
Sample records for del bivalvo crassostrea

  1. Estructura comunitaria de bivalvos y gasterópodos en raíces del mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae en isla Larga, bahía de Mochima, Venezuela

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    Vanessa Acosta Balbas


    Full Text Available Las raíces del mangle rojo forman un complejo ecosistema donde se reproducen, refugian y establecen de manera permanente una gran diversidad de organismos. En este estudio, se evaluó la diversidad de bivalvos y gasterópodos que habitan las raíces del mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle, en isla Larga, Bahía de Mochima, estado Sucre Venezuela. Se realizaron recolectas bimensuales desde enero 2007 hasta mayo 2008, en cuatro zonas de estudio denominadas: zona sur, norte, este y oeste. En cada zona se muestrearon cinco raíces de mangle, de donde se obtuvieron los especímenes. Se analizaron un total 180 raíces y se contabilizaron 35 especies de bivalvos y 25 de gasterópodos. Los bivalvos más abundantes fueron: Isognomon alatus, Isognomon bicolor, Ostrea equestris, Crassostrea rhizophorae y Brachidontes exustus, mientras que los gasterópodos más frecuentes: Littorina angulifera, Cymatium pileare y Diodora cayenensis. Los meses donde se observaron las mayores abundancias de especies y número de individuos fueron enero y julio 2007 y marzo 2008. El ecosistema de manglar en isla Larga, presentó un número de individuos y especies superior al reportado en otros trabajos realizados en Venezuela y otras regiones del Caribe.

  2. Efecto de bacterias probióticas en el cultivo larvario del ostión de placer Crassostrea corteziensis (Bivalvia: Ostreidae

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    Angel Isidro Campa-Córdova


    Full Text Available El ostión de placer u ostra del Cortés (Crassostrea corteziensis se considera como una especie con potencial para ser cultivada en gran escala. Sin embargo, al igual que en otros bivalvos, la alta mortalidad que se presenta durante la etapa larvaria y juvenil, es el principal problema que limita el desarrollo del cultivo en el laboratorio. Un método que está ganando aceptación en la acuicultura es el uso de bacterias probióticas para controlar patógenos microbianos. Este estudio analiza el efecto de estas bacterias en la supervivencia y talla final de larvas de ostión de placer Crassostrea corteziensis. Se utilizó una cepa de bacterias ácido lácticas (cepa NS61 aisladas N. subnodosus, así como de bacilos aislados de L. vannamei (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, cepa YC58 y de C. corteziensis (Burkholderia cepacia, cepa Y021. Las cepas se evaluaron por inmersión en cultivos larvarios de C. corteziensis a dos concentraciones diferentes, hasta completar el estadio pediveliger. Los organismos se trataron con bacterias ácido lácticas (Lb, una mezcla de bacilos (Lb en proporción 1:1 y un grupo control. La concentración de 1x10(4UFC/ml registró una mayor supervivencia con Lb y Mb respecto al grupo control. La supervivencia con Mb a una concentración de 1x10(5UFC/ml fue mayor que la del grupo control y del grupo tratado con Lb. Los resultados mostraron que las larvas de C. corteziensis tratadas con probióticos no incrementaron significativamente su talla respecto a las larvas del grupo control. Mientras que las tratadas con Lb a la concentración mayor, 1x10(5UFC/ml, mostraron una disminución de la supervivencia respecto a las tratadas con 1x10(4UFC/ml. Este estudio demostró el efecto benéfico de cepas probióticas utilizadas individualmente o en mezcla en el cultivo larvario de C. corteziensis.Effect of probiotic bacteria on survival and growth of Cortez oyster larvae, Crassostrea corteziensis (Bivalvia: Ostreidae. Disease control

  3. Prevalencia del protozoario Perkinsus sp. en un cultivo de ostión japonés Crassostrea gigas en Sinaloa, México

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    Lizeth Carolina Villanueva-Fonseca


    Full Text Available Crassostrea gigas es un molusco bivalvo de gran importancia comercial. En el noroeste de México su producción es afectada por mortalidades cuyo origen infeccioso no ha sido determinado claramente. En este trabajo se determinó la prevalencia e intensidad de la infección por Perkinsus sp. en un cultivo de C. gigas en el ciclo 2011-2012. El cultivo se hizo en un sistema de línea suspendida con densidades de 28 y 42 ostiones/canasta y se determinó un tamaño de muestra de 30 ostiones por mes. La detección de Perkinsus sp. se hizo de acuerdo a los protocolos de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE para Medio Fluido de Tioglicolato y PCR. Con ambos métodos se determinó la prevalencia de Perkinsus sp., que varió entre 3,3 y 40%. La intensidad de la infección estuvo en niveles 1 y 2, de acuerdo a la escala de Mackin. La mortalidad acumulativa en las densidades de 28 y 42 ostiones por canasta fue del 4 y 6%, respectivamente. Las mayores mortalidades del ostión y las mayores prevalencias de Perkinsus sp. ocurrieron en septiembre (2,7 y 16,6% y octubre (1,5 y 23,3%, respectivamente, cuando la temperatura fue alta. En conclusión, Perkinsus sp. fue detectado en un cultivo de C. gigas en el estero La Pitahaya con prevalencia moderada, baja intensidad de infección y mayor presencia en los meses más calurosos del ciclo de cultivo.

  4. Heavy metals in the rock oyster Crassostrea iridescens (Filibranchia: Ostreidae from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico

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    Martín G Frías-Espericueta


    Full Text Available Two populations of Crassostrea iridescens were sampled off Mazatlan and in a zone free of anthropogenic activity. The bivalves were collected from February 1992 to February 1993. Concentrations of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Annual mean values in the sampling zone off Mazatlan were higher in Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn than in the sampling zone free of anthropogenic activity; however, differences were not statistically significant at 95% confidence level. Urban discharges in the coastal zone in front of Mazatlan city, have little or no heavy metal concentrations dissolved or particulated.Dos poblaciones de Crassostrea iridescens fueron muestreadas en la zona costera de la ciudad de Mazatlan y en una zona libre de actividad antropogénica. Los bivalvos fueron colectados de febrero de 1992 a febrero de 1993. Concentraciones de Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni y Zn fueron determinados por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Los valores medios anuales en la estación de muestreo de la ciudad de Mazatlán fueron mayores en Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni y Zn que los determinados en la zona libre de actividad antropogénica; sin embargo, las diferencias no fueron significativas al nivel de confianza del 95%. Una conclusión es que las descargas urbanas en la zona costera en frente de Mazatlán no tiene, o tiene, bajas concentraciones de metales pesados disueltos o particulados.

  5. Nuevos bivalvos para el Perú en Bahía Independencia

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    Oswaldo Cornejo


    Full Text Available Se registran por primera vez para el Perú las siguientes especies de bivalvos Nucula (Nucula pisum Sowerby I, 1833, y Lyonsia delicata Marincovich, 1973, colectadas en Bahía Independencia, Pisco, Perú, en el 2002.

  6. Effect of marine contamination on the genetic population structure of the bivalve Crassostrea angulata; Efecto de la contaminacion marina sobre la estructura genetica poblacional del bivalvo Crassostrea angulata

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cross, Ismael; Rebordinos, Laureana [Laboratorio de Genetica, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Cadiz, Cadiz (Spain)


    Seven enzyme loci were analyzed in three natural populations of Crassostrea angulata located on the southern Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Two of the populations showed distinct levels of contamination by heavy metals, whereas the third was not contaminated and served as control. These seven loci were shown to be very variable in terms of the number of alleles, polymorphism and average heterozygosity. The Lap and Mdh1 loci presented null alleles. A significant positive correlation was found between the number of alleles and the concentration of iron that was fitted to a model of linear regression. However, this correlation was negative for the heterozygosity, and significant for cadmium and zinc. The Em, Lap, Mdh1 y Xdh loci showed a deficit of heterozygotes in all the populations. The values of heterozygotic deficit (D) were statistically significant between the contaminated populations and the control for Mdh1 and very close to a significant level for Em. In Pgm, a heterozygotic excess appeared in the control population and deficit, which was correlated to the increased levels of metal concentration, occurred in the other two populations. The differences between the D values of the three populations were also significant in this locus. Positive, negative and significant relationships were obtained between the concentration of metals and some alleles of the Em, Lap and Pgm loci. Also, the homozygotic genotypes of the alleles with positive correlation values were selected in the contaminated areas, while the heterozygotes were more favoured in the control population, showing an adaptive behavior and corroborating the utility of some of these loci as biomarkers in studies of population dynamics in areas subjected to environmental contamination. [Spanish] Se analizaron siete loci alozimicos en tres poblaciones naturales de Crassostrea angulata localizadas en la costa suratlantica de la Peninsula Iberica. Dos de las poblaciones mostraban distintos niveles


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    Damborenea, Susana E.


    Full Text Available Numerosos trabajos regionales o locales han propuesto el reconocimiento de unidades biogeográficas de distintos rangos (biocoremas basadas sobre la distribución de los moluscos bivalvos para el Jurásico, pero no existía una síntesis a nivel mundial. Este trabajo es una revisión de las más significativas de esas propuestas, en un intento de lograr una síntesis de los patrones biogeográficos globales desde el Jurásico Temprano al Tardío, mientras se producían cambios sustanciales en la paleogeografía de la Tierra y los patrones de circulación oceánica como resultado de la disgregación de Pangea. Se hace también un breve análisis de la evolución en el tiempo y el espacio de cada una de las principales unidades reconocidas y de sus relaciones. Estos biocoremas pueden agruparse en tres unidades de primer orden que han tenido continuidad en el tiempo: Boreal, Tethys y Austral. Las unidades revisadas aquí han sido reconocidas y caracterizadas de forma muy heterogénea por los distintos autores, pero los criterios básicos más utilizados incluyen desde el grado de endemismo y la diversidad relativa, hasta las afinidades paleobiogeográficas de los taxones a nivel genérico. Los patrones de distribución de los bivalvos jurásicos no solamente son claves para entender cuestiones puramente biogeográficas, sino que han sido utilizados como argumento y evidencia en discusiones de índole paleogeográfica (como el establecimiento de corredores oceánicos, o patrones de circulación marina superficial, e incluso son pruebas de peso para la discusión de tópicos paleotectónicos, como la localización de terrenos desplazados y la deriva continental.

  8. Confirmación molecular de tres especies de bivalvos xilótrofos (Familia Teredinidae en las bahías de Cartagena y Barbacoas, mar Caribe, Colombia

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    Michael Ahrens


    Full Text Available A pesar de la existencia de un extenso hábitat de manglares en Colombia, solo unos pocos estudios han descrito la diversidad de bivalvos teredinidos xilótrofos (conocidos como “broma” en el país. El presente estudio investigó la presencia de bivalvos teredinidos en las bahías de Cartagena y Barbacoas. En un estudio de campo llevado a cabo en marzo de 2013, diez individuos de dos géneros de Teredinidae, correspondientes morfológicamente a Neoteredo reynei y Bankia spp., fueron encontrados en las raíces sumergidas de mangle rojo (Rhizophora mangle. Identificaciones morfológicas iniciales se complementaron con identificación molecular. Para esto, dos fragmentos de genes fueron secuenciados: 588 pares de bases (pb del gen mitocondrial citocromo oxidasa subunidad 1 (CO1 y 305 pb del gen nuclear de la subunidad ribosómica pequeña (18S. Búsquedas de alineación básica (BLAST y árboles filogenéticos utilizando secuencias de CO1 y 18S de otras especies de Teredinidae públicamente disponibles y no publicadas confirmaron la identidad de Neoteredo reynei en la bahía de Barbacoas. En contraste, las secuencias obtenidas para Bankia, indicaron la presencia de dos especies distintas en la bahía de Cartagena. La confirmación de al menos tres especies de Teredinidae en las bahías de Cartagena y Barbacoas sugiere la presencia de especies adicionales y justifica un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo para este grupo de descomponedores de madera tan importante ecológica y económicamente.

  9. Novel Microsatellite Markers for Brazilian Mangrove Oysters ( Crassostrea gasar and their Cross-Amplification in Crassostrea rhizophorae

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    Renata do Socorro Corrêa Baldez


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT A microsatellite CT/GT enriched genomic library was developed for Crassostrea gasar and twelve new polymorphic loci were isolated and characterized. The markers were successfully amplified from 25 individuals of Crassostrea gasar and 11 cross-amplified individuals of Crassostrea rhizophorae. There was no evidence of linkage between loci in either species.

  10. Aislamiento e identificación de Vibrio parahaemolyticus O3: K6 en pescados y moluscos bivalvos procedentes de un mercado pesquero de Lima, Perú

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    Rocío Aliaga


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de Vibrio parahaemolyticus serotipo O3:K6 en pescados y moluscos bivalvos procedentes de un mercado pesquero de Lima. Material y Métodos: Se analizaron 254 muestras entre pescados y moluscos bivalvos siguiendo la técnica descrita por Yukiko Harakudo et al, que consta de un paso de enriquecimiento, siembra en medio cromogénico, evaluación de fermentación de glucosa y la prueba de tolerancia a sales. Las cepas identificadas como Vibrio parahaemolyticus fueron serotipificadas usando anticuerpos monoclonales y evaluadas en su potencial patogénico en medio de Wagatsuma. Resultados: Se aislaron 15 cepas de V. parahaemolyticus, 9(7,5% en pescados y 6(4,5% en moluscos bivalvos. Tres (20% presentaron fenómeno de Kanagawa positivo indicando la producción de la hemolisina termoestable directa (TDH. Una cepa TDH-positiva aislada en una muestra pescado fue serotipo O3:K6. Conclusiones: Vibrio parahaemolyticus se encuentra distribuido en los recursos hidrobiológicos estudiados con mayor frecuencia en pescados, a partir de los cuales se encontró el serovar O3:K6. Este es el primer reporte de la cepa pandémica O3:K6 de Vibrio parahaemolyticus aislada de fuente no humana en el Perú. (Rev Med Hered 2010;21:139-145.

  11. Distribución del género Diplodon (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Hyriidae en territorio Argentino mediante el uso de Colecciones Biológicas

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    Santiago Hernán Torres


    Full Text Available Los bivalvos nacaríferos dulciacuícolas (“náyades”, son especies infaunales, endémicas de la RegiónNeotropical, pertenecientes a las familias Hyriidae (Swaison, 1840 y Etheriidae (Swaison, 1840. La alteración del ambiente y la competencia con especies invasoras como Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774 y Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857, impactan sobre las poblaciones naturales. En esta comunicación, se presenta el inicio de un Proyecto de investigación sobre la distribución geográfica de las especies del género Diplodon en la Argentina. Estas especies son un componente importante de la infauna de los cuerpos lóticos y lénticos, viviendo en fondos limosos, limo-arenosos, excepcionalmente en sustratos duros, con un régimen nutricio filtrador, teniendo un papel importante como recicladores de materia orgánica. Conocer la distribución de los bivalvos pertenecientes al género Diplodon en el territorio Argentino permitirá el reconocimiento de potenciales áreas prioritarias para su conservación. Sobre la base de la bibliografía disponible y los ejemplares de las especies del genero Diplodon depositados en la Colección Malacológica del Museo de La Plata (FCNyM-UNLP, se confeccionó una matriz de datos que incluye la identificación del ejemplar, la colección en que se encuentra depositado, el número de catálogo, la localidad y la fecha de colecta. Cada localidad fue ubicada mediante el uso de cartas geográficas de Argentina y revisiones bibliográficas en imágenes satelitales de GoogleEarth, asignando las coordenadas para cada punto. Como resultado del trabajo se obtiene la distribución de estas especies nativas y se discute el grado de solapamiento con las dos especies de bivalvos invasores y el impacto de actividades humanas. 

  12. Detección del virus de la Hepatitis A en dos muestras de agua del Río Sechura, usando transcriptasa-reversa PCR en tiempo real.


    Marcos, Alexandra; Gómez-Sánchez, Muriel; Hung, Armando


    El Virus de la Hepatitis A (VHA) es un patógeno de transmisión fecal-oral, y el agua es un medio importante para su diseminación. El Río Sechura (Piura, Perú) desemboca al mar y representaría una fuente de contaminación a las playas Chulliyachi, San Pedro y San Pablo en donde se extraen moluscos bivalvos. Objetivo: Detectar VHA en muestras de agua del río Sechura mediante técnicas moleculares. Métodología: Se recogió en total 24 muestras de agua en tres puntos geográficos del río Sechura, en ...

  13. Ciclo reproductivo del ostión de manglar Crassostrea rhizophorae (Bivalvia: Ostreidae en la Bahía de Camamu, Bahia, Brasil

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    Tiago Lenz


    Full Text Available El ostión de manglar es un importante recurso pesquero que se distribuye por toda la costa brasileña y una de las especies nativas con mayor potencial para maricultura. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer las características reproductivas del ostión de manglar Crassostrea rhizophorae en el estero del Río Maraú, Bahía de Camamu, Bahia, Brasil. Las muestras fueran recolectadas mensualmente, entre agosto de 2006 y septiembre de 2007, en dos sitios. Las metodologías utilizadas fueron el análisis histológico de las gónadas y el cálculo de rendimiento de carne. La temperatura del agua durante el período de estudio varió de 23.5°C a 30°C y la salinidad osciló entre 15 y 35ups. La altura de los ostiones examinados varió de 27 a 102mm (n=437. Hubo predominancia de hembras en las poblaciones de ambos sitios. Los análisis de estadios gonádicos demostraron que el proceso de reproducción de C. rhizophorae en el estero del Río Maraú es continuo durante el año, sin período de reposo sexual. El rendimiento de carne (R fue de 8.0% a 17.7% (n=669. Los resultados de este estudio proveen informaciones para la captación de semilla e implantación de la ostricultura en la Bahía de Camamu.

  14. Ciclo reproductivo del ostión de manglar Crassostrea rhizophorae (Bivalvia: Ostreidae en la Bahía de Camamu, Bahia, Brasil

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    Tiago Lenz


    Full Text Available El ostión de manglar es un importante recurso pesquero que se distribuye por toda la costa brasileña y una de las especies nativas con mayor potencial para maricultura. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer las características reproductivas del ostión de manglar Crassostrea rhizophorae en el estero del Río Maraú, Bahía de Camamu, Bahia, Brasil. Las muestras fueran recolectadas mensualmente, entre agosto de 2006 y septiembre de 2007, en dos sitios. Las metodologías utilizadas fueron el análisis histológico de las gónadas y el cálculo de rendimiento de carne. La temperatura del agua durante el período de estudio varió de 23.5°C a 30°C y la salinidad osciló entre 15 y 35ups. La altura de los ostiones examinados varió de 27 a 102mm (n=437. Hubo predominancia de hembras en las poblaciones de ambos sitios. Los análisis de estadios gonádicos demostraron que el proceso de reproducción de C. rhizophorae en el estero del Río Maraú es continuo durante el año, sin período de reposo sexual. El rendimiento de carne (R fue de 8.0% a 17.7% (n=669. Los resultados de este estudio proveen informaciones para la captación de semilla e implantación de la ostricultura en la Bahía de Camamu.Reproductive cycle of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae (Bivalvia: Ostreidae in Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brasil. The mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae is important fishery resource along the entire Brasilian coast with excellent potential for marine culture. The purpose of this paper was to examine the reproductive characteristics of the oyster of the Maraú river estuary in Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brasil. The samples were collected monthly, from September 2006 to August 2007, at two points (I and II in Camamu Bay. At each site 20 oysters were collected for histological analysis, fixed in Davidson’s solution, embedded in paraffin, dehydrated in an ethanol series, sectioned (7μm thick and stained with Harris hematoxylin and Eosin (HE

  15. Molecular identification, phylogeny and geographic distribution of Brazilian mangrove oysters (Crassostrea

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    Aline Grasielle Costa de Melo


    Full Text Available Oysters (Ostreidae manifest a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, whereby morphology is of limited value for species identification and taxonomy. By using molecular data, the aim was to genetically characterize the species of Crassostrea occurring along the Brazilian coast, and phylogenetically relate these to other Crassostrea from different parts of the world. Sequencing of the partial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene (COI, revealed a total of three species of Crassostrea at 16 locations along the Brazilian coast. C. gasar was found from Curuçá (Pará state to Santos (São Paulo state, and C. rhizophorae from Fortim (Ceará state to Florianópolis (Santa Catarina state, although small individuals of the latter species were also found at Ajuruteua beach (municipality of Bragança, Pará state. An unidentified Crassostrea species was found only on Canela Island, Bragança. Crassostrea gasar and C. rhizophorae grouped with C. virginica, thereby forming a monophyletic Atlantic group, whereas Crassostrea sp. from Canela Island was shown to be more similar to Indo-Pacific oysters, and either arrived in the Atlantic Ocean before the convergence of the Isthmus of Panama or was accidentally brought to Brazil by ship.

  16. Molecular identification, phylogeny and geographic distribution of Brazilian mangrove oysters (Crassostrea) (United States)


    Oysters (Ostreidae) manifest a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, whereby morphology is of limited value for species identification and taxonomy. By using molecular data, the aim was to genetically characterize the species of Crassostrea occurring along the Brazilian coast, and phylogenetically relate these to other Crassostrea from different parts of the world. Sequencing of the partial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene (COI), revealed a total of three species of Crassostrea at 16 locations along the Brazilian coast. C. gasar was found from Curuçá (Pará state) to Santos (São Paulo state), and C. rhizophorae from Fortim (Ceará state) to Florianópolis (Santa Catarina state), although small individuals of the latter species were also found at Ajuruteua beach (municipality of Bragança, Pará state). An unidentified Crassostrea species was found only on Canela Island, Bragança. Crassostrea gasar and C. rhizophorae grouped with C. virginica, thereby forming a monophyletic Atlantic group, whereas Crassostrea sp. from Canela Island was shown to be more similar to Indo-Pacific oysters, and either arrived in the Atlantic Ocean before the convergence of the Isthmus of Panama or was accidentally brought to Brazil by ship. PMID:21637433

  17. Moluscos asociados a las raíces sumergidas del mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle, en el Golfo de Santa Fe, Estado Sucre, Venezuela

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    B. Márquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio mensual cualitativo y cuantitativo de la comunidad de moluscos asociados a las raíces sumergidas del mangle rojo, Rhizophora mangle, entre octubre de 1998 y septiembre de 1999, en seis estaciones del Golfo de Santa Fe (Estado Sucre, Venezuela. Se colectaron e identificaron un total de 4 704 individuos pertenecientes a 45 especies de moluscos (22 gasterópodos, 15 bivalvos y 8 polyplacóforos. Las especies más abundantes fueron: Crassostrea rhizophorae, Isognomon bicolor L alatus y Brachidontes exustus. Los valores más altos de diversidad y equitabilidad, y los menores valores de dominancia, se encontraron en las estaciones tres y cuatro, mientras que lo opuesto ocurrió en las estaciones uno y dos. El análisis de afinidad mostró que en las cinco primeras estaciones las variaciones espaciales en la composición de la comunidad son mayores que las variaciones temporales, mientras que en la estación seis priman las diferencias temporales. Se encontraron factores que podrían ser importantes para determinar la estructura de la comunidad, como vecindad a otros ecosistemas y/6 aspectos biológicos específicos de las especies como adaptaciones a condiciones fluctuantes, hábitos alimenticios y migración en busca de ambientes sombreados y protegidos.A qualitative and quantitative monthly study of the mollusks community associated to the submered roots of the red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle (L., between October of 1998 and September of 1999, in six stations of the Gulf of Santa Fe. (Suere State, Venezuela. Were collected 4 704 specimens, 45 species of mollusks were identified (22 gastropods, 15 bivalves and 8 chitons. The most abundant species were: Crassostrea rhizophorae, Isognomon bicolor, L alatus and Brachidontes exustus. The highest values in diversity and evenness, and the smallest dominant values, were in the stations three and four, while the opposed happened in the stations one and two. The analysis of likeness

  18. Crecimiento del ostión Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1795 cultivado en el estero La Piedra, Sinaloa, México

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    A. M. Góngora-Gómez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ciclo de engorda (noviembre 2004- mayo 2005 con el ostión Crassostrea gigas en el estero La Piedra, Guasave (Sinaloa, México, usando canastas suspendidas en una línea madre para evaluar su crecimiento y supervivencia. Se utilizaron 10,000 semillas (3.5 ± 0.5 mm de altura inicial. Los valores promedios de los parámetros del agua fueron: temperatura, 22.2 ± 3.2°C; oxígeno disuelto, 6.8 ± 2.3 mg/l; y salinidad, 32.8 ± 3.14 ups; mientras que el promedio de la concentración de clorofila a fue de 3.2 ± 0.8 mg/m3. Los animales mostraron un crecimiento de 0.26 mm/día para la altura de su concha y 0.42 g/día de peso corporal. El índice de condición mostró un ligero descenso en el último mes de cultivo de 9.54 a 8.68. La fórmula: Peso = -15.4352 + 0.7968 Altura (r2 = 88.29; = 12.88; F = 37,71; P = 0.0017 describe la relación entre el peso y la altura de C. gigas en el cultivo. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre el peso e índice de condición (P = 0.0023. Se registró una mortalidad total de 12%. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la temporada otoño-pri-mavera es favorable para el cultivo del ostión del Pacífico C. gigas en el estero La Piedra, Guasave, Sinaloa, ya que alcanzó la talla comercial (109.8 mm y 88.7 g en siete meses de cultivo.

  19. First isolation of Nocardia crassostreae from Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in Europe

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engelsma, M.Y.; Roozenburg, I.; Joly, J.P.


    In summer 2006 an extensive mortality of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas occurred in Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands. A sample of Pacific oysters was investigated for the presence of shellfish pathogens as potential causes of the mortality. Yellow-green lesions were observed in several oysters

  20. Identificación de genes implicados en la eliminación de biotoxinas en el mejillón Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk.: clonación y expresión de los cDNA que codifican para tres proteínas transportadoras ABC pertenecientes a las subfamilias C (proteínas MRP) y G.


    Lozano Paredes, Vanesa


    Los mejillones del género Mytilus viven en hábitats fluctuantes en los que su capacidad para adaptarse a los cambios del entorno es esencial para su supervivencia. Como organismos filtradores se alimentan sobre todo de fitoplancton y también de la materia orgánica en suspensión. En ocasiones el fitoplancton contiene especies tóxicas para el hombre o que producen efectos nocivos en los bivalvos. Una vez que las toxinas son ingeridas por los bivalvos pueden acumularse, transformarse y eliminars...

  1. Changes in the composition and diversity of the bacterial microbiota associated with oysters (Crassostrea corteziensis, Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea sikamea) during commercial production. (United States)

    Trabal Fernández, Natalia; Mazón-Suástegui, José M; Vázquez-Juárez, Ricardo; Ascencio-Valle, Felipe; Romero, Jaime


    The resident microbiota of three oyster species (Crassostrea corteziensis, Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea sikamea) was characterised using a high-throughput sequencing approach (pyrosequencing) that was based on the V3-V5 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. We analysed the changes in the bacterial community beginning with the postlarvae produced in a hatchery, which were later planted at two grow-out cultivation sites until they reached the adult stage. DNA samples from the oysters were amplified, and 31 008 sequences belonging to 13 phyla (including Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes) and 243 genera were generated. Considering all life stages, Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum, but it showed variations at the genus level between the postlarvae and the adult oysters. Bacteroidetes was the second most common phylum, but it was found in higher abundance in the postlarvae than in adults. The relative abundance showed that the microbiota that was associated with the postlarvae and adults differed substantially, and higher diversity and richness were evident in the postlarvae in comparison with adults of the same species. The site of rearing influenced the bacterial community composition of C. corteziensis and C. sikamea adults. The bacterial groups that were found in these oysters were complex and metabolically versatile, making it difficult to understand the host-bacteria symbiotic relationships; therefore, the physiological and ecological significances of the resident microbiota remain uncertain. © 2013 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Programa de Cooperacion sur - sur Convenio de Cooperacion Tecnica y Cientifica a Mexico-Panama. Proyecto: Producción de Semilla de Moluscos y Cultivos en el Mar


    Mazón Suástegui, J.M.,; Guerra-Lima, Z.I.,


    Este documento presenta 4 aspectos importantes 1. Generación de nuevo conocimiento: Estudios básicos sobre crecimiento, supervivencia, reproducción, nutrición, cultivo larvario de moluscos bivalvos y evaluación de dietas para juveniles. 2. Aplicación del conocimiento: Diseño de instalaciones y equipos para el cultivo de moluscos bivalvos. Asesoría internacional para el cultivo de moluscos nativos, financiados por PNUD, SENACYT-CCP (Ciencia Contra Pobreza), GEF-PNUD. Participan producto...

  3. Tratamiento de efluentes del cultivo de Litopenaeus vannamei por sedimentación y filtración por la ostra Crassostrea rhizophorae Treatment of Litopenaeus vannamei farming effluents by sedimentation and oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae filtration

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    Roberto Ramos


    Full Text Available A escala de laboratorio se evaluaron las eficiencias de remoción del material particulado y nutrientes disueltos desde efluentes de cultivo de Litopenaeus vannamei, utilizando un sistema combinado de dos fases, sedimentación y filtración por la ostra Crassostrea rhizophorae, empleando tres tiempos de retención hidráulica (TRH del efluente, 6, 12 y 24 h. En la fase de sedimentación, se emplearon estanques de 100 L en los cuales fueron colocados 90 L de efluente. En la fase de filtración, se utilizaron estanques de 50 L en los cuales se colocaron 20 L del efluente sobrenadante correspondiente a cada TRH de la fase de sedimentación. Cada unidad experimental de la fase de filtración fue sembrada con 15 ejemplares adultos de ostras con un peso promedio de 80 g manteniendo una biomasa de 1.200 g estanque-1 . Se utilizó un estanque control para cada TRH, conteniendo solamente conchas de ostras sin animal. Los resultados indicaron que en la fase de sedimentación el mejor desempeño fue alcanzado en el tiempo de 24 h, con 56,1% de remoción para la turbidez, 36,3% para los sólidos volátiles totales, la DB0(5 con 31,0% y el amonio con 21,4%. En la fase de filtración, la mayor eficiencia de remoción fue alcanzada en el tiempo de 6 h, con valores de 62,1% para la turbidez, 69,4% para los sólidos disueltos totales, 35,4% para los sólidos volátiles totales, 100% para la clorofila a y 17,2% para la DB0(5, en relación a los valores del estanque control. En esta fase, el amonio presentó un aumento en su concentración en todos los TRH. Calculadas las eficiencias de remoción con las dos fases integradas: sedimentación y filtración, en el tiempo de 6 h, en relación al efluente bruto, el desempeño mejoró significativamente alcanzando valores de 69,3% para la turbidez, 69,0% para los sólidos disueltos totales, 41,3% para los sólidos volátiles totales y 100% para la clorofila a.Efficiency in removing particulate matter and dissolved

  4. JST Thesaurus Headwords and Synonyms: Crassostrea gigas [MeCab user dictionary for science technology term[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available MeCab user dictionary for science technology term Crassostrea gigas 名詞 一般 * * * * マ...ガキ マガキ マガキ Thesaurus2015 200906057106354047 C LS05 UNKNOWN_2 Crassostrea gigas

  5. Impacto de "El Niño 1997-98" sobre el asentamiento larval de algunos invertebrados marinos bentónicos de bahía Independencia, Pisco -Perú

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    Elmer Ramos


    Full Text Available Se evaluó mensualmente los cambios y la magnitud del impacto de "El Niño" (EN, sobre el mecanismo del asentamiento larval de algunos invertebrados marinos bentónicos, en sustratos artificiales filamentosos (fibra nylon, entre enero 1996 y julio 1998, en una estación fija, a 10m de profundidad, situada en el lado oriental de la Isla Independencia, en Bahía Independencia, Durante 1996, en la fase fría "La Niña" (LN, el número de especies presentó un pico en abril y la densidad en junio. En la fase cálida EN 199798, la densidad total y el número de especies, presentaron un primer pico en marzo de 1997, luego, un segundo pico, en febrero y julio de 1998, respectivamente. Un primer grupo de especies que intensificó su asentamiento durante la fase fría LN 1996, estuvo constituido por el bivalvo Hiatella solida, el turbelario Notoplana sp. y el gastrópodo Caecum chilense. El segundo grupo intensificó su asentamiento en la etapa temprana de la fase cálida EN 1997-98, Y lo formaron el braquiópodo Discinisca lamel/osa, el equinodermo Ophíactís kr6yerí y bivalvos de la Familia Mytllidae, Un tercer grupo, mostró una intensificación del asentamiento larval, en la etapa tardía de la fase cálida EN 1997-98, a inicios de 1998, y fue formado por el bivalvo Argopecten purpuratus y un gastrópodo turriforme. La aparición de larvas recién asentadas de especies tropicales, como el bivalvo Ptería stema y el gastrópodo Epitoníum sp., tuvo lugar en la etapa tardía de la fase cálida EN 1997-98.

  6. Transcriptome of American oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in response to bacterial challenge: insights into potential mechanisms of disease resistance. (United States)

    McDowell, Ian C; Nikapitiya, Chamilani; Aguiar, Derek; Lane, Christopher E; Istrail, Sorin; Gomez-Chiarri, Marta


    The American oyster Crassostrea virginica, an ecologically and economically important estuarine organism, can suffer high mortalities in areas in the Northeast United States due to Roseovarius Oyster Disease (ROD), caused by the gram-negative bacterial pathogen Roseovarius crassostreae. The goals of this research were to provide insights into: 1) the responses of American oysters to R. crassostreae, and 2) potential mechanisms of resistance or susceptibility to ROD. The responses of oysters to bacterial challenge were characterized by exposing oysters from ROD-resistant and susceptible families to R. crassostreae, followed by high-throughput sequencing of cDNA samples from various timepoints after disease challenge. Sequence data was assembled into a reference transcriptome and analyzed through differential gene expression and functional enrichment to uncover genes and processes potentially involved in responses to ROD in the American oyster. While susceptible oysters experienced constant levels of mortality when challenged with R. crassostreae, resistant oysters showed levels of mortality similar to non-challenged oysters. Oysters exposed to R. crassostreae showed differential expression of transcripts involved in immune recognition, signaling, protease inhibition, detoxification, and apoptosis. Transcripts involved in metabolism were enriched in susceptible oysters, suggesting that bacterial infection places a large metabolic demand on these oysters. Transcripts differentially expressed in resistant oysters in response to infection included the immune modulators IL-17 and arginase, as well as several genes involved in extracellular matrix remodeling. The identification of potential genes and processes responsible for defense against R. crassostreae in the American oyster provides insights into potential mechanisms of disease resistance.

  7. JST Thesaurus Headwords and Synonyms: Crassostrea virginica [MeCab user dictionary for science technology term[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available MeCab user dictionary for science technology term Crassostrea virginica 名詞 一般 * * *... * アメリカガキ アメリカガキ アメリカガキ Thesaurus2015 200906044164726189 C LS05 UNKNOWN_2 Crassostrea virginica

  8. Parasitas em ostras de cultivo (Crassostrea rhizophorae e Crassostrea gigas da Ponta do Sambaqui, Florianópolis, SC Parasites in cultured oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae and Crassostrea gigas from Ponta do Sambaqui, Florianópolis, SC

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    R.C. Sabry


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a presença de parasitas e realizaram-se exames macroscópicos e histológicos em ostras (Crassostrea rhizophorae e Crassostrea gigas cultivadas. Entre agosto de 2002 a maio de 2003, 30 indivíduos adultos de cada espécie foram coletados sazonalmente, totalizando 240 ostras. Os animais, provenientes de desova em laboratório, foram mantidos em lanternas de cultivo, em sistema suspenso tipo espinhel, com densidade de 40 ostras/andar. A cada coleta era registrada a mortalidade das ostras, a temperatura e a salinidade da água. A temperatura variou de 19 a 28,5°C e a salinidade, 31 a 35‰. A mortalidade foi de 48,3% para C. gigas e 70,8% para C. rhizophorae. A infestação pelo poliqueta Polydora websteri em C. gigas foi 100% durante todo o período e em C. rhizophorae, 100% em fevereiro e maio. O mal do pé foi observado em novembro (3,3% e maio (23,3% em C. gigas e maio (6,6% em C. rhizophorae. As maiores prevalências do protozoário Nematopsis sp. foram de 70 e 60% em C. gigas e C. rhizophorae, respectivamente. O protozoário Trichodina sp. ocorreu em 1,6% de C. rhizophorae, e larvas do cestóide Tylocephalum sp. foram observadas em 2,5% de C. gigas. Nenhum dos parasitas encontrados foi associado à mortalidade das ostras.Over a 10-month period, cultured oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae and Crassostrea gigas from Ponta do Sambaqui, Florianopolis, Santa Catarina State were evaluated microscopically and histologically for parasite infection. Thirty mature individuals of each species were examined each season, for a total of 240 oysters. The animals, which originated from laboratory spawning, were kept in culture lanterns suspended in long-line systems at a density of 40 oysters per floor. Mortality, water temperature (19 to 28.5 ºC range and salinity (31 to 35‰ were recorded at each sampling. The total amount of dead oysters was 58 (48.3% to C. gigas and 85 (70.8% to C. rhizophorae. All C. gigas individuals were infected with

  9. Presencia de los géneros Vibrio y Salmonella, y detección de coliformes fecales en almejas del Golfo de México


    Quiñones-Ramírez, Elsa Irma; Vázquez-Salinas, Carlos; Pedroche, Francisco F.; Moreno-Sepúlveda, L.; Rodas-Suárez, O. R.


    Los moluscos bivalvos, por su tipo de alimentación y por las zonas elegidas para su cultivo, pueden ser un vehículo de transmisión de microorganismos patógenos. Un total de 260 muestras de almejas obtenidas a lo largo de un ciclo anual, en la porción norte del Estado de Veracruz, Golfo de México, se estudiaron para determinar la presencia de Salmonella spp., Vibrio cholerae y organismos coliformes fecales. La metodología usada fue la recomendada por el Manual de Bacteriología Analítica de la ...

  10. Short-term feeding response of the mussel Mytilus chilensis exposed to diets containing the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella Respuesta alimentaria inicial del bivalvo Mytilus chilensis expuesto a dietas conteniendo el dinoflagelado tóxico Alexandrium catenella

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    Full Text Available The short-term feeding response of the bivalve Mytilus chilensis was measured using four diets containing different proportions of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. The diets containing the highest concentrations of the dinoflagellate showed the greatest effect on the feeding activity in the mussel, with clearance and ingestión rates significantly reduced during the first hours of exposure. After this period, M. chilensis demonstrated a capacity to acclimate to the toxic diets, with feeding parameters reaching values similar to those of untreated control organisms. It was not clear if the negative effect on the feeding behavior was caused by the presence of the paralytic toxin, or due to the larger size of the dinoflagellate cells in comparison with cells of Isochrysis galbana used in the control diet. However, parallel studies with diets containing the nontoxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium affine of similar size and shape to that of A. catenella, suggested the cell size was the main cause for impairment of feeding behavior. The capacity for acclimation to either toxin or cell size by M. chilensis makes it a good indicator species for the early detection of harmful PSP events, since its relative insensitivity to the toxin allows it to quickly recover normal feeding behavior and permits it to accumulate PSP in its tissues in a short timeLa respuesta inicial del bivalvo Mytilus chilensis fue medida bajo cuatro dietas que contenían diferentes proporciones del dinoflagelado tóxico Alexandrium catenella. Las dietas que contenían las concentraciones más altas de este dinoflagelado mostraron el mayor efecto durante las primeras horas de exposición. Después de este periodo inicial, M. chilensis demostró la capacidad para aclimatarse a estas dietas tóxicas, con parámetros de alimentación que alcanzaron valores similares a aquellos de los organismos controles. No fue claro si el efecto negativo sobre la conducta de alimentación fue

  11. Length-weight relationship of Giant Oyster, Crassostrea gyphoides (Schlotheim)

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Chatterji, A.; Ansari, Z.A.; Ingole, B.S.; Parulekar, A.H.

    Relationship between shell length and total weight, shell weight and meat weight of giant oyster, Crassostrea gryphoides revealed that the growth of these parameters is very fast and significant. It indicates the suitability of the species concerned...

  12. Length-Weight relationships of mangrove oyster, Crassostrea gasar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The length-weight relationships (LWRs) of mangrove oyster, Crassostrea gasar, cultured under continuous and periodic submergence in tidal ponds, for a period of seven months, February to August 2010 were determined. A total of 375 individuals each of pond A (continuous submergence) and B (periodic submergence) ...


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN El género Potamolithus Pilsbry, 1896 (Gastropoda; Tateidae, posee 31 especies, 22 de las cuales se hayan en la Argentina distribuidas principalmente en la cuenca Del Plata, definiendo al río Uruguay y al Río de la Plata como una zona caliente de diversidad en gasterópodos dulceacuícolas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de sus especies han sido descriptas solo por caracteres conquilógicos y, unas pocas tienen datos anatómicos, conllevando a la descripción de subespecies o morfos que se superponen unos a otros. A Potamolithus lapidum algunos autores le atribuyen cuatro subespecies (con datos conquiológicos, y una con datos parciales de anatomía blanda, sin embargo otros incluyen ocho “morfos”. Aquí nosotros damos un comienzo en el estudio de Potamolithus lapidum elevando a Potamolithus lapidum supersulcatus Pilsbry, 1896 a la categoría de especie, de la cual solo se conocen caracteres conquiológicos y radulares parcialmente. Aportamos datos de: concha, órganos paleales, cabeza, pie, pene, rádula, sistemas reproductor femenino y masculino, sistema nervioso y, secuencia parcial del gen mitocondrial citocromo c oxidasa subunidad I. Es necesario realizar una buena descripción de las especies del género Potamolithus debido a que algunas de las especies ya han sido citadas como especies vulnerables y que habitan ríos que están siendo modificados por la actividad humana y por la presencia del bivalvo invasor Limnoperna fortunei.

  14. Patrones de colonización y ecología de poblaciones de dos bivalvos invasores (mejillón cebra Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, 1771 y almeja asiática Corbicula fluminea Müller, 1774 en un tramo lótico del Ebro medio (Castejón, Navarra.

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    Full Text Available Los bivalvos dulceacuícolas son un componente importante de la ecología fluvial, fundamentalmente por el papel que desempeñan como organismos filtradores y de remoción del sedimento. Además son un grupo zoológico diverso y amenazado a escala global, en el que se incluyen algunas de las especies invasoras más dañinas. El estudio de sus poblaciones es imprescindible para conocer el estado de conservación de las comunidades bentónicas. Para esto se prospectaron 17 parcelas vadeables y 7 escolleras a lo largo de 7,38 km de meandros del río Ebro en Castejón (Navarra, tanto el cauce principal como en brazos secundarios de corriente permanente y/o temporal. El mejillón cebra Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, 1771 se encontró en 7 escolleras y 6 parcelas. El sustrato preferente fueron rocas (85%, donde la densidad resultó 0,31-5,45 mejillones/m2; el 2,6% se hallaron sobre plásticos agrícolas abandonados. En las escolleras sólo el 3,6% de los ejemplares eran juveniles y un 33% tenían una edad > 4 años. La almeja asiática Corbicula fluminea Müller, 1774 se encontró en todas las parcelas. La densidad resultó muy diferente en los tres tipos de ambientes fluviales con valores máximos de 15.100 almejas/m2, lo que constituye un nuevo máximo fluvial en Europa. Se encontraron subpoblaciones de almeja asiática con diferentes estructuras de edad según los ambientes fluviales, además de poblaciones menos numerosas en el brazo principal del río que en los otros tipos. Los resultados muestran que junto a estas especies alóctonas en expansión, con altas tasas de reclutamiento, se encuentra una estructura poblacional muy precaria para las autóctonas, de las cuales únicamente se localizaron 12 náyades vivas y ningún esférido.


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    Maria Luiza de Rodrigues de Souza


    Full Text Available The present study had as objective evaluates two techniques of traditional smoking the hot and with use of the liquid smoke, tends as control the Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas cooked. They were appraised the sensorial characteristics and revenue of the processing. The animals were distributed in three treatments and the experimental design was completely randomized, with nine repetitions. For the sensorial analysis 30 fitting room were used, where each one was considered a block. There was not significant difference among the independent of the applied technique smoky oysters (T1 = 8.42% and T2 = 7.61%, but they differed of the control (T3 = 16.25%.In agreement with the applied methodology and with the results obtained in the sensorial analysis, the smoke oysters (independent of the applied technique are products with great acceptability and increased your sensorial characteristics. KEY-WORDS: Crassostrea gigas, oysters, hot smoking, liquid smoke. valiaram-se duas técnicas de defumação – tradicional a quente e com utilização da fumaça líquida –, tendo testemunha o cozimento de ostras do Pacífico Crassostrea gigas. Para tanto, examinaram-se as características sensoriais e rendimento do processamento. Distribuíram-se animais aleatoriamente, em três tratamentos, com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado e nove repetições. Para a análise sensorial, empregaram-se trinta provadores, considerando-se cada um deles um bloco. Não houve diferença significativa de rendimento entre as ostras defumadas, independentemente da técnica aplicada (T1 = 8,42% e T2 = 7,61%, mas elas diferiram da testemunha (T3 = 16,25%. De acordo com a metodologia aplicada e com os resultados obtidos nas análises sensoriais, as ostras defumadas (independentemente da técnica aplicada constituíram os produtos com maior aceitabilidade e houve incremento de suas características sensoriais. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Crassostrea gigas, defumação a

  16. Unusual conservation of mitochondrial gene order in Crassostrea oysters: evidence for recent speciation in Asia (United States)


    Background Oysters are morphologically plastic and hence difficult subjects for taxonomic and evolutionary studies. It is long been suspected, based on the extraordinary species diversity observed, that Asia Pacific is the epicenter of oyster speciation. To understand the species diversity and its evolutionary history, we collected five Crassostrea species from Asia and sequenced their complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes in addition to two newly released Asian oysters (C. iredalei and Saccostrea mordax) for a comprehensive analysis. Results The six Asian Crassostrea mt genomes ranged from 18,226 to 22,446 bp in size, and all coded for 39 genes (12 proteins, 2 rRNAs and 25 tRNAs) on the same strand. Their genomes contained a split of the rrnL gene and duplication of trnM, trnK and trnQ genes. They shared the same gene order that differed from an Atlantic sister species by as many as nine tRNA changes (6 transpositions and 3 duplications) and even differed significantly from S. mordax in protein-coding genes. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that the six Asian Crassostrea species emerged between 3 and 43 Myr ago, while the Atlantic species evolved 83 Myr ago. Conclusions The complete conservation of gene order in the six Asian Crassostrea species over 43 Myr is highly unusual given the remarkable rate of rearrangements in their sister species and other bivalves. It provides strong evidence for the recent speciation of the six Crassostrea species in Asia. It further indicates that changes in mt gene order may not be strictly a function of time but subject to other constraints that are presently not well understood. PMID:21189147

  17. La contaminación por metales pesados en la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano La contaminación por metales pesados en la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano

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    Campos C. Néstor Hernando


    Full Text Available Se dan los resultados de los estudios sobre la contaminación por metales pesados en la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Las determinaciones se realizaron en el material en suspensión, en los bivalvos Crassostrea rhizophorae e Isognomon alatus y en los peces Gathorops spixii y Ariopsis bonillai. Los análisis de los metales Cd, Zn y Cu en el material en suspensión permitieron determinar que las mayores descargas de estos metales se suceden principalmente desde el Río Magdalena a través del Canal del Clarín y de los ríos que fluyen del piedemonte de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. La comparación de los contenidos en bivalvas permiten determinar la importancia de estos organismos como bioindicadores. Los análisis en las dos especies de peces mostraron una diferenciación en la capacidad de acumulación entre una y otra.  Al comparar los contenidos de metales entre los diferentes tipos de muestras con los cambios en los contenidos en el material en suspensión y la salinidad, se observó que estos dos parámetros son principalmente los que controlan la biodisponibilidad de los metales y además afectan los procesos fisiológicos de los organismos, aumentando o disminuyendo la capacidad de bioacumulación. Results of the studies of heavy metals pollution in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta are provided. The determinations have been done on the suspended matter, on the bivalves Crassostrea rhizophorae and Isognomon alatus, and in the fishes Gathorops spixii and Ariopsis bonillai. The analysis of Cd, Zn and Cu in the suspended matter led to determine that the discharges come principally from the Río Magdalena through the Canal del Clarín and the rivers coming from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Comparisons of the concentration in bivalves show the importance of this organisms as bioindicators. The analysis in both fish species show a difference in their capacity of accumulation. Comparison of the metals contents between different types

  18. Markers associated with disease resistance in Eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica (United States)

    Eastern oyster, Crassostrea viginica, is an economically important aquaculture species in the USA, but production has been impacted by diseases such as dermo and MSX. Efforts have been put into the development of disease-resistant oyster lines using selective breeding techniques. However, these met...


    Lysosomal destabilization assays have been used as valuable biomarkers of pollutant exposures in a variety of bivalve and fish species. The responses of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, deployed at and native to various reference and degraded sites were evaluated for lys...

  20. Molecular taxonomy of cupped oysters (Crassostrea, Saccostrea, and Striostrea) in Thailand based on COI, 16S, and 18S rDNA polymorphism. (United States)

    Klinbunga, S; Khamnamtong, B; Puanglarp, N; Jarayabhand, P; Yoosukh, W; Menasveta, P


    Genetic diversity of oysters Crassostrea belcheri (Sowerby, 1871), C. iredalei (Faustino, 1932), Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1778), S. forskali (Gmelin, 1791), and Striostrea (Parastriostrea) mytiloides (Lamarck, 1819) (Ostreoida, Mollusca) was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of 16S ribosomal DNA with AcsI, AluI, DdeI, DraI, RsaI, and TaqI, 18S ribosomal DNA with HinfI, and cytochrome oxidase subunit I with AcsI, DdeI and MboI. A total of 54 composite haplotypes were observed. Species-diagnostic markers were specifically found in C. belcheri, C. iredalei, and S. cucullata, but not in S. forskali and Striostrea mytiloides, which shared common composite haplotypes. Neighbor-joining trees constructed from genetic distances between pairs of composite haplotypes and species indicated large genetic differences between Crassostrea and Saccostrea (including Striostrea mytiloides), but closer relationships were observed within each genus. Four groups of unidentified oysters (Crassostrea sp. and Saccostrea sp. groups 1, 2, and 3) were also genetically analyzed. Fixed RFLP markers were found in Crassostrea sp. and Saccostrea sp. group 2, but not in Saccostrea sp. groups 1 and 3. Phylogenetic and genetic heterogeneity analyses indicated that Crassostrea sp. and Saccostrea sp. group 2 should be considered as newly unidentified oyster species in Thailand.

  1. Hábitos alimenticios de Sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae en el sistema lagunar de Ría Lagartos, Yucatán, México

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    Ariel Adriano Chi-Espínola


    Full Text Available Sphoeroides testudineus, es una especie dominante en los sistemas costeros de Yucatán. Debido a su amplia distribución, ocurrencia y abundancia realiza un importante papel funcional en los ecosistemas costeros. Evaluamos para esta especie las preferencias tróficas y su variación a nivel espacial y temporal en la laguna de Ría Lagartos, un ecosistema hiperhalino localizado al noroeste de la península de Yucatán. Los especímenes fueron recolectados bimensualmente durante dos periodos anuales (2004-2005 y 2007-2008 en 23 sitios distribuidos a lo largo del sistema en cuatro zonas (marina, canal, Coloradas oeste y Coloradas este. Las variaciones tróficas espaciales y temporales fueron evaluadas mediante un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC. En un total de 382 individuos, se obtuvieron 68 recursos alimenticios incluidos en 20 grupos tróficos. El mayor índice de importancia relativa (IIR lo obtuvieron los bivalvos, gasterópodos y macrófitas. La variación trófica estacional mostró que los bivalvos y gasterópodos son consumidos a lo largo del año, mientras que las macrófitas constituyeron el alimento preferencial en la temporada de lluvias y nortes. La variación espacial indica un bajo consumo de gasterópodos hacia el interior de la laguna, y lo opuesto sucedió con los bivalvos. El consumo de macrófitas pudo ser debido a su mayor abundancia durante lluvias y en la zona del canal. El ACC mostró que la variación trófica espacial se debió a la abundancia de las presas preferenciales (bivalvos y gasterópodos, mientras que las diferencias estacionales por las presas secundarias (anfípodos, huevos, nematodos, braquiuros, detritus, nemátodos. Los resultados contribuyen al conocimiento biológico de la especie y resaltan la importancia y función trófica de Sphoeroides testudineus en las transferencias de energía desde el bentos hacia los niveles tróficos superiores de la cadena alimenticia.


    A colorimetric microbicidal assay was adapted, optimized and applied in experiments to characterize the in vitro capacity of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) hemocytes to kill cultured isolates of Perkinsus marinus, a protozoan parasite causing a highly destructive disease...

  3. Exploring Proteomic Variation in Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas)


    Venkataraman, Yaamini


    150 sibling Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were outplanted at five different sites around Puget Sound. Oysters were placed in exclusion cages either inside or outside of eelgrass beds. After a month of environmental exposure, gill tissue samples were collected for proteomic analyses. Initial DIA mass spectrometry methods on a subset of oysters (one per site and eelgrass condition, 10 total) provide data for upwards of 6,000 proteins. A subset of stress-related proteins reveal site-specif...

  4. Interspecific hybridization between Crassostrea angulata and C. ariakensis (United States)

    Yao, Tuo; Zhang, Yuehuan; Yan, Xiwu; Wang, Zhaoping; Li, Dongchun; Su, Jiaqi; Yu, Ruihai


    Interspecific hybridization can generate heterosis, which is proven to be a useful tool in selective breeding programs for oyster culture. Crassostrea angulata and C. ariakensis are two important economic shellfish species in China. We conducted 2 × 2 reciprocal crosses to determine whether these two species can cross-fertilize and their hybrids can hatch, survive and perform heterosis. Fertilization was found symmetrical without delay. The rate of fertilization success of C. angulata ♀ × C. ariakensis ♂ was lower than that of C. ariakensis ♀ × C. angulata ♂, and the success rate of both hybridizations was lower than that of two intraspecific crosses each. During the planktonic period, survival rate of the progeny was lower in the hybrid crosses than in the intraspecific crosses. On day 360, mean shell height of the progeny of C. angulata ♀ × C. angulata ♂ was highest, which was followed by that of C. angulata ♀ × C. ariakensis ♂, C. ariakensis ♀ × C. ariakensis ♂ and C. ariakensis ♀ × C. angulata ♂ in a descending order. Morphology of adults produced by the hybrid crosses was similar to that of C. angulata. Both hybrids underwent normal gonad development and produced mature gametes in the mating season. This study provided new insights into the quantitative traits in interspecific crosses of Crassostrea species, thus being of guidance value for selective breeding of oyster.

  5. Changes in the use of the pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae) in the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan


    Velázquez, Adrián; Zúñiga-Arellano, Belem; Temple Sánchez-Gavito, John Joseph


    La concha del bivalvo panámico Pinctada mazatlanica fue ampliamente utilizada por las antiguas sociedades del México prehispánico; en las ofrendas enterradas en el Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan se han encontrado alrededor de 600 objetos elaborados con ella, la mayor parte de los cuales proceden de la etapa constructiva IV (1440-1481), lo que llama la atención, ya que para entonces los mexicas no habían logrado conquistar emplazamientos en la costa del Pacífico. En los sucesivos agrandamientos ...


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    Full Text Available Con el fin de establecer la estructura de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados asociados a las raíces del mangle rojo Rizophora mangle en la ciénaga La Boquilla, se muestreó cuatro veces en cinco estaciones entre febrero y agosto de 1999. En cada estación, se retiraron de dos a cinco raíces y cuantificó el número y la cobertura de los macroinvertebrados asociados. En general, en la ciénaga La Boquilla se mantienen temperaturas altas con ligeras fluctuaciones a través del tiempo. En forma similar, la salinidad permaneció en niveles superiores a 30 UPS con sólo ligeras fluctuaciones. En total se capturaron 33 morfoespecies, la mayoría de origen marino y con un marcado carácter estenohalino. Entre las especies encontradas, los bivalvos presentaron las mayores áreas de cubrimiento y abundancia, en general, la composición de la comunidad asociada a las raíces no varió significativamente en el tiempo y en el espacio. El número de especies y la diversidad fueron bajos en comparación con otros ambientes lagunares del Caribe colombiano.

  7. Sensory and Chemical Characteristics of Eastern Oysters(Crassostrea virginica)


    Chen, Luman


    Eastern Oysters, or Crassostrea virginica, are an important dietary component in the Chesapeake region and have supported a major fishery in the Chesapeake for more than 100 years. Virginia oysters do not always receive attention in up-scale markets. It is possible that the lack of information on sensory characteristics of Chesapeake oysters may contribute to this problem. In order to differentiate Chesapeake oysters from other oysters, a descriptive sensory test (n=8) was conducted and chemi...

  8. Induction of gynogenetic haploidy in oyster Crassostrea gigas, using ultra violet irradiated sperms

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Goswami, U.

    Eggs of Crassostrea gigas were fertilized with sperms exposed to different doses of UV irradiations by keeping a constant rate of 121.47 ergs. mm/2 sec/1 and changing the period of exposure from 4 to 90 sec. Samples of larvae were analysed...

  9. The reproductive cycle of the oyster Crassostrea gasar

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    CHAM Gomes

    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyze the reproductive cycle of the oyster Crassostrea gasar (= C. brasiliana in the field and the laboratory. The reproductive cycle of the animals was evaluated in the field at Sambaqui Beach, Florianópolis, SC (27° 29′18″ S and 48° 32′12″ W from May 2008 through November 2009. In July, the animals were in the resting stage. The early growth stage began in August and was followed by the late growth stage in October. In November and December, the oysters began to enter the mature stage. Females in spawning condition were predominant during these months. The stages of the reproductive cycle were positively associated with temperature (r=0.77, P<0.01 and negatively associated with salinity (r=−0.56, P=0.042. These findings demonstrated that increased temperature and reduced salinity influence the reproductive development of Crassostrea gasar. The condition index (CI of the animals was also associated with the seawater temperature. The highest values of the condition index were observed during the months when the temperature of the seawater was gradually increasing. A laboratory experiment was performed to test the effect of salinity on the reproductive cycle of the oysters. The experiment was conducted in standardized tanks. The animals were conditioned using two salinities (24‰ and 34‰. The salinity regime influenced the development of the gonadal tissue of the oysters. A salinity of 24‰ produced greater reproductive development.


    Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, inhabiting 5 sites in the Caloosahatchee River estuary were studied over a 13 month period to determine the suitability of oyster habitat in relation to their health and condition. Histological examination of 650 oysters (10 animals per station per...

  11. Molecular analysis of bacterial microbiota associated with oysters (Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea corteziensis) in different growth phases at two cultivation sites. (United States)

    Trabal, Natalia; Mazón-Suástegui, José M; Vázquez-Juárez, Ricardo; Asencio-Valle, Felipe; Morales-Bojórquez, Enrique; Romero, Jaime


    Microbiota presumably plays an essential role in inhibiting pathogen colonization and in the maintenance of health in oysters, but limited data exist concerning their different growth phases and conditions. We analyzed the bacterial microbiota composition of two commercial oysters: Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea corteziensis. Differences in microbiota were assayed in three growth phases: post-larvae at the hatchery, juvenile, and adult at two grow-out cultivation sites. Variations in the microbiota were assessed by PCR analysis of the 16S rRNA gene in DNA extracted from depurated oysters. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles were studied using Dice's similarity coefficient (Cs) and statistical principal component analysis (PCA). The microbiota composition was determined by sequencing temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) bands. The RFLP analysis of post-larvae revealed homology in the microbiota of both oyster species (Cs > 88 %). Dice and PCA analyses of C. corteziensis but not C. gigas showed differences in the microbiota according to the cultivation sites. The sequencing analysis revealed low bacterial diversity (primarily β-Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Spirochaetes), with Burkholderia cepacia being the most abundant bacteria in both oyster species. This study provides the first description of the microbiota in C. corteziensis, which was shown to be influenced by cultivation site conditions. During early growth, we observed that B. cepacia colonized and remained strongly associated with the two oysters, probably in a symbiotic host-bacteria relationship. This association was maintained in the three growth phases and was not altered by environmental conditions or the management of the oysters at the grow-out site.


    Three clinical (2030, 2062, and 2107) and three environmental (1094, 1163, and ATCC 17802) isolates of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were exposed to hemocytes and plasma collected from oysters (Crassostrea virginica) to determine their susceptibility to putative oyster defenses. Clinic...

  13. Isolation of Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 from the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. (United States)

    Hood, M A; Ness, G E; Rodrick, G E


    Two strains of Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 Inaba were isolated from eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, collected from estuarine waters in Florida during April 1980. The oyster meats and waters from which the oysters were collected had low fecal coliform counts, and the area had no prior evidence of sewage contamination. PMID:7235700

  14. Factibilidad económico-ambiental para el cultivo sostenible de ostión de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae (Güilding, 1828, en Cuba

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    Abel Betanzos-Vega


    Full Text Available Se analizaron dos variantes en la producción de ostión de mangle Crassostrea rhizophorae en Cuba: 1 extracción pesquera tradicional (EP en bancos naturales, apoyada en menor grado con acuicultura artesanal por agregación de colectores de mangle suspendidos en el manglar, y 2 cultivo artesanal (CA, obteniendo semillas del medio natural en colectores de "concha madre", con engorde y cosecha en el mismo colector y en canastas o cajas ostrícolas. Se determinó la factibilidad económico-ambiental de ambas variantes proyectadas a cinco años, a partir del análisis de costo-beneficio económico basado en datos de operación pesquera y se incluyeron costos estimados por daño ambiental. La variante extractiva (EP mostró una rentabilidad negativa durante el periodo proyectado (US$-1.388,39 en el quinto año, con impacto negativo sobre el ecosistema de manglar. La variante productiva (CA mostró ganancias a partir del tercer año y una rentabilidad positiva durante el periodo proyectado (US$731,78 al quinto año, con reducción de daños al ecosistema de manglar. De acuerdo a estos resultados, se recomienda desarrollar el cultivo y manejo sustentable de la ostra nativa C. rhizophorae en Cuba.

  15. Massive settlements of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Scandinavia : Original paper

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wrange, Anna-Lisa; Valero, Johanna; Harkestad, Lisbeth S.


    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is an important aquaculture species world-wide. Due to its wide environmental tolerance and high growth rate, it has also become a successful invader in many areas, leading to major ecosystem changes. Low water temperatures were previously believed to restri...... settlement in 2006, and in Norway, populations are established along the southwest coast to 60°N....

  16. Massive settlements of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Scandinavia : Invasion note

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wrange, Anna-Lisa; Valero, Johanna; Harkestad, Lisbeth S.


    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is an important aquaculture species world-wide. Due to its wide environmental tolerance and high growth rate, it has also become a successful invader in many areas, leading to major ecosystem changes. Low water temperatures were previously believed to restri...... settlement in 2006, and in Norway, populations are established along the southwest coast to 60A degrees N....

  17. Moderate establishment success of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, on a sheltered intertidal mussel bed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, M.W.; Davids, J.K.; Dolmer, Per


    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) is introduced into marine ecosystems worldwide. In Denmark, C. gigas was introduced into the micro tidal Limfjord, around 1972 for aquaculture. This study describes the population structure of C. gigas at Agger Tange in 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011...


    Studies of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, collected from ten sites in the Caloosahatchee River and Estuary, Florida, revealed a varied parasite and symbiotic fauna that have never been reported from this area. Organisms observed included ovacystis virus infecting gametes...


    Bivalve mollusks such as Crassostrea virginica inhabiting polluted estuaries and coastal areas may bioaccumulate high concentrations of contaminants without apparent ill effects. However, changes in putative internal defense activities have been associated with contaminant accumu...

  20. Acumulación de cobre y alteraciones histopatológicas en el ostión Crassostrea angulata

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    Full Text Available Ejemplares de ostión Crassostrea angulata fueron expuestos a concentraciones subletales de cobre (200 y 600 µg L–1 Cu2+ durante un periodo de 2 a 30 días. Se cuantificó la concentración de cobre, así como las alteraciones histopatológicas inducidas en branquias, glándula digestiva y corazón. Las concentraciones más elevadas de cobre correspondieron a las branquias, con valores alrededor de 2 mg g–1 peso seco en los organismos expuestos a la concentración más alta, al final del periodo de exposición (día 30. En la glándula digestiva la concentración alcanzada fue del orden de 1 mg g–1 peso seco. La tasa de bioconcentración (BCr, definida como la diferencia entre la concentración en el tejido a una concentración de exposición a tiempo t y la concentración media del control a lo largo del experimento, dividida por el tiempo de exposición, disminuyó en ambos tejidos. Los valores variaron en el intervalo entre 392 y 57 µg g–1 d–1 en las branquias y entre 133 y 18 µg g–1 día–1 en la glándula digestiva. En branquias de ejemplares tratados con una concentración de 200 µg L–1 Cu2+ se observó una desorganización del tejido conjuntivo, alteraciones en la porción apical de las células ciliadas e hiperplasia y fusión de laminillas, pudiendo llegar incluso a la pérdida de estas laminillas a 600 µg L–1 Cu2+. En la glándula digestiva (hepatopáncreas de ejemplares sometidos a 600 µg L–1 Cu2+ se detectó un adelgazamiento del epitelio y, en algunos casos, oclusión de la luz de los túbulos digestivos y dilatación de los conductos digestivos. En el corazón de los organismos expuestos a concentraciones subletales de cobre se observó un adelgazamiento del epitelio de las aurículas y del ventrículo, un incremento de las células marrones (brown cells en las paredes de las aurículas, así como una distensión de las fibras musculares y destrucción del tejido conectivo de soporte, tanto en las aur

  1. The invasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Scandinavia coastal waters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dolmer, Per; Holm, Mark Wejlemann; Strand, Åsa

    visualized the need for a continued collaboration between scientists in the Scandinavian countries, as the bio-invasion is a cross-border issue and management actions then have to be synchronized, and based on a “state of the art” knowledge of the Scandinavian bio-invasion of the species. The risk assessment......A massive invasion of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas , has occurred in Scandinavia during the last decade. The introduction and dispersal was described through collaboration between scientists from Sweden, Denmark and Norway. This work has been followed up by national activities that clearly...

  2. Sensitivity of oysters (Crassostrea Brasiliana) to radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mattiolo Marchese, S.R.; Mastro, N.L. del


    Various foods including oysters, crabs and shrimps have been shown to be possible transmitters of Vibrio ssp. Irradiation of sea-foods is being considered an alternative to intervention measures in Public Health against food borne diseases. The aim of this work was to establish, the radiation resistance of the oysters Crassostrea brasiliana. The oysters were irradiated with Co-60 radiation with doses of 0, 1.5, 3 and 6 kGy. Survival curves as a function of time showed that 100% of the oysters irradiated with doses of 3 kGy survived at least 6 days. 100% those irradiated with 6 kGy survived 3 days. The obtained results are auspicious considering that a dose of 2 kGy is already effective in the diminishing of the microbial load on oysters. (author)

  3. Streptomyces effect on the bacterial microbiota associated to Crassostrea sikamea oyster. (United States)

    García Bernal, M; Trabal Fernández, N; Saucedo Lastra, P E; Medina Marrero, R; Mazón-Suástegui, J M


    To determine the composition and diversity of the microbiota associated to Crassostrea sikamea treated during 30 days with Streptomyces strains N7 and RL8. DNA was extracted from oysters followed by 16S rRNA gene amplification and pyrosequencing. The highest and lowest species diversity richness was observed in the initial and final control group, whereas Streptomyces-treated oysters exhibited intermediate values. Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum (81·4-95·1%), followed by Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The genera Anderseniella, Oceanicola, Roseovarius, Ruegeria, Sulfitobacter, Granulosicoccus and Marinicella encompassed the core microbiota of all experimental groups. The genus Bacteriovorax was detected in all groups except in the final control and the depurated N7, whereas Vibrio remained undetected in all Streptomyces-treated groups. RL8 was the only group that harboured the genus Streptomyces in its microbiota. Principal component analysis showed that Streptomyces strains significantly changed oyster microbiota with respect to the initial and final control. Crassostrea sikamea treated with Streptomyces showed high species diversity and a microbiota composition shift, characterized by keeping the predator genus Bacteriovorax and decreasing the pathogenic Vibrio. This is the first culture-independent study showing the effect of Streptomyces over the oyster microbiota. It also sheds light about the potential use of Streptomyces to improve mollusc health and safety for consumers after the depuration process. © 2016 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  4. Comparative transcriptome analysis of two oysters, Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea hongkongensis provides insights into adaptation to hypo-osmotic conditions.

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    Xuelin Zhao

    Full Text Available Environmental salinity creates a key barrier to limit the distribution of most aquatic organisms. Adaptation to osmotic fluctuation is believed to be a factor facilitating species diversification. Adaptive evolution often involves beneficial mutations at more than one locus. Bivalves hold great interest, with numerous species living in waters, as osmoconformers, who maintain the osmotic pressure balance mostly by free amino acids. In this study, 107,076,589 reads from two groups of Crassostrea hongkongensis were produced and the assembled into 130,629 contigs. Transcripts putatively involved in stress-response, innate immunity and cell processes were identified according to Gene ontology and KEGG pathway analyses. Comparing with the transcriptome of C. gigas to characterize the diversity of transcripts between species with osmotic divergence, we identified 182,806 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs for C. hongkongensis, and 196,779 SNPs for C. gigas. Comparison of 11,602 pairs of putative orthologs allowed for identification of 14 protein-coding genes that experienced strong positive selection (Ka/Ks>1. In addition, 45 genes that may show signs of moderate positive selection (1 ≥ Ka/Ks>0.5 were also identified. Based on Ks ratios and divergence time between the two species published previously, we estimated a neutral transcriptome-wide substitution mutation rate of 1.39 × 10(-9 per site per year. Several genes were differentially expressed across the control and treated groups of each species. This is the first time to sequence the transcriptome of C. hongkongensis and provide the most comprehensive transcriptomic resource available for it. The increasing amount of transcriptome data on Crassostrea provides an excellent resource for phylogenetic analysis. A large number of SNPs identified in this work are expected to provide valuable resources for future marker and genotyping assay development. The analysis of natural

  5. Estado del conocimiento de la durofagia en el registro fósil: interacción depredador-presa en moluscos marinos (Clases Gastropoda y Bivalvia

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    Catalina Gómez-Espinosa


    Full Text Available La depredación como un mecanismo evolutivo, de diversificación y biomineralización es un tópico de gran interés. Un tipo específico de depredación es la durofagia que se define como el hábito alimenticio de los animales que consumen organismos con un esqueleto duro mineralizado, ya sea concha o exoesqueleto. Los moluscos representan una fuente muy importante para examinar la depredación durófaga en el registro fósil debido a su distribución mundial, abundancia, buena preservación y a que habitan en una gran variedad de ambientes. En este trabajo se revisa el número de artículos publicados en revistas de circulación internacional que se enfocan en el tema de la durofagia y que tienen como potenciales presas a gasterópodos y bivalvos marinos fósiles. Se recuperaron y revisaron 101 artículos sobre este tema, enfocados en seis tipos de evidencia: perforación, reparación y fragmentación de la concha, mordidas, “punctures” y coprolitos. La mayoría de los ejemplos correspondieron a moluscos del Cenozoico. En general hay más registros en la zona tropical. Durante el Paleozoico, la mayoría de las veces, no se identificó el potencial depredador; esta tendencia continuó en el Mesozoico pero se reconoció la depredación de gasterópodos y bivalvos por parte de gasterópodos carnívoros, artrópodos, peces y reptiles. Durante el Cenozoico dominó la depredación por parte de gasterópodos natícidos y murícidos y se reconoció también la depredación por parte de ar trópodos, peces y mamíferos.

  6. Molecular evidence of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens in Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea corteziensis from the Gulf of California

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    José Manuel Grijalva-Chon


    Full Text Available The search for exotic pathogens related to the outbreaks and in surveillance samplings of the Mexican oyster farms, is a recent activity achieved by academic institutions and state committees for Aquatic Animal Health, with remarkable results. In samples of Crassostrea gigas collected through December 2009, January 2010 and November 2010, and of C. corteziensis in September 2011, the protozoan Marteilia refringens was detected for the first time in the Gulf of California. The carrier oysters were from cultures without abnormal mortality rates, whereby, the use of histology, in situ hybridization and transmission electron microscopy studies are necessary to determine if M. refringens has become established in the Gulf of California oyster cultures. Detection of M. refringens is of great concern to the global oyster farming industry.

  7. Impact of an icy winter on the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793) populations in Scandinavia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Strand, Åsa; Blanda, Elisa; Bodvin, Torjan


    The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is an invasive species that has dispersed into Scandinavia during the last few decades. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of extreme winter conditions on the mortality of the Pacific oyster in Scandinavia. The study was done by compilin...

  8. Development and distribution of the non-indigenous Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the Dutch Wadden Sea

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fey-Hofstede, F.E.; Dankers, N.M.J.A.; Steenbergen, J.; Goudswaard, P.C.


    Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were first observed in the Dutch Wadden Sea near Texel in 1983. The population increased slowly in the beginning but grew exponentially from the mid-1990s onwards, although now some stabilisation seems to be occurring. They occur on a variety of substrates such as

  9. DNA methylation patterns provide insight into epigenetic regulation in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas

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    Gavery Mackenzie R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism with important regulatory functions in animals. While the mechanism itself is evolutionarily ancient, the distribution and function of DNA methylation is diverse both within and among phylogenetic groups. Although DNA methylation has been well studied in mammals, there are limited data on invertebrates, particularly molluscs. Here we characterize the distribution and investigate potential functions of DNA methylation in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas. Results Methylation sensitive PCR and bisulfite sequencing PCR approaches were used to identify CpG methylation in C. gigas genes and demonstrated that this species possesses intragenic methylation. In silico analysis of CpGo/e ratios in publicly available sequence data suggests that DNA methylation is a common feature of the C. gigas genome, and that specific functional categories of genes have significantly different levels of methylation. Conclusions The Pacific oyster genome displays intragenic DNA methylation and contains genes necessary for DNA methylation in animals. Results of this investigation suggest that DNA methylation has regulatory functions in Crassostrea gigas, particularly in gene families that have inducible expression, including those involved in stress and environmental responses.

  10. Polymorphic microsatellite loci for two Atlantic oyster species: Crassostrea rhizophorae and C. gasar. (United States)

    Cavaleiro, Nathalia P; Solé-Cava, Antonio M; Lazoski, Cristiano; Cunha, Haydée A


    Using a CA/CAA enriched library screening procedure, we isolated and characterised a total of seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci for two species of Crassostrea with recognised economic importance. Eleven microsatellite loci were developed for C. rhizophorae, a Western Atlantic species for which no microsatellites were previously known. Another six loci were developed for C. gasar, a species that occurs on both sides of the South Atlantic, adding to the ten loci previously described for the species. The levels of polymorphism were estimated using 24 C. rhizophorae from Southeast Brazil (São Paulo) and 23 C. gasar individuals from North Brazil (Maranhão). The number of alleles per polymorphic locus varied from 3 to 27, and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.174 and 0.958 and between 0.237 and 0.972 in C. rhizophorae and C. gasar, respectively. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any locus pair, and four of them exhibited deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Of the 17 loci developed, 8 cross-amplified in C. gigas and 13 in C. virginica. These markers are useful for evolution and population genetics studies of Crassostrea species and may provide fundamental data for the future cultivation of native oysters in Western Atlantic.

  11. Paleontología y ambientes sedimentarios del Triásico medio, Muschelkalk, de la Cordillera Ibérica 1: Cuencas y Valencia. España

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    López Gómez, J.


    , constituyen la Facies Muscbelkalk al SE. de la Rama Castel1ana de la Cordil1era Ibérica. Este trabajo enfoca el estudio paleontológico y de los medios sedimentarios de las dos unidades carbonatadas (d.L. y d.c.C.. Para ello, se han utilizado 10 columnas estratigráficas a lo largo de todo el área de estudio en las cuales se han diferenciado 9 asociaciones de facies constituidas cada una por una secuencia característica de menos de 2 m. de espesor. Se ha escogido una serie tipo en la que se han diferenciado 9 tramos constituidos cada uno de el10s por la repetición de una misma secuencia de las anteriormente citadas. Del análisis de estas secuencias han sido diferenciados tres distintos subambientes para cada unidad carbonatada, siendo éstos de bajio, zona protegida poco profunda y zona supramareal «shoal», «lagoon» y «Sabkba», respectivamente dentro de una rampa somera, y dos episodios en el desarrollo del sistema deposicional, uno primero y corto transgresivo y otro segundo y mayor de carácter regresivo. Posiblemente debido a los efectos de la dolomitización, el registro fósil es en general escaso y mal conservado. El mayor contenido está constituido por moluscos de la clase Bivalvia que refleja una asociación bentónica principalmente compuesta por suspensívoros. Aunque los bivalvos son encontrados en ambas unidades carbonatadas, en la superior (d.c.C., la diversidad específica es mayor. El análisis tafonómico realizado nos permite identificar algunas asociaciones autóctonas, formadas principalmente por elementos acumulados en ambas unidades. Se define cuantitativamente la «Fauna de Teruel», como el conjunto de bivalvos característicos de las capas terminales del Muscbelkalk carbonatado más alto de la Cordillera Ibérica; para esta definición, nos basamos principalmente en los bal1azgos de las series de Villora y Henarejos. El conjunto de bivalvos está formado mayoritariamente por infaunales, seguido de endo y epibisados con una

  12. Oxygen isotope fluctuations in a modern North Sea oyster (Crassostrea gigas) compared with annual variations in seawater temperature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ullmann, Clemens Vinzenz; Wiechert, Uwe; Korte, Christoph


    A total of 181 oxygen isotope values from sequential samples of the left shell of a modern Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) that lived on a sub-tidal oyster bank in the List Basin (North Sea, Germany) shows periodically varying values between + 1.3‰ and -2.5‰. In order to test whether these d18O...... fluctuations reflect seawater temperature changes, the isotope values of the shell were compared to actual seawater temperature variations from the region. C. gigas serves as an excellent proxy for temperature of palaeoseawater and the results show that the examined oyster precipitated its shell in d18O...... equilibrium with the ambient seawater. A cessation of the oyster shell calcification starts at water temperatures below 6 °C, at lower temperatures than previously thought for Crassostrea. For palaeoclimate investigations the termination of shell production is important because the lowest temperatures might...

  13. Detection of Perkinsus marinus in the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae in southern Bahia by proteomic analysis

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    Thiago Ramos Pinto


    Full Text Available This study reports the presence of the pathogen Perkinsus marinus, notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health (Office International des Èpizooties = OIE in the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae in southern Bahia via proteomic analysis. We analyzed Crassostrea brasiliana from a long-line cultivation system and C. rhizophorae from an adjacent mangrove in Porto do Campo, Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brazil. The collections (n = 100 were performed in October 2012. In the laboratory, the oysters were measured and opened to remove the meat, which was steeped in dry ice. For extraction of proteins, adaptation of a protocol used for mussels was used, after which separation in the first dimension was taken by isoelectric focusing (IEF. The peptides were transferred to a Mass Spectrometer. The obtained spectra were analyzed with the ProteinLynx Global Server 4.2 software tool and also by MASCOT (Matrix Science and compared to the databases of the SWISSPROT and NCBI, respectively. The identification was evidenced by beta-tubulin, Perkinsus marinus ATCC 50983 and protein homology code in the database NCBI = gi | 294889481. This is the first record of P. marinus in Bahia and the fourth in Brazil.


    Volety, Aswani K., S. Greg Tolley and James T. Winstead. 2002. Parasitic and Symbiotic Fauna in Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and Mud Crabs (Panopeus spp.) from the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida, USA (Abstract). Presented at the 4th International Conference on Molluscan Shell...

  15. Growth of Crassostrea gasar cultured in marine and estuary environments in Brazilian waters


    Lopes,Gustavo Ruschel; Gomes,Carlos Henrique Araujo de Miranda; Tureck,Cláudio Rudolfo; Melo,Claudio Manuel Rodrigues de


    The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea gasar cultured in marine and estuarine environments. Oysters were cultured for 11 months in a longline system in two study sites - São Francisco do Sul and Florianópolis -, in the state of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Water chlorophyll-α concentration, temperature, and salinity were measured weekly. The oysters were measured monthly (shell size and weight gain) to assess growth. At the end of the...

  16. Comunidad de moluscos asociados al mejillón verde Perna viridis (Mollusca: Bivalvia y sus relaciones tróficas en la costa norte de la Península de Araya, Estado Sucre, Venezuela

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    Sioliz Villafranca


    Full Text Available Perna viridis es un bivalvo procedente del Indo-Pacífico que habita en la zona intermareal y ha invadido varios ecosistemas de la costa norte del estado Sucre, Venezuela. Con la finalidad de realizar un estudio sobre las comunidades de moluscos asociadas a esta especie y sus relaciones tróficas, se llevaron a cabo muestreos bimensuales entre octubre/97 y agosto/98, en un banco natural de mejillones a dos metros de profundidad en la costa norte de la península de Araya (10°40’N -48°63’W. Los organismos fueron recolectados delimitando el área con una cuadrícula de 0.25 m². Se identificaron los organismos hasta la categoría de especies utilizando claves específicas para moluscos y bibliográficamente se les determinó categoría trófica.Se capturó un total de 1 235 individuos de P. viridis y asociados a la especie 3 163 especímenes pertenecientes al phylum Mollusca, contenidos en tres clases: Bivalvia,Gastropoda y Polyplacophora. Éstas estuvieron representadas por 50 especies correspondientes a 10 órdenes, 24 familias; para los gasterópodos se contabilizaron 25 especies, para los bivalvos 22 y tres para los poliplacóforos. Del total de las especies, 40% fueron filtradoras, 26% carnívoras, 24% herbívoras y el 10% restante presentó dos categorías.De las filtradoras las más representativas fueron: Perna perna, Musculus lateralis, Crassostrea rhizophorae y Ostrea equestris; en el grupo de los carnívoros dominaron tres especies de la familia Columbellidae:Mitrella lunata, Anachis obesa y Nitidella ocellata y para el grupo de los herbívoros destacaron dos especies de la familia Fisurellidae: Diodora cayenensis y D. minuta. Se registraron dos especies filtradoras-detritívoras, y tres especies herbívoras-filtradoras representantes del género C repidula. El alto porcentaje de filtradores sería un indicativo de que dentro de este sistema probablemente hay una mayor disponibilidad de fracciones alimenticias para este grupo


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    Full Text Available Se evaluaron la colonización y sucesión de moluscos y crustáceos en un sustrato de raíces de mangle en tres estaciones en la ciénaga La Boquilla, Punta San Bernardo en la parte norte del Golfo de Morrosquillo. Para el seguimiento del proceso de colonización se ubicaron tres sitios en las márgenes occidental, norte y oriental, y se fijaron en cada estación seis raíces aéreas deshojadas de Rhizophora mangle. Luego de 76 y 200 días de exposición, se retiraron tres raíces de cada sitio y se identificaron los organismos por morfoespecie. Después de 200 días de exposición, se determinaron 19 especies de moluscos y cinco de crustáceos. El anfípodo Corophium sp. y el bivalvo Brachidontes exustus fueron las especies mas numerosas y agruparon una fracción muy importante de la totalidad de los individuos recolectados. La mayoría de las especies encontradas son típicas de la fauna acompañante de las raíces de mangle en el Caribe colombiano.

  18. Behavior of pathogenic bacteria in the oyster, Crassostrea commercialis, during depuration, re-laying, and storage.


    Son, N T; Fleet, G H


    Oysters (Crassostrea commercials) harvested from major cultivation areas within the state of New South Wales, Australia, were commonly contaminated with low levels of the food-poisoning organisms Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Salmonella was found in oysters on only one occasion. These bacteria were cleansed from oysters during oyster purification by re-laying in a non-polluted waterway. Oysters were laboratory contaminated to levels in excess 1,000 cel...


    The progression of diseases caused by the oyster parasites, Perkinsus marinus and Haplosporidium nelsoni, were evaluated by periodic sampling (May 1994-Dec. 1995) of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, that set on an artificial reef located in the Piankatank River, Virginia, in Augus...

  20. Status of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in the western Limfjord, Denmark – Five years of population development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Groslier, Tilde; Christensen, Helle Torp; Davids, Jens


    The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, was introduced into the Netherlands in 1964 for aquaculture purposes and has since spread extensively in Northern European waters. Eight locations in the western part of the Limfjord, Denmark, first sampled in 2006 were revisited in 2011, to determine how...

  1. Cultivo de la ostra Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1795 en un vivero artesanal, La arena, Casma

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    Paul Baltazar


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo describe la metodología empleada para el cultivo de la ostra del Pacífico Crassostrea gigas en un vivero artesanal, en el Centro Acuícola La Arena, Casma. Se utilizó reproductores en fase intermedia de madurez gonádica procedentes de líneas de cultivo del Centro Acuícola. El acondicionamiento se realizó en tanques de fibra de vidrio de 1000 L, con agua de mar sin filtrar a una temperatura de 27 ± 0,9 oC; adicionalmente se les alimentó con fécula de maíz y microalgas obtenidas en el lugar y cultivadas al aire libre. El desove se indujo para un grupo sólo por estimulación térmica (30 a 31 oC y para el otro se añadió además peróxido de hidrógeno, a lo cual se presentaron respuestas diferentes. A los 20 minutos después de la fertilización se observó, en el 100% de huevos fecundados, el cuerpo polar definido y a las 24 horas las larvas veliger. Las larvas alcanzaron el estado de pediveliger luego de 20 días de cultivo, con tallas promedios de 237 ± 10 µm. Para la fijación de las larvas se utilizó conchuela molida (300 µm, plástico negro lijado y valvas de ostras. A los 33 días se obtuvieron semillas con tallas medias de 1262 ± 204 µm las que fueron colocadas en pearl net para su desarrollo en el mar. A los 30 días de la siembra en el mar, la talla promedio de las postlarvas alcanzó los 13,4 ± 3,4 mm. El trabajo muestra las ventajas de la metodología descrita en la producción masiva de semillas en un vivero artesanal.

  2. Coexistence of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) and blue mussels Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758 on a sheltered intertidal bivalve bed?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, M.W.; Davids, J.K.; Dolmer, Per


    The invasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793 was introduced in Denmark for aquaculture in the 1970s. Presently, feral populations are found in many parts of the country, with the largest populations established on existing beds of blue mussel, Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758...

  3. Essais de decontamination des huitres Crassostrea gigas en bassin par renouvellement et circulation de l''eau


    Faury, Nicole; Masson, Daniel; Ratiskol, Jacqueline


    The germs decreasing of artificially contaminated oysters Crassostrea gigas has been studied in experimental tanks similar to a shellfish depuration plant, without any chemical or physical water treatment. The oyster were treated by three different water management pattern, compared to a control tank and the germs decreasing studied by MPN method of fecal Coliforms and Streptococus. As a result: 1) it appaears somewhat difficult to conclude in this first attempt about the most efficient treat...

  4. Feeding current characteristics of three morphologically different bivalve suspension feeders, Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule, in relation to food competition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Troost, K.; Stamhuis, E.J.; van Duren, L.A; Wolff, W.J.

    Introduced Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) have shown rapid expansion in the Oosterschelde estuary, while stocks of native bivalves declined slightly or remained stable. This indicates that they might have an advantage over native bivalve filter feeders. Hence, at the scale of individual

  5. Feeding current characteristics of three morphologically different bivalve suspension feeders, Crassostrea gigas Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule , in relation to food competition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Troost, K.; Stamhuis, E.J.; Duren, L.A.; Wolff, W.


    Introduced Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) have shown rapid expansion in the Oosterschelde estuary, while stocks of native bivalves declined slightly or remained stable. This indicates that they might have an advantage over native bivalve filter feeders. Hence, at the scale of individual

  6. Viral gametocytic hypertrophy of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Ireland. (United States)

    Cheslett, Deborah; McKiernan, Frank; Hickey, Cathy; Collins, Evelyn


    Viral gametocytic hypertrophy (VGH) was detected during an investigation of mortalities in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas from 2 separate Irish production sites. The basophilic inclusions were observed in the gonad tissue of oysters sampled in August and October 2007. The oysters involved did not show any macroscopic disease signs. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of viral particles in these intranuclear inclusions. The particles were small, non-enveloped, icosahedral and approximately 50 nm in diameter, and thus had characteristics similar to the Papillomaviridae and Polyomaviridae families. No host defence reaction was observed. The viral particles described here appear to be similar to those described in C. virginica from the USA and Canada and to those described in C. gigas from Korea and France.

  7. Elemental composition of Chesapeake Bay oyster Crassostrea virginica in the vicinity of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavrilas, M.; Munno, F.J.


    The stable element composition of the American oyster Crassostrea virginica collected between June 1978 and August 1983 in the Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant was analyzed by neutron activation. The minimum, maximum and the mean values of the elemental concentrations are given. The seasonal effect and the linear correlation between elements entering the oyster composition are shown. 7 references, 1 figure, 4 tables

  8. Vibrios patogênicos em ostras (Crassostrea rhizophorae servidas em restaurantes no Rio de Janeiro: um alerta para a Saúde Pública Pathogenic Vibrios in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae served at restaurants in Rio de Janeiro: a public health warning

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    Christiane Soares Pereira


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se 40 amostras de ostras (Crassostrea rhizophorae servidas in natura em 15 restaurantes da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de investigar a presença de Vibrio spp. As amostras de ostras foram analisadas e submetidas a enriquecimento em água peptonada alcalina adicionada de 1 e 3% de NaCl, incubadas a 37°C por 24 horas. Em seguida, os cultivos foram semeados em agar tiossulfato citrato bile sacarose e as colônias suspeitas foram submetidas à caracterização bioquímica. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio carchariae, Vibrio alginolyticus e Vibrio vulnificus representaram as principais espécies (> 60% isoladas a partir das ostras in natura.Forty oyster samples (Crassostrea rhizophorae served raw in 15 restaurants in the city of Rio de Janeiro were evaluated in order to investigate the presence of Vibrio spp. The oyster samples were analyzed and subjected to enrichment in alkaline peptone water with the addition of 1 and 3% NaCl and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Following this, the cultures were seeded onto thiosulfate citrate bile sucrose agar (TCBS and the suspected colonies were subjected to biochemical characterization. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio carchariae, Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus were the main species (> 60% isolated from raw oysters.

  9. Isolation of vibrio spp. In oysters (crassostrea rhizophorea) caught in the ‘de la virgen’ swamp


    López Gutiérrez, Lercy; Autor; Manjarrez Pava, Ganiveth; Autor; Herrera Rodríguez, Lilibeth; Autor; Montes Payares, Ana Elena; Autor; Olascuaga Ruíz, Yuranis Paola; Autor; Ortega Quiroz, Rolando José; Autor


    Objective:  To establish contamination by Vibrio in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) caught in De La Virgen Swamp, in order to alert entities in charge or protecting consumer health in Cartagena city. Methods: Between February and April 2006, 67 oysters from 5 strategic sites along De La Virgen Swamp, were analyzed. Insulation and identification of Vibrio was performed through a culture and biochemical tests.Results.  Predominant species were V. alginolyticus (23%),V fluvialis  (20%),V. para...

  10. Utilization of detrital complexes by the oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crosby, M.P.


    The contribution of bacteria and nonliving particulate organic matter of detrital complexes to the nutrition of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, was investigated in the laboratory under normal feeding conditions. Results indicate the oysters were capable of assimilating crude fiber extracted from 14 C-Spartina alterniflora with an efficiency of approximately 3% and that enteric bacteria did not enhance this process. Less than 1% of an oyster's energetic demands could be met by direct utilization of this substrate, in the Choptank River subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay. The potential contribution of refractory organics to oysters in large salt marshes having crude fiber concentration greater than in the Choptank system, are discussed. The ability of the oyster to utilize 14 C and 15 N from cellulolytic marine bacteria, isolated from a S. alterniflora dominated salt marsh, was also studied

  11. Efeitos do caranguejo Pinnotheres ostreum em ostras Crassostrea rhizophorae

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    Iracema Andrade Nascimento


    Full Text Available Some biological parameters of the oyster (Crassostrea rhizopharae, during the spawning and post-spawning periods, were analised in relation to the infestation by the pea crab (Pinnotheres ostreum The biological parameters considered were: size, total weight, wet and dry meat weight, and condition index. Utilizing the χ2 test these parameters and infestation by the pea crab were shown to to be associated. The incidence of pea crabs was higher during the spawning period than in the post-spawning period, reaching a maximum (20.3% infestation in oysters with a size of 6 to 7 cm. The values of the condition index and percent of meat (wet and dry weight for these oysters were significantly (P < 0.05 lower than for uninfested oysters. From these results there seems to be no doubt that the pea crab (V. ostreum injures the mangrove oysters which supports the conclusion that these crabs are true parasites for C. rhizophorae.

  12. Les phénoloxydases chez l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas : biomarqueurs potentiels de stress environnemental


    Luna Acosta , Andrea


    The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the leading aquaculture product at the worldwide level. However, massive summer mortalities affect dramatically cultivated and natural oyster populations, especially at young life stages. These events could be linked to an unbalance between the different actors of the triad host – pathogen agent – environment, which could favour a weakening of defence mechanisms in the host, and consequently, the emergence and/or increase of diseases. Among environmenta...

  13. Effects of storage on microbial loads of two commercially important shellfish species, Crassostrea virginica and Mercenaria campechiensis.


    Hood, M A; Ness, G E; Rodrick, G E; Blake, N J


    The effects of storage on the microbial load in two commercially important species of shellfish were examined. Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were stored as shellstock, shucked meats, and fully processed meats at four temperatures for up to 21 days, and clams (Mercenaria campechiensis) were stored only as shellstock. The concentrations of most microbiological groups of organisms increased with the duration and temperature of storage in both shellfish species, although the increases were sign...

  14. Induction of gynogenetic haploidy in oyster Crassostrea gigas, using ultra violet irradiated sperms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goswami, Usha [National Inst. of Oceanography, Panaji (India)


    Eggs of Crassostrea gigas were fertilized with sperms exposed to different doses of UV irradiations by keeping a constant rate of 121.47[sup -2]sec[sup -1] and changing the period of exposure from 4 to 90 sec. Samples of larvae were analysed for chromosomal ploidy, rate of fertilization, developmental and chromosomal abnormalities. The gynogenetic haploid larvae first made their appearance in the 30 and 50 sec group exposed to 3644 and 6074 ergs mm[sup -2] UV. The maximum number was found in the 90 sec group exposed to 10932 ergs mm[sup -2] UV. (author). 11 refs., 1 tab., 1 fig.

  15. Study of the U and Th series in Crassostrea mangle shell

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farias, Wellington M.; Damatto, Sandra R.; Silva, Paulo S.C., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Simone, Luiz R.L.; Amaral, Vanessa S., E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (MZ/USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Museu de Zoologia


    Foraminifera, corals and mollusks shells have been used as proxies for environmental, paleoenvironmental and climatic change studies in marine system by using elemental and isotopic ratios as recorder of such events. Nevertheless, there is little information available on the U and Th radionuclides decay series applied on those fields. In this sense, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the activity concentrations of the U and Th nuclide decay series in Crassostrea mangle shell samples as a function of the geographic location. Samples from Sao Paulo, Parana, Alagoas, Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco states were analyzed by Neutron Activation Analysis and Gross Alpha and Beta Counting. Statistical analysis applied to the obtained results allowed differencing samples coming from Sao Paulo from that coming from Parana. (author)

  16. Study of the U and Th series in Crassostrea mangle shell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farias, Wellington M.; Damatto, Sandra R.; Silva, Paulo S.C.; Simone, Luiz R.L.; Amaral, Vanessa S.


    Foraminifera, corals and mollusks shells have been used as proxies for environmental, paleoenvironmental and climatic change studies in marine system by using elemental and isotopic ratios as recorder of such events. Nevertheless, there is little information available on the U and Th radionuclides decay series applied on those fields. In this sense, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the activity concentrations of the U and Th nuclide decay series in Crassostrea mangle shell samples as a function of the geographic location. Samples from Sao Paulo, Parana, Alagoas, Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco states were analyzed by Neutron Activation Analysis and Gross Alpha and Beta Counting. Statistical analysis applied to the obtained results allowed differencing samples coming from Sao Paulo from that coming from Parana. (author)

  17. Aeromonas spp. isolated from oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorea from a natural oyster bed, Ceará, Brazil Aeromonas spp. isoladas de ostras (Crassostrea rhizophorea coletadas em um criadouro natural, Ceará, Brazil

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    Norma S. Evangelista-Barreto


    Full Text Available Between April and October 2002, thirty fortnightly collections of oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorea from a natural oyster bed at the Cocó River estuary in the Sabiaguaba region (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil were carried out, aiming to isolate Aeromonas spp. strains. Oyster samples were submitted to the direct plating (DP and the presence/absence (P/A methods. Aeromonas were identified in 15 (50% samples analyzed by the DP method and in 13 (43% analyzed by the P/A method. A. caviae, A. eucrenophila, A. media, A. sobria, A. trota, A. veronii bv. sobria, A. veronii bv. veronii and Aeromonas sp. were isolated. The predominant species was A. veronii (both biovars, which was identified in 13 (43% samples, followed by A. media in 11 (37% and A. caviae in seven (23%. From the 59 strains identified, 28 (48% presented resistance to at least one of the eight antibiotics tested.Foram realizadas 30 coletas quinzenais, entre abril e outubro de 2002, de ostras (Crassostrea rhizophorea de um criadouro natural, no estuário do rio Cocó (Fortaleza/Ceará/Brasil, objetivando-se isolar cepas de Aeromonas spp. As amostras de ostras foram submetidas aos métodos de plaqueamento direto (PD e presença/ausência (P/A. Foram identificadas Aeromonas em 15 (50% amostras analisadas pelo método PD e em 13 (43% pelo método P/A. Foram isoladas: A. caviae, A. eucrenophila, A. media, A. sobria, A. trota, A. veronii bv. sobria, A. veronii bv. veronii e Aeromonas sp. A espécie predominate foi A. veronii (ambos biovars, identificada em 13 (43% amostras, seguida de A. media em 11 (37% e A. caviae em 7 (23%. Das 59 cepas identificadas, 28 (48% apresentaram resistência a pelo menos um, dos oitos antibióticos testados.

  18. Bacteria of fecal origin in mangrove oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) in the Cocó River estuary, Ceará State, Brazil


    Silva,Ana I.M.; Vieira,Regine H.S.F.; Menezes,Francisca G.R.; Fonteles-Filho,Antonio A.; Torres,Regina C.O.; Sant'Anna,Ernani S.


    This study was aimed at evaluating the microbiological quality of mangrove oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae), collected at a natural oyster bed in the estuary of Cocó river (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil). MPN values were used for estimating the total (TC) and fecal (FC) coliforms and Enterococcus spp. TC and FC MPN values in the whole muscle and intervalve liquid ranged from 1,600/g and from

  19. Growth, mortality and susceptibility of oyster Crassostrea spp. to Perkinsus spp. infection during on growing in northeast Brazil

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    Marcos Paiva Scardua


    Full Text Available Abstract Crassostrea rhizophorae and C. gasar oysters are cultivated in the northeast region. Perkinsus parasites infect bivalves, and their effects on oysters from tropical regions are poorly understood. This study evaluated the impact of Perkinsus infection on the productive traits of native oysters. Oysters were sampled bimonthly during 7 months, from July 2010 to February 2011, to evaluate growth rate, mortality and shell color patterns (white and dark-gray (n = 500, and to determine the prevalence and intensity of Perkinsus (n = 152. Perkinsus and Crassostrea species were determined using molecular tools. Results showed that most dark-gray (90%, n = 20 and white (67%, n = 18 oysters were C. gasar and C. rhizophorae, respectively. Oysters showed a high growth rate and moderate cumulative mortality (44%. C. gasar oysters grew better and showed lower mortality and lower incidence of Perkinsus compared to C. rhizophorae. The mean prevalence of Perkinsus was moderate (48%, but the infection intensity was light (2.2. Perkinsosis affected very small oysters (19.4 mm. In conclusion, native oysters, especially C. gasar, have a great potential for culture, mortality is not associated with perkinsosis, and the shell color of oysters can be used to improve selection for spats with better performance.

  20. Ostreid herpesvirus OsHV-1 μVar in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793) of the Wadden Sea, a UNESCO world heritage site

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gittenberger, A.; Voorbergen-Laarman, M.A.; Engelsma, M.Y.


    The Wadden Sea is an extensive wetland area, recognized as UNESCO world heritage site of international importance. Since the mid-1990s, the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793) population in the area has grown exponentially, having a distinct impact on the ecosystem. The

  1. Evaluating the performance of selective-bred lines of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, at different locations along the east coast of the United States (United States)

    Populations of the economically important eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica have been severely affected in the last few decades by diseases such as Dermo, MSX, SSO, and ROD. As the demand for a fast-growing, disease-resistant oyster increases, so has the need for effective breeding programs that...

  2. Levantamento de estoques da ostra Crassostrea sp. em bancos naturais no litoral paranaense

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Euler Batista Erse


    Full Text Available A importância econômica de diversas espécies de ostras nativas, em especial a Crassostrea sp., torna atrativa a exploração desta espécie pelas comunidades litorâneas. A explotação deste recurso natural, baseada somente no extrativismo não sustentável acaba por ameaçar os estoques naturais com a sobrepesca. Baseado neste fato, uma avaliação das condições dos estoques naturais desse animal torna-se importante para futuros projetos de conservação e manejo sustentáveis do recurso. Neste trabalho foram levantados dados referentes aos estoques da ostra Crassostrea sp. de três bancos naturais distintos, sendo estes, um na Ilha da Cotinga, na foz do Rio Maciel e outro na foz do Rio Biguaçú. Em cada banco, foram feitas três amostragens aleatórias durante a maré baixa sizígia utilizando-se de um quadrado de amostragem com dimensão de 30x30 cm. Observamos também neste trabalho que, dos locais de estoques naturais da ostra nativa Cras- sostrea sp. presentes na Baía de Paranaguá, o da Ilha da Cotinga apresenta signifi cativamente os maiores valores quanto ao tamanho se comparados com a o Rio Maciel e o Rio Biguaçú, sendo que, entre os dois últimos, o primeiro apresentou maiores valores. Porém, não houve diferenças signifi cativas nos valores biométricos encontrados entre os bancos amostrados nos respectivos bosques.

  3. High pressure treatment changes spoilage characteristics and shelf life of Pacific oysters ( Crassostrea gigas) during refrigerated storage (United States)

    Cao, Rong; Zhao, Ling; Liu, Qi


    The effects of high pressure (HP) treatment on spoilage characteristic and shelf life extension of Pacific oysters ( Crassostrea gigas) during refrigerated storage were studied. Results showed that HP treatment of 275 MPa for 3 min or 300 MPa for 2 min could achieve 100% full release of oyster adductor muscle, pressures higher than 350 MPa caused excessive release as the shells of oysters were broken, thus use of higher pressures should be cautious in oyster processing industry because of its adverse impact on the appearance of shells. HP treatment (300 MPa, 2 min) was proper for the shucking of Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas) in China. This treatment caused no organoleptic disadvantage. Moreover, HP treatment resulted in obvious differences in biochemical spoilage indicators (pH, TVB-N and TBARS) changes and volatile compounds profile determined by electronic nose during storage. HP treatment (300 MPa, 2 min) also led to a reduction of aerobic bacterial count (APC) by 1.27 log cycles. Furthermore, the APC values of oysters treated by HP were always lower than those of the control samples during storage. Based on the organoleptic, biochemical and microbiological indicators, shelf life of 6-8 d for control and 12 d for HP-treated oysters could be expected. HP treatment showed great potential in oyster processing and preservation.

  4. Effets des sels organiques de tributyletain sur l'huître adulte Crassostrea gigas


    Heral, Maurice; Alzieu, Claude; Caux, O.; Razet, Daniel; Garnier, Jacqueline


    La toxicité des composés organostanniques a été mise en évidence à l'égard de l'huître Crassostrea gigas tant aux stades larvaires (His & Robert, 1980) que chez l'adulte (Alzieu & al., 1980, 1981). Parallèlement ces mêmes auteurs ont montré l'accumulation d'étain dans les huîtres contaminées expérimentalement ainsi que le rôle que peut jouer le fluorure de TBT dans la perturbation de la croissance (Héral & al. 1981) et dans la malformation de la coquille des huîtres (Alzieu & al., 1981). Dans...

  5. High mobility group protein DSP1 negatively regulates HSP70 transcription in Crassostrea hongkongensis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miao, Zongyu; Xu, Delin; Cui, Miao; Zhang, Qizhong, E-mail:


    HSP70 acts mostly as a molecular chaperone and plays important roles in facilitating the folding of nascent peptides as well as the refolding or degradation of the denatured proteins. Under stressed conditions, the expression level of HSP70 is upregulated significantly and rapidly, as is known to be achieved by various regulatory factors controlling the transcriptional level. In this study, a high mobility group protein DSP1 was identified by DNA-affinity purification from the nuclear extracts of Crassostrea hongkongensis using the ChHSP70 promoter as a bait. The specific interaction between the prokaryotically expressed ChDSP1 and the FITC-labeled ChHSP70 promoter was confirmed by EMSA analysis. ChDSP1 was shown to negatively regulate ChHSP70 promoter expression by Luciferase Reporter Assay in the heterologous HEK293T cells. Both ChHSP70 and ChDSP1 transcriptions were induced by either thermal or CdCl{sub 2} stress, while the accumulated expression peaks of ChDSP1 were always slightly delayed when compared with that of ChHSP70. This indicates that ChDSP1 is involved, very likely to exert its suppressive role, in the recovery of the ChHSP70 expression from the induced level to its original state. This study is the first to report negative regulator of HSP70 gene transcription, and provides novel insights into the mechanisms controlling heat shock protein expression. -- Highlights: •HMG protein ChDSP1 shows affinity to ChHSP70 promoter in Crassostrea hongkongensis. •ChDSP1 negatively regulates ChHSP70 transcription. •ChHSP70 and ChDSP1 transcriptions were coordinately induced by thermal/Cd stress. •ChDSP1 may contribute to the recovery of the induced ChHSP70 to its original state. •This is the first report regarding negative regulator of HSP70 transcription.

  6. Impacts of ocean acidification on gene expression and biomineralisation in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793 (United States)

    Bagusche, F.; Pouvreau, S.; Trueman, C.; Long, S.; Hauton, C.


    The published evidence of impacts of ocean acidification and on marine calcifiers has emphasized the need to understand the molecular mechanisms of biomineralisation. Crassostrea gigas is an ideal organism to examine these processes as: 1) the hatchery rearing of larval stages is well constrained, 2) studies have established an ontogenetic switch in deposition of carbonate polymorphs from aragonite in larval shells to calcite in adults and 3) it is a globally-important commercial species. Research summarized in this presentation will identify some of the molecular mechanisms involved in calcification processes during ontogeny of Crassostrea gigas, as well as possible impacts of changes in environmental conditions such as temperature and pH. Data will be presented from a quantitative real-time PCR study of the changes in gene expression during development in different environments. Additionally scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy analyses of shell microstructures and composition will be summarised to correlate changes in gene expression with end-point differences in shell structure. Preliminary results suggest that changes in the environmental conditions lead to differences in expression patterns of genes involved in biomineralisation processes. The combined effects of ambient seawater temperature and low pH show the greatest negative effect on larval shell development, identified as malformations, eroded shell surfaces and a significant decrease in shell size. However, the effect of higher seawater temperature seems to amend the effects of ocean acidification on larval shell development.

  7. Microbiological quality of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) produced and commercialized in the coastal region of Florianópolis - Brazil


    Pereira,Murilo Anderson; Nunes,Márcia Menezes; Nuernberg,Leonardo; Schulz,Denys; Batista,Cleide Rosana Vieira


    Oysters are filter feeders able to ingest particles in suspension that may carry pathogenic microorganisms. In this respect, the consumption of raw oysters can cause foodborne diseases in humans. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of Crassostrea gigas oysters cultivated and commercialized in the coastal region of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. The study comprised counts of coliforms at 35ºC and at 45ºC, Escherichia coli and coagulase-positive staphylococci, a...

  8. Spatial distribution in a temperate coastal ecosystem of the wild stock of the farmed oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)


    Cognie, B; Haure, Joel; Barille, L


    The Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, well known throughout the world because of its ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions, was introduced for cultivation into France on a massive scale in the 1970s. With global warming, the reproductive population, confined at the beginning to the south of the French Atlantic coast, became established at more northern latitudes (above 45 degrees 58'N), and wild C gigas began to colonize coastal areas such as our study site, Bourgneuf ...

  9. Characteristic crystal orientation of folia in oyster shell, Crassostrea gigas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Seung Woo [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Gyeung Ho [Nano-Materials Reserch Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Cheong Song [Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:


    The thin sheets of calcite, termed folia, that make up much of the shell of an oyster are composed of foliated lath. Folia of the giant Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) were examined using TEM (transmission electron microscopy) and tested using microindentation and nanoindentation techniques. Analysis of the Kikuchi patterns obtained from the folia showed that there are two types (type I and type II) of preferred orientation, with an angle of around 70{sup o} between them. Nanoindentation tests showed that the folia exhibit a hardness of about 3 GPa and elastic modulus of about 73 GPa. Microcracks were generated using a microindenter in order to study the fracture mechanisms of the folia. Following on from these investigations, fracture mechanisms are discussed in conjunction with the correlation between preferred orientation and structural characteristics during cracking of the folia. Comparing the morphology and the polymorphism with nacre (also known as mother of pearl), the advantages of the relatively fast crystal growth and less amount of organic matrix in folia may have interesting implications for the development of sophisticated synthetic materials.

  10. Detection of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in Brazilian oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae). (United States)

    Ribeiro, L A; Santos, L K N S S; Brito, P A; Maciel, B M; Da Silva, A V; Albuquerque, G R


    The aim of this study was to detect evidence of Toxoplasma gondii using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) obtained from the southern coastal region of Bahia, Brazil. A total of 624 oysters were collected, and the gills and digestive glands were dissected. Each tissue sample was separated into pools containing tissues (of the same type) from three animals, leading to a total of 416 experimental samples for analysis (208 samples each from the gills and digestive glands). Molecular analysis using PCR-based detection of the T. gondii AF 146527 repetitive fragment yielded negative results for all samples. However, when nested-PCR was used for detection of the T. gondii SAG-1 gene, 17 samples were positive, with the gills being the tissue with maximal detection of the parasite. These positive results were confirmed by sample sequencing. It is therefore suggested that C. rhizophorae oysters are capable of filtering and retaining T. gondii oocysts in their tissue. This represents a risk to public health because they are traditionally ingested in natura.

  11. 108mAg and 110mAg in crassostrea gigas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Y.; Sato, N.; Nakamura, E.; Sekine, T.; Yoshihara, K.


    Accumulation of radiosilver 108m Ag and 110m Ag in oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and their behavior in marine environments has been studied in the northeast Pacific coast in Japan. Enrichment of radiosilver in oysters depends on topographical conditions; significant bioaccumulation occurred in open bays, while it was hardly observed in bays with narrow shaped entrances. From these observations difference of the behavior of radiosilver between open and nearly closed bays is suggested. 110m Ag in oysters decayed with an effective half-life of about 150 days for both the Chinese nuclear weapon test and the Chernobyl accident. In contrast to radiosilver, the fission product nuclide 137 Cs was almost independent of topographical conditions, and its concentration was constant. 110m Ag bioaccumulation in oysters after the Chernobyl accident in 1986 was found in both open and nearly closed bays, the lattershowing much lower concentration of radiosilver than the former. Specific activity of 108m Ag in oysters was determined in bays open to the Pacific Oceans. (author) 13 refs.; 4 figs.; 3 tabs


    A suite of biological and ecological responses of a Valued Ecosystem Component species, Crassostrea virginica, was used to investigate ecosystem-wide health effects of watershed alterations in the Caloosahatchee River estuary, Florida. The influence of water quality and season on...

  13. Contaminación de alimentos marinos por cadmio en Lima, 2015

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Marín Vallejos


    Full Text Available Los objetivos fueron determinar las concentraciones de cadmio en ocho especies de alimentos marinos y comparar con los valores máximos permitidos según la Comisión de la Unión Europea en su Reglamento (CE Nº 1881/2006 y su modificatoria Reglamento (UE N° 488/2014. La investigación fue de carácter descriptivo, trasversal. Las muestras fueron de 100 g de cada ejemplar de pescado en tres oportunidades; los ejemplares fueron: jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi, langostinos (Penaeus vannamei, conchas abanico (Argopecten purpuratus, conchas blancas (Semele sp, choros (Aulacomya ater, almejas (Gari solida, machas (Mesonesma donacium y pota (Dosidicus gigas recolectadas al azar en el terminal pesquero de Villa María del Triunfo, provenientes del litoral de la región Lima, sub área 3: Chorrillos – Islas Pachacámac. El proceso de análisis se realizó por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Como resultados de los promedios de las concentraciones de cadmio tenemos: en pescados, jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi fue 0,35 mg/kg peso fresco; en crustáceos, langostino (Penaeus vannamei fue 0,42 mg/kg peso fresco; en moluscos bivalvos tenemos conchas blancas (Semele sp, conchas abanico (Argopecten purpuratus, choros (Aulacomya ater, machas (Mesonesma donacium y almejas (Gari solida fueron 0,82 – 0,83 – 1,00 – 1,28 y 1,39 mg/kg peso fresco respectivamente. Con este estudio se concluyó que las concentraciones de cadmio en pescados, en moluscos bivalvos y cefalópodos superan los límites permitidos, pero en crustáceos no superan estos límites.

  14. Observations of Crassostrea virginica cultured in the heated effluent and discharged radionuclides of a nuclear power reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Price, A.H.; Hess, C.T.; Smith, C.W.


    American oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were rafted for 26 months at four sites in the effluent waters near Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Reactor in Montsweag Bay and at a control site in the adjacent Damariscotta River. In an evaluation of the thermal effluent for aquaculture, comparisons are made among the sites of the effects of heated effluent on oyster growth and condition, and the uptake and retention of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides. Growth and uptake of radionuclides were observed to be accelerated at the warmer water sites. Both experimental results and calculations for 58 Co and 54 Mn are presented

  15. Nervous system development in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca: Bivalvia). (United States)

    Yurchenko, Olga V; Skiteva, Olga I; Voronezhskaya, Elena E; Dyachuk, Vyacheslav A


    Bivalves comprise a large, highly diverse taxon of invertebrate species. Developmental studies of neurogenesis among species of Bivalvia are limited. Due to a lack of neurogenesis information, it is difficult to infer a ground pattern for Bivalvia. To provide more comprehensive morphogenetic data on bivalve molluscs and relationships among molluscan clades, we investigated neurogenesis in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas , from the appearance of the first sensory cells to the formation of the larval ganglionic nervous system by co-immunocytochemistry of the neuronal markers FMRFamide or 5-HT and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). Neurogenesis begins with the emergence of the apical serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-ir) sensory cells and paired sensory posttrochal dorsal and ventral FMRFamide-immunoreactive (FMRFamide-ir) cells at the early trochophore stage. Later, at the early veliger stage, the apical organ (AO) includes 5-HT-ir, FMRFamide-ir, and VAChT-ir cells. At the same stage, VAChT-ir cells appear in the posterior region of larvae and send axons towards the AO. Thus, FMRFamide-ir neurites and VAChT-ir processes form scaffolds for longitudinal neurite bundles develop into the paired ventral nerve cords (VNC). Later-appearing axons from the AO/CG neurons join the neurite bundles comprising the VNC. All larval ganglia appear along the VNC as paired or fused (epiathroid) clusters in late veliger and pediveliger larvae. We observed the transformation of the AO into the cerebral ganglia, which abundantly innervated the velum, and the transformation of ventral neurons into the pedal ganglia, innervating the foot, gills, and anterior adductor muscle. The visceral ganglia appear last in the pediveliger oyster and innervate the visceral mass and posterior adductor of premetamorphic larvae. In addition, a local FMRFamide-ir network was detected in the digestive system of pediveliger larvae. We identified VAChT-ir nervous elements in oyster larvae, which

  16. Spatial genetic features of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) in the Gulf of Mexico: northward movement of a secondary contact zone


    Anderson, Joel D; Karel, William J; Mace, Christopher E; Bartram, Brian L; Hare, Matthew P


    The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) is an economically and ecologically valuable marine bivalve occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. This study builds upon previous research that identified two divergent populations of eastern oysters in the western Gulf of Mexico. Allelic and genotypic patterns from 11 microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic structure and migration between the previously described oyster populations in Texas. The main findings are as follows: (1) there a...

  17. Biochemical and volatile organic compound profile of European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) and Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas) cultivated in the Eastern Scheldt and Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Houcke, van Jasper; Medina, Isabel; Linssen, Jozef; Luten, Joop


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two important different geographical cultivation areas in the Netherlands (Eastern Scheldt and Lake Grevelingen) on the volatile organic compound (VOC) profile of European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) and Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea

  18. Influence of eutrophication on metal bioaccumulation and oral bioavailability in oysters, Crassostrea angulata. (United States)

    Li, Shun-Xing; Chen, Li-Hui; Zheng, Feng-Ying; Huang, Xu-Guang


    Oysters (Crassostrea angulata) are often exposed to eutrophication. However, how these exposures influence metal bioaccumulation and oral bioavailability (OBA) in oysters is unknown. After a four month field experimental cultivation, bioaccumulation factors (BAF) of metals (Fe, Cu, As, Cd, and Pb) from seawater to oysters and metal oral bioavailability in oysters by bionic gastrointestinal tract were determined. A positive effect of macronutrient (nitrate N and total P) concentration in seawater on BAF of Cd in oysters was observed, but such an effect was not significant for Fe, Cu, Pb, and As. Only OBA of As was significantly positively correlated to N and P contents. For Fe, OBA was negatively correlated with N. The regular variation of the OBA of Fe and As may be due to the effect of eutrophication on the synthesis of metal granules and heat-stable protein in oysters, respectively.

  19. DNA barcoding reveals that the common cupped oyster in Taiwan is the Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata (Ostreoida; Ostreidae), not C. gigas (United States)

    Hsiao, Sheng-Tai; Chuang, Shin-Chang; Chen, Kao-Sung; Ho, Ping-Ho; Wu, Chi-Lun; Chen, Chaolun Allen


    The Pacific cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is one of the major aquacultural shellfish species that has been introduced to Europe and America from its native source in the West Pacific. In Taiwan, the cultivated cupped oysters along the west coast have been identified as C. gigas for over centuries; however, several molecular phylogenetic studies have cast doubt upon the existence of this species in Taiwan and adjacent waters. Indeed, our analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences from 313 Crassostrea collected from 12 locations along Taiwanese and southern Chinese coastlines confirm that all samples were the Portuguese oyster, C. angulata, rather than C. gigas. Multiple lines of evidence, including haplotypic and nucleotide diversity of the COI gene, demographic history, and population genetics, suggest that Taiwanese C. angulata is unique, probably experienced a sudden population expansion after the Last Glacial Maxima around 20,000 years ago, and has a significantly limited genetic connectivity across the Taiwan Strait. Our study applies an extended sampling and DNA barcoding to confirm the absence of C. gigas in natural and cultivated populations in Taiwan and southern China, where we only found C. angulata. We highlight the importance of conserving the gene pool of the C. angulata population in Taiwan, particularly considering the current threats by large-scale environmental disturbances such as marine pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change.

  20. Transcriptional changes in oysters Crassostrea brasiliana exposed to phenanthrene at different salinities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zacchi, Flávia Lucena; Lima, Daína; Flores-Nunes, Fabrício de; Mattos, Jacó Joaquim; Lüchmann, Karim Hahn; Araújo de Miranda Gomes, Carlos Henrique; Bícego, Márcia Caruso; Taniguchi, Satie; Sasaki, Silvio Tarou; Dias Bainy, Afonso Celso


    Highlights: • Salinity effect on Crassostrea brasiliana exposed to phenanthrene. • Higher transcription of biotransformation genes under hyposmotic condition. • Elevated transcription of oxidative stress-related genes under hyposmotic condition. • Amino acid metabolism-related genes changes according to salinity. • Phenanthrene does not affect amino acid metabolism-related genes. - Abstract: Euryhaline animals from estuaries, such as the oyster Crassostrea brasiliana, show physiological mechanisms of adaptation to tolerate salinity changes. These ecosystems receive constant input of xenobiotics from urban areas, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as phenanthrene (PHE). In order to understand the influence of salinity on the molecular responses of C. brasiliana exposed to PHE, oysters were acclimatized to different salinities (35, 25 and 10) for 15 days and then exposed to 100 μg L"−"1 PHE for 24 h and 96 h. Control groups were kept at the same salinities without PHE. Oysters were sampled for chemical analysis and the gills were excised for mRNA quantification by qPCR. Transcript levels of different genes were measured, including some involved in oxidative stress pathways, phases I and II of the xenobiotic biotransformation systems, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator putative gene. Higher transcript levels of Sulfotransferase-like gene (SULT-like) were observed in oysters exposed to PHE at salinity 10 compared to control (24 h and 96 h); cytochrome P450 isoforms (CYP2AU1, CYP2-like1) were more elevated in oysters exposed for 24 h and CYP2-like2 after 96 h of oysters exposed to PHE at salinity 10 compared to control. These results are probably associated to an enhanced Phase I biotransformation activity required for PHE detoxification under hyposmotic stress. Higher transcript levels of CAT-like, SOD-like, GSTm-like (96 h) and GSTΩ-like (24 h) in oysters kept at salinity

  1. Transcriptional changes in oysters Crassostrea brasiliana exposed to phenanthrene at different salinities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zacchi, Flávia Lucena; Lima, Daína; Flores-Nunes, Fabrício de [Laboratory of Biomarkers of Aquatic Contamination and Immunochemistry − LABCAI, Federal University Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (Brazil); Mattos, Jacó Joaquim [Aquaculture Pathology Research Center – NEPAQ, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (Brazil); Lüchmann, Karim Hahn [Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – LBBM, Fishery Engineering Department, Santa Catarina State University, Laguna (Brazil); Araújo de Miranda Gomes, Carlos Henrique [Laboratory of Marine Mollusks – LMM, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (Brazil); Bícego, Márcia Caruso; Taniguchi, Satie; Sasaki, Silvio Tarou [Laboratory of Marine Organic Chemistry – LABQOM, Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo, São Paulo (Brazil); Dias Bainy, Afonso Celso, E-mail: [Laboratory of Biomarkers of Aquatic Contamination and Immunochemistry − LABCAI, Federal University Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (Brazil)


    Highlights: • Salinity effect on Crassostrea brasiliana exposed to phenanthrene. • Higher transcription of biotransformation genes under hyposmotic condition. • Elevated transcription of oxidative stress-related genes under hyposmotic condition. • Amino acid metabolism-related genes changes according to salinity. • Phenanthrene does not affect amino acid metabolism-related genes. - Abstract: Euryhaline animals from estuaries, such as the oyster Crassostrea brasiliana, show physiological mechanisms of adaptation to tolerate salinity changes. These ecosystems receive constant input of xenobiotics from urban areas, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as phenanthrene (PHE). In order to understand the influence of salinity on the molecular responses of C. brasiliana exposed to PHE, oysters were acclimatized to different salinities (35, 25 and 10) for 15 days and then exposed to 100 μg L{sup −1} PHE for 24 h and 96 h. Control groups were kept at the same salinities without PHE. Oysters were sampled for chemical analysis and the gills were excised for mRNA quantification by qPCR. Transcript levels of different genes were measured, including some involved in oxidative stress pathways, phases I and II of the xenobiotic biotransformation systems, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator putative gene. Higher transcript levels of Sulfotransferase-like gene (SULT-like) were observed in oysters exposed to PHE at salinity 10 compared to control (24 h and 96 h); cytochrome P450 isoforms (CYP2AU1, CYP2-like1) were more elevated in oysters exposed for 24 h and CYP2-like2 after 96 h of oysters exposed to PHE at salinity 10 compared to control. These results are probably associated to an enhanced Phase I biotransformation activity required for PHE detoxification under hyposmotic stress. Higher transcript levels of CAT-like, SOD-like, GSTm-like (96 h) and GSTΩ-like (24 h) in oysters kept at

  2. Molecular Analysis of Atypical Family 18 Chitinase from Fujian Oyster Crassostrea angulata and Its Physiological Role in the Digestive System. (United States)

    Yang, Bingye; Zhang, Mingming; Li, Lingling; Pu, Fei; You, Weiwei; Ke, Caihuan


    Chitinolytic enzymes have an important physiological significance in immune and digestive systems in plants and animals, but chitinase has not been identified as having a role in the digestive system in molluscan. In our study, a novel chitinase homologue, named Ca-Chit, has been cloned and characterized as the oyster Crassostrea angulate. The 3998bp full-length cDNA of Ca-Chit consisted of 23bp 5-UTR, 3288 ORF and 688bp 3-UTR. The deduced amino acids sequence shares homologue with the chitinase of family 18. The molecular weight of the protein was predicted to be 119.389 kDa, with a pI of 6.74. The Ca-Chit protein was a modular enzyme composed of a glycosyl hydrolase family 18 domain, threonine-rich region profile and a putative membrane anchor domain. Gene expression profiles monitored by quantitative RT-PCR in different adult tissues showed that the mRNA of Ca-Chit expressed markedly higher visceral mass than any other tissues. The results of the whole mount in-situ hybridization displayed that Ca-Chit starts to express the visceral mass of D-veliger larvae and then the digestive gland forms a crystalline structure during larval development. Furthermore, the adult oysters challenged by starvation indicated that the Ca-Chit expression would be regulated by feed. All the observations made suggest that Ca-Chit plays an important role in the digestive system of the oyster, Crassostrea angulate.

  3. Developing tools for the study of molluscan immunity: The sequencing of the genome of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. (United States)

    Gómez-Chiarri, Marta; Warren, Wesley C; Guo, Ximing; Proestou, Dina


    The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, provides important ecological and economical services, making it the target of restoration projects and supporting a significant fishery/aquaculture industry with landings valued at more than $100 million in 2012 in the United States of America. Due to the impact of infectious diseases on wild, restored, and cultured populations, the eastern oyster has been the focus of studies on host-pathogen interactions and immunity, as well as the target of selective breeding efforts for disease resistant oyster lines. Despite these efforts, relatively little is known about the genetic basis of resistance to diseases or environmental stress, not only in eastern oyster, but also in other molluscan species of commercial interest worldwide. In order to develop tools and resources to assist in the elucidation of the genomic basis of traits of commercial, biological, and ecological interest in oysters, a team of genome and bioinformatics experts, in collaboration with the oyster research community, is sequencing, assembling, and annotating the first reference genome for the eastern oyster and producing an exhaustive transcriptome from a variety of oyster developmental stages and tissues in response to a diverse set of environmentally-relevant stimuli. These transcriptomes and reference genome for the eastern oyster, added to the already available genome and transcriptomes for the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and other bivalve species, will be an essential resource for the discovery of candidate genes and markers associated with traits of commercial, biological, and ecologic importance in bivalve molluscs, including those related to host-pathogen interactions and immunity. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Transmission of the haplosporidian parasite MSX Haplosporidium nelsoni to the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica in an upweller system. (United States)

    Sunila, I; Karolus, J; Lang, E P; Mroczka, M E; Volk, J


    The haplosporidian oyster parasite MSX (Multinucleated Sphere X) Haplosporidium nelsoni was transmitted to eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica. Hatchery-raised, MSX-free juvenile oysters were placed in upweller tanks. Water to the tanks was filtered through a screen with 1 mm2 openings and originated from the water column overlaying naturally infected oysters beds (MSX prevalence 17 to 57%). MSX was diagnosed by histopathological analysis. MSX-disease (57% prevalence) with increased mortality (19%) was observed 11 wk after the beginning of the exposure and mortality of 80% after 16 wk. The study demonstrates transmission of MSX via water-borne infectious agents capable of passing through a 1 mm filter.

  5. Effects of cyanobacteria Synechocystis spp. in the host-parasite model Crassostrea gasar–Perkinsus marinus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Queiroga, Fernando Ramos; Marques-Santos, Luis Fernando; Hégaret, Hélène; Sassi, Roberto; Farias, Natanael Dantas; Santana, Lucas Nunes


    Highlights: • Synechocystis cyanobacteria cause functional weakness of oysters haemocytes. • Synechocystis cyanobacteria cause a strengthening of Perkinsus marinus. • Synechocystis cyanobacteria may contribute to an imbalance of P. marinus–Crassostrea gasar relationship. - Abstract: Perkinsosis is a disease caused by protozoan parasites from the Perkinsus genus. In Brazil, two species, P. beihaiensis and P. marinus, are frequently found infecting native oysters (Crassostrea gasar and C. rhizophorae) from cultured and wild populations in several states of the Northeast region. The impacts of this disease in bivalves from Brazil, as well as the interactions with environmental factors, are poorly studied. In the present work, we evaluated the in vitro effects of the cyanobacteria Synechocystis spp. on trophozoites of P. marinus and haemocytes of C. gasar. Four cyanobacteria strains isolated from the Northeast Brazilian coast were used as whole cultures (WCs) and extracellular products (ECPs). Trophozoites of P. marinus were exposed for short (4 h) and long (48 h and 7 days, the latter only for ECPs) periods, while haemocytes were exposed for a short period (4 h). Cellular and immune parameters, i.e. cell viability, cell count, reactive oxygen species production (ROS) and phagocytosis of inert (latex beads) and biological particles (zymosan and trophozoites of P. marinus) were measured by flow cytometry. The viability of P. marinus trophozoites was improved in response to WCs of Synechocystis spp., which could be a beneficial effect of the cyanobacteria providing nutrients and reducing reactive oxygen species. Long-term exposure of trophozoites to ECPs of cyanobacteria did not modify in vitro cell proliferation nor viability. In contrast, C. gasar haemocytes showed a reduction in cell viability when exposed to WCs, but not to ECPs. However, ROS production was not altered. Haemocyte ability to engulf latex particles was reduced when exposed mainly to ECPs of

  6. Effects of cyanobacteria Synechocystis spp. in the host-parasite model Crassostrea gasar–Perkinsus marinus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Queiroga, Fernando Ramos [Laboratório de Imunologia e Patologia de Invertebrados (LABIPI), Departamento de Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 58051-900, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); Marques-Santos, Luis Fernando [Laboratório de Biologia Celular e do Desenvolvimento (LABID), Departamento de Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 58051-900, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); Hégaret, Hélène [Laboratoire des Sciences de l' Environnement Marin (LEMAR), UMR 6539 CNRS UBO IRD IFREMER, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, 29280, Plouzané (France); Sassi, Roberto [Laboratório de Ambientes Recifais e Biotecnologia de Microalgas (LARBIM), Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 58051-900, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); Farias, Natanael Dantas; Santana, Lucas Nunes [Laboratório de Imunologia e Patologia de Invertebrados (LABIPI), Departamento de Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 58051-900, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); and others


    Highlights: • Synechocystis cyanobacteria cause functional weakness of oysters haemocytes. • Synechocystis cyanobacteria cause a strengthening of Perkinsus marinus. • Synechocystis cyanobacteria may contribute to an imbalance of P. marinus–Crassostrea gasar relationship. - Abstract: Perkinsosis is a disease caused by protozoan parasites from the Perkinsus genus. In Brazil, two species, P. beihaiensis and P. marinus, are frequently found infecting native oysters (Crassostrea gasar and C. rhizophorae) from cultured and wild populations in several states of the Northeast region. The impacts of this disease in bivalves from Brazil, as well as the interactions with environmental factors, are poorly studied. In the present work, we evaluated the in vitro effects of the cyanobacteria Synechocystis spp. on trophozoites of P. marinus and haemocytes of C. gasar. Four cyanobacteria strains isolated from the Northeast Brazilian coast were used as whole cultures (WCs) and extracellular products (ECPs). Trophozoites of P. marinus were exposed for short (4 h) and long (48 h and 7 days, the latter only for ECPs) periods, while haemocytes were exposed for a short period (4 h). Cellular and immune parameters, i.e. cell viability, cell count, reactive oxygen species production (ROS) and phagocytosis of inert (latex beads) and biological particles (zymosan and trophozoites of P. marinus) were measured by flow cytometry. The viability of P. marinus trophozoites was improved in response to WCs of Synechocystis spp., which could be a beneficial effect of the cyanobacteria providing nutrients and reducing reactive oxygen species. Long-term exposure of trophozoites to ECPs of cyanobacteria did not modify in vitro cell proliferation nor viability. In contrast, C. gasar haemocytes showed a reduction in cell viability when exposed to WCs, but not to ECPs. However, ROS production was not altered. Haemocyte ability to engulf latex particles was reduced when exposed mainly to ECPs of

  7. Role of bacteria in bioaccumulation of mercury in the oyster Crassostrea virginica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sayler, G.S.; Nelson, J.D. Jr.; Colwell, R.R.


    An investigation of mercury-resistant bacteria was undertaken to determine their role in the accumulation of mercury in a simplified food chain. Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were maintained in a closed system, sealed aquarium with stirred, aerated water containing 10 μg of 203 HgCl 2 per liter. Uptake of 203 Hg by oysters held under control conditions was compared with that of 203 Hg uptake by oysters under similar conditions except that mercury-accumulating and mercury-metabolizing species of Pseudomonsa, isolated from Chesapeake Bay, were added to the experimental oysters. After incubation for 4 days, the major portion of the 203 Hg in the water column was found to be associated with the microparticulate fraction, corresponding to a rise in total viable count. Mercury accumulation in the oysters was significantly higher in the gill and fisceral tissue than other tissues. Mercury concentrations were 200 times greater in tissue fractions of oysters dosed with mercury-metabolizing bacteria compared with the oysters held under control conditions without mercury-metabolizing bacteria. (U.S.)

  8. Proximate composition and fatty acid content of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae along the year seasons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Cavalcanti Martino


    Full Text Available Mangrove oysters, Crassostrea rhizophorae were collected at the mangrove of "Barra de Guaratiba" district, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the aim to determine the proximate composition and fatty acid content. Along the year seasons no statistical (P>0.05 difference was observed in the values of moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash. They were 82.0%; 9.7%; 1.7%; 3.2%, in average, respectively. However, glycogen was significantly (PCom o objetivo de determinar a composição centesimal e de ácidos graxos da ostra de mangue Crassostrea rhizophorae, amostras foram coletadas durante um ano no manguezal localizado na Barra de Guaratiba, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Nenhuma diferença estatística (P>0,05 foi observada para os valores de umidade, proteína bruta, lipídio bruto e cinza, que foram em média: 82%; 9,7%; 1,7% e 3,2%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, os valores encontrados para o glicogênio foram significativamente diferentes (P<0,05 para as amostras de primavera (4,4% e inverno (4,2% do que para as amostras de verão (2,7% e outono (2,9%. Os ácidos graxos saturados e poliinsaturados foram respectivamente, os principais grupos de ácidos graxos das ostras, sendo que o ácido palmítico (16:0 foi o ácido graxo mais abundante em todos as amostras de ostras coletadas. O presente estudo demonstrou que esta espécie é caracterizada tanto por uma baixa concentração de lipídios (< 2,0% como também, por uma elevada concentração dos ácidos eicosapentaenóico (20:5n-3, EPA e docosahexaenóico (22:6n-3, DHA. Portanto, baseado no presente resultado é possível concluir que em termos de lipídios e de ácidos graxos a composição nutricional da C.rhizophorae é recomendável para o consumo humano.

  9. Health assessment of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae on the southern coast of Bahia, northeastern Brazil Avaliação da saúde da ostra Crassostrea rhizophorae no Litoral Sul da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Pinho Brandão

    Full Text Available This study investigated the health of natural stocks of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae on the southern coast of Bahia in northeastern Brazil, during summer and winter 2010, at three localities (sampling points in the estuaries of the Maraú (Camamu Bay and Graciosa rivers. A total of 180 oysters (30/sampling point/season were examined macroscopically for the presence of pathogens and anatomical changes. The specimens were subsequently fixed in Davidson solution, processed for paraffin embedding, sectioned and stained with Harris' hematoxylin and eosin. Histological analysis revealed the presence of Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs, Ancistrocoma, Trichodina, Sphenophrya, Nematopsis, Urastoma, Bucephalus in the sporocyst phase, a nonspecific metacercaria, and a metacestode of genus Tylocephalum. The prevalence of infection was low except for parasitism by Nematopsis sp. which also caused histopathological changes. The presence of Bucephalus sp. caused parasitic castration. These two pathogens significantly affect the health of C. rhizophorae.Este estudo investigou a saúde de ostras da espécie Crassostrea rhizophorae de estoques naturais do Litoral Sul do Estado da Bahia, Nordeste do Brasil, durante o verão e o inverno de 2010, em três pontos amostrais distribuídos nos estuários dos rios Maraú (Baía de Camamu e Graciosa. Um total de 180 ostras (30/ponto amostral/período foram examinadas macroscopicamente para a presença de patógenos e alterações anatômicas e posteriormente fixadas em solução de Davidson, processadas para inclusão em parafina, seccionadas e coradas com hematoxilina de Harris e eosina. A análise histológica evidenciou a presença de organismos com características similares a Rickettsia (RLOs, Ancistrocoma, Trichodina, Sphenophrya, Nematopsis, Urastoma, Bucephalus em fase esporocística, metacercária inespecífica e metacestóide de Tylocephalum. As prevalências de infecção foram baixas, com exceção do

  10. Viral gametocytic hypertrophy caused by a papova-like virus infection in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Korea. (United States)

    Choi, Dong Lim; Lee, Nam-Sil; Choi, Hee Jung; Park, Myoung-Ae; McGladdery, Sharon E; Park, Mi Seon


    During a routine survey of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Tongyoung (previously Chungmu) on the southern coast of Korea, basophilic inclusions were observed in the gonadal tissues. They were detected from March to May at a prevalence rate of 3.3 to 7.1%. The inclusion bodies were Feulgen-positive and stained orange-red with phloxine tartrazine. Electron microscopic observation revealed non-enveloped, icosahedral particles 40 to 45 nm in diameter. These morphological characteristics resemble those of papova virus-like inclusions previously described from Pacific and eastern (American) oysters C. virginica in North America. Although many mitochondrial bodies and intact sperm cells were observed around the inclusion body, no host reaction, such as hemocytic infiltration, was detected.

  11. Radiosensitivity of Salmonella spp and Vibrio parahaemolyticus artificially incorporated by oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana).; Radiossensibilidade de Salmonella spp e Vibrio parahaemolyticus incorporadas artificialmente por ostras (Crassostrea brasiliana)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jakabi, Miyoko


    Irradiation is considered one of the most efficient technological process to reduce the number of microorganisms in food. It can be used to improve the safety of food products as well as their shelf life. Oysters are considered one of the most important vehicle of pathogenic bacteria due to their feeding characteristic and because they are usually ingested raw. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of gamma radiation process on high levels of Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Infantis and Vibrio parahaemolyticus incorporated by oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana) as well as on the survival of the animals and sensory attributes. The oysters were submitted to gamma radiation treatment ({sup 60}Co) with doses ranging from 0.5 kGy to 3.0 kGy. At least four trials were conducted for each serotype. The dose of 3.0 kGy was, generally, sufficient to reduce the level of Salmonella serotypes in 6 log while for V.parahaemolyticus the dose as 1.o kGy. Animals were not killed and sensory attributes were not changed by the highest irradiation dose. Therefore, 3.0 kGy is a dose that is effective on the inactivation of Salmonella spp and V.parahaemolyticus in oysters without changing their odour, flavour and appearance. (author)

  12. Hábitos alimenticios de Sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae en el sistema lagunar de Ría Lagartos, Yucatán, México Feeding habits of Sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae in the lagoon system of Ria Lagartos, Yucatán, Mexico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel Adriano Chi-Espínola


    Full Text Available Sphoeroides testudineus, es una especie dominante en los sistemas costeros de Yucatán. Debido a su amplia distribución, ocurrencia y abundancia realiza un importante papel funcional en los ecosistemas costeros. Evaluamos para esta especie las preferencias tróficas y su variación a nivel espacial y temporal en la laguna de Ría Lagartos, un ecosistema hiperhalino localizado al noroeste de la península de Yucatán. Los especímenes fueron recolectados bimensualmente durante dos periodos anuales (2004-2005 y 2007-2008 en 23 sitios distribuidos a lo largo del sistema en cuatro zonas (marina, canal, Coloradas oeste y Coloradas este. Las variaciones tróficas espaciales y temporales fueron evaluadas mediante un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC. En un total de 382 individuos, se obtuvieron 68 recursos alimenticios incluidos en 20 grupos tróficos. El mayor índice de importancia relativa (IIR lo obtuvieron los bivalvos, gasterópodos y macrófitas. La variación trófica estacional mostró que los bivalvos y gasterópodos son consumidos a lo largo del año, mientras que las macrófitas constituyeron el alimento preferencial en la temporada de lluvias y nortes. La variación espacial indica un bajo consumo de gasterópodos hacia el interior de la laguna, y lo opuesto sucedió con los bivalvos. El consumo de macrófitas pudo ser debido a su mayor abundancia durante lluvias y en la zona del canal. El ACC mostró que la variación trófica espacial se debió a la abundancia de las presas preferenciales (bivalvos y gasterópodos, mientras que las diferencias estacionales por las presas secundarias (anfípodos, huevos, nematodos, braquiuros, detritus, nemátodos. Los resultados contribuyen al conocimiento biológico de la especie y resaltan la importancia y función trófica de Sphoeroides testudineus en las transferencias de energía desde el bentos hacia los niveles tróficos superiores de la cadena alimenticia.Sphoeroides testudineus is a

  13. A comparative proteomic study on the effects of metal pollution in oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis. (United States)

    Xu, Lanlan; Ji, Chenglong; Wu, Huifeng; Tan, Qiaoguo; Wang, Wen-Xiong


    The metal pollution has posed great risk on the coastal organisms along the Jiulongjiang Estuary in South China. In this work, two-dimensional electrophoresis-based proteomics was applied to the oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis from metal pollution sites to characterize the proteomic responses to metal pollution. Metal accumulation and proteomic responses indicated that the oysters from BJ site were more severely contaminated than those from FG site. Compared with those oyster samples from the clean site (JZ), metal pollution induced cellular injuries, oxidative and immune stresses in oyster heapatopancreas from both BJ and FG sites via differential metabolic pathways. In addition, metal pollution in BJ site induced disturbance in energy and lipid metabolisms in oysters. Results indicated that cathepsin L and ferritin GF1 might be the biomarkers of As and Fe in oyster C. hongkongensis, respectively. This study demonstrates that proteomics is a useful tool for investigating biological effects induced by metal pollution. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Culture conditions improvement of Crassostrea gigas using a potential probiotic Bacillus sp strain. (United States)

    Fdhila, Kais; Haddaji, Najla; Chakroun, Ibtissem; Dhiaf, Amel; Macherki, Mohammed Ezz Edine; Khouildi, Bochra; Lamari, Faouzi; Chaieb, Kamel; Abid, Nabil; Marzougui, Hajer; Khouadja, Sadok; Missaoui, Hechmi


    It is well demonstrated that some probiotics improve rearing water quality and thereby have beneficial effects on reared organisms. We conducted this study to determine the effect of Bacillus consortium on Crassostrea gigas reared in contemned seawater with indigo dye priory treated with Bacillus or no treated. This effect was studied by assessing hemocytes death using flow cytometry analysis. We found that the percentage of decolorization of indigo dye in polluted seawater in presence of C. gigas increased from 41% to 90% when using Bacillus consortium. In these conditions, the hemocytes mortality of reared C. gigas decreased from 87% to 56%. We have demonstrated also that seawater contemned with priory treated indigo with Bacillus consortium is less toxic than seawater contemned with the no treated indigo. The percentage of hemocytes death is 81% for the contemned seawater with indigo and 56% for no contemned seawater. This consortium shows a protector effect of C. gigas against Vibrio harveyi contemning reared seawater. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. New insights from the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae on bivalve circulating hemocytes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauro de Freitas Rebelo

    Full Text Available Hemocytes are the first line of defense of the immune system in invertebrates, but despite their important role and enormous potential for the study of gene-environment relationships, research has been impeded by a lack of consensus on their classification. Here we used flow cytometry combined with histological procedures, histochemical reactions and transmission electron microscopy to characterize the hemocytes from the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae. Transmission electron microscopy revealed remarkable morphological characteristics, such as the presence of membranous cisternae in all mature cells, regardless of size and granulation. Some granular cells contained many cytoplasmic granules that communicated with each other through a network of channels, a feature never previously described for hemocytes. The positive reactions for esterase and acid phosphatase also indicated the presence of mature cells of all sizes and granule contents. Flow cytometry revealed a clear separation in complexity between agranular and granular populations, which could not be differentiated by size, with cells ranging from 2.5 to 25 µm. Based on this evidence we suggest that, at least in C. rhizophorae, the different subpopulations of hemocytes may in reality be different stages of one type of cell, which accumulates granules and loses complexity (with no reduction in size as it degranulates in the event of an environmental challenge.

  16. Rare occurrence of heart lesions in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas caused by an unknown bacterial infection. (United States)

    Meyer, Gary R; Lowe, Geoffrey J; Bower, Susan M


    On rare occasions, small cream-coloured cysts have been observed in the heart and pericardial cavity of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas from British Columbia, Canada. Histopathology revealed the presence of large colonies of bacteria (up to 800 µm in diameter) causing significant host response and hypertrophy of the heart epithelium. The causative bacteria were characterized as follows: Gram-negative, coccoid to small rod-shaped, typically <1.5 µm in size, cell walls highly endowed with surface fimbriae and division via binary fission. Although these bacteria shared some morphological characteristics with the order Rickettsiales, they did not require an intracellular existence for multiplication. Unfortunately, a cultured isolate was not available, and a retrospective attempt to further characterize the bacteria using DNA sequence analysis of a fragment from the 16S rDNA region proved to be uninformative.

  17. Feeding traits of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, and the invasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Mette; Hansen, Benni Winding; Vismann, Bent


    Two oysters, the native flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, and the non-indigenous Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, have partially overlapping distributions in European waters. Relatively little is known about particle selection by O. edulis, and the goal of the present study was to establish baselines...... for particle selection by both oyster species under controlled conditions in the laboratory. The study was carried out with adult oysters of similar shell size collected in the Limfjord estuary, Denmark (56°47′N, 08°51′E), in November 2011. The feeding traits of both species [clearance rate (CR), retention...... efficiency (RE) and lower threshold for clearance (LTC)] were compared using five algal species with different cell sizes (5−32 µm ESD) (Isochrysis galbana, Rhodomonas salina, Thalassiosira weissflogii, Prorocentrum micans and Akashiwo sanguinea). Oysters were acclimated to an experimental temperature of 22...

  18. The effects of x-ray treatments on bioaccumulated murine norovirus-1 (MNV-1) and survivability, inherent microbiota, color, and firmness of Atlantic oysters (Crassostrea virginica) during storage at 5°C for 20 days (United States)

    In this study, we investigated the inactivation of human norovirus (HuNoV) surrogate Murine norovirus (MNV-1) by X-ray in whole-shell Atlantic oysters (Crassostrea virginica). We also investigated the effects of X-ray treatments on the survivability, inherent microbiota, color, and firmness of treat...

  19. Influence of salinity on uptake rate and bioaccumulation of /sup 137/Cs in the oyster crassostrea glomerata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mashiatullah, A.; Qureshi, R.M.; Khan, S.; Chaghtai, F.; Akhter, P.; Jabbar, A.


    This paper describes results of experiment on bioaccumulation and uptake rate of radiocesium /sup 137/Cs from dissolved phase in the flesh of the Oysters (Crassostrea glomerata) collected off Karachi coast. A radiotracer experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions to determine the uptake rate and bioaccumulation of /sup 137/Cs from dissolved phase in the flesh of the Oyster. Oysters (size: 6-7 cm) were subjected to radiocesium activity of 24 Kilobecquerel per liter (kBq L/sup -1/) under three salinity Ievels (25, 30 and 35 ppt). The uptake of /sup 137/Cs was monitored for a period of seven days. The results showed that bioaccumulation and uptake of /sup 137/Cs in oysters were considerably dependent of salinity levels. Higher bioaccumulation factors and uptake rates were found at low salinity levels. (author)

  20. Temperature-dependent stress response in oysters, Crassostrea virginica: Pollution reduces temperature tolerance in oysters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lannig, Gisela; Flores, Jason F.; Sokolova, Inna M.


    Combined effects of temperature and a toxic metal, cadmium (Cd), on energy metabolism were studied in a model marine bivalve, the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica, acclimated at 20, 24 and 28 deg. C and exposed to 50 μg l -1 of Cd. Both increasing temperature and Cd exposure led to a rise in standard metabolic rates, and combined stressors appeared to override the capability for aerobic energy production resulting in impaired stress tolerance. Oysters exposed to elevated temperature but not Cd showed no significant change in condition, survival rate and lipid peroxidation, whereas those exposed to both Cd and temperature stress suffered high mortality accompanied by low condition index and elevated lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, RNA/DNA ratios indicative of protein synthesis rate, and levels of glutathione, which is involved in metal detoxification, increased in Cd-exposed oysters at 20 deg. C but not at 28 deg. C. Implications of the synergism between elevated temperatures and cadmium stress on energy metabolism of oysters are discussed in the light of the potential effects of climate change on oyster populations in polluted areas

  1. pH controls spermatozoa motility in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Myrina Boulais


    Full Text Available Investigating the roles of chemical factors stimulating and inhibiting sperm motility is required to understand the mechanisms of spermatozoa movement. In this study, we described the composition of the seminal fluid (osmotic pressure, pH, and ions and investigated the roles of these factors and salinity in initiating spermatozoa movement in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The acidic pH of the gonad (5.82±0.22 maintained sperm in the quiescent stage and initiation of flagellar movement was triggered by a sudden increase of spermatozoa external pH (pHe when released in seawater (SW. At pH 6.4, percentage of motile spermatozoa was three times higher when they were activated in SW containing 30 mM NH4Cl, which alkalinizes internal pH (pHi of spermatozoa, compared to NH4Cl-free SW, revealing the role of pHi in triggering sperm movement. Percentage of motile spermatozoa activated in Na+-free artificial seawater (ASW was highly reduced compared to ASW, suggesting that change of pHi triggering sperm motility was mediated by a Na+/H+ exchanger. Motility and swimming speed were highest in salinities between 33.8 and 42.7‰ (within a range of 0 to 50 ‰, and pH values above 7.5 (within a range of 4.5 to 9.5.

  2. Larvae of the Commercial Tropical Oyster Crassostrea belcheri (Sowerby) are induced to settle by Pheromones from the Adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bussarawit, Somchai; Cedhagen, Tomas


    Pediveliger larvae of the commercial tropical oyster Crassostrea belcheri were allowed to settle under different conditions. Two types of seawater were used for the experiments: aged seawater (1 month) and aged seawater conditioned by the presence of adult oysters for 24 hours. Two groups of five...... other species within the same genus or from a different genus. Settling frequency was increased by the presence of living oysters together with soaked spatfall collectors in commercial aquaculture. The fact that larvae are induced to settle by pheromones released from the adults is an important...... mechanism that favours the gregariousness of the oysters in nature. Settling behaviour of oyster larvae was observed and the behaviour of the three main stages was described: free swimming searching stage, crawling stage and cementing stage....

  3. Population genetics of the black scar oyster, Crassostrea iredalei: repercussion of anthropogenic interference. (United States)

    Zainal Abidin, Danial Hariz; Mustaffa, Suzana; Rahim, Masazurah A; Nair, Devakie M; Naim, Darlina Md; Mohd Nor, Siti Azizah


    Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was utilized to assess the population genetics of the commercially important black scar oyster, Crassostrea iredalei among 11 populations throughout the west and east coasts Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah (Malaysian Borneo). Overall, populations of C. iredalei demonstrated low nucleotide diversity π (0.000-0.004) and low-to-high haplotype diversity h (0.000-0.795) levels. Genetic structuring was detected between the Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah populations as revealed by the FST analysis. However, the COI gene analyses showed minimal and non-significant (p > 0.05) population differentiation within the east and west coasts Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah regions. This was attributed to both high larval dispersal along the east and west coasts and human-driven spat translocation between the two coastlines due to C. iredalei cultivation practices. Phylogeographic relationships inferences were also conducted to further support these hypotheses. The neutrality and mismatch distribution analyses suggested that C. iredalei had experienced a/several bottleneck event(s), followed by population expansion. The molecular information obtained from this study could be incorporated in a pragmatic aquaculture management strategy of wild broodstock and the hatchery lines of C. iredalei in Malaysia.

  4. First characterization of three cyclophilin family proteins in the oyster, Crassostrea ariakensis Gould. (United States)

    Xu, Ting; Xie, Jiasong; Yang, Shoubao; Ye, Shigen; Luo, Ming; Wu, Xinzhong


    Cyclophilins (CyPs) are a family of proteins that bind the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporin A (CsA) with high-affinity and belong to one of the three superfamilies of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIase). In this report, three cyclophilin genes (Ca-CyPs), including Ca-CyPA, Ca-CyPB and Ca-PPIL3, were identified from oyster, Crassostrea ariakensis Gould in which Ca-CyPA encodes a protein with 165 amino acid sequences, Ca-CyPB encodes a protein with 217 amino acid sequences and Ca-PPIL3 encodes a protein with 162 amino acid sequences. All of the three Ca-CyPs genes contain a typical CyP-PPIase domain with its signature sequences and Ca-CyPB contains an N-signal peptide sequences. Tissue distribution study revealed that Ca-CyPs were ubiquitously expressed in all examined tissues and the highest levels were observed in hemocytes. RLO incubation upregulated the mRNA expression levels of Ca-CyPs, indicating that three Ca-CyPs might be involved in oyster immune response against RLO infection. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Parasites infecting the cultured oyster Crassostrea gasar (Adanson, 1757) in Northeast Brazil. (United States)

    Queiroga, Fernando Ramos; Vianna, Rogério Tubino; Vieira, Cairé Barreto; Farias, Natanael Dantas; Da Silva, Patricia Mirella


    The oyster Crassostrea gasar is a species widely used as food and a source of income for the local population of the estuaries of Northeast Brazil. Perkinsus marinus and Perkinsus olseni are deleterious parasites for oyster farming and were recently detected in Brazil. In this study, a histopathologic survey of the oyster C. gasar cultured in the estuary of the River Mamanguape (Paraíba State) was performed. Adult oysters were collected in December 2011 and March, May, August and October 2012 and processed for histology and Perkinsus sp. identification by molecular analyses. Histopathological analysis revealed the presence of parasitic organisms including viral gametocytic hypertrophy, prokaryote-like colonies, protozoans (Perkinsus sp. and Nematopsis sp.) and metazoans (Tylocephalum sp. and cestodes). Other commensal organisms were also detected (the protozoan Ancistrocoma sp. and the turbellarian Urastoma sp.). The protozoan parasite Perkinsus sp. had the highest overall prevalence among the symbiotic organisms studied (48.9%), followed by Nematopsis sp. (36.3%). The other organisms were only sporadically observed. Only the protozoan Perkinsus sp. caused alterations in the oysters' infected organs. Molecular analyses confirmed the presence of P. marinus, P. olseni and Perkinsus beihaiensis infecting the oyster C. gasar. This is the first report of P. beihaiensis in this oyster species.

  6. Antimicrobial histones and DNA traps in invertebrate immunity: evidences in Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Poirier, Aurore C; Schmitt, Paulina; Rosa, Rafael D; Vanhove, Audrey S; Kieffer-Jaquinod, Sylvie; Rubio, Tristan P; Charrière, Guillaume M; Destoumieux-Garzón, Delphine


    Although antimicrobial histones have been isolated from multiple metazoan species, their role in host defense has long remained unanswered. We found here that the hemocytes of the oyster Crassostrea gigas release antimicrobial H1-like and H5-like histones in response to tissue damage and infection. These antimicrobial histones were shown to be associated with extracellular DNA networks released by hemocytes, the circulating immune cells of invertebrates, in response to immune challenge. The hemocyte-released DNA was found to surround and entangle vibrios. This defense mechanism is reminiscent of the neutrophil extracellular traps (ETs) recently described in vertebrates. Importantly, oyster ETs were evidenced in vivo in hemocyte-infiltrated interstitial tissues surrounding wounds, whereas they were absent from tissues of unchallenged oysters. Consistently, antimicrobial histones were found to accumulate in oyster tissues following injury or infection with vibrios. Finally, oyster ET formation was highly dependent on the production of reactive oxygen species by hemocytes. This shows that ET formation relies on common cellular and molecular mechanisms from vertebrates to invertebrates. Altogether, our data reveal that ET formation is a defense mechanism triggered by infection and tissue damage, which is shared by relatively distant species suggesting either evolutionary conservation or convergent evolution within Bilateria. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  7. Use of side-scan sonar for estimations of Crassostrea brasiliana (Lamarck, 1819 stocks in subtidal banks on the south coast of Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gisela Geraldine Castilho Westphal


    Full Text Available Abstract Uncontrolled extractivism has led to a worldwide reduction in oyster stocks. The use of new and more efficient management tools for impacted environments must increase. The application of such tools requires previous biological and environmental knowledge of the resident populations of these bivalve mollusks. Technical difficulties are usually associated with studies of submerged oyster banks, and these difficulties result in a considerable lack of biological data on the oysters that inhabit subtidal zones. This study aimed to survey Crassostrea brasiliana (also known as C. gasar stocks in submerged banks and to evaluate a method with which to measure the extent of the banks and identify and quantify the oysters in the banks with the use of side-scan sonar. This study was conducted on 10 oysters banks located in the subtidal zone of Guaratuba Bay, on the south coast of Brazil. The prospection of all these banks was later validated by diving, and oyster samples (n = 20/bank were collected for species identification with a molecular method. Only one bank contained oysters that were generically classified as Crassostrea sp.; those in the remaining banks being identified as C. brasiliana. The prospected banks contained oysters of various sizes (average 1.5 m, n = 1,107 that were heterogeneously scattered in the riverbeds. The total number of oysters in the 10 sampled banks was estimated to be 21,159.13 oysters or 1 oyster/4.5 m², which represents a low oyster density in the study site. The results validate the use of side-scan sonar as an efficient means with which to prospect for oysters in banks located within subtidal zones.

  8. Functional analysis of a tyrosinase gene involved in early larval shell biogenesis in Crassostrea angulata and its response to ocean acidification. (United States)

    Yang, Bingye; Pu, Fei; Li, Lingling; You, Weiwei; Ke, Caihuan; Feng, Danqing


    The formation of the primary shell is a vital process in marine bivalves. Ocean acidification largely influences shell formation. It has been reported that enzymes involved in phenol oxidation, such as tyrosinase and phenoloxidases, participate in the formation of the periostracum. In the present study, we cloned a tyrosinase gene from Crassostrea angulata named Ca-tyrA1, and its potential function in early larval shell biogenesis was investigated. The Ca-tyrA1 gene has a full-length cDNA of 2430bp in size, with an open reading frame of 1896bp in size, which encodes a 631-amino acid protein that includes a 24-amino acid putative signal peptide. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis revealed that Ca-tyrA1 transcription mainly occurs at the trochophore stage, and the Ca-tyrA1 mRNA levels in the 3000ppm treatment group were significantly upregulated in the early D-veliger larvae. WMISH and electron scanning microscopy analyses showed that the expression of Ca-tyrA1 occurs at the gastrula stage, thereby sustaining the early D-veliger larvae, and the shape of its signal is saddle-like, similar to that observed under an electron scanning microscope. Furthermore, the RNA interference has shown that the treatment group has a higher deformity rate than that of the control, thereby indicating that Ca-tyrA1 participates in the biogenesis of the primary shell. In conclusion, and our results indicate that Ca-tyrA1 plays a vital role in the formation of the larval shell and participates in the response to larval shell damages in Crassostrea angulata that were induced by ocean acidification. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) δ15N as a bioindicator of nitrogen sources: Observations and modeling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fertig, B.; Carruthers, T.J.B.; Dennison, W.C.; Fertig, E.J.; Altabet, M.A.


    Stable nitrogen isotopes (δ 15 N) in bioindicators are increasingly employed to identify nitrogen sources in many ecosystems and biological characteristics of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) make it an appropriate species for this purpose. To assess nitrogen isotopic fractionation associated with assimilation and baseline variations in oyster mantle, gill, and muscle tissue δ 15 N, manipulative fieldwork in Chesapeake Bay and corresponding modeling exercises were conducted. This study (1) determined that five individuals represented an optimal sample size; (2) verified that δ 15 N in oysters from two locations converged after shared deployment to a new location reflecting a change in nitrogen sources; (3) identified required exposure time and temporal integration (four months for muscle, two to three months for gill and mantle); and (4) demonstrated seasonal δ 15 N increases in seston (summer) and oysters (winter). As bioindicators, oysters can be deployed for spatial interpolation of nitrogen sources, even in areas lacking extant populations.

  10. Evaluation of pollution in Camichin estuary (Mexico): pro-oxidant and antioxidant response in oyster (Crassostrea corteziensis). (United States)

    Girón-Pérez, M I; Romero-Bañuelos, C A; Toledo-Ibarra, G A; Rojas-García, A E; Medina-Diaz, I M; Robledo-Marenco, M L; Vega-López, A


    The physiological system of molluscs, particularly pro-oxidant and antioxidant mechanisms, could be altered by pollutants and induce disturbance on health status and productive parameters of aquatic organisms, such as oyster. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical contamination in water (total metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and oxidative stress parameters in oysters (Crassostrea corteziensis) in Camichin estuary, located in Mexican Tropical Pacific. The results obtained showed the presence of arsenic, lead and zinc, as well as naphthalene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene in concentrations relatively higher than criteria established by local and international guidelines. Regarding the biomarkers of oxidative stress response (H2O2 and O2 concentration, catalase activity, lipid peroxidation, and hydroperoxide concentration), differences between oyster from estuary and control group were significant. These results indicate that these pollutants could be related with oxidative stress detected in oyster. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Identification and Functional Characterization of the Glycogen Synthesis Related Gene Glycogenin in Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas). (United States)

    Li, Busu; Meng, Jie; Li, Li; Liu, Sheng; Wang, Ting; Zhang, Guofan


    High glycogen levels in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) contribute to its flavor, quality, and hardiness. Glycogenin (CgGN) is the priming glucosyltransferase that initiates glycogen biosynthesis. We characterized the full sequence and function of C. gigas CgGN. Three CgGN isoforms (CgGN-α, β, and γ) containing alternative exon regions were isolated. CgGN expression varied seasonally in the adductor muscle and gonadal area and was the highest in the adductor muscle. Autoglycosylation of CgGN can interact with glycogen synthase (CgGS) to complete glycogen synthesis. Subcellular localization analysis showed that CgGN isoforms and CgGS were located in the cytoplasm. Additionally, a site-directed mutagenesis experiment revealed that the Tyr200Phe and Tyr202Phe mutations could affect CgGN autoglycosylation. This is the first study of glycogenin function in marine bivalves. These findings will improve our understanding of glycogen synthesis and accumulation mechanisms in mollusks. The data are potentially useful for breeding high-glycogen oysters.

  12. Biochemical profile of oyster Crassostrea madrasensis and its nutritional attributes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.K. Asha


    Full Text Available Oysters are highly esteemed sea food and considered a delicacy throughout the world. Yet this resource is not optimally utilised in several parts of the world. The aim of this study is to highlight its nutritional importance. Biochemical composition and nutritional attributes of oyster meat are discussed. Proximate composition, fatty acid and amino acid profiles and mineral content were determined in oysters (Crassostrea madrasensis. Moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash contents in the oyster were 82.64%, 9.41%, 3.25% 3.2% and 1.01%, respectively and it was rich in macro-minerals and trace elements especially selenium. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA were highest of the total lipids among which eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid and linoleic acid were the prominent fatty acids. The n-3/n-6 index was high indicating a predominance of n-3 fatty acids in the species. Total amino acid content was 99.33 g/100 g crude protein, of which, essential amino acid lysine was the most abundant. Valine had the lowest essential amino acid score (EAAS (0.17 while threonine had the highest EAAS of 3.62. Chemical score was 17% and the lowest limiting amino acid was valine. Protein efficiency ratio, essential amino acid index and biological value of oyster were 3.92, 120.2 and 174.0, respectively which indicates that the protein is of superior quality. Data on biochemical composition, nutritional attributes and quality indices of C. madrasensis protein may prove important for future policies regarding exploitation of this species and for inducing favourable changes in consumer preferences.

  13. Oyster vasa-like gene as a marker of the germline cell development in Crassostrea gigas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fabioux, C.; Huvet, A.; Lelong, C.; Robert, R.; Pouvreau, S.; Daniel, J.Y.; Minguant, C.; Le Pennec, M.


    The oyster vasa-like gene was previously demonstrated to be specifically expressed in germline cells of adult oysters Crassostrea gigas. In the present study, this gene was used as a molecular marker to establish the developmental pattern of germline cells during oyster ontogenesis, using whole-mount in situ hybridization and real-time PCR. The Oyvlg transcripts appeared to be localized to the vegetal pole of unfertilized oocytes and maternally transmitted to embryos. At early development, these maternal transcripts were observed to segregate into a single blastomere, from the CD macromere of 2-cell stage to the 4d mesentoblast of blastula. From late blastula stage, the mesentoblast divided into two cell clumps that migrated to both sides of the larvae body and that would correspond to primordial germ cells (PGCs). Based on these results, we postulate that the germline of C. gigas is specified at early development by maternal cytoplasmic determinants including Oyvlg mRNAs, in putative PGCs that would differentiate into germinal stem cells in juvenile oysters

  14. Trojan Horse Strategy for Non-invasive Interference of Clock Gene in the Oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Payton, Laura; Perrigault, Mickael; Bourdineaud, Jean-Paul; Marcel, Anjara; Massabuau, Jean-Charles; Tran, Damien


    RNA interference is a powerful method to inhibit specific gene expression. Recently, silencing target genes by feeding has been successfully carried out in nematodes, insects, and small aquatic organisms. A non-invasive feeding-based RNA interference is reported here for the first time in a mollusk bivalve, the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. In this Trojan horse strategy, the unicellular alga Heterocapsa triquetra is the food supply used as a vector to feed oysters with Escherichia coli strain HT115 engineered to express the double-stranded RNA targeting gene. To test the efficacy of the method, the Clock gene, a central gene of the circadian clock, was targeted for knockout. Results demonstrated specific and systemic efficiency of the Trojan horse strategy in reducing Clock mRNA abundance. Consequences of Clock disruption were observed in Clock-related genes (Bmal, Tim1, Per, Cry1, Cry2, Rev.-erb, and Ror) and triploid oysters were more sensitive than diploid to the interference. This non-invasive approach shows an involvement of the circadian clock in oyster bioaccumulation of toxins produced by the harmful alga Alexandrium minutum.

  15. Metals concentrations in sediments and oyster Crassostrea gigas from La Pitahaya lagoon, Sinaloa, NW Mexico (United States)

    Luna Varela, R.; Muñoz Sevilla, N.; Campos Villegas, L.; Rodriguez Espinosa, P.; Gongora Gomez, A.; MP, J.


    This present study was performed in a culture of Crassostrea gigas in La Pitahaya, Sinaloa, México. The main objective is to identify the enrichment pattern of trace elements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Hg, As, V) also was determine concentrations thereof in oyster. Four sampling sites were selected, two smaller channels which connect the lagoon directly , the region of culture and connection with the sea ; and each sampling consisted of 4 sample sediments and 50 oysters of commercial size per mounth . Concentrations of trace metals were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The higher concentration of elements in certain samples clearly suggests that they are directly fed by the smaller channels which connect the lagoon directly. These small channels often carry the contaminants which are absorbed and deposited in the sediments. The results were also compared with the Effect Range Low (ERL) and Effect Range Medium (ERM) of NOAA and it indicates that Ni is above the ERL values. Cadmium, lead, chrome and copper concentrations exceeded the limits permissible of bivalbe mollusks established by the sanitary regulations

  16. Asociación del color de la concha de reproductores de Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819 con la supervivencia, crecimiento y desarrollo larval de sus progenies Association between shell color of breeds (Lamarck, 1819 and the survival, growth and larval development of their progenies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo M García


    Full Text Available Las conchas de moluscos bivalvos marinos son extremadamente diversas en sus patrones de pigmentación y riqueza de colores. Tal diversidad se debe a factores ambientales y genéticos. En bivalvos marinos adultos, individuos con coloraciones de concha poco comunes en las poblaciones silvestres suelen presentar tasas de crecimiento y supervivencia menores que aquellos con colores de concha más frecuentes. Conociendo que la variación del color de la concha en Argopecten purpuratus está bajo control genético, en este trabajo se pone a prueba la hipótesis de que los loci responsables de dicha variación pueden afectar el crecimiento, la supervivencia y la tasa de desarrollo de las larvas de esta especie. Se estimó la supervivencia y el crecimiento en progenies de cruzamientos dirigidos entre individuos de A. purpuratus con colores de concha blanco, naranja y marrón, y se verificó la existencia de diferencias en las tasas de desarrollo. El crecimiento de las larvas producidas en cruzamientos que incluyeron individuos marrones o blancos con naranja no mostraron diferencias entre sí. En cambio, las progenies producto de autofecundaciones de individuos naranja y blancos presentaron tasas de crecimiento significativamente menores que las anteriores y distintas entre sí. Las tasas de desarrollo y de supervivencia, en cambio, no mostraron diferencias entre las progenies de los distintos tipos de cruzamientos. Los resultados sugieren que los genes que controlan la variación del color en las conchas de juveniles y adultos de A. purpuratus afectarían la tasa de crecimiento de sus larvas, pero no la tasa de desarrollo ni su supervivencia.Marine bivalve mollusks are extremely diverse in shell color and pigmentation patterns. Such diversity is affected by environmental and genetic factors. Some evidences in adult marine bivalves shows that individuals with low-frequency shell colors have lower growth rates and/or higher mortalities than those with the

  17. Nitrogenous compounds changes in emersed oysters: Crassostrea gigas (United States)

    Rafrafi, Sarra; Uglow, Roger F.


    The effects of emersing oysters ( Crassostrea gigas) for up to 66 h at 4 °C under humid air and nitrogen atmospheres were studied. A significant, gradual body mass loss occurred under nitrogen (8.36 ± 0.85% final weight loss) but no significant loss occurred under humid air (4.92 ± 2.67% final weight loss). Emersion duration and the mantle cavity fluid (MCF) total ammonia (TA) concentration showed a positive, linear relationship ( r2 = 0.73 and 0.74 under humid air and N 2, respectively). The MCF TA and trimethylamine (TMA) contents were also positively related ( r2 = 0.64 and 0.69 under humid air and N 2, respectively). Proline was the most abundant soft tissue free amino acid (71.07 ± 11.8%) in the control group and its concentration did not change significantly under either treatment. The concentration of alanine and valine increased significantly only under humid air. Under N 2, the concentrations of valine and lysine increased significantly and aspartate decreased significantly. Succinate showed a large increase during the first 6 h of emersion under both treatments but significantly more was accumulated in the N 2-exposed group (4.2-fold increase and 8.1-fold increase for the humid air- and N 2-exposed groups, respectively). The succinate concentration difference remained higher in the N 2-treated groups but, in the final 24 h, levels decreased again (quadratic regressions of r2 = 0.97 and 0.95 under humid air and N 2, respectively). Although the trend of succinate accumulation was similar under both treatments, the groups held under nitrogen did not gape (whereas those under humid air did). It is concluded that the implications of gaping behaviour on succinate accumulation in the initial hours of emersion have considerable ecological significance for oysters which occupy habitats in which they may become emersed for some hours naturally. Gaping behaviour also has considerable commercial implications because emersion occurs frequently during the marketing

  18. Changes in the microbiological quality of mangrove oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana) during different storage conditions. (United States)

    Montanhini, Maike Taís Maziero; Montanhini Neto, Roberto


    This study aimed to determine the effect of temperature and period of postharvest storage on the microbiological quality and shelf life of raw mangrove oysters, Crassostrea brasiliana. A total of 150 dozen oysters were collected directly from the points of extraction or cultivation in southern Brazil, and in the laboratory, they were stored raw at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C for 1, 4, 8, 11, and 15 days. On each of these days, the oysters were subjected to microbiological analyses of aerobic mesophilic count, total coliforms, enterococci, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella. None of the tested samples under any storage condition showed contamination levels above those allowed by Brazilian legislation for E. coli, S. aureus, and Salmonella, and there was no change (P > 0.05) in the counts of these microorganisms due to the temperature and/or period of oyster storage. Counts of enterococci and total coliforms showed a tendency to increase (P mangrove oysters remain in safe microbiological conditions for consumption up to 8 days after harvesting, regardless of temperature, and their shelf life may be extended to 15 days if they are stored at temperatures not exceeding 15°C.

  19. estructura de tallas, crecimiento y mortalidad de Crassostrea rhizophorae en la laguna de la r estinga, isla de margarita, Venezuela I size structure , gro W tH and mortality o F Crassostrea rhizophorae at la restinga lagoon , margarita island , V enezuela

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    Carmen González


    Full Text Available The size structure, height - weight relationship and growth rate and mortality of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae were evaluated in the area La Tortuga, La Restinga Lagoon, during the period march 2012 - february 2013. Monthly ramdom samples of oysters were taken. The annual size composition consisted of individuals between 15 and 95 mm in length, with a larger number of individuals in the range 45 to 60 mm. The length-weight relationship showed a positive relationship, with a correlation coefficient r = 0.66 and a slope b = 1.80, indicating that the species has a negative allometric growth. The model of growth in length was represented by the equation Lt = 103.41 [1 - exp (-1.59 (t-0, 31], showing a fast growth which allows the oyster to reach commercial size (60 mm at 6 months, with a maximum estimated longevity of 2 years.

  20. Growth of Crassostrea gasar cultured in marine and estuary environments in Brazilian waters

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    Gustavo Ruschel Lopes


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea gasar cultured in marine and estuarine environments. Oysters were cultured for 11 months in a longline system in two study sites - São Francisco do Sul and Florianópolis -, in the state of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Water chlorophyll-α concentration, temperature, and salinity were measured weekly. The oysters were measured monthly (shell size and weight gain to assess growth. At the end of the culture period, the average wet flesh weight, dry flesh weight, and shell weight were determined, as well as the distribution of oysters per size class. Six nonlinear models (logistic, exponential, Gompertz, Brody, Richards, and Von Bertalanffy were adjusted to the oyster growth data set. Final mean shell sizes were higher in São Francisco do Sul than in Florianópolis. In addition, oysters cultured in São Francisco do Sul were more uniformly distributed in the four size classes than those cultured in Florianópolis. The highest average values of wet flesh weight and shell weight were observed in São Francisco do Sul, whereas dry flesh weight did not differ between the sites. The estuary environment is more promising for the cultivation of oysters.

  1. Parental diuron-exposure alters offspring transcriptome and fitness in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Bachère, Evelyne; Barranger, Audrey; Bruno, Roman; Rouxel, Julien; Menard, Dominique; Piquemal, David; Akcha, Farida


    One of the primary challenges in ecotoxicology is to contribute to the assessment of the ecological status of ecosystems. In this study, we used Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to explore the effects of a parental exposure to diuron, a herbicide frequently detected in marine coastal environments. The present toxicogenomic study provides evidence that exposure of oyster genitors to diuron during gametogenesis results in changes in offspring, namely, transcriptomic profile alterations, increased global DNA methylation levels and reduced growth and survival within the first year of life. Importantly, we highlighted the limitations to identify particular genes or gene expression signatures that could serve as biomarkers for parental herbicide-exposure and further for multigenerational and transgenerational effects of specific chemical stressors. By analyzing samples from two independent experiments, we demonstrated that, due to complex confounding effects with both tested solvent vehicles, diuron non-specifically affected the offspring transcriptome. These original results question the potential development of predictive genomic tools for detecting specific indirect impacts of contaminants in environmental risk assessments. However, our results indicate that chronic environmental exposure to diuron over several generations may have significant long term impacts on oyster populations with adverse health outcomes. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. Radiosensitivity of Salmonella spp and Vibrio parahaemolyticus artificially incorporated by oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakabi, Miyoko


    Irradiation is considered one of the most efficient technological process to reduce the number of microorganisms in food. It can be used to improve the safety of food products as well as their shelf life. Oysters are considered one of the most important vehicle of pathogenic bacteria due to their feeding characteristic and because they are usually ingested raw. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of gamma radiation process on high levels of Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Infantis and Vibrio parahaemolyticus incorporated by oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana) as well as on the survival of the animals and sensory attributes. The oysters were submitted to gamma radiation treatment ( 60 Co) with doses ranging from 0.5 kGy to 3.0 kGy. At least four trials were conducted for each serotype. The dose of 3.0 kGy was, generally, sufficient to reduce the level of Salmonella serotypes in 6 log while for V.parahaemolyticus the dose as 1.o kGy. Animals were not killed and sensory attributes were not changed by the highest irradiation dose. Therefore, 3.0 kGy is a dose that is effective on the inactivation of Salmonella spp and V.parahaemolyticus in oysters without changing their odour, flavour and appearance. (author)

  3. In situ distribution and characterization of the organic content of the oyster shell Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca, Bivalvia). (United States)

    Dauphin, Yannicke; Ball, Alexander D; Castillo-Michel, Hiram; Chevallard, Corinne; Cuif, Jean-Pierre; Farre, Bastien; Pouvreau, Stéphane; Salomé, Murielle


    Cultivation of commercial oysters is now facing the possible influence of global change in sea water composition, commonly referred to as "ocean acidification". In order to test the potential consequence of the predicted environmental changes, a cultivation experiment was carried out. The left and right valves of the oyster shell Crassostrea gigas differ in their structure; moreover, lenses of non compact layers are irregular. The shell layers of juvenile C. gigas are studied using a variety of highly spatially resolved techniques to establish their composition and structure. Our results confirm the presence of three different calcitic structural types. The role of the lenses of chalky layers is not yet deciplered. Despite a common mineralogy, the elemental composition of the layers differs. The sulphur aminoacids and sulphated polysaccharide contents of the intracrystalline and intercrystalline matrices differ, as well as those of the structural types. The possible different sensitivity of these structures to environmental changes is still unknown. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Nuclear microprobe and Raman investigation of the chemistry of the shell of the pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markwitz, A.; Gauldie, R.W.; Pithie, J.; Sharma, S.K.; Jamieson, D.J.


    High-resolution nuclear microscopy was used to study the layered structure in the shell of the pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. In cross section, the layers appear as opaque white zones and clearer translucent zones. Raman spectroscopy indicates that the zones consist of alternating layers of the aragonite and calcite morphs of calcium carbonate, the mineral constituent of the shell. The chemistry of the shell varies from individual to individual but generally the predominant metal ion is Ca, with varying amounts of Si, Cl, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn, Sb, Ni, Fe, As and Sr. Two dimensional maps of these major, minor and trace elements were measured in many shells with nuclear microscopy to identify the patterns of Zn and Sr deposition reflecting the calcite and aragonite layers. The significant difference in the patterns identified by ion beam analyses are possibly a result of isostructural exclusion of these metal ions between the different aragonite and calcite polymorphic forms of calcium carbonate. (author)

  5. Aliphatic hydrocarbons and triterpane biomarkers in mangrove oyster (Crassostrea belcheri) from the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. (United States)

    Vaezzadeh, Vahab; Zakaria, Mohamad Pauzi; Bong, Chui Wei


    The Straits of Malacca is one of the world's busiest shipping routes where frequent oil spills occur. Rapid development in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia is the other major source of petroleum pollution in this narrow waterway. In order to identify occurrence and origin of hydrocarbons in the Straits, mangrove oysters (Crassostrea belcheri) were collected from five sampling locations and analysed for n-alkanes and biomarkers. Soxhlet apparatus and two step column chromatography were used for extraction, purification and fractionation of the oysters. Petroleum origin n-alkanes were detected in majority of the sampling locations which is indicative of anthropogenic activities in this region. Using source and maturity diagnostic ratios for hopanes revealed used crankcase oil as the main source of petroleum hydrocarbons in oysters from all sampling locations except for the Pulau Merambong where signature of South East Asia crude oil (SEACO) was detected. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Potencial cosechable de la Ostra Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, en la ciénaga grande de Santa Marta, Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos A. Hernández J.


    Full Text Available The potencial standing crop of oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae has been calculated as 938,6 tons oyster meat per year (wet-weight for market sized oyster, in the northern zone of the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta. It has been estimated that the oyster-bank area within this zones covers 3.000.000 sq.m. The calculated actual oyster standing crop for that area during this research (April-November 1982 was 3,9 tons of oyster-meat (wet-weight and the actual catch 2,0 tons (in the same period. This reduction in the actual standing crop of oyster is mainly the result of: 1. The low prolonged salinity and the sediment causes mass mortality on oyster population; 2. Deterioration of the quality and available amounts of supporting shell substratum, required by oyster seedling attach and growth until they reach comercial size.

  7. Effects of a bio-invasion of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in five shallow water habitats in Scandinavia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mortensen, Stein; Bodvin, Torjan; Strand, Åsa


    Management of invasive species is addressed in both national and international regulations regarding the protection of marine habitats and biodiversity and in regulations of aquaculture. The geographical range of the invasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is expanding, both through human...... mediated vectors and by natural dispersal. The species is now spreading in Scandinavia. In order to optimize the management of the oyster, including targeted monitoring and mitigation activities, knowledge on the present and future distribution and impact on the ecosystem is important. The development...... of habitats where Pacific oysters are found in Scandinavia (Low energy rock, Littoral sand and mudflats, Littoral biogenic reefs, Sublittoral sand and Sublittoral biogenic reefs) to a predicted development, thereafter assessed in relation to impact on the habitats. The assessment was done as a function...

  8. Biodisponibilidade de zinco de ostras (Crassostrea gigas cultivadas em fl orianópolis / SC
    bioavailability of oysters (crassostrea gigas cultivated in Florianopólis / SC

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a biodisponibilidade do zinco presente nas ostras Crassostrea gigas cultivadas na região de Florianópolis, SC em ratas adultas (Rattus norvegicus, pois nessa região as ostras são fontes de zinco biodisponível. Foi realizado ensaio biológico durante 49 dias, sendo que os 24 animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: G1: dieta controle (AIN-93M, G2: dieta isenta de zinco (AIN-93M modifi cada; G3: dieta isenta de zinco e acrescida de ostras. Ao fi nal do experimento foram coletados os fêmures dos animais para análise do teor de zinco, por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. As ostras in natura apresentaram 4,38mg% de zinco. Quanto ao teor de zinco no fêmur, os grupos G1 (246,62 ± 9,97μg Zn/g osso e G3 (221,41 ± 15,80 μg apresentaram elevadas concentrações (p < 0,05 quando comparados ao grupo G0 (155,0 ± 32,80 μg e G2 (110,12 ± 32,88 μg.

  9. Behavior of pathogenic bacteria in the oyster, Crassostrea commercialis, during depuration, re-laying, and storage. (United States)

    Son, N T; Fleet, G H


    Oysters (Crassostrea commercials) harvested from major cultivation areas within the state of New South Wales, Australia, were commonly contaminated with low levels of the food-poisoning organisms Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Salmonella was found in oysters on only one occasion. These bacteria were cleansed from oysters during oyster purification by re-laying in a non-polluted waterway. Oysters were laboratory contaminated to levels in excess 1,000 cells per g with either B. cereus, C. perfringens, V. parahaemolyticus, Salmonella typhimurium, or S. senftenberg. These species were cleansed from such oysters during purification in a laboratory depuration unit that used ultraviolet light for sterilizing the depuration water. Escherichia coli was also cleansed from oysters under the same re-laying or depuration conditions so that its measurement alone could be used to indicate the cleansing of the above pathogenic species. The levels of these bacteria were also measured during the storage of oysters under conditions that occur during marketing. While B. cereus counts remained relatively stable during storage, the Salmonella spp. gradually decreased in numbers and C. perfringens rapidly died off. V. parahaemolyticus counts increased slightly during the first 4 days of storage, after which decreases occurred.

  10. Perkinsus beihaiensis infecting the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae under cultivation and in natural stock in Camamu Bay, Bahia, Brazil

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    Mariane dos Santos Aguiar Luz


    Full Text Available This study investigated the infection of Perkinsus beihaiensis (Perkinsozoa in the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae, both from a long-line cultivation system and from a nearby intertidal zone of mangrove, both in the state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. The collections were performed in October and November 2012, and in January 2013. The oysters (n = 300 were measured, examined macroscopically for signs of infection and then submitted to the following laboratory techniques: histology, Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium assay (RFTM, polymerase chain reaction (PCR and sequencing, which confirmed the identification of the pathogen. Histological and RFTM analyses showed, respectively, a mean prevalence of 93.3% and of 69%. The infection was usually mild or very mild. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05 between the environments in terms of infection prevalence or severity. This is the first record of P. beihaiensis in the state of Bahia and the second in oysters from Brazil and South America.

  11. Relationship between single nucleotide polymorphism of glycogen synthase gene of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and its glycogen content (United States)

    Liu, Siwei; Li, Qi; Yu, Hong; Kong, Lingfeng


    Glycogen is important not only for the energy supplementary of oysters, but also for human consumption. High glycogen content can improve the stress survival of oyster. A key enzyme in glycogenesis is glycogen synthase that is encoded by glycogen synthase gene GYS. In this study, the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in coding regions of Crassostrea gigas GYS (Cg-GYS) and individual glycogen content was investigated with 321 individuals from five full-sib families. Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) procedure was combined with sequencing to confirm individual SNP genotypes of Cg-GYS. Least-square analysis of variance was performed to assess the relationship of variation in glycogen content of C. gigas with single SNP genotype and SNP haplotype. As a consequence, six SNPs were found in coding regions to be significantly associated with glycogen content ( P glycogen content ( P glycogen content and provided molecular biological information for the selective breeding of good quality traits of C. gigas.

  12. Viral gametocytic hypertrophy of Crassostrea gigas in France: from occasional records to disease emergence? (United States)

    Garcia, Céline; Robert, Maeva; Arzul, Isabelle; Chollet, Bruno; Joly, Jean-Pierre; Miossec, Laurence; Comtet, Thierry; Berthe, Franck


    Viral gametocytic hypertrophy was reported for the first time in 2001 in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in France. Since this date, the number of reported cases and the distribution area have increased every year; however, the cases are not associated with macroscopic signs or increased mortality rates. Both male and female gametes were hypertrophied and basophilic inclusions were observed in gamete nuclei. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of viral particles in these intranuclear basophilic inclusions. These particles had characteristics similar to those of the Papillomaviridae and Polyoma viridae families: they were small, non-enveloped, icosahedral, and 44 to 56 nm in diameter. The viral particles were found in male, female and hermaphrodite oysters and no significant difference in viral infection was observed between those groups. The frequency of detection and the intensity of infection were low and no host defence reaction was recognised, suggesting that the viral particles had a weak impact on C. gigas. The viral particles described in the present study seem to be similar to these described in C. virginica in the USA and Canada and in C. gigas in Korea, but further studies are required to confirm their identity. The issue of a possible emergence of this infection is discussed.

  13. Genetic diversity and substantial population differentiation in Crassostrea hongkongensis revealed by mitochondrial DNA. (United States)

    Li, Lu; Wu, Xiangyun; Yu, Ziniu


    The Hong Kong oyster, Crassostrea hongkongensis, is an important fisheries resource that is cultivated in the coastal waters of the South China Sea. Despite significant advances in understanding biological and taxonomic aspects of this species, no detailed study of its population genetic diversity in regions of extensive cultivation are available. Direct sequencing of the mtDNA cox1 gene region was used to investigate genetic variation within and between eleven C. hongkongensis populations collected from typical habitats. Sixty-two haplotypes were identified; only haplotype 2 (21.74% of total haplotypes) was shared among all the eleven populations, and most of the observed haplotypes were restricted to individual populations. Both AMOVA and FST analyses revealed significant population structure, and the isolation by distance (IBD) was confirmed. The highest local differentiation was observed between the sample pools from Guangxi versus Guangdong and Fujian, which are separated by a geographic barrier, the Leizhou Peninsula. Current knowledge from seed management suggests that seed transfer from Guangxi province has likely reduced the divergence that somewhat naturally exists between these pools. The findings from the present study could be useful for genetic management and may serve as a baseline by which to monitor future changes in genetic diversity, either due to natural or anthropogenic impacts. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Bacteria of fecal origin in mangrove oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae in the Cocó River estuary, Ceará State, Brazil Bactérias de origem fecal contaminantes de ostra Crassostrea rhizophorae, oriundas do estuário do Rio Cocó, Estado do Ceará, Brasil

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    Ana I.M. Silva


    Full Text Available This study was aimed at evaluating the microbiological quality of mangrove oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae, collected at a natural oyster bed in the estuary of Cocó river (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. MPN values were used for estimating the total (TC and fecal (FC coliforms and Enterococcus spp. TC and FC MPN values in the whole muscle and intervalve liquid ranged from 1,600/g and from 1,100/g. No correlation was found between the physico-chemical parameters (temperature, salinity and pH of the surrounding water and the bacteriological contamination levels found in the tested oysters. The only correlation found was between TC and FC values. Enterococcus spp. strains were isolated and subjected to biochemical tests for species identification. The capacity of those strains for production of a bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance was tested using the Escherichia coli strain ATCC 25922 as a testing organism. Only one, E. faecalis, out of 121 Enterococcus strains tested, presented the inhibitory activity.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica da ostra de mangue (Crassostrea rhizophorae originária de um criadouro natural no estuário do Rio Cocó, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Para isso, foram realizadas as estimativas do Número Mais Provável (NMP de Coliformes Totais (CT e de Fecais (CF e de Enterococcus spp. Os valores encontrados para CT e CF no músculo (com líquido intervalvar variaram de 1.600 e 1.100/g. Não houve correlação entre os parâmetros físico-químicos (temperatura, salinidade e pH da água na área do criadouro e os níveis de contaminação encontrados nas ostras. Somente houve correlação entre os valores de CT e CF. Cepas de Enterococcus spp. foram isoladas e submetidas a testes bioquímicos para identificação das espécies e, posteriormente, foram testadas para verificar a produção de substância inibitória semelhante à bacteriocina utilizando a cepa-teste Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. De um

  15. Probing for heavy element impurities in the shell of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, with nuclear microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markwitz, A.; Barry, B.; Gauldie, R.W.; Roberts, R.D.


    Nuclear microscopy was performed on shells of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, to probe for heavy element impurities. For the studies 14 shells from the Auckland and the Marlborough Sounds region were chosen. In sections, the shells appear as opaque with white and grey zones, which are related to alternating layers of calcite and aragonite. Raster scans with 2.5 MeV protons over the sections (scan area 5 x 5 mm) were used in the experiment to measure trace elements in the ppm region using proton induced X-ray spectroscopy. Two dimensional maps and line scans revealed the presence of bromine in all shells investigated. Bromine was found to be related with the pattern of calcium. Hot spots of iron proved to be a common feature in the shells as well. In some shells, copper and zinc were also measured in hot spots of a few micrometers in diameter. Spatially resolved results on the micrometer level indicate the usefulness of nuclear microscopy for the detection of heavy elements in shells of the Pacific oyster

  16. Rising water temperatures, reproduction and recruitment of an invasive oyster, Crassostrea gigas, on the French Atlantic coast. (United States)

    Dutertre, Mickaël; Beninger, Peter G; Barillé, Laurent; Papin, Mathias; Haure, Joël


    The recent appearance and invasion of feral oysters (Crassostrea gigas) along the northern European Atlantic coast, underscores the necessity to investigate the relationship between environmental variables, reproductive physiology, larval development and recruitment. We studied these relationships at both high (HT) and intermediate (IT) - turbidity sites, through historical data on water temperatures, multi-parameter environmental probes, histological analyses, and field collections of planktonic larvae and settled post-larvae in 2005 and 2006. A progressive warming trend was observed, especially since 1995, when oyster proliferation first became severe. Threshold temperatures for oocyte growth, larval development and settlement were achieved in both 2005 and 2006. The HT site showed greater numbers of larvae and post-larvae than the IT site for both years, with the highest numbers of post-larvae observed at both sites during the warmer summer of 2006. These results suggest that increased temperatures in northern European waters allow successful reproduction, larval development, and recruitment of C. gigas. High turbidity conditions further enhance this success. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. The use of multivariate analysis to link sediment contamination and toxicity data to establish sediment quality guidelines: an example in the Gulf of Cadiz (Spain); El uso del analisis multivariante en la union de datos de toxicidad y contaminacion para establecer guias de calidad de sedimento: Un ejemplo en la Bahia de Cadiz (Espana)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Del Valls, T. Angel; Forja, Jesus M [Departamento de Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Cadiz, Cadiz, (Spain); Gomez-Parra, Abelardo [Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucia, CSIC, Puerto Real, Cadiz, (Spain)


    which biological effects have been shown to be minimal (mg kg{sup -}1 dry sediment), are: Hg, 0.25; Ag, 0.78; Pb, 66.80; Cr, 101.2; LAS, 2.6. [Spanish] Para evaluar la calidad de los sedimentos marinos en el Golfo de Cadiz, los datos provenientes de concentraciones quimicas y respuestas de toxicidad en sedimentos fueron unidos usando el analisis ultivariante. Las muestras de sedimentos fueron recogidas sinopticamente en siete estaciones de dos ecosistemas litorales en el Golfo de Cadiz (cinco en la Bahia de Cadiz y dos en las marismas del rio Barbate) y fueron sujetas a seis tests de toxicidad de forma independiente y replicada, asi como a analisis quimicos. Los efectos toxicos en los sedimentos se chequearon utilizando tres fases operativas del sedimento: sedimento bruto, utilizando el anfipodo Microdeutopus gryllotalpa (10 d estatico: supervivencia) y la almeja de estuario Ruditapes philippinarum (48 h estatico: enterramiento); extracto de sedimento, utilizando larvas del bivalvo de estuario Crassostrea angulata (48 h estatico: supervivencia) y del pez marino Sparus aurata (48 h estatico: supervivencia); y agua intersticial, utilizando poblaciones del rotifero de estuario Brachionus plicatilis (7 d estatico: decaimiento de la poblacion) y de la bacteria marina Photobacterium phosphoreum (Microtox ). Para evaluar los niveles de contaminacion se determinaron las concentraciones en los sedimentos de carbono organico, 14 metales traza (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ag, Hg, As, Sn, V, Ni, Co y Cr) y el detergente alquibencenosulfonato lineal (LAS). Los resultados de los ensayos de toxicidad se compararon mediante relaciones de respuesta entre las diferentes estaciones, demostrando una concordancia general entre los valores de toxicidad determinados en todos los tests, excepto en el caso de la toxicidad en el agua intersticial (principalmente debido a mezclas de metales traza toxicas). Los datos obtenidos en los ensayos quimicos y de toxicidad se ensamblaron utilizando tecnicas

  18. Tratamiento de efluentes del cultivo de Litopenaeus vannamei mediante procesos de sedimentación, filtración y absorción Treatments of effluents from Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp cultures through sedimentation, filtration and absorption

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    Roberto Ramos


    Full Text Available La eficiencia de remoción de materia particulada y nutrientes disueltos de efluentes de estanques de reproductores de Litopenaeus vannamei fue evaluada a escala de laboratorio, empleando tratamientos de sedimentación, filtración por Crassostrea rhizophorae y absorción por Ulva fasciata. En cada tratamiento se empleó un tiempo de residencia hidráulica del efluente de seis horas. En la etapa de sedimentación se utilizaron estanques con 90 L del efluente. Para la etapa de filtración, se emplearon estanques con 20 L del efluente sobrenadante de la etapa de sedimentación. En la absorción se utilizaron estanques con 15 L del efluente sobrenadante de la etapa de filtración. Al final de cada etapa se colectaron muestras de 500 mL para los análisis de calidad de agua. Los resultados indicaron que en la sedimentación, la turbidez, clorofila-a y sólidos suspendidos totales presentaron una remoción de 93,8%, 94,5% y 65,9%, respectivamente. La filtración alcanzó eficiencias de 89,3% y 100% para bacterias totales y clorofila a, respectivamente. En la absorción, fosfato (PO4-3 , amonio (N-NH4- y nitrato (N-NO3 fueron reducidos en 53,6%, 49,6% y 70,2%, respectivamente, en relación a los valores del estanque control. Los tratamientos combinados de sedimentación, filtración y absorción, bacterias totales (95,1%, turbidez (97,1% sólidos suspendidos totales (81,3%, clorofila-a (99,1%, amonio (54,1%, nitrito (58,0%, nitrato (69,2% y fosfato (52,9%, presentaron una alta eficiencia de remoción, en relación a los valores del efluente bruto. Se concluye que la combinación de tratamientos mejora significativamente la calidad de los efluentes del cultivo del camarón Litopenaeus vannamei.

  19. First record of parasitism in the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae (Bivalvia: Ostreidae at Jaguaribe River estuary - Ceará, Brazil

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    RC Sabry

    Full Text Available Mangrove oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae were sampled monthly in the estuary of Jaguaribe River, on the east coast of Ceará State, Brazil, between August, 2000 and December, 2001, making up 170 individuals. The water temperature varied from 26 to 30 °C and salinity from 21 to 42‰. The animals' size ranged from 3.4 to 7.2 cm height. Macroscopical and histopathological analyses were carried out in the oysters' tissues. The histological exams showed protozoans and metazoans of genera Nematopsis and Tylocephalum, respectively. Nematopsis prevalence varied from 60 to 100% and it was higher in the gills and mantle. The oocysts presented a mean size of 11.5 µm (±1.32 length and 9.1 µm (±1.06 width (n = 30, up to 3 oocysts/phagocyte having been observed. Several animals presented focal hemocitical reaction. The percentage of Tylocephalum was 1.7%. In spite of the high infection prevalence by Nematopsis, infected animals did not have their reproductive cycle impaired.

  20. Predatory blue crabs induce stronger nonconsumptive effects in eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica than scavenging blue crabs

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    Avery E. Scherer


    Full Text Available By influencing critical prey traits such as foraging or habitat selection, predators can affect entire ecosystems, but the nature of cues that trigger prey reactions to predators are not well understood. Predators may scavenge to supplement their energetic needs and scavenging frequency may vary among individuals within a species due to preferences and prey availability. Yet prey reactions to consumers that are primarily scavengers versus those that are active foragers have not been investigated, even though variation in prey reactions to scavengers or predators might influence cascading nonconsumptive effects in food webs. Oysters Crassostrea virginica react to crab predators by growing stronger shells. We exposed oysters to exudates from crabs fed live oysters or fed aged oyster tissue to simulate scavenging, and to controls without crab cues. Oysters grew stronger shells when exposed to either crab exudate, but their shells were significantly stronger when crabs were fed live oysters. The stronger response to predators than scavengers could be due to inherent differences in diet cues representative of reduced risk in the presence of scavengers or to degradation of conspecific alarm cues in aged treatments, which may mask risk from potential predators subsisting by scavenging.

  1. Role of dissolved and particulate cadmium in the accumulation of cadmium in cultured oysters (Crassostrea gigas)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lekhi, Priyanka [Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (Canada)], E-mail:; Cassis, D. [Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (Canada); Pearce, C.M. [Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N7 (Canada); Ebell, N. [Odyssey Shellfish Ltd., Nanoose Bay, BC V0R 9G0 (Canada); Maldonado, M.T. [Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (Canada); Orians, K.J. [Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (Canada); Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 (Canada)


    Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) collected on the coast of British Columbia, Canada have occasionally shown cadmium (Cd) concentrations at or above 2 {mu}g g{sup -1} (wet weight), which has resulted in the loss of some international markets. This study investigated the source and transfer of Cd to oysters by focusing on the role of dissolved and particulate Cd in seawater. Parameters monitored for 1 year at two oyster farm sites on Vancouver Island included: oyster tissue mass and shell length, Cd in oysters, dissolved Cd, particulate Cd, temperature and salinity. Results show that dissolved Cd was the main source of Cd to the oysters and that Cd was mainly concentrated in the gut tissues. A seasonal trend was observed in Cd in oysters, in which levels were lowest during periods of higher temperatures. Results also indicate that the local oceanographic inputs and sediment diagenesis directly affect dissolved Cd and thereby influence the Cd levels in oysters. Particulate matter was not found to be a source of Cd in oysters, and was actually negatively correlated. This was likely due to the uptake of dissolved Cd by phytoplankton and the effect of phytoplankton on oyster tissue mass.

  2. Role of dissolved and particulate cadmium in the accumulation of cadmium in cultured oysters (Crassostrea gigas)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lekhi, Priyanka; Cassis, D.; Pearce, C.M.; Ebell, N.; Maldonado, M.T.; Orians, K.J.


    Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) collected on the coast of British Columbia, Canada have occasionally shown cadmium (Cd) concentrations at or above 2 μg g -1 (wet weight), which has resulted in the loss of some international markets. This study investigated the source and transfer of Cd to oysters by focusing on the role of dissolved and particulate Cd in seawater. Parameters monitored for 1 year at two oyster farm sites on Vancouver Island included: oyster tissue mass and shell length, Cd in oysters, dissolved Cd, particulate Cd, temperature and salinity. Results show that dissolved Cd was the main source of Cd to the oysters and that Cd was mainly concentrated in the gut tissues. A seasonal trend was observed in Cd in oysters, in which levels were lowest during periods of higher temperatures. Results also indicate that the local oceanographic inputs and sediment diagenesis directly affect dissolved Cd and thereby influence the Cd levels in oysters. Particulate matter was not found to be a source of Cd in oysters, and was actually negatively correlated. This was likely due to the uptake of dissolved Cd by phytoplankton and the effect of phytoplankton on oyster tissue mass

  3. A 1-year investigation of the parasite Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas from Dayaowan Bay, China. (United States)

    Wang, Zhongwei; Lu, Xin; Liang, Yubo


    The infection prevalence of the protozoan parasite Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), collected from Dayaowan Bay on the north coast of the Yellow Sea, China, was investigated in 2007. The traditional histological method of diagnosing H. nelsoni infection in oysters was compared to that of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Histology and the first PCR analysis detected infection in 21 (a total of 240 oysters) (8.75%) oysters, and the second PCR revealed infection in 26 oysters (10.83%). Only local or epithelial infections were found; no systemic infections were detected. Infection by H. nelsoni mostly occurred from April through October, and the monthly prevalence ranged from 5% to 25%, with a peak in August. These results suggest that the prevalence of the parasite is low in Dayaowan Bay. The prevalence of H. nelsoni is thought to be controlled in some way by temperature and salinity.

  4. Epizootiology of Perkinsus sp. inCrassostrea gasar oysters in polyculture with shrimps in northeastern Brazil

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    Patricia Mirella da Silva


    Full Text Available Abstract Bivalve culture is of considerable economic and social interest in northeastern (NE Brazil. The polyculture is an alternative approach to traditional monoculture for reducing the environmental impact of shrimp farming and improving oyster culture. Perkinsus marinus andPerkinsus olseni were found infecting oysters in NE Brazil and can threaten oyster production. This study evaluatedPerkinsus spp. occurrence in Crassostrea gasar during all production stages. Oyster spats were produced in a hatchery and grown in shrimp ponds in Rio Grande do Norte state.Perkinsus spp. were surveyed by Ray’s fluid thioglycollate medium and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. Prevalence and intensity of infection were determined in oysters until they reached 7 cm. Results showed that the broodstock was already infected by Perkinsus (60%, but the derived spats were Perkinsus-free. Oyster spats acquired Perkinsus infection when transferred to ponds. The prevalence gradually increased in the seven months following placement in ponds (73%, and then decreased to 17% by the tenth month. The infections were initially mild, but intensity increased at the final growth stage. In conclusion, it is possible to produce Perkinsus-free C. gasar oyster spats from infected broodstock, and their culture in shrimp ponds is feasible.

  5. Combined effects of water temperature and copper ion concentration on catalase activity in Crassostrea ariakensis (United States)

    Wang, Hui; Yang, Hongshuai; Liu, Jiahui; Li, Yanhong; Liu, Zhigang


    A central composite experimental design and response surface method were used to investigate the combined effects of water temperature (18-34°C) and copper ion concentration (0.1-1.5 mg/L) on the catalase (CAT) activity in the digestive gland of Crassostrea ariakensis. The results showed that the linear effects of temperature were significant ( P0.05), and the quadratic effects of copper ion concentration were significant ( P0.05), and the effect of temperature was greater than that of copper ion concentration. A model equation of CAT enzyme activity in the digestive gland of C. ariakensis toward the two factors of interest was established, with R 2, Adj. R 2 and Pred. R 2 values as high as 0.943 7, 0.887 3 and 0.838 5, respectively. These findings suggested that the goodness of fit to experimental data and predictive capability of the model were satisfactory, and could be practically applied for prediction under the conditions of the study. Overall, the results suggest that the simultaneous variation of temperature and copper ion concentration alters the activity of the antioxidant enzyme CAT by modulating active oxygen species metabolism, which may be utilized as a biomarker to detect the effects of copper pollution.

  6. Uniquely high turnover of nickel in contaminated oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis: Biokinetics and subcellular distribution. (United States)

    Yin, Qijun; Wang, Wen-Xiong


    Despite the environmental concerns regarding nickel (Ni) especially in China, it has received little attention in aquatic animals due to its comparatively weak toxicity. In the present study, we explored the bioaccumulation, biokinetics, and subcellular distribution of Ni in an estuarine oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis. We demonstrated that Ni represented a new pattern of bioaccumulation in oysters characterized by rapid elimination and low dissolved uptake. The waterborne uptake rate constant and dietary assimilation efficiency were 0.036L/g/h and 28%, respectively, and dissolved uptake was the predominant exposure route. The efflux rate constant was positively related to tissue Ni concentration, with the highest efflux of 0.155d -1 . Such high elimination resulted in a high Ni turnover and steady-state condition reached rapidly, as shown with a 4-week waterborne exposure experiment at different Ni concentrations. Ni in oysters was mainly sequestered in metallothionein-like protein (MTLP), metal-rich granule, and cellular debris. MTLP was the most important binding fraction during accumulation and depuration, and played a dynamic role leading to rapid Ni elimination. Pre-exposure to Ni significantly reduced the dissolved uptake, probably accompanied by depressed filtration activity. Overall, the high turnover and regulation of Ni in oysters were achieved by enhanced efflux, suppressed uptake, and sequestration of most Ni into the detoxified pool. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 replication and host response in adult Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Segarra, Amélie; Baillon, Laury; Tourbiez, Delphine; Benabdelmouna, Abdellah; Faury, Nicole; Bourgougnon, Nathalie; Renault, Tristan


    Since 2008, massive mortality outbreaks associated with OsHV-1 detection have been reported in Crassostrea gigas spat and juveniles in several countries. Nevertheless, adult oysters do not demonstrate mortality in the field related to OsHV-1 detection and were thus assumed to be more resistant to viral infection. Determining how virus and adult oyster interact is a major goal in understanding why mortality events are not reported among adult Pacific oysters. Dual transcriptomics of virus-host interactions were explored by real-time PCR in adult oysters after a virus injection. Thirty-nine viral genes and five host genes including MyD88, IFI44, IkB2, IAP and Gly were measured at 0.5, 10, 26, 72 and 144 hours post infection (hpi). No viral RNA among the 39 genes was detected at 144 hpi suggesting the adult oysters are able to inhibit viral replication. Moreover, the IAP gene (oyster gene) shows significant up-regulation in infected adults compared to control adults. This result suggests that over-expression of IAP could be a reaction to OsHV-1 infection, which may induce the apoptotic process. Apoptosis could be a main mechanism involved in disease resistance in adults. Antiviral activity of haemolymph against herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) was not significantly different between infected adults versus control.

  8. Treatment of shrimp effluent by sedimentation and oyster filtration using Crassostrea gigas and C. rhizophorae

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    Roberto Ramos


    Full Text Available Efficiency in removing particulate matter from Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp culture effluent was assessed in laboratory scale employing sedimentation and oysters Crassostrea gigas and C. rhizophorae filtration processes. Cylindroconical tanks (100 L were used in duplicate for sedimentation and 50-L in triplicate for oyster filtration. Fifteen oysters of each species weighing 76-80 g were stocked in each of the filtration treatment experimental units (biomass of 1065 - 1174 g oyster per unit. The control treatment was a tank similar to those used in the filtration treatment but with empty oyster shells. Hydraulic retention time of the effluent was of 6 hours in each treatment. First, effluent went through sedimentation, and then the supernatant went through the filtration tanks. Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, turbidity, total suspended solids, total volatile solids, chlorophyll a and BOD5 were evaluated. During sedimentation and filtration, temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen concentration remained stable. Sedimentation removed 18, 5.6, 27.5, 45.40 and 23.2% of turbidity, total suspended solids, total volatile solids, chlorophyll a and BOD5, respectively. Chlorophyll a and BOD5 after sedimentation presented significant difference (PEm escala laboratorial, foi comparada a eficiência de remoção de material particulado presente no efluente do cultivo de camarão branco Litopenaeus vannamei, mediante o processo de sedimentação e filtração com ostra nativa Crassostrea rhizophorae e com ostra do pacifico Crassostrea gigas. No processo de sedimentação foram empregados tanques cilindro cônico, em duplicata, de cor preta com 100 L de capacidade total. Para o processo de filtração foram empregados tanques cilindro cônicos, em triplicata, de cor preta de 50 L de volume total. No tratamento de filtração cada unidade experimental foi estocada com 15 indivíduos de ostras de ambas as espécies, com peso médio entre 76

  9. Inter-site differences of zinc susceptibility of the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Fengjie [Division of Life Science, State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Clear Water Bay, Kowloon (Hong Kong); Rainbow, Philip S. [Department of Life Sciences, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Rd., London SW7 5BD (United Kingdom); Wang, Wen-Xiong, E-mail: [Division of Life Science, State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Clear Water Bay, Kowloon (Hong Kong)


    Highlights: ► Zn sensitivity and detoxification in oysters are related to the history of metal exposure. ► The lethal threshold concentration of total body Zn varied significantly among oyster populations. ► Total body Zn concentration could not serve as a suitable toxicity indicator in oysters. ► Zn toxicity is related to a threshold concentration of metabolically available metal. -- Abstract: Understanding the underlying mechanisms governing metal toxicity is crucial for predicting the risks and effects of metal pollutants. We hypothesized that metal toxicity is related to a threshold concentration of metabolically available metal but not to the total body metal concentration. Following a two-month laboratory Zn exposure, we characterized mortality and Zn bioaccumulation and subcellular partitioning in the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis sampled from three sites with contrasting histories of Zn exposure and one multiple-metal contaminated site. Large differences in Zn sensitivity, lethal body concentration, and detoxification capability between sites were observed. Specifically, the oysters from the highly Zn-contaminated site were more tolerant to Zn exposure than those from the relatively clean ones, and the former accumulated and detoxified more Zn and had a significantly higher lethal body Zn concentration. The accumulation of Zn in the metabolically available pool (operationally defined as the metal-sensitive fraction) in the oysters from the multiple-metal contaminated site was relatively fast, and correspondingly they were highly sensitive to Zn exposure. The lethal threshold concentration of total body Zn varied significantly within the four sites, and thus total body Zn concentration could not serve as a suitable toxicity indicator. Importantly, Zn accumulation within the operationally defined metabolically available pool better explained variances in mortality than Zn accumulation in the whole body. Our results suggested that Zn toxicity is

  10. Transcriptomic responses to salinity stress in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas.

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    Xuelin Zhao

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Low salinity is one of the main factors limiting the distribution and survival of marine species. As a euryhaline species, the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is considered to be tolerant to relative low salinity. The genes that regulate C. gigas responses to osmotic stress were monitored using the next-generation sequencing of whole transcriptome with samples taken from gills. By RNAseq technology, transcript catalogs of up- and down-regulated genes were generated from the oysters exposed to low and optimal salinity seawater. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Through Illumina sequencing, we reported 1665 up-regulated transcripts and 1815 down-regulated transcripts. A total of 45771 protein-coding contigs were identified from two groups based on sequence similarities with known proteins. As determined by GO annotation and KEGG pathway mapping, functional annotation of the genes recovered diverse biological functions and processes. The genes that changed expression significantly were highly represented in cellular process and regulation of biological process, intracellular and cell, binding and protein binding according to GO annotation. The results highlighted genes related to osmoregulation, signaling and interactions of osmotic stress response, anti-apoptotic reactions as well as immune response, cell adhesion and communication, cytoskeleton and cell cycle. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Through more than 1.5 million sequence reads and the expression data of the two libraries, the study provided some useful insights into signal transduction pathways in oysters and offered a number of candidate genes as potential markers of tolerance to hypoosmotic stress for oysters. In addition, the characterization of C. gigas transcriptome will not only provide a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms about the response to osmotic stress of the oysters, but also facilitate research into biological processes to find underlying physiological

  11. Inter-site differences of zinc susceptibility of the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Fengjie; Rainbow, Philip S.; Wang, Wen-Xiong


    Highlights: ► Zn sensitivity and detoxification in oysters are related to the history of metal exposure. ► The lethal threshold concentration of total body Zn varied significantly among oyster populations. ► Total body Zn concentration could not serve as a suitable toxicity indicator in oysters. ► Zn toxicity is related to a threshold concentration of metabolically available metal. -- Abstract: Understanding the underlying mechanisms governing metal toxicity is crucial for predicting the risks and effects of metal pollutants. We hypothesized that metal toxicity is related to a threshold concentration of metabolically available metal but not to the total body metal concentration. Following a two-month laboratory Zn exposure, we characterized mortality and Zn bioaccumulation and subcellular partitioning in the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis sampled from three sites with contrasting histories of Zn exposure and one multiple-metal contaminated site. Large differences in Zn sensitivity, lethal body concentration, and detoxification capability between sites were observed. Specifically, the oysters from the highly Zn-contaminated site were more tolerant to Zn exposure than those from the relatively clean ones, and the former accumulated and detoxified more Zn and had a significantly higher lethal body Zn concentration. The accumulation of Zn in the metabolically available pool (operationally defined as the metal-sensitive fraction) in the oysters from the multiple-metal contaminated site was relatively fast, and correspondingly they were highly sensitive to Zn exposure. The lethal threshold concentration of total body Zn varied significantly within the four sites, and thus total body Zn concentration could not serve as a suitable toxicity indicator. Importantly, Zn accumulation within the operationally defined metabolically available pool better explained variances in mortality than Zn accumulation in the whole body. Our results suggested that Zn toxicity is

  12. Temporal variations in metallothionein concentration and subcellular distribution of metals in gills and digestive glands of the oyster Crassostrea angulata

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    Chiara Trombini


    Full Text Available The metallothionein levels and metal concentrations in whole body, digestive gland and gills of Crassostrea angulata were analyzed in field samples collected from the River Guadalquivir estuary over several years following a mining waste spill upstream. The subcellular distribution of metals was analyzed to determine the mechanisms involved in the detoxification process. The highest metallothionein levels were reported in the digestive gland shortly after the mining contamination event. In this organ, metals are stored preferentially in the non-cytosolic fraction when increased bioaccumulation takes place. In the cytosol of the gills, metals are associated with metallothionein, whereas in the digestive gland, the distribution of metals between metallothioneins and high molecular weight proteins is similar. Metallothionein variation cannot be explained by metals alone; other abiotic factors must be taken into account. In order to use metallothionein as a metal exposure biomarker in field studies, natural variability needs to be taken into account for the correct interpretation of results.

  13. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  14. Morphology of the larval shell of three oyster species of the genus Crassostrea Sacco, 1897 (Bivalvia: Ostreidae). (United States)

    Christo, S W; Absher, T M; Boehs, G


    In this study we describe the morphology of the larval shell of three oyster species of Crassostrea genus. Two species, C. rhizophorae and C. brasiliana, are native to the Brazilian coast, and C. gigas is an introduced species. Samples of laboratory reared larvae, obtained through artificial fertilisation, were collected at intervals during the cultivation process for analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Prodissoconch morphology was observed in relation to the presence, position, form and number of teeth in the three larval stages: D-shaped larva, umbo larva and pediveliger. Characteristic of D-shaped larvae of C. rhizophorae was the total absence of teeth in the provinculum area while C. brasiliana and C. gigas had two anterior and two posterior teeth in each valve. In the umbo larval phase, the three species had the same number of teeth in each valve: two posterior and two anterior teeth in the right valve and three posterior and three anterior in the left valve. In the pediveliger stage the three species could be differentiated by the number of anterior teeth of the right valve: C. rhizophorae had two teeth, C. brasiliana one tooth and C. gigas three teeth.

  15. Morphology of the larval shell of three oyster species of the genus Crassostrea Sacco, 1897 (Bivalvia: Ostreidae

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    SW. Christo

    Full Text Available In this study we describe the morphology of the larval shell of three oyster species of Crassostrea genus. Two species, C. rhizophorae and C. brasiliana, are native to the Brazilian coast, and C. gigas is an introduced species. Samples of laboratory reared larvae, obtained through artificial fertilisation, were collected at intervals during the cultivation process for analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM. Prodissoconch morphology was observed in relation to the presence, position, form and number of teeth in the three larval stages: D-shaped larva, umbo larva and pediveliger. Characteristic of D-shaped larvae of C. rhizophorae was the total absence of teeth in the provinculum area while C. brasiliana and C. gigas had two anterior and two posterior teeth in each valve. In the umbo larval phase, the three species had the same number of teeth in each valve: two posterior and two anterior teeth in the right valve and three posterior and three anterior in the left valve. In the pediveliger stage the three species could be differentiated by the number of anterior teeth of the right valve: C. rhizophorae had two teeth, C. brasiliana one tooth and C. gigas three teeth.

  16. First report of Perkinsus beihaiensis in Crassostrea madrasensis from the Indian subcontinent. (United States)

    Sanil, N K; Suja, G; Lijo, J; Vijayan, K K


    Protozoan parasites of the genus Perkinsus are considered important pathogens responsible for mass mortalities in many wild and farmed bivalve populations. The present study was initiated to screen populations of the Indian edible oyster Crassostrea madrasensis, a promising candidate for aquaculture along the Indian coasts, for the presence of Perkinsus spp. The study reports the presence of P. beihaiensis for the first time in C. madrasensis populations from the Indian subcontinent and south Asia. Samples collected from the east and west coasts of India were subjected to Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium (RFTM) culture and histology which indicated the presence of Perkinsus spp. PCR screening of the tissues using specific primers amplified the product specific to the genus Perkinsus. The taxonomic affinities of the parasites were determined by sequencing both internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and actin genes followed by basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) analysis. Analysis based on the ITS sequences showed 98 to 100% identity to Perkinsus spp. (P. beihaiensis and Brazilian Perkinsus sp.). The pairwise genetic distance values and phylogenetic analysis confirmed that 2 of the present samples belonged to the P. beihaiensis clade while the other 4 showed close affinities with the Brazilian Perkinsus sp. clade. The genetic divergence data, close affinity with the Brazilian Perkinsus sp., and co-existence with P. beihaiensis in the same host species in the same habitat show that the remaining 4 samples exhibit some degree of variation from P. beihaiensis. As expected, the sequencing of actin genes did not show any divergence among the samples studied. They probably could be intraspecific variants of P. beihaiensis having a separate lineage in the process of evolution.

  17. A High-Density SNP Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis of Growth-Related Traits in a Hybrid Family of Oysters (Crassostrea gigas × Crassostrea angulata Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing

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    Jinpeng Wang


    Full Text Available Oysters are among the most important species in global aquaculture. Crassostrea gigas, and its subspecies C. angulata, are the major cultured species. To determine the genetic basis of growth-related traits in oysters, we constructed a second-generation linkage map from 3367 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs based on genotyping-by-sequencing, genotyped from a C. gigas × C. angulata hybrid family. These 3367 SNPs were distributed on 1695 markers, which were assigned to 10 linkage groups. The genetic linkage map had a total length of 1084.3 cM, with an average of 0.8 cM between markers; it thus represents the densest genetic map constructed for oysters to date. Twenty-seven quantitative trait loci (QTL for five growth-related traits were detected. These QTL could explain 4.2–7.7% (mean = 5.4% of the phenotypic variation. In total, 50.8% of phenotypic variance for shell width, 7.7% for mass weight, and 34.1% for soft tissue weight were explained. The detected QTL were distributed among eight linkage groups, and more than half (16 were concentrated within narrow regions in their respective linkage groups. Thirty-eight annotated genes were identified within the QTL regions, two of which are key genes for carbohydrate metabolism. Other genes were found to participate in assembly and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, signal transduction, and regulation of cell differentiation and development. The newly developed high-density genetic map, and the QTL and candidate genes identified provide a valuable genetic resource and a basis for marker-assisted selection for C. gigas and C. angulata.

  18. Biofiltration, growth and body composition of oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae in effluents from shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei1

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    Rafael Vieira de Azevedo

    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to use oyster as biofilter to improve the quality of effluent from shrimp farming and to assess its growth performance and body composition. It was distributed 1,080 oysters into lanterns in fiberglass tanks (170 L in a completely randomized design with three treatments (0, 60 and 120 oysters and six replicates. It was used the effluent from the sedimentation tank. It was measured weekly: temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH, and it was analyzed ammonia-N, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, orthophosphate-P, suspended solids and chlorophyll-α of the input effluent. The control tanks (without oysters were more efficient at removing ammonia-N, nitrite-N, nitrate-N and orthophosphate-P. The tanks containing oysters were more efficient at removing suspended solids and chlorophyll-α. Stocking density influenced the height growth of oysters, but not width. Wet and daily weight, condition and yield index were not affected by stocking density, and a significant increase in comparison to the initials values was observed. Body composition was not affected by stocking density, and a significant difference (p0.05. Under the conditions evaluated, the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae improves water quality and presents growth rates and body composition similar to those obtained in traditional crops.

  19. Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Physical, Microbial, and Chemical Attributes of Oysters (Crassostrea virginica). (United States)

    Lingham, Talaysha; Ye, Mu; Chen, Haiqiang; Chintapenta, Lathadevi Karuna; Handy, Eunice; Zhao, Jing; Wu, Changqing; Ozbay, Gulnihal


    The change in the quality attributes (physical, microbial, and chemical) of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) after high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatment at 300 MPa at room temperature (RT, 25 °C) 300, 450, and 500 MPa at 0 °C for 2 min and control oysters without treatment were evaluated over 3 wk. The texture and tissue yield percentages of oysters HHP treated at 300 MPa, RT increased significantly (P oysters reached the spoilage point of 7 log CFU/g after 15 d. Coliform counts (log MPN/g) were low during storage with total and fecal coliforms less than 3.5 and 1.0. High pressure treated oysters at 500 MPa at 0 °C were significantly higher (P oysters HHP treated at 300 MPa at 0 °C in lipid oxidation values. The highest pressure (500 MPa) treatment in this study, significantly (P oysters at 3 wk was significantly higher (P oysters [300 MPa, (RT); 450 MPa (0 °C); and 500 MPa (0 °C)]. HHP treatments of oysters were not significantly different in pH, percent salt extractable protein (SEP), and total lipid values compared to control. Based on our results, HHP prolongs the physical, microbial, and chemical quality of oysters. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®

  20. Quantitative assessment of viable Cryptosporidium parvum load in commercial oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in the Chesapeake Bay. (United States)

    Graczyk, Thaddeus K; Lewis, Earl J; Glass, Gregory; Dasilva, Alexandre J; Tamang, Leena; Girouard, Autumn S; Curriero, Frank C


    The epidemiological importance of increasing reports worldwide on Cryptosporidium contamination of oysters remains unknown in relation to foodborne cryptosporidiosis. Thirty market-size oysters (Crassostrea virginica), collected from each of 53 commercial harvesting sites in Chesapeake Bay, MD, were quantitatively tested in groups of six for Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts by immunofluorescent antibody (IFA). After IFA analysis, the samples were retrospectively retested for viable Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by combined fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and IFA. The mean cumulative numbers of Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts in six oysters (overall, 42.1+/-4.1) were significantly higher than in the numbers of viable C. parvum oocysts (overall, 28.0+/-2.9). Of 265 oyster groups, 221 (83.4%) contained viable C. parvum oocysts, and overall, from 10-32% (mean, 23%) of the total viable oocysts were identified in the hemolymph as distinct from gill washings. The amount of viable C. parvum oocysts was not related to oyster size or to the level of fecal coliforms at the sampling site. This study demonstrated that, although oysters are frequently contaminated with oocysts, the levels of viable oocysts may be too low to cause infection in healthy individuals. FISH assay for identification can be retrospectively applied to properly stored samples.

  1. Non-additive effects of ocean acidification in combination with warming on the larval proteome of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Harney, Ewan; Artigaud, Sébastien; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Miner, Philippe; Corporeau, Charlotte; Essid, Hafida; Pichereau, Vianney; Nunes, Flavia L D


    Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide results in ocean acidification and warming, significantly impacting marine invertebrate larvae development. We investigated how ocean acidification in combination with warming affected D-veliger larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Larvae were reared for 40h under either control (pH8.1, 20 °C), acidified (pH7.9, 20 °C), warm (pH8.1, 22 °C) or warm acidified (pH7.9, 22 °C) conditions. Larvae in acidified conditions were significantly smaller than in the control, but warm acidified conditions mitigated negative effects on size, and increased calcification. A proteomic approach employing two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) was used to quantify proteins and relate their abundance to phenotypic traits. In total 12 differentially abundant spots were identified by nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. These proteins had roles in metabolism, intra- and extra-cellular matrix formations, stress response, and as molecular chaperones. Seven spots responded to reduced pH, four to increased temperature, and six to acidification and warming. Reduced abundance of proteins such as ATP synthase and GAPDH, and increased abundance of superoxide dismutase, occurred when both pH and temperature changes were imposed, suggesting altered metabolism and enhanced oxidative stress. These results identify key proteins that may be involved in the acclimation of C. gigas larvae to ocean acidification and warming. Increasing atmospheric CO2 raises sea surface temperatures and results in ocean acidification, two climatic variables known to impact marine organisms. Larvae of calcifying species may be particularly at risk to such changing environmental conditions. The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is ecologically and commercially important, and understanding its ability to acclimate to climate change will help to predict how aquaculture of this species is likely to be impacted. Modest, yet realistic changes in pH and

  2. Environmental factors responsible for the incidence of antibiotic resistance genes in pristine Crassostrea virginica reefs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barkovskii, Andrei L.; Thomas, Michael; Hurley, Dorset; Teems, Clifford


    Highlights: ► Estuary was the major source of antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) for tidal creeks. ► Watersheds were the secondary source of ARG for tidal creeks. ► Watershed contribution corresponded to the degree of its anthropogenic disturbance. ► ARG in tidal creeks were carried by native hosts preferring low termohaline niches. ► ARG incidence was the highest in oysters implying ARG bioaccumulation/proliferation. - Abstract: The occurrence of tetracycline resistance (TRG) and integrase (INT) genes were monitored in Crassostrea virginica oyster reefs of three pristine creeks (SINERR, Georgia, USA). Their profiles revealed 85% similarity with the TRG/INT profiles observed in the adjacent to the SINERR and contaminated Altamaha River estuary (Barkovskii et al., 2010). The TRG/INT spectra and incidence frequencies corresponded to the source of oceanic input and to run-offs from creeks’ watersheds. The highest incidence frequencies and concentrations were observed in oysters. TRG/INT incidences correlated positively (Spearman Rank = 0.88), and negatively correlated (−0.63 to −0.79) with creek salinity, conductivity, dissolved solids, and temperature. Coliform incidence positively correlated with temperature, and not with the TRG/INT incidence. The Altamaha River estuary was the primary TRG/INT source for the reefs with contributions from creek’s watersheds. TRG/INT were carried by non-coliforms with a preference for low-to-temperate thermohaline environments coupled with bioaccumulation by oysters.

  3. Use of Competitive PCR to Detect and Quantify Haplosporidium nelsoni Infection (MSX disease) in the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica). (United States)

    Day, J Michael; Franklin, Dean E.; Brown, Bonnie L.


    This study was undertaken to develop a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay that would improve the utility of PCR for detecting Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX), a serious parasite of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. A competitive PCR sequence was generated from the H. nelsoni small subunit ribosomal DNA fragment, originally described by Stokes and colleagues, that was amplified by the same PCR primers and had similar amplification performance. Assays performed using competitor dilutions ranging from 0.05 to 500 pg/µl DNA were used to test oyster samples designated using histological techniques as having "light" or "heavy" MSX infections. Visual diagnoses were confirmed equally well with three methods: densitometry of ethidium-bromide-stained agarose, densitometry of SYBRGreen-stained polyacrylamide gels, and analysis by GeneScan 3.0 of fluorescent products detected in ultrathin gels. Oysters diagnosed as negative for MSX tested as negative or light by PCR. Oysters with light MSX infections generally had less than 5 pg/µl infectious DNA. Oysters with heavy infections generally corresponded to 5 pg/µl or greater competitor dilutions.

  4. Effects of cadmium on aneuploidy and hemocyte parameters in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouilly, Karine; Gagnaire, Beatrice; Bonnard, Marc; Thomas-Guyon, Helene; Renault, Tristan; Miramand, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie


    Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, are commonly reared in estuaries where they are exposed to anthropogenic pollution. Much research has been made on the toxicity of cadmium to aquatic organisms because the compound recurrently contaminates their environment. Our study examined the influence of cadmium on aneuploidy level (lowered chromosome number in a percentage of somatic cells) and hemocyte parameters in C. gigas at different stages of life. Adults and juveniles were exposed to two different concentrations of cadmium. The first concentration applied was equivalent to a peak value found in Marennes-Oleron bay (Charente-Maritime, France; 50 ng L -1 ) and the second was 10 times higher (500 ng L -1 ). Exposure to 50 ng L -1 cadmium caused a significant decrease in the survival time of C. gigas, but exposure to 500 ng L -1 surprisingly affected the survival time positively. Significant differences in aneuploidy level were observed between the cadmium treatments and the control in adults but not in juveniles or the offspring of the adult groups. The effects of cadmium on hemocyte parameters were analyzed by flow cytometry. Several hemocyte parameters increased significantly after 21 days of cadmium exposure and subsequently decreased. Phenoloxidase-like activity, evaluated by spectrophotometry, varied over the time of the experiment and increased after 66 days of contact with 500 ng L -1 cadmium. Taken together, cadmium at environmentally relevant concentrations seems to have only moderate effects on aneuploidy and hemocyte parameters

  5. Perkinsus sp. infecting the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae from estuaries of the septentrional Northeast, Brazil

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    M. P. Dantas-Neto

    Full Text Available Abstract The mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae is an estuarine resource exploited by riverside communities in Northeast Brazil. Despite its socioeconomic importance, studies on the health status of this bivalve are scanty in this region. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the presence of the protozoan Perkinsus sp. in C. rhizophorae collected in August and September 2011 in three estuaries of the septentrional Northeast, Brazil: Jaguaribe (Ceará, Camurupim (Piauí and Carnaubeiras (Maranhão (n= 150 specimens/site. The samples were submitted to Ray’s fluid thioglycollate medium (RFTM, PCR and histology assays. The RFTM assay revealed spherical, blue or bluish-black hypnospores of the genus Perkinsus in 50 specimens (Jaguaribe= 17.3%, Camurupim= 5.3%, Carnaubeiras= 10.6%. The intensity of the infection ranged from very light (1-10 cells per slide to severe (more than 40 cells in each of 10 fields of the slide for Jaguaribe; very light for Camurupim and very light to moderate (at least 40 cells observed in each of 10 fields of the slide for Carnaubeiras. When submitted to confirmatory PCR analysis, 6 cases were confirmed (Jaguaribe=3, Camurupim=1, Carnaubeiras=2. The histology confirmed 21 cases of infection in specimens from the three estuaries. Although local collectors have reported no mortality in oyster populations that might be attributed to infection by Perkinsus, health surveillance of oyster populations in the septentrional region of Northeast Brazil is advisable.

  6. Identification of Proteins with Potential Osteogenic Activity Present in the Water-Soluble Matrix Proteins from Crassostrea gigas Nacre Using a Proteomic Approach

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    Daniel V. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Nacre, when implanted in vivo in bones of dogs, sheep, mice, and humans, induces a biological response that includes integration and osteogenic activity on the host tissue that seems to be activated by a set of proteins present in the nacre water-soluble matrix (WSM. We describe here an experimental approach that can accurately identify the proteins present in the WSM of shell mollusk nacre. Four proteins (three gigasin-2 isoforms and a cystatin A2 were for the first time identified in WSM of Crassostrea gigas nacre using 2DE and LC-MS/MS for protein identification. These proteins are thought to be involved in bone remodeling processes and could be responsible for the biocompatibility shown between bone and nacre grafts. These results represent a contribution to the study of shell biomineralization process and opens new perspectives for the development of new nacre biomaterials for orthopedic applications.

  7. Isostructural exclusion of elements between aragonite and calcite layers in the shell of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markwitz, A.; Gauldie, R.W.; Trompetter, W.J.; Pithie, J.; Jamieson, D.N.; Sharma, S.K.


    Sections of the shell of the farmed Pacific oyster 'Crassostrea gigas' that are available commercially in Wellington, New Zealand, showed a distinct alternating pattern in the shell mineral when observed by reflected light. The layers were identified by Raman scattering as alternating bands of the calcite and aragonite mineral forms of calcium carbonate using the micro-Raman facility at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology. The differences in the unit cell structure of calcite and aragonite favour different trace elements in the two minerals. Aragonite is isostructural with Strontianite SrCO 3 , and calcite is isostructural with Smithsonite ZnCO 3 . As a result, Sr deposition should be favoured in the aragonite layer and is excluded from the calcite layer; and, conversely, Zn deposition should be favoured in the calcite layer and is excluded from the aragonite layer. However, up to today, significant differences in the pattern of Sr and Zn in microprobe scans are not discovered. By ion microprobe analysis, it was shown that differences in the unit cell structure of calcite and aragonite favor different trace elements in the two minerals

  8. Avances en el estudio del sistema inmunitario de moluscos bivalvos : una aproximación genómica


    Moreira Sanmartín, Rebeca


    Identificación y estudio molecular, mediante PCR cuantitativa, pirosecuenciación y microarrays, de genes relacionados con la respuesta inmunitaria frente a patógenos y también frente a diferentes PAMPs (patrones asociados a patógenos): a) Recopilación y análisis de todas las ESTs que existen en la base de datos de almeja fina y almeja japonesa. Estudio de secuencias relacionadas con el sistema inmunológico. Se realizará una recopilación de todas las secuencias que existen en el Genbank...

  9. Thallium in the marine environment: first ecotoxicological assessments in the Guadalquivir estuary and its potential adverse effect on the donana european natural reserve after the Aznalcollar mining spill (SW Spain); Talio en el medio marino: primera valoracion ecotoxicologica en el estuario del Guadalquivir y su efecto potencial adverso en la reserva natural de donana despues del vertido minero de Aznalcollar (SW de Espana).

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DelValls, T.A [Departamento de Quimica Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Cadiz, Puerto Real, Cadiz (Spain); Saenz, V; Arias, A.M; Blasco, J [Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucia, CSIC, Puerto Real, Cadiz (Spain)


    Thallium (Tl) is an extremely toxic but little-studied element in the marine environment and practically no information has been reported on the levels of Tl in marine organisms. After the Aznalcollar mining Spill (April 1998), high levels of metals were put into the environment. This acud-contaminated medium was responsible for the initial pollution effects measured in the Guadiamar River, which is an affluent of the Guadalquivir River and very close to the biggest natural reserve in Europe (Donana). Four different species were used in the monitoring from April to September 1998 and a sediment field bioassay to check bioacumulation was performed. We present the first ecotoxicological evaluation of the mining spill in the Guadalquivir River, with reference to Tl, a little-known metal. Also, Pb and Cd data were compared to Tl during field sediment testing. Results show low levels of this metal in all of the organisms studied and they do not show any increase in the level of this metal, ranging from 40 to 90 ng g{sup -}1, 80 to 210 ng g{sup -}1, 15 to 98 ng g{sup -}1 and 75 to 125 whole body dry weight for Scrobicularia plana, Liza ramada (muscle), Crassostrea angulata and Uca Tangeri, respectively. These are the first field data of Tl concentration measured using estuarine organisms. Field sediment toxicity test results confirm those obtained during the monitoring: Tl is not bioaccumulated by the organisms (C. angulata) used in the test. The sequence in bioaccumulation of metals was Cd > Pb > Tl. Both studies, bioaccumulation and sediment toxicity, should be maintained during the next few years to really evaluate the potential effect of the mining spill on the ecosystem and society. [Spanish] El talio (Tl) es un elemento extremadamente toxico aunque poco estudiado en el medio marino y la informacion sobre niveles de Tl en organismos marinos con anterioridad al presente trabajo es practicamente nula. Despues del vertido minero de Aznalcollar (abril de 1998) se

  10. Immunological responses of the mangrove oysters Crassostrea gasar naturally infected by Perkinsus sp. in the Mamanguape Estuary, Paraíba state (Northeastern, Brazil). (United States)

    Queiroga, Fernando Ramos; Marques-Santos, Luis Fernando; Hégaret, Hélène; Soudant, Philippe; Farias, Natanael Dantas; Schlindwein, Aline Daiane; Mirella da Silva, Patricia


    Perkinsus genus includes protozoan parasites of marine mollusks, especially bivalves. In the last four years, this parasite has been detected in mangrove oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae and Crassostrea gasar from the Northeastern region of Brazil. Hemocytes are the key cells of the oyster immune system, being responsible for a variety of cellular and humoral reactions, such as phagocytosis, encapsulation and the release of several effector molecules that control the invasion and proliferation of microorganisms. In Brazil, there is little information on perkinsosis and none on the immune responses of native oysters' species against Perkinsus spp. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of natural infection by Perkinsus sp. on the immunological parameters of mangrove oysters C. gasar cultured in the Mamanguape River Estuary (Paraíba, Brazil). Adults oysters (N = 40/month) were sampled in December 2011, March, May, August and October 2012. Gills were removed and used to determine the presence and intensity of the Perkinsus sp. infection, according to a scale of four levels (1-4), using the Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium assay. Immunological parameters were measured in hemolymph samples by flow cytometry, including: total hemocyte count (THC), differential hemocyte count (DHC), cell mortality, phagocytic capacity, and production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). The plasma was used to determine the hemagglutination activity. The results showed the occurrence of Perkinsus sp. with the highest mean prevalence (93.3%) seen so far in oyster populations in Brazil. Despite that, no oyster mortality was associated. In contrast, we observed an increase in hemocyte mortality and a suppression of two of the main defense mechanisms, phagocytosis and ROS production in infected oysters. The increase in the percentage of blast-like cells on the hemolymph, and the increase in THC in oysters heavily infected (at the maximum intensity, 4) suggest an induction of

  11. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Full-Length cDNA of Calmodulin Gene from Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Li, Xing-Xia; Yu, Wen-Chao; Cai, Zhong-Qiang; He, Cheng; Wei, Na; Wang, Xiao-Tong; Yue, Xi-Qing


    The shell of the pearl oyster ( Pinctada fucata ) mainly comprises aragonite whereas that of the Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas ) is mainly calcite, thereby suggesting the different mechanisms of shell formation between above two mollusks. Calmodulin (CaM) is an important gene for regulating the uptake, transport, and secretion of calcium during the process of shell formation in pearl oyster. It is interesting to characterize the CaM in oysters, which could facilitate the understanding of the different shell formation mechanisms among mollusks. We cloned the full-length cDNA of Pacific oyster CaM (cgCaM) and found that the cgCaM ORF encoded a peptide of 113 amino acids containing three EF-hand calcium-binding domains, its expression level was highest in the mantle, hinting that the cgCaM gene is probably involved in shell formation of Pacific oyster, and the common ancestor of Gastropoda and Bivalvia may possess at least three CaM genes. We also found that the numbers of some EF hand family members in highly calcified species were higher than those in lowly calcified species and the numbers of these motifs in oyster genome were the highest among the mollusk species with whole genome sequence, further hinting the correlation between CaM and biomineralization.

  12. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Full-Length cDNA of Calmodulin Gene from Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas

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    Xing-Xia Li


    Full Text Available The shell of the pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata mainly comprises aragonite whereas that of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas is mainly calcite, thereby suggesting the different mechanisms of shell formation between above two mollusks. Calmodulin (CaM is an important gene for regulating the uptake, transport, and secretion of calcium during the process of shell formation in pearl oyster. It is interesting to characterize the CaM in oysters, which could facilitate the understanding of the different shell formation mechanisms among mollusks. We cloned the full-length cDNA of Pacific oyster CaM (cgCaM and found that the cgCaM ORF encoded a peptide of 113 amino acids containing three EF-hand calcium-binding domains, its expression level was highest in the mantle, hinting that the cgCaM gene is probably involved in shell formation of Pacific oyster, and the common ancestor of Gastropoda and Bivalvia may possess at least three CaM genes. We also found that the numbers of some EF hand family members in highly calcified species were higher than those in lowly calcified species and the numbers of these motifs in oyster genome were the highest among the mollusk species with whole genome sequence, further hinting the correlation between CaM and biomineralization.

  13. The Kinome of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas, Its Expression during Development and in Response to Environmental Factors.

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    Yanouk Epelboin

    Full Text Available Oysters play an important role in estuarine and coastal marine habitats, where the majority of humans live. In these ecosystems, environmental degradation is substantial, and oysters must cope with highly dynamic and stressful environmental constraints during their lives in the intertidal zone. The availability of the genome sequence of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas represents a unique opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of the signal transduction pathways that the species has developed to deal with this unique habitat. We performed an in silico analysis to identify, annotate and classify protein kinases in C. gigas, according to their kinase domain taxonomy classification, and compared with kinome already described in other animal species. The C. gigas kinome consists of 371 protein kinases, making it closely related to the sea urchin kinome, which has 353 protein kinases. The absence of gene redundancy in some groups of the C. gigas kinome may simplify functional studies of protein kinases. Through data mining of transcriptomes in C. gigas, we identified part of the kinome which may be central during development and may play a role in response to various environmental factors. Overall, this work contributes to a better understanding of key sensing pathways that may be central for adaptation to a highly dynamic marine environment.

  14. Development of an in situ hybridization assay for the detection of ostreid herpesvirus type 1 mRNAs in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Corbeil, Serge; Faury, Nicole; Segarra, Amélie; Renault, Tristan


    An in situ hybridization protocol for detecting mRNAs of ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1) which infects Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, was developed. Three RNA probes were synthesized by cloning three partial OsHV-1 genes into plasmids using three specific primer pairs, and performing a transcription in the presence of digoxigenin dUTP. The RNA probes were able to detect the virus mRNAs in paraffin sections of experimentally infected oysters 26 h post-injection. The in situ hybridization showed that the OsHV-1 mRNAs were mainly present in connective tissues in gills, mantle, adductor muscle, digestive gland and gonads. DNA detection by in situ hybridization using a DNA probe and viral DNA quantitation by real-time PCR were also performed and results were compared with those obtained using RNA probes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Shotgun proteomics reveals physiological response to ocean acidification in Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Timmins-Schiffman, Emma; Coffey, William D; Hua, Wilber; Nunn, Brook L; Dickinson, Gary H; Roberts, Steven B


    Ocean acidification as a result of increased anthropogenic CO2 emissions is occurring in marine and estuarine environments worldwide. The coastal ocean experiences additional daily and seasonal fluctuations in pH that can be lower than projected end-of-century open ocean pH reductions. In order to assess the impact of ocean acidification on marine invertebrates, Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were exposed to one of four different p CO2 levels for four weeks: 400 μatm (pH 8.0), 800 μatm (pH 7.7), 1000 μatm (pH 7.6), or 2800 μatm (pH 7.3). At the end of the four week exposure period, oysters in all four p CO2 environments deposited new shell, but growth rate was not different among the treatments. However, micromechanical properties of the new shell were compromised by elevated p CO2. Elevated p CO2 affected neither whole body fatty acid composition, nor glycogen content, nor mortality rate associated with acute heat shock. Shotgun proteomics revealed that several physiological pathways were significantly affected by ocean acidification, including antioxidant response, carbohydrate metabolism, and transcription and translation. Additionally, the proteomic response to a second stress differed with p CO2, with numerous processes significantly affected by mechanical stimulation at high versus low p CO2 (all proteomics data are available in the ProteomeXchange under the identifier PXD000835). Oyster physiology is significantly altered by exposure to elevated p CO2, indicating changes in energy resource use. This is especially apparent in the assessment of the effects of p CO2 on the proteomic response to a second stress. The altered stress response illustrates that ocean acidification may impact how oysters respond to other changes in their environment. These data contribute to an integrative view of the effects of ocean acidification on oysters as well as physiological trade-offs during environmental stress.

  16. Stress tolerance of a subtropical Crassostrea virginica population to the combined effects of temperature and salinity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heilmayer, Olaf; DiGialleonardo, Julian J.; Qian, Lianfen; Roesijadi, Guritno


    The combination of salinity and temperature has synergistic effects on virtually all aspects of the biology of estuarine organisms. Of interest were site-specific characteristics in the response of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, from the St. Lucie River Estuary to the interactive effects of temperature and salinity. This estuary, one of the largest on the central east coast of Florida, is strongly influenced by anthropogenic modifications due to management needs to control the patterns of freshwater flow in the St. Lucie River watershed. C. virginica is designated a valued ecosystem component for monitoring the health of this estuary. Our approach used a multidimensional response surface design to study the effects of temperature and salinity on sublethal measures of oyster performance: (1) body condition index as an overall indicator of bioenergetic status and (2) the RNA/DNA ratio as a biochemical indicator of cellular stress. The results showed that there was a greater ability to withstand extreme salinity conditions at lower temperatures. However, there were no site-specific attributes that differentiated the response of the St. Lucie Estuary population from populations along the distribution range. Condition index was a less variable response than the RNA/DNA ratio, and the final models for mean condition index and the RNA:DNA ratios explained 77.3% and 35.8% of the respective variances.

  17. A molecular method to detect and identify the native species of southwestern Atlantic Crassostrea (Mollusca: Ostreidae

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    Sandra Ludwig


    Full Text Available Among oysters, species of Crassostrea (Sacco, 1897 are the most attractive to aquaculture. In Brazil, the genus is represented by C. rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828 and C. brasiliana (Lamarck, 1819. Because the maturation and breeding technology is not well developed for these species, aquaculturists need a reliable method to decide the correct time to place spat collectors in the field, and to identify both species, which are morphologically similar. In this study a specific Multiplex PCR protocol was developed, using one pair of universal primers from 18S rDNA as a positive control and a pair of specific primers for each target species. The sensitivity and specificity of the protocol was evaluated. It detected C. rhizophorae DNA in low concentrations, and C. brasiliana DNA in even lower concentrations. Further, the Multiplex PCR proved efficient in detecting DNA in concentrations equivalent to that of a single larva of each species, either separated or combined, when mixed with total DNA extract of a plankton sample representing 1000 L of filtered water. Field tests confirmed the applicability of the protocol, which holds the promise to become an important tool for aquaculture or conservation programs, allowing for the continuous monitoring of the life cycle of C. brasiliana and C. rhizophorae, by detecting the right periods of larval release and settlement.

  18. Refining the tethering of American oysters (Crassostrea virginica) to measure the effects of two environmental stressors. (United States)

    Poirier, Luke A; Gilbert, Shane T C; St-Hilaire, Sophie; Davidson, Jeff; Cox, Ruth; Quijón, Pedro A


    Tethering assays, or the physical restraint of test organisms, has been used in the past to measure selected organisms' response to stressors while removing the observer from the experimental setting. Although informative for monitoring and hypothesis testing, these assays often used microfilaments that have been found to be too invasive or prone to biases given their effects on test organisms' behavior. Here, we describe a new variation of tethering using American oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and illustrate its use in the study of their mortality rates as a result of two stressors: siltation and predation by a non-indigenous species. Our protocol identified a resistant (non-toxic) glue that could be used to attach oysters to stone slabs, thus partially mimicking the natural cementation of the shell to natural substrates. This variation of tethering was harmless and maintained oysters' body position and natural ability to filter feed. Using tethered oysters in separate two-week field cage experiments, we also show how siltation and predation by a non-indigenous species (the European green crab, Carcinus maenas), caused a gradual, easily measurable increase in oyster mortality rates. We argue that this variation of tethering is a cost-effective and advantageous way to monitor or test the effects of these and other stressors on oysters and similar species. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Radiation sensitivity of poliovirus, a model for norovirus, inoculated in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and culture broth under different conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Pil-Mun [Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup 580-185 (Korea, Republic of); Park, Jae Seok [Korea Food and Drug Administration, Seoul 122-704 (Korea, Republic of); Park, Jin-Gyu; Park, Jae-Nam; Han, In-Jun; Song, Beom-Seok; Choi, Jong-il; Kim, Jae-Hun; Byun, Myung-Woo [Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup 580-185 (Korea, Republic of); Baek, Min [Atomic Energy Policy Division, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Gwacheon 427-715 (Korea, Republic of); Chung, Young-Jin [Department of Food and Nutrition, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ju-Woon [Advanced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup 580-185 (Korea, Republic of)], E-mail:


    Poliovirus is a recognized surrogate for norovirus, pathogen in water and food, due to the structural and genetic similarity. Although radiation sensitivity of poliovirus in water or media had been reported, there has been no research in food model such as shellfish. In this study, oyster (Crassostrea gigas) was incubated in artificial seawater contaminated with poliovirus, and thus radiation sensitivity of poliovirus was determined in inoculated oyster. The effects of ionizing radiation on the sensitivity of poliovirus were also evaluated under different conditions such as pH (4-7) and salt concentration (1-15%) in culture broth, and temperature during irradiation. The D{sub 10} value of poliovirus in PBS buffer, virus culture broth and oyster was determined to 0.46, 2.84 and 2.94 kGy, respectively. The initial plaque forming unit (PFU) of poliovirus in culture broth was slightly decreased as the decrease of pH and the increase of salt concentration, but radiation sensitivity was not affected by pH and salt contents. However, radiation resistance of poliovirus was increased at frozen state. These results provide the basic information for the inactivation of pathogenic virus in foods by using irradiation.

  20. Radiation sensitivity of poliovirus, a model for norovirus, inoculated in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and culture broth under different conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Pil-Mun; Park, Jae Seok; Park, Jin-Gyu; Park, Jae-Nam; Han, In-Jun; Song, Beom-Seok; Choi, Jong-il; Kim, Jae-Hun; Byun, Myung-Woo; Baek, Min; Chung, Young-Jin; Lee, Ju-Woon


    Poliovirus is a recognized surrogate for norovirus, pathogen in water and food, due to the structural and genetic similarity. Although radiation sensitivity of poliovirus in water or media had been reported, there has been no research in food model such as shellfish. In this study, oyster (Crassostrea gigas) was incubated in artificial seawater contaminated with poliovirus, and thus radiation sensitivity of poliovirus was determined in inoculated oyster. The effects of ionizing radiation on the sensitivity of poliovirus were also evaluated under different conditions such as pH (4-7) and salt concentration (1-15%) in culture broth, and temperature during irradiation. The D 10 value of poliovirus in PBS buffer, virus culture broth and oyster was determined to 0.46, 2.84 and 2.94 kGy, respectively. The initial plaque forming unit (PFU) of poliovirus in culture broth was slightly decreased as the decrease of pH and the increase of salt concentration, but radiation sensitivity was not affected by pH and salt contents. However, radiation resistance of poliovirus was increased at frozen state. These results provide the basic information for the inactivation of pathogenic virus in foods by using irradiation.

  1. Radiation sensitivity of poliovirus, a model for norovirus, inoculated in oyster ( Crassostrea gigas) and culture broth under different conditions (United States)

    Jung, Pil-Mun; Park, Jae Seok; Park, Jin-Gyu; Park, Jae-Nam; Han, In-Jun; Song, Beom-Seok; Choi, Jong-il; Kim, Jae-Hun; Byun, Myung-Woo; Baek, Min; Chung, Young-Jin; Lee, Ju-Woon


    Poliovirus is a recognized surrogate for norovirus, pathogen in water and food, due to the structural and genetic similarity. Although radiation sensitivity of poliovirus in water or media had been reported, there has been no research in food model such as shellfish. In this study, oyster ( Crassostrea gigas) was incubated in artificial seawater contaminated with poliovirus, and thus radiation sensitivity of poliovirus was determined in inoculated oyster. The effects of ionizing radiation on the sensitivity of poliovirus were also evaluated under different conditions such as pH (4-7) and salt concentration (1-15%) in culture broth, and temperature during irradiation. The D10 value of poliovirus in PBS buffer, virus culture broth and oyster was determined to 0.46, 2.84 and 2.94 kGy, respectively. The initial plaque forming unit (PFU) of poliovirus in culture broth was slightly decreased as the decrease of pH and the increase of salt concentration, but radiation sensitivity was not affected by pH and salt contents. However, radiation resistance of poliovirus was increased at frozen state. These results provide the basic information for the inactivation of pathogenic virus in foods by using irradiation.

  2. Centrocestus formosanus (Opisthorchiida: Heterophyidae como causa de muerte de alevines de tilapia gris Oreochromis niloticus (Perciforme: Cichlidae en el Pacífico seco de Costa Rica

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    Donald Arguedas Cortés


    Full Text Available Centrocestus formosanus es un parásito trematodo zoonótico originario de Asia asociado con muertes de peces principalmente de cultivo. 907 moluscos provenientes de estanques sembrados con tilapias, seleccionados uno por provincia fueron identificados al nivel taxonómico especifico. Se identificaron cuatro gastrópodos y un bivalvo: M. tuberculata, M. turricula, P. flagellata, H. cubensis y A. luteola. Se reporta, por primera vez, la presencia de dos especies de moluscos en Costa Rica. Se identificaron siete morfotipos de cercarias parasitando las cinco especies de moluscos encontradas. En la segunda exposición experimental se demostró que el morfotipo parapleurolofocercus encontrado en M. tuberculata concuerda con el hallazgo de C. formosanus en alevines de tilapia, después del examen clínico, anatomopatológico y parasitológico realizado a los alevines expuestos. Las metacercarias fueron extraídas del quiste utilizando microagujas y micropinzas lavadas en solución salina fisiológica (0.65%, fijadas en formol caliente al 4% y después esquematizadas con una cámara clara adaptada a un microscopio fotónico, estimándose una abundancia e intensidad media de 1018-1027 digeneos por branquia en cada pez parasitado, determinándose así el hospedador intermediario primario y secundario del parásito. En el presente trabajo se reporta por primera vez Centrocestus formosanus en Costa Rica.

  3. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  4. Environmental parameters influence on the dynamics of total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in Crassostrea virginica harvested from Mexico's Gulf coast. (United States)

    López-Hernández, Karla M; Pardío-Sedas, Violeta T; Lizárraga-Partida, Leonardo; Williams, José de J; Martínez-Herrera, David; Flores-Primo, Argel; Uscanga-Serrano, Roxana; Rendón-Castro, Karla


    The influence of environmental parameters on the total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus seasonal densities in American oysters (Crassostrea virginica) was evaluated for 1 year. Harvesting site A yielded the highest mean densities of V. parahaemolyticus tlh+, tdh+/trh-, tdh-/trh+ and tdh+/trh+ during spring season at 2.57, 1.74, 0.36, and -0.40 log10 MPN/g, respectively, and tdh+/orf8+ during winter season (0.90 log10 MPN/g). V. parahaemolyticus tlh+ densities were associated to salinity (R(2)=0.372, Pturbidity (R(2)=0.597, P<0.035), and orf8+ to temperature, salinity, and pH (R(2)=0.964, P<0.001). The exposure to salinity and temperature conditions during winter and spring seasons regulated the dynamics of V. parahaemolyticus harboring potentially pathogenic genotypes within the oyster. The adaptive response of V. parahaemolyticus to seasonal environmental changes may lead to an increase in survival and virulence, threatening the seafood safety and increasing the risk of illness. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Assessment of bioavailability of weathered oil residues using caged bivalves (Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus edulis) as indicator organisms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bleczinski, C.F.; Costa, H.J.; Rigatti, M.J.; Wong, M.C.; Boehm, P.D.


    In April 1988, an estimated 400,000 gallons of San Joaquin Valley crude oil spilled into Peyton Slough and subsequently into Suisun Bay from an oil refinery in Martinez, California. The crude oil initially impacted a number of ecologically sensitive environments including estuarine water, marsh grasses, marsh and shoreline sediment, and intertidal sediment. A four-year oil weathering study was performed to determine the concentrations of environmentally important compounds in the stranded oil, to monitor changes in these concentrations over time, and to assess the potential long-term impact of the spilled oil in these various environments. As a result of marked differences in the rate of weathering at the different sites, a bioaccumulation component was added to the original study design in order to assess the bioavailability of crude oil residues remaining four-years post spill. Caged bivalves (Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus edulis) were deployed at the three study sites as sentinel organisms and exposed for three months. Sediments and organism tissues were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) assemblages characteristics of the spilled oil. Advanced hydrocarbon fingerprinting techniques (e.g., double ratio plots of characteristic alkyl PAHs) were used to match distributions in the organisms and in the study site sediments

  6. Assessment of sediment contamination by spermiotoxicity and embryotoxicity bioassays with sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas). (United States)

    Geffard, O; Budzinski, H; Augagneur, S; Seaman, M N; His, E


    Gametes (sperm) and fertilized eggs (embryos) of the Mediterranean sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, and the Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas, were used to investigate the toxicity of two marine sediments, one polluted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and the other by heavy metals. The sediment samples were freeze-dried for storage, and three different treatments were used for analysis: whole sediment, unfiltered elutriate, and filtered elutriate. The two sediments were toxic to sea urchin spermatozoa but not to oyster spermatozoa, and embryotoxicity was almost always the more sensitive endpoint for toxicity assessment. As a rule, whole sediment was more toxic than the elutriates by nearly two orders of magnitude. With respect to embryotoxicity, the whole sediments and the elutriates of the PAH-contaminated sediment were more toxic to oyster embryos, whereas the elutriates of the sediment polluted by heavy metals had stronger effects on sea urchin embryos. The results confirm that bioassays with Japanese oyster embryos provide a more sensitive appraisal of toxicity in the marine environment than bioassays with other developmental stages. As a whole, Mediterranean sea urchins and Japanese oysters were similar in overall sensitivity and are therefore both equally suited as bioassay organisms, but tests with oysters are more reproducible because of the better performance of the controls.

  7. Effects of air-exposure gradients on spatial infection patterns of Perkinsus marinus in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. (United States)

    Malek, Jennafer C; Breitburg, Denise L


    Spatial distributions of species can be shaped by factors such as parasites, mortality, and reproduction, all of which may be influenced by differences in physical factors along environmental gradients. In nearshore tidal waters, an elevational gradient in aerial exposure during low tide can shape the spatial distributions of benthic marine organisms. The eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica is an ecologically and economically important species that can dominate both subtidal and intertidal habitats along the east coast of the USA. Our goal was to determine whether prevalence and intensity of Perkinsus marinus (the causative agent of Dermo disease) infections vary along intertidal to subtidal gradients during summer. We used (1) field experiments conducted at 4 sites in the Chesapeake Bay and a Virginia coastal bay, (2) a controlled air-exposure experiment, and (3) field surveys from 7 sites ranging from Maine to North Carolina to test for effects of tidal exposure on infection. Results from our field surveys suggested that high intertidal oysters tend to have higher infection prevalence than subtidal oysters, but there was no effect on infection intensity. Field experiments rarely yielded significant effects of tidal exposure on infection prevalence and intensity. Overall, our study shows that exposure to air may not be a strong driver of infection patterns in this host-parasite system.

  8. Microflora in the Soft Tissue of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Exposed to the Harmful Microalga Heterosigma akashiwo. (United States)

    Takenaka, Shinkuro; Yoshikawa, Takeshi; Kadowaki, Shusaku; Okunishi, Suguru; Maeda, Hiroto


     A marine raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo is a causative agent of harmful microalgal blooms, which often cause the massive mortality of aquacultured finfish. In the present study, the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas was reared with H. akashiwo, and effect of the microalga on filter-feeding behavior and microflora of the gastrointestinal tract was investigated. The intake of the raphidophyte cells inhibited the molluscan filter-feeding activities, suggesting the negative physiological effect of the microalgal cell contents. However, the bivalves ingested the H. akashiwo cells to the same extent as the diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans, a non-harmful indicator to estimate the filtration rate, showing a continuation of their non-selective ingestion of the phytoplankton. Microflora of the oyster soft tissue was dominated by bacteria affiliated with the family Rhodobacteraceae, some of which are associated with microalgae. In addition, the Bacteroidetes species, in which algicidal bacteria are included, were also found in the bivalve individuals exposed to H. akashiwo. These results suggested that the ingested phytoplankton affected the microbial flora in the gastrointestinal tracts, some constituents of which helped the mollusc assimilate the ingested red tide phytoplankton. This study will provide beneficial information to clarify mechanisms by which the oyster evades the ichthyotoxicity of harmful microalgae and the participation of the intestinal microorganisms in these processes.

  9. Ocurrence of Vibrio spp., positive coagulase staphylococci and enteric bacteria in oysters (Crassostrea gigas harvested in the south bay of Santa Catarina island, Brazil Ocorrência de Vibrio spp., estafilococos coagulase positivo e bactérias entéricas em ostras (Crassostrea gigas cultivadas na baía sul da ilha de Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Roberta Juliano Ramos


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the contamination of oysters (Crassostrea gigas, harvested in six different regions of the South Bay of Santa Catarina Island, with Coliforms at 45 ºC, Escherichia coli, Vibrio spp., positive coagulase staphylococci, and Salmonella sp. over a period of one year. One hundred eighty oyster samples were collected directly from their culture sites and analyzed. Each sample consisted of a pool of 12 oysters. All of the samples analyzed showed absence of Salmonella, 18 (10% samples showed presence of Escherichia coli, 15 (8.3% samples were positive for V. alginolyticus, and Vibriocholerae was detected in 4 samples (2.2%. The counts of positive-coagulase staphylococci varied from O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a contaminação de ostras (Crassostrea gigas cultivadas em diferentes regiões da Baía Sul da Ilha de Santa Catarina, por coliformes a 45 ºC, Escherichia coli, Vibrio spp. Estafilococos coagulase positiva e Salmonella sp., durante o período de um ano. Foram analisadas 180 amostras, coletadas diretamente no local de cultivo. Todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram ausência de Salmonella, 18 (10% amostras apresentaram presença de Escherichia coli, 15 (8,3% amostras positivas para Vibrio alginolyticus e V. cholerae foi detectado em 4 amostras (2,2%. As contagens de Estafilococos coagulase positiva variaram de <10 a 1,9 x 102 UFC.g-1, enquanto que as contagens de coliformes a 45 ºC e E. coli variaram de <3 a 1,5 x 102 NMP.g-1 e <3 e 4,3 x 10 NMP.g-1, respectivamente. As contagens de V. parahaemolyticus e V. vulnificus variaram de <3 a 7 NMP.g-1, para ambos os microrganismos, sugerindo um monitoramento tanto destas espécies quanto da temperatura das águas marinhas nas regiões de cultivo. Com base nos resultados das análises microbiológicas, as amostras analisadas mostraram qualidade bacteriológica aceitável, ou seja, dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos na legislação brasileira.

  10. Identification two novel nacrein-like proteins involved in the shell formation of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Song, Xiaorui; Wang, Xiaotong; Li, Li; Zhang, Guofan


    Nacrein-like proteins have carbonic anhydrase (CA)-like domains, but their coding regions are flanked by inserted repeat sequence, such as Gly-X-Asn. Reportedly, nacrein-like proteins show the highest similarity to human carbonic anhydrase 1(α-CA1), possess CA catalytic functions, and play a key role in shell biomineralization. In the present study, two novel nacrein-like proteins were firstly identified from the shell-forming mantle of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. With numerous analyses, it was identified and characterized that both the nacrein-like proteins F1 and F2 were secreted and most closely related to the nacrein-like protein of California mussel Mytilus californianus via phylogenetic analysis. RT-PCR analysis showed that the nacrein-like proteins F1 and F2 were expressed in multiple tissues and the expression levels remarkably rose after entering the spat stage, which were basically consistent with the increase of calcite fractions in the total shell volume. Surprisingly, the Gly-X-Asn repeat domain, which is distinctive in most nacrein-like proteins, was absent in the two newly identified nacrein-like proteins in C. gigas and replaced with a series of acidic amino acids (D/E). Regardless, nacrein-like proteins in mollusks seem to be vital to the deposition of calcium carbonate and likely perform diverse functions.

  11. Genetic variation assessed with microsatellites in mass selection lines of the Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas) in China (United States)

    Wang, Xubo; Li, Qi; Yu, Hong; Kong, Lingfeng


    Four successive mass selection lines of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, selected for faster growth in breeding programs in China were examined at ten polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess the level of allelic diversity and estimate the effective population size. These data were compared with those of their base population. The results showed that the genetic variation of the four generations were maintained at high levels with an average allelic richness of 18.8-20.6, and a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.902-0.921. They were not reduced compared with those of their base population. Estimated effective population sizes based on temporal variances in microsatellite frequencies were smaller to that of sex ratio-corrected broodstock count estimates. Using a relatively large number of broodstock and keeping an equal sex ratio in the broodstock each generation may have contributed to retaining the original genetic diversity and maintaining relatively large effective population size. The results obtained in this study showed that the genetic variation was not affected greatly by mass selection progress and high genetic variation still existed in the mass selection lines, suggesting that there is still potential for increasing the gains in future generations of C. gigas. The present study provided important information for future genetic improvement by selective breeding, and for the design of suitable management guidelines for genetic breeding of C. gigas.

  12. Effects of heavy metals on the oyster (Crassostrea virginica at Mandinga Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico

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    X Guzmán-García


    Full Text Available The Mandinga Lagoon in the Mexican State of Veracruz is an important ecological zone that produces 32% of the oyster output in the state of Veracruz, the main oyster producer in Mexico. Samples of water, sediment, and oysters were collected in 2003 and 2004 to study heavy metal pollution. Metal concentrations were determined in water, soil, and oyster tissues from fresh and detoxified Crassostrea virginica, and histology samples were analyzed. Metal (Cr, Cd, and Pb concentrations in water were within the Mexican legal limits. The recorded values in sediments corresponded to those not producing biological effects (ERL. In the tissues, the highest concentrations corresponded to Pb, above 5.84 μgg-1 dry weight (d.w.; Cd was of 2.23 μgg-1 d.w., and Cr above 6 μgg-1 d.w. The metal levels detected in oysters exceeded the maximum permissible limits (MPL for Cd and Pb, and oysters were unable to eliminate the concentrations of the bioaccumulated metals during the detoxification stage. The histopathological analysis revealed lesions in the digestive gland, edema, atrophy of epithelia in the digestive tubules, the presence of brown vesicles, hemocytic reaction, and necrosis. During detoxification, a higher number of epithelia were observed in the tubules, as well as an increase in brown vesicles and hemocytic reaction. Forty seven percent of oysters presented histopathological lesions related to metal concentrations. It is important to monitor metal concentrations, to detect the source of pollution, andto evaluate the effects on organisms to establish culture areas and adequate criteria for the exploitation of such an important fishery resource. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (4: 955-962. Epub 2009 December 01.

  13. A survey of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in New Zealand for Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus. (United States)

    Kirs, M; Depaola, A; Fyfe, R; Jones, J L; Krantz, J; Van Laanen, A; Cotton, D; Castle, M


    A microbiological survey was conducted to determine the levels of total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Vp) and Vibrio vulnificus (Vv) in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) collected from commercial growing areas in the North Island, New Zealand. The survey was intended to be geographically representative of commercial growing areas of Pacific oysters in New Zealand, while selecting the time frame most likely to coincide with the increased abundance of pathogenic vibrio species. Vp was detected in 94.8% of oyster samples examined (n=58) with a geometric mean concentration of 99.3 MPN/g, while Vv was detected in 17.2% of oyster samples examined with a geometric mean concentration of 7.4 MPN/g. The frequency of Vp positive samples was 1.7 fold greater than reported in a study conducted three decades ago in New Zealand. Potentially virulent (tdh positive) Vp was detected in two samples (3.4%, n=58) while no trh (another virulence marker) positive samples were detected. 16S rRNA genotype could be assigned only to 58.8% of Vv isolates (8:1:1 A:B:AB ratio, n=10). There was a good agreement [98.2% of Vp (n=280) and 94.4% of Vv (n=18) isolates] between molecular tests and cultivation based techniques used to identify Vibrio isolates and there was a significant (R(2)=0.95, Pcultivation. There was no significant correlation between any of the environmental parameters tested and Vp or Vv concentrations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Evolution and functional analysis of the Pif97 gene of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas

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    Xiaotong WANG, Xiaorui SONG, Tong WANG, Qihui ZHU, Guoying MIAO, Yuanxin CHEN, Xiaodong FANG, Huayong QUE, Li LI, Guofan ZHANG


    Full Text Available Mollusc shell matrix proteins (SMPs are important functional components embedded in the shell and play a role in shell formation. A SMP (Pif177 was identified previously from the nacreous layer of the Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata, and its cleavage products (named pfPif97 and pfPif80 proteins were found to bind to the chitin framework and induce aragonite crystal formation and orient the c axis. In this study, a homologue of pfPif177 was cloned from the mantle of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, containing the homologue of pfPif97 only and not pfPif80. This finding hints at the large divergence in gene structure between the two species. This homologue (cgPif97 shares characteristics with pfPif97, and suggests that the biological functions of these two proteins may be similar. The expression pattern of cgPif97 in different tissues and development stages indicates that it may play an important role in shell formation of the adult oyster. The morphology of the inner shell surface was affected by injected siRNA of cgPif97 and the calcite laths of the shell became thinner and narrower when the siRNA dose increased, suggesting that the cgPif97 gene plays an important role in calcite shell formation in C. gigas. In conclusion, we found evidence that the Pif177 gene evolved very fast but still retains a similar function among species [Current Zoology 59 (1: 109–115, 2013].

  15. Heterologous expression of the Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster) alternative oxidase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Robertson, Aaron; Schaltz, Kyle; Neimanis, Karina; Staples, James F; McDonald, Allison E


    Alternative oxidase (AOX) is a terminal oxidase within the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) present in many organisms where it functions in the electron transport system (ETS). AOX directly accepts electrons from ubiquinol and is therefore capable of bypassing ETS Complexes III and IV. The human genome does not contain a gene coding for AOX, so AOX expression has been suggested as a gene therapy for a range of human mitochondrial diseases caused by genetic mutations that render Complex III and/or IV dysfunctional. An effective means of screening mutations amenable to AOX treatment remains to be devised. We have generated such a tool by heterologously expressing AOX from the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of a galactose promoter. Our results show that this animal AOX is monomeric and is correctly targeted to yeast mitochondria. Moreover, when expressed in yeast, Pacific oyster AOX is a functional quinol oxidase, conferring cyanide-resistant growth and myxothiazol-resistant oxygen consumption to yeast cells and isolated mitochondria. This system represents a high-throughput screening tool for determining which Complex III and IV genetic mutations in yeast will be amenable to AOX gene therapy. As many human genes are orthologous to those found in yeast, our invention represents an efficient and cost-effective way to evaluate viable research avenues. In addition, this system provides the opportunity to learn more about the localization, structure, and regulation of AOXs from animals that are not easily reared or manipulated in the lab.

  16. Transcriptomics Analysis of Crassostrea hongkongensis for the Discovery of Reproduction-Related Genes (United States)

    Tong, Ying; Zhang, Yang; Huang, Jiaomei; Xiao, Shu; Zhang, Yuehuan; Li, Jun; Chen, Jinhui; Yu, Ziniu


    Background The reproductive mechanisms of mollusk species have been interesting targets in biological research because of the diverse reproductive strategies observed in this phylum. These species have also been studied for the development of fishery technologies in molluscan aquaculture. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying the reproductive process have been well studied in animal models, the relevant information from mollusks remains limited, particularly in species of great commercial interest. Crassostrea hongkongensis is the dominant oyster species that is distributed along the coast of the South China Sea and little genomic information on this species is available. Currently, high-throughput sequencing techniques have been widely used for investigating the basis of physiological processes and facilitating the establishment of adequate genetic selection programs. Results The C.hongkongensis transcriptome included a total of 1,595,855 reads, which were generated by 454 sequencing and were assembled into 41,472 contigs using de novo methods. Contigs were clustered into 33,920 isotigs and further grouped into 22,829 isogroups. Approximately 77.6% of the isogroups were successfully annotated by the Nr database. More than 1,910 genes were identified as being related to reproduction. Some key genes involved in germline development, sex determination and differentiation were identified for the first time in C.hongkongensis (nanos, piwi, ATRX, FoxL2, β-catenin, etc.). Gene expression analysis indicated that vasa, nanos, piwi, ATRX, FoxL2, β-catenin and SRD5A1 were highly or specifically expressed in C.hongkongensis gonads. Additionally, 94,056 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1,699 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were compiled. Conclusions Our study significantly increased C.hongkongensis genomic information based on transcriptomics analysis. The group of reproduction-related genes identified in the present study constitutes a new tool for research

  17. Transcriptomics Analysis of Crassostrea hongkongensis for the Discovery of Reproduction-Related Genes.

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    Ying Tong

    Full Text Available The reproductive mechanisms of mollusk species have been interesting targets in biological research because of the diverse reproductive strategies observed in this phylum. These species have also been studied for the development of fishery technologies in molluscan aquaculture. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying the reproductive process have been well studied in animal models, the relevant information from mollusks remains limited, particularly in species of great commercial interest. Crassostrea hongkongensis is the dominant oyster species that is distributed along the coast of the South China Sea and little genomic information on this species is available. Currently, high-throughput sequencing techniques have been widely used for investigating the basis of physiological processes and facilitating the establishment of adequate genetic selection programs.The C.hongkongensis transcriptome included a total of 1,595,855 reads, which were generated by 454 sequencing and were assembled into 41,472 contigs using de novo methods. Contigs were clustered into 33,920 isotigs and further grouped into 22,829 isogroups. Approximately 77.6% of the isogroups were successfully annotated by the Nr database. More than 1,910 genes were identified as being related to reproduction. Some key genes involved in germline development, sex determination and differentiation were identified for the first time in C.hongkongensis (nanos, piwi, ATRX, FoxL2, β-catenin, etc.. Gene expression analysis indicated that vasa, nanos, piwi, ATRX, FoxL2, β-catenin and SRD5A1 were highly or specifically expressed in C.hongkongensis gonads. Additionally, 94,056 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs and 1,699 simple sequence repeats (SSRs were compiled.Our study significantly increased C.hongkongensis genomic information based on transcriptomics analysis. The group of reproduction-related genes identified in the present study constitutes a new tool for research on bivalve

  18. Historia deldel = History of Padel

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    Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo resume la historia del deporte deldel. Existen dos versiones sobre el origen deldel. La primera versión relaciona los antecedentes deldel con los de otros deportes de raqueta como el tenis o el bádminton, siendo su origen común el jeu de la paume francés. Posteriormente, surgen variantes en Estados Unidos como el Paddle Tennis y el Platform Tennis, siendo versiones reducidas del tenis, pero con elementos muy comunes al pádel actual. La segunda versión, aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Pádel, afirma que este deporte nació en México, en 1969, a través del empresario Enrique Corcuera.--------------------------------------------------------------------This research summarizes the history of paddle sport. There are two versions about the origin of paddle. The first version relates the history of paddle with other racket sports like tennis or badminton, and its common origin of the Jeu de Paume French. Later, in in the United States, appear two sports called Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis, which are reduced versions of tennis sport, but these have lot of common characteristics with paddle. The second version, approved by the International Padel Federation, said the sport was born in Mexico in 1969, through the businessman Enrique Corcuera.

  19. Mangrove oyster (Crassostrea spp.) (Sacco, 1897) extractivism in Cananéia estuary (São Paulo, Brazil) from 1999 to 2006: capture and management evaluation. (United States)

    Mendonça, J T; Machado, I C


    The oyster Crassostrea spp. is one of the main fisheries resources in the southern portion of São Paulo State. This paper aims to evaluate the extractivism of that resource, supplying subsidies to the implementation of management regulations. This study was developed in Cananéia, from February 1999 to December 2006. The oyster production data in dozens was obtained through weekly or monthly interviews. The annual and average CPUE in dozens per day was analysis to verify significant differences along years. There are no regulations that limit the fishing effort or organize the admission in the fishermen. The admission is controlled by the condition of the market and there is a risk of increasing the fishing effort above the sustainable yield, which demands measures that control the number of fishermen engaged in the activity. Those measures, to be effective, must be created in discussion with the fisheries sector, based on technical information.

  20. Mangrove oyster (Crassostrea spp. (Sacco, 1897 extractivism in Cananéia estuary (São Paulo, Brazil from 1999 to 2006: capture and management evaluation

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    JT. Mendonça

    Full Text Available The oyster Crassostrea spp. is one of the main fisheries resources in the southern portion of São Paulo State. This paper aims to evaluate the extractivism of that resource, supplying subsidies to the implementation of management regulations. This study was developed in Cananéia, from February 1999 to December 2006. The oyster production data in dozens was obtained through weekly or monthly interviews. The annual and average CPUE in dozens per day was analysis to verify significant differences along years. There are no regulations that limit the fishing effort or organize the admission in the fishermen. The admission is controlled by the condition of the market and there is a risk of increasing the fishing effort above the sustainable yield, which demands measures that control the number of fishermen enganged in the activity. Those measures, to be effective, must be created in discussion with the fisheries sector, based on technical information.

  1. Ciclo gonadal del chorito Mytilus chilensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae en dos localidades del sur de Chile Gonadal cycle of the mussel Mytilus chilensis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae at two localities in southern of Chile

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    Pablo A Oyarzún


    Full Text Available Se analizó de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa el ciclo gonadal del bivalvo Mytilus chilensis en las localidades de Chaihuín y bahía Yal, sur de Chile, entre octubre 2007 y junio 2008. Por medio de análisis histológico gonadal se determinaron cuatro estadios gametogénicos y a su vez se estimó en forma cuantitativa, el Volumen de la Fracción Gamética (VFG, el porcentaje de tejido interfolicular y el índice gonadal. El análisis cuantitativo (VFG fue el mejor indicador para determinar los desoves. En los ejemplares de Chaihuín se observaron dos eventos de emisión gamética en forma simultánea en ambos sexos, que ocurrieron en octubre y marzo. Sin embargo, en los ejemplares de bahía Yal se registraron cuatro desoves, principalmente de marzo a junio (otoño, cuando la temperatura del agua disminuyó. Se determinó una escasa relación entre el Índice Gonadosomático (IG y los estadios gametogénicos, al igual que entre el IG y el porcentaje de ovocitos maduros, por ende el IG no sería un indicador apropiado para los desoves en esta especie. Se sugiere la revisión del periodo de veda de Mytilus chilensis (1 noviembre a 31 diciembre, ya que la mayor parte de los individuos de las poblaciones estudiadas, maduran principalmente en octubre. En ambas localidades, el porcentaje de tejido conjuntivo de los especímenes estudiados fluctúo entre 15 y 70% de cobertura gonadal. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias en los ciclos reproductivos de Mytilus chilensis entre las localidades analizadas, las que se podrían atribuir a diferencias ambientales (e.g. temperatura causadas por el gradiente latitudinal.A qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out of the gonadal cycle of the bivalve Mytilus chilensis from Chaihuín and Yal bay, southern Chile, between October 2007 and June 2008. Four gametogenic stages were determined using histological analysis of the gonads, and quantitative estimates were made of the Gametic Volume

  2. Potencial del Agua del suelo

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    Bustamante Heliodoro


    Full Text Available La energía potencial del agua presenta diferencias de un punto del suelo a otro; esas diferencias son las que originan el movimiento del agua de acuerdo a la tendencia universal de la materia en el sentido de moverse de donde la energía potencial es mayor a donde dicha energía es menor. En el suelo el agua en consecuencia se mueve hacia donde su energía decrece hasta lograr su estado de equilibrio. Se desprende entonces que la cantidad de energía potencial absoluta contenida en el agua, no es importante por sí misma, sino por su relación con la energía en diferentes lugares dentro del suelo. El concepto Potencial de agua del suelo es un criterio para esta energía.

  3. Parasites in the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae cultivated in the estuary of the Graciosa River in Taperoá, Bahia. (United States)

    Cova, Aliane Watanabe; Serafim Júnior, Moacyr; Boehs, Guisla; Souza, Jackson Moreira de


    In this work, parasites associated with the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae were studied at a cultivation unit in the estuary of the Graciosa River in Taperoá, Bahia. On a monthly basis, between April 2011 and March 2012, 20 oysters were collected, measured and fixed in 10% formaldehyde. In order to identify the parasites, routine histological techniques were used. The specimens were embedded in paraffin and sections, 7 µm thick, were cut. These were then stained with Harris hematoxylin and eosin and were examined using an optical microscope. The parameters analyzed to investigate water quality showed that the temperature ranged from 23.9 °C to 29.3 °C, water salinity from 0.4 to 24.2 Practical Salinity Units PSU and recorded rainfall from 80 mm to 406.4 mm/month. During the parasitological analyses, infestation of the polychaete Neanthes succinea was observed in 41% of the oysters. Through histological techniques, the following parasites were identified: colonies of Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs); the protozoa Nematopsis sp. and Ancistrocoma sp.; the turbellarian Urastoma sp.; the metacestode Tylocephalum sp. and an unidentified tapeworm. The data collected showed that there was low-intensity infection with and prevalence of parasites, except for Nematopsis sp., thus attesting that these cultivated oysters were in a healthy condition.

  4. Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz


    Furcal-Beriguete, Parménides; Herrera-Barrantes, Alejandra


    Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, ...

  5. The biofilteration ability of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to reduce Aeromonas salmonicida in salmon culture. (United States)

    Ma, Xiaona; Li, Xian; Sun, Guoxiang; Sharawy, Zaki Zaki; Qiu, Tianlong; Du, Yishuai; Liu, Ying


    Pathogen contamination in the environment is inevitable with the rapid development of intensive aquaculture. Therefore, alternative ecofriendly biological strategies to control pathogenic bacteria are required. However, our aim was to investigate the ability of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to filter the important opportunistic pathogen, Aeromonas salmonicida (strain C4), using a green fluorescent protein tag (GFP) in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming wastewater. Hence, A. salmonicida removal efficiency and ingestion rate were detected in two different oyster stages (larvae and adults). To evaluate the practical performance of oysters as A. salmonicida biofilter, adult oysters were applied to an integrated constructed wetlands system (ICWS) and their long-term C4-GFP removal efficiency was recorded for 60 days. Overall, our results clearly indicated that oysters had substantial A. salmonicida removal ability via their ingestion process when observed under a fluorescent microscope. Approximately 88-95% of C4-GFP was removed by oyster larvae at an ingestion rate of 6.4 × 10 3 -6.2 × 10 5  CFU/h·ind, while 79-92% of C4-GFP was removed by adult oysters at an ingestion rate of 2.1 × 10 4 -3.1 × 10 6  CFU/h·ind. Furthermore, 57.9 ± 17.2% of C4-GFP removal efficiency was achieved when oysters were applied to ICWS. We, therefore, concluded that using oysters as a biofilter represents an effective alternative for removing A. salmonicida from aquaculture wastewater. However, the fate of oysters after ingesting the pathogenic bacteria, acting as a potential reservoir or vector for pathogens, is still debatable. This research provides the basis for the application of oysters as a biofilter to remove pathogens from aquaculture wastewater in industrialized production.

  6. Microbiological quality of oysters (Crassostrea gigas produced and commercialized in the coastal region of Florianópolis - Brazil

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    Pereira Murilo Anderson


    Full Text Available Oysters are filter feeders able to ingest particles in suspension that may carry pathogenic microorganisms. In this respect, the consumption of raw oysters can cause foodborne diseases in humans. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of Crassostrea gigas oysters cultivated and commercialized in the coastal region of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. The study comprised counts of coliforms at 35ºC and at 45ºC, Escherichia coli and coagulase-positive staphylococci, and detection of Salmonella sp, Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Ninety samples were analyzed, 45 of them collected at seafood commercial establishments and the other 45 were collected in the cultivation area. All analyses were performed according to methods of the American Public Health Association. Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Salmonella sp. were not detected in any of the samples. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were observed in only one sample (80 CFU/g. The counts of coliforms at 35 and 45ºC indicated that samples obtained from both the cultivation area and place of sale were contaminated. E. coli was detected in 4 (9% samples collected in the cultivation area and in 16 (35.5% samples obtained from commercial establishments. These results indicate the need for monitoring the quality of raw oysters, including the implantation of programs for good mollusk manipulation and management practices.


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    Sergio Curiel-Ramírez-Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available In the Gulf of Mexico, the fishery of the oyster Crassostrea virginica is the main resource for you capture volume (42, 796 t. This resource is affected by the disease of the Dermo, which has been little studied in the Gulf of Mexico. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and grade of infection of Perkinsus marinus in Tabasco. Samples were realized by Fluid Thioglycolate medium (MFT, histopathology and PCR in oysters of six banks in the lagoon system Carmen-Machona-Pajonal, Tabasco. The results of the MFT after incubation, showed hipnosporas of blue-black. The histopathological analysis revealed alterations in the tissues connective and epithelial, as well as the forms characteristic of P. marinus, such as tomontes and trophozoites. The identity of the parasite was confirmed by PCR analysis. The prevalence of P. marinus registered in times of rain, north-wind and dry was 73.3, 90 and 100%; the degree of infection was 2, 3 and 5 on the scale of Mackin, respectively. There is a relationship of the prevalence and intensity of the infection with respect to increased temperature and salinity, where the dry season was most critical.

  8. Distribution, Condition and Gonad Maturity of the Invasive Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea Gigas, Thunberg 1793 in Cimanuk Delta, Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia

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    Selia Hermawati


    Full Text Available Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas is an invasive species which is able to adapt a wide range of environmental conditions. The study was conducted from August to October 2014. Objective of this study was to asses the distribution pattern, condition and gonad maturity length (Lm 50% of the Pacific oysters in mangrove ecosystem of Cimanuk Delta, Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia.  This study was conducted in two adjacent areas:  Pabean Ilir and Pagirikan subdeltas. The oysters were collected from the estuary, brackish water ponds and the coastal flat, and  observed for their abundance, total length (mm and weight (g. Morphological and histological methods were used to estimate the gonad maturity stage. Analysis were carried out to estimate distribution pattern and condition factor. According to the study, the Pacific oyster distribution pattern was clumped. The condition factor of the oyster was higher in the brackish water pond and estuary than in the coastal flat.  The Pacific oyster was found in gonad maturity stage (GMS I – IV. The oyster was hermaprodit protandry and had length maturity (Lm 50% of 47,46-48,43 mm (male and 75,27-75,50  mm (female.

  9. Quantitative PCR assay to determine prevalence and intensity of MSX (Haplosporidium nelsoni) in North Carolina and Rhode Island oysters Crassostrea virginica. (United States)

    Wilbur, Ami E; Ford, Susan E; Gauthier, Julie D; Gomez-Chiarri, Marta


    The continuing challenges to the management of both wild and cultured eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica populations resulting from protozoan parasites has stimulated interest in the development of molecular assays for their detection and quantification. For Haplosporidium nelsoni, the causative agent of multinucleated sphere unknown (MSX) disease, diagnostic evaluations depend extensively on traditional but laborious histological approaches and more recently on rapid and sensitive (but not quantitative) end-point polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. Here, we describe the development and application of a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for H. nelsoni using an Applied Biosystems TaqMan® assay designed with minor groove binder (MGB) probes. The assay was highly sensitive, detecting as few as 20 copies of cloned target DNA. Histologically evaluated parasite density was significantly correlated with the quantification cycle (Cq), regardless of whether quantification was categorical (r2 = 0.696, p < 0.0001) or quantitative (r2 = 0.797, p < 0.0001). Application in field studies conducted in North Carolina, USA (7 locations), revealed widespread occurrence of the parasite with moderate to high intensities noted in some locations. In Rhode Island, USA, application of the assay on oysters from 2 locations resulted in no positives.

  10. Characterization of receptor of activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) and functional analysis during larval metamorphosis of the oyster Crassostrea angulata. (United States)

    Yang, Bingye; Pu, Fei; Qin, Ji; You, Weiwei; Ke, Caihuan


    During a large-scale screen of the larval transcriptome library of the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata, the oyster gene RACK, which encodes a receptor of activated protein kinase C protein was isolated and characterized. The cDNA is 1,148 bp long and has a predicted open reading frame encoding 317 aa. The predicted protein shows high sequence identity to many RACK proteins of different organisms including molluscs, fish, amphibians and mammals, suggesting that it is conserved during evolution. The structural analysis of the Ca-RACK1 genomic sequence implies that the Ca-RACK1 gene has seven exons and six introns, extending approximately 6.5 kb in length. It is expressed ubiquitously in many oyster tissues as detected by RT-PCR analysis. The Ca-RACK1 mRNA expression pattern was markedly increased at larval metamorphosis; and was further increased along with Ca-RACK1 protein synthesis during epinephrine-induced metamorphosis. These results indicate that the Ca-RACK1 plays an important role in tissue differentiation and/or in cell growth during larval metamorphosis in the oyster, C. angulata. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Construction and evaluation of a high-density SNP array for the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas.

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    Haigang Qi

    Full Text Available Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs are widely used in genetics and genomics research. The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas is an economically and ecologically important marine bivalve, and it possesses one of the highest levels of genomic DNA variation among animal species. Pacific oyster SNPs have been extensively investigated; however, the mechanisms by which these SNPs may be used in a high-throughput, transferable, and economical manner remain to be elucidated. Here, we constructed an oyster 190K SNP array using Affymetrix Axiom genotyping technology. We designed 190,420 SNPs on the chip; these SNPs were selected from 54 million SNPs identified through re-sequencing of 472 Pacific oysters collected in China, Japan, Korea, and Canada. Our genotyping results indicated that 133,984 (70.4% SNPs were polymorphic and successfully converted on the chip. The SNPs were distributed evenly throughout the oyster genome, located in 3,595 scaffolds with a length of ~509.4 million; the average interval spacing was 4,210 bp. In addition, 111,158 SNPs were distributed in 21,050 coding genes, with an average of 5.3 SNPs per gene. In comparison with genotypes obtained through re-sequencing, ~69% of the converted SNPs had a concordance rate of >0.971; the mean concordance rate was 0.966. Evaluation based on genotypes of full-sib family individuals revealed that the average genotyping accuracy rate was 0.975. Carrying 133 K polymorphic SNPs, our oyster 190K SNP array is the first commercially available high-density SNP chip for mollusks, with the highest throughput. It represents a valuable tool for oyster genome-wide association studies, fine linkage mapping, and population genetics.

  12. Reactive oxygen species in unstimulated hemocytes of the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas: a mitochondrial involvement.

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    Ludovic Donaghy

    Full Text Available The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a sessile bivalve mollusc whose homeostasis relies, at least partially, upon cells circulating in hemolymph and referred to as hemocytes. Oyster's hemocytes have been reported to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS, even in absence of stimulation. Although ROS production in bivalve molluscs is mostly studied for its defence involvement, ROS may also be involved in cellular and tissue homeostasis. ROS sources have not yet been described in oyster hemocytes. The objective of the present work was to characterize the ROS sources in unstimulated hemocytes. We studied the effects of chemical inhibitors on the ROS production and the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψ(m of hemocytes. First, this work confirmed the specificity of JC-10 probe to measure Δψ(m in oyster hemocytes, without being affected by ΔpH, as reported in mammalian cells. Second, results show that ROS production in unstimulated hemocytes does not originate from cytoplasmic NADPH-oxidase, nitric oxide synthase or myeloperoxidase, but from mitochondria. In contrast to mammalian cells, incubation of hemocytes with rotenone (complex I inhibitor had no effect on ROS production. Incubation with antimycin A (complex III inhibitor resulted in a dose-dependent ROS production decrease while an over-production is usually reported in vertebrates. In hemocytes of C. gigas, the production of ROS seems similarly dependent on both Δψ(m and ΔpH. These findings point out differences between mammalian models and bivalve cells, which warrant further investigation about the fine characterization of the electron transfer chain and the respective involvement of mitochondrial complexes in ROS production in hemocytes of bivalve molluscs.

  13. Radiation resistances and decontamination of common pathogenic bacteria contaminated in white scar oyster (Crassostrea belcheri) in Thailand

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thupila, Nunticha [Department of Fishery Products, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, 50 Ngamwongwan Rd. Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok (Thailand); Ratana-arporn, Pattama, E-mail: [Department of Fishery Products, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, 50 Ngamwongwan Rd. Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok (Thailand); Wilaipun, Pongtep [Department of Fishery Products, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, 50 Ngamwongwan Rd. Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok (Thailand)


    In Thailand, white scar oyster (Crassostrea belcheri) was ranked for premium quality, being most expensive and of high demand. This oyster is often eaten raw, hence it may pose health hazards to consumers when contaminated with food-borne pathogens. As limited alternative methods are available to sterilize the oyster while preserving the raw characteristic, irradiation may be considered as an effective method for decontamination. In this study, the radiation resistance of pathogenic bacteria commonly contaminating the oyster and the optimum irradiation doses for sterilization of the most radiation resistant bacteria were investigated. The radiation decimal reduction doses (D{sub 10}) of Salmonella Weltevreden DMST 33380, Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802 and Vibrio vulnificus DMST 5852 were determined in broth culture and inoculated oyster homogenate. The D{sub 10} values of S. Weltevreden, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in broth culture were 0.154, 0.132 and 0.059 kGy, while those of inoculated oyster homogenate were 0.330, 0.159 and 0.140 kGy, respectively. It was found that among the pathogens tested, S. Weltevreden was proved to be the most resistant species. An irradiation dose of 1.5 kGy reduced the counts of 10{sup 5} CFU/g S. Weltevreden inoculated in oyster meat to an undetectable level. The present study indicated that a low-dose irradiation can improve the microbial quality of oyster and further reduce the risks from the food-borne pathogens without adversely affecting the sensory attributes.

  14. Are oysters being bored to death? Influence of Cliona celata on Crassostrea virginica condition, growth and survival. (United States)

    Carroll, John M; O'Shaughnessy, Kathryn A; Diedrich, Grant A; Finelli, Christopher M


    The boring sponge Cliona celata is a nuisance species that can have deleterious effects on eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica growth, condition, and survival. Surprisingly, however, these effects have not been well documented and when examined, results have been equi-vocal. In this study, we provide a direct comparison of growth, condition, and survival of sponge-colonized and uncolonized oysters in southeast North Carolina in 2 separate experiments. In the first experiment, sponge-colonized oysters exhibited significantly slower growth rates, reduced condition, and lower survival relative to uncolonized oysters, although results may have been confounded by oyster source. In the second experiment, using smaller oysters from the same source population, growth rate was again significantly reduced in colonized oysters relative to uncolonized oysters, however neither condition nor survival differed. In field surveys of the same population, colonized individuals across a range of sizes demonstrated significantly reduced condition. Further, condition index was negatively correlated with sponge biomass, which was positively correlated with oyster size, suggesting that the impact of the sponge changes with ontogeny. By investigating clearance rates, tissue isotopic and nutrient content, as well as caloric value, this study provides further evidence that sponge presence causes the oysters to divert energy into costly shell maintenance and repair at the expense of shell and somatic growth. Thus, although variable, our results demonstrate negative impacts of sponge infestation on oyster demographics, particularly as oysters grow larger.

  15. Radiation resistances and decontamination of common pathogenic bacteria contaminated in white scar oyster (Crassostrea belcheri) in Thailand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thupila, Nunticha; Ratana-arporn, Pattama; Wilaipun, Pongtep


    In Thailand, white scar oyster (Crassostrea belcheri) was ranked for premium quality, being most expensive and of high demand. This oyster is often eaten raw, hence it may pose health hazards to consumers when contaminated with food-borne pathogens. As limited alternative methods are available to sterilize the oyster while preserving the raw characteristic, irradiation may be considered as an effective method for decontamination. In this study, the radiation resistance of pathogenic bacteria commonly contaminating the oyster and the optimum irradiation doses for sterilization of the most radiation resistant bacteria were investigated. The radiation decimal reduction doses (D 10 ) of Salmonella Weltevreden DMST 33380, Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802 and Vibrio vulnificus DMST 5852 were determined in broth culture and inoculated oyster homogenate. The D 10 values of S. Weltevreden, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in broth culture were 0.154, 0.132 and 0.059 kGy, while those of inoculated oyster homogenate were 0.330, 0.159 and 0.140 kGy, respectively. It was found that among the pathogens tested, S. Weltevreden was proved to be the most resistant species. An irradiation dose of 1.5 kGy reduced the counts of 10 5 CFU/g S. Weltevreden inoculated in oyster meat to an undetectable level. The present study indicated that a low-dose irradiation can improve the microbial quality of oyster and further reduce the risks from the food-borne pathogens without adversely affecting the sensory attributes.

  16. Experimental infection of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas spat by ostreid herpesvirus 1: demonstration of oyster spat susceptibility

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    Schikorski David


    Full Text Available Abstract In 2008 and 2009, acute mortalities occurred in France among Pacific cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas, spat. Different hypothesis including the implication of environmental factors, toxic algae and/or pathogens have been explored. Diagnostic tests indicated that OsHV-1 including a particular genotype, termed OsHV-1 μVar, was detected in most of samples and especially in moribund oysters with the highlighting of virus particles looking like herpes viruses by TEM examination. In this study, an experimental protocol to reproduce OsHV-1 infection in laboratory conditions was developed. This protocol was based on the intramuscular injection of filtered (0.22 μm tissue homogenates prepared from naturally OsHV-1 infected spat collected on French coasts during mortality outbreaks in 2008. Results of the experimental trials showed that mortalities were induced after injection. Moreover, filtered tissue homogenates induced mortalities whereas the same tissue homogenates exposed to an ultraviolet (UV treatment did not induce any mortality suggesting that oyster spat mortalities require the presence of a UV sensitive agent. Furthermore, analysis of injected oyster spat revealed the detection of high amounts of OsHV-1 DNA by real-time quantitative PCR. Finally, TEM analysis demonstrated the presence of herpes virus particles. The developed protocol allowed to maintain sources of infective virus which can be useful for the development of further studies concerning the transmission and the development of OsHV-1 infection.

  17. Pesticide residues, heavy metals, and DNA damage in sentinel oysters Crassostrea gigas from Sinaloa and Sonora, Mexico. (United States)

    Vázquez-Boucard, Celia; Anguiano-Vega, Gerardo; Mercier, Laurence; Rojas del Castillo, Emilio


    Pesticides and heavy metals were analyzed in sentinel Crassostrea gigas oysters placed in six aquaculture sites close to a contaminated agricultural region. Each site was sampled twice. Tests revealed the presence of organochlorine (OC) pesticides in the oysters at concentrations varying from 31.8 to 72.5 μg/kg for gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH); from 1.2 to 3.1 μg/kg for dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (4,4-DDE); from 1.6 to 2.3 μg/kg for endosulfan I; and from 1.4 to 41.2 μg/kg for endosulfan II, as well as heavy metals in concentrations that exceeded Mexican tolerance levels (405.5 to 987.8 μg/g for zinc; 4.2 to 7.3 μg/g for cadmium; and 7.2 to 9.9 μg/g for lead). Significant levels of DNA damage in oyster hemocytes were also detected. There was a significant, positive correlation between genotoxic damage and concentration of nickel or the presence of endosulfan II. Cellular viability evaluated by cytotoxic analyses was found to be high at 80%. Marked inhibition in activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE ) and induction of glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity was noted. Data demonstrated a significant relation between AChE activity inhibition and presence of endosulfan II, γ-HCH, copper, lead, and 4,4-DDE, as well as between AChE and GST activity at different sites.

  18. Radiation resistances and decontamination of common pathogenic bacteria contaminated in white scar oyster ( Crassostrea belcheri) in Thailand (United States)

    Thupila, Nunticha; Ratana-arporn, Pattama; Wilaipun, Pongtep


    In Thailand, white scar oyster ( Crassostrea belcheri) was ranked for premium quality, being most expensive and of high demand. This oyster is often eaten raw, hence it may pose health hazards to consumers when contaminated with food-borne pathogens. As limited alternative methods are available to sterilize the oyster while preserving the raw characteristic, irradiation may be considered as an effective method for decontamination. In this study, the radiation resistance of pathogenic bacteria commonly contaminating the oyster and the optimum irradiation doses for sterilization of the most radiation resistant bacteria were investigated. The radiation decimal reduction doses ( D10) of Salmonella Weltevreden DMST 33380, Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC 17802 and Vibrio vulnificus DMST 5852 were determined in broth culture and inoculated oyster homogenate. The D10 values of S. Weltevreden, V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus in broth culture were 0.154, 0.132 and 0.059 kGy, while those of inoculated oyster homogenate were 0.330, 0.159 and 0.140 kGy, respectively. It was found that among the pathogens tested, S. Weltevreden was proved to be the most resistant species. An irradiation dose of 1.5 kGy reduced the counts of 10 5 CFU/g S. Weltevreden inoculated in oyster meat to an undetectable level. The present study indicated that a low-dose irradiation can improve the microbial quality of oyster and further reduce the risks from the food-borne pathogens without adversely affecting the sensory attributes.

  19. Determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad: el caso del Valle del Cauca en Colombia

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    Sebastián Urueña Abadía


    Full Text Available Colombia, al igual que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos, consciente de las repercusiones sociales y económicas negativas del trabajo infantil, se ha comprometido en la lucha por la erradicación de este fenómeno. Prueba de ello es la ratificación por parte del gobierno colombiano en el año 2007, del Convenio 182 de la OIT sobre la Prohibición de las Peores Formas de Trabajo Infantil y la Acción Inmediata para su Eliminación. En el plano regional, como parte del Plan de Desarrollo del Departamento del Valle del Cauca 2008-2011, se está implementando actualmente una estrategia territorial de erradicación del trabajo infantil en sus 42 municipios. Considerando este panorama, este trabajo indaga cuáles son los determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad en el departamento del Valle a partir de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida del año 2003. Para el análisis se emplea un modelo econométrico Probit Bivariado, que permite el estudio conjunto e interrelacionado de decisiones diferentes, en este caso la asistencia escolar y el trabajo.

  20. Effect of carbonate chemistry alteration on the early embryonic development of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). (United States)

    Gazeau, Frédéric; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Greaves, Mervyn; Elderfield, Henry; Peene, Jan; Heip, Carlo H R; Middelburg, Jack J


    Ocean acidification, due to anthropogenic CO₂ absorption by the ocean, may have profound impacts on marine biota. Calcareous organisms are expected to be particularly sensitive due to the decreasing availability of carbonate ions driven by decreasing pH levels. Recently, some studies focused on the early life stages of mollusks that are supposedly more sensitive to environmental disturbances than adult stages. Although these studies have shown decreased growth rates and increased proportions of abnormal development under low pH conditions, they did not allow attribution to pH induced changes in physiology or changes due to a decrease in aragonite saturation state. This study aims to assess the impact of several carbonate-system perturbations on the growth of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae during the first 3 days of development (until shelled D-veliger larvae). Seawater with five different chemistries was obtained by separately manipulating pH, total alkalinity and aragonite saturation state (calcium addition). Results showed that the developmental success and growth rates were not directly affected by changes in pH or aragonite saturation state but were highly correlated with the availability of carbonate ions. In contrast to previous studies, both developmental success into viable D-shaped larvae and growth rates were not significantly altered as long as carbonate ion concentrations were above aragonite saturation levels, but they strongly decreased below saturation levels. These results suggest that the mechanisms used by these organisms to regulate calcification rates are not efficient enough to compensate for the low availability of carbonate ions under corrosive conditions.

  1. Exploitable Lipids and Fatty Acids in the Invasive Oyster Crassostrea gigas on the French Atlantic Coast

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    Flore Dagorn


    Full Text Available Economic exploitation is one means to offset the cost of controlling invasive species, such as the introduced Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg on the French Atlantic coast. Total lipid and phospholipid (PL fatty acids (FAs and sterols were examined in an invasive population of C. gigas in Bourgneuf Bay, France, over four successive seasons, with a view to identify possible sources of exploitable substances. The total lipid level (% dry weight varied from 7.1% (winter to 8.6% (spring. Of this, PLs accounted for 28.1% (spring to 50.4% (winter. Phosphatidylcholine was the dominant PL throughout the year (up to 74% of total PLs in winter. Plasmalogens were identified throughout the year as a series of eleven dimethylacetals (DMAs with chain lengths between C16 and C20 (up to 14.5% of PL FAs + DMAs in winter. Thirty-seven FAs were identified in the PL FAs. Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3 EPA/7.53% to 14.5% and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3 DHA/5.51% to 9.5% were the dominant polyunsaturated FAs in all seasons. Two non-methylene-interrupted dienoic (NMID FAs were identified in all seasons: 7,13-docosadienoic and 7,15-docosadienoic acids, the latter being present at relatively high levels (up to 9.6% in winter. Twenty free sterols were identified, including cholesterol at 29.9% of the sterol mixture and about 33% of phytosterols. C. gigas tissues thus contained exploitable lipids for health benefits or as a potential source of high-quality commercial lecithin.

  2. Exploitable Lipids and Fatty Acids in the Invasive Oyster Crassostrea gigas on the French Atlantic Coast (United States)

    Dagorn, Flore; Couzinet-Mossion, Aurélie; Kendel, Melha; Beninger, Peter G.; Rabesaotra, Vony; Barnathan, Gilles; Wielgosz-Collin, Gaëtane


    Economic exploitation is one means to offset the cost of controlling invasive species, such as the introduced Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) on the French Atlantic coast. Total lipid and phospholipid (PL) fatty acids (FAs) and sterols were examined in an invasive population of C. gigas in Bourgneuf Bay, France, over four successive seasons, with a view to identify possible sources of exploitable substances. The total lipid level (% dry weight) varied from 7.1% (winter) to 8.6% (spring). Of this, PLs accounted for 28.1% (spring) to 50.4% (winter). Phosphatidylcholine was the dominant PL throughout the year (up to 74% of total PLs in winter). Plasmalogens were identified throughout the year as a series of eleven dimethylacetals (DMAs) with chain lengths between C16 and C20 (up to 14.5% of PL FAs + DMAs in winter). Thirty-seven FAs were identified in the PL FAs. Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3 EPA/7.53% to 14.5%) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3 DHA/5.51% to 9.5%) were the dominant polyunsaturated FAs in all seasons. Two non-methylene-interrupted dienoic (NMID) FAs were identified in all seasons: 7,13-docosadienoic and 7,15-docosadienoic acids, the latter being present at relatively high levels (up to 9.6% in winter). Twenty free sterols were identified, including cholesterol at 29.9% of the sterol mixture and about 33% of phytosterols. C. gigas tissues thus contained exploitable lipids for health benefits or as a potential source of high-quality commercial lecithin. PMID:27231919

  3. The nuclear receptor gene family in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, contains a novel subfamily group. (United States)

    Vogeler, Susanne; Galloway, Tamara S; Lyons, Brett P; Bean, Tim P


    Nuclear receptors are a superfamily of transcription factors important in key biological, developmental and reproductive processes. Several of these receptors are ligand- activated and through their ability to bind endogenous and exogenous ligands, are potentially vulnerable to xenobiotics. Molluscs are key ecological species in defining aquatic and terrestrial habitats and are sensitive to xenobiotic compounds in the environment. However, the understanding of nuclear receptor presence, function and xenobiotic disruption in the phylum Mollusca is limited. Here, forty-three nuclear receptor sequences were mined from the genome of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. They include members of NR0-NR5 subfamilies, notably lacking any NR6 members. Phylogenetic analyses of the oyster nuclear receptors have been conducted showing the presence of a large novel subfamily group not previously reported, which is named NR1P. Homologues to all previous identified nuclear receptors in other mollusc species have also been determined including the putative heterodimer partner retinoid X receptor, estrogen receptor and estrogen related receptor. C. gigas contains a highly diverse set of nuclear receptors including a novel NR1 group, which provides important information on presence and evolution of this transcription factor superfamily in invertebrates. The Pacific oyster possesses two members of NR3, the sex steroid hormone receptor analogues, of which there are 9 in humans. This provides increasing evidence that steroid ligand specific expansion of this family is deuterostome specific. This new knowledge on divergence and emergence of nuclear receptors in C. gigas provides essential information for studying regulation of molluscan gene expression and the potential effects of xenobiotics.

  4. Effect of carbonate chemistry alteration on the early embryonic development of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frédéric Gazeau

    Full Text Available Ocean acidification, due to anthropogenic CO₂ absorption by the ocean, may have profound impacts on marine biota. Calcareous organisms are expected to be particularly sensitive due to the decreasing availability of carbonate ions driven by decreasing pH levels. Recently, some studies focused on the early life stages of mollusks that are supposedly more sensitive to environmental disturbances than adult stages. Although these studies have shown decreased growth rates and increased proportions of abnormal development under low pH conditions, they did not allow attribution to pH induced changes in physiology or changes due to a decrease in aragonite saturation state. This study aims to assess the impact of several carbonate-system perturbations on the growth of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas larvae during the first 3 days of development (until shelled D-veliger larvae. Seawater with five different chemistries was obtained by separately manipulating pH, total alkalinity and aragonite saturation state (calcium addition. Results showed that the developmental success and growth rates were not directly affected by changes in pH or aragonite saturation state but were highly correlated with the availability of carbonate ions. In contrast to previous studies, both developmental success into viable D-shaped larvae and growth rates were not significantly altered as long as carbonate ion concentrations were above aragonite saturation levels, but they strongly decreased below saturation levels. These results suggest that the mechanisms used by these organisms to regulate calcification rates are not efficient enough to compensate for the low availability of carbonate ions under corrosive conditions.

  5. La superación del modelo del ángel del hogar:


    Hurtado Muñoz, Mónica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superación del modelo del "ángel del hogar". Recuperación de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un análisis sociológico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer española en el cambio de siglo en el ámbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las características propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye que la cr...

  6. Temperature Effect Study on Growth and Survival of Pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Jinjiang Oyster (Crassostrea rivularis with Rapid Count Method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuan Wang


    Full Text Available The growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (V. parahaemolyticus in oysters during postharvest storage increases the possibility of its infection in humans. In this work, to investigate the growth or survival profiles in different media, pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in APW, Jinjiang oyster (JO, Crassostrea rivularis slurry, and live JO were studied under different temperatures. All the strain populations were counted through our double-layer agar plate (DLAP method. In APW, the pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus showed continuous growth under 15, 25, and 35°C, while a decline in behavior was displayed under 5°C. The similar survival trend of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in JO slurry and live JO was observed under 5, 25, and 35°C, except the delayed growth or decline profile compared to APW. Under 15°C, they displayed decline and growth profile in JO slurry and live JO, respectively. These results indicate the different sensitivity of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in these matrices to temperature variation. Furthermore, nonpathogenic V. parahaemolyticus displayed little difference in survival profiles when inoculated in live JO under corresponding temperatures. The results indicate that inhibition or promotion effect could be regulated under different storage temperature for both pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains. Besides, the DLAP method showed the obvious quickness and efficiency during the bacteria count.

  7. Using indicators and models for an ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture management: the anchovy fishery and Pacific oyster culture in Chile: case studies Aplicación de indicadores y modelos para un enfoque ecosistémico de la pesca y la acuicultura: pesquería de anchoveta y cultivo de ostra del Pacífico en Chile: casos de estudio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudio Silva


    Full Text Available This study illustrate the use of indicators and models to support the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture management using two case studies in Chile: prediction of environmental variability effects upon anchovy (Engraulis ringens fishery of northern Chile and prediction of suitable sites and carrying capacity of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas culture using FARM and geographic information system (GIS models in the Valdivia estuary. A three stage approach was applied: Stage 1 considers spatiotemporal ecosystem indicators (fisheries, aquaculture, environmental, and regulatory, Stage 2 uses statistical relationships between indicators, GIS, and other simulation models (e.g., artificial neural networks and FARM of environment-resources interaction, and Stage 3 is the analysis and validation of models outputs. The methodology illustrates how indicators and models may be used to assist decision-makers in developing an ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture. The application of these approaches provides an integrative methodology for abundance prediction of anchovy and site selection for shellfish aquaculture, despite limitations in the available data.Este trabajo muestra el uso de indicadores y modelos para apoyar la aplicación del enfoque ecosistémico en la gestión de la pesca y la acuicultura, mediante dos casos de estudios en Chile: predicción de los efectos de la variabilidad ambiental en la pesquería de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens en la zona norte de Chile y la predicción de sitios aptos y capacidad de carga para el cultivo de la ostra del Pacífico (Crassostrea gigas en el estuario de Valdivia. Se aplicó un enfoque metodológico de tres etapas: etapa 1 considera indicadores espacio-temporales del ecosistema (pesca, acuicultura, medio ambiente y legislación; etapa 2 utiliza relaciones estadísticas entre los indicadores, funciones de SIG (Sistemas de Información Geográfica, y otros modelos de simulación (Redes

  8. Culturas del Mundo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benwell, Ann Fenger; Costa, Alberto; Waehle, Espen


    ’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39......’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39...

  9. Hemocyte parameters of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas a year after the Hebei Spirit oil spill off the west coast of Korea (United States)

    Donaghy, Ludovic; Hong, Hyun-Ki; Lee, Hee-Jung; Jun, Je-Cheon; Park, Young-Je; Choi, Kwang-Sik


    In marine bivalves, hemocytes support various physiological functions, including immune defense, nutrient transport, shell repair, and homeostatic maintenance. Although the effects of marine contaminants on the immunological functions of bivalves have been extensively investigated, the impacts of oil spills are not well understood. Therefore, we investigated hemocyte parameters in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas 13 months after the Hebei Spirit oil spill (December 2007) off the west coast of Korea. The parameters studied included hemocyte concentration and mortality, relative proportion of hemocyte populations, and immunological functions such as phagocytosis and oxidative activity using flow cytometry. These immune-related parameters in oysters damaged by the oil spill were also compared to control oysters that were collected from an area unaffected by the spill. The flow cytometry study indicated that granulocyte population, phagocytic capacity, and reactive oxygen species production in oysters exposed to crude oil 13 months prior were depressed compared to the unexposed control oysters. Our data suggest that immunocompetence in oysters affected by the oil spill had not fully recovered 1 year after the accident, although more detailed studies on the physiology and disease resistance should be performed.

  10. First report of the protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus in South America, infecting mangrove oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae from the Paraíba River (NE, Brazil). (United States)

    da Silva, Patricia Mirella; Vianna, Rogério Tubino; Guertler, Cristhiane; Ferreira, Liana Pinho; Santana, Lucas Nunes; Fernández-Boo, Sergio; Ramilo, Andrea; Cao, Asunción; Villalba, Antonio


    The present work aimed to study the infection by Perkinsus sp. in the mangrove oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae from the estuary of the Paraíba River (Paraíba State, Brazil). Perkinsosis was detected by incubation of oyster gill pieces in Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium. The monthly prevalence values were all above 70%, thus infection was not likely to be a transient event. Perkinsus sp. parasites isolated from eight oysters were propagated in vitro. PCR-RFLP analysis of in vitro cultured cells as well as the sequences of the rDNA ITS region allowed the identification of the in vitro propagated parasites as Perkinsus marinus. Phylogenetic analyses using rDNA ITS region sequences strongly supported the Perkinsus sp. from Paraíba in a monophyletic group with P. marinus. Thus, the results confirmed the species affiliation of Paraíba Perkinsus sp. as P. marinus. This is the first report of P. marinus in Brazil and South America and the first report of P. marinus naturally infecting C. rhizophorae. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Gonad Transcriptome Analysis of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Identifies Potential Genes Regulating the Sex Determination and Differentiation Process. (United States)

    Yue, Chenyang; Li, Qi; Yu, Hong


    The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a commercially important bivalve in aquaculture worldwide. C. gigas has a fascinating sexual reproduction system consisting of dioecism, sex change, and occasional hermaphroditism, while knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of sex determination and differentiation is still limited. In this study, the transcriptomes of male and female gonads at different gametogenesis stages were characterized by RNA-seq. Hierarchical clustering based on genes differentially expressed revealed that 1269 genes were expressed specifically in female gonads and 817 genes were expressed increasingly over the course of spermatogenesis. Besides, we identified two and one gene modules related to female and male gonad development, respectively, using weighted gene correlation network analysis (WGCNA). Interestingly, GO and KEGG enrichment analysis showed that neurotransmitter-related terms were significantly enriched in genes related to ovary development, suggesting that the neurotransmitters were likely to regulate female sex differentiation. In addition, two hub genes related to testis development, lncRNA LOC105321313 and Cg-Sh3kbp1, and one hub gene related to ovary development, Cg-Malrd1-like, were firstly investigated. This study points out the role of neurotransmitter and non-coding RNA regulation during gonad development and produces lists of novel relevant candidate genes for further studies. All of these provided valuable information to understand the molecular mechanisms of C. gigas sex determination and differentiation.

  12. Parasites in the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae cultivated in the estuary of the Graciosa River in Taperoá, Bahia

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    Aliane Watanabe Cova

    Full Text Available In this work, parasites associated with the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae were studied at a cultivation unit in the estuary of the Graciosa River in Taperoá, Bahia. On a monthly basis, between April 2011 and March 2012, 20 oysters were collected, measured and fixed in 10% formaldehyde. In order to identify the parasites, routine histological techniques were used. The specimens were embedded in paraffin and sections, 7 µm thick, were cut. These were then stained with Harris hematoxylin and eosin and were examined using an optical microscope. The parameters analyzed to investigate water quality showed that the temperature ranged from 23.9 °C to 29.3 °C, water salinity from 0.4 to 24.2 Practical Salinity Units PSU and recorded rainfall from 80 mm to 406.4 mm/month. During the parasitological analyses, infestation of the polychaete Neanthes succinea was observed in 41% of the oysters. Through histological techniques, the following parasites were identified: colonies of Rickettsia-like organisms (RLOs; the protozoa Nematopsis sp. and Ancistrocoma sp.; the turbellarian Urastoma sp.; the metacestode Tylocephalum sp. and an unidentified tapeworm. The data collected showed that there was low-intensity infection with and prevalence of parasites, except for Nematopsis sp., thus attesting that these cultivated oysters were in a healthy condition.

  13. The enkephalinergic nervous system and its immunomodulation on the developing immune system during the ontogenesis of oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Liu, Zhaoqun; Zhou, Zhi; Wang, Lingling; Song, Xiaorui; Chen, Hao; Wang, Weilin; Liu, Rui; Wang, Mengqiang; Wang, Hao; Song, Linsheng


    Enkephalinergic neuroendocrine-immune regulatory system is one of the most important neuroendocrine-immune systems in both vertebrates and invertebrates for its significant role in the immune regulation. In the present study, the early onset of enkephalinergic nervous system and its immunomodulation on the developing immune system during the ontogenesis of oyster Crassostrea gigas were investigated to illustrate the function of neural regulation on the innate immune system in oyster larvae. [Met(5)]-enkephalin (Met-ENK) was firstly observed on the marginal of the dorsal half of D-hinged larvae. Six immune-related molecules, including four PRRs (CgCTL-1, CgCTL-2, CgCTL-4, CgNatterin-3) and two immune effectors (CgTNF-1 and CgEcSOD) were detected in the early developmental stages of trochophore, D-hinged and umbo larvae of oyster. After incubated with [Met(5)]-enkephalin, the mRNA expression level of all the PRRs changed significantly (p immune effectors were up-regulated significantly at 3 h and 6 h in trochophore larvae (p system of oyster was firstly appeared in D-hinged larvae, while the primitive immune defense system existed in the region of prototroch in trochophore larvae and developed maturely after D-hinged larvae. The developing immune system could be regulated by the neurotransmitter [Met(5)]-enkephalin released by the neuroendocrine system in oyster C. gigas. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca

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    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m3 de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m3 en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro "MIEVHR" como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.

  15. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar durante el Cuaternario


    Pousa, Jorge Lorenzo; Isla, Federico Ignacio; Schnack, Enrique Jorge


    Los cambios del nivel del mar han ejercido una fuerte influencia en la evolución del planeta y en la historia de la humanidad. En una escala de tiempo geológico, las variaciones de los niveles oceánicos han dejado un registro ampliamente distribuido en la forma de depósitos sedimentarios. El descenso del nivel del mar durante la Ultima Glaciación, que alcanzó unos 120 metros hace 18.000 años, permitió la emergencia del estrecho de Bering y la migración humana desde Eurasia hacia América. Se e...

  16. Antioxidant deficit in gills of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) exposed to chlorodinitrobenzene increases menadione toxicity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trevisan, Rafael; Arl, Miriam; Sacchet, Cássia Lopes; Engel, Cristiano Severino; Danielli, Naissa Maria; Mello, Danielle Ferraz; Brocardo, Caroline; Maris, Angelica Francesca; Dafre, Alcir Luiz


    Disturbances in antioxidant defenses decrease cellular protection against oxidative stress and jeopardize cellular homeostasis. To knock down the antioxidant defenses of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, animals were pre-treated with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and further challenged with pro-oxidant menadione (MEN). CDNB pre-treatment (10 μM for 18 h) was able to consume cellular thiols in gills, decreasing GSH (53%) and decrease protein thiols (25%). CDNB pre-treatment also disrupted glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase activity in the gills, but likewise strongly induced glutathione S-transferase activity (270% increase). Surprisingly, hemocyte viability was greatly affected 24 h after CDNB removal, indicating a possible vulnerability of the oyster immune system to electrophilic attack. New in vivo approaches were established, allowing the identification of higher rates of GSH–CDNB conjugate export to the seawater and enabling the measurement of the organic peroxide consumption rate. CDNB-induced impairment in antioxidant defenses decreased the peroxide removal rate from seawater. After showing that CDNB decreased gill antioxidant defenses and increased DNA damage in hemocytes, oysters were further challenged with 1 mM MEN over 24 h. MEN treatment did not affect thiol homeostasis in gills, while CDNB pre-treated animals recovered GSH and PSH to the control level after 24 h of depuration. Interestingly, MEN intensified GSH and PSH loss and mortality in CDNB-pre-treated animals, showing a clear synergistic effect. The superoxide-generating one-electron reduction of MEN was predominant in gills and may have contributed to MEN toxicity. These results support the idea that antioxidant-depleted animals are more susceptible to oxidative attack, which can compromise survival. Data also corroborate the idea that gills are an important detoxifying organ, able to dispose of organic peroxides, induce phase II enzymes, and efficiently export GSH

  17. Antioxidant deficit in gills of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) exposed to chlorodinitrobenzene increases menadione toxicity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trevisan, Rafael; Arl, Miriam [Departamento de Bioquimica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC (Brazil); Sacchet, Cassia Lopes [Universidade do Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina, 89600-000 Joacaba, SC (Brazil); Engel, Cristiano Severino; Danielli, Naissa Maria; Mello, Danielle Ferraz [Departamento de Bioquimica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC (Brazil); Brocardo, Caroline [Universidade do Oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina, 89600-000 Joacaba, SC (Brazil); Maris, Angelica Francesca [Departamento de Biologia Celular, Embriologia e Genetica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC (Brazil); Dafre, Alcir Luiz, E-mail: [Departamento de Bioquimica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florianopolis, SC (Brazil)


    Disturbances in antioxidant defenses decrease cellular protection against oxidative stress and jeopardize cellular homeostasis. To knock down the antioxidant defenses of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, animals were pre-treated with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and further challenged with pro-oxidant menadione (MEN). CDNB pre-treatment (10 {mu}M for 18 h) was able to consume cellular thiols in gills, decreasing GSH (53%) and decrease protein thiols (25%). CDNB pre-treatment also disrupted glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase activity in the gills, but likewise strongly induced glutathione S-transferase activity (270% increase). Surprisingly, hemocyte viability was greatly affected 24 h after CDNB removal, indicating a possible vulnerability of the oyster immune system to electrophilic attack. New in vivo approaches were established, allowing the identification of higher rates of GSH-CDNB conjugate export to the seawater and enabling the measurement of the organic peroxide consumption rate. CDNB-induced impairment in antioxidant defenses decreased the peroxide removal rate from seawater. After showing that CDNB decreased gill antioxidant defenses and increased DNA damage in hemocytes, oysters were further challenged with 1 mM MEN over 24 h. MEN treatment did not affect thiol homeostasis in gills, while CDNB pre-treated animals recovered GSH and PSH to the control level after 24 h of depuration. Interestingly, MEN intensified GSH and PSH loss and mortality in CDNB-pre-treated animals, showing a clear synergistic effect. The superoxide-generating one-electron reduction of MEN was predominant in gills and may have contributed to MEN toxicity. These results support the idea that antioxidant-depleted animals are more susceptible to oxidative attack, which can compromise survival. Data also corroborate the idea that gills are an important detoxifying organ, able to dispose of organic peroxides, induce phase II enzymes, and efficiently export GSH

  18. Effect of linear alkylbenzene mixtures and sanitary sewage in biochemical and molecular responses in pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Flores-Nunes, Fabrício; Mattos, Jacó J; Zacchi, Flávia L; Serrano, Miguel A S; Piazza, Clei E; Sasaki, Silvio T; Taniguchi, Satie; Bicego, Márcia C; Melo, Cláudio M R; Bainy, Afonso C D


    Urban effluents are rich in nutrients, organic matter, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides, hydrocarbons, surfactants, and others. Previous studies have shown that oysters Crassostrea gigas accumulate significant levels of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) in sanitary sewage contaminated sites, but there is little information about its toxicological effects in marine bivalves. The aim of this study was to analyze the transcription of genes in two tissues of C. gigas exposed for 12, 24, and 36 h to LABs or sanitary sewage. Likewise, the activity of antioxidant and biotransformation enzymes was measured in oysters exposed for 36 h in all groups. Oysters exposed to LABs and oysters exposed to sanitary sewage showed different patterns of transcriptional responses. LAB-exposed oysters showed lower level of biological responses than the oysters exposed to sanitary sewage. Despite the ability of the oyster C. gigas to accumulate LABs (28-fold), the data indicate that these contaminants are not the cause for the transcriptional responses observed in oysters exposed to sanitary sewage. Possibly, the biological changes observed in the sanitary sewage-exposed oysters are associated with the presence of other contaminants, which might have caused synergistic, additive, or antagonistic effects. The results show that FABP-like and GST-ω-like messenger RNAs (mRNAs) have a rapid response in tissues of oyster C. gigas exposed to sanitary sewage, suggesting a possible protective response and a role in maintaining homeostasis of these organisms.

  19. Genetic composition of Mytilus species in mussel populations from southern Chile Composición genética de especies de Mytilus en poblaciones de mejillón del sur de Chile

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    María Angélica Larraín


    Full Text Available Mussels are one of the most cultivated and commercialized bivalves worldwide and in southern Chile its culture represent an important economic activity. The species identification within the Mytilus genera, by morphological features, is unreliable, so we used a polymorphism RFLP in the gene encoding the polyphenolic adhesive protein as a species-specific genetic marker to describe Mytilus species diversity in southern Chile, and evaluate possible applications in traceability, food quality and safety. Using Me 15-16 marker most mussels were M. chilensis, finding no other pure individuals; however, putative hybrids of M. chilensis x M. trossulus and M. chilensis x M. galloprovincialis were detected. There was no evidence of M. edulis. The presence of the M. trossulus allele, faraway from its distribution area, demands further analysis with different genetic markers to allow a better understanding of its origin. In addition, the correspondence between markers that distinguishes northern from southern hemisphere M. galloprovincialis, with those who discriminates between M. chilensis and M. galloprovincialis would contribute to the taxonomic status of Chilean blue mussels. In Chile, the genetic composition of Mytilus indicates that geographical origin of mussels and its traceability cannot be established merely from the identification of the species. The use of other markers would be required.Los mejillones son una de las especies de bivalvos más cultivadas y comercializadas, en el sur de Chile donde su cultivo representa una actividad económica importante. La identificación de la especie dentro del género Mytilus, basada en las características morfológicas no es confiable por lo que se utilizó un polimorfismo RFLP en el gen que codifica la proteína adhesiva polifenólica como marcador genético específico de la especie para describir la diversidad de especies Mytilus en el sur de Chile, y evaluar posibles aplicaciones en trazabilidad

  20. D1 dopamine receptor is involved in shell formation in larvae of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Liu, Zhaoqun; Wang, Lingling; Yan, Yunchen; Zheng, Yan; Ge, Wenjing; Li, Meijia; Wang, Weilin; Song, Xiaorui; Song, Linsheng


    Dopamine (DA), a significant member of catecholamines, is reported to induce biomineralization of calcium carbonate vaterite microspheres via dopamine receptor (DR) in bivalves, implying the modulation of dopaminergic system on shell formation during larval development. In this research, a homologue of D1 type DR (CgD1DR-1) was identified from oyster Crassostrea gigas, whose full length cDNA was 1197 bp. It was widely expressed in various tissues of C. gigas, with the significantly higher levels in hepatopancreas, mantle, muscle and gill. During developmental stages, the mRNA transcripts of CgD1DR-1 in D-shape larvae were obviously higher (p < 0.05) than those in trochophore and umbo larvae, and CO 2 exposure could inhibit the synthesis of DA and mRNA expression of CgD1DR-1. After cell transfection and DA treatment, intracellular cAMP in cells with the expression of CgD1DR-1 increased significantly (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the incubation with SCH 23390 for the blockage of CgD1DR-1 significantly restrained the expressions of six shell formation-related genes including CgTyrosinase-1, CgTyrosinase-3, CgChitinaseLP, CgAMC, CgBMP and CgBMPR in trochophore and D-shape larvae. These results jointly suggested that DA together with its receptor CgD1DR-1 might be involved in shell formation during oyster larval development from trochophore to D-shape larvae, and CO 2 -induced ocean acidification (OA) might influence marine bivalves by inhibiting the DA-D1DR pathway to prohibit their shell formation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Effects of storage on microbial loads of two commercially important shellfish species, Crassostrea virginica and Mercenaria campechiensis. (United States)

    Hood, M A; Ness, G E; Rodrick, G E; Blake, N J


    The effects of storage on the microbial load in two commercially important species of shellfish were examined. Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were stored as shellstock, shucked meats, and fully processed meats at four temperatures for up to 21 days, and clams (Mercenaria campechiensis) were stored only as shellstock. The concentrations of most microbiological groups of organisms increased with the duration and temperature of storage in both shellfish species, although the increases were significantly lower in claims. Concentrations of Vibrio cholerae rose by approximately 1 log in oysters stored as shellstock after 7 days at 2 degrees C, and Lac+ vibrios increased 2 logs at 8 degrees C. Total counts of bacteria, fungi, coliforms, fecal streptococci, Aeromonas hydrophila, and clostridia were significantly higher in shucked oysters than in those stored as shellstock. Fecal coliforms were statistically the same, but V. cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and the Lac+ vibrios were higher in oysters stored as shellstock. The concentrations of all microbial groups were higher in fully processed oysters than in shucked meats, with the exception of the vibrios, which showed no significant difference among the treatments. The results showed that although traditional methods of storing shellfish resulted in an overall increase in the microbial load, vibrio levels increased only in oysters stored as shellstock. Although fecal coliform and total bacterial counts did not correlate with those for vibrios in fresh oysters, strong correlations were observed in oysters stored for 7 days, suggesting that these indicators may be useful in monitoring oyster quality when meats are stored for a limited time as shellstock.

  2. Elimination of fecal coliforms and F-specific RNA coliphage from oysters (Crassostrea virginica) relaid in floating containers. (United States)

    Kator, H; Rhodes, M


    Declining oyster (Crassostrea virginica) production in the Chesapeake Bay has stimulated aquaculture based on floats for off-bottom culture. While advantages of off-bottom culture are significant, the increased use of floating containers raises public health and microbiological concerns, because oysters in floats may be more susceptible to fecal contamination from storm runoff compared to those cultured on-bottom. We conducted four commercial-scale studies with market-size oysters naturally contaminated with fecal coliforms (FC) and a candidate viral indicator, F-specific RNA (FRNA) coliphage. To facilitate sampling and to test for location effects, 12 replicate subsamples, each consisting of 15 to 20 randomly selected oysters in plastic mesh bags, were placed at four characteristic locations within a 0.6- by 3.0-m "Taylor" float, and the remaining oysters were added to a depth not exceeding 15.2 cm. The float containing approximately 3,000 oysters was relaid in the York River, Virginia, for 14 days. During relay, increases in shellfish FC densities followed rain events such that final mean levels exceeded initial levels or did not meet an arbitrary product end point of 50 FC/100 ml. FRNA coliphage densities decreased to undetectable levels within 14 days (16 to 28 degrees C) in all but the last experiment, when temperatures fell between 12 and 16 degrees C. Friedman (nonparametric analysis of variance) tests performed on FC/Escherichia coli and FRNA densities indicated no differences in counts as a function of location within the float. The public health consequences of these observations are discussed, and future research and educational needs are identified.

  3. Bioaccumulation of trace metals in farmed pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas from SW Gulf of California coast, Mexico. (United States)

    Jonathan, M P; Muñoz-Sevilla, N P; Góngora-Gómez, Andrés Martin; Luna Varela, Raquel Gabriela; Sujitha, S B; Escobedo-Urías, D C; Rodríguez-Espinosa, P F; Campos Villegas, Lorena Elizabeth


    The aim of the study was to evaluate the bioavailability of trace metals (Chromium, Copper, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Arsenic, and Mercury) in the commercially consumed Crassostrea gigas oysters collected over a 12-month growth period (2011-12) from an experimental cultivation farm in La Pitahaya, Sinaloa State, Mexico. Sediment and water samples were also collected from four different zones adjacent to the cultivation area to identify the concentration patterns of metals. The results revealed that sewage disposals, fertilizers used for agricultural practices and shrimp culture are the major sources for the enrichment of certain toxic metals. The metal concentrations in oysters presented a decreasing order of abundance (all values in mg Kg -1 ): Zn (278.91 ± 93.03) > Cu (63.13 ± 31.72) > Cr (22.29 ± 30.23) > Cd (14.54 ± 4.28) > Ni (9.41 ± 11.33) > Pb (2.22 ± 1.33) > As (0.58 ± 0.91) > Hg (0.04 ± 0.06). Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and Biota Sediment Accumulation Factor (BSAF) exhibited that C. gigas in the region are strong accumulators for Zn and Cd respectively. Thus, the present study proves to fulfill the gap in understanding the rate of bioaccumulation of metals in C. gigas which is regarded as the most sought after oyster species globally. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas, silicio foliar, silicio foliar más plaguicidas y testigo comercial. Como fuente se utilizaron si- licio en polvo al 70% de SiO2, aplicado quince días antes de siembra en dosis de 100 kg SiO2/ha, y líquido concentrado 40% SiO2 y 36% MgO, aplicado al follaje en dosis de 4 l/ha a los 17 y 30 días después de la siembra. El suelo del orden inceptisol de formación aluvial, al inicio del experimento tenía pH 4,9, valores de P y Si disponibles de 29 ppm y 44,7 ppm, respectivamente, acidez intercambiable 1,2 cmol(+/l y suma de bases 19,11 cmol(+/l. No hubo diferencia estadística significativa del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y en la calidad molinera; sin embargo, la combinación del silicio aplicado al suelo y el uso de plaguicidas incrementaron el contenido de zinc y cobre en el suelo, y del zinc y magnesio en las hojas de arroz, pero este efecto no se tradujo en rendimiento y calidad de granos. La aplicación de plaguicidas influyó positivamente en el peso y rendimiento del arroz en granza (p≤0,05.

  5. Catàleg dels Miridae (Heteroptera) del Massís del Garraf


    Goula Goula, Marta


    Per a la redacció d'aquest catàleg, s'aporten dades d'observació pròpia al llarg dels anys 1980-1984, així com les troballes publicades per CUNI (1889a,1889b,1889c,1891) i per RIBES (1978a,1978b,1980,1984). Totes aquestes observacions s'han fet en localitats del Massis del Garraf, que será objecte d'una curta descripció.

  6. La Orden de Medidas Provisionales del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso del buque de guerra ARA Libertad

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    Martin Cabrera Mirassou


    Full Text Available El presente comentario tiene por finalidad describir la reciente orden de medidas provisionales emitida por el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso relativo a la detención de la Fragata ARA Libertad. La controversia contiene un complejo trasfondo político, económico y jurídico, en el cual se destaca el alcance de la inmunidad de los buques de guerra, el funcionamiento del sistema de solución de controversias de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar y, en particular, la competencia del Tribunal. Con la finalidad de lograr un entendimiento más profundo de su jurisprudencia se abordan los principales aspectos que permitan comprender el valor de la decisión para los actores del régimen de los océanos.

  7. Funciones del estilo personal del terapeuta en profesionales del campo de las adicciones

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    Leandro Casari


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar el estilo personal del terapeuta entre dos grupos de profesionales, uno dedicado a la atención de pacientes drogodependientes (grupo adicciones y otro a la atención clínica en general (grupo clínico. Método. La muestra estuvo formada por 100 psicoterapeutas que trabajan en instituciones públicas y privadas de tres provincias del interior de Argentina, pareados por las variables socioprofesionales (sexo, edad, años de experiencia profesional, enfoque teórico, grupo etario de trabajo, tipo de abordaje predominante, duración del tratamiento y grado de especialización. El instrumento empleado fue el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta. Resultados. Para el análisis de datos se emplearon pruebas de comparación de medias y se analizó su tamaño del efecto. Se obtuvieron diferencias signifi cativas en la función expresiva: grupo clínico (M = 40.36 y grupo adicciones (M = 29.86; así como también en la función instruccional: grupo clínico (M = 28.01 y grupo adicciones (M = 32.67. Esto indica una mayor distancia emocional y un incremento en la rigidez del encuadre terapéutico en los terapeutas de pacientes adictos. Conclusión. Se discuten estos resultados en función de postulados previos que señalan la complejidad del vínculo terapéutico y el énfasis en las características del encuadre terapéutico, tal como la puesta de límites.

  8. Calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo

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    Joheni A. Urdaneta G.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la calidad del servicio de los taxis en el municipio Maracaibo, ya que los mismos forman parte del sistema de transporte urbano de la ciudad, y es un servicio público fundamental para la convivencia de la sociedad; para lograr este objetivo se realizó una adaptación del modelo SERVPERF, diseñando un instrumento tipo cuestionario, con 32 ítems en 6 dimensiones, adecuado a las características propias del servicio de taxi, con la finalidad de confirmar que los ítems de los instrumentos se correspondían con las dimensiones adaptadas se aplicó la técnica de análisis factorial resultando un nuevo instrumento con 24 ítems en 3 dimensiones. Se utilizó la escala de Likert con tres (3 alternativas de respuesta. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y aplicada, bajo diseño no experimental de tipo transeccional descriptiva y de campo. La población quedó conformada por los usuarios de las líneas de taxis del municipio Maracaibo. Se aplicó muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado. La confiabilidad del instrumento se midió a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach resultando de 0,82 lo cual se considera aceptable. Los resultados revelan que la calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo es mediana por lo tanto este servicio es susceptible a mejoras, las cuales son necesarias para elevar la calidad de vida de los marabinos. Este resultado se obtuvo con el instrumento originalmente adaptado de 32 ítems y con el cuestionario resultante del análisis factorial, de 24 ítems; esto confirma lo apropiado de esta técnica, ya que se redujo el número de ítems y de las dimensiones originalmente adaptadas y no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los resultados con ambos instrumentos; de esta manera se puede medir la calidad del servicio de taxis en el municipio Maracaibo a través de las dimensiones: confiabilidad del servicio, socialización y responsabilidad.

  9. En busca del concepto de gerencia del cuidado

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    Ligia Teresa Mora-Delgado


    Full Text Available Este articulo, presenta los conceptos de gerencia del cuidado de enfermería, desarrollado por las enfermeras profesionales que laboran en le Empresa social del estado Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz de las Ciudad de Cúcuta, desde su desempeño en la asistencia, administración y docencia. Se pretende además precisar los elementos gerenciales, sociales, humanísticos y éticos que deben hacer parte del concepto de gerencia del cuidado.

  10. Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions


    Farnós Amorós, Esther


    La tesi doctoral "Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions" analitza els efectes del consentiment a les tècniques de reproducció assistida prestat en el marc d'un projecte parental. La tesi ofereix una resposta als conflictes que enfronten exesposos o exconvivents en relació al destí dels preembrions sobrants d'un cicle de fecundació "in vitro" iniciat durant la relació. Aquests conflictes constitueixen un grup de casos al voltant del qual no hi ha solucions legislatives qu...

  11. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares


    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales...

  12. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (segunda parte)


    Zorrilla Salgador, Juan Pablo


    Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición del riesgo base.Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición d...


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  15. Silicone Foul Release Coatings: Effect of the Interaction of Oil and Coating Functionalities on the Magnitude of Macrofouling Attachment Strengths (United States)


    Hawaii) is described. The response of tubeworms (Hydroides elegans, Hydroides dianthus ), oysters (Ostrea sp., Crassostrea sp.) and barnacles (Balanus...8 and Hydroides dianthus ) and oysters (Ostrea sp. and Crassostrea sp.) to the silicone coatings were measured using ASTM D 5618-94 (1994), in which...Oyster (Crassostrea sp.) and tubeworm (H. dianthus ) attachment strengths at the Indian River Lagoon site Linear regression analyses of the adhesion

  16. Ausencia de detección de enterovirus en bivalvos Anadara tuberculosa (Bivalvia: Arcidae) por contaminación química en el Pacífico de Costa Rica


    Herrero U., Libia; Palacios F., Alejandro; Hun O., Laya; Vega A., Francisco


    Anadara tuberculosa es uno de los moluscos más abundantes de importancia comercial en Costa Rica. Su hábitat acuático es una fuente potencial de contaminación fecal y química para el ser humano. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar enterovirus, especialmente poliovirus y el virus de la hepatitis A y contaminación química como nitratos y sulfatos en las carnes y los líquidos internos. Se recogieron trece muestras de cuatro sitios del golfo de Nicoya, de tres sitios del manglar Sierpe-Tér...

  17. Componente Cultura del Agua del PMGRH: plan de trabajo


    Autoridad Nacional del Agua; Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos


    Describe el plan de trabajo del Componente Cultura del Agua del Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos (PMGRH) en relacion a dos aspectos estructurales del proyecto: 1. Mejora de la capacidad de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) a nivel nacional y 2. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de GIRH en las cuencas.

  18. Effects of Antifouling Biocides on Molecular and Biochemical Defense System in the Gill of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Park, Mi Seon; Kim, Young Dae; Kim, Bo-Mi; Kim, Youn-Jung; Kim, Jang Kyun; Rhee, Jae-Sung


    Antifouling biocides such as organotin compounds and their alternatives are potent toxicants in marine ecosystems. In this study, we employed several molecular and biochemical response systems of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to understand a potential mode of action of antifouling biocides (i.e. tributyltin (TBT), diuron and irgarol) after exposure to different concentrations (0.01, 0.1, and 1 μg L-1) for 96 h. As a result, all the three antifouling biocides strongly induced the antioxidant defense system. TBT reduced both enzymatic activity and mRNA expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Lower levels of both Na+/K+-ATPase activity and AChE mRNA expression were observed in the diuron-exposed oysters compared to the control, while the irgarol treatment reduced only the transcriptional expression of AChE gene. We also analyzed transcript profile of heat shock protein (Hsp) superfamily in same experimental conditions. All antifouling biocides tested in this study significantly modulated mRNA expression of Hsp superfamily with strong induction of Hsp70 family. Taken together, overall results indicate that representative organotin TBT and alternatives have potential hazardous effects on the gill of C. gigas within relatively short time period. Our results also suggest that analyzing a series of molecular and biochemical parameters can be a way of understanding and uncovering the mode of action of emerging antifouling biocides. In particular, it was revealed that Pacific oysters have different sensitivities depend on the antifouling biocides.

  19. Effects of Antifouling Biocides on Molecular and Biochemical Defense System in the Gill of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas (United States)

    Park, Mi Seon; Kim, Young Dae; Kim, Bo-Mi; Kim, Youn-Jung; Kim, Jang Kyun; Rhee, Jae-Sung


    Antifouling biocides such as organotin compounds and their alternatives are potent toxicants in marine ecosystems. In this study, we employed several molecular and biochemical response systems of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to understand a potential mode of action of antifouling biocides (i.e. tributyltin (TBT), diuron and irgarol) after exposure to different concentrations (0.01, 0.1, and 1 μg L-1) for 96 h. As a result, all the three antifouling biocides strongly induced the antioxidant defense system. TBT reduced both enzymatic activity and mRNA expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Lower levels of both Na+/K+-ATPase activity and AChE mRNA expression were observed in the diuron-exposed oysters compared to the control, while the irgarol treatment reduced only the transcriptional expression of AChE gene. We also analyzed transcript profile of heat shock protein (Hsp) superfamily in same experimental conditions. All antifouling biocides tested in this study significantly modulated mRNA expression of Hsp superfamily with strong induction of Hsp70 family. Taken together, overall results indicate that representative organotin TBT and alternatives have potential hazardous effects on the gill of C. gigas within relatively short time period. Our results also suggest that analyzing a series of molecular and biochemical parameters can be a way of understanding and uncovering the mode of action of emerging antifouling biocides. In particular, it was revealed that Pacific oysters have different sensitivities depend on the antifouling biocides. PMID:28006823

  20. The influence of different microalgal diets on Crassostrea angulata (Lamarck, 1819 broodstock conditioning

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    Catarina Anjos


    Full Text Available The Portuguese oyster Crassostrea angulata shows great potential in oyster farming. In Europe, pure populations of this species were observed only in the southern coasts of Portugal and Spain, namely in Rio Sado, Rio Mira and Guadalquivir. The conservation of C. angulata populations is important in the context of production diversification and biodiversity preservation. In this way the zootechnological development for seed hatchery production is extremely important. Broodstock conditioning is a key step in the process of rearing bivalve in hatchery. Many factors regulate the reproductive cycle, being food the most important. However the influence of the nutritional quality of different phytoplankton on sexual maturation has been poorly explored. To evaluate the effects of different diets on C. angulata sexual maturity, broodstock were conditioned with different food regimes: Diet 1: bi-specific combination of Pavlova lutheri and Isochrysis galbana clone T-ISO (1:1; Diet 2: tri-specific combination of P. lutheri, I galbana clone T-ISO and Skeletonema constatum (1:1:1; Diet 3: bi-specific combination of S. constatum and Chaetoceros calcitrans (1:1 and Diet 4: tri-specific combination of P. lutheri, S. constatum and C. calcitrans (1:1:1. During conditioning, condition index and gonad histological analysis were performed. Results showed heterogeneity between diets. At the beginning of conditioning 60% of individuals were in resting (stage 0, 30% were males in early gametogenesis (stage I and 10% were females in mature stage (stage III. At the end of the conditioning, the most effective diet was the Diet 3 (60 % of mature oysters with a mean condition index value of 2.83±0.95. Whereas those fed with Diet 1 have an unsuccessfully gonadic development, with 80% of individuals in resting stage. Indeed, the condition index, in Diet 1 decreased during the conditioning period. The results obtained in this study reinforce the idea that the diatom microalgae

  1. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares

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    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Full Text Available Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales del hogar y el gasto de otros hogares con características similares. También examina la influencia de la incertidumbre acerca de los ingresos en el gasto de los hogares para comprobar si estos actúan con motivos de precaución.

  2. Efecto del detergente biodegradable (aquil sulfonato de sodio en el consumo de oxígeno y tasa de filtración del bivalvo Semimytilus algosus

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    Guillermo Alvarez


    Full Text Available El consumo de oxigeno específico (COE e individual (COI de Semimytilus algosus (0,0856 a 0,1869 g fue determinado en respirómetros cerrados estáticos (300 ml aprox. en presencia de 3 concentraciones de detergente (CO = 0,00; C1 = 0,02; C2 = 0,04; y C3 = 0,06 mg I-1 de detergente. Para detectar el oxigeno disuelto se usó el método de Winkler. La tasa de Filtración individual (TFI fue calculada en ausencia de detergente por consumo de la diatomea Chaetoceros gracilis con los mismos individuos expuestos al detergente durante los experimentos de respiración. Las condiciones de experimentación fueron 35 % de salinidad y 17 ± 0,5ºC. Los resultados observados indican que el detergente aún siendo biodegradable, a tiempos; cortos de exposición altera la tasa respiratoria e incrementa el consumo de oxigeno y velocidad de la tasa de filtración a medida que la concentración de detergente se incrementa.

  3. First evidence of a potential antibacterial activity involving a laccase-type enzyme of the phenoloxidase system in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas haemocytes. (United States)

    Luna-Acosta, Andrea; Saulnier, Denis; Pommier, Mylène; Haffner, Philippe; De Decker, Sophie; Renault, Tristan; Thomas-Guyon, Hélène


    Phenoloxidases (POs) are a group of copper proteins including tyrosinase, catecholase and laccase. In several insects and crustaceans, antibacterial substances are produced through the PO cascade, participating in the direct killing of invading microorganisms. However, although POs are widely recognised as an integral part of the invertebrate immune defence system, experimental evidence is lacking that these properties are conserved in molluscs, and more particularly in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. In the present study, Vibrio splendidus LGP32 and Vibrio aestuarianus 02/041 growths were affected, after being treated with C. gigas haemocyte lysate supernatant (HLS), and either a common substrate of POs, l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), to detect catecholase-type PO activity, or a specific substrate of laccase, p-phenylenediamine (PPD), to detect laccase-type PO activity. Interestingly, a higher bacterial growth inhibition was observed in the presence of PPD than in the presence of L-DOPA. These effects were suppressed when the specific PO inhibitor, phenylthiourea (PTU), was added to the medium. Results of the present study suggest, for the first time in a mollusc species, that antibacterial activities of HLS from C. gigas potentially involve POs, and more particularly laccase catalysed reactions. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Análisis del "Curso sobre la Evolución del Pensamiento Juslaboralista" del Profesor Emérito Héctor-Hugo Barbagelata (El espejo retrovisor del Derecho del Trabajo y los Principios del Dr. H. H. Barbagelata

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    Helios Sarthou


    Full Text Available Los que sabíamos que el profesor Emérito de “Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social" Dr. Hector Hugo Barbagelata, tenía en preparación un libro sobre Evolución del pensamiento Juslaboralista –de algún modo en la senda del Curso que había fundado en nuestra Facultad de Derecho- lo considerábamos de altísima importancia, no sólo en el plano técnico-jurídico, sino también por las implicancias históricas, sociales y políticas que la temática implicaba.- Y esto es así en esta época, en que el pensamiento neoliberal no obstante el camino ya recorrido, continúa buscando incidir en el Derecho del Trabajo, recurriendo a excusas para el retorno al Derecho Civil, o para alcanzar la flexibilidad con mengua del respeto a los principios de tuitividad y justicia social que debe garantizar el Derecho del Trabajo o, en otros casos directamente promoviendo la irrelevancia técnica de la disciplina en beneficio del Derecho Civil o del Derecho Procesal, en su caso.-

  5. Cambios alimenticios en tres especies de Sphoeroides (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae posterior al huracán Isidoro en Bocana de la Carbonera, Sureste del Golfo de México

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    Sonia Eugenia Palacios-Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se analizan los cambios producidos por el huracán Isidoro en la repartición de los recursos alimenticios de tres especies de peces de la familia Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri y S testudineus que cohabitan en la Bocana de la Carbonera (sureste del Golfo de México. Los Sphoeroides spp. basaron su alimentación en los organismos bentónicos, sobresaliendo por su consumo el mejillón (Brachidontes sp., la lapa (Balanus sp. y gasterópodos (Crepidula sp.. Previo al impacto del huracán, las tres especies utilizaron de forma diferencial los recursos alimenticios disponibles (bivalvos, gasterópodos, cirrípedos y decápodos recurriendo a diferentes estrategias que les permitieron minimizar la competencia interespecífica y coexistir. Posterior al impacto, la disponibilidad de las presas disminuyó y la competencia interespecífica por el alimento se incrementó provocando que S. testudineus y S. nephelus cambiaran su espectro trófico (xiphosuros, anfípodos, isópodos y detritus desplazando a S. spengleri de la bocana. La repartición de los recursos alimenticios estuvo condicionada por la abundancia y diversidad de las presas así como la respuesta adaptativa de cada especie.Feeding changes for three Sphoeroides species (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae after Isidore hurricane impact in Carbonera Inlet, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico. The coexistence of ecologically similar species may occur because of resources distribution, such as prey and habitat type and segregation time, that minimizes the interspecific competition. The changes brought about by Hurricane Isidore in the distribution of food resources by three coexisting fish species of the family Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri and S testudineus, were analyzed at the Carbonera Inlet. Sphoeroides spp. based their food on benthic organisms; principally, they consume mussels (Brachidontes sp., barnacles (Balanus sp. and gastropods (Crepidula sp. Before

  6. Haemocytes from Crassostrea gigas and OsHV-1: A promising in vitro system to study host/virus interactions. (United States)

    Morga, Benjamin; Faury, Nicole; Guesdon, Stéphane; Chollet, Bruno; Renault, Tristan


    Since 2008, mass mortality outbreaks associated with the detection of particular variants of OsHV-1 have been reported in Crassostrea gigas spat and juveniles in several countries. Recent studies have reported information on viral replication during experimental infection. Viral DNA and RNA were also detected in the haemolymph and haemocytes suggesting that the virus could circulate through the circulatory system. However, it is unknown if the virus is free in the haemolymph, passively associated at the surface of haemocytes, or able to infect and replicate inside these cells inducing (or not) virion production. In the present study, we collected haemocytes from the haemolymphatic sinus of the adductor muscle of healthy C. gigas spat and exposed them in vitro to a viral suspension. Results showed that viral RNAs were detectable one hour after contact and the number of virus transcripts increased over time in association with an increase of viral DNA detection. These results suggested that the virus is able to initiate replication rapidly inside haemocytes maintained in vitro. These in vitro trials were also used to carry out a dual transcriptomic study. We analyzed concomitantly the expression of some host immune genes and 15 viral genes. Results showed an up regulation of oyster genes currently studied during OsHV-1 infection. Additionally, transmission electron microscopy examination was carried out and did not allow the detection of viral particles. Moreover, All the results suggested that the in vitro model using haemocytes can be valuable for providing new perspective on virus-oyster interactions. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. High salinity relay as a post-harvest processing method for reducing Vibrio vulnificus levels in oysters (Crassostrea virginica). (United States)

    Audemard, Corinne; Kator, Howard I; Reece, Kimberly S


    High salinity relay of Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) was evaluated as a post-harvest processing (PHP) method for reducing Vibrio vulnificus. This approach relies on the exposure of oysters to natural high salinity waters and preserves a live product compared to previously approved PHPs. Although results of prior studies evaluating high salinity relay as a means to decrease V. vulnificus levels were promising, validation of this method as a PHP following approved guidelines is required. This study was designed to provide data for validation of this method following Food and Drug Administration (FDA) PHP validation guidelines. During each of 3 relay experiments, oysters cultured from 3 different Chesapeake Bay sites of contrasting salinities (10-21 psu) were relayed without acclimation to high salinity waters (31-33 psu) for up to 28 days. Densities of V. vulnificus and densities of total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus (as tdh positive strains) were measured using an MPN-quantitative PCR approach. Overall, 9 lots of oysters were relayed with 6 exhibiting initial V. vulnificus >10,000/g. As recommended by the FDA PHP validation guidelines, these lots reached both the 3.52 log reduction and the levels ranged from 2 to 61% after 28 days of relay. Although the identification of the factors implicated in oyster mortality will require further examination, this study strongly supports the validation of high salinity relay as an effective PHP method to reduce levels of V. vulnificus in oysters to endpoint levels approved for human consumption. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Celia Torren


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una síntesis del trabajo "Rasgos Geográficos del Valle del Río Agrio Inferior, el cual es un estudio de base para el conocimiento de la geografía de la región: - apoyando el esfuerzo que está realizando la población del área para lograr una identidad propia y una definitiva integración al contexto provincial; - aportando al proyecto "Rescate Arqueológico en Quili Malal, Neuquén" (subsidiado por CONICET y UNESCO, cuya dirección está a cargo de la profesora Susana Rodríguez de la U.N.C., a través de la confección del mapa geomorfológico del área; y - contribuyendo a los estudios que resultan necesarios ante la construcción de una obra hidroeléctrica de la magnitud de "El Chihuido I", emprendimiento que será llevado a cabo por Agua y Energía eléctrica de la Nación. Los límites del área estudiada fueron establecidos teniendo en cuenta el área del valle inferior del Río Agrio que será completamente inundada por el futuro embalse de la represa "El Chihuido I", a emplazarse 5,5 Km aguas abajo de la confluencia de los ríos Agrio y Neuquén. Además de esta área de afectación directa se tomó también una zona de perilago estrechamente vinculada a la anterior. De esta manera los límites este y oeste quedaron establecidos por la confluencia de los ríos antes mencionados y la localidad de Bajada del Agrio, respectivamente.

  9. In vivo effects of metaldehyde on Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas: comparing hemocyte parameters in two oyster families. (United States)

    Moreau, Pierrick; Burgeot, Thierry; Renault, Tristan


    Pollutants via run-off into the ocean represent a potential threat to marine organisms, especially bivalves such as oysters living in coastal environments. These organisms filter large volumes of seawater and may accumulate contaminants within their tissues. Pesticide contamination in water could have a direct or indirect toxic action on tissues or cells and could induce alteration of immune system. Bivalve immunity is mainly supported by hemocytes and participates directly by phagocytosis to eliminate pathogens. Some studies have shown that pesticides can reduce immune defences and/or modify genomes in vertebrates and invertebrates. Metaldehyde is used to kill slugs, snails and other terrestrial gastropods. Although metaldehyde has been detected in surface waters, its effects on marine bivalves including the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, have never been studied. Given the mode of action of this molecule and its targets (molluscs), it could be potentially more toxic to oysters than other pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, etc.). Effects of metaldehyde on oyster hemocyte parameters were thus monitored through in vivo experiments based on a short-term exposure. In this work, metaldehyde at 0.1 μg/L, which corresponds to an average concentration detected in the environment, modulated hemocyte activities of Pacific oysters after an in vivo short-term contact. Individuals belonging to two families showed different behaviours for some hemocyte activities after contamination by metaldehyde. These results suggested that effects of pollutants on oysters may differ from an individual to another in relation to genetic diversity. Finally, it appears essential to take an interest in the effects of metaldehyde on a wide variety of aquatic invertebrates including those that have a significant economic impact.

  10. Memòries del santuari del Mont (final s. XVIII-1953)


    Gifre i Ribas, Pere; Puig Pla, Santi; Tremoleda Trilla, Joaquim


    Transcripció del text inèdit de memòries del santuari del Mont. El text va ser escrit, bàsicament, pels preveres custodis i administradors del santuari. Es recull, primerament, els costums litúrgics de la parròquia de Sous, a la manera de les consuetes. A partir de 1791 s’anoten els fets més importants, a parer del custodi administrador, ocorreguts al santuari: obres de reforma i restauració del santuari i les seves dependències, adquisicions de mobiliari i parament de la casa, donacions al s...

  11. Más allá del telar: el mundo del trabajo femenino en la Asturias del siglo XVIII

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    Patricia Suárez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En el Siglo de la Razón proliferaron los tratados dónde, por primera vez en la historia, se ponía de relieve la necesidad de educar de forma conveniente a las mujeres. Sin embargo, a pesar del reconocimiento que los Ilustrados otorgaron al sexo femenino, siguieron relegando a éstas a las paredes del hogar, exhortándoles a quedarse fuera del mundo del trabajo extra-doméstico, reservado sólo para los hombres de la familia. No obstante, la necesidad obligaba, y cuando los recursos u hombres de una casa escaseaban, la mujer tenía que salir a buscarse el sustento. Este es el caso de cientos de mujeres del Principado de Asturias, dónde, a mediados del siglo XVIII, la realidad femenina difería de lo que lo que se consideraba ideal. Este trabajo arrojará pues luz, en un campo hasta ahora desconocido: el del mundo profesional de las mujeres asturianas del Setecientos, dónde comprobaremos cómo en ocasiones llegaban a adquirir, gracias a su status profesional, papeles relevantes dentro de la sociedad.

  12. Examen del fenómeno del turismo contemporáneo y la Competitividad en la Frontera del Conocimiento

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    Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar


    Full Text Available A partir del inicio del presente siglo, el estudio de la competitividad turística es un tema que ha llamado la atención tanto de académicos del área como de organizaciones públicas y privadas de diversas categorías, con la expectativa de que su comprensión permita a países y destinos turísticos obtener ventajas en captación de visitantes, ingresos y sostenibilidad de su operación turística, de cara a la intensa contienda internacional por la preferencia del turista. El presente trabajo se deriva de la discusión que tuvo lugar en el Panel Competitividad y Turismo, en el marco de la 5ª Cátedra Patrimonial en Turismo Sergio Molina-Estrategias del Turismo en la Frontera del Conocimiento, organizado por el Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, efectuado en el mes de abril del año 2013. Para este fin, se analizaron un conjunto de trabajos académicos e institucionales, a fin de identificar sus marcos de referencia, definiciones y modelos teóricos, con la perspectiva de obtener una visión panorámica del estado del arte en la materia.

  13. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.


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    Margarita M. Pérez O.


    Full Text Available Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, también conocidos como los Objetivos del Milenio, constituyeron las metas finales que aprobaron los dirigentes mundiales, 189 jefes de estado y de gobierno en la Cumbre del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas celebrada en Nueva York en el año 2000, en la cual los Estados miembros de la organización reafirmaron su compromiso de luchar por un mundo en el que el desarrollo sostenible y la eliminación de la pobreza tuvieran máxima prioridad1 . En la cumbre se definió la Declaración del Milenio, la cual detalla los objetivos, principios, valores, metas y acciones para erradicar la pobreza Mundial hacia el año 2015, todos ellos ratificados con alto interés y acción estratégica de carácter global, como marco para la medición de los progresos en materia de desarrollo.

  15. Estrategias del Teatro del Oprimido para la formación permanente del profesorado

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    Tomás Motos-Teruel


    Full Text Available Este artículo relata una experiencia y su valoración de formación permanente del profesorado basada en el aprendizaje vivencial utilizando como estrategia metodológica el Teatro del Oprimido (TO para estimular y favorecer la reflexión sobre la práctica educativa. Sus objetivos básicos fueron dar a conocer la formulación teórica y la metodología del TO y hacer la transferencia de las estrategias metodológicas vivenciadas a la práctica docente. El estudio se ha planteado desde una óptica cualitativa con el estudio de caso único. Y como resultados más destacables hay que reseñar el interés y la percepción de la utilidad personal y profesional del TO como instrumento de reflexión sobre la acción y generador de clima positivo. El Teatro del Oprimido es una formulación teórica y un método estético cuya teoría y praxis están inspiradas en la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire, utiliza las técnicas dramáticas como un instrumento eficaz para la comprensión y la búsqueda de alternativas a problemas sociales, interpersonales e individuales.

  16. DelPhi: a comprehensive suite for DelPhi software and associated resources

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    Li Lin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Accurate modeling of electrostatic potential and corresponding energies becomes increasingly important for understanding properties of biological macromolecules and their complexes. However, this is not an easy task due to the irregular shape of biological entities and the presence of water and mobile ions. Results Here we report a comprehensive suite for the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann solver, DelPhi, enriched with additional features to facilitate DelPhi usage. The suite allows for easy download of both DelPhi executable files and source code along with a makefile for local installations. The users can obtain the DelPhi manual and parameter files required for the corresponding investigation. Non-experienced researchers can download examples containing all necessary data to carry out DelPhi runs on a set of selected examples illustrating various DelPhi features and demonstrating DelPhi’s accuracy against analytical solutions. Conclusions DelPhi suite offers not only the DelPhi executable and sources files, examples and parameter files, but also provides links to third party developed resources either utilizing DelPhi or providing plugins for DelPhi. In addition, the users and developers are offered a forum to share ideas, resolve issues, report bugs and seek help with respect to the DelPhi package. The resource is available free of charge for academic users from URL:

  17. Hacia una conceptualización del legado del traductor

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    Guzmán María Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  18. La equinoterapia en las distintas alteraciones del desarrollo del menor.


    Chamorro González, Mireya


    La equinoterapia consiste en la utilización del caballo como un método terapéutico para rehabilitar a personas con discapacidad. Esta terapia es considerada una gran alternativa para aumentar el autoestima de los que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad, también a través de esta terapia se mejora y fortalece el estado emocional, así del mismo modo ayuda a mejorar la manera de desenvolverse en su entorno social. Esta terapia se realiza a través de la trasmisión del calor corporal del caballo, del...

  19. Spatial genetic features of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) in the Gulf of Mexico: northward movement of a secondary contact zone. (United States)

    Anderson, Joel D; Karel, William J; Mace, Christopher E; Bartram, Brian L; Hare, Matthew P


    The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) is an economically and ecologically valuable marine bivalve occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. This study builds upon previous research that identified two divergent populations of eastern oysters in the western Gulf of Mexico. Allelic and genotypic patterns from 11 microsatellite markers were used to assess genetic structure and migration between the previously described oyster populations in Texas. The main findings are as follows: (1) there are two distinct populations (F ST = 0.392, P turbidity and depth are not correlated with allele frequencies on reefs in the contact zone or when analyzed across Texas, and (4) there is little evidence of directional selection acting on the loci assayed here, although patterns at four markers suggested the influence of balancing selection based on outlier analyses. These results are consistent with long-term historical isolation between populations, followed by secondary contact. Recent hydrological changes in the area of secondary contact may be promoting migration in areas that were previously inhospitable to eastern oysters, and observed differences in the timing of spawning may limit hybridization between populations. Comparison of these findings with the results of an earlier study of oysters in Texas suggests that the secondary contact zone has shifted approximately 27 km north, in as little as a 23-year span.

  20. Gestión del talento humano y competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán 2016


    Serpa Reyes, Elisa Soledad


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, Conocer la relación que existe entre gestión del talento humano y las competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán en el año 2016. El tipo de investigación es no experimental, de diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población fue de 709 trabajadores, y la muestra de 217 trabajadores del hospital Hermilio Valdizán, la muestra es probabilística aleatoria simple. Se aplicó el cuestionario de gestión del...

  1. Seccional del Lago Lleu Lleu extracto del resumen ejecutivo del estudio

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    Manuel Durán


    Full Text Available En el siguiente reportaje se presentan los estudios contratados por el MINVU Planes Seccionales del Lago Lleu Lleu y del Lago Pangue; realizados por las oficinas de Manuel Durán y Lira y Peña Asoc. A continuación entrevistamos al Sr. Tito Rojas, ex Director Regional de SERNATUR y actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Arauco, y a Patricio Aguirre, Director de la Carrera de Turismo del DUOC-UC sede Concepción. Mientras que los instrumentos de planificación desarrollan estrategias específicas para potenciar el turismo aprovechando las potencialidades del recurso lacustre; los entrevistados nos dan su opinión en cuanto a diversos aspectos relacionados con el turismo y los lagos de esta zona: el delicado equilibrio entre turismo y protección de los recursos; las potencialidades de las áreas aledañas a los lagos Pangue y Lleu Lleu; el patrimonio paisajístico y cultural de la provincia de Arauco, entre otros, son los aspectos que se exponen en las próximas páginas.

  2. Comportamiento del servicio Diselin en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, en el. período 2003- octubre del 2005

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    Matilde Palacios Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se aborda el comportamiento del servicio Diselin durante el período 2003 hasta octubre del 2005, en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, a partir de los contenidos cuantitativos y cualitativos generados en la base de datos Diselin, correspondientes a la estadística general del servicio, relacionada con los indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario: suministro de documentos y satisfacción del cliente a través del talón de retroacoplamiento, como indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario que permiten hacer una valoración más exhaustiva de la evolución de este servicio tradicional con modalidad electrónica que es lo novedoso, aprovechando las tecnologías de información instaladas. Se presentan tablas y gráficos que demuestran la gestión y el impacto del servicio desde el punto de vista organizacional.

  3. Sobre el significado del descubrimiento del gen FOXP2


    Longa Martínez, Víctor Manuel


    El reciente descubrimiento del gen FOXP2 ha ofrecido la primera evidencia clara de la base genética del lenguaje, mostrando una correlación inequívoca desde la perspectiva genética entre una versión mutada de F0XP2 y los trastornos lingüísticos de diferente tipo sufridos por una familia inglesa, conocida como KE. El objetivo central del presente trabajo es discutir diferentes aspectos relacionados con tal descubrimiento; especialmente, la discusión del significado de FOXP2 con ...

  4. Entrenamiento funcional del core: eje del entrenamiento inteligente

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    Iván Dario Pinzón Ríos


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La evolución del entrenamiento físico busca la optimización de la salud y el bienestar, como piedra angular de todo programa de ejercicio. El Entrenamiento Funcional (EF es recomendable para optimizar el control postural del core, mejorando el balance y la ejecución de actividades de la vida diaria.  Objetivo: Revisar la definición, elementos constitutivos, características e implicaciones del EF del core en el movimiento corporal humano (MCH y la salud desde la perspectiva del fisioterapeuta. Metodología: Se incluyeron artículos en inglés y español de las bases Pubmed, Scielo y Ebsco; adicionalmente se incluyeron fuentes electrónicas e impresas y libros. Resultados: 56 documentos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. La definición más adoptada de EF fue entrenar con un propósito buscando obtener un efecto positivo en la aptitud física. Las implicaciones del EF en el MCH, se relacionan con la ganancia y mejoría de la estabilidad. La propuesta de EF enfocada a las actividades de la vida diaria incluye fases que permiten adquirir la estabilidad hasta lograr el desarrollo de movimiento que demanden más agilidad. En la planificación del EF se deben estructurar los procesos a ejecutar considerando el criterio de funcionalidad. Para organizar la sesión del EF, el fisioterapeuta cuenta con tres maneras de planificar la sesión: globales, por hemisferios y por grupos musculares. Conclusión: La fundamentación teórica sobre el EF permite al fisioterapeuta comprender y determinar cómo esta modalidad de intervención repercute de manera positiva sobre el desempeño funcional y calidad de vida de los sujetos.

  5. Desarrollo de la Habilidad de Administración del Tiempo en directivas del primer nivel del MITRANS.


    García Remus, Mayelín


    Valoración de cómo administran el tiempo las mujeres directivas del sector del transporte en Ciudad de La Habana. Establece las competencias individuales que pueden influir en el desarrollo de la habilidad de administración del tiempo.





    El septum lateral (SL), es un núcleo del cerebro anterior, que, procesa la información sensorial afectiva procedente del hipocampo y dirige sus respuestas, importantes para la supervivencia, hacia las zonas del hipotálamo importantes para la motivación, como lo es el núcleo tuberomamilar del hipotálamo (TMN). El TMN contiene las neuronas histaminérgicas en el cerebro, la cual relacionamos con la vigilia y alerta en conductas motivadas y así puede dirigir y reforzar el comportamiento. El TM...

  7. Transcriptional changes in Crassostrea gigas oyster spat following a parental exposure to the herbicide diuron. (United States)

    Rondon, R; Akcha, F; Alonso, P; Menard, D; Rouxel, J; Montagnani, C; Mitta, G; Cosseau, C; Grunau, C


    The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the main oyster species produced in the world, and a key coastal economic resource in France. High mortalities affect Pacific oysters since 2008 in France and Europe. Their origins have been attributed to a combination of biotic and abiotic factors, underlining the importance of environment quality. The impact of water pollution has been pointed out and one of the pollutants, the genotoxic herbicide diuron, occurs at high concentrations all along the French coasts. Previous work has revealed that a parental exposure to diuron had a strong impact on hatching rates and offspring development even if spats were not exposed to diuron themselves. In this study, we explored for the first time the transcriptional changes occurring in oyster spats (non exposed) originating from genitors exposed to an environmentally relevant concentration of diuron during gametogenesis using the RNAseq methodology. We identified a transcriptomic remodeling revealing an effect of the herbicide. Different molecular pathways involved in energy production, translation and cell proliferation are particularly disturbed. This analysis revealed modulated candidate genes putatively involved in response to oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in offspring of genitors exposed to diuron. Complementary measures of the activity of enzymes involved in these latter processes corroborate the results obtained at the transcriptomic level. In addition, our results suggested an increase in energy production and mitotic activity in 5-month-spats from diuron-exposed genitors. These results could correspond to a "catch-up growth" phenomenon allowing the spats from diuron-exposed genitors, which displayed a growth delay at 3 months, to gain a normal size when they reach the age of 6 months. These results indicate that exposure to a concentration of diuron that is frequently encountered in the field during the oyster's gametogenesis stage can impact the next generation

  8. Caracterización del mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida, Venezuela


    Villasmil R., María A.; Andrade, Henry


    Esta investigación trata sobre modelos que permiten caracterizar Mercados Laborales Locales (MLL), ya que en Venezuela el manejo de los mismos es casi inexistente. En este sentido, se plantea como objetivo caracterizar al mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida-Venezuela en función del conocimiento de las particularidades económicas, institucionales, políticas, sociales, educativas y culturales de la zona así como las condiciones que se tengan en materia de empleo, oferta de for...


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    Néstor Juan Sanabria


    Full Text Available Este artículo ofrece una síntesis del estado del arte sobre los temas del desarrollo y es parte integrante de la investigación sobre los pymes y el desarrollo económico. Desde los enfoques clásicos hasta los modelos contemporáneos se ha debatido ampliamente la relación entre crecimiento y desarrollo económico. Para muchos autores el desarrollo está vinculado a los problemas de distribución. Para otros el desarrollo es sinónimo de disminución y eliminación de la pobreza o se resuelve a través de aumentar la producción. Otros enfoques se centran en la importancia de minimizar los costos de transacción o en la generación de una mejor calidad de vida. Ahora bien, las teorías del desarrollo predominantes hasta la década de los ochenta, asumen que el proceso del desarrollo no es más que la ruta de homogenización de los mercados duales. Para otros autores el problema se explica por la diferencia de tecnologías, capital social, capital intelectual y humano. Esta síntesis revisa entre otros enfoques los modelos con los que se ha intentado explicar la peculiaridad del desarrollo en los países del tercer mundo, en las economías en proceso de industrialización y la complejidad del caso particular del desarrollo en Latinoamérica y su modelo de sustitución de importaciones.

  10. Los métodos de fijación del salario en el Uruguay y los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo

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    Álvaro Rodríguez Azcúe


    Full Text Available El salario y la jornada de trabajo han sido en nuestro país, seguramente, los dos temas que forjaron el nacimiento del Derecho del trabajo1. Dentro del primero, el método de fijación del salario predominante, generalmente, refleja algo mucho más amplio que la política salarial de un gobierno. En realidad pone de manifiesto un eje central de la política laboral, o, más aún, una determinada forma de abordar la cuestión social.Por ese motivo nos proponemos analizar el tema a partir de su evolución histórica y de algunos de los particularismos que, en la concepción de Barbagelata, posee el Derecho del trabajo: la subyacencia del conflicto en las relaciones laborales y la significación del tiempo social.En esa perspectiva se confirma, según enseña Ermida Uriarte, el indudable papel protagónico que han desempeñado los Consejos de Salarios en el Derecho del trabajo y el sistema laboral uruguayo.Presentación. Referencia a los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo. Los métodos teóricos de fijación del salario. Evolución histórica de los métodos a la luz de los particularismos. Algunas reflexiones finales

  11. Transcriptomic profiling of gametogenesis in triploid Pacific Oysters Crassostrea gigas: towards an understanding of partial sterility associated with triploidy.

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    Nolwenn M Dheilly

    Full Text Available Triploidy can occur in many animal species but is often lethal. Among invertebrates, amphibians and fishes, triploids are viable although often sterile or infertile. Most triploids of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas are almost sterile (named "3nβ" yet a low but significant proportion show an advanced gametogenesis (named "3nα". These oysters thus constitute an interesting model to study the effect of triploidy on germ cell development. We used microarrays to compare the gonad transcriptomes of diploid 2n and the abovementioned triploid 3nβ and 3nα male and female oysters throughout gametogenesis.All triploids displayed an upregulation of genes related to DNA repair and apoptosis and a downregulation of genes associated with cell division. The comparison of 3nα and 3nβ transcriptomes with 2n revealed the likely involvement of a cell cycle checkpoint during mitosis in the successful but delayed development of gonads in 3nα individuals. In contrast, a disruption of sex differentiation mechanisms may explain the sterility of 3nβ individuals with 3nβ females expressing male-specific genes and 3nβ males expressing female-specific genes.The disruption of sex differentiation and mitosis may be responsible for the impaired gametogenesis of triploid Pacific oysters. The function of the numerous candidate genes identified in our study should now be studied in detail in order to elucidate their role in sex determination, mitosis/meiosis control, pachytene cell cycle checkpoint, and the control of DNA repair/apoptosis.

  12. Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) hemocyte are not affected by a mixture of pesticides in short-term in vitro assays. (United States)

    Moreau, Pierrick; Burgeot, Thierry; Renault, Tristan


    Pesticides are frequently detected in estuaries among the pollutants found in estuarine and coastal areas and may have major ecological consequences. They could endanger organism growth, reproduction, or survival. In the context of high-mortality outbreaks affecting Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, in France since 2008, it appears of importance to determine the putative effects of pesticides on oyster susceptibility to infectious agents. Massive mortality outbreaks reported in this species, mainly in spring and summer, may suggest an important role played by the seasonal use of pesticides and freshwater input in estuarine areas where oyster farms are frequently located. To understand the impact of some pesticides detected in French waters, their effects on Pacific oyster hemocytes were studied through short-term in vitro experiments. Bivalve immunity is mainly supported by hemocytes eliminating pathogens by phagocytosis and producing compounds including lysosomal enzymes and antimicrobial molecules. In this study, oyster hemocytes were incubated with a mixture of 14 pesticides and metaldehyde alone, a molecule used to eliminate land mollusks. Hemocyte parameters including dead/alive cells, nonspecific esterase activities, intracytoplasmic calcium, lysosome number and activity, and phagocytosis were monitored by flow cytometry. No significant effect of pesticides tested at different concentrations was reported on oyster hemocytes maintained in vitro for short-term periods in the present study. It could be assumed that these oyster cells were resistant to pesticide exposure in tested conditions and developing in vivo assays appears as necessary to better understand the effects of pollutants on immune system in mollusks.

  13. Counting the dead to determine the source and transmission of the marine herpesvirus OsHV-1 in Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Whittington, Richard J; Paul-Pont, Ika; Evans, Olivia; Hick, Paul; Dhand, Navneet K


    Marine herpesviruses are responsible for epizootics in economically, ecologically and culturally significant taxa. The recent emergence of microvariants of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas has resulted in socioeconomic losses in Europe, New Zealand and Australia however, there is no information on their origin or mode of transmission. These factors need to be understood because they influence the way the disease may be prevented and controlled. Mortality data obtained from experimental populations of C. gigas during natural epizootics of OsHV-1 disease in Australia were analysed qualitatively. In addition we compared actual mortality data with those from a Reed-Frost model of direct transmission and analysed incubation periods using Sartwell's method to test for the type of epizootic, point source or propagating. We concluded that outbreaks were initiated from an unknown environmental source which is unlikely to be farmed oysters in the same estuary. While direct oyster-to-oyster transmission may occur in larger oysters if they are in close proximity (< 40 cm), it did not explain the observed epizootics, point source exposure and indirect transmission being more common and important. A conceptual model is proposed for OsHV-1 index case source and transmission, leading to endemicity with recurrent seasonal outbreaks. The findings suggest that prevention and control of OsHV-1 in C. gigas will require multiple interventions. OsHV-1 in C. gigas, which is a sedentary animal once beyond the larval stage, is an informative model when considering marine host-herpesvirus relationships.

  14. Thiol oxidation of hemolymph proteins in oysters Crassostrea brasiliana as markers of oxidative damage induced by urban sewage exposure. (United States)

    Trevisan, Rafael; Flores-Nunes, Fabrício; Dolores, Euler S; Mattos, Jacó J; Piazza, Clei E; Sasaki, Sílvio T; Taniguchi, Satie; Montone, Rosalinda C; Bícego, Márcia C; Dos Reis, Isis M M; Zacchi, Flávia L; Othero, Bárbara N M; Bastolla, Camila L V; Mello, Danielle F; Fraga, Ana Paula M; Wendt, Nestor; Toledo-Silva, Guilherme; Razzera, Guilherme; Dafre, Alcir L; de Melo, Cláudio M R; Bianchini, Adalto; Marques, Maria R F; Bainy, Afonso C D


    Urban sewage is a concerning issue worldwide, threatening both wildlife and human health. The present study investigated protein oxidation in mangrove oysters (Crassostrea brasiliana) exposed to seawater from Balneário Camboriú, an important tourist destination in Brazil that is affected by urban sewage. Oysters were exposed for 24 h to seawater collected close to the Camboriú River (CAM1) or 1 km away (CAM2). Seawater from an aquaculture laboratory was used as a reference. Local sewage input was marked by higher levels of coliforms, nitrogen, and phosphorus in seawater, as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), and fecal steroid in sediments at CAM1. Exposure of oysters to CAM1 caused marked bioaccumulation of LABs and decreased PAH and PCB concentrations after exposure to both CAM1 and CAM2. Protein thiol oxidation in gills, digestive gland, and hemolymph was evaluated. Lower levels of reduced protein thiols were detected in hemolymph from CAM1, and actin, segon, and dominin were identified as targets of protein thiol oxidation. Dominin susceptibility to oxidation was confirmed in vitro by exposure to peroxides and hypochlorous acid, and 2 cysteine residues were identified as potential sites of oxidation. Overall, these data indicate that urban sewage contamination in local waters has a toxic potential and that protein thiol oxidation in hemolymph could be a useful biomarker of oxidative stress in bivalves exposed to contaminants. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:1833-1845. © 2016 SETAC. © 2016 SETAC.

  15. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  16. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  17. Indicadores de desempeño del sistema de riego del Rio Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prieto, D.; Angella, G.; Angueira, M.C.; Pérez Carrera, A.; Moscuzza, C.


    Mucha atención se ha puesto en el estudio del desempeño de los sistemas de riego a partir de la década de 1990, al tomarse conciencia de los bajos resultados de muchos de ellos, y su impacto ambiental negativo. El Sistema de Riego del Río Dulce en Santiago del Estero (PRD), no es la excepción,

  18. La motivación del veredicto en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo


    Vegas Torres, Jaime


    1. Introducción. 2. Alcance de la exigencia de motivación del veredicto. 2.1. Extensión de la motivación. 2.1.1. Hechos no controvertidos. 2.1.2. Hechos que el jurado encuentra no probados. 2.2. Profundidad de la motivación. 2.2.1. Admisibilidad de la explicación conjunta de todas las respuestas del jurado a las cuestiones del objeto del veredicto. 2.2.2. Contenido de la motivación. 3. Motivación del veredicto y prueba por indicios. 3.1. Motivación del veredicto basado en prueba de indicios. ...

  19. Cellular and biochemical responses of the oyster Crassostrea gigas to controlled exposures to metals and Alexandrium minutum

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haberkorn, Hansy; Lambert, Christophe; Le Goïc, Nelly [Laboratoire des Sciences de l‘Environnement Marin, UMR 6539, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Copernic, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, 29280 Plouzané (France); Quéré, Claudie [IFREMER Centre de Brest, Laboratoire de Physiologie des Invertébrés, Unité Physiologie Fonctionnelle des Organismes Marins, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané (France); Bruneau, Audrey; Riso, Ricardo; Auffret, Michel [Laboratoire des Sciences de l‘Environnement Marin, UMR 6539, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Copernic, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, 29280 Plouzané (France); Soudant, Philippe, E-mail: [Laboratoire des Sciences de l‘Environnement Marin, UMR 6539, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Place Copernic, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, 29280 Plouzané (France)


    Highlights: •Oysters, C. gigas, were exposed to both metals and PST-producer A. minutum. •Oysters exposed to metals accumulated about thirty-six times less PSTs. •Exposure to both metals and A. minutum induced antagonistic or synergetic effects. -- Abstract: Effects of simultaneous exposure of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, to both a harmful dinoflagellate that produces Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST), Alexandrium minutum, and cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu), were assessed. Oysters were exposed to a mix of Cd–Cu with two different diets (i.e. A. minutum or Tisochrysis lutea) and compared to control oysters fed A. minutum or T. lutea, respectively, without metal addition. Metals and PST accumulations, digestive gland lipid composition, and cellular and biochemical hemolymph variables were measured after 4 days of exposure. Oysters exposed to Cd–Cu accumulated about thirty-six times less PSTs than oysters exposed to A. minutum alone. Exposure to Cd–Cu induced significant changes in neutral lipids (increase in diacylglycerol – DAG – and decrease in sterols) and phospholipids (decreases in phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, cardiolipin and ceramide aminoethylphosphonate) of digestive gland suggesting that lipid metabolism disruptions and/or lipid peroxidation have occurred. Simultaneously, concentrations, percentages of dead cells and phenoloxidase activity of hemocytes increased in oysters exposed to metals while reactive oxygen species production of hemocytes decreased. Feeding on the harmful dinoflagellate A. minutum resulted in significant decreases in monoacylglycerol (MAG) and DAG and ether glycerides (EG), as well as significant increases in hemocyte concentration and phagocytic activity as compared to oysters fed T. lutea. Finally, the present study revealed that short-term, simultaneous exposure to Cd–Cu and A. minutum may induce antagonistic (i.e. hemocyte concentration and phagocytosis) or synergic (i.e. DAG content in

  20. Del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz

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    Tomás MAIGI


    Full Text Available En agosto de 1947, habiendo llegado a la excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Teruel rumores de recientes deterioros en el friso pintado del abrigo rupestre del "Charco del Agua Amarga", nos fué requerida oficialmente, por dicha Corporación, la presentación de un informe sobre la realidad de los hechos expuestos, así como el planeamiento de las medidas adecuadas para salvaguardar en forma eficaz, en el futuro, las referidas pinturas.

  1. Concentraciones del activador tisular del plasminógeno y del inhibidor del activador del plasminógeno en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica

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    Beatriz Meneses


    Full Text Available El aumento moderado o severo de Homocisteína (Hcy en sangre y las alteraciones en el sistema fibrinolítico, se asocian con enfermedad vascular que afecta venas y arterias de todos los calibres. Los pacientes con homocistinuria clásica padecen con mucha frecuencia eventos tromboembólicos, que son su principal causa de mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las concentraciones de Hcy, Inhibidor del Activador del Plasminógeno tipo 1 (PAI-1 y Activador tisular del Plasminógeno (tPA en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica, en familiares de éstos y en población control sana.

  2. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (primera parte

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    Juan Pablo Zorrilla


    Full Text Available A partir de la desaparición del sistema Bretton-Woods, y la libre flotación del tipo de cambio, el mundo se volvió más susceptible a todo tipo de riesgos. El presente artículo pretende explicar a los gestores financieros o empresarios interesados en el tema de instrumentos financieros derivados, a conocer lo más relevante y necesario acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio, instrumento útil para cubrir riesgos derivados del tipo de cambio para las empresas que se dedican a importar, exportar o para protegerse de un crédito otorgado en moneda extranjera.

  3. Purification and characterization of a salt-tolerant cellulase from the mangrove oyster, Crassostrea rivularis. (United States)

    An, Tianchen; Dong, Zhu; Lv, Junchen; Liu, Yujun; Wang, Manchuriga; Wei, Shuangshuang; Song, Yanting; Zhang, Yingxia; Deng, Shiming


    A cellulase with wide range of pH resistance and high salt tolerance was isolated from the digestive gland of the oyster Crassostrea rivularis living in mangrove forests. The 27 kDa cellulase named as CrCel was purified 40.6 folds by anion exchange chromatography and extraction from the gel after non-reducing sodium dodecylsufate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The specific activity of the purified cellulase was 23.4 U/mg against carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The N-terminal amino acid sequence of CrCel was determined to be NQKCQANSRV. CrCel preferably hydrolyzes β-1,4-glucosidic bonds in the amorphous parts of cellulose materials and displays degradation activity toward xylan. The Km and Vmax values of CrCel for CMC were determined to be 2.1% ± 0.4% and 73.5 ± 3.3 U mg(-1), respectively. The optimal pH value and temperature of CrCel were 5.5 and 40°C, respectively. The enzyme was stable in a wide range of pH, retaining over 60% activity after incubation for 80 min in the pH range of 3.0-9.0. In addition, CrCel showed remarkable tolerance to salt and remained active at high NaCl concentrations, but also retained over 70% activity after incubation in 0.5-2 M NaCl for up to 24 h. On the basis of the N-terminal sequence alignment and its similar properties to other animal cellulases, CrCel was regarded as a member of glycosyl hydrolase family 45 β-1,4-glucanases. CrCel is the first reported cellulase isolated from mangrove invertebrates, which suggests that it may participate in the assimilation of cellulolytic materials derived from the food sources of the oyster and contribute to the consumption of mangrove primary production. The unique properties of this enzyme make it a potential candidate for further industrial application. © The Author 2015. Published by ABBS Editorial Office in association with Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  4. Calculo del valor en riesgo del futuro de energia e internacionalizacion del sector energetico en Colombia


    Esquivel Fonseca, Leidy Gioanna


    El presente trabajo de grado busca definir cuál es el mejor método para determinar el valor en riesgo del contrato de futuro de energía eléctrica que se transa en Colombia, para cumplir con este objetivo se toma como referencia el marco histórico del VaR y de los futuros seguido de las características de la fijación de precios, la estructura del contrato, que políticas y métodos hay para cubrirse del riesgo y como se realiza en otros países, realizando algunos cálculos de los modelos más trad...



    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete; Alejandra Herrera-Barrantes


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas), silicio foliar, silicio fol...

  6. Environmental parameters influence on the dynamics of total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus densities in Crassostrea virginica harvested from Mexico’s Gulf coast

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    López-Hernández, Karla M.; Pardío-Sedas, Violeta T.; Lizárraga-Partida, Leonardo; Williams, José de J.; Martínez-Herrera, David; Flores-Primo, Argel; Uscanga-Serrano, Roxana; Rendón-Castro, Karla


    Highlights: • V. parahaemolyticus densities in oysters were isolated in spring and winter seasons. • Pathogenic genes abundances varied with environmental parameters seasonal changes. • Water temperature modulated V. parahaemolyticus abundance during reduced salinities. • V. parahaemolyticus with potentially pathogenic genes raises important health issues. - Abstract: The influence of environmental parameters on the total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus seasonal densities in American oysters (Crassostrea virginica) was evaluated for 1 year. Harvesting site A yielded the highest mean densities of V. parahaemolyticus tlh+, tdh+/trh−, tdh−/trh+ and tdh+/trh+ during spring season at 2.57, 1.74, 0.36, and −0.40 log 10 MPN/g, respectively, and tdh+/orf8+ during winter season (0.90 log 10 MPN/g). V. parahaemolyticus tlh+ densities were associated to salinity (R 2 = 0.372, P < 0.022), tdh+/trh+ to turbidity (R 2 = 0.597, P < 0.035), and orf8+ to temperature, salinity, and pH (R 2 = 0.964, P < 0.001). The exposure to salinity and temperature conditions during winter and spring seasons regulated the dynamics of V. parahaemolyticus harboring potentially pathogenic genotypes within the oyster. The adaptive response of V. parahaemolyticus to seasonal environmental changes may lead to an increase in survival and virulence, threatening the seafood safety and increasing the risk of illness

  7. Mangrove oyster (Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1928 farming areas as artificial reefs for fish: A case study in the State of Ceará, Brazil

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    Luiz Eduardo Lima de Freitas


    Full Text Available A type of platform, known as a table, is now being used for mangrove oyster farming. In Fortim, Ceará, Brazil, this activity was begun in June 2000 and covers an area of 50 m² overlying a sand-clay substrate. The present study has the following main objectives: to identify and catalogue the ichthyofauna colonizing the Crassostrea rhizophorae farming platforms; to evaluate ecological aspects, such as the possible correlation between the physical and chemical variables for water quality and the occurrence of the ichthyofauna; and to observe the differences in the fish species found during tidal variations. Specimens were identified and quantified using the linear-transect, visual census methodology. The ichthyofauna observed comprised 3,030 individuals belonging to 28 species and 20 families. Of the 28 species found in the area studied, 14 were marine transients, 12 marine dependent, and only 2 permanent residents. A significant association was observed between the abundance of 11 species and the physical and chemical variables studied. Based on these results, it may be concluded that the platforms act as artificial reefs for the ichthyofauna, being colonized by at least 28 species, and providing protection from predators as well as a source of food and a reproductive substrate.Um tipo de plataforma, conhecido como mesas, estão sendo utilizadas para o cultivo de ostras. Em Fortim, Ceará, este cultivo teve início em junho de 2000 e abrange uma área total de 50m² sobre um substrato argilo-arenoso. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar e catalogar a ictiofauna colonizadora das mesas de cultivo de ostras do mangue (Crassostrea rhizophorae, avaliar aspectos ecológicos tais como as possíveis correlações de parâmetros físico-químicos da água com a ocorrência da ictiofauna, além de observar as diferenças na composição da mesma durante as variações de marés. Os exemplares foram identificados visualmente e quantificados

  8. Competitividad sectorial internacional. Caso: sector del cuero y del calzado

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    Diana Carolina Villegas Álvarez


    Full Text Available El presente escrito se origina en un trabajo de investigación cuya pretensión fue indagar sobre el nivel de competitividad internacional (C.I, del sector del cuero y del calzado colombiano, mediante la aplicación de indicadores que, a partir de la información estadística de las variables de comercio exterior permiten establecer ciertas relaciones que dan cuenta de la importancia del producto en los mercados de los países de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN, seleccionados para la comparación.

  9. Sobre el fragment dels Catasterismes d'Eratòstenes del manuscrit Parisinus Graecus 1310: el nom dels planetes Saturn i Júpiter


    Pàmias i Massana, Jordi


    El ms. Parisinus Graecus 1310 inclou un breu fragment de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, obra atribuïda a Eratòstenes. A banda d'alguna variant respecte del textus receptus, presenta un capítol (43) del tot reelaborat, en què l'excepcional irregularitat de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, pel que fa a les correspondències divines dels dos primers planetes de la nòmina de cinc, ha estat corregida per tal d'adequar els noms dels planetes Faiuou i Faethou a Saturn i a Júpiter respectivament. The man...

  10. Factores de riesgo implicados en el comportamiento agresivo del perro y del gato


    Amat Grau, Marta


    El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de algunos aspectos de la agresividad del perro y del gato. El estudio de la agresividad canina y felina es importante por varios motivos. En primer lugar, los problemas de agresividad del perro y del gato son muy frecuentes y, al menos en los centros de referencia, son el principal problema de comportamiento. La agresividad del perro y del gato también es importante, porque constituye una de las principales causas de eutanasia y abandono de perros ...

  11. Enfermedad del virus del Ébola (Ebola Virus Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast proporciona información general sobre la enfermedad del virus del Ébola y el brote en África Occidental. El programa contiene declaraciones del director de los CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden, así como una breve descripción de las actividades de respuesta de los CDC.


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    J.C. Alberdi Collantes


    Full Text Available La Ley del suelo del País Vasco del 2007 nace con el objeto de favorecer el acceso a una vivienda digna. Sin embargo, en la medida en que apuesta por frenar la especulación y la sostenibilidad del medio legisla sobre el tratamiento que se le ha de aportar al suelo no urbanizable. En este caso, no altera sustancialmente la regulación del suelo rural pero sí incorpora nuevas obligaciones dirigidas a frenar la intensidad de la urbanización en este suelo. Se regula la construcción de nueva vivienda, el desarrollo urbanístico de núcleos y barrios rurales y se obliga a profundizar en la calificación del suelo no urbanizable. La aplicación de los nuevos contenidos quedan en manos de los municipios e instituciones sectoriales y los primeros resultados parecen denotar un cambio de tendencia en municipios que han observado la pérdida de calidad paisajística del medio rural, la creciente especulación y la desagrarización de este entorno.

  13. Evolución del desarrollo del color en sistema modelo de composición similar al dulce de leche. Influencia del tiempo de calentamiento y del Ph

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    Analía Rodríguez Blanco


    Full Text Available El color es un atributo importante en la elección del producto dulce de leche por parte del consumidor. El mismo se desarrolla en el proceso de elaboración debido principalmente a las reacciones de pardeamiento no enzimático, las cuales se ven influenciadas por varios factores. En este trabajo se evaluó el desarrollo de color, con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial como variables tecnológicas, en un sistema modelo compuesto de caseinato, lactosa, sacarosa y agua destilada cuya composición fue similar a la del dulce de leche comercial. El estudio del color se realizó utilizando los parámetros de medición de color del sistema CIELAB y el índice de Kubelka Munk (K/S. Con ambos métodos se constató un aumento significativo del dE*ab y del K/S con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial. Con el sistema CIELAB además se observó una tendencia a disminuir la luminosidad con el tiempo y el aumento del pH inicial, y el aumento de a* con el tiempo.

  14. Acerca del moho (United States)

    El moho forma parte del medio ambiente natural. Afuera del hogar, el moho juega un papel en la naturaleza al desintegrar materias organicas tales como las hojas que se han caido o los arboles muertos. El moho puede crecer adentro del hogar cuando las espor

  15. A Preliminary Study on the Pattern, the Physiological Bases and the Molecular Mechanism of the Adductor Muscle Scar Pigmentation in Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas

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    Wenchao Yu


    Full Text Available The melanin pigmentation of the adductor muscle scar and the outer surface of the shell are among attractive features and their pigmentation patterns and mechanism still remains unknown in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. To study these pigmentation patterns, the colors of the adductor muscle scar vs. the outer surface of the shell on the same side were compared. No relevance was found between the colors of the adductor muscle scars and the corresponding outer surface of the shells, suggesting that their pigmentation processes were independent. Interestingly, a relationship between the color of the adductor muscle scars and the dried soft-body weight of Pacific oysters was found, which could be explained by the high hydroxyl free radical scavenging capacity of the muscle attached to the black adductor muscle scar. After the transcriptomes of pigmented and unpigmented adductor muscles and mantles were studied by RNAseq and compared, it was found that the retinol metabolism pathway were likely to be involved in melanin deposition on the adductor muscle scar and the outer surface of the shell, and that the different members of the tyrosinase or Cytochrome P450 gene families could play a role in the independent pigmentation of different organs.

  16. La teoria del ciclo vitale del risparmio di Modigliani cinquant’anni dopo

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    Mauro Baranzini


    Full Text Available Nei primi anni ’50 Franco Modigliani, insieme a Richard Brumberg e ad Albert Ando, formulò lateoria del ciclo vitale del consumo e del risparmio, che ha riscosso un enorme e indiscussosuccesso per almeno tre decenni. Tuttavia, a partire dai primi anni ’80 la teoria del ciclo vitale èstata criticata in modo sempre più serrato, per almeno quattro ragioni. La prima consistenell’esistenza di una significativa trasmissione intergenerazionale della ricchezza, da ricondurre acause esogene al modello del ciclo vitale. La seconda ragione è rappresentata dalla crescenteevidenza che i ricchi continuano a risparmiare in misura maggiore rispetto ai meno fortunati,come, in effetti, Keynes sosteneva. Il terzo motivo è che vi sono prove sempre più evidenti,almeno nell’Europa occidentale e in Giappone, che le famiglie giovani, durante i venti e i trentaanni di età, risparmiano una quota positiva e crescente del proprio reddito, e ciò si pone indeciso contrasto con la versione originaria della teoria del ciclo vitale. Infine, numerosi lavoriempirici hanno rilevato che i pensionati accantonano una parte elevata del proprio reddito. Ciòimpone un serio ripensamento dell’approccio della teoria del ciclo vitale, che interessa sia l’analisieconomica sia la politica economica.

  17. Organismos de un arrecife fósil (Oligoceno Superior-Mioceno Inferior, del Caribe de Costa Rica

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    Teresita Aguilar Alvarez


    Full Text Available En la localidad de Jesús María, Turrialba, afloran de 12-30 m de calizas arrecifales, areniscas y conglomerados de edad Oligocena Superior-Miocena Inferior, que se asocian con la Formación Punta Pelada. En ésta localidad se registra una de las primeras comunidades arrecifales de la actual región Caribe de Costa Rica y constituye una de las pocas localidades de arrecifes de ésta edad en el área. Los afloramientos se interpretan como parches arrecifales debido a su distribución irregular y a su poca extensión lateral (50m, los cuales se desarrollaron bajo la influencia de diversos procesos: variación en la energía del medio, cambios en el nivel del mar, plataformas angostas, excesiva sedimentación clástica posiblemente desde islas. Se analizaron 460 ejemplares, los cuales corresponden a más de 36 especies, que permitieron hacer una recosnstrucción de la estructura y de las condiciones ambientales en que se desarrollaron. Los arrecifes constituyeron comunidades de baja diversidad: cuatro especies de corales (tres de constructores, 31 especies de moluscos (21 de Gastrópodos: una especie nueva, 14 de carnívoros, tres de herbívoros, tres de hábitos alimenticios desconocidos; 10 especies de Bivalvos: cinco endobentónicos, cinco epibentónicos, algas (representantes de por lo menos tres grupos, equinodermos, foraminíferos, crustáceos. La equidad también es muy baja, principalmente en lo referente a los corales Scleractinia, con un predominio muy marcado de Antiguastrea celullosa (80% de las formas encontradas. Esto permite inferir que se desarrollaron en un ambiente de poca profundidad (50-80 m, muy variable, con influencia ocasional de corrientes marinas fuertes y aporte de sedimentos terrígenos procedentes de islas cercanas.This paper describes the fossils, materials and paleoenvironmental conditions found in some outcrops near the town of Jesús María, Turrialba, Costa Rica. The rock materials (reefal limestone, sandstones

  18. Max Weber o el enigma emocional del origen del capitalismo




    Se analiza el trabajo clave de Max Weber, La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo, desde la perspectiva de la Sociología de las Emociones. Aunque la inclusión de las emociones de los fenómenos sociales es clave para entender la idea de Weber sobre el dogma de la predestinación, los sociólogos han trivializado el papel de la emoción. Tras detallar la creencia de Weber en que el espíritu del capitalismo parte del conocimiento de que el destino del hombre está predeterminado (la ética...

  19. Produccion Gaseosa del Cometa Halley: Erupciones Y Fotodisociacion del Radical OH (United States)

    Silva, A. M.; Mirabel, I. F.


    RESUMEN:En este trabajo informamos la detecci6n de 20 erupciones en la li'nea de =18cm (1667MHz) del radical OH en el Cometa Halley.Las observaciones incluyen todos los monitoreos existentes y se extienden desde 120 dias antes del perihelio hasta 90 dias despues.Se detectan bruscos crecimientos en el flujo medido,hasta un factor 1O,seguidos por decaimientos lentos asociados con la fotodisociaci6n del OH. Se obtuvieron valores para el tiempo de vida fotoquimico del OH y del H2O basandose en el modelo desarrollado previamente por Silva(1988). Esos tiempos de vida estan de acuerdo con predicciones teoricas y con las observaciones en el Ultravioleta, y los resultados, los que son fuertemente dependientes de la velocidad heliocentrica del Coineta (variando hasta un factor 6), han sido calculados para varios rangos de velocidad entre +28 y -28 km/seg. Key wo'L :

  20. Comparative feeding on chlorophyll - rich versus remaining organic matter in bivalve shellfish

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hawkins, A.; Pascoe, P.L.; Parry, H.; Brinsley, M.; Cacciatore, F.; Black, K.; Fang, J.; Smaal, A.C.


    Filter feeding was compared in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, Chinese pleated oyster Crassostrea plicatula, Chinese scallop Chlamys farreri,Manila clam Tapes phillipinarum, razor clam Sinonvacula constricta, and blood


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    Johnny Patricio Bayas Escudero


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de realizar el diagnóstico del sector turístico del cantón Bolívar, se partió, inicialmente, de la identificación de los recursos y atractivos turísticos existentes, asi como su nivel de incidencia en el desarrollo de esta jurisdicción, para posteriormente, proponer los potenciales productos turísticos que permitan la implementación de planes y programas de desarrollo del turismo. Para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos, se realizó una caracterización general del territorio, identificando e inventariando los recursos y atractivos turísticos del cantón, basándose en las fichas de inventario del Ministerio de Turismo y una propuesta de valoración de atractivos que dejaron como resultado un nuevo inventario de atractivos turísticos; se analizó la superestructura turística y la política turística cantonal; se caracterizó la infraestructura y servicios relativos al turismo; se analizó la oferta y demanda turística actual del cantón, determinando y analizando a su vez, la competencia directa que tiene el cantón para el desarrollo de esta actividad, se realizó el análisis FODA del componente turismo del cantón, que permitió proponer estrategias de desarrollo turístico para Bolívar. Se establecieron 13 potencialidades turísticas del cantón, cuantificando y cualificando su carácter y atributos; de los cuales, cuatro se consideran como las más significativas; en base a las potencialidades determinadas se caracterizaron las actividades turísticas potenciales a desarrollarse en base a categorías, redes de producto y niveles de intervención.

  2. Elementos del sistema electoral del Congreso Mexicano

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    Aldo Medina García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un estudio de los componentes del sistema electoral, diseñado por el legislador mexicano para integrar al parlamento federal. Estudio desarrollado a sabiendas de la importancia que reviste el sistema electoral como un medio que permite a los ciudadanos convertir su voto expresado en las urnas en escaños a favor de determinado candidato o partido. En dicho análisis tomamos en cuenta la evolución constitucional del sistema electoral mexicano, la participación de las fuerzas minoritarias en la integración del Senado y de la Cámara de Diputados, la división que se hace del territorio en circunscripciones electorales, la barrera electoral que se fija a los partidos políticos para acceder a la representación en el Parlamento, la fórmula de asignación que se aplica a la votación obtenida, para finalmente concluir que el sistema electoral mexicano es esencialmente mayoritario aun cuando se vista de proporcional.

  3. Dimensión integral e interdisciplinaria del concepto de comportamiento del consumidor


    Gil Hernández, Cleysi Yumara; Torres Estrada, Isabel Cristina; López Torres, Zulima Azeneth


    Este artículo busca analizar el aporte teórico que la economía, la antropología,la psicología, la sociología y la estética hacen al estudio del concepto decomportamiento del consumidor.El estudio del comportamiento del consumidor debe buscar una miradaintegral, que permita, desde diferentes saberes y disciplinas, comprender alsujeto, su entorno y sus prácticas de consumo.El estudio del consumidor no debe supeditarse exclusivamente a los momentosdel consumo; su comprensión implica un análisis ...

  4. Identificación del genotipo del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes portadoras de lesiones cérvico uterinas

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    Alexander Morales Fontaine


    Full Text Available Fundamento: en los últimos años se ha observado un elevado predominio de mujeres infestadas por genotipos del  Virus del Papiloma Humano considerados de alto riesgo por su elevada oncogenicidad.Objetivo: identificar los genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano en pacientes portadoras de este con lesiones cervicales, cuyas biopsias fueron analizadas en el departamento de anatomía patológica, perteneciente al Hospital General Docente ¨Ernesto Guevara de la Serna¨, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2014.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, en 45 pacientes cuyas biopsias fueron tomadas de forma aleatoria de un total de 456 casos en los que se encontraron evidencias histopatológicas de infección por el  Virus del Papiloma Humano, en el período referido período de estudio. Las biopsias fueron enviadas al Laboratorio de Biología Molecular del departamento de Virología del Instituto de Medicina Tropical ´´Pedro Kourí´, a fin de aislar e identificar los tipos de este virus, involucrados en la patogénesis de las lesiones premalignas en estudio. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias dadas por los resultados de la identificación del genotipo del virus aislado enviados desde dicha institución. Los datos se procearon según la estadística descriptiva, mediante el análisis porcentual.Resultados: en el 88,8 % de la muestra se obtuvo infestación por el Virus del Papiloma Humano, de alto riesgo de oncogenicidad, de ellos hay una preponderancia del genotipo 16, con 26 casos (57,7 % seguido del 31 con 12 aislamientos (26,6 % y 2 pacientes presentaron el genotipo 52 para el 4,4 %. El 6,6 % de la muestra resultó estar infestadas por el genotipo 11, el cual es considerado de bajo riesgo y en 2 casos no fue posible realizar la tipificación.Conclusiones: Existió gran predominio de pacientes afectadas por Virus de Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo de oncogenicidad.

  5. Estudio de la relación del ascenso del nivel del Mar Caspio con el regadio en la Cuenca del Mar de Aral


    Vidal Cruz, Rafael


    El nivel del Mar Caspio ha venido subiendo desde mediados de los años 60. Se plantea la conjetura de que este ascenso sea debido al augmento de las extensiones de cultivo situadas en las cuencas de regadío del Mar de Aral. Ello provoca un aumento de humedad atmosférica, que es transportada hacia la cuenca del Mar Caspio. El objetivo de la tesina es estudiar dicha conjetura.

  6. Crassostrea gigas mortality in France: the usual suspect, a herpes virus, may not be the killer in this polymicrobial opportunistic disease

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    Bruno ePetton


    Full Text Available Successive disease outbreaks in oyster (Crassostrea gigas beds in France have resulted in dramatic losses in production, and subsequent decline in the oyster-farming industry. Deaths of juvenile oysters have been associated with the presence of a herpes virus (OsHV-1 µvar and bacterial populations of the genus Vibrio. Although the pathogenicity of OsHV-1 µvar, as well as several strains of Vibrio has been demonstrated by experimental infections, our understanding of the complexity of infections occurring in the natural environment remains limited. In the present study, we use specific-pathogen-free (SPF oysters infected in an estuarine environment to study the diversity and dynamics of cultured microbial populations during disease expression. We observe that rapid Vibrio colonization followed by viral replication precedes oyster death. No correlation was found between the vibrio concentration and viral load in co-infected animals. We show that the quantity of viral DNA is a predictor of mortality, however, in the absence of bacteria, a high load of herpes virus is not sufficient to induce the full expression of the disease. In addition, we demonstrate that juvenile mortalities can occur in the absence of herpes virus, indicating that the herpes virus appears neither essential nor sufficient to cause juvenile deaths; whereas bacteria are necessary for the disease. Finally, we demonstrate that oysters are a reservoir of putative pathogens, and that the geographic origin, age, and cultivation method of oysters influence disease expression.

  7. Crassostrea gigas mortality in France: the usual suspect, a herpes virus, may not be the killer in this polymicrobial opportunistic disease. (United States)

    Petton, Bruno; Bruto, Maxime; James, Adèle; Labreuche, Yannick; Alunno-Bruscia, Marianne; Le Roux, Frédérique


    Successive disease outbreaks in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) beds in France have resulted in dramatic losses in production, and subsequent decline in the oyster-farming industry. Deaths of juvenile oysters have been associated with the presence of a herpes virus (OsHV-1 μvar) and bacterial populations of the genus Vibrio. Although the pathogenicity of OsHV-1 μvar, as well as several strains of Vibrio has been demonstrated by experimental infections, our understanding of the complexity of infections occurring in the natural environment remains limited. In the present study, we use specific-pathogen-free (SPF) oysters infected in an estuarine environment to study the diversity and dynamics of cultured microbial populations during disease expression. We observe that rapid Vibrio colonization followed by viral replication precedes oyster death. No correlation was found between the vibrio concentration and viral load in co-infected animals. We show that the quantity of viral DNA is a predictor of mortality, however, in the absence of bacteria, a high load of herpes virus is not sufficient to induce the full expression of the disease. In addition, we demonstrate that juvenile mortalities can occur in the absence of herpes virus, indicating that the herpes virus appears neither essential nor sufficient to cause juvenile deaths; whereas bacteria are necessary for the disease. Finally, we demonstrate that oysters are a reservoir of putative pathogens, and that the geographic origin, age, and cultivation method of oysters influence disease expression.


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    Full Text Available Se determinaron los valores energéticos de los residuos agroindustriales del departamento del Cauca, mediante análisis del poder calorífico, datos técnicos reportados en las tablas estadísticas del Anuario Estadístico del Sector Agropecuario y Pesquero 2011 y con las expresiones simples presentadas en la metodología de Antolín G.G para el cálculo de variables energéticas.Los valores obtenidos del poder caloríficoen base seca fueron: 116187,97kJ/kgpara bagacillo de caña, 15419,95kJ/kg para polvillo de fique y 15262,18kJ/kg para afrecho de yuca.El valor promediodelas mezcla fue de 15623,35kJ/kg.Se concluye que 15623,35 kJ/kg representa la energía promedio que puede liberarse en un proceso de combustión deestos residuos y es comparable con la energía liberada por otras fuentes de biomasa. El potencial energético del bagacillo de caña con el valor de 163.45TJ/año, contribuye con el 35.73% de la energía, por lo cual ofrece mayores ventajas energéticas en comparación alvalor del afrecho de yuca,que tiene un potencial de 0.91 TJ/año. La mezcla con la mejor característica energética esta compuesta por 33.3% bagacillo de caña, 33.3% polvillo de fique y 33.3% afrecho de yuca y tiene un potencial energético de 48.39 TJ/año.

  9. Habermas y Parsons: La búsqueda del reencantamiento del mundo

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    Full Text Available Se comparan las tradiciones críticas y analíticas a través de un análisis del concepto de Habermas sobre el "universal pragmático" (Comunicación y la evolución de la sociedad y la noción de Talcott Parson del "paradigma de la condición humana" (Teoría de la Acción y la condición humana. Habermas y Parsons insisten fuertemente en el elemento simbólico del lenguaje en la sociedad, tendente al misterio y el reencantamiento de las categorías epistemológicas fundamentales. Sus posiciones deben su identidad y sentido del futuro a la sociedad industrial avanzada. La recuperación por parte de Habermas del diálogo entre las esferas teórica ("universal pragmático" e histórica ("paradigma reconstructivo", rompiendo con las posiciones del marxismo y los creadores de la Escuela de Frankfurt, abren un camino esperanzador para la investigación. Se analiza el normativismo epistemológico oculto del "paradigma de la condición humana" de Parson a través de sus primeros trabajos. El conflicto entre las tradiciones analítica y crítica se atribuye a diferentes grados de énfasis normativo-subjetivos y generativo-intersubjetivos.

  10. La psicología del ejercicio y del deporte en Brasil y América del Sur


    Becker Júnior, Benno


    Es difícil determinar el inicio exacto de la Psicología del Ejercicio y Deporte en un país, mayormente en América del Sur, sin correr el riesgo de cometer varias injusticias, pues estos eventos tienen poca o ninguna divulgación. Los registros oficiales realizados por Feige (1977) muestran que la Psicología del Ejercicio y Deporte, en América del Sur, se inició en Brasil, en 1954 en el Departamento de Árbitros de la Federación Paulista de Fútbol. Ahora está en su quinta década, con 47 anos. Es...

  11. Factores psicosociales del presentismo en trabajadores del Sistema de Salud chileno

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    Aldo Vera-Calzaretta


    Full Text Available Este estudio analizó los factores psicosociales que explicaban el presentismo o deterioro laboral autopercibido asociado a trabajar enfermo. La muestra fue de 676 trabajadores del sistema de salud chileno (84% de mujeres, M = 35.9 anos, en su mayoría enfermeras y técnicos paramédicos. Se aplicó un cuestiona- ˜ rio sociodemográfico, el Job Content Questionnaire, el Effort-Reward Imbalance, el Health Performance Questionnaire y una escala de interferencia del trabajo en la vida familiar. La regresión lineal explicó el 21% de la varianza del deterioro laboral percibido. Este último se asoció a asistir a trabajar enfermo. Los resultados sugieren que el deterioro del desempeno y asistir a trabajar enfermo son dos aspectos del ˜ mismo proceso. El ausentismo por razones de salud, la interferencia del trabajo en la vida familiar y la sintomatología emocional predijeron el deterioro laboral. Éste último se asoció negativamente a trabajar en turnos, controlando edad y salario. Los resultados sugieren que el presentismo es explicado por factores del contexto de trabajo y el conflicto trabajo-familia.

  12. Acciones intersectoriales en la estimulación temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje

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    Déborah Magaly López Salas

    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis del proyecto "Acciones intersectoriales en la estimulación temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje" con el objetivo propiciar un estudio social sobre la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación tecnológica en la dirección de programas para la estimulación del desarrollo de menores en edad preescolar, desde la visión de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Se muestran conceptos afines al tema, necesarios en la comprensión de la idea de reorganización de los servicios vinculados a la estimulación y atención temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje desde la comunidad, con la participación de profesionales de diferentes instituciones, y se demuestra la necesidad de comprender los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad como un campo de acción en la actualidad en Cuba.

  13. Eficacia del difusor de feromona de procesionaria del pino Pherocon PPM®


    Durán, María; Rodrigo Santamalia, Mª Eugenia; Pérez Laorga, Eduardo; Mas i Gisbert, Hugo


    Los resultados de este trabajo forman parte del trabajo de fin de carrera presentado en la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia por Maria Duran Lázaro y dirigido por la Dra. Eugenia Rodrigo Santamalia y Eduardo Perez Laorga con el titulo "Influencia del tipo de trampa en la captura de mariposas de la procesionaria del pino (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff.) en la sierra Calderona" [ES] Se ha ensayado la eficacia de un difusor de la feromona de la procesionaria del pino fabricado por la em...

  14. La luz del origen del universo

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    Casas, Alberto


    Full Text Available Penzias and Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background, a luminous echo of the Big Bang, in 1965. The amount of information encoded in this relic of the early universe is truly extraordinary. At present, the most precise data about the origin and structure of the universe comes from the study of this primordial light, the full potential of which has yet to be explored.En 1965 se descubrió el fondo de radiación de microondas, un eco luminoso de la Gran Explosión (Big Bang. La cantidad de información contenida en esta reliquia del universo primitivo es verdaderamente extraordinaria. En la actualidad los datos más precisos sobre el origen y estructura del universo provienen del estudio de esta luz primigenia, que aún no ha sido explorada en todo su potencial.

  15. Diámetro transverso del cerebelo fetal en la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino


    Salazar de Dugarte, Guillermina


    Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento de la biometría del cerebelo fetal en su diámetro transverso, en los casos con restricción del crecimiento intrauterino. Ambiente: Servicio de Perinatología, Hospital "Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara", Puerto Cabello. Métodos: Estudio transversal, de correlación. En 1 569 fetos se realizó la biometría del diámetro transverso del cerebelo, para la construcción del nomograma del mismo. Se estableció una comparación entre los valores del diámetro transverso del cerebel...

  16. Identificación del genotipo del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes portadoras de lesiones cérvico uterinas


    Alexander Morales Fontaine; Odalys Rufina Peña Pérez; Alicia María Yabor Palomo; Vicente de Jesús Alvarez Yabor


    Fundamento: en los últimos años se ha observado un elevado predominio de mujeres infestadas por genotipos del  Virus del Papiloma Humano considerados de alto riesgo por su elevada oncogenicidad.Objetivo: identificar los genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano en pacientes portadoras de este con lesiones cervicales, cuyas biopsias fueron analizadas en el departamento de anatomía patológica, perteneciente al Hospital General Docente ¨Ernesto Guevara de la Serna¨, en el período comprendido entre...

  17. Cambios en el uso de la ostra perlera Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae en el Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan Changes in the use of the pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae in the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan

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    Adrián Velázquez


    Full Text Available La concha del bivalvo panámico Pinctada mazatlanica fue ampliamente utilizada por las antiguas sociedades del México prehispánico; en las ofrendas enterradas en el Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan se han encontrado alrededor de 600 objetos elaborados con ella, la mayor parte de los cuales proceden de la etapa constructiva IV (1440-1481, lo que llama la atención, ya que para entonces los mexicas no habían logrado conquistar emplazamientos en la costa del Pacífico. En los sucesivos agrandamientos arquitectónicos es notable el descenso en los objetos de la referida ostra, lo cual en principio se explicó por la mayor destrucción que éstos habían sufrido; sin embargo, el hallazgo de varios ricos depósitos en el predio conocido como Casa de las Ajaracas, correspondientes al reinado de Moctezuma II (1502-1521, en los que prácticamente se encuentra ausente la Pinctada mazatlanica, da lugar a nuevas interpretaciones. En el presente trabajo se presentan 2 posibles hipótesis para explicar el hecho anterior.The nacreous shell of the tropical Pacific mollusc Pinctada mazatlanica was widely used by the ancient inhabitants of Mexico. Around 600 pieces made of this shell have been found in offerings buried in the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan. Most of these objects come from the IVth construction stage (1440-1481, prior to the conquest of the Pacific Coast by the Aztecs. It was previously thought that the considerably smaller numbers found in the following stages were due to the greater degree of destruction suffered by the temple. Nevertheless, the almost complete absence of this material in nine offerings found recently corresponding to the VIIth construction stage (1502-1521, raise other possibilities. In this work two different hypotheses are presented to explain this observation.

  18. Parasitological survey of mangrove oyster, Crassostrea rhizophorae, in the Pacoti River Estuary, Ceará State, Brazil. (United States)

    Sabry, Rachel Costa; Gesteira, Tereza Cristina Vasconcelos; Magalhães, Aimê Rachel Magenta; Barracco, Margherita Anna; Guertler, Cristhiane; Ferreira, Liana Pinho; Vianna, Rogério Tubino; da Silva, Patrícia Mirella


    The mangrove oyster, Crassostrea rhizophorae (Bivalvia, Ostreidae) is commonly collected by fisherwomen in the estuaries of the Ceará State (CE), Northeastern Brazil. Despite the socioeconomic importance of this natural resource, there are few studies on the health of the oysters in this region. This study aimed to survey pathological changes in the mangrove oyster C. rhizophorae in the estuary of the Pacoti River, CE. Adult oysters were collected in August 2008 (N=450) and December 2009 (N=450) at three sites of the Pacoti estuary and in 2010 (N=600) samplings were done quarterly at one site which has showed the higher prevalence de Perkinsus. Macroscopical and histological analyses were used to evaluate pathological changes, Ray's Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (RFTM) to detect Perkinsus spp. and polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and DNA sequencing to identify Perkinsus species. In 2009, RFTM assay detected Perkinsus sp. infecting the tissues of C. rhizophorae with low prevalences of 1.3%, 6.7% e 7.3% in sites 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and in 2010, in site 3, prevalence was 2% (12 of 600 oysters). PCR did not confirm any positive case in 2009 and only 5 in 2010. The phylogenetic analyses strongly indicate that the Perkinsus species infecting oysters C. rhizophorae of this study belongs to Perkinsus beihaiensis. The histology confirmed 11 cases of Perkinsus sp. infecting the C. rhizophorae in 2009, and only two cases in 2010. Nematopsis sp. was the protozoan observed with greater prevalence (up 96.7%). Other found protozoa were: Trichodina, Sphenophrya, Ancistrocoma - like and an unknown ovarian parasite. The metazoa found were the polychaete Polydora with high prevalences, a turbellarian, possibly of the genus Urastoma, an unidentified digenean metacercariae and larvae of cestode Tylocephalum. A continuous monitoring of diseases in bivalves from this natural population is recommended, since the phylogenetic analyses indicate the occurrence of P. beihaiensis

  19. Hemolymph chemistry and histopathological changes in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in response to low salinity stress. (United States)

    Knowles, Graeme; Handlinger, Judith; Jones, Brian; Moltschaniwskyj, Natalie


    This study described seasonal differences in the histopathological and hemolymph chemistry changes in different family lines of Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, in response to the stress of an abrupt change to low salinity, and mechanical grading. The most significant changes in pallial cavity salinity, hemolymph chemistry and histopathological findings occurred in summer at low salinity. In summer (water temperature 18°C) at low salinity, 9 (25.7% of full salinity), the mean pallial cavity salinity in oysters at day 3 was 19.8±1.6 (SE) and day 10 was 22.8±1.6 (SE) lower than oysters at salinity 35. Associated with this fall in pallial cavity salinity, mean hemolymph sodium for oysters at salinity 9 on day 3 and 10 were 297.2mmol/L±20(SE) and 350.4mmol/L±21.3(SE) lower than oysters at salinity 35. Similarly mean hemolymph potassium in oysters held at salinity 9 at day 3 and 10 were 5.6mmol/L±0.6(SE) and 7.9mmol/L±0.6 (SE) lower than oysters at salinity 35. These oysters at low salinity had expanded intercellular spaces and significant intracytoplasmic vacuolation distending the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in the alimentary tract and kidney and hemocyte infiltrate (diapedesis) within the alimentary tract wall. In contrast, in winter (water temperature 8°C) oyster mean pallial cavity salinity only fell at day 10 and this was by 6.0±0.6 (SE) compared to that of oysters at salinity 35. There were limited histopathological changes (expanded intercellular spaces and moderate intracytoplasmic vacuolation of renal epithelial cells) in these oysters at day 10 in low salinity. Mechanical grading and family line did not influence the oyster response to sudden low salinity. These findings provide additional information for interpretation of non-lethal, histopathological changes associated with temperature and salinity variation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. The Molecular Differentiation of Anatomically Paired Left and Right Mantles of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Wei, Lei; Xu, Fei; Wang, Yuzhi; Cai, Zhongqiang; Yu, Wenchao; He, Cheng; Jiang, Qiuyun; Xu, Xiqiang; Guo, Wen; Wang, Xiaotong


    Left-right (L-R) asymmetry is controlled by gene regulation pathways for the L-R axis, and in vertebrates, the gene Pitx2 in TGF-β signaling pathway plays important roles in the asymmetrical formation of organs. However, less is known about the asymmetries of anatomically identical paired organs, as well as the transcriptional regulation mechanism of the gene Pitx in invertebrates. Here, we report the molecular biological differences between the left and right mantles of an invertebrate, the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, and propose one possible mechanism underlying those differences. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis indicated that the paired organs showed different gene expression patterns, suggesting possible functional differences in shell formation, pheromone signaling, nerve conduction, the stress response, and other physiological processes. RNA-seq and real-time qPCR analysis indicated high right-side expression of the Pitx homolog (cgPitx) in oyster mantle, supporting a conserved role for Pitx in controlling asymmetry. Methylation-dependent restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (MethylRAD) identified a methylation site in the promoter region of cgPitx and showed significantly different methylation levels between the left and right mantles. This is the first report, to our knowledge, of such a difference in methylation in spiralians, and it was further confirmed in 18 other individuals by using a pyrosequencing assay. The miRNome analysis and the TGF-β receptor/Smad inhibition experiment further supported that several genes in TGF-β signaling pathway may be related with the L/R asymmetry of oyster mantles. These results suggested that the molecular differentiation of the oyster's paired left and right mantles is significant, TGF-β signaling pathway could be involved in establishing or maintaining the asymmetry, and the cgPitx gene as one of genes in this pathway; the different methylation levels in its promoter regions between L/R mantles was

  1. Liderazgo del director y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014


    Velásquez García, Luis Alberto


    El presente estudio se centra en describir cómo se relaciona el liderazgo del director y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014. El nivel de la presente investigación es cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra es probabilística de 117 docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014. Los instrumentos utilizados para observar ...

  2. Consideraciones preliminares entorno del pensamiento pedagógico del Profesor

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    Full Text Available El pensamiento pedagógico del profesor, como un mar insondable, es hoy en día, un referente primordial dentro del devenir propio de la Educación, adquiere sentido a partir de lo que el profesor siente, piensa, dice y hace. Por eso, esta reflexión surge como producto de la necesidad de establecer un miramiento entorno del pensamiento pedagógico del profesor desde algunas tipologías pedagógicas que en marcan la práctica pedagógica del profesor, las cuales sugieren una manera de cómo el profesor asume la pedagogía, y por tanto, se visibiliza en las acciones de aula, en donde ella se piensa desde las posibilidades individuales y colectivas del profesor. En donde la pedagogía es la oportunidad de la reflexión, para aminorar la brecha existente entre la teoría y la práctica, para tejer las relaciones que se enmarcan en los ambientes de aprendizaje; es decir, en ese espacio conceptual, donde estudiantes y profesores son sujetos epistemológicos, éticos y políticos que conforman parte activa de la sociedad.

  3. Microbiological quality and bacterial diversity of the tropical oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae in a monitored farming system and from natural stocks. (United States)

    Silva Neta, M T; Maciel, B M; Lopes, A T S; Marques, E L S; Rezende, R P; Boehs, G


    Microbiological evaluation is one of the most important parameters for analyzing the viability of an oyster farming system, which addresses public health and ecological concerns. Here, the microbiological quality of the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae cultivated in a monitored environment and from natural beds in Bahia, northeastern Brazil, was determined. Bacterial diversity in oysters was measured by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Sequence analysis revealed that most bacterial species showed similarity with uncultured or unidentified bacteria from environmental samples, and were clustered into the phylum Proteobacteria. Diverse bacteria from cultivated (monitored) oyster samples were grouped in the same cluster with a high similarity index (above 79%). Microbiological analyses revealed that these oysters did not contain pathogens. These results reflect the natural balance of the microbial communities essential to the maintenance of health and in inhibiting pathogen colonization in the oyster. On the other hand, bacterial diversity of samples from native stocks in extractive areas displayed a similarity index varying between 55 and 77%, and all samples were clustered separately from each other and from the cluster of samples derived from the cultivation area. Microbiological analyses showed that oysters from the extractive area were not fit for human consumption. This reflected a different composition of the microbial community in this area, probably resulting from anthropic impact. Our study also demonstrated that low temperatures and high rainfall limits the bacterial concentration in tropical oysters. This is the first study analyzing the total bacterial community profiles of the oyster C. rhizophorae.

  4. Parental exposure to the herbicide diuron results in oxidative DNA damage to germinal cells of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Barranger, Audrey; Heude-Berthelin, Clothilde; Rouxel, Julien; Adeline, Béatrice; Benabdelmouna, Abdellah; Burgeot, Thierry; Akcha, Farida


    Chemical pollution by pesticides has been identified as a possible contributing factor to the massive mortality outbreaks observed in Crassostrea gigas for several years. A previous study demonstrated the vertical transmission of DNA damage by subjecting oyster genitors to the herbicide diuron at environmental concentrations during gametogenesis. This trans-generational effect occurs through damage to genitor-exposed gametes, as measured by the comet-assay. The presence of DNA damage in gametes could be linked to the formation of DNA damage in other germ cells. In order to explore this question, the levels and cell distribution of the oxidized base lesion 8-oxodGuo were studied in the gonads of exposed genitors. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV and electrochemical detection analysis showed an increase in 8-oxodGuo levels in both male and female gonads after exposure to diuron. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed the presence of 8-oxodGuo at all stages of male germ cells, from early to mature stages. Conversely, the oxidized base was only present in early germ cell stages in female gonads. These results indicate that male and female genitors underwent oxidative stress following exposure to diuron, resulting in DNA oxidation in both early germ cells and gametes, such as spermatozoa, which could explain the transmission of diuron-induced DNA damage to offspring. Furthermore, immunostaining of early germ cells seems indicates that damages caused by exposure to diuron on germ line not only affect the current sexual cycle but also could affect future gametogenesis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Análisis del efecto del fuego y de la presencia de contaminantes sobre la actividad y biodiversidad microbiana del suelo


    Turmero Hidalgo, Adriana Isabel


    La salud de un suelo se puede definir como la capacidad del mismo para funcionar como un sistema vivo dentro de un ecosistema, sustentar la productividad biológica, promover la calidad ambiental y mantener la salud de plantas, animales y del hombre. El concepto de salud del suelo se relaciona, por tanto, con las características biológicas, químicas y físicas del mismo, que son esenciales para una productividad agrícola sostenible a largo plazo, con un mínimo impacto ambiental. El estudio del...

  6. Efectividad del uso del mate de coca en la reducción del estrés laboral en


    Rivera-Encinas, María Teresa


    Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del uso del mate de coca en la reducción del estrés laboral en administrativos de una universidad y determinar sus principales características sociodemográficas.Material y métodos: Se aplicó el cuestionario para la detección del estrés laboral de la OIT/OMS a dos grupos de trabajadores, experimental (10) y control (10), empleando randomización simple. Se hizo un experimento cruzado en 31 días, utilizando mate de coca y agua para cada grupo. Se utilizó el análi...

  7. Microempresas del sector formal de comercio en Cuernavaca, Morelos, y contratación del capital humano (2000-2006. El aprovechamiento del régimen del riesgo

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    Philippe Dautrey


    Full Text Available Las transformaciones del entorno, como la apertura comercial y la difusión de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC pueden explicar las prácticas nuevas de contratación en las microempresas del sector formal de comercio, el más dinámico en la zona metropolitana de Cuernavaca, capital del estado de Morelos. ¿Cuál es entonces e nivel educativo que requiere el capital humano para ser contratado?, ¿son la competencia comercial y el uso de la informática los únicos factores explicativos de dichas prácticas? De hecho, la extensión del régimen del riesgo global, esto es, el incremento de la precariedad laboral y del desempleo hace que se contrate a personas que sean "empleables" de inmediato, y que parte de la capacitación en el trabajo sea externa, limitándola así a ciertas categorías de trabajadores.

  8. L'ampliamento della teoria del linguaggio letterario e l'analisi del fatto letterario


    Albaladejo Mayordomo, Tomás; Chico Rico, Francisco


    El presente estudio aborda el problema de la ampliación de la teoría del lenguaje literario hacia lo que podemos llamar una «teoría del hecho literario» a lo largo del siglo XX. Dicha ampliación ha tenido lugar gracias al desarrollo de la Poética lingüística como teoría del texto literario de amplitud semiótica y abarcadora, por tanto, del conjunto del hecho literario y mediante el empleo de otras perspectivas teórico-críticas de raigambre no lingüístico-inmanentista que potencian la atención...

  9. Reconstrucción del enfoque del aumento y generación del efectivo para la Pyme de manufactura

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    Igor Rivera González


    Full Text Available Este artículo parte de la hipótesis de que el aumento continuo del efectivo es el objetivo principal dentro de las pequeñas y medianas empresas privadas de manufactura3. Nuestra finalidad es realizar una propuesta teórica acerca de cómo definir la paramétrica referida al aumento del efectivo en un periodo a través del análisis de la forma en que se genera el efectivo dentro de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pyme de trasformación; para ello, se resalta la importancia de tres elementos clave que intervienen en la generación del efectivo: a el proceso de transformación, b la optimización del flujo de materiales y de información y c la creación de valor.

  10. del alcoholismo

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    Rodrigo Arias Duque


    Full Text Available Desde el punto de vista farmacológico, es importante comprender qué es el alcohol y cómo actúa en el organismo. No existe una causa simple, sino una interacción complicada de factores neuroquímicos, fisiológicos, psicológicos y sociales que originan y desarrollan esta grave enfermedad fármaco-dependiente. La acción psicofisiológica y farmacodinámica del alcohol es fundamentalmente depresiva, por la reducción de la transmisión sináptica en el sistema nervioso humano. Es un hecho conocido que el consumo excesivo de alcohol causa una disfunción aguda y crónica del cerebro, produciendo trastornos en el sistema nervioso central, presentando alteraciones en la memoria y en las funciones intelectuales como cálculo, comprensión y aprendizaje. A nivel hepático tiene lugar, en su mayoría, el metabolismo del alcohol, produciéndose un hígado graso alcohólico, aumentando el tamaño, terminando en necrosis e inflamación grave del hígado; esto se llama hepatitis alcohólica, y si se sigue consumiendo alcohol se desarrollará la cirrosis. El alcohol también ha estado relacionado con alteraciones del miocardio; se ha constatado en animales de experimentación sanos que tanto la velocidad de contracción del músculo cardiaco y su máxima tensión disminuyen en presencia del alcohol, como consecuencia, la fuerza de cada contracción y el aumento de presión en el ventrículo izquierdo son menores, perdiendo eficacia el corazón como bomba.

  11. La aplicación del principio del equilibrio económico a contratos estatales sometidos al régimen normativo del derecho privado

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    Manuela Canal-Silva


    Full Text Available En vista de la importancia del equilibrio económico del contrato dentro del marco de la contratación pública, el presente artículo pretende demostrar la procedencia de su aplicación a los contratos estatales sometidos al régimen del derecho privado. Mediante la reflexión y el estudio de la jurisprudencia sobre el tema se presentarán los principales motivos expuestos por las providencias que apoyan la tesis planteada. Se exponen así los temas del interés colectivo y los preceptos constitucionales como bases de este principio del equilibrio económico. Para luego examinar la conmutatividad del contrato y el debate frente a la consideración del equilibrio económico como un principio transversal al derecho público y privado.

  12. Imaginarios persistentes en las narrativas sobre la invasión del Tawantinsuyu : estudio del caso del secuestro y magnicidio del Hanan Inka Atawallpa, ocurridos en Cajamarca (Perú: 1532 y 1533)


    Ontiveros, Asunción


    Ontiveros, Asunción. (2015). Imaginarios persistentes en las narrativas sobre la invasión del Tawantinsuyu. Estudio del caso del secuestro y magnicidio del Hanan Inka Atawallpa, ocurridos en Cajamarca (Perú: 1532 y 1533) (Tesis de posgrado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina: Repositorio Institucional Digital de Acceso Abierto. Disponible en: La producción de narrativas y o formas simbólicas relacionadas a los acontecimientos del secuestro y m...

  13. Ostreid herpesvirus OsHV-1 μVar in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793) of the Wadden Sea, a UNESCO world heritage site. (United States)

    Gittenberger, A; Voorbergen-Laarman, M A; Engelsma, M Y


    The Wadden Sea is an extensive wetland area, recognized as UNESCO world heritage site of international importance. Since the mid-1990s, the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793) population in the area has grown exponentially, having a distinct impact on the ecosystem. The recent spread of the emerging oyster pathogen Ostreid herpesvirus OsHV-1 μVar worldwide and specifically in the oyster culture areas in the south of the Netherlands raised the question whether the virus may also be present in the Wadden Sea. In the summer of 2012 juvenile Pacific oysters were collected from five locations in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The virus was shown to be present in three of the five locations by real-time PCR and sequencing. It was concluded that OsHV-1 μVar has settled itself in Pacific oyster reefs in the Wadden Sea. These results and the recent discoveries of OsHV-1 microvariants in Australia and Korea indicate that OsHV-1 μVar and related variants might be more widespread than can be deduced from current literature. In particular in regions with no commercial oyster culture, similar to the Wadden Sea, the virus may go undetected as wild beds with mixed age classes hamper the detection of mortality among juvenile oysters. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Determinantes del acceso al internet: Evidencia de los hogares del Ecuador


    Botello-Peñaloza, Héctor Alberto


    El objetivo del artículo se centra en investigar los determinantes del uso de Iinternet en los hogares ecuatorianos en 2013, incorporando sus características socioeconómicas dentro de un modelo de elección discreta que realiza estimaciones sobre la probabilidad del uso de internet dentro del hogar con base en los microdatos de la encuesta de uso de TIC. Los principales hallazgos sugieren que el ingreso y el grado de educación de los individuos ejercen las mayores influencias positivas en el u...



    Johnny Patricio Bayas Escudero; Carmen Adriana Álvarez Bermúdez; David Reinaldo García Moreira; José Rafael Vera Vera


    Con el propósito de realizar el diagnóstico del sector turístico del cantón Bolívar, se partió, inicialmente, de la identificación de los recursos y atractivos turísticos existentes, asi como su nivel de incidencia en el desarrollo de esta jurisdicción, para posteriormente, proponer los potenciales productos turísticos que permitan la implementación de planes y programas de desarrollo del turismo. Para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos, se realizó una caracterización general del territorio, ...

  16. Alcance del principio de eficacia directa del derecho comunitario andino en el ámbito de la propiedad industrial y del derecho del consumidor en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano


    Pachón Guerrero, Juan Sebastián


    Tesis sobre el alcance del principio de eficacia directa del derecho comunitario andino en el ámbito de la propiedad industrial y del derecho del consumidor en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano Thesis related to the scope of the principle of direct effectiveness of andean community law in the field of industrial property and consumer law in the Colombian legal system

  17. Acerca del nombre del Perú en la actual Colombia

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    Juan Friede


    Full Text Available Como es sabido, la adaptación del nombre "Perú" al Imperio Incaico es de origen netamente español. Los indios del Perú no llamaban así a su territorio, como lo confirman Valera, Cieza de León, Montesinos, Garcilaso y otros. Tenían nombres para designar las distintas provincias pero no para la totalidad del imperio de los incas.

  18. Consistencia interna del cuestionario autoadministrado de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para Trastornos del Eje II del DSM-IV*


    Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Díaz-Martínez, Luis Alfonso; Barros-Bermúdez, Jaider Alfonso


    Introducción: Es infrecuente identificar posibles casos de trastornos de personalidad en la población general, debido a la carencia de instrumentos autoadministrados con buena validez y confiabilidad. Hasta la fecha no se ha explorado la confiabilidad del cuestionario autoadministrado de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para Diagnósticos del eje II (SDID-II) del DSM-IV en la población colombiana. Objetivo: Determinar la consistencia interna de las subescalas del cuestionario autoadministrad...

  19. Determinantes en el proceso del despliegue del valor para la innovación

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    Juan Mejía Trejo


    Full Text Available El estudio tiene como objetivo hallar las determinantes en el proceso del despliegue del valor para la innovación de productos. la metodología, basada en investigación documental, descubre tres áreas: I: qfd modificado, donde se consideran las percepciones ponderadas del consumidor de necesidades, satisfacción y desempeño de los diferentes atributos y características de los productos y servicios a través de voces denominadas: del consumidor, la mercadotecnia, la tecnología, los requerimientos y la firma; área II: valorprecio y costo de retención del consumidor, en la que se calcula el precio justo del producto objetivo a innovar respecto de sus competidores y costo de retener al consumidor; área III: difusión de la innovación, que permite visualizar el mercado de adoptadores del producto objetivo a innovar. El proceso es posible visualizarlo en un solo plano, por lo que se propone su denominación como despliegue del valor para la innovación de productos (dvip.

  20. Análisis del documental “Las raices del conflicto: Palestina- Israel”


    Espinosa Seguí, Ana


    El documental "Las raices del conflicto: Palestina- Israel" nos va a servir para analizar diversos elementos del conflicto entre Israel y Palestina, como la evolución histórica del conflicto, las fronteras exteriores e interiores de Israel y Palestina, los conflictos de Israel con los países vecinos, el conflicto por el agua, la creación del estado de Israel y su crecimiento posterior o el problema de los refugiados palestinos.

  1. Vigencia del Darwinismo


    Lessa, Enrique P


    En este ensayo se presenta una revisión histórica del signifcado y legado del darwinismo, con énfasis en el último siglo. La principal conclusión es que la visión darwiniana de la evolución, con las modifcaciones requeridas para dar cuenta de los grandes desarrollos de la disciplina, se ha impuesto y mantiene vigencia en nuestros días. En particular, el papel del azar, la evolución como proceso de “descendencia con modifcación” a lo largo de diversas ramas del árbol de la vida, el pensamiento...

  2. Determinantes del acceso al internet: Evidencia de los hogares del Ecuador

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    Héctor Alberto Botello-Peñaloza


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo se centra en investigar los determinantes del uso de Iinternet en los hogares ecuatorianos en 2013, incorporando sus características socioeconómicas dentro de un modelo de elección discreta que realiza estimaciones sobre la probabilidad del uso de internet dentro del hogar, con base en los microdatos de la encuesta de uso de TIC. Los principales hallazgos sugieren que el ingreso y el grado de educación de los individuos ejercen las mayores influencias positivas en el uso de internet, al igual que se evidencian brechas significativas de género, con un asentamiento en las áreas rurales más que en las urbanas, especialmente por la falta de infraestructura. Estos resultados destacan la importancia de la intervención pública en el aumento del acceso a las nuevas tecnologías, a la vez que el papel del capital humano en la reducción de las brechas sociales en Ecuador.



    Angel Cristian Mera Macías; Daniela Vera Vélez


    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo la creación e implementación de un sistema informático para la gestión del talento humano del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Bolívar. Durante el estudio se determinó cómo la organización en mención gestiona la información del talento humano y la manera en la que se podría mejorar dicha tarea, es así que mediante la aplicación de encuestas a los clientes internos y externos se determinó que existían dificultades en dicho pr...

  4. El movimiento estudiantil chileno del 2011 en intervenciones discursivas del Presidente Piñera

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    Claudio Araya Seguel


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra evidencia lingüístico-discursiva del intento del Presidente Piñera por acallar las influencias sociales del movimiento estudiantil chileno del año 2011. Desde una mirada crítica se da cuenta del comportamiento discursivo de este hablante en el marco del primer conflicto social que enfrentó el nuevo gobierno de derecha en Chile. El valor teórico-metodológico de este estudio radica en la mirada triangular a las intervenciones discursivas. A través del análisis de un corpus de cuatro intervenciones presidenciales desde las perspectivas de las funciones estratégicas del discurso político, la teoría de la valoración y la lingüística de corpus se observa cómo Piñera deslegitima al movimiento social asociando las demandas referidas a educación con la violencia y el desorden público generado en el contexto de las crecientes marchas a lo largo del país.

  5. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) (United States)

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  6. Proteomic and metabolomic responses of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to elevated pCO2 exposure. (United States)

    Wei, Lei; Wang, Qing; Wu, Huifeng; Ji, Chenglong; Zhao, Jianmin


    The gradually increased atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) has thrown the carbonate chemistry off balance and resulted in decreased seawater pH in marine ecosystem, termed ocean acidification (OA). Anthropogenic OA is postulated to affect the physiology of many marine calcifying organisms. However, the susceptibility and metabolic pathways of change in most calcifying animals are still far from being well understood. In this work, the effects of exposure to elevated pCO2 were characterized in gills and hepatopancreas of Crassostrea gigas using integrated proteomic and metabolomic approaches. Metabolic responses indicated that high CO2 exposure mainly caused disturbances in energy metabolism and osmotic regulation marked by differentially altered ATP, glucose, glycogen, amino acids and organic osmolytes in oysters, and the depletions of ATP in gills and the accumulations of ATP, glucose and glycogen in hepatopancreas accounted for the difference in energy distribution between these two tissues. Proteomic responses suggested that OA could not only affect energy and primary metabolisms, stress responses and calcium homeostasis in both tissues, but also influence the nucleotide metabolism in gills and cytoskeleton structure in hepatopancreas. This study demonstrated that the combination of proteomics and metabolomics could provide an insightful view into the effects of OA on oyster C. gigas. The gradually increased atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) has thrown the carbonate chemistry off balance and resulted in decreased seawater pH in marine ecosystem, termed ocean acidification (OA). Anthropogenic OA is postulated to affect the physiology of many marine calcifying organisms. However, the susceptibility and metabolic pathways of change in most calcifying animals are still far from being understood. To our knowledge, few studies have focused on the responses induced by pCO2 at both protein and metabolite levels. The pacific oyster C. gigas, widely distributed

  7. Transcriptional changes in Crassostrea gigas oyster spat following a parental exposure to the herbicide diuron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rondon, R.; Akcha, F.; Alonso, P.; Menard, D.; Rouxel, J.; Montagnani, C.; Mitta, G.; Cosseau, C.; Grunau, C.


    Highlights: • Remodeling of the transcriptome of the offspring of oysters exposed to diuron (838 gene which expression is modulated). • Functions related to cytoskeleton organization, translation, ATP synthesis were activated. • Functions linked to transcription and protein degradation were altered. • Up-regulation of genes involved in energy production, protein synthesis and mitosis. • Catch-up growth phenomenon could allow the spats to compensate for slower growth. - Abstract: The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the main oyster species produced in the world, and a key coastal economic resource in France. High mortalities affect Pacific oysters since 2008 in France and Europe. Their origins have been attributed to a combination of biotic and abiotic factors, underlining the importance of environment quality. The impact of water pollution has been pointed out and one of the pollutants, the genotoxic herbicide diuron, occurs at high concentrations all along the French coasts. Previous work has revealed that a parental exposure to diuron had a strong impact on hatching rates and offspring development even if spats were not exposed to diuron themselves. In this study, we explored for the first time the transcriptional changes occurring in oyster spats (non exposed) originating from genitors exposed to an environmentally relevant concentration of diuron during gametogenesis using the RNAseq methodology. We identified a transcriptomic remodeling revealing an effect of the herbicide. Different molecular pathways involved in energy production, translation and cell proliferation are particularly disturbed. This analysis revealed modulated candidate genes putatively involved in response to oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in offspring of genitors exposed to diuron. Complementary measures of the activity of enzymes involved in these latter processes corroborate the results obtained at the transcriptomic level. In addition, our results suggested an

  8. Transcriptional changes in Crassostrea gigas oyster spat following a parental exposure to the herbicide diuron

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rondon, R. [Ifremer, IHPE UMR 5244, Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier, F-34095 Montpellier (France); Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia, IHPE UMR 5244, CNRS, IFREMER, Univ. Montpellier, F-66860 Perpignan (France); Akcha, F. [Ifremer, Department of Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Rue de l’ile d’Yeu, BP 21105, 44311 Nantes Cedex 03 (France); Alonso, P. [CNRS, IHPE UMR 5244, Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia, IFREMER, Univ. Montpellier, F-34095 Montpellier (France); Menard, D.; Rouxel, J. [Ifremer, Department of Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Rue de l’ile d’Yeu, BP 21105, 44311 Nantes Cedex 03 (France); Montagnani, C., E-mail: [Ifremer, IHPE UMR 5244, Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia, CNRS, Univ. Montpellier, F-34095 Montpellier (France); Mitta, G.; Cosseau, C.; Grunau, C. [Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia, IHPE UMR 5244, CNRS, IFREMER, Univ. Montpellier, F-66860 Perpignan (France)


    Highlights: • Remodeling of the transcriptome of the offspring of oysters exposed to diuron (838 gene which expression is modulated). • Functions related to cytoskeleton organization, translation, ATP synthesis were activated. • Functions linked to transcription and protein degradation were altered. • Up-regulation of genes involved in energy production, protein synthesis and mitosis. • Catch-up growth phenomenon could allow the spats to compensate for slower growth. - Abstract: The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is the main oyster species produced in the world, and a key coastal economic resource in France. High mortalities affect Pacific oysters since 2008 in France and Europe. Their origins have been attributed to a combination of biotic and abiotic factors, underlining the importance of environment quality. The impact of water pollution has been pointed out and one of the pollutants, the genotoxic herbicide diuron, occurs at high concentrations all along the French coasts. Previous work has revealed that a parental exposure to diuron had a strong impact on hatching rates and offspring development even if spats were not exposed to diuron themselves. In this study, we explored for the first time the transcriptional changes occurring in oyster spats (non exposed) originating from genitors exposed to an environmentally relevant concentration of diuron during gametogenesis using the RNAseq methodology. We identified a transcriptomic remodeling revealing an effect of the herbicide. Different molecular pathways involved in energy production, translation and cell proliferation are particularly disturbed. This analysis revealed modulated candidate genes putatively involved in response to oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage in offspring of genitors exposed to diuron. Complementary measures of the activity of enzymes involved in these latter processes corroborate the results obtained at the transcriptomic level. In addition, our results suggested an

  9. Resultados del tratamiento a pacientes con tríada terrible del codo

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    Héctor Gabriel Díaz Carrillo


    Full Text Available La luxación del codo, asociada a la fractura del proceso coronoideo y a la fractura de la cabeza radial, es denominada “tríada terrible del codo”, debido a la complejidad al abordar el tratamiento correcto y lo desalentador de los resultados que se obtienen con el mismo. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, donde se recogen los resultados postoperatorios, obtenidos en cuatro pacientes con inestabilidad traumática aguda del codo, tratados entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2013, que acudieron inicialmente al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de La Serna” y tuvieron un seguimiento medio de ocho meses. El proceder consistió en reparación de la coronoides, del ligamento lateral externo, reparación de la cúpula radial, cupulectomía y colocación de pin endomedular; la técnica operatoria a emplear se definió por los estudios radiográficos realizados y los hallazgos en el transcurso del proceder. Los pacientes, tres hombres y una mujer, tuvieron cinco codos lesionados y un promedio de edad de 34 años. Como resultado del tratamiento la flexión fue normal entre 130-135° en 4 codos y limitada en uno a 110°, la extensión se encontró limitada de 8 a 21° en todos los pacientes, la pronosupinación se mantuvo limitada en todos los casos entre 5 y 22°. La intervención quirúrgica mediante fijación y reparación de los estabilizadores del codo proporcionó a corto plazo una funcionabilidad del codo cercana a la normalidad, los pacientes evolucionaron positivamente. Las complicaciones fueron: reluxación, infección local y aflojamiento de la osteosíntesis

  10. Gerencia del cuidado-gerencia del servicio

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    Marta Palmet Jiménez


    Full Text Available La gerencia de este siglo debe estar plenamente identificada con la administración para planear, organizar, decidir y obtener resultados definidos, evaluados y alcanzados a través de las personas. Para poder gerenciar el cuidado se debe saber administrar. El objetivo de enfermería es cuidar; el objetivo de la gerencia es la conducción de la producción de bienes o servicios en las organizaciones. La gerencia del cuidado implica: motivación, creatividad, responsabilidad y ética por parte del cuidador y de quien cuida, claridad de actitud frente al ser y al qué hacer por parte del cuidador. Se puede concluir que la gerencia (administración, el cuidado (producto de calidad, el servicio (valor intangible, querer servir son un trinomio que deben ir de la mano de manera integrada para el logro de los objetivos propuestos por la organización de salud y de enfermería.


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    Marimon Viadiu, Frederic


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza diferentes elementos que influyen en el comportamiento de compra del cliente de un supermercado online. Estos elementos están relacionados tanto con aspectos estéticos del sitio web, como con los procesos que tienen lugar en el momento de realizar la compra. A partir de este análisis, se estudian los distintos grupos de consumidores con comportamientos homogéneos y se posicionan en función de sus actitudes. El análisis también permite definir la calidad del servicio prestado por este tipo de establecimientos, así como las principales dimensiones en que se despliega. En las conclusiones se citan aspectos en los que el gestor de un supermercado online debe incidir para mejorar la calidad de su servicio.

  12. Guía del investigador americanista para San Luís del Potosí novohispano


    Montoya, Ramón Alejandro


    El trabajo aborda uno de los temas menos abarcados por la historiografía del norte de la Nueva España : la familiarización de la heurística sobre una región minera septentrional del México Colonial. El objetivo del trabajo es dar a conocer las vetas documentales para los estudiosos del norte de la Nueva España y no necesariamente de la jurisdicción de San Luis Potosí. Para eso proponemos una enumeración detallada de acervos y colecciones documentales del interior del país y del extranjero con...

  13. Agendas visuales y procesos, elementos básicos en la vida del alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo


    Rodríguez Molino, Joana


    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado comienza haciendo un repaso de las definiciones y características asociadas a los Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo para poder considerar las pautas de intervención más acertadas a seguir con este alumnado. También se hace hincapié en los Sistemas Alternativos y Aumentativos de Comunicación como medio de comunicación y aprendizaje para estos niños/as. Se presenta una propuesta de intervención educativa llevada a cabo con un niño con Trastorno del Espectro del A...

  14. Asociación del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación con otros trastornos del desarrollo infantil en la ciudad de Cali


    Riascos Alpala, Alexander; Velez Correa, Diana Lizeth; Acosta Alvarez, Yuri Andrea


    INTRODUCCION. El trastorno del Desarrollo de la Coordinación TDC en la infancia es una problemática importante desde la salud pública, ya que tiene repercusiones importantes desde las diferentes esferas del desarrollo: motora, cognitiva, psicosocial y emocional, por lo mismo, es frecuente la presencia de comorbilidad con otros trastornos del desarrollo infantil. Se presenta un estudio multicéntrico que caracteriza la asociación del TDC con otros trastornos del desarrollo. OBJETIVO. Determ...

  15. Antonio Zambrana Lara, docente y pintor. Técnica y procedimientos dentro del Realismo Sevillano del último tercio del siglo XX


    Domínguez Moreno, Gustavo


    El trabajo que aquí se presenta, cuyo título es Antonio Zambrana Lara, docente y pintor. Técnica y procedimiento dentro del Realismo Sevillano del último tercio del siglo XX, procurará analizar en profundidad las cuestiones relacionadas con la personalidad artística de Antonio Zambrana, a través de diversos asuntos, como por ejemplo su contextualización, intentando profundizar en un momento apasio nante del arte sevillano y especialmente en aquellos apartados que de manera más concreta se ref...

  16. El sentido cultural del cuidado en casa del enfermo

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    Marina Sánches-Sanabria


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene un diseño cualitativo descriptivo, transversal para comprender las diferencias existentes en los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas influidas por la percepción o sentido cultural de cuidar del cuidador primario, como elemento básico para caracterizar elementos culturales presentes en el ambiente de cuidado al enfermo o discapacitado que está en casa a través de la indagación profunda de la percepción y sentimientos que tiene tanto el cuidador primario como el ser cuidado en casa. Se realizó con los usuarios inscritos del Programa de Promoción y Prevención de la indagación profunda de la percepción y sentimientos Universidad Popular del Cesar (IPS-UPC de los enfermos crónicos y discapacitados a nivel comunitario del grupo extramural de la comuna cinco y del Hospital Eduardo Arredondo Daza de la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia. El valor de realizar este proyecto, está en desocultar los múltiples significados que en la realidad vivida por los seres cuidadores primarios y en los seres cuidados; son esas distintas formas de percibir la existencia, influido por el conocimiento de lo ancestral, los sentimientos y la sabiduría de la cultura que cada uno posee para expresarse en las múltiples formas que el cuidado lo acontece y lo requiere para dar el sentido cultural característico y diferenciado que se percibe en el modo de cuidar y la satisfacción de quien lo recibe y lo ofrece. Este aspecto fue valioso para la comunidad académica del programa de enfermería, porque ubicó epistémicamente la transculturalidad del cuidado como una mirada y forma de enseñar transdisciplinariamente, enseñando y ofreciendo el cuidado desde la cultura, sentimientos y pensamientos del ser cuidado para el mantenimiento de la vida y la salud, en la que estudiantes de enfermeria desde sus primeras experiencias formativas deben incursionar en la intervención holística que se requiere en el cuidado de la salud y de la vida.

  17. Assessment of pollution of the Boca de Camichin Estuary in Nayarit (Mexico) and its influence on oxidative stress in Crassostrea corteziensis oysters. (United States)

    Toledo-Ibarra, G A; Díaz Resendiz, K J G; Ventura-Ramón, G H; Romero-Bañuelos, C A; Medina-Díaz, I M; Rojas-García, A E; Vega-López, A; Girón-Pérez, M I


    Boca de Camichin Estuary is one of the main producers of Crassostrea corteziensis oysters in Mexico, but the presence of pollutants can affect oyster production. Molluscs produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to changes in the environment and pollution. These ROS induce oxidative damage in biomolecules. The main objective of this study was to evaluate pollution in the estuary and the subsequent oxidative stress in C. corteziensis oysters during the 2010 production cycle. For this aim, we performed monthly samplings in the oyster farms from January to May. We took water samples to quantify polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and metal content; also, we evaluated oxidative damage (lipoperoxidation, lipidic hydroperoxides, protein oxidation) and enzyme activity (CAT, SOD, GPx, GST and AChE) in oyster gills. The results show the presence of Cu, Fe, Mn, naphthalene, benz[a]anthracene, pyrene, benz[a]pyrene and benzo[k]fluoranthene. On the other hand, AChE activity was not inhibited, which suggests that organophosphorus pollutants or carbamates were absent. Regarding oxidative stress, oysters from the estuary had oxidative damage in lipids, not proteins, and altered antioxidant enzyme activity, when compared to control organisms. Interestingly, we did not observe any correlation between the pollutants and the oxidative stress parameters evaluated in this study. Thus, we cannot rule out that a synergistic effect between the environmental variables and the pollutants is causing the oxidative stress in these oysters. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Las reformas del Estado, de las políticas sociales y de salud: Un balance del final del milenio

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    Gerschman Silvia


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone reflexionar sobre las reformas de los sistemas de salud y de políticas sociales en el marco de las así llamadas reformas del Estado. Com esta finalidad, se busca como punto de partida condensar distintas visiones explicativas de la crisis del Estado de Bienestar, presentes en la bibliografía produzida en la década de los 90. En el corazón de la crisis, las políticas sociales se encuentran profundamente cuestionadas. Lo que pretendemos mostrar es que este argumento posee una función específica, que es la de introducir mudanzas de carácter neoliberal en la política económica y para las cuales los instrumentos económicos utilizados van a generar la abstención del Estado en el plano social, la desregulación de las economías nacionales en favor del libre mercado y, fundamentalmente, el papel sobredimensionado del mercado financiero internacional. En este contexto, son analizadas las reformas de la seguridad social y de los sistemas de salud. La última parte del trabajo tuvo por objetivo enfrentar las dificultades que las políticas sociales presentan en el contexto actual, trayendo al centro del debate un mapeamiento de las alternativas posibles para el desarrollo de las políticas sociales y de salud.

  19. Psicodrama del duelo.


    José Antonio Espina Barrio; Marisol Filgueira Bouza


    La pérdida de rituales agrava y alarga la reacción del duelo. Se define el Psicodrama Antropológico y su intervención en el proceso del duelo. El Psicodrama Focal del Duelo es una psicoterapia breve centrada en el proceso de Duelo. Se comentan varios casos y resultados. Se concluye con un programa sencillo para el duelo en Atención Primaria.

  20. La Cultura del Vino, motor del desarrollo sostenible de las regiones vitivinícolas

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    Luisa González-SanJosé Ma


    Full Text Available Existen bastantes evidencias para vincular la cultura del vino con el entorno y el desarrollo sostenible. En primer lugar, destaca que la cultura del vino es el reflejo del aprovechamiento vitivinícola del medio y, por tanto, refleja su efecto sobre el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones, lo que es plausible a través del devenir histórico de las mismas. Más recientemente, el aprovechamiento de la cultura del vino para su explotación a través de las experiencias enoturísticas, ha supuesto una revalorización de muchos territorios, impulsando el desarrollo social y económico. La cultura del vino no es sólo el eje temático de la actividad enoturística, sino que es su base y pilar esencial, por tanto, se relaciona directamente con la sostenibilidad ambiental, económica y social que subyace tras el enoturismo. Además, es importante tener en cuenta que gran parte de la importancia de la cultura del vino se centra en las señas de entidad asociadas a cada territorio, que aportan características distintivas y singulares, contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad cultural. En España, ACEVIN y el Rutas del Vino de España son claros ejemplos de como la cultura del vino es un motor del desarrollo sostenible de las regiones vitivinícolas.

  1. Ecuador y los objetivos del milenio : inversiones para la conservación del agua

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    Fabián Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza si se justifica la inversión en la protección del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SNAP. El nivel de inversión del Estado ecuatoriano fue estimado a partir de las necesidades de financiamiento del SNAP. Los beneficios económicos fueron estimados a partir de la oferta de agua de las áreas protegidas que se encuentran a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes. La metodología para evaluar si es conveniente o no la inversión del Estado en la protección del SNAP fue la relación beneficio - costo (B/C. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que solo los valores piso de la relación B/C justifican la inversión del Estado.

  2. Concentrations of 108mAg, 137Cs, and 210Pb in oyster (Crassostrea gigas) on the Japanese coast in relation to the distribution and behavior of radionuclides in sea water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Y.; Kikuchi, T.; Sekine, T.; Yoshihara, K.


    Concentrations of 108m Ag, 137 Cs, and 210 Pb in oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were measured for about 10 years on the northeast coast of Japan. Silver-108m was detected in oyster samples collected from an open bay, and its concentrations decreased from the initial value of about 30 mBq/kg fresh in the early 1980s to the value of about 10 mBq/kg fresh in the early 1990s. This decrease could be mainly explained by effects of the ocean current in the early 1980s, and the coastal sea water thereafter, as well as by the advection and diffusion in the ocean. In the nearly-closed bays, concentrations of 108m Ag and 210 Pb in oysters were remarkably lower than in the open bays. It suggests that scavenging of silver and lead from the sea water effectively occurred in the nearly-closed bays. In contrast, concentrations of 137 Cs in oysters were similar in the open bays and in the nearly-closed bays. (author). 17 refs., 5 figs., 3 tabs

  3. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca Water requeriments of pepper in Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Adriana Gómez Enríquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m³ de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m³ en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro 'MIEVHR' como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.A trial was carried out in order to determining the water requirement of the pepper Capsicum annuum variety UNAPAL- Serrano in the zone of Candelaria -Valley of the Cauca (Colombia and to evaluate the efficiency of the microevaporímeter 'MIEVHR' as estimator of the evaporation. It was determined that the pepper requires 425mm of water during the cycle vegetative obtaining an efficiency of the use of the water of 5.32 Kg/m³ of fresh fruit and 0.5 kg/m³ in terms of dry matter. Besides, it was verified the microevaporímeter efficiency 'MIEVHR' as tool for programming of the irrigation.

  4. Detección, transmisión y caracterización del fitoplasma asociado a la enfermedad del decaimiento del peral


    Garcia i Chapa, Meritxell


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Se ha realizado una prospección en 1500 parcelas de cultivo de peral, para evaluar la extensión de la enfermedad del Decaimiento del peral (PD) en el Nordeste de España. Un 7% de las parcelas observadas presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad. Paralelamente, se ha evaluado la incidencia de la enfermedad en 45 de estas parcelas, por inspección visual de 500 árboles, en cada una de ellas. La presencia del fitoplasma fue conf...

  5. Copper induces expression and methylation changes of early development genes in Crassostrea gigas embryos. (United States)

    Sussarellu, Rossana; Lebreton, Morgane; Rouxel, Julien; Akcha, Farida; Rivière, Guillaume


    Copper contamination is widespread along coastal areas and exerts adverse effects on marine organisms such as mollusks. In the Pacific oyster, copper induces severe developmental abnormalities during early life stages; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. This study aims to better understand whether the embryotoxic effects of copper in Crassostrea gigas could be mediated by alterations in gene expression, and the putative role of DNA methylation, which is known to contribute to gene regulation in early embryo development. For that purpose, oyster embryos were exposed to 4 nominal copper concentrations (0.1, 1, 10 and 20 μg L -1 Cu 2+ ) during early development assays. Embryotoxicity was monitored through the oyster embryo-larval bioassay at the D-larva stage 24 h post fertilization (hpf) and genotoxicity at gastrulation 7 hpf. In parallel, the relative expression of 15 genes encoding putative homeotic, biomineralization and DNA methylation proteins was measured at three developmental stages (3 hpf morula stage, 7 hpf gastrula stage, 24 hpf D-larvae stage) using RT-qPCR. Global DNA content in methylcytosine and hydroxymethylcytosine were measured by HPLC and gene-specific DNA methylation levels were monitored using MeDIP-qPCR. A significant increase in larval abnormalities was observed from copper concentrations of 10 μg L -1 , while significant genotoxic effects were detected at 1 μg L -1 and above. All the selected genes presented a stage-dependent expression pattern, which was impaired for some homeobox and DNA methylation genes (Notochord, HOXA1, HOX2, Lox5, DNMT3b and CXXC-1) after copper exposure. While global DNA methylation (5-methylcytosine) at gastrula stage didn't show significant changes between experimental conditions, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, its degradation product, decreased upon copper treatment. The DNA methylation of exons and the transcript levels were correlated in control samples for HOXA1 but such

  6. Gestión del subsistema Activos Fijos Tangibles del sistema Cedrux.

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    Larisa González Álvarez


    Full Text Available En aras del fortalecimiento de la gestión de entidades y la informatización de la sociedad, Cuba se encuentra inmersa en la creación del producto Cedrux, basado en los principios de independencia tecnológica y en las particularidades de la economía cubana. Esta solución nacional incluye un subsistema para el control de los activos fijos tangibles (AFT, que pretende servir de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en las entidades. El subsistema es capaz de gestionar activos de forma dinámica, tributa mediante operaciones al sistema contable de la empresa y estandariza el tratamiento de los AFT a nivel nacional. Incluye además temas como la multimoneda, la agrupación de activos y la generación de documentos, prestaciones del sistema que responden a necesidades del país, actualmente no satisfechas de manera conjunta por los sistemas existentes. A partir de la puesta en marcha del sistema, la economía del país se verá favorecida y el control de los AFT será confiable, estable y legalmente correcto.

  7. Estado del Medio Ambiente Marino y Costero del Pacífico Sudeste.


    Andrade V., Héctor; Guitiérres S., Sixto; Andrade C., Héctor


    El presente documento contiene los antecedentes sistematizados sobre el Estado del Medio Ambiente Marino Costero del Pacífico Sudeste en base a los informes nacionales de consultoría elaborados entre 2011 y 2012 en Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Chile y cuya finalidad fue establecer un estado actualizado del medio marino a nivel regional, en el marco del Programa CONPACSE III de la Comisión Permanente de Pacífico Sur. Los principales contaminantes presentes en las aguas marinas costeras de...

  8. Caracterización del potencial de abuso del flunitracepam


    Martí de la Llave, Cecilia


    Con el presente estudio se pretende caracterizar el potencial de abuso del flunitracepam. La pauta de administración del flunitracepam está ajustada para alcanzar concentraciones máximas plasmáticas similares entre los dos regímenes de administración del fármaco activo, aunque a diferente velocidad; con la dosis única se alcanza la concentración máxima plasmática más rápidamente que con la dosis dividida. Cuando el voluntario recibe el fármaco activo a dosis única toma cinco cápsulas que ...

  9. Historia del desarrollo institucional turístico del Meta

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    Ramón Vergel


    el primer plan de desarrollo turístico departamental, se comienza a visualizar diferentes tipologías de turismo que se podían desarrollar como el Ecoturismo y a trabajar en pro de ello. Surge luego el segundo Plan Sectorial del Meta visualizando al turismo como producto. Posteriormente se realiza un Estudio Exploratorio sobre el Potencial Turístico del Meta y la promoción turística del departamento comienza a surgir con la participación en ferias y vitrinas turísticas importantes logrando así fijar un mercado turístico: Bogotá.



    Rafasquino, Marta E.; Ramos, Pablo A.; Alonso, Cristina R.; Idiart, Julio R.


    RESUMEN:Fue realizada la disección del saco anal de 44 coipos, de ambos sexos, de distintas edades y procedencias, observándose algunas características similares a los sacos anales del perro y gato, aunque es impar y está ubicado en ventral del ano. Es ovoídeo o piriforme, siendo más grande en los adultos y, entre éstos, más aún en los machos que en las hembras; posee un conducto que desemboca en el canal anal a un centímetro del ano y que se exterioriza en el momento de secretar el producto ...

  11. Fenomenología del prejuicio

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    Montero Moliner, Fernando


    Full Text Available Not available.

    Este trabajo expone la defensa del «prejuicio » llevada a cabo por Gadamer, mostrando su efectividad histórica y confrontándola con la crítica husserliana del «prejuicio» desde el apriorismo. Se pone de relieve, además, la historicidad del «mundo de la vida» y su incidencia en la teoría del a priori, para terminar con un estudio de la racionalidad del a priori y la facticidad del prejuicio.

  12. La crisi del diritto del lavoro

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    Alessandro Garilli


    Full Text Available Riassunto - L’Autore ripercorre in chiave critica l’evoluzione delle politiche legislative in materia di lavoro, alla luce dell’attuale fase di crisi economico finanziaria. Nell’esaminare i principali interventi normativi attuati da inizio secolo, l’Autore mette in evidenza le scelte di metodo e gli elementi di continuità che accomunano i vari provvedimenti, individuandoli nell’affannosa ricerca del punto di equilibrio tra flessibilità e garantismo. La riflessione si chiude con alcuni interrogativi sulle ultime linee di riforma del mercato del lavoro e con l’auspicio che, anche al cospetto delle imprescindibili ragioni dell’economia, il diritto del lavoro possa continuare a svolgere il proprio tradizionale ruolo di disciplina di tutela della persona.   Abstract - The author analyzes, with a critically oriented approach, the development of the employment law, in the light of the current economic and financial crisis. In examining the main regulatory measures implemented since the beginning of the century, the author highlights the methodological choices and the elements of continuity that unite the various measures, focusing them in a hard research of a point of balance between flexibility and security. The discussion concludes with some questions about the last lines of the reform of the labor market and with the hope that, even in the face of compelling reasons of economy, labor law can continue to play its traditional role of governing the protection of person.

  13. Il dono del racconto

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Polito, Paola


    L'articolo indaga a vari livelli strutturali del romanzo "Il coraggio del pettirosso" (rete metaforica, dialogismo diegetico, dialogismo come fenomeno di voce, strategie discorsive messe in atto dalla voce narrante, stile colloquiale) la complessa realizzazione testuale del genere narrativo...



    Liliana Diodato; Andrea Fuster


    El dosel arbóreo constituye un complejo hábitat con gran diversidad de insectos. Los estudios sobre insectos del dosel están mayormente concentrados en bosques húmedos tropicales y son escasos en bosques secos subtropicales. El propósito de este trabajo fue caracterizar la entomofauna del dosel de bosques secos subtropicales, analizando su diversidad regional y localmente. Para ello se muestrearon cinco sitios localizados en la región fitogeográfica del Chaco Semiárido Argentino. Las recolecc...

  15. Reconstrucción del límite superior del bosque en la parte norte del Ecuador: algunos resultados del proyecto RUFLE

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sevink, J.; Tonneijck, F.; Jansen, B.; Hooghiemstra, H.; Cuesta, F.; Sevink, J.; Llambí, L.D.; De Bièvre, B.; Posner, J


    Resumen Se estudiaron los suelos, los registros de polen y los marcadores biológicos en transectos entre bosque y páramo en la reserva natural Guandera al norte del Ecuador para reconstruir el límite superior del bosque y establecer sus características y dinámicas. Se encontró que los suelos estaban

  16. Dirección del proyecto para la construcción del casco habitable del edificio multifamiliar Pramin, aplicando estándares del PMI


    Cabrejos Canevaro, Omar; Garrido Lovón, Johan; Herrera Stoll, Alberto; Ramírez Apón, Ernesto


    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de la Dirección de un proyecto para la construcción del Casco Habitable del Edificio Multifamiliar Pramin, ejecutado por la empresa Construcciones Corbus S.A., aplicando los estándares de la Guía del PMBOK, quinta edición, se busca lograr una ventaja competitiva sostenible en el tiempo a través de un modelo de dirección eficiente en sus procesos que sirva como base actualizable para la ejecución de cada proyecto de la empresa a fin...

  17. Del internacionalismo al nacionalismo: rumbos del conflicto armado en Colombia

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    Mónica Zuleta P.


    Full Text Available Este ensayo tiene por propósito sugerir una interpretación del desarrollo del conflicto armado colombiano durante la última década del siglo XX mediante el uso de la concepción de poder de Michel Foucault. Ello con miras a presentar alternativas analíticas frente a la relación entre lo global y lo local donde se consideren algunas de las hipótesis contemporáneas sobre la cuestión del nacionalismo. El ensayo utiliza el término nacionalismo como sustantivo (lo que es en lugar de como adjetivo (lo que debe ser y ordena los conjuntos de acciones que, en torno al proyecto de lo nacional, han sido puestos en práctica por las guerrillas en Colombia.

  18. Gestión del marketing sensorial sobre la experiencia del consumidor

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    Leonardo Ortegón-Cortázar


    Full Text Available El rápido desarrollo de mercados con productos competitivos de difícil diferenciación y consumidores mejor informados que demandan experiencias memorables, justifican estudiar los elementos sensoriales que pueden potenciar e influir positivamente sobre dichas experiencias. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el estado del arte respecto a la gestión y uso del marketing sensorial sobre la experiencia del consumidor. El diseño de investigación es no experimental documental, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo, empleando fuentes de recolección de información secundarias, mediante un arqueo bibliográfico de revistas de impacto que figuran en bases de datos de libre acceso. Los resultados revelan la dominancia del sentido de la visión sobre la persuasión y las actividades de marketing, mientras que el sentido del olfato demuestra mayor influencia sobre el nivel de recuerdo y evocación de información. Se concluye la utilidad de jerarquizar por nivel de influencia las actividades de estimulación sensorial en marketing a partir del funcionamiento y participación de los sentidos humanos y poder combinar dichas estimulaciones como medio para maximizar la experiencia del consumidor y distinguir la oferta de valor, considerando el grado de diferenciación, la favorabilidad y la fuerza de la actividad sensorial basada en planeación estratégica empresarial.

  19. Avances del mejoramiento genético participativo del frijol en Cuba

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    Rodobaldo Ortiz-P\\u00E9rez


    Full Text Available Las actividades de Fitomejoramiento Participativo fueron conducidas con agricultores del municipio de San Antonio de los Baños de la provincia La Habana y campesinos de la comunidad la Palma de la provincia de Pinar del Río durante 2001 al 2004. En la fase de diagnóstico en las áreas de intervención del proyecto, más del 80 % de los agricultores no utilizaban la semilla del sistema formal; por lo tanto, las variedades obtenidas por los programas de mejoramiento no llegaban a la mayoría de los agricultores. Se buscó un mecanismo alternativo para introducir diversidad genética a las localidades mediante las ferias de diversidad, cuyo objetivo principal ha estado dirigido a facilitar el flujo de semilla de los institutos de investigaciones hacia el agricultor y viceversa. Posterior al desarrollo de las ferias de diversidad se continúa con la experimentación campesina en fincas y cooperativas, desarrollándose una amplia red experimental difícil de lograrse sin la participación de los productores. La experimentación campesina, el aumento de la eficiencia en la finca, incluyendo el aumento del rendimiento de sus parcelas, el aumento de la diversidad por el uso de mayor número de variedades, y una mayor proporción de área dedicada a estas variedades; todo lo cual redunda en un mejoramiento de la vida del campesino y su familia

  20. Seasonal and geographical variability in some trace elements of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea Gigas) cultured in two different bays of Northern Chile

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gras, N.; Thieck, M.; Munoz, L.


    Chile has approximately 4,500 kilometers of continental coastline on the Pacific Ocean. It is therefore in a favorable position to develop fishing activities, since its waters contain a great variety of marine resources, namely, fish, shellfish and seaweeds. Fishing in Chile plays an important role in production. Metal contamination of the marine ecosystem is a pervasive and worldwide problem. Consequently, seafood consuming and exporting countries have gradually increased the need to improve the quality of their products in order to meet the required standards. In turn, this implies the need to adopt more efficient methods to analyze these resources by carrying out studies that will provide greater integral knowledge on the levels of essential and toxic trace elements found in seafood. In the present study, seasonal and geographical variability of some trace elements content of Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea Gigas) cultured, greatly demanded on the international market, are investigated. Samples for the analysis were collected from two different bays of Northern Chile, where heavy-metal pollution is already recognized as a problem. The trace elements content of this mollusk was studied at monthly intervals for 12 months (September 1987-August 1988). The determination of Cu was carried out using radiochemical neutron activation analysis and the other trace elements like Cd, As, Br, Na, Se, Cr, Fe, Zn and Co, were determined through neutron activation analysis in its purely instrumental form. NBS Standard Reference Materials were used to determine the accuracy of both methods. Significant differences were found comparing the content of copper and cadmium at the different seasons and locations of capture

  1. Oocyte maturation and origin of the germline as revealed by the expression of Nanos-like in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Xu, Rui; Li, Qi; Yu, Hong; Kong, Lingfeng


    Nanos gene plays an important role in germline development in animals. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in germline development in Mollusca, the second largest animal phylum, are still poorly understood. Here we identified the Nanos orthologue from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Cg-Nanos-like), and investigated the expression patterns of Nanos during gametogenesis and embryogenesis in C. gigas. Tissue expression analysis showed that Cg-Nanos-like was specifically expressed in female gonads. During the reproductive cycle, the expression of Cg-Nanos-like mRNA increased matching the seasonal development of the ovarian tissues in diploids, while the expression levels were significantly lower in the ovaries of sterile triploids compared to diploids. High expression of Cg-Nanos-like transcripts were detected in early embryonic stages, while the expression significantly dropped at gastrulation and was barely detectable in veliger stages. In situ hybridization showed that Cg-Nanos-like was expressed at different stages of developing oocytes, whereas positive signals were detected only in spermatogonia during the spermatogenic cycle. These findings indicated that Cg-Nanos-like was involved in the development of germ cells, and maintenance of oocyte maturation. In early embryogenesis, the transcripts were broadly expressed; following gastrulation, the expression was restricted to two cell clumps, which might be the putative primordial germ cells (PGCs) or their precursors. Based on the results, the formation of the PGCs in C. gigas was consistent with the model of transition from epigenesis to preformation. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  2. Variedades del voto: hacia una sociología plural del sufragio particular


    Sonnleitner, Willibald


    Resumen En México, las relaciones inestables entre las bases socio-territoriales del desarrollo socio-económico y del voto desafían las teorías clásicas de la modernización. Para comprender el comportamiento contradictorio de la participación electoral hay que explorar las variedades del sufragio en distintos contextos, niveles y escalas, y considerar la diversidad de formas de movilización ciudadana. Como lo muestra la sociología empírica del voto, éste puede apoyarse en dispositivos de tipo...

  3. Ocean acidification stimulates alkali signal pathway: A bicarbonate sensing soluble adenylyl cyclase from oyster Crassostrea gigas mediates physiological changes induced by CO2 exposure. (United States)

    Wang, Xiudan; Wang, Mengqiang; Jia, Zhihao; Wang, Hao; Jiang, Shuai; Chen, Hao; Wang, Lingling; Song, Linsheng


    Ocean acidification (OA) has been demonstrated to have severe effects on marine organisms, especially marine calcifiers. However, the impacts of OA on the physiology of marine calcifiers and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) is an acid-base sensor in response to [HCO 3 - ] and an intracellular source of cyclic AMP (cAMP). In the present study, an ortholog of sAC was identified from pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (designated as CgsAC) and the catalytic region of CgsAC was cloned and expressed. Similar to the native CgsAC from gill tissues, the recombinant CgsAC protein (rCgsAC) exhibited [HCO 3 - ] mediated cAMP-forming activity, which could be inhibited by a small molecule KH7. After 16days of CO 2 exposure (pH=7.50), the mRNA transcripts of CgsAC increased in muscle, mantle, hepatopancreas, gill, male gonad and haemocytes, and two truncated CgsAC forms of 45kD and 20kD were produced. Cytosolic CgsAC could be translocated from the cytoplasm and nuclei to the membrane in response to CO 2 exposure. Besides, CO 2 exposure could increase the production of cAMP and intracellular pH of haemocytes, which was regulated by CgsAC (pocean acidification on marine calcifiers. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Diana Marcela Burgos Galindo

    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados experimentales de caracterización y evaluación puzolánica del material volcánico del Puracé (MVP. El MVP fue analizado mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido, fluorescencia de rayos X, difracción de rayos X, petrografía de secciones delgadas, análisis termo-gravimétricos, entre otros. La reactividad puzolánica fue evaluada por medio del Índice de Actividad Puzolánica y el ensayo de Frattini. Además, se evaluó el efecto de la incorporación del MVP en la resistencia a compresión de morteros donde el cemento Portland se remplazó por MVP en un rango del 0-40 %. Los resultados demostraron que el MVP presentó todas las características para ser considerado una puzolana natural y su porcentaje óptimo de incorporación como puzolana en remplazo del cemento es del 10 %, pero el diseño demostró que puede incorporarse hasta un 20 % con una pequeña desviación en la resistencia media reportada por el diseño.

  5. Hacia una caracterización del lugar y el perfil del elector colombiano

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    Víctor Arteaga Villa


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta una aproximación a la caracterización del lugar que se le ha dado y del perfil con que se ha configurado el elector colombiano. A partir de la metodología del estado de arte, analiza la literatura más relevante que se ha producido en torno a la relación elecciones-partidos políticos-elector y señala las categorías de énfasis que se han privilegiado. Además, a partir del establecimiento de las razones de la decisión y de la orientación del voto, enlista algunos de los factores que, desde motivaciones muy particulares -cívicas (deber ser del ciudadano, cínicas (ser de la contraprestación-, inducen al elector a su participación.

  6. Las implicaciones del imaginario dominante “Barrios del Sur” en la producción del espacio urbano

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    Roberto Villalobos Vega


    Full Text Available La ciudad y lo que se entiende como su realidad, es una dinámica de producción territorial compleja e infinita que se teje recíprocamente entre su dimensión imaginaria (memoria, ideas, sentidos, emociones, etc., su dimensión empírica (edificaciones, infraestructura, acontecimientos, y la manera en que sus ciudadanos, tanto la sociedad civil como quienes ostentan el poder, amalgaman las distintas variables que la componen para simbolizarla y construirla constantemente (dimensión social. Ante esta premisa, el presente artículo esboza, como problemática urbana, la construcción mediática del territorio, desde el fenómeno de las representaciones de los “Barrios del Sur”, un imaginario dominante que se designa bajo generalizaciones negativas del territorio sur del casco central de la ciudad de San José, Costa Rica (Distrito Hospital y Catedral; y su profundo impacto en la producción de la ciudad a nivel de organización territorial (ubicación de miedos y culpas en la urbe, planificación, diseño e inversión urbana, y vivencia socio-espacial del entorno designado.

  7. Una caza del tesoro para aprender la pronunciación del español

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    Xose Padilla García


    Full Text Available El grupo Pronuncia bien surgió en el seno del Máster de Enseñanza de español einglés como L2/LE de la Universidad de Alicante bajo la dirección del profesor Xose A.Padilla. El objetivo de nuestro grupo es elaborar instrumentos de aprendizaje quepermitan mejorar la pronunciación de estudiantes de E/LE de manera eficaz y divertida.A día de hoy, el grupo ha creado materiales didácticos dirigidos especialmente aestudiantes cuya lengua de origen sea el inglés o el italiano. La creación de lasherramientas didácticas y de evaluación propiamente dichas se basa en los principios delMétodo Verbo-Tonal (MVT, en las propuestas del enfoque comunicativo, y en el usode las nuevas tecnologías (TICs. Tenemos en cuenta, asimismo, las directrices delMarco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER y los consejos del PlanCurricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC sobre la enseñanza del español.

  8. Una alabarda procedente del valle del Manzanares (Madrid

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    Miguel Ángel de BLAS CORTINA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se estudia una alabarda metálica procedente —sin datos precisos de su localización— del valle del Manzanares (Madrid. Posiblemente apareciera con otros materiales (¿puntas Palmela?, pero el hecho no pudo ser comprobado. Fundida en un molde monovalvo que proporciona un acabado homogéneo a una sola de las caras, se integra metalúrgicamente en el grupo E 01 (cobres arsenicales propio de la Península Ibérica durante el Calcolítico y el Bronce Antiguo. Tipológicamente puede ser clasificada como integrante del grupo Carrapatas al que pertenecen un conjunto de alabardas procedentes del N.E. de Portugal (Bragança y Tras os Montes del que se conocen escasos testimonios fuera del área característica. Especialmente significativo es el hallazgo de la finca de la Paloma (Pantoja, Toledo que muestra la asociación entre las alabardas Carrapatas y elementos propios del campaniforme tardío de España y Portugal, circunstancia que permite fechar el tipo entre el 1700-1500 a. de J.C., datación similar a las fechas admitidas para las alabardas irlandesas con las que algunos autores ven posibles relaciones. La existencia de alabardas grabadas en estelas más tardías o en rocas al aire libre plantea el problema de su perduración. No obstante, el carácter simbólico de las armas grabadas puede hacer que sea solamente la imagen representada la que superviva, aunque el arma como tal haya perdido vigencia. La alabarda del Manzanares, junto con las de Pantoja, señala la presencia en la Meseta Sur de elementos metalúrgicos propios del N.W. de la Península en un momento sincrónico con las fases finales del campaniforme.ABSTRACT: We study a metallic halberd found in an indeterminate place in the valley of the river Manzanares (Madrid. It might have appeared with other materials (Palmela Points?, although this fact could not be confirmed. Made in a single-faced mould which allows a homogeneous finish to only one of the sides, it belongs from

  9. Influencia del yeso sobre la velocidad de hidratación del cemento portland

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    Yamaguchi, G.


    Full Text Available Not availablePara esclarecer la Influencia del yeso sobre el fraguado y endurecimiento del cemento, los autores estudiaron el grado de hidratación de los cuatro principales minerales del clínker de cemento Portland y el efecto del yeso sobre ellas. Haciendo uso del análisis cuantitativo de rayos X, se determinó la porción no hidratada. Simultáneamente, se determinaron los tiempos de fraguado y las resistencias. Los ensayos se llevaron a cabo sobre tres clínkeres sintéticos de diferentes composiciones y sobre dos clínkeres de cemento Portland comerciales.

  10. El legado del Movimiento Moderno. Conjuntos de vivienda masiva en ciudades europeas del Oeste y del Este. No tan diferentes…

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    Javier Monclús


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es comparar y contrastar algunos conjuntos de vivienda modernos en ciudades europeas del Oeste (“capitalistas” y del Este (“socialistas”. Nuestro trabajo se centra en conjuntos de vivienda masiva construidos en el periodo de crecimiento urbano acelerado que tuvo lugar en Europa principalmente en las décadas de los años 60 y 70 del pasado siglo. El punto de partida más obvio es que las ciudades socialistas son diferentes de las europeas occidentales por la distinta naturaleza de sus políticas urbanas, el sistema de planificación económica socialista centralizada, la ausencia de un mercado del suelo libre, el impacto de la industrial­ización en el sector de la construcción, etc. Sin embargo, hay muchos conceptos en urbanismo, así como en los procesos urbanos, que fueron compartidos en ambos sistemas políticos e ideológicos. El artículo ofrece una perspectiva comparada de la naturaleza de esos conjuntos residenciales modernos construidos a ambos lados del Telón de Acero –Housing Es­tates en UK, Grands Ensembles en Francia, Großsiedlungen en Alemania, Polígonos en España o los grandes conjuntos residenciales socialistas en los países del Bloque del Este– con el fin de entender mejor si –y hasta qué punto– las formas urbanas de dichos conjuntos son el resultado de la cultura internacional del urbanismo moderno.

  11. Gestión del talento humano y compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel primario en las instituciones educativas del Cercado de Huaral, 2014


    Huapalla Paredes, Javier Mitchel


    El presente estudio se centra en describir cómo se relaciona Gestión del talento humano y compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel primario en las Instituciones Educativas del Cercado de Huaral, 2014. El nivel de la presente investigación es cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra es probabilística de 125 docentes del nivel primario de las Instituciones Educativas del Cercado de Huaral. Los instrumentos utilizados para observar y recabar inform...

  12. Gestión del riesgo


    Duque Escobar, Gonzalo


    Documento Anexo del Manual de Geología para Ingenieros, con temas asociados a la gestión integral del riesgo de interés para la ecorregión cafetera y Colombia. Parte de los temas ha sido tomada del módulo “Diálogos con el Territorio y Gestión del Riesgo Natural, a mi cargo en la Especialización en Geografía, Ordenamiento Territorial y Manejo del Riesgo Natural en la Universidad de Caldas. Otros, provienen del compendio de temas sobre la materia, elaborado en el marco de mis actividades académ...


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    Henry Manuel Mora Jiménez


    Full Text Available La economía es (o aspira a ser una ciencia social que, por su particular objeto de estudio, permite y requiere la cuantificación de las expresiones objetivadas de los procesos sociales en que centra su interés; y aunque probablemente se han cometido (y se siguen cometiendo muchos abusos en este campo, no podemos renunciar a una tarea que es requisito para el desarrollo de una teoría científica del capitalismo.Se pretende en este trabajo, utilizar instrumentos de la matemática elemental para formalizar importantes tesis marxianas, relacionadas con la teoría del plusvalor absoluto. Aunque la matemática que se utiliza es simple, el planteamiento es sugestivo, y se centra en formalizar con ayuda del álgebra y del cálculo elemental, los principales resultados teóricos de la sección tercera (especialmente el capítulo nueve del Libro I de El Capital de Karl Marx, susceptibles de tratamiento cuantitativo.Nuestra pretensión es aclarar la teoría del proceso de valorización del capital (creación de nuevo valor mediante el consumo productivo de fuerza de trabajo y de medios de producción, como un requisito parcial para entender mejor lo que en un artículo posterior denominaremos “proceso de desvalorización del capital”, el cual se desarrolla paralelamente y se entrecruza con el primero. La exposición se centra en el método de producción de plusvalor conocido como plusvalor absoluto, por ser la forma general y básica de creación capitalista de excedente.


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    Ricardo Arcos-Palma


    Full Text Available La "muerte del autor" se ha convertido en el paradima de la postmodernidad. El siguiente ensayo realiza un análisis crítico de tal expresión y las consecuencias de su aplicación en el mundo del arte contemporáneo. La tesis planteada es la siguiente: la muerte del autor trae consigo la muerte del artista y del crítico, figuras representativas de la autoridad. Tales muertes generan el nacimiento de una nueva figura de poder que es el curador. Con este texto se pretende aportar elementos de reflexion para un debate, que apenas comienza, en torno a la figura del curador.

  15. Chemical contamination assessment in mangrove-lined Caribbean coastal systems using the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae as biomonitor species. (United States)

    Aguirre-Rubí, Javier R; Luna-Acosta, Andrea; Etxebarría, Nestor; Soto, Manu; Espinoza, Félix; Ahrens, Michael J; Marigómez, Ionan


    This paper aims to contribute to the use of mangrove cupped oyster, Crassostrea rhizophorae, as a biomonitor species for chemical contamination assessment in mangrove-lined Caribbean coastal systems. Sampling was carried out in eight localities (three in Nicaragua and five in Colombia) with different types and levels of contamination. Oysters were collected during the rainy and dry seasons of 2012-2013 and the tissue concentrations of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were determined. Low tissue concentrations of metals (except Hg) and PAHs; moderate-to-high tissue concentrations of Hg, hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), and dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethanes (DDTs); detectable levels of chlorpyrifos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (mainly CB28, CB118, CB138 and CB 153) and brominated diphenyl ethers 85 (BDE85); and negligible levels of musks were recorded in Nicaraguan oysters. A distinct profile of POPs was identified in Colombia, where the tissue concentrations of PCBs and synthetic musk fragrances were low to moderate, and Ag, As, Cd, Pb, and PAHs ranged from moderate to extremely high. Overall, the values recorded for HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in Nicaraguan mangrove cupped oysters greatly exceeded the reference values in tissues of C. rhizophorae from the Wider Caribbean Region, whereas only the levels of PCBs were occasionally surpassed in Colombia. Different contaminant profiles were distinguished between oysters from Nicaragua and Colombia in radar plots constructed using the main groups of contaminants (metals, PAHs, musks, PCBs, and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs)). Likewise, integrated pollution indices revealed differences in the levels of contaminants. Moreover, the profiles and levels in oyster tissues also varied with season. Thus, principal component analysis clearly discriminated Nicaraguan and Colombian localities and, especially in Colombia, seasonal trends in chemical contamination and differences

  16. Effects of cadmium exposure on expression and activity of P-glycoprotein in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanina, Anna V. [Biology Department, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223 (United States); Sokolova, Inna M. [Biology Department, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223 (United States)], E-mail:


    Heavy metal pollution is a worldwide problem, and cadmium (Cd) is one of the most noxious pollutants in aquatic environments. We studied P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expression and function in control and Cd exposed (50 {mu}g L{sup -1} Cd, 30-40 days) oysters Crassostrea virginica as a possible mechanism of cell protection against Cd. Our data show that P-gp is expressed on cell membrane and in mitochondria of oyster gills and hepatopancreas. Inhibitor studies with verapamil, cyclosporine A and JS-2190 suggest that in the gills, mitochondrial P-gp pumps substrates from cytosol into the mitochondria, while cell membrane P-gp pumps substrates from cytosol out of the cell. Cd exposure resulted in a 2-2.5-fold increase in P-gp protein expression in cell membranes and a 3.5-7-fold increase in transport activity measured as the inhibitor-sensitive rhodamine B extrusion rate. In contrast, p-gp mRNA levels were similar in control and Cd-exposed oysters. No difference in P-gp protein expression was observed between mitochondria of control and Cd-exposed oysters but the apparent transport activity was higher in mitochondria from Cd-exposed oysters. Overall, a stronger increase in substrate transport activity in Cd-exposed oysters compared to a relatively weaker change in P-gp protein levels suggests that P-gp activity is post-translationally regulated. Our data show that direct determination of P-gp transport activity may be the best measure of the xenobiotic-resistant phenotype, whereas p-gp mRNA levels are not a good marker due to the likely involvement of multiple post-transcriptional regulatory steps. Cd exposure resulted in a significantly elevated rate of oxygen consumption of isolated oyster gills by 46%. Specific inhibitors of ATPase function of P-gp (cyclosporine A and JS-2190) had no significant effect on tissue oxygen consumption indicating that P-gp contribution to energy budget is negligible and supporting indirect estimates based on the ATP stoichiometry of substrate

  17. Effects of elevated temperature and cadmium exposure on stress protein response in eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanina, A.V. [Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223 (United States); Taylor, C. [Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223 (United States); Johnson C. Smith University, 100 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28216 (United States); Sokolova, I.M. [Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223 (United States)], E-mail:


    Stress proteins such as heat shock proteins (HSPs) and metallothioneins (MTs) play a key role in cellular protection against environmental stress. Marine ectotherms such as eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica are commonly exposed to multiple stressors including temperature and pollution by metals such as cadmium (Cd) in estuaries and coastal zones; however, the combined effects of these stressors on their cellular protection mechanisms are poorly understood. We acclimated C. virginica from populations adapted to different thermal regimes (Washington, North Carolina and Texas) at a common temperature of 12 deg. C, and analyzed their expression of MTs and HSPs (cytosolic HSP69, HSC72-77, HSP90 and mitochondrial HSP60) in response to the combined acute temperature stress and long-term Cd exposure. Overall, HSP and MT induction patterns were similar in oysters from the three studied geographically distant populations. HSP69 and MTs were significantly up-regulated by Cd and temperature stress implying their important role in cellular stress protection. In contrast, HSC72-77, HSP60 and HSP90 were not consistently induced by either acute heat or Cd exposure. The induction temperature for MTs was higher than for HSP69 (>28 deg. C vs. 20 deg. C, respectively), and MTs were more strongly induced by Cd than by temperature stress (to up to 38-94-fold compared by 3.5-7.5-fold, respectively) consistent with their predominant role in metal detoxification. Notably, heat stress did not result in an additional increase in metallothionein expression in Cd-exposed oysters suggesting a capacity limitation during the combined exposure to Cd and temperature stress. Levels of HSP69 and in some cases, HSC72-77 and HSP90 were lower in Cd-exposed oysters as compared to their control counterparts during heat stress indicating that simultaneous exposure to these two stressors may have partially suppressed the cytoprotective upregulation of molecular chaperones. These limitations of stress

  18. Gametogenesis in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas: a microarrays-based analysis identifies sex and stage specific genes.

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    Nolwenn M Dheilly

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Mollusca, Lophotrochozoa is an alternative and irregular protandrous hermaphrodite: most individuals mature first as males and then change sex several times. Little is known about genetic and phenotypic basis of sex differentiation in oysters, and little more about the molecular pathways regulating reproduction. We have recently developed and validated a microarray containing 31,918 oligomers (Dheilly et al., 2011 representing the oyster transcriptome. The application of this microarray to the study of mollusk gametogenesis should provide a better understanding of the key factors involved in sex differentiation and the regulation of oyster reproduction. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Gene expression was studied in gonads of oysters cultured over a yearly reproductive cycle. Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering showed a significant divergence in gene expression patterns of males and females coinciding with the start of gonial mitosis. ANOVA analysis of the data revealed 2,482 genes differentially expressed during the course of males and/or females gametogenesis. The expression of 434 genes could be localized in either germ cells or somatic cells of the gonad by comparing the transcriptome of female gonads to the transcriptome of stripped oocytes and somatic tissues. Analysis of the annotated genes revealed conserved molecular mechanisms between mollusks and mammals: genes involved in chromatin condensation, DNA replication and repair, mitosis and meiosis regulation, transcription, translation and apoptosis were expressed in both male and female gonads. Most interestingly, early expressed male-specific genes included bindin and a dpy-30 homolog and female-specific genes included foxL2, nanos homolog 3, a pancreatic lipase related protein, cd63 and vitellogenin. Further functional analyses are now required in order to investigate their role in sex differentiation in oysters

  19. In situ localization and tissue distribution of ostreid herpesvirus 1 proteins in infected Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. (United States)

    Martenot, Claire; Segarra, Amélie; Baillon, Laury; Faury, Nicole; Houssin, Maryline; Renault, Tristan


    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) assays were conducted on paraffin sections from experimentally infected spat and unchallenged spat produced in hatchery to determine the tissue distribution of three viral proteins within the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Polyclonal antibodies were produced from recombinant proteins corresponding to two putative membrane proteins and one putative apoptosis inhibitor encoded by ORF 25, 72, and 87, respectively. Results were then compared to those obtained by in situ hybridization performed on the same individuals, and showed a substantial agreement according to Landis and Koch numeric scale. Positive signals were mainly observed in connective tissue of gills, mantle, adductor muscle, heart, digestive gland, labial palps, and gonads of infected spat. Positive signals were also reported in digestive epithelia. However, few positive signals were also observed in healthy appearing oysters (unchallenged spat) and could be due to virus persistence after a primary infection. Cellular localization of staining seemed to be linked to the function of the viral protein targeted. A nucleus staining was preferentially observed with antibodies targeting the putative apoptosis inhibitor protein whereas a cytoplasmic localization was obtained using antibodies recognizing putative membrane proteins. The detection of viral proteins was often associated with histopathological changes previously reported during OsHV-1 infection by histology and transmission electron microscopy. Within the 6h after viral suspension injection, positive signals were almost at the maximal level with the three antibodies and all studied organs appeared infected at 28h post viral injection. Connective tissue appeared to be a privileged site for OsHV-1 replication even if positive signals were observed in the epithelium cells of different organs which may be interpreted as a hypothetical portal of entry or release for the virus. IHC constitutes a suited method for analyzing the

  20. Effects of cadmium exposure on expression and activity of P-glycoprotein in eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanina, Anna V.; Sokolova, Inna M.


    Heavy metal pollution is a worldwide problem, and cadmium (Cd) is one of the most noxious pollutants in aquatic environments. We studied P-glycoprotein (P-gp) expression and function in control and Cd exposed (50 μg L -1 Cd, 30-40 days) oysters Crassostrea virginica as a possible mechanism of cell protection against Cd. Our data show that P-gp is expressed on cell membrane and in mitochondria of oyster gills and hepatopancreas. Inhibitor studies with verapamil, cyclosporine A and JS-2190 suggest that in the gills, mitochondrial P-gp pumps substrates from cytosol into the mitochondria, while cell membrane P-gp pumps substrates from cytosol out of the cell. Cd exposure resulted in a 2-2.5-fold increase in P-gp protein expression in cell membranes and a 3.5-7-fold increase in transport activity measured as the inhibitor-sensitive rhodamine B extrusion rate. In contrast, p-gp mRNA levels were similar in control and Cd-exposed oysters. No difference in P-gp protein expression was observed between mitochondria of control and Cd-exposed oysters but the apparent transport activity was higher in mitochondria from Cd-exposed oysters. Overall, a stronger increase in substrate transport activity in Cd-exposed oysters compared to a relatively weaker change in P-gp protein levels suggests that P-gp activity is post-translationally regulated. Our data show that direct determination of P-gp transport activity may be the best measure of the xenobiotic-resistant phenotype, whereas p-gp mRNA levels are not a good marker due to the likely involvement of multiple post-transcriptional regulatory steps. Cd exposure resulted in a significantly elevated rate of oxygen consumption of isolated oyster gills by 46%. Specific inhibitors of ATPase function of P-gp (cyclosporine A and JS-2190) had no significant effect on tissue oxygen consumption indicating that P-gp contribution to energy budget is negligible and supporting indirect estimates based on the ATP stoichiometry of substrate

  1. Consideraciones alrededor del Libro del Almismo, el Libro del Pensar.

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    MartaLucía Tamayo Fernandez


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    La doctora MarthaLucía Tamayo comparte muchas inquietudes alrededor del Libro del Almismo, el Libro del Pensar; de dónde salió ese nombre; de juntar en medicina y en genética a tres escritores como lo son Jorge Luis Borges, Macedonio Fernández y Julio Cortázar. Su conferencia dice así:

    El término almismo fue ideado por Macedonio Fernández porque defendía mucho el ensimismamiento y el pensamiento hacia el interior, mirar hacia adentro; cada uno somos un “sí mismo” que nos hace diferentes aunque al mismo tiempo podemos ser iguales. Todos tenemos esa parte interior que la medicina debe trabajar y que no puede olvidar.

    “El Libro del Almismo, el libro del pensar” nos lleva a replantear y a repensar un poco la medicina que queremos, una medicina vuelta a pensar.

    Quiero contarles la historia de cómo se llegó a este libro y por qué y para qué se sigue trabajando en estos temas: Después de mi internado y de un trabajo un poco triste de rural, volví al Instituto de Genética y a la Universidad Javeriana en donde encontré al doctor Bernal y un espacio que estaba buscando para esa medicina diferente que quería, con un grupo de personas que me permitía no sólo ver la medicina sino ver muchas otras cosas más; había espacio para la literatura, para Mafalda, para hablar de niños, de locos, había incluso tiempo para hablar de medicina dentro del golf, de carros antiguos y de todo eso fui aprendiendo.

    Eso era lo que estaba buscando. Una medicina que diera espacios diferentes, que fuera más humanizada. Rápidamente me ubiqué y me quedé! No me arrepiento en lo absoluto de haberme quedado porque fue, ha sido y sigue siendo, una experiencia enriquecedora, de muchas vivencias importantes. Sabía exactamente dónde estaba y sabía que había que seguir rápido y había que trabajar muchos aspectos de esa medicina que estábamos buscando y de esa genética especial.

    Rápidamente empezamos a trabajar

  2. Las guerras olvidadas del Perú: formación del Estado e imaginario nacional

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    Cecilia Méndez G.


    Full Text Available A diferencia de otros países americanos, el Perú carece de una memoria nacional de sus guerras civiles decimonónicas. Estas han sido opacadas por la avasalladora memoria de la Guerra del Pacífico, que el Perú y Bolivia perdieron ante Chile (1879-1883. El presente ensayo se propone rescatar del olvido a las guerras civiles peruanas del siglo XIX, empezando por las guerras de la independencia. Las preguntas que planteamos están motivadas por la guerra reciente que desató el Sendero Luminoso entre 1980 y fines de la década de 1990, en la que los campesinos andinos asumieron las funciones represivas del Estado al tomar las armas para derrotar a la insurgencia senderista. Esta situación exhibe interesantes paralelos con las guerras civiles del siglo XIX. Proponemos que el estudio de las guerras civiles decimonónicas del Perú, a la luz de la reciente guerra interna, ofrece una oportunidad fecunda para discutir las nociones de ciudadanía y pertenencia, la relación entre guerra y la constitución del Estado, así como los alcances y límites del concepto weberiano del Estado como el ente que monopoliza la violencia legítima. Subrayamos la importancia de la organización civil de las poblaciones rurales en el devenir de la guerra y, más ampliamente, en la construcción del Estado.

  3. Surveillance of Enteric Viruses and Microbial Indicators in the Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and Harvest Waters along Louisiana Gulf Coast. (United States)

    Montazeri, Naim; Maite, Morgan; Liu, Da; Cormier, Jiemin; Landry, Matthew; Shackleford, John; Lampila, Lucina E; Achberger, Eric C; Janes, Marlene E


    Noroviruses are the most common causative agent of viral gastroenteritis in humans, and are responsible for major foodborne illnesses in the United States. Filter-feeding molluscan shellfish exposed to sewage-contaminated waters bioaccumulate viruses, and if consumed raw, transmit the viruses to humans and cause illness. We investigated the occurrence of norovirus GI and GII and microbial indicators of fecal contamination in the eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and water from commercial harvesting areas along the Louisiana Gulf Coast (January to November of 2013). Microbial indicators (aerobic plate count, enterococci, fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, male-specific coliphages, and somatic coliphages) were detected at the densities lower than public health concerns. Only one oyster sample was positive for norovirus GII at 3.5 ± 0.2 log10 genomic equivalent copies/g digestive tissues. A stool specimen obtained from an infected individual associated with a norovirus outbreak and the suspected oysters (Cameron Parish, La., area 30, January 2013) were also analyzed. The norovirus strain in the stool belonged to GII.4 Sydney; however, the oysters were negative and could not be linked. In general, no temporal trend was observed in the microbial indicators. Low correlation among bacterial indicators was observed in oysters. Strongest correlations among microbial indicators were observed between enterococci and fecal coliforms (r = 0.63) and between enterococci and E. coli (r = 0.64) in water (P oysters (r oysters and harvest water (r ≤ 0.36, P > 0.05). Our results emphasize the need for regular monitoring of pathogenic viruses in commercial oyster harvesting areas to reduce the risks of viral gastroenteritis incidences. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  4. Whole transcriptome profiling of successful immune response to Vibrio infections in the oyster Crassostrea gigas by digital gene expression analysis.

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    Julien de Lorgeril

    Full Text Available The cultivated Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas has suffered for decades large scale summer mortality phenomenon resulting from the interaction between the environment parameters, the oyster physiological and/or genetic status and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms including Vibrio species. To obtain a general picture of the molecular mechanisms implicated in C. gigas immune responsiveness to circumvent Vibrio infections, we have developed the first deep sequencing study of the transcriptome of hemocytes, the immunocompetent cells. Using Digital Gene Expression (DGE, we generated a transcript catalog of up-regulated genes from oysters surviving infection with virulent Vibrio strains (Vibrio splendidus LGP32 and V. aestuarianus LPi 02/41 compared to an avirulent one, V. tasmaniensis LMG 20012(T. For that an original experimental infection protocol was developed in which only animals that were able to survive infections were considered for the DGE approach. We report the identification of cellular and immune functions that characterize the oyster capability to survive pathogenic Vibrio infections. Functional annotations highlight genes related to signal transduction of immune response, cell adhesion and communication as well as cellular processes and defence mechanisms of phagocytosis, actin cytosqueleton reorganization, cell trafficking and autophagy, but also antioxidant and anti-apoptotic reactions. In addition, quantitative PCR analysis reveals the first identification of pathogen-specific signatures in oyster gene regulation, which opens the way for in depth molecular studies of oyster-pathogen interaction and pathogenesis. This work is a prerequisite for the identification of those physiological traits controlling oyster capacity to survive a Vibrio infection and, subsequently, for a better understanding of the phenomenon of summer mortality.

  5. Medición del valor agregado del hogar: nuevos enfoques para el caso peruano


    Arlette Beltrán; Pablo Lavado


    Aun cuando las diferentes medidas convencionales del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) muestran el desempeño económico del país, el cálculo de éstas no considera el significativo valor de los bienes y servicios producidos dentro del hogar. A través de la Encuesta Nacional del Uso de Tiempo (ENUT) 2010, la presente investigación trata de estimar el valor asociado al tiempo dedicado a las labores del hogar en el Perú bajo distintos enfoques discutidos en la literatura académica. Los resultados arroj...

  6. Objeto de aprendizaje abierto de la Competencia del manejo del idioma inglés


    Baltazar Gutierrez, Alejandro; Flores Carrillo, Cristina; Garcia Moran, Gregory Alfonso; Macias Acosta, Paulina; Campa Mariño, Maria Alejandra


    1. Portada 2. Resumen 3. Información General a. Introducción b. Objetivos c. Temario 4. Evaluación Diagnóstica 5. Temas a. Tema 1. ¿Qué significa la competencia del manejo del inglés? i. Actividad Inicial ii. Contenido iii. Actividad Final iv. Recursos del TEMOA b. Tema 2. ¿Por qué es relevante para mi formación que adquiera la competencia del idioma inglés? i. Actividad Inicial ii. Contenido iii. Actividad Final iv. Recursos del TEMOA c. ...


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    Angel Cristian Mera Macías


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo la creación e implementación de un sistema informático para la gestión del talento humano del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Bolívar. Durante el estudio se determinó cómo la organización en mención gestiona la información del talento humano y la manera en la que se podría mejorar dicha tarea, es así que mediante la aplicación de encuestas a los clientes internos y externos se determinó que existían dificultades en dicho proceso, por otra parte también se determinó la predisposición y la necesidad de implementar un sistema informático para mejorar la gestión del talento humano. Una vez conocida la problemática se planteó como solución, dinamizar la gestión del talento humano mediante un sistema informático desarrollado, utilizando la metodología de “Desarrollo Rápido de Aplicaciones” que integre los datos del personal en un banco de datos central, donde la información que se genere se vaya registrando de forma organizada para agilizar el acceso a la misma y de esta manera optimizar los recursos de la entidad, llegando a la conclusión de que con el trabajo planificado y ordenado es posible construir un sistema informático lo suficientemente robusto para gestionar el talento humano en los gobiernos municipales en el Ecuador.

  8. El análisis económico del derecho de autor y del copyright, un estudio del equilibrio entre los intereses público y privado

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    Ana María Pérez Gómez Tétrel


    Full Text Available La propiedad intelectual ha sido concebida para responder, tanto a la necesidad de protección del autor de una obra del intelecto, como al beneficio que la sociedad pueda sacar del acceso a dichas creaciones intelectuales, generando así un equilibrio entre los diferentes actores. Los sistemas digitales de comunicación han puesto en jaque dicho equilibrio. Conviene preguntarse ¿es capaz la protección otorgada por el derecho a la creación intelectual, de establecer un equilibrio en las relaciones entre creador (autor y la sociedad (consumidor? ¿En qué medida el análisis económico comparado del derecho de autor y del copyright puede contribuir al modelo económico de este equilibrio? ¿Hasta qué punto, el rol desempeñado por las industrias de la comunicación está rompiendo este equilibrio? El objetivo de este artículo es analizar diversos aspectos del derecho de autor y del copyright, a la luz del análisis económico del derecho.

  9. El análisis económico del derecho de autor y del copyright, un estudio del equilibrio entre los intereses público y privado

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    Ana María Pérez Gómez Tétrel


    Full Text Available La propiedad intelectual ha sido concebida para responder, tanto a la necesidad de protección del autor de una obra del intelecto, como al beneficio que la sociedad pueda sacar del acceso a dichas creaciones intelectuales, generando así un equilibrio entre los diferentes actores. Los sistemas digitales de comunicación han puesto en jaque dicho equilibrio. Conviene preguntarse ¿es capaz la protección otorgada por el derecho a la creación intelectual, de establecer un equilibrio en las relaciones entre creador (autor y la sociedad (consumidor? ¿En qué medida el análisis económico comparado del derecho de autor y del copyright puede contribuir al modelo económico de este equilibrio? ¿Hasta qué punto, el rol desempeñado por las industrias de la comunicación está rompiendo este equilibrio? El objetivo de este artículo es analizar diversos aspectos del derecho de autor y del copyright, a la luz del análisis económico del derecho.

  10. Epidemiologia del parasitismo intestinal infantil en el Valle del Guadalquivir

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    Pérez Armengol Cristina


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Las parasitosis intestinales en los niños constituyen un problema de salud pública que debe ser valorado periódicamente en cada región. En este trabajo se aborda, por primera vez en la región natural del Valle del Guadalquivir, un estudio amplio sobre la prevalencia del parasitismo intestinal en la población infantil de la zona. MÉTODOS: Durante el período 1994-1996, mediante análisis coprológico y método de Graham, se ha estudiado a 1.917 niños y niñas asintomáticos, con edades comprendidas entre seis y diez años, residentes en veinte localidades del Valle del Guadalquivir. RESULTADOS: El índice global de parasitación ha sido del 27,12 %. Las especies parásitas detectadas, así como sus prevalencias fueron: Enterobius vermicularis (20,44%, Giardia lamblia (5,05%, Entamoeba coli (2,45%, Endolimax nana (1,61%, Entamoeba histolytica (0,31%, Entamoeba hartmanni (0,05%, Iodamoeba bütschlii (0,05%. CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia global encontrada es similar a la de otras regiones españolas, aunque quizás pueda considerarse algo más favorable. No se detectan geohelmintos, debido posiblemente a la mejora de la infraestructura higiénico-sanitaria y a los efectos de la prolongada sequía en la zona. La giardiasis, a diferencia de las restantes protozoosis, mantiene una prevalencia relativamente alta.

  11. Descripción del funcionamiento del sector eléctrico colombiano

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    Santiago Alvarez Sierra


    Full Text Available Se ha considerado el comportamiento del sector eléctrico como un factor de gran trascendencia en desenvolvimiento de la economía de un país. Sin embargo, es notable el desconocimiento de algunas personas no especialistas es esta temática, de los conceptos básicos y de la organización intrínseca de este sector. Por lo tanto, resulta conveniente la realización de un artículo que informe de manera descriptiva sobre la naturaleza y funcionamiento del sector eléctrico en Colombia, como punto de partida para posteriores estudios y profundos análisis de temas relacionados con este sector. Entre los aspectos básicos que una persona debe conocer para estar en capacidad de entender y argumentar sobre el comportamiento del sector eléctrico en Colombia podemos citar, entre otros, los siguientes: antecedentes e historia del sector, agentes e instituciones del mercado, variables importantes en la toma de decisiones, contratos de corto y largo plazo, y finalmente algunos procedimientos que actualmente se encuentran en discusión, los cuales podrían cambiar el funcionamiento del Mercado de Energía Mayorista en Colombia

  12. Panorama europeo del control de calidad del hormigón

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    García Meseguer, Álvaro


    Full Text Available The present state of the problem is presented with some detail, taking into account the work in course of the Editorial Committee CEB-CIB-FIP-RILEM on Statistical Quality Control of Concrete. In a comparative way the modus operandi, recently introduced in Spain through the new Code of Concrete EH 73, is also presented. The paper concludes commenting on the influence which the decrease of concrete strength has on the safety of the structure, a problem which is more complicated than it might appear at first sight.Se presenta con cierto detalle el estado actual del tema, a partir de los trabajos en curso del Comité Editorial CEB-CIB-FIP-RILEM sobre Control Estadístico de Calidad del Hormigón. De forma comparativa, se presenta también el modus operandi recientemente introducido en España por la nueva Instrucción del Hormigón EH 73. El artículo termina comentando la influencia que tiene un descenso de resistencia del hormigón en la seguridad de la estructura, tema éste más complejo de lo que puede parecer a primera vista.

  13. Prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en caninos del departamento del Quindío.

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    María Isabel Giraldo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los helmintos intestinales son agentes patógenos que afectan animales domésticos y que a través de ellos pueden infectar humanos. Objetivo. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en perros con dueño del departamento del Quindío. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo. Se aplicó una encuesta epidemiológica a los propietarios de los perros. Se recolectaron muestras de heces de los caninos registrados en la jornada de vacunación antirrábica del 2003 en el departamento del Quindío. Las muestras de materia fecal frescas fueron analizadas utilizando la técnica de diagnóstico de Ritchie. Resultados. Se analizaron 324 muestras de heces caninas; el 67,6% de los perros eran de razas puras y el 32,4% razas mestizas. Se encontró una prevalencia del 22,2%; Ancylostoma caninum fue el parásito más frecuente, 13,9%. También se observó Trichuris vulpis, 4,3%; Toxocara canis, 2,5%, y Strongyloides stercoralis, 4,0%. El 2,46% de las mascotas se encontraron multiparasitadas. Conclusión. La frecuencia de helmintos intestinales en el departamento del Quindío fue de 22,2% y la presencia de estos parásitos coincide con factores como la edad y la permanencia del canino en la calle, entre otros. Por esta razón, es necesario establecer programas de vigilancia y prevención en la población humana y canina.

  14. Evaluation of the concentration of heavy metals in sea water, silt and rock oysters, Crassostrea iridescens, from Manzanillo bay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guerrero Carbajal, Y.C.


    Some essential metals such as Fe, Ni, Cu and Zn were evaluated by X-ray spectroscopy in water, soil and rock oyster Crassostrea iridescens from Manzanillo Bay. Four samplings were taken every two months during 1991. Concentration range on liofilized oysters for Fe was determined between 76 and 172 μ g/g dry weight, Ni 9-21 μ g/g dry weight, Cu 21-123 μ g/g dry weight and Zn 216-885 μ g/g dry weight. Ni concentration was above the toxicological tolerance level for crustaceans (5 μ g/g); Cu was above maxima permission limited (MPL) from FAO for molluscs (70 μ g/g); Zn was below MPL for oysters (1000 μ g/g). For Fe there is no MPL for oyster or any other aquatic organisms. Concentration and accumulation factors for the elements measured suggested the filtration oyster activity. Fe concentration range in water was 27-2266 μ g/l. This value is above the ecological aquatic life criteria in Mexico (50 μ g/l). For Cu the concentration range was 4-536 μ g/l., which is above the MPL for Mexican Legislation (5 μ g/l). Chemical elements detected in soil were the essential metal mentioned before. However, the heavy metals concentrations for soil, from Manzanillo Bay, were higher than those reported in other polluted regions in both Mexican coasts. Concentration range for Fe was 30661-76332 μ g/g, Ni 19-180 μ g/g, Cu 56-270 μ g/g and Zn 33-1377 μ g/g. Contamination problem in Manzanillo Bay must be considered as an evidence of potential risk, since the essential metals are reaching levels that could endanger aquatic life. (Author). 87 refs, 20 figs, 6 tabs

  15. el Valle del Cauca

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    Carlos Humberto Ortiz


    Full Text Available Este artículo se enfoca en la identi- ficación de aquellos factores estructurales que explican la pérdida de dinamismo económico de largo plazo en Colombia y, en particular, en el Valle del Cauca. Se examina la competitividad del Valle en relación con Colombia y con el resto del mundo. Se cuestiona la insistencia en una estrategia exportadora como dinamizadora del desarrollo económico. Se identifica que una gran parte de la población está excluida de los beneficios del desarrollo económico. Para construir un modelo de desarrollo que incluya a esta población se recomienda recuperar la senda de la industrialización, invertir en el capital humano (educación de alta calidad, salud, salubridad y nutrición, e invertir en infraestructura. La participación del Estado en estas inversiones sociales es necesaria para disminuir la desigualdad y aumentar el crecimiento económico.



    Abdala Cardona, Alejandro


    El tiempo en el que vivimos: el siglo XXI, presenta a la vez, retos y exigencias al conjunto global de los habitantes del mundo, puesto que, no solo se nos presenta la actualidad como aquella coyuntura histórica en los que el cambio de los acontecimientos gira en torno al rol central del conocimiento, sino también, en torno al potencial que dicho conocimiento trae tras de sí; es decir, el presente siglo impone al conjunto de personas el rótulo de "sociedad del conocimiento" donde se puede enc...

  17. Las Competencias Legales del Racional en la Organización Administrativa y Contable del Municipio de Valencia (Comienzos del Siglo XVII)


    Francisco Mayordomo García-Chicote


    La organización administrativa y contable de los mayores municipios españoles, a comienzos del XVII, es un tema que apenas ha sido abordado por los investigadores de la historia de la Contabilidad y del Derecho. En este trabajo se estudian los textos legales (Capitols del Quitament y Ordenanzas de la Taula de Canvis) que regulaban aquellas cuestiones en relación con la ciudad de Valencia, y sobre todo se hace un detenido análisis del cargo municipal (el Racional) que se responsabilizaba de la...

  18. Nuevos datos paleontológicos del Pleistoceno en el Valle del Manzanares (Madrid, España: Los micromamíferos del yacimiento del Arenero de Arriaga

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    Sesé, Carmen


    Full Text Available The micromammals from the archaeological site of the Arenero de Arriaga from the Manzanares Valley are here described. They are the Soricomorpha: Crocidura sp. and Talpa sp., the Rodentia: Eliomys quercinus quercinus, Apodemus sp., Microtus brecciensis, Microtus arvalis, Microtus duodecimcostatus and Arvicola aff. sapidus, and the Lagomorpha: Oryctolagus cuniculus. The faunal association and the evolutionary state of Microtus brecciensis and Arvicola aff. sapidus, suggest an age of the end of the Middle Pleistocene. It also indicates the existence of different biotopes: riparian, moist and dry meadows, and forest, and a temperate climate similar to the present-day climate of the Meseta.Se describe la asociación de micromamíferos del yacimiento achelense del Arenero de Arriaga del valle del Manzanares constituida por los soricomorfos: Crocidura sp. y Talpa sp., los roedores: Eliomys quercinus quercinus, Apodemus sp., Microtus brecciensis, Microtus arvalis, Microtus duodecimcostatus y Arvicola aff. sapidus, y el lagomorfo: Oryctolagus cuniculus. La asociación faunística y el estadio evolutivo de Microtus brecciensis y Arvicola aff. sapidus, indican una edad del final del Pleistoceno Medio. La asociación de micromamíferos sugiere la existencia de varios biotopos representados: ripícola, praderas húmedas y secas, y bosque, y un clima templado similar al actual de la Meseta.


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    Full Text Available Se determinó la respiración del suelo (RS en una comunidad sucesional de pastizal de Holcus lanatus y Anthoxanthum odoratum en la franja altoandina de la cuenca del río Pamplonita, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Las medias mensuales de la RS fueron unimodales de día y de noche; la anual diurna fue de 118,44 mg CO2 m-2 h-1; y la nocturna, de 140,57 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. La diferencia entre estos dos valores se atribuyó a un incremento del brillo solar y a una disminución del recorrido del viento entre septiembre y diciembre de 2006 que condujo a un aumento de la tasa de evaporación. La RS nocturna se correlacionó con la humedad relativa y la temperatura máxima del aire y la diurna con el recorrido del viento. La RS acumulada (diurna y nocturna mostró una tendencia lineal con respecto al tiempo. La producción anual diurna de carbono, con base en la RS acumulada anual, se estimó entre 32,67 y 40,73 y la nocturna entre 35,65 y 43,02 g de C m-2.


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    Murcia Miguel


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron la respiración del suelo (RS y la caída de hojarasca (CH en un matorral de Hypericum phellos y Monochaetum strigosum en la franja altoandina del Nororiente de Colombia. Los muestreos mensuales de la RS se realizaron entre enero y diciembre de 2006; la CH se recolectó entre agosto de 2004 y diciembre de 2006. El comportamiento de la respiración del suelo diurna (RSD fue bimodal con picos en mayo y septiembre (177,65-172,73 mg CO2 m-2 h-1, relacionándose exponencialmente con la temperatura media del aire (R2=0,48; p=0,013 y la humedad relativa (R2=0,40; p=0,028. La respiración del suelo nocturna (RSN fue trimodal con valores máximos en octubre, agosto y mayo (268,87-181,49-162,79 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. Las tasas anuales de la respiración del suelo diurnas y nocturnas se estimaron entre 35,14 - 39,28 g C m-2 y entre 42,48 - 47,42 g C m-2, respectivamente. Con base en el área del matorral (9,1 ha, la liberación de carbono edáfico se calculó entre 3,08 y 3,72 Mg C año-1 para el periodo diurno y nocturno. Las fluctuaciones mensuales de la temperatura media del aire y de la caída de detritus (Dt determinaron (R2=0,66; p<0,001 la dinámica de la respiración diurna (RSD=77,94TMEDIA+36,45Dt-1142,8 y nocturna (RSN=99,05TMEDIA+57,44Dt-1470,3, permitiendo retroinferir que las tasas de respiración en 2005 podrían ser 50% mayores que en 2006. El catabolismo edáfico del matorral dependió menos de las oscilaciones de las variables meteorológicas que el del pastizal.

  1. Anfibios y reptiles del valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México Amphibians and reptiles from the Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, Mexico

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    Leonardo Fernández-Badillo


    Full Text Available El valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, México, es un área de gran riqueza biológica; sin embargo, se desconoce mucho sobre su herpetofauna, por lo que se realizó una lista de anfibios y reptiles de 3 zonas del valle. Se analizó su distribución por tipo de vegetación, se registraron los microhábitats utilizados, así como la abundancia relativa. Se llevaron a cabo 12 salidas mensuales durante 1 año, con 108 días de muestreo. Se realizaron recorridos sobre transectos, en 9 tipos de vegetación. La herpetofauna del área de estudio está integrada por 37 especies (7 anfibios y 30 reptiles, de las cuales 8 se registran por primera vez para el valle del Mezquital. La mayoría de las especies se presentaron en las zonas de cultivo (26, 14 especies en los de la zona templada y 13 en los de la zona de riego. La herpetofauna del valle del Mezquital utiliza un total de 27 tipos de microhábitats, siendo "bajo roca" donde se registró el mayor número de especies (22. La mayoría de las especies tanto de anfibios como de reptiles fueron consideradas raras.Valle del Mezquital Hidalgo, Mexico is known for its high biological richness, but little is known about its herpetofauna. A study to list the amphibians and reptiles of 3 different zones at the Valle del Mezquital was carried out. We analyzed their distribution in different types of vegetation, their microhabitat and relative abundance in 12 monthly trips during 1 year for a total of 108 days. We sampled transects over 9 types of vegetation. Thirty species have been reported for this area (7 amphibians, 30 reptiles, 8 reported for the first time from Valle del Mezquital. Most of the species were present within crops (26, 14 within the temperate zone and 13 within the irrigation zone. The herpetofauna at Valle del Mezquital uses 27 different microhabitat, being "under rock" the most used by 22 species. Most of the species, both amphibians and reptiles were considered rare.

  2. Una caza del tesoro para aprender la pronunciación del español

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    Xose Padilla García


    Full Text Available El grupo Pronuncia bien surgió en el seno del Máster de Enseñanza de español e inglés como L2/LE de la Universidad de Alicante bajo la dirección del profesor Xose A.Padilla. El objetivo de nuestro grupo es elaborar instrumentos de aprendizaje que permitan mejorar la pronunciación de estudiantes de E/LE de manera eficaz y divertida.A día de hoy, el grupo ha creado materiales didácticos dirigidos especialmente a estudiantes cuya lengua de origen sea el inglés o el italiano. La creación de las herramientas didácticas y de evaluación propiamente dichas se basa en los principios del Método Verbo-Tonal (MVT, en las propuestas del enfoque comunicativo, y en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías (TICs. Tenemos en cuenta, asimismo, las directrices del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER y los consejos del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC sobre la enseñanza del español.


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    Efraín Llanos Henríquez


    Full Text Available Una parte considerable de los problemas espaciales que afectan a muchos entes territoriales en Colombia se debe en gran medida a la inexistencia de adecuadas políticas de ordenamiento y planeación del territorio. En este trabajo se hace una caracterización de los principales problemas espaciales de los municipios del sur del Atlántico, se analizan los factores que han incidido en su surgimiento y continuidad y se plantean algunas alternativas de solución, desde la Nueva Planeación Territorial Estratégica. El trabajo se sustenta en una amplia utilización de fuentes secundarias (investigación bibliográfica, uso de cartografía -mapas, planos, fotografías e imágenes satelitales- y estadísticas económicas, políticas y sociales, entre otras, así como en la realización de entrevistas y encuestas a habitantes de los municipios del área, en trabajos de campo y en la experiencia personal del autor en la zona estudiada. El trabajo se soporta teóricamente en la concepción del espacio como construcción social, planteada, entre otros, por Santos (2000, en los análisis y métodos de la Geografía Histórica (Tovar, 1986, y en especial en el llamado por Harvey (2003 Materialismo Histórico Geográfico y en los aportes de la Nueva Planeación Territorial Estratégica. Es una investigación de tipo descriptivo y explicativo.

  4. Monitorización del proceso emprendedor a través del modelo de negocio

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    Rosa M. Batista-Canino


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo aborda un doble objetivo: desde un punto de vista teórico, profundizar en el conocimiento del proceso emprendedor en la fase incipiente y, desde un punto de vista metodológico, evidenciar el potencial del modelo de negocio como herramienta de prospección y estudio del proceso emprendedor en dicha fase. Con este fin se propone la adaptación del marco teórico sobre modelos de negocio, al tiempo que se desarrolla una metodología para el análisis longitudinal en esta primera etapa de la vida de una empresa, utilizando un caso revelador. Ello permite confirmar muchos de los hallazgos teóricos del campo de estudio e identificar nuevas cuestiones de investigación. Así, se pone de manifiesto la importancia de desvelar qué factores influyen en la evolución del proceso emprendedor a través del análisis de la evolución del modelo de negocio que subyace, y cómo se ajustan los elementos internos de la empresa con los del entorno para ir configurando un proyecto empresarial en su fase temprana. El trabajo contribuye a mitigar la necesidad de desarrollar estudios de corte longitudinal, al incluir la dimensión temporal en el modelo de negocio, cuestión escasamente abordada en la literatura.

  5. Anexo: Fibras de lino en las piletas del poblado ibérico del Coll del Moro (Gandesa, Terra Alta: estudio paleoetnobotánico

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    Alonso i Martínez, Natàlia


    Full Text Available In this paper we offer the results of research on flax fibres discovered in water-bassins of the Iberian settlement of Coll del Moro (Gandesa, Spain

    En el presente estudio presentamos los resultados obtenidos en las investigaciones realizadas sobre la funcionalidad de las piletas del poblado ibérico del Coll del Moro (Gandesa, en las cuales detectamos una importante presencia de fibras de lino.

  6. Memorias para armar: Las conmemoraciones del 24 de Marzo en escuelas primarias del conurbano bonaerense


    Amézola, Gonzalo de; D'Achary, Claudia


    Este artículo se ocupa del problema del tratamiento del pasado reciente en la escuela. Describe las distintas representaciones de la última dictadura militar que se encuentran presentes en los discursos pronunciados en las conmemoraciones realizadas en 2008 para recordar el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976 en escuelas primarias del partido de Malvinas Argentinas, ubicado en el Conurbano Bonaerense. Se analiza en esos discursos la presencia de distintas narraciones de la memoria colecti...

  7. Identificación del agente causal del anillo rojo del agave tequilero (Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul).


    Mezo Villalobos, Miriam


    El cultivo del agave tequilero es parte de una larga tradición del estado de Jalisco, México. Esta actividad que culmina con la obtención del tequila, un tipo de mezcal tan característico, que se ha legislado su producción bajo la Denominación de Origen. La cadena producto agave-tequila es de suma importancia económica y social, no sólo para la región productora, sino para el país, dadas las elevadas cantidades de tequila que se exportan a todo el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo ...

  8. El contrato de agencia comercial. Análisis dentro del contexto del derecho romano

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    María Elisa Camacho López


    Full Text Available Sumario: Premisa. Principios derivados del sistema jurídico romano-germánico aplicables al contrato de agencia comercial. i. Algunas figuras de la actividad mercantil en el derecho romano. ii. Cláusulas de no competencia. A. Posibles fuentes de la obligación de no competencia en el derecho romano. 1. Obsequium. 2. Operae iuratae. 3. Operae stipulatae. 4. Stipulatio. 5. Contratos innominados. 6. Lex mancipii. B. Licitud o ilicitud de la obligación de no competencia en el derecho romano. C. Condena por el incumplimiento de la obligación de no competir. iii. Consecuencias de la terminación del contrato. A. Revocación del mandato por parte del mandante. B. Renuncia del mandato por parte del mandatario. iv. Conclusiones

  9. Estudio de asociación del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación con otros trastornos del desarrollo infantil en la ciudad de Bucaramanga


    Salinas Velasco, Rossana Iveth; Díaz Plata, Lyda Maritza


    INTRODUCCION. El trastorno del Desarrollo de la Coordinación TDC en la infancia es una problemática importante desde la salud pública, ya que tiene repercusiones importantes desde las diferentes esferas del desarrollo: motora, cognitiva, psicosocial y emocional, por lo mismo, es frecuente la presencia de comorbilidad con otros trastornos del desarrollo infantil. Se presenta un estudio multicéntrico que caracteriza la asociación del TDC con otros trastornos del desarrollo. OBJETIVO. Determ...

  10. Calidad del software: camino hacia una verdadera industria del software

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    Saulo Ernesto Rojas Salamanca


    Full Text Available El software es quizá uno de los productos de la ingeniería que más ha evolucionado en muy poco tiempo, pasando desde el software empírico o artesanal hasta llegar al software desarrollado bajo los principios y herramientas de la ingeniería del software. Sin embargo, dentro de estos cambios, las personas encargadas de la elaboración del software se han enfrentado a problemas muy comunes: unos debido a la exigencia cada vez mayor en la capacidad de resultados del software, debido al permanente cambio de condiciones lo que aumenta su complejidad y obsolescencia; y otros, debido a la carencia de herramientas adecuadas y estándares de tipo organizacional encaminados al mejoramiento de los procesos en el desarrollo del software. Hacia la búsqueda de mecanismos de solución de estos últimos problemas se orienta este artículo...

  11. Carta del Editor

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    Luis Eladio Proaño


    Full Text Available La millonaria contratación del futbolista David Beckham, un fenómeno del mercado, ha provocado cuestionamientos a los que se busca respuesta. Es tema de análisis el por qué el betseller "Harry Potter" ha causado tanta conmoción en la opinión pública. Respecto al periodista cibernético, se señalan los contornos del presente y atisban las posibilidades del futuro de esta nueva profesión. El tratamiento de los mitos de la prensa, los temores de la Ley mordaza venezolana y la brutalidad de los video juegos e Internet son temas de enorme interés. Se comenta las pocas veces que la prensa reflexiona sobre la comunicación corporal y la anorexia.

  12. Influencia del evento el niño-oscilacion del sur sobre las precipitaciones en cinco ciudades del litoral ecuatoriano


    Espol; Rodriguez Aguilar, Jose Antonio; Luna Rodriguez, Javier Alejandro


    La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de evaluar la influencia del fenómeno enos, caracterizado por los índices oni e icen, sobre las precipitaciones ocurridas en el período de 1975-2016 en ciudades del litoral ecuatoriano, con la finalidad de que contribuya al diseño de lineamientos para mejorar la respuesta de la población ante la posible presencia del evento Guayaquil MAGISTER EN CAMBIO CLIMATICO

  13. El reconocimiento del arte mobilar cantábrico : la aportación del H. Alcalde del Río

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    Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu


    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer reconocimiento del arte mobiliar cantábrico por H. Alcalde del Río: obras muy importantes recuperadas en sus excavaciones de las cuevas de Altamira (1904 y Hornos de la Peña (con J. Bouyssonie, H. Breuil y H. Obermaier, en 1909-1910. Se analizan sus interpretaciones (publicadas en 1906 y 1911 por Alcalde del Río y H. Breuil para asentar la aproximación arte mobiliar/arte rupestre en tres casos: las figuras de signos cerrados; las figuras de ciervas de trazo estriado; el estilo de las figuras animales ‘auriñacienses’.We introduce the earliest recognition of Cantabrian portable art by H. Alcalde del Río: the very important art pieces retrieved at his excavations at the caves of Altamira (1904 and Hornos de la Peña (alongwith J. Bouyssonie, H. Breuil y H. Obermaier, in 1909-1910. Their interpretations (published in 1906 and 1911 by Alcalde del Río and H. Breuil in order to fix the relationships between portable and rock art are analysed: the closed signs (tectiformes; the hind figures of multiple engravings; and the “aurignacian” style.

  14. Del bit al qubit


    Torras Font, Josep


    Aquest document pretén donar una visió del desenvolupament dels computadors electrònics i dels components que els han fet possibles. Dintre de les opcions de futur en computació, també intenta donar una visió de les bases en que es fonamenta la computació quàntica.

  15. El valor del consejo en el Libro del caballero Zifar

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    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el valor que cobra en el Libro del caballero Zifar la definición del consejo como elemento fundamental del molinismo. El análisis permite distinguir no solo la afirmación de una palabra linajística ejemplar sino también la importancia del consejo del verdadero amigo, y en particular, el de la mujer o del caballero. A través de la valoración de la prueba que le tiene que imponer el rey al consejero se vislumbra además la imagen de este consejo privado que se impuso bajo el reinado de Alfonso XI y cuyo papel no fue sino confortar el poder de la realeza.Le propos de cet article est de montrer l’importance que revêt dans le Livre du chevalier Zifar la définition du conseil comme trait essentiel du molinisme. L’analyse permet non seulement de mettre en évidence l’affirmation d’une parole lignagère exemplaire mais aussi de distinguer le conseil de l’ami véritable, en particulier celui de la femme ou du chevalier. À travers la valorisation de l’épreuve que le roi se doit d’imposer au conseiller, on entrevoit en outre l’image du conseil privé qui s’imposa sous le règne d’Alphonse XI et dont le rôle fut de conforter le pouvoir de la royauté.

  16. Memorias para armar. Las conmemoraciones del 24 de Marzo en escuelas primarias del conurbano bonaerense


    Gonzalo de Amézola; Claudia D\\u2019Achary


    Este artículo se ocupa del problema del tratamiento del pasado reciente en la escuela. Describe las distintas representaciones de la última dictadura militar que se encuentran presentes en los discursos pronunciados en las conmemoraciones realizadas en 2008 para recor - dar el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976 en escuelas primarias del partido de Malvinas Argentinas, ubicado en el Conurbano Bonae - rense. Se analiza en esos discursos la presencia de distintas narracio - nes de la memori...

  17. Perfil histológico e inmunohistoquímico del desarrollo del mesenquima de la extremidad del embrión y feto


    Gosálbez García, Javier


    El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio del mesémquima de la extremidad de embriones y fetos obtenidos de 50 muestras procedentes de abortos recogidas del archivo del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del H.U.C.A. Tras la clasificación de las muestras según el tamaño y edad de gestación probable, el procesamiento de los tejidos se realizó según la técnica habitual de preparación de muestras para su estudio histológico con microscopio óptico. Las tinciones se realizaron ...

  18. Los policías como detectores del engaño: Investigación en torno al efecto del sesgo del investigador


    Alonso Dosouto, Hernán


    [ES] En esta Tesis se trata la profundización en el estudio del investigator bias effect (que traduciremos como “efecto del sesgo del investigador1”), que ha sido definido por Meissner y Kassin (2002) como la tendencia o sesgo de los policías (“profesionales” de la detección del engaño) a emitir un mayor porcentaje de juicios de mentira2 cuando se enfrentan a una tarea de evaluación de la veracidad. Meissner y Kassin (2002) han planteado que en la raíz de este sesgo se encontrarían tanto el ...

  19. Midiendo los resultados del comercio agropecuario mexicano en el contexto del TLCAN

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    Belem Dolores Avendaño Ruiz


    Full Text Available La integración comercial del TLCAN puede tener efectos positivos y negativos en las economías que la promueven, dependiendo en gran medida del grado de apertura, el tipo de competencia que se genere y el nivel de desarrollo de los países. El propósito de este trabajo es medir los resultados del comercio agropecuario en el contexto del TLCAN. Se prueba el análisis en los indicadores de creación y desviación de comercio, de especialización comercial y competitividad y el impacto por el cambio en las exportaciones e importaciones agropecuarias y productos seleccionados.

  20. Desarrollo del ensilado del alga Gracilaria chilensis para la alimentación del abalón rojo Haliotis rufescens

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    Alfonso Mardones


    Full Text Available En Chile, el principal insumo usado como alimento para abalones son las algas Gracilaria chilensis y Macrocystis pyrifera. Estas algas experimentan una notable baja de disponibilidad en otoño e invierno, lo cual trae consigo un aumento considerable de los precios, al tener que depender del abastecimiento desde áreas cada vez más alejadas de los centros de cultivo de abalones y, eventualmente, generando impactos ecológicos indirectos en sus poblaciones. El objetivo fue elaborar y evaluar un ensilado del alga G. chilensis para la alimentación de abalón rojo (Haliotis rufescens, determinando la cantidad de lixiviados generados durante el proceso, el cambio en la composición proximal del alga, la preferencia y consumo del abalón rojo de ensilado de G. chilensis. Se logró un producto ensilado de buenas características físicas, químicas y de conservación, así como una buena aceptación por parte del abalón.