
Sample records for del arenal catamarca

  1. Cacao 3 (Cc 3, Arte rupestre del formativo temprano en Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina

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    Alvaro Rodrigo Martel


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo hemos abordado el estudio de la producción del arte rupestre del sitio Cacao 3 –Cc3- (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca con relación a las prácticas socioculturales de grupos agropastoriles del periodo Formativo Temprano en la Puna meridional argentina, haciendo hincapié en el emplazamiento del sitio y su asociación contextual con las demás evidencias arqueológicas conocidas para el área de estudio y estableciendo las relaciones entre las manifestaciones rupestres de Cc3 con las de otros sitios, a nivel micro y macrorregional, a través de indicadores estilísticos

  2. Caracterización de manantiales del departamento Ancasti en la provincia de Catamarca (Argentina)


    Denim, Pablo; l Instituto Nacional de Tecnología, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Catamarca, Ruta 33- Km 4,5. Valle Viejo, Catamarca, Argentina.; Cano, Laura; Instituto Nacional de Tecnología, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Catamarca, Ruta 33- Km 4,5. Valle Viejo, Catamarca, Argentina.; Castro, Ornella; l Instituto Nacional de Tecnología, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Catamarca, Ruta 33- Km 4,5. Valle Viejo, Catamarca, Argentina.


    Las poblaciones de la provincia de Catamarca, Argentina no tienen acceso al agua o el acceso es muy precario. Entre estas poblaciones se encuentran las de El Huayco, El Arbolito y El Puesto Nuevo, en el departamento Ancasti, donde cada familia y una escuela de la zona poseen su propia vertiente. En estos lugares se realizaron obras de captación de agua, a fin de que cada familia y la escuela tengan disponibilidad de este recurso. Con el objetivo de conocer la calidad del agua de abastecimient...

  3. LA ALFARERÍA DEL TARDÍO PREHISPÁNICO DEL VALLE DEL BOLSÓN (CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA: ¿PRODUCCIÓN LOCAL O ALÓCTONA? / The Late Prehispanic pottery of the Bolsón Valley (Catamarca, Argentine: local or allochthonous production?

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    Verónica Puente


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en los estudios de procedencia de conjuntos cerámicos recuperados en dos asentamientos conglomerados del valle del Bolsón (Belén, Catamarca, Argentina vinculados a ocupaciones del tardío prehispánico (ca. 900-1600 DC. Las muestras estudiadas corresponden principalmente a cerámica pintada en negro sobre rojo reconocida como de estilo Belén, en menor medida ordinaria y excepcionalmente negro sobre crema y ante. Se complementaron análisis petrológicos y análisis por activación neutrónica instrumental realizados a la alfarería y a materias primas adecuadas para la producción alfarera muestreadas en la región. Se concluye que un grupo mayoritario de piezas fueron elaboradas con arcillas y arenas procedentes de la región bajo estudio. Asimismo, se destacan similitudes composicionales entre la vajilla recuperada en ambos asentamientos a pesar de las diferencias logísticas y estratégicas de emplazamiento. Los resultados generados son un importante aporte al tema de la producción alfarera a escala suprarregional dado que evidencian la coexistencia de distintos locus de producción cerámica en el oeste catamarqueño durante el lapso temporal estudiado.   Palabras clave: cerámica, tardío prehispánico, procedencia, análisis de activación neutrónica, petrografía.   Abstract The results obtained in the study of the provenance of ceramic recovered in two conglomerates settlements of the valley of El Bolsón (Belén, Catamarca, Argentina linked to prehispanic late occupations (ca. 900-1600 AD are given. The samples analyzed correspond mainly to Belén style ceramic, in lesser frequency to ordinary, and exceptionally to black over cream and beige. This study combined petrological and neutron instrumental activation analysis made in both kind of samples, archaeological pottery and local raw materials. It is concluded that a majority of archaeological pottery were made with clay and

  4. ACERCA DEL USO DE PULIDORES O LITOS NO MODIFICADOS EN LA PRODUCCIÓN CERÁMICA DEL SITIO VILLAVIL (PROVINCIA DE CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA (On the Use of Unmodified Lithic Polishers in the Ceramic Production of the Villavil Site (Province of Catamarca, Argentina

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    Julieta Lynch


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo profundizar el conocimiento sobre las actividades que se desarrollaron en el sitio Villavil, localizado al norte del valle de Hualfín, provincia de Catamarca, Argentina. Se analizaron las características tecnomorfológicas y funcionales de los conjuntos cerámicos, como así también del material lítico asociado a la producción cerámica de uno de los recintos que conforman el sitio (Recinto Rectangular 1. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido profundizar acerca de las distintas etapas de producción cerámica y de los elementos líticos que habrían participado en su proceso de manufactura. ENGLISH: The main objective of this paper is to improve the knowledge of the ancient activities in the site of Villavil, located in the northern Hualfin Valley, Catamarca, Argentina. The techno-morphology, functional ceramic characteristics, and lithic material associated to ceramic production from one structure forming the archaeological site (Rectangular Structure 1 has been analyzed. These results have helped to better understand the different stages of ceramic production and the lithic elements that would have been part of the manufacturing process.

  5. La pobreza y su relación con los problemas de empleo en Catamarca y Tucumán, Argentina, a fines del siglo xx

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    Ariel Osatinsky


    Full Text Available En 2001 Catamarca era la provincia con menores niveles de pobreza de todo el norte argentino. Por el contrario en Tucumán, cuya economía era la más dinámica de la región, era mayor el porcentaje de hogares pobres. Teniendo en cuenta que entre los procesos económicos y la pobreza existe un fuerte vínculo, y que las dificultades laborales son un componente importante en dicha relación, en este artículo se analiza de qué manera los menores niveles de pobreza en Catamarca fueron consecuencia de que su población resultó menos afectada que la tucumana por las transformaciones productivas regresivas y los problemas de empleo del periodo.


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    Ariel Osatinsky


    Full Text Available En el Noroeste argentino (NOA, Catamarca y Tucumán son dos provincias cuyo análisis adquiere un interés particular: la primera de ellas, con una estructura productiva más reducida y tradicional, mostraba a comienzos del siglo XXI el menor porcentaje de pobres de todo el norte del país, mientras que la segunda, a pesar de poseer la economía más desarrollada del NOA, tenía niveles más elevados de pobreza. Partiendo del supuesto que existe un fuerte vínculo entre la pobreza y la economía, y teniendo presente que las transformaciones económicas no se realizaron a un ritmo similar ni tampoco impactaron de un modo semejante en todas las provincias, la presente investigación analiza la evolución y las características que tuvieron las estructuras productivas de Catamarca y Tucumán entre 1980 y 2002. En particular, se examinan los cambios que atravesaron las actividades agropecuarias, la industria, el comercio y los servicios de ambas provincias.

  7. Los peligros volcánicos del Arenal

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    Sjöbohm Castillo, Linda Marie


    Full Text Available Este estudio fue realizado con el fin de establecer los riesgos asociados al volcán Arenal y la realización y utilización de los mapas de peligros volcánicos en la planificación de las áreas circundantes. Contiene información histórica de la actividad del volcán. Presenta los objetivos fundamentales de la producción de los mapas. Identifica los tipos de peligros que presenta el volcán en la actualidad y finalmente, informa sobre la construcción de los mapas de peligros volcánicos, tanto el de corto plazo como el de largo plazo This study was developed with the purpose of establishing the risks related to the Arenal Volcano and the development and use of volcanic danger maps in the planning of the areas around. It includes historic information about the volcano activity. It presents the main objective of doing the maps. It identifies the types of dangers the volcano presents in these days. Finally, it informs about the development of volcanic dangers maps, at short and long term

  8. Reflexiones acerca de la memoria y los usos del pasado a partir del análisis de un caso en el Noroeste argentino: Departamento de Santa María (provincia de Catamarca

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    Lorena B. Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La memoria social no es un mero reflejo de los hechos del pasado, sino una compleja construcción en la que tanto recuerdos individuales como colectivos, experiencias pasadas y situaciones presentes se intrincan inexorablemente. La memoria, entendida en esos términos, se constituye en un campo ideal para preguntar acerca de los diferentes sentidos que se le asignan al pasado desde o para el presente y analizar, por ende, las tensiones y disputas que tales asignaciones conllevan. En esta línea de trabajo, el objetivo del artículo es abordar el complejo proceso de atribuciones de sentido acerca del pasado que diferentes sectores y actores de la población del Dto. de Santa María (Pcia. de Catamarca realizan en la actualidad y, a la vez, reflexionar sobre algunas cuestiones teóricas que se desprenden del caso expuesto, en particular en torno a la idea del pasado como un recurso ilimitado pasible de ser usado por cualquier persona en cualquier momento.The social memory is not a mere reflection of the past events but a complex construction in which individual and colective memories, past experiences and current situations are inexorably mixed up. Memory, in that sense, became an ideal field to ask about the different meanings assigned to the past, from or for the present; thus allowing us to analize the tensions and disputes generated in this attributions. The aim of this paper is to approach the complex process by which different sectors and actors of Santa María district (Catamarca's province assign meanings to the past and, at the same time, to think about some theoretical subjects extracted of this case, particularly around the idea of the past as an unscared resource capable of being used by anyone at any moment.

  9. Opciones para la prevención: el caso del Volcán Arenal

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    Esquivel Valverde, Lidier


    Full Text Available El presente artículo analiza una serie de aspectos relacionados con la actividad del volcán Arenal y su repercusión la zona. Como tema principal, explica ampliamente la propuesta Uso de suelos en los alrededores del volcán, creada por el Comité Asesor Técnico en Vulcanología, integrada por el Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica de la Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI, la Red Sismológica Nacional de la Universidad de Costa Rica (RSN y el Área de Amenaza y Auscultación Sísmica y Volcánica del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE, la cual estipula las zonas de restricción para el uso de suelo, dividida en dos niveles de restricción y cuatro sub áreas. El artículo incluye un Mapa de restricciones de uso del suelo, tránsito de personas y ubicación de los proyectos de desarrollo más importantes en los alrededores del volcán Arenal. Las conclusiones exponen los motivos que propiciaron la creación de la propuesta y su aplicación, así como algunos puntos deficitarios con respecto a la participación de otros actores This article analyses a series of aspects related to the activity of the Arenal Volcano and its repercussion in the zone. The main topic broadly explains the proposal about soil use around the Volcano, created by the Technical Advisor Committee in Volcanology, composed by the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of the Costa Rica, National University (Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica de la Universidad Nacional - OVSICORI, the National Seismic Network of the University of Costa Rica (Red Sismológica Nacional de la Universidad de Costa Rica - RSN and the Threat Area and Seismic Auscultation of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (Área de Amenaza y Auscultación Sísmica y Volcánica del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad - ICE that includes the restricted zones for soil use, divided in two levels of restriction and four sub areas. The article includes a

  10. ESPACIO DE ASENTAMIENTO Y CAMPOS VISUALES EN LA ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL VALLE DE AMBATO, CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA / Settlement space and visual fields in the archeology of Ambato valley, Catamarca, Argentina.

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    Susana Assandri


    Full Text Available La cultura Aguada en el Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, adquiere una manifestación particular que se observa a nivel espacial por la gran cantidad y variedad de las unidades de asentamiento, tanto por sus características externas, como emplazamiento en el terreno y relación con recursos hídricos, como por sus características internas. En este trabajo se intenta avanzar en el análisis espacial, que habíamos enfocado en las características internas de las estructuras construidas en el Valle, para ahondar en la relación de éstas con su espacio geográfico, como una de las manifestaciones espaciales de las relaciones entre los seres humanos y su ambiente.La propuesta es que a través del análisis de la visibilidad, de cada una de las estructuras, genere un aporte al conocimiento de los factores que contribuyen a su emplazamiento en el terreno. Palabras Clave: Aguada; análisis espacial; visibilidad; estructuras; emplazamiento. AbstractAguada culture in Ambato valley, Catamarca, acquires a particular manifestation observed spatially by the large number and variety of settlement units by their external characteristics such as location in relation to land and water resources, and its internal characteristics.  It attempts to advance in spatial analysis; we had focused on the internal characteristics of the structures built in the Valley, to deepen their relations with their geographical space as a spatial manifestation of the relationship between humans and their environment.  The proposal is that through the analysis of visibility, each of the structures, contribute to the knowledge of the factors contributing to its location in the field. Keywords: Aguada, spatial analysis, visibility, structures, location.

  11. ESTUDIOS PETROGRÁFICOS Y DE CORTES DELGADOS PARA LA IDENTIFICACIÓN DE MATERIAS PRIMAS LÍTICAS EN EL SECTOR NORTE DEL VALLE DE HUALFÍN (CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA (Petrographic and Thin Section Analysis for the Identification of Raw Lithic Materials in the Northern Area of the Hualfín Valley (Catamarca, Argentina

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    Julieta Lynch


    Full Text Available El objetivo del siguiente trabajo se centra en el análisis macroscópico y en estudios petrográficos microscópicos realizados sobre materiales líticos arqueológicos recuperados de los sitios Villavil y Villavil 2 (Hualfín, Catamarca, Argentina. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron identificar las materias primas utilizadas en la manufactura de artefactos asociados a ocupaciones del periodo de Desarrollos Regionales/Inka (ca. 900 al 1400 d. C. y, en base a la información geológica de la zona, se realizaron observaciones acerca de su posible procedencia. Esto permitió discutir las hipótesis planteadas con anterioridad acerca de las prácticas relacionadas con su aprovisionamiento. ENGLISH: The main objective of this study is the macroscopic and microscopic petrographic analysis of lithic materials recovered from the sites of Villavil and Villavil 2 (Hualfín, Catamarca, Argentina. The results obtained from this analysis allowed for the identification of the raw materials used in the manufacture of artifacts associated with Regional Developments/Inka Period (ca. 900 to 1400 A.D. occupations. Based on regional geological information, we are able to posit the source locations of these raw materials. This allows for a discussion of previous hypotheses regarding practices of lithic procurement in the area.

  12. Veta Esperanza Sudeste, un caso particular de enriquecimiento Supergénico en el yacimiento Alto de la blenda, distrito minero Agua de Dionisio, provincia de Catamarca Veta Esperanza Sudeste, a particular case of supergenic enrichment in the Alto de la Blenda deposit, Agua de Dionisio mining district, Catamarca Province.


    Natalia Salado Paz; Ana S Fogliata; Julio C Avila; Nicolás Montenegro


    Veta Esperanza Sudeste se localiza en el distrito minero Agua de Dionisio, Catamarca, dentro de la provincia geológica de las Sierras Pampeanas Occidentales. La geología del mismo corresponde a rocas metamórficas de bajo grado y cuerpos ígneos intrusivos graníticos a granodioríticos paleozoicos, sedimentos clásticos continentales terciarios y rocas pertenecientes al Complejo Volcánico Farallón Negro del Mioceno. Además, a areniscas, tobas del Plioceno y depósitos fluviales del Cuaternario. En...

  13. Apellidos y haplogrupos del cromosoma Y en 5 poblaciones del NOA

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    Riccio, M. E.


    Full Text Available Se analizaron de forma preliminar muestras de sangre hospitalarias de donantes provenientes de la capital de las provincias de Catamarca (N=62, Salta (N=20, Tucumán (N=11. Las mismas fueron comparadas con datos preexistentes de la provincia de Jujuy (Quebrada de Humahuaca, N=28; San Salvador de Jujuy, N=16. Se estudiaron los linajes paternos, analizando la presencia de la transición C a T para el locus DYS199. Las frecuencias génicas del alelo DYS199 T muestran un gradiente decreciente: Quebrada de Humahuaca (0,64, San Salvador de Jujuy (0,31, Salta (0,25, Tucumán (0,18, y Catamarca (0,08. Las diferencias de las frecuencias sólo fueron significativas entre Catamarca y Salta (P<0,05, y Catamarca con Humahuaca y San Salvador (P<0,001. El apellido y el cromosoma Y son transmitidos por vía paterna. Al analizar la correlación entre ambos, en Catamarca, Salta y Tucumán, en promedio, el 2% de los apellidos americanos coincidieron con el haplogrupo americano, mientras que en Jujuy y Quebrada de Humahuaca lo hicieron en un 34%. De los individuos con haplogrupo amerindio fueron más frecuentes los de apellido aborigen en las poblaciones jujeñas (65 %, y los de apellido europeo en las restantes (83 %. Las diferencias significativas de frecuencia entre Jujuy y el resto de las provincias puede ser el producto de una historia de migraciones y mezcla génica originada a partir de la colonización española del NOA.

  14. ZOOARQUEOLOGÍA Y TAFONOMÍA DEL PERÍODO TARDÍO-INCA EN PEÑAS COLORADAS, ANTOFAGASTA DE LA SIERRA (PUNA DE CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA/Zooarchaeology and taphonomy of the Late Period-INCA in Peñas Coloradas, Antofagasta de la Sierra (Puna of Catamarca, Argentina

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    Jorge Guillermo Ortiz


    Full Text Available Se presenta el análisis integrado del conjunto arqueofaunístico, constituido por vertebrados e invertebrados, del sitio Peñas Coloradas 3-cumbre (PC3-c, Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina. El sitio se localiza en la cumbre de un farallón de ignimbrita y está conformado por estructuras arquitectónicas asignadas a momentos Tardíos-Incas, algunas de las cuales han sido reutilizadas hasta principios del siglo XX. Con la finalidad de complementar los datos y reconstruir la historia tafonómica de los conjuntos faunísticos, se estudió el contexto sedimentario mediante métodos físico-químicos (textura; pH; determinación de albúmina, P y MO. Los materiales analizados brindaron datos sobre algunas de las actividades realizadas en las estructuras, el consumo de animales, temporalidad, estacionalidad de las ocupaciones, y sobre los procesos diagenéticos actuantes. La integración contextual de los datos materiales analizados y del emplazamiento del sitio y sus estructuras, nos permite inferir prácticas sociales diferenciadas entre las estructuras con cubierta y sin cubierta. Las primeras, se vinculan a depósitos de alimentos y manufacturas, mientras que las segundas se asocian con  prácticas residenciales, procesamiento y consumo de alimentos. Abstract In this paper, an integrated analysis of archaeofaunal data consisting of vertebrates and invertebrates of the Peñas Coloradas 3-summit (PC3-c, Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina is conducted. The site is located at the top of an ignimbrite hill and is composed of architectural structures attributed to Late Inca times, some of which had been re-used until the early 20th century. In order to complement the data and reconstruct the taphonomic history of the faunal assemblages, we studied the sedimentary context by physicochemical methods (texture, pH, determination of albumin, P and MO. The material tested has provided data on some of the activities in the structures

  15. Catálogo de hongos gasteroides (Basidiomycota de Catamarca, Argentina Catalogue of gasteroid fungi (Basidiomycota from Catamarca, Argentina

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    María Marta Dios


    Full Text Available Se realiza un listado de los hongos gasteroides de la provincia de Catamarca (Argentina basado en la bibliografía hasta abril de 2010. En total aparecen citadas 43 especies distribuidas en 2 órdenes, 4 familias y 13 géneros. El número de especies catalogadas es relativamente baja pero este número probablemente se incremente cuando se estudien las zonas aún no muestreadas como son las regiones fitogeográfícas de la Puna y las Yungas.A compiled check list of gasteroid fungi of Catamarca Province (Argentina was made. It was based on literature records, available until April 2010. There were 43 species of fungi distributed in 2 orders, 4 families and 13 genera. The number of species recorded in this area was relatively poor but it is likely to increase with the study of unexplored areas not yet surveyed as the phytogeographical regions of the Puna and Yungas.

  16. Diagnóstico socio-ambiental para un desarrollo sustentable de la Puna Meridional Argentina, Localidad de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca

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    Liliana M. Manzi


    Full Text Available Se presenta un diagnóstico socio-ambiental realizado en la comunidad de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina, siendo tomados en consideración las unidades sociales de producción, los rebaños, las pasturas disponibles y los patrones de uso y tenencia de la tierra. Se pretende identificar y evaluar la incidencia del actual uso del espacio sobre el medio natural y discutir las iniciativas oficiales de desarrollo económico para este sector de la Puna argentina.

  17. Veta Esperanza Sudeste, un caso particular de enriquecimiento Supergénico en el yacimiento Alto de la blenda, distrito minero Agua de Dionisio, provincia de Catamarca


    Natalia Salado Paz; Ana S Fogliata; Julio C Avila; Nicolás Montenegro


    Veta Esperanza Sudeste se localiza en el distrito minero Agua de Dionisio, Catamarca, dentro de la provincia geológica de las Sierras Pampeanas Occidentales. La geología del mismo corresponde a rocas metamórficas de bajo grado y cuerpos ígneos intrusivos graníticos a granodioríticos paleozoicos, sedimentos clásticos continentales terciarios y rocas pertenecientes al Complejo Volcánico Farallón Negro del Mioceno. Además, a areniscas, tobas del Plioceno y depósitos fluviales del Cuaternario. En...

  18. Metalogénesis de la veta Farallón Negro rama norte, Farallón Negro, provincia de Catamarca


    Martínez, Facundo; Fogliata, Ana; Montenegro, Nicolás; Hagemann, Steffen


    La veta Farallón Negro Rama Norte forma parte del yacimiento Farallón Negro ubicado en Hualfín, Departamento Belén, Catamarca. Este yacimiento se encuentra dentro del Complejo Volcánico Farallón Negro de edad terciaria, que constituye la roca de caja de un sistema de vetas rico en oro. La veta Farallón Negro Rama Norte tiene rumbo general N40°O e inclinación de 65° NE, tiene una corrida de 600 m, y se extiende desde la superficie hasta unos 400 m en profundidad. La roca de caja es una monzoni...

  19. Composición corporal en escolares de la provincia de Catamarca, Argentina

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    Lomaglio, Delia Beatriz


    Full Text Available Por primera vez se estimó la composición corporal de niños en edad escolar de la provincia de Catamarca, utilizando las ecuaciones propuestas por Gurney y Jellife (1973, Siri (1961 y Slaughter et al (1988 fundamentadas en la estima de la densidad corporal y los pliegues adiposos subcutáneos. También se calcularon otros parámetros nutricionales como el IMC y diversas relaciones que reflejan la distribución del perfil de grasa. La muestra fue de 5497 niños y niñas entre 5 y 15 años de edad, de siete departamentos provinciales. Las mediciones fueron realizadas entre 1980 y 2000, lo que facilitó, además, un análisis secular de la variabilidad de los parámetros estudiados. Los resultados obtenidos se han contrastado con los correspondientes a otros grupos humanos previamente estudiados con idéntica metodología. Por lo que respecta en concreto al sobrepeso y obesidad calculado a partir de los criterios de Cole et al (2000 cabe mencionar que la prevalencia de ambas condiciones malnutritivas es considerablemente inferior a la registrada hasta el momento para la mayoría de los países latinoamericanos utilizando protocolos basados en el IMC. Concretamente la proporción actual es en Catamarca de un 7% de sobrepeso y un 2% de obesidad, habiéndose observado que la tendencia secular al aumento de ambas condiciones, ha sido muy leve en los últimos veinte años.

  20. La confección de pigmentos en la producción de cerámica arqueológica (La Aguada, Catamarca, Argentina)


    Zalba, Patricia Eugenia; Zagorodny, Nora; Balesta, Bárbara; Morosi, Martín Eduardo


    En este trabajo se analizan muestras minerales clasificadas como "pigmentos" (Wolters F. m.s.) halladas en contextos funerarios en el cementerio de La Aguada (Depto. de Belén, Prov. de Catamarca). Este materialforma parte de la Colección Benjamín Muniz Barreto del Museo de La Plata. Las tumbas excavadas totalizan doscientas. En doce unidades de entierro se registraron diecisiete muestras de "pigmentos" presentando algunos de ellos, evidencias de haber sido amasados en forma de panes. Se reali...

  1. Nuevas citas de Asteraceae para la provincia de Catamarca (Argentina New records of Asteraceae for the province of Catamarca (Argentina

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    Susana E. Freire


    Full Text Available Se mencionan los siguientes nuevos registros de Asteráceas para la provincia de Catamarca, Argentina: Baccharis acaulis, B. boliviensis var. latifolia, B. flexuosa, B. glutinosa var. angustissima, B. stenophylla (Tribu Astereae, Eupatorium patens var. tomentosum (Tribu Eupatorieae, Cosmos bipinnatus, C. peucedanifolius var. peucedanifolius, Helianthus annuus (Tribu Heliantheae, Gamochaeta erythractis, G. longipedicellata, Gnaphalium lacteum, Tessaria integrifolia var. integrifolia (Tribu Inuleae, Chuquiraga ruscifolia (Tribu Mutisieae, Senecio crepidifolius, S. subulatus var. subulatus, Xenophyllum incisum var. incisum (Tribu Senecioneae. Se citan además el hábitat de los taxones y las provincias fitogeográficas que integran. Se propone una nueva combinación, Baccharis glutinosa Pers. var. angustissima (DC. Giuliano.The following Asteraceae are mentioned for the province of Catamarca: Baccharis acaulis, B. boliviensis var. latifolia, B. flexuosa, B. glutinosa var. angustissima, B. stenophylla (Tribe Astereae, Eupatorium patens var. tomentosum (Tribe Eupatorieae, Cosmos bipinnatus, C. peucedanifolius var. peucedanifolius, Helianthus annuus (Tribe Heliantheae, Gamochaeta erythractis, G. longipedicellata, Gnaphalium lacteum, Tessaria integrifolia var. integrifolia (Tribe Inuleae, Chuquiraga ruscifolia (Tribe Mutisieae, Senecio crepidifolius, S. subulatus var. subulatus, Xenophyllum incisum var. incisum (Tribe Senecioneae. The habitat and phytogeographic provinces of the taxa are mentioned. The following new combination is proposed: Baccharis glutinosa Pers. var. angustissima (DC. Giuliano.

  2. UN ENCUENTRO DE ARQUEOLOGÍAS: RESCATES Y ESTUDIO DE COLECCIONES DEL INICIO DEL PERÍODO TARDÍO (CA. SIGLOS XI-XIII (CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA / An encounter of archaeologies: rescues and study of collections of the Late Period beginning (ca. XI-XIII centuries

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    Valeria Palamarczuk


    Full Text Available Se expone una estrategia de trabajo en la que convergen dos líneas de la práctica arqueológica actual: los rescates arqueológicos y el estudio de colecciones de museos. Luego de una breve presentación de la categoría arqueológica “Hualfín”, se presentan tres rescates de entierros en “urnas Hualfín”, realizados en el marco de estudios de impacto arqueológico en las localidades de Los Nacimientos y La Ciénaga del Medio, en el valle de Hualfín, provincia de Catamarca. Las tres urnas son comparadas, mediante un ejercicio de morfometría estadístico, con una muestra de 77 urnas “Hualfín” y “Shiquimil” relevadas en museos. Los ejemplares que componen la muestra provienen de los valles de Hualfín, Yocavil, del Cajón y Andalgalá. La comparación con la base de datos contribuye a la contextualización regional de las urnas rescatadas y a la observación de tendencias estéticas compartidas con el conjunto. Los tres fechados radiocarbónicos obtenidos por AMS permiten ubicar a los eventos funerarios entre los siglos XI y XII y aportan a la discusión sobre la cronología del conjunto.  AbstractWe present a working strategy which integrates two lines in the current archaeological practice: archaeological rescues and study of museum collections. After a brief presentation of the archaeological category "Hualfín" three burials rescues in "Hualfín urns" are presented. The rescues were carried out in the frame of archaeological impact studies made in the towns of Los Nacimientos and La Cienega del Medio, in the Hualfín valley, Catamarca province. The three urns are compared, by a statistical morphometric exercise, with a sample of 77 "Hualfín" and "Shiquimil" urns registered in museums. The specimens come from the valleys of Hualfín, Yocavil, el Cajón and Andalgalá. The comparison with the database contributes to the regional contextualization of the three findings and to the observation of aesthetic trends shared with

  3. Espacio de asentamiento y campos visuales en la arqueología del Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina

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    Susana Assandri


    Full Text Available Aguada culture in Ambato valley, Catamarca, acquires a particular manifestation observed spatially by the large number and variety of settlement units by their external characteristics such as location in relation to land and water resources, and its internal characteristics. It attempts to advance in spatial analysis; we had focused on the internal characteristics of the structures built in the Valley, to deepen their relations with their geographical space as a spatial manifestation of the relationship between humans and their environment. The proposal is that through the analysis of visibility, each of the structures, contribute to the knowledge of the factors contributing to its location in the field.


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    Triana Kusumaningsih


    Full Text Available A research has been conducted to synthesize tetra-p-propenyltetraestercalix[4]arene and tetra-p-propenyltetracarboxylicacidcalix[4] arene using p-t-butylphenol as a starting material. The synthesis was carried out in following stages, i.e (1 synthesis of p-t-butylcalix[4]arene from p-t-butylphenol, (2 debutylation of p-t-butylcalix[4]arene, (3 tetraallilation of 25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxycalix[4]arene with NaH and allilbromida in dry tetrahydrofuran, (4 Claissen rearrangement of 25,26,27,28-tetrapropenyloxycalix[4]arene, (5 esterification of tetra-p-propenyltetrahydroxycalix[4]arene, (6 hydrolisis of tetra-p-propenyltetraestercalix[4]arene. The all structures of products were observed by means of melting point, FTIR, and 1H-NMR spectrometers. Tetra-p-propenyltetraestercalix[4]arene compound was obtained as yellow liquid product in 55.08% yield. Tetra-p-propenyltetracarboxylicacidcalix[4]arene compound was obtained as white solid product with the melting point 135-137 °C at decomposed and in 70.05% yield.   Keywords: calix[4]arene, Claissen rearrangement, esterification, hydrolisis

  5. Campos comuneros en el valle de Hualfín (Catamarca. Antecedentes, problemática y situación actual

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    Bernarda Zubrzycki


    Full Text Available En este artículo nos proponemos caracterizar el régimen de tenencia de la tierra de tres campos comuneros ubicados en el valle de Hualfín, específicamente en el Distrito La Ciénaga (Catamarca, Argentina, así como indagar el origen y evolución de algunas de las poblaciones actualmente presentes en ellos. Estos campos tienen su antecedente en las mercedes de tierra otorgadas por la corona durante la época colonial; a través del tiempo se fueron vendiendo, heredando y donando derechos y acciones de uso sobre los mismos, dando lugar a una compleja situación jurídica respecto a la propiedad. Aún hoy ningún habitante de las poblaciones analizadas en este trabajo ha iniciado juicios sucesorios, deslindes o mensuras para prescripciones adquisitivas, legitimando en muchos casos su derecho a la tierra a través del parentesco con los primeros propietarios.

  6. Pobreza y trasnformaciones económicas en Catamarca y Tucumán (1980-2002

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    Osatinsky, Ariel


    Full Text Available In the beginning of the 21st century Catamarca and Tucumán were showing important differences in social and economic level. While the first, with a more reduced and tradicional productive structure, had the less percentage of poor homes in the whole “Norte Grande Argentino”, Tucumán suffered major levels of poverty, being its economy the most developed of the north of the country. Having in mind that the poverty is intimately related to the economy, the present article is trying to analyze the characteristics of the poverty in Tucumán and Catamarca in 2001, and to investigate about the relations which existed between the differential levels of privation in both provinces and the transformations which suffered their respective productive structures in the last decades of the 20th century.

  7. HUALFÍN INKA: TECNOLOGÍA LÍTICA DE UN CENTRO ADMINISTRATIVO (CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA (Hualfín Inka: lithic technology of an administrative center

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    Virginia Lynch


    Full Text Available Es bien sabido que el Imperio inca (Tawantinsuyu, a medida que se extendía, iba anexionando territorios y poblaciones muy disímiles unas de otras. Para ello, habría utilizado diversas tácticas políticas y económicas. A pesar de esta estrategia, la anexión de nuevos territorios habría producido algunos cambios estructurales en las poblaciones locales, que contaban con mecanismos sociales, políticos y económicos propios. En el presente trabajo, se intenta indagar acerca de la relación establecida entre los pobladores locales del valle de Hualfín (Catamarca, Argentina y los objetivos planteados por el Imperio en dicha región. Para ello, se analizó el material lítico recuperado, tanto superficial como estratigráficamente, del sitio Hualfín Inka con el fin de reconstruir, junto con los resultados del análisis del resto de los materiales rescatados, la funcionalidad de este sitio y su relación con el paisaje sociopolítico para el período de ocupación incaica del Noroeste argentino. ENGLISH: It is well known that the Inca Empire (Tawantinsuyu, as it expanded, annexed new territories and populations very dissimilar to each other. For this reason, the Inca administration likely used diverse political and economical strategies. Due to this implementation policy, annexation would have caused certain structural changes in local populations that already had different social, political and economic characteristics. In this study we explore the relationship between local residents of Hualfín Valley (Catamarca, Argentina and the objectives set by the Inca Empire in the region. For this purposes, we analyzed the lithic assemblage recovered from both surface and stratigraphic contexts from the site of Hualfín Inka. Based on the analysis of the lithic assemblage and that of other artifacts recovered at the site, our aim is to reconstruct the site’s function and its relationship to the sociopolitical landscape at the time of the Inca

  8. PRODUCCIÓN DE ALIMENTOS Y DIFERENCIACIÓN SOCIAL EN EL VALLE DE AMBATO, CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA (SIGLOS VI AL XI D. C.. UNA CONTRIBUCIÓN A LA PROBLEMÁTICA A TRAVÉS DEL ESTUDIO DE SILICOFITOLITOS (Food Production and Social Differentiation in the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina (6th-11th centuries AD: A Contribution to the Problem through the Study of Silicophytoliths

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    Germán G. Figueroa


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la información obtenida de los estudios fitolíticos efectuados en el sedimento de dos estructuras agrícolas prehispánicas, situadas en la vertiente occidental del Valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina. Los trabajos realizados se focalizaron en tratar de determinar las especies vegetales cultivadas y en evaluar la importancia que pudieron tener estos cultivos en un contexto social no igualitario como el registrado en la región estudiada. Los resultados logrados permiten plantear que en dichas estructuras se practicó el cultivo exclusivo de maíz (Zea mays asociado a la cría de animales domésticos (Lama glama. La producción intensiva y localizada de este tipo de cultivo, en un contexto como el de Aguada de Ambato, signado por una desigualdad social creciente, pudo haber constituido una de las estrategias a la hora de establecer y reproducir en el tiempo relaciones no igualitarias. ENGLISH: In this article we present information from studies of phytoliths from sediment collected from two pre-Hispanic farming structures located on the western side of the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina. The work focused on trying to determine what plant species were cultivated and assess the importance that these crops may have had in a non-egalitarian social context. The results suggest that maize (Zea mays crop, associated with the breeding of domestic animals (Lama glama, was performed exclusively in these structures. In a context such as Aguada, Ambato Valley, which was marked by increasing social inequality, intensive and localized production of this crop could have been one of the strategies for establishing and maintaining inegalitarian relations.

  9. Apellidos, familias y linajes moleculares: el caso de Azampay, Catamarca Sobrenomes, famílias e linhagens moleculares: o caso de Azampay, Catamarca Surnames, Families and Molecular Lineages: the Case of Azampay, Catamarca

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    Virginia Ramallo


    Full Text Available En todas las sociedades se encuentran múltiples maneras de clasificar la ascendencia y descendencia de cada persona. Además de los vínculos establecidos desde el nacimiento y de los adquiridos, las relaciones de parentesco tienen un correlato biológico que permite definir linajes. Se emplearon técnicas de análisis molecular para caracterizar el perfil genético de la comunidad de Azampay, Catamarca. Los objetivos fueron establecer porcentajes y aportes diferenciales de componentes americanos y extra-americanos en esta población con mezcla génica, reconstruir su historia migratoria y cotejar los linajes moleculares con genealogías basadas en registros oficiales y relatos orales. Entre los haplogrupos masculinos, 88 % tuvieron procedencia foránea, mientras que 100% de los antepasados femeninos fueron amerindios. La migración laboral es una estrategia económica establecida, estando la crianza de nietos a cargo de sus abuelos. Es la vía de introducción de nuevos linajes moleculares, sin registrar siempre un correlato en la cantidad de apellidos.Em todas as sociedades humanas encontran-se diversas maneiras de classificar a ascendência e descendência de cada pessoa. Além das ligações estabelecidas no nascimento e das adquiridas ao longo da vida, as relações familiares têm um correlato biológico que permite definir linhagens. Nosso trabalho apresenta resultados obtidos por meio de técnicas de análise molecular visando caracterizar o perfil genético da atual comunidade de Azampay, Catamarca. Os objetivos principais foram determinar os diferentes componentes e aportes das linhagens americanss e extra-americanos nesta população mestiça, reconstruir a história migratória y comparar essas linhagens moleculares com as genealogias basadas em registros oficiais e histórias orais. Entre os haplogrupos masculinos, 88% tiveram origem forânea, enquanto que 100% dos antepassados femininos foram ameríndios A migração laboral

  10. Modelos de aptitud espacial para la agricultura prehispánica y actual en el valle de Santa María, Catamarca, Argentina

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    Sonia Lanzelotti


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Se presentan modelos de aptitud para el desarrollo de la agricultura prehispánica y actual en un sector del valle de Santa María (Catamarca, Argentina, a través de la aplicación de técnicas de evaluación multicriterio con Sistemas de Información Geográfica. La base cartográfica fue conformada a partir de imágenes satelitales en combinación con mapas de elaboración acerca de unidades geomorfológicas, provincias fitogeográficas, hidrografía y áreas con evidencia arqueológica de agricultura prehispánica. Se observó que el área con mayor potencial para la agricultura se ubica en el sector pedemontano de la sierra del Aconquija, seguido por el fondo de valle. Este patrón coincide principalmente con el registro arqueológico prehispánico, pero no con la distribución espacial de las explotaciones agrícolas actuales. La relación entre la sociedad y la naturaleza, mediatizada a través de la tecnología, se presenta como la clave de interpretación. ABSTRACT This study was performed with the objective to identify suitable areas for development of pre-Hispanic and contemporary agriculture in Santa Maria Valley (Catamarca, Argentina through the application of multicriteria evaluation techniques using Geographic Information Systems. The base map was based on data obtained from satellite images in combination with thematic maps specially prepared about geomorphological units, phytogeographic provinces, hydrography and areas with archaeological evidence of prehispanic agriculture. It was observed that the area with the greatest potential for agriculture is located in the piedmont sector of the Aconquija mountain, followed by the bottom of the valley. This pattern coincides mainly with the pre-Hispanic archaeological record, but not with the spatial distribution of existing farms. The relationship between society and nature, mediated through technology, is presented as the key to interpretation

  11. Family strategies against the jesuits in colonial Argentina: Catamarca, 1683-1767

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    Jorge Troisi Melean


    Full Text Available Based on a lawsuit, I will conduct a detailed study of the strategies of Catamarca´s colonial settlers to deal with Society of Jesus, the most powerful institution of the time.Three families were fighting for survival in a small colonial town in a middle of intercontinental fight between a forceful Spanish Crown and a hesitant Catholic Church. In the gaps of that struggle, each family negotiated their identity against a multiplicity of interests in play, seeking the best of possibilities in a world that was rapidly changing.


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    Nur Afni Evalia


    Full Text Available Aren is a type of palm that has a highly potential economic value. Lareh Sago Sub-district is the largest producer in the District of Lima Puluh Kota; however, it is only processed to produce wine and molded sugar. This study aimed to formulate a strategy for the sugar palm sugar agro-industrial development in Lareh Sagohalaban. The research method was a case study in the form of quantitative descriptive, and the data were processed using IFE/EFE, SWOT and AHP. The values obtained from IFE and EFE matrixes were 2.646 and 2.298 respectively. From the SWOT analysis, alternative strategies were obtained, namely, SO Strategy: Strengthening the R & D to develop market-based sugar processing for commercial scale and diversification of palm downstream products; WO Strategy: Improving upstream subsystem to develop nursery based on palm local seed varieties and providing institutional assistance; ST Strategy: Determining agro-technopark for palm industrialization, providing assistance in the form of appropriate packaging technology accordance with the standards, and WT Strategy: increasing commitment and cooperation among stakeholders in strengthening palm agro-industry, increasing marketing and promotion for the expansion and sanction policy for any company selling Aren in the form of wine. From the result of AHP analysis, the determinant factors in developing the business include Technology (0.439, the Government as the actor (0.577, and product diversification as the strategy (0.388.Keyword: Aren (palm, cluster- agro technopark, IFE/EFE matrixes, SWOT analysis, AHPABSTRAKAren (Arenga pinnata Merr adalah jenis palma yang memiliki potensi nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Kecamatan Lareh sago halaban merupakan penghasil Aren terbesar di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, namun dalam pengolahannya masih mengolah menjadi gula cetak dan lebih banyak dalam bentuk tuak. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan strategi pengembangan agroindustri gula semut aren di Kecamatan

  13. ESTUDIOS ETNOGRÁFICOS, PRÁCTICAS AGRÍCOLAS Y DIETA ÓPTIMA EN EL VALLE DE AMBATO, CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA, SIGLOS VI AL XI D. C. (Ethnographic Studies, Agricultural Practices, and Optimal Diet in the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina, VIth to XIth Centuries AD

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    Mariana Dantas


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se dan a conocer los estudios etnográficos llevados a cabo en el valle de Ambato, Catamarca, Argentina, los cuales estuvieron destinados a explorar diferentes aspectos de la práctica agrícola. Para ello, se indagó sobre el número de individuos involucrados en estas tareas, el rendimiento económico de los recursos vegetales cultivados y los costos y beneficios implicados en las distintas etapas de la cadena operativa. Los datos reunidos fueron sumados luego a los obtenidos a partir de trabajos similares realizados sobre recursos vegetales silvestres. Se pusieron a prueba a través de la utilización del modelo de programación lineal, tratando así de indagar sobre cuál podría haber sido la combinación óptima con la que cada uno de estos recursos habría contribuido a la dieta de los antiguos habitantes del valle. Los resultados alcanzados permitieron plantear que en estos espacios, durante los siglos VI al XI d. C., los productos derivados de la recolección, fundamentalmente el algarrobo (Prosopis sp., habrían constituido la mejor opción posible. Mientras que dentro de los productos derivados de la agricultura, el maíz (Zea mays habría sido la mejor elección. Estos datos coinciden con lo observado en el registro arqueológico del valle y con el caudal informativo que se cuenta para la región. ENGLISH: In this paper the authors report results of the ethnographic studies conducted in the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina, which were designed to explore different aspects of agricultural practice. To this end, data were collected in three areas: the number of individuals involved in these tasks, the economic performance of cultivated plant resources and the costs and benefits involved in the different stages of the operational chain. The data collected were then added to those obtained from similar works carried out on wild plant resources. They were tested using the linear programming model, thus trying to


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    Mody Lempang


    Full Text Available Fermentation is a natural process that happen in fresh-sweet sap of aren trees (Arenga pinnata Merr., because many kinds of microorganism stay and life in this substance e.g. bakteria (Acetobacter acetic and yeast (Saccharomyces tuac. Species of yeast from genus of Saccharomyses, e.g. Saccharomyses serivisae is wellknown as microorganism that can ferment sugar (glucose into alchohol and CO2. This natural process as well happen in aren sap, so that this substance potencially using as a swollen agent of bread or cake dough. This research objective is to recognize the effectiveness of aren sap as a swollen agent of bread dough. Fermentation duration of bread dough was one hour by using swollen agent of fresh, 10 hours old and 20 hours old of aren sap. Daily yield of sap tapped from aren trees in Maros district, South Sulawesi province was 7 litre (4-5 litre collected in the morning and 2-3 litre colected in the afternoon. Aren sap containt some of nutritions e.g. carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin C and mineral. Sweet taste of aren sap caused by it’s charbohydrate content of 11.18%. The effectiveness of aren sap as a swollen agent of bread dough is lower than instant (commercial yeast. The older of aren sap the lower of it’s effectiveness as a swollen agent of dough and kuality of bread yield.    Keywords : Sap, Arenga pinnata, swollen agent, bread dough

  15. The synthesis and complexation of novel azosubstituted calix[4]arenes and thiacalix[4]arenes

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lang, Kamil; Prošková, P.; Kroupa, J.; Morávek, J.; Stibor, I.; Pojarová, M.; Lhoták, P.


    Roč. 77, č. 3 (2008), s. 646-652 ISSN 0143-7208 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/07/1424 Grant - others:GA ČR(CZ) GA104/07/1242 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40320502 Keywords : calix[4]arene * thiacalix[4]arene * alkylation Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.507, year: 2008

  16. El Ejército Auxiliar del Perú y la gobernabilidad del interior, 1816-1820

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    Alejandro Morea


    Full Text Available Tras la derrota sufrida en los campos de Sipe- Sipe, el Ejército Auxiliar del Perú se traslado hasta la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán donde estuvo acantonado la mayor parte del tiempo entre 1816 y 1819. Su permanencia en esta ciudad coincidió con una serie de conflictos políticos y militares que tuvieron lugar en La Rioja, Córdoba, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero y Catamarca en los cuales este ejército tuvo activa participación. A partir de la documentación existente en el Archivo General de la Nación intentaremos demostrar como el Ejército Auxiliar del Perú resultó fundamental para asegurar la subordinación de estos territorios al poder central, y como su accionar fue clave en el mantenimiento de la gobernabilidad en el interior de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata en este período

  17. Farmer’s Motivation in Aren Sugar Processing Business (United States)

    Abdullah, W. G.; Rianse, U.; Muhidin; Widayati, W.; Mihrad, E. S.; Taridala, S. A. A.; Rianse, I. S.; Baka, W. K.


    The objectives of the research were to analyze socio-economic characteristics and motivation of farmers in aren sugar processing business in Kolaka District, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The analysis used in this research was quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that average state of socio-economic characteristics of aren sugar farmer that were in the category of productive age, which was 46.12 years old, has fulfil basic education category (9 years education), low category of dependents as many as three people, the Average experience of aren sugar processing business during 18 years, and the average aren trees were tapped as much as seven trees, every day, (b) farmer’s motivation in aren sugar processing business in low category, with the indicator is the motive of imitation, economic, security, affiliations, awards, and self-actualization.

  18. Factores asociados con el proceso de salud y enfermedad en San Antonio (Catamarca, Argentina: un enfoque antropológico

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    Bárbara Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar los procesos de salud y enfermedad entre los pobladores de El Cajón (Catamarca, Argentina y su vinculación con la biomedicina. Asimismo, estudiar las ar - ticulaciones entre la biomedicina y el sistema de salud tradicional. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa, mediante un abordaje etnográfico en el que la observación participante, la corresidencia y las entrevistas abiertas de sesiones múltiples cumplen un rol primordial. La pesquisa se ha centrado en los pobladores locales que regularmente asisten a la posta sanitaria, los enfermeros, los agentes sanitarios y los miembros del equipo de salud itinerante. La población total del lugar es aproximadamente 235 habitantes. Resultados: Se ha constatado que los procesos de salud y enfermedad no se limitan al cuerpo humano, sino que también en ellos intervienen el paisaje y los seres que lo pueblan. Se ha identificado que en la resolución de numerosas patologías resulta central la figura del especialista ritual. Se ha determinado que la gente valora y utiliza la biomedicina, aunque la asistencia a la institución hospitalaria suele ser rehuida. Conclusiones: Se ha identificado un uso combinado de ambos sistemas. En él influyen las valoraciones de las personas sobre la enfermedad de que se trate, pero también otros factores como la distancia hasta el centro asistencial y las relaciones interpersonales con los profe - sionales de la salud. Se resalta la relevancia del enfoque cualitativo para dar cuenta de las especificidades de las categorías locales, que resultan esquivas para un abordaje construido a partir de conceptos derivados del dualismo cartesiano.

  19. Linajes holandricos en tres poblaciones del NO Argentino

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    Bailliet, Graciela


    Full Text Available Los marcadores bialélicos de la región específica del cromosoma Y han permitido identificar linajes propios de continentes, y a través de su distribución geográfica pueden reconstruirse movimientos migratorios de las poblaciones humanas. Se ha generado una filogenia confiable y se cuenta con una nomenclatura que facilita la interpretación de los resultados producidos en distintos laboratorios. En el presente trabajo se utilizaron 13 SNP seleccionados por estar presentes en las poblaciones originarias de América y en las parentales para los grupos inmigrantes recientes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar el origen étnico de los linajes paternos de muestras de ADN provenientes de tres ciudades del NOA: Salta, Catamarca y Tucumán. Se identificaron 6 haplogrupos, los de origen europeo fueron los mayoritarios (67%; le siguió en frecuencia el haplogrupo propio de América (15%; también se observaron linajes YAP+ (7.5%. La distribución de la frecuencia de los haplogrupos diferenció a las muestras de Catamarca de las de Salta y Tucumán (P<0.001. La mayoría de los linajes moleculares propios de América se encontraron en muestras provenientes de individuos con apellidos foráneos (87.5. Esto refleja el efecto del largo contacto temporal entre las poblaciones nativas e inmigrantes recientes, así como la influencia cultural compleja en la trasmisión de los apellidos.

  20. Incidence of social resistance in provincial mining legislation. The cases of Córdoba and Catamarca (2003-2008

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    Lucas Christel


    Full Text Available During the last decade in Argentina, the growth of open pit mining has faced strong social resistance and provincial laws prohibiting such activity. This work aims to analyse the ways in which the different subnational political regimes and economic systems impact upon the possibility of incidence of social resistance on provincial mining legislation, looking at the cases of Cordoba and Catamarca.

  1. Dual Ligand-Enabled Nondirected C-H Olefination of Arenes. (United States)

    Chen, Hao; Wedi, Philipp; Meyer, Tim; Tavakoli, Ghazal; van Gemmeren, Manuel


    The application of the Pd-catalyzed oxidative C-H olefination of arenes, also known as the Fujiwara-Moritani reaction, has traditionally been limited by the requirement for directing groups on the substrate or the need to use the arene in large excess, typically as a (co)solvent. Herein the development of a catalytic system is described that, through the combined action of two complementary ligands, makes it possible to use directing-group-free arenes as limiting reagents for the first time. The reactions proceed under a combination of both steric and electronic control and enable the application of this powerful reaction to valuable arenes, which cannot be utilized in excess. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Memoria, violencia e identidad: La canonización popular de María Soledad Morales en la provincia argentina de Catamarca

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    Claudia Lozano


    Full Text Available Este artículo refiere a la canonización popular de María Soledad Morales en la provincia argentina de Catamarca. El análisis focaliza en tres aspectos. En primer lugar, en las circunstancias sociales y políticas que dieron lugar a la muerte trágica de la joven María Soledad Morales en manos de una pandilla integrada por varones jóvenes vinculados al poder político en Argentina a comienzos de la década de 1990. En segundo lugar, en las narrativas religiosas y culturales utilizadas por la población para otorgar significado social a un delito común, como la violación seguida de muerte. Focalizar en rituales y narrativas religiosas revela como la población de las provincias del noroeste de Argentina elabora la muerte violenta de un miembro de la sociedad local como un acontecimiento histórico relacionado a las desigualdades de género y de clase en Argentina. En tercer lugar, el análisis tuvo en cuenta asimismo la manera en la cual la interacción entre medios orales, escritos y audiovisuales de expresión favorecierón la inscripción del hecho como un acontecimiento relevante de la historia política provincial y nacional.


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    V. O. Chernyshenko


    Full Text Available The aim of the research was to study a potential antithrombotic sodium salt of calix[4]arene-methylene-bis-phosphonic acid (С-145 — on activation and aggregation of platelets in vivo, as well as on proliferation and apoptosis of endothelial cells in the cell culture. Effects of calix[4]arene С-145 estimated in vitro after addition to the platelet rich plasma, and in vivo after intravenous injection into rabbit bloodstream in equivalent amounts (46 μM. Aggregation of platelets was induced by adenosine diphosphate and detected using aggregometer Solar AP2110. Platelet shape and cytoplasmic granularity were monitored on COULTER EPICS XL Flow Cytometer. The level of tissuetype plasminogen activator — tPA — was estimated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA. Effects of calix[4]arene C-145 on culture of endotelial cells cells was studied using 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide — MTT-test. The population of proliferative pool of cells (G2/M+S was determined using flow cytometry. Aggregometry and flow cytometry showed that calix[4]arene C-145 did not activate platelets nor affect their aggregation in vitro. However intravenous injection of calix[4]arene C-145 into the bloodstream of healthy rabbits leads to strong inhibition of platelet aggregation and changes of shape and granularity of most of the platelets after 2 hours of administration. Any additional appearance of endothelial cells activation marker tPA in vivo and any inhibition of calix[4]arene C-145 on proliferation of endothelial cells in cell culture did not observe. So calix[4]arene C-145 had strong anti-platelet effect in vivo that was not a result of their direct action on platelets or endothelial cells in vitro. This allowed to assume the possibility of calix[4]arene C-145 use as an effective antithrombotic agent.

  4. Report on the auscultation of the Arenal's Dam: P.H. Arenal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cordero Calderon, C.F.


    To verify the correct functioning of the works that the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad constructs, they have established different types of auscultation for the Arenal's. Thus they make investigations to know new methodologies that contributes to the improvement and to the elimination of risks in the different works (author)

  5. Metathetical Redox Reaction of (Diacetoxyiodo)arenes and Iodoarenes. (United States)

    Jobin-Des Lauriers, Antoine; Legault, Claude Y


    The oxidation of iodoarenes is central to the field of hypervalent iodine chemistry. It was found that the metathetical redox reaction between (diacetoxyiodo)arenes and iodoarenes is possible in the presence of a catalytic amount of Lewis acid. This discovery opens a new strategy to access (diacetoxyiodo)arenes. A computational study is provided to rationalize the results observed.

  6. Synthesis of Water-Soluble Amino Functionalized Multithiacalix[4]arene via Quaternization of Tertiary Amino Groups

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    Roman Nosov


    Full Text Available A convenient approach to the synthesis of multithiacalix[4]arene derivatives containing amino groups and phthalimide fragments by the formation of quaternary ammonium salts is presented. As the initial macrocycle for the synthesis of multithiacalix[4]arenes, a differently substituted p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene containing bromoacetamide and three phthalimide fragments was used in a 1,3-alternate conformation. The macrocycle in cone conformation containing the tertiary amino groups was found to be a convenient core for the multithiacalix[4]arene systems. Interaction of the core multithiacalix[4]arene with monobromoacetamide derivatives of p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene resulted in formation in high yields of pentakisthiacalix[4]arene containing quaternary ammonium and phthalimide fragments. The removal of phthalimide groups led to the formation of amino multithiacalix[4]arene in a good yield. Based on dynamic light scattering, it was shown that the synthesized amino multithiacalix[4]arene, with pronounced hydrophobic and hydrophilic fragments, formed dendrimer-like nanoparticles in water via direct supramolecular self-assembly.

  7. pKa Determination of water-soluble calix[4]arenes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shinkai, Seiji; Araki, Koji; Grootenhuis, P.D.J.; Reinhoudt, David


    Neutral, water-soluble 5,11,17,23-tetrakis[bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)aminosulphonyl]calix[4]arene-25,26,27,28-tetraol and 5,11,17,23-tetranitrocalix[4]arene-25,26,27,28-tetraol have been synthesized and the pKa values of the OH groups determined in an aqueous system.

  8. Optical, electrical and sensing properties of β-ketoimine calix[4]arene thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Echabaane, M., E-mail: [Laboratoire des Interfaces et Matériaux Avancés (LIMA), Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Avenue de l' environnement, 5000 Monastir (Tunisia); Rouis, A. [Laboratoire des Interfaces et Matériaux Avancés (LIMA), Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Avenue de l' environnement, 5000 Monastir (Tunisia); Bonnamour, I. [Institut de Chimie and Biochimie Moléculaires and Supramoléculaires (ICBMS), UMR CNRS 5246, 43 Boulevard du 11 Novembre 1918, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 69100 Villeurbanne (France); Ben Ouada, H. [Laboratoire des Interfaces et Matériaux Avancés (LIMA), Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Avenue de l' environnement, 5000 Monastir (Tunisia)


    Optical, electrical and ion sensing properties of β-ketoimine calix[4]arene thin films have been investigated. These calix[4]arene derivative films exhibit absorption spectra with a resolved electronic structure in the UV–vis and the energy gap was found to be 3.65 eV. Electrical properties of ITO/β-ketoimine calix[4]arene/Al devices have been investigated by I–V characteristics and impedance spectroscopy measurements. The conduction is governed by space-charge-limited current (SCLC) mechanism. The impedance spectroscopy study showed a hopping transport process, a typical behavior of disordered materials. The device was modeled by a single parallel resistor and capacitor network in series with a resistance. The β-ketoimine calix[4]arene was used for the conception of the novel optical chemical sensor and the detection of Cu{sup 2+} ions was monitored by UV–visible spectroscopy. The linear dynamic range for the determination of Cu{sup 2+} has been 10{sup −5}–10{sup −3.7} M with a detection limit of 10{sup −5} M. The characteristics of this optode such as regeneration, repeatability, reproducibility, short-term stability, life time and ion selectivity have been discussed. - Highlights: • We examine optical properties of β-ketoimine calix[4]arene ligand. • We investigate the electric properties of ITO/β-ketoimine calix[4]arene/Al device. • We study the sensing properties of optode films for the detection of copper (II)

  9. Functionalized alkoxy arene diazonium salts from paracetamol. (United States)

    Schmidt, Bernd; Berger, René; Hölter, Frank


    Arene diazonium tetrafluoroborates can be synthesized from aromatic acetamides via a sequence of deacetylation, diazotation and precipitation, induced by anion exchange. The reaction is conducted as a convenient one-flask transformation with consecutive addition of the appropriate reagents. Exchange of solvents or removal of byproducts prior to isolation of the product is not required. The arene diazonium salts are isolated from the reaction mixture by simple filtration. Two complementary protocols are presented, and the utility of the reaction is exemplified for a synthesis of the diarylheptanoid natural product de-O-methyl centrolobine.

  10. Pd(II)-Catalyzed Olefination of Electron-Deficient Arenes Using 2,6-Dialkylpyridine Ligands (United States)

    Zhang, Yang-Hui; Shi, Bing-Feng; Yu, Jin-Quan


    Pd(II)-catalyzed meta-olefination of highly electron deficient arenes is achieved through the use of a rationally designed mutually repulsive ligand. The combination of directed and non-directed C–H functionalization of arenes provides a versatile route for the synthesis of highly sought-after 1,2,4-trisubstituted arenes. PMID:19296661

  11. Crecimiento y nutrición de la población infanto-adolescente de Azampay (Catamarca

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    Padula, Gisel


    Full Text Available A partir de 1995 se constituyó un grupo multidisciplinario, que desarrolló sus investigaciones en la localidad de Azampay (Catamarca, abordando el estudio integral de la problemática bio-socio-cultural de las comunidades actuales y arqueológicas con el objetivo de caracterizar procesos de largo plazo. La elección de la localidad de Azampay se realizó en función de su claro rol estratégico a nivel arqueológico, como proveedor de alimentos durante el Período de Desarrollos Regionales, así como por el tamaño reducido de la población actual y su localización fuera de las rutas de comunicación habituales, que la convierten en óptima para realizar estudios sobre población total, minimizando el sesgo que un muestreo provoca. El objetivo es realizar una selección de aquellos trabajos desarrollados en relación al Crecimiento y Nutrición de la población infanto-adolescente de Azampay y sus alrededores. Se realizó la evaluación nutricional a través del establecimiento de los indicadores P//E, T//E y P//T, se estudió el dimorfismo sexual a partir de la morfometría craneofacial y se caracterizó la salud bucal y dieta, con la obtención del Perfil Patológico Dental de cada individuo. Así, la población infanto-adolescente presenta: 1.- Un alto porcentaje de individuos distróficos, siendo en su mayor parte niños emaciados; 2.- Ausencia de diferencias craneofaciales significativas entre ambos sexos, indicando un fuerte estrés nutricional y 3.- Altas frecuencias de fluorosis y gingivitis y frecuencias medias a bajas de periodontitis y caries, evidenciando una disminución en el componente agrícola, junto con deficiencias vitamínicas y falta de higiene dental.

  12. Comparative Study of Tributyltin Adsorption onto Mesoporous Silica Functionalized with Calix[4]arene, p-tert-Butylcalix[4]arene and p-Sulfonatocalix[4]arene

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    Sana Alahmadi


    Full Text Available The adsorption of tributyltin (TBT, onto three mesoporous silica adsorbents functionalized with calix[4]arene, p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene and p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene (MCM-TDI-C4, MCM-TDI-PC4 and MCM-TDI-C4S, respectively has been compared. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out and the effect of contact time, initial TBT concentration, pH and temperature were studied. The Koble–Corrigan isotherm was the most suitable for data fitting. Based on a Langmuir isotherm model, the maximum adsorption capacities were 12.1212, 16.4204 and 7.5757 mg/g for MCM-TDI-C4, MCM-TDI-PC4 and MCM-TDI-C4S, respectively. The larger uptake and stronger affinity of MCM-TDI-PC4 than MCM-TDI-C4 and MCM-TDI-C4S probably results from van der Waals interactions and the pore size distribution of MCM-TDI-PC4. Gibbs free energies for the three adsorption processes of TBT presented a negative value, reflecting that TBT/surface interactions are thermodynamic favorable and spontaneous. The interaction processes were accompanied by an increase of entropy value for MCM-TDI-C4 and MCM-TDI-C4S (43.7192 and 120.7609 J/mol K, respectively and a decrease for MCM-TDI-PC4 (−37.4704 J/mol K. It is obviously observed that MCM-TDI-PC4 spontaneously adsorbs TBT driven mainly by enthalpy change, while MCM-TDI-C4 and MCM-TDI-C4S do so driven mainly by entropy changes.

  13. The synthesis and alkylation of p-tetrakischloro-calix[4]arene

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    E. A. Ivanova


    Full Text Available This work is devoted to the development of a chlorination of a calixarenes and a testing of the methods for their preparation to investigate the biological activity of the obtained compounds. New convinient undescribed in the literature methods of the chlorination using sulphuryl chloride or sodium hypochlorite were designed. By the using de-tert-butylcalix[4]arene, containing lower rin the ethoxy(hydroxycarbonyl metoxy groups, as the starting compounds in the same reactin l aed to mixture of the produts. The reaction of the calix[4]arene and the sulfuryl chloride led to the tetra-kis-chlorocalix[4]arene with good yield (95 %.

  14. Fifty years of oxacalix[3]arenes: A review

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    Kevin Cottet


    Full Text Available Hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arenes, commonly called oxacalix[3]arenes, were first reported in 1962. Since then, their chemistry has been expanded to include numerous derivatives and complexes. This review describes the syntheses of the parent compounds, their derivatives, and their complexation behaviour towards cations. Extraction data are presented, as are crystal structures of the macrocycles and their complexes with guest species. Applications in fields as diverse as ion selective electrode modifiers, fluorescence sensors, fullerene separations and biomimetic chemistry are described.

  15. The NiCl2-Li-arene(cat.) combination: a versatile reducing mixture. (United States)

    Alonso, Francisco; Yus, Miguel


    The NiCl2.2H2O-Li-arene(cat.) combination described in this tutorial review has shown to be a useful and versatile mixture able to reduce a broad range of functionalities bearing carbon-carbon multiple bonds, as well as carbon-heteroatom and heteroatom-heteroatom single and multiple bonds. The analogous deuterated combination, NiCl2.2D2O-Li-arene(cat.), allows the easy incorporation of deuterium in the reaction products. Alternatively, the anhydrous NiCl2-Li-arene (or polymer-supported arene)(cat.) system generates a highly reactive metallic nickel, which in the presence of molecular hydrogen at atmospheric pressure is able to catalyze the hydrogenation of almost the same type of functionalities mentioned above.


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    Full Text Available Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr. is a multipurpose tree that can be utilized for palm sugar, alcoholic drinks, beverages and construction wood. The use of aren sawdust has not been studied intensively. This study examines the utilization of aren sawdust as cultivation media for edible mushrooms. Aren sawdust was mixed with rice bran, CaCO3, gypsum, fertilizers and distilled water before sterilization in 30 minutes pressurized autoclave at 1210C and 1.5atm. The mixed media was inoculated with pure cultures containing four mushrooms species (Pleurotus flabellatus, P. ostreatus, P. sajor-caju and Lentinula edodes and incubated for five weeks to allow mycelium growth producing fruit bodies. The fruit bodies were harvested everyday within four months and examined for its gained mushroom-weight and biological conversion efficiency/BE. The core part of aren trunk was cut into smaller pieces of 10 cm (width by 5 cm (thickness, by 120 cm (length. Each core sample was bored from the surface inward, creating holes with a particular distance apart. Each hole was inoculated with pure cultures containing 6 mushroom species (four species above, P. cystidiosus and Auricularia polytricha. The inoculated samples were slanted on bamboo support, and placed in a bamboo hut. Harvesting was carried out everyday after the fruiting body became mature and examined for its gained mushroom weight. Results show that the use of sawdust supplemented with nutritious material is more likely to improve the mushroom yield than that of aren sawn-timber core. In this case, the BE values with aren-sawdust media were 21.97-89.45% (P. flabellatus, 15.36-105.36% (P. ostreatus, 63.88-76.86% (P. sajor-caju, and up to 62.88% (L. edodes. Meanwhile, the yields (gained mushroom weight with aren sawn-timber media were 210g (P. ostreatus, 368g (P. flabellatus, 331g (P. sajor-caju and 48g (A. polytricha; however, P. cystidiosus and L. edodes inoculated on aren stem core failed to grow.

  17. Arene-mercury complexes stabilized by gallium chloride: relative rates of H/D and arene exchange. (United States)

    Branch, Catherine S; Barron, Andrew R


    We have previously proposed that the Hg(arene)(2)(GaCl(4))(2) catalyzed H/D exchange reaction of C(6)D(6) with arenes occurs via an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction in which the coordinated arene protonates the C(6)D(6). To investigate this mechanism, the kinetics of the Hg(C(6)H(5)Me)(2)(GaCl(4))(2) catalyzed H/D exchange reaction of C(6)D(6) with naphthalene has been studied. Separate second-order rate constants were determined for the 1- and 2-positions on naphthalene; that is, the initial rate of H/D exchange = k(1i)[Hg][C-H(1)] + k(2i)[Hg][C-H(2)]. The ratio of k(1i)/k(2i) ranges from 11 to 2.5 over the temperature range studied, commensurate with the proposed electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Observation of the reactions over an extended time period shows that the rates change with time, until they again reach a new and constant second-order kinetics regime. The overall form of the rate equation is unchanged: final rate = k(1f)[Hg][C-H(1)] + k(2f)[Hg][C-H(2)]. This change in the H/D exchange is accompanied by ligand exchange between Hg(C(6)D(6))(2)(GaCl(4))(2) and naphthalene to give Hg(C(10)H(8))(2)(GaCl(4))(2,) that has been characterized by (13)C CPMAS NMR and UV-visible spectroscopy. The activation parameters for the ligand exchange may be determined and are indicative of a dissociative reaction and are consistent with our previously calculated bond dissociation for Hg(C(6)H(6))(2)(AlCl(4))(2). The initial Hg(arene)(2)(GaCl(4))(2) catalyzed reaction of naphthalene with C(6)D(6) involves the deuteration of naphthalene by coordinated C(6)D(6); however, as ligand exchange progresses, the pathway for H/D exchange changes to where the protonation of C(6)D(6) by coordinated naphthalene dominates. The site selectivity for the H/D exchange is initially due to the electrophilic aromatic substitution of naphthalene. As ligand exchange occurs, this selectivity is controlled by the activation of the naphthalene C-H bonds by mercury.

  18. AREN - A non-governmental organization acting in public formation and information

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauna, Traian; Anghelescu, Serban Mihnea


    The Romanian Association for Nuclear Energy - AREN, founded eight years ago as non-governmental and non-profit organization, is deploying its activity on a voluntary basis. The association comprises 248 fellows, as physical persons, 17 juridical supporting fellows and eight honorary fellows, outstanding personalities with special contributions in promoting Romanian nuclear power development, 'Ionel Purica' - prize winners. AREN co-operates with other domestic NGO's and other sister organizations from abroad, is a collective member of the General Association of Romanian Engineers and is affiliated to European Nuclear Society (ENS). For specialist and public information AREN is publishing and disseminating the following four publications: 1 - 'Energia Nucleara' (Nuclear Energy) journal; 2 - the bulletin 'Nucleus' brought from ENS and translated in Romanian language; 3 - the news 'NUC NET', adopted, worked up and translated in Romanian; 4 - the periodic bulletin 'Nuclear News'. Yearly, AREN organizes the 'Nuclear Energy Days' and the biennial International Symposium of Nuclear Energy (SIEN). (authors)

  19. Luminescence Properties of Self-Aggregating TbIII-DOTA-Functionalized Calix[4]arenes (United States)

    Mayer, Florian; Tiruvadi Krishnan, Sriram; Schühle, Daniel T.; Eliseeva, Svetlana V.; Petoud, Stéphane; Tóth, Éva; Djanashvili, Kristina


    Self-aggregating calix[4]arenes carrying four DOTA ligands on the upper rim for stable complexation of paramagnetic GdIII-ions have already been proposed as MRI probes. In this work, we investigate the luminescence properties of TbIII-DOTA-calix[4]arene-4OPr containing four propyl-groups and compare them with those of the analogue substituted with a phthalimide chromophore (TbIII-DOTA-calix[4]arene-3OPr-OPhth). We show that, given its four aromatic rings, the calix[4]arene core acts as an effective sensitizer of Tb-centered luminescence. Substituents on the lower rim can modulate the aggregation behavior, which in turn determines the luminescence properties of the compounds. In solid state, the quantum yield of the phthalimide derivative is almost three times as high as that of the propyl-functionalized analogue demonstrating a beneficial role of the chromophore on Tb-luminescence. In solution, however, the effect of the phthalimide group vanishes, which we attribute to the large distance between the chromophore and the lanthanide, situated on the opposite rims of the calix[4]arene. Both quantum yields and luminescence lifetimes show clear concentration dependence in solution, related to the strong impact of aggregation on the luminescence behaviour. We also evidence the variability in the values of the critical micelle concentration depending on the experimental technique. Such luminescent calix[4]arene platforms accommodating stable lanthanide complexes can be considered valuable building blocks for the design of dual MR/optical imaging probes.

  20. η6-Arene complexes of ruthenium and osmium with pendant donor functionalities

    KAUST Repository

    Reiner, Thomas


    Conversion of 4′-(2,5-dihydrophenyl)butanol or N-trifluoroacetyl-2,5- dihydrobenzylamine with MCl3·n H2O (M = Ru, Os) affords the corresponding dimeric η6-arene complexes in good to excellent yields. Under similar reaction conditions, the amine functionalized arene precursor 2,5-dihydrobenzylamine yields the corresponding Ru(II) complex. For osmium, HCl induced oxidation leads to formation of [OsCl6] 2- salts. However, under optimized reaction conditions, conversion of the precursor 2,5-dihydrobenzylamine chloride results in clean formation of η6-arene Os(II) complex. X-ray structures of [(η6- benzyl ammonium)(dmso)RuCl2] and (2,5-dihydrobenzyl ammonium) 4[OsCl6]2confirm the spectroscopic data. High stability towards air and acid as well as enhanced solubility in water is observed for all η6-arene complexes. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Luminescence Properties of Self-Aggregating TbIII-DOTA-Functionalized Calix[4]arenes

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    Florian Mayer


    Full Text Available Self-aggregating calix[4]arenes carrying four DOTA ligands on the upper rim for stable complexation of paramagnetic GdIII-ions have already been proposed as MRI probes. In this work, we investigate the luminescence properties of TbIII-DOTA-calix[4]arene-4OPr containing four propyl-groups and compare them with those of the analog substituted with a phthalimide chromophore (TbIII-DOTA-calix[4]arene-3OPr-OPhth. We show that, given its four aromatic rings, the calix[4]arene core acts as an effective sensitizer of Tb-centered luminescence. Substituents on the lower rim can modulate the aggregation behavior, which in turn determines the luminescence properties of the compounds. In solid state, the quantum yield of the phthalimide derivative is almost three times as high as that of the propyl-functionalized analog demonstrating a beneficial role of the chromophore on Tb-luminescence. In solution, however, the effect of the phthalimide group vanishes, which we attribute to the large distance between the chromophore and the lanthanide, situated on the opposite rims of the calix[4]arene. Both quantum yields and luminescence lifetimes show clear concentration dependence in solution, related to the strong impact of aggregation on the luminescence behavior. We also evidence the variability in the values of the critical micelle concentration depending on the experimental technique. Such luminescent calix[4]arene platforms accommodating stable lanthanide complexes can be considered valuable building blocks for the design of dual MR/optical imaging probes.

  2. High water contents in basaltic melt inclusions from Arenal volcano, Costa Rica (United States)

    Wade, J. A.; Plank, T.; Hauri, E. H.; Melson, W. G.; Soto, G. J.


    Despite the importance of water to arc magma genesis, fractionation and eruption, few quantitative constraints exist on the water content of Arenal magmas. Early estimates, by electron microprobe sum deficit, suggested up to 4 wt% H2O in olivine-hosted basaltic andesite melt inclusions (MI) from pre-historic ET-6 tephra (Melson, 1982), and up to 7 wt% H2O in plagioclase and orthopyroxene-hosted dacitic MI from 1968 lapilli (Anderson, 1979). These high water contents are consistent with abundant hornblende phenocrysts in Arenal volcanics, but inconsistent with geochemical tracers such as 10Be and Ba/La that suggest a low flux of recycled material (and presumably water) from the subduction zone. In order to test these ideas, and provide the first direct measurements of water in mafic Arenal magmas, we have studied olivine-hosted MI from the prehistoric (900 yBP; Soto et al., 1998) ET3 tephra layer. MI range from andesitic (> 58% SiO2) to basaltic compositions ( 4 wt%) found here for Arenal basaltic MI support the semi-quantitative data from earlier studies, but are somewhat unexpected given predictions from slab tracers. Arenal water contents (4%) approach those of the 1995 eruption of Cerro Negro in Nicaragua (4-5 wt% in basaltic MI; Roggensack et al., 1997), despite the fact that the latter has Ba/La of > 100, while Arenal has Ba/La Journal of Geology; Melson, William G. (1982) Boletin de Volcanologia; Roggensack et al. (1997) Science; Soto et al. (1998) OSIVAM; Williams-Jones et al. (2001) Journal of Volc. and Geoth. Res.

  3. Calix[4]arene Based Single-Molecule Magnets

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karotsis, Georgios; Teat, Simon J.; Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang; Piligkos, Stergios; Dalgarno, Scott J.; Brechin, Euan K.


    Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) have been the subject of much interest in recent years because their molecular nature and inherent physical properties allow the crossover between classical and quantum physics to be observed. The macroscopic observation of quantum phenomena - tunneling between different spin states, quantum interference between tunnel paths - not only allows scientists to study quantum mechanical laws in great detail, but also provides model systems with which to investigate the possible implementation of spin-based solid state qubits and molecular spintronics. The isolation of small, simple SMMs is therefore an exciting prospect. To date almost all SMMs have been made via the self-assembly of 3d metal ions in the presence of bridging/chelating organic ligands. However, very recently an exciting new class of SMMs, based on 3d metal clusters (or single lanthanide ions) housed within polyoxometalates, has appeared. These types of molecule, in which the SMM is completely encapsulated within (or shrouded by) a 'protective' organic or inorganic sheath have much potential for design and manipulation: for example, for the removal of unwanted dipolar interactions, the introduction of redox activity, or to simply aid functionalization for surface grafting. Calix[4]arenes are cyclic (typically bowl-shaped) polyphenols that have been used extensively in the formation of versatile self-assembled supramolecular structures. Although many have been reported, p-{sup t}But-calix[4]arene and calix[4]arene (TBC4 and C4 respectively, Figure 1A) are frequently encountered due to (a) synthetic accessibility, and (b) vast potential for alteration at either the upper or lower rim of the macrocyclic framework. Within the field of supramolecular chemistry, TBC4 is well known for interesting polymorphic behavior and phase transformations within anti-parallel bi-layer arrays, while C4 often forms self-included trimers. The polyphenolic nature of calix[n]arenes (where

  4. Report on Auscultation of the Arenal's Dam P. H. Arenal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad), always has been worried to verify the good state of the works and thus to guarantee its operation. For that reason, it has established different sorts of auscultation to the Arenal's Dam. This report analyzes the geo-hydraulic, structural and topographic auscultation. It also includes information about the new techniques used by the ARCAL XVIII RLA/8/018; application of Tracer Techniques for the study of water leakage in dams and damming projects. (author). 18 charts, 2 maps, 4 tabs

  5. High performance oligomers: synthesis and photochemical properties of calix(n)arene containing various photoreactive groups

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishikubo, T.; Kameyama, A.


    Photoreactive calix(n)arenes containing radical polymerizable (meth)acrylate groups, and catatonically polymerizable vinyl ether, propargyl ether, oxirane and oxetane groups were synthesized by certain reactions of calix(n)arenes with the corresponding (meth)acrylic acid derivatives, vinyl ether compound, epibromohydrin and oxetane derivatives, respectively. The photochemical reaction of these calix(n)arene derivatives were also examined


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    Suryadi Budi Utomo


    Full Text Available A research has been conducted to investigate the adsorption behavior of Pb(II and Cr(III onto polypropylcalix[4]arene polymer. The polypropylcalix[4]arene polymer was synthesized in the presence of H2SO4 catalyst and chloroform under N2 condition for 5 h using 25-allyloxy-26,27,28-trihydroxycalyx[4]arene as the precursor. The Polymer was obtained as yellow crystal with melting point of  288-290 °C and its relative molecular weight was 44.810 g.mol-1. The application of polypropylcalix[4]arene for trapping heavy metal cations and its adsorption model were examined by stirring the suspension of the calixarene in the sample solutions for various pH, time, and concentration of Pb(II and Cr(III solution. Effect of pH on batch experiments for the mentioned ions indicated that the optimum pH for metal binding were 5 for lead(II and chromium(III. The adsorption model of metal ions on polypropylcalix[4]arene followed both the pseudo second order adsorption of Ho's and Langmuir isotherm adsorption kinetics models with rate constant (k were 6.81 x 101 min-1 for Pb(II and 2.64 x 10-2 min-1 for Cr(III. The adsorption equilibrium constant, K, were 5.84 x 105 L.mol-1 for Pb(II and 4.66 x 105 L.mol-1 for Cr(III. The maximum adsorption capacity of polypropylcalix[4]arene to Pb(II and Cr(III were 16.31 and 18.14 mg.g-1 with adsorption energy of 32.90 and 32.34 kJ.mol-1, respectively.   Keywords: polypropylcalix[4]arene, adsorption, Pb(II, and Cr(III

  7. Synthesis of calix[6]arenes partially functionalized at the upper rim

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Casnati, Alessandro; Domiano, Laura; Pochini, Andrea; Ungaro, Rocco; Carramolino, Mar; Magrans, J. Oriol; Nieto, Pedro M.; Lopez-Prados, Javier; Prados, Pilar; de Mendoza, Javier; Janssen, Rob G.; Janssen, R.G.; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David


    Several new examples of calix[6]arenes selectively functionalized at the upper rim are reported. Starting from calix[6]arenes 1,3,5-tri-, 1,2,4,5-tetra- and 1,2,3,4,5-pentaalkylated at the lower rim, it is possible to isolate macrocycles 2,4,6-tri-, 3,6-di- and 6-mono functionalized at the upper rim

  8. Binding properties of oxacalix[4]arenes derivatives toward metal cations; Interactions entre cations metalliques et derives des oxacalix[4]arenes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mellah, B


    The objective of this work was to establish the binding properties of oxacalix[4]arene derivatives with different numbers of the oxa bridges, functional groups (ketones, pyridine, ester, amide and methoxy) and conformations. Their interactions with alkali and alkaline-earth, heavy and transition metal cations have been evaluated according to different approaches: (i) extraction of corresponding picrates from an aqueous phase into dichloromethane; (ii) determination of the thermodynamic parameters of complexation in methanol and/or acetonitrile by UV-spectrophotometry and micro-calorimetry; (iii) determination of the stoichiometry of the complexes by ESI-MS; (iv) {sup 1}H-NMR titrations allowing to localize the metal ions in the ligand cavity. In a first part dealing on homo-oxacalix[4]arenes, selectivities for Na{sup +}, K{sup +}, Ca{sup 2+}, Pb{sup 2+} and Mn{sup 2+} of ketones derivatives was shown. The presence of oxa bridge in these derivatives increases their efficiency while decreasing their selectivity with respect to related calixarenes. The pyridine derivative prefers transition and heavy metal cations, in agreement with the presence of the soft nitrogen atoms. In the second part, di-oxacalix[4]arene ester and secondary amide derivatives were shown to be less effective than tertiary amide counterparts but to present high selectivities for Li{sup +}, Ba{sup 2+}, Zn{sup 2+} and Hg{sup 2+}. A third part devoted to the octa-homo-tetra-oxacalix[4]arene tetra-methoxy shows that the 1:1 metal complexes formed are generally more stable than those of calixarenes, suggesting the participation of the oxygen atoms of the bridge in the complexation. Selectivity for Cs{sup +}, Ba{sup 2+}, Cu{sup 2+} and Hg{sup 2+} were noted. (author)

  9. Nitration of Thiacalix[4]arene Derivatives

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lhoták, P.; Svoboda, J.; Stibor, I.; Sýkora, Jan


    Roč. 43, č. 41 (2002), s. 7413-7417 ISSN 0040-4039 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA104/00/1722 Keywords : derivatives * nitation of thiacalix[4]arene Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Impact factor: 2.357, year: 2002

  10. Improved Catalytic Activity of Ruthenium–Arene Complexes in the Reduction of NAD+

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soldevila-Barreda, J.J.; Bruijnincx, P.C.A.; Habtemariam, A.; Clarkson, G.J.; Deeth, R.J.; Sadler, Peter J.


    A series of neutral RuII half-sandwich complexes of the type [(η6-arene)Ru(N,N′)Cl] where the arene is para-cymene (p-cym), hexamethylbenzene (hmb), biphenyl (bip), or benzene (bn) and N,N′ is N-(2-aminoethyl)-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenesulfonamide (TfEn), N-(2-aminoethyl)-4-toluenesulfonamide

  11. A new species of Astyanax (Ostariophysi: Characidae from the headwaters of the arheic Río Sucuma, Catamarca, Northwestern Argentina

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    Guillermo E. Terán


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT A new species of Astyanax is described from the arheic system of Río Sucuma, in Catamarca, Northwestern Argentina. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters including the presence of a broad vertical humeral spot, absence of maxillary teeth, and absence of circuli in posterior field of scales. Furthermore, this species is distinguished by the orbital diameter, head length, branched anal-fin rays, perforated lateral-line scales, transverse scales, dentary teeth with abrupt decrease in size. This species is, to date, the single known fish endemic of Río Sucuma basin.

  12. Crecimiento y nutrición de la población infanto-adolescente de Azampay (Catamarca

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    Padula, Gisel


    Full Text Available A partir de 1995 se constituyó un grupo multidisciplinario, que desarrolló sus investigaciones en la localidad de Azampay (Catamarca, abordando el estudio integral de la problemática bio-socio-cultural de las comunidades actuales y arqueológicas con el objetivo de caracterizar procesos de largo plazo. La elección de la localidad de Azampay se realizó en función de su claro rol estratégico a nivel arqueológico, como proveedor de alimentos durante el Período de Desarrollos Regionales, así como por el tamaño reducido de la población actual (300 individuos y su localización fuera de las rutas de comunicación habituales, que la convierten en óptima para realizar estudios sobre población total, minimizando el sesgo que un muestreo provoca. Esta condición posibilita trabajar con mayor profundidad analítica proporcionando mejor comprensión sobre: ocupación del espacio; migración; organización familiar; propiedad de la tierra y el agua; crecimiento y desarrollo de la población infantil. Todos éstos, temas que pueden ser referidos y comparados con otras comunidades pertenecientes a la región. La siguiente presentación, tiene por objeto, realizar una selección de aquellos trabajos desarrollados en relación al Crecimiento y Nutrición de la población infanto-adolescente de Azampay y sus alrededores. Se realizó la evaluación nutricional a través del establecimiento de los indicadores P//E, T//E y P//T; se estudió el dimorfismo sexual a partir de la morfometría craneofacial; y se caracterizó la salud bucal y dieta, con la obtención del Perfil Patológico Dental de cada individuo. Así, la población infanto-adolescente de Azampay y sus alrededores, presenta: 1- Un alto porcentaje de individuos distróficos, siendo en su mayor parte niños emaciados, seguido por aquellos con desnutrición actual y luego los desmedrados; 2- Ausencia de diferencias craneofaciales significativas entre ambos sexos, indicando un fuerte estr

  13. Cu(II)-mediated ortho C-H alkynylation of (hetero)arenes with terminal alkynes. (United States)

    Shang, Ming; Wang, Hong-Li; Sun, Shang-Zheng; Dai, Hui-Xiong; Yu, Jin-Quan


    Cu(II)-promoted ortho alkynylation of arenes and heteroarenes with terminal alkynes has been developed to prepare aryl alkynes. A variety of arenes and terminal alkynes bearing different substituents are compatible with this reaction, thus providing an alternative disconnection to Sonogashira coupling.


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    Rosidah R Radam


    Full Text Available Gula aren salah satu pemanis yang telah diproduksi oleh bangsa Indonesia sejak lama. Gula aren sebagai alternatif bahan pemanis makanan dan merupakan mata pencaharian sampingan bagi kebanyakan masyarakat di Desa Banua Hanyar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui produktivitas dan kontribusi terhadap pendapatan masyarakat. Objek penelitian ini adalah pembuat gula aren. Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari  karakteristik responden, proses pembuatan gula aren, perhitungan produktivitas dan kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan masyarakat. Produktivitas gula aren (Arenga pinnata Merr berkisar antara 0,465 Kg/hari hingga 1,137 kg/hari. Kontribusi dari pengolahan gula aren sebesar 60,48% dari pendapatan masyarakat. Tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat termasuk dalam golongan termiskin dengan pendapatan tahunan per kapita Rp.962 919,- atau setara dengan 148 kg beras. Disarankan perlu pembentukan kelompok tani dengan tujuan keseragaman dalam harga pasar gula aren. Peningkatan kualitas dengan peningkatan bentuk cetakan, kemasan dan aneka  rasa. Sehingga produk gula aren dapat dijual di pasar modern. Palm sugar is a sweetener that has been produced by the nation of Indonesia since long ago.  Palm sugar as an alternative sweetener foodstuffs as well as an second job for most people in the Banua Hanyar village.  The purpose of this research to know the productivity and contribution to community income. The object of this research is the maker of palm sugar. Data collected as data characteristics, the process of making palm sugar, calculation of productivity and its contribution to household income. Productivity sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr ranged from 0.465 Kg / day up to 1,137 kg / day. Contributions from processing palm sugar by 60.48% of household income. The level of welfare including in the poorest of the poor with annual income  per capita of IDR 962 919, - or the equivalent of 148 kg of rice.  Need formation of farmer groups with the goal of

  15. Thia-arenes as source apportionment tracers for urban air particulate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McCarry, B.E.; Allan, L.M.; Mehta, S.; Marvin, C.H.


    Over sixty respirable air particulate samples were selected from a large number of filters collected in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Depending on the wind direction these sites were either predominantly upwind or predominantly downwind of the industrial sources. The sixty filters were extracted and analyzed using GC-MS for a range of PAH and sulfur-containing PAH (thia-arenes). Various reference standards (coal tar, diesel exhaust, urban air particulate) and source samples (coke oven condensate) were analyzed as well. A set of air particulate samples collected in another city alongside a highway provided an urban vehicular air sample. Unique thia-arene profiles were noted in the reference and source samples which provided the basis for this source apportionment work; two main approaches were used: (1) analysis of alkylated derivatives of thia-arenes with a molecular mass of 184 amu and (2) analysis of 234 amu isomers. The diesel exhaust and urban vehicular samples gave identical profiles while the coal tar and coke oven samples also had identical profiles but in different respects. The air samples collected at samplers located upwind of the coke ovens showed thia-arene profiles which were similar to the profile observed with a diesel exhaust reference material. However, air samples collected downwind of the coke ovens were heavily loaded samples and resembled the coal tar coke and oven condensate samples

  16. Antioxidant and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Boniger Acid and Calix[4]arene Derivative

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    E. ERDEM


    Full Text Available Diazonium derivative of calix[4]arene has been synthesized using three different synthetic steps. Initially p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene was synthesized with the condensation reaction of p-tert-butylphenol and formaldehyde in basic conditions. Calix[4]arene was obtained after the debutylation reaction of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene with AlCl3. Calix[4]arene reacted with diazonium salt of Böniger acid to yield the 5,17-[(Bis(azo-bis(5-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonicacid]-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxy calix[4]arene which has eight free phenolic hydroxyl group. Reaction steps were shown in Fig.1.2,7-naphthalenedisulfonicacid]-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxy calix[4]arene The antioxidant activity of the Böniger acid and calix[4]aren derivative were determined using β-karotene-linoleic acid system. Moreover, the free radical scavenging activity values were tested with DPPH free radical. The two compounds showed strong antioxidant activity. Total antioxidant activity of Böniger acid and calix[4]aren derivative was determined using β–carotenelinoleic acid model system and was found the antioxidant activity of 84.00% and 85.60 % respectively. The free radical scavenging activities were determined as 83.05% and 84.69 %. Results show that, two compounds has the antioxidant activity. The calix[4]aren derivaties has more higher activity then Boniger acid because of calix[4]aren derivative has much hydroxl groups.

  17. S,O-Ligand-Promoted Palladium-Catalyzed C-H Functionalization Reactions of Nondirected Arenes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Naksomboon, K.; Valderas, C.; Gomez-Martinez, M.; Alvarez-Casao, Y.; Fernández Ibáñez, M.A.

    Pd(II)-catalyzed C-H functionalization of non directed arenes has been realized using an inexpensive and easily accessible type of bidentate S,O-ligand. The catalytic system shows high efficiency in the C-H olefination reaction of electron-rich and electron-poor arenes. This methodology is

  18. Londres y Catamarca: la articulación rural / urbano en una localidad del no argentino a fines del S. XX

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    Andrea Mastrángelo


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo organiza el espacio la expansión capitalista de fines del S. XX? A partir del análisis del caso de un emprendimiento minero en el noroeste argentino, este artículo realiza una revisión histórica de cómo se organiza, articuló históricamente y articula en la actualidad un centro urbano con unidades sociales mayores.How does capitalist expansion manage space at the end of XXth Century? Beginning with a case study on a mining mega enterprise in argentinian NW, this article makes a historical revision on how did a little community survive and how did it managed and articulated with greater social units.

  19. Synthesis of substituted Calix[6] arene and 18F labeling reaction as catalyst in preparation of 18F-FET

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Cheng; Ma Yunchuan; Chen Xiaoxiao; Li Guixia; Li Shilei; Zhang Shuting; He Yong; Qi Chuanmin


    The phase transfer catalyst Substituted Calix[6] arene was prepared and it was used as catalyst to prepare the tumor diagnostic drug 18 F-FET. The results showed that para-sulfonated-calix[6] arene not only catalyzes 19 F substitution reaction, but also catalyzes 18 F labelling reaction with radiochemical yield of 11%. However, para-tert-butyl-calix[6] arene has no catalytic activity for the 19 F substitution reaction nor the 18 F labelling reaction of the precursor of FET. The catalyzing of para-sulfonated-calix[6]arene may be related to it's sulfonate groups, which participated in the coordination reaction and increased the polarity of calyx[6] arene and so on. Although radiochemical yield of the para-sulfonated-calix[6] arene catalyzed 18 F labeling of the precursor of FET was much lower than that obtained by Kryptofix 2. 2. 2, this study still has significant meaning for us to find better substituted Calix[6] arene catalysts by optimizing the reaction conditions. (authors)


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    Eram Tunggul Pawenang


    Full Text Available Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperdalam pengertian, penghayatan, dan pengalaman mahasiswa tentang cara berfikir dan bekerja interdisipliner pada lintas sektoral yaitu bidang ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Hukum dan Akuntansi Manajemen, kegunaan hasil pendidikan dan penelitian bagi pembangunan pada umumnya dan pembangunan daerah pedesaan khususnya Desa Peron dalam membudidayakan pohon aren dalam fungsi konservasi dan pemberdayaan hasil pengolahan aren sebagai fungsi produksi, bagi perguruan tinggi dapat mengembangkan IPTEKS yang lebih bermanfaat dalam pengelolaan dan penyelesaian berbagai masalah pembangunan. Masalah utama yang ada di Desa Peron adalah petani aren dalam pemasaran hasil masih tergantung dengan tengkulak, kurangnya diversifikasi dari aren menjadi produk-produk yang lain, pengemasan hasil diversifikasi olahan aren kurang menarik konsumen, pemanfaatan ijuk, akar dan daun dari pohon aren yang tidak maksimal, potensi Wisata Watu Sumong yang belum dieksplorasi secara optimal serta kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pengolahan limbah aren. Hasil dari kegiatan KKN PPM meliputi Program pengemasan gula aren dilaksanakan dengan 3 variasi bentuk pengemasan yaitu Gula aren cetak, Gula Semut dan Sirup Aren dengan label “Arenku” dan sedang dalam proses permintaan no PIRT. Program pemasaran gula aren telah terlaksana yaitu dengan memasarkan produk gula aren berupa gula semut aren, gula cetak dan sirup aren di beberapa tempat yaitu di KPRI Handayani, UNSEC UNNES, dan Sekatul. Kegiatan Pengenalan Watu Sumong telah dilaksanakan dan mendapat apresiasi positif dari Bupati Kendal dan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kendal dan akan dikembangkan menjadi Desa Wisata. Pengenalan juga dilaksanakan pada saat Peron Expo dengan menampilkan Video dan Pemasangan papan sejarah Watu Sumong dan Denah Lokasi Wisata di Desa Peron. Pengembangan desa Wisata akan dilanjutkan oleh Kelompok sadar wisata “Wikir Sari”. Program

  1. Photoinduced C-C Cross-Coupling of Aryl Chlorides and Inert Arenes

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    Lele Wang


    Full Text Available Here we report a facile, efficient, and catalyst-free method to realize C-C cross-coupling of aryl chlorides and inert arenes under UV light irradiation. The aryl radical upon homolytic cleavage of C-Cl bond initiated the nucleophilic substitution reaction with inert arenes to give biaryl products. This mild reaction mode can also be applied to other synthetic reactions, such as the construction of C-N bonds and trifluoromethylated compounds.


    Labyntseva, R D; Bevza, A A; Lul'ko, A O; Cherenok, S O; Kalchenko, V I; Kosterin, S O


    Calix[4]arenes are cup-like macrocyclic (polyphenolic) compounds, they are regarded as promising molecular "platforms" for the design of new physiologically active compounds. We have earlier found that calix[4]arene C-99 inhibits the ATPase activity of actomyosin and myosin subfragment-1 of pig uterus in vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of calix[4]arene C-99 with myosin from rat uterine myocytes. It was found that the ATPase activity of myosin prepared from pre-incubated with 100 mM of calix[4]arene C-99 myocytes was almost 50% lower than in control. Additionally, we have revealed the effect of calix[4]arene C-99 on the subcellular distribution of actin and myosin in uterus myocytes by the method of confocal microscopy. This effect can be caused by reorganization of the structure of the contractile smooth muscle cell proteins due to their interaction with calix[4]arene. The obtained results demonstrate the ability of calix[4]arene C-99 to penetrate into the uterus muscle cells and affect not only the myosin ATPase activity, but also the structure of the actin and myosin filaments in the myometrial cells. Demonstrated ability of calix[4]arene C-99 can be used for development of new pharmacological agents for efficient normalization of myometrial contractile hyperfunction.

  3. Calix[4]arene C-99 inhibits myosin ATPase activity and changes the organization of contractile filaments of myometrium

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    R. D. Labyntseva,


    Full Text Available Calix[4]arenes are cup-like macrocyclic (polyphenolic compounds, they are regarded as promising molecular “platforms” for the design of new physiologically active compounds. We have earlier found that сalix[4]arenе C-99 inhibits the ATPase activity of actomyosin and myosin subfragment-1 of pig uterus іn vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate the interaction of calix[4]arene C-99 with myosin from rat uterine myocytes. It was found that the ATPase activity of myosin prepared from pre-incubated with 100 mM of calix[4]arene C-99 myocytes was almost 50% lower than in control. Additionally, we have revealed the effect of calix[4]arene C-99 on the subcellular distribution of actin and myosin in uterus myocytes by the method of confocal microscopy. This effect can be caused by reorganization of the structure of the contractile smooth muscle cell proteins due to their interaction with calix[4]arene. The obtained results demonstrate the ability of calix[4]arene C-99 to penetrate into the uterus muscle cells and affect not only the myosin ATPase activity, but also the structure of the actin and myosin filaments in the myometrial cells. Demonstrated ability of calix[4]arene C-99 can be used for development of new pharmacological agents for efficient normalization of myometrial contractile hyperfunction.

  4. La mirada social en la prensa: Concepción Arenal

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    Simón Palmer, María del Carmen


    Full Text Available In La Voz de la Caridad Concepción Arenal set out her views on a series of social problems that remain current even today, although though they have not received as much attention as those relating to women, prisoners, or poverty.Concepción Arenal dejó en La Voz de la Caridad, sus opiniones sobre una serie de problemas sociales que, aún hoy, siguen de plena actualidad aunque no han merecido tanta atención como los referentes a la mujer, los presos o la pobreza.

  5. Ruthenium(II)-catalysed remote C-H alkylations as a versatile platform to meta-decorated arenes (United States)

    Li, Jie; Korvorapun, Korkit; de Sarkar, Suman; Rogge, Torben; Burns, David J.; Warratz, Svenja; Ackermann, Lutz


    The full control of positional selectivity is of prime importance in C-H activation technology. Chelation assistance served as the stimulus for the development of a plethora of ortho-selective arene functionalizations. In sharp contrast, meta-selective C-H functionalizations continue to be scarce, with all ruthenium-catalysed transformations currently requiring difficult to remove or modify nitrogen-containing heterocycles. Herein, we describe a unifying concept to access a wealth of meta-decorated arenes by a unique arene ligand effect in proximity-induced ruthenium(II) C-H activation catalysis. The transformative nature of our strategy is mirrored by providing a step-economical entry to a range of meta-substituted arenes, including ketones, acids, amines and phenols--key structural motifs in crop protection, material sciences, medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical industries.

  6. Water-soluble resorcin[4]arene based cavitands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grote gansey, M.H.B.; Grote Gansey, Marcel H.B.; Bakker, Frank K.G.; Feiters, Martinus C.; Geurts, Hubertus P.M.; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David


    Water-soluble resorcin[4]arene based cavitands were obtained in good yields by reaction of bromomethylcavitands with pyridine. Their solubility was determined by conductometry. The behaviour in water depends on the alkyl chain length; the methylcavitand does not aggregate, whereas the pentyl- and

  7. Synthesis and Characterization of Chitosan-p-t-Butylcalix[4]arene acid (United States)

    Handayani, D. S.; Frimadasi, W.; Kusumaningsih, T.; Pranoto


    The synthesis of chitosan-p-t-butylcalix[4]arene acid was done with DIC (N, N’-diisopropylcarbodiimide) as the coupling agent. The structural analysis of the chitosan-p-t-butylcalix[4]arene acid was conducted by spectrophotometer Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Meanwhile, the surface area was investigated by Surface Area Analysis, the Scanning Electrone Microscope (SEM) analysed the surface morphology, and also the melting point temperature was determined. FTIR analysis on Chitosan-p-t-butylcalix[4]arene provides an overlapped absorption of -OH and -NH groups at 3438.26 cm-1. Meanwhile, a C = C aromatic bond present at 1480.43 cm-1. XRD analysis shows some broaden peaks due to the amorphous phase of the prepared material. The prepared material is a brownish yellow solid, odorless and porous. The melting point, surface area, and the average pore radius are above 300 °C, 9.42 m2 / g, and 52.5938 Å, respectively.

  8. Water soluble (Eta sup (6) - arene) ruthenium (II) complexes incorporating marine derived bioligand: Synthesis, spectral and structural studies

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Singh, K.S.; Svitlyk, V.; PrabhaDevi; Mozharivskyj, Y.

    by the reaction of [{(eta sup(6)-arene) RuCl sub(2)}sub(2)] with HMP. The complexes 1 and 2 react with NaN sub(3) to give in excellent yield tetra-azido complexes [{(Eta sup(6)-arene)Ru(Mu N sub(3))N sub(3)}sub(2)] (arene = cymene 4, HMB = 5) but similar reaction...

  9. Ligand-accelerated non-directed C-H functionalization of arenes (United States)

    Wang, Peng; Verma, Pritha; Xia, Guoqin; Shi, Jun; Qiao, Jennifer X.; Tao, Shiwei; Cheng, Peter T. W.; Poss, Michael A.; Farmer, Marcus E.; Yeung, Kap-Sun; Yu, Jin-Quan


    The directed activation of carbon-hydrogen bonds (C-H) is important in the development of synthetically useful reactions, owing to the proximity-induced reactivity and selectivity that is enabled by coordinating functional groups. Palladium-catalysed non-directed C-H activation could potentially enable further useful reactions, because it can reach more distant sites and be applied to substrates that do not contain appropriate directing groups; however, its development has faced substantial challenges associated with the lack of sufficiently active palladium catalysts. Currently used palladium catalysts are reactive only with electron-rich arenes, unless an excess of arene is used, which limits synthetic applications. Here we report a 2-pyridone ligand that binds to palladium and accelerates non-directed C-H functionalization with arene as the limiting reagent. This protocol is compatible with a broad range of aromatic substrates and we demonstrate direct functionalization of advanced synthetic intermediates, drug molecules and natural products that cannot be used in excessive quantities. We also developed C-H olefination and carboxylation protocols, demonstrating the applicability of our methodology to other transformations. The site selectivity in these transformations is governed by a combination of steric and electronic effects, with the pyridone ligand enhancing the influence of sterics on the selectivity, thus providing complementary selectivity to directed C-H functionalization.

  10. Dissymmetry effects on the laser spectroscopy of supersonically expanded rare gas/chiral arene heteroclusters. (United States)

    Filippi, Antonello; Giardini, Anna; Marcantoni, Enrico; Paladini, Alessandra; Piccirillo, Susanna; Renzi, Gabriele; Rondino, Flaminia; Roselli, Graziella; Satta, Mauro; Speranza, Maurizio


    The R2PI-TOF spectra of supersonically expanded rare gas/chiral arene heteroclusters have been rationalized in terms of the distortion of the pi-electron density reflecting the different dipole and quadrupole momenta induced in the rare gas atoms by interaction with the opposite pi-faces of the chiral arene itself.

  11. Research on Synthesis of New Azo Calix[4]arene and its Dyeing Properties

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    Tang Jun


    Full Text Available With the raw materials of calix[4]arene, benzocaine, tricaine and procaine hydrochloride, three new azo calix[4]arene derivatives—6a, 6b and 6c are synthesized by diazotization–coupling reaction of an aromatic amine, with its yield of 83%, 81% and 83% respectively. The structural characterization is in a way of IR, 1H NMR and elemental analysis. This paper investigates the spectral properties of azo calix[4]arene derivatives under different solution pH conditions through the UV–visible spectroscopy, and researches the dyeing properties through the dyeing curve, color yield test and fastness test. The results show that, with the increase of pH value, the azo calix[4]arene derivatives—6a, 6b and 6c form azo–hydrazone tautomeric isomers with the maximum absorption peak redshift; the dyeing effect of the compound is good, of which the dye–uptake rate of the compound 6a is as high as 78%; the surface depth of color yield is 2.798, and the dry and wet rubbing fastness and the soaping fastness are respectively 4, which is a better disperse dye.

  12. La estrategia comunicacional en el sector mega-minero. Un estudio del caso La Alumbrera en Argentina

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    Julieta Godfrid


    Full Text Available En los últimos años se produjo en la Argentina una rápida expansión de la mega-minería a cielo abierto, lo que vino acompañado de un creciente aumento de la conflictividad socio-ambiental que cuestiona en profundidad las consecuencias de la actividad extractiva. En este contexto, las múltiples críticas a la mega-minería deslegitimaron profundamente la imagen del sector y de las empresas que llevan adelante este tipo de actividad. A partir de allí, las corporaciones mega-mineras se vieron frente a la necesidad de construir una nueva estrategia comunicacional integral que les permitiera mejorar su imagen y construir consenso en torno a la actividad. El presente trabajo indaga en torno a las nuevas estrategias comunicacionales del sector mega-minero que se llevan a cabo bajo el paradigma de la Responsabilidad Social Empresaria y el “marketing experiencial”. Para ello se trabaja a partir del estudio de caso del emprendimiento mega-minero más antiguo del país, la empresa La Alumbrera (Provincia de Catamarca.


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    Norma Ratto


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los análisis realizados sobre las asociaciones arqueobotánicas recupera - das en dos contextos funerarios del oeste de Tinogasta (Catamarca, Argentina. Los sitios Las Champas y Bebé de La Troya presentan macrorrestos vegetales junto a inhumaciones que permiten indagar el rol de dichos restos y sus implicancias dentro de las sociedades tardías catamarqueñas. Nuestro objetivo es caracterizar las prácticas sociales que intervinieron en el depósito de restos de plantas como acom - pañamiento funerario, al identificar la presencia de marcas diagnósticas de procesamiento culinario en dichos restos, que además son identificados taxonómicamente. En ambos sitios tanto los macrorrestos como los sedimentos asociados fueron analizados a ojo desnudo, lupa binocular y microscopio óptico. Las muestras fueron identificadas taxonómicamente siguiendo la descripción de caracteres diagnósticos botánicos y etnoarqueológicos para prácticas de procesamiento. En el sitio Las Champas se recuperaron semillas de Cucurbita aff. maxima subsp. maxima y Chenopodium quinoa var. melanospermum con rasgos de procesamiento, como así también un artefacto confeccionado sobre Lagenaria siceraria . Los análisis microscópicos dieron por resultado la presencia de gramíneas y cf. Zea mays . En Bebé de la Tro - ya se identificaron también semillas de Cucurbita aff. maxima subsp. maxima y endocarpos de Prosopis sp., sin marcas de procesamiento. Los resultados obtenidos permiten sugerir la presencia de restos de plantas como simientes, comidas y vestimenta, formando parte del contexto funerario. Estas tres formas de depósito vegetal demuestran prácticas intencionales diferentes durante las inhumaciones como así también permiten indagar en el aspecto culinario y agrario de las sociedades tardías catamarqueñas.

  14. Binding properties of oxacalix[4]arenes derivatives toward metal cations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mellah, B.


    The objective of this work was to establish the binding properties of oxacalix[4]arene derivatives with different numbers of the oxa bridges, functional groups (ketones, pyridine, ester, amide and methoxy) and conformations. Their interactions with alkali and alkaline-earth, heavy and transition metal cations have been evaluated according to different approaches: (i) extraction of corresponding picrates from an aqueous phase into dichloromethane; (ii) determination of the thermodynamic parameters of complexation in methanol and/or acetonitrile by UV-spectrophotometry and micro-calorimetry; (iii) determination of the stoichiometry of the complexes by ESI-MS; (iv) 1 H-NMR titrations allowing to localize the metal ions in the ligand cavity. In a first part dealing on homo-oxacalix[4]arenes, selectivities for Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , Pb 2+ and Mn 2+ of ketones derivatives was shown. The presence of oxa bridge in these derivatives increases their efficiency while decreasing their selectivity with respect to related calixarenes. The pyridine derivative prefers transition and heavy metal cations, in agreement with the presence of the soft nitrogen atoms. In the second part, di-oxacalix[4]arene ester and secondary amide derivatives were shown to be less effective than tertiary amide counterparts but to present high selectivities for Li + , Ba 2+ , Zn 2+ and Hg 2+ . A third part devoted to the octa-homo-tetra-oxacalix[4]arene tetra-methoxy shows that the 1:1 metal complexes formed are generally more stable than those of calixarenes, suggesting the participation of the oxygen atoms of the bridge in the complexation. Selectivity for Cs + , Ba 2+ , Cu 2+ and Hg 2+ were noted. (author)

  15. New Calix[4]arene dibenzocrown ethers for selective sensing of cesium ion in aqueous environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jong Seung; Kim, Jong Kuk; Choi, Wang Kyu; Lee, Kune Woo; Oh, Won Jin


    1,3-dialkoxycalix[4]arene dibenzocrown ethers (6-9) were successfully synthesized in the fixed 1,3-alternate conformation with over 90% yields by the reaction of corresponding 1,3dialkoxycalix[4]arenes 2-5 with dibenzodimesylate 13 in acetonitrile as a solvent in the presence of cesium carbonate as a base. In view of cyclization yield, the use of dimesylate is found to be better than that of dibenzoditosylate. With an unusual AB pattern in 1 H NMR spectrum for compound 9, it is suggested that conformational structure of 1,3-diallyloxycalix[4]arene dibenzocrown ether be less flexible than that of usual 1,3-alternate calixcrown ether, probably due to steric effects of two ally1 group. Complexation of the corresponding calix[4]arene 6-9 toward alkali metal ions using single flux method through bulk liquid membrane system was found to give a high cesium selectivity. 28 refs., 1 tab., 1 fig

  16. New Calix[4]arene dibenzocrown ethers for selective sensing of cesium ion in aqueous environment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jong Seung; Kim, Jong Kuk [Konyang University, Nonsan (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Wang Kyu; Lee, Kune Woo; Oh, Won Jin [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea, Republic of)


    1,3-dialkoxycalix[4]arene dibenzocrown ethers (6-9) were successfully synthesized in the fixed 1,3-alternate conformation with over 90% yields by the reaction of corresponding 1,3dialkoxycalix[4]arenes 2-5 with dibenzodimesylate 13 in acetonitrile as a solvent in the presence of cesium carbonate as a base. In view of cyclization yield, the use of dimesylate is found to be better than that of dibenzoditosylate. With an unusual AB pattern in {sup 1}H NMR spectrum for compound 9, it is suggested that conformational structure of 1,3-diallyloxycalix[4]arene dibenzocrown ether be less flexible than that of usual 1,3-alternate calixcrown ether, probably due to steric effects of two ally1 group. Complexation of the corresponding calix[4]arene 6-9 toward alkali metal ions using single flux method through bulk liquid membrane system was found to give a high cesium selectivity. 28 refs., 1 tab., 1 fig.

  17. Accumulation of polycyclic arenes in Baltic Sea algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veldre, I.A.; Itra, A.R.; Paal' me, L.P.; Kukk, Kh.A.


    The paper presents data on the level of benzo(a)pyrene (BP) and some other polycyclic arenes in alga and phanerogam specimens from different gulfs of the Baltic Sea. Algae were shown to absorb BP from sea water. The mean concentration of BP in sea water was under 0.004 microgram/1, while in algae it ranged 0.1-21.2 micrograms/kg dry weight. Algae accumulate BP to a higher degree than phanerogams. The highest concentrations of BP were found in algae Enteromorpha while the lowest ones in Furcellaria. In annual green algae, BP level was higher in autumn, i. e. at the end of vegetation period, than in spring. Brown algae Fucus vesiculosus is recommended for monitoring polycyclic arene pollution in the area from Vormsi Island to Kaesmu and green algae Cladophora or Enteromorpha in the eastern part of the Finnish Gulf.

  18. AREN has going into action for nuclear program in Romania

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chirica, T.; Mauna, T.


    Romania has been a member of world nuclear power community since December 1996 when the first Candu type nuclear unit became fully in service in Cernavoda NPP. The nominal power rating of the Unit is 706 MWe, covering about 10% of country's annual consumption. Now, the major issues of the Romanian nuclear sector is to promote and develop the activities regarding completion of the second unit at the Cernavoda site, connected to the natural uranium chain and waste management. The Romanian 'Nuclear Energy' Association (AREN) operates as a non-governmental and non-profit organization member of the European Nuclear Society and has been involved since 1990 in the nuclear field as a professional society and members of Council of AREN work as volunteers. The main programs developed by AREN are: 1. Nuclear Energy Days, organized in the last i quarter of the year; 2. International Nuclear Energy Symposium - SIEN, organized every two years; 3. Round Tables dedicated to different aspects of the nuclear energy, mainly addressed to the specialists. The intention of this paper is to discuss the impact of the reduction of the Romanian nuclear program on the different categories of people and companies involved in nuclear field, including the difficult aspect of nuclear brain drain. (authors)

  19. A series of octanuclear-nickel(II) complexes supported by thiacalix[4]arenes. (United States)

    Xiong, Kecai; Jiang, Feilong; Gai, Yanli; Zhou, Youfu; Yuan, Daqiang; Su, Kongzhao; Wang, Xinyi; Hong, Maochun


    A series of discrete complexes, [Ni(8)(BTC4A)(2)(μ(6)-CO(3))(2)(μ-CH(3)COO)(4)(dma)(4)]·H(2)O (1), [Ni(8)(BTC4A)(2)(μ(6)-CO(3))(2)(μ-Cl)(2)(μ-HCOO)(2)(dma)(4)]·2DMF·2CH(3)CN (2), [Ni(8)(PTC4A)(2) (μ(6)-CO(3))(2)(μ-CH(3)COO)(4)(dma)(4)]·DMF (3), and [Ni(8)(PTC4A)(2)(μ(6)-CO(3))(2)(μ-OH)(μ-HCOO)(3) (dma)(4)] (4) (p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene = H(4)BTC4A, p-phenylthiacalix[4]arene = H(4)PTC4A, dma = dimethylamine, and DMF = N,N'-dimethylformamide), have been prepared under solvothermal conditions and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses, powder XRD, and IR spectroscopy. These four complexes are stacked by dumbbell-like building blocks with one chairlike octanuclear-nickel(II) core, which is capped by two thiacalix[4]arene molecules and connected by two in situ generated carbonato anions and different auxiliary anions. This work implied that not only the solvent molecules but also the upper-rim groups of thiacalix[4]arenes have significant effects on the self-assembly of the dumbbell-like building blocks. The magnetic properties of complexes 1-4 were examined, indicating strong antiferromagnetic interactions between the nickel(II) ions in the temperature range of 50-300 K.

  20. Molecular recognition study of ethosuximide by the supramolecular probe, p-t-butyl calix(8)arene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Meenakshi, C., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Shri Meenakshi Government College for Women (Autonomous), Madurai 625002 (India); Sangeetha, P.; Ramakrishnan, V. [Department of Laser Studies, School of Physics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 625021 (India)


    The supramolecule, p-t-Butyl calix(8)arene, forms inclusion complex with the antiseizure drug molecule, ethosuximide. This feature is explained on the basis of optical absorption spectroscopy. Here p-t-Butyl calix(8)arene is the host molecule and ethosuximide is the guest molecule. The stoichiometry of the host–guest complex and the binding constant has been determined using Benesi–Hildebrand plot. Based on the result obtained the structure of the inclusion complex has been proposed. -- Highlights: ► Third generation supramolecule, t-butyl calix (8) arene, is used as a host molecule. ► Anti seizure drug molecule is used as a guest molecule. ► Inclusion complex is formed between the host and guest molecule.

  1. Removal of uranyl ions by p-hexasulfonated calyx[6]arene acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popescu, Ioana-Carmen [R and D National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources–ICPMRR, B-dul Carol I No.70, Sector 2, Bucharest 020917 (Romania); Petru, Filip [“C.D. Nenitescu” Institute of Organic Chemistry, Splaiul Independentei 202B, Sector 6, Bucharest 71141 (Romania); Humelnicu, Ionel [“Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, The Faculty of Chemistry, Bd. Carol-I No. 11, Iasi 700506 (Romania); Mateescu, Marina [National R and D Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Splaiul Independenţei No. 202, Bucharest 060021 (Romania); Militaru, Ecaterina [R and D National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources–ICPMRR, B-dul Carol I No.70, Sector 2, Bucharest 020917 (Romania); Humelnicu, Doina, E-mail: [“Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, The Faculty of Chemistry, Bd. Carol-I No. 11, Iasi 700506 (Romania)


    Radioactive pollution is a significant threat for the people’s health. Therefore highly effective radioactive decontamination methods are required. Ion exchange, biotechnologies and phytoremediation in constructed wetlands have been used as radioactive decontamination technologies for uranium contaminated soil and water remediation. Recently, beside those classical methods the calix[n]arenic derivatives’ utilization as radioactive decontaminators has jogged attention. The present work aims to present the preliminary research results of uranyl ion sorption studies on the p-hexasulfonated calyx[6]arenic acid. The effect of temperature, contact time, sorbent amount and uranyl concentration variation on sorption efficiency was investigated. Isotherm models revealed that the sorption process fit better Langmuir isotherm.

  2. Evolución metamórfica de los gabros coroníticos de El Arenal, faja máfica-ultramáfica El Destino-Las Águilas, sierra de San Luis Metamorphic evolution of the coronitic gabbrons of the El Arenal, El Destino-Las Aguilas, mafic-ultramafic belt, Sierra de San Luis


    N. Brogioni; G. Cruciani; M. Franceschelli; O. Vaselli


    Las meta-melagabronoritas coroníticas se localizan en uno de los cuerpos de El Arenal, pertenecientes a la faja máfica-ultramáfica El Destino-Las Aguilas del flanco oriental de la sierra de San Luis. Son rocas de grano fino y representan fraccionados poco evolucionados, con alto contenido de Cr-Ni y [Mg/Mg+FeT++] comprendidas entre 0,72 y 0,75, derivados de un magma toleítico olivínico de bajo Ti, cuyo emplazamiento precedió a la deformación penetrativa y metamorfismo famatinianos. Las microe...

  3. The role of uranium-arene bonding in H2O reduction catalysis (United States)

    Halter, Dominik P.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Maron, Laurent; Meyer, Karsten


    The reactivity of uranium compounds towards small molecules typically occurs through stoichiometric rather than catalytic processes. Examples of uranium catalysts reacting with water are particularly scarce, because stable uranyl groups form that preclude the recovery of the uranium compound. Recently, however, an arene-anchored, electron-rich uranium complex has been shown to facilitate the electrocatalytic formation of H2 from H2O. Here, we present the precise role of uranium-arene δ bonding in intermediates of the catalytic cycle, as well as details of the atypical two-electron oxidative addition of H2O to the trivalent uranium catalyst. Both aspects were explored by synthesizing mid- and high-valent uranium-oxo intermediates and by performing comparative studies with a structurally related complex that cannot engage in δ bonding. The redox activity of the arene anchor and a covalent δ-bonding interaction with the uranium ion during H2 formation were supported by density functional theory analysis. Detailed insight into this catalytic system may inspire the design of ligands for new uranium catalysts.

  4. PRIMEROS AVANCES EN LA CARACTERIZACIÓN GEOQUÍMICA DE VULCANITAS DE AFLORAMIENTOS DE ANTOFAGASTA DE LA SIERRA (PROV. DE CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA / First advances in the geochemical characteristics of volcanic outcrops of Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca

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    Alejandra M. Elías


    Full Text Available En distintos sectores de la microrregión de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Provincia de Catamarca, Puna Meridional Argentina se registran afloramientos de vulcanitas (rocas volcánicas con proporciones de vidrio menores a 80%, sensu Aschero et al. 2002/2004 macroscópicamente muy similares. Con el objetivo de diferenciarlas y aportar, de esta forma, a su identificación en el registro arqueológico, se aplicaron diversos métodos y técnicas sobre muestras de estas rocas procedentes de los distintos afloramientos. En esta instancia, se exponen los resultados obtenidos a partir de caracterización geoquímica por medio de Fluorescencia de Rayos X de Energía Dispersiva. Las vulcanitas procedentes de los diferentes afloramientos tienden a presentar disímiles concentraciones de ciertos elementos. Estos resultados son prometedores y estimulan a continuar investigando la aplicación de métodos geoquímicos en la diferenciación y determinación de la procedencia de estas rocas volcánicas. Cabe destacar que en el Noroeste Argentino los métodos geoquímicos fueron exclusivamente aplicados sobre una roca volcánica específica, la obsidiana, y aún no habían sido utilizados en otras rocas volcánicas anisótropas, con superficies, texturas y estructuras más irregulares. Abstract   In different sectors of the Antofagasta de la Sierra micro-region (Catamarca Province, Southern Argentine Pune outcrops of macroscopically very similar vulcanites (volcanic rocks with ratios of glass below 80%, sensu Aschero et al. 2002/2004 have been recorded. In order to differentiate between these and contribute to their identification in the archaeological record, various methods and techniques were applied to samples of these rocks. In this instance, the initial results obtained from geochemical characterization, through Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence, are presented. The vulcanites from different outcrops tend to show different concentrations for some elements

  5. Selective production of arenes via direct lignin upgrading over a niobium-based catalyst (United States)

    Shao, Yi; Xia, Qineng; Dong, Lin; Liu, Xiaohui; Han, Xue; Parker, Stewart F.; Cheng, Yongqiang; Daemen, Luke L.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.; Yang, Sihai; Wang, Yanqin


    Lignin is the only large-volume renewable source of aromatic chemicals. Efficient depolymerization and deoxygenation of lignin while retaining the aromatic functionality are attractive but extremely challenging. Here we report the selective production of arenes via direct hydrodeoxygenation of organosolv lignin over a porous Ru/Nb2O5 catalyst that enabled the complete removal of the oxygen content from lignin. The conversion of birch lignin to monomer C7-C9 hydrocarbons is nearly quantitative based on its monomer content, with a total mass yield of 35.5 wt% and an exceptional arene selectivity of 71 wt%. Inelastic neutron scattering and DFT calculations confirm that the Nb2O5 support is catalytically unique compared with other traditional oxide supports, and the disassociation energy of Caromatic-OH bonds in phenolics is significantly reduced upon adsorption on Nb2O5, resulting in its distinct selectivity to arenes. This one-pot process provides a promising approach for improved lignin valorization with general applicability.

  6. Influence of the π-coordinated arene on the anticancer activity of ruthenium(II carbohydrate organometallic complexes

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    Muhammad eHanif


    Full Text Available The synthesis and in vitro cytotoxicity of a series of RuII(arene complexes with carbohydrate-derived phosphite ligands and various arene co-ligands is described. The arene ligand has a strong influence on the in vitro anticancer activity of this series of compounds, which correlates fairly well with cellular accumulation. The most lipophilic compound bearing a biphenyl moiety and a cyclohexylidene-protected carbohydrate is the most cytotoxic with unprecedented IC50 values for the compound class in three human cancer cell lines. This compound shows reactivity to the DNA model nucleobase 9-ethylguanine, but does not alter the secondary structure of plasmid DNA indicating that other biological targets are responsible for its cytotoxic effect.

  7. Cation-mediated conversion of the state of charge in uranium arene inverted-sandwich complexes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camp, Clement; Mougel, Victor; Pecaut, Jacques; Mazzanti, Marinella [Laboratoire de Reconnaissance Ionique et Chimie de Coordination, SCIB, UMR-E3 CEA-UJF, INAC, CEA-Grenoble (France); Maron, Laurent [LCPNO, CNRS and INSA, UPS, Universite de Toulouse (France)


    Two new arene inverted-sandwich complexes of uranium supported by siloxide ancillary ligands [K{U(OSi(OtBu)_3)_3}{sub 2}(μ-η{sup 6}:η{sup 6}-C{sub 7}H{sub 8})] (3) and [K{sub 2}{U(OSi(OtBu)_3)_3}{sub 2}(μ-η{sup 6}:η{sup 6}-C{sub 7}H{sub 8})] (4) were synthesized by the reduction of the parent arene-bridged complex [{U(OSi(OtBu)_3)_3}{sub 2}(μ-η{sup 6}:η{sup 6}-C{sub 7}H{sub 8})] (2) with stoichiometric amounts of KC{sub 8} yielding a rare family of inverted-sandwich complexes in three states of charge. The structural data and computational studies of the electronic structure are in agreement with the presence of high-valent uranium centers bridged by a reduced tetra-anionic toluene with the best formulation being U{sup V}-(arene{sup 4-})-U{sup V}, KU{sup IV}-(arene{sup 4-})-U{sup V}, and K{sub 2}U{sup IV}-(arene{sup 4-})-U{sup IV} for complexes 2, 3, and 4 respectively. The potassium cations in complexes 3 and 4 are coordinated to the siloxide ligands both in the solid state and in solution. The addition of KOTf (OTf=triflate) to the neutral compound 2 promotes its disproportionation to yield complexes 3 and 4 (depending on the stoichiometry) and the U{sup IV} mononuclear complex [U(OSi(OtBu){sub 3}){sub 3}(OTf)(thf){sub 2}] (5). This unprecedented reactivity demonstrates the key role of potassium for the stability of these complexes. (Copyright copyright 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  8. Valge villa / Karen Jagodin ; kommenteerinud Krista Aren, Emil Urbel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Villa (623 m² + kelder) Merirahu elamurajoonis Tallinnas. Arhitektid: Emil Urbel, Andrus Mark (AB Emil Urbel OÜ). Sisearhitektid: Krista Aren, Mati Veermets. Inseneriosad: AS Meistri Projekt. Haljastaja: Piret Kukk. Projekt: 2005-2008, valmis: 2009. Villa madalamat osa katab murtud pinnaga graniit, kõrgemat valge krohv

  9. Design and synthesis of new poly-phosphorylated upper-rim modified calix[4]arenes as potential and selective chelating agents of uranyl ion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Migianu-Griffoni, E.; Mbemba, C.; Burgada, R.; Lecouvey, M.; Lecercle, D.; Taran, F.


    New upper-rim poly-phosphorylated calix[4]arenes were designed for decorporation of uranium in case of nuclear contamination. A ligand system containing four pre-organized 1-hydroxymethylene-1, 1-bisphosphonic acid moieties anchored onto a calix[4]arene platform has been developed. Three calix[4]-arene-bis-phosphonates were efficiently prepared in multi-step syntheses with a variable carbon chain length between the bis-phosphonate and the calix[4]arene. Affinity constants towards uranyl ion were determined and compared with those of bis(HEDP) and tris(HEDP) phosphonates, known as efficient ligands for uranyl. (authors)

  10. Synthesis and complexation properties towards uranyl cation of carboxylic acid derivatives of p-tert-butyl-calix[6]arene; Synthese et proprietes complexantes vis-a-vis de l'ion uranyle de derives carboxyliques du p-tert-butyl-calix[6]arene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souane, R


    In the fuel reprocessing plants radioactive metals, and more particularly, uranium in UO{sub 2}{sup 2+} form in the various installations, have many varied physico-chemical forms and there is a risk of exposure and internal contamination in the nuclear industry. It is necessary to exert a medical control to ensure the protection of the health of the workers. This medical control is done by dosing uranyl cation in the urine of the exposed people. This work forms part of this context. Indeed, we prepared a ligand able to complex the ion uranyl and which is also to be grafted on a solid support. In the family of calixarenes, the calix[6]arenes functionalized by three or four carboxylic functions were selected like chelating molecules of the ion uranyl. The properties of complexation of these calixarenes were studied by potentiometry in methanol, under these conditions balances of protonation and complexation were determined and the constant partners were obtained using the Hyperquad program. We synthesized tri-carboxylic calix[6]arenes comprising of the groupings nitro (NO{sub 2}) in para position of phenol in order to see the influence of a substitution in para position on the complexation. We also synthesized calix[6]arenes tetra-carboxylic in order to show the role of an additional carboxylic acid grouping. The potentiometric study determined thermodynamic parameters of protonation and complexation of carboxylic calix[6]arenes. The results of the complexation highlighted which complex UO{sub 2}L corresponding to the ligand para-tert-butyl-calix[6]arene tetra-acid is more stable than that corresponding to the ligand mono-nitro calix[6]arene tri-acid ({delta}log{beta}110 = 4.3), and than the effect of the groupings nitro in para position has low influence on the complexation of UO{sub 2}{sup 2+}. This makes it possible to consider as possible the grafting of the calix[6]arenes which one knows the behaviour of trapping. To this end we synthesized the ligand 23

  11. CMPO-calix[4]arenes and the influence of structural modifications on the Eu(III), Am(III), Cm(III) separation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peters, C.; Braekers, D.; Desreux, J.F.; Kasyan, O.; Miroshnichenko, S.; Rudzevich, V.; Boehmer, V.


    The syntheses of new calix[4]arenes featuring CMPO groups on the wide rim are reported and the extraction of Am(III) and Eu(III) from concentrated HNO 3 aqueous phases are discussed with reference to the properties of the symmetric tetra-CMPO derivative 1. All extraction studies were conducted in the same experimental conditions which allows to directly compare the dependence of the distribution coefficients of various calixarenes on the acid concentration (0.1 M 3 ] < 5 M). Calix[4]arene 1 becomes a very poor extractant if the length of the aliphatic chain between the amide and phosphine oxide groups of CMPO is increased, if the bridging methylene groups are replaced by sulfur atoms or if the macrocyclic cavity size is increased. By contrast, mixed amide - CMPO calix[4]arenes are nearly as effective than 1. Moreover, Am(III)/Cm(III) separation coefficients between 1.5 and 3 have been obtained with unsymmetrical calix[4]arenes of type 1 with different aliphatic chains grafted on the narrow rim. Guidelines to anticipate the extraction ability of calix[4]arenes remain elusive because of the intricate solution behavior of these compounds. (orig.)

  12. Light-Induced C-H Arylation of (Hetero)arenes by In Situ Generated Diazo Anhydrides. (United States)

    Cantillo, David; Mateos, Carlos; Rincon, Juan A; de Frutos, Oscar; Kappe, C Oliver


    Diazo anhydrides (Ar-N=N-O-N=N-Ar) have been known since 1896 but have rarely been used in synthesis. This communication describes the development of a photochemical catalyst-free C-H arylation methodology for the preparation of bi(hetero)aryls by the one-pot reaction of anilines with tert-butyl nitrite and (hetero)arenes under neutral conditions. The key step in this procedure is the in situ formation and subsequent photochemical (>300 nm) homolytic cleavage of a transient diazo anhydride intermediate. The generated aryl radical then efficiently reacts with a (hetero)arene to form the desired bi(hetero)aryls producing only nitrogen, water, and tert-butanol as byproducts. The scope of the reaction for several substituted anilines and (hetero)arenes was investigated. A continuous-flow protocol increasing selectivity and safety has been developed enabling the experimentally straightforward preparation of a variety of substituted bi(hetero)aryls within 45 min of reaction time. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Radiation stability of diglycolamide functionalized calix[4]arenes in ionic liquid: Solvent extraction, EPR and GC–MS studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sengupta, A; Mohapatra, P.K.; Patil, A.B.; Kadam, R.M.; Verboom, Willem


    Ionic liquid-based solvent systems containing diglycolamide-functionalized calix[4]arenes (C4DGAs) are efficient for actinide ion extraction from nitric acid feeds. Therefore, the radiolytic stability of three C4DGAs (wide-rim, narrow-rim and both side DGA-functionalized calix[4]arenes) and TODGA

  14. Synthesis and complexation properties towards uranyl cation of carboxylic acid derivatives of p-tert-butyl-calix[6]arene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souane, R.


    In the fuel reprocessing plants radioactive metals, and more particularly, uranium in UO 2 2+ form in the various installations, have many varied physico-chemical forms and there is a risk of exposure and internal contamination in the nuclear industry. It is necessary to exert a medical control to ensure the protection of the health of the workers. This medical control is done by dosing uranyl cation in the urine of the exposed people. This work forms part of this context. Indeed, we prepared a ligand able to complex the ion uranyl and which is also to be grafted on a solid support. In the family of calixarenes, the calix[6]arenes functionalized by three or four carboxylic functions were selected like chelating molecules of the ion uranyl. The properties of complexation of these calixarenes were studied by potentiometry in methanol, under these conditions balances of protonation and complexation were determined and the constant partners were obtained using the Hyperquad program. We synthesized tri-carboxylic calix[6]arenes comprising of the groupings nitro (NO 2 ) in para position of phenol in order to see the influence of a substitution in para position on the complexation. We also synthesized calix[6]arenes tetra-carboxylic in order to show the role of an additional carboxylic acid grouping. The potentiometric study determined thermodynamic parameters of protonation and complexation of carboxylic calix[6]arenes. The results of the complexation highlighted which complex UO 2 L corresponding to the ligand para-tert-butyl-calix[6]arene tetra-acid is more stable than that corresponding to the ligand mono-nitro calix[6]arene tri-acid (ΔlogΒ110 = 4.3), and than the effect of the groupings nitro in para position has low influence on the complexation of UO 2 2+ . This makes it possible to consider as possible the grafting of the calix[6]arenes which one knows the behaviour of trapping. To this end we synthesized the ligand 23. (author)

  15. Pyrazine-functionalized calix[4]arenes: synthesis by palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling with phosphorus pronucleophiles and metal ion extraction properties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nikishkin, N.; Huskens, Jurriaan; Ansari, S.A.; Mohapatra, P.K.; Verboom, Willem


    A series of pyrazine-based calix[4]arene extractants was prepared by a stepwise functionalization, comprising palladium-catalyzed exhaustive cross-coupling of di- and tetrasubstituted calix[4]arenes bearing chloropyrazine moieties. The extraction behavior of the synthesized ligands was studied on

  16. Synthesis and Characterization of Two New p-tert-Butylcalix[4]-arene Schiff Bases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saeed Taghvaee Ganjali


    Full Text Available Synthesis and characterization of two new Schiff bases of p-tertbuthylcalix[4]arene (H2L1 and HL2 is described. The synthesis of H2L1 and HL2 has been achieved by the condensation of salicylaldehyde with the amine group of upper rim monoamine p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene in ethanol. These compounds have been characterized on the basis of elemental analysis and spectral data. Solvatochromicity and fluorescence properties were observed and measured for H2L1 and HL2. Solvatochromicity of these ligands indicates their potential for NLO applications.

  17. A New, Eco-Friendly Method for Iodination of Activated Arenes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Sathiyapriya


    Full Text Available An effective, eco-friendly method for iodination of arenes is presented. The reaction of activated aromatics with a mixture of sodium iodate and sodium sulphite in the presence of hydrochloric acid gives mono iodoarenes in high yields.

  18. Self-assembled arene-ruthenium-based rectangles for the selective sensing of multi-carboxylate anions. (United States)

    Vajpayee, Vaishali; Song, Young Ho; Lee, Min Hyung; Kim, Hyunuk; Wang, Ming; Stang, Peter J; Chi, Ki-Whan


    Novel arene-ruthenium [2+2] metalla-rectangles 4 and 5 have been synthesized by self-assembly using dipyridyl amide ligand 3 and arene-ruthenium acceptors (arene: benzoquinone (1), naphthacenedione (2)) and characterized by NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS. The solid-state structure of 5 was determined by X-ray diffraction and shows encapsulated diethyl ether molecule in the rectangular cavity of 5. The luminescent 5 was further used for anion sensing with the amidic linkage serving as a hydrogen-bond donor site for anions and the ruthenium moiety serving as a signaling unit. A UV/Vis titration study demonstrated that although 5 interacts very weakly with common monoanions as well as with flexible dicarboxylate anions such as malonate and succinate, it displays significant binding affinity (K>10(3) in MeOH) for rigid multi-carboxylate anions such as oxalate, citrate, and tartrate, exhibiting a 1:1 stoichiometry. It has been suggested that 1:1 bidentate hydrogen bonding assisted by appropriate geometrical complementarity is mainly responsible for the increased affinity of 5 towards such anions. A fluorescence titration study revealed a large fluorescence enhancement of 5 upon binding to multi-carboxylate anions, which can be attributed to the blocking of the photoinduced electron-transfer process from the arene-Ru moiety to the amidic donor in 5 as a result of hydrogen bonding between the donor and the anion. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Mulching An Arenic Hapludult In Southeastern Nigeria: Effects On ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A study was carried out over two cropping seasons at Umudike, southeastern Nigeria, to determine the type and quantity of mulch that would improve some selected physical properties of an Arenic Hapludult and optimize the rhizome yield of turmeric. Effects of mulch rate on bulk density (BD), total porosity (TP), ...

  20. Mulching an Arenic Hapludult at Umudike: Effects on saturated ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A study was carried out over two cropping seasons on an Arenic Hapludult at Umudike, southeastern Nigeria, to investigate and determine the quantity and type of mulch material that would optimize the rhizome yield of turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn) and improve the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The turmeric ...

  1. Synthesis of calix[4]arene-grafted magnetite nanoparticles and Evaluation of their arsenate as well as dichromate removal efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sayin, Serkan; Ozcan, Fatih; Yilmaz, Mustafa; Cengeloglu, Yunus [Department of Chemistry, Selcuk University, Konya (Turkey); Tor, Ali [Department of Environmental Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya (Turkey); Memon, Shahabuddin [National Center of Excellence in Analytical Chemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshoro (Pakistan)


    In this study, 5,17-bis-[(4-benzylpiperidine)methyl]-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxy-calix[4]arene (3) has been prepared by the treatment of calix[4]arene with a secondary amine (4-benzylpiperidine) and formaldehyde by means of Mannich reaction. The prepared Mannich base (3) has been grafted onto [3-(2,3-epoxypropoxy)-propyl]-trimethoxysilane-modified Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} magnetite nanoparticles (EPPTMS-MN) in order to obtain 5,17-bis-[(4-benzylpiperidine)methyl]-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxy calix[4]arene-grafted EPPTMS-MN (BP-calix[4]arene-grafted Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4}). All new compounds were characterized by a combination of FTIR and {sup 1}H-NMR analyses. The morphology of the magnetic nanoparticles was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Moreover, the studies regarding the removal of arsenate and dichromate ions from the aqueous solutions were also carried out by using 5,17-bis-[(4-benzylpiperidine)methyl]-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxy-calix[4]arene in liquid-liquid extraction and BP-calix[4]arene-grafted Fe{sub 3}O{sub 4} (4) in solid-liquid extraction experiments. The extraction results indicated that 3 is protonated at proton-switchable binding sites in acidic conditions. Hence, facilitating binding of arsenate and dichromate is resulted from both electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding. To understand the selectivity of 3, the retention of dichromate anions in the presence of Cl{sup -}, NO{sub 3}{sup -}, and SO{sub 4}{sup 2-} anions at pH 1.5 was also examined. (Abstract Copyright [2010], Wiley Periodicals, Inc.)

  2. Male and mosquito larvae survey at the Arenal-Tempisque irrigation project, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario Vargas V


    Full Text Available A monitoring of male and larvae of mosquitoes was conducted during 1991-1994, at the Irrigation Project in Arenal-Tempisque, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. CDC CO2 -baited traps were used to collect adults of mosquitoes and dips were used for immatures of culicids. A total of 1 480 larvae and 1 129 males of culicids were identified resulting in, Aedes with 6 species, Anopheles, Mansonia and Psorophora with 2 species, Culex with 21 species and Haemagogus, Limatus, Toxorhynchites and Uranotaenia with only one species each. The results indicate that, as occurred in other countries, irrigation projects must be under strict monitoring programs to prevent and control possible health problems in which mosquitoes act as vectorsSe realizó un monitoreo de machos y larvas de mosquitos durante los años 1991 a 1994 en el Proyecto de Riego Arenal-Tempisque, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Los especímenes fueron colectados en 32 giras de cuatro días cada una y cada 15 días. La colecta de adultos se hizo mediante trampas tipo CDC y la de larvas con la técnica estándar del cucharón. Se identificaron un total de 1 480 larvas y 1 129 machos de culícidos, correspondientes a 21 especies de Culex, 6 especies de Aedes, 2 especies de Anopheles, Mansonia, y Psorophora y una especie de Haemagogus, Limatus, Toxorhynchites y Uranotaenia. Los resultados indican que tal y como ha ocurrido en proyectos de riego en otros países, se deben mantener estrictos programas de monitoreo con el fin de prevenir y controlar posibles problemas de salud humana y animal, en los cuales los mosquitos actúen como vectores

  3. Thermodynamic Study of the Complexation of p-Isopropylcalix[6]arene with Cs+ Cation in Dimethylsulfoxide-Acetonitrile Binary Media

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gholam Hossein Rounaghi


    Full Text Available The complexation reactions between the macrocyclic ionophore, p-isopropylcalix[6]arene and Cs+ cation were studied in dimethylsulfoxide–acetonitrile (DMSO-AN binary non-aqueous solvents at different temperatures using a conductometry method. The conductance data show that the stoichiometry of the (p-isopropylcalix[6]-arene·Cs+ complex in all binary mixed solvents is 1:1. The stability of the complexes is affected by the composition of the binary solvent media and a non-linear behavior was observed for changes of log Kf of the complex versus the composition of the binary mixed solvents. The thermodynamic parameters (DH°c and DS°c for formation of (p-isopropyl-calix[6]arene·Cs+ complex were obtained from temperature dependence of the stability constant and the obtained results show that the (p-isopropylcalix[6]arene·Cs+ complex is enthalpy destabilized, but entropy stabilized, and the values of the mentioned parameters are affected strongly by the nature and composition of the binary mixed solvents.

  4. Novel water-soluble b-cyclodextrin-calix[4]arene couples as fluorescent sensor molecules for the detection of neutral analytes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bugler, H.J.; Engbersen, Johannes F.J.; Reinhoudt, David


    The synthesis and the host-guest chemistry of two novel fluorescent B-cyclodextrin-calix[4]arene couples 1 and 2 is described. The compounds were prepared by coupling a B-cyclodextrin linked with an aminoxylyl spacer with two different calix[4]arene building blocks each bearing a fluorophore. The

  5. Cobalt bis(dicarbollides)(1-) covalently attached to the calyx[4]arene platform: the first combination of organic bowl-shaped matrices and inorganic metallaborane cluster anions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Grüner, Bohumír; Mikulasek, Libor; Baca, Jirí; Cisarova, Ivana; Böhmer, Volker; Danila, Crenguta; Reinoso garcia, M.M.; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David; Casnati, Alessandro; Ungaro, Rocco


    Various calix[4]arene and resorc[4]arene ionic compounds substituted by cobalt bis(dicarbollide) anions (1) have been prepared for the first time. From tBu-calix[4]arene (A) the complete series of mono-, di-, tri- and tetrasubstituted derivatives bearing one to four cluster anions on the lower rim

  6. Experimental and DFT evaluation of the 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts for calix[4]arenes (United States)

    Guzzo, Rodrigo N.; Rezende, Michelle Jakeline Cunha; Kartnaller, Vinicius; Carneiro, José Walkimar de M.; Stoyanov, Stanislav R.; Costa, Leonardo Moreira da


    The density functional theory is employed to determine the efficiency of 11 exchange-correlation (XC) functionals to compute the 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene (ptcx4, R1 = C(CH3)3) and congeners using the 6-31G(d,p) basis set. The statistical analysis shows that B3LYP, B3PW91 and PBE1PBE are the best XC functionals for the calculation of 1H chemical shifts. Moreover, the best results for the 13C chemical shifts are obtained using the LC-WPBE, M06-2X and wB97X-D functionals. The performance of these XC functionals is tested for three other calix[4]arenes: p-sulfonic acid calix[4]arene (sfxcx4 - R1 = SO3H), p-nitro-calix[4]arene (ncx4, R1 = NO2) and calix[4]arene (cx4 - R1 = H). For 1H chemical shifts B3LYP, B3PW91 and PBE1PBE yield similar results, although B3PW91 shows more consistency in the calculated error for the different structures. For 13C NMR chemical shifts, the XC functional that stood out as best is LC-WPBE. Indeed, the three functionals selected for each of 1H and 13C show good accuracy and can be used in future studies involving the prediction of 1H and 13C chemical shifts for this type of compounds.

  7. NMR evidence for protonated tetraethyl p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene tetracacetate

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kříž, Jaroslav; Dybal, Jiří; Makrlík, E.; Vaňura, P.


    Roč. 81, č. 7 (2007), s. 1321-1326 ISSN 0137- 5083 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505 Keywords : calix[4]arene * protonation * NMR * acetonitrile Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 0.483, year: 2007

  8. The study of p-tert-butylcalix[n]arene on γ-radiation stabilization of polypropylene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Wen; Yuan Lihua; Zheng Shiyou; Huang Guanglin; Qiao Jinliang


    The γ-radiation effect of polyropylene was investigated in the presence of three kinds of p-tert-butylcalix[n]arene (n=4,6,8) in air or in vacuum at ambient temperature. The influence of radiation dose and store time upon the mechanical properties of the irradiated PP sheets were measured. The results showed that the radiation stabilization was reduced with the increase of the ring size of calixarenes. Based on the mass spectra and the analysis of post-irradiated product, the mechanism of radiation degradation of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene has been proposed. (author)

  9. Electrochemical Studies for Cation Recognition with Diazo-Coupled Calix[4]arenes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bongsu Kim


    Full Text Available The electrochemical properties of diazophenylcalix[4]arenes bearing ortho-carboxyl group (o-CAC and ortho-ester group (o-EAC, respectively, in the presence of various metal ions were investigated by voltammetry in CH3CN. o-CAC and o-EAC showed voltammetric changes toward divalent metal ions and no significant changes with monovalent alkali metal ions. However, o-CAC preferentially binds with alkaline earth and transition metal ions, whereas no significant changes in voltammetric signals are observed in o-EAC with alkaline earth metal ions. o-EAC only binds with other transition metal ions. This can be explained on metal ion complexation-induced release of proton from the azophenol to the quinone-hydrazone tautomer followed by internal complexation of the metal ion with aid of nitrogen atoms and ortho-carbonyl groups in the diazophenylazocalix[4]arenes.

  10. Synthesis, Structure and Fluorescence Properties of 5,17-Distyryl-25,26,27,28-tetraproproxycalix[4]arenes in the Cone Conformation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mogens; Krebs, Frederik C; Jørgensen, Mikkel


    The HWE (Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons) reaction performed on the easily obtainable 5,17-diformyl- calix[4]arenes (cone) with arylmethyl phosphorus ylides yielded 5,17-distyryl-25,26,27, 28-tetrapropoxycalix[4]arenes (cone) in high yield and purely in the E/E configuration. Compounds 2-5 were prepared...... this way containing bromine. Subsequent bromine-lithium exchange and reaction with trimethoxyborane yielded the boryl- substituted 5,17-distyrylcalix[4] arenes 6-7a. The structures of 3, 5, and 7a were determined by X-ray diffraction. The photophysical properties of 2 were established by absorption...

  11. Alkenylation of Arenes and Heteroarenes with Alkynes. (United States)

    Boyarskiy, Vadim P; Ryabukhin, Dmitry S; Bokach, Nadezhda A; Vasilyev, Aleksander V


    This review is focused on the analysis of current data on new methods of alkenylation of arenes and heteroarenes with alkynes by transition metal catalyzed reactions, Bronsted/Lewis acid promoted transformations, and others. The synthetic potential, scope, limitations, and mechanistic problems of the alkenylation reactions are discussed. The insertion of an alkenyl group into aromatic and heteroaromatic rings by inter- or intramolecular ways provides a synthetic route to derivatives of styrene, stilbene, chalcone, cinnamic acid, various fused carbo- and heterocycles, etc.

  12. Control of the rheological properties of clay nanosheet hydrogels with a guanidinium-attached calix[4]arene binder. (United States)

    Lee, Ji Ha; Kim, Chaelin; Jung, Jong Hwa


    A 1,3-alternate calix[4]arene derivative 1 possessing four guanidinium moieties was synthesized as a molecular binder. The clay nanosheet (CNS) hydrogels were prepared upon addition of 1 and sodium polyacrylate (ASSP), and their mechanical properties were measured by rheometry. CNS hydrogels prepared by combining calix[4]arene 1 with dispersed CNSs surrounded by ASSPs showed an enhancement of mechanical properties such as viscosity and elasticity.

  13. Antioxidant and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Free Radical Scavenging Activities of New the Calix[4]arene-bodipy Derivative

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. ERDEM


    Full Text Available p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene was synthesized with the condesation reaction of p-tert-butylphenol and formaldehyde in basic conditions and then has derivatized from the both of two hydroxyl position with chloride which is containing donor oxygen atoms. BODIPY compound (4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene was synthesized with appropriate pyrrole and aldehyde compounds and then was bonded p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene derivative via lower rim hydroxyl groups.The antioxidant activity of the calix[4]arene-BODIPY compound were determined using β-karotene-linoleic acid system. Moreover, the free radical scavenging activity values were tested with DPPH free radical. The compound showed strong antioxidant activity.Total antioxidant activity of the compound was determined using β–carotenelinoleic acid model system and was found the antioxidant activity of 72,50%. The free radical scavenging activities were determined as 75.19%. Results show that, calix[4]arene-BODIPY compound has the antioxidant activity. 

  14. The non-nuclear legislation and the communal property

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciallella R, Norberto; Grancelli Cha, Nestor


    Since 1984, year in which the Bolson Municipality, Rio Negro province, declared the town a 'Non Nuclear Area', began to appear an abundant legislation that generically, it is know as 'Non Nuclear'. The provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Formosa, La Pampa, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, have in their respective Constitutions non nuclear articles, while the provinces of Catamarca, Cordoba, Corrientes, Chaco, Entre Rios, Formosa, Rio Negro, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego and Tucuman have sanctioned in their respective jurisdictions non nuclear laws. New projects of these laws are in consideration and treatment in the provinces of Catamarca, La Pampa, Mendoza, Santiago del Estero and Rio Negro. The present work compiles and analyzes the available information on this subject. Although the topic is not regulatory, it could have involved in the regulatory area in an eventual situation that could be presented between regulatory laws of federal and provincials reaches. This work describes the current situation and the probabilities consequences of the mentioned legislation. (author)

  15. The non-nuclear legislation and the communal property; La legislacion no nuclear y el bien comun

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ciallella R, Norberto; Grancelli Cha, Nestor


    Since 1984, year in which the Bolson Municipality, Rio Negro province, declared the town a 'Non Nuclear Area', began to appear an abundant legislation that generically, it is know as 'Non Nuclear'. The provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Formosa, La Pampa, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, have in their respective Constitutions non nuclear articles, while the provinces of Catamarca, Cordoba, Corrientes, Chaco, Entre Rios, Formosa, Rio Negro, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego and Tucuman have sanctioned in their respective jurisdictions non nuclear laws. New projects of these laws are in consideration and treatment in the provinces of Catamarca, La Pampa, Mendoza, Santiago del Estero and Rio Negro. The present work compiles and analyzes the available information on this subject. Although the topic is not regulatory, it could have involved in the regulatory area in an eventual situation that could be presented between regulatory laws of federal and provincials reaches. This work describes the current situation and the probabilities consequences of the mentioned legislation. (author)

  16. Study on the inclusion interaction of p-sulfonated calix[n]arenes with Vitamin K3 using methylene blue as a spectral probe. (United States)

    Lu, Qin; Gu, Jiashan; Yu, Huapeng; Liu, Chun; Wang, Lun; Zhou, Yunyou


    The characteristics of host-guest complexation between p-sulfonated calix[n]arene (SCnA, n = 4, 6) and Vitamin K(3) (VK(3)) were investigated by fluorescence spectrometry and absorption spectrometry using methylene blue (MB) as a probe. Interaction with MB and SCnA led to an obvious decrease in fluorescence intensity of MB, accompanying with shifts of emission peaks. Absorption peaks also showed interesting changes; however, when VK(3) was added, fluorescence intensity and absorbance recovered and a slight and slow red shift was observed. The obtained results showed that the inclusion ability of p-sulphonated calix[n]arenes towards VK(3) was the order: p-sulphonated calix[6]arene (SC6A) >p-sulphonated calix[4]arene (SC4A). Relative mechanism was proposed to explain the inclusion process.

  17. Inclusion Complexes of a New Family of Non-Ionic Amphiphilic Dendrocalix[4]arene and Poorly Water-Soluble Drugs Naproxen and Ibuprofen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khalid Khan


    Full Text Available The inclusion complexes of a new family of nonionic amphiphilic calix[4]arenes with the anti-inflammatory hydrophobic drugs naproxen (NAP and ibuprofen (IBP were investigated. The effects of the alkyl chain’s length and the inner core of calix[4]arenes on the interaction of the two drugs with the calix[4]arenes were explored. The inclusion complexes of Amphiphiles 1a–c with NAP and IBP increased the solubility of these drugs in aqueous media. The interaction of 1a–c with the drugs in aqueous media was investigated through fluorescence, molecular modeling, and 1H-NMR analysis. TEM studies further supported the formation of inclusion complexes. The length of lipophilic alkyl chains and the intrinsic cyclic nature of cailx[4]arene derivatives 1a–c were found to have a significant impact on the solubility of NAP and IBP in pure water.

  18. Glycine Betaine Recognition through Cation−π Interactions in Crystal Structures of Glycine Betaine Complexes with C-Ethyl-pyrogallol[4]arene and C-Ethyl-resorcin[4]arene as Receptors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ikuhide Fujisawa


    Full Text Available The glycine betaine (betaine, interacts with several types of proteins with diverse structures in vivo, and in the contact regions, the aromatic rings of protein residues are frequently found beside the trimethylammonium group of betaine, implying the importance of the cation−π interactions in recognition of this molecule. The crystal structures determined by X-ray crystallography of the complexes of betaine and C-ethyl-pyrogallol[4]arene (pyrogallol cyclic tetramer: PCT and betaine and C-ethyl-resorcin[4]arene (resorcinol cyclic tetramer: RCT mimic the conformations of betaine and protein complexes and show that the clathrate conformations are retained by the cation−π interactions. The difference of the conformation feature of betaine in the Protein Data Bank and in the Cambridge Structural Database was found by chance during the research and analyzed with the torsion angles.

  19. Synthesis of Novel p-tert-Butylcalix[4]arene Derivative: Structural Characterization of a Methanol Inclusion Compound

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana Moris


    Full Text Available A p-tertbutylcalix[4]arene derivative was synthesized from a reaction of the diisothiocyanate p-tertbutylcalix[4]arene, obtaining crystals that were then characterized by mass spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The molecule presents two acid carbamothioic-n-ethoxy-methyl-ester substituent groups. Through crystallization of this compound, it was also found that it includes a methanol molecule within the aromatic cavity. The inclusion of the methanol molecule is due to favorable CH∙∙∙π interactions.

  20. Description of a new species of Perichaena (Myxomycetes from arid areas of Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernández-Crespo, Juan Carlos


    Full Text Available A new species of the myxomycete genus Perichaena is described in this paper. The new species, named Perichaena calongei, was found during intensive studies of arid areas of the Monte desert in Argentina. It has been found directly in the field from the provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, Salta and San Juan, in the Northwest of Argentina, and isolated from moist chamber cultures of native plant species collected in Catamarca, Jujuy, Salta and San Juan. The characters that make this species unique in the genus are the combination of the morphology of the sporocarps, the structure and dehiscence of the peridium, and the ornamentation of the capillitium. The morphology of the my xo - mycete specimens was examined using light microscopy with Nomarski interference contrast, and scanning electron microscopy. Micrographs of relevant morphological characters are included. A key to facilitate the identification of the stipitate species of Perichaena is also proposed.

    Se describe una nueva especie, Perichaena calongei, que fue encontrada en el desierto de Monte, en las zonas áridas del nor - oeste de Argentina. Los cuerpos fructíferos se encontraron fructificados en el campo, también se obtuvieron por cultivo en cámara húmeda de plantas recolectadas en las provincias de Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta y San Juan. La combinación de caracteres de la morfología del esporocarpo, de la estructura y tipo de dehiscencia del peridio, y de la ornamentación del capilicio, distinguen esta especie del resto de las conocidas en el género. La morfología de la especie se analizó con un microscopio óptico dotado de contraste interferencial de Nomarski y con un microscopio electrónico de barrido, se incluyen ilustraciones de las estructuras observadas. Se propone una clave dicotómica para la identificación, a nivel mundial, de las especies estipitadas del género Perichaena.

  1. La cerámica impresa del neolítico inicial en el Mediterráneo occidental

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    Full Text Available El conocimiento del neolítico en el Mediterráneo se desarrolló en un tiempo relativamente reciente. Su estudio comienza en el pasado siglo acentuándose a partir de la primera guerra mundial. En la segunda guerra y después de ella da un gran impulso con Bernabò Brea, con sus excavaciones en la cueva ligur de Arene Candide y en las Islas Eolias, con lo que estructura este complejo cultural en el Mediterráneo. En las directrices tomadas han sido de gran interés las aportaciones de Evans con sus conocimientos del Mediterráneo central, de Tarradell, buen conocedor del Norte de Africa y de Jodin. La nueva orientación de los estudios del neolítico mediterráneo son la consecuencia del conocimiento de yacimientos nuevos, del abandono del impuesto prejucio africanista y de una visión más amplia y objetiva del problema.

  2. El sitio Bajo del Coypar II: Las evidencias más tempranas (CA. 1000 AP del proceso agropastoril en la Puna Meridional Argentina (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca

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    Silvina Vigliani


    Full Text Available El sitio Bajo del Coypar II (BC II es un conjunto de estructuras de pequeñas dimensiones ubicado sobre una saliente de la ladera de los cerros del Coypar, frente y alrededor del cual se distribuye una gran superficie de campos de cultivo prehispánicos, (Bajo del Coypar I de aproximadamente 1000 ha. En un trabajo anterior se postuló que este amplio sistema de producción agrícola se originó hacia el final del proceso regional tardío (ca. 1300 AP en asociación con el crecimiento del principal centro habitacional de la región, La Alumbrera (Olivera, 1994 y que luego fue apropiado y ampliado por el Incario. En el presente trabajo se plantean tres objetivos generales: conocer el tipo de actividades que se realizaban en el conjunto de estructuras de BC II, establecer la asociación que había entre este conjunto de estructuras y el sistema de producción agrícola e identificar posibles cambios en el uso del espacio a lo largo del tiempo. En un principio se pensó que Bajo del Coypar II formaba parte de la ampliación del espacio productivo implementada por el Imperio Incaico. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en el mismo permitieron determinar que efectivamente hacia las etapas más tardías y en asociación con el Incario había una estrecha relación con el sector agrícola, evidenciado en una alta frecuencia de vasijas para el almacenaje y/o el procesamiento de sustancias secas. Sin embargo, también revelaron ocupaciones más tempranas vinculadas a grupos o unidades domésticas con un desarrollo creciente de las prácticas agrícolas. De este modo, la actividad agro-pastoril fue, en este sector de la Puna meridional, mucho más temprana de lo que pensábamos.

  3. Diastereoselective formation of metallamacrocyclic (arene)Ru(II) and CpRh(III) complexes. (United States)

    Lehaire, Marie-Line; Scopelliti, Rosario; Herdeis, Lorenz; Polborn, Kurt; Mayer, Peter; Severin, Kay


    The reaction of [(arene)RuCl(2)](2) (arene = cymene, 1,3,5-C(6)H(3)Me(3)) and [CpRhCl(2)](2) half-sandwich complexes with tridentate heterocyclic ligands in the presence of base has been investigated. In all cases, the chloro-ligands were substituted to give metallacyclic products with ring sizes between 4 and 18 atoms. The cyclization occurs in a highly diastereoselective fashion with chiral recognition between the different metal fragments. The complexes were comprehensively characterized by elemental analysis, NMR spectroscopy, and single crystal X-ray crystallography. For 2-hydroxy-nicotinic acid and 2-amino-nicotinic acid, dinuclear structures were obtained (15-17) whereas for 2,3-dihydroxyquinoline, 2,3-dihydroxyquinoxaline, and 6-methyl-2,3-phenazinediol, trimeric assemblies were found (19-22), and for 4-imidazolecarboxylic acid, a tetrameric assembly (18) was found.

  4. Field reconnaissance of the effects of the earthquake of April 13, 1973, near Laguna de Arenal, Costa Rica (United States)

    Plafker, George


    At about 3:34 a.m. on April 13, 1973, a moderate-sized, but widely-felt, earthquake caused extensive damage with loss of 23 lives in a rural area of about 150 km2 centered just south of Laguna de Arenal in northwestern Costa Rica (fig. 1). This report summarizes the results of the writer's reconnaissance investigation of the area that was affected by the earthquake of April 13, 1973. A 4-day field study of the meizoseismal area was carried out during the period from April 28 through May 1 under the auspices of the U.S. Geological Survey. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate geologic factors that contributed to the damage and loss of life. The earthquake was also of special interest because of the possibility that it was accompanied by surface faulting comparable to that which occurred at Managua, Nicaragua, during the disastrous earthquake of December 23, 1972 (Brown, Ward, and Plafker, 1973). Such earthquake-related surface faulting can provide scientifically valuable information on active tectonic processes at shallow depths within the Middle America arc. Also, identification of active faults in this area is of considerable practical importance because of the planned construction of a major hydroelectrical facility within the meizoseismal area by the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (I.C.E.). The project would involve creation of a storage reservoir within the Laguna de Arenal basin and part of the Río Arenal valley with a 75 m-high earthfill dam across Río Arenal at a point about 10 km east of the outlet of Laguna de Arenal.

  5. Evolución metamórfica de los gabros coroníticos de El Arenal, faja máfica-ultramáfica El Destino-Las Águilas, sierra de San Luis


    N. Brogioni; G. Cruciani; M. Franceschelli; O. Vaselli


    Las meta-melagabronoritas coroníticas se localizan en uno de los cuerpos de El Arenal, pertenecientes a la faja máfica-ultramáfica El Destino-Las Aguilas del flanco oriental de la sierra de San Luis. Son rocas de grano fino y representan fraccionados poco evolucionados, con alto contenido de Cr-Ni y [Mg/Mg+FeT++] comprendidas entre 0,72 y 0,75, derivados de un magma toleítico olivínico de bajo Ti, cuyo emplazamiento precedió a la deformación penetrativa y metamorfismo famatinianos. Las microe...

  6. Interaction of acridine-calix[4]arene with DNA at the electrified liquid liquid interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kivlehan, Francine; Lefoix, Myriam; Moynihan, Humphrey A.; Thompson, Damien; Ogurtsov, Vladimir I.; Herzog, Gregoire; Arrigan, Damien W.M.


    The behaviour of an acridine-functionalised calix[4]arene at the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions (ITIES) is reported. Molecular modelling showed that the acridine-calix[4]arene has regions of significant net positive charge spread throughout the protonated acridine moieties, consistent with it being able to function as an anion ionophore. The presence of this compound in the organic phase facilitated the transfer of aqueous phase electrolyte ions. Upon addition of double stranded DNA to the aqueous phase, the transfer of electrolyte anions was diminished, due to DNA binding to the acridine moiety at the ITIES. The behaviour provides a basis for DNA hybridization detection using electrochemistry at the ITIES.

  7. Calix[6]arene bypasses human pancreatic cancer aggressiveness: downregulation of receptor tyrosine kinases and induction of cell death by reticulum stress and autophagy. (United States)

    Pelizzaro-Rocha, Karin Juliane; de Jesus, Marcelo Bispo; Ruela-de-Sousa, Roberta Regina; Nakamura, Celso Vataru; Reis, Fabiano Souza; de Fátima, Angelo; Ferreira-Halder, Carmen Veríssima


    Pancreatic cancer ranks fourth among cancer-related causes of death in North America. Minimal progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with late-stage tumors. Moreover, pancreatic cancer aggressiveness is closely related to high levels of pro-survival mediators, which can ultimately lead to rapid disease progression, resistance and metastasis. The main goal of this study was to define the mechanisms by which calix[6]arene, but not other calixarenes, efficiently decreases the aggressiveness of a drug resistant human pancreas carcinoma cell line (Panc-1). Calix[6]arene was more potent in reducing Panc-1 cell viability than gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil. In relation to the underlying mechanisms of cytotoxic effects, it led to cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase through downregulation of PIM1, CDK2, CDK4 and retinoblastoma proteins. Importantly, calix[6]arene abolished signal transduction of Mer and AXL tyrosine kinase receptors, both of which are usually overexpressed in pancreatic cancer. Accordingly, inhibition of PI3K and mTOR was also observed, and these proteins are positively modulated by Mer and AXL. Despite decreasing the phosphorylation of AKT at Thr308, calix[6]arene caused an increase in phosphorylation at Ser473. These findings in conjunction with increased BiP and IRE1-α provide a molecular basis explaining the capacity of calix[6]arene to trigger endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagic cell death. Our findings highlight calix[6]arene as a potential candidate for overcoming pancreatic cancer aggressiveness. Importantly, we provide evidence that calix[6]arene affects a broad array of key targets that are usually dysfunctional in pancreatic cancer, a highly desirable characteristic for chemotherapeutics. © 2013.

  8. Intramolecularly bridged calix[4]arenes with pronounced complexation ability toward neutral compounds

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Slavík, P.; Eigner, Václav; Lhoták, P.


    Roč. 17, č. 11 (2015), s. 2788-2791 ISSN 1523-7060 Institutional support: RVO:68378271 Keywords : calix[4]arene * mercuration * brigding * x-ray crystallography * Jana2006 Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 6.732, year: 2015

  9. Preparation of Pillar[5]arene-Based [2]Rotaxanes by a Stopper-Exchange Strategy. (United States)

    Nierengarten, Iwona; Meichsner, Eric; Holler, Michel; Pieper, Pauline; Deschenaux, Robert; Delavaux-Nicot, Béatrice; Nierengarten, Jean-François


    A pillar[5]arene-containing rotaxane building block bearing exchangeable stoppers has been prepared in multigram scale quantities with high yields from the reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) with the inclusion complex resulting from the association of dodecanedioyl chloride with 1,4-diethoxypillar[5]arene. Stopper exchange reactions have been achieved by treatment of the resulting DNP diester with various amines through an addition-elimination mechanism preventing the unthreading of the axle component during the reaction and thus preserving the [2]rotaxane structures. The resulting diamide [2]rotaxane derivatives have thus been obtained in good to excellent yields. Importantly, [2]rotaxanes difficult or impossible to prepare by direct introduction of the two stoppers in a single synthetic step are now easily available. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. First record of Nopachtus coagmentatus (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae for the Catamarca Province, Argentina. Revision of the genus Nopachtus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Zamorano


    Full Text Available Nopachtus coagmentatus was recognized by Ameghino in 1888. Holotype comes from Brochero Formation (Montehermosan - Chapadmalalan [early Pliocene - late Pliocene], near to Villa Cura Brochero (Córdoba. First find of this species for the Catamarca Province is reported. Remains found are described, its provenance detailed and the corresponding stratigraphic log is presented. The mentioned material, came from Salicas Formation, cropping out in the paraje Suri Yaco, consists of 14 osteoderms of the dorsal region of the carapace attributed to N. coagmentatus, 12 complete and 2 fragmented corresponding to the media and posterodorsal region of the carapace. These osteoderms present a central figure surrounded by two row of peripheral figures, and figures that would correspond to a third row, always incomplete. The first row has between 10 and 12 figures and the second between 19 and 22; the figures are pentagonal or, mainly, hexagonal. In turn, all specimens known today for this genus, that included two species, is revised. Until this communication, only two reliable records, and several doubtful were recognized for N. coagmentatus; while for N. cabrerai Zamorano, Scillato-Yané, Gonzalez Ruiz & Zurita only the holotype was given to known.

  11. 15,17-Di-2-propenylcalix[4]arene-25,26,27,28-tetrol: self-complexation and C-H...O interactions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harkema, Sybolt; van Loon, Jan-Dirk; van Loon, Jan-Dirk; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David


    The crystal structure of 15,17-di-2-propenylcalix[4]arene-25,26,27,28-tetrol [systematic name: 15,17-di-2-propenylpentacyclo[,7.19,13.115,19]octacosa-1(25), 3,5,7(26),9,11,13 (27),15,17,19 (28),21,23-dodecaene-25,26,27,28-tetrol], C34H32O4, was determined. The calix[4]arene molecule shows a

  12. Ecología de la conducta urbana y calidad de vida: el efecto ambiental del basural "La Aguada"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    March, Juan Manuel


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar e identificar patrones conductuales humanos y sus efectos materiales que conducen al deterioro ecosistémico del ambiente urbano periférico de la ciudad de San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca. Dentro de este plan, se focaliza en un efecto ambiental concreto: la formación de un basural en el Norte de la ciudad y sus efectos adversos sobre la salud humana. La metodología empleada corresponde a la antropología ambiental (aplicación de análisis de ecología de la conducta y arqueología de los residuos sólidos urbanos (clasificación y composición de RSUs. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: la composición del basural es mayoritariamente de residuos inorgánicos, siendo el efecto de la chatarra y hojalatas el más peligroso para la salud humana (contaminación de napas subterráneas por percolación de metales pesados; el deterioro visual del paisaje por los residuos constituye un efecto evidente; los patrones de conducta asociados a la formación del basural tienen como base la visión del ecosistema periurbano como un área no valorada (ecosistema sin función definida en la ecología del comportamiento urbano. Conclusión: para arribar a una neutralización del basural es necesario modificar patrones en la ecología de la conducta urbana que conduzcan a un cambio en la visión del ecosistema periférico de la ciudad. Asimismo, es preciso realizar análisis de los estratos acuíferos presentes bajo el área del basural (posible presencia de metales pesados.

  13. Carrier-facilitated transport of Cd(II) through a supported liquid membrane containing thiacalix[4]arene derivatives as ionophore

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaghbani, Asma; Tayeb, Rafik; Dhahbi, Mahmoud


    The feasibility of a facilitated transport process of cadmium ions through a SLM system incorporating new extractant agents, thiacalix[4]arenes, was studied. These molecules have sulfur atoms instead of usual methylene bridges. The chemical modification of the upper or the lower rim provides a great variety of supra molecules having different complexation ability and different conformational behaviour. The efficiency of the transport across the inner membrane organic liquid phase is shown to depend on the chemical (affinity) and structural (conformational states possible) parameters of these complexing molecules. In this work, two different thiacalix[4]arenes were selected as effective ionophore for the treatment of liquid media loaded in Cd(II). The results show that these thiacalix[4]arenes derivative ensure facilitated transport of cadmium cations through supported liquid membranes. Especially, the non-substituted thiacalix[4]arene can be considered as an effective extractant agent. The incidence of several parameters on transport efficiency such as pH of both aqueous solutions and carrier concentration was studied. The permeation of the species is due to a proton potential gradient (the driving force of the process) existing between the two opposite sides of the SLM. The initial flux, J, is found to be equal to 6.7.10 -7 mol.m -2 .s -1 , under optimal experimental conditions.

  14. mPW1PW91 Calculated Conformational Study of Calix[n]arene (n = 4,5,6): Hydrogen Bond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kwang Ho; Choe, Jong In


    We have performed mPW1PW91 calculations to investigate the conformational characteristics and hydrogen bonds of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene, p-tert-butylcalix[5]arene, calix[6]arene and p-tertbutylcalix[ 6]arene. The structures of the different conformers of 1-3 were optimized by using mPW1PW91/ 6-31+G(d,p) method. The relative stability of the four conformers of 1 is in the following order: cone (most stable) > partial-cone > 1,2-alternate > 1,3-alternate. The relative stability of the conformers of 2 is in the following order: cone (most stable) > 1,2-alternate > partial-cone > 1,3-alternate. The relative stability of the various conformers of 3 is in the following order: cone (pinched: most stable) > partial-cone > cone (winged) ∼ 1,2-alternate ∼ 1,2,3-alternate > 1,4-alternate > 1,3-alternate > 1,3,5-alternate. The structures of the various conformers of 4 were optimized by using the mPW1PW91/6-31G(d,p) method followed by single point calculation of mPW1PW91/6-31+G(d,p). The relative stability of the conformers of 4 is in the following order: cone (pinched) > 1,2-alternate > cone (winged) > 1,4-alternate ∼ partial-cone > 1,2,3-alternate > 1,3,5-alternate > 1,3-alternate

  15. Provenience archaeological studies of ceramic raw material and artifacts using instrumental neutron activation analysis: the cases of chaschuil and bolson de fiambala (Catamarca, Argentina)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pla, Rita R.; Ratto, N.; Fuente, Guillermo de la


    This paper deals with the archaeological aspects of the work that has been done under the Contract ARG 9393, part of the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Program (1997-2000). The proposed working plan is included in a frame project of the Archaeological School of the University of Catamarca: Chaschuil Archaeological Project (PACh). This is an interdisciplinary project of regional archaeology, which carries out research in the Argentine southern Puna. Its goal is to explain land use, focusing on the study of both environmental and artifactual variability. In order to accomplish these goals, the project comprises a variety of techniques, including paleoenvironmental, ecological, geomorphologic, geo archaeological, taphonomical and resource provenance studies. Together with archaeological data, they provide the basis for models about mobility and exchange among past societies in the southern Puna (Ratto 1997, 1998)

  16. Depositional setting and early diagenesis of the dinosaur eggshell-bearing Aren Fm at Bastus, Late Campanian, south-central Pyrenees


    Díaz Molina, Margarita; Kälin, Otto; Benito Moreno, María Isabel; López Martínez, Nieves; Vicens, Enric


    The Late Cretaceous Aren Fm exposed north of Bastus in the Tremp Basin (south-central Pyrenees) preserves an excellent record of dinosaur eggs laid in a marine littoral setting. Different from other cases reported in literature, at the Bastus site the preferential nesting ground was original beach sand. The coastal deposits of Aren Fm can be grouped into four facies assemblages, representing respectively shoreface, beachface, beach ridge plain and backbarrier lagoon environments. Shoreface de...

  17. Palinofloras de las formaciones El Morterito y Palo Pintado [Mioceno Superior-Plioceno Inferior], noroeste de Argentina


    Horn, Maricel Yanina


    En esta Tesis Doctoral se presenta el estudio palinológico de dos unidades litológicas del Mioceno Tardío/Plioceno de Argentina: la Formación El Morterito (Aloformación Playa del Zorro) aflorante en el valle del Cajón, provincia de Catamarca y Formación Palo Pintado en el Valle Calchaquí, provincia de Salta. La sucesión Neógena del valle del Cajón fue primeramente descripta como Formación El Morterito, posteriormente se reconocieron tres Aloformaciones. Considerando las áreas de distribución ...

  18. Two related lithium calixarene complexes, [p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene(OMe)(OH)2(OLi)](2).4MeCN and {p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene(OH)2(OLi)[OLi(NCMe)2]}(2).8MeCN, determined using synchrotron radiation. (United States)

    Lee, Darren S; Elsegood, Mark R J; Redshaw, Carl; Zhan, Shuzhong


    The crystal structures of acetonitrile solvates of two related lithium calixarene complexes have been determined by low-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation. Bis(mu-5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-26,28-dihydroxy-25-methoxy-27-oxidocalix[4]arene)dilithium(I) acetonitrile tetrasolvate, [Li2(C45H57O4)2].4C2H3N or [p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene(OMe)(OH)2(OLi)](2).4MeCN, (I), crystallizes with the complex across a centre of symmetry and with four molecules of unbound acetonitrile of crystallization per complex. Tetraacetonitrilebis(mu-5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dioxidocalix[4]arene)tetralithium(I) acetonitrile octasolvate, [Li4(C44H54O4)2(C2H3N)4].8C2H3N or {p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene(OH)2(OLi)[OLi(NCMe)2]}(2).8MeCN, (II), also crystallizes with the complex lying across a centre of symmetry and contains eight molecules of unbound acetonitrile per complex plus four more directly bound to two of the lithium ions, two on each ion. The cores of both complexes are partially supported by O-H...O hydrogen bonds. The methoxy methyl groups in (I) prevent the binding of any more than two Li+ ions, while the corresponding two O-atom sites in (II) bind an extra Li(+) ion each, making four in total. The calixarene cone adopts an undistorted cone conformation in (I), but an elliptical one in (II).

  19. Electrochemical Reduction and Intramolecular Electron Communication of Nitro Substituted Thiacalix[4]arenes

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Liška, Alan; Lhoták, P.; Ludvík, Jiří


    Roč. 28, č. 11 (2016), s. 2861-2865 ISSN 1040-0397 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-21704S Institutional support: RVO:61388955 Keywords : 1,3-alt-thiacalix[4]arenes * nitro substituents * polarography Subject RIV: CG - Electrochemistry Impact factor: 2.851, year: 2016

  20. Organic chemistry in ambient temperature chloroaluminate melts. I. Protonation of arenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dworkin, A.S.; Smith, G.P.; ZIngg, S.P.; Pagni, R.M.


    Acidic chloroaluminates are the quintessential Friedel-Crafts catalysts. Many of the reactions that they activate are of the carbenium-ion-chain type. In the case of arene (ArH) substrates a key step is the partial protonation of ArH by a protic acid (HB) as shown in Eq. 1 , where B- is a generic base and ArH/sub 2//sup +/ is the protonated arene or arenium ion. The apparent role of the acidic chloroaluminate is the ArH + HB ↔ ArH/sub 2//sup +/ + B/sup -/. Enhancement of the protonating strength of HB through the reaction of acidic chloroaluminate species, such as Al/sub 2/Cl/sub 6/, Al/sub 3/Cl/sub 7/- or Al/sub 3/Cl/sub 10-/., with the base B/sub -/. The simplest example of HB is HCl for which the overall protonating reaction is given in Eq. 2, where ArH + HCl + Al/sub 2/Cl/sub 7/- ↔ ArH/sub 2/+ + 2AlCl/sub 4/- Al/sub 2/Cl/sub 7/- represents the acidic chloroalmuniate

  1. Crystal structures of two thiacalix[4]arene derivatives anchoring four ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Abstract. The crystal structures of two thiacalixarene derivatives anchoring thiadiazole functional groups at lower rim, C60H72O4S12N8 (1), C64H80O4S12N8 (2), have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The thiacalix[4]arene framework in both 1 and 2 adopts the 1,3-alternate conformation. Com- pound 1 ...

  2. Copper-catalyzed oxidative Heck reactions between alkyltrifluoroborates and vinyl arenes. (United States)

    Liwosz, Timothy W; Chemler, Sherry R


    We report herein that potassium alkyltrifluoroborates can be utilized in oxidative Heck-type reactions with vinyl arenes. The reaction is catalyzed by a Cu(OTf)2/1,10-phenanthroline with MnO2 as the stoichiometric oxidant. In addition to the alkyl Heck, amination, esterification, and dimerization reactions of alkyltrifluoroborates are demonstrated under analogous reaction conditions. Evidence for an alkyl radical intermediate is presented.

  3. Controlling the photochemical reaction of an azastilbene derivative in water using a water-soluble pillar[6]arene. (United States)

    Xia, Danyu; Wang, Pi; Shi, Bingbing


    Photochemistry plays an important role in our lives. It has also been a common tool in the laboratory to construct complicated systems from small molecules. Supramolecular chemistry provides an opportunity to solve some of the problems in controlling photochemical reactions via non-covalent interactions. By using confining media and weak interactions between the medium and the reactant molecule, the excited state behavior of molecules has been successfully manipulated. Pillararenes, a new class of macrocyclic hosts, have rarely been used in the field of photochemical investigations, such as the controlling of photo-induced reactions. Herein, we explore a synthetic macrocyclic host, a water-soluble pillar[6]arene, as a controlling tool to manipulate the photo-induced reactions (hydration) in water. A host-guest system in water based on a water-soluble pillar[6]arene and an azastilbene derivative, (E)-4,4'-dimethyl-4,4'-diazoniastilbene diiodide, has been constructed. Then this water-soluble pillar[6]arene was successfully employed to control the photohydration of the azastilbene derivative in water as a "protective agent".

  4. Uranium(III)-carbon multiple bonding supported by arene δ-bonding in mixed-valence hexauranium nanometre-scale rings. (United States)

    Wooles, Ashley J; Mills, David P; Tuna, Floriana; McInnes, Eric J L; Law, Gareth T W; Fuller, Adam J; Kremer, Felipe; Ridgway, Mark; Lewis, William; Gagliardi, Laura; Vlaisavljevich, Bess; Liddle, Stephen T


    Despite the fact that non-aqueous uranium chemistry is over 60 years old, most polarised-covalent uranium-element multiple bonds involve formal uranium oxidation states IV, V, and VI. The paucity of uranium(III) congeners is because, in common with metal-ligand multiple bonding generally, such linkages involve strongly donating, charge-loaded ligands that bind best to electron-poor metals and inherently promote disproportionation of uranium(III). Here, we report the synthesis of hexauranium-methanediide nanometre-scale rings. Combined experimental and computational studies suggest overall the presence of formal uranium(III) and (IV) ions, though electron delocalisation in this Kramers system cannot be definitively ruled out, and the resulting polarised-covalent U = C bonds are supported by iodide and δ-bonded arene bridges. The arenes provide reservoirs that accommodate charge, thus avoiding inter-electronic repulsion that would destabilise these low oxidation state metal-ligand multiple bonds. Using arenes as electronic buffers could constitute a general synthetic strategy by which to stabilise otherwise inherently unstable metal-ligand linkages.

  5. From simple rings to one-dimensional channels with calix[8]arenes, water clusters, and alkali metal ions


    Bergougnant, Rémi D.; Robin, Adeline Y.; Fromm, Katharina M.


    The macrocycle 4-tert-butylcalix[8]arene (L) was reacted with alkali metal carbonates (Li₂CO₃, Na₂CO₃, K₂CO₃, Rb₂CO₃, and Cs₂CO₃) at the interface of a biphasic THF/water system. Needle-like crystals with a general formula [Ax(4-tert-butylcalix[8]arene-xH)(THF)y(H₂O)z] (with A=Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, x=1, 2, y=4, 5, 8, and z=6, 7) were thereby obtained. The solid state structures were investigated by X-ray diffraction of single crystals and by TGA measurements. They do not appear to be maintained ...

  6. Crystal structure of a supramolecular lithium complex of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manabu Yamada


    Full Text Available Crystals of a supramolecular lithium complex with a calix[4]arene derivative, namely tetramethanollithium 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,26,27-trihydroxy-28-oxidocalix[4]arene methanol monosolvate, [Li(CH3OH4](C44H55O4·CH3OH or [Li(CH3OH4]+·(calix[4]arene−]·CH3OH (where calix[4]arene− represents a mono-anion species because of deprotonation of one H atom of the calixarene hydroxy groups, were obtained from p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene reacted with LiH in tetrahydrofuran, followed by recrystallization from methanol. The asymmetric unit comprises one mono-anionic calixarene molecule, one Li+ cation coordinated to four methanol molecules, and one methanol molecule included in the calixarene cavity. The calixarene molecule maintains a cone conformation by intramolecular hydrogen bonding between one phenoxide (–O− and three pendent calixarene hydroxy groups (–OH. The coordinated methanol molecules around the metal cation play a significant role in forming the supramolecular assembly. The crystal structure of this assembly is stabilized by three sets of intermolecular interactions: (i hydrogen bonds involving the –OH and –O− moieties of the calixarene molecules, the –OH groups of the coordinated methanol molecules, and the –OH group of the methanol molecule included in the calixarene cavity; (ii C—H...π interactions between the calixarene molecules and/or the coordinated methanol molecules; (iii O—H...π interactions between the calixarene molecule and the included methanol molecule.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federico Miguel Bobillo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se abordan las canteras y talleres asociados de Punta de la Peña, Quebrada Seca y Pampa Oeste, en Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, con el objeto de explorar la multiplicidad de actividades y prácticas sociales involucradas en la utilización de dichas fuentes. Se trata de tres fuentes de vulcanitas intensamente explotadas a lo largo de la secuencia prehispánica del área. De esta forma, se toma a las canteras no sólo como un depósito de rocas útiles para la subsistencia, sino como un escenario social donde confluyen y se materializan diferentes prácticas y expresiones sociales. Así, a la explotación de las rocas se suman toda una serie de tareas vinculadas, por ejemplo, con prácticas de enseñanza/aprendizaje y actividades de subsistencia, procesamiento/consumo y rituales. Esta aproximación considera a las canteras desde una perspectiva orientada a abordar las elecciones y prácticas llevadas a cabo por los agentes en contextos de aprovisionamiento, partiendo de la base de que estos actúan desarrollando una diversidad de actividades conectadas en torno a la apropiación de un recurso específico.Abstract  Quarries and workshops at Punta de la Peña, Quebrada Seca and Pampa Oeste (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca are considered in this paper. The goal is to explore the multiplicity of social activities and practices involved in the use of these quarries. These three vulcanite sources were intensively exploited during the pre-Hispanic history of the region. In this way, quarries are not only considered rock deposits useful for subsistence, but also a social scenario where different social practices and social expressions converge and are materialized. Thereby, series of linked tasks are added to rock exploitation. For example, teaching/learning practices and subsistence, processing/consumption and ritual activities. This approach considers quarries from a perspective oriented to the analysis of elections and

  8. Photophysical and physicochemical studies of rare earths complexes formed with calyx(n)arenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, F.M.; Varbanov, S.; Corine, C.; Muller, G.; Fatin-Rouge, N.; Scopelliti, R.; Bunzli J, C.G.


    In this work, some of the photophysical and physicochemical properties are presented which are observed in the rare earths complexes that are formed with diverse functionalized calyx(n)arenes receptors where n=4-6 designed with predetermined properties and synthesized by own methods. (Author)

  9. Development of the chromatographic partitioning of cesium and strontium utilizing two macroporous silica-based calix[4]arene-crown and amide impregnated polymeric composites: PREC partitioning process. (United States)

    Zhang, Anyun; Kuraoka, Etsushu; Kumagai, Mikio


    To partition effectively Cs(I) and Sr(II), two harmful heat emitting nuclides, from a highly active liquid waste by extraction chromatography, two kinds of macroporous silica-based polymeric materials, Calix[4]arene-R14/SiO(2)-P and TODGA/SiO(2)-P, were synthesized. Two chelating agents, 1,3-[(2,4-diethyl-heptylethoxy)oxy]-2,4-crown-6-calix[4]arene (Calix[4]arene-R14), an excellent supramolecular compound having molecular recognition ability for Cs(I), and N,N,N',N'-tetraoctyl-3-oxapentane-1,5-diamide (TODGA) were impregnated and immobilized into the pores of SiO(2)-P particles support by a vacuum sucking technique. The loading and elution of 11 typical simulated fission and non-fission products from 4.0M or 2.0M HNO(3) were performed at 298K. It was found that in the first column packed with the Calix[4]arene-R14/SiO(2)-P, all of the simulated elements were separated effectively into two groups: (1) Na(I), K(I), Sr(II), Fe(III), Ba(II), Ru(III), Pd(II), Zr(IV), and Mo(VI) (noted as Sr-group); (2) Cs(I)-Rb(I) (Cs-group) by eluting with 4.0M HNO(3) and distilled water, respectively. The harmful element Cs(I) flowed into the second group along with Rb(I) because of their close sorption and elution properties towards Calix[4]arene-R14/SiO(2)-P, while Sr(II) showed no sorption and flowed into Sr-containing group. In the second column packed with TODGA/SiO(2)-P, the Sr-group was separated into (1) Ba(II), Ru(III), Na(I), K(I), Fe(III), and Mo(VI) (non-sorption group); (2) Sr(II); (3) Pd(II); and (4) Zr(IV) by eluting with 2.0M HNO(3), 0.01M HNO(3), 0.05M DTPA-pH 2.5, and 0.5M H(2)C(2)O(4), respectively. Sr(II) adsorbed towards TODGA/SiO(2)-P flowed into the second group and showed the excellent separation efficiency from others. Based on the elution behavior of the tested elements, an advanced PREC (Partitioning and Recovery of two heat generators from an acidic HLW (high activity liquid waste) by Extraction Chromatography) process was proposed.

  10. Greisen deposits associated to carboniferous post-orogenic granites with mineralization potential, Sierra de Fiambala, Catamarca, Argentina

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fogliata, A. S.; Rubinstein, N. R.; Avila, J. C.; Baez, M.


    The Fiambala range is located in the central south part of the province of Catamarca, Western Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. It is largely conformed by Precambrian metamorphic rocks, a Cambrian granitic intrusive, Ordovician basic and ultra basic rocks and epi zonal Carboniferous granites (Los Ratones, El Salto and Ayacucho Granites). The Carboniferous granites are sub alkaline, weakly peraluminous, high silica (except for the porphyritic facies of Los Ratones granite) and moderately enriched in K. Contents of trace elements and REE indicate that El S alto and Ayacucho granites and the granular facies of Los Ratones granite have characteristics of evolved and differentiated granite associated with hydrothermal systems. The variations of trace elements, particularly Sn, W, U, Rb, Ba, Zr and Sr suggest that they correspond to granites with mineralization potential. Genetically linked to these granites there are Sn, W, U and minor base metals greisen deposits. The hydrothermal process that yield to these deposits involved two main alteration stages, beginning with alkali metasomatism follow by greissenization. According to the isotopic ages the hydrothermal processes postdate about 1 Ma the magmatic activity. The analyses of the granites and the associated greisen deposits confirm that the post orogenic carboniferous magmatism is the major metallogenetic control of the ore deposits from the studied area. This metallogenetic control could be a useful tool in prospecting similar deposits in the rest of the Western Sierras Pampeanas. (Author)

  11. Calix[6]arene mono-diazonium salt synthesis and covalent immobilization onto glassy carbon electrodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cannizzo, Caroline; Jasmin, Jean-Philippe; Vautrin-Ul, Christine; Chausse, Annie; Wagner, Mathieu; Doizi, Denis; Lamouroux, Christine


    This Letter describes the fast synthesis of a mono-aminated calix[6]arene. The immobilization of this macrocycle onto glassy carbon electrodes via diazonium salt chemistry and the electrochemical characterization of the grafted organic layer are also reported. (authors)

  12. Potential Eye Drop Based on a Calix[4]arene Nanoassembly for Curcumin Delivery: Enhanced Drug Solubility, Stability, and Anti-Inflammatory Effect. (United States)

    Granata, Giuseppe; Paterniti, Irene; Geraci, Corrada; Cunsolo, Francesca; Esposito, Emanuela; Cordaro, Marika; Blanco, Anna Rita; Cuzzocrea, Salvatore; Consoli, Grazia M L


    Curcumin is an Indian spice with a wide spectrum of biological and pharmacological activities but poor aqueous solubility, rapid degradation, and low bioavailability that affect medical benefits. To overcome these limits in ophthalmic application, curcumin was entrapped in a polycationic calix[4]arene-based nanoaggregate by a simple and reproducible method. The calix[4]arene-curcumin supramolecular assembly (Calix-Cur) appeared as a clear colloidal solution consisting in micellar nanoaggregates with size, polydispersity index, surface potential, and drug loading percentage meeting the requirements for an ocular drug delivery system. The encapsulation in the calix[4]arene nanoassembly markedly enhanced the solubility, reduced the degradation, and improved the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin compared to free curcumin in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Calix-Cur did not compromise the viability of J774A.1 macrophages and suppressed pro-inflammatory marker expression in J774A.1 macrophages subjected to LPS-induced oxidative stress. Histological and immunohistochemical analyses showed that Calix-Cur reduced signs of inflammation in a rat model of LPS-induced uveitis when topically administrated in the eyes. Overall, the results supported the calix[4]arene nanoassembly as a promising nanocarrier for delivering curcumin to anterior ocular tissues.

  13. Reactivity and selectivity of arenes in reactions with ozone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vysotskii, Yu.B.; Mestechkin, M.M.; Sivyakova, L.N.; Tyupalo, N.F.


    The reactions of arenes with ozone, distinguished by the variety of products (quinones, aldehydes, acids), are of interest not only from the theoretical standpoint but also are of preparative value in the case of polycyclic hydrocarbons. In this work a quantitative treatment of this reaction is given on the basis of direct kinetic measurements and simple quantum chemical means, permitting its rate constants and the yield of the products to be related to the elements of electronic structure readily subject to quantum mechanical calculation

  14. Microwave-assisted facile and rapid Friedel-Crafts benzoylation of arenes catalysed by bismuth trifluoromethanesulfonate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tran, Phoung Hoang; Hansen, Poul Erik; Pham, Thuy Than


    The catalytic activity of metal triflates was investigated in Friedel–Crafts benzoylation under microwave irradiation. Friedel–Crafts benzoylation with benzoyl chloride of a variety of arenes containing electron-rich and electron-poor rings using bismuth triflate under microwave irradiation is de...

  15. Rhodium-catalyzed C-H alkynylation of arenes at room temperature. (United States)

    Feng, Chao; Loh, Teck-Peng


    The rhodium(III)-catalyzed ortho C-H alkynylation of non-electronically activated arenes is disclosed. This process features a straightforward and highly effective protocol for the synthesis of functionalized alkynes and represents the first example of merging a hypervalent iodine reagent with rhodium(III) catalysis. Notably, this reaction proceeds at room temperature, tolerates a variety of functional groups, and more importantly, exhibits high selectivity for monoalkynylation. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. A calix[4]arene derivative and its selective interaction with drugs (clofibric acid, diclofenac and aspirin). (United States)

    Danil de Namor, Angela F; Al Nuaim, Maan; Villanueva Salas, Jose A; Bryant, Sophie; Howlin, Brendan


    The synthesis and characterisation of a partially substituted calix[4]arene, namely, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl,25,27-bis[aminoethoxy] 26,28-dihydroxycalix[4]arene are reported. Its interaction with commonly used pharmaceuticals (clofibric acid, diclofenac and aspirin) was investigated by spectroscopic ( 1 H NMR and UV), electrochemical (conductance measurements) and thermal (titration calorimetry) techniques. It is concluded on the basis of the experimental work and molecular simulation studies that the receptor interacts selectively with these drugs. Preliminary studies on the selective extraction of these pharmaceuticals from water by the calix receptor are reported and the potential for a carrier mediated sensor based on this ligand for 'on site' monitoring of pharmaceuticals is discussed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. The solid-state structures of organic salts formed by calix[4]arene dihydroxyphosphonic acid with nucleic bases cations: adeninium, cytosinium, guaninium and uracilium

    KAUST Repository

    Shkurenko, Aleksander


    Calix[4]arene dihydroxyphosphonic acid has been demonstrated to possess an interesting range of biological properties, including atypical anti-cancer activity. The robustness of calix[4]arene dihydroxyphosphonic acid and its ubiquitous dimeric motif offers perspectives for pre-defined solid state complexation with small molecules. In the current article we describe co-crystals (organic salts) of calix[4]arene dihydroxyphosphonic acid with four nucleic base cations: adeninium, cytosinium, guaninium and uracilium. A number of characteristic interactions between the components in the four co-crystals are pointed out also using the Hirshfeld surface analysis. All the four co-crystals are based on layers of calix[4]arene dimers, alternating with layers of nucleic acid molecules. Two of the reported crystal structures (cytosinium and guaninium) are 1D channel-type structures, while the two others (adeninium and uracilium) represent 2D channel-type structures. In three out of four reported structures, interactions between the cations of nucleic bases are present generating 1D chains of cations. A constant motif is that the nucleic base is present in a type of cavity formed by one aromatic ring and a phosphonic acid moiety.

  18. Entre la fiebre del oro y el polvo de las voladuras… Cuerpos y emociones en contextos de mineralización.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horacio Machado Aráoz


    Full Text Available A partir de la constatación de las grandes transformaciones sociales provocadas por el desembarco de la megaminería transnacional en la Provincia de Catamarca, el presente trabajo se plantea abordar el análisis de la conflictividad ‘minera’ desde la perspectiva de sus impactos microbiopolíticos, esto es, en el plano de los cuerpos, las emociones y los sentimientos. Considerando que se trata de un aspecto crucial de los procesos sociales que se verifican en los nuevos escenarios del extractivismo minero, este trabajo procura desarrollar una ecología política de las emociones como clave para caracterizar los conflictos mineros, así como los efectos eco-biopolíticos que se producen en las comunidades locales intervenidas. Apelando a registros etnográficos, se exponen diferentes dimensiones de los cambios sociales resultantes de las políticas mineras sobre los cuerpos y las emociones. Con los conceptos de fiebre del oro y mineralización social, se busca brindar una hermenéutica crítica de estos procesos orientada a visibilizar lo que se entiende como sus rasgos y efectos neocoloniales.

  19. Grafting of Oligo(ethylene glycol) Functionalized Calix[4]arene-tetra-diazonium Salts for Antifouling Germanium and Gold Surfaces. (United States)

    Blond, Pascale; Mattiuzzi, Alice; Valkenier, Hennie; Troian-Gautier, Ludovic; Bergamini, Jean-François; Doneux, Thomas; Goormaghtigh, Erik; Raussens, Vincent; Jabin, Ivan


    Biosensors that can determine protein concentration and structure are highly desired for biomedical applications. For the development of such biosensors, the use of Fourier transformed infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy with the attenuated internal total reflection (ATR) configuration is particularly attractive but it requires appropriate surface functionalization of the ATR optical element. Indeed, the surface has to specifically interact with a target protein in close contact with the optical element and must display antifouling properties to prevent nonspecific adsorption of other proteins. We here report robust monolayers of calix[4]arenes bearing oEGs chains, which were grafted on germanium and gold surfaces via their tetra-diazonium salts. The formation of monolayers of oEGylated calix[4]arenes was confirmed by AFM, IR and contact angle measurements. The antifouling properties of these modified surfaces were studied by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy and the non-specific absorption of BSA was found to be reduced by 85% compared to non-modified germanium. In other words, the organic coating by oEGylated calix[4]arenes provides remarkable antifouling properties, opening the way to the design of germanium- and gold-based biosensors.

  20. Calix[4]arene supported clusters: a dimer of [Mn(III)Mn(II)] dimers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taylor, Stephanie M; McIntosh, Ruaraidh D; Beavers, Christine M


    Phosphinate ligands allow for the transformation of a calix[4]arene supported [Mn(III)(2)Mn(II)(2)] tetramer cluster motif into an unusual [Mn(III)Mn(II)](2) dimer of dimers; the clusters self-assemble in the crystal to form bi-layer arrays reminiscent of the typical packing of calixarene solvates....

  1. Arene activation by a nonheme iron(III)-hydroperoxo complex: pathways leading to phenol and ketone products. (United States)

    Faponle, Abayomi S; Banse, Frédéric; de Visser, Sam P


    Iron(III)-hydroperoxo complexes are found in various nonheme iron enzymes as catalytic cycle intermediates; however, little is known on their catalytic properties. The recent work of Banse and co-workers on a biomimetic nonheme iron(III)-hydroperoxo complex provided evidence of its involvement in reactivity with arenes. This contrasts the behavior of heme iron(III)-hydroperoxo complexes that are known to be sluggish oxidants. To gain insight into the reaction mechanism of the biomimetic iron(III)-hydroperoxo complex with arenes, we performed a computational (density functional theory) study. The calculations show that iron(III)-hydroperoxo reacts with substrates via low free energies of activation that should be accessible at room temperature. Moreover, a dominant ketone reaction product is observed as primary products rather than the thermodynamically more stable phenols. These product distributions are analyzed and the calculations show that charge interaction between the iron(III)-hydroxo group and the substrate in the intermediate state pushes the transferring proton to the meta-carbon atom of the substrate and guides the selectivity of ketone formation. These studies show that the relative ratio of ketone versus phenol as primary products can be affected by external interactions of the oxidant with the substrate. Moreover, iron(III)-hydroperoxo complexes are shown to selectively give ketone products, whereas iron(IV)-oxo complexes will react with arenes to form phenols instead.

  2. Polymethylated [Fe(η6-arene)2]2+ dications: methyl-group rearrangements and application of the EINS mechanism. (United States)

    Štíbr, Bohumil; Bakardjiev, Mario; Hájková, Zuzana; Holub, Josef; Padělková, Zdenka; Růžička, Aleš; Kennedy, John D


    Reactions between the methylated arenes ArMe(n) [where ArMe(n) = C(6)Me(n)H((6-n)), and n = 1-6] and FeCl(2) in heptane at 90 °C in the presence of anhydrous AlCl(3) give, for the arenes with n = 1-5, extensive isomerisations and disproportionations involving the methyl groups on the arene rings, and the formation of mixtures of [Fe(ArMe(n))(2)](2+) dications that defy separation into pure species. GC-MS studies of AlCl(3)/mesitylene and AlCl(3)/durene reactions in the absence of FeCl(2) (90 °C, 2 h) allow quantitative assessments of the rearrangements, and the EINS mechanism (electrophile-induced nucleophilic substitution) is applied to rationalise the phenomena. By contrast, ArMe(n) / FeCl(2) /AlCl(3) reactions in heptane for 24-36 h at room-temperature proceed with no rearrangements, allowing the synthesis of the complete series of pure [Fe(ArMen)](2+) cations in yields of 48-71%. The pure compounds are characterised by (1)H NMR spectroscopy and electrospray-ionization mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS), and the structures of [Fe(m-xylene)(2)][PF(6)](2) and [Fe(durene)(2)][PF(6)](2) are established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses.

  3. Complexation study of a tert-butyl-calix[4]arene-based 2-hydroxynaphthalene ligand with uranium(VI) in non-aqueous solution

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bauer, Anne; Schmeide, Katja [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany). Surface Processes


    The actinide uranium, well known from nuclear power cycle, plays also a role in rare earth production as it is an undesired constituent of the respective ores. To facilitate the production of rare earth elements, uranium has to be removed. Due to their modifiable selectivity and solubility calix[n]arenes are interesting compounds for the extraction of actinides and lanthanides. The mechanism of uranium(VI) interaction with a tert-butyl-calix[4]arene-based 2-hydroxynaphthalene ligand (L1) was studied by TRLFS, UV-vis spectroscopy and isothermal calorimetry.

  4. Characterization of an azo-calix[4]arene-based optical sensor for Europium (III) ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Echabaane, M.; Rouis, A.; Bonnamour, I.; Ouada, H. Ben


    Selective and sensitive optical sensor membranes (optodes) were elaborated to detect cations in aqueous solutions. The sensing films are based on chromogenic calix[4]arene derivatives. The optode membranes were studied using UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy measurements. The sensitivity of the optode has been tested for Pb 2+ , Cd 2+ , Mg 2+ and Eu 3+ ions at pH 6.8. The results showed a good selectivity response towards Eu 3+ . Low selectivity coefficients were observed for Cd 2+ and Mg 2+ where Pb 2+ can be considered as interfering ions. The characteristics of this optode such as response time, regeneration, reproducibility and lifetime are discussed. - Highlights: ► We report optical sensing studies of chromogenic calixarene derivatives. ► We investigate optical interaction between azo-calix[4]arene and Eu 3+ . ► We study sensitivity and selectivity of optode films. ► We describe characteristics of optode films for determination of europium traces.

  5. Upper-rim CMPO-substituted calix[6]- and calix[8]arene extractants for the An3+/Ln3+ separation from radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sansone, F.; Ungaro, R.; Casnati, A.; Galletta, M.; Macerata, E.; Trivellone, E.; Giola, M.; Mariani, M.; Boehmer, V.


    Two new ligands (1 and 2) for actinide/lanthanide separation derived from calix[6]- and calix[8]arenes functionalised at the upper rim with six or eight CMPO binding units were synthesised. These ligands, having a methoxy group at the lower rim, are conformationally mobile in solution at room temperature. Extraction data from water to a NPHE/n-octanol (90/10) solution of ligands 1 and 2, in the presence of bromo-cosan as synergist, show that these derivatives are less efficient and selective than the previously reported homologues derived from calix[4]arenes or from the lower rim CMPO calix[6]- and calix[8]arenes, especially at high nitric acid concentrations. However, although compound 1 and 2 do not appear promising for the actinide/lanthanide separation from high acidity radioactive waste, the results obtained in this work disclose some important structural results which can be useful for the design of new efficient and selective polytopic ligands. (orig.)

  6. Thiacalix[4]arene derivatives as extractants for metal ions in aqueous solutions: Application to the selective facilitated transport of Ag(I)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zaghbani, Asma [Laboratoire Eau et Technologies Membranaires, CERTE, BP 273, 8020 Soliman (Tunisia); Fontas, Claudia [Department of Chemistry, University of Girona, 17071 Girona (Spain)], E-mail:; Hidalgo, Manuela [Department of Chemistry, University of Girona, 17071 Girona (Spain); Tayeb, Rafik; Dhahbi, Mahmoud [Laboratoire Eau et Technologies Membranaires, CERTE, BP 273, 8020 Soliman (Tunisia); Vocanson, Francis; Lamartine, Roger [Universite de Lyon, Lyon, F-69003 (France); Universite Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, F-69622 (France); CNRS, UMR 5246, ICBMS, equipe CSAp, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, Villeurbanne, F-69622 (France); Seta, Patrick [Institut Europeen des Membranes, UMR CNRS 5635, 1919 route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier (France)


    The complexation abilities of different thiacalix[4]arene derivatives towards some rare earth metal ions, metallic pollutants, and noble metals have been investigated in liquid-liquid experiments. Thiacalix[4]arene dissolved in chloroform effectively extracts Pd(II) (in acidic chloride media) and also Ag(I), Cd(II), Sm(III) and Ce(III), all buffered at pH 6 or 8. The modification of this compound to form an amide derivative results in an effective extraction of noble metals, ranked according to Au(III) > Pd(II) > Pt(IV) > Ag(I). Moreover, a supported liquid membrane system for silver transport has been developed based on thiacalix[4]arene dissolved in NPOE, and parameters affecting its efficiency have been investigated, such as the stripping composition and the pH of the feed solution. Finally, the selectivity of the membrane system has been evaluated by using as feed sources mixtures of silver and other metal ion000.

  7. Immobilization of Chlorosulfonyl-Calix[4]arene onto the surface of silica gel through the directly estrification (United States)

    Taghvaei-Ganjali, Saeed; Zadmard, Reza; Saber-Tehrani, Mandana


    For the first time Chlorosulfonyl-Calix[4]arene has been chemically bonded to silica gel through the directly estrification without silane coupling agent to prepare Chlorosulfonyl-Calix[4]arene-bonded silica gel. Sample characterization was performed by various techniques such as elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), 29Si CP/MAS spectroscopy and acid-base titration. All data approve the successful incorporation of organic group via covalent bond. From the comparison between sulfur content determined by elemental analysis and the number of H+ determined by acid-base titration, it was shown that two ester units took place onto the new synthesized sample and two acidic sites exist on the surface.

  8. Cadmium-sensitive electrode based on tetracetone derivatives of p-tert-butylcalix[8]arene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dernane, C. [Université de Jijel, Laboratoire de Matériaux: Elaborations-Propriétés-Applications, BP 98, Ouled Aissa, 18000 Jijel (Algeria); Zazoua, A., E-mail: [Université de Jijel, Laboratoire de Matériaux: Elaborations-Propriétés-Applications, BP 98, Ouled Aissa, 18000 Jijel (Algeria); Kazane, I. [Université de Jijel, Laboratoire de Matériaux: Elaborations-Propriétés-Applications, BP 98, Ouled Aissa, 18000 Jijel (Algeria); Jaffrezic-Renault, N. [Université de Lyon, LSA-UMR 5180 CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex (France)


    The performance of a cadmium-sensitive electrode based on the tetracetone derivatives of p-tert butylcalix[8]arene was investigated. The ion-sensitivity of the calix[8]arene was examined via cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), X-ray photoelectron spectrometry, UV/Vis spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy. The sensitive membrane containing the active ionophore was cast onto the surface of a gold electrode. The electrode exhibited a linear relationship between the charge transfer resistance (R{sub ct}) and the logarithm of the detected ion concentration. The cathodic peak at a potential of 0.56 V increased linearly as the Cd{sup 2+} ion concentration increased. The detection limit of the device reached 10{sup −7} M with high sensitivity toward cadmium. - Highlights: • The performances of cadmium-sensitive electrode were investigated. • The sensitive membrane was casted on the surface of a gold electrode. • The electrode showed a linear relationship between the R{sub ct} and the ion concentration. • The detection limit of the device was 10{sup −7} M with high sensitivity toward cadmium.

  9. Sorption of CO 2 in a hydrogen-bonded diamondoid network of sulfonylcalix[4]arene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sinnwell, Michael A. [Physical and Computational Science Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA; Atwood, Jerry L. [Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA; Thallapally, Praveen K. [Physical and Computational Science Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA


    An organic material, p-tert-butyltetrasulfonylcalix[4]arene, self-assembles via hydrogen bonding to form a diamondoid supramolecular network. Possessing discrete, zero-dimensional (0D) microcavities, the thiacalixarene derivative adsorbs CO2 at high pressures

  10. Why Aren't Philosophers and Educators Speaking to Each Other? Some Reasons for Hope. (United States)

    Ellett, Frederick S., Jr.


    Responds to Arcilla's article, "Why Aren't Philosophers and Educators Speaking to One Another?" noting complexities that complicate the answer and suggesting that they are indeed communicating if one accepts a broader definition of philosophers and educators. The essay asserts that little educational research and theory has had much…

  11. Synthesis and luminescence of Eu3+ and Tb3+ complexes with novel calix[4]arene ligands carrying 2,2'-bipyridine subunits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sabbatini, N.; Guardigli, M.; Manet, I.; Ungaro, R.; Casnati, A.; Fischer, C.; Ziessel, R.; Ulrich, G.


    Eu 3+ and Tb 3+ complexes with novel branched calix[4]arene ligands incorporating 2,2' -bipyridine subunits functionalized in the 6- or 5,5'-positions have been synthesized and their photophysical properties investigated. High luminescence intensity was obtained for the Eu 3+ complex of the calix[4]arene ligand carrying four 5,5' -substituted- 2,2' -bipyridines, which has high molar extinction coefficients (ε max 39 600 M -1 cm -1 ) and a high luminescence quantum yield (15%). (authors). 12 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  12. Porphyrinic supramolecular daisy chains incorporating pillar[5]arene-viologen host-guest interactions

    KAUST Repository

    Fathalla, Maher; Strutt, Nathan; Srinivasan, Sampath; Katsiev, Khabiboulakh; Hartlieb, Karel J.; Bakr, Osman; Stoddart, J. Fraser


    A porphyrin functionalised with pillar[5]arene and a viologen at its 5- and 15-meso positions assembles in a head-to-tail manner, producing linear supramolecular daisy chains in dichloromethane. At high concentrations, it forms an organogel which has been investigated by electron microscopy and rheological measurements, paving the way for the preparation of other functional supramolecular assemblies which harness viologen"⊂" pillararene host-guest interactions.

  13. Porphyrinic supramolecular daisy chains incorporating pillar[5]arene-viologen host-guest interactions

    KAUST Repository

    Fathalla, Maher


    A porphyrin functionalised with pillar[5]arene and a viologen at its 5- and 15-meso positions assembles in a head-to-tail manner, producing linear supramolecular daisy chains in dichloromethane. At high concentrations, it forms an organogel which has been investigated by electron microscopy and rheological measurements, paving the way for the preparation of other functional supramolecular assemblies which harness viologen"⊂" pillararene host-guest interactions.

  14. Kinetic enantioselectivity of a protonated bis(diamido)-bridged basket resorcin[4]arene towards alanine peptides. (United States)

    Fraschetti, C; Montagna, M; Crestoni, M E; Calcaterra, A; Aiello, F; Santi, L; Filippi, A


    Efficient enantiodiscrimination of some alanine-containing di- and tri-peptides by using chiral protonated bis(diamido)-bridged basket resorcin[4]arenes depends on several factors, including the basicity of the amino acid residues at the C- and N-termini of the peptide.

  15. Stability of the ammonium-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis (N,N-diethylacetamide) complex in nitrobenzene saturated with water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makrlik, E.


    From extraction experiments and γ-activity measurements, the extraction constant corresponding to the equilibrium NH 4 + (aq)+NaL + (nb) ↔ NH 4 L + (nb)+Na + (aq) taking place in the two-phase water-nitrobenzene system (L = p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis (N,N-diethylacetamide); aq = aqueous phase, nb = nitrobenzene phase) was evaluated as logK ex (NH 4 + ,NaL + ) = -1.8. Further, the stability constant of the p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-tetrakis (N,N-diethylacetamide)-ammonium complex in nitrobenzene saturated with water was calculated for a temperature of 25 deg C: logβ nb (NH 4 L + ) = 6.7. (author)

  16. Synthesis of some (eta-arene)dihydridorhenium cations and their reactions with LiAlH4 and LiAlD4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baudrey, D.; Boydell, P.; Ephritikhine, M.


    A series of cations [Re(eta-arene)H 2 (PPh 3 ) 2 ] + (arene benzene, toluene, p-xylene, or mesitylene) was prepared from the corresponding neutral dihydridocyclohexadienyl complexes by treatment with CPh 3 BF 4 . These cations reacted with LiAlH 4 and LiAlD 4 to form dihydridocyclohexadienyl complexes. The unusual selectivity of the hydride attack is explained by steric interactions between the ring methyl groups and the bulky phosphine ligands. The initial product of the reaction of the eta-mesitylene cation with LiAlD 4 allows the isomerisation mechanism for the cyclohexadienyl complexes to be clarified. (author)

  17. Immobilization of Chlorosulfonyl-Calix[4]arene onto the surface of silica gel through the directly estrification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taghvaei-Ganjali, Saeed, E-mail: [Chemistry Department, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Postal Code: 1913674711, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Zadmard, Reza [Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran, Postal Code: 1496813151, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Saber-Tehrani, Mandana [Chemistry Department, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Postal Code: 1913674711, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    For the first time Chlorosulfonyl-Calix[4]arene has been chemically bonded to silica gel through the directly estrification without silane coupling agent to prepare Chlorosulfonyl-Calix[4]arene-bonded silica gel. Sample characterization was performed by various techniques such as elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), N{sub 2} adsorption-desorption, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), {sup 29}Si CP/MAS spectroscopy and acid-base titration. All data approve the successful incorporation of organic group via covalent bond. From the comparison between sulfur content determined by elemental analysis and the number of H{sup +} determined by acid-base titration, it was shown that two ester units took place onto the new synthesized sample and two acidic sites exist on the surface.

  18. Encapsulation and solid state sequestration of gases by calix[6]arene-based molecular containers. (United States)

    Lavendomme, Roy; Ajami, Daniela; Moerkerke, Steven; Wouters, Johan; Rissanen, Kari; Luhmer, Michel; Jabin, Ivan


    Two calix[6]arene-based molecular containers were synthesized in high yields. These containers can encapsulate small guests through a unique "rotating door" complexation process. The sequestration of greenhouse gases is clearly demonstrated. They can be stored in the solid state for long periods and released via dissolution of the inclusion complex.

  19. Constructing Multiply Substituted Arenes Using Sequential Pd(II)-Catalyzed C–H Olefination** (United States)

    Engle, Keary M.; Wang, Dong-Hui; Yu, Jin-Quan


    Complementary catalytic systems have been developed in which the reactivity/selectivity balance in Pd(II)-catalyzed ortho-C–H olefination can be modulated through ligand control. This allows for sequential C–H functionalization for the rapid preparation of 1,2,3-trisubstituted arenes. Additionally, a rare example of iterative C–H activation, in which a newly installed functional group directs subsequent C–H activation has been demonstrated. PMID:20632344

  20. Perfil antropométrico en adultos del noroeste argentino: comparación con una referencia internacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lomaglio, Delia Beatriz


    Full Text Available Desde una perspectiva bioantropológica las mediciones antropométricas en adultos son exhaustivamente utilizadas en la evaluación morfológica de poblaciones argentinas extintas. La mayoría de los estudios antropométricos en adultos argentinos contemporáneos se limitan a la evaluación de talla, peso e IMC. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir otras variables antropométricas en adultos del Noroeste argentino (NOA y compararlas con una referencia internacional. Los datos de peso, talla, perímetros (brazo, muslo, pierna, cintura y pliegues (tríceps, subescapular proceden de 881 individuos (526 mujeres; 355 varones sanos de 20-60 años de edad de distintas localidades de Catamarca y Jujuy. Se calcularon estadísticos descriptivos (media y DS por sexo y dos PALABRAS CLAVE adultos; Noroeste Argentino; perímetros; pliegues; antropometría grupos de edad: 20-39 y 40-60 años. Las comparaciones se establecieron con adultos de EEUU de origen mejicano (Centers for Disease Control, CDC 2003-2006 con la prueba t. Se calcularon los percentilos con el método LMS. En ambos sexos y grupos de edad los adultos del NOA presentaron valores significativamente inferiores a los de la referencia en todas las variables consideradas, excepto para pliegues tricipital y subescapular en varones de 40-60 años. No se han encontrado antecedentes antropométricos comparables semejantes para poblaciones argentinas y del NOA. El perfil antropométrico de los adultos del NOA difiere significativamente con respecto a la población de referencia con un origen étnico afín.

  1. Visible lights induced polymerization reactions: interactions between rose bengal and iron aren complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burget, D.; Grotzinger, C.; Jacques, P.; Fouassier, J.P.


    The present paper is devoted to an investigation of the interactions between Rose Bengal (RB) and an Iron aren (Irg(+)) complex that are usable in visible light induced polymerization reactions. Steady state and flash photolysis experiments were performed in order to elucidate the nature of the intermediates formed after light excitation. A complete scheme of evolution of the excited states is discussed

  2. An Effective Hg2+-Selective Fluorescent Chemosensor Based on a Calix[4]arene Bearing Four Dansyl Amides

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    LI Guang-Ke; LIU Min; YANG Guo-Qiang; CHEN Chuan-Feng; HUANG Zhi-Tang


    A new calix[4]arene-based fluorescent chemosensor bearing four dansyl amides on the upper rim (1) was con- veniently synthesized, which showed high sensitivity and selectivity toward Hg2+ over a wide range of metal ions in 50% aqueous acetonitrile. The complexation of Hg2+ ion induced a strong fluorescence quenching of 1 due to a well-defined electron transfer process from the dansyl group(s) to the metal center. Compared with compounds 2 and 3, tetradansyl amide substituted calix[4]arene 1 showed a preorganized and coordinated complexing site for metal ions. Moreover, the detection limit for Hg2. was found to be 3.41×10-6 mol·L-1, which might make 1 a po-tentially practical Hg2+-selective fluorescent sensor in aqueous system.

  3. Preparation of Langmuir–Blodgett thin films of calix[6]arenes and p-tert butyl group effect on their gas sensing properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozmen, Mustafa, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, University of Selcuk, 42075 Konya (Turkey); Ozbek, Zikriye, E-mail: [Department of Bioengineering, University of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart, 17100 Canakkale (Turkey); Bayrakci, Mevlut [Department of Bioengineering, University of Karamanoglu Mehmetbey, 70200 Karaman (Turkey); Ertul, Seref; Ersoz, Mustafa [Department of Chemistry, University of Selcuk, 42075 Konya (Turkey); Capan, Rifat [Department of Physics, University of Balikesir, 10145 Balikesir (Turkey)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • In this work, we prepared Langmuir–Blodgett films of calix[6]arene derivatives. • Then LB films of calixarene compounds were characterized. • Organic vapor sensing properties of prepared LB films were investigated. - Abstract: Organic vapor sensing properties of Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) thin films of p-tert-butyl calix[6]arene and calix[6]arene, and their certain characterization are reported in this work. LB films of these calixarenes have been characterized by contact angle measurement, quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). QCM system was used for the measurement of sensor response against chloroform, benzene, toluene and ethanol vapors. Forming of stable monolayers was observed at the water surface using surface pressure–area isotherm graph. The results indicate that good quality, uniform LB films can be prepared with a transfer ratio of over 0.95. Due to the adsorption of vapors into the LB film structures; they yield a response to all vapors as of large, fast, and reproducible.

  4. ARQUITECTURA Y PAISAJES EN LA LOCALIDAD ARQUEOLÓGICA DE ANDALHUALA (VALLE DE YOCAVIL, CATAMARCA / Architecture and landscape in Andalhuala archaeological locality (Yocavil Valley, Catamarca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alina Alvarez Larrain


    Full Text Available El espacio arquitectónico se constituye como parte del paisaje cultural que participa de lleno en la construcción y reproducción de las prácticas domésticas y rituales y del imaginario colectivo de la comunidad que lo construye y lo habita. La localidad arqueológica de Andalhuala se presenta así como un área que nos permite abordar cómo fue la construcción y el uso del espacio en la vertiente oriental del valle de Santa María o Yocavil, cuyos patrones de asentamiento fueron anteriormente definidos a partir de lo conocido para el flanco occidental. Se discuten aquí las evidencias recuperadas a partir de tareas de prospección y relevamiento arquitectónico en la mencionada localidad. Los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora revelan un panorama complejo de ocupaciones desde los inicios del primer milenio D.C. hasta los finales de los tiempos tardíos, abarcando una franja espacial desde los terrenos bajos próximos a cuencas permanentes hasta los pisos inferiores de la Sierra del Aconquija.Palabras clave: Valle de Yocavil; localidad arqueológica de Andalhuala ; sociedades agropastoriles; paisajes arqueológicos; variabilidad de asentamientos.AbstractThe architectural space is set up as part of the cultural landscape is fully involved in the construction and reproduction of domestic and ritual practices and the collective imagination of the community that builds and inhabits it. The Andalhuala archaeological locality is thus presented as an area that allows us to consider what was the construction and use of space on the eastern slope of the valley of Santa Maria or Yocavil whose patterns of settlement were previouly identified from the known to the western flank. We discuss here the evidence recovered from prospecting and surveying architectural in the mentioned locality. The results so far indicate a complex picture of occupations since the beginning of the first millennium D.C. until the final of the late times, comprising a strip space

  5. Para-ter-butyl of calix(4)arene with acetamide-ether as inorganic-organic receiver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, F.M. de; Scopelliti, R.; Muller, G.; Buenzli J, C.G.; Charbonniere, L.


    A new functionalized calix(4)arene was designed and constructed with predetrmined properties to form lanthanides complexes and to sensibilize its luminescent properties. This, in addition to sensibilize that photophysical property and once formed the complex resulted a good receiver of organic molecules as it is demonstrated the crystal structure of the lutetium complex. (Author)

  6. Bidentate urea derivatives of p-tert-butyldihomooxacalix[4]arene: neutral receptors for anion complexation. (United States)

    Marcos, Paula M; Teixeira, Filipa A; Segurado, Manuel A P; Ascenso, José R; Bernardino, Raul J; Michel, Sylvia; Hubscher-Bruder, Véronique


    Three new bidentate ureidodihomooxacalix[4]arene derivatives (phenyl 5a, n-propyl 5b, and tert-butyl 5c) were synthesized in four steps from the parent compound p-tert-butyldihomooxacalix[4]arene and obtained in the cone conformation, as shown by NMR studies. The binding ability of these neutral receptors toward spherical, linear, trigonal planar, and tetrahedrical anions was assessed by (1)H NMR and UV-vis titrations. The structures and complexation energies of some complexes were also studied by DFT methods. The data showed that the association constants are strongly dependent on the nature of the substituent (aryl/alkyl) at the urea moiety. In general, for all the receptors, the association constants decrease with decrease of anion basicity. Ph-urea 5a is the best anion receptor, showing the strongest complexation for F(-) (log K(assoc) = 3.10 in CDCl3) and also high binding affinity for the carboxylates AcO(-) and BzO(-). Similar results were obtained by UV-vis studies and were also corroborated by DFT calculations.

  7. Macrogeographic and microgeographic genetic structure of the Chagas' disease vector Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from Catamarca, Argentina. (United States)

    Pérez de Rosas, Alicia R; Segura, Elsa L; Fichera, Laura; García, Beatriz Alicia


    The genetic structure in populations of the Chagas' disease vector Triatoma infestans from six localities belonging to areas under the same insecticide treatment conditions of Catamarca province (Argentina) was examined at macrogeographical and microgeographical scales. A total of 238 insects were typed for 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The average observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.319 to 0.549 and from 0.389 to 0.689, respectively. The present results confirm that populations of T. infestans are highly structured. Spatial genetic structure was detectable at macrogeographical and microgeographical levels. Comparisons of the levels of genetic variability between two temporal samples were carried out to assess the impact of the insecticide treatment. The genetic diversity of the population was not significantly affected after insecticide use since different genetic parameters (allele number, observed and expected heterozygosities) remained stable. However, loss of low frequency alleles and not previously found alleles were detected. The effective population size (N(e)) estimated was substantially lower in the second temporal sample than in the first; nevertheless, it is possible that the size of the remnant population after insecticide treatment was still large enough to retain the genetic diversity. Very few individuals did not belong to the local T. infestans populations as determined by assignment analyses, suggesting a low level of immigration in the population. The results of the assignment and first-generation migrant tests suggest male-biased dispersal at microgeographical level.

  8. A water-soluble pillar[5]arene as a new carrier for an old drug. (United States)

    Barbera, Lucia; Franco, Domenico; De Plano, Laura M; Gattuso, Giuseppe; Guglielmino, Salvatore P P; Lentini, Germana; Manganaro, Nadia; Marino, Nino; Pappalardo, Sebastiano; Parisi, Melchiorre F; Puntoriero, Fausto; Pisagatti, Ilenia; Notti, Anna


    The remarkable affinity of deca-carboxylatopillar[5]arene WP5 towards the aminoglycoside antibiotic, amikacin, in aqueous media is reported; in vitro studies on Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) show that drug entrapment inside WP5 also takes place in the presence of the microrganisms, thus pointing to WP5 as an appealing carrier for amikacin targeted delivery.

  9. A new ion selective electrode for cesium (I) based on calix[4]arene-crown-6 compounds. (United States)

    Ramanjaneyulu, P S; Kumar, Abha Naveen; Sayi, Y S; Ramakumar, K L; Nayak, S K; Chattopadhyay, S


    A polyvinylchloride (PVC) based liquid membrane ion selective electrode (ISE) for cesium has been developed. 25,27-Dihydroxycalix[4]arene-crown-6 (L1), 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27-dimethoxycalix[4]arene-crown-6 (L2) and 25,27-bis(1-octyloxy)calix[4]arene-crown-6 (L3) were investigated for their use as ionophores. The cation exchange resin DOWEX-50W was used to maintain low activity Cs+ in inner filling solution to improve the performance. The best response for cesium was observed with L3 along with optimized membrane constituents and composition. Excellent Nernstian response (56.6 mV/decade of Cs(I)) over the concentration range 10(-7) to 10(-2)M of Cs(I) was obtained with a fast response time of less than 10s. Detection limit for Cs(I) using the present ISE is 8.48×10(-8) M Cs(I). Separate solution method (SSM) was applied to ascertain the selectivity for Cs(I) over alkali, alkaline earth and transition metal ions. The response of ISE for Cs(I) was fairly constant over the pH range of 4-11. The lifetime of the electrode is 10 months which is the highest life for any membrane based Cs-ISE so far developed. The concentration of cesium ion in two simulated high level active waste streams was determined and results agreed well with those obtained independently employing AAS. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Formation and proof of stable bi-, tri- and tetraradical polyanions during the electrochemical reduction of cone-polynitrocalix[4]arenes. An ESR-UV-vis spectroelectrochemical study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liška, Alan; Rosenkranz, Marco; Klíma, Jiří; Dunsch, Lothar; Lhoták, Pavel; Ludvík, Jiří


    Graphical abstract: - Abstract: The first intermediates of electrochemical reduction of nitro compounds in nonaqueous DMF are stable radical anions. In the series of mono-, di-, tri- and tetranitro calix[4]arenes each nitro group represents a reduction center, therefore the question about the spin state of intermediary anions arises. In this communication, the voltammetric and coulometric investigation of these compounds is performed together with the spectral measurements (ESR and UV-vis). The in-situ spectroelectrochemical approach proved that during reduction, in all polynitro radicalic intermediates the electrons remain unpaired and thus relatively stable mono-, di-, tri- and tetraradical mono-, di-, tri- and tetraanions, respectively, can be electrochemically generated in aprotic DMF from polynitrocalix[4]arenes. This finding confirms that the nitrophenyl units in polynitrocalix[4]arenes are completely independent and no mutual electronic communication takes place among them

  11. Calix[4]arenes Containing a Ureido Functionality on the Lower Rim as Highly Efficient Receptors for Anion Recognition.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Klejch, T.; Slavíček, J.; Hudeček, O.; Eigner, V.; Gutierrez, Natalia Andrea; Cuřínová, Petra; Lhoták, P.


    Roč. 40, č. 9 (2016), s. 7935-7942 ISSN 1144-0546 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : calix[4]arene * anion recognition * receptors Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 3.269, year: 2016

  12. Calix[6]arenes functionalized with malondiamides at the upper rim as possible extractants for lanthanide and actinide cations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Almaraz, M.; Esperanza, S.; Magrans, O.; Mendoza, J. de; Pradus, P.


    Lipophilic malondiamides have been recently employed successfully as extractants for lanthanide and actinide cations from strongly acidic media. Many complexes between malondiamides and lanthanide-actinides cations have been studied by different techniques. For many of these complexes it has been observed that more than one malondiamide ligand participates in the complexation of each metallic cation. Incorporation of two or three malondiamide moieties into a calixarene platform would probably improve both extraction and selectivity with respect to the already tested malondiamides. According to CPK examination, a calix[6]arene substituted at the upper rim with two or three malondiamide moieties should constitute a promising ligand for lanthanide and actinide cations due to co-operative complexation with the malondiamides. Based on these considerations, we synthesised calix[6]arenes functionalized with malonic acid derivatives. (author)

  13. A new and general method for the preparation of novel II-heterocyclic derivatives of ruthenium [C5Me5Ru (η6-arene)]X (arene = benzene, thiophene, 3-methylthiophene, benzothiophene, pyridine, 2.6 and 3.5-lutidine, quinoline, acridine). X-ray crystal structure of [(C5Me5)2Ru2Cl2(pyridine)2] PF6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaudret, B.; Jalon, F.; Perez-Manrique, M.; Lahoz, F.; Plou, F.J.


    Zinc reduction of (Cp*RuCl 2 ) n (Cp* = C 5 Me 5 ) in acetone or THF followed by addition of 1 equivalent of an arene or aromatic heterocycle leads to compounds of general formulation [Cp* Ru(arene)]X (X = Cl, BF 4 ). Coordination of benzene is rapid and competes successfully with any other arene. Thiophene and 3-methylthiophene give stable π adducts whereas benzothiophene is coordinated through the benzene not through the heterocyclic ring. 2.6 and 3.5-lutidine coordinate through the ring, thus demonstrating an electronic rather than steric stabilization. Again, quinoline and acridine coordinate through the benzene ring. Pyridine gives an unstable π adduct in THF. A paramagnetic mixed-valence species, byproduct of the reaction in THF, has been characterized by an X-ray crystal structure determination. Crystals are triclinic, space group P-1

  14. Evaluation of calix[4]arene tethered Schiff bases for anion recognition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chawla, H.M.; Munjal, Priyanka


    Two calix[4]arene tethered Schiff base derivatives (L1 and L2) have been synthesized and their ion recognition capability has been evaluated through NMR, UV–vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. L1 interacts with cyanide ions very selectively to usher a significant change in color and fluorescence intensity. On the other hand L2 does not show selectivity for anion sensing despite having the same functional groups as those present in L1. The differential observations may be attributed to plausible stereo control of anion recognition and tautomerization in the synthesized Schiff base derivatives.

  15. Evaluation of calix[4]arene tethered Schiff bases for anion recognition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chawla, H.M., E-mail:; Munjal, Priyanka


    Two calix[4]arene tethered Schiff base derivatives (L1 and L2) have been synthesized and their ion recognition capability has been evaluated through NMR, UV–vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. L1 interacts with cyanide ions very selectively to usher a significant change in color and fluorescence intensity. On the other hand L2 does not show selectivity for anion sensing despite having the same functional groups as those present in L1. The differential observations may be attributed to plausible stereo control of anion recognition and tautomerization in the synthesized Schiff base derivatives.

  16. p-tert-Butylcalix[8]arene: an extremely versatile platform for cluster formation. (United States)

    Taylor, Stephanie M; Sanz, Sergio; McIntosh, Ruaraidh D; Beavers, Christine M; Teat, Simon J; Brechin, Euan K; Dalgarno, Scott J


    p-tert-Butylcalix[4]arene is a bowl-shaped molecule capable of forming a range of polynuclear metal clusters under different experimental conditions. p-tert-Butylcalix[8]arene (TBC[8]) is a significantly more flexible analogue that has previously been shown to form mono- and binuclear lanthanide (Ln) metal complexes. The latter (cluster) motif is commonly observed and involves the calixarene adopting a near double-cone conformation, features of which suggested that it may be exploited as a type of assembly node in the formation of larger polynuclear lanthanide clusters. Variation in the experimental conditions employed for this system provides access to Ln(1), Ln(2), Ln(4), Ln(5), Ln(6), Ln(7) and Ln(8) complexes, with all polymetallic clusters containing the common binuclear lanthanide fragment. Closer inspection of the structures of the polymetallic clusters reveals that all but one (Ln(8)) are in fact based on metal octahedra or the building blocks of octahedra, with the identity and size of the final product dependent upon the basicity of the solution and the deprotonation level of the TBC[8] ligand. This demonstrates both the versatility of the ligand towards incorporation of additional metal centres, and the associated implications for tailoring the magnetic properties of the resulting assemblies in which lanthanide centres may be interchanged. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Session 6: Catalytic hydro-dehalogenation as a remediation methodology: a consideration of Pd and Ni activity and halo-arene reactivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keane, M.A.; Amorim, C. [Kentucky Univ., Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering (United States); Patterson, P.M. [Kentucky Univ., Center for Applied Energy Research, Lexington, KY (United States)


    In this presentation, we consider the action of Ni/SiO{sub 2} and Pd/SiO{sub 2} bearing the same (ca. 5% w/w) metal loading and probe the intrinsic activity/selectivity of the metal site. Characterization pre- and post- reaction has drawn on HRTEM-EDX, SEM, XRD, TPR, H{sub 2} chemisorption/TPD. Reduction of Pd/SiO{sub 2} is far more facile than that of Ni/SiO{sub 2} to generate a narrower distribution of smaller Pd particles that exhibit significantly (up to three orders of magnitude) higher specific hydro-dehalogenation activities. The latter is manifest in a predominant complete dehalogenation of poly-halogenated aromatics. The role of the support in modifying the hydro-dehalogenation activity of the metal site will be addressed by considering carbon supported Pd and Ni, employing graphite, activated carbon and carbon nano-fibers as substrates. While the use of carbon nano-fibers/nano-tubes as metal supports is attracting the interest of the catalysis community, their application in halo-arene hydro-dehalogenation has yet to be reported in the literature. Carbon nano-fibers offer a high aspect ratio surface on which to disperse the active metal phase, as is illustrated by the representative TEM. The highly crystalline faceted Pd phase is a morphological feature that is consistent with a strong interaction between the metal particles and the support medium. This translates into high specific hydro-dehalogenation activities that are maintained over prolonged reaction cycles, a feature that will be discussed. The conversion of a range of halo-arenes (mono-, di- and tri- chloro-, bromo-, fluoro and iodo- benzenes, phenols and toluenes) under clearly defined reaction conditions will be presented where the differences in halo-arene reactivity are identified. Halo-arene reactivity is determined by inductive and steric effects, the former evident in the enhancement of hydro-dehalogenation by electron donating (-OH and -CH{sub 3}) substituents, the latter in the

  18. Facial One-Pot Synthesis of D 3h Symmetric Bicyclocalix[2]arene[2]triazines and Their Layered Comb Self-Assembly

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Yin


    A number of D3h symmetric bicyclocalix[2]arene[2]triazine core compounds were synthesized via a general and good-yielding (43-48% yield) facile protocol starting from cyanuric halides, phloroglucinol and K2CO3 under very mild reaction conditions. These cage-like compounds are tolerate with different reaction conditions and can be derived with other functional groups in high yield. The X-ray crystal structures show these compounds have slightly distorted D3h symmetric structures. Due to the unique molecular topological structure, bicyclocalix[2]arene[2]triazine molecules form unique layered comb networks when hydrogen bond groups exist (such as CO2H, B(OH)2), which represent a new kind of building block unit for supramolecular architectures.

  19. The Argentinean dung beetle genus Anomiopsoides (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Eucraniini: description of a new species, and new synonymies for A. heteroclyta El género argentino de escarabajos estercoleros Anomiopsoides (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Eucraniini: descripcción de una especie nueva y nuevas sinonimias para A. heteroclyta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federico C. Ocampo


    Full Text Available The taxonomy of the genus Anomiopsoides Blackwelder is revised. The species A. catamarcae Martínez and A. aurita (Burmeister are placed in synonymy with A. heteroclyta (Blanchard. Anomiopsoides fedemariai sp. nov. is described from Argentina. The genus Anomiopsoides now consists of four species: A. biloba (Burmeister, A. cavifrons (Burmeister, A. fedemariai sp. nov. and A. heteroclyta (Blanchard. A key is presented for the identification of the species of Anomiopsoides.Se hace una revisión de la taxonomía del género Anomiopsoides Blackwelder. Las especies A. catamarcae Martínez y A. aurita (Burmeister son consideradas como sinónimos de A. heteroclyta (Blanchard. Se describe una especie nueva, A. fedemariai sp. nov., especie nueva de Argentina. El género Anomioposoides consiste ahora en cuatro especies, A. biloba (Burmeister, A. cavifrons (Burmeister, A. fedemariai sp. nov. y A. heteroclyta (Blanchard. Se presenta una clave para la identificación de las especies de Anomiopsoides.

  20. Ground- and excited-state pinched cone equilibria in calix[4]arenes bearing two perylene bisimide dyes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hippius, C.; van Stokkum, I.H.M.; Zangrando, E.; Williams, R.M.; Wykes, M.; Beljonne, D.; Wurthner, F.


    We report on a series of bis-chromophoric compounds o2c, g2c, and r2c, afforded by linking two identical orange, green, or red perylene bisimide (PBI) units, respectively, through a calix[4]arene spacer unit. The PBI units are characterized by their increasing sterical demand from a planar

  1. Ground- and excited-state pinched cone equilibria in calix[4]arenes bearing two perylene bisimide dyes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hippius, C.; van Stokkum, I.H.M.; Zangrando, E.; Williams, R.M.; Wykes, M.; Beljonne, D.; Würthner, F.


    We report oil a series of bis-chromophoric compounds o2c, g2c, and r2c, afforded by linking two identical orange, green, or red perylene bisimide (PBI) units, respectively, through a calix[4]arene spacer unit. The PBI units are characterized by their increasing sterical demand from a planar

  2. Synthesis of some (eta-arene)dihydridorhenium cations and their reactions with LiAlH/sub 4/ and LiAlD/sub 4/

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baudrey, D.; Boydell, P.; Ephritikhine, M.


    A series of cations (Re(eta-arene)H/sub 2/(PPh/sub 3/)/sub 2/)/sup +/ (arene benzene, toluene, p-xylene, or mesitylene) was prepared from the corresponding neutral dihydridocyclohexadienyl complexes by treatment with CPh/sub 3/BF/sub 4/. These cations reacted with LiAlH/sub 4/ and LiAlD/sub 4/ to form dihydridocyclohexadienyl complexes. The unusual selectivity of the hydride attack is explained by steric interactions between the ring methyl groups and the bulky phosphine ligands. The initial product of the reaction of the eta-mesitylene cation with LiAlD/sub 4/ allows the isomerisation mechanism for the cyclohexadienyl complexes to be clarified.

  3. Cobalt(III)-catalyzed alkenylation of arenes and 6-arylpurines with terminal alkynes: efficient access to functional dyes. (United States)

    Wang, Shan; Hou, Ji-Ting; Feng, Mei-Lin; Zhang, Xiao-Zhuan; Chen, Shan-Yong; Yu, Xiao-Qi


    Alkenylation of unactivated arenes and 6-arylpurines with terminal alkynes in high yields using Cp*Co(CO)I2 as catalyst under mild conditions is described. This method shows outstanding functional group compatibility and can be applied in the design of a mitochondria-targeted imaging dye.

  4. La Vista de San Lorenzo y del Campo Valdés de Gijón: Un cuadro del paisajista Mariano Ramón Sánchez pintado para Jovellanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    González Santos, Javier


    Full Text Available An unpublished view by Mariano Ramón Sánchez (1740-1822 of the Arenal de San Lorenzo de Gijón (Asturias, in the collection of the Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos (Gijón is presented here. The painting, dating from 1796, is based on sketches made by the artist at the site in June 1793, and formed a pair with Campiña (probably of the outskirts of Gijón, now lost. In 1796 both paintings were given by the artist to Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (1744-1811, magistrate, politician and outstanding intellectual of the Spanish Enlightenment, known to be a collector and man of good taste. These views were inventoried in Jovellanos's house in 1826, thereby demonstrating that they never formed part of the series of landscapes by this artist in the royal collection.

    Se publica una vista inédita del Arenal de San Lorenzo de Gijón (Asturias, propiedad del Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos (Gijón, hecha por el pintor y académico Mariano Ramón Sánchez (1740-1822 en 1796, teniendo a la vista los apuntes obtenidos sobre el terreno en junio de 1793. El cuadro hacía pareja con una Campiña (probablemente de los alrededores de Gijón no conservada. Ambas pinturas fueron regaladas por el artista a don Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (1744-1811, magistrado, político y destacado intelectual de la Ilustración española, y un conocido coleccionista y hombre de gusto, en 1796, en cuya casa de Gijón figuran inventariadas en 1826. Se trata, por tanto, de dos obras de temática paisajista de Sánchez que no formaron parte de la colección real.

  5. A Polyoxovanadate-Resorcin[4]arene-Based Porous Metal-Organic Framework as an Efficient Multifunctional Catalyst for the Cycloaddition of CO2 with Epoxides and the Selective Oxidation of Sulfides. (United States)

    Lu, Bing-Bing; Yang, Jin; Liu, Ying-Ying; Ma, Jian-Fang


    In this work, we report a new polyoxovanadate-resorcin[4]arene-based metal-organic framework (PMOF), [Co 2 L 0.5 V 4 O 12 ]·3DMF·5H 2 O (1), assembled with a newly functionalized wheel-like resorcin[4]arene ligand (L). 1 features an elegant porous motif and represents a rare example of PMOFs composed of both a resorcin[4]arene ligand and polyoxovanadate. Remarkably, 1 shows open V sites in the channel, which makes 1 an efficient heterogeneous Lewis acid catalyst for the cycloaddition of carbon dioxide to epoxides with high conversion and selectivity. Strikingly, 1 also exhibits high catalytic activity for the heterogeneous oxidative desulfurization of sulfides. Particularly, the heterogeneous catalyst 1 can be easily separated and reused with good catalytic activity.

  6. α-Diazo-β-ketonitriles: uniquely reactive substrates for arene and alkene cyclopropanation. (United States)

    Nani, Roger R; Reisman, Sarah E


    An investigation of the intramolecular cyclopropanation reactions of α-diazo-β-ketonitriles is reported. These studies reveal that α-diazo-β-ketonitriles exhibit unique reactivity in their ability to undergo arene cyclopropanation reactions; other similar acceptor-acceptor-substituted diazo substrates instead produce mixtures of C-H insertion and dimerization products. α-Diazo-β-ketonitriles also undergo highly efficient intramolecular cyclopropanation of tri- and tetrasubstituted alkenes. In addition, the α-cyano-α-ketocyclopropane products are demonstrated to serve as substrates for SN2, SN2', and aldehyde cycloaddition reactions.

  7. Ab initio design of drug carriers for zoledronate guest molecule using phosphonated and sulfonated calix[4]arene and calix[4]resorcinarene host molecules (United States)

    Jang, Yong-Man; Yu, Chol-Jun; Kim, Jin-Song; Kim, Song-Un


    Monomolecular drug carriers based on calix[n]-arenes and -resorcinarenes containing the interior cavity can enhance the affinity and specificity of the osteoporosis inhibitor drug zoledronate (ZOD). In this work we investigate the suitability of nine different calix[4]-arenes and -resorcinarenes based macrocycles as hosts for the ZOD guest molecule by conducting {\\it ab initio} density functional theory calculations for structures and energetics of eighteen different host-guest complexes. For the optimized molecular structures of the free, phosphonated, sulfonated calix[4]-arenes and -resorcinarenes, the geometric sizes of their interior cavities are measured and compared with those of the host-guest complexes in order to check the appropriateness for host-guest complex formation. Our calculations of binding energies indicate that in gaseous states some of the complexes might be unstable but in aqueous states almost all of the complexes can be formed spontaneously. Of the two different docking ways, the insertion of ZOD with the \\ce{P-C-P} branch into the cavity of host is easier than that with the nitrogen containing heterocycle of ZOD. The work will open a way for developing effective drug delivering systems for the ZOD drug and promote experimentalists to synthesize them.

  8. Parasitosis intestinales en relación con la cultura higiénica de poblaciones rurales de Catamarca.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monferrán, M. C.


    Full Text Available Los estudios realizados sobre prevalencia de parasitosis intestinales humanas en comunidades urbanas y rurales en la provincia de Catamarca, revela altos índices. Las causas son múltiples, entre las que se encuentran factores ecológicos y sociales. Las condiciones climáticas imperantes en una zona geográfica resultaran favorables o no a la presentación de algunas parasitosis como por ejemplo las geohelmintiasis.Se atribuye igual importancia a la educación, vivienda, alimentación, recursos económicos, falta de higiene, contaminación ambiental, etc.. Se realizan estudios de prevalencia de parasitosis intestinales en pobladores de dos regiones climáticamente diferentes de nuestra provincia como son los Dptos. La Paz y Paclín detectándose en algunas comunidades índices altos de hasta el 81 %.También se ha notado la influencia climática regional sobre la distribución de las parasitosis intestinales .En La Paz, existe un predominio de las protozoosis y en Paclín las geohelmintiasis son frecuentes y diversas. Las parasitosis detectadas estarían relacionadas en un alto grado a la denominada cultura higiénica, pues las prácticas de la higiene individual y familiar, la deposición de sus excretas, la convivencia con animales domésticos, el manejo de sus rebaños, son costumbres regionales que se han transmitido por generaciones e influyen notablemente en la difusión y la conservación de estos altos índices de parasitosis intestinales en detrimento de la salud de los habitantes.

  9. New methods of arene iodination and functional transformation of multiple bonds in organic compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filimonov, V.D.; Chajkovskij, V.K.; Krasnokutskaya, E.A.


    The review summarizes the latest results of organic chemistry and technology of organic synthesis department of Tomsk polytechnical university concerning iodination of arenes and chemical transformations of unsaturated compounds. Preparative possibilities of the new reactions and reagents for iodination, oxidation of alkenes and alkynes to 1,2- and bis-1,2-dicarbonyl compounds, iodonitration of alkynes, and reaction of oxidative dimerization of the terminal alkynes to unsaturated δ-sultones are discussed [ru

  10. Oxidant-free Rh(III)-catalyzed direct C-H olefination of arenes with allyl acetates. (United States)

    Feng, Chao; Feng, Daming; Loh, Teck-Peng


    Rh(III)-catalyzed direct olefination of arenes with allyl acetate via C-H bond activation is described using N,N-disubstituted aminocarbonyl as the directing group. The catalyst undergoes a redox neutral process, and high to excellent yields of trans-products are obtained. This protocol exhibits a wide spectrum of functionality compatibility because of the simple reaction conditions employed and provides a highly effective synthetic method in the realm of C-H olefination.

  11. Chemoselective hydrogenation of arenes by PVP supported Rh nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ibrahim, Mahmoud; Poreddy, Raju; Philippot, Karine


    Polyvinylpyrrolidone-stabilized Rh nanoparticles (RhNPs/PVP) of ca. 2.2 nm in size were prepared by the hydrogenation of the organometallic complex [Rh(η3-C3H5)3] in the presence of PVP and evaluated as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of a series of arene substrates as well as levulinic acid...... for the hydrogenation of levulinic acid and methyl levulinate in water leading to quantitative formation of the fuel additive γ-valerolactone under moderate reaction conditions compared to previously reported catalytic systems....... and methyl levulinate. The catalyst showed excellent activity and selectivity towards aromatic ring hydrogenation compared to other reported transition metal-based catalysts under mild reaction conditions (room temperature and 1 bar H2). Furthermore, it was shown to be a highly promising catalyst...

  12. Relating catalytic activity and electrochemical properties: The case of arene-ruthenium phenanthroline complexes catalytically active in transfer hydrogenation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štěpnička, P.; Ludvík, Jiří; Canivet, J.; Süss-Fink, G.


    Roč. 359, č. 8 (2006), s. 2369-2374 ISSN 0020-1693 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4040304 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40400503 Keywords : arene complexes * chloro complexes * aqua complexes Subject RIV: CG - Electrochemistry Impact factor: 1.674, year: 2006

  13. Eco-friendly Oxidative Iodination of Various Arenes with Sodium Percarbonate as the Oxidantâ€

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    Lech Skulski


    Full Text Available Six easy laboratory procedures are presented for the oxidative iodination ofvarious aromatics, mostly arenes, with either molecular iodine or potassium iodide (usedas the sources of iodinating species, I or I3 , in the presence of sodium percarbonate(SPC, a stable, cheap, easy to handle, and eco-friendly commercial oxidant.

  14. Synthesis and binding properties of calix[4]arene diamide dicarboxylic acids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arnaud-Neu, F.; Barboso, S.; Schwing-Weill, M.J.; Casnati, A.; Pinalli, A.; Ungaro, R.


    Calix[4]arenes diametrically substituted at the lower rim with two carboxylic acid and two tertiary amide binding groups were obtained in good yields and their acid-base properties studied in methanol solution. Complexation studies, performed in methanol by potentiometry, show that mononuclear (MLH z , z = 0,1) or dinuclear (M 2 L) complexes are formed with alkali metal cations, whereas M x L 2 H z (x=1,2,z = 0,1) species, involving two ligands, are also present with alkaline-earth cations. Both ligands show a remarkable selectivity for Ca 2+ and Sr 2+ among alkali and alkaline-earth metal ions. (authors)

  15. 5,11,17,23-Tetra-tert-butyl-25,26,27,28-tetrapropynyloxy-2,8,14,20-tetrathiacalix[4]arene

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiang-Gao Meng


    Full Text Available The title compound [systematic name: 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,26,27,28-tetrapropynyloxy-2,8,14,20-tetrathiacalix[4]arene], C52H56O4S4, is an alkylated product bearing four propyne groups at the lower rim of a 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-tetrathiacalix[4]arene. The molecule is located on a crystallographic twofold rotation axis, running through two S atoms and perpendicular to the long axis of the molecule. The four propyne groups, located in an alternate fashion above and below the mean plane of the four S atoms, are almost parallel to the calixarene long axis. The dihedral angle between the two crystallographically independent benzene rings is 86.77 (14°. Two tert-butyl groups are disordered over two positions with site occupancies of 0.59 (2 and 0.41 (2.

  16. Synthesis of phosphorylated calix[4]arene derivatives for the design of solid phases immobilizing uranyl cations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maroun, E.B.; Hagege, A.; Asfari, Z.; Basset, CH.; Quemeneur, E.; Vidaud, C.


    With the aim of developing supports for uranyl cations immobilisation, new 1, 3-alternate calix[4]arenes bearing both phosphonic acid functions as chelating sites and N-succinimide-4-oxa-butyrate as the anchoring arm were synthesised in good yields. The coupling of such calixarenes to a gel was performed and a successful immobilisation of uranyl cations was obtained. (authors)

  17. Synthesis of phosphorylated calix[4]arene derivatives for the design of solid phases immobilizing uranyl cations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maroun, E.B.; Hagege, A.; Asfari, Z. [Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique et Minerale, UMR 7178 ULP/CNRS/IN2P3 LC4, ECPM, Strasbourg Cedex (France); Basset, CH.; Quemeneur, E.; Vidaud, C. [CEA IBEB, SBTN, Centre de Marcoule, Bagnols-sur-Ceze (France)


    With the aim of developing supports for uranyl cations immobilisation, new 1, 3-alternate calix[4]arenes bearing both phosphonic acid functions as chelating sites and N-succinimide-4-oxa-butyrate as the anchoring arm were synthesised in good yields. The coupling of such calixarenes to a gel was performed and a successful immobilisation of uranyl cations was obtained. (authors)

  18. Remediation of cadmium-contaminated soil by extraction with para-sulphonato-thiacalix[4]arene, a novel supramolecular receptor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yushuang; Hu Xiaojun; Song Xueying; Sun Tieheng


    Batch extractions were conducted to evaluate the performance of para-sulphonato-thiacalix[4]arene (STC[4]A), a novel supramolecular receptor, for removing cadmium (Cd) from soil. The extraction mechanism was investigated by determination of the conditional stability constants (log K) of the STC[4]A-Cd complex. The influences of various variables were examined, including pH, contact time, and extractant concentration. The Cd extraction efficiency increased with increasing pH, reaching the maximum at pH 11 and then declining at higher pH values. This pH dependence was explained by the variation in the log K value of the STC[4]A-Cd complex along with pH change. When the STC[4]A dose was increased to an STC[4]A:Cd molar ratio of 2.5:1, Cd was exhaustively removed (up to 96.8%). The comparison experiment revealed that the Cd extraction performance of STC[4]A was almost equivalent to that of EDTA and significantly better than that of natural organic acids. STC[4]A extraction could efficiently prevent co-dissolution of soil minerals. - Highlights: ► First report on para-sulphonato-thiacalix[4]arene (STC[4]A) as extractant for soil washing. ► The Cd extraction performance of STC[4]A was almost equivalent to that of EDTA. ► STC[4]A extraction could efficiently avoid the dissolution of soil minerals, such as K, Ca, Mn. ► Extraction mechanism was investigated by determination of log K values of STC[4]A-Cd complex. ► A rational explanation for the pH dependence of extraction performance was given. - This is the first report on para-sulphonato-thiacalix[4]arene as an extractant for soil washing, which proved to be very efficient for Cd removal and could prevent co-dissolution of soil minerals.

  19. Long synthetic nanotubes from calix[4]arenes. (United States)

    Organo, Voltaire G; Sgarlata, Valentina; Firouzbakht, Farhood; Rudkevich, Dmitry M


    We report the synthesis and encapsulation properties of long (up to 5 nm) molecular nanotubes 1-4, which are based on calix[4]arenes and can be filled with multiple nitrosonium (NO(+)) ions upon reaction with NO(2)/N(2)O(4) gases. These are among the largest nanoscale molecular containers prepared to date and can entrap up to five guests. The structure and properties of tubular complexes 1(NO(+))(2)-4(NO(+))(5) were studied by UV/Vis, FTIR, and (1)H NMR spectroscopy in solution, and also by molecular modeling. Entrapment of NO(+) in 1(NO(+))(2)-4(NO(+))(5) is reversible, and addition of [18]crown-6 quickly recovers starting tubes 1-4. The FTIR and titration data revealed enhanced binding of NO(+) in longer tubes, which may be due to cooperativity. The described nanotubes may serve as materials for storing and converting NO(x) and also offer a promise to further develop supramolecular chemistry of molecular containers. These findings also open wider perspectives towards applications of synthetic nanotubes as alternatives to carbon nanotubes.

  20. Topotactic intercalation of a bulky organic anion (thiacalix[4]arene) into LDH through an osmotic swelling/restoration reaction in formamide. (United States)

    Huang, Gailing; Ma, Shulan; Zhao, Xinhua; Yang, Xiaojing; Ooi, Kenta


    Utilizing the osmotic swelling of LDH in formamide, for the first time, the bulky thiacalix[4]arene anion is introduced, leading to the recovery of LDH layers, and the hexagonal prism morphology of the precursor is well retained.

  1. Removal of lindane from an aqueous solution by using aminopropyl silica gel-immobilized calix[6]arene. (United States)

    Tor, Ali; Aydin, Mehmet Emin; Aydin, Senar; Tabakci, Mustafa; Beduk, Fatma


    An aminopropyl silica gel-immobilized calix[6]arene (C[6]APS) has been used for the removal of lindane from an aqueous solution in batch sorption technique. The C[6]APS was synthesized with p-tert-butylcalix[6]arene hexacarboxylate derivative and aminopropyl silica gel in the presence of N,N'-diisopropyl carbodiimide coupling reagent. The sorption study was carried out as functions of solution pH, contact time, initial lindane concentration, C[6]APS dosage and ionic strength of solution. The matrix effect of natural water samples on the sorption efficiency of C[6]APS was also investigated. Maximum lindane removal was obtained at a wide pH range of 2-8 and sorption equilibrium was achieved in 2h. The isotherm analysis indicated that the sorption data can be represented by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Increasing ionic strength of the solutions increased the sorption efficiency and matrix of natural water samples had no effect on the sorption of lindane. By using multilinear regression model, regression equation was also developed to explain the effects of the experimental variables. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Why Aren't We There Yet? Taking Personal Responsibility for Creating an Inclusive Campus. An ACPA Publication (United States)

    Arminio, Jan, Ed.; Torres, Vasti, Ed.; Pope, Raechele L., Ed.


    Despite seeming endless debate and public attention given to the issue for several decades, those committed to creating welcoming and engaging campus environments for all students recognize that there is considerably more work to be done, and ask "Why aren't we there yet, and when will we be done?" While our campuses have evolved from being…

  3. Variabilidad del índice de conicidad en la adolescencia: Análisis comparativos de poblaciones de Argentina, Venezuela y España

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pacheco, José L.


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo –que se enmarca en un proyecto común denominado “Condición nutricional y biodiversidad en las poblaciones humanas”- es determinar el modelo de distribución de grasa corporal existente durante las edades de la adolescencia, y si existen diferencias entre poblaciones española e iberoamericanas. La muestra está formada por 1452 jóvenes entre 12 y 17 años, argentinos (Catamarca y Jujuy, españoles (Comunidad de Madrid, y venezolanos (Caracas y Mérida. Se analizó la distribución de grasa corporal haciendo especial énfasis en el Índice de Conicidad (IC. Al analizar este índice respecto a edad se observa que cambia en mayor grado que otros indicadores de adiposidad. Cada serie presenta, además, su propio patrón de variación. Los resultados obtenidos se interpretan en función de parámetros geográficos y socioeconómicos en los que se desenvuelven las poblaciones analizadas.

  4. Impact of the uranium (VI) speciation in mineralised urines on its extraction by calix[6]arene bearing hydroxamic groups used in chromatography columns. (United States)

    Baghdadi, S; Bouvier-Capely, C; Ritt, A; Peroux, A; Fevrier, L; Rebiere, F; Agarande, M; Cote, G


    Actinides determination in urine samples is part of the analyses performed to monitor internal contamination in case of an accident or a terrorist attack involving nuclear matter. Mineralisation is the first step of any of these analyses. It aims at reducing the sample volume and at destroying all organic compounds present. The mineralisation protocol is usually based on a wet ashing step, followed by actinides co-precipitation and a furnace ashing step, before redissolution and the quantification of the actinides by the appropriate techniques. Amongst the existing methods to perform the actinides co-precipitation, alkali-earth (typically calcium) precipitation is widely used. In the present work, the extraction of uranium(VI), plutonium(IV) and americium(III) from the redissolution solutions (called "mineralised urines") on calix[6]arene columns bearing hydroxamic groups was investigated as such an extraction is a necessary step before their determination by ICP-MS or alpha spectrometry. Difficulties were encountered in the transfer of uranium(VI) from raw to mineralised urines, with yield of transfer ranging between 0% and 85%, compared to about 90% for Pu and Am, depending on the starting raw urines. To understand the origin of such a difficulty, the speciation of uranium (VI) in mineralised urines was investigated by computer simulation using the MEDUSA software and the associated HYDRA database, compiled with recently published data. These calculations showed that the presence of phosphates in the "mineralised urines" leads to the formation of strong uranyl-phosphate complexes (such as UO2HPO4) which compete with the uranium (VI) extraction by the calix[6]arene bearing hydroxamic groups. The extraction constant of uranium (VI) by calix[6]arene bearing hydroxamic groups was determined in a 0.04 mol L(-1) sodium nitrate solution (logK=4.86±0.03) and implemented in an extraction model taking into account the speciation in the aqueous phase. This model allowed to

  5. Decompression Induced Crystallization of Basaltic Andesite Magma: Constraints on the Eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica. (United States)

    Szramek, L. A.; Gardner, J. E.; Larsen, J. F.


    Arenal Volcano is a small stratovolcano located 90 km NW of San Jose, Costa Rica. In 1968 current activity began with a Plinian phase, and has continued to erupt lava flows and pyroclastic flows intermittently since. Samples from the Plinian, pyroclastic flow, strombolian, and effusive phases have been studied texturally. Little variation in crystallinity occurs amongst the different phases. Number density of crystals, both 2D and 3D are 50-70 mm-2 and 30,000-50,000 mm-3 in the Plinian sample, compared to the lesser values in other eruptive types. Characteristic crystal size also increases as explosivity decreases. Two samples, both lava flows collected while warm, overlap with the Plinian sample. This suggests that the variations seen may be a result of cooling history. Plagioclase differs between the Plinian sample, in which they are only tabular in shape, and the other eruptive types, which contain both tabular and equant crystals. To link decompression paths of the Arenal magma to possible pre-eruptive conditions, we have carried out hydrothermal experiments. The experiments were preformed in TZM pressure vessels buffered at a fugacity of Ni-NiO and water saturation. Phase equilibria results in conjunction with mineral compositions and temperature estimates by previous workers from active lava flows and two-pyroxene geothermometry, constrain the likely pre-eruptive conditions for the Arenal magma to 950-1040° C with a water pressure of 50-80 MPa. Samples that started from conditions that bracket our estimated pre-eruptive conditions were decompressed in steps of 5-30 MPa and held for various times at each step until 20 MPa was reached, approximating average decompression rates of 0.25, 0.025, 0.0013 MPa/s. Comparison of textures found in the natural samples to the experimentally produced textures suggest that the Plinian eruption likely was fed by magma ascending at 0.05-1 m/s, whereas the less explosive phases were fed by magma ascending at 0.05 m/s or less.

  6. Facial One-Pot Synthesis of D 3h Symmetric Bicyclocalix[2]arene[2]triazines and Their Layered Comb Self-Assembly

    KAUST Repository

    Chen, Yin; Jiahui, Wang; Xu, Hai; Qianqian, Li; Jing, Jiang


    A number of D3h symmetric bicyclocalix[2]arene[2]triazine core compounds were synthesized via a general and good-yielding (43-48% yield) facile protocol starting from cyanuric halides, phloroglucinol and K2CO3 under very mild reaction conditions

  7. Direct Synthesis of 5-Aryl Barbituric Acids by Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed Reactions of Arenes with Diazo Compounds** (United States)

    Best, Daniel; Burns, David J; Lam, Hon Wai


    A commercially available rhodium(II) complex catalyzes the direct arylation of 5-diazobarbituric acids with arenes, allowing straightforward access to 5-aryl barbituric acids. Free N—H groups are tolerated on the barbituric acid, with no complications arising from N—H insertion processes. This method was applied to the concise synthesis of a potent matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor. PMID:25959544

  8. Arenal-type pyroclastic flows: A probabilistic event tree risk analysis (United States)

    Meloy, Anthony F.


    A quantitative hazard-specific scenario-modelling risk analysis is performed at Arenal volcano, Costa Rica for the newly recognised Arenal-type pyroclastic flow (ATPF) phenomenon using an event tree framework. These flows are generated by the sudden depressurisation and fragmentation of an active basaltic andesite lava pool as a result of a partial collapse of the crater wall. The deposits of this type of flow include angular blocks and juvenile clasts, which are rarely found in other types of pyroclastic flow. An event tree analysis (ETA) is a useful tool and framework in which to analyse and graphically present the probabilities of the occurrence of many possible events in a complex system. Four event trees are created in the analysis, three of which are extended to investigate the varying individual risk faced by three generic representatives of the surrounding community: a resident, a worker, and a tourist. The raw numerical risk estimates determined by the ETA are converted into a set of linguistic expressions (i.e. VERY HIGH, HIGH, MODERATE etc.) using an established risk classification scale. Three individually tailored semi-quantitative risk maps are then created from a set of risk conversion tables to show how the risk varies for each individual in different areas around the volcano. In some cases, by relocating from the north to the south, the level of risk can be reduced by up to three classes. While the individual risk maps may be broadly applicable, and therefore of interest to the general community, the risk maps and associated probability values generated in the ETA are intended to be used by trained professionals and government agencies to evaluate the risk and effectively manage the long-term development of infrastructure and habitation. With the addition of fresh monitoring data, the combination of both long- and short-term event trees would provide a comprehensive and consistent method of risk analysis (both during and pre-crisis), and as such

  9. Novel dansyl-appended calix[4]arene frameworks: fluorescence properties and mercury sensing. (United States)

    Pandey, Shubha; Azam, Amir; Pandey, Siddharth; Chawla, H M


    Covalently-attached fluorophores may impart enhanced chemosensing capabilities to calixarene frameworks. Synthesis and characterization of six novel dansyl-appended calix[4]arenes, namely, H/Dan4, NO2/Dan4, H/(OH)2Dan2, H/(Ester)2(Dan)2, t-Bu/(OH)2Dan2, and t-Bu/(Ester)2Dan2, containing two or four dansyl moieties are reported. Among these, fluorescence intensity of NO2/Dan4 is observed to decrease significantly in the presence Hg2+ in the solution. Based on the decrease in fluorescence, a limit of detection for Hg2+ of 20 ppb is obtained. NO2/Dan4 as a chemosensing agent for Hg2+ shows excellent selectivity and adequate reversibility. Complexation of NO2/Dan4 with Hg2+ is investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and is observed to be 2:1. The formation constant of (NO2/Dan4)2Hg2+ is estimated to be 5.2(+/- 0.8) x 10(10) M(-2) at ambient conditions. These observations are traced to the fact that while all other dansyl-appended calix[4]arenes show cone conformation in the solution, NO2/Dan4 is in the 1,3-alternate conformation. Stokes shift versus solvent orientational polarizability for NO2/Dan4 also indicates the difference in the ground- to excited-state dipole moment of this compound to be the maximum among all six, rendering it most sensitive to its environment. Fluorescence emission of NO2/Dan4 in nonpolar chloroform, polar-aprotic acetonitrile, and polar-protic ethanol is observed to be different than that of the rest of the dansyl-appended compounds as well.

  10. A simple and rapid creatinine sensing via DLS selectivity, using calix[4]arene thiol functionalized gold nanoparticles. (United States)

    Sutariya, Pinkesh G; Pandya, Alok; Lodha, Anand; Menon, Shobhana K


    A new, simple, ultra-sensitive and selective approach has been reported for the "on spot" colorimetric detection of creatinine based on calix[4]arene functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with excellent discrimination in the presence of other biomolecules. The lower detection limit of the method is 2.16nM. The gold nanoparticles and p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene were synthesized by microwave assisted method. Specifically, in our study, we used dynamic light scattering (DLS) which is a powerful method for the determination of small changes in particle size, improved selectivity and sensitivity of the creatinine detection system over colorimetric method. The nanoassembly is characterized by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), DLS, UV-vis and ESI-MS spectroscopy, which demonstrates the binding affinity due its ability of hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interaction between -NH group of creatinine and pSDSC4. It exhibits fast response time (creatinine and has long shelf-life (>5 weeks). The developed pSDSC4-AuNPs based creatinine biosensor will be established as simple, reliable and accurate tool for the determination of creatinine in human urine samples. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Ratna Ningsih S


    Full Text Available One kind of calixarenes, i.e. 4,10,16,22-tetramethoxycalix[4]arene (4, has been synthesized from anethole (1, which was isolated from anise oil. The synthesis of 4 was carried out via acid-catalyzed procedure. The reaction route consists of three stages, i.e. (i oxidation of 1 with KMnO4 at 40oC for 15 minutes, (ii reduction p-anisaldehyde (2 with NaBH4 at 76oC for 3 hours, and  (iii cyclotetramerization of p-anisilalcohol (3 with AlCl3 at 20oC for 2 hours. Oxidation of 1 produced 2 in 77%, whereas reduction of 2 gave 3 in 55 %. The cyclotetramerization of 3 yielded 4 in 95 %.  Key Words: 4,10,16,22-tetramethoxycalix[4]arene, Anise Oil, Anethole

  12. Rhodium-catalyzed annulation of arenes with alkynes through weak chelation-assisted C-H activation. (United States)

    Yang, Yudong; Li, Kaizhi; Cheng, Yangyang; Wan, Danyang; Li, Mingliang; You, Jingsong


    The purpose of this article is to give a brief review of weak chelation-assistance as a powerful means for the rhodium-catalyzed annulation of arenes with alkynes. The use of commonly occurring functional groups (e.g., ketones, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and alcohols) as the directing groups enriches the versatility of auxiliary ligands and extends the scope of products. This short article offers an overview on emerging procedures, highlights their advantages and limitations, and covers the latest progress in the rapid synthesis of organic functional materials and natural products.

  13. Complexation of the cesium cation with 1,3-alternate-25,27-bis(1-octyloxy)calix[4]arene-crown-6

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Makrlík, E.; Dybal, Jiří; Vaňura, P.


    Roč. 295, č. 2 (2013), s. 1299-1303 ISSN 0236-5731 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/09/1478 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505 Institutional support: RVO:61389013 Keywords : cesium cation * substituted calix[4]arene-crown-6 * complexation Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry Impact factor: 1.415, year: 2013

  14. Chlorodifluoromethane-triggered formation of difluoromethylated arenes catalysed by palladium (United States)

    Feng, Zhang; Min, Qiao-Qiao; Fu, Xia-Ping; An, Lun; Zhang, Xingang


    Difluoromethylated aromatic compounds are of increasing importance in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and materials. Chlorodifluoromethane (ClCF2H), an inexpensive, abundant and widely used industrial raw material, represents the ideal and most straightforward difluoromethylating reagent, but introduction of the difluoromethyl group (CF2H) from ClCF2H into aromatics has not been reported. Here, we describe a direct palladium-catalysed difluoromethylation method for coupling ClCF2H with arylboronic acids and esters to generate difluoromethylated arenes with high efficiency. The reaction exhibits a remarkably broad substrate scope, including heteroarylboronic acids, and was used for difluoromethylation of a range of pharmaceuticals and biologically active compounds. Preliminary mechanistic studies revealed that a palladium difluorocarbene intermediate is involved in the reaction. Although numerous metal-difluorocarbene complexes have been prepared, the catalytic synthesis of difluoromethylated or difluoromethylenated compounds involving metal-difluorocarbene complexes has not received much attention. This new reaction therefore also opens the door to understand metal-difluorocarbene complex catalysed reactions.

  15. A non-symmetric pillar[5]arene based on triazole-linked 8-oxyquinolines as a sequential sensor for thorium(IV) followed by fluoride ions. (United States)

    Fang, Yuyu; Li, Caixia; Wu, Lei; Bai, Bing; Li, Xing; Jia, Yiming; Feng, Wen; Yuan, Lihua


    A novel non-symmetric pillar[5]arene bearing triazole-linked 8-oxyquinolines at one rim was synthesized and demonstrated as a sequential fluorescence sensor for thorium(iv) followed by fluoride ions with high sensitivity and selectivity.

  16. Interaction of the cesium cation with calix[4]arene-bis(t-octylbenzo-18-crown-6): extraction and DFT study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Makrlík, E.; Toman, Petr; Vaňura, P.; Moyer, B. A.


    Roč. 1033, 6 February (2013), s. 14-18 ISSN 0022-2860 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP205/10/2280 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505 Institutional support: RVO:61389013 Keywords : cesium cation * calix[4]arene-bis(t-octylbenzo-18-crown-6) * complexation Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 1.599, year: 2013

  17. Iniciativas del Acceso Abierto a la información científica y académica en el campo Ingeniería

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Doria, María Vanesa


    Full Text Available Las iniciativas que propone el Acceso Abierto (AA propician el acceso a la información científico-técnica que se produce en todo el mundo y una mayor visibilidad de la producción científica de instituciones, países y regiones subdesarrolladas. La estrategia para llevar a la práctica dichas iniciativas se sustancian en la creación y mantenimiento de repositorios institucionales y/o temáticos. En nuestros días la clave es el acceso a información libre y gratuita, partiendo además del principio de compartir conocimientos como el principal recurso de cualquier organización. El presente trabajo recoge la importancia de la iniciativa para el AA a la información científica y académica. Se analizan la estructura y funcionamiento de los repositorios temáticos y se presenta una propuesta de repositorio en Ingeniería de Software para el Dpto de Sistemas de la Facultad de Tecnología y Ciencias Aplicadas de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca.

  18. Estudio taxonómico del genero Byttneria Loefling (Sterculiaceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Lelia Cristóbal


    Full Text Available Byttneria es el único género de la tríbu Byttnerieae representado en América' cuyo estudio taxonómico no había sido encarado en su totalidad. Las contribuciones más importantes son las que' se hicieron en floras, como la de K. Schumann (1886, para Brasil b la de Arenes (1959, para Madagascar. Aunque se trata de importantes trabajos, la limitación de los mismos, impidió valorizar en su medida los cáracteres morfológicos que definen las secciones de este género. Es así COmo ahora'al comparar morfólógicamente las 131 especies que lo componen, se propone la división del género en 6 secciones, de las cuales 4 s?n descriptas por pnmera vez.En este trabajo el tratamiento a nivel de especie no es uniforme. He revisado críticamente, en primer término, las 79 especies americanas, de las cuales 27 resultaron nuevas para la ciencia. Con respecto a las 52 restantes que son extraamericanas estudié la mayor parte de los tipos y procedí de la siguiente manera. Acepto las 27 especies delimitadas por Arenes endémicas de Mada:gascar, e incluyo una lista de las mismas. Enumero las 6 especies de Africa continental, de las cuales una vive también en América. Analizo y redescribó B. herbacea, endemismo de la India, que constituye por sí sola la sección Gerontogaea. Finalmente, enumero bajo la sección Vahihara las 19 especies asiáticas restantes, propias de Indochina e Indonesia, con algunas notas críticas.

  19. Pengaruh Asam Kuat, Pengamplasan, Dan Lama Perendaman Terhadap Laju Imbibisi Dan Perkecambahan Biji Aren (Arenga pinnata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Silalahi


    Full Text Available Abstrak Biji Arenga pinnata memiliki kulit biji  keras dan berlignin sehingga menghambat masuknya air ke dalam biji. Lapisan lignin pada kulit biji dapat didegradasi melalui reaksi kimia maupun perlakuan fisik. Perendaman biji aren dengan asam kuat (HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl dan pengamplasan akan mempengaruhi laju imbibisi air melewati kulit biji. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi asam kuat (HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl, luas pengamplasan, air panas, lama perendaman, sedangkan variabel terikat laju imbibisi pada biji aren. Konsentrasi asam kuat yang digunakan adalah 1M dan 0,5M untuk masing-masing HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl. Pengamplasan dilakukan di bagian pangkal biji, dan luas pengamplasan bervariasi (tanpa amplas, amplas ½ bagian, dan amplas keseluruhan. Setiap perlakuan direndam selama 18, 24 dan 36 jam. Biji aren yang diberi perlakuan fisik maupun kimia mengalami pengelupasan kulit biji. Laju imbibisi biji pada perendaman 24 jam lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lama perendaman 18 maupun 36 jam. Laju imbibisi tertinggi terjadi pada waktu perendaman 1M HCl dan amplas penuh dengan lama perendaman 24 jam sebesar 0,038 ± 0,002 mL/jam dan 0,038 ± 0,007 mL/jam . Biji aren yang diberi perlakuan fisik dan kimia mulai berkecambah 7 minggu setelah tanam dengan daya kecambah tertinggi pada pemberian HNO3 dan lama perendaman 18 jam.Abstract Arenga pinnata seed has a hard seed coat and lignin that inhibit the absorption of water into the seed. The lignin in the seed coat can be degraded by chemical or physical treatments. Soaking of the palm seeds into strong acids (HNO3, H2SO4, or HCl and sanding may affect the imbibition rate. The research was conducted to investigate the effect of a strong acid, sanding, and soaking time to the imbibition rate of A. pinnata seed. The independent variables in this research are concentration of the strong acids HNO3, H2SO4, and HCl; sanding, and soaking time, while the dependent variable is the rate of imbibition

  20. Methodology for estimating aquifer recharge direct mfisurado system by the method of ripple of free (WTF) surface Mina Arenal departamento de Rivera

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iardino, G.; González, G.; Montaño, J.


    The study area is framed in the so-called Crystal Island Rivera region of economic importance to Uruguay considering the gold occurrences . The company Uruguay Mineral Exploration Inc. (UME ) develops prospective exploration projects in the region since 1997 The discovery of a deposit of gold ore results in the opening of the Arenal mine near the town of Minas de Corrales, Department Rivera .Income groundwater to the quarry would affect the progress of the mineral extractive work to control this situation and monitors the evolution of a monitoring program is established with the potentiometric measurement levels and hydrological variables meteorelógicas.The data obtained allowed to estimate the direct recharge of the aquifer system in the area comprising the operational work of the Arenal mine, by applying the method of free surface fluctuation (WTF ) .The WTF method provides an estimate of groundwater recharge by analyzing water level fluctuations in observation wells

  1. Recursos vegetales: uso, consumo y producción en la Puna meridional argentina (5000-1500 AP)


    Aguirre, María Gabriela


    Esta investigación es una contribución al conocimiento sobre los recursos vegetales empleados en el pasado en la microrregión de Antofagasta de la Sierra (Catamarca, Argentina). Se aborda la gestión de los recursos vegetales en un lapso que se extiende entre aproximadamente los 5.000 a 1.500 años antes del presente. Se optó por un enfoque que permitiera contemplar las diferentes formas de relación entre los grupos humanos y las plantas y además que proporcionara una representación d...

  2. Characterisation of the ester-substituted products of the reaction of p-t-butyl calix[4]arene and ethyl bromoacetate using LC-UV-MS and LC-DAD. (United States)

    McMahon, Gillian; Wall, Rachel; Nolan, Kieran; Diamond, Dermot


    A series of derivatisation reactions between p-t-butyl calix[4]arene and ethyl bromoacetate were carried out in order to prepare 1,3 diester substituted calix[4]arene. Mass spectral data, obtained from direct injection of samples, indicated that the reactions were rich in the desired product. Since the ultra violet (UV) spectra of the desired product and possible impurities are very similar, liquid chromatography (LC) chromatographic data seemed to corroborate these results. However, when on-line LC-UV-MS was carried out and each LC peak subjected to MS analysis as it eluted, a very different picture emerged. It was found that many of these reactions actually contained high levels of the monoester product which, having less affinity for sodium in the MS, is therefore seriously underestimated in any direct injection assay. LC-diode array detection (DAD) methods were also used to help successfully identify and characterise the compounds being formed in these complex reactions. The overall results obtained in this paper allowed the optimal reaction conditions to be determined for this reaction. LC-MS analysis of the chromatographic peaks also identified the presence of two isomers of the diester substituted calix[4]arene (1,3 and 1,2 diesters). The combination of LC and UV/MS detection is required for accurate analysis of the products of such reactions.

  3. Pengembangan dan Implementasi Aplikasi Pengawasan Ternak Berbasis Android di Peternakan Bukit Aren Farm Majalengka

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Faraj Faraj


    Full Text Available Bukit Aren Farm located in Majalengka, West Java is a company specialized in the broiler of the agriculture industry, farming broiler performed in different places and every breeding cattle carried monitored by the supervisory staff. Every day, staf record information manually about the animal in the cage that data will be used as a performance evaluation of animal production. The livestock management personnel encountered problems when running calculations of the evaluation product and efficiency livestock because the calculation process can be done if the existing data stored carefully and systematically, in particular the data recorded cattle in significant quantities, it would require much time for staff supervision to determine the level of production performance. Application developed using waterfall method. The waterfall model is composed of: requirements, design, implementation, verification, maintenance. To begin the design steps required observations or interviews to determine the needs of the system under design. Applications developed using CodeIgniter framework, angularjs and ionic based architecture. Results of the project is the application mobile livestock monitoring data storage that can serve the number of deaths, data on the number quarantine of chicken, and the amount of data that then feed use these data will generate a data value prices and feed consumption levels of livestock mortality information for the evaluation process in the livestock in line with the business processes of Bukit Aren Farm. The application has been tested by using black box method and the results of these tests indicate that all functions in the system has been well running on the Android operating system from version 4.1.

  4. Multivalent calix[4]arene-based fluorescent sensor for detecting silver ions in aqueous media and physiological environment. (United States)

    Lotfi, Behzad; Tarlani, Aliakbar; Akbari-Moghaddam, Peyman; Mirza-Aghayan, Maryam; Peyghan, Ali Ahmadi; Muzart, Jacques; Zadmard, Reza


    A new derivative of dipodal 1,3-calix[4]arene-based chemosensor (R), which was containing several binding sites have been synthesized and characterized by NMR, IR and LC-MS spectroscopic methods. The selectivity of Rhas been investigated in aqueous methanol, resulting in fluorescence shift and selective recognition of Ag + among 20 various alkali, alkaline earth and transition metal ions. Microstructural features of R and its complex with Ag + have been investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). AFM images can clearly differentiate R from its complex of Ag + . Moreover; the complicated binding mode of metal-ligand complex has been explored by UV-Vis, LC-MS, FIR, Fluorescence titration, Job's plot method and theoretical approaches. Density functional theory (DFT) method at B3LYP/LANL2DZ level of theory was employed for computational studies. Theoretical calculations revealed that selectivity and specificity of R toward Ag + could be attributed to structural conformation of 1,3-alternate-calix[4]arene scaffold and molecular electrostatic potential of its surface. Furthermore; the competitive experiments were carried out to test sensor's ability for practical uses. Finally, the efficiency of R in matrix of physiological cations was examined and showed gradual emission enhancement which makes R an ideal candidate for monitoring of Ag + in physiological environment. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Electron transport properties of some new 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene derivatives in thin films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leontie, Liviu, E-mail: [Faculty of Physics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, B-dul Carol I, Nr. 11, 700506 Iasi (Romania); Danac, Ramona [Faculty of Chemistry, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, B-dul Carol I, Nr. 11, 700506 Iasi (Romania); Girtan, Mihaela [Laboratoire LPhiA, Angers University, 2, Bd. Lavoisier, 49045, Angers (France); Carlescu, Aurelian; Rambu, Alicia Petronela; Rusu, Gheorghe I. [Faculty of Physics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, B-dul Carol I, Nr. 11, 700506 Iasi (Romania)


    Temperature dependences of electric conductivity and thermoelectric power of some recently synthesized organic compounds, 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene derivatives, are studied. Thin-film samples (d = 0.10-0.40 {mu}m) spin-coated from chloroform solutions onto glass substrates were used. Organic films with reproducible electron transport properties can be obtained if, after deposition, they are submitted to a heat treatment within temperature range of 295-575 K. The studied polycrystalline compounds show typical p-type semiconductor behavior. The activation energy of the electric conduction ranges between 0.82 and 1.12 eV, while the ratio of charge carrier mobilities was found in the range of 0.83-0.94. Some correlations between semiconducting parameters and molecular structure of the organic compounds have been discussed. In the higher temperature ranges (T > 420 K), the electron transport in examined compounds can be interpreted in terms of the band gap representation model, while in the lower temperature range, the Mott's variable-range hopping conduction model was found to be appropriate. The investigated compounds hold promise for thermistor applications. - Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer 4-tert-butylcalix(4)arene derivatives in thin films are p-type semiconductors. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The electron transfer is favored by their extended conjugation and packing capacity. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The band gap representation is suitable in the higher temperature range. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The Mott's VRH conduction model may be applied in the lower temperature range. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer As-prepared organic compounds are promising for thermistor applications.

  6. Electron transport properties of some new 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene derivatives in thin films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leontie, Liviu; Danac, Ramona; Girtan, Mihaela; Carlescu, Aurelian; Rambu, Alicia Petronela; Rusu, Gheorghe I.


    Temperature dependences of electric conductivity and thermoelectric power of some recently synthesized organic compounds, 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene derivatives, are studied. Thin-film samples (d = 0.10–0.40 μm) spin-coated from chloroform solutions onto glass substrates were used. Organic films with reproducible electron transport properties can be obtained if, after deposition, they are submitted to a heat treatment within temperature range of 295–575 K. The studied polycrystalline compounds show typical p-type semiconductor behavior. The activation energy of the electric conduction ranges between 0.82 and 1.12 eV, while the ratio of charge carrier mobilities was found in the range of 0.83–0.94. Some correlations between semiconducting parameters and molecular structure of the organic compounds have been discussed. In the higher temperature ranges (T > 420 K), the electron transport in examined compounds can be interpreted in terms of the band gap representation model, while in the lower temperature range, the Mott's variable-range hopping conduction model was found to be appropriate. The investigated compounds hold promise for thermistor applications. - Highlights: ► 4-tert-butylcalix(4)arene derivatives in thin films are p-type semiconductors. ► The electron transfer is favored by their extended conjugation and packing capacity. ► The band gap representation is suitable in the higher temperature range. ► The Mott's VRH conduction model may be applied in the lower temperature range. ► As-prepared organic compounds are promising for thermistor applications.

  7. Self-Assembly of Calix[4]arene-Based Amphiphiles Bearing Polyethylene Glycols: Another Example of "Platonic Micelles". (United States)

    Yoshida, Kenta; Fujii, Shota; Takahashi, Rintaro; Matsumoto, Sakiko; Sakurai, Kazuo


    The aggregation number of classical micelles exhibits a certain distribution, which is a recognizable feature of conventional micelles. However, we recently identified perfectly monodisperse calix[4]arene-based micelles whose aggregation numbers agree with the vertex numbers of regular polyhedra, that is, Platonic solids, and thus they are named "Platonic micelles". Regarding our hypothesis of the formation mechanism of Platonic micelles, both repulsive interactions including steric hindrance and electrostatic repulsions among the headgroups are important for determining their aggregation number; however, neither of these is necessarily needed to consider. In this study, we employed polyethylene glycols (PEGs) as the nonionic headgroup of calix[4]arene-based amphiphiles to study the effects of only repulsive interactions caused by steric hindrance on the formation of Platonic micelles. The amphiphiles containing relatively low-molecular-weight PEGs (550 or 1000 g mol -1 ) form dodecamer or octamer micelles, respectively, with no variation in the aggregation number. However, relatively high-molecular-weight PEGs (2000 g mol -1 ) produce polydispersed micelles with a range of aggregation number. PEG 2000 exhibits a greater affinity for water than PEG 550 and 1000, resulting in fewer hydrophobic interactions in micelle formation, as indicated by the drastic increase of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) value in the PEG 2000 system. The instability of the structure of PEG 2k CaL5 micelles might contribute to the higher mobility of PEG in the micellar shell, resulting in a non-Platonic aggregation number with polydispersity.

  8. Noncovalent Complexation of Monoamine Neurotransmitters and Related Ammonium Ions by Tetramethoxy Tetraglucosylcalix[4]arene (United States)

    Torvinen, Mika; Kalenius, Elina; Sansone, Francesco; Casnati, Alessandro; Jänis, Janne


    The noncovalent complexation of monoamine neurotransmitters and related ammonium and quaternary ammonium ions by a conformationally flexible tetramethoxy glucosylcalix[4]arene was studied by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI-FTICR) mass spectrometry. The glucosylcalixarene exhibited highest binding affinity towards serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine. Structural properties of the guests, such as the number, location, and type of hydrogen bonding groups, length of the alkyl spacer between the ammonium head-group and the aromatic ring structure, and the degree of nitrogen substitution affected the complexation. Competition experiments and guest-exchange reactions indicated that the hydroxyl groups of guests participate in intermolecular hydrogen bonding with the glucocalixarene.

  9. Interaction of the thallium cation with 1,3-alternate-25,27-bis(1-octyloxy)calix[4]arene-crown-6: experimental and theoretical study

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Makrlík, E.; Dybal, Jiří; Vaňura, P.


    Roč. 1042, 24 June (2013), s. 73-77 ISSN 0022-2860 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/09/1478 Institutional support: RVO:61389013 Keywords : thallium cation * substituted calix[4]arene-crown-6 * compound Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry Impact factor: 1.599, year: 2013

  10. Hydroxyquinoline-calix[4]arene-conjugates as ligands for lanthanide complexes. Preparation, characterization, and extraction properties

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mansel, Alexander [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany). Reactive Transport; Jaeschke, A.; Kischel, M.; Kersting, B. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische Chemie


    The synthesis of a calixarene-based N{sub 4}O{sub 4} donor ligand H{sub 6}L, in which two 8-hydroxyquinoline-2-carbaldehyde units are appended via hydrazone-carbonylmethoxy linkages in a 1,3-arrangement to the lower rim of tert-butyl-calix[4]arene and its coordination properties towards Eu{sup 3+} are described. Moreover, the ligand H{sub 6}L was found to extract Eu{sup 3+} and Tb{sup 3+} at pH 7-8 from aqueous solution, as established by radiotracing using the radionuclides {sup 160}Tb and {sup 152} Eu.

  11. Modulation of ICT probability in bi(polyarene)-based O-BODIPYs: towards the development of low-cost bright arene-BODIPY dyads. (United States)

    Gartzia-Rivero, Leire; Sánchez-Carnerero, Esther M; Jiménez, Josue; Bañuelos, Jorge; Moreno, Florencio; Maroto, Beatriz L; López-Arbeloa, Iñigo; de la Moya, Santiago


    We report the synthesis, and spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of a selected library of novel spiranic O-BODIPYs bearing a phenol-based bi(polyarene) unit tethered to the boron center through oxygen atoms. These dyes constitute an interesting family of arene-BODIPY dyads useful for the development of photonic applications due to their synthetic accessibility and tunable photonic properties. It is demonstrated that the electron-donor capability of the involved arene moiety switches on a non-emissive intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) state, which restricts the fluorescence efficiency of the dyad. Interestingly, the influence of this non-radiative deactivation channel can be efficiently modulated by the substitution pattern, either at the dipyrrin ligand or at the polyarene moiety. Thus, dyads featuring electron-rich dipyrrin and electron-poor polyarene show lower or almost negligible ICT probability, and hence display bright fluorescence upon dual excitation at far-away spectral regions. This synthetic approach has allowed the easy development of low-cost efficient ultraviolet-absorbing visible-emitting cassettes by selecting properly the substitution pattern of the involved key units, dipyrrin and bi(polyarene), to modulate not only absorption and emission wavelengths, but also fluorescence efficiencies.

  12. Supramolecular Drug Delivery Systems Based on Water-Soluble Pillar[n]arenes. (United States)

    Wu, Xuan; Gao, Lei; Hu, Xiao-Yu; Wang, Leyong


    Supramolecular drug delivery systems (SDDSs), including various kinds of nanostructures that are assembled by reversible noncovalent interactions, have attracted considerable attention as ideal drug carriers owing to their fascinating ability to undergo dynamic switching of structure, morphology, and function in response to various external stimuli, which provides a flexible and robust platform for designing and developing functional and smart supramolecular nano-drug carriers. Pillar[n]arenes represent a new generation of macrocyclic hosts, which have unique structures and excellent properties in host-guest chemistry. This account describes recent progress in our group to develop pillararene-based stimuli-responsive supramolecular nanostructures constructed by reversible host-guest interactions for controllable anticancer drug delivery. The potential applications of these supramolecular drug carriers in cancer treatment and the fundamental questions facing SDDSs are also discussed. © 2016 The Chemical Society of Japan & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. Pharmacophore Modelling and 4D-QSAR Study of Ruthenium(II) Arene Complexes as Anticancer Agents (Inhibitors) by Electron Conformational- Genetic Algorithm Method. (United States)

    Yavuz, Sevtap Caglar; Sabanci, Nazmiye; Saripinar, Emin


    The EC-GA method was employed in this study as a 4D-QSAR method, for the identification of the pharmacophore (Pha) of ruthenium(II) arene complex derivatives and quantitative prediction of activity. The arrangement of the computed geometric and electronic parameters for atoms and bonds of each compound occurring in a matrix is known as the electron-conformational matrix of congruity (ECMC). It contains the data from HF/3-21G level calculations. Compounds were represented by a group of conformers for each compound rather than a single conformation, known as fourth dimension to generate the model. ECMCs were compared within a certain range of tolerance values by using the EMRE program and the responsible pharmacophore group for ruthenium(II) arene complex derivatives was found. For selecting the sub-parameter which had the most effect on activity in the series and the calculation of theoretical activity values, the non-linear least square method and genetic algorithm which are included in the EMRE program were used. In addition, compounds were classified as the training and test set and the accuracy of the models was tested by cross-validation statistically. The model for training and test sets attained by the optimum 10 parameters gave highly satisfactory results with R2 training= 0.817, q 2=0.718 and SEtraining=0.066, q2 ext1 = 0.867, q2 ext2 = 0.849, q2 ext3 =0.895, ccctr = 0.895, ccctest = 0.930 and cccall = 0.905. Since there is no 4D-QSAR research on metal based organic complexes in the literature, this study is original and gives a powerful tool to the design of novel and selective ruthenium(II) arene complexes. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  14. Deuterium isotope effects during formation of phenols by hepatic monoxygenases. Evidence for an alternative to the arene oxide pathway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomaszewski, J.E.; Jerina, D.M.; Daly, J.W.


    The in vivo and in vitro metabolisms of normal and deuterated aromatic substrates have been investigated in rats. Significant isotope effects (k/ sub H//k/sub D/ equals 1.3-1.75) were associated with in vivo formation of meta-hydroxylated metabolites from 1:1 mixtures of normal and perdeuterio-(arylring) nitrobenzene, methyl phenyl sulfide, and methyl phenyl sulfone. Since isotope effects of this magnitude are incompatible with arene oxides as intermediates in the formation of phenols, the results provide evidence that multiple pathways are responsible for the formation of phenols in mammals. Significant isotope effects were not associated with the formation of the other phenolic isomers of nitrobenzene, methyl phenyl sulfone, or methyl phenyl sulfide or with the formation of phenolic products from anisole, bromobenzene, chlorobenzene, fluorobenzene, benzonitrile, naphthalene, zoxazolamine, acetanilide, biphenyl, diphenylhydantoin, benzene, o- and p-xylene, toluene, and mesitylene. Significant isotope effects might not be observable with the latter substrates if the kinetic parameters for oxidation of substrate change or if the arene oxide pathway greatly predominates. Furthermore, extensive in vivo metabolism of any substrate would make isotope effects unobservable by the procedure employed, namely the analysis of isotope content in metabolites formed from 1:1 mixtures of normal and deuterated substrates. (U.S.)


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    Aylen Capparelli


    Full Text Available Mediante una aproximación experimental se caracterizan los atributos macromorfológicos cuantitativos de productos intermedios y residuales derivados de Prosopis chilensis y P. flexuosa (Algarrobo blanco y Algarrobo negro respectivamente que potencialmente podrían llegar a formar parte del registro arqueobotánico. Se provee descripción morfoanatómica de la vaina y la semilla de las especies tratadas. Se elaboró harina no refinada y refinada, añapa, aloja y arrope, siguiendo técnicas tradicionalmente utilizadas en el Valle de Hualfín, Catamarca, Argentina, las cuales fueron registradas por la autora en trabajos previos. Se concluye que el análisis cuantitativo de restos macrobotánicos de Prosopis, en conjunto con el cualitativo, permite la identificación de diferentes etapas de procesamiento del Algarrobo. Para ello resulta esencial la distinción entre las dos especies. La proporción de diferentes categorías de semillas y endocarpos es útil para distinguir la harina refinada de la no refinada. Esta última podría indicar la manufactura de patay, ulpo o aloja. Los residuos de la añapa y aloja se caracterizan por presentar semillas con testa plegada, enrollada o levantada, o carecer de ella, y sus cantidades se encuentran disminuidas o aumentadas con respecto a la cantidad inicial de harina utilizada dependiendo de si las semillas que se recuperan son enteras o fragmentadas. Los residuos del arrope se identifican por poseer grandes piezas de epicarpo y porque todos los endocarpos correspondientes a la cantidad de artejos utilizados inicialmente en su preparación se encuentran presentes. Dichos endocarpos se encuentran cerrados, y excepto en el caso de los residuos de arrope, se considera que la mayoría de las asociaciones arqueológicas de restos de Prosopis representa una proporción muy baja del volumen de materia que le dio origen en su contexto dinámico del pasado.


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    Juan Pablo Romano Pastor


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo dar a conocer la situación que la profesión contable argentina en general presenta sobre la ética profesional y los Códigos de Ética, en un marco de creciente integración internacional. Las acciones coordinadas debieran partir del cumplimiento de la “intención” manifestada en el Acta de Catamarca de lograr unificación de normas profesionales en todas las jurisdicciones, cumplida respecto de las normas contables y de auditoría, de las normas éticas, bajo la propuesta de unificación de normativa en un solo cuerpo integrado vigente en todo el país. La posibilidad de adopción del Código de Ética de IFAC nos plantea el interrogante respecto del tipo de normativa que requerimos: ¿basado en reglas o basado en principios?

  17. Experiencias e interpretaciones en performances rituales (Iruya y El Cajón, noroeste argentino

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    Karen Avenburg


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone reflexionar acerca del modo en que dos performances rituales del noroeste argentino recrean en sus puestas en escena diferentes experiencias. Desde un enfoque etnográfico apoyado en los respectivos trabajos de campo de las autoras, se analizan comparativamente la Fiesta Patronal de la Virgen del Rosario de Iruya (Salta y la Semana Santa de El Cajón (Catamarca. En particular, se discuten algunas de las razones por la cuales en un contexto ritual la puesta en escena implica la recreación de su historia sociocultural y política, mientras que en el otro el eje central transcurre reactualizando eventos cosmológicos. El marco teórico utilizado se basa en el concepto de performance y su relación con la experiencia, siguiendo los aportes realizados por Edward Bruner y Victor Turner.

  18. Palladium(II)-Catalyzed meta-C-H Olefination: Constructing Multisubstituted Arenes through Homo-Diolefination and Sequential Hetero-Diolefination. (United States)

    Bera, Milan; Maji, Arun; Sahoo, Santosh K; Maiti, Debabrata


    Divinylbenzene derivatives represent an important class of molecular building blocks in organic chemistry and materials science. Reported herein is the palladium-catalyzed synthesis of divinylbenzenes by meta-C-H olefination of sulfone-based arenes. Successful sequential olefinations in a position-selective manner provided a novel route for the synthesis of hetero-dialkenylated products, which are difficult to access using conventional methods. Additionally, 1,3,5-trialkenylated compounds can be generated upon successful removal of the directing group. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Binding behaviors of p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene with gemini guests. (United States)

    Zhao, Hong-Xia; Guo, Dong-Sheng; Liu, Yu


    A dozen of homoditopic cations, possessing different spacer lengths and rigidities, as well as sizes, shapes, and charges of terminal groups, were synthesized as candidate gemini guests for the complexation of p-sulfonatocalix[4]arenes (SC4A). The 12 gemini guests are divided into five species according to the different terminal groups: imidazolium (G1-G3), pyridinium (G4-G6), quinolinium (G7), viologen (G8-G11), and 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DBO, G12). Their binding structures and stoichiometries with SC4A were examined by NMR spectroscopy, which is helpful to construct diverse highly ordered assemblies. The obtained results show that the length of the linkers, as well as the charge numbers on the end groups have a pronounced effect on the binding stoichiometry, whereas the size and shape of the terminal groups have no significant influence. Furthermore, both the stability constants and thermodynamic parameters of SC4A with the terminal subunits were determined by the isothermal titration calorimetry experiments, which are valuable to understand the binding behavior, giving quantitatively deep insight.

  20. Arene-Inserted Extended Germa[n]pericyclynes: Synthesis, Structure, and Phosphorescence Properties. (United States)

    Tanimoto, Hiroki; Mori, Junta; Ito, Shunichiro; Nishiyama, Yasuhiro; Morimoto, Tsumoru; Tanaka, Kazuo; Chujo, Yoshiki; Kakiuchi, Kiyomi


    This report describes the synthesis and characterization of arene-inserted extended (ArEx) germa[n]pericyclynes composed of germanium and 1,4-diethynylbenzene units. These novel cyclic germanium-π unit materials were synthesized with diethynylbenzene and germanium dichloride. X-ray crystallographic analysis revealed their structures, and the planar conformation of ArEx germa[4]pericyclyne along with the regular aromatic rings. UV/Vis absorption spectra and fluorescence emission spectra showed considerably unique and highly improved character compared to previously reported germa[n]pericyclynes. Even in the absence of transition metal components, phosphorescence emissions were observed, and the emission lifetimes were dramatically improved. ArEx germa[n]pericyclynes showed high photoluminescence quantum yields, whereas low photoluminescence quantum yields were observed for acyclic compounds. Density functional theory calculations show delocalized orbitals between skipped alkyne units through a germanium tether, and an increase in the HOMO energy level, leading to a small HOMO-LUMO energy gap. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Chelation of heavy group 2 (radio)metals by p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-1,3-crown-6 and logK determination via NMR (United States)

    Bauer, David; Gott, Matthew; Steinbach, Jörg; Mamat, Constantin


    A crown-bridged calix[4]arene scaffold was investigated as lead compound for the ligation of heavy alkaline earth metals such as strontium and barium, which appear to be useful for radiopharmaceutical applications in diagnosis as well as in radiotherapy. In particular barium, due to its chemical similarities, could serve as a surrogate for radium, a metal of high radiopharmaceutical interest. The ability of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-1,3-crown-6 (1) in particular to chelate cations, such as group 1 and 2 metal ions or ammonium ions is well known. Also, the manifold possibilities of structural modification on the upper- and lower-rim as well as on the crown itself produce properties that may lead to a highly selective and effective chelating agent. In this work, titration experiments of the perchlorate salts of Ba2+, Sr2+ and Pb2+ with ligand 1 were performed to determine their stability constants (logK = 4.7, 4.3, and 3.3, respectively) by 1H NMR measurements in acetonitrile-d3.

  2. X-Ray structure and cytotoxic activity of a picolinate ruthenium(II–arene complex

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    Full Text Available A ruthenium(II–arene complex with picolinic acid, [(η6-p-cymeneRuCl(pico]∙H2O, was prepared by the reaction of [(η6-p-cymeneRuCl2]2 with picolinic acid in a 1:2 molar ratio in 2-propanol. The compound was characterized by elemental analysis, and IR and NMR spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the molecule adopts a “three-leg piano-stool” geometry, which is common for this type of complexes. The cytotoxic activity of the complex was tested in two human cancer cell lines HeLa (cervix and FemX (melanoma by MTT assay. The IC50 values were at 82.0 and 36.2 µmol dm-3 for HeLa and FemX cells, respectively.

  3. Tillandsia myosura Griseb. ex Baker (Bromeliaceae, una nueva cita para la flora de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, (Argentina

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    Juan Manuel Cellini


    Full Text Available Se cita por primera vez para la Provincia de Buenos Aires Tillandsia myosura, coleccionada en las inmediaciones del arroyo Pereyra, Parque Provincial y Reserva de la Biosfera Parque Pereyra Iraola (Partido de Berazategui, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Esta especie, conocida hasta el presente sólo para el sur de Uruguay y las provincias de Catamarca, Córdoba, Jujuy, La Rioja, La Pampa, Mendoza, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santiago del Estero y Tucumán en Argentina es citada por primera vez para la Provincia de Buenos Aires, ampliándose su límite sur de distribución. En el presente trabajo se describe e ilustra la especie, y se presenta una clave para diferenciarla de especies afines de distribución congruente.

  4. [The calix[4]arene C-107 is highly effective supramolecular inhibitor of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase of plasma membranes]. (United States)

    Bevza, O V; Veklich, T O; Shkrabak, O A; Rodik, R V; Kal'chenko, V I; Kosterin, S O


    The inhibition of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity of the myometrium cell plasma membranes with calixarene C-107 (5,17-diamino(2-pyridyl) methylphosphono-11,23-di-tret-butyl-26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dipropoxycalix[4]arene) was investigated. It has been shown that calixarene C-107 reduced the Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity more efficiently than ouabain did, while it did not practically influence the "basal" Mg(2+)-ATPase activity of the same membrane. The magnitude of the cofficient of inhibition I0.5 was 33 +/- 4 nM, Hill coefficient was 0.38 +/- 0.06. The model calixarene C-150--the calixarene "scaffold" (26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dipropoxycalix[4]arene), and the model compound M-3 (4-hydroxyaniline(2-pyridine)methylphosphonic acid)--a fragment of the calixarene C-107, had practically no influence on the enzymatic activity of Na+,K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase. We carried out the computer simulation of interaction of calixarenes C-107 and the mentioned model compound with ligand binding sites of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase of plasma membrane and structure foundation of their intermolecular interaction was found out. The participation of hydrogen, hydrophobic, electrostatic and pi-pi (stacking) interaction between calixarene and enzyme aminoacid residues, some of which are located near the active center of Na+,K(+)-ATPase, was discussed.

  5. Remote sensing analysis for fault-zones detection in the Central Andean Plateau (Catamarca, Argentina) (United States)

    Traforti, Anna; Massironi, Matteo; Zampieri, Dario; Carli, Cristian


    Remote sensing techniques have been extensively used to detect the structural framework of investigated areas, which includes lineaments, fault zones and fracture patterns. The identification of these features is fundamental in exploration geology, as it allows the definition of suitable sites for the exploitation of different resources (e.g. ore mineral, hydrocarbon, geothermal energy and groundwater). Remote sensing techniques, typically adopted in fault identification, have been applied to assess the geological and structural framework of the Laguna Blanca area (26°35'S-66°49'W). This area represents a sector of the south-central Andes localized in the Argentina region of Catamarca, along the south-eastern margin of the Puna plateau. The study area is characterized by a Precambrian low-grade metamorphic basement intruded by Ordovician granitoids. These rocks are unconformably covered by a volcano-sedimentary sequence of Miocene age, followed by volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of Upper Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene age. All these units are cut by two systems of major faults, locally characterized by 15-20 m wide damage zones. The detection of main tectonic lineaments in the study area was firstly carried out by classical procedures: image sharpening of Landsat 7 ETM+ images, directional filters applied to ASTER images, medium resolution Digital Elevation Models analysis (SRTM and ASTER GDEM) and hill shades interpretation. In addition, a new approach in fault zone identification, based on multispectral satellite images classification, has been tested in the Laguna Blanca area and in other sectors of south-central Andes. In this perspective, several prominent fault zones affecting basement and granitoid rocks have been sampled. The collected fault gouge samples have been analyzed with a Field-Pro spectrophotometer mounted on a goniometer. We acquired bidirectional reflectance spectra, from 0.35μm to 2.5μm with 1nm spectral sampling, of the sampled fault rocks

  6. Zn2+ -Ion Sensing by Fluorescent Schiff Base Calix[4]arene Macrocycles. (United States)

    Ullmann, Steve; Schnorr, René; Handke, Marcel; Laube, Christian; Abel, Bernd; Matysik, Jörg; Findeisen, Matthias; Rüger, Robert; Heine, Thomas; Kersting, Berthold


    A macrocyclic ligand (H 2 L) containing two o,o'-bis(iminomethyl)phenol and two calix[4]arene head units has been synthesized and its coordination chemistry towards divalent Ni and Zn investigated. The new macrocycle forms complexes of composition [ML] (M=Zn, M=Ni) and [ZnL(py) 2 ], which were characterized by elemental analysis; IR, UV/Vis, and NMR spectroscopy; electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS); and X-ray crystallography (for [ZnL(py) 2 ] and [NiL]). H 2 L allows the sensitive optical detection of Zn 2+ among a series of biologically relevant metal ions by a dual fluorescence enhancement/quenching effect in solution. The fluorescence intensity of the macrocycle increases by a factor of ten in the presence of Zn 2+ with a detection limit in the lower nanomolar region. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Reproducción y dieta de Liolaemus koslowskyi Etheridge 1993

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    Aun, Liliana


    Full Text Available Se describe el ciclo reproductivo y la dieta de una población de Liolaemus koslowskyi, de la localidad de Pomán, Departamento de Pomán, Catamarca, Argentina. Esta especie presenta un ciclo reproductivo estacional con dos posturas al año, en primavera y a principios del verano. El tamaño de la carnada es de 3-9 huevos por postura. La dieta tanto para machos como para hembras consiste en hormigas, coleópteros, hemípteros, larvas, pupas y arañas. Numéricamente las hormigas son las más abundantes y la mayor contribución en volumen es el de los coleópteros. The reproductive cycle and diet are described for a population Liolaernus koslowskyi studied at Pomán, Departamento Pomán, Catamarca, Argentina. This species has a seasonal reproductive cycle with egg production occurring in spring and early summer. Females may produce two clutches of eggs each year. Clutch size vares from 3-9 eggs and is correlated with female snout-vent length. The diet of males and females consists of ants, beetles, hemipterans, larvae, pupae, and spiders. Numerically, ants are most abundant in the diet whereas volumetrically, beetles contribute the most.

  8. Triphenylsilane-substituted arenes as host materials for use in green phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jwajin; Lee, Kum Hee; Kim, Young Seok; Lee, Hyun Woo [Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ho Won [Department of Information Display, Hongik University, Seoul 121-791 (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Young Kwan, E-mail: [Department of Information Display, Hongik University, Seoul 121-791 (Korea, Republic of); Yoon, Seung Soo, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 (Korea, Republic of)


    We demonstrated triphenylsilane-substituted arenes (1–4) as host materials for green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes. Particularly, a device using 9,9-dimethyl-2-(triphenylsilyl)-7-[4-(triphenylsilyl)phenyl]-9H-fluorene (compound 4) as the host material with the green phosphorescence dopant bis[2-(1,1′,2′,1′′-terphen-3-yl)pyridinato-C,N]iridium(III) (acetylacetonate) showed the efficient green emission with an external quantum efficiency of 4.64%, a power efficiency of 7.2 lm/W and luminous efficiency of 16.6 cd/A at 20 mA/cm{sup 2}, respectively, with the Commission International de L’Eclairage chromaticity coordinates of (0.33, 0.59) at 8.0 V.

  9. A solution for cesium removal from high-salinity acidic or alkaline liquid waste: The crown calix[4]arenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dozol, J.F.; Simon, N.; Lamare, V.; Rouquette, H.; Eymard, S.; Tournois, B.; Marc, D. de; Macias, R.M.


    Calix[4]arenes monocrown or biscrown, blocked in 1,3 alternative cone conformation, display an exceptional efficiency for cesium extraction, even from very acid or alkaline media. Moreover, they possess an important selectivity for cesium over sodium that makes possible the extraction of cesium from media containing high sodium nitrate loadings. Another advantage, since the extraction of cesium is reversible, is that the stripping of cesium can be carried out in deionized water, a property which leads to very high concentration factors. 79 refs., 10 figs., 6 tabs

  10. Direct Synthesis of 5-Aryl Barbituric Acids by Rhodium(II)-Catalyzed Reactions of Arenes with Diazo Compounds. (United States)

    Best, Daniel; Burns, David J; Lam, Hon Wai


    A commercially available rhodium(II) complex catalyzes the direct arylation of 5-diazobarbituric acids with arenes, allowing straightforward access to 5-aryl barbituric acids. Free N-H groups are tolerated on the barbituric acid, with no complications arising from N-H insertion processes. This method was applied to the concise synthesis of a potent matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

  11. Solid structures of the stepwise self-assembled copillar[5]arene-based supramolecular polymers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Yeon Sil; Hwang, Seong Min; Shin, Jae Yeon; Paek, Kyung Soo


    Development of supramolecular polymer has attracted much interest because of their interesting properties such as stimuli-responsiveness, recycling, self-healing and degradability, and their consequential applications. The essential feature of this class of polymers is the self-assembly of discrete monomeric subunits via non-covalent interactions or dynamic covalent bonds. Among the many monomeric subunits, pillar[n]arenes have been ideal building blocks for the fabrication of polymeric supramolecules because of their intrinsic characteristics. The ring-shaped morphologies in supramolecular polymer P are probably due to the tendency of the end-to-end connection in the solid state of long flexible supramolecular chains. The size increase of nano-rings as the stepwise addition increases might be due to the fact that the linear supramolecular polymer P in solution seems to be maintained until the nano-ring formation by solidification

  12. Solid structures of the stepwise self-assembled copillar[5]arene-based supramolecular polymers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Yeon Sil; Hwang, Seong Min; Shin, Jae Yeon; Paek, Kyung Soo [Dept. of Chemistry, Soongsil University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Development of supramolecular polymer has attracted much interest because of their interesting properties such as stimuli-responsiveness, recycling, self-healing and degradability, and their consequential applications. The essential feature of this class of polymers is the self-assembly of discrete monomeric subunits via non-covalent interactions or dynamic covalent bonds. Among the many monomeric subunits, pillar[n]arenes have been ideal building blocks for the fabrication of polymeric supramolecules because of their intrinsic characteristics. The ring-shaped morphologies in supramolecular polymer P are probably due to the tendency of the end-to-end connection in the solid state of long flexible supramolecular chains. The size increase of nano-rings as the stepwise addition increases might be due to the fact that the linear supramolecular polymer P in solution seems to be maintained until the nano-ring formation by solidification.

  13. Rhodium catalyzed regioselective arene homologation of aryl urea via double C-H bond activation and migratory insertion of alkyne

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yan Wang; Hao Zhou; Ke Xu; Mei-Hua Shen; Hua-Dong Xu


    A convenient rhodium catalyzed oxidative arene homologation of aniline derivatives with symmetrical or unsymmetrical alkynes using Cu(OAc)2 as oxidant is described.Urea group is shown to be effective as a directing group for initial ortho C-H activation.Two migratory insertion events of alkyne into Rh-C bond occur successively,both with complete regioselectivity.This method is particularly useful for synthesis of polyarenes with different substituents,which has not been reported with conventional protocol.A mechanism has been proposed to explain the observed data.

  14. Separation of uranium from aqueous solutions using calix[6]arenes in liquid-liquid extraction as well as solid phase extraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schmeide, K.; Geipel, G.; Bernhard, G.


    The suitability of different calyx[n] arene types for uranyl extraction from liquid solutions was examined by means of liquid-liquid extraction using aqueous phases and organic solvents of varying compositions. It was found that COOH-derivatised calyx[6] arenes have good extraction properties and can even be used in the acid pH range. The use of calixarene-modified fleeces for the separation of uranyl from aqueous phases was examined in batch experiments with pH and uranyl concentration as variables and in the presence or absence of competing ions. The results showed that calixarene-modified fleeces can be used for uranium separation starting from pH 4. At pH 5, up to a maximum of 7.6 x 10 -7 mol uranium can be bound per 1 g of calixarene-modified fleece. The separation of uranyl from synthetic pit waters was examined as a means of testing the separation capacity of calixarene-modified fleeces in environmentally sensitive waters. Studies on the reversibility of uranium bonding to calixarene-treated polyester fleeces have shown that under environmentally realistic conditions (neutral pH range) the uranium is firmly bound to the calixarene-modified fleeces and cannot be mobilised. By contrast, in acidic environments calixarene-modified fleeces are capable of near-complete regeneration. Such regenerated textile filter materials can then be used for further uranium separation cycles [de

  15. Calix[4]arene-Based Enantioselective Fluorescent Sensors for the Recognition of N-Acetyl-aspartate

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    QING Guang-Yan; CHEN Zhi-Hong; WANG Feng; YANG Xi; MENG Ling-Zhi; HE Yong-Bing


    Two-armed chiral anion receptors (1 and 2), calix[4]arenes bearing dansyl fluorophore and (1R,2R)- or(1S,2S)-1,2-diphenylethylenediamine binding sites, were prepared and examined for their chiral amino acid anion binding abilities by the fluorescence spectra in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The results of non-linear curve fitting indicate that 1 or 2 forms a 1 : 1 stoichiometry complex with N-acetyl-L-or D-aspartate by multiple hydrogen bonding interactions, exhibiting good enantioselective fluorescent recognition for the enantiomers of N-acetyl-as-partate, [receptor 1: Kass(D)/Kass(L)=6.74; receptor 2: Kass(L)/Kass(D)=6.48]. The clear fluorescent response difference indicates that receptors 1 and 2 could be used as a fluorescent chemosensor for N-Acetyl-aspartate.

  16. Lithium-ion induced conformational change of 5,17-bis(9-fluorenyl)-25,26,27,28-tetrapropoxy calix[4]arene resulting in an egg-shaped dimeric clathrate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faldt, A.; Krebs, Frederik C; Jørgensen, Mikkel


    Synthesis and structural investigation of a 5,17-bis(9-fluorenyl)-25,26,27,28-tetrapropoxy calix[4]arene and its lithium complex salt that forms a dimeric clathrate with a molecule of solvent inside a cavity. At least three different interactions were identified as being responsible for the forma...

  17. Spectroscopic and DFT studies of calix[4]arene: time-dependent DFT calculations for elucidating the variation in the excitation energies with geometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boo, Bong Hyun; Kwak, Hae Ran; Hong, Seung Ki [Chungnam National University, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Park, Chan Jo [Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); No, Kwang Hyun [Sookmyung Womens University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We have searched low-lying conformers of calix[4]arene and found one global minimum having a cone shape, together with three conformers such as partial cone-shape conformers. We then elucidated the thermodynamics for the conformational changes by performing density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. The time-dependent DFT calculation enabled us to assign the absorption spectrum and to reveal a variation of the excitation energies with geometry.

  18. AGRICULTURA Y POTENCIAL PRODUCTIVO EN EL VALLE DE AMBATO, CATAMARCA, ARGENTINA (SIGLOS VI A XI D.C / Agriculture and productive potential in the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina (VI-XI centuries AD

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    Germán Figueroa


    Full Text Available El control y acumulación de recursos económicos en el Valle de Ambato entre los siglos VI y XI d.C. ha sido considerado como un factor de suma importancia en el mantenimiento y reproducción de las diferencias sociales entre las personas. Se cree que el uso de sectores seleccionados del paisaje como áreas de producción agrícola se hallaba vinculado de manera funcional y organizacional con agregados residenciales o aldeas emplazadas en el fondo del valle. En dichos sectores, más precisamente sobre los faldeos de la sierra de la Graciana y del Ambato, se registró la presencia de infraestructura agrícola, tales como terrazas de cultivo, represas y canales. En este trabajo, se analizan los sistemas de cultivo y su potencial productivo en relación a los grupos humanos que habitaron el valle, para lo cual se lleva a cabo una caracterización del sistema hidro-agrícola y un análisis de su capacidad sustentadora en base a registros arqueológicos y observaciones etnográficas propias. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán discutir acerca de la posible existencia de un excedente económico, utilizado por un determinado sector de la población con el propósito de usufructuar los beneficios derivados del mismo.   Palabras clave: Valle de Ambato, Aguada, sistemas agrícolas, potencial productivo, excedente económico.   Abstract The control and accumulation of economic resources in the Ambato Valley between VI and XI centuries AD has been considered a key factor in the maintenance and reproduction of social differences between people. It is believed that the use of selected sectors of the landscape as agricultural production areas was functional and organizational associated with villages located in the valley bottom. In these sectors, and more precisely on the slopes of Graciana and Ambato mountain ranges, the presence of agricultural infrastructure was registered, such as farming terraces, dams and channels. In this paper, we analyze the

  19. Crystallization and Melt Removal at Arenal Volcano, Polytopic Vector Analysis (United States)

    Hidalgo, P. J.; Vogel, T. A.; Bolge, L. L.; Ehrlich, R.; Alvarado, G. E.


    Tephra sequences ET3 and ET4 from Arenal volcano in Costa Rica have recently been interpreted to be a product of crystal fractionation by Bolge and coworkers in a series of papers (2004, 2006). The two tephra units are part of a sequence of 22 tephra units that represent a 7000 year span of the Arenal volcano activity. The tephro- stratigraphy has been described extensively by Melson (1982; 1994). The ET3 and ET4 tephras were interpreted (based on major- and trace-element, isotopic analyses of whole rocks and microchemical analyses of individual phases) as clear evidence of crystal separation by gravity settling (Bolge et al., 2004, 2006). The lower ET4 tephra sequence (andesitic and crystal poor) and the upper ET3 tephra (basaltic and crystal rich) represent an inverted snapshot of the magma chamber with contrasting geochemical properties. The ET3 sequence (deeper part of the magma chamber) has nearly constant composition with only a few elements varying stratigraphically (best represented by CaO). This is consistent with gradually decreasing amounts of melt in the upper part of ET3. The lower ET4 tephra (upper part of the magma chamber) contains large chemical gradients in both incompatible and compatible elements. In the present study we use whole-rock geochemical data from the recent tephra sequences ET3 and ET4 as inputs to Polytopic Vector Analysis (PVA) (for a review of this method see Vogel and coworkers, in press). With this method we produce a three end member solution that is consistent with crystallization of Olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene from the most mafic end member (EM1) resulting in a crystal rich mush zone. As crystallization progresses the compositions of the liquids are driven towards an intermediate end member (EM3), which has an intermediate composition liquid. At EM3 composition, rapid depletion of FeO, MgO and TiO2 by crystallization of Fe-Ti oxides, rapidly drives the liquid composition towards the silicic EM1 (incompatible element

  20. Ruthenium(η6,η1-arene-CH2-NHC Catalysts for Direct Arylation of 2-Phenylpyridine with (HeteroAryl Chlorides in Water

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nazan Kaloğlu


    Full Text Available A series of new benzimidazolium halides were synthesized in good yields as unsymmetrical N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC precursors containing the N–CH2–arene group. The benzimidazolium halides were readily converted into ruthenium(II–NHC complexes with the general formula [RuCl2(η6,η1–arene–CH2–NHC]. The structures of all new compounds were characterized by 1H NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, 13C NMR, FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis techniques. The single crystal structure of one benzimidazole ruthenium complex, 2b, was determined. The complex is best thought of as containing an octahedrally coordinated Ru center with the arene residue occupying three sites, the remaining sites being occupied by a (carbeneC–Ru bond and two Ru–Cl bonds. The catalytic activity of [RuCl2(η6,η1–arene–CH2–NHC] complexes was evaluated in the direct (heteroarylation of 2-phenylpyridine with (heteroaryl chlorides in water as the nontoxic reaction medium. These results show that catalysts 2a and 2b were the best for monoarylation with simple phenyl and tolyl chlorides. For functional aryl chlorides, 2d, 2e, and 2c appeared to be the most efficient.

  1. [Comparative investigation of the effect of calix[4]arene C-99 and its analogs on Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity of uterus myocite plasma membrane]. (United States)

    Veklich, T O; Shkrabak, O A; Cherenok, S O; Kal'chenko, V I; Kosterin, S O


    The aim of our investigation was to determine structural features of calix[4]arene C-99 which are important for its inhibition properties relative to Na+,K(+)-ATPase of uterus myocite plasma membrane. Therefore we studied the effect of calix[4]arenes C-296, C-297, C-424, C-425, C-426, C-427, which are structurally similar to this inhibitor, on the mentioned enzyme activity. We have shown that calixarenes C-296 and C-297 which have two additional propoxy groups on the lower rim of macrocycle are less effective inhibitors of Na+,K(+)-ATPase relative to calixarene C-99. Calixarenes C-425 and C-427 which have on the upper rim of macrocycle three and four phosponic residues, respectively, also inhibit Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity less effectively as compared to calixarene C-99. Both calixarenes: C-424, which has only two carbonate residues on the upper rim, and C-426, which has on the upper rim ketomethilphosphonate residues instead of hydroxymethilphosphonate residues of calixarene C-99, do not affect Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity. We have made respective conclusions concerning the role of certain chemical groups of calixarene C-99 during its interaction with Na+,K(+)-ATPase.

  2. Study on the inclusion behavior of p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene with propranolol by spectrofluorometry (United States)

    Li, Hui; Song, Jin-Ping; Chao, Jian-Bin; Shuang, Shao-Min; Dong, Chuan


    The inclusion interaction between propranolol (PPL) and p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene (SCX6) was investigated by fluorescence and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Influences of pH, temperature, ionic strength and the concentration of SCX6 were examined in detail. In phosphate buffer solution with pH 7.5, the fluorescence of PPL dramatically quenched upon addition of SCX6 revealing the formation of inclusion complexes between PPL and SCX6. The stoichiometric ratio was verified to be 1:1 by the continuous variation method. The inclusion constant of PPL-SCX6 complexes was calculated as 2.2 × 104 L/mol by the nonlinear curve fitting method. 1H NMR titration spectra testified that the aliphatic chain of PPL may be partially penetrated into the hydrophobic cavity of SCX6. This was confirmed by molecular dynamics calculations.

  3. Estado nutricional infanto juvenil en seis provincias de Argentina: variación regional

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    Oyhenart, Evelia Edith


    Full Text Available En Argentina si bien se dispone de información de prevalencias de malnutrición (desnutrición y exceso de peso, existe dificultad en la comparación debido a que en la mayor parte de los casos hay disparidad en las técnicas y/o metodologías empleadas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar el estado nutricional de la población infanto-juvenil de seis provincias: Buenos Aires (Brandsen y La Plata, Catamarca (Catamarca, Chubut (Puerto Madryn, Jujuy (San Salvador de Jujuy, La Pampa (Santa Rosa y Toay y Mendoza (General Alvear, empleando la misma metodología de estudio a fin de disponer de elementos diagnósticos que permitan su contrastación. Se midieron, en el período 2003-2005, peso corporal (kg y talla (cm en una muestra de 15011 escolares asistentes a 102 establecimientos escolares comprendidos entre los 3 y 18 años de edad. Con los datos obtenidos se analizaron los indicadores Talla/Edad, Peso/Talla, Peso/Edad e Indice de Masa Corporal (IMC. Los indicadores de desnutrición fueron comparados con los valores de referencia provenientes del NCHS y las prevalencias de baja talla para la edad (BT/E, bajo peso para la talla (BP/T y bajo peso para la edad (BP/E se calcularon tomando como punto de corte el percentilo 5 de dicha referencia. Para sobrepeso (S y obesidad (O se tomaron puntos de corte proyectados sobre los valores adultos de 25 y 30 Kg/m2 según edad y sexo propuestos por la referencia Internacional Obesity Task Force. A fin de disponer de información socio-ambiental de las zonas de estudio se analizaron indicadores demográficos, económicos, sociales y ambientales. Cuando fue posible, se utilizaron los datos provenientes del Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda (CNPyV 2001, de las Encuestas Permanentes de Hogares (EPH, INDEC, de la Dirección de Estadísticas de Salud del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (DEIS, MSyA y de otros organismos oficiales. Las prevalencias generales de desnutrición (BT/E, BP/T y BP/E y

  4. Expansión urbana, PRMS y el corredor fluvial del Rio Mapocho inferior /Urban growth, planning instruments and the lower Mapocho River basin

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    Francisco Ferrando Acuña


    Full Text Available Se analiza la relevancia de los servicios ambientales de los corredores fluviales en el ámbito de la planificación urbana sustentable, al tenor de la realidad y falencias de los instrumentos territoriales vigentes en esta temática. Dados los múltiples servicios ambientales de esto tipo de sistema natural, escasamente valorizado y nada incorporado en los IOT en Chile, al contrario de experiencias extranjeras como las españolas, se rescata y explicitan las características del corredor inferior del Río Mapocho entre la Comuna de Maipú y el Monte desde el punto de vista geomorfológico, hidrológico y ambiental, y se señala la relevancia de su temprana incorporación en los proyectos de urbanización de este territorio, los cuales ya se encuentran en marcha a propósito del progresivo cambio de uso del suelo de rural a urbano. /In Chile there's no correlation between the environmental relevance of the fluvial corridors and its many benefic functions for the urban climate and quality of life of his inhabitants with planning instruments. Consequently these fluvial systems aren't the basis of city planning setting aside its environmental services not only for cities, also for regions and more. The lower Río Mapocho corridor is evaluated considering the land use change in its surroundings. A review is presentes of international experiences on this matter, particularly from Spain.

  5. Rhodium Phosphine-π-Arene Intermediates in the Hydroamination of Alkenes (United States)

    Liu, Zhijian; Yamamichi, Hideaki; Madrahimov, Sherzod T.; Hartwig, John F.


    A detailed mechanistic study of the intramolecular hydroamination of alkenes with amines catalyzed by rhodium complexes of a biaryldialkylphosphine are reported. The active catalyst is shown to contain the phosphine ligand bound in a κ1, η6 form in which the arene is π-bound to rhodium. Addition of deuterated amine to an internal olefin showed that the reaction occurs by trans addition of the N-H bond across the C=C bond, and this stereochemistry implies that the reaction occurs by nucleophilic attack of the amine on a coordinated alkene. Indeed, the cationic rhodium fragment binds the alkene over the secondary amine, and the olefin complex was shown to be the catalyst resting state. The reaction was zero-order in substrate, when the concentration of olefin was high, and a primary isotope effect was observed. The primary isotope effect, in combination with the observation of the alkene complex as the resting state, implies that nucleophilic attack of the amine on the alkene is reversible and is followed by turnover-limiting protonation. This mechanism constitutes an unusual pathway for rhodium-catalyzed additions to alkenes and is more closely related to the mechanism for palladium-catalyzed addition of amide N-H bonds to alkenes. PMID:21309512

  6. Electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry of tert-butylcalix[4]arene bridged bis double-decker lutetium(III) phthalocyanine, Lu2Pc4 and dimeric lutetium(III) phthalocyanine, Lu2Pc2(OAc)2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koca, Atif; Ceyhan, Tanju; Erbil, Mehmet K.; Ozkaya, Ali Riza; Bekaroglu, Ozer


    In this study, electrochemical, electrochromic and spectroelectrochemical properties of a tert-butylcalix[4]arene bridged bis double-decker lutetium(III) phthalocyanine (Lu 2 Pc 4 2) were investigated explicitly as compared with a tert-butylcalix[4]arene bridged dimeric lutetium(III) phthalocyanine [Lu 2 Pc 2 (OAc) 2 1]. Distinctive differences between electrochemical and electrochromic properties of 1 and 2 were detected. Moreover, the properties of 1 and 2 were compared with previously reported S 4 (CH 2 ) 4 bridged Lu 2 Pc 2 (OAc) 2 and Lu 2 Pc 4 . The calixarene bridged phthalocyanine (Pc) compounds, 1 and 2 showed well-defined electrochromic behaviour with green-blue and blue-purple colour transitions. The enhanced electrochromic properties of 2, as compared to 1, were attributed to its double-decker structure, probably allowing the formation of suitable ion channels for the counter ion movement in the solid film

  7. Depositional setting and early diagenesis of the dinosaur eggshell-bearing Aren Fm at Bastus, Late Campanian, south-central Pyrenees (United States)

    Díaz-Molina, Margarita; Kälin, Otto; Benito, M. Isabel; Lopez-Martinez, Nieves; Vicens, Enric


    The Late Cretaceous Aren Fm exposed north of Bastus in the Tremp Basin (south-central Pyrenees) preserves an excellent record of dinosaur eggs laid in a marine littoral setting. Different from other cases reported in literature, at the Bastus site the preferential nesting ground was original beach sand. The coastal deposits of Aren Fm can be grouped into four facies assemblages, representing respectively shoreface, beachface, beach ridge plain and backbarrier lagoon environments. Shoreface deposits include fine- to coarse-grained hybrid arenites and subordinate quartz-dominated conglomerates with ripple structures of wave and wave-current origin. Beachface deposits are mainly storm beach conglomerates, but parallel-laminated foreshore arenites locally occur. Backbarrier lagoon deposits comprise of washover sandy conglomerates that grade laterally into sandy lime mudstones, biomicrites and marls. Beach ridge sediment, wherein the bulk of dinosaur eggs and eggshell debris occurs, predominantly is a reddish hybrid arenite that has undergone a complex early diagenetic evolution, including marine and meteoric cementation followed by soil development. The reddish arenites overlie wave-dominated shoreface deposits and in places pass laterally into lagoonal deposits. They originally formed shore ridges, that became stabilized during progradational episodes by pedogenesis (beach ridge, sensu [Otvos, E.G., 2000. Beach ridges—definitions and significance. Geomorphology 32, 83-108.]), which also affected the dinosaur eggs. The eggshell-bearing beach ridge arenites are typically preserved at the top of parasequences forming the systems tracts of a third-order sequence. Thick packages of this facies resulted from aggradation of barrier/beach ridge deposits, whose preservation below surfaces of transgressive erosion was favoured by incipient lithification.

  8. Energy Flexibility from Large Prosumers to Support Distribution System Operation—A Technical and Legal Case Study on the Amsterdam ArenA Stadium

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    Dirk Kuiken


    Full Text Available To deal with the rising integration of stochastic renewables and energy intensive distributed energy resources (DER to the electricity network, alternatives to expensive network reinforcements are increasingly needed. An alternative solution often under consideration is integrating flexibility from the consumer side to system management. However, such a solution needs to be contemplated from different angles before it can be implemented in practice. To this end, this article considers a case study of the Amsterdam ArenA stadium and its surrounding network where flexibility is expected to be available to support the network in the future. The article studies the technical aspects of using this flexibility to determine to what extent, despite the different, orthogonal goals, the available flexibility can be used by various stakeholders in scenarios with a large load from electric vehicle charging points. Furthermore, a legal study is performed to determine the feasibility of the technical solutions proposed by analysing current European Union (EU and Dutch law and focusing on the current agreements existing between the parties involved. The article shows that flexibility in the network provided by Amsterdam ArenA is able to significantly increase the number of charging points the network can accommodate. Nonetheless, while several uses of flexibility are feasible under current law, the use of flexibility provided by electric vehicles specifically faces several legal challenges in current arrangements.

  9. Access to the meta position of arenes through transition metal catalysed C-H bond functionalisation: a focus on metals other than palladium. (United States)

    Mihai, Madalina T; Genov, Georgi R; Phipps, Robert J


    The elaboration of simple arenes in order to access more complex substitution patterns is a crucial endeavor for synthetic chemists, given the central role that aromatic rings play in all manner of important molecules. Classical methods are now routinely used alongside stoichiometric organometallic approaches and, most recently, transition metal catalysis in the range of methodologies that are available to elaborate arene C-H bonds. Regioselectivity is an important consideration when selecting a method and, of all those available, it is arguably those that target the meta position that are fewest in number. The rapid development of transition metal-catalysed C-H bond functionalisation over the last few decades has opened new possibilities for meta-selective C-H functionalisation through the diverse reactivity of transition metals and their compatibility with a wide range of directing groups. The pace of discovery of such processes has grown rapidly in the last five years in particular and it is the purpose of this review to examine these but in doing so to place the focus on metals other than palladium, the specific contributions of which have been very recently reviewed elsewhere. It is hoped this will serve to highlight to the reader the breadth of current strategies and mechanisms that have been used to tackle this challenge, which may inspire further progress in the field.

  10. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Arene Ru(II Complexes Induce Tumor Cell Apoptosis Through Selectively Binding and Stabilizing bcl-2 G-Quadruplex DNA

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    Yanhua Chen


    Full Text Available A series of arene Ru(II complexes coordinated with phenanthroimidazole derivatives, [(η6-C6H6Ru(lCl]Cl(1b L = p-ClPIP = 2-(4-Chlorophenylimidazole[4,5f] 1,10-phenanthroline; 2b L = m-ClPIP = 2-(3-Chlorophenylimidazole[4,5f] 1,10-phenanthroline; 3b L = p-NPIP = 2-(4-Nitrophenylimidazole[4,5f] 1,10-phenanthroline; 4b L = m-NPIP = 2-(3-Nitrophenyl imidazole [4,5f] 1,10-phenanthroline were synthesized in yields of 89.9%–92.7% under conditions of microwave irradiation heating for 30 min to liberate four arene Ru(II complexes (1b, 2b, 3b, 4b. The anti-tumor activity of 1b against various tumor cells was evaluated by MTT assay. The results indicated that this complex blocked the growth of human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells with an IC50 of 16.59 μM. Flow cytometric analysis showed that apoptosis of A549 cells was observed following treatment with 1b. Furthermore, the in vitro DNA-binding behaviors that were confirmed by spectroscopy indicated that 1b could selectively bind and stabilize bcl-2 G-quadruplex DNA to induce apoptosis of A549 cells. Therefore, the synthesized 1b has impressive bcl-2 G-quadruplex DNA-binding and stabilizing activities with potential applications in cancer chemotherapy.

  11. Effect of pendant group length upon metal ion complexation in acetonitrile by di-ionized calix[4]arenes bearing two dansyl fluorophores. (United States)

    Ocak, Ummühan; Ocak, Miraç; Shen, Xin; Surowiec, Kazimierz; Bartsch, Richard A


    A series of three di-ionizable calix[4]arenes with two pendant dansyl (1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl) groups linked to the lower rims was synthesized. Structures of the three ligands were identical except for the length of the spacers which connected the two dansyl groups to the calix[4]arene scaffold. Following conversion of the ligands into their di-ionized di(tetramethylammonium) salts, absorption and emission spectrophotometry were utilized to probe the influence of metal cation (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Ag+, Cd2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Hg2+, Mn2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Fe3+) complexation in acetonitrile. Upon complexation with these metal cations, emission spectra underwent marked red shifts and quenching of the dansyl group fluorescence for the di-ionized ligand with the shortest spacer. A similar effect was noted for the di-ionized ligand with an intermediate spacer for all of the metal ions, except Ba2+. For the di-ionized ligand with the longest spacer, the metal cations showed different effects on the emission spectrum. Li+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Ba2+ caused enhancement of emission intensity with a red shift. Other metal cations produce quenching with red shifts in the emission spectra. Transition metal cations interacted strongly with all three di-ionized ligands. In particular, Fe3+ and Hg2+ caused greater than 99% quenching of the dansyl fluorescence in the di-ionized ligands.

  12. Synthesis and conformational studies of a series of 5,17-bis-aryl-25,26,27,28-tetrapropoxycalix[4]arenes: The influence of π-π interactions on the molecular structure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, M.; Krebs, Frederik C; Harrit, N.


    Four 5,17-bis-aryl-25,26,27,28-tetrapropoxycalix[4]arenes were prepared via Negishi, Suzuki and Ullman type couplings [aryl = phenyl (1), 3-bromophenyl (2), 1-naphthyl (3) and carbazol-9-yl (4)]. The influence of the aryl groups on the structure was studied by X-ray crystallography, NMR, electron...

  13. A supramolecular photosensitizer system based on the host-guest complexation between water-soluble pillar[6]arene and methylene blue for durable photodynamic therapy. (United States)

    Yang, Kui; Wen, Jia; Chao, Shuang; Liu, Jing; Yang, Ke; Pei, Yuxin; Pei, Zhichao


    A supramolecular photosensitizer system WP6-MB was synthesized based on water-soluble pillar[6]arene and the photosensitizer methylene blue (MB) via host-guest interaction. MB can complex with WP6 directly with a high complex constant without further modification. In particular, WP6-MB can reduce the dark toxicity of MB remarkably. Furthermore, it can efficiently overcome photobleaching and extend the time for singlet oxygen production of MB upon light irradiation, which is significant for durable photodynamic therapy.

  14. Distribución de las alteraciones y mineralizaciones enla sección central del yacimiento Agua Rica (27º22'S-66º16'O), Catamarca


    Franchini, Marta; Impiccini, Agnes; Oleary, Sol; Ríos, FranciscoJavier; Schalamuk, IsidoroB


    Agua Rica es un yacimiento deCu (Mo-Au) de clase mundial en el cual las alteraciones-mineralizaciones tipopórfido y epitermal de alta sulfuración que normalmente distan 1 km en sentidovertical, están localizadas en el mismo nivel de erosión. En el sectoroccidental de la sección analizada, el pórfido Seca Norte preserva relictos dealteración potásica del estadio de alteración temprano de alta temperatura conla mineralización de Cu (Mo, Au) encapsulada en un halo fílico donde lacalcopirita, la ...

  15. Removal of Parathion from Aqueous Media Through p-tert-Butylcalix[4]arene Based Modified Silica

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    Sibghatullah Memon


    Full Text Available This study explores, adsorption efficiency of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene based modified silica to remove parathion from aqueous environment. The adsorption parameters, i.e. pH, concentration of pesticide solution, contact time and adsorbent dosage were optimized, as 10, 1 mg L-1, 40 min and 0.04 g, respectively. Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R isotherm models were used to evaluate the adsorption mechanism. Adsorption constants values of these models suggest that the adsorption of parathion is favorable and were found to be best fit with Freundlich isotherm. From the kinetic study it can be predicted that adsorption of parathion follows Ho and McKay model (pseudo-second order. Thermodynamic parameters, enthalpy (ΔH, entropy (ΔS and Gibbs free energy (ΔG have also been evaluated and were found as -132.25, 0.45, -4.14 Jmol-1, respectively.

  16. Distribución de las alteraciones y mineralizaciones enla sección central del yacimiento Agua Rica (27º22'S-66º16'O), Catamarca Alterationand mineralization along the central section of the Agua Rica deposit(27º26'S-66º16'O), Catamarca


    Marta Franchini; Agnes Impiccini; Sol Oleary; FranciscoJavier Ríos; IsidoroB Schalamuk


    Agua Rica es un yacimiento deCu (Mo-Au) de clase mundial en el cual las alteraciones-mineralizaciones tipopórfido y epitermal de alta sulfuración que normalmente distan 1 km en sentidovertical, están localizadas en el mismo nivel de erosión. En el sectoroccidental de la sección analizada, el pórfido Seca Norte preserva relictos dealteración potásica del estadio de alteración temprano de alta temperatura conla mineralización de Cu (Mo, Au) encapsulada en un halo fílico donde lacalcopirita, la ...

  17. Propyl phthalimide-modified thiacalixphenyl[4]arene as a “turn on” chemosensor for Hg(II) ions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Modi, Krunal; Panchal, Urvi; Mehta, Viren; Panchal, Manthan; Kongor, Anita; Jain, V.K., E-mail:


    Thiacalixphenyl[4]arene tetra N-(3-propyl) phthalimide (TPTN3PPh), a novel thiacalixarene bearing a N-(3-bromopropyl) phthalimide group, was synthesized and characterized by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and NMR. The ability of TPTN3PPh to recognize the cations Fe(III), Cu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Cr(II), Ca(II), Co(II), Mg(II), Ag(I), Pb(II), Sr(II), Hg (II), Th(II), Ba(II), Bi(II), K(I), and Na(I) was evaluated. Only Hg(II) was selectively and sensitively detected using a spectrofluorimetric method, with a detection limit as low as 3.10×10{sup −9} M. Analysis of the binding behavior of TPTN3PPh with Hg(II) revealed 1:2 complex formation. Real sample analysis detected nano levels of mercury ions in a waste water samples.


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    Gabriel Eduardo Miguez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio realizado sobre restos de obsidiana, los cuales constituyen los primeros registrados en contextos arqueológicos de las selvas meridionales de la provincia de Tucumán. Estos materiales fueron recuperados en capas estratigráficas del primer milenio D.C. correspondientes al sitio Santa Rosa, el cual se ubica en la base de las laderas orientales de la Sierra del Aconquija (Tucumán, Argentina. Se realizó un análisis técnico-morfológico de los especímenes, en conjunto con un análisis geoquímico mediante fluorescencia de rayos X (FRX para determinar la procedencia geográfica de los materiales de obsidiana. Los resultados determinaron que la materia prima de la muestra, compuesta exclusivamente por desechos de talla, procede de la cantera de Ona-Las Cuevas, la cual se ubica a ca.270 km al noroeste del sitio Santa Rosa, en el norte de la provincia de Catamarca, en la Puna meridional argentina. La gran distancia sitio-cantera nos lleva a proponer que las comunidades prehispánicas de estas tierras bajas habrían participado de esferas estables de interacción con grupos de áreas muy distantes, propiciando la circulación e intercambio de obsidianas dentro de la porción meridional del NO de Argentina. Abstract In this paper we present the results of the study conducted on obsidian specimens, which constitutes the first record of this kind in archaeological contexts of the southern forests of the province of Tucumán are presented. These materials were recovered in stratigraphic layers of the first millennium AD of the Santa Rosa site, which is located at the base of the eastern slopes of the Sierra del Aconquija (Tucumán, Argentina. A techno-morphological analysis of specimens in conjunction with geochemic alanalysis using X-ray fluorescence (XRF was performed to determine the geographical provenance of obsidian archaeological materials. Results determined that the sample raw material

  19. Inclusion complex formation of ternary system: Fluoroscein-p-sulfonato calix[4]arene-Cu(2+) by cooperative binding. (United States)

    Gawhale, Sharadchandra; Jadhav, Ankita; Rathod, Nilesh; Malkhede, Dipalee; Chaudhari, Gajanan


    The aqueous solution of fluorescein-para sulfonato calix[4]arene-metal ion complex has been studied based on absorption, fluorescence, (1)H NMR and FTIR spectroscopic results. It was found that the fluorescence intensity quenched regularly upon addition of pSCX4 and metal ion. The quenching constants and binding constants were determined for pSCX4-FL and pSCX4-FL-Cu(2+) systems. 1:1 stoichiometry is obtained for pSCX4-Cu(2+) system by continuous variation method. The NMR and IR results indicates the interaction among FL, pSCX4 and Cu(2+). The combined results demonstrate the cooperative binding to design the complex for ternary system. The life time for binary and ternary system has been studied. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Three-dimensional tetranuclear Cd(II) coordination network based on a 1,3-alternate calix[4]arene derivative

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Eun Ji; Ju, Hui Yeong; Park, Ki Min; Moon, ASuk Hee; Kang, Young Jin


    Polynuclear coordination polymers can exhibit more intriguing network topologies and better functionalities than those of common complexes because they have metal-cluster nodes for the construction of multidimensional frameworks and the potential applications induced by collaborative activities between metal ions. New tetranuclear Cd(II) coordination polymer 1 based on 1,3-alternate calix arene derivative (H_4 CTA) with four carboxyl pendant arms has been synthesized by the solvo thermal reaction at 110 .deg. C for 2 days. Compound 1 shows a 3-D framework consisting of tetranuclear Cd(II) cluster core as a metal-cluster node and 1,3-alternate H_4CTA as a multidentate linker. The coordination polymer 1 displays intense blue emission, implying that this tetranuclear Cd(II) coordination polymer could be a suitable material in the area of luminescence research

  1. Herramientas software para una óptima gestión del proceso de desarrollo de software, a utilizarse en las empresas de software de la provincia de Catamarca


    Haustein, María Carolina; Palliotto, Diana; Korzenieswki, María Isabel


    Una de las metas siempre vigente en las empresas desarrolladoras de software, es mejorar el proceso de desarrollo, para lo cual, se fueron fijando y ejecutando distintas estrategias, la más recurrente fue la creación de nuevas metodologías. Hasta que a principios del siglo XXI, se advirtió que lo que fallaba en la gran parte de las empresas, era la gestión en el desarrollo de software, tarea esta, sumamente importante, ya que se encarga de la planificación, asignación de recursos, la document...

  2. Aspectos ecológicos y distribución de Tropaeolum tuberosum ssp. silvestre (Tropaeolaceae en Argentina

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    Eva Bulacio


    Full Text Available Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz et Pav. ssp. silvestre Sparre es una hierba rizomatosa trepadora que en Argentina fue encontrada en las Sierras de Calilegua (Jujuy y en áreas montanas de Catamarca, aunque de esta última localidad sólo se conoce un único e incompleto ejemplar. Habita quebradas húmedas, entre los 2.100 y 2.650 m s.n.m., en el límite superior del bosque montano. El tallo es grácil de hasta 3 m de largo y la porción subterránea está constituida por rizomas alargados y de hasta 1 cm de diámetro. Estas son las principales diferencias con la ssp. tuberosum, en la cual el tallo es más corto, erguido y desarrolla tubérculos bien definidos.Ecological features and distribution of Tropaeolum tuberosum ssp. silvestre (Tropaeolaceae in Argentina. Tropaeolum tuberosum Ruiz et Pav. ssp. silvestre Sparre is a rhizomatous climbing herb that in Argentina was found in the Sierras of Calilegua (Jujuy and Catamarca mountains, yet of this last locality only is known an one and incomplete specimen. It inhabits humid gorges, between 2100-2650 masl, in the upper limit of the montane forest. The slender stem reaches 3 meters in lenght and the underground portion shows elongated rhizomes up to 1 cm in diameter. These are the main differences with the ssp. tuberosum, in which the stem is shorter, erect and develop well-defned tubers.

  3. Entre la fiebre del oro y el polvo de las voladuras… Cuerpos y emociones en contextos de mineralización.

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    Horacio Machado Aráoz


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-AR X-NONE AR-SA A partir de la constatación de las grandes transformaciones sociales provocadas por el desembarco de la megaminería transnacional en la Provincia de Catamarca,  el presente trabajo se plantea abordar el análisis de la conflictividad ‘minera' desde la perspectiva de sus impactos microbiopolíticos, esto es, en  el plano de los cuerpos, las emociones y los sentimientos. Considerando que se trata de un aspecto crucial de los procesos sociales que se verifican en los nuevos escenarios del extractivismo minero, este trabajo procura desarrollar una ecología política de las emociones como clave para caracterizar los conflictos mineros, así como los efectos eco-biopolíticos que se producen en las comunidades locales intervenidas. Apelando a registros etnográficos, se exponen diferentes dimensiones de los cambios sociales resultantes de las políticas mineras sobre los cuerpos y las emociones. Con los conceptos de fiebre del oro y mineralización social, se busca brindar una hermenéutica crítica de estos procesos orientada a visibilizar lo que se entiende como sus rasgos y efectos neocoloniales. /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:Arial; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;}

  4. Host-Guest Interaction between Corona[n]arene and Bisquaternary Ammonium Derivatives for Fabricating Supra-Amphiphile. (United States)

    Zeng, Lingda; Guo, Qing-Hui; Feng, Yuanning; Xu, Jiang-Fei; Wei, Yuhan; Li, Zhibo; Wang, Mei-Xiang; Zhang, Xi


    The interactions between a host, water-soluble corona[n]arene (S6-CAP), and a series of guests, bisquaternary ammonium derivatives (CnDAs), in water, were investigated. The host and guest can form 1:1 host-guest complex. Their binding constants decrease as the alkyl length of CnDAs increases, which can be tunable ranging from 10 3 to 10 6 M -1 . The binding processes are mainly entropy-driven, while the enthalpy changes also play an important role in enhancing the host-guest interactions. In addition, a supra-amphiphile was fabricated with S6-CAP and a normal surfactant bearing bisquaternary ammonium (C4R). The S6-CAP·C4R complex forms micellar aggregates in water, and the system possesses better assembling activity and dilution stability than its building block C4R. This study enriches the families of supra-amphiphiles with a new architecture, and employing such a supra-amphiphile in biofunctional materials is highly anticipated.

  5. Comparison of hydration reactions for "piano-stool" RAPTA-B and [Ru(η6- arene)(en)Cl]+ complexes: Density functional theory computational study (United States)

    Chval, Zdeněk; Futera, Zdeněk; Burda, Jaroslav V.


    The hydration process for two Ru(II) representative half-sandwich complexes: Ru(arene)(pta)Cl2 (from the RAPTA family) and [Ru(arene)(en)Cl]+ (further labeled as Ru_en) were compared with analogous reaction of cisplatin. In the study, quantum chemical methods were employed. All the complexes were optimized at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level using Conductor Polarizable Continuum Model (CPCM) solvent continuum model and single-point (SP) energy calculations and determination of electronic properties were performed at the B3LYP/6-311++G(2df,2pd)/CPCM level. It was found that the hydration model works fairly well for the replacement of the first chloride by water where an acceptable agreement for both Gibbs free energies and rate constants was obtained. However, in the second hydration step worse agreement of the experimental and calculated values was achieved. In agreement with experimental values, the rate constants for the first step can be ordered as RAPTA-B > Ru_en > cisplatin. The rate constants correlate well with binding energies (BEs) of the Pt/Ru-Cl bond in the reactant complexes. Substitution reactions on Ru_en and cisplatin complexes proceed only via pseudoassociative (associative interchange) mechanism. On the other hand in the case of RAPTA there is also possible a competitive dissociation mechanism with metastable pentacoordinated intermediate. The first hydration step is slightly endothermic for all three complexes by 3-5 kcal/mol. Estimated BEs confirm that the benzene ligand is relatively weakly bonded assuming the fact that it occupies three coordination positions of the Ru(II) cation.

  6. Insights into the Intramolecular Properties of η6-Arene-Ru-Based Anticancer Complexes Using Quantum Calculations

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    Adebayo A. Adeniyi


    Full Text Available The factors that determine the stability and the effects of noncovalent interaction on the η6-arene ruthenium anticancer complexes are determined using DFT method. The intramolecular and intra-atomic properties were computed for two models of these half-sandwich ruthenium anticancer complexes and their respective hydrated forms. The results showed that the stability of these complexes depends largely on the network of hydrogen bonds (HB, strong nature of charge transfer, polarizability, and electrostatic energies that exist within the complexes. The hydrogen bonds strength was found to be related to the reported anticancer activities and the activation of the complexes by hydration. The metal–ligand bonds were found to be closed shell systems that are characterised by high positive Laplacian values of electron density. Two of the complexes are found to be predominantly characterised by LMCT while the other two are predominately characterised by MLCT.

  7. Reactions of N,3-diarylpropiolamides with arenes under superelectrophilic activation: synthesis of 4,4-diaryl-3,4-dihydroquinolin-2(1H-ones and their derivatives

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    Larisa Yu. Gurskaya


    Full Text Available The reaction of 3-aryl-N-(arylpropiolamides with arenes in TfOH at room temperature for 0.5 h led to 4,4-diaryl-3,4-dihydroquinolin-2-(1H-ones in yields of 44–98%. The obtained dihydroquinolinones were further transformed into the corresponding N-acyl or N-formyl derivatives. For the latter, the superelectrophilic activation of the N-formyl group by TfOH in the reaction with benzene resulted in the formation of N-(diphenylmethyl-substituted dihydroquinolinones.

  8. Violencia y tensión social en Rincón Chico 21 (Santa María, Catamarca

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    Mendonça, Osvaldo Juan


    Full Text Available El funeral y sus símbolos son formas en que las sociedades elaboran la muerte de sus miembros. La ceremonia puede presentar variaciones en su complejidad, pero sólo una porción de la misma termina formando parte del registro arqueológico. Esta circunstancia determina un número importante de recaudos al considerar la interpretación del registro funerario, particularmente las causas de muerte a partir de este registro. Una circunstancia especial lo constituye la muerte por causas violentas, ya que proporciona evidencias de índole tanto biológica como cultural. En este trabajo se describen y analizan críticamente los indicadores de muerte violenta en individuos de una cámara sepulcral (C-13 del cementerio de Rincón Chico 21. Un importante conjunto de puntas de proyectil impactando el interior de los cuerpos, la presencia de un esqueleto en condiciones de muy baja integridad, e inclusiones funerarias, permiten discutir e interpretar el conjunto en un escenario de violentas interacciones locales y regionales, de Contacto, y de resistencia territorial.

  9. Three-dimensional tetranuclear Cd(II) coordination network based on a 1,3-alternate calix[4]arene derivative

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Eun Ji; Ju, Hui Yeong; Park, Ki Min [Dept. of Chemistry and Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju (Korea, Republic of); Moon, ASuk Hee [Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Kyungnam College of Inform ation and Technology, Busan (Korea, Republic of); Kang, Young Jin [Div. of cience Education, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon (Korea, Republic of)


    Polynuclear coordination polymers can exhibit more intriguing network topologies and better functionalities than those of common complexes because they have metal-cluster nodes for the construction of multidimensional frameworks and the potential applications induced by collaborative activities between metal ions. New tetranuclear Cd(II) coordination polymer 1 based on 1,3-alternate calix arene derivative (H{sub 4} CTA) with four carboxyl pendant arms has been synthesized by the solvo thermal reaction at 110 .deg. C for 2 days. Compound 1 shows a 3-D framework consisting of tetranuclear Cd(II) cluster core as a metal-cluster node and 1,3-alternate H{sub 4}CTA as a multidentate linker. The coordination polymer 1 displays intense blue emission, implying that this tetranuclear Cd(II) coordination polymer could be a suitable material in the area of luminescence research.

  10. Ruthenium dioxide nanoparticles in ionic liquids: synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties in hydrogenation of olefins and arenes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossi, Liane M.; Dupont, Jairton; Machado, Giovanna; Fichtner, Paulo F.P.; Radtke, Claudio; Baumvol, Israel J.R.; Teixeira, Sergio R.


    The reaction of NaBH 4 with RuCl 3 dissolved in 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMI.PF 6 ) ionic liquid is a simple and reproducible method for the synthesis of stable RuO 2 nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution within 2-3 nm. RuO 2 nanoparticles were characterized by XRD, XPS, EDS and TEM. These nanoparticles showed high catalytic activity either in the solventless or liquid-liquid biphasic hydrogenation of olefins and arenes under mild reaction conditions. Hg(0) and CS 2 poisoning experiments and XRD and TEM analysis of particles isolated after catalysis indicated the formation of Ru(0) nanoparticles. The nanoparticles could be re-used in solventless conditions up to 10 times in the hydrogenation of 1-hexene yielding a total turnover number for exposed Ru atoms of 175,000. (author)

  11. Electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry of tert-butylcalix[4]arene bridged bis double-decker lutetium(III) phthalocyanine, Lu{sub 2}Pc{sub 4} and dimeric lutetium(III) phthalocyanine, Lu{sub 2}Pc{sub 2}(OAc){sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koca, Atif [Chemical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Marmara University, TR34722 Goeztepe, Istanbul (Turkey); Ceyhan, Tanju; Erbil, Mehmet K. [Department of Biochemistry, Division of Organic Chemistry, Guelhane Medical Academy (GATA), Ankara (Turkey); Ozkaya, Ali Riza [Department of Chemistry, Marmara University, TR34722 Goeztepe, Istanbul (Turkey)], E-mail:; Bekaroglu, Ozer [Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Istanbul, TR34469 Maslak, Istanbul (Turkey)], E-mail:


    In this study, electrochemical, electrochromic and spectroelectrochemical properties of a tert-butylcalix[4]arene bridged bis double-decker lutetium(III) phthalocyanine (Lu{sub 2}Pc{sub 4}2) were investigated explicitly as compared with a tert-butylcalix[4]arene bridged dimeric lutetium(III) phthalocyanine [Lu{sub 2}Pc{sub 2}(OAc){sub 2}1]. Distinctive differences between electrochemical and electrochromic properties of 1 and 2 were detected. Moreover, the properties of 1 and 2 were compared with previously reported S{sub 4}(CH{sub 2}){sub 4} bridged Lu{sub 2}Pc{sub 2}(OAc){sub 2} and Lu{sub 2}Pc{sub 4}. The calixarene bridged phthalocyanine (Pc) compounds, 1 and 2 showed well-defined electrochromic behaviour with green-blue and blue-purple colour transitions. The enhanced electrochromic properties of 2, as compared to 1, were attributed to its double-decker structure, probably allowing the formation of suitable ion channels for the counter ion movement in the solid film.

  12. Aqua(μ-cone-26,28-dibutoxy-25,27-bis{N-[5-(dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl]carbamoylmethoxy}-5,11,17,23-tetrakis(1,1-dimethylethylcalix[4]arene(2−disodium acetonitrile tetrasolvate

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    Pogisego Dinake


    Full Text Available The structure of the title complex, [Na2(C80H98N4O10S2(H2O]·4CH3CN, obtained after crystallization from acetonitrile, contains two formula units in the asymmetric unit (Z′ = 2 and an estimated four molecules of acetonitrile per calixarene moiety. It is unusual for two Na+ ions to occupy the lower rims of the cone calix[4]arene, as in this case, with one Na+ ion forming two O→ Na+ coordinate bonds with the two butoxy groups and four such bonds with the two N-dansyl carboxamide groups, forming six dative bonds between Na+ and O. On the other hand, the other Na+ ion forms only five O→Na+ coordinate bonds on the far end of the calix[4]arene lower rim, bringing the two dansyl groups in close proximity with each other. There also appears to be an O→Na+ coordination coming from a dangling water molecule. The structure contained both resolved and poorly resolved solvent molecules. The latter were treated using the SQUEEZE routine in PLATON [Spek (2009. Acta Cryst. D65, 148–155].

  13. The сalix[4]arene C-107 is highly effective supramolecular inhibitor of the Na(+,K(+-АТРase of plasmatic membrane

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    O. V. Bevza


    Full Text Available The inhibition of the Na+,K+-АТРase activity of the myometrium cell plasma membranes with calixarene С-107 (5,17-diamino(2-pyridylmethylphosphono-11,23-di-tret-butyl-26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dipropoxycalix[4]arene was investigated. It has been shown that calixarene С-107 reduced the Na+,K+-АТРase activity more efficiently than ouabain did, while it did not practically influence the “basal” Mg2+-АТРase activity of the same membrane. The magnitude of the cofficient of inhibition I0.5 was 33 ± 4 nМ, Hill coefficient was 0.38 ± 0.06. The model calixa­rene C-150 – the calixarene “scaffold” (26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dipropoxycalix[4]arene, and the model compound М-3 (4-hydroxyaniline(2-pyridinemethylphosphonic acid – a fragment of the calixarene С-107, had practically no influence on the enzymatic activity of Na+,K+-АТРase and Mg2+-АТРаse. We carried out the computer simulation of interaction of calixarenes C-107 and the mentioned model compound with ligand binding sites of the Na+,K+-АТРase of plasma membrane and structure foundation of their intermolecular interaction was found out. The participation of hydrogen, hydrophobic, electrostatic and π-π (stacking interaction between calixarene and enzyme aminoacid residues, some of which are located near the active center of Na+,K+-АТРase, was discussed.

  14. Binding of Coumarin 334 with β-Cyclodextrin and with C-Hexylpyrogallol[4]arene: Opposite Fluorescence Behavior

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    Chandrasekaran Sowrirajan


    Full Text Available We report here the structure of the host-guest complexes of Coumarin 334 (C334 with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD and with C-hexylpyrogallol[4]arene (C-HPA and the effect of acidity on the neutral-cation equilibrium of C334 in water and in the presence of the host molecules. The structures of the host-guest complexes are proposed on the basis of the change of fluorescence on the addition of β-CD or C-HPA to C334 and by 2D ROESY spectroscopy. Opposite fluorescence behaviors, that is, quenching of fluorescence in β-CD and enhancement of fluorescence in C-HPA are observed. Time-resolved fluorescence analysis is done for the complexation, and biexponential decay pattern is observed. The possible strong inclusion complexation with C-HPA is explained. The ground and the excited state pKa values for the protonation equilibrium of C334 in water and the difficulty of protonation in the presence of the host molecules are discussed.

  15. Enhanced catalysis and enantioselective resolution of racemic naproxen methyl ester by lipase encapsulated within iron oxide nanoparticles coated with calix[8]arene valeric acid complexes. (United States)

    Sayin, Serkan; Akoz, Enise; Yilmaz, Mustafa


    In this study, two types of nanoparticles have been used as additives for the encapsulation of Candida rugosa lipase via the sol-gel method. In one case, the nanoparticles were covalently linked with a new synthesized calix[8]arene octa valeric acid derivative (C[8]-C4-COOH) to produce new calix[8]arene-adorned magnetite nanoparticles (NP-C[8]-C4-COOH), and then NP-C[8]-C4-COOH was used as an additive in the sol-gel encapsulation process. In the other case, iron oxide nanoparticles were directly added into the sol-gel encapsulation process in order to interact electrostatically with both C[8]-C4-COOH and Candida rugosa lipase. The catalytic activities and enantioselectivities of two novel encapsulated lipases (Enc-NP-C[8]-C4-COOH and Enc-C[8]-C4-COOH@Fe3O4) in the hydrolysis reaction of racemic naproxen methyl ester were evaluated. The results showed that the activity and enantioselectivity of the lipase were improved when the lipase was encapsulated in the presence of calixarene-based additives. Indeed, the encapsulated lipases have an excellent rate of enantioselectivity, with E = 371 and 265, respectively, as compared to the free enzyme (E = 137). The lipases encapsulated with C[8]-C4-COOH and iron oxide nanoparticles (Enc-C[8]-C4-COOH@Fe3O4) retained more than 86% of their initial activities after 5 repeated uses and 92% with NP-C[8]-C4-COOH.

  16. CMPO-calix[4]arenes with spacer containing intramolecular hydrogen bonding: Effect of local rigidification on solvent extraction toward f-block elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chu, Hongzhu; He, Lutao; Jiang, Qian; Fang, Yuyu; Jia, Yiming; Yuan, Xiangyang; Zou, Shuliang; Li, Xianghui; Feng, Wen; Yang, Yuanyou; Liu, Ning; Luo, Shunzhong; Yang, Yanqiu; Yang, Liang; Yuan, Lihua


    Highlights: • Three CMPO-calix[4]arenes with spacer containing intramolecular hydrogen bonds were designed and synthesized. • The influence of local rigidification caused by intramolecular hydrogen bonds upon extraction of f-elements was investigated. • Selective extraction is realized via tuning local chelating surroundings by aid of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. -- Abstract: To understand intramolecular hydrogen bonding in effecting liquid–liquid extraction behavior of CMPO-calixarenes, three CMPO-modified calix[4]arenes (CMPO-CA) 5a–5c with hydrogen-bonded spacer were designed and synthesized. The impact of spacer rotation that is hindered by introduction of intramolecular hydrogen bonding upon extraction of La 3+ , Eu 3+ , Yb 3+ , Th 4+ , and UO 2 2+ has been examined. The results show that 5b and 5c containing only one hydrogen bond with a less hindered rotation spacer extract La 3+ more efficiently than 5a containing two hydrogen bonds with a more hindered rotation spacer, demonstrating the importance of local rigidification of spacer in the design of extractants in influencing the coordination environment. The large difference in extractability between La 3+ and Yb 3+ (or Eu 3+ ) by 5b (or 5c), and the small difference by 5a, suggests intramolecular hydrogen bonding do exert pronounced influence upon selective extraction of light and heavy lanthanides. Log–log plot analysis indicates a 1:1, 2:1 and 1:1 stoichiometry (ligand/metal) for the extracted complex formed between 5b and La 3+ , Th 4+ , UO 2 2+ , respectively. Additionally, their corresponding acyclic analogs 7a–7c exhibit negligible extraction toward these metal ions. These results reveal the possibility of selective extraction via tuning local chelating surroundings of CMPO-CA by aid of intramolecular hydrogen bonding

  17. 3-(Dicyanomethylidene)indan-1-one-Functionalized Calix[4]arene-Calix[4]pyrrole Hybrid: An Ion-Pair Sensor for Cesium Salts. (United States)

    Yeon, Yerim; Leem, Soojung; Wagen, Corin; Lynch, Vincent M; Kim, Sung Kuk; Sessler, Jonathan L


    A chromogenic calix[4]arene-calix[4]pyrrole hybrid ion pair receptor bearing an indane substituent at a β-pyrrolic position has been prepared. On the basis of solution-phase UV-vis spectroscopic analysis and (1)H NMR spectroscopic studies carried out in 10% methanol in chloroform, receptor 1 is able to bind only cesium ion pairs (e.g., CsF, CsCl, and CsNO3) but not the constituent cesium cation (as its perchlorate salt) or the F(-), Cl(-), or NO3(-) anions (as the tetrabutylammonium salts). It thus displays rudimentary AND logic gate behavior. Receptor 1 shows a colorimetric response to cesium ion pairs under conditions of solid-liquid (nitrobenzene) and liquid-liquid (D2O-nitrobenzene-d5) extraction.

  18. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...



    Ana Caroline Paim Benedetti


    Este trabalho investiga a dinâmica das classes de uso e cobertura da terra na subbacia hidrográfica do Arroio Arenal RS, através da representação de processos espaço-temporais. Por meio de um conjunto de imagens multi-sensores, realizou-se a análise espacial de uma série temporal distinta entre as datas de outubro de 1995, maio de 2000 e janeiro de 2005, gerando informações representativas da paisagem e relacionando-as a diferentes aspectos sócio-econômicos, políticos e ambientais inerentes ...

  20. Malonamide, phosphine oxide and calix[4]arene functionalized ionic liquids: synthesis and extraction of actinides and lanthanides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ternova, Dariia


    Radioactive waste treatment is a crucial problem nowadays. This work was dedicated to the development of the new extracting systems for radionuclides on the basis of 'green' solvents Ionic Liquids (Ils). For this purpose Ils were functionalized with various extracting patterns: phosphine oxide, carbamoyl phosphine oxide groups and malonamide fragment. Also the calix[4]arene platforms were used for the synthesis of functionalized ionic liquids (Fils) and their precursors. The Fils of both types cationic and anionic have been obtained. The synthesized Fils were tested for the liquid-liquid extraction of radionuclides. lt was found that extraction well occurs due to the extracting patterns, however a charge of a modified ion influences extraction.The various extracting experiments and mathematical modelling have been performed to determine the mechanisms of extraction. These studies showed that each extracting system is characterized by a different set of extracting equilibria, based mostly on cationic exchange. (author)

  1. La enseñanza de Antropología Biológica en cursos avanzados de Biología

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    Lomaglio, Delia Beatriz


    Full Text Available La Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca ofrece tres carreras de Biología: Licenciatura, Profesorado y Tecnicatura. En todas ellas la asignatura Antropología Biológica se inserta en las currículas en los últimos años de cursado. Esta particularidad permite a los alumnos el manejo de contenidos diversos que posibilitan el dictado en forma integradora. En los últimos años se pusieron en práctica actividades de integración de los alumnos a las investigaciones bioantropológicas en desarrollo y de interdisciplinariedad. Estas actividades se evaluaron como muy positivas en el rendimiento académico del alumnado, que logra desde la praxis la integración de contenidos temáticos, actitudinales y procedimentales.


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    Fatriani Fatriani


    Full Text Available This study aims to determine the effect of age on the sap of palm plants produced from A Murung Village, Sub Batu Benawa Hulu Sungai Tengah District, South Kalimantan. Based on simple linear regression analysis it can be seen the following equation: Y = 12.6612 - 0.2625999 * age plant. Sap production varies inversely with the mean age of palm plants with increasing age, the more little palm plant sap produced. F hit (15.24> F tab (9:07 means that age has a significant influence on the production of palm juice either at the level of confidence of 5% or 1% of the above regression equation can be estimated (predicted by age palm juice production plant . The results of the calculation of the correlation coefficient (r indicates the closeness of the relationship between age with the production of palm juice, this is indicated by r values of -0.734597 (close to -1, mean age of palm plants have a very close correlation with the production of palm juice, while based on the coefficient of determination (R2 known value is 53.9632%, means the production of palm juice is influenced by the age factor while the remaining 53.96% influenced by other factors. Age factor has a strong relationship with the production of palm wine (the correlation coefficient of -0.734597. Age factor is inversely proportional to the roduction of palm juice, palm sugar The older age of the plants produced less sap, Age 11 years generating plants aren aren at most ( 10.68 liters while the lowest is 30 years old (2.34 liters, Need palm cultivation in the area within the framework of sustainability brown sugar.Technic tapping sugar production in order to maximize the production of palm juice should really be considered, Ways to maximize production Nira through efforts to extend the period of tapping palm bunches of flowers should also be noted. Keywords :Age plants, production, Nira

  3. Crystal Structure of an L-Carnitine Complex with Pyrogallol[4]arene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujisawa, I; Takeuchi, D; Kitamura, Y; Okamoto, R; Aoki, K


    L-Carnitine is essential for the transport of long-chain fatty acids from cytosol into mitochondria for generating metabolic energy. The survey of crystal structures of carnitine-containing proteins in the Protein Data Bank reveals that carnitine can take several conformations with the quarternary trimethylammonium terminal being always bound to aromatic residues through cation-π interactions in acyltransferases or carnitine-binding proteins. In order to demonstrate the importance of cation-π interaction as a carnitine recognition mechanism in the artificial receptor-ligand system that mimics the carnitine-binding sites, we have determined the crystal structure of a complex formed between L-carnitine and pyrogallol[4]arene (pyrogallol cyclic tetramer: PCT) as a carnitine receptor, 2PCT·2(L-carnitine)·4EtOH. There form two crystallographically independent monomeric [PCT·L-carnitine] substructures, which further form an obliquely arranged capsule-like dimeric [PCT·L-carnitine] 2 structure through a pair of O-H (PCT)···O (L-carnitine) hydrogen bonds. This is the first report of PCT complex with chiral molecules. In each of the two monomeric [PCT·L-carnitine] substructures, the L-carnitine molecule takes the elongated form with an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl group and the carboxylate oxygen, and the cationic trimethylammonium moiety is incorporated into the cavity of the bowl-shaped PCT molecule through cation-π interactions. These features are similar to those at the D-carnitine-binding site in the crystal structure of the glycine betaine/carnitine/choline-binding protein complex.

  4. Computations between metallocalix(4)arene host and a series of four oil-based fuel pollutant guests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pathak, D.A.; Street, N.C.


    Calculations using PM3 and mechanics methods on metallocalix(4)arene hosts (1-10) and substituted dibenzothiophene guests (A-D), which are generally known as oil-based fuel pollutants, show that host-guest formation is energetically favored. Calculations have been carried out for both 1/1 and 1/4 ratios of host/guest. There is no direct bonding between the metal center of the host and the sulfur of the guest in the host-guest complex. Sterically hundered dibenzothiophene guests show similar energies to the unhindered analogs. For calix(4)arenas (5-10) in partial cone conformations and having hydrogen rather than p-tert-butyl groups on the wide rim, host-guest formation occurs within the narrow rim rather than the wide rim. Host-guest association appears to occur via Pie-Pie interactions between host and guest phenyl groups rather than via metal-sulfur bonding. The study has importance especially in oil refining to obtain environmentally safe fuel oils and help supramolecular chemists in designing and synthesizing more sophisticated host molecules for the removal of sulfur from crude oil / refinery oil. (author)

  5. Investigation on the inclusion interaction of 4-sulfonatocalix[n]arenes with 1-(4-nitrophenyl)piperazine (United States)

    Zhang, Yongbin; Chao, Jianbin; Zhao, Shuhui; Xu, Penghao; Wang, Hongfang; Guo, Zhiqiang; Liu, Diansheng


    The inclusion behaviors of 4-Sulfonatocalix[n]arenes (SCXn) (n = 4, 6, 8) with 1-(4-nitrophenyl)piperazine (NPP) were investigated by UV spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy at different pH values (pH = 3.05, 6.50, 8.40). The UV absorption and fluorescence intensity of NPP remarkably increased in presence of SCXn revealing formation of the inclusion complexes between NPP and SCXn. Moreover, the formation constants (K) of inclusion complexes were also determined by the non-linear fitting method, and the obtained data showed that the formation constants decreased gradually with the increasing of the pH value. When the pH value was 3.05, the formation constant of NPP with SCX8 reached a maximum of 1.7 × 107 L mol-1. The stoichiometric ratio was verified to be 1:1 by the continuous variation method. Meanwhile FT-IR and DSC analysis also indicated that NPP could form the inclusion complex with SCXn. In order to explore the inclusion mechanism of NPP with SCXn, 1H NMR and molecular modeling studies were carried out and experimental results showed that the part of benzene ring of NPP penetrated into the hydrophobic cavity of SCXn.

  6. A general approach to intermolecular carbonylation of arene C-H bonds to ketones through catalytic aroyl triflate formation (United States)

    Garrison Kinney, R.; Tjutrins, Jevgenijs; Torres, Gerardo M.; Liu, Nina Jiabao; Kulkarni, Omkar; Arndtsen, Bruce A.


    The development of metal-catalysed methods to functionalize inert C-H bonds has become a dominant research theme in the past decade as an approach to efficient synthesis. However, the incorporation of carbon monoxide into such reactions to form valuable ketones has to date proved a challenge, despite its potential as a straightforward and green alternative to Friedel-Crafts reactions. Here we describe a new approach to palladium-catalysed C-H bond functionalization in which carbon monoxide is used to drive the generation of high-energy electrophiles. This offers a method to couple the useful features of metal-catalysed C-H functionalization (stable and available reagents) and electrophilic acylations (broad scope and selectivity), and synthesize ketones simply from aryl iodides, CO and arenes. Notably, the reaction proceeds in an intermolecular fashion, without directing groups and at very low palladium-catalyst loadings. Mechanistic studies show that the reaction proceeds through the catalytic build-up of potent aroyl triflate electrophiles.

  7. Supramolecular Host-Guest System as Ratiometric Fe3+ Ion Sensor Based on Water-Soluble Pillar[5]arene. (United States)

    Yao, Qianfang; Lü, Baozhong; Ji, Chendong; Cai, Yang; Yin, Meizhen


    Developing a specific, ratiometric, and reversible detection method for metal ions is significant to guard against the threat of metal-caused environmental pollution and organisms poisoning. Here a supramolecular host-guest system (WP5⊃G) based on water-soluble pillar[5]arene (WP5) and water-soluble quaternized perylene diimide derivative (G) was constructed. Morphological transformation was achieved during the process of adding WP5 into G aqueous solution, and a fluorescence "turn-off" phenomenon was observed which was caused by supramolecular photoinduced electron transfer (PET). Meanwhile, hydrophobic effect and electrostatic interaction played important roles in this supramolecular process, which was confirmed by isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC) and ζ potential experiments. Furthermore, the supramolecular host-guest system could be a "turn-on" fluorescent probe for Fe 3+ ion detection through the process of interdicting supramolecular PET. Moreover, the Fe 3+ ion detection showed specific, ratiometric, and reversible performances with a detection limit of 2.13 × 10 -7 M, which might have great potentials in biological and environmental monitoring.

  8. La superaci??n del modelo del ??ngel del hogar:


    Hurtado Mu??oz, M??nica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superaci??n del modelo del "??ngel del hogar". Recuperaci??n de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un an??lisis sociol??gico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer espa??ola en el cambio de siglo en el ??mbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las caracter??sticas propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye q...

  9. Warm/cool-tone switchable thermochromic material for smart windows by orthogonally integrating properties of pillar[6]arene and ferrocene. (United States)

    Wang, Sai; Xu, Zuqiang; Wang, Tingting; Xiao, Tangxin; Hu, Xiao-Yu; Shen, Ying-Zhong; Wang, Leyong


    Functional materials play a vital role in the fabrication of smart windows, which can provide a more comfortable indoor environment for humans to enjoy a better lifestyle. Traditional materials for smart windows tend to possess only a single functionality with the purpose of regulating the input of solar energy. However, different color tones also have great influences on human emotions. Herein, a strategy for orthogonal integration of different properties is proposed, namely the thermo-responsiveness of ethylene glycol-modified pillar[6]arene (EGP6) and the redox-induced reversible color switching of ferrocene/ferrocenium groups are orthogonally integrated into one system. This gives rise to a material with cooperative and non-interfering dual functions, featuring both thermochromism and warm/cool tone-switchability. Consequently, the obtained bifunctional material for fabricating smart windows can not only regulate the input of solar energy but also can provide a more comfortable color tone to improve the feelings and emotions of people in indoor environments.

  10. Solvation Effect on Complexation of Alkali Metal Cations by a Calix[4]arene Ketone Derivative. (United States)

    Požar, Josip; Nikšić-Franjić, Ivana; Cvetnić, Marija; Leko, Katarina; Cindro, Nikola; Pičuljan, Katarina; Borilović, Ivana; Frkanec, Leo; Tomišić, Vladislav


    The medium effect on the complexation of alkali metal cations with a calix[4]arene ketone derivative (L) was systematically examined in methanol, ethanol, N-methylformamide, N,N-dimethylformamide, dimethyl sulfoxide, and acetonitrile. In all solvents the binding of Na + cation by L was rather efficient, whereas the complexation of other alkali metal cations was observed only in methanol and acetonitrile. Complexation reactions were enthalpically controlled, while ligand dissolution was endothermic in all cases. A notable influence of the solvent on NaL + complex stability could be mainly attributed to the differences in complexation entropies. The higher NaL + stability in comparison to complexes with other alkali metal cations in acetonitrile was predominantly due to a more favorable complexation enthalpy. The 1 H NMR investigations revealed a relatively low affinity of the calixarene sodium complex for inclusion of the solvent molecule in the calixarene hydrophobic cavity, with the exception of acetonitrile. Differences in complex stabilities in the explored solvents, apart from N,N-dimethylformamide and acetonitrile, could be mostly explained by taking into account solely the cation and complex solvation. A considerable solvent effect on the complexation equilibria was proven to be due to an interesting interplay between the transfer enthalpies and entropies of the reactants and the complexes formed.

  11. Neutral glycoconjugated amide-based calix[4]arenes: complexation of alkali metal cations in water. (United States)

    Cindro, Nikola; Požar, Josip; Barišić, Dajana; Bregović, Nikola; Pičuljan, Katarina; Tomaš, Renato; Frkanec, Leo; Tomišić, Vladislav


    Cation complexation in water presents a unique challenge in calixarene chemistry, mostly due to the fact that a vast majority of calixarene-based cation receptors is not soluble in water or their solubility has been achieved by introducing functionalities capable of (de)protonation. Such an approach inevitably involves the presence of counterions which compete with target cations for the calixarene binding site, and also rather often requires the use of ion-containing buffer solutions in order to control the pH. Herein we devised a new strategy towards the solution of this problem, based on introducing carbohydrate units at the lower or upper rim of calix[4]arenes which comprise efficient cation binding sites. In this context, we prepared neutral, water-soluble receptors with secondary or tertiary amide coordinating groups, and studied their complexation with alkali metal cations in aqueous and methanol (for the comparison purpose) solutions. Complexation thermodynamics was quantitatively characterized by UV spectrometry and isothermal titration calorimetry, revealing that one of the prepared tertiary amide derivatives is capable of remarkably efficient (log K ≈ 5) and selective binding of sodium cations among alkali metal cations in water. Given the ease of the synthetic procedure used, and thus the variety of accessible analogues, this study can serve as a platform for the development of reagents for diverse purposes in aqueous media.

  12. Selección de parejas y homogamia en Salta

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    Albeza, María V.


    Full Text Available La migración efectiva es estimada en demografía genética considerando los migrantes en edad reproductiva bajo el supuesto que, dejando sus descendientes en la población forman parte integral de ella. Sin embargo, el coeficiente de migración efectiva no considera los casos en que los migrantes se unen entre sí de manera preferencial, por lo que aún cuando integren los efectivos de la población, pueden generar algún grado de estructuración. El Coeficiente H considera a las parejas en sus diferentes combinaciones (ambos del lugar, varón del lugar-mujer de afuera, varón de afuera-mujer del lugar, ambos de afuera midiendo de esta manera el grado de panmixia entre la población local y la fracción migrante. Se calculó H en 11 poblaciones de la provincia de Salta (cinco de la Puna, tres del Valle Calchaquí y tres del Valle de Lerma, una de Tucumán y una de Catamarca. Los valores de H variaron entre -0,3464 (El Pichao, Tucumán y 0,787 (Cobres, Salta. Valores negativos de H (El Pichao y Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes indican la tendencia a favorecer uniones exogámicas. Cobres ostenta el mayor H mientras que El Barrial es la población más homogámica de las del Valle Calchaquí y La Isla de las del Valle de Lerma. Contrariamente a lo esperado, la Puna en su conjunto fue menos homogámica que el Valle de Lerma y que el Valle Calchaquí.

  13. Historia deldel = History of Padel

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    Bernardino Javier Sánchez-Alcaraz Martínez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo resume la historia del deporte deldel. Existen dos versiones sobre el origen deldel. La primera versión relaciona los antecedentes deldel con los de otros deportes de raqueta como el tenis o el bádminton, siendo su origen común el jeu de la paume francés. Posteriormente, surgen variantes en Estados Unidos como el Paddle Tennis y el Platform Tennis, siendo versiones reducidas del tenis, pero con elementos muy comunes al pádel actual. La segunda versión, aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Pádel, afirma que este deporte nació en México, en 1969, a través del empresario Enrique Corcuera.--------------------------------------------------------------------This research summarizes the history of paddle sport. There are two versions about the origin of paddle. The first version relates the history of paddle with other racket sports like tennis or badminton, and its common origin of the Jeu de Paume French. Later, in in the United States, appear two sports called Paddle Tennis and Platform Tennis, which are reduced versions of tennis sport, but these have lot of common characteristics with paddle. The second version, approved by the International Padel Federation, said the sport was born in Mexico in 1969, through the businessman Enrique Corcuera.

  14. NMR analysis of t-butyl-catalyzed deuterium exchange at unactivated arene localities. (United States)

    Stack, Douglas E; Eastman, Rachel


    Regioselective labelling of arene rings via electrophilic exchange is often dictated by the electronic environment caused by substituents present on the aromatic system. Previously, we observed the presence of a t-butyl group, either covalently bond or added as an external reagent, could impart deuterium exchange to the unactivated, C1-position of estrone. Here, we provide nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of this exchange in a solvent system composed of 50:50 trifluoroacetic acid and D 2 O with either 2-t-butylestrone or estrone in the presence of t-butyl alcohol has shed insights into the mechanism of this t-butyl-catalyzed exchange. Fast exchange of the t-butyl group concurrent with the gradual reduction of the H1 proton signal in both systems suggest a mechanism involving ipso attack of the t-butyl position by deuterium. The reversible addition/elimination of the t-butyl group activates the H1 proton towards exchange by a mechanism of t-butyl incorporation, H1 activation and exchange, followed by eventual t-butyl elimination. Density functional calculations are consistent with the observation of fast t-butyl exchange concurrent with slower H1 exchange. The σ-complex resulting from ipso attack of deuterium at the t-butyl carbon was 6.6 kcal/mol lower in energy than that of the σ-complex resulting from deuterium attack at C1. A better understanding of the t-butyl-catalyzed exchange could help in the design of labelling recipes for other phenolic metabolites. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Evaluation of a integral systems greenhouse - solar dryer for small growers; Evaluacion de un sistema integral invernadero - secadero solar para pequenos productores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia, Victor O; Iriarte, Adolfo A [INENCO, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, Catamarca (Argentina); Carabajal, Dante; Sabadzija, Gabriela; Tomalino, Luis [E.E.A. INTA, Catamarca, Catamarca (Argentina)


    Due to poor yielding capacity in the province of Catamarca, Argentina, it is necessary to improve solar drying systems in order to have a better quality final product. It is also essential to divide the costs of infrastructure with other complementary activities because of the need to make drying methods profitable. The system proposed in this work is a dryer-greenhouse with a double purposed macrotunnel greenhouse: during Winter it is used as a yielding system, and in Summer it is prepared to fulfill the functions of a solar dryer. The crops evaluated in winter were: small vegetable marrow (Curcubita maxima L), melon (Cucumis melo), ad cucumber (Cucuis sativus). Crop cycle, harvest time and tield in Kg/m were determined for each species. The assessment of the dryer was made using pepper for paprika observation of the thermal behavior of the product during drying and its final quality. The product obtained had a very good quality in color, taste and aroma with a classification of extra quality according to the Argentine Nutritional Code and the 7541 ISO Standard. Drying time decreased considerably compared to that observed in open air drying, 1995, 1996 and 1997 campaigns were economically assessed, and an evaluation of investments in five years was also conducted obtaining a positive VAN and a TIR above the cost of the best alternative for money expenditure. This integrated system is valid alternative in a sustainable production for small growers. [Spanish] Debido a las caracteristicas productivas de la Provincia de Catamarca Argentina, es necesario optimizar los procesos del secado solar teniendo en cuenta la calidad final del producto. Ademas, debido a la necesidad de rentabilizar los metodos de secado, imprescindible repartir los costos de infraestructura con otro tipo de actividad complementaria. El sistema propuesto en este trabajo es un invernadero secadero que utiliza un invernadero macrotunel que cumple una doble funcion, durante el invierno se usa como

  16. Remediation of cadmium-contaminated soil by extraction with para-sulphonato-thiacalix[4]arene, a novel supramolecular receptor. (United States)

    Li, Yushuang; Hu, Xiaojun; Song, Xueying; Sun, Tieheng


    Batch extractions were conducted to evaluate the performance of para-sulphonato-thiacalix[4]arene (STC[4]A), a novel supramolecular receptor, for removing cadmium (Cd) from soil. The extraction mechanism was investigated by determination of the conditional stability constants (log K) of the STC[4]A-Cd complex. The influences of various variables were examined, including pH, contact time, and extractant concentration. The Cd extraction efficiency increased with increasing pH, reaching the maximum at pH 11 and then declining at higher pH values. This pH dependence was explained by the variation in the log K value of the STC[4]A-Cd complex along with pH change. When the STC[4]A dose was increased to an STC[4]A:Cd molar ratio of 2.5:1, Cd was exhaustively removed (up to 96.8%). The comparison experiment revealed that the Cd extraction performance of STC[4]A was almost equivalent to that of EDTA and significantly better than that of natural organic acids. STC[4]A extraction could efficiently prevent co-dissolution of soil minerals. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Potencial del Agua del suelo

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    Bustamante Heliodoro


    Full Text Available La energía potencial del agua presenta diferencias de un punto del suelo a otro; esas diferencias son las que originan el movimiento del agua de acuerdo a la tendencia universal de la materia en el sentido de moverse de donde la energía potencial es mayor a donde dicha energía es menor. En el suelo el agua en consecuencia se mueve hacia donde su energía decrece hasta lograr su estado de equilibrio. Se desprende entonces que la cantidad de energía potencial absoluta contenida en el agua, no es importante por sí misma, sino por su relación con la energía en diferentes lugares dentro del suelo. El concepto Potencial de agua del suelo es un criterio para esta energía.

  18. Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz


    Furcal-Beriguete, Parménides; Herrera-Barrantes, Alejandra


    Efecto del silicio y plaguicidas en la fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento del arroz. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, ...


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    Full Text Available The Arene Candide Cave (Finale Ligure, Northern Italy is considered one of the most important prehistoric site in Italy. The archaeological excavations conducted by the “Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana” of Rome revealed 3 different horizons: an upper horizon with Holocene human presence dated from the Neolithic to the Byzantine period, and two underlying Pleistocene horizons with Gravettian and Epigravettian lithic artefacts. The stratigraphical sequence of the upper Palaeolithic is divided in two groups of strata separated by a depositional gap: the “P” complex, divided in 13 layers, dated from 25,620 to 18,560 years BP, and the 5 “M” layers dated between 11,750 and 9,980 years BP (14C non-calibrated dating.In this paper the fossil bone remains of bats from “M” layers are described. Fifteen taxa, divided into 3 families and 6 genera have been identified: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, R. mehelyi, R. euryale, R. hipposideros, Myotis myotis, M. blythii, M. capaccinii, M. emarginatus, M. mystacinus s.l., Myotis sp. (small sized, Plecotus auritus s.l., Nyctalus lasiopterus, N. noctula, Barbastella barbastellus and Miniopterus schreibersii. Comments for each of these taxa on current ecological and geographical distributions are presented, together with some osteometric measures and recent data referred to Late Pleistocene fossils bats in Italy. Finally, the value of this bat tanathocoenoses as a microclimatic, environmental, and human activity indicators is discussed. SHORT NOTE

  20. MATERIAS PRIMAS, CONTEXTO Y PROCEDENCIA DE CUENTAS DE COLLAR EN LOS SITIOS ALAMITO (DEPTO. ANDALGALÁ, CATAMARCA (Raw Materials, Context, and Provenance of Necklace Beads at Alamito Sites (Andalgalá Department, Catamarca

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    María Soledad Gianfrancisco


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de análisis físicos y químicos efectuados sobre un conjunto de bienes ornamentales procedentes de los sitios Alamito. La identificación de materia prima alóctona empleada para su manufactura y la ausencia de elementos sustanciales que den cuenta de una producción local de los mismos nos permiten plantear la hipótesis de que fueron adquiridos mediante mecanismos de intercambio, como otros de los tantos productos que circularon en el flujo interregional de bienes en el contexto macrorregional del área surandina. ENGLISH: This paper presents the results of physical and chemical analyses carried out on a set of ornamental goods from Alamito sites. The identification of allochthonous material used for their manufacture and the absence of substantial elements that would indicate local production allow us to put forward the hypothesis that these ornamental goods were acquired through trade, like many other products that circulated through the interregional flow of goods in the macro-regional context of the southern Andes.

  1. Determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad: el caso del Valle del Cauca en Colombia

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    Sebastián Urueña Abadía


    Full Text Available Colombia, al igual que la mayoría de países latinoamericanos, consciente de las repercusiones sociales y económicas negativas del trabajo infantil, se ha comprometido en la lucha por la erradicación de este fenómeno. Prueba de ello es la ratificación por parte del gobierno colombiano en el año 2007, del Convenio 182 de la OIT sobre la Prohibición de las Peores Formas de Trabajo Infantil y la Acción Inmediata para su Eliminación. En el plano regional, como parte del Plan de Desarrollo del Departamento del Valle del Cauca 2008-2011, se está implementando actualmente una estrategia territorial de erradicación del trabajo infantil en sus 42 municipios. Considerando este panorama, este trabajo indaga cuáles son los determinantes del trabajo infantil y la escolaridad en el departamento del Valle a partir de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida del año 2003. Para el análisis se emplea un modelo econométrico Probit Bivariado, que permite el estudio conjunto e interrelacionado de decisiones diferentes, en este caso la asistencia escolar y el trabajo.

  2. La superación del modelo del ángel del hogar:


    Hurtado Muñoz, Mónica


    La Tesis Doctoral titulada "La superación del modelo del "ángel del hogar". Recuperación de la escritora Leonor Canalejas y Fustegueras (1869-1945)" aborda, en primer lugar, un análisis sociológico de las circunstancias que rodearon a la mujer española en el cambio de siglo en el ámbito social y educativo, en un intento de esclarecer las características propias del contexto en el que la mujer accede a la intelectualidad en general y a la literatura en particular. Esta parte concluye que la cr...

  3. Culturas del Mundo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benwell, Ann Fenger; Costa, Alberto; Waehle, Espen


    ’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39......’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39...

  4. Reduction of a cerium(III) siloxide complex to afford a quadruple-decker arene-bridged cerium(II) sandwich

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    Kelly, Rory P.; Scopelliti, Rosario; Mazzanti, Marinella [Institut des Sciences et Ingenierie Chimiques, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne (Switzerland); Maron, Laurent [Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Nano-objets, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, Toulouse (France)


    Organometallic multi-decker sandwich complexes containing f-elements remain rare, despite their attractive magnetic and electronic properties. The reduction of the Ce{sup III} siloxide complex, [KCeL{sub 4}] (1; L=OSi(OtBu){sub 3}), with excess potassium in a THF/toluene mixture afforded a quadruple-decker arene-bridged complex, [K(2.2.2-crypt)]{sub 2}[{(KL_3Ce)(μ-η"6:η"6-C_7H_8)}{sub 2}Ce] (3). The structure of 3 features a [Ce(C{sub 7}H{sub 8}){sub 2}] sandwich capped by [KL{sub 3}Ce] moieties with a linear arrangement of the Ce ions. Structural parameters, UV/Vis/NIR data, and DFT studies indicate the presence of Ce{sup II} ions involved in δ bonding between the Ce cations and toluene dianions. Complex 3 is a rare lanthanide multi-decker complex and the first containing non-classical divalent lanthanide ions. Moreover, oxidation of 1 by AgOTf (OTf=O{sub 3}SCF{sub 3}) yielded the Ce{sup IV} complex, [CeL{sub 4}] (2), showing that siloxide ligands can stabilize Ce in three oxidation states. (copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca

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    Estrada Salazar Edgar Iván


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m3 de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m3 en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro "MIEVHR" como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.

  6. Development of a pH sensing membrane electrode based on a new calix[4]arene derivative. (United States)

    Kormalı Ertürün, H Elif; Demirel Özel, Ayça; Sayın, Serkan; Yılmaz, Mustafa; Kılıç, Esma


    A new pH sensing poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) membrane electrode was developed by using recently synthesized 5,17-bis(4-benzylpiperidine-1-yl)methyl-25,26,27,28-tetrahydroxy calix[4]arene as an ionophore. The effects of membrane composition, inner filling solution and conditioning solution on the potential response of the proposed pH sensing membrane electrode were investigated. An optimum membrane composition of 3% ionophore, 67% o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (o-NPOE) as plasticizer, 30% PVC was found. The electrode exhibited a near-Nernstian slope of 58.7±1.1 mV pH(-1) in the pH range 1.9-12.7 at 20±1 °C. It showed good selectivity for H(+) ions in the presence of some cations and anions and a longer lifetime of at least 12 months when compared with the other PVC membrane pH electrodes reported in the literature. Having a wide working pH range, it was not only applied as a potentiometric indicator electrode in various acid-base titrations, but also successfully employed in different real samples. It has good reproducibility and repeatability with a response time of 6-7s. Compared to traditional glass pH electrode, it exhibited excellent potentiometric response after being used in fluoride-containing media. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Revisión sistemática del género Halictillus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Augochlorini en la Argentina Systematic revision of the genus Halictillus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae: Augochlorini in Argentina

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    Rocío A. González-Vaquero


    Full Text Available Entre los grupos basales de la tribu Augochlorini, se encuentra el género de abejas Halictillus Moure, con sólo dos especies descriptas y ninguna revisión sistemática hasta el momento. En este trabajo, se describen cuatro especies nuevas de Halictillus de la Argentina y Chile. Las especies nuevas son: H. amplilobus sp. nov. (de Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Río Negro, H. peninsularis sp. nov. (de la Península de Valdés, Chubut, H. badiclypeus sp. nov. (de Mendoza, La Rioja y Catamarca y H. reticulatus sp. nov. (de las zonas occidentales de Chubut, Neuquén y Río Negro en la Argentina, y las regiones de La Araucanía y Los Lagos en Chile. Se presenta una clave para la determinación de las seis especies que componen el género, así como descripciones detalladas, imágenes de microscopio electrónico de barrido y un mapa de distribución geográfica de las especies nuevas.Among the basal genera of the tribe Augochlorini is the bee genus Halictillus Moure, which comprises only two described species and has no systematic revision at the moment. Four new species of Halictillus from Argentina and Chile are described in this contribution: H. amplilobus sp. nov. (from Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Río Negro Provinces, H. peninsularis sp. nov. (from Península Valdés, Chubut Province, H. badiclypeus sp. nov. (from Mendoza, La Rioja and Catamarca Provinces and H. reticulatus sp. nov. (from western Chubut, Neuquén and Río Negro Provinces in Argentina, and the regions of La Araucanía and Los Lagos in Chile. A key to the six species of the genus, as well as detailed descriptions, scanning electron microscope images and a map with distributional data of the new species are provided.

  8. Las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar durante el Cuaternario


    Pousa, Jorge Lorenzo; Isla, Federico Ignacio; Schnack, Enrique Jorge


    Los cambios del nivel del mar han ejercido una fuerte influencia en la evolución del planeta y en la historia de la humanidad. En una escala de tiempo geológico, las variaciones de los niveles oceánicos han dejado un registro ampliamente distribuido en la forma de depósitos sedimentarios. El descenso del nivel del mar durante la Ultima Glaciación, que alcanzó unos 120 metros hace 18.000 años, permitió la emergencia del estrecho de Bering y la migración humana desde Eurasia hacia América. Se e...


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    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas, silicio foliar, silicio foliar más plaguicidas y testigo comercial. Como fuente se utilizaron si- licio en polvo al 70% de SiO2, aplicado quince días antes de siembra en dosis de 100 kg SiO2/ha, y líquido concentrado 40% SiO2 y 36% MgO, aplicado al follaje en dosis de 4 l/ha a los 17 y 30 días después de la siembra. El suelo del orden inceptisol de formación aluvial, al inicio del experimento tenía pH 4,9, valores de P y Si disponibles de 29 ppm y 44,7 ppm, respectivamente, acidez intercambiable 1,2 cmol(+/l y suma de bases 19,11 cmol(+/l. No hubo diferencia estadística significativa del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, y en la calidad molinera; sin embargo, la combinación del silicio aplicado al suelo y el uso de plaguicidas incrementaron el contenido de zinc y cobre en el suelo, y del zinc y magnesio en las hojas de arroz, pero este efecto no se tradujo en rendimiento y calidad de granos. La aplicación de plaguicidas influyó positivamente en el peso y rendimiento del arroz en granza (p≤0,05.

  10. Catàleg dels Miridae (Heteroptera) del Massís del Garraf


    Goula Goula, Marta


    Per a la redacció d'aquest catàleg, s'aporten dades d'observació pròpia al llarg dels anys 1980-1984, així com les troballes publicades per CUNI (1889a,1889b,1889c,1891) i per RIBES (1978a,1978b,1980,1984). Totes aquestes observacions s'han fet en localitats del Massis del Garraf, que será objecte d'una curta descripció.

  11. La Orden de Medidas Provisionales del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso del buque de guerra ARA Libertad

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    Martin Cabrera Mirassou


    Full Text Available El presente comentario tiene por finalidad describir la reciente orden de medidas provisionales emitida por el Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar en el caso relativo a la detención de la Fragata ARA Libertad. La controversia contiene un complejo trasfondo político, económico y jurídico, en el cual se destaca el alcance de la inmunidad de los buques de guerra, el funcionamiento del sistema de solución de controversias de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre Derecho del Mar y, en particular, la competencia del Tribunal. Con la finalidad de lograr un entendimiento más profundo de su jurisprudencia se abordan los principales aspectos que permitan comprender el valor de la decisión para los actores del régimen de los océanos.

  12. Funciones del estilo personal del terapeuta en profesionales del campo de las adicciones

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    Leandro Casari


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar el estilo personal del terapeuta entre dos grupos de profesionales, uno dedicado a la atención de pacientes drogodependientes (grupo adicciones y otro a la atención clínica en general (grupo clínico. Método. La muestra estuvo formada por 100 psicoterapeutas que trabajan en instituciones públicas y privadas de tres provincias del interior de Argentina, pareados por las variables socioprofesionales (sexo, edad, años de experiencia profesional, enfoque teórico, grupo etario de trabajo, tipo de abordaje predominante, duración del tratamiento y grado de especialización. El instrumento empleado fue el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta. Resultados. Para el análisis de datos se emplearon pruebas de comparación de medias y se analizó su tamaño del efecto. Se obtuvieron diferencias signifi cativas en la función expresiva: grupo clínico (M = 40.36 y grupo adicciones (M = 29.86; así como también en la función instruccional: grupo clínico (M = 28.01 y grupo adicciones (M = 32.67. Esto indica una mayor distancia emocional y un incremento en la rigidez del encuadre terapéutico en los terapeutas de pacientes adictos. Conclusión. Se discuten estos resultados en función de postulados previos que señalan la complejidad del vínculo terapéutico y el énfasis en las características del encuadre terapéutico, tal como la puesta de límites.

  13. Calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo

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    Joheni A. Urdaneta G.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la calidad del servicio de los taxis en el municipio Maracaibo, ya que los mismos forman parte del sistema de transporte urbano de la ciudad, y es un servicio público fundamental para la convivencia de la sociedad; para lograr este objetivo se realizó una adaptación del modelo SERVPERF, diseñando un instrumento tipo cuestionario, con 32 ítems en 6 dimensiones, adecuado a las características propias del servicio de taxi, con la finalidad de confirmar que los ítems de los instrumentos se correspondían con las dimensiones adaptadas se aplicó la técnica de análisis factorial resultando un nuevo instrumento con 24 ítems en 3 dimensiones. Se utilizó la escala de Likert con tres (3 alternativas de respuesta. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y aplicada, bajo diseño no experimental de tipo transeccional descriptiva y de campo. La población quedó conformada por los usuarios de las líneas de taxis del municipio Maracaibo. Se aplicó muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado. La confiabilidad del instrumento se midió a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach resultando de 0,82 lo cual se considera aceptable. Los resultados revelan que la calidad del servicio de taxis del municipio Maracaibo es mediana por lo tanto este servicio es susceptible a mejoras, las cuales son necesarias para elevar la calidad de vida de los marabinos. Este resultado se obtuvo con el instrumento originalmente adaptado de 32 ítems y con el cuestionario resultante del análisis factorial, de 24 ítems; esto confirma lo apropiado de esta técnica, ya que se redujo el número de ítems y de las dimensiones originalmente adaptadas y no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los resultados con ambos instrumentos; de esta manera se puede medir la calidad del servicio de taxis en el municipio Maracaibo a través de las dimensiones: confiabilidad del servicio, socialización y responsabilidad.

  14. Investigation of the host-guest complexation between 4-sulfocalix[4]arene and nedaplatin for potential use in drug delivery (United States)

    Fahmy, Sherif Ashraf; Ponte, Fortuna; Abd El-Rahman, Mohamed K.; Russo, Nino; Sicilia, Emilia; Shoeib, Tamer


    Macromolecules including macrocyclic species have been reported to have the potential to encapsulate biologically active compounds such as drugs through host-guest complexation to increase their solubility, stability and bioavailability. In this paper the first experimental and theoretical investigation of the complexation between nedaplatin, a second generation antineoplastic drug, and p-4-sulfocalix[4]arene, a macromolecule possessing a bipolar amphiphilic structure with good biocompatibility and relatively low haemolytic toxicity for potential use as a drug delivery system is presented. Data from 1H NMR, UV, Job's plot analysis, HPLC and DFT calculations are detailed and suggest the formation of a 1:1 complex. The stability constant of the complex was experimentally estimated to be 3.6 × 104 M- 1 and 2.1 × 104 M- 1 which correspond to values of - 6.2 and - 5.9 kcal mol- 1, respectively for the free energy of complexation while the interaction free energy is calculated to be - 4.9 kcal mol- 1. The formed species is shown to be stabilised in solution through hydrogen bonding between the host and the guest which may allow for this strategy to be effective for potential use in drug delivery.

  15. En busca del concepto de gerencia del cuidado

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    Ligia Teresa Mora-Delgado


    Full Text Available Este articulo, presenta los conceptos de gerencia del cuidado de enfermería, desarrollado por las enfermeras profesionales que laboran en le Empresa social del estado Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz de las Ciudad de Cúcuta, desde su desempeño en la asistencia, administración y docencia. Se pretende además precisar los elementos gerenciales, sociales, humanísticos y éticos que deben hacer parte del concepto de gerencia del cuidado.

  16. Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions


    Farnós Amorós, Esther


    La tesi doctoral "Ruptura del projecte parental i disposició dels preembrions" analitza els efectes del consentiment a les tècniques de reproducció assistida prestat en el marc d'un projecte parental. La tesi ofereix una resposta als conflictes que enfronten exesposos o exconvivents en relació al destí dels preembrions sobrants d'un cicle de fecundació "in vitro" iniciat durant la relació. Aquests conflictes constitueixen un grup de casos al voltant del qual no hi ha solucions legislatives qu...

  17. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares


    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales...

  18. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (segunda parte)


    Zorrilla Salgador, Juan Pablo


    Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición del riesgo base.Segunda parte del artículo acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio. Esta continuación abarca estrategias, definiciones, metodología y explicaciones sobre todo lo relacionado con el Ratio de cobertura de los futuros y la aparición d...

  19. Influence of halogen substitution in the ligand sphere on the antitumor and antibacterial activity of half-sandwich ruthenium(II) complexes [RuX(η{sup 6}-arene)(C{sub 5}H{sub 4}N-2-cH=N-Ar)]{sup +}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gichumbi, Joel M.; Omondi, Bernard; Friedrich, Holger B. [School of Chemistry, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban (South Africa); Lazarus, Geraldine; Singh, Moganavelli; Shaikh, Nazia; Chenia, Hafizah Y. [School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban (South Africa)


    New complexes [(η{sup 6}-p-cymene)Ru(C{sub 5}H{sub 4}N-2-CH=N-Ar)X]PF{sub 6} [X = Br (1), I (2); Ar = 4-fluorophenyl (a), 4-chlorophenyl (b), 4-bromophenyl (c), 4-iodophenyl (d), 2,5-dichlorophenyl (e)] were prepared, as well as 3a-3e (X = Cl) and the new complexes [(η{sup 6}-arene)RuCl(N-N)]PF{sub 6} [arene = C{sub 6}H{sub 5}OCH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}OH, N-N = 2,2{sup '}-bipyridine (4), 2,6-(dimethylphenyl)-pyridin-2-yl-methylene amine (5), 2,6-(diisopropylphenyl)-pyridin-2-yl-methylene amine (6); arene = p-cymene, N-N = 4-(aminophenyl)-pyridin-2-yl-methylene amine (7)]. X-ray diffraction studies were performed for 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2b, 5, and 7. Cytotoxicities of 1a-1d and 2 were established versus human cancer cells epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) (IC{sub 50}: 35.8-631.0 μM), breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) (IC{sub 50}: 36.3-128.8.0 μM), and hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) (IC{sub 50}: 60.6-439.8 μM), 3a-3e were tested against HepG2 and Caco-2, and 4-7 were tested against Caco-2. 1-7 were tested against non-cancerous human epithelial kidney cells. 1 and 2 were more selective towards tumor cells than the anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), but 3a-3e (X = Cl) were not selective. 1 and 2 had good activity against MCF7, some with lower IC{sub 50} than 5-FU. Complexes with X = Br or I had moderate activity against Caco-2 and HepG2, but those with Cl were inactive. Antibacterial activities of 1a, 2b, 3a, and 7 were tested against antibacterial susceptible and resistant Gram-negative and -positive bacteria. 1a, 2b, and 3a showed activity against methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MIC = 31-2000 μg.mL{sup -1}). (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  2. Malnutrición en la adolescencia

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    Lomaglio, Delia Beatriz


    Full Text Available Una situación frecuente en sociedades actuales es la coexistencia de estados malnutritivos, como consecuencia de los cambios en los estilos de vida, que se manifiestan con características particulares según la sociedad de la que se trate. En la provincia de Catamarca, considerada entre las de mayores carencias estructurales en el país, se analizó la tendencia de peso, talla e índice de masa corporal (IMC de 1611 adolescentes, en tres períodos (1980, 1990 y 2000, observandose diferencias significativas. Se calcularon prevalencias de bajo peso para talla, sobrepeso y obesidad, en base a curvas percentiladas del IMC, utilizando las referencias del Nacional Center for Health Statistics (NCHS y la Internacional Obesity Task Force (IOTF. Hubo incremento particularmente en los promedios de peso e IMC, más importantes en el presente siglo, con diferencias por sexo y mayor en los varones. La desnutrición ha tenido un leve incremento, mayor en mujeres, al igual que el sobrepeso, particularmente en la última década, en tanto que la obesidad tuvo un aumento muy importante sólo entre varones. Las tablas de referencia de IOFT sobreestiman el sobrepeso y subestiman la obesidad en relación a las de NCHS.

  3. Componente Cultura del Agua del PMGRH: plan de trabajo


    Autoridad Nacional del Agua; Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos


    Describe el plan de trabajo del Componente Cultura del Agua del Proyecto de Modernización de la Gestión de Recursos Hídricos (PMGRH) en relacion a dos aspectos estructurales del proyecto: 1. Mejora de la capacidad de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos (GIRH) a nivel nacional y 2. Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de GIRH en las cuencas.

  4. Experimental and DFT study on the complexation of the silver cation with calix[4]arene-bis(t-octylbenzo-18-crown-6)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makrlik, E.; Toman, P.; Vanura, P.


    From extraction experiments and γ-activity measurements, the exchange extraction constant corresponding to the equilibrium Ag + (aq) + 1 x Cs + (org) ⇔ 1 x Ag + (org) + Cs + (aq) taking place in the two-phase water-phenyltrifluoromethyl sulfone (FS 13) system (1 = calix[4]arene-bis(t-octylbenzo-18-crown-6); aq = aqueous phase, org = FS 13 phase) was evaluated as logK ex (Ag + , 1 x Cs + ) = -1.5 ± 0.1. Further, the stability constant of the 1 x Ag + complex in FS 13 saturated with water was calculated for a temperature of 25 deg C: log β org(1 x Ag + ) = 10.1 ± 0.2. Finally, by using quantum mechanical DFT calculations, the most probable structure of the cationic complex species 1 x Ag + was derived. In the resulting 1 x Ag + complex, the 'central' cation Ag + is bound by eight bond interactions to six oxygen atoms from the respective 18-crown-6 moiety and to two carbons of the corresponding two benzene rings of the parent ligand 1 via cation-π interaction. (author)

  5. Multilayer membranes of p-sulfonato-calix[8]arene and polyvinylamine and their use for selective enrichment of rare earth metal ions

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    Toutianoush, Ali [Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie der Universitaet zu Koeln, Luxemburger Str. 116, D-50939 Cologne (Germany); El-Hashani, Ashraf [Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie der Universitaet zu Koeln, Luxemburger Str. 116, D-50939 Cologne (Germany); Schnepf, Judit [Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie der Universitaet zu Koeln, Luxemburger Str. 116, D-50939 Cologne (Germany); Tieke, Bernd [Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie der Universitaet zu Koeln, Luxemburger Str. 116, D-50939 Cologne (Germany)]. E-mail:


    Using alternating electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly of p-octasulfonato-calix[8]arene and polyvinylamine, multilayer assemblies were built up on porous polymer supports. The resulting composite membranes with ultrathin separation layer were studied on their permeability for various metal chloride salts in aqueous solution. The membranes were permeable for sodium chloride, but much less permeable for divalent metal chlorides such as magnesium and zinc chloride, the theoretical separation factors {alpha} (NaCl/MgCl{sub 2}) and {alpha} (NaCl/ZnCl{sub 2}) being 43 and 20. Rare earth metal chlorides LnCl{sub 3} with Ln being La, Ce, Pr and Sm and the related YCl{sub 3} were strongly rejected from the membrane, the theoretical separation factors {alpha} (NaCl/LaCl{sub 3}) and {alpha} (NaCl/YCl{sub 3}) being 138 and 160, for example. Possible origins for the selective ion transport are discussed in terms of Donnan rejection of the highly charged ions and complex formation of the rare earth metal ions with the p-sulfonato-calixarene units in the membrane.

  6. Multilayer membranes of p-sulfonato-calix[8]arene and polyvinylamine and their use for selective enrichment of rare earth metal ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toutianoush, Ali; El-Hashani, Ashraf; Schnepf, Judit; Tieke, Bernd


    Using alternating electrostatic layer-by-layer assembly of p-octasulfonato-calix[8]arene and polyvinylamine, multilayer assemblies were built up on porous polymer supports. The resulting composite membranes with ultrathin separation layer were studied on their permeability for various metal chloride salts in aqueous solution. The membranes were permeable for sodium chloride, but much less permeable for divalent metal chlorides such as magnesium and zinc chloride, the theoretical separation factors α (NaCl/MgCl 2 ) and α (NaCl/ZnCl 2 ) being 43 and 20. Rare earth metal chlorides LnCl 3 with Ln being La, Ce, Pr and Sm and the related YCl 3 were strongly rejected from the membrane, the theoretical separation factors α (NaCl/LaCl 3 ) and α (NaCl/YCl 3 ) being 138 and 160, for example. Possible origins for the selective ion transport are discussed in terms of Donnan rejection of the highly charged ions and complex formation of the rare earth metal ions with the p-sulfonato-calixarene units in the membrane

  7. Investigation of the inclusion behavior between p-sulfoniccalix[8]arene and norfloxacin by fluorescence spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xueying; Luo Chuannan; Lv Zhen; Lu Fuguang


    The host-guest complexation between p-sulfoniccalix[8]arene (SC 8 A) and norfloxacin (NFLX) in aqueous solution was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. Strong fluorescence intensity of the NFLX aqueous solution alone and obvious fluorescence quenching of NFLX solution in the presence of SC 8 A were observed. The fluorescence lifetimes of NFLX and SC 8 A-NFLX inclusion complex were determined and the effect of temperature on SC 8 A-NFLX inclusion complex was studied. The static quenching of the inclusion was obtained, that is the SC 8 A can form a nonfluorescent ground-state inclusion complex with NFLX. As the results show, the combined ratio (n) was 1:1 and association constant K was 1.17x10 5 L/mol. Based on the experimental results, the mechanism of the inclusion complex was explored. The space matching, electrostatic force and hydrogen bond play important effects in the inclusion process. Subsequently, the addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solution led to the recovery of fluorescence intensity. It is indicated that BSA can liberate the NFLX into the solution by destructing the SC 8 A-NFLX inclusion complex. Hence SC 8 A may be used for controlled-release drug delivery in the pharmaceutical industry. - Highlights: → Fluorescence lifetimes of NFLX and SC8A-NFLX inclusion complex were determined. → Mechanism of the SC8A-NFLX inclusion complex was explored. → It is proved that SC8A can form a nonfluorescent ground-state inclusion complex with NFLX.

  8. Spectrophotometric and electrochemical study for metal ion binding of azocalix[4]arene bearing p-ethylester group (United States)

    Kim, Tae Hyun


    The complexation behavior of diazophenylcalix[4]arene bearing para-ethylester group (p-EAC) for alkali, alkaline earth, various heavy and transition metal ions (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Mg2 +, Ca2 +, Sr2 +, Ba2 +, Cr3 +, Fe2 +, Co2 +, Ni2 +, Cu2 +, Zn2 +, Pb2 +) was investigated by spectrophotometric and electrochemical methods in CH3CN. p-EAC exhibits decreased absorbance at 353 nm in the presence of Cr3 +, Fe2 +, Pb2 +, and Cu2 +. The spectra of p-EAC showed bathochromic shift in absorption maximum on the addition of Cr3 +, Fe2 +, or Pb2 + with decreasing order of absorbance (Cr3 + > Fe2 + > Pb2 +), and on the other hand, hypsochromic shift on the addition of Cu2 +. This leads to the selective coloration from light green to orange and colorless for Cr3 + and Cu2 + that can be detected by the naked eye, respectively. In electrochemistry experiments, p-EAC also showed two different types of voltammetric changes toward Cr3 +, Fe2 +, or Pb2 +, and toward Cu2 +, whereas no significant changes occurred in the presence of the other metal ions. Nonlinear fitting curve procedure was used to determine a logarithmic value of 5.20, 4.92, 3.54 and 4.80 for the stability constants of the complex of p-EAC with Cr3 +, Fe2 +, Pb2 +, and Cu2 +, respectively.

  9. Determinantes del ingreso y del gasto corriente de los hogares

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    Muñoz C., Manuel


    Full Text Available Este ensayo de investigación empírica analiza los determinantes del ingreso y del gasto en los hogares colombianos. Utilizando un modelo del ciclo de vida con datos de la encuesta de hogares de 1994 y 1995, muestra que el comportamiento del ingreso está afectado principalmente por las características demográficas del hogar y los rasgos socio ocupacionales de sus miembros. El comportamiento del gasto está determinado ante todo por el ingreso y, en menor medida, por las características sociales del hogar y el gasto de otros hogares con características similares. También examina la influencia de la incertidumbre acerca de los ingresos en el gasto de los hogares para comprobar si estos actúan con motivos de precaución.

  10. Análisis del "Curso sobre la Evolución del Pensamiento Juslaboralista" del Profesor Emérito Héctor-Hugo Barbagelata (El espejo retrovisor del Derecho del Trabajo y los Principios del Dr. H. H. Barbagelata

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    Helios Sarthou


    Full Text Available Los que sabíamos que el profesor Emérito de “Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social" Dr. Hector Hugo Barbagelata, tenía en preparación un libro sobre Evolución del pensamiento Juslaboralista –de algún modo en la senda del Curso que había fundado en nuestra Facultad de Derecho- lo considerábamos de altísima importancia, no sólo en el plano técnico-jurídico, sino también por las implicancias históricas, sociales y políticas que la temática implicaba.- Y esto es así en esta época, en que el pensamiento neoliberal no obstante el camino ya recorrido, continúa buscando incidir en el Derecho del Trabajo, recurriendo a excusas para el retorno al Derecho Civil, o para alcanzar la flexibilidad con mengua del respeto a los principios de tuitividad y justicia social que debe garantizar el Derecho del Trabajo o, en otros casos directamente promoviendo la irrelevancia técnica de la disciplina en beneficio del Derecho Civil o del Derecho Procesal, en su caso.-


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    Celia Torren


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una síntesis del trabajo "Rasgos Geográficos del Valle del Río Agrio Inferior, el cual es un estudio de base para el conocimiento de la geografía de la región: - apoyando el esfuerzo que está realizando la población del área para lograr una identidad propia y una definitiva integración al contexto provincial; - aportando al proyecto "Rescate Arqueológico en Quili Malal, Neuquén" (subsidiado por CONICET y UNESCO, cuya dirección está a cargo de la profesora Susana Rodríguez de la U.N.C., a través de la confección del mapa geomorfológico del área; y - contribuyendo a los estudios que resultan necesarios ante la construcción de una obra hidroeléctrica de la magnitud de "El Chihuido I", emprendimiento que será llevado a cabo por Agua y Energía eléctrica de la Nación. Los límites del área estudiada fueron establecidos teniendo en cuenta el área del valle inferior del Río Agrio que será completamente inundada por el futuro embalse de la represa "El Chihuido I", a emplazarse 5,5 Km aguas abajo de la confluencia de los ríos Agrio y Neuquén. Además de esta área de afectación directa se tomó también una zona de perilago estrechamente vinculada a la anterior. De esta manera los límites este y oeste quedaron establecidos por la confluencia de los ríos antes mencionados y la localidad de Bajada del Agrio, respectivamente.

  12. Memòries del santuari del Mont (final s. XVIII-1953)


    Gifre i Ribas, Pere; Puig Pla, Santi; Tremoleda Trilla, Joaquim


    Transcripció del text inèdit de memòries del santuari del Mont. El text va ser escrit, bàsicament, pels preveres custodis i administradors del santuari. Es recull, primerament, els costums litúrgics de la parròquia de Sous, a la manera de les consuetes. A partir de 1791 s’anoten els fets més importants, a parer del custodi administrador, ocorreguts al santuari: obres de reforma i restauració del santuari i les seves dependències, adquisicions de mobiliari i parament de la casa, donacions al s...

  13. Más allá del telar: el mundo del trabajo femenino en la Asturias del siglo XVIII

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    Patricia Suárez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En el Siglo de la Razón proliferaron los tratados dónde, por primera vez en la historia, se ponía de relieve la necesidad de educar de forma conveniente a las mujeres. Sin embargo, a pesar del reconocimiento que los Ilustrados otorgaron al sexo femenino, siguieron relegando a éstas a las paredes del hogar, exhortándoles a quedarse fuera del mundo del trabajo extra-doméstico, reservado sólo para los hombres de la familia. No obstante, la necesidad obligaba, y cuando los recursos u hombres de una casa escaseaban, la mujer tenía que salir a buscarse el sustento. Este es el caso de cientos de mujeres del Principado de Asturias, dónde, a mediados del siglo XVIII, la realidad femenina difería de lo que lo que se consideraba ideal. Este trabajo arrojará pues luz, en un campo hasta ahora desconocido: el del mundo profesional de las mujeres asturianas del Setecientos, dónde comprobaremos cómo en ocasiones llegaban a adquirir, gracias a su status profesional, papeles relevantes dentro de la sociedad.

  14. El sentido de territorialidad en Argentina: cuidar un lugar para cuidarnos

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    Florencia Soraire


    Full Text Available Abordar el cuidado del lugar donde se vive en sintonía con la búsqueda y el logro de bienestar, posibilita dimensionar la preocupación por llevar adelante una vida sana frente a la dinámica destructiva de las tendencias hegemónicas de producción, donde el ambiente es significado como “recurso natural”. Las estrategias emprendidas para protegerse y cuidarse, tanto a modo individuo como colectivo, incluyen también la búsqueda de otro tipo de interacción con el medio que se habita. Al ser la significación del ambiente como lugar sagrado una de ellas, encontramos en la emergencia de la “Pachamama” –Madre Tierra– la clave de lectura que articula el “cuidar un lugar para cuidarnos”. En este sentido, ciertas prácticas alimentarias y acciones conjuntas que se emprenden en aras de defender y cuidar la tierra (y cuidarnos, son indicadores de las diferentes formas de búsqueda para “sentirse bien”. Recurrimos entonces, a dos etnografías en Argentina que dan cuenta de los cuestionamientos que nos generan las luchas contra la mega-minería a cielo abierto en Catamarca y contra la instalación de Monsanto en Córdoba. | To address the place where we live along with the quest and the attainment of wellness enables us to dimension the concerns around having a healthy life in light of the destructive dynamics of the prevailing production trends, in which the environment is, signified as a mere “natural resource”. The strategies adopted to preserve and care for oneself, as individual and within a collective setting, also include the pursuit of another type of integration with the means we inhabit. When we signify the environment as a sacred means, we come across the emergence of the “Pachamama” –Mother Earth, Gaia–, the interpretation key articulating the concept to “care for a place to care for us”. It is in this sense that certain feeding practices and joint actions are taken aiming at defending and preserving the

  15. Examen del fenómeno del turismo contemporáneo y la Competitividad en la Frontera del Conocimiento

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    Carlos Mario Amaya Molinar


    Full Text Available A partir del inicio del presente siglo, el estudio de la competitividad turística es un tema que ha llamado la atención tanto de académicos del área como de organizaciones públicas y privadas de diversas categorías, con la expectativa de que su comprensión permita a países y destinos turísticos obtener ventajas en captación de visitantes, ingresos y sostenibilidad de su operación turística, de cara a la intensa contienda internacional por la preferencia del turista. El presente trabajo se deriva de la discusión que tuvo lugar en el Panel Competitividad y Turismo, en el marco de la 5ª Cátedra Patrimonial en Turismo Sergio Molina-Estrategias del Turismo en la Frontera del Conocimiento, organizado por el Departamento de Ciencias Administrativas del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, efectuado en el mes de abril del año 2013. Para este fin, se analizaron un conjunto de trabajos académicos e institucionales, a fin de identificar sus marcos de referencia, definiciones y modelos teóricos, con la perspectiva de obtener una visión panorámica del estado del arte en la materia.

  16. Fractura triple del complejo suspensorio del hombro

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    Eraclio Delgado Rifá


    Full Text Available El complejo suspensorio del hombro es una estructura sumamente importante, compuesta por un anillo de huesos y tejidos blandos. Las lesiones aisladas de este complejo anatómico son frecuentes y no afectan su estabilidad. La interrupción doble conduce a la inestabilidad de esta estructura y usualmente requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. La triple interrupción, por su parte, es sumamente rara y es encontrada en casos de trauma de alta energía a menudo en asociación con otras lesiones. Se presenta una triple lesión del complejo suspensorio del hombro en un paciente de 46 años de edad, con una fractura de la glenoides, del acromion tipo III de Kuhn y de la coracoides tipo II de Ogawa. En este caso, la fractura del acromion fue tratada con fijación percutánea con alambres de Kirschner, por tener asociado lesiones de partes blandas que contraindicaron la reducción abierta. La fractura de la glenoides y de la apófisis coracoides fueron tratadas conservadoramente. Después de 6 meses de evolución, el paciente tuvo un resultado funcional aceptable, con una abducción de 90 grados, los 30 grados de rotación externa y 70 de rotación interna, además asintomático y consolidación de todas las fracturas. A pesar de ser catalogada de una lesión grave del cinturón escapular y estar asociada a otras lesiones se obtuvo un resultado satisfactorio al final del tratamiento.


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    Margarita M. Pérez O.


    Full Text Available Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, también conocidos como los Objetivos del Milenio, constituyeron las metas finales que aprobaron los dirigentes mundiales, 189 jefes de estado y de gobierno en la Cumbre del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas celebrada en Nueva York en el año 2000, en la cual los Estados miembros de la organización reafirmaron su compromiso de luchar por un mundo en el que el desarrollo sostenible y la eliminación de la pobreza tuvieran máxima prioridad1 . En la cumbre se definió la Declaración del Milenio, la cual detalla los objetivos, principios, valores, metas y acciones para erradicar la pobreza Mundial hacia el año 2015, todos ellos ratificados con alto interés y acción estratégica de carácter global, como marco para la medición de los progresos en materia de desarrollo.

  18. Estrategias del Teatro del Oprimido para la formación permanente del profesorado

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    Tomás Motos-Teruel


    Full Text Available Este artículo relata una experiencia y su valoración de formación permanente del profesorado basada en el aprendizaje vivencial utilizando como estrategia metodológica el Teatro del Oprimido (TO para estimular y favorecer la reflexión sobre la práctica educativa. Sus objetivos básicos fueron dar a conocer la formulación teórica y la metodología del TO y hacer la transferencia de las estrategias metodológicas vivenciadas a la práctica docente. El estudio se ha planteado desde una óptica cualitativa con el estudio de caso único. Y como resultados más destacables hay que reseñar el interés y la percepción de la utilidad personal y profesional del TO como instrumento de reflexión sobre la acción y generador de clima positivo. El Teatro del Oprimido es una formulación teórica y un método estético cuya teoría y praxis están inspiradas en la Pedagogía del Oprimido de Paulo Freire, utiliza las técnicas dramáticas como un instrumento eficaz para la comprensión y la búsqueda de alternativas a problemas sociales, interpersonales e individuales.

  19. DelPhi: a comprehensive suite for DelPhi software and associated resources

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    Li Lin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Accurate modeling of electrostatic potential and corresponding energies becomes increasingly important for understanding properties of biological macromolecules and their complexes. However, this is not an easy task due to the irregular shape of biological entities and the presence of water and mobile ions. Results Here we report a comprehensive suite for the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann solver, DelPhi, enriched with additional features to facilitate DelPhi usage. The suite allows for easy download of both DelPhi executable files and source code along with a makefile for local installations. The users can obtain the DelPhi manual and parameter files required for the corresponding investigation. Non-experienced researchers can download examples containing all necessary data to carry out DelPhi runs on a set of selected examples illustrating various DelPhi features and demonstrating DelPhi’s accuracy against analytical solutions. Conclusions DelPhi suite offers not only the DelPhi executable and sources files, examples and parameter files, but also provides links to third party developed resources either utilizing DelPhi or providing plugins for DelPhi. In addition, the users and developers are offered a forum to share ideas, resolve issues, report bugs and seek help with respect to the DelPhi package. The resource is available free of charge for academic users from URL:

  20. Hacia una conceptualización del legado del traductor

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    Guzmán María Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  1. Investigation on Al(III) and Zn(II) complexes containing a calix[4]arene bearing two 8-oxyquinoline pendant arms used as emitting materials for OLEDs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagatin, Izilda A.; Legnani, Cristiano; Cremona, Marco


    A comparison between [Al·1] 3+ and [Zn·1] 2+ complexes (1 = 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27-bis[(quinoline-8-oxy)propyloxy]-26, 28-dihydroxy-calix[4]arene) has been made using electrochemical techniques and the experimental results obtained in the fabrication of organic light emitting devices (OLEDs). The electrochemically determined values of the ionization potential I p and electron affinity E a parameters for the [Al·1] 3+ (I p = 5.82eV, E a = 2.80eV) and [Zn·1] 2+ (I p = 5.67eV, E a = 2.32eV) evidenced that the [Al·1] 3+ complex is a better electron transporting layer with respect to the Zn complex one. The fabricated OLEDs based on these supramolecular complexes show a superior quality with the [Al·1] 3+ systems expected from the energy level diagrams

  2. La equinoterapia en las distintas alteraciones del desarrollo del menor.


    Chamorro González, Mireya


    La equinoterapia consiste en la utilización del caballo como un método terapéutico para rehabilitar a personas con discapacidad. Esta terapia es considerada una gran alternativa para aumentar el autoestima de los que sufren algún tipo de discapacidad, también a través de esta terapia se mejora y fortalece el estado emocional, así del mismo modo ayuda a mejorar la manera de desenvolverse en su entorno social. Esta terapia se realiza a través de la trasmisión del calor corporal del caballo, del...

  3. Gestión del talento humano y competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán 2016


    Serpa Reyes, Elisa Soledad


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, Conocer la relación que existe entre gestión del talento humano y las competencias laborales del personal del hospital Hermilio Valdizán en el año 2016. El tipo de investigación es no experimental, de diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población fue de 709 trabajadores, y la muestra de 217 trabajadores del hospital Hermilio Valdizán, la muestra es probabilística aleatoria simple. Se aplicó el cuestionario de gestión del...

  4. Seccional del Lago Lleu Lleu extracto del resumen ejecutivo del estudio

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    Manuel Durán


    Full Text Available En el siguiente reportaje se presentan los estudios contratados por el MINVU Planes Seccionales del Lago Lleu Lleu y del Lago Pangue; realizados por las oficinas de Manuel Durán y Lira y Peña Asoc. A continuación entrevistamos al Sr. Tito Rojas, ex Director Regional de SERNATUR y actual Gobernador de la Provincia de Arauco, y a Patricio Aguirre, Director de la Carrera de Turismo del DUOC-UC sede Concepción. Mientras que los instrumentos de planificación desarrollan estrategias específicas para potenciar el turismo aprovechando las potencialidades del recurso lacustre; los entrevistados nos dan su opinión en cuanto a diversos aspectos relacionados con el turismo y los lagos de esta zona: el delicado equilibrio entre turismo y protección de los recursos; las potencialidades de las áreas aledañas a los lagos Pangue y Lleu Lleu; el patrimonio paisajístico y cultural de la provincia de Arauco, entre otros, son los aspectos que se exponen en las próximas páginas.

  5. Comportamiento del servicio Diselin en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, en el. período 2003- octubre del 2005

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    Matilde Palacios Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se aborda el comportamiento del servicio Diselin durante el período 2003 hasta octubre del 2005, en la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Delegación del CITMA, a partir de los contenidos cuantitativos y cualitativos generados en la base de datos Diselin, correspondientes a la estadística general del servicio, relacionada con los indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario: suministro de documentos y satisfacción del cliente a través del talón de retroacoplamiento, como indicadores de desempeño bibliotecario que permiten hacer una valoración más exhaustiva de la evolución de este servicio tradicional con modalidad electrónica que es lo novedoso, aprovechando las tecnologías de información instaladas. Se presentan tablas y gráficos que demuestran la gestión y el impacto del servicio desde el punto de vista organizacional.

  6. Sobre el significado del descubrimiento del gen FOXP2


    Longa Martínez, Víctor Manuel


    El reciente descubrimiento del gen FOXP2 ha ofrecido la primera evidencia clara de la base genética del lenguaje, mostrando una correlación inequívoca desde la perspectiva genética entre una versión mutada de F0XP2 y los trastornos lingüísticos de diferente tipo sufridos por una familia inglesa, conocida como KE. El objetivo central del presente trabajo es discutir diferentes aspectos relacionados con tal descubrimiento; especialmente, la discusión del significado de FOXP2 con ...

  7. Entrenamiento funcional del core: eje del entrenamiento inteligente

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    Iván Dario Pinzón Ríos


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: La evolución del entrenamiento físico busca la optimización de la salud y el bienestar, como piedra angular de todo programa de ejercicio. El Entrenamiento Funcional (EF es recomendable para optimizar el control postural del core, mejorando el balance y la ejecución de actividades de la vida diaria.  Objetivo: Revisar la definición, elementos constitutivos, características e implicaciones del EF del core en el movimiento corporal humano (MCH y la salud desde la perspectiva del fisioterapeuta. Metodología: Se incluyeron artículos en inglés y español de las bases Pubmed, Scielo y Ebsco; adicionalmente se incluyeron fuentes electrónicas e impresas y libros. Resultados: 56 documentos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. La definición más adoptada de EF fue entrenar con un propósito buscando obtener un efecto positivo en la aptitud física. Las implicaciones del EF en el MCH, se relacionan con la ganancia y mejoría de la estabilidad. La propuesta de EF enfocada a las actividades de la vida diaria incluye fases que permiten adquirir la estabilidad hasta lograr el desarrollo de movimiento que demanden más agilidad. En la planificación del EF se deben estructurar los procesos a ejecutar considerando el criterio de funcionalidad. Para organizar la sesión del EF, el fisioterapeuta cuenta con tres maneras de planificar la sesión: globales, por hemisferios y por grupos musculares. Conclusión: La fundamentación teórica sobre el EF permite al fisioterapeuta comprender y determinar cómo esta modalidad de intervención repercute de manera positiva sobre el desempeño funcional y calidad de vida de los sujetos.

  8. Desarrollo de la Habilidad de Administración del Tiempo en directivas del primer nivel del MITRANS.


    García Remus, Mayelín


    Valoración de cómo administran el tiempo las mujeres directivas del sector del transporte en Ciudad de La Habana. Establece las competencias individuales que pueden influir en el desarrollo de la habilidad de administración del tiempo.





    El septum lateral (SL), es un núcleo del cerebro anterior, que, procesa la información sensorial afectiva procedente del hipocampo y dirige sus respuestas, importantes para la supervivencia, hacia las zonas del hipotálamo importantes para la motivación, como lo es el núcleo tuberomamilar del hipotálamo (TMN). El TMN contiene las neuronas histaminérgicas en el cerebro, la cual relacionamos con la vigilia y alerta en conductas motivadas y así puede dirigir y reforzar el comportamiento. El TM...

  10. Caracterización del mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida, Venezuela


    Villasmil R., María A.; Andrade, Henry


    Esta investigación trata sobre modelos que permiten caracterizar Mercados Laborales Locales (MLL), ya que en Venezuela el manejo de los mismos es casi inexistente. En este sentido, se plantea como objetivo caracterizar al mercado laboral del sector hotelero del estado Mérida-Venezuela en función del conocimiento de las particularidades económicas, institucionales, políticas, sociales, educativas y culturales de la zona así como las condiciones que se tengan en materia de empleo, oferta de for...


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    Néstor Juan Sanabria


    Full Text Available Este artículo ofrece una síntesis del estado del arte sobre los temas del desarrollo y es parte integrante de la investigación sobre los pymes y el desarrollo económico. Desde los enfoques clásicos hasta los modelos contemporáneos se ha debatido ampliamente la relación entre crecimiento y desarrollo económico. Para muchos autores el desarrollo está vinculado a los problemas de distribución. Para otros el desarrollo es sinónimo de disminución y eliminación de la pobreza o se resuelve a través de aumentar la producción. Otros enfoques se centran en la importancia de minimizar los costos de transacción o en la generación de una mejor calidad de vida. Ahora bien, las teorías del desarrollo predominantes hasta la década de los ochenta, asumen que el proceso del desarrollo no es más que la ruta de homogenización de los mercados duales. Para otros autores el problema se explica por la diferencia de tecnologías, capital social, capital intelectual y humano. Esta síntesis revisa entre otros enfoques los modelos con los que se ha intentado explicar la peculiaridad del desarrollo en los países del tercer mundo, en las economías en proceso de industrialización y la complejidad del caso particular del desarrollo en Latinoamérica y su modelo de sustitución de importaciones.

  12. Spectrofluorimetric determination of benzoimidazolic pesticides: Effect of p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene and cyclodextrins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pacioni, Natalia L.; Sueldo Occello, Valeria N.; Lazzarotto, Marcio; Veglia, Alicia V.


    The effect of the addition of a macrocyclic host (H) such as p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene (C6S), native and modified cyclodextrins (CDs), on the fluorescence of benzoimidazolic fungicides (P), like Benomyl (BY) and Carbendazim (CZ), has been studied. The fluorescence of BY in water at pH 1.000 and 25.0 deg. C was increased in the presence of C6S, αCD and hydroxypropyl-β-CD (HPCD). The association constants determined by fluorescence enhancement showed weak interactions (K A ∼ 10 1 to 10 2 M -1 ) between the fungicide with both CDs, whereas they were stronger with C6S (K A ∼ 10 5 M -1 ). Molecular recognition of BY for C6S was mainly attributed to electrostatic interactions, and for CDs to the hydrophobic effect and hydrogen bond formation. On the other hand, the fluorescent behaviour of CZ in the presence of C6S at pH 6.994 was interpreted as the formation of two complexes with 1:1 (P:H) and 1:2 (P:H 2 ) stoichiometry, the latter being less fluorescent than the free analyte. Relative fluorescence quantum yield ratios between the complexed and free BY (φ P:H /φ P ) were 2.00 ± 0.05, 1.40 ± 0.03 and 2.8 ± 0.4 for C6S, αCD and HPCD, respectively. The analytical parameters improved in the presence of C6S and CDs. The best limit of detection (L D , ng mL -1 ) was 17.4 ± 0.8 with HPCD. The proposed method with C6S and HPCD was successfully applied to fortified samples of tap water and orange flesh extract with good recoveries (91-106%) and R.S.D. (≤2%) by triplicate analysis. The method is rapid, direct and simple and needs no previous degradation or derivatization reaction

  13. Spectrofluorimetric determination of benzoimidazolic pesticides: Effect of p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene and cyclodextrins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pacioni, Natalia L.; Sueldo Occello, Valeria N. [Instituto de Investigaciones en Fisico Quimica de Cordoba (INFIQC), Departamento de Quimica Organica, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Ciudad Universitaria, 5000 Cordoba (Argentina); Lazzarotto, Marcio [Departamento de Quimica Organica, Instituto de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS, 15003 Porto Alegre, R.S. (Brazil); Veglia, Alicia V. [Instituto de Investigaciones en Fisico Quimica de Cordoba (INFIQC), Departamento de Quimica Organica, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Ciudad Universitaria, 5000 Cordoba (Argentina)], E-mail:


    The effect of the addition of a macrocyclic host (H) such as p-sulfonatocalix[6]arene (C6S), native and modified cyclodextrins (CDs), on the fluorescence of benzoimidazolic fungicides (P), like Benomyl (BY) and Carbendazim (CZ), has been studied. The fluorescence of BY in water at pH 1.000 and 25.0 deg. C was increased in the presence of C6S, {alpha}CD and hydroxypropyl-{beta}-CD (HPCD). The association constants determined by fluorescence enhancement showed weak interactions (K{sub A} {approx} 10{sup 1} to 10{sup 2} M{sup -1}) between the fungicide with both CDs, whereas they were stronger with C6S (K{sub A} {approx} 10{sup 5} M{sup -1}). Molecular recognition of BY for C6S was mainly attributed to electrostatic interactions, and for CDs to the hydrophobic effect and hydrogen bond formation. On the other hand, the fluorescent behaviour of CZ in the presence of C6S at pH 6.994 was interpreted as the formation of two complexes with 1:1 (P:H) and 1:2 (P:H{sub 2}) stoichiometry, the latter being less fluorescent than the free analyte. Relative fluorescence quantum yield ratios between the complexed and free BY ({phi}{sup P:H}/{phi}{sup P}) were 2.00 {+-} 0.05, 1.40 {+-} 0.03 and 2.8 {+-} 0.4 for C6S, {alpha}CD and HPCD, respectively. The analytical parameters improved in the presence of C6S and CDs. The best limit of detection (L{sub D}, ng mL{sup -1}) was 17.4 {+-} 0.8 with HPCD. The proposed method with C6S and HPCD was successfully applied to fortified samples of tap water and orange flesh extract with good recoveries (91-106%) and R.S.D. ({<=}2%) by triplicate analysis. The method is rapid, direct and simple and needs no previous degradation or derivatization reaction.

  14. Los métodos de fijación del salario en el Uruguay y los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo

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    Álvaro Rodríguez Azcúe


    Full Text Available El salario y la jornada de trabajo han sido en nuestro país, seguramente, los dos temas que forjaron el nacimiento del Derecho del trabajo1. Dentro del primero, el método de fijación del salario predominante, generalmente, refleja algo mucho más amplio que la política salarial de un gobierno. En realidad pone de manifiesto un eje central de la política laboral, o, más aún, una determinada forma de abordar la cuestión social.Por ese motivo nos proponemos analizar el tema a partir de su evolución histórica y de algunos de los particularismos que, en la concepción de Barbagelata, posee el Derecho del trabajo: la subyacencia del conflicto en las relaciones laborales y la significación del tiempo social.En esa perspectiva se confirma, según enseña Ermida Uriarte, el indudable papel protagónico que han desempeñado los Consejos de Salarios en el Derecho del trabajo y el sistema laboral uruguayo.Presentación. Referencia a los particularismos del Derecho del Trabajo. Los métodos teóricos de fijación del salario. Evolución histórica de los métodos a la luz de los particularismos. Algunas reflexiones finales

  15. The effect of specific solvent-solute interactions on complexation of alkali-metal cations by a lower-rim calix[4]arene amide derivative. (United States)

    Horvat, Gordan; Stilinović, Vladimir; Kaitner, Branko; Frkanec, Leo; Tomišić, Vladislav


    Complexation of alkali-metal cations with calix[4]arene secondary-amide derivative, 5,11,17,23-tetra(tert-butyl)-25,26,27,28-tetra(N-hexylcarbamoylmethoxy)calix[4]arene (L), in benzonitrile (PhCN) and methanol (MeOH) was studied by means of microcalorimetry, UV and NMR spectroscopies, and in the solid state by X-ray crystallography. The inclusion of solvent molecules (including acetonitrile, MeCN) in the calixarene hydrophobic cavity was also investigated. The classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the systems studied were carried out. By combining the results obtained using the mentioned experimental and computational techniques, an attempt was made to get an as detailed insight into the complexation reactions as possible. The thermodynamic parameters, that is, equilibrium constants, reaction Gibbs energies, enthalpies, and entropies, of the investigated processes were determined and discussed. The stability constants of the 1:1 (metal:ligand) complexes measured by different methods were in very good agreement. Solution Gibbs energies of the ligand and its complexes with Na(+) and K(+) in methanol and acetonitrile were determined. It was established that from the thermodynamic point of view, apart from cation solvation, the most important reason for the huge difference in the stability of these complexes in the two solvents lay in the fact that the transfer of complex species from MeOH to MeCN was quite favorable. That could be at least partly explained by a more exergonic inclusion of the solvent molecule in the complexed calixarene cone in MeCN as compared to MeOH, which was supported by MD simulations. Molecular and crystal structures of the lithium cation complex of L with the benzonitrile molecule bound in the hydrophobic calixarene cavity were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. As far as we are aware, for the first time the alkali-metal cation was found to be coordinated by the solvent nitrile group in a calixarene adduct. According to

  16. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

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    Rolando Perdomo Morales


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  17. Ensayo del lisado de amebocitos del Limulus (LAL

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando Perdomo Morales

    Full Text Available En los últimos años, los principales organismos reguladores de productos farmacéuticos (Farmacopeas exigen cada vez más en sus monografías la aplicación del método del lisado de amebocitos de Limulus (LAL para la liberación de pirógenos en productos terminados parenterales. El análisis de pirógenos constituye uno de los principales ensayos en el control de calidad de la fabricación de inyectables por su repercusión en la salud humana, puesto que la presencia y administración de los mismos, es capaz de provocar una serie de respuestas fisiológicas, en su mayoría de carácter perjudicial y en casos extremos, la muerte del paciente. Por las razones anteriores, existe un creciente interés en el conocimiento y dominio de estos métodos. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión bibliográfica del método del LAL, se tratan aspectos como su descubrimiento y estandarización, aparición en la industria farmacéutica y razones para su triunfo, y los basamentos de los principales métodos o variaciones comerciales del LAL (gelificación, turbidimétricos y cromogénicos que se describen en las Farmacopeas.

  18. Indicadores de desempeño del sistema de riego del Rio Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prieto, D.; Angella, G.; Angueira, M.C.; Pérez Carrera, A.; Moscuzza, C.


    Mucha atención se ha puesto en el estudio del desempeño de los sistemas de riego a partir de la década de 1990, al tomarse conciencia de los bajos resultados de muchos de ellos, y su impacto ambiental negativo. El Sistema de Riego del Río Dulce en Santiago del Estero (PRD), no es la excepción,

  19. La motivación del veredicto en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo


    Vegas Torres, Jaime


    1. Introducción. 2. Alcance de la exigencia de motivación del veredicto. 2.1. Extensión de la motivación. 2.1.1. Hechos no controvertidos. 2.1.2. Hechos que el jurado encuentra no probados. 2.2. Profundidad de la motivación. 2.2.1. Admisibilidad de la explicación conjunta de todas las respuestas del jurado a las cuestiones del objeto del veredicto. 2.2.2. Contenido de la motivación. 3. Motivación del veredicto y prueba por indicios. 3.1. Motivación del veredicto basado en prueba de indicios. ...

  20. Del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz

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    Tomás MAIGI


    Full Text Available En agosto de 1947, habiendo llegado a la excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Teruel rumores de recientes deterioros en el friso pintado del abrigo rupestre del "Charco del Agua Amarga", nos fué requerida oficialmente, por dicha Corporación, la presentación de un informe sobre la realidad de los hechos expuestos, así como el planeamiento de las medidas adecuadas para salvaguardar en forma eficaz, en el futuro, las referidas pinturas.

  1. Concentraciones del activador tisular del plasminógeno y del inhibidor del activador del plasminógeno en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica

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    Beatriz Meneses


    Full Text Available El aumento moderado o severo de Homocisteína (Hcy en sangre y las alteraciones en el sistema fibrinolítico, se asocian con enfermedad vascular que afecta venas y arterias de todos los calibres. Los pacientes con homocistinuria clásica padecen con mucha frecuencia eventos tromboembólicos, que son su principal causa de mortalidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las concentraciones de Hcy, Inhibidor del Activador del Plasminógeno tipo 1 (PAI-1 y Activador tisular del Plasminógeno (tPA en pacientes con homocistinuria clásica, en familiares de éstos y en población control sana.

  2. Gestión del riesgo del cambio (primera parte

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    Juan Pablo Zorrilla


    Full Text Available A partir de la desaparición del sistema Bretton-Woods, y la libre flotación del tipo de cambio, el mundo se volvió más susceptible a todo tipo de riesgos. El presente artículo pretende explicar a los gestores financieros o empresarios interesados en el tema de instrumentos financieros derivados, a conocer lo más relevante y necesario acerca del uso de futuros sobre el tipo de cambio, instrumento útil para cubrir riesgos derivados del tipo de cambio para las empresas que se dedican a importar, exportar o para protegerse de un crédito otorgado en moneda extranjera.

  3. Laser Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of Encapsulation Complexes of Calix[4]arene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaneko, Shohei; Inokuchi, Yoshiya; Ebata, Takayuki; Apra, Edoardo; Xantheas, Sotiris S.


    The complexes between the host calix[4]arene (C4A) and various guest molecules such as NH3, N2, CH4, and C2H2 have been investigated via experimental and theoretical methods. The S1-S0 electronic spectra of these guest-host complexes are observed by mass-selected resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy. The infrared (IR) spectra of the complexes formed in molecular beams are obtained by IR-UV double resonance (IR-UV DR) and IR photodissociation (IRPD) spectroscopy. The supramolecular structures of the complexes are investigated by electronic structure methods (density functional and second order perturbation theory). The current results for the various molecular guests are put in perspective with the previously reported ones for the C4A-Rare Gas (Rg) (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 141101) and C4A-H2O complexes (J. Phys. Chem. A, 2010, 114, 2967). The electronic spectra of the complexes of C4A with N2, CH4 and C2H2 exhibit red-shifts of similar magnitudes with the ones observed for the C4A-Rg complexes, whereas the complexes of C4A with H2O and NH3 show much larger red-shifts. Most of the IR-UV DR spectra of the complexes, except for C4A-C2H2, show a broad hydrogen bonded OH stretching band with a peak at ~3160 cm-1. The analysis of the experimental results, in agreement with the ones resulted from the electronic structure calculations, suggest that C4A preferentially forms endo-complexes with all the guest species reported in this study. We discuss the similarities and differences of the structures, binding energies and the nature of the interaction between the C4A host and the various guest species. This work was supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences & Biosciences. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated by Battelle for the US Department of Energy

  4. Calculo del valor en riesgo del futuro de energia e internacionalizacion del sector energetico en Colombia


    Esquivel Fonseca, Leidy Gioanna


    El presente trabajo de grado busca definir cuál es el mejor método para determinar el valor en riesgo del contrato de futuro de energía eléctrica que se transa en Colombia, para cumplir con este objetivo se toma como referencia el marco histórico del VaR y de los futuros seguido de las características de la fijación de precios, la estructura del contrato, que políticas y métodos hay para cubrirse del riesgo y como se realiza en otros países, realizando algunos cálculos de los modelos más trad...

  5. Spectrofluorimetric study on the inclusion interaction between vitamin K3 with p-(p-sulfonated benzeneazo)calix[6]arene and determination of VK3. (United States)

    Zhou, Yunyou; Xu, Hongwei; Wu, Lian; Liu, Chun; Lu, Qin; Wang, Lun


    The characteristics of host-guest complexation between p-(p-sulfonated benzeneazo) calix[6]arene (SBC6A) and vitamin K3 (VK3) were investigated by fluorescence spectrometry. A 1:1 stoichiometry for the complexation was established and was verified by Job's plot. An association constant of 4.95 x 10(3)L mol(-1) at 20 degrees C was calculated by applying a deduced equation. The interaction mechanism of the inclusion complex was discussed. It was found that the fluorescence of SBC6A could be remarkably quenched by an appropriate amount of VK3 especially when non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 existed. According to the obtained results, a novel sensitive spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of VK3 based on supramolecular complex was developed with a linear range of 5.0 x 10(-7) -3.0 x 10(-5)mol L(-1) and a detection limit of 2.0 x 10(-7)mol L(-1). The proposed method was used to determine VK3 in commercial preparations with satisfactory results.

  6. Spectrofluorimetric study on the inclusion interaction between vitamin K 3 with p-( p-sulfonated benzeneazo)calix[6]arene and determination of VK 3 (United States)

    Zhou, Yunyou; Xu, Hongwei; Wu, Lian; Liu, Chun; Lu, Qin; Wang, Lun


    The characteristics of host-guest complexation between p-( p-sulfonated benzeneazo) calix[6]arene (SBC6A) and vitamin K 3 (VK 3) were investigated by fluorescence spectrometry. A 1:1 stoichiometry for the complexation was established and was verified by Job's plot. An association constant of 4.95 × 10 3 L mol -1 at 20 °C was calculated by applying a deduced equation. The interaction mechanism of the inclusion complex was discussed. It was found that the fluorescence of SBC6A could be remarkably quenched by an appropriate amount of VK 3 especially when non-ionic surfactant Triton X-100 existed. According to the obtained results, a novel sensitive spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of VK 3 based on supramolecular complex was developed with a linear range of 5.0 × 10 -7-3.0 × 10 -5 mol L -1 and a detection limit of 2.0 × 10 -7 mol L -1. The proposed method was used to determine VK 3 in commercial preparations with satisfactory results.



    Parm\\u00E9nides Furcal-Beriguete; Alejandra Herrera-Barrantes


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del silicio en la fertilidad del suelo, la incidencia de enfermedades y plagas insectiles, el rendimiento y la calidad de granos del cultivo de arroz. El estudio se realizó en La Vega, Florencia, San Carlos, Costa Rica entre mayo y octubre en los años 2010 y 2011, en el mismo lote con la variedad CR 4477. Se establecieron cinco tratamientos: silicio al suelo, silicio al suelo más plaguicidas (alternativas químicas), silicio foliar, silicio fol...

  8. Competitividad sectorial internacional. Caso: sector del cuero y del calzado

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    Diana Carolina Villegas Álvarez


    Full Text Available El presente escrito se origina en un trabajo de investigación cuya pretensión fue indagar sobre el nivel de competitividad internacional (C.I, del sector del cuero y del calzado colombiano, mediante la aplicación de indicadores que, a partir de la información estadística de las variables de comercio exterior permiten establecer ciertas relaciones que dan cuenta de la importancia del producto en los mercados de los países de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN, seleccionados para la comparación.

  9. Fluorinated arene, imide and unsaturated pyrrolidinone based donor acceptor conjugated polymers: Synthesis, structure-property and device studies (United States)

    Liyanage, Arawwawala Don Thilanga

    After the discovery of doped polyacetylene, organic semiconductor materials are widely studied as high impending active components in consumer electronics. They have received substantial consideration due to their potential for structural tailoring, low cost, large area and mechanically flexible alternatives to common inorganic semiconductors. To acquire maximum use of these materials, it is essential to get a strong idea about their chemical and physical nature. Material chemist has an enormous role to play in this novel area, including development of efficient synthetic methodologies and control the molecular self-assembly and (opto)-electronic properties. The body of this thesis mainly focuses on the substituent effects: how different substituents affect the (opto)-electronic properties of the donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers. The main priority goes to understand, how different alkyl substituent effect to the polymer solubility, crystallinity, thermal properties (e.g.: glass transition temperature) and morphological order. Three classes of D-A systems were extensively studied in this work. The second chapter mainly focuses on the synthesis and structure-property study of fluorinated arene (TFB) base polymers. Here we used commercially available 1,4-dibromo-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene (TFB) as the acceptor material and prepare several polymers using 3,3'-dialkyl(3,3'-R2T2) or 3,3'-dialkoxy bithiophene (3,3'-RO2T2) units as electron donors. A detail study was done using 3,3'-bithiophene donor units incorporating branched alkoxy-functionalities by systematic variation of branching position and chain length. The study allowed disentangling the branching effects on (i) aggregation tendency, intermolecular arrangement, (iii) solid state optical energy gaps, and (iv) electronic properties in an overall consistent picture, which might guide future polymer synthesis towards optimized materials for opto-electronic applications. The third chapter mainly focused on

  10. Sobre el fragment dels Catasterismes d'Eratòstenes del manuscrit Parisinus Graecus 1310: el nom dels planetes Saturn i Júpiter


    Pàmias i Massana, Jordi


    El ms. Parisinus Graecus 1310 inclou un breu fragment de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, obra atribuïda a Eratòstenes. A banda d'alguna variant respecte del textus receptus, presenta un capítol (43) del tot reelaborat, en què l'excepcional irregularitat de l'Epítom dels Catasterismes, pel que fa a les correspondències divines dels dos primers planetes de la nòmina de cinc, ha estat corregida per tal d'adequar els noms dels planetes Faiuou i Faethou a Saturn i a Júpiter respectivament. The man...

  11. Factores de riesgo implicados en el comportamiento agresivo del perro y del gato


    Amat Grau, Marta


    El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de algunos aspectos de la agresividad del perro y del gato. El estudio de la agresividad canina y felina es importante por varios motivos. En primer lugar, los problemas de agresividad del perro y del gato son muy frecuentes y, al menos en los centros de referencia, son el principal problema de comportamiento. La agresividad del perro y del gato también es importante, porque constituye una de las principales causas de eutanasia y abandono de perros ...

  12. Assuring the energy security; Para garantizar la seguridad energetica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yergin, Daniel [Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) (United States)


    Both the institutions and the policies adopted after the 1973 Arab oil embargo aren't able to satisfy both the energy consumers' and producers' necessities. It is necessary to extend the definition of energy security in order to stand up to the challenges of a globalized world. [Spanish] Las instituciones y politicas adoptadas despues del embargo petrolero arabe de 1973 ya no pueden satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores y productores de energia. Se requiere expandir la definicion de seguridad energetica para hacer frente a los desafios de un mundo globalizado.

  13. Enfermedad del virus del Ébola (Ebola Virus Disease)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast proporciona información general sobre la enfermedad del virus del Ébola y el brote en África Occidental. El programa contiene declaraciones del director de los CDC, Dr. Tom Frieden, así como una breve descripción de las actividades de respuesta de los CDC.


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    J.C. Alberdi Collantes


    Full Text Available La Ley del suelo del País Vasco del 2007 nace con el objeto de favorecer el acceso a una vivienda digna. Sin embargo, en la medida en que apuesta por frenar la especulación y la sostenibilidad del medio legisla sobre el tratamiento que se le ha de aportar al suelo no urbanizable. En este caso, no altera sustancialmente la regulación del suelo rural pero sí incorpora nuevas obligaciones dirigidas a frenar la intensidad de la urbanización en este suelo. Se regula la construcción de nueva vivienda, el desarrollo urbanístico de núcleos y barrios rurales y se obliga a profundizar en la calificación del suelo no urbanizable. La aplicación de los nuevos contenidos quedan en manos de los municipios e instituciones sectoriales y los primeros resultados parecen denotar un cambio de tendencia en municipios que han observado la pérdida de calidad paisajística del medio rural, la creciente especulación y la desagrarización de este entorno.

  15. Evolución del desarrollo del color en sistema modelo de composición similar al dulce de leche. Influencia del tiempo de calentamiento y del Ph

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    Analía Rodríguez Blanco


    Full Text Available El color es un atributo importante en la elección del producto dulce de leche por parte del consumidor. El mismo se desarrolla en el proceso de elaboración debido principalmente a las reacciones de pardeamiento no enzimático, las cuales se ven influenciadas por varios factores. En este trabajo se evaluó el desarrollo de color, con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial como variables tecnológicas, en un sistema modelo compuesto de caseinato, lactosa, sacarosa y agua destilada cuya composición fue similar a la del dulce de leche comercial. El estudio del color se realizó utilizando los parámetros de medición de color del sistema CIELAB y el índice de Kubelka Munk (K/S. Con ambos métodos se constató un aumento significativo del dE*ab y del K/S con el tiempo de tratamiento térmico y el pH inicial. Con el sistema CIELAB además se observó una tendencia a disminuir la luminosidad con el tiempo y el aumento del pH inicial, y el aumento de a* con el tiempo.

  16. Acerca del moho (United States)

    El moho forma parte del medio ambiente natural. Afuera del hogar, el moho juega un papel en la naturaleza al desintegrar materias organicas tales como las hojas que se han caido o los arboles muertos. El moho puede crecer adentro del hogar cuando las espor

  17. La teoria del ciclo vitale del risparmio di Modigliani cinquant’anni dopo

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    Mauro Baranzini


    Full Text Available Nei primi anni ’50 Franco Modigliani, insieme a Richard Brumberg e ad Albert Ando, formulò lateoria del ciclo vitale del consumo e del risparmio, che ha riscosso un enorme e indiscussosuccesso per almeno tre decenni. Tuttavia, a partire dai primi anni ’80 la teoria del ciclo vitale èstata criticata in modo sempre più serrato, per almeno quattro ragioni. La prima consistenell’esistenza di una significativa trasmissione intergenerazionale della ricchezza, da ricondurre acause esogene al modello del ciclo vitale. La seconda ragione è rappresentata dalla crescenteevidenza che i ricchi continuano a risparmiare in misura maggiore rispetto ai meno fortunati,come, in effetti, Keynes sosteneva. Il terzo motivo è che vi sono prove sempre più evidenti,almeno nell’Europa occidentale e in Giappone, che le famiglie giovani, durante i venti e i trentaanni di età, risparmiano una quota positiva e crescente del proprio reddito, e ciò si pone indeciso contrasto con la versione originaria della teoria del ciclo vitale. Infine, numerosi lavoriempirici hanno rilevato che i pensionati accantonano una parte elevata del proprio reddito. Ciòimpone un serio ripensamento dell’approccio della teoria del ciclo vitale, che interessa sia l’analisieconomica sia la politica economica.

  18. Max Weber o el enigma emocional del origen del capitalismo




    Se analiza el trabajo clave de Max Weber, La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo, desde la perspectiva de la Sociología de las Emociones. Aunque la inclusión de las emociones de los fenómenos sociales es clave para entender la idea de Weber sobre el dogma de la predestinación, los sociólogos han trivializado el papel de la emoción. Tras detallar la creencia de Weber en que el espíritu del capitalismo parte del conocimiento de que el destino del hombre está predeterminado (la ética...

  19. Produccion Gaseosa del Cometa Halley: Erupciones Y Fotodisociacion del Radical OH (United States)

    Silva, A. M.; Mirabel, I. F.


    RESUMEN:En este trabajo informamos la detecci6n de 20 erupciones en la li'nea de =18cm (1667MHz) del radical OH en el Cometa Halley.Las observaciones incluyen todos los monitoreos existentes y se extienden desde 120 dias antes del perihelio hasta 90 dias despues.Se detectan bruscos crecimientos en el flujo medido,hasta un factor 1O,seguidos por decaimientos lentos asociados con la fotodisociaci6n del OH. Se obtuvieron valores para el tiempo de vida fotoquimico del OH y del H2O basandose en el modelo desarrollado previamente por Silva(1988). Esos tiempos de vida estan de acuerdo con predicciones teoricas y con las observaciones en el Ultravioleta, y los resultados, los que son fuertemente dependientes de la velocidad heliocentrica del Coineta (variando hasta un factor 6), han sido calculados para varios rangos de velocidad entre +28 y -28 km/seg. Key wo'L :


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    Johnny Patricio Bayas Escudero


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de realizar el diagnóstico del sector turístico del cantón Bolívar, se partió, inicialmente, de la identificación de los recursos y atractivos turísticos existentes, asi como su nivel de incidencia en el desarrollo de esta jurisdicción, para posteriormente, proponer los potenciales productos turísticos que permitan la implementación de planes y programas de desarrollo del turismo. Para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos, se realizó una caracterización general del territorio, identificando e inventariando los recursos y atractivos turísticos del cantón, basándose en las fichas de inventario del Ministerio de Turismo y una propuesta de valoración de atractivos que dejaron como resultado un nuevo inventario de atractivos turísticos; se analizó la superestructura turística y la política turística cantonal; se caracterizó la infraestructura y servicios relativos al turismo; se analizó la oferta y demanda turística actual del cantón, determinando y analizando a su vez, la competencia directa que tiene el cantón para el desarrollo de esta actividad, se realizó el análisis FODA del componente turismo del cantón, que permitió proponer estrategias de desarrollo turístico para Bolívar. Se establecieron 13 potencialidades turísticas del cantón, cuantificando y cualificando su carácter y atributos; de los cuales, cuatro se consideran como las más significativas; en base a las potencialidades determinadas se caracterizaron las actividades turísticas potenciales a desarrollarse en base a categorías, redes de producto y niveles de intervención.

  1. Elementos del sistema electoral del Congreso Mexicano

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    Aldo Medina García


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es un estudio de los componentes del sistema electoral, diseñado por el legislador mexicano para integrar al parlamento federal. Estudio desarrollado a sabiendas de la importancia que reviste el sistema electoral como un medio que permite a los ciudadanos convertir su voto expresado en las urnas en escaños a favor de determinado candidato o partido. En dicho análisis tomamos en cuenta la evolución constitucional del sistema electoral mexicano, la participación de las fuerzas minoritarias en la integración del Senado y de la Cámara de Diputados, la división que se hace del territorio en circunscripciones electorales, la barrera electoral que se fija a los partidos políticos para acceder a la representación en el Parlamento, la fórmula de asignación que se aplica a la votación obtenida, para finalmente concluir que el sistema electoral mexicano es esencialmente mayoritario aun cuando se vista de proporcional.

  2. Dimensión integral e interdisciplinaria del concepto de comportamiento del consumidor


    Gil Hernández, Cleysi Yumara; Torres Estrada, Isabel Cristina; López Torres, Zulima Azeneth


    Este artículo busca analizar el aporte teórico que la economía, la antropología,la psicología, la sociología y la estética hacen al estudio del concepto decomportamiento del consumidor.El estudio del comportamiento del consumidor debe buscar una miradaintegral, que permita, desde diferentes saberes y disciplinas, comprender alsujeto, su entorno y sus prácticas de consumo.El estudio del consumidor no debe supeditarse exclusivamente a los momentosdel consumo; su comprensión implica un análisis ...

  3. Identificación del genotipo del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes portadoras de lesiones cérvico uterinas

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    Alexander Morales Fontaine


    Full Text Available Fundamento: en los últimos años se ha observado un elevado predominio de mujeres infestadas por genotipos del  Virus del Papiloma Humano considerados de alto riesgo por su elevada oncogenicidad.Objetivo: identificar los genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano en pacientes portadoras de este con lesiones cervicales, cuyas biopsias fueron analizadas en el departamento de anatomía patológica, perteneciente al Hospital General Docente ¨Ernesto Guevara de la Serna¨, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2014.Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, en 45 pacientes cuyas biopsias fueron tomadas de forma aleatoria de un total de 456 casos en los que se encontraron evidencias histopatológicas de infección por el  Virus del Papiloma Humano, en el período referido período de estudio. Las biopsias fueron enviadas al Laboratorio de Biología Molecular del departamento de Virología del Instituto de Medicina Tropical ´´Pedro Kourí´, a fin de aislar e identificar los tipos de este virus, involucrados en la patogénesis de las lesiones premalignas en estudio. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias dadas por los resultados de la identificación del genotipo del virus aislado enviados desde dicha institución. Los datos se procearon según la estadística descriptiva, mediante el análisis porcentual.Resultados: en el 88,8 % de la muestra se obtuvo infestación por el Virus del Papiloma Humano, de alto riesgo de oncogenicidad, de ellos hay una preponderancia del genotipo 16, con 26 casos (57,7 % seguido del 31 con 12 aislamientos (26,6 % y 2 pacientes presentaron el genotipo 52 para el 4,4 %. El 6,6 % de la muestra resultó estar infestadas por el genotipo 11, el cual es considerado de bajo riesgo y en 2 casos no fue posible realizar la tipificación.Conclusiones: Existió gran predominio de pacientes afectadas por Virus de Papiloma Humano de alto riesgo de oncogenicidad.

  4. Estudio de la relación del ascenso del nivel del Mar Caspio con el regadio en la Cuenca del Mar de Aral


    Vidal Cruz, Rafael


    El nivel del Mar Caspio ha venido subiendo desde mediados de los años 60. Se plantea la conjetura de que este ascenso sea debido al augmento de las extensiones de cultivo situadas en las cuencas de regadío del Mar de Aral. Ello provoca un aumento de humedad atmosférica, que es transportada hacia la cuenca del Mar Caspio. El objetivo de la tesina es estudiar dicha conjetura.


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    Full Text Available Se determinaron los valores energéticos de los residuos agroindustriales del departamento del Cauca, mediante análisis del poder calorífico, datos técnicos reportados en las tablas estadísticas del Anuario Estadístico del Sector Agropecuario y Pesquero 2011 y con las expresiones simples presentadas en la metodología de Antolín G.G para el cálculo de variables energéticas.Los valores obtenidos del poder caloríficoen base seca fueron: 116187,97kJ/kgpara bagacillo de caña, 15419,95kJ/kg para polvillo de fique y 15262,18kJ/kg para afrecho de yuca.El valor promediodelas mezcla fue de 15623,35kJ/kg.Se concluye que 15623,35 kJ/kg representa la energía promedio que puede liberarse en un proceso de combustión deestos residuos y es comparable con la energía liberada por otras fuentes de biomasa. El potencial energético del bagacillo de caña con el valor de 163.45TJ/año, contribuye con el 35.73% de la energía, por lo cual ofrece mayores ventajas energéticas en comparación alvalor del afrecho de yuca,que tiene un potencial de 0.91 TJ/año. La mezcla con la mejor característica energética esta compuesta por 33.3% bagacillo de caña, 33.3% polvillo de fique y 33.3% afrecho de yuca y tiene un potencial energético de 48.39 TJ/año.

  6. Habermas y Parsons: La búsqueda del reencantamiento del mundo

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    Full Text Available Se comparan las tradiciones críticas y analíticas a través de un análisis del concepto de Habermas sobre el "universal pragmático" (Comunicación y la evolución de la sociedad y la noción de Talcott Parson del "paradigma de la condición humana" (Teoría de la Acción y la condición humana. Habermas y Parsons insisten fuertemente en el elemento simbólico del lenguaje en la sociedad, tendente al misterio y el reencantamiento de las categorías epistemológicas fundamentales. Sus posiciones deben su identidad y sentido del futuro a la sociedad industrial avanzada. La recuperación por parte de Habermas del diálogo entre las esferas teórica ("universal pragmático" e histórica ("paradigma reconstructivo", rompiendo con las posiciones del marxismo y los creadores de la Escuela de Frankfurt, abren un camino esperanzador para la investigación. Se analiza el normativismo epistemológico oculto del "paradigma de la condición humana" de Parson a través de sus primeros trabajos. El conflicto entre las tradiciones analítica y crítica se atribuye a diferentes grados de énfasis normativo-subjetivos y generativo-intersubjetivos.

  7. para-Sulfonatocalix[6]arene-modified silver nanoparticles electrodeposited on glassy carbon electrode: preparation and electrochemical sensing of methyl parathion. (United States)

    Bian, Yinghui; Li, Chunya; Li, Haibing


    In this paper, a new electrochemical sensor, based on modified silver nanoparticles, was fabricated using one-step electrodeposition approach. The para-sulfonatocalix[6]arene-modified silver nanoparticles coated on glassy carbon electrode (pSC(6)-Ag NPs/GCE) was characterized by attenuated total reflection IR spectroscopy (ATR-IR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), etc. The pSC(6) as the host are highly efficient to capture organophosphates (OPs), which dramatically facilitates the enrichment of nitroaromatic OPs onto the electrochemical sensor surface. The combination of the host-guest supramolecular structure and the excellent electrochemical catalytic activities of the pSC(6)-Ag NPs/GCE provides a fast, simple, and sensitive electrochemical method for detecting nitroaromatic OPs. In this work, methyl parathion (MP) was used as a nitroaromatic OP model for testing the proposed sensor. In comparison with Ag NPs-modified electrode, the cathodic peak current of MP was amplified significantly. Differential pulse voltammetry was used for the simultaneous determination of MP. Under optimum conditions, the current increased linearly with the increasing concentration of MP in the range of 0.01-80microM, with a detection limit of 4.0nM (S/N=3). The fabrication reproducibility and stability of the sensor is better than that of enzyme-based electrodes. The possible underlying mechanism is discussed.

  8. La psicología del ejercicio y del deporte en Brasil y América del Sur


    Becker Júnior, Benno


    Es difícil determinar el inicio exacto de la Psicología del Ejercicio y Deporte en un país, mayormente en América del Sur, sin correr el riesgo de cometer varias injusticias, pues estos eventos tienen poca o ninguna divulgación. Los registros oficiales realizados por Feige (1977) muestran que la Psicología del Ejercicio y Deporte, en América del Sur, se inició en Brasil, en 1954 en el Departamento de Árbitros de la Federación Paulista de Fútbol. Ahora está en su quinta década, con 47 anos. Es...

  9. Factores psicosociales del presentismo en trabajadores del Sistema de Salud chileno

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    Aldo Vera-Calzaretta


    Full Text Available Este estudio analizó los factores psicosociales que explicaban el presentismo o deterioro laboral autopercibido asociado a trabajar enfermo. La muestra fue de 676 trabajadores del sistema de salud chileno (84% de mujeres, M = 35.9 anos, en su mayoría enfermeras y técnicos paramédicos. Se aplicó un cuestiona- ˜ rio sociodemográfico, el Job Content Questionnaire, el Effort-Reward Imbalance, el Health Performance Questionnaire y una escala de interferencia del trabajo en la vida familiar. La regresión lineal explicó el 21% de la varianza del deterioro laboral percibido. Este último se asoció a asistir a trabajar enfermo. Los resultados sugieren que el deterioro del desempeno y asistir a trabajar enfermo son dos aspectos del ˜ mismo proceso. El ausentismo por razones de salud, la interferencia del trabajo en la vida familiar y la sintomatología emocional predijeron el deterioro laboral. Éste último se asoció negativamente a trabajar en turnos, controlando edad y salario. Los resultados sugieren que el presentismo es explicado por factores del contexto de trabajo y el conflicto trabajo-familia.

  10. Acciones intersectoriales en la estimulación temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje

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    Déborah Magaly López Salas

    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis del proyecto "Acciones intersectoriales en la estimulación temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje" con el objetivo propiciar un estudio social sobre la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación tecnológica en la dirección de programas para la estimulación del desarrollo de menores en edad preescolar, desde la visión de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Se muestran conceptos afines al tema, necesarios en la comprensión de la idea de reorganización de los servicios vinculados a la estimulación y atención temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje desde la comunidad, con la participación de profesionales de diferentes instituciones, y se demuestra la necesidad de comprender los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad como un campo de acción en la actualidad en Cuba.

  11. Eficacia del difusor de feromona de procesionaria del pino Pherocon PPM®


    Durán, María; Rodrigo Santamalia, Mª Eugenia; Pérez Laorga, Eduardo; Mas i Gisbert, Hugo


    Los resultados de este trabajo forman parte del trabajo de fin de carrera presentado en la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia por Maria Duran Lázaro y dirigido por la Dra. Eugenia Rodrigo Santamalia y Eduardo Perez Laorga con el titulo "Influencia del tipo de trampa en la captura de mariposas de la procesionaria del pino (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff.) en la sierra Calderona" [ES] Se ha ensayado la eficacia de un difusor de la feromona de la procesionaria del pino fabricado por la em...

  12. La luz del origen del universo

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    Casas, Alberto


    Full Text Available Penzias and Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background, a luminous echo of the Big Bang, in 1965. The amount of information encoded in this relic of the early universe is truly extraordinary. At present, the most precise data about the origin and structure of the universe comes from the study of this primordial light, the full potential of which has yet to be explored.En 1965 se descubrió el fondo de radiación de microondas, un eco luminoso de la Gran Explosión (Big Bang. La cantidad de información contenida en esta reliquia del universo primitivo es verdaderamente extraordinaria. En la actualidad los datos más precisos sobre el origen y estructura del universo provienen del estudio de esta luz primigenia, que aún no ha sido explorada en todo su potencial.

  13. Diámetro transverso del cerebelo fetal en la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino


    Salazar de Dugarte, Guillermina


    Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento de la biometría del cerebelo fetal en su diámetro transverso, en los casos con restricción del crecimiento intrauterino. Ambiente: Servicio de Perinatología, Hospital "Dr. Adolfo Prince Lara", Puerto Cabello. Métodos: Estudio transversal, de correlación. En 1 569 fetos se realizó la biometría del diámetro transverso del cerebelo, para la construcción del nomograma del mismo. Se estableció una comparación entre los valores del diámetro transverso del cerebel...

  14. La muerte como proceso: una perspectiva antropológica

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    Bárbara Martínez


    Full Text Available Este artículo, desde una perspectiva antropológica, combina recientes aproximaciones que cuestionan la homología entre muerte y deceso biológico, con la tradición de estudios que revisan los rituales de muerte en el área geográfica andina. En particular, examina cómo se produce en El Cajón, Catamarca, noroeste argentino, la incorporación de un fallecido al esquema cosmológico, y cómo la muerte, que es un puntapié inicial para ello ocurra, no es meramente un evento biológico sino también un proceso social de gran dinamismo. A partir del trabajo de campo etnográfico, y tomando como herramientas metodológicas entrevistas abiertas de sesiones múltiples y observación participante, presenta una propuesta analítica que procura superar la homología entre muerte y deceso biológico, sugiriendo una noción que incluye la dimensión orgánica, pero también la social: el proceso de la muerte.

  15. Identificación del genotipo del virus del papiloma humano en pacientes portadoras de lesiones cérvico uterinas


    Alexander Morales Fontaine; Odalys Rufina Peña Pérez; Alicia María Yabor Palomo; Vicente de Jesús Alvarez Yabor


    Fundamento: en los últimos años se ha observado un elevado predominio de mujeres infestadas por genotipos del  Virus del Papiloma Humano considerados de alto riesgo por su elevada oncogenicidad.Objetivo: identificar los genotipos del Virus del Papiloma Humano en pacientes portadoras de este con lesiones cervicales, cuyas biopsias fueron analizadas en el departamento de anatomía patológica, perteneciente al Hospital General Docente ¨Ernesto Guevara de la Serna¨, en el período comprendido entre...

  16. Calixarenes, chemical chameleons

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Dienst, E.S.; van Dienst, Erik; Iwema bakker, W.I.; Iwema Bakker, Wouter I.; Engbersen, Johannes F.J.; Verboom, Willem; Reinhoudt, David


    Methods for the synthesis of selectivety functionalized calix[4]arenes have been developed. These functionalized calix[4]arenes have been coupled to cavitands and cyclodextrins. A number of practical applications of calix[4]arenes are described.

  17. Liderazgo del director y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014


    Velásquez García, Luis Alberto


    El presente estudio se centra en describir cómo se relaciona el liderazgo del director y el compromiso organizacional de los docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014. El nivel de la presente investigación es cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo correlacional. La muestra es probabilística de 117 docentes del nivel secundario de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Chancay, 2014. Los instrumentos utilizados para observar ...

  18. Design and manufacture of an atmospheric burner of biogas with rural application; Diseno y construccion de un quemador atmosferico de biogas con aplicaciones rurales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nunez Nunez, Jorge; Suarez Pacheco, Jose; Novelo Navarrete, Jose H; Soto Apolinar, Efrain [Universidad de Quintana Roo, Chetumal, Quintana Roo (Mexico)


    In this text it's resumed the methodology that was carried out to make an atmospheric burner of biogas, as the criteria that were taken in account in order to determine the main parameters of it. It introduces a synthesis of the stages of design and manufacture of the device. The utility of this type of burner increase the efficiency of the oxidation of the biogas compared with the use of conventional burners that aren't designed for this purpose. [Spanish] En este trabajo se resume la metodologia que se llevo a cabo para la construccion de un quemador de biogas tipo atmosferico, asi como los criterios que se tomaron para la determinacion de los parametros principales del mismo. Se presenta una sintesis de las etapas de diseno y manufactura del dispositivo. El uso de este tipo de quemadores aumenta la eficiencia de la oxidacion del biogas en comparacion con el uso de quemadores convencionales que no estan disenados para quemar biogas.

  19. Consideraciones preliminares entorno del pensamiento pedagógico del Profesor

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    Full Text Available El pensamiento pedagógico del profesor, como un mar insondable, es hoy en día, un referente primordial dentro del devenir propio de la Educación, adquiere sentido a partir de lo que el profesor siente, piensa, dice y hace. Por eso, esta reflexión surge como producto de la necesidad de establecer un miramiento entorno del pensamiento pedagógico del profesor desde algunas tipologías pedagógicas que en marcan la práctica pedagógica del profesor, las cuales sugieren una manera de cómo el profesor asume la pedagogía, y por tanto, se visibiliza en las acciones de aula, en donde ella se piensa desde las posibilidades individuales y colectivas del profesor. En donde la pedagogía es la oportunidad de la reflexión, para aminorar la brecha existente entre la teoría y la práctica, para tejer las relaciones que se enmarcan en los ambientes de aprendizaje; es decir, en ese espacio conceptual, donde estudiantes y profesores son sujetos epistemológicos, éticos y políticos que conforman parte activa de la sociedad.

  20. Determination of Benzo[α]pyrene in Edible Oil Using Tetraoxocalix[2]arene[2]triazine Bonded Silica SPE Sorbent. (United States)

    Guo, Yun; Zhao, Wen-Jie; Deng, Zhi-Fen; Hongbo, Wang; Peng, Bin; Ma, Xue; Lan, Chen; Zhang, Shu-Sheng


    Benzo[α]pyrene (BaP) is a well-known carcinogen in edible oil. In this study, a method combined solid-phase extraction (SPE) with fluorescent detection was developed using tetraoxocalix[2]arene[2]triazine sorbent (SiO 2 -OCA) for the clean-up and enrichment of BaP. The interaction between SiO 2 -OCA and BaP involves a donor-acceptor complex mechanism. The experimental procedure was as follows: BaP was extracted from edible oil with DMF/H 2 O (9:1, v/v). Then, the ratio of DMF/H 2 O was adjusted to 1:2 prior to SPE. The final concentrate was analyzed using a fluorescence detector at excitation and emission wavelengths of 255 and 420 nm. The method was fully validated. The linearity was in the range of 0.1-100 μg kg -1 with a coefficient of 0.999. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.03 and 0.1 μg kg -1 , respectively. The average recoveries were in the range of 88.0-122.3%. The intraday and interday precisions were 6.8% and 9.2%, respectively. Compared with other methods, the method reported in this article shows a good detection limit, high reproducibility and recovery, and linearity over a broad concentration range. This established method was also applied to evaluate real samples. The concentration of six tested samples was below 5 μg kg -1 .

  1. Análisis del efecto del fuego y de la presencia de contaminantes sobre la actividad y biodiversidad microbiana del suelo


    Turmero Hidalgo, Adriana Isabel


    La salud de un suelo se puede definir como la capacidad del mismo para funcionar como un sistema vivo dentro de un ecosistema, sustentar la productividad biológica, promover la calidad ambiental y mantener la salud de plantas, animales y del hombre. El concepto de salud del suelo se relaciona, por tanto, con las características biológicas, químicas y físicas del mismo, que son esenciales para una productividad agrícola sostenible a largo plazo, con un mínimo impacto ambiental. El estudio del...

  2. Efectividad del uso del mate de coca en la reducción del estrés laboral en


    Rivera-Encinas, María Teresa


    Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del uso del mate de coca en la reducción del estrés laboral en administrativos de una universidad y determinar sus principales características sociodemográficas.Material y métodos: Se aplicó el cuestionario para la detección del estrés laboral de la OIT/OMS a dos grupos de trabajadores, experimental (10) y control (10), empleando randomización simple. Se hizo un experimento cruzado en 31 días, utilizando mate de coca y agua para cada grupo. Se utilizó el análi...

  3. Microempresas del sector formal de comercio en Cuernavaca, Morelos, y contratación del capital humano (2000-2006. El aprovechamiento del régimen del riesgo

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    Philippe Dautrey


    Full Text Available Las transformaciones del entorno, como la apertura comercial y la difusión de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC pueden explicar las prácticas nuevas de contratación en las microempresas del sector formal de comercio, el más dinámico en la zona metropolitana de Cuernavaca, capital del estado de Morelos. ¿Cuál es entonces e nivel educativo que requiere el capital humano para ser contratado?, ¿son la competencia comercial y el uso de la informática los únicos factores explicativos de dichas prácticas? De hecho, la extensión del régimen del riesgo global, esto es, el incremento de la precariedad laboral y del desempleo hace que se contrate a personas que sean "empleables" de inmediato, y que parte de la capacitación en el trabajo sea externa, limitándola así a ciertas categorías de trabajadores.

  4. L'ampliamento della teoria del linguaggio letterario e l'analisi del fatto letterario


    Albaladejo Mayordomo, Tomás; Chico Rico, Francisco


    El presente estudio aborda el problema de la ampliación de la teoría del lenguaje literario hacia lo que podemos llamar una «teoría del hecho literario» a lo largo del siglo XX. Dicha ampliación ha tenido lugar gracias al desarrollo de la Poética lingüística como teoría del texto literario de amplitud semiótica y abarcadora, por tanto, del conjunto del hecho literario y mediante el empleo de otras perspectivas teórico-críticas de raigambre no lingüístico-inmanentista que potencian la atención...

  5. Reconstrucción del enfoque del aumento y generación del efectivo para la Pyme de manufactura

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    Igor Rivera González


    Full Text Available Este artículo parte de la hipótesis de que el aumento continuo del efectivo es el objetivo principal dentro de las pequeñas y medianas empresas privadas de manufactura3. Nuestra finalidad es realizar una propuesta teórica acerca de cómo definir la paramétrica referida al aumento del efectivo en un periodo a través del análisis de la forma en que se genera el efectivo dentro de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pyme de trasformación; para ello, se resalta la importancia de tres elementos clave que intervienen en la generación del efectivo: a el proceso de transformación, b la optimización del flujo de materiales y de información y c la creación de valor.

  6. del alcoholismo

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    Rodrigo Arias Duque


    Full Text Available Desde el punto de vista farmacológico, es importante comprender qué es el alcohol y cómo actúa en el organismo. No existe una causa simple, sino una interacción complicada de factores neuroquímicos, fisiológicos, psicológicos y sociales que originan y desarrollan esta grave enfermedad fármaco-dependiente. La acción psicofisiológica y farmacodinámica del alcohol es fundamentalmente depresiva, por la reducción de la transmisión sináptica en el sistema nervioso humano. Es un hecho conocido que el consumo excesivo de alcohol causa una disfunción aguda y crónica del cerebro, produciendo trastornos en el sistema nervioso central, presentando alteraciones en la memoria y en las funciones intelectuales como cálculo, comprensión y aprendizaje. A nivel hepático tiene lugar, en su mayoría, el metabolismo del alcohol, produciéndose un hígado graso alcohólico, aumentando el tamaño, terminando en necrosis e inflamación grave del hígado; esto se llama hepatitis alcohólica, y si se sigue consumiendo alcohol se desarrollará la cirrosis. El alcohol también ha estado relacionado con alteraciones del miocardio; se ha constatado en animales de experimentación sanos que tanto la velocidad de contracción del músculo cardiaco y su máxima tensión disminuyen en presencia del alcohol, como consecuencia, la fuerza de cada contracción y el aumento de presión en el ventrículo izquierdo son menores, perdiendo eficacia el corazón como bomba.

  7. La aplicación del principio del equilibrio económico a contratos estatales sometidos al régimen normativo del derecho privado

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    Manuela Canal-Silva


    Full Text Available En vista de la importancia del equilibrio económico del contrato dentro del marco de la contratación pública, el presente artículo pretende demostrar la procedencia de su aplicación a los contratos estatales sometidos al régimen del derecho privado. Mediante la reflexión y el estudio de la jurisprudencia sobre el tema se presentarán los principales motivos expuestos por las providencias que apoyan la tesis planteada. Se exponen así los temas del interés colectivo y los preceptos constitucionales como bases de este principio del equilibrio económico. Para luego examinar la conmutatividad del contrato y el debate frente a la consideración del equilibrio económico como un principio transversal al derecho público y privado.

  8. Imaginarios persistentes en las narrativas sobre la invasión del Tawantinsuyu : estudio del caso del secuestro y magnicidio del Hanan Inka Atawallpa, ocurridos en Cajamarca (Perú: 1532 y 1533)


    Ontiveros, Asunción


    Ontiveros, Asunción. (2015). Imaginarios persistentes en las narrativas sobre la invasión del Tawantinsuyu. Estudio del caso del secuestro y magnicidio del Hanan Inka Atawallpa, ocurridos en Cajamarca (Perú: 1532 y 1533) (Tesis de posgrado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina: Repositorio Institucional Digital de Acceso Abierto. Disponible en: La producción de narrativas y o formas simbólicas relacionadas a los acontecimientos del secuestro y m...

  9. Determinantes del acceso al internet: Evidencia de los hogares del Ecuador


    Botello-Peñaloza, Héctor Alberto


    El objetivo del artículo se centra en investigar los determinantes del uso de Iinternet en los hogares ecuatorianos en 2013, incorporando sus características socioeconómicas dentro de un modelo de elección discreta que realiza estimaciones sobre la probabilidad del uso de internet dentro del hogar con base en los microdatos de la encuesta de uso de TIC. Los principales hallazgos sugieren que el ingreso y el grado de educación de los individuos ejercen las mayores influencias positivas en el u...



    Johnny Patricio Bayas Escudero; Carmen Adriana Álvarez Bermúdez; David Reinaldo García Moreira; José Rafael Vera Vera


    Con el propósito de realizar el diagnóstico del sector turístico del cantón Bolívar, se partió, inicialmente, de la identificación de los recursos y atractivos turísticos existentes, asi como su nivel de incidencia en el desarrollo de esta jurisdicción, para posteriormente, proponer los potenciales productos turísticos que permitan la implementación de planes y programas de desarrollo del turismo. Para el cumplimiento de estos objetivos, se realizó una caracterización general del territorio, ...

  11. Alcance del principio de eficacia directa del derecho comunitario andino en el ámbito de la propiedad industrial y del derecho del consumidor en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano


    Pachón Guerrero, Juan Sebastián


    Tesis sobre el alcance del principio de eficacia directa del derecho comunitario andino en el ámbito de la propiedad industrial y del derecho del consumidor en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano Thesis related to the scope of the principle of direct effectiveness of andean community law in the field of industrial property and consumer law in the Colombian legal system

  12. Acerca del nombre del Perú en la actual Colombia

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    Juan Friede


    Full Text Available Como es sabido, la adaptación del nombre "Perú" al Imperio Incaico es de origen netamente español. Los indios del Perú no llamaban así a su territorio, como lo confirman Valera, Cieza de León, Montesinos, Garcilaso y otros. Tenían nombres para designar las distintas provincias pero no para la totalidad del imperio de los incas.

  13. Consistencia interna del cuestionario autoadministrado de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para Trastornos del Eje II del DSM-IV*


    Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Díaz-Martínez, Luis Alfonso; Barros-Bermúdez, Jaider Alfonso


    Introducción: Es infrecuente identificar posibles casos de trastornos de personalidad en la población general, debido a la carencia de instrumentos autoadministrados con buena validez y confiabilidad. Hasta la fecha no se ha explorado la confiabilidad del cuestionario autoadministrado de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para Diagnósticos del eje II (SDID-II) del DSM-IV en la población colombiana. Objetivo: Determinar la consistencia interna de las subescalas del cuestionario autoadministrad...

  14. Determinantes en el proceso del despliegue del valor para la innovación

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    Juan Mejía Trejo


    Full Text Available El estudio tiene como objetivo hallar las determinantes en el proceso del despliegue del valor para la innovación de productos. la metodología, basada en investigación documental, descubre tres áreas: I: qfd modificado, donde se consideran las percepciones ponderadas del consumidor de necesidades, satisfacción y desempeño de los diferentes atributos y características de los productos y servicios a través de voces denominadas: del consumidor, la mercadotecnia, la tecnología, los requerimientos y la firma; área II: valorprecio y costo de retención del consumidor, en la que se calcula el precio justo del producto objetivo a innovar respecto de sus competidores y costo de retener al consumidor; área III: difusión de la innovación, que permite visualizar el mercado de adoptadores del producto objetivo a innovar. El proceso es posible visualizarlo en un solo plano, por lo que se propone su denominación como despliegue del valor para la innovación de productos (dvip.

  15. Análisis del documental “Las raices del conflicto: Palestina- Israel”


    Espinosa Seguí, Ana


    El documental "Las raices del conflicto: Palestina- Israel" nos va a servir para analizar diversos elementos del conflicto entre Israel y Palestina, como la evolución histórica del conflicto, las fronteras exteriores e interiores de Israel y Palestina, los conflictos de Israel con los países vecinos, el conflicto por el agua, la creación del estado de Israel y su crecimiento posterior o el problema de los refugiados palestinos.

  16. Vigencia del Darwinismo


    Lessa, Enrique P


    En este ensayo se presenta una revisión histórica del signifcado y legado del darwinismo, con énfasis en el último siglo. La principal conclusión es que la visión darwiniana de la evolución, con las modifcaciones requeridas para dar cuenta de los grandes desarrollos de la disciplina, se ha impuesto y mantiene vigencia en nuestros días. En particular, el papel del azar, la evolución como proceso de “descendencia con modifcación” a lo largo de diversas ramas del árbol de la vida, el pensamiento...

  17. Determinantes del acceso al internet: Evidencia de los hogares del Ecuador

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    Héctor Alberto Botello-Peñaloza


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo se centra en investigar los determinantes del uso de Iinternet en los hogares ecuatorianos en 2013, incorporando sus características socioeconómicas dentro de un modelo de elección discreta que realiza estimaciones sobre la probabilidad del uso de internet dentro del hogar, con base en los microdatos de la encuesta de uso de TIC. Los principales hallazgos sugieren que el ingreso y el grado de educación de los individuos ejercen las mayores influencias positivas en el uso de internet, al igual que se evidencian brechas significativas de género, con un asentamiento en las áreas rurales más que en las urbanas, especialmente por la falta de infraestructura. Estos resultados destacan la importancia de la intervención pública en el aumento del acceso a las nuevas tecnologías, a la vez que el papel del capital humano en la reducción de las brechas sociales en Ecuador.



    Angel Cristian Mera Macías; Daniela Vera Vélez


    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo la creación e implementación de un sistema informático para la gestión del talento humano del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal del cantón Bolívar. Durante el estudio se determinó cómo la organización en mención gestiona la información del talento humano y la manera en la que se podría mejorar dicha tarea, es así que mediante la aplicación de encuestas a los clientes internos y externos se determinó que existían dificultades en dicho pr...

  19. El movimiento estudiantil chileno del 2011 en intervenciones discursivas del Presidente Piñera

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    Claudio Araya Seguel


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra evidencia lingüístico-discursiva del intento del Presidente Piñera por acallar las influencias sociales del movimiento estudiantil chileno del año 2011. Desde una mirada crítica se da cuenta del comportamiento discursivo de este hablante en el marco del primer conflicto social que enfrentó el nuevo gobierno de derecha en Chile. El valor teórico-metodológico de este estudio radica en la mirada triangular a las intervenciones discursivas. A través del análisis de un corpus de cuatro intervenciones presidenciales desde las perspectivas de las funciones estratégicas del discurso político, la teoría de la valoración y la lingüística de corpus se observa cómo Piñera deslegitima al movimiento social asociando las demandas referidas a educación con la violencia y el desorden público generado en el contexto de las crecientes marchas a lo largo del país.

  20. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) (United States)

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  1. Resultados del tratamiento a pacientes con tríada terrible del codo

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    Héctor Gabriel Díaz Carrillo


    Full Text Available La luxación del codo, asociada a la fractura del proceso coronoideo y a la fractura de la cabeza radial, es denominada “tríada terrible del codo”, debido a la complejidad al abordar el tratamiento correcto y lo desalentador de los resultados que se obtienen con el mismo. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, donde se recogen los resultados postoperatorios, obtenidos en cuatro pacientes con inestabilidad traumática aguda del codo, tratados entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2013, que acudieron inicialmente al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de La Serna” y tuvieron un seguimiento medio de ocho meses. El proceder consistió en reparación de la coronoides, del ligamento lateral externo, reparación de la cúpula radial, cupulectomía y colocación de pin endomedular; la técnica operatoria a emplear se definió por los estudios radiográficos realizados y los hallazgos en el transcurso del proceder. Los pacientes, tres hombres y una mujer, tuvieron cinco codos lesionados y un promedio de edad de 34 años. Como resultado del tratamiento la flexión fue normal entre 130-135° en 4 codos y limitada en uno a 110°, la extensión se encontró limitada de 8 a 21° en todos los pacientes, la pronosupinación se mantuvo limitada en todos los casos entre 5 y 22°. La intervención quirúrgica mediante fijación y reparación de los estabilizadores del codo proporcionó a corto plazo una funcionabilidad del codo cercana a la normalidad, los pacientes evolucionaron positivamente. Las complicaciones fueron: reluxación, infección local y aflojamiento de la osteosíntesis

  2. Gerencia del cuidado-gerencia del servicio

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    Marta Palmet Jiménez


    Full Text Available La gerencia de este siglo debe estar plenamente identificada con la administración para planear, organizar, decidir y obtener resultados definidos, evaluados y alcanzados a través de las personas. Para poder gerenciar el cuidado se debe saber administrar. El objetivo de enfermería es cuidar; el objetivo de la gerencia es la conducción de la producción de bienes o servicios en las organizaciones. La gerencia del cuidado implica: motivación, creatividad, responsabilidad y ética por parte del cuidador y de quien cuida, claridad de actitud frente al ser y al qué hacer por parte del cuidador. Se puede concluir que la gerencia (administración, el cuidado (producto de calidad, el servicio (valor intangible, querer servir son un trinomio que deben ir de la mano de manera integrada para el logro de los objetivos propuestos por la organización de salud y de enfermería.


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    Marimon Viadiu, Frederic


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza diferentes elementos que influyen en el comportamiento de compra del cliente de un supermercado online. Estos elementos están relacionados tanto con aspectos estéticos del sitio web, como con los procesos que tienen lugar en el momento de realizar la compra. A partir de este análisis, se estudian los distintos grupos de consumidores con comportamientos homogéneos y se posicionan en función de sus actitudes. El análisis también permite definir la calidad del servicio prestado por este tipo de establecimientos, así como las principales dimensiones en que se despliega. En las conclusiones se citan aspectos en los que el gestor de un supermercado online debe incidir para mejorar la calidad de su servicio.

  4. Guía del investigador americanista para San Luís del Potosí novohispano


    Montoya, Ramón Alejandro


    El trabajo aborda uno de los temas menos abarcados por la historiografía del norte de la Nueva España : la familiarización de la heurística sobre una región minera septentrional del México Colonial. El objetivo del trabajo es dar a conocer las vetas documentales para los estudiosos del norte de la Nueva España y no necesariamente de la jurisdicción de San Luis Potosí. Para eso proponemos una enumeración detallada de acervos y colecciones documentales del interior del país y del extranjero con...

  5. Agendas visuales y procesos, elementos básicos en la vida del alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo


    Rodríguez Molino, Joana


    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado comienza haciendo un repaso de las definiciones y características asociadas a los Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo para poder considerar las pautas de intervención más acertadas a seguir con este alumnado. También se hace hincapié en los Sistemas Alternativos y Aumentativos de Comunicación como medio de comunicación y aprendizaje para estos niños/as. Se presenta una propuesta de intervención educativa llevada a cabo con un niño con Trastorno del Espectro del A...

  6. Asociación del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación con otros trastornos del desarrollo infantil en la ciudad de Cali


    Riascos Alpala, Alexander; Velez Correa, Diana Lizeth; Acosta Alvarez, Yuri Andrea


    INTRODUCCION. El trastorno del Desarrollo de la Coordinación TDC en la infancia es una problemática importante desde la salud pública, ya que tiene repercusiones importantes desde las diferentes esferas del desarrollo: motora, cognitiva, psicosocial y emocional, por lo mismo, es frecuente la presencia de comorbilidad con otros trastornos del desarrollo infantil. Se presenta un estudio multicéntrico que caracteriza la asociación del TDC con otros trastornos del desarrollo. OBJETIVO. Determ...

  7. Antonio Zambrana Lara, docente y pintor. Técnica y procedimientos dentro del Realismo Sevillano del último tercio del siglo XX


    Domínguez Moreno, Gustavo


    El trabajo que aquí se presenta, cuyo título es Antonio Zambrana Lara, docente y pintor. Técnica y procedimiento dentro del Realismo Sevillano del último tercio del siglo XX, procurará analizar en profundidad las cuestiones relacionadas con la personalidad artística de Antonio Zambrana, a través de diversos asuntos, como por ejemplo su contextualización, intentando profundizar en un momento apasio nante del arte sevillano y especialmente en aquellos apartados que de manera más concreta se ref...

  8. El sentido cultural del cuidado en casa del enfermo

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    Marina Sánches-Sanabria


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tiene un diseño cualitativo descriptivo, transversal para comprender las diferencias existentes en los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas influidas por la percepción o sentido cultural de cuidar del cuidador primario, como elemento básico para caracterizar elementos culturales presentes en el ambiente de cuidado al enfermo o discapacitado que está en casa a través de la indagación profunda de la percepción y sentimientos que tiene tanto el cuidador primario como el ser cuidado en casa. Se realizó con los usuarios inscritos del Programa de Promoción y Prevención de la indagación profunda de la percepción y sentimientos Universidad Popular del Cesar (IPS-UPC de los enfermos crónicos y discapacitados a nivel comunitario del grupo extramural de la comuna cinco y del Hospital Eduardo Arredondo Daza de la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia. El valor de realizar este proyecto, está en desocultar los múltiples significados que en la realidad vivida por los seres cuidadores primarios y en los seres cuidados; son esas distintas formas de percibir la existencia, influido por el conocimiento de lo ancestral, los sentimientos y la sabiduría de la cultura que cada uno posee para expresarse en las múltiples formas que el cuidado lo acontece y lo requiere para dar el sentido cultural característico y diferenciado que se percibe en el modo de cuidar y la satisfacción de quien lo recibe y lo ofrece. Este aspecto fue valioso para la comunidad académica del programa de enfermería, porque ubicó epistémicamente la transculturalidad del cuidado como una mirada y forma de enseñar transdisciplinariamente, enseñando y ofreciendo el cuidado desde la cultura, sentimientos y pensamientos del ser cuidado para el mantenimiento de la vida y la salud, en la que estudiantes de enfermeria desde sus primeras experiencias formativas deben incursionar en la intervención holística que se requiere en el cuidado de la salud y de la vida.

  9. Laboratory scale investigations for testing the uptake potential of 1, 3 di octyloxy Calix(4)arene Crown 6 for separation of Cs from high level radioactive waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thorat, Vidya; Soudamini, N.; Achare, Sanjay; Girisan, Prema; Mishra, R.K.; Kumar, Amar; Kaushik, C.P.; Banerjee, K.


    137 Cs one of the major beta gamma emitting fission products present in high level liquid waste (HLLW), which is generated during the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. Its separation will restrict the personal radiation exposure during the vitrification and prevents thermal deformation of conditioned waste matrix during storage. Separation will also reduce the volume of vitrified mass to be stored in repository. In addition 137 Cs has enormous applications as radiation sources in food preservation, sterilization of medical products, brachytherapy, blood irradiation, hygienization of sewage sludge etc. The use of 137 Cs (T 1/2 = 30 years) in place of 60 Co (T 1/2 = 5.2 years) will also reduce the shielding requirement, frequency of source replenishment and ease the handling/transportation of radioactive source. Present paper summarises experimental results pertaining to performance evaluation of indigenously synthesised 1, 3 di octyl oxy Calix(4) arene crown 6 (CC6) as extractant for recovery of caesium from HLLW

  10. Las reformas del Estado, de las políticas sociales y de salud: Un balance del final del milenio

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    Gerschman Silvia


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone reflexionar sobre las reformas de los sistemas de salud y de políticas sociales en el marco de las así llamadas reformas del Estado. Com esta finalidad, se busca como punto de partida condensar distintas visiones explicativas de la crisis del Estado de Bienestar, presentes en la bibliografía produzida en la década de los 90. En el corazón de la crisis, las políticas sociales se encuentran profundamente cuestionadas. Lo que pretendemos mostrar es que este argumento posee una función específica, que es la de introducir mudanzas de carácter neoliberal en la política económica y para las cuales los instrumentos económicos utilizados van a generar la abstención del Estado en el plano social, la desregulación de las economías nacionales en favor del libre mercado y, fundamentalmente, el papel sobredimensionado del mercado financiero internacional. En este contexto, son analizadas las reformas de la seguridad social y de los sistemas de salud. La última parte del trabajo tuvo por objetivo enfrentar las dificultades que las políticas sociales presentan en el contexto actual, trayendo al centro del debate un mapeamiento de las alternativas posibles para el desarrollo de las políticas sociales y de salud.

  11. Psicodrama del duelo.


    José Antonio Espina Barrio; Marisol Filgueira Bouza


    La pérdida de rituales agrava y alarga la reacción del duelo. Se define el Psicodrama Antropológico y su intervención en el proceso del duelo. El Psicodrama Focal del Duelo es una psicoterapia breve centrada en el proceso de Duelo. Se comentan varios casos y resultados. Se concluye con un programa sencillo para el duelo en Atención Primaria.

  12. La Cultura del Vino, motor del desarrollo sostenible de las regiones vitivinícolas

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    Luisa González-SanJosé Ma


    Full Text Available Existen bastantes evidencias para vincular la cultura del vino con el entorno y el desarrollo sostenible. En primer lugar, destaca que la cultura del vino es el reflejo del aprovechamiento vitivinícola del medio y, por tanto, refleja su efecto sobre el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones, lo que es plausible a través del devenir histórico de las mismas. Más recientemente, el aprovechamiento de la cultura del vino para su explotación a través de las experiencias enoturísticas, ha supuesto una revalorización de muchos territorios, impulsando el desarrollo social y económico. La cultura del vino no es sólo el eje temático de la actividad enoturística, sino que es su base y pilar esencial, por tanto, se relaciona directamente con la sostenibilidad ambiental, económica y social que subyace tras el enoturismo. Además, es importante tener en cuenta que gran parte de la importancia de la cultura del vino se centra en las señas de entidad asociadas a cada territorio, que aportan características distintivas y singulares, contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad cultural. En España, ACEVIN y el Rutas del Vino de España son claros ejemplos de como la cultura del vino es un motor del desarrollo sostenible de las regiones vitivinícolas.

  13. Origin of the {sup 238}U-{sup 230}Th disequilibrium in magmas from subduction zones: the Arenal example; Origine du desequilibre {sup 238}U-{sup 230}TH dans les magmas des zones de subduction: exemple de l`Arenal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villemant, B [Paris-6 Univ., 75 (France)


    The existence in some volcanic products of strong excess of {sup 238}U with respect to {sup 230}Th is one of the characteristics of volcanic arc magmas. These excesses are generally attributed to fluid additions inside mantellic sources before magma segregation, differentiation and eruption. These fluids should be linked to the dehydration of the subducted rocks. These hypotheses are essentially based on correlations between {sup 10}Be, {sup 87}Sr anomalies, Ba/La ratios and on the distribution of volcanic centers with respect to the subduction zone. Recent studies suggest an evolution of the composition of volcanic sources in Central America from a depleted mantle type (MORB) in the North (Nicaragua) to a less transformed enriched type (OIB) in the South (Costa Rica). The Arenal volcano belongs to a transition zone between these two types. The preliminary study of trace elements and {sup 238}U-{sup 230}Th disequilibria in recent volcanic products (1968-1993) indicates a more complex situation. At least two different mantle sources were successively involved characterized by different Th/La and La/Yb ratios and very different to the OIB type. Also most lavas are in equilibrium with {sup 238}U/{sup 232}Th ratios of about 1.2 to 1.3. However, in eruptive cycle, some lavas are characterized by a strong {sup 238}U excess with respect to {sup 230}Th with cannot be linked to the sources, even when modified by fluids in depth. These results are interpreted in terms of heterogeneities of mantle sources and low depths late interactions with hydrothermal fluids during eruptions. Abstract only. (J.S.). 2 refs.

  14. Origin of the {sup 238}U-{sup 230}Th disequilibrium in magmas from subduction zones: the Arenal example; Origine du desequilibre {sup 238}U-{sup 230}TH dans les magmas des zones de subduction: exemple de l`Arenal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Villemant, B. [Paris-6 Univ., 75 (France)


    The existence in some volcanic products of strong excess of {sup 238}U with respect to {sup 230}Th is one of the characteristics of volcanic arc magmas. These excesses are generally attributed to fluid additions inside mantellic sources before magma segregation, differentiation and eruption. These fluids should be linked to the dehydration of the subducted rocks. These hypotheses are essentially based on correlations between {sup 10}Be, {sup 87}Sr anomalies, Ba/La ratios and on the distribution of volcanic centers with respect to the subduction zone. Recent studies suggest an evolution of the composition of volcanic sources in Central America from a depleted mantle type (MORB) in the North (Nicaragua) to a less transformed enriched type (OIB) in the South (Costa Rica). The Arenal volcano belongs to a transition zone between these two types. The preliminary study of trace elements and {sup 238}U-{sup 230}Th disequilibria in recent volcanic products (1968-1993) indicates a more complex situation. At least two different mantle sources were successively involved characterized by different Th/La and La/Yb ratios and very different to the OIB type. Also most lavas are in equilibrium with {sup 238}U/{sup 232}Th ratios of about 1.2 to 1.3. However, in eruptive cycle, some lavas are characterized by a strong {sup 238}U excess with respect to {sup 230}Th with cannot be linked to the sources, even when modified by fluids in depth. These results are interpreted in terms of heterogeneities of mantle sources and low depths late interactions with hydrothermal fluids during eruptions. Abstract only. (J.S.). 2 refs.

  15. Ecuador y los objetivos del milenio : inversiones para la conservación del agua

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    Fabián Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio analiza si se justifica la inversión en la protección del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (SNAP. El nivel de inversión del Estado ecuatoriano fue estimado a partir de las necesidades de financiamiento del SNAP. Los beneficios económicos fueron estimados a partir de la oferta de agua de las áreas protegidas que se encuentran a lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes. La metodología para evaluar si es conveniente o no la inversión del Estado en la protección del SNAP fue la relación beneficio - costo (B/C. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que solo los valores piso de la relación B/C justifican la inversión del Estado.

  16. Determinación del requerimiento hídrico del pimentón en el municipio de Candelaria, departamento del Valle del Cauca Water requeriments of pepper in Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Adriana Gómez Enríquez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo con el fin de determinar el requerimiento hídrico del pimentón Capsicum annuum variedad Unapal-Serrano, en la zona de Candelaria-Valle del Cauca (Colombia. Se determinó que el pimentón requiere 425mm de agua durante su ciclo vegetativo, obteniendo una eficiencia del uso del agua de 5.32 kg/m³ de fruto fresco y de 0.5 kg/m³ en términos de materia seca. Además, se comprobó la eficiencia del microevaporímetro 'MIEVHR' como herramienta para programación del riego y estudios hidrológicos.A trial was carried out in order to determining the water requirement of the pepper Capsicum annuum variety UNAPAL- Serrano in the zone of Candelaria -Valley of the Cauca (Colombia and to evaluate the efficiency of the microevaporímeter 'MIEVHR' as estimator of the evaporation. It was determined that the pepper requires 425mm of water during the cycle vegetative obtaining an efficiency of the use of the water of 5.32 Kg/m³ of fresh fruit and 0.5 kg/m³ in terms of dry matter. Besides, it was verified the microevaporímeter efficiency 'MIEVHR' as tool for programming of the irrigation.

  17. Detección, transmisión y caracterización del fitoplasma asociado a la enfermedad del decaimiento del peral


    Garcia i Chapa, Meritxell


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Se ha realizado una prospección en 1500 parcelas de cultivo de peral, para evaluar la extensión de la enfermedad del Decaimiento del peral (PD) en el Nordeste de España. Un 7% de las parcelas observadas presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad. Paralelamente, se ha evaluado la incidencia de la enfermedad en 45 de estas parcelas, por inspección visual de 500 árboles, en cada una de ellas. La presencia del fitoplasma fue conf...

  18. Gestión del subsistema Activos Fijos Tangibles del sistema Cedrux.

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    Larisa González Álvarez


    Full Text Available En aras del fortalecimiento de la gestión de entidades y la informatización de la sociedad, Cuba se encuentra inmersa en la creación del producto Cedrux, basado en los principios de independencia tecnológica y en las particularidades de la economía cubana. Esta solución nacional incluye un subsistema para el control de los activos fijos tangibles (AFT, que pretende servir de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en las entidades. El subsistema es capaz de gestionar activos de forma dinámica, tributa mediante operaciones al sistema contable de la empresa y estandariza el tratamiento de los AFT a nivel nacional. Incluye además temas como la multimoneda, la agrupación de activos y la generación de documentos, prestaciones del sistema que responden a necesidades del país, actualmente no satisfechas de manera conjunta por los sistemas existentes. A partir de la puesta en marcha del sistema, la economía del país se verá favorecida y el control de los AFT será confiable, estable y legalmente correcto.

  19. Estado del Medio Ambiente Marino y Costero del Pacífico Sudeste.


    Andrade V., Héctor; Guitiérres S., Sixto; Andrade C., Héctor


    El presente documento contiene los antecedentes sistematizados sobre el Estado del Medio Ambiente Marino Costero del Pacífico Sudeste en base a los informes nacionales de consultoría elaborados entre 2011 y 2012 en Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Chile y cuya finalidad fue establecer un estado actualizado del medio marino a nivel regional, en el marco del Programa CONPACSE III de la Comisión Permanente de Pacífico Sur. Los principales contaminantes presentes en las aguas marinas costeras de...

  20. Caracterización del potencial de abuso del flunitracepam


    Martí de la Llave, Cecilia


    Con el presente estudio se pretende caracterizar el potencial de abuso del flunitracepam. La pauta de administración del flunitracepam está ajustada para alcanzar concentraciones máximas plasmáticas similares entre los dos regímenes de administración del fármaco activo, aunque a diferente velocidad; con la dosis única se alcanza la concentración máxima plasmática más rápidamente que con la dosis dividida. Cuando el voluntario recibe el fármaco activo a dosis única toma cinco cápsulas que ...