caregiver distress was relatively high and related to multiple variables, some of which are potentially modifiable.


    Ahlqvist-Björkroth, Sari; Korja, Riikka; Junttila, Niina; Savonlahti, Elina; Pajulo, Marjukka; Räihä, Hannele; Aromaa, Minna


    Marital distress, parental depression, and weak quality of parental representations are all known risk factors for parent-child relationships. However, the relation between marital distress, depressive symptoms, and parents' prenatal representation is uncertain, especially regarding fathers. The present study aimed to explore how mothers' and fathers' prenatal experience of marital distress and depressive symptoms affects the organization of their prenatal representations in late pregnancy. Participants were 153 pregnant couples from a Finnish follow-up study called "Steps to the Healthy Development and Well-being of Children" (H. Lagström et al., ). Marital distress (Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale; D.M. Busby, C. Christensen, D. Crane, & J. Larson, 1995) and depressive symptoms (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) were assessed at 20 gestational weeks, and prenatal representations (Working Model of the Child Interview; D. Benoit, K.C.H. Parker, & C.H. Zeanah, 1997; C.H. Zeanah, D. Benoit, M. Barton, & L. Hirshberg, 1996) were assessed between 29 and 32 gestational weeks. The mothers' risks of distorted representations increased significantly when they had at least minor depressive symptoms. Marital distress was associated with the fathers' prenatal representations, although the association was weak; fathers within the marital distress group had less balanced representations. Coexisting marital distress and depressive symptoms were only associated with the mothers' representations; lack of marital distress and depressive symptoms increased the likelihood for mothers to have balanced representations. The results imply that marital distress and depressive symptoms are differently related to the organizations of mothers' and fathers' prenatal representations. © 2016 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.

  14. 7 CFR 25.102 - Pervasive poverty, unemployment and general distress. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Pervasive poverty, unemployment and general distress... ENTERPRISE COMMUNITIES Area Requirements § 25.102 Pervasive poverty, unemployment and general distress. (a) Pervasive poverty. Conditions of poverty must be reasonably distributed throughout the entire nominated area...

  15. Using lexical analysis to identify emotional distress in psychometric schizotypy. (United States)

    Abplanalp, Samuel J; Buck, Benjamin; Gonzenbach, Virgilio; Janela, Carlos; Lysaker, Paul H; Minor, Kyle S


    Through the use of lexical analysis software, researchers have demonstrated a greater frequency of negative affect word use in those with schizophrenia and schizotypy compared to the general population. In addition, those with schizotypy endorse greater emotional distress than healthy controls. In this study, our aim was to expand on previous findings in schizotypy to determine whether negative affect word use could be linked to emotional distress. Schizotypy (n=33) and non-schizotypy groups (n=33) completed an open-ended, semi-structured interview and negative affect word use was analyzed using a validated lexical analysis instrument. Emotional distress was assessed using subjective questionnaires of depression and psychological quality of life (QOL). When groups were compared, those with schizotypy used significantly more negative affect words; endorsed greater depression; and reported lower QOL. Within schizotypy, a trend level association between depression and negative affect word use was observed; QOL and negative affect word use showed a significant inverse association. Our findings offer preliminary evidence of the potential effectiveness of lexical analysis as an objective, behavior-based method for identifying emotional distress throughout the schizophrenia-spectrum. Utilizing lexical analysis in schizotypy offers promise for providing researchers with an assessment capable of objectively detecting emotional distress. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Evaluación y manejo de la neumonía del adulto adquirida en la comunidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Fernando Saldías, Dr.


    Full Text Available La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC ocasiona importante morbilidad y mortalidad en la población adulta, especialmente en el anciano con enfermedades preexistentes. En esta revisión examinaremos aspectos relacionados con la epidemiología, diagnóstico clínico y microbiológico, evaluación de la gravedad, tratamiento empírico y prevención de la neumonía comunitaria. El principal patógeno aislado en la neumonía comunitaria sigue siendo Streptococcus pneumoniae, seguido por otros microorganismos como Haemophilus infuenzae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae y los virus respiratorios; en los casos más graves: S. aureus, bacilos gram negativos y Legionella spp. La evaluación de la gravedad permite predecir la evolución de la enfermedad, decidir el lugar de manejo, la extensión del estudio microbiológico y de laboratorio complementario y el tratamiento antimicrobiano empírico, para lo cual se han diseñado índices pronósticos validados en la literatura, como el Índice de Gravedad de la Neumonía y CURB-65. El paciente de bajo riesgo de manejo ambulatorio se recomienda tratar con amoxicilina, con o sin inhibidor de ß-lactamasas, o macrólidos durante 7–10 días. En los pacientes hospitalizados, se recomienda tratar con agentes β-lactámicos asociado a macrólidos o monoterapia con fuoroquinolonas. Las principales medidas de prevención de la neumonía comunitaria incluyen el tratamiento del tabaquismo y los programas de inmunización antiinfluenza y antineumocócica en las poblaciones de riesgo elevado.

  17. Complicaciones del trauma craneoencefálico severo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Andrés Matos


    Full Text Available Introducción: el trauma craneoencefálico severo es responsable de serias complicaciones médicas que exacerban la lesión cerebral secundaria, y frecuentemente son la causa de muerte. Ojetivo: conocer las particularidades de las complicaciones médicas en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico severo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del hospital pediátrico "Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja" durante los años comprendidos entre 2007-2009. Métodos: estudio descriptivo en pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico, durante el período comprendido entre los años 2007-2009, para analizar las complicaciones que influyeron en su evolución clínica. Resultados: la edad más representada fue la comprendida entre los 11-15 años (56,90 %; los pacientes incluidos en el grupo de 1-5 años resultaron más vulnerables a las complicaciones médicas. Las fracturas inestables (62,96 %, la rotura de vísceras macizas (51,85 % y la insuficiencia respiratoria (44,44 % fueron las manifestaciones clínicas más evidentes al momento del ingreso. En la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos las complicaciones médicas frecuentes resultaron ser los trastornos hidroelectrolíticos (94,28 % y la desnutrición (77,14 %. La hiperglicemia y el distrés respiratorio se relacionaron de manera significativa con la mortalidad. El 92,59 % de los fallecidos sumaron 3 puntos en la escala de Glasgow. La ventilación mecánica fue independiente de las complicaciones médicas. Conclusiones: los traumas de cráneo severos son la base para el desarrollo de varias y graves complicaciones que plantean muchos problemas en la práctica médica.

  18. A Comparison of High- and Low-Distress Marriages that End in Divorce (United States)

    Amato, Paul R.; Hohmann-Marriott, Bryndl


    We used data from Waves 1 and 2 of the National Survey of Families and Households to study high- and low-distress marriages that end in divorce. A cluster analysis of 509 couples who divorced between waves revealed that about half were in high-distress relationships and the rest in low-distress relationships. These 2 groups were not artifacts of…

  19. Occupational stress and suicidality among firefighters: Examining the buffering role of distress tolerance. (United States)

    Stanley, Ian H; Boffa, Joseph W; Smith, Lia J; Tran, Jana K; Schmidt, N Brad; Joiner, Thomas E; Vujanovic, Anka A


    Past research indicates that firefighters are at increased risk for suicide. Firefighter-specific occupational stress may contribute to elevated suicidality. Among a large sample of firefighters, this study examined if occupational stress is associated with multiple indicators of suicide risk, and whether distress tolerance, the perceived and/or actual ability to endure negative emotional or physical states, attenuates these associations. A total of 831 firefighters participated (mean [SD] age = 38.37y[8.53y]; 94.5% male; 75.2% White). The Sources of Occupational Stress-14 (SOOS-14), Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS), and Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) were utilized to examine firefighter-specific occupational stress, distress tolerance, and suicidality, respectively. Consistent with predictions, occupational stress interacted with distress tolerance, such that the effects of occupational stress on suicide risk, broadly, as well as lifetime suicide threats and current suicidal intent, specifically, were attenuated at high levels of distress tolerance. Distress tolerance may buffer the effects of occupational stress on suicidality among firefighters. Pending replication, findings suggest that distress tolerance may be a viable target for suicide prevention initiatives within the fire service. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Joy, Distress, Hope, and Fear in Reinforcement Learning (Extended Abstract)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, E.J.; Broekens, J.; Jonker, C.M.


    In this paper we present a mapping between joy, distress, hope and fear, and Reinforcement Learning primitives. Joy / distress is a signal that is derived from the RL update signal, while hope/fear is derived from the utility of the current state. Agent-based simulation experiments replicate

  1. Effects of work-family conflict and job insecurity on psychological distress. (United States)

    Mutambudzi, M; Javed, Z; Kaul, S; Prochaska, J; Peek, M K


    Work-family conflict (WFC) and job insecurity are important determinants of workers' mental health. To examine the relationship between WFC and psychological distress, and the co-occurring effects of WFC and job insecurity on distress in US working adults. This study used cross-sectional data from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for adults aged 18-64 years. The 2010 NHIS included occupational data from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) sponsored Occupational Health Supplement. Logistic regression models were used to examine the independent and co-occurring effects of WFC and job insecurity on distress. The study group consisted of 12059 participants. In the model fully adjusted for relevant occupational, behavioural, sociodemographic and health covariates, WFC and job insecurity were independently significantly associated with increased odds of psychological distress. Relative to participants reporting WFC only, participants reporting no WFC and no job insecurity had lower odds of moderate and severe distress. Co-occurring WFC and job insecurity was associated with significantly higher odds of both moderate [odds ratio (OR) = 1.55; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.25-1.9] and severe (OR = 3.57; 95% CI 2.66-4.79) distress. Rates of WFC and job insecurity were influenced by differing factors in working adults; however, both significantly increased risk of adverse mental health outcomes, particularly when experienced jointly. Future studies should explore the temporal association between co-occurring WFC and job insecurity and psychological distress. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Weight-based stigmatization, psychological distress, & binge eating behavior among obese treatment-seeking adults. (United States)

    Ashmore, Jamile A; Friedman, Kelli E; Reichmann, Simona K; Musante, Gerard J


    To evaluate the associations between weight-based stigmatization, psychological distress, and binge eating behavior in a treatment-seeking obese sample. Ninety-three obese adults completed three questionnaires: 1) Stigmatizing Situations Inventory, 2) Brief Symptoms Inventory, and 3) Binge Eating Questionnaire. Correlational analyses were used to evaluate the association between stigmatizing experiences, psychological distress and binge eating behavior. Stigmatizing experiences predicted both binge eating behavior (R(2)=.20, p<.001) and overall psychological distress (R(2)=.18, p<.001). A substantial amount of the variance in binge eating predicted by weight-based stigmatization was due to the effect of psychological distress. Specifically, of the 20% of the variance in binge eating accounted for by stigmatizing experiences, between 7% and 34% (p<.01) was due to the effects of various indicators of psychological distress. These data suggest that weight-based stigmatization predicts binge eating behavior and that psychological distress associated with stigmatizing experiences may be an important mediating factor.

  3. Exploring health promotion practitioners' experiences of moral distress in Canada and Australia. (United States)

    Sunderland, Naomi; Harris, Paul; Johnstone, Kylie; Del Fabbro, Letitia; Kendall, Elizabeth


    This article introduces moral distress - the experience of painful feelings due to institutional constraints on personal moral action - as a significant issue for the international health promotion workforce. Our exploratory study of practitioners' experiences of health promotion in Australia and Canada during 2009-2010 indicated that practitioners who work in upstream policy- and systems-level health promotion are affected by experiences of moral distress. Health promotion practitioners at all levels of the health promotion continuum also described themselves as being engaged in a minority practice within a larger dominant system that does not always value health promotion. We argue that health promotion practitioners are vulnerable to moral distress due to the values-driven and political nature of the practice, the emphasis on systems change and the inherent complexity and diversity of the practice. This vulnerability to moral distress poses significant challenges to both workers and organisations and the communities they seek to benefit. We propose that further research should be undertaken to fully identify the causes and symptoms of moral distress in health promotion. Extensive existing research on moral distress in nursing provides ample resources to conduct such research. © The Author(s) 2014.

  4. Religiousness, religious coping methods and distress level among psychiatric patients in Malaysia. (United States)

    Nurasikin, M S; Khatijah, L A; Aini, A; Ramli, M; Aida, S A; Zainal, N Z; Ng, C G


    Patients having psychiatric diagnoses often experience high level of distress. Religiousness is often used by them as part of their coping mechanism and problem-solving strategies. To determine the level of religious commitment and coping methods in psychiatric patients and its relationship with distress level. Religious commitment and coping patterns were measured with the Duke University Religious Index (DUREL) and Brief RCOPE, respectively. Psychopathology was assessed using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and distress level was assessed with the Depressive, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS). Social support and experiences of recent threatening events were measured with the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and Life Threatening Events (LTE). A total of 228 patients were included in this study with a mean age of 40.2 years. The majority were male, Malay, Muslim, single and with psychotic disorder. The subjects had a high level of religious commitment and had used more positive coping methods. Negative religious coping, psychiatric symptoms and diagnosis of anxiety disorder or major depression were significantly associated with high distress level. Higher religious commitment was significantly associated with lower distress (p depression were associated with higher distress.

  5. Unique roles of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathic traits in distress tolerance. (United States)

    Sargeant, Marsha N; Daughters, Stacey B; Curtin, John J; Schuster, Randi; Lejuez, C W


    Previous research indicates that individuals with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) evidence low distress tolerance, which signifies impaired ability to persist in goal-directed behavior during an aversive situation, and is associated with a variety of poor interpersonal and drug use outcomes. Based on theory and research indicating that psychopathic traits are associated with hypo-reactivity in emotional responding, a unique hypothesis emerges where psychopathic traits should have the opposite effect of ASPD and be related to high levels of distress tolerance. In a sample of 107 substance-dependent patients in an inner-city substance use residential treatment facility, this hypothesis was supported. ASPD was related to lower distress tolerance, while psychopathic traits were related to higher distress tolerance, with each contributing unique variance. Findings are discussed in relation to different presentations of distress tolerance as a function of psychopathic traits among those with an ASPD diagnosis.


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    Agustín C. Möhlinger


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Los estreptococos del Grupo A son patógenos frecuentes en los seres humanos, responsables de diversas infecciones. Diferentes estudios han demostrado mecanismos involucrados en las defensas del huésped frente a la infección por S. pyogenes. S. pyogenes desencadena una respuesta inmune importante con la consiguiente participación de diversos tipos celulares, como polimorfonucleares neutrófilos, macrófagos y células dendríticas, así como las subpoblaciones TH1 y Th2. El objeto del presente estudio fue examinar la respuesta de Polimorfonucleares (PMNs y Mononucleares (MNs de sujetos normales frente al S. pyogenes vivo (Spv e inactivado(Spi. Métodos: Se separaron los PMNs y MNs de sangre periférica de 48 sujetos donantes sanos. Se incubaron en tubos separados las suspensiones de PMN y MNs en en medio RPMI 1640 con 5l de las suspensiones de S. pyogenes vivo (Spyv e inactivado (Spyi . En el sobrenadante de cultivo de MN y PMN, se evaluaron nitritos (Método de Griess y TNFα [ELISA ;R& D Systems]. En dichas células se determinó el Estallido Respiratorio (ER por Citometría de Flujo. Resultados: Estallido Respiratorio. R(X± E.E.: PMNs est. c/Spv: 2,50±0,478; PMNs est. c/Spi: 1,921±0,275; PMNs Basal: 1,282±0,105. P=0,0483. MNs est. c/Spv: 2,56±0,51; MNs est. c/Spi: 1,92±0,27; MNs Basal: 1,21±0,10. Spv vs Spi P>0,05 ns; Spv vs basal P0,05ns. Niveles Nitritos(x± E.E. MNs est c/ Spv, Spi y Basal: 40,75±5,94; 57,85±8,79; 13,28±1,13. MNs Basal vs MNs Spv P0,05 NS. Niveles de TNFα(x± E.E.: PMNs est c/ Spv, Spi y Basal: 223,54±21,49; 202,78±37,37; 100,82±3,23. PMNs Spv vs Spi P>0,05ns; PMNs Spv vs Basal P0,05 NS; Spv vs Basal P<0,01; Spi vs Basal P<0,05. Conclusiones: Se determinó que el S. pyogenes tanto vivo como inactivado tiene capacidad para estimular a las células fagocíticas, activando su capacidad oxidativa através del Estallido Respiratorio, la producción de nitritos y la de TNF alfa en sobrenadante de

  7. Trajectories of distress, anxiety, and depression among women with breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bidstrup, Pernille Envold; Christensen, Jane; Mertz, Birgitte Goldschmidt


    OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the development of psychological wellbeing over time among women who have been treated for breast cancer. The aim of this study was to identify distinct patterns of distress, anxiety, and depression in such women. METHODS: We invited 426 consecutive women with newly...... diagnosed primary breast cancer to participate in this study, and 323 (76%) provided information on distress ('distress thermometer') and on symptoms of anxiety and depression ('hospital anxiety and depression scale'). Semiparametric group-based mixture modeling was used to identify distinct trajectories...... of distress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms assessed the week before surgery and four and eight months later. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the characteristics of women in the distinct groups. RESULTS: Although no sub-group of women with chronic severe anxiety or depressive symptoms...

  8. Life-course pathways to psychological distress: a cohort study. (United States)

    von Stumm, Sophie; Deary, Ian J; Hagger-Johnson, Gareth


    Early life factors, like intelligence and socioeconomic status (SES), are associated with health outcomes in adulthood. Fitting comprehensive life-course models, we tested (1) the effect of childhood intelligence and SES, education and adulthood SES on psychological distress at midlife, and (2) compared alternative measurement specifications (reflective and formative) of SES. Prospective cohort study (the Aberdeen Children of the 1950s). Aberdeen, Scotland. 12 500 live-births (6282 boys) between 1950 and 1956, who were followed up in the years 2001-2003 at age 46-51 with a postal questionnaire achieving a response rate of 64% (7183). Psychological distress at age 46-51 (questionnaire). Childhood intelligence and SES and education had indirect effects on psychological distress at midlife, mediated by adult SES. Adult SES was the only variable to have a significant direct effect on psychological distress at midlife; the effect was stronger in men than in women. Alternative measurement specifications of SES (reflective and formative) resulted in greatly different model parameters and fits. Even though formative operationalisations of SES are theoretically appropriate, SES is better specified as reflective than as a formative latent variable in the context of life-course modelling.

  9. Emotional distress and strain in relatives of patients with severe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The levels of emotional distress and strain were examined in two groups of relatives of psychiatric patients using standard instruments. The dementia group had more GHQ - 30 cases than the schizophrenic group. Even though the schizophrenic relatives had higher distress and strain scores than the dementia relatives, ...

  10. Does tinnitus distress depend on age of onset?


    Schlee, Winfried; Kleinjung, Tobias; Hiller, Wolfgang; Goebel, Gerhard; Kolassa, Iris; Langguth, Berthold


    Objectives: Tinnitus is the perception of a sound in the absence of any physical source of it. About 5–15% of the population report hearing such a tinnitus and about 1–2% suffer from their tinnitus leading to anxiety, sleep disorders or depression. It is currently not completely understood why some people feel distressed by their tinnitus, while others don’t. Several studiesindicate that the amount of tinnitus distress is associated with many factors including comorbid anxiety, comorbid depre...

  11. Assessing and addressing moral distress and ethical climate, part 1. (United States)

    Sauerland, Jeanie; Marotta, Kathleen; Peinemann, Mary Anne; Berndt, Andrea; Robichaux, Catherine


    There is minimal research exploring moral distress and its relationship to ethical climate among nurses working in acute care settings. Objectives of the study were to explore moral distress, moral residue, and perception of ethical climate among registered nurses working in an academic medical center and develop interventions to address study findings. A mixed-methods design was used. Two versions of Corley and colleagues' Moral Distress Scale, adult and pediatric/neonatal, were used in addition to Olson's Hospital Ethical Climate Survey. Participants were invited to respond to 2 open-ended questions. This article reports the results for those nurses working in adult acute and critical care units. The sample (N = 225) was predominantly female (80%); half held a bachelor of science in nursing or higher, were aged 30 to 49 years, and staff nurses (77.3%). The mean item score for moral distress intensity ranged from 3.79 (SD, 2.21) to 2.14 (SD, 2.42) with mean item score frequency ranging from 2.86 (SD, 1.88) to 0.23 (SD, 0.93). The mean score for total Hospital Ethical Climate Survey was 94.39 (SD, 18.3) ranging from 23 to 130. Qualitative comments described bullying, lateral violence, and retribution. Inadequate staffing and perceived incompetent coworkers were the most distressing items. Almost 22% left a previous position because of moral distress and perceived the current climate to be less ethical compared with other participants. Findings may potentially impact nurse retention and recruitment and negatively affect the quality and safety of patient care. Interventions developed focus on the individual nurse, including ethics education and coping skills, intraprofessional/interprofessional approaches, and administrative/policy strategies.

  12. Corporate governance effect on financial distress likelihood: Evidence from Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Montserrat Manzaneque


    Full Text Available The paper explores some mechanisms of corporate governance (ownership and board characteristics in Spanish listed companies and their impact on the likelihood of financial distress. An empirical study was conducted between 2007 and 2012 using a matched-pairs research design with 308 observations, with half of them classified as distressed and non-distressed. Based on the previous study by Pindado, Rodrigues, and De la Torre (2008, a broader concept of bankruptcy is used to define business failure. Employing several conditional logistic models, as well as to other previous studies on bankruptcy, the results confirm that in difficult situations prior to bankruptcy, the impact of board ownership and proportion of independent directors on business failure likelihood are similar to those exerted in more extreme situations. These results go one step further, to offer a negative relationship between board size and the likelihood of financial distress. This result is interpreted as a form of creating diversity and to improve the access to the information and resources, especially in contexts where the ownership is highly concentrated and large shareholders have a great power to influence the board structure. However, the results confirm that ownership concentration does not have a significant impact on financial distress likelihood in the Spanish context. It is argued that large shareholders are passive as regards an enhanced monitoring of management and, alternatively, they do not have enough incentives to hold back the financial distress. These findings have important implications in the Spanish context, where several changes in the regulatory listing requirements have been carried out with respect to corporate governance, and where there is no empirical evidence regarding this respect.

  13. Public hospitals in financial distress: Is privatization a strategic choice? (United States)

    Ramamonjiarivelo, Zo; Weech-Maldonado, Robert; Hearld, Larry; Menachemi, Nir; Epané, Josué Patien; O'Connor, Stephen


    As safety net providers, public hospitals operate in more challenging environments than private hospitals. Such environments put public hospitals at greater risk of financial distress, which may result in privatization and deterioration of the safety net. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether financial distress is associated with privatization among public hospitals. We used panel data merged from the American Hospital Association Annual Survey, Medicare Cost Reports, Area Resource File, and Local Area Unemployment Statistics. Our study population consisted of all U.S. nonfederal acute care public hospitals in 1997 tracked through 2009, resulting in 6,426 hospital-year observations. The dependent variable "privatization" was defined as conversion from public status to either private not-for-profit or private for-profit status. The main independent variable, "financial distress," was based on the Altman Z-score methodology. Control variables included market and organizational factors. Two random-effects logistic regression models with state and year fixed-effects were constructed. The independent and control variables were lagged by 1 year and 2 years for Models 1 and 2, respectively. Public hospitals in financial distress had greater odds of being privatized than public hospitals not in financial distress: (OR = 4.53, p resources and may provide financial relief to government entities from the burden of continuously funding a hospital operating at a loss, which in turn may help keep the hospital open and preserve access to care for the community. Privatizing a financially distressed public hospital may be a better strategic alternative than closure. The Altman Z-score could be used as a managerial tool to monitor hospitals' financial condition and take corrective actions.

  14. Adult respiratory distress syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Svendsen, J.; Jespersen, J.; Skjoedt, T.


    Our present-day knowledge concerning the clinico-chemical and radiological findings in adult respiratory distress syndrome are described. Three typical case histories have been selected to illustrate this condition; they were due to multiple trauma or sepsis. It is stressed that radiology is in a key position for making the diagnosis and for observing the course of the illness. (orig) [de

  15. Authoritative school climate, aggression toward teachers, and teacher distress in middle school. (United States)

    Berg, Juliette K; Cornell, Dewey


    Aggression toward teachers is linked to burnout and disengagement from teaching, but a positive school climate may reduce aggression and associated teacher distress. Using authoritative school climate theory, the study examined whether schools with high disciplinary structure and student support were associated with less aggression and less distress. The sample of 9,134 teachers in 389 middle schools came from the Virginia Secondary School Climate Survey, a statewide survey administered to all public schools with 7th and 8th grade enrollment. The majority of teachers (75%) were female. More than half (53%) reported that they had more than 10 years of teaching experience; 23% reported 6 to 10 years; 24% reported 1 to 5 years. Students reported on the degree to which their schools were structured and supportive. Teachers reported on their experiences of aggression by students, their level of distress, and their feelings of safety. Staff-related infractions computed from Department of Education records were also used. Multilevel modeling revealed that teachers in authoritative schools experienced less aggression and felt safer and less distressed. Lower aggression by students mediated the association between more authoritative schools and lower distress such that more structured and supportive schools had greater teacher safety and, in turn, less distress. The findings support the idea that more structured and supportive schools relate to greater safety for teachers and, in turn, less distress. Research limitations and implications for practice are discussed. (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  16. Moral distress and burnout in Iranian nurses: The mediating effect of workplace bullying. (United States)

    Ajoudani, Fardin; Baghaei, Rahim; Lotfi, Mojgan


    Moral distress and workplace bullying are important issues in the nursing workplace that appear to affect nurse's burnout. To investigate the relationship between moral distress and burnout in Iranian nurses, as mediated by their perceptions of workplace bullying. Ethical considerations: The research was approved by the committee of ethics in research of the Urmia University of Medical Sciences. This is a correlation study using a cross-sectional design with anonymous questionnaires as study instruments (i.e. Moral Distress Scale-Revised, Maslach Burnout Inventory and The Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised). Data were collected from 278 nurses from five teaching hospitals in Urmia, the capital of Western Azerbaijan, northwest of Iran. Structural equation modeling and bootstrapping procedures were employed to recognize the mediating role of their perceptions of workplace bullying. The mean score of moral distress, burnout, and the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised Scale among the participants were 91.02 ± 35.26, 79.9 ± 18.27, and 45.4 ± 15.39, respectively. The results confirmed our hypothesized model. All the latent variables of study were significantly correlated in the predicted directions. The moral distress and bullying were significant predictors of burnout. Perception of bullying partially mediated the relationship between moral distress and burnout. The mediating role of the bullying suggests that moral distress increases burnout, directly and indirectly. Nursing administrators should be conscious of the role of moral distress and bullying in the nursing workplace in increasing burnout.

  17. Relationships among neighborhood environment, racial discrimination, psychological distress, and preterm birth in African American women. (United States)

    Giurgescu, Carmen; Zenk, Shannon N; Dancy, Barbara L; Park, Chang G; Dieber, William; Block, Richard


    To (a) examine the relationships among objective and perceived indicators of neighborhood environment, racial discrimination, psychological distress, and gestational age at birth; (b) determine if neighborhood environment and racial discrimination predicted psychological distress; (c) determine if neighborhood environment, racial discrimination, and psychological distress predicted preterm birth; and (d) determine if psychological distress mediated the effects of neighborhood environment and racial discrimination on preterm birth. Descriptive correlational comparative. Postpartum unit of a medical center in Chicago. African American women (n(1)  = 33 with preterm birth; n(2)  = 39 with full-term birth). Women completed the instruments 24 to 72 hours after birth. Objective measures of the neighborhood were derived using geographic information systems (GIS). Women who reported higher levels of perceived social and physical disorder and perceived crime also reported higher levels of psychological distress. Women who reported more experiences of racial discrimination also had higher levels of psychological distress. Objective social disorder and perceived crime predicted psychological distress. Objective physical disorder and psychological distress predicted preterm birth. Psychological distress mediated the effect of objective social disorder and perceived crime on preterm birth. Women's neighborhood environments and racial discrimination were related to psychological distress, and these factors may increase the risk for preterm birth. © 2012 AWHONN, the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.

  18. Prevalence and occupational predictors of psychological distress in the offshore petroleum industry: a prospective study. (United States)

    Nielsen, Morten Birkeland; Tvedt, Sturle Danielsen; Matthiesen, Stig Berge


    This study investigates the prevalence of psychological distress and stressors in the work environment as prospective predictors of distress, among employees in the offshore petroleum industry. Correlation and logistic regression analyses were employed to examine longitudinal relationships between stressors and distress in a randomly drawn sample of 741 employees from the Norwegian petroleum offshore industry. Time lag between baseline and follow-up was 6 months. Work environment stressors included safety factors, leadership, and job characteristics. The prevalence of psychological distress was 9 % at baseline and 8 % at follow-up. All investigated work environment factors correlated with subsequent distress. In bivariate logistic regression analyses, caseness of distress was predicted by baseline distress, near miss accidents, risk perception, poor safety climate, tyrannical leadership, laissez-faire leadership, job demands, and workplace bullying. After adjustment for baseline distress, control variables, and other predictors, laissez-faire leadership (OR = 1.69; 95 % CI: 1.12-2.54) and exposure to bullying (OR = 1.49; 95 % CI: 1.07-2.10) emerged as the most robust predictors of subsequent distress. The findings show that the prevalence of psychological distress is lower among offshore employees than in the general population. Although offshore workers operate in a physically challenging context, their mental health is mainly influenced by stressors in the psychosocial work environment. This highlights the importance of developing and implementing psychosocial safety interventions within the offshore industry.

  19. Ethnic Differences in Adolescents' Mental Distress, Social Stress, and Resources (United States)

    Choi, Heeseung; Meininger, Janet C.; Roberts, Robert E.


    Limited data on ethnic group differences among young adolescents exist regarding the prevalence of mental distress, social stress, and resources. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine ethnic differences among African American (AA), European American (EA), Hispanic American (HA), and Asian American adolescents in mental distress,…

  20. Moral distress reexamined: a feminist interpretation of nurses' identities, relationships, and responsibilites. (United States)

    Peter, Elizabeth; Liaschenko, Joan


    Moral distress has been written about extensively in nursing and other fields. Often, however, it has not been used with much theoretical depth. This paper focuses on theorizing moral distress using feminist ethics, particularly the work of Margaret Urban Walker and Hilde Lindemann. Incorporating empirical findings, we argue that moral distress is the response to constraints experienced by nurses to their moral identities, responsibilities, and relationships. We recommend that health professionals get assistance in accounting for and communicating their values and responsibilities in situations of moral distress. We also discuss the importance of nurses creating "counterstories" of their work as knowledgeable and trustworthy professionals to repair their damaged moral identities, and, finally, we recommend that efforts toward shifting the goal of health care away from the prolongation of life at all costs to the relief of suffering to diminish the moral distress that is a common response to aggressive care at end-of-life.

  1. Prediksi Financial Distress Bank Umum di Indonesia: Analisis Diskriminan dan Regresi Logistik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Imaduddin Shidiq


    Full Text Available Financial Distress Prediction in The Indonesian Banks: Discriminant Analysis and Logistic RegressionThis research aims to create early warning models for predicting financial distress on Indonesian commercial banks. Early warning models is made by estimating bank indicators that led bank run into financial problems which to be shut down by the government. Estimation use two methods, discriminant analysis, logistic regression. The data used to create models is bank's financial ratios in 1994-1997 gathered from Direktori Perbankan Indonesia (DPI. Out of the sample test use the data in 1998. All model were used to predict the bank's financial distress after 2000. This study found some characteristics of distressed banks that will be in the state of failure in two or three years. Finally, this research found that early warning system models is able to predict the probability of financial distress on commercial banks.DOI:  10.15408/ess.v7i1.4686 

  2. Ethnic heterogeneity, social capital and psychological distress in Sweden. (United States)

    Johnson-Singh, Charisse M; Rostila, Mikael; Ponce de Leon, Antonio; Forsell, Yvonne; Engström, Karin


    Ethnic heterogeneity has been linked to both protective and detrimental effects on mental health. Few studies have investigated the role of social capital in this relationship and none have found that it has an explanatory role. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between two measures of ethnic heterogeneity and psychological distress in Stockholm County, as well as the explanatory role of social capital for individuals with Swedish-background, foreign-background and those who are foreign-born. This study used data collected from respondents aged 18-64 to the 2002, 2006, 2010 baseline questionnaires of the Stockholm Public Health Cohort and was linked with individual and area-level register information. Ethnic heterogeneity was the main exposure, measured by: 1) ethnic density, defined as the proportion of first and second generation immigrants with 2 foreign-born parents; and 2) ethnic diversity, using the fragmentation index. Social capital measures of individual and contextual-level social support and horizontal trust were the main explanatory factors of interest. The outcome, psychological distress, was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire-12 with a 2/3 cut-off. Prevalence ratios with 95% confidence intervals were estimated using multi-level poisson regression with robust variances. Age and sex adjusted analyses for the whole study population demonstrated that a 10% increase in ethnic density or diversity was associated with a 1.06 (1.05-1.07) times higher prevalence of psychological distress. In the stratified analyses, both foreign-born respondents and those with Swedish-background showed increasing prevalence of psychological distress with increasing ethnic heterogeneity. However, this trend was entirely explained by socioeconomic factors in the Swedish-background respondents and by additional adjustments for individual and contextual social support and horizontal trust for the foreign-born. Further adjustment for contextual

  3. Musculoskeletal disorders, personality traits, psychological distress, and accident proneness of Chinese coal miners. (United States)

    Deng, Mingming; Wu, Feng; Wang, Jun; Sun, Linyan


    Human factors comprise one of the important reasons leading to the casualty accidents in coal mines. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships among musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), personality traits, psychological distress, and accident proneness of coal miners. There were 1500 Chinese coal miners surveyed in this study. Among these miners, 992 valid samples were obtained. The study surveyed the MSDs, personality traits, psychological distress, and accident proneness of coal miners with MSDs Likert scale, Eysenck personality questionnaire, Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) scale, and accident proneness questionnaire, respectively. The highest MSDs level was found in the waist. The increasing working age of the miners was connected with increased MSDs and psychological distress. Significant differences in MSDs and psychological distress of miners from different types of work were observed. Coal miners with higher MSDs had higher accident proneness. Coal miners with higher neuroticism dimension of Eysenck personality and more serious psychological distress had higher accident proneness. Phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation and psychoticism dimension of psychological distress were the three most important indicators that had significant positive relationships with accident proneness. The MSDs, neuroticism dimension, and psychological distress of the coal mine workers are important to work safety and require serious attention. Some implications concerning coal mine safety management in China were provided.

  4. Detection of patient psychological distress and longitudinal patient-doctor relationships: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Ridd, Matthew; Lewis, Glyn; Peters, Tim J; Salisbury, Chris


    Psychological distress in patients who attend their GP is thought to be under-recognised. However, it is likely that both disclosure and detection are influenced by how well the patient and doctor know each another. To examine whether patient-doctor depth of relationship is associated with identification of psychological distress. Cross-sectional study in general practices in and around Bristol, England. Patients (aged ≥16 years) were asked to complete a questionnaire and consent to their electronic medical records being reviewed. Study GPs independently assessed patient psychological distress. Multivariable logistic regression was used to look for associations between patient-doctor depth of relationship and GP detection of patient psychological distress (defined according to the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12). There were 643 eligible appointments with 31 GPs. In total, 541 (84.1%) patients returned questionnaires and 490 (76.2%) consented to their records being reviewed. Patient-doctor depth of relationship was not associated with GP detection of mild to severe patient psychological distress (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 0.94, 95% CI = 0.87 to 1.02) but, in secondary analyses, it was associated with the identification of moderate to severe distress (adjusted OR 1.13, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.26). GPs reported more patient psychological distress in patients who reported a greater depth of relationship but this did not relate to patients' GHQ-12 scores. Evidence to support an association between patient-doctor depth of relationship and improved GP detection of patients with psychological distress was weak, except in those patients who GPs thought were more distressed. GPs may overestimate emotional distress in patients who report deeper patient-doctor relationships.

  5. A Longitudinal Study of Post-Traumatic Growth and Psychological Distress in Colorectal Cancer Survivors.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefano Occhipinti

    Full Text Available The stability of post-traumatic growth over time and the relationship between post-traumatic growth and traditional distress outcomes remains unclear. We tracked post-traumatic growth in a population-based sample of colorectal cancer patients from soon after diagnosis to five years subsequently to assess the heterogeneity of a post-traumatic growth response to cancer over time and describe the simultaneous and longitudinal relationships between post-traumatic growth and psychological distress. 1966 colorectal patients who were five months post diagnosis were assessed six times over a five year period. There was considerable heterogeneity associated with both psychological distress and benefit finding scores over time. However, both for benefit finding and psychological distress, the variation in individual scores suggested an underlying positive linear trend and both lagged and lagged change components. Specifically, benefit finding and psychological distress are mutual leading indicators of each other. First, benefit finding served as a leading indicator of distress, in that increases in reported benefit finding from year to year predicted higher future increases in psychological distress. As well, in an inverse relationship, psychological distress served as a leading indicator of benefit finding, such that increases in reported distress from year to year predicted lower future increases in benefit finding. Post-traumatic growth may reflect patients coping efforts to enhance perceptions of wellbeing in response to escalating cancer-related threats, acting as harbinger of increasing trajectories of psychological distress. This explanation is consistent with a cognitive dissonance response in which threats to the integrity of the self then lead to a tendency to accentuate positive aspects of the self.

  6. The relationship between food frequency and menstrual distress in high school females. (United States)

    Mohamadirizi, Soheila; Kordi, Masoumeh


    Nutrition pattern is one of the important factors predicting menstrual distress, which varies among different cultures and countries. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between food frequency and menstrual distress in high school girls from Mashhad. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012 using a two-stage sampling method on 407 high school female students from Mashhad who met the inclusion criteria. Subjects completed questionnaires of demographic characteristics, food frequency, and Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) during three phases of the menstrual cycle (a week before bleeding, during menstrual bleeding period, and a week after menstruation). The collected data were analyzed by statistical tests such as Pearson correlation coefficient test, independent Student's t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that 87.7% of the students were at moderate economic status, 82.2% were exposed to cigarette smoke, 94.8% had mothers without university education, and 9.4% had working mothers. About 71% of the students reported minor pre-menstruation distress, 81% reported minor distress during bleeding, and 39% reported minor post-menstruation distress. In addition, the mean (SD) values for sweet-fatty foods, salty-fatty foods, fast foods, and caffeine were 3.6, 3.3, 1.3, and 10.2 per week, respectively. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficient test showed no significant correlation between total menstruation distress and food frequency (P > 0.05). With regard to the inappropriate food frequency and high intensity of menstrual distress among high school students and as health care and educational efforts for prevention and health promotion in society are among the duties of health workers, the results of this study can help the officials involved in education to emphasize on nutrition and the menstrual health of students.

  7. Distress, problems and supportive care needs of patients treated with auto- or allo-SCT. (United States)

    Braamse, A M J; van Meijel, B; Visser, O; Huijgens, P C; Beekman, A T F; Dekker, J


    Hematological malignancies and treatment with hematopoietic SCT are known to affect patients' quality of life. The problem profile and care needs of this patient group need clarification, however. This study aimed to assess distress, problems and care needs after allo- or auto-SCT, and to identify risk factors for distress, problems or care needs. In this cross-sectional study, patients treated with allo-SCT or auto-SCT for hematological malignancies completed the Distress Thermometer and Problem List. Three patient groups were created: 0-1, 1-2.5 and 2.5-5.5 years after transplantation. After allo-SCT, distress and the number of problems tended to be lower with longer follow-up. After auto-SCT, distress was highest at 1-2.5 year(s). Patients mainly reported physical problems, followed by cognitive-emotional and practical problems. A minority reported care needs. Risk factors for distress as well as problems after allo-SCT included younger age, shorter time after transplantation and GVHD. A risk factor for distress as well as problems after auto-SCT was the presence of comorbid diseases. Up to 5 years after auto-SCT or allo-SCT, patients continue to experience distress and problems. Judged by prevalence, physical problems are first priority in supportive care, followed by cognitive-emotional and practical problems.

  8. Childhood disadvantage, education, and psychological distress in adulthood: A three-wave population-based study. (United States)

    Sheikh, Mashhood Ahmed


    We assessed the mediating role of education in the association between childhood disadvantage and psychological distress in adulthood using longitudinal data collected in three waves, from 1994 to 2008, in the framework of the Tromsø Study (N = 4530), a cohort that is representative of men and women from Tromsø. Education was measured at a mean age of 54.7 years, and psychological distress in adulthood was measured at a mean age of 61.7 years. Ordinary least square regression analysis was used to assess the associations between childhood disadvantage, education, and psychological distress in adulthood. The indirect effects and the proportion (%) of indirect effects of childhood disadvantage (via education) on psychological distress in adulthood were assessed by mediation analysis. Childhood disadvantage was associated with lower education and higher psychological distress in adulthood (p childhood disadvantage and psychological distress in adulthood was mediated by education. Childhood disadvantages were measured retrospectively. The association between childhood disadvantage and psychological distress in adulthood is primarily independent of education. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  9. Study the Relationship between Pavement Surface Distress and Roughness Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mubaraki Muhammad


    Full Text Available In this paper, pavement sections from the highway connected Jeddah to Jazan were selected and analyzed to investigate the relationship between International Roughness Index (IRI and pavement damage including; cracking, rutting, and raveling. The Ministry of Transport (MOT of Saudi Arabia has been collecting pavement condition data using the Road Surface Tester (RST vehicle. The MOT measures Roughness, Rutting (RUT, Cracking (CRA, raveling (RAV. Roughness measurements are calculated in terms of the International Roughness Index (IRI. The IRI is calculated over equally spaced intervals along the road profile. Roughness measurements are performed at speed between at 80 kilometers per hour. Thus RST vehicle has been used to evaluate highways across the country. The paper shows three relationships including; cracking (CRA verses roughness (IRI, rutting (RUT verses IRI, and raveling (RAV verses IRI. Also, the paper developed two models namely; model relates IRI to the three distress under study, and model relates IRI to ride quality. The results of the analysis claim at 95% confidence that a significant relationship exist between IRI and cracking, and raveling. It’s also shown that rutting did not show significant relationship to IRI values. That’s leads to conclude that the distresses types: cracking and raveling may possibly be described as ride quality distresses at different level of significant. Rutting distress described as non-ride quality type’s distresses.

  10. Associations between faith, distress and mental adjustment--a Danish survivorship study. (United States)

    Johannessen-Henry, Christine Tind; Deltour, Isabelle; Bidstrup, Pernille Envold; Dalton, Susanne O; Johansen, Christoffer


    Several studies have suggested that religion and spirituality are important for overcoming psychological distress and adjusting mentally to cancer, but these studies did not differentiate between spiritual well-being and specific aspects of faith. We examined the extent to which spiritual well-being, the faith dimension of spiritual well-being and aspects of performed faith are associated with distress and mental adjustment among cancer patients. In a cross-sectional design, 1043 survivors of various cancers filled in a questionnaire on spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp-12), specific aspects of faith ('belief in a god', 'belief in a god with whom I can talk' and 'experiences of god or a higher power'), religious community and church attendance (DUREL), distress (POMS-SF), adjustment to cancer (Mini-MAC) and sociodemographic factors. Linear regression models were used to analyze the associations between exposure (spiritual well-being and specific faith aspects) and outcome (distress and adjustment to cancer) with adjustment for age, gender, cancer diagnosis and physical and social well-being. Higher spiritual well-being was associated with less total distress (β = -0.79, CI -0.92; -0.66) and increased adjustment to cancer (fighting spirit, anxious preoccupation, helplessness-hopelessness). Specific aspects of faith were associated with high confusion-bewilderment and tension-anxiety, but also lower score on vigor-activity, and with higher anxious-preoccupation, both higher and lower cognitive avoidance, but also more fighting spirit. As hypothesized, spiritual well-being were associated with less distress and better mental adjustment. However, specific aspects of faith were both positively and negatively associated with distress and mental adjustment. The results illustrate the complexity of associations between spiritual well-being and specific aspects of faith with psychological function among cancer survivors.

  11. Student distress in clinical workplace learning: differences in social comparison behaviours. (United States)

    Janet Raat, A N; Schönrock-Adema, Johanna; van Hell, E Ally; Kuks, Jan B M; Cohen-Schotanus, Janke


    In medical education, student distress is known to hamper learning and professional development. To address this problem, recent studies aimed at helping students cope with stressful situations. Undergraduate students in clinical practice frequently use experiences of surrounding peers to estimate their abilities to master such challenging situations. This use of the experiences of others, known as social comparison, may affect student distress both positively and negatively. To find characteristics of a beneficial use of social comparison, we examined differences in comparison behaviours between students expressing low and high levels of distress. The participants in our study, response rate 93% (N = 301/321), were all medical students in their first year in clinical practice. They completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) to measure distress, and three separate questionnaires to measure: (1) orientation to comparison, (2) motive for comparison, and (3) interpretation of comparison. Differences were analysed using multivariate analysis of variance. Although all students were oriented towards social comparison, the analyses showed that this orientation was less apparent among low-distress students. Besides, the low-distress students were less inclined to use motives indicative for comparisons with peers perceived as performing worse and were less negative in the interpretations of their comparisons. As social comparison is frequently used among all students, we recommend to make them aware of their comparison behaviours and inform them about the pros and cons of the distinguished aspects of the comparison process.

  12. Maternal psychological distress and fetal growth trajectories : The Generation R Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Henrichs, Jens; Schenk, J. J.; Roza, S. J.; van den Berg, M. P.; Schmidt, H. G.; Steegers, E. A. P.; Hofman, A.; Jaddoe, V. W. V.; Verhulst, F. C.; Tiemeier, H.

    Background. Previous research suggests, though not consistently, that maternal psychological distress during pregnancy leads to adverse birth outcomes. We investigated whether maternal psychological distress affects fetal growth during the period of mid-pregnancy until birth. Method. Pregnant women

  13. Distress Tolerance Links Sleep Problems with Stress and Health in Homeless. (United States)

    Reitzel, Lorraine R; Short, Nicole A; Schmidt, Norman B; Garey, Lorra; Zvolensky, Michael J; Moisiuc, Alexis; Reddick, Carrie; Kendzor, Darla E; Businelle, Michael S


    We examined associations between sleep problems, distress intolerance, and perceived stress and health in a convenience sample of homeless adults. Participants (N = 513, 36% women, Mage = 44.5 ±11.9) self-reported sleep adequacy, sleep duration, unintentional sleep during the daytime, distress tolerance, urban stress, and days of poor mental health and days of poor physical health over the last month. The indirect effects of sleep problems on stress and health through distress tolerance were examined using a non-parametric, bias-corrected bootstrapping procedure. Sleep problems were prevalent (eg, 13.0 ±11.4 days of inadequate sleep and 4.7 ±7.9 days of unintentionally falling asleep during the preceding month). Distress intolerance partially accounted for the associations of inadequate sleep and unintentionally falling asleep, but not sleep duration, with urban stress and more days of poor mental and physical health. Many homeless individuals endure sleep problems. Given the connections between sleep and morbidity and mortality, results further support the need for more attention directed toward facilitating improvements in sleep quality to improve the quality of life of homeless adults, potentially including attention to improving distress tolerance skills.

  14. Effects of screening for psychological distress on patient outcomes in cancer : A systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijer, Anna; Roseman, Michelle; Delisle, Vanessa C.; Milette, Katherine; Levis, Brooke; Syamchandra, Achyuth; Stefanek, Michael E.; Stewart, Donna E.; de Jonge, Peter; Coyne, James C.; Thombs, Brett D.

    Objective: Several practice guidelines recommend routine screening for psychological distress in cancer care. The objective was to evaluate the effect of screening cancer patients for psychological distress by assessing the (1) effectiveness of interventions to reduce distress among patients

  15. Moral repugnance, moral distress, and organ sales. (United States)

    Taylor, James Stacey


    Many still oppose legalizing markets in human organs on the grounds that they are morally repugnant. I will argue in this paper that the repugnance felt by some persons towards sales of human organs is insufficient to justify their prohibition. Yet this rejection of the view that markets in human organs should be prohibited because some persons find them to be morally repugnant does not imply that persons' feelings of distress at the possibility of organ sales are irrational. Eduardo Rivera-Lopez argues that such instinctive distress is an appropriate response to the (rationally defensible) perception that certain kinds of arguments that are offered in favor of legalizing organ sales are "in an important sense, illegitimate." Having argued that repugnance should not ground the prohibition of markets in human organs, I will also argue that the moral distress that some feel towards certain arguments that favor such markets is not rationally defensible, either. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press, on behalf of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Inc. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  16. Emotional distress in partners of patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Van Den Broek, Krista C; Habibović, Mirela; Pedersen, Susanne S.


    on psychological distress in partners of ICD patients and recommendations for future research. PubMed and PsycInfo were searched in March 2010 using a priori defined search terms. This search and the additional hand search resulted in 22 studies, of which 13 were quantitative and eight qualitative. Sample sizes...... studies reported no impact of ICD shocks on distress levels or quality of life in partners. ICD indication as well as comorbid conditions, age, and the psychological profile of the partner were related to distress and quality of life. Domains of concern emerging from qualitative studies were related...... to care of the ICD patient, helplessness and uncertainties related to shocks, role changes, sexual activities, overprotectiveness, and driving. Partner levels of distress may be as high as that of ICD patients. Research with large samples is needed to further investigate the course and determinants...

  17. Characterizing Pavement Surface Distress Conditions with Hyper-Spatial Resolution Natural Color Aerial Photography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Su Zhang


    Full Text Available Roadway pavement surface distress information is critical for effective pavement asset management, and subsequently, transportation management agencies at all levels (i.e., federal, state, and local dedicate a large amount of time and money to routinely evaluate pavement surface distress conditions as the core of their asset management programs. However, currently adopted ground-based evaluation methods for pavement surface conditions have many disadvantages, like being time-consuming and expensive. Aircraft-based evaluation methods, although getting more attention, have not been used for any operational evaluation programs yet because the acquired images lack the spatial resolution to resolve finer scale pavement surface distresses. Hyper-spatial resolution natural color aerial photography (HSR-AP provides a potential method for collecting pavement surface distress information that can supplement or substitute for currently adopted evaluation methods. Using roadway pavement sections located in the State of New Mexico as an example, this research explored the utility of aerial triangulation (AT technique and HSR-AP acquired from a low-altitude and low-cost small-unmanned aircraft system (S-UAS, in this case a tethered helium weather balloon, to permit characterization of detailed pavement surface distress conditions. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, Mann-Whitney U test, and visual comparison were used to compare detailed pavement surface distress rates measured from HSR-AP derived products (orthophotos and digital surface models generated from AT with reference distress rates manually collected on the ground using standard protocols. The results reveal that S-UAS based hyper-spatial resolution imaging and AT techniques can provide detailed and reliable primary observations suitable for characterizing detailed pavement surface distress conditions comparable to the ground-based manual measurement, which lays the foundation for the future application

  18. Parental distress, parenting practices, and child adaptive outcomes following traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Micklewright, Jackie L; King, Tricia Z; O'Toole, Kathleen; Henrich, Chris; Floyd, Frank J


    Moderate and severe pediatric traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are associated with significant familial distress and child adaptive sequelae. Our aim was to examine the relationship between parental psychological distress, parenting practices (authoritarian, permissive, authoritative), and child adaptive functioning 12-36 months following TBI or orthopedic injury (OI). Injury type was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between parental distress and child adaptive functioning, demonstrating a significantly stronger relationship in the TBI relative to OI group. Authoritarian parenting practices were hypothesized to mediate relationship between parental distress and child adaptive functioning across groups. Groups (TBI n = 21, OI n = 23) did not differ significantly on age at injury, time since injury, sex, race, or SES. Parents completed the Brief Symptom Inventory, Parenting Practices Questionnaire, and Vineland-II. Moderation and mediation hypotheses were tested using hierarchical multiple regression and a bootstrapping approach, respectively. Results supported moderation and revealed that higher parental psychological distress was associated with lower child adaptive functioning in the TBI group only. Mediation results indicated that higher parental distress was associated with authoritarian parenting practices and lower adaptive functioning across groups. Results suggest that parenting practices are an important area of focus for studies attempting to elucidate the relationship between parent and child functioning following TBI.

  19. Psychological Flexibility as a Buffer against Caregiver Distress in Families with Psychosis

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    Jens E. Jansen


    Full Text Available Background: Research has shown that caregivers of persons with psychosis play an invaluable role in recovery, but unfortunately, often report high levels of distress. While cognitive models of caregiver distress have been well-supported, there is still limited knowledge of the psychological factors involved. Recent advances in cognitive behavioral therapy seem to converge on the importance of acceptance- and mindfulness based processes.Aim: To examine the impact of psychological flexibility on caregiver distress in the early phases of psychosis, while controlling for known predictors of caregiver distress.Method: Within a cross-sectional design, 101 caregivers of 38 persons with first-episode psychosis in a clinical epidemiological sample completed a series of self-report measures.Results: A linear mixed model analysis found that, after controlling for caregiver socio-demographic factors, service user symptoms, drug use and global functioning, psychological flexibility was a significant predictor of caregiver distress.Conclusion: Greater level of psychological flexibility in caregivers, seems to be related to lower levels of caregiver distress. This finding corresponds to studies within a broad range of emotional disorders. There may be important clinical implications in terms of facilitating the process of acceptance through interventions from the ‘third-wave’ or contextual cognitive behavioral therapies.

  20. Memprediksi Financial Distress dengan Binary Logit Regression Perusahaan Telekomunikasi


    antikasari, tiara widya; Djuminah, Djuminah


    In this globalization era, sub–sector telecommunication industry has rapid development as time goes by with the number of customers’ growth. However, its growth is not balanced with operational revenue development. Therefore, it is important to analyze the financial distress in telecommunication companies in order to avoid bankruptcy. This research aimed to investigate the effect of financial ratios to predict probability of financial distress. Financial ratios indicator used profitability ra...

  1. Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Psychological Distress (United States)

    Rice, Kenneth G.; Richardson, Clarissa M. E.; Clark, Dustin


    Using a cross-panel design and data from 2 successive cohorts of college students ( N = 357), we examined the stability of maladaptive perfectionism, procrastination, and psychological distress across 3 time points within a college semester. Each construct was substantially stable over time, with procrastination being especially stable. We also…

  2. Psychoeducation for depression, anxiety and psychological distress: a meta-analysis

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    Cuijpers Pim


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Given the high prevalence and burden associated with depression and anxiety disorders and the existence of treatment barriers, there is a clear need for brief, inexpensive and effective interventions such as passive psychoeducational interventions. There are no published meta-analyses of the effectiveness of passive psychoeducation in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety or psychological distress. Methods Cochrane, PsycInfo and PubMed databases were searched in September 2008. Additional materials were obtained from reference lists. Papers describing passive psychoeducational interventions for depression, anxiety and psychological distress were included if the research design was a randomized controlled trial and incorporated an attention placebo, no intervention or waitlist comparison group. Results In total, 9010 abstracts were identified. Of these, five papers which described four research studies targeting passive psychoeducation for depression and psychological distress met the inclusion criteria. The pooled standardized-effect size (four studies, four comparisons for reduced symptoms of depression and psychological distress at post-intervention was d = 0.20 (95% confidence interval: 0.01-0.40; Z = 2.04; P = 0.04; the number needed to treat: 9. Heterogeneity was not significant among the studies (I2 = 32.77, Q:4.46; P = 0.22. Conclusions Although it is commonly believed that psychoeducation interventions are ineffective, this meta-analysis revealed that brief passive psychoeducational interventions for depression and psychological distress can reduce symptoms. Brief passive psychoeducation interventions are easy to implement, can be applied immediately and are not expensive. They may offer a first-step intervention for those experiencing psychological distress or depression and might serve as an initial intervention in primary care or community models. The findings suggest that the quality of psychoeducation may be

  3. Determinants of moral distress in daily nursing practice: a cross sectional correlational questionnaire survey.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Veer, A.J.E. de; Francke, A.L.; Struijs, A.; Willems, D.L.


    Background: Moral distress is associated with job dissatisfaction, turnover and early retirement. Because of these negative consequences moral distress should be reduced. Little research has been done on what job factors contribute to whether or not a situation causes moral distress. Objective: To

  4. 47 CFR 80.324 - Transmission of distress message by station not itself in distress. (United States)


    ... authorities who may be able to assist. (b) Transmission must be made on the international distress frequencies... radiotelegraphy is used: (i) The signal DDD SOS SOS SOS DDD: (ii) The word DE; (iii) The call sign of the... three times; (ii) The words THIS IS; (iii) The call sign or other identification of the transmitting...

  5. Continuous Palliative Sedation for Existential Distress? A Survey of Canadian Palliative Care Physicians' Views. (United States)

    Voeuk, Anna; Nekolaichuk, Cheryl; Fainsinger, Robin; Huot, Ann


    Palliative sedation can be used for refractory symptoms during end-of-life care. However, continuous palliative sedation (CPS) for existential distress remains controversial due to difficulty determining when this distress is refractory. The aim was to determine the opinions and practices of Canadian palliative care physicians regarding CPS for existential distress. A survey focusing on experience and views regarding CPS for existential distress was sent to 322 members of the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians. Eighty-one surveys returned (accessible target, 314), resulting in a response rate of 26%. One third (31%) of the respondents reported providing CPS for existential distress. On a 5-point Likert-type scale, 40% of participants disagreed, while 43% agreed that CPS could be used for existential distress alone. Differing opinions exist regarding this complex and potentially controversial issue, necessitating the education of health-care professionals and increased awareness within the general public.

  6. Detection of patient psychological distress and longitudinal patient–doctor relationships: a cross-sectional study (United States)

    Ridd, Matthew; Lewis, Glyn; Peters, Tim J; Salisbury, Chris


    Background Psychological distress in patients who attend their GP is thought to be under-recognised. However, it is likely that both disclosure and detection are influenced by how well the patient and doctor know each another. Aim To examine whether patient–doctor depth of relationship is associated with identification of psychological distress. Design and setting Cross-sectional study in general practices in and around Bristol, England. Method Patients (aged ≥16 years) were asked to complete a questionnaire and consent to their electronic medical records being reviewed. Study GPs independently assessed patient psychological distress. Multivariable logistic regression was used to look for associations between patient–doctor depth of relationship and GP detection of patient psychological distress (defined according to the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12). Results There were 643 eligible appointments with 31 GPs. In total, 541 (84.1%) patients returned questionnaires and 490 (76.2%) consented to their records being reviewed. Patient–doctor depth of relationship was not associated with GP detection of mild to severe patient psychological distress (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 0.94, 95% CI = 0.87 to 1.02) but, in secondary analyses, it was associated with the identification of moderate to severe distress (adjusted OR 1.13, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.26). GPs reported more patient psychological distress in patients who reported a greater depth of relationship but this did not relate to patients' GHQ-12 scores. Conclusion Evidence to support an association between patient–doctor depth of relationship and improved GP detection of patients with psychological distress was weak, except in those patients who GPs thought were more distressed. GPs may overestimate emotional distress in patients who report deeper patient–doctor relationships. PMID:22429433


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    Isnalita Isnalita


    Full Text Available This research aim to determine the effect of independent commissioner and institutional ownershipto financial distress banks in Indonesia. The existence of the banking crisis occurred in 1997/1998resulted the collapse of public confidence in banking industry. In 2008, the scale, pattern, anda different scope, we face the reality that seems similar to the condition of the banks in the endof 1997. Financial distress experienced is not only caused by external factors stemming fromthe bank but also can be caused by internal factors. On the other hand, the financial distress inthe banking sector can be caused by governance are not good in running the bank’s operations.This study used a quantitative approach. The unit of analysis is the banks in Indonesia with dataobtained from directory of Bank Indonesia in 2008-2009. The research sampling techniques use saturated sampling or census. Research design use multiple logistic regression with the cross section. The result from this study indicated that independent commissioners and institutionalownership cannot prevent the financial distress in 2008 and 2009.

  8. Work-family conflict in Japan: how job and home demands affect psychological distress. (United States)

    Shimazu, Akihito; Bakker, Arnold B; Demerouti, Evangelia; Peeters, Maria C W


    The aim of the present study was to examine how job and home demands are related to psychological distress in a sample of Japanese working parents with preschool children (n=196). We expected that job and home demands are partially related to psychological distress through work-to-family conflict (WFC) and family-to-work conflict (FWC), respectively. Structural equation modeling showed that, as expected, home demands were partially related to psychological distress, both directly and indirectly through FWC. In contrast, job demands were only directly related to psychological distress. The differences between the roles of FWC and WFC are discussed using identity theory.

  9. Problem-solving skills, parent-adolescent communication, dyadic functioning, and distress among adolescents with cancer. (United States)

    Viola, Adrienne; Taggi-Pinto, Alison; Sahler, Olle Jane Z; Alderfer, Melissa A; Devine, Katie A


    Some adolescents with cancer report distress and unmet needs. Guided by the disability-stress-coping model, we evaluated associations among problem-solving skills, parent-adolescent cancer-related communication, parent-adolescent dyadic functioning, and distress in adolescents with cancer. Thirty-nine adolescent-parent dyads completed measures of these constructs. Adolescents were 14-20 years old on treatment or within 1 year of completing treatment. Better problem-solving skills were correlated with lower adolescent distress (r = -0.70, P communication problems and dyadic functioning were not significantly related to adolescent distress (rs < 0.18). Future work should examine use of problem-solving interventions to decrease distress for adolescents with cancer. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Social Isolation, Depression, and Psychological Distress Among Older Adults. (United States)

    Taylor, Harry Owen; Taylor, Robert Joseph; Nguyen, Ann W; Chatters, Linda


    To investigate the impact of objective and subjective social isolation from extended family members and friends on depressive symptoms and psychological distress among a national sample of older adults. Data for older adults (55 years and above) from the National Survey of American Life ( N = 1,439) were used to assess level of objective social isolation and subjective social isolation and to test regression models examining their impact on depressive symptoms (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression [CES-D] Scale) and psychological distress (Kessler 6 [K6] Scale). The majority of respondents were not socially isolated from family or friends; 5% were objectively isolated from family and friends, and less than 1% were subjectively isolated from family and friends. Regression analyses using both social isolation measures indicated that objective social isolation was unrelated to depressive symptoms and psychological distress. However, subjective social isolation from both family and friends and from friends only was associated with more depressive symptoms, and subjective social isolation from friends only was associated with higher levels of psychological distress. Assessments of social isolation among older populations should account for both subjective and objective dimensions, as well as both family and friend social networks. Social isolation from friends is an important, but understudied, issue that has significant consequences for older adult mental health.

  11. Generational differences in distress, attitudes and incivility among nurses. (United States)

    Leiter, Michael P; Price, Sheri L; Spence Laschinger, Heather K


    The first research objective was to replicate the finding of Leiter et al. [(2008)Journal of Nursing Management, 16, 100-109.] of Generation X nurses (n=338) reporting higher levels of distress than Baby Boomer nurses (n=139). The second objective was to test whether Generation X nurses reported more negative social environments at work than did Baby Boomer nurses. Negative social environments can influence the quality of work and the experience of distress for nurses. Generational differences in the experience of distress and collegiality have implications for the establishment of healthy workplaces, recruitment and retention. A questionnaire survey of nurses was organized by generation. Analyses of variance contrasted the scores on burnout, turnover intention, physical symptoms, supervisor incivility, coworker incivility and team civility. The results confirmed the hypotheses of Generation X nurses reporting more negative experiences than did Baby Boomer nurses on all measures. The negative quality of social encounters at work contributes to nurses' experience of distress and suggest conflicts of values with the dominant culture of their workplaces. Proactive initiatives to enhance the quality of collegiality can contribute to retention strategies. Building collegiality across generations can be especially useful. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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    Triani Pujiastuti


    Full Text Available Based on theory and previous research, some factors which influenced probability of corporate financialdistress were found. This research was done for testing the consistency of research result with different researchperiod that would strengthen the related empirical research finding. The purpose of this research was to test theimpact of profitability ratio (Return on Assets, working capital policy, capital structure, size, current ratioand firm age toward the probability of financial distress of manufacturing firms at Indonesian Stock Exchange.The method used in this research was purposive sampling, which was taking data with certain criteria.The criteria was that the companies or firms used were those which issued bond and were listed in IndonesianStock Exchange between 2007 until 2012 and had data completion needed in this research. The research resultsusing Logistic Regression were 1 test of profitability ratio, working capital policy ratio, capital structure, size,and firm age had significant influence to the probability of financial distress manufacturing firms in Indonesia,2 partially only profitability ratio that had negative significant influence to the probability of financialdistress manufacturing firms in Indonesia while working capital ratio, capital structure, size, and age firm didnot have significant influence to financial distress manufacturing firms in Indonesia. This research producedprediction model of financial distress.

  13. Diabetes-related symptom distress in association with glucose metabolism and comorbidity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adriaanse, Marcel C; Pouwer, Frans; Dekker, Jacqueline M


    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the associations between diabetes-related symptom distress, glucose metabolism status, and comorbidities of type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional sample of 281 individuals with normal glucose metabolism (NGM......), 181 individuals with impaired glucose metabolism (IGM), and 107 subjects with type 2 diabetes. We used the revised type 2 Diabetes Symptom Checklist (DSC-R) to assess diabetes-related symptom distress. RESULTS: The total symptom distress score (range 0-100) was relatively low for diabetic subjects...... (mean +/- SD 8.4 +/- 9.4), although it was significantly different from that for subjects with IGM (6.5 +/- 7.1) and NGM (6.1 +/- 7.9) (F = 3.1, 2 d.f., P = 0.046). Ischemic heart disease was associated with elevated DSC-R scores on three subscales, whereas depression showed higher symptom distress...


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    Oforegbunam Thaddeus Ebiringa


    Full Text Available This paper applied the Altman’s model in the prediction of distress in the Nigerian bankingindustry. Three banks (Union bank, Bank PHB and Intercontinental Bank declared distress duringthe period of the study were used as case studies. Four years financial statistics prior to distress wasused to compute the most discriminating financial ratios that were substituted into the Altman’smodel. The result of the analysis shows that Altman’s model significantly predicted the distress stateof each of the bank at 0.001level. The implication being that Altman’s model can be validly appliedin the prediction of the health state of banks in Nigeria. The paper recommends for further researchon the domestication and adaptation of the model in order to improve its predictive ability.

  15. Barriers to health-care and psychological distress among mothers living with HIV in Quebec (Canada). (United States)

    Blais, Martin; Fernet, Mylène; Proulx-Boucher, Karène; Lebouché, Bertrand; Rodrigue, Carl; Lapointe, Normand; Otis, Joanne; Samson, Johanne


    Health-care providers play a major role in providing good quality care and in preventing psychological distress among mothers living with HIV (MLHIV). The objectives of this study are to explore the impact of health-care services and satisfaction with care providers on psychological distress in MLHIV. One hundred MLHIV were recruited from community and clinical settings in the province of Quebec (Canada). Prevalence estimation of clinical psychological distress and univariate and multivariable logistic regression models were performed to predict clinical psychological distress. Forty-five percent of the participants reported clinical psychological distress. In the multivariable regression, the following variables were significantly associated with psychological distress while controlling for sociodemographic variables: resilience, quality of communication with the care providers, resources, and HIV disclosure concerns. The multivariate results support the key role of personal, structural, and medical resources in understanding psychological distress among MLHIV. Interventions that can support the psychological health of MLHIV are discussed.

  16. Patient-reported symptom distress, and most bothersome issues, before and during cancer treatment

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    Hong F


    Full Text Available Fangxin Hong,1,2 Traci M Blonquist,1 Barbara Halpenny,3 Donna L Berry,3,4 1Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Dana‑Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA;2Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA; 3Department of Nursing and Patient Care Services, The Phyllis F. Cantor Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA; 4Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Introduction: Frequently reported symptoms and treatment side effects may not be the most bothersome issues to patients with cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate patient-reported symptom distress and bothersome issues among participants with cancer. Methods: Participants completed the Symptom Distress Scale-15 before treatment (T1 and during cancer treatment (T2 and reported up to two most bothersome issues among symptoms rated with moderate-to-severe distress. We compared symptom ratings and perceived bother and explored two approaches predicting patients’ most bothersome issues: worst absolute symptom score or worst change from pretreatment. Results: Significantly, (P≤0.0002 more patients reported moderate-to-severe distress at T2 for eight of 13 symptoms. At T1, 81% of patients reported one and 56% reported multiple symptoms with moderate-to-severe distress, while at T2, 89% reported one and 69% reported multiple symptoms with moderate-to-severe distress. Impact on sexual activity/interest, pain, fatigue, and insomnia were the most prevalent symptoms with moderate-to-severe distress. Fatigue, pain, and insomnia were perceived most often as bothersome. When one symptom was rated moderate-to-severe, predictive accuracy of the absolute score was 46% and 48% (T1 & T2 and 38% with the change score (T2–T1. When two or more symptoms were rated moderate-to-severe, predictive accuracy of the absolute score was 76% and 79% (T1 & T2 and 70% with the change score (T2–T1. Conclusion: More

  17. Psychological distress and the asylum process: a longitudinal study of forced migrants in Ireland. (United States)

    Ryan, Dermot A; Benson, Ciarán A; Dooley, Barbara A


    Although asylum seeking has become a major political issue in the Western world, research on its psychological impact is still in its infancy. This study examined levels and predictors of distress among a community sample of persons who have sought asylum in Ireland. A key aim was to provide a longitudinal analysis of the relationship between legal status security and psychological distress. Distress was measured by the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised at Time 1 (N = 162) and its shorter version (the Brief Symptom Inventory) at Time 2 (N = 70). Levels of severe distress were high at both baseline (46%) and follow-up (36%). The only persons to show a decrease in distress were those who had obtained a secure legal status (e.g., refugee status or residency) between the study phases. Distress risk factors included female gender, an insecure legal status, separation from children, discrimination, and postmigration stress. Protective factors were social support (Time 1) and the presence of a partner. The findings suggest that asylum seekers are a high-risk group for distress. This risk can be reduced by appropriate policy changes and interventions to increase social resources.

  18. Influence of depressive symptoms on distress related to positive psychotic-like experiences in women. (United States)

    Brañas, Antía; Barrigón, María Luisa; Lahera, Guillermo; Canal-Rivero, Manuel; Ruiz-Veguilla, Miguel


    The Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) is an effective instrument for detection of the presence of psychotic symptoms and associated distress in the general population. However, little research has studied distress associated with positive psychotic-like experiences (PLEs). Our aim is to study PLE-related distress using the CAPE. In this study we analysed factors associated with differences in PLE-related distress in a sample of 200 non-clinical participants recruited by snowball sampling. Presence of PLEs and related psychological distress was measured using the CAPE questionnaire. The influence of age, gender, educational level and drug use was studied. In univariate analysis we found that gender and CAPE positive, depressive and negative scores, were associated with CAPE positive distress. Using multiple linear regression, we found that only the effect of gender, and the interaction between frequency of depression and gender, remained statistically significant. In our sample interaction between gender and depressive symptoms is a determining factor in distress associated with positive PLEs. The results of this study may be useful for the implementation of prevention programs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Experiences of violence among adolescents: gender patterns in types, perpetrators and associated psychological distress. (United States)

    Landstedt, Evelina; Gillander Gådin, Katja


    To explore the psychological distress associations of experiences of several types of violence and the victim-perpetrator relationship of physical violence, a gender analysis was applied. Data were derived from a cross-sectional questionnaire study among 17-year-old upper secondary school students (N = 1,663). Variables in focus were: self-reported psychological distress, experiences of physical violence, sexual assault, bullying and sexual harassment. Logistic regressions were used to examine associations. Experiences of physical violence, sexual assault, bullying and sexual harassment were associated with psychological distress in boys and girls. The perpetrators of physical violence were predominately males. Whether the perpetrator was unknown or known to the victim seem to be linked to psychological distress. Victimisation by a boyfriend was strongly related to psychological distress among girls. Experiences of several types of violence should be highlighted as factors associated with mental health problems in adolescents. The victim-perpetrator relationships of violence are gendered and likely influence the psychological distress association. Gendered hierarchies and norms likely influence the extent to which adolescents experience violence and how they respond to it in terms of psychological distress.

  20. Psychological distress and its effect on tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Ethiopia

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    Habteyes Hailu Tola


    Full Text Available Background: Psychological distress is the major comorbidity among tuberculosis (TB patients. However, its magnitude, associated factors, and effect on treatment outcome have not been adequately studied in low-income countries. Objective: This study aimed to determine the magnitude of psychological distress and its effect on treatment outcome among TB patients on treatment. Design: A follow-up study was conducted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from May to December 2014. Patients (N=330 diagnosed with all types of TB who had been on treatment for 1–2 months were enrolled consecutively from 15 randomly selected health centers and one TB specialized hospital. Data on sociodemographic variables and economic status were collected using a structured questionnaire. The presence of psychological distress was assessed at baseline (within 1–2 months after treatment initiation and end point (6 months after treatment initiation using the 10-item Kessler (K-10 scale. Alcohol use and tobacco smoking history were assessed using WHO Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test and Australian Smoking Assessment Checklist, respectively. The current WHO TB treatment outcome definition was used to differentiate the end result of each patient at completion of the treatment. Results: The overall psychological distress was 67.6% at 1–2 months and 48.5% at 6 months after treatment initiation. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that past TB treatment history [adjusted odds ratio (AOR: 3.76; 95% confidence interval (CI: 1.67–8.45], being on anti-TB and anti-HIV treatments (AOR: 5.35; 95% CI: 1.83–15.65, being unmarried (AOR: 4.29; 95% CI: 2.45–7.53, having alcohol use disorder (AOR: 2.95; 95% CI: 1.25–6.99, and having low economic status (AOR: 4.41; 95% CI: 2.44–7.97 were significantly associated with psychological distress at baseline. However, at 6 months after treatment initiation, only being a multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB patient (AOR: 3

  1. Tei index in neonatal respiratory distress and perinatal asphyxia


    Ahmed Anwer Attia Khattab


    Cardiovascular compromise is a common complication of neonatal respiratory distress and perinatal asphyxia. Tei index is a Doppler-derived index for the assessment of overall left ventricular function that combines systolic and diastolic time intervals. Aim: Assess the role of MPI versus cardiac troponin I as early indicator of hypoxic cardiac damage in neonates with respiratory distress or perinatal asphyxia. The present work was conducted on forty neonates, 15 with neonatal respiratory dist...

  2. Psychological Distress among Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Students: A Longitudinal and Predictive Study (United States)

    Nerdrum, Per; Rustoen, Tone; Helge Ronnestad, Michael


    In this study, we present longitudinal data on changes in psychological distress among 232 Norwegian undergraduate students of nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy. Psychological distress was assessed by applying the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire. Nursing students became substantially more distressed during the…

  3. Signos de peligro en el paciente con malaria

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    Alberto Tobón


    Full Text Available Los signos de peligro son hallazgos clínicos que indican gravedad o que tienen utilidad para el pronóstico de complicación o muerte. En el paciente con malaria, o paludismo, se presentan signos clínicos o parasitológicos que pueden reconocerse fácilmente durante la fase aguda de la enfermedad y son indicadores del inicio de una complicación. Entre los signos de peligro que puede presentar el paciente con malaria se incluyen cambios neurológicos, alteraciones del patrón respiratorio, vómito y diarrea persistentes, ictericia, sangrados, orina oscura, llenado capilar lento, palidez intensa, hiperpirexia, hiperparasitemia y esquizontemia. Su reconocimiento oportuno contribuirá a la disminución de complicaciones y muertes.

  4. Household Financial Distress and Initial Endowments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olafsson, Arna


    ( 4000 g). I also find evidence that the collapse reduced the sex ratio, indicating selection in utero due to maternal prenatal stress exposure. My results imply large welfare losses from financial distress that have hitherto been ignored...

  5. Cardiovascular pre-participation screening does not distress professional football players. (United States)

    Solberg, E E; Bjørnstad, T H; Andersen, T E; Ekeberg, Ø


    It has been debated whether cardiovascular screening of athletes creates negative psychological reactions in those being screened. Neither the athletes' level of distress towards, nor their opinion about screening has actually been examined. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the level of distress among Norwegian elite male football players and their experiences of screening. After screening, players completed a 10-item scale assessing their experience on a Likert scale. Their level of distress was measured with the intrusion sub-scale of Impact of Event Scale (IES) (7 items) on a six-point scale (grade 0-5). A sum score of ≥19 indicates a clinical stress problem. Twenty-five out of 28 teams, 441 of 591 players (75%, mean age 26 [18-39] years) consented to participate. Sixty-four percent felt more confident when playing football and 88% were satisfied having completed the screening. The majority (77%) felt a need for the screening and 84% would strongly recommend it to others. Sixteen percent were afraid that the screening result might have consequences for their own health, and 13% were afraid of losing their license to play football. Less than 3% experienced distress (IES ≥ 19). The majority of the players were satisfied having completed the screening, felt more confident and would recommend it to other players. Only a marginal proportion of the players were distressed by the screening, but were at least as likely to recommend it.

  6. Evaluación del optimismo disposicional en pacientes en hemodiálisis y su relación con las complicaciones

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    Isabel Luque Cantarero


    Full Text Available Introducción: El optimismo parece tener una influencia sobre la resistencia a la enfermedad y de la mejora de la salud en pacientes con problemas cardíacos, respiratorios y oncológicos. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios en pacientes en con enfermedad crónica renal en hemodiálisis; de ahí el interés de nuestro estudio. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre el grado de optimismo disposicional con las complicaciones y la calidad de vida percibida en un grupo de pacientes de hemodiálisis. Pacientes y Métodos: Se estudiaron 78 pacientes en HD, del servicio de Nefrología de Córdoba. Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico. Se evaluaron variables demográficas, tiempo en diálisis, índice de comorbilidad de Charlson, centro de diálisis, acceso vascular, optimismo disposicional mediante el LOT-R (a mas puntuación más optimismo, calidad de vida relacionada con la salud mediante láminas COOP-WONCA (a mas puntuación peor calidad de vida percibida y número de ingresos en el año anterior. Resultados: La edad media fue 64.8±17.1 años. El 38.5% eran mujeres y el 61.5% hombres. La mediana del número de ingresos en el último año fue de 1 (rango: 0-10. La mediana del índice de comorbilidad fue 7 (rango 0-12. La media del LOT-R fue 20.76±4.8 y la mediana 21 (rango: 8-29. Se estableció la mediana del LOT-R, como punto de corte para clasificar a los pacientes como optimistas (>21 de mediana y pesimistas (<21. Al comparar ambos grupos (optimistas frente a pesimistas se encontraron diferencias significativas para el COOP-WONCA (19.8±5.6 frente a 24.5±6.6, p<0.002. Sin embargo no se encontraron diferencias para el número de ingresos, ni para el índice de comorbilidad, entre ambos grupos. Conclusiones: No se encontró relación entre optimismo disposicional y número de ingresos, ni comorbilidad asociada. Sin embargo, los más optimistas tienen mayor de calidad de vida percibida relacionada con

  7. The Role of Enculturation and Acculturation on Latina College Student Distress (United States)

    Cano, Miguel Angel; Castillo, Linda G.


    This study investigated the relationship of acculturation, enculturation, and White attitudinal marginalization with distress among 214 Latina college students. Results showed that 12% of the variance in perceived distress was accounted for by all predictor variables with only behavioral enculturation and White attitudinal marginalization being…

  8. The Cross-Cultural Consistency of Marital Communication Associated with Marital Distress. (United States)

    Halford, W. Kim; And Others


    Compared problem-solving behaviors of four samples of couples, sorted by marital happiness/distress and culture (German and Australian). Results showed cultural differences in frequency and functional significance of negative verbal communication, along with cross-culturally consistent marital behaviors associated with marital distress. (Author/TE)

  9. 47 CFR 73.4140 - Minority ownership; tax certificates and distress sales. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Minority ownership; tax certificates and distress sales. 73.4140 Section 73.4140 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED... Minority ownership; tax certificates and distress sales. (a) See Public Notice, FCC 78-322, dated May 25...

  10. Profile and predictors of global distress: can the DT guide nursing practice in prostate cancer? (United States)

    Lotfi-Jam, Kerryann; Gough, Karla; Schofield, Penelope; Aranda, Sanchia


    This study examines the ability of the distress thermometer to accurately identify patients with higher symptoms, unmet needs and psychological morbidity. Baseline data collected as part of a randomized controlled trial evaluating a nurse-led supportive care intervention for men with prostate cancer commencing radiotherapy at a specialist cancer hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Measures assessed global distress (DT), anxious and depressive symptomatology (HADS), prostate-cancer specific quality of life (EPIC-26), unmet supportive care needs (SCNS-SF34R) and cancer treatment-related concerns (CATS). Following descriptive and correlational analysis, hierarchical multiple regression was employed to examine the contribution of variable sets to explaining variance in DT scores. Less than 20% of men reported DT scores of 4 or higher, indicating overall low distress. The DT accurately identified almost all men reporting HADS score indicative of anxious or depressive symptomatology, suggesting it accurately identifies psychological morbidity. Importantly, the DT identified a further group of distressed men, not identified by HADS, whose distress related to unmet needs and prostate cancer-specific issues, indicating the DT is superior in identifying other forms of distress. While the hierarchical multiple regression confirmed anxious and depressive symptomatology as the best predictor of distress score, many other scales are also good predictors of DT scores, supporting the argument that distress is multi-determined. Nurses can be confident that the DT accurately identifies patients with psychological morbidity and importantly identifies other patients with distress who may require intervention. A distress score of 4 or higher identified participants with higher physical symptomatology, higher unmet needs, more concerns about treatment and poorer quality of life. The low prevalence of distress reaching cut off scores suggests nurses would not be overwhelmed by the outcomes

  11. Partner violence and psychosocial distress among female sex workers in China.

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    Yan Hong

    Full Text Available Despite recognized vulnerability of female sex workers (FSW, most data on this population are focused on their HIV and STI prevalence; studies on their experience of partner violence and psychosocial distress are limited, especially FSW in China.A cross-sectional survey was administered among 1,022 FSW recruited from 9 different types of commercial sex venues in Southwest China. Partner violence scales were adapted from WHO's Women's Health and Domestic Violence scale and psychosocial distress was measured by five indicators, including alcohol intoxication, drug use, suicidal behavior, depression, and loneliness. Random effects modeling was used to control for cluster effects.About 58% of FSW ever experienced violence from their stable partners, and 45% suffered it from their clients. Partner violence was strongly associated with each of the five measures of psychosocial distress, even after controlling for potential confounders.This study is one of the first to examine the association between partner violence and psychosocial distress among FSW in China. The high prevalence of violence experience and distress in this population suggests urgency for intervention. The public health programs targeting FSW should go beyond the focus on HIV/STI prevention and care for the fundamental health and human rights of millions of FSW in China.

  12. Factors influencing maternal distress among Dutch women with a healthy pregnancy. (United States)

    Fontein-Kuipers, Yvonne; Ausems, Marlein; Budé, Luc; Van Limbeek, Evelien; De Vries, Raymond; Nieuwenhuijze, Marianne


    Maternal distress is a public health concern. Assessment of emotional wellbeing is not integrated in Dutch antenatal care. Midwives need to understand the influencing factors in order to identify women who are more vulnerable to experience maternal distress. To examine levels of maternal distress during pregnancy and to determine the relationship between maternal distress and aetiological factors. A cross-sectional study including 458 Dutch-speaking women with uncomplicated pregnancies during all trimesters of pregnancy. Data were collected with questionnaires between 10 September and 6 November 2012. Demographic characteristics and personal details were obtained. Maternal distress was measured with the Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ). Behaviour was measured with Coping Operations Preference Enquiry-Easy (COPE-Easy). Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis were used. Just over 20 percent of the women in our sample (21.8%) had a heightened score on one or more of the EDS, STAI or PRAQ. History of psychological problems (B=1.071; p=.001), having young children (B=2.998; p=.001), daily stressors (B=1.304; p=birth (B=.636; p=order to give adequate advice about how to best cope with this condition. Copyright © 2015 Australian College of Midwives. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Correlates and consequences of the disclosure of pain-related distress to one's spouse. (United States)

    Cano, Annmarie; Leong, Laura E M; Williams, Amy M; May, Dana K K; Lutz, Jillian R


    The communication of pain has received a great deal of attention in the pain literature; however, one form of pain communication--emotional disclosure of pain-related distress (e.g., sadness, worry, anger about pain)--has not been studied extensively. This study examined the extent to which this form of pain communication occurred during an observed conversation with one's spouse and also investigated the correlates and consequences of disclosure. Individuals with chronic pain (ICP) and their spouses (N=95 couples) completed several questionnaires regarding pain, psychological distress, and relationship distress as well as video recorded interactions about the impact of pain on their lives. Approximately two-thirds of ICPs (n=65) disclosed their pain-related distress to their spouses. ICPs who reported greater pain severity, ruminative catastrophizing and affective distress about pain, and depressive and anxiety symptoms were more likely to disclose their distress to their spouses. Spouses of ICPs who disclosed only once or twice were significantly less likely to invalidate their partners whereas spouses of ICPs who disclosed at a higher rate were significantly more likely to validate their partners. Furthermore, spouses were more likely to engage in invalidation after attempting more neutral or validating responses, suggesting an erosion of support when ICPs engaged in high rates of disclosure. Correlates of spousal invalidation included both spouses' helplessness catastrophizing, ICPs' affective distress about pain, and spouses' anxiety, suggesting that both partners' distress are implicated in maladaptive disclosure-response patterns. Findings are discussed in light of pain communication and empathy models of pain. Copyright © 2012 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Emotional Distress Among Indonesian Youth with Chronic Disease: Challenge of Youth Health Program

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    Isfandari Isfandari


    Full Text Available Background: Emotional distress and chronic diseases are the highest contributors of Year Life with Disability (YLD in Indonesia. Youth age 15–24 comprised of 14% Indonesian population. It is important to have information on their mental health status and the magnitude of chronic disease they experience. The information is useful as inputs for estimating the disease burden in the years to come. Objective: Obtain information on the magnitude of emotional distress and chronic diseases among Indonesian youth. The information can be used as inputs for the health sector in designing health service for youth. Method: Emotional distress and chronic diseases data from 2007 Riskesdas were analysed using frequency to obtain the prevalence of emotional distress and several chronic diseases. Cross tabulation was performed to obtain theprevalence of emotional distress among youth with asthma, heart, diabetic, joint and stroke defined as ever diagnosed or having the symptoms. Emotional distress is defined as having score of more than 5 in the Self Report Questionnaire. Inclusion criteria was those age 15–24 years. Results: Nine out of ten Indonesian youth were free of emotional distress orchronic disease as defined. Only one out of ten youth experienced the condition. Emotional distress prevalence among youtwith chronic disease is higher among those with chronic disease, the highest is in those with co-morbidity. Conclusion: It istime for health sector to give more attention for mental health especially youth with chronic diseases. Recommendation:In addition to prioritize on prevention and promotion, youth health service should also provide information, expert and resources as well as guidance on youth care.

  15. Potential predictors of psychological distress and well-being in medical students: a cross-sectional pilot study. (United States)

    Bore, Miles; Kelly, Brian; Nair, Balakrishnan


    Research has consistently found that the proportion of medical students who experience high levels of psychological distress is significantly greater than that found in the general population. The aim of our research was to assess the levels of psychological distress more extensively than has been done before, and to determine likely predictors of distress and well-being. In 2013, students from an Australian undergraduate medical school (n=127) completed a questionnaire that recorded general demographics, hours per week spent studying, in paid work, volunteer work, and physical exercise; past and current physical and mental health, social support, substance use, measures of psychological distress (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, depression, anxiety, stress, burnout); and personality traits. Females were found to have higher levels of psychological distress than males. However, in regression analysis, the effect of sex was reduced to nonsignificance when other variables were included as predictors of psychological distress. The most consistent significant predictors of our 20 indicators of psychological distress were social support and the personality traits of emotional resilience and self-control. The findings suggest that emotional resilience skills training embedded into the medical school curriculum could reduce psychological distress among medical students.

  16. Tolerancia al ejercicio en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica después de un programa de rehabilitación respiratoria


    Meneses Terry, Mercedes R.


    Se expusieron los resultados de la aplicación de un programa de rehabilitación respiratoria consistente en la aplicación de ejercicios respiratorios a un grupo de pacientes con asma bronquial, bronquitis crónica y enfisema pulmonar con una duración de 36 sesiones de tratamiento, luego de las cuales se compararon los resultados con los del grupo control que sólo llevó tratamiento con medicamentos. Se observó en los tratados con el programa, un incremento en la tolerancia a los ejercicios. T...

  17. Presentación sistémica de Aspergillus spp con semiología neurológica en un Pastor Alemán: informe de un caso clínico


    Hernández Tapia, Ana Laura; Santoscoy Mejía, Eduardo Carlos; Ramírez Lezama, José; Cervantes Olivares, Roberto A.; Quiroz Mercado, Joaquín Arturo


    La infección del sistema nervioso en el perro es poco común; posibles causas son Aspergillus spp, Cryptococcus neoformans, Blastomyces dermatidis y Coccidioides immitis. La infección por Aspergillus spp afecta al aparato respiratorio y en pocas ocasiones se presenta de manera diseminada. Sin embargo, en el Pastor Alemán hay mayor incidencia de éste, pues dicha infección se asocia con una deficiencia inmunológica. Se describe el caso de una perra de raza Pastor Alemán, de 1.5 años de edad, ref...

  18. Inmunodeficiencia combinada severa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lina Jaramillo


    Full Text Available El caso presentado ilustra ampliamente el comportamiento de una inmunodeficiencia Severa Combinada, con un paciente que con una inmunidad aparentemente normal durante dos años, inicia su enfermedad con un problema respiratorio que se vuelve crónico y fallece en estado caquéctico siete meses más tarde. Tiene un desarrollo pondoestatural de un niño de ocho meses y desarrolla como consecuencia de su problema inmune una micosis profunda sistémica por Criptococos y un Linfoma primario del Sistema Nervioso Central.

  19. La Sociedad Mexicana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax: de un gran pasado a un mejor futuro


    Vázquez-García, Juan Carlos


    Resumen: La Sociedad Mexicana de Neumología y Cirugía de Tórax fue fundada el 15 de marzo de 1939 con el nombre de Sociedad Mexicana de Estudios sobre la Tuberculosis y Enfermedades del Aparato Respiratorio. Sus objetivos originales eran el estudio de la tuberculosis y las enfermedades pulmonares no tuberculosas, así como la cooperación con organizaciones nacionales y extranjeras de lucha común. Durante sus casi ocho décadas de existencia, ha sido liderada por 39 presidentes y mesas directiva...

  20. Bio/neurofeedback


    Carrobles, José Antonio


    Resumen Las técnicas de biofeedback (BF) desarrolladas desde los años 60 por la psicología tienen ya una larga historia, en la que han demostrado su utilidad y eficacia terapéutica en una considerable variedad de trastornos clínicos: neurológicos, neuromusculares, cardiovasculares, gastrointestinales, dolores crónicos, problemas dermatológicos, de sueño, respiratorios, trastornos traumáticos y de estrés, entre muchos otros. Entre las aplicaciones prácticas del BF destaca de modo especial el b...



    Osorio, José Henry


    Los niños expuestos a ciertas drogas in utero, pueden resultar físicamente dependientes de estas, sufriendo después del nacimiento síntomas de abstinencia, lo que se denomina síndrome de abstinencia neonatal (NAS). Los niños con NAS presentan disfunción multisistémica, que involucra los sistemas nervioso, gastrointestinal y respiratorio. La presente revisión analiza la literatura disponible, relacionada con el consumo de opiáceos por la madre gestante y el síndrome de abstinencia neonatal. ...

  2. Psychological distress in women with breast and gynecological cancer treated with radical surgery. (United States)

    Gómez-Campelo, Paloma; Bragado-Álvarez, Carmen; Hernández-Lloreda, Maria José


    The objective of this study is to compare psychological distress (body image disturbance,self-esteem, depression, and anxiety) in women with breast or gynecological cancer treated by radical surgery. Additionally, another objective is to analyze the association between psychological distress and sociodemographic characteristics, medical history, and social support to produce a prediction model for the outcome measures. A cross-sectional study was carried out with 100 women who had undergone radical surgery for breast or gynecological cancer. Both groups were divided into the following: younger than 50 years old and 50 years old or older. Body Image Scale, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used. Age had a significant main effect on psychological distress but the type of cancer did not.Younger women showed significantly greater distress than older women (p-valuesself-esteem, the variables were: being younger, post-adjuvant therapy side effects,and dissatisfaction with social support. And for higher anxiety, the sole variable included was post-adjuvant therapy side effects. Both mastectomy and hysterectomy/oophorectomy cause similar psychological distress in younger women, but mastectomy causes greater distress in older women than hysterectomy/oophorectomy.

  3. Financial distress prediction and operating leases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lückerath – Rovers, M.


    This study investigates whether including operating lease commitments in financial distress prediction models would increase the classification accuracy of these models. Classification accuracy measures the percentages of correctly classified companies in either of the two categories (healthy or

  4. Intermittent fasting could ameliorate cognitive function against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjan Shojaie


    Full Text Available Undesirable and desirable effects of stressors on the body are assigned to distress and eustress, respectively. Immune system and brain are the most susceptible parts to stressful conditions, whereas long-lasting alterations in putative immune proteins involved in tension such as corticosterone (CORT, interleukin 6 (IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α can impact learning and memory. Intermittent fasting (IF is a repeated regular cycle of dietary restriction with well-known beneficial properties on the body. The aim of this study was to identify the eustress effects of IF on cognitive function by assessing the critical inflammatory factors in chronic distress. Forty male mice were divided into four groups (n = 10/group. Distress and control normally received food and water, whereas IF and IF with distress groups were daily deprived of food and water for two hours. In the second week, the electrical foot shock was induced to distress and IF with distress groups. Finally, the cognitive functions of all mice were evaluated by Barnes maze, their blood samples were taken to determine the plasma level of CORT, IL-6 and TNF-α, and the removed brain and adrenal glands were weighed in the third week. A significant gain in plasma level of CORT, IL-6 and TNF-α with a considerable brain hypotrophy and adrenal hypertrophy was found in distress group, whereas IF caused a remarkable reduction of the plasma inflammatory factors, especially in IF with distress mice (P ≤ 0.05. In conclusion, IF could improve cognitive function and preserve the brain against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway.

  5. Intermittent fasting could ameliorate cognitive function against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway. (United States)

    Shojaie, Marjan; Ghanbari, Farzane; Shojaie, Nasrin


    Undesirable and desirable effects of stressors on the body are assigned to distress and eustress, respectively. Immune system and brain are the most susceptible parts to stressful conditions, whereas long-lasting alterations in putative immune proteins involved in tension such as corticosterone (CORT), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) can impact learning and memory. Intermittent fasting (IF) is a repeated regular cycle of dietary restriction with well-known beneficial properties on the body. The aim of this study was to identify the eustress effects of IF on cognitive function by assessing the critical inflammatory factors in chronic distress. Forty male mice were divided into four groups (n = 10/group). Distress and control normally received food and water, whereas IF and IF with distress groups were daily deprived of food and water for two hours. In the second week, the electrical foot shock was induced to distress and IF with distress groups. Finally, the cognitive functions of all mice were evaluated by Barnes maze, their blood samples were taken to determine the plasma level of CORT, IL-6 and TNF-α, and the removed brain and adrenal glands were weighed in the third week. A significant gain in plasma level of CORT, IL-6 and TNF-α with a considerable brain hypotrophy and adrenal hypertrophy was found in distress group, whereas IF caused a remarkable reduction of the plasma inflammatory factors, especially in IF with distress mice ( P  ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, IF could improve cognitive function and preserve the brain against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway.

  6. Distress Calls of a Fast-Flying Bat (Molossus molossus Provoke Inspection Flights but Not Cooperative Mobbing.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerald Carter

    Full Text Available Many birds and mammals produce distress calls when captured. Bats often approach speakers playing conspecific distress calls, which has led to the hypothesis that bat distress calls promote cooperative mobbing. An alternative explanation is that approaching bats are selfishly assessing predation risk. Previous playback studies on bat distress calls involved species with highly maneuverable flight, capable of making close passes and tight circles around speakers, which can look like mobbing. We broadcast distress calls recorded from the velvety free-tailed bat, Molossus molossus, a fast-flying aerial-hawker with relatively poor maneuverability. Based on their flight behavior, we predicted that, in response to distress call playbacks, M. molossus would make individual passing inspection flights but would not approach in groups or approach within a meter of the distress call source. By recording responses via ultrasonic recording and infrared video, we found that M. molossus, and to a lesser extent Saccopteryx bilineata, made more flight passes during distress call playbacks compared to noise. However, only the more maneuverable S. bilineata made close approaches to the speaker, and we found no evidence of mobbing in groups. Instead, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that single bats approached distress calls simply to investigate the situation. These results suggest that approaches by bats to distress calls should not suffice as clear evidence for mobbing.

  7. Distress Calls of a Fast-Flying Bat (Molossus molossus) Provoke Inspection Flights but Not Cooperative Mobbing (United States)

    Carter, Gerald; Schoeppler, Diana; Manthey, Marie; Knörnschild, Mirjam; Denzinger, Annette


    Many birds and mammals produce distress calls when captured. Bats often approach speakers playing conspecific distress calls, which has led to the hypothesis that bat distress calls promote cooperative mobbing. An alternative explanation is that approaching bats are selfishly assessing predation risk. Previous playback studies on bat distress calls involved species with highly maneuverable flight, capable of making close passes and tight circles around speakers, which can look like mobbing. We broadcast distress calls recorded from the velvety free-tailed bat, Molossus molossus, a fast-flying aerial-hawker with relatively poor maneuverability. Based on their flight behavior, we predicted that, in response to distress call playbacks, M. molossus would make individual passing inspection flights but would not approach in groups or approach within a meter of the distress call source. By recording responses via ultrasonic recording and infrared video, we found that M. molossus, and to a lesser extent Saccopteryx bilineata, made more flight passes during distress call playbacks compared to noise. However, only the more maneuverable S. bilineata made close approaches to the speaker, and we found no evidence of mobbing in groups. Instead, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that single bats approached distress calls simply to investigate the situation. These results suggest that approaches by bats to distress calls should not suffice as clear evidence for mobbing. PMID:26353118

  8. Distress Calls of a Fast-Flying Bat (Molossus molossus) Provoke Inspection Flights but Not Cooperative Mobbing. (United States)

    Carter, Gerald; Schoeppler, Diana; Manthey, Marie; Knörnschild, Mirjam; Denzinger, Annette


    Many birds and mammals produce distress calls when captured. Bats often approach speakers playing conspecific distress calls, which has led to the hypothesis that bat distress calls promote cooperative mobbing. An alternative explanation is that approaching bats are selfishly assessing predation risk. Previous playback studies on bat distress calls involved species with highly maneuverable flight, capable of making close passes and tight circles around speakers, which can look like mobbing. We broadcast distress calls recorded from the velvety free-tailed bat, Molossus molossus, a fast-flying aerial-hawker with relatively poor maneuverability. Based on their flight behavior, we predicted that, in response to distress call playbacks, M. molossus would make individual passing inspection flights but would not approach in groups or approach within a meter of the distress call source. By recording responses via ultrasonic recording and infrared video, we found that M. molossus, and to a lesser extent Saccopteryx bilineata, made more flight passes during distress call playbacks compared to noise. However, only the more maneuverable S. bilineata made close approaches to the speaker, and we found no evidence of mobbing in groups. Instead, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that single bats approached distress calls simply to investigate the situation. These results suggest that approaches by bats to distress calls should not suffice as clear evidence for mobbing.

  9. Illness Perception and Psychological Distress in Persons with Porphyria Cutanea Tarda. (United States)

    Andersen, Janice; Nordin, Karin; Sandberg, Sverre


    Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) requires long-term treatment and follow-up, although many patients experience life-long remission. The aim of this cross-sectional postal survey was to describe and investigate the association between illness perception, health complaints, self-reported symptoms and distress in persons with PCT. The participants perceived PCT as a chronic condition with high levels of personal and treatment control. Persons who reported active symptoms scored higher on perceived illness threat, total health complaints and psychological distress compared with those in remission or latent phases. However, a higher perception of illness threat and the total burden of health complaints were more closely associated with psychological distress than were perceived PCT symptoms activity. This has implications for clinical consultation; dermatologists should be attentive to symptoms activity, but also recognize that patients in remission with a high perceived illness threat and multiple health complaints might be especially vulnerable to psychological distress with regards to PCT.

  10. Interrelating Behavioral Measures of Distress Tolerance with Self-Reported Experiential Avoidance. (United States)

    Schloss, Heather M; Haaga, David A F


    Experiential avoidance and distress intolerance play a central role in novel behavior therapies, yet they appear to overlap considerably the REBT concept of low frustration tolerance. Using baseline data from 100 adult cigarette smokers enrolled in a clinical trial of smoking cessation therapies, the present study evaluated the convergent validity of common questionnaire measures of experiential avoidance (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire; AAQ; Hayes et al. 2004, and Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale: AIS; Gifford et al. 2004) and behavioral measures of distress tolerance (computerized Mirror Tracing Persistence Task: MTPT-C: Strong et al. 2003; computerized Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task; PASAT-C; Lejuez et al. 2003). The distress tolerance measures correlated significantly (r = .29) with one another. However, the questionnaire measures of experiential avoidance did not correlate with each other, nor with the behavioral measures. Further research is needed on the validity of measuring experiential avoidance by self-report and of the overlap versus distinctiveness of seemingly similar constructs such as experiential avoidance, distress tolerance, and frustration tolerance.

  11. Low Mood Leads to Increased Empathic Distress at Seeing Others’ Pain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuan Cao


    Full Text Available Previous studies have shown changes in empathy in patients with depression, including an elevated level of trait personal distress. This study examined if low mood causes changes in self-reported empathic distress when seeing others in pain. To test this, we conducted an initial (n = 26 and close replication study (n = 46 in which sad mood was induced in healthy participants (overall mean age M = 21, SD = 5, range = 18–41 years. Participants viewed and rated video stimuli inferring pain experienced by other people. Results showed that participants perceived the videos depicting others’ pain (versus no-pain to be more distressing under a sad mood compared to a neutral mood condition, implying that sadness enhances one’s emotional reactivity toward others’ distress. This supports previous depression literature suggesting an impaired emotional processing ability, and could contribute to some of the unhelpful behaviors seen in depression such as social withdrawal and avoidance.

  12. Depression, posttraumatic stress and relationship distress in parents of very preterm infants. (United States)

    Winter, Leanne; Colditz, Paul B; Sanders, Matthew R; Boyd, Roslyn N; Pritchard, Margo; Gray, Peter H; Whittingham, Koa; Forrest, Kylee; Leeks, Rebecca; Webb, Lachlan; Marquart, Louise; Taylor, Karen; Macey, Judith


    To determine the prevalence, associated factors, and relationships between symptoms of depression, symptoms of posttraumatic stress (PTS), and relationship distress in mothers and fathers of very preterm (VPT) infants (relationship distress. The corresponding percentages in fathers were 16.9, 23.7, and 27%. Depression was positively associated with having previous children (p = 0.01), speaking little or no English at home (p = 0.01), financial stress (p = 0.03), and recently accessing mental health services (p = 0.003) for mothers, and financial stress (p = 0.005) and not being the primary income earner (p = 0.04) for fathers. Similar associations were found for symptoms of PTS and relationship distress. Being in higher relationship distress increased the risk of depression in both mothers (p relationship.

  13. Distress, sexual dysfunctions, and DSM: Dialogue at cross purposes?


    Hendrickx, Lies; Gijs, Luk; Enzlin, Paul


    Introduction. A distress criterion was added to the diagnostic criteria of sexual dysfunctions in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition DSM-IV; 1994). This decision was neither based on empirical evidence, nor on an open, academic, or public debate about its necessity. As a result, this decision has been disputed ever since the publication of DSM-IV. Aim. In this article, the necessity to include or exclude the distress criterion from the diagnostic criteria of...

  14. Discrimination and psychological distress among recently released male prisoners. (United States)

    Turney, Kristin; Lee, Hedwig; Comfort, Megan


    Though theoretical perspectives suggest experiences of stigma and discrimination after release may be one pathway through which incarceration leads to poor mental health, little research considers the relationship between discrimination and mental health among former inmates. In this article, data from a sample of men recently released from prison to Oakland or San Francisco, California (N = 172), are used to consider how criminal record discrimination and racial/ethnic discrimination are independently and cumulatively associated with psychological distress. Results indicate that (a) the frequency of criminal record discrimination and racial/ethnic discrimination are similar; (b) both forms of discrimination are independently, negatively associated with psychological distress; and (c) the level of racial/ethnic discrimination does not alter the association between criminal record discrimination and psychological distress. The results highlight that criminal record discrimination is an important social stressor with negative implications for the mental health of previously incarcerated individuals.

  15. Associations between food insecurity and the severity of psychological distress among African-Americans. (United States)

    Allen, Nickolas L; Becerra, Benjamin J; Becerra, Monideepa B


    Little research exists on the association between food insecurity and mild to moderate psychological distress (MPD) among Black/African-Americans. In this study, we assess the relationship between food insecurity with and without hunger to that of both MPD and serious psychological distress (SPD) among this population. 2009 and 2011/2012 adult public-use data from African-American respondents of the California Health Interview Survey were utilized for this study (n = 4003). Descriptive statistics were utilized to identify prevalence of psychological distress among sociodemographic and mental-health associated variables. Bivariate analyses were conducted between these variables and psychological distress using survey-weighted chi-square analyses. To evaluate the association between psychological distress, our primary exposure variable of food security, and other variables, we utilized survey-weighted multinomial logistic regression. Prevalence of mild to MPD was higher among those reporting food insecurity while SPD was highest for those with food insecurity and hunger. Results of multinomial logistic regression analysis demonstrate that while MPD was significantly associated with food insecurity, Black/African-Americans with food insecurity and hunger displayed over sixfold odds of higher serious psychological distress, as compared to those living at or above 200% federal poverty level. Our findings add to this growing segment of the literature on psychological distress and food insecurity. Further focus should be placed on improving the efficacy and reach of both formal and informal food support networks to improve the collective health and well-being of poor Black/African-American communities.

  16. Hunger, inhibitory control and distress-induced emotional eating. (United States)

    van Strien, Tatjana; Ouwens, Machteld A; Engel, Carmen; de Weerth, Carolina


    Self-reported emotional eating has been found to significantly moderate distress-induced food intake, with low emotional eaters eating less after a stress task than after a control task and high emotional eaters eating more. The aim of the present study was to explore possible underlying mechanisms by assessing possible associations with (1) ability to experience the typical post-stress reduction of hunger and (2) inhibitory control. We studied these effects in 54 female students who were preselected on the basis of extremely high or low scores on an emotional eating questionnaire. Using a within subject design we measured the difference of actual food or snack intake after a control or a stress task (Trier Social Stress Test). As expected, the moderator effect of emotional eating on distress-induced food intake was found to be only present in females with a failure to report the typical reduction of hunger immediately after a stress task (an a-typical hunger stress response). Contrary to our expectations, this moderator effect of emotional eating was also found to be only present in females with high ability to stop motor impulses (high inhibitory control). These findings suggest that an a-typical hunger stress response but not poor inhibitory control may underlie the moderator effect of emotional eating on distress-induced food intake. However, inhibitory control may play a role whether or not there is a moderator effect of self-reported emotional eating on distress-induced food intake. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Is Overall Mortality the Right Composite Endpoint in Clinical Trials of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome? (United States)

    Villar, Jesús; Martínez, Domingo; Mosteiro, Fernando; Ambrós, Alfonso; Añón, José M; Ferrando, Carlos; Soler, Juan A; Montiel, Raquel; Vidal, Anxela; Conesa-Cayuela, Luís A; Blanco, Jesús; Arrojo, Regina; Solano, Rosario; Capilla, Lucía; Del Campo, Rafael; Civantos, Belén; Fernández, María Mar; Aldecoa, César; Parra, Laura; Gutiérrez, Andrea; Martínez-Jiménez, Chanel; González-Martín, Jesús M; Fernández, Rosa L; Kacmarek, Robert M


    Overall mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome is a composite endpoint because it includes death from multiple causes. In most acute respiratory distress syndrome trials, it is unknown whether reported deaths are due to acute respiratory distress syndrome or the underlying disease, unrelated to the specific intervention tested. We investigated the causes of death after contracting acute respiratory distress syndrome in a large cohort. A secondary analysis from three prospective, multicenter, observational studies. A network of multidisciplinary ICUs. We studied 778 patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome treated with lung-protective ventilation. None. We examined death in the ICU from individual causes. Overall ICU mortality was 38.8% (95% CI, 35.4-42.3). Causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome modified the risk of death. Twenty-three percent of deaths occurred from refractory hypoxemia due to nonresolving acute respiratory distress syndrome. Most patients died from causes unrelated to acute respiratory distress syndrome: 48.7% of nonsurvivors died from multisystem organ failure, and cancer or brain injury was involved in 37.1% of deaths. When quantifying the true burden of acute respiratory distress syndrome outcome, we identified 506 patients (65.0%) with one or more exclusion criteria for enrollment into current interventional trials. Overall ICU mortality of the "trial cohort" (21.3%) was markedly lower than the parent cohort (relative risk, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.43-0.70; p respiratory distress syndrome patients are not directly related to lung damage but to extrapulmonary multisystem organ failure. It would be challenging to prove that specific lung-directed therapies have an effect on overall survival.

  18. New Perspective on Psychosocial Distress in Patients with Dysphonia: The Moderating Role of Perceived Control. (United States)

    Misono, Stephanie; Meredith, Liza; Peterson, Carol B; Frazier, Patricia A


    Although an association between psychosocial distress (depression, anxiety, somatization, and perceived stress) and voice disorders has been observed, little is known about the relationship between distress and patient-reported voice handicap. Furthermore, the psychological mechanisms underlying this relationship are poorly understood. Perceived control plays an important role in distress associated with other medical disorders. The objectives of this study were to (1) characterize the relationship between distress and patient-reported voice handicap and (2) examine the role of perceived control in this relationship. This is a cross-sectional study in a tertiary care academic voice clinic. Distress, perceived stress, voice handicap, and perceived control were measured using established assessment scales. Association was measured with Pearson correlation coefficients; moderation was assessed using multiple hierarchical regression. A total of 533 patients enrolled. Thirty-four percent of the patients met criteria for clinically significant distress (ie, depression, anxiety, and/or somatization). A weak association (r = 0.13; P = 0.003) was observed between severity of psychosocial distress and vocal handicap. Present perceived control was inversely associated with distress (r = -0.41; P moderated by perceived control (b for interaction term, -0.15; P moderated by perceived control. Vocal handicap was more related to distress among those with low perceived control; targeting this potential mechanism may facilitate new approaches for improved care. Copyright © 2016 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Breast cancer patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy: Distress, depressive symptoms and unmet needs of psychosocial support

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luutonen, Sinikka; Vahlberg, Tero; Eloranta, Sini; Hyvaeri, Heidi; Salminen, Eeva


    Background and purpose: The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer can cause considerable psychological consequences, which may remain unrecognized and untreated. In this study, the prevalence of depressive symptoms and distress, and unmet needs for psychosocial support were assessed among breast cancer patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy. Material and methods: Out of 389 consecutive patients, 276 responded and comprised the final study group. Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory. Distress was measured with the Distress Thermometer. Hospital records of the patients were examined for additional information. Results: Nearly one third of patients (32.1%) displayed depressive symptoms, and more than a quarter of patients (28.4%) experienced distress. Younger age (p = 0.001) and negative hormone receptor status (p = 0.008) were independent factors associated with distress. One quarter of the patients expressed an unmet need for psychosocial support, which was independently associated with depressive symptoms and/or distress (p = 0.001) and younger age (p = 0.006). Conclusions: During radiotherapy for breast cancer, the staff should have awareness of the higher risk of depression and distress in their patients and should consider screening tools to recognise distress and depressive symptoms. Special attention should be paid to younger patients.

  20. Levels of Distress in Women With a Family History of Ovarian Cancer

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Kash, Kathryn


    The overall goal of this study is to determine the levels of distress in women with a family history of ovarian cancer and to identify the mediating factors between risk of developing ovarian cancer and distress...