
Sample records for del agente causal

  1. A review of the Mycrocylus ulei Ascomycetes fungus, causative agent of South American rubber-leaf blight Revisión sobre el hongo Microcyclus ulei, agente causal del mal suramericano de la hoja del caucho

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    Ancízar Aristizábar Fabio


    Full Text Available The Microcyclus ulei Ascomycetes fungus is the causal agent of south-American leaf blight (SALB, this being one of the most important diseases affecting the natural rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis in Latina-America and has been responsible for numerous economic losses. This fungus has presented high physiological variability, suggesting its great adaptability. HCN tolerance has been described as being one of the mechanisms associated with its virulence. Resistant Hevea clones have been obtained by genetic improvement; however, the mechanisms associated with this are still not well known. Greater knowledge of this pathogen will lead to developing new control strategies and better understanding of the mechanisms associated with host resistance. Key words: Microcyclus ulei, SALB, Hevea brasiliensis.El hongo ascomycete Microcyclus ulei es el agente causal del SALB que es una de las enfermedades más importan­tes del árbol de caucho natural (Hevea brasiliensis en América Latina y ha sido responsable de numerosas pérdidas económicas. Este hongo ha presentado alta variabilidad fisiológica y se sugiere su alta adaptabilidad, dentro de los mecanismos asociados a su virulencia se ha descrito la tolerancia al HCN. Se han obtenido clones de Hevea resistentes mediante mejoramiento genético, sin embargo, aun no son bien conocidos los mecanismos asociados a ésta. Un mayor conocimiento de este patógeno permitirá el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de control así como el mayor entendimiento de los mecanismos asociados a resistencia del hospedero. Palabras clave: Microcyclus ulei, SALB, Hevea brasiliensis.

  2. Caracterización taxonómica y análisis de la variabilidad del agente causal del cancro del tallo de la soja en Buenos Aires (2005/2007

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    Full Text Available ResumenEl complejo Diaporthe/Phomopsis es un importante grupo de hongos patógenos de la soja. Dentro del mismo, Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora es uno de los agentes causales del cancro del tallo. Veintitrés aislamientos de este hongo, provenientes de diferentes zonas geográficas de la provincia de Buenos Aires, fueron caracterizados morfológica y genéticamente. Los criterios morfológicos fueron tipo y color de micelio; formación del teleomorfo y/o del anamorfo. La identificación molecular fue llevada a cabo utilizando una técnica de restricción de fragmentos de amplificación (PCR-RFLP de la región ITS de ADN ribosomal. Adicionalmente, los productos de amplificación fueron secuenciados y comparados con la información de bancos de datos. Los aislamientos presentaron características morfológicas y patogénicas propias de la variedad, y los patrones de restricción con la enzima Alu I fueron concordantes con la identificación morfológica y con la información de secuencias disponibles. Las reconstrucciones filogenéticas apoyan la idea de que D. meridionalis y D. caulivora son entidades biológicamente aisladas. Los resultados obtenidos confirmaron la utilidad del uso del método de PCR-RFLP para la identificación precisa y rápida de D. caulivora. Por sus características, este método puede ser implementado para análisis de rutina en laboratorios de pequeña y mediana escala.AbstractDiaporthe/Phomopsis is an important group of soybean pathogens. Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora is one of the causal agents of stem canker. Twenty three isolates from different regions from the Province of Buenos Aires were morphologically and genetically characterized and assigned to different taxa within the Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex; diagnostic morphological traits were: mycelium type and color, teleomorph/anamorph occurrence. Molecular characterization was carried out using RFLP analyses of PCR-amplified DNA (PCRRFLP for the

  3. Efecto biofungicida del gel de Aloe vera sobre Mycosphaerella fijiensis, agente causal de la Sigatoka negra en Musa (AAA

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    Edwin Jaramillo Aguilar


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar a nivel in vitro la actividad antifúngica del gel de Aloe vera sobre el crecimiento micelial de Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Se utilizó la técnica de envenenamiento en el medio de cultivo PDA para determinar la actividad antifúngica del gel. El diseño utilizado fue completamente al azar, con siete tratamientos y tres repeticiones. En los tratamientos se utilizó un fungicida químico comercial (propiconazol, a 250 ppm y 500 ppm; un biofungicida comercial (Trichoderma sp. a 500 ppm y 1000 ppm; ambos productos se usaron como testigo químico y biológico, respectivamente; el gel de Aloe vera a 500 ppm y 1000 ppm; y un testigo absoluto. Se determinó diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (ANOVA, El test de Tukey demostró que todos los tratamientos registraron diferencia significativa (p ≤ 0,05 con respecto al testigo absoluto. El propiconazol presentó el mayor porcentaje de inhibición del micelio (73,10%; el test de Tukey y el porcentaje de inhibición del micelio presentaron valores similares en el control del crecimiento del hongo a los 30 días de inoculación, en los tratamientos gel de Aloe vera y el T6 de Trichoderma sp. Los resultados sugieren que el Aloe vera podría ser un adecuado biofungicida para el control de Mycosphaerella fijiensis, agente causal de la Sigatoka negra.

  4. Presencia de Blastocystis Hominis como agente causal de enfermedades gatrointestinales en la comuna 7 (Gaira del Distrito de Santa Marta

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    Sonja Liliana Lozano Socarras


    Full Text Available La Blastocystis hominis es un protozoo que causa cuadros diarreicos. Es altamente prevalente en poblaciones que no cuentan con servicios adecuados de higiene, alcantarillado y salud pública. La infección con Blastocystis hominis frecuentemente concomita con otros enteropatógenos de reconocida patogenicidad, además se ha reportado como parásito oportunista en pacientes con VIII SIDA. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la presencia de Blastocystis hominis en pacientes de consulta externa con síntomas asociados a enfermedades gastrointestinales, en la comuna 7 del distrito de Santa Marta, Colombia, durante el mes de Enero a Diciembre de 2004. El método de diagnóstico utilizado fue examen coproparasitológico seriado y el número de pacientes analiza-dos fue de 291. Los resultados muestran una alta presencia de Blastocystis hominken pacientes con enfermedad diarreica residentes en Gaira. Un alto porcentaje de la población parasitada (62,6% presento como único agente causal de la enfermedad diarreica al Blastocystis hominis lo que sugiere la presencia de otras enfermedades que pueden involucrar un compromiso inmunológico, el efecto será una respuesta inmune débil contra el parásito.

  5. Podredumbres basales de Gypsophila paniculata (Caryophyllaceae: Agentes causales y su patogenicidad potencial sobre Dianthus caryophyllus (Caryophyllaceae Basal rots of Gypsophila paniculata (Caryophyllaceae: Causal agents and its potential pathogenicity on Dianthus caryophyllus (Caryophyllaceae

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    Silvia María Wolcan

    Full Text Available Los objetivos del trabajo fueron identificar a los agentes causales de las podredumbres basales de Gypsophila paniculata en la Argentina y probar su posible patogenicidad sobre Dianthus caryophyllus . A partir de plantas con síntomas de «podredumbre de la corona» (la más importante se aislaron en orden decreciente: Fusarium solani , F. oxysporum , Phytophthora nicotianae , Rhizoctonia solani , F. graminearum , F. verticillioides, F. equiseti y Pythium sp. y de plantas con «podredumbre basal del tallo» F. graminearum , F. oxysporum y F. solani . Con distintas cepas de cada hongo se hicieron pruebas de patogenicidad mediante la infestación del suelo y el depósito de inóculo en heridas producidas en los tallos. En la «podredumbre de la corona» fueron patógenos P. nicotianae causando decaimiento rápido de la parte aérea y podredumbre blanda de la corona y R. solani causando una pudrición más lenta y tejidos desintegrados. F. graminearum fue el patógeno de la «podredumbre basal del tallo» de gipsofila, que se describe por primera vez en este hospedante , comprobando que el hongo penetra sólo por heridas del tallo. En condiciones de inoculación se confirmó que algunas cepas de R. solani y de F. graminearum aisladas de gipsofila pueden ser patógenas de clavel mientras que sólo algunas de P. nicotianae resultaron patógenas débiles.The aims of the paper were to determine the causal agents of basal rots of Gypsophila paniculata in Argentina, and to evaluate its possible pathogenicity on Dianthus caryophyllus. Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum , Phytophthora nicotianae , Rhizoctonia solani , F. graminearum , F. verticilloides, F. equiseti and Pythium sp. were isolated in decreasing order from plants with symptoms of «crown rot» (the major basal rot. F. graminearum , F. oxysporum and F. solani were isolated from plants with «basal stem rot». Inoculations of gypsophila were performed by soil infestation and by placing inoculum on

  6. [Antibibiotic resistance by nosocomial infections' causal agents]. (United States)

    Salazar-Holguín, Héctor Daniel; Cisneros-Robledo, María Elena


    The antibibiotic resistance by nosocomial infections (NI) causal agents constitutes a seriously global problematic that involves the Mexican Institute of Social Security's Regional General Hospital 1 in Chihuahua, Mexico; although with special features that required to be specified and evaluated, in order to concrete an effective therapy. Observational, descriptive and prospective study; by means of active vigilance all along 2014 in order to detect the nosocomial infections, for epidemiologic study, culture and antibiogram to identify its causal agents and antibiotics resistance and sensitivity. Among 13527 hospital discharges, 1079 displayed NI (8 %), standed out: the related on vascular lines, of surgical site, pneumonia and urinal track; they added up two thirds of the total. We carried out culture and antibiogram about 300 of them (27.8 %); identifying 31 bacterian species, mainly seven of those (77.9 %): Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter cloacae; showing multiresistance to 34 tested antibiotics, except in seven with low or without resistance at all: vancomycin, teicoplanin, linezolid, quinupristin-dalfopristin, piperacilin-tazobactam, amikacin and carbapenems. When we contrasted those results with the recommendations in the clinical practice guides, it aroused several contradictions; so they must be taken with reserves and has to be tested in each hospital, by means of cultures and antibiograms in practically every case of nosocomial infection.

  7. El consumo de basuco* como agente causal de alteraciones en la encía

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    Lorena Dávila


    Full Text Available El abuso en el consumo de drogas, entre ellas al BASUCO, es uno de los grandes problemas de salud pública que tiene que afrontar nuestra comunidad. En este estudio se utilizaron 40 ratas de la cepa Wistar, 20 con carácter experimental y 20 de control utilizando agua destilada durante 16 semanas. Se demostró que existe una relación directa entre el uso de BASUCO y las alteraciones clínicas e histológicas en la encía, de las cuales que el absceso gingival la patología más frecuente (63,2 % de los casos. Tomando en cuenta el incremento del consumo de drogas en nuestra sociedad y los resultados obtenidos, es importante que el odontólgo relacione el uso de las drogas como un agente causal de alteraciones en la encía.The abuse of drugs, and among them of BASUCO, is one of the great public health problems our communioty has to face. 40 Wistar strain rats were used in this study: 20 with an experimental character and 20 as controls. Distilled water was utilized during 16 weeks. It was demonstrated that there is a direct relationship between the use of BASUCO and the clinical and histological alterations of the gingiva, of which the gingival abscess is the most frequent pathology (63.2 % of the cases. Taking into account the increasing consumption of drugs in our society and the results obtained, it is important that the odontologist considers the use of drugs as a causal agent of gingival alterations.

  8. Análisis de mapas causales de impactos del turismo residencial




    Este artículo presenta la novedad metodológica de aplicar los programas informáticos de análisis de redes sociales (Ucinet® y Netdraw®) al análisis de mapas causales con la finalidad de mejorar los procesos de diagnóstico del turismo residencial a escala local. En concreto, esta propuesta metodológica se articula en los siguientes pasos: primero, la identificación de los impactos a escala local y la elaboración de sus mapas causales con la participación de actores locales relevantes; segundo,...

  9. Morphological and Molecular Identification of the Causal Agent of Anthracnose Disease of Avocado in Kenya. (United States)

    Kimaru, S K; Monda, E; Cheruiyot, R C; Mbaka, J; Alakonya, A


    Anthracnose disease of avocado contributes to a huge loss of avocado fruits due to postharvest rot in Kenya. The causal agent of this disease has not been clear but presumed to be Colletotrichum gloeosporioides as reported in other regions where avocado is grown. The fungus mainly infects fruits causing symptoms such as small blackish spots, "pepper spots," and black spots with raised margin which coalesce as infection progresses. Due to economic losses associated with the disease and emerging information of other species of fungi as causal agents of the disease, this study was aimed at identifying causal agent(s) of the disease. A total of 80 fungal isolates were collected from diseased avocado fruits in Murang'a County, the main avocado growing region in Kenya. Forty-six isolates were morphologically identified as Colletotrichum spp. based on their cultural characteristics, mainly whitish, greyish, and creamish colour and cottony/velvety mycelia on the top side of the culture and greyish cream with concentric zonation on the reverse side. Their spores were straight with rounded end and nonseptate. Thirty-four isolates were identified as Pestalotiopsis spp. based on their cultural characteristics: whitish grey mycelium with black fruiting structure on the upper side and greyish black one on the lower side and septate spores with 3-4 septa and 2 or 3 appendages at one end. Further molecular studies using ITS indicated Colletotrichum gloeosporioides , Colletotrichum boninense , and Pestalotiopsis microspora as the causal agents of anthracnose disease in avocado. However, with this being the first report, there is a need to conduct further studies to establish whether there is coinfection or any interaction thereof.

  10. Morphological and Molecular Identification of the Causal Agent of Anthracnose Disease of Avocado in Kenya

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    S. K. Kimaru


    Full Text Available Anthracnose disease of avocado contributes to a huge loss of avocado fruits due to postharvest rot in Kenya. The causal agent of this disease has not been clear but presumed to be Colletotrichum gloeosporioides as reported in other regions where avocado is grown. The fungus mainly infects fruits causing symptoms such as small blackish spots, “pepper spots,” and black spots with raised margin which coalesce as infection progresses. Due to economic losses associated with the disease and emerging information of other species of fungi as causal agents of the disease, this study was aimed at identifying causal agent(s of the disease. A total of 80 fungal isolates were collected from diseased avocado fruits in Murang’a County, the main avocado growing region in Kenya. Forty-six isolates were morphologically identified as Colletotrichum spp. based on their cultural characteristics, mainly whitish, greyish, and creamish colour and cottony/velvety mycelia on the top side of the culture and greyish cream with concentric zonation on the reverse side. Their spores were straight with rounded end and nonseptate. Thirty-four isolates were identified as Pestalotiopsis spp. based on their cultural characteristics: whitish grey mycelium with black fruiting structure on the upper side and greyish black one on the lower side and septate spores with 3-4 septa and 2 or 3 appendages at one end. Further molecular studies using ITS indicated Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum boninense, and Pestalotiopsis microspora as the causal agents of anthracnose disease in avocado. However, with this being the first report, there is a need to conduct further studies to establish whether there is coinfection or any interaction thereof.

  11. Análisis de mapas causales de impactos del turismo residencial


    García, Hugo; Aledo, Antonio; Nogueira, Guadalupe


    Este artículo presenta la novedad metodológica de aplicar los programas informáticos de análisis de redes sociales (Ucinet® y Netdraw®) al análisis de mapas causales con la finalidad de mejorar los procesos de diagnóstico del turismo residencia

  12. Identificación del agente causal del anillo rojo del agave tequilero (Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul).


    Mezo Villalobos, Miriam


    El cultivo del agave tequilero es parte de una larga tradición del estado de Jalisco, México. Esta actividad que culmina con la obtención del tequila, un tipo de mezcal tan característico, que se ha legislado su producción bajo la Denominación de Origen. La cadena producto agave-tequila es de suma importancia económica y social, no sólo para la región productora, sino para el país, dadas las elevadas cantidades de tequila que se exportan a todo el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo ...

  13. Antagonistic activity Trichoderma harzianum Rifai on the causal agent of rice blast (Pyricularia grisea Sacc.

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    Ernesto Juniors Pérez Torres


    Full Text Available With the objective to evaluate the antagonistic activity of T. harzianum (strain A-34 on the causal agent of rice blast (P. grisea, were developed several in vitro experiments. It was evaluated the biocontrol mechanisms such as competition through mounted the percent inhibition of radial growth of hyphae of P. grisea from 24 to 240 hours and the antagonistic capacity. In addition, was evaluated micoparasitism to inclination the observation of events Microscopy winding, penetration, vacuolization, lysis, and antibiosis by observing 24 hours a confrontation between the hyphae of the phytopathogenic fungus and biological control agent. It was obtained at 120 hours 100 % inhibition of micelial growth of causal agent, what corresponded with the degree 1 of antagonistic capacity (scale and is recorded as a hyperparasitic action on P. grisea. It was evidenced an antibiotic effect of metabolites produced by T. harzianum (strain A-34 to 24 hours of confrontation, where there was time interaction between the hyphae of microorganisms with 14,3 % inhibition, also was evidence the micoparasitism events by penetration, vacuolization and lysis in the cells of phytopathogenic fungus. These results demonstrated the ability of T. harzianum (strain A-34 on causal agent of rice blast (P. grisea.

  14. Agente adaptable, aprendizaje y estructura del ambiente: un enfoque alternativo

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    Arturo Lara Rivero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se contrasta el concepto de agente programado con el de agente complejo adaptable, se presenta una nueva visión ligada al aprendizaje y la estructura del agente. La imagen del agente se analiza considerando los modelos internos, la práctica, el concepto de rutina y la influencia en su comportamiento, y la importancia del aprendizaje ex ante y ex post. Por último se muestra que la resolución de problemas está sujeta a restricciones del agente y se describen las formas de explorar el espacio de soluciones mediante tres tipos de exploración: exhaustiva, aleatoria y selectiva.

  15. Parasitosis intestinales en Argentina: principales agentes causales encontrados en la población y en el ambiente

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    María M Juárez

    Full Text Available Las parasitosis intestinales se encuentran ampliamente distribuidas en el mundo, con mayor prevalencia en los países en desarrollo. Principalmente afectan a los niños, en los que además provocan disminución del desarrollo físico y mental, situación que puede potenciarse enormemente cuando se suma a un estado nutricional deficiente. La Organización Mundial de la Salud las considera una de las principales causas de morbilidad, estrechamente ligada a la pobreza y relacionada con inadecuada higiene personal, incorrecta manipulación de los alimentos crudos, falta de servicios sanitarios, falta de provisión de agua potable y contaminación fecal del ambiente. Algunas enfermedades parasitarias se vinculan con condiciones de transmisión que existen universalmente, por lo que son cosmopolitas, mientras que otras tienen distribución geográfica variable. En los últimos años, debido a la globalización, el movimiento de personas de zonas endémicas a regiones no endémicas ha permitido la diseminación de ciertas parasitosis. Y aunque también influyen en la frecuencia de algunas de estas enfermedades las costumbres de los pueblos, las condiciones ambientales son un factor determinante para la supervivencia de los parásitos. En nuestro país, debido a la diversidad de suelos y condiciones climáticas que existen, es posible hallar variedad de agentes causales de estas parasitosis. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica de los agentes parasitarios causantes de enfermedades entéricas encontrados en la República Argentina, tanto en materia fecal de personas como en el ambiente, ya que la contaminación parasitaria de este último constituye un indicador directo del riesgo de infección por parásitos intestinales.

  16. In vitro evidence for sexual reproduction in Venturia effusa, causal agent of pecan scab (United States)

    Venturia effusa is the causal agent of pecan scab, the most prevalent disease of pecan in the southeastern US. Venturia effusa is currently only known to reproduce asexually, yet the genetic diversity among populations of pecan scab suggest it is a sexually reproducing pathogen. Analysis of the mati...

  17. Draft Genome Sequence of an Isolate of Colletotrichum fructicola, a Causal Agent of Mango Anthracnose. (United States)

    Li, Qili; Bu, Junyan; Yu, Zhihe; Tang, Lihua; Huang, Suiping; Guo, Tangxun; Mo, Jianyou; Hsiang, Tom


    Here, we present a draft genome sequence of isolate 15060 of Colletotrichum fructicola , a causal agent of mango anthracnose. The final assembly consists of 1,048 scaffolds totaling 56,493,063 bp (G+C content, 53.38%) and 15,180 predicted genes. Copyright © 2018 Li et al.

  18. Potential of Pest and Host Phenological Data in the Attribution of Regional Forest Disturbance Detection Maps According to Causal Agent (United States)

    Spruce, Joseph; Hargrove, William; Norman Steve; Christie, William


    Near real time forest disturbance detection maps from MODIS NDVI phenology data have been produced since 2010 for the conterminous U.S., as part of the on-line ForWarn national forest threat early warning system. The latter has been used by the forest health community to identify and track many regional forest disturbances caused by multiple biotic and abiotic damage agents. Attribution of causal agents for detected disturbances has been a goal since project initiation in 2006. Combined with detailed cover type maps, geospatial pest phenology data offer a potential means for narrowing the candidate causal agents responsible for a given biotic disturbance. U.S. Aerial Detection Surveys (ADS) employ such phenology data. Historic ADS products provide general locational data on recent insect-induced forest type specific disturbances that may help in determining candidate causal agents for MODIS-based disturbance maps, especially when combined with other historic geospatial disturbance data (e.g., wildfire burn scars and drought maps). Historic ADS disturbance detection polygons can show severe and extensive regional forest disturbances, though they also can show polygons with sparsely scattered or infrequent disturbances. Examples will be discussed that use various historic disturbance data to help determine potential causes of MODIS-detected regional forest disturbance anomalies.

  19. Transformación del Q-Learning para el Aprendizaje en Agentes JADE

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    Nayma Cepero-Pérez


    Full Text Available El aumento de la interacción entre los sistemas informáticos ha modificado la forma tradicional de analizarlos y desarrollarlos. La necesidad de la interacción entre los componentes del sistema es cada vez más importante para poder resolver tareas conjuntas, que de forma individual serían muy costosas o incluso imposibles de desarrollar. Los sistemas multi-agente ofrecen una arquitectura interesante y completa para ejecutar tareas distribuidas que cooperan entre sí. La creación de un sistema multi-agente o un agente requiere de gran esfuerzo por lo que se han adoptado métodos como los patrones de implementación. El patrón Proactive Obsever_JADE permite crear los agentes e incluirle en cada uno comportamientos dotados de inteligencia que pueden evolucionar utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje automático. El aprendizaje por refuerzo es una técnica del aprendizaje automático que permite a los agentes aprender a través de interacciones de prueba y error, en un ambiente dinámico. El aprendizaje por refuerzo en sistemas multi-agente ofrece nuevos retos derivados de la distribución del aprendizaje, como pueden ser la necesidad de la coordinación entre agentes o la distribución del conocimiento, que deben ser analizados y tratados.

  20. White rot of garlic and onion (Causal agent, Sclerotium cepivorum): A status report from the Pacific Northwest (United States)

    There is evidence from literature, state department of agriculture documents, and recent diagnoses that Sclerotium cepivorum, causal agent of white rot of garlic and onion, is spreading and/or becoming more established in the Pacific Northwest. Previously documented distributions are summarized, an...

  1. Identification and Control of Cladobotryum spp., Causal Agents of Cobeweb Disease of Cultivated Mushroom


    Ivana Potočnik


    Cladobotryum spp. are causal agents of cobweb disease, one of the most serious diseases of cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach) in Serbia and worldwide, which affects product quality and yield. The disease symptoms are: cottony fluffy white or yellowish to pink colonies on mushroom casing, rapid colonization of casing surface, covering of host basidiomata by mycelia, and their decay. Prochloraz-Mn has been officially recommended for mushroom cultivation in EU countries. Howe...

  2. Survival of Fusarium graminearum, the causal agent of Fusarium head blight. A review


    Leplat , Johann; Friberg , Hanna; Abid , Muhammad; Steinberg , Christian


    International audience; Wheat is one of the most cultivated crops worldwide. In 2010, 20 % of wheat and durum wheat were cultivated in Europe, 17 % in China and 9 % in Russia and in North America. Wheat yield can be highly decreased by several factors. In particular Fusarium graminearum Schwabe is a worldwide fungal pest impacting wheat production. F. graminearum is the causal agent of Fusarium head blight, root and stem-base rot of cereals. Losses caused by Fusarium head blight in Northern a...

  3. Estudios etiológicos de la marchitez del aguacate en Antioquia-Colombia

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    Joaquín Guillermo Ramírez Gil


    Full Text Available El cultivo de aguacate en Colombia ha presentado un incremento en el área sembrada durante la última década, especialmente en clima frío moderado, entre 1.800 y 2.500 msnm. La variedad Hass se destaca por tener la mayor área sembrada en este clima, en el departamento de Antioquia-Colombia. Este cultivo presenta grandes retos tecnológicos para su expansión; entre ellos el manejo de enfermedades ocupa un lugar predominante por las implicaciones que tiene en costos, impacto en la salud, ambiente y restricciones para exportaciones. La marchitez, ocasiona la muerte de numerosos árboles en todas las etapas del cultivo y presenta la mayor incidencia y severidad de las enfermedades identificadas para este cultivo. El desconocimiento de los agentes causales de esta enfermedad, ha llevado a realizar prácticas de manejo encaminadas principalmente al control del oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands, como único agente causal. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los distintos agentes causales de la marchitez del aguacate y la relación de su incidencia con las prácticas de manejo en lotes cultivados en el departamento de Antioquia-Colombia. Los resultados encontrados muestran que la marchitez es el principal problema del cultivo de aguacate. Los microorganismos P. cinnamomi, Phytophthora heveae Thompson, Phytophthora citrícola Sawada, Verticillium sp., y Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zinss Scholten fueron aislados y reprodujeron los síntomas asociados a marchitez. Las condiciones de bajo contenido de oxigeno el suelo también reprodujeron la sintomatología de marchitez, involucrando también un origen abiótico en la etiología.

  4. Molecular Detection of Monilinia fructigena as Causal Agent of Brown Rot on Quince

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    Jovana Hrustić


    Full Text Available Species of the genus Monilinia are important causal agents of fruit rot on pome and stone fruits in Serbia. The pathogen is very harmful, especially on small properties and cottage plantations where intensive control measures are not applied. Quince is importanthost for the pathogens of this genus. During spring 2010, intensive occurrence of mummified fruits overwintering on branches of the quince was observed. The pathogen was isolated using standard phytopathological methods. Pathogenicity of eight obtained isolates was tested by artificial inoculation of injured apple fruits. Identification was performed according to pathogenic, morphological and ecological properties, and was confirmed by Multiplex polimeraze chain reaction, PCR. All the isolates studied caused brown rot on inoculated apple fruits. The isolates form light yellow colonies with lobate margins,with single-celled, transparent, elliptical or oval conidia in chains, regardless temperature or light presence. Sclerotia are observed in 14 days old cultures. The highest growth rate of most of the isolates is at 27°C and in dark. Based on studied pathogenic, morphological and ecological characteristics, it was found that the Monilinia fructigena is causal agent of brown rot of quince. Using specific primers (MO368-5, MO368-8R, MO368-10R, Laxa-R2for detection of Monilinia species in Multiplex PCR reaction, the expected fragment 402 bp in size was amplified, which confirmed that the studied isolates belonged to the speciesM. fructigena.

  5. A simple culture method inducing sexual reproduction by Fusarium graminearum, the primary causal agent of Fusarium head blight (United States)

    The homothallic ascomycete fungus Fusarium graminearum is the primary causal agent of Fusarium head blight (FHB), a devastating disease of wheat and barley worldwide. The fungus undergoes both asexual and sexual stages in its life cycle. The asexual stage produces conidiospores, whereas the sexual s...

  6. Causality in Classical Electrodynamics (United States)

    Savage, Craig


    Causality in electrodynamics is a subject of some confusion, especially regarding the application of Faraday's law and the Ampere-Maxwell law. This has led to the suggestion that we should not teach students that electric and magnetic fields can cause each other, but rather focus on charges and currents as the causal agents. In this paper I argue…

  7. Analysis of genetic diversity of Fusarium tupiense, the main causal agent of mango malformation disease in southern Spain (United States)

    Mango malformation disease (MMD) has become an important global disease affecting this crop. The aim of this study was to identify the main causal agents of MMD in the Axarquía region of southern Spain and determine their genetic diversity. Fusarium mangiferae was previously described in the Axarquí...

  8. Respuesta al glifosato de un aislamiento de Rhizoctonia solani agente causal del anublo de la vaina del arroz, y de cuatro aislamientos de Trichoderma, bajo condiciones in vitro In vitro response of one isolate of Rhizoctonia solani, the pathogen of the rice sheath blight and four isolates of Trichoderma to glyphosate

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    Vargas de Álvarez Amparo


    Full Text Available El añublo de la vaina del arroz (Orysa saliva L., cuyo agente causal es Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn, es una de las enfermedades más importantes en el cultivo del arroz en Colombia. En los cultivos de arroz con frecuencia se aplica glifosato ((ácido N-(fosfonometil glicina para controlar las malezas, particularmente el arroz rojo (O. saliva, antes de la siembra del arroz. Observaciones de campo anteriores parecían indicar relación entre el uso intensivo del glifosato y el incremento en la incidencia del añublo de la vaina del arroz. Por tanto, se propuso el presente trabajo con el fin de dilucidar los posibles efectos del glifosato sobre R. solani y Trichoderma sp., conocido éste como antagonista de R. solani. Se determinó, bajo condiciones de laboratorio, el efecto del glifosato en el crecimiento, en medio líquido y sólido PDA, de R. solani y de Trichoderma. Se encontró que la dosis más alta de glifosato sin efecto detrimental sobre R. solani, fue de 300 mg/L y la dosis más baja del herbicida que
    causó la mayor inhibición del crecimiento del hongo fue
    de 2500 mg/L. Por otra parte, no se encontró que el glifosato
    estimulara el crecimiento de R. solani. En teoría, en una aplicación comercial de glifosato de 1,5 Kg ia/ha y asperjando directamente al suelo sin vegetación, el glifosato en el suelo estaría a una concentración de 0,75 mg/Kg de suelo (suponiendo que la capa arable de una hectárea de suelo pesa 2.000.000 de Kg; por tanto, la concentración de glifosato después de una aplicación comercial, está muy por debajo de la concentración a la cual se inicia la reducción del crecimiento de R. solani. Por su parte, la respuesta de Trichoderma al glifosato fue similar a la de R. solani; además, se encontró que el glifosato no afecta la capacidad antagonista de Trichoderma sobre R. sotaní. Estos resultados no apoyan la hipótesis que el glifosato, bajo las condiciones de uso en cultivos de arroz para el control


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    Gabriela M. Zunino


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se intenta estudiar la intervención del conocimiento de mundo y del conocimiento lingüístico -semántico- durante el proceso de comprensión de relaciones causales y contracausales. Nuestra hipótesis inicial: las relaciones causales son más sencillas de procesar que las relaciones contracausales. Nuestro objetivo específico: verificar esta hipótesis en cuatro condiciones. Por un lado, se evaluó cómo se comprende una relación causal o contracausal entre dos eventos pertenecientes a un dominio de conocimiento “cotidiano” y a un dominio científico, sobre el cual los informantes no tienen conocimiento previo. Por el otro, se verificó qué rol cumplen las partículas conectivas con contenido semántico específico -causal y contracausal- en esos dos tipos de texto.

  10. Draft Genome Sequences of Two Isolates of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, the Causal Agent of Anthracnose in Common Beans. (United States)

    de Queiroz, Casley Borges; Correia, Hilberty L Nunes; Menicucci, Renato Pedrozo; Vidigal, Pedro M Pereira; de Queiroz, Marisa Vieira


    Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is the causal agent of anthracnose in common beans, one of the main limiting factors of their culture. Here, we report for the first time, to our knowledge, a draft of the complete genome sequences of two isolates belonging to 83.501 and 89 A 2 2-3 of C. lindemutuianum . Copyright © 2017 de Queiroz et al.

  11. El timerosal y las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil

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    Luis Maya


    Full Text Available Se evalúa la relación causal entre el timerosal (etilmercurio, como preservante en las vacunas pediátricas, y el incremento de casos de enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil, como consecuencia de la ampliación de los esquemas de inmunización. Se revisó la información científica, relacionando el timerosal y las evidencias que permitan evaluar una posible asociación causal, con estudios epidemiológicos, ecológicos, biomoleculares y toxicológicos, de bioseguridad, toxicológicos fetales y sobre salud reproductiva. Se encontró múltiples asociaciones entre la exposición a timerosal y las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil. Tal neurotoxicidad ocurre en los infantes y fetos de gestantes vacunadas por dosis acumulativa de mercurio. Las diversas evidencias implican al timerosal como el agente causante, agravante o disparador de las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil. La toxicidad del mercurio obligó al retiro progresivo del timerosal de los medicamentos. Lamentablemente, en las vacunas, ha habido una sustancial demora en la demostración de su impacto negativo. Actualmente, existen vacunas sin timerosal, cuyo uso está ocasionando la disminución de la incidencia de las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil.

  12. Integrated Management of Causal Agents of Postharvest Fruit Rot of Apple

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    Mila Grahovac


    Full Text Available One of the major causes of poor quality and fruit loss (during storage and transportare diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi. Economic losses which are the consequenceof the phytopathogenic fungus activity after harvest exceed the losses in the field.Themost important postharvest fungal pathogens of apple fruits are: Botrytis cinerea Pers. exFr., Penicillium expansum (Lk. Thom., Cryptosporiopsis curvispora (Peck. Grem., Colletotrichumgloeosporioides (Penz. Sacc., Monilinia sp., Gloeosporium album Osterw, Alternaria alternata(Fr. Keissler, Cladosporium herbarium Link., Cylindrocarpon mali (Alles. Wollenw., Stemphyliumbotryosum Wallr. The use of available protection technologies can significantly reducelosses caused by pathogens in storage. The concept of integrated pest management (IPMin apple fruits i.e. sustainable approach in control of causal agents of postharvest fruit rot,using cultural, physical, biological and chemical measures, to minimize economic, healthand risks to consumers and environment, is presented in the paper.

  13. Causality in Europeanization Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lynggaard, Kennet


    to develop discursive institutional analytical frameworks and something that comes close to the formulation of hypothesis on the effects of European Union (EU) policies and institutions on domestic change. Even if these efforts so far do not necessarily amount to substantive theories or claims of causality......Discourse analysis as a methodology is perhaps not readily associated with substantive causality claims. At the same time the study of discourses is very much the study of conceptions of causal relations among a set, or sets, of agents. Within Europeanization research we have seen endeavours......, it suggests that discourse analysis and the study of causality are by no means opposites. The study of Europeanization discourses may even be seen as an essential step in the move towards claims of causality in Europeanization research. This chapter deals with the question of how we may move from the study...

  14. The causal structure of utility conditionals. (United States)

    Bonnefon, Jean-François; Sloman, Steven A


    The psychology of reasoning is increasingly considering agents' values and preferences, achieving greater integration with judgment and decision making, social cognition, and moral reasoning. Some of this research investigates utility conditionals, ''if p then q'' statements where the realization of p or q or both is valued by some agents. Various approaches to utility conditionals share the assumption that reasoners make inferences from utility conditionals based on the comparison between the utility of p and the expected utility of q. This article introduces a new parameter in this analysis, the underlying causal structure of the conditional. Four experiments showed that causal structure moderated utility-informed conditional reasoning. These inferences were strongly invited when the underlying structure of the conditional was causal, and significantly less so when the underlying structure of the conditional was diagnostic. This asymmetry was only observed for conditionals in which the utility of q was clear, and disappeared when the utility of q was unclear. Thus, an adequate account of utility-informed inferences conditional reasoning requires three components: utility, probability, and causal structure. Copyright © 2012 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  15. Las tesis de los filósofos del siglo XIII que afirmaron la existencia del intelecto agente

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    Sellés, Juan Fernando


    Full Text Available In this article we review the statements of relevant philosophers of the XIIIeme century supporting the existence of the human agent intellect. Three groups can be distinguished: I The universal hylemorphism (Alexander of Hales, John de la Rochelle, Mathew of Acquasparta; II The synthesis between the augustinianism and the aristhotelism (Peter Hispanus, Saint Bonaventura, John Peckham; III The purified and advanced aristotelism (Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Ramon Llull.

    En este trabajo se revisan las tesis de relevantes filósofos del s. XIII que defendieron la existencia del intelecto agente en el hombre. En el trabajo se dividen en tres grupos a los pensadores: I Los que se suelen encuadrar dentro del llamado hilemorfismo universal (Alejandro de Hales, Juan de la Rochela y Mateo de Acquasparta. II La síntesis entre el agustinismo y el aristotelismo (Pedro Hispano, San Buenaventura, Juan Peckham. III El aristotelismo depurado y proseguido (San Alberto Magno, Sto. Tomás de Aquino, Ramón Llull.

  16. Lesiones penetrantes y transfixiantes en los traumatismos abiertos del tórax


    Sosa Delgado, Diego; González López, José; Hernández Varea, José; Conde Castells, Luis; González Martínez, Pablo


    La gravedad y el peligro para la vida que acompañan a las lesiones penetrantes y transfixiantes del tórax y la necesidad de una respuesta inmediata con un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz, motivaron a profundizar en el estudio de estos traumatismos, evaluar la aplicación oportuna del tratamiento quirúrgico, determinar los agentes vulnerantes causales, los órganos más afectados y las complicaciones. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 116 pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Militar Central "...

  17. Isolation and characterization of the mating type locus of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black leaf streak disease of banana

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Conde, L.; Waalwijk, C.; Canto-Canché, B.B.; Kema, G.H.J.; Crous, P.W.; James, A.C.; Abeln, E.C.A.


    Idiomorphs mat1-1 and mat1-2 from Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black leaf streak disease of banana, were isolated. Degenerate oligos were used to amplify the HMG box of the mat1-2 idiomorph from M. fijiensis, showing homology with the HMG box of Mycosphaerella graminicola. Using a

  18. Control of Ralstonia Solanacearum The Causal Agent of Brown Rot in Potato Using Essential Oils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salem, E.A.


    Five essential oils, namely peppermint (Mentha piperita L.), caraway (Carium carvum L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus Staph.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), were used separately against Ralstonia solanacearum; the causal agent of brown rot in potato. The most two effective oils (peppermint and thyme) were used in vitro and in vivo after testing their effects on potato tubers buds germination. Peppermint inhibited buds germination but thyme have no effects on buds germination. In vivo, the control of brown rot using thyme oil in glass house experiment reduced the percentage of brown rot infection to 30.6% and reduced the severity of disease from 5 to 3.

  19. Identification and Control of Cladobotryum spp., Causal Agents of Cobeweb Disease of Cultivated Mushroom

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    Ivana Potočnik


    Full Text Available Cladobotryum spp. are causal agents of cobweb disease, one of the most serious diseases of cultivated mushroom (Agaricus bisporus (Lange Imbach in Serbia and worldwide, which affects product quality and yield. The disease symptoms are: cottony fluffy white oryellowish to pink colonies on mushroom casing, rapid colonization of casing surface, covering of host basidiomata by mycelia, and their decay. Prochloraz-Mn has been officially recommended for mushroom cultivation in EU countries. However, inefficiency of prochloraz-Mn has been noted at a level of spotting symptoms of cobweb disease. With regard to cases of resistance evolution and a general threat to the environment and human health, special attention should be focused on good programmes of hygiene, and inventing and developing alternative methods of disease control.

  20. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Francisco Avello; Allan Avello


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  1. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial


    Avello, Francisco; Avello, Allan


    Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el ...

  2. Development of VNTR Markers to Assess Genetic Diversity of Mycosphaerella Fijiensis, the Causal Agent of Black Leaf Streak Disease in Bananas (Musa spp.) (United States)

    Mycosphaerella fijiensis is the causal agent of black leaf streak (BLS) disease in bananas. This pathogen threatens global banana production as the main export cultivars are highly susceptible. As a consequence, commercial banana plantations must be protected chemically with fungicides; up to 40 app...

  3. Causality and Information Dynamics in Networked Systems with Many Agents (United States)


    algorithms. 6 Future Perspectives Causal graph reconstruction from noisy data is a problem of central importance. In our research we have shown how the idea ...thrust of the research was to develop methods for GCG sparsification using ideas from Tikhonov regularization and ADMM based proximal algorithms...not vary with time. The notion of Granger-causality is captured in the following definition . Definition 2.1 If ξ̂[xi(t) |Ht] < ξ̂[xi(t) |H−jt ] , (2.2


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    Octavio Martínez Betancur


    Full Text Available La oncología ha llamado de regreso a la medicina mecanicista y a la causalidad determinista para orientar su quehacer investigativo en la terapia antineoplásica. A lo que ha llevado esta postura epistemológica, es a un cambio regresivo del programa de investigación terapéutica en cáncer, manifiesto por las modificaciones introducidas en los desenlaces de los ensayos clínicos con agentes citostáticos ante el fracaso del desenlace esperado de regresión tumoral y curación. Ya en estudios fase II con agentes citostáticos no se habla de tasas de remisión tumoral sino de mediciones subrogadas, muchas aún no validadas, del efecto citostático sobre el marcador molecular, y en los desenlaces de estudios fase III se incluye como criterio de respuesta la estabilización o no progresión tumoral. Todo un fracaso del prometido y anhelado “proyectil mágico” de la terapia orientada a blancos moleculares en cáncer.

  5. Variable number of tandem repeat markers in the genome sequence of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black leaf streak disease of banana (Musa spp)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Garcia, S.A.L.; Lee, van der T.A.J.; Ferreira, C.F.; Lintel Hekkert, te B.; Zapater, M.F.; Goodwin, S.B.; Guzmán, M.; Kema, G.H.J.; Souza, M.T.


    ABSTRACT. We searched the genome of Mycosphaerella fijiensis for molecular markers that would allow population genetics analysis of this plant pathogen. M. fijiensis, the causal agent of banana leaf streak disease, also known as black Sigatoka, is the most devastating pathogen attacking bananas

  6. Obesity and infection: reciprocal causality. (United States)

    Hainer, V; Zamrazilová, H; Kunešová, M; Bendlová, B; Aldhoon-Hainerová, I


    Associations between different infectious agents and obesity have been reported in humans for over thirty years. In many cases, as in nosocomial infections, this relationship reflects the greater susceptibility of obese individuals to infection due to impaired immunity. In such cases, the infection is not related to obesity as a causal factor but represents a complication of obesity. In contrast, several infections have been suggested as potential causal factors in human obesity. However, evidence of a causal linkage to human obesity has only been provided for adenovirus 36 (Adv36). This virus activates lipogenic and proinflammatory pathways in adipose tissue, improves insulin sensitivity, lipid profile and hepatic steatosis. The E4orf1 gene of Adv36 exerts insulin senzitizing effects, but is devoid of its pro-inflammatory modalities. The development of a vaccine to prevent Adv36-induced obesity or the use of E4orf1 as a ligand for novel antidiabetic drugs could open new horizons in the prophylaxis and treatment of obesity and diabetes. More experimental and clinical studies are needed to elucidate the mutual relations between infection and obesity, identify additional infectious agents causing human obesity, as well as define the conditions that predispose obese individuals to specific infections.

  7. Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Markers in the Genome Sequence of Mycosphaerella Fijiensis, the Causal Agent of Black Leaf Streak Disease of Banana (Musa spp.) (United States)

    Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of banana leaf streak disease (commonly known as black Sigatoka), is the most devastating pathogen attacking bananas (Musa spp). Recently the whole genome sequence of M. fijiensis became available. This sequence was screened for the presence of Variable Num...

  8. Las causales exonerativas de la responsabilidad extracontractual. ¿Por qué y cómo impiden la declaratoria de responsabilidad? Aproximación a la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado

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    Héctor Patiño


    Full Text Available El artículo, de la mano de la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado colombiano, y de alguna de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, señala el alcance general y la comprensión que se le debe dar a los conceptos de nexo causal, imputación y causales de exoneración y presenta los lineamientos actuales de la jurisprudencia colombiana sobre esas cuestiones.

  9. Sartre's Contingency of Being and Asouzu's Principle of Causality ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The position of this work is that all contingent beings have a causal agent. This position is taken as a result of trying to delve into the issue of contingency and causality of being which has been discussed by many philosophers of diverse epochs of philosophy. This work tries to participate in the debate of whether contingent ...


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    Full Text Available Four fungal isolates from soils obtained from three sites of the oil palm plantations in North Sumatra were found antagonistic to Ganoderma boninense, the causal agent of basal stem rot of oil palm. Penicillium citrinum inhibited the growth of the pathogen and formed a zone of inhibition on the agar media. Trichoderma harzianum BIO - 1 as well as BIO - 2 and T. viride not only repressed the growth of the pathogen but also caused lysis of the hyphae, and the colony was totally overgrown by the antagonists.

  11. La justicia del accidente, variaciones sobre el síndrome del Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español

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    Javier Izquierdo-martín


    Full Text Available El 1 de mayo de 2001 se celebró oficialmente en España el veinte aniversario del primer fallecimiento ocasionado por el llamado «Síndrome del Aceite Tóxico Español» (Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome o STOS, una desconocida y mortal patología médica, asociada con un extraño episodio de intoxicación alimentaria a gran escala, cuyo agente causal, presumiblemente de origen industrial, sigue sin ser identificado. Con sus más de 1.100 muertos y 25.000 afectados, la catástrofe sanitaria del STOS está considerada el más grave envenenamiento masivo ocurrido en Europa durante el siglo XX. La carrera judicial del «caso» STOS, donde destacan dos importantes sentencias dictadas por la Audiencia Nacional (1989 y 1996 y sus correspondientes recursos de casación resueltos por el Tribunal Supremo (1992 y 1997, ofrece, por su parte, uno de los expedientes legales más complejos y controvertidos de la moderna historia jurídica española. La disputa sobre las causas materiales y las responsabilidades legales del caso se aborda aquí desde el punto de vista de los estudios culturales sobre el derecho. Para iluminar con otra luz los dilemas cognitivos y morales anudados en el expediente del STOS me serviré de la jurisprudencia narrativa extraída del filme Dulce Porvenir y de la novela homónima de la que fue adaptado.

  12. Causal and causally separable processes (United States)

    Oreshkov, Ognyan; Giarmatzi, Christina


    The idea that events are equipped with a partial causal order is central to our understanding of physics in the tested regimes: given two pointlike events A and B, either A is in the causal past of B, B is in the causal past of A, or A and B are space-like separated. Operationally, the meaning of these order relations corresponds to constraints on the possible correlations between experiments performed in the vicinities of the respective events: if A is in the causal past of B, an experimenter at A could signal to an experimenter at B but not the other way around, while if A and B are space-like separated, no signaling is possible in either direction. In the context of a concrete physical theory, the correlations compatible with a given causal configuration may obey further constraints. For instance, space-like correlations in quantum mechanics arise from local measurements on joint quantum states, while time-like correlations are established via quantum channels. Similarly to other variables, however, the causal order of a set of events could be random, and little is understood about the constraints that causality implies in this case. A main difficulty concerns the fact that the order of events can now generally depend on the operations performed at the locations of these events, since, for instance, an operation at A could influence the order in which B and C occur in A’s future. So far, no formal theory of causality compatible with such dynamical causal order has been developed. Apart from being of fundamental interest in the context of inferring causal relations, such a theory is imperative for understanding recent suggestions that the causal order of events in quantum mechanics can be indefinite. Here, we develop such a theory in the general multipartite case. Starting from a background-independent definition of causality, we derive an iteratively formulated canonical decomposition of multipartite causal correlations. For a fixed number of settings and

  13. Causal and causally separable processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oreshkov, Ognyan; Giarmatzi, Christina


    The idea that events are equipped with a partial causal order is central to our understanding of physics in the tested regimes: given two pointlike events A and B , either A is in the causal past of B , B is in the causal past of A , or A and B are space-like separated. Operationally, the meaning of these order relations corresponds to constraints on the possible correlations between experiments performed in the vicinities of the respective events: if A is in the causal past of B , an experimenter at A could signal to an experimenter at B but not the other way around, while if A and B are space-like separated, no signaling is possible in either direction. In the context of a concrete physical theory, the correlations compatible with a given causal configuration may obey further constraints. For instance, space-like correlations in quantum mechanics arise from local measurements on joint quantum states, while time-like correlations are established via quantum channels. Similarly to other variables, however, the causal order of a set of events could be random, and little is understood about the constraints that causality implies in this case. A main difficulty concerns the fact that the order of events can now generally depend on the operations performed at the locations of these events, since, for instance, an operation at A could influence the order in which B and C occur in A ’s future. So far, no formal theory of causality compatible with such dynamical causal order has been developed. Apart from being of fundamental interest in the context of inferring causal relations, such a theory is imperative for understanding recent suggestions that the causal order of events in quantum mechanics can be indefinite. Here, we develop such a theory in the general multipartite case. Starting from a background-independent definition of causality, we derive an iteratively formulated canonical decomposition of multipartite causal correlations. For a fixed number of settings and

  14. Influencia de la concentración del precursor, catalizador y agente reductor en la síntesis de derivados del 2H-INDAZOL.


    Ovalle Pérez, S.; Pérez Rodriguez, N.A.; Elizondo Martínez, P.; Velazoo Soto, M.A.


    La importancia de los derivados del2H-indazol es debida a la actividad biológica que han presentado, 10 que ha permitido aplicarlos en la industria farmacéutica, en el sector agrícola entre otros. En este trabajo, primeramente se estudió la influencia de la concentración del N,N'-bis(2-nitrobencil}-1,2-etanodiamina [PJ y diferentes cantidades tanto de agente reductor como de catalizador para favorecer la formación del 2,2' -(etano-I,2-

  15. Agente adaptable y aprendizaje

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    Arturo Angel Lara Rivero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se contrasta el concepto de agente programado con el de agente complejo adaptable, se presenta una nueva visión ligada al aprendizaje y la estructura del agente. La imagen del agente se analiza considerando los modelos internos, la práctica, el concepto de rutina y la influencia en su comportamiento, y la importancia del aprendizaje ex ante y ex post. Por último se muestra que la resolución de problemas está sujeta a restricciones del agente y se describen las formas de explorar el espacio de soluciones mediante tres tipos de exploración: exhaustiva, aleatoria y selectiva.

  16. P3-10: Crossmodal Perceptual Grouping Modulates Subjective Causality between Action and Outcome

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    Takahiro Kawabe


    Full Text Available Agents have to determine which external events their action has causally produced. A sensation of causal relation between action and outcome is called subjective causality. Subjective causality has been linked to the comparator model. This model assumes that the brain compares an internal prediction for action outcome with an actual sensory outcome, distinguishing between self and externally produced outcomes depending on spatiotemporal congruency. However, recent studies have expressed some doubt about the idea that subjective causality arises depending solely on the spatiotemporal congruency, suggesting instead that other perceptual/cognitive factors play a critical role in determining subjective causality. We hypothesized that crossmodal grouping between action and outcome contributed to subjective causality. Crossmodal temporal grouping is an essential factor for crossmodal simultaneity judgments with ungrouped crossmodal signals likely to be judged as non-simultaneous. We predicted that subjective causality would decrease when an agent's action was not temporally grouped with action outcome. In the experiment, observers were asked to press a key in order to trigger a display change with some temporal delay. To disrupt temporal grouping between action and outcome, a task-irrelevant visual flash or tone was sometimes presented synchronously with the button press and/or the display change. Subjective causality was decreased when the flash or the tone was coincided with the button press. This demonstrates that perceptual grouping has a key role in determination of subjective causality, a result that is not accounted for by the standard comparator model.

  17. Lorenz, Gödel and Penrose: new perspectives on determinism and causality in fundamental physics (United States)

    Palmer, T. N.


    Despite being known for his pioneering work on chaotic unpredictability, the key discovery at the core of meteorologist Ed Lorenz's work is the link between space-time calculus and state-space fractal geometry. Indeed, properties of Lorenz's fractal invariant set relate space-time calculus to deep areas of mathematics such as Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem. Could such properties also provide new perspectives on deep unsolved issues in fundamental physics? Recent developments in cosmology motivate what is referred to as the 'cosmological invariant set postulate': that the universe ? can be considered a deterministic dynamical system evolving on a causal measure-zero fractal invariant set ? in its state space. Symbolic representations of ? are constructed explicitly based on permutation representations of quaternions. The resulting 'invariant set theory' provides some new perspectives on determinism and causality in fundamental physics. For example, while the cosmological invariant set appears to have a rich enough structure to allow a description of (quantum) probability, its measure-zero character ensures it is sparse enough to prevent invariant set theory being constrained by the Bell inequality (consistent with a partial violation of the so-called measurement independence postulate). The primacy of geometry as embodied in the proposed theory extends the principles underpinning general relativity. As a result, the physical basis for contemporary programmes which apply standard field quantisation to some putative gravitational lagrangian is questioned. Consistent with Penrose's suggestion of a deterministic but non-computable theory of fundamental physics, an alternative 'gravitational theory of the quantum' is proposed based on the geometry of ?, with new perspectives on the problem of black-hole information loss and potential observational consequences for the dark universe.

  18. Onicomicosis: epidemiología, agentes causales y evaluación de los métodos diagnósticos de laboratorio Onychomycoses: epidemiology, causative agents and assessment of diagnostic laboratory methods


    Javier R Nazar; Paula E Gerosa; Osvaldo A Díaz


    Desde marzo de 2007 hasta marzo de 2011 se estudiaron prospectivamente 414 pacientes con onicodistrofias en un laboratorio privado de Esquel. La prevalencia de onicomicosis de pie fue del 78 %; la de mano, del 58 %. Los principales agentes etiológicos fueron Trichophyton rubrum, Candida spp. y Trichophyton mentagrophytes. El desarrollo de dermatofitos prevaleció en las onicopatías de pie y el de Candida spp. en las de uñas de mano (ambos, p < 0,05). En las onicomicosis candidiásicas predomina...

  19. Causally nonseparable processes admitting a causal model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feix, Adrien; Araújo, Mateus; Brukner, Caslav


    A recent framework of quantum theory with no global causal order predicts the existence of ‘causally nonseparable’ processes. Some of these processes produce correlations incompatible with any causal order (they violate so-called ‘causal inequalities’ analogous to Bell inequalities ) while others do not (they admit a ‘causal model’ analogous to a local model ). Here we show for the first time that bipartite causally nonseparable processes with a causal model exist, and give evidence that they have no clear physical interpretation. We also provide an algorithm to generate processes of this kind and show that they have nonzero measure in the set of all processes. We demonstrate the existence of processes which stop violating causal inequalities but are still causally nonseparable when mixed with a certain amount of ‘white noise’. This is reminiscent of the behavior of Werner states in the context of entanglement and nonlocality. Finally, we provide numerical evidence for the existence of causally nonseparable processes which have a causal model even when extended with an entangled state shared among the parties. (paper)

  20. Exceptionalist naturalism: Human agency and the causal order. (United States)

    Turri, John


    This paper addresses a fundamental question in folk metaphysics: How do we ordinarily view human agency? According to the transcendence account, we view human agency as standing outside of the causal order and imbued with exceptional powers. According to a naturalistic account, we view human agency as subject to the same physical laws as other objects and completely open to scientific investigation. According to exceptionalist naturalism, the truth lies somewhere in between: We view human agency as fitting broadly within the causal order while still being exceptional in important respects. In this paper, I report seven experiments designed to decide between these three competing theories. Across a variety of contexts and types of action, participants agreed that human agents can resist outcomes described as inevitable, guaranteed, and causally determined. Participants viewed non-human animal agents similarly, whereas they viewed computers, robots, and simple inanimate objects differently. At the same time, participants judged that human actions are caused by many things, including psychological, neurological, and social events. Overall, in folk metaphysics, human and non-human animals are viewed as exceptional parts of the natural world.

  1. Evaluación a nivel de laboratorio del efecto de 7 extractos vegetales para el control de Colletotrichum sp agente causal de la antracnosis en el cultivo de tomate de árbol - Evaluación a nivel de laboratorio del efecto de 7 extractos vegetales para el control de Colletotrichum sp agente causal de la antracnosis en el cultivo de tomate de árbol

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    Christian Andrei Chacin Zambrano


    Full Text Available Was evaluated in the laboratory the effect of seven plant extracts of Neem leaves and fruit (Azadirachta indica leaves of lemon grass (Swinglea glutinosa, leaves of papaya (Carica papaya, Pringamosa leaves (Urtica dioica, eucalyptus leaves (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn fruits of garlic (Allium sativum L. and fruits of pepper (Capsicum annuum in the control of the fungus Colletotrichum sp causal agent of anthracnose in tomato crop tree (Cyphomandra betacea. The pathogen was isolated on PDA medium from tomato fruit tree, the extracts were obtained taking into account the process by (Marin, et. Al 2007, which consists of chopping and blending plant material deposited in plastic bucket, add water ratio 2.5:1 (water: sample processed, vol.: w, subjecting to fermentation for 24 hours. The produto was filtered using sterile gauze and package them for further evaluation. The concentrations of the treatments that worked were 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the infectious agent, determining the degree of inhibition of the pathogen in Petri dishes. The best results were obtained with the application of eucalyptus leaves, since its effect was 100% at all concentrations, without neglecting the fruits of the Neem and garlic with inhibition percentages of 75 and 60% respectively, had a behavior directly proportional to the concentrations used, since the greater the amount of extract the inhibitory effect was better in this case 75% and 100%.

  2. Agentes trombolíticos en el infarto agudo del miocardio


    Manuel Cué Brugueras


    Se presenta un revisión bibliográfica sobre los agentes trombolíticos y su uso en el infarto agudo del miocardio con el objetivo de actualizar a los farmacéuticos y otros profesionales de la salud en la terapéutica de este importante problema de salud a nivel internacional. Se revisaron las bases de datos MEDLINE (1985-9/1994), Excerpta Medica (1985-1993), Internacional Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970-9/1993) y Predicast (1992-11/1993). En la revisión se abordan los beneficios y riesgos de la ...

  3. Factibilidad del uso del almidón de achira como agente controlador de fltrado en lodos de perforación base agua

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    Emiliano Ariza León


    Full Text Available El almidón de achira es un polímero de glucosa natural proveniente de una variedad de plantas o semillas, compuesto principalmente por una fracción molecular lineal (amilosa y una ramificada (amilopectina, la relación de estos componentes y su organización física dentro de la estructura granular le confiere al almidón propiedades fisicoquímicas y funcionales características. La industria de los hidrocarburos desde el año de 1930, ha venido utilizando el almidón como agente aditivo en todo tipo de lodos, mostrando alta eficacia en funciones durante las actividades de perforación tales como la remoción de sólidos del fondo del hueco y en el control de filtrado hacia la formación. En este trabajo se evalúo la efectividad del almidón de achira o sagú sin modificar, como agente controlador de filtrado en lodos de perforación base agua, respecto a otros aditivos comercialmente utilizados por la industria, elaborados a base de celulosa polianiónica y polisacárido preservado. Se realizaron, al fluido de perforación y a condiciones de laboratorio, pruebas estándar de filtrado API, reología y pH.Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que el almidón de achira puede ser utilizado como agente controlador de filtrado en lodos de perforación base agua con un rendimiento superior comparado con los aditivos utilizados en este proyecto.

  4. ITS-rDNA phylogeny of Colletotrichum spp. causal agent of apple Glomerella leaf spot Filogenia por ITS-rDNA de Colletotrichum spp., agente causal da mancha foliar da Gala em macieira

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    Diorvania Ribeiro Giaretta


    Full Text Available Several diseases have affected apple production, among them there is Glomerella leaf spot (GLS caused by Colletotrichum spp. The first report of this disease in apple was in plants nearby citrus orchards in São Paulo State, Brazil. The origin of this disease is still not clear, and studies based on the molecular phylogeny could relate the organisms evolutionarily and characterize possible mechanisms of divergent evolution. The amplification of 5.8S-ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer of rDNA of 51 pathogenic Colletotrichum spp. isolates from apples, pineapple guava and citrus produced one fragment of approximately 600 bases pairs (bp for all the isolates analyzed. The amplified fragments were cleaved with restriction enzymes, and fragments from 90 to 500bp were obtained. The sequencing of this region allowed the generation of a phylogenetic tree, regardless of their hosts, and 5 isolated groups were obtained. From the "in silico" comparison, it was possible to verify a variation from 93 to 100% of similarity between the sequences studied and the Genbank data base. The causal agent of GLS is nearly related (clustered to isolates of pineapple guava and to the citrus isolates used as control.A produção de maçã vem sendo comprometida pela ocorrência de muitas doenças, entre as quais se destaca a Mancha Foliar de Glomerella (MFG, causada por Colletotrichum spp. O primeiro relato dessa doença em maçã foi registrado em plantas próximas a pomares de citrus no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A origem da MFG ainda não está bem clara, e estudos baseados na filogenia permitirão relacionar o organismo evolutivamente, possibilitando caracterizar possíveis mecanismos divergentes de evolução. A amplificação da região 5.8S-ITS (espaçador interno transcrito do rDNA de 51 isolados de Colletotrichum patogênicos em de maçã, goiabeira serrana e citrus produziu um fragmento de aproximadamente 600 pares de bases (pb para todos os isolados analisados

  5. Solución al Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos mediante el Problema del Agente Viajero

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    G.E. Anaya Fuentes


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se estudia el Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos codificado como un Problema de Agente Viajero y resuelto mediante Algoritmos Genéticos. Se propone un Algoritmo Genético en donde se comparan dos tipos de selección: por torneo y por ruleta. Se realizan diferentes pruebas para la solución del Problema del Agente Viajero con los dos tipos de selección bajo diferentes parámetros: número de individuos, número de iteraciones, probabilidad de cruce y probabilidad de mutación; a partir de estos se seleccionan los parámetros y el tipo de selección. Posteriormente se codifica al Problema de Secuenciación como un Problema del Agente Viajero. La propuesta se presenta mediante la aplicación a diferentes ejemplos del Problema de Secuenciación de Trabajos y la comparación con los resultados obtenidos en la literatura. Abstract: In this paper we proposed a solution to the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem using the Traveling Salesman Problem solved by Genetic Algorithms. We proposed a genetic algorithm where we compare two types of selection: tournament and roulette. Different tests are performed to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem with the two types of selection under different parameters: number of individuals, number of iterations, crossover probability and mutation probability. Then the best type of selection and the best parameters are used to solve the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Genetic Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem. The proposal is presented solving different examples of Job Sequencing Problem and compare them with the results obtained in the literature. Palabras clave: algoritmos eficientes, sistemas industriales de producción, problemas de optimización, problema de agente viajero, Keywords: Efficient algorithms, industrial production systems, optimization problem, traveling salesman problem

  6. Moniliophthora roreri, causal agent of cacao frosty pod rot. (United States)

    Bailey, Bryan A; Evans, Harry C; Phillips-Mora, Wilbert; Ali, Shahin S; Meinhardt, Lyndel W


    Taxonomy: Moniliophthora roreri (Cif.) H.C. Evans et al. ; Phylum Basidiomycota; Class Agaricomycetes; Order Agaricales; Family Marasmiaceae; Genus Moniliophthora. Biology: Moniliophthora roreri attacks Theobroma and Herrania species causing frosty pod rot. Theobroma cacao (cacao) is the host of major economic concern. Moniliophthora roreri is a hemibiotroph with a long biotrophic phase (45-90 days). Spore masses, of apparent asexual origin, are produced on the pod surface after initiation of the necrotrophic phase. Spores are spread by wind, rain and human activity. Symptoms of the biotrophic phase can include necrotic flecks and, in some cases, pod malformation, but pods otherwise remain asymptomatic. Relationship to Moniliophthora perniciosa: Moniliophthora roreri and Moniliophthora perniciosa, causal agent of witches' broom disease of cacao, are closely related. Their genomes are similar, including many of the genes they carry which are considered to be important in the disease process. Moniliophthora perniciosa, also a hemibiotroph, has a typical basidiomycete lifestyle and morphology, forming clamp connections and producing mushrooms. Basidiospores infect meristematic tissues including flower cushions, stem tips and pods. Moniliophthora roreri does not form clamp connections or mushrooms and infects pods only. Both pathogens are limited to the Western Hemisphere and are a threat to cacao production around the world. Agronomic importance: Disease losses caused by frosty pod rot can reach 90% and result in field abandonment. Moniliophthora roreri remains in the invasive phase in the Western Hemisphere, not having reached Brazil, some islands within the Caribbean and a few specific regions within otherwise invaded countries. The disease can be managed by a combination of cultural (for example, maintenance of tree height and removal of infected pods) and chemical methods. These methods benefit from regional application, but can be cost prohibitive. Breeding for


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    Javier Luis Cristiano


    Full Text Available Las diferentes tradiciones teóricas de la sociología han reconocido que la inventiva, la imaginación y la creatividad son rasgos inherentes a la acción humana. Sin embargo, han privilegiado en sus teorizaciones otros aspectos de la acción, como la racionalidad, el seguimiento de normas sociales, la espontaneidad de las prácticas cotidianas o las habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas. La intención de este artículo es proponer un esquema amplio y flexible para el desarrollo de una concepción del agente centrada en la creatividad, cuyo interés para las ciencias sociales viene dado por el vínculo, intuitivamente obvio, pero extremadamente complejo, entre creatividad y emergencia de nuevas identidades y nuevas formas de organización social. El esquema parte de una concepción del agente como estratificación de niveles de consciencia y autoconocimiento, diferenciando un plano pulsional de la creatividad, un plano prereflexivo-práctico y un plano discursivo. En cada uno se identifican mecanismos específicos de la creatividad de la acción, para esbozar luego algunas hipótesis de articulación entre los tres y algunas líneas de investigación que podrían, a futuro, apuntalar la propuesta.


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    Full Text Available Fodor ha argumentado a favor de un par de tesis que pueden caracterizarse como constituyendo un dilema: Por un lado, si adoptamos una teoría funcional para los conceptos explicamos semánticamente los casos Frege pero caemos en el holismo semántico. Por otro lado, si adoptamos una teoría causal/informacional evitamos el holismo pero no explicamos los casos Frege semánticamente. Fodor (por ej, 1994, 1998 y 2008 intenta evitar la segunda parte del dilema argumentando que los casos de Frege pueden tener una explicación sintáctica y no semántica. En este trabajo intentaré ofrecer una salida alternativa al dilema fodoriano. Propondré una explicación semántica de los casos Frege que incorpora tanto elementos de una teoría causal como de una de rol funcional. Afirmaré que el contenido cognitivo o estrecho de un concepto (el tipo de contenido aparentemente exigido por los casos Frege es el conjunto de contenidos causales/informacionales de las representaciones que figuran en su rol funcional. Considero que individuar a las representaciones en los roles por medio de sus contenidos causales permite evitar el holismo (evitando el proceso de ramsificación típicamente empleado para individuar a los roles y que identificar el contenido cognitivo con contenidos causales/informacionales de las representaciones en los roles permite evitar el referencialismo de las propuestas causales (podemos distinguir sentido de referencia en términos causales.

  9. del and Gödel-type universes in Brans–Dicke theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Agudelo, J.A., E-mail: [Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 78060-900, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso (Brazil); Nascimento, J.R., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-970, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); Petrov, A.Yu., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-970, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); Porfírio, P.J., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-970, João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brazil); Santos, A.F., E-mail: [Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 78060-900, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso (Brazil); Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Road Victoria, BC (Canada)


    In this paper, conditions for existence of Gödel and Gödel-type solutions in Brans–Dicke (BD) scalar–tensor theory and their main features are studied. The consistency of equations of motion, causality violation and existence of CTCs (closed time-like curves) are investigated. The role which cosmological constant and Mach principle play to achieve the consistency of this model is studied.

  10. Indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in Fusarium delphinoides strain GPK, a causal agent of Wilt in Chickpea. (United States)

    Kulkarni, Guruprasad B; Sanjeevkumar, S; Kirankumar, B; Santoshkumar, M; Karegoudar, T B


    Fusarium delphinoides (Ascomycota; Nectriaceae) is an indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) producing plant pathogen and a causal agent of wilt in chickpea. The IAA biosynthetic pathway in F. delphinoides strain GPK (FDG) was examined by analyzing metabolic intermediates and by feeding experiments. Gas chromatograph (GC) analysis of FDG culture filtrates showed the presence of metabolic intermediates of indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPyA), indole-3-acetamide (IAM), and tryptamine (TRA) pathways. The different IAA biosynthetic pathways were further confirmed by identifying the presence of different enzymes of these pathways. Substrate specificity study of aromatic amino acid aminotransferase revealed that the enzyme is highly specific for tryptophan (Trp) and α-ketoglutarate (α-kg) as amino group donor and acceptor, respectively. Furthermore, the concentration-dependent effect of exogenous IAA on fungal growth was established. Low concentration of exogenous IAA increases the fungal growth and at high concentration it decreases the growth of FDG.

  11. Esquema de una teoría del agente centrada en la creatividad

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    Javier Luis Cristiano


    Full Text Available Las diferentes tradiciones teóricas de la sociología han reconocido que la inventiva, la imaginación y la creatividad son rasgos inherentes a la acción humana. Sin embargo, han privilegiado en sus teorizaciones otros aspectos de la acción, como la racionalidad, el seguimiento de normas sociales, la espontaneidad de las prácticas cotidianas o las habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas. La intención de este artículo es proponer un esquema amplio y flexible para el desarrollo de una concepción del agente centrada en la creatividad, cuyo interés para las ciencias sociales viene dado por el vínculo, intuitivamente obvio, pero extremadamente complejo, entre creatividad y emergencia de nuevas identidades y nuevas formas de organización social. El esquema parte de una concepción del agente como estratificación de niveles de consciencia y autoconocimiento, diferenciando un plano pulsional de la creatividad, un plano prereflexivo-práctico y un plano discursivo. En cada uno se identifican mecanismos específicos de la creatividad de la acción, para esbozar luego algunas hipótesis de articulación entre los tres y algunas líneas de investigación que podrían, a futuro, apuntalar la propuesta.

  12. The key role of causal explanation in the climate change issue

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    Francesca Pongiglione


    Full Text Available The basis for adoption of pro-environment behaviour is the understanding of causal passages within climate dynamics. The understanding of the causes of climate change is necessary in order to be able to take mitigation actions  (the subject needs to be aware of his role as a causal agent. Conversely, the understanding of the consequences of climate change is essential in motivating action (the subject must be aware of the risks caused by it in order to prevent them. The case of ozone depletion confirms this view: the understanding of its causal dynamics played a determining role in people’s behavioural response.

  13. La perspectiva de los agentes sanitarios sobre la incorporación programática de la autotoma del test de VPH

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    Mariana Curotto

    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la percepción que poseen los agentes sanitarios sobre el ofrecimiento de la autotoma del test de VPH a las mujeres y el grado de acuerdo de los agentes para incorporarla a sus tareas diarias. Para ello, se aplicó una encuesta auto-administrada a 127/191 agentes sanitarios que participaron del Proyecto EMA (Proyecto Evaluación Modalidad Autotoma, llevado a cabo en la provincia de Jujuy (Argentina entre 2012-2013. Los agentes sanitarios que tuvieron y no la experiencia de ofrecer la autotoma manifestaron un alto grado de acuerdo para la adopción de la estrategia (78,7%, dado su potencial para prevenir el cáncer cervicouterino y los aportes que brinda al cuidado de la salud de las mujeres bajo su cobertura. Sin embargo, señalaron la sobrecarga de trabajo y los problemas de articulación con el sistema formal de salud, como los principales obstáculos para ofrecer esta modalidad en el futuro. Este estudio encontró que la autotoma es una práctica que puede ser adoptada por los agentes sanitarios de la provincia de Jujuy, pero debe ir acompañada de acciones de apoyo por parte del sistema de salud formal.

  14. Historia del descubrimiento de la coccidioidomicosis History of the discovery of the coccidioidomycosis

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    R Negroni


    Full Text Available La coccidioidomicosis es una micosis sistémica, endémica en las zonas áridas del continente americano, producida por los hongos dimorfos Coccidioides immitis y Coccidioides posadasii. El propósito de esta presentación es dar a conocer la forma en que esta enfermedad y sus agentes causales fueron descubiertos. La enfermedad fue descubierta en 1892, en Buenos Aires, por Posadas y Wernicke. Estos investigadores describieron prolijamente las manifestaciones clínicas de la enfermedad, la histopatología, la fase tisular del agente causal y lograron reproducir la afección en animales. Este estudio fue un modelo de investigación científica para su época. Pensaron que esta nueva enfermedad era debida a un protozoario del género Psorosperma y no consiguieron cultivarlo "in vitro". En1894, Rixford y Gilchrist, en San Francisco (California, observaron un caso similar y pensaron que era debido a un protozoario, al que llamaron Coccidioides immitis. En 1900, Ophüls y Moffit, consiguieron reproducir la enfermedad en cobayos inoculados con de un moho blanquecino, cultivado a partir de las lesiones de pacientes con coccidiodomicosis y comprobaron así la naturaleza fúngica de la infección. Después de este estudio de Ophüls, los investigadoresde California demostraron la existencia de infecciones autolimitadas, la importancia de las pruebas cutáneas y serológicas con coccidioidina, la vía de infección, los tratamientos eficaces y más recientemente las características genéticas de los agentes causales.Coccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis, endemic in arid regions of the American continent; it is due to the dimorphic fungi Coccidiodes immitis and Coccidiodes posadasii. The aim of this presentation is to relate the way in which this mycosis and its etiologic agents were discovered. The disease was reported for the first time in Buenos Aires in 1892, by Posadas and Wernicke. They performed a very skilful research, considered outstanding in

  15. Molecular analysis of tooth enamel by Raman spectroscopy after treatment with bleaching agents at different concentrations; Analisis molecular del esmalte dental por medio de espectroscopia Raman despues del tratamiento con agentes blanqueadores a diferentes concentraciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duran Sedo, Randall; Obando Rosabal, Sofia; Saenz Bonilla, Paola; Soto Aguilar, Calendy; Vasquez Rodriguez, Amaya


    The changes in the concentration of the v1 phosphate molecule of the surface of dentin enamel are treated and researched with bleaching agents of chemical activation to basis of hydrogen peroxide than 9,5% and 14% and carbamide peroxide than 38%, for a period of 28 days. Raman spectroscopy was used and 30 dental pieces extracted, of which, were to be free of blemishes and pigmentations, without possessing fractures of the enamel, decay nor any other type of defect. The Raman spectrum was obtained of each dental piece prior to the application of bleaching agents. The specimens were separated into three experimental groups according to the concentration of whitening. The concentration of the v1 phosphate molecule was measured in the tooth enamel to the second and fourth week of treatment. In addition, ANOVA was performed for respective measurements (p≤0.05). A reduction of the v1 phosphate molecule were observed during and after the bleaching process in the experimental groups that have used of hydrogen peroxide to 14% and carbamide peroxide 38%. In the group of hydrogen peroxide to 9,5% has remained unproven a significant reduction. Within the limitations of this study is concluded that the bleaching agent causes a loss of v1 phosphate. This loss has been greater in the whitening of higher concentration. In spite, that the possible effect remineralizing of the saliva on a teeth whitening process has been unevaluated, it is recommended using during and after the treatment, toothpastes, mouthwashes, chewing gums, dental floss, among others, that contain ACP to help to cushion the potential loss of phosphate from tooth enamel. (author) [Spanish] Los cambios en la concentracion de la molecula de fosfato v1 de la superficie del esmalte dental son tratados e investigados con agentes blanqueadores de activacion quimica a base de peroxido de hidrogeno al 9,5% y 14% y peroxido de carbamida al 38%, por un periodo de 28 dias. Espectroscopia Raman fue utilizada y 30 piezas

  16. Causal imprinting in causal structure learning. (United States)

    Taylor, Eric G; Ahn, Woo-Kyoung


    Suppose one observes a correlation between two events, B and C, and infers that B causes C. Later one discovers that event A explains away the correlation between B and C. Normatively, one should now dismiss or weaken the belief that B causes C. Nonetheless, participants in the current study who observed a positive contingency between B and C followed by evidence that B and C were independent given A, persisted in believing that B causes C. The authors term this difficulty in revising initially learned causal structures "causal imprinting." Throughout four experiments, causal imprinting was obtained using multiple dependent measures and control conditions. A Bayesian analysis showed that causal imprinting may be normative under some conditions, but causal imprinting also occurred in the current study when it was clearly non-normative. It is suggested that causal imprinting occurs due to the influence of prior knowledge on how reasoners interpret later evidence. Consistent with this view, when participants first viewed the evidence showing that B and C are independent given A, later evidence with only B and C did not lead to the belief that B causes C. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Monitoring the infective process of the downy mildew causal agent within micropropagated rose plants

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    Sonia Yamile Gómez


    Full Text Available Downy mildew in the rose caused by a species of the Peronospora genus is a very restrictive disease for the Colombian greenhouse rose production. The damage observed in the susceptible varieties of commercial rose include symptoms affect young steams and tiny leaves causing reddish and brown spots and defoliation; leading to 10% production losses. The infective behavior of this pathogen was studied with the aim of increasing the knowledge about the biology of the rose downy mildew. The study of the infective process was performed on the Charlotte variety using micropropagated roses inoculated with suspensions of sporangia. A germinal tube was observed during the germination process, it came from a lateral papilla and reached up to 300 microns in length. During this study, the ability of the pathogen to use vascular sieves as communication systems within the plant was determined. Oogonia and antheridia were also observed inside the epidermal cells, and oospores inside the parenchymal tissue close to xylem vessels. To the best of our knowledge, these sexual structures have not been reported on in Colombia before. This study verifies the ability of the downy mildew causal agent to move through the xylem vessels and produce sexual structures, such as oogonia, antheridia and oospores within those tissues.

  18. First Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Bacteriophages Infecting Acidovorax citrulli, the Causal Agent of Bacterial Fruit Blotch

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    Aryan Rahimi-Midani


    Full Text Available Bacteriophages of Acidovorax citrulli, the causal agent of bacterial fruit blotch, were isolated from 39 watermelon, pumpkin, and cucumber leaf samples collected from various regions of Korea and tested against 18 A. citrulli strains. Among the six phages isolated, ACP17 forms the largest plaque, and exhibits the morphology of phages in the Myoviridae family with a head diameter of 100 ± 5 nm and tail length of 150 ± 5 nm. ACP17 has eclipse and latent periods of 25 ± 5 min and 50 ± 5 min, respectively, and a burst size of 120. The genome of ACP17 is 156,281 base pairs with a G + C content of 58.7%, 263 open reading frames, and 4 transfer RNA genes. Blast search and phylogenetic analysis of the major capsid protein showed that ACP17 has limited homology to two Stentrophomonas phages, suggesting that ACP17 is a new type of Myoviridae isolated from A. citrulli.

  19. Causas y sobrevida en pacientes quemados en el centro de referencia del nororiente de Colombia

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    Carlos E. Ramírez-Blanco

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo: En el mundo, las quemaduras son causa importante de morbilidad y responsables del fallecimiento de más de 300.000 personas al año. Más del 90% de estas muertes ocurren en países con ingresos bajos o medios. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar los pacientes quemados hospitalizados en el centro de referencia para el nororiente de Colombia, el Hospital Universitario de Santander, en Bucaramanga. Material y Método. Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo y longitudinal, con información tomada de historias clínicas de pacientes quemados hospitalizados en el Hospital Universitario de Santander en un periodo de 12 meses. Obtuvimos información sociodemográfica y médica. Llevamos a cabo un análisis estadístico con medidas de tendencia central, proporciones, incidencia global y específica, además de densidad de incidencia global y específica. Resultados. Durante el 2014 se hospitalizaron en el centro de estudio 402 pacientes quemados provenientes de 12 departamentos del país, 234 (58.2% hombres y 168 (41.8% mujeres, con edades de entre 6 días y 83 años. Las quemaduras comprometían entre el 1-80% de superficie corporal; el 95.5% de los pacientes tenían vinculación con el Sistema General de Seguridad Social Nacional. Los agentes causales incluyeron líquidos calientes (52.5%, fuego (10.0%, gasolina (9.2%, electricidad (7.5% y químicos (3.7%, entre otros, y produjeron quemaduras de segundo y/o tercer grado. La mediana de la estancia hospitalaria fue de 14 días, con mortalidad acumulada del 1.5% que se relacionó con la profundidad y extensión de la quemadura. Consideramos que el tipo de agente compromete con mayor frecuencia a un grupo etario determinado por las actividades propias de la edad; que la profundidad de la quemadura puede tener relación con el agente causal debido a la temperatura que alcanza; y que la extensión de la quemadura es el único predictor de mortalidad y se relaciona

  20. Morphological and molecular characterization of the causal agent of downy mildew on Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa). (United States)

    Choi, Young-Joon; Danielsen, Solveig; Lübeck, Mette; Hong, Seung-Beom; Delhey, Rolf; Shin, Hyeon-Dong


    Downy mildew is an economically important and widespread disease in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) growing areas. Although in many studies Peronospora farinosa is most commonly regarded as the causal agent of the disease, identification and classification of the pathogen remain still uncertain due to its taxonomic confusion. Thirty-six Peronospora isolates from quinoa with different geographic origins including Argentina, Bolivia, Denmark, Ecuador, and Peru were morphologically and molecularly compared with Peronospora species from other Chenopodium species. The morphology of three herbarium specimens was similar to that of P. variabilis, which originated from C. album, characterized by flexuous to curved ultimate branchlets and pedicellated conidia. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS rDNA sequences also placed the quinoa pathogen within the same clade as P. variabilis. Within the ITS rDNA sequences of the quinoa pathogens, two base substitutions were found, which separated the majority of the Danish isolates from isolates from South America, but no sequence difference was found among the isolates from different cultivars of quinoa. The present results indicate that the pathogen responsible for the quinoa downy mildew is identical to Peronospora variabilis and that it should not be lumped with P. farinosa as claimed previously by most studies.

  1. Susceptibility of Haemophilus equigenitalis, the causal agent of contagious equine metritis, to 31 antimicrobial agents. (United States)

    Sugimoto, C; Isayama, Y; Kashiwazaki, M; Mitani, K


    The minimal inhibitory concentrations of 31 antimicrobial agents were determined for 99 isolates of Haemophilus equigenitalis by the agar dilution method. All the isolates showed good susceptibility to 26 antimicrobial agents tests, minimal inhibitory concentrations of which were less than 3.13 micrograms/ml for more than 90% of the isolates. Of these agents, 4 macrolides (erythromycin, oleandomycin, kitasamycin, tylosin), 3 tetracyclines (tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline), 1 peptide (colistin), 1 penicillin (ampicillin) and 1 pleuromutilin (tiamulin) were the most active agents, showing a minimal inhibitory concentration of less than 0.39 micrograms/ml for more than 90% of the isolates. The growth of more than 90% of the isolates was not inhibited by 800 micrograms/ml of streptomycin.

  2. Optimal causal inference: estimating stored information and approximating causal architecture. (United States)

    Still, Susanne; Crutchfield, James P; Ellison, Christopher J


    We introduce an approach to inferring the causal architecture of stochastic dynamical systems that extends rate-distortion theory to use causal shielding--a natural principle of learning. We study two distinct cases of causal inference: optimal causal filtering and optimal causal estimation. Filtering corresponds to the ideal case in which the probability distribution of measurement sequences is known, giving a principled method to approximate a system's causal structure at a desired level of representation. We show that in the limit in which a model-complexity constraint is relaxed, filtering finds the exact causal architecture of a stochastic dynamical system, known as the causal-state partition. From this, one can estimate the amount of historical information the process stores. More generally, causal filtering finds a graded model-complexity hierarchy of approximations to the causal architecture. Abrupt changes in the hierarchy, as a function of approximation, capture distinct scales of structural organization. For nonideal cases with finite data, we show how the correct number of the underlying causal states can be found by optimal causal estimation. A previously derived model-complexity control term allows us to correct for the effect of statistical fluctuations in probability estimates and thereby avoid overfitting.

  3. Comparación del efecto citotóxico de tres agentes quelantes sobre fibroblasto del ligamento periodontal humano. Estudio in vitro

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    Edwin De la Cruz Rocha


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comparar in vitro el efecto citotóxico de tres agentes quelantes sobre fibroblastos del ligamento periodontal humano. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron cultivos de fibroblastos de ligamento periodontal humano, los cuales fueron colocados en contacto con los agentes quelantes a evaluar (RCPrep, Glyde, EDTA al 17% a intervalos de 15, 30 y 60 minutos. Se midió la absorbancia para cada uno de los grupos, para determinar el grado de actividad enzimática, que es indicador de muerte celular. Previo a la cuantificación de la absorbancia se corroboró microscópicamente la formación de los cristales de formazán, los cuales se forman alrededor de los fibroblastos, y su presencia es indicador de integridad de la membrana y de la actividad metabólica. Por microscopia se verificó la formación de cristales de formazan, después de agregar azul de tripán. Resultados: El Glyde mostró mayor grado de citotoxicidad, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa, al compararlo con EDTA 17% y el RC-PREP. El EDTA presentó mayor citotoxicidad que el RC-PREP a los 15minutos, evento que cambió a los 30 y 60 minutos. Conclusiones: Los agentes quelantes RC-Prep, Glyde y EDTA tienen un efecto citotóxico a nivel de los fibroblastos del ligamento periodontal, siendo el EDTA el de menor efecto citotóxico a los 30 y 60 minutos comparado con RC-Prep y Glyde.

  4. "Variación sintáctica en las construcciones pasivas: las preposiciones introductoras del agente"

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nieuwenhuijsen, Dorien


    El presente trabajo constituye un estudio diacrónico acerca de la pérdida de la preposición de como introductora del complemento agente y la subsiguiente propagación de la preposición por en construcciones pasivas perifrásticas con ser. Además de presentar datos cuantitativos acerca de la

  5. Efectos de la inducción emocional en el Aprendizaje Causal

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    Amparo Herrera


    Full Text Available Uno de los aspectos del aprendizaje causal menos estudiado es el papel que las emociones juegan en dicho aprendizaje. El principal objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar el impacto que ejercen las emociones sobre una tarea de detección de relaciones causales de carácter afectivo neutral. La inducción de emociones negativas hizo que los participantes subestimaran la relación causal entre los sucesos presentados tanto cuando ésta era de tipo generativo (Experimento 1 – contingencia positiva – como cuando era de tipo preventivo (Experimento 2 – contingencia negativa –. Sin embargo, los participantes recordaban adecuadamente la frecuencia de ocurrencia de cada tipo de ensayo, y sus respuestas de predicción ensayo-a-ensayo no se vieron afectadas por la inducción de emociones. Estos datos parecen apoyar a las teorías que propugnan la existencia de procesos añadidos al mecanismo de cómputo de ocurrencias en la apreciación de relaciones causales entre sucesos, como serían los procesos de integración de la información derivada de las creencias causales previas.

  6. Causality (United States)

    Pearl, Judea


    Written by one of the pre-eminent researchers in the field, this book provides a comprehensive exposition of modern analysis of causation. It shows how causality has grown from a nebulous concept into a mathematical theory with significant applications in the fields of statistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, cognitive science, and the health and social sciences. Pearl presents a unified account of the probabilistic, manipulative, counterfactual and structural approaches to causation, and devises simple mathematical tools for analyzing the relationships between causal connections, statistical associations, actions and observations. The book will open the way for including causal analysis in the standard curriculum of statistics, artifical intelligence, business, epidemiology, social science and economics. Students in these areas will find natural models, simple identification procedures, and precise mathematical definitions of causal concepts that traditional texts have tended to evade or make unduly complicated. This book will be of interest to professionals and students in a wide variety of fields. Anyone who wishes to elucidate meaningful relationships from data, predict effects of actions and policies, assess explanations of reported events, or form theories of causal understanding and causal speech will find this book stimulating and invaluable.

  7. Causal events enter awareness faster than non-causal events

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    Pieter Moors


    Full Text Available Philosophers have long argued that causality cannot be directly observed but requires a conscious inference (Hume, 1967. Albert Michotte however developed numerous visual phenomena in which people seemed to perceive causality akin to primary visual properties like colour or motion (Michotte, 1946. Michotte claimed that the perception of causality did not require a conscious, deliberate inference but, working over 70 years ago, he did not have access to the experimental methods to test this claim. Here we employ Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS—an interocular suppression technique to render stimuli invisible (Tsuchiya & Koch, 2005—to test whether causal events enter awareness faster than non-causal events. We presented observers with ‘causal’ and ‘non-causal’ events, and found consistent evidence that participants become aware of causal events more rapidly than non-causal events. Our results suggest that, whilst causality must be inferred from sensory evidence, this inference might be computed at low levels of perceptual processing, and does not depend on a deliberative conscious evaluation of the stimulus. This work therefore supports Michotte’s contention that, like colour or motion, causality is an immediate property of our perception of the world.


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    N\\u00E9stor Felipe Chaves-Barrantes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la distribución espacial del amachamiento en campo. La investigación se realizó entre mayo y julio del 2009 en las comunidades de Veracruz de Pérez Zeledón, San José y Concepción de Buenos Aires, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Para ello se evaluó la incidencia de la enfermedad por punto de siembra en dos parcelas de frijol provenientes de distintas rotaciones (arroz/frijol y maíz/fri - jol, con lo cual, posteriormente se determinó la distribución espacial de la enfermedad en campo por medio de un análisis de corridas y los índices de varianza/media (V/M, Lloyd y Morisita. En el análisis de corridas se obtuvo un valor pro - medio de Z de -1,06 para la parcela sembrada previamente con arroz, y de -0,98 para la parcela sembrada previamente con maíz, lo que indica una tendencia a la agregación. Los índices de V/M, Lloyd y Morisita fueron mayores que 1 en ambas parcelas, por lo que se determinó que el amacha - miento presentó un patrón espacial agregado (en parches en condiciones de campo. El patrón espacial del amachamiento en campo tiende a enmascararse debido a la rotación con cultivos hospederos de Aphelenchoides besseyi , – su agente causal –, en especial la rotación maíz/frijol donde el produc - tor redistribuye el inóculo de la enfermedad cuando esparce las cañas de maíz sobre el terreno de cultivo

  9. Concepts in causality: chemically induced human urinary bladder cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lower, G.M. Jr.


    A significant portion of the incidence of human urinary bladder cancer can be attributed to occupational and cultural (tobacco smoking) situations associated with exposures to various arylamines, many of which represent established human carcinogens. A brief historical overview of research in bladder cancer causality indicates that the identification of causal agents and causal mechanism has been approached and rests upon information gathered at the organismal (geographical/historical), cellular, and molecular levels of biologic organization. This viewpoint speaks of a natural evolution within the biomedical sciences; a natural evolution from descriptive approaches to mechanistic approaches; and a natural evolution from more or less independent discipline-oriented approaches to hierarchically organized multidisciplinary approaches. Available information relevant to bladder cancer causality can be readily integrated into general conceptual frameworks to yield a hierarchial view of the natural history of urinary bladder cancer, a view consistent with contemporary natural systems and information theory and perhaps relevant also to other chemically induced epithelial cancers. Such frameworks are useful in appreciating the spatial and temporal boundaries and interrelationships in causality and the conceptual interrelationships within the biomedical sciences. Recent approaches in molecular epidemiology and the assessment of relative individual susceptibility to bladder cancer indicate that such frameworks are useful in forming hypotheses

  10. Atribuciones sobre el uso de la fuerza policial desde la perspectiva del agente

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    Julián Martínez


    Full Text Available Se describen los contenidos de los procesos atribucionales asociados al uso de la fuerza en agentes de la Policía de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Los antecedentes indican que, además de los marcos legales, existen sistemas de creencias, valores, actitudes, definiciones morales, aspectos situacionales y una cultura institucional, que operan en los policías al momento de usar la fuerza. Mediante entrevistas en profundidad a 10 agentes policiales de la Provincia de Córdoba, hallamos dimensiones atributivas externas e internas, que a su vez guardan relación con el tipo de trabajo policial según éste sea bajo órdenes o sin ellas. También identificamos relaciones entre dichas dimensiones y diferentes niveles de fuerza que se aplican. Esta investigación cobra importancia por su abordaje psicosocial que prioriza la comprensión de las dimensiones subjetivas de los agentes, evitando explicar la práctica policial únicamente como un mecanismo para el control del orden social y político.

  11. Theories of Causality (United States)

    Jones, Robert


    There are a wide range of views on causality. To some (e.g. Karl Popper) causality is superfluous. Bertrand Russell said ``In advanced science the word cause never occurs. Causality is a relic of a bygone age.'' At the other extreme Rafael Sorkin and L. Bombelli suggest that space and time do not exist but are only an approximation to a reality that is simply a discrete ordered set, a ``causal set.'' For them causality IS reality. Others, like Judea Pearl and Nancy Cartwright are seaking to build a complex fundamental theory of causality (Causality, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000) Or perhaps a theory of causality is simply the theory of functions. This is more or less my take on causality.


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    Gerardo Pérez-León


    Full Text Available Sansevieria spp. (Agavaceae es una ornamental de follaje originaria de África y Asia. S. trifasciata (St es la especie con mayor número de cultivares en el mercado de exportación de Costa Rica a Estados Unidos y Holanda. Muestras foliares de S. trifasciata var. “Hahnii” con lesiones circulares y acuosas (algunas alargadas y secas, fueron analizadas. El patógeno recuperado fue identificado como Colletotrichum sansevieriae Nakamura (CsN mediante pruebas de patogenicidad, morfología y técnicas moleculares. Los aislamientos mono-hifales presentaron coloración crema, crecimiento postrado y escasa producción de conidios. La patogenicidad de CsN se evaluó en 7 variedades de St; Sansevieriasp., var., jiboia; S. cylindrica y las ornamentalesCodiaeum variegatum, Cordelyne terminalis y Dracaena deremensis, mediante 2 sistemas deinoculación: plantas en maceta (invernaderoy hojas separadas (laboratorio; con ambos sereprodujeron los síntomas de la enfermedad. Cinco de las variedades de S. trifasciata desarrollaron síntomas, “Hahnii” la más susceptible. Ninguna de las otras ornamentales presentósíntomas. CsN fue re-aislado de hojas inoculadas (postulados de Koch. La amplificación mediante PCR de la región ITS con los iniciadores ITS5 e ITS4 produjo un fragmento de aproximadamente 600pb, cuya secuencia de nucleótidos fue idéntica para los aislamientos mono-hifales. En el Banco de Genes, la secuencia alineó con accesiones de CsN de Australia y USA, con un índice de simi laridad del 99 al 100%. El análisis filogenético, con base en la región ITS2, agrupó (99% valor debootstrap los aislamientos costarricenses con elaislamiento tipo CsN de Japón y los de Australia y USA. Hasta donde se conoce, éste es el primer informe de la antracnosis de Sansevieria en C. R.

  13. Procesos de inferencia y aprendizaje de relaciones causales en el condicionamiento de segundo orden

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    Javier Vila


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron en primer lugar, demostrar la fiabilidad y las condiciones necesarias del condicionamiento de segundo orden (CSO en tareas de aprendizaje causal (Experimento 1; en segundo lugar, mostrar que la extinción de la relación causal de primer orden, no produce el mismo efecto de extinción en la relación causal de segundo orden (Experimento 2. Las aportaciones de este estudio fueron por un lado, que durante la fase de extinción de la causa de primer orden, se conservó el nivel de excitación en la condición de control; y por otro, que en la fase de prueba se evaluaba el efecto de la extinción no sólo sobre las claves de segundo orden, sino también sobre todas las de primer orden, extinguidas o no. Los resultados comprobaron que la extinción y ruptura de la relación causal de primer orden, no genera la extinción de la relación de segundo orden (CSO una vez establecida, aunque sí produjo una atenuación de la fuerza de dicha relación causal. El conjunto de resultados es fácil de explicar desde los mismos modelos asociativos utilizados para explicar dicho efecto (CSO en condicionamiento animal, basados en el aprendizaje de relaciones independientes entre estímulos condicionados y estímulos incondicionados. De manera similar y desde una perspectiva cognitiva, los resultados sugieren que el individuo durante el proceso de aprendizaje del CSO no forma relaciones causales encadenadas, sino más bien relaciones relativamente independientes entre cada causa y sus efectos.

  14. Leucemias y radiación: juicio causal según los criterios de SIR Austin Bradford Hill

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    Octavio Martínez Betancur


    Full Text Available El cometido del presente trabajo es la lectura interpretativa con base en la propuesta de inferencia causal de Austin Bradford Hill, del documento Radiation-related leukemia in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1946-1964. I. Distribution, incidence and appearance time. El documento informado por el comité de las víctimas de la bomba atómica cumple con la totalidad de los nueve “criterios” propuesto por Hill, y entre las limitaciones se cuentan la presunciones de homogeneidad genética de los sujetos expuestos y linealidad de los efectos de las radiaciones en la leucemia, además del hecho de sólo considerar la edad como variable confusora. Por otra parte, el número de muertes por leucemia, patrón de oro de la sensibilidad y la especificidad del sistema de vigilancia del estudio de duración de la vida, fue 61 muertes por leucemia entre los supervivientes situados dentro de 1500 metros del epicentro de la explosión y 25 muertes en el grupo que recibió radiación estando entre 1501 y 10000 metros, lo que habla de posible subregistro de casos y de sobrediagnóstico por la sumatoria de criterios empleados. Los “criterios” de Hill no son reglas lógicas sino metodológicas, que ayudan en el proceso de decisión sobre la inferencia causal en epidemiología. Se apartan de la discusión de si las inferencias a partir de ellos se ajustan a la lógica inductiva o a la deductiva, y deben entenderse pragmáticamente como “inferencias de la mejor explicación” en el contexto de la abducción. La única conclusión permitida dentro del marco de la “inferencia de la mejor explicación”, es que se tienen buenas razones para considerar seriamente la hipótesis que la asociación estadística que se estudia, es una relación causal.

  15. Resistencia bacteriana:sinergismo in vitro y eficacia clínica del tratamiento antimicrobiano en neonatos sépticos


    Espino Hernández, María Hildelisa


    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la etiología y susceptibilidad de los agentes causales de sepsis neonatal y la eficacia clínica del tratamiento antimicrobiano por pruebas de sinergismo in vitro, en el Hospital Ginecobstétrico Universitario "América Arias", durante el periodo comprendido desde enero de 1993 a diciembre 2000. Se definieron los patrones de resistencia de 533 cepas aisladas de los recién nacidos frente a los ß-lactámicos y aminoglucósidos, y se evaluó, por el método de...

  16. Toxicology and Epidemiology: Improving the Science with a Framework for Combining Toxicological and Epidemiological Evidence to Establish Causal Inference (United States)

    Adami, Hans-Olov; Berry, Sir Colin L.; Breckenridge, Charles B.; Smith, Lewis L.; Swenberg, James A.; Trichopoulos, Dimitrios; Weiss, Noel S.; Pastoor, Timothy P.


    Historically, toxicology has played a significant role in verifying conclusions drawn on the basis of epidemiological findings. Agents that were suggested to have a role in human diseases have been tested in animals to firmly establish a causative link. Bacterial pathogens are perhaps the oldest examples, and tobacco smoke and lung cancer and asbestos and mesothelioma provide two more recent examples. With the advent of toxicity testing guidelines and protocols, toxicology took on a role that was intended to anticipate or predict potential adverse effects in humans, and epidemiology, in many cases, served a role in verifying or negating these toxicological predictions. The coupled role of epidemiology and toxicology in discerning human health effects by environmental agents is obvious, but there is currently no systematic and transparent way to bring the data and analysis of the two disciplines together in a way that provides a unified view on an adverse causal relationship between an agent and a disease. In working to advance the interaction between the fields of toxicology and epidemiology, we propose here a five-step “Epid-Tox” process that would focus on: (1) collection of all relevant studies, (2) assessment of their quality, (3) evaluation of the weight of evidence, (4) assignment of a scalable conclusion, and (5) placement on a causal relationship grid. The causal relationship grid provides a clear view of how epidemiological and toxicological data intersect, permits straightforward conclusions with regard to a causal relationship between agent and effect, and can show how additional data can influence conclusions of causality. PMID:21561883

  17. Quemaduras accidentales en niños y niñas remitidos del nivel primario de atención

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    Raúl Ricardo Rizo González


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 58 pacientes con quemaduras, ingresados en el Servicio de Caumatología del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba, remitidos del nivel primario de atención, desde enero de 2009 hasta diciembre de 2010, con el objetivo de investigar los factores más frecuentes que ocasionaron estos accidentes. En la serie predominaron el sexo masculino, los líquidos hirvientes como agente causal más frecuente, además de la baja percepción del riesgo, las malas condiciones de vida y la procedencia rural como factores socioeconómicos desfavorables. La atención médica se consideró satisfactoria ya que más de 50 % de los pacientes ingresaron entre graves y críticos extremos y solo dos 2 fallecieron

  18. Causal boundary for stably causal space-times

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Racz, I.


    The usual boundary constructions for space-times often yield an unsatisfactory boundary set. This problem is reviewed and a new solution is proposed. An explicit identification rule is given on the set of the ideal points of the space-time. This construction leads to a satisfactory boundary point set structure for stably causal space-times. The topological properties of the resulting causal boundary construction are examined. For the stably causal space-times each causal curve has a unique endpoint on the boundary set according to the extended Alexandrov topology. The extension of the space-time through the boundary is discussed. To describe the singularities the defined boundary sets have to be separated into two disjoint sets. (D.Gy.) 8 refs

  19. Detección y cuantificación del Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) en Colombia mediante qRT-PCR


    Nevar García Bastidas; Pablo Gutiérrez Sánchez; Mauricio Marín Montoya


    El Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) es uno de los virus re-emergentes en cultivos de papa en Colombia. Es transmitido por Spongospora subterranea, el agente causal de la sarna polvosa. La detección del PMTV presenta dificultades debido a su distribución irregular en las plantas, bajo título y movimiento sistémico como ARN desnudo. Con el fin de ampliar el rango de herramientas disponibles para detectar el PMTV en los programas de certificación de tubérculo-semilla, en este estudio se evaluó la pru...

  20. Onicomicosis: epidemiología, agentes causales y evaluación de los métodos diagnósticos de laboratorio Onychomycoses: epidemiology, causative agents and assessment of diagnostic laboratory methods

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    Javier R Nazar


    Full Text Available Desde marzo de 2007 hasta marzo de 2011 se estudiaron prospectivamente 414 pacientes con onicodistrofias en un laboratorio privado de Esquel. La prevalencia de onicomicosis de pie fue del 78 %; la de mano, del 58 %. Los principales agentes etiológicos fueron Trichophyton rubrum, Candida spp. y Trichophyton mentagrophytes. El desarrollo de dermatofitos prevaleció en las onicopatías de pie y el de Candida spp. en las de uñas de mano (ambos, p Since March 2007 to March 2011, 414 patients with onychopathies were prospectively analyzed. Prevalence of the toenail and fingernail mycoses was 78 % and 58 %, respectively. The major etiological agents were Trichophyton rubrum, Candida spp. and Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Dermatophytes were more frequently cultured from toenails, whereas Candida spp. from fingernails (both, p < 0.05. In candidal onychomycosis, species different from C. albicans were prevalent. A higher prevalence of toenail and fingernail mycoses, a predominance of T. rubrum in toenails (p < 0.05, and greater positivity in the direct examination (DE and in culture (both, p < 0.05 were more frequently observed in men than in women. The correlation between DE and culture was 68 %. DE and culture yields were associated with a greater size lesion. DE was more effective in onycodystrophies with duration of more than 5 years. Culture positivity was independent of nail affection chronicity.

  1. Causal universe

    CERN Document Server

    Ellis, George FR; Pabjan, Tadeusz


    Written by philosophers, cosmologists, and physicists, this collection of essays deals with causality, which is a core issue for both science and philosophy. Readers will learn about different types of causality in complex systems and about new perspectives on this issue based on physical and cosmological considerations. In addition, the book includes essays pertaining to the problem of causality in ancient Greek philosophy, and to the problem of God's relation to the causal structures of nature viewed in the light of contemporary physics and cosmology.

  2. Causal relationship: a new tool for the causal characterization of Lorentzian manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Parrado, Alfonso; Senovilla, Jose M M


    We define and study a new kind of relation between two diffeomorphic Lorentzian manifolds called a causal relation, which is any diffeomorphism characterized by mapping every causal vector of the first manifold onto a causal vector of the second. We perform a thorough study of the mathematical properties of causal relations and prove in particular that two given Lorentzian manifolds (say V and W) may be causally related only in one direction (say from V to W, but not from W to V). This leads us to the concept of causally equivalent (or isocausal in short) Lorentzian manifolds as those mutually causally related and to a definition of causal structure over a differentiable manifold as the equivalence class formed by isocausal Lorentzian metrics upon it. Isocausality is a more general concept than the conformal relationship, because we prove the remarkable result that a conformal relation φ is characterized by the fact of being a causal relation of the particular kind in which both φ and φ -1 are causal relations. Isocausal Lorentzian manifolds are mutually causally compatible, they share some important causal properties, and there are one-to-one correspondences, which are sometimes non-trivial, between several classes of their respective future (and past) objects. A more important feature is that they satisfy the same standard causality constraints. We also introduce a partial order for the equivalence classes of isocausal Lorentzian manifolds providing a classification of all the causal structures that a given fixed manifold can have. By introducing the concept of causal extension we put forward a new definition of causal boundary for Lorentzian manifolds based on the concept of isocausality, and thereby we generalize the traditional Penrose constructions of conformal infinity, diagrams and embeddings. In particular, the concept of causal diagram is given. Many explicit clarifying examples are presented throughout the paper

  3. Efecto de diferentes niveles de nitrógeno, potasio y Ph en el desarrollo de Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi, agente causal del marchitamiento vascular del clavel

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    Orozco de Amézquita Martha


    Full Text Available Un balance de los diversos elementos nutricionales es indispensable para que un cultivo alcance su máximo potencial de crecimiento y desarrollo. Este balance implica un suministro equilibrado de nutrientes combinado con condiciones climáticas, edáficas y culturales adecuadas (Palti, 1981. El manejo de la nutrición de un cultivo se realiza a
    través de la aplicación de fertilizantes o mediante la modificación del suelo y es uno de los componentes
    importantes dentro del manejo de diversas enfermedades de las plantas (Huber, 1989. Aunque sólo muy pocas enfermedades pueden ser controladas totalmente por un régimen de fertilización, la severidad de muchas de ellas puede reducirse de una manera importante por la nutrición y con el uso; integrado de otras medidas de control genético,
    biológico, qulmico y cultural (Huber, 1980.

  4. Evasión molecular de la activación del macrófago bovino por Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis

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    René Ramírez G.


    Full Text Available El Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis (MAP es el agente causal de una enfermedad granulomatosica crónica, que afecta el tracto gastrointestinal de rumiantes domesticos y salvajes, conocida como la enfermedad de Johne o paratuberculosis. MAP es un microorganismo de crecimiento lento en cultivo, no obstante sobrevive in vivo en células fagocíticas mononucleares de los rumiantes, bajo condiciones de susceptibilidad individual, virulencia de la cepa infectante y estado inmune del individuo afectado. Una vez MAP es fagocitado por el macrófago bovino, tanto el macrófago como MAP activan: el uno para tratar de destruir a MAP y luego sufrir apoptosis y el otro para evadir su destrucción dentro del fagolisosoma del macrófago. El balance de dicha confrontación molecular determina el curso inicial de la infección hacia la eliminación eficiente del microorganismo o hacia el establecimiento de la infección, que culminará en los estadios III (clínico intermitente y IV (clínica terminal de la enfermedad de Johne. En la presente revisión se discuten los diferentes mecanismos moleculares por los cuales MAP evade la respuesta inmune, con énfasis en su comportamiento dentro de la vacuola fagocítica y como el agente establece mecanismos de sobrevivencia intracelular y altera la activación de los macrófagos del hospedero y de la respuesta inmune específica.

  5. Detection and characterization of mango malformation and its causal agent in Spain


    Crespo Palomo, María


    El mango (Mangifera indica L.) es un árbol originario de la región indobirmana, laderas del Himalaya y Sri Lanka, donde aún existen poblaciones silvestres y ha sido cultivado desde la antigüedad en la India como atestiguan las sagradas escrituras hindúes, los libros de los Vedas, redactadas entre el 1500 y el 1000 a. C. (Galán-Saúco, 2009). La dispersión del mango fue muy rápida por el subcontinente de la India y el archipiélago malayo con la apertura del comercio entre Asia y Europa. El mang...

  6. Caracterización de los mecanismos de defensa a sclerotinia sclerotiorum, agente causal de la podredumbre del estudio de perfiles metabólicos y transcripcionales


    Peluffo, Lucila


    En Argentina, la podredumbre húmeda del capítulo, causada por el patógeno necrotrófico Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, es una enfermedad que provoca serias mermas en la producción y tiene una incidencia anual promedio sobre la producción de la pampa húmeda del 10-20%. Los síntomas de la enfermedad se manifiestan al final de la etapa de floración o durante el llenado de granos por lesiones en el receptáculo que pueden extenderse y afectar todo el capítulo, produciendo la caída del mismo. En estados ...

  7. Summarizing Simulation Results using Causally-relevant States (United States)

    Parikh, Nidhi; Marathe, Madhav; Swarup, Samarth


    As increasingly large-scale multiagent simulations are being implemented, new methods are becoming necessary to make sense of the results of these simulations. Even concisely summarizing the results of a given simulation run is a challenge. Here we pose this as the problem of simulation summarization: how to extract the causally-relevant descriptions of the trajectories of the agents in the simulation. We present a simple algorithm to compress agent trajectories through state space by identifying the state transitions which are relevant to determining the distribution of outcomes at the end of the simulation. We present a toy-example to illustrate the working of the algorithm, and then apply it to a complex simulation of a major disaster in an urban area. PMID:28042620

  8. Causal ubiquity in quantum physics. A superluminal and local-causal physical ontology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Neelamkavil, Raphael


    A fixed highest criterial velocity (of light) in STR (special theory of relativity) is a convention for a layer of physical inquiry. QM (Quantum Mechanics) avoids action-at-a-distance using this concept, but accepts non-causality and action-at-a-distance in EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradox) entanglement experiments. Even in such allegedly [non-causal] processes, something exists processually in extension-motion, between the causal and the [non-causal]. If STR theoretically allows real-valued superluminal communication between EPR entangled particles, quantum processes become fully causal. That is, the QM world is sub-luminally, luminally and superluminally local-causal throughout, and the Law of Causality is ubiquitous in the micro-world. Thus, ''probabilistic causality'' is a merely epistemic term.

  9. Causal ubiquity in quantum physics. A superluminal and local-causal physical ontology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Neelamkavil, Raphael


    A fixed highest criterial velocity (of light) in STR (special theory of relativity) is a convention for a layer of physical inquiry. QM (Quantum Mechanics) avoids action-at-a-distance using this concept, but accepts non-causality and action-at-a-distance in EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradox) entanglement experiments. Even in such allegedly [non-causal] processes, something exists processually in extension-motion, between the causal and the [non-causal]. If STR theoretically allows real-valued superluminal communication between EPR entangled particles, quantum processes become fully causal. That is, the QM world is sub-luminally, luminally and superluminally local-causal throughout, and the Law of Causality is ubiquitous in the micro-world. Thus, ''probabilistic causality'' is a merely epistemic term.

  10. Causality in Science

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    Cristina Puente Águeda


    Full Text Available Causality is a fundamental notion in every field of science. Since the times of Aristotle, causal relationships have been a matter of study as a way to generate knowledge and provide for explanations. In this paper I review the notion of causality through different scientific areas such as physics, biology, engineering, etc. In the scientific area, causality is usually seen as a precise relation: the same cause provokes always the same effect. But in the everyday world, the links between cause and effect are frequently imprecise or imperfect in nature. Fuzzy logic offers an adequate framework for dealing with imperfect causality, so a few notions of fuzzy causality are introduced.

  11. Valoración de los agentes turísticos estratégicos del destino: el branding y marca en Hermosillo, Sonora

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    Blanca Reyna Olguin Negrete


    Full Text Available Con la globalización los destinos turísticos tienden a ser más competitivos. El presente trabajo se realizó en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México, con el fin de valorar las percepciones de los agentes turísticos en cuanto al branding y la marca Hermosillo. Se seleccionaron nueve agentes turísticos estratégicos de la ciudad, en el verano de 2014, y se les aplicó una entrevista. Se evaluaron los datos mediante una correlación lineal de Pearson con el método de mínimos cuadrados. Se encontró que los agentes estratégicos de la actividad turística tienen claras las ventajas de utilizar el branding para la marca Hermosillo. También se encontró consenso en la existencia de atributos que identifican a la ciudad de Hermosillo con la posibilidad de un destino turístico. Ellos están de acuerdo en promover más la marca Hermosillo, con la necesidad de posicionarla en el mercado nacional e internacional, utilizando la gestión del branding. Existe correlación positiva alta (r=0.81, p≤ 0.008 en las respuestas que los agentes estratégicos dan al cuestionamiento del objeto primordial de la marca Hermosillo, que es generar mayor número de visitantes; la cual es igualmente ponderada con la pregunta ¿los principales recursos de Hermosillo provienen del patrimonio cultural e histórico de la comunidad?.

  12. A theory of causal learning in children: causal maps and Bayes nets. (United States)

    Gopnik, Alison; Glymour, Clark; Sobel, David M; Schulz, Laura E; Kushnir, Tamar; Danks, David


    The authors outline a cognitive and computational account of causal learning in children. They propose that children use specialized cognitive systems that allow them to recover an accurate "causal map" of the world: an abstract, coherent, learned representation of the causal relations among events. This kind of knowledge can be perspicuously understood in terms of the formalism of directed graphical causal models, or Bayes nets. Children's causal learning and inference may involve computations similar to those for learning causal Bayes nets and for predicting with them. Experimental results suggest that 2- to 4-year-old children construct new causal maps and that their learning is consistent with the Bayes net formalism.

  13. Dieback of rose caused by Acremonium sclerotigenum as a new causal agent of rose dieback in Iran

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirtalebi, M.; Banihashemi, Z.; Sabahi, F.; Mafakheri, H.


    Severe dieback of rose has been recently observed in several rose greenhouses in Fars province of Iran. During 2014 and 2015, stems of rose plants showing yellow to brown discoloration and dieback were collected from rose greenhouses. Coniothyrium fuckelii, Botrytis cinerea and Acremonium were subsequently isolated from the margin between healthy and symptomatic tissue. B. cinerea and C. fuckelii isolates were similar to those previously reported for dieback of rose worldwide. Morphological and cultural characters along with molecular analysis based on partial sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal RNA genome allowed confirming the affiliation of the Acremonium isolates, corresponding to A. sclerotigenum as a new causal agent of rose dieback. To determine its pathogenicity on rose, Koch's postulates were fulfilled by stem inoculation of nine rose cultivars under greenhouse conditions. While A. sclerotigenum is considered as a soil-born pathogen, and produces sclerotia that are resistant to adverse conditions enables the fungus to survive extended period in soil, propagule trapping in our study revealed that conidia can become airborn, imply that an aerial phase, forms an important component of the disease cycle.

  14. Dieback of rose caused by Acremonium sclerotigenum as a new causal agent of rose dieback in Iran

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mirtalebi, M.; Banihashemi, Z.; Sabahi, F.; Mafakheri, H.


    Severe dieback of rose has been recently observed in several rose greenhouses in Fars province of Iran. During 2014 and 2015, stems of rose plants showing yellow to brown discoloration and dieback were collected from rose greenhouses. Coniothyrium fuckelii, Botrytis cinerea and Acremonium were subsequently isolated from the margin between healthy and symptomatic tissue. B. cinerea and C. fuckelii isolates were similar to those previously reported for dieback of rose worldwide. Morphological and cultural characters along with molecular analysis based on partial sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal RNA genome allowed confirming the affiliation of the Acremonium isolates, corresponding to A. sclerotigenum as a new causal agent of rose dieback. To determine its pathogenicity on rose, Koch's postulates were fulfilled by stem inoculation of nine rose cultivars under greenhouse conditions. While A. sclerotigenum is considered as a soil-born pathogen, and produces sclerotia that are resistant to adverse conditions enables the fungus to survive extended period in soil, propagule trapping in our study revealed that conidia can become airborn, imply that an aerial phase, forms an important component of the disease cycle.

  15. The Reactive-Causal Architecture: Introducing an Emotion Model along with Theories of Needs (United States)

    Aydin, Ali Orhan; Orgun, Mehmet Ali

    In the entertainment application area, one of the major aims is to develop believable agents. To achieve this aim, agents should be highly autonomous, situated, flexible, and display affect. The Reactive-Causal Architecture (ReCau) is proposed to simulate these core attributes. In its current form, ReCau cannot explain the effects of emotions on intelligent behaviour. This study aims is to further improve the emotion model of ReCau to explain the effects of emotions on intelligent behaviour. This improvement allows ReCau to be emotional to support the development of believable agents.

  16. Cutaneous Papillomaviruses and Non-melanoma Skin Cancer: Causal Agents or Innocent Bystanders? (United States)

    Hasche, Daniel; Vinzón, Sabrina E; Rösl, Frank


    There is still controversy in the scientific field about whether certain types of cutaneous human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are causally involved in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Deciphering the etiological role of cutaneous HPVs requires - besides tissue culture systems - appropriate preclinical models to match the obtained results with clinical data from affected patients. Clear scientific evidence about the etiology and underlying mechanisms involved in NMSC development is fundamental to provide reasonable arguments for public health institutions to classify at least certain cutaneous HPVs as group 1 carcinogens. This in turn would have implications on fundraising institutions and health care decision makers to force - similarly as for anogenital cancer - the implementation of a broad vaccination program against "high-risk" cutaneous HPVs to prevent NMSC as the most frequent cancer worldwide. Precise knowledge of the multi-step progression from normal cells to cancer is a prerequisite to understand the functional and clinical impact of cofactors that affect the individual outcome and the personalized treatment of a disease. This overview summarizes not only recent arguments that favor the acceptance of a viral etiology in NMSC development but also reflects aspects of causality in medicine, the use of empirically meaningful model systems and strategies for prevention.

  17. Cutaneous Papillomaviruses and Non-melanoma Skin Cancer: Causal Agents or Innocent Bystanders?

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    Daniel Hasche


    Full Text Available There is still controversy in the scientific field about whether certain types of cutaneous human papillomaviruses (HPVs are causally involved in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC. Deciphering the etiological role of cutaneous HPVs requires – besides tissue culture systems – appropriate preclinical models to match the obtained results with clinical data from affected patients. Clear scientific evidence about the etiology and underlying mechanisms involved in NMSC development is fundamental to provide reasonable arguments for public health institutions to classify at least certain cutaneous HPVs as group 1 carcinogens. This in turn would have implications on fundraising institutions and health care decision makers to force – similarly as for anogenital cancer – the implementation of a broad vaccination program against “high-risk” cutaneous HPVs to prevent NMSC as the most frequent cancer worldwide. Precise knowledge of the multi-step progression from normal cells to cancer is a prerequisite to understand the functional and clinical impact of cofactors that affect the individual outcome and the personalized treatment of a disease. This overview summarizes not only recent arguments that favor the acceptance of a viral etiology in NMSC development but also reflects aspects of causality in medicine, the use of empirically meaningful model systems and strategies for prevention.

  18. Causal reasoning in physics

    CERN Document Server

    Frisch, Mathias


    Much has been written on the role of causal notions and causal reasoning in the so-called 'special sciences' and in common sense. But does causal reasoning also play a role in physics? Mathias Frisch argues that, contrary to what influential philosophical arguments purport to show, the answer is yes. Time-asymmetric causal structures are as integral a part of the representational toolkit of physics as a theory's dynamical equations. Frisch develops his argument partly through a critique of anti-causal arguments and partly through a detailed examination of actual examples of causal notions in physics, including causal principles invoked in linear response theory and in representations of radiation phenomena. Offering a new perspective on the nature of scientific theories and causal reasoning, this book will be of interest to professional philosophers, graduate students, and anyone interested in the role of causal thinking in science.

  19. Los universitarios como agentes políticos en la construcción histórica del concepto de solidaridad

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    Raquel García Bouzas


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene por objetivo la presentación del proceso histórico en que las cátedras jurídicas de la Facultad de Derecho difundieron en nuestro país la bibliografía crítica que reconoció al concepto de solidaridad como uno de los principios del reformismo.Nuestro método de trabajo sigue las orientaciones de la propuesta de Q.Skinner, rastreando el concepto en el contexto histórico y tomando a los intelectuales como agentes del enfrentamiento ideológico, buscando las intenciones que demuestran en sus discursos, intenciones políticas, más que intelectuales. Las acciones se orientaban, como sabemos, a la reforma del Estado y a las políticas distributivas, las teorías pueden ser englobadas bajo el término "pensamiento jurídico-critico".

  20. A theory of causal learning in children: Causal maps and Bayes nets


    Gopnik, A; Glymour, C; Sobel, D M; Schulz, L E; Kushnir, T; Danks, D


    The authors outline a cognitive and computational account of causal learning in children. They propose that children use specialized cognitive systems that allow them to recover an accurate "causal map" of the world: an abstract, coherent, learned representation of the causal relations among events. This kind of knowledge can be perspicuously understood in terms of the formalism of directed graphical causal models, or Bayes nets. Children's causal learning and inference may involve computatio...

  1. First isolation of Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum, one of the causal agents of caprine contagious agalactia, on the island of Lanzarote (Spain). (United States)

    De la Fe, C; Gutiérrez, A; Poveda, J B; Assunção, P; Ramírez, A S; Fabelo, F


    During an unusually long period of bad weather, several outbreaks of caprine contagious agalactia (CCA) were reported in a number of flocks on the island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain). Clinical and subclinical mastitis in lactating goats and some cases of arthritis and pneumonia in kids were observed in the affected flocks. Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum was isolated as the main causal agent of the outbreaks, associated with M. mycoides subsp. mycoides "large colony type" (Mmm LC) in two flocks. This is the first report of an isolation of M. capricolum subsp. capricolum on the island of Lanzarote. The finding is of epidemiological importance and could complicate plans to control the disease. The significance of this mycoplasma species in association with CCA must now be studied in detail.

  2. Ação do óxido nitroso no sistema nervoso central: estudo eletrofisiológico como agente único e como agente coadjuvante Acción del óxido nitroso en el sistema nervioso central: estudio eletrofisiológico como agente único y como agente coadyuvante Nitrous oxide action on the central nervous system: electrophysiological study as a sole agent or a coadjuvant

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    Verônica Vieira da Costa


    pode explicar o seu bom efeito analgésico.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El óxido nitroso es el agente anestésico inhalatorio más utilizado en todo el mundo. Su mecanismo de acción es bastante discutido, con base en resultados experimentales y en evidencias clínicas. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la acción eletrofisiológica de este fármaco en el Sistema Nervioso Central a través de monitorización específica. MÉTODO: Fueron estudiados veinticinco pacientes de ambos sexos, con edades entre 6 y 25 años, sometidos a cirugía ortopédica o plástica reparadora, los cuales fueron monitorizados con índice bispectral del eletroencefalograma (BIS y potencial evocado somatosensitivo (PESS durante la anestesia. Fueron realizados registros basales del BIS y PESS, bien como después del uso del óxido nitroso en fraccionales alveolares (FA de 30%, 50% y 66%. En seguida el óxido nitroso era descontinuado y administrado aleatoriamente isoflurano o desflurano en 0,5 CAM y 1 CAM. Se mantenía 1 CAM del determinado agente y el óxido nitroso era nuevamente administrado en las mismas concentraciones anteriores. RESULTADOS: El óxido nitroso cuando utilizado como agente único, produce una reducción en el BIS que, aunque sea estadísticamente significante, no expresa un estado de hipnosis. Esta reducción también ocurre cuando utilizado como agente coadyuvante más sin importancia clínica. Como agente único, el óxido nitroso deprimió significantemente la amplitud de las ondas cerebrales, sin promover aumento en la latencia. El isoflurano y desflurano redujeron la amplitud y aumentaron la latencia de las ondas cerebrales. La asociación del óxido nitroso a estos agentes, intensificó aun más estos efectos en las ondas corticales. No hubo alteración significativa de las ondas periférica y medular del PESS. CONCLUSIONES: El óxido nitroso tiene una pequeña acción hipnótica, que no es captada completamente por el BIS. Tiene acción acentuada en las

  3. Atribuición causal de las emociones en la formación inicial del docente de educación física

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    Nelly Orellana Arduiz


    Full Text Available Estudio cualitativo de Investigación-Acción, que tiene por objetivo identificar la atribución causal de emociones en estudiantes de Pedagogía en Educación Física, durante la gestión de una clase en un ambiente educativo real. La población del estudio es de 60 estudiantes universitarios. Los datos fueron recopilados a través de informes afectivos y fueron analizados en el software Atlas.ti. 6.0. Los resultados más relevantes indican que los estudiantes atribuyen la tranquilidad y seguridad a la conformidad con la planificación, la preparación de material didáctico y al pensamiento optimista de su labor. El nerviosismo y la ansiedad son atribuidos a la incertidumbre y a las expectativas de logro. El bienestar, la felicidad, el amor y la satisfacción, se generan por la percepción de un buen resultado en la clase. Se concluye del estudio, que las atribuciones de emociones positivas y negativas, son en su mayoría externas y suceden en mayor proporción en momentos anteriores a la gestión de la clase de Educación Física.

  4. Efectos del Estrés Laboral y los Mecanismos de Afrontamiento en el Personal de Salud del Área Quirúrgica del Hospital IESS Riobamba


    Yuquilema Guachilema, Zoila del Rocio


    El presente trabajo se orientó a la determinación de los efectos del estrés laboral y los mecanismos de afrontamiento en el personal del área quirúrgica del Hospital IESS Riobamba. La población se conformó con 30 profesionales de la salud que laboran en el área quirúrgica: enfermeras, auxiliares de enfermería, asistentes de anestesiología y anestesiólogos. La información se obtuvo por medio de encuestas. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que los causales de estrés laboral son: e...

  5. Repeated causal decision making. (United States)

    Hagmayer, York; Meder, Björn


    Many of our decisions refer to actions that have a causal impact on the external environment. Such actions may not only allow for the mere learning of expected values or utilities but also for acquiring knowledge about the causal structure of our world. We used a repeated decision-making paradigm to examine what kind of knowledge people acquire in such situations and how they use their knowledge to adapt to changes in the decision context. Our studies show that decision makers' behavior is strongly contingent on their causal beliefs and that people exploit their causal knowledge to assess the consequences of changes in the decision problem. A high consistency between hypotheses about causal structure, causally expected values, and actual choices was observed. The experiments show that (a) existing causal hypotheses guide the interpretation of decision feedback, (b) consequences of decisions are used to revise existing causal beliefs, and (c) decision makers use the experienced feedback to induce a causal model of the choice situation even when they have no initial causal hypotheses, which (d) enables them to adapt their choices to changes of the decision problem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved).

  6. Identificación de una nueva área de infección por Rickettsias del grupo typhi: estudio de un brote de tifus en Huánuco

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    Rosa Mostorino E


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Investigar un brote de síndrome febril en el distrito de Punchao mediante una evaluación clínica, laboratorial y entomológica para conocer los factores asociados a la aparición de dicho brote. Materiales y métodos: Debido al reporte de tres pacientes con cuadro clínico febril asociado a cefalea, mialgias y postración en la semana epidemiológica Nº41 del año 2000, procedentes del distrito de Punchao, Humalíes, Huánuco y ante la información de presentación inusual de pacientes febriles en la última semana en dicho lugar, se decidió investigar la naturaleza y características del brote. Se definió como caso a todo paciente con cuadro febril agudo y uno de estos síntomas: cefalea, mialgias o postración; procediéndose a la búsqueda activa de éstos y a la evaluación de presencia de anticuerpos para rickettsias en suero mediante inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI. Se capturaron roedores y se colectaron ectoparásitos en las viviendas (roedores, animales domésticos y humanos, a fin de identificar la presencia de Rickettsias en ellos mediante IFI, aislamiento o PCR. Resultados: No se logró el aislamiento del agente causal. Se evidenció circulación de la Rickettsia sp. (serología positiva tanto en humanos (en casos y en no casos como en roedores. Se evidenció mayor presencia de malos hábitos de aseo y condiciones inadecuadas de saneamiento básico en los casos (respecto a los no casos y una disminución de los casos luego del inicio de las medidas de control. Conclusiones: Las evidencias encontradas permitieron identificar un brote de tifus en Punchao, no pudiéndose determinar la especie involucrada debido a que no se aisló el agente causal.

  7. Análisis proteómico de Plasmodium, el agente causal de la malaria Proteomic analysis of Plasmodium, the causal agent of Malaria

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    Ivone Castro R


    Full Text Available Los plasmodios son protozoarios cuyo complejo ciclo de vida se lleva a cabo en dos hospederos, el vertebrado y el mosquito. La infección de los seres humanos produce la enfermedad conocida como malaria. La secuenciación del genoma de Plasmodium falciparum y el desarrollo de la proteómica han permitido un gran avance en el conocimiento de la biología de este letal parásito. La presente revisión se centra en describir los logros recientes en el estudio del proteoma de Plasmodium falciparum y algunas de las implicaciones en la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos antimaláricos, así como en la generación de vacunas para el control de la enfermedad.Plasmodia are protozoa whose complex life cycle takes place in two different hosts, the vertebrate and the mosquito. The human infection produces the malaria disease. The genome sequence of Plasmodium falciparum and the proteomic tools have enabled a huge advance in knowledge of the biology of this parasite. This review will focus on the recent advances in proteomic studies of Plasmodium falciparum and some implications for the search of new antimalarial drugs as well as vaccines for the control of the disease.

  8. Causal ubiquity in quantum physics a superluminal and local-causal physical ontology

    CERN Document Server

    Neelamkavil, Raphael


    A fixed highest criterial velocity (of light) in STR (special theory of relativity) is a convention for a layer of physical inquiry. QM (Quantum Mechanics) avoids action-at-a-distance using this concept, but accepts non-causality and action-at-a-distance in EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Paradox) entanglement experiments. Even in such allegedly non-causal processes, something exists processually in extension-motion, between the causal and the non-causal. If STR theoretically allows real-valued superluminal communication between EPR entangled particles, quantum processes become fully causal. That

  9. Determinantes de fidelidad en el servicio turístico un modelo de relaciones causales

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    Silvina Etcheverría


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se analizan los factores que determinan la fidelidad del turista que visita la ciudad de Tandil (Argentina a partir de un modelo de relaciones causales; específicamente; Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales. A efectos de la estimación y evaluación del modelo se utilizó una encuesta estructurada a los turistas que visitaron la ciudad; a lo largo de un año calendario. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la fidelidad del turista aparece como consecuencia tanto de su satisfacción como del potencial del destino percibido por el mismo. Mientras que la satisfacción depende tres constructos: cobertura de necesidades vivenciales; entendidas como el cúmulo de sensaciones que vive el turista producto de la visita y con las cuales finalmente asociará su viaje; cobertura de necesidades funcionales son aquellas ligadas a la logística del viaje y cobertura de necesidades simbólicas; en especial los aspectos vinculados al cuidado del medio ambiente.

  10. Manipulating Morality: Third-Party Intentions Alter Moral Judgments by Changing Causal Reasoning. (United States)

    Phillips, Jonathan; Shaw, Alex


    The present studies investigate how the intentions of third parties influence judgments of moral responsibility for other agents who commit immoral acts. Using cases in which an agent acts under some situational constraint brought about by a third party, we ask whether the agent is blamed less for the immoral act when the third party intended for that act to occur. Study 1 demonstrates that third-party intentions do influence judgments of blame. Study 2 finds that third-party intentions only influence moral judgments when the agent's actions precisely match the third party's intention. Study 3 shows that this effect arises from changes in participants' causal perception that the third party was controlling the agent. Studies 4 and 5, respectively, show that the effect cannot be explained by changes in the distribution of blame or perceived differences in situational constraint faced by the agent. © 2014 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  11. Non-Causal Computation

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    Ämin Baumeler


    Full Text Available Computation models such as circuits describe sequences of computation steps that are carried out one after the other. In other words, algorithm design is traditionally subject to the restriction imposed by a fixed causal order. We address a novel computing paradigm beyond quantum computing, replacing this assumption by mere logical consistency: We study non-causal circuits, where a fixed time structure within a gate is locally assumed whilst the global causal structure between the gates is dropped. We present examples of logically consistent non-causal circuits outperforming all causal ones; they imply that suppressing loops entirely is more restrictive than just avoiding the contradictions they can give rise to. That fact is already known for correlations as well as for communication, and we here extend it to computation.

  12. Nueva clasificación de las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial

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    Francisco Avello


    Full Text Available Las fracturas de trazo unilateral del tercio medio facial son las más frecuentes de las fracturas del macizo óseo-facial, en general. Dentro de estas, son las que afectan al maxilar superior y al malar las de mayor incidencia. Se producen como consecuencia de traumatismos severos, siendo la determinación de este tipo de fractura, por edad, sexo y agente causal importante para su manejo. Se pueden presentar en forma combinada con otro tipo de fractura facial. Tienen una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino, afectando mayormente a individuos entre 20 y 40 años de edad. Los accidentes de tránsito y las agresiones por robo son las principales causas. El tercio medio del macizo óseo-facial está conformado por un complejo de huesos unidos unos a otros, dentro de los que tenemos principalmente a los maxilares superiores, huesos propios nasales, malares y temporales. Razón por la que se ha querido elaborar una clasificación, que incluya las estructuras óseas mencionadas, que a la vez sea comprensible y de fácil aplicación.

  13. Causality re-established. (United States)

    D'Ariano, Giacomo Mauro


    Causality has never gained the status of a 'law' or 'principle' in physics. Some recent literature has even popularized the false idea that causality is a notion that should be banned from theory. Such misconception relies on an alleged universality of the reversibility of the laws of physics, based either on the determinism of classical theory, or on the multiverse interpretation of quantum theory, in both cases motivated by mere interpretational requirements for realism of the theory. Here, I will show that a properly defined unambiguous notion of causality is a theorem of quantum theory, which is also a falsifiable proposition of the theory. Such a notion of causality appeared in the literature within the framework of operational probabilistic theories. It is a genuinely theoretical notion, corresponding to establishing a definite partial order among events, in the same way as we do by using the future causal cone on Minkowski space. The notion of causality is logically completely independent of the misidentified concept of 'determinism', and, being a consequence of quantum theory, is ubiquitous in physics. In addition, as classical theory can be regarded as a restriction of quantum theory, causality holds also in the classical case, although the determinism of the theory trivializes it. I then conclude by arguing that causality naturally establishes an arrow of time. This implies that the scenario of the 'block Universe' and the connected 'past hypothesis' are incompatible with causality, and thus with quantum theory: they are both doomed to remain mere interpretations and, as such, are not falsifiable, similar to the hypothesis of 'super-determinism'.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Foundations of quantum mechanics and their impact on contemporary society'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  14. Cladosporium cladosporioides and Cladosporium pseudocladosporioides as potential new fungal antagonists of Puccinia horiana Henn., the causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust.

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    David Eduardo Torres

    Full Text Available Puccinia horiana Hennings, the causal agent of chrysanthemum white rust, is a worldwide quarantine organism and one of the most important fungal pathogens of Chrysanthemum × morifolium cultivars, which are used for cut flowers and as potted plants in commercial production regions of the world. It was previously reported to be controlled by Lecanicillium lecanii, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, C. uredinicola and Aphanocladium album, due to their antagonistic and hyperparasitic effects. We report novel antagonist species on Puccinia horiana. Fungi isolated from rust pustules in a commercial greenhouse from Villa Guerrero, México, were identified as Cladosporium cladosporioides and Cladosporium pseudocladosporioides based upon molecular analysis and morphological characters. The antagonism of C. cladosporioides and C. pseudocladosporioides on chrysanthemum white rust was studied using light and electron microscopy in vitro at the host/parasite interface. Cladosporium cladosporioides and C. pseudocladosporioides grew towards the white rust teliospores and colonized the sporogenous cells, but no direct penetration of teliospores was observed; however, the structure and cytoplasm of teliospores were altered. The two Cladosporium spp. were able to grow on media containing laminarin, but not when chitin was used as the sole carbon source; these results suggest that they are able to produce glucanases. Results from the study indicate that both Cladosporium species had potential as biological control agents of chrysanthemum white rust.

  15. Further properties of causal relationship: causal structure stability, new criteria for isocausality and counterexamples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Parrado, Alfonso; Sanchez, Miguel


    Recently (Garcia-Parrado and Senovilla 2003 Class. Quantum Grav. 20 625-64) the concept of causal mapping between spacetimes, essentially equivalent in this context to the chronological map defined in abstract chronological spaces, and the related notion of causal structure, have been introduced as new tools to study causality in Lorentzian geometry. In the present paper, these tools are further developed in several directions such as (i) causal mappings-and, thus, abstract chronological ones-do not preserve two levels of the standard hierarchy of causality conditions (however, they preserve the remaining levels as shown in the above reference), (ii) even though global hyperbolicity is a stable property (in the set of all time-oriented Lorentzian metrics on a fixed manifold), the causal structure of a globally hyperbolic spacetime can be unstable against perturbations; in fact, we show that the causal structures of Minkowski and Einstein static spacetimes remain stable, whereas that of de Sitter becomes unstable, (iii) general criteria allow us to discriminate different causal structures in some general spacetimes (e.g. globally hyperbolic, stationary standard); in particular, there are infinitely many different globally hyperbolic causal structures (and thus, different conformal ones) on R 2 (iv) plane waves with the same number of positive eigenvalues in the frequency matrix share the same causal structure and, thus, they have equal causal extensions and causal boundaries

  16. A quantum causal discovery algorithm (United States)

    Giarmatzi, Christina; Costa, Fabio


    Finding a causal model for a set of classical variables is now a well-established task—but what about the quantum equivalent? Even the notion of a quantum causal model is controversial. Here, we present a causal discovery algorithm for quantum systems. The input to the algorithm is a process matrix describing correlations between quantum events. Its output consists of different levels of information about the underlying causal model. Our algorithm determines whether the process is causally ordered by grouping the events into causally ordered non-signaling sets. It detects if all relevant common causes are included in the process, which we label Markovian, or alternatively if some causal relations are mediated through some external memory. For a Markovian process, it outputs a causal model, namely the causal relations and the corresponding mechanisms, represented as quantum states and channels. Our algorithm opens the route to more general quantum causal discovery methods.

  17. Autogestión en la red de agentes comunitarios en salud mental en las instituciones educativas del municipio de San Lorenzo (Nariño

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    Christian Alexander Zambrano Guerrero


    Full Text Available El presente artículo de investigación tuvo como objetivo sistematizar el proceso de autogestión de la red de agentes comunitarios en salud mental en las instituciones educativas del municipio de San Lorenzo (Nariño, a través de un estudio cualitativo y desde el enfoque histórico-hermenéutico. Inicialmente, se recopiló la experiencia de autogestión durante una serie de encuentrosy se describieron las estrategias emergentes del proceso de autogestión. Luego se valoraron, interpretaron y clarificaron los resultados generados desde la autogestión de la red de agentes comunitarios en salud mental mediante encuentros participativos en las instituciones educativas del municipio, con una propuesta política, sostenible y sustentable. Abstract This research paper aimed to systematize the self-management process by the community mental health team in educational institutions from San Lorenzo (Nariño, conducted through a qualitative study based on the historical-hermeneutic approach. Several self-management experience meetings were held and emerging strategies of the self-management process were described. Later, the results, based on the community of mental health agents, were assessed, interpreted and clarified, suggesting a political, sustainable, and viable proposal.

  18. Epidemiological causality. (United States)

    Morabia, Alfredo


    Epidemiological methods, which combine population thinking and group comparisons, can primarily identify causes of disease in populations. There is therefore a tension between our intuitive notion of a cause, which we want to be deterministic and invariant at the individual level, and the epidemiological notion of causes, which are invariant only at the population level. Epidemiologists have given heretofore a pragmatic solution to this tension. Causal inference in epidemiology consists in checking the logical coherence of a causality statement and determining whether what has been found grossly contradicts what we think we already know: how strong is the association? Is there a dose-response relationship? Does the cause precede the effect? Is the effect biologically plausible? Etc. This approach to causal inference can be traced back to the English philosophers David Hume and John Stuart Mill. On the other hand, the mode of establishing causality, devised by Jakob Henle and Robert Koch, which has been fruitful in bacteriology, requires that in every instance the effect invariably follows the cause (e.g., inoculation of Koch bacillus and tuberculosis). This is incompatible with epidemiological causality which has to deal with probabilistic effects (e.g., smoking and lung cancer), and is therefore invariant only for the population.

  19. Phytophthora palmivora, agente da podridão de raiz e frutos de mamoeiro no Estado de Alagoas Phytophthora palmivora, causal agent of root and fruit rots of papaya in the State of Alagoas, Brazil

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    Juliana Paiva Carnaúba


    Full Text Available O mamoeiro (Carica papaya é uma das mais importantes fruteiras tropicais, e seus frutos contribuem com uma produção de 1,65 milhão de toneladas por ano para o Brasil. Um isolado de Phytophthora sp. obtido de frutos de mamoeiro da cultivar Havaí, em Alagoas, foi caracterizado morfologicamente e sua patogenicidade foi confirmada em frutos e mudas deste hospedeiro. Em meio suco V-8, os esporangióforos apresentaram-se delgados, simples ou pouco ramificados, enquanto os esporângios se apresentaram ovóides a elipsóides, proeminentemente papilados e um pedicelo curto na porção basal, medindo em média 37,68 x 27,52 mm. Através das características apresentadas pelo isolado e os sintomas induzidos, o agente causal foi identificado como Phytophthora palmivora. Apesar de essa doença já ocorrer em outros estados, como Bahia, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Pernambuco e Pará, este é o primeiro relato de Phytophthora palmivora em mamoeiro no Estado de Alagoas.The papaya (Carica papaya is one of the most important tropical fruit crops and its fruit contribute with a production of 1.65 millions tons/year in Brazil. An isolated of Phytophthora sp. gotten from papaya fruits cv. Hawaii, in the state of Alagoas, was characterized morphologically and its pathogenicity to this fruits and seedling was confirmed. In a V-8 medium, the sporangiophores presented to be slim, simple or little ramified, while the sporangia presented ovoid to ellipsoid, prominently papillae and one short pedicel in the basal portion, measuring in average 37,68 x 27,52 (m. Through the characteristics presented by the isolated and the induced symptoms, the causal agent was identified as Phytophthora palmivora. Despite of this disease already occurring in other states like in Bahia, Espirito Santo, São Paulo, Pernambuco and Pará, this is the first report of Phytophthora palmivora on papaya in the state of Alagoas, Brazil.

  20. El problema del agente viajero: un algoritmo determinístico usando búsqueda tabú

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    Erasmo López


    Full Text Available Se implementa un algoritmo correspondiente al método Búsqueda Tabú, llamado EraDeterminístico, experimentado con el algoritmo básico que explora el espacio de búsqueda e incorporando la diversificación como estrategia para explorar nuevas regiones. El algoritmo se desarrolla en el ambiente de programación Visual Basic 6.0 y la implementación se orienta a encontrar soluciones cercanas a la óptima del problema NP−Completo del Agente Viajero Simétrico (AVS. Para probar la funcionalidad, el modelo se compara con algunas instancias de la Travel Salesman Problem Li- brary (TSPLIB, algunas instancias aleatorias y se aplica a tres situaciones reales. Finalmente, se presenta una sección donde se exponen recomendaciones y conclusiones, las cuales orientan posibles desarrollos futuros de ésta teoría y donde se pone en evidencian las bondades y la eficiencia de la implementación.

  1. Structure and Connectivity Analysis of Financial Complex System Based on G-Causality Network (United States)

    Xu, Chuan-Ming; Yan, Yan; Zhu, Xiao-Wu; Li, Xiao-Teng; Chen, Xiao-Song


    The recent financial crisis highlights the inherent weaknesses of the financial market. To explore the mechanism that maintains the financial market as a system, we study the interactions of U.S. financial market from the network perspective. Applied with conditional Granger causality network analysis, network density, in-degree and out-degree rankings are important indicators to analyze the conditional causal relationships among financial agents, and further to assess the stability of U.S. financial systems. It is found that the topological structure of G-causality network in U.S. financial market changed in different stages over the last decade, especially during the recent global financial crisis. Network density of the G-causality model is much higher during the period of 2007-2009 crisis stage, and it reaches the peak value in 2008, the most turbulent time in the crisis. Ranked by in-degrees and out-degrees, insurance companies are listed in the top of 68 financial institutions during the crisis. They act as the hubs which are more easily influenced by other financial institutions and simultaneously influence others during the global financial disturbance.

  2. Discrete causal theory emergent spacetime and the causal metric hypothesis

    CERN Document Server

    Dribus, Benjamin F


    This book evaluates and suggests potentially critical improvements to causal set theory, one of the best-motivated approaches to the outstanding problems of fundamental physics. Spacetime structure is of central importance to physics beyond general relativity and the standard model. The causal metric hypothesis treats causal relations as the basis of this structure. The book develops the consequences of this hypothesis under the assumption of a fundamental scale, with smooth spacetime geometry viewed as emergent. This approach resembles causal set theory, but differs in important ways; for example, the relative viewpoint, emphasizing relations between pairs of events, and relationships between pairs of histories, is central. The book culminates in a dynamical law for quantum spacetime, derived via generalized path summation.

  3. Causal Analysis After Haavelmo (United States)

    Heckman, James; Pinto, Rodrigo


    Haavelmo's seminal 1943 and 1944 papers are the first rigorous treatment of causality. In them, he distinguished the definition of causal parameters from their identification. He showed that causal parameters are defined using hypothetical models that assign variation to some of the inputs determining outcomes while holding all other inputs fixed. He thus formalized and made operational Marshall's (1890) ceteris paribus analysis. We embed Haavelmo's framework into the recursive framework of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) used in one influential recent approach to causality (Pearl, 2000) and in the related literature on Bayesian nets (Lauritzen, 1996). We compare the simplicity of an analysis of causality based on Haavelmo's methodology with the complex and nonintuitive approach used in the causal literature of DAGs—the “do-calculus” of Pearl (2009). We discuss the severe limitations of DAGs and in particular of the do-calculus of Pearl in securing identification of economic models. We extend our framework to consider models for simultaneous causality, a central contribution of Haavelmo. In general cases, DAGs cannot be used to analyze models for simultaneous causality, but Haavelmo's approach naturally generalizes to cover them. PMID:25729123


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    Full Text Available Rickettsia typhi is the causal agent of murine typhus; a worldwide zoonotic and vector-borne infectious disease, commonly associated with the presence of domestic and wild rodents. Human cases of murine typhus in the state of Yucatán are frequent. However, there is no evidence of the presence of Rickettsia typhi in mammals or vectors in Yucatán. The presence of Rickettsia in rodents and their ectoparasites was evaluated in a small municipality of Yucatán using the conventional polymerase chain reaction technique and sequencing. The study only identified the presence of Rickettsia typhi in blood samples obtained from Rattus rattus and it reported, for the first time, the presence of R. felis in the flea Polygenis odiosus collected from Ototylomys phyllotis rodent. Additionally, Rickettsia felis was detected in the ectoparasite Ctenocephalides felis fleas parasitizing the wild rodent Peromyscus yucatanicus. This study’s results contributed to a better knowledge of Rickettsia epidemiology in Yucatán.

  5. Domain-specific perceptual causality in children depends on the spatio-temporal configuration, not motion onset

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    Anne eSchlottmann


    Full Text Available Humans, even babies, perceive causality when one shape moves briefly and linearly after another. Motion timing is crucial in this and causal impressions disappear with short delays between motions. However, the role of temporal information is more complex: It is both a cue to causality and a factor that constrains processing. It affects ability to distinguish causality from non-causality, and social from mechanical causality. Here we study both issues with 3- to 7-year-olds and adults who saw two computer-animated squares and chose if a picture of mechanical, social or non-causality fit each event best. Prior work fit with the standard view that early in development, the distinction between the social and physical domains depends mainly on whether or not the agents make contact, and that this reflects concern with domain-specific motion onset, in particular, whether the motion is self-initiated or not. The present experiments challenge both parts of this position. In Experiments 1 and 2, we showed that not just spatial, but also animacy and temporal information affect how children distinguish between physical and social causality. In Experiments 3 and 4 we showed that children do not seem to use spatio-temporal information in perceptual causality to make inferences about self- or other-initiated motion onset. Overall, spatial contact may be developmentally primary in domain-specific perceptual causality in that it is processed easily and is dominant over competing cues, but it is not the only cue used early on and it is not used to infer motion onset. Instead, domain-specific causal impressions may be automatic reactions to specific perceptual configurations, with a complex role for temporal information.

  6. La responsabilidad social corporativa de las marcas globales y sus efectos en la conducta del consumidor: un estudio del sector moda rápida.


    Rivera Alcamí, José Javier


    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de las Marcas Globales y sus Efectos en la Conducta del Consumidor: un Estudio del Sector Moda Rápida. Esta tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo principal, diseñar y contrastar empíricamente un modelo de relaciones causales, que analiza los efectos en la conducta del consumidor de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC), de las marcas globales. Los efectos, en la conducta del consumidor, se analizan a partir de la percepción de marca global, y a trav...

  7. Molecular characterization and pathogenicity assays of Colletotrichum acutatum, causal agent for lime anthracnose in Texas (United States)

    Several distorted Mexican lime [Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm). Swingle] fruit, leaf, and twig samples with lime anthracnose symptoms were collected from three trees in residential areas of Brownsville, Texas. The causal fungal organism, Colletotrichum acutatum J. H. Simmonds was isolated from leave...

  8. Conceptos básicos sobre la interacción del sistema inmune y los hongos causales de micosis sistémicas The immune system and fungal pathogenesis

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    Mary I. Gil Bustamante


    Full Text Available El curso de las infecciones micóticas lo determina principalmente la interacción del agente con los diferentes mecanismos de defensa naturales y específicos del hospedero. Las defensas naturales pueden ser físicas, químicas y celulares. Los factores que predisponen a la invasión micótica se reconocen tanto en los hongos como en el hospedero y les corresponde enfrentar la primera línea de defensa; de ello resulta que se establezca o no el proceso infeccioso; en algunas ocasiones esta primera respuesta es suficiente para limitar la infección pero existen hongos cuyo poder patógeno activa la producción de sustancias que dañan los tejidos o de componentes que inhiben las funciones de la fagocitosis, por lo cual el sistema inmune cuenta con una segunda línea de defensa: La inmunidad mediada por células. En la actualidad los estudios experimentales de la respuesta inmune a la infección micótica utilizan las citoquinas como herramienta para el diagnóstico y control de algunas micosis por considerarlas como las principales sustancias reguladoras del proceso inmune. Natural host resistance mechanisms against most mycotic agents act in a coordinated manner to prevent the proliferation of agents. The cooperative process betwen first line defenses and cell mediated immunity elicits production of substances that can increase the activity of phagocytic cells or mechanisms for killing fungi. Immunological factors that prevent establishement of fungal infections include: physical, mechanical and chemical barriers, cellular resistance mechanisms, humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity.

  9. A Theory of Causal Learning in Children: Causal Maps and Bayes Nets (United States)

    Gopnik, Alison; Glymour, Clark; Sobel, David M.; Schulz, Laura E.; Kushnir, Tamar; Danks, David


    The authors outline a cognitive and computational account of causal learning in children. They propose that children use specialized cognitive systems that allow them to recover an accurate "causal map" of the world: an abstract, coherent, learned representation of the causal relations among events. This kind of knowledge can be perspicuously…

  10. Effect of Two Biological Formulations Based on Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens on Control of Didymella applanata, the Causal Agent of Red Raspberry Cane Spur Blight

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    Margarita Shternshis


    Full Text Available In vitro and in vivo studies were conducted to estimate the efficacy of the two microbial formulations based on Bacillus subtilis Cohn. and Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. on the fungus Didymella applanata (Niessl. Sacc., the causal agent of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L. spur blight. In vitro, both bacteria reduced the growth of D. applanata. In inoculation experiments with raspberry canes in two cultivars with different susceptibility to D. applanata, these antagonistic bacteria suppressed fungal development by reducing the lesions area and the number of D. applanata fruiting bodies. Field trials of two biological formulations under natural conditions showed a significant suppression of the disease. B. subtilis and P. fluorescens included in the formulations revealed antagonistic activity towards D. applanata that depended on the red raspberry cultivar and weather conditions. In all cases, B. subtilis showed better results than P. fluorescens in biocontrol of the raspberry spur blight. This study demonstrated for the first time the ability of the biocontrol agents B. subtilis and P. fluorescens to suppress red raspberry cane spur blight, a serious worldwide disease.

  11. Energy power forward prices. Are forward prices rationally determined by agents in the Colombian market? Los precios forward sobre electricidad. ¿Determinados racionalmente por los agentes del mercado colombiano?

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    Gloria Stella Salazar Marín


    Full Text Available This article considers fixed-terms transactions made by agents, in diverse segments of the Colombian energy power market, using forward contracts in order to secure buying/selling prices. The random behavior of prices and quantities, which is handled in the energy power flux, implies the sacrifice of agents according to the transaction segment (regulated, non-regulated or intermediary. In addition to this, the premium, which is paid in the commercial exchange with forwards, is defined by the agents’ expectations and is a reflection of their risk aversion level. This involves financial rationality in the establishment of the premium in order to secure a price on uncertain energy power quantity in the future. Thus, the measurement of such expectation becomes useful, as it is defined by the type of market in which the transaction is being made.El artículo considera las transacciones a plazo sobre electricidad que los agentes del mercado eléctrico en Colombia, en sus diferentes segmentos, hacen por medio de contratos forward, con el fin de asegurar el precio de compra/venta. El comportamiento aleatorio de los precios y las cantidades que se manejan de flujo eléctrico implican el sacrificio de alguno de los agentes, dependiendo del segmento —regulado, no-regulado o intermediación— en el que se realice la operación. Además, la prima que se paga en los intercambios comerciales con forwards está definida por las expectativas de los agentes y es un reflejo de su grado de aversión al riesgo, lo que involucra racionalidad financiera en el establecimiento de la misma, con el propósito de asegurar un precio sobre una cantidad incierta de electricidad a futuro. Así, resulta de mucha utilidad tener una medición de dicha expectativa, definida por el tipo de mercado en el cual se realiza el negocio.





    El compromiso y el clima organizacional son actitudes que reflejan un estado psicológico relacionado con los valores y objetivos de una organización. Existe un conjunto de causales para que una persona o un conjunto de personas sostengan un compromiso en las organizaciones, teóricamente la percepción favorable del clima laboral que les rodea incrementa el compromiso. El estudio muestra las relaciones observadas en las dimensiones del clima organizacional y las del compromiso. Los hallazgos se...

  13. Acción inhibitoria de una cepa de Zymomonas mobilis mobilis aislada de caña de azúcar sobre Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, agente causal de la cancrosis de los cítricos Inhibition of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, causal agent of citrus canker, by a strain of Zymomonas mobilis mobilis isolated from sugarcane

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    María E. Romero


    Full Text Available Zymomonas mobilis mobilis (Zm produce factores antimicrobianos que actúan sobre un amplio espectro de microorganismos patógenos para el hombre, animales y plantas. Un problema importante a resolver en los tratamientos con antimicrobianos, es el desarrollo de resistencia a compuestos empleados actualmente, no siendo las bacterias fitopatógenas una excepción. En el presente trabajo se realizaron ensayos de antagonismo con células (pruebas de estrías cruzadas y sobrenadantes concentrados (Sc (por difusión en agar preparados a partir de cultivos de Zm (aislada de jugo de caña de azúcar producido en Tucumán, frente a la bacteria causal de la cancrosis: Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Se evaluaron aislamientos de Xcc sensibles (Xc y resistentes (Xcr a compuestos a base de cobre. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la bacteria testigo fue inhibida totalmente por las células de Zm, ejerciendo un efecto bactericida. En los ensayos de difusión en el agar se observó que tanto Xc, como Xcr fueron sensibles al Sc de Zm. Se sabe, por estudios anteriores, que los metabolitos de Zymomonas tienen un efecto deletéreo en la membrana celular de E. coli AB1133, inhibiéndose la respiración de la bacteria inmediatamente de agregado Sc (60 UA. En el presente trabajo se observó el mismo efecto, inhibición total de la respiración en Xc, luego del agregado del Sc (60 UA. Por lo observado, se deduce que el blanco de acción de los metabolitos antimicrobianos de Sc en Xc, sería el mismo que el de E. coli AB1133. Con los resultados obtenidos se considera de interés encarar el estudio de los compuestos de Zm para ser empleados en el control de enfermedades que afectan los cultivos de valor económico de la región, como es el caso de la cancrosis, como así también profundizar acerca de la acción de dichos metabolitos en la membrana de Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri.Zymomonas mobilis mobilis (Zm produces antimicrobial factors, which have an effect on

  14. Neural Correlates of Causal Power Judgments

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    Denise Dellarosa Cummins


    Full Text Available Causal inference is a fundamental component of cognition and perception. Probabilistic theories of causal judgment (most notably causal Bayes networks derive causal judgments using metrics that integrate contingency information. But human estimates typically diverge from these normative predictions. This is because human causal power judgments are typically strongly influenced by beliefs concerning underlying causal mechanisms, and because of the way knowledge is retrieved from human memory during the judgment process. Neuroimaging studies indicate that the brain distinguishes causal events from mere covariation, and between perceived and inferred causality. Areas involved in error prediction are also activated, implying automatic activation of possible exception cases during causal decision-making.

  15. Primary health care lessons from the Northeast of Brazil: the Agentes de Saúde Program Lecciones del Nordeste de Brasil sobre la atención primaria de salud: el Programa de Agentes de Salud

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    Ennio Cufino Svitone


    more achievable model for other countries, where, like Brazil, income, educational levels, and land tenure equity are limited.Generalmente se considera que las reformas económicas dirigidas por el mercado entran en conflicto con el desarrollo socioeconómico de los grupos desfavorecidos dirigido desde el gobierno. No obstante, desde 1987, Ceará, un estado pobre del Nordeste brasileño, ha seguido simultaneamente estas dos estrategias. Parte de este abordaje ha sido un programa de auxiliares sanitarios, dirigido por personal de enfermería, que cubre cerca de 5 millones de personas: casi todas las que habitan fuera de la capital y la mitad de las residentes en la capital. El programa requiere que esos auxiliares, llamados agentes de salud, vivan en las comunidades que sirven. Los agentes de salud visitan cada domicilio una vez al mes para llevar a cabo un pequeño número de actividades sanitarias prioritarias. Aunque hay una gran demanda de empleo como agentes de salud, el salario que reciben representa tan solo una pequeña fracióin del presupuesto estatal. Un aspecto clave del sistema es la provisión de información integral y oportuna, basada en las visitas de los agentes y gestionada por enfermeros entrenados. Desde que se implantó el sistema de los agentes de salud ha habido una rápida disminución de la mortalidad infantil y un rápido aumento de las inmunizaciones, se han identificado obstáculos que limitan la utilización de otros recursos médicos y ha habido intervenciones oportunas en momentos de crisis. El sistema de los agentes de salud ha combinado la descentralización administrativa con la centralización financiera en un período de democratización electoral. El sistema ha fortalecido el compromiso del estado de Ceará con la atención primaria, a pesar de los cambios dirigidos por el mercado que han reducido el papel global del gobierno. El programa de Ceará está siendo copiado en todo el Nordeste y en otras regiones de Brasil. El papel

  16. Agency, time and causality

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    Thomas eWidlok


    Full Text Available Cognitive Scientists interested in causal cognition increasingly search for evidence from non-WEIRD people but find only very few cross-cultural studies that specifically target causal cognition. This article suggests how information about causality can be retrieved from ethnographic monographs, specifically from ethnographies that discuss agency and concepts of time. Many apparent cultural differences with regard to causal cognition dissolve when cultural extensions of agency and personhood to non-humans are taken into account. At the same time considerable variability remains when we include notions of time, linearity and sequence. The article focuses on ethnographic case studies from Africa but provides a more general perspective on the role of ethnography in research on the diversity and universality of causal cognition.

  17. Causal boundary for strongly causal spacetimes: Pt. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Szabados, L.B.


    In a previous paper an analysis of the general structure of the causal boundary constructions and a new explicit identification rule, built up from elementary TIP-TIF gluings, were presented. In the present paper we complete our identification by incorporating TIP-TIP and TIF-TIF gluings as well. An asymptotic causality condition is found which, for physically important cases, ensures the uniqueness of the endpoints of the non-spacelike curves in the completed spacetime. (author)

  18. Structural Equations and Causal Explanations: Some Challenges for Causal SEM (United States)

    Markus, Keith A.


    One common application of structural equation modeling (SEM) involves expressing and empirically investigating causal explanations. Nonetheless, several aspects of causal explanation that have an impact on behavioral science methodology remain poorly understood. It remains unclear whether applications of SEM should attempt to provide complete…

  19. Competencias TIC del profesorado participante en los planes de formación gestionados por los Agentes Sociales: el Sindicato FETE-UGT


    Casal Otero, Lorena


    La Competencia en TIC se ha convertido en una competencia básica de los trabajadores de la sociedad del conocimiento. También, como no puede ser de otra forma, del profesorado. Esto implica la necesidad de formación en TIC. Esta formación llega a al profesorado a través de diferentes vías: formación inicial en la Universidad y la formación permanente a través de diferentes agentes de formación, el autoaprendizaje y el aprendizaje con otros. Nuestro trabajo indaga los usos de la...

  20. Rickettsia typhi in rodents and R. felis in fleas in Yucatán as a possible causal agent of undefined febrile cases. (United States)

    Peniche-Lara, Gaspar; Dzul-Rosado, Karla; Pérez-Osorio, Carlos; Zavala-Castro, Jorge


    Rickettsia typhi is the causal agent of murine typhus; a worldwide zoonotic and vector-borne infectious disease, commonly associated with the presence of domestic and wild rodents. Human cases of murine typhus in the state of Yucatán are frequent. However, there is no evidence of the presence of Rickettsia typhi in mammals or vectors in Yucatán. The presence of Rickettsia in rodents and their ectoparasites was evaluated in a small municipality of Yucatán using the conventional polymerase chain reaction technique and sequencing. The study only identified the presence of Rickettsia typhi in blood samples obtained from Rattus rattus and it reported, for the first time, the presence of R. felis in the flea Polygenis odiosus collected from Ototylomys phyllotis rodent. Additionally, Rickettsia felis was detected in the ectoparasite Ctenocephalides felis fleas parasitizing the wild rodent Peromyscus yucatanicus. This study's results contributed to a better knowledge of Rickettsia epidemiology in Yucatán.

  1. Aprendizajes significativos desde el juego, el arte y la literatura, “una experiencia estética del agente educativo de primera infancia”


    Upegui Monsalve, Giovanni Alexander; Díaz Marín, Hugo ALexander


    Tesis de grado (Maestría en Educación y Desarrollo Humano). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2015 Este proyecto de investigación se inscribe en la línea de ambientes educativos del CINDE, cohorte UMZ20, a partir del proceso de cualificación dado en el municipio de Bello (Antioquia), mediante el diplomado de Expresolandia “lugares para crear, expresar y compartir”, cualificación dada a 240 agentes educativos de primera infancia y, que culminó con el diseño ...

  2. Structure and Connectivity Analysis of Financial Complex System Based on G-Causality Network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Chuan-Ming; Yan Yan; Zhu Xiao-Wu; Li Xiao-Teng; Chen Xiao-Song


    The recent financial crisis highlights the inherent weaknesses of the financial market. To explore the mechanism that maintains the financial market as a system, we study the interactions of U.S. financial market from the network perspective. Applied with conditional Granger causality network analysis, network density, in-degree and out-degree rankings are important indicators to analyze the conditional causal relationships among financial agents, and further to assess the stability of U.S. financial systems. It is found that the topological structure of G-causality network in U.S. financial market changed in different stages over the last decade, especially during the recent global financial crisis. Network density of the G-causality model is much higher during the period of 2007–2009 crisis stage, and it reaches the peak value in 2008, the most turbulent time in the crisis. Ranked by in-degrees and out-degrees, insurance companies are listed in the top of 68 financial institutions during the crisis. They act as the hubs which are more easily influenced by other financial institutions and simultaneously influence others during the global financial disturbance. (interdisciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology)

  3. Estudios sobre el Marchitamiento Bacterial de la Arracacha (Arracacciaxanthoriza Causado por Erwiniasp.

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    Zapata G. Mario A.


    Full Text Available Durante el segundo semestre de 1973 se efectuó una investigación tendiente a determinar la naturaleza de un marchitamiento que afecta desde hace algunos años los cultivos de arracacha (Arracacciaxantboriza en el Oriente antioqueño. Tanto los aislamientos hechos a partir de las plantas afectadas, como los reaislamientos hechos a partir de las plantas inoculadas, así como las pruebas fisiológicas para la caracterización del agente causal, se realizaron en el laboratorio de Fitopatología de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas de la Universidad Nacional en Medellín. Las inoculaciones y observaciones de patogenicidad se realizaron en el invernadero de Fitopatología del C.N.I.A. Tulio Ospina del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, ICA. Mediante la aplicación de los postulados de Koch se determinó como agente causal de la enfermedad a una bacteria del género Erwinia. Los métodos de inoculación empleados permitieron concluir que la bacteria penetra en el susceptivo a través del sistema radicular en condiciones naturales. /Abstract. During the second semester of 1973 a research was carried out in order to determine the nature of a wilting which has been observed for several years on arracacha crops (Arracacciazantboriza in East Antioquia. lsolations from the affected plants, reisolations from the plants inoculated, and physiological tests to characterize the causal agent were carried out in the Plant Pathology Laboratory, Facultad de CienciasAgrícolas, Universidad Nacional, Medellín. lnoculations and observations on pathogenicity were carried out in a greenhouse of the TulioOspina Experiment Station, I.C.A.. Medellin. By applying the Koch's postulates it was determined the bacterium Erwinia as the causal agent of the disease. The inoculation methods used made possible to conclude that the pathogen penetrates through the root system of the susceptive plant under natural conditions.

  4. Seguimiento del paciente asmático: qué debe saber el farmacéutico comunitario

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    Plaza Zamora J


    Full Text Available El asma tiene una prevalencia de entre un 1 y un 18% dependiendo del país. En el proceso de atención al paciente, y a través de los síntomas que presenta (disnea, tos, sibilancias, opresión torácica, el farmacéutico comunitario puede hacer educación sanitaria para evitar los agentes causales del asma, sobre cómo usar el dispositivo de inhalación prescrito por el médico, explicar al paciente su medicación, cómo es su tratamiento para conocer mejor su enfermedad, qué signos y síntomas denotan una falta de control de la misma, qué métodos se pueden usar para monitorizar la evolución del asma, detectar una posible falta de efectividad del tratamiento por tener sintomatología a pesar de estar usando adecuadamente el dispositivo de inhalación, sospechar que exista algún medicamento causante del asma, repasar el resto de medicación que usa por si existieran interacciones que afectaran tanto a la efectividad como a la seguridad del tratamiento. Existe un importante infradiagnóstico del asma, un 57,5% según el ECRHS (siglas del inglés European Community Respiratory Health Survey. En la farmacia comunitaria se puede hacer cribado de la enfermedad con la ayuda de cuestionarios validados en niños y no validados en adultos. Mediante la presente revisión se pretende ofrecer al farmacéutico comunitario una herramienta práctica para su labor diaria de atención al paciente asmático.

  5. Combining human and machine intelligence to derive agents' behavioral rules for groundwater irrigation (United States)

    Hu, Yao; Quinn, Christopher J.; Cai, Ximing; Garfinkle, Noah W.


    For agent-based modeling, the major challenges in deriving agents' behavioral rules arise from agents' bounded rationality and data scarcity. This study proposes a "gray box" approach to address the challenge by incorporating expert domain knowledge (i.e., human intelligence) with machine learning techniques (i.e., machine intelligence). Specifically, we propose using directed information graph (DIG), boosted regression trees (BRT), and domain knowledge to infer causal factors and identify behavioral rules from data. A case study is conducted to investigate farmers' pumping behavior in the Midwest, U.S.A. Results show that four factors identified by the DIG algorithm- corn price, underlying groundwater level, monthly mean temperature and precipitation- have main causal influences on agents' decisions on monthly groundwater irrigation depth. The agent-based model is then developed based on the behavioral rules represented by three DIGs and modeled by BRTs, and coupled with a physically-based groundwater model to investigate the impacts of agents' pumping behavior on the underlying groundwater system in the context of coupled human and environmental systems.

  6. Causality discovery technology (United States)

    Chen, M.; Ertl, T.; Jirotka, M.; Trefethen, A.; Schmidt, A.; Coecke, B.; Bañares-Alcántara, R.


    Causality is the fabric of our dynamic world. We all make frequent attempts to reason causation relationships of everyday events (e.g., what was the cause of my headache, or what has upset Alice?). We attempt to manage causality all the time through planning and scheduling. The greatest scientific discoveries are usually about causality (e.g., Newton found the cause for an apple to fall, and Darwin discovered natural selection). Meanwhile, we continue to seek a comprehensive understanding about the causes of numerous complex phenomena, such as social divisions, economic crisis, global warming, home-grown terrorism, etc. Humans analyse and reason causality based on observation, experimentation and acquired a priori knowledge. Today's technologies enable us to make observations and carry out experiments in an unprecedented scale that has created data mountains everywhere. Whereas there are exciting opportunities to discover new causation relationships, there are also unparalleled challenges to benefit from such data mountains. In this article, we present a case for developing a new piece of ICT, called Causality Discovery Technology. We reason about the necessity, feasibility and potential impact of such a technology.

  7. Uso de la evaluación en un contexto de múltiples agentes: el caso del plan de desarrollo rural del país vasco (en el marco de la UE

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    María Ángeles Díez López


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza la utilización de los resultados y del proceso seguido en la evaluación de un programa de desarrollo rural basada en un enfoque participativo. Para ello, se utiliza la experiencia de la Evaluación Intermedia del Plan de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible del País Vasco 2000-2006. La premisa fundamental del equipo evaluador es que la participación incrementa la utilización de la evaluación, favoreciendo su uso en el diseño y en la toma de decisiones. El artículo se estructura en dos partes fundamentales: la primera de ellas describe la adecuación del modelo de evaluación participativa a los intereses y propósitos de nuestra evaluación. La segunda parte examina el impacto que este modelo de evaluación tuvo sobre el uso de sus hallazgos y recomendaciones. Esta valoración permitió extraer lecciones que pueden ayudar a reforzar el uso de la evaluación en contextos donde participan múltiples agentes, favoreciendo así el desarrollo de la gobernanza.

  8. Reasoning with Causal Cycles (United States)

    Rehder, Bob


    This article assesses how people reason with categories whose features are related in causal cycles. Whereas models based on causal graphical models (CGMs) have enjoyed success modeling category-based judgments as well as a number of other cognitive phenomena, CGMs are only able to represent causal structures that are acyclic. A number of new…

  9. Causal Factors for The Adoption Innovation Teacher’s Tv for Teachersand Educational Personnel

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    Thanadol Phuseerit


    aire for the experts to examine the causal factors for the adoption innovation teacher’s TV for teachers and education personnel model by focus groups, 4 questionnaire to confirm the causal factors to an innovation teacher’s TV model for teachers and educational personnel Committee of the teacher’s TV, 5 the causal factor for the adoption innovation teacher’s TV for teachers and education personnel model, 6 evaluation form of the causal factor for the adoption of the innovation teacher’s TV for teachers and education personnel model from the specialists. The research results were: 1 The causal factors for the adoption innovation teacher’s TV for Teachers and educational personnel Model. Elements and factors are as follows: 1.1 Elements of the causes and factors of innovation teacher’s TV. Teachers and educational personnel The Review of literature and semi-structured questionnaire, interviewing Collecting quality data from in-depth interviews with a total 9 causal as fallow: (1 Characteristics of innovation, included: relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Trial ability, Observable (2 Communication Channels, included: interpersonal communication, the media as press, radio, television, communication specialized media (3 Innovation-Decision Process, included: Knowledge, Persuasion, Decision, Implementation, Confirmation (4 Economy and Social System, include: compensation and benefits. Social interaction, (5 Attitude, included: understanding the emotions, behavior (6 Motivation, included: Intrinsic motivation. External motivation (7 Support of Administrator, include: support for innovation, the budget support and materials, Academic support (8 Change agent, included: knowledge and ability, Skill-oriented capabilities Ability attitude (9 Opinion Leaders, included: access to others easily, Creative and 1element of the Adoption of the Innovation: TTV, included: the perceived ease of use, and Perceived benefits. The model’s validity of the consistency

  10. Structure and Strength in Causal Induction (United States)

    Griffiths, Thomas L.; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.


    We present a framework for the rational analysis of elemental causal induction--learning about the existence of a relationship between a single cause and effect--based upon causal graphical models. This framework makes precise the distinction between causal structure and causal strength: the difference between asking whether a causal relationship…

  11. Regression to Causality : Regression-style presentation influences causal attribution

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bordacconi, Mats Joe; Larsen, Martin Vinæs


    of equivalent results presented as either regression models or as a test of two sample means. Our experiment shows that the subjects who were presented with results as estimates from a regression model were more inclined to interpret these results causally. Our experiment implies that scholars using regression...... models – one of the primary vehicles for analyzing statistical results in political science – encourage causal interpretation. Specifically, we demonstrate that presenting observational results in a regression model, rather than as a simple comparison of means, makes causal interpretation of the results...... more likely. Our experiment drew on a sample of 235 university students from three different social science degree programs (political science, sociology and economics), all of whom had received substantial training in statistics. The subjects were asked to compare and evaluate the validity...

  12. Factores causales en las complicaciones de estomas intestinales en cirugía de emergencia. Hospital Luis Vernaza, 2013.


    Morán Mancero, María Cristina


    El estoma intestinal es una apertura del intestino en la superficie del abdomen. Las estadísticas según diversos autores indica que hay aproximadamente unas 32.000 personas ostomizadas, de las cuales el 75% presentan una colostomía y el 10% una ileostomía. Objetivo:Determinar los factores causales en las complicaciones tempranas y tardías de los estomas intestinales en la cirugía de emergencia.Metodología:Estudio de tipo Retrospectivo, Observacional, Transversal, de nivel Descriptivo y diseño...

  13. Atribuições causais e nível educativo familiar na compreensão do desempenho escolar em alunos portugueses Atribuciones causales y nivel educativo familiar en la comprensión del desempeño escolar en alumnos portugueses Causal attributions and educational level of the family in understanding school performance in Portuguese students

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    Lúcia C. Miranda


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa o contributo específico do nível educativo familiar e das atribuições causais para o bom e fraco rendimento escolar dos alunos na explicação do seu desempenho nas disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e de Matemática numa amostra de 2.082 alunos do ensino público de 11 escolas de Portugal, incluindo as Regiões Autónomas dos Açores e da Madeira. As atribuições causais foram avaliadas por meio do Questionário das Atribuições Causais para os Resultados Escolares (QARE. O nível educativo familiar foi estimado levando em conta o nível escolar do progenitor com maior habilitação escolar. As classificações obtidas pelos alunos nas disciplinas de língua portuguesa e matemática foram também examinadas. Os resultados apontam para correlações estatisticamente significativas, destacando as atribuições na capacidade para a explicação do rendimento escolar, situação que contrasta com a atribuição dos níveis de rendimento a variáveis externas ao aluno. A análise de regressão permite associar 34,5% da variância no rendimento conjunto em Língua Portuguesa e em Matemática no ensino básico, assim como 21,3% no ensino secundário, às dimensões atribucionais e ao nível educativo familiar. Implicações educacionais são derivadas a partir dos achados.Este artículo analiza la contribución específica del nivel educativo familiar y de las atribuciones causales para el buen y el flaco rendimiento escolar de los alumnos en la explicación de su desempeño en las disciplinas de Lengua Portuguesa y Matemáticas en una muestra de 2.082 alumnos de enseñanza pública de 11 escuelas de Portugal, incluyendo las Regiones Autónomas de Açores y Madeira. Las atribuciones causales fueron evaluadas por medio del "Questionário das Atribuições Causais para os Resultados Escolares" (QARE. El nivel educativo familiar fue estimado teniendo en cuenta el nivel escolar del progenitor con mayor habilitación escolar. Las

  14. El timerosal y las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil


    Luis Maya; Flora Luna


    Se evalúa la relación causal entre el timerosal (etilmercurio), como preservante en las vacunas pediátricas, y el incremento de casos de enfermedades del neurodesarrollo infantil, como consecuencia de la ampliación de los esquemas de inmunización. Se revisó la información científica, relacionando el timerosal y las evidencias que permitan evaluar una posible asociación causal, con estudios epidemiológicos, ecológicos, biomoleculares y toxicológicos, de bioseguridad, toxicológicos fetales y so...

  15. Development of Nested-PCR Assay to Detect Acidovorax citrulli, a Causal Agent of Bacterial Fruit Blotch at Cucurbitaceae

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    Young-Tak Kim


    Full Text Available The specific and sensitive nested-PCR method to detect Acidovorax citrulli, a causal agent of bacterial fruit blotch on cucurbitaceae, was developed. PCR primers were designed from the draft genome sequence which was obtained with the Next Generation Sequencing of A. citrulli KACC10651, and the nested-PCR primer set (Ac-ORF 21F/Ac-ORF 21R were selected by checking of specificity to A. citrulli with PCR assays. The selected nested-PCR primer amplified the 140 bp DNA only from A. citrulli strains, and detection sensitivity of the nested PCR increased 10,000 times of 1st PCR detection limit (10 ng genomic DNA/PCR. The nested PCR detected A. citrulli from the all samples of seed surface wash (external seed detection of the artificially inoculated watermelon seeds with 101 cfu/ml and above population of A. citrulli while the nested PCR could not detected A. citrulli from the mashed seed suspension (internal seed detection of the all artificially inoculated watermelon seeds. When the naturally infested watermelon seeds (10% seed infested rate with grow-out test used, the nested PCR detected A. citrulli from 2 seed samples out of 10 replication samples externally and 5 seed samples out of 10 replication samples internally. We believe that the nested-PCR developed in this study will be useful method to detect A. citrulli from the Cucurbitaceae seeds.

  16. Causality and headache triggers (United States)

    Turner, Dana P.; Smitherman, Todd A.; Martin, Vincent T.; Penzien, Donald B.; Houle, Timothy T.


    Objective The objective of this study was to explore the conditions necessary to assign causal status to headache triggers. Background The term “headache trigger” is commonly used to label any stimulus that is assumed to cause headaches. However, the assumptions required for determining if a given stimulus in fact has a causal-type relationship in eliciting headaches have not been explicated. Methods A synthesis and application of Rubin’s Causal Model is applied to the context of headache causes. From this application the conditions necessary to infer that one event (trigger) causes another (headache) are outlined using basic assumptions and examples from relevant literature. Results Although many conditions must be satisfied for a causal attribution, three basic assumptions are identified for determining causality in headache triggers: 1) constancy of the sufferer; 2) constancy of the trigger effect; and 3) constancy of the trigger presentation. A valid evaluation of a potential trigger’s effect can only be undertaken once these three basic assumptions are satisfied during formal or informal studies of headache triggers. Conclusions Evaluating these assumptions is extremely difficult or infeasible in clinical practice, and satisfying them during natural experimentation is unlikely. Researchers, practitioners, and headache sufferers are encouraged to avoid natural experimentation to determine the causal effects of headache triggers. Instead, formal experimental designs or retrospective diary studies using advanced statistical modeling techniques provide the best approaches to satisfy the required assumptions and inform causal statements about headache triggers. PMID:23534872

  17. Morphological and molecular identification of Fusarium tricinctum and Fusarium acuminatum as causal agents of garlic bulbs rot in Serbia

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    Ignjatov Maja V.


    Full Text Available Garlic (Allium sativum L. is considered to be one of the oldest crops in the world. During 2016, infected garlic bulbs occurred in storages on several localities of the Province of Vojvodina. Symptomatic cloves showed typical rot symptoms such as softened and spongy areas covered with white fungal growth with deep lesions formed on the cloves which became dry over time. A total of 36 isolates of Fusarium species were obtained from diseased cloves of garlic. Colony morphology and microscopic properties of isolated Fusarium species were recorded from the cultures grown on PDA and CLA, respectively. Identification of two chosen isolates was performed by sequencing the EF-1α gene. The TEF sequence of isolate JBL12 showed 100% similarity with several F. tricinctum sequences and sequence of JBL539 showed 99% identity with several F. acuminatum sequences and they were deposited in the NCBI GenBank. Based on the results of the morphological and molecular identification, isolates JBL12 and JBL539 were identified as F. tricinctum and F. acuminatum, respectively, as new causal agents of garlic bulbs rot in Serbia. Specific primers were designed for the PCR identification of the F. tricinctum. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. TR31030

  18. A Causal Model of Career Development and Quality of Life of College Students with Disabilities (United States)

    Chun, Jina


    Researchers have assumed that social cognitive factors play significant roles in the career development of transition youth and young adults with disabilities and those without disabilities. However, research on the influence of the career decision-making process as a primary causal agent in one's psychosocial outcomes such as perceived level of…

  19. Viscous causal cosmologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novello, M.; Salim, J.M.; Torres, J.; Oliveira, H.P. de


    A set of spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmological geometries generated by a class of non-perfect is investigated fluids. The irreversibility if this system is studied in the context of causal thermodynamics which provides a useful mechanism to conform to the non-violation of the causal principle. (author) [pt

  20. Dynamics of Quantum Causal Structures (United States)

    Castro-Ruiz, Esteban; Giacomini, Flaminia; Brukner, Časlav


    It was recently suggested that causal structures are both dynamical, because of general relativity, and indefinite, because of quantum theory. The process matrix formalism furnishes a framework for quantum mechanics on indefinite causal structures, where the order between operations of local laboratories is not definite (e.g., one cannot say whether operation in laboratory A occurs before or after operation in laboratory B ). Here, we develop a framework for "dynamics of causal structures," i.e., for transformations of process matrices into process matrices. We show that, under continuous and reversible transformations, the causal order between operations is always preserved. However, the causal order between a subset of operations can be changed under continuous yet nonreversible transformations. An explicit example is that of the quantum switch, where a party in the past affects the causal order of operations of future parties, leading to a transition from a channel from A to B , via superposition of causal orders, to a channel from B to A . We generalize our framework to construct a hierarchy of quantum maps based on transformations of process matrices and transformations thereof.

  1. Causal inference based on counterfactuals

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    Höfler M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The counterfactual or potential outcome model has become increasingly standard for causal inference in epidemiological and medical studies. Discussion This paper provides an overview on the counterfactual and related approaches. A variety of conceptual as well as practical issues when estimating causal effects are reviewed. These include causal interactions, imperfect experiments, adjustment for confounding, time-varying exposures, competing risks and the probability of causation. It is argued that the counterfactual model of causal effects captures the main aspects of causality in health sciences and relates to many statistical procedures. Summary Counterfactuals are the basis of causal inference in medicine and epidemiology. Nevertheless, the estimation of counterfactual differences pose several difficulties, primarily in observational studies. These problems, however, reflect fundamental barriers only when learning from observations, and this does not invalidate the counterfactual concept.

  2. The argumentative impact of causal relations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Ellerup


    such as causality, explanation and justification. In certain types of discourse, causal relations also imply an intentional element. This paper describes the way in which the semantic and pragmatic functions of causal markers can be accounted for in terms of linguistic and rhetorical theories of argumentation.......The semantic relations between and within utterances are marked by the use of connectors and adverbials. One type of semantic relations is causal relations expressed by causal markers such as because, therefore, so, for, etc. Some of these markers cover different types of causal relations...

  3. Entropy for theories with indefinite causal structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markes, Sonia; Hardy, Lucien


    Any theory with definite causal structure has a defined past and future, be it defined by light cones or an absolute time scale. Entropy is a concept that has traditionally been reliant on a definite notion of causality. However, without a definite notion of causality, the concept of entropy is not all lost. Indefinite causal structure results from combining probabilistic predictions and dynamical space-time. The causaloid framework lays the mathematical groundwork to be able to treat indefinite causal structure. In this paper, we build on the causaloid mathematics and define a causally-unbiased entropy for an indefinite causal structure. In defining a causally-unbiased entropy, there comes about an emergent idea of causality in the form of a measure of causal connectedness, termed the Q factor.

  4. Dynamics of Quantum Causal Structures

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    Esteban Castro-Ruiz


    Full Text Available It was recently suggested that causal structures are both dynamical, because of general relativity, and indefinite, because of quantum theory. The process matrix formalism furnishes a framework for quantum mechanics on indefinite causal structures, where the order between operations of local laboratories is not definite (e.g., one cannot say whether operation in laboratory A occurs before or after operation in laboratory B. Here, we develop a framework for “dynamics of causal structures,” i.e., for transformations of process matrices into process matrices. We show that, under continuous and reversible transformations, the causal order between operations is always preserved. However, the causal order between a subset of operations can be changed under continuous yet nonreversible transformations. An explicit example is that of the quantum switch, where a party in the past affects the causal order of operations of future parties, leading to a transition from a channel from A to B, via superposition of causal orders, to a channel from B to A. We generalize our framework to construct a hierarchy of quantum maps based on transformations of process matrices and transformations thereof.

  5. Effect of Acacia raddiana extracts on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis, the causal agent of Bayoud

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    Noureddine BOULENOUAR


    Full Text Available In the present study, a medicinal plant from algerian Sahara (South-West of Algeria, Acacia raddiana has been used (leaves, bark to evaluate its extracts (reflux extraction with four solvents: methanol, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, hexane on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis (Foa. The Foa is the causal agent of the most dangerous disease of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.. The preliminary evaluation has been realized by agar diffusion technique and virulence test on potato tuber tissues. The extracts that present an inhibition or decrease the relative virulence (RV below 50% undergo phytochemical screening and direct bioautography. The bioautography has been used to localize the antifungal activity on the chromatogram and study the correlation with phytochemical screening data. Among eight extracts, five has been chosen for phytochemical screening and bioautography (2 leaves extracts and 3 bark extracts. Only six tests among 32 (22.58% present a detectable effect. The best effect is related to bark extract with ethyl acetate (inhibition diameter: 18mm, which is a moderate effect. Some extracts show an increase in RV. On the other hand, others decrease the RV. The best effect on RV is presented by hexanic extract of bark (RV=48%. The phytochemical screening highlighted the presence of flavonoids, tannins, coumarins and alkaloids in the studied plant. The direct bioautography has demonstrated no detectable effect. According to realized analyses, we can conclude that this species contains bioactive substances on Foa but need more precise analyses. The reason is simple, in addition to synergy principle in the crude extracts; the quantity of these metabolites is low compared to the detection level.

  6. Infeccion urinaria temprana en trasplante renal: Factores de riesgo y efecto en la sobrevida del injerto Early urinary tract infection in kidney transplantation: Risk factors and impact on graft sur-vival

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    Pablo A. Cepeda


    Full Text Available La infección urinariatemprana del injerto (IUTI, definida como infección urinaria sintomática en los primeros 3 meses del trasplante, su efecto sobre la sobrevida del injerto y los factores de riesgo han sido poco estudiados. Los objetivos del presente análisis fueron conocer factores de riesgo para IUTI, analizar agentes causantes e impacto en la sobrevida del injerto. En forma retrospectiva se analizaron pacientes que recibieron trasplante renal durante 1997-2000 en el Hospital Privado - Centro Médico de Córdoba. Se dividió en dos grupos de pacientes, según presencia (grupo IUTI o ausencia (grupo control de IUTI. Los factores de riesgo se analizaron con el modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox y la sobrevida del injerto con el método de Kaplan-Meier. Recibieron trasplante renal 226 pacientes consecutivos. La IUTI se presentó en 55 (24.3%. Factores de riesgo asociados con IUTI: antecedentes de maniobras urológicas invasivas (RR=4.34, IC 95% 1.42-13.21, diabetes mellitus (RR=3.79, IC 95% 1.42-10.14, infección por citomegalovirus (RR=2.9, IC 95% 1.02-8.24 y antecedente de trasplante previo (RR=2.83, IC 95% 1.08-7.45. El retardo en la función del injerto (RR=0.38, IC 95% 0.15-0.94 se asoció con menor incidencia de IUTI. Agentes más frecuentes: Klebsiella pneumoniae (36%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (24% y Escherichia coli (9%. La sobrevida del injerto a los 2 años en el grupo IUTI (87.2% no fue diferente del control (81.2%, P = 0.32. En esta serie las maniobras urológicas invasivas fueron el principal factor de riesgo asociado a IUTI. No hubo disminución de la sobrevida del injerto asociada a IUTI. La alta prevalencia de uropatógenos no coli requiere mayor evaluación.The early urinary tract infection (EUTI in kidney transplant recipients is an infection develop during the first 3 months post transplant surgery. The effect of EUTI on graft survival and risk factors have been scarcely studied. Our objetives were the evaluation of

  7. The Host-Agent-Environment Concept of Accidents. (United States)

    Phillips, Don

    Background information is presented to indicate that accidents are an environmental health problem. While accidents are seldom thought to be a disease process, in many ways there are remarkable similarities--not only in terms of causal relationships, but also in preventive aspects. These parallels are described in terms of host-agent-environment…

  8. Causal inference in public health. (United States)

    Glass, Thomas A; Goodman, Steven N; Hernán, Miguel A; Samet, Jonathan M


    Causal inference has a central role in public health; the determination that an association is causal indicates the possibility for intervention. We review and comment on the long-used guidelines for interpreting evidence as supporting a causal association and contrast them with the potential outcomes framework that encourages thinking in terms of causes that are interventions. We argue that in public health this framework is more suitable, providing an estimate of an action's consequences rather than the less precise notion of a risk factor's causal effect. A variety of modern statistical methods adopt this approach. When an intervention cannot be specified, causal relations can still exist, but how to intervene to change the outcome will be unclear. In application, the often-complex structure of causal processes needs to be acknowledged and appropriate data collected to study them. These newer approaches need to be brought to bear on the increasingly complex public health challenges of our globalized world.

  9. Putting a cap on causality violations in causal dynamical triangulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ambjoern, Jan; Loll, Renate; Westra, Willem; Zohren, Stefan


    The formalism of causal dynamical triangulations (CDT) provides us with a non-perturbatively defined model of quantum gravity, where the sum over histories includes only causal space-time histories. Path integrals of CDT and their continuum limits have been studied in two, three and four dimensions. Here we investigate a generalization of the two-dimensional CDT model, where the causality constraint is partially lifted by introducing branching points with a weight g s , and demonstrate that the system can be solved analytically in the genus-zero sector. The solution is analytic in a neighborhood around weight g s = 0 and cannot be analytically continued to g s = ∞, where the branching is entirely geometric and where one would formally recover standard Euclidean two-dimensional quantum gravity defined via dynamical triangulations or Liouville theory


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.


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    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  12. Causality Statistical Perspectives and Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Berzuini, Carlo; Bernardinell, Luisa


    A state of the art volume on statistical causality Causality: Statistical Perspectives and Applications presents a wide-ranging collection of seminal contributions by renowned experts in the field, providing a thorough treatment of all aspects of statistical causality. It covers the various formalisms in current use, methods for applying them to specific problems, and the special requirements of a range of examples from medicine, biology and economics to political science. This book:Provides a clear account and comparison of formal languages, concepts and models for statistical causality. Addr

  13. Resistencia inducida a la enfermedad del añublo de la panícula del arroz inoculando bacterias endofíticas

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    Manuel José Peláez Pelaez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto antagónico de las bacterias endófitas aisladas de porciones de hojas, tallos y raíces de plantas de arroz completamente sanas, contra la bacteria patogénica Burkholderia glumae (Kurita & Tabei, 1967, agente causal   de la enfermedad del añublo bacterial de la panícula. Se obtuvieron 24 aislamientos en total de bacterias endófitas que fueron evaluadas mediante la técnica de enfrentamiento de cultivos duales, en condiciones de laboratorio, posteriormente se realizaron las inoculaciones de la solución bacteriana en condiciones de campo para evaluar el efecto antagónico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que sólo dos cepas bacterianas presentaron actividad antagónica contra B. glumae las cuales fueron identificadas mediante caracterización bioquímica, de los bioensayos realizados a nivel de laboratorio y en campo. Por tanto, hubo una mejor expresión de las bacterias antagónicas bajo condiciones controladas en el laboratorio comparado con los ensayos realizados en campo

  14. A frequency domain subspace algorithm for mixed causal, anti-causal LTI systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fraanje, Rufus; Verhaegen, Michel; Verdult, Vincent; Pintelon, Rik


    The paper extends the subspacc identification method to estimate state-space models from frequency response function (FRF) samples, proposed by McKelvey et al. (1996) for mixed causal/anti-causal systems, and shows that other frequency domain subspace algorithms can be extended similarly. The method

  15. Aspectos moleculares del virus de la parvovirosis canina y sus implicaciones en la enfermedad

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    César A. Díaz R.


    Full Text Available El parvovirus canino tipo 2 (CPV-2 es el agente causal de una enfermedad infecto-contagiosa que produce una gastroenteritis aguda hemorrágica que afecta a caninos jóvenes. El CPV-2 se adaptó a la especie canina por mutación del virus de la Panleucopenia felina (FPV luego de su paso por animales silvestres como el hurón y los zorros. La alta variabilidad de la proteína viral 2 (VP2 es la causa principal del amplio rango de hospedadores y de las reacciones cruzadas entre las variantes. En la actualidad, la secuenciación de esta proteína ha permitido identificar tres variantes del virus conocidas como 2a, 2b y 2c que conviven en el mundo con diferencias en tropismo celular, infecciocidad y patogenicidad. El virus ssADN ha presentado una gran variación génica en cortos períodos de tiempo lo que indica un alto grado de selección por evolución sólo comparable con virus RN, esta alta variabilidad no se ha aclarado totalmente. El empleo de las técnicas moleculares permitirá diferenciar entre cepas vacunales y de campo, tanto como contar con técnicas diagnósticas confiables y específicas.

  16. Aislamiento, identificación y daños asociados al síndrome de la muerte súbita en el cultivo de soja en Argentina


    Scandiani, María Mercedes; Carmona, Marcelo Aníbal; Luque, Alicia Graciela; Matos, Kedma da Silva; Lenzi, Lisandro; Formento, Ángela Norma; Martinez, Cristina Valeria; Ferri, Mónica Raquel; Lo Piccolo, Melina; Tartabini, Mirta; Alvarez, Diego; Sautua, Francisco


    Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron aislar e identificar los agentes causales del síndrome de la muerte súbita (SMS) en muestras provenientes de diferentes localidades de Argentina, y cuantificar la incidencia de la enfermedad y los daños causados a campo en el rendimiento. Se analizaron 215 raíces provenientes de plantas con síntoma foliares típicos de SMS para el aislamiento e identificación de los agentes causales. Para realizar las pruebas de patogenicidad se efectuaron dos bioensayos en...

  17. The Functions of Danish Causal Conjunctions

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    Rita Therkelsen


    Full Text Available In the article I propose an analysis of the Danish causal conjunctions fordi, siden and for based on the framework of Danish Functional Grammar. As conjunctions they relate two clauses, and their semantics have in common that it indicates a causal relationship between the clauses. The causal conjunctions are different as far as their distribution is concerned; siden conjoins a subordinate clause and a main clause, for conjoins two main clauses, and fordi is able to do both. Methodologically I have based my analysis on these distributional properties comparing siden and fordi conjoining a subordinate and a main clause, and comparing for and fordi conjoining two main clauses, following the thesis that they would establish a causal relationship between different kinds of content. My main findings are that fordi establishes a causal relationship between the events referred to by the two clauses, and the whole utterance functions as a statement of this causal relationship. Siden presupposes such a general causal relationship between the two events and puts forward the causing event as a reason for assuming or wishing or ordering the caused event, siden thus establishes a causal relationship between an event and a speech act. For equally presupposes a general causal relationship between two events and it establishes a causal relationship between speech acts, and fordi conjoining two main clauses is able to do this too, but in this position it also maintains its event-relating ability, the interpretation depending on contextual factors.

  18. Space and time in perceptual causality

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    Benjamin Straube


    Full Text Available Inferring causality is a fundamental feature of human cognition that allows us to theorize about and predict future states of the world. Michotte suggested that humans automatically perceive causality based on certain perceptual features of events. However, individual differences in judgments of perceptual causality cast doubt on Michotte’s view. To gain insights in the neural basis of individual difference in the perception of causality, our participants judged causal relationships in animations of a blue ball colliding with a red ball (a launching event while fMRI-data were acquired. Spatial continuity and temporal contiguity were varied parametrically in these stimuli. We did not find consistent brain activation differences between trials judged as caused and those judged as non-caused, making it unlikely that humans have universal instantiation of perceptual causality in the brain. However, participants were slower to respond to and showed greater neural activity for violations of causality, suggesting that humans are biased to expect causal relationships when moving objects appear to interact. Our participants demonstrated considerable individual differences in their sensitivity to spatial and temporal characteristics in perceiving causality. These qualitative differences in sensitivity to time or space in perceiving causality were instantiated in individual differences in activation of the left basal ganglia or right parietal lobe, respectively. Thus, the perception that the movement of one object causes the movement of another is triggered by elemental spatial and temporal sensitivities, which themselves are instantiated in specific distinct neural networks.

  19. Indicators of causal agency in physical interactions: the role of the prior context. (United States)

    Mayrhofer, Ralf; Waldmann, Michael R


    The question how agent and patient roles are assigned to causal participants has largely been neglected in the psychological literature on force dynamics. Inspired by the linguistic theory of Dowty (1991), we propose that agency attributions are based on a prototype concept of human intervention. We predicted that the number of criteria a participant in a causal interaction shares with this prototype determines the strength of agency intuitions. We showed in two experiments using versions of Michotte's (1963) launching scenarios that agency intuitions were moderated by manipulations of the context prior to the launching event. Altering features, such as relative movement, sequence of visibility, and self-propelled motion, tended to increase agency attributions to the participant that is normally viewed as patient in the standard scenario. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. In vitro Antagonistic Mechanisms of Trichoderma spp. and Talaromyces flavus to Control Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici the Causal Agent of Wheat Take-all Disease

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    Seddighe Mohammadi


    Full Text Available Wheat take-all disease caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici has recently been detected in different regions of Iran. With respect to biocontrol effect of Trichoderma spp. on many pathogenic fungi, seven isolates of Trichoderma and four isolates of Talaromyces were in vitro evaluated in terms of their biological control against the disease causal agent. In dual culture test the five isolates showed efficient competition for colonization against pathogenic fungus and the highest percentages of inhibition belonging to Talaromyces flavus 60 and Talaromyces flavus 136 were 59.52 and 57.61%, respectively. Microscopic investigations showed that in regions where antagonistic isolates and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici coincide, hyphal contact, penetration and fragmentation of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici were observed. Investigating the effect of volatile and non-volatile compounds at 10 ml concentration showed that the highest inhibition percentage on mycelium growth of the pathogen caused by T. harzianum (44.76% and T. longibrachiatum (52.38% respectively.

  1. Causal inference in nonlinear systems: Granger causality versus time-delayed mutual information (United States)

    Li, Songting; Xiao, Yanyang; Zhou, Douglas; Cai, David


    The Granger causality (GC) analysis has been extensively applied to infer causal interactions in dynamical systems arising from economy and finance, physics, bioinformatics, neuroscience, social science, and many other fields. In the presence of potential nonlinearity in these systems, the validity of the GC analysis in general is questionable. To illustrate this, here we first construct minimal nonlinear systems and show that the GC analysis fails to infer causal relations in these systems—it gives rise to all types of incorrect causal directions. In contrast, we show that the time-delayed mutual information (TDMI) analysis is able to successfully identify the direction of interactions underlying these nonlinear systems. We then apply both methods to neuroscience data collected from experiments and demonstrate that the TDMI analysis but not the GC analysis can identify the direction of interactions among neuronal signals. Our work exemplifies inference hazards in the GC analysis in nonlinear systems and suggests that the TDMI analysis can be an appropriate tool in such a case.

  2. Mantenimiento y conservación de edificios: agentes que intervienen en la gestión y explotación del parque inmobiliario

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    García Navarro, Justo


    Full Text Available During the last two decades, and specially at the end of the eighties and the beginning of the nineties, the professional specialization in building maintenance, and also the concept of "Integral Maintenance", were both developed in Spain. There are not many new contributions in this field. In most cases, techniques and ideas implanted and used in countries with higher real estate culture and tradition were imported. This paper is based on the conclusions of a conference celebrated last year in the "Fundación Cultural COAM" of the Architects Association of Madrid, and it was included in a Course of Specialization in Building Maintenance. Different agents involved in building management were discussed as well as the basis of the "Integral Maintenance" It would be necessary to say that the structural, finishing materials and facilities aspects have not deep analyzed, because of they were separately studied in other conferences of the mentioned Course.

    Durante las dos últimas décadas y especialmente en los últimos años ochenta y primeros de los noventa, la especialización profesional en el campo del mantenimiento y conservación de los edificios, así como la implantación del concepto de "mantenimiento integral " del inmueble, se han desarrollado en España de una manera clara y progresiva. No se han realizado muchas aportaciones originales, sino que en la mayoría de los casos se han extrapolado técnicas y planteamientos ya contrastados en otros países con una mayor cultura y tradición inmobiliarias. Este artículo -que surge como conclusiones de una conferencia impartida en el Curso de Especialización en Mantenimiento y Conservación de Edificios, celebrado por la Fundación Cultural COAM del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid el pasado año-, se abordan distintos agentes que intervienen en la gestión y explotación de un inmueble, y su tratamiento de manera conjunta, como base del "mantenimiento integral”. Conviene

  3. Paradoxical Behavior of Granger Causality (United States)

    Witt, Annette; Battaglia, Demian; Gail, Alexander


    Granger causality is a standard tool for the description of directed interaction of network components and is popular in many scientific fields including econometrics, neuroscience and climate science. For time series that can be modeled as bivariate auto-regressive processes we analytically derive an expression for spectrally decomposed Granger Causality (SDGC) and show that this quantity depends only on two out of four groups of model parameters. Then we present examples of such processes whose SDGC expose paradoxical behavior in the sense that causality is high for frequency ranges with low spectral power. For avoiding misinterpretations of Granger causality analysis we propose to complement it by partial spectral analysis. Our findings are illustrated by an example from brain electrophysiology. Finally, we draw implications for the conventional definition of Granger causality. Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Goettingen

  4. On causality of extreme events

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    Massimiliano Zanin


    Full Text Available Multiple metrics have been developed to detect causality relations between data describing the elements constituting complex systems, all of them considering their evolution through time. Here we propose a metric able to detect causality within static data sets, by analysing how extreme events in one element correspond to the appearance of extreme events in a second one. The metric is able to detect non-linear causalities; to analyse both cross-sectional and longitudinal data sets; and to discriminate between real causalities and correlations caused by confounding factors. We validate the metric through synthetic data, dynamical and chaotic systems, and data representing the human brain activity in a cognitive task. We further show how the proposed metric is able to outperform classical causality metrics, provided non-linear relationships are present and large enough data sets are available.

  5. Causal symmetric spaces

    CERN Document Server

    Olafsson, Gestur; Helgason, Sigurdur


    This book is intended to introduce researchers and graduate students to the concepts of causal symmetric spaces. To date, results of recent studies considered standard by specialists have not been widely published. This book seeks to bring this information to students and researchers in geometry and analysis on causal symmetric spaces.Includes the newest results in harmonic analysis including Spherical functions on ordered symmetric space and the holmorphic discrete series and Hardy spaces on compactly casual symmetric spacesDeals with the infinitesimal situation, coverings of symmetric spaces, classification of causal symmetric pairs and invariant cone fieldsPresents basic geometric properties of semi-simple symmetric spacesIncludes appendices on Lie algebras and Lie groups, Bounded symmetric domains (Cayley transforms), Antiholomorphic Involutions on Bounded Domains and Para-Hermitian Symmetric Spaces

  6. Hacia una conceptualización del legado del traductor

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    Guzmán María Constanza


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  7. Síntesis y caracterización del almidón oxidado para su posterior evaluación como agente aglutinante en tabletas

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    Milena Díaz Molina


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio sobre la oxidación del almidón de maíz, con el objetivo de caracterizarlo y posteriormente evaluarlo para su posible uso en la industria farmacéutica. Se efectuó un diseño experimental donde se midió la influencia de 3 variables: concentración del agente oxidante (permanganato de potasio en medio ácido, concentración de almidón y tiempo de reacción; las 3 variables resultaron significativas. El almidón oxidado fue caracterizado mediante la determinación del contenido de grupos carbonilos y carboxilos, determinaciones físico-químicas y reológicas. En este sentido, se apreciaron variaciones de sus propiedades en comparación con las del almidón nativo. Estadísticamente, se logró correlacionar el número de grupos carbonilos en el almidón oxidado con la disminución de la viscosidad y de la temperatura de gelatinización, así como con el aumento de la capacidad de hinchamiento.The oxidation of corn starch was studied to characterize it and assess it for possible use in the drug industry. An esperimental design allowed us to measure the effect of 3 variables: exidizing agent concentration (sedium permanganate in acid medium; starch concentration and reaction time. The three variables were significant. The oxidized starch was characterized by the determination of carboxyl and carbonyl group content; physico -chemical and reologic properties. In this regard, there were changes in the oxidized properties as compared to those of the natural starch. The number of carboxyl groups was statistically correlation to a reduction in viscosity and gelatinization temperature, and to a rise in swelling capacity.

  8. Predicting Causal Relationships from Biological Data: Applying Automated Causal Discovery on Mass Cytometry Data of Human Immune Cells

    KAUST Repository

    Triantafillou, Sofia; Lagani, Vincenzo; Heinze-Deml, Christina; Schmidt, Angelika; Tegner, Jesper; Tsamardinos, Ioannis


    Learning the causal relationships that define a molecular system allows us to predict how the system will respond to different interventions. Distinguishing causality from mere association typically requires randomized experiments. Methods for automated  causal discovery from limited experiments exist, but have so far rarely been tested in systems biology applications. In this work, we apply state-of-the art causal discovery methods on a large collection of public mass cytometry data sets, measuring intra-cellular signaling proteins of the human immune system and their response to several perturbations. We show how different experimental conditions can be used to facilitate causal discovery, and apply two fundamental methods that produce context-specific causal predictions. Causal predictions were reproducible across independent data sets from two different studies, but often disagree with the KEGG pathway databases. Within this context, we discuss the caveats we need to overcome for automated causal discovery to become a part of the routine data analysis in systems biology.

  9. Predicting Causal Relationships from Biological Data: Applying Automated Causal Discovery on Mass Cytometry Data of Human Immune Cells

    KAUST Repository

    Triantafillou, Sofia


    Learning the causal relationships that define a molecular system allows us to predict how the system will respond to different interventions. Distinguishing causality from mere association typically requires randomized experiments. Methods for automated  causal discovery from limited experiments exist, but have so far rarely been tested in systems biology applications. In this work, we apply state-of-the art causal discovery methods on a large collection of public mass cytometry data sets, measuring intra-cellular signaling proteins of the human immune system and their response to several perturbations. We show how different experimental conditions can be used to facilitate causal discovery, and apply two fundamental methods that produce context-specific causal predictions. Causal predictions were reproducible across independent data sets from two different studies, but often disagree with the KEGG pathway databases. Within this context, we discuss the caveats we need to overcome for automated causal discovery to become a part of the routine data analysis in systems biology.

  10. Nail and skin lesions caused by scytalidium dimidiatum in Medellín (Colombia, 1990-1999: report of 128 cases and review of the name of the agent Lesiones ungueales y cutáneas por Scytalidium dimidiatum en Medellín (Colombia, 1990-1999. Presentación de 128 casos y revisión del problema del nombre del agente

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    Jaime Carmona Fonseca


    hyphae alone or with chlamydospores (21% and yeast cells alone or with pseudohyphae (5%. There was no significant difference between the results of nail and skin Objetivo:Revisar el problema de la denominación del agente y presentar los rasgos epidemiológicos de 128 casos de lesiones en uñas o en piel por Scytalidium dimidiatum. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, en parte retrospectivo (1990-1996 y en parte prospectivo (1997-1999. Marco de referencia: hasta hace poco tiempo hubo problemas con la nomenclatura del agente, pero ahora existen los argumentos para despejar las dificultades y ese es el primer objetivo del trabajo: presentar esos argumentos e indicar la manera de usar bien uno u otro nombre. Por otra parte, la importancia del S. dimidiatum como causa de lesiones en humanos aumenta cada día. Este informe, restringido a lesiones en uñas y piel, recoge una cifra muy alta de pacientes (128 casos, correspondientes al lapso 1990-1999. Métodos: los autores revisaron cada uno de los registros de laboratorio y, aplicando criterios de consenso, resolvieron las dudas. Se utilizaron criterios estándar de identificación micológica. El análisis estadístico de los datos se hizo con el programa EpiInfo versión 6.04. y consistió, principalmente, en evaluar la asociación de variables con la chi cuadrada y en comparar posiciones de datos continuos y ordenados según su magnitud con la prueba H de Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: los diferentes nombres del agente (Nattrassia mangiferae, Scytalidium dimidiatum, Scytalidium hialinum, Scytalidium lignicola, Hendersonula toruloidea deben usarse en situaciones precisas, que se describen aquí. Se estudiaron 128 muestras de las cuales se aisló por cultivo Scytalidium dimidiatum: 102 en uñas (92% en pies y 26 en lesiones extraungueales (73% interdigitales en pies. Las características epidemiológicas de un caso típico de lesión ungueal por S. dimidiatum indican que en el 41% de las veces es una mujer, de 21 a 49 años, que usa

  11. Clinical bacterial isolates from hospital environment as agents of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The relationship between bacteria isolated from the hospital environment and those from wounds of operated patients was investigated to determine the causal agents of surgical site nosocomial infections. The study was carried out on bacterial species isolated from the theatre, surgical ward and patients' surgical wounds ...

  12. Investigating the multi-causal and complex nature of the accident causal influence of construction project features. (United States)

    Manu, Patrick A; Ankrah, Nii A; Proverbs, David G; Suresh, Subashini


    Construction project features (CPFs) are organisational, physical and operational attributes that characterise construction projects. Although previous studies have examined the accident causal influence of CPFs, the multi-causal attribute of this causal phenomenon still remain elusive and thus requires further investigation. Aiming to shed light on this facet of the accident causal phenomenon of CPFs, this study examines relevant literature and crystallises the attained insight of the multi-causal attribute by a graphical model which is subsequently operationalised by a derived mathematical risk expression that offers a systematic approach for evaluating the potential of CPFs to cause harm and consequently their health and safety (H&S) risk implications. The graphical model and the risk expression put forth by the study thus advance current understanding of the accident causal phenomenon of CPFs and they present an opportunity for project participants to manage the H&S risk associated with CPFs from the early stages of project procurement. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. The Born Rule and Free Will: why Libertarian Agent-Causal Free Will is not "antiscientific" (United States)

    Kastner, Ruth E.

    In the libertarian "agent causation" view of free will, free choices are attributable only to the choosing agent, as opposed to a specific cause or causes outside the agent. An often-repeated claim in the philosophical literature on free will is that agent causation necessarily implies lawlessness, and is therefore "antiscientific." That claim is critiqued and it is argued, on the contrary, that the volitional powers of a free agent need not be viewed as anomic, specifically with regard to the quantum statistical law (the Born Rule). Assumptions about the role and nature of causation, taken as bearing on volitional agency, are examined and found inadequate to the task. Finally, it is suggested that quantum theory may constitute precisely the sort of theory required for a nomic grounding of libertarian free will.

  14. Principal stratification in causal inference. (United States)

    Frangakis, Constantine E; Rubin, Donald B


    Many scientific problems require that treatment comparisons be adjusted for posttreatment variables, but the estimands underlying standard methods are not causal effects. To address this deficiency, we propose a general framework for comparing treatments adjusting for posttreatment variables that yields principal effects based on principal stratification. Principal stratification with respect to a posttreatment variable is a cross-classification of subjects defined by the joint potential values of that posttreatment variable tinder each of the treatments being compared. Principal effects are causal effects within a principal stratum. The key property of principal strata is that they are not affected by treatment assignment and therefore can be used just as any pretreatment covariate. such as age category. As a result, the central property of our principal effects is that they are always causal effects and do not suffer from the complications of standard posttreatment-adjusted estimands. We discuss briefly that such principal causal effects are the link between three recent applications with adjustment for posttreatment variables: (i) treatment noncompliance, (ii) missing outcomes (dropout) following treatment noncompliance. and (iii) censoring by death. We then attack the problem of surrogate or biomarker endpoints, where we show, using principal causal effects, that all current definitions of surrogacy, even when perfectly true, do not generally have the desired interpretation as causal effects of treatment on outcome. We go on to forrmulate estimands based on principal stratification and principal causal effects and show their superiority.

  15. Causal inference regarding infectious aetiology of chronic conditions: a systematic review.

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    Sofia Orrskog

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The global burden of disease has shifted from communicable diseases in children to chronic diseases in adults. This epidemiologic shift varies greatly by region, but in Europe, chronic conditions account for 86% of all deaths, 77% of the disease burden, and up to 80% of health care expenditures. A number of risk factors have been implicated in chronic diseases, such as exposure to infectious agents. A number of associations have been well established while others remain uncertain. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We assessed the body of evidence regarding the infectious aetiology of chronic diseases in the peer-reviewed literature over the last decade. Causality was assessed with three different criteria: First, the total number of associations documented in the literature between each infectious agent and chronic condition; second, the epidemiologic study design (quality of the study; third, evidence for the number of Hill's criteria and Koch's postulates that linked the pathogen with the chronic condition. We identified 3136 publications, of which 148 were included in the analysis. There were a total of 75 different infectious agents and 122 chronic conditions. The evidence was strong for five pathogens, based on study type, strength and number of associations; they accounted for 60% of the associations documented in the literature. They were human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus, Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B virus, and Chlamydia pneumoniae and were collectively implicated in the aetiology of 37 different chronic conditions. Other pathogens examined were only associated with very few chronic conditions (≤ 3 and when applying the three different criteria of evidence the strength of the causality was weak. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention and treatment of these five pathogens lend themselves as effective public health intervention entry points. By concentrating research efforts on these promising areas, the human, economic, and societal

  16. Causal Set Generator and Action Computer


    Cunningham, William; Krioukov, Dmitri


    The causal set approach to quantum gravity has gained traction over the past three decades, but numerical experiments involving causal sets have been limited to relatively small scales. The software suite presented here provides a new framework for the generation and study of causal sets. Its efficiency surpasses previous implementations by several orders of magnitude. We highlight several important features of the code, including the compact data structures, the $O(N^2)$ causal set generatio...

  17. Spectral dimension in causal set quantum gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eichhorn, Astrid; Mizera, Sebastian


    We evaluate the spectral dimension in causal set quantum gravity by simulating random walks on causal sets. In contrast to other approaches to quantum gravity, we find an increasing spectral dimension at small scales. This observation can be connected to the nonlocality of causal set theory that is deeply rooted in its fundamentally Lorentzian nature. Based on its large-scale behaviour, we conjecture that the spectral dimension can serve as a tool to distinguish causal sets that approximate manifolds from those that do not. As a new tool to probe quantum spacetime in different quantum gravity approaches, we introduce a novel dimensional estimator, the causal spectral dimension, based on the meeting probability of two random walkers, which respect the causal structure of the quantum spacetime. We discuss a causal-set example, where the spectral dimension and the causal spectral dimension differ, due to the existence of a preferred foliation. (paper)

  18. The causal link between energy and output growth: Evidence from Markov switching Granger causality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kandemir Kocaaslan, Ozge


    In this paper we empirically investigate the causal link between energy consumption and economic growth employing a Markov switching Granger causality analysis. We carry out our investigation using annual U.S. real GDP, total final energy consumption and total primary energy consumption data which cover the period between 1968 and 2010. We find that there are significant changes in the causal relation between energy consumption and economic growth over the sample period under investigation. Our results show that total final energy consumption and total primary energy consumption have significant predictive content for real economic activity in the U.S. economy. Furthermore, the causality running from energy consumption to output growth seems to be strongly apparent particularly during the periods of economic downturn and energy crisis. We also document that output growth has predictive power in explaining total energy consumption. Furthermore, the power of output growth in predicting total energy consumption is found to diminish after the mid of 1980s. - Highlights: • Total energy consumption has predictive content for real economic activity. • The causality from energy to output growth is apparent in the periods of recession. • The causality from energy to output growth is strong in the periods of energy crisis. • Output growth has predictive power in explaining total energy consumption. • The power of output growth in explaining energy diminishes after the mid of 1980s


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    Federico Lorenc Valcarce


    Full Text Available Este ensayo intenta poner en cuestión un problema central de la política democrática – la naturaleza del acto electoral – a la luz de la teoría sociológica de la acción, recorriendo el trayecto que separa al sentido subjetivo que  el propio agente asigna a su acción en el momento de realizarla y las diversas descripciones “objetivas” que emergen a partir de las interpretaciones de la acción que realizan otros actores,  en nuestro caso descripciones que se realizan en la esfera pública y  cuyos autores son un conjunto de individuos socialmente reconocidos como enunciadores legítimos de esas interpretaciones.  Mi trabajo ofrece una reflexión sistemática sobre el modo en que se construye socialmente el significado de los comportamientos electorales. Partiendo de una serie de descripciones posibles de la acción de votar, intento mostrar las limitaciones de una teoría de la acción que reduzca el significado de ésta última al sentido que ella pueda tener para su autor o a la intención subjetiva  que podemos imputarle. Así, se muestran las diversas interpretaciones de que puede ser objeto un “hecho” supuestamente básico y elemental, restituyendo el lugar de los discursos sociales en la producción del significado (objetivo de una determinada acción individual.


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    José Tomás Alvarado Marambio


    Full Text Available This work discusses the so-called ‘Eleatic’ argument against the existence of transcendent universals, i. e. universals which does not require instantiation for its existence. The Eleatic Principle states that everything produces a difference in the causal powers of something. As transcendent universals seem not to produce such a difference, transcendent universals seem not to exist. The argument depends crucially on the justification and the interpretation of the Eleatic Principle. It is argued, first, that it is not very clear that the principle is justified, and, second, that there are several alternatives for its interpretation, in relation with the different theories one can endorse about modality or causality. Anti-realist theories of modality or causality are not very appropriate for the understanding of what should be a ‘causal power’. Neither does a realist theory of causality conjoined with a combinatorial theory of possible worlds. A ‘causal power’ seems to be better understood in connection with a realist –non-reductionist– theory of causality and a causal theory of modality. Taken in this way the Eleatic Principle, nonetheless, it is argued that transcendent universals do ‘produce’ a difference in causal powers, for every causal connection requires such universals for its existence.

  1. Re-thinking local causality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Friederich, Simon

    There is widespread belief in a tension between quantum theory and special relativity, motivated by the idea that quantum theory violates J. S. Bell's criterion of local causality, which is meant to implement the causal structure of relativistic space-time. This paper argues that if one takes the

  2. mediation: R package for causal mediation analysis


    Tingley, Dustin; Yamamoto, Teppei; Hirose, Kentaro; Keele, Luke; Imai, Kosuke


    In this paper, we describe the R package mediation for conducting causal mediation analysis in applied empirical research. In many scientific disciplines, the goal of researchers is not only estimating causal effects of a treatment but also understanding the process in which the treatment causally affects the outcome. Causal mediation analysis is frequently used to assess potential causal mechanisms. The mediation package implements a comprehensive suite of statistical tools for conducting su...

  3. The gut microbiota and obesity: from correlation to causality. (United States)

    Zhao, Liping


    The gut microbiota has been linked with chronic diseases such as obesity in humans. However, the demonstration of causality between constituents of the microbiota and specific diseases remains an important challenge in the field. In this Opinion article, using Koch's postulates as a conceptual framework, I explore the chain of causation from alterations in the gut microbiota, particularly of the endotoxin-producing members, to the development of obesity in both rodents and humans. I then propose a strategy for identifying the causative agents of obesity in the human microbiota through a combination of microbiome-wide association studies, mechanistic analysis of host responses and the reproduction of diseases in gnotobiotic animals.


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    Alcides Montoya


    Full Text Available La reconfiguración, reprogramación y despliegue de nuevas tareas computacionales en redes inalámbricas de sensores es un problema no resuelto satisfactoriamente en la actualidad. Este artículo propone la evaluación del desempeño en redes inalámbricas de sensores mejoradas con agentes móviles inteligentes como mecanismo de reprogramación autónoma. El método utilizado para la evaluación del desempeño se fundamenta en la medida del consumo de energía durante el proceso de migración de los agentes móviles inteligentes entre los nodos sensores y en el cálculo del tiempo de convergencia de la red, definido como el tiempo que tarda la red en pasar de un estado a otro; en los experimentos se refiere al retardo durante el cambio del tiempo de muestreo para toda la red. La solución más eficiente, que fue probada y evaluada en una red inalámbrica formada por 40 nodos que detectan fugas de amoniaco en tiempo real, determinó que el punto clave consiste en disminuir el consumo de energía producto de las confirmaciones y retransmisiones innecesarias de datos y procedimientos, desde los nodos sensores hasta la estación base. Este hecho representa, además de la disminución en el consumo energético, un ahorro significativo en el tiempo de convergencia de la red.A reconfiguração, reprogramação e implantação de novas tarefas computacionais em redes de sensores sem fio é um problema não resolvido de modo satisfatório na atualidade. Este artigo propõe a avaliação do desempenho em redes de sensores sem fio melhoradas com agentes móveis inteligentes como mecanismo de reprogramação autônoma. O método utilizado para a avaliação do desempenho fundamenta-se na medida do consumo de energia durante o processo de migração dos agentes móveis inteligentes entre os nós sensores e no cálculo do tempo de convergência da rede, definido como o tempo que demora a rede de passar de um estado a outro; nos experimentos se refere ao

  5. Causal knowledge and the development of inductive reasoning. (United States)

    Bright, Aimée K; Feeney, Aidan


    We explored the development of sensitivity to causal relations in children's inductive reasoning. Children (5-, 8-, and 12-year-olds) and adults were given trials in which they decided whether a property known to be possessed by members of one category was also possessed by members of (a) a taxonomically related category or (b) a causally related category. The direction of the causal link was either predictive (prey→predator) or diagnostic (predator→prey), and the property that participants reasoned about established either a taxonomic or causal context. There was a causal asymmetry effect across all age groups, with more causal choices when the causal link was predictive than when it was diagnostic. Furthermore, context-sensitive causal reasoning showed a curvilinear development, with causal choices being most frequent for 8-year-olds regardless of context. Causal inductions decreased thereafter because 12-year-olds and adults made more taxonomic choices when reasoning in the taxonomic context. These findings suggest that simple causal relations may often be the default knowledge structure in young children's inductive reasoning, that sensitivity to causal direction is present early on, and that children over-generalize their causal knowledge when reasoning. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Causal Diagrams for Empirical Research


    Pearl, Judea


    The primary aim of this paper is to show how graphical models can be used as a mathematical language for integrating statistical and subject-matter information. In particular, the paper develops a principled, nonparametric framework for causal inference, in which diagrams are queried to determine if the assumptions available are sufficient for identifiying causal effects from non-experimental data. If so the diagrams can be queried to produce mathematical expressions for causal effects in ter...


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    José Juan Vázquez


    Full Text Available El estudio analiza las atribuciones causales de la pobreza en los países menos desarrollados en una muestra de 1.092 estudiantes universitarios de Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile y España. Los análisis estadísticos mostraron la existencia de tres componentes que inicialmente agrupaban las diferentes atribuciones causales de la pobreza en los estados menos desarrollados: "Por causa de la estructura económica mundial", "Por el destino, la naturaleza, los hábitos cultu rales, y la mala conducta de los políticos" y "Por causa de la población de los países en desarrollo". Posteriormente se identificaron cinco tipos de motivos en función de las atribuciones causales de la pobreza que realizaron los estudiantes y su país de origen, clase social percibida, situación económica, ideología política y creencias religiosas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las atribuciones causales de la pobreza en los países en desarrollo se ven influidas principalmente por el nivel de desarr ollo del país de origen de los entrevistados, su ideología política y su situación económica .

  8. Sistemas de Costes: Importancia, Viabilidad y Utilidad en la Concepción de los Agentes Públicos del Estado de Paraná (Brasil

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    Luciane Maria Gonçalves Franco


    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene por objetivo conocer el nivel de entendimiento y de adopción en relación a los sistemas de costes por parte de los municipios de Paraná. Se trata de estudio descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativo. La colecta de datos tuvo lugar mediante aplicación de un cuestionario en 67 municipios del Estado de Paraná. Se ejecutó un análisis descriptivo y se aplicó el test estadístico de correlación del coeficiente de Spearman para fines de atender al objetivo. De entre los resultados del estudio, se destaca: la insipiencia del conocimiento acerca de la importancia, viabilidad y utilidad de un sistema de costes; embasado por limitaciones en el conocimiento por parte de los agentes públicos, sobretodo, en los tópicos que tratan de viabilidad presupuestaria y financiera de la adopción de sistemas de costes; ambiente para el sistema de costes, sistemas de costes implantados y sistemas operacionales; aunque las respuestas obtenidas en las proposiciones sobre información y control de costes hayan sido significativamente coherentes.

  9. El daño y el nexo causal en la perdida de oportunidad


    Herrera Montañez, Diego Alejandro


    El presente escrito se ocupa de estudiar el nexo de causalidad como elemento estructural de la responsabilidad cuando éste es difuso. Para ello, se pretende abordar la pérdida de la oportunidad como una teoría especial de causalidad que tiene lugar cuando el nexo causal no resulta claro, lo cual contradice la tesis preponderante de la doctrina y la jurisprudencia tradicional según la cual, la pérdida de la oportunidad es un criterio autónomo del daño. En su contenido se realiza una explic...

  10. Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome library of the causal agent of Black Sigatoka fungal leaf spot disease of banana and plantain, Mycosphaerella fijiensis. (United States)

    Canto-Canché, Blondy; Guillén-Maldonado, Diana Karina; Peraza-Echeverría, Leticia; Conde-Ferráez, Laura; James-Kay, Andrew


    A bacterial artificial chromosome library of the causal agent of the Black Sigatoka leaf spot disease of banana and plantain, Mycosphaerella fijiensis, has been constructed using a non-sphaeroplasting technique and characterized using both homologous and heterologous probes. After first and a second size selection of PFGE-fractionated DNA, a ligation was obtained using a 1:4 molar ratio (insert:vector). One hundred random clones were analyzed, and the mean insert size was estimated to be 90 kb. The range of the insert sizes was between 40 and 160 kb. The highest percentage of inserts belonged to the range between 80 and 100 kb; 32% of the inserts had 2 or 3 internal NotI sites. This library consists of 1920 clones, if the genomic size is at least 35 Mb, then this represents 4.9 x genome equivalents, which was supported by hybridization results with homologous and heterologous probes.

  11. Effect of bodily fluids from honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae on growth and genome-wide transcriptional response of the causal agent of American Foulbrood disease (Paenibacillus larvae). (United States)

    De Smet, Lina; De Koker, Dieter; Hawley, Alyse K; Foster, Leonard J; De Vos, Paul; de Graaf, Dirk C


    Paenibacillus larvae, the causal agent of American Foulbrood disease (AFB), affects honey bee health worldwide. The present study investigates the effect of bodily fluids from honey bee larvae on growth velocity and transcription for this Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium. It was observed that larval fluids accelerate the growth and lead to higher bacterial densities during stationary phase. The genome-wide transcriptional response of in vitro cultures of P. larvae to larval fluids was studied by microarray technology. Early responses of P. larvae to larval fluids are characterized by a general down-regulation of oligopeptide and sugar transporter genes, as well as by amino acid and carbohydrate metabolic genes, among others. Late responses are dominated by general down-regulation of sporulation genes and up-regulation of phage-related genes. A theoretical mechanism of carbon catabolite repression is discussed.

  12. The selective power of causality on memory errors. (United States)

    Marsh, Jessecae K; Kulkofsky, Sarah


    We tested the influence of causal links on the production of memory errors in a misinformation paradigm. Participants studied a set of statements about a person, which were presented as either individual statements or pairs of causally linked statements. Participants were then provided with causally plausible and causally implausible misinformation. We hypothesised that studying information connected with causal links would promote representing information in a more abstract manner. As such, we predicted that causal information would not provide an overall protection against memory errors, but rather would preferentially help in the rejection of misinformation that was causally implausible, given the learned causal links. In two experiments, we measured whether the causal linkage of information would be generally protective against all memory errors or only selectively protective against certain types of memory errors. Causal links helped participants reject implausible memory lures, but did not protect against plausible lures. Our results suggest that causal information may promote an abstract storage of information that helps prevent only specific types of memory errors.

  13. Rate-Agnostic (Causal) Structure Learning. (United States)

    Plis, Sergey; Danks, David; Freeman, Cynthia; Calhoun, Vince


    Causal structure learning from time series data is a major scientific challenge. Extant algorithms assume that measurements occur sufficiently quickly; more precisely, they assume approximately equal system and measurement timescales. In many domains, however, measurements occur at a significantly slower rate than the underlying system changes, but the size of the timescale mismatch is often unknown. This paper develops three causal structure learning algorithms, each of which discovers all dynamic causal graphs that explain the observed measurement data, perhaps given undersampling. That is, these algorithms all learn causal structure in a "rate-agnostic" manner: they do not assume any particular relation between the measurement and system timescales. We apply these algorithms to data from simulations to gain insight into the challenge of undersampling.


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    Sergio Alfredo Martínez Ramírez


    Full Text Available El contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda ha tenido amplio desarrollo normativo, su regulación se encuentra contenida en la ley 820 de 2003. Por su parte el contrato de arrendamiento comercial se encuentra regulado exiguamente en los artículos 518 a 524 del Código de Comercio; paralelamente a estas normatividades está el Decreto 3817 de 1982, el cual en su artículo 5 regula la situación del arrendador en los casos en que el arrendatario ha dado cumplimiento a las obligaciones dinerarias derivadas del contrato, sosteniendo que en dichos casos, el vencimiento del término inicial no es causal para dar por terminado el contrato, norma que va en contravía de los dispuesto en el artículo 2008, numeral 2 del Código Civil, que estipula que la expiración del término pactado en el contrato es causal para darlo por terminado. Dicha norma se encuentra vigente y tiene plena aplicabilidad tanto en los contratos de arrendamiento de vivienda, como en contratos comerciales. En consecuencia se plantea que el numeral 5 del artículo 3817 de 1982, implica una limitación al derecho de dominio del propietario y va en contra vía del principio que establece que el contrato es Ley para las partes.

  15. Análisis de mapas causales de impactos del turismo residencial

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    El caso de estudio es el municipio de Dénia, situado en el norte de la provincia de Alicante. Los resultados muestran que las causas profundas de los impactos negativos inducidos por el turismo residencial están conectados con el déficit democrático en el proceso de gestión municipal del desarrollo turístico-residencial.

  16. Causality and analyticity in optics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nussenzveig, H.M.

    In order to provide an overall picture of the broad range of optical phenomena that are directly linked with the concepts of causality and analyticity, the following topics are briefly reviewed, emphasizing recent developments: 1) Derivation of dispersion relations for the optical constants of general linear media from causality. Application to the theory of natural optical activity. 2) Derivation of sum rules for the optical constants from causality and from the short-time response function (asymptotic high-frequency behavior). Average spectral behavior of optical media. Applications. 3) Role of spectral conditions. Analytic properties of coherence functions in quantum optics. Reconstruction theorem.4) Phase retrieval problems. 5) Inverse scattering problems. 6) Solution of nonlinear evolution equations in optics by inverse scattering methods. Application to self-induced transparency. Causality in nonlinear wave propagation. 7) Analytic continuation in frequency and angular momentum. Complex singularities. Resonances and natural-mode expansions. Regge poles. 8) Wigner's causal inequality. Time delay. Spatial displacements in total reflection. 9) Analyticity in diffraction theory. Complex angular momentum theory of Mie scattering. Diffraction as a barrier tunnelling effect. Complex trajectories in optics. (Author) [pt

  17. mediation: R Package for Causal Mediation Analysis

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    Dustin Tingley


    Full Text Available In this paper, we describe the R package mediation for conducting causal mediation analysis in applied empirical research. In many scientific disciplines, the goal of researchers is not only estimating causal effects of a treatment but also understanding the process in which the treatment causally affects the outcome. Causal mediation analysis is frequently used to assess potential causal mechanisms. The mediation package implements a comprehensive suite of statistical tools for conducting such an analysis. The package is organized into two distinct approaches. Using the model-based approach, researchers can estimate causal mediation effects and conduct sensitivity analysis under the standard research design. Furthermore, the design-based approach provides several analysis tools that are applicable under different experimental designs. This approach requires weaker assumptions than the model-based approach. We also implement a statistical method for dealing with multiple (causally dependent mediators, which are often encountered in practice. Finally, the package also offers a methodology for assessing causal mediation in the presence of treatment noncompliance, a common problem in randomized trials.

  18. Los biocidas vegetales en el control del biodeterior o del patrimonio documental. Perspectivas e impacto


    Sofía Borrego-Alonso


    Los procesos de biodeterioro afectan a los sistemas industriales de d istintos sectores productivos (industrias del petróleo, del papel, energética, etc.), a los biomateriales y al patrimonio cultural de cada nación. Los principales agentes que causan el biodeterioro del patrimonio documental son los microorganismos y los in sectos que utilizan el papel , como fuente nutritiva y junto a las condiciones ambientales inadecuadas, aceleran el deterioro de los diferentes soporte...

  19. Causal asymmetry across cultures: Assigning causal roles in symmetric physical settings

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    Andrea eBender


    Full Text Available In the cognitive sciences, causal cognition in the physical domain has featured as a core research topic, but the impact of culture has been rarely ever explored. One case in point for a topic on which this neglect is pronounced is the pervasive tendency of people to consider one of two (equally important entities as more important for bringing about an effect. In order to scrutinize how robust such tendencies are across cultures, we asked German and Tongan participants to assign prime causality in nine symmetric settings. For most settings, strong asymmetries in both cultures were found, but not always in the same direction, depending on the task content. This indicates that causal asymmetries, while indeed being a robust phenomenon across cultures, are also subject to culture-specific concepts. Moreover, the asymmetries were found to be modulated by figure-ground relations, but not by marking agency.

  20. Entanglement, non-Markovianity, and causal non-separability (United States)

    Milz, Simon; Pollock, Felix A.; Le, Thao P.; Chiribella, Giulio; Modi, Kavan


    Quantum mechanics, in principle, allows for processes with indefinite causal order. However, most of these causal anomalies have not yet been detected experimentally. We show that every such process can be simulated experimentally by means of non-Markovian dynamics with a measurement on additional degrees of freedom. In detail, we provide an explicit construction to implement arbitrary a causal processes. Furthermore, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for open system dynamics with measurement to yield processes that respect causality locally, and find that tripartite entanglement and nonlocal unitary transformations are crucial requirements for the simulation of causally indefinite processes. These results show a direct connection between three counter-intuitive concepts: entanglement, non-Markovianity, and causal non-separability.

  1. Amodal causal capture in the tunnel effect. (United States)

    Bae, Gi Yeul; Flombaum, Jonathan I


    In addition to identifying individual objects in the world, the visual system must also characterize the relationships between objects, for instance when objects occlude one another or cause one another to move. Here we explored the relationship between perceived causality and occlusion. Can one perceive causality in an occluded location? In several experiments, observers judged whether a centrally presented event involved a single object passing behind an occluder, or one object causally launching another (out of view and behind the occluder). With no additional context, the centrally presented event was typically judged as a non-causal pass, even when the occluding and disoccluding objects were different colors--an illusion known as the 'tunnel effect' that results from spatiotemporal continuity. However, when a synchronized context event involved an unambiguous causal launch, participants perceived a causal launch behind the occluder. This percept of an occluded causal interaction could also be driven by grouping and synchrony cues in the absence of any explicitly causal interaction. These results reinforce the hypothesis that causality is an aspect of perception. It is among the interpretations of the world that are independently available to vision when resolving ambiguity, and that the visual system can 'fill in' amodally.

  2. Space-time as a causal set

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bombelli, L.; Lee, J.; Meyer, D.; Sorkin, R.D.


    We propose that space-time at the smallest scales is in reality a causal set: a locally finite set of elements endowed with a partial order corresponding to the macroscopic relation that defines past and future. We explore how a Lorentzian manifold can approximate a causal set, noting in particular that the thereby defined effective dimensionality of a given causal set can vary with length scale. Finally, we speculate briefly on the quantum dynamics of causal sets, indicating why an appropriate choice of action can reproduce general relativity in the classical limit

  3. Representing Personal Determinants in Causal Structures. (United States)

    Bandura, Albert


    Responds to Staddon's critique of the author's earlier article and addresses issues raised by Staddon's (1984) alternative models of causality. The author argues that it is not the formalizability of causal processes that is the issue but whether cognitive determinants of behavior are reducible to past stimulus inputs in causal structures.…

  4. Teoría de agencia: una revisión del origen biológico del delito

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    Iván Araya


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aborda la causa del conflicto entre principal y agente, buscando respuestas en las disciplinasde la biología, particularmente en las ciencias de la antropología criminal. Se ha realizado un ensambleentre los hallazgos de la teoría de agencia y la teoría de los delitos de cuello blanco, reinterpretando lasactuaciones del agente desde su configuración entre instinto, herencia y personalidad. Los resultadosen las ciencias biológicas podrían aportar nuevas interpretaciones y explicaciones en las ciencias de laadministración, avanzando hacia mejores conceptualizaciones del conflicto, mediante teorías con mayorcontenido empírico. En general, pese al conflicto permanente entre las partes, su dinámica potencia losresultados perseguidos por el principal.

  5. [Causal analysis approaches in epidemiology]. (United States)

    Dumas, O; Siroux, V; Le Moual, N; Varraso, R


    Epidemiological research is mostly based on observational studies. Whether such studies can provide evidence of causation remains discussed. Several causal analysis methods have been developed in epidemiology. This paper aims at presenting an overview of these methods: graphical models, path analysis and its extensions, and models based on the counterfactual approach, with a special emphasis on marginal structural models. Graphical approaches have been developed to allow synthetic representations of supposed causal relationships in a given problem. They serve as qualitative support in the study of causal relationships. The sufficient-component cause model has been developed to deal with the issue of multicausality raised by the emergence of chronic multifactorial diseases. Directed acyclic graphs are mostly used as a visual tool to identify possible confounding sources in a study. Structural equations models, the main extension of path analysis, combine a system of equations and a path diagram, representing a set of possible causal relationships. They allow quantifying direct and indirect effects in a general model in which several relationships can be tested simultaneously. Dynamic path analysis further takes into account the role of time. The counterfactual approach defines causality by comparing the observed event and the counterfactual event (the event that would have been observed if, contrary to the fact, the subject had received a different exposure than the one he actually received). This theoretical approach has shown limits of traditional methods to address some causality questions. In particular, in longitudinal studies, when there is time-varying confounding, classical methods (regressions) may be biased. Marginal structural models have been developed to address this issue. In conclusion, "causal models", though they were developed partly independently, are based on equivalent logical foundations. A crucial step in the application of these models is the

  6. Repeated Causal Decision Making (United States)

    Hagmayer, York; Meder, Bjorn


    Many of our decisions refer to actions that have a causal impact on the external environment. Such actions may not only allow for the mere learning of expected values or utilities but also for acquiring knowledge about the causal structure of our world. We used a repeated decision-making paradigm to examine what kind of knowledge people acquire in…

  7. Contribución a la histopatologia del distemper canino

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    E. Encinas


    en efecto las unidades celulares o estructurales reaccionan en la medida y forma señaladas frente a cualquier otro agente alterativo. Posible es que en el caso particular de las lesiones aisladas de la lámina Vª juegue rol determinante la especial susceptibilidad de esta lámina a deficiencias en el aporte de oxígeno, ocasionadas por perturbaciones en el aprovisionamiento de sangre, portador de este gas cuestión que discutieron acertadamente BIELCHOWSKY y PALADINO, MARINESCO y otros; y como alteraciones pericapilares y endocapilares son hechos frecuentes en este proceso, no sería aventurado sostener que las lesiones aisladas de esta lámina se deban a aportes insuficientes de oxígeno por las anotadas alteraciones vasculares. Pero, y repitiendo lo que dijimos en líneas anteriores, factor este vascular, no explica el hecho anatómico del cambio celular aislado como el de las unidades mencionadas de la formación ammónica (Fig. 44. Alguna otra causal citoespecífica debe ser la sola causante de alteración tan particular. Y no es extraño que el virus del distemper, tan notable por la especificidad de las inclusiones citoplasmáticas y nucleares que provoca, sea ajeno a esta modificación. En lo fundamental, desearíamos que nuestros hallazgos sean verificados y que la autorizada opinión de los cultores del tema se pronuncien sobre ellos.

  8. Kant on causal laws and powers. (United States)

    Henschen, Tobias


    The aim of the paper is threefold. Its first aim is to defend Eric Watkins's claim that for Kant, a cause is not an event but a causal power: a power that is borne by a substance, and that, when active, brings about its effect, i.e. a change of the states of another substance, by generating a continuous flow of intermediate states of that substance. The second aim of the paper is to argue against Watkins that the Kantian concept of causal power is not the pre-critical concept of real ground but the category of causality, and that Kant holds with Hume that causal laws cannot be inferred non-inductively (that he accordingly has no intention to show in the Second analogy or elsewhere that events fall under causal laws). The third aim of the paper is to compare the Kantian position on causality with central tenets of contemporary powers ontology: it argues that unlike the variants endorsed by contemporary powers theorists, the Kantian variants of these tenets are resistant to objections that neo-Humeans raise to these tenets.

  9. Histopatología de Ustilaginales (carbones) en Poaceas de los géneros Sorghum, Bromus y Glyceria


    Astiz Gassó, Marta Mónica


    Sporisorium cruentum (Kühn.), es el agente causal de enfermedades en el género Sorghum incluyendo Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.. El presente trabajo tuvo por objeto analizar el desarrollo y la evolución del patógeno en los tejidos del hospedante, y evaluar las implicancias de la enfermedad en el crecimiento vegetativo de los rizomas del sorgo de alepo. Para determinar la presencia del hongo se realizaron cortes histológicos del hospedante que se observaron por medio de microscopía óptica (MO) ...

  10. An Evaluation of Active Learning Causal Discovery Methods for Reverse-Engineering Local Causal Pathways of Gene Regulation (United States)

    Ma, Sisi; Kemmeren, Patrick; Aliferis, Constantin F.; Statnikov, Alexander


    Reverse-engineering of causal pathways that implicate diseases and vital cellular functions is a fundamental problem in biomedicine. Discovery of the local causal pathway of a target variable (that consists of its direct causes and direct effects) is essential for effective intervention and can facilitate accurate diagnosis and prognosis. Recent research has provided several active learning methods that can leverage passively observed high-throughput data to draft causal pathways and then refine the inferred relations with a limited number of experiments. The current study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of active learning methods for local causal pathway discovery in real biological data. Specifically, 54 active learning methods/variants from 3 families of algorithms were applied for local causal pathways reconstruction of gene regulation for 5 transcription factors in S. cerevisiae. Four aspects of the methods’ performance were assessed, including adjacency discovery quality, edge orientation accuracy, complete pathway discovery quality, and experimental cost. The results of this study show that some methods provide significant performance benefits over others and therefore should be routinely used for local causal pathway discovery tasks. This study also demonstrates the feasibility of local causal pathway reconstruction in real biological systems with significant quality and low experimental cost. PMID:26939894

  11. Las ciudades en la Web. Barcelona y Turín: el storytelling del turismo y del ocio


    Soro, Elsa


    El presente trabajo parte de la necesidad de comprender y describir el funcionamiento del sistema mediático dentro del escenario urbano contemporáneo, en el cual los sectores productivos tradicionales se han visto progresivamente eclipsados, y los sectores recreativos y de la cultura han ido adquiriendo una importancia creciente, convirtiéndose así en agentes involucrados en la producción de imágenes y representaciones urbanas. La creciente relevancia dentro del sistema-ciudad del reino...

  12. Cáncer cutáneo por exposición ocupacional a agentes químicos

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    Santiago José Rocha Eiroa


    Full Text Available El cáncer cutáneo profesional integra un grupo de neoplasias malignas atribuibles a la exposición a factores cancerígenos en el medio laboral. Presenta dificultades en el diagnóstico debido a su etiología multifactorial, existencia de diferentes desencadenantes durante la vida laboral y no laboral, largos periodos de latencia y una clínica semejante a las no profesionales. Actualmente existen diferencias entre las sustancias químicas identificadas en el listado de enfermedades profesionales como cancerígenos cutáneos y las que señala la evidencia científica. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática para actualizar el conocimiento existente entre la exposición a agentes químicos y el cáncer cutáneo en el medio laboral. Se utilizaron once bases de datos, estableciendo como límites: humanos y fecha publicación desde 1-1-2006 hasta 12-12-2012. Tras aplicar los criterios de inclusión/exclusión se analizaron finalmente 16 artículos, predominando el diseño epidemiológico de cohorte. El nivel de evidencia de la asociación entre exposición a determinados agentes químicos y el cáncer de piel de origen laboral que determinaron los estudios revisados fue de 2+, no existiendo controversia en la dirección de esta asociación, siendo los agentes causales más referenciados los plaguicidas con OR entre 1.7 IC 95% (1.1-2.5 y 2.4 IC 95% (1.2-4.9 y derivados del petróleo con RR de 1,99 IC 95% (1.00-3.96. En algunos artículos se analizó la exposición simultánea a un conjunto de agentes químicos sin definir una sustancia concreta. No se pudieron identificar factores de vulnerabilidad ni factores de especial sensibilidad ya que no se estudiaron, al igual que ningún factor protector. En varios se incluye población ya jubilada, destacando la importancia del seguimiento post-ocupacional debido a los largos periodos de latencia en determinados cánceres.

  13. Repair of Partly Misspecified Causal Diagrams. (United States)

    Oates, Chris J; Kasza, Jessica; Simpson, Julie A; Forbes, Andrew B


    Errors in causal diagrams elicited from experts can lead to the omission of important confounding variables from adjustment sets and render causal inferences invalid. In this report, a novel method is presented that repairs a misspecified causal diagram through the addition of edges. These edges are determined using a data-driven approach designed to provide improved statistical efficiency relative to de novo structure learning methods. Our main assumption is that the expert is "directionally informed," meaning that "false" edges provided by the expert would not create cycles if added to the "true" causal diagram. The overall procedure is cast as a preprocessing technique that is agnostic to subsequent causal inferences. Results based on simulated data and data derived from an observational cohort illustrate the potential for data-assisted elicitation in epidemiologic applications. See video abstract at,

  14. Nutritional capability of and substrate suitability for Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causal agent of bat white-nose syndrome. (United States)

    Raudabaugh, Daniel B; Miller, Andrew N


    Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causal agent of bat white-nose syndrome, has caused nearly six million deaths in North American bats since its introduction into the United States in 2006. Current research has shown that caves can harbor P. destructans even after the infected bats are removed and bats no longer visit or inhabit previously infected caves. Our research focuses on elucidating reservoir requirements by investigating the nutritional capabilities of and substrate suitability requirements for six different P. destructans isolates from various localities including Illinois, Indiana, New York (Type specimen), and Pennsylvania. Enzyme assays implicate that both urease and b-glucosidase appear to be constitutive, lipase and esterase activity were more rapid than proteinase activity on 6% gelatin, gelatin degradation was accompanied by medium alkalinization, the reduction of thiosulfate generated hydrogen sulfide gas, chitinase and manganese dependent peroxidase activity were not visually demonstrated within eight weeks, and keratinase activity was not evident at pH 8 within eight weeks. We demonstrate that all P. destructans isolates are capable of growth and sporulation on dead fish, insect, and mushroom tissues. Sole nitrogen source assays demonstrated that all P. destructans isolates exhibit Class 2 nitrogen utilization and that growth-dependent interactions occur among different pH and nitrogen sources. Substrate suitability assays demonstrated that all isolates could grow and sporulate on media ranging from pH 5-11 and tolerated media supplemented with 2000 mg/L of calcium and 700 mg/L of three separated sulfur compounds: thiosulfate L-cysteine, and sulfite. All isolates were intolerant to PEG-induced matric potential with delayed germination and growth at -2.5 MPa with no visible germination at -5 MPa. Interestingly, decreasing the surface tension with Tween 80 permitted germination and growth of P. destructans in -5 MPa PEG medium within 14 days

  15. Murcha do manjericão (Ocimum basilicum no Brasil: agente causal, círculo de plantas hospedeiras e transmissão via semente Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum wilt in Brazil: causal agent, host range and seed transmission

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ailton Reis


    Full Text Available O manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. é uma hortaliça da família Lamiaceae, utilizada na culinária ou como matéria prima para a indústria de fármacos e óleos essenciais. Amostras de plantas de manjericão apresentando sintomas de murcha, seca de hastes e podridão de colo foram coletadas na área rural de Brazlândia (DF durante a estação chuvosa de 2005. Outras duas amostras foram coletadas em plantas cultivadas em campo aberto e casas de vegetação na região de Ponte Alta (DF. Isolados de um fungo, identificado como Fusarium oxysporum, foram obtidos em todas as amostras. Testes de patogenicidade foram conduzidos com mudas das cultivares O. basilicum 'Dark Opal' e 'Italian Large Leaf', e de acessos das espécies O. americanum L. (manjericão de folha miúda, O. campechianum Mill. (alfavaca, Origanum manjorana L. (manjerona, Origanum vulgare L. (orégano, Mentha arvensis L. (menta, Coleus blumei Benth. (tapete, Leonorus sibiricus L. (rubim e Leonotis nepetaefolia (L. W.T. Aiton (cordão-de-frade. Todos os isolados fúngicos mostraram-se altamente virulentos sobre as duas cultivares de manjericão. Em O. campechianum e O. americanum os isolados causaram apenas suave escurecimento vascular e leve redução de crescimento, sendo avirulentos sobre acessos das espécies O. manjorana, O. vulgare, M. arvensis, C. blumei, L. sibiricus e L. nepetaefolia. Este conjunto de dados indicou que o agente causal da doença é o fungo F. oxysporum f. sp. basilici, constituindo-se no primeiro registro formal deste patógeno no Brasil. Os lotes de sementes utilizados nas áreas de ocorrência da doença foram submetidos a um teste de sanidade visando verificar a presença do patógeno. O fungo F. oxysporum f. sp. basilici foi detectado em quatro dos seis lotes e os isolados obtidos das sementes contaminadas mostraram similar sintomatologia e um idêntico perfil de virulência aos verificados em campo e casa de vegetação, sugerindo que as sementes

  16. Functional equations with causal operators

    CERN Document Server

    Corduneanu, C


    Functional equations encompass most of the equations used in applied science and engineering: ordinary differential equations, integral equations of the Volterra type, equations with delayed argument, and integro-differential equations of the Volterra type. The basic theory of functional equations includes functional differential equations with causal operators. Functional Equations with Causal Operators explains the connection between equations with causal operators and the classical types of functional equations encountered by mathematicians and engineers. It details the fundamentals of linear equations and stability theory and provides several applications and examples.

  17. Classical planning and causal implicatures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blackburn, Patrick Rowan; Benotti, Luciana

    In this paper we motivate and describe a dialogue manager (called Frolog) which uses classical planning to infer causal implicatures. A causal implicature is a type of Gricean relation implicature, a highly context dependent form of inference. As we shall see, causal implicatures are important...... to generate clarification requests"; as a result we can model task-oriented dialogue as an interactive process locally structured by negotiation of the underlying task. We give several examples of Frolog-human dialog, discuss the limitations imposed by the classical planning paradigm, and indicate...

  18. Tipificación molecular del virus dengue 3 durante el brote epidémico de dengue clásico en Lima, Perú, 2005

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Mamani Z


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar mediante trascripción reversa-reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (RT-PCR y sitios específicos de restricción - reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (RSS-PCR al agente causal del brote epidémico presentado en el distrito de Comas, Lima en abril del año 2005. Materiales y métodos: veinte muestras de suero colectadas durante el brote de dengue fueron procesados por RT-PCR para determinar el serotipo, esta técnica se realizó en un solo paso. Luego se aplicó la técnica RSS-PCR para la identificación del genotipo circulante y se corroboraron los resultados posteriormente con aislamiento viral y secuenciamiento. Resultados: El análisis del RTPCR del ARN extraído de las muestras presentó un producto amplificado de 290pb que corresponden al dengue serotipo 3 (DEN 3. El análisis de los productos de RSS-PCR del ARN extraído a partir de aislamientos de DEN 3 correspondió al patrón C, incluido en el genotipo III. Los aislamientos de los virus dengue 3 en líneas celulares C6/36, tipificadas por IFI y el secuenciamiento genético confirmaron los resultados obtenidos por las pruebas previamente descritas. Conclusión: Durante el brote epidémico de dengue clásico en Lima, circuló el genotipo III del virus DEN 3.

  19. Causal inference in economics and marketing. (United States)

    Varian, Hal R


    This is an elementary introduction to causal inference in economics written for readers familiar with machine learning methods. The critical step in any causal analysis is estimating the counterfactual-a prediction of what would have happened in the absence of the treatment. The powerful techniques used in machine learning may be useful for developing better estimates of the counterfactual, potentially improving causal inference.

  20. Acción intencional, Intención en acción y representaciones motoras: algunas puntualizaciones sobre la teoría causal revisada y su posible articulación con la neurociencia cognitiva de la acción


    Ibarra, Romina Alejandra; Amoruso, Lucía


    La introducción del concepto de intención en acción llevada a cabo por John Searle ha permitido resolver algunas de las principales dificultades a las cuales se venía enfrentando la Teoría Causal de la Acción. No obstante, su teoría impone, simultáneamente, nuevos desafíos. Dado lo anterior, el objetivo del presente artículo consiste en revisar algunas de las principales problemáticas que presenta la versión searleana de la Teoría Causal a la luz de los avances recientes en neurociencia cogni...

  1. Resúmenes de las tesis de grado en floricultura realizadas en la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá D.C., entre 1981 y 1993


    Casas Eduardo; Arbeláez Germán; Saavedra Alejandro; Chaves José Fransico; Molina Juan Carlos; Rodríguez Arias Pedro


    Reconocimiento e identificación de Phialophora cinerescens y Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi en el cultivo del clavel en la sabana de Bogotá. / Estudio del poder patogénico de Botrytis cinerea pers. Sobre cinco especies de flores de exportación. / Botrytis cinerea Pers. / Agente causal de la pudrición de las flores y de la corona del estatice (Limonium sinuatum

  2. Interactions of information transfer along separable causal paths (United States)

    Jiang, Peishi; Kumar, Praveen


    Complex systems arise as a result of interdependences between multiple variables, whose causal interactions can be visualized in a time-series graph. Transfer entropy and information partitioning approaches have been used to characterize such dependences. However, these approaches capture net information transfer occurring through a multitude of pathways involved in the interaction and as a result mask our ability to discern the causal interaction within a subgraph of interest through specific pathways. We build on recent developments of momentary information transfer along causal paths proposed by Runge [Phys. Rev. E 92, 062829 (2015), 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.062829] to develop a framework for quantifying information partitioning along separable causal paths. Momentary information transfer along causal paths captures the amount of information transfer between any two variables lagged at two specific points in time. Our approach expands this concept to characterize the causal interaction in terms of synergistic, unique, and redundant information transfer through separable causal paths. Through a graphical model, we analyze the impact of the separable and nonseparable causal paths and the causality structure embedded in the graph as well as the noise effect on information partitioning by using synthetic data generated from two coupled logistic equation models. Our approach can provide a valuable reference for an autonomous information partitioning along separable causal paths which form a causal subgraph influencing a target.

  3. Does Causality Matter More Now? Increase in the Proportion of Causal Language in English Texts. (United States)

    Iliev, Rumen; Axelrod, Robert


    The vast majority of the work on culture and cognition has focused on cross-cultural comparisons, largely ignoring the dynamic aspects of culture. In this article, we provide a diachronic analysis of causal cognition over time. We hypothesized that the increased role of education, science, and technology in Western societies should be accompanied by greater attention to causal connections. To test this hypothesis, we compared word frequencies in English texts from different time periods and found an increase in the use of causal language of about 40% over the past two centuries. The observed increase was not attributable to general language effects or to changing semantics of causal words. We also found that there was a consistent difference between the 19th and the 20th centuries, and that the increase happened mainly in the 20th century. © The Author(s) 2016.

  4. Causality, spin, and equal-time commutators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Rahman, A.M.


    We study the causality constraints on the structure of the Lorentz-antisymmetric component of the commutator of two conserved isovector currents between fermion states of equal momenta. We discuss the sum rules that follow from causality and scaling, using the recently introduced refined infinite-momentum technique. The complete set of sum rules is found to include the spin-dependent fixed-mass sum rules obtained from light-cone commutators. The causality and scaling restrictions on the structure of the electromagnetic equal-time commutators are discussed, and it is found, in particular, that causality requires the spin-dependent part of the matrix element for the time-space electromagnetic equal-time commutator to vanish identically. It is also shown, in comparison with the electromagnetic case, that the corresponding matrix element for the time-space isovector current equal-time commutator is required, by causality, to have isospin-antisymmetric tensor and scalar operator Schwinger terms

  5. Causal inference, probability theory, and graphical insights. (United States)

    Baker, Stuart G


    Causal inference from observational studies is a fundamental topic in biostatistics. The causal graph literature typically views probability theory as insufficient to express causal concepts in observational studies. In contrast, the view here is that probability theory is a desirable and sufficient basis for many topics in causal inference for the following two reasons. First, probability theory is generally more flexible than causal graphs: Besides explaining such causal graph topics as M-bias (adjusting for a collider) and bias amplification and attenuation (when adjusting for instrumental variable), probability theory is also the foundation of the paired availability design for historical controls, which does not fit into a causal graph framework. Second, probability theory is the basis for insightful graphical displays including the BK-Plot for understanding Simpson's paradox with a binary confounder, the BK2-Plot for understanding bias amplification and attenuation in the presence of an unobserved binary confounder, and the PAD-Plot for understanding the principal stratification component of the paired availability design. Published 2013. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  6. Causality as a Rigorous Notion and Quantitative Causality Analysis with Time Series (United States)

    Liang, X. S.


    Given two time series, can one faithfully tell, in a rigorous and quantitative way, the cause and effect between them? Here we show that this important and challenging question (one of the major challenges in the science of big data), which is of interest in a wide variety of disciplines, has a positive answer. Particularly, for linear systems, the maximal likelihood estimator of the causality from a series X2 to another series X1, written T2→1, turns out to be concise in form: T2→1 = [C11 C12 C2,d1 — C112 C1,d1] / [C112 C22 — C11C122] where Cij (i,j=1,2) is the sample covariance between Xi and Xj, and Ci,dj the covariance between Xi and ΔXj/Δt, the difference approximation of dXj/dt using the Euler forward scheme. An immediate corollary is that causation implies correlation, but not vice versa, resolving the long-standing debate over causation versus correlation. The above formula has been validated with touchstone series purportedly generated with one-way causality that evades the classical approaches such as Granger causality test and transfer entropy analysis. It has also been applied successfully to the investigation of many real problems. Through a simple analysis with the stock series of IBM and GE, an unusually strong one-way causality is identified from the former to the latter in their early era, revealing to us an old story, which has almost faded into oblivion, about "Seven Dwarfs" competing with a "Giant" for the computer market. Another example presented here regards the cause-effect relation between the two climate modes, El Niño and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). In general, these modes are mutually causal, but the causality is asymmetric. To El Niño, the information flowing from IOD manifests itself as a propagation of uncertainty from the Indian Ocean. In the third example, an unambiguous one-way causality is found between CO2 and the global mean temperature anomaly. While it is confirmed that CO2 indeed drives the recent global warming

  7. K-causality and degenerate spacetimes (United States)

    Dowker, H. F.; Garcia, R. S.; Surya, S.


    The causal relation K+ was introduced by Sorkin and Woolgar to extend the standard causal analysis of C2 spacetimes to those that are only C0. Most of their results also hold true in the case of metrics with degeneracies which are C0 but vanish at isolated points. In this paper we seek to examine K+ explicitly in the case of topology-changing `Morse histories' which contain degeneracies. We first demonstrate some interesting features of this relation in globally Lorentzian spacetimes. In particular, we show that K+ is robust and the Hawking and Sachs characterization of causal continuity translates into a natural condition in terms of K+. We then examine K+ in topology-changing Morse spacetimes with the degenerate points excised and then for the Morse histories in which the degenerate points are reinstated. We find further characterizations of causal continuity in these cases.

  8. Reflexión acerca de la representación del agente en la teoría económica evolutiva: controversia entre las perspectivas ortodoxa y heterodoxa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Castañeda Rodríguez Víctor Mauricio


    Full Text Available En este documento se hace un análisis de la visión neoclásica, con respecto al modo en que los agentes deciden, enfatizando en que los supuestos premian la formalización en detrimento del poder de representación del modelo. Siguiendo los estudios de Kahneman y Tversky (1973, 1979, 1984, Simon (1955, 1991, Hodgson (1988, 2000, Holland (2004, Lara (2007, 2009, entre otros, se encuentra que la evidencia empírica y el marco teórico de la economía evolucionista sugieren que el hombre se podría entender como un agente complejo adaptable, que aunque se equivoca cuenta con la capacidad de aprender y perfeccionar sus esquemas mentales. Igualmente, se presenta a la firma como forma organizacional, que si bien es presa de problemas como el oportunismo, permite a los individuos afrontar dificultades conexas a su racionalidad limitada y al contexto de decisión.

  9. Causal inference in econometrics

    CERN Document Server

    Kreinovich, Vladik; Sriboonchitta, Songsak


    This book is devoted to the analysis of causal inference which is one of the most difficult tasks in data analysis: when two phenomena are observed to be related, it is often difficult to decide whether one of them causally influences the other one, or whether these two phenomena have a common cause. This analysis is the main focus of this volume. To get a good understanding of the causal inference, it is important to have models of economic phenomena which are as accurate as possible. Because of this need, this volume also contains papers that use non-traditional economic models, such as fuzzy models and models obtained by using neural networks and data mining techniques. It also contains papers that apply different econometric models to analyze real-life economic dependencies.

  10. Causal localizations in relativistic quantum mechanics (United States)

    Castrigiano, Domenico P. L.; Leiseifer, Andreas D.


    Causal localizations describe the position of quantum systems moving not faster than light. They are constructed for the systems with finite spinor dimension. At the center of interest are the massive relativistic systems. For every positive mass, there is the sequence of Dirac tensor-localizations, which provides a complete set of inequivalent irreducible causal localizations. They obey the principle of special relativity and are fully Poincaré covariant. The boosters are determined by the causal position operator and the other Poincaré generators. The localization with minimal spinor dimension is the Dirac localization. Thus, the Dirac equation is derived here as a mere consequence of the principle of causality. Moreover, the higher tensor-localizations, not known so far, follow from Dirac's localization by a simple construction. The probability of localization for positive energy states results to be described by causal positive operator valued (PO-) localizations, which are the traces of the causal localizations on the subspaces of positive energy. These causal Poincaré covariant PO-localizations for every irreducible massive relativistic system were, all the more, not known before. They are shown to be separated. Hence, the positive energy systems can be localized within every open region by a suitable preparation as accurately as desired. Finally, the attempt is made to provide an interpretation of the PO-localization operators within the frame of conventional quantum mechanics attributing an important role to the negative energy states.

  11. Bayesian networks improve causal environmental ... (United States)

    Rule-based weight of evidence approaches to ecological risk assessment may not account for uncertainties and generally lack probabilistic integration of lines of evidence. Bayesian networks allow causal inferences to be made from evidence by including causal knowledge about the problem, using this knowledge with probabilistic calculus to combine multiple lines of evidence, and minimizing biases in predicting or diagnosing causal relationships. Too often, sources of uncertainty in conventional weight of evidence approaches are ignored that can be accounted for with Bayesian networks. Specifying and propagating uncertainties improve the ability of models to incorporate strength of the evidence in the risk management phase of an assessment. Probabilistic inference from a Bayesian network allows evaluation of changes in uncertainty for variables from the evidence. The network structure and probabilistic framework of a Bayesian approach provide advantages over qualitative approaches in weight of evidence for capturing the impacts of multiple sources of quantifiable uncertainty on predictions of ecological risk. Bayesian networks can facilitate the development of evidence-based policy under conditions of uncertainty by incorporating analytical inaccuracies or the implications of imperfect information, structuring and communicating causal issues through qualitative directed graph formulations, and quantitatively comparing the causal power of multiple stressors on value

  12. Hierarchical organisation of causal graphs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dziopa, P.


    This paper deals with the design of a supervision system using a hierarchy of models formed by graphs, in which the variables are the nodes and the causal relations between the variables of the arcs. To obtain a representation of the variables evolutions which contains only the relevant features of their real evolutions, the causal relations are completed with qualitative transfer functions (QTFs) which produce roughly the behaviour of the classical transfer functions. Major improvements have been made in the building of the hierarchical organization. First, the basic variables of the uppermost level and the causal relations between them are chosen. The next graph is built by adding intermediary variables to the upper graph. When the undermost graph has been built, the transfer functions parameters corresponding to its causal relations are identified. The second task consists in the upwelling of the information from the undermost graph to the uppermost one. A fusion procedure of the causal relations has been designed to compute the QFTs relevant for each level. This procedure aims to reduce the number of parameters needed to represent an evolution at a high level of abstraction. These techniques have been applied to the hierarchical modelling of nuclear process. (authors). 8 refs., 12 figs

  13. Fate of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus, the causal organism of bacterial ring rot in potato, in weeds and field crops.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wolf, van der J.M.; Beckhoven, van J.R.C.M.; Hukkanen, A.; Karjalainen, R.; Muller, P.


    Crops and weeds were tested for their ability to host Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus (Cms), the causal agent of bacterial ring rot in potato. Ten crops grown in rotation with potato in Europe, namely maize, wheat, barley, oat, bush bean, broad bean, rape, pea and onion and five cultivars

  14. Dynamics and causality constraints

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sousa, Manoelito M. de


    The physical meaning and the geometrical interpretation of causality implementation in classical field theories are discussed. Causality in field theory are kinematical constraints dynamically implemented via solutions of the field equation, but in a limit of zero-distance from the field sources part of these constraints carries a dynamical content that explains old problems of classical electrodynamics away with deep implications to the nature of physicals interactions. (author)

  15. Causal uncertainty, claimed and behavioural self-handicapping. (United States)

    Thompson, Ted; Hepburn, Jonathan


    Causal uncertainty beliefs involve doubts about the causes of events, and arise as a consequence of non-contingent evaluative feedback: feedback that leaves the individual uncertain about the causes of his or her achievement outcomes. Individuals high in causal uncertainty are frequently unable to confidently attribute their achievement outcomes, experience anxiety in achievement situations and as a consequence are likely to engage in self-handicapping behaviour. Accordingly, we sought to establish links between trait causal uncertainty, claimed and behavioural self-handicapping. Participants were N=72 undergraduate students divided equally between high and low causally uncertain groups. We used a 2 (causal uncertainty status: high, low) x 3 (performance feedback condition: success, non-contingent success, non-contingent failure) between-subjects factorial design to examine the effects of causal uncertainty on achievement behaviour. Following performance feedback, participants completed 20 single-solution anagrams and 12 remote associate tasks serving as performance measures, and 16 unicursal tasks to assess practice effort. Participants also completed measures of claimed handicaps, state anxiety and attributions. Relative to low causally uncertain participants, high causally uncertain participants claimed more handicaps prior to performance on the anagrams and remote associates, reported higher anxiety, attributed their failure to internal, stable factors, and reduced practice effort on the unicursal tasks, evident in fewer unicursal tasks solved. These findings confirm links between trait causal uncertainty and claimed and behavioural self-handicapping, highlighting the need for educators to facilitate means by which students can achieve surety in the manner in which they attribute the causes of their achievement outcomes.

  16. Causal knowledge and reasoning in decision making

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hagmayer, Y.; Witteman, C.L.M.


    Normative causal decision theories argue that people should use their causal knowledge in decision making. Based on these ideas, we argue that causal knowledge and reasoning may support and thereby potentially improve decision making based on expected outcomes, narratives, and even cues. We will

  17. Expert Causal Reasoning and Explanation. (United States)

    Kuipers, Benjamin

    The relationship between cognitive psychologists and researchers in artificial intelligence carries substantial benefits for both. An ongoing investigation in causal reasoning in medical problem solving systems illustrates this interaction. This paper traces a dialectic of sorts in which three different types of causal resaoning for medical…

  18. Links between causal effects and causal association for surrogacy evaluation in a gaussian setting. (United States)

    Conlon, Anna; Taylor, Jeremy; Li, Yun; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Elliott, Michael


    Two paradigms for the evaluation of surrogate markers in randomized clinical trials have been proposed: the causal effects paradigm and the causal association paradigm. Each of these paradigms rely on assumptions that must be made to proceed with estimation and to validate a candidate surrogate marker (S) for the true outcome of interest (T). We consider the setting in which S and T are Gaussian and are generated from structural models that include an unobserved confounder. Under the assumed structural models, we relate the quantities used to evaluate surrogacy within both the causal effects and causal association frameworks. We review some of the common assumptions made to aid in estimating these quantities and show that assumptions made within one framework can imply strong assumptions within the alternative framework. We demonstrate that there is a similarity, but not exact correspondence between the quantities used to evaluate surrogacy within each framework, and show that the conditions for identifiability of the surrogacy parameters are different from the conditions, which lead to a correspondence of these quantities. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Non-Gaussian Methods for Causal Structure Learning. (United States)

    Shimizu, Shohei


    Causal structure learning is one of the most exciting new topics in the fields of machine learning and statistics. In many empirical sciences including prevention science, the causal mechanisms underlying various phenomena need to be studied. Nevertheless, in many cases, classical methods for causal structure learning are not capable of estimating the causal structure of variables. This is because it explicitly or implicitly assumes Gaussianity of data and typically utilizes only the covariance structure. In many applications, however, non-Gaussian data are often obtained, which means that more information may be contained in the data distribution than the covariance matrix is capable of containing. Thus, many new methods have recently been proposed for using the non-Gaussian structure of data and inferring the causal structure of variables. This paper introduces prevention scientists to such causal structure learning methods, particularly those based on the linear, non-Gaussian, acyclic model known as LiNGAM. These non-Gaussian data analysis tools can fully estimate the underlying causal structures of variables under assumptions even in the presence of unobserved common causes. This feature is in contrast to other approaches. A simulated example is also provided.

  20. Causal beliefs about depression in different cultural groups—what do cognitive psychological theories of causal learning and reasoning predict?


    Hagmayer, York; Engelmann, Neele


    Cognitive psychological research focuses on causal learning and reasoning while cognitive anthropological and social science research tend to focus on systems of beliefs. Our aim was to explore how these two types of research can inform each other. Cognitive psychological theories (causal model theory and causal Bayes nets) were used to derive predictions for systems of causal beliefs. These predictions were then applied to lay theories of depression as a specific test case. A systematic lite...

  1. Illness causal beliefs in Turkish immigrants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klimidis Steven


    Full Text Available Abstract Background People hold a wide variety of beliefs concerning the causes of illness. Such beliefs vary across cultures and, among immigrants, may be influenced by many factors, including level of acculturation, gender, level of education, and experience of illness and treatment. This study examines illness causal beliefs in Turkish-immigrants in Australia. Methods Causal beliefs about somatic and mental illness were examined in a sample of 444 members of the Turkish population of Melbourne. The socio-demographic characteristics of the sample were broadly similar to those of the Melbourne Turkish community. Five issues were examined: the structure of causal beliefs; the relative frequency of natural, supernatural and metaphysical beliefs; ascription of somatic, mental, or both somatic and mental conditions to the various causes; the correlations of belief types with socio-demographic, modernizing and acculturation variables; and the relationship between causal beliefs and current illness. Results Principal components analysis revealed two broad factors, accounting for 58 percent of the variation in scores on illness belief scales, distinctly interpretable as natural and supernatural beliefs. Second, beliefs in natural causes were more frequent than beliefs in supernatural causes. Third, some causal beliefs were commonly linked to both somatic and mental conditions while others were regarded as more specific to either somatic or mental disorders. Last, there was a range of correlations between endorsement of belief types and factors defining heterogeneity within the community, including with demographic factors, indicators of modernizing and acculturative processes, and the current presence of illness. Conclusion Results supported the classification of causal beliefs proposed by Murdock, Wilson & Frederick, with a division into natural and supernatural causes. While belief in natural causes is more common, belief in supernatural causes

  2. Illness causal beliefs in Turkish immigrants. (United States)

    Minas, Harry; Klimidis, Steven; Tuncer, Can


    People hold a wide variety of beliefs concerning the causes of illness. Such beliefs vary across cultures and, among immigrants, may be influenced by many factors, including level of acculturation, gender, level of education, and experience of illness and treatment. This study examines illness causal beliefs in Turkish-immigrants in Australia. Causal beliefs about somatic and mental illness were examined in a sample of 444 members of the Turkish population of Melbourne. The socio-demographic characteristics of the sample were broadly similar to those of the Melbourne Turkish community. Five issues were examined: the structure of causal beliefs; the relative frequency of natural, supernatural and metaphysical beliefs; ascription of somatic, mental, or both somatic and mental conditions to the various causes; the correlations of belief types with socio-demographic, modernizing and acculturation variables; and the relationship between causal beliefs and current illness. Principal components analysis revealed two broad factors, accounting for 58 percent of the variation in scores on illness belief scales, distinctly interpretable as natural and supernatural beliefs. Second, beliefs in natural causes were more frequent than beliefs in supernatural causes. Third, some causal beliefs were commonly linked to both somatic and mental conditions while others were regarded as more specific to either somatic or mental disorders. Last, there was a range of correlations between endorsement of belief types and factors defining heterogeneity within the community, including with demographic factors, indicators of modernizing and acculturative processes, and the current presence of illness. Results supported the classification of causal beliefs proposed by Murdock, Wilson & Frederick, with a division into natural and supernatural causes. While belief in natural causes is more common, belief in supernatural causes persists despite modernizing and acculturative influences. Different

  3. Covariation in Natural Causal Induction. (United States)

    Cheng, Patricia W.; Novick, Laura R.


    Biases and models usually offered by cognitive and social psychology and by philosophy to explain causal induction are evaluated with respect to focal sets (contextually determined sets of events over which covariation is computed). A probabilistic contrast model is proposed as underlying covariation computation in natural causal induction. (SLD)

  4. Resúmenes de las tesis de grado en floricultura realizadas en la facultad de agronomía, universidad nacional de colombia. bogotá d.c., entre 1981 y 1993


    Casas, Eduardo; Arbeláez, Germán; Saavedra, Alejandro; Chaves, José Fransico; Molina, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez Arias, Pedro


    Reconocimiento e identificación de Phialophora cinerescens y Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi en el cultivo del clavel en la sabana de Bogotá. / Estudio del poder patogénico de Botrytis cinerea pers. Sobre cinco especies de flores de exportación. / Botrytis cinerea Pers. / Agente causal de la pudrición de las flores y de la corona del estatice (Limonium sinuatum mili. / Aspectos biológicos y control químico de la roya del clavel en la sabana de Bogotá. / Patogenicidad de agrobacterium tumefa...

  5. Exploring Individual Differences in Preschoolers' Causal Stance (United States)

    Alvarez, Aubry; Booth, Amy E.


    Preschoolers, as a group, are highly attuned to causality, and this attunement is known to facilitate memory, learning, and problem solving. However, recent work reveals substantial individual variability in the strength of children's "causal stance," as demonstrated by their curiosity about and preference for new causal information. In…

  6. Behavioural Pattern of Causality Parameter of Autoregressive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper, a causal form of Autoregressive Moving Average process, ARMA (p, q) of various orders and behaviour of the causality parameter of ARMA model is investigated. It is deduced that the behaviour of causality parameter ψi depends on positive and negative values of autoregressive parameter φ and moving ...

  7. Tachyons and causal paradoxes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maund, J.B.


    Although the existence of tachyons is not ruled out by special relativity, it appears that causal paradoxes will arise if there are tachyons. The usual solutions to these paradoxes employ some form of the reinterpretation principle. In this paper it is argued first that, the principle is incoherent, second, that even if it is not, some causal paradoxes remain, and third, the most plausible ''solution,'' which appeals to boundary conditions of the universe, will conflict with special relativity

  8. Causal beliefs about depression in different cultural groups – What do cognitive psychological theories of causal learning and reasoning predict?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    York eHagmayer


    Full Text Available Cognitive psychological research focusses on causal learning and reasoning while cognitive anthropological and social science research tend to focus on systems of beliefs. Our aim was to explore how these two types of research can inform each other. Cognitive psychological theories (causal model theory and causal Bayes nets were used to derive predictions for systems of causal beliefs. These predictions were then applied to lay theories of depression as a specific test case. A systematic literature review on causal beliefs about depression was conducted, including original, quantitative research. Thirty-six studies investigating 13 non-Western and 32 Western cultural groups were analysed by classifying assumed causes and preferred forms of treatment into common categories. Relations between beliefs and treatment preferences were assessed. Substantial agreement between cultural groups was found with respect to the impact of observable causes. Stress was generally rated as most important. Less agreement resulted for hidden, especially supernatural causes. Causal beliefs were clearly related to treatment preferences in Western groups, while evidence was mostly lacking for non-Western groups. Overall predictions were supported, but there were considerable methodological limitations. Pointers to future research, which may combine studies on causal beliefs with experimental paradigms on causal reasoning, are given.

  9. Linear causal modeling with structural equations

    CERN Document Server

    Mulaik, Stanley A


    Emphasizing causation as a functional relationship between variables that describe objects, Linear Causal Modeling with Structural Equations integrates a general philosophical theory of causation with structural equation modeling (SEM) that concerns the special case of linear causal relations. In addition to describing how the functional relation concept may be generalized to treat probabilistic causation, the book reviews historical treatments of causation and explores recent developments in experimental psychology on studies of the perception of causation. It looks at how to perceive causal

  10. Identity, causality, and pronoun ambiguity. (United States)

    Sagi, Eyal; Rips, Lance J


    This article looks at the way people determine the antecedent of a pronoun in sentence pairs, such as: Albert invited Ron to dinner. He spent hours cleaning the house. The experiment reported here is motivated by the idea that such judgments depend on reasoning about identity (e.g., the identity of the he who cleaned the house). Because the identity of an individual over time depends on the causal-historical path connecting the stages of the individual, the correct antecedent will also depend on causal connections. The experiment varied how likely it is that the event of the first sentence (e.g., the invitation) would cause the event of the second (the house cleaning) for each of the two individuals (the likelihood that if Albert invited Ron to dinner, this would cause Albert to clean the house, versus cause Ron to clean the house). Decisions about the antecedent followed causal likelihood. A mathematical model of causal identity accounted for most of the key aspects of the data from the individual sentence pairs. Copyright © 2014 Cognitive Science Society, Inc.

  11. A Causal Theory of Modality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Tomás Alvarado


    Full Text Available This work presents a causal conception of metaphysical modality in which a state of affairs is metaphysically possible if and only if it can be caused (in the past, the present or the future by current entities. The conception is contrasted with what is called the “combinatorial” conception of modality, in which everything can co-exist with anything else. This work explains how the notion of ‘causality’ should be construed in the causal theory, what difference exists between modalities thus defined from nomological modality, how accessibility relations between possible worlds should be interpreted, and what is the relation between the causal conception and the necessity of origin.

  12. Causal reasoning with mental models (United States)

    Khemlani, Sangeet S.; Barbey, Aron K.; Johnson-Laird, Philip N.


    This paper outlines the model-based theory of causal reasoning. It postulates that the core meanings of causal assertions are deterministic and refer to temporally-ordered sets of possibilities: A causes B to occur means that given A, B occurs, whereas A enables B to occur means that given A, it is possible for B to occur. The paper shows how mental models represent such assertions, and how these models underlie deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning yielding explanations. It reviews evidence both to corroborate the theory and to account for phenomena sometimes taken to be incompatible with it. Finally, it reviews neuroscience evidence indicating that mental models for causal inference are implemented within lateral prefrontal cortex. PMID:25389398

  13. Causal reasoning with mental models. (United States)

    Khemlani, Sangeet S; Barbey, Aron K; Johnson-Laird, Philip N


    This paper outlines the model-based theory of causal reasoning. It postulates that the core meanings of causal assertions are deterministic and refer to temporally-ordered sets of possibilities: A causes B to occur means that given A, B occurs, whereas A enables B to occur means that given A, it is possible for B to occur. The paper shows how mental models represent such assertions, and how these models underlie deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning yielding explanations. It reviews evidence both to corroborate the theory and to account for phenomena sometimes taken to be incompatible with it. Finally, it reviews neuroscience evidence indicating that mental models for causal inference are implemented within lateral prefrontal cortex.

  14. Causal reasoning with mental models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sangeet eKhemlani


    Full Text Available This paper outlines the model-based theory of causal reasoning. It postulates that the core meanings of causal assertions are deterministic and refer to temporally-ordered sets of possibilities: A causes B to occur means that given A, B occurs, whereas A enables B to occur means that given A, it is possible for B to occur. The paper shows how mental models represent such assertions, and how these models underlie deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning yielding explanations. It reviews evidence both to corroborate the theory and to account for phenomena sometimes taken to be incompatible with it. Finally, it reviews neuroscience evidence indicating that mental models for causal inference are implemented within lateral prefrontal cortex.

  15. Foundational perspectives on causality in large-scale brain networks (United States)

    Mannino, Michael; Bressler, Steven L.


    A profusion of recent work in cognitive neuroscience has been concerned with the endeavor to uncover causal influences in large-scale brain networks. However, despite the fact that many papers give a nod to the important theoretical challenges posed by the concept of causality, this explosion of research has generally not been accompanied by a rigorous conceptual analysis of the nature of causality in the brain. This review provides both a descriptive and prescriptive account of the nature of causality as found within and between large-scale brain networks. In short, it seeks to clarify the concept of causality in large-scale brain networks both philosophically and scientifically. This is accomplished by briefly reviewing the rich philosophical history of work on causality, especially focusing on contributions by David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Bertrand Russell, and Christopher Hitchcock. We go on to discuss the impact that various interpretations of modern physics have had on our understanding of causality. Throughout all this, a central focus is the distinction between theories of deterministic causality (DC), whereby causes uniquely determine their effects, and probabilistic causality (PC), whereby causes change the probability of occurrence of their effects. We argue that, given the topological complexity of its large-scale connectivity, the brain should be considered as a complex system and its causal influences treated as probabilistic in nature. We conclude that PC is well suited for explaining causality in the brain for three reasons: (1) brain causality is often mutual; (2) connectional convergence dictates that only rarely is the activity of one neuronal population uniquely determined by another one; and (3) the causal influences exerted between neuronal populations may not have observable effects. A number of different techniques are currently available to characterize causal influence in the brain. Typically, these techniques quantify the statistical

  16. Heterogeneous Causal Effects and Sample Selection Bias

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Breen, Richard; Choi, Seongsoo; Holm, Anders


    The role of education in the process of socioeconomic attainment is a topic of long standing interest to sociologists and economists. Recently there has been growing interest not only in estimating the average causal effect of education on outcomes such as earnings, but also in estimating how...... causal effects might vary over individuals or groups. In this paper we point out one of the under-appreciated hazards of seeking to estimate heterogeneous causal effects: conventional selection bias (that is, selection on baseline differences) can easily be mistaken for heterogeneity of causal effects....... This might lead us to find heterogeneous effects when the true effect is homogenous, or to wrongly estimate not only the magnitude but also the sign of heterogeneous effects. We apply a test for the robustness of heterogeneous causal effects in the face of varying degrees and patterns of selection bias...

  17. Pobreza y celebridades del espectáculo: un debate del accionar internacional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erli Margarita Marín Aranguren


    Full Text Available Este artículo muestra la incidencia de las celebridades del espectáculo, como agentes de la sociedad civil, para transformar la pobreza que se vive en el mundo, especialmente en los países del cuerno de África. Ellas juegan un rol protagónico en términos de sensibilización de la situación. Buscan que sus audiencias pasen a la acción. Si bien no es una estrategia de acción nueva, en este artículo se hace un recuento de cinco hitos globales, donde las campañas han tenido como reeditores sociales a estrellas del espectáculo que han trabajo de la mano con otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil o redes transnacionales. Para evidenciar el accionar de estos agentes, primero se abordan los referentes teóricos que acercarán al lector a la discusión planteada. Posteriormente, se hace un recuento lineal de las interacciones de las celebridades del espectáculo con las acciones de la lucha contra la pobreza, las cuales no solo han generado un cambio en las campañas, sino también en la narrativa del tema. Esto demuestra la eficacia para incidir en decisiones políticas que han posibilitado la reducción de la pobreza, debido a que el cambio de narrative ha permitido la vinculación de líderes políticos y de organizaciones internacionales. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones, las cuales no solo abordan lo positivo de este aporte, sino también aspectos como el mercado de la beneficencia, la superficialidad de la información que se genera y que no logra concientizar, y la doble moral del accionar de los Estados.

  18. A critical review of the epidemiology of Agent Orange/TCDD and prostate cancer. (United States)

    Chang, Ellen T; Boffetta, Paolo; Adami, Hans-Olov; Cole, Philip; Mandel, Jack S


    To inform risk assessment and regulatory decision-making, the relationship between 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and prostate cancer requires clarification. This article systematically and critically reviews the epidemiologic evidence on the association between exposure to TCDD or Agent Orange, a TCDD-contaminated herbicide used during the Vietnam War, and prostate cancer risk. Articles evaluated include 11 studies of three cohorts, four case-control or cross-sectional studies, and three case-only studies of military veterans with information on estimated Agent Orange or TCDD exposure; 13 studies of seven cohorts, one case-control study, and eight proportionate morbidity or mortality studies of Vietnam veterans without information on Agent Orange exposure; 11 cohort studies of workers with occupational exposure to TCDD; and two studies of one community cohort with environmental exposure to TCDD. The most informative studies, including those of Vietnam veterans involved in Agent Orange spraying or other handling, herbicide manufacturing or spraying workers with occupational TCDD exposure, and community members exposed to TCDD through an industrial accident, consistently reported no significant increase in prostate cancer incidence or mortality. Only some potentially confounded studies of Vietnam veterans compared with the general population, studies with unreliable estimates of Agent Orange exposure, and analyses of selected subgroups of Vietnam veterans reported positive associations. Overall, epidemiologic research offers no consistent or convincing evidence of a causal relationship between exposure to Agent Orange or TCDD and prostate cancer. More accurate exposure assessment is needed in large epidemiologic studies to rule out a causal association more conclusively.

  19. La admisión de pruebas de oficio en el sistema penal acusatorio garantista y la vulneración del principio de imparcialidad del juzgador e igualdad de las partes establecidas en la constitución


    Challco Gamero, Fredy


    La- investigación: “La admisión de pruebas de oficio en el sistema penal acusatorio garantista y la vulneración del principio de imparcialidad del juzgador e igualdad de las partes, establecidas en la constitución" plantea como objetivo: determinar si la admisión de pruebas de oficio en el sistema procesal penal acusatorio garantista adversativo, vulnerara derechos fundamentales del debido proceso establecido en la Constitución. Es un estudio de diseño explicativo causal, es decir, el nivel n...

  20. Entanglement entropy in causal set theory (United States)

    Sorkin, Rafael D.; Yazdi, Yasaman K.


    Entanglement entropy is now widely accepted as having deep connections with quantum gravity. It is therefore desirable to understand it in the context of causal sets, especially since they provide in a natural manner the UV cutoff needed to render entanglement entropy finite. Formulating a notion of entanglement entropy in a causal set is not straightforward because the type of canonical hypersurface-data on which its definition typically relies is not available. Instead, we appeal to the more global expression given in Sorkin (2012 (arXiv:1205.2953)) which, for a Gaussian scalar field, expresses the entropy of a spacetime region in terms of the field’s correlation function within that region (its ‘Wightman function’ W(x, x') ). Carrying this formula over to the causal set, one obtains an entropy which is both finite and of a Lorentz invariant nature. We evaluate this global entropy-expression numerically for certain regions (primarily order-intervals or ‘causal diamonds’) within causal sets of 1  +  1 dimensions. For the causal-set counterpart of the entanglement entropy, we obtain, in the first instance, a result that follows a (spacetime) volume law instead of the expected (spatial) area law. We find, however, that one obtains an area law if one truncates the commutator function (‘Pauli–Jordan operator’) and the Wightman function by projecting out the eigenmodes of the Pauli–Jordan operator whose eigenvalues are too close to zero according to a geometrical criterion which we describe more fully below. In connection with these results and the questions they raise, we also study the ‘entropy of coarse-graining’ generated by thinning out the causal set, and we compare it with what one obtains by similarly thinning out a chain of harmonic oscillators, finding the same, ‘universal’ behaviour in both cases.

  1. Analisis del sistema Paraguayo de investigacion agropecuaria


    Ekboir, Javier M.; Parellada, Gabriel H.; Molina, Andres; Duarte, Cesar


    En la década del 90, el Gobierno paraguayo implementó, con poco éxito, varios planes de reforma del Estado. Actualmente conviven en Paraguay un Estado muy centralizado, con poca capacidad de implementar políticas modernas, y una economía muy descentralizada (a veces completamente fuera del control del gobierno y de la policía), que evoluciona gracias a las acciones e interacciones de agentes individuales y a las oportunidades creadas por la integración a los mercados fronterizos, tanto en los...

  2. Preschoolers prefer to learn causal information

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aubry eAlvarez


    Full Text Available Young children, in general, appear to have a strong drive to explore the environment in ways that reveal its underlying causal structure. But are they really attuned specifically to casual information in this quest for understanding, or do they show equal interest in other types of non-obvious information about the world? To answer this question, we introduced 20 three-year-old children to two puppets who were anxious to tell the child about a set of novel artifacts and animals. One puppet consistently described causal properties of the items while the other puppet consistently described carefully matched non-causal properties of the same items. After a familiarization period in which children learned which type of information to expect from each informant, children were given the opportunity to choose which they wanted to hear describe each of eight pictured test items. On average, children chose to hear from the informant that provided causal descriptions on 72% of the trials. This preference for causal information has important implications for explaining the role of conceptual information in supporting early learning and may suggest means for maximizing interest and motivation in young children.

  3. El cine de senderos bifurcados : propuesta metodológica para el análisis narrativo del discurso de historias múltiples


    Gordillo Álvarez, Inmaculada


    El discurso audiovisual con relaciones causales entretejiendo una única línea argumental convive, desde finales del siglo XX, con un abultado número de películas que muestra una disgregación de la historia. Las fragmentaciones y descomposiciones pueden venir desde los componentes conceptuales del ámbito del argumento, y/o de mecanismos formales de articulación disgregada del relato. Por ello, basándonos en los instrumentos metodológicos de la narrativa audiovisual, es necesario organizar una ...

  4. Mathematical implications of Einstein-Weyl causality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borchers, H.J.; Sen, R.N.


    The present work is the first systematic attempt at answering the following fundamental question: what mathematical structures does Einstein-Weyl causality impose on a point-set that has no other previous structure defined on it? The authors propose an axiomatization of Einstein-Weyl causality (inspired by physics), and investigate the topological and uniform structures that it implies. Their final result is that a causal space is densely embedded in one that is locally a differentiable manifold. The mathematical level required of the reader is that of the graduate student in mathematical physics. (orig.)

  5. Causality violation, gravitational shockwaves and UV completion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hollowood, Timothy J.; Shore, Graham M. [Department of Physics, Swansea University,Swansea, SA2 8PP (United Kingdom)


    The effective actions describing the low-energy dynamics of QFTs involving gravity generically exhibit causality violations. These may take the form of superluminal propagation or Shapiro time advances and allow the construction of “time machines”, i.e. spacetimes admitting closed non-spacelike curves. Here, we discuss critically whether such causality violations may be used as a criterion to identify unphysical effective actions or whether, and how, causality problems may be resolved by embedding the action in a fundamental, UV complete QFT. We study in detail the case of photon scattering in an Aichelburg-Sexl gravitational shockwave background and calculate the phase shifts in QED for all energies, demonstrating their smooth interpolation from the causality-violating effective action values at low-energy to their manifestly causal high-energy limits. At low energies, these phase shifts may be interpreted as backwards-in-time coordinate jumps as the photon encounters the shock wavefront, and we illustrate how the resulting causality problems emerge and are resolved in a two-shockwave time machine scenario. The implications of our results for ultra-high (Planck) energy scattering, in which graviton exchange is modelled by the shockwave background, are highlighted.

  6. Introductive remarks on causal inference

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    Silvana A. Romio


    Full Text Available One of the more challenging issues in epidemiological research is being able to provide an unbiased estimate of the causal exposure-disease effect, to assess the possible etiological mechanisms and the implication for public health. A major source of bias is confounding, which can spuriously create or mask the causal relationship. In the last ten years, methodological research has been developed to better de_ne the concept of causation in epidemiology and some important achievements have resulted in new statistical models. In this review, we aim to show how a technique the well known by statisticians, i.e. standardization, can be seen as a method to estimate causal e_ects, equivalent under certain conditions to the inverse probability treatment weight procedure.

  7. Nutritional capability of and substrate suitability for Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causal agent of bat white-nose syndrome.

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    Daniel B Raudabaugh

    Full Text Available Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causal agent of bat white-nose syndrome, has caused nearly six million deaths in North American bats since its introduction into the United States in 2006. Current research has shown that caves can harbor P. destructans even after the infected bats are removed and bats no longer visit or inhabit previously infected caves. Our research focuses on elucidating reservoir requirements by investigating the nutritional capabilities of and substrate suitability requirements for six different P. destructans isolates from various localities including Illinois, Indiana, New York (Type specimen, and Pennsylvania. Enzyme assays implicate that both urease and b-glucosidase appear to be constitutive, lipase and esterase activity were more rapid than proteinase activity on 6% gelatin, gelatin degradation was accompanied by medium alkalinization, the reduction of thiosulfate generated hydrogen sulfide gas, chitinase and manganese dependent peroxidase activity were not visually demonstrated within eight weeks, and keratinase activity was not evident at pH 8 within eight weeks. We demonstrate that all P. destructans isolates are capable of growth and sporulation on dead fish, insect, and mushroom tissues. Sole nitrogen source assays demonstrated that all P. destructans isolates exhibit Class 2 nitrogen utilization and that growth-dependent interactions occur among different pH and nitrogen sources. Substrate suitability assays demonstrated that all isolates could grow and sporulate on media ranging from pH 5-11 and tolerated media supplemented with 2000 mg/L of calcium and 700 mg/L of three separated sulfur compounds: thiosulfate L-cysteine, and sulfite. All isolates were intolerant to PEG-induced matric potential with delayed germination and growth at -2.5 MPa with no visible germination at -5 MPa. Interestingly, decreasing the surface tension with Tween 80 permitted germination and growth of P. destructans in -5 MPa PEG medium

  8. Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae the Causal Agent of Bacterial Leaf Blight of rice: Isolation, Characterization, and Study of Transposon Mutagenesis

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    Abdjad Asih Nawangsih


    Full Text Available Xanthomonas oryzae pv oryzae the Causal Agent of Bacterial Leaf Blight of rice: Isolation, Characterization, and Study of Transposon Mutagenesis. X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo causes bacterial leaf blight (BLB of rice (Oryza sativa L., a major disease that constrains production of the staple crop in many countries of the world. Identification of X. oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo was conducted based on the disease symptoms, pathogenicity, morphological, physiological, and genetic characteristics of bacterial cultures isolated from the infected plants. Fifty bacterial isolates predicted as Xoo have been successfully isolated. They are aerobic, rod shaped, and Gram negative bacteria. The isolates were evaluated for their hypersensitivity in tobacco and pathogenicity in rice plant. Fifty isolates induced hypersensitive reaction in tobacco and showed pathogenicity symptom in rice in different length. Based on physiological test, hypersensitivity and pathogenicity reactions, three bacterial isolates strongly predicted as Xoo, i.e. STG21, STG42, and STG46, were non indole formation, non pigment fluorescent, hydrolyzed casein, catalase activity positive, but negative oxidase. Partial sequencing of 16S rRNA genes of STG21 and STG42 showed 80% and 82% homology with X. oryzae, respectively, while STG46 showed 84% homology with X. campestris. Mini-Tn5 transposon mutagenesis of STG21 generated one of the mutants (M5 lossed it’s ability to induce hypersensitive reaction in tobacco plant and deficient in pathogenicity on rice. The lesion length of rice leaf caused by the mutant M5 decreased up to 80%.

  9. Dureza complexométrica del agua. Ejercicio 1.


    Milla González, Miguel


    Se trata de un problema sencillo relacionado con la determinación complexométrica de la dureza del agua. Deberá calcularse los gramos de AEDT disódico necesarios para preparar un volumen dado del citado agente complejante de molaridad M. Los datos son aleatorios.

  10. In vitro antibacterial effect of exotic plants essential oils on the honeybee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae, causal agent of American foul brood

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fuselli, S. R.; Garcia de la Rosa, S. B.; Eguaras, M. J.; Fritz, R.


    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of exotic plants essential oils to potentially control Paenibacillus larvae, the causal agent of American foul brood disease (AFB) were determined. AFB represents one of the main plagues that affect the colonies of honeybees Apis mellifera L. with high negative impact on beekeepers worldwide. Essential oils tested were niaouli (Melaleuca viridiflora) and tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) from Myrtaceae, and citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus) and palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii) from Gramineae. The components of the essential oils were identified by SPME-GC/MS analysis. The antimicrobial activity of the oils against P. larvae was determined by the broth micro dilution method. In vitro assays of M. viridiflora and C. nardus oils showed the inhibition of the bacterial strains at the lowest concentrations tested, with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) mean value about 320 mg L{sup -}1 for both oils, respectively. This property could be attributed to the kind and percentage of the components of the oils. Terpinen-4-ol (29.09%), {alpha}-pinene (21.63%) and limonene (17.4%) were predominant in M. viridiflora, while limonene (24.74%), citronelal (24.61%) and geraniol (15.79%) were the bulk of C. nardus. The use of these essential oils contributes to the screening of alternative natural compounds to control AFB in the apiaries; toxicological risks and other undesirable effects would be avoided as resistance factors, developed by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. (Author) 40 refs.

  11. Quasi-Experimental Designs for Causal Inference (United States)

    Kim, Yongnam; Steiner, Peter


    When randomized experiments are infeasible, quasi-experimental designs can be exploited to evaluate causal treatment effects. The strongest quasi-experimental designs for causal inference are regression discontinuity designs, instrumental variable designs, matching and propensity score designs, and comparative interrupted time series designs. This…

  12. Combinación de agentes tocolíticos para la inhibición del trabajo de parto prematuro

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    Conclusiones de los autores: No está claro si una combinación de fármacos tocolíticos para el trabajo de parto prematuro es más ventajosa para las embarazadas y los recién nacidos, debido a la falta de ensayos grandes bien diseñados que incluyan los resultados de interés. No hay ensayos de regímenes de combinación que utilicen los agentes tocolíticos usados con gran frecuencia como los bloqueantes de los canales de calcio (nifedipino y los antagonistas de los receptores de oxitocina (atosiban. Se necesitan ensayos adicionales antes de establecer conclusiones específicas sobre el uso del tratamiento con tocolíticos combinados para el trabajo de parto prematuro.

  13. Gravity and matter in causal set theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sverdlov, Roman; Bombelli, Luca


    The goal of this paper is to propose an approach to the formulation of dynamics for causal sets and coupled matter fields. We start from the continuum version of the action for a Klein-Gordon field coupled to gravity, and rewrite it first using quantities that have a direct correspondent in the case of a causal set, namely volumes, causal relations and timelike lengths, as variables to describe the geometry. In this step, the local Lagrangian density L(f;x) for a set of fields f is recast into a quasilocal expression L 0 (f;p,q) that depends on pairs of causally related points pprq and is a function of the values of f in the Alexandrov set defined by those points, and whose limit as p and q approach a common point x is L(f;x). We then describe how to discretize L 0 (f;p,q) and use it to define a causal-set-based action.

  14. Breve ensayo sobre el devenir del libro moderno

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    Roberto Jalil Milad


    Full Text Available El libro ha sufrido modificaciones radicales durante su evolución, que ha acompañado a la evolución intelectual y cultural del hombre. Estas modificaciones han afectado tanto su estructura física como su organización interna. La producción artesanal del libro se modificó definitivamente en el siglo XIV con el advenimiento de la imprenta, transformando en forma decisiva la fabricación y venta de libros en una industria floreciente hasta nuestros días, permitiendo su expansión hacia el hombre común. Posteriormente, en el siglo XVIII, la aparición de la enciclopedia le dio un impulso insospechado, ayudando dinámicamente a modificar la forma en que el hombre accedía al conocimiento. El siglo XX, a través del desarrollo de Internet permitía al libro incorporarse a una matriz activa del conocimiento. Las características de Internet, como protovehículo de inteligencia artificial, plantea la disyuntiva de su origen desde una dimensión casual o causal, en una comparación inevitable con los orígenes mismos del lenguaje.

  15. Causal theory in (2+1)-dimensional Qed

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scharf, G.; Wreszinski, W.F.


    The program of constructing the S-matrix by means of causality in quantum field theory goes back to Stueckelberg and Bogoliubov. Epstein and Glaser proposed an axiomatic construct where ultraviolet divergences do not appear, leading directly to the renormalized perturbation series. They have shown that in the causal theory the UV problem is a consequence of incorrect distribution splitting. This paper studies the causal theory in (2+1)D Qed

  16. How multiple causes combine: independence constraints on causal inference. (United States)

    Liljeholm, Mimi


    According to the causal power view, two core constraints-that causes occur independently (i.e., no confounding) and influence their effects independently-serve as boundary conditions for causal induction. This study investigated how violations of these constraints modulate uncertainty about the existence and strength of a causal relationship. Participants were presented with pairs of candidate causes that were either confounded or not, and that either interacted or exerted their influences independently. Consistent with the causal power view, uncertainty about the existence and strength of causal relationships was greater when causes were confounded or interacted than when unconfounded and acting independently. An elemental Bayesian causal model captured differences in uncertainty due to confounding but not those due to an interaction. Implications of distinct sources of uncertainty for the selection of contingency information and causal generalization are discussed.

  17. The mistake of the causal relationship

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    О. Д. Комаров


    Full Text Available The article deals with issues of the mistake of the causal relationship. The modern criminal law science approaches to the content of the mistake of the causal relationship and its significance to the qualification of the crime are described. It is proved that in cases of dolus generalis different mental attitude of the guilty person to two separate acts of his conduct exist. Consequently, in mentioned above cases mistake of the causal relationship does not have place. The rules of qualification of the crimes commited with the mistake of causation and in cases of dolus generalis are proposed .

  18. El agente de cambio en la adopción de innovaciones en agroempresas ovinas

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    Julia Sánchez Gómez


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue analizar el papel del agente de cambio en la adopción de innovaciones en ovinocultores con menos de 25 vientres y la permanencia de esta adopción una vez que el agente se retira. Se considera agente de cambio a un grupo de profesionistas que focaliza su quehacer en actores y procesos clave para promover la adopción más rápida de innovaciones. Se entrevistaron 78 ovinocultores al iniciar el trabajo del agente de cambio, luego a los 22 meses de trabajo y retiro del agente, y finalmente a los 22 meses de ocurrido éste. La promoción de innovaciones (mezcla de minerales específicas para ovinos, suplementación en el último tercio de la gestación y lactancia, entre otras de fácil adopción, con resultados visibles en el corto plazo y de baja inversión, así como la focalización en productores clave seleccionados mediante el análisis de redes sociales provocó un incremento significativo en la adopción de innovaciones (P<0.01. La adopción en productores de atención directa fue mayor a los de atención vía cursos y eventos extensivos (P<0.01. También los productores de atención directa fueron más propensos a mantener las innovaciones después del retiro del agente. Se concluye que la atención directa a productores clave (con una posición estratégica en la red es importante al igual que el enfoque en ciertas innovaciones, lo cual contribuye al desarrollo de capacidades de los pequeños ovinocultores. Sin embargo, un agente de cambio debe plantear también estrategias para la atención de ovinocultores de manera indirecta, pues estos tienden a diversificar sus fuentes de información.

  19. Causal independence between energy consumption and economic growth in Liberia: Evidence from a non-parametric bootstrapped causality test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wesseh, Presley K.; Zoumara, Babette


    This contribution investigates causal interdependence between energy consumption and economic growth in Liberia and proposes application of a bootstrap methodology. To better reflect causality, employment is incorporated as additional variable. The study demonstrates evidence of distinct bidirectional Granger causality between energy consumption and economic growth. Additionally, the results show that employment in Liberia Granger causes economic growth and apply irrespective of the short-run or long-run. Evidence from a Monte Carlo experiment reveals that the asymptotic Granger causality test suffers size distortion problem for Liberian data, suggesting that the bootstrap technique employed in this study is more appropriate. Given the empirical results, implications are that energy expansion policies like energy subsidy or low energy tariff for instance, would be necessary to cope with demand exerted as a result of economic growth in Liberia. Furthermore, Liberia might have the performance of its employment generation on the economy partly determined by adequate energy. Therefore, it seems fully justified that a quick shift towards energy production based on clean energy sources may significantly slow down economic growth in Liberia. Hence, the government’s target to implement a long-term strategy to make Liberia a carbon neutral country, and eventually less carbon dependent by 2050 is understandable. - Highlights: ► Causality between energy consumption and economic growth in Liberia investigated. ► There is bidirectional causality between energy consumption and economic growth. ► Energy expansion policies are necessary to cope with demand from economic growth. ► Asymptotic Granger causality test suffers size distortion problem for Liberian data. ► The bootstrap methodology employed in our study is more appropriate.

  20. A Bayesian Theory of Sequential Causal Learning and Abstract Transfer. (United States)

    Lu, Hongjing; Rojas, Randall R; Beckers, Tom; Yuille, Alan L


    Two key research issues in the field of causal learning are how people acquire causal knowledge when observing data that are presented sequentially, and the level of abstraction at which learning takes place. Does sequential causal learning solely involve the acquisition of specific cause-effect links, or do learners also acquire knowledge about abstract causal constraints? Recent empirical studies have revealed that experience with one set of causal cues can dramatically alter subsequent learning and performance with entirely different cues, suggesting that learning involves abstract transfer, and such transfer effects involve sequential presentation of distinct sets of causal cues. It has been demonstrated that pre-training (or even post-training) can modulate classic causal learning phenomena such as forward and backward blocking. To account for these effects, we propose a Bayesian theory of sequential causal learning. The theory assumes that humans are able to consider and use several alternative causal generative models, each instantiating a different causal integration rule. Model selection is used to decide which integration rule to use in a given learning environment in order to infer causal knowledge from sequential data. Detailed computer simulations demonstrate that humans rely on the abstract characteristics of outcome variables (e.g., binary vs. continuous) to select a causal integration rule, which in turn alters causal learning in a variety of blocking and overshadowing paradigms. When the nature of the outcome variable is ambiguous, humans select the model that yields the best fit with the recent environment, and then apply it to subsequent learning tasks. Based on sequential patterns of cue-outcome co-occurrence, the theory can account for a range of phenomena in sequential causal learning, including various blocking effects, primacy effects in some experimental conditions, and apparently abstract transfer of causal knowledge. Copyright © 2015

  1. Atribuciones causales en el deporte: estudio sobre las diferencias entre la percepción de éxito y fracaso

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    Paulo Malico Sousa


    Full Text Available Teniendo como referencia el modelo atribucional de la motivación y emoción de Weiner (1979,1986, se pretenden evaluar las atribuciones causales en situaciones de éxito y fracaso deportivo. La muestra es de 338 atletas, con edades comprendidas entre 16 y 38 años (M = 23,73; DS = 5,86, participantes en competiciones federadas del deporte portugués, en las modalidades olímpicas de Fútbol (n =192, Atletismo (n =100 y Esgrima (n = 46. En la evaluación de las atribuciones causales se utilizó la Causal Dimensión Scale II (CDSII: McAuley, Duncan y Russell, 1992 en una versión traducida y adaptada para la población portuguesa por Fonseca (1993b. Los datos evidenciaron que los atletas, en general, consideran que sus éxitos se deben a causas internas, menos inestables y pasibles de control personal, mientras se desvinculan de una manera pronunciada de sus malos resultados deportivos al atribuir las causas a factores menos internos, más inestables y pasibles de control por parte de otras personas.

  2. On minimizers of causal variational principles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiefeneder, Daniela


    Causal variational principles are a class of nonlinear minimization problems which arise in a formulation of relativistic quantum theory referred to as the fermionic projector approach. This thesis is devoted to a numerical and analytic study of the minimizers of a general class of causal variational principles. We begin with a numerical investigation of variational principles for the fermionic projector in discrete space-time. It is shown that for sufficiently many space-time points, the minimizing fermionic projector induces non-trivial causal relations on the space-time points. We then generalize the setting by introducing a class of causal variational principles for measures on a compact manifold. In our main result we prove under general assumptions that the support of a minimizing measure is either completely timelike, or it is singular in the sense that its interior is empty. In the examples of the circle, the sphere and certain flag manifolds, the general results are supplemented by a more detailed analysis of the minimizers. (orig.)

  3. Spatial Causality. An application to the Deforestation Process in Bolivia

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    Javier Aliaga


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza las causas de la deforestación para un conjunto representativo de municipios bolivianos. La literatura sobre economía ambiental insiste en la importancia de los factores físicos y sociales. Nos centramos en el último grupo de variables. Nuestro objetivo es identificar los mecanismos causales entre estos factores de riesgo y el problema de la deforestación. Con este fin, se presenta una estrategia de análisis para identificar mecanismos de causalidad espacial, basada en una secuencia de los multiplicadores de Lagrange. Los resultados que obtenemos para el caso de Bolivia confirman sólo parcialmente la visión tradicional del problema de la deforestación. De hecho, sólo encontramos signos inequívocos de causalidad en relación con la estructura de los derechos de propiedad.

  4. Consciousness and the "Causal Paradox"


    Velmans, Max


    Viewed from a first-person perspective consciousness appears to be necessary for complex, novel human activity - but viewed from a third-person perspective consciousness appears to play no role in the activity of brains, producing a "causal paradox". To resolve this paradox one needs to distinguish consciousness of processing from consciousness accompanying processing or causing processing. Accounts of consciousness/brain causal interactions switch between first- and third-person perspectives...

  5. Bartleby o la política del caos

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    Andrés Camilo Torres Estrada


    Full Text Available El artículo presenta un análisis del cuento de Herman Melville: “Bartleby, el escribiente”. Este análisis parte de un acercamiento a la literatura desde una noción de política inspirada en autores como Jacques Derrida y Jacques Rancière, pero que se aparta de esta filosofía cuando, por encima del propio texto y sus posibilidades, se pretende encontrar en él heterotopías, esperanzas y comunidades por venir. Esta noción de política acerca a la literatura al mundo efectivo, transfigurando los modos de ser y no ser. Así, el personaje de Bartleby se presenta en medio del mundo de la representación como un agente del caos. En esto consiste la política del escribiente: su incursión devela las farsas del mundo construido y soñado por los hombres; pero esta destrucción que causa es inútil: el mundo de la representación ha sentido su absurdo, no sabe qué hacer con dicho agente del caos, pero no es suficiente para arruinarlo. Bartleby, quien se ha indeterminado y ha abandonado las dualidades de ser y no ser, tampoco puede seguir viviendo: ya no hay espacio para la vida sin referencias en un mundo humano y ficticio.

  6. electrónica en sistemas multi-agente

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    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo presentado en este artículo consiste en la definición de un método de comparación basado en la aplicación de métricas de calidad elaboradas con el fin de medir protocolos de negociación electrónica en entornos Multi-Agente. Para la comparación de los protocolos se escogen los siguientes criterios de calidad: Rapidez, Eficiencia, Escalabilidad y Completitud. Para la aplicación y validación del método de Comparación se implementan dos prototipos de negociación electrónica basados en las subastas inglesa y holandesa, utilizando la plataforma JADE (Java Agents DEvelopment Framework y se obtuvieron resultados preliminares de su comportamiento los cuales fueron analizados y se sacaron las conclusiones respectivas.


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    V. I. Kirillov


    Full Text Available The review gives data on shortcomings in the antimicrobial measures that are associated with the defects in the effective treatment of urinary system infections, such as the high risk of disease relapses and the stable proportion of secondary pyelonephritis among the causes of chronic renal failure. The vulnerability of this approach is to accelerate the rate of acquiring the resistance of uropathogens to the currently available antibiotics that may also have a number of side effects, including those involved in the pathogenesis of urinary tract infections. Difficulties in conducting adequate causal therapy are also associated with some subjective factors that largely hamper the personalized diagnosis of diseases of causative agents.

  8. Quitina y carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes


    Sol A Fernández Monagas; María D Rodríguez Albadalejo; Ofelia Bilbao Revoredo; Olga M Nieto Acosta


    Se realizó un estudio comparativo de la quitina y la carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes, y se evaluó la influencia ejercida por el método empleado en la elaboración de las tabletas sobre la actividad desintegrante de ambos polímeros. La quitina presentó buenas características como agente desintegrante independientemente del método utilizado en la elaboración de las tabletas, mientras que la actividad desintegrante de la carboximetilquitosana fue afectada por el proceso de granu...

  9. Causal inference in biology networks with integrated belief propagation. (United States)

    Chang, Rui; Karr, Jonathan R; Schadt, Eric E


    Inferring causal relationships among molecular and higher order phenotypes is a critical step in elucidating the complexity of living systems. Here we propose a novel method for inferring causality that is no longer constrained by the conditional dependency arguments that limit the ability of statistical causal inference methods to resolve causal relationships within sets of graphical models that are Markov equivalent. Our method utilizes Bayesian belief propagation to infer the responses of perturbation events on molecular traits given a hypothesized graph structure. A distance measure between the inferred response distribution and the observed data is defined to assess the 'fitness' of the hypothesized causal relationships. To test our algorithm, we infer causal relationships within equivalence classes of gene networks in which the form of the functional interactions that are possible are assumed to be nonlinear, given synthetic microarray and RNA sequencing data. We also apply our method to infer causality in real metabolic network with v-structure and feedback loop. We show that our method can recapitulate the causal structure and recover the feedback loop only from steady-state data which conventional method cannot.

  10. A general, multivariate definition of causal effects in epidemiology. (United States)

    Flanders, W Dana; Klein, Mitchel


    Population causal effects are often defined as contrasts of average individual-level counterfactual outcomes, comparing different exposure levels. Common examples include causal risk difference and risk ratios. These and most other examples emphasize effects on disease onset, a reflection of the usual epidemiological interest in disease occurrence. Exposure effects on other health characteristics, such as prevalence or conditional risk of a particular disability, can be important as well, but contrasts involving these other measures may often be dismissed as non-causal. For example, an observed prevalence ratio might often viewed as an estimator of a causal incidence ratio and hence subject to bias. In this manuscript, we provide and evaluate a definition of causal effects that generalizes those previously available. A key part of the generalization is that contrasts used in the definition can involve multivariate, counterfactual outcomes, rather than only univariate outcomes. An important consequence of our generalization is that, using it, one can properly define causal effects based on a wide variety of additional measures. Examples include causal prevalence ratios and differences and causal conditional risk ratios and differences. We illustrate how these additional measures can be useful, natural, easily estimated, and of public health importance. Furthermore, we discuss conditions for valid estimation of each type of causal effect, and how improper interpretation or inferences for the wrong target population can be sources of bias.

  11. Information causality from an entropic and a probabilistic perspective

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Safi, Sabri W.; Short, Anthony J.


    The information causality principle is a generalization of the no-signaling principle which implies some of the known restrictions on quantum correlations. But despite its clear physical motivation, information causality is formulated in terms of a rather specialized game and figure of merit. We explore different perspectives on information causality, discussing the probability of success as the figure of merit, a relation between information causality and the nonlocal ''inner-product game,'' and the derivation of a quadratic bound for these games. We then examine an entropic formulation of information causality with which one can obtain the same results, arguably in a simpler fashion.

  12. Marco regulatorio para la competencia de agentes económicos en Colombia

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    Germán Zarama S.


    Full Text Available El presente artículo procura llevar a cabo una aproximación preliminar al vínculo existente entre las ciencias jurídicas y las ciencias económicas. Partiendo de la compilación normativa, explora la incidencia que tiene elcomportamiento del mercado y sus agentes en la producción de normas, y asu vez, cómo la regulación desde el ámbito del derecho establece límites a laactuación de los agentes económicos.

  13. Causal Mediation Analysis: Warning! Assumptions Ahead (United States)

    Keele, Luke


    In policy evaluations, interest may focus on why a particular treatment works. One tool for understanding why treatments work is causal mediation analysis. In this essay, I focus on the assumptions needed to estimate mediation effects. I show that there is no "gold standard" method for the identification of causal mediation effects. In…

  14. How to Be Causal: Time, Spacetime and Spectra (United States)

    Kinsler, Paul


    I explain a simple definition of causality in widespread use, and indicate how it links to the Kramers-Kronig relations. The specification of causality in terms of temporal differential equations then shows us the way to write down dynamical models so that their causal nature "in the sense used here" should be obvious to all. To extend existing…

  15. On the road toward formal reasoning: reasoning with factual causal and contrary-to-fact causal premises during early adolescence. (United States)

    Markovits, Henry


    Understanding the development of conditional (if-then) reasoning is critical for theoretical and educational reasons. Here we examined the hypothesis that there is a developmental transition between reasoning with true and contrary-to-fact (CF) causal conditionals. A total of 535 students between 11 and 14 years of age received priming conditions designed to encourage use of either a true or CF alternatives generation strategy and reasoning problems with true causal and CF causal premises (with counterbalanced order). Results show that priming had no effect on reasoning with true causal premises. By contrast, priming with CF alternatives significantly improved logical reasoning with CF premises. Analysis of the effect of order showed that reasoning with CF premises reduced logical responding among younger students but had no effect among older students. Results support the idea that there is a transition in the reasoning processes in this age range associated with the nature of the alternatives generation process required for logical reasoning with true and CF causal conditionals. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    Mariluz Ayala Vásquez


    Full Text Available El tomate de árbol (Solanum betaceum es una fruta andina altamente nutritiva, con propiedades organolépticas únicas para el procesamiento industrial y el mercado internacional. En Antioquia, este cultivo presenta diferentes problemas fitosanitarios, siendo especialmente limitante la Virosis, causada por un complejo viral del que hacen parte entre otras, especies del género Potyvirus. En este trabajo se evaluaron mediante pruebas de ELISA los niveles de incidencia de este grupo viral en cultivos de siete zonas del departamento de Antioquia (Colombia y se determinó la identidad taxonómica de dos de los potyvirus asociados al cultivo. Las pruebas serológicas muestran la presencia de potyvirus en seis de las siete zonas evaluadas, alcanzando niveles superiores al 80% de incidencia, siendo la excepción los cultivos del municipio de Jardín (8%. Pruebas serológicas con anticuerpos específicos para PVY, identificaron a este virus como uno de los presentes en algunas de las muestras sintomáticas colectadas; mientras que análisis de secuencias de amplicones obtenidos mediante RT-PCR, detectaron un nuevo potyvirus, para el que se propone el nombre Tamarillo Leaf Malformation Virus (TaLMV, aunque es necesario completar la secuencia de su genoma para confirmar la validez de esta hipótesis taxonómica. Esta investigación representa un avance importante en el conocimiento que se tiene en Colombia sobre los agentes causales virales del tomate de árbol. Sin embargo, es necesario profundizar en aspectos como los mecanismos de transmisión de estos virus y los efectos individuales y de su interacción sobre las variedades de este cultivo en el país.

  17. BOLD Granger causality reflects vascular anatomy.

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    J Taylor Webb

    Full Text Available A number of studies have tried to exploit subtle phase differences in BOLD time series to resolve the order of sequential activation of brain regions, or more generally the ability of signal in one region to predict subsequent signal in another region. More recently, such lag-based measures have been applied to investigate directed functional connectivity, although this application has been controversial. We attempted to use large publicly available datasets (FCON 1000, ADHD 200, Human Connectome Project to determine whether consistent spatial patterns of Granger Causality are observed in typical fMRI data. For BOLD datasets from 1,240 typically developing subjects ages 7-40, we measured Granger causality between time series for every pair of 7,266 spherical ROIs covering the gray matter and 264 seed ROIs at hubs of the brain's functional network architecture. Granger causality estimates were strongly reproducible for connections in a test and replication sample (n=620 subjects for each group, as well as in data from a single subject scanned repeatedly, both during resting and passive video viewing. The same effect was even stronger in high temporal resolution fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project, and was observed independently in data collected during performance of 7 task paradigms. The spatial distribution of Granger causality reflected vascular anatomy with a progression from Granger causality sources, in Circle of Willis arterial inflow distributions, to sinks, near large venous vascular structures such as dural venous sinuses and at the periphery of the brain. Attempts to resolve BOLD phase differences with Granger causality should consider the possibility of reproducible vascular confounds, a problem that is independent of the known regional variability of the hemodynamic response.

  18. Descripción del funcionamiento del sector eléctrico colombiano

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    Santiago Alvarez Sierra


    Full Text Available Se ha considerado el comportamiento del sector eléctrico como un factor de gran trascendencia en desenvolvimiento de la economía de un país. Sin embargo, es notable el desconocimiento de algunas personas no especialistas es esta temática, de los conceptos básicos y de la organización intrínseca de este sector. Por lo tanto, resulta conveniente la realización de un artículo que informe de manera descriptiva sobre la naturaleza y funcionamiento del sector eléctrico en Colombia, como punto de partida para posteriores estudios y profundos análisis de temas relacionados con este sector. Entre los aspectos básicos que una persona debe conocer para estar en capacidad de entender y argumentar sobre el comportamiento del sector eléctrico en Colombia podemos citar, entre otros, los siguientes: antecedentes e historia del sector, agentes e instituciones del mercado, variables importantes en la toma de decisiones, contratos de corto y largo plazo, y finalmente algunos procedimientos que actualmente se encuentran en discusión, los cuales podrían cambiar el funcionamiento del Mercado de Energía Mayorista en Colombia

  19. El intelecto agente según Iosepho de Aguilera Salmanticensis (s. XVIII

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    Juan Fernando SELLÉS


    Full Text Available José de Aguilera defiende tesis tomistas respecto del intelecto agente: es una potencia del alma, es realmente distinta del intelecto posible; forma las especies. Defiende otras tesis que son propias suyas y peculiares: su operación no es inmanente; es una moción divina; puede depender de la voluntad. Sostiene, asimismo, tesis propias de su época: requiere de los fantasmas para formar las especies y no es cognoscitivo.

  20. El desarrollo organizacional como facilitador del cambio

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    Henry Molina


    Full Text Available El Desarrollo Organizacional (DO ha surgido de las exigencias de un ambiente cambiante y del conocimiento originado por la evolución de las ciencias sociales aplicadas. Los cambios rápidos dentro del entorno organizacional han exigido procesos y estructuras organizacionales que sean mucho más flexibles y que brinden mayor capacidad de respuesta que las estructuras tradicionales. Se requieren nuevas capacidades individuales y organizacionales que puedan impulsar las iniciativas individuales y la disposición para asumir riesgos. Igualmente, debemos considerar que existen marcadas diferencias entre las características individuales de los gerentes, las características individuales de los profesionales del desarrollo organizacional, sus habilidades y conocimientos y los estilos de las intervenciones del desarrollo organizacional. Tbdas estas diferencias hacen que sea virtualmente imposible predecir con precisión el curso y los resultados de las intervenciones en las organizaciones cliente. En este documento presento un resumen de lecturas acerca del desarrollo organizacional como facilitador del cambio; y expongo un marco de referencia para la comprensión de los factores determinantes de la relación entre las intervenciones del DO y los cambios organizacionales con el fin de mejorar la predictabilidad y la efectividad de los esfuerzos de cambio de sus intervenciones. El propósito central de este documento es dotar a los agentes de cambio de conocimiento y herramientas para que comprendan las características del cambio, los métodos de aprendizaje tanto de las organizaciones como de la gente y de cómo los agentes de cambio deben diseñar sus intervenciones y posteriormente mejorar los resultados de las mismas

  1. Entanglement, holography and causal diamonds (United States)

    de Boer, Jan; Haehl, Felix M.; Heller, Michal P.; Myers, Robert C.


    We argue that the degrees of freedom in a d-dimensional CFT can be reorganized in an insightful way by studying observables on the moduli space of causal diamonds (or equivalently, the space of pairs of timelike separated points). This 2 d-dimensional space naturally captures some of the fundamental nonlocality and causal structure inherent in the entanglement of CFT states. For any primary CFT operator, we construct an observable on this space, which is defined by smearing the associated one-point function over causal diamonds. Known examples of such quantities are the entanglement entropy of vacuum excitations and its higher spin generalizations. We show that in holographic CFTs, these observables are given by suitably defined integrals of dual bulk fields over the corresponding Ryu-Takayanagi minimal surfaces. Furthermore, we explain connections to the operator product expansion and the first law of entanglemententropy from this unifying point of view. We demonstrate that for small perturbations of the vacuum, our observables obey linear two-derivative equations of motion on the space of causal diamonds. In two dimensions, the latter is given by a product of two copies of a two-dimensional de Sitter space. For a class of universal states, we show that the entanglement entropy and its spin-three generalization obey nonlinear equations of motion with local interactions on this moduli space, which can be identified with Liouville and Toda equations, respectively. This suggests the possibility of extending the definition of our new observables beyond the linear level more generally and in such a way that they give rise to new dynamically interacting theories on the moduli space of causal diamonds. Various challenges one has to face in order to implement this idea are discussed.

  2. Entanglement, holography and causal diamonds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boer, Jan de [Institute of Physics, Universiteit van Amsterdam,Science Park 904, 1090 GL Amsterdam (Netherlands); Haehl, Felix M. [Centre for Particle Theory & Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University,South Road, Durham DH1 3LE (United Kingdom); Heller, Michal P.; Myers, Robert C. [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,31 Caroline Street North, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5 (Canada)


    We argue that the degrees of freedom in a d-dimensional CFT can be re-organized in an insightful way by studying observables on the moduli space of causal diamonds (or equivalently, the space of pairs of timelike separated points). This 2d-dimensional space naturally captures some of the fundamental nonlocality and causal structure inherent in the entanglement of CFT states. For any primary CFT operator, we construct an observable on this space, which is defined by smearing the associated one-point function over causal diamonds. Known examples of such quantities are the entanglement entropy of vacuum excitations and its higher spin generalizations. We show that in holographic CFTs, these observables are given by suitably defined integrals of dual bulk fields over the corresponding Ryu-Takayanagi minimal surfaces. Furthermore, we explain connections to the operator product expansion and the first law of entanglement entropy from this unifying point of view. We demonstrate that for small perturbations of the vacuum, our observables obey linear two-derivative equations of motion on the space of causal diamonds. In two dimensions, the latter is given by a product of two copies of a two-dimensional de Sitter space. For a class of universal states, we show that the entanglement entropy and its spin-three generalization obey nonlinear equations of motion with local interactions on this moduli space, which can be identified with Liouville and Toda equations, respectively. This suggests the possibility of extending the definition of our new observables beyond the linear level more generally and in such a way that they give rise to new dynamically interacting theories on the moduli space of causal diamonds. Various challenges one has to face in order to implement this idea are discussed.

  3. Efectividad y supervivencia de Romanomermis culicivorax en criaderos naturales de larvas de mosquitos


    Pérez-Pacheco, Rafael; Santamarina-Mijares, Alberto; Vásquez-López, Alfonso; Martínez-Tomás, Sabino H.; Suárez-Espinosa, Javier


    Los mosquitos (Díptera: Culicidae) son transmisores de agentes causales de paludismo, dengue y encefalitis del Nilo occidental y causan fuertes molestias a los humanos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el efecto de aplicar 500 y 1000 nemátodos, Romanomermis culicivorax Ross y Smith, por metro cuadrado en poblaciones de larvas de Anopheles albimanus Wiedeman, Culex nigipalpus Theobald y Uranotaenia sapphirina Oster-Sacken, para su control en 13 criaderos naturales. El diseño exp...

  4. Detectability of Granger causality for subsampled continuous-time neurophysiological processes. (United States)

    Barnett, Lionel; Seth, Anil K


    Granger causality is well established within the neurosciences for inference of directed functional connectivity from neurophysiological data. These data usually consist of time series which subsample a continuous-time biophysiological process. While it is well known that subsampling can lead to imputation of spurious causal connections where none exist, less is known about the effects of subsampling on the ability to reliably detect causal connections which do exist. We present a theoretical analysis of the effects of subsampling on Granger-causal inference. Neurophysiological processes typically feature signal propagation delays on multiple time scales; accordingly, we base our analysis on a distributed-lag, continuous-time stochastic model, and consider Granger causality in continuous time at finite prediction horizons. Via exact analytical solutions, we identify relationships among sampling frequency, underlying causal time scales and detectability of causalities. We reveal complex interactions between the time scale(s) of neural signal propagation and sampling frequency. We demonstrate that detectability decays exponentially as the sample time interval increases beyond causal delay times, identify detectability "black spots" and "sweet spots", and show that downsampling may potentially improve detectability. We also demonstrate that the invariance of Granger causality under causal, invertible filtering fails at finite prediction horizons, with particular implications for inference of Granger causality from fMRI data. Our analysis emphasises that sampling rates for causal analysis of neurophysiological time series should be informed by domain-specific time scales, and that state-space modelling should be preferred to purely autoregressive modelling. On the basis of a very general model that captures the structure of neurophysiological processes, we are able to help identify confounds, and offer practical insights, for successful detection of causal connectivity

  5. Dual Causality and the Autonomy of Biology. (United States)

    Bock, Walter J


    Ernst Mayr's concept of dual causality in biology with the two forms of causes (proximate and ultimate) continues to provide an essential foundation for the philosophy of biology. They are equivalent to functional (=proximate) and evolutionary (=ultimate) causes with both required for full biological explanations. The natural sciences can be classified into nomological, historical nomological and historical dual causality, the last including only biology. Because evolutionary causality is unique to biology and must be included for all complete biological explanations, biology is autonomous from the physical sciences.

  6. Can chance cause cancer? A causal consideration. (United States)

    Stensrud, Mats Julius; Strohmaier, Susanne; Valberg, Morten; Aalen, Odd Olai


    The role of randomness, environment and genetics in cancer development is debated. We approach the discussion by using the potential outcomes framework for causal inference. By briefly considering the underlying assumptions, we suggest that the antagonising views arise due to estimation of substantially different causal effects. These effects may be hard to interpret, and the results cannot be immediately compared. Indeed, it is not clear whether it is possible to define a causal effect of chance at all. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Racionalidad científica, causalidad y metaanálisis de ensayos clínicos Scientific rationality, causality and metaanalyses of clinical trials

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    Luz María De-Regil


    Full Text Available En el campo de la salud las revisiones sistemáticas y el metaanálisis (MA han cobrado auge, ya que permiten congregar estudios de características similares y generar indicadores que describan el riesgo o el beneficio de intervenciones clínicas asociadas a la presencia de un problema de salud. Para interpretar el MA y darle su justa dimensión, es necesario tomar en cuenta la racionalidad del marco teórico que lo sustenta, sus criterios metodológicos y la posible relación causal entre exposición y evento, además del contextualizar la información. Actualmente, un gran reto constituye el análisis y la síntesis de la mayor cantidad de información para tomar decisiones de manera rápida y asertiva Este artículo hace un breve recorrido por la racionalidad científica y su aplicación en la teoría causal en el marco de la epidemiología, para sentar los cimientos que permitan evaluar la pertinencia y validez de las decisiones que se tomen con base en estos análisis.Currently, the challenge is to analyze and synthesize as much information as possible in order to make quick, correct decisions. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis have quickly arisen in the health field because they allow researchers to congregate studies of similar characteristics to generate estimators that describe the risk or benefit of practices related to health problems. To understand and attach the appropriate importance to meta-analyses, it is necessary to consider the rationale of the theoretical framework, the methodological criteria, and the possible causal relationship between exposure and outcome, besides contextualizing the information. This paper briefly explores scientific rationality and its application in causal theory within an epidemiological framework, to set the basis that allows decision-makers and health professionals to evaluate the appropriateness and validity of conclusions derived from this type of analyses.

  8. How people explain their own and others’ behavior: A theory of lay causal explanations

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    Gisela eBöhm


    Full Text Available A theoretical model is proposed that speci¬fies lay causal theo¬ries of behavior; and supporting experimental evidence is presented. The model’s basic assumption is that diffe¬rent types of behavior trigger different hypotheses concerning the types of causes that may have brought about the behavior. Se¬ven categories are distinguished that are assumed to serve as both behavior types and explanation types: goals, disposi¬tions, tem¬po¬rary states such as emotions, intentional actions, outcomes, events, and sti¬mulus attributes. The mo¬del specifies inference rules that lay people use when explai¬ning beha¬vior (actions are caused by goals; goals are caused by higher order goals or temporary states; temporary states are caused by dispositions, stimulus attributes, or events; outcomes are caused by actions, temporary states, dispositions, stimulus attributes, or events; events are caused by dispositions or preceding events. Two experiments are reported. Experi¬ment 1 showed that free-response explanations followed the assumed inference rules. Expe¬ri¬ment 2 demonstrated that ex¬plana¬tions which match the inference rules are generated faster and more frequently than non-matching explanations. Together, the findings support models that incorporate knowledge-based aspects into the process of causal explanation. The results are discussed with respect to their implications for different stages of this process, such as the activation of causal hypotheses and their subsequent selection, as well as with respect to social influences on this process.

  9. Determining Directional Dependency in Causal Associations (United States)

    Pornprasertmanit, Sunthud; Little, Todd D.


    Directional dependency is a method to determine the likely causal direction of effect between two variables. This article aims to critique and improve upon the use of directional dependency as a technique to infer causal associations. We comment on several issues raised by von Eye and DeShon (2012), including: encouraging the use of the signs of…

  10. Causal strength induction from time series data. (United States)

    Soo, Kevin W; Rottman, Benjamin M


    One challenge when inferring the strength of cause-effect relations from time series data is that the cause and/or effect can exhibit temporal trends. If temporal trends are not accounted for, a learner could infer that a causal relation exists when it does not, or even infer that there is a positive causal relation when the relation is negative, or vice versa. We propose that learners use a simple heuristic to control for temporal trends-that they focus not on the states of the cause and effect at a given instant, but on how the cause and effect change from one observation to the next, which we call transitions. Six experiments were conducted to understand how people infer causal strength from time series data. We found that participants indeed use transitions in addition to states, which helps them to reach more accurate causal judgments (Experiments 1A and 1B). Participants use transitions more when the stimuli are presented in a naturalistic visual format than a numerical format (Experiment 2), and the effect of transitions is not driven by primacy or recency effects (Experiment 3). Finally, we found that participants primarily use the direction in which variables change rather than the magnitude of the change for estimating causal strength (Experiments 4 and 5). Collectively, these studies provide evidence that people often use a simple yet effective heuristic for inferring causal strength from time series data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).

  11. Specific PCR detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani: a causal agent of Fusarium wilt on radish plants. (United States)

    Kim, H; Hwang, S-M; Lee, J H; Oh, M; Han, J W; Choi, G J


    Fusarium oxysporum, a causal agent of Fusarium wilt, is one of the most important fungal pathogens worldwide, and detection of F. oxysporum DNA at the forma specialis level is crucial for disease diagnosis and control. In this study, two novel F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani (For)-specific primer sets were designed, FOR1-F/FOR1-R and FOR2-F/FOR2-R, to target FOQG_17868 and FOQG_17869 ORFs, respectively, which were selected based on the genome comparison of other formae speciales of F. oxysporum including conglutinans, cubense, lycopersici, melonis, and pisi. The primer sets FOR1-F/FOR1-R and FOR2-F/FOR2-R that amplified a 610- and 425-bp DNA fragment, respectively, were specific to For isolates which was confirmed using a total of 40 F. oxysporum isolates. From infected plants, the FOR2-F/FOR2-R primer set directly detected the DNA fragment of For isolates even when the radish plants were collected in their early stage of disease development. Although the loci targeted by the For-specific primer sets were not likely involved in the pathogenesis, the primer set FOR2-F/FOR2-R is available for the determination of pathogenicity of radish-infecting F. oxysporum isolates. This study is the first report providing novel primer sets to detect F. oxysporum f. sp. raphani. Because plant pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum has been classified into special forms based on its host specificity, identification of F. oxysporum usually requires a pathogenicity assay as well as knowledge of the morphological characteristics. For rapid and reliable diagnosis, this study provides PCR primer sets that specifically detect Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. raphani (For) which is a devastating pathogen of radish plants. Because one of the primer sets directly detected the DNA fragment of For isolates from infected plants, the specific PCR method demonstrated in this study will provide a foundation for integrated disease management practices in commodity crops. © 2017 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  12. The Relevance of Causal Social Construction

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    Marques Teresa


    Full Text Available Social constructionist claims are surprising and interesting when they entail that presumably natural kinds are in fact socially constructed. The claims are interesting because of their theoretical and political importance. Authors like Díaz-León argue that constitutive social construction is more relevant for achieving social justice than causal social construction. This paper challenges this claim. Assuming there are socially salient groups that are discriminated against, the paper presents a dilemma: if there were no constitutively constructed social kinds, the causes of the discrimination of existing social groups would have to be addressed, and understanding causal social construction would be relevant to achieve social justice. On the other hand, not all possible constitutively socially constructed kinds are actual social kinds. If an existing social group is constitutively constructed as a social kind K, the fact that it actually exists as a K has social causes. Again, causal social construction is relevant. The paper argues that (i for any actual social kind X, if X is constitutively socially constructed as K, then it is also causally socially constructed; and (ii causal social construction is at least as relevant as constitutive social construction for concerns of social justice. For illustration, I draw upon two phenomena that are presumed to contribute towards the discrimination of women: (i the poor performance effects of stereotype threat, and (ii the silencing effects of gendered language use.

  13. Selecting appropriate cases when tracing causal mechanisms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beach, Derek; Pedersen, Rasmus Brun


    The last decade has witnessed resurgence in the interest in studying the causal mechanisms linking causes and outcomes in the social sciences. This article explores the overlooked implications for case selection when tracing mechanisms using in-depth case studies. Our argument is that existing case...... selection guidelines are appropriate for research aimed at making cross-case claims about causal relationships, where case selection is primarily used to control for other causes. However, existing guidelines are not in alignment with case-based research that aims to trace mechanisms, where the goal...... is to unpack the causal mechanism between X and Y, enabling causal inferences to be made because empirical evidence is provided for how the mechanism actually operated in a particular case. The in-depth, within-case tracing of how mechanisms operate in particular cases produces what can be termed mechanistic...

  14. Explaining quantum correlations through evolution of causal models (United States)

    Harper, Robin; Chapman, Robert J.; Ferrie, Christopher; Granade, Christopher; Kueng, Richard; Naoumenko, Daniel; Flammia, Steven T.; Peruzzo, Alberto


    We propose a framework for the systematic and quantitative generalization of Bell's theorem using causal networks. We first consider the multiobjective optimization problem of matching observed data while minimizing the causal effect of nonlocal variables and prove an inequality for the optimal region that both strengthens and generalizes Bell's theorem. To solve the optimization problem (rather than simply bound it), we develop a genetic algorithm treating as individuals causal networks. By applying our algorithm to a photonic Bell experiment, we demonstrate the trade-off between the quantitative relaxation of one or more local causality assumptions and the ability of data to match quantum correlations.

  15. Tachyon kinematics and causality: a systematic thorough analysis of the tachyon causal paradoxes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Recami, E.


    The chronological order of the events along a spacelike path is not invariant under Lorentz transformations, as is well known. This led to an early conviction that tachyons would give rise to causal anomalies. A relativistic version of the Stueckelberg-Feynman switching procedure (SWP) has been invoked as the suitable tool to eliminate those anomalies. The application of the SWP does eliminate the motions backwards in time, but interchanges the roles of source and detector. This fact triggered the proposal of a host of causal paradoxes. Till now, however, it has not been recognized that such paradoxes can be sensibly discussed (and completely solved, at least in microphysics) only after the tachyon relativistic mechanics has been properly developed. They start by showing how to apply the SWP, both in the case of ordinary special relativity and in the case with tachyons. Then they carefully exploit the kinetics of the tachyon exchange between two (ordinary) bodies. Being finally able to tackle the tachyon causality problem, they successively solve the paradoxes of: (i) Tolman-Regge, (ii) Pirani, (iii) Edmonds, and (iv) Bell. Finally, they discuss a further, new paradox associated with the transmission of signals by modulated tachyon beams

  16. Causal learning and inference as a rational process: the new synthesis. (United States)

    Holyoak, Keith J; Cheng, Patricia W


    Over the past decade, an active line of research within the field of human causal learning and inference has converged on a general representational framework: causal models integrated with bayesian probabilistic inference. We describe this new synthesis, which views causal learning and inference as a fundamentally rational process, and review a sample of the empirical findings that support the causal framework over associative alternatives. Causal events, like all events in the distal world as opposed to our proximal perceptual input, are inherently unobservable. A central assumption of the causal approach is that humans (and potentially nonhuman animals) have been designed in such a way as to infer the most invariant causal relations for achieving their goals based on observed events. In contrast, the associative approach assumes that learners only acquire associations among important observed events, omitting the representation of the distal relations. By incorporating bayesian inference over distributions of causal strength and causal structures, along with noisy-logical (i.e., causal) functions for integrating the influences of multiple causes on a single effect, human judgments about causal strength and structure can be predicted accurately for relatively simple causal structures. Dynamic models of learning based on the causal framework can explain patterns of acquisition observed with serial presentation of contingency data and are consistent with available neuroimaging data. The approach has been extended to a diverse range of inductive tasks, including category-based and analogical inferences.

  17. Il libro agente della socializzazione

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    Daniela Sideri


    Full Text Available Il saggio indaga il ruolo del libro come agente di socializzazione, con particolare riferimento al pubblico dei lettori ragazzi e bambini e alle specifiche funzioni formative della “lettura della letteratura” in età pre-scolare e scolare fino ai 14 anni. La ricerca di matrice socio-culturale si è occupata per lo più del libro in qualità di prodotto eminentemente sociale (sociologia della letteratura, contenitore di testi significanti (semiotica, e bene di consumo dell’industria culturale (cultural studies: lo studio proposto richiama le conclusioni fondamentali di decenni di studi intorno al libro, con l’intento di rintracciare i criteri adeguati (tema, target, identità visiva, funzione pratica e utopica a guidare una classificazione dei generi 0-14 che evidenzi il valore socializzante di ciascuno, proponendo così una originale tipologia, che giustifica l’inserimento del libro tra quelle definite “agenzie testuali” della socializzazione.

  18. New Insights into Signed Path Coefficient Granger Causality Analysis. (United States)

    Zhang, Jian; Li, Chong; Jiang, Tianzi


    Granger causality analysis, as a time series analysis technique derived from econometrics, has been applied in an ever-increasing number of publications in the field of neuroscience, including fMRI, EEG/MEG, and fNIRS. The present study mainly focuses on the validity of "signed path coefficient Granger causality," a Granger-causality-derived analysis method that has been adopted by many fMRI researches in the last few years. This method generally estimates the causality effect among the time series by an order-1 autoregression, and defines a positive or negative coefficient as an "excitatory" or "inhibitory" influence. In the current work we conducted a series of computations from resting-state fMRI data and simulation experiments to illustrate the signed path coefficient method was flawed and untenable, due to the fact that the autoregressive coefficients were not always consistent with the real causal relationships and this would inevitablely lead to erroneous conclusions. Overall our findings suggested that the applicability of this kind of causality analysis was rather limited, hence researchers should be more cautious in applying the signed path coefficient Granger causality to fMRI data to avoid misinterpretation.

  19. Inmunogenética del HLA-B27

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    Antonio Iglesias Gamarra


    Full Text Available En los últimos cinco (5 años el avance de la biología molecular ha podido clarificar los subtipos del B27 y así poder estudiar su ontogenia. Esta revisión tiene el propósito de analizar la estructura y función de las moléculas de clase 1, como una unidad funcional en la respuesta inmunitaria y su interacción con el agente en la expresión de la enfermedad. Hemos querido analizar desde la ontogenia y filogenia del B27 en el timo con las teorías de la selección positiva y negativa y del superantígeno para explicar a pérdida de la tolerancia inmunológica y poder asociarlo con las aiitraciones relacionadas con los defectos relacionados con la presentación antigénicos y la disfunción del B27 y exlicar las diferentes hipótesis implicadas en la patogenesis de la espondilitis anquilosante. En esta misma revisión se analizan los factores inmunogenéticos (diferentes suotipos del B27, algunos agentes microbianos y los experimentos utilizando modelos de ratones transgénicos para explicar la patogenesis y la expresión en la clínica de los diferentes subgrupos de espondilitis anquilosante.

  20. Granger Causality Testing with Intensive Longitudinal Data. (United States)

    Molenaar, Peter C M


    The availability of intensive longitudinal data obtained by means of ambulatory assessment opens up new prospects for prevention research in that it allows the derivation of subject-specific dynamic networks of interacting variables by means of vector autoregressive (VAR) modeling. The dynamic networks thus obtained can be subjected to Granger causality testing in order to identify causal relations among the observed time-dependent variables. VARs have two equivalent representations: standard and structural. Results obtained with Granger causality testing depend upon which representation is chosen, yet no criteria exist on which this important choice can be based. A new equivalent representation is introduced called hybrid VARs with which the best representation can be chosen in a data-driven way. Partial directed coherence, a frequency-domain statistic for Granger causality testing, is shown to perform optimally when based on hybrid VARs. An application to real data is provided.

  1. Causality Between Urban Concentration and Environmental Quality

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    Amin Pujiati


    Full Text Available Population is concentrated in urban areas can cause the external diseconomies on environment if it exceeds the carrying capacity of the space and the urban economy. Otherwise the quality of the environment is getting better, led to the concentration of population in urban areas are increasingly high. This study aims to analyze the relationship of causality between the urban concentration and environmental quality in urban agglomeration areas. The data used in the study of secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of statistics and the City Government from 2000 to 2013. The analytical method used is the Granger causality and descriptive. Granger causality study results showed no pattern of reciprocal causality, between urban concentration and the quality of the environment, but there unidirectional relationship between the urban concentration and environmental quality. This means that increasing urban concentration led to decreased environmental quality.

  2. Partial Granger causality--eliminating exogenous inputs and latent variables. (United States)

    Guo, Shuixia; Seth, Anil K; Kendrick, Keith M; Zhou, Cong; Feng, Jianfeng


    Attempts to identify causal interactions in multivariable biological time series (e.g., gene data, protein data, physiological data) can be undermined by the confounding influence of environmental (exogenous) inputs. Compounding this problem, we are commonly only able to record a subset of all related variables in a system. These recorded variables are likely to be influenced by unrecorded (latent) variables. To address this problem, we introduce a novel variant of a widely used statistical measure of causality--Granger causality--that is inspired by the definition of partial correlation. Our 'partial Granger causality' measure is extensively tested with toy models, both linear and nonlinear, and is applied to experimental data: in vivo multielectrode array (MEA) local field potentials (LFPs) recorded from the inferotemporal cortex of sheep. Our results demonstrate that partial Granger causality can reveal the underlying interactions among elements in a network in the presence of exogenous inputs and latent variables in many cases where the existing conditional Granger causality fails.

  3. Descripción del ingreso del virus de la rabia desde la periferia hasta la médula espinal en un modelo de ratón adulto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marlén Martínez Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available El virus de rabia (VR es el agente causal de la enfermedad conocida como hidrofobia.  Una vez inoculado en la periferia, el VR es capturado y transportado por las terminaciones sensoriales y/o motoras presentes en el sitio de la inoculación, hasta el sistema nervioso.

  4. Inductive reasoning about causally transmitted properties. (United States)

    Shafto, Patrick; Kemp, Charles; Bonawitz, Elizabeth Baraff; Coley, John D; Tenenbaum, Joshua B


    Different intuitive theories constrain and guide inferences in different contexts. Formalizing simple intuitive theories as probabilistic processes operating over structured representations, we present a new computational model of category-based induction about causally transmitted properties. A first experiment demonstrates undergraduates' context-sensitive use of taxonomic and food web knowledge to guide reasoning about causal transmission and shows good qualitative agreement between model predictions and human inferences. A second experiment demonstrates strong quantitative and qualitative fits to inferences about a more complex artificial food web. A third experiment investigates human reasoning about complex novel food webs where species have known taxonomic relations. Results demonstrate a double-dissociation between the predictions of our causal model and a related taxonomic model [Kemp, C., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2003). Learning domain structures. In Proceedings of the 25th annual conference of the cognitive science society]: the causal model predicts human inferences about diseases but not genes, while the taxonomic model predicts human inferences about genes but not diseases. We contrast our framework with previous models of category-based induction and previous formal instantiations of intuitive theories, and outline challenges in developing a complete model of context-sensitive reasoning.

  5. Control biológico del hongo Sclerotium cepivorum utilizando Trichoderma asperellum en el cultivo del ajo en Costa Rica.


    Rivera-Méndez, William; Zúñiga-Vega, Claudia; Brenes-Madriz, Jaime


    En este trabajo se evaluó la efectividad del hongo antagonista Trichoderma asperellum, previamente aislado e identificado, para el control del agente causante de la pudrición blanca del ajo y la cebolla, Sclerotium cepivorum. Para ello se realizaron ensayos de campo en seis parcelas experimentales cultivadas con ajo, donde se determinó el inóculo inicial de cada parcela. Posteriormente se aplicaron dos tratamientos distintos, uno basado en una suspensión de esporas de T. asperellum a una conc...

  6. Neural correlates of continuous causal word generation. (United States)

    Wende, Kim C; Straube, Benjamin; Stratmann, Mirjam; Sommer, Jens; Kircher, Tilo; Nagels, Arne


    Causality provides a natural structure for organizing our experience and language. Causal reasoning during speech production is a distinct aspect of verbal communication, whose related brain processes are yet unknown. The aim of the current study was to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying the continuous generation of cause-and-effect coherences during overt word production. During fMRI data acquisition participants performed three verbal fluency tasks on identical cue words: A novel causal verbal fluency task (CVF), requiring the production of multiple reasons to a given cue word (e.g. reasons for heat are fire, sun etc.), a semantic (free association, FA, e.g. associations with heat are sweat, shower etc.) and a phonological control task (phonological verbal fluency, PVF, e.g. rhymes with heat are meat, wheat etc.). We found that, in contrast to PVF, both CVF and FA activated a left lateralized network encompassing inferior frontal, inferior parietal and angular regions, with further bilateral activation in middle and inferior as well as superior temporal gyri and the cerebellum. For CVF contrasted against FA, we found greater bold responses only in the left middle frontal cortex. Large overlaps in the neural activations during free association and causal verbal fluency indicate that the access to causal relationships between verbal concepts is at least partly based on the semantic neural network. The selective activation in the left middle frontal cortex for causal verbal fluency suggests that distinct neural processes related to cause-and-effect-relations are associated with the recruitment of middle frontal brain areas. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Testing causal relationships between wholesale electricity prices and primary energy prices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajima, Tadahiro; Hamori, Shigeyuki


    We apply the lag-augmented vector autoregression technique to test the Granger-causal relationships among wholesale electricity prices, natural gas prices, and crude oil prices. In addition, by adopting a cross-correlation function approach, we test not only the causality in mean but also the causality in variance between the variables. The results of tests using both techniques show that gas prices Granger-cause electricity prices in mean. We find no Granger-causality in variance among these variables. -- Highlights: •We test the Granger-causality among wholesale electricity and primary energy prices. •We test not only the causality in mean but also the causality in variance. •The results show that gas prices Granger-cause electricity prices in mean. •We find no Granger-causality in variance among these variables

  8. World oil and agricultural commodity prices: Evidence from nonlinear causality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazlioglu, Saban


    The increasing co-movements between the world oil and agricultural commodity prices have renewed interest in determining price transmission from oil prices to those of agricultural commodities. This study extends the literature on the oil-agricultural commodity prices nexus, which particularly concentrates on nonlinear causal relationships between the world oil and three key agricultural commodity prices (corn, soybeans, and wheat). To this end, the linear causality approach of Toda-Yamamoto and the nonparametric causality method of Diks-Panchenko are applied to the weekly data spanning from 1994 to 2010. The linear causality analysis indicates that the oil prices and the agricultural commodity prices do not influence each other, which supports evidence on the neutrality hypothesis. In contrast, the nonlinear causality analysis shows that: (i) there are nonlinear feedbacks between the oil and the agricultural prices, and (ii) there is a persistent unidirectional nonlinear causality running from the oil prices to the corn and to the soybeans prices. The findings from the nonlinear causality analysis therefore provide clues for better understanding the recent dynamics of the agricultural commodity prices and some policy implications for policy makers, farmers, and global investors. This study also suggests the directions for future studies. - Research highlights: → This study determines the price transmission mechanisms between the world oil and three key agricultural commodity prices (corn, soybeans, and wheat). → The linear and nonlinear cointegration and causality methods are carried out. → The linear causality analysis supports evidence on the neutrality hypothesis. → The nonlinear causality analysis shows that there is a persistent unidirectional causality from the oil prices to the corn and to the soybeans prices.

  9. Ustilago maydis: ascenso de un hongo mexicano de la gastronomía local al mundo científico


    José Ruiz Herrera


    En el presente trabajo se describe la naturaleza del hongo Ustilago maydis, su papel como causante de una enfermedad del maíz, su uso en la cocina mexicana y las condiciones que lo llevaron a convertirse en material de estudio científico, además de algunas características descollantes de su fisiología, genética y bioquímica. U. maydis es un hongo patógeno biotrófico específico del maíz, y el teozintle, siendo el agente causal del "huitlacoche" o carbón común, una enfermedad de distribución m...

  10. La regulacion del sector de transmision de electricidad colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Fernando Tobón Orozco


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis de los componentes de la regulación y el desempeño del sector de transmisión de electricidad colombiano en 1994-2002 y el esquema de licitaciones para la expansión de éste. Se destacan las principales características de la organización de la industria eléctrica y el destacable comportamiento del sector que, a través del principal agente, Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. -ISA-, ha tenido participación importante en su planificación y expansión, coordina y administra esta industria. Por último, se hacen recomendaciones en cuanto a la necesidad de proveer incentivos adicionales a los agentes y mejorar la regulación de los ingresos de capital.

  11. Cognitive Modeling for Agent-Based Simulation of Child Maltreatment (United States)

    Hu, Xiaolin; Puddy, Richard

    This paper extends previous work to develop cognitive modeling for agent-based simulation of child maltreatment (CM). The developed model is inspired from parental efficacy, parenting stress, and the theory of planned behavior. It provides an explanatory, process-oriented model of CM and incorporates causality relationship and feedback loops from different factors in the social ecology in order for simulating the dynamics of CM. We describe the model and present simulation results to demonstrate the features of this model.

  12. Granger Causality and Unit Roots

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rodríguez-Caballero, Carlos Vladimir; Ventosa-Santaulària, Daniel


    The asymptotic behavior of the Granger-causality test under stochastic nonstationarity is studied. Our results confirm that the inference drawn from the test is not reliable when the series are integrated to the first order. In the presence of deterministic components, the test statistic diverges......, eventually rejecting the null hypothesis, even when the series are independent of each other. Moreover, controlling for these deterministic elements (in the auxiliary regressions of the test) does not preclude the possibility of drawing erroneous inferences. Granger-causality tests should not be used under...

  13. Quantum theory and local causality

    CERN Document Server

    Hofer-Szabó, Gábor


    This book summarizes the results of research the authors have pursued in the past years on the problem of implementing Bell's notion of local causality in local physical theories and relating it to other important concepts and principles in the foundations of physics such as the Common Cause Principle, Bell's inequalities, the EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) scenario, and various other locality and causality concepts. The book is intended for philosophers of science with an interest in the formal background of sciences, philosophers of physics and physicists working in foundation of physics.

  14. Quantum causality conceptual issues in the causal theory of quantum mechanics

    CERN Document Server

    Riggs, Peter J; French, Steven RD


    This is a treatise devoted to the foundations of quantum physics and the role that causality plays in the microscopic world governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The book is controversial and will engender some lively debate on the various issues raised.

  15. A Causal Model of Faculty Research Productivity. (United States)

    Bean, John P.

    A causal model of faculty research productivity was developed through a survey of the literature. Models of organizational behavior, organizational effectiveness, and motivation were synthesized into a causal model of productivity. Two general types of variables were assumed to affect individual research productivity: institutional variables and…

  16. Causal inheritance in plane wave quotients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hubeny, Veronika E.; Rangamani, Mukund; Ross, Simon F.


    We investigate the appearance of closed timelike curves in quotients of plane waves along spacelike isometries. First we formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for a quotient of a general spacetime to preserve stable causality. We explicitly show that the plane waves are stably causal; in passing, we observe that some pp-waves are not even distinguishing. We then consider the classification of all quotients of the maximally supersymmetric ten-dimensional plane wave under a spacelike isometry, and show that the quotient will lead to closed timelike curves iff the isometry involves a translation along the u direction. The appearance of these closed timelike curves is thus connected to the special properties of the light cones in plane wave spacetimes. We show that all other quotients preserve stable causality

  17. Testing the causal theory of reference. (United States)

    Domaneschi, Filippo; Vignolo, Massimiliano; Di Paola, Simona


    Theories of reference are a crucial research topic in analytic philosophy. Since the publication of Kripke's Naming and Necessity, most philosophers have endorsed the causal/historical theory of reference. The goal of this paper is twofold: (i) to discuss a method for testing experimentally the causal theory of reference for proper names by investigating linguistic usage and (ii) to present the results from two experiments conducted with that method. Data collected in our experiments confirm the causal theory of reference for people proper names and for geographical proper names. A secondary but interesting result is that the semantic domain affects reference assignment: while with people proper names speakers tend to assign the semantic reference, with geographical proper names they are prompted to assign the speaker's reference. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Causal inheritance in plane wave quotients (United States)

    Hubeny, Veronika E.; Rangamani, Mukund; Ross, Simon F.


    We investigate the appearance of closed timelike curves in quotients of plane waves along spacelike isometries. First we formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for a quotient of a general space-time to preserve stable causality. We explicitly show that the plane waves are stably causal; in passing, we observe that some pp waves are not even distinguishing. We then consider the classification of all quotients of the maximally supersymmetric ten-dimensional plane wave under a spacelike isometry, and show that the quotient will lead to closed timelike curves iff the isometry involves a translation along the u direction. The appearance of these closed timelike curves is thus connected to the special properties of the light cones in plane wave space-times. We show that all other quotients preserve stable causality.

  19. Implementación del Control en Planta de un Centro de Distribución Automatizado mediante Agentes Físicos y RFID

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier de las Morenas


    Full Text Available Resumen: En la última década, la aplicación de la tecnología de sistemas multiagente para el control en planta ha generado gran expectación por parte de profesionales e investigadores. El uso de esta tecnología, por la propia definición de los agentes como: sistemas reactivos (capaces de responder ante cambios en el entorno, proactivos (generando iniciativas dirigidas a alcanzar sus objetivos, autónomos y con capacidades sociales (la toma de decisiones está consensuada, ha propiciado la aparición de gran cantidad de iniciativas. Lamentablemente, la mayoría de estas iniciativas se reducen únicamente a definiciones de agentes, declaración de intenciones o simulaciones, o bien constituyen propuestas demasiado ambiciosas, lo que ha impedido que la industria adopte este tipo de soluciones. Este artículo presenta una aproximación para la implementación de los agentes encargados del control en planta, conocidos como agentes físicos u holones, sobre una plataforma experimental que representa las instalaciones de un centro de distribución automatizado. Se ha tomado como punto de partida el concepto de holón, pero se ha adaptado de manera que la toma de decisiones tenga lugar en el controlador industrial. El trabajo se ha centrado en alcanzar una toma de decisiones en planta inteligente. Se definen dos tipos de agentes y se ha modelado, mediante redes de Petri, la forma en la que interaccionan estos agentes en la toma de decisiones que surgen en el funcionamiento de una planta inteligente. Finalmente los modelos se han implementado sobre autómatas programables. Abstract: The application of the multi-agent systems technology for shop-floor control has generated great expectations among professionals and researchers in the last decade. The use of this technology conveys, by the definition of the agents, reactive systems (able to respond to changes, proactive systems (their behavior is oriented towards the achievement of predefined

  20. Causal mediation analysis with multiple causally non-ordered mediators. (United States)

    Taguri, Masataka; Featherstone, John; Cheng, Jing


    In many health studies, researchers are interested in estimating the treatment effects on the outcome around and through an intermediate variable. Such causal mediation analyses aim to understand the mechanisms that explain the treatment effect. Although multiple mediators are often involved in real studies, most of the literature considered mediation analyses with one mediator at a time. In this article, we consider mediation analyses when there are causally non-ordered multiple mediators. Even if the mediators do not affect each other, the sum of two indirect effects through the two mediators considered separately may diverge from the joint natural indirect effect when there are additive interactions between the effects of the two mediators on the outcome. Therefore, we derive an equation for the joint natural indirect effect based on the individual mediation effects and their interactive effect, which helps us understand how the mediation effect works through the two mediators and relative contributions of the mediators and their interaction. We also discuss an extension for three mediators. The proposed method is illustrated using data from a randomized trial on the prevention of dental caries.

  1. Mind and Meaning: Piaget and Vygotsky on Causal Explanation. (United States)

    Beilin, Harry


    Piaget's theory has been characterized as descriptive and not explanatory, not qualifying as causal explanation. Piaget was consistent in showing how his theory was both explanatory and causal. Vygotsky also endorsed causal-genetic explanation but, on the basis of knowledge of only Piaget's earliest works, he claimed that Piaget's theory was not…

  2. Beyond Markov: Accounting for independence violations in causal reasoning. (United States)

    Rehder, Bob


    Although many theories of causal cognition are based on causal graphical models, a key property of such models-the independence relations stipulated by the Markov condition-is routinely violated by human reasoners. This article presents three new accounts of those independence violations, accounts that share the assumption that people's understanding of the correlational structure of data generated from a causal graph differs from that stipulated by causal graphical model framework. To distinguish these models, experiments assessed how people reason with causal graphs that are larger than those tested in previous studies. A traditional common cause network (Y 1 ←X→Y 2 ) was extended so that the effects themselves had effects (Z 1 ←Y 1 ←X→Y 2 →Z 2 ). A traditional common effect network (Y 1 →X←Y 2 ) was extended so that the causes themselves had causes (Z 1 →Y 1 →X←Y 2 ←Z 2 ). Subjects' inferences were most consistent with the beta-Q model in which consistent states of the world-those in which variables are either mostly all present or mostly all absent-are viewed as more probable than stipulated by the causal graphical model framework. Substantial variability in subjects' inferences was also observed, with the result that substantial minorities of subjects were best fit by one of the other models (the dual prototype or a leaky gate models). The discrepancy between normative and human causal cognition stipulated by these models is foundational in the sense that they locate the error not in people's causal reasoning but rather in their causal representations. As a result, they are applicable to any cognitive theory grounded in causal graphical models, including theories of analogy, learning, explanation, categorization, decision-making, and counterfactual reasoning. Preliminary evidence that independence violations indeed generalize to other judgment types is presented. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Trivariate causality between economic growth, urbanisation and electricity consumption in Angola: Cointegration and causality analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solarin, Sakiru Adebola; Shahbaz, Muhammad


    This paper investigates the causal relationship between economic growth, urbanisation and electricity consumption in the case of Angola, while utilizing the data over the period of 1971–2009. We have applied Lee and Strazicich (2003. The Review of Economics and Statistics 63, 1082–1089; 2004. Working Paper. Department of Economics, Appalachian State University) unit root tests to examine the stationarity properties of the series. Using the Gregory–Hansen structural break cointegration procedure as a complement, we employ the ARDL bounds test to investigate long run relationships. The VECM Granger causality test is subsequently used to examine the direction of causality between economic growth, urbanisation, and electricity consumption. Our results indicate the existence of long run relationships. We further observe evidence in favour of bidirectional causality between electricity consumption and economic growth. The feedback hypothesis is also found between urbanisation and economic growth. Urbanisation and electricity consumption Granger cause each other. We conclude that Angola is energy-dependent country. Consequently, the relevant authorities should boost electricity production as one of the means of achieving sustainable economic development in the long run. - Highlights: • We consider the link between electricity consumption and economic growth in Angola. • Urbanisation is added to turn the research into a trivariate investigation. • Various time series procedures are used. • Results show that increasing electricity will improve economic growth in Angola. • Results show urbanisations reduced economic growth during civil war

  4. Simplifying Causal Complexity: How Interactions between Modes of Causal Induction and Information Availability Lead to Heuristic-Driven Reasoning (United States)

    Grotzer, Tina A.; Tutwiler, M. Shane


    This article considers a set of well-researched default assumptions that people make in reasoning about complex causality and argues that, in part, they result from the forms of causal induction that we engage in and the type of information available in complex environments. It considers how information often falls outside our attentional frame…

  5. Causal Relationship between Construction Production and GDP in Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hakkı Kutay Bolkol


    Full Text Available This study empirically investigates the causal relationship between construction production and GDP for Turkey during 2005Q1-2013Q4 period. Because it is found that, there is no cointegration which means there is no long run relationship between variables, VAR Granger Causality Method is used to test the causality in short run. The findings reveal that, the causality runs from GDP to Building Production and Building Production to Non-Building Production (i.e. bidirectional relationship. Findings of this paper suggest that, because there is no long run relationship between Construction Production (Building and Non-Building and GDP and also in short run the causality runs from GDP to Construction Production, the growth strategy based on mainly Construction Sector growth is not a good idea for Turkey.

  6. Causal Relationship between Construction Production and GDP in Turkey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hakkı Kutay Bolkol


    Full Text Available This study empirically investigates the causal relationship between construction production and GDP for Turkey during 2005Q1-2013Q4 period. Because it is found that, there is no cointegration which means there is no long run relationship between variables, VAR Granger Causality Method is used to test the causality in short run. The findings reveal that, the causality runs from GDP to Building Production and Building Production to Non-Building Production (i.e. bidirectional relationship. Findings of this paper suggest that, because there is no long run relationship between Construction Production (Building and Non-Building and GDP and also in short run the causality runs from GDP to Construction Production, the growth strategy based on mainly Construction Sector growth is not a good idea for Turkey.

  7. Aspectos metodológicos de la identificación de genes relacionados con el lenguaje : cuestiones concernientes a la definición del fenotipo


    Benítez Burraco, Antonio


    La caracterización neurobiológica del lenguaje y la determinación de la etiología de los diferentes trastornos de carácter hereditario resultantes de su disfunción pasan necesariamente por la identificación (y la caracterización estructural y funcional) de los genes que intervienen en la regulación del desarrollo (y el funcionamiento) del sustrato neuronal del primero y cuya mutación constituye un factor causal significativo, o de riesgo, en la aparición de los segundos. Para e...

  8. Causality in demand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Max; Jensen, Frank; Setälä, Jari


    to fish demand. On the German market for farmed trout and substitutes, it is found that supply sources, i.e. aquaculture and fishery, are not the only determinant of causality. Storing, tightness of management and aggregation level of integrated markets might also be important. The methodological...

  9. The causal relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The causal relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the ... of selected west African countries: Panel ARDL/Granger Causality Analysis. ... among this developing countries and an important revelation for policy implication.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.This article investigates ways of theorizing the figure of the translator and its legacy within translation studies. It focuses on contemporary theoretical approaches, largely drawn from poststructuralist perspectives, which find the question of the translating subject to be a crucial one for translation and literary studies and propose important ways to approach it. It interrogates notions such as the idea of the sacralized original, the relationship between authorship and property, the ideal of transparent meaning, and the tension between translation and original writing. Particular attention is given to the importance of historicizing the translator's practice, recognizing the translator as a visible agent, and conceptualizing translation as a form of writing that unfolds within complex interactions and negotiations.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Constanza Guzmán


    Full Text Available This article investigates ways of theorizing the figure of the translator and its legacy within translation studies. It focuses on contemporary theoretical approaches, largely drawn from poststructuralist perspectives, which find the question of the translating subject to be a crucial one for translation and literary studies and propose important ways to approach it. It interrogates notions such as the idea of the sacralized original, the relationship between authorship and property, the ideal of transparent meaning, and the tension between translation and original writing. Particular attention is given to the importance of historicizing the translator's practice, recognizing the translator as a visible agent, and conceptualizing translation as a form of writing that unfolds within complex interactions and negotiations.Este artículo se propone investigar el aporte de perspectivas traductológicas para el estudio de la figura del traductor y su legado. Se centra en enfoques teóricos contemporáneos, principalmente aquellos basados en perspectivas postestructuralistas, que consideran el papel del sujeto traductor como un aspecto crucial en la traducción y los estudios literarios, y proponen maneras interesantes de abordarlo. A lo largo del artículo se cuestionan nociones como la idea de un original sacralizado, la relación entre autoría y propiedad, el ideal del significado transparente, y la tensión entre la traducción y la escritura del "original". Se presta especial atención a la importancia de ubicar históricamente la práctica del traductor, reconocer su papel como agente visible, y conceptualizar la traducción como una forma de escritura que se desarrolla en medio de complejas interacciones y negociaciones.

  12. Candida parapsilosis, C. orthopsilosis y C. metapsilosis: epidemiología de las candidemias, patrones de sensibilidad y mecanismos de resistencia a las equinocandinas


    Martí Carrizosa, Mar


    En el treball que es presenta, es va realitzar un estudi retrospectiu analitzat les candidèmies diagnosticades al llarg de 15 anys en el servei de Microbiologia de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona. S'avaluà la implicació de C. parapsilosis complex com agent causal de candidèmia, la seva distribució percentual segons les altres especies de Candida i en funció de l'edat del pacient, així com la seva evolució al llarg dels anys i la prevalença de les tres especies del complexa...

  13. Factores determinantes del ahorro interno en América Latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Añez


    Full Text Available El siguiente artículo aborda el problema del financiamiento de la inversión para un país en desarrollo, específicamente de la América Latina, tratando de revisar la literatura disponible para llegar a conclusiones sobre cómo los determinantes del ahorro en todas sus versiones -ahorro externo, ahorro privado y ahorro público- ejercen influencia sobre el proceso de crecimiento. Aun cuando la dirección causal exacta entre ahorro y crecimiento no ha sido establecida, el desarrollo de políticas económicas que estimulen el ahorro interno por encima del procedente del exterior, fortalecerían la capacidad de inversión interna y, al existir una correlación positiva entre estas variables, se potencia el proceso de crecimiento aunque otras variables igualmente pueden difuminar tal efecto. Se concluye que el incremento de la relación Ahorro Interno / P. I. B. sólo puede alcanzarse a través de esfuerzos comunes entre empresas, gobierno y el sistema financiero de estas economías.

  14. Sensitivity Analysis and Bounding of Causal Effects with Alternative Identifying Assumptions (United States)

    Jo, Booil; Vinokur, Amiram D.


    When identification of causal effects relies on untestable assumptions regarding nonidentified parameters, sensitivity of causal effect estimates is often questioned. For proper interpretation of causal effect estimates in this situation, deriving bounds on causal parameters or exploring the sensitivity of estimates to scientifically plausible…

  15. Causal quantum theory and the collapse locality loophole

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kent, Adrian


    Causal quantum theory is an umbrella term for ordinary quantum theory modified by two hypotheses: state vector reduction is a well-defined process, and strict local causality applies. The first of these holds in some versions of Copenhagen quantum theory and need not necessarily imply practically testable deviations from ordinary quantum theory. The second implies that measurement events which are spacelike separated have no nonlocal correlations. To test this prediction, which sharply differs from standard quantum theory, requires a precise definition of state vector reduction. Formally speaking, any precise version of causal quantum theory defines a local hidden variable theory. However, causal quantum theory is most naturally seen as a variant of standard quantum theory. For that reason it seems a more serious rival to standard quantum theory than local hidden variable models relying on the locality or detector efficiency loopholes. Some plausible versions of causal quantum theory are not refuted by any Bell experiments to date, nor is it evident that they are inconsistent with other experiments. They evade refutation via a neglected loophole in Bell experiments--the collapse locality loophole--which exists because of the possible time lag between a particle entering a measurement device and a collapse taking place. Fairly definitive tests of causal versus standard quantum theory could be made by observing entangled particles separated by ≅0.1 light seconds

  16. Causal inference in survival analysis using pseudo-observations. (United States)

    Andersen, Per K; Syriopoulou, Elisavet; Parner, Erik T


    Causal inference for non-censored response variables, such as binary or quantitative outcomes, is often based on either (1) direct standardization ('G-formula') or (2) inverse probability of treatment assignment weights ('propensity score'). To do causal inference in survival analysis, one needs to address right-censoring, and often, special techniques are required for that purpose. We will show how censoring can be dealt with 'once and for all' by means of so-called pseudo-observations when doing causal inference in survival analysis. The pseudo-observations can be used as a replacement of the outcomes without censoring when applying 'standard' causal inference methods, such as (1) or (2) earlier. We study this idea for estimating the average causal effect of a binary treatment on the survival probability, the restricted mean lifetime, and the cumulative incidence in a competing risks situation. The methods will be illustrated in a small simulation study and via a study of patients with acute myeloid leukemia who received either myeloablative or non-myeloablative conditioning before allogeneic hematopoetic cell transplantation. We will estimate the average causal effect of the conditioning regime on outcomes such as the 3-year overall survival probability and the 3-year risk of chronic graft-versus-host disease. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. Causal Bayes Model of Mathematical Competence in Kindergarten

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    Božidar Tepeš


    Full Text Available In this paper authors define mathematical competences in the kindergarten. The basic objective was to measure the mathematical competences or mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematical education. Mathematical competences were grouped in the following areas: Arithmetic and Geometry. Statistical set consisted of 59 children, 65 to 85 months of age, from the Kindergarten Milan Sachs from Zagreb. The authors describe 13 variables for measuring mathematical competences. Five measuring variables were described for the geometry, and eight measuring variables for the arithmetic. Measuring variables are tasks which children solved with the evaluated results. By measuring mathematical competences the authors make causal Bayes model using free software Tetrad 5.2.1-3. Software makes many causal Bayes models and authors as experts chose the model of the mathematical competences in the kindergarten. Causal Bayes model describes five levels for mathematical competences. At the end of the modeling authors use Bayes estimator. In the results, authors describe by causal Bayes model of mathematical competences, causal effect mathematical competences or how intervention on some competences cause other competences. Authors measure mathematical competences with their expectation as random variables. When expectation of competences was greater, competences improved. Mathematical competences can be improved with intervention on causal competences. Levels of mathematical competences and the result of intervention on mathematical competences can help mathematical teachers.

  18. A General Approach to Causal Mediation Analysis (United States)

    Imai, Kosuke; Keele, Luke; Tingley, Dustin


    Traditionally in the social sciences, causal mediation analysis has been formulated, understood, and implemented within the framework of linear structural equation models. We argue and demonstrate that this is problematic for 3 reasons: the lack of a general definition of causal mediation effects independent of a particular statistical model, the…

  19. Comunidad del conocimiento Ecosalud Etv

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    Laura Magaña Valladares


    Full Text Available El Proyecto Liderazgo en Ecosalud para las Enfermedades Transmitidas por Vectores (ETV en América Latina y el Caribe colocó entre los principales objetivos de trabajo la conformación de una comunidad del conocimiento que garantizara la sostenibilidad de la estrategia de capacitación. Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación documental centrada en la construcción de una comunidad del conocimiento desde el Portal de la iniciativa, aprovechando las bondades del trabajo colaborativo que brinda la perspectiva de la web 2.0 y colocando a las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones como un agente clave al servicio de la salud pública en la región.


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    López Miguens, M. J.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analiza la incidencia de la calidad del sitio web financiero en la generación de confianza que los usuarios del mismo desarrollan hacia el canal Internet. Se discute, con ese fin, la hipótesis que establece una relación entre ambos constructos y que permitirá comprobar si el diseño, estructura de navegación y la información contenida en el sitio favorecen en el usuario la aparición de la confianza online, entendida ésta en términos de confiabilidad y seguridad y privacidad. Para su contrastación hemos formulado un modelo causal.

  1. Comparative genomics of the major agents of human and animal Sporotrichosis: Sporothrix schenckii and Sporothrix brasiliensis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Teixeira, M.M.; de Almeida, L.G.P.; Kubitschek-Barreira, P.; Alves, F.L.; Kioshima, E.S.; Abadio, A.K.R.; Fernandes, L.; Derengowski, L.S.; Ferreira, K.S.; Souza, R.C.; Ruiz, J.C.; de Andrade, N.C.; Paes, H.C.; Nicola, A.M.; Albuquerque, P.; Gerber, A.L.; Martins, V.P.; Peconick, L.D.F.; Neto, A.V.; Chaucanez, C.B.; Silva, P.A.; cunha, O.L.; de Oliveira, F.F.M.; dos Santos, T.C.; Barros, A.L.N.; Soares, M.A.; de Oliveira, L.M.; Marini, M.M.; Villalobos-Duno, H.; Cunha, M.M.L.; de Hoog, S.; da Silveira, J.F.; Henrissat, B.; Niño-Vega, G.A.; Cisalpino, P.S.; Mora-Montes, H.M.; Almeida, S.R.; Stajich, J.E.; Lopes-Bezerra, L.M.; Vasconcelos, A.T.R.; Felipe, M.S.S.


    Background: The fungal genus Sporothrix includes at least four human pathogenic species. One of these species, S. brasiliensis, is the causal agent of a major ongoing zoonotic outbreak of sporotrichosis in Brazil. Elsewhere, sapronoses are caused by S. schenckii and S. globosa. The major aims on

  2. Causal knowledge and the development of inductive reasoning


    Bright, Aimée K.; Feeney, Aidan


    We explored the development of sensitivity to causal relations in children’s inductive reasoning. Children (5-, 8-, and 12-year-olds) and adults were given trials in which they decided whether a property known to be possessed by members of one category was also possessed by members of (a) a taxonomically related category or (b) a causally related category. The direction of the causal link was either predictive (prey → predator) or diagnostic (predator → prey), and the property that participan...

  3. Normalizing the causality between time series (United States)

    Liang, X. San


    Recently, a rigorous yet concise formula was derived to evaluate information flow, and hence the causality in a quantitative sense, between time series. To assess the importance of a resulting causality, it needs to be normalized. The normalization is achieved through distinguishing a Lyapunov exponent-like, one-dimensional phase-space stretching rate and a noise-to-signal ratio from the rate of information flow in the balance of the marginal entropy evolution of the flow recipient. It is verified with autoregressive models and applied to a real financial analysis problem. An unusually strong one-way causality is identified from IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) to GE (General Electric Company) in their early era, revealing to us an old story, which has almost faded into oblivion, about "Seven Dwarfs" competing with a giant for the mainframe computer market.

  4. Inference of boundaries in causal sets (United States)

    Cunningham, William J.


    We investigate the extrinsic geometry of causal sets in (1+1) -dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The properties of boundaries in an embedding space can be used not only to measure observables, but also to supplement the discrete action in the partition function via discretized Gibbons–Hawking–York boundary terms. We define several ways to represent a causal set using overlapping subsets, which then allows us to distinguish between null and non-null bounding hypersurfaces in an embedding space. We discuss algorithms to differentiate between different types of regions, consider when these distinctions are possible, and then apply the algorithms to several spacetime regions. Numerical results indicate the volumes of timelike boundaries can be measured to within 0.5% accuracy for flat boundaries and within 10% accuracy for highly curved boundaries for medium-sized causal sets with N  =  214 spacetime elements.

  5. Spatial hypersurfaces in causal set cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Major, Seth A; Rideout, David; Surya, Sumati


    Within the causal set approach to quantum gravity, a discrete analogue of a spacelike region is a set of unrelated elements, or an antichain. In the continuum approximation of the theory, a moment-of-time hypersurface is well represented by an inextendible antichain. We construct a richer structure corresponding to a thickening of this antichain containing non-trivial geometric and topological information. We find that covariant observables can be associated with such thickened antichains and transitions between them, in classical sequential growth models of causal sets. This construction highlights the difference between the covariant measure on causal set cosmology and the standard sum-over-histories approach: the measure is assigned to completed histories rather than to histories on a restricted spacetime region. The resulting re-phrasing of the sum-over-histories may be fruitful in other approaches to quantum gravity

  6. Analogy in causal inference: rethinking Austin Bradford Hill's neglected consideration. (United States)

    Weed, Douglas L


    The purpose of this article was to rethink and resurrect Austin Bradford Hill's "criterion" of analogy as an important consideration in causal inference. In epidemiology today, analogy is either completely ignored (e.g., in many textbooks), or equated with biologic plausibility or coherence, or aligned with the scientist's imagination. None of these examples, however, captures Hill's description of analogy. His words suggest that there may be something gained by contrasting two bodies of evidence, one from an established causal relationship, the other not. Coupled with developments in the methods of systematic assessments of evidence-including but not limited to meta-analysis-analogy can be restructured as a key component in causal inference. This new approach will require that a collection-a library-of known cases of causal inference (i.e., bodies of evidence involving established causal relationships) be developed. This library would likely include causal assessments by organizations such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the National Toxicology Program, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, a process for describing key features of a causal relationship would need to be developed along with what will be considered paradigm cases of causation. Finally, it will be important to develop ways to objectively compare a "new" body of evidence with the relevant paradigm case of causation. Analogy, along with all other existing methods and causal considerations, may improve our ability to identify causal relationships. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Multichannel Signal Enhancement using Non-Causal, Time-Domain Filters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper Rindom; Christensen, Mads Græsbøll; Benesty, Jacob


    In the vast amount of time-domain filtering methods for speech enhancement, the filters are designed to be causal. Recently, however, it was shown that the noise reduction and signal distortion capabilities of such single-channel filters can be improved by allowing the filters to be non-causal. W......In the vast amount of time-domain filtering methods for speech enhancement, the filters are designed to be causal. Recently, however, it was shown that the noise reduction and signal distortion capabilities of such single-channel filters can be improved by allowing the filters to be non......-causal, multichannel filters for enhancement based on an orthogonal decomposition is proposed. The evaluation shows that there is a potential gain in noise reduction and signal distortion by introducing non-causality. Moreover, experiments on real-life speech show that we can improve the perceptual quality....

  8. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peters, Jonas Martin; Janzing, Dominik; Schölkopf, Bernhard

    A concise and self-contained introduction to causal inference, increasingly important in data science and machine learning......A concise and self-contained introduction to causal inference, increasingly important in data science and machine learning...

  9. Counterfactual overdetermination vs. the causal exclusion problem. (United States)

    Sparber, Georg


    This paper aims to show that a counterfactual approach to causation is not sufficient to provide a solution to the causal exclusion problem in the form of systematic overdetermination. Taking into account the truthmakers of causal counterfactuals provides a strong argument in favour of the identity of causes in situations of translevel, causation.

  10. Non-Bayesian Inference: Causal Structure Trumps Correlation (United States)

    Bes, Benedicte; Sloman, Steven; Lucas, Christopher G.; Raufaste, Eric


    The study tests the hypothesis that conditional probability judgments can be influenced by causal links between the target event and the evidence even when the statistical relations among variables are held constant. Three experiments varied the causal structure relating three variables and found that (a) the target event was perceived as more…

  11. Causality and complexity: the myth of objectivity in science. (United States)

    Mikulecky, Donald C


    Two distinctly different worldviews dominate today's thinking in science and in the world of ideas outside of science. Using the approach advocated by Robert M. Hutchins, it is possible to see a pattern of interaction between ideas in science and in other spheres such as philosophy, religion, and politics. Instead of compartmentalizing these intellectual activities, it is worthwhile to look for common threads of mutual influence. Robert Rosen has created an approach to scientific epistemology that might seem radical to some. However, it has characteristics that resemble ideas in other fields, in particular in the writings of George Lakoff, Leo Strauss, and George Soros. Historically, the atmosphere at the University of Chicago during Hutchins' presidency gave rise to Rashevsky's relational biology, which Rosen carried forward. Strauss was writing his political philosophy there at the same time. One idea is paramount in all this, and it is Lakoff who gives us the most insight into how the worldviews differ using this idea. The central difference has to do with causality, the fundamental concept that we use to build a worldview. Causal entailment has two distinct forms in Lakoff 's analysis: direct causality and complex causality. Rosen's writings on complexity create a picture of complex causality that is extremely useful in its detail, grounding in the ideas of Aristotle. Strauss asks for a return to the ancients to put philosophy back on track. Lakoff sees the weaknesses in Western philosophy in a similar way, and Rosen provides tools for dealing with the problem. This introduction to the relationships between the thinking of these authors is meant to stimulate further discourse on the role of complex causal entailment in all areas of thought, and how it brings them together in a holistic worldview. The worldview built on complex causality is clearly distinct from that built around simple, direct causality. One important difference is that the impoverished causal


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    Elhadji-Oumar Toure


    Full Text Available Ndiébène Gandiol, un municipio situado en el delta del río Senegal, tiene como principal atractivo turístico el Parque Nacional de la Lengua de Barbarie. Este espacio es actualmente un destino ecoturístico incipiente, pero el impacto de la actividad turística ya es evidente, tanto sobre el medio ambiente como sobre la sociedad y la economía local. El artículo analiza el impacto del turismo sobre este pequeño y frágil territorio, con un bajo nivel de desarrollo y un elevado déficit de equipamientos e infraestructuras. El análisis se realiza a partir de entrevistas a los agentes del territorio, así como de encuestas de percepción entre la población local. Finalmente, se proponen acciones para favorecer una gestión sostenible del turismo en la zona.

  13. Causal Relations and Feature Similarity in Children's Inductive Reasoning (United States)

    Hayes, Brett K.; Thompson, Susan P.


    Four experiments examined the development of property induction on the basis of causal relations. In the first 2 studies, 5-year-olds, 8-year-olds, and adults were presented with triads in which a target instance was equally similar to 2 inductive bases but shared a causal antecedent feature with 1 of them. All 3 age groups used causal relations…

  14. Causality and subjectivity in discourse : The meaning and use of causal connectives in spontaneous conversation, chat interactions and written text

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanders, T.J.M.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/075243911; Spooren, W.P.M.S.

    Many languages of the world have connectives to express causal relations at the discourse level. Often, language users systematically prefer one lexical item (because) over another (even highly similar) one (since) to express a causal relationship. Such choices provide a window on speakers'

  15. Quitina y carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes

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    Sol A Fernández Monagas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo de la quitina y la carboximetilquitosana como agentes desintegrantes, y se evaluó la influencia ejercida por el método empleado en la elaboración de las tabletas sobre la actividad desintegrante de ambos polímeros. La quitina presentó buenas características como agente desintegrante independientemente del método utilizado en la elaboración de las tabletas, mientras que la actividad desintegrante de la carboximetilquitosana fue afectada por el proceso de granulación.A comparative study of chitin and carboxymethylchitosan as disintegrating agents was wade made. The influence exerted bu tje method used in the preparation of the tablets on the disintegrating activity of both polymers was evaluated. Chitin proved to have good characteristics as a disintegrating agent independently of the method used to make tablets. The disintegrating activity of carboxymethylchitosan was affected by the granulation process.

  16. Modelado de la logística de distribución tendiente a la mitigación del “efecto látigo”, caso sector bebidas en Perú y Colombia

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    Felipe Gutarra Meza


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Generar un modelo matemático del sistema de distribución de bebidas, que permita mitigar el “efecto látigo” sobre la información de demanda, tomando información histórica de dos empresas de bebidas ubicadas en Perú y Colombia. Métodos: Se utilizó la dinámica de sistemas, modelos de Forrester y técnicas de predicción de demanda. Los procedimientos del estudio fueron: se hizo un reconocimiento de los antecedentes de estudios referentes a la logística de distribución; se identificaron las variables que tienen incidencia en el sistema de distribución de empresas de bebidas; se determinaron las relaciones causales existentes entre las variables identificadas, estableciéndose el modelo que describe el sistema de distribución de bebidas, integrando los actores y eslabones intervinientes, validándose el modelo propuesto con información histórica de empresas del sector bebidas; finalmente, se plantearon recomendaciones o medidas de control tendientes a la mitigación del “efecto látigo”. Resultados: Se evidencia que la fluctuación alrededor de un inventario efectivo de 0, muestra un patrón cíclico a partir del mes 19, con demoras semanales (y a partir del mes 34, con demoras mensuales. El tipo de demanda (constante o estocástica, no implica diferencias significativas en el comportamiento del inventario efectivo, solo un retraso más. Conclusiones: Se determinaron las variables necesarias para modelar el sistema; también se lograron determinar las relaciones causales existentes entre las variables identificadas, mediante la elaboración de un diagrama causal que muestra la dirección y el sentido de cada relación de incidencia (positiva o negativa.

  17. Prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en caninos del departamento del Quindío.

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    María Isabel Giraldo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los helmintos intestinales son agentes patógenos que afectan animales domésticos y que a través de ellos pueden infectar humanos. Objetivo. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de helmintos intestinales en perros con dueño del departamento del Quindío. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo. Se aplicó una encuesta epidemiológica a los propietarios de los perros. Se recolectaron muestras de heces de los caninos registrados en la jornada de vacunación antirrábica del 2003 en el departamento del Quindío. Las muestras de materia fecal frescas fueron analizadas utilizando la técnica de diagnóstico de Ritchie. Resultados. Se analizaron 324 muestras de heces caninas; el 67,6% de los perros eran de razas puras y el 32,4% razas mestizas. Se encontró una prevalencia del 22,2%; Ancylostoma caninum fue el parásito más frecuente, 13,9%. También se observó Trichuris vulpis, 4,3%; Toxocara canis, 2,5%, y Strongyloides stercoralis, 4,0%. El 2,46% de las mascotas se encontraron multiparasitadas. Conclusión. La frecuencia de helmintos intestinales en el departamento del Quindío fue de 22,2% y la presencia de estos parásitos coincide con factores como la edad y la permanencia del canino en la calle, entre otros. Por esta razón, es necesario establecer programas de vigilancia y prevención en la población humana y canina.

  18. Domestic violence against women from the perspective of the community health agent Violencia doméstica contra la mujer en la visión del agente comunitario de salud Violência doméstica contra a mulher na visão do agente comunitário de saúde

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    Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca


    Full Text Available This study addresses violence against women from the perspective of Community Health Agents and related care practices developed at the basic care level. It aims to understand their opinions and care practices in daily care delivery in order to support training of workers on this theme. The theoretical-methodological reference was gender violence as a social construct and ideology as a social product and guider of health care practices. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire with closed questions addressing these professionals' positions in relation to facts in the care delivery context. The results showed that positions and conceptions are mostly supported by common perceptions, that is, they do not differ from women victims of violence or lay people in general, which leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to broaden the discussion of this problem, introducing the gender perspective in the acknowledgement and care of women.Se trata de una investigación sobre la visión del agente comunitario de salud acerca de la violencia contra la mujer y las prácticas de los cuidados correspondientes, desarrollados en el sector de la atención básica de salud. Tuvo como objetivo comprender el posición y las prácticas de los cuidados en lo cotidiano del trabajo en salud, para subsidiar procesos de calificación del trabajador al respecto del tema. El marco teórico metodológico fue la violencia de género como constructo social y la ideología como producto social y orientador de las prácticas de salud. La recolección de datos fue realizada mediante aplicación de cuestionario con preguntas cerradas, acerca de la posición delante de hechos de la realidad asistencial. Los resultados mostraron posiciones y concepciones mayoritariamente apoyadas en el sentido común, o sea, no eran diferentes, en nada, de las que tenían las mujeres víctimas de violencia o de las opiniones de los legos en general, llevando a la conclusión de que

  19. Campbell's and Rubin's Perspectives on Causal Inference (United States)

    West, Stephen G.; Thoemmes, Felix


    Donald Campbell's approach to causal inference (D. T. Campbell, 1957; W. R. Shadish, T. D. Cook, & D. T. Campbell, 2002) is widely used in psychology and education, whereas Donald Rubin's causal model (P. W. Holland, 1986; D. B. Rubin, 1974, 2005) is widely used in economics, statistics, medicine, and public health. Campbell's approach focuses on…

  20. Increasing fMRI sampling rate improves Granger causality estimates.

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    Fa-Hsuan Lin

    Full Text Available Estimation of causal interactions between brain areas is necessary for elucidating large-scale functional brain networks underlying behavior and cognition. Granger causality analysis of time series data can quantitatively estimate directional information flow between brain regions. Here, we show that such estimates are significantly improved when the temporal sampling rate of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI is increased 20-fold. Specifically, healthy volunteers performed a simple visuomotor task during blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD contrast based whole-head inverse imaging (InI. Granger causality analysis based on raw InI BOLD data sampled at 100-ms resolution detected the expected causal relations, whereas when the data were downsampled to the temporal resolution of 2 s typically used in echo-planar fMRI, the causality could not be detected. An additional control analysis, in which we SINC interpolated additional data points to the downsampled time series at 0.1-s intervals, confirmed that the improvements achieved with the real InI data were not explainable by the increased time-series length alone. We therefore conclude that the high-temporal resolution of InI improves the Granger causality connectivity analysis of the human brain.

  1. Reaching High Interactive Levels with Situated Agents

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    Guzmán-Obando J.


    Full Text Available El documento presenta un proceso coordinado a través del cual los agentes situados son capaces de trabajar en forma conjunta con el conocimiento de sus habilidades para interactuar con otras entidades similares. Una buena coordinación se deriva de que cada agente situado es capaz de representar sus tasas de idoneidad para llevar a cabo cualquier acción de una manera eficaz. Además de utilizar dichas tasas, un agente puede coordinar sus acciones con otros agentes. En este sentido, cada agente situado trata de seleccionar y realizar sólo las acciones con los mayores índices de ejecución. Algunos experimentos en un verdadero fútbol robótico banco de pruebas están diseñadas para poner en práctica el enfoque coordinado propuesto. Observaciones finales concluir la eficacia y las ventajas de la obra presentada con el fin de aumentar el rendimiento de un equipo integrado por agentes situados cuando tienen que resolver tareas complejas en un escenario dinámico, competitivo e impredecible.

  2. Inference of Boundaries in Causal Sets


    Cunningham, William


    We investigate the extrinsic geometry of causal sets in $(1+1)$-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The properties of boundaries in an embedding space can be used not only to measure observables, but also to supplement the discrete action in the partition function via discretized Gibbons-Hawking-York boundary terms. We define several ways to represent a causal set using overlapping subsets, which then allows us to distinguish between null and non-null bounding hypersurfaces in an embedding space...

  3. Causal Relationship Between Relative Price Variability and Inflation in Turkey:

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    Nebiye Yamak


    Full Text Available This study investigates the causal relationship between inflation and relative price variability in Turkey for the period of January 2003-January 2014, by using panel data. In the study, a Granger (1969 non-causality test in heterogeneous panel data models developed by Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012 is utilized to determine the causal relations between inflation rate relative price variability. The panel data consists of 4123 observations: 133 time observations and 31 cross-section observations. The results of panel causality test indicate that there is a bidirectional causality between inflation rate and relative price variability by not supporting the imperfection information model of Lucas and the menu cost model of Ball and Mankiw.

  4. Causality and prediction: differences and points of contact

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    Luis Carlos Silva Ayçaguer, PhD


    Full Text Available This contribution presents the differences between those variables that might play a causal role in a certain process and those only valuable for predicting the outcome. Some considerations are made about the core intervention of the association and the temporal precedence and biases in both cases, the study of causality and predictive modeling. In that context, several relevant aspects related to the design of the corresponding studies are briefly reviewed and some of the mistakes that are often committed in handling both, causality and prediction, are illustrated.

  5. Cortical hierarchies perform Bayesian causal inference in multisensory perception.

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    Tim Rohe


    Full Text Available To form a veridical percept of the environment, the brain needs to integrate sensory signals from a common source but segregate those from independent sources. Thus, perception inherently relies on solving the "causal inference problem." Behaviorally, humans solve this problem optimally as predicted by Bayesian Causal Inference; yet, the underlying neural mechanisms are unexplored. Combining psychophysics, Bayesian modeling, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI, and multivariate decoding in an audiovisual spatial localization task, we demonstrate that Bayesian Causal Inference is performed by a hierarchy of multisensory processes in the human brain. At the bottom of the hierarchy, in auditory and visual areas, location is represented on the basis that the two signals are generated by independent sources (= segregation. At the next stage, in posterior intraparietal sulcus, location is estimated under the assumption that the two signals are from a common source (= forced fusion. Only at the top of the hierarchy, in anterior intraparietal sulcus, the uncertainty about the causal structure of the world is taken into account and sensory signals are combined as predicted by Bayesian Causal Inference. Characterizing the computational operations of signal interactions reveals the hierarchical nature of multisensory perception in human neocortex. It unravels how the brain accomplishes Bayesian Causal Inference, a statistical computation fundamental for perception and cognition. Our results demonstrate how the brain combines information in the face of uncertainty about the underlying causal structure of the world.

  6. La tragedia de los anticomunes en la construcción del conocimiento del genoma humano


    Osorio, Helder; Lara, Arturo


    El presente artículo estudia los diferentes factores dentro de los cuales los agentes relacionados con el estudio del genoma humano, al enfrentarse a la fragmentación en la propiedad intelectual, pueden (o no) lograr acuerdos de cooperación para así evitar la tragedia de los anticomunes. Se considera como factores claves: la naturaleza compleja de gen/función; la evolución de los derechos formales e informales de propiedad, y las características de los agentes. This article examines the di...

  7. Prevalencia de Mycoplasma agalactiae y Toxoplasma gondii en caprinos y ovinos de los municipios del sur de la Guajira y el Norte del Cesar

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    Oscar Fabián Porras Pinto


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los departamentos de la Guajira y Cesar son considerados los principales productores de ovinos y caprinos del país, según censo del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA en el año 2015. Estas especies animales revisten interés desde el punto de vista sanitario, no solo por los productos obtenidos de ellos, sino también por la capacidad que tienen de ser reservorio de diferentes agentes infecciosos. A la fecha en Colombia no se encuentran reportes relacionados con la prevalencia de agentes infecciosos, como es el caso de Mycoplasma agalactiae y Toxoplasma gondii en estas poblaciones animales, razón por la cual, en 2015 se comienza a desarrollar un trabajo inter-institucional titulado: “Proyecto Piloto de Excelencia Sanitaria en Ganadería para la Guajira y el Cesar”, proyecto en el que participan entidades públicas y privadas, el cual, anida el presente trabajo. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de M. agalactiae y T. gondii en caprinos y ovinos, basada en la determinación de IgG dirigida a estos agentes infecciosos, para la construcción de un perfil sanitario en los municipios del sur de la Guajira y el Norte del Cesar. Materiales y métodos: El presente trabajo corresponde a un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, que tuvo como universo de estudio una población de 15.300 ovinos y caprinos del sur de la Guajira y norte del Cesar definida por Censo realizado en 2015 por el ICA. Tomado como base esta población, se calculó un tamaño muestral de 1039 individuos mediante la herramienta WinEpi versión 2.0 (Zaragoza, España. Resultados: La determinación de la prevalencia de M. agalactiae y T. gondii se realizará mediante la evaluación de la presencia de IgG sérica específica para estos agentes infecciosos mediante pruebas comerciales de ELISA indirecta, según las recomendaciones de los fabricantes. Las pruebas serán realizadas a sueros provenientes de muestras sanguíneas de animales incluidos en la

  8. Whose statistical reasoning is facilitated by a causal structure intervention? (United States)

    McNair, Simon; Feeney, Aidan


    People often struggle when making Bayesian probabilistic estimates on the basis of competing sources of statistical evidence. Recently, Krynski and Tenenbaum (Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136, 430-450, 2007) proposed that a causal Bayesian framework accounts for peoples' errors in Bayesian reasoning and showed that, by clarifying the causal relations among the pieces of evidence, judgments on a classic statistical reasoning problem could be significantly improved. We aimed to understand whose statistical reasoning is facilitated by the causal structure intervention. In Experiment 1, although we observed causal facilitation effects overall, the effect was confined to participants high in numeracy. We did not find an overall facilitation effect in Experiment 2 but did replicate the earlier interaction between numerical ability and the presence or absence of causal content. This effect held when we controlled for general cognitive ability and thinking disposition. Our results suggest that clarifying causal structure facilitates Bayesian judgments, but only for participants with sufficient understanding of basic concepts in probability and statistics.

  9. Modeling of causality with metamaterials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smolyaninov, Igor I


    Hyperbolic metamaterials may be used to model a 2 + 1-dimensional Minkowski space–time in which the role of time is played by one of the spatial coordinates. When a metamaterial is built and illuminated with a coherent extraordinary laser beam, the stationary pattern of light propagation inside the metamaterial may be treated as a collection of particle world lines, which represents a complete ‘history’ of this 2 + 1-dimensional space–time. While this model may be used to build interesting space–time analogs, such as metamaterial ‘black holes’ and a metamaterial ‘big bang’, it lacks causality: since light inside the metamaterial may propagate back and forth along the ‘timelike’ spatial coordinate, events in the ‘future’ may affect events in the ‘past’. Here we demonstrate that a more sophisticated metamaterial model may fix this deficiency via breaking the mirror and temporal (PT) symmetries of the original model and producing one-way propagation along the ‘timelike’ spatial coordinate. The resulting 2 + 1-dimensional Minkowski space–time appears to be causal. This scenario may be considered as a metamaterial model of the Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory of causality. (paper)

  10. Electricity consumption-real GDP causality nexus: Evidence from a bootstrapped causality test for 30 OECD countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Narayan, Paresh Kumar; Prasad, Arti


    The goal of this paper is to examine any causal effects between electricity consumption and real GDP for 30 OECD countries. We use a bootstrapped causality testing approach and unravel evidence in favour of electricity consumption causing real GDP in Australia, Iceland, Italy, the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic, Korea, Portugal, and the UK. The implication is that electricity conservation policies will negatively impact real GDP in these countries. However, for the rest of the 22 countries our findings suggest that electricity conversation policies will not affect real GDP

  11. Variable number of tandem repeat markers in the genome sequence of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the causal agent of black leaf streak disease of banana (Musa spp). (United States)

    Garcia, S A L; Van der Lee, T A J; Ferreira, C F; Te Lintel Hekkert, B; Zapater, M-F; Goodwin, S B; Guzmán, M; Kema, G H J; Souza, M T


    We searched the genome of Mycosphaerella fijiensis for molecular markers that would allow population genetics analysis of this plant pathogen. M. fijiensis, the causal agent of banana leaf streak disease, also known as black Sigatoka, is the most devastating pathogen attacking bananas (Musa spp). Recently, the entire genome sequence of M. fijiensis became available. We screened this database for VNTR markers. Forty-two primer pairs were selected for validation, based on repeat type and length and the number of repeat units. Five VNTR markers showing multiple alleles were validated with a reference set of isolates from different parts of the world and a population from a banana plantation in Costa Rica. Polymorphism information content values varied from 0.6414 to 0.7544 for the reference set and from 0.0400 and 0.7373 for the population set. Eighty percent of the polymorphism information content values were above 0.60, indicating that the markers are highly informative. These markers allowed robust scoring of agarose gels and proved to be useful for variability and population genetics studies. In conclusion, the strategy we developed to identify and validate VNTR markers is an efficient means to incorporate markers that can be used for fungicide resistance management and to develop breeding strategies to control banana black leaf streak disease. This is the first report of VNTR-minisatellites from the M. fijiensis genome sequence.

  12. Non-Causal Time-Domain Filters for Single-Channel Noise Reduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Jesper Rindom; Benesty, Jacob; Christensen, Mads Græsbøll


    suppression and signal distortion by allowing the filters to be non-causal. Non-causal time-domain filters require knowledge of the future, and are therefore not directly implementable. If the observed signal is processed in blocks, however, the non-causal filters are implementable. In this paper, we propose...

  13. Causal Effect Inference with Deep Latent-Variable Models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Louizos, C; Shalit, U.; Mooij, J.; Sontag, D.; Zemel, R.; Welling, M.


    Learning individual-level causal effects from observational data, such as inferring the most effective medication for a specific patient, is a problem of growing importance for policy makers. The most important aspect of inferring causal effects from observational data is the handling of

  14. Causal inference in survival analysis using pseudo-observations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Per K; Syriopoulou, Elisavet; Parner, Erik T


    Causal inference for non-censored response variables, such as binary or quantitative outcomes, is often based on either (1) direct standardization ('G-formula') or (2) inverse probability of treatment assignment weights ('propensity score'). To do causal inference in survival analysis, one needs ...

  15. Causal Indicators Can Help to Interpret Factors (United States)

    Bentler, Peter M.


    The latent factor in a causal indicator model is no more than the latent factor of the factor part of the model. However, if the causal indicator variables are well-understood and help to improve the prediction of individuals' factor scores, they can help to interpret the meaning of the latent factor. Aguirre-Urreta, Rönkkö, and Marakas (2016)…

  16. QED representation for the net of causal loops (United States)

    Ciolli, Fabio; Ruzzi, Giuseppe; Vasselli, Ezio


    The present work tackles the existence of local gauge symmetries in the setting of Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT). The net of causal loops, previously introduced by the authors, is a model independent construction of a covariant net of local C*-algebras on any 4-dimensional globally hyperbolic space-time, aimed to capture structural properties of any reasonable quantum gauge theory. Representations of this net can be described by causal and covariant connection systems, and local gauge transformations arise as maps between equivalent connection systems. The present paper completes these abstract results, realizing QED as a representation of the net of causal loops in Minkowski space-time. More precisely, we map the quantum electromagnetic field Fμν, not free in general, into a representation of the net of causal loops and show that the corresponding connection system and the local gauge transformations find a counterpart in terms of Fμν.

  17. Causal learning is collaborative: Examining explanation and exploration in social contexts. (United States)

    Legare, Cristine H; Sobel, David M; Callanan, Maureen


    Causal learning in childhood is a dynamic and collaborative process of explanation and exploration within complex physical and social environments. Understanding how children learn causal knowledge requires examining how they update beliefs about the world given novel information and studying the processes by which children learn in collaboration with caregivers, educators, and peers. The objective of this article is to review evidence for how children learn causal knowledge by explaining and exploring in collaboration with others. We review three examples of causal learning in social contexts, which elucidate how interaction with others influences causal learning. First, we consider children's explanation-seeking behaviors in the form of "why" questions. Second, we examine parents' elaboration of meaning about causal relations. Finally, we consider parents' interactive styles with children during free play, which constrains how children explore. We propose that the best way to understand children's causal learning in social context is to combine results from laboratory and natural interactive informal learning environments.

  18. Human Papilloma Viruses and Breast Cancer - Assessment of Causality. (United States)

    Lawson, James Sutherland; Glenn, Wendy K; Whitaker, Noel James


    High risk human papilloma viruses (HPVs) may have a causal role in some breast cancers. Case-control studies, conducted in many different countries, consistently indicate that HPVs are more frequently present in breast cancers as compared to benign breast and normal breast controls (odds ratio 4.02). The assessment of causality of HPVs in breast cancer is difficult because (i) the HPV viral load is extremely low, (ii) HPV infections are common but HPV associated breast cancers are uncommon, and (iii) HPV infections may precede the development of breast and other cancers by years or even decades. Further, HPV oncogenesis can be indirect. Despite these difficulties, the emergence of new evidence has made the assessment of HPV causality, in breast cancer, a practical proposition. With one exception, the evidence meets all the conventional criteria for a causal role of HPVs in breast cancer. The exception is "specificity." HPVs are ubiquitous, which is the exact opposite of specificity. An additional reservation is that the prevalence of breast cancer is not increased in immunocompromised patients as is the case with respect to HPV-associated cervical cancer. This indicates that HPVs may have an indirect causal influence in breast cancer. Based on the overall evidence, high-risk HPVs may have a causal role in some breast cancers.

  19. Causality and Free Will

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hvorecký, Juraj


    Roč. 19, Supp.2 (2012), s. 64-69 ISSN 1335-0668 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP401/12/0833 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : conciousness * free will * determinism * causality Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  20. Antecedentes del éxito de la relación entre restaurantes y sus clientes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Fuentes-Blasco


    Full Text Available En el contexto de servicios turísticos, donde la competencia cada vez es más intensa, el desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones a largo plazo empresa-cliente se ha convertido en una fuente de ventaja competitiva para las organizaciones proveedoras de servicios. Sin embargo, un alto porcentaje de estas relaciones fracasan. Además, existe una evidencia empírica limitada acerca de este ámbito de estudio en la industria turística, y muy especialmente en el sector de la hostelería. Ante este reto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar los antecedentes del éxito de la relación restaurante-cliente a partir de una secuencia causal: dimensiones del valor entregado  confianza y compromiso  éxito de la relación. A partir de una muestra de 150 restaurantes, los resultados indican que la calidad de servicio y el prestigio, como elementos del valor entregado, son antecedentes directos del compromiso del gestor del servicio con su grupo de clientes e indirectos del éxito de la relación empresa-cliente. Además, la confianza del gestor del servicio con sus clientes y el compromiso que adquiere con ellos se convierten en antecedentes significativos del éxito de la relación con los mismos.

  1. Reinvention and the Principal-Agent Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Ramón Gil García


    Full Text Available Existe una interesante polémica en el sector público, derivada de las tensiones existentes entre desempeño y flexibilidad administrativa por un lado, y rendición de cuentas y control, por el otro. El propósito de este artículo es discutir la utilidad del modelo agente principal para un mejor entendimiento de las tensiones entre desempeño y rendición de cuentas, así como analizar las similitudes y contradicciones de esta perspectiva teórica en comparación con el movimiento de “reinvención del gobierno” de la década de los noventa en Estados Unidos.

  2. Causality and skies: is non-refocussing necessary?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bautista, A; Ibort, A; Lafuente, J


    The causal structure of a strongly causal, null pseudo-convex, space-time M is completely characterized in terms of a partial order on its space of skies defined by means of a class of non-negative Legendrian isotopies called sky isotopies. It is also shown that such partial order is determined by the class of future causal celestial curves, that is, curves in the space of light rays which are tangent to skies and such that they determine non-negative sky isotopies. It will also be proved that the space of skies Σ equipped with Low’s (or reconstructive) topology is homeomorphic and diffeomorphic to M under the only additional assumption that M separates skies, that is, that different events determine different skies. The sky-separating property of M is sharp and the previous result provides an answer to the question about the class of space-times whose causal structure, topological and differentiable structure can be reconstructed from their spaces of light rays and skies. These results can be understood as a Malament–Hawking-like theorem stated in terms of the partial order defined on the space of skies. (paper)

  3. A quantum probability model of causal reasoning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer S Trueblood


    Full Text Available People can often outperform statistical methods and machine learning algorithms in situations that involve making inferences about the relationship between causes and effects. While people are remarkably good at causal reasoning in many situations, there are several instances where they deviate from expected responses. This paper examines three situations where judgments related to causal inference problems produce unexpected results and describes a quantum inference model based on the axiomatic principles of quantum probability theory that can explain these effects. Two of the three phenomena arise from the comparison of predictive judgments (i.e., the conditional probability of an effect given a cause with diagnostic judgments (i.e., the conditional probability of a cause given an effect. The third phenomenon is a new finding examining order effects in predictive causal judgments. The quantum inference model uses the notion of incompatibility among different causes to account for all three phenomena. Psychologically, the model assumes that individuals adopt different points of view when thinking about different causes. The model provides good fits to the data and offers a coherent account for all three causal reasoning effects thus proving to be a viable new candidate for modeling human judgment.

  4. Scalar field Green functions on causal sets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nomaan Ahmed, S; Surya, Sumati; Dowker, Fay


    We examine the validity and scope of Johnston’s models for scalar field retarded Green functions on causal sets in 2 and 4 dimensions. As in the continuum, the massive Green function can be obtained from the massless one, and hence the key task in causal set theory is to first identify the massless Green function. We propose that the 2d model provides a Green function for the massive scalar field on causal sets approximated by any topologically trivial 2-dimensional spacetime. We explicitly demonstrate that this is indeed the case in a Riemann normal neighbourhood. In 4d the model can again be used to provide a Green function for the massive scalar field in a Riemann normal neighbourhood which we compare to Bunch and Parker’s continuum Green function. We find that the same prescription can also be used for de Sitter spacetime and the conformally flat patch of anti-de Sitter spacetime. Our analysis then allows us to suggest a generalisation of Johnston’s model for the Green function for a causal set approximated by 3-dimensional flat spacetime. (paper)

  5. Causal Scale of Rotors in a Cardiac System (United States)

    Ashikaga, Hiroshi; Prieto-Castrillo, Francisco; Kawakatsu, Mari; Dehghani, Nima


    Rotors of spiral waves are thought to be one of the potential mechanisms that maintain atrial fibrillation (AF). However, disappointing clinical outcomes of rotor mapping and ablation to eliminate AF raise a serious doubt on rotors as a macro-scale mechanism that causes the micro-scale behavior of individual cardiomyocytes to maintain spiral waves. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the causal relationship between rotors and spiral waves in a numerical model of cardiac excitation. To accomplish the aim, we described the system in a series of spatiotemporal scales by generating a renormalization group, and evaluated the causal architecture of the system by quantifying causal emergence. Causal emergence is an information-theoretic metric that quantifies emergence or reduction between micro- and macro-scale behaviors of a system by evaluating effective information at each scale. We found that the cardiac system with rotors has a spatiotemporal scale at which effective information peaks. A positive correlation between the number of rotors and causal emergence was observed only up to the scale of peak causation. We conclude that rotors are not the universal mechanism to maintain spiral waves at all spatiotemporal scales. This finding may account for the conflicting benefit of rotor ablation in clinical studies.

  6. Norms and customs: causally important or causally impotent? (United States)

    Jones, Todd


    In this article, I argue that norms and customs, despite frequently being described as being causes of behavior in the social sciences and ordinary conversation, cannot really cause behavior. Terms like "norms" and the like seem to refer to philosophically disreputable disjunctive properties. More problematically, even if they do not, or even if there can be disjunctive properties after all, I argue that norms and customs still cannot cause behavior. The social sciences would be better off without referring to properties like norms and customs as if they could be causal.

  7. Causal reasoning and models of cognitive tasks for naval nuclear power plant operators; Raisonnement causal et modelisation de l`activite cognitive d`operateurs de chaufferie nucleaire navale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salazar-Ferrer, P


    In complex industrial process control, causal reasoning appears as a major component in operators` cognitive tasks. It is tightly linked to diagnosis, prediction of normal and failure states, and explanation. This work provides a detailed review of literature in causal reasoning. A synthesis is proposed as a model of causal reasoning in process control. This model integrates distinct approaches in Cognitive Science: especially qualitative physics, Bayesian networks, knowledge-based systems, and cognitive psychology. Our model defines a framework for the analysis of causal human errors in simulated naval nuclear power plant fault management. Through the methodological framework of critical incident analysis we define a classification of errors and difficulties linked to causal reasoning. This classification is based on shallow characteristics of causal reasoning. As an origin of these errors, more elementary component activities in causal reasoning are identified. The applications cover the field of functional specification for man-machine interfaces, operators support systems design as well as nuclear safety. In addition of this study, we integrate the model of causal reasoning in a model of cognitive task in process control. (authors). 106 refs., 49 figs., 8 tabs.

  8. Modernizar en femenino. Algunas notas sobre el trabajo de las agentes de economía doméstica y los cambios socioeconómicos y culturales en el rural gallego del tardofranquismo

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    Alba Díaz Geada


    Full Text Available En este texto nos acercamos al trabajo de las agentes de Economía Doméstica, rama del Servicio de Extensión Agraria dedicada al trabajo con las mujeres rurales, para reflexionar desde ahí sobre las políticas para el agro del franquismo y los cambios económicos, sociales y culturales de sus décadas finales. Atenderemos a los orígenes de esta vertiente de la extensión, a la formación recibida por las agentes y a su trabajo sobre el terreno, acercándonos a algunas experiencias prácticas en el rural gallego. Aproximarnos desde lo local nos ayudará a calibrar las distancias entre los programas oficiales para la mujer rural y su concreción a pie de campo. A partir de un estudio sobre la mujer y el mundo agrario en Galiza en cuya elaboración participaron varias Agentes de Economía Doméstica, extenderemos la cronología hasta la década de los ochenta para continuar la reflexión sobre distintas dimensiones de la pretendida modernización del rural gallego y los diferentes lugares de la mujer y el trabajo femenino.Palabras clave: Economía Doméstica, franquismo, mujer rural, Galiza._______________ This paper aims at studying the work of Home Economics agents, a branch of the Agricultural Extension Service focused on or-ganising activities with rural women, in order to achieve a better understanding of the agrarian policies of Francoism and the socioeconomic changes during the last decades of the regime. We will examine the origins of this aspect of the extension, the training received by the officers and their fieldwork, taking as case-studies some practical experiences in rural Galiza. Local histo-ry will allows us to explore the distance be-tween official programs for rural women and their practice. From a study about women and agriculture in Galiza, in which some Home Eco-nomics agents took part, we extended the chronology until the eighties to go on reflecting on the different dimensions of the desired modernization of rural

  9. BioCause: Annotating and analysing causality in the biomedical domain. (United States)

    Mihăilă, Claudiu; Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ananiadou, Sophia


    Biomedical corpora annotated with event-level information represent an important resource for domain-specific information extraction (IE) systems. However, bio-event annotation alone cannot cater for all the needs of biologists. Unlike work on relation and event extraction, most of which focusses on specific events and named entities, we aim to build a comprehensive resource, covering all statements of causal association present in discourse. Causality lies at the heart of biomedical knowledge, such as diagnosis, pathology or systems biology, and, thus, automatic causality recognition can greatly reduce the human workload by suggesting possible causal connections and aiding in the curation of pathway models. A biomedical text corpus annotated with such relations is, hence, crucial for developing and evaluating biomedical text mining. We have defined an annotation scheme for enriching biomedical domain corpora with causality relations. This schema has subsequently been used to annotate 851 causal relations to form BioCause, a collection of 19 open-access full-text biomedical journal articles belonging to the subdomain of infectious diseases. These documents have been pre-annotated with named entity and event information in the context of previous shared tasks. We report an inter-annotator agreement rate of over 60% for triggers and of over 80% for arguments using an exact match constraint. These increase significantly using a relaxed match setting. Moreover, we analyse and describe the causality relations in BioCause from various points of view. This information can then be leveraged for the training of automatic causality detection systems. Augmenting named entity and event annotations with information about causal discourse relations could benefit the development of more sophisticated IE systems. These will further influence the development of multiple tasks, such as enabling textual inference to detect entailments, discovering new facts and providing new

  10. Dinámica microbial del suelo asociada a diferentes estrategias de manejo de Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands en aguacate

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    Joaquín Guillermo Ramírez Gil


    Full Text Available La marchitez del aguacate es la enfermedad más limitante de este cultivo, cuyo agente causal más relevante es el oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. Es por esto que se han desarrollado diferentes estrategias para su manejo integrado, pero aún prevalece el uso de productos químicos, como única medida de manejo, generando impactos negativos en el ambiente y la salud. Uno de los efectos perjudiciales que se ocasiona es la alteración de las poblaciones microbianas en el suelo. Este trabajo estuvo encaminado a conocer la dinámica microbiana del suelo, bajo diferentes estrategias de manejo de esta enfermedad, para lo cual se midió su dinamismo mediante unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC, para hongos, bacterias y actinomicetos, a partir de muestras de suelo y rizósfera de la raíz, bajo incubación en condiciones de anaerobiosis y aerobiosis, además se midió la actividad microbiana total, en condiciones de laboratorio, como complemento se cuantificaron microorganismos como: Trichiderma spp, bacterias formadoras de endosporas (BAFE, celulolíticos, proteolíticos, amilolíticos, solubilizadores de fosfato, fijadores asimbióticos de nitrógeno y promotores del crecimiento, como Pseudomonas spp., fluorescentes. Los resultados encontrados en esta investigación, sugieren que el uso individual y combinado de mantillo orgánico, material compostado de estiércol bovino, enmienda mineral y cascarilla de arroz y la propuesta de integración; incrementan significativamente la población y actividad microbiana aerobia, en la cual se identificaron microorganismos antagonistas como, Trichiderma spp., celulolíticos, Pseudomonas spp. fluorescentes y BAFE.



    Patiño Torres, Carlos; Hoyos Sánchez, Rodrigo; Afanador Kafuri, Lucía


    Se utilizaron filtrados de cultivo de Colletotrichum acutatum, agente causal de la antracnosis del tomate de árbol, para la selección in vitro de variantes somaclonales de ésta planta con resistencia potencial a la enfermedad. El filtrado, utilizado a varias concentraciones, demostró ser un agente de selección efectivo cuando se integró al medio de cultivo, pues causó niveles elevados de mortalidad de los explantes comparado con los tratamientos sin filtrado. Igualmente, se estudió el efecto ...

  12. Theories of conduct disorder: a causal modelling analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Krol, N.P.C.M.; Morton, J.; Bruyn, E.E.J. De


    Background: If a clinician has to make decisions on diagnosis and treatment, he or she is confronted with a variety of causal theories. In order to compare these theories a neutral terminology and notational system is needed. The Causal Modelling framework involving three levels of description –

  13. A developmental approach to learning causal models for cyber security (United States)

    Mugan, Jonathan


    To keep pace with our adversaries, we must expand the scope of machine learning and reasoning to address the breadth of possible attacks. One approach is to employ an algorithm to learn a set of causal models that describes the entire cyber network and each host end node. Such a learning algorithm would run continuously on the system and monitor activity in real time. With a set of causal models, the algorithm could anticipate novel attacks, take actions to thwart them, and predict the second-order effects flood of information, and the algorithm would have to determine which streams of that flood were relevant in which situations. This paper will present the results of efforts toward the application of a developmental learning algorithm to the problem of cyber security. The algorithm is modeled on the principles of human developmental learning and is designed to allow an agent to learn about the computer system in which it resides through active exploration. Children are flexible learners who acquire knowledge by actively exploring their environment and making predictions about what they will find,1, 2 and our algorithm is inspired by the work of the developmental psychologist Jean Piaget.3 Piaget described how children construct knowledge in stages and learn new concepts on top of those they already know. Developmental learning allows our algorithm to focus on subsets of the environment that are most helpful for learning given its current knowledge. In experiments, the algorithm was able to learn the conditions for file exfiltration and use that knowledge to protect sensitive files.

  14. Violation of causality in f(T) gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Otalora, G. [Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Instituto de Fisica, Valparaiso (Chile); Reboucas, M.J. [Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    In the standard formulation, the f(T) field equations are not invariant under local Lorentz transformations, and thus the theory does not inherit the causal structure of special relativity. Actually, even locally violation of causality can occur in this formulation of f(T) gravity. A locally Lorentz covariant f(T) gravity theory has been devised recently, and this local causality problem seems to have been overcome. The non-locality question, however, is left open. If gravitation is to be described by this covariant f(T) gravity theory there are a number of issues that ought to be examined in its context, including the question as to whether its field equations allow homogeneous Goedel-type solutions, which necessarily leads to violation of causality on non-local scale. Here, to look into the potentialities and difficulties of the covariant f(T) theories, we examine whether they admit Goedel-type solutions. We take a combination of a perfect fluid with electromagnetic plus a scalar field as source, and determine a general Goedel-type solution, which contains special solutions in which the essential parameter of Goedel-type geometries, m{sup 2}, defines any class of homogeneous Goedel-type geometries. We show that solutions of the trigonometric and linear classes (m{sup 2} < 0 and m = 0) are permitted only for the combined matter sources with an electromagnetic field matter component. We extended to the context of covariant f(T) gravity a theorem which ensures that any perfect-fluid homogeneous Goedel-type solution defines the same set of Goedel tetrads h{sub A}{sup μ} up to a Lorentz transformation. We also showed that the single massless scalar field generates Goedel-type solution with no closed time-like curves. Even though the covariant f(T) gravity restores Lorentz covariance of the field equations and the local validity of the causality principle, the bare existence of the Goedel-type solutions makes apparent that the covariant formulation of f(T) gravity

  15. Límites al ejercicio abusivo del derecho de retracto. Inconstitucionalidad en la sobreprotección del consumidor


    Camilo Pabón Almanza; Andrea Mora Ramírez


    Con el buen ánimo que acompaña a la Ley 1480 de 2011 y el robustecimiento que han tenido las autoridades de protección del consumidor en Colombia, se ha presentado al derecho de retracto como una forma de terminación unilateral de los contratos, sin necesidad de justa causa, motivación o consideración por los intereses de los empresarios o agentes del mercado. Pero, contrario a lo anterior, tal potestad unilateral no se desprende ni sería compatible con las bases constitucionales de nuestro s...

  16. Inhibidor de la enzima uracilo ADN glicosilasa y usos del mismo


    Serrano-Heras, Gemma; Bravo, Alicia; Salas, Margarita


    Inhibidor de la enzima uracilo adn glicosilasa y usos del mismo Esta invención se refiere a una proteína que inhibe la enzima uracilo ADN glicosilasa (UDG) vírica, para su uso como un agente terapéutico, en particular como un agente antiví

  17. Docentes en la profesión de Relaciones Públicas: del agente de prensa al gestor de comunicación en redes/ Public Relations teachers: from media agents to network communication managers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricardo Luhr Farias


    Full Text Available La profesión de Relaciones Publicas ha tenido un giro, una evolución, un cambio positivo, ya no solamente se trata de estar proclive a enfrentar alguna situación especial, emergencias medioambientales, civiles o culturales, reestructuraciones, fusiones, entre otros, sino que el gran hito de las labores corporativas cambió de lo que fue el agente de prensa, hoy se inventa el gestor de la comunicación en redes. Desde la docencia vemos como los futuros profesionales están desarrollando nuevas competencias que deben ser parte de su curriculum sencillamente porque hablamos de la formación de un comunicador integral. Acá esta el desafío para quienes día a día formamos a estudiantes que están en busca del éxito empresarial en la gestión de la comunicación./ The profession of Public Relations experienced a turn, an evolution, an already not alone, positive change is a matter of be on the alert to face special situations, environmental, civil or cultural emergencies, restructurings, fusions, among others, the corporate work changed since the traditional press agent, to our days in which is spoken of the agent of communication in networks. The educational we are witnesses of as the future professionals are developing new competences that should be part of their résumé simply because we speak of the formation of an integral communicator. Here it is the challenge for who day by day we form students that are in search of the business success in themanagement of the communication.

  18. The Bradford Hill considerations on causality: a counterfactual perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Höfler Michael


    Full Text Available Abstract Bradford Hill's considerations published in 1965 had an enormous influence on attempts to separate causal from non-causal explanations of observed associations. These considerations were often applied as a checklist of criteria, although they were by no means intended to be used in this way by Hill himself. Hill, however, avoided defining explicitly what he meant by "causal effect". This paper provides a fresh point of view on Hill's considerations from the perspective of counterfactual causality. I argue that counterfactual arguments strongly contribute to the question of when to apply the Hill considerations. Some of the considerations, however, involve many counterfactuals in a broader causal system, and their heuristic value decreases as the complexity of a system increases; the danger of misapplying them can be high. The impacts of these insights for study design and data analysis are discussed. The key analysis tool to assess the applicability of Hill's considerations is multiple bias modelling (Bayesian methods and Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis; these methods should be used much more frequently.

  19. Temporal and Statistical Information in Causal Structure Learning (United States)

    McCormack, Teresa; Frosch, Caren; Patrick, Fiona; Lagnado, David


    Three experiments examined children's and adults' abilities to use statistical and temporal information to distinguish between common cause and causal chain structures. In Experiment 1, participants were provided with conditional probability information and/or temporal information and asked to infer the causal structure of a 3-variable mechanical…

  20. Ends, Principles, and Causal Explanation in Educational Justice (United States)

    Dum, Jenn


    Many principles characterize educational justice in terms of the relationship between educational inputs, outputs and distributive standards. Such principles depend upon the "causal pathway view" of education. It is implicit in this view that the causally effective aspects of education can be understood as separate from the normative…

  1. The power of possibility: causal learning, counterfactual reasoning, and pretend play. (United States)

    Buchsbaum, Daphna; Bridgers, Sophie; Skolnick Weisberg, Deena; Gopnik, Alison


    We argue for a theoretical link between the development of an extended period of immaturity in human evolution and the emergence of powerful and wide-ranging causal learning mechanisms, specifically the use of causal models and Bayesian learning. We suggest that exploratory childhood learning, childhood play in particular, and causal cognition are closely connected. We report an empirical study demonstrating one such connection--a link between pretend play and counterfactual causal reasoning. Preschool children given new information about a causal system made very similar inferences both when they considered counterfactuals about the system and when they engaged in pretend play about it. Counterfactual cognition and causally coherent pretence were also significantly correlated even when age, general cognitive development and executive function were controlled for. These findings link a distinctive human form of childhood play and an equally distinctive human form of causal inference. We speculate that, during human evolution, computations that were initially reserved for solving particularly important ecological problems came to be used much more widely and extensively during the long period of protected immaturity.

  2. Causal interpretation of stochastic differential equations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sokol, Alexander; Hansen, Niels Richard


    We give a causal interpretation of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) by defining the postintervention SDE resulting from an intervention in an SDE. We show that under Lipschitz conditions, the solution to the postintervention SDE is equal to a uniform limit in probability of postintervention...... structural equation models based on the Euler scheme of the original SDE, thus relating our definition to mainstream causal concepts. We prove that when the driving noise in the SDE is a Lévy process, the postintervention distribution is identifiable from the generator of the SDE....

  3. Occupational safety management: the role of causal attribution. (United States)

    Gyekye, Seth Ayim


    The paper addresses the causal attribution theory, an old and well-established theme in social psychology which denotes the everyday, commonsense explanations that people use to explain events and the world around them. The attribution paradigm is considered one of the most appropriate analytical tools for exploratory and descriptive studies in social psychology and organizational literature. It affords the possibility of describing accident processes as objectively as possible and with as much detail as possible. Causal explanations are vital to the formal analysis of workplace hazards and accidents, as they determine how organizations act to prevent accident recurrence. Accordingly, they are regarded as fundamental and prerequisite elements for safety management policies. The paper focuses primarily on the role of causal attributions in occupational and industrial accident analyses and implementation of safety interventions. It thus serves as a review of the contribution of attribution theory to occupational and industrial accidents. It comprises six sections. The first section presents an introduction to the classic attribution theories, and the second an account of the various ways in which the attribution paradigm has been applied in organizational settings. The third and fourth sections review the literature on causal attributions and demographic and organizational variables respectively. The sources of attributional biases in social psychology and how they manifest and are identified in the causal explanations for industrial and occupational accidents are treated in the fifth section. Finally, conclusion and recommendations are presented. The recommendations are particularly important for the reduction of workplace accidents and associated costs. The paper touches on the need for unbiased causal analyses, belief in the preventability of accidents, and the imperative role of management in occupational safety management.

  4. Metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite (elaeis guineensis jacq.) afectadas por marchitez letal


    Pèrez, Angela Patricia; Cayòn, Gerardo


    La enfermedad conocida como “marchitez letal” se presenta
    en plantaciones de la zona baja del río Upía, en palmas de siete
    años de sembradas. No se conoce el posible agente causal o
    factores que predisponen a las palmas a la enfermedad, y no se
    ha registrado hasta la fecha en otras zonas palmeras del país. Se
    analizó el metabolismo de carbohidratos en palmas de aceite
    con síntomas iniciales de la enfermedad, palmas sospechosas&...


    CADDIS is an on-line decision support system that helps investigators in the regions, states and tribes find, access, organize, use and share information to produce causal evaluations in aquatic systems. It is based on the US EPA's Stressor Identification process which is a formal method for identifying causes of impairments in aquatic systems. CADDIS 2007 increases access to relevant information useful for causal analysis and provides methods and tools that practitioners can use to analyze their own data. The new Candidate Cause section provides overviews of commonly encountered causes of impairments to aquatic systems: metals, sediments, nutrients, flow alteration, temperature, ionic strength, and low dissolved oxygen. CADDIS includes new Conceptual Models that illustrate the relationships from sources to stressors to biological effects. An Interactive Conceptual Model for phosphorus links the diagram with supporting literature citations. The new Analyzing Data section helps practitioners analyze their data sets and interpret and use those results as evidence within the USEPA causal assessment process. Downloadable tools include a graphical user interface statistical package (CADStat), and programs for use with the freeware R statistical package, and a Microsoft Excel template. These tools can be used to quantify associations between causes and biological impairments using innovative methods such as species-sensitivity distributions, biological inferenc

  6. Untangling the causal relationship between tax burden distribution and economic growth in 23 OECD countries: Fresh evidence from linear and non-linear Granger causality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sami Saafi


    Full Text Available The aim of the paper is to investigate the linear and nonlinear causality between a set of alternative tax burden ratios and economic growth in 23 OECD countries. To that end, the linear causality approach of Toda– Yamamoto (1995 and the nonparametric causality method of Kyrtsou and Labys (2006 are applied to annual data spanning from 1970 to 2014. Results obtained from the nonlinear causality test tend to reject the neutrality hypothesis for the tax structure–growth relationship in 19 of the 23 OECD countries. In the majority of the countries under investigation, the evidence is in line with the growth hypothesis where causality running from economic growth to tax burden ratios was detected in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, and Norway. The opposite causality running from tax structure to economic growth was found in Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and Sweden. In contrast, the neutrality hypothesis was supported in Austria, Italy, Luxembourg, and the USA, whereas the feedback hypothesis was supported in Turkey and the UK. Additional robustness checks show that when the signs of variations are taken into account, there is an asymmetric causality running from positive tax burden shocks to positive per capita GDP shocks for Belgium, France, and Turkey. Overall, our findings suggest that policy implications of the tax structure-economic growth relationships should be interpreted with caution, taking into account the test-dependent and country-specific results.

  7. One wouldn't expect an expert bowler to hit only two pins: Hierarchical predictive processing of agent-caused events. (United States)

    Heil, Lieke; Kwisthout, Johan; van Pelt, Stan; van Rooij, Iris; Bekkering, Harold


    Evidence is accumulating that our brains process incoming information using top-down predictions. If lower level representations are correctly predicted by higher level representations, this enhances processing. However, if they are incorrectly predicted, additional processing is required at higher levels to "explain away" prediction errors. Here, we explored the potential nature of the models generating such predictions. More specifically, we investigated whether a predictive processing model with a hierarchical structure and causal relations between its levels is able to account for the processing of agent-caused events. In Experiment 1, participants watched animated movies of "experienced" and "novice" bowlers. The results are in line with the idea that prediction errors at a lower level of the hierarchy (i.e., the outcome of how many pins fell down) slow down reporting of information at a higher level (i.e., which agent was throwing the ball). Experiments 2 and 3 suggest that this effect is specific to situations in which the predictor is causally related to the outcome. Overall, the study supports the idea that a hierarchical predictive processing model can account for the processing of observed action outcomes and that the predictions involved are specific to cases where action outcomes can be predicted based on causal knowledge.

  8. Causal Learning in Gambling Disorder: Beyond the Illusion of Control. (United States)

    Perales, José C; Navas, Juan F; Ruiz de Lara, Cristian M; Maldonado, Antonio; Catena, Andrés


    Causal learning is the ability to progressively incorporate raw information about dependencies between events, or between one's behavior and its outcomes, into beliefs of the causal structure of the world. In spite of the fact that some cognitive biases in gambling disorder can be described as alterations of causal learning involving gambling-relevant cues, behaviors, and outcomes, general causal learning mechanisms in gamblers have not been systematically investigated. In the present study, we compared gambling disorder patients against controls in an instrumental causal learning task. Evidence of illusion of control, namely, overestimation of the relationship between one's behavior and an uncorrelated outcome, showed up only in gamblers with strong current symptoms. Interestingly, this effect was part of a more complex pattern, in which gambling disorder patients manifested a poorer ability to discriminate between null and positive contingencies. Additionally, anomalies were related to gambling severity and current gambling disorder symptoms. Gambling-related biases, as measured by a standard psychometric tool, correlated with performance in the causal learning task, but not in the expected direction. Indeed, performance of gamblers with stronger biases tended to resemble the one of controls, which could imply that anomalies of causal learning processes play a role in gambling disorder, but do not seem to underlie gambling-specific biases, at least in a simple, direct way.

  9. The discourse of causal explanations in school science (United States)

    Slater, Tammy Jayne Anne

    Researchers and educators working from a systemic functional linguistic perspective have provided a body of work on science discourse which offers an excellent starting point for examining the linguistic aspects of the development of causal discourse in school science, discourse which Derewianka (1995) claimed is critical to success in secondary school. No work has yet described the development of causal language by identifying the linguistic features present in oral discourse or by comparing the causal discourse of native and non-native (ESL) speakers of English. The current research responds to this gap by examining the oral discourse collected from ESL and non-ESL students at the primary and high school grades. Specifically, it asks the following questions: (1) How do the teachers and students in these four contexts develop causal explanations and their relevant taxonomies through classroom interactions? (2) What are the causal discourse features being used by the students in these four contexts to construct oral causal explanations? The findings of the social practice analysis showed that the teachers in the four contexts differed in their approaches to teaching, with the primary school mainstream teacher focusing largely on the hands-on practice , the primary school ESL teacher moving from practice to theory, the high school mainstream teacher moving from theory to practice, and the high school ESL teacher relying primarily on theory. The findings from the quantitative, small corpus approach suggest that the developmental path of cause which has been identified in the writing of experts shows up not only in written texts but also in the oral texts which learners construct. Moreover, this move appears when the discourse of high school ESL and non-ESL students is compared, suggesting a developmental progression in the acquisition of these features by these students. The findings also reveal that the knowledge constructed, as shown by the concept maps created

  10. Nonparametric Identification of Causal Effects under Temporal Dependence (United States)

    Dafoe, Allan


    Social scientists routinely address temporal dependence by adopting a simple technical fix. However, the correct identification strategy for a causal effect depends on causal assumptions. These need to be explicated and justified; almost no studies do so. This article addresses this shortcoming by offering a precise general statement of the…

  11. On Storks and Babies: Correlation, Causality and Field Experiments

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    Lambrecht Anja


    Full Text Available The explosion of available data has created much excitement among marketing practitioners about their ability to better understand the impact of marketing investments. Big data allows for detecting patterns and often it seems plausible to interpret them as causal. While it is quite obvious that storks do not bring babies, marketing relationships are usually less clear. Apparent “causalities” often fail to hold up under examination. If marketers want to be sure not to walk into a causality trap, they need to conduct field experiments to detect true causal relationships. In the present digital environment, experiments are easier than ever to execute. However, they need to be prepared and interpreted with great care in order to deliver meaningful and genuinely causal results that help improve marketing decisions.

  12. Implications of causality for quantum biology - I: topology change (United States)

    Scofield, D. F.; Collins, T. C.


    A framework for describing the causal, topology changing, evolution of interacting biomolecules is developed. The quantum dynamical manifold equations (QDMEs) derived from this framework can be related to the causality restrictions implied by a finite speed of light and to Planck's constant to set a transition frequency scale. The QDMEs imply conserved stress-energy, angular-momentum and Noether currents. The functional whose extremisation leads to this result provides a causal, time-dependent, non-equilibrium generalisation of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. The system of dynamical equations derived from this functional and the currents J derived from the QDMEs are shown to be causal and consistent with the first and second laws of thermodynamics. This has the potential of allowing living systems to be quantum mechanically distinguished from non-living ones.

  13. On the Temporal Causal Relationship Between Macroeconomic Variables

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    Srinivasan Palamalai


    Full Text Available The present study examines the dynamic interactions among macroeconomic variables such as real output, prices, money supply, interest rate (IR, and exchange rate (EXR in India during the pre-economic crisis and economic crisis periods, using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL bounds test for cointegration, Johansen and Juselius multivariate cointegration test, Granger causality/Block exogeneity Wald test based on Vector Error Correction Model, variance decomposition analysis and impulse response functions. The empirical results reveal a stronger long-run bilateral relationship between real output, price level, IR, and EXR during the pre-crisis sample period. Moreover, the empirical results confirm a unidirectional short-run causality running from price level to EXR, IR to price level, and real output to money supply during the pre-crisis period. Also, it is evident from the test results that there exist short-run bidirectional relationships running between real output and EXR, price level and IR, and IR and EXR in the pre-crisis era, respectively. Most importantly, long-run bidirectional causality is found between real output, EXR, and IR during the economic crisis period. And the study results indicate short-run bidirectional causality between money supply and EXR, IR and price level, and IR and output in India during the crisis era. Also, a short-run unidirectional causality runs from prices to real output in the crisis period.

  14. Explaining through causal mechanisms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Biesbroek, Robbert; Dupuis, Johann; Wellstead, Adam


    This paper synthesizes and builds on recent critiques of the resilience literature; namely that the field has largely been unsuccessful in capturing the complexity of governance processes, in particular cause–effects relationships. We demonstrate that absence of a causal model is reflected in the

  15. They Work Together to Roar: Kindergartners' Understanding of an Interactive Causal Task (United States)

    Solis, S. Lynneth; Grotzer, Tina A.


    The aim of this study was to investigate kindergartners' exploration of interactive causality during their play with a pair of toy sound blocks. Interactive causality refers to a type of causal pattern in which two entities interact to produce a causal force, as in particle attraction and symbiotic relationships. Despite being prevalent in nature,…

  16. On the conceptual distinction of general causality orientations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olesen, Martin Hammershøj

    electronic questionnaires of dispositional personality traits (NEO-FFI) and general causality orientations (GCOS). Proposed separate latent models and alternative shared latent models of the underlying individual differences constructs had been developed in a previous exploratory study (Olesen, Thomsen......, that is general causality orientations can be understood as characteristic adaptations of dispositional traits....

  17. An Information Processing Approach to Children's Causal Reasoning. (United States)

    Siegler, Robert S.

    This paper questions evidence for the thesis that causal reasoning of older children is more logical than that of younger ones, and describes two experiments which attempted to determine (1) whether there are true developmental differences in causal reasoning, and (2) what explanations for developmental differences can be supported. In the first…

  18. Weighting-Based Sensitivity Analysis in Causal Mediation Studies (United States)

    Hong, Guanglei; Qin, Xu; Yang, Fan


    Through a sensitivity analysis, the analyst attempts to determine whether a conclusion of causal inference could be easily reversed by a plausible violation of an identification assumption. Analytic conclusions that are harder to alter by such a violation are expected to add a higher value to scientific knowledge about causality. This article…

  19. Causality analysis in business performance measurement system using system dynamics methodology (United States)

    Yusof, Zainuridah; Yusoff, Wan Fadzilah Wan; Maarof, Faridah


    One of the main components of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) that differentiates it from any other performance measurement system (PMS) is the Strategy Map with its unidirectional causality feature. Despite its apparent popularity, criticisms on the causality have been rigorously discussed by earlier researchers. In seeking empirical evidence of causality, propositions based on the service profit chain theory were developed and tested using the econometrics analysis, Granger causality test on the 45 data points. However, the insufficiency of well-established causality models was found as only 40% of the causal linkages were supported by the data. Expert knowledge was suggested to be used in the situations of insufficiency of historical data. The Delphi method was selected and conducted in obtaining the consensus of the causality existence among the 15 selected expert persons by utilizing 3 rounds of questionnaires. Study revealed that only 20% of the propositions were not supported. The existences of bidirectional causality which demonstrate significant dynamic environmental complexity through interaction among measures were obtained from both methods. With that, a computer modeling and simulation using System Dynamics (SD) methodology was develop as an experimental platform to identify how policies impacting the business performance in such environments. The reproduction, sensitivity and extreme condition tests were conducted onto developed SD model to ensure their capability in mimic the reality, robustness and validity for causality analysis platform. This study applied a theoretical service management model within the BSC domain to a practical situation using SD methodology where very limited work has been done.

  20. Information–theoretic implications of quantum causal structures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chaves, Rafael; Majenz, Christian; Gross, David


    . However, no systematic method is known for treating such problems in a way that generalizes to quantum systems. Here, we describe a general algorithm for computing information–theoretic constraints on the correlations that can arise from a given causal structure, where we allow for quantum systems as well...... as classical random variables. The general technique is applied to two relevant cases: first, we show that the principle of information causality appears naturally in our framework and go on to generalize and strengthen it. Second, we derive bounds on the correlations that can occur in a networked architecture......It is a relatively new insight of classical statistics that empirical data can contain information about causation rather than mere correlation. First algorithms have been proposed that are capable of testing whether a presumed causal relationship is compatible with an observed distribution...

  1. Comparison of a noncausal with a causal relativistic wave-packet evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castro, A.N. de; Jabs, A.


    In order to study causality violation in more detail we contrast the Klein-Gordon wave packet of Rosenstein und Usher with the Dirac wave packet of Bakke and Wergeland. Both packets are initially localized with exponentially bounded tails but just outside the condition of the general Hegerfeldt theorem for causality violation. It turns out that the wave packet of Bakke and Wergeland exhibits all the features investigated by Rosenstein and Usher, except that it never violates relativistic causality. Thus none of those features, in particular the back- and forerunners emerging from the light cone, can be held responsible for causality violation, and the Ruijsenaars integral is not necessarily a measure of the amount of causality violation. (orig.)

  2. El polimorfismo (CAGn del gen ATXN2, nuevo marcador de susceptibilidad para diabetes mellitus tipo 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis J. Flores-Alvarado

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar si hay asociación del repetido (CAGn del gen ATXN2 en población mexicana con diabetes mellitus (DM tipo 2. Métodos Estudio epidemiológico de casos y controles. Se incluyeron personas sanas y personas diabéticas. La detección de la expansión (CAGn se realizó por reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR-punto final. Los productos de PCR se analizaron mediante electroforesis (PAGE al 8% y tinción con nitrato de plata. Resultados La distribución de alelos del trinucleótido (CAGn en la población analizada resultó similar a la reportada en el centro del país. El alelo más frecuente es el de 22 repetidos; sin embargo, hay asociación con los portadores de los repetidos largos dentro del rango normal con diabetes. Conclusiones Los resultados sugieren que el repetido (CAGn del gen de ATXN2 podría ser un factor causal de DM tipo 2.

  3. La liberalización controlada del mercado del vino en Noruega (1996-2002) : nuevas oportunidades para la industria vinícola española


    Sánchez Hernández, José Luis


    Este trabajo pretende analizar las tendencias del mercado del vino en Noruega tras la formalización del Espacio Económico Europeo en 1994 y valorar la trayectoria de los vinos españoles en este país. Para ello se ha utilizado información recabada sobre el terreno mediante estadísticas oficiales y entrevistas con agentes locales expertos. Durante los últimos años el consumo de vino ha aumentado en Noruega en detrimento de los licores, más tradicionales en sus hábitos gastronómicos....

  4. Granger Causality and Transfer Entropy Are Equivalent for Gaussian Variables (United States)

    Barnett, Lionel; Barrett, Adam B.; Seth, Anil K.


    Granger causality is a statistical notion of causal influence based on prediction via vector autoregression. Developed originally in the field of econometrics, it has since found application in a broader arena, particularly in neuroscience. More recently transfer entropy, an information-theoretic measure of time-directed information transfer between jointly dependent processes, has gained traction in a similarly wide field. While it has been recognized that the two concepts must be related, the exact relationship has until now not been formally described. Here we show that for Gaussian variables, Granger causality and transfer entropy are entirely equivalent, thus bridging autoregressive and information-theoretic approaches to data-driven causal inference.

  5. Efficient nonparametric estimation of causal mediation effects


    Chan, K. C. G.; Imai, K.; Yam, S. C. P.; Zhang, Z.


    An essential goal of program evaluation and scientific research is the investigation of causal mechanisms. Over the past several decades, causal mediation analysis has been used in medical and social sciences to decompose the treatment effect into the natural direct and indirect effects. However, all of the existing mediation analysis methods rely on parametric modeling assumptions in one way or another, typically requiring researchers to specify multiple regression models involving the treat...

  6. The Continuum Limit of Causal Fermion Systems


    Finster, Felix


    This monograph introduces the basic concepts of the theory of causal fermion systems, a recent approach to the description of fundamental physics. The theory yields quantum mechanics, general relativity and quantum field theory as limiting cases and is therefore a candidate for a unified physical theory. From the mathematical perspective, causal fermion systems provide a general framework for describing and analyzing non-smooth geometries and "quantum geometries." The dynamics is described by...

  7. On causal nonrelativistic classical electrodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goedecke, G.H.


    The differential-difference (DD) motion equations of the causal nonrelativistic classical electrodynamics developed by the author in 1975 are shown to possess only nonrunaway, causal solutions with no discontinuities in particle velocity or position. As an example, the DD equation solution for the problem of an electromagnetic shock incident on an initially stationary charged particle is contrasted with the standard Abraham-Lorentz equation solution. The general Cauchy problem for these DD motion equations is discussed. In general, in order to uniquely determine a solution, the initial data must be more detailed than the standard Cauchy data of initial position and velocity. Conditions are given under which the standard Cauchy data will determine the DD equation solutions to sufficient practical accuracy

  8. Corporate Governance and Financial Performance Nexus: Any Bidirectional Causality?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alley Ibrahim S.


    Full Text Available Most studies on corporate governance recognize endogeneity in the nexus between corporate governance and financial performance. Little attention has, however, been paid to the direction of causality between the two phenomena, and hence the Vector Error Correction (VEC model, which allows for endogenous determination of the direction of causality, has not been widely employed. This study fills that gap by estimating the nexus and the direction of causality using the VEC model to analyze panel data on selected listed firms in Nigeria. The results agree with the findings of most previous studies that corporate governance significantly affects financial performance. Board skills, board composition and management skills enhanced financial performance indicators – return on equity (ROE, return on asset (ROA and net profit margin (NPM; in many occasions, significantly. Board size and audit committee size did not, and can actually undermine financial performance. More importantly, financial performance did not significantly affect corporate governance. On the basis of the lag structure of the VEC model, this study affirms unidirectional causality in the nexus, running from corporate governance to financial performance, nullifying the hypothesis of bidirectional causality in the nexus.

  9. Preparación de moléculas orgánicas útiles como agentes surfactántes


    Corma, Avelino; Iborra Chornet, Sara; Climent Olmedo, María José; Arias Carrascal, Karen Sulay


    Procedimiento de obtención de moléculas orgánicas que comprende, al menos, los siguientes pasos: a) un primer paso de esterificación oxidativa selectiva del grupo formil del HMF con metanol en presencia de, al menos, un catalizador metálico y un agente oxidante; b) un segundo paso de eterificación selectiva del grupo hidroximetil del compuesto obtenido en el primer paso en presencia de, al menos, un compuesto con estructura hidrocarbonada, y un catalizador ...

  10. Evaluación del módulo de cuestionarios del entorno de trabajo UBUvirtual mediante el modelo de aceptación tecnológica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I.I. Cuesta


    Full Text Available Una de las exigencias del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior es el seguimiento individualizado del alumno y la evaluación continua, lo cual exige un incremento del tiempo dedicado a la actividad docente. Una posible solución para una mejor gestión de este tiempo es la integración de las tecnologías a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este artículo se analiza el grado de aceptación de los estudiantes del módulo de cuestionarios de UBU Virtual, a través del cual se ha realizado su evaluación continua. Para dicha evaluación se ha utilizado el Modelo de Aceptación Tecnológica (TAM, el cual especifica las relaciones causales entre la utilidad percibida, la facilidad de uso percibida y su comportamiento hacia el uso actual. Los resultados han mostrado que el módulo tiene una buena aceptación por parte de los estudiantes, si bien consideran que se deben introducir mejoras en el apartado de Soporte Técnico. Los resultados, finalmente, apoyan la idea de que TAM es un modelo útil para la evaluación de la aceptación de diferentes tipos de tecnologías por parte de los estudiantes.

  11. Causality between Prices and Wages: VECM Analysis for EU-27

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriatik Hoxha


    Full Text Available The literature on causality as well as the empirical evidence clearly shows that there are two opposing groups of economists, who support different hypotheses with respect to the flow of causality in the price-wage causal relationship. The first group argues that causality runs from wages to prices, whereas the second argues that effect flows from prices to wages. Nonetheless, the literature review suggeststhat there is at least some consensus in that researcher’s conclusions may be contingent on the type of data employed, applied econometric model, or even that relationship may alter with economic cycles. This paper empirically examines theprice-wage causal relationship in EU-27, by using the OLS and VECM analysis, and it also provides robust evidence in support of a bilateral causal relationship between prices and wages, both in long-run as well as in the shortrun.Prior to designing and estimating the econometric model we have performed stationarity tests for the employed price, wage and productivity variables. Additionally, we have also specified the model taking into account the lag order as well as the rank of co-integration for the co-integrated variables. Furthermore, we have also applied respective restrictions on the parameters of estimatedVECM. The evidence resulting from model robustness checks indicates that results are statistically robust. Although far from closing the issue of causality between prices and wages, this paper at least provides some fresh evidence in the case of EU-27.

  12. Contrasting cue-density effects in causal and prediction judgments. (United States)

    Vadillo, Miguel A; Musca, Serban C; Blanco, Fernando; Matute, Helena


    Many theories of contingency learning assume (either explicitly or implicitly) that predicting whether an outcome will occur should be easier than making a causal judgment. Previous research suggests that outcome predictions would depart from normative standards less often than causal judgments, which is consistent with the idea that the latter are based on more numerous and complex processes. However, only indirect evidence exists for this view. The experiment presented here specifically addresses this issue by allowing for a fair comparison of causal judgments and outcome predictions, both collected at the same stage with identical rating scales. Cue density, a parameter known to affect judgments, is manipulated in a contingency learning paradigm. The results show that, if anything, the cue-density bias is stronger in outcome predictions than in causal judgments. These results contradict key assumptions of many influential theories of contingency learning.

  13. Causal Mediation in Educational Research: An Illustration Using International Assessment Data (United States)

    Caro, Daniel H.


    This paper applies the causal mediation framework proposed by Kosuke Imai and colleagues (Imai, Keele, & Tingley, 2010) to educational research by examining the causal mediating role of early literacy activities in parental education influences on reading performance. The paper argues that the study of causal mediation is particularly relevant…

  14. The connexion of duality and causal properties for generalized free fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garber, W.D.


    It is shown that the time-slice axiom and the diamond property are equivalent for the generalized free field. If, in addition, there is a mass gap, duality is equivalent to either causality requirement. It is further shown that the local rings associated with certain space-time regions are factors in the case of causal generalized free fields with mass gap. Necessary and sufficient conditions for causality and duality and some examples for causal and acausal generalized free fields are also given. (orig.) [de

  15. Statistical causal inferences and their applications in public health research

    CERN Document Server

    Wu, Pan; Chen, Ding-Geng


    This book compiles and presents new developments in statistical causal inference. The accompanying data and computer programs are publicly available so readers may replicate the model development and data analysis presented in each chapter. In this way, methodology is taught so that readers may implement it directly. The book brings together experts engaged in causal inference research to present and discuss recent issues in causal inference methodological development. This is also a timely look at causal inference applied to scenarios that range from clinical trials to mediation and public health research more broadly. In an academic setting, this book will serve as a reference and guide to a course in causal inference at the graduate level (Master's or Doctorate). It is particularly relevant for students pursuing degrees in Statistics, Biostatistics and Computational Biology. Researchers and data analysts in public health and biomedical research will also find this book to be an important reference.

  16. Reflections on the relationship between chronic pain and family structure Reflexiones sobre la relación del color crónico con la estructura familiar

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    Tiberio Alvarez Echeverri


    Full Text Available

    This review deals with the influence of chronic pain upon the patient's family; based mainly on the work of the Center for Pain Evaluation and Treatment (University of Pittsburgh, emphasis is made on the following aspects: 1. The multidimensional model of pain that includes biological, motivational, conductual, affective, cognitive and evaluative variables. 2. The family as etiologic and perpetuating agent of pain. 3. The negative impact of chronic pain upon the physical, sexual, psychologic, sociocultural and economic aspects of family life. 4. The importance of family evaluation as to the degree of cohesion and integration; the ability for conflict solving and the interaction pat1erns. 5. Treatment should include opportune and adequate information; the search of a meaning for the problem; the relief from pain and suffering; the offer of constant help and support and the selection of specific therapy for each situation.

    En el presente artículo se discuten algunos aspectos de la influencia que tiene en su familia el paciente con dolor crónico. Se hace una revisión de la literatura científica sobre el tema con especial mención de los trabajos del Centro para Evaluación y Tratamiento del Dolor de la Universidad de Pittsburgh. Se destacan los siguientes aspectos: 1. El modelo multidimensional del dolor que incluye las variables biológica, motivacional, conductual, afectiva, cognitiva y evaluativa. 2. La familia como agente causal del dolor: desde el punto de vista psicodinámico se habla de familias que tienen mayor propensión al dolor, caracterizadas por relaciones interpersonales difíciles, agresivas, hostiles y en las que son frecuentes los sentimientos de pérdida, culpabilidad, derrota y sufrimiento. 3. La familia como agente perpetuador del dolor: en ciertas familias el dolor cr

  17. Causal pathways between substance use disorders and personality pathology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verheul, R.; van den Brink, W.


    A high co-occurrence between personality and substance use disorders suggests causal relationships between these conditions. Most empirical evidence strongly supports causal pathways in which (pathological) personality traits contribute to the development of a substance use disorder (i.e., primary





    Es de interés en la presente tesis doctoral ampliar el campo de aplicación del polipropileno isotáctico homopolímero (PP) basándose en las propiedades mecánicas, químicas y el bajo costo de producción del polímero. Las excelentes propiedades mecánicas car 176p.

  19. Screening of Colletotrichum (Ascomycota isolates, causal agents of Soybean Anthracnose, for Laccase production Relevamiento de la producción de lacasa en aislamientos de Colletotrichum (Ascomycota, agente causal de antracnosis de la Soja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Levin


    lacasa cuando fueron cultivadas en un medio con pectina y asparagina. La máxima actividad en este medio (44 U/L se detectó en la cepa BAFC 3102 (aislada en la Provincia del Chaco. La electroforesis en SDS PAGE de los sobrenadantes de cultivo reveló una única banda con actividad lacasa (peso molecular 67 kDa. La adición de CuSO 4 al medio incrementó hasta siete veces su producción (280 U/L en medio con glucosa, sin embargo la edad del cultivo o la composición del medio no produjeron variaciones en el patrón isoenzimático. Este es el primer reporte sobre producción de lacasa por C. truncatum.

  20. Identificación de especies del género Colletotrichum asociadas a la antracnosis en papaya (Carica papaya L. En Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony Molina-Chaves


    Full Text Available La antracnosis, causada por Colletotrichum spp., es una de la enfermedades poscosecha más importantes en papaya. En este estudio, frutas de papaya, híbrido Pococí, recolectados en plantaciones ubicadas en el cantón de Guácimo, provincia de Limón, presentaron 7 síntomas de antracnosis, luego de un período de almacenamiento. De cada síntoma se obtuvieron aislados de Colletotrichum en medio de cultivo PDA (papa-dextrosa-agar. Los aislamientos se clasificaron en 3 grupos según la similitud de los síntomas y la morfología de la colonia. El análisis de la secuencia de la región espaciadora interna transcrita (ITS del ADN ribosomal reveló que los aislamientos pertenecieron a 3 especies del género Colletotrichum: C. gloeosporioides sensu lato, C. magnum y C. capsici (C. truncatum. La identificación de las especies fue confirmada con imprimadores taxón específico para C. gloeosporioides e imprimadores especie-específicos para C. magnum. Las 3 especies identificadas mostraron ser patogénicas sobre frutas de papaya. Las especies C. magnum y C. capsici (C. truncatum se registran por primera vez en Costa Rica, como agentes causales de la antracnosis en papaya.