
Sample records for del cruce duodenal

  1. Las cruces del olvido

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    Carla Fernandes


    Full Text Available Les tragiques événements du « mars paraguayen » ont signifié la disparition de l’espoir en la transition démocratique dans laquelle le pays s’était engagé depuis presque une dizaine d’années. Renée Ferrer, poète, dramaturge, auteur de plusieurs recueils de contes et de deux romans, consigne alors le témoignage poétique de ce drame national dans le recueil Las cruces del olvido (2001. Elle a auparavant publié d’autres textes qui peuvent rentrer dans la catégorie de la poésie sociale : c’est le cas en particulier de Viaje a destiempo (1989 dédié aux victimes de la dictature. Las cruces del olvido, dès son paratexte, insiste sur la fonction de témoignage que l’auteur souhaite assigner à ses vers et sur le rôle que ceux-ci peuvent jouer dans la transmission d’une mémoire collective. La voix d’un jeune disparu de ce « mars paraguayen », le dédoublement qu’il subit et travers lequel il évoque son entrée dans la mort et son absence du monde des vivants, rendent possible l’écriture de cette expérience de l’indicible qu’est la disparition.Los trágicos acontecimientos del «marzo paraguayo» significaron la desaparición de la esperanza en la transición democrática que el país está viviendo desde unos diez años. Renée Ferrer, poeta, dramaturga, autora de varios libros de cuentos y de dos novelas, escribe entonces el testimonio poético de ese drama nacional en su poemario Las cruces del olvido (2001. Ya había publicado antes textos que se pueden considerar como poesía social: es el caso de Viaje a destiempo (1989 dedicado a las víctimas de la dictadura. Desde el texto apertural, Las cruces del olvido potencia la función de testimonio que la autora desea conceder a sus versos y el papel que éstos pueden desempeñar en la transmisión de una memoria colectiva. La voz de un joven desaparecido del «marzo paraguayo», el desdoblamiento que sufre y a través del cual evoca su entrada en la

  2. Calidad de vida en adultos mayores del hogar de ancianos del municipio Cruces

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    María del Carmen Corugedo Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Introducción: el proceso de envejecimiento es un hecho relevante para todos los sistemas de salud en el mundo debido a la transición demográfica. Cuba no está exenta de esta realidad, por lo que la calidad de vida del adulto mayor es un tema de gran importancia. Objetivo: caracterizar la calidad de vida percibida en los adultos mayores del Hogar de Ancianos del municipio Cruces. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal durante el periodo de febrero de 2012 a febrero de 2013. El universo estuvo constituido por los 28 ancianos que viven en el hogar de ancianos del municipio Cruces. La información se obtuvo con la aplicación de la Escala M.G.H. Se aplicaron técnicas estadísticas. Resultados: de forma general los ancianos perciben baja calidad de vida, independientemente de las variables sociodemográficas (edad, sexo y nivel de escolaridad. La dimensión de resultados más bajos fue la satisfacción por la vida. El 82 % de los adultos mayores perciben una baja calidad de vida en relación con la misma, seguida por la dimensión socioeconómica. Conclusiones: casi todos los ancianos de la investigación perciben una baja calidad de vida, debido al predominio de estados de displacer y pobres vínculos o mala calidad en las relaciones con sus familiares.

  3. Actividades educativas en Cruce de los Baños sobre prevención del cáncer cervicouterino Educative activities in Cruce de los Baños on preventing cervical cancer

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    Rafael Torreblanca Guerra


    Full Text Available Se hizo una intervención educativa que incluyó a 142 mujeres pertenecientes al consultorio médico Cruce Centro, del área de salud de Cruce los Baños en el municipio de III Frente de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba desde junio de 2008 hasta igual mes de 2009, con vista a modificar y ampliar sus nociones sobre el Programa de Detección Precoz del Cáncer Cervicouterino y las principales características de la afección. Entre las variables estudiadas figuraron: edad, escolaridad, ocupación y conocimientos sobre la enfermedad, por citar algunas. Los datos estadísticos fueron validados mediante el test de Mc Nemar, donde p An educative intervention including 142 women that attended the doctor´s office in Cruce Centro, in the zone of Cruce de los Baños, municipality of III Frente in Santiago de Cuba was carried out from June 2008 to June 2009, to modify and broaden their knowledge on the Program of Early Prevention of Cervical Cancer and the main characteristics of the distress. Among the different studied variables there were: age, education, occupation and knowledge of the distress, just to mention some of them. Statistical data were assessed through Mc Nemar test, where p< 0,01 was highly significant. From the case material , 138 women modified their knowledge on the distress, either gaining the right ones, removing the inappropriate ones or upgrading them.

  4. Caracterización del sacrificio de corderos de pelo a partir de cruces con razas criollas colombianas

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    William Albarracín H.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto genético del cruce de corderos Dorper con razas criollas colombianas, tiempo de ayuno y aturdimiento sobre los rendimientos del sacrificio; niveles de glucosa como medida de estrés y pH como calidad de la canal. Materiales y métodos. Se emplearon 60 corderos raza Dorper X criollo criados en pastoreo y semi-estabulación con 10 semanas de edad. Se aplicaron 3 tiempos de ayuno (6, 12 y 18 horas y 2 métodos de aturdimiento (electronarcosis y perno cautivo penetrante, evaluando los rendimientos de canal por pesaje de canales; glucosa en muestras antemortem y postmortem. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el efecto combinado de ayuno y sistema de cría influencian los rendimientos de canal y subproductos. A tiempos prolongados de ayuno se aumenta la concentración de glucosa en sangre, aunque el tiempo de ayuno incide sobre el pH último. El efecto del aturdimiento, solo se presenta en el cambio de pH durante 24 horas, siendo un efecto de estimulación eléctrica por parte de la electronarcosis. Los animales de raza Dorper x criollo criados en sistema de pastoreo, presentaron mejores rendimientos en canal, pero menores porcentajes de vísceras blancas y rojas. Conclusiones. El porcentaje medio de rendimiento en canal es similar a los presentados en razas puras Dorper siendo viable y comparable este tipo de cruce.

  5. Evaluación multicriterio del proyecto minero "Cobre las Cruces", Gerena (Sevilla) : análisis de riesgos para los recursos hídricos


    Beltrán Muñoz, María Jesús


    El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis de las posibles implicaciones sobre los recursos hídricos de una explotación minera. Concretamente, se analizarán estas implicaciones en el estudio de caso del proyecto minero Cobre Las Cruces, propiedad de la empresa canadiense Inmet Mining Corporation.

  6. Evaluación del paisaje visual en humedales del río Cruces, sitio Ramsar de Chile Assessment of wetland visual landscape in the Cruces River, Ramsar site of Chile

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    Full Text Available El paisaje es un patrimonio ambiental que incluye valores culturales y naturales, un recurso que representa la fisonomía de un espacio y refleja su naturaleza e historia. Por otro lado este recurso patrimonial se debe valorar y gestionar racionalmente, más aún cuando existe una demanda creciente por espacios de alto valor paisajístico para realizar actividades ecoturísticas. Respecto al estudio del paisaje visual, como elemento mesurable, no fue considerado hasta mediados del siglo XX y se ha avanzado en la valoración de la calidad, de la fragilidad y su capacidad de uso como valoración directa del paisaje. Sin embargo está pendiente el análisis indirecto que incluye sus características visuales básicas tales como línea, color, textura, configuración espacial y relieve, así como sus componentes, tanto primarios como secundarios. Por esto, el objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el paisaje visual (análisis directo del río Cruces y terrenos colindantes, su fragilidad y capacidad de uso, analizando la relación entre la valoración de esos paisajes con sus características visuales y componentes primarios (análisis indirecto. La calidad visual del paisaje se evaluó mediante un método mixto con valoración directa de subjetividad representativa y análisis posterior indirecto de sus componentes, empleando un panel de evaluadores estandarizados. También se determinó la fragilidad de los paisajes, que con la calidad visual se integró en un SIGque permitió generar categorías de uso del paisaje en el área de estudio. El valor promedio (± DE de calidad fue de VP =16.86 ± 1.99. Los usos recomendados están en la categoría 3 (calidad de paisaje alta y fragilidad baja para turismo y recreación en un 86.1 % del área en estudio. Para el análisis indirecto se identificó, en cada paisaje sus características visuales básicas (línea, color y textura y sus componentes primarios, analizándose su relación con la calidad visual. La

  7. Elementos de transformación cultural y religiosa en un barrio histórico de Granada: las cruces del Albaicín

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    Juan Manuel Martín García


    Full Text Available Las cruces populares son, entre las formas y motivos con los que tradicionalmente se expresa la cultura religiosa de una sociedad, uno de sus exponentes más representativos pues con frecuencia, y así ocurre en el caso de Granada y particularmente en uno de sus barrios históricos, el del Albaicín, han contribuido a la definición de la propia imagen de la ciudad y a traducir a través de ellas una concretos componentes de significación no sólo religiosa o espiritual sino también política, social y cultural.

  8. La fiesta de las Siete Cruces de Tixméhuac Seven Crosses Festival at Tixméhuac

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    María Jesús Cen Montuy


    Full Text Available Este trabajo constituye un primer acercamiento a la fiesta de las Siete Cruces, que se realiza cada año los días dos y tres de mayo, en el municipio de Tixméhuac, ubicado al sur del estado de Yucatán. Está organizado básicamente a partir de dos momentos: en el primero se ofrece una descripción general de la fiesta, incluyendo los aspectos novedosos o recientes de dicha celebración. El segundo constituye una propuesta inicial de interpretación y explicación de los cambios en el financiamiento de las actividades, intentando responder a dos preguntas: ¿por qué el modelo organizativo de financiamiento para la fiesta de las Siete Cruces se ha abandonado? y ¿por qué ese financiamiento se volvió individual?This work constitutes the first approach to the Fiesta de las Siete Cruces, which takes place every year on the second and third of May, in the municipality of Tixméhuac, located to the south of the state of Yucatan.It is organized basically from two moments: in the first one a general description of the Fiesta is offered, including the novel or recent aspects of the above mentioned celebration.The second one constitutes an initial proposal of interpretation and explanation of the changes in the financing of the activities, trying to answer two questions: why has the organizational model of financing for the Fiesta de las Siete Cruces given in? and, why did this financing become individual?

  9. Review of F. SAN VICENTE et al. (eds., “Perfiles para la historia y crítica de la gramática del español en Italia: siglos XIX y XX. Confluencia y cruces de tradiciones gramaticográficas”, Bolonia, Bononia University Press, 2014

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    Natalia Peñín Fernández


    Full Text Available Félix SAN VICENTE et al. (eds., “Perfiles para la historia y crítica de la gramática del español en Italia: siglos XIX y XX. Confluencia y cruces de tradiciones gramaticográficas”, Bolonia, Bononia University Press, 2014 [Book Review

  10. Estenosis duodenal por páncreas anular. Presentación de un caso esporádico Duodenal stenosis for annular páncreas. A sporadic case presentation

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    Sergio Piloña Ruíz


    Full Text Available La obstrucción intestinal duodenal es frecuente en el recién nacido como causa de oclusión, puede ser completa (atresia duodenal secundaria a un trastorno de revacuolización de la luz intestinal o por una rotación irregular del páncreas hacia la derecha del duodeno. Presentamos a un recién nacido con edad gestacional de 35.4 semanas, conteo de Apgar de 8-8 puntos, que nace con signos de shock hipovolémico secundario a una anemia aguda por desgarro del corión, con una Encefalopatía Hipóxica Isquémica(EHI. Desarrolló posteriormente una intolerancia digestiva con abundante residuo gástrico, valorándose una oclusión intestinal incompleta alta, posiblemente por una estenosis duodenal. Se le realizan radiografías de abdomen simple de pie apoyándose la sospecha clínica por la presencia de imagen típica "en doble burbuja", se realizó laparotomía exploradora encontrando en el acto quirúrgico una Estenosis Duodenal secundaria a un Páncreas Anular. Es egresado a los 45 días de vida con buen peso corporal y reflujo gastroesofágico grado III como complicación. Actualmente se encuentra bajo seguimiento ambulatorio multidisciplinario y en franca evolución satisfactoria.Duodenal intestinal obstruction is frequent in newborn as a cause of occlusion, it can be complete (duodenal atresia, secondary to a disorder of revacuolization of the intestinal lumen, or due to an irregular rotation of pancreas towards theright of duodenum. A newborn with a gestational age of 35.4 weeks, apgar score of 8.8 who was born with signs of hypovolemic shock secondary to an acute anemia caused by chorion tear with an Ischemic Hypoxic Encephalopathy, who subsequently deveoped a digestive intolerance with abundant gastric residue. An incomplete intestinal occluson was assessed - possibly as a result of a duodenal stenosis - simple abdominal X - rays was performed, supporting clinical suspicion because of the presence of a typical image in "double bubble". An


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    Bernardo Vargas-Leit\\u00F3n


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar el impacto de efectos genéticos aditivos y no aditivos sobre días abie rtos (DA, edad a primer parto (EPP, vida productiva (VP y producción de leche por día (KG en cruces rotacionales Holstein×Jersey (HxJ y Holstein×Pardo Suizo (HxPS. Los datos utilizados se colectaron en fincas lecheras de Costa Rica en el periodo entre 1990 a 2009. Los efectos fueron cuantificados utilizando dos métodos: un modelo estadístico de clasificación racial y un modelo genético de regresión sobre heterocigosidad esperada. Se observaron correlaciones mayores a 0,90 entre los rendimie ntos predichos por ambos métodos. Los porcentajes de heterosis directa para H×J vs. H×PS fueron, respectivamente: -6,4 vs. -2,2 para DA; -2,5 vs. -2,2 para EPP, 4,4 vs. 12,2 para VP, y 3,2 vs. 3,8 para KG. Se gún el modelo genético los efectos aditivos directos fueron significativos (P<0,05 para todos los rasgos excepto VP en H×PS; mie ntras que los efectos aditivos maternos fueron significativos (P<0,05 para VP y KG en ambos cruces rotacionales. La heterosis directa fue significativa (P<0,05 para DA, EPP y KG en H×J; así como EPP, VP y KG en H×PS. La heterosis materna fue significativa (P<0,05 para EPP y KG en H×J y para KG en H×PS. El efecto de recombinación fue significativo (P<0,05 para EPP y KG en H×J; así como para KG en H×PS. En general, tanto los efectos genéticos aditivos como no aditivos juegan un papel importante en estos dos cruces.

  12. Acute NSAID-related transmural duodenitis and extensive duodenal ulceration. (United States)

    Hashash, Jana G; Atweh, Lamya A; Saliba, Teddy; Chakhachiro, Zaher; Al-Kutoubi, Aghiad; Tawil, Ayman; Barada, Kassem A


    A 40-year-old previously healthy white man presented to the emergency department at American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon, with severe upper abdominal pain of 36-hour duration. The pain started a few hours after the intake of a single tablet of tiaprofenic acid and became more intense after the intake of another tablet 24 hours later. He had no other symptoms. He had no prior upper gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, ulcer disease, steroidal or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, or ethanol intake. Physical examination revealed mild upper abdominal tenderness. Complete blood count, amylase, lipase, and liver function tests were unremarkable. Computed tomography of the abdomen showed marked thickening of the duodenal wall with surrounding mesenteric streaking. Upper GI endoscopy revealed extensive ulceration involving the duodenal bulb, apex, and proximal D2, as well as a few gastric erosions. Histopathologic examination of duodenal biopsy samples showed extensive epithelial cell necrosis and infiltration of the lamina propria with neutrophils and eosinophils. The patient responded well to rabeprazole 20 mg BID and remains well 5 months later. We performed a literature search of PubMed for all English-language articles published between January 1970 and present (June 2007) using the key words tiaprofenic acid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAID, duodenitis, duodenal erosion, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, gastric erosion, gastric ulcer, or peptic ulcer. We reviewed all randomized controlled trials involving NSAIDs found using PubMed, with a focus on their GI adverse effects. Based on the PubMed search, there were no published reports of acute transmural duodenitis and complicated duodenal ulcers associated with short-term exposure to tiaprofenic acid or other NSAIDs. The Naranjo adverse drug reaction (ADR) probability scale was used and a score of 6 was obtained, indicating a probable ADR from tiaprofenic acid use. We report a patient

  13. Management of duodenal trauma

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    CHEN Guo-qing


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Duodenal trauma is uncommon but nowadays seen more and more frequently due to the increased automobile accidents and violent events. The management of duodenal trauma can be complicated, especially when massive injury to the pancreatic-duodenal-biliary complex occurs simultaneously. Even the patients receive surgeries in time, multiple postoperative complications and high mortality are common. To know and manage duodenal trauma better, we searched the recent related literature in PubMed by the keywords of duodenal trauma, therapy, diagnosis and abdomen. It shows that because the diagnosis and management are complicated and the mortality is high, duodenal trauma should be treated in time and tactfully. And application of new technology can help improve the management. In this review, we discussed the incidence, diagnosis, management, and complications as well as mortality of duodenal trauma. Key words: Duodenum; Wounds and injuries; Diagnosis; Therapeutics

  14. Plan de intervención en seguridad humana 75-cien, un análisis desde la implementación de políticas públicas en materia de seguridad ciudadana en Bogotá. Estudio de caso UPZ Las Cruces


    Serrano Maldonado, Lina Maria


    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal, explicar la influencia de la línea de intervención de Seguridad Humana del plan 75-cien, en la seguridad ciudadana de la UPZ Las Cruces, con el fin de demostrar que la política pública no influye de manera significativa en la seguridad ciudadana de la UPZ Las Cruces, ante la participación casi nula de la Policía Nacional en el proyecto. A pesar de que la intervención focaliza el territorio y prioriza las necesidades sociales, el vacío q...

  15. Memoria de la herida y la revuelta fluyendo de los placeres "Madre de Dios" y Río Cruces. 2008/1598

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    María Illanes Oliva


    Full Text Available La narración surge desde la experiencia y con-ciencia de un espacio territorial-geográfico: el estero/ lavadero de oro “Madre de Dios”, afluen-te del río Cruces, comuna de Mariquina, Chile/ Sur. Se construye un relato en dos planos: el que emana de la experiencia del territorio como memoria corporal de la narradora y el que surge de la historia social de la conquista y coloniaje español en Chile/Sur, expresándose cada plano en un lenguaje específico.  El texto es un ejercicio de tratamiento temático al modo de una intra-historia como inscritura, reescribiendo sucesos en torno a las manifestaciones de resistencia o del poder-de-habitar de nuestrAmérica en Chile/Sur en base al diálogo presente/pasado.

  16. Management of duodenal trauma


    CHEN Guo-qing; YANG Hua


    【Abstract】Duodenal trauma is uncommon but nowadays seen more and more frequently due to the increased automobile accidents and violent events. The management of duodenal trauma can be complicated, especially when massive injury to the pancreatic-duodenal-biliary complex occurs simultaneously. Even the patients receive surgeries in time, multiple postoperative complications and high mortality are common. To know and manage duodenal trauma better, we searched the recent related literature...

  17. Marcadores moleculares asociados a la Capacidad de Retención de Agua (CRA) en carne de Bos indicus y sus cruces


    Leal Gutiérrez, Joel David


    La Capacidad de Retención de Agua (CRA) es una de las características de la carne con mayor efecto sobre la rentabilidad del sector, al estar asociada a las mermas y a la jugosidad. Los objetivos principales son: resaltar la importancia de la CRA de la carne de bovino, evaluar el desempeño de estos parámetros según los factores tiempo de maduración y cruce de los animales y establecer polimorfismos en genes candidatos asociados al parámetro evaluado. Varios genes y sus polimorfismos han sido ...

  18. Duodenal pH in health and duodenal ulcer disease: effect of a meal, Coca-Cola, smoking, and cimetidine. (United States)

    McCloy, R F; Greenberg, G R; Baron, J H


    Intraluminal duodenal pH was recorded using a combined miniature electrode and logged digitally every 10 or 20 seconds for five hours (basal/meal/drink) in eight control subjects and 11 patients with duodenal ulcer (five on and off treatment with cimetidine). Over the whole test there were no significant differences in duodenal mean pH or log mean hydrogen ion activity (LMHa) between control subjects and patients with duodenal ulcer, but there were significantly longer periods of duodenal acidification (pH less than 4) and paradoxically more periods of duodenal alkalinisation (pH greater than 6) in the duodenal ulcer group compared with controls. After a meal duodenal mean pH and LMHa fell significantly in both controls and patients with duodenal ulcer, with more periods of duodenal acidification and alkalinisation in the duodenal ulcer group. An exogenous acid load (Coca-Cola) significantly increased the periods of duodenal acidification, and reduced alkalinisation, in both groups. Cimetidine significantly increased mean pH and LMHa and abolished the brief spikes of acidification in four of five patients with duodenal ulcer. Peak acid output (but not basal acid output) was significantly correlated with duodenal mean pH and LMHa but not with the periods of duodenal acidification. Smoking did not affect duodenal pH in either group.

  19. Characterization of Cancer Mortality in Cruces in the Decade 2002-2011

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    Milagros Ayo Pérez


    Full Text Available Background: cancer is a major health problem due its high morbidity and mortality. It presents a major social challenge, since its incidence increases with economic and industrial development of the countries. Objectives: to characterize cancer mortality in Cruces in the decade 2002-2011 and to determine mortality rates per year. Methods: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted. The universe consisted of 530 patients who died of cancer in the interval indicated. Data were obtained through the Primary Register of Deaths of the Statistics Department in the municipality. The variables were: age, sex, place of death, primary cause of death and survival time for the disease. Results: male patients aged 73-90 years who died of lung cancer in 2006 predominated. The most frequent place of death was home. Time interval between diagnosis and time of death was several years. Conclusions: cancer is a major health problem for the population in Cruces, showing increasing levels of mortality mostly related to population aging.

  20. Congenital duodenal diaphragm in eight children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nawaz, Akhtar; Matta, Hilal; Jacobsz, Alic; Al-Salem, Ahmad H.; Trad, Omar


    Congenital duodenal obstruction (CDO) is common and usually easy to diagnose cause of intestinal obstruction in the newborn, except when the cause of the obstruction is duodenal diaphragm. We describe our experience with eight children who had intrinsic duodenal obstruction secondary to a duodenal diaphragm. The medical record of 22 children with the diagnosis of congenital intrinsic duodenal were reviewed for age, sex, gestation, birth weight, clinical features, associated anomalies, method of diagnosis, treatment and outcome. Operative findings and procedures were obtained from the operative notes. Eight of 22 children (36.4%) had congenital duodenal diaphragm (CDD). In all children, the diagnosis was made from the plain abdominal X-ray, which showed the classic double-bubble appearence, and barium meal, which showed duodenal obstruction. Four patients had associated anomalies, including two with Down's syndrome intraoperatively, five patients were found to have duodenal diaphragm with a central hole, while the other three had complete duodenal diaphragms. Postoperatively, all patients did well. Six required total parenteral nutrition. The 100% survival rate among these children is comparable to that in Western countries, and can be attributed to the lack of major associated abnormalities, good perioperative management, and the availability of total parenteral nutrition. (author)

  1. La escritura del Yo

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    Patricio Landaeta Mardones


    Full Text Available Si la creación de una imagen fidedigna del mundo fue la condición de la conquista cognitiva y económica de la tierra, las imágenes mediáticas circulan hoy en día a la manera de un montaje que organiza los sujetos como elementos de un territorio. En esta presentación abordaremos el cruce entre estos dos hechos, entre la escritura del mundo y la de los sujetos, a partir de la idea de Fabulación para mostrar otra escritura del mundo y del yo, leyendo textos e imágenes de la Primera buena Corónica y Buen Gobierno de Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala.

  2. Duodenal diverticulitis. computed tomography findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez, E.; Martin, S.; Garcia, J.; Dominguez, A.


    Duodenal diverticular occur very frequently among the general public. However, duodenal diverticulitis is a very uncommon clinical entity, the diagnosis of which requires radiological studies since the clinical signs cam mimic a great number of disease processes with different treatments. We present a case of duodenal diverticulitis in which the diagnosis according to ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) studies was confirmed intraoperatively. We also review the few cases of this entity reported in the literature. The CT findings are highly suggestive of duodenal diverticulitis given their similarity to those associated with diverticulitis at other sites. (Author) 5 refs,

  3. INTRAVAL Phase 2: Modeling testing at the Las Cruces Trench Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hills, R.G.; Rockhold, M.; Xiang, J.; Scanlon, B.; Wittmeyer, G.


    Several field experiments have been performed by scientists from the University of Arizona and New Mexico State University at the Las Cruces Trench Site to provide data tc test deterministic and stochastic models for water flow and solute transport. These experiments were performed in collaboration with INTRAVAL, an international effort toward validation of geosphere models for the transport of radionuclides. During Phase I of INTRAVAL, qualitative comparisons between experimental data and model predictions were made using contour plots of water contents and solute concentrations. Detailed quantitative comparisons were not made. To provide data for more rigorous model testing, a third Las Cruces Trench experiment was designed by scientists from the University of Arizona and New Mexico State University. Modelers from the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New Mexico State University, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and the University of Texas provided predictions of water flow and tritium transport to New Mexico State University for analysis. The corresponding models assumed soil characterizations ranging from uniform to deterministically heterogeneous to stochastic. This report presents detailed quantitative comparisons to field data

  4. [A case of lipoma of the stomach prolapsing into the duodenal bulb and causing a duodenal ulcer]. (United States)

    Yamane, Tateki; Uchiyama, Kan; Furuya, Toru; Ishii, Takayuki; Omura, Nobuo; Nakano, Masataka; Fukamachi, Shinsuke; Suwa, Tatsushi; Okusa, Toshifumi


    We report a case of lipoma in the antrum of the stomach which prolapsed into the duodenal bulb and caused a duodenal ulcer, which was speculated to have been induced by the friction of its tip against the duodenal mucosa. Although the duodenal ulcer healed after the administration of a proton pump inhibitor, the symptoms of epigastric discomfort continued, which was suggested to be due to the prolapse. Therefore, a laparoscopic operation was conducted. The incidence of lipoma of the stomach is rare, and cases of its prolapse into the duodenum are few. Furthermore, it is extremely rare for it to cause a duodenal ulcer. Because these features made this case clinically interesting, we report it here.

  5. Abnormal duodenal loop demonstrated by X-ray

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thommesen, P.; Funch-Jensen, P.


    The occurrence of dyspeptic symptoms has previously been correlated with the shape of the duodenal loop in patients with X-ray-negative dyspepsia. An abnormal duodenal loop was associated with a significantly higher incidence of symtoms provoked by meals, vomiting, regurgitations, heartburn, and the irritable bowel syndrome. 89% of these patients (26 patients with a normal duodenal loop and 39 patients with abnormal duodenal loop) were available for a 5-year follow-up study of symptomatic outcome. The incidence of symptoms provoked by meals was still significantly higher in patients with an abnormal duodenal loop, and there was also a significant difference concerning symptomatic outcome. Approximately 75% of the patients with a normal duodenal loop had improved, and 25% had unchanged clinical conditions. Approximately 50% of the patients with an abnormal duodenal loop had improved, and 50% had an unchanged or even deteriorated clinical condition

  6. Giant duodenal ulcers

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Eric Benjamin Newton; Mark R Versland; Thomas E Sepe


    Giant duodenal ulcers (GDUs) are a subset of duodenal ulcers that have historically resulted in greater morbidity than usual duodenal ulcers. Until recently,few cases had been successfully treated with medical therapy. However, the widespread use of endoscopy,the introduction of H-2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors, and the improvement in surgical techniques all have revolutionized the diagnosis,treatment and outcome of this condition. Nevertheless,GDUs are still associated with high rates of morbidity,mortality and complications. Thus, surgical evaluation of a patient with a GDU should remain an integral part of patient care. These giant variants, while usually benign, can frequently harbor malignancy. A careful review of the literature highlights the important differences when comparing GDUs to classical peptic ulcers and why they must be thought of differently than their more common counterpart.

  7. Análisis de los efectos de intervenciones públicas en la recuperación de centros urbanos : caso de estudio barrio las Cruces, Bogotá 2002-2014


    Rosillo Herrera, María Daniela


    En el presente estudio de caso se hace un análisis de los principales efectos socio-espaciales y económicos que tuvieron intervenciones públicas dirigidas a recuperar el centro de Bogotá, en el territorio específico del Barrio Las Cruces, durante los años 2002-2014. Para lograrlo, en un primer momento se hace un análisis conceptual de las relaciones existentes entre intervenciones urbanas y los efectos que estas producen en lo urbano y lo local; en un segundo se identifican los antecedentes q...

  8. A roentgenological study of duodenal diverticular in Korean

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Choong Ki [Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Duodenal diverticulum is a pouch like protrusion of the mucous menibrane through a weak area or defect of the muscle layer of the duodenal wall. 206 cases of the duodenal diverticular out of the consecutive 4030 cases on upper G-I series during the period from Feb. 1977 to Aug. 1978 Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University were studied. The results were as follows; 1. Overall incidence of duodenal diverticular was 5.1 percent (5.0 percent in male, and 5.3 percent in female). 2. The incidence of duodenal diverticular were 1.4 percent in the age group below 19, 1.4 percent in the second decade, 0.8 percent in the third decade, 2.4 percent in the fourth decade, 5.3 percent in the fifth decade, 10.2 percent in the sixth decade, 9.2 percent in the seventh decade, and 17.0 percent in the age group over 70. Incidence of duodenal diverticular is higher in the older individuals. 3. Male was more frequently affected in the age group below 40, but more in females in the age group over 40. 4. 76.3 percent of duodenal diverticular were found in the concave side of the second portion of the duodenum. 5. Multiplicity of duodenal diverticular was 5.8 percent of cases. Triple duodenal diverticular were found in 1 case. 6. The size of duodenal diverticular was variable from 3 to 70 mm in diameter. More than half of duodenal diverticular were smaller than 9 mm in diameter. Large diverticular of more than 30 mm in diameter were 13.6 percent of cases. The size of the duodenal diverticular were relatively large in older age group.

  9. Gastric emptying abnormal in duodenal ulcer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holt, S.; Heading, R.C.; Taylor, T.V.; Forrest, J.A.; Tothill, P.


    To investigate the possibility that an abnormality of gastric emptying exists in duodenal ulcer and to determine if such an abnormality persists after ulcer healing, scintigraphic gastric emptying measurements were undertaken in 16 duodenal ulcer patients before, during, and after therapy with cimetidine; in 12 patients with pernicious anemia, and in 12 control subjects. No difference was detected in the rate or pattern of gastric emptying in duodenal ulcer patients before and after ulcer healing with cimetidine compared with controls, but emptying of the solid component of the test meal was more rapid during treatment with the drug. Comparison of emptying patterns obtained in duodenal ulcer subjects during and after cimetidine treatment with those obtained in pernicious anemia patients and controls revealed a similar relationship that was characterized by a tendency for reduction in the normal differentiation between the emptying of solid and liquid from the stomach. The similarity in emptying patterns in these groups of subjects suggests that gastric emptying of solids may be influenced by changes in the volume of gastric secretion. The failure to detect an abnormality of gastric emptying in duodenal ulcer subjects before and after ulcer healing calls into question the widespread belief that abnormally rapid gastric emptying is a feature with pathogenetic significance in duodenal ulcer disease.

  10. Gastric emptying abnormal in duodenal ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holt, S.; Heading, R.C.; Taylor, T.V.; Forrest, J.A.; Tothill, P.


    To investigate the possibility that an abnormality of gastric emptying exists in duodenal ulcer and to determine if such an abnormality persists after ulcer healing, scintigraphic gastric emptying measurements were undertaken in 16 duodenal ulcer patients before, during, and after therapy with cimetidine; in 12 patients with pernicious anemia, and in 12 control subjects. No difference was detected in the rate or pattern of gastric emptying in duodenal ulcer patients before and after ulcer healing with cimetidine compared with controls, but emptying of the solid component of the test meal was more rapid during treatment with the drug. Comparison of emptying patterns obtained in duodenal ulcer subjects during and after cimetidine treatment with those obtained in pernicious anemia patients and controls revealed a similar relationship that was characterized by a tendency for reduction in the normal differentiation between the emptying of solid and liquid from the stomach. The similarity in emptying patterns in these groups of subjects suggests that gastric emptying of solids may be influenced by changes in the volume of gastric secretion. The failure to detect an abnormality of gastric emptying in duodenal ulcer subjects before and after ulcer healing calls into question the widespread belief that abnormally rapid gastric emptying is a feature with pathogenetic significance in duodenal ulcer disease


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    Edoardo Bazzaco


    Full Text Available El análisis del Índice de Desarrollo Humano de los municipios del departamento de Santa Cruz permite destacar como característica central del proceso de desarrollo humano del departamento cruceño en los últimos veinticinco años su profunda vinculación a los progresos realizados por el conjunto de Bolivia y a los factores económicos que condicionaron esta evolución. En este sentido, el departamento reprodujo y amplificó no sólo el ciclo económico del país, sino también el perfil de desarrollo humano de Bolivia: el valor de su Índice de Desarrollo Humano muestra un fuerte desfase entre un indicador económico débil e indicadores sociales básicos - en las áreas de educación y salud - con valores más elevados. Los valores del IDH, los desequilibrios entre sus distintos componentes (entradas económicas, indicadores de educación y esperanza de vida al nacer, así como las correlaciones negativas rescontradas entre indicadores de pobreza y grado de urbanización municipal, ponen en evidencia importantes asimetrías internas en el departamento y permiten avanzar algunas conclusiones respecto a la sostenibilidad del proceso de desarrollo departamental cruceño.

  12. Acquired Duodenal Obstruction in Children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jen-Hung Chien


    Full Text Available Traumatic intramural hematoma of the duodenum is a rare cause of acquired duodenal obstruction in children, and a high degree of suspicion is therefore required to make an early and accurate diagnosis. We report a 6-year-old boy whose epigastrium was impacted by the handlebar of his bicycle during a traffic accident. The boy then experienced epigastralgia. Six days later, progressive bilious vomiting suggestive of gastrointestinal obstruction was noted. Imaging studies revealed a large hematoma extending from the fourth portion of the duodenum to the jejunum. Conservative methods of treatment failed to manage his condition. He underwent laparoscopic surgery to evacuate the hematoma. We also report a case of duodenal obstruction in a previously healthy 2-year-old girl who presented for the first time with acute symptoms of proximal intestinal obstruction. Contrast examinations showed apparent barium retention over the stomach and proximal duodenum. She underwent surgery due to persistent obstruction, and a mushroom-like foreign body was detected embedded in the orifice of the windsock duodenal web. After duodenoduodenostomy and removal of the bezoar, she had a smooth recovery and tolerated feeding well. We conclude that blunt abdominal trauma and incomplete duodenal obstruction, such as that caused by duodenal web, should be considered as possible causes of acquired proximal gastrointestinal obstruction in previously healthy children, despite their rarity.

  13. Efecto de la temperatura y del medio de cultivo en la productividad de dos generaciones hijas de un cruce dihibrido en drosophila melanogaster


    Balbín, Alejandro; Rojas, Yesika; Chica, Claudia; Campos, Héctor Aníbal


    En el presente estudio se analiza la productividad obtenida por un cruce dihíbrido +//+ e//e x vg//vg +//+ y su recíproco, llevados hasta la segunda generación, bajo dos condiciones ambientales: dos medios de cultivo (maíz y banano), y dos temperaturas de cultivo (23 y 26ºC). Las diferencias estadísticamente significativas corresponden a: la temperatura de cultivo en la primera generación filial, al medio de cultivo y a la línea parental en la segunda. Sin embargo a nivel global, es decir al ...

  14. A rare association between dextrogastria, duodenal web, and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... the radiologic investigation for bilious vomiting and feeding intolerance, revealing congenital duodenal stenosis and dextrogastria. During surgery, the association of the dextrogastria with the duodenal web situated in the second part of the duodenum was established. Keywords: dextrogastria, duodenal web, malrotation ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sambasiva Rao


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND The duodenal injury can pose a formidable challenge to the surgeon and failure to manage it properly may have devastating results. Over the centuries, there was little to offer the patient of acute abdomen beyond cupping, purgation and enemas, all of which did more harm than good. It was not until 1884 that Mikulicz made an attempt to repair a perforation. Recent statistics indicate roughly 10% of population develop gastric or duodenal ulcer in life time. Roughly 1-3% of population above the age of 20 years have some degree of peptic ulcer activity during any annual period. A detailed history with regards to the signs and symptoms of the patient, a meticulous examination, radiological and biochemical investigations help to arrive at a correct preoperative diagnosis. In this study, a sincere effort has been put to understand the demographic patterns, to understand the underlying aetiology and to understand the effectiveness of the standard methods of investigation and treatment in use today. METHODS This is a 24 months prospective study i.e., from September 2011 to September 2013 carried out at Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation. The study included the patients presenting to Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation to emergency ward with signs and symptoms of hollow viscus perforation. The sample size included 30 cases of duodenal perforation. RESULTS Duodenal ulcer perforation commonly occurs in the age group of 30-60 years, but it can occur in any age group. Majority of the patients were male. Smoking and alcohol consumption were risk factors in most cases (53.3% for the causation of duodenal ulcer perforation. Sudden onset of abdominal pain, situated at epigastrium and right hypochondrium was a constant symptom (100%. Vomiting, constipation and fever were not so common. CONCLUSION The emergency surgical management for perforated duodenal ulcer is by

  16. Duodenal surveillance improves the prognosis after duodenal cancer in familial adenomatous polyposis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bülow, Steffen; Christensen, Ib Jarle; Højen, Helle


    (interquartile range 9-17). The cumulative lifetime risk of duodenal adenomatosis was 88% (95% CI 84-93), and of Spigelman stage IV 35% (95% CI 25-45). The Spigelman stage improved in 32 (12%), remained unchanged in 88 (34%) and worsened in 116 (44%). Twenty patients (7%) had duodenal cancer at a median age...... of 56 years (range 44-82). The cumulative cancer incidence was 18% at age 75 (95% CI 8-28) and increased with increasing Spigelman stage at the index endoscopy to 33% in stage IV (p...

  17. Management of the difficult duodenal stump in penetrating duodenal ulcer disease: a comparative analysis of duodenojejunostomy with "classical" stump closure (Nissen-Bsteh). (United States)

    Vashist, Yogesh K; Yekebas, Emre F; Gebauer, Florian; Tachezy, Michael; Bachmann, Kai; König, Alexandra; Kutup, Asad; Izbicki, Jakob R


    Duodenal stump insufficiency after surgery for penetrating gastroduodenal ulcer is associated with substantial mortality. "Classical" technique of closing a difficult duodenal stump (Nissen-Bsteh) has, up to now, not been compared with duodenojejunostomy (DJ) in larger patient sets. This also refers to the potential benefit of a gastric and biliary diversion under such conditions. The aim of the present study was to compare classical duodenal closure (CC) with DJ and to evaluate the impact of gastric and biliary diversion on postoperative outcome after surgery for penetrating, high-risk duodenal ulcer in a matched control study. Out of 321 patients, treated for penetrating duodenal ulcer disease, the perioperative outcome of 62 DJ patients was compared with 62 patients undergoing CC matched for age, gender, biliary diversion, and the operating surgeon collective. A total of 70 patients, equally distributed between DJ and CC subsets, received temporary biliary diversion. Overall perioperative mortality was 10.5%. However, DJ significantly reduced the mortality rate (4.8%) associated with penetrating duodenal ulcer compared to CC (16.1%, P management of penetrating duodenal ulcer.

  18. La actual lucha del gobierno mexicano contra la delincuencia en la frontera con Estados Unidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vicente Sánchez Munguía


    para desarticular a las organizaciones criminales que pelean el control del mercado y el acceso a los cruces fronterizos para la introducción de drogas a Estados Unidos, partiendo de la hipótesis de que la violencia e inseguridad han estado presentes desde mucho antes en la frontera, pero las agencias responsables del control fronterizo y la seguridad son parte del problema al asociarse con las bandas criminales, mientras que éstas han fortalecido su presencia echando raíces entre sectores de la sociedad fronteriza.

  19. The role of blood flow in chronic duodenal ulcer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gompertz, R.H.K.; Mathie, R.T.; Michalowski, A.S.; Spencer, J.; Baron, J.H.; Williamson, R.C.N.


    Changes in gastroduodenal blood flow have been implicated in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer. The authors have studied duodenal blood flow during the development of an acute to chronic duodenal ulcer by using the abscopal model, in which ulcers are generated as an indirect effect of lower mediastinal irradiation. Female CFLP mice were randomly allocated to one of three groups. Irradiated ``controls`` received 18 Gy 250 kV X-rays to the upper mediastinum. The lower mediastinum group received the same dose of irradiation, which has been shown to induce typical chronic duodenal ulcers in 45% of animals so treated. Animals were studied by means of radiolabelled microspheres 3 or 7 days later. Proximal duodenal blood flow specifically was reduced by 32% in the lower mediastinum group compared with irradiated controls at 7 days. There was no significant difference in blood flow to the stomach and to the distal duodenum. The decrease in proximal duodenal blood flow in the lower mediastinum group did not differ in the five animals that developed ulcer compared with the seven that did not. Although, there is an overall decrease in duodenal blood flow associated with chronic duodenal ulcer, reduced blood flow may not explain individual susceptibility to ulceration. 21 refs., 1 fig., 2 tabs.

  20. Duodenal epithelial transport in functional dyspepsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Witte, Anne-Barbara; D'Amato, Mauro; Poulsen, Steen Seier


    To investigate functional duodenal abnormalities in functional dyspepsia (FD) and the role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) in mucosal ion transport and signalling.......To investigate functional duodenal abnormalities in functional dyspepsia (FD) and the role of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) in mucosal ion transport and signalling....

  1. Pathohistologic characteristics of gastric and duodenal mucosa in liquidators of Chernobyl accident with peptic duodenal ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Degtyar'ova, L.V.


    Pathomorphological characteristics of gastric and duodenal mucosa associated with the dose of ionizing radiation at peptic duodenal ulcer in participants of the Chernobyl accident clean-up was determined. Our findings suggest that the doses of external irradiation exceeding 25 cGy (together with the other harmful effects of the Chernobyl accident) represent a danger of helicobacter infection development

  2. Duodenal perforation precipitated by scrub typhus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raghunath Rajat


    Full Text Available Scrub typhus is an acute febrile illness usually presenting with fever, myalgia, headache, and a pathognomonic eschar. Severe infection may lead to multiple organ failure and death. Gastrointestinal tract involvement in the form of gastric mucosal erosions and ulcerations owing to vasculitis resulting in gastrointestinal bleeding is common. This process may worsen a pre-existent asymptomatic peptic ulcer, causing duodenal perforation, and present as an acute abdomen requiring surgical exploration. We report the case of a patient with no previous symptoms or risk factors for a duodenal ulcer, who presented with an acute duodenal perforation, probably precipitated by scrub typhus infection.

  3. Efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento, el tipo de músculo y el genotipo del animal sobre las pérdidas por goteo en carne cruda de cerdo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bermúdez M Fanhor


    Full Text Available En un diseño factorial con arreglo en parcelas subdivididas se analizó el efecto del tiempo de almacenamiento (24, 48 y 72 h a 6 °C, el tipo de músculo (Longissimus dorsi, Tríceps brachii, Bíceps femoris y el genotipo de animal (tres razas puras: Yorkshire, Landrace, Duroc; dos genotipos: F1 por el cruce Yorkshire x Landrace (YL, cruce de la F1 x Duroc (F1D sobre las pérdidas por goteo en carne cruda de cerdo. Las muestras se tomaron a las 24 h postmortem y se almacenaron durante 72 h. El mayor porcentaje de pérdida se presentó para la carne obtenida a partir del músculo Bíceps femoris proveniente de los animales pertenecientes al genotipo F1. El porcentaje de pérdida por goteo más alto se presentó durante las primeras 24 h. Los resultados indicaron diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas (P < 0.01 para los efectos individuales genotipo, tipo de músculo y tiempo de almacenamiento sobre el porcentaje de pérdida por goteo.

  4. [Effects of Electroaupuncture Stimulation of "Xiajuxu" (ST 39), etc. on Duodenal Mucosal Injury, Serum Pro-inflammatory Factors Levels and Duodenal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor alpha 7 Expression in Duodenal Ulcer Rats]. (United States)

    Ling, Xi; Zhang, Hong; Yi, Xi-qin; Wu, Jin-feng


    To observe the relatively specific effect of electroacupuncture (EA) of "Xiajuxu" (ST 39, the lower hesea paint of the small intestine), etc. on the level of serum TNF-alpha, lnterleukin-1 P (IL-1 P) and high mobility group protein B 1 (HMGB 1) contents, and duodenum a7 nicotinic acetyicholine receptor (nAchR) expression in duodenal ulcer rats, so as to explore its mechanisms underlying improving duodenal ulcer. Sixty SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: normal control, model, Xiajuxu (ST 39), Zusanli (ST 36), Shangjuxu (ST 37) and Yanglingquan (GB 34). The duodenal ulcer model was established by subcutaneous injection of 10% Cysteamine Hydrochloride (300 mg/kg), following by giving the rats with access to water containing Cysteamine. EA (10 Hz/50 Hz, 1- 3 mA) was applied to bilateral ST 39, ST 36, ST 37 and GB 34 for 30 min, once daily for 10 days. The ulcer scores (0-5 points) of the duodenal mucosa were assessed according to modified Moraes' methods. Serum TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and HMGB 1 levels were assayed by ELISA and the expression of neuronal a7 nAchR in the duodenal tissue was detected by Western blot. After modeling, the ulcer score, serum TNF-alpha, IL-i p and HMGB 1 contents were significantly increased (P0.05). EA stimulation of ST 36, ST 37 and ST 39 can reduce ulcer injury in duodenal ulcer model rats, which may be associated with their effects in down-regulating serum TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and HMGB 1 contents and up-regulating alpha7 nAchR expression of the duodenal tissue, possibly by suppressing immune and inflammatory reactions and regulating nicotinic activity.

  5. Duodenal Transection without Pancreatic Injury following Blunt ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    following blunt abdominal trauma and its clinical picture is often ... Here we report a case of complete duodenal ... Key words: Duodenal injury, peritonitis, transection. Department of ... When our patient was brought to the emergency room, he.

  6. Civilian duodenal gunshot wounds: surgical management made simpler. (United States)

    Talving, Peep; Nicol, Andrew J; Navsaria, Pradeep H


    Low-velocity gunshot wounds cause most civilian duodenal injuries. The objective of this study was to describe a simplified surgical algorithm currently in use in a South African civilian trauma center and to verify its validity by measuring morbidity and mortality. A retrospective chart review of patients with duodenal gunshot injuries during the study period January 1999 to December 2003 was performed. Data points accrued included patient demographics, admission hemodynamic status and resuscitative measures, laparotomy damage control procedures, methods of surgical repair of the duodenal injury, associated injuries, length of intensive care and hospital stays, complications, and mortality. A total of 75 consecutive patients with gunshot injuries to the duodenum were reviewed. Primary repair was performed in 54 patients (87%), resection and reanastomosis in 7 (11%), and pancreatoduodenectomy in 1 (2%) during the initial phases. The overall morbidity and mortality were 58% and 28%, respectively. Duodenum-related complications were recorded in nine (15%) patients: two duodenal fistulas, one duodenal obstruction, and six cases of suture-line dehiscence. Overall and duodenum-related morbidity rates in patients with combined pancreatoduodenal injuries were 83% and 17%, respectively. Duodenum-related mortality occurred in three (4.8%) patients. Most civilian low-velocity duodenal gunshot injuries treated with simple primary repair result in overall morbidity, mortality, and duodenum-related complication rates comparable to those in reports where more complex surgical procedures were employed. Primary repair is also applicable for most combined pancreatic and duodenal gunshot injuries.

  7. Duodenal diverticular bleeding: an endoscopic challenge

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Valdivielso-Cortázar

    Full Text Available Duodenal diverticula are an uncommon cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Until recently, it was primarily managed with surgery, but advances in the field of endoscopy have made management increasingly less invasive. We report a case of duodenal diverticular bleeding that was endoscopically managed, and review the literature about the various endoscopic therapies thus far described.

  8. Duodenal pathologies in children: a single‐center experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulas Emre Akbulut


    Full Text Available Objective: Several studies have been performed concerning pathologies of the stomach and esophagus in the pediatric age group. However, there have been very few studies of duodenal pathologies in children. The authors aimed to examine the clinical, endoscopic, and histopathological characteristics, as well as the etiology of duodenal pathologies in children. Method: Patients aged between 1 and 17 years undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy during two years at this unit, were investigated retrospectively. Demographic, clinical, endoscopic data, and the presence of duodenal pathologies, gastritis, and esophagitis were recorded in all of the children. Results: Out of 747 children who underwent endoscopy, duodenal pathology was observed in 226 (30.3% patients. Pathology was also present in the esophagus in 31.6% of patients and in the stomach in 58.4%. The level of chronic diarrhea was higher in patients with duodenal pathology when compared with those without duodenal pathology (p = 0.002, OR: 3.91, 95% CI: 1.59–9.57. Helicobacter pylori infection was more common in patients with pathology in the duodenum (59.3%. Conclusion: Duodenal pathology was detected in 30.3% of the present patients. A significantly higher level of chronic diarrhea was observed in subjects with duodenal pathologies compared to those with no such pathology. The rate of Helicobacter pylori infection was considerably higher than that in previous studies. In addition, there is a weak correlation between endoscopic appearance and histology of duodenitis. Resumo: Objetivo: Foram feitos vários estudos com relação a patologias do estômago e esôfago na faixa etária pediátrica. Contudo, poucos estudos das patologias duodenais em crianças. Visamos a examinar as características clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas, juntamente com a etiologia, das patologias duodenais em crianças. Método: Foram investigados retrospectivamente pacientes entre 1 e 17 anos submetidos a

  9. 77 FR 77090 - Notice of Public Meeting, Las Cruces District Resource Advisory Council Meeting, New Mexico (United States)


    ... use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service... RAC advises the Secretary of the Interior, through the BLM, on a variety of planning and management... from the BLM Las Cruces District Manager, updates on ongoing issues and planning efforts, and Restore...

  10. 78 FR 20354 - Notice of Public Meeting, Las Cruces District Resource Advisory Council Meeting, New Mexico (United States)


    ... Street, Las Cruces, NM, 88005, 575-525-4338. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf... the BLM, on a variety of planning and management issues associated with public land management in New... ongoing issues and planning efforts, presentation on the TriCounty Resource Management Plan/ Environmental...

  11. 78 FR 44590 - Notice of Public Meeting, Las Cruces District Resource Advisory Council Meeting, New Mexico (United States)


    ... Street, Las Cruces, NM, 88005, 575-525-4338. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf... the BLM, on a variety of planning and management issues associated with public land management in New... Manager, updates on ongoing issues and planning efforts, presentation on the TriCounty Resource Management...

  12. Duodenal White Spots Mimicking Intestinal Candidiasis: Report of Case

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ozgur Turk


    Full Text Available Duodenal white spots are mentioned in these nonspecific lesions until recently. Although there is not enough studies about duedonal white spots yet; these lesions described in a separate syndrome. Here now we reported a case that we diagnosed multiple Duodenal white spots mimicking intestinal candidiasis. Clinical manifestation and endoscopic appearance of lesions gave rise to thought intestinal candidiasis histopathological examination revealed us several duodenitis. There was no evidence of fungal infection in PAS staining. Early after endoscopy patient took treatment of Lansoprozole at the 30 mg dose and bismuth salicylate. Patients compliant declined and control endoscopy exposed white duodenal spots cleared away three months later. Duodenal white spots are becoming to be designated as a separate disease even a syndrome. Etiology of duodenal white spots must be determined carefully during endoscopy. Sometimes it is difficult to make the correct diagnosis by appearance of lesion; in such cases histopathological examination can be useful both differential diagnosis of disease and determination of etiological factor. [J Contemp Med 2015; 5(4.000: 249-252

  13. Rapid duodenal and jejunal intubation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nolan, D.J.


    A size 12 French radiopaque catheter, 135 cm long, suitable for rapid duodenal and jejunal intubation, is described. Its size and flexibility enable it to be passed with ease through the nose, stomach and duodenum. A guide wire is used to act as a stiffener as the catheter is passed through the stomach. The catheter is suitable for infusing barium directly into the small intestine and for performing hypotonic duodenography. The technique for duodenal and jejunal intubation is discussed. (author)

  14. Early Rupture of an Ultralow Duodenal Stump after Extended Surgery for Gastric Cancer with Duodenal Invasion Managed by Tube Duodenostomy and Cholangiostomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konstantinos Blouhos


    Full Text Available When dealing with gastric cancer with duodenal invasion, gastrectomy with distal resection of the duodenum is necessary to achieve negative distal margin. However, rupture of an ultralow duodenal stump necessitates advanced surgical skills and close postoperative observation. The present study reports a case of an early duodenal stump rupture after subtotal gastrectomy with resection of the whole first part of the duodenum, complete omentectomy, bursectomy, and D2+ lymphadenectomy performed for a pT3pN2pM1 (+ number 13 lymph nodes adenocarcinoma of the antrum. Duodenal stump rupture was managed successfully by end tube duodenostomy, without omental patching, and tube cholangiostomy. Close assessment of clinical, physical, and radiological signs, output volume, and enzyme concentration of the tube duodenostomy, T-tube, and closed suction drain, which was placed near the tube duodenostomy site to drain the leak around the catheter, dictated postoperative management of the external duodenal fistula.

  15. Management of pancreatic and duodenal injuries in pediatric patients. (United States)

    Plancq, M C; Villamizar, J; Ricard, J; Canarelli, J P


    Diagnosis of duodenal and pancreatic injuries is frequently delayed, and optimal treatment is often controversial. Fourteen children with duodenal and/or pancreatic injuries secondary to blunt trauma were treated between 1980 and 1997. The pancreas was injured in all but 1 child. An associated duodenal injury was present in 4. The preoperative diagnosis was suspected in only 6 patients based on clinical signs and ultrasonography. One patient was treated successfully conservatively; all the others required surgical management. At operation, three procedures were used: peripancreatic drainage, suture of the gland or duodenum with drainage, and primary distal pancreatic resection without splenectomy. A duodenal resection with reconstruction by duodeno-duodenostomy was performed in 1 case. The overall complication rate was 14%: 1 fistula and 1 pseudocyst. Pancreatic ductal transection was recognized 3 days after the initial laparotomy by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The mortality was 7%; 1 patient died from septic and neurologic complications. When the diagnosis of pancreatic ductal injuries is a major problem, ERCP may be a useful diagnostic procedure. Pancreatic injuries without a transected duct may often be treated conservatively. The surgical or conservative management of duodenal hematomas is still controversial; other duodenal injuries often need surgical treatment.

  16. Presentation and Surgical Management of Duodenal Duplication in Adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline C. Jadlowiec


    Full Text Available Duodenal duplications in adults are exceedingly rare and their diagnosis remains difficult as symptoms are largely nonspecific. Clinical presentations include pancreatitis, biliary obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding from ectopic gastric mucosa, and malignancy. A case of duodenal duplication in a 59-year-old female is presented, and her treatment course is reviewed with description of combined surgical and endoscopic approach to repair, along with a review of historic and current recommendations for management. Traditionally, gastrointestinal duplications have been treated with surgical resection; however, for duodenal duplications, the anatomic proximity to the biliopancreatic ampulla makes surgical management challenging. Recently, advances in endoscopy have improved the clinical success of cystic intraluminal duodenal duplications. Despite these advances, surgical resection is still recommended for extraluminal tubular duplications although combined techniques may be necessary for long tubular duplications. For duodenal duplications, a combined approach of partial excision combined with mucosal stripping may offer advantage.

  17. Duodenal perforation: an unusual complication of sickle cell anemia. (United States)

    Acıpayam, Can; Aldıç, Güliz; Akçora, Bülent; Çelikkaya, Mehmet Emin; Aşkar, Hasan; Dorum, Bayram Ali


    Duodenal perforation in childhood is a rare condition with a high mortality rate if not treated surgically. Primary gastroduodenal perforation is frequently associated with peptic ulcer and exhibits a positive family history. Helicobacter pylorus is the most significant agent. Secondary gastroduodenal perforation may be a finding of specific diseases, such as Crohn disease, or more rarely may be associated with diseases such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. A 14-year-old boy presented with abdominal and back pain. The patient was operated on for acute abdomen and diagnosed with duodenal perforation. Helicobacter pylorus was negative. There was no risk factor to account for duodenal perforation other than sickle cell anemia. Surgical intervention was successful and without significant sequelae. Duodenal perforation is a rare entity described in patients with sickle cell anemia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of duodenal perforation in a patient sickle cell anemia.

  18. De la promesa digital a los videojuegos del oprimido. Claves sobre un uso de resistencia a través del consumo cultural

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    Carlos Roberto Torres-Parra


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone un camino para comprender por qué el videojuego, entendido en su dimensión cultural, podría ser una herramienta útil para transmitir relatos diferentes a los que circulan en los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Para cumplir tal objetivo se recurre a diferentes reflexiones de la tensión poder–resistencia, considerando las transformaciones que implica la irrupción de las tecnologías digitales, articuladas con aportes de los campos del feminismo y la crítica poscolonial. El cruce de estos argumentos con algunas de las más recientes propuestas del campo teórico de los videojuegos sugiere una base para cristalización de este supuesto en los márgenes del poder.

  19. Palliation of Malignant Biliary and Duodenal Obstruction with Combined Metallic Stenting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akinci, Devrim; Akhan, Okan; Ozkan, Fuat; Ciftci, Turkmen; Ozkan, Orhan S.; Karcaaltincaba, Musturay; Ozmen, Mustafa N.


    Purpose. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of palliation of malignant biliary and duodenal obstruction with combined metallic stenting under fluoroscopy guidance. Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of 9 patients (6 men and 3 women) who underwent biliary and duodenal stenting was performed. The mean age of patients was 61 years (range: 42-80 years). The causes of obstruction were pancreatic carcinoma in 7 patients, cholangiocellular carcinoma in one, and duodenal carcinoma in the other. Biliary and duodenal stents were placed simultaneously in 4 patients. In other 5 patients dudodenal stents were placed after biliary stenting when the duodenal obstruction symptoms have developed. In two patients duodenal stents were advanced via transgastric approach. Results. Technical success rate was 100 %. After percutaneous biliary drainage and stenting bilirubin levels decreased to normal levels in 6 patients and in remaining 3 patients mean reduction of 71% in bilirubin levels was achieved. Tumoral ingrowth occurred in one patient and percutaneous biliary restenting was performed 90 days after the initial procedure. Of the 9 patients, 6 patients were able to tolerate solid diet, whereas 2 patients could tolerate liquid diet and one patient did not show any improvement. Mean survival periods were 111 and 73 days after biliary and duodenal stenting, respectively. Conclusion. Combined biliary and duodenal stent placement which can be performed under fluoroscopic guidance without assistance of endoscopy is feasible and an effective method of palliation of malignant biliary and duodenal obstructions. If transoral and endoscopic approaches fail, percutaneous gastrostomy route allows duodenal stenting

  20. Acute Necrotizing Esophagitis Followed by Duodenal Necrosis (United States)

    del Hierro, Piedad Magdalena


    Acute Necrotizing Esophagitis is an uncommon pathology, characterized by endoscopic finding of diffuse black coloration in esophageal mucosa and histological presence of necrosis in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The first case of acute necrotizing esophagitis followed by duodenal necrosis, in 81 years old woman with a positive history of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, and usual intake of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, is reported. Although its etiology remains unknown, the duodenal necrosis suggests that ischemia could be the main cause given that the branches off the celiac axis provide common blood supply to the distal esophageal and duodenal tissue. The massive gastroesophagic reflux and NSAID intake could be involved. PMID:27957030

  1. Comunicación pública, comunicación política y democracia: un cruce de caminos

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    Luis Horacio Botero Montoya


    Full Text Available Hablar de comunicación pública y comunicación política, y la posibilidad de que ambas construyan democracia, resulta un asunto bastante arriesgado, máxime cuando lo dominante en el paradigma actual de la comunicación, cualesquiera que sean sus vertientes, se asocia más con el mundo de la forma, de lo superficial y de lo aparente, que con la posibilidad de explorar espacios y desarrollar procesos que le apuesten a la construcción de democracia. Este trabajo surge como resultado inicial del proyecto de investigación en comunicación pública denominado “Comunicación pública: un espacio para la construcción de democracia”, que adelanta el grupo de investigación Corpus, y que auspicia la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Medellín. Es una propuesta abierta, crítica y compleja, que invita a los investigadores en estos tópicos a construir propuestas de comunicación pública que articulen y permitan un cruce de caminos con lo público y lo político, y con la democracia.

  2. Hipéridos (Crustacea: Amphipoda en el sector norte del Pacífico oriental tropical colombiano Hyperiids (Crustacea: Amphipoda along the northern margin of the eastern tropical Pacific of Colombia

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    Bellineth Valencia


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de analizar la composición, abundancia y diversidad de la comunidad de anfipodos hipéridos en las localidades de Punta Cruces y Cabo Marzo, costa norte del Pacífico colombiano (Pacífico oriental tropical, se realizó una campaña de muestreo en enero de 2008 siguiendo una malla de nueve estaciones. Se encontró un total de 20 especies, siendo Lestrigonus bengalensis e Hyperioides sibaginis las más abundantes, representando el 91% de la comunidad en Cabo Marzo y el 95% de la comunidad en Punta Cruces. La abundancia y la diversidad en las dos localidades fueron muy variables, y no presentaron diferencias significativas (Mann Whitney; p > 0,05. Así mismo, se estableció que la similitud en términos de la composición y la abundancia entre las comunidades de hipéridos de Punta Cruces y Cabo Marzo fue de un 64,6%. Este trabajo proporciona información inédita sobre un componente poco estudiado del zooplancton en el Pacífico oriental tropical, incrementando el número de especies registradas para el Pacífico colombiano.In order to analyze the composition, abundance, and diversity of hyperiid amphipods at Punta Cruces and Cabo Marzo, on the northern Pacific coast of Colombia (eastern tropical Pacific, a sampling campaign was carried out in January 2008 that covered a nine-station sampling grid. Twenty species were found, of which Lestrigonus bengalensis and Hyperioides sibaginis were the most abundant (91% of the community at Cabo Marzo and 95% at Punta Cruces. Although the abundance and diversity were highly variable at both sites, they did not differ significantly (Mann Whitney; p > 0.05. Likewise, the similarity in terms of composition and abundance between the hyperiid communities at Punta Cruces and Cabo Marzo was 64.6%. This re-search provides new information regarding a scarcely studied component of the zooplankton in the eastern tropical Pacific and increases the number of hyperiid species reported for the Pacific

  3. Perforated duodenal diverticulum caused by Bezoar: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Eun Jung; Moon, Sung Kyoung; Park, Seong Jin; Lim, Joo Won; Lee, Dong Ho; Ko, Young Tae [Dept. of Radiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Duodenal diverticulum is common, but its perforation is a rare complication. Duodenal diverticulum perforation requires prompt treatments because of its high mortality rate. However, an accurate diagnosis is difficult to make due to nonspecific symptoms and signs. It can be misdiagnosed as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, or peptic ulcer. Herein, we report a case of perforated duodenal diverticulum caused by bezoar in a 33-year-old woman whom was diagnosed by abdomen computed tomography and ultrasonography.

  4. Combined pancreatic and duodenal transection injury: A case report


    Mungazi, Simbarashe Gift; Mbanje, Chenesa; Chihaka, Onesai; Madziva, Noah


    Introduction: Combined pancreatic-duodenal injuries in blunt abdominal trauma are rare. These injuries are associated with high morbidity and mortality, and their emergent management is a challenge. Case presentation: We report a case of combined complete pancreatic (through the neck) and duodenal (first part) transections in a 24-year-old male secondary to blunt abdominal trauma following a motor vehicle crash. The duodenal stumps were closed separately and a gastrojejunostomy performed f...

  5. Perforated duodenal diverticulum caused by Bezoar: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Eun Jung; Moon, Sung Kyoung; Park, Seong Jin; Lim, Joo Won; Lee, Dong Ho; Ko, Young Tae


    Duodenal diverticulum is common, but its perforation is a rare complication. Duodenal diverticulum perforation requires prompt treatments because of its high mortality rate. However, an accurate diagnosis is difficult to make due to nonspecific symptoms and signs. It can be misdiagnosed as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, or peptic ulcer. Herein, we report a case of perforated duodenal diverticulum caused by bezoar in a 33-year-old woman whom was diagnosed by abdomen computed tomography and ultrasonography.

  6. Bowel habits after gastric bypass versus the duodenal switch operation. (United States)

    Wasserberg, Nir; Hamoui, Nahid; Petrone, Patrizio; Crookes, Peter F; Kaufman, Howard S


    One of the perceived disadvantages of the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch operation is diarrhea. The aim of this study was to compare the bowel habits of patients after duodenal switch operation or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. A prospective comparative case series design was used. Forty-six patients who underwent duodenal switch (n=28) or gastric bypass (n=18) were asked to complete a daily diary for 14 days after losing least 50% of their excess body weight. Data were collected on number of bowel episodes, incontinence, urgency, stool consistency, and awakening from sleep to defecate. Background variables were recorded from the medical files. The duodenal switch group was heavier (body mass index 53.5 vs 47.0 kg/m(2), p=0.03) and older (47.5 vs 41.0 years, p=NS) than the gastric bypass group. Median time to 50% excess body weight loss was 22 months in the duodenal switch group compared to 10.0 months in the gastric bypass group (p=0.001). Patients after duodenal switch surgery reported a median of 23.5 bowel episodes over the 14-day study period compared to 16.5 in the gastric bypass group (p=NS). There was no between-group differences in any of the other bowel parameters studied. Although duodenal switch is associated with more bowel episodes than gastric bypass, the difference is not statistically significant. Bowel habits are similar in patients who achieve 50% estimated body weight loss with duodenal switch surgery or gastric bypass.

  7. The management of large perforations of duodenal ulcers

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    Sharma Rajeev


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Duodenal ulcer perforations are a common surgical emergency, but literature is silent on the exact definition, incidence, management and complications of large perforations of duodenal ulcers. Methods The case files of 162 patients who underwent emergency laparotomy for duodenal ulcer perforations over a period of three years (2001 – 2003 were retrospectively reviewed and sorted into groups based on the size of the perforations – one group was defined as 'small 'perforations (less than 1 cm in diameter, another 'large' (when the perforation was more than 1 cm but less than 3 cms, and the third, 'giant'(when the perforation exceeded 3 cm. These groups of patients were then compared with each other in regard to the patient particulars, duration of symptoms, surgery performed and the outcome. Results A total of 40 patients were identified to have duodenal ulcer perforations more than 1 cm in size, thus accounting for nearly 25 % of all duodenal ulcer perforations operated during this period. These patients had a significantly higher incidence of leak, morbidity and mortality when compared to those with smaller perforations. Conclusion There are three distinct types of perforations of duodenal ulcers that are encountered in clinical practice. The first, are the 'small' perforations that are easy to manage and have low morbidity and mortality. The second are the 'large' perforations, that are also not uncommon, and omental patch closure gives the best results even in this subset of patients. The word 'giant' should be reserved for perforations that exceed 3 cms in diameter, and these are extremely uncommon.

  8. Duodenal mucosal protein kinase C-δ regulates glucose production in rats. (United States)

    Kokorovic, Andrea; Cheung, Grace W C; Breen, Danna M; Chari, Madhu; Lam, Carol K L; Lam, Tony K T


    Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) enzymes in liver and brain alters hepatic glucose metabolism, but little is known about their role in glucose regulation in the gastrointestinal tract. We investigated whether activation of PKC-δ in the duodenum is sufficient and necessary for duodenal nutrient sensing and regulates hepatic glucose production through a neuronal network in rats. In rats, we inhibited duodenal PKC and evaluated whether nutrient-sensing mechanisms, activated by refeeding, have disruptions in glucose regulation. We then performed gain- and loss-of-function pharmacologic and molecular experiments to target duodenal PKC-δ; we evaluated the impact on glucose production regulation during the pancreatic clamping, while basal levels of insulin were maintained. PKC-δ was detected in the mucosal layer of the duodenum; intraduodenal infusion of PKC inhibitors disrupted glucose homeostasis during refeeding, indicating that duodenal activation of PKC-δ is necessary and sufficient to regulate glucose homeostasis. Intraduodenal infusion of the PKC activator 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG) specifically activated duodenal mucosal PKC-δ and a gut-brain-liver neuronal pathway to reduce glucose production. Molecular and pharmacologic inhibition of duodenal mucosal PKC-δ negated the ability of duodenal OAG and lipids to reduce glucose production. In the duodenal mucosa, PKC-δ regulates glucose homeostasis. Copyright © 2011 AGA Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Abnormalities of intestinal rotation and congenital intrinsic duodenal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ultrasound. Echocardiography was normal in one patient, and in the other, there were features of Fallot's tetralogy. Intraoperatively, one had duodenal atresia with a gap, whereas the other had a duodenal diaphragm (Fig. 2). In the remaining seven patients, the diagnosis of associated malrotation was made intraoperatively.

  10. Factors associated with gastro-duodenal disease in patients ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: There is a high prevalence of gastro-duodenal disease in sub Saharan Africa. Peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients, 24.5%, was comparable to prevalence of gastro-duodenal disease among symptomatic individuals in developed countries (12 – 25%). Limited data exists regarding its associated risk ...

  11. Una poética del pliegue

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    Ana Porrúa


    Full Text Available La producción de Juan Gelman-de Violín y otras cuestiones a Relaciones- puede inscribirse dentro de la poética sesentista caracterizada por la hegemonía de la narración y la apertura del discurso poético al resto de los discursos sociales, pero también establece una compleja relación con las vanguardias históricas. La noción de pliegue permite revisar las articulaciones de este conflicto; como espacio el pliegue separa ambas poéticas, la "coloquialista" y vanguardista, que pueden leerse en el interior del corpus propuesto en estado puro, yuxtapuestas, o bajo la forma del cruce que instala la polémica entre libros o textos de un mismo libro. La idea depliegue como rasgo operatorio permite, por su parte, revisar la relación entre ambas poéticas en el interior de un poema, focalizando la materia, el lenguaje. En este caso la poética vanguardista funciona como cuestionamiento de la linealidad del texto sesentista.

  12. Una poética del pliegue

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    Ana Porrúa


    Full Text Available La producción de Juan Gelman-de Violín y otras cuestiones a Relaciones- puede inscribirse dentro de la poética sesentista caracterizada por la hegemonía de la narración y la apertura del discurso poético al resto de los discursos sociales, pero también establece una compleja relación con las vanguardias históricas. La noción de pliegue permite revisar las articulaciones de este conflicto; como espacio el pliegue separa ambas poéticas, la "coloquialista" y vanguardista, que pueden leerse en el interior del corpus propuesto en estado puro, yuxtapuestas, o bajo la forma del cruce que instala la polémica entre libros o textos de un mismo libro. La idea depliegue como rasgo operatorio permite, por su parte, revisar la relación entre ambas poéticas en el interior de un poema, focalizando la materia, el lenguaje. En este caso la poética vanguardista funciona como cuestionamiento de la linealidad del texto sesentista.

  13. Duodenal diverticula demonstrated by barium examination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Christiansen, T.; Thommesen, P.

    An investigation for biliary tract calculi and food-stimulated gastro-oesophageal reflux was carried out in 37 patients with duodenal diverticula demonstrated by barium examination. Sixty per cent of the diverticula were located in the descending part of the duodenum. Biliary tract calculi were demonstrated in 38 per cent and food-stimulated gastro-oesophageal reflux in 81 per cent of the patients. The detection of a duodenal diverticulum should result in a supplementary investigation for gallstones and gastrooesophageal reflux and its sequelae.

  14. [Persistent duodenal septum in an adult]. (United States)

    Helwing, E; Echtermeyer, V; Otten, G


    A case of duodenal obstruction by a congenital duodenal web in a 34-year-old woman is presented. A mucosal diaphragm obstructed the duodenum. It showed an excentric opening of 0.8 cm diameter, but the dilated diaphragm caused a total stop during the last months. Despite a typical history, exact X-ray, and endoscopic examination, the correct preoperative diagnosis was not found, because nobody thought it possible, that a mucosal diapharm of the duodenum could persist for 34 years.

  15. Duodenal adenocarcinoma in a 10-year-old boy. (United States)

    Mohamed, Zouari; Habib, Bouthour; Rabia, Ben Abdallah; Youssef, Hlel; Riath, Ben Malek; Youssef, Gharbi; Nejib, Kaabar


    Gastrointestinal malignancies are extremely rare in the paediatric population and duodenal cancers represent an even more unusual entity. It represents 0.3-1% of all gastrointestinal tumours. A case report of a 10-year-old boy with duodenal adenocarcinoma is reported and the difficulties of diagnosing and treating this rare tumour are discussed.

  16. Duodenal adenocarcinoma in a 10-year-old boy

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    Zouari Mohamed


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal malignancies are extremely rare in the paediatric population and duodenal cancers represent an even more unusual entity. It represents 0.3-1% of all gastrointestinal tumours. A case report of a 10-year-old boy with duodenal adenocarcinoma is reported and the difficulties of diagnosing and treating this rare tumour are discussed.

  17. Pancreatic-induced Intramural Duodenal Haematoma

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    Julius K. Ma


    Full Text Available Spontaneous intramural duodenal haematoma (IDH is an uncommon pathology and it is usually related to anticoagulant therapy. Other causes include various pancreatic diseases, connective tissue disease, peptic ulcer disease and pancreaticoduodenal aneurysm. IDH of pancreatic origin has been infrequently reported. The disease course can be life-threatening and serious complications may occur, including gastric outlet obstruction, duodenal perforation and septicaemia. A case of pancreatic-induced IDH is presented, for which pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed as definitive treatment. In general, medical treatment with continuous nasogastric aspiration and total parenteral nutrition is recommended as initial management strategy. Surgical interventions (evacuation of blood clot or surgical resection are reserved for patients in whom medical treatment fails or complications occur.

  18. Pyloro-duodenal hernia with formation of enterocutaneous fistula in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A body wall hernia entrapping abomasum and concurrent duodenal fistula in a buffalo calf aged about 8 months, secondary to a dog bite was successfully treated by closure of fistulous orifice and ventro lateral herniorrhaphy. Keywords: Abomaso-epiplocele, Buffalo calf, Duodenal fistula, Herniorrhaphy.

  19. Duodenal ulcer and working-class mobility in an African population in South Africa. (United States)

    Segal, I; Dubb, A A; Tim, L O; Solomon, A; Sottomayor, M C; Zwane, E M


    The number of Africans in Johannesburg presenting with duodenal ulcers has steadily increased over the past 50 years. The characteristics of 105 patients with duodenal ulcer who presented a Baragwanath Hospital were compared with those of matched and unmatched samples of patients without gastrointestinal conditions in the same hospital. Men with duodenal ulcers were found to be significantly better educated than their controls, most had been born in the town, and more of them were employed at higher, though not the highest, educational levels. These data were used to test Susser's proposition that duodenal ulcers are associated with "early urbanisation." Johannesburg blacks with duodenal ulcer did seem to fit the pattern, but the relation between stress and duodenal ulcer remains unclear. PMID:626837

  20. Perforated Duodenal Ulcer: Has Anything Changed? (United States)

    Koskensalo, Selja; Leppäniemi, Ari


    To assess the current management and outcome of perforated duodenal peptic ulcer managed with open repair, a focused analysis was conducted, excluding gastric, traumatic and iatrogenic perforations. A retrospective study of a 6-year period identified 61 patients. Mean age was 59 (range 19-87) years and 33 (54%) were male. Medical history included nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in 46%, smoking in 30%, atherosclerosis in 26% and excessive alcohol use in 23%. Generalized abdominal tenderness was recorded in 64% of the cases. The mean (SD) C-reactive protein value was 100 (141) g/l and white blood cell count was 12.8 (7.9) E9/l. Plain abdominal X-ray was positive for air in 87% (41/47) and CT scan in 86% (18/21). Four patients (7%) were operated without radiological imaging. There were 31 patients (51%) with a delay of 24 h or more from the start of symptoms to surgery. The mean (SD) delay from admission to surgery was 9 (3) (range 3-12) h. The treatment consisted of open suture repair in 92%, peritoneal lavage in 92%, external drainage in 80% and nasogastric decompression in 92%. The overall hospital mortality and morbidity rates were 11 and 21%, respectively. The duodenal suture leak rate was 7% and intra-abdominal abscess rate was 2%. The majority of patients with perforated duodenal ulcer can be diagnosed with conventional clinical and radiological methods, and treated according to established surgical principles. The mortality and duodenal morbidity rates have remained unchanged for the last decade. Shortening preoperative delay could improve the prognosis.

  1. Gastric Outlet Obstruction from Duodenal Lipoma in an Adult ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gastric Outlet Obstruction from Duodenal Lipoma in an Adult. ... Nigerian Journal of Surgery ... Although, peptic ulcer disease remains the most common benign cause of gastric outlet obstruction (GOO), duodenal lipomas remain a rare, but possible cause of GOO and could pose a diagnostic challenge, especially in ...

  2. Anomalous pancreatic ductal system allowing distal bowel gas with duodenal atresia

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    Shruti Sevak


    Bypass of the atretic duodenal segment through an anomalous pancreatic ductal system is a rare anomaly described in the literature in only a handful of cases. This case report highlights the importance of considering duodenal atresia and pancreaticobiliary enteric bypass in the differential diagnosis of neonates presenting with partial duodenal obstruction. On ultrasound, the presence of gas in the biliary tree or pancreatic duct should alert the physician to the possibility of duodenal atresia with congenital pancreaticobiliary duct anomalies that allow for bypass of enteric contents, including air, into more distal bowel, thereby creating a gas pattern aptly described as double bubble with distal gas.

  3. Gastric diverticulum causing gastric outlet obstruction in the setting of duodenal atresia

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    Devashis Mukherjee


    Full Text Available Duodenal obstruction due to duodenal atresia occurs in 1 in 10,000 live births and is the most common type of intestinal obstruction in neonates [1–3]. Gastric outlet obstruction in the newborn period from causes other than hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is very uncommon [3]. Potential etiologies include gastric volvulus, antral web, and duplication cysts. Gastric diverticula in the infant is even more rare, with only a few case reports published, and only one describes a gastric diverticulum in the presence of a duodenal atresia [4–8]. In this report, we describe the first case of a gastric outlet obstruction due to a gastric diverticulum in the presence of duodenal atresia. Keywords: Duodenal atresia, Gastric diverticulum, Gastric outlet obstruction

  4. Duodenal Toxicity After Fractionated Chemoradiation for Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kelly, Patrick; Das, Prajnan; Pinnix, Chelsea C.; Beddar, Sam; Briere, Tina; Pham, Mary; Krishnan, Sunil; Delclos, Marc E. [Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States); Crane, Christopher H., E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States)


    Purpose: Improving local control is critical to improving survival and quality of life for patients with locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer (LAPC). However, previous attempts at radiation dose escalation have been limited by duodenal toxicity. In order to guide future studies, we analyzed the clinical and dosimetric factors associated with duodenal toxicity in patients undergoing fractionated chemoradiation for LAPC. Methods and Materials: Medical records and treatment plans of 106 patients with LAPC who were treated with chemoradiation between July 2005 and June 2010 at our institution were reviewed. All patients received neoadjuvant and concurrent chemotherapy. Seventy-eight patients were treated with conventional radiation to 50.4 Gy in 28 fractions; 28 patients received dose-escalated radiation therapy (range, 57.5-75.4 Gy in 28-39 fractions). Treatment-related toxicity was graded according to Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 4.0. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to assess prognostic influence of clinical, pathologic, and treatment-related factors by using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression methods. Results: Twenty patients had treatment-related duodenal toxicity events, such as duodenal inflammation, ulceration, and bleeding. Four patients had grade 1 events, 8 had grade 2, 6 had grade 3, 1 had grade 4, and 1 had grade 5. On univariate analysis, a toxicity grade ≥2 was associated with tumor location, low platelet count, an absolute volume (cm{sup 3}) receiving a dose of at least 55 Gy (V{sub 55} {sub Gy} > 1 cm{sup 3}), and a maximum point dose >60 Gy. Of these factors, only V{sub 55} {sub Gy} ≥1 cm{sup 3} was associated with duodenal toxicity on multivariate analysis (hazard ratio, 6.7; range, 2.0-18.8; P=.002). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that a duodenal V{sub 55} {sub Gy} >1 cm{sup 3} is an important dosimetric predictor of grade 2 or greater duodenal toxicity and establishes it as a

  5. Duodenal adenocarcinoma in a 10-year-old boy | Mohamed ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gastrointestinal malignancies are extremely rare in the paediatric population and duodenal cancers represent an even more unusual entity. It represents 0.3-1% of all gastrointestinal tumours. A case report of a 10-year-old boy with duodenal adenocarcinoma is reported and the diffi culties of diagnosing and treating this ...

  6. Pancreatic and duodenal injuries: keep it simple. (United States)

    Rickard, Matthew J F X; Brohi, Karim; Bautz, Peter C


    The management of pancreatic and duodenal trauma has moved away from complex reconstructive procedures to simpler methods in keeping with the trend towards organ-specific, damage control surgery. A retrospective case note review was undertaken over a 30-month period to evaluate a simplified protocol for the management of these injuries. Of 100 consecutive patients there were 51 with pancreatic injury, 30 with a duodenal injury and 19 with combined pancreaticoduodenal trauma. Overall mortality was 18.0%, with a late mortality (after 24 h) of 9.9%. This is comparable to previous studies. Morbidity from abscesses, fistulas and anastomotic breakdown was acceptably low. The concept of staged laparotomy can be successfully applied to wounds of the pancreas and duodenum. Debridement of devitalized tissue and drainage can be employed for most cases of pancreatic trauma. Most duodenal injuries can be managed with debridement and primary repair. Temporary exclusion and reoperation should be employed for unstable patients.

  7. Abnormal duodenal loop demonstrated by X-ray. Correlation to symptoms and prognosis of dyspepsia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thommesen, P.; Funch-Jensen, P.


    The occurrence of dyspeptic symptoms has previously been correlated with the shape of the duodenal loop in patients with X-ray-negative dyspepsia. An abnormal duodenal loop was associated with a significantly higher incidence of symtoms provoked by meals, vomiting, regurgitations, heartburn, and the irritable bowel syndrome. 89% of these patients (26 patients with a normal duodenal loop and 39 patients with abnormal duodenal loop) were available for a 5-year follow-up study of symptomatic outcome. The incidence of symptoms provoked by meals was still significantly higher in patients with an abnormal duodenal loop, and there was also a significant difference concerning symptomatic outcome. Approximately 75% of the patients with a normal duodenal loop had improved, and 25% had unchanged clinical conditions. Approximately 50% of the patients with an abnormal duodenal loop had improved, and 50% had an unchanged or even deteriorated clinical condition.

  8. Diagnosis and classification of pancreatic and duodenal injuries in emergency radiology. (United States)

    Linsenmaier, Ulrich; Wirth, Stefan; Reiser, Maximilian; Körner, Markus


    Pancreatic and duodenal injuries after blunt abdominal trauma are rare; however, delays in diagnosis and treatment can significantly increase morbidity and mortality. Multidetector computed tomography (CT) has a major role in early diagnosis of pancreatic and duodenal injuries. Detecting the often subtle signs of injury with whole-body CT can be difficult because this technique usually does not include a dedicated protocol for scanning the pancreas. Specific injury patterns in the pancreas and duodenum often have variable expression at early posttraumatic multidetector CT: They may be hardly visible, or there may be considerable exudate, hematomas, organ ruptures, or active bleeding. An accurate multidetector CT technique allows optimized detection of subtle abnormalities. In duodenal injuries, differentiation between a contusion of the duodenal wall or mural hematoma and a duodenal perforation is vital. In pancreatic injuries, determination of involvement of the pancreatic duct is essential. The latter conditions require immediate surgical intervention. Use of organ injury scales and a surgical classification adapted for multidetector CT enables classification of organ injuries for trauma scoring, treatment planning, and outcome control. In addition, multidetector CT reliably demonstrates potential complications of duodenal and pancreatic injuries, such as posttraumatic pancreatitis, pseudocysts, fistulas, exudates, and abscesses. (c) RSNA, 2008.


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    Román Carlos Ríos


    Full Text Available The present work aimed to study the fitossociologic structure and floristic similarity among seasonal and mixed forests of Argentina and Brazil. Cruce Caballero Park with 522 hectares where the method of multiple plots was adopted with (20 x 10 m. In each plot all individual tree of size equal or heigher than 5 cm diameter were registered, being measured the stem diameter and height into three environmental compartments, Haplorthox, Ustorthent and Udorthent. In Haplorthox, Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol. Kuntze prevail at higher stratum and Sorocea bonplandii (Baill. W.C.Burger, Lanj. & Boer, Cabralea canjerana (Vell. Mart., Ocotea lancifolia Mez and Apuleia leiocarpa J.F.Macbr. follow it. In Ustorthent araucaria is absent and Gymnanthes concolor Müll.Arg., Trichilia claussenii C.DC., Apuleia leiocarpa, Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. and Sorocea bonplandii prevail. Aracuaria is scarce in Udorthent where Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth. Brenan, Alchornea triplinervia Müll.Arg., Luehea divaricata Mart., Erythrina falcata Benth. and Myrsine gardneriana A.DC. prevail. A comparative analysis shown Cruce Caballero more similar to seasonal forests than mixed araucaria forest from Brazil.

  10. Safety of repair for severe duodenal injuries. (United States)

    Velmahos, George C; Constantinou, Constantinos; Kasotakis, George


    There is ongoing debate about the management of severe duodenal injuries (SDIs), and earlier studies have recommended pyloric exclusion. The objective of this study was to compare primary repair with pyloric exclusion to examine if primary repair can be safely used in SDIs. The medical records of 193 consecutive patients who were admitted between August 1992 and January 2004 with duodenal injuries were reviewed. After excluding early deaths (n = 50), low-grade duodenal injuries (n = 81), and pancreatoduodenectomies for catastrophic trauma (n = 12), a total of 50 patients with SDIs (grade III, IV, or V) were analyzed. Primary repair (PR--simple duodenorrhaphy or resection and primary anastomosis) was performed in 34 (68%) and pyloric exclusion (PE) in 16 (32%). Characteristics and outcomes of these two groups were compared. PE and PR patients were similar for age, injury severity score, abdominal abbreviated injury score, physiologic status on admission, time to operation, and most abdominal organs injured. PE patients had more pancreatic injuries (63% vs. 24%, p duodenum (79% vs. 42%, p = 0.02), and a nonsignificant trend toward more grade IV and V injuries (37% vs. 18%, p = 0.11). There was no difference in morbidity (including complications specific to the duodenal repair), mortality, and intensive care unit and hospital length of stay between the two groups. Pyloric exclusion is not necessary for all patients with SDIs, as previously suggested. Selected SDI patients can be safely managed by simple primary repair.

  11. Proximal duodenal perforation in three dogs following deracoxib administration. (United States)

    Case, J Brad; Fick, Jennifer L; Rooney, Matthew B


    The purpose of this study was to describe the clinical and gross pathological findings, treatment, and outcome in three dogs receiving deracoxib that developed proximal duodenal perforation and subsequent septic peritonitis. Clinical findings were acute vomiting and anorexia following initiation of deracoxib therapy. Deracoxib dosages ranged from 2 to 3 mg/kg per os q 24 hours. In each dog, exploratory laparotomy revealed duodenal perforations approximately 1 cm orad to the major duodenal papilla. Two out of three dogs survived following exploratory laparotomy. Two of three dogs in the present case series received the approved deracoxib dosage. Dogs receiving deracoxib, even at labeled dosages, should be monitored judiciously for signs of gastrointestinal disease.

  12. Infectious complications following duodenal and/or pancreatic trauma. (United States)

    Tyburski, J G; Dente, C J; Wilson, R F; Shanti, C; Steffes, C P; Carlin, A


    Patients with pancreatic and/or duodenal trauma often have a high incidence of infectious complications. In this study we attempted to find the most important risk factors for these infections. A retrospective review of the records of 167 patients seen over 7 years (1989 through 1996) at an urban Level I trauma center for injury to the duodenum and/or pancreas was performed. Fifty-nine patients (35%) had isolated injury to the duodenum (13 blunt, 46 penetrating), 81 (49%) had isolated pancreatic trauma (18 blunt, 63 penetrating), and 27 (16%) had combined injuries (two blunt, 25 penetrating). The overall mortality rate was 21 per cent and the infectious morbidity rate was 40 per cent. The majority of patients had primary repair and/or drainage as treatment of their injuries. Patients with pancreatic injuries (alone or combined with a duodenal injury) had a much higher infection rate than duodenal injuries. The patients with duodenal injuries had significantly lower penetrating abdominal trauma indices, number of intra-abdominal organ injuries, and incidence of hypothermia. On multivariate analysis independent factors associated with infections included hypothermia and the presence of a pancreatic injury. Although injuries to the pancreas and duodenum often coexist it is the pancreatic injury that contributes most to the infectious morbidity.

  13. Duodenal Hematoma after upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: Case Report and Literature Review


    Sousa, Marta Reis; Vieira, Ana Catarina; Rio, Gisela; Moreira, Angela; Noruegas, Maria José; Sanches, Conceição


    Duodenal hematoma is a rare complication of endoscopic duodenal biopsy, with just a few cases reported in children in the literature available.The authors present a case of a 13 year-old girl, with a history of Noonan Syndrome and neurofibromatosis type 1, who presented abdominal pain and vomiting after an endoscopic duodenal biopsy.In this article, we describe the clinical case, imaging findings, evolution and therapeutic approach.We briefly discuss the hematologic complications in patients ...

  14. Effect of tyrosine administration on duodenal ulcer induced by cysteamine in the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oishi, T.; Szabo, S.


    Duodenal ulcers were produced by administering cysteamine to rats. Pretreatment with the catecholamine precursor, L-tyrosine (40 mg/100 g i.p. for 5 days), decreased the intensity of duodenal ulcers induced by cysteamine. Equimolar doses of tyrosine methyl ester (51.2 mg/100 g i.p. or s.c.) were equally effective in reducing ulcer intensity. Other amino acids (i.e., alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, leucine, lysine, tryptophan and valine) did not prevent experimental duodenal ulcers. Coadministration of other large neutral amino acids (e.g., leucine and valine) that compete with tyrosine for uptake into the brain did not inhibit the effect of tyrosine on duodenal ulcers induced by cysteamine. Gastric, duodenal and brain dopamine concentrations were increased 1 hr after the injection of tyrosine methyl ester (25.6 mg/100 g s.c.). These results suggest that the effect of tyrosine on duodenal ulcer induced by cysteamine may be mediated by changes in gastrointestinal dopamine metabolism

  15. Treatment of Duodenal Duplication by Trans-umbilical Exploratory Minimal Laparotomy

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    Li-Lan Chiang


    Full Text Available Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital lesions. Their presentation is often non-specific and physical examination and laboratory studies usually reveal no abnormal findings. The diagnosis of duodenal duplication cysts can thus be challenging and relies on ultrasonography, barium swallow, contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP. The management of duodenal duplication cyst is surgical. Laparotomy is usually necessary, and complete resection is the management goal. Subtotal excision with stripping of the mucosa due to close involvement of the pancreatobiliary tree, and endoscopic resection have Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital lesions usually diagnosed in infancy, although they may present in adulthood. Prenatal diagnosis is difficult, and postnatal diagnosis relies on ultrasonography, barium swallow, contrast-enhanced computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. A female newborn was diagnosed with an abdominal cyst (size around 6 ×; 5 × 4 cm at gestational age (GA 24 weeks, by regular prenatal examination. After her birth at GA 37 weeks, we performed abdominal ultrasonography and MRI, but there was no definite diagnosis. The usual management of an abdominal cyst involves resection by laparotomy (requiring a large incision or laparoscopy (requiring several small incisions. We performed an exploratory trans-umbilical minimal laparotomy excision for surgery, and the pathology revealed duodenal duplication. In our case, there was no recurrence of the cyst after 18 months follow-up, and the operation scar was almost undetectable. Trans-umbilical minimal laparotomy excision may be considered as an alternative choice for the management of abdominal and duodenal duplication cysts.

  16. Duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple in a cow

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    Gerspach Christian


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The aim of this report was to describe duodenal obstruction caused by a rubber foreign body in a cow. Case Presentation The clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographic findings in a five-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with duodenal ileus caused by a calf feeding nipple are described. The main clinical signs were anorexia, ruminal tympany, decreased faecal output and abomasal reflux syndrome. Ultrasonographic examination revealed reticular hyperactivity and a dilated duodenum. A diagnosis of duodenal ileus was made and the cow underwent right-flank laparotomy, which revealed a dilation of the cranial part of the duodenum because of obstruction by a pliable foreign body. This was identified via enterotomy as a calf feeding nipple. The cow was healthy at the time of discharge four days after surgery and went on to complete a successful lactation. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first description of duodenal obstruction by a calf feeding nipple. This is an interesting case, which broadens the spectrum of the causes of duodenal ileus, which is usually caused by obstruction of the duodenum by a phytobezoar.

  17. Conceptual Models for Ecosystem Management through the Participation of Local Social Actors: the Río Cruces Wetland Conflict

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    Luisa E. Delgado


    Full Text Available In 2004, the emigration and death of black-necked swans (Cygnus melancoryphus from the Río Cruces wetland (Valdivia, Chile triggered one of the largest ecosocial conflicts in Chilean history. The main local social actors of this still unsolved conflict are the Chilean government, a pulp-mill company, and a local nongovernmental organization. The central issues of the conflict are disagreement over the reason for the swans' migration, the need to restore the black-necked swan population in the wetland, and the relationship between economic development and wetland conservation. We applied a physical, ecological, and social system approach to generate conceptual or qualitative ecosystem models representing the perceptions of all social actors. Our results showed that each actor group perceived the ecosystem in a different and, in some cases, divergent way. Furthermore, all of them carried only partial representations of the wetland and the conflict. We linked all the models to generate an integrated view of the Río Cruces wetland ecosystem. We propose that this approach can be replicated as a tool for generating synthetic, integrated conceptual models of ecosystems, even in the presence of strong divergence and a lack of consensus among social actors.

  18. Duodenal diverticulum and obstructive jaundice: two case reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez, J.A.; Larena, J.A.; Larrea, L.M.; Pena, J.M.


    Duodenal diverticulum is a common, and usually asymptomatic, pathology. The associated complications are rare, but have an elevated degree of morbidity and mortality. We present two cases of obstructive jaundice due to duodenal diverticulum. this is an unusual complication, very few cases of which have been reported in the medical literature. We describes the ultrasound (US) and abdominal computerized tomography (CT) findings. The latter led to the diagnosis in both patients. (Author) 25 refs

  19. El espacio cultural transnacional en la post-Transición. El caso de las series televisivas Amores difíciles y La reina del Sur / The Transnational Cultural Space in the Post-Transition. The Case of the TV series Amores difíciles and La Reina del Sur

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    Manuel Palacio


    Full Text Available Tomando como punto de partida el trabajo de Alberto Elena, Cruces de destinos. Intercambios cinematográficos entre España y América Latina, los autores analizan cómo ha evolucionado el panorama audiovisual latinoamericano al mismo tiempo que cambiaba la política cultural española con respecto a América, ejemplarizado en sendas coproducciones y adaptaciones literarias como son Amores difíciles y La reina del sur.Palabras clave: Post-Transición, televisión transnacional, coproducción, Pérez Reverte, García Márquez, adaptación literaria.Abstract:Taking as a starting point Alberto Elena’s work, Cruces de destinos. Intercambios cinematográficos entre España y América Latina, the authors analyse how the Latin American audio-visual scene has evolved at the same time that the Spanish cultural politics was changing with respect to Latin America. This will be exemplified in both co-productions and literary adaptations: Amores difíciles and La reina del sur.Keywords: Post-Transition, transnational television, co-production, Pérez Reverte, García-Márquez, literary adaptation.

  20. A newborn with duodenal atresia and a gastric perforation

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    Akcora Bulent


    Full Text Available Congenital duodenal atresia complicated by gastric perforation (GP is a very rare and a very mortal condition. Only three newborns could be cured in the reported 13 cases. We report a successfully treated newborn with this complicated disease. A 2-day-old male was hospitalized with prediagnosis of duodenal obstruction. Twelve hours later, significant abdominal distention occurred promptly. At laparotomy, GP and preampullary duodenal atresia were detected. Gastrorrhaphy and duodenoduodenostomy were performed in the same operation. The patient was discharged on the 15th postoperative day. This complicated disease can be treated by early diagnosis and surgical intervention. We choose one-stage operation because of the clean peritoneal cavity. However, generalized peritonitis may require two-stage operation in delayed cases.

  1. Caracterización bovinométrica de hembras cebú y cruces con blanco orejinegro, romosinuano y angus.

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    Juan Fernando Medina.


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de caracterizar y determinar algunos factores que podrían ser de gran utilidad a la hora detomar decisiones en una empresa ganadera, se consideraron mediciones cuantitativas como la alzada yamplitud de isquiones, y cualitativas como la condición corporal, ángulo de anca, aplomos, ubre y pezones.Se realizaron análisis de varianza para las variables en cada estado fisiológico (hembras de levante, vacasparidas, vacas paridas preñadas, vacas horras y vacas horras preñadas y se consideraron los efectos de laedad del animal (regresión lineal y cuadrática y grupo genético del animal. Las hembras jóvenes (9 a 12meses tuvieron un peso promedio de 172.0 Kg., y las vacas adultas un promedio de peso entre 415 a 445Kg. En el peso, el efecto de grupo genético, fue altamente significativo en las vacas horras, donde losgrupos genéticos con mayor peso fueron el Cebú y cruce BON x Cebú. Para los otros estados fisiológicosno se encontraron diferencias estadísticas. Para las hembras de levante, las BxC/CxB (n= 100 presentaronmenor condición corporal frente a los CCO/BRH (n= 28, RxC/CxR (n= 50 y 3/4Cx1/4A (n= 15. En lasvacas horras el grupo genético CCO/BRH (n= 328 fue el que presentó la mejor condición corporal. Lasvacas horras preñadas mostraron diferencias entre los grupos genéticos CCO/BRH (n= 273 y AxC/CxA(n= 332. En las vacas paridas, el grupo genético 3/4Cx1/4A (n= 91 obtuvo un promedio superior a losotros grupos analizados. El grupo genético 3/4Cx1/4A presenta los mejores registros en cuanto a cualidadesfísicas en las vacas adultas, lo que confirma su potencial productivo para las zonas groecológicas similaresa las del presente estudio.

  2. Clinical impact of duodenal pancreatic heterotopia - Is there a need for surgical treatment? (United States)

    Betzler, Alexander; Mees, Soeren T; Pump, Josefine; Schölch, Sebastian; Zimmermann, Carolin; Aust, Daniela E; Weitz, Jürgen; Welsch, Thilo; Distler, Marius


    Pancreatic heterotopia (PH) is defined as ectopic pancreatic tissue outside the normal pancreas and its vasculature and duct system. Most frequently, PH is detected incidentally by histopathological examination. The aim of the present study was to analyze a large single-center series of duodenal PH with respect to the clinical presentation. A prospective pancreatic database was retrospectively analyzed for cases of PH of the duodenum. All pancreatic and duodenal resections performed between January 2000 and October 2015 were included and screened for histopathologically proven duodenal PH. PH was classified according to Heinrich's classification (Type I acini, ducts, and islet cells; Type II acini and ducts; Type III only ducts). A total of 1274 pancreatic and duodenal resections were performed within the study period, and 67 cases of PH (5.3%) were identified. The respective patients were predominantly male (72%) and either underwent pancreatoduodenectomy (n = 60); a limited pancreas resection with partial duodenal resection (n = 4); distal pancreatectomy with partial duodenal resection (n = 1); total pancreatectomy (n = 1); or enucleation (n = 1). Whereas 65 patients (83.5%) were asymptomatic, 11 patients (18.4%) presented with symptoms related to PH (most frequently with abdominal pain [72%] and duodenal obstruction [55%]). Of those, seven patients (63.6%) had chronic pancreatitis in the heterotopic pancreas. The risk of malignant transformation into adenocarcinoma was 2.9%. PH is found in approximately 5% of pancreatic or duodenal resections and is generally asymptomatic. Chronic pancreatitis is not uncommon in heterotopic pancreatic tissue, and even there is a risk of malignant transformation. PH should be considered for the differential diagnosis of duodenal lesions and surgery should be considered, especially in symptomatic cases.

  3. Duodenal Wedge Resection for Large Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour Presenting with Life-Threatening Haemorrhage

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    Alexander Shaw


    Full Text Available Background. Duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs are an uncommon malignancy of the gastrointestinal (GI tract. We present a case of life-threatening haemorrhage caused by a large ulcerating duodenal GIST arising from the third part of the duodenum managed by a limited duodenal wedge resection. Case Presentation. A 61-year-old patient presented with acute life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding. After oesophagogastroduodenoscopy failed to demonstrate the source of bleeding, a 5 cm ulcerating exophytic mass originating from the third part of the duodenum was identified at laparotomy. A successful limited wedge resection of the tumour mass was performed. Histopathology subsequently confirmed a duodenal GIST. The patient remained well at 12-month followup with no evidence of local recurrence or metastatic spread. Conclusion. Duodenal GISTs can present with life-threatening upper GI haemorrhage. In the context of acute haemorrhage, even relatively large duodenal GISTs can be treated by limited wedge resection. This is a preferable alternative to duodenopancreatectomy with lower morbidity and mortality but comparable oncological outcome.

  4. Duodenal atresia with 'apple-peel configuration' of the ileum and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    According to the current understanding, duodenal atresia is considered to be a primary malformation resulting from the errors in recanalisation in early gestation. We report a rare case of duodenal atresia with apple-peel configuration of remaining small bowel with absent superior mesenteric artery in a preterm child, which ...

  5. Novel deployment of a covered duodenal stent in open surgery to facilitate closure of a malignant duodenal perforation

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    Psaila Josephine


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Its a dilemma to attempt a palliative procedure to debulk the tumour and/or prevent future obstructive complications in a locally advanced intra abdominal malignancy. Case presentation A 38 year old Vietnamese man presented with a carcinoma of the colon which had invaded the gallbladder and duodenum with a sealed perforation of the second part of the duodenum. Following surgical exploration, it was evident that primary closure of the perforated duodenum was not possible due to the presence of unresectable residual tumour. Conclusion We describe a novel technique using a covered duodenal stent deployed at open surgery to aid closure of a malignant duodenal perforation.

  6. Percutaneous Management of Postoperative Duodenal Stump Leakage with Foley Catheter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Jung Suk; Lee, Hae Giu; Chun, Ho Jong; Choi, Byung Gil; Lee, Sang Hoon; Hahn, Seong Tai; Ohm, Joon Young


    Purpose: This study was designed to evaluate retrospectively the safety and efficacy of the percutaneous management of duodenal stump leakage with a Foley catheter after subtotal gastrectomy. Methods: Ten consecutive patients (M:F = 9:1, median age: 64 years) were included in this retrospective study. The duodenal stump leakages were diagnosed in all the patients within a median of 10 days (range, 6–20). At first, the patients underwent percutaneous drainage on the day of or the day after confirmation of the presence of duodenal stump leakage, and then the Foley catheters were replaced at a median of 9 days (range, 6–38) after the percutaneous drainage. Results: Foley catheters were placed successfully in the duodenal lumen of all the patients under a fluoroscopic guide. No complication was observed during and after the procedures in all the patients. All of the patients started a regular diet 1 day after the Foley catheter placement. The patients were discharged at a median of 7 days (range, 5–14) after the Foley catheter placement. The catheters were removed in an outpatient clinic 10–58 days (median, 28) after the Foley catheter placement. Conclusions: Fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous Foley catheter placement may be a safe and effective treatment option for postoperative duodenal stump leakage and may allow for shorter hospital stays, earlier oral intake, and more effective control of leakage sites

  7. Why is the coexistence of gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer rare? Examination of factors related to both gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer. (United States)

    Ubukata, Hideyuki; Nagata, Hiroyuki; Tabuchi, Takanobu; Konishi, Satoru; Kasuga, Teruhiko; Tabuchi, Takafumi


    The coexistence of gastric cancer with duodenal ulcer has been found empirically to be rare, but why it is rare is difficult to explain satisfactorily. To elucidate this question, we carried out a literature review of the subject. The frequency with which the two diseases coexist is 0.1-1.7%, and the main factor associated with both gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer is Helicobacter pylori infection. However, there are marked differences between the disorders of hyperchlorhydria in duodenal ulcer, and hypochlorhydria in gastric cancer. The most acceptable view of the reason for the difference may be that the acquisition of H. pylori infection occurs mainly in childhood, so that the time of acquisition of atrophic gastritis may be the most important, and if atrophic gastritis is not acquired early, high levels of gastric acid may occur, and consequently acute antral gastritis and duodenal ulcer may occur in youth, whereas, in elderly individuals, persistent H. pylori infections and the early appearance of atrophic gastritis may be the causes of low gastric acid, and consequently gastric cancer may occur. In patients with duodenal ulcer, factors such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and dupA-H. pylori strains may contribute to preventing the early acquisition of atrophic gastritis, while acid-suppressive therapy and vascular endothelial growth factor and other entities may inhibit atrophic gastritis. In contrast, in gastric cancer, factors such as excessive salt intake, acid-suppressive therapy, polymorphisms of inflammatory cytokines, and the homB-H. pylori strain may contribute to the early acquisition of atrophic gastritis, while factors such as NSAIDs; fruits and vegetables; vitamins A, C, and E; and good nutrition may inhibit it.

  8. Perforated duodenal ulcer -a rare cause of acute abdomen in pregnancy. (United States)

    Goel, Bharti; Rani, Jyotsna; Huria, Anju; Gupta, Pratiksha; Dalal, Usha


    Acute abdomen during pregnancy is a medico-surgical emergency demanding concerted, synchronized specialties approach of obstetrician, surgeon and gastroenterologist. Duodenal perforation is one of the rarer causes of acute abdomen in pregnancy. Here, we report a case of duodenal perforation with peritonitis in third trimester of pregnancy requiring surgical management. Our aim of reporting this case is to stress the physicians to keep the differential of duodenal perforation also in mind while dealing with cases of acute abdomen in pregnancy and to proceed with multidisciplinary approach for better feto-maternal outcome.

  9. Hipospadia severa con defecto concurrente del pene, escroto y prepucio en canino


    Torres, J; Sato, A; Torres, O


    Desde que llegó a la casa, a los 28 días, se notó que no presentaba cola y no orinaba por el pene, lo hizo siempre por un orificio debajo del ano. Es el nacimiento de un cruce entre hermanos, fue el único sobreviviente de una camada de 6 cachorros. Los testículos se fuerondesarrollando con el tiempo, presenta libido, que lo demuestra montando otros perros. Se le aplicó solo una inmunización a los 3 meses con una vacuna completa (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospira icterohemorragica y canicola, P...

  10. Duodenal nodularity in children: A clinical and pathologic study of 17 cases

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    Çaltepe Dinler Gönül


    Full Text Available Aims: Duodenal nodularity is an uncommon endoscopic appearance of numerous visible mucosal nodules in the proximal duodenum. In this retrospective study we aimed to determine the clinical significance and histopathologic features of duodenal nodularity in children. Materials and Methods: The medical records of the patients who were defined to have duodenal nodularity by endoscopy were reviewed. Statistical Analysis Used: The data were expressed as mean ± SD and percentages (%. Results: Seventeen patients with endoscopically defined duodenal nodularity were chosen. The mean age at diagnosis was 12.1 years (range: 6-17 years, 9 males. Abdominal pain (47% was the most common clinical symptom and antral nodularity (41% was the most common endoscopic finding in children with duodenal nodularity. Histopathologic evaluation of duodenal nodules revealed chronic inflammation in all patients, increased intercryptal and intraepithelial numbers of eosinophils in 70.5%, and villous atrophy in 47% of patients. Giardia infestation was demonstrated in 6 patients by histologic examination and/or Giardia lamblia-specific antigen positivity in stools. The clinical diagnoses of the patients have shown variations, such as celiac disease, giardiasis, secretory IgA deficiency, and Helicobacter pylori gastritis, and some of them were associated with the others. Conclusions: Although the endoscopic appearance is similar, clinical spectrum and pathologic features are not so similar and there are no specific histomorphologic findings for nodularity. The most demonstrative findings we observed in children were increased lymphocyte and/or eosinophil infiltration in the duodenal mucosa. We suggested that care should be taken in the evaluation of microbiological and immunologic etiologies causing this prominent inflammatory reaction.

  11. Composición genética de una población del suroccidente de Colombia

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    Liliana Córdoba


    Full Text Available La población actual del departamento del Cauca es el resultado de la mezcla de tres poblaciones parentales (europea, amerindia y africana. En este estudio se determinó la composición genética de 306 residentes del departamento mediante la utilización de 34 variantes autosómicas, 9 variantes en el cromosoma X, 6 en el ADNmt y 8 en el cromosoma Y. Los análisis de las variantes autosómicas y del cromosoma X revelaron que la población europea y la amerindia han contribuido en mayor proporción al actual acervo genético de la población estudiada. Los resultados de las variantes en el ADNmt y del cromosoma Y sugieren un fuerte sesgo sexual (flujo génico asimétrico en el proceso de mezcla, en el que los cruces interétnicos fueron principalmente entre los colonizadores europeos y las mujeres nativas.

  12. Duodenal endoscopic full-thickness resection (with video). (United States)

    Schmidt, Arthur; Meier, Benjamin; Cahyadi, Oscar; Caca, Karel


    Endoscopic resection of duodenal non-lifting adenomas and subepithelial tumors is challenging and harbors a significant risk of adverse events. We report on a novel technique for duodenal endoscopic full-thickness resection (EFTR) by using an over-the-scope device. Data of 4 consecutive patients who underwent duodenal EFTR were analyzed retrospectively. Main outcome measures were technical success, R0 resection, histologic confirmation of full-thickness resection, and adverse events. Resections were done with a novel, over-the-scope device (full-thickness resection device, FTRD). Four patients (median age 60 years) with non-lifting adenomas (2 patients) or subepithelial tumors (2 patients) underwent EFTR in the duodenum. All lesions could be resected successfully. Mean procedure time was 67.5 minutes (range 50-85 minutes). Minor bleeding was observed in 2 cases; blood transfusions were not required. There was no immediate or delayed perforation. Mean diameter of the resection specimen was 28.3 mm (range 22-40 mm). Histology confirmed complete (R0) full-thickness resection in 3 of 4 cases. To date, 2-month endoscopic follow-up has been obtained in 3 patients. In all cases, the over-the-scope clip was still in place and could be removed without adverse events; recurrences were not observed. EFTR in the duodenum with the FTRD is a promising technique that has the potential to spare surgical resections. Modifications of the device should be made to facilitate introduction by mouth. Prospective studies are needed to further evaluate efficacy and safety for duodenal resections. Copyright © 2015 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Perforated Duodenal Ulcer in a Young Child: An Uncommon Condition

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    Rohit Prasad Yadav


    Full Text Available Duodenal ulcer is an uncommonly diagnosed entity in children. H. pyloriinfection, blood group ‘O’ or secondary to medications like non steroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs (NSAID and corticosteroids or physiological stress in burns, head injury and mucosal ischemia are implicated as risk factors for their causation. The diagnosis is usually overlooked because of vague and variable symptoms and remote index of suspicion accounted for their low incidence in children. Undiagnosed or mistreated perforations may carry high morbidity and mortality. We report a successfully treated 41/2 year old male child who presented with features of perforation peritonitis and was incidentally found to have a perforated duodenal ulcer. Key Words: duodenal ulcer, laparotomy, perforation

  14. Gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to ulcer in duodenal diverticulosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramon Banos Madrid; Fernando Alberca de las Parras; Angel Vargas Acosta and others


    The reasons more frequent of high gastrointestinal bleeding are the peptic gastric and duodenal, followed by acute erosions and the varicose veins in oesophagus and stomach. The diverticulosis of the small bowel is a very rare reason of gastrointestinal bleeding, must considerate in patients with bleeding without evident reason in oesophagus and stomach, the habitual is to diagnose this entity of accidental form in the course of endoscopic procedures, radiological or surgical. The complications associated with the diverticulosis duodenal are rare; it justifies supporting a not surgical attitude at first

  15. Gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to ulcer in duodenal diverticulosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banos Madrid, Ramon; Alberca de las Parras, Fernando; Vargas Acosta, Angel and others


    The reasons more frequent of high gastrointestinal bleeding are the peptic gastric and duodenal, followed by acute erosion and the varicose veins in oesophagus and stomachs. The diverticulosis of the small bowel is a very rare reason of gastrointestinal bleeding, must considerate in patients with bleeding without evident reason in oesophagus and stomach the habitual is to diagnose this entity of occidental form in the course of endoscopic procedures, radiological of surgical. The complications associated with the diverticulosis duodenal are rare; it justifies supporting a not surgical attitude at first

  16. Acyclovir in the prevention of duodenal ulcer recurrence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rune, S J; Linde, J; Bonnevie, O


    This study tests the hypothesis that reactivation of a latent herpes simplex virus infection may be a cause of recurrent duodenal ulceration. Patients with recently healed duodenal ulcer were entered into a double blind, randomised study of maintenance treatment with the antiviral drug acyclovir...... (400 mg bid) versus placebo, to determine if suppression of herpes virus infection would influence the natural history of the ulcer disease. One hundred and fifteen patients entered the trial and 76 patients completed it according to the protocol. Endoscopy was performed when ulcer symptoms recurred...

  17. Dopamine enhances duodenal epithelial permeability via the dopamine D5 receptor in rodent. (United States)

    Feng, X-Y; Zhang, D-N; Wang, Y-A; Fan, R-F; Hong, F; Zhang, Y; Li, Y; Zhu, J-X


    The intestinal barrier is made up of epithelial cells and intercellular junctional complexes to regulate epithelial ion transport and permeability. Dopamine (DA) is able to promote duodenal epithelial ion transport through D1-like receptors, which includes subtypes of D 1 (D 1 R) and D 5 (D 5 R), but whether D1-like receptors influence the duodenal permeability is unclear. FITC-dextran permeability, short-circuit current (I SC ), Western blot, immunohistochemistry and ELISA were used in human D 5 R transgenic mice and hyperendogenous enteric DA (HEnD) rats in this study. Dopamine induced a downward deflection in I SC and an increase in FITC-dextran permeability of control rat duodenum, which were inhibited by the D1-like receptor antagonist, SCH-23390. However, DA decreased duodenal transepithelial resistance (TER), an effect also reversed by SCH-23390. A strong immunofluorescence signal for D 5 R, but not D 1 R, was observed in the duodenum of control rat. In human D 5 R knock-in transgenic mice, duodenal mucosa displayed an increased basal I SC with high FITC-dextran permeability and decreased TER with a lowered expression of tight junction proteins, suggesting attenuated duodenal barrier function in these transgenic mice. D 5 R knock-down transgenic mice manifested a decreased basal I SC with lowered FITC-dextran permeability. Moreover, an increased FITC-dextran permeability combined with decreased TER and tight junction protein expression in duodenal mucosa were also observed in HEnD rats. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that DA enhances duodenal permeability of control rat via D 5 R, which provides new experimental and theoretical evidence for the influence of DA on duodenal epithelial barrier function. © 2016 Scandinavian Physiological Society. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Omeprazole promotes proximal duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mertz-Nielsen, Anette; Hillingsø, J; Bukhave, Klaus


    this incidental finding is explained by more potent gastric acid inhibition by omeprazole or might be caused by the different mode of drug action. Basal and stimulated gastric and duodenal bicarbonate secretion rates were measured in the same subjects in control experiments (n=17) and after pretreatment with high......H 6.9 v 6.8; p>0.05). Omeprazole caused higher rates of basal (mean (SEM)) (597 (48) v 351 (39) mu mol/h; pstimulated (834 (72) v 474 (66) mu mol/h; pstimulated (3351 (678) v 2550 (456) mu mol/h; p>0.05) duodenal bicarbonate secretion compared with control...... experiments. Also the combination of omeprazole and ranitidine increased (p=0.05) duodenal bicarbonate secretion, while ranitidine alone caused no change in either basal or stimulated secretion. In the stomach basal as well as vagally stimulated bicarbonate secretion was independent of the means of acid...

  19. An Option of Conservative Management of a Duodenal Injury Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    MA Modi


    Full Text Available Duodenal injury following laparoscopic cholecystectomy is rare complications with catastrophic sequelae. Most injuries are attributed to thermal burns with electrocautery following adhesiolysis and have a delayed presentation requiring surgical intervention. We present a case of a 47-year-old gentleman operated on for laparoscopic cholecystectomy with a bilious drain postoperatively; for which an ERC was done showing choledocholithiasis with cystic duct stump blow-out and a drain in the duodenum suggestive of an iatrogenic duodenal injury. He was managed conservatively like a duodenal fistula and recovered without undergoing any intervention.

  20. Changing trend in emergency surgery for perforated duodenal ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gurteyik, E.


    Objective: To evaluate changes in the emergency surgery of the duodenal ulcer. Subjects and Methods: Hospital records of 523 surgically treated patients, with duodenal ulcer perforation, during the period of 25 years 91975-1999) in the same surgical department, was retrospectively analysed. Changing aspects of emergency surgery of peptic ulcer disease, in the recent period, were determined in respect to number of operations per year and in the choice of operative methods. Results: The average number of patients and emergency operations per year was 21. No significant change was observed during the study period. Elective operations gradually decreased in the last ten years, and none was performed in the last 4 years. On the other hand, 226 emergency interventions for duodenal ulcer perforation were performed in the last ten years and 84 interventions in the last 4 years. Definitive anti-ulcer surgery was performed in 42% of patients between 1985 and 1994. Simple closure of the perforation plus treatment with proton pump inhibitors and with anti-Helicobacter pylori medication was the method in 80% during the last year. Conclusion: Emergency surgery for perforated duodenal ulcer preserves its steady rate despite disappearance of elective operations after tremendous progress in medical control of peptic ulcer disease. There is an obvious return from definitive anti-ulcer surgery to simple closure of the perforation followed by antisecretory and antibacterial medications in the recent years. (author)

  1. CpG island methylator phenotype and its association with malignancy in sporadic duodenal adenomas. (United States)

    Sun, Lifeng; Guzzetta, Angela A; Fu, Tao; Chen, Jinming; Jeschke, Jana; Kwak, Ruby; Vatapalli, Rajita; Baylin, Stephen B; Iacobuzio-Donahue, Christine A; Wolfgang, Christopher L; Ahuja, Nita


    CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) has been found in multiple precancerous and cancerous lesions, including colorectal adenomas, colorectal cancers, and duodenal adenocarcinomas. There are no reports in the literature of a relationship between CIMP status and clinicopathologic features of sporadic duodenal adenomas. This study sought to elucidate the role of methylation in duodenal adenomas and correlate it with KRAS and BRAF mutations. CIMP+ (with more than 2 markers methylated) was seen in 33.3% of duodenal adenomas; 61% of these CIMP+ adenomas were CIMP-high (with more than 3 markers methylated). Furthermore, CIMP+ status significantly correlated with older age of patients, larger size and villous type of tumor, coexistent dysplasia and periampullary location. MLH1 methylation was seen in 11.1% of duodenal adenomas and was significantly associated with CIMP+ tumors, while p16 methylation was an infrequent event. KRAS mutations were frequent and seen in 26.3% of adenomas; however, no BRAF mutations were detected. Furthermore, CIMP-high status was associated with larger size and villous type of tumor and race (non-white). These results suggest that CIMP+ duodenal adenomas may have a higher risk for developing malignancy and may require more aggressive management and surveillance.

  2. ¿El principio del fin o el fin del principio? - Apuntes para una revolución

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    Dr. Ángel Luis Acosta Romero


    Full Text Available Al final del segundo milenio nos encontramos, sin duda, en una encrucijada histórica. Y no creemos que se trate sólo, aunque también, de un tópico repetido, y, casi siempre, adornado con tintes apocalípticos. Una encrucijada es un cruce de caminos, es decir, la duda y la apertura a distintas posibilidades. La duda, es cierto, nos obliga elegir. La libertad, en este caso, se nos impone. Debemos elegir y debemos hacerlo siendo conscientes de nuestros límites y de nuestras potencialidades. La crisis de la sociedad -de un modelo de sociedad- refleja y es reflejada por la crisis del conocimiento. Ya sabemos que el sujeto y el objeto se configuran mutuamente y no pueden ser aislados artificialmente. Afrontar la revolución en el conocimiento es afrontar, al mismo tiempo, una revolución política, es decir, una revolución integral, en la que el hombre (la humanidad se reconozca en su devenir complejo (homo sapiens/demens le llama Morin.


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    Ana María Castillo Hinojosa


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo central llegar a una vinculación entre algunas teorías del checo Vilém Flusser y las nociones de obra y los límites de la interpretación de Umberto Eco. Esto a raíz de las aportaciones de Flusser sobre el cambio en la noción de obra, y su relación con los medios dialógicos, tema que si bien no ha sido abordado abiertamente por Eco, en sus textos se pueden encontrar varios puntos disímiles con los planteamientos teóricos del checo, quien efectivamente lo menciona en uno de sus escritos. Es un intento por entrecruzar las miradas de dos teóricos en un ejercicio dialógico, desde la perspectiva que más adelante entregará Vilem Flusser, quien plantea una interesante discusión desde la comunicación, pero no se restringe sólo a ese ámbito, sino que se abre a la posibilidad de discutir más allá de la disciplina, en un cruce que se plantea desde la elaboración de textos, pero que sin duda invita la ampliación de los puntos de vista sobre cultura y sociedad...(Continúa

  4. Groove Pancreatitis with Biliary and Duodenal Stricture: An Unusual Cause of Obstructive Jaundice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Gravito-Soares


    Discussion: Groove pancreatitis is a benign cause of obstructive jaundice, whose main differential diagnosis is duodenal or pancreatic neoplasia. When this condition causes duodenal or biliary stricture, surgical treatment can be necessary.

  5. Acute mesenteric ischemia and duodenal ulcer perforation: a unique double pathology

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    Haruna Lois


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Acute mesenteric ischaemia and duodenal perforation are surgical emergencies with serious consequences. Patients presenting with acute mesenteric ischaemia alone face a high mortality rate as high as 60% whereas those presenting with peptic ulcer perforation the mortality rates range from 6-14%. There are very few reported cases of patients presenting with this dual pathology. Case presentation We report a unique case of a 53 year old Italian lady who presented with acute mesenteric ischaemia and duodenal perforation. This is the first report of massive bowel ischaemia and duodenal perforation with no apparent underlying common pathophysiology leading to this presentation. Conclusion Early management in the intensive care unit and appropriate surgical intervention maximised the patient’s chances of survival despite the poor prognosis associated with her dual pathology. The rare pathology of the patient described can be explained by two possible hypotheses: peptic ulcer disease causing duodenal ulceration, which precipitated ischaemic infarction of the small bowel. The second hypothesis is the patient developed a stress related ulcer following ischaemic bowel infarction secondary to arterial thrombosis.

  6. Duodenal activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase induces vagal afferent firing and lowers glucose production in rats. (United States)

    Rasmussen, Brittany A; Breen, Danna M; Luo, Ping; Cheung, Grace W C; Yang, Clair S; Sun, Biying; Kokorovic, Andrea; Rong, Weifang; Lam, Tony K T


    The duodenum senses nutrients to maintain energy and glucose homeostasis, but little is known about the signaling and neuronal mechanisms involved. We tested whether duodenal activation of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is sufficient and necessary for cholecystokinin (CCK) signaling to trigger vagal afferent firing and regulate glucose production. In rats, we selectively activated duodenal PKA and evaluated changes in glucose kinetics during the pancreatic (basal insulin) pancreatic clamps and vagal afferent firing. The requirement of duodenal PKA signaling in glucose regulation was evaluated by inhibiting duodenal activation of PKA in the presence of infusion of the intraduodenal PKA agonist (Sp-cAMPS) or CCK1 receptor agonist (CCK-8). We also assessed the involvement of a neuronal network and the metabolic impact of duodenal PKA activation in rats placed on high-fat diets. Intraduodenal infusion of Sp-cAMPS activated duodenal PKA and lowered glucose production, in association with increased vagal afferent firing in control rats. The metabolic and neuronal effects of duodenal Sp-cAMPS were negated by coinfusion with either the PKA inhibitor H89 or Rp-CAMPS. The metabolic effect was also negated by coinfusion with tetracaine, molecular and pharmacologic inhibition of NR1-containing N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors within the dorsal vagal complex, or hepatic vagotomy in rats. Inhibition of duodenal PKA blocked the ability of duodenal CCK-8 to reduce glucose production in control rats, whereas duodenal Sp-cAMPS bypassed duodenal CCK resistance and activated duodenal PKA and lowered glucose production in rats on high-fat diets. We identified a neural glucoregulatory function of duodenal PKA signaling. Copyright © 2012 AGA Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. El visitante del Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, México. Análisis del comportamiento en un área natural protegida

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    Maribel Osorio García


    Full Text Available El artículo expone los resultados de una investigación realizada sobre los visitantes que llegan al Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca (PNNT ubicado en la región central de México. El estudio resulta novedoso porque se retoman las variables demográficas y psicográficas del análisis de mercado turístico para identificar los perfiles de visitantes de esta área natural. De esta manera, se realiza un análisis estadístico y cartográfico de los datos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de una encuesta estratificada que implicó hacer cruce de variables y el cálculo de desviaciones estándar para algunas de ellas. Finalmente, los resultados se confrontan a partir de los hallazgos de la aún limitada literatura científica producida en torno al visitante del turismo de naturaleza.

  8. Duodenal endoscopic findings and histopathologic confirmation of intestinal lymphangiectasia in dogs. (United States)

    Larson, R N; Ginn, J A; Bell, C M; Davis, M J; Foy, D S


    The diagnosis of intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) has been associated with characteristic duodenal mucosal changes. However, the sensitivity and specificity of the endoscopic duodenal mucosal appearance for the diagnosis of IL are not reported. To evaluate the utility of endoscopic images of the duodenum for diagnosis of IL. Endoscopic appearance of the duodenal mucosal might predict histopathologic diagnosis of IL with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity. 51 dogs that underwent upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy and endoscopic biopsies. Retrospective review of images acquired during endoscopy. Dogs were included if adequate biopsies were obtained during upper GI endoscopy and digital images were saved during the procedure. Images were assessed for the presence and severity of IL. Using histopathology as the gold standard, the sensitivity and specificity of endoscopy for diagnosing IL were calculated. Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) was diagnosed in 25/51 dogs. Gross endoscopic appearance of the duodenal mucosa had a sensitivity and specificity (95% confidence interval) of 68% (46%, 84%) and 42% (24%, 63%), respectively for diagnosis of IL. Endoscopic images in cases with lymphopenia, hypocholesterolemia, and hypoalbuminemia had a sensitivity of 80%. Endoscopic duodenal mucosa appearance alone lacks specificity and has only a moderate sensitivity for diagnosis of IL. Evaluation of biomarkers associated with PLE improved the sensitivity; however, poor specificity for diagnosis of IL supports the need for histopathologic confirmation. Copyright © 2012 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  9. Domperidone prolongs oral to duodenal transit time in video capsule endoscopy. (United States)

    Mcfarlane, Michael; Liu, B; Nwokolo, C


    Domperidone is thought to accelerate gastric emptying via D2 receptor antagonism at the gastro-oesophageal and gastro-duodenal junctions. Listed in the BNF as a prokinetic anti-emetic, it has been used in video capsule endoscopy (VCE) to accelerate capsule delivery to the small intestine. We audited VCEs performed at UHCW from 2011, when as standard practice, domperidone was given pre-VCE, to 2012, after its discontinuation due to doubts about its effectiveness. Thirty-one patients received oral domperidone 20 mg pre-VCE. Thirty-three patients underwent VCE without domperidone pre-treatment. After 2 h, if the capsule remained intra-gastric, gastroscopy-assisted duodenal delivery was performed. Data was analysed using Mann-Whitney testing. Median oro-duodenal transit was 13 and 30 min in the untreated and domperidone groups, respectively (p = 0.01). Median oro-caecal transit was 242 and 267 min in the untreated and domperidone groups, respectively (p = 0.02). No difference in duodenal-caecal transit was seen (p = 0.60). Six percent of untreated and 13% of domperidone VCEs required gastroscopy-assisted duodenal capsule delivery (p = 0.65). Unexpectedly domperidone delayed VCE gastric transit. Most studies on domperidone prokinetic effects have been in diabetic gastroparesis, demonstrating that domperidone can achieve good symptomatic relief, but with mixed results for gastric emptying. Our study suggests that any antiemetic effects of domperidone are not mediated through accelerated gastric transit.

  10. Palabra travesti en Pedro Lemebel

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    Hernán José Morales


    Full Text Available En los textos de Lemebel, la palabra se funda en una concepción del travestismo en la que se patentiza la disolución de fronteras como emblema de los cruces de los sujetos urbanos de la ciudad contemporánea. En ese sentido, dichos cruces construyen texturas del desplazamiento desde lo genérico, lo textual y lo temático que hacen de esa escritura una poética desestabilizadora, exótica y neobarroca.

  11. Surgical resection of duodenal lymphangiectasia: A case report (United States)

    Chen, Chih-Ping; Chao, Yee; Li, Chung-Pin; Lo, Wen-Ching; Wu, Chew-Wun; Tsay, Shyh-Haw; Lee, Rheun-Chuan; Chang, Full-Young


    Intestinal lymphangiectasia, characterized by dilatation of intestinal lacteals, is rare. The major treatment for primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is dietary modification. Surgery to relieve symptoms and to clarify the etiology should be considered when medical treatment failed. This article reports a 49-year-old woman of solitary duodenal lymphangiectasia, who presented with epigastralgia and anemia. Her symptoms persisted with medical treatment. Surgery was finally performed to relieve the symptoms and to exclude the existence of underlying etiologies, with satisfactory effect. In conclusion, duodenal lymphangiectasia can present clinically as epigastralgia and chronic blood loss. Surgical resection may be resorted to relieve pain, control bleeding, and exclude underlying diseases in some patients. PMID:14669360

  12. Lymphangioma causing duodenal obstruction in adult, rare presentation

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    Prashant W Khade


    Full Text Available A submucosal lymphangioma is a rare pathology in the alimentary tract. It is a benign entity of the lymphatic system. A duodenal lymphangioma is extremely rare and has an unknown etiology. Clinical and laboratory findings are nonspecific, and they are incidentally found by endoscopy and their treatment is surgical excision. Small lesions are often asymptomatic. Recently, the authors experienced a 62-year-old man, who had a duodenal lymphangioma, showing gastric outlet obstruction symptoms. A multidetector computed tomography abdomen study revealed a single submucosal cystic lesion in second part of duodenum. The lesion was successfully excised after Whipple′s procedure. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of lymphangioma.

  13. Ectopic Opening of the Common Bile Duct into the Duodenal Bulb: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Seong Su; Park, Soo Youn [Catholic University St. Vincent' s Hospital, Suwon (Korea, Republic of)


    An ectopic opening of the common bile duct into the duodenal bulb is a very rare congenital malformation of the bile duct, which may cause a recurrent duodenal ulcer or biliary diseases including choledocholithiasis or cholangitis. ERCP plays major role in the diagnosis of this biliary malformation. We report a case of an ectopic opening of the common bile duct into the duodenal bulb, which was detected on the upper gastrointestinal series.

  14. Effects of diphosphonate on kidney calcium content and duodenal absorption of 45calcium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goulding, A.; Cameron, V.


    In rats the relationships between EHDP-induced changes in serum calcium concentration, kidney calcium content and duodenal transport of 45 calcium were studied. Body weights and kidney weights were similar in all groups. EHDP administration was associated with an increase in serum calcium concentration and kidney calcium content, and a decrease in duodenal 45 calcium transport. In the EHDP-treated rats, there was a significant negative correlation between kidney calcium concentration and duodenal 45 calcium transport but no correlation between either kidney calcium content and serum calcium concentration (r = 0.116) or between serum calcium concentration and duodenal 45 calcium transport (r = 0.02). Further experiments will be needed to determine whether the demonstrated increase in kidney calcium content induced by EHDP administration was the cause of, or was secondary to, inhibition of 1, 25(OH) 2 D 3 synthesis. (orig./AJ) [de

  15. Duodenal intussusception secondary to web presenting as recurrent pancreatitis in a 7-year-old girl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tu, Long H. [University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT (United States); Kaweah Delta Healthcare District, Graduate Medical Education, Visalia, CA (United States); Villalona, Gustavo A. [Yale School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Section of Pediatric Surgery, New Haven, CT (United States); SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children' s Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery, St. Louis, MO (United States); Cowles, Robert A. [Yale School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Section of Pediatric Surgery, New Haven, CT (United States); Silva, Cicero T. [Yale School of Medicine, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Section of Pediatric Radiology, 333 Cedar St., P.O. Box 208042, New Haven, CT (United States)


    Duodenal intussusception is a rare entity in children, with 32 cases reported in the English literature to our knowledge. Most reported cases are associated with endoluminal tubes or polyps, and the presenting symptoms are chronic and nonspecific. We report a case of duodenal intussusception in a 7-year-old girl secondary to a duodenal web and review the imaging findings. (orig.)

  16. Duodenal Hemorrhage from Pancreatic Cancer Infiltration Controlled through Combination Therapy with Gemcitabine and S-1

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    Ryoji Takada


    Full Text Available 2.6% of pancreatic cancer patients have the primary manifestation of gastrointestinal bleeding. It is not feasible to stop the duodenal hemorrhage caused by the pancreatic cancer infiltration. A 43-year-old woman who was diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer with multiple hepatic metastases and duodenal infiltration was administered gemcitabine and S-1 combination therapy. During the chemotherapy, initially, bleeding occurred due to duodenal infiltration. However, we continued the chemotherapy and duodenal infiltration was markedly reduced in size and did not rebleed. Aggressive chemotherapy contributed to maintenance of performance status as well as improvement of quality of life for the patient.

  17. Duodenal duplication cyst extending into the posterior mediastinum

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    Tuzun Sefa


    Conclusion: Duodenal and the other intestinal duplication cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of oral contrast enhanced intrathoracic lesions in thorocoabdominal computerised tomography imaging.

  18. Modeling data for pancreatitis in presence of a duodenal diverticula using logistic regression (United States)

    Dineva, S.; Prodanova, K.; Mlachkova, D.


    The presence of a periampullary duodenal diverticulum (PDD) is often observed during upper digestive tract barium meal studies and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). A few papers reported that the diverticulum had something to do with the incidence of pancreatitis. The aim of this study is to investigate if the presence of duodenal diverticula predisposes to the development of a pancreatic disease. A total 3966 patients who had undergone ERCP were studied retrospectively. They were divided into 2 groups-with and without PDD. Patients with a duodenal diverticula had a higher rate of acute pancreatitis. The duodenal diverticula is a risk factor for acute idiopathic pancreatitis. A multiple logistic regression to obtain adjusted estimate of odds and to identify if a PDD is a predictor of acute or chronic pancreatitis was performed. The software package STATISTICA 10.0 was used for analyzing the real data.

  19. Combined pancreatic and duodenal transection injury: A case report. (United States)

    Mungazi, Simbarashe Gift; Mbanje, Chenesa; Chihaka, Onesai; Madziva, Noah


    Combined pancreatic-duodenal injuries in blunt abdominal trauma are rare. These injuries are associated with high morbidity and mortality, and their emergent management is a challenge. We report a case of combined complete pancreatic (through the neck) and duodenal (first part) transections in a 24-year-old male secondary to blunt abdominal trauma following a motor vehicle crash. The duodenal stumps were closed separately and a gastrojejunostomy performed for intestinal continuity. The transacted head of pancreas main duct was suture ligated and parenchyma was over sewn and buttressed with omentum. The edge of the body and tail pancreatic segment was freshened and an end to side pancreatico-jejunostomy was fashioned. A drain was left in situ. Post operatively the patient developed a pancreatic fistula which resolved with conservative management. After ten months of follow up the patient was well and showed no signs and symptoms of pancreatic insufficiency. Lengthy, complex procedures in pancreatic injuries have been associated with poor outcomes. Distal pancreatectomy or Whipple's procedure for trauma are viable options for complete pancreatic transections. But when there is concern that the residual proximal pancreatic tissue is inadequate to provide endocrine or exocrine function, preservation of the pancreatic tissue distal to the injury becomes an option. Combined pancreatic and duodenal injuries are rare and often fatal. Early identification, resuscitation and surgical intervention is warranted. Because of the large number of possible combinations of injuries to the pancreas and duodenum, no one form of therapy is appropriate for all patients. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  20. Duodenal tuberculosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirza, M.R.; Sarwar, M.


    Tuberculosis is a world wide communicable disease caused by tubercle bacilli discovered by Robert Kock in 1882. In 1993 WHO declared TB as a global emergency due to its world wide resurgence. It can involve any organ of the body. Abdomen is the fourth commonest site of involvement in the extra pulmonary tuberculosis after the lymph-nodes, skeletal and Genito urinary variants. In the gastro intestinal tract tuberculosis can affect any part from the mouth to the anus but ileocaecal area is a favourite location. Duodenal involvement is uncommon and accounts for only 2.5% of tuberculous enteritis. Major pathogens are Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and bovis and the usual route of entry is by direct penetration of the intestinal mucosa by swallowed organisms. (author)

  1. Transarterial embolotherapy in patients with duodenal hemorrhage using microcoils and gelfoam particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Tae Beom; Kim, Young Hwan; Seong, Chang Kyu


    To assess the efficacy and safety of arterial embolotherapy in patients with massive duodenal hemorrhage. Between January 1999 and June 2002, 25 patients (age: 34-81, mean 58, male: 19, female: 6) underwent arterial embolization for duodenal hemorrhage after failed endoscopic therapy. The hemorrhage originated from duodenal ulcer in sixteen patients, from cancer with duodenal invasion in five patients, from endoscopic sphincterectomy in two patients, and from pseudoaneurysm complicating acute pancreatitis in two patients. Hemorrhage was detected at endoscopy and an attempt was made to treat it endoscopically in all patients, but failed in each case. At angiography, direct bleeding signs such as contrast extravasation or pseudoaneurysm were demonstrated in nineteen patients. In the six patients without angiographic evidence of bleeding, blind embolization of the gastroduodenal artery was performed based on the endoscopic examination. Microcoil and gelfoam particles were used as embolic agents. Hemostasis was achieved immediately after embolotherapy in 21 patients (84%). Bleeding recurred in 4 patients (16%), and of these cases, one was successfully treated purely by endoscopic means, a second was reembolized three times due to bleeding from the collateral vessels of the tumor and the two others were treated by surgery. After the procedure, six patients died (24%). The causes of death were disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, multiorgan failure, sepsis and acute renal failure. The underlying diseases of the deceased patients were cancers with duodenal invasion (n=4) and abdominal aortic aneurysm with ischemic colitis (n=1). Transarterial embolotherapy in the case of massive duodenal hemorrhage is a safe and effective procedure. Even in the absence of angiographic evidence of bleeding, blind embolization of the gastroduodenal artery is effective for patients in the surgically high risk group

  2. Relación del estrés oxidativo y la pérdida de peso obtenida en pacientes obesos mórbidos mediante cirugía bariátrica con la técnica del cruce duodenal


    Leonardo De Tursi Ríspoli; Antonio Vázquez Tarragón; Antonio Vázquez Prado; Guillermo Sáez Tormo; Ali Ismail Mahmoud; Marcos Bruna Esteban; Claudia Mulas Fernandez; Verónica Gumbau Puchol


    Introducción: El estrés oxidativo, presente de forma evidente en los obesos mórbidos, es un indicador del estado inflamatorio crónico que representa la obesidad y posible nexo de unión con sus comorbilidades, algunas de las cuales son un importante factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, por lo que la atenuación de su intensidad se ha convertido en un objetivo terapéutico. Material y método: Hemos intervenido de forma consecutiva, mediante la técnica quirúrgica d...

  3. A Lethal Complication of Endoscopic Therapy: Duodenal Intramural Hematoma

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    Turan Calhan


    Full Text Available Duodenal intramural hematoma (DIH usually occurs in childhood and young adults following blunt abdominal trauma. It may also develop in the presence of coagulation disorders and may rarely be an iatrogenic outcome of endoscopic procedures. Management of DIH is usually a conservative approach. A case of intramural duodenal hematoma that developed following endoscopic epinephrine sclerotherapy and/or argon plasma coagulation and that was nonresponsive to conservative therapy in a patient with chronic renal failure who died from sepsis is being discussed in this report. Clinicians should be aware of such possible complications after endoscopic hemostasis in patients with coagulation disorders.

  4. [Surgical tactics in duodenal trauma]. (United States)

    Ivanov, P A; Grishin, A V


    Results of surgical treatment of 61 patients with injuries of the duodenum are analyzed. The causes of injuries were stab-incised wounds in 24 patients, missile wound -- in 7, closed abdominal trauma -- in 26, trauma of the duodenum during endoscopic papillosphincterotomy -- in 4. All the patients underwent surgery. Complications were seen in 32 (52.5%) patients, 21 patients died, lethality was 34.4%. Within the first 24 hours since the trauma 7 patients died due to severe combined trauma, blood loss, 54 patients survived acute period of trauma, including 28 patients after open trauma, 26 -- after closed and 4 -- after trauma of the duodenum during endoscopic papillosphincterotomy. Diagnostic and surgical policies are discussed. Results of treatment depending on kind and time of surgery are regarded. It is demonstrated that purulent complications due to retroperitoneal phlegmona, traumatic pancreatitis, pneumonia are the causes of significant number of unfavorable outcomes. Therefore, it is important to adequately incise and drainage infected parts of retroperitoneal fat tissue with two-lumen drainages. Decompression through duodenal tube is the effective procedure for prophylaxis of suture insufficiency and traumatic pancreatitis. Suppression of pancreatic and duodenal secretion with octreotid improves significantly surgical treatment results.

  5. Intramural Duodenal Haematoma after Endoscopic Biopsy: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Claudia Grasshof


    Full Text Available The development of intramural duodenal haematoma (IDH after small bowel biopsy is an unusual lesion and has only been reported in 18 children. Coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia and some special features of duodenal anatomy, e.g. relatively fixed position in the retroperitoneum and numerous submucosal blood vessels, have been suggested as a cause for IDH. The typical clinical presentation of IDH is severe abdominal pain and vomiting due to duodenal obstruction. In addition, it is often associated with pancreatitis and cholestasis. Diagnosis is confirmed using imaging techniques such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography and upper intestinal series. Once diagnosis is confirmed and intestinal perforation excluded, conservative treatment with nasogastric tube and parenteral nutrition is sufficient. We present a case of massive IDH following endoscopic grasp forceps biopsy in a 5-year-old girl without bleeding disorder or other risk for IDH, which caused duodenal obstruction and mild pancreatitis and resolved within 2 weeks of conservative management. Since duodenal biopsies have become the common way to evaluate children or adults for suspected enteropathy, the occurrence of this complication is likely to increase. In conclusion, the review of the literature points out the risk for IDH especially in children with a history of bone marrow transplantation or leukaemia.

  6. Duodenal endocrine cells in adult coeliac disease. (United States)

    Sjölund, K; Alumets, J; Berg, N O; Håkanson, R; Sundler, F


    Using immunohistochemical techniques we studied duodenal biopsies from 18 patients with coeliac disease and 24 patients with normal duodenal morphology. We had access to antisera against the following gastrointestinal peptides: cholecystokinin (CCK), gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), gastrin-17, glucagon-enteroglucagon, motilin, neurotensin, pancreatic peptide (PP), secretin, somatostatin, substance P and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The somatostatin, GIP, CCK, and glucagon cells were increased in number in coeliac disease. The number of motilin cells was slightly increased, while secretin cells were reduced. Cells storing gastrin-17, substance P, or neurotensin were rare in all patients regardless of diagnosis. No PP immunoreactive cells were found and VIP was localised to neurons only. In biopsies from patients having a mucosa with ridging of villi the number of the various endocrine cell types did not differ from that in the control group. Images Fig. 2 PMID:385455

  7. The effect of dietary calcium and vitamin D3 on the duodenal cadmium transport in the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moriuchi, Sachiko; Otawara, Yoko; Hosoya, Norimasa; Noda, Setsuko.


    The effect of dietary Ca and vitamin D 3 on the duodenal Cd transport was observed in the rat using everted gut sac technique in vitro, 1. Duodenal Cd transport was significantly increased in vitamin D deficient rat, however, it was not influenced by dietary Ca. The duodenal tissue binding and/or uptake of Cd from mucosal incubation medium was neither influenced by vitamin D 3 nor dietary Ca. 2. The transported Cd to serosal medium was very little compared to the Cd binding and/or uptake of duodenal tissue, suggesting two steps mechanism for intestinal Cd transport. The first step is the transfer from mucosal medium to duodenal mucosa and the second step is from duodenal mucosa to serosal medium. The second step was influenced by vitamin D. These results suggested that a significant increase in hepatic Cd accumulation of vitamin D deficient rat could be ascribed to the increase in the intestinal Cd absorption. (author)

  8. Congenital duodenal obstruction with situs inversus totalis: Report of a rare association and discussion

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    Sharma Satendra


    Full Text Available This report is to present and discuss an extremely rare association of situs inversus with duodenal atresia in an 11-day-old male neonate born full term and weighing 1.9 kg. The baby presented with recurrent bilious vomiting. Babygram revealed situs inversus and duodenal obstruction. Echocardiography showed dextrocardia with a small ASD. Exploration confirmed a duodenal diaphragm with a central perforation between the third and fourth part of the duodenum and situs inversus. The literature search revealed 20 cases reported so far.

  9. Normal villous architecture with increased intraepithelial lymphocytes: a duodenal manifestation of Crohn disease. (United States)

    Patterson, Emily R; Shmidt, Eugenia; Oxentenko, Amy S; Enders, Felicity T; Smyrk, Thomas C


    To assess a possible association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the histologic finding in duodenal biopsy specimens of increased intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) with normal villous architecture. We identified all patients with duodenal biopsy specimens obtained between 2000 and 2010 showing increased IELs and normal architecture. Among the 74 such patients who also had IBD, we characterized the clinical features of IBD and reviewed all available upper gastrointestinal biopsy specimens. Fifty-eight patients had Crohn disease, 13 had ulcerative colitis, and three had IBD, type unclassified. No duodenal sample with increased IELs had other histologic features of IBD. Among gastric biopsy specimens from 34 patients with Crohn disease, nearly half (16) had focal gastritis. We propose that Crohn disease be included in the differential diagnosis for increased IELs with normal villous architecture in duodenal biopsy specimens, particularly when gastric biopsy specimens show focal gastritis. Copyright© by the American Society for Clinical Pathology.

  10. Septic Complication After Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration of Duodenal Variceal Bleeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akasaka, Thai; Shibata, Toshiya; Isoda, Hiroyoshi; Taura, Kojiro; Arizono, Shigeki; Shimada, Kotaro; Togashi, Kaori


    We report a 64-year-old woman with duodenal varices who underwent balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (B-RTO) complicated by intraprocedural variceal rupture. The patient developed shivering and a fever higher than 40 o C 3 days after the B-RTO procedure. A blood culture grew Entereobacter cloacoe. This case represents a rare septic complication of B-RTO for duodenal varices.

  11. Is epidermal growth factor involved in development of duodenal polyps in familial polyposis coli?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier


    Duodenal adenomas are a frequent extracolonic manifestation in patients with familial polyposis coli (FPC). Epidermal growth factor (EGF), a polypeptide that stimulates cellular growth and differentiation, is localized in Paneth cells in the small intestine. In two patients with FPC, we found EGF...... immunoreactivity in duodenal adenomas. Numerous EGF immunoreactive Paneth cells were localized, not as usually, in the bottom of the crypts, but scattered along the crypts alone or in clusters. We do not know whether EGF is involved in the development of duodenal polyps in FPC patients, or whether the present...

  12. An Unusual Cause of Duodenal Obstruction: Persimmon Phytobezoar. (United States)

    Fan, Shengxian; Wang, Jing; Li, Yousheng


    Duodenal phytobezoar, an unusual cause of acute duodenal obstruction, is rarely seen. The most common cause of this type of bezoar is persimmon. It frequently arises from underlying gastrointestinal tract pathologies (gastric surgery, etc.). Here, we report the case of a 66-year-old man who had undergone distal gastrectomy with Billroth I reconstruction for gastric cancer and experienced severe epigastric discomfort, abdominal pain, and vomiting for a few days. The abdominal computed tomography scan showed a large-sized mass in the horizontal portion of the duodenum. On following endoscopic examination, a large phytobezoar was revealed in the duodenum. He was treated with endoscopic fragmentation combined with nasogastric Coca-Cola. The patient tolerated the procedure well and resumed a normal oral diet 3 days later.

  13. Vascularized pedicle jejunal graft for closure of large duodenal defect in a dog. (United States)

    Massie, Anna; McFadden, Michael


    A Labrador retriever dog was presented for intestinal obstruction resulting in devitalization of portions of the duodenum. A severe perforation, accounting for 70% duodenal circumference, was present at the level of the duodenal papilla. A vascularized jejunal graft was used to close the perforation, representing novel utilization of this grafting technique.

  14. Ileocolic intussusception mimicking the imaging appearance of midgut volvulus as a result of extrinsic duodenal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gasparini, Flavia F.; Navarro, Oscar M.; Manson, David E.; Dasgupta, Roshni; Gerstle, J. Ted; Thorner, Paul S.


    Duodenal obstruction caused by ileocolic intussusception in the absence of intestinal malrotation is extremely rare. We present and discuss the imaging findings in an infant with an intussusception secondary to a duplication cyst in whom sonography also showed inversion of the orientation of the mesenteric vessels and a distended stomach. A contrast medium study revealed a proximal duodenal obstruction with a beak appearance suggestive of midgut volvulus. At surgery, an ileocolic intussusception causing duodenal obstruction without concomitant malrotation or volvulus was found. The combination of duodenal obstruction and abnormal relationship of the mesenteric vessels as a result of ileocolic intussusception has not previously been reported in the literature. (orig.)

  15. Ileocolic intussusception mimicking the imaging appearance of midgut volvulus as a result of extrinsic duodenal obstruction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gasparini, Flavia F.; Navarro, Oscar M.; Manson, David E. [University of Toronto, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Ont. (Canada); Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont. (Canada); Dasgupta, Roshni; Gerstle, J. Ted [University of Toronto, Division of General Surgery, Ont. (Canada); Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont. (Canada); Thorner, Paul S. [University of Toronto, Division of Pathology, Ont. (Canada); Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont. (Canada)


    Duodenal obstruction caused by ileocolic intussusception in the absence of intestinal malrotation is extremely rare. We present and discuss the imaging findings in an infant with an intussusception secondary to a duplication cyst in whom sonography also showed inversion of the orientation of the mesenteric vessels and a distended stomach. A contrast medium study revealed a proximal duodenal obstruction with a beak appearance suggestive of midgut volvulus. At surgery, an ileocolic intussusception causing duodenal obstruction without concomitant malrotation or volvulus was found. The combination of duodenal obstruction and abnormal relationship of the mesenteric vessels as a result of ileocolic intussusception has not previously been reported in the literature. (orig.)

  16. MRI findings of intrinsic and extrinsic duodenal abnormalities and variations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atman, Ebru Dusunceli; Erden, Ayse; Ustuner, Evren; Uzun, Caglar; Bektas, Mehmet [Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara (Turkmenistan)


    This pictorial review aims to illustrate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and presentation patterns of anatomical variations and various benign and malignant pathologies of the duodenum, including sphincter contraction, major papilla variation, prominent papilla, diverticulum, annular pancreas, duplication cysts, choledochocele, duodenal wall thickening secondary to acute pancreatitis, postbulbar stenosis, celiac disease, fistula, choledochoduodenostomy, external compression, polyps, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, ampullary carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. MRI is a useful imaging tool for demonstrating duodenal pathology and its anatomic relationships with adjacent organs, which is critical for establishing correct diagnosis and planning appropriate treatment, especially for surgery.

  17. Helicobacter pylori hrgA, A Novel Discriminatory Biomarker for Duodenal Ulcer Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amin Talebi-Bezmin-Abadi


    Full Text Available Background: Helicobacter pylori is a major human gastric for various gastro duodenal diseases.A number of putative virulence factors such as dupA, homB, tnpA have been described. To date,none were found to be significantly associated with specific H. pylori-related diseases (e.g. gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer.Methods: the primary aim of this study was to test the H. pylori hrgA genotype isolated from 253 Iranian symptomatic patients to investigate possible association with clinical outcomes. The positive culture results were confirmed by glmM (genetic control for H. pylori PCR assay.Results: The results showed hrgA gene was detected in 44/253 strains (17.3%. Prevalence of the hrgA gene was relatively high in strains isolated from duodenal ulcer patients (P=0.0063; Odd ratio: 3.54; CI 95%: 1.42-8.77.Conclusions: In contrast our findings showed that the prevalence of hrgA in our control group (gastritis patients was 22.7% (P>0.05. Conclusively, hrgA gene is a good candidate as a discriminatory biomarker for patients with duodenal ulcer

  18. Treatment and follow-up of a case of bleeding duodenal varix

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    Viveksandeep Thoguluva Chandrasekar


    Full Text Available Duodenal varices (DV are rare in patients with portal hypertension secondary to liver disease. Their tendency to bleed is less common than in gastroesophageal varices, but can sometimes produce a life-threatening bleed. They are often difficult to diagnose and treat. We present a case of a 35-year-old man with parenchymal liver disease admitted with complaints of hematemesis and melena. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed and a duodenal varix, with stigmata of a recent bleed, was noted in the second part of the duodenum. Five milliliters of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate glue was injected into the varix leading to obliteration. A follow-up study with an endoscopic ultrasound and repeat endoscopy showed near total obturation of the varix and success of the therapy. This report concludes that glue injection can effectively be used as a first-line treatment for bleeding duodenal varices.

  19. Choline Alleviates Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Duodenal Motility Disorder in Infant Rats. (United States)

    Zhu, Jie; Wu, Yang; Guo, Yonggao; Tang, Qingya; Lu, Ting; Cai, Wei; Huang, Haiyan


    Parenteral nutrition (PN) has been found to influence duodenal motility in animals. Choline is an essential nutrient, and its deficiency is related to PN-associated organ diseases. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate the role of choline supplementation in an infant rat model of PN-associated duodenal motility disorder. Three-week-old Sprague-Dawley male rats were fed chow and water (controls), PN solution (PN), or PN plus intravenous choline (600 mg/kg) (PN + choline). Rats underwent jugular vein cannulation for infusion of PN solution or 0.9% saline (controls) for 7 days. Duodenal oxidative stress status, concentrations of plasma choline, phosphocholine, and betaine and serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were assayed. The messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein expression of c-Kit proto-oncogene protein (c-Kit) and membrane-bound stem cell factor (mSCF) together with the electrophysiological features of slow waves in the duodenum were also evaluated. Rats on PN showed increased reactive oxygen species; decreased total antioxidant capacity in the duodenum; reduced plasma choline, phosphocholine, and betaine; and enhanced serum TNF-α concentrations, which were reversed by choline intervention. In addition, PN reduced mRNA and protein expression of mSCF and c-Kit, which were inversed under choline administration. Moreover, choline attenuated depolarized resting membrane potential and declined the frequency and amplitude of slow waves in duodenal smooth muscles of infant rats induced by PN, respectively. The addition of choline to PN may alleviate the progression of duodenal motor disorder through protecting smooth muscle cells from injury, promoting mSCF/c-Kit signaling, and attenuating impairment of interstitial cells of Cajal in the duodenum during PN feeding. © 2015 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.

  20. Triple-Tube-Ostomy: A Novel Technique for the Surgical Treatment of Iatrogenic Duodenal Perforation

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    Nobuaki Fujikuni


    Full Text Available Although duodenal perforation is currently an infrequent complication of medical procedures, its incidence in the future predictably will increase as endoscopic treatment of duodenal neoplasms becomes more frequently used. In some cases, duodenal perforation is difficult to treat even surgically. We report here a novel technique called ‘triple-tube-ostomy’ for the treatment of iatrogenic duodenal perforation. Since November 2009, there have been three cases of iatrogenic perforation of the duodenum, due to various causes, which we have treated with our novel technique. The main principles of the technique are biliary diversion, decompression of the duodenum, and early enteral nutrition. All patients who underwent the triple-tube-ostomy procedure had good postoperative courses, with few complications. The novel surgical technique we describe in this report is safe, reliable, easy to learn and perform, and led to a good postoperative course in all cases where we performed it.

  1. Empiric transcatheter arterial embolization for massive bleeding from duodenal ulcers: efficacy and complications. (United States)

    Ichiro, Ikushima; Shushi, Higashi; Akihiko, Ishii; Yasuhiko, Iryo; Yasuyuki, Yamashita


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of empiric transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) for patients with massive bleeding from duodenal ulcers. During January 2000 and December 2009, 59 patients with duodenal ulcer bleeding in whom TAE was attempted after endoscopic therapy failed were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into empiric TAE (n = 36) and identifiable TAE (n = 23) groups according to angiographic findings with or without identification of the bleeding sites. The technical and clinical success rate, recurrent bleeding rate, procedure-related complications, and clinical outcomes were evaluated. The technical and clinical success rates of TAE were 100% and 83%. The recurrent bleeding rate, clinical success, duodenal stenosis, and 30-day mortality after TAE were not significantly different between the empiric and identifiable TAE groups. A high rate of technical and clinical success was obtained with empiric TAE comparable to identifiable TAE in patients with massive bleeding from duodenal ulcers. There were no severe complications. Empiric TAE is an effective and safe method when a bleeding site cannot determined by angiography. Copyright © 2011 SIR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Covered duodenal self-expandable metal stents prolong biliary stent patency in double stenting: The largest series of bilioduodenal obstruction. (United States)

    Hori, Yasuki; Naitoh, Itaru; Hayashi, Kazuki; Kondo, Hiromu; Yoshida, Michihiro; Shimizu, Shuya; Hirano, Atsuyuki; Okumura, Fumihiro; Ando, Tomoaki; Jinno, Naruomi; Takada, Hiroki; Togawa, Shozo; Joh, Takashi


    Endoscopic biliary and duodenal stenting (DS; double stenting) is widely accepted as a palliation therapy for malignant bilioduodenal obstruction. The aim of the current study was to investigate the patency and adverse events of duodenal and biliary stents in patients with DS. Patients who underwent DS from April 2004 to March 2017 were analyzed retrospectively with regard to clinical outcomes and predictive factors of recurrent biliary and duodenal obstruction (recurrent biliary obstruction [RBO] and recurrent duodenal obstruction [RDO]). A total of 109 consecutive patients was enrolled. Technical success of DS was achieved in 108 patients (99.1%). Symptoms due to biliary and duodenal obstruction were improved in 89 patients (81.7%). RBO occurred in 25 patients (22.9%) and RDO in 13 (11.9%). The median times to RBO and RDO from DS were 87 and 76 days, respectively. Placement of a duodenal uncovered self-expandable metal stent (U-SEMS) was significantly associated with RBO in the multivariable analysis (P = 0.007). Time to RBO was significantly longer in the duodenal covered self-expandable metal stent group than in the U-SEMS group (P = 0.003). No predictive factors of RDO were detected, and duodenal stent type was not associated with the time to RDO (P = 0.724). Double stenting was safe and effective for malignant bilioduodenal obstruction. Duodenal U-SEMS is a risk factor for RBO. The covered self-expandable metal stent is the preferred type of duodenal SEMS in patients with DS (Clinical trial registration number: UMIN000027606). © 2017 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  3. Análisis de atracción de inversión extranjera a países de la Alianza del Pacífico

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    José Roberto Concha


    Full Text Available Esta investigación desarrolla un método para atraer inversión extranjera directa a países de la Alianza del Pacífico; el objetivo es identificar, a través de cruces estadísticos, empresas latinoamericanas con potencial de invertir en clústeres productivos de una región de la Alianza del Pacífico, para convertirla en una plataforma de transformación y distribución de bienes con destino final en otros mercados de la Alianza del Pacífico, aprovechando los beneficios arancelarios y las ventajas competitivas de esa región en el marco de dicho acuerdo. El análisis permite identificar seis empresas en Argentina, nueve en Brasil y catorce en Ecuador, con potencial de invertir en la región del Valle del Cauca en Colombia, en sectores como alimentos procesados, automotor, empaques y cuidado personal, entre otros.

  4. Constitutional Syndrome, Ascites and Duodenal Thickening Presenting as Groove Pancreatitis

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    Jose Maria Frutos Perez


    Full Text Available Groove pancreatitis (GP is a very infrequent subtype of chronic pancreatitis affecting the pancreatic-duodenal junction. It usually manifests in middle-aged men with a history of chronic alcoholism, though it has also been described in women and in individuals who do not consume alcohol[1]. Even though the underlying etiology is unclear, chronic alcohol consumption is known to increase the viscosity of the pancreatic juice and exacerbate the inflammatory process[2]. We present a case of GP that posed diagnostic difficulties because it manifested as ascites and duodenal thickening, with pancreatic imaging findings initially normal.

  5. Evaluation of endoscopically obtained duodenal biopsy samples from cats and dogs in an adapter-modified Ussing chamber (United States)

    DeBiasio, John V.; Suchodolski, Jan S.; Newman, Shelley; Musch, Mark W.; Steiner, Jörg M.


    This study was conducted to evaluate an adapter-modified Ussing chamber for assessment of transport physiology in endoscopically obtained duodenal biopsies from healthy cats and dogs, as well as dogs with chronic enteropathies. 17 duodenal biopsies from five cats and 51 duodenal biopsies from 13 dogs were obtained. Samples were transferred into an adapter-modified Ussing chamber and sequentially exposed to various absorbagogues and secretagogues. Overall, 78.6% of duodenal samples obtained from cats responded to at least one compound. In duodenal biopsies obtained from dogs, the rate of overall response ranged from 87.5% (healthy individuals; n = 8), to 63.6% (animals exhibiting clinical signs of gastrointestinal disease and histopathological unremarkable duodenum; n = 15), and 32.1% (animals exhibiting clinical signs of gastrointestinal diseases and moderate to severe histopathological lesions; n = 28). Detailed information regarding the magnitude and duration of the response are provided. The adapter-modified Ussing chamber enables investigation of the absorptive and secretory capacity of endoscopically obtained duodenal biopsies from cats and dogs and has the potential to become a valuable research tool. The response of samples was correlated with histopathological findings. PMID:24378587

  6. Endoscopic Decompression and Marsupialization of A Duodenal Duplication Cyst

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    Eliza I-Lin Sin


    Full Text Available Introduction: Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital foregut anomalies, accounting for 2%–12% of all gastrointestinal tract duplications. Surgical excision entails risk of injury to the pancreaticobiliary structures due to proximity or communication with the cyst. We present a case of duodenal duplication cyst in a 3 year-old boy who successfully underwent endoscopic decompression. Case report: AT is a young boy who first presented at 15 months of age with abdominal pain. There was one subsequent episode of pancreatitis. Ultrasonography showed the typical double wall sign of a duplication cyst and magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography showed a large 5 cm cyst postero-medial to the second part of the duodenum, communicating with the pancreaticobiliary system and causing dilatation of the proximal duodenum. He subsequently underwent successful endoscopic ultrasound guided decompression at 3 years of age under general anesthesia, and had an uneventful postoperative recovery. Conclusion: Endoscopic ultrasound guided assessment and treatment of gastrointestinal duplication cysts is increasingly reported in adults. To the best of our knowledge, only one case of endoscopic treatment of duodenal duplication cyst, in an older child, has been reported thus far in the paediatric literature. In this paper, we review the current literature and discuss the therapeutic options of this rare condition.

  7. Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection using urease rapid test in patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer: influence of endoscopic signs and simultaneous corporal and antral biopsies Diagnóstico de la infección por Helicobacter pylori mediante el test rápido de la ureasa en pacientes con hemorragia por úlcera duodenal: influencia de los signos endoscópicos de sangrado y de la obtención simultánea de biopsias de cuerpo y antro gástrico

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    M. Castro Fernández


    patients with combined antral and fundic biopsies. In group A, urease test was positive in 90.5% of patients; in group B, it was positive in 89.5% of patients, and in group C, the test turned positive in 75.4% of patients. Statistical differences were only reached when patients in group C were compared to patients in groups A and B together (p = 0.037. Conclusions: 1. The presence of either blood in the stomach or recent bleeding endoscopic signs appeared not to be the conditioning factor for the decreased sensitivity of urease test among patients with bleeding duodenal ulcer. 2. The decreased sensitivity of this test in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding is more evident during the resolution stage, and it does not seem to occur because of H. pylori migration from the antrum to the corporal gastric region.Introducción: la sensibilidad de los métodos diagnósticos invasivos de infección por H. pylori, especialmente el test rápido de la ureasa, disminuye en los casos de úlcera gastro-duodenal y hemorragia digestiva. Objetivos: valorar la influencia de la presencia de sangre en estómago o de signos endoscópicos de sangrado en la sensibilidad del test rápido de la ureasa en pacientes con hemorragia por úlcera duodenal, así como la influencia de la obtención de biopsias de cuerpo y antro gástrico. Pacientes y métodos: incluimos 120 pacientes, 85 varones y 35 mujeres, con edad media de 62 (18-88 años, con hemorragia por úlcera duodenal y diagnóstico endoscópico en las primeras 24 horas del ingreso. Ningún paciente había consumido antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, inhibidores de la bomba de protones o antibióticos en las dos semanas previas a la hemorragia digestiva, ni había recibido tratamiento frente a H. pylori. En este grupo seleccionado de pacientes admitimos una tasa de infección de prácticamente el 100%. Investigamos la infección por H. pylori mediante biopsias de antro (69 casos o de cuerpo y antro (51 casos gástricos para test de


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    Kishore Babu


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Perforated duodenal ulcer, the most catastrophic complication was Associated with high mortality in the past due to late presentation of the patients, delay in surgery and lack of antibiotics. Various authors state that the incidence of peptic ulcer disease and perforation has been declining for the past 3 decades. Because of advances in the medical therapy of peptic ulcer with a wide range of drugs the management of peptic ulcer disease has been changing and the role of surgery has been declining. Perforation is usually seen in 3rd and 4th decades with a male preponderance and the epidemiological trend is not the same worldwide. Incidence is slightly declining in western countries. The present study has been done during the period between 2013 and 2014 in S. V. R. R. Government general hospital Tirupati. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of the present study is to analyze the probable factors for increase in incidence of duodenal ulcer perforation, with particular emphasis on assessment of impact of H2 receptor antagonists and Proton Pump inhibitors on the incidence of perforation. STUDY SETTING S. V. Medical College, Department of General Surgery, Tirupati. STUDY PERIOD Patients attending S. V. Medical College, Department of General Surgery with perforation during the period from November 2013 to October 2014. INCLUSION CRITERIA Patients between age group of more than 14 years presenting with pain abdomen and who are diagnosed to have peritonitis due to duodenal ulcer perforation. EXCLUSION CRITERIA Patients with peritonitis due causes other than duodenal ulcer. STUDY METHOD Prospective Observational study among the selected patients. Total numbers of peptic ulcer cases that were admitted in this hospital and treated either medically or surgically were noted. The details of their clinical history and findings, investigation reports, operative findings, post-operative complications were recorded. Simple closure was performed for all the

  9. Extensión del Formalismo de Orbitales de Defecto Cuántico al tratamiento del efecto Stark (SQDO). (United States)

    Menéndez, J. M.; Martín, I.; Velasco, A. M.

    El estudio experimental de las interacciones de átomos Rydberg altamente excitados con campos eléctricos ha experimentado un creciente interés durante las dos últimas décadas debido, en gran medida, al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas para crear y estudiar átomos Rydberg en el laboratorio. Acompañando a estas nuevas técnicas experimentales, es necesario el desarrollo de modelos teóricos que nos permitan contrastar sus medidas y conocer mejor los fundamentos de los mismos. Desde el punto de vista teórico el conocimiento del desdoblamiento de los niveles energéticos de un átomo en función de la magnitud del campo eléctrico aplicado (lo que se conoce como mapa Stark) es el mejor punto de partida para la descripción del sistema y un prerrequisito fundamental para el cálculo de distintas propiedades atómicas en presencia del campo eléctrico tales como intensidades de transición, umbrales de ionización de campo eléctrico, tiempos de vida, posición y anchura de cruces evitados, etc. En este trabajo presentamos la adaptación del método de orbitales de defecto cuántico [1,2,3] al tratamiento del efecto Stark (SQDO) [4] y su aplicación al cálculo de los desdoblamientos energéticos y fuerzas de oscilador de estados Rydberg en los átomos de Li, Na y K. El propósito de este estudio es, por un lado, desarrollar métodos fiables para la determinación de propiedades atómicas en presencia de campos eléctricos y, por otro, mostrar la fiabilidad de las funciones de onda QDO en la descripción del efecto Stark en sistemas atómicos.

  10. Penetrating pancreatico-duodenal injuries: a 2-year experience at cmh peshawar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bashir, R.A.; Qasmi, S.A.; Waqas, A.


    Objective: To outline the various treatment options and outcomes in penetrating pancreatico-duodenal injuries with emphasis on the operative decision making strategies. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Surgery at Combined Military Hospital Peshawar, from 1st June 2008 to 30th May 2010. Patients and Methods: All combat casualties with penetrating pancreaticoduodenal injuries (PPDI) received in 'Emergency reception' of Combined Military Hospital, Peshawar were included. Data was taken from the patients medical charts and by personal evaluation and entered in a proforma. The variables used were age, sex, cause of the injury, haemo-dynamic status, conscious level, intensive care treatment duration, time to initial exploration, associated injury, grade of pancreatic injury according to Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index (PATI) scoring system, grade of duodenal injury (according to PATI scoring system), total PATI score, operative repair, total hospital stay, morbidity, and mortality. Results: Twenty three patients having either or both of PPDI were included in the study out of 196 combat casualities. No case was excluded on basis of presence of associated injury. Mean age was 29.26 years (SD+-6.489) with only one (4.3%) case of female gender, the rest were male patients or soldiers. Nineteen (82.6%) cases had primary mechanism/cause of injury being splinters from Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) or bomb blasts; while 4 (17.4%) cases had Gunshot Wounds. Eighteen (78.3%) patients were haemo-dynamically stable on arrival while 5 (21.7%) patients were unstable. Mean duration of stay in hospital was 10.6 days, with a range of 1-19 days (cases with high PATI score and un-stable haemodynamic status died with-in 24 hrs). Most cases of pancreatico-duodenal injury were of mild severity i.e. grade-1 or 2 and we encountered no case of grade-5 PPDI. Most commonly occurring associated injury was to small gut. Overall mortality was 6 (26

  11. The use of pyloric exclusion for treating duodenal trauma: case series

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Pereira Fraga

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Significant controversy exists regarding the best surgical treatment for complex duodenal injuries. The aims of this study were to report on a series of eight cases of duodenal repairs using pyloric exclusion and to describe reported complications or improvements in clinical outcomes among patients with complex duodenal trauma. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study followed by a case series in a university hospital. METHODS: Data on eight patients with duodenal trauma who underwent pyloric exclusion over a 17.5 year period were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: The causes of the injuries included penetrating gunshot wounds (GSW in five patients and motor vehicle accidents (blunt trauma in three patients. The time elapsed until surgery was longer in the blunt trauma group, while in one patient, the gunshot injury was initially missed and thus the procedure was carried out 36 hours after the original injury. The injuries were grade III (50% or IV (50% and the morbidity rate was 87.5%. Four patients (50% died during the postoperative period from complications, including hypovolemic shock (one patient, sepsis (peritonitis following the missed injury and pancreatitis with an anastomotic fistula (two patients. CONCLUSIONS: Pyloric exclusion was associated with multiple complications and a high mortality rate. This surgical technique is indicated for rare cases of complex injury to the duodenum and the surgeon should be aware that treatment with a minimalistic approach, with only primary repair, may be ideal.

  12. Automated spectrophotometric bicarbonate analysis in duodenal juice compared to the back titration method. (United States)

    Erchinger, Friedemann; Engjom, Trond; Gudbrandsen, Oddrun Anita; Tjora, Erling; Gilja, Odd H; Dimcevski, Georg


    We have recently evaluated a short endoscopic secretin test for exocrine pancreatic function. Bicarbonate concentration in duodenal juice is an important parameter in this test. Measurement of bicarbonate by back titration as the gold standard method is time consuming, expensive and technically difficult, thus a simplified method is warranted. We aimed to evaluate an automated spectrophotometric method in samples spanning the effective range of bicarbonate concentrations in duodenal juice. We also evaluated if freezing of samples before analyses would affect its results. Patients routinely examined with short endoscopic secretin test suspected to have decreased pancreatic function of various reasons were included. Bicarbonate in duodenal juice was quantified by back titration and automatic spectrophotometry. Both fresh and thawed samples were analysed spectrophotometrically. 177 samples from 71 patients were analysed. Correlation coefficient of all measurements was r = 0.98 (p titration gold standard. This is a major simplification of direct pancreas function testing, and allows a wider distribution of bicarbonate testing in duodenal juice. Extreme values for Bicarbonate concentration achieved by the autoanalyser method have to be interpreted with caution. Copyright © 2016 IAP and EPC. Published by Elsevier India Pvt Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Cost effective management of duodenal ulcers in Uganda: interventions based on a series of seven cases. (United States)

    Nzarubara, Gabriel R


    Our understanding of the cause and treatment of peptic ulcer disease has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. It was quite common some years ago to treat chronic ulcers surgically. These days, the operative treatment is restricted to the small proportion of ulcer patients who have complications such as perforation. The author reports seven cases of perforated duodenal ulcers seen in a surgical clinic between 1995 and 2001. Recommendations on the criteria for selecting the appropriate surgical intervention for patients with perforated duodenal ulcer are given. To decide on the appropriate surgical interventions for patients with perforated duodenal ulcer. These are case series of 7 patients who presented with perforated duodenal ulcers without a history of peptic ulcer disease. Seven patients presented with perforated duodenal ulcer 72 hours after perforation in a specialist surgical clinic in Kampala were analyzed. Appropriate management based on these patients is suggested. These patients were initially treated in upcountry clinics for acute gastritis from either alcohol consumption or suspected food poisoning. There was no duodenal ulcer history. As a result, they came to specialist surgical clinic more than 72 hours after perforation. Diagnosis of perforated duodenal ulcer was made and they were operated using the appropriate surgical intervention. Diagnosis of hangovers and acute gastritis from alcoholic consumption or suspected food poisoning should be treated with suspicion because the symptoms and signs may mimic perforated peptic ulcer in "silent" chronic ulcers. The final decision on the appropriate surgical intervention for patients with perforated duodenal ulcer stratifies them into two groups: The previously fit patients who have relatively mild physiological compromise imposed on previously healthy organ system by the perforation can withstand the operative stress of definitive procedure. The Second category includes patients who are

  14. Malignant pyloro-duodenal obstruction: Role of self expandable metallic stents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, S.; Ghazanfar, S.; Quraishy, M.S.


    Objective: To determine the outcome of duodenal stenting in palliation of patients with malignant pyloric and duodenal obstruction. Methods: The non-randomised prospective descriptive study was conducted at the Endoscopy Suite, Surgical Unit-IV, Civil Hospital, Karachi, from December 2007 to November 2010. All patients presenting with inoperable ampullary, pancreatic or biliary cancers causing duodenal obstruction and patients with resectable malignancy but unfit for surgery were included. The procedure was carried out by a single expert endoscopist under local or general anaesthaesia as required. Boston Scientific stents of variable sizes were used. Follow-up was done at 1 week, 1 month and 6 months. Data analysis was done using SPSS 15. Results: Over the study period, 159 (60%) males and 6 (40%) females were included in the study. The male-to-female ratio was 2:3. The overall age ranged from 25-80 years with a mean of 52.67+-15.07 years. Primary diagnosis was pyloric carcinoma in 7(46.6%), carcinoma Gallbladder in 4(26.6%), Duodenal carcinoma in 3(20%) and carcinoma head of pancreas in 1(6.6%). Relief of symptoms were seen in 11 (73.3%), while complications were seen in 2 (13.3%). Stents were inserted with technical success in 14 (93%) patients. Clinical success was seen in 11 (73%), with a mean survival of 74.27+-40.7 days (range: 15-180 days). No statistical significance was found when comparing the survival time with age, gender and diagnosis. Conclusion: Use of self-expandable metallic stents for gastroduodenal malignancies appears to be a feasible, safe and effective method, especially in those patients with limited life expectancy. (author)

  15. Spastic quadriplegia in Down syndrome with congenital duodenal stenosis/atresia. (United States)

    Kurosawa, Kenji; Enomoto, Keisuke; Tominaga, Makiko; Furuya, Noritaka; Sameshima, Kiyoko; Iai, Mizue; Take, Hiroshi; Shinkai, Masato; Ishikawa, Hiroshi; Yamanaka, Michiko; Matsui, Kiyoshi; Masuno, Mitsuo


    Down syndrome is an autosomal chromosome disorder, characterized by intellectual disability and muscle hypotonia. Muscle hypotonia is observed from neonates to adulthood in Down syndrome patients, but muscle hypertonicity is extremely unusual in this syndrome. During a study period of nine years, we found three patients with severe spastic quadriplegia among 20 cases with Down syndrome and congenital duodenal stenosis/atresia (3/20). However, we could find no patient with spastic quadriplegia among 644 cases with Down syndrome without congenital duodenal stenosis/atresia during the same period (0/644, P quadriplegia among 17 patients with congenital duodenal stenosis/atresia without Down syndrome admitted during the same period to use as a control group (0/17, P quadriplegia in patients with Down syndrome. Long-term survival is improving, and the large majority of people with Down syndrome are expected to live well into adult life. Management and further study for the various problems, representing a low prevalence but serious and specific to patients with Down syndrome, are required to improve their quality of life. © 2012 The Authors. Congenital Anomalies © 2012 Japanese Teratology Society.

  16. Childhood chronic gastritis and duodenitis: Role of altered sensory neuromediators. (United States)

    Islek, Ali; Yilmaz, Aygen; Elpek, Gulsum Ozlem; Erin, Nuray


    To investigate the roles of the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), substance P (SP), and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in chronic gastritis and duodenitis in children. Biopsy samples from the gastric and duodenal mucosa of 52 patients and 30 control subjects were obtained. Samples were taken for pathological examination, immunohistochemical staining, enzyme activity measurements and quantitative measurements of tissue peptide levels. We observed differential effects of the disease on peptide levels, which were somewhat different from previously reported changes in chronic gastritis in adults. Specifically, SP was increased and CGRP and VIP were decreased in patients with gastritis. The changes were more prominent at sites where gastritis was severe, but significant changes were also observed in neighboring areas where gastritis was less severe. Furthermore, the degree of changes was correlated with the pathological grade of the disease. The expression of CD10, the enzyme primarily involved in SP hydrolysis, was also decreased in patients with duodenitis. Based on these findings, we propose that decreased levels of VIP and CGRP and increased levels of SP contribute to pathological changes in gastric mucosa. Hence, new treatments targeting these molecules may have therapeutic and preventive effects.

  17. History of Helicobacter pylori, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer and gastric cancer. (United States)

    Graham, David Y


    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection underlies gastric ulcer disease, gastric cancer and duodenal ulcer disease. The disease expression reflects the pattern and extent of gastritis/gastric atrophy (i.e., duodenal ulcer with non-atrophic and gastric ulcer and gastric cancer with atrophic gastritis). Gastric and duodenal ulcers and gastric cancer have been known for thousands of years. Ulcers are generally non-fatal and until the 20th century were difficult to diagnose. However, the presence and pattern of gastritis in past civilizations can be deduced based on the diseases present. It has been suggested that gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer both arose or became more frequent in Europe in the 19th century. Here, we show that gastric cancer and gastric ulcer were present throughout the 17th to 19th centuries consistent with atrophic gastritis being the predominant pattern, as it proved to be when it could be examined directly in the late 19th century. The environment before the 20th century favored acquisition of H. pylori infection and atrophic gastritis (e.g., poor sanitation and standards of living, seasonal diets poor in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in winter, vitamin deficiencies, and frequent febrile infections in childhood). The latter part of the 19th century saw improvements in standards of living, sanitation, and diets with a corresponding decrease in rate of development of atrophic gastritis allowing duodenal ulcers to become more prominent. In the early 20th century physician's believed they could diagnose ulcers clinically and that the diagnosis required hospitalization for "surgical disease" or for "Sippy" diets. We show that while H. pylori remained common and virulent in Europe and the United States, environmental changes resulted in changes of the pattern of gastritis producing a change in the manifestations of H. pylori infections and subsequently to a rapid decline in transmission and a rapid decline in all H. pylori-related diseases.

  18. Monte criollo y Palermo. Cruce entre películas de gangsters, film noir y el imaginario del criollismo tanguero


    Pablo Setton, Román


    El siguiente trabajo analiza las películas Monte criollo (1935) y Palermo (1937), de Arturo S. Mom como dos ejemplos de las primeras aproximaciones del cine argentino al género policial o crime film. En ese sentido, discutimos los modos en que estas películas trabajan, por un lado, con motivos del cine negro y de las películas de gangsters, es decir, los modelos del cine clásico hollywoodense y, por otro, cómo fusionan estas tradiciones con elementos propios de la cultura popul...

  19. Histological outcome of duodenal biopsies in patients with clinically suspected celiac disease - a study of 100 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarfraz, T.; Khan, S.A.; Tariq, H.


    To see the histological outcome of duodenal biopsies done in patients clinically suspected of celiac disease. Study Design: Prospective descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Histopathology Department, Army Medical College Rawalpindi, from 1 Jan 2017 to 30 Jun 2017. Material and Methods: One hundred (100) cases were included in the study. Duodenal biopsies done in patients clinically suspected of celiac disease were included in the study. Inadequate biopsies were excluded from the study. All the normal and abnormal histological features were noted to make the diagnosis. Data was entered and analyzed by using SPSS version 17. Results: Duodenal biopsies of 100 patients, done in clinically suspected cases of celiac disease were analyzed histologically. Out of these 100 cases, 46 cases (46%) showed histological features consistent with celiac disease, while 38 cases (38%) revealed chronic non specific duodenitis, 2 cases (2%) were of giardiasis, while 14 biopsies (14%) were unremarkable with no significant pathology. Conclusion: A significant number of cases clinically suspected of celiac disease may not be showing histological features consistent with celiac disease on duodenal biopsies. Due to the changing presentation of disease, as well as the recognition of a number of potential clinical and histopathological mimics, communication between pathologists and gastroenterologists is essential for appropriate interpretation of duodenal biopsy specimens. (author)

  20. Duodenal Bulb Mucosa with Hypertrophic Gastric Oxyntic Heterotopia in Patients with Zollinger Ellison Syndrome (United States)

    Kohan, Emil; Oh, David; Wang, Hank; Hazany, Salar; Ohning, Gordon; Pisegna, Joseph R.


    Objectives. Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (ZES) results in hypersecretion of gastric acid (via gastrinoma) leading to peptic ulcers, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. We describe the novel discovery of hypertrophic, heterotopic gastric mucosa in the proximal duodenal bulb in patients with ZES, which we hypothesize results in an increased incidence of postbulbar ulcers in patients with ZES (a mechanism previously unreported). We determined the incidence of the novel finding of duodenal gastric oxyntic hypertrophic heterotopia (GOH) in patients with ZES. Methods. Seven patients with ZES were enrolled. The diagnosis of ZES was established by hypergastrinemia, gastric acid hypersecretion, and a positive secretin test or based on biopsy specimens (evaluated via tissue staining). Basal acid output (BAO) and baseline gastrin secretion were determined by established methods. Endoscopic examinations with methylene blue staining and biopsy of the gastric and duodenal mucosa were conducted in all patients every 3–6 months for an average of 5 years. Results. The duodenal mucosa demonstrated hypertrophic GOH in 5 out of 7 patients with ZES and an intact stomach and duodenum. Biopsies from the bowel mucosa demonstrated patchy replacement of surface epithelium by gastric-type epithelium with hypertrophic oxyntic glands in the lamina propria in 5 patients. Two of the patients had no evidence of GOH in the duodenal bulb. Patients with GOH had an average serum gastrin level of 1245 pg/mL and BAO of 2.92 mEq/hr versus 724 pg/mL and 0.8 mEq/hr in patients without GOH. Conclusions. This study demonstrated the presence of duodenal mucosa with GOH in 5 out of 7 patients with ZES and an intact stomach and duodenum. The presence of hypertrophic and heterotopic gastric mucosa is proposed to result from increased gastrin levels and may contribute to the increased incidence of postbulbar ulcers in these patients. PMID:19587828

  1. Duodenal Bulb Mucosa with Hypertrophic Gastric Oxyntic Heterotopia in Patients with Zollinger Ellison Syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emil Kohan


    Full Text Available Objectives. Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome (ZES results in hypersecretion of gastric acid (via gastrinoma leading to peptic ulcers, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. We describe the novel discovery of hypertrophic, heterotopic gastric mucosa in the proximal duodenal bulb in patients with ZES, which we hypothesize results in an increased incidence of postbulbar ulcers in patients with ZES (a mechanism previously unreported. We determined the incidence of the novel finding of duodenal gastric oxyntic hypertrophic heterotopia (GOH in patients with ZES. Methods. Seven patients with ZES were enrolled. The diagnosis of ZES was established by hypergastrinemia, gastric acid hypersecretion, and a positive secretin test or based on biopsy specimens (evaluated via tissue staining. Basal acid output (BAO and baseline gastrin secretion were determined by established methods. Endoscopic examinations with methylene blue staining and biopsy of the gastric and duodenal mucosa were conducted in all patients every 3–6 months for an average of 5 years. Results. The duodenal mucosa demonstrated hypertrophic GOH in 5 out of 7 patients with ZES and an intact stomach and duodenum. Biopsies from the bowel mucosa demonstrated patchy replacement of surface epithelium by gastric-type epithelium with hypertrophic oxyntic glands in the lamina propria in 5 patients. Two of the patients had no evidence of GOH in the duodenal bulb. Patients with GOH had an average serum gastrin level of 1245 pg/mL and BAO of 2.92 mEq/hr versus 724 pg/mL and 0.8 mEq/hr in patients without GOH. Conclusions. This study demonstrated the presence of duodenal mucosa with GOH in 5 out of 7 patients with ZES and an intact stomach and duodenum. The presence of hypertrophic and heterotopic gastric mucosa is proposed to result from increased gastrin levels and may contribute to the increased incidence of postbulbar ulcers in these patients.

  2. Simulation of unsaturated flow and solute transport at the Las Cruces trench site using the PORFLO-3 computer code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rockhold, M.L.; Wurstner, S.K.


    The objective of this work was to test the ability of the PORFLO-3 computer code to simulate water infiltration and solute transport in dry soils. Data from a field-scale unsaturated zone flow and transport experiment, conducted near Las Cruces, New Mexico, were used for model validation. A spatial moment analysis was used to provide a quantitative basis for comparing the mean simulated and observed flow behavior. The scope of this work was limited to two-dimensional simulations of the second experiment at the Las Cruces trench site. Three simulation cases are presented. The first case represents a uniform soil profile, with homogeneous, isotropic hydraulic and transport properties. The second and third cases represent single stochastic realizations of randomly heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields, generated from the cumulative probability distribution of the measured data. Two-dimensional simulations produced water content changes that matched the observed data reasonably well. Models that explicitly incorporated heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields reproduced the characteristics of the observed data somewhat better than a uniform, homogeneous model. Improved predictions of water content changes at specific spatial locations were obtained by adjusting the soil hydraulic properties. The results of this study should only be considered a qualitative validation of the PORFLO-3 code. However, the results of this study demonstrate the importance of site-specific data for model calibration. Applications of the code for waste management and remediation activities will require site-specific data for model calibration before defensible predictions of unsaturated flow and containment transport can be made. 23 refs., 16 figs., 3 tabs

  3. A new duodenal rendezvous technique for biliary cannulation in patients with T-tube after orthotopic liver transplantation (with video). (United States)

    Cantù, Paolo; Parzanese, Ilaria; Melada, Ernesto; Rossi, Giorgio; Conte, Dario; Penagini, Roberto


    Because a traditional rendezvous (RV) technique implies stretching of the papilla, possibly leading to post-ERCP pancreatitis, an alternative duodenal RV technique was evaluated. The aim was to assess the effectiveness, safety, and amount of time spent performing duodenal RV versus traditional RV cannulation in orthotopic liver transplantation patients with a T-tube. We retrospectively reviewed data from a prospective ERCP database held by our university hospital. Twenty patients with a T-tube who had undergone ERCP for biliary adverse events after orthotopic liver transplantation were included. The successful cannulation rate, the amount of time spent performing cannulation, the post-ERCP pancreatitis rate, and hyperamylasemia 24 hours after the procedure were recorded. Successful cannulation was achieved by the duodenal RV technique in 9 of 10 patients (90%), taking 146 seconds (interquartile range 63-341 seconds) with a short learning curve effect. An unsuccessful duodenal RV procedure occurred because of the angulation of the hydrophilic tip of the guidewire while crossing the papilla, thus preventing cannulation. Successful cannulation was achieved by the traditional RV technique in all cases (N = 11), including the failed duodenal RV technique, taking 374 seconds (interquartile range 320-410 seconds) (P < .05 vs duodenal RV). However, no post-ERCP pancreatitis occurred after using the duodenal RV technique compared with 2 episodes of mild pancreatitis after using the traditional RV technique. Twenty-four hours after the procedure, the median amylasemia level was 84 IU/L (interquartile range 49-105 IU/L) and 265 IU/L (interquartile range 73-2945 IU/L) for the duodenal versus traditional RV techniques, respectively (P = not significant). In patients with a T-tube after liver transplantation, the duodenal RV technique was not associated with post-ERCP pancreatitis, presumably because of the reduction of stress on the major papilla. Cannulation by using the

  4. Dosimetric Predictors of Duodenal Toxicity After Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy for Treatment of the Para-aortic Nodes in Gynecologic Cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verma, Jonathan [Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida (United States); Sulman, Erik P.; Jhingran, Anuja [Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States); Tucker, Susan L. [Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States); Rauch, Gaiane M. [Department of Radiology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States); Eifel, Patricia J. [Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States); Klopp, Ann H., E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States)


    Purpose: To determine the incidence of duodenal toxicity in patients receiving intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for treatment of para-aortic nodes and to identify dosimetric parameters predictive of late duodenal toxicity. Methods and Materials: We identified 105 eligible patients with gynecologic malignancies who were treated with IMRT for gross metastatic disease in the para-aortic nodes from January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2009. Patients were treated to a nodal clinical target volume to 45 to 50.4 Gy with a boost to 60 to 66 Gy. The duodenum was contoured, and dosimetric data were exported for analysis. Duodenal toxicity was scored according to Radiation Therapy Oncology Group criteria. Univariate Cox proportional hazards analysis and recursive partitioning analysis were used to determine associations between dosimetric variables and time to toxicity and to identify the optimal threshold that separated patients according to risk of toxicity. Results: Nine of the 105 patients experienced grade 2 to grade 5 duodenal toxicity, confirmed by endoscopy in all cases. The 3-year actuarial rate of any duodenal toxicity was 11.7%. A larger volume of the duodenum receiving 55 Gy (V55) was associated with higher rates of duodenal toxicity. The 3-year actuarial rates of duodenal toxicity with V55 above and below 15 cm{sup 3} were 48.6% and 7.4%, respectively (P<.01). In Cox univariate analysis of dosimetric variables, V55 was associated with duodenal toxicity (P=.029). In recursive partitioning analysis, V55 less than 13.94% segregated all patients with duodenal toxicity. Conclusions: Dose-escalated IMRT can safely and effectively treat para-aortic nodal disease in gynecologic malignancies, provided that care is taken to limit the dose to the duodenum to reduce the risk of late duodenal toxicity. Limiting V55 to below 15 cm{sup 3} may reduce the risk of duodenal complications. In cases where the treatment cannot be delivered within these constraints

  5. Symptomatic duodenal perforation by inferior vena cava filter. (United States)

    Baptista Sincos, Anna Pw; Sincos, Igor R; Labropoulos, Nicos; Donegá, Bruno C; Klepacz, Andrea; Aun, Ricardo


    Objectives Duodenal perforation by an inferior vena cava filter is rare and life threatening. Our objective is to find out number of occurrences and compare diagnosis and treatments. Method The reference list of Malgor's review in 2012 was considered as well as all new articles with eligible features. Search was conducted on specific databases: MEDLINE, Web of Sciences, and Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde. Results Most of the patients presented with upper abdominal pain and the use of radiologic studies was crucial for diagnosis. The most common treatment was laparotomy with filter or strut removal plus duodenum repair. However, clinical conditions of patients must be considered and the endovascular technique with endograft deployment into inferior vena cava may be an alternative. Conclusion Duodenal perforation by an inferior vena cava filter is uncommon and in high-risk surgical patients endovascular repair must be considered.

  6. Management of traumatic duodenal hematomas in children. (United States)

    Peterson, Michelle L; Abbas, Paulette I; Fallon, Sara C; Naik-Mathuria, Bindi J; Rodriguez, Jose Ruben


    Duodenal hematomas from blunt abdominal trauma are uncommon in children and treatment strategies vary. We reviewed our experience with this injury at a large-volume children's hospital. A retrospective case series was assembled from January 2003-July 2014. Data collected included demographics, clinical and radiographic characteristics, and hospital course. Patients with grade I injuries based on the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Duodenum Injury Scale were compared with those with grade II injuries. Nineteen patients met inclusion criteria at a median age of 8.91 y (range, 1.7-17.2 y). Mechanisms of injury included direct abdominal blow or handle bar injury (n = 9), nonaccidental trauma (n = 5), falls (n = 3), and motor vehicle accident (n = 2). Ten patients had grade I hematomas and nine had grade II. Hematomas were most frequently seen in the second portion of the duodenum (n = 9). Five patients underwent a laparotomy for concerns for hollow viscus injury. No patients required operative drainage of the hematoma; however, one patient underwent percutaneous drainage. Twelve patients received parenteral nutrition (PN) for a median duration of 9 d (range, 5-14 d). Median duration of PN for grade I was 6.5 d (range, 5-8 d) versus 12 d for grade II (range, 9-14 d; P = 0.016). Complications included one readmission for concern of bowel obstruction requiring bowel rest. This study suggests that duodenal hematomas can be successfully managed nonoperatively. Grade II hematomas are associated with longer duration of PN therapy and consequently longer hospital stays. These data can assist in care management planning and parental counseling for patients with traumatic duodenal hematomas. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Malignant duodenal obstructions: palliative treatment with covered expandable nitinol stent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyun Chul; Jung, Gyoo Sik; Lee, Sang Hee; Kim, Sung Min; Oh, Kyung Seung; Huh, Jin Do; Cho, Young Duk [College of Medicine, Kosin Univ, Pusan (Korea, Republic of); Song, Ho Young [College of Medicine, Ulsan Univ., Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the feasibility and clinical effectiveness of using a polyurethane-covered expandable nitinol stent in the palliative treatment of malignant duodenal obstruction. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a polyurethane-covered expandable nitinol stent was placed in 12 consecutive patients with malignant duodenal obstructions. All presented with severe nausea and recurrent vomiting. The underlying causes of obstruction were duodenal carcinoma (n=4), pancreatic carcinoma (n=4), gall bladder carcinoma (n=2), distal CBD carcinoma (n=1), and uterine cervical carcinoma (n=1). The sites of obstruction were part I (n=1), part II (n=8), and III (n=3). Due to pre-existing jaundice, eight patients with part II obstructions underwent biliary decompression prior to stent placement. An introducer sheath with a 6-mm outer diameter and stents 16 mm in diameter were employed, and to place the stent, and after-loading technique was used. Stent placement was technically successful in ten patients, and no procedural complications occuured. In one of two patients in whom there was technical failure, and in whom the obstructions were located in part III, the stent was placed transgastrically. Stent migration occurred in one patient four days after the procedure, and treatment involved the palcement of a second, uncovered, nitinol stent. After stent placement, symptoms improved in all patients. During follow-up, obstructive symptoms due to stent stenosis (n=1), colonic obstruction (n=1), and multiple small bowel obstruction (n=1) recurred in three patients. Two of these were treated by placing additional stents in the duodenum and colon, respectively. One of the eight patients in whom a stent was placed in the second portion of the duodenum developed jaundice. The patients died a mean 14 (median, 9) weeks after stent placement. The placement of a polyurethane-covered expandable nitinol stent seems to be technically feasible, safe and effective for the palliative treatment of malignant

  8. Duodenal perforation: after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: when to operate?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia Navarrete, Aldhem Francisco


    The mainly surgical management of duodenal perforation as the iatrogenicity of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is defined and protocolized through the exhaustive review of the most conclusive literature available on the subject. Bibliography on the management of post-ERCP duodenal perforation is reviewed in scientific databases, textbooks, publications of medical journals, MD Consult and Medline. A total of 60 bibliographical citations were reviewed; succeeding in defining the protocol on the management of this type of complications, thanks to the appropriate selection of the most conclusive citations and the greatest consensus on the subject. A total of 60 bibliographical citations were reviewed; succeeding in defining the protocol on the management of this type of complications, based on the appropriate selection of the most conclusive citations and the greatest consensus on the subject [es

  9. Role of duodenal mucosal nerve endings in the acid-induced duodenogastric sensorimotor reflex: effect of benzocaine in healthy humans. (United States)

    Vanuytsel, T; Karamanolis, G; Vos, R; Van Oudenhove, L; Farré, R; Tack, J


    Duodenal acid exposure induces a duodenogastric reflex resulting in gastric relaxation, inhibition of antral motility, and sensitization of the proximal stomach to distension. Duodenal hypersensitivity to acid has been identified as a potential pathogenic mechanism in functional dyspepsia. The nature and localization of the duodenal acid-sensitive receptors are still elusive. We hypothesize that acid directly activates superficial afferent nerve endings in the duodenal mucosa, triggering the duodenogastric reflex. In a double-blind, randomized, crossover study in 13 healthy volunteers, benzocaine, a local anesthetic, vs saline was perfused in the duodenum 15 min before duodenal acid perfusion. Gastric responses were monitored by a barostat. Stepwise isobaric gastric distensions were performed before and during acid perfusion. Symptoms were evaluated by visual analogue scales for six dyspeptic symptoms and an overall perception score. Benzocaine perfusion caused a relaxation of the stomach prior to duodenal acidification, indicating the existence of an excitatory duodenogastric tone. Pretreatment of the duodenum with benzocaine reduced the acid-induced gastric relaxation by 50% and abolished the inhibition of phasic motility of the proximal stomach. Finally, sensitization to distension was more pronounced in the benzocaine condition because of higher proximal gastric volumes. These findings support a model in which different neuronal subpopulations are responsible for the motor and sensory limb of the acid-sensitive duodenogastric reflex, making benzocaine an unsuitable drug to treat duodenal hypersensitivity to acid. These data provide more insight in the contribution of duodenal neuronal input to gastric physiology in the fasting state. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  10. The incidence of duodenal and gastric ulcers in a large health maintenance organization. (United States)

    Kurata, J H; Honda, G D; Frankl, H


    We report the incidence of peptic ulcers (duodenal, pyloric canal, gastric, and combined) verified by radiologic, endoscopic, or surgical evidence in a large Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) in Los Angeles, California. For members age 15 and above, the peptic ulcer incidence rate was 0.86 per 1,000 person-years (p-y) (males 1.10, females 0.63). The male to female sex ratio was 1.7. Two hundred twenty-two duodenal, 17 pyloric canal, 89 gastric, and 21 combined first-time diagnosed ulcer cases were located. For duodenal and pyloric canal ulcer, the incidence rate for members age 15 and above was 0.58 per 1,000 p-y (males 0.76, females 0.40). For gastric ulcer, the incidence rate for members age 15 and above was 0.21 per 1,000 p-y (males 0.23, females 0.18). The combined ulcer rate was 0.05 per 1,000 p-y (males 0.07, females 0.02). Gastric ulcer rates were two times higher in 1980 than in 1977. Peptic ulcer age-specific incidence rates increased with age. Incidence rates were much lower than those reported in previous studies, but the gastric to duodenal ulcer ratio and the age and sex relation to ulcer incidence were similar to those previously reported.

  11. Duodenal L cell density correlates with features of metabolic syndrome and plasma metabolites

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    Annieke C G van Baar


    Full Text Available Background: Enteroendocrine cells are essential for the regulation of glucose metabolism, but it is unknown whether they are associated with clinical features of metabolic syndrome (MetS and fasting plasma metabolites. Objective: We aimed to identify fasting plasma metabolites that associate with duodenal L cell, K cell and delta cell densities in subjects with MetS with ranging levels of insulin resistance. Research design and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated L, K and delta cell density in duodenal biopsies from treatment-naïve males with MetS using machine-learning methodology. Results: We identified specific clinical biomarkers and plasma metabolites associated with L cell and delta cell density. L cell density was associated with increased plasma metabolite levels including symmetrical dimethylarginine, 3-aminoisobutyric acid, kynurenine and glycine. In turn, these L cell-linked fasting plasma metabolites correlated with clinical features of MetS. Conclusions: Our results indicate a link between duodenal L cells, plasma metabolites and clinical characteristics of MetS. We conclude that duodenal L cells associate with plasma metabolites that have been implicated in human glucose metabolism homeostasis. Disentangling the causal relation between L cells and these metabolites might help to improve the (small intestinal-driven pathophysiology behind insulin resistance in human obesity.

  12. Alternative types of duodenal ulcer induced in mice by partial X irradiation of the thorax

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michalowski, A.; Uehara, S.; Yin, W.B.; Burgin, J.; Silvester, J.A.


    The present study extends our earlier observations on gastrointestinal pathology in thorax-irradiated female CFLP mice. It shows that exposure of the lower mediastinum to single doses of 14-30 Gy X rays results in the formation of the proximal duodenal ulcer accompanied frequently by erosion of the antral gastric mucosa. X irradiation of the lateral thoracic fields is responsible for single ulcers in the proximity of duodenal papilla, often associated with a circumscribed area of degeneration of the fundic mucosa of the stomach. In view of the small amount of radiation received by the subdiaphragmatic parts of the alimentary tract, these gastro-duodenal lesions represent abscopal effects of thoracic irradiation

  13. Selección de genotipos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L. con resistencia a escoba de bruja (Moniliophthora perniciosa en Los Ríos, Ecuador

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    Omar Miguel Tarqui Freire


    Full Text Available El Programa de Mejoramiento del Cacao y el Café en el INIAP EET-Pichilingue ha estado estudiando, durante varios años, los genotipos de cacao más altos (Theobroma cacao L. caracterizados por la resistencia genética a las principales enfermedades, especialmente la escoba de brujas (Moniliophthora perniciosa Factor limitante para su cultivo en varios países de América Central y del Sur. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar y seleccionar los clones de cacao con una baja incidencia de la enfermedad de la escoba de brujas. Se probaron 21 genotipos (14 resultantes de Amazonas x Amazonas y (4 de Amazonas x Cruces Nacionales. Entre la población derivada de cruces nacionales vs. nacionales, no se encontraron genotipos mostrando resistencia a la enfermedad. Además, se seleccionó INIAPT 074 del cruce entre CCN 51 x B 60 y TIP 1 y TAP 6 como clones de control. Se evaluaron las siguientes características: Número de mazorcas sanas (MS, Peso fresco (PF, Número de mazorcas enfermas (ME, Número de escobas vegetativas (EBveg, Número de escobas portadoras (EBcojin y Número de chirimoyas. Un análisis de componentes principales y un análisis de conglomerados se realizaron utilizando el método de Ward y se construyó un dendrograma para determinar la similitud entre las características productivas y sanitarias. Se determinó que los genotipos resultantes del cruce amazónico x amazónico: INIAPT 527, INIAPT 560 e INIAPT 526 presentaron menor incidencia de escobas y se identificaron como fuentes de resistencia genética a Moniliophthora perniciosa.

  14. The Modified Kimura's Technique for the Treatment of Duodenal Atresia

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    Biagio Zuccarello


    Full Text Available Background/Purpose. Kimura's diamond-shaped-duodenoduodenostomy (DSD is a known technique for the correction of congenital intrinsic duodenal obstruction. We present a modification of the technique and review the advantages of this new technique. Methods. From 1992 to 2006, 14 newborns were treated for duodenal atresia. We inverted the direction of the duodenal incisions: a longitudinal incision was made in the proximal duodenum while the distal was opened by transverse incision. Results. Our “inverted-diamond-shaped-duodenoduodenostomy” (i-DSD allowed postoperative oral feeding to start on days 2 to 3, peripheral intravenous fluids discontinuity on days 3 to 8 (median values 3.6; time to achieve full oral feeds on days 8 to 12 (median values 9.4; the length of hospitalisation ranged from 10 and 14 days (median value 11.2. No complications related to the anastomosis, by Viz leakage, dehiscence, biliary stasis, or stenosis were observed. Conclusions. The i-DSD provides a safe procedure to protect the ampulla of Vater from injury and avoids any formation of a blind loop. The results show that patients who have i-DSD achieve full oral feeds in a very short time period and, consequently, the length of hospitalisation is also significantly reduced.

  15. War, traffic and iatrogenic injuries of D3 duodenal segment

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    Ignjatović Dragan


    Full Text Available Background. Injuries of the duodenum at the level of aortomesenteric clamp (segment D3 are with a high incidence of death due to the development of fistula and peritonitis. In three successfully managed cases, we applied the biliary surgery method. Case reports. All three cases were with the injuries of D3 duodenal segment. The first patient suffered from the blast perforation of duodenum at the level of the aortomesenteric clamp which occurred at the 7th day after the injury. The second patient suffered from the duodenal injury caused in a traffic accident. The third patient suffered from an iatrogenic injury at the beginning of D3 duodenal segment inflicted during ureterolithotomy. The described surgical procedure included basically the suture to narrow the site of the injury, then lateroterminal anastomosis with the Roux-en-Y jejunal flexure and, finally, the placement of a silicone prosthesis starting from the duodenum through the site of injury and the Roux-en-Y out. Octreotide and the total parenteral nutrition were administered to the patients postoperatively. Conclusion. The use of the releasing silicone prosthesis in all three patients provided the repair of the site of the injury with anastomosed Reux-en-Y jejunum.

  16. Factors associated with gastro-duodenal disease in patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana. (United States)

    Archampong, Timothy N A; Asmah, Richard H; Wiredu, Edwin K; Gyasi, Richard K; Nkrumah, Kofi N


    There is a high prevalence of gastro-duodenal disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Peptic ulcer disease in dyspeptic patients, 24.5%, was comparable to prevalence of gastro-duodenal disease among symptomatic individuals in developed countries (12 - 25%). Limited data exists regarding its associated risk factors despite accumulating evidence indicating that gastroduodenal disease is common in Ghana. This study investigates risk factors associated with gastro-duodenal disease at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana. This study utilized a cross-sectional design to consecutively recruit patients referred with upper gastro-intestinal symptoms for endoscopy. The study questionnaire was administered to study participants. Helicobacter pylori infection was confirmed by rapid-urease examination at endoscopy. Of 242 patients sampled; 64 had duodenal ulcer, 66 gastric ulcer, 27gastric cancer and 64 non-ulcer dyspepsia. Nineteen (19) had duodenal and gastric ulcer while 2 had gastric ulcer and cancer. A third (32.6%) of patients had history of NSAID-use. H. pyloriwas associated with gastric ulcer (p=0.033) and duodenal ulcer (p=0.001). There was an increased prevalence of duodenal ulcer in H. pylori-infected patients taking NSAIDs, P=0.003. H. pylori was a major risk factor for peptic ulcer disease. However, NSAID-related gastro-duodenal injury has been shown to be common in H. pylori infected patients. It highlights the need for awareness of the adverse gastro-intestinal effects in a H. pylori endemic area.

  17. A brief analysis of patients suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers in Almaty hospital №1

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    Aryzbekova Aliya


    Full Text Available Peptic ulcers are a serious problem worldwide, and affect about 4 million people each year. Their etiology is connected with the presence of Helicobacter pylori, the act of smoking, drinking alcohol, being stress, and taking excessively nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as steroids. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, chest pain and fatigue, while less frequent symptoms include vomiting and weight loss. Helicobacter pylori is responsible for about 80% of gastric and 90% of duodenal ulcer cases. In this work, an analysis is made of a correlation between stomach or duodenal ulcer and gender, residence and number of patients hospitalized in the Almaty hospital №1, from 2009-2012, in order to learn about trends in the incidence of these diseases in Kazakhstan. A total number of 950 patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers, in 2009-2012, were questioned. The patient’s residence, gender and stomach or duodenal ulcer problem were taken into account in the study. The result of this work reveals that the largest amount of hospitalized patients suffering from stomach or duodenal ulcers came from urban areas. Moreover, more women than men suffered from peptic ulcers. Furthermore, the number of patients admitted to the hospital due to duodenal ulcers did not show any variation throughout the study. However, the least number of patients suffering from gastric ulcers was noticed in December 2009, and the greatest was in October and November 2011. The obtained data show that ulcers are a serious problem in Kazakhstan.

  18. Pancreas preserving total duodenectomy for complex duodenal injury. (United States)

    Wig, Jai Dev; Kudari, Ashwinikumar; Yadav, Thakur Deen; Doley, Rudra Prasad; Bharathy, Kishore Gurumoorthy Subramanya; Kalra, Naveen


    To assess the feasibility and safety of a pancreas-preserving total duodenectomy in the management of severe duodenal injury caused by abdominal trauma. Two patients with both extensive injury of the duodenum and diffuse peritonitis underwent pancreas preserving total duodenectomy at our tertiary care centre. These two young male patients (age 20 and 22 years) presented 2 days and 6 hours respectively following blunt abdominal trauma. The duodenum was almost completely separated from the pancreas. Ampulla was seen as a button on the pancreas. Following total duodenectomy, reconstruction was performed by suturing the jejunum to the head of the pancreas anteriorly and posteriorly away from the ampulla (invagination of the pancreas into the jejunum). There were no complications attributable to the procedure. Both patients are well on follow up. A Pancreas-preserving total duodenectomy offers a safe alternative to the Whipple procedure in managing complex duodenal injury. This procedure avoids unnecessary resection of the adjacent pancreas and anastomosis to undilated hepatic and pancreatic ducts.

  19. Origen, vías de penetración y expansión de cruces y cruceros en la Península Ibérica

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    Plaza Beltrán, Marta


    Full Text Available This article aim to clarify the origin of the crosses made of stone spread all over the Spanish geography. These elements were considered as artistic elements and had an simbolic, social and cultural importance. Christian doctrine employed the symbol of the cross in order to christianize certain places or items belonging to former pagan cults. Christianity placed crosses on dolmens, menhirs, paths, bridges, fountains and mountains, with or without pedestal, made either of wood or stone, with different forms and features.¿Cómo nacen las cruces monumentales que nosotros conocemos? El artículo que nos ocupa pretende dar a conocer el origen de las cruces de piedra que vemos distribuidas por toda la geografía española, consideradas todas ellas elementos artísticos con una fuerte carga simbólica, social y cultural. La doctrina cristiana, utilizó primero el signo de la cruz para la consagración de lugares o elementos pertenecientes a antiguos cultos paganos y más tarde, de forma material, la situó en estos puntos (sobre dólmenes, menhires, miliarios; en los caminos, puentes, fuentes o montes, con o sin pedestal, construida de madera o de piedra, con diferentes formas y características.

  20. Duodenal Obstruction: Etiology, Morbidity and Mortality among Edo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Duodenal obstruction in children is associated with poor outcome which has improved in developed but remained poor in developing countries. The objective of this study was to ascertain the etiology, morbidity, mortality and factors that contributed to poor outcome in a developing country. Retrospective analysis of pediatric ...

  1. Ectopic gastric mucosa in the duodenal bulb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schnell, H.; Oehler, G.; Schulz, A.; Rau, W.S.; Giessen Univ.; Giessen Univ.


    The radiological and clinical findings of 12 patients with ectopic gastric mucosa in the duodenal bulb are presented. This is a defined disease with characteristic radiological features: multiple small nodular defects of the contrast medium of 1-3 mm diameter. Histology shows complete heterotopia. Pathogenesis and clinical significance are discussed with reference to the literature on this subject. (orig.) [de

  2. Endovascular obliteration of bleeding duodenal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zamora, Carlos Armando; Sugimoto, Koji; Tsurusaki, Masakatsu; Izaki, Kenta; Fukuda, Tetsuya; Matsumoto, Shinichi; Kawasaki, Ryota; Taniguchi, Takanori; Sugimura, Kazuro [Kobe University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken (Japan); Kuwata, Yoichiro [Nishi-Kobe Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken (Japan); Hirota, Shozo [Hyogo Medical College, Department of Radiology, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo-ken (Japan)


    The purpose of this paper is to describe our experience with endovascular obliteration of duodenal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Balloon-occluded transvenous retrograde and percutaneous transhepatic anterograde embolizations were performed for duodenal varices in five patients with liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and decreased liver function. All patients had undergone previous endoscopic treatments that failed to stop bleeding and were poor surgical candidates. Temporary balloon occlusion catheters were used to achieve accumulation of an ethanolamine oleate-iopamidol mixture inside the varices. Elimination of the varices was successful in all patients. Retrograde transvenous obliteration via efferent veins to the inferior vena cava was enough to achieve adequate sclerosant accumulation in three patients. A combined anterograde-retrograde embolization was used in one patient with balloon occlusion of afferent and efferent veins. Transhepatic embolization through the afferent vein was performed in one patient under balloon occlusion of both efferent and afferent veins. There was complete variceal thrombosis and no bleeding was observed at follow-up. No major complications were recorded. Endovascular obliteration of duodenal varices is a feasible and safe alternative procedure for managing patients with portal hypertension and hemorrhage from this source. (orig.)

  3. [Comparative pathology of early stress-induced changes in the duodenal mucosa in laboratory rats and in humans]. (United States)

    Peychl, L; Brejcha, A


    Our presentation comprises results of two studies: The first was an experimental investigation of 60 Wistar-strain rats used in a toxicological study. The other part analysed stress changes in the duodenal mucosa in the human autopsy material. Both humans and rats had been exposed to stress and showed similar histological changes. In the rats the same duodenal lesions were present both in the test group and the control animals in the toxicological study. Lesions consisted of oedema of the duodenal villi and erosions in the tips of the villi. We believe that in the experimental group the stress was caused by restraining the animals by daily introduction of the gastric metallic tube, by taking blood from the retrobulbar plexus, and by anaesthesia. The autopsy study comprised 35 cases displaying congestion and macroscopically recognizable multifocal bleeding into the duodenal mucosal folds. The microscopic investigation revealed bleeding into the mucosal villi and small erosions. In some cases there were cuneiform mucosal infarcts extending into the submucosa. In the humans, severe cardiovascular diseases and circulatory disturbances represented the main causes of the stress. Local hypoxia and gastric juice acidity were involved in the pathogenesis of the duodenal mucosal changes.

  4. [Duodenal villous atrophy associated with Mycophenolate mofetil: report of one case]. (United States)

    Tapia, Oscar; Villaseca, Miguel; Sierralta, Armando; Roa, Juan Carlos


    Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is an immunosupressor agent frequently used in patients after bone marrow or solid organ transplants. The most common adverse reactions of the drug are gastrointestinal, specially diarrhea and vomiting. We report a 53-year-old male, that received a heart transplant receiving immunosuppression with cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone. Six months after the transplant, the patient started with diarrhea, anorexia and weight loss. A duodenal biopsy showed villous atrophy. Celiac disease and the presence of parasites were discarded. Mycophenolate mofetil was discontinued and one week later, diarrhea subsided. Two months later the patient was asymptomatic and recovered weight. A new duodenal biopsy showed absence of villous atrophy.


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    Gabriel Constantinescu


    Full Text Available Introduction. Duodenal duplication cyst (DDC is a rare congenital malformation that appears in the embryonic development of the digestive tract. It is a benign condition usually diagnosed in infancy and early childhood, being a rare and difficult diagnosis in adult population. DDC is a recognized cause of duodenal obstruction, acute pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice and even digestive hemorrhage. Case presentation. We report the case of a young adult male with abdominal pain history, who presents with recurrent episodes of acute severe necrotic pancreatitis. The abdominal computed tomography scan revealed a Balthazar C necrotic pancreatitis with partial thrombosis of the splenic vein and a cystic mass in the second part of the duodenum. The endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS established that the duodenal cystic lesion came from the second layer, meaning the submucosa. We performed endoscopic cystotomy with complete evacuation of the fluid content into the duodenum, with favorable clinical outcome. Conclusions. The particularity of the case is represented by the low incidence of this pathology and the rare form of presentation, meaning acute pancreatitis probably from pancreatic ductular hypertension caused by the DDC.

  6. Duodenal X-ray diagnostics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scheppach, W.


    The publication provides an overview of duodenal X-ray diagnostics with the aid of barium meals in 1362 patients. The introducing paragraphs deal with the topographic anatomy of the region and the methodics of X-ray investigation. The chapter entitled ''processes at the duodenum itself'' describes mainly ulcers, diverticula, congenital anomalies, tumors and inflammations. The neighbourhood processes comprise in the first place diseases having their origin at the pancreas and bile ducts. As a conclusion, endoscopic rectograde cholangio-pancreaticography and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography are pointed out as advanced X-ray investigation methods. In the annex of X-ray images some of the described phenomena are shown in exemplary manner. (orig./MG) [de

  7. An examination of the relationship between the endoscopic appearance of duodenitis and the histological findings in patients with epigastric pain. (United States)

    Lewis, Stephen; Stableforth, William; Awasthi, Rachana; Awasthi, Ashish; Pitts, Narrie; Ottaway, Janet; Sherwood, Anthea; Robertson, Neil; Cochrane, Sean; Wilkinson, Stephen


    The endoscopic appearance of duodenitis is a common finding in patients undergoing endoscopy because of epigastric pain however, the relationship of the visual findings to histology is poorly defined. We set out to ascertain if there was a correlation between the endoscopic and histological appearances of the duodenal mucosa. Consecutive patients with epigastric pain referred for diagnostic gastroduodenoscopy were studied. The visual appearances of 'duodenitis' (erythema, erosions and sub-epithelial haemorrhage) were reported independently by two endoscopists. Duodenal biopsies were taken and assessed for: neutrophil infiltrate, mononuclear infiltrate, gastric metaplasia, villous atrophy and a breach in the mucosa. H pylori status was determined. Of the 93 patients with endoscopic features of duodenitis an increase in histological markers of inflammation was found in 75 (81%). However, histological inflammation was absent or minimal in 68 (73%). Conversely, biopsies from normal-looking mucosa revealed histological evidence of inflammation in 26 (27%). For patients with the endoscopic features of duodenitis the positive & negative predictive value for neutrophilic infiltrate was 39% and 98% respectively. Biopsies from erosions confirmed a breach in the mucosa in only 2 of 40 patients. Neutrophilic infiltrate occurred with NSAI ingestion and infection with H pylori. The endoscopic appearance of the duodenal mucosa is unreliable in determining the presence of histological inflammation. The endoscopic appearance of 'erosions' is not usually associated with a mucosal breach.

  8. Is Helicobacter pylori Infection the Primary Cause of Duodenal Ulceration or a Secondary Factor? A Review of the Evidence

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    Vikram Kate


    Full Text Available Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori has a role in the multifactorial etiology of peptic ulcer disease. A link between H. pylori infection and duodenal ulcer disease is now established. Other contributing factors and their interaction with the organism may initiate the ulcerative process. The fact that eradication of H. pylori infection leads to a long-term cure in the majority of duodenal ulcer patients and the fact that the prevalence of infection is higher in ulcer patients than in the normal population are cogent arguments in favor of it being the primary cause of the ulceration. Against this concept there are issues that need explanation such as the reason why only a minority of infected persons develop duodenal ulceration when infection with H. pylori is widespread. There is evidence that H. pylori infection has been prevalent for several centuries, yet duodenal ulceration became common at the beginning of the twentieth century. The prevalence of duodenal ulceration is not higher in countries with a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. This paper debate puts forth the point of view of two groups of workers in this field whether H. pylori infection is the primary cause of duodenal ulcer disease or a secondary factor.

  9. Oral administration of synthetic human urogastrone promotes healing of chronic duodenal ulcers in rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier; Nexø, Ebba


    The effect of oral administration of synthetic human epidermal growth factor/urogastrone (EGF/URO) on healing of chronic duodenal ulcers induced by cysteamine in rats was investigated and compared with that of cimetidine, a H2-receptor antagonist. After 25 and 50 days of treatment, synthetic human...... EGF/URO significantly increased healing of chronic duodenal ulcers to the same extent as cimetidine. Combined treatment with synthetic human EGF/URO and cimetidine for 25 days was more effective than synthetic human EGF/URO given alone, whereas combined treatment for 50 days was significantly more...... human EGF/URO is a potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion when administered intravenously, but had no effect on acid secretion when given intraduodenally, which suggests that the effect of synthetic human EGF/URO is a direct action on the duodenal mucosa. In conclusion, this study showed that oral...

  10. Entre la sociabilidad y la politización: la construcción de lo judeo-homosexual-gay en Buenos Aires

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    Damián Setton


    Full Text Available El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la producción de imaginarios en torno al atravesamiento del judaísmo, la homosexualidad y la gaycidad en Buenos Aires a comienzos del siglo XXI, tomando como caso de estudio a la organización JAG (Judíos Argentinos Gays. Se parte de la pregunta acerca de cuáles son los significados que el cruce entre judaísmo, homosexualidad y gaycidad adquiere para los diferentes actores inmersos en la producción de este cruce. Partiendo de una discusión conceptual acerca del concepto de des-institucionalización, y dando cuenta de las transformaciones políticas y culturales en la Argentina de fines del siglo XX, se analiza la tensión entre el imaginario de politización y de sociabilidad en la construcción de lo judeohomosexual-gay.

  11. The Helicobacter pylori duodenal ulcer promoting gene, dupA in China

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    Liu Wenzhong


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The prevalence of H. pylori is as high as 60–70% in Chinese population. Although duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer are both caused by H. pylori, they are at opposite ends of the spectrum and as such are considered mutually exclusive. Duodenal ulcer promoting (dupA gene was reported to be associated with duodenal ulcer development. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of dupA gene of Helicobacter pylori in patients with various gastroduodenal diseases and to explore the association between the gene and other virulence factors. Methods H. pylori were isolated from gastric biopsies of patients with chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer (DU, gastric ulcer (GU, or non-cardia gastric carcinoma. The dupA, cagA, vacA, iceA and babA2 genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction. Histological features of gastric mucosal biopsy specimens were graded based on the scoring system proposed by the updated Sydney system. IL-1β polymorphism was investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results Isolates from 360 patients including 133 with chronic gastritis, 101 with DU, 47 with GU, and 79 with non-cardia gastric carcinoma were examined. The dupA gene was detected in 35.3% (127/360 and the prevalence DU patients was significantly greater than that in gastric cancer or GU patients (45.5% vs. 24.1% and 23.4%, P dupA-positive strains had higher scores for chronic inflammation compared to those with dupA-negative strains (2.36 vs. 2.24, p = 0.058. The presence of dupA was not associated with the cagA, vacA, iceA and babA 2 genotypes or with IL-1β polymorphisms. Conclusion In China the prevalence of dupA gene was highest in DU and inversely related to GU and gastric cancer.

  12. The Helicobacter pylori duodenal ulcer promoting gene, dupA in China. (United States)

    Zhang, Zhiyu; Zheng, Qing; Chen, Xiaoyu; Xiao, Shudong; Liu, Wenzhong; Lu, Hong


    The prevalence of H. pylori is as high as 60-70% in Chinese population. Although duodenal ulcer and gastric cancer are both caused by H. pylori, they are at opposite ends of the spectrum and as such are considered mutually exclusive. Duodenal ulcer promoting (dupA) gene was reported to be associated with duodenal ulcer development. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of dupA gene of Helicobacter pylori in patients with various gastroduodenal diseases and to explore the association between the gene and other virulence factors. H. pylori were isolated from gastric biopsies of patients with chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer (DU), gastric ulcer (GU), or non-cardia gastric carcinoma. The dupA, cagA, vacA, iceA and babA2 genotypes were determined by polymerase chain reaction. Histological features of gastric mucosal biopsy specimens were graded based on the scoring system proposed by the updated Sydney system. IL-1beta polymorphism was investigated using restriction fragment length polymorphism. Isolates from 360 patients including 133 with chronic gastritis, 101 with DU, 47 with GU, and 79 with non-cardia gastric carcinoma were examined. The dupA gene was detected in 35.3% (127/360) and the prevalence DU patients was significantly greater than that in gastric cancer or GU patients (45.5% vs. 24.1% and 23.4%, P dupA-positive strains had higher scores for chronic inflammation compared to those with dupA-negative strains (2.36 vs. 2.24, p = 0.058). The presence of dupA was not associated with the cagA, vacA, iceA and babA 2 genotypes or with IL-1beta polymorphisms. In China the prevalence of dupA gene was highest in DU and inversely related to GU and gastric cancer.

  13. Malignant colo-duodenal fistula; case report and review of the literature

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    Williams Nigel


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Colo-duodenal fistula is a rare complication of malignant and inflammatory bowel disease. Cases with malignant colo-duodenal fistulae can present with symptoms from the primary, from the fistula or from metastatic disease. The fistula often results in diarrhoea and vomiting with dramatic weight loss. Upper abdominal pain is usually present as is general malaise both from the presence of the disease and from the metabolic sequelae it causes. The diarrhoea relates to colonic bacterial contamination of the upper intestines rather than to a pure mechanical effect. Vomiting may be faeculant or truly faecal and eructation foul smelling but in the case reports this 'classic' symptomatology was often absent despite a fistula being present and patent enough to allow barium through it. Occasionally patients will present with a gastro-intestinal bleed. Case presentation We present an unusual case of colorectal carcinoma, where a 65 year old male patient presented with diarrhoea and vomiting secondary to a malignant colo-duodenal fistula near the hepatic flexure. Adenocarcinoma was confirmed on histology from a biopsy obtained during the patient's oesophageogastroduodenoscopy, and the fistula was demonstrated in his barium enema. Staging computed tomography showed a locally advanced carcinoma of the proximal transverse colon, with a fistula to the duodenum and regional lymphadenopathy. The patient was also found to have subcutaneous metastasis. Following discussions at the multidisciplinary meeting, this patient was referred for palliation, and died within 4 months after discharge from hospital. Conclusion We present the case, discuss the management and review the literature. Colo-duodenal fistulae from colonic primaries are rare but early diagnosis may allow curative surgery. This case emphasises the importance of accurate staging and repeated clinical examination.

  14. Histology of chronic gastritis with and without duodenitis in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection.


    Phull, P S; Price, A B; Stephens, J; Rathbone, B J; Jacyna, M R


    AIM: To compare the histological characteristics of Helicobacter pylori positive chronic gastritis in patients with and without associated duodenitis. METHODS: Gastric mucosal biopsy specimens were obtained from patients undergoing endoscopy for dyspepsia. Severity of gastritis and density of H pylori infection were graded according to the Sydney system. RESULTS: Of the 69 patients studied, 15 had normal histology, 22 had chronic gastritis only (77.3% H pylori positive), 21 had duodenitis (90...

  15. Radioimmunoassay of gastrin level in duodenal ulcer, atrophic gostritis and Addison-Biermer's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasik, J.; Kozal, H.; Kosowicz, J.; Hansz, J.


    Radioimmunoassay of gastrin level in the blood was performed in 20 controls, 12 patients with duodenal ulcer, 13 patients with atrophic gastritis and 14 patients with Addison-Biermer's disease. Gastrin level in the serum of the patients with duodenal ulcer did not differ significantly from that of controls. In atrophic gastritis and particularly in Addison-Biermer's disease gastrin level was found to be several times higher. This is probably a result of chronic gastrin secretion stimulation which is normally inhibited by gastric juice. (author)

  16. Surgical management of perforated duodenal ulcer: the changing scene. (United States)

    Plummer, J M; McFarlane, M E C; Newnham


    To determine the management of perforated duodenal ulcer at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) in this era of Helicobacter pylori, the medical records of all patients seen at the UHWI during the period July 1997 to June 2002 with an intra-operative diagnosis of perforated peptic ulcer were reviewed The records were analyzed for the following: age, gender, duration of symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use, smoking status, operative repair duration of hospitalization, Helicobacter pylori status and medical therapy, peri-operative complications, mortality and recurrence. Ninety per cent of the cases were males. All females in whom perforation occurred were age 50 years and older compared to males where 58% of cases presented before age 50 years. Perforations in acute ulcers occurred in 80% of cases. The majority of patients were male smokers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use was also an important risk factor in elderly females. Simple surgical closure and standard triple therapy antibiotics to eradicate Helicobacter pylori was the most common treatment offered. Mortality was one per cent and follow-up poor but 11% of patients had documented recurrent peptic ulceration. In this study population, perforated duodenal ulcer occured overwhelmingly in males less than 50 years of age. There is a trend towards exclusive simple surgical closure and H pylori eradication at the UHWI for patients with perforated duodenal ulcer but this needs to be supported by documentation of H pylori prevalence in the population of patients presenting with perforated peptic ulcers.

  17. Duodenal infusion of donor feces for recurrent Clostridium difficile

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Nood, Els; Vrieze, Anne; Nieuwdorp, Max; Fuentes, Susana; Zoetendal, Erwin G.; de Vos, Willem M.; Visser, Caroline E.; Kuijper, Ed J.; Bartelsman, Joep F. W. M.; Tijssen, Jan G. P.; Speelman, Peter; Dijkgraaf, Marcel G. W.; Keller, Josbert J.


    Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection is difficult to treat, and failure rates for antibiotic therapy are high. We studied the effect of duodenal infusion of donor feces in patients with recurrent C. difficile infection. We randomly assigned patients to receive one of three therapies: an initial

  18. Combined pancreatic and duodenal transection injury: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simbarashe Gift Mungazi


    Conclusion: Combined pancreatic and duodenal injuries are rare and often fatal. Early identification, resuscitation and surgical intervention is warranted. Because of the large number of possible combinations of injuries to the pancreas and duodenum, no one form of therapy is appropriate for all patients.

  19. Omeprazole promotes proximal duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mertz-Nielsen, A; Hillingsø, Jens; Bukhave, K


    with control experiments. Also the combination of omeprazole and ranitidine increased (p = 0.05) duodenal bicarbonate secretion, while ranitidine alone caused no change in either basal or stimulated secretion. In the stomach basal as well as vagally stimulated bicarbonate secretion was independent of the means...

  20. Eviendep® reduces number and size of duodenal polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. (United States)

    Calabrese, Carlo; Praticò, Chiara; Calafiore, Andrea; Coscia, Maurizio; Gentilini, Lorenzo; Poggioli, Gilberto; Gionchetti, Paolo; Campieri, Massimo; Rizzello, Fernando


    To evaluate if 3 mo oral supplementation with Eviendep® was able to reduce the number of duodenal polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) patients with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA). Eleven FAP patients with IPAA and duodenal polyps were enrolled. They underwent upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy at the baseline and after 3 mo of treatment. Each patient received 5 mg Eviendep twice a day, at breakfast and dinner time, for 3 mo. Two endoscopists evaluated in a blinded manner the number and size of duodenal polyps. Upper GI endoscopies with biopsies were performed at the baseline (T0) with the assessment of the Spigelman score. Polyps > 10 mm were removed during endoscopy and at the end of the procedure a new Spigelman score was determined (T1). The procedure was repeated 3 mo after the baseline (T2). Four photograms were examined for each patient, at T1 and T2. The examined area was divided into 3 segments: duodenal bulb, second and third portion duodenum. Biopsy specimens were taken from all polyps > 10 mm and from all suspicious ones, defined by the presence of a central depression, irregular surface, or irregular vascular pattern. Histology was classified according to the updated Vienna criteria. At baseline the mean number of duodenal detected polyps was 27.7 and mean sizes were 15.8 mm; the mean Spigelman score was 7.1. After polypectomy the mean number of duodenal detected polyps was 25.7 and mean sizes were 7.6 mm; the mean Spigelman score was 6.4. After 3 mo of Eviendep bid, all patients showed a reduction of number and size of duodenal polyps. The mean number of duodenal polyps was 8 (P = 0.021) and mean size was 4.4 mm; the mean Spigelman score was 6.6. Interrater agreement was measured. Lesions > 1 cm found a very good degree of concordance (kappa 0.851) and a good concordance was as well encountered for smaller lesions (kappa 0.641). Our study demonstrated that short-term (90 d) supplementation with Eviendep® in FAP patients with IPAA

  1. Una propuesta de un modelo evolutivo para redes de difusión del conocimiento organizacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ribeiro Sampaio, Renelson


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se presenta un modelo teórico para simular la difusión del conocimiento en organizacioanis redes sociales utilizando un enfoque evolutivo. Suponiendo que las redes sociales, sobre la base de los procesos de colaboración y cooperación entre las personas, evolucionan a medida que los organismos vivos, como se describe por Charles Darwin en "El origen de las especies", la propuesta es introducir un modelo evolutivo para la difusión del conocimiento en una organización , en la que los actores actúan como propagadores y / o receptores de conocimiento, en función de sus atributos. Cada atributo se consideran como un gen, que juntos constituyen un cromosoma. Sobre la base de la teoría de Darwin, los cruces propõemecanismos modelo y el uso de mutación entre diversosatores Proceso involucrados en la difusión del conocimiento durante varias generaciones, hasta que se alcanza una condición de parada. La principal contribución del modelo es el de proponer un contexto adherente a estudiar la dinámica de las redes, el uso de los atributos de los actores y el entorno de la organización como parámetros.

  2. Análisis y rediseño del almacén de una empresa de fabricación de componentes eléctricos




    [ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado se desarrolla en la empresa de fabricación de componentes eléctricos Schneider Electric Meliana y se basa en el análisis y rediseño de su almacén. La necesidad de llevar a cabo este proyecto surge por el riesgo de seguridad que existe inicialmente en el almacén de la empresa debido al cruce entre los equipos de manutención utilizados y entre éstos y los peatones. Además, otras ineficiencias presentes en el almacén apoyan la propuesta del ...

  3. Laparoscopic management of duodenal ulcer perforation: is it advantageous? (United States)

    Palanivelu, C; Jani, Kalpesh; Senthilnathan, P


    Surgery is the mainstay of treatment of patients with peptic duodenal perforation. With the advent of minimal access techniques, laparoscopy is being used for the treatment of this condition. Retrospective analysis of 120 consecutive patients (mean age 44.5 years; 111 men) with duodenal ulcer perforation who had undergone laparoscopic surgery. 87 patients had history of tobacco consumption, 12 were chronic NSAID users, 72 had Helicobacter pylori infection and 36 had a co-morbid condition. The mean time to surgery from onset of symptoms was 28.4 hours. The median operating time was 46 minutes. All patients underwent laparoscopic closure of the perforation with Graham's patch omentopexy; 12 patients underwent additional definitive ulcer surgery. The morbidity rate was 7.5%; no patient needed conversion to open surgery or died. The mean postoperative hospital stay was 5.8 days. Results of laparoscopic management of perforated peptic ulcer are encouraging, with no conversion to open surgery, low morbidity and no mortality.

  4. Duodenal Metastasis of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huang-Chi Chen


    Full Text Available Metastatic malignant mesothelioma of the pleura is uncommon at the time of initial diagnosis. The gastrointestinal lumen is rarely found at autopsy in patients with widespread disease. Here, we describe an extremely rare case of isolated duodenal metastasis of sarcomatoid mesothelioma of the pleura in a 73-year-old man, without memory of any direct exposure to asbestos. The possibility of gastrointestinal tract metastasis should be considered in the presence of anemia or positive occult blood test in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  5. Comparison between uncovered and covered self-expandable metal stent placement in malignant duodenal obstruction. (United States)

    Kim, Ji Won; Jeong, Ji Bong; Lee, Kook Lae; Kim, Byeong Gwan; Ahn, Dong Won; Lee, Jae Kyung; Kim, Su Hwan


    To compare the clinical outcomes of uncovered and covered self-expandable metal stent placements in patients with malignant duodenal obstruction. A total of 67 patients were retrospectively enrolled from January 2003 to June 2013. All patients had symptomatic obstruction characterized by nausea, vomiting, reduced oral intake, and weight loss. The exclusion criteria included asymptomatic duodenal obstruction, perforation or peritonitis, concomitant small bowel obstruction, or duodenal obstruction caused by benign strictures. The technical and clinical success rate, complication rate, and stent patency were compared according to the placement of uncovered (n = 38) or covered (n = 29) stents. The technical and clinical success rates did not differ between the uncovered and covered stent groups (100% vs 96.6% and 89.5% vs 82.8%). There were no differences in the overall complication rates between the uncovered and covered stent groups (31.6% vs 41.4%). However, stent migration occurred more frequently with covered than uncovered stents [20.7% (6/29) vs 0% (0/38), P stent patency was longer in uncovered than in covered stents [251 d (95%CI: 149.8 d-352.2 d) vs 139 d (95%CI: 45.5 d-232.5 d), P stent (70 d) and covered stent groups (60 d). Uncovered stents may be preferable in malignant duodenal obstruction because of their greater resistance to stent migration and longer stent patency than covered stents.

  6. Effect of dopamine-related drugs on duodenal ulcer induced by cysteamine or propionitrile: prevention and aggravation may not be mediated by gastrointestinal secretory changes in the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallagher, G.; Brown, A.; Szabo, S.


    Dose- and time-response studies have been performed with dopamine agonists and antagonists using the cysteamine and propionitrile duodenal ulcer models in the rat. The experiments demonstrate that the chemically induced duodenal ulcer is prevented by bromocriptine, lergotrile and reduced by apomorphine or L-dopa. Aggravation of cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer was seen especially after (-)-butaclamol, (-)-sulpiride, haloperidol and, less effectively, after other dopaminergic antagonists. The duodenal antiulcerogenic action of dopamine agonists was more prominent after chronic administration than after a single dose, whereas the opposite was found concerning the proulcerogenic effect of dopamine antagonists. In the chronic gastric fistula rat, both the antiulcerogens bromocriptine or lergotrile and the proulcerogens haloperidol, pimozide or (-)-N-(2-chlorethyl)-norapomorphine decreased the cysteamine- or propionitrile-induced gastric secretion. No correlation was apparent between the influence of these drugs on duodenal ulcer development and gastric and duodenal (pancreatic/biliary) secretions. In the chronic duodenal fistula rat, decreased acid content was measured in the proximal duodenum after haloperidol, and diminished duodenal pepsin exposure was recorded after bromocriptine. Furthermore, the aggravation by dopamine antagonists of experimental duodenal ulcer probably involves a peripheral component. The site of dopamine receptors and physiologic effects which modulate experimental duodenal ulcer remain to be identified, but their elucidation may prove to be an important element in the pathogenesis and treatment of duodenal ulcer

  7. Abnormal duodenal [HCO3-] following secretin stimulation develops sooner than endocrine insufficiency in minimal change chronic pancreatitis. (United States)

    Pelley, Joshua R; Gordon, Stuart R; Gardner, Timothy B


    Direct pancreatic function tests (PFTs) are often used to diagnose chronic pancreatitis (CP). We aimed to determine the temporal relationship between an abnormal PFT result, cross-sectional imaging, and clinical symptoms. All patients referred for endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and PFT for suspected CP at our medical center from 2008 to 2010 were included. Each subject underwent EUS and PFT on the same day using secretin stimulation. Seventeen patients had duodenal HCO3 values of less than 80 mEq/L and were labeled as abnormal; the 25 other patients had at least 1 duodenal HCO3 values of 80 mEq/L or greater. Patients with abnormal PFTs had more parenchymal (2.0 vs 0.92, P = 0.012), ductal (1.18 vs 0.6, P = 0.036), and total features (3.18 vs 1.52, P = 0.009) than those with normal PFTs on EUS examination. There was no difference in regard to the frequency of abnormal CT scans (25% vs 15%, P = 0.139), diarrhea (67% vs 60%, P = 0.463), fat-soluble vitamin deficiency (33% vs 26%, P = 0.315), or diabetes (10% vs 4%, P = 0.066). Patients with equivocal imaging and abnormally low duodenal HCO3 have more EUS features of CP than do patients with normal duodenal HCO3 values, suggesting that low duodenal HCO3 values are among the first measurable abnormalities in CP.

  8. Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome in a case of duodenal neuroendocrine tumor presenting with liver metastasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J Khare


    Full Text Available Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH syndrome is an uncommon disorder and comprises about 15% of all patients with Cushing's syndrome (CS. Duodenal carcinoids are rare, indolent tumors usually associated with a benign progression. We hereby report a rare case of CS resulting from ectopic ACTH secretion from a duodenal neuroendocrine tumor (NET presenting with liver metastasis. A 37-year-old female presented with abdominal discomfort and dyspepsia of 1-month duration. Ultrasound abdomen suggested a well-defined hypoechoic lesion in the left lobe of the liver, suggestive of neoplasia. On clinical examination, she had Cushingoid features and persistent hypokalemia. Midnight ACTH and cortisol levels were grossly elevated at 1027 pg/ml (n < 46 pg/ml and 87.56 μg/dl (n < 7.5 μg/ml, respectively. Both overnight and high-dose dexamethasone suppression test confirmed nonsuppressed cortisol levels - 86.04 and 84.42 μg/dl (n < 1.8 μg/ml, respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging brain showed a structurally normal pituitary gland. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed hepatic lesion with bilateral adrenal enlargement. A diagnosis of ectopic ACTH-dependent CS was made. Intraoperatively, a duodenal lesion of 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm was identified alongside an 8 cm × 6 cm exophytic lesion in segment IV of the liver. Frozen section of the duodenal lesion was positive for NET. She underwent a Whipple's surgery, cholecystectomy, and left hepatic lobectomy. Postoperatively, she showed clinical and biochemical remission. Herewith, we report the third case of duodenal carcinoid tumor presenting as ectopic ACTH syndrome and the first with liver metastasis.

  9. The personality pattern of duodenal ulcer patients in relation to spontaneous ulcer healing and relapse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jess, P; von der Lieth, L; Matzen, Peter


    stressful life events before entrance to the study (P less than 0.05) and, like the neurotic patients, they had lower ego-strength to cope with such events (P less than 0.05). The results indicate that personality assessments make it possible to distinguish between subgroups of duodenal ulcer patients......One hundred consecutive out-patients with duodenal ulceration from a hospital and a gastroenterological clinic were tested with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This was carried out in order to investigate whether neuroticism or other personality disorders were...... characteristics of duodenal ulcer patients, and whether the presence of such possible personality disorders might influence the prognosis of the disease. Neuroticism occurred in 53% of the patients, but only in 5% of controls (P less than 0.0001). Overall, personality disorders were present in 69% of the patients...

  10. Perforated duodenal ulcer: an unusual complication of gastroenteritis.


    Wilson, J M; Darby, C R


    A 7 year old boy was admitted to hospital with gastroenteritis, which was complicated by an acute perforated duodenal ulcer. After oversewing of the perforation he made an uncomplicated recovery. Peptic ulceration is under-diagnosed in childhood and this leads to delay in diagnosis and appropriate management. Ulceration is associated with severe illness and viral infections, but perforation is rare.

  11. Pyloro-duodenal hernia with formation of enterocutaneous fistula in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pyloro-duodenal hernia with formation of enterocutaneous fistula in a buffalo calf following a dog attack. ... Frequently Asked Questions about PDFs. Alternatively, you can download the PDF file directly to your computer, from where it can be opened using a PDF reader. To download the PDF, click the Download link above.

  12. Gastro-duodenal perforations: conventional plain film, US and CT findings in 166 consecutive patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grassi, Roberto; Romano, Stefania; Pinto, Antonio; Romano, Luigia


    Introduction: Gastro-duodenal perforations may be suspected in patients with history of ulceration, who present with acute pain and abdominal wall rigidity, but radiological findings in these cases may be unable to confirm a clinical diagnosis. The aim of our study was to report our experience in the diagnosis of gastro-duodenal perforation by conventional radiography, US and CT examinations. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 166 consecutive patients who presented in the last 2 years to our institutions with symptoms of acute abdomen and submitted to surgery at the Emergency Unit of the ''A.Cardarelli'' Hospital of Naples with a surgical finding of perforated gastro-duodenal ulcer. The evidence of free intraperitoneal air on abdominal plain film was considered as a direct or suggestive finding of perforation. Evidence of intraperitoneal free fluid and/or reduced intestinal peristalsis at sonographic examination were considered indirect signs of gastro-duodenal perforation. Evidence of free peritoneal gas at CT was considered as a direct evidence of gastro-duodenal perforation. Results: Twenty patients underwent immediate surgery with no preoperative imaging evaluation, in 10 of them the site of perforation was found in a juxta-pyloric region and in the others at level of duodenum. In 146 patients submitted to serial radiological investigations before surgery, the site of perforation was in 56 (38.3%) duodenal, in 52 (35.6%) juxta-pyloric, in 28 (19.1%) gastric and in 10 (6.8%) pyloric. The cause of perforation was in all cases gastric or duodenal ulceration, in seven cases involving pancreatic parenchyma. In 110 (75.4%) patients with direct findings of perforation, in 94 cases (85.5%) the correct diagnosis was established on abdominal plain film, in two (1.8%) with radiographic and sonographic examinations and in 14 (12.7%) on CT findings. In 36 (24,6%) patients with no direct findings of perforation, only 24 (16,4%) of them

  13. Gastro-duodenal perforations: conventional plain film, US and CT findings in 166 consecutive patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grassi, Roberto; Romano, Stefania E-mail:; Pinto, Antonio; Romano, Luigia


    Introduction: Gastro-duodenal perforations may be suspected in patients with history of ulceration, who present with acute pain and abdominal wall rigidity, but radiological findings in these cases may be unable to confirm a clinical diagnosis. The aim of our study was to report our experience in the diagnosis of gastro-duodenal perforation by conventional radiography, US and CT examinations. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 166 consecutive patients who presented in the last 2 years to our institutions with symptoms of acute abdomen and submitted to surgery at the Emergency Unit of the ''A.Cardarelli'' Hospital of Naples with a surgical finding of perforated gastro-duodenal ulcer. The evidence of free intraperitoneal air on abdominal plain film was considered as a direct or suggestive finding of perforation. Evidence of intraperitoneal free fluid and/or reduced intestinal peristalsis at sonographic examination were considered indirect signs of gastro-duodenal perforation. Evidence of free peritoneal gas at CT was considered as a direct evidence of gastro-duodenal perforation. Results: Twenty patients underwent immediate surgery with no preoperative imaging evaluation, in 10 of them the site of perforation was found in a juxta-pyloric region and in the others at level of duodenum. In 146 patients submitted to serial radiological investigations before surgery, the site of perforation was in 56 (38.3%) duodenal, in 52 (35.6%) juxta-pyloric, in 28 (19.1%) gastric and in 10 (6.8%) pyloric. The cause of perforation was in all cases gastric or duodenal ulceration, in seven cases involving pancreatic parenchyma. In 110 (75.4%) patients with direct findings of perforation, in 94 cases (85.5%) the correct diagnosis was established on abdominal plain film, in two (1.8%) with radiographic and sonographic examinations and in 14 (12.7%) on CT findings. In 36 (24,6%) patients with no direct findings of perforation, only 24

  14. Endoscopic closure of duodenal perforations by using an over-the-scope clip: a randomized, controlled porcine study. (United States)

    von Renteln, Daniel; Rudolph, Hans-Ulrich; Schmidt, Arthur; Vassiliou, Melina C; Caca, Karel


    Duodenal perforations during diagnostic upper endoscopy are rare; however, when therapeutic techniques are performed, the reported incidence is as great as 2.8%. Surgical repair is usually mandated, but it is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. To compare closure of duodenal perforations by using an over-the-scope clip (OTSC) with a surgical closure. Randomized, controlled animal study. Animal facility laboratory. Domestic pigs (24 females). Large (10-mm) duodenal perforations were created by using an endoscopic needle-knife. The animals were randomly assigned to either open surgical repair (n=12) or endoscopic closure by using the OTSC system (n=12). Pressurized leak tests were performed during necropsy. One major bleed occurred because of a liver injury during creation of the duodenotomy. Mean time for endoscopic closure was 5 minutes (range, 3-8 min; SD +/- 2). No complications occurred during any of the closure procedures. At necropsy, all OTSC and surgical closures demonstrated complete sealing of duodenotomy sites. Pressurized leak tests demonstrated a mean burst pressure of 166 mm Hg (range, 80-260; SD +/- 65) for OTSC closures and 143 mm Hg (range, 30-300, SD +/- 83) for surgical sutures. Ex vivo intact duodenal specimens exhibited a mean burst pressure of 247 mm Hg (range, 200-300; SD +/- 35), which was significantly higher compared with in vivo OTSC and surgical closures (P < .01). There were no significant differences between burst pressures of OTSC and surgical closures (P = .461). Nonsurvival setting. Endoscopic closure of duodenal perforations by using the OTSC system is comparable with surgical closure in a nonsurvival porcine model. This technique is easy to perform and seems suitable for repairing duodenal perforations. 2010 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Do clinicians accept the role of Helicobacter pylori in duodenal ulcer disease: a survey of European gastroenterologists and general practitioners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, A H; Logan, R P; Noach, L A


    OBJECTIVES. To examine to what extent clinicians in Europe accepted the theory of the casual role of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) in duodenal ulcer disease in the year 1992, and to what extent the theory had influenced their diagnostic and therapeutic habits in the management of duodenal ulcer ....../315) of the doctors. CONCLUSIONS. H.pylori treatment is frequently used in some countries. However, the role of H. pylori in duodenal ulcer disease has not been accepted to the same extent in different European countries.......OBJECTIVES. To examine to what extent clinicians in Europe accepted the theory of the casual role of Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) in duodenal ulcer disease in the year 1992, and to what extent the theory had influenced their diagnostic and therapeutic habits in the management of duodenal ulcer...... patients at that time. DESIGN. Postal questionnaire. SETTING. Three European countries: the UK, the Netherlands, and Denmark. SUBJECTS. Three hundred and three gastroenterologists, 250 general practitioners, 83 junior hospital doctors. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES. Number of doctors believing H. pylori...

  16. Endoscopic Management of a Primary Duodenal Carcinoid Tumor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albin Abraham


    Full Text Available Carcinoids are rare, slow-growing tumors originating from a variety of different neuroendocrine cell types. They are identified histologically by their affinity for silver salts and by positive reactions to neuroendocrine markers such as neuron-specific enolase, synaptophysin and chromogranin. They can present with various clinical symptoms and are difficult to diagnose. We present the case of a 43-year-old woman who was referred for evaluation of anemia. Upper endoscopy showed a duodenal bulb mass around 1 cm in size. Histopathological and immunohistochemistry staining were consistent with the diagnosis of a carcinoid tumor. Further imaging and endoscopic studies showed no other synchronous carcinoid lesions. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS revealed a 1 cm lesion confined to the mucosa and no local lymphadenopathy. Successful endoscopic mucosal resection of the mass was performed. Follow-up surveillance 6 months later with EUS and Octreoscan revealed no new lesions suggestive of recurrence. No consensus guidelines exist for the endoscopic management of duodenal carcinoid tumors. However, endoscopic resection is safe and preferred for tumors measuring 1 cm or less with no evidence of invasion of the muscularis layer.

  17. Duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve - a potential alternative to bariatric surgery?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohde, Ulrich; Gylvin, Silas; Vilmann, Peter


    Overweight and obesity are risk factors for several co-morbidities reducing life expectancy. Conservative treatment of obesity is generally ineffective in the long-term. Bariatric surgery has proven effective, but is associated with potential complications. Duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve is a novel...

  18. Combined duodenal and pancreatic major trauma in high risk patients: can a partial reconstruction be safe? (United States)

    Toro, A; Li Destri, G; Mannino, M; Arcerito, M C; Ardiri, A; Politi, A; Bertino, G; Di Carlo, I


    Pancreatic trauma is an uncommon injury, occurring in only about 0.2% of blunt abdominal injuries, while duodenal injuries represent approximately 4% of all blunt abdominal injuries. When trauma of the pancreas and duodenum do not permit reparation, pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) is mandatory. In the reconstructive phase, the use of ductal ligation as an alternative to standard pancreaticojejunostomy has been reported by some authors. We report a case of polytrauma with pancreatic and duodenal injury in which the initial diagnosis failed to recognize the catastrophic duodenal and pancreatic situation. The patient was submitted for PD and the pancreatic stump was abandoned in the abdominal cavity after main pancreatic ductal ligation. This technique can minimize the morbidity and mortality of PD in patients with other organs or apparatus involved severely and extensively in trauma.

  19. The personality pattern of duodenal ulcer patients in relation to spontaneous ulcer healing and relapse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jess, P; von der Lieth, L; Matzen, Peter


    One hundred consecutive out-patients with duodenal ulceration from a hospital and a gastroenterological clinic were tested with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This was carried out in order to investigate whether neuroticism or other personality disorders were characterist......One hundred consecutive out-patients with duodenal ulceration from a hospital and a gastroenterological clinic were tested with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). This was carried out in order to investigate whether neuroticism or other personality disorders were...

  20. Effect of detomidine on visceral and somatic nociception and duodenal motility in conscious adult horses. (United States)

    Elfenbein, Johanna R; Sanchez, L Chris; Robertson, Sheilah A; Cole, Cynthia A; Sams, Richard


    To evaluate the effects of detomidine on visceral and somatic nociception, heart and respiratory rates, sedation, and duodenal motility and to correlate these effects with serum detomidine concentrations. Nonrandomized, experimental trial. Five adult horses, each with a permanent gastric cannula weighing 534 +/- 46 kg. Visceral nociception was evaluated by colorectal (CRD) and duodenal distension (DD). The duodenal balloon was used to assess motility. Somatic nociception was assessed via thermal threshold (TT). Nose-to-ground (NTG) height was used as a measure of sedation. Serum was collected for pharmacokinetic analysis. Detomidine (10 or 20 microg kg(-1)) was administered intravenously. Data were analyzed by means of a three-factor anova with fixed factors of treatment and time and random factor of horse. When a significant time x treatment interaction was detected, differences were compared with a simple t-test or Bonferroni t-test. Significance was set at p Detomidine produced a significant, dose-dependent decrease in NTG height, heart rate, and skin temperature and a significant, nondose-dependent decrease in respiratory rate. Colorectal distension threshold was significantly increased with 10 microg kg(-1) for 15 minutes and for at least 165 minutes with 20 microg kg(-1). Duodenal distension threshold was significantly increased at 15 minutes for the 20 microg kg(-1) dose. A significant change in TT was not observed at either dose. A marked, immediate decrease in amplitude of duodenal contractions followed detomidine administration at both doses for 50 minutes. Detomidine caused a longer period of visceral anti-nociception as determined by CRD but a shorter period of anti-nociception as determined by DD than has been previously reported. The lack of somatic anti-nociception as determined by TT testing may be related to the marked decrease in skin temperature, likely caused by peripheral vasoconstriction and the low temperature cut-off of the testing device.

  1. A review of the management of perforated duodenal ulcers at a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , Ile-Ife, Nigeria. 2. Department ... Key words: Duodenal ulcers, perforations, management, Nigeria. African Health ..... However, there was a strong association between the interval ... to financial constraint on the part of the patients, or clinicians ...

  2. Gastric bicarbonate secretion and release of prostaglandin E2 are increased in duodenal ulcer patients but not in Helicobacter pylori-positive healthy subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mertz-Nielsen, A; Hillingsø, Jens; Frøkiaer, H


    BACKGROUND: Duodenal ulcer (DU) patients have impaired proximal duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion at rest and in response to luminal acid with higher acid-stimulated mucosal release of prostaglandin (PG) E2 than healthy subjects. Our purpose was to determine whether this abnormality was pres......BACKGROUND: Duodenal ulcer (DU) patients have impaired proximal duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion at rest and in response to luminal acid with higher acid-stimulated mucosal release of prostaglandin (PG) E2 than healthy subjects. Our purpose was to determine whether this abnormality...... was present also in the stomach of DU patients. METHODS: Simultaneous determinations of gastric and duodenal bicarbonate secretion and luminal release of PGE2 were performed in 16 healthy volunteers (5 Helicobacter pylori-positive) and 8 inactive DU patients (all H. pylori-positive). RESULTS: In healthy...... for the abnormally high gastric secretion of bicarbonate in inactive DU patients. The defective duodenal secretion of bicarbonate observed in these patients may be a consequence of previous ulceration rather than the mere presence of H. pylori infection....

  3. La memoria activa del saber pedagógico en la contemporaneidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El artículo presenta el reencuentro crítico de tres proyectos paradigmáticos de la memoria activa del saber pedagógico: Comenio, proyecto de Didáctica; Herbart, proyecto de Pedagogía y Dewey, proyecto de Educación, con algunas pro- blemáticas teóricas de la actualidad acerca de la educación y la enseñanza. Los resultados de dicha interlocución se vinculan hoy a una memoria viva. Se utilizaron como herramientas metodológicas el cruce de diversos enfoques y técnicas tales como: la formación de los conceptos en la arqueología de los saberes, según los aportes de Foucault; la historia de conceptos practicada por Koselleck; y la relación del concepto con el presente, desde la epistemología. Los tres pedagogos fueron abordados desde dos perspectivas: 1 la relación de sus obras maestras con el momento histórico de su producción, y 2 la inscripción en un orden temporal diferente al de su producción.

  4. Functional characterization of serotonin receptor subtypes in human duodenal secretion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engelmann, Bodil Elisabeth; Bindslev, Niels; Poulsen, Steen Seier


    : ketanserin, ondansetron, or SB-204070 (1-butyl-4 piperidinmethyl-8-amino-7-chloro-2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzodioxin-5-carboxylate HCl). Histological examination was performed on duodenal biopsies. Helicobacter urease testing and histological examination determined Helicobacter pylori infection. 5-HT induced a dose...

  5. Mortality in perforated duodenal ulcer depends upon pre-operative risk: a retrospective 10-year study.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Larkin, J O


    INTRODUCTION: Most patients presenting with acutely perforated duodenal ulcer undergo operation, but conservative treatment may be indicated when an ulcer has spontaneously sealed with minimal\\/localised peritoneal irritation or when the patient\\'s premorbid performance status is poor. We retrospectively reviewed our experience with operative and conservative management of perforated duodenal ulcers over a 10-year period and analysed outcome according to American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score. METHODS: The records of all patients presenting with perforated duodenal ulcer to the Department of Surgery, Mayo General Hospital, between January 1998 and December 2007 were reviewed. Age, gender, co-morbidity, ASA-score, clinical presentation, mode of management, operative procedures, morbidity and mortality were considered. RESULTS: Of 76 patients included, 48 (44 operative, 4 conservative) were ASA I-III, with no mortality irrespective of treatment. Amongst 28 patients with ASA-score IV\\/V, mortality was 54.5% (6\\/11) following operative management and 52.9% (9\\/17) with conservative management. CONCLUSION: In patients with a perforated duodenal ulcer and ASA-score I-III, postoperative outcome is uniformly favourable. We recommend these patients have repair with peritoneal lavage performed, routinely followed postoperatively by empirical triple therapy. Given that mortality is equivalent between ASA IV\\/V patients whether managed operatively or conservatively, we suggest that both management options are equally justifiable.

  6. Emergency transcatheter arterial embolization for critical massive bleeding due to duodenal bulb ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Qiang; Li Yiyun; Zhao Chunmei


    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of emergency transcatheter arterial embolization (ETAE) in treating critical massive bleeding due to duodenal bulb ulcer. Methods: ETAE was carried out in seven patients with acute massive bleeding due to endoscopically-proved duodenal bulb ulcer, who failed to respond conservative measures and were critically ill clinically. Super-selective catheterization of gastroduodenal artery or right gastroepiploic artery was performed, which was followed by arterial angiography to identify the bleeding site. According to the angiographic findings, ETAE with Gelfoam particles and coils was carried out. After the operation medical management was given and endoscopy re-examination was conducted. All the patients were follow up for 3∼6 months. Results: Angiographically, gastroduodenal artery bleeding was detected in all seven patients. ETAE was successfully accomplished in all cases. Complete clinical effectiveness was obtained in six patients while partial effectiveness in one case. No procedure-related complications occurred. Conclusion: For critical massive bleeding due to duodenal bulb ulcer ETAE is a highly effective and safe treatment, which can be regarded as an alternative to surgery. It is worth popularizing this technique in clinical practice. (authors)

  7. Spontaneous pneumobilia revealing choledocho-duodenal fistula: A rare complication of peptic ulcer disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Massimo Tonolini


    Full Text Available Spontaneous pneumobilia without previous surgery or interventional procedures indicates an abnormal biliary-enteric communication, most usually a cholelithiasis-related gallbladder perforation. Conversely, choledocho-duodenal fistulisation (CDF from duodenal bulb ulcer is currently exceptional, reflecting the low prevalence of peptic disease. Combination of clinical data (occurrence in middle-aged males, ulcer history, absent jaundice and cholangitis and CT findings including pneumobilia, normal gallbladder, adhesion with fistulous track between posterior duodenum and pancreatic head allow diagnosis of CDF, and differentiation from usual gallstone-related biliary fistulas requiring surgery. Conversely, ulcer-related CDF are effectively treated medically, whereas surgery is reserved for poorly controlled symptoms or major complications.

  8. [Traumatic rupture of the pancreas and duodenum in pre-existing penetrating duodenal ulcer]. (United States)

    Schröder, W; Krüger, I; Mönig, S P; Hölscher, A H


    Pancreatic injuries are rare complications after blunt abdominal trauma and usually the result of a direct force separating the pancreatic body in front of the vertebral column. This case report describes the uncommon event of a severe pancreatic and duodenal injury (stage IV b of Lukas) in which the combination of a direct force and the setting of a preexisting penetrating ulcer of the duodenum caused the extent of the pancreatic and duodenal injury [9]. Because of the preexisting lesion a Whipple procedure had to be performed. This case report demonstrates the influence of chronic abdominal diseases on the outcome of blunt abdominal trauma.

  9. Roentgenologic image of penetrating duodenal bulb ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strunin, A.E.


    When studying a series of aimed roentgenograms in patients with peptic ulcer a gas bubble of irregular spherical configuration or two-layer niche were determined near the bulb medial contour. Gas bubble was from 0.5-0.7 to 3.5 cm in diameter. In such cases penetrating ulcers were determined in operations. Along with other signs gas bubble symptom, sometimes two-layer signs may be used for timely and exact roentgenological diagnosis of penetrating duodenal bulb ulcer in peptic ulcer disease

  10. Camel-related pancreatico-duodenal injuries: a report of three cases and review of literature. (United States)

    Abu-Zidan, F M; Hefny, A F; Mousa, H; Torab, F C; Hassan, I


    Human pancreatico-duodenal injuries caused by camels are extremely rare. We report three patients who sustained camel-related pancreatico-duodenal injuries and review the literature on this topic. A 32-year camel caregiver was kicked by a camel which then stepped on his abdomen trying to kill him. The patient's abdomen was soft and lax. CT scan of the abdomen showed free retroperitoneal air. Laparotomy revealed a complete tear of the anterior wall of the second part of duodenum which was primarily repaired. A 40-year camel caregiver was directly kicked into his abdomen by a camel. He developed traumatic pancreatitis which was treated conservatively. A 31-year-old male fell down on his abdomen while riding a camel. Abdominal examination revealed tenderness and guarding. Abdominal CT Scan showed complete transection of the neck of the pancreas which was confirmed by laparotomy. The patient had distal pancreatectomy with preservation of the spleen. All patients were discharged home in good condition. These cases demonstrate the misleading presentation of the camel-related pancreatico-duodenal injuries and their unique mechanism of injury.

  11. Estética del 'cross a la mandíbula' y elementos modernista - decadentes en Roberto Arlt

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Susana Juárez


    Full Text Available El trabajo reflexiona sobre el cruce de tendencias presentes en lo que se ha considerado como la primera etapa de la obra de Roberto Arlt. Así, en la estética arltiana de una literatura que encierra “la viol encia de un ‘cross’ a la mandíbula”, definida en las palabras preliminares a Los lanzallamas, se introducen algunos rasgos que provienen del modernismo y del imaginario decadente, en muchos aspectos, muy criticados por el propio escritor. En este marco, se analiza, en primer lugar, “Jehová” (1918, el primer cuento que publicó, cuya construcción evidencia lecturas de fuerte matriz modernista. Luego, se estudia el modo en que Arlt intenta separarse del modernismo-decadentismo en sus textos programáticos, sus novelas y sus primeras narraciones, y la forma en que, de todas maneras, se retoman en su literatura ciertos elementos que remiten visiblemente a la estética en cuestión. Finalmente, indagamos cómo, cuando en Arlt puede observarse una pretensión de “estilo alto”, aparece el modernismo

  12. Bile duct-duodenal fistula caused by AIDS/HIV-associated tuberculosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patino Carlos


    Full Text Available Allthough infrequent, digestive fistulae in HIV/AIDS patients have been reported throughout the digestive tract from the esophagus to the anus, with predominance of esophageal fistulae. AIDS/HIV-associated opportunistic infections may invade the digestive system and lead to fistula formation. Tuberculosis is the most common infection associated with these esophageal fistulae. We report here one case of bile duct-duodenal fistula in a female AIDS patient with associated abdominal Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection compromising lymphnodes of the hepatic pedicle where the fistula was found. According to the reviewed literature, this is the third case of bile duct-duodenal fistula associated with abdominal tuberculosis in AIDS patient, and the first where both the fistula and the tuberculosis infection were diagnosed at laparotomy for acute abdomen. Whether the AIDS patient with abdominal pain needs or not a laparotomy to treat an infectious disease is often a difficult matter for the surgeon to decide, as most of the times appropriate medical treatment will bring more benefit.

  13. Repair of an Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography-Related Large Duodenal Perforation Using Double Endoscopic Band Ligation and Endoclipping

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Keunmo Kim


    Full Text Available Endoscopic closure techniques have been introduced for the repair of duodenal wall perforations that occur during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP. We report a case of successful repair of a large duodenal wall perforation by using double endoscopic band ligation (EBL and an endoclip. Lateral duodenal wall perforation occurred during ERCP in a 93-year-old woman with acute calculous cholangitis. We switched to a forward endoscope that had a transparent band apparatus. A 2.0-cm oval-shaped perforation was found at the lateral duodenal wall. We repaired the perforation by sequentially performing double EBL and endoclipping. The first EBL was performed at the proximal edge of the perforation orifice, and two-thirds of the perforation were repaired. The second EBL, which also included the contents covered under the first EBL, repaired the defect almost completely. Finally, to account for the possible presence of a residual perforation, an endoclip was applied at the distal end of the perforation. The detection and closure of the perforation were completed within 10 minutes. We suggest that double EBL is an effective method for closure.

  14. [Features of deontology in patient with duodenal ulcer]. (United States)

    Firsova, L D


    The presented data demonstrate the frequency and variety of different disorders of mental response to the fact of the disease among patients with duodenal ulcer. It may be seen from experience the doctor's deontology assists essentially to patients in restoring their mental functions disturbed in the period of exacerbation. A psychodiagnostic examination allows detecting patients that require a psychotherapeutic consultation (and a psychiatrist's consultation in a number of cases).

  15. Diagnosis of celiac trunk compression stenosis in ischemic gastric and duodenal ulcer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potashov, L.V.; Morozov, V.P.; Chekhuta, S.M.; Rodionov, K.K.


    Chronic gastric and duodenal ulcers may result from ischemia determined by celiac trunk compression stenosis (CTCS). In such cases angiography is necessary to specify diagnosis, to bring to light the causes of ulceration and to define therapeutic tactics. An analysis of angiograms of 75 patients with gastric and duodenal mucosa ulcers in CTCS and its characteristics have presented. The opening and proximal part of the celiac trunk are more frequently subjected to compression. The length of a narrow part of the celiac trunk is on an average of 6.62±0.31 mm. Enlargement in the diameter of the gastroduodenal artery was noted. Simultaneous narrowing of the celaic trunk and the upper mesenteric artery was found in 18 patients

  16. Duodenal ulcers as an abscopal effect of thoracic irradiation in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michalowski, A.; Burgin, J.


    Female CFLP mice irradiated to their thorax with either x-rays or fast neutrons developed peptic ulcers within 8 days of exposure. The steep x-ray dose/response curve for induction of duodenal ulcer gave an ED 50 of approximately 14.5 Gu. As little as 6 Gy of fast neutrons was effective in some cases, but the neutron ED 50 exceeded that for x-rays. The ulcers represented an abscopal effect of thoracic irradiation. Scattered radiation as simulated by whole-body x-ray treatment (1 to 5 Gy) caused a dose-dependent decrease in the frequency of duodenal lesions, possibly by decreasing gastric secretion. The greater amount of scattered radiation accompanying fast neutron exposure of the thorax was presumably responsible for the shallower dose/response curve of ulcer induction than that seen with x-rays

  17. Gastrojejunostomy without partial gastrectomy to manage duodenal stenosis in a dog

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johannes J. Nel


    Full Text Available A nine-year-old female Rottweiler with a history of repeated gastrointestinal ulcerations and three previous surgical interventions related to gastrointestinal ulceration presented with symptoms of anorexia and intermittent vomiting. Benign gastric outflow obstruction was diagnosed in the proximal duodenal area. The initial surgical plan was to perform a pylorectomy with gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure, but owing to substantial scar tissue and adhesions in the area a palliative gastrojejunostomy was performed. This procedure provided a bypass for the gastric contents into the proximal jejunum via the new stoma, yet still allowed bile and pancreatic secretions to flow normally via the patent duodenum. The gastrojejunostomy technique was successful in the surgical management of this case, which involved proximal duodenal stricture in the absence of neoplasia. Regular telephonic followup over the next 12 months confirmed that the patient was doing well.

  18. Gastrojejunostomy without partial gastrectomy to manage duodenal stenosis in a dog. (United States)

    Nel, Johannes J; du Plessis, Cornelius J; Coetzee, Gert L


    A nine-year-old female Rottweiler with a history of repeated gastrointestinal ulcerations and three previous surgical interventions related to gastrointestinal ulceration presented with symptoms of anorexia and intermittent vomiting. Benign gastric outflow obstruction was diagnosed in the proximal duodenal area. The initial surgical plan was to perform a pylorectomy with gastroduodenostomy (Billroth I procedure), but owing to substantial scar tissue and adhesions in the area a palliative gastrojejunostomy was performed. This procedure provided a bypass for the gastric contents into the proximal jejunum via the new stoma, yet still allowed bile and pancreatic secretions to flow normally via the patent duodenum. The gastrojejunostomy technique was successful in the surgical management of this case, which involved proximal duodenal stricture in the absence of neoplasia. Regular telephonic followup over the next 12 months confirmed that the patient was doing well.

  19. Influence of Wheat and Maize Starch on Fermentation in the Rumen, Duodenal Nutrient Flow and Nutrient Digestibility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milan Šimko


    Full Text Available We investigated the effects of feeding diets with different starch sources on fermentation in the rumen, duodenal nutrient flow and nutrient digestibility. The basis of the diets was maize silage and alfalfa hay supplemented with wheat meal in diet W, or maize meal in diet M. The experiment was performed on four Black-Spotted bulls with mean live weight of 525 kg, which were fed twice daily at 06.30 and 18.30 h. Experimental animals were fitted with ruminal fistulae and duodenal T-shaped cannulae. Cr2O3 was used as a marker of nutrient flow to the duodenum. Rations were formulated so that the ratio of starch to crude fibre (CF was 2.1:1 and the percentage of CF was maintained at 17% (DM. Duodenal chymus was collected at 2-h time intervals. Starch origin significantly affected ruminal fermentation. Concentration of propionic, butyric and lactic acid was higher with wheat than with maize meal. When the maize meal was the source of starch there was a significantly higher flow of fat, CF, nitrogen-free extract, and starch into duodenum. Differences in duodenal flow of crude protein were not significant across the starch sources. Intake of wheat meal or maize meal increased duodenal flow relative to intake by 33% or 42 % respectively. The apparent digestibility of dry matter (76 ± 2%, crude protein (67 ± 0.9%, CF (64 ± 1.9%, nitrogen-free extract (82 ± 1.5% and organic matter (76 ± 1.3% was significantly higher by offering wheat meal.

  20. Perforated gastric and duodenal ulcers in an urban African population

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Perforations of the stomach and duodenum are frequent causes of acute generalized peritonitis in our environment. This is a prospective study of 331 cases of gastric and duodenal perforations. Study design: A consecutive series of adult patients admitted and treated for acute generalized peritonitis due to ...

  1. Ursodeoxycholic acid counteracts celecoxib in reduction of duodenal polyps in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis: a multicentre, randomized controlled trial (United States)


    Background Due to prophylactic colectomy, mortality in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) has changed, with duodenal cancer currently being the main cause of death. Although celecoxib reduces duodenal polyp density in patients with FAP, its long-term use may increase the risk of cardiovascular events and alternatives need to be explored. Preclinical studies suggest that the combination of celecoxib with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is a potentially effective strategy. We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to investigate the effect of celecoxib and UDCA co-treatment on duodenal adenomatosis in patients with FAP. Methods Patients with FAP received celecoxib (400 mg twice daily) and UDCA (1000-2000 mg daily, ~20-30 mg/kg/day, n=19) or celecoxib and placebo (n=18) orally for 6 months. Primary outcome was drug efficacy, assessed by comparing duodenal polyp density at pre- and post-intervention by blinded review of endoscopic recordings. As secondary outcomes, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and COX-2 levels in normal duodenal mucosa were assessed by immunohistochemistry or real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Results In intention-to-treat analysis, deceased polyp density was observed after celecoxib/placebo treatment (p=0.029), whereas increased polyp density was observed after celecoxib/UDCA treatment (p=0.014). The difference in change in duodenal polyp density was statistically significant between the groups (p=0.011). No changes in secondary outcomes were observed. Thirty patients (81%) reported one or more adverse events, 16 patients (84%, Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events version 3.0 (CTCAE) grade 1–3) treated with celecoxib/UDCA and 14 patients (78%, CTCAE grade 1–2) treated with celecoxib/placebo. Nine patients (24%) discontinued intervention prematurely, 5 patients (26%) treated with celecoxib/UDCA and 4 patients (22%) treated with celecoxib/placebo. Conclusions Celecoxib reduces duodenal

  2. Gastric and Duodenal Stents: Follow-Up and Complications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pinto Pabon, Isabel Teresa; Paul Diaz, Laura; Ruiz de Adana, Juan Carlos; Lopez Herrero, Julio


    Purpose: To assess the efficacy of self-expanding metallic stents in treating inoperable gastric and duodenal stenoses during follow-up and to evaluate the complications encountered.Methods: A total of 31 patients suffering from gastroduodenal obstruction (29 malignant, 2 benign) were treated with a self-expanding metallic stent (Wallstent). In 24 cases insertion was by the peroral route, in seven cases via gastrostomy.Results: All the strictures were successfully negotiated under fluoroscopic guidance without having to resort to endoscopy. A total of 27 patients (87%) were able to resume a regular diet, a soft diet, or a liquid diet orally. Complications included one case of stent malpositioning, one case of leakage of ascitic fluid through the gastrostomy orifice, one case of perforation and fistula to the biliary tree, and two cases of hematemesis. In two patients (6%) additional stents were implanted to improve patency. In all patients follow-up was maintained until death. Recurrence of symptoms immediately before death occurred in seven cases (23%). Mean survival time of patients was 13.3 weeks (SE ± 4.6).Conclusions: The deployment of gastroduodenal stents resulted in good palliation of inoperable gastric and duodenal stenoses. Certain technical aspects, e.g., adaptation of stents to bowel morphology, is critical to proper stent function and avoidance of complications

  3. [A case of recurrent transverse colon cancer invading the pancreas and duodenum successfully treated with biliary and duodenal stenting]. (United States)

    Tonooka, Toru; Yoshioka, Shigeru; Shiobara, Masayuki; Wakatsuki, Kazuo; Kataoka, Masaaki; Arai, Shuka; Miyazawa, Kotaro; Nakada, Shinichiro; Kita, Kazuhiko; Saito, Hirofumi; Nomoto, Hiromasa; Usui, Masatoshi; Yabiki, Masashi; Ota, Yuki; Oeda, Yoshio


    We report a case of recurrent transverse colon cancer invading the pancreas and duodenum that was successfully treated with biliary and duodenal stenting. A 46-year-old man underwent ascending colostomy for the treatment of obstructive transverse colon cancer with hepatic metastasis. Chemotherapy achieved a partial response, but the levels of tumor markers later began to rise again. He then underwent right hemicolectomy and partial hepatectomy. Post-operative chemotherapy was administered, but the recurrent tumor caused obstructive jaundice and duodenal obstruction. These were successfully treated with biliary and duodenal stenting, and the patient was able to remain at home and maintain his quality of life.

  4. Gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms and coeliac disease: no role for routine duodenal biopsy. (United States)

    Mooney, Peter D; Evans, Kate E; Kurien, Matthew; Hopper, Andrew D; Sanders, David S


    Coeliac disease (CD) has been linked to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Previous studies have demonstrated an increased prevalence of reflux in patients with CD. However data on the risk for CD in patients presenting with reflux are conflicting. The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of CD in patients with GORD and to elucidate the mechanisms for reflux symptoms in newly diagnosed CD patients. Group A: patients who had undergone routine duodenal biopsy were prospectively recruited between 2004 and 2014. Diagnostic yield was compared with that of a screening cohort. Group B: 32 patients with newly diagnosed CD who had undergone oesophageal manometry and 24-h pH studies were prospectively recruited. Group A: 3368 patients (58.7% female, mean age 53.4 years) underwent routine duodenal biopsy. Of these patients, 850 (25.2%) presented with GORD. The prevalence of CD among GORD patients was 1.3% (0.7-2.4%), which was not significantly higher than that in the general population (P=0.53). Within the context of routine duodenal biopsy at endoscopy (when corrected for concurrent symptoms, age and sex), reflux was found to be negatively associated with CD [adjusted odds ratio 0.12 (0.07-0.23), Preflux. On manometry, 9% had a hypotensive lower oesophageal sphincter and 40.6% had oesophageal motor abnormalities, with 25% significantly hypocontractile. On pH studies, 33% demonstrated reflux episodes. The prevalence of undiagnosed CD among GORD patients is similar to that in the general population, and routine duodenal biopsy cannot be recommended. A significant number of patients with newly diagnosed CD were found to have reflux and/or oesophageal dysmotility on pH/manometry studies; this may explain the high prevalence of reflux symptoms in CD.

  5. Recovery of Durvillaea antarctica (Durvilleales) inside and outside Las Cruces Marine Reserve, Chile. (United States)

    Castilla, J C; Campo, M A; Bustamante, R H


    We present the results for over two decades of monitoring on intertidal food-gatherers and the population of the low rocky shore dweller kelp Durvillaea antarctica, a short-distance disperser, inside and outside the no-take marine reserve, Estacion Costera de Investigaciones Marinas (ECIM), at Las Cruces, central Chile. It was hypothesized that protection of an initially extremely depleted population would recover by recolonizing first the no-take area and then adjacent non-protected (exploited) areas. We found that recovery of D. antarctica occurred slowly inside ECIM, with increase in density and biomass, of up to three orders of magnitude as compared to an adjacent non-protected area, which showed approximately 2-yr delay. These results suggest that the kelp population inside ECIM was likely regulated via intraspecific competition, which did not occur outside. Results showed no evidence for juvenile vs. adult density dependence other than a weak relationship for the central area of ECIM. These findings also suggest that the population recovery and cross-boundary seeding subsides affected the population dynamics. Understanding these dynamics may enhance management and conservation policies. Our work highlights the critical value of baseline and long-term comparative studies in marine no-take protected and non-protected areas for understanding how population processes respond to human and conservation practices.

  6. Experience with acute perforated duodenal ulcer in a West African population. (United States)

    Nuhu, A; Kassama, Y


    The advent of proton pump inhibitors and helicobacter pylori eradication in the management of chronic peptic ulcer disease has reduced the operative treatment of this condition to its complications. Perforated duodenal ulcer remains a major life threatening complication of chronic peptic ulcer disease. This retrospective study reviews our experience at the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital. All patients with clinical diagnosis of perforated duodenal ulcer seen in this hospital between June 2003 and October 2005 were included in this study. Data extracted from their hospital records were analyzed for age, sex, duration of symptoms, previous history of peptic ulcer disease, use of NSAIDS, main presenting features, investigations, resuscitative measures, time of surgery, operative findings, and type of surgery offered, complications and mortality. After resuscitation, laparotomy followed by simple closure or definitive ulcer surgery and helicobacter pylori eradication therapy was given to all the patients. Duration of follow up ranged 8 to 12 months with endoscopy in some patients. There were 41 patients with intraoperative diagnosis of acute perforated duodenal ulcer seen over the study period, comprising 34 males (82.9%) and 7 females (17.1%), a male female ratio of 4.8:1, age range of 18-77 years and a mean age of 45.49 +/- 14.46 years. Previous history of peptic ulcer disease was found in 32 (78.6%) of the patient and the main presenting features were sudden onset of severe abdominal pain in 95.1% of cases and fever in 65.8%. Features of frank peritonitis were demonstrable in all the patients and 11 (26.8%) presented in shock. Plain chest x-rays demonstrated gas under the diaphragm in 21(65.6%) of the patients. After adequate resuscitation, all the patients underwent laparotomy where the abdomen was explored, the diagnosis of perforated duodenal ulcer was confirmed and 29 (70.7%) had simple closure of the perforation with omentum (after Graham). The average time

  7. Cronotopos de una nación distópica: el nacimiento de la "dependencia" en México durante el Porfiriato tardío


    Lomnitz, Claudio


    Este artículo desarrolla una nueva aproximación a la antropología y la historia de las fronteras internacionales. Propone una tipología y una caracterización fenomenológica de dos clases de cruces de frontera que emergen junto con la nueva relación de dependencia económica y política que se desarrolla entre México y los Estados Unidos en el último cuarto del siglo XIX. Los nuevos cruces de frontera involucran el desarrollo de nuevos "cronotopos", en otras palabras, nuevas y concurrentes matri...

  8. Experience with Acute Perforated Duodenal Ulcer in a West African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Plain chest x-rays demonstrated gas under the diaphragm in 21(65.6%) of the patients. After adequate resuscitation, all the patients underwent laparotomy where the abdomen was explored, the diagnosis of perforated duodenal ulcer was confirmed and 29(70.7%) had simple closure of the perforation with omentum (after ...

  9. Motor-evacuatory gastric function in patients with duodenal cancer after selective proximal vagotomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aliev, M A; Kabdrakhmanov, T K; Kashkin, K A; Darmenov, O K; Kuspangaljeva, Sh U [Kazakhskij Inst. Klinicheskoj i Ehksperimental' noj Khirurgii Minzdrava Kazakhskoj SSR, Alma-Ata


    Motor-evacuatory stomach function by using continuous radiogastrography was studied in patients with duodenal ulcers. Radiogastrograms were analyzed before operation, on the 7th-15th day after selective proximal vagotomy performed either independently or in combination with draining operations. A faster evacuation of food from the stomach prevailed in an uncomplicated form of duodenal ulcer and compensated stenosis of the pyloroduodenal zone, evacuatory stomach function was retarded or absent in subcompensated and decompensated stenosis. Discoordinated gastric peristalsis and a reverse food input were noted in patients with subcompensated stenosis. At early time after operations temporary inhibition of evacuatory stomach function occurred in 94.2% of the patients; it could be corrected with conservative therapeutic measures.

  10. Motor-evacuatory gastric function in patients with duodenal cancer after selective proximal vagotomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aliev, M.A.; Kabdrakhmanov, T.K.; Kashkin, K.A.; Darmenov, O.K.; Kuspangaljeva, Sh.U.


    Motor-evacuatory stomach function by using continuous radiogastrography was studied in patients with duodenal ulcers. Radiogastrograms were analyzed before operation, on the 7th-15th day after selective proximal vagotomy performed either independently or in combination with draining operations. A faster evacuation of food from the stomach prevailed in an uncomplicated form of duodenal ulcer and compensated stenosis of the pyloroduodenal zone, evacuatory stomach function was retarded or absent in subcompensated and decompensated stenosis. Discoordinated gastric peristalsis and a reverse food input were noted in patients with subcompensated stenosis. At early time after operations temporary inhibition of evacuatory stomach function occurred in 94.2% of the patients; it could be corrected with conservative therapeutic measures

  11. Human duodenal motor activity in response to acid and different nutrients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schwartz, M. P.; Samsom, M.; Smout, A. J.


    Duodenal motor activity in response to intraduodenal infusion of small volumes of acid and nutrients of different chemical composition was studied in 10 healthy humans, using a water-perfused catheter incorporating 20 antropyloroduodenal sideholes. Saline and dextrose did not affect motility. Acid

  12. A review of the management of perforated duodenal ulcers at a tertiary hospital in south western Nigeria. (United States)

    Etonyeaku, A C; Agbakwuru, E A; Akinkuolie, A A; Omotola, C A; Talabi, A O; Onyia, C U; Kolawole, O A; Aladesuru, O A


    Gastro-duodenal perforations are common and may complicate peptic ulcer disease. Management is often by surgical closure. To determine the patterns of presentation and mode of management of duodenal ulcer perforations. Retrospective review of patients with duodenal ulcer perforations seen at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital between June 2001 and July 2011. Patients' records were reviewed for demography, duration of disease, probable risk factors, type of surgery and complications. Data obtained was analyzed using SPSS 15.0. Forty- five patients were reviewed. There were 37 males (82.2%). Mean age was 39.7years (range 15-78years). There were 10 (22.6%) students and 8(17.8%) farmers. NSAIDs abuse (11), previous peptic ulcer disease (2), and no prior dyspeptic symptoms (20) constituted 24.4%, 4.4% and 44.4% respectively of cases. Seven (16%) patients presented less than 24 hours of onset of illness. Forty one perforations (91.1%) involved the first part of duodenum. Twenty two (49%) patients had Graham's omental patch. We had one (2.2%) failed repair and six (13.3%) mortalities. Late presentation of duodenal ulcer perforation is common with high mortality. Pragmatic surgical intervention with Graham's omentopexy with broad spectrum antibiotics is still commonly practiced.

  13. Lack of Plasma Protein Hemopexin Results in Increased Duodenal Iron Uptake. (United States)

    Fiorito, Veronica; Geninatti Crich, Simonetta; Silengo, Lorenzo; Aime, Silvio; Altruda, Fiorella; Tolosano, Emanuela


    The body concentration of iron is regulated by a fine equilibrium between absorption and losses of iron. Iron can be absorbed from diet as inorganic iron or as heme. Hemopexin is an acute phase protein that limits iron access to microorganisms. Moreover, it is the plasma protein with the highest binding affinity for heme and thus it mediates heme-iron recycling. Considering its involvement in iron homeostasis, it was postulated that hemopexin may play a role in the physiological absorption of inorganic iron. Hemopexin-null mice showed elevated iron deposits in enterocytes, associated with higher duodenal H-Ferritin levels and a significant increase in duodenal expression and activity of heme oxygenase. The expression of heme-iron and inorganic iron transporters was normal. The rate of iron absorption was assessed by measuring the amount of (57)Fe retained in tissues from hemopexin-null and wild-type animals after administration of an oral dose of (57)FeSO4 or of (57)Fe-labelled heme. Higher iron retention in the duodenum of hemopexin-null mice was observed as compared with normal mice. Conversely, iron transfer from enterocytes to liver and bone marrow was unaffected in hemopexin-null mice. The increased iron level in hemopexin-null duodenum can be accounted for by an increased iron uptake by enterocytes and storage in ferritins. These data indicate that the lack of hemopexin under physiological conditions leads to an enhanced duodenal iron uptake thus providing new insights to our understanding of body iron homeostasis.


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    Full Text Available El presente artículo desarrolla una propuesta de diálogo interdisciplinar a través del uso de herramientas SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica para la construcción de una metodología de identificación del Potencial de Restauración Ecológica (PRE, en áreas de borde urbano que hacen parte de la Estructura Ecológica Principal de Bogotá, según el ordenamiento territorial. Estas áreas suscriben problemáticas socio ambientales particulares propias de la interacción entre naturaleza y cultura. En tal sentido, se describen los pasos metodológicos para la identificación del PRE: caracterización biótica, física y social; identificación y espacialización de variables; ponderación y cruces para el cálculo del potencial final. Luego se discute sobre los alcances y limitaciones del uso de herramientas SIG como posibilidad metodológica para la interacción entre disciplinas como la biología, la geografía física y la sociología durante el proceso de restauración ecológica.


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    Nathalia Saber de ANDRADE

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: - Conventional esophagogastroduodenoscopy is the best method for evaluation of the upper gastrointestinal tract, but it has limitations for the identification of the major duodenal papilla, even after the use of the straightening maneuver. Side-viewing duodenoscope is recommended for optimal examination of major duodenal papilla in patients at high risk for lesions in this region. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the biopsy forceps during conventional esophagogastroduodenoscopy as an additional tool to the straightening maneuver, in the evaluation of the major duodenal papilla. METHODS: A total of 671 patients were studied between 2013 and 2015, with active major duodenal papilla search in three endoscope steps: not straightened, straightened and use of the biopsy forceps after straightening. In all of them it was recorded whether: major duodenal papilla was fully visualized (position A, partially visualized (position B or not visualized (position C. If major duodenal papilla was not fully visualized, patients continued to the next step. RESULTS: A total of 341 were female (50.8% with mean age of 49 years. Of the 671 patients, 324 (48.3% major duodenal papilla was identified in position A, 112 (16.7% in position B and 235 (35% in position C. In the 347 patients who underwent the straightening maneuver, position A was found in 186 (53.6%, position B in 51 (14.7% and position C in 110 (31.7%. Of the 161 remaining patients and after biopsy forceps use, position A was seen in 94 (58.4%, position B in 14 (8.7% and position C in 53 (32.9%. The overall rate of complete visualization of major duodenal papilla was 90%. CONCLUSION: The use of the biopsy forceps significantly increased the total major duodenal papilla visualization rate by 14%, reaching 604/671 (90% of the patients (P<0.01 and it can be easily incorporated into the routine endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

  16. Aspectos clínicos e histológicos da úlcera duodenal em crianças e adolescentes Clinical and histological features of duodenal ulcer in children and adolescents

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    Elisabete Kawakami


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características clínicas e histológicas de crian��as e adolescentes com úlcera duodenal. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas prospectiva e consecutivamente 43 pacientes com úlcera duodenal ao longo de 6 anos (7,2 pacientes por ano. A avaliação consistiu de questionário clínico de sintomas dispépticos, exame físico e endoscopia digestiva com biópsias gástricas para exame histológico e detecção do Helicobacter pylori. RESULTADOS: A idade no diagnóstico variou de 4 anos e 8 meses a 17 anos e 4 meses (mediana = 12 anos e 4 meses. O sintoma mais freqüente foi dor abdominal (39/43, 90,7%: no epigástrio em 31/39, periumbilical em 7/39 e noturna em 27/39. Outros sintomas freqüentes foram: diminuição do apetite (32/43, 74,4%, vômitos (30/43, 69,8%, plenitude pós-prandial (23/43, 53,5%, perda de peso (22/43, 51,2% e sensibilidade abdominal (19/43, 44,2%. Hemorragia digestiva alta ocorreu em 19/43 pacientes (44,2%, e anemia em 21/43 (48,8%. H. pylori foi detectado em 41/43 (95,3%, e todos esses pacientes apresentaram gastrite crônica ativa de antro, 92% deles com predomínio do infiltrado linfomononuclear. A erradicação da bactéria ocorreu em 68,3% dos pacientes infectados, mas houve cicatrização da lesão em 100% dos pacientes erradicados e em 89% dos não-erradicados. CONCLUSÃO: Úlcera duodenal foi associada à gastrite crônica por H. pylori na grande maioria dos pacientes. Houve grande freqüência de complicações, especialmente hemorragia digestiva alta.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical and histological features of duodenal ulcer in children and adolescents. METHODS: Forty-three children with duodenal ulcer were prospectively and consecutively evaluated in a 6-year period (7.2 patients per year. Evaluation included clinical questionnaire focused on dyspeptic symptoms, physical examination, and digestive endoscopy with gastric biopsies for histological examination and Helicobacter pylori detection. RESULTS

  17. Los Migrantes Mexicanos: Acercamiento a un Análisis del Fenómeno Después de los Atentados Terroristas del 11 de Septiembre de 2001 en Estados Unidos

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    Oscar Hugo Pedraza Rendón


    Full Text Available En el presente documento se analizan los rasgos que asumió el flujo migratorio de mexicanos hacia los Estados Unidos después de los atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Con este ataque el tema migratorio en la agenda binacional ha pasado a segundo plano, es más la unión americana decide reforzar sus fronteras invirtiendo capital y recursos humanos para custodiarla. De esta forma, el cruce de la frontera se hace más costoso y peligroso al grado de cobrar gran cantidad de vidas humanas. Por otro lado, dichas medidas antimigratorias han convertido al migrante en delincuente, situación que no favorece en lo absoluto a la salud mental de nuestros connacionales. Dado lo anterior es pertinente establecer mecanismos que aseguren el bienestar físico y mental de los migrantes tanto en Estados Unidos como en México.

  18. Más allá del cuerpo significante. Algunas consideraciones sobre las condiciones subjetivas del sentido

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    Germán Rosso


    Full Text Available Se presentan a continuación algunas conclusiones alcanzadas durante el Seminario de Diseño Gráfico y Publicitario, de la cátedra dirigida por Carlos Savransky (UBA, y posteriormente profundizadas en el PRII R13-217 “Sobre la constitución de la subjetividad y el sentido: teoría de la práctica y reflexividad. Un abordaje a partir de Castoriadis y Bourdieu”. Se apunta a una articulación entre diferentes categorías propuestas por el psicoanálisis freudiano, la fenomenología merleau-pontiana y el pensamiento de Castoriadis, ante un artículo fundamental en la perspectiva sociosemiótica: “El cuerpo reencontrado”, de Eliseo Verón. A partir del recorrido ontogenético que desarrolla el autor retomando la segunda tricotomía peirciana, donde se muestra el modo en que el sujeto se estructura al interior de la red discursiva (1987, se buscarán posibles complementaciones entre los enfoques recién mencionados. El cruce de perspectivas resulta pertinente si recordamos que Verón presupone varias de las categorías que dan cuenta de las condiciones de posibilidad para el surgimiento/reasunción del sentido instituido en la dimensión histórico-social. Al mismo tiempo, se retomarán las conclusiones de Piera Aulagnier en La violencia de la interpretación para enriquecer el recorrido genético y dar cuenta de la dimensión afectiva que recorre la actividad de representación.

  19. Congenital Membrane Causing Duodenal Obstruction and Malpositioning of the Descending Colon

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    Chee-Chee Koh


    Full Text Available A congenital membrane without intestinal malrotation is a rare cause of duodenal obstruction. Here we present an 11-year-old girl who had suffered from intermittent abdominal cramping pain and vomiting for more than 5 years. The image studies, including a plain abdomen roentgenogram and sonogram, showed no definite diagnosis. The upper gastrointestinal series and small bowel series showed the contrast was static over the third portion of the duodenum and the descending colon pulled up toward the epigastric area. Laparoscopic exploration revealed a congenital membrane extending from the right-side paraduodenal peritoneum through the third portion of the duodenum to the descending colon, which had caused obstruction of the third portion of the duodenum and malpositioning of the descending colon. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report in the literature where a congenital membrane caused both duodenal obstruction and malpositioning of the descending colon.

  20. NSAID-induced gastro-duodenal bleeding: risk of development and patient management

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    A P Rebrov


    Full Text Available A.P. Rebrov, E.l. Koshkina, A.A. Antonyan, R.V. Lyakisheva NSAID-induced gastro-duodenal bleeding: risk of development and patient management. Retrospective analysis of gastro-duodenal bleeding (GDB report forms was performed. Pts admitted to the department of internal diseases of Saratov regional clinical hospital from 1999 to 2004 were included. 354 cases of GDB were recorded ( 282 from 1999 to 2001 and 72 from 2002 to 2004. Cause ofbleeding, influence of NSAID administration on appearance and relapse ofbleeding, source ofbleeding and pt management were assessed. NSAJD administration was considered trigger factor of GDB in 24% in 1999-2001 and in 18% in 2002-2004. The results of the study show some tendency to decrease of NSAID- induced gastropathy frequency among causes of GDB. The main risk factors ofbleeding during NSAID treatment were age of more than 30 years, ulcer history, the first month of NSAID administration. GDB frequency did not depend on regularity of treatment and NSAID dosage.

  1. Matrix metalloproteinase-3 promoter polymorphisms but not dupA-H. pylori correlate to duodenal ulcers in H. pylori-infected females

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    Yeh Yi-Chun


    Full Text Available Abstract Background This study investigated if the H. pylori dupA genotype and certain host single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs and their inhibitors (TIMPs, including MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2, might correlate with ulcer risk of H. pylori-infected Taiwanese patients. Results Of the 549 H. pylori-infected patients enrolled, 470 patients (265 with gastritis, 118 with duodenal ulcer, and 87 with gastric ulcer received SNPs analysis of MMP-3-1612 6A > 5A, MMP-7-181 A > G, MMP-9exon 6 A > G, TIMP-1372 T > C and TIMP-2-418 G > C by PCR-RFLP. The 181 collected H. pylori isolates were detected for the dupA genotype by PCR. The rates of dupA-positive H. pylori infection were similar among patients with duodenal ulcer (22.8%, gastric ulcer (20.0%, and gastritis (25.5% (p > 0.05. Males had higher rates of duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer than females (p H. pylori-infected patients, the MMP-3 6A6A genotype were more common in patients with duodenal ulcers than in those with gastritis (87.7% vs. 74.9%, p p H. pylori-infected females. Conclusions The MMP-3 promoter polymorphism, but not the dupA-status, may correlate with susceptibility to duodenal ulcer after H. pylori infection in Taiwanese females.

  2. Maintenance therapy with sucralfate in duodenal ulcer: genuine prevention or accelerated healing of ulcer recurrence? (United States)

    Bynum, T E; Koch, G G


    We sought to compare the efficacy of sucralfate to placebo for the prevention of duodenal ulcer recurrence and to determine that the efficacy of sucralfate was due to a true reduction in ulcer prevalence and not due to secondary effects such as analgesic activity or accelerated healing. This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel groups, multicenter clinical study with 254 patients. All patients had a past history of at least two duodenal ulcers with at least one ulcer diagnosed by endoscopic examination 3 months or less before the start of the study. Complete ulcer healing without erosions was required to enter the study. Sucralfate or placebo were dosed as a 1-g tablet twice a day for 4 months, or until ulcer recurrence. Endoscopic examinations once a month and when symptoms developed determined the presence or absence of duodenal ulcers. If a patient developed an ulcer between monthly scheduled visits, the patient was dosed with a 1-g sucralfate tablet twice a day until the next scheduled visit. Statistical analyses of the results determined the efficacy of sucralfate compared with placebo for preventing duodenal ulcer recurrence. Comparisons of therapeutic agents for preventing duodenal ulcers have usually been made by testing for statistical differences in the cumulative rates for all ulcers developed during a follow-up period, regardless of the time of detection. Statistical experts at the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and on the FDA Advisory Panel expressed doubts about clinical study results based on this type of analysis. They suggested three possible mechanisms for reducing the number of observed ulcers: (a) analgesic effects, (b) accelerated healing, and (c) true ulcer prevention. Traditional ulcer analysis could miss recurring ulcers due to an analgesic effect or accelerated healing. Point-prevalence analysis could miss recurring ulcers due to accelerated healing between endoscopic examinations. Maximum ulcer

  3. Peptic and duodenal ulcer imaging using 99mTc-sucralfate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahonen, A.; Groenfors, R.; Leino, R.; Luukko, J.; Aeaerimaa, M.


    Sucralfate is a basic aluminium salt of sucrose octasulphate which has been used in the treatment of peptic ulcers already for several years. Sucralfate administrated orally, coats selectively areas of ulceration, both gastric and duodenal, providing protection against acids and other irritants. The protective layer probably consists of sucralfate-protein complexes in the ulcerated areas. (orig.)

  4. A prospective study of periodontal disease and risk of gastric and duodenal ulcer in male health professionals. (United States)

    Boylan, Matthew R; Khalili, Hamed; Huang, Edward S; Michaud, Dominique S; Izard, Jacques; Joshipura, Kaumudi J; Chan, Andrew T


    Periodontal disease has been associated with higher circulating levels of inflammatory markers and conditions associated with chronic inflammation, including vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Limited data exist on the relationship between periodontal disease and gastric and duodenal ulcer. We conducted a prospective cohort study of 49,120 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, aged 40-75 years at enrollment in 1986. Biennially, we assessed periodontal disease, tooth loss, and other risk factors for gastric and duodenal ulcer. We validated diagnoses of gastric and duodenal ulcer through medical record review. We used Cox proportional hazards modeling, adjusting for potential confounders, to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We documented 138 cases of gastric ulcer and 124 cases of duodenal ulcer with available information on Helicobacter pylori status over 24 years of follow-up. After adjustment for risk factors, including smoking and regular use of aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, men with periodontal disease with bone loss had a multivariate HR of ulcer of 1.62 (95% CI, 1.24-2.12). Periodontal disease appeared to be associated with a similar risk of developing ulcers that were H. pylori negative (HR 1.75; 95% CI, 1.26-2.43) than H. pylori positive (HR 1.40; 95% CI, 0.87-2.24), as well as ulcers in the stomach (HR 1.75; 95% CI, 1.21-2.53) than ulcers in the duodenum (HR 1.47; 95% CI, 0.98-2.19). Periodontal disease is associated with an increased risk of incident gastric and duodenal ulcer. This relationship may be mediated by alterations in the oral and gastrointestinal microbiome and/or systemic inflammatory factors.

  5. Impacto socioeconómico a un año del cierre de la frontera Colombo-Venezolana: Norte de Santander – Estado Táchira (2015-2016

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    Pedro Rafael Sayago Rojas


    Full Text Available El 19 de agosto de 2015, la frontera colombovenzolana fue sorprendida por la decisión del Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, al decretar el cierre y prohibición del paso y cruce de personas, bienes  y vehículos por los puentes internacionales Simón Bolívar y Francisco de Paula Santander, esta medida tomada unilateralmente, motiva la realización  de la presente investigación que medir cuantitativamente los efectos que producirá sobre las variables macroeconómicas regionales y su impacto socioeconómico; para el análisis de futuras implicaciones se establece cuatro escenarios en el tiempo comprendidos entre los años 2006 a 2016,  en las relaciones colombovenezolanas y de allí, y mediante la utilización del indicador o variación interanual proyectar las variaciones futuras de las principales variables macroeconómicas y de mayor impacto sobre el bienestar  económico y social de la población fronteriza.

  6. Duodenal ulcer promoting gene of Helicobacter pylori. (United States)

    Lu, Hong; Hsu, Ping-I; Graham, David Y; Yamaoka, Yoshio


    Identification of a disease-specific H pylori virulence factors predictive of the outcome of infection remains unachieved. We used the polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot to compare the presence of 14 vir homologue genes with clinical presentation of H pylori infection, mucosal histology, and mucosal interleukin (IL)-8 levels. We examined 500 H pylori strains from East Asia and South America, including 120 with gastritis, 140 with duodenal ulcer (DU), 110 with gastric ulcer (GU), and 130 with gastric cancer. Only 1 gene that encompassed both jhp0917 and jhp0918 called dupA (duodenal ulcer promoting gene) was associated with a specific clinical outcome. dupA was present in 42% of DU vs. 21% of gastritis (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 3.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.7-5.7). Its presence was also associated with more intense antral neutrophil infiltration and IL-8 levels and was a marker for protection against gastric atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and gastric cancer (OR for gastric cancer = 0.42, 95% CI: 0.2-0.9 compared with gastritis). In vitro studies in gastric epithelial cells using dupA -deleted and -complemented mutants showed that the dupA plays roles in IL-8 production, in activation of transcription factors responsible for IL-8 promoter activity, and in increased survivability at low pH. dupA is a novel marker associated with an increased risk for DU and reduced risk for gastric atrophy and cancer. Its association with DU-promoting and -protective effects against atrophy/cancer was evident in both Asian and Western countries.

  7. Villous duodenal adenoma with II and III grade dysplasia and carcinoma in situ treated with cephalic duodenopancreatectomy

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    Čolović Radoje


    Full Text Available Background. Villous duodenal adenomas are rare, tend to malignant alteration and recurrence if surgical procedures are not sufficiently radical. They are mostly localized in the second portion of the duodenum and close to a papilla and are prone to malignant alteration. Case report. In this paper we presented a 79-year-old female patient already operated on twice elsewhere due to obstructive jaundice caused by villous duodenal adenoma, using, firstly, cholecystectomy and T-tube drainage of the choledoclus, and, then, an unsuccessful attempt of radical surgery − duodenopancreatectomy. The patient was some time wearing a T-tube drainage, and, then, submitted to endoscopic papillotomy, endoscopic stenting, and, finally to the insertion of a self-expandable metallic stent which got clogged three months later causing chalangitis. Three years following the first surgery, the patient presented to our institution and submitted to cephalic duodenopancreatectomy. Histology confirmed villous duodenal adenomas with II and III grade dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. The lymph nodes were tumour-free. The postoperative recovery was somewhat prolonged due to cardiologic difficulties and a mild infection of the wound. Conclusion. Villous duodenal adenoma is curable if treated correctly and in a proper time. Radical treatment delay increases the risk for malignant alteration which was the case with our patient who was submitted to it three years after the histologic confirmation of the diagnosis.

  8. Cruzamiento interespecífico entre Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus en el laboratorio


    Martínez López, Yanisley; Martinez Pérez, Yanet; Acosta Rodríguez, Miriam; Fuentes González, Omar


    Introducción: existen algunos estudios realizados para verificar el posible apareamiento interespecífico, pero solo algunos trabajos han obtenido resultados positivos en este fenómeno. Objetivo: probar la posibilidad de obtener huevos viables del cruce entre Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus. Métodos: experimentos de apareamiento recíproco entre Aedes aegypti procedentes del insectario del Departamento de Control de Vectores del Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" y una población de A...

  9. Small intestinal digestion of raw cornstarch in cattle consuming a soybean hull-based diet is improved by duodenal casein infusion. (United States)

    Brake, D W; Titgemeyer, E C; Bailey, E A; Anderson, D E


    Six duodenally and ileally cannulated steers were used in 3 sequential studies to measure 1) basal nutrient flows from a soybean hull-based diet, 2) small intestinal digestibility of raw cornstarch continuously infused into the duodenum, and 3) responses of small intestinal starch digestion to duodenal infusion of 200 or 400 g/d casein. Our objective was to evaluate responses in small intestinal starch digestion in cattle over time and to measure responses in small intestinal starch digestion to increasing amounts of MP. On average, cattle consumed 3.7 kg/d DM, 68 g/d dietary N, and 70 g/d dietary starch. Starch flow to the duodenum was small (38 g/d), and N flow was 91 g/d. Small intestinal digestibility of duodenal N was 57%, and small intestinal digestion of duodenal starch flow was extensive (92%). Small intestinal starch digestibility was 34% when 1.5 kg/d raw cornstarch was continuously infused into the duodenum. Subsequently, cattle were placed in 1 of 2 replicated Latin squares that were balanced for carryover effects to determine response to casein infusions and time required for adaptation. Duodenal infusion of casein linearly increased (P ≤ 0.05) small intestinal starch digestibility, and small intestinal starch digestion adapted to infusion of casein in 6 d. Ethanol-soluble starch and unpolymerized glucose flowing to the ileum increased linearly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing infusion of casein. Plasma cholecystokinin was not affected by casein infusion, but circulating levels of glucose were increased by casein supplementation (P ≤ 0.05). Responses in small intestinal starch digestion in cattle adapted to casein within 6 d, and increases in duodenal supply of casein up to 400 g/d increased small intestinal starch digestion in cattle.

  10. Gastric bicarbonate secretion and release of prostaglandin E2 are increased in duodenal ulcer patients, but not in Helicobacter pylori positive healthy subjects

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    A, Mertz-Nielsen; Hillingsø, Jens; Frøkiær, Hanne


    Background: Duodenal ulcer (DU) patients have impaired proximal duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion at rest and in response to luminal acid with higher acid-stimulated mucosal release of prostaglandin (PG) E(2) than healthy subjects. Our purpose was to determine whether this abnormality...... was present also in the stomach of DU patients. Methods: Simultaneous determinations of gastric and duodenal bicarbonate secretion and luminal release of PGE(2) were performed in 16 healthy volunteers (5 Helicobacter pylori-positive) and 8 inactive DU patients (all H. pylori-positivr). Results: In healthy...... be responsible for the abnormally high gastric secretion of bicarbonate in inactive DU patients. Th; defective duodenal secretion of bicarbonate observed in these patients may be a consequence of previous ulceration rather than the mere presence of H. pylori infection....

  11. Ortopedia del alma. Degeneracionismo e higiene mental en la Casa de Corrección de Menores y Escuela de Trabajo San José, Colombia 1914-1947

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    Jairo Gutiérrez Avendaño


    Full Text Available Objetivo Comprender las prácticas y la formación experimental de la psicopedagogía de la infancia anormal en Colombia, llevadas a cabo en la “Casa de Corrección de Menores y Escuela de Trabajo San José”, entre 1914 y 1947. Métodos y materiales: estudio cualitativo, de enfoque histórico-hermenéutico, mediante investigación documental, heurística de archivos de patrimonio documental e historiografía institucional del periodo de estudio. Conclusiones el surgimiento de un nuevo régimen de educación especial (médico-psico-pedagógico estableció un cambio relevante del modelo reformatorio de castigo al de intervención pedagógica, influida por el cruce de doctrinas científicas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, como la regla de lo normal y lo patológico, la teoría de la degeneración y la eugenesia, para el perfeccionamiento de un sujeto moderno capaz de ser útil por sí mismo y para la sociedad.

  12. Matrix metalloproteinase-3 promoter polymorphisms but not dupA-H. pylori correlate to duodenal ulcers in H. pylori-infected females. (United States)

    Yeh, Yi-Chun; Cheng, Hsiu-Chi; Chang, Wei-Lun; Yang, Hsiao-Bai; Sheu, Bor-Shyang


    This study investigated if the H. pylori dupA genotype and certain host single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs), including MMP-3, MMP-7, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2, might correlate with ulcer risk of H. pylori-infected Taiwanese patients. Of the 549 H. pylori-infected patients enrolled, 470 patients (265 with gastritis, 118 with duodenal ulcer, and 87 with gastric ulcer) received SNPs analysis of MMP-3-1612 6A > 5A, MMP-7-181 A > G, MMP-9exon 6 A > G, TIMP-1372 T > C and TIMP-2-418 G > C by PCR-RFLP. The 181 collected H. pylori isolates were detected for the dupA genotype by PCR. The rates of dupA-positive H. pylori infection were similar among patients with duodenal ulcer (22.8%), gastric ulcer (20.0%), and gastritis (25.5%) (p > 0.05). Males had higher rates of duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer than females (p dupA-status, may correlate with susceptibility to duodenal ulcer after H. pylori infection in Taiwanese females.

  13. Clinical, endoscopic and histopathological profiles of parasitic duodenitis cases diagnosed by upper digestive endoscopy

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    Reinaldo Benevides dos Santos


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Intestinal parasites induce detectable histopathological changes, which have been studied in groups with known diagnosis of parasitic disease. There is no available study with a larger base without previous diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical and histopathological findings of parasitosis diagnosed by endoscopic biopsy in patients submitted to upper digestive endoscopy. METHODS: Recorded biopsies archive at "Complexo Hospitalar Professor Edgar Santos" , a general teaching Hospital in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil, from January 1995 to January 2009, were reviewed. One thousand ten duodenal biopsy reports were found. Reports positive for parasites had their specimens reviewed and photographed. All blocks of biopsy selected as case were retrieved and reviewed by an experienced pathologist. Clinical, laboratorial and endoscopic data were collected. RESULTS: Eleven biopsies showed parasites, including cases of Cryptosporidium sp. and Strongyloides stercoralis. Vomiting (91%, abdominal pain (78%, diarrhea (78% and weight loss (78% were usual symptoms. Seventy-five percent had duodenal mucosa changes on endoscopy, while 25% have no changes. Anemia and low serum albumin were important laboratorial data. HIV infection association was observed. Villus atrophy and reactive epithelium were usual in Strongyloides cases. CONCLUSIONS: No endoscopic or histopathologic finding was pathognomonic. One percent of duodenal endoscopic biopsies showed parasites.

  14. Duodenal neuroendocrine tumor and the onset of severe diabetes mellitus in a US veteran

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    Lauren Murray


    Full Text Available Objective: Neuroendocrine tumors are neoplasms derived from endocrine cells, most commonly occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. Duodenal neuroendocrine tumors are rare tumors averaging 1.2–1.5 cm, and most are asymptomatic. Common presentation is abdominal pain, upper gastrointestinal bleed, constipation, anemia, and jaundice. Methods: An adult, Black, male patient with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus presented to the emergency department with elevated liver function test and fatigue. Results: Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography demonstrated a large obstructing mass (3.6 cm × 4.4 cm × 3 cm within the second and third portions of the duodenum at the ampulla. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy demonstrated an ulcerated duodenal mass that was biopsied. Immunohistochemical stains were positive for synaptophysin, chromogranin B, and CK7. Chromogranin A was in normal range. Post-Whipple procedure demonstrated a 5.5 cm × 4.1 cm × 2.9 cm duodenal mass with invasion of the subserosal tissue of the small intestine, a mitotic rate of 2 per high-power field, and antigen Ki-67 of 2%–5%. Conclusion: This case raises the question as to if the patient developed diabetes mellitus due to the tumor size and location or if the new onset of diabetes was coincidental. This case also demonstrates the importance of a proficient history and physical.

  15. Relación endoscópica entre duodenitis inespecífica y sobrecrecimiento bacteriano del intestino delgado


    Naddaf, R; Folkmanas, W


    Cuando aparece una proliferación de la flora de tipo colónico en el intestino delgado se producen alteraciones en la digestión y absorción intestinal, que clínicamente conforman el síndrome del Sobrecrecimiento Bacteriano del Intestino Delgado (SBID). En el SBID la concentración bacteriana aumenta hasta 107-109 UFC/ml en intestino delgado. El principio del test de hidrógeno espirado es la administración de un carbohidrato (Lactulosa, dxilosa, glucosa), que al ser degradado por las bacterias p...

  16. Duodenal duplication cyst and pancreas divisum causing acute pancreatitis in an adult male (United States)

    Redondo-Cerezo, Eduardo; Pleguezuelo-Díaz, Julio; de Hierro, Mercedes López; Macias-Sánchez, José F; Ubiña, Cristina Viñolo; Martín-Rodríguez, María Del Mar; Teresa-Galván, Javier De


    Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital abnormalities which are more commonly diagnosed in infancy and childhood. However, in rare cases, these lesions can remain asymptomatic until adulthood. The combination of duplication cyst and pancreas divisum is extremely rare and both conditions have been linked with acute recurrent pancreatitis. We present the case of a 37 years-old patient who presented with repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis. By means of magnetic resonance imaging and endoscopic ultrasonography we discovered a duplication cyst whose cavity received drainage from the dorsal pancreas. After opening the cyst cavity to the duodenal lumen with a needle knife the patient presented no further episodes in the clinical follow-up. Comparable literature findings and therapeutic options for these abnormalities are discussed with regard to the presented case. PMID:21160764

  17. Sobre el uso del problema de complementariedad lineal extendido para el control óptimo de semáforos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lema Fernández, Carmen S.


    Full Text Available En el trabajo titulado “Modelo de optimización con restricciones de equilibrio para el control de semáforos” que presentamos en las XIV Jornadas de ASEPUMA (2006 analizábamos un problema de control óptimo de semáforos para un cruce de dos carreteras con los dos sentidos de circulación; allí interpretábamos las restricciones del problema como un problema de complementariedad lineal extendido (ELCP. También proponíamos un método híbrido de solución basado en una propiedad que demostraba que mediante un cambio de variable adecuado, las restricciones de ELCP describen un problema de complementariedad lineal (LCP. Nos interesa pues, estudiar bajo que condiciones dichos problemas tienen solución y además única. Así introducimos tres propiedades importantes para los ELCP y como caso particular para los LCP:• La propiedad de suficiencia en columnas que caracteriza la convexidad del conjunto solución.• La propiedad de suficiencia en filas que describe una clase importante de pares de matrices (respecto a K para las cuales la factibilidad del ELCP(M,N,K implica su solucionabilidad.• La P-propiedad (que para el caso del LCP(M,q significa que M ha de ser una P-matriz, que caracteriza la unicidad de solución.

  18. Sociología del arte y análisis de redes sociales

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    Martine Azam


    Full Text Available Este texto introduce el número dedicado al arte y las redes sociales explorando los diferentes aspectos de la (inarticulación entre la sociología del arte y el análisis de redes sociales. Aún cuando en las investigaciones fundadoras del campo de investigación de la sociología del arte atribuyen un lugar central a las interacciones y relaciones entre los distintos actores que estructuran este “campo” o “mundo social”, las investigaciones que utilizan las herramientas del análisis de redes sociales son casi inexistentes. Al contrario, el análisis de redes sociales no ha prestado atención más que someramente a las actividades artísticas. Algunos elementos, como lo mostramos en el artículo, sugieren que un encuentro hubiera sido posible a pesar de todo. Avanzamos la hipótesis de que esta ignorancia mutua es, en parte, debida a las aproximaciones metodológicas privilegiadas por cada uno de estos campos de investigación. Por otra parte, actualmente se esbozan acercamientos tanto por parte del mundo del arte como por parte del mundo científico. En un contexto de interés creciente y generalizado por las redes sociales, los artistas se apropian el interés heurístico de los grafos mientras que los investigadores trabajan expresamente la dimensión estética de las visualizaciones. En el cruce de estos dos universos emergen obras que articulan las problemáticas sociológicas y utilizan las técnicas de análisis de redes sociales. Con un objetivo paralelo, este número propone artículos de jóvenes investigadores que demuestran empíricamente la articulación fértil entre sociología del arte y análisis de redes sociales.

  19. Intraluminal duodenal diverticulum: CT and gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jeong Myeong; Lee, Nam Kyung; Kim, Suk; Kim, Dong Uk; Kim, Tae Un [Dept. of Radiology, Pusan National University Hospital, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Busan (Korea, Republic of)


    Intraluminal duodenal diverticulum (IDD) is a rare congenital anomaly. IDD can become symptomatic in 20% to 25% of cases when complicated by intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis, or hemorrhage. We report the case of a 21-year-old female presenting with IDD mimicking duodenoduodenal intussusception. We describe the imaging features of IDD on the gadoxetic acid-enhanced magnetic resonance image as well as computed tomography.

  20. Duodenal application of Li+ in a submaximal therapeutic dose inhibits exocrine pancreatic secretion and modulates gastro-duodenal myoelectrical activity in a conscious pig model

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naughton, Violetta; Hedemann, Mette Skou; Naughton, Patrick Joseph


    for electromyography of smooth muscles, and with a pancreatic duct catheter and a duodenal T-cannula for collection and re-entrant flow of pancreatic juice. After the recovery period, on alternative days, each animal was tested once with an intraduodenal infusion of Li+ (100 mmol·L–1 C3H5LiO3, 10 mL·kg−1·h−1) for 1 h...

  1. Prevalencia del uso de teléfonos móviles durante la conducción de vehículos Prevalence of mobile phone use while driving vehicles

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    I. Astrain


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue estimar la prevalencia del uso de teléfono móvil durante la conducción de vehículos en la ciudad de Lleida. Métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria de 1.536 automóviles en 6 cruces regulados por semáforos de la ciudad de Lleida (3 con tráfico urbano y 3 con tráfico interurbano. Se excluyeron ciclistas, motoristas y automóviles de autoescuelas. Las variables estudiadas fueron uso de teléfono móvil, sexo, edad (18-40; 41-60; > 61 años, ir acompañado en el vehículo, tipo de cruce (tráfico urbano/tráfico interurbano, día de la semana (laborable/festivo y hora del día (punta/no punta. Se calculó la prevalencia del uso de teléfono móvil en porcentajes con un intervalo de confianza (IC del 95%. La relación de la variable dependiente (uso de teléfono móvil con el resto de variables independientes se estudió con la odds ratio (OR y con IC del 95%. Resultados: Se realizaron 1.536 observaciones directas y se detectó uso de teléfono móvil en 50 conductores. La prevalencia fue del 3,3% (IC del 95%, 2,4-4,3. Esta prevalencia fue superior en los varones (OR = 2,2; IC del 95%, 1,0-5,7 en los mayores de 60 años (OR = 2,2; IC del 95%, 0,5-8,4 y en el grupo de 18-40 años (OR = 1,5; IC del 95%, 0,8-3,0, en conductores sin acompañante (OR = 3,0; IC del 95%, 1,5-6,3, en cruces urbanos (OR = 2,7; IC del 95%, 1,2-5,9, en días laborables (OR = 2,0; IC del 95%, 0,9-4,4 y en horas punta (OR = 1,4; IC del 95%, 0,8-2,4. Conclusiones: La prevalencia del uso de teléfono móvil durante la conducción se considera elevada por el incremento del riesgo de accidentes. El perfil de los usuarios se corresponde con varones de 18 a 40 años o mayores de 61, en circuitos urbanos, sin acompañante, en días laborables y horas punta. Se recomienda tomar medidas para reducir el uso de teléfono móvil durante la conducción.Objective: To estimate the prevalence of mobile telephone use while driving vehicles in

  2. Duodenal perforation: an unusual complication of sickle cell anemia


    Acıpayam, Can; Aldıç, Güliz; Akçora, Bülent; Çelikkaya, Mehmet Emin; Aşkar, Hasan; Dorum, Bayram Ali


    Duodenal perforation in childhood is a rare condition with a high mortality rate if not treated surgically. Primary gastroduodenal perforation is frequently associated with peptic ulcer and exhibits a positive family history. Helicobacter pylorus is the most significant agent. Secondary gastroduodenal perforation may be a finding of specific diseases, such as Crohn disease, or more rarely may be associated with diseases such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. A 14-year-old boy presente...

  3. A new prognostic scoring system for perforation peritonitis secondary to duodenal ulcers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomani, A.Z.; Qureshi, M.S.


    Objective: To identify prognostic factors for perforated duodenal ulcers and to devise and assess a new scoring system. Methods: The observational prospective study was conducted at the Mayo Hospital, Lahore in two phases: from March 2010 to September 2011; and from October 2011 to July 2012. It included patients with duodenal ulcer perforation who were observed for identifying factors predicting 30-day prognosis. Each of the predictive factor was given a score based on its severity to devise a new scoring system. Chi-square was used for univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis was done using forward stepwise regression. Accuracy of the new scoring system was calculated using receiver operating curve analysis and its validity was evaluated in the second phase of the study. Results: Predictors of poor prognosis included multiple gut perforations, size of largest perforation >0.5cm, amount of peritoneal fluid >1000ml, simple closure, development of complications, post-operative systemic septicaemia and winter/autumn season of presentation. Overall 30-day mortality rate was 32.3% (n=32) and morbidity rate was 21.2% (n=21). The mean score was higher in the ones with poor prognosis (p=0.001). Similarly, the mean score was greater in those with grave prognosis (p=0.001). The scoring system had an overall sensitivity of 85.12% and specificity of 80.67% and was favourably comparable to other scoring systems. Conclusion: The new scoring system is a useful tool in predicting 30-day prognosis for perforated duodenal ulcers in acid peptic disease. (author)

  4. A newborn with duodenal atresia and a gastric perforation | Akçora ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... postoperative day. This complicated disease can be treated by early diagnosis and surgical intervention. We choose one-stage operation because of the clean peritoneal cavity. However, generalized peritonitis may require two-stage operation in delayed cases. Key words: Duodenal atresia, gastric perforation, newborn ...

  5. Helicobacter pylori infection as a cause of gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric cancer and nonulcer dyspepsia: a systematic overview. (United States)

    Veldhuyzen van Zanten, S J; Sherman, P M


    To evaluate current evidence for a causal relation between Helicobacter pylori infection and gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric cancer and nonulcer dyspepsia. A MEDLINE search for articles published in English between January 1983 and December 1992 with the use of MeSH terms Helicobacter pylori, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, gastric cancer, dyspepsia and clinical trial; abstracts were excluded. Six journals and Current Contents were searched manually for pertinent articles published in that time frame. Original studies with at least 25 patients, case reports and reviews that examined the relation between H. pylori and the four gastrointestinal disorders; 350 articles were on gastritis, 122 on duodenal ulcer, 44 on gastric cancer and 96 on nonulcer dyspepsia. The quality of the studies was rated independently on a four-point scale. The strength of the evidence was assessed using a six-point scale for each of the eight established guidelines for determining a causal relation. There was conclusive evidence of a causal relation between H. pylori infection and histologic gastritis. Koch's postulates for the identification of a microorganism as the causative agent of a disease were fulfilled for H. pylori as a causative agent of gastritis. There was strong evidence that H. pylori is the main cause of duodenal ulcers not induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but all of Koch's postulates were not fulfilled. There was moderate epidemiologic evidence of an association between chronic H. pylori infection and gastric cancer. There was a lack of convincing evidence of a causal association between H. pylori and nonulcer dyspepsia. The evidence supports a strong causal relation between H. pylori infection and gastritis and duodenal ulcer and a moderate relation between such infection and gastric cancer. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of H. pylori in these disorders. Thus far, there is no evidence of a causal relation between H. pylori and nonulcer

  6. El perfil actual del personal catalogador: adecuación entre la formación universitaria y la demanda laboral

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    Ana Belén Ríos Hilario


    Full Text Available Se investiga la adecuación de los nuevos grados en Información y Documentación a las exigencias del mercado laboral, centrándonos en un perfil concreto de dichos estudios: la formación de los catalogadores. Para ello, en primer lugar se analizan las ofertas de empleo en dicha área atendiendo a las siguientes variables: titulación, experiencia, conocimientos generales, idiomas, lugar de localización y tipo de empleo. En segundo lugar, se procede a la redefinición de las competencias tanto para la catalogación formal como de contenido, y finalmente, para logar el objetivo del que partíamos, realizamos un cruce de datos entre las competencias definidas y los requisitos laborales especificados. Si bien es cierto que los resultados obtenidos demuestran una clara correspondencia entre las ofertas realizadas y las competencias establecidas, no debemos olvidar que desde estas últimas establecemos los objetivos de las materias y éstos deberán ir adaptándose a las nuevas demandas que exija el mercado.

  7. Duodenal Obstruction after Elective Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: A Case Report

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    Chun-Yao Lin


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal tract complications after abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA repair are well known. The reported frequency ranges from 6.6% to 21%. However, the incidence of duodenal obstruction following AAA has probably been underestimated. This report concerns a 78-year-old male who was admitted for elective repair of an infrarenal AAA. On the ninth postoperative day, the patient presented with large quantities of bile-stained vomitus despite passing flatus per rectum. Metoclopramide and ranitidine were given under the initial impression of paralytic ileus. However, the upper gastrointestinal obstruction persisted, and on day 12, computerized tomography (CT revealed marked distension of the gastric tube and duodenum, down to the level of the third portion, with abrupt change of caliber at the point of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA. SMA syndrome was diagnosed. After nasogastric tube aspiration, parenteral nutrition, and 11 days of conservative treatment, abdominal CT and upper gastrointestinal series showed no apparent duodenal obstruction. The patient was discharged on the 29th postoperative day; follow-up abdominal CT 4 months later was unremarkable.

  8. Helicobacter pylori genotyping from positive clotests in patients with duodenal ulcer

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    Mattar Rejane


    Full Text Available Even though the seroprevalence of H. pylori may be high in the normal population, a minority develops peptic ulcer. Colonization of the gastric mucosa by more pathogenic vacA strains of H. pylori seems to be associated with enhanced gastric inflammation and duodenal ulcer. H. pylori genotyping from positive CLOtests was developed to determine the vacA genotypes and cagA status in 40 duodenal ulcer patients and for routine use. The pathogenic s1b/ m1/ cagA genotype was the most frequently occurring strain (17/42.5%; only two (5% patients presented the s2/ m2 genotype, the less virulent strain. Multiple strains were also detected in 17 (42.5% patients. Multiple strains of H. pylori colonizing the human stomach have been underestimated, because genotyping has been performed from cultures of H. pylori. We concluded that genotyping of H. pylori from a positive CLOtest had the advantages of reducing the number of biopsies taken during endoscopy, eliminating the step of culturing H. pylori, and assuring the presence of H. pylori in the specimen being processed.

  9. Decision analysis in the management of duodenal adenomatosis in familial adenomatous polyposis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vasen, H. F.; Bülow, S.; Myrhøj, T.; Mathus-Vliegen, L.; Griffioen, G.; Buskens, E.; Taal, B. G.; Nagengast, F.; Slors, J. F.; de Ruiter, P.


    Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis are not only at high risk of developing adenomas in the colorectum but a substantial number of patients also develop polyps in the duodenum. Because treatment of duodenal polyps is extremely difficult and it is unknown how many patients ultimately develop

  10. Duodenal localization is a negative predictor of survival after small bowel adenocarcinoma resection: A population-based, propensity score-matched analysis. (United States)

    Wilhelm, Alexander; Galata, Christian; Beutner, Ulrich; Schmied, Bruno M; Warschkow, Rene; Steffen, Thomas; Brunner, Walter; Post, Stefan; Marti, Lukas


    This study assessed the influence of tumor localization of small bowel adenocarcinoma on survival after surgical resection. Patients with resected small bowel adenocarcinoma, ACJJ stage I-III, were identified from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database from 2004 to 2013. The impact of tumor localization on overall and cancer-specific survival was assessed using Cox proportional hazard regression models with and without risk-adjustment and propensity score methods. Adenocarcinoma was localized to the duodenum in 549 of 1025 patients (53.6%). There was no time trend for duodenal localization (P = 0.514). The 5-year cancer-specific survival rate was 48.2% (95%CI: 43.3-53.7%) for patients with duodenal carcinoma and 66.6% (95%CI: 61.6-72.1%) for patients with cancer located in the jejunum or ileum. Duodenal localization was associated with worse overall and cancer-specific survival in univariable (HR = 1.73; HR = 1.81, respectively; both P matrimonial status were positive, independent prognostic factors. Duodenal localization is an independent risk factor for poor survival after resection of adenocarcinoma. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. Detection of endogenous DNA adducts, O-carboxymethyl-2'-deoxyguanosine and 3-ethanesulfonic acid-2'-deoxycytidine, in the rat stomach after duodenal reflux. (United States)

    Terasaki, Masaru; Totsuka, Yukari; Nishimura, Koichi; Mukaisho, Ken-Ichi; Chen, Kuan-Hao; Hattori, Takanori; Takamura-Enya, Takeji; Sugimura, Takashi; Wakabayashi, Keiji


    The endogenous DNA adducts O(6)-carboxymethyl-deoxyguanosine (O(6)-CM-dG) and 3-ethanesulfonic acid-deoxycytidine (3-ESA-dC) are produced from N-nitroso bile acid conjugates, such as N-nitrosoglycocholic acid (NO-GCA) and N-nitrosotaurocholic acid (NO-TCA), respectively. Formation of these DNA adducts in vivo was here analyzed by 32P-postlabeling in the glandular stomach of rats subjected to duodenal content reflux surgery. In this model, all duodenal contents, including bile acid conjugates, flow back from the jejunum into the gastric corpus. The levels of O(6)-CM-dG found at 4 and 8 weeks after surgery were 40.9 +/- 9.4 and 56.3 +/- 3.2 per 10(8) nucleotides, respectively, whereas the sham operation groups had values of 5.8 +/- 2.3 and 5.9 +/- 0.5 per 10(8) nucleotides. Moreover, adduct spots corresponding to 3-ESA-dC were detected in both duodenal reflux and sham operation groups and levels in the duodenal reflux groups were around four-fold elevated at 11.2 +/- 1.0 and 8.9 +/- 1.0 per 10(8) nucleotides after 4 and 8 weeks, respectively. When the duodenal reflux animals were treated with a nitrite trapping agent, thiazolidine- 4-carboxylic acid (thioproline, TPRO), the levels of O(6)-CM-dG and 3-ESA-dC were reduced to the same levels as in the sham operation animals. These observations suggest that NO-TCA and NO-GCA are formed by nitrosation of glycocholic acid and taurocholic acid, respectively, and these nitroso compounds produce DNA adducts in the glandular stomach of rats subjected to duodenal content reflux surgery.

  12. A Study of Changes in Stomach Wall at Sites Other Than the Ulcer in Chronic Duodenal Ulcer Patients


    Mishra, Jagmohan; Panigrahi, Souvagya


    It is known that at least 90% of duodenal ulcers are caused by infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Eradicating this organism usually results in complete resolution of the disease (Rosengren, Br J Gen Pract 46(409):491–492, 1996). To study the different changes if any in stomach wall at sites other than the ulcer in chronic duodenal ulcer patients by upper Gastro-Intenstinal Endoscopy followed by histopathological examination of different parts of stomach. This study was a retros...

  13. Bleeding Duodenal Varices Successfully Treated with Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (B-RTO) Assisted by CT During Arterial Portography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsurusaki, Masakatsu; Sugimoto, Koji; Matsumoto, Shinichi; Izaki, Kenta; Fukuda, Tetsuya; Akasaka, Yoshinobu; Fujii, Masahiko; Hirota, Shozo; Sugimura, Kazuro


    A 60-year-old woman with massive hemorrhage from duodenal varices was transferred to our hospital for the purpose of transcatheter intervention. Although digital subtraction arterial portography could not depict the entire pathway of collateral circulation, the efferent route of the duodenal varices was clearly demonstrated on subsequent CT during arterial portography. Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (B-RTO) of the varices was performed via the efferent vein and achieved complete thrombosis of the varices

  14. Influence of ondansetron on gastric sensorimotor responses to short duodenal acid infusion in healthy volunteers. (United States)

    Vanuytsel, T; Karamanolis, G; Van Oudenhove, L; Oudenhove, L V; Vos, R; Tack, J


    Duodenal acid infusion induces gastric relaxation and sensitization to distension in healthy volunteers. The acid-sensitive mechanism is still unknown. We hypothesized that 5HT(3)-blockade can inhibit the acid-induced duodenogastric sensorimotor reflex in healthy volunteers. Fourteen healthy volunteers were included in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial. An infusion tube with attached pH-electrode was positioned in the duodenum and a barostat balloon was located in the gastric fundus. Proximal gastric volume and sensitivity to distension were assessed before and during duodenal acid infusion and after pretreatment with intravenous (i.v.) ondansetron (a 5HT(3)-receptor antagonist, 8 mg) or saline. An overall perception score (0-6) and an assessment of nine dyspeptic symptoms by visual analogue scales (VAS) were obtained. Results are given as mean ± SEM. Ondansetron had no effect on duodenal pH and on the acid-induced increase of proximal gastric volume (increase of 80 ± 20 vs 83 ± 15 mL after ondansetron and placebo; effect of acid acid infusion and gastric distension. 5HT(3)-receptors are involved in acid-induced duodenogastric sensitization, but not in the duodenogastric inhibitory motor reflex. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  15. Del tráfico entre antropología y arte contemporáneo

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    Xavier Andrade


    Full Text Available Tomando los estudios sobre la economía de las drogas ilícitas como referente metodológico, el artículo discute preliminarmente la noción de “tráfico” en relación a cuatro aspectos del cruce de fronteras entre la antropología y el arte contemporáneo. 1. Transportar o movilizar bienes –en este caso, simbólicos, esto es básicamente ideas, categorías y conceptos pero también estrategias de apropiación y recontextualización pertinentes tanto a la etnografía como al arte contemporáneo. 2. Describir el carácter “contaminante” que tales bienes eventualmente adquieren cuando circulan en diferentes contextos (académico, gestión cultural, artes visuales, provocando por ello estrategias defensivas entre unos y otros. 3. Dar cuenta del carácter conflictivo de las micro-prácticas que se ponen a prueba durante el diálogo entre distintos saberes sancionados académicamente como campos o disciplinas. 4. Discutir los códigos de la ilegalidad que acompañan a la calidad de “traficante” y el capital simbólico que se deriva de ello.

  16. Modelo de clasificación del riesgo en intersecciones rurales en T y validación del tiempo de evasión como medición alternativa de la seguridad de tránsito en intersecciones Risk classification model in rural T-form intersections and time to evasion evaluation as surrogate safety measure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Torres Flores


    Full Text Available En los cruces o intersecciones, los conductores afrontan una multitud de opciones relacionadas con el camino, velocidad, y trayectoria que, en combinación con numerosos movimientos del tránsito, complican la tarea del conductor y aumentan considerablemente la potencial ocurrencia de un accidente. En este artículo se utilizan datos de conflictos de tránsito, tomados en cruces de la Provincia de Talagante en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile. Usando la metodología de componentes principales, se propone un índice que represente el nivel de riesgo de cada conflicto de tránsito en una intersección, determinándose que los valores más altos del índice están relacionados a un mayor riesgo de que un conflicto termine en accidente, mientras que valores bajos indican un menor riesgo. Posteriormente, se desarrolla un modelo de clasificación del riesgo en intersecciones, aplicando la teoría de árboles de decisión. Por último, se valida el Tiempo de Evasión (TE como variable cuantificadora de la severidad de los conflictos de tránsito, tomando como base variables ya estudiadas a nivel mundial, como el Tiempo hasta la Colisión (TC y el Tiempo de Post-invasión (TPI.In the intersections, the drivers confront many options related to the way, speed and trajectory, which ones in combination to many options of traffic movements, they make difficult the task of the conductor and considerably increase the potential occurrence of an accident. In this paper, data of traffic conflicts are used, taken in rural T-form intersections from Talagante district in the Metropolitana region, Chile. Using the principal component analysis, an index are proposed that represents the risk level of each traffic conflict in an intersection, determining that the highest values of the index are related to a greater risk of than a traffic conflict it finished in accident, whereas low values indicate a smaller risk. After that, a model of classification of the

  17. Indicadores de biodiversidad de la macrobiota del suelo en cuatro fincas en conversión hacia la producción agroecológica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Itania Maria Fernández Terry


    Full Text Available La investigación se realizó en la Empresa Agropecuaria Maltiempo, municipio de Cruces, Cienfuegos durante el período 2006 - 2008, con el objetivo de determinar los indicadores de biodiversidad de la macrobiota del suelo. La misma se desarrolló en cuatro fincas de frutales donde se intercalan cultivos varios, en conversión hacia la producción agroecológica, “Las Caobas”, “Las Carolinas”, “Banco de Semilla Cerificada” y “Los Girasoles”. En cada finca se evaluaron los individuos totales y por grupos (insectos, arácnidos, moluscos, miriápodos y anélidos. Las muestras fueron tomadas en dos épocas del año, período lluvioso y poco lluvioso. La población de la macrobiota del suelo encontrada en las fincas estuvo compuesta por: tres phyllum, cinco clases, 12 órdenes y 37 especies. Los indicadores de biodiversidad de macrofauna del suelo (riqueza y diversidad de especies fueron mayores para las fincas “Las “Caobas” y “Las Caraolinas” favorecidas por el mayor tiempo de manejo agroecológico, contrariamente ocurrió con la dominancia. A pesar de presentarse mejores indicadores de la biodiversidad para algunas combinaciones de las fincas con los períodos del año de forma general, solo se observa diferencia a favor del período poco lluvioso para el indicador diversidad de especies.

  18. Duodenal Transection without Pancreatic Injury following Blunt Abdominal Trauma


    Bankar, Sanket Subhash; Gosavi, Vikas S.; Hamid, Mohd.


    With the inventions of faster cars and even more faster motorbikes there is a worldwide increase in road traffic accidents, which has increased the incidence of blunt abdominal trauma but still duodenal injury following a blunt abdominal trauma is uncommon and can pose a formidable challenge to the surgeon and failure to manage it properly can result in devastating results. It may typically occur in isolation or with pancreatic injury. Here, we report a case of an isolated transection of the ...

  19. Behandling med duodenal-jejunal bypass-sleeve ved svær overvægt

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rohde, Ulrich; Gylvin, Silas; Vilmann, Peter


    Overweight and obesity are risk factors for several co-morbidities reducing life expectancy. Conservative treatment of obesity is generally ineffective in the long-term. Bariatric surgery has proven effective, but is associated with potential complications. Duodenal-jejunal bypass sleeve is a novel...

  20. Flow and transport at the Las Cruces trench site: Experiment IIb

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vinson, J.; Hills, R.G. [New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM (United States); Wierenga, P.J.; Young, M.H. [Arizona Univ., Tucson, AZ (United States). Dept. of Soil and Water Science


    The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has been directed by Congress in the Low Level Waste Policy Act of 1980 to develop regulatory guidance and assist the individual states and compacts in siting and assessing future low level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal facilities. Three water flow and solute transport experiments were performed as part of a comprehensive field trench study near Las Cruces, New Mexico to test deterministic and stochastic models of vadose zone flow and transport. This report presents partial results from the third experiment (experiment IIb). Experiments IIa and b were conducted on the North side of the trench, on a plot 1.22 m wide by 12 m long, perpendicular to the trench. The area was drip irrigated during two time periods with water containing a variety of tracers. The advance of the water front during the two irrigation episodes was measured with tensiometers and neutron probes. Solute front positions were determined from soil solution sampling through suction samplers and from disturbed sampling. The results from experiment IIb show predominantly downward water movement through the layered unsaturated soil, as evidenced from neutron probe data and gravimetric sampling. Tritium plumes were only half as deep and half as wide as the water plumes at 310 days after the beginning of experiment IIb. Chromium, applied as Cr(VI), moved a readily as, and similar to tritium, but there was a loss of mass due to reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III). Chloride and nitrate, initially present at high concentrations in the soil solution, were displaced by the low concentration irrigation water, resulting in chloride and nitrate concentration distributions that looked like negative images of the tritium distributions. The extensive data presented should serve well as a data base for model testing.

  1. Flow and transport at the Las Cruces trench site: Experiment IIb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vinson, J.; Hills, R.G.; Wierenga, P.J.; Young, M.H.


    The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has been directed by Congress in the Low Level Waste Policy Act of 1980 to develop regulatory guidance and assist the individual states and compacts in siting and assessing future low level radioactive waste (LLW) disposal facilities. Three water flow and solute transport experiments were performed as part of a comprehensive field trench study near Las Cruces, New Mexico to test deterministic and stochastic models of vadose zone flow and transport. This report presents partial results from the third experiment (experiment IIb). Experiments IIa and b were conducted on the North side of the trench, on a plot 1.22 m wide by 12 m long, perpendicular to the trench. The area was drip irrigated during two time periods with water containing a variety of tracers. The advance of the water front during the two irrigation episodes was measured with tensiometers and neutron probes. Solute front positions were determined from soil solution sampling through suction samplers and from disturbed sampling. The results from experiment IIb show predominantly downward water movement through the layered unsaturated soil, as evidenced from neutron probe data and gravimetric sampling. Tritium plumes were only half as deep and half as wide as the water plumes at 310 days after the beginning of experiment IIb. Chromium, applied as Cr(VI), moved a readily as, and similar to tritium, but there was a loss of mass due to reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III). Chloride and nitrate, initially present at high concentrations in the soil solution, were displaced by the low concentration irrigation water, resulting in chloride and nitrate concentration distributions that looked like negative images of the tritium distributions. The extensive data presented should serve well as a data base for model testing

  2. Radicales y socialistas frente a la centralidad de la nación. Sobre rituales partidarios y culturas políticas en el momento del Centenario (1909-1912

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    Francisco J. Reyes


    Full Text Available El Centenario de 1910 constituyó en la Argentina una coyuntura decisiva para el Estado que organizara las celebraciones y también para aquellas fuerzas instaladas en la oposición, como la Unión Cívica Radical y el Partido Socialista. El trabajo indaga de forma comparativa en los rituales políticos desplegados por dichos actores hasta la reforma electoral de 1912, a través del análisis de las culturas políticas en las  que ambos se inscribían. Las fuentes utilizadas fueron la prensa, documentos y discursos alusivos a dichos acontecimientos, a partir de lo cual se afirma que el nacionalismo del Centenario operó un cambio en las referencias simbólicas de radicales y socialistas, que ubicó en el centro de su prédica la cuestión de la nación en cruce con la incipiente democracia.

  3. Utility of Tissue Transglutaminase Immunohistochemistry in Pediatric Duodenal Biopsies: Patterns of Expression and Role in Celiac Disease—A Clinicopathologic Review

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    Saeeda Almarzooqi


    Full Text Available Tissue transglutaminase (tTG is a ubiquitous multifunctional protein. It has roles in various cellular processes. tTG is a major target of autoantibodies in celiac disease, and its expression by immunohistochemistry in pediatric celiac disease has not been fully examined. We studied tTG expression in 78 pediatric duodenal biopsies by utilizing an antibody to transglutaminase 2. Serum tTG was positive in all celiac cases evaluated. Serum antiserum endomysial antibody (EMA and tTG were negative in all control subjects and in inflammatory bowel disease and eosinophilic gastroenteritis. There was a statistically significant difference between cases of celiac disease and normal controls in terms of tTG immunohistochemical staining in duodenal biopsies surface epithelium ( value = 0.0012. There was no significant statistical difference in terms of staining of the villous surface or crypt between the cases of celiac disease and cases with IBD ( value = 0.5970 and 0.5227, resp.. There was no detected correlation between serum tTG values and immunohistochemical positivity on duodenal biopsy in cases of celiac disease ( value = 1. There was no relationship between Marsh classification and positivity of villous surface for tTG ( value = 0.4955. We conclude that tTG has limited utility in diagnosis of celiac disease in pediatric duodenal biopsies.

  4. CpG Island Methylator Phenotype Positive Tumors in the Absence of MLH1 Methylation Constitute a Distinct Subset of Duodenal Adenocarcinomas and Are Associated with Poor Prognosis (United States)

    Fu, Tao; Pappou, Emmanouil P.; Guzzetta, Angela A.; Jeschke, Jana; Kwak, Ruby; Dave, Pujan; Hooker, Craig M.; Morgan, Richard; Baylin, Stephen B.; Iacobuzio-Donahue, Christine A.; Wolfgang, Christopher L.; Ahuja, Nita


    Purpose Little information is available on genetic and epigenetic changes in duodenal adenocarcinomas. The purpose was to identify possible subsets of duodenal adenocarcinomas based on microsatellite instability (MSI), DNA methylation, mutations in the KRAS and BRAF genes, clinicopathologic features, and prognosis. Experimental Design Demographics, tumor characteristics and survival were available for 99 duodenal adenocarcinoma patients. Testing for KRAS and BRAF mutations, MSI, MLH1 methylation and CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) status was performed. A Cox proportional hazard model was built to predict survival. Results CIMP+ was detected in 27 of 99 (27.3%) duodenal adenocarcinomas, and was associated with MSI (P = 0.011) and MLH1 methylation (P CIMP− tumors. No BRAF V600E mutation was detected. Among the CIMP+ tumors, 15 (55.6%) were CIMP+/MLH1-unmethylated (MLH1-U). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed tumors classified by CIMP, CIMP/MLH1 methylation status or CIMP/MSI status could predict overall survival (OS; P = 0.047, 0.002, and 0.002, respectively), while CIMP/MLH1 methylation status could also predict time-to-recurrence (TTR; P = 0.016). In multivariate analysis, CIMP/MLH1 methylation status showed a significant prognostic value regarding both OS (P CIMP+/MLH1-U tumors had the worst OS and TTR. Conclusions Our results demonstrate existence of CIMP in duodenal adenocarcinomas. The combination of CIMP+/MLH1-U appears to be independently associated with poor prognosis in patients with duodenal adenocarcinomas. This study also suggests that BRAF mutations are not involved in duodenal tumorigenesis, MSI or CIMP development. PMID:22825585

  5. Successful Management of Perforated Duodenal Diverticulitis With Intra-abdominal Drainage and Feeding Jejunostomy: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Chin-Fan Chen


    Full Text Available We report the clinical experience of one patient with perforated duodenal diverticulitis who was successfully treated by intra-abdominal drainage and feeding jejunostomy. A 53-year-old male patient visited our hospital due to acute onset of abdominal pain and distension. Physical examination revealed tenderness over the epigastric area and right-lower quadrant of the abdomen without obvious rebound tenderness or muscle guarding. Duodenal diverticulitis with a retroperitoneal abscess was identified by abdominal computed tomography scan. Surgical intervention was performed after the failure of conservative treatment. The operative findings were compatible with perforated duodenal diverticulitis, and intra-abdominal drainage of retroperitoneal abscess with simultaneous feeding jejunostomy was undertaken. The patient was doing well at the 4-month postoperative follow-up visit. We suggest the use of a conservative operative method, as opposed to conventional diverticulectomy and duodenorrhaphy, as an alternative approach for the management of this disorder, especially when conservative treatment has failed.

  6. The presence of dupA in Helicobacter pylori is not significantly associated with duodenal ulceration in Belgium, South Africa, China, or North America. (United States)

    Argent, Richard H; Burette, Alain; Miendje Deyi, Véronique Y; Atherton, John C


    A previous study suggested that Helicobacter pylori strains possessing dupA are positively associated with duodenal ulceration and negatively associated with gastric adenocarcinoma. We determined the prevalence of dupA in H. pylori strains recovered from 4 independent populations and found a significant association with gastric cancer but not with duodenal ulceration.

  7. The use of amniotic membrane in the repair of duodenal wounds in Wistar rats Uso da membrana amniótica no reparo de feridas duodenais em ratos Wistar

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    Luciano Rodrigues Schimidt


    Full Text Available Purpose: In the search of a new material to repair duodenal wounds, a trial was conducted to assess the behavior of human amniotic membrane in the repair of the duodenal wall in rats. METHODS: Fifty Wistar rats weighing between 250 and 350g, male, were submitted to duodenotomy and randomly distributed into two groups. Group A (n=8 had no treatment and was used as the control group. In Group B (n=42 the duodenal wound was treated with a patch of human amniotic membrane. RESULTS: All animals in Group A died. In Group B no changes were observed with regards to death or the formation of duodenal fistula. All animals presented peritoneal adherences in the region on the duodenal wall repair and intestinal obstruction was observed in two animals. Healing of the duodenal wall in the region of the patch took place progressively as the post-operatory period increased, with regeneration of the mucosa and of the smooth muscle layer. CONCLUSION: From the clinical standpoint, the amniotic membrane proved to be a biological tissue which served as a temporary seal and allowed the wound to heal by second-intention, with re-establishment of the duodenal wall structure.OBJETIVO: Na busca de um novo material para o reparo dos ferimentos duodenais, foi efetuado um estudo para avaliar o comportamento da membrana amniótica humana no reparo da parede duodenal em ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 50 ratos Wistar, com peso entre 250 e 350g, machos, distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em dois grupos. Grupo A (n=8, submetido à duodenotomia sem tratamento, utilizados como controle. Grupo B (n=42, submetido a um remendo de membrana amniótica humana para tratamento de ferimento duodenal provocado. RESULTADOS: Todos os animais do grupo A foram a óbito. No grupo B não foram observadas alterações quanto a óbito ou formação de fístula duodenal. Observaram-se em todos os animais aderências peritoneais à região do reparo da parede do duodeno e obstrução intestinal em

  8. Biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical sodium pertechnetate after biliopancreatic bypass with a duodenal switch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo-Filho, Irami; Rego, Amalia Cinthia Meneses; Brandao-Neto, Jose; Villarim-Neto, Arthur; Egito, Eryvaldo Socrates Tabosa; Azevedo, Italo Medeiros; Medeiros, Aldo Cunha


    Study with the purpose to examine the effects of duodenal switch (DS), regularly performed in morbidly obese patients, on biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in several organs of rats. There was no early or late mortality in either rats groups. The values of percent radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g), showed no significant difference in liver, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, kidney, heart, bladder, bone and brain, when compared the DS rats with sham and controls rats. A postoperative significant increase (p<0.05) in mean %ATI/g levels was observed in spleen, pancreas and muscle in group DS rats, as compared to group S and C rats. In the lung there was an increase and in thyroid a decrease in mean %ATI/g of DS rats, when compared to sham rats (p<0.05). In conclusion, the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch in rats modified the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in thyroid, lung, pancreas, spleen and muscle. (author)

  9. Biodistribution of the radiopharmaceutical sodium pertechnetate after biliopancreatic bypass with a duodenal switch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo-Filho, Irami; Rego, Amalia Cinthia Meneses; Brandao-Neto, Jose; Villarim-Neto, Arthur; Egito, Eryvaldo Socrates Tabosa; Azevedo, Italo Medeiros; Medeiros, Aldo Cunha [Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN (Brazil). Programa de Pos-graduacao em Ciencias da Saude]. E-mail:


    Study with the purpose to examine the effects of duodenal switch (DS), regularly performed in morbidly obese patients, on biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in several organs of rats. There was no early or late mortality in either rats groups. The values of percent radioactivity per gram of tissue (%ATI/g), showed no significant difference in liver, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, kidney, heart, bladder, bone and brain, when compared the DS rats with sham and controls rats. A postoperative significant increase (p<0.05) in mean %ATI/g levels was observed in spleen, pancreas and muscle in group DS rats, as compared to group S and C rats. In the lung there was an increase and in thyroid a decrease in mean %ATI/g of DS rats, when compared to sham rats (p<0.05). In conclusion, the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch in rats modified the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in thyroid, lung, pancreas, spleen and muscle. (author)

  10. Ethnic Variations in Duodenal Villous Atrophy Consistent With Celiac Disease in the United States. (United States)

    Krigel, Anna; Turner, Kevin O; Makharia, Govind K; Green, Peter H R; Genta, Robert M; Lebwohl, Benjamin


    Celiac disease is a common disorder with a worldwide distribution, although the prevalence among different ethnicities varies. We aimed to measure the prevalence of duodenal villous atrophy among patients of different ethnicities throughout the United States. We performed a cross-sectional study of all patients who had duodenal biopsies submitted to a national pathology laboratory between January 2, 2008 and April 30, 2015. The prevalence of villous atrophy was calculated for the following ethnicities by using a previously published algorithm based on patient names: North Indian, South Indian, East Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Jewish, and other Americans. Among all patients (n = 454,885), the median age was 53 years, and 66% were female. The overall prevalence of celiac disease was 1.74%. Compared with other Americans (n = 380,163; celiac disease prevalence, 1.83%), celiac disease prevalence was lower in patients of South Indian (n = 177, 0%; P = .08), East Asian (n = 4700, 0.15%; P ≤ .0001), and Hispanic (n = 31,491, 1.06%; P ≤ .0001) ethnicities. Celiac disease was more common in patients from the Punjab region (n = 617, 3.08%) than in patients from North India (n = 1195, 1.51%; P = .02). The prevalence of celiac disease among patients of Jewish (n = 17,806, 1.80%; P = .78) and Middle Eastern (n = 1903, 1.52%; P = .33) ethnicities was similar to that of other Americans. Among Jewish individuals (n = 17,806), the prevalence of celiac disease was 1.83% in Ashkenazi persons (n = 16,440) and 1.39% in Sephardic persons (n = 1366; P = .24). Among patients undergoing duodenal biopsy, individuals from the Punjab region of India constitute the ethnic group in the United States with the highest prevalence of villous atrophy consistent with celiac disease. Compared with other Americans, villous atrophy prevalence on duodenal biopsy is significantly lower among U.S. residents of South Indian, East Asian, and Hispanic ancestry. Copyright © 2016 AGA

  11. Biochemical changes in tissue catecholamines and serotonin in duodenal ulceration caused by cysteamine or propionitrile in the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szabo, S.; Horner, H.C.; Maull, H.; Schnoor, J.; Chiueh, C.C.; Palkovits, M.


    Previous structure-activity and pharmacologic studies with duodenal ulcerogens cysteamine and propionitrile implicating catecholamines in the pathogenesis of duodenal ulceration have now been followed up by dose- and time-response biochemical investigations to assess the importance of monoamines in the development of duodenal ulcers. The concentrations of norepinephrine (noradrenaline), dopamine, serotonin and their metabolites were measured in total brain, brain regions, stomach, duodenum, pancreas and adrenals in the rat. Turnover of catecholamines was determined in rats pretreated with the inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine. The duodenal ulcerogens caused a dose- and time-dependent depletion of norepinephrine in virtually all the tissues examined. The effect was maximal 4 or 7 hr after cysteamine or propionitrile, and norepinephrine levels returned to normal in 24 hr. Dopamine changes were selective and often biphasic, e.g., elevation in adrenals, biphasic in brain cortex, hippocampus and midbrain, but uniformly decreasing in glandular stomach and duodenum. In the median eminence dopamine levels decreased by 181 and 324% at 15 and 30 min, respectively, after cysteamine, but neither dopamine nor 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was modified in the periventricular nucleus. Serotonin levels were relatively stable, revealing slight elevations or no changes in most of the tissues. The turnover of norepinephrine was accelerated by both chemicals in virtually all brain regions, but dopamine turnover was affected only in a few areas, e.g., in the corpus striatum and medulla oblongata cysteamine decreased dopamine turnover, whereas propionitrile first (at 1 hr) accelerated then (at 8 hr) significantly suppressed it.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  12. Deterioration of duodenal lymphangiectasia after radiotherapy for gastric MALT lymphoma (United States)

    Iwamuro, Masaya; Tanaka, Takehiro; Kanzaki, Hiromitsu; Kawano, Seiji; Kawahara, Yoshiro; Iwasaki, Yoshiaki; Okada, Hiroyuki


    A 68-year-old Japanese woman underwent radiotherapy for gastric lymphoma. Although lymphangiectasia was sparsely observed in the second portion of the duodenum before radiotherapy, the number of pinpoint white spots obviously increased after the treatment. Although the duodenal lymphangiectasia gradually progressed, the patient had no features of protein-losing enteropathy. This case highlights the importance of endoscopic observation of the duodenum after irradiation to the abdomen as radiotherapy may secondarily cause intestinal lymphangiectasia. PMID:28798810

  13. The immune cell composition in Barrett's metaplastic tissue resembles that in normal duodenal tissue.

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    Alexandra Lind

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Barrett's esophagus (BE is characterized by the transition of squamous epithelium into columnar epithelium with intestinal metaplasia. The increased number and types of immune cells in BE have been indicated to be due to a Th2-type inflammatory process. We tested the alternative hypothesis that the abundance of T-cells in BE is caused by a homing mechanism that is found in the duodenum. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Biopsies from BE and duodenal tissue from 30 BE patients and duodenal tissue from 18 controls were characterized by immmunohistochemistry for the presence of T-cells and eosinophils(eos. Ex vivo expanded T-cells were further phenotyped by multicolor analysis using flowcytometry. RESULTS: The high percentage of CD4(+-T cells (69±3% (mean±SEM/n = 17, by flowcytometry, measured by flowcytometry and immunohistochemistry, and the presence of non-activated eosinophils found in BE by immunohistochemical staining, were not different from that found in duodenal tissue. Expanded lymphocytes from these tissues had a similar phenotype, characterized by a comparable but low percentage of αE(CD103 positive CD4(+cells (44±5% in BE, 43±4% in duodenum of BE and 34±7% in duodenum of controls and a similar percentage of granzyme-B(+CD8(+ cells(44±5% in BE, 33±6% in duodenum of BE and 36±7% in duodenum of controls. In addition, a similar percentage of α4β7(+ T-lymphocytes (63±5% in BE, 58±5% in duodenum of BE and 62±8% in duodenum of controls was found. Finally, mRNA expression of the ligand for α4β7, MAdCAM-1, was also similar in BE and duodenal tissue. No evidence for a Th2-response was found as almost no IL-4(+-T-cells were seen. CONCLUSION: The immune cell composition (lymphocytes and eosinophils and expression of intestinal adhesion molecule MAdCAM-1 is similar in BE and duodenum. This supports the hypothesis that homing of lymphocytes to BE tissue is mainly caused by intestinal homing signals rather than to an

  14. Cauliflower-like Neoplasm of Duodenal Papilla in a Liver Transplant Recipient: What Should We Think and Do? A Case Report. (United States)

    Wan, D-L; Li, M-X; Bao, L; Zhang, L-L; Zhang, L; Chen, Q-Y; Lin, S-Z


    With the continuous improvement of liver transplantation technology, the survival rate of liver transplantation has been improved, but recurrent or de novo malignancy remains one of the major factors affecting the long-term survival of liver transplant recipients. A 45-year-old Chinese man had a plastic biliary stent placed on account of biliary anastomotic stenosis after 3 years of piggyback liver transplantation. He came to our hospital because of recurrent fever and jaundice for 2 weeks, and his carcinoembryonic antigen-199 had increased. The patient's duodenal papillary was cauliflower-like at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography to replace the biliary stent. He was initially suspected of having duodenal papillary carcinoma after liver transplantation. However, the pathology from endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsy showed inflammation. While awaiting the result of biopsy, his CA-199 decreased significantly after anti-infection and symptomatic treatment. The patient was diagnosed with biliary anastomotic stenosis and duodenal papillitis. He was discharged uneventfully; to date, there is no evidence of malignant tumor. We report this case to provide helpful information to clinicians about the management of the duodenal papilla cauliflower-like neoplasm after liver transplantation, which should be considered as inflammatory first. Perhaps our view can avoid the risk of bringing an excessive medical treatment and unnecessary economic burden to patients and their families. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Los docentes ante la integración educativa del teléfono móvil en el aula

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    Francisco Brazuelo Grund


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta una investigación sobre la integración del teléfono móvil por parte de los docentes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de Las Palmas (Islas Canarias, España analizando su uso, actitudes y posibilidades. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio y desc riptivo con un enfoque mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo para el que se ha aplicado un cuestionario de 11 dimensiones a una muestra de docentes (n=223, realizando también entrevistas personales (n=19. El análisis estadístico de los datos ha sido univari ado y bivariado para obtener la máxima información del cruce de variables. Los resultados de la muestran un gran desconocimiento de los docentes en cuanto a los usos educativos del teléfono móvil como herramienta de enseñanza y aprendizaje (93,3%. No obst ante, un 56,5% manifiesta interés en conocer cómo llevar a cabo su integración educativa en el aula, con mayor incidencia entre los docentes de menor edad (36 - 50 años, más flexibles y receptivos, coincidiendo en esta orientación, con otros estudios de incorporación escolar de las TIC para este nivel educativo.

  16. Sistema de reconocimiento y diagnóstico de arritmias cardíacas aplicado a la identificación de taquicardias de complejos anchos a partir del ECG

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    Oscar Javier Olarte


    Full Text Available Se presenta una herramienta software como soporte al diagnóstico diferencial de taquicardias de complejos anchos basado en la metodología clínica de diagnóstico Bayesiano. El sistema consta de módulos independientes para: a Detección de complejos, con sensibilidad (Sn de 94% y valor predictivo positivo (VP+ de 97,5%. b cómputo de la duración del complejo, con error cuadrático medio (ERMS de 25,2 ms c determinación del eje eléctrico del complejo QRS, con error RMS de 5,89º d determinación de morfología de bloqueo de rama, con Sn 89,9% y VP+ 93,3% y e clasificación de morfologías de QRS, donde se obtuvo clasificación completa. La técnica empleada se basa en detección de cruces por cero y valores singulares (máximos y mínimos en la transformada wavelet. Por su parte, el sistema de clasificación de morfologías se desarrolla con redes neuronales artificiales.

  17. Duodenal atresia in an infant with triple-X syndrome: a new associated malformation in 47,XXX. (United States)

    Rolle, Udo; Linse, Barbara; Glasow, Simone; Sandig, Klaus Rainer; Richter, Thomas; Till, Holger


    An association between the triple-X syndrome (47,XXX) and gastrointestinal malformations is extremely rare. Most 47,XXX patients present with a normal phenotype, but genitourinary malformations have been described. We report a case of a child with 47,XXX and duodenal atresia. Antenatal ultrasound scan showed a dilated fetal stomach and upper part of the duodenum (double bubble phenomenon) at 31 weeks of gestation in a 31-year-old woman with polyhydramnion. The amniotic fluid karyotype showed 47,XXX. After a scheduled delivery, duodenal atresia was confirmed and treated with duodeno-duodenostomy. The possible association of gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract anomalies requires a detailed postnatal clinical investigation and ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen, retroperitoneum, and pelvis on all triple-X syndrome patients. 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  18. Fluctuating functions related to quality of life in advanced Parkinson disease: effects of duodenal levodopa infusion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Isacson, D; Bingefors, K; Sønbø Kristiansen, Ivar


    OBJECTIVE: To assess fluctuations in quality of life (QoL) and motor performance in patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD) treated with continuous daytime duodenal levodopa/carbidopa infusion or conventional therapy. METHODS: Of 18 patients completing a 6-week trial (DIREQT), 12 were...... followed for up to 6 months and assessed using electronic diaries and the PD Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39). RESULTS: During the trial and follow-up, major diurnal fluctuations were observed, especially for hyperkinesia, 'off' time, ability to walk and depression. Duodenal infusion was associated...... with significantly more favourable outcomes compared with conventional treatment for satisfaction with overall functioning, 'off' time and ability to walk, with improved outcomes with PDQ-39. CONCLUSIONS: Relative to conventional treatment, infusion therapy may stabilize and significantly improve motor function...

  19. Synchronous occult metastasising duodenal carcinoid and ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma- Multiple primary malignancies in the same patient

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    Devadass Clement W, Sridhar Honnappa, Aarathi R Rau, Sharat Chandra


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors are uncommon neuroendocrine tumours that may be associated with synchronous or metachronous primary tumours of other histological type, most frequently colorectal adenocarcinomas. Primary ovarian mucinous adenocarcinomas have been reported to coincide with few other ovarian tumours and minority of these tumours may occur in association with Lynch syndrome. However association of duodenal carcinoid with ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma is distinctly unusual and, to our knowledge, has not been previously described. We report a case of occult metastasising duodenal atypical carcinoid that was incidentally detected during surgical intervention performed for left ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma in a middle aged female. The carcinoid tumour was Stage IIIB with regional nodal metastasis and the ovarian tumour was Stage IA with low grade histology.

  20. Factores protectores familiares para la prevención del uso de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de la Institución Educativa San Luis Gonzaga del corregimiento de Chicoral (El Espinal, Tolima

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    Martha Magdalena Acevedo-Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar los factores protectores familiares que previenen el uso de sustancias psicoactivas en los estudiantes del grado quinto de primaria de la Institución Educativa San Luis Gonzaga de Chicoral, corregimiento de El Espinal (Tolima. Materiales y métodos: La metodología utilizada fue de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. El análisis y procesamiento de la información se llevó a cabo mediante la utilización del paquete estadístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ( SPSS versión 18. La recolección de la información se realizó a través de la aplicación de una encuesta, una escala tipo Lickert autoaplicable. La muestra estuvo constituida por un total de 130 estudiantes de quinto de primaria de la institución educativa pertenecientes al estrato 1 y 2 de acuerdo con el régimen subsidiado Sisbén. Resultados: Para la realización del análisis se empleó la estadística descriptiva con tablas de frecuencias, figuras de barras y cruces de variables. Conclusiones: El estudio permitió reconocer la importancia que tienen los factores pro - tectores para el desarrollo integral y saludable de los adolescentes. La comunicación es un posibilitador de los factores protectores familiares. El fenómeno de consumo de S PA no tiene características diferenciales para el contexto urbano y el contexto rural.

  1. Significant association of the dupA gene of Helicobacter pylori with duodenal ulcer development in a South-east Indian population


    Alam, Jawed; Maiti, Sankar; Ghosh, Prachetash; De, Ronita; Chowdhury, Abhijit; Das, Suryasnata; Macaden, Ragini; Devarbhavi, Harshad; Ramamurthy, T.; Mukhopadhyay, Asish K.


    A novel virulence factor, duodenal ulcer-promoting gene A (dupA), in Helicobacter pylori has been found to be associated with disease in certain populations but not in others. This study analysed a South-east Indian population as part of the debate about the relevance of dupA for the prediction of clinical outcomes. A total of 140 H. pylori strains isolated from duodenal ulcer (DU) (n=83) and non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) patients (n=57) were screened by PCR and dot-blot hybridization to determin...

  2. La Selva Viajera: Rutas del chamanismo ayahuasquero entre Europa y América

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    Anne-Marie Losonczy


    Full Text Available Este texto explora una dimensión particular des las prácticas religiosas en migración. El fenómeno chamánico constituye actualmente un paisaje multipolar, atravesado por desplazamientos regulares de expertos en rituales y de practicantes, a la vez que por la mobilidad y la constante reconfiguración de las prácticas rituales. Estas itinerancias y estancias transcontinentales marcan a las comunidades locales, llevándolas hacia una reformulación de sus propios rituales de uso interno o regional. El chamanismo en su versión transcontinental se estructura según un continuum organizacional en diversas escalas que abre, enmarca, y reproduce los itinerarios que relacionan a los territorios del chamanismo habitualmente llamado "étnico" con las recomposiciones urbanas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Este continuum se sitúa efectivamente en el cruce de los "chamanismos urbanos" nacionales e internacionales que se construyen alrededor de la doble figura del "indígena" y de la "selva", en cuanto recursos simbólicos revalorizados. Por ende, este texto se propone analizar el papel central de la capacidad chamánica, reclasificada como "saber", para la reformulación el replanteamiento de las jerarquías simbólicas de validez nacional e internacional, instituidas durante la colonización.

  3. Differentiation of infantile jaundice with 99mTc-EHIDA hepatobiliary scintigraphy and determination of bilixanthine from duodenal drainage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Ming; Wu Hua; Huang Zhihua


    The purpose of this study was to develop an effective diagnostic method for infantile jaundice. 99m Tc-EHIDA hepatobiliary scintigraphy and determination of bilixanthine from duodenal drainage were carried out in 33 infants with persistent jaundice. The final diagnosis was confirmed by surgical operation, pathology or clinical follow-up. For diagnosing biliary atresia, the sensitivity and specificity of scintigraphy were 100% and 72.7% respectively and those of bilixanthine measurement were 100% and 95.5%. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy may be a sensitive, simple, safe and noninvasive method for differentiating infantile jaundice. Duodenal bilixanthine determination may improve the specificity in the case without intestinal radioactivity in scintigram

  4. The acute effects on duodenal gene expression in healthy men following consumption of a low-fat meal enriched with theobromine or fat. (United States)

    Smolders, Lotte; Mensink, Ronald P; Boekschoten, Mark V; de Ridder, Rogier J J; Plat, Jogchum


    Increasing apoA-I synthesis may improve HDL functionality and lower CVD risk. As theobromine and fat increase fasting apoA-I concentrations, and the intestine is involved in apoA-I production, the acute effects of both were studied on duodenal gene transcription to better understand underlying mechanisms. In this crossover study, 8 healthy men received once a low fat (LF) meal, a LF meal plus theobromine (850 mg), or a high fat (HF) meal. Five hours after meal intake duodenal biopsies were taken for microarray analysis. Theobromine and HF consumption did not change duodenal apoA-I expression. Theobromine did not change gene expression related to lipid and cholesterol metabolism, whereas those related to glycogen/glucose breakdown were downregulated. HF consumption increased gene expression related to lipid and cholesterol uptake and transport, and to glucose storage, while it decreased those related to glucose uptake. Furthermore, genes related to inflammation were upregulated, but inflammation markers in plasma were not changed. In healthy men, acute theobromine and fat consumption did not change duodenal apoA-I mRNA, but inhibited expression of genes related to glucose metabolism. Furthermore, HF intake activated in the duodenum expression of genes related to lipid and cholesterol metabolism and to inflammation.

  5. Bile salt-induced increases in duodenal brush-border membrane proton permeability, fluidity, and fragility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, D.L.; Hirst, B.H.


    Rabbit duodenal brush-border membrane vesicles were treated in vitro with deoxycholate, glycodeoxycholate, or taurodeoxycholate. Intravesicular [14C]glucose space at equilibrium, 0.54 microliters/mg protein, was reduced by exposure to the three bile salts in a concentration (0.1-5.0 mM)-dependent manner, equatable with increased membrane fragility. Net proton permeability (Pnet), determined by acridine orange fluorescence quenching, was increased from 6.3 x 10(-4) cm/sec in untreated vesicles, by approximately 120, 150, and 170%, by treatment with bile salts at 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mM, respectively. The three bile salts were equipotent. The increases in membrane fragility and Pnet were not accompanied by significant increases in membrane fluidity, as assessed from steady-state and time-resolved diphenylhexatriene fluorescence anisotropy. The data demonstrate direct effects of bile salts on duodenal apical membrane fragility and proton permeability that are likely to be early events in bile salt-induced mucosal damage

  6. A modified Rendezvous ERCP technique in duodenal diverticulum. (United States)

    Odabasi, Mehmet; Yildiz, Mehmet Kamil; Abuoglu, Haci Hasan; Eris, Cengiz; Ozkan, Erkan; Gunay, Emre; Aktekin, Ali; Muftuoglu, Ma Tolga


    To postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) failure, we describe a modified Rendezvous technique for an ERCP in patients operated on for common bile duct stone (CBDS) having a T-tube with retained CBDSs. Five cases operated on for CBDSs and having retained stones with a T-tube were referred from other hospitals located in or around Istanbul city to the ERCP unit at the Haydarpasa Numune Education and Research Hospital. Under sedation anesthesia, a sterile guide-wire was inserted via the T-tube into the common bile duct (CBD) then to the papilla. A guide-wire was held by a loop snare and removed through the mouth. The guide-wire was inserted into the sphincterotome via the duodenoscope from the tip to the handle. The duodenoscope was inserted down to the duodenum with a sphincterotome and a guide-wire in the working channel. With the guidance of a guide-wire, the ERCP and sphincterotomy were successfully performed, the guide-wire was removed from the T-tube, the stones were removed and the CBD was reexamined for retained stones by contrast. An ERCP can be used either preoperatively or postoperatively. Although the success rate in an isolated ERCP treatment ranges from up to 87%-97%, 5%-10% of the patients require two or more ERCP treatments. If a secondary ERCP fails, the clinicians must be ready for a laparoscopic or open exploration. A duodenal diverticulum is one of the most common failures in an ERCP, especially in patients with an intradiverticular papilla. For this small group of patients, an antegrade cannulation via a T-tube can improve the success rate up to nearly 100%. The modified Rendezvous technique is a very easy method and increases the success of postoperative ERCP, especially in patients with large duodenal diverticula and with intradiverticular papilla.

  7. Morphological features of the major duodenal papilla in patients with cholelithiasis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. M. Klymenko


    Full Text Available The high prevalence of the pathology of major duodenal papilla in patients with gallstone disease, the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment determine the relevance of the study. The purpose is to study the morphological features of the major duodenal papilla in patients with cholelithiasis. Material and methods. During autopsies, selection of fragments of major duodenal papilla from 30 dead was performed. The main group consisted of autopsy specimens (n = 15 from the dead, which had stones in the gallbladder in the absence of signs of inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder and bile ducts. Biomaterial samples (n = 15 from the dead, which had no stones and signs of inflammation of the biliary system, were included in the control group. To study the severity of the stromal component, the Mason’s trichrome and the Van Gieson’s stains were used. Light microscopy was carried out using a light microscope Axioplan 2 (Carl Zeiss - Germany using x10, x20, x40, x100 lenses and x10 eyepiece. For a quantitative assessment of the severity of sclerotic changes, we conducted a morphometric study of preparations stained with picrofuchsin accordimg to Van Gieson. The area of the stromal component was calculated in the resulted images in 5 fields of view under magnification of x200 using the medical software for analysis and processing of digital images ImageJ, initiated by W. Rasband (1997-2012. The expression area was the percentage ratio of the number of pixels of the digital image of the zones of expression of the connective tissue component to the total number of pixels in the image. Results. The quantitative analysis of the severity of sclerotic changes in the periductal tissue in both studied groups showed that in the control observations the expression area of the connective tissue component was 18.84 ± 3.14%, and in the main group (cases of gallstone disease – 78.06 ± 15.12% (p = 0.0031. Conclusions. 1. In patients with gallstone disease

  8. Association of Intact dupA (dupA1) rather than dupA1 cluster with duodenal ulcer in Indian population


    Alam, Jawed; Ghosh, Prachetash; Ganguly, Mou; Sarkar, Avijit; De, Ronita; Mukhopadhyay, Asish K


    Background The duodenal ulcer promoting gene (dupA) and dupA cluster in Helicobacter pylori have been described as a risk factor for duodenal ulcer development in some populations. Polymorphic gene dupA can be divided into two groups, intact dupA1 (long or short type based on the presence or absence of 615-bp extra sequences at the 5? region) having complete reading frame and other truncated dupA2 having frame-shift mutation. This study was aimed to elucidate the role of dupA of H. pylori and...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue cuantificar la diversidad genética entre 16 subpoblaciones raciales bovinas de Costa Rica, con base en 1412 muestras de ADN bovino de todo el país, evaluadas mediante 18 marcadores microsatélites. El número promedio de alelos (Na por locus dentro de raza fue de 10,3, que varían entre 8 (Holstein×Jersey y 13 (Criolla para doble propósito. El número promedio de alelos efectivo (Ne fue de 5,04, con cambios entre 4,18 (Jersey y 5,64 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad observada promedio fue de 0,77, variando entre 0,73 (Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus. La heterocigosidad esperada (He promedio fue de 0,78, que oscilan entre 0,74 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,81 (Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El contenido de información polimórfica (PIC fue de 0,76, con variaciones entre 0,71 (Jersey y Holstein×Jersey y 0,79 (Criollas para doble propósito y Cruces para doble propósito. El FIS promedio fue de 0,02, con oscilaciones entre -0,03 (Holstein×Jersey a 0,04 (Brahman, Criolla para carne y Cruces para leche. La desviación del equilibrio Hardy Weinberg no fue significativa (p>0,05 en la mayoría de los loci para las subpoblaciones raciales. El subgrupo con mayor número de loci en desequilibrio fue Jersey (8 loci, mientras que los subgrupos Bos taurus×Bos indicus, Criolla para leche y Holstein×Jersey presentaron solo 1 locus en desequilibrio. Los índices de fijación FIS (0,02, FIT (0,05 y FST (0,03 indicaron cierta tendencia hacia la homocigosidad. Los dendrogramas mostraron 3 agrupaciones raciales claramente diferenciadas que coinciden con las razas de origen Bos taurus, Bos indicus y sus respectivos cruces. Los resultados del análisis indicaron que el número de microsatélites empleados sí permitió establecer una discriminación clara a nivel de las frecuencias alélicas y en la distribución del tamaño de los alelos entre las

  10. Is biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch a solution for patients after laparoscopic gastric banding failure?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poyck, P. P. C.; Polat, F.; Gouma, D. J.; Hesp, W. L. E. M.


    Background: Weight loss failure after laparoscopic gastric banding (LAGB) can occur in <= 25% of patients. Conversion to a malabsorptive procedure might provide more durable weight loss. The present study evaluated biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) after LAGB failure with a

  11. [A case of enterolith ileus secondary to acute pancreatitis associated with a juxtapapillary duodenal diverticulum]. (United States)

    Morii, Shinji; Doi, Yoko; Makita, Tomoo; Takeda, Shinichiro; Miura, Seiki; Kaneko, Takaaki; Saito, Shuichi; Okabe, Shinichiro


    A 63-year-old woman with abdominal pain was referred to our hospital. Her pancreatic enzymes were elevated, and an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan showed an enlarged pancreas, consistent with pancreatitis, and gas collection containing an impacted stone adjacent to Vater's papilla. This finding raised the suspicion of a duodenal diverticulum. A subsequent ERCP showed a juxtapapillary duodenal diverticulum (JPDD) filled with calculi and pus. The pancreatitis improved with 2 weeks of conservative treatment. Subsequently, the patient underwent resection of the uterus and bilateral adnexa to remove a large ovarian cyst that was also identified on the admission CT scan. On the third postoperative day, she developed abdominal pain and vomiting. CT revealed small bowel obstruction caused by an enterolith expelled from JPDD. Enterotomy was performed to remove the stone. To our knowledge, only three similar cases have been previously reported in Japan.

  12. El monumento turriforme como forma de autorrepresentación de las élites locales


    Pontes Macarulla, Leyre


    Para el hombre romano el concepto de la muerte se entendía desde una óptica particular.Tras la muerte y celebración del ritual funerario, se enterraba al difunto en una sepultura que podía adoptar gran variedad de formas, encaminadas a mostrar el poder y el prestigio del difunto y de su familia. De ahí la importancia de la elección del lugar -en las vías de entrada a la ciudad o en los cruces de caminos-para asegurarse la visibilidad de la tumba y con ello mantener la memoria del difunto. El...

  13. Clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial neoplasms: Focus on tumors with a gastric mucin phenotype (pyloric gland-type tumors.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Takehiro Mitsuishi

    Full Text Available Epithelial tumors less commonly occur in the duodenum than in the stomach or large intestine. The clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial tumors remain a matter of debate. We therefore studied resected specimens to investigate the clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial tumors.Among duodenal epithelial tumors resected endoscopically or surgically in our hospital, we studied the clinicopathological characteristics of 110 adenomas or intramucosal carcinomas. The grade of atypia of all tumors was classified into 3 groups according to the World Health Organization (WHO 2010 classification. The tumors were immunohistochemically evaluated to determine the frequency of differentiation toward fundic glands.As for patient characteristics, there were 76 men (75.2% and 25 women (24.8%, with a median age of 65 years (range, 34 to 84. The tumors most commonly arose in the first to second part of the duodenum. Many lesions were flat, and the median tumor diameter was 8.0 mm. The lesions were classified into 2 types according to mucin phenotype: intestinal-type tumors (98 lesions, 89.1% and gastric-type tumors (12 lesions, 10.9%. Intestinal-type tumors were subdivided into 2 groups: tubular-type tumors (91 lesions, 82.7% and tubulovillous-type tumors (7 lesions, 6.4%. Gastric-type tumors were classified into 2 types: foveolar type (3 lesions, 2.7% and pyloric gland-type (PG tumors (9 lesions, 8.2%. The grade of atypia was significantly higher in gastric-type tumors (p<0.01. PG tumors were gastric-type tumors characterized by pyloric glands and findings suggesting differentiation toward fundic glands.About 10% of the duodenal tumors had a gastric-type mucin phenotype. Gastric-type tumors showed high-grade atypia. In particular, PG tumors showed similarities to PG tumors of the stomach, such as differentiation toward fundic glands.

  14. The mechanism of gastrin release in cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier


    a rise in serum gastrin from 29 +/- 5 pg/ml to a maximum of 203 +/- 62 pg/ml after 3 h in unoperated rats, whereas no rise was seen in vagotomized or antrectomized rats. The beta-adrenergic blocking agent propranolol strongly inhibited cysteamine-induced gastrin release, whereas atropine dependent......Duodenal ulcer can be induced in rats by a single dose of cysteamine. The ulcer formation is accompanied by acid hypersecretion and elevated serum gastrin levels. This study was performed to elucidate the mechanisms of gastrin release after an ulcerogenic dose of cysteamine. Cysteamine induced...

  15. A Novel Technique for Duodenal Resection and Primary Anastomosis With Robotic Assistance and OrVil. (United States)

    Bedirli, Abdulkadir; Salman, Bulent; Nasirov, Mahir; Dogan, Ibrahim


    Benign duodenal neoplasm is a rare occurrence. Minimally invasive tumor resection and anastomosis formation with an OrVil catheter is a novel approach to treating this disease. In this article, we present a new technique for duodenojejunal anastomosis. This technique was applied in 4 patients with benign distal duodenal tumors who were treated with minimally invasive surgery with robotic assistance. In 4 patients, after the removal of distal duodenal masses with a robotic technique, an orifice in the duodenum was opened to allow for the passage of a guidewire. The guidewire was removed from the orifice by holding it with forceps during an upper endoscopy. An OrVil catheter was sutured to the guidewire outside to allow 2 catheters to proceed consecutively. After the removal of the anvil, an end-lateral duodenojejunostomy was performed with a circular stapler. The patients included 3 men and 1 woman (average age, 56). The durations of the operations were 215, 175, 180, and 185 minutes. No complications were observed in any of the patients during the postoperative period. The patients began oral intake on the fifth day of the postoperative period, and they were discharged on the sixth postoperative day. Histopathologic analyses indicated that the removed tumors were adenomas in 2 patients and gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) in 2 patients. Clear surgical margins were observed in all of the patients. The placement of an OrVil catheter for anastomosis in benign neoplasms with distal duodenum localization and the subsequent achievement of duodenojejunal anastomosis with a circular stapler constitute a novel treatment approach.

  16. Expression of Duodenal Iron Transporter Proteins in Diabetic Patients with and without Iron Deficiency Anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Efrat Broide


    Full Text Available The role of iron transport proteins in the pathogenesis of anemia in patients with diabetes mellitus (T2DM is still unclear. We investigated the expression of duodenal transporter proteins in diabetic patients with and without iron deficiency anemia (IDA. Methods. Overall, 39 patients were included: 16 with T2DM and IDA (group A, 11 with T2DM without IDA (group B, and 12 controls (group C. Duodenal mucosal expression of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1, ferroportin 1 (FPN, hephaestin (HEPH, and transferrin receptor 1 (TfR was evaluated by Western blotting. Chronic disease activity markers were measured as well. Results. FPN expression was increased in group A compared to group B and controls: 1.17 (0.72–1.46, 0.76 (0.53–1.04, and 0.71 (0.64–0.86, respectively (p=0.011. TfR levels were over expressed in groups A and B compared to controls: 0.39 (0.26–0.61, 0.36 (0.24–0.43, and 0.18 (0.16–0.24, respectively, (p=0.004. The three groups did not differ significantly with regard to cellular HEPH and DMT1 expression. The normal CRP and serum ferritin levels, accompanied with normal FPN among diabetic patients without IDA, do not support the association of IDA with chronic inflammatory state. Conclusion. In patients with T2DM and IDA, duodenal iron transport protein expression might be dependent on body iron stores rather than by chronic inflammation or diabetes per se.

  17. Duodenal and Other Gastrointestinal Toxicity in Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Treated With Extended-Field Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy to Paraaortic Lymph Nodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poorvu, Philip D. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Brigham and Women' s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (United States); Sadow, Cheryl A. [Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women' s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (United States); Townamchai, Kanokpis; Damato, Antonio L. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Brigham and Women' s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (United States); Viswanathan, Akila N., E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, Brigham and Women' s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (United States)


    Purpose: To characterize the rates of acute and late duodenal and other gastrointestinal (GI) toxicities among patients treated for cervical and endometrial cancers with extended-field intensity modulated radiation therapy (EF-IMRT) to the paraaortic nodes and to analyze dose-volume relationships of GI toxicities. Methods and Materials: Fifty-three patients with endometrial or cervical cancer underwent EF-IMRT to the paraaortic nodes, of whom 46 met the inclusion criteria for GI toxicity and 45 for duodenal toxicity analysis. The median prescribed dose to the paraaortic nodes was 54 Gy (range, 41.4-65 Gy). The 4 duodenal segments, whole duodenum, small bowel loops, peritoneum, and peritoneum plus retroperitoneal segments of colon were contoured retrospectively, and dosimetric analysis was performed to identify dose-volume relationships to grade ≥3 acute (<90 day) and late (≥90 day) GI toxicity. Results: Only 3/46 patients (6.5%) experienced acute grade ≥3 GI toxicity and 3/46 patients (6.5%) experienced late grade ≥3 GI toxicity. The median dose administered to these 6 patients was 50.4 Gy. One of 12 patients who received 63 to 65 Gy at the level of the renal hilum experienced grade 3 GI toxicity. Dosimetric analysis of patients with and without toxicity revealed no differences between the mean absolute or fractional volumes at any 5-Gy interval between 5 Gy and the maximum dose. None of the patients experienced duodenal toxicity. Conclusions: Treatment of paraaortic nodes with IMRT is associated with low rates of GI toxicities and no duodenal-specific toxicity, including patients treated with concurrent chemotherapy. This technique may allow sufficient dose sparing of the bowel to enable safe dose escalation to at least 65 Gy.

  18. Duodenal and Other Gastrointestinal Toxicity in Cervical and Endometrial Cancer Treated With Extended-Field Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy to Paraaortic Lymph Nodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Poorvu, Philip D.; Sadow, Cheryl A.; Townamchai, Kanokpis; Damato, Antonio L.; Viswanathan, Akila N.


    Purpose: To characterize the rates of acute and late duodenal and other gastrointestinal (GI) toxicities among patients treated for cervical and endometrial cancers with extended-field intensity modulated radiation therapy (EF-IMRT) to the paraaortic nodes and to analyze dose-volume relationships of GI toxicities. Methods and Materials: Fifty-three patients with endometrial or cervical cancer underwent EF-IMRT to the paraaortic nodes, of whom 46 met the inclusion criteria for GI toxicity and 45 for duodenal toxicity analysis. The median prescribed dose to the paraaortic nodes was 54 Gy (range, 41.4-65 Gy). The 4 duodenal segments, whole duodenum, small bowel loops, peritoneum, and peritoneum plus retroperitoneal segments of colon were contoured retrospectively, and dosimetric analysis was performed to identify dose-volume relationships to grade ≥3 acute (<90 day) and late (≥90 day) GI toxicity. Results: Only 3/46 patients (6.5%) experienced acute grade ≥3 GI toxicity and 3/46 patients (6.5%) experienced late grade ≥3 GI toxicity. The median dose administered to these 6 patients was 50.4 Gy. One of 12 patients who received 63 to 65 Gy at the level of the renal hilum experienced grade 3 GI toxicity. Dosimetric analysis of patients with and without toxicity revealed no differences between the mean absolute or fractional volumes at any 5-Gy interval between 5 Gy and the maximum dose. None of the patients experienced duodenal toxicity. Conclusions: Treatment of paraaortic nodes with IMRT is associated with low rates of GI toxicities and no duodenal-specific toxicity, including patients treated with concurrent chemotherapy. This technique may allow sufficient dose sparing of the bowel to enable safe dose escalation to at least 65 Gy

  19. Preserving Duodenal-Jejunal (Foregut) Transit Does Not Impair Glucose Tolerance and Diabetes Remission Following Gastric Bypass in Type 2 Diabetes Sprague-Dawley Rat Model. (United States)

    Dolo, Ponnie R; Yao, Libin; Li, Chao; Zhu, Xiaocheng; Shi, Linsen; Widjaja, Jason


    Possible mechanisms underlying diabetes remission following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) include eradication of putative factor(s) with duodenal-jejunal bypass. The objective of this study is to observe the effects of duodenal-jejunal transit on glucose tolerance and diabetes remission in gastric bypass rat model. In order to verify the effect of duodenal-jejunal transit on glucose tolerance and diabetes remission in gastric bypass, 22 type 2 diabetes Sprague-Dawley rat models established through high-fat diet and low-dose streptozotocin (STZ) administered intraperitoneally were assigned to one of three groups: gastric bypass with duodenal-jejunal transit (GB-DJT n = 8), gastric bypass without duodenal-jejunal transit (RYGB n = 8), and sham (n = 6). Body weight, food intake, blood glucose, as well as meal-stimulated insulin, and incretin hormone responses were assessed to ascertain the effect of surgery in all groups. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and insulin tolerance test (ITT) were conducted three and 7 weeks after surgery. Comparing our GB-DJT to the RYGB group, we saw no differences in the mean decline in body weight, food intake, and blood glucose 8 weeks after surgery. GB-DJT group exhibited immediate and sustained glucose control throughout the study. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) levels were also significantly increased from preoperative level in the GB-DJT group (p transit does not impede glucose tolerance and diabetes remission after gastric bypass in type-2 diabetes Sprague-Dawley rat model.

  20. Gastroscintigraphy for the evaluation of stomach evacuatory function in patients with duodenal ulcer prior to and following surgery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Uskov, I.A.; Krylov, N.N.; Postolov, P.M.; Kuzin, N.M. (Pervyj Moskovskij Meditsinskij Inst. (USSR))


    While analysing 246 gastroscintigrams in 186 patients with duodenal ulcer prior to and at varying times after surgery 6 types of the evacuatory curves in preoperative examination have been defined (normal, degree 1 acceleration, degree 1-4 evacuatory retardation) as well as 8 types of the curves after different types of organ sparing operations with vagotomies (degree 1-2 acceleration, a curve which was close to normal and 1-4 degree evacuatory retardation). Gastroscintigraphy results make it possible to specify and quantify changes in stomach evacuatory function in order to select an optimum surgical method and to give an objective evaluation of the results of different types of vagotomy Used for the treatment of duodenal ulcer.

  1. Gastroscintigraphy for the evaluation of stomach evacuatory function in patients with duodenal ulcer prior to and following surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uskov, I.A.; Krylov, N.N.; Postolov, P.M.; Kuzin, N.M.


    While analysing 246 gastroscintigrams in 186 patients with duodenal ulcer prior to and at varying times after surgery 6 types of the evacuatory curves in preoperative examination have been defined (normal, degree 1 acceleration, degree 1-4 evacuatory retardation) as well as 8 types of the curves after different types of organ sparing operations with vagotomies (degree 1-2 acceleration, a curve which was close to normal and 1-4 degree evacuatory retardation). Gastroscintigraphy results make it possible to specify and quantify changes in stomach evacuatory function in order to select an optimum surgical method and to give an objective evaluation of the results of different types of vagotomy Used for the treatment of duodenal ulcer

  2. Lansoprazole for secondary prevention of gastric or duodenal ulcers associated with long-term low-dose aspirin therapy: results of a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, double-dummy, active-controlled trial. (United States)

    Sugano, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yasushi; Itabashi, Tsukasa; Abe, Sumihisa; Sakaki, Nobuhiro; Ashida, Kiyoshi; Mizokami, Yuji; Chiba, Tsutomu; Matsui, Shigeyuki; Kanto, Tatsuya; Shimada, Kazuyuki; Uchiyama, Shinichiro; Uemura, Naomi; Hiramatsu, Naoki


    The efficacy of low-dose lansoprazole has not been established for the prevention of recurrent gastric or duodenal ulcers in those receiving long-term low-dose aspirin (LDA) for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular protection. This study sought to examine the efficacy of low-dose lansoprazole (15 mg once daily) for the secondary prevention of LDA-associated gastric or duodenal ulcers. Patients were randomized to receive lansoprazole 15 mg daily (n = 226) or gefarnate 50 mg twice daily (n = 235) for 12 months or longer in a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized active-controlled trial, followed by a 6-month follow-up study with open-label lansoprazole treatment. The study utilized 94 sites in Japan and 461 Japanese patients with a history of gastric or duodenal ulcers who required long-term LDA therapy for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. The primary endpoint was the development of gastric or duodenal ulcers. The cumulative incidence of gastric or duodenal ulcers on days 91, 181, and 361 from the start of the study was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method as 1.5, 2.1, and 3.7%, respectively, in the lansoprazole group versus 15.2, 24.0, and 31.7%, respectively, in the gefarnate group. The risk of ulcer development was significantly (log-rank test, P lansoprazole group than in the gefarnate group, with the hazard ratio being 0.099 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.042-0.230). Lansoprazole was superior to gefarnate in reducing the risk of gastric or duodenal ulcer recurrence in patients with a definite history of gastric or duodenal ulcers who required long-term LDA therapy.

  3. Conservative Management of Duodenal Perforation with Toothpick in a 9- Year Old Girl; a Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahsanam Gheibi


    Full Text Available Background Foreign body ingestion is a relatively common in children. Most ingested foreign bodies spontaneously pass out of the body via the gastrointestinal (GI system but sharp materials may perforate the GI tract and need to surgical intervention. Case Presentation  The patient was a 9-year-old girl with progressive abdominal pain for one month and admitted with acute abdomen impression. She underwent esogastroduodenoscopy (EGD due to severe epigastric tenderness. Upper GI endoscopy revealed duodenal ulceration and perforation by a toothpick while she had no history of foreign body ingestion. Toothpick was removed by endoscopy. She was successfully managed conservatively and had no abdominal pain during the one month follow-up period. Conclusion We recommend the endoscopic approach as the preferable method for the extraction of duodenal foreign bodies in children, even in the case of intestinal perforation.

  4. Giant Brunner’s Gland Hamartoma of the Duodenal Bulb Presenting with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ju Hyoung Lee


    Full Text Available Brunner’s gland hamartomas are small benign lesions that are most commonly found in the bulb of the duodenum. They are very uncommon, and most are found incidentally during upper gastrointestinal series or esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The lesions tend to be asymptomatic, but patients may present with symptoms of duodenal obstruction or hemorrhage secondary to ulceration. Histologically, a Brunner's gland hamartoma consists of the components of Brunner's gland cells, as well as glandular, adipose and muscle cells. In this study, we report the case of a 30-year-old man who presented with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and obstructive symptoms due to a giant Brunner's gland hamartoma in the duodenal bulb. The hamartoma was successfully removed by endoscopic resection. No significant complications were observed. Microscopically, the lesion was found to be entirely composed of variable Brunner's glands and adipocytes.

  5. Testing of 99mTc labelled sucralfate in induced gastric and duodenal ulcers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pallagi, Katalin; Janoki, Gyoezoe


    The conditions of in vitro labelling of sucralfate available in medical practice were established according to literature data including some modifications. Labelling efficiency proved to be 98.1%. The radiopharmaceutical is stable over 6 hours in vitro. 99m Tc-sucralfate accumulates in experimentally induced gastric and duodenal ulcers thus tracing the site of the ulcerous lesion. (author) 14 refs.; 3 tabs

  6. Stereotactic body radiation therapy planning with duodenal sparing using volumetric-modulated arc therapy vs intensity-modulated radiation therapy in locally advanced pancreatic cancer: A dosimetric analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumar, Rachit; Wild, Aaron T.; Ziegler, Mark A.; Hooker, Ted K.; Dah, Samson D.; Tran, Phuoc T.; Kang, Jun; Smith, Koren; Zeng, Jing [Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 401N. Broadway, Weinberg Suite 1440, Baltimore, MD 21231 (United States); Pawlik, Timothy M. [Department of Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD (United States); Tryggestad, Erik [Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 401N. Broadway, Weinberg Suite 1440, Baltimore, MD 21231 (United States); Ford, Eric [Department of Radiation Oncology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (United States); Herman, Joseph M., E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 401N. Broadway, Weinberg Suite 1440, Baltimore, MD 21231 (United States)


    Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) achieves excellent local control for locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC), but may increase late duodenal toxicity. Volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) delivers intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with a rotating gantry rather than multiple fixed beams. This study dosimetrically evaluates the feasibility of implementing duodenal constraints for SBRT using VMAT vs IMRT. Non–duodenal sparing (NS) and duodenal-sparing (DS) VMAT and IMRT plans delivering 25 Gy in 1 fraction were generated for 15 patients with LAPC. DS plans were constrained to duodenal D{sub max} of<30 Gy at any point. VMAT used 1 360° coplanar arc with 4° spacing between control points, whereas IMRT used 9 coplanar beams with fixed gantry positions at 40° angles. Dosimetric parameters for target volumes and organs at risk were compared for DS planning vs NS planning and VMAT vs IMRT using paired-sample Wilcoxon signed rank tests. Both DS VMAT and DS IMRT achieved significantly reduced duodenal D{sub mean}, D{sub max}, D{sub 1cc}, D{sub 4%}, and V{sub 20} {sub Gy} compared with NS plans (all p≤0.002). DS constraints compromised target coverage for IMRT as demonstrated by reduced V{sub 95%} (p = 0.01) and D{sub mean} (p = 0.02), but not for VMAT. DS constraints resulted in increased dose to right kidney, spinal cord, stomach, and liver for VMAT. Direct comparison of DS VMAT and DS IMRT revealed that VMAT was superior in sparing the left kidney (p<0.001) and the spinal cord (p<0.001), whereas IMRT was superior in sparing the stomach (p = 0.05) and the liver (p = 0.003). DS VMAT required 21% fewer monitor units (p<0.001) and delivered treatment 2.4 minutes faster (p<0.001) than DS IMRT. Implementing DS constraints during SBRT planning for LAPC can significantly reduce duodenal point or volumetric dose parameters for both VMAT and IMRT. The primary consequence of implementing DS constraints for VMAT is increased dose to other organs at

  7. Helicobacter pylori cagA+ Is Associated with Milder Duodenal Histological Changes in Chilean Celiac Patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yalda Lucero


    Full Text Available HIGHLIGHTSWhat is already known about this subject?Celiac disease (CD has a high clinical and histological diversity and the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain elusive.H. pylori is a bacterium that chronically infect gastric and duodenal mucosa activating both a Th1/Th17 and T-reg pathways.The role of H. pylori (and the effect of their virulence factors in CD have not yet completely elucidated.What are the new findings?cagA+ H. pylori strains are associated to milder histological damage in infected CD patients.In active-CD patients the presence of cagA+ H. pylori is associated to an increase in T-reg markers, contrasting with a downregulation in cagA+ infected potential-CD individuals.How might it impact on clinical practice in the foreseeable future?The identification of microbiological factors that could modulate inflammation and clinical expression of CD may be used in the future as preventive strategies or as supplementary treatment in patients that cannot achieve complete remission, contributing to the better care of these patients.Background: Mechanisms underlying the high clinical and histological diversity of celiac disease (CD remain elusive. Helicobacter pylori (Hp chronically infects gastric and duodenal mucosa and has been associated with protection against some immune-mediated conditions, but its role (specifically of cagA+ strains in CD is unclear.Objective: To assess the relationship between gastric Hp infection (cagA+ strains and duodenal histological damage in patients with CD.Design: Case-control study including patients with active-CD, potential-CD and non-celiac individuals. Clinical presentation, HLA genotype, Hp/cagA gene detection in gastric mucosa, duodenal histology, Foxp3 positive cells and TGF-β expression in duodenal lamina propria were analyzed.Results: We recruited 116 patients, 29 active-CD, 37 potential-CD, and 50 non-CD controls. Hp detection was similar in the three groups (~30–40%, but cag

  8. Duodenal plexiform fibromyxoma as a cause of obscure upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A case report. (United States)

    Moris, Demetrios; Spanou, Evangelia; Sougioultzis, Stavros; Dimitrokallis, Nikolaos; Kalisperati, Polyxeni; Delladetsima, Ioanna; Felekouras, Evangelos


    We are reporting the first-to our knowledge-case of duodenal Plexiform Fibromyxoma causing obscure upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Plexiform fibromyxoma triggered recurrent upper gastrointestinal bleeding episodes in a 63-year-old man who remained undiagnosed, despite multiple hospitalizations, extensive diagnostic workups and surgical interventions (including gastrectomies), for almost 17 years. During hospitalization for the last bleeding episode, an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed an intestinal hemorrhagic nodule. The lesion was deemed unresectable by endoscopic means. An abdominal computerized tomography disclosed no further lesions and surgery was decided. The lesion at operation was found near the edge of the duodenal stump and treated with pancreas-preserving duodenectomy (1st and 2nd portion). Postoperative recovery was mainly uneventful and a 20-month follow-up finds the patient in good health with no need for blood transfusions.Plexiform fibromyxomas stand for a rare and widely unknown mesenchymal entity. Despite the fact that they closely resemble other gastrointestinal tumors, they distinctly vary in clinical management as well as the histopathology. Clinical awareness and further research are compulsory to elucidate its clinical course and prognosis.

  9. Enteral delivery of proteins stimulates protein synthesis in human duodenal mucosa in the fed state through a mammalian target of rapamycin-independent pathway. (United States)

    Coëffier, Moïse; Claeyssens, Sophie; Bôle-Feysot, Christine; Guérin, Charlène; Maurer, Brigitte; Lecleire, Stéphane; Lavoinne, Alain; Donnadieu, Nathalie; Cailleux, Anne-Françoise; Déchelotte, Pierre


    Glutamine modulates duodenal protein metabolism in fasted healthy humans, but its effects in a fed state remain unknown. We aimed to assess the effects of either glutamine or an isonitrogenous protein mixture on duodenal protein metabolism in humans in the fed state. Twenty-four healthy volunteers were randomly included in 2 groups. Each volunteer was studied on 2 occasions in a random order and received, during 5 h, either an enteral infusion of maltodextrins alone (0.25 g · kg⁻¹ · h⁻¹; both groups) that mimicked a carbohydrate fed state or maltodextrins with glutamine (group 1) or an isonitrogenous (22.4 mg N · kg⁻¹ · h⁻¹) protein powder (group 2). Simultaneously, a continuous intravenous infusion of ¹³C-leucine and ²H₅-phenylalanine (both 9 μmol · kg⁻¹ · h⁻¹) was performed. Endoscopic duodenal biopsies were taken. Leucine and phenylalanine enrichments were assessed by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in duodenal proteins and the intracellular free amino acids pool to calculate the mucosal fractional synthesis rate (FSR). Proteasome proteolytic activities and phosphokinase expression were assessed by using specific fluorogenic substrates and macroarrays, respectively. The FSR and proteasome activity were not different after the glutamine supply compared with after maltodextrins alone. In contrast, the FSR increased (1.7-fold increase; P protein-powder delivery without modification of total proteasome activity. The protein powder increased insulinemia, PI3 kinase, and erk phosphorylation but did not affect the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway and mitogen-activated protein kinase signal-integrating kinase 1 phosphorylation. A trend for an increase of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E phosphorylation was observed (P = 0.07). In the carbohydrate fed state, enteral proteins but not glutamine increased duodenal protein synthesis through an mTOR independent pathway in humans.

  10. MDCT of primary, locally recurrent, and metastatic duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs): A single institution study of 25 patients with review of literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, J.M.; Tirumani, S.H.; Shinagare, A.B.; Jagannathan, J.P.; Hornick, J.L.; Raut, C.P.; Ramaiya, N.H.


    Aim: To describe the multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) features of primary, locally recurrent, and metastatic duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs). Materials and methods: In this institutional review board-approved, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)-compliant, retrospective study, 25 patients [13 men, 12 women; mean age 56 years (34–74 years)] with histopathologically confirmed duodenal GISTs seen at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital from December 1999 to October 2009 were identified. The MDCT of primary tumours in six patients and follow-up imaging in all the 25 patients was reviewed by two radiologists in consensus. Electronic medical records were reviewed to document the clinical characteristics and management. Results: The mean size of the primary tumour was 3.7 cm (range 2.5–5.6 cm). Three of six primary tumours were in the second and third portions of the duodenum, one in the third portion, one in the third and fourth portions, and one in the fourth portion. Three of six of the tumours were exophytic, two were both exophytic and intraluminal, and one was intramural. The tumours were well-circumscribed, round or oval masses, with few lobulations, and were either homogeneously hyper-enhancing or heterogeneously isodense at MDCT. None of the tumours had necrosis, haemorrhage, calcification, or loco regional lymphadenopathy on imaging. Sixteen of 25 (64%) patients developed metastatic disease, the most common sites being liver (14/16; 87.5%) and peritoneum (5/16; 31%). Conclusion: Duodenal GISTs are well-circumscribed, round or oval masses, and occur in the second through fourth portions of the duodenum, without lymphadenopathy or duodenal obstruction. Duodenal GISTS metastasize frequently to the liver and peritoneum

  11. Primary duodenal tuberculosis presenting as gastric-outlet obstruction: Its diagnosis

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    Vijai Datta Upadhyaya


    Full Text Available Introduction: Gastrointestinal tuberculosis often involves the ileocecal region. Duodenal and gastric tuberculosis found in only 1% of patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis with associated HIV infection in non-endemic areas. Duodenal obstruction due to tuberculosis is very rare and needs high index of suspicions for diagnosis. Mostly this entity is suspected on intraoperative findings. In this manuscript we emphasized on ways and means for establishing histopathological diagnosis before starting anti-tubercular treatment in such cases. Method and Material: All patients of suspected gastroduodenal tuberculosis presented with feature of gastric-outlet obstruction managed during Jan 2009 to June 2011 were included in the study. After proper evaluation (routine hematological and biochemical examination, microbiological examination, serological and endoscopic evaluation exploratory laparotomy was done and if there is no mesenteric lymphadenopathy or it is not safe to take biopsy form the diseased duodenum, multiple FNAC were taken from the diseased portion for histopathological and microbiological diagnosis. Result: A total of five patients were treated during this period. The most common presentation was vomiting followed by failure to thrive and weight loss; two patients had abdominal pain. Biopsy of mesenteric lymph node was possible in two cases. FNAC from diseases portion was taken in all cases. FNAC showed granulomas in four cases. Cases where even FNAC finding was non-conclusive on HPE/Microbiology was not subjected to antitubercular drug. Conclusion: Multiple intra-operative FNAC may be taken from the diseased portion of the duodenum to establish the histopathological diagnosis if diagnosis is not established by any other mean.

  12. Inferencias paleodietarias mediante isótopos estables en restos óseos humanos provenientes de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    Schinder, Gala


    Full Text Available Las actuales lineas de acción vinculadas al uso de isótopos estables en la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego están orientándose a acotar factores de variación (especialmente la variación espacial y temporal y al cruce con otras lineas de evidencias como los estilos de vida. A partir de la ocupación europea en el Siglo XVIII se modificó el estilo de vida de las poblaciones históricas de la región. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos explorar la variabilidad en cuanto al tipo de recursos consurnidos por hombres y mujeres a partir de la información isotópica obtenida de huesos de individuos provenientes de diferentes sectores geográficos (Norte, Sudeste y Beagle y la determinación de la composición de la dieta en términos de contenido proteico. Los datos isotópicos se complementaron con información etnográfica. El análisis Kruskal-Wallis sugiere que existen diferencias significativas entre los diferentes sectores geográficos, pero no se registraron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres. Asimismo, los isótopos indican que los individuos del Sudeste consumían preferentemente dietas más ricas en proteínas que sus vecinos del norte de la Isla. En los últimos años, ha crecido el interé por los estudios orientados al análisis de la división sexual del trabajo en sociedades cazadoras recolectoras. Este trabajo constituye un primer aporte para evaluar la variabilidad en cuanto a las diferencias en la obtención de recursos entre sexos y el tipo de dieta en individuos históricos de Tierra del Fuego.

  13. Heterotopic pancreas causing duodenal obstruction in a patient previously treated for choledochal cyst

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    Vidyanand P Deshpande


    Full Text Available A 9-year-old boy presented with duodenal pancreatic rest causing obstruction and required surgical intervention. He had been treated at the age of 4 months for a choledochal cyst. Both choledochal cyst and heterotopic pancreas are entities that are commonly encountered in children, but the incidental presence of both the entities in the same child, albeit presenting metachronously, is extremely rare.

  14. Rare Case of Duodenal Metastasis From Pulmonary Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Zain Memon DO


    Full Text Available Pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common non–small cell malignancy of the lung. It commonly metastasizes to the adrenal glands, bone, liver, brain, and kidneys. Most occurrences of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma involving the gastrointestinal tract originate from primary lung tumors. Metastasis to the duodenum, however, is exceedingly rare, with very few cases of stomach or duodenal involvement described in the literature. We report the case of a patient with stage IV pulmonary squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the duodenum with an uncommon presentation to add to the paucity of literature available regarding this rare finding.

  15. El conflicto del magisterio de la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1925: la identidad de una clase sin nombre

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    Cintia Mariela Manocchi


    Full Text Available En abril de 1925 el suicidio de una maestra desató un conflicto entre los maestros porteños y el Consejo Nacional de Educación. Según las asociaciones docentes reunidas en una Asamblea en homenaje a la fallecida, el suceso partía de conveniencias mezquinas y favores políticos que guiaban al Consejo al asignar cargos. Había llegado la hora de la acción docente, “una clase dormida despertaba” Días después, la prensa gremial publicó artículos acusando al CNE de inepto y corrupto. La respuesta fue contundente: dieciocho maestros exonerados. El decreto acusaba a un grupo minúsculo de subordinados corrompidos que emitía propaganda tendenciosa y hostil. En los meses siguientes hay un cruce de acusaciones constantes, muchos docentes son tildados de ácratas y deben defenderse aludiendo a la respetabilidad de “su clase” intentando diferenciarse del obrero con el que compartían penurias económicas pero del que diferirían en valores. En un borroso espacio social entre el proletariado y la élite, el magisterio pretendía darse una identidad de clase a partir del discurso de la moralidad. Analizaremos la confrontación como forma de comprender la posición social docente y qué nos dice ésta de la identidad de la clase media argentina en los años veinte.

  16. Thyroid Storm Precipitated by Duodenal Ulcer Perforation

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    Shoko Natsuda


    Full Text Available Thyroid storm is a rare and life-threatening complication of thyrotoxicosis that requires prompt treatment. Thyroid storm is also known to be associated with precipitating events. The simultaneous treatment of thyroid storm and its precipitant, when they are recognized, in a patient is recommended; otherwise such disorders, including thyroid storm, can exacerbate each other. Here we report the case of a thyroid storm patient (a 55-year-old Japanese male complicated with a perforated duodenal ulcer. The patient was successfully treated with intensive treatment for thyroid storm and a prompt operation. Although it is believed that peptic ulcer rarely coexists with hyperthyroidism, among patients with thyroid storm, perforation of a peptic ulcer has been reported as one of the causes of fatal outcome. We determined that surgical intervention was required in this patient, reported despite ongoing severe thyrotoxicosis, and reported herein a successful outcome.

  17. Thyroid storm precipitated by duodenal ulcer perforation. (United States)

    Natsuda, Shoko; Nakashima, Yomi; Horie, Ichiro; Ando, Takao; Kawakami, Atsushi


    Thyroid storm is a rare and life-threatening complication of thyrotoxicosis that requires prompt treatment. Thyroid storm is also known to be associated with precipitating events. The simultaneous treatment of thyroid storm and its precipitant, when they are recognized, in a patient is recommended; otherwise such disorders, including thyroid storm, can exacerbate each other. Here we report the case of a thyroid storm patient (a 55-year-old Japanese male) complicated with a perforated duodenal ulcer. The patient was successfully treated with intensive treatment for thyroid storm and a prompt operation. Although it is believed that peptic ulcer rarely coexists with hyperthyroidism, among patients with thyroid storm, perforation of a peptic ulcer has been reported as one of the causes of fatal outcome. We determined that surgical intervention was required in this patient, reported despite ongoing severe thyrotoxicosis, and reported herein a successful outcome.

  18. Intramural duodenal hematoma as a complication of therapy with Warfarin: a case report and literature review; Hematoma intramural duodenal como complicacao de terapia anticoagulante com Warfarin: relato de caso e revisao da literatura

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faria, Juliano [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM), SP (Brazil). Dept. de Diagnostico por Imagem]. E-mail:; Pessoa, Roberta; Hudson, Marcelo; Vitoi, Silvio; Villela, Ovidio; Torres, Jose; Paula, Mara Delgado [Hospital Marcio Cunha, Ipatinga, MG (Brazil). Servico de Diagnostico por Imagem; Bemvindo, Aloisio [Hospital Marcio Cunha, Ipatinga, MG (Brazil). Servico de Terapia Intensiva


    We report a case of a patient receiving chronic oral anticoagulant therapy with Warfarin who presented with acute intestinal obstruction. Computed tomography showed intramural duodenal hematoma. Treatment was conservative with correction of the coagulation parameters and observation. This case exemplifies the usefulness of conservative therapy and computed tomography in patients with acute small bowel obstruction receiving anticoagulant therapy. (author)


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    Miguel Barquero


    Full Text Available Se determinó la resistencia al tizón tardío presente en 83 genotipos de papa, provenientes de diferentes cruces y fusión de protoplastos de líneas de mejoramiento con las especies silves- tres Solanum bulbocastanum, S. circaeifolium, S. okadae, S. laxissimum, S. berthaultii, S. pinnatisectum y S. commersonii. Los materiales fueron evaluados en el campo, y en el labora- torio se realizó pruebas de foliolos separados, utilizando como inóculo una raza compleja (1- 11 de P. infestans. Los genotipos provenientes de las hibridaciones somáticas o cruces con las especies silvestres S. bulbocastanum, S. circaei-folium y S. okadae fueron los que presentaron los valores más bajos del área bajo la curva de desarrollo de la enfermedad: 60, 80 y 79, res- pectivamente. Las variedades Alpha, Waych'a,Pimpernell y Granola, utilizadas como testigos, presentaron los valores más altos del área bajo la curva 477, 474, 466 y 427, respectivamente.

  20. Duodenal Derotation and Extent Tapering Jejunoplasty as Primary Repair for Neonates With High Jejunal Atresia

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    Chih-Cheng Luo


    Conclusion: In very proximal high atresia, the extent of tapering is limited by the proximity of the ligament of Treitz. Duodenal derotation provides better access to the high atresia. The results of this limited experience suggest that the DDETJ procedure could provide an alternative therapy in patients with high jejunal atresia.

  1. Restoration of euglycemia after duodenal bypass surgery is reliant on central and peripheral inputs in Zucker fa/fa rats. (United States)

    Jiao, Jian; Bae, Eun Ju; Bandyopadhyay, Gautam; Oliver, Jason; Marathe, Chaitra; Chen, Michael; Hsu, Jer-Yuan; Chen, Yu; Tian, Hui; Olefsky, Jerrold M; Saberi, Maziyar


    Gastrointestinal bypass surgeries that result in rerouting and subsequent exclusion of nutrients from the duodenum appear to rapidly alleviate hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia independent of weight loss. While the mechanism(s) responsible for normalization of glucose homeostasis remains to be fully elucidated, this rapid normalization coupled with the well-known effects of vagal inputs into glucose homeostasis suggests a neurohormonally mediated mechanism. Our results show that duodenal bypass surgery on obese, insulin-resistant Zucker fa/fa rats restored insulin sensitivity in both liver and peripheral tissues independent of body weight. Restoration of normoglycemia was attributable to an enhancement in key insulin-signaling molecules, including insulin receptor substrate-2, and substrate metabolism through a multifaceted mechanism involving activation of AMP-activated protein kinase and downregulation of key regulatory genes involved in both lipid and glucose metabolism. Importantly, while central nervous system-derived vagal nerves were not essential for restoration of insulin sensitivity, rapid normalization in hepatic gluconeogenic capacity and basal hepatic glucose production required intact vagal innervation. Lastly, duodenal bypass surgery selectively altered the tissue concentration of intestinally derived glucoregulatory hormone peptides in a segment-specific manner. The present data highlight and support the significance of vagal inputs and intestinal hormone peptides toward normalization of glucose and lipid homeostasis after duodenal bypass surgery.

  2. Effect of antisecretory agents and vagotomy on healing of "chronic" cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcers in rats

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier


    Penetrated cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcers in rats have a very prolonged course of healing. In this study, it was investigated how much the healing of these ulcers is accelerated by some treatments. The treatments included omeprazole, cimetidine, and truncal vagotomy. In addition, the effect o...

  3. A study of changes in stomach wall at sites other than the ulcer in chronic duodenal ulcer patients. (United States)

    Mishra, Jagmohan; Panigrahi, Souvagya


    It is known that at least 90% of duodenal ulcers are caused by infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Eradicating this organism usually results in complete resolution of the disease (Rosengren, Br J Gen Pract 46(409):491-492, 1996). To study the different changes if any in stomach wall at sites other than the ulcer in chronic duodenal ulcer patients by upper Gastro-Intenstinal Endoscopy followed by histopathological examination of different parts of stomach. This study was a retrospective study conducted in the Department of General surgery, V.S.S. Medical College, Burla, Sambalpur, odisha during the period of June 2007 to May 2009. Subjects were patients with chronic duodenal ulcer who underwent endoscopic examination, gastric biopsy and rapid urease test. Chronic gastritis of antrum, followed by erythematous pangastritis was the prominent feature both in endoscopy and histopathological examination. The Inflammatory change affected the mucosa and submucosa of the stomach wall. The prevalence rate of Helicobacter pylori was 84%, the antrum being the most common affected part (84%) followed by gastric fundus (41%). Chronic superficial atrophic gastritis of antrum, followed by pangastritis is the most common pathological abnormality in stomach wall in CDU cases. Gastric antrum is the most common site for H. pylori colonization followed by fundus. Presence of H. pylori in stomach wall is associated with active on chronic gastritis.

  4. Anterior seromyotomy with posterior truncal vagotomy in uncomplicated chronic duodenal ulcer.

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    Supe A


    Full Text Available Thirty cases of uncomplicated duodenal ulcer treated by anterior superficial lesser curvature seromyotomy and posterior truncal vagotomy were studied to evaluate the efficacy of this procedure. There was completeness of vagotomy in all the cases as shown by endoscopic Congo Red test. Twenty-seven cases were asymptomatic at 1-48 months (Mean 22.3 follow up, while 3 patients had controllable side effects such as dumping and diarrhoea. There was no mortality. This procedure is safe, effective and is a favourable alternative to highly selective vagotomy.

  5. Essential role of the electroneutral Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBCn1 in murine duodenal acid-base balance and colonic mucus layer build-up in vivo. (United States)

    Singh, Anurag Kumar; Xia, Weiliang; Riederer, Brigitte; Juric, Marina; Li, Junhua; Zheng, Wen; Cinar, Ayhan; Xiao, Fang; Bachmann, Oliver; Song, Penghong; Praetorius, Jeppe; Aalkjaer, Christian; Seidler, Ursula


    Duodenal epithelial cells need efficient defence strategies during gastric acidification of the lumen, while colonic mucosa counteracts damage by pathogens by building up a bacteria-free adherent mucus layer. Transport of HCO3(-) is considered crucial for duodenal defence against acid as well as for mucus release and expansion, but the transport pathways involved are incompletely understood. This study investigated the significance of the electroneutral Na(+)-HCO3(-) cotransporter NBCn1 for duodenal defence against acid and colonic mucus release. NBCn1 was localized to the basolateral membrane of duodenal villous enterocytes and of colonic crypt cells, with predominant expression in goblet cells. Duodenal villous enterocyte intracellular pH was studied before and during a luminal acid load by two-photon microscopy in exteriorized, vascularly perfused, indicator (SNARF-1 AM)-loaded duodenum of isoflurane-anaesthetized, systemic acid-base-controlled mice. Acid-induced HCO3(-) secretion was measured in vivo by single-pass perfusion and pH-stat titration. After a luminal acid load, NBCn1-deficient duodenocytes were unable to recover rapidly from intracellular acidification and could not respond adequately with protective HCO3(-) secretion. In the colon, build-up of the mucus layer was delayed, and a decreased thickness of the adherent mucus layer was observed, suggesting that basolateral HCO3(-) uptake is essential for optimal release of mucus. The electroneutral Na(+)-HCO3(-) cotransporter NBCn1 displays a differential cellular distribution in the murine intestine and is essential for HCO3(-)-dependent mucosal protective functions, such as recovery of intracellular pH and HCO3(-) secretion in the duodenum and secretion of mucus in the colon.

  6. Hacia una metodología para el análisis de las trayectorias académicas del alumnado universitario. el caso de las carreras de ciclo largo de la Universidad de Murcia.

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    Full Text Available Sobre la Universidad incide una gran presión procedente de la misma sociedad y del mercado de trabajo, en aras de obtener titulaciones de calidad y que respondan a las transformaciones del entorno. Si bien todas las universidades poseen datos sobre sus matriculados, éstos no están homogeneizados, lo que impide comparar las trayectorias del alumnado entre las distintas universidades. El objetivo de esta investigación es responder a cuestiones críticas sobre la evolución de la Enseñanza Superior en la Universidad de Murcia desde 1980, en sus dimensiones globales (oferta y demanda de plazas, tasas de participación, funcionamiento, éxito, retención y deserción y en las más detalladas, como es el análisis longitudinal del rendimiento académico del alumnado en relación con su origen social. La metodología empleada se centra en el análisis del universo total y aporta, además de una visión transversal, un enfoque longitudinal, ya que, por medio de un sistema integral de codificación por cohortes, se sigue la trayectoria continua del alumnado, año por año, hasta su salida del sistema con o sin titulación. Este enfoque constituye una visión innovadora, al permitir el cruce total de la información disponible, y nos da a conocer la trayectoria del alumnado y el flujo del sistema, con la posibilidad de identificación multicriterio, frente a la perspectiva de corte transversal, que sólo nos facilita una foto fija de la realidad del sistema.

  7. Las éticas de la convergencia y la filosofía de lo cotidiano: Los actos comunicativos como condiciones de humanización del mundo globalizado mediante la responsabilidad, la reflexión, la compasión y el reconocimiento del otro

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    Francisco Javier Villar


    Full Text Available El artículo presentará el cruce y coincidencias de dos propuestasfilosófico-morales latinoamericanas para el mundo actual: la que surge apartir de la edición de un libro homenaje al filósofo argentino Ricardo Maliandi(Salas, 2010 y la del filósofo chileno Humberto Giannini, reflejadatambién en un libro homenaje (Sánchez y Aguirre, 2011. En el artículoambas propuestas son presentadas como un aporte propio de la filosofíalatinoamericana al mundo de la filosofía desde las éticas del diálogo, rescatandosus coincidencias y similitudes. El artículo aprovechará sus enfoquespara leer la realidad latinoamericana con sus problemas y necesidades sociales,éticas y políticas proponiendo con sus autores aquellos principalesrasgos de una ética comunicativa que posibilitarán condiciones de vida personaly colectivas más humanizadoras y habitables para todas las personas:la responsabilidad, la reflexión, la compasión y el reconocimiento del otro.Siendo la educación, en estas propuestas filosóficas, uno de los vehículosesenciales de construcción social del mundo actual, a partir de ellas propondrá a su vez caminos de educabilidad y de logros de dichas condiciones enel ámbito de la educación superior latinoamericana. Por último, el artículoplantea la responsabilidad social universitaria como un concepto, enriquecidopor el aporte de estas éticas convergentes y cotidianas, a consolidarse enlas universidades para que éstas, en cuanto organizaciones sociales, logrendicha construcción social

  8. Factors associated with number of duodenal samples obtained in suspected celiac disease. (United States)

    Shamban, Leonid; Sorser, Serge; Naydin, Stan; Lebwohl, Benjamin; Shukr, Mousa; Wiemann, Charlotte; Yevsyukov, Daniel; Piper, Michael H; Warren, Bradley; Green, Peter H R


     Many people with celiac disease are undiagnosed and there is evidence that insufficient duodenal samples may contribute to underdiagnosis. The aims of this study were to investigate whether more samples leads to a greater likelihood of a diagnosis of celiac disease and to elucidate factors that influence the number of samples collected.  We identified patients from two community hospitals who were undergoing duodenal biopsy for indications (as identified by International Classification of Diseases code) compatible with possible celiac disease. Three cohorts were evaluated: no celiac disease (NCD, normal villi), celiac disease (villous atrophy, Marsh score 3), and possible celiac disease (PCD, Marsh score celiac disease had a median of 4 specimens collected. The percentage of patients diagnosed with celiac disease with one sample was 0.3 % compared with 12.8 % of those with six samples ( P  = 0.001). Patient factors that positively correlated with the number of samples collected were endoscopic features, demographic details, and indication ( P  = 0.001). Endoscopist factors that positively correlated with the number of samples collected were absence of a trainee, pediatric gastroenterologist, and outpatient setting ( P  celiac disease significantly increased with six samples. Multiple factors influenced whether adequate biopsies were taken. Adherence to guidelines may increase the diagnosis rate of celiac disease.

  9. Fluctuating functions related to quality of life in advanced Parkinson disease: effects of duodenal levodopa infusion. (United States)

    Isacson, D; Bingefors, K; Kristiansen, I S; Nyholm, D


    To assess fluctuations in quality of life (QoL) and motor performance in patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD) treated with continuous daytime duodenal levodopa/carbidopa infusion or conventional therapy. Of 18 patients completing a 6-week trial (DIREQT), 12 were followed for up to 6 months and assessed using electronic diaries and the PD Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39). During the trial and follow-up, major diurnal fluctuations were observed, especially for hyperkinesia, 'off' time, ability to walk and depression. Duodenal infusion was associated with significantly more favourable outcomes compared with conventional treatment for satisfaction with overall functioning, 'off' time and ability to walk, with improved outcomes with PDQ-39. Relative to conventional treatment, infusion therapy may stabilize and significantly improve motor function and patient's QoL. The potential for daily fluctuation in PD symptoms means single measures of treatment effectiveness can result in bias in effect estimates and hence repeated measures are recommended.

  10. El ingreso en el hogar y su costo directo en Cuba The direct costs of home care in Cuba


    Isabel M. Barroso Utra; Anai García Fariñas; Armando Rodríguez Salvá; Pol de Vos; Mariano Bonet Gorbea; Patrick Van Der Stuyft


    OBJETIVOS: Analizar el tiempo de estadía en ingreso en el hogar (IH) y su costo diario y por paciente en Cuba, según el diagnóstico al ingreso y la zona donde se brinda el servicio. MÉTODOS: Se analizó la información de los 837 pacientes en IH entre julio de 2001 y junio de 2002 en un área del municipio Playa, en Ciudad de La Habana (zona urbana metropolitana), una del municipio Cruces, en Cienfuegos (zona urbana no metropolitana), otra del Municipio Unión de Reyes, en Matanzas (zona rural) y...

  11. Duodenal Ca2+ absorption is not stimulated by calcitriol during early postnatal development of pigs. (United States)

    Schroeder, B; Dahl, M R; Breves, G


    The role of calcitriol in stimulating intestinal active Ca2+ absorption during postnatal life was studied in newborn, suckling, and weaned control (Con) piglets and piglets suffering from inherited calcitriol deficiency (Def piglets). In addition, a group of Def piglets was treated with vitamin D3 (Def-D3 piglets), which normalized plasma calcitriol levels. Regardless of age, duodenal calbindin-D9k concentrations ranged between 1,839 and 2,846 microg/g mucosa in Con piglets, between 821 and 1,219 microg/g mucosa in Def piglets, and between 2,960 and 3,692 microg/g mucosa in Def-D3 animals. In weaned animals, active Ca2+ absorption as calculated from in vitro 45Ca2+ flux rate measurements in Ussing chambers could be related to calbindin-D9k levels. Thus active Ca2+ absorption was completely absent in Def animals but was reconstituted in Def-D3 animals. In contrast, in newborn Def piglets active Ca2+ absorption functioned normally despite the low plasma calcitriol and mucosal calbindin-D9k levels and could not be affected by treatment with vitamin D3. Similar results were obtained from suckling Def piglets. The microtubule-disrupting agent colchicine caused significant inhibition of transepithelial net Ca2+ absorption in duodenal epithelia from newborn piglets without exerting an effect in suckling and weaned animals. Colchicine had no effect on Ca2+ uptake across the brush border membrane of mucosal enterocytes or on glucose-dependent electrogenic net ion flux rates in duodenal preparations from newborn Con piglets. In conclusion, our findings reveal intestinal active Ca2+ absorption during early postnatal life of pigs that involves calcitriol-independent mechanisms and that may include intact microtubule actions.

  12. The composition of T cell subtypes in duodenal biopsies are altered in coeliac disease patients.

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    Janni V Steenholt

    Full Text Available One of the hallmarks of Celiac disease (CD is intraepithelial lymphocytosis in the small intestine. Until now, investigations to characterize the T cell subpopulations within the epithelial layer have not discriminated between the heterodimeric co-receptor molecule, CD8αβ, and the possibly immunoregulatory CD8αα homodimer molecule. Besides TCRαβ+ CD4+ cells, no other phenotypes have been shown to be gluten-reactive. Using flow cytometry on lymphocytes from duodenal biopsies, we determined that the number of B cells (CD3- CD19+ and the number of CD3+ CD4- CD8- double-negative (DN T cells were elevated 6-7 fold in children with CD. We next isolated and quantified intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs from biopsies obtained from patients (both children and adults with CD, potential CD and non-CD controls. Flow cytometric analysis of the duodenal T cell subpopulations was performed including the markers TCRαβ, TCRγδ, CD4, CD8α and CD8β. Proportions of γδ T cells and CD8αβ+ cells among IELs were increased in CD patients, whereas proportions of CD4+ CD8αα+ and CD4+ single-positive T cells were decreased. Additionally, two gluten-reactive T cell lines (TCLs derived from CD biopsies were analyzed for changes in proportions of T cell subsets before and after gluten stimulation. In a proliferation assay, dividing cells were tracked with carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE, and both αβ and γδ T cells proliferated in response to gluten. Changes in duodenal T cell subpopulations in potential CD patients followed the same pattern as for CD patients, but with less pronounced effect.

  13. Peritonitis secondary to traumatic duodenal laceration in the presence of a large pancreatic pseudocyst: a case report

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    Seenath Marlon M


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction A pancreatic pseudocyst is a common sequela of severe acute pancreatitis. Commonly, it presents with abdominal pain and a mass in the epigastrium several weeks after the acute episode and can be managed conservatively, endoscopically or surgically. We report a patient with a pancreatic pseudocyst awaiting endoscopic therapy who developed a life-threatening complication following a rather innocuous trauma to the abdomen. Case presentation A 23-year-old Asian male student presented as an emergency with an acute abdomen a week after a minor trauma to his upper abdomen. The injury occurred when he was innocently punched in the abdomen by a friend. He experienced only moderate discomfort briefly at the time. His past medical history included coeliac disease and an admission four months previously with severe acute pancreatitis. He was hospitalized for 15 days; his pancreatitis was thought to be due to alcohol binge drinking on weekends. Ultrasound scanning showed no evidence of gallstone disease. Five days after the trauma, he became anorexic, lethargic and feverish and started vomiting bilious content. Seven days post-trauma, he presented to our emergency department with severe abdominal pain. An emergency laparotomy was performed where a transverse linear duodenal laceration was found at the junction of the first and second part of his duodenum, with generalized peritonitis. His stomach and duodenum were stretched over a large pancreatic pseudocyst posterior to his stomach. It was postulated that an incomplete duodenal injury (possibly a serosal tear occurred following the initial minor trauma, which was followed by local tissue necrosis at the injury site resulting in a delayed presentation of generalized peritonitis. Conclusion This is the first reported case of a traumatic duodenal laceration following minor blunt trauma in the presence of a large pancreatic pseudocyst. Minor blunt abdominal trauma in a normal healthy adult

  14. Caruso St John y Robert Smithson: Interferencias

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    Emilia Hernández Pezzi


    Full Text Available Resumen Los discursos cruzados son el soporte común del presente número de Cuadernos. El cruce que planteamos tiene como protagonistas al artista Robert Smithson y a los arquitectos Adam Caruso y Peter St John. Estos últimos hacen mención del trabajo del artista norteamericano para explicar su proyecto de remodelación de Stortorget, la plaza de la catedral en el centro de Kalmar, Suecia. A partir de aquí, comenzamos una exploración del trabajo y las preocupaciones de ambos que nos permite dibujar convergencias y sintonías procesuales por encima de las diferencias temáticas, ideológicas y estilísticas. Al disponer en paralelo la obra de Smithson y Caruso St John descubrimos vibraciones y resonancias que muestran una interacción productiva de sus preocupaciones. La materia se convierte en sus propuestas en un objeto activo y sensible, un depósito energético con el que operar. El traslado de piedras en Stortorget convoca la memoria de la ciudad del mismo modo que el basalto y la sal del Spiral Jetty, erosionados por el tiempo, nos hablan de procesos abiertos. El tiempo y la memoria pasan a ser soportes estratégicos con los que construyen sus miradas. Los objetos se disuelven en las relaciones que establecen con su entorno produciendo equilibrios frágiles e instantáneos. De esta manera el artículo pretende generar un vórtice de reflexión, una espiral en cuyo recorrido se manifiesten las tensiones parciales del cruce propuesto, sus fijezas momentáneas.

  15. Duodenal duplication cyst and pancreas divisum causing acute pancreatitis in an adult male


    Redondo-Cerezo, Eduardo; Pleguezuelo-Díaz, Julio; de Hierro, Mercedes López; Macias-Sánchez, José F; Ubiña, Cristina Viñolo; Martín-Rodríguez, María Del Mar; Teresa-Galván, Javier De


    Duodenal duplication cysts are rare congenital abnormalities which are more commonly diagnosed in infancy and childhood. However, in rare cases, these lesions can remain asymptomatic until adulthood. The combination of duplication cyst and pancreas divisum is extremely rare and both conditions have been linked with acute recurrent pancreatitis. We present the case of a 37 years-old patient who presented with repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis. By means of magnetic resonance imaging and e...

  16. Emergency endoscopic needle-knife precut papillotomy in acute severe cholangitis resulting from impacted common bile duct stones at duodenal papilla. (United States)

    Zheng, Mingwei; Liu, Xufeng; Li, Ning; Li, Wei-Zhi


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of emergency endoscopic needle-knife precut papillotomy in acute severe cholangitis resulting from impacted common bile duct stones at duodenal papilla. Between January 2010 and January 2015, 118 cases of acute severe cholangitis with impacted common bile duct stones at the native papilla underwent emergency endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and early needle-knife precut papillotomy in a tertiary referral center. Precut techniques were performed according to the different locations of stones in the duodenal papilla. Clinical data about therapy and recovery of the 118 patients were recorded and analyzed. One hundred and eighteen patients underwent emergency ERCP within 24 h after hospitalization, with a total success rate of 100%. The mean operating time was 6.4 ± 4.1 min. Postoperative acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scores, white blood cell count and liver function improved significantly. The complication rate was 4.2% (5/118); two with hemorrhage and three with acute pancreatitis. There was no procedure-related mortality. Emergency endoscopic needle-knife precut papillotomy is effective and safe for acute severe cholangitis resulting from impacted common bile duct stones at the duodenal papilla. Copyright © 2017 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Polybezoar in a child with Down's Syndrome after corrective surgery of congenital duodenal stenosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arlart, I


    Case report of a mongoloid child (Trisomie 21), age 9, operated on in his neonatal period for congenital stenosis of the duodenum; now presenting with acute clinical signs of gastric outlet obstruction and increasing weight loss. Radiologic work-up showed this to be due to a large gastric and duodenal polybezoar, claimed to be due to emotional disturbance as part of this patients primary disease.

  18. Polybezoar in a child with Down's Syndrome after corrective surgery of congenital duodenal stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arlart, I.


    Case report of a mongoloid child (Trisomie 21), age 9, operated on in his neonatal period for congenital stenosis of the duodenum; now presenting with acute clinical signs of gastric outlet obstruction and increasing weight loss. Radiologic work-up showed this to be due to a large gastric and duodenal polybezoar, claimed to be due to emotional disturbance as part of this patients primary disease. (orig.) [de

  19. Solución al Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos mediante el Problema del Agente Viajero

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    G.E. Anaya Fuentes


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se estudia el Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos codificado como un Problema de Agente Viajero y resuelto mediante Algoritmos Genéticos. Se propone un Algoritmo Genético en donde se comparan dos tipos de selección: por torneo y por ruleta. Se realizan diferentes pruebas para la solución del Problema del Agente Viajero con los dos tipos de selección bajo diferentes parámetros: número de individuos, número de iteraciones, probabilidad de cruce y probabilidad de mutación; a partir de estos se seleccionan los parámetros y el tipo de selección. Posteriormente se codifica al Problema de Secuenciación como un Problema del Agente Viajero. La propuesta se presenta mediante la aplicación a diferentes ejemplos del Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos y la comparación con los resultados obtenidos en la literatura. Abstract: In this paper we proposed a solution to the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem using the Traveling Salesman Problem solved by Genetic Algorithms. We proposed a genetic algorithm where we compare two types of selection: tournament and roulette. Different tests are performed to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem with the two types of selection under different parameters: number of individuals, number of iterations, crossover probability and mutation probability. Then the best type of selection and the best parameters are used to solve the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Genetic Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem. The proposal is presented solving different examples of Job Sequencing Problem and compare them with the results obtained in the literature. Palabras clave: algoritmos eficientes, sistemas industriales de producción, problemas de optimización, problema de agente viajero, Keywords: Efficient algorithms, industrial production systems, optimization problem, traveling salesman problem

  20. Synchronous gastric and duodenal metastases from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a unique presentation of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. (United States)

    Tarangelo, Nicholas P; Kistler, C Andrew; Daitch, Zachary; Jiang, Wei; Quirk, Daniel M


    Metastatic disease to the stomach or duodenum is an infrequent diagnosis, and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the least common primary malignancies that lead to gastric or duodenal metastases. We report the case of a 65-year-old man with human immunodeficiency virus infection and previously diagnosed HNSCC who presented with melena. The patient had a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placed 3 months prior to his presentation. Laboratory testing was significant for normocytic anemia and a digital rectal examination was positive for melena. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed numerous cratered nodules with contact bleeding in the stomach as well as the duodenum that appeared malignant. Biopsies of the gastric and duodenal nodules were positive for p40 and CK 5/6, consistent with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma.

  1. Simultaneous occurrence of intussusception and duodenal haematoma in a patient with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia

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    Iftikhar Ahmad Jan


    Full Text Available Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (GT is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which the platelets have anomalies of fibrinogen receptors causing bleeding tendencies. The disease usually presents with mucosal bleeding, petechial haemorrhages or gastrointestinal (GI bleeding. Only sporadic cases of intussusception or duodenal haematoma have been reported with GT. We present a case of 5-year-old girl admitted with non-bilious vomiting, watery diarrhoea and abdominal pain. She is a known patient of Glanzmann's thrombasthenia.

  2. Limited resection for duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Surgical management and clinical outcome (United States)

    Hoeppner, Jens; Kulemann, Birte; Marjanovic, Goran; Bronsert, Peter; Hopt, Ulrich Theodor


    AIM: To analyze our experience in patients with duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) and review the appropriate surgical approach. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all patients with duodenal GIST surgically treated at our medical institution between 2002 and 2011. Patient files, operative reports, radiological charts and pathology were analyzed. For surgical therapy open and laparoscopic wedge resections and segmental resections were performed for limited resection (LR). For extended resection pancreatoduodenectomy was performed. Age, gender, clinical symptoms of the tumor, anatomical localization, tumor size, mitotic count, type of resection resectional status, neoadjuvant therapy, adjuvant therapy, risk classification and follow-up details were investigated in this retrospective study. RESULTS: Nine patients (5 males/4 females) with a median age of 58 years were surgically treated. The median follow-up period was 45 mo (range 6-111 mo). The initial symptom in 6 of 9 patients was gastrointestinal bleeding (67%). Tumors were found in all four parts of the duodenum, but were predominantly located in the first and second part of the duodenum with each 3 of 9 patients (33%). Two patients received neoadjuvant medical treatment with 400 mg imatinib per day for 12 wk before resection. In one patient, the GIST resection was done by pancreatoduodenectomy. The 8 LRs included a segmental resection of pars 4 of the duodenum, 5 wedge resections with primary closure and a wedge resection with luminal closure by Roux-Y duodeno-jejunostomy. One of these LRs was done minimally invasive; seven were done in open fashion. The median diameter of the tumors was 54 mm (14-110 mm). Using the Fletcher classification scheme, 3/9 (33%) tumors had high risk, 1/9 (11%) had intermediate risk, 4/9 (44%) had low risk, and 1/9 (11%) had very low risk for aggressive behaviour. Seven resections showed microscopically negative transsection margins (R0), two

  3. Characteristics and changes of gastric mucosal blood flow in patients with duodenal ulcer following highly selective vagotomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doebroente, Zoltan; Kahan, Zsuzsanna; Baltas, Bela; Lang, Jenoe; Varro, Vince; Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Szeged


    In patients with duodenal ulcer, mucosal blood flow of pentagastrin-stimulated stomach was studied using sup(99m)Tc-methylaminophenazone clearance technique published previously by the authors. Comparative investigations were carried out in active and inactive phases of the disease and in operated patients before and after highly selective vagotomy. The relation between gastric mucosal blood flow and acid secretion proved to be different from that of the normacid controls: in duodenal ulcer patients the secretory capacity in relation to the blood supply proved to be increased. Both the mucosal blood flow and acid secretion values were elevated in the active stage as compared to the inactive phase, while the proportion between them remained unchanged. The relation of secretion to mucosal blood flow after highly selective vagotomy became similar to that of the normal controls. It is suggested that the sup(99m)Tc-methylaminophenazone clearance method is a suitable tool to evaluate the effectiveness of vagotomy. (author)

  4. Characteristics and changes of gastric mucosal blood flow in patients with duodenal ulcer following highly selective vagotomy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doebroente, Z.; Kahan, Z.; Baltas, B.; Lang, J.; Varro, V. (Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Szeged (Hungary). 1. Belklinika; Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Szeged (Hungary). Koezponti Izotopdiagnosztikai Lab.)


    In patients with duodenal ulcer, mucosal blood flow of pentagastrin-stimulated stomach was studied using sup(99m)Tc-methylaminophenazone clearance technique published previously by the authors. Comparative investigations were carried out in active and inactive phases of the disease and in operated patients before and after highly selective vagotomy. The relation between gastric mucosal blood flow and acid secretion proved to be different from that of the normacid controls: in duodenal ulcer patients the secretory capacity in relation to the blood supply proved to be increased. Both the mucosal blood flow and acid secretion values were elevated in the active stage as compared to the inactive phase, while the proportion between them remained unchanged. The relation of secretion to mucosal blood flow after highly selective vagotomy became similar to that of the normal controls. It is suggested that the sup(99m)Tc-methylaminophenazone clearance method is a suitable tool to evaluate the effectiveness of vagotomy.

  5. Acid suppression increases rates of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal injury in the presence of duodenal reflux.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    BACKGROUND: The contribution of gastric acid to the toxicity of alkaline duodenal refluxate on the esophageal mucosa is unclear. This study compared the effect of duodenal refluxate when acid was present, decreased by proton pump inhibitors (PPI), or absent. METHODS: We randomized 136 Sprague-Dawley rats into 4 groups: group 1 (n = 33) were controls; group 2 (n = 34) underwent esophagoduodenostomy promoting "combined reflux"; group 3 (n = 34) underwent esophagoduodenostomy and PPI treatment to decrease acid reflux; and group 4, the \\'gastrectomy\\' group (n = 35) underwent esophagoduodenostomy and total gastrectomy to eliminate acid in the refluxate. Esophaguses were examined for inflammatory, Barrett\\'s, and other histologic changes, and expression of proliferative markers Ki-67, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). RESULTS: In all reflux groups, the incidence of Barrett\\'s mucosa was greater when acid was suppressed (group C, 62%; group D, 71%) than when not suppressed (group B, 27%; P = 0.004 and P < .001). Erosions were more frequent in the PPI and gastrectomy groups than in the combined reflux group. Edema (wet weight) and ulceration was more frequent in the gastrectomy than in the combined reflux group. Acute inflammatory changes were infrequent in the PPI group (8%) compared with the combined reflux (94%) or gastrectomy (100%) groups, but chronic inflammation persisted in 100% of the PPI group. EGFR levels were greater in the PPI compared with the combined reflux group (P = .04). Ki-67, PCNA, and combined marker scores were greater in the gastrectomy compared with the combined reflux group (P = .006, P = .14, and P < .001). CONCLUSION: Gastric acid suppression in the presence of duodenal refluxate caused increased rates of inflammatory changes, intestinal metaplasia, and molecular proliferative activity. PPIs suppressed acute inflammatory changes only, whereas chronic inflammatory changes persisted.

  6. Gastric acid secretion in relation to personality, affect and coping ability in duodenal ulcer patients. A multivariate analysis. Hvidovre Ulcer Project Group

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jess, P


    The role of personality, mood state (affect) and coping ability (ego strength) on basal and stimulated gastric acid secretion were assessed in 56 duodenal ulcer patients using the Minnesota, Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The patients had high scores on most MMPI scales, but basal acid output...... disorders found in peptic ulcer patients may evidently be consequences of the disease rather than causal factors.......The role of personality, mood state (affect) and coping ability (ego strength) on basal and stimulated gastric acid secretion were assessed in 56 duodenal ulcer patients using the Minnesota, Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The patients had high scores on most MMPI scales, but basal acid output...

  7. Biphasic effect of duodenal ulcerogens cysteamine (C), mepirizole (M) and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropryridine (MPTP) on gastric emptying in the rat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pihan, G.; Kline, T.J.; Szabo, S.


    The effect of acute or chronic administration of duodenal ulcerogens on gastric emptying (GE) of a liquid meal was investigated. In Sprague-Dawley rats (150-200g) 2 ml of /sup 51/Cr in 2% dextrose (5000 CPM) was given intragastrically and the GE half life was established as 7.6 min (controls). In acute experiments, C (30mg/100g), M (40mg/100g) or MPTP (4mg/100g) injected subcutaneously all delayed GE at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24 hr by 15-77%. Maximal GE delay (p<0.05) by 77, 48 or 71% was found 1, 1 or 2 hr after C, M or MPTP, respectively. In chronic experiments, C (22mg/100g) was given x3 on the first day and once daily (25mg/100g) for 3 or 10 additional days. M (20mg/100g) once daily and MPTP (4mg/100g) x3 daily were given for 4 or 11 days. GE was measured on the 5th and 12th day. Chronically, MPTP accelerated GE by 63 and 31% at 5 and 12 days (p<0.05) and C and M did not change GE. The severity of duodenal ulcers correlated (p<0.05) with the amount of /sup 51/Cr remaining in the stomach: r=-0.68, -0.74 and -0.70 after C, M and MPTP, respectively. Acute administration of duodenal ulcerogens delay GE in rats. Chronic treatment with duodenal ulcerogens either accelerates or does not change GE. The most severe chronic ulcers exhibit the most rapid emptying. The authors data suggest that rapid GE might be a secondary rather than a primary alteration in duodenal ulceration.

  8. Normal Bone Mineral Density Associates with Duodenal Mucosa Healing in Adult Patients with Celiac Disease on a Gluten-Free Diet. (United States)

    Larussa, Tiziana; Suraci, Evelina; Imeneo, Maria; Marasco, Raffaella; Luzza, Francesco


    Impairment of bone mineral density (BMD) is frequent in celiac disease (CD) patients on a gluten-free diet (GFD). The normalization of intestinal mucosa is still difficult to predict. We aim to investigate the relationship between BMD and duodenal mucosa healing (DMH) in CD patients on a GFD. Sixty-four consecutive CD patients on a GFD were recruited. After a median period of a 6-year GFD (range 2-33 years), patients underwent repeat duodenal biopsy and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan. Twenty-four patients (38%) displayed normal and 40 (62%) low BMD, 47 (73%) DMH, and 17 (27%) duodenal mucosa lesions. All patients but one with normal BMD (23 of 24, 96%) showed DMH, while, among those with low BMD, 24 (60%) did and 16 (40%) did not. At multivariate analysis, being older (odds ratio (OR) 1.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.18) and having diagnosis at an older age (OR 1.09, 95% CI 1.03-1.16) were associated with low BMD; in turn, having normal BMD was the only variable independently associated with DMH (OR 17.5, 95% CI 1.6-192). In older CD patients and with late onset disease, BMD recovery is not guaranteed, despite a GFD. A normal DXA scan identified CD patients with DMH; thus, it is a potential tool in planning endoscopic resampling.

  9. Intramural duodenal hematoma as a complication of therapy with Warfarin: a case report and literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Faria, Juliano; Pessoa, Roberta; Hudson, Marcelo; Vitoi, Silvio; Villela, Ovidio; Torres, Jose; Paula, Mara Delgado; Bemvindo, Aloisio


    We report a case of a patient receiving chronic oral anticoagulant therapy with Warfarin who presented with acute intestinal obstruction. Computed tomography showed intramural duodenal hematoma. Treatment was conservative with correction of the coagulation parameters and observation. This case exemplifies the usefulness of conservative therapy and computed tomography in patients with acute small bowel obstruction receiving anticoagulant therapy. (author)


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    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende adentrarse en el entramado social de la población a través de la viudedad, no sólo como un accidente demográfico, sino como una forma de vida, una identidad, una construcción social. Para el estudio social de la viudedad será necesario el cruce de diversos tipos de fuentes documentales. En esta metodología los registros parroquiales, notariales y catastrales adquieren una importancia trascendental en el análisis del ciclo vital de los viudos y viudas. La edad, el género, la descendencia o el patrimonio serán los pilares sobre los que gira esta propuesta de estudio. Se trata de captar comportamientos y procesos sociales de movilidad y reproducción social. Además de explicar las relaciones familiares, de parentesco y de dependencia, pero también de solidaridad y reciprocidad. La alianza matrimonial se convierte en la mejor vía de transmisión del patrimonio en los que el parentesco, la consanguinidad y la afinidad son herramientas de análisis de la segunda nupcialidad. Para unos grupos sociales el matrimonio era un agente de transmisión de la propiedad, donde patrimonio, matrimonio y herencia actuaban como mecanismos de movilidad social y de reproducción del sistema constituido en la jerarquización y la desigualdad. Sin embargo otros grupos más desfavorecidos consideraban la alianza matrimonial una estrategia vital de supervivencia.

  11. Consumo Compensatorio: ¿Una nueva forma de construir sensibilidades desde el Estado?

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    Adrián Scribano


    Full Text Available La motivación central del presente trabajo es explorar la emergencia de un fenómeno social que, al menos, se viene consolidando en los últimos catorce años en Latinoamérica en general y en Argentina en particular: el consumo compensatorio. El artículo sintetiza un conjunto de indagaciones que venimos realizando en el cruce entre una sociología de las políticas sociales y una manera de entender la sociología de los cuerpos/emociones. La estrategia argumentativa que hemos seleccionado es la siguiente: a se bosqueja el punto de partida conceptual sobre los cruces entre políticas sociales y sensibilidades, b se presenta un esquema de las conexiones consumo y disfrute en la actualidad, c se muestran algunos resultados de las indagaciones que se han utilizado como base del análisis y d se conceptualiza de modo sintético una noción de consumo compensatorio como resultado de la argumentación. Se finaliza proponiendo la posibilidad de que el consumo compensatorio es hoy, tal vez,  “una política social” retomada desde y para el mercado. 

  12. Consumo Compensatorio: ¿Una nueva forma de construir sensibilidades desde el Estado?

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    Angélica De Sen


    Full Text Available La motivación central del presente trabajo es explorar la emergencia de un fenómeno social que, al menos, se viene consolidando en los últimos catorce años en Latinoamérica en general y en Argentina en particular: el consumo compensatorio. El artículo sintetiza un conjunto de indagaciones que venimos realizando en el cruce entre una sociología de las políticassociales y una manera de entender la sociología de los cuerpos/emociones. La estrategia argumentativa que hemosseleccionado esla siguiente: ase bosqueja el punto de partida conceptualsobre los cruces entre políticas sociales y sensibilidades, bse presenta un esquema de las conexiones consumo y disfrute en la actualidad, cse muestran algunosresultados de lasindagaciones que se han utilizado como base del análisis y dse conceptualiza de modo sintético una noción de consumo compensatorio como resultado de la argumentación. Se finaliza proponiendo la posibilidad de que el consumo compensatorio es hoy, tal vez, “una política social” retomada desde y para el mercado

  13. [The spa and resort-based health-promoting treatment of the vehicle drivers suffering from duodenal ulcer disease: the effectiveness and safety]. (United States)

    El'garov, A A; Kalmykova, M A; El'garova, R M; Betuganova, L V; El'garov, M A


    To evaluate the effectiveness and the safety of the spa and resort-based health-promoting treatment of the vehicle drivers (VD) presenting with duodenal ulcer disease. A total of 67 men suffering from duodenal ulcer disease (DUD) were allocated to two groups. The patients of group 1 (n = 35) were given the courses of balneotherapy that included bromine-iodine mineral baths with a temperature of 36-37 degrees C (8-9 procedures 10-15 min long each every second day) in combination with 8-9 peloid applications to the epigastric region (temperature 38-40 degrees C for 10-15 min every second day). The patients of group 2 (n = 32) were given the similar courses of therapy that included nitric thermal mineral baths with a temperature of 36-37 degrees C (8-9 procedures 10-15 min long each every second day) in combination with 8-9 peloid applications to the epigastric region (38-40 degrees C for 10-15 min every second day). The effectiveness and safety of these balenotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of duodenal ulcer disease in the subjects of the study and control (n = 47) groups were evaluated based on the results of the routine clinical and endoscopic examination, psychological and psychophysiological tests, and the comparative analysis of medical aid appeal-ability and disability cases during twelve months. Dynamics of clinical and instrumental characteristics (subjective, objective, clinical, endoscopic, psychophysiological) suggested the improvement of the health status in 88.6% and 84.4% of the drivers with duodenum ulcer in the two study groups respectively. Some of the patients comprising group 1 showed significant negative dynamics of the operative reaction system while the patients of group 2 demonstrated the marked improvement of the professionally significant functions and properties (PSF&P). The comparative analysis of medical aid appealability, disability cases, frequency of relapses and complications revealed the favorable clinical course of duodenal

  14. Long-term monitoring of coastal ecosystems at Las Cruces, Chile: Defining baselines to build ecological literacy in a world of change Monitoreo de largo plazo en el ecosistema marino costero de Las Cruces, Chile: Definiendo líneas base para construir alfabetización ecológica en un mundo que cambia

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    the way in which ecological data generated from long-term monitoring at marine reserves was institutionalized in a national marine management policy. At the same time, we highlight the mismatch between the gained scientific information and principles from these studies and the current concept of marine protected areas that is being implemented by some government agencies in Chile. Information from long term monitoring programs has proved essential to understand how marine environments respond to anthropogenic and/or natural disturbances, however funding these schemes, which generally have no short term gains for funding agencies in both developing and developed countries, still remain a major challenge.Los ambientes marinos costeros están siendo impactados en forma creciente por las actividades humanas. Además, perturbaciones asociadas a cambios climáticos pueden producir cambios dramáticos e irreversibles en estos ecosistemas. El monitoreo de largo plazo juega un rol fundamental e irremplazable para establecer líneas-base sobre las cuales podemos establecer impactos actuales y futuros y distinguir entre cambios antropogénicos y fluctuaciones naturales. En este estudio resaltamos cómo el monitoreo de más de 25 años en la reserva marina costera no extractiva de Las Cruces ha entregado información crítica sobre líneas-bases ecológicas y ha ayudado a comprender ecosistemas costeros para su manejo y conservación. Planteamos que este conocimiento solo puede ser adquirido a través del monitoreo simultáneo en zonas de reservas y en zonas impactadas por el humano (de libre acceso, en conjunto con estudios experimentales complementarios para poner a prueba hipótesis acerca de los procesos y mecanismos que subyacen a los patrones observados. En este artículo seleccionamos cuatro ejemplos para ilustrar patrones temporales de largo plazo en todos los niveles tróficos, incluyendo taxa que van desde las macroalgas a las aves marinas. De estas experiencias surgen

  15. Duodenal Tumor Presenting as Acquired Hemophilia in an 88-Year-Old Woman: A Clinical Case and Review of the Literature

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    Nigel P. Murray


    Full Text Available Acquired hemophilia is a rare disease, presenting with severe hemorrhage, we present a case caused by a duodenal tumor, the clinical management, ethical implications, treatment recommendations, and a review of the literature.

  16. Site and extent of digestion, duodenal flow, and intestinal disappearance of total and esterified fatty acids in sheep fed a high-concentrate diet supplemented with high-linoleate safflower oil. (United States)

    Atkinson, R L; Scholljegerdes, E J; Lake, S L; Nayigihugu, V; Hess, B W; Rule, D C


    Our objective was to determine duodenal and ileal flows of total and esterified fatty acids and to determine ruminal fermentation characteristics and site and extent of nutrient digestion in sheep fed an 80% concentrate diet supplemented with high-linoleate (77%) safflower oil at 0, 3, 6, and 9% of DM. Oil was infused intraruminally along with an isonitrogenous basal diet (fed at 2% of BW) that contained bromegrass hay, cracked corn, corn gluten meal, urea, and limestone. Four crossbred wethers (BW = 44.3 +/- 15.7 kg) fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulas were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square experiment, in which 14 d of dietary adaptation were followed by 4 d of duodenal, ileal, and ruminal sampling. Fatty acid intake increased (linear, P = 0.004 to 0.001) with increased dietary safflower oil. Digestibilities of OM, NDF, and N were not affected (P = 0.09 to 0.65) by increased dietary safflower oil. For total fatty acids (free plus esterified) and esterified fatty acids, duodenal flow of most fatty acids, including 18:2c-9,c-12, increased (P = 0.006 to 0.05) with increased dietary oil. Within each treatment, duodenal flow of total and esterified 18:2c-9,c-12 was similar (P = 0.32), indicating that duodenal flow of this fatty acid occurred because most of it remained esterified. Duodenal flow of esterified 18:1t-11 increased (P = 0.08) with increased dietary safflower oil, indicating that reesterification of ruminal fatty acids occurred. Apparent small intestinal disappearance of most fatty acids was not affected (P = 0.19 to 0.98) by increased dietary safflower oil, but increased (P = 0.05) for 18:2c-9,c-12, which ranged from 87.0 to 97.4%, and for 18:2c-9,t-11 (P = 0.03), which ranged from 37.9% with no added oil to 99.2% with supplemental oil. For esterified fatty acids, apparent small intestinal disappearance was from 80% for 18:3c-9,c-12,c-15 at the greatest level of dietary oil up to 100% for 18:1t-11 and 18:1c-12 with 0% oil. We concluded that

  17. Is Routine Duodenal Biopsy Necessary for the Detection of Celiac Disease in Patients Presenting with Iron Deficiency Anemia?

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    Mohammad Hassan Emami


    Conclusion: CD should be considered in any adult patient presenting with unexplained IDA, even if not accompanied with gastrointestinal symptoms. Routine duodenal biopsy performed during diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is worthwhile in order to investigate for CD as an underlying cause of IDA in adult patients.

  18. Duodenal perforation following esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with cautery and epinephrine injection for peptic ulcer disease: An interesting case of nonoperative management in the medical intensive care unit (MICU). (United States)

    Chertoff, Jason; Khullar, Vikas; Burke, Lucas


    The utilization of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and related procedures continues to rise. Due to this increase in utilization is an inevitable rise in serious complications such as hemorrhage and perforation. One understudied and dreaded complication of EGD causing significant morbidity and mortality is duodenal perforation. We present the case of a 63-year-old male who presented to our institution's emergency room with dyspepsia, melanic stools, tachycardia, and hypotension. Initial laboratory evaluation was significant for severe anemia, lactic acidosis, and acute kidney injury, while CT scan of the abdomen pelvis did not suggest retroperitoneal hematoma or bowel perforation. An emergent EGD was performed which showed multiple bleeding duodenal ulcers that were cauterized and injected with epinephrine. Post-procedure the patient developed worsening abdominal pain, distension, diaphoresis, and tachypnea, requiring emergent intubation. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast confirmed pneumoperitoneum and duodenal perforation. Due to the patient's hemodynamic instability and multiple comorbidities, he was treated non-operatively with strict bowel rest and intravenous antibiotics. The patient ultimately had a 19-day hospital course complicated by renal failure requiring hemodialysis and an ischemic limb necessitating above knee amputation. This case describes an unsuccessful attempt at nonoperative management of duodenal perforation following EGD. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  19. Successful Endoscopic Management of Non-Healing Perforated Duodenal Ulcer with Polyglycolic Acid Sheet and Fibrin Glue. (United States)

    Mishiro, Tsuyoshi; Shibagaki, Kotaro; Matsuda, Kayo; Fukuyama, Chika; Okada, Mayumi; Mikami, Hironobu; Izumi, Daisuke; Yamashita, Noritsugu; Okimoto, Eiko; Fukuda, Naoki; Aimi, Masahito; Fukuba, Nobuhiko; Oshima, Naoki; Takanashi, Toshihiro; Matsubara, Takeshi; Ishimura, Norihisa; Ishihara, Shunji; Kinoshita, Yoshikazu


    In recent years, treatment techniques in which polyglycolic acid sheets are applied to various situations with fibrin glue have exhibited great clinical potential, and previous studies have reported safety and efficacy. We describe closure of a non-healing perforated duodenal ulcer with the use of a polyglycolic acid sheet and fibrin glue in an elderly patient who was not a candidate for surgery.

  20. Debido proceso o la novela del deterioro


    Torres Gutiérrez, Carlos Luis


    La última obra de Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez 1, titulada Debido proceso, es definitivamente una novela urbana. Al terminar su lectura nos damos cuenota de que, al igual que la ciudad, el libro constituye un cruce de discursos, demiradas y de imágenes. Leerlo es enfrentarse a una ciudad translúcida donde se cruzanlo público y lo privado, lo real y lo imaginario, la pintura y la escritura, lo simpley lo profundo, la conciencia y la emotividad, el amor y la cursilería, la fatalidad y ladecisión, ...



    Prasenjit; Himadri Sekhar; Amalesh; Tanumoy


    In this modern era of medicine, perforation of duodenal or gastric ulcer in pediatric patients is very rare. Here we are presenting a 10 year boy presented in emergency department of our rural tertiary care hospital with complaints of diffuse abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting of 36 hours and mild fever of 12 hours duration. O/E he had tachycardia, raised temperature, generalized abdominal tenderness, guarding, rigidity and rebound tenderness. On chest x-ray, free gas under ...

  2. Life event stress in duodenal ulcer compared with functional dyspepsia: A case-control study


    Abdel Hafeiz Hassan; Al Quorain Abdulaziz; Karim Ahmed; Al-Mangoor Shuaa


    This is a prospective study of life event stress in 80 duodenal ulcer patients compared with 80 patients with functional dyspepsia and 80 healthy controls; matched for age, sex and marital status. A semi structured psychiatric interview was used in the psychiatric assessment of the dyspeptic patients and controls. A modified version of Life Events Scale by Tennant and Andrews was used in the assessment of life event stress. More dyspeptic patients reported life events than the controls, but, ...

  3. Duodenal-bronchial fistula: an unusual cause of shortness of breath and a productive cough

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    Cynthia Wong, BMBS


    Full Text Available Duodenal-bronchial fistulas are very uncommon, even among the already rare subgroup of abdominal-bronchial fistulas. We describe a case of a woman with Crohn's disease who presented with shortness of breath and a productive cough who was found to have a duodeanl bronchial fistula on computed tomography scan. We demonstrate with this case how these rare cases can lead to chronic lung aspirations and require multidisciplinary involvement.

  4. Metaplastic changes of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach with celiac disease and chronic nonspecific duodenitis

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    А. V. Kilessa


    Full Text Available This research presents morphological comparisons of occurrence of a stomach mucosa metaplasia and a specialized metaplasia of esophagus at patients with gluten enteropathy and chronic nonspecific duodenitis. It is established fact that metaplastic changes of stomach mucosa are more spread at patients with a gluten enteropathy.

  5. Delayed graft duodenal perforation due to impacted food five years after simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation: A case report

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    Taizo Sakata


    Conclusion: When a patient is stable, even in the presence of delayed duodenal graft perforation, graft excision may not be necessary. Intraoperative exploration should include Doppler ultrasound examination of the vasculature to rule out thrombosis as a contributor to ischemia. Tissue biopsy should be performed to diagnose rejection.

  6. Efficacy of Self-Expandable Metallic Stent Inserted for Refractory Hemorrhage of Duodenal Cancer

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    Takashi Orii


    Full Text Available Because of advances in the technology of gastrointestinal endoscopy and improvements in the quality of stents, it has become routine to place a stent as palliative therapy for malignant gastrointestinal obstruction. On the other hand, stent placement for malignant gastrointestinal hemorrhage has scarcely been reported, although it may be performed for hemorrhage of the esophageal varicose vein. We recently experienced a patient with refractory hemorrhage from an unresectable duodenal cancer who underwent placement of a self-expandable metallic stent (SEMS and thereafter had no recurrence of the hemorrhage. A 46-year-old man underwent laparotomy to radically resect a cancer in the third portion of the duodenum, which invaded widely to the superior mesenteric vein and its branches and was considered unresectable. After stomach-partitioning gastrojejunostomy was performed, chemotherapy was initiated according to the regimen of chemotherapy of far advanced gastric cancer. One year and 4 months after induction of chemotherapy, gastrointestinal hemorrhage occurred. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed the hemorrhage oozing from the duodenal cancer, and endoscopic hemostasis, such as injection of hypertonic saline epinephrine and argon plasma coagulation, was unsuccessful. Twenty days after emergence of the hemorrhage, an endoscopic covered SEMS was placed with confirmation by fluoroscopy. Immediately after placement of the stent, the tarry stool stopped and the anemia ceased to progress. The recurrence of the hemorrhage has not been confirmed without migration of the stent. SEMS is an effective hemostatic procedure for malignant refractory hemorrhage.

  7. Selye's general adaptation syndrome: stress-induced gastro-duodenal ulceration and inflammatory bowel disease. (United States)

    Fink, George


    Hans Selye in a note to Nature in 1936 initiated the field of stress research by showing that rats exposed to nocuous stimuli responded by way of a 'general adaptation syndrome' (GAS). One of the main features of the GAS was the 'formation of acute erosions in the digestive tract, particularly in the stomach, small intestine and appendix'. This provided experimental evidence for the view based on clinical data that gastro-duodenal (peptic) ulcers could be caused by stress. This hypothesis was challenged by Marshall and Warren's Nobel Prize (2005)-winning discovery of a causal association between Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcers. However, clinical and experimental studies suggest that stress can cause peptic ulceration in the absence of H. pylori Predictably, the etiological pendulum of gastric and duodenal ulceration has swung from 'all stress' to 'all bacteria' followed by a sober realization that both factors play a role, separately as well as together. This raises the question as to whether stress and H. pylori interact, and if so, how? Stress has also been implicated in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and related disorders; however, there is no proof yet that stress is the primary etiological trigger for IBD. Central dopamine mechanisms seem to be involved in the stress induction of peptic ulceration, whereas activation of the sympathetic nervous system and central and peripheral corticotrophin-releasing factor appears to mediate stress-induced IBD. © 2017 Society for Endocrinology.

  8. Normal Bone Mineral Density Associates with Duodenal Mucosa Healing in Adult Patients with Celiac Disease on a Gluten-Free Diet

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    Tiziana Larussa


    Full Text Available Impairment of bone mineral density (BMD is frequent in celiac disease (CD patients on a gluten-free diet (GFD. The normalization of intestinal mucosa is still difficult to predict. We aim to investigate the relationship between BMD and duodenal mucosa healing (DMH in CD patients on a GFD. Sixty-four consecutive CD patients on a GFD were recruited. After a median period of a 6-year GFD (range 2–33 years, patients underwent repeat duodenal biopsy and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA scan. Twenty-four patients (38% displayed normal and 40 (62% low BMD, 47 (73% DMH, and 17 (27% duodenal mucosa lesions. All patients but one with normal BMD (23 of 24, 96% showed DMH, while, among those with low BMD, 24 (60% did and 16 (40% did not. At multivariate analysis, being older (odds ratio (OR 1.1, 95% confidence interval (CI 1.03–1.18 and having diagnosis at an older age (OR 1.09, 95% CI 1.03–1.16 were associated with low BMD; in turn, having normal BMD was the only variable independently associated with DMH (OR 17.5, 95% CI 1.6–192. In older CD patients and with late onset disease, BMD recovery is not guaranteed, despite a GFD. A normal DXA scan identified CD patients with DMH; thus, it is a potential tool in planning endoscopic resampling.

  9. Morfometria da mucosa duodenal em frangos de corte submetidos à temperatura ambiente cíclica elevada Intestinal morphometry of the duodenal mucosa in broiler chickens underwent to high cyclic environment temperature

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    C.F.P. Marchini


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da temperatura ambiente cíclica elevada sobre a morfometria da mucosa duodenal e o peso corporal em frangos de corte foram avaliados. Setenta pintos de corte, machos, foram alojados em gaiolas e distribuídos em dois grupos. Um grupo foi submetido diariamente, durante uma hora, à temperatura ambiente cíclica elevada do primeiro até o 42º dia de idade (ambiente ST; e outro foi mantido em conforto térmico (ambiente TN. Cinco frangos de cada grupo foram sacrificados, semanalmente, por deslocamento cervical para mensuração da altura de vilosidades (VI, profundidade das criptas (CR e relação vilo/cripta (VI/CR duodenal. Dez aves de cada grupo foram pesadas semanalmente em balança digital. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 7x2 (sete idades: um, sete, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 dias, e dois ambientes: ST e TN. Os ambientes foram comparados pelo teste de Fisher (PThe effects of high cyclic environment temperature on body weight and morphometry of the duodenal mucosa in broiler chicken were evaluated. Seventy one-day-old male broiler chicks were sheltered in cages and distributed in two groups. One group was daily exposed to high cyclic environment temperature for an hour, from hatching to 42 days of age (group ST, the other one was kept under thermoneutral conditions (group TN. Five chickens of each group were weekly slaughtered by cervical delocation to mesure the villosities height (VI, crypts depth (CR, and villo/crypt ratio (VI/ CR in the duodenum. Ten chickens of each group were weighted weekly on a digital balance. A completely randomized experimental design in a 7x2 factorial arrangement (hatching, seven, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days of age and two environments: ST and TN. The environments were compared by Fisher test (P<0.05 and the effects of days of life by polynomial regression. The ST group had reduction in VI at 14 and 21 days of age (P<0.01, CR at 28 days of age (P<0.05, and in VI/CR at 21

  10. Determination of relative frequency of eosinophils and mast cells in gastric and duodenal mucosal biopsies in adults with non-ulcer dyspepsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Binesh, F.; Rajabzadeh, Y.; Pourmirafzali, H.; Akhondei, M.


    Objective: To determine eosinophil and mast cell populations in gastric and duodenal mucosal biopsies of adults with nonulcer dyspepsia (NUD) as compared to non-dyspeptic adults. Study Design: A case control study. Place and Duration of Study: Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran, from January 2010 to June 2011. Methodology: A total of 52 (25 non-ulcer dyspeptic patients as case and 27 non-dyspeptic patients as control) patients underwent endoscopy. All patients had a minimum of 2 forceps biopsies obtained from stomach and duodenum. Routine histological evaluation was performed and additionally evaluated to determine eosinophil and mast cell counts. The statistical analysis was performed on SPSS version 17.0, using Mann-Whitney test with significance at p < 0.05. Results: The mean age in the case and control groups was 31.72 +- 12.17 and 35.74 +- 12.42 years respectively. The median eosinophil density in gastric mucosa in case group was 5.0 (ranging from 1 to 20) and 4.0 in control group (ranging from 0 to 16; p = 0.140). The median eosinophil density in duodenal mucosa in case group was 16.0 (ranging from 2 to 24) and 13 in control group (ranging from 2 to 45; p = 0.147). The median mast cell density in gastric mucosa in case group was 4.0 (ranging from 0 to 33) and 4.0 in control group (ranging from 0 to 26; p = 0.827). The median mast cell density in duodenal mucosa in case group was 4.0 (ranging from 0 to 31) and 3.0 in control group (ranging from 1 to 23; p = 0.704). The frequency of Helicobacter pylori infection in both the groups was similar. Conclusion: Although there were not statistically significant differences in eosinophil and mast cell densities between case and control groups, there was a trend toward mild eosinophilia in gastric and duodenal mucosa. The specific role of eosinophils and mast cells in NUD is yet to be completely defined. (author)

  11. Plasma amino acids and metabolic profiling of dairy cows in response to a bolus duodenal infusion of leucine. (United States)

    Sadri, Hassan; von Soosten, Dirk; Meyer, Ulrich; Kluess, Jeannette; Dänicke, Sven; Saremi, Behnam; Sauerwein, Helga


    Leucine (Leu), one of the three branch chain amino acids, acts as a signaling molecule in the regulation of overall amino acid (AA) and protein metabolism. Leucine is also considered to be a potent stimulus for the secretion of insulin from pancreatice β-cells. Our objective was to study the effects of a duodenal bolus infusion of Leu on insulin and glucagon secretion, on plasma AA concentrations, and to do a metabolomic profiling of dairy cows as compared to infusions with either glucose or saline. Six duodenum-fistulated Holstein cows were studied in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 3 periods of 7 days, in which the treatments were applied at the end of each period. The treatments were duodenal bolus infusions of Leu (DIL; 0.15 g/kg body weight), glucose (DIG; at Leu equimolar dosage) or saline (SAL). On the day of infusion, the treatments were duodenally infused after 5 h of fasting. Blood samples were collected at -15, 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90, 120, 180, 210, 240 and 300 min relative to the start of infusion. Blood plasma was assayed for concentrations of insulin, glucagon, glucose and AA. The metabolome was also characterized in selected plasma samples (i.e. from 0, 50, and 120 min relative to the infusion). Body weight, feed intake, milk yield and milk composition were recorded throughout the experiment. The Leu infusion resulted in significant increases of Leu in plasma reaching 20 and 15-fold greater values than that in DIG and SAL, respectively. The elevation of plasma Leu concentrations after the infusion led to a significant decrease (Pcows were reduced (Pinsulin were not affected by Leu. In DIG, insulin and glucose concentrations peaked at 30-40 and 40-50 min after the infusion, respectively. Insulin concentrations were greater (Pcows were compared with the DIG and SAL cows at 50 and 120 min after the infusion. By using this analysis, several metabolites, mainly acylcarnitines, methionine sulfoxide and components from the

  12. Calidad del agua de fuentes de manantial en la zona básica de salud de Sigüenza

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    Rodríguez García Rita


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Las fuentes de manantial tienen un control analítico escaso o inexistente, especialmente las alejadas de los núcleos urbanos, lo que supone un riesgo sanitario por la posibilidad de la presencia en el agua de microorganismos patógenos y sustancias indeseables. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los factores de riesgo contaminante de los manantiales y determinar la potabilidad del agua de los mismos. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal, con investigación de la frecuencia y distribución de los factores de riesgo contaminante según la ubicación urbana o rústica del manantial. Realización de dos controles analíticos, separados seis meses, de los parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos elegidos para evaluar la potabilidad del agua de 38 fuentes incluidas. Resultados: Los factores de riesgo contaminantes más frecuentes fueron: en fuentes urbanas pastoreo (53,8%, maleza (53,8% y cruce con aguas residuales (53,8%; en rústicas pastoreo(72%, maleza (32% y escorrentías(32%. Fueron potables en el primer control el 53,8% de fuentes urbanas y 60% de rústicas; en el segundo el 76,9% y 68% respectivamente. Sólo el 47,4% del total fueron potables en los dos controles. La contaminación microbiológica apareció en el 44,7 % de manantiales y la físico-química en el 13,1 %. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo contaminante pueden afectar un manantial ante la falta de protección suficiente, y su estudio proporcionará claves sobre la posibilidad y procedencia de la contaminación. Al realizar dos controles analíticos se produce una disminución del porcentaje de fuentes potables, lo que revela el riesgo y susceptibilidad de estos abastecimientos y la necesidad e importancia de controles sanitarios periódicos.

  13. Duodenal ulcer healing on 2 g of sucralfate daily at bedtime compared to 1 g four times daily

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendtsen, Flemming; Ebbehøj, N; Fallingborg, J


    Seventy-seven patients with endoscopically verified duodenal ulcers were randomized to treatment with either 2 g sucralfate daily at bedtime or 1 g sucralfate q.d.s. in a controlled double-blind comparative study. After a 4-week treatment period, the healing rate was 68% for the former and 69...

  14. Prevalence of duodenal ulcer-promoting gene (dupA) of Helicobacter pylori in patients with duodenal ulcer in North Indian population. (United States)

    Arachchi, H S Jayasinghe; Kalra, Vijay; Lal, Banwari; Bhatia, Vikram; Baba, C S; Chakravarthy, S; Rohatgi, S; Sarma, Priyangshu M; Mishra, V; Das, Bimal; Ahuja, Vineet


    The duodenal ulcer (DU)-promoting gene (dupA) of Helicobacter pylori has been identified as a novel virulent marker associated with an increased risk for DU. The presence or absence of dupA gene of H. pylori present in patients with DU and functional dyspepsia in North Indian population was studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridization analysis. One hundred and sixty-six patients (96 DU and 70 functional dyspepsia) were included in this study. In addition, sequence diversity of dupA gene of H. pylori found in these patients was analyzed by sequencing the PCR products jhp0917 and jhp0918 on both strands with appropriate primers. PCR and hybridization analyses indicated that dupA gene was present in 37.5% (36/96) of H. pylori strains isolated from DU patients and 22.86% (16/70) of functional dyspepsia patients (p dupA was significantly associated with the cagA-positive genotype (p dupA gene with DU in this population. The dupA gene can be considered as a novel virulent marker for DU in this population.

  15. Promotion of ulcerative duodenitis in young ferrets by oral immunization with Helicobacter mustelae and muramyl dipeptide. (United States)

    Whary, M T; Palley, L S; Batchelder, M; Murphy, J C; Yan, L; Taylor, N S; Fox, J G


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether oral immunization of ferret kits with a whole-cell sonicate of Helicobacter mustelae lysate (Hml) and the adjuvant muramyl dipeptide (MDP) would reduce the incidence of natural colonization with H. mustelae and the extent of Helicobacter-associated gastritis by enhancing the host mucosal immune response. Between the ages of 4 and 11 weeks, 44 ferret kits were gavaged with Hml and various doses of MDP. The extent of gastritis and duodenitis and the immune response to H. mustelae were evaluated. All kits became colonized naturally with H. mustelae and the majority developed mild to severe gastritis and duodenitis. Kits that received Hml with MDP developed significantly greater inflammation of the gastric antrum and duodenum, as compared to kits vaccinated with Hml alone. Vaccination with Hml and 50 micrograms of MDP was associated with severe lesions in the proximal duodenum characterized by accumulation of mononuclear inflammatory cells, mucosal erosion, and ulceration. Although serum antibody specific for H. mustelae in 4-week-old kits was approximately 50% of adult levels, a finding attributable to passively acquired maternal antibody, both systemic and mucosal antibody levels became depressed over time despite oral vaccination. The humoral immune response was sufficiently low to prevent detection of any significant dose effect of MDP on antibody levels among experimental groups. Oral vaccination of young ferrets with Hml and 50 micrograms MDP increased the risk of Helicobacter-associated mucosal ulceration in the proximal duodenum, which was associated with low humoral (but significant cell-mediated) immune responses to H. mustelae. In retrospect, the frequency of vaccination may have suppressed the systemic humoral immune response, thereby promoting mucosal damage by H. mustelae. The 50-microgram dose of MDP enhanced the cell-mediated immune response, which indirectly contributed to development of severe lesions

  16. Longitudinal study of influence of Helicobacter pylori on current risk of duodenal ulcer relapse. The Hvidovre Ulcer Project Group

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, M R; Franzmann, M B; Holst, C


    acid output, time of healing of the preceding ulcer, treatment of the present ulcer (cimetidine, antacids, or no treatment), or type and degree of gastritis. Thus, although H. pylori is prevalent in patients with duodenal ulcer disease, the present study indicates that H. pylori does not have...

  17. Origen de la mutación G736A del gen Parkin en la población de Peque (noroccidente de Antioquia

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    William H. Arias P.


    Full Text Available En una gran familia de la población de Peque (Antioquia se hallaron individuos afectados por la enfermedad de Parkinson juvenil, debido a la mutación G736A localizada en el exón 6 del gen PARK2. Dada la composición triétnica de nuestras poblaciones mestizas, y dado que esta mutación fue reportada en España, nuestro objetivo fue buscar su origen. Para ello, tipificamos con marcadores moleculares del cromosoma Y a 132 individuos no relacionados de la población general y a 31 de la familia, además con registros de apellidos en dos periodos diferentes. La mutación solo se encontró en la familia en la que se dio un solo haplotipo europeo (haplogrupo P de apellido Valle, y un solo haplotipo nativo (Q1a3a de apellido Salas, portadores de la mutación G736A. La mutación G736A ingresó con fundadores europeos (P de apellido Valle, aumentó su frecuencia debido a un efecto fundador, al crecimiento interno y a cruces endogámicos en la familia y no en la población total, y se expandió en un contexto amerindio (Q1a3a de apellido Salas.

  18. Intelectuales: cartas, redes e instituciones. El archivo epistolar del Colegio Libre de Estudios Superiores de Bahía Blanca en el cruce de la Historia y la Antropología (1941-1952)


    López Pascual, Juliana


    En 1931, las preocupaciones de un grupo de intelectuales liberales dieron origen a la formación del Colegio Libre de Estudios Superiores (CLES) en la Capital Federal, quienes manifestaron interés en el desarrollo de lo que denominaron “cultura superior”. Entre sus prácticas más consolidadas se encontraron el dictado de cursos en “cátedras libres” y la edición de la revista Cursos y conferencias. Desde 1940, la dirección de la institución conformó sedes del CLES en ciudades del interior del pa...

  19. Desarrollo De Habilidades Comunicativas Y Artísticas: Observando Mi Historia, Construyendo Mi Futuro


    Cares, Felipe; Lara, Víctor; Matus de la Parra, Patricia


    En el marco del Programa de Acceso y Acompañamiento a la Educación Superior (PACE), implementado por la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, un equipo de profesionales presenta una propuesta que busca generar cruces interdisciplinarios para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas y habilidades socioemocionales en estudiantes escolares de establecimientos educacionales de alta vulnerabilidad social. Diversos estudios han evidenciado que con el desarrollo de estas habilidades se mejoran los procesos...

  20. Duodenal-jejunal bypass liner implantation provokes rapid weight loss and improved glycemic control, accompanied by elevated fasting ghrelin levels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koehestanie, P.; Dogan, K.; Berends, F.; Janssen, I.; Wahab, P.J.; Groenen, M.; Müller, M.R.; Wit, de N.J.W.


    Background and study aims: Endoscopic implantation of a duodenal-jejunal bypass liner (DJBL) is a novel bariatric technique to induce weight loss and remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Placement of the DJBL mimics the bypass component of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) procedure. In this

  1. Estudio del perfil lipídico canino por edad y sexo

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    José Henry Osorio


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se propone comparar el perfil lipídico en caninos criollos o sus cruces en el departamento de Caldas, Colombia, y analizar la correlación entre las cantidades lipídicas del suero de seis grupos. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 156 caninos en estado de ayuno, diferenciados por sexo y edad (32 machos y 34 hembras menores de un año, y 42 machos adultos y 48 hembras mayores de un año; se determinaron triglicéridos, colesterol total y el colesterol de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad mediante el método enzimático colorimétrico. El colesterol de las lipoproteínas de muy baja densidad y de baja densidad se determinó usando las fórmulas de Friedewald. Las medias ± desviación estándar para colesterol total, triglicéridos y colesterol de las lipoproteínas de alta, muy baja y baja densidad en mg/dL fueron de: 214,91 ± 75,3; 50,01 ± 42,5; 133,73 ± 40,11; 10, 00 ± 8,51; 71,17 ± 57,12 respectivamente. Para el resto de los grupos, los triglicéridos, el colesterol VLDL y el colesterol LDL no fueron significativos (p ≥ 0,05. El colesterol HDL en los caninos jóvenes y adultos presentó un valor de 0,0377 en el valor p del test F, que mostró diferencia significativa (p < 0,05. En los resultados mostrados por los caninos jóvenes, especialmente los machos, se observa que estos presentan un colesterol total y un colesterol HDL más altos si se compara con los adultos.

  2. Partial Avulsion of Common Bile Duct and Duodenal Perforation in a Blunt Abdominal Trauma


    Mirza, Bilal; Ijaz, Lubna; Iqbal, Shahid; Sheikh, Afzal


    Complete or partial avulsion of common bile duct is a very rare injury following blunt abdominal trauma in children. A 7-year old boy presented to ER following blunt abdominal trauma by a moving motorcycle. X ray abdomen revealed free air under diaphragm and CT scan showed pancreatic contusion injury. At operation anterior wall of common bile duct (CBD) along with a 2mm rim of duodenal tissue on either side of anterior wall of CBD were found avulsed from the duodenum. The avulsed portion of C...

  3. Duodenal Villous Atrophy in a TTG-Negative Patient Taking Olmesartan: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Tasha Kulai


    Full Text Available Olmesartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist used to treat hypertension, is associated with few adverse effects. Here, a case of severe sprue-like enteropathy and acute kidney injury is described in a 68-year-old male taking olmesartan for 3-4 years. He presented to hospital with a five-week history of diarrhea, vomiting, and a 20 lb weight loss. Anti-TTG was negative with a normal IgA. Biopsies of the distal duodenum and duodenal cap revealed marked blunting of the villi with near complete villous atrophy of the biopsies from the bulb. There was an increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes as well as neutrophils in the surface epithelium. The patient’s diarrhea improved upon discontinuation of olmesartan and he returned to his previous weight. Repeat endoscopy four months later demonstrated complete resolution of inflammatory change with normal villous architecture. Long-term olmesartan use is associated with severe sprue-like enteropathy. The mechanism of intestinal injury is unknown. Duodenal biopsy results may mimic other enteropathies such as celiac disease. Physicians should consider medications as potential etiologies of enteropathy.

  4. Ruminal protozoal contribution to the duodenal flow of fatty acids following feeding of steers on forages differing in chloroplast content. (United States)

    Huws, S A; Lee, M R F; Kingston-Smith, A H; Kim, E J; Scott, M B; Tweed, J K S; Scollan, N D


    Ruminant products are criticised for their SFA content relative to PUFA, although n-6:n-3 PUFA is desirable for human health ( content of rumen protozoa offers a potentially novel approach to enhance PUFA flow to the duodenum and subsequent incorporation into meat and milk. We evaluated protozoal contribution to duodenal n-3 PUFA flow due to intracellular chloroplast content. A total of six Holstein × Friesian steers were fed, in a two-period changeover design, either straw:concentrate (S:C, 60:40; DM basis; S:C, low chloroplast) or fresh perennial ryegrass (PRG; high chloroplast). Following 12 d adaptation to diet, ruminal protozoal and whole duodenal samples were obtained. N and fatty acid content of whole duodenum and rumen protozoal samples were assessed and protozoal 18S rDNA quantitative PCR performed, enabling calculation of protozoal N flow. The ratio of individual fatty acids:N in rumen protozoal samples was calculated to obtain protozoal fatty acid flows. Based on total fatty acid flow, contribution (%) of protozoa to individual fatty acid flows was calculated. Protozoal fatty acid data and microscopical observations revealed that protozoa were enriched with 18 : 3n-3 following PRG feeding, compared with the S:C diet, due to increased intracellular chloroplast content. However, duodenal protozoal 18S rDNA concentration post PRG feeding was low, indicating rumen retention of the protozoa. Nutrition influences the 18 : 3n-3 content of protozoa; the challenge is to increase protozoal flow to the small intestine, while maintaining sustainable rumen densities.

  5. Cruce de datos de calidad y seguridad de medicamentos nacionales a partir de bases de datos automatizadas: Primer semestre 2006 Cross of quality and safety data of national drugs starting from the automated databases: First semester 2006

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    Giset Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Dentro del sistema de vigilancia poscomercialización, la cooperación entre centros es crucial, la Dirección de Calidad de QUIMEFA, la cual rige la vigilancia de la calidad de productos de la industria nacional, y la Unidad Coordinadora Nacional de Farmacovigilancia del Centro para el Desarrollo de la Farmacoepidemiología, que coordina a su vez el Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo de Sospechas de Reacciones Adversas producidas por medicamentos, establecieron un sistema de consultas de sus bases de datos. El Sistema de Vigilancia de Calidad de Productos se lleva en una base de datos en Access, y las sospechas de reacciones adversas en una hoja de Excel con funciones de bases de datos. Mensualmente se realiza un cruce de estos datos entre ambos sistemas, que se basa en el nombre del producto, lote, fabricante, lugar de reporte, etc. y se retroalimentan ambos subsistemas. También mensualmente se realiza una reunión para chequear los resultados de los sistemas. En el primer semestre del 2006 el subsistema de calidad ha procesado más de 800 quejas de calidad provenientes de las droguerías, por lo que se establecieron 11 planes de aviso de retención y 28 planes de aviso de retiro de productos. Por su parte el sistema de reporte de reacciones adversas ha recibido 4 254 notificaciones y se han establecido 9 expedientes donde los productos tienen reportes de reacciones adversas a medicamentos. Toda la información es enviada al sistema de poscomercialización del Centro Estatal de Control de Calidad de los MedicamentosWithin the system of postmarketing surveillance, the cooperation between centres is crucial. That's why, the Quality Division of Quimefa, which rules the vigilance of the quality of the national industry products, and the National Coordinating Pharmacovigilance Unit of the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology Development that coordinates the National Monitoring System of Adverse Reactions Suspicions produced by drugs, established a database

  6. Laparoscopic treatment of a phytobezoar in the duodenal diverticulum - Report of a case. (United States)

    Pergel, Ahmet; Yucel, Ahmet Fikret; Aydin, Ibrahim; Sahin, Dursun Ali


    Primer small intestine bezoar is seen rarely. It frequently arises from underlying small intestine pathologies (diverticle, tumor, stricture etc.). We report a very rare case of disopyrobezoar in the duodenal diverticulum, a kind of phytobezoar caused by persimmons, which was treated laparoscopically. The 47-year-old patient applied to polyclinic with complaints of epigastric tenderness, occasional distension, and acid regurgitation. In endoscopical examination, impacted bezoar was determined in the diverticulum in the duodenum. Because it is too hard, it was unable to remove endoscopically. On the abdominal tomography, a smooth-bounded non-homogeneous mass including gas and soft tissue areas in the 2nd portion of the duodenum was detected. A barium meal confirmed the presence of a 5cm diameter diverticulum on the lateral wall of the second portion of the duodenum. It also showed an intraluminalfilling defect as well as the mottled appearance of the bezoar. Learned from history of the patient, that the patient consumed over persimmon in childhood. Generally, duodenal diverticles are asymptomatic. Surgical treatment is rarely necessary because of complications such as bleeding, perforation, abdominal pain, bezoar formation. As well as using methods such as gastric lavage, enzymatic dissolution, endoscopical fragmentation in the treatment of phytobezoar, their chances of success are low because its structure is rigid. Usually, surgical intervention is required. For the treatments of bezoar cases located in the small intestine, laparoscopic surgical method is a safe and feasible method in selected cases. Copyright © 2012 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Short-Term Biliary Stent Placement Contributing Common Bile Duct Stone Disappearance with Preservation of Duodenal Papilla Function

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    Tatsuki Ueda


    Full Text Available Aims. To investigate the effect of biliary stent placement without endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST on common bile duct stones (CBDS disappearance and the contribution of preserving the duodenal papilla function to reduce recurrence of CBDS. Methods. Sixty-six patients admitted for acute obstructive cholangitis due to CBDS who underwent biliary stent placement without EST for 2 years from March 2011 were evaluated retrospectively. The second endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP was performed for treatment of CBDS 3 to 4 months after the first ERCP. We estimated the rate of stone disappearance at the time of second ERCP. Results. CBDS disappearance was observed in 32 (48.5% of 66 patients. The diameter of the bile ducts and the diameter of CBDS in patients with CBDS disappearance were significantly smaller than in those with CBDS requiring extraction (p=0.007 and p<0.001, resp.. Stone disappearance was evident when the diameter of bile ducts and that of CBDS were <10 and 7 mm, respectively (p=0.002. Conclusions. Short-term stent placement without EST eliminates CBDS while preserving duodenal papilla function and may be suitable for treating CBDS in patients with nondilated bile ducts and small CBDS.

  8. Aminoazo dye-protein-adduct enhances inhibitory effect on digestibility and damages to Gastro-Duodenal-Hepatic axis.

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    Li-Yun Lin

    Full Text Available 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene (DAB, methyl yellow, or butter yellow, a human carcinogen, has been banned for use in foods since 1988. In 2014, DAB adulteration in Tofu occurred in Taiwan. We hypothesize that DAB can form [DAB•SBP]adduct adduct with soybean protein (SBP which could damage Gastro-Duodenal-Hepatic axis. Sprague-Dawley rats gavage fed [DAB•SBP]adduct adduct revealed severely reduced body weight and damaged duodenum, liver, hepatic mitochondria, and spleen. Hepatic levels of glutathione and ATP were severely reduced. Serum GOT and GPT were substantially elevated. Analysis by the adsorption isotherm clearly revealed DAB formed very stable [DAB•SBP]adduct adduct at 1:1 molar ration (Phase A. The equilibrium constant of this colloidal adduct [DAB•SBP]adduct was KeqA = ∝, behaving as the most stable and toxic species. At higher protein concentration (Phase C it formed conjugate [DAB×SBPgross]conjugate, with KeqC = 3.23×10-2 mg/mL, implicating a moderately strong adsorption. The in vitro pepsin digestibility test showed apparently reduced digestibility by 27% (by Ninhydrin assay or 8% (by Bradford assay. Conclusively, this is the first report indicating that [DAB•SBP]adduct potentially is capable to damage the Gastro-Duodenal-Hepatic axis.

  9. [Laparoscopic suture or open suture in perforated duodenal ulcer]. (United States)

    Nicolau, A E; Ionescu, G; Iordache, F; Mehic, R; Spătaru, A


    Between Nov. 1994-Jan. 2001 we performed laparoscopic suture with omentoplasty of perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU) in 51 patients out of 56 it was intended (this constituted the laparoscopic group--LG). The selection criteria were young patients, age < 40 years, no associated diseases, onset of the operation under 12 hours from the occurrence of the perforation, absence of clear ulcer history. In the same period, we performed an open suture based on the same criteria in 105 patients (open group--OP). The results showed a difference between needed analgesia (2.8 days for LG vs. 5.2 days for OG) and a hospital stay of 6.1 days in LG vs. 7.7 days in OG. The incidence of postoperative complications was 5.88% in the LG and 7.61% in the OG with 1.96% and respective 1.90% reoperation rate. In conclusion laparoscopic suture of PDU with associated postoperative modern therapy of ulcer disease could be the treatment of choice in young patients.

  10. Association of Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody Titer with Duodenal Histological Changes in Children with Celiac Disease

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    Hasan Hawamdeh


    Full Text Available Celiac disease is usually diagnosed by demonstrating gluten enteropathy in small bowel biopsy. Celiac specific antibodies are used as an initial screening test. The goal of this study is to test the relationship of the anti-tTG titer and severity of histological changes in Jordanian children with celiac disease. Method. The medical records of 81 children who had elevated anti-tTG titer and had duodenal biopsies available were retrospectively reviewed. Result. Assessing the association of anti-tTG titer with duodenal histopathological changes, 94% of those with high anti-tTG titer (≥180 U/mL had histological evidence of celiac disease. There was statistically significant positive association between high anti-tTG titer and Marsh grading as 82% of patients with Marsh III had high anti-tTG titer (Chi2 18.5; P value 0.00; Odds Ratio 8.5. The fraction of patients with Marsh III who were correctly identified as positive by anti-tTG titer ≥ 180 U/mL was high (sensitivity = 81.6. Moreover, the fraction of patients with anti-tTG titer ≥ 180 U/mL who had Marsh III was also high (positive predictive value = 78.4. Conclusion. Anti-tTG titer ≥ 180 U/mL had significant positive association with Marsh III histopathological changes of celiac disease.

  11. Effect of Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. fruit extract on cysteamine induced duodenal ulcer in rats. (United States)

    Megala, Jayaraman; Geetha, Arumugam


    The edible fruits of Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. are traditionally used for various gastric complications in India. Here, we investigated the antiulcer activity of hydroalcoholic fruit extract of P. dulce (HAEPD) by applying cysteamine induced duodenal ulcer model in rats. Duodenal ulcer was induced in male albino Wistar rats by oral administration of cysteamine @ 420 mg/kg body wt. as a single dose. The rats were pre-administered orally with HAEPD @ 200 mg/kg body wt. for 30 days prior to ulcer induction. Rats pre-administered with ranitidine @ 30 mg/kg body wt. served as reference drug control. Ulcer score, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), glycoproteins, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase and reduced glutathione levels were measured in the duodenum. Rats pre-administered with the HAEPD showed significantly reduced ulcer score comparable to that of ranitidine pretreated rats. The co-administration of HAEPD lowered the TBARS level and also restored the levels of glycoproteins, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. Histopathological observations confirmed the presence of inflammation, necrosis and hemorrhagic spots in the duodenum of ulcer control rats which were significantly reduced due to HAEPD treatment. No abnormal alterations were observed in normal rats treated with HAEPD at the dosage studied. The results demonstrated antioxidant and cytoprotective nature of P. dulce, and thereby its significant anti ulcer property.

  12. Perfil del visitante de naturaleza en Latinoamérica: prácticas, motivaciones e imaginarios. Estudio comparativo entre México y Ecuador.

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    Maribel Osorio García


    Full Text Available El artículo expone los resultados de una investigación interinstitucional realizada sobre el com‑ parativo entre el perfil de los visitantes que llegan al Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Nevado de Toluca, México y a la Reserva Ecológica Cotacachi Cayapas, Ecuador, ambas áreas naturales protegidas. Se toma como postura teórica que el comportamiento del visitante de naturaleza tiene una explicación no sólo a partir de sus motivaciones e interés ambiental, sino desde sus imaginarios. La metodología aplicada fue de carácter cuan‑ titativo a través de una encuesta realizada en cada sitio, considerando las motivaciones, el comportamiento de viaje, las prácticas ambientales y los imaginarios. Mediante un cruce de variables se caracterizaron cuatro perfiles: el recreativo, el deportivo, el de convivencia y el de contacto, siendo el primero el dominante. En cada caso se identifica el modo de interrelación que se establece con la naturaleza.

  13. Lansoprazole for secondary prevention of gastric or duodenal ulcers associated with long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy: results of a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, double-dummy, active-controlled trial. (United States)

    Sugano, Kentaro; Kontani, Teiji; Katsuo, Shinichi; Takei, Yoshinori; Sakaki, Nobuhiro; Ashida, Kiyoshi; Mizokami, Yuji; Asaka, Masahiro; Matsui, Shigeyuki; Kanto, Tatsuya; Soen, Satoshi; Takeuchi, Tsutomu; Hiraishi, Hideyuki; Hiramatsu, Naoki


    Low-dose lansoprazole has not been intensively evaluated for its efficacy in the prevention of recurrent gastric or duodenal ulcers in patients receiving long-term non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy for pain relief in such diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and low back pain. This multi-center, prospective, double-blind, randomized, active-controlled study involving 99 sites in Japan was designed to compare the efficacy of lansoprazole (15 mg daily) with gefarnate (50 mg twice daily). Patients with a history of gastric or duodenal ulcers who required long-term NSAID therapy were randomized to receive lansoprazole 15 mg daily (n = 185) or gefarnate 50 mg twice daily (n = 181) and followed up for 12 months or longer prospectively. The cumulative incidence of gastric or duodenal ulcer at days 91, 181, and 361 from the start of the study was calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method as 3.3, 5.9, and 12.7%, respectively, in the lansoprazole group versus 18.7, 28.5, and 36.9%, respectively, in the gefarnate group. The risk for ulcer development was significantly (log-rank test, P lansoprazole group than in the gefarnate group, with the hazard ratio being 0.2510 (95% CI 0.1400-0.4499). A long-term follow-up study showed an acceptable safety profile for low-dose lansoprazole therapy, with diarrhea as the most frequent adverse event. Lansoprazole was superior to gefarnate in reducing the risk of gastric or duodenal ulcer recurrence in patients with a definite history of gastric or duodenal ulcers who required long-term NSAID therapy.

  14. Effect of topical application of fibronectin in duodenal wound healing in rats Efeito da aplicação tópica da fibronectina em feridas duodenais de ratos

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    Teresa Neuma de Souza Brito


    Full Text Available Fibronectin (FN, a large family of plasma and extracellular matrix glycoproteins, plays an important role in wound healing. PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of fibronectin on the healing of sutured duodenal wounds, correlating with the serum and tissue level of the substance. METHODS: An experimental study was done in 30 adult Wistar rats divided into two group. In the control group (n=15 a duodenal suture was treated with saline solution 0,9% and in the test group the duodenal wounds were treated with 1% FN. The duodenal wound healing process was studied in the 5th, 7tn and 10th postoperative days, by histological sections stained by hematoxylin-eosin, Masson trichromic and immunohistochemical reaction for FN. A digital histological grading system was used to obtain a score for each group and to observe the healing process. RESULTS: the FN was present in the several layers of the duodenum and the cellular and plasmatic FN increased with the evolution of healing. In the test group the FN enhanced the wound healing within 5, 7 and 10 days after injury, when compared with the control group. CONCLUSION: The topical use of FN in duodenal sutured wounds in rats enhances healing by stimulating the appearence of fibroblasts into the wound site and development of granulation tissue. This acceleration of the repair process may have an important application in the healing of duodenal wounds.A fibronectina (FN, um componente da grande família das glicoproteínas do plasma e da matriz extracelular, desempenha um importante papel na cicatrização das feridas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da fibronectina na cicatrização de lesões duodenais suturadas, e estabelecer correlação dos parâmetros de cicatrização com os níveis tissulares e séricos da substância. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo experimental com 30 ratos Wistar adultos dividos em dois grupos. No grupo de controle (n=15 uma lesão duodenal suturada foi tratada com aplicação tópica de 1ml


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    L. A. Lyubskaya


    Full Text Available Objective: to compare clinical manifestations, course, mental status in duodenal ulcer (DU patients with a history of perforated ulcer and its uncomplicated course.Subjects and methods. One hundred and thirteen patents with DU were examined. Group 1 included 61 patients with uncomplicated DUand Group 2 comprised 52 patients with a history of perforated ulcer. A comparison group consisted of 20 patients who had undergone laparotomy. Physical and mental status examinations, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS, and 24-hour pH-metry were performed.Results. Classical pain syndrome was observed in 75 % of the patients with uncomplicated DU. Prior to perforation, the pain and dyspeptic syndromes were distinguished only by a significantly lower degree in Group 2; following perforation, the pain syndrome was recorded more frequently, it was more extensive, meal-unrelated, and similar to that in the patients who had undergone laparotomy and had diminished appetite (36.5 %. EGDS showed that the complicated course was accompanied by the significantly higher incidence of erosive esophagitis (21.2 %, gastritis (51.9 %, duodenitis (25.0 %, multiple ulcers (28.8 %, and larger ulcers. 24-hour pH-metry indicated that the level of hyperacidity in Group 2 was higher and the circadian intragastric pH variations were less marked than those in uncomplicated DU. The patients with a history of perforated ulcer showed a high rate of anxiety and depressive changes. Conclusion. In complicated DU, marked monotonic hyperacidity causes common erosive-ulcerative lesions in the gastroduodenal area in relatively mild pain syndrome, late referrals, and long-term ulcer healing. After perforation followed by wound closure, the pain and dyspeptic syndromes become more pronounced, which is associated with anxiety and depressive changes in the mental status, as well as with early referrals and less healing time.

  16. Los costos de la expedición militar a Chile, 1815-1818

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    Beatriz Bragoni


    Full Text Available Este trabajo explora las estrategias utilizadas para financiar la creación y el sostenimiento del Ejército de los Andes y los instrumentos fiscales utilizados para conseguirlo. El análisis de los distintos rubros que integraban las cajas del ejército permite examinar el peso de los recursos aportados por el gobierno central y por la jurisdicción cuyana. Asimismo, analiza el destino de los fondos a través del estudio de los presupuestos del ejército, con el objetivo de ponderar el peso que tuvieron los salarios en el total de los gastos militares durante la etapa previa al cruce de los Andes, y en la posterior, cuando el ejército estaba en Chile bajo severas condiciones fiscales de los gobiernos patriotas.


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    Anselmo Peinado


    Full Text Available En los años sesenta surge en España una corriente de reflexión sociológica que constituye la (mal llamada metodología cualitativa en nuestro país. Paradoja viva, pues la libertad con la que se erigió ese edificio teórico y metodológico nacía precisamente de la falta de libertad política y de pensamiento de aquellos años terribles. Contra el saber oficial, y alejada también de toda ortodoxia de la «contestación», fue articulando una reflexión viva y problemática de la realidad social, concebida como teoría crítica. Nada debe en sus presupuestos, en sus hallazgos, en su formulación..., a la sociología anglosajona que predominaba en aquellos años, o a la que nos ha ido llegando posteriormente. Contra el dato y su reificación imaginaria, esta metodología propuso de modo radical un giro de la perspectiva de la investigación hacia el lenguaje, entendido como discurso social, en el sentido fuerte del concepto, y no como mera colección de enunciados, alejándose también de las concepciones más o menos subjetivistas del sentido. Contra el saber disciplinar entendió la investigación como un cruce de caminos que aborda una tarea inacabable porque su cierre es imposible desde un punto de vista lógico. Propuso entonces la escucha del sentido, que nunca coincide con la significación, e incluyó el análisis de la enunciación para comprenderlo... Hablamos de una corriente completamente autóctona y perfectamente fundamentada en sus niveles epistemológico, metodológico, y técnico, cuya pervivencia hoy día es más que dudosa: se disuelve en el saber universitario, en el interior del magma de las citas de autores, corrientes y disciplinas. Se pervierte en su aplicación comercial, donde la discontinuidad parece ya asegurada, en beneficio del discurso del márketing; y corre el riesgo de perder toda vigencia en áreas sociales de estudio (como la Salud, donde entran perspectivas anglosajonas más pobres, sin encontrar

  18. Genesis of the gossan at the Las Cruces Ore Deposit (SW Spain). Groundwater-Rock Interaction. (United States)

    Scheiber, L.; Ayora, C.; Vázquez-Suñé, E.; Soler, A.


    The Las Cruces deposit has sparked an interest in the scientific community due to the exceptional genesis and mineralogical composition. The original gossan formed by goethite and hematite has been replaced by siderite and galena rock. The current gossan composition is as the result of the interaction of groundwater that circulates through the Niebla-Posadas aquifer and a gossan formed by Fe-oxyhydroxides. The groundwater conditions promoted the reductive dissolution of Pb-bearing goethite by the organic matter degradation and the formation of siderite and galena. Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater endorses this hypothesis. Thus, negative Eh values, the existence of H2S and the tendency to light sulfate isotope values show the reducing conditions of groundwater. The key role of the organic matter degradation is marked by the high ammonium, boron and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations together the light δ13C values, both in groundwater and siderite. The siderite precipitation is confirmed by the high pH values (up to 10), the low amount of Fe (<10ppb) and the thermodynamic calculations. The Fe-oxyhydroxides are a high adsorption capacity which is capable of absorbing metals as arsenic, lead and antimony. The reductive dissolution of these minerals involves the release of these metal to groundwater. Then, the groundwater rich in sulfur and an excess of lead produce the galena precipitation. The likeness between the δ34S values, both the gossan and groundwater, reveals that the sulfur of the galena come from the currently groundwater. A reactive transport model confirm that the present day groundwater flux and composition is able to form the siderite rock in less than 1Ma, with no external supply of reactants. The limiting factor of the process is the Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) concentration in groundwater, i.e., higher concentrations would decrease the formation time, whereas the result is not sensitive to flow conditions.

  19. Judith Butler en Argentina. Recepción y polémicas en torno a la teoría de la performatividad del género

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    Nayla Luz Vacarezza


    por más de dos décadas. Su recepción no fue uniforme ya que, en cada país de habla hispana, estuvo condicionada por el interés y las resistencias que generaron sus arriesgadas tesis en los feminismos y en los Estudios de Género, por los anacronismos propios de la traducción y por las dinámicas propias de la academia y de la industria editorial. En Argentina, las primeras traducciones de textos de Butler comienzan a publicarse y circular en la década del noventa en revistas que no estaban totalmente dedicadas a la teoría o al quehacer académico, pero tampoco al activismo desprovisto de conceptos y modos de pensar académicos. Este artículo explora las distintas vías de recepción, lectura y utilización de los conceptos de la teoría de la performatividad del género en Argentina, así como también las polémicas que se generaron en torno a ella, focalizando sobre las tensiones y los cruces entre el activismo y la academia, dos campos que propongo pensar como espacios de disputas con fronteras mucho más frágiles y porosas de lo que muchas veces se supone.

  20. SU-D-BRA-06: Duodenal Interfraction Motion with Abdominal Compression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witztum, A; Holyoake, D; Warren, S; Partridge, M; Hawkins, M


    Purpose: To quantify the effect of abdominal compression on duodenal motion during pancreatic radiotherapy. Methods: Seven patients treated for pancreatic cancer were selected for analysis. Four patients were treated with abdominal compression and three without. The duodenum was contoured by the same physician on each CBCT (five CBCTs for patients with compression, four for non-compression patients). CBCTs were rigidly registered using a soft tissue match and contours were copied to the delivered plans which were all radical (BED > 50 Gy). The distance between the duodenum on the planning CT and each CBCT was quantified by calculating the root mean square (RMS) distance. The DVHs of each abdominal compression patient was converted to an EQD2 DVH (alpha/beta = 10) using an in-house tool and volumes receiving at least 25, 35, 45, and 50 Gy were recorded. Results: The maximum variation in duodenal volumes on the CBCTs for the four abdominal compression patients were 19.1 cm 3 (32.8%), 19.1 cm 3 (20.6%), 19.9 cm 3 (14.3%), and 12.9 cm 3 (27.3%) compared to 15.2 cm 3 (17.6%), 34.7 cm 3 (83.4%), and 56 cm 3 (60.2%) for non-compression patients. The average RMS distance between the duodenum on the planning CT and each CBCT for all abdominal compression patients was 0.3 cm compared to 0.7 cm for non-compressed patients. The largest (and average) difference between the planning CT and CBCTs in volume of duodenum receiving more than 25, 35, 45 and 50 Gy for abdominal compression patients was 11% (5%), 9% (3%), 9% (2%), and 6% (1%). Conclusion: Abdominal compression reduces variation in volume and absolute position of the duodenum throughout treatment. This is seen as an improvement but does not eliminate the need to consider dosimetric effects of motion. Abdominal compression is particularly useful in SBRT when only a few fractions are delivered. Alon Witztum is supported by an MRC/Gray Institute DPhil Studentship. Daniel Holyoake is supported by a CRUK/Nuffield Clinical

  1. SU-D-BRA-06: Duodenal Interfraction Motion with Abdominal Compression

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Witztum, A; Holyoake, D; Warren, S; Partridge, M; Hawkins, M [CRUK/MRC Oxford Institute for Radiation Oncology, Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford (United Kingdom)


    Purpose: To quantify the effect of abdominal compression on duodenal motion during pancreatic radiotherapy. Methods: Seven patients treated for pancreatic cancer were selected for analysis. Four patients were treated with abdominal compression and three without. The duodenum was contoured by the same physician on each CBCT (five CBCTs for patients with compression, four for non-compression patients). CBCTs were rigidly registered using a soft tissue match and contours were copied to the delivered plans which were all radical (BED > 50 Gy). The distance between the duodenum on the planning CT and each CBCT was quantified by calculating the root mean square (RMS) distance. The DVHs of each abdominal compression patient was converted to an EQD2 DVH (alpha/beta = 10) using an in-house tool and volumes receiving at least 25, 35, 45, and 50 Gy were recorded. Results: The maximum variation in duodenal volumes on the CBCTs for the four abdominal compression patients were 19.1 cm{sup 3} (32.8%), 19.1 cm{sup 3} (20.6%), 19.9 cm{sup 3} (14.3%), and 12.9 cm{sup 3} (27.3%) compared to 15.2 cm{sup 3} (17.6%), 34.7 cm{sup 3} (83.4%), and 56 cm{sup 3} (60.2%) for non-compression patients. The average RMS distance between the duodenum on the planning CT and each CBCT for all abdominal compression patients was 0.3 cm compared to 0.7 cm for non-compressed patients. The largest (and average) difference between the planning CT and CBCTs in volume of duodenum receiving more than 25, 35, 45 and 50 Gy for abdominal compression patients was 11% (5%), 9% (3%), 9% (2%), and 6% (1%). Conclusion: Abdominal compression reduces variation in volume and absolute position of the duodenum throughout treatment. This is seen as an improvement but does not eliminate the need to consider dosimetric effects of motion. Abdominal compression is particularly useful in SBRT when only a few fractions are delivered. Alon Witztum is supported by an MRC/Gray Institute DPhil Studentship. Daniel Holyoake is

  2. A Prospective Study of Periodontal Disease and Risk of Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer in Male Health Professionals


    Boylan, Matthew R; Khalili, Hamed; Huang, Edward S; Michaud, Dominique S; Izard, Jacques; Joshipura, Kaumudi J; Chan, Andrew T


    OBJECTIVES: Periodontal disease has been associated with higher circulating levels of inflammatory markers and conditions associated with chronic inflammation, including vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Limited data exist on the relationship between periodontal disease and gastric and duodenal ulcer. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study of 49,120 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, aged 40–75 years at enrollment in 1986. Biennially, we assessed periodo...

  3. Estimation of the duodenal flow of microbial nitrogen in ruminants based on the chemical composition of forages: a literature review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gosselink, J.M.J.; Poncet, C.; Dulphy, J.P.; Cone, J.W.


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the estimation of the duodenal flow of microbial nitrogen (N) in ruminants fed forage only, per kilogram of dry matter (DM) intake, which is the yield of microbial protein (YMP). The estimation was based on the chemical composition of forages. A data file

  4. Laparoscopic treatment of a phytobezoar in the duodenal diverticulum – Report of a case (United States)

    Pergel, Ahmet; Yucel, Ahmet Fikret; Aydin, Ibrahim; Sahin, Dursun Ali


    INTRODUCTION Primer small intestine bezoar is seen rarely. It frequently arises from underlying small intestine pathologies (diverticle, tumor, stricture etc.). We report a very rare case of disopyrobezoar in the duodenal diverticulum, a kind of phytobezoar caused by persimmons, which was treated laparoscopically. PRESENTATION OF CASE The 47-year-old patient applied to polyclinic with complaints of epigastric tenderness, occasional distension, and acid regurgitation. In endoscopical examination, impacted bezoar was determined in the diverticulum in the duodenum. Because it is too hard, it was unable to remove endoscopically. On the abdominal tomography, a smooth-bounded non-homogeneous mass including gas and soft tissue areas in the 2nd portion of the duodenum was detected. A barium meal confirmed the presence of a 5 cm diameter diverticulum on the lateral wall of the second portion of the duodenum. It also showed an intraluminalfilling defect as well as the mottled appearance of the bezoar. Learned from history of the patient, that the patient consumed over persimmon in childhood. DISCUSSION Generally, duodenal diverticles are asymptomatic. Surgical treatment is rarely necessary because of complications such as bleeding, perforation, abdominal pain, bezoar formation. As well as using methods such as gastric lavage, enzymatic dissolution, endoscopical fragmentation in the treatment of phytobezoar, their chances of success are low because its structure is rigid. Usually, surgical intervention is required. CONCLUSION For the treatments of bezoar cases located in the small intestine, laparoscopic surgical method is a safe and feasible method in selected cases. PMID:22659120

  5. Controversies in the Helicobacter pylori/duodenal ulcer story. (United States)

    Hobsley, Michael; Tovey, Frank I; Holton, John


    In patients with Helicobacter pylori-positive duodenal ulcer (DU), the organism must be eradicated to achieve rapid, stable healing. However, evidence is against much else that is commonly accepted. (1) Does H. pylori cause the ulcer? Evidence against includes archaeopathology, geographical prevalence, temporal relationships and H. pylori-negative DU patients. DU can recur after eradication of H. pylori infection, and DUs may remain healed after reduction of acid secretion despite persistent infection. The faster healing of ulcers when H. pylori has been eradicated is due to the organism's interference with neoangiogenesis and the healing of wounded epithelial cells. (2) Does H. pylori infection persist until pharmacologically eradicated? Studies based on current infection show that H. pylori infection is a labile state that can change in 3 months. High rates of gastric acid secretion result in spontaneous cure, whereas low rates permit re-infection. Hydrochloric acid, necessary for producing a DU, is strongly associated with the likelihood of an ulcer. At the start, patients owe their ulcer to gastric hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid; approximately 60% may be H. pylori-negative. If acid is suppressed, the less acid milieu encourages invasion by H. pylori, especially if the strain is virulent.

  6. Duodenal Atresia: Open versus MIS Repair—Analysis of Our Experience over the Last 12 Years

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    Salvatore Fabio Chiarenza


    Full Text Available Objective. Duodenal atresia (DA routinely has been corrected by laparotomy and duodenoduodenostomy with excellent long-term results. We revisited the patients with DA treated in the last 12 years (2004–2016 comparing the open and the minimally invasive surgical (MIS approach. Methods. We divided our cohort of patients into two groups. Group 1 included 10 patients with CDO (2004–09 treated with open procedure: 5, DA; 3, duodenal web; 2, extrinsic obstruction. Three presented with Down’s syndrome while 3 presented with concomitant malformations. Group 2 included 8 patients (2009–16: 1, web; 5, DA; 2, extrinsic obstruction. Seven were treated by MIS; 1 was treated by Endoscopy. Three presented with Down’s syndrome; 3 presented with concomitant malformations. Results. Average operating time was 120 minutes in Group 1 and 190 minutes in Group 2. In MIS Group the visualization was excellent. We recorded no intraoperative complications, conversions, or anastomotic leakage. Feedings started on 3–7 postoperative days. Follow-up showed no evidence of stricture or obstruction. In Group 1 feedings started within 10–22 days and we have 1 postoperative obstruction. Conclusions. Laparoscopic repair of DA is one of the most challenging procedures among pediatric laparoscopic procedures. These patients had a shorter length of hospitalization and more rapid advancement to full feeding compared to patients undergoing the open approach. Laparoscopic repair of DA could be the preferred technique, safe, and efficacious, in the hands of experienced surgeons.

  7. Study of nerve fibers nature reinforcing duodenal contractions by electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerve

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    Sveshnikov D.S.


    Full Text Available The subject of the article is to investigate the mechanism of increased reactions by electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nerve. Materials and methods: Experiments on dogs have shown that stimulant reactions during blockade of a-adrenergic by phentolamine and (3-adrenergic receptors with propranolol were completely eliminated by lizer-gol —the blocker of 5-HT12-receptors. Results: Infusion of lizergol did not influence on duodenal motor activity and the function of the vagus nerve. Conclusion: Effector neuron is found out to be serotonergic and its action is provided by 5-HT1 2 receptors

  8. Cytotoxic T cells are preferentially activated in the duodenal epithelium from patients with florid coeliac disease. (United States)

    Buri, Caroline; Burri, Philipp; Bähler, Peter; Straumann, Alex; Müller-Schenker, Beatrice; Birrer, Stefan; Mueller, Christoph


    Villous atrophy and increased numbers of intraepithelial T cells in duodenal biopsies represent a hallmark of coeliac disease. In the present study, an attempt has been made to define whether cytotoxic cell subsets are activated in situ in the affected mucosa of susceptible individuals early after ingestion of a gluten-containing diet. Duodenal biopsies from 11 patients with coeliac disease who repeatedly underwent endoscopic biopsy after ingestion of individually dosed amounts of gluten were used for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. To identify the cell subsets expressing perforin mRNA and protein, in situ hybridization and FACS analyses were performed on cells isolated from fresh biopsies. Compared with normal mucosa, the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes containing perforin mRNA and protein increased significantly in tissue samples showing moderate or florid coeliac disease and closely paralleled the severity of morphological alteration, whereas the frequency of perforin-expressing lamina propria lymphocytes increased only moderately. Cells isolated from florid biopsies that expressed perforin mRNA and protein were preferentially T-cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta T cells. The increase in both the absolute number and the percentage of lymphocytes expressing perforin mRNA indicates in situ activation of lymphocytes within the epithelial compartment in florid coeliac disease upon ingestion of a gluten-containing diet in patients predisposed to coeliac disease. Copyright 2005 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

  9. Uranium disequilibrium investigation of the Las Cruces East Mesa Geothermal Field

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gross, J.; Cochran, J.; Icerman, L.


    The concentration of dissolved uranium in 33 thermal and nonthermal groundwaters was found to vary from less than 1 part per billion to 285 parts per billion. The uranium-234 to uranium-238 alpha activity ratio of the 33 samples varied from 0.8 to 4.6. Young waters in the recharge area of the Jornada del Muerto Basin are characterized by low uranium concentrations and high activity ratios. Uranium concentrations of groundwaters increase down hydraulic gradient. Concentrations and activity ratios of dissolved uranium in Mesilla Valley groundwater exhibit wide variation and appear to be related to both short-term and long-term removal of groundwater from storage. Geothermal waters exhibit low uranium concentrations and activity ratios. The water produced from New Mexico State University geothermal wells appears to be a mixture of deep upwelling geothermal water and shallow Jornada del Muerto Basin water. The low activity ratio of water from an 800 meter geothermal well may be the result of thermally-induced isotopic equilibration. Isotopic equilibration suggests that higher temperatures may be found deeper within the reservoir


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    Agustina Yañez


    Full Text Available Se cita por primera vez para la flora argentina a Dennstaedtia dissecta, hallada en la provincia de Misiones. Este nuevo registro surgió del estudio de ejemplares de los herbarios BA y LP, y luego se corroboró con colecciones realizadas en los Parques Provinciales Cruce Caballero y Urugua-í. Además de las características del rizoma y la lámina, las esporas resultaron una importante fuente de información en la identificación de esta especie. Se describen e ilustran los caracteres diagnósticos, y se incluye una clave para identificar a las especies de Dennstaedtia presentes en Misiones.

  11. Efecto del corredor vial Buga-Buenaventura, ubicado en la reserva natural bosque de Yotoco (Valle del Cauca, Colombia en la comunidad de mamíferos y fundamento para una propuesta de corredores artificiales

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    Wendy Francy López Meneses


    de movilidad de la fauna, por la carretera Buga-Buenaventura que pasa a través de la Reserva Natural Bosque de Yotoco, Valle del Cauca. La caracterización topográfica y fisionómica de la vegetación mostró un mosaico de diez ambientes asociados a la carretera los cuales se asociaron con los puntos captura, de observación y de atropellamiento. Se encontró que individuos de Melanomys caliginosus, Oryzomys talamancae, Rhipidomys mastacalis y Marmosa robinsoni, recapturados en más de tres ocasiones, tienden a moverse paralelamente a la carretera, sin ninguna evidencia de cruce. A pesar de que no hubo recapturas de individuos de las especies de mamíferos voladores Anoura cauddifer, Artibeus jamaicensis, Artibeus sp., Carollia brevicauda, Desmodus rotundus, Glosophaga Soricina, Sturnira luisi y Myotis riparius se puede afirmar que cruzan indiferentemente la carretera, viven en los desagues bajo esta y algunos forrajean en el borde. Particularmente Myotis riparius se ve atraída por los insectos que llegan por efecto de la luz vehicular. Los mamíferos medianos y grandes Cebus capucinus, Alouatta seniculus, Potos flavus, Aotus sp., Bradypus variegatus y Choloepus hoffmanni, forrajean en el día y en la noche cerca del borde, algunos individuos de Cebus capucinus y Alouatta seniculus fueron vistos cruzando la carretera del fragmento pequeño al grande. La fragmentación de hábitat ocasionada por dicha carretera es evidente y está ocasionando un aislamiento total en las especies de pequeños mamíferos y genera peligro de atropellamiento para algunas especies de murciélagos y monos que la cruzan. Ambientes hostiles como helechales, pastizales, cañaduzales y deslizamientos penetran cada vez más hacia el interior de cada fragmento, aislando las poblaciones y abriendo paso a fauna doméstica y a personas que se adentran a la reserva a cazar o a saquear recursos de supervivencia para la fauna nativa, al tiempo que introducen desechos, plagas (Rattus rattus

  12. Challenging diagnosis — Icterus associated with a single perforating duodenal ulcer after long-term nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug administration in a dog (United States)


    Abstract A dog developed icterus, vomiting, and anorexia 2 wk after orthopedic surgery and treatment with meloxicam for approximately 1 y. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a single perforated duodenal ulcer. The most likely cause of the hyperbilirubinemia was intrahepatic cholestasis resulting from peritonitis associated with the perforation. PMID:15283521

  13. A nutritional and physical assessment of obese patients 24 months post bileopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch


    Warmbrodt, Nicole Sonja


    Backgound/aim of the study: A large number of obese people chose to travel to different countries to undergo biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch surgery before the Norwegian government chose to increase funding for this kind of procedures in 2003. There was not much experience and knowledge for follow-up treatment for this patient group in our country. Therefore a lot of the patients from all over Norway were referred to dr. Serena Tonstad at the Department of Preventive Cardiology...

  14. Resultados preliminares del forraje de Morus alba en la alimentación de vacas lecheras

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    M. Milera


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en evaluar el potencial del forraje de M. alba con vacas mestizas para la producción de leche. El trabajo se desarrolló en Cuba, la cual se encuentra localizada entre los 19° y 81’ de longitud oeste. La Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes “Indio Hatuey” está ubicada en el municipio de Perico, provincia de Matanzas, sobre un suelo ferralítico rojo, a los 22° 40’ 7’’ de latitud norte y 81° 2’ de longitud oeste, a una altura de 10.91 msnm. La evaluación se hizo con vacas mestizas del cruce Holstein x Cebú, que tenían 54 días de lactancia. El estudio se dividió en dos periodos: en el primero (que duró 53 días se suministró el forraje de morera ad libitum, sin trocear, y se pastoreó de forma restringida en gramíneas mejoradas de secano, sin fertilización; en el segundo periodo, los animales dispusieron de pastoreo de gramíneas mejoradas con un 10% de un área establecida con Leucaena leucocephala y recibieron forraje de morera restringido hasta el 1% del peso vivo; éste tuvo una duración de 87 días. Se determinó la disponibilidad de pasto, la composición bromatológica y el consumo de forraje de Morus alba, así como la producción de leche de las vacas. El forraje de morera presentó altos va- lores de proteína y bajos contenidos de fibra; los consumos en el primer periodo llegaron hasta 2.7% del peso vivo. La producción de leche promedio fue de 10.6 kg/vaca/día durante los 140 días de evaluación y la máxima producción se registró en los primeros 53 días (1 kg/vaca/día. Los resultados demostraron la alta calidad de la morera cuando se utiliza como forraje para la alimentación de vacas mestizas. En las condiciones evaluadas, es posible obtener producciones de 10 litros por animal diariamente, cuando se utiliza el forraje de morera en adición al pasto de especies mejoradas, sin suplementación de concentrados.

  15. Laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy versus duodenal stenting in unresectable gastric cancer with gastric outlet obstruction. (United States)

    Min, Sa-Hong; Son, Sang-Yong; Jung, Do-Hyun; Lee, Chang-Min; Ahn, Sang-Hoon; Park, Do Joong; Kim, Hyung-Ho


    To compare the outcome between laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy (LapGJ) and duodenal stenting (DS) in terms of oral intake, nutritional status, patency duration, effect on chemotherapy and survival. Medical records of 115 patients, who had LapGJ or duodenal stent placement between July 2005 and September 2015 in Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, have been reviewed retrospectively. Oral intake was measured with Gastric Outlet Obstruction Scoring System. Serum albumin and body weight was measured as indicators of nutritional status. The duration of patency was measured until the date of reintervention. Chemotherapy effect was calculated after the procedures. Survival period and oral intake was analyzed by propensity score matching age, sex, T-stage, comorbidities, and chemotherapy status. Forty-three LapGJ patients and 58 DS patients were enrolled. Improvement in oral intake was shown in LapGJ group versus DS group (88% vs. 59%, P = 0.011). Serum albumin showed slight but significant increase after LapGJ (+0.75 mg/dL vs. -0.15 mg/dL, P = 0.002); however, there was no difference in their body weight (+5.1 kg vs. -1.0 kg, P = 0.670). Patients tolerated chemotherapy longer without dosage reduction after LapGJ (243 days vs . 74 days, P = 0.006) and maintained the entire chemotherapy regimen after the procedure longer in LapGJ group (247 days vs. 137 days, P = 0.042). LapGJ showed significantly longer survival than DS (220 vs. 114 days, P = 0.004). DS can provide faster symptom relief but LapGJ can provide improved oral intake, better compliance to chemotherapy, and longer survival. Therefore, LapGJ should be the first choice in gastric outlet obstruction patients for long-term and better quality of life.

  16. Handlebar Hernia With Jejunal and Duodenal Injuries: A Case Report

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    Ching-Wen Huang


    Full Text Available Traumatic abdominal wall hernia is an uncommon complication of abdominal blunt trauma. Handlebar hernia is even more infrequent. To the best of our knowledge, there are fewer than 30 cases of handlebar hernia reported in the English literature. Associated intra-abdominal injuries are infrequent. We present a case of handlebar hernia with jejunal and duodenal injuries. Emergency surgical intervention included primary repair of the disrupted musculofascial defect and injuries of the duodenum and jejunum. Bile- stained discharge from the drain tube was noted, so a second operation was performed about 7 days after the first. Leakage from the sutured jejunal perforation and another irregular perforation in the posterior wall of the fourth portion of the duodenum were noted. The two perforations were debrided and repaired. The muscular and fascial defects were debrided and closed with interrupted sutures. The patient recovered smoothly and was discharged 30 days after the blunt injury. No other major complication was noted 11 months after surgery.

  17. Comparative study between magnesium sulphate and L-hyoscyamine on duodenal motility during ERCP under general anaesthesia: A prospective randomized study

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    Emad El Hefnawy, MD


    Conclusion: Magnesium sulphate is a safe spasmolytic agent during general anaesthesia that improves the success rate of ERCP and it allows easy completion of the procedure by decreasing the duodenal motility. It decreases the duration of the procedure, subsequently shortens the period of anaesthesia and improves post procedure recovery. It reduces post ERCP pancreatitis, nausea and vomiting.

  18. [Duodenal Linphoma asociated to Strongyloides stercoralis infection. Two types of HTLV-1 infection]. (United States)

    Guevara Miranda, Julissa; Guzmán Rojas, Patricia; Espinoza-Ríos, Jorge; Mejía Cordero, Fernando


    Infection by the Human T- Lymphotropic virus I (HTLV-1) causes Adult T cell Leukemia-lymphoma (ATLL), being the duodenal involvement rare. Commonly, patients co-infected with HTLV-1 and Strongyloides stercoralis are seen due to the lack of TH2 response found on these patients. We describe a 48-year- old woman, from the jungle of Peru, with a family history of HTLV-1 infection, who presented with a History of chronic diarrhea and weight loss. HTLV-1 infection with ATLL and strongyloidiasis were diagnosed. Ivermectin treatment and chemotherapy were initiated, being stabilized, and discharged. We report this case because of the unusual coexistence in the duodenum of ATLL and strongyloidiasis.

  19. Giardiasis intestinal: estudio de 60 pacientes Intestinal giardiasis: study of 60 patients

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    Nuris Rodríguez Vargas


    Full Text Available Se investiga, en un período de tiempo de 6 meses, a 60 pacientes en edades comprendidas entre 1 y 14 años. Los pacientes provenían del área de salud del Policlínico «19 de Abril» y acudieron a consulta por presentar vómitos y dolor abdominal de forma aislada o conjunta. Se analizaron variables como la edad y el sexo y se realizaron estudios relacionados con la búsqueda de enfermedades enterales por parásitos protozoarios, específicamente ocasionadas por Giardias lamblia. Para ello se indicó estudio parasitológico de las heces, estudio parasitológico del contenido duodenal mediante intubación, examen radiológico contrastado de esófago, estómago y duodeno y análisis de la inmunidad humoral. El mayor número de niños estaba en el grupo de 1 a 4 años (28 pacientes y le siguieron en frecuencia los de 5 a 8 años (20 niños. Predominó el sexo masculino con un total de 38 pacientes. El hallazgo de Giardias lamblia en las heces recién emitidas se registró en más de la mitad de los casos (33 pacientes, mientras que el estudio duodenal fue positivo en 45 pacientes, lo cual evidencia un mayor valor diagnóstico en el análisis del aspirado duodenal. Los resultados de la radiografía de estómago y duodeno detectaron 41 casos de duodenitis, lo cual corroboró los hallazgos de la exploración física. En 43 pacientes se pudo realizar un estudio de inmunoelectroforesis y 29 de ellos presentaron disminución de la IgA.

  20. Theobromine does not affect postprandial lipid metabolism and duodenal gene expression, but has unfavorable effects on postprandial glucose and insulin responses in humans. (United States)

    Smolders, Lotte; Mensink, Ronald P; Boekschoten, Mark V; de Ridder, Rogier J J; Plat, Jogchum


    Chocolate consumption is associated with a decreased risk for CVD. Theobromine, a compound in cocoa, may explain these effects as it favorably affected fasting serum lipids. However, long-term effects of theobromine on postprandial metabolism as well as underlying mechanisms have never been studied. The objective was to evaluate the effects of 4-week theobromine consumption (500 mg/day) on fasting and postprandial lipid, lipoprotein and glucose metabolism, and duodenal gene expression. In a randomized, double-blind crossover study, 44 healthy men and women, with low baseline HDL-C concentrations consumed 500 mg theobromine or placebo daily. After 4-weeks, fasting blood was sampled and subjects participated in a 4-h postprandial test. Blood was sampled frequently for analysis of lipid and glucose metabolism. In a subgroup of 10 men, 5 h after meal consumption duodenal biopsies were taken for microarray analysis. 4-weeks theobromine consumption lowered fasting LDL-C (-0.21 mmol/L; P = 0.006), and apoB100 (-0.04 g/L; P = 0.022), tended to increase HDL-C (0.03 mmol/L; P = 0.088) and increased hsCRP (1.2 mg/L; P = 0.017) concentrations. Fasting apoA-I, TAG, FFA, glucose and insulin concentrations were unchanged. In the postprandial phase, theobromine consumption increased glucose (P = 0.026), insulin (P = 0.011) and FFA (P = 0.003) concentrations, while lipids and (apo)lipoproteins were unchanged. In duodenal biopsies, microarray analysis showed no consistent changes in expression of genes, pathways or gene sets related to lipid, cholesterol or glucose metabolism. It is not likely that the potential beneficial effects of cocoa on CVD can be ascribed to theobromine. Although theobromine lowers serum LDL-C concentrations, it did not change fasting HDL-C, apoA-I, or postprandial lipid concentrations and duodenal gene expression, and unfavorably affected postprandial glucose and insulin responses. This trial was registered on under

  1. The evolution of anti-ulcer therapy with cimetidine. Is a single large nocturnal dose of cimetidine the right therapy for duodenal ulcer? (United States)

    Barbara, L; Corinaldesi, B; Stanghellini, V; Paternicò, A; Fabbri, L; Sacco, T


    Peptic ulcer results from the prevalence of agents causing endoluminal lesions over the defence mechanisms of the mucosa of the upper GI tract. Particularly, in the case of duodenal ulcer, the pathogenetic relevance of non-buffered acid secretion of the early nighttime period has been emphasized. This is indeed confirmed by the fact that a single night dose of 800 mg cimetidine has apparently been proved able--in numerous controlled clinical trials--to provide results that are similar to those obtained with the classic dose of 1 g daily or 400 mg twice daily. Our centre carried out a crossover double-blind controlled trial aimed at evaluating titrable acidity and pH during the 24-h period in seven patients with active duodenal ulcer. The single nighttime dose of cimetidine resulted in a significant and long-lasting inhibition of acid secretion during the entire night. During the day, secretory values returned to levels similar to those obtained with placebo, hence allowing normal digestive functions.

  2. Surgery for nonobese type 2 diabetic patients: an interventional study with duodenal-jejunal exclusion. (United States)

    Geloneze, Bruno; Geloneze, Sylka R; Fiori, Carla; Stabe, Christiane; Tambascia, Marcos A; Chaim, Elinton A; Astiarraga, Brenno D; Pareja, Jose Carlos


    A 24-week interventional prospective trial was performed to compare the benefits of open duodenal-jejunal exclusion surgery (GJB) with a matched control group on standard medical care. One-hundred eighty patients were screened for the surgical approach. Twelve patients accepted to be operated and presented the full eligibility criteria for surgery that includes overweight BMI (25-29.9 kg/m2), T2DM diagnosis for less than 15 years, insulin-treated patients, no history of major complications, preserved beta-cell function, and absence of autoimmunity. A matched control group (CG) of patients whom refused surgical treatment was placed to receive standard care. Patients had age of 50 (5) years, time of diagnosis 9 years (range, 3 to 15 years), time of insulin usage 6 months (range, 3 to 48 months), fasting glucose (FG), 9.8 (2.5) mg/dL, and glycated hemoglobin (A1C) 8.90 (2.12)%. At 24 weeks after surgery, patients experienced greater reductions on FG (14% vs. 7% on CG), A1C (from 8.78 to 7.84 in GJB-p<0.01 and 8.93 to 8.71 in CG; p<0.05 between groups) and reductions on average daily insulin requirement (93% vs. 29%, p<0.01). Ten patients stopped insulin usage in GJB but they remain taking oral medications. No differences were observed in both groups regarding BMI, body distribution and composition, blood pressure, and lipids. In conclusion, duodenal-jejunal exclusion was an effective treatment for nonobese T2DM subjects. GJB was superior to standard care in achieving better glycemic control along with reduction in insulin requirements.

  3. Modified Marsh Classification of the Duodenal Biopsies of a Large Database Covering 10 Years

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    Cansu Abayli


    Full Text Available Purpose: Celiac is an autoimmune disease caused by of gluten proteins which can be found in multi-grain food like wheat, barley and oat. The disease affects more than 1% of population and characterized by intestinal inflammation. In celiac disease, mucosal damage is a dynamic process. It is shown that it has autoimmune components. It is also T-Cell mediated and can be categorised as a chronic inflammatory disease. The purpose of this study is to make modified Marsh classification of the duodenal biopsies that came to our department in the 10 years. The study deals with reassessment of all events and uncovering the low graded events that were not diagnosed. Material and Methods: 467 biopsies (diagnosed between 2001 and 2011 at the Cukurova University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology were taken and analyzed by two pathologists. Each sample was reevaluated without taking the previous reports into consideration and scored by using modified Marsh classification. Results: According to Modified Marsh Classification total of 48 cases were diagnosed as Type 1. Total of 6 cases according to Modified Marsh Classification was diagnosed as Type 2. Total of 11 cases according to Modified Marsh Classification was diagnosed as Type 3a. Total of 5 cases, according to Modified Marsh Classification, was diagnosed as Type 3b. Total of 6 cases according to Modified Marsh Classification was diagnosed as Type 3c. Conclusion: As a result of this study, it has been found that Modified Marsh Classification is a very important standardization tool for detection of suspicious duodenal biopsies and for early case examinations.

  4. Validation of celiac disease diagnoses recorded in the Danish National Patient Register using duodenal biopsies, celiac disease-specific antibodies, and human leukocyte-antigen genotypes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dydensborg Sander, Stine; Størdal, Ketil; Plato Hansen, Tine


    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to validate the celiac disease diagnoses recorded in the Danish National Patient Register. To validate the diagnoses, we used information on duodenal biopsies from a national register of pathology reports (the Patobank) and information on celiac disease......-specific antibodies and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes obtained from patient medical records. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We included all the children who were born from 1995 to 2012 and who were registered as having celiac disease in the Danish National Patient Register. We reviewed all the pathology reports...... on duodenal biopsies in the Patobank and the information in the medical records on celiac disease-specific antibodies (ie, anti-tissue transglutaminase 2 IgA and IgG, endomysial antibodies IgA, and anti-deamidated gliadin peptide IgG) and HLA genotypes. RESULTS: We identified 2,247 children who were...

  5. The Attack on Panama City by Henry Morgan (United States)


    ambush his force before reaching the city. Morgan and his men moved all morning until they came to a small village called Venta de Cruces. As the...Morgan rested his men at Venta de Cruces while he prepared for what was still ahead. Venta de Cruces was the last stop on the Chagres river for Morgan...The men who broke the restriction were an example to the rest that perhaps their leader did know what he was doing. Morgan remained in Venta de Cruces

  6. Effects of diet acidification and xylanase supplementation on performance, nutrient digestibility, duodenal histology and gut microflora of broilers fed wheat based diet

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Esmaeilipour, O.; Moravej, H.; Shivazad, M.; Rezaian, M.; Aminzadeh, S.; Krimpen, van M.M.


    1. The objective of this experiment was to study the influences of xylanase and citric acid on the performance, nutrient digestibility, digesta viscosity, duodenal histology, and gut microflora of broilers fed on a wheat based diet. 2. The experiment was carried out as a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement

  7. The acute effects on duodenal gene expression in healthy men following consumption of a low-fat meal enriched with theobromine or fat

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smolders, Lotte; Mensink, Ronald P.; Boekschoten, Mark V.; Ridder, De Rogier J.J.; Plat, Jogchum


    Increasing apoA-I synthesis may improve HDL functionality and lower CVD risk. As theobromine and fat increase fasting apoA-I concentrations, and the intestine is involved in apoA-I production, the acute effects of both were studied on duodenal gene transcription to better understand underlying

  8. Small neuroendocrine tumor of the duodenal bulb: Endoscopic submucosal dissection, laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery or surgery?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolaos V Chrysanthos


    Full Text Available Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the gastric tube are less common than adenocarcinomas. Topography includes stomach, small intestine, Vater ampulla, and gross intestine. They are graded as neuroendocrine tumors grade I and II (NETs GI and GII and neuroendocrine carcinomas GIII based on Ki-67 index and mitotic count. [1] Endoscopic treatment for GI NETs ≤1 cm that does not extend beyond the submucosal layer and does not demonstrate lymph node metastasis is recommended. Tumors ≥2 cm, with lymph node metastasis, are indicated for surgical treatment. The treatment strategy for tumors between 10 and 20 mm in size remains controversial. [2] We present a rare case of a 60-year-old male patient with end-stage renal failure who underwent a screening pretransplantation endoscopic control. Colonoscopy had no pathological findings. Gastroscopy reveals an abnormal mucosa in the anterior upper part of the duodenal bulb that was described as a micronodular mucosa and a central nodule of 6 mm with erythematous mucosa. Histology of the micronodular mucosa reveals a heterotopic gastric mucosa and a small hyperplastic polyp. Biopsies from the nodule reveal a carcinoid tumor (NET GI. Immunohistochemistry: Positive chromogranin levels, low mitotic index (1/10 HPF, and Ki-67 index 2 cm and those of the duodenal bulb with histological extensions and the lack of assessing depth invasion.

  9. Vulnerabilidad de las mujeres migrantes en el cruce clandestino por Tamaulipas-Texas

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    Teresa Elizabeth CUEVA-LUNA


    Full Text Available Las mujeres que transitan de forma clandestina por las rutas terrestres conformadas históricamente por trabajadores masculinos que cruzan México hacia Estados Unidos, se exponen a numerosos riesgos. El objetivo de este documento es analizar desde una perspectiva de género tanto las amenazas que se concretan en riesgos específicos, como los recursos empleados por las mujeres estudiadas para continuar su recorrido y que constituyen factores de protección ante lo estresante del viaje. Como estudio exploratorio de corte cualitativo, se basa en los casos de 26 mujeres transitando por la frontera noreste de México. Entre los principales resultados destaca que a pesar de que sus recursos se van agotando durante el viaje y que algunas situaciones pueden incluso volverse en su contra, ellas se valen de sus recursos humanos, es decir, de sus habilidades y capacidades personales y apoyándose en sus creencias religiosas afrontan las crisis del camino y siguen adelante.

  10. The protective role of Aegle marmelos on aspirin-induced gastro-duodenal ulceration in albino rat model: a possible involvement of antioxidants. (United States)

    Das, Shyamal K; Roy, Chandan


    Gastro duodenal ulcer is a common disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Several Indian medicinal plants have been traditionally and extensively used to prevent different diseases. In the present research studies, Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos (AM), family: Rutaceae) which are also called as Bilva in ancient Sanskrit was used as a herbal drug and its antioxidative role in aspirin- induced gastroduodenal ulceration in albino rat was evaluated using essential biochemical parameters. Mucosal thickness (MT), ulcer index (UI), different biochemical parameters, such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduced glutathione (GSH), and lipid peroxidation (LPO) were measured in all the groups, to study the possible involvement of antioxidants with gastroduodenal protection. A significant decrease in MT, SOD and CAT activities and GSH level and a significant increase in UI, AST, ALT, and ALP activities and LPO level were observed in aspirin treated stomach and duodenum of albino rats. Pretreatment with AM fruit pulp extract for 14 consecutive days showed the reverse effects of aspirin suggesting gastro-duodenal protective and anti- ulcerogenic properties of AM through its antioxidant mechanism.

  11. Factores de riesgo psicosocial y síndrome de burnout en trabajadores de una empresa dedicada a la recreación y el entretenimiento educativo infantil en Bogotá D.C.

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    Eleonora Jiménez Barrero


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las demandas actuales de trabajo, las extensas jornadas laborales y la presión social, entre otras, pueden generar en el trabajador efectos negativos como depresión, ansiedad, problemas de sueño, estrés, y por ende poca motivación, inconformismo e inestabilidad laboral. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores de Riesgo Psicosocial, y el Síndrome de Desgaste Ocupacional en trabajadores de una empresa de recreación y entretenimiento educativo infantil. Metodología: Estudio cuali-cuantiativo. Se aplicó a una muestra de 72 trabajadores la ficha de datos socio-demográficos, los cuestionarios para la evaluación de factores de riesgo intralaboral y extralaboral diseñados y validados para Colombia por el Ministerio de Trabajo y el Cuestionario de evaluación del Síndrome del Quemarse por el trabajo (CESQT de Gil Monte. Se elaboraron distribuciones de frecuencia en los distintos factores y cruces de variables a través del software Epi-Info. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron que el 56% de los encuestados perciben un nivel de riesgo Intralaboral alto y muy alto. A nivel extralaboral, el 71% de los trabajadores se ubica en riesgo alto y muy alto; el 72% identifica el Desplazamiento vivienda-trabajo-vivienda en niveles de riesgo alto y muy alto. En el total de la prueba CESQT, 16 personas, se encuentran en nivel de riesgo Alto y Crítico. Conclusión: El cruce de variables mostró los niveles de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral como extralaboral altos y muy altos se encuentran correlacionados con niveles altos y críticos de la escala de culpa del CESQT en el 33% y el 29% de los encuestados respectivamente.

  12. Encuentros improbables: Cervantes y Shakespeare entre Borges y Burgess


    Martínez, Zenón Luis


    En sus biografías sobre Cervantes y Shakespeare, Luis Astrana Marín especuló con un encuentro entre ambos con ocasión de la ratificación en 1605 en Valladolid del Tratado de Londres. Este improbable encuentro ha seguido alimentando ficciones históricas y fantasías literarias. El cruce de caminos entre Cervantes y Shakespeare tiene lugar en torno a la perdida tragicomedia The History of Cardenio (1612?), atribuida a John Fletcher y William Shakespeare. La recon...

  13. Stereomicroscopic and ultrastructural characterization of propionitrile-induced duodenal ulcer in the rat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Steen Seier


    Acute duodenal ulcer produced by subcutaneous injection of propionitrile in rats was studied by stereo, light, and electron microscopy in order to gain insight into the localization and mechanism of initial cell injury. Stereomicroscopy revealed an initial fissuring and splitting of the tips...... of the villus folds within 4 hours after two injections of propionitrile. This was followed by sloughing of the epithelium, shortening and effacement of the villus folds, and within 24 hours the appearance of discrete ulcers in the mucosa of the proximal duodenum. In most of the rats, two ulcers developed......: the first and larger ulcer was on the antimesenteric side of the duodenum, and the other, a small and more superficial one, was on the opposite wall. Ultrastructural lesions appeared in the absorptive epithelial cells of the proximal duodenum within 5 hours following a single dose of propionitrile...

  14. Ability of commercially available dairy ration programs to predict duodenal flows of protein and essential amino acids in dairy cows. (United States)

    Pacheco, D; Patton, R A; Parys, C; Lapierre, H


    The objective of this analysis was to compare the rumen submodel predictions of 4 commonly used dairy ration programs to observed values of duodenal flows of crude protein (CP), protein fractions, and essential AA (EAA). The literature was searched and 40 studies, including 154 diets, were used to compare observed values with those predicted by AminoCow (AC), Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems (AMTS), Cornell-Penn-Miner (CPM), and National Research Council 2001 (NRC) models. The models were evaluated based on their ability to predict the mean, their root mean square prediction error (RMSPE), error bias, and adequacy of regression equations for each protein fraction. The models predicted the mean duodenal CP flow within 5%, with more than 90% of the variation due to random disturbance. The models also predicted within 5% the mean microbial CP flow except CPM, which overestimated it by 27%. Only NRC, however, predicted mean rumen-undegraded protein (RUP) flows within 5%, whereas AC and AMTS underpredicted it by 8 to 9% and CPM by 24%. Regarding duodenal flows of individual AA, across all diets, CPM predicted substantially greater (>10%) mean flows of Arg, His, Ile, Met, and Lys; AMTS predicted greater flow for Arg and Met, whereas AC and NRC estimations were, on average, within 10% of observed values. Overpredictions by the CPM model were mainly related to mean bias, whereas the NRC model had the highest proportion of bias in random disturbance for flows of EAA. Models tended to predict mean flows of EAA more accurately on corn silage and alfalfa diets than on grass-based diets, more accurately on corn grain-based diets than on non-corn-based diets, and finally more accurately in the mid range of diet types. The 4 models were accurate at predicting mean dry matter intake. The AC, AMTS, and NRC models were all sufficiently accurate to be used for balancing EAA in dairy rations under field conditions. Copyright © 2012 American Dairy Science Association

  15. A comparison of oral omeprazole and intravenous cimetidine in reducing complications of duodenal peptic ulcer

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    Khaleghian Farzaneh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common problem and its most common etiology is peptic ulcer disease. Ulcer rebleeding is considered a perilous complication for patients. To reduce the rate of rebleeding and to fasten the improvement of patients' general conditions, most emergency departments in Iran use H2-blockers before endoscopic procedures (i.e. intravenous omeprazole is not available in Iran. The aim of this study was to compare therapeutic effects of oral omeprazole and intravenous cimetidine on reducing rebleeding rates, duration of hospitalization, and the need for blood transfusion in duodenal ulcer patients. Methods In this clinical trial, 80 patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal peptic ulcer and endoscopic evidence of rebleeding referring to emergency departments of Imam and Sina hospitals in Tabriz, Iran were randomly assigned to two equal groups; one was treated with intravenous cimetidine 800 mg per day and the other, with 40 mg oral omeprazole per day. Results No statistically significant difference was found between cimetidine and omeprazole groups in regards to sex, age, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, NSAID consumption, endoscopic evidence of rebleeding, mean hemoglobin and mean BUN levels on admission, duration of hospitalization and the mean time of rebleeding. However, the need for blood transfusion was much lower in omeprazole than in cimetidine group (mean: 1.68 versus 3.58 units, respectively; p Conclusion This study demonstrated that oral omeprazole significantly excels intravenous cimetidine in reducing the need for blood transfusion and lowering rebleeding rates in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Though not statistically significant (p = 0.074, shorter periods of hospitalization were found for omeprazole group which merits consideration for cost minimization.

  16. An unusual cause of duodenal perforation due to a lollipop stick

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    Mi Jin Kim


    Full Text Available Children have a natural tendency to explore objects with their mouths; this can result in the swallowing of foreign objects. Most ingested foreign bodies pass uneventfully through the gastrointestinal tract.However, some foreign bodies cause obstruction or perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring surgical intervention. Perforation of the gastrointestinal tract may be associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. The most common sites of intestinal foreign body perforation are the ileocecal and rectosigmoid regions. Foreign body perforation of the duodenum is relatively uncommon. We report the first Korean case of duodenal perforation by an ingested 8-cm lollipop stick. Lollipops are popular with the children and fairly accessible to them, as most parents are not aware of their potential harm. Pediatric clinicians should be aware of the risks associated with lollipop stick ingestion. Our report also describes the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic diagnosis and management of pediatric patients with peritonitis induced by the ingestion of foreign bodies.

  17. The Effect of Chrysonilia crassa Additive on Duodenal & Caecal Morphology, Bacterial & Fungal Number, and Productivity of Ayam Kampung

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    Turrini Yudiarti


    Full Text Available Fungi is a microorganism that can live in gastrointestinal tract of chicken. One type of fungi is multicellular or filamentous fungi. C.crassa is a species of filamentous fungi that has been isolated in the earlier study and it showed the best probiotic potency in vitro. The obyective of this research was to study the effect of addition of dried culture of  C.crassa in feed on intestinal & caecal morphology, bacterial & fungal number, and  productivity of indigenous chicken (ayam kampung. Research used completely randomized design with four treatments. The treatments were the level of  dried culture in basal diet (0%, 0.25 %,  0.50 % and 0.75 %. Each treatment was replicated 5 times and each replicate consists of 10 chickens. The parameters observed were : villi morphology, number of bacteria and fungi in the duodenum and cecum of chickens aged 1, 21 and 35 days and productivity i.e. feed intake, final body weight and feed conversion. The results showed that 0.50% dried culture of C.crassa could increase the duodenal villi width, decreased the number of bacterial and fungal colonies in duodenum and caecum, but it did not increase productivity. The conclusion : C.crassa could stimulate the duodenal villi development and decreased the number of the bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal tract, yet it has no positive impact on the chicken productivity.

  18. The Effect of Chrysonilia crassa Additive on Duodenal & Caecal Morphology, Bacterial & Fungal Number, and Productivity of Ayam Kampung

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    T. Yudiarti


    Full Text Available Fungi is a microorganism that can live in gastrointestinal tract of chicken. One type of fungi is multicellular or filamentous fungi. C.crassa is a species of filamentous fungi that has been isolated in the earlier study and it showed the best probiotic potency in vitro. The obyective of this research was to study the effect of addition of dried culture of C.crassa in feed on intestinal & caecal morphology, bacterial & fungal number, and productivity of indigenous chicken (ayam kampung. Research used completely randomized design with four treatments. The treatments were the level of dried culture in basal diet (0%, 0.25 %, 0.50 % and 0.75 %. Each treatment was replicated 5 times and each replicate consists of 10 chickens. The parameters observed were : villi morphology, number of bacteria and fungi in the duodenum and cecum of chickens aged 1, 21 and 35 days and productivity i.e. feed intake, final body weight and feed conversion. The results showed that 0.50% dried culture of C.crassa could increase the duodenal villi width, decreased the number of bacterial and fungal colonies in duodenum and caecum, but it did not increase productivity. The conclusion : C.crassa could stimulate the duodenal villi development and decreased the number of the bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal tract, yet it has no positive impact on the chicken productivity

  19. Letrozole induced low estrogen levels affected the expressions of duodenal and renal calcium-processing gene in laying hens. (United States)

    Li, Qiao; Zhao, Xingkai; Wang, Shujie; Zhou, Zhenlei


    Estrogen regulates the calcium homeostasis in hens, but the mechanisms involved are still unclear fully. In this study, we investigated whether letrozole (LZ) induced low estrogen levels affected the calcium absorption and transport in layers. In the duodenum, we observed a significant decrease of mRNA expressions of Calbindin-28k (CaBP-28k) and plasma membrane Ca 2+ -ATPase (PMCA 1b) while CaBP-28k protein expression was declined in birds with LZ treatment, and the mRNA levels of duodenal transient receptor potential vanilloid 6 (TRPV6) and Na + /Ca 2+ exchanger 1 (NCX1) were not affected. Interestingly, we observed the different changes in the kidney. The renal mRNA expressions of TRPV6 and NCX1 were unregulated while the PMCA1b was down-regulated in low estrogen layers, however, the CaBP-28k gene and protein expressions were no changed in the kidney. Furthermore, it showed that the duodenal estradiol receptor 2 (ESR2) transcripts rather than parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) and calcitonin receptor (CALCR) played key roles to down-regulate calcium transport in LZ-treated birds. In conclusion, CaBP-28k, PMCA 1b and ESR2 genes in the duodenum may be primary targets for estrogen regulation in order to control calcium homeostasis in hens. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Metallic stent implantation combined with intra-arterial chemotherapy for the treatment of malignant gastric and duodenal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Jun; Liu Hongqiang; He Yang; Xia Ning; Zhang Honglei; Qiao Delin


    Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of metallic stent implantation together with intra-arterial chemotherapy in treating malignant gastric and duodenal obstruction. Methods: A total of 32 patients with malignant gastric and duodenal obstruction were enrolled in this study. The obstructed sites were located at the gastric sinus and pylorus part (n=16), at the gastroduodenal anastomotic stoma (n=6) or at the descending part of duodenum (n=10). Under DSA guidance and with the additional help of endoscopy, a guide-wire was orally placed in the gastroduodenal obstructed site, which was followed by the implantation of the self-expanding metallic stent (Ni-Ti alloy). Postoperative intra-arterial chemotherapy via the tumor-feeding arteries was carried out in 16 patients (dual interventional therapy). The clinical results were analyzed. Results: Successful stent insertion was achieved in all 32 patients (100%). After stent implantation the obstructive symptoms were markedly relieved and the food intake was improved. No serious complications occurred. The median survival time for the 16 patients who had received dual interventional therapy was 9.3 months, while the median survival time for the other 16 patients who had received simple stenting therapy was 5.7 months. Conclusion: For the treatment of inoperable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction, the implantation of metallic self-expanding stents is a technically simple, clinically safe and effective palliative measure. Combined with postoperative intra-arterial chemotherapy, the metal stent implantation can control the tumor growth and elongate the survival time. (authors)