
Sample records for debate feminismo revolucionario

  1. Pós-feminismo Postfeminism

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    Ana Gabriela Macedo


    Full Text Available Partindo do verbete sobre pós-feminismo do Dicionário da Crítica Feminista (organizado por Ana Gabriela Macedo e Ana Luísa Amaral, proponho a discussão do conceito de pós-feminismo não isoladamente, mas antes por aposição a outros termos e conceitos que de algum modo clarificam a natureza complexa do debate em torno deste termo: contra-feminismo, pós-feminismo, contra-dicção, diferença, imagem, ginocrítica, corpo, ciberfeminismo. Defendo que vivemos no contexto de uma variedade de feminismos plurais, e que o seu discurso oposicional e de resistência é ainda, no mundo de hoje, de total pertinência.Departing from the entry on Postfeminism in the Dicionário da Crítica Feminista (edited by Ana Gabriela Macedo and Ana Luísa Amaral, I discuss the meaning of the concept not in isolation, but in affiliation with other concepts which somehow help to understand the complexity of this debate, e.g., Counter-feminism, Postmodernism, Counter-diction, Difference; Body; Image; Gynocritics, Cyberfeminism. I defend that despite all odds, Feminism still stands as a fundamental "counter-diction," a much needed oppositional discourse in our day and age.

  2. Encontrando os feminismos latino-americanos e caribenhos

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    Alvarez Sonia E


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina os Encontros Latino-Americanos e do Caribe como espaços críticos transnacionais onde se re-imagina a política dos feminismos na região. Enfocando o Oitavo desses Encontros, realizado em Juan Dolio, República Dominicana, em 1999, analisamos os principais debates politicos e filosóficos que surgiram durante 20 anos de Encontros: (1 mudanças nas concepções de 'autonomia' do movimento e na relação dos feminismos com o movimento de mulheres mais amplo e com outros atores na sociedade civil e política, o Estado e instituições internacionais; (2 controvérsias geradas pelas recorrentes crises de 'inclusão' e de 'expansão' do movimento; e (3 debates centrados nas diferenças, desigualdades e desequilíbrios de poder entre mulheres em geral e entre as feministas em particular.

  3. O sujeito no feminismo: revisitando os debates Revisiting the debates on the subject in feminism

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    Claudia de Lima Costa


    Full Text Available No presente artigo, examino a condição disciplinar do sujeito no feminismo, sua identidade ambivalente e sua capacidade de agenciamento à luz das discussões sobre identidade, diferença, lugar e enunciação articulados pelas teorias feministas pós-estruturalistas. Tendo em vista que não podemos abordar questões sobre o(s sujeito(s e sua(s identidade(s sem examinarmos os vetores constitutivos dos mesmos, exploro como as teorias feministas têm sido capazes de oferecer definições alternativas (de uma maior positividade do sujeito e da identidade que, mesmo que se apoiando na inevitabilidade epistemológica da desconstrução desses, resistem ao perigo de esvaziá-los de qualquer materialidade.In the present article I revisit the disciplinary status of the subject in feminism, its ambivalent identity and its potential for agency in light of the debates on identity, difference, and the notion of place of enunciation articulated by recent poststructuralist feminist theories. Since one cannot broach questions about the subject and its identity without analyzing their constitutive vectors, in this essay I explore how feminist theories have articulated alternative and more positive accounts of the subject and identity which, without abandoning the epistemological inevitability of the subject's de-construction, nonetheless resist the danger of emptying it of any materiality.

  4. Dinâmicas de Gênero e Feminismos em Contextos Africanos

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    Eufémia Vicente Rocha


    Full Text Available O presente dossiê visa contribuir para os debates promovidos pela Revista Estudos Feministas sobre feminismos descoloniais e pós-coloniais, apresentando reflexões oriundas de estudos desenvolvidos em contextos africanos – Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Príncipe, Guiné Bissau, Angola, Moçambique e África do Sul

  5. Feminismo comunitario: pluralizando el sujeto y objeto del feminismo=Community feminism: pluralizing the subject and object from feminism


    Julieta Evangelina Cano


    Resumen La intención del presente trabajo es pensar al feminismo como un movimiento social, dentro del cual surgen otros movimientos que además de cuestionar al Patriarcado, cuestionan al propio feminismo por entender que cierto feminismo blanco, burgués y de clase media hegemonizó las demandas del colectivo, invisibilizando las situaciones de muchas mujeres con realidades específicas y demandas particulares, que no se sienten representadas, como el feminismo afrodescendiente, indígena, l...

  6. Tiempo de feminismo. Sobre feminismo, proyecto ilustrado y postmodernidad, de Celia Amorós [Ressenya


    Campillo, Neus


    Se trata de una reseña sobre el libro Amorós, C., Tiemp de feminismo. Sobre feminismo, proyecto ilustrado y postmodernidad. Madrid, Cátedra, Universitat de Valencia, Instituto de la Mujer, 1997, 463 pp.

  7. Feminismo comunitario: pluralizando el sujeto y objeto del feminismo=Community feminism: pluralizing the subject and object from feminism

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    Julieta Evangelina Cano


    Full Text Available Resumen La intención del presente trabajo es pensar al feminismo como un movimiento social, dentro del cual surgen otros movimientos que además de cuestionar al Patriarcado, cuestionan al propio feminismo por entender que cierto feminismo blanco, burgués y de clase media hegemonizó las demandas del colectivo, invisibilizando las situaciones de muchas mujeres con realidades específicas y demandas particulares, que no se sienten representadas, como el feminismo afrodescendiente, indígena, lesbiano, etcétera. Puntualmente me interesa abordar al feminismo comunitario para preguntarme acerca de su potencial disidente. En esta (pseudoruptura, aunque la identidad de lo que entendemos por feminismo no se pone en cuestión, lo cierto es que el feminismo hegemónico no estaría ofreciendo lugar para todas aquellas identidades de mujeres que necesitan crear otros espacios de identificación, sin divorciarse plenamente del feminismo, “conservando el apellido”.   Abstract The aim of the present paper is to think feminism as a social movement, in which other movements arise questioning not only the Patriarchy, but also questioning feminism itself. This questioning to feminism is due by the fact that white, bourgeois and middle class feminism hegemonized the demands of women´s collective, making invisible the situations of many women with specific realities and particular demands, who do not feel represented as Afro-descendant feminism, Indigenous feminism, Lesbian feminism, etcetera. I am interested in exploring the dissident potential of community feminism. In this (pseudo rupture, although the identity of what we understand as feminism is not challenged, it is true that hegemonic feminism would not be giving place to all the identities of women who need to create other spaces of identification without fully divorcing from the feminism, in other words, "preserving the surname".

  8. Aportaciones del feminismo islámico como feminismo poscolonial para la emancipación de las mujeres musulmanas. Revisión bibliográfica de fuentes


    Salas Rodríguez, Ana


    Se intentar contrastar las contribuciones del feminismo clásico occidental con el feminismo islámico, haciendo mención a otros movimientos feministas, como el poscolonial, por lo que éste nos puede aportar a la hora de entender mejor aquellos feminismo que, como el islámico, no se encuentran en la órbita del feminismo occidental, sino que incluso tienen planteamientos encontrados. De hecho, el propio feminismo islámico es un feminismo poscolonial.

  9. El feminismo comparativo

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    Temma Kaplan


    Full Text Available En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o la clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno e los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, pero también el derecho a tener hijos –denegado a muchas mujeres marginadas. Más tarde el debate sobre la sexualidad ganó importancia. Otro objetivo era dar voz a mujeres de grupos minoritarios. Los estudios actuales sobre las masculinidades han tenido asimismo una influencia positiva en el desarrollo del feminismo, ya que ni las mujeres ni los hombres pueden ser estudiados como identidades problemáticas o separadas.

  10. Carlos Rafael Rodríguez: pensamiento y acción revolucionarios

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    Dr. C. Vicente E. Escandell-Sosa


    Full Text Available Carlos Rafael Rodríguez fue un revolucionario erudito, intelectual y sencillo. Fue un hombre de su tiempo. Es necesario destacar en él que, sin negar su formación intelectual ni abjurar de ella, se consideraba un militante revolucionario. Reconocía que si en lugar de dedicarse totalmente a las obligaciones políticas se hubiera dedicado a escribir, habría elegido un rumbo y casi seguro se hubiera dedicado al ensayo literario y la interpretación histórica, porque él pensaba que nunca hubiera podido ser un investigador, pues le faltaba la paciencia propia del historiador acucioso. En el trabajo se expone la formación de su agudo pensamiento y su accionar como paradigma de intelectual revolucionario.

  11. Feminismo Decolonial e Teoria Queer: limites e possibilidades de diálogo nas relações internacionais

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    Júlia Machado Dias


    Full Text Available As Relações Internacionais (RIs se organizam enquanto disciplina pautada na dominância de concepções modernas de ciência, as quais acabam por limitar sua capacidade interpretativa. Este artigo tem o objetivo de estabelecer um diálogo entre o Feminismo Decolonial e a Teoria Queer no esforço coletivo de questionar os limites e possibilidades interpretativos das Relações Internacionais e dos feminismos. Defende-se que as teorias analisadas ampliam o entendimento das RIs, incorporando novas possibilidades epistemológicas, ontológicas e metodológicas que possibilitam a inserção dos temas das mulheres na área. Para isso, abordaremos na primeira seção como as RIs disciplinadoras se constroem e a forma que elas deslegitimam os conhecimentos que não partem das concepções da ciência moderna. Posteriormente, o Feminismo Decolonial será tratado com vistas a evidenciar o sistema moderno/colonial de gênero na construção da opressão de gênero na América Latina bem como no conhecimento moderno. Por fim, a última seção apresenta a Teoria Queer como uma opção de diálogo para com o Feminismo Decolonial, com o intuito de ampliar o debate feminista nas RIs em direção às questões de diversidade sexual, assim como de tensionar as estruturas hegemônicas da produção científica do campo.

  12. Feminismo e/no pós-colonialismo

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    Deepika Bahri


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, a autora discorre sobre a relação entre feminismo e pós-colonialismoa partir dos conceitos-chave nos estudos pós-coloniais, salientando as premissas, os métodose as tensões dessa aliança, bem como os desafios entre os feminismos “ocidental” e “póscolonial”no contexto da globalização.

  13. De avances e interrogantes : el proceso revolucionario Centroamericano en la revista mexicana cuadernos políticos (1979-1986)


    Bayle, Mariana


    El fin de la década del setenta y los inicios de los años ochenta constituyen un periodo de profundos contrastes para la izquierda latinoamericana. Al ser un espacio de confluencia del exilio, México se nos presenta como un escenario privilegiado para observar las dinámicas que tensionaron el debate político en aquel momento. El presente artículo busca evidenciar ciertas coordenadas relevantes de las polémicas político – intelectuales que suscitó el proceso revolucionario centroamericano en l...

  14. Feminismos y prostitución en Brasil: una lectura a partir de la antropología feminista

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    Adriana Piscitelli


    Full Text Available En este texto exploro las posibilidades da la antropología feminista para reflexionar sobre uno de los principales puntos de tensión en el debate feminista contemporáneo. Basándome en una investigación sobre la relación entre feminismos y la discusión sobre prostitución y trata de personas en Brasil, analizo esas tensiones considerando las posiciones asumidas por el movimiento feminista y el lugar que él ha ocupado en las discusiones y acciones destinadas a esa problemática en ese país. Realizo ese análisis teniendo en cuenta las nociones relacionadas con la prostitución y con la trata en la historia reciente del feminismo brasileño, situándolas en el ámbito de las relaciones entre el Estado y el movimiento feminista y considerando las configuraciones de ambos en una lectura transnacional.

  15. Feminismos, teoria queer e psicologia social crítica: (recontando histórias...

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    Lenise Santana Borges


    Full Text Available As abordagens feministas e queer são reconhecidas como aportes teóricos e metodológicos fundamentais para uma ressignificação da psicologia social, especialmente da chamada psicologia social crítica. Apesar do reconhecimento dos limites teóricos compartilhados tanto pelo ideário feminista como pelos pontos de vista críticos, algumas narrativas recentes sobre as relações entre os feminismos, a teoria queer e a psicologia social crítica, sobretudo no que se refere ao debate das sexualidades, tendem a considerar a história dessas relações sem as devidas contextualizações e, primordialmente, sob a ótica das ideias pós-modernas. A partir de uma seleção de narrativas que se propõem a (recontar a história dessas relações, procuro mostrar como algumas narrativas possibilitam uma articulação entre os pensamentos feministas e queer, enquanto outras apresentam uma versão que tenta contrapor uma teoria em relação à outra, apostando na substituição dos feminismos vistos (como homogêneos, e sem contradições pela teoria queer, tratada como vanguardista.

  16. Pedagogia de gênero e o feminismo em perspectiva: implicações à cidadania brasileira

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    Lília Guimarães Pougy


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o tema das relações de gênero, com objetivo de provocar o reconhecimento de seus efeitos na educação diferenciada e desigual de meninos e meninas, operada direta, e imediatamente pela religião e meios de comunicação de massa. O percurso a ser utilizado envolve apresentar o debate conceitual sobre gênero, abordar o lugar do feminismo na interpelação da sociedade e do Estado assim como ensaiar sobre as perspectivas futuras à cidadania brasileira, a partir do tema dos direitos humanos. A pedagogia de gênero pode ser um potente recurso da formação básica para a construção de um projeto de Nação coadunado com as necessidades do povo brasileiro, apesar da conjuntura nacional, na área da educação em particular, exigindo um esforço de reconhecimento dos desafios para a superação de uma ordem social excludente e propondo rearranjos e deslocamentos para uma educação crítica e libertadora. Palavras-chave: Gênero. Feminismo e Cidadania.   Gender pedagogy and feminism in perspective: implications to brazilian citizenship ABSTRACT The article addresses the theme of gender relations to induce the recognition of its effects on differential and unequal education of boys and girls operated directly and immediately by the family and school and mediated by the religion and the media. The course that will be used involves to present a conceptual debate about gender, to address the place of feminism in the interpellation of the society and the State, as well to rehearse about the future perspectives to Brazilian citizenship, based on the theme of human rights. The gender pedagogy can be a potent resource of basic training for the construction of a nation project in accordance with the needs of the Brazilian people despite the national context, in the area of education in particular. It also requires an eff ort to recognize the challenges to overcoming a excluded the social order and to propose rearrangements and

  17. Ciencia, religión y feminismo

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    Maldonado Barahona, Teresa


    Full Text Available The article presents a systematic and historically evolution of the concept of «sexual difference» in Emmanuel Levinas’ thought, indicating their turns and twists. It questions the status of this concept in relation to Levinasian concept of otherness, feminine alterity and ontological difference. It comments the critical receptions and readings about this subject in several feminist lines.

    El feminismo, en su vertiente de epistemología crítica, tiene grandes afinidades con los planteamientos (posmodernos y otros que cuestionan la posibilidad de conocimiento certero y discuten el estatus privilegiado de la ciencia como instancia de saber. A la vez, algunas corrientes feministas pretenden redefinir la creencia y la práctica religiosa y muestran gran simpatía por la religiosidad femenina. Ambos factores merecen una cuidadosa consideración crítica, pero su combinación puede ser desastrosa para el feminismo.

  18. Mudando o debate sobre o tráfico de mulheres Shifting the debate on the traffic of women

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    Kamala Kempadoo


    Full Text Available Neste texto apresento perspectivas e abordagens importantes no debate internacional sobre o tráfico de pessoas, e sublinho alguns dos principais pontos de crítica sobre o referencial contemporâneo hegemônico, pontos esses articulados através de projetos de pesquisa-ação e de intervenções contra o tráfico nas bases da sociedade. Argumento que, a despeito de mudanças substanciais no entendimento global sobre o tráfico, fortemente influenciadas por dois discursos feministas claramente diferentes (feminismo radical e feminismo transnacional, muito do que se busca hoje em nome de uma guerra ao tráfico tem conseqüências problemáticas para comunidades pobres ao redor do mundo, e tem implicações em termos de raça e gênero. As políticas norte-americanas são aqui trazidas ao debate para ilustrar algumas dessas tendências.In this text I present central perspectives and approaches in the international debate about the trafficking of persons, and highlight some of the main points of critique about the contemporary hegemonic framework that are articulated through action-research projects and grassroots anti-trafficking interventions. I argue that despite substantial shifts in global understandings about trafficking, which are heavily influenced by two distinctly different feminist discourses (radical feminism and transnational feminism, today much of what is pursued in the name of a war on trafficking has troubling consequences for poor communities around the world, and has gendered and racialized implications. US anti-trafficking policies are drawn upon here to illustrate some of these tendencies.

  19. Cuerpas Gordas: Gordofobia, Feminismo y Activismo de la Gordura en Brasil


    Luna Montalbetti, Cynthia Jazmin


    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: CUERPAS GORDAS: Gordofobia, Feminismo y Activismo de la Gordura en Brasil, pela/o discente: Cynthia Jazmin Luna Montalbetti do Centro de Integração e Relações Internacionais, curso de Ciência Política - Sociologia da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA) Cuerpas Gordas: Gordofobia, Feminismo y Activismo de la Gordura en Brasil

  20. Feminismo, academia y cambio social

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    Mirta González Suárez


    Full Text Available El feminismo, como teoría y práctica social, analiza y realiza propuestas para superar el patriarcado en todos los ámbitos y entre ellos el académico donde se insertan sus núcleos principales tales como el sexismo, la separación bipolar entre lo masculino y femenino, el poder, el control del cuerpo de las mujeres y la violencia

  1. Feminismo, Ciudadanía y Cultura Crítica

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    Neus Campillo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del articulo es indagar en la posibilidad de construir una cultura crítica desde el feminismo . La autora realiza un análisis de las criticas postestructuralistas al universalismo y de las dificultades para definir la ciudadanía y el sujeto del feminismo "las mujeres" en las tensiones y complejidades de nuestro presente.The aim of this paper is the search for the construction of a "critical culture from the feminist point of view. The author makes an account of the postestructual criticism of the universalism and of the difficulties to define a "gendered citizenship" in the tensions and complexities of present society.

  2. Despatriarcalización: Una respuesta categórica del feminismo comunitario (descolonizando la vida

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    Julieta Paredes C.


    La internacionalización del capitalismo y su democracia representativa ha sido el reino todopoderoso de empresarios y trasnacionales que hoy son expresiones de un sistema mayor. A este sistema de dominación las feministas comunitarias denominamos Patriarcado. Este artículo presenta al feminismo comunitario en sus diferencias con respecto  a  otros  feminismos.  En particular, se analiza cómo las políticas neoliberales provocaron la institucionalización del movimiento feminista a través de ONGs y de redes que representaban y hablaban en lugar de las mujeres. En Bolivia, a partir de la insurrección popular de Octubre 2003 a la cabeza de El Alto, la Asamblea Feminista creó un espacio de reflexión para las reconceptualizaciones que se necesitaban en la lucha contra el patriarcado y para la descolonización del feminismo. Representantes de esta Asamblea asistieron al 13º Encuentro Feminista Latinoamericano y del Caribe y sugirieron que Bolivia fuese la próxima sede. Como esta iniciativa fue rechazada, el Feminismo Comunitario lanzó la convocatoiria al 1er. Encuentro Feminista de los Pueblos, a realizarse en Bolivia en 2016.

  3. ¿Disidencia dentro del feminismo?

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    León Mejía, Ana


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to examine the dissident thought within the feminist movement. This new approach dissents from some main epistemological assumptions of the feminism, and claims against its effects, both in the academy and the public agenda. On the one hand, the authors that have leaded the critique against the so-called “gender ideology”, have the support of most of the American public. On the other hand, they are experiencing the wrath of the academic feminist and the accusation of being part of a backlash. The charges are conservatism, betrayal, and anti-feminism harassment. The social tension has increase with the date rape crisis, the new feminism cause, besides the current politics against pornography and sexual harassment. Furthermore dissident voices in Canada, France and Spain prove a serious break up in one of the most important social movements in the last decades.

    En este trabajo se examina una nueva corriente de pensamiento surgida dentro del movimiento feminista norteamericano, que disiente de algunos de los principales presupuestos epistemológicos del feminismo, y que denuncia sus efectos, tanto en la población americana, en especial dentro de la comunidad académica, como en la agenda pública. Las autoras que han emprendido la crítica de la denominada “ideología del género” cuentan por un lado con el apoyo de una gran parte del público americano. Por otra parte, han suscitado la ira del feminismo académico que les atribuye ser parte de un backlash (un contraataque frente a los logros conseguidos por el feminismo. Son acusadas, entre otras cosas, de conservadurismo, traición a la causa feminista o acoso institucional antifeminista. El grado de crispación se ha elevado con la crisis de “las violaciones en las citas” que se ha convertido en la nueva causa feminista, junto con las actuales políticas contra la pornografía y el acoso sexual. A todo esto, se añade el surgimiento de voces

  4. Crítica poscolonial desde las prácticas políticas del feminismo Antirracista

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    Ochy Curiel


    Full Text Available Este artículo señala que la teoría poscolonial hecha desde la academia conlleva una posición elitista y androcéntrica. La autora muestra que las prácticas y luchas del movimiento feminista, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en América Latina, han generado una forma de teorizar lo poscolonial que con frecuencia es ignorada por la academia. Trazando un recorrido que va desde los movimientos feministas negros en los Estados Unidos, pasando por el feminismo chicano, el feminismo afrolatino y el feminismo indígena, la autora muestra que la teoría poscolonial se beneficiaría mucho de los grandes aportes que estos movimientos políticos han hecho al pensamiento sobre la dominación colonial.

  5. Entre Debates e Embates: uma reflexão sobre epistemologias feministas latino-americanas

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    Renata Araújo Matos


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente texto objetiva discutir proposições elaboradas por parte de pensadoras feministas latino-americanas, pautando sua contribuição para os estudos teóricos que buscam compreender a construção dos padrões coloniais que ainda persistem na análise social da região. Entende-se que é pertinente fazer referência aos debates e confrontos internos aos movimentos e ao pensamento feminista para, dessa forma, evitar o caminho simplificador de não-reconhecimento, sem exceções, das contribuições do pensamento social já institucionalizado. Palavras-chaves: mulheres; feminismos latino-americanos; epistemologias feministas.   Between Debates and Blocks: a Reflection on Latin American Feminists Epistemologies Abstract The present article aims to discuss Latin American thinkers propositions and how their contributions impact on the regional decolonial studies. It is understood that it is pertinent to refer to debates and internal confrontations with feminist movements and thinking. In this way, one can avoid the simplistic path of non-recognition, without exceptions, of the contributions of already institutionalized social thought. Keywords: Women, Latin American Feminists, Feminists Epistemologies   Entre Debates y Embates: una reflexión sobre epistemologías feministas latinoamericanas Resumen El presente texto tiene como objetivo discutir proposiciones elaboradas por parte de pensadoras feministas latinoamericanas, pautando su contribución para los estudios teóricos que buscan comprender la construcción de los estándares coloniales que aún persisten en el análisis social de la región. Se considera pertinente hacer referencia a los debates y confrontaciones internos a los movimientos y al pensamiento feminista para, de esa forma, evitar el camino simplificador de no-reconocimiento, sin excepciones, de las contribuciones del pensamiento social ya institucionalizado.     Palabras-clave: mujeres; feminismos


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    Juan Manuel Valcárcel Torres


    Full Text Available La investigación que origina el presente artículo corresponde al esfuerzo emprendido por varias universidades Colombianas empeñadas en profundizar en algunos aspectos relacionados con la inminente celebración del bicentenario Constitucional Colombiano. Estas universidades son las de Medellín, Manizales, Libre y Militar Nueva Granada. Esta ha concentrado sus esfuerzos en la evolución de los derechos fundamentales a lo largo de la historia constitucional contenida en el periodo comprendido entre los años 1.810-2010. Parte del logro de este esfuerzo consiste precisamente en revisar la evolución de los derechos civiles y políticos, para la cual comenzaremos por el periodo revolucionario.

  7. Feminismo em movimento: temas e processos organizativos da Marcha Mundial das Mulheres no Fórum Social Mundial

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    Miriam Nobre


    Full Text Available O texto apresenta uma comparação entre o surgimento e desenvolvimento do processo Fórum Social Mundial e a Marcha Mundial das Mulheres no Brasil. O Fórum teve uma enorme contribuição para historicizar a globalização capitalista e mudar os termos do debate, e o movimento de mulheres tem sua trajetória imersa neste contexto, assim como o feminismo tem um grande potencial para desnaturalizar o discurso sobre a globalização e a economia neoliberal. O texto também mostra as relações construídas entre os movimentos sociais e suas agendas em comum que vêm se expressando no conjunto das ações do movimento antiglobalização.

  8. Narrativas fundadoras do feminismo: poderes e conflitos (1970-1978

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    Joana Maria Pedro


    Full Text Available A forma como foram definidas as datas do ressurgimento do feminismo de 'Segunda Onda', na década de 1970, no Brasil, reflete interpretações oriundas de diferentes lugares. A narrativa de 'origem' desse feminismo foi resultado de disputas de poder entre diversos grupos feministas e entre estes e os diversos personagens envolvidos na luta contra a ditadura militar, instalada no país entre 1964 e 1985. As dicotomias entre 'lutas gerais e lutas específicas', de um lado, e entre 'verdadeiramente feministas e não-feministas', de outro, presentes nessas disputas, falam de poderes e de conflitos.The way the 'Second Wave' feminism re-emergence was defined in the seventies, in Brazil, reflects interpretations that come from different places. The narrative of 'origin' of this feminism was result of contests of power among diverse feminists groups and among these and the diverse characters involved in the fight against the military dictatorship, present in the country between 1964 and 1985. The dichotomy between "general fights versus specific fights", in one side, and "true feminists versus not-feminists" in the other side, present in these contests, talks about powers and conflicts. I intend to discuss, in this article, the invention of these origins and their contests for power.

  9. Un fantasma recorre la izquierda nacional. El feminismo de la segunda ola y la lucha política en Argentina en los años setenta


    Trebisacce, Catalina


    La historia de encuentros y desencuentros entre el feminismo y otras luchas sociales tiene varias décadas de existencia. Probablemente sea constitutiva del propio feminismo. En el marco del reavivado interés que por este asunto presentan los estudios de interseccionalidad se vuelve necesario recuperar historias del feminismo que pongan atención en este punto. El presente trabajo es una contribución a dicha empresa. El mismo analiza la experiencia particular que encarnó la izquierda nacional a...

  10. Esbozo de un feminismo latinoamericano Outlines of a Latin American feminism

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    María Luisa Femenías


    Full Text Available ¿Existe un feminismo latinoamericano? Creemos que sí, y que tienen sus propias raíces y su propio perfil, que abreva de las múltiples corrientes teóricas y filosóficas de los desarrollos actuales del feminismo. Creemos además que la situación periférica del continente le permite tomar y situar diversas lecturas, trazar redes conceptuales y aceptar el desafío de pensar y plantear sus propios problemas. Este artículo pretende dar cuenta de algunos de esos desafíos y recorridos.Does a Latin American feminism exist? We believe it does and that it has its own roots and profile which derives from different theoretical and philosophical lines of the most important feminist achievements. We also believe that the so-called peripheral situation of the continent allows to situate and locate different readings, draw conceptual maps and accept that feminism's own challenges. This paper intends to map out some of challenges and trajectories.

  11. Multiculturalismo radical y feminismos de mujeres de color


    Lugones, María


    En el núcleo lógico mismo del movimiento hacia un multiculturalismo radical y de los feminismos de las Mujeres de Color, se da un desplazamiento desde una lógica de la opresión hacia una lógica de la resistencia. Ya sea radical, estructural o policéntrico, el multiculturalismo es una repuesta radical al eurocentrismo que ha acompañado a la historia del colonialismo occidental. El colonialismo en la primera y en la última modernidad estaba constituido por una concepción eurocéntrica ...

  12. Beauvoir, la filosofía existencialistay el feminismo

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    Teresa López Pardina


    Full Text Available Beauvoir es la fundadora del feminismo contemporáneo como Rousseau lo fue de la democracia moderna. La filosofía existencialista, por su concepción del ser humano como libre y dador de sentido, constituye un marco propicio para una teoría de la emancipación de las mujeres. Los conceptos fundamentales de su filosofía le sirven como herramientas fecundas para explicar la opresión de las mujeres y las vías de su emancipación.


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    Facundo Gustavo Boccardi


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años, los principales periódicos de la prensa argentina han sido escenario de un debate sobre la sanción de la actual ley de Educación Sexual Integral que tuvo como enunciadores protagónicos a dos instituciones: la Iglesia y el Estado. El presente trabajo indaga en los pliegues de los discursos que configuran este debate, poniendo el foco en aquellas operaciones discursivas tendientes a establecer, delimitar y estabilizar el sentido de “la perspectiva de género”. Con este objetivo, la perspectiva teórico-metodológica de esta investigación considera los aportes de aquello que se ha denominado como feminismo postestructuralista y se inscribe, puntualmente, en el campo de la teoría de la discursividad social. Así, se entiende que los discursos sociales conforman un conjunto heterogéneo que se encuentra sobredeterminado por una hegemonía discursiva que opera a través de mecanismos de regulación y homogeneización que consisten en imponer grados y formas de aceptabilidad, legibilidad y legitimidad.Desde este enfoque, pretendemos visibilizar las operaciones de la hegemonía discursiva en los argumentos de diferentes enunciadores del debate que se pronuncian acerca de “la perspectiva de género”, conceptualizando desde los aportes del feminismo postestrucutalista las relaciones que estos discursos establecen con sus condiciones de producción.

  14. Una mirada sobre el feminismo del Funk carioca

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    Hugo Alexander Buitrago Carvajal


    Full Text Available El presente texto analiza las condiciones sociales en las que  algunas cantantes de funk carioca  de los  últimos diez  años  se autoproclamaron feministas. Busca  caracterizar y problematizar las manifestaciones contemporáneas del feminismo en  las cantantes populares de funk  a través de una  indagación histórico hermenéutica. Para ello se realiza  una  contex- tualización histórica del funk  y una  revisión de las letras de algunos de los cantantes y las cantantes con  más  reconocimiento en  el género.  Así, se expone la propuesta de liberación sexual  y erotización del cuerpo femenino para confrontarla con la discusión desarrollada en blogs digitales sobre  la alienación de la mujer  que se supone conlleva el funk.  A partir de la confrontación con el feminismo de tercera ola se propone al funk como reafirmación de géne- ro, de clase baja y de etnia negra  que se consolida como  manifestación cultural feminista de las mujeres de favela. Ello, acompañado de un proceso de normalización e incorporación de este género musical a los valores  estándar, lo cual convierte el funk  en un discurso portador de postulados contradictorios.

  15. A semiótica de um enterro prematuro: o feminismo em uma era pós-feminista The semiotics of pemature burial: feminism in a postfeminist age

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    Mary Hawkesworth


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, exploro as representações da morte do feminismo para compreender os significados maiores que cercam as declarações do fim simbólico do feminismo. Começarei investigando dois mecanismos pelos quais a morte do feminismo é produzida para expor os valores implícitos dos tanatófilos do feminismo. Depois considerarei versões rivais dos "signos da morte", de forma a explorar como as suposições peculiares sobre a ontologia do feminismo estão presas a formas específicas de morte metafórica. Dado o tipo particular de distorção implicada no enterro prematuro de um feminismo global florescente, a seção final do artigo situa o contemporâneo dobrar dos sinos pela morte do feminismo no contexto de uma história gendrada de práticas de enterro em vida. Através da escavação e da interpretação de tais práticas arcaicas, relacionarei o enterro retórico do feminismo contemporâneo a um esforço contínuo para minar as lutas feministas por justiça social.In this article, I will explore how the death of feminism is represented in order to plumb the larger meanings embedded in proclamations of feminism's symbolic death. I will begin by investigating two mechanisms by which feminism's death has been produced to unearth the tacit values of feminism's morticians. I will then consider competing accounts of the "signs of death" in order to explore how particular assumptions about the ontology of feminism are tied to specific forms of metaphorical death. Given the particular kind of distortion involved in the premature burial of a thriving global feminism, the final section of the article situates contemporary feminism's death knell in the context of a gendered history of live burial practices. By excavating and interpreting such archaic practices, I will link the rhetorical burial of contemporary feminism to an ongoing effort to undermine feminist struggles for social justice.

  16. ¿Feminismo en el mundo científico médico?

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    Miqueo, Consuelo


    Full Text Available This paper examines the tension and paradoxes that arise during the evaluation of the effects of feminist epistemology in the medical community. The international medical literature shows us that feminist bibliography is not usually cited. The term feminism is replaced by the methodological technical terms of «gender bias» or «gender perspectives » or «gender based health studies» in the medical journal articles. Medical authors do not explicitly recognize feminist genealogy even if they are women integrated in a gender studies network or well-known members of the feminist movement in Spain. After the discussion of these and other phenomena, this essay postulates the use of new data and criteria to raise the visibility of the impact of feminism in medicine by reviewing the medical practice and the therapeutic relationship. Finally, the heading question is changed: how has been medical practice affecting feminism since the 90’s?

    Este artículo se interroga acerca del papel que ha tenido la epistemología feminista en la emergencia de los estudios de género y salud. Al revisar la literatura internacional observamos una falta de evidencias de esa influencia intelectual: se cita raramente a las teóricas del feminismo, casi no hay uso explícito del termino feminismo, sustituido por el exitoso «sesgos de género» o «perspectiva de género», observándose similar silencio, incluso, en médicas significadas del movimiento feminista o reconocidas investigadoras de las redes de estudios de género, en el caso español. En este contexto, y tras examinar varias hipótesis explicativas del fenómeno, se propone cambiar los criterios de evaluación y el escenario para centrarse en la praxis médica y las relaciones terapéuticas. Finaliza la nota planteando la verdadera cuestión: ¿está influyendo esa práctica médica en el feminismo?, ¿cómo saberlo?

  17. Feminismo, identidade e gênero em Judith Butler: apontamentos a partir de “problemas de gênero”

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    Flávio Henrique Firmino


    Full Text Available Pretende-se nesse artigo acompanhar a proposta inicial de Judith Butler em Problemas de Gênero, de que o gênero não é uma essência nem uma construção social, mas uma produção do poder. Tomando o feminismo como mote para discutir inicialmente a identidade, vemos sua questão se expandir para o gênero, em geral, e chegar à própria noção de sujeito. A partir da crítica genealógica de Michel Foucault e de sua noção de poder, Butler pretende realizar uma crítica das categorias de identidade e, especificamente, da identidade enquanto fundamento da ação política do feminismo.

  18. Alexis de Tocqueville: opinión pública y declinación del discurso revolucionario

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    Ezequiel B. Sirlin


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en reconstruir una visión que aparece fragmentada en su obra: cómo los mecanismos de opinión en las sociedades democráticas debilitarían la propagación de las doctrinas revolucionarias. Entre sus diversas anticipaciones, Tocqueville señaló que la multiplicación de voces habría de devaluar el peso de cada una, moderando por el mismo efecto de la profusión la capacidad transformadora de las opiniones radicales. Tal vez por tratarse de una profecía esbozada en forma dispersa y subsidiaria de otros temas, los estudiosos han descuidado el anuncio de Tocqueville sobre la declinación del intelectual productor de grandes cambios. Llegaría el fin de todo discurso revolucionario capaz de sobresalir en las futuras sociedades democráticas. La multiplicación de publicaciones y de agentes culturales en pie de igualdad provocaría tal desdibujamiento de la autoridad intelectual que incluso los avances culturales serían difíciles de observar. Las especulaciones de Tocqueville sobre la opinión pública y el movimiento cultural en las democracias venideras conllevan un sentido aún no atendido convenientemente por la crítica: la premonición de un "polifonismo". El fenómeno de la multiplicación disolvería las figuras intelectuales, neutralizando el poder rector que el discurso revolucionario había ejercido en sociedades aristocráticas como la francesa.

  19. La aportación del feminismo en la psicoterapia con mujeres: interiorización personal subjetiva del feminismo en la praxis cotidiana como psicóloga


    Paguey Alberdi, Jone


    Actas del II Congreso de jóvenes investigadorxs con perspectiva de género (Getafe, 26 y 27 de junio de 2017) organizado por el Instituto Universitario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Se pretende plasmar los grandes avances que se han dado en la psicoterapia con las mujeres debido al feminismo, resumiendo las aportaciones más relevantes en relación con el bienestar integral de las pacientes. Debido a la escasa formación en género y por lo tanto, la ausencia de ...

  20. Elas merecem ser lembradas: feminismo, emoções e memória em rede

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    Tatiane Leal

    Full Text Available Resumo Neste artigo, discuto as interseções entre feminismo, memória e emoções no ambiente virtual da Internet. A metodologia consiste na análise das páginas dos projetos Aurélia e Let’s Celebrate Women, que se dedicam a construir uma memória coletiva feminina online, reunindo histórias de mulheres inspiradoras, do passado e do presente. O objetivo é problematizar os usos da memória pelos movimentos sociais, em suas constituições identitárias e em suas lutas por reconhecimento, identificando os imbricamentos presentes entre os feminismos contemporâneos e a Internet. A partir de uma discussão do conceito de memória, investigo, ainda, as relações entre essas iniciativas e o crescimento de uma cultura do lembrar na contemporaneidade. Na relação entre as práticas de rememoração e as emoções, o direito à memória se estabelece como uma reivindicação primordial das mulheres em suas novas formas de militância.

  1. La revista Zanan, de la iraní Shahla Sherkat, y su contribución al feminismo islámico

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    Rocío Velasco de Castro


    Full Text Available En cualquier sociedad, el feminismo conforma una parte importante de la lucha por los derechos humanos. En las sociedades islámicas, además, muchas de las militantes feministas lideran los movimientos ciudadanos y sus demandas de libertad. En este proceso, la palabra como medio de expresión y de denuncia, constituye un eficaz y peligroso instrumento para informar y concienciar a la población. Al igual que otras periodistas y escritoras perseguidas, el testimonio de Sherkat y de su revista, Zanan, están considerados como uno de los principales portavoces no sólo del feminismo islámico en el país, sino también de la libertad de expresión cercenada por un régimen político dictatorial.

  2. Un legado beauvoiriano: el trabajo doméstico en la perspectiva del feminismo materialista de Christine Delphy

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    Mariana Smaldone


    Full Text Available En la década del 70, Christine Delphy presenta la perspectiva del feminismo materialista focalizándose en el trabajo doméstico no remunerado. El análisis de Delphy pone de manifiesto el legado del pensamiento de Beauvoir, puesto que retoma las críticas al marxismo clásico, en tanto que dicha teoría no explicita las condiciones de opresión y de explotación de las mujeres. Estos temas y su tratamiento desde el feminismo materialista los situamos en algunos estudios latinoamericanos. Nos referimos a la ocupación en el “servicio”” y las tareas domésticas, y a la segregación que se produce entre las mujeres. Por último, ampliamos el marco de la recepción del pensamiento de Beauvoir, en particular la cuestión de las mujeres trabajadoras, a partir del análisis de Marcela Nari.

  3. O feminismo brasileiro desde os anos 1970: revisitando uma trajetória Brazilian feminism since the seventies: revisiting a trajectory

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    Cynthia Andersen Sarti


    Full Text Available Com base na experiência brasileira das últimas décadas, o texto aborda o feminismo como um fenômeno que, embora enuncie genérica e abstratamente a emancipação feminina, se concretiza no âmbito de contextos sociais, culturais, políticos e históricos específicos. O artigo mostra, inicialmente, o feminismo no Brasil, nos anos 1970, como um movimento de mulheres que se configura em oposição à ditadura militar e que foi se desenvolvendo, nas décadas seguintes, dentro das possibilidades e limites que se explicitaram no processo de abertura política. Argumenta-se, entretanto, que as dificuldades enfrentadas pelo feminismo brasileiro não dizem respeito apenas aos constrangimentos da conjuntura em que se manifestou, mas a impasses de ordem estrutural do feminismo, uma vez que as mulheres não são uma categoria universal, exceto pela projeção de nossas próprias referências culturais. Sua existência social e cultural implica a diversidade, instituindo fronteiras que recortam o mundo culturalmente identificado como feminino. A análise do feminismo, assim, requer a referência ao contexto de sua enunciação, que lhe dá o significado. Da mesma maneira, a análise das relações de gênero implica considerar a noção de pessoa, tal como concebida no universo simbólico ao qual se referem essas relações.Based on the Brazilian experience in the last decades, the text approaches feminism as a phenomenon that, although enunciating women's emancipation in general and abstract terms, concretizes itself in specific social, cultural, political and historical contexts. Initially, the article shows feminism in Brazil, in the seventies, as a women's movement that was framed in opposition to the military dictatorship. In the following decades, it developed within the possibilities and limits of the process of political democratization. Nevertheless, the text argues that the difficulties faced by Brazilian feminism concerns not only the

  4. A propósito de un feminismo propiamente nuestroamericano On a Truly Our-American Feminism

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    Francesca Gargallo Celentani


    Full Text Available En el siglo XIX, el feminismo fue un intento de entender qué es la falta de igualdad y de defender el derecho a la misma, desde la perspectiva del individuo inserto en la sociedad. Aunque el feminismo contemporáneo ya no se centra en una reivindicación emancipatoria de igualdad con un "modelo" de ciudadano, la idea de que las mujeres como individuos nos tenemos que liberar sigue siendo el telón de fondo de toda la acción feminista. No cabe, pues, cuestionar que la liberación de las mujeres como mujeres es una tarea de todas. Sin embargo, cabe poner en duda que esta liberación sólo tiene una vertiente individual y que la perspectiva de la liberación del individuo sea universal. Esto supone una explicitación del punto de partida y el interés por trabajar desde el feminismo una concepción del mundo que ha sido cuestionada desde otros ámbitos de la reflexión política y epistemológica.During the 19th century feminism was an attempt to understand the lack of equality and to defend the right of the individual-within-society to it. Though contemporary feminism does not focus on emancipative claims of equality regarding a citizen model, the idea of women as individuals in need of liberation is still the background of every feminist action. There is no questioning that women's liberation, in as much as they are women, is an every woman's task. Nevertheless, the question remains as for this liberation having only an individual side and the perspective of individual's liberation being universal. This needs a clear statement regarding the starting point and the intention to work with a feminist approach on a concept of world that has been questioned in political reflection and epistemology fields.

  5. El bloque de jóvenes revolucionarios de Michoacán y la politica social Cardenista 1930-1936


    Méndez Moreno, Carlos Domingo


    El proceso revolucionario iniciado en 1910 permitió que durante las décadas de los años veinte y treinta del siglo surgieran una serie de líderes regionales, que con el transcurrir del tiempo llegaron a ostentar el poder en sus respectivas zonas de influencia. Debido a la inestabilidad política que imperaba en el país, esto se agudizó en una lucha de poder, tanto central como regional. Después del movimiento armado que inició Francisco I. Madero y posterior a su muerte, las ...

  6. Las jóvenes y el feminismo: ¿Indiferencia o compromiso? Young women and feminism: indifference or commitment?

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    Oralia Gómez-Ramírez


    Full Text Available En este artículo analizamos la relación entre el feminismo y las jóvenes en México. El eje rector responde a la interrogante de si existen jóvenes feministas y, de ser así, cuál es su participación y papel en los movimientos feministas del país. Si bien percibimos con toda claridad, por una parte, que el feminismo ha impactado directamente las vidas de las jóvenes; por otro lado, sólo un número minúsculo se asume como feminista. La situación en este sentido es inquietante, sin embargo, ya sea desde la política o la academia observamos que algunas jóvenes sí se comprometen con los feminismos, y son ellas quienes se integran a espacios establecidos o bien generan propuestas autónomas e independientes para dar expresión a sus posturas, entre otras, mediante la generación de redes.In this article we analyze the relationship between feminism and young women in Mexico. Our central purpose consists of analyzing whether there are young feminist women and, if so, what their participation and role in the Mexican feminist and women's movements are. We argue that while feminism has undoubtedly impacted young women's lives, only a small number of them self-identifies as feminists. This situation is disquieting; however, by participating either in local political movements or in the academia, some young women do commit themselves with feminisms, and thus, strengthen and/or generate autonomous and independent projects that allow them to express their points of view, among other means, by creating networks.

  7. Alberto Lista’s El Espectador sevillano (1809: an example of revolutionary discourse? | El Espectador sevillano de Alberto Lista (1809: ¿un discurso revolucionario?

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    Claude Morange


    Full Text Available El Espectador sevillano is a journal that was edited by Alberto Lista between 1809 (2 October and 1810 (29 January. It happened to be published in Seville for the town had just become the capital city of unoccupied Spain. El Espectador sevillano provides us with a systematic account of the fundaments of political liberalism as a doctrine that led to the writing of the Constitution of Cadiz a few months after the termination of the journal. However little attention has been paid to El Espectador sevillano despite it is being one of the most political influential journals at that time. In this paper, we fill in this research gap by locating El Espectador sevillano within the complexity of the vibrant political debate that took place in Seville during this period, in order to assess to what extend Lista’s thinking in 1809 can be labelled as revolutionary. | El Espectador sevillano, redactado por Alberto Lista, se publicó en Sevilla del 2 de octubre de 1809 al 29 de enero de 1810. Aunque se trata de uno de los periódicos más importantes del momento, se le ha estudiado poco. Redactado en la ciudad que, por las circunstancias bélicas, había pasado a ser capital de la España libre, ofrece una exposición sistemática de los fundamentos de la doctrina política liberal, que se plasmarían algunos meses después en la Constitución de Cádiz. En estas breves reflexiones, se trata de situar la publicación en el complejo e intenso debate de ideas de que fue entonces teatro Sevilla, para tratar de determinar hasta qué punto puede calificarse de revolucionario el pensamiento del Lista de 1809.

  8. Feminismo postmoderno: D. J. Haraway y S. Harding

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    Teresa Aguilar García


    Full Text Available En este texto se caracteriza el llamado “Feminismo Postmoderno” y se presentan las posiciones teóricas de dos influyentes pensadoras contemporáneas en el ámbito de la filosofía de la ciencia desde una perspectiva feminista postmoderna. Haraway y Harding debaten en torno a la historia de la ciencia y sus sesgos androcéntricos, así como sobre el concepto identidad desde el paradigma cyborg. Dentro del paradigma postmoderno asumen la herencia postestructuralista y deconstruccionista y defienden la necesidad de una ciencia social crítica y autorreflexiva como modelo de todas las ciencias, pero tienen controversias en cuanto a la estructuración del espacio social generizado. Haraway entiende que el espacio social no es homogéneo, y que las tres dimensiones que detecta Harding: simbolismo genérico, división socio-sexual del trabajo y procesos de identidad individual generizada, se interceptan en múltiples dimensiones.

  9. Los feminismos y las políticas de las mujeres en el horizonte de poner fin a los mandatos patriarcales de la violencia; Os feminismos e as políticas das mulheres no horizonte de terminar os mandatos patriarcais de violência; Feminisms and women's policies on the horizon of ending the patriarchal mandates of violence

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    Francesca Gargallo Celentani


    Full Text Available Resumen: Una de las corrientes importantes del feminismo, el feminismo socialista de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, influyó en la socialdemocracia alemana, la ideología bolchevique y las prácticas de la Liga Espartaquista. Igualmente desde hace más de un siglo, las feministas anarquistas tenían identificados los espacios de su opresión en el trabajo, la religión y la familia, rebelándose a cualquier figura de dominio. “Ni dios, ni patrón, ni marido” era uno de sus lemas. El feminismo socialista fue el que organizó en México los dos primeros encuentros feministas del norte de Nuestramérica, lo hizo en Mérida, Yucatán, en 1916, donde se discutieron varios tópicos, entre ellos los de la libertad sexual de las mujeres. Palabras clave: violencia de género, políticas, sexismo, discriminación   Resumo: Uma das correntes importantes do feminismo, o feminismo socialista do final do século XIX e início do século XX, influenciou a social-democracia alemã, a ideologia bolchevique e as práticas da Liga Espartaquista. Também há mais de um século, as feministas anarquistas identificaram os espaços de sua opressão no trabalho, religião e família, rebelando-se contra qualquer figura de domínio. “Nem Deus, nem o chefe, nem o marido” eram um dos seus lema. O feminismo socialista foi o que organizou no México as duas primeiras reuniões feministas no norte de Nossa América, Ele fez isso em México, Yucatán, em 1916, onde vários tópicos foram discutidos, entre eles a liberdade sexual das mulheres. Palavras-chave: violência de gênero, política, sexismo, discriminação   Abstrac: One of the important currents of feminism, the socialist feminism of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, influenced the German social democracy, the Bolshevik ideology and the practices of the Spartacist League. Also for more than a century, anarchist feminists had identified the spaces of their oppression in work

  10. Feminismo e terapia: a terapia feminista da família - por uma psicologia comprometida


    Narvaz,Martha Giudice; Koller,Sílvia Helena


    O objetivo deste trabalho é destacar a terapia feminista da família enquanto abordagem crítica no campo das psicoterapias e das terapias familiares. Inicialmente, descrevemos o feminismo enquanto campo político, teórico e epistemológico, bem como a incorporação do paradigma feminista ao campo das psicoterapias. Descrevemos também o surgimento da vertente feminista da terapia familiar e as principais críticas feministas às terapias familiares sistêmicas tradicionais. Ao final, destacamos a ter...

  11. Feminine and non-feminist: the mediatic construction of backlash, consumption and post-feminisms


    Mello Souza, Juliana


    A significativa intervenção dos feminismos na identificação e na desconstrução das práticas sociais ainda dominantes, logo, na emersão de novas perspetivas de mudança, sempre foram obscurecidos e negligenciados, se não mesmo tornados ausentes, no debate com o grande público. Dado o impacto da nova linguagem mediática em torno dos feminismos parece- nos importante o exercício de passar em revista como os constructos neoliberais dos feminismos, sobretudo apropriados pelos veículos de comunicaçã...

  12. Disidentes y visionarias de los nuevos feminismos

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    Abad Cadenas, Cristina


    hoy son innegables los cambios generados por el feminismo de la primera, segunda y tercera ola. Aficionados a conceptualizar y etiquetar, actualmente enfilamos la entrada a la cuarta ola, una ideología menos monolítica, más fragmentaria y plural que, según Elena Gascón-Vera, profesora en Wellesley College, combina feminismo, lucha por los derechos queer y otros movimientos pro-sex. Un movimiento, según la periodista británica Kira Cochrane, centrado en las pequeñas causas concretas que basa sus reivindicaciones en las herramientas digitales. Merece la pena valorar si se trata de un avance o un desarrollo de la indeterminación postmoderna apoyada por la tecnología 3.0. En todo caso, la Utopía Feminista ha dejado también cadáveres en el camino que no siempre asumimos y reconocemos o si lo hacemos es como precio a pagar. Muchas veces las víctimas son las propias mujeres. La política y escritora italiana Eugenia Roccella considera que las utopías se han desplazado de lo social a la biología y dejan a la mujer ante la encrucijada de deconstruir lo materno y la diferencia sexual o defender a ultranza esa diferencia. Eveyne Sullerot, socióloga feminista francesa, lamenta la fragilidad dramática que se ha instalado en la sociedad, por la frecuencia de las separaciones y la deriva del aborto que al grito de “mi vientre es mío” vacían de sentido la paternidad. El feminismo tal y como se concibe no es la puerta del paraíso. Todavía queda mucho camino que recorrer. Se atisba una necesidad de desarrollar la vertiente ecológica. La crisis y las dificultades familiares de estos primeros años del siglo XXI han supuesto un buen desafío para muchas de las feministas de los años 60 y 70. Algunas, como las citadas o las estadounidenses Christina Hoff Somersson, Eugenia Roccella, Karen DeCrow o Camille Paglia, han revisado sus mensajes. En este artículo comentaremos las aportaciones de estas disidentes o visionarias.

  13. Empoderamiento y feminismo comunitario en la conservación del maíz en México


    Ana Gabriela Rincón Rubio; Ivonne Vizcarra Bordi; Humberto Thomé Ortíz; Patricia Gascón Muro


    El objetivo es analizar, desde una perspectiva basada en el feminismo comunitario, el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres que conforman un grupo de ocho integrantes matlatzincas de la comunidad de San Francisco Oxtotilpan, México, a través de prácticas productivas, alimentarias y culturales en torno al maíz nativo. Los datos fueron recogidos durante 2014 y 2015 con técnicas etnográficas que incluyen: observación participante, historias de vida, grupos focales, entrevistas semiestructurad...

  14. Empoderamiento y feminismo comunitario en la conservación del maíz en México


    Rubio, Ana Gabriela Rincón; Bordi, Ivonne Vizcarra; Ortíz, Humberto Thomé; Muro, Patricia Gascón


    Resumen: El objetivo es analizar, desde una perspectiva basada en el feminismo comunitario, el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres que conforman un grupo de ocho integrantes matlatzincas de la comunidad de San Francisco Oxtotilpan, México, a través de prácticas productivas, alimentarias y culturales en torno al maíz nativo. Los datos fueron recogidos durante 2014 y 2015 con técnicas etnográficas que incluyen: observación participante, historias de vida, grupos focales, entrevistas semies...

  15. Mundo común, feminismo y mitología

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    Birulés, Fina


    Full Text Available Since the 1970s feminism has signified one of the most productive critical reconsiderations of modern political thought legacy. This article examines the questioning of modern notions of political freedom and political community that Linda Zerilli has undertaken in her reading of Hannah Arendt and Ludwig Wittgenstein. On this basis and on criticism of sexual dimorphism, the article shows the need to rethink the relationship between theory and praxis beyond its modern conception, a feature present in much of contemporary feminist theory.Desde la década de 1970 el feminismo ha significado una de las profundizaciones críticas m.s productivas del legado del pensamiento político de la modernidad. El presente artículo atiende al cuestionamiento de las modernas nociones de libertad y comunidad políticas que Linda Zerilli ha llevado a cabo en su lectura de Hannah Arendt y de Ludwig Wittgenstein. A partir de ah. y de la reciente querella en torno al diformismo sexual, se muestra la necesidad de repensar la relación entre teoría y praxis más allá de la concepción moderna, presente en buena parte de la teoría feminista contemporánea.

  16. Debates feministas sobre pornografia heteronormativa: estéticas e ideologias da sexualização Feminist debates on heteronormative pornography: aesthetics and ideologies of sexualization

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    Pedro Pinto


    Full Text Available Este artigo re-visita o debate feminista sobre pornografias heteronormativas e analisa a sua produção de discursos polarizados, em particular os que recorreram às ciências psicológicas como forma de legitimar as suas posições. Partindo da localização da indústria pornô nas mecânicas do capitalismo contemporâneo, propomos repensar os significados da pornografia para lá da psicologia social tradicional e do feminismo norte-americano mais conservador. O papel preponderante que a pornografia hoje assume nas indústrias do sexo é indissociável da proliferação tecnológica da mídia e da crescente sexualização dos seus mercados. Neste artigo - uma análise de textos e discursos - situamos a pornografia numa fenomenologia mais ampla e reflexiva, cruzando uma abordagem feminista-construcionista com a psicologia social crítica.This paper revisits the feminist debate on heteronormative pornography and analyzes its production of polarized discourses, particularly those that have explored psychological sciences to legitimize their positions. Locating the porn industry within the mechanics of contemporary capitalism, we propose to rethink the meanings of pornography beyond the strict boundaries of the traditional social psychology and the conservative North American feminism. The paramount role played by pornography in the sex industries is nowadays inseparable from the technological proliferation of the media and the increasing sexualization of its markets. In this article - an analysis of texts and discourses - we situate pornography in a broader and more reflexive phenomenology, crossing a constructionist-feminist approach with critical social psychology.

  17. Debates feministas sobre direito, justiça e reconhecimento: uma reflexão a partir do modelo teórico de Nancy Fraser

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    Silvana Mariano


    Full Text Available O feminismo pós-estruturalista é a escolha teórica que, em grande parte, orienta aqui nossa perspectiva. Os debates em torno das noções de “direito”, “justiça” e “reconhecimento” ilustram essa discussão. Propomo-nos a fazer uma reflexão sociológica conceitual, de orientação feminista, de forma a constituir um suporte teórico para análises sobre políticas sociais, com o objetivo de investigar as condições de cidadania das mulheres pobres e apreender os determinantes de gênero presentes nos programas estatais. Ao tratar das categorias apontadas, adotamos o modelo proposto por Nancy Fraser, a qual combina a luta pela justiça redistributiva com a luta por justiça de reconhecimento.

  18. Feminismo em movimento: temas e processos organizativos da Marcha Mundial das Mulheres no Fórum Social Mundial Feminism in motion: issues and organising processes of the World March of Women in the World Social Forum

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    Miriam Nobre


    Full Text Available O texto apresenta uma comparação entre o surgimento e desenvolvimento do processo Fórum Social Mundial e a Marcha Mundial das Mulheres no Brasil. O Fórum teve uma enorme contribuição para historicizar a globalização capitalista e mudar os termos do debate, e o movimento de mulheres tem sua trajetória imersa neste contexto, assim como o feminismo tem um grande potencial para desnaturalizar o discurso sobre a globalização e a economia neoliberal. O texto também mostra as relações construídas entre os movimentos sociais e suas agendas em comum que vêm se expressando no conjunto das ações do movimento antiglobalização.The text presents a comparisson among the raising and development of the World Social Forum and of the World March of Women in Brazil. The Forum has had an enormous contribution to historicize the capitalist globalization and to change the terms of the debate, and the women's movement has its trajectory embeded in this context, as well as the great potential that feminism has to denaturalize the mainstream vision on globalization and neoliberal economy. The text also presents the relation built among the movements and their common agendas that has being expressed in the framework of the anti-globalization movement actions.

  19. Refutações ao feminismo: (descompassos da cultura letrada brasileira

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    Rita Terezinha Schmidt


    Full Text Available Ao considerar a força do discurso antifeminista no Brasil, examino como esse discurso aparece no âmbito do jornalismo cultural para então tecer algumas relações com a história social brasileira à luz da qual é possível compreender por que o feminismo como práxis transformadora parece tão fora dos hábitos do país. Procuro sustentar meu argumento a partir da leitura de obras de pensadores da história e da cultura brasileiras considerados “de esquerda” ao mesmo tempo em que pontuo os limites de suas análises, ou seja, o silenciamento sobre a opressão das mulheres e questões de gênero. A seguir, examino a persistência de diversas formas do antifeminismo no campo das Letras a fim de compreender o estatuto da crítica feminista no campo dos estudos literários e as razões de sua invisibilidade, com considerações sobre conquistas e limitações de suas práticas.

  20. Violência doméstica e Juizados Especiais Criminais: análise a partir do feminismo e do garantismo

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende demonstrar a possibilidade de análise crítica da Lei 9.099/95 a partir de dois discursos considerados marginais no campo do direito penal: o feminismo jurídico e o garantismo penal. Considerando a vítima no momento do crime e o autor do fato durante o processo penal, esses discursos interagem, procurando construir um diálogo para demonstrar a ineficácia da lei em ambas as perspectivas.

  1. Cinema e feminismos entre poética e devir: por uma tecnologia engendrada

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    Fernanda Capibaribe Leite


    Full Text Available Esse artigo visa contribuir para a construção de uma poética feminista no cinema e audiovisual contemporâneo concebida na ideia de trânsito ou fluxos para sujeitos de gênero compreendidas/os fora da lógica dos binarismos “cis” e heteronormativos. Para tanto, atualiza a acepção em Lauretis (1987 de que o cinema se constitui como tecnologia de gênero, e aborda tal premissa no contexto das imagens tecnológicas e digitais através do conceito de percepto de devir feminista. Tal relação proposta engloba a ideia de que a poética feminista atualmente se alicerça cada vez mais na prerrogativa das experiências próprias de personagens subjetificadas/os, por um caminho patêmico no qual mulheres cis e trans não mais são colocadas sob o olhar do outro-homem-dominador, mas, ao contrário, se enunciam sob referências de seus próprios cotidianos e espaços de interlocução. Nesse sentido, a atualização da ideia de tecnologia de gênero para o cinema está ligada ao fato de que tais imagens configuram desterritorializações, devires, tanto no que toca a relação hegemonia-subalternidade no sistema sexo-gênero como no que se refere à própria ideia dos sujeitos legítimos e nomeados no feminismo. Como escopo investigativo, lanço um olhar sobre a produção Dude looks Like a Lady, parte da série de curtas em pornografia feminista intitulada XConfessions (LUST, 2013, 125min, oriundos de relatos em texto sobre fantasias e/ou experiências enviadas pela internet. Apesar de tratar de tal realização em particular, a trago também como espaço de acionamento de outras produções na perspectiva do feminismo, que endossam ou potencializam o lugar da diferença em produções com foco nos sujeitos engendrados.

  2. As relações da Revista Estudos Feministas com os movimentos de mulheres The debate between Revista Estudos Feministas and women's movements

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    Leila Linhares Barsted


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o diálogo da REF, nesses últimos 15 anos, com os movimentos de mulheres no Brasil. Recupera os temas dos diversos dossiês que, em grande medida, focaram temáticas de extrema relevância e atualidade para a agenda política do feminismo. Resgata alguns desses dossiês como exemplos da articulação academia/movimentos sociais em torno de uma pauta feminista.This article focus on how, during the last 15 years, the periodical REF (Feminist Studies Review has debated with the various women's movements and contributed to the discussion of issues and proposal for feminism in Brazil. It recalls the main themes of several dossiers, which, in general, focused on issues of extreme relevance and importance for the political agenda of feminism. It reviews some of these dossiers as examples of a good articulation of the academy with social movements in the construction of a feminist agenda.

  3. Actores del aborto: estado, iglesia católica y movimiento feminista.


    Varea Viteri, María Soledad


    Esta investigación aborda dos tipos de efectos de los debates contemporáneos alrededor del aborto en Ecuador. De un lado, sobre los sujetos y sus esferas públicas afectivas; y de otro, sobre los ensambles territoriales. Los debates capturados para este estudio son aquellos sostenidos entre el Estado ecuatoriano, la Iglesia Católica conservadora y el feminismo; los hitos de los debates son la discusión sobre el Código Integral de Salud en el año 2004, el debate constitucional del año 2007 y, f...

  4. Propuesta de un Centro de Archivo del Feminismo tras el análisis de los fondos documentales del Movimiento Feminista

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    Codina-Canet, María Adelina


    Full Text Available Primary sources are essential for scientific research. This study reviews the documentary sources and analyses the state of the flow of documents generated from the struggle of the women's movement since the Spanish Democratic Transition. It reveals the vulnerability and the lack of archives on feminism and women, as they are outside the scope of protection afforded by archival systems. There is a risk that many of these papers could disappear because of the ephemeral nature of the groups studied. The analysis leads to a proposal for the establishment of a Feminism Archive Centre, to safeguard and protect documents that represent bibliographic heritage as well as the memory of the feminist movement and women's history.Las fuentes documentales primarias son esenciales para la investigación. El presente estudio realiza una revisión de las fuentes documentales de archivo y estudia la situación del caudal documental generado a partir de la lucha del movimiento de mujeres desde la Transición democrática española. Revelada la vulnerabilidad y desprotección de los archivos del feminismo y de mujeres, analizando las causas. Existe riesgo de desaparición de muchos de estos fondos como consecuencia de la naturaleza efímera tanto de los documentos como de los colectivos estudiados. Se fundamenta la propuesta de creación de un Centro de Archivo del Feminismo para salvaguardar y proteger los documentos que son patrimonio documental y parte de la memoria feminista y de la historia de las mujeres.

  5. Juventud rebelde, campesinado indígena y la instalación del discurso de clases en los campos de Cautín. Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario. Chile, 1967-1973


    Ovidio Cárcamo Hernández


    El propósito de este artículo es analizar el itinerario seguido por algunos militantes del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR), en el marco de la Reforma Agraria chilena entre 1967 y 1973, en la provincia de Cautín, en el surde Chile. Además buscamos describir el proceso de vinculación entre los militantes del MIR y el campesinado indígena, relación de la cual nació el Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario (MCR) a fines de 1970, iniciándose así una importante embestida contra la gran p...

  6. Empoderamiento y feminismo comunitario en la conservación del maíz en México

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    Ana Gabriela Rincón Rubio


    Full Text Available El objetivo es analizar, desde una perspectiva basada en el feminismo comunitario, el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres que conforman un grupo de ocho integrantes matlatzincas de la comunidad de San Francisco Oxtotilpan, México, a través de prácticas productivas, alimentarias y culturales en torno al maíz nativo. Los datos fueron recogidos durante 2014 y 2015 con técnicas etnográficas que incluyen: observación participante, historias de vida, grupos focales, entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad. Son mujeres que muestran cinco dimensiones de poder (social, corporal, material, simbólico y cognitivo que repercuten en la preservación del maíz nativo, al generar la masa crítica necesaria para incorporar a otras mujeres en acciones favorables para la soberanía alimentaria.

  7. El poder de los géneros y los géneros de poder. Relatos de un feminismo encarnado en tres generaciones


    Marugán, Begoña; Miranda, Maria Jesús; Mato, Marta


    Este trabajo intenta dar cuenta de la asimetría de poder entre los géneros masculino y femenino. Mientras se puede hablar de poder masculino – patriarcal-, cuando se trata del poder femenino hay que hacerlo en términos de contrapoder –feminista-. La riqueza y polisemia lingüística permite además utilizar el concepto de género con el significando de tipos. Con «los géneros de poder» intentamos marcar que hay muchas formas de hacer política y mostrar cómo el feminismo ha desarrollado nuevas, c...

  8. Corpos, subjetivações estéticas e arte e feminismos: passagens na pesquisa em Psicologia

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    Roberta Stubs


    Full Text Available Resumo Tendo em vista o ativismo dos feminismos, tanto nos movimentos sociais quanto nas artes, na promoção de novos modos de subjetivação e modos de existência múltiplos e voltados às práticas de liberdade, propomo-nos a refletir sobre os fazeres artísticos feministas em passagens políticas que se valem de uma força inventiva/afirmativa do corpo enquanto estratégia de subversão e resistência para propor outras formas de viver, inclusive, a pesquisa em Psicologia.O texto se volta às estéticas feministas, nas artes visuais, nas quais o corpo se torna um território para experimentação, discutindo ainda a tradução destas estéticas a uma prática de pesquisa em Psicologia.

  9. ¿De qué se ríe el pueblo? La crisis del régimen stronista en las caricaturas del semanario del partido revolucionario febrerista en Paraguay (1984-1987

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    Lorena Marina Soler


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el humor gráfico del semanario El Pueblo del Partido Revolucio-nario Febrerista en Paraguay en los tramos fina-les del régimen stronista (1984-1987 y, especí-ficamente, el papel que jugaron las ilustraciones y caricaturas como espacio de subversión al orden político. Propone como hipótesis que el fenómeno editorial del semanario se debió al encuentro de una mirada renovadora de un dibujante extranjero que en un horizonte de apertura democrática hizo que los nuevos sec-tores medios y urbanos de Asunción encontra-ran en el humor y la risa la manera de escapar de la opacidad conservadora impuesta por el stronismo.Palabras clave: Paraguay, dictadura, Stroessner, resistencia, humor gráfico.___________________Abstract: The articule analyces the graphic hu-mor of El Pueblo weekly written by “Partido Revolucionario Febrerista” in Paraguay towards the end of the Stroessner regime (1984/1987 and, specifically, the role played by the art-works and cartoons as a place for political sub-version. It also proposes as hypotheses that the publishing phenomenon of the weekly was due to the meeting of a renewed look of a foreign artist in a horizon of democratic opening that made Asunción´s new urban-middle class found humor andlaugh as a way to escape from the conservative opacity imposed by the stronismo.Keywords: Paraguay, dictartorship, Stroessner, resistance, graphic humor.

  10. Aegypti: Ideología de género, feminismo y extinción

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    Claudia Rivera Amarillo

    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo plantea conexiones entre el objeto “ideología de género”, la tecno-ciencia y las tecnologías de sexo y género en la reciente epidemia de Zika. Para ello considera las tácticas de lucha contra el Aedes aegypti, centrándose en los insectos modificados y tomando como ejemplos Colombia, Puerto Rico y Brasil. Se plantea una relación entre la bacteria Wolbachia y el feminismo a partir de la reflexión sobre su potencial para intervenir la sustancia misma de la vida deshaciendo, así, la diferencia sexual y feminizando el aegypti. De este modo, se establece un campo de sentido que articula las ciencias de la vida, el capitalismo, la epidemia de Zika, las zancudas y el objeto “ideología de género”; en este campo, las mujeres ocupan el lugar de eternas deudoras en una economía política de la promesa, el neurotropismo del zika amenaza futuros nacionales y economías en gestación, y la Wolbachia aparece como salvadora y destructora al mismo tiempo.

  11. It's no debate, debates are great. (United States)

    Dy-Boarman, Eliza A; Nisly, Sarah A; Costello, Tracy J

    A debate can be a pedagogical method used to instill essential functions in pharmacy students. This non-traditional teaching method may help to further develop a number of skills that are highlighted in the current Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards 2016 and Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education Educational Outcomes 2013. Debates have also been used as an educational tool in other health disciplines. Current pharmacy literature does illustrate the use of debates in various areas within the pharmacy curriculum in both required and elective courses; however, the current body of literature would suggest that debates are an underutilized teaching tool in pharmacy experiential education. With all potential benefits of debates as a teaching tool, pharmacy experiential preceptors should further explore their use in the experiential setting. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Ao Brasil dos meus sonhos: feminismo e modernismo na utopia de Adalzira Bittencourt To Brazil of my dreams: feminism and modernism in the utopia of Adalzira Bittencourt

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    Full Text Available O texto associa o feminismo de Adalzira Bittencourt ao movimento modernista, tecendo relações entre sua utopia-- não só de uma sociedade sob o poder das mulheres, mas também sua utopia de modernidade-- e o sonho nacional que projetou a nação na década de 1920. Tece também relações entre o feminismo de Adalzira, na linha do Partido Republicano Feminino dos anos 1920 e 1930, e o discurso hegemônico que enfatizou a maternidade como missão da mulher no projeto de regeneração nacional, ou do cultivo da raça, sob as leis da eugenia ou da higiene que se espalharam pelo mundo ocidental.This essay articulates Brazilian writer Adalzira Bittencourt's feminism to the modernist movement in Brazil, drawing relationships between her modernist utopia -- which cannot be restricted to concerns about women's power -- and the national dream that projected the nation in the 1920s. It also articulates Bittencourt's brand of feminism -- in line with the Feminine Republican Party's ideology (in the 1920s and 1930s and under the influence of eugenic laws or hygienic practices -- with the hegemonic discourses emphasizing maternity as women's mission in improving both the race and the nation,.

  13. Bartra, Eli y Huacuz Elías, María Guadalupe (Coords. (2015: Mujeres, Feminismo y Arte popular. Ciudad de México: Obra Abierta Ediciones

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    José Manuel Méndez Tapia


    Full Text Available Esta obra colectiva viene a enfatizar la necesaria mirada de género y la inclusión del feminismo en los espacios creativos-artísticos del denominado arte popular. Este libro es un mosaico etnográfico que compone realidades sociales. Tales como la invisibilidad y lo innombrable de la mujer en estos procesos de creación, distribución y venta que, en algunas de las comunidades citadas en los capítulos, son esenciales para la subsistencia y empoderamiento las mujeres. 

  14. Voltando à discussão sobre capitalismo e patriarcado

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    Luis Felipe Miguel


    Full Text Available O debate teórico no feminismo dos anos 1960 e 1970 tinha como um dos seus eixos, a relação entre dominação burguesa e dominação masculina. Mas em boa parte das discussões atuais, ao menos naquelas com maior visibilidade, a questão tem sido pouco explorada. A emergência dos feminismos negros, indígenas e transgêneros leva ao reconhecimento da diversidade da condição das mulheres, mas “classe” é uma categoria que não é incorporada – ou é incorporada de forma muito marginal – ao debate. O artigo analisa as razões e as consequências deste esquecimento, revisitando as contribuições de autoras como Christine Delphy, Zillah Eisenstein, Heidi Hartmann e Iris Marion Young. Ainda que nenhuma delas tenha produzido um modelo inteiramente convincente da relação mútua entre capitalismo e dominação masculina, elas avançaram na compreensão de processos cruciais.

  15. La emergencia del feminismo en la Argentina: un análisis de las tramas discursivas a comienzos del siglo XX

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    Natalia Martínez Prado


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo nos propusimos reconstruir algunos de los sentidos dominantes que adquirieron las primeras prácticas reconocidas como “feministas” a partir de una aproximación a sus (des articulaciones con otras prácticas femeninas. Sosteniendo una concepción anti-esencialista, relacional y radical de la identidad, nuestro análisis se detiene en la lectura de dos corpus textuales de las activistas a comienzos del siglo XX. Analizamos el discurso de las anarquistas desde el periódico: “La Voz de la Mujer” y nos detenemos en la tesis doctoral de Elvira López, defendida en 1901 y titulada: “El movimiento feminista. Primeros trazos del feminismo en Argentina”.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe la historia del pensamiento científico en términos de las teorías de la inercia, el espacio absoluto, la relatividad y la gravitación; de cómo Newton utilizó el trabajo de los primeros investigadores en sus teorías, y Einstein las teorías de Newton en la suya, para tratar de explicar el destino del universo. Es la descripción de un proceso revolucionario del conocimiento científico, y sus aportes al desarrollo de muchos otros campos del saber


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    Gloria Estela Bonilla Vélez


    Full Text Available Este articulo explora los diversos discursos generados acerca de las mujeres, del feminismo y del sufragismo en los años que se suceden desde los albores de las primeras reivindicaciones feministas hasta la época en que finalmente las organizaciones sufragistas conquistaron la igualdad de derechos políticos para las mujeres, y de cómo influyeron en la historia de la lucha por el sufragio femenino. Interesa ante todo el pensamiento de las mismas mujeres, las primeras que rompieron la tradición y empezaron a hablar y escribir para el público femenino sobre ellas mismas. Escribieron para proponer una nueva mujer, aunque en esa toma de la palabra las opiniones las dividieron en torno a asuntos tan álgidos como la educación, el voto, y el trabajo. Queremos mostrar como fue ese transito a la conquista de la ciudadanía. El artículo se divide en dos partes: una primera da cuenta de la lucha de las mujeres en América latina y la segunda se centra en el caso de Colombia.

  18. Das várias linguagens do poder contemporâneo: feminismos, neoliberalismo e jornalismos * From the various languages of contemporary power: feminisms, neoliberalism and journalism

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    Full Text Available Resumo: No presente artigo, busco problematizar a reflexão sobre os feminismos, tal como hoje se encontram organizados na economia neoliberal, na difusão de seus referenciais emancipatórios e na desconstrução das representações convencionais das mulheres. Procurarei identificar em que medida os feminismos e as identidades das mulheres vêm sendo (reproduzidas e reforçadas pelo discurso institucional. Em particular, esta análise permitir-nos-á também refletir como a “linguagem do pós-feminismo”, apropriada, sobretudo, pela mídia, pode ser observada e interpretada como um fenómeno social que envolve tanto as estruturas de poder como as lógicas identitárias de uma sociedade patriarcal de consumo.Palavras-chave: Linguagem; Estudos das Mulheres e de Género; Identidades e Representações; Neoliberalismo; Discurso Mediático. Abstract: In this article, I discuss the reflection on feminisms, as today are organized in neoliberal economics, in disseminating their emancipatory frameworks and in the deconstruction of conventional representations of women. I will seek to identify the extent to which feminism and women's identities are being (reproduced and reinforced by institutional discourse. In particular, this analysis allows us to also reflect how the "language of post-feminism", appropriate, especially by the media, can be observed and interpreted as a social phenomenon involving both power structures as the logical identity of a patriarchal society of consumption.Keywords: Language; Women's and Gender Studies; Identities and Representations; Neoliberalism; Media Discourse.

  19. El manzano revolucionario de Gustave Flaubert y los ocho materialismo de Jacques Lacan // Gustave Flaubert`s revolutionary apple tree and Lacan`s eight materialisms

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    David Pavón Cuéllar


    Full Text Available Se examina la actitud ambivalente de Jacques Lacan hacia el materialismo a la luz de una escena puntual en la novela Bouvard et Pécuchet de Gustave Flaubert. Esta escena, en la que un manzano reviste la forma de un revolucionario, nos permite discutir la esencia problemática de la materialidad en Lacan. Se distinguen ocho formas de materialismo en la teoría lacaniana y se muestra su oposición con respecto a otras formas de materialismo rechazadas en la misma teoría. // Jacques Lacan's ambivalent attitude towards materialism is examined at the light of a precise scene in Gustave Flaubert's novel Bouvard et Pécuchet. This scene, in which an apple tree takes the form of a revolutionary, allows us to discuss the problematic essence of materiality in Lacan. Eight forms of materialism are distinguished in Lacanian theory and opposed to other forms of materialism that would be rejected in this theory.

  20. Let's Put "Debate" into "Presidential Debates." (United States)

    Benoit, William L.

    Presidential debates come in all shapes and sizes. The presence and length of opening statements and closing remarks, the opportunity and length of rebuttal, the nature of the questioner, and other factors have created a bewildering variety of formats. However, most scholars agree that these confrontations are not "really" debates but merely…

  1. Energies: the real debate; Energies: Le Vrai Debat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Concurrently to the National Debate on the energies, a real debate has been proposed by seven associations of the environment protection and improvement. This debate, international, proposes: a panorama of the stakes, a presentation of the nuclear as an energy source not necessary dangerous, the relation between climate and employment and the conditions of existence and development of a local energy policy. (A.L.B.)

  2. A debate about the merits of debate in nurse education. (United States)

    Hartin, Peter; Birks, Melanie; Bodak, Marie; Woods, Cindy; Hitchins, Marnie


    In this 'Issues for Debate' paper, the issue is debate. Today's nurses must be able to advocate, lead, and grow 'big ideas', as well as knowing their way around a patient's body and mind. This paper reports, partly, on a research study into the use of debate to develop clinical reasoning and thinking skills in nursing students. The study was conducted with first and third-year nursing students enrolled at an Australian regional university. Students were asked to comment on the effectiveness of debate as an educational strategy. We combine the results of this research study with literature and discussion into the educational uses of debate to put the argument that using debate in nursing education can be an effective way to foster the type of creative, intelligent, thoughtful and forward-thinking nurses needed in the modern healthcare system. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. El rol de las “actitudes globales discriminatorias” en el desarrollo humano: una reflexión psicosocial desde el feminismo de la interseccionalidad

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    Libertad Jiménez Almirante


    Full Text Available Se ha pretendido tender un puente de unión entre la teoría del desarrollo humano de Amartya Sen (1985 y Martha Nussbaum (2000 y el modelo ecológico del desarrollo humano de Urie Bronfenbrenner (1987 [1979]. El nexo pudiera residir en el hecho de reconocer que el acceso a la riqueza es indispensable para garantizar el pleno desarrollo de las personas pero las barreras para dicho acceso pudieran no ser una cuestión solamente material sino también una cuestión actitudinal originada en los entornos del desarrollo humano. Asimismo, las barreras discriminatorias sufridas por las mujeres son muchas e interseccionadas como apunta Kimberlé Crenshaw (1995 desde el feminismo de la interseccionalidad.

  4. II Actas Congreso .¿Nuevos feminismos?


    Pinyana i Garí, M. Carme


    ÍNDICE Presentación CONSOL AGUILAR RÓDENAS I. PONENCIAS La representación de la violencia / la violencia de la representación: De Jack el Destripador a Ciudad Juárez, pasando por la pantalla de la televisión,MARÍA RUIDO. Las apostillas al cuerpo: un ámbito de debates feministas, MERI TORRAS. Mujeres jóvenes y movimientos feministas: ¿Una nueva generación de feministas?,SHAMILLAH WILSON. La doble discriminación de las lesbianas,BEATRIZ GIMENO. II. MESAS REDONDAS ...

  5. Feminismo e configurações de gênero na guerrilha: perspectivas comparativas no Cone Sul, 1968-1985 Feminism and gender configurations in the guerrilla: comparative perspectives in the Southern Cone, 1968-1985

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    Cristina Scheibe Wolff


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende discutir as interfaces entre o feminismo de segunda onda e as configurações de gênero na guerrilha urbana durante o regime de Ditadura Militar, através de uma perspectiva comparativa, entre Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai. Para isso são utilizadas memórias e testemunhos de militantes e documentos produzidos pelas organizações de esquerda armada. Apesar de o feminismo não ser reconhecido como uma reivindicação importante pelos movimentos de esquerda da época, o número de militantes mulheres dessas organizações era muito maior que o de situações anteriores. As maneiras pelas quais as organizações lidavam com a presença de mulheres e utilizavam discursos de gênero também é problematizada e analisada de maneira comparativa.This work discusses the links between second-wave feminism and the gender configurations in urban guerrilla organizations during the so-called Military Dictatorship governments between 1964 and 1984, comparatively as between Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, using memories and statements of the militants and documents of the armed left-wing organizations. Although feminism was not considered priority by these organizations at the time, the number of militant women was much larger than previously. The ways the organizations handled the presence of women, and the gender discourses used are also compared.

  6. Debat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brodersen, John


    DEBAT: Det er glædeligt, at flere debattører anerkender, at der sker overbehandling og overdiagnostik i sundhedsvæsnet. Næste skridt er, at branchen erkender medicinens mangler, skriver John Brodersen.......DEBAT: Det er glædeligt, at flere debattører anerkender, at der sker overbehandling og overdiagnostik i sundhedsvæsnet. Næste skridt er, at branchen erkender medicinens mangler, skriver John Brodersen....

  7. Orígenes de un desencuentro: El Partido Comunista de Chile ante el Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario y la dictadura de Villarroel en Bolivia (1943-1946

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    Joaquín Fernández Abara


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda la interpretación del Partido Comunista de Chile sobre la Dictadura de Gualberto Villarroel en Bolivia y la actuación que tuvo en ella el Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario, entre los años 1943 y 1946. El autor sostiene que dicha interpretación estuvo marcada por el antifascismo y por una lectura de la historia boliviana teñida de tópicos liberales. Así, el nacionalismo del MNR y los militares bolivianos  fue representado como una forma de fascismo y su actuación en el concierto latinoamericano fue interpretada bajo una óptica panamericanista, considerándola como parte de un plan del Eje para dificultar la labor de los aliados en América. En esta línea, los comunistas chilenos pugnaron por que la Cancillería chilena negara el reconocimiento al gobierno boliviano y entraron en pugna con actores políticos y sindicales chilenos proclives a conceder el reconocimiento a dicho régimen.

  8. Feminismo, estudios culturales y cultura popular

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    Joanne Hollows


    Full Text Available This paper explores the movement of feminism into academic life in general and the study of popular culture in particular. Assumptioms about the effects of popular culture on women had been a commonsense of second-wave feminism; however, by the mid-1970’s, questions about how gendered identities were culturally produced and reproduced became the topic of much more in-depth feminist research and discussion. This essay examines two main ways in which feminist research into popular culture entered academic life: first, it examines the “images of women” debate, and second, it examines the Cultural Studies tradition and the feminist cultural analysis.

  9. La dialéctica feminista de la ciudadanía

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    Sonia Reverter Bañón


    Full Text Available En este artículo propongo revisar el dilema de la ciudadanía que Wollstonecraft planteó en su libro Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer, de 1792. Defiendo que este dilema cae en la misma trampa en que la misma teoría feminista cayó al proponer dos modelos diferentes de feminismo, el de la igualdad y el de la diferencia. Lo que planteo es que los dos son en realidad la misma paradoja, que remite, a su vez, al binarismo igualdad versus diferencia que opera estructurando los términos del debate liberal-patriarcal respecto a la equidad en el contrato social. El feminismo ha de salir de esa trampa para ofrecer un concepto de ciudadanía nuevo, en el que las mujeres no tengamos que decidir entre igualdad o diferencia, o entre justicia y cuidado. 

  10. Public debate - radioactive wastes management; Debat public - gestion des dechets radioactifs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Between September 2005 and January 2006 a national debate has been organized on the radioactive wastes management. This debate aimed to inform the public and to allow him to give his opinion. This document presents, the reasons of this debate, the operating, the synthesis of the results and technical documents to bring information in the domain of radioactive wastes management. (A.L.B.)

  11. Feminismo e estado: desafiando a democracia liberal

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    Silvana Aparecida Mariano


    Full Text Available This article deals with the development of the feminism movement in Brazil focusing on its change of definition of State, as well as its conflicts with the principles of liberal democracy. The central focus of discussion is the contribution of the feminism demands, since they bring into debate the limitations of liberal democratic regimes, thus creating new democratic principles. Such reorganization is discussed upon feminism demands for public policies concerning gender issues, especially affirmative actions seeking to compensate for the disadvantages experienced by women.

  12. Juventud rebelde, campesinado indígena y la instalación del discurso de clases en los campos de Cautín. Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario. Chile, 1967-1973

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    Ovidio Cárcamo Hernández


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo es analizar el itinerario seguido por algunos militantes del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR, en el marco de la Reforma Agraria chilena entre 1967 y 1973, en la provincia de Cautín, en el surde Chile. Además buscamos describir el proceso de vinculación entre los militantes del MIR y el campesinado indígena, relación de la cual nació el Movimiento Campesino Revolucionario (MCR a fines de 1970, iniciándose así una importante embestida contra la gran propiedad agraria, que puso en jaque a los grupos patronales locales, por lo menos hasta el Golpe Militar de 1973. Por otra parte, hemos buscado caracterizar a aquellos jóvenes, mayoritariamente de la clase media urbana, cuya entrega permitió al MIR crear un frente de masas, poco común en la historia agraria de Chile.

  13. Nociones sobre “democracia obrera” y “burocracia sindical” en la izquierda de los años 70. Una comparación entre la izquierda peronista y la izquierda marxista

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    Rafael FARACE


    Full Text Available Este trabajo estudia las nociones sobre democracia obrera y burocracia sindical utilizadas por las organizaciones de izquierda durante la década de 1970 a partir del análisis de fuentes documentales como volantes, boletines, prensa y documentos partidarios. Se examinará en particular los casos de dos organizaciones peronistas (Montoneros y Peronismo de Base y una organización marxista (Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores – Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo, estableciéndose comparaciones que den cuenta de la importancia de la adscripción ideológica y la estrategia política como condicionantes de los sentidos otorgados a la burocracia y democracia sindical. Por otra parte, se focalizará el estudio de publicaciones realizadas en el año 1975 debido a que en el marco de las jornadas de lucha obrera desarrolladas ese año se concentraron y profundizaron debates y concepciones al calor de la experiencia inédita de la clase trabajadora.

  14. A public debate on nuclear? A first assessment of the two EPR and wastes debates organised by the Public Debate National Commission

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a presentation of the organisation, the background and the participants of both debates (about the EPR and about nuclear wastes), this publication reports the conclusions published by those who organized these debates, extracts of interventions, work-group reports. These interventions, debates and work-groups were dealing with the industrial policy and the maintaining of abilities, the EPR safety. Other contributions are discussing the content of this kind of debates

  15. Exemelification of parliamentary debates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gielissen, T.; Marx, M.


    Parliamentary debates are an interesting domain to apply state-of-the-art information retrieval technology. Parliamentary debates are highly structured transcripts of meetings of politicians in parliament. These debates are an important part of the cultural heritage of countries; they are often free

  16. The public debate on CIGEO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document first indicates the two laws which govern the public debate on the storage of high activity and long life wastes. It reports the progress of this public debate which started with a statement of 45 associations committed in the protection of environment saying they will not participate to this debate. A first debate in Bures had to be very quickly stopped as these opponents irrupted into the room. The vision of these opponents is very briefly presented. The reaction of public debate organizers is indicated. The results of the debate are briefly discussed. It appears that the ethical aspect is often raised by the opponents and this document outlines that their reactions were mostly irrational. The major issues of the debate have been: risks related to water, hydrogen and earthquake, costs and financing, transport safety, the loss of geological resources, job creation, and governance. The various aspects of this public debate are commented and discussed

  17. Os estudos culturais na encruzilhada dos feminismos materiais e descoloniais

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    Claudia de Lima Costa


    Full Text Available In this article, I retrace the trajectory of the debates in feminist cultural studies, particularly in the United States, focusing on three types of approaches to the dichotomies reality/representation and text/context. How to grasp the materiality of th e world without giving up the fact that our narratives/representations are always already constitutive of that world? I see echoes of what material feminists advocate vis - à - vis the thorny issue of the materiality of the world in the cosmopolitical proposals advanced by Latin American decolonial feminisms. I claim that the articulation of these two projects (one derived from debates in the North and the other from the South can serve as an inspiration to rethink – and decolonize – the practices of cultural studies in Latin America.

  18. Debates in Religious Education. The Debates in Subject Teaching Series (United States)

    Barnes, L. Philip, Ed.


    What are the key debates in Religious Education teaching today? "Debates in Religious Education" explores the major issues all RE teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It encourages critical reflection and aims to stimulate both novice and experienced teachers to think more deeply about their practice, and link research…

  19. Vitalism and the Darwin Debate (United States)

    Henderson, James


    There are currently both scientific and public debates surrounding Darwinism. In the scientific debate, the details of evolution are in dispute, but not the central thesis of Darwin's theory; in the public debate, Darwinism itself is questioned. I concentrate on the public debate because of its direct impact on education in the United States. Some…

  20. The Crisis in Policy Debate. (United States)

    Rowland, Robert C.; Deatherage, Scott


    Asserts that policy debate is declining, mainly because of incomprehensible argumentation and speaking. Claims that judges should intervene in the debate process to demand certain minimums of effective argument. Advocates the creation of a debate coach organization that would establish general norms for judging behavior. (MM)

  1. 11 CFR 110.13 - Candidate debates. (United States)


    ... debates include at least two candidates; and (2) The staging organization(s) does not structure the... PROHIBITIONS § 110.13 Candidate debates. (a) Staging organizations. (1) Nonprofit organizations described in 26..., subparts D and E. (b) Debate structure. The structure of debates staged in accordance with this section and...

  2. Public debate - radioactive wastes management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Between September 2005 and January 2006 a national debate has been organized on the radioactive wastes management. This debate aimed to inform the public and to allow him to give his opinion. This document presents, the reasons of this debate, the operating, the synthesis of the results and technical documents to bring information in the domain of radioactive wastes management. (A.L.B.)

  3. Visibilidad e invisibilidad: Acerca del trabajo y las mujeres


    Collado,Patricia Alejandra


    La crisis del empleo conjuntamente con las teorías del fin del trabajo, pusieron en discusión la centralidad del trabajo. Frente a esta situación, se observa que los debates en torno al trabajo en general (sus esferas productivas y reproductivas), su vinculación con el empleo y las formas visibles e invisibles de realizarlo han sido abordadas por una de las tradiciones más negadas del pensamiento social: el feminismo. Esta corriente intentó disputar el sentido sobre el trabajo y el no-trabajo...

  4. The Great Mini-Debate (United States)

    Benucci, Heather


    Debates remain popular in English language courses, and this activity gives students a low-stress opportunity to develop their speaking debating skills. This lesson plan is appropriate for upper intermediate or advanced students. Goals of the activity are to present an oral argument using evidence and use functional language related to agreeing,…

  5. Negociando o feminismo pop na cultura jovem feminina: um estudo empírico com fãs de grupos femininos

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    Bettina Fritzsche


    Full Text Available As Spice Girls são um dos mais bem-sucedidos grupos musicais da década de 1990, tendo se tornado especialmente famosas por sua exaltação do ‘poder jovem feminino’. Relacionado a um estudo que se baseia em entrevistas com fãs e ex-fãs desse grupo feminino, o presente artigo discute até que ponto fenômenos do ‘feminismo pop’ como as Spice Girls podem ser considerados uma fonte de empoderamento para meninas e jovens. O método documentário é utilizado por permitir a análise da recepção midiática como parte de uma cultura popular. Uma abordagem mimética em relação às Spice Girls no interior dessa cultura popular possibilita que suas fãs ocupem identificações diferenciadas na busca de seu próprio posicionamento diante das exigências contraditórias que a sociedade faz às adolescentes. Demonstra-se que suas complicadas negociações se referem a um empoderamento que não pode ser adequadamente categorizado como resistência ou incorporação ideológica.

  6. Moving beyond the GM debate.

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    Ottoline Leyser


    Full Text Available Once again, there are calls to reopen the debate on genetically modified (GM crops. I find these calls frustrating and unnecessarily decisive. In my opinion the GM debate, on both sides, continues to hamper the urgent need to address the diverse and pressing challenges of global food security and environmental sustainability. The destructive power of the debate comes from its conflation of unrelated issues, coupled with deeply rooted misconceptions of the nature of agriculture.

  7. Affective Learning and the Classroom Debate (United States)

    Jagger, Suzy


    A commonly used teaching method to promote student engagement is the classroom debate. This study evaluates how affective characteristics, as defined in Bloom's taxonomy, were stimulated during debates that took place on a professional ethics module for first year computing undergraduates. The debates led to lively interactive group discussions…

  8. 11 CFR 100.154 - Candidate debates. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Candidate debates. 100.154 Section 100.154 Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (2 U.S.C. 431) Exceptions to Expenditures § 100.154 Candidate debates. Funds used to defray costs incurred in staging candidate debates in...

  9. 11 CFR 100.92 - Candidate debates. (United States)


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Candidate debates. 100.92 Section 100.92 Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS (2 U.S.C. 431) Exceptions to Contributions § 100.92 Candidate debates. Funds provided to defray costs incurred in staging candidate debates...

  10. Book review: The Wilderness Debate Rages On: Continuing the Great New Wilderness Debate (United States)

    Peter Landres


    The Wilderness Debate Rages On is a collection of mostly previously published papers about the meaning, value, and role of wilderness and continues the discussion that was propelled by the editors' previous book The Great New Wilderness Debate (also a collection of papers) published in 1998. The editors state that this sequel to their previous book is mandated...

  11. El Derecho Agrario en el Debate sobre el Género en el Campo: Oportunidades y Desafíos

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    Rabah Belaidi


    Full Text Available La cuestión de género en el campo se presenta como un tema que no se ve con la profundidad requerida por el derecho puesto por el Estado en nuestro país. La investigación de este trabajo establece la realidad de las mujeres rurales brasileñas, de clase social baja, a cuestionar el contexto en el que el derecho agrario ayuda a reducir o perpetúa la desigualdad de género en el campo. Se trata de un análisis jurídico en un enfoque particular de la realidad de las mujeres rurales, sobre todo en tono crítico frente a sus dificultades en el acceso a los recursos agrícolas, extensión rural, a los créditos, a la tierra y permanecer en ella, entre otras condiciones que ofrecen las barreras a las actividades autónomas de las mujeres rurales. El objetivo es verificar el papel del derecho agrario en relación con las mujeres rurales e indicar, por medio de la crítica de la ciencia moderna y opresiva, debates necesarios sobre el destaque local y la invisibilidad socio-económica de las mujeres rurales, a partir de posibles enfoques ecofeministas. Por lo tanto, este estudio se estableció con la literatura, de acuerdo con el método deductivo de análisis. En un primer momento, es criticada la opresión patrocinada por el modelo hegemónico de la agricultura, con el fin de fomentar las prácticas de resistencia, especialmente ecofeministas. La falsa exención del derecho agrario en la cuestión de género en el campo, tras una posición a favor del capital. Después, hay contextualización del debate, para que exprese la relación entre el medio rural, el agronegocio, las dificultades de supervivencia que enfrentan las mujeres rurales y el derecho agrario, para relacionar la preocupación con el medio ambiente al feminismo y la necesidad de que el derecho del estado no perpetua la desigualdad de género y construya espacios abiertos de participación efectiva de la mujer rural en tiempos de toma de decisiones. Por último, nociones est

  12. Speech and Debate as Civic Education (United States)

    Hogan, J. Michael; Kurr, Jeffrey A.; Johnson, Jeremy D.; Bergmaier, Michael J.


    In light of the U.S. Senate's designation of March 15, 2016 as "National Speech and Debate Education Day" (S. Res. 398, 2016), it only seems fitting that "Communication Education" devote a special section to the role of speech and debate in civic education. Speech and debate have been at the heart of the communication…

  13. Políticas y género en Argentina. Aportes desde la antropología y el feminismo

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    Del Rio Fortuna, Cynthia


    Full Text Available Las políticas públicas, herramienta de poder indispensable para el ejercicio de gobierno de la población, definen “problemas” y “poblaciones” como objetos de intervención. Tales políticas se presentan como producto de un conocimiento experto y técnico que, por lo mismo, se coloca por encima y por fuera de la sociedad, que lo asume neutral, objetivo. Desde allí, el colectivo “mujeres” aparece en la agenda de políticas públicas, al tiempo que la academia se hace eco de ella. Centrándose en los estudios etnográficos volcados a las políticas y la vida cotidiana, los estudios culturales, los estudios post-coloniales y el feminismo crítico, este artículo analiza los aportes de la antropología para abordar las diversas formas y sentidos de las actuales políticas públicas, con la intención de (reconocer los modos en que ellas organizan, producen y reproducen lo que se entiende por femenino y masculino. Simultáneamente, interesa desnaturalizar la construcción de subjetividades homogéneas –generizadas y sexuadas– atendiendo a las diversas modalidades de acción, demandas y resistencias a través de las cuales los sujetos se definen y redefinen a sí mismos, y que los revela transformadores de las políticas.

  14. The Power of In-Class Debates (United States)

    Kennedy, Ruth R.


    The students in three sections of a class rated their knowledge and identified their view before and after each of five in-class debates. The degree of self-reported knowledge was significantly different after four of the five debates. Between 31% and 58% of participants changed their views after participating in or observing each debate. Some…

  15. Como e por que somos feministas How and why we are feminists

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    Simone Pereira Schmidt


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende debater a tarefa de uma publicação feminista hoje, no contexto cultural e político latino-americano e, mais especificamente, brasileiro. Tomando o caso da Revista Estudos Feministas como referência, este debate propõe uma reflexão sobre o que significa ser feminista dentro deste contexto. Assim, o feminismo será analisado como prática teórica norteadora de nossas iniciativas, desdobrando-se em seus papéis de campo teórico, prática interpretativa e lugar político.This article debates the role of contemporary feminist publications in the Latin-American and, more specifically, Brazilian political and cultural context. To do so, it examines one specific Brazilian feminist journal, Revista Estudos Feministas, to reflect upon the meanings of being a feminist today. It understands feminism as a theoretical practice informing women's daily activities and initiatives, as a hermeneutics and as a political location.

  16. Exploring the compassion deficit debate. (United States)

    Stenhouse, Rosie; Ion, Robin; Roxburgh, Michelle; Devitt, Patric Ffrench; Smith, Stephen D M


    Several recent high profile failures in the UK health care system have promoted strong debate on compassion and care in nursing. A number of papers articulating a range of positions within this debate have been published in this journal over the past two and a half years. These articulate a diverse range of theoretical perspectives and have been drawn together here in an attempt to bring some coherence to the debate and provide an overview of the key arguments and positions taken by those involved. In doing this we invite the reader to consider their own position in relation to the issues raised and to consider the impact of this for their own practice. Finally the paper offers some sense of how individual practitioners might use their understanding of the debates to ensure delivery of good nursing care. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Teaching Speaking Through Debate Technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    . Suranto


    Full Text Available Abstract : Teaching Speaking Through Debate Technique. Speaking is one of the basic competence from the other fourth basic competence (listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking ability should be mastered by every students, in order to achieve that competence students should be given the right technique to study sepaking. The successfull of the students speaking can be seen from their ability to express idea, thought and feeling through speaking. The objective of this Action Research is to improve students’s oral communication skill through the debate technique. This study was conducted at MA Ma’arif Nu 5 Sekampung Lampung Timur from March to April 2014. The research data were taken from students in the eleventh class, with 28 students and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The research findings indicate that there are improvements in students’ english speaking skill through the debate technique. By analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively from the end of the first cycle to the second cycle and it was found that the students’ English speaking skill increased 20,9% over the standard that has been determined by the researcher that is 65%. The researcher concludes that the students’ english speaking skill can be improve through the debate technique in learning process.   Key words : action research, debate technique, english speaking skill

  18. The Debate. (United States)

    Current Issues in Language and Society, 1997


    The transcript of a debate within a group of specialists in translation is presented. The discussion addresses: translator "visibility" in translations and reader reception; the relationship of functionalism in translation, comparative linguistics, and intercultural communication; the client's power; literary translation; the…

  19. Debate preparation/participation: an active, effective learning tool. (United States)

    Koklanaris, Nikki; MacKenzie, Andrew P; Fino, M Elizabeth; Arslan, Alan A; Seubert, David E


    Passive educational techniques (such as lectures) are thought to be less productive than active learning. We examined whether preparing for and participating in a debate would be an effective, active way to learn about a controversial topic. We compared quiz performance in residents who attended a lecture to residents who prepared for/participated in a debate. Twelve residents each participated in one lecture session and one debate session. Learning was evaluated via a quiz. Quizzes were given twice: before the debate/lecture and 1 week after the debate/lecture. Quiz scores were compared using repeated measures analysis of variance, with a p value of debating was given to all participants. There was a statistically significant difference in the pretest mean quiz score between the debate and lecture groups: 78.3% and 52.5%, respectively (p = .02). Similarly, on posttest quizzes, the average debater scored 85.8%, versus 61.7% for the lecture group (p = .003). Although no one in the debate group scored lower on a follow-up quiz, 3 residents in the lecture group did worse on follow-up. When learning about a controversial topic, residents who prepared for/participated in a debate achieved higher quiz scores and were better at retaining information than those who attended a lecture. When faced with teaching a controversial topic, organizing a debate may be more effective than giving a lecture.

  20. A Política de Quotas em Portugal: O papel dos partidos políticos e do feminismo de Estado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosa Monteiro


    Full Text Available A designada Lei da Paridade representa um marco importantíssimo na promoção da igualdade de mulheres e homens em Portugal. A sua relevância advém de vários factores, dentre os quais se destaca o seu impacto num sistema eleitoral que a inércia do sistema político-partidário tem sido incapaz de alterar. Na análise do surgimento das políticas de quotas em Portugal, o papel do principal mecanismo oficial para a igualdade, ou seja, da Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género, e das suas redes não tem sido estudado. Ora, como refere Mona Lena Krook, esforços para aumentar o número de mulheres em cargos políticos raramente acontecem na ausência de mobilização de mulheres. Adoptando a abordagem do feminismo de Estado, exploro aqui o papel da Comissão como uma entidade decisiva na apresentação das reivindicações feministas perante o Estado, um papel que tem sido sistematicamente ignorado, e explicito a forma como este mecanismo e as associações de mulheres em seu torno contribuíram para a promoção da agenda da participação das mulheres na política em Portugal.

  1. The Artilect Debate (United States)

    de Garis, Hugo; Halioris, Sam

    Twenty-first-century technologies will allow the creation of massively intelligent machines, many trillions of times as smart, fast, and durable as humans. Issues concerning industrial, consumer, and military applications of mobile autonomous robots, cyborgs, and computer-based AI systems could divisively split humanity into ideological camps regarding whether "artilects" (artificial intellects) should be built or not. The artilect debate, unlike any before it, could dominate the 21st-century political landscape, and has the potential to cause conflict on a global scale. Research is needed to inform policy and individual decisions; and healthy debate should be initiated now to prepare institutions and individuals alike for the impact of AI.

  2. Green grabbing debate and Madagascar

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Casse, Thorkil; Razafy, Fara Lala; Wurtzebach, Zachary


    and capitalise natural assets. First, to provide some context on the green grabbing debate, we discuss the trade-offs between conservation and development objectives. In addition, we refer briefly to the broader land grabbing debate of which green grabbing is a sub-component. Second, we question the theoretical...

  3. Student Pressure Subject of Debate (United States)

    Gewertz, Catherine


    This article discusses student pressure as a subject of debate. The latest debate about schoolwork is being fueled by three recent books: "The Homework Myth" by Alfie Kohn, "The Case Against Homework" by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, and "The Overachievers", by Alexandra Robbins, which depicts overextended high…

  4. The Danish Biofuel Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Janus


    of biofuels enrol scientific authority to support their positions? The sociological theory of functional differentiation combined with the concept of advocacy coalition can help in exploring this relationship between scientific claims-making and the policy stance of different actors in public debates about...... biofuels. In Denmark two distinct scientific perspectives about biofuels map onto the policy debates through articulation by two competing advocacy coalitions. One is a reductionist biorefinery perspective originating in biochemistry and neighbouring disciplines. This perspective works upwards from...

  5. Cholesterol: the debate should be terminated. (United States)

    Nathan, David G


    Here, I offer personal perspectives on cholesterol homeostasis that reflect my belief that certain aspects of the debate have been overstated.-Nathan, D. G. Cholesterol: the debate should be terminated. © FASEB.

  6. MO-FG-BRB-01: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bayouth, J.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  7. MO-FG-BRB-03: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herman, M.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  8. MO-FG-BRB-04: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seibert, J.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  9. MO-FG-BRB-02: Debater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazle, J.


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  10. Literacy as Social Action in City Debate (United States)

    Cridland-Hughes, Susan


    This study examines critical literacy and the intersections of oral, aural, written, and performative literate practices in City Debate, an afterschool program dedicated to providing debate instruction to students in a major Southeastern city. Previous research into definitions and beliefs about literacy in an urban debate program over its twenty…

  11. Consciousness operationalized, a debate realigned. (United States)

    Carruthers, Peter; Veillet, Bénédicte


    This paper revisits the debate about cognitive phenomenology. It elaborates, defends, and improves on our earlier proposal for resolving that debate, according to which the test for irreducible phenomenology is the presence of explanatory gaps. After showing how proposals like ours have been misunderstood or misused by others, we deploy our operationalization to argue that the correct way to align the debate over cognitive phenomenology is not between sensory and (alleged) cognitive phenomenology, but rather between non-conceptual and (alleged) conceptual or propositional phenomenology. In doing so we defend three varieties of non-sensory (amodal) 1 non-conceptual phenomenology: valence, a sense of approximate number, and a sense of elapsed time. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Transversal Lines of the Debates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yolanda Onghena


    Full Text Available The Transversal Lines of the Debates gathers for publication the presentations of the scholars invited to the seminar. In the papers, Yolanda Onghena observes that the evolution from the cultural to the inter-cultural travels along four axes: the relations between cultureand society; the processes of change within identity-based dynamics; the representations of the Other; and, interculturality. Throughout the presentations and subsequent debates, whenever the different participants referred to aspects of the cultural identity problematic--”angst”, “obsession”, “deficit”, manipulation”, and others, these same participants in the Transversal Lines of the Debates also showed that, in certain areas, an optimistic viewpoint is not out of the question.

  13. Online debates to enhance critical thinking in pharmacotherapy. (United States)

    Charrois, Theresa L; Appleton, Michelle


    To assess the impact of teaching strategies on the complexity and structure of students' arguments and type of informal reasoning used in arguments. Students were given an introduction to argumentation followed by 2 formal debates, with feedback provided in between. Four debate groups were randomly selected for evaluation. In debate 1, all groups posted 1 argument, and all 4 arguments were rationalistic and ranked as high-level arguments. In debate 2, members of the 4 groups posted a total of 33 arguments, which were evaluated and received an overall median ranking lower than that for debate 1. All debates were categorized as rationalistic. Students were able to formulate rationalistic arguments to therapeutic controversies; however, their level of argumentation decreased over the course of the study. Changes planned for the future include conducting the debates in the context of patient scenarios to increase practical applicability.

  14. Make your point! debate for ESL/EFL students

    CERN Document Server

    Lubetsky, Michael H


    This valuable workbook and downloadable audio can turn any ESL student into an accomplished debater!Make Your Point! opens the world of formal debate to the English learner. Debate fundamentals are taught form the first chapter in a student-centered format suitable for large and small classes alike.Each of the ten chapters offers a ""language focus"" and a ""debatable focus."" As students learn new debate skills, they also build important language skills. All task chains integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. Most activities are intended for pairs and small groups.

  15. Darfur debated

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberta Cohen


    Full Text Available Bruising debates within the human rights and humanitarian communities have centered on the numbers who have died in Darfur, the use of the term genocide, the efficacy of military versus political solutions and the extent to which human rights advocacy can undermine humanitarian programmes on the ground.

  16. Rhetorical Legitimacy, and the Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Lucaites, John Louis


    Explores the negative popular reaction to the 1988 Presidential Debates. Examines how these events function as ritualistic enactments of the , thus providing a rhetorical legitimacy for the electoral process in a system dedicated to . Suggests how the 1988 debates failed to satisfy that function. (MM)

  17. The Debate over Inclusive Fitness as a Debate over Methodologies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rubin, Hannah

    This article analyzes the recent debate surrounding inclusive fitness and argues that certain limitations ascribed to it by critics—such as requiring weak selection or providing dynamically insufficient models—are better thought of as limitations of the methodological framework most often used with

  18. Young Voters’ Responses to Polemical Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kock, Christian Erik J

    I will present an authentic case: 24 young voters in a Danish “Folk high school” watching a televised, very polemical debate between the two contenders for the office of Prime Minister of Denmark shortly before the parliamentary election in 2015. I asked this group to note down all their evaluative...... of alert young voters like or dislike debaters to do in a mediated polemical debate to which they are spectators: what speech act types, rhetorical maneuvers, argument types, etc., make them—metaphorically speaking—either cheer or hiss? This picture, in turn, may be held against various normative...

  19. The State of College Debate According to a Survey of Its Coaches: Data to Ground the Discussion of Debate and Civic Engagement (United States)

    Hlavacik, Mark; Lain, Brian; Ivanovic, Matea; Ontiveros-Kersch, Brian


    In 2015, prominent figures from the debate community gathered at Penn State for a Conference on Speech and Debate as Civic Education. Convened in response to a perceived decline in debate's contributions to civic education, the conference also aimed to start a conversation about the future of debate education. Although a great deal can be learned…

  20. Advanced information access to parliamentary debates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marx, M.


    Parliamentary debates are highly structured transcripts of meetings of politicians in parliament. These debates are an important part of the cultural heritage of many countries; they are often free of copy-right; citizens often have a legal right to inspect them; and several countries make great

  1. Advanced Information Acces to Parliamentary Debates

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marx, M.


    Parliamentary debates are highly structured transcripts of meetings of politicians in parliament. These debates are an important part of the cultural heritage of many countries; they are often free of copy-right; citizens often have a legal right to inspect them; and several countries make great

  2. Rhinology Future Debates, an EUFOREA Report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fokkens, W. J.; Bachert, C.; Bernal-Sprekelsen, M.; Bousquet, J.; Djandji, M.; Dorenbaum, A.; Hakimi-Mehr, D.; Hendry, S.; Hopkins, C.; Leunig, A.; Mannent, L.; Mucha, D.; Onerci, M.; Pugin, B.; Toppila-Salmi, S.; Rowe, P.; Seys, S. F.; Stimson, S.; Strzembosz, A.; Hellings, P. W.


    The first Rhinology Future Debates was held in Brussels in December 2016, organized by EUFOREA (European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airways diseases). The purpose of these debates is to bring novel developments in the field of Rhinology to the attention of the medical,

  3. How to depolarise the ethical debate over human embryonic stem cell research (and other ethical debates too!). (United States)

    Espinoza, Nicolas; Peterson, Martin


    The contention of this paper is that the current ethical debate over embryonic stem cell research is polarised to an extent that is not warranted by the underlying ethical conflict. It is argued that the ethical debate can be rendered more nuanced, and less polarised, by introducing non-binary notions of moral rightness and wrongness. According to the view proposed, embryonic stem cell research--and possibly other controversial activities too--can be considered 'a little bit right and a little bit wrong'. If this idea were to become widely accepted, the ethical debate would, for conceptual reasons, become less polarised.

  4. Media Nihilism and the Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Hogan, J. Michael


    Discusses the function of media nihilism--the rhetoric of "crisis and failure"--in the 1988 Presidential Debates. Examines journalists' debate questions, noting that they painted an almost wholly negative portrait of America. Suggests that the candidate who effectively "skewers" the media on its own hypocrisy should be declared…

  5. La dialéctica feminista de la ciudadanía Feminist dialectic of citizenship

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonia Reverter Bañón


    Full Text Available En este artículo propongo revisar el dilema de la ciudadanía que Wollstonecraft planteó en su libro Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer, de 1792. Defiendo que este dilema cae en la misma trampa en que la misma teoría feminista cayó al proponer dos modelos diferentes de feminismo, el de la igualdad y el de la diferencia. Lo que planteo es que los dos son en realidad la misma paradoja, que remite, a su vez, al binarismo igualdad versus diferencia que opera estructurando los términos del debate liberal-patriarcal respecto a la equidad en el contrato social. El feminismo ha de salir de esa trampa para ofrecer un concepto de ciudadanía nuevo, en el que las mujeres no tengamos que decidir entre igualdad o diferencia, o entre justicia y cuidado.


    This paper sets out to review the dilemma of citizenship Wollstonecraft raised in A Vindication of the Rights of Women, published in 1792. I argue that this dilemma falls into the same trap feminist theory does by proposing two different (and opposed models of feminism: equality and difference. In this paper I suggest that the two are in fact the same paradox, which in turn refers to the equality-difference binarism that operates by structuring the liberal-patriarchal debate on equity in the social contract. Feminism must climb out of this trap in order to offer a new concept of citizenship in which women do not have to decide between equality and difference, or between justice and care.


  6. Teresa Wilms Montt: la visceralidad como activismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecilia Macon


    Full Text Available Es usual señalar que el debate sobre las emociones solo pasó a formar parte del feminismo en los últimos años. Sin embargo, es notoria la referencia en la literatura feminista de la primera ola al espacio de lo íntimo en términos de una colisión de emociones profundamente política que puede ser definida en términos de “visceralidad”. El presente trabajo se enmarca en un proyecto que tiene como objetivo final señalar el modo en que la transmisión de los afectos formó parte fundamental de la constitución del feminismo en América Latina. Este artículo se ocupa analizar la producción de la escritora chilena Teresa Wilms Montt, muy particularmente su primera obra, “Inquietudes sentimentales” (1917. No se trata meramente de argumentar la presencia de la dimensión emocional, sino de indagar en la especificidad de ese momento de su escritura donde la categoría de ‘intimidad” se torna central a la hora de establecer principios feministas. Son las características de su recorrido -donde entran en colisión las emociones más diversas - y el vínculo que establece con las luchas políticas del feminismo de corte anarquista las que abren la posibilidad de entender esta etapa, dando cuenta de la constitución de una geografía afectiva para el activismo latinoamericano. Una geografía marcada, centralmente por el desafío a “estructuras del sentir” patriarcales a través de intervenciones que sacan a la luz el papel politico de la visceralidad en tanto acción.

  7. How to depolarise the ethical debate over human embryonic stem cell research (and other ethical debates too!)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Espinoza, N.; Peterson, M.B.


    The contention of this paper is that the current ethical debate over embryonic stem cell research is polarised to an extent that is not warranted by the underlying ethical conflict. It is argued that the ethical debate can be rendered more nuanced, and less polarised, by introducing non-binary

  8. Rhinology Future Debates, an EUFOREA Report. (United States)

    Fokkens, W J; Bachert, C; Bernal-Sprekelsen, M; Bousquet, J; Djandji, M; Dorenbaum, A; Hakimi-Mehr, D; Hendry, S; Hopkins, C; Leunig, A; Mannent, L; Mucha, D; Onerci, M; Pugin, B; Toppila-Salmi, S; Rowe, P; Seys, S F; Stimson, S; Strzembosz, A; Hellings, P W


    The first Rhinology Future Debates was held in Brussels in December 2016, organized by EUFOREA (European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airways diseases). The purpose of these debates is to bring novel developments in the field of Rhinology to the attention of the medical, paramedical and patient community, in a highly credible and balanced context. For the first time in Rhinology, a peer to peer scientific exchange with key experts in the field of rhinology and key medical colleagues from leading industries let to a brainstorming and discussion event on a number of hot issues in Rhinology. Novel developments are presented by key experts from industry and/or key thought leaders in Rhinology, and then followed by a lively debate on the potential positioning of new developments in care pathways, the strengths and weaknesses of the novel development(s), and comparisons with existing and/or competing products, devices, and/or molecules. As all debates are recorded and distributed on-line with limited editing (, EUFOREA aims at maximizing the education of the target groups on novel developments, allowing a critical appraisal of the future and a more rapid implementation of promising novel tools, techniques and/or molecules in clinical practise in Europe. The next Rhinology Future debate will be held in Brussels in December 2017.

  9. Is Dance a Sport?: A Twenty-First-Century Debate (United States)

    Guarino, Lindsay


    This article discusses a new debate which has emerged for dancers. For many years dancers debated dance as art versus entertainment. This age-old debate still exists without a consensus, yet there is suddenly a new generation of dancers with a fresh debate. Legions of young performers are fervently proclaiming that their dance is actually a sport.…

  10. Using Debates to Teach Information Ethics (United States)

    Peace, A. Graham


    This experience report details the use of debates in a course on Information Ethics. Formal debates have been used in academia for centuries and create an environment in which students must think critically, communicate well and, above all, synthesize and evaluate the relevant classroom material. They also provide a break from the standard…

  11. Leagues Revive Debate in City Schools (United States)

    Keller, Bess


    This article describes how the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues is reviving debate competitions among high school students in city schools. Starting in Atlanta in 1985 and boosted by seed money from the billionaire George Soros' Open Society Institute, urban educators and their supporters in 2002 formed the National Association for…

  12. Unpacking the great transmission debate (United States)

    Denning, Kathryn


    The debate about the wisdom of sending interstellar transmissions is well-known to those involved in SETI, and frustrating for many. Its tendency towards intractability is a result of multiple factors, including: different models of the scientist's role as citizen and/or leader; disparate ideas about society's readiness to cope with frontier science; variable political substrates, particularly ideas concerning individual freedom and state control; competing ideologies of globalization; and the perceived relative risks and benefits of contact. (Variations in the latter, i.e. assessments of the risks and benefits of contact, derive partly from different thinking styles, including tolerance for risk, and partly from inferences based upon episodes of biological and cultural contact on Earth.) Unpacking the debate into its components may be of use to those debating policy about SETI transmissions, or at the very least, help keep in focus what, precisely, the perennial arguments are really about.

  13. Geen debat zonder publiek : het internationale debat over synthetische biologie ontleed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stemerding, D.; Est, van Q.C.


    Dit rapport brengt het internationaal opgekomen debat in kaart over synthetische biologie in vier verschillende landen: de Verenigde Staten, Nederland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland. De beschrijving richt zich op vier onderscheiden discoursen in maatschappelijke debatten over nieuwe

  14. The European debate on governance networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob


    This paper aims to take stock of the European debate on governance networks in order to assess whether or not it has succeeded to develop a new a viable paradigm based on clear concepts, sound theories and methods and an expansive research agenda. The political and institutional conditions...... for the emergence of the Europe governance debate are analyzed and the notions of ‘governance’ and ‘governance networks’ are critically examined and defined. A brief assessment of the empirical significance of governance networks at different levels of governing is followed by a presentation and comparison...... development, the European debate on governance networks provides a new and important paradigm for understanding the emerging forms of multilateral action and pluricentric governance....

  15. The public debate on the energy in France: the issue conditions; Le debat public sur l'energie en France: les conditions de la reussite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This session on the issue conditions of the public debate on the energy, took place around two presentations. The first one dealt with public debate cases analysis, the Souviron, the citizen conference and the CNDP (national Commission of Public Debate) models. The second one wondered on the debate objectives, key of the debate issue. (A.L.B.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suciati Suciati


    Full Text Available Many students do not like English debate. They argue that in the debate, they should apply four skills in English and should have appropriate matter, manner, and method. One of the reasons which make them do not like the debate is their lack of motivation. To solve this problem, teacher or lecturer should apply the appropriate technique in the teaching-learning process. Cooperative controversy technique is different with the traditional debate. In this technique, debaters change positions and try to reach a consensus at the end of the debate. By doing it before practicing the real English debate format, the students will get the basic knowledge about the debate so they do not directly practice the complicated one. Cooperative controversy increases the number of ideas, quality of ideas, feelings of stimulation, and enjoyment and originality of expression in creative problem solving. If it is compared to the group which does not use controversy, in controversy, the members get motivation and satisfaction in solving the problems.Keywords: English debate, students’ motivation, cooperative controversy

  17. Debates in History Teaching. The Debates in Subject Teaching Series (United States)

    Davies, Ian, Ed.


    "Debates in History Teaching" explores the major issues all history teachers encounter in their daily professional lives. It encourages critical reflection and aims to stimulate both novice and experienced teachers to think more deeply about their practice, and link research and evidence to what they have observed in schools. Written by a range of…

  18. Young Danes and perceptions of information and political debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stald, Gitte Bang


    of information and political debate The debates could be like, well, on Facebook. Or, it could be in kind of small groups. Like with one’s friends. I mean, if you talk things through, and you get a new view on things and they get a new view. Discussing things, that is a good idea. (Anders, 19 years) The profound...... changes in information and debate patterns and -practices, in particular for young citizens, are important. Societal reference points are increasingly missing and young people have started their own information and debate practices by using available digital media, while still including traditional media...... and f2f encounters in their information and debate repertoire. Changing practices affect perceptions of what information and informed citizenship is, and how informed citizenship translates into engagement, debate, and democratic participation. Hence, there are discrepancies between traditional...

  19. Islamic fashion, media debates and styles of interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Connie Carøe

    and at the same time to match an Islamic moral code or aesthetics. In a Danish context, I argue, these disagreements have a bearing on strategies of Muslim women in terms of relations vis-à-vis the non-Muslim majority population. The debate among Muslims is seconded by a media debate on Islam and again like...... elsewhere it is highly politicized Since the 1990‟s Muslim women‟s headscarf - or hijab - has constantly reappeared as an issue of the on-going media debates, but the properties of the hijab (headscarf) as a consumer item (Navaro-Yashin 2004, Sandikci & Ger 2007) have escaped these debates. Instead various...

  20. Por el amor de Dios. Religión e imaginación erótica en el feminismo de Mary Wollstonecraft

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    Barbara TAYLOR


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El feminismo de Mary Wollstonecraft está forjado sobre una profunda fe religiosa. De acuerdo con A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792, la igualdad social y política de las mujeres es un derecho secular pero, lo que es más importante, es un requisito esencial para la redención espiritual femenina. La visión que inspiró este compromiso, como señala William Godwin en su Memoir sobre Wollstonecraft, es altamente idiosincrática, y combina la religión natural, el panteísmo y el romanticismo platónico —y en este sentido tipifica el carácter innovador del pensamiento religioso de la Ilustración. Pero en los escritos de Wollstonecraft estas ideas adquieren una especial visión feminista. Si la comunión con Dios es la más alta expresión de humanidad en ambos sexos, argumenta la autora, las mujeres deben tener acceso a la libertad emocional e intelectual necesaria para la satisfacción espiritual. La identificación amorosa con la perfección divina es el camino por el cual el alma se da cuenta de su propio potencial sagrado, dice en Rights of Woman; por lo tanto, los corazones y las mentes de las mujeres deben huir de los objetos terrenales en beneficio de los divinos —del Hombre a Dios— por medio de una imaginativa reorientación que sitúa la imagen del Amor sagrado en el centro de la subjetividad moral. El artículo analiza el ideal sobre la orientación divina de la imaginación erótica, y sitúa sus raíces en Rousseau y en otras formas anteriores de platonismo cristiano, para discutir posteriormente las fantasías que se esconden tras esas creencias. Finalmente, se sugiere que a través de la combinación de diferentes análisis históricos y la teoría psicodinámica es como mejor se puede entender el feminismo religioso de WoUstonecraft.ABSTRACT: Mary Wollstonecraft's feminism was informed by a deep religious faith. According to A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792, the social and political equality for

  1. Teaching the Mantle Plumes Debate (United States)

    Foulger, G. R.


    There is an ongoing debate regarding whether or not mantle plumes exist. This debate has highlighted a number of issues regarding how Earth science is currently practised, and how this feeds into approaches toward teaching students. The plume model is an hypothesis, not a proven fact. And yet many researchers assume a priori that plumes exist. This assumption feeds into teaching. That the plume model is unproven, and that many practising researchers are skeptical, may be at best only mentioned in passing to students, with most teachers assuming that plumes are proven to exist. There is typically little emphasis, in particular in undergraduate teaching, that the origin of melting anomalies is currently uncertain and that scientists do not know all the answers. Little encouragement is given to students to become involved in the debate and to consider the pros and cons for themselves. Typically teachers take the approach that “an answer” (or even “the answer”) must be taught to students. Such a pedagogic approach misses an excellent opportunity to allow students to participate in an important ongoing debate in Earth sciences. It also misses the opportunity to illustrate to students several critical aspects regarding correct application of the scientific method. The scientific method involves attempting to disprove hypotheses, not to prove them. A priori assumptions should be kept uppermost in mind and reconsidered at all stages. Multiple working hypotheses should be entertained. The predictions of a hypothesis should be tested, and unpredicted observations taken as weakening the original hypothesis. Hypotheses should not be endlessly adapted to fit unexpected observations. The difficulty with pedagogic treatment of the mantle plumes debate highlights a general uncertainty about how to teach issues in Earth science that are not yet resolved with certainty. It also represents a missed opportunity to let students experience how scientific theories evolve, warts

  2. Using debate to teach pharmacy students about ethical issues. (United States)

    Hanna, Lezley-Anne; Barry, Johanne; Donnelly, Ryan; Hughes, Fiona; Jones, David; Laverty, Garry; Parsons, Carole; Ryan, Cristin


    To create, implement, and evaluate debate as a method of teaching pharmacy undergraduate students about ethical issues. Debate workshops with 5 hours of contact with student peers and facilitators and 5 hours of self-study were developed for second-year pharmacy students. Student development of various skills and understanding of the topic were assessed by staff members and student peers. One hundred fifty students completed the workshops. The mean score for debating was 25.9 out of 30, with scores ranging from 23.2 to 28.7. Seventy percent of students agreed that the debates were a useful teaching method in the degree program. A series of workshops using debates effectively delivered course content on ethical issues and resulted in pharmacy students developing skills such as teamwork, peer assessment, communication, and critical evaluation. These findings suggest that pharmacy students respond favorably to a program using debates as a teaching tool.

  3. Violência doméstica e Juizados Especiais Criminais: análise a partir do feminismo e do garantismo Domestic violence and Special Criminal Courts: analysis from the legal feminism and penal criticism perspectives

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo pretende demonstrar a possibilidade de análise crítica da Lei 9.099/95 a partir de dois discursos considerados marginais no campo do direito penal: o feminismo jurídico e o garantismo penal. Considerando a vítima no momento do crime e o autor do fato durante o processo penal, esses discursos interagem, procurando construir um diálogo para demonstrar a ineficácia da lei em ambas as perspectivas.This article aims at demonstrating the possibility of criticism about the criminal law (Lei 9.099/95 from two perspectives seen as marginal within penal law studies: the legal feminism and the penal criticism (garantismo. Taking into account the victim's condition and the defendant's rights during the criminal proceedings, such discourses are linked to show the inefficacy of that law towards both the victim and the defendant.

  4. Teoría feminista y liberalismo: el devenir de una relación problemática


    Di Tullio Arias, Anabella Laura


    Desde sus inicios, el feminismo ha establecido una compleja relación con el liberalismo. En ocasiones se habla del feminismo como heredero del liberalismo, en el sentido de que el feminismo sería la culminación del proceso comenzado por las revoluciones burguesas, pues representaría la búsqueda de la extensión de los derechos liberales de los que gozan los hombres a las mujeres. Sin embargo, y a pesar de tener un origen común en el surgimiento de los individuos libres e iguales como fundament...

  5. Debating China's assertiveness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    He, Kai; Feng, Huiyun


    Engaging the recent debate on China's assertive foreign policy, we suggest that it is normal for China – a rising power – to change its policy to a confident or even assertive direction because of its transformed national interests. We argue also that it is better to understand future US–China re...

  6. Debate as an alternative method for medical literature evaluation. (United States)

    Toor, Rebecca; Samai, Kathryn; Wargo, Ryan


    To determine the student impression of utilizing a debate style journal club as an alternative approach for preceptors to teach medical literature evaluation skills to pharmacy students undergoing Advance Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) in both acute care and ambulatory care. Students were asked to debate on a controversial topic or two drugs with similar indications. Each side had to research supporting evidence based medicine and use literature appraisal skills to incorporate the information logically into an oral debate style format. Approximately fifteen minutes were allotted for each debate, allowing five minutes for each opening argument, three minutes for each rebuttal, and two minutes for each closing argument. Students were then asked to complete a post-debate survey using a Likert Scale to evaluate their perception of the debate style journal club. Following implementation of the debate style journal club, students reported being more confident with their ability to find, compare, and retain information from primary literature with a mean of 4.1, 4.2, and 4.4 respectively on a Likert Scale. Students also reported overall enjoyment and satisfaction with a mean of 4.0. Debate style journal clubs have the capability to teach pharmacy students vital literature appraisal skills, and are a well-liked alternative to the traditional style journal club. Incorporating this method improved student interest as well as increased their ability to find, compare, and retain the information gathered from primary literature. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. The debate on international revitalisation of labour

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søborg, Henrik

    Globalisation has sparked off a new debate on international labour and trade unions in different disciplines such as industrrial relations, labour history, sociology and geography......Globalisation has sparked off a new debate on international labour and trade unions in different disciplines such as industrrial relations, labour history, sociology and geography...

  8. A Debate and Decision-Making Tool for Enhanced Learning (United States)

    López Garcia, Diego A.; Mateo Sanguino, Tomás de J.; Cortés Ancos, Estefania; Fernández de Viana González, Iñaki


    Debates have been used to develop critical thinking within teaching environments. Many learning activities are configured as working groups, which use debates to make decisions. Nevertheless, in a classroom debate, only a few students can participate; large work groups are similarly limited. Whilst the use of web tools would appear to offer a…

  9. The Dewey-Hutchins Debate: A Dispute over Moral Teleology (United States)

    Johnston, James Scott


    In this essay, James Scott Johnston claims that a dispute over moral teleology lies at the basis of the debate between John Dewey and Robert M. Hutchins. This debate has very often been cast in terms of perennialism, classicism, or realism versus progressivism, experimentalism, or pragmatism. Unfortunately, casting the debate in these terms…

  10. Muslim dress and the head-scarf debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moors, A.; Skov, L.


    Debates about the presence of students wearing head scarves in public schools in West Europe started in the late 1980s; about a decade later, the employment of women wearing head scarves also became the focus of attention. These debates need to be seen within a context in which a new generation of

  11. Debate Revives Old Arguments on HPV Vaccine (United States)

    Shah, Nirvi


    The author reports on a Republican presidential debate which revives the contention over requiring middle school girls to be vaccinated against the virus that causes cervical cancer. At the September 12 debate, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann, of Minnesota, and Rick Santorum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, attacked Texas Governor…

  12. Religious organizations debate nuclear energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dowell, T.


    This paper reviews the history of the religious debate on nuclear energy over the last thirty years. In the 1950s, religious statements recognized the peaceful uses of atomic energy as a blessing from God and called upon world leaders to promote its use. Nuclear energy programmes were launched in this decade. In the 1960s, there was still religious approval of nuclear energy, but questions about ethics arose. It was not until the 1970s, after the oil crisis, that serious questioning and criticism of nuclear energy emerged. This was particularly true in the United States, where the majority of statements originated - especially in 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island accident. Around this time, the World Council of Churches developed the concept of the just, participatory and sustainable society. The meaning and use of these terms in the nuclear energy debate is examined. This paper also compares the balanced debate of the World Council with the case against the plutonium economy prepared by the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Three religious statements from the 1980s are examined. A United Church of Canada resolution, critical of nuclear energy, is compared with a favourable report from the Methodist Church in England. Both use similar values: in one case, justice, participation and sustainability; in the other case, concern for others, participation and stewardship. There are not many Catholic statements on nuclear energy. One which is cautious and favourable is examined in detail. It is concluded that the use of concepts of justice, participation and sustainability (or their equivalents) has not clarified the nuclear debate

  13. Manifiesto de Historia a Debate.

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    Historia a Debate


    Full Text Available Después de ocho años de contactos, reflexiones y debates, a través de congresos, encuestas y últimamente Internet, hemos sentido la urgencia de explicitar y actualizar nuestra posición en diálogo crítico con otras corrientes historiográficas, asimismo desarrolladas en la última década del siglo XX: (1 el continuismo de los años 60-70, (2 el posmodernismo, y (3 el retorno a la vieja historia, la última “novedad” historiográfica.Estamos viviendo una transición histórica e historiográfica de resultados todavía inciertos. Historia a Debate como tendencia historiográfica quiere contribuir a la configuración de un paradigma común y plural de los historiadores del siglo XXI que asegure para la historia y su escritura una nueva primavera. A tal fin hemos elaborado 18 propuestas metodológicas, historiográficas y epistemológicas, que presentamos a los historiadores y a las historiadoras del mundo para su debate y, en su caso, adhesión crítica y posterior desarrollo.

  14. Feminismo(s e psicologia em Portugal

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    Azambuja, Mariana Porto Ruwer de


    Full Text Available Apesar da longa história em comum entre Brasil e Portugal, também existem muitas diferenças e, principalmente, muito desconhecimento. A proposta deste artigo é apresentar uma contextualização do modo como as questões de gênero têm sido tartadas Portugal e, a partir disto, estimular maiores laços de cooperação entre os dois países. Iniciamos com uma retomada da história do país e das reformas instauradas após o fim do regime fascista (1974, especialmente o surgimento da psicologia como campo científico e profissional marcado pelo paradigma positivista e, por muito tempo, alheio às transformações e questionamentos presentes em outros contextos. Da mesma forma, o percurso do movimento feminista e sua inserção no contexto acadêmico da psicologia foi marcado por avanços e entraves, os quais apresentamos a seguir. Por fim, tratamos das políticas públicas para a igualdade de oportunidades para as mulheres em Portugal

  15. MO-FG-BRB-00: AAPM Presidential Debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay

  16. Debate on science and technology promotion for overcoming economic crisis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book records debate point and topic presentation of debate on science and technology promotion for overcoming economic difficulties which lists opening greeting, topic presentation such as innovation of national science technology system, sufficient supply and demand of science and engineering personnel, invigoration of technology research of corporation and general debate. This debate was held by the Policy Board of democratic and liberal party on 22 May 1990 in Press center.

  17. Debate: a strategy for teaching critical thinking. (United States)

    Bell, E A


    Nurses in advanced practice require high-level critical thinking skills. Two elements of critical thinking are discovery and justification. The process of justification is focused on argumentation skills. Using the debate process to analyze, critique, and construct arguments may be an effective teaching-learning technique. Suggestions for the use of debate in graduate nursing curricula are included.

  18. Beyond the mammography debate: a moderate perspective. (United States)

    Kaniklidis, C


    After some decades of contention, one can almost despair and conclude that (paraphrasing) "the mammography debate you will have with you always." Against that sentiment, in this review I argue, after reflecting on some of the major themes of this long-standing debate, that we must begin to move beyond the narrow borders of claim and counterclaim to seek consensus on what the balance of methodologically sound and critically appraised evidence demonstrates, and also to find overlooked underlying convergences; after acknowledging the reality of some residual and non-trivial harms from mammography, to promote effective strategies for harm mitigation; and to encourage deployment of new screening modalities that will render many of the issues and concerns in the debate obsolete. To these ends, I provide a sketch of what this looking forward and beyond the current debate might look like, leveraging advantages from abbreviated breast magnetic resonance imaging technologies (such as the ultrafast and twist protocols) and from digital breast tomosynthesis-also known as three-dimensional mammography. I also locate the debate within the broader context of mammography in the real world as it plays out not for the disputants, but for the stakeholders themselves: the screening-eligible patients and the physicians in the front lines who are charged with enabling both the acts of screening and the facts of screening at their maximally objective and patient-accessible levels to facilitate informed decisions.

  19. Investigating the Debate Narrative Pattern of Elahi-Name

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    qudsiyeh rezvanyan


    Full Text Available Debate is a system based on narration and the triple bases of narration - which according to Claude Bermond is consisted of: explanation of a stable stand, divergence possibility, and divergence impossibility –can be explored and retrieved in debate patterns. Due to the debate’s controversial nature and the possibility that one of the debaters might not be convinced, there’s more space and time to present more reasoning and continual analogies, allegories, and tirades, and hence in the end one of the debaters will overcome the other, the opposition between them is prominent. In classical literature of Iran, as one of the cradles of culture, discourses are debatable, because discourse atmosphere is a monologic. So works which are formatted in a conversational cast are based on the dominance of power. One of these works is “Elahi-Name” by Attar which is going to be investigated in this paper with a descriptive-analytical way. By employing debates in Elahi-Name, Attar shows the veracity of the patriarchal position held by Khalif against his six young sons and it also shows the meagerness of the efforts made against ancient customs in the horizon of Iranian intellectuality. Moreover, by the unconvinced position held by the sons, Attar uses time to prolong the speech and present telling explanations on the veracity of his position and hence achieve his didactical goals in Elahi-Name.

  20. Feminine Features as Political Tools: the Cases of Femen and Women of Liberia

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    Gabriela Caviedes


    Full Text Available Este trabajo es un análisis de los distintos modos en que puede entenderse el feminismo, usando como ejemplos los casos de los movimientos feministas Femen y Mujeres de Liberia. Ambos se distinguen por usar características femeninas como herramientas políticas, y ambos han sido objeto de interés para producciones audiovisuales. En efecto, cada uno constituye la temática central de dos documentales: Ukraine is Not a Brothel (“Ucrania no es un burdel”, que trata del movimiento Femen; y Pray the Devil Back to Hell (Reza para que el diablo regrese al infierno, que trata del movimiento Mujeres de Liberia. Usaré este material para presentar para uno. Luego de ello los analizaré a la luz de la definición y división del feminismo que realiza Karen Offen, académica de la Universidad de California. Concluiré luego que Femen es un ejemplo de lo que ella llama “feminismo individualista”, y Mujeres de Liberia, de lo que llama “feminismo relacional”. También concluiré que la posición política que alcanzan se debe también a la rama de feminismo que representan

  1. Is undifferentiated spondyloarthritis a discrete entity? A debate. (United States)

    Deodhar, Atul; Miossec, Pierre; Baraliakos, Xenofon


    The concept of undifferentiated spondyloarthritis has been introduced recently to describe a clinical setting where the classical features of spondyloarthritis (SpA) are not fully present. Whether this is a discrete entity was the basis of a debate during the 4th International Congress on Controversies in Rheumatology & Autoimmunity held in Bologna, Italy 9-11 March 2017. The pro and con aspects of the debate are presented. The implications of the debate are important ranging from diagnostic aspects to consequences for the society and the payers. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Debating the Social Thinking of Carlos Nelson Coutinho

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    Bruno Bruziguessi


    Full Text Available BRAZ, Marcelo; RODRIGUES, Mavi (Org.. Cultura, democracia e socialismo: as idéias de Carlos Nelson Coutinho em debate. [Culture, democracy and socialism: The ideas of Carlos Nelson Coutinho in debate]. Rio de Janeiro: Mórula, 2016. 248 p.

  3. Inaccuracies in Media Coverage of the 1996 and 2000 Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Currie, Heather


    Compares data from a content analysis of the 1996 and 2000 presidential debates with news coverage of those debates. Concludes that the average newspaper story in 2000 only reported 7% of what the candidates said in a debate. Suggests that voters cannot expect to obtain an accurate or complete representation of presidential debates from media…

  4. Onda, rizoma e “sororidade” como metáforas: representações de mulheres e dos feminismos (Paris, Rio de Janeiro: anos 70/80 do século XX Wave, Rhizome and “Sorority” as Feminist Metaphors: Representation of Women and Feminisms (Paris, Rio De Janeiro: 1970s and 1980s

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    Suely Gomes Costa


    Full Text Available PortuguesEste artigo examina noções de onda, rizoma e “sororidade” como metáforas de representações sobre mulheres e seus movimentos, em diferentes lugares e tempos históricos. Associa-se à crítica a tendências analíticas que acentuam experiências feministas conjunturais que podem tornar invisíveis tensões e rupturas entre gerações de mulheres e de feministas. Problematiza, ainda, a metáfora da “sororidade”: por solidariedades presumidas com a experiência comum da maternidade, exclui contingências que, subterraneamente, podem mover mulheres e feminismos em diferentes direções. Destaca, enfim, a perspectiva da longa duração histórica e dos tempos múltiplos como modo de perceber a história das mulheres e dos feminismos em suas continuidades e rupturas.EnglishThis article analyses the conceptions of wave, rhizome, and “sorority” as metaphors for the representation of women and their movements in different places and historical periods. It joins critical efforts already made towards analytical trends highlighting circumstantial feminist experiences and thus turning other social projects invisible, but without taking into consideration possible breakdowns which come from tensions within generations of women and feminists. It also questions the “sorority” metaphor: by its solidarity assumed on the grounds of the shared experience of maternity, it also conceals contingencies that secretly gather women and feminists for different causes in different periods. Finally, it admits the long-term historical perspective and the multiple timings as a way of perceiving the history of women and of feminism throughout its continuities and breakdowns.

  5. Debates sobre teoría del capital On some debates in capital theory

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    Sen Amartya


    Full Text Available En este articulo, Amartya Sen pone en escena una de las discusiones mas candentes en el debate económico de los años sesenta y setenta -la controversia de la teoría de capital entre las escuelas de Cambridge, la inglesa y la norteamericana- a traves de dos personajes: Euda y Subhuti, este ultimo un antiguo discípulo suyo que debido a algunos deslices debe reencarnar como economista en el siglo XX. La pieza esta llena de humor e ironía y, también, de agudas observaciones sobre este debate. Joan Robinson, (1954 abrio la discusión cuando pregunto como se media el capital en funcion de de producción agregada neoclásica. Sraffa (1960 mostro que la medida de capital no es independiente de la distribución y de los precios, y Garegnani (1970, que una funcion neoclasica bien comportada descansa en supuestos y restricciones demasiado exigentes e irreales. Sen , a traves de Buda, recomienda a su discípulo: "oh, Subhuti, no gastes tu vida en un problema que qiza sea trivial".In this article, Amartya Sen dramatizes one of the most heated discussions in the economic debates of the sixties and seventies the controversy over the theory of capital between the Cambridge schools of England and America- by means of two characters: Buddha and Subhuti, the latter an old disciple who, owing to some slips, must reincarnate as an economist in the twentieth century. The piece is full of humor and irony, as well as sharp observations about this debate. Joan Robinson (1954 opened the deba te when she asked how capital was measured in the neoclassical aggregated production function. Sraffa (1960 showed that the measurement of capital is not independent from the distribution of prices, and Garegnani (1970 showed that a well behaved neoclassical production function rests upon assumptions and restrictions that are too demanding and unreal. Sen, through Buddha, recommends to his disciple: "Do not spend your life, oh Subhuti, on a problem that may be trivial.

  6. Public policy and media frames: the debate over migration in Brazil

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    Augusto Veloso Leão


    Full Text Available The main goal of this article is to provide a good basis to assess the way media frames are embedded in a wider social scenario, and how public and political preferences can be researched through media debate. The methodology adopted allows for an analysis of newspaper articles that can show broader trends of the debate and serve as a thermometer to measure public debate. It can further highlight details and enable in-depth analyses of media discourse. The article explores the interconnectedness of media debate and policy-making process by means of the analysis of articles published in a Brazilian newspaper between 2009 and 2010. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies are employed to identify the frames used in media and to offer insights of their relationship with the political debate. The ongoing political debate has raised attention to the issue of migration, with a great numbers of actors expressing very diverse points of view. A broader public debate has been initiated and some portions of it find voice in different means of communication. The paper argues that changes in the public and in the media debate are a response to changes in the political debate, while at the same time the first two also help to outline the latter.

  7. Den brede, folkelige debat om EU

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dosenrode, Søren


    I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet.......I Danmark er EUropa noget fjernt på trods af, at EU er rammen om dansk politik, både udenrigs og indenrigs. Danmark er medlem af en de facto føderation, men de brede folkelige debater om hvordan EU skal gestaltes har manglet....

  8. Revisiting the Seeming Unanimous Verdict on the Great Debate on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The great debate on African Philosophy refers to the debate as to whether African Philosophy does exist or not. The debate aroused great interest among Philosophy scholars who were predominantly polarized into two opposing positions - those who denied the existence of African Philosophy and those who insisted on the ...

  9. The great climate debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudhakara Reddy, B.; Assenza, Gaudenz B.


    For over two decades, scientific and political communities have debated whether and how to act on climate change. The present paper revisits these debates and synthesizes the longstanding arguments. Firstly, it provides an overview of the development of international climate policy and discusses clashing positions, represented by sceptics and supporters of action on climate change. Secondly, it discusses the market-based measures as a means to increase the win-win opportunities and to attract profit-minded investors to invest in climate change mitigation. Finally, the paper examines whether climate protection policies can yield benefits both for the environment and the economy. A new breed of analysts are identified who are convinced of the climate change problem, while remaining sceptical of the proposed solutions. The paper suggests the integration of climate policies with those of development priorities that are vitally important for developing countries and stresses the need for using sustainable development as a framework for climate change policies.

  10. 'Homeopathy': untangling the debate. (United States)

    Relton, Clare; O'Cathain, Alicia; Thomas, Kate J


    There are active public campaigns both for and against homeopathy, and its continuing availability in the NHS is debated in the medical, scientific and popular press. However, there is a lack of clarity in key terms used in the debate, and in how the evidence base of homeopathy is described and interpreted. The term 'homeopathy' is used with several different meanings including: the therapeutic system, homeopathic medicine, treatment by a homeopath, and the principles of 'homeopathy'. Conclusions drawn from one of these aspects are often inappropriately applied to another aspect. In interpreting the homeopathy evidence it is important to understand that the existing clinical experimental (randomised controlled trial) evidence base provides evidence as to the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, but not the effectiveness of treatment by a homeopath. The observational evidence base provides evidence as to the effectiveness of treatment by a homeopath. We make four recommendations to promote clarity in the reporting, design and interpretation of homeopathy research.

  11. The internal suicide debate hypothesis: exploring the life versus death struggle. (United States)

    Harris, Keith M; McLean, John P; Sheffield, Jeanie; Jobes, David


    Researchers and theorists (e.g., Shneidman, Stengel, Kovacs, and Beck) hyothesized that suicidal people engage in an internal debate, or struggle, over whether to live or die, but few studies have tested its tenability. This study introduces direct assessment of a suicidal debate, revealing new aspects of suicidal ideation. Results, from an online survey (N = 1,016), showed nearly all suicide-risk respondents engaged in the debate. In addition, debate frequency accounted for 54% of the variance in suicidality scores, and showed significant associations with other indicators of suicide risk. Likely factors of the debate, reasons for living and dying, showed significant differences by suicidality, and most suicide-risk participants reported going online for such purposes, demonstrating a behavioral component of the debate.

  12. Darfur a debate


    Cohen, Roberta


    Los enconados debates mantenidos por las comunidades humanitarias y de derechos humanos se centran en el número de víctimas de Darfur, el uso del término “genocidio”, la eficacia de las soluciones militares en comparación con las políticas y en analizar hasta qué punto la defensa de los derechos humanos puede debilitar los programas humanitarios sobre el terreno.

  13. The biofuels in debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rigaud, Ch.


    As the development of the biofuels is increasing in the world, many voices are beginning to rise to denounce the environmental risks and the competition of the green fuels with the alimentary farming. The debate points out the problems to solve to develop a sustainable channel. (A.L.B.)

  14. WORKSHOP: Discussion, debate, deliberation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jeliazkova, Margarita I.


    Discussing, deliberating and debating are a core part of any democratic process. To organise these processes well, a great deal of knowledge and skill is required. It is not simple to find a good balance between a number of elements: appropriate language and terminology; paying attention to solid

  15. Petition may trigger parliamentary debate on regulator's fee. (United States)


    THE NURSING and Midwifery Council's (NMC) proposed registration fee increase to £120 is likely to be debated in parliament after a petition against the rise reached 100,000 signatures. The petition, started by mental health liaison nurse Steve Iwasyk, gained the necessary number of signatures to spark a debate.

  16. Medicinal cannabis: moving the debate forward. (United States)

    Newton-Howes, Giles; McBride, Sam


    There has been increased interest in cannabis as a medicine both nationally and internationally. Internationally, cannabis is accepted as a medication for a variety of purposes in a variety of legal guises and this, associated with anecdotes of the utility of cannabis as medication has led for calls for it to be 'medicalised' in New Zealand. This viewpoint discusses the issues associated with this approach to accessing cannabis and some of the difficulties that may be associated with it. It is important doctors are at the forefront of the debate surrounding medicalised cannabis. Recommendations as to the ongoing debate are offered.

  17. A philosophical analysis of the evidence-based medicine debate


    Sehon, Scott R; Stanley, Donald E


    Abstract Background The term "evidence-based medicine" (or EBM) was introduced about ten years ago, and there has been considerable debate about the value of EBM. However, this debate has sometimes been obscured by a lack of conceptual clarity concerning the nature and status of EBM. Discussion First, we note that EBM proponents have obscured the current debate by defining EBM in an overly broad, indeed almost vacuous, manner; we offer a clearer account of EBM and its relation to the alternat...

  18. Immigration in the United States 2016 Presidential Debates: A Functional Analysis

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    Ahmed Hasani Yaseen


    Full Text Available This paper describes an analysis of the three U.S. 2016 presidential debates published in The New York Times using Benoit’s (2007a functional theory. The three presidential debates in the U.S., which occur every four years, remain as the most sensitive political rhetoric that lead to the election of the next U.S. President. These debates include discussion of different issues between the two presidential candidates. One of these issues is immigration. The U.S. presidential debates have been researched by many on various aspects but there has not been a study that focus primarily on the issue of immigration in the three 2016 U.S. presidential debates. All statements regarding this issue between the two presidential candidates, Trump and Clinton, were extracted from these debates and analyzed using Benoit's (2007a functional theory. Findings revealed that attack statements occurred more than acclaims, and defences were less used than acclaims. The statements included in these debates pertained to policy (30% and character (70%. As expected, general goals were employed more often using acclaim function rather than attack and defend. However, ideals were employed more often using defence than to acclaim and attack. Due to different contexts, situations, and participants, Benoit's (2007a functional theory may not be generalized for all debates. This study reveals certain inconsistencies regarding some of the hypotheses of Benoit's (2007a functional theory in relation to our knowledge of the presidential debates, specifically the issue of immigration.

  19. Debating the viability of ethnicity

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    Vilna Bashi


    Full Text Available [First paragraph] Immigration and the Political Economy of Home: West Indian Brooklyn and American Indian Minneapolis, 1945-1992. RACHEL BUFF. Berkeley: University of Califomia Press, 2001. xv + 240 pp. (Paper US$ 18.95 Black Cuban, Black American: A Memoir. EVELIO GRILLO. Houston TX: Arte Püblico Press, 2000. xvi + 134 pp. (Paper US$ 13.95 West Indian in the West: Self Representations in an Immigrant Community. PERCY C. HINTZEN. New York: New York University Press, 2001. x + 200pp. (Paper US$ 18.50 Caribbean Families in Britain and the Transatlantic World. HARRY GOULBOURNE & MARY CHAMBERLAIN (eds.. Oxford UK: Macmillan, 2001. xvi + 270 pp. (Paper £15.50 Legacies: The Story of the Immigrant Second Generation. ALEJANDRO PORTES & RUBÉN G. RUMBAUT. Berkeley: University of Califomia Press/ New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001. xxiv + 406 pp. (Paper US$ 19.95 "Ethnicity" and its meaning, both as an identity and as a resilient cultural influence, has dominated late twentieth-century social scientific analyses of the process of immigrant incorporation. Perhaps we may mark the crowning of the term with the publication of Glazer and Moynihan's The Melting Pot, one famous tome that "explained" varying "assimilation" outcomes among the "new" (post-1965 newcomers by examining their ethnic culture for flaws or strengths that justified socioeconomic failure or success. Muddying the ensuing policy debate was the use of buzzwords, like mainstream, deviant, assimilated, minority, black matriarch, absent father, and underclass, that were themselves categorizing and hierarchical. The tautology of hierarchically labeling groups and then asking why groups with different labels have different outcomes seems to be perpetually invisible to the parties in the assimilation debate, but the debate itself rages on. Newer scholarship has added a different voice to that debate, arguing that variance in "assimilation" is instead explained by incorporation into

  20. Use of a policy debate to teach residents about health care reform. (United States)

    Nguyen, Vu Q C; Hirsch, Mark A


    Resident education involves didactics and pedagogic strategies using a variety of tools and technologies in order to improve critical thinking skills. Debating is used in educational settings to improve critical thinking skills, but there have been no reports of its use in residency education. The present paper describes the use of debate to teach resident physicians about health care reform. We aimed to describe the method of using a debate in graduate medical education. Second-year through fourth-year physical medicine and rehabilitation residents participated in a moderated policy debate in which they deliberated whether the United States has one of the "best health care system(s) in the world." Following the debate, the participants completed an unvalidated open-ended questionnaire about health care reform. Although residents expressed initial concerns about participating in a public debate on health care reform, all faculty and residents expressed that the debate was robust, animated, and enjoyed by all. Components of holding a successful debate on health care reform were noted to be: (1) getting "buy-in" from the resident physicians; (2) preparing the debate; and (3) follow-up. The debate facilitated the study of a large, complex topic like health care reform. It created an active learning process. It encouraged learners to keenly attend to an opposing perspective while enthusiastically defending their position. We conclude that the use of debates as a teaching tool in resident education is valuable and should be explored further.

  1. MO-FG-BRB-02: Debater [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hazle, J. [UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  2. MO-FG-BRB-03: Debater [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herman, M. [Mayo Clinic (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  3. Contemporary Expert Debates on the SCO-Related Issues

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    Igor Evgen'evich Denisov


    Full Text Available Since its establishment the SCO has always attracted a lot of expert attention. The SCO Forum was founded in 2006 to bring together for annual debates experts from all member-states. Within this format in-depth discussions took place in April 2016 in Dushanbe, which hosted this year conference of the SCO Forum. Participating experts and officials reviewed problems of security, economic cooperation (including transport and water-energy issues and SCO enlargement, the latter being one of the most debatable. Experts presented some new thesis on all these problems, in particular on the enlargement issue. These new thesis are summed up in this article. Besides, the SCO Forum this year had many statements on the organization approaching a sort of new phase in its development. This line of discussions may lead in the future to even more active debates on SCO's role in the world. This article puts emphasis on the new elements of these debates and reviews major experts' attitudes within this line of discussion on the SCO being in front of a new stage of development.

  4. UK parliamentary debate analysis: bombing ISIL in Syria. (United States)

    Rashed, Haifa


    This paper examines the arguments presented for and against the UK government's motion for the UK to intervene militarily in Syria in the House of Commons debate on ISIL in Syria that took place on 2 December 2015. It considers what the most common arguments were in favour of and in opposition to the motion as well as which arguments were given the most emphasis, in order to understand the prime justifications given that led to the decision to approve the motion. It suggests that due to the shadow of the 2003 Iraq war, politicians in the debate placed a considerable emphasis on the legal justification for military intervention. It argues that the focus on the national security of the UK and its allies in this particular debate seems to contrast with previous military interventions where humanitarian motives were more widely stated. This paper calls for further comparative research of parliamentary debates in order to track such changes in the rhetoric used by UK politicians to defend their support for military intervention.

  5. Classroom Debate Format: Effect on Student Learning and Revelations about Student Tendencies (United States)

    Tessier, Jack T.


    To assess the effect of debate format on learning, four formats were separately employed in an environmental issues course. Learning was greatest when students wrote about a debate they witnessed, the teacher provided debate questions, and students received a reward for winning. Students valued debates for developing their arguing skills, used the…

  6. Debates in Teaching Bioethics (United States)

    Kedraka, Katerina; Kourkoutas, Yiannis


    In this small scale study in higher education, a good educational practice on the teaching of Bioethics based on transformative learning and accomplished by debates is presented. The research was carried out in June 2016 at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece and it includes the assessment of…

  7. Learning through debate during problem-based learning: an active learning strategy. (United States)

    Mumtaz, Sadaf; Latif, Rabia


    We explored medical student's views and perceptions of a series of debates conducted during problem-based learning (PBL) practiced as a part of the Spiral curriculum at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. A series of debates were employed during PBL sessions for second-year female medical students, over the period 2014-2016. Each cohort of students was randomly split into 10 small PBL groups and exposed to weekly PBL activity. Within each group, the students were divided into a proposition half and an opposition half. Students were given 1 wk for debate preparation. The students' responses were recorded on a formulated questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze quantitative data, and results are presented as percentages. The usefulness of debate in alleviating potential difficulties in communicating with patients was agreed to by 69% ( n = 126) of participants. That these sessions evoked critical thinking among students was reported by 78% ( n = 142). This series of debates helped 61% ( n = 111) of students to learn effectively about controversial issues. Seventy-one percent ( n = 130) considered that debate promoted argument generation and interpretation skills. Enhanced ability to analyze and research evidence was reported by 59% ( n = 108) of students. One hundred and thirteen students (62%) agreed that debate helped them to improve clinical decision-making, and 75% of students agreed that debates encouraged tolerance toward diverse viewpoints/convincing strategies. The majority of our medical students found debating enhanced analytic decision-making, communication, and critical thinking skills. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  8. A public debate on energy in France, how to make it successful?; Le debat public sur l'energie en France: les conditions de la reussite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roche, L.


    In this short article the author presents the different kinds of public debates. A debate can lead to a decision or not, be local or national and be directed to a large audience (all the citizens) or to a reduced public (specific users,...). Till now 2 types of public debates have been organized in France, the citizen conference and the public information meeting. In a citizen conference a panel of about 15 people, that are representative of the French society, are specially trained on the topic of the conference in order to enable them to participate actively in it and to contribute to the writing of the issued recommendations. 2 citizen conferences have taken place in France one about global warming and the other on gene engineering (OGM), both were lacking in notoriety. The second type of debate is a non-decision debate whose aim is to assure the information of the public on a particular topic and to give him the opportunity to express himself on that topic. This kind of debate implies the presence of experts and counter-experts and requires an important preliminary work (public information, selection of the experts and debate framing) from the authorities. (A.C.)

  9. Framing the policy debate over spirits excise tax in Poland. (United States)

    Zatonski, Mateusz; Hawkins, Benjamin; McKee, Martin


    Industry lobbying remains an obstacle to effective health-oriented alcohol policy. In 2013, an increase in excise tax on spirits was announced by the Polish government. This article presents a qualitative analysis of the public debate that ensued on the potential economic, health and social effects of the policy. It focuses on how competing groups, including industry actors, framed their position and sought to dominate the debate. Online archives of five Polish national newspapers, two spirits trade associations, and parliamentary and ministerial archives were searched. A thematic content analysis of the identified sources was conducted. The overall findings were compared with existing research on the framing of the Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) debate in the UK. A total of 155 sources were analysed. Two main frames were identified: health, and economic. The spirits industry successfully promoted the economic frame in their own publications and in the media. The debate was dominated by arguments about potential growth of the grey market and losses in tax revenue that might result from the excise tax increase. The framing of the debate in Poland differed from the framing of the MUP debate in the United Kingdom. The Polish public health community was unsuccessful in making health considerations a significant element of the alcohol policy debate. The strategies pursued by UK health advocates offer lessons for how to make a more substantial impact on media coverage and promote health-oriented legislation.

  10. Contribuição ao debate entre psicanálise e ciência: Feyerabend Contribution to the debate between psychoanalysis and science: Feyerabend

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    Daniel Menezes Coelho


    Full Text Available Trata-se de apresentar a contribuição de Paul Feyerabend ao debate entre psicanálise e ciência. A obra deste autor parece fornecer um novo horizonte de discussão, pois esvazia a pretensão de idealizar a ciência e a apresenta como atividade humana, impura, sem qualquer regra racional de funcionamento. Primeiro, faremos uma 'varredura' pelo campo atual de discussão, destacando alguns artigos que contribuem para esse debate. Seguiremos com uma crítica ao esforço de regramento epistemológico; e, por fim, apresentaremos a obra de Feyerabend, concentrando nossa atenção na leitura do célebre volume Contra o método, e no que esta obra acrescenta ao debate.Our goal is to present the contribution of Paul Feyerabend's works to the debate between psychoanalysis and science. Feyerabend's works seem to presents a new discussion horizon, since it empties out there the pretension to idealize science, and presents it as a human activity, impure, without any rational rule of functioning. First, we will scan the current discussion field, highlighting some articles that contribute to the debate. We will follow by doing some critics to epistemology and its ruling efforts. Finally, we will present Feyerabend's works, concentrating our attention on the lecture of Against Method, his famous volume, and what this work adds to the debate.

  11. Derailing the Growth Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Jørgen


    that we know today implies that the report was in any sense fundamentally wrong. A cohort of critics at the time, it can be said, was seriously in error when they managed to derail the debate by rejecting the report’s conclusions, and a lot of the critique was not related to the content of the report...

  12. Using Small Group Debates to Actively Engage Students in an Introductory Microbiology Course† (United States)

    Shaw, Joyce A.


    Debates stimulate critical thinking and can be a highly effective way to actively engage students in the classroom. This paper describes a small group debate format in which groups of four to six students debated preassigned topics in microbiology in front of the rest of the class. Rapid advancements in science, especially in microbiology, provide the scaffolding for students to locate and share evidence-based information from a plethora of complex and often conflicting sources. Student-generated debate presentations can be a welcome respite from the lecture format. Debates were scheduled throughout the course to coincide with topics being covered. Questionnaires distributed immediately after each debate revealed that the debates were well received by students and were effective in changing student attitudes and misconceptions. Debate preparation provided students the opportunity to gain proficiency in accessing information from electronic databases, to use resources from professional organizations, and to synthesize and analyze information. In addition, the debate process gave students experience in developing oral communication skills. PMID:23653803

  13. National debate on the energies; Debat national sur les energies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gathered the allocutions presented at the national debate on the energies of the 18 march 2003. The full text of the presentations of the Ministry of the industry N. Fontaine and the first Ministry J.P. Raffarin are provided. A synthesis of the answers to the following questions is also presented: understand the energy, the increase of the energy demand, the international consumption, the necessary changes of the consumption and production modes, the environmental impact, the resources, the decision making and the deciders. (A.L.B.)

  14. Frames in the Ethiopian Debate on Biofuels

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    Brigitte Portner


    Full Text Available Biofuel production, while highly contested, is supported by a number of policies worldwide. Ethiopia was among the first sub-Saharan countries to devise a biofuel policy strategy to guide the associated demand toward sustainable development. In this paper, I discuss Ethiopia’s biofuel policy from an interpretative research position using a frames approach and argue that useful insights can be obtained by paying more attention to national contexts and values represented in the debates on whether biofuel production can or will contribute to sustainable development. To this end, I was able to distinguish three major frames used in the Ethiopian debate on biofuels: an environmental rehabilitation frame, a green revolution frame and a legitimacy frame. The article concludes that actors advocating for frames related to social and human issues have difficulties entering the debate and forming alliances, and that those voices need to be included in order for Ethiopia to develop a sustainable biofuel sector.

  15. Debates presidenciales y calidad de la democracia. Análisis empírico normativo de los debates mexicanos de 2012

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    Martín Echeverría-Victoria


    Full Text Available Para que una democracia sea de calidad, el sistema político deberá asegurar la comprensión informada de los ciudadanos acerca de los asuntos públicos, para lo cual los debates presidenciales son mecanismos idóneos. A través de un análisis de contenido de los debates presidenciales mexicanos de 2012, hallamos evidencia de riqueza argumentativa, aunque con ciertos aspectos simplificadores.

  16. Impact of a debate on pharmacy students' views of online pharmacy practice. (United States)

    Bussières, Jean-François; Delicourt, Anais; Belaid, Nedjma; Quirion, Marie-Pierre; Desroches, Julien; Bégin, Josiane; Fragasso-Marquis, Anne-Marie; Lamarre, Diane


    To evaluate the impact of a debate on pharmacy students' perceptions, using online pharmacy practice as the debate topic. This is a quasi-experimental interrupted time-series study. A 60 min debate was organized as a lunchtime meeting. A four-category Likert scale questionnaire (fully agree, partially agree, partially disagree, fully disagree) measured the debate participants' level of agreement with 25 statements (main issues associated with online pharmacy) in the pre-phase (before the debate), post-phase 1 (after the debate) and post-phase 2 (6 months after the debate). One hundred and seventy-seven students were recruited (response rate of 100% in the pre-phase and post-phase 1, 31% in post-phase 2). Four questions measured the perceptions of the students on this pedagogical technique. The overall proportion of respondents in favour of online pharmacy practice showed little variation among the three phases. However, on average (mean ± SD) 43 ± 8% of the respondents changed their opinion, 21 ± 7% reversed their opinion, 22 ± 4% nuanced their opinion and 1 ± 1% radically changed their opinion. Respectively 98% (post-phase 1) and 96% (post-phase 2) of the respondents were of the opinion that debate was a very useful teaching formula in their pharmacist training and 79 and 66% thought debate significantly changed their opinion of the issue. Few data have been collected on the use of debates as part of healthcare professional training. The impact of a debate on how pharmacy students feel about online pharmacy practice is described. © 2012 The Authors. IJPP © 2012 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

  17. The Boussinesq Debate: Reversibility, Instability, and Free Will. (United States)

    Michael Mueller, Thomas


    In 1877, a young mathematician named Joseph Boussinesq presented a mémoire to the Académie des sciences which demonstrated that some differential equations may have more than one solution. Boussinesq linked this fact to indeterminism and to a possible solution to the free will versus determinism debate. Boussinesq's main interest was to reconcile his philosophical and religious views with science by showing that matter and motion do not suffice to explain all there is in the world. His argument received mixed criticism that addressed both his philosophical views and the scientific content of his work, pointing to the physical "realisticness" of multiple solutions. While Boussinesq proved to be able to face the philosophical criticism, the scientific objections became a serious problem, thus slowly moving the focus of the debate from the philosophical plane to the scientific one. This change of perspective implied a wide discussion on topics such as instability, the sensitivity to initial conditions, and the conservation of energy. The Boussinesq debate is an example of a philosophically motivated debate that transforms into a scientific one, an example of the influence of philosophy on the development of science.

  18. El debate micro-macro: dilemas y contextos

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    Vania Salles


    Full Text Available This paper discusses the general terms of the sociological debate on the micro macro question. Not only the main trends organizing the debate are examined, but also some ways to solve the dichotomies present in some proposals. It is held that contemporary theoretical practice produces —after the classics and with different focuses— a reflexivecorpus and research practices rooted in the blurring of the micro macro as polar questions, by the way of offering integrating proposals and overcoming reducing positions.

  19. Ethics and animal experimentation: what is debated?

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    Paixão Rita Leal


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to raise some points for an understanding of the contemporary debate over the ethics of using animals in scientific experiments. We present the various positions from scientific and moral perspectives establishing different ways of viewing animals, as well as several concepts like 'animal ethics', 'animal rights', and 'animal welfare'. The paper thus aims to analyze the importance and growth of this debate, while proposing to expand the academic approach to this theme in the field of health.

  20. Ethics and animal experimentation: what is debated?

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    Rita Leal Paixão

    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to raise some points for an understanding of the contemporary debate over the ethics of using animals in scientific experiments. We present the various positions from scientific and moral perspectives establishing different ways of viewing animals, as well as several concepts like 'animal ethics', 'animal rights', and 'animal welfare'. The paper thus aims to analyze the importance and growth of this debate, while proposing to expand the academic approach to this theme in the field of health.

  1. Provincialising the World Culture Theory Debate: Critical Insights from a Margin (United States)

    Takayama, Keita


    Neo-institutionalist theory of global "isomorphism", or so-called World Culture Theory (WCT), has been much debated in comparative education. One notable feature of the debate is that the vast majority of its participants belong to a handful of closely knit comparative education communities. Ironically enough then, a debate that…

  2. Beyond the realism debate: The metaphysics of 'racial' distinctions. (United States)

    Lemeire, Olivier


    The current metaphysical race debate is very much focused on the realism question whether races exist. In this paper I argue against the importance of this question. Philosophers, biologists and anthropologists expect that answering this question will tell them something substantive about the metaphysics of racial classifications, and will help them to decide whether it is justified to use racial categories in scientific research and public policy. I argue that there are two reasons why these expectations are not fulfilled. First of all, the realism question about race leads to a very broad philosophical debate about the semantics of general terms and the criteria for real kinds, rather than to a debate about the metaphysics of racial categories specifically. Secondly, there is a type of race realism that is so toothless that it is almost completely uninformative about the metaphysics of race. In response to these worries, I argue that the metaphysical race debate should rather be focused on the question in what way and to what extent 'racial' distinctions can ground the epistemic practices of various scientific disciplines. I spell out what I mean by this, and go on to demonstrate that trying to answer this question leads to a more fruitful metaphysical debate. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Consumer-mediated health information exchanges: the 2012 ACMI debate. (United States)

    Cimino, James J; Frisse, Mark E; Halamka, John; Sweeney, Latanya; Yasnoff, William


    The American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) sponsors periodic debates during the American Medical Informatics Fall Symposium to highlight important informatics issues of broad interest. In 2012, a panel debated the following topic: "Resolved: Health Information Exchange Organizations Should Shift Their Principal Focus to Consumer-Mediated Exchange in Order to Facilitate the Rapid Development of Effective, Scalable, and Sustainable Health Information Infrastructure." Those supporting the proposition emphasized the need for consumer-controlled community repositories of electronic health records (health record banks) to address privacy, stakeholder cooperation, scalability, and sustainability. Those opposing the proposition emphasized that the current healthcare environment is so complex that development of consumer control will take time and that even then, consumers may not be able to mediate their information effectively. While privately each discussant recognizes that there are many sides to this complex issue, each followed the debater's tradition of taking an extreme position in order emphasize some of the polarizing aspects in the short time allotted them. In preparing this summary, we sought to convey the substance and spirit of the debate in printed form. Transcripts of the actual debate were edited for clarity, and appropriate supporting citations were added for the further edification of the reader. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. The debate on minimal deterrence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbatov, A.; Karp, R.C.; Toth, T.


    Revitalization of debates on minimal nuclear deterrence at the present time is induced by the end of the Cold War and a number of unilateral and bilateral actions by the great powers to curtail nuclear arms race and reduce nuclear weapons arsenals

  5. The nuclear power debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woerndl, B.


    This material-intensive analysis of the public dispute about nuclear power plants uses the fundamental thoughts of the conflict theory approach by Georg Simmel, linking them to results of recent value change research. Through the medium of a qualitative content analysis of arguments in favour of and against nuclear energy it is shown how values are expressed and move, how they differentiate and get modified, in conflicting argumentation patterns. The first part reconstructs the history of the nuclear power conflict under the aspect of its subject priorities changing from time to time. The second part shows, based on three debate priorities, how social value patterns recognized for the moment changed in and by the conflict: the argumentation is that the nuclear power controversy has led to a relativization of its scientific claim for recognition; it has created a problem awareness with regard to purely quantitatively oriented growth objectives and developed criteria of an ecologically controlled satisfaction of needs; the debate has paved the way, in the area of political regulation models, for the advancement of basic democratic elements within a representative democracy. (orig./HP) [de


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    Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati


    Full Text Available At present, competition regarding English debating is a common thing. All countries are competing in the World Debating Competition either for high school or university level. The spread of this “popular culture” has made other country to adopt the English debating system and translate that system into their native language. However it cannot be denied that there are also many jargons that need to be translated into the native language without changing the meaning. This research is focused on the jargons of the English parliamentary debating and its translation into Indonesia. The aims of this study are to identify the jargons in English parliamentary debating and its equivalence in Indonesia and also to know the procedures used in translating the jargons in English parliamentary debating into Indonesia. The theory used for this study is the theory proposed by Peter Newmark (1988 regarding the procedure of translation. The findings shows that they are five procedure of translation used in translating the jargons of English parliamentary debating into Indonesia namely literal translation, functional equivalent, couplets, transference, and naturalization.

  7. Understanding the debate on medical education research: a sociological perspective. (United States)

    Albert, Mathieu


    Since the mid-1990s, a debate has taken place among medical education scholars regarding the forms that research should take and the roles it should play. Editors of major journals in medical education and prominent researchers in the domain have repeatedly addressed the issue and have attempted to define what medical education research should be. The goal of this article is to look at the debate from a sociological perspective and to outline the social factors shaping it. An analysis of the texts published since 1990 addressing the issue shows that the debates can be deconstructed in four topics: epistemology, methodology, the primary purpose of medical education research, and the "quality" of the projects carried out in the domain. However, the debates can also be amalgamated and synthesized using the concept of "field" as developed by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. A "field" refers to the configuration of power relations among individuals, social groups, or institutions within a domain of activities. Scientific fields are typically structured around a "bipolar" opposition pattern. At one pole stand those individuals who promote greater collaboration with nonscientists as well as research aimed at responding to practical needs. At the opposite pole stand those individuals who aspire to achieve independence of the field from such external constraints. The use of the concept of "field" allows us to understand the debate from a larger perspective and to establish parallels with similar debates in other scientific fields. In doing so, we will have the opportunity to learn from the experience of these other fields and be more reflective about the debate in which we engage.

  8. La herencia universitaria a 100 años de la reforma – debates y combates sobre su vigencia y perspectivas

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    Pablo Imen


    Full Text Available El presente artículo se propone analizar, desde la perspectiva del siglo XXI, los acervos de la Reforma Universitaria de Córdoba, Argentina, el 15 de junio de 1918. En aquél entonces la reacción estudiantil contra una institución universitaria clerical, autoritaria y conservadora incluyó su crítica como una alternativa democratizadora que se expandió por América Latina. Durante el siglo XX hubo distintas experiencias que resultan aportes valiosos para pensar la Universidad del siglo XXI en el marco de la construcción de la Patria Grande a partir del reformismo y del nacionalismo popular revolucionario. La Declaración de Cartagena de Indias de 2008, por parte del Consejo Regional de Educación Superior (CRES de la UNESCO recupera estas herencias, proponiendo rescates de su espíritu democratizador en los planos del gobierno, su proyecto pedagógico y su proyección hacia los contextos nacionales y regionales


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    Santiago Morcillo


    Full Text Available En esta introducción a la traducción del texto de Carol Leigh, reponemos brevemente el contexto de los debates feministas presentes en el surgimiento de la idea de trabajo sexual. Además brindamos una clave de lectura que permite comprender la importancia actual de esta traducción en el marco de una fuerte polarización del debate feminista sobre la prostitución y la transnacionalización de la campaña contra la trata de personas.

  10. The German Debate on Tactical Nuclear Weapons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meier, Olivier


    This report analyses the debate in Germany about tactical nuclear weapons deployments in Europe. It is mainly based on interviews conducted with senior officials from the German Federal Foreign Ministry, the Federal Ministry of Defence, senior members of Parliament as well as experts from research institutes and think-tanks. The interviews focused on the more recent past in the German debate as well as the future of tactical nuclear weapon deployments in Germany and Europe. The report concludes that while a change of Germany's position on tactical nuclear weapons is unlikely to change in the short-term, several developments will make it unlikely that the continued involvement of Germany in NATO nuclear sharing will have to be debated in the medium term. Should the next Parliamentary elections, which will take place in 2009 at the latest, result in a Social Democrat-led government, a push for a reduction of Germany's involvement in NATO nuclear sharing appears possible. A conservative-led government is likely to maintain the nuclear status quo within NATO

  11. Colombia’s Attempt at Peace: An Analysis of the Demobilization of the Auto-Defensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) (United States)


    comprehensive post La Violencia attempt to demobilize IAGs took place in the 1970’s by Colombian presidents Alfonso Lopez Michelsen (1974-1978) and... Independiente Revolucionario-Comandos Armados (MIR-COAR) (January 1997). The agreements evolved over time, each one more complex than its predecessor...1993); Frente Francisco Garnica (June 1994); and the Movimiento Independiente Revolucionario-Comandos Armados (MIR-COAR) (January 1997). The

  12. E-cigarettes: a need to broaden the debate. (United States)

    Latif, E; Nair, M


    The unregulated market for e-cigarettes continues to grow, with debates on their efficacy and impact on global public health. E-cigarettes, or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDs), are marketed as a 'safe' alternative to tobacco products and a tool for 'harm reduction'. Some public health experts are calling it a 'game changer' and favour the 'harm reduction' strategy, while others dispute this claim. In our opinion, the debate needs to be broadened to encompass other related concerns and effects on non-users and affected stakeholders. As with tobacco control, a holistic approach is needed to build a raft of policies that effectively address the issue from all angles and look beyond the direct health implications of e-cigarette use to explore the social, economic, political and environmental aspects of this debate, putting 'harm reduction' in context.

  13. Reflections on the Evolution of the Debate: From Drakht-i Asurig to Nima Poems

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    Narges Mohammadi badr


    Full Text Available Abstract Debate is a poetry or prose in which two things or two people are opposite and discuss the issue with each other until finally one of them overcomes the other. In this genre, the purpose of the writer or poet from this mutuality is proofing a philosophical or moral conclusion or showing his or her art of poetry. In this genre, the main character is human being, animals, other objects or abstract concepts. To compose debate usually the template of odes, sonnets and couplets are used. The base of this kind of literary goes to the time of Plato and Aristotle and the history of it can be divided into before and after Islam. The reasons behind its evolutions and regressions can be studied over the historical periods. Debate before Islam: This method was common in Iranian culture and literature. It seems that the Iranians have adapted this genre which has the characteristics of oral literature from Mesopotamia in ancient periods. One example can be seen in Akkadian, Sumerian texts. The oldest debate in Iranian culture is the one of Drakht-i Asurig[1] in Parthian Pahlavi language in which tree and goat arise to debate and controversy in order to count their advantages and conquered the other side. Finally, this struggle leads to the victory of goat against the tree. Debate after Islam: In Islamic era, debate was more widespread among poets of Azerbaijan and Iraq. Although Hakim Ferdowsi for composing his unique stories has used different species such as dialogue, monologue, praying, brag, lamentation and the debate. But the Unsuri has used this way of expression, to allegory for expressing and proving his theory. Among available Conversations, the debate between "Raven and the Hawk" can be pointed. A.fter the advent of Islam poets such as Ferdowsi, Unsury, Asadi Tusi, Nizami Ganjavi, Dehlavī, Sanai and Attar, Saadi, Rumi, Hafiz, Jami, etc. have paid attention to this genre. After the time of Asadi, many debates of self-description have grown

  14. Great software debates

    CERN Document Server

    Davis, A


    The industry’s most outspoken and insightful critic explains how the software industry REALLY works. In Great Software Debates, Al Davis, shares what he has learned about the difference between the theory and the realities of business and encourages you to question and think about software engineering in ways that will help you succeed where others fail. In short, provocative essays, Davis fearlessly reveals the truth about process improvement, productivity, software quality, metrics, agile development, requirements documentation, modeling, software marketing and sales, empiricism, start-up financing, software research, requirements triage, software estimation, and entrepreneurship.

  15. Moving research beyond the spanking debate. (United States)

    MacMillan, Harriet L; Mikton, Christopher R


    Despite numerous studies identifying a broad range of harms associated with the use of spanking and other types of physical punishment, debate continues about its use as a form of discipline. In this commentary, we recommend four strategies to move the field forward and beyond the spanking debate including: 1) use of methodological approaches that allow for stronger causal inference; 2) consideration of human rights issues; 3) a focus on understanding the causes of spanking and reasons for its decline in certain countries; and 4) more emphasis on evidence-based approaches to changing social norms to reject spanking as a form of discipline. Physical punishment needs to be recognized as an important public health problem. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. MO-FG-BRB-01: Debater [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bayouth, J. [University of Wisconsin (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  17. ¿Fascistas o revolucionarios? Política de izquierda y de derecha entre los campesinos pobres ¿Fascistas o revolucionarios? Política de izquierda y de derecha entre los campesinos pobres

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    Leslie Anderson


    Full Text Available La expansión de la democracia en América Latina y su extensión en el tiempo ha puesto de manifiesto una tendencia sorprendente y preocupante. Muchos de los nuevos electores latinoamericanos han dado su apoyo a candidatos de derecha y no democráticos que una vez en el poder han atentado de diversas maneras contra la democracia. Dentro del electorado se constata que ese apoyo a las fuerzas antidemocráticas es mayor en la población rural. A la luz de la bibliografía de los años 70 y 80 sobre las revoluciones campesinas de Rusia, China, Cuba o Nicaragua, este derechismo campesino es un rompecabezas: ¿los campesinos son fascistas o revolucionarios? Para descifrar este enigma, el trabajo en primer lugar analiza cuatro casos de apoyo rural al fascismo o al autoritarismo populista en la primera mitad del siglo XX (Francia, Italia, Alemania y Argentina. Compara los factores explicativos que emergen de esa comparación con los resultados obtenidos de la investigación sobre el izquierdismo campesino en China, Rusia, Cuba y Nicaragua. La conclusión del trabajo es que hay dos conjuntos de factores que explican el apoyo de los campesinos a la izquierda o a la derecha. El primer tipo de factores, de transfondo, incluye el contexto económico y las relaciones sociales de propiedad y tenencia de la tierra. El segundo tipo de factores, de primer plano,incluye el tipo de liderazgo, el estilo organizativo y la habilidad política, así como el tipo de retórica que se usa para atraer el voto campesino. La población rural no es por naturaleza ni de derecha ni de izquierda, sino que su apoyo puede llevarse a cualquiera de los dos lados dependiendo del trasfondo económico-social y de la escena política. En América Latina hay que estudiar en detalle los estilos de liderazgo y las retóricas de los candidatos. Estas variables de primera instancia nos van a permitir dictaminar si el apoyo electoral dará lugar a panoramas fascistas o autoritarios como los

  18. A debate on open inflation (United States)

    Hawking, S. W.


    This is a reproduction of Professor Stephen Hawking's part in a debate, which took place at the COSMO 98 Coference, in Monterey, California. Two other physicists, Andrei Linde and Alexander Villenkin, also took part. Professor Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, in England.

  19. Beyond the Virtues-Principles Debate. (United States)

    Keat, Marilyn S.


    Indicates basic ontological assumptions in the virtues-principles debate in moral philosophy, noting Aristotle's and Kant's fundamental ideas about morality and considering a hermeneutic synthesis of theories. The article discusses what acceptance of the synthesis might mean in the theory and practice of moral pedagogy, offering examples of…

  20. Visualizing Europe’s Refugee Crisis on the ‘Debating Europe’ Platform

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    Camelia Cmeciu


    Full Text Available The images picturing the refugee crisis are heavily emotion-laden and the picture of the dead boy Aylan on the beach is such an example. Besides newspapers where pictures of refugees have been used to stir the readers’ attention, debating platforms have used visual images to initiate debates with the EU citizens about Europe’s refugee crisis. Designed on a ‘bottom-up approach’, the ‘Debating Europe’ platform empowers citizens by encouraging a dialogue between Europe’s policymakers and experts, on the one hand, and citizens, on the other hand. Each debate embeds an issue to be addressed and visual images which may serve as incentives for a vivid debate. The selection of these visuals plays a significant role in the representation of a particular issue. The sample used for this qualitative analysis consists of the visual images (photographs and infographics of nine debates on Europe’s refugee crisis (2013-2015. Since Europe’s refugee crisis is both about attributing responsibility and human interest, we will provide an integrated visual framework for our analysis. Using a qualitative content analysis of the visual images depicting the refugee crisis we want to identify (1 the types and the salience of the participants depicted, (2 the communication strategies and the (rebordering issues used to (delegitimate these represented participants, (3 the types of emotions used by the ‘Debating Europe’ platform to visually frame the refugee crisis.

  1. Students as Customers in Higher Education: Reframing the Debate (United States)

    Guilbault, Melodi


    Even though marketing in higher education (HE) is well established, there is a continued debate about who the customer is, with many still not accepting that students should be viewed as customers in HE. The student as customer model has its opponents and proponents. This paper reframes the debate using the framework of market orientation,…

  2. Rosa, el nuevo color del feminismo: un análisis del transporte exclusivo para mujeres

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    Full Text Available Este artículo explora la relación entre la movilidad urbana de las mujeres y la violencia en su contra en el transporte público. En particular, explora los temas de género que influyen en el abuso sexual en tal transporte, con atención tanto en los roles tradicionales de la mujer como ama de casa y no como una figura pública, así como en el debate innato o adquirido en la explicación del comportamiento del hombre. Dado que los servicios de transporte exclusivo para mujeres fueron implementados para resolver problemas entre la mujer y el hombre, sirven como un punto de referencia para discutir estos temas de género. Este estudio examina, analiza y evalúa el transporte sólo para mujeres y los efectos que el mismo tiene sobre la movilidad de ellas en relación con estos debates de género. Concluye que el “transporte rosa” ayuda a las mujeres a romper la trampa entre lo público y lo privado en la que están atrapadas al llevar el tema de la discriminación de género a la atención del público.

  3. Understanding conservationists' perspectives on the new-conservation debate. (United States)

    Holmes, George; Sandbrook, Chris; Fisher, Janet A


    A vibrant debate about the future direction of biodiversity conservation centers on the merits of the so-called new conservation. Proponents of the new conservation advocate a series of positions on key conservation ideas, such as the importance of human-dominated landscapes and conservation's engagement with capitalism. These have been fiercely contested in a debate dominated by a few high-profile individuals, and so far there has been no empirical exploration of existing perspectives on these issues among a wider community of conservationists. We used Q methodology to examine empirically perspectives on the new conservation held by attendees at the 2015 International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB). Although we identified a consensus on several key issues, 3 distinct positions emerged: in favor of conservation to benefit people but opposed to links with capitalism and corporations, in favor of biocentric approaches but with less emphasis on wilderness protection than prominent opponents of new conservation, and in favor of the published new conservation perspective but with less emphasis on increasing human well-being as a goal of conservation. Our results revealed differences between the debate on the new conservation in the literature and views held within a wider, but still limited, conservation community and demonstrated the existence of at least one viewpoint (in favor of conservation to benefit people but opposed to links with capitalism and corporations) that is almost absent from the published debate. We hope the fuller understanding we present of the variety of views that exist but have not yet been heard, will improve the quality and tone of debates on the subject. © 2016 The Authors. Conservation Biology published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society for Conservation Biology.

  4. Novel Debate-Style Cardiothoracic Surgery Journal Club: Results of a Pilot Curriculum. (United States)

    Luc, Jessica G Y; Nguyen, Tom C; Fowler, Clara S; Eisenberg, Steven B; Wolf, Randall K; Estrera, Anthony L; Vaporciyan, Ara A; Antonoff, Mara B


    Traditional journal clubs addressing single articles are limited by the lack of a standardized process for conduct and evaluation. We developed a novel, debate-style journal club for trainees to use best available evidence to address controversial topics in cardiothoracic surgery through discussion of realistic patient scenarios. After implementation of our new curriculum, trainee knowledge acquisition and retention were assessed by a summative test of published literature and standardized debate scoring. Feedback was additionally obtained by trainee and faculty surveys. Cardiothoracic surgery trainees (n = 4) participated in five debates each over 10 monthly sessions. Written examination results after debate revealed a nonsignificant improvement in scores on topics that were debated compared with topics that were not (+9.8% versus -4.2%, p = 0.105). Trainee ability to sway the debate position supported by the attendee strongly correlated with trainee use of supporting literature (r = 0.853), moderately correlated with persuasiveness (r = 0.465), and overall effect of the debate (r = 0.625). Surveys completed by trainees and faculty unanimously favored the debate-style journal club as compared to the traditional journal club in gaining familiarity and applying published literature to questions encountered clinically. Our novel debate-style cardiothoracic surgery journal club is an effective educational intervention for cardiothoracic surgery trainees to acquire, retain, and gain practice in applying specialty-specific literature-based evidence to controversial case-based issues. Evaluation by multi-institutional expansion is needed to validate our preliminary findings in this initial trainee cohort. Copyright © 2017 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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    LUSTIGOVÁ, Lenka


    Full Text Available This study focuses on the development of speaking skills in intermediate and lower level university classes through the simplified format of debates. The aim of this paper is to describe teaching observations with special attention given to the preparatory stages, strengths and challenges of simplified debate faced by both the teacher and the students. Observations were made while teaching speaking through simple debate to 19 - 20 year-old-students of general English at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in intermediate and lower level classes. By describing the methods and procedures used to engage in debates, this paper aims to enrich pedagogical methods for effectively teaching speaking skills and thus serve ESL teachers at large. By contextualizing debate within a milieu larger than the ESL classroom, this study also accesses possibilities for further application of simplified debate to heighten training for other subjects, while drawing upon the democratic context supported by debate.

  6. Refutações ao feminismo: (des compassos da cultura letrada brasileira Refuting feminism: (Dis alignments of the brazilian lettered culture

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    Rita Terezinha Schmidt


    Full Text Available Ao considerar a força do discurso antifeminista no Brasil, examino como esse discurso aparece no âmbito do jornalismo cultural para então tecer algumas relações com a história social brasileira à luz da qual é possível compreender por que o feminismo como práxis transformadora parece tão fora dos hábitos do país. Procuro sustentar meu argumento a partir da leitura de obras de pensadores da história e da cultura brasileiras considerados "de esquerda" ao mesmo tempo em que pontuo os limites de suas análises, ou seja, o silenciamento sobre a opressão das mulheres e questões de gênero. A seguir, examino a persistência de diversas formas do antifeminismo no campo das Letras a fim de compreender o estatuto da crítica feminista no campo dos estudos literários e as razões de sua invisibilidade, com considerações sobre conquistas e limitações de suas práticas.On considering the strength of antifeminist discourse in Brazil, I examine how this discourse circulates in the field of cultural journalism so as to raise some relations with Brazilian social history in the light of which it is possible to understand why feminism as a praxis of change seems so alien to the country's social habits. To develop my line of argument I draw from works of Brazilian intellectuals from the left, while I point out the limits of analysis that silence on women's oppression and on questions of gender. Then, I examine the persistence of diverse forms of antifeminist discourses in the academic field of letters, in the attempt to understand the status of feminist criticism in literary studies and the reasons for its invisibility, with remarks on the achievements and limitations of its practices.

  7. The hydrogen economy- A debate on the merits

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Vuuren, DS


    Full Text Available stream_source_info van Vuuren_2007.pdf.txt stream_content_type text/plain stream_size 5193 Content-Encoding UTF-8 stream_name van Vuuren_2007.pdf.txt Content-Type text/plain; charset=UTF-8 The Hydrogen Economy A Debate... cheapest alternative. • The Hydrogen Economy or its alternative will only really take off when cheap coal production begins to peak Slide 10 © CSIR 2006 Global Warming • The risk is real, but the debate...

  8. Debating food security policy in two different ideational settings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Farsund, Arild Aurvåg; Daugbjerg, Carsten


    in Australia and Norway is compared. In Australia, agricultural normalism (agricultural markets and production are considered to be similar to those of other economic sectors) has been dominant since the mid-1980s, while Norwegian agricultural policy making has been dominated by agricultural exceptionalism...... (agriculture is considered a unique economic sector with special market and production conditions). It is demonstrated in the article how these two opposing institutionalised ideational foundations have influenced the nature of the food security debate in the two countries. In Australia, the debate emphasises...... the positive role of the market and trade in providing global food security. In Norway, the debate highlights the need to regulate market forces and restrict trade in order to allow countries to develop their own agricultural sectors....

  9. The nuclear debate in Austria

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weish, P.


    This report was published during the debate about the construction of nuclear-power-plants in Austria and before the national referendum, which prevented the implementing of “Zwentendorf”, Austria´s first nuclear-power-plant. The report gives a view over the events in the discussion about Austria´s nuclear-future. (kancsar)

  10. Evolution: Don't Debate, Educate. (United States)

    Bybee, Rodger W.


    Discusses controversy over the teaching of biological evolution and other scientific ideas such as Big Bang theory. Recommends that teachers avoid debating creationists, help students develop a greater understanding and appreciation for science as a way of explaining the natural world, and emphasize inquiry and the nature of science. (Contains 19…

  11. Gilles Deleuze and the contemporary biopolitical debate

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    Marcelo Antonelli


    Full Text Available The present work is a research on Gilles Deleuze’s contribution to the contemporary biopolitical debate. To begin with, we analyze his interpretation of Foucault’s conception of biopolitics, especially the vitalist matrix of his reading, and we examine its impact on the distinction between “biopower” and “biopolitics” according to certain authors (Lazzarato, Negri, Revel. We then reveal the presence of deleuzian notions in other perspectives (the “impersonal” in Esposito, the “society of control” in Negri. Finally, we propose renewing the fundamental tensions of the debate on Life, Politics, Language and the Condition of Man, based on concepts elaborated by Deleuze

  12. Insights into the Dialogic Communication on the ‘Debating Europe’ Internet Channels

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    Alexandra Bardan


    Full Text Available This article aims to provide an overview of the online interaction of the ‘Debating Europe’ platform using the theoretical framework of dialogic communication. A brief historical approach of the notion “Web 2.0” further informs about the functions of the ‘Debating Europe’ platform and its mission statement. Related work opens an interrogation on the ‘Debating Europe’ platform as a virtual space meant to connect European citizens and politicians in online debates concerning EU matters. The empirical study regards the use of dialogic principles on the ‘Debating Europe’ platform, focusing on a cross comparison of its three Internet channels: the website, the Facebook page and the Twitter account. The results indicate the website as the main dialogic channel, while Facebook and Twitter fulfill mainly information dissemination purposes.

  13. Naturlighed, barnets tarv og kompensationsberettigelse i den politiske debat om kunstig befrugtning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lasse


    moral principles, the functioning based and the responsibility-sensitivity principle, that both independently and together support the conclusion that people suffering the disadvantage of being infertile is in fact entitled to public funded compensation. The article concludes that it is morally......This article provides a normative discussion of the political debate on public funded fertility-treatment in Denmark. It shows that especially three normative considerations attract attention in the debate. In the early part of the debate (1996) many Danish politicians weigh highly the moral......, and due to Parfit’s non-identity problem the interest of the child is irrelevant to such political debates. In the late part of the debate (2010) the question of whether infertility entails compensation-entitlement becomes crucial. Drawing on insights of political philosophy, the article suggests two...

  14. Gloria Anzaldúa, a consciência mestiça e o "feminismo da diferença" Gloria Anzaldúa, mestiza consciousness, and "feminism of difference"

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    Claudia de Lima Costa


    Full Text Available Este artigo situa a contribuição fundamental de Gloria Anzaldúa sobre a consciência mestiça na história do feminismo, enfocando sua perspectiva epistemológica da diferença interseccional na articulação de uma política de coalizão contra a exclusão da alteridade dos lugares privilegiados da construção da modernidade. Ancorando-se nas reflexões acad��micas sobre os escritos de Anzaldúa, as autoras destacam as maneiras pelas quais a teoria da identidade mestiça de Anzaldúa está antecipando não apenas críticas aos conceitos de sujeito, diferença e modernidade, mas também aquelas que enfatizam as distinções entre versões capitalistas e versões críticas do hibridismo cultural.This article situates Gloria Anzaldúa's influential "La Conciencia de la mestiza / Towards a New Consciousness" within the history of feminism, focusing on her epistemological perspective of intersectional difference to articulate a politics of coalition against the exclusion of alterity from privileged sites of modernity construction, in both space and time. Drawing on various academic sources of Anzaldúa criticism, we highlight some important ways her theory of mestiza identity actually anticipates not only critiques of the concepts of the subject, difference and modernity but also distinctions between capitalist and critical versions of cultural hybridity, all of which require sensitivity to discourses of dehistoricization, cooptation and assimilation.

  15. Rompiendo viejos dualismos: De las (imposibilidades de la articulación

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    Silvia García Dauder


    Full Text Available En este articulo pretendemos reflexionar sobre el potencial teórico-político del concepto de articulación, realizando un particular rastreo de su uso en las críticas a un sujeto político monolítico desde el marxismo y el feminismo (particularmente en los debates sobre la unidad de la izquierda y la ?amenaza fragmentadora? de las políticas de la identidad. Para ello acudimos a los trabajos de Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe, Stuart Hall, Bruno Latour y Donna Haraway como pretextos para delimitar el contenido de este artefacto teórico que pretende dar cuenta de la conformación de prácticas y sujetos políticos como ?momentos de cierre contingente? efecto de ciertas ?conexiones parciales?.

  16. Releyendo a Laura Mulvey 40 años después. Historiografía y feminismo / Re-reading Laura Mulvey 40 Years After. Historiography and Feminism

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    Eva Parrondo Coppel


    Full Text Available «Placer visual y cine narrativo», de Laura Mulvey (Screen, 1975, es un artículo nuclear en la configuración de la teoría feminista del cine y su notable influencia ha excedido este ámbito teórico. En el presente trabajo historiográfico nos proponemos realizar una lectura crítica del mismo a la luz de la creciente institucionalización del feminismo a partir de la década de 1980. Para ello nos aproximamos a este texto clásico desde tres ángulos interrelacionados: su contexto histórico, su con-texto teórico y la cuestión de las premisas metodológicas sobre las que se sostiene. En la primera parte de este trabajo, situamos «Placer visual y cine narrativo» en el contexto del movimiento feminista británico post-mayo del 68, el cual se caracterizó por el antagonismo entre las feministas funcionalistas, las marxistas-culturalistas y las psicoanalíticas. Asimismo, nos ocupamos de los primeros textos psicoanalíticos de la teoría feminista del cine, escritos por Claire Johnston y Pam Cook (1973-1975, frente a los cuales Mulvey se posiciona en su artículo. Por medio de esta doble contextualización proponemos, en la segunda parte, que si bien Mulvey dice utilizar el psicoanálisis y, de hecho, hace un amplio uso de terminología psicoanalítica, las bases conceptuales de «Placer visual y cine narrativo» son realmente sociológicas, lo cual (tal y como concluimos es sobre todo palpable en su particular combate contra el Inconsciente, piedra angular del psicoanálisis.Palabras clave: teoría del cine, feminismo, historiografía, Inconsciente, Laura Mulvey, Claire Johnston, Pam Cook.AbstractLaura Mulvey’s «Visual Pleasure and narrative Cinema» (Screen, 1975 is a key essay in the configuration of feminist film theory and its outstanding influence has exceeded this theoretical field. The aim of this historiographical paper is to undertake a critical reading of it in the light of the increasing institucionalization of feminism from

  17. Idealism and realism in International Relations: an ontological debate

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    Vitor Ramon Fernandes


    Full Text Available The debate between realism and idealism continues to mark the discipline of International Relations. On the one hand, realism argues that international politics is a struggle for power and a quest for survival, which results in a condition of permanent conflict between States without any possibility of evolution or progress. On the other hand, idealism considers it possible to build a world of peaceful coexistence, prosperity and well-being, achieved through cooperation and based on values and aspirations shared by humans. The object of this article is to analyse the debate between idealism and realism, considering it as an ontological debate and taking into account the controversy it has generated. The argument presented here is that both realism and idealism are two responses to the creation and maintenance of international order, that is, how States relate in international society; however these responses are not mutually exclusive and can coexist in constant tension with one another. An analysis of internationalist thought of two authors, Hans Morgenthau and Raymond Aron, is also presented, which relates to how they are positioned in this debate as well as International Relations as a whole.

  18. El modelo cubano en la guerrilla guatemalteca

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    Lino Martínez-Rebollar


    Full Text Available A partir del enfoque de la integración conceptual propuesto por Gilles Fauconnier y Mark Turner se mostró la importancia del modelo de la Revolución cubana en el primer ciclo revolucionario guatemalteco, que va de 1956 a 1967. Se analizaron los testimonios de los combatientes y un comunicado estatal que muestran la influencia de la Revolución cubana en el surgimiento de tres organizaciones guerrilleras en Guatemala: el Movimiento Revolucionario 13 de Noviembre (MR-13, el Movimiento Revolucionario 20 de Octubre o guerrilla de Concuá y las Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (FAR. Se demuestra la influencia que tuvo la Revolución comandada por Fidel Castro tanto en la violencia revolucionaria como en el uso estatal de la fuerza en el país centroamericano.

  19. Frames and comparators: How might a debate on synthetic biology evolve? (United States)

    Torgersen, Helge; Schmidt, Markus


    A stimulated early public debate is frequently advocated when introducing an emerging technology like synthetic biology (SB). To debate a still quite abstract technology, participants functionally need a frame that determines which arguments are legitimate and which issues are relevant. Often, such frames are based on previous debates over other novel technologies. Three technologies currently provide frames for discussing SB: (green) biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology. In the biotechnology debate, risk has long been emphasised over economic benefits. More recently, nanotechnology has been referred to mostly in terms of benefits, while risks tended to be an issue for scientific discourses. This has frequently been related to the many outreach activities around nanotechnology. Information technology, finally, has retained the image of being ‘cool’ and useful on a personal level. The technology itself is taken for granted and only the consequences of particular applications have been up for discussion. Upstream engagement exercises in SB will have to consider the comparator chosen more diligently, because it might influence the debate on SB ‘out there’ in the long run. PMID:23805003

  20. Frames and comparators: How might a debate on synthetic biology evolve? (United States)

    Torgersen, Helge; Schmidt, Markus


    A stimulated early public debate is frequently advocated when introducing an emerging technology like synthetic biology (SB). To debate a still quite abstract technology, participants functionally need a frame that determines which arguments are legitimate and which issues are relevant. Often, such frames are based on previous debates over other novel technologies. Three technologies currently provide frames for discussing SB: (green) biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology. In the biotechnology debate, risk has long been emphasised over economic benefits. More recently, nanotechnology has been referred to mostly in terms of benefits, while risks tended to be an issue for scientific discourses. This has frequently been related to the many outreach activities around nanotechnology. Information technology, finally, has retained the image of being 'cool' and useful on a personal level. The technology itself is taken for granted and only the consequences of particular applications have been up for discussion. Upstream engagement exercises in SB will have to consider the comparator chosen more diligently, because it might influence the debate on SB 'out there' in the long run.

  1. Presidential Debate Watching, Issue Knowledge, Character Evaluation, and Vote Choice (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Hansen, Glenn J.


    This study employs NES (National Election Survey) data from several presidential elections to investigate the effects of presidential debate watching on voters' issue knowledge, character evaluation, and vote choice. Debates can instill issue knowledge; however, voters are less likely to learn about incumbent presidents seeking re-election after a…

  2. Tracing the French Policy PISA Debate: A Policy Configuration Approach (United States)

    Pons, Xavier


    This article traces the evolution of the French policy PISA debate from 2001 to 2014 by analysing the results of two original qualitative researches. Theoretically, this debate is the outcome of specific policy configurations, which predetermine its scope, content and effectiveness. These configurations are themselves described through their…

  3. Brand Components in Electoral Debates: Presidential Elections Romania 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ovidiu-Aurel GHIUȚĂ


    Full Text Available The present paper illustrates the use of the brand and its components in the most important campaign debate of the presidential elections in Romania in 2009.The research method we have selected is the case study. The research technique consisted of the content analysis of the two speeches. The conducted analysis has included all the three types of the content analysis: conceptual, relational and qualitative analysis. The content analysis has been conducted by using the Nvivo software. The identification of the candidate’s brand in a single debate particularly entails its presence throughout the electoral campaign. We can outline the main component of the brand notion the two candidates have resorted to in this debate: Băsescu resorted to positioning, while Antonescu opted for differentiation and positioning.

  4. Active learning through a debate series in a first-year pharmacy self-care course. (United States)

    Lampkin, Stacie J; Collins, Christine; Danison, Ryan; Lewis, Michelle


    To evaluate the usefulness of formal debates in the pharmacy classroom as a way to learn course material and as a tool for developing competency in essential skills including critical thinking, communication, public speaking, research methods, and teamwork. Debates were incorporated into a self-care course, where students were assigned different debate topics focused on controversial issues. Quantitative analysis was completed to assess debate style learning, knowledge about the subjects presented, and the impact on necessary skills. Quizzes given before and after debates showed up to a 36% improvement in grades and up to a 31% change in opinions on the topic. Students assessed themselves as more competent in the skill sets at the completion of the debate series. Incorporation of debates into didactic style courses offers students an opportunity to improve upon skills that will help them succeed as pharmacists.

  5. Debate, Research on E-Cigarettes Continues (United States)

    Since they first began to be sold in North America in the mid-2000s, electronic cigarettes have been the subject of intense debate. NCI's Dr. Michele Bloch recently presented an update on some of the issues surrounding e-cigarettes.

  6. Israel debates raising commitment to CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Watzman, H


    Israel's science ministry is debating whether to apply for full membership of CERN since the 1992 agreement allowing Israel observer status is about to expire. Israeli physicists are pushing for full membership for political as well as scientific reasons (1 page).

  7. Greenhouse effect: a much debate question

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lenoir, Y.


    After a two year inquiry, a french research worker has denounced the official thesis of a growth of greenhouse effect. This paper gives the point of view of the author on climatic change and opens the debate with two another experts

  8. Interviewers' challenging questions in British broadcast debate interviews

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmertsen, Sofie


    that these are constructed in adherence with the IR’s formal neutrality as provided by the turn-taking system for the news interview. The paper suggests that debate interview cannot be adequately understood as organised according to one turn-taking system, but rather as organised by the turn-taking system for news......In recent years some British broadcast panel interviews take a particularly confrontational form. In these debate interviews, news seems to be generated as arguments provided by the interviewees who participate as protagonists of opposite positions. This paper will briefly attempt to show...

  9. Social influence in televised election debates: a potential distortion of democracy. (United States)

    Davis, Colin J; Bowers, Jeffrey S; Memon, Amina


    A recent innovation in televised election debates is a continuous response measure (commonly referred to as the "worm") that allows viewers to track the response of a sample of undecided voters in real-time. A potential danger of presenting such data is that it may prevent people from making independent evaluations. We report an experiment with 150 participants in which we manipulated the worm and superimposed it on a live broadcast of a UK election debate. The majority of viewers were unaware that the worm had been manipulated, and yet we were able to influence their perception of who won the debate, their choice of preferred prime minister, and their voting intentions. We argue that there is an urgent need to reconsider the simultaneous broadcast of average response data with televised election debates.

  10. A Functional Analysis of the 1988 Bush-Dukakis Presidential Debates. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Brazeal, LeAnn M.


    Applies the Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse to the 1988 presidential debates between George Bush and Michael Dukakis. Challenges the notion that this campaign was mostly negative. Concludes that despite the belief that modern campaigns are devoid of substance, these debates stressed policy about twice as much as character. (SG)

  11. Epilogue: global food security, rhetoric, and the sustainable intensification debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuijper, T.W.M.; Struik, P.C.


    The need to feed nine billion people in 2050 has given rise to widespread debate in science and policy circles. The debate is largely framed in neo-Malthusian terms, and elements of global food security (resilience of the food system, food quantity and quality, right to and access to food) demand

  12. Information Operations, an Evolutionary Step for the Mexican Armed Forces (United States)


    Marcela Sanchez. “Building On Plan Colombia,” Washington Post , 4 November 2006, Final Edition, A23. 72 Counterinsurgency. It is important to...Revolucionario (EPR), Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Independiente (ERPI), Comando Jaramillista Morelense of 23 May (CJM-23), Ejército Villista...the insurgency was influenced by Mexico’s transition from modernity to post modernity -- specifically its membership in NAFTA. If the country had

  13. The Debates in Marx's Scholarship on Dimensions of Human nature ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Debates in Marx scholarship revolve around whether Karl Marx recognizes the individual and social dimensions of human nature and which of the two he prefers. This paper considers the debates in two ways. The first relates to Marx scholarship in favour of the individual dimension of human nature. The second concerns ...

  14. An Examination of Undefined Forms of Proof in Academic Debate. (United States)

    Underwood, Willard A.

    Although texts on debate and argumentation deal with accepted forms of evidence, reasoning, and logical methods of proof, they do not cover adequately the "undefined" forms of proof. Criteria of evidence found in forensic literature are not always followed strictly by judges, in courtroom or classroom. Many debate judges allow imprecise, vague, or…

  15. The GM foods debate in Europe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scholderer, Joachim


    The debate on genetically modified (GM) foods has been led on multiple levels in Europe, including such diverse frames of reference as economic policy and international trade, environmental risk, bioethics, consumer protection and food safety. The shifting frames of reference are traced over...

  16. Orphan Drug Debate: A Cheat Sheet. (United States)

    Patel, Krishna R


    In some respects, the 1983 Orphan Drug Act is a success story. But high prices and allegations that some drug companies have twisted the law to their advantage have made it controversial. Here are some of the main points in the debate.

  17. An online debate series for first-year pharmacy students. (United States)

    Lin, Swu-Jane; Crawford, Stephanie Y


    This article describes an online debate series that was developed as a new component to an introductory core course for first-professional year pharmacy students. Objectives were to facilitate the group process, introduce controversial issues related to the US healthcare system, improve critical thinking and communication skills, enable students' ability to analyze and evaluate evidence, help develop skills in formulating written arguments, and encourage tolerance of diverse points of view. One hundred sixty-two students were assigned to 40 teams (half assigned to argue as "Pros" and half as "Cons") and paired into 20 debating groups. The paired teams posted 3 arguments in an online forum alternatively over a 12-week period. The winning teams were determined by a panel of 3 judges. Feedback from the judges was posted online and summarized in an in-class discussion. Thematic analysis of qualitative data from students and faculty members demonstrated the effectiveness of the online debate component in helping students work together in a group, learn alternative sides of complex issues, and write persuasive arguments. This novel online-debate forum was a feasible teaching and learning strategy, which helped pharmacy students improve their communication skills and critical thinking, expanded their scope of knowledge, and provided a platform for group process.

  18. Consumer-Mediated Health Information Exchanges: The 2012 ACMI Debate (United States)

    Cimino, James J.; Frisse, Mark; Halamka, John; Sweeney, Latanya; Yasnoff, William


    The American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) sponsors periodic debates during the American Medical Informatics Fall Symposium to highlight important informatics issues of broad interest. In 2012, a panel debated the following topic: “Resolved: Health Information Exchange Organizations Should Shift Their Principal Focus to Consumer-Mediated Exchange in Order to Facilitate the Rapid Development of Effective, Scalable, and Sustainable Health Information Infrastructure.” Those supporting the proposition emphasized the need for consumer-controlled community repositories of electronic health records (health record banks) to address privacy, stakeholder cooperation, scalability, and sustainability. Those opposing the proposition emphasized that the current healthcare environment is so complex that development of consumer control will take time and that even then, consumers may not be able to mediate their information effectively. While privately, each discussant recognizes that there are many sides to this complex issue, each followed the debater’s tradition of taking an extreme position in order emphasize some of the polarizing aspects in the short time allotted them. In preparing this summary, we sought to convey the substance and spirit of the debate in printed form. Transcripts of the actual debate were edited for clarity, and appropriate supporting citations were added for the further edification of the reader. PMID:24561078

  19. Exploring Parliamentary Debate as a Pedagogical Tool to Develop English Communication Skills in EFL/ESL Classrooms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eunice M. Aclan


    Full Text Available To survive in the 21st century workplace, communication skills are extremely important. However, a mismatch between the industry requirement and the university graduates’ competencies in terms of effective communication skills exists. Rote learning and lack of opportunities to practice English communication skills inside and outside the classroom are common issues in EFL/ESL contexts. Thus, this qualitative study was conducted to explore how debate as a pedagogical tool with three stages - pre-debate, actual debate and post-debate - can develop communication skills. The data were gathered through semi-structured one-on-one interview with five debate experts across from ASEAN countries and focus group interview with six ASEAN debate students. The participants of this study  described  the use of the pre-debate stage for the research and brainstorming tasks  that engage the team members with each other, the actual debate for the arguments, POI and rebuttals that actively engage debaters with their opponents, and the post-debate stage that engage all the debaters with the adjudicators, their team-mates and their opponents. This pedagogical aspect focusing on the three stages of debate which has implications for SLA and language teaching was not substantially dealt with in previous studies on debate.

  20. The structure of the climate debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tol, Richard S.J.


    First-best climate policy is a uniform carbon tax which gradually rises over time. Civil servants have complicated climate policy to expand bureaucracies, politicians to create rents. Environmentalists have exaggerated climate change to gain influence, other activists have joined the climate bandwagon. Opponents to climate policy have attacked the weaknesses in climate research. The climate debate is convoluted and polarized as a result, and climate policy complex. Climate policy should become easier and more rational as the Paris Agreement has shifted climate policy back towards national governments. Changing political priorities, austerity, and a maturing bureaucracy should lead to a more constructive climate debate. - Highlights: • Strong discrepancy between ideal and actual climate policy explained by incentives of policy-makers. • Paris Agreement allows for greater emphasis on national climate policies. • Shifting priorities and maturing bureaucracies allows climate policies to focus on greenhouse gas emission reduction.

  1. [The Danish debate on priority setting in medicine - characteristics and results]. (United States)

    Pornak, S; Meyer, T; Raspe, H


    Priority setting in medicine helps to achieve a fair and transparent distribution of health-care resources. The German discussion about priority setting is still in its infancy and may benefit from other countries' experiences. This paper aims to analyse the Danish priority setting debate in order to stimulate the German discussion. The methods used are a literature analysis and a document analysis as well as expert interviews. The Danish debate about priority setting in medicine began in the 1970s, when a government committee was constituted to evaluate health-care priorities at the national level. In the 1980s a broader debate arose in politics, ethics, medicine and health economy. The discussions reached a climax in the 1990s, when many local activities - always involving the public - were initiated. Some Danish counties tried to implement priority setting in the daily routine of health care. The Council of Ethics was a major player in the debate of the 1990s and published a detailed statement on priority setting in 1996. With the new century the debate about priority setting seemed to have come to an end, but in 2006 the Technology Council and the Danish Regions resumed the discussion. In 2009 the Medical Association called for a broad debate in order to achieve equity among all patients. The long lasting Danish debate on priority setting has entailed only very little practical consequences on health care. The main problems seem to have been the missing effort to bundle the various local initiatives on a national level and the lack of powerful players to put results of the discussion into practice. Nevertheless, today the attitude towards priority setting is predominantly positive and even politicians talk freely about it. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. Brunch and debate on theatre and quantum physics

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    The "Comédie de Genève" theatre is organizing a brunch on Sunday 18 January to accompany the play "Kaïros, sisyphes et zombies" which is playing from 15 to 25 January. Michel Cassé, astrophysicist and Director of Research at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) in Paris, will come to debate with the play’s director, Oskar Gómez Mata, and the entire Kaïros team on the topic of "Théâtre – physique quantique: enquête sur le réel". While the parents take part in the "debate-brunch", the children can have fun with activities organized by "la Bulle d’Air" musical association. Sunday 18 January The brunch starts at 11:30 followed by the debate at 12:30, "la Bulle d’Air" activities will run from 12:30 to 14:00. La Comédie de Genève, 6 bd des Philosophes, 1205 Geneva Entry with brunch: 18 CHF (15 CHF for members). Entry without brunch: 10 CHF Animation for the children: free.

  3. [Personal genomics: are we debating the right Issues?]. (United States)

    Vayena, E; Mauch, F


    The debate about personal genomics and their role in personalized medicine has been, to some extent, hijacked by the controversy about commercially available genomic tests sold directly to consumers. The clinical validity and utility of such tests are currently limited and most medical associations recommend that consumers refrain from testing. Conversely, DTC genomics proponents and particularly the DTC industry argue that there is personal utility in acquiring genomic information. While it is necessary to debate risks and benefits of DTC genomics, we should not lose sight of the increasingly important role that genomics will play in medical practice and public health. Therefore, and in anticipation of this shift we also need to focus on important implications from the use of genomics information such as genetic discrimination, privacy protection and equitable access to health care. Undoubtedly, personal genomics will challenge our social norms maybe more than our medicine. Sticking to the polarization of «to have or not to have DTC genomics» risks to takes us away from the critical issues we need to be debating.

  4. Introduction of formal debate into a postgraduate specialty track education programme in periodontics in Japan. (United States)

    Saito, A; Fujinami, K


    To evaluate the formal debate as an active learning strategy within a postgraduate specialty track education programme in periodontics. A formal debate was implemented as an active learning strategy in the programme. The participants were full-time faculty, residents and dentists attending special courses at a teaching hospital in Japan. They were grouped into two evenly matched opposing teams, judges and audience. As a preparation for the debate, the participants attended a lecture on critical thinking. At the time of debate, each team provided a theme report with a list of references. Performances and contents of the debate were evaluated by the course instructors and audience. Pre- and post-debate testing was used to assess the participants' objective knowledge on clinical periodontology. Evaluation of the debate by the participants revealed that scores for criteria, such as presentation performance, response with logic and rebuttal effectiveness were relatively low. Thirty-eight per cent of the participants demonstrated higher test scores after the debate, although there was no statistically significant difference in the mean scores between pre- and post-tests. At the end of the debate, vast majority of participants recognised the significance and importance of the formal debate in the programme. It was suggested that the incorporation of the formal debate could serve as an educational tool for the postgraduate specialty track programme. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  5. Social influence in televised election debates: a potential distortion of democracy.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Colin J Davis

    Full Text Available A recent innovation in televised election debates is a continuous response measure (commonly referred to as the "worm" that allows viewers to track the response of a sample of undecided voters in real-time. A potential danger of presenting such data is that it may prevent people from making independent evaluations. We report an experiment with 150 participants in which we manipulated the worm and superimposed it on a live broadcast of a UK election debate. The majority of viewers were unaware that the worm had been manipulated, and yet we were able to influence their perception of who won the debate, their choice of preferred prime minister, and their voting intentions. We argue that there is an urgent need to reconsider the simultaneous broadcast of average response data with televised election debates.

  6. MO-FG-BRB-00: AAPM Presidential Debate [medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  7. MO-FG-BRB-04: Debater [Medical physics education

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seibert, J. [UC Davis Medical Center (United States)


    Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016! Learning Objectives: Understand AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education Learn AAPM members’ views and opinions on issues facing professional practice Identify AAPM members’ view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay.

  8. Quantum mechanics interpretation: scalled debate; La interpretacion de la teoria cuantica: un debate permanente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez Gomez, J. L.


    This paper discusses the two main issues of the so called quantum debate, that started in 1927 with the famous Bohr-Einstein controversy; namely non-separability and the projection postulate. Relevant interpretations and formulations of quantum mechanics are critically analyzed in the light of the said issues. The treatment is focused chiefly on fundamental points, so that technical ones are practically not dealt with here. (Author) 20 refs.

  9. Social partners debate collective agreement system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van het Kaar, R.


    Worries about levels of union membership have prompted debates on the collective bargaining system in the Netherlands. Governments have supported collective bargaining but the current Minister for Employment has stressed the need to enlarge the social base of the system and has sought advice from

  10. Reflexões e problemas da "transmissão" intergeracional no feminismo brasileiro Reflections and problems of intergenerational "transmission" in Brazilian feminism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliane Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Este artigo parte de uma observação situada do presente e de algumas indagações acerca das possibilidades e limites da transmissão de um ideário - princípios, valores, metodologias, saberes, etc. - através do tempo. O feminismo, enquanto um movimento político coletivo, cujas demandas por reconhecimento e legitimação pressupõem estratégias de formação contínuas, enfrenta, de tempos em tempos, impasses que estão relacionados à sua existência no presente e continuidade no futuro. O artigo pretende problematizar conceitos e questões em torno do "envelhecimento" das gerações que deram sustentação à política feminista a partir da redemocratização, no Brasil, ao final dos anos 1970, constituindo, no País, o legado da chamada "segunda onda". Nossa perspectiva busca interrogar sobre os processos de mudança social, contingentes e necessários a uma política de "transmissão" e formação de novas gerações.This article is based on an observation of the present and on some questions about the possibilities and limits of the transmission of a set of ideas - principles, values, methodologies, knowledge etc. - over time. Feminism, as a political and collective movement, which demands recognition and legitimacy, presumes strategies of permanent formation, and is confronted from time to time, with struggles that are related to its existence in the present and to its continuity in the future. The article aims at questioning concepts about the aging of the generations who gave support to feminist politics during the Brazilian re-democratization process in the late 1970s, which constituted itself the heritage of the so called "second wave". Our perspective aims to interrogate processes of social change, understood as contingent and also necessary, to a politics of intergenerational transmission.

  11. Patient safety is not elective: a debate at the NPSF Patient Safety Congress. (United States)

    McTiernan, Patricia; Wachter, Robert M; Meyer, Gregg S; Gandhi, Tejal K


    The opening keynote session of the 16th Annual National Patient Safety Foundation Patient Safety Congress, held 14-16 May 2014, featured a debate addressing the merits and challenges of accountability with respect to key issues in patient safety. The specific resolution debated was: Certain safety practices should be inviolable, and transgressions should result in penalties, potentially including fines, suspensions, and firing. The themes discussed in the debate are issues that healthcare professionals and leaders commonly struggle with in their day-to-day work. How do we draw a line between systems problems and personal failings? When should clinicians and staff be penalised for failing to follow a known safety protocol? The majority of those who listened to the live debate agreed that it is time to begin holding health professionals accountable when they wilfully or repeatedly violate policies or protocols put in place by their institutions to protect the safety of patients. This article summarises the debate as well as the questions and discussion generated by each side. A video of the original debate can be found at Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  12. A calf is born : a reconstruction of the public debate on animal biotechnology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Theune, E.


    'How should public debates be understood?' is the central question of this study. And it is answered by reconstructing a single public debate, namely the debate about the transgenic bull Herman. Herman the bull was created by Gene Pharming in 1989. An extra gene has been inserted in his genome as to

  13. Recent debates in philosophy of management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl


    In this chapter, we examine legitimacy in relation to recent debates on the philosophy of management and corporations that have emerged to deal with the decline of Protestant ethics. On this basis, we discuss the concepts of corporate citizenship and the good citizen corporations as recent efforts...

  14. Debating death: religion, politics, and the Oregon Death With Dignity Act. (United States)

    Purvis, Taylor E


    In 1994, Oregon passed the Oregon Death With Dignity Act, becoming the first state in the nation to allow physician-assisted suicide (PAS). This paper compares the public discussion that occurred in 1994 and during the Act's implementation in 1997 and examines these debates in relation to health care reform under the Obama administration. I argue that the 1994 and 1997 Oregon PAS campaigns and the ensuing public debate represent the culmination of a growing lack of deference to medical authority, concerns with the doctor-patient relationship, and a desire for increased patient autonomy over decisions during death. The public debate over PAS in Oregon underscored the conflicts among competing religious, political, and personal interests. More visible and widespread than any other American debate on PAS, the conflict in Oregon marked the beginning of the now nationwide problem of determining if and when a terminally ill person can choose to die.

  15. Psychopathy and Personality: Advances and Debates. (United States)

    Miller, Joshua D; Lynam, Donald R


    Nine original articles comprise this special issue of the Journal of Personality addressing personality-based perspectives of psychopathy. In this introduction to the special issue, we review five advances and areas of agreement that are highlighted across the articles, including the utility of trait perspectives to psychopathy, the emergence of a prototypical trait profile of psychopathy, the importance of recognizing earlier developmental manifestations of psychopathy, the ongoing study and revelation of the basic neural underpinnings of psychopathy, and the important theoretical and empirical association between psychopathy and antisocial behavior. At the same time, several important debates remain, which are also highlighted in the special issue's articles. These debates center around the necessity and sufficiency of certain psychopathy traits, the role of traits alternatively labeled stable Extraversion, fearless dominance, or boldness, and the validity and utility of separating psychopathy from Machiavellianism as is done in research on the Dark Triad. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Great nuclear debate: German--American disagreements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaiser, K.


    The post-war international consensus on nuclear nonproliferation has been eroding because of the debate over actions taken by some countries and because of the U.S. response with a unilateral change in nuclear policy. The chronology of developments is traced, noting that the 1973--74 oil crisis, India's nuclear explosion in 1974, and the exchange of Brazilian uranium for German technology all had a major role in the policy controversy. New nonproliferation proposals by the Carter administration, by precipitating debate between those wanting tighter export controls and those with nuclear commercial interests, also introduced several foreign-relations problems because of the emphasis on international agreements and a technological approach. The U.S. is credited with taking a constructive step to correct the inadequacies of the present policies and exerting pressure for global involvement in reassessing the rules on armaments and proliferation. Significant U.S. leadership could also take the form of lower energy consumption

  17. An Online Debate Series for First-Year Pharmacy Students (United States)

    Crawford, Stephanie Y.


    Objectives This article describes an online debate series that was developed as a new component to an introductory core course for first-professional year pharmacy students. Objectives were to facilitate the group process, introduce controversial issues related to the US healthcare system, improve critical thinking and communication skills, enable students' ability to analyze and evaluate evidence, help develop skills in formulating written arguments, and encourage tolerance of diverse points of view. Design One hundred sixty-two students were assigned to 40 teams (half assigned to argue as “Pros” and half as “Cons”) and paired into 20 debating groups. The paired teams posted 3 arguments in an online forum alternatively over a 12-week period. The winning teams were determined by a panel of 3 judges. Assessment Feedback from the judges was posted online and summarized in an in-class discussion. Thematic analysis of qualitative data from students and faculty members demonstrated the effectiveness of the online debate component in helping students work together in a group, learn alternative sides of complex issues, and write persuasive arguments. Conclusion This novel online-debate forum was a feasible teaching and learning strategy, which helped pharmacy students improve their communication skills and critical thinking, expanded their scope of knowledge, and provided a platform for group process. PMID:17429512

  18. Het gentech debat ontleed : een analyse van terugkerende kernthema's en argumenten.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keulartz, F.W.J.; Oever, v.d. L.; Vriend, H.


    In deze signalering is een analyse gemaakt van het maatschappelijke debat rond genetische modificatie en haar toepassingen. Met deze analyse van het debat hoopt de COGEM overheden en andere betrokkenen meer inzicht in de terugkerende thema's en de gehanteerde argumenten te geven en de achtergronden

  19. Parliamentary cultures and human embryos: the Dutch and British debates compared

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kirejczyk, Marta


    Twenty years ago, the technology of in vitro fertilization created a new artefact: the human embryo outside the woman's body. In many countries, political debates developed around this artefact. One of the central questions in these debates is whether it is permissible to use human embryos in

  20. Promoting Active Learning of Ethical Issues in Marketing Communications Using Debates (United States)

    Roy, Donald P.


    Expectations from the business world and business school accreditation bodies to create learning outcomes that enhance students' understanding of ethical concepts call for marketing educators to integrate ethics into their pedagogy. This paper summarizes a debate activity used in an undergraduate marketing communications course. Debates engage…

  1. Case-based debates: an innovative teaching tool in nephrology education. (United States)

    Jhaveri, Kenar D; Chawla, Arun; Shah, Hitesh H


    Medical educators have called for new teaching methods and materials that supplement the traditional lecture format, and education in a range of health professions, including medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, is using a game-based approach to teach learners. Here, we describe a novel teaching tool in a case-based debate using the game format. Two teams of first- and second-year nephrology fellows participated in a PowerPoint game-based debate about which tests to order to diagnose transplant-related case. Our pilot study assessed the participant acceptance of case-based debate sessions and rewards system, and participant perceptions of using this approach to teach fellows and residents the importance of each test ordered and its cost-effectiveness in medicine. Each test ordered requires an explanation and has a point value attached to it (based on relevance and cost of positive and negative test results). The team that comes up with the diagnosis with most points wins the game. A faculty member leads a short concluding discussion. Subjective evaluations found these case-based debates to be highly entertaining and thought-provoking and to enhance self-directed learning.

  2. The standardization debate: A conflation trap in critical care electroencephalography. (United States)

    Ng, Marcus C; Gaspard, Nicolas; Cole, Andrew J; Hoch, Daniel B; Cash, Sydney S; Bianchi, Matt; O'Rourke, Deirdre A; Rosenthal, Eric S; Chu, Catherine J; Westover, M Brandon


    Persistent uncertainty over the clinical significance of various pathological continuous electroencephalography (cEEG) findings in the intensive care unit (ICU) has prompted efforts to standardize ICU cEEG terminology and an ensuing debate. We set out to understand the reasons for, and a satisfactory resolution to, this debate. We review the positions for and against standardization, and examine their deeper philosophical basis. We find that the positions for and against standardization are not fundamentally irreconcilable. Rather, both positions stem from conflating the three cardinal steps in the classic approach to EEG, which we term "description", "interpretation", and "prescription". Using real-world examples we show how this conflation yields muddled clinical reasoning and unproductive debate among electroencephalographers that is translated into confusion among treating clinicians. We propose a middle way that judiciously uses both standardized terminology and clinical reasoning to disentangle these critical steps and apply them in proper sequence. The systematic approach to ICU cEEG findings presented herein not only resolves the standardization debate but also clarifies clinical reasoning by helping electroencephalographers assign appropriate weights to cEEG findings in the face of uncertainty. Copyright © 2014 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. TRABALHO, EMPREGO, PRECARIEDADE: dimensões conceituais em debate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Beckenkamp Vargas

    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir conceitualmente a noção de precariedade do trabalho, tendo em vista que ela é amplamente utilizada na sociologia, sem que um significado preciso seja formulado. Propõe-se uma abordagem relacional e construtivista, que procura articular as condições objetivas e subjetivas de produção do fenômeno em questão. Para tanto, parte-se do debate sobre o conceito de trabalho, a fim de melhor definir em que consiste sua precariedade. Argumenta-se, igualmente, a necessidade de situar esse debate no âmbito de quadros teóricos mais amplos de interpretação sociológica. Identificam-se duas dimensões cruciais na análise da precariedade do trabalho, a relação de emprego ou trabalho e a atividade laboral propriamente dita, discutindo-se exemplarmente as perspectivas teóricas de dois autores franceses especialmente interessados nesse tema: Robert Castel e Serge Paugam. Finalmente, discutem-se algumas implicações desse debate para a realidade brasileira, sustentando-se a importância de dar um tratamento multidimensional ao fenômeno.

  4. Genetic engineering in agriculture and corporate engineering in public debate: risk, public relations, and public debate over genetically modified crops. (United States)

    Patel, Rajeev; Torres, Robert J; Rosset, Peter


    Corporations have long influenced environmental and occupational health in agriculture, doing a great deal of damage, making substantial profits, and shaping public debate to make it appear that environmental misfortunes are accidents of an otherwise well-functioning system, rather than systemic. The debate over the genetically modified (GM) crops is an example. The largest producer of commercial GM seeds, Monsanto, exemplifies the industry's strategies: the invocation of poor people as beneficiaries, characterization of opposition as technophobic or anti-progress, and portrayal of their products as environmentally beneficial in the absence of or despite the evidence. This strategy is endemic to contemporary market capitalism, with its incentives to companies to externalize health and environmental costs to increase profits.

  5. Massemedier som forum for politisk debat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laursen, Bo; Trapp, Leila


    Ifølge normative teorier om politisk offentlighed og demokrati bør der i deliberative demokratier som det danske foregå en bred offentlig debat, inden politikere træffer beslutninger. Debatten, der i dagens Danmark hovedsagelig foregår i massemedierne, skal blandt andet sikre, at alle synspunkter...

  6. Quantum mechanics interpretation: scalled debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez Gomez, J. L.


    This paper discusses the two main issues of the so called quantum debate, that started in 1927 with the famous Bohr-Einstein controversy; namely non-separability and the projection postulate. Relevant interpretations and formulations of quantum mechanics are critically analyzed in the light of the said issues. The treatment is focused chiefly on fundamental points, so that technical ones are practically not dealt with here. (Author) 20 refs

  7. The nuclear debate in Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macaulay, H.L.


    The author argues that the nuclear debate in Canada is concerned less with the safety of nuclear power plants and more with arguments of economics and social decision-making. The nuclear industry cannot afford to neglect the continuing need to inform the public about nuclear risks. But there is also a need to develop specific arguments to increase public acceptance of nuclear energy as an economic, democratic and equitable energy option

  8. Las elecciones generales españolas de 2008: "bipolarización antagónica" fomentada por intereses político-mediáticos y las nuevas tecnologías

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Sampedro


    Full Text Available Las elecciones generales españolas de 2008 reprodujeron características ya comunes en las democracias occidentales: campañas permanentes, negativismo y personalización. Los medios de comunicación dominantes desplegaron a lo largo de la campaña una estrategia de polarización bipartidista incentivada por los socialdemócratas y los conservadores, lo que resultó en una pérdida de poder para los pequeños partidos nacionalistas y los partidos de izquierda. Los debates de los candidatos retornaron a la TV española después de 15 años, pero el papel moderador de los periodistas fue abolido por los dos grandes partidos, que acordaron previamente los temas de debate. La utilización por los candidatos de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación no se tradujo en una "campaña ciudadana" o "desde abajo". La participación ciudadana espontánea resultó más temida que deseada, y los recursos revolucionarios de la Web 2.0 fueron cooptados por los partidos, integrándolos en sus estrategias de marketing político.

  9. "Todas las caperucitas rojas se vuelven lobos en la práctica pospornográfica" "All little red riding hoods become wolves in post-pornographic practices"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Prada


    Full Text Available La teoría feminista ha construido una crítica particular de la pornografía que está lejos de ser uniforme y toma el carácter de un debate. Sus orígenes tienen lugar en Estados Unidos a finales de los setenta, en donde se consolidan dos posiciones: una antipornografía y otra pro-sex. En España, autoras como Raquel Osborne y Dolores Juliano asumen la segunda postura, abonando el terreno para la consolidación del porno-feminismo, que intenta eliminar los sesgos androcéntricos del discurso pornográfico, produciendo pornografía con fines adicionales al masturbatorio.Feminist theory has constructed a particular criticism of pornography that is far from being uniform and takes the character of a debate. Its origins take place in the U.S. in the late seventies, where two positions consolidate: an anti-pornography and a pro-sex. In Spain authors like Raquel Osborne and Dolores Juliano assume the second posture, creating grounds for the consolidation of porn-feminism, which tries to eliminate andocentric biases of the pornographic speech, producing pornography with additional purposes besides the masturbatory.

  10. The nuclear debate: ethics versus effectiveness; Morale et efficacite dans le debat nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lambert, D


    Following some political maneuvering, a new debate on the future of nuclear deterrence is about to resurface. And a first deadline has been set by the need to restore the strategic balance between the United States and Russia before the START Treaty ends on 5 December 2009, as well as by preparation for the next NPT Review Conference. Perception of the main threat has changed, but so have concepts of deterrence. Far from outmoded, deterrence forms part of a broader vision in which realism has the edge over idealism. (author)

  11. Debate: The concept of culture has outlived its usefulness for psychiatry. (United States)

    Rashed, Mohammed A; Bingham, Rachel; Poole, Norman A; Sanati, Abdi; van Staden, Werdie


    This paper presents a debate in which the authors participated at the World Psychiatric Association conference in Cape Town, South Africa in November 2016. Professor van Staden acted as chair and here, as at the debate, provides a rationale for debating a topic that many of those involved in mental health believe to be decided. The discussion that ensued demonstrated, however, that while the arguments have moved on they have not ceased. Who won? Well that depends how you look at it. A few in the audience shifted position towards the motion but the majority remained opposed. What do you think? Declaration of interest None.

  12. Iniciativas e ações feministas no audiovisual brasileiro contemporâneo

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    Marina Cavalcanti Tedesco


    Full Text Available É possível afirmar que nos últimos dois anos a palavra feminismo adquiriu um novo peso, conquistando um espaço significativo nas redes sociais, na mídia e nas ruas. O audiovisual foi uma das áreas que acompanhou esta ascensão recente do feminismo, o que se materializou através de uma série de iniciativas focadas em reivindicar direitos e discutir o machismo no mercado de trabalho. Neste artigo pretendemos, sem nenhuma pretensão de esgotar o tema, apresentar e refletir sobre oito iniciativas que consideramos emblemáticas dessa intersecção contemporânea entre feminismo e cinema: Mulher no Cinema, Mulheres do Audiovisual Brasil, Mulheres Negras no Audiovisual Brasileiro, Cabíria Prêmio de Roteiro, Eparrêi Filmes, Academia das Musas, Cineclube Delas e o FINCAR – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Realizadoras.

  13. To Watch or to Read? The Respective Influence of Televised Political Debates and Media Debate Coverage on Citizen Learning (United States)

    Kunde, Meg


    Courses: Media and Politics, Political Communication, Political Rhetoric, Media Effects. Objective: By taking part in a classroom activity, students will explore how cognitive frames and media frames play a role in learning from political debates.

  14. Beyond Learning and Persona: Extending the Scope of Presidential Debate Effects. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; McKinney, Mitchell S.; Holbert, R. Lance


    Uses a pretest/posttest design to assess more subtle effects of watching a 2000 presidential debate on attitudes and vote intention among undergraduate students. Notes that leadership and overall policy stance became more important factors in vote choice after watching the debate. Demonstrates a variety of potentially important effects of watching…

  15. Teacher-Pay Experiments Mounting Amid Debate (United States)

    Olson, Lynn


    The debate over linking teacher pay to student test scores that ignited on Capitol Hill recently underscores the growing momentum--and continued controversy--behind tying what teachers earn to what students learn. Both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers came out swinging against language in a draft bill for…

  16. Why and How EFL Students Learn Vocabulary in Parliamentary Debate Class

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    Eunice M. Aclan


    Full Text Available Vocabulary, the backbone of any language including English, is foundational for listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four macro-skills are necessary not only in gaining knowledge as English is the language to access major information sources particularly the World Wide Web but also in the demanding globalized workplace. Vocabulary is seen to be learned better when it is contextualized thus language teachers should design communicative activities such as debate. However, debate, being more known as a competitive rather than a classroom activity worldwide, has not been explored yet for its potential to develop vocabulary among EFL/ESL students although it has been identified for its power in developing communication skills in general as well as critical thinking and other soft skills. Thus, this qualitative study was conducted to explore why and how EFL students learn vocabulary in classroom debate. The data were gathered through end-of-course evaluation and focus group interview with seven participants from the Middle East, African and ASEAN countries. The findings show that students learned vocabulary due to debate’s interactive nature requiring contextualized and meaningful language use from preparation to actual debate. EFL students described how they learned vocabulary through debate which has implications for SLA and language teaching.   Keywords: Noticing hypothesis, Comprehensible input, Incomprehensible input, Vocabulary building strategies

  17. The crisis of fair value accounting: Making sense of the recent debate


    Laux, Christian; Leuz, Christian


    The recent financial crisis has led to a vigorous debate about the pros and cons of fair-value accounting (FVA). This debate presents a major challenge for FVA going forward and standard setters’ push to extend FVA into other areas. In this article, we highlight four important issues as an attempt to make sense of the debate. First, much of the controversy results from confusion about what is new and different about FVA. Second, while there are legitimate concerns about marking to market (or ...

  18. El cine como transgresión: deseo, política y feminismo en Camila (María Luisa Bemberg, 1984

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kratje, Julia


    Full Text Available [es] El objetivo general de este artículo es realizar un análisis de Camila (1984 de María Luisa Bemberg, obra clave para la historización de la relación entre cine y feminismo en la Argentina. El objetivo específico es investigar la construcción de la figura de mujer moderna como sujeto deseante en la transposición de los acontecimientos decimonónicos al film. La hipótesis que guía el trabajo es que el vínculo entre deseo y política aparece expresado bajo una forma cinematográfica convencional orientada por una revisión crítica del drama histórico. Con ese propósito, indagamos el film a partir del horizonte de emancipación abierto por el movimiento de mujeres y la cultura cinematográfica. Teniendo en cuenta las modificaciones operadas en la adaptación de los sucesos documentados, exploramos el repertorio figurativo desde el foco puesto en la relación de la protagonista con la moral católica y los lazos familiares, que perfilan a Camila O’Gorman como un personaje avant la lettre. [en] The general objective of this article is to analyze María Luisa Bemberg’s Camila (1984, a fundamental film about the relationship between cinema and feminism in Argentina. The specific objective is to investigate the construction of the figure of modern woman as a desiring subject in the adaptation of nineteenth-century history to the film, whose transposition refers to events of 1847, at the time of the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas (1835-1852. The hypothesis that guides the work is that the link between desire and politics is expressed in a feminist cinematographic form, oriented by a critical revision of the historical drama. With this purpose, I am interested in investigating the film from the horizon of emancipation opened by the women’s movement and the cinematographic culture connected with the “second wave”.

  19. Rosa, el nuevo color del feminismo: un análisis del transporte exclusivo para mujeres




    Este artículo explora la relación entre la movilidad urbana de las mujeres y la violencia en su contra en el transporte público. En particular, explora los temas de género que influyen en el abuso sexual en tal transporte, con atención tanto en los roles tradicionales de la mujer como ama de casa y no como una figura pública, así como en el debate innato o adquirido en la explicación del comportamiento del hombre. Dado que los servicios de transporte exclusivo para mujeres fueron implementado...

  20. Effects of Presidential Debate Watching and Ideology on Attitudes and Knowledge. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; Webber, David J.; Berman, Julie


    Compares respondents who watched the first 1996 presidential debate with respondents who did not. Finds (1) those who watched the debate could more accurately recognize issue positions of Clinton and Dole than nonwatchers; (2) differences in the groups' assessment of character traits of the leading candidates; and (3) more respondents gave policy…

  1. The Internal Suicide Debate Hypothesis: Exploring the Life versus Death Struggle (United States)

    Harris, Keith M.; McLean, John P.; Sheffield, Jeanie; Jobes, David


    Researchers and theorists (e.g., Shneidman, Stengel, Kovacs, and Beck) hypothesized that suicidal people engage in an internal debate, or struggle, over whether to live or die, but few studies have tested its tenability. This study introduces direct assessment of a suicidal debate, revealing new aspects of suicidal ideation. Results, from an…

  2. Clearing the Waters of the Fracking Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ernstoff, Alexi; Ellis, Brian R.


    reserves, but instead, to highlight similar environmental challenges presented by other industrial activities. Many research and knowledge gaps remain regarding the ultimate impact of high volume hydraulic fracturing on the environment, however, the high profile nature of the fracking debate can help raise......Much of the debate on “fracking” in the United States is fueled by poor communication among stakeholders. Information in the public sphere may be provided by biased sources, and complicated academic research is often misinterpreted by media sources. The goal of this review is to provide an open......-access source for a non-technical audience that facilitates a balanced discussion on the complex topics related to hydraulic fracturing and its impact on water resources. The limited information available suggests that many of the environmental concerns related to hydraulic fracturing activities may be similar...

  3. The Debate over eHealth

    CERN Document Server

    Gaddi, Antonio Vittorino


    The future of eHealth and telemedicine has recently become a much debated and controversial subject. It is widely believed that eHealth will play an increasingly important role in shaping healthcare systems in the twenty-first century. The rising burden of chronic diseases and the potential of eHealth for cutting costs and improving quality and safety of health services make eHealth a great opportunity for providing more efficient health care.

  4. Reframing the English Grammar Schools Debate (United States)

    Morris, Rebecca; Perry, Thomas


    In October 2015 the Department for Education (DfE) permitted a grammar school in Tonbridge, Kent, to open up an annexe in Sevenoaks, 10 miles away. Amidst claims that the annexe was essentially a new grammar school, the decision reignited an old debate about the value of academically-selective "grammar" schools in England. The intensity…

  5. The Net Neutrality Debate: The Basics (United States)

    Greenfield, Rich


    Rich Greenfield examines the basics of today's net neutrality debate that is likely to be an ongoing issue for society. Greenfield states the problems inherent in the definition of "net neutrality" used by Common Cause: "Network neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be able to access any web content they choose and…

  6. Debate: a teaching-learning strategy for developing competence in communication and critical thinking. (United States)

    Darby, Michele


    The literature highlights key benefits from debate as a teaching-learning strategy for developing critical thinking and analytical skills while fostering teamwork and communication. Authors report that this method of teaching-learning has been implemented successfully in nursing and occupational therapy programs and would benefit other academic programs in the health sciences, particularly in courses that cover controversial issues. Although there are disadvantages to using the debate as a teaching-learning strategy, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. In conclusion, debating is an effective pedagogical strategy because of the level of responsibility for learning and active involvement required by all student debaters. Moreover, it provides an experience by which students can develop competencies in researching current issues, preparing logical arguments, actively listening to various perspectives, differentiating between subjective and evidence-based information, asking cogent questions, integrating relevant information, and formulating their own opinions based on evidence. After the debate is over, students also report that the experience is FUN!

  7. How Can a Taxonomy of Stances Help Clarify Classical Debates on Scientific Change?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hakob Barseghyan


    Full Text Available In this paper, we demonstrate how a systematic taxonomy of stances can help elucidate two classic debates of the historical turn—the Lakatos–Feyerabend debate concerning theory rejection and the Feyerabend–Kuhn debate about pluralism during normal science. We contend that Kuhn, Feyerabend, and Lakatos were often talking at cross-purposes due to the lack of an agreed upon taxonomy of stances. Specifically, we provide three distinct stances that scientists take towards theories: acceptance of a theory as the best available description of its domain, use of a theory in practical applications, and pursuit (elaboration of a theory. We argue that in the Lakatos–Feyerabend debate, Lakatos was concerned with acceptance whereas Feyerabend was mainly concerned with pursuit. Additionally, we show how Feyerabend and Kuhn’s debate on the role of pluralism/monism in normal science involved a crucial conflation of all three stances. Finally, we outline a few general lessons concerning the process of scientific change.

  8. Can NGOs Make a Difference? Revisiting and Reframing a 20-year Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Opoku-Mensah, Paul Yaw


    The article seeks to connect the vibrant debates in the Nordic region on NGOs and the aid system with the international comparative debates on NGOs and development alternatives. It argues for a    reformulation of the international debate on NGOs and development alternatives to address...... the foundational questions related to the formative role and structural impact of the international aid system on NGOs and their roles. This reformulation moves the discussions further and enables analyses that provide understanding of the actual and potential role of NGOs to transform development  processes....

  9. Romans 1:18-32 amidst the gay-debate: Interpretative options | Punt ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The prominence of Romans 1:18-32 in the gay-debate is the subject of various and wide-ranging opinions as far as the most adequate interpretation of this passage. This contribution puts the debate about the text into perspective by surveying some recent alternative opinions on its meaning. It is established that two ...

  10. Senate begins clean air legislation debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yates, M.


    This article reports on Senate debate on the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1989. Topics include acid rain provisions, administration objections, costs of the bill including disparity of costs in different regions and cost-sharing proposals, and the effects the current energy policy will have on the bill. Presidential, Senate, and subcommittee views on the bill are presented

  11. Debates over School Shutdowns Heating Up (United States)

    Zubrzycki, Jaclyn


    As school closures are increasingly used as a remedy to budget woes and a solution to failing schools in many cities, debates are intensifying about their effect on student performance and well-being, on district finances, and on communities and the processes districts use to choose which schools will be shuttered. Student and parent groups in…

  12. The 'humanitarian dimension' of nuclear disarmament: a legitimate debate?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tertrais, Bruno


    Since 2010, a debate on the 'humanitarian dimension' of disarmament has been initiated by several governments and non-governmental organisations. It is not unreasonable to measure the potential impact of a major nuclear event on populations and on the biosphere. Yet the grounds for this debate are questionable, and its political conclusions even more so. (author)

  13. Mayor's Firm Hand over N.Y.C. Schools Sparks New Debate (United States)

    Archer, Jeff


    This article reports a new debate on mayoral control over New York City schools. Mayoral control of the N.Y.C. schools was at the center of renewed debate, after Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg replaced two members of the city's education policymaking board to ensure enough votes for a controversial plan he backed to end social promotion. The shakeup…

  14. Learning through Debate during Problem-Based Learning: An Active Learning Strategy (United States)

    Mumtaz, Sadaf; Latif, Rabia


    We explored medical student's views and perceptions of a series of debates conducted during problem-based learning (PBL) practiced as a part of the Spiral curriculum at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. A series of debates were employed during PBL sessions for second-year female medical students, over the period 2014-2016.…

  15. La cuestión sanitaria en el debate modernidad-posmodernidad The sanitary question in the modernity-postmodernity debate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celia Iriart


    Full Text Available Este trabajo situa a la cuestión sanitaria en el debate modernidad-posmodernidad. Tal análisis se realiza desde una posición filosófica que plantea la crisis de la modernidad y cuestiona la torsión ideológica que a la misma le propicía la posmodernidad obturando las visiones cuestionadoras. Propiciando una vision alternativa de lo político pensada desde el plano de la potencia, recuperando el rol del sujeto en la decisión de producir transformaciones.This work analyzes the sanitary question in the modernity-postmodernity debate. Such analyses are performed form a philosophical position that states the crisis of Modernity and questions the ideological twist that to itself propitiates postmodernity, shutting out questioning views or visions. It propitiates an alternative view of politics, thinking of it from the potency plane and giving a role to the subject in the decision of producing transformations.

  16. Debate on global warming as a socio-scientific issue: science teaching towards political literacy (United States)

    dos Santos, Wildson Luiz Pereira


    The focus of this response to the original article by Tom G. H. Bryce and Stephen P. Day (Cult Stud Sci Educ. doi: 10.1007/s11422-012-9407-1, 2013) is the use of empirical data to illustrate and expand the understanding of key points of their argument. Initially, I seek to discuss possible answers to the three questions posed by the authors related to: (1) the concerns to be addressed and the scientific knowledge to be taken into account in the climate change debate, (2) the attention to be paid to perspectives taken by "alarmists" and "deniers," and (3) the approaches to be used to conduct controversial global warming debate. In this discussion, I seek to contribute to the debate proposed by the original paper, illustrating various points commented on by the authors and expanding to other possibilities, which highlight the importance of political issues in the debate. Therefore, I argue that socio-political issues must be taken into account when I aim for a scientific literacy that can enhance students' political education. Likewise, I extend the debate presented in the original article, emphasizing the attention that should be paid to these aspects and approaching science education from a critical perspective. Highlighting only the confirmation bias without considering political implications of the debate can induce a reductionist and empiricist view of science, detached from the political power that acts on scientific activity. In conclusion, I support the idea that for a critical science education, the discussion of political issues should be involved in any controversial debate, a view, which goes beyond the confirmation bias proposed by Bryce and Day for the global warming debate. These issues are indeed vital and science teachers should take them into account when preparing their lessons for the debate on climate change.

  17. General Assembly debate on IAEA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    On 3 November 1959, the General Assembly of the United Nations considered the annual report of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the first report to cover a full operational year of the Agency - 1 July 1959 to 30 June 1959, more recent developments having been summarized in a preface. At the end of the debate the Assembly adopted a resolution, submitted jointly by Czechoslovakia, the Union of South Africa and the United Arab Republic, taking note of the report

  18. A Tricky Trait: Applying the Fruits of the "Function Debate" in the Philosophy of Biology to the "Venom Debate" in the Science of Toxinology. (United States)

    Jackson, Timothy N W; Fry, Bryan G


    The "function debate" in the philosophy of biology and the "venom debate" in the science of toxinology are conceptually related. Venom systems are complex multifunctional traits that have evolved independently numerous times throughout the animal kingdom. No single concept of function, amongst those popularly defended, appears adequate to describe these systems in all their evolutionary contexts and extant variations. As such, a pluralistic view of function, previously defended by some philosophers of biology, is most appropriate. Venom systems, like many other functional traits, exist in nature as points on a continuum and the boundaries between "venomous" and "non-venomous" species may not always be clearly defined. This paper includes a brief overview of the concept of function, followed by in-depth discussion of its application to venom systems. A sound understanding of function may aid in moving the venom debate forward. Similarly, consideration of a complex functional trait such as venom may be of interest to philosophers of biology.


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    Telma Sueli Pinto Johnson


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este artigo examina apropriações midiáticas pelo feminismo negro baseadas em reflexões teórico-conceituais sobre a problemática da comunicação em sociedades midiatizadas e suas relações com a literacia midiática. O Instituto da Mulher Negra Geledés, fundado em 1998 no período da redemocratização brasileira, constitui-se no objeto de investigação. O movimento Geledés foi observado e mapeado em sua página no site de rede social Facebook, durante um período consecutivo de oito semanas em 2016, com o propósito de identificar modalidades de interações entre seus visitantes. A análise dedica-se, para além das postagens do Geledés, a apreender e compreender o que acontece na esfera da recepção quando se trata de tipos de usos, apropriações e produções de sentidos. Um construto metodológico baseado na Cartografia de Controvérsias (CC foi operacionalizado para analisar as interações dos actantes sociais do Geledés no Facebook, revelando predominância de interações passivas e elevado número de comentários participativos desqualificados sob a ótica do debate público racional.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Comunicação; Redes Sociais; Feminismo Negro; Literacia Midiática; Cartografia de Controvérsias.     ABSTRACT This article examines media appropriations by black feminism based on theoretical-conceptual reflections on the problem of communication in mediatized societies and their relations with media literacy. The Geledés Black Women's Institute, founded in 1998 in the period of Brazilian redemocratization, is the object of this research. The Geledés movement was observed and mapped on its page on the social networking site Facebook, during a consecutive period of eight weeks in 2016, with the purpose of identifying modalities of interactions among its visitors. The analysis is dedicated, in addition to the posts of the Geledés, to apprehend and to understand what happens in the sphere of the reception when

  20. Fatal exit the automotive black box debate

    CERN Document Server

    Kowalick, Tom


    "Fatal Exit: The Automotive Black Box Debate cuts through thirty years of political wrangling and institutional biases to provide an argument for the Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR). This automotive equivalent of an airplane's flight recorder or black box is intended to solve the mysteries of car crashes and improve the safety of our roads. The reader is taken inside the automotive industry and the government highway safety establishment to foster an understanding of the politics and the positions on all sides of this safety debate. The author takes an unbiased approach, chronologically presenting each argument and uncovering the agendas and mandates of each of the stakeholders." "This publication is essential reading for all consumers who need to have their voices heard on this critical issue, as well as for attorneys, public safety advocates, public policy administrators, engineers, automotive professionals, journalists, and insurance executives."--Jacket.

  1. Context and scale: Distinctions for improving debates about physician "rationing". (United States)

    Tilburt, Jon C; Sulmasy, Daniel P


    Important discussions about limiting care based on professional judgment often devolve into heated debates over the place of physicians in bedside rationing. Politics, loaded rhetoric, and ideological caricature from both sides of the rationing debate obscure precise points of disagreement and consensus, and hinder critical dialogue around the obligations and boundaries of professional practice. We propose a way forward by reframing the rationing conversation, distinguishing between the scale of the decision (macro vs. micro) and its context (ordinary allocation vs. extraordinary re-allocation) avoiding the word "rationing." We propose to shift the terminology, using specific, descriptive words to defuse conflict and re-focus the debate towards substantive issues. These distinctions can clarify the real ethical differences at stake and facilitate a more constructive conversation about the clinical and social responsibilities of physicians to use resources ethically at the bedside and their role in allocating medical resources at a societal level.

  2. Huntington in Holland: The Public Debate on Muslim Immigrants in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vellenga, S.J.


    Since the beginning of this century, Muslim immigrants have become the subject of a heated debate in the Netherlands. This article examines and analyses this debate which is characterised by five distinctive elements: culturalisation, Islamisation, rejection of Islam, ‘new’ nationalism and the plea

  3. Nuclear power debate and public opinion in Belarus: From Chernobyl to Ostrovets. (United States)

    Novikau, Aliaksandr


    The Belarusian government's decision of the last decade to build a nuclear power plant near the city of Ostrovets, in northern Belarus, has proven to be controversial, resulting in a great deal of debate about nuclear energy in the country. The debate was inevitably shaped by the traumatic event that affected Belarus - the Chernobyl nuclear accident of 1986. The Belarusian authorities have consistently promoted a positive view of nuclear energy to the population in order to overcome the so-called 'Chernobyl syndrome' and deliberately shaped nuclear risk communication. As a result, the issue of trust remains crucial in all nuclear debates in Belarus.

  4. Theory Wars: An Argument Against Arguments in the so-called Ludology/Narratology Debate


    Pearce, Celia


    This paper attempts to offer an alternative to the agonistic debate presented by Gonzalo Frasca in "Ludologists Love Stories Too," in Level Up, DiGRA 2003 conference proceedings. While Frasca’s position is that the ludology/narratology debate is spurious and fraught with misunderstandings, his paper simultaneously succeeds in deepening the gap by further polarizing the alleged two sides of a debate that, in Frasca’s words, "never took place." Furthermore, the paper adds to the misunderstandin...

  5. La contingencia de la independencia y de la revolución: perspectivas teóricas y comparadas sobre América latina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wolfgang KNÖBL


    Full Text Available Este artículo compara las revoluciones francesa y estadounidense del último tercio del siglo XVIII con la independencia y la revolución en la América Latina de inicios del siglo XIX, bajo una perspectiva teórica particular. Centrándose principalmente en las etapas iniciales de estos eventos revolucionarios, se demostrará que a en los tres casos, el camino hacia un quiebre revolucionario con el viejo régimen no fue predeterminado y b particularmente en las Américas, el tema de la Nación no fue del todo resuelto por los revolucionarios. Ésta es una de las explicaciones más importantes de por qué, en adelante, la construcción de la Nación –y del Estado– en América Latina y Norteamérica no fue un proceso cómodo ni linear.

  6. Los desafíos de la pedagogía cyberfeminista: un estudio de caso The challenges of cyberfeminist pedagogy : a case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara Biglia


    Full Text Available

    En el contexto del debate sobre género, feminismos y TIC creemos importante que, en lugar de insistir en la necesidad de reducir la brecha de género a través del acercamiento de los sujetos feminizados a las TIC, se desarrollen proyectos que redefinan las TIC en base a sus deseos y/o a los feministas.

    Para ello, es necesario generar reflexiones y debates colectivos a los que, en este artículo, queremos contribuir de forma específica en lo que refiere a las dinámicas pedagógicas. En un primer momento dialogaremos con las teóricas sobre la generización de los Espacios Virtuales de Aprendizaje (EVA y las propuestas de las pedagogías feministas hacia la conformación de una pedagogía cyberfeminista. Seguidamente, a partir de la experiencia realizada en el Curso de introducción de metodología de investigación feminista (2011, intentaremos identificar factores que favorecen o dificultan dos elementos claves de la pedagogía cyberfeminista: la participación paritaria y el networking. Nuestro trabajo pretende favorecer el reconocimiento de la necesidad de investigar sobre los procesos de aprendizaje virtual desde el feminismo, presentar herramientas para el análisis, mejorar una experiencia en curso y, finalmente, ofrecer unos primeros resultados sobre los que seguir reflexionando.

    Within the context of debates around gender, feminism and ICTs, much effort has been put on pointing out the need for reducing the digital gap by means of approaching the feminized subjects to ICT. In our approach, effort needs to be put in developing projects to redefine ICTs, in order to match feminized subjects’s (and feminist needs and wishes.

    To that end, it is crucial to develop a debate and a collective reflection on the subject, and that is the objective of our proposal, particularly, in the

  7. Similarity Arguments in the Genetic Modification Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, Andreas


    In the ethical debate on genetic modification (GM), it is common to encounter the claim that some anti-GM argument would also apply an established, ethically accepted technology, and that the anti-GM argument is therefore unsuccessful. The paper discusses whether this argumentative strategy, the ...

  8. Debating Diversity: Ethics and Controversial Public Issues (United States)

    Darr, Christopher R.


    Courses: Ethics, Organizational Communication, Political Communication. Objectives: After completing this unit activity, students should be able to (1) apply multiple ethical perspectives to real-world diversity issues in a debate format, and (2) explain the role of informational and social category diversity in current controversies.

  9. The Necessity of Debate: A Comment on Commentaries. (United States)

    Deegan, Dorothy H.


    Raises issues related to the relationship between literacy practices and literacy philosophies and theories. Addresses the question of whether the "great debate" regarding literacy education can and should be resolved. (SR)

  10. Effects of Watching Primary Debates in the 2000 U.S. Presidential Campaign. (United States)

    Benoit, William L.; McKinney, Mitchell S.; Stephenson, Michael T.


    Reports the results of two studies measuring the effects on undergraduate communication students of watching U.S. presidential primary debates. Concludes that primary debates are capable of influencing both policy and character impressions of the candidates, as well as changing voting intentions and increasing voter confidence. (SG)

  11. Improvement of debate competence: an outcome of an introductory course for medical humanities

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    Kyung Hee Chun


    Full Text Available Purpose: Academic debate is an effective method to enhance the competences of critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and cooperation skills. The present study examined the improvement of debate competence which is an outcome of debate-based flipped learning. Methods: A questionnaire was administrated to second-year premedical school students at Yeungnam University. In total 45 students participated in the survey. The survey questionnaire was composed of 60 items of eight subfactors on debate competence. To investigate the homogeneous of low and high achievement groups, 18 items on empathy and 75 items on critical thinking scales were used. To compare the pretest with posttest scores, data was analyzed using paired sample t-test. Results: There were no significant differences between low and high achievement groups by average grade at the beginning of the semester. There was a significant improvement in high achievers on the logical argumentation (p<0.001, proficiency in inquiry (p<0.01, active participation (p<0.001, ability to investigate and analyze (p<0.001, observance of debate rules (p<0.05, and acceptability (p<0.05. Even in low achievers, active participation (p<0.05 and ability to investigate and analyze (p<0.01 were significantly improved. Conclusion: Results showed that students could improve their debate competence by the debate-based flipped learning. A prospective and comparative study on the communication and teamwork competences needs to be conducted in the future. It is suggested that in-depth discussion for the curriculum design and teaching will be needed in terms of the effectiveness and the outcomes of the medical humanities.

  12. Invest in what energizes students to learn: Investigating students’ attitude towards debate in the foreign language classroom

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    el Majidi, Abid; de Graaff, Rick; Janssen, Daniel


    Debate has noticeably been penetrating our educational practice the last decades. Many studies have revealed many benefits of debate, including sharping up debaters’ critical and analytical thinking, and deepening their understanding of the issues being debated. Debate has also been deemed as an

  13. Die debat rondom die vertolking van die amptelike ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies ... Debate around the interpretation of the official language policy principles of the ... Any discussion of language planning must first take into account the underlying orientation.

  14. European integration assessed in the light of the 'rules vs. standards debate'

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F. Weber (Franziska)


    textabstractThe interplay of various legal systems in the European Union (EU) has long triggered a debate on the tension between uniformity and diversity of Member States' (MS) laws. This debate takes place among European legal scholars and is also paralleled by economic scholars, e.g. in the ambit

  15. Research: Online Debate, Not Angry But Neutral

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eberholst, Mads Kæmsgaard; Hartley, Jannie Møller


    Social media debate has a bad reputation. Often described as meaningless, rude and derogatory, in extreme cases virtual disagreements have even led to threats and violence in the real world. Female politicians, in particular, have been targeted by trolls and subject to slander and vitriol. Yet new...

  16. Innovate or perish : The RSM Insight debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    R. Gilbert (Russell)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Although innovation is one the hottest management topics of the 21st century, very few firms excel at it. Here, in the first RSM Insight debate, three of the school’s leading management scholars discuss how firms should approach the subject of innovation and what

  17. Debate on the legalization of abortion in Zimbabwe. (United States)


    In Zimbabwe, where over 70,000 illegal abortions are performed each year and complications from clandestine abortion are a leading cause of maternal mortality, the abortion law debate has been re-opened. Under the present law, abortion is legal only to save the life of the mother and women who undergo illegal abortion face strict criminal sanctions. Timothy Stamps, the Minister of Health and Child Welfare, has stated, "The first rights of a child are to be desired, to be wanted, and to be planned." Dr. Illiff, of the University of Zimbabwe's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, has noted, "We cannot stop abortion. The choice is how safe it is." Illiff pointed out that urban Zimbabwe women run a 262 times greater risk of dying of abortion complications than their counterparts in the UK where abortion is legal. As the Women's Action Group has observed, men have dominated the current debate on abortion. The group has issued an appeal to women to enter into this debate that concerns their bodies to ensure that another law is not imposed on them. The group's appeal for action states: "We as Women's Action Group believe that every woman should decide what's right and what's wrong in her life. She and only she should be the master of her destiny. Her voice should be heard louder than anyone else's."

  18. Radioactive wastes: debated issues about the Cigeo project - White paper III by the ANCCLI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After a presentation of the interest of the ANCCLI in radioactive wastes, a presentation of the 2013 public debate as an administrative stage within a long process, a presentation of the chronology of the decision process regarding high-activity and medium-activity long-life wastes, and a discussion of a return on experience on the 2005 public debate, this publication discusses the main debated themes: waste warehousing, storage reversibility, ethical issues, the Cigeo inventory, and the impacts on the territory. The Aarhus convention (which addresses public debate) is given in appendix, as well as a contradictory overview of the history of high- and medium-activity long-life waste management

  19. An Overview of Latin American Health Policies and Debates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asa Cristina Laurell


    Full Text Available It is now 15 years since the publication of Investing in Health (World Bank, 1993, a report which set the course for health care system reform in Latin America and around of the world. Since that time a great many studies about the reforms have been published and new reforms have been launched to “correct” the defects of the earlier ones. The objective of this paper is to call into question the entire current political debate over health care, as well as to clarify key concepts and practices. To this end I will analyze the current vogue of interrelated proposals for a second reform of the state. I will examine debates over insurance as a way of grant universal coverage; the separation between the regulation, financing and provision of health services; and the public private partnerships for the construction, financing, and management of hospitals. This paper will also examine the development of a new scientific discourse around “evidence-based policies” and academic referral networks. The goal of this paper is not to offer a comprehensive treatment of these issues, but rather to question some assumptions and contribute to the larger debate.

  20. Culturas y género: prácticas lesivas, intervenciones feministas y derechos de las mujeres

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guerra Palermo, María José


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to analyse the phenomenon of the making of reactive cultural identities in a particular and sensitive case: the female genital mutilation (FGM in an African context. This case is framed in the debate between feminism and multiculturalism and in the controversies about the feminist transnational interventions to defend women’s human rights. Alice Walker, the Afro-American writer and activist promoted an international campaign against FGM that was strongly contested by African activists. There has been a main criticism against sensationalism in the media that reduces Africa as alterity to a barbarian and uncivilised rite. We try to analyse all this in relation to the need of promoting an intercultural feminist ethics in order to fostering the process of empowerment of local women. Contexts and means are relevant if we try, first, to eradicate cultural practices that damage women’s lives and rights and, also, to consolidate a transnational and intercultural feminism.

    El objetivo de este artículo, en el contexto del debate entre feminismo y multiculturalismo, es analizar el fenómeno de identidades culturales reactivas que ha operado en el caso de la interpelada práctica de la mutilación genital femenina en algunos enclaves africanos. Para ello seguiremos la peripecia de Alice Walker, la escritora y activista afroamericana, en su denuncia de esta dañina práctica cultural que atenta contra los derechos a la integridad corporal y psíquica de las mujeres. Queremos dejar de lado el sensacionalismo con que suele ser tratado en muchos medios de opinión este asunto y que contribuye a construir la alteridad de lo africano como mera barbarie y carencia de civilización. Tratamos, aquí, de analizar lo anterior en relación a la necesidad de ir construyendo una ética intercultural feminista que promueva el empoderamiento de las mujeres locales. Los contextos y los medios de intervención son relevantes para el empe

  1. Audience perceptions of candidates' appropriateness as a function of nonverbal behaviors displayed during televised political debates. (United States)

    Seiter, John S; Weger, Harry


    Compared to televised debates using a single-screen format, such debates using a split screen presenting both debaters simultaneously show viewers the nonverbal reactions of each debater's opponent. The authors examined how appropriate or inappropriate such nonverbal behaviors are perceived to be. Students watched one of four versions of a televised debate. One version used a single-screen format, showing only the speaker, whereas the other three versions used a split-screen format in which the speaker's oppodent displayed constant, occasional, or no nonverbal disagreement with the speaker. Students then rated the debaters' appropriateness. Analysis indicated that the opponent was perceived to be less appropriate when he displayed any background disagreement compared to when he did not. The students perceived the speaker as most appropriate when his opponent displayed constant nonverbal disagreement.

  2. Teaching Group Work with "The Great Debaters" (United States)

    Moe, Jeffry; Autry, Linda; Olson, Joann S.; Johnson, Kaprea F.


    An experiential learning activity, based on the film "The Great Debaters" (Washington, D., 2007), was used during a group work class. Description and preliminary evaluation of the activity is provided, including analysis of participant scores on the group leader self-efficacy instrument at multiple points. Implications and future…

  3. Gun Control: The Debate and Public Policy. (United States)

    Watkins, Christine


    Provides an overview and background information on the debate over gun control, as well as several teaching ideas. Handouts include a list of related topics drawn from various disciplines (economics, U.S. history), seven arguments for and against gun control, and a set of policy evaluation guidelines. (MJP)

  4. Climate Change Journalism: From Agony to Agonistic Debate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yves Pepermans


    Full Text Available Starting from a politicized outlook on climate change, this essay criticizes mainstream journalistic norms for failing to enable an agonistic, democratic debate about how to move forward. Based on a targeted search for examples from the reporting (and reflection thereof of two Dutch-speaking alternative news sites (DeWereldMorgen and De Correspondent, we seek to illustrate how their respective (climate journalists look for truth, generate democratic debate and hold power accountable by combining practices from constructive journalism, slow journalism and advocacy journalism. We find these journalists to focus on patterns, root causes and underlying values, rather than on novelty or exceptional events. Furthermore, an impartial and detached style of reporting is explicitly denounced in favor of an open and reflexive choice of news-making based on advocacy.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løvlie, Anders Sundnes; Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea

    Based on data from a survey among contributors (n=3470) to the online comments sections of four Norwegian newspapers, we investigate the following research question: How do contributors to online comments sections in newspaper websites describe their experiences of repercussions from participation...... in debates? Through analysis of two survey questions asking respondents whether they have experienced problems in everyday life after participating in online comments, we find that women to a larger degree report such problems. However, when studying the types of problems reported, we fail to replicate...... earlier findings about gender differences associated with different types of problems. Instead, we find a surprising dominance of relatively inconsequential issues, leading to a discussion about the communicative competencies of participants, and the challenge in facilitating online debate for people...

  6. Entrainement au Debat Public et a la Negociation d'Affaires en Anglais (Training in Public Debate and Business Negotiation in English) (United States)

    Rivas, Michele


    This article describes a program designed to give native French speakers who already speak English further skills in oral presentation, public debate, and the language of business negotiations. (Text is in French.) (CLK)

  7. Using Debates as Assessment in a Physiotherapy Capstone Course: A Case Example (United States)

    Weeks, Benjamin K.; Laakso, Liisa


    While not a new teaching and learning approach, debating may be considered novel when included in a suite of more traditional teaching and learning activities. Despite the potential benefits of debates for the development of generic skills, their use in physiotherapy education remains unreported. Thus, our aim was to evaluate student satisfaction…

  8. ERIC First Analysis: Agricultural Policy. 1986-87 National High School Debate Resolutions. (United States)

    Wagner, David L.; Fraleigh, Douglas

    Designed to serve as a framework in which high school debate students, coaches, and judges can evaluate the issues, arguments, and evidence concerning which agricultural policies best serve the United States, this booklet provides guidelines for research on the 1986-87 debate resolutions selected by the National Federation of State High School…

  9. Debating Modernity as Secular Religion: Hans Kelsen’s futile exchange with Eric Voegelin

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomassen, Bjørn


    This article reviews the mysterious and recently published last book by Hans Kelsen, “Secular Religion. A Polemic Against the Misinterpretation of Modern Social Philosophy, Science and Politics as ‘New Religions’”, contextualizing it with reference to the little known dialogue between Hans Kelsen...... and Eric Voegelin. The confrontation between Kelsen and Voegelin, two of the most illustrious émigré scholars who found in America their new home, is important to revisit because it touches upon several axes of debate of crucial importance to postwar intellectual history: the religion/secularity debate......, the positivist/anti-positivist debates, and the controversy that also led to the famous Voegelin/Arendt debate: how to read the horrors of totalitarianism into a historical trajectory of modernity. Although the Kelsen/Voegelin exchange ended in failure and bitterness its substance matter goes to the heart...

  10. Sentencing and Other Controversial Issues: Why We Need Rational Debate More Than Ever

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ian Gray


    Full Text Available The article seeks to demonstrate the importance of rational debate in the community on controversial issues. It focuses on the need for rationalism to prevail in community debates on controversial issues. Issues inclusive of sentencing, climate change, mental health and its prevalence in the prison system and ‘whether courts are out of touch’ with the community. The article recognises the difficulties faced by those engaged in community issues and concludes by promoting the need to maintain a tolerant and harmonious society by engaging in well informed rational debate.

  11. Soviet debate on missile defense

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parrott, B.


    Although the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is meant to cope with the danger of a Soviet nuclear attack, the recent US debate over SDI has paid surprisingly little attention to Soviet views of ballistic missile defense. Despite the existence of a substantial body of pertinent scholarship, the debate has failed to take adequate account of major changes in Soviet ballistic missile defense policy since the mid-1960s. It has also neglected the links between current Soviet military policy and broader Soviet political and economic choices. The Soviets regard SDI not as a novel undertaking to reduce the risks of nuclear war but as an extension of the geopolitical competition between the superpowers. This competition has been dominated in the 1980s, in the Soviet view, by sharply increased US assertiveness and the decline of detente. Viewing SDI as a manifestation of these general trends, Soviet decision makers find the prospect of an unregulated race in ballistic missile defenses and military space technologies deeply unsettling. The deterioration of superpower relations has raised serious doubts in Moscow about the wisdom of Soviet external policy during the 1970s and has provoked sharp internal differences over policy toward the US. Already highly suspicious of the Reagan administration, the elite is united by a general conviction that SDI is an American gambit that may ultimately undercut past Soviet strategic gains and pose a grave new threat to Soviet security. 14 references.

  12. Feminismo, maternidade e mídia – relações historicamente estreitas em revisão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Tomaz


    Full Text Available Feminism, motherhood and the media - historically close relations in review – We start from the premise that motherhood is a social construct increasingly linked to communication processes, especially in the voluptuous offer of advice and guidelines of what is to be a mother. Taking on from this idea, this paper seeks to situate such debate. Based on the main approaches about motherhood in feminist studies, the paper presents a state-focused approach of this research in Brazil, bringing attention to three thematic-theoretical axes and to potential topics yet to be explored in media and motherhood studies.

  13. Amando de olhos abertos: Emma Goldman e o dissenso político nos EUA Loving with open eyes: Emma Goldman and the political dissent in the Unites States

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cecilia Azevedo


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a trajetória de Emma Goldman, grande nome do anarquismo, pacifismo e feminismo nos EUA, procurando apresentá- la como uma representante da chamada tradição de dissenso neste país que, ao longo de toda sua história, tem disputado os sentidos a serem atribuídos aos ideais nacionais. Em meio à atual guerra no Iraque, a memória e o legado de Emma Goldman vêm sendo recuperados no embate político em torno do sentido do americanismo.This article presents the life of Emma Goldman, who played a central role in the history of anarchism, pacifism and feminism in the United States. In the present days, when a new war is taking place in Iraq, the memory and legacy of Emma Goldman are being reassessed amidst the debate over the political meaning of Americanism.

  14. ¿Podemos hablar? Mujeres en onda corta a nivel mundial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarath Fletcher Luther


    Full Text Available La autora concibe que la liberación y bienestar de la mujer va de la mano con la liberación y bienestar del hombre. Considera además que la voz de la mujer es un componente esencial en la movilización por la paz, contra el militarismo y para la protección del medio ambiente. Sostiene que la oposición a la discriminación, opresión y violencia contra la mujer y la niñez no estará en la agenda de discusión hasta que la mujer participe plenamente en fomentar este debate. La idea de que los asuntos de la mujer trascienden las líneas divisorias de nación, raza clase y grupos étnicos dio lugar a creer que era posible la construcción del feminismo internacional utilizando la radio.

  15. Función discursiva en los debates televisados. Un estudio transcultural de los debates políticos en México, España y Estados Unidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilsa Téllez


    Full Text Available Este artículo busca describir y comparar las estrategias discursivas utilizadas en los debates televisados, así como las de los candidatos ganadores de las últimas elecciones presidenciales de México y Estados Unidos, y las elecciones generales españolas. Para lo anterior, se realizó un análisis de contenido donde se aplicó la Teoría Funcional del Discurso de Campaña Política. Se observó que la aclamación fue la estrategia predominante en los debates de México y Estados Unidos, mientras que en los de España fue el ataque. Sin embargo, los tres candidatos ganadores emplearon más la aclamación que otras estrategias. Además, en los debates se abordaron más los temas de política que los de candidato.

  16. Exploring SETAC's roles in the global dialogue on sustainability--an opening debate. (United States)

    McCormick, Ron; Kapustka, Larry; Stahl, Cynthia; Fava, Jim; Lavoie, Emma; Robertson, Cory; Sanderson, Hans; Scott, Heidi; Seager, Tom; Vigon, Bruce


    A combination platform-debate session was held at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America annual meeting in Boston (November 2011). The session was organized by members of the Advisory Group on Sustainability, newly formed and approved as a global entity by the SETAC World Council just prior to the meeting. The platform portion of the session provided a historical backdrop for the debate that was designed to explore SETAC's role in the sustainability dialogue. The debate portion presented arguments for and against the proposition that "Science is the primary contribution of SETAC to the global dialogue on sustainability." Although the debate was not designed to achieve a definitive sustainability policy for SETAC, the audience clearly rejected the proposition, indicating a desire from the SETAC membership for an expanded role in global sustainability forums. This commentary details the key elements of the session, identifies the contribution the Advisory Group will have at the World Congress in Berlin (May 2012), and invites interested persons to become active in the Advisory Group. Copyright © 2012 SETAC.

  17. Debatable Premises in Telecom Policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    HURWITZ, Justin; Layton, Roslyn


    in the world. The Internet is opening up new platforms for business, education, government, and civic engagement. It has literally been a driving force in toppling governments. Telecommunications policy is important to every government in the world, and debates over what policies should be implemented......Around the world, telecommunications policy is one of the most important areas of public policy. The modern economy is driven by telecom technologies, and many telecom-related firms – Google, Apple, Facebook, and myriad fixed and mobile Internet service providers – are among the largest companies...

  18. Debatable Premises in Telecom Policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hurwitz, Justin (Gus); Layton, Roslyn


    ‟t stand up well to critical analysis. This paper collects and responds to a number of these premises that, collectively, underlie much popular, political, and academic support for increased telecommunications regulation in the United States and Europe – as well as much of the rest of the world....... in the world. The Internet is opening up new platforms for business, education, government, and civic engagement. It has literally been a driving force in toppling governments. Telecommunications policy is important to every government in the world, and debates over what policies should be implemented...

  19. National debate on the energies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathered the allocutions presented at the national debate on the energies of the 18 march 2003. The full text of the presentations of the Ministry of the industry N. Fontaine and the first Ministry J.P. Raffarin are provided. A synthesis of the answers to the following questions is also presented: understand the energy, the increase of the energy demand, the international consumption, the necessary changes of the consumption and production modes, the environmental impact, the resources, the decision making and the deciders. (A.L.B.)

  20. Keynesian, Monetarist and Supply-Side Policies: An Old Debate Gets New Life (United States)

    Niederjohn, M. Scott; Wood, William C.


    Debates over how to promote a healthy economy are pervasive once more, after decades when it seemed such debates had been put to rest. The market meltdown of 2008 ended a long string of years in which monetary policy reigned supreme. Monetary policy is the regulation of money and the banking system to influence economic variables. Its adherents,…

  1. Drawing Conclusions: Confusion between Data and Theory in the Traumatic Memory Debate (United States)

    Silberg, Joyanna


    This paper examines one of the chief problems in the ongoing debate about the nature and prevalence of the various memory mechanisms that may operate in determining whether a victim/survivor of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) will have delayed recall of the victimization. One of the key problems in the debate about delayed or suppressed memory of…

  2. The file of the national debate on energy transition. Knowledge base, Current status, Commitments, Stakes, The debate. Let us imagine together our tomorrow's energy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batho, Delphine


    Within the perspective of the French national debate on energy transition, four main issues are to be addressed: how to move towards energy efficiency and sobriety, which trajectory to reach the defined energy mix in 2025 and which types of possible scenarios by 2030 and 2050 while complying with climate-related commitments of France, which choices in terms of renewable energies and new energy technologies with which strategy of industry and land development, which costs, benefits and financing for energy transition. Within this context, this publication aims at providing all those who want to be informed or participate with information on the current situation of energy in France, in Europe and in the World. It also aims at presenting the main social, economic and ecologic challenges of energy transition. It proposes contributions and opinions of organisations which belong to the Debate National Council. Thus, after a presentation of the energy situation, the report recalls and comments the various commitments: European and international commitments, French legal frameworks and existing laws, additional political commitments. The main challenges are then discussed as the main debate issues: energy consumption management, energy mix equilibrium, development of the renewable energy sector and of new energy technologies, costs, benefits and financing. Transverse challenges are discussed, such as: energy safety, economic, social, environmental, international, and governance stakes. Finally, debate objectives, its mains steps, its locations and bodies are presented

  3. A atualidade do marxismo para o debate ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Inacio Andrioli


    Full Text Available

    Karl Marx contribuiu decisivamente para o progresso do debate sobre a relação entre economia e natureza, ao interpretar a acumulação capitalista através das suas contradições sociais, ao contrário da concepção clássica liberal, baseada restritamente nas limitações naturais. De acordo com as análises de Marx, a continuidade do modo de produção capitalista, orientado, prioritariamente, pela maximização dos lucros, conduz, tendencialmente, a uma crescente exploração, alienação e expropriação da força de trabalho, por um lado, e, por outro, à deteriorização da base de produção econômica, da fonte da riqueza, ou seja, da natureza. Como esse debate evoluiu no decorrer dos tempos? Qual é a atualidade do pensamento marxiano diante da crise ecológica mundial? É essa a abordagem do presente texto, que se insere no debate teórico e político da obra de Marx e do marxismo contemporâneo.

  4. Using Role Play to Debate Animal Testing (United States)

    Agell, Laia; Soria, Vanessa; Carrió, Mar


    The use of animals in biomedical research is a socio-scientific issue in which decision-making is complicated. In this article, we describe an experience involving a role play activity performed during school visits to the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) to debate animal testing. Role playing games require students to defend different…

  5. Entrevista a Julieta Paredes


    Falconí Trávez, Diego


    Entrevista realizada a la activista, teórica y escritora Julieta Paredes en la ciudad de La Paz el 8 de enero de 2011. En ella se reflexiona sobre cuestiones como el feminismo comunitario, el lesbianismo en las comunidades originarias, la opresión sobre la lengua aymara por parte de la lengua castellana, la textualidad indígena o los vínculos del feminismo comunitario con otras teorías feministas. Paredes accedió a dar esta entrevista siempre y cuando fuese también una entrevista reali...

  6. Entrevista a Julieta Paredes


    Falconí Trávez, Diego


    Entrevista realizada a la activista, teórica y escritora Julieta Paredes en la ciudad de La Paz el 8 de enero de 2011. En ella se reflexiona sobre cuestiones como el feminismo comunitario, el lesbianismo en las comunidades originarias, la opresión sobre la lengua aymara por parte de la lengua castellana, la textualidad indígena o los vínculos del feminismo comunitario con otras teorías feministas. Paredes accedió a dar esta entrevista siempre y cuando fuese también una entrevista realizada a ...

  7. [The historian's competence tested by authority: on an academic debate of the 18th century]. (United States)

    Schandeler, Jean-Pierre


    The debate which took place in the 1720s at the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Letters on the possibility or impossibility of understanding the history of the first centuries of Rome is generally interpreted to be less of a debate than an important epistemological clarification. A contextualization which takes into account the political stakes of the debate allows one to understand that the debate was the beginning of a larger process of the autonomisation of the field of historical studies, not only from the perspective of disciplinary divides, but also in relation to monarchal power.

  8. Improvement of debate competence: an outcome of an introductory course for medical humanities. (United States)

    Chun, Kyung Hee; Lee, Young Hwan


    Academic debate is an effective method to enhance the competences of critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and cooperation skills. The present study examined the improvement of debate competence which is an outcome of debate-based flipped learning. A questionnaire was administrated to second-year premedical school students at Yeungnam University. In total 45 students participated in the survey. The survey questionnaire was composed of 60 items of eight subfactors on debate competence. To investigate the homogeneous of low and high achievement groups, 18 items on empathy and 75 items on critical thinking scales were used. To compare the pretest with posttest scores, data was analyzed using paired sample t-test. There were no significant differences between low and high achievement groups by average grade at the beginning of the semester. There was a significant improvement in high achievers on the logical argumentation (phumanities.

  9. Ssk or Esw? -- the Bloor-Lynch Debate Revisited (United States)

    Cheng, Kai-Yuan


    Philosophical discussions of rule-following in the later Wittgenstein (1953, 1967) are an important source of inspiration for the development of views on the social nature of scientific knowledge. Two major opposing views in this inquiry -- Bloor's sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) (1983, 1991, 1992, 1997) and Lynch's (1992, 1993) ethnomethodological studies of work (ESW) -- represent two positions derived from two different readings of Wittgenstein's later writings on rule-following. The aim of this paper is two-fold. One is to re-examine the noted Bloor-Lynch debate by considering Kusch's (2004) recent discussion of this debate. Another is to show that a new semantic framework of rule-following ascriptions based on a cognitive approach to the study of generics can be provided such that SSK and ESW are compatible in it (Leslie, 2009; Cheng, 2011).

  10. Public Debates over Islam and the Awareness of Muslim identity in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Shadid, W.


    National and international events in which Muslims have been engaged have triggered heated debates on the integration of these groups in and their loyalty to Dutch society. In this regard, Dutch government has intervened, directly and indirectly, in Muslim religious affairs. The debates and the

  11. Opening up the societal debate on climate engineering; How newspaper frames are changing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scholte, S.; Vasileiadou, E.; Petersen, A.C.


    The use of climate engineering or geoengineering technologies to combat climate change has been a controversial topic, even in the scientific debate. In recent studies, it has been claimed that the debate on climate engineering technologies may be closing down prematurely, with detrimental effects

  12. Opening up the societal debate on climate engineering: How newspaper frames are changing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scholte, S.; Vasileiadou, E.; Petersen, A.C.


    The use of climate engineering or geoengineering technologies to combat climate change has been a controversial topic, even in the scientific debate. In recent studies, it has been claimed that the debate on climate engineering technologies may be closing down prematurely, with detrimental effects

  13. Synthesis of the national debate on France's energy transition presented by the debate national Council

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This synthesis of the French national debate on energy transition highlights and discusses fifteen challenges which deal with the respect of France's commitments, the struggle against energy poverty, the role of energy efficiency and of energy saving in a new economic growth model with stakes of improved competitiveness and job creation, an energy mix which results in low carbon emissions, and in a secure, diversified, balanced and competitive energy supply. These challenges also concern levers of success for transition (investment, development of local abilities, a more ambitious and better coordinated European policy), and transition governance

  14. Debate presidencial en la TV: ¿ayuda a ganar una elección?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Eladio Proaño


    Full Text Available El debate es un instrumento para evaluar alternativas y saber por quién votar. El debate expone a los electores a criterios contrapuestos, brinda la oportunidad de ejercer el juicio crítico y elegir la mejor alternativa. Se trata de una nueva forma de hacer política. Es un reto al anacronismo de la audiencia cautiva. Al candidato en cambio le sorprende en su íntimo pensamiento en forma independiente, personal y espontánea. El debate añade los ingredientes del conflicto y el dramatismo para atraer a un considerable número de ciudadanos.

  15. The 2014 Varsity Medical Ethics Debate: should we allow genetic information to be patented? (United States)

    Metcalfe, Kiloran H M; Worsley, Calum A; Swerner, Casey B; Sinha, Devan; Solanki, Ravi; Ravi, Krithi; Dattani, Raj S


    The 2014 Varsity Medical Ethics debate convened upon the motion: "This house believes that genetic information should not be commoditised". This annual debate between students from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, now in its sixth year, provided the starting point for arguments on the subject. The present article brings together and extends many of the arguments put forward during the debate. We explore the circumstances under which genetic material should be considered patentable, the possible effects of this on the research and development of novel therapeutics, and the need for clear guidelines within this rapidly developing field.The Varsity Medical Debate was first held in 2008 with the aim of allowing students to engage in discussion about ethics and policy within healthcare. Two Oxford medical students, Mahiben Maruthappu and Sanjay Budheo founded the event. The event is held annually and it is hoped that this will allow future leaders to voice a perspective on the arguments behind topics that will feature heavily in future healthcare and science policy. This year the Oxford University Medical Society at the Oxford Union hosted the debate.

  16. Bioethics and the Stem Cell Research Debate (United States)

    Shapiro, Robyn S.


    Bioethics--the study of ethical issues in science and medicine--has grown to become a significant academic and service-oriented discipline with its own research centers, conferences, journals, and degree programs. As these issues have moved to the center of public debate, the law has assumed an increasingly important place in the discipline of…

  17. Innovate or perish: The RSM Insight debate


    Gilbert, Russell


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Although innovation is one the hottest management topics of the 21st century, very few firms excel at it. Here, in the first RSM Insight debate, three of the school’s leading management scholars discuss how firms should approach the subject of innovation and what it takes to be successful at it.

  18. THE QUEST OF INDONESIAN MUSLIM IDENTITY: Debates on Veiling from the 1920s to 1940s

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Tantowi


    Full Text Available This paper undertakes a debate of wearing  veil for Muslim women among Indonesian Muslim scholars and role of modernist Muslims in propagating it in the early twentieth century. It shows that, the modernist Muslims’ propagation on veil had massively started in the early twentieth century trough printed media and encountered fierce responses from others. In addition, the debate itself was influenced by similar trends in Middle Eastern countries, especially Egypt, which became the reference of Islamic current issues at the time. Because of the uncompromising propagation on veil, the debate not only stimulated polemics but also invited physical violence, which was proven to be unproductive for the campaign. Therefore, the spread of veil among Indonesian Muslim during those decades in Java was not significant with only few Muslim women who were affiliated to Modernist organization such as Muhammadiyah and Persis wore veils. The debate itself was not merely a contentious religious debate but also cultural debate which shows the quest of identity as being Indonesian and being Muslim at the same time. The issue of cutting off from Western cultural domination also spiced up the veiling debate.

  19. Pluralist Democracy or Scientistic Monocracy? Debating Ritual Slaughter

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M. Valenta (Markha)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ Many participants in the recent fierce debate on ritual slaughter in the Netherlands have understood this to be a conflict between religious and secular values, pitting religious freedom against animal welfare. The great variety in viewpoints among all groups

  20. Debate on class issue in contemporary sociology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonić Slobodan


    Full Text Available The contemporary debate on class issue within the sociology in English speaking countries focuses on two questions. The first question is whether the crisis of the Marxist class analysis, which arose as a consequence of weakening of class identity and class behavior, is at the same time a sign of crisis of sociological class conception. There are American, British and Australian sociologists whose answer to this question is affirmative. However, others have been claiming that the Marxist class analysis could be replaced by the Weberian concept of stratification. The second question in this debate is on the exploratory importance of class for sociological analysis. Some sociologists have been claiming that its explanatory capacity is exhausted. However, there are others who argue that classes remain one of the most important tools a modern sociologist has. Finally, this paper points to the third way of saving the class analysis. It is about focusing on collective identity and collective action of the members of "developed" professions, as a kind of "small" classes or "proto-classes".

  1. Ontology-Based Role Association Networks for Visualizing Trends in Political Debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andreasen, Troels; Christiansen, Henning; Eberholst, Mads Kæmsgaard


    Online resources, large data repositories and streaming social network messagesembed plenitudes of interesting knowledge, often of associative nature. A specific communicative context, such as the political debate in a given country, has groupings of actors, with changing attitudes and stancestow......Online resources, large data repositories and streaming social network messagesembed plenitudes of interesting knowledge, often of associative nature. A specific communicative context, such as the political debate in a given country, has groupings of actors, with changing attitudes...

  2. The construction of 'social constructionism': A case study in the rhetoric of debate

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Katzko, M.W.


    There is a dimension to the ongoing debate on `constructionism' that deserves closer scrutiny. In this paper I wish to draw attention to some features of the debate as movements in opposition, illustrated with examples comparing the articles in Theory & Psychology, 11(3), with literature outside

  3. A path forward in the debate over health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals. (United States)

    Zoeller, R Thomas; Bergman, Åke; Becher, Georg; Bjerregaard, Poul; Bornman, Riana; Brandt, Ingvar; Iguchi, Taisen; Jobling, Susan; Kidd, Karen A; Kortenkamp, Andreas; Skakkebaek, Niels E; Toppari, Jorma; Vandenberg, Laura N


    Several recent publications reflect debate on the issue of "endocrine disrupting chemicals" (EDCs), indicating that two seemingly mutually exclusive perspectives are being articulated separately and independently. Considering this, a group of scientists with expertise in basic science, medicine and risk assessment reviewed the various aspects of the debate to identify the most significant areas of dispute and to propose a path forward. We identified four areas of debate. The first is about the definitions for terms such as "endocrine disrupting chemical", "adverse effects", and "endocrine system". The second is focused on elements of hormone action including "potency", "endpoints", "timing", "dose" and "thresholds". The third addresses the information needed to establish sufficient evidence of harm. Finally, the fourth focuses on the need to develop and the characteristics of transparent, systematic methods to review the EDC literature. Herein we identify areas of general consensus and propose resolutions for these four areas that would allow the field to move beyond the current and, in our opinion, ineffective debate.

  4. "Managed competition" for Ireland? The single versus multiple payer debate.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Mikkers, Misja


    A persistent feature of international health policy debate is whether a single-payer or multiple-payer system can offer superior performance. In Ireland, a major reform proposal is the introduction of \\'managed competition\\' based on the recent reforms in the Netherlands, which would replace many functions of Ireland\\'s public payer with a system of competing health insurers from 2016. This article debates whether Ireland meets the preconditions for effective managed competition, and whether the government should implement the reform according to its stated timeline. We support our arguments by discussing the functioning of the Dutch and Irish systems.

  5. Twitter Gets Favorited in the Education Debate (United States)

    Supovitz, Jonathan


    The author describes how the interactive study of social media's effect on the Common Core debate was designed and executed. Important findings from the study were: 1) We live in an increasingly interconnected social world. 2) Media has evolved over the last half century from a passive system dominated by a few central opinion makers to the…

  6. Utilization of debate as an educational tool to learn health economics for dental students in Malaysia. (United States)

    Khan, Saad A; Omar, Hanan; Babar, Muneer Gohar; Toh, Chooi G


    Health economics, a special branch of science applying economic principles to the health delivery system, is a relatively young subdiscipline. The literature is scanty about teaching health economics in the medical and dental fields. Delivery methods of this topic vary from one university to another, with lectures, seminars, and independent learning reported as teaching/learning tools used for the topic. Ideally, debates should foster the development of logical reasoning and communication skills. Health economics in dentistry is taught under the community oral health module that constitutes part of an outcome-based dental curriculum in a private dental school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. For this study, the students were divided into two groups: active participants (active debaters) and supporting participants (nonactive debaters). The debate style chosen for this activity was parliamentary style. Active and nonactive debaters' perceptions were evaluated before and after the activity through a structured questionnaire using a five-point rating scale addressing the topic and perceptions about debate as an educational tool. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used as a measure of internal consistency for the questionnaire items. Among a total of eighty-two third-year dental students of two successive cohorts (thirty-eight students and forty-four students), seventy-three completed the questionnaire, yielding a response rate of 89 percent. Students' responses to the questionnaire were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance test. Results revealed that the students felt that their interest in debate, knowledge of the topic, and reinforcement of the previous knowledge had improved following participation in the debate. Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that debate was a useful tool in teaching health economics to dental students.

  7. Public debate about the EPR nuclear power plant at Flamanville; Debat public sur la centrale nucleaire EPR a Flamanville

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project of building of he EPR reactor at Flamanville (Manche, France) has been submitted to the public debate. This document includes a presentation of the project and of the rules of the public debate, a synthesis of the file made by the prime contractor (EDF), a synthesis of the collective book of national actors concerned by the project (a group of associations for environment protection, Areva company, the ministries of economy and ecology, Global Chance, association of pro-nuclear ecologists (AEPN), 'Sortir du Nucleaire' (out-of nuclear) network, group of scientists for the information about nuclear (GSIEN), association for the promotion of the Flamanville site (Proflam), French nuclear energy society (SFEN) in association with 'Sauvons le Climat' (let's save climate), regional collective association 'EPR non merci, ni ailleurs, ni ici' (EPR, no thanks, neither elsewhere, nor here), NegaWatt), and 5 detailed books of actors: ACRO (association for the control of radioactivity in Western France), CFDT and CGT syndicates, the economic and social council of Basse Normandie region, and Proflam. (J.S.)

  8. Public debate about the EPR nuclear power plant at Flamanville; Debat public sur la centrale nucleaire EPR a Flamanville

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The project of building of he EPR reactor at Flamanville (Manche, France) has been submitted to the public debate. This document includes a presentation of the project and of the rules of the public debate, a synthesis of the file made by the prime contractor (EDF), a synthesis of the collective book of national actors concerned by the project (a group of associations for environment protection, Areva company, the ministries of economy and ecology, Global Chance, association of pro-nuclear ecologists (AEPN), 'Sortir du Nucleaire' (out-of nuclear) network, group of scientists for the information about nuclear (GSIEN), association for the promotion of the Flamanville site (Proflam), French nuclear energy society (SFEN) in association with 'Sauvons le Climat' (let's save climate), regional collective association 'EPR non merci, ni ailleurs, ni ici' (EPR, no thanks, neither elsewhere, nor here), NegaWatt), and 5 detailed books of actors: ACRO (association for the control of radioactivity in Western France), CFDT and CGT syndicates, the economic and social council of Basse Normandie region, and Proflam. (J.S.)

  9. The heterogeneity of mental representation: Ending the imagery debate. (United States)

    Pearson, Joel; Kosslyn, Stephen M


    The possible ways that information can be represented mentally have been discussed often over the past thousand years. However, this issue could not be addressed rigorously until late in the 20th century. Initial empirical findings spurred a debate about the heterogeneity of mental representation: Is all information stored in propositional, language-like, symbolic internal representations, or can humans use at least two different types of representations (and possibly many more)? Here, in historical context, we describe recent evidence that humans do not always rely on propositional internal representations but, instead, can also rely on at least one other format: depictive representation. We propose that the debate should now move on to characterizing all of the different forms of human mental representation.

  10. The globalization debate: The skeptics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tadić Tadija


    Full Text Available A devastating criticism of a "hard core" argumentation, stemming from skeptical authors, has strongly challenged an enthusiasm noticeable in most theoretical analyses of globalization, bringing to light many "darker sides" of the globalization phenomena. A detailed critical re-examination of their often unrealistic assumptions has presented a very serious challenge to globalists and has made room for the arising of the so called "great globalization debate", which has started over time to shape the mainstream of the contemporary social philosophy. In this paper we are closely looking into the way in which skeptics realize their devastating criticism of globalists' argumentation.

  11. Competitive debate classroom as a cooperative learning technique for the human resources subject

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo A. SANCHEZ PRIETO


    Full Text Available The paper shows an academic debate model as a cooperative learning technique for teaching human resources at University. The general objective of this paper is to conclude if academic debate can be included in the category of cooperative learning. The Specific objective it is presenting a model to implement this technique. Thus the first part of the paper shows the concept of cooperative learning and its main characteristics. The second part presents the debate model believed to be labelled as cooperative learning. Last part concludes with the characteristics of the model that match different aspects or not of the cooperative learning.

  12. Varsity Medical Ethics Debate 2015: should nootropic drugs be available under prescription on the NHS? (United States)

    Thorley, Emma; Kang, Isaac; D'Costa, Stephanie; Vlazaki, Myrto; Ayeko, Olaoluwa; Arbe-Barnes, Edward H; Swerner, Casey B


    The 2015 Varsity Medical Ethics debate convened upon the motion: "This house believes nootropic drugs should be available under prescription". This annual debate between students from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, now in its seventh year, provided the starting point for arguments on the subject. The present article brings together and extends many of the arguments put forward during the debate. We explore the current usage of nootropic drugs, their safety and whether it would be beneficial to individuals and society as a whole for them to be available under prescription. The Varsity Medical Debate was first held in 2008 with the aim of allowing students to engage in discussion about ethics and policy within healthcare. The event is held annually and it is hoped that this will allow future leaders to voice a perspective on the arguments behind topics that will feature heavily in future healthcare and science policy. This year the Oxford University Medical Society at the Oxford Union hosted the debate.

  13. Educación diferenciada y coeducación: continuar el debate y proteger la ciencia


    Gordillo, Enrique G.


    In the context of the current debate regarding the best school setting (single-sex schooling v. coeducation) several advocates of coeducation have published emblematic papers that implicitly suggest that the debate should be considered as finished and that further research regarding this topic is not needed. This essay aims to refute the combined arguments of those articles using methodological and empirical facts, and show that the debate about this question and...

  14. Unmanned Carrier-Based Aircraft System: Debate over Systems Role Led to Focus on Aerial Refueling (United States)


    Unmanned Carrier-Based Aircraft System: Debate over System’s Role Led to Focus on Aerial Refueling Prior to February 2016, the Navy had planned to...Background In a May 2015 report, we found that the intended mission and required capabilities of UCLASS were under review as there was debate ...environments, or largely strike with limited surveillance capability operating in highly contested environments.2 This debate delayed the expected

  15. Las tecnologías del cuerpo en el debate público: análisis del debate parlamentario de la Ley de Identidad de Género argentina


    Neer,Anahí Farji


    Este artículo interroga el modo en que las transformaciones recientes en el campo de la biomedicina tienen eco en regulaciones que procesan demandas de los colectivos de travestis, transexuales y transgéneros en Argentina. Para ello, analiza el debate parlamentario que culminó con la sanción de la Ley de Identidad de Género, de 2012. Dicho debate es abordado prestando especial atención a los sentidos en torno de las tecnologías biomédicas de transformación corporal y su vínculo con representa...

  16. Landscaping climate change: a mapping technique for understanding science and technology debates on the world wide web

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rogers, R.; Marres, N.


    New World Wide Web (web) mapping techniques may inform and ultimately facilitate meaningful participation in current science and technology debates. The technique described here "landscapes" a debate by displaying key "webby" relationships between organizations. "Debate-scaping" plots two

  17. Publicity, news content, and cultural debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard Kristensen, Nete; From, Unni


    Taking our point of departure in mediatization theory (Hjarvard, 2013; Lundby, 2009; Schulz, 2004), we analyse the interwoven communicative forms of the film industry and the printed press as they are expressed in the coverage of three blockbusters in Danish newspapers – Ben-Hur (1959/62); Batman...... stimulate socio-cultural debate, at the same time as the portrayal of blockbuster movie events and their directors and actors at-tracts media audiences, serving as entertainment, service as well as enlightenment....

  18. Feminismo e Ilustración (XIV Conferencias Aranguren: I. De la razón inerte a la razón meritoria; II. Por una Ilustración multicultural

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amorós, Celia


    emancipatorias para el feminismo. El punto de partida es un análisis del planteamiento de Hume de la identidad personal que pone en evidencia sus sesgos patriarcales. Se contrapone la noción humeana de una razón inerte con la deriva que, a partir del cartesianismo, lleva a Poullain de la Barre a concebir la razón como un trabajo o un esfuerzo permanentes. Se relaciona la aportación de este filósofo feminista epígono del cartesianismo con el «conatus» spinoziano para enlazar, por último, con la idea de Mary Wollstonecraft de la razón como «razón meritoria»: carece de privilegios adscriptivos en la retícula de fuerzas en las que opera junto con las pasiones a la vez que se inviste con un valor emergente crítico del Ancien Régime.
    En la segunda parte, se defiende que los procesos crítico-reflexivos que ponen en cuestión la legitimidad de las instituciones vigentes en una cultura no son monopolio de Occidente. En este sentido, la Ilustración no es su patrimonio exclusivo en la medida en que podemos encontrar en otras culturas «vetas de Ilustración». A título de aval de esta hipótesis se reconstruye la obra del filósofo magrebí Al-Yabri, autor de la Crítica de la Razón árabe como paradigmática de lo que puede ser una apropiación selectiva del propio pasado en función de «las interpelaciones interculturales» del presente. A la luz de la misma, se recupera a Averroes como un clásico de una «modernidad planetaria» que apuesta por el laicismo y de la que se desprenden implicaciones para el feminismo.

  19. The Atlanta Urban Debate League: Exploring the Making of a Critical Literacy Space (United States)

    Cridland-Hughes, Susan


    The Atlanta Urban Debate League was established in 1985 as an after school program focused on providing debate outreach to high school students in the Atlanta public schools. Still in operation today, volunteers work with current students in public middle and high schools in Atlanta, supporting students as they practice reading, writing, speaking…

  20. Affordances and Constraints of Using the Socio-Political Debate for Authentic Summative Assessment (United States)

    Anker-Hansen, Jens; Andrée, Maria


    This article reports from an empirical study on the affordances and constraints for using staged socio-political debates for authentic summative assessment of scientific literacy. The article focuses on conditions for student participation and what purposes emerge in student interaction in a socio-political debate. As part of the research project,…

  1. [The Danish Debate on Priority Setting in Medicine--An Update]. (United States)

    Pornak, S C; Raspe, H


    In the last years, the Danish debate about priority setting in medicine has gained new strength. This paper shows the main focuses of the current discussion based on a research of Danish primary literature. For the first time since the 1990s the Danish Council of Ethics has been involved with priority setting in medicine in a project running from 2011 to 2013. The Council emphasises the importance of legitimate processes and calls for visible values and criteria. A focus of the debate is how to deal with new expensive drugs. Politicians, physicians, health economists and the Council of Ethics have called for a national institution for priority setting in medicine. They have mainly looked to the Norwegian National Council for Priority Setting in Health Care and the British National Institute for Health and Care Excellence for inspiration. The Danish Government considered establishing a national institute for priority setting, but the plans were not put into practice. In the year 2012 a new national project was launched to create clinical guidelines. Danish doctors welcome the guidelines as a good basis for priority setting. Just like in earlier Danish priority setting debates, a coordinating institution is lacking to bundle the discussion and keep it going. The debate seems to have come to an end once again. The fact that it was seriously considered to establish an institute for priority setting is a new development. It can be expected that the discussion will be resumed in the near future, possibly the idea of an institute for priority setting will be readopted. The general conditions for priority setting in health care have improved. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. Methylprednisolone for acute spinal cord injury: an increasingly philosophical debate. (United States)

    Bowers, Christian A; Kundu, Bornali; Hawryluk, Gregory W J


    Following publication of NASCIS II, methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS) was hailed as a breakthrough for patients with acute spinal cord injury (SCI). MPSS use for SCI has since become very controversial and it is our opinion that additional evidence is unlikely to break the stalemate amongst clinicians. Patient opinion has the potential to break this stalemate and we review our recent findings which reported that spinal cord injured patients informed of the risks and benefits of MPSS reported a preference for MPSS administration. We discuss the implications of the current MPSS debate on translational research and seek to address some misconceptions which have evolved. As science has failed to resolve the MPSS debate we argue that the debate is an increasingly philosophical one. We question whether SCI might be viewed as a serious condition like cancer where serious side effects of therapeutics are tolerated even when benefits may be small. We also draw attention to the similarity between the side effects of MPSS and isotretinoin which is prescribed for the cosmetic disorder acne vulgaris. Ultimately we question how patient autonomy should be weighed in the context of current SCI guidelines and MPSS's status as a historical standard of care.

  3. May I steal your sentences? Brazilian modernists debate the issue of authorship

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    Marcia Regina Jaschke Machado


    Full Text Available The topic of authorship has been thoroughly debated among Brazilian modernist intellectuals, especially during the 1920s. What we call search for the  authorial personality of modern styles was often linked to notions of influence and plagiarism. This article aims at presenting this debate in texts published at the time and in letters exchanged between Mário de Andrade and some of his interlocutors.

  4. Debates about assisted suicide in Switzerland. (United States)

    Burkhardt, Sandra; La Harpe, Romano


    Assisted suicide is allowed in 3 states of the United States (Oregon, Washington, Montana) but only if performed by a physician.On the opposite, in Switzerland, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Swiss Penal Code referred to assisted suicide in the context of honor or an unhappy love affair. It was only in 1985 that Exit Deutsche Schweiz (Exit for German-speaking Switzerland) "medically" assisted the first patient to end his life.Even if authorized by the Swiss law upon certain conditions, assisted suicide is subject to debates for ethical reasons. The Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences described directives to guide physicians on this difficult subject.Different studies showed an increase in the number of medical-assisted suicide in Switzerland since the 1990s. Now, this number seems to be quite stable. Assisted suicide is authorized in a few hospitals under strict conditions (especially when returning home is impossible).Thus, according to the Swiss law, any person could perform assisted suicide; this is essentially performed by 3 main associations, using pentobarbital on medical prescription as lethal substance.Generally speaking, the Swiss population is rather in favor of assisted suicide. Among politics, the debate has been tough until 2010, when the Federal Council decided not to modify the Swiss Penal Code concerning assisted suicide.

  5. [Bioethics and abortion. Debate]. (United States)

    Diniz, D; Gonzalez Velez, A C


    Although abortion has been the most debated of all issues analyzed in bioethics, no moral consensus has been achieved. The problem of abortion exemplifies the difficulty of establishing social dialogue in the face of distinct moral positions, and of creating an independent academic discussion based on writings that are passionately argumentative. The greatest difficulty posed by the abortion literature is to identify consistent philosophical and scientific arguments amid the rhetorical manipulation. A few illustrative texts were selected to characterize the contemporary debate. The terms used to describe abortion are full of moral meaning and must be analyzed for their underlying assumptions. Of the four main types of abortion, only 'eugenic abortion', as exemplified by the Nazis, does not consider the wishes of the woman or couple--a fundamental difference for most bioethicists. The terms 'selective abortion' and 'therapeutic abortion' are often confused, and selective abortion is often called eugenic abortion by opponents. The terms used to describe abortion practitioners, abortion opponents, and the 'product' are also of interest in determining the style of the article. The video entitled "The Silent Scream" was a classic example of violent and seductive rhetoric. Its type of discourse, freely mixing scientific arguments and moral beliefs, hinders analysis. Within writings about abortion three extreme positions may be identified: heteronomy (the belief that life is a gift that does not belong to one) versus reproductive autonomy; sanctity of life versus tangibility of life; and abortion as a crime versus abortion as morally neutral. Most individuals show an inconsistent array of beliefs, and few groups or individuals identify with the extreme positions. The principal argument of proponents of legalization is respect for the reproductive autonomy of the woman or couple based on the principle of individual liberty, while heteronomy is the main principle of

  6. Issues in Sociobiology: The Nature vs. Nurture Debate. (United States)

    Lorenzen, Eric


    Explains the two theories on the origins of human and animal behavior. Introduces the new discipline of sociobiology, a merging of biology and sociology. Describes the central dogma of sociobiology and its societal implications, and discusses criticism of sociobiology. Presents the nature vs. nurture debate. (YDS)

  7. The continuity-creativity debate : the case of Revival

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    Jean Besson


    Full Text Available Argues that the attempts to polarize the debate around Caribbean culture into an African continuity versus a creole creativity position is misplaced. The authors use Revivalism as an example of both continuity in African-derived Myalim and an on-going process of re-creation.

  8. Science, economics, and rhetoric: environmental advocacy and the wolf reintroduction debate, 1987-1999 (United States)

    Dayle C. Hardy-Short; C. Brant Short


    This paper examines the arguments employed in the debate over reintroduction of wolves into Idaho, Montana, and the Yellowstone National Park Ecosystem; and in Arizona and New Mexico. The study reviews common rhetorical themes used by advocates and opponents of wolf reintroduction and identifies a significant rhetorical shift in the debate. Advocates opposed to wolf...

  9. Debate Instruction in EFL Classroom: Impacts on the Critical Thinking and Speaking Skill (United States)

    Iman, Jaya Nur


    The research was aimed to find out whether or not using debate significantly improved the students' critical thinking and speaking skill achievements and how much debate contributed to each aspect of critical thinking and speaking skill. A quasi-experimental study of non-equivalent pretest- posttest control group design was used in this research.…


    CERN Multimedia


    CERN has been informed by the French authorities that in the framework of the French government-led "National Debate on the Future of Schools" a meeting and discussion forum open to all will be held in the Salle du Vidolet, Cessy, on Tuesday 16 December 2003 from 7.30 to 11.00 p.m. For more information on this nationwide debate that aims to reach a common assessment and thus contribute to laying the foundations of France's future education system, please consult the following website: In this context it should be noted that the French Government inter alia has committed itself to maintaining the following conditions at the Ferney Voltaire Lycée and Collège: - priority admission for French and non-French pupils whose parents are CERN staff members, - the international nature of both establishments, where the curricula are designed to help pupils re-adapt to the teaching systems in their country of origin, should they return there, - the preparatio...

  11. Land, Livelihoods, and the Decline of Work: South African Lessons for Current Debates

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    Ben Scully


    Full Text Available This article presents a comparison of central debates in South African labor sociology in the1970s and the contemporary era. I argue that scholars can break through impasses in currentlabor sociology debates by reviving attention to the land-labor-livelihood (LLL connections thatinspired theoretical advancements in the South African literature of the 1970s. After anintroduction and definition of LLL connections, the paper analyzes an exemplary work of thelabor literature of the 1970s, giving special attention to the way in which the LLL focus shapedthe questions asked by the authors. The article proceeds to a review of central debates from thecurrent labor literature, which focuses primarily on issues of the labor movement. It is arguedthat this focus on movements has limited the scope of labor scholarship, resulting in an impassein South African labor debates. An emerging literature that renews attention to the LLLconnections is proposed as a model for moving beyond this impasse. I close the article bydiscussing the implications for this review of South African literature for global laborscholarship.

  12. Influencing parliamentary debate on labour policy in Uruguay | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Influencing parliamentary debate on labour policy in Uruguay ... The study has been presented in international conferences and was recently published in the ... Mini soap operas foster financial education and inclusion of women in Peru.

  13. Westerplatte or Jedwabne?: Debates on history and "collective guilt" in Poland

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    Stanislawski Wojciech


    Full Text Available The author analyzes recent Polish debates on researching silenced aspects of national history and the problem of the "collective guilt". One of the major questions arising in these debates is: does the study of "white spots" from the past (have to lead to a trauma of continuous collective self-blame? In Poland, a specialized institution, the Institute of National Memory, was founded in 1998, engaging in research, documentation and public education on events related to German and Soviet occupation during WWII and the activity of political police under communism. Polish debates on the past got particularly inflamed after the discovery made by the historian J.T.Gross on the participation of Poles in the massacre of Jewish inhabitants of the town of Jedwabne in 1941. His book published in 2000 provoked a heated debate in which methodological, political and moral arguments were used on both sides. This case also occasioned a polemic between two prominent historians, identifying two basic visions of national history: the "monumental" one, recognizing only the heroic deeds that the nation takes pride in, and the "skeptical" one, which looks for silenced and shameful facts. Though both participants in the polemic opt for the third vision, the "objective" history which dispassionately seeks the truth, one of them stresses the role of the monumental history in maintaining the cohesion of the national community, while the other emphasizes that the collective acknowledgement of the nation's crimes can be a basis for national pride. .

  14. The nuclear energy debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hardy, D.


    We have not been able to obtain closure in the nuclear energy debate because the public perception of nuclear energy is out of sync with reality. The industry has not been about to deal with the concerns of those opposed to nuclear energy because its reaction has been to generate and disseminate more facts rather than dealing with the serious moral and ethical questions that are being asked. Nuclear proponents and opponents appeal to different moral communities, and those outside each community cannot concede that the other might be right. The Interfaith Program for Public Awareness of Nuclear Issues (IPPANI) has been formed, sponsored by members of the Jewish, Baha'i, Roman Catholic, United, and Anglican faiths, to provide for a balanced discussion of the ethical aspects of energy. (L.L.)

  15. Kan man opstille adfærdsregler for offentlig debat?

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    Christian Koch


    Full Text Available Denne artikel slår til lyd for at vi har brug for adfærdsregler for offentlig debat. De skal ikke bestå i begrænsninger af ytringsfriheden og selvcensur, ikke i nedfældede bestemmelser eller organer til at håndhæve dem – men i skærpet refleksion, bevidsthed og diskussion om hvad der er rimelig adfærd i offentlig debat. Især blandt journalister, medie- og kommunikations-forskere og politiske kommentatorer kunne denne skærpede bevidsthed være ønskelig; den kunne f.eks. få dem til at være mere kritisk agtpågivende når politikere og andre personer med indflydelse offentligt diskuterer og besvarer spørgsmål.

  16. The great debate series: surgical treatment of aortic valve abnormalities in children. (United States)

    d'Udekem, Yves; Tweddell, James S; Karl, Tom R


    This article is the latest in an EJCTS series entitled 'The Great Debates'. We have chosen the topic of aortic valve (AoV) surgery in children, with a focus on infants and neonates. The topic was selected due to the significant challenges that AoV problems in the young may present to the surgical team. There are many areas of active controversy, despite the vast accumulated world experience. We have tried to incorporate many of these issues in the questions posed, not claiming to be all-inclusive. The individuals invited to this debate are experts in paediatric valve surgery, with broad and successful clinical experiences on multiple continents. We hope that the facts and opinions presented in this debate will generate interest and discussion and perhaps prove useful in decision-making for future complex valve cases.

  17. Debates of the Vista 2009 Colloquium 'A European emergency: energy policy'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fabius, Laurent; Ladoucette, Philippe de; Lederer, Pierre; Percebois, Jacques; Ristori, Dominique; ); ROSIER, Philippe; Tran Thiet, Jean-Paul; Chalmin, Philippe


    After an introduction speech by the chairman of Vista-Think tank energies, a first debate examined whether energy needs Europe. The interveners discussed the existence of other instruments than competition, the openness to all the market actors, the relationship between the regulatory policy and the possibility of development at a European level. The second debate examined whether Europe needs energy. The interveners describe the development of a European energy sector in a context without any actual European energy policy, how such a policy can emerge, how the various challenges and objectives are addressed

  18. Antiterrorist policy and public debate, 1996-2009 | Política antiterrorista y debate público, 1996-2009

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    Juan Avilés


    Full Text Available This paper examines the important role that terrorism has played in Spanish political debates over the last few years. To this end, we explore the breaking of the antiterrorist consensus between national parties and the PNV in the wake of the Lizarra agreement, the legislative and judicial offensive directed against ETA and its supporters backed by the consensus between the PP and PSOE during Aznar’s second term in office, the political impact of the terrorist attacks of 11 March 2004 and the conspiracy theories spread by certain sectors of the media, and the clash brought about by Zapatero’s initial attempt to negotiate with ETA. | Este artículo examina el importante papel que el terrorismo ha jugado en el debate político español en estos últimos años. Los temas centrales se refieren a la ruptura del consenso antiterrorista entre los partidos de ámbito nacional y el PNV a raíz del pacto de Lizarra, la ofensiva legislativa y judicial contra ETA y su entorno apoyada por el consenso entre PP y PSOE en la segunda legislatura de Aznar, el impacto político de los atentados del 11-M y las teorías conspirativas propagadas por algunos medios de comunicación, y el enfrentamiento que se produjo por la tentativa inicial de Zapatero de negociar con ETA.

  19. Metodologias feministas e estudos de gênero: articulando pesquisa, clínica e política Metodologías feministas y estudios de género: articulando pesquisa, clínica y política Feminist methodologies and gender studies: articulating research, therapy and politics

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    Martha Giudice Narvaz


    Full Text Available Este texto busca dar visibilidade ao feminismo enquanto projeto teórico-epistemológico e político e suas possíveis articulações com a pesquisa acadêmica e com a clínica feminista. Inicialmente, situamos o conceito de feminismo como movimento histórico, político e filosófico-epistemológico; apresentamos as gerações, comumente conhecidas como ondas do feminismo, apontando algumas de suas principais características e problematizações. Posteriormente, desenvolvemos considerações sobre as diferentes epistemologias, metodologias e terapias feministas. Ao final, destacamos que a falta de institucionalização dos estudos feministas e de gênero enquanto saberes legítimos e integrados aos currículos universitários revela a posição marginal que tais estudos ainda ocupam na Academia, na Pesquisa e na Clínica.Este texto busca dar visibilidad al feminismo mientras proyecto teórico-epistemológico y político y sus posibles articulaciones con la investigación académica y con la clínica feminista. Inicialmente, situamos el concepto de feminismo como movimiento histórico, político y filosófico-epistemológico; presentamos las generaciones, comúnmente conocidas como olas del feminismo, apuntando algunas de sus principales características y problematizaciones. Posteriormente, desarrollamos consideraciones sobre las diferentes epistemologías, metodologías y terapias feministas. Al final, destacamos que la falta de institucionalización de los estudios feministas y de género mientras saberes legítimos e integrados a los currículos universitarios revela la posición marginal que tales estudios aún ocupan en la Academia, en la Pesquisa y en la Clínica.This article presents feminism as a theoretical, epistemological and political project, as well as its articulations between the academic research and the feminist therapy. Initially, the feminist concept is emphasized as a historical, political and philosophical

  20. Inactivation of Anandamide Signaling: A Continuing Debate

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    Wael E. Houssen


    Full Text Available Since the first endocannabinoid anandamide was identified in 1992, extensive research has been conducted to characterize the elements of the tightly controlled endocannabinoid signaling system. While it was established that the activity of endocannabinoids are terminated by a two-step process that includes cellular uptake and degradation, there is still a continuing debate about the mechanistic role of these processes in inactivating anandamide signals.

  1. Current Debates in the Study of the Industrial Revolution. (United States)

    Beaudoin, Steven M.


    Provides an overview of the literature on the debates surrounding the industrial revolution using four categories: (1) definition and characteristics; (2) context and causation; (3) impacts and scope; and (4) industrialization as a worldwide phenomenon. (CMK)

  2. Ejemplo de médico y revolucionario

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    María Elena Cuervo Calviño


    Full Text Available Hay hombres que dedican su vida a una causa y por eso, aunque mueran, se mantienen siempre vivos. El Dr. Jeremías José Ramón Hernández Ojito es un vivo ejemplo de ello, quien participó en las actividades revolucionarias desde sus inicios, en actos de sabotajes y distribución de propaganda revolucionaria, vendiendo bonos para el movimiento 26 de julio y en todo cuanto estuvo a su alcance para apoyar el triunfo en 1959. En el año 1965 termina sus estudios médicos y a pesar de ser del municipio de Güines de la provincia de La Habana, vino a trabajar al hospital de la capital provincial de Las Tunas, donde estuvo al frente del servicio de Cirugía, también permaneció durante un tiempo en el hospital “Vladimir Ilich Lenin” de Holguín para realizar estudios de residencia en Cirugía, concluidos los cuales, regresa a Las Tunas, ocupando diferentes cargos administrativos y sindicales, siempre aportando sus conocimientos en el sitio donde más se necesitaran. Por la experiencia adquirida en su especialidad, en el año 1974 fue uno de los integrantes del equipo de cirugía que participó en la famosa separación de las siamesas en el hospital “Vladimir Ilich Lenin”, operación nunca antes realizada en nuestro país y de éxito rotundo, lo cual corrobora el hecho de que las dos aún viven. En septiembre de 1982 fue nombrado Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas, cargo que desempeñó hasta septiembre de 1989 cuando fue designado Director del Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas. Entre 1992 y 2000 fue miembro del “Panel de Asesores Expertos en Información Biomédica y Salud” de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, además  integró el Ejecutivo Nacional del Comité de Médicos para la Prevención de la Guerra Nuclear (IPPNW. Como aval de su trayectoria médica y revolucionaria se relacionan los principales reconocimientos y distinciones recibidos en el transcurso de su vida: Llegó a ser Especialista de Segundo Grado en Administración de Salud; obtuvo la categoría docente principal de “Profesor Consultante” del Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana; recibió cartas de felicitación por el trabajo realizado como internacionalista en Angola; la Medalla “Manuel Fajardo” del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Salud, por más de 25 años de servicios en el sector; la Distinción “28 de Septiembre”, de los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución; las Medallas Trabajador Internacionalista y Combatiente de la Lucha Clandestina del Consejo de Estado; así como las Medallas 30 Aniversario y 40 Aniversario de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias. Podemos resumir la conducta del Dr. Ojito con las siguientes palabras: Fue un ser noble y humilde, comprometido con su tiempo y su patria y con excepcionales valores humanos.

  3. El desarrollo económico de la Rusia Soviética: entre papas y ojivas

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    Eduardo Crespo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el contexto económico y geopolítico del debate sobre la industrialización ocurrido al interior del partido bolchevique entre Preobrazhenski y Bukharin. Un rápido catch up industrial era imprescindible para un país aislado en términos internacionales, en proceso revolucionario, y atrasado en términos económicos. Sin embargo, el proceso de industrialización enfrentaba significativas contradicciones sociales. La entrega de las tie-rras a los campesinos en el inicio de la revolución generó una caída del excedente agrícola que trababa el proceso de industrialización. En ese contexto, se plantearon dos alternativas: o se aceleraba el desarrollo industrial con el riesgo de declarar una guerra a la mayoría campesina, o se optaba por un crecimiento a “paso de tortuga”, que imposibilitaba el necesario catch up industrial y militar con las potencias más desarrolladas.

  4. Grounding Political Debate

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    Benjamin Marks


    Full Text Available This essay is intentionally one-sided. Almost all other essays by either defenders of capitalism (libertarians or defenders of government (statists are oppositely one-sided. They claim that capitalism’s voluntariness or government’s coerciveness mean that capitalism or government better fosters such things as art, happiness, education, jobs and world peace, and never much emphasise factors that may undermine their commentary. This essay emphasises the mitigating factors that others gloss over.Arguments about the advantages or disadvantages of capitalism or government dominate political debate. This essay contends that these arguments, when they are not just about their author’s feelings, are usually incorrect or misleading. They often use value-judgments on behalf of others, disguised by false measures of happiness invented from economic data or surveys, and then applied across demographics and time. Another common error is to talk only of the positive side of something and ignore the negative. Libertarians spot these errors in statists, yet often do not hold themselves to the same standard.

  5. Debate as Encapsulated Conflict: Ruled Controversy as an Approach to Learning Conflict Management Skills. (United States)

    Lee, David G.; Hensley, Carl Wayne

    Debate can provide a format for the development of communication skills to aid students in managing conflicts, because an understanding of rule-governed communication in conflict situations is invaluable in constructive conflict management. Since in debate procedural rules restrict discussion primarily to substantive and procedural topics, debate…

  6. Liberal intolerance in European education debates

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Tore Vincents


    The reaction against non-western immigrants and especially Muslims has been analysed both in terms of an exclusionary civic nationalism and in terms of an assertive liberalism. Similar to exclusionary civic nationalism, assertive liberalism purports to defend liberal democratic principles...... by subdividing it into four categories of liberal intolerance and demonstrates this by analysing six national debates on the accommodation of cultural and religious diversity in education. The analysis indicates that the nature of liberal intolerance understood as the combination of the four categories...

  7. The Bio:Fiction film festival: Sensing how a debate about synthetic biology might evolve. (United States)

    Schmidt, Markus; Meyer, Angela; Cserer, Amelie


    Synthetic biology (SB) is a new techno-scientific field surrounded by an aura of hope, hype and fear. Currently it is difficult to predict which way the public debate - and thus the social shaping of technology - is heading. With limited hard evidence at hand, we resort to a strategy that takes into account speculative design and diegetic prototyping, accessing the Bio:Fiction science film festival, and its 52 short films from international independent filmmakers. Our first hypothesis was that these films could be used as an indicator of a public debate to come. The second hypothesis was that SB would most likely not follow the debate around genetic engineering (framing technology as conflict) as assumed by many observers. Instead, we found good evidence for two alternative comparators, namely nanotechnology (technology as progress) and information technology (technology as gadget) as stronger attractors for an upcoming public debate on SB. © The Author(s) 2013.

  8. Debates Regarding Lean Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Narrative Review. (United States)

    Goyal, Manu; Dawood, Ayman S


    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex syndrome showing the clinical features of an endocrine/metabolic disorder, including hyperinsulinemia and hyperandrogenism. Two phenotypes are present, either lean or obese, with different biochemical, hormonal, and metabolic profiles. Evidence suggests many treatment modalities that can be applied. However, many of these modalities were found to be not suitable for the lean phenotype of PCOS. Much contradictory research was found regarding lean patients with PCOS. The aim of this narrative review is to shed light on the debate prevailing regarding characteristics, as well as metabolic, hematological, and potential management modalities. Literature review was performed from January 1, 2000 to March 31, 2017 with specific word search such as lean PCOS, hormonal abnormalities in lean PCOS, and the management of lean PCOS. All retrieved articles were carefully assessed, and data were obtained. We could conclude that the debate is still prevailing regarding this specific lean population with PCOS, especially with regard to their characteristics and management modalities. Further studies are still required to resolve this debate on the presence of PCOS in lean women.

  9. Debates regarding lean patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: A narrative review

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    Manu Goyal


    Full Text Available Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS is a complex syndrome showing the clinical features of an endocrine/metabolic disorder, including hyperinsulinemia and hyperandrogenism. Two phenotypes are present, either lean or obese, with different biochemical, hormonal, and metabolic profiles. Evidence suggests many treatment modalities that can be applied. However, many of these modalities were found to be not suitable for the lean phenotype of PCOS. Much contradictory research was found regarding lean patients with PCOS. The aim of this narrative review is to shed light on the debate prevailing regarding characteristics, as well as metabolic, hematological, and potential management modalities. Literature review was performed from January 1, 2000 to March 31, 2017 with specific word search such as lean PCOS, hormonal abnormalities in lean PCOS, and the management of lean PCOS. All retrieved articles were carefully assessed, and data were obtained. We could conclude that the debate is still prevailing regarding this specific lean population with PCOS, especially with regard to their characteristics and management modalities. Further studies are still required to resolve this debate on the presence of PCOS in lean women.

  10. La Intrascendencia del debate positivismo-iusnaturalismo: Las normas de ius cogens

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    Andrés Molina-Ochoa


    Full Text Available El objetivo del artículo es probar la irrelevancia del debate entre iusnaturalismo y positivismo para resolver problemas típicos del derecho. El artículo se fundamenta en las respuestas que positivistas y naturalistas podrían dar al problema de la existencia de normas de ius cogens, particularmente, al problema de la obligatoriedad y validez de dichas normas. Al probar que tanto el positivismo inclusivista y exclusivista, así como el iusnaturalismo responden a los problemas del ius Mogens de la misma forma, el artículo concluye que no hay un verdadero debate entre estas dos teorías, excepto por la discusión que todavía continúa sobre si el derecho puede ser una ciencia descriptiva o tiene que ser una disciplina normativa. En este sentido, el debate entre positivistas y iusnaturalistas puede considerarse como un capítulo más en la larga discusión acerca de la naturaleza de las ciencias sociales.

  11. Current Debates in Corporate Social Responsibility: An Agenda for Research

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    David Crowther


    Full Text Available Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR has a particular prominence at this point in time, featuring heavily in the discourses of both academe and business. The understanding of what is meant by CSR continues to evolve as a consensus is reached. Nevertheless some important debates continue – or are commencing – which need to be resolved. It is the purpose of this paper to highlight these as some of the current debates within the CSR community – and hence form a significant part of an agenda for research in the area. Specifically we focus upon three key areas for the management of business, namely setting standards for reporting, identifying and implementing sustainable practice, and the management of risk.

  12. Mercantilização, proteção social e emancipação: as ambivalências do feminismo na crise do capitalismo Marketization, social protection and emancipation: ambivalences of feminism in the capitalist crisis

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    Nancy Fraser


    Full Text Available Esse capítulo apresenta reflexões sobre as perspectivas do feminismo no quadro da crise atual do capitalismo neoliberal. Ele se baseia nas teorias de Karl Polanyi queexplicaram o processo histórico da crise pelo conflito central entre dois eixos - aquele da mercantilização e aquele da proteção social. Entretanto, Polanyi ocultou as formas de injustiça que não estão presentes no mercado e tinha uma tendência a absolver as formas de proteção social que são vetores de dominação. Esse capítulo amplia as análises do conflito entre mercantilização e proteção social integrando à analise um terceiro eixo, a emancipação, através da qual passa todo o conflito. A introdução desse terceiro elemento faltante transforma o movimento duplo em um triplo, formando o coração de uma perspectiva quase polanyiana e suscetível de explicar a crise do século XXI. O capítulo tem, primeiramente, a função de construir essa nova perspectiva e utilizá-la em um segundo momento para a análise das apostas na emancipação da hierarquia de gênero. O movimento triplo, assim constituído, permite superar as ambivalências do feminismo, já que suas reflexões foram com frequência instrumentalizadas pelo neoliberalismo triunfante. A reapropriação de uma proteção social definida por objetivos democráticos, logo participativos, não hierárquicos e não opressivos, abre ainda a possibilidade de definição de uma nova política feminista.This article is a reflection on the perspectives of feminism in the context of the current crisis of neoliberal capitalism. It is based on the theories of Karl Polanyi that explained the historical process of the crises as a result of the conflict between two elements - marketization and social protection. However, Polanyi Kept out of sight forms of injustice that are not present in the market. He also had the tendency to excuse the social protection as an instrument of domination. This article takes a

  13. Epistemologia e Feminismo


    Williams, Priscila


    0 presente artigo busca compreender o entendimento de ciência e quais são seus limites. Além disso, apresenta um olhar feminista sobre a ciência, apresentando outra forma de validar o conhecimento através da Epistemologia Feminista.

  14. El feminismo comparativo


    Kaplan, Temma; Carabí (entrevistadora), Àngels


    En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o la clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno e los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, per...

  15. El feminismo comparativo


    Kaplan, Temma


    En esta entrevista, Àngels Carabí y Temma Kaplan hablan de los orígenes y la evolución del movimiento feminista en los Estados Unidos, que surgió de los movimientos de los derechos civiles y que tenía un objetivo común: conseguir los derechos civiles para todas las mujeres, independientemente de la raza o clase social a la que pertenecían. Uno de los temas principales era el derecho al control sobre su propio cuerpo, con las metas iniciales de permitir los contraconceptivos y el aborto, pero ...

  16. Feminismo y discapacidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Sánchez Tierra


    Full Text Available Históricamente se ha asociado la discapacidad a lo defectuoso, lo imperfecto, etc. La sociedad, lejos de asumir el problema de la discapacidad, lo redujo al ámbito de lo individual, negándose a asumir la parte de la responsabilidad que le corresponde. Mientras, filósofos y científicos, en su búsqueda de la ―universalidad‖, ante el problema de la discapacidad, profirieron la acusación de marginal, acuñando el término ―normal‖ como base paradigmática de una pseudociencia patriarcal que, de forma paralela, imprimía en la mujer la imagen de lo naturalmente incompleto e incapacitado, inferior al hombre en inteligencia y moral, relegándola a labores asistenciales. Algunos enfoques feministas, reconociendo paralelismos con el problema de la discapacidad, lejos de ignorarlo, lo asumen, saliendo beneficiados, al optar por la liberación y la inclusión en sus más amplias cotas. Historically, disability was associated to defective, imperfect, etc. The society, far from assume the problem of disability, reduced it to the scope of the individual, refusing to assume the part of responsibility that it‘s entitled. Meanwhile, philosophers and scientists, in their search of the ―universality‖, before the problem of the disability, uttered the charge of marginal, coining the term ―normal‖ as a paradigmatic basis of a patriarchal pseudoscience that, in a parallel way, printed on woman the image of naturally incomplete and disabled, inferior to man in intelligence and morals, relegating her to care work. Some feminist approaches, recognizing parallelisms with the problem of disability, far from ignoring, assume it, being better off with it, by opting for liberation and inclusion in their broadest dimensions.

  17. Values and DSM-5: looking at the debate on attenuated psychosis syndrome. (United States)

    Gonçalves, Arthur Maciel Nunes; Dantas, Clarissa de Rosalmeida; Banzato, Claudio E M


    Although values have increasingly received attention in psychiatric literature over the last three decades, their role has been only partially acknowledged in psychiatric classification endeavors. The review process of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) received harsh criticism, and was even considered secretive by some authors. Also, it lacked an official discussion of values at play. In this perspective paper we briefly discuss the interplay of some values in the scientific and non-scientific debate around one of the most debated DSM-5 category proposals, the Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome (APS). Then, we point out some ethical consequences of a facts-plus-values perspective in psychiatric classification. Different stakeholders participated in the APS-debate and for analytical purposes we divided them into four groups: (i) researchers in the field of high-risk mental states; (ii) the DSM-5 Psychotic Disorders Work Group; (iii) patient, carers and advocacy groups; and (iv) external stakeholders, not related to the previous groups, but which also publicly expressed their opinions about APS inclusion in DSM-5. We found that each group differently stressed the role of values we examined in the APS-debate. These values were ethical, but also epistemic, political, economic and ontological. The prominence given to some values, and the lack of discussion about others, generated divergent positions among stakeholders in the debate. As exemplified by the APS discussion, although medicine is primarily an ethical endeavor, values of different kinds that take part in it also shape to a large extent the profession. Thus, it may be strategic to openly discuss values at play in the elaboration of diagnostic tools and classificatory systems. This task, more than scientifically or politically significant, is ethically important.

  18. Striking an interim balance of the ongoing climate debate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoenwiese, C.D.


    After the Berlin UN conference of the signatory states to the Climate Change Convention it seems appropriate to strike an interim balance of the ongoing debate about the global climate change, as it has meanwhile evolved from an issue discussed among experts to an issue of public debate. Such a ''progress report'' seems to be opportune also because doubts are mounting in the face of proclaimed countermeasures. The article therefore reviews and summarizes facts and figures, discussing emissions and concentrations, the physical properties of greenhouse gases, as well as uncertainties of model calculations and of interpretations of measured data. The current situation calls for application of alternative models and concepts, and consideration of natural processes in competition with man-made impacts on the climate within the framework of optimized interpretation, in order to have probabilistic data at hand for decision-making. (orig.) [de

  19. The Debate on Dominant Culture and Cultural Imperialism (United States)

    Anchan, John P.


    In this commentary, the author reviews in depth Roland S. Persson's (2012a) target article. According to him Persson (2012a) presents a convincing argument as he wove through examples and explanations. The idea of superculture connects well with the established neocolonial literature and the North-South/Centre-Periphery debate. From general to…

  20. "We make choices we think are going to save us": Debate and stance identification for online breast cancer CAM discussions. (United States)

    Zhang, Shaodian; Qiu, Lin; Chen, Frank; Zhang, Weinan; Yu, Yong; Elhadad, Noémie


    Patients discuss complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in online health communities. Sometimes, patients' conflicting opinions toward CAM-related issues trigger debates in the community. The objectives of this paper are to identify such debates, identify controversial CAM therapies in a popular online breast cancer community, as well as patients' stances towards them. To scale our analysis, we trained a set of classifiers. We first constructed a supervised classifier based on a long short-term memory neural network (LSTM) stacked over a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect automatically CAM-related debates from a popular breast cancer forum. Members' stances in these debates were also identified by a CNN-based classifier. Finally, posts automatically flagged as debates by the classifier were analyzed to explore which specific CAM therapies trigger debates more often than others. Our methods are able to detect CAM debates with F score of 77%, and identify stances with F score of 70%. The debate classifier identified about 1/6 of all CAM-related posts as debate. About 60% of CAM-related debate posts represent the supportive stance toward CAM usage. Qualitative analysis shows that some specific therapies, such as Gerson therapy and usage of laetrile, trigger debates frequently among members of the breast cancer community. This study demonstrates that neural networks can effectively locate debates on usage and effectiveness of controversial CAM therapies, and can help make sense of patients' opinions on such issues under dispute. As to CAM for breast cancer, perceptions of their effectiveness vary among patients. Many of the specific therapies trigger debates frequently and are worth more exploration in future work.

  1. Chinese Debates on the Democratization Process

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    Peer Møller Christensen


    Full Text Available The new economic importance of the Chinese economy has created Chinese expectations that the country will be able to regain a political and cultural position in the world in accordance with this economic status. But for China to become a respected member of world society, one of the most severe obstacles is its, from a western perspective, undemocratic political system. The article describes the lively debate going on among Chinese intellectuals of diverse political-ideological convictions about what kind of democracy should be the model for China’s future political system. The liberally oriented intellectuals want a political system very much like American liberal constitutional democracy, while intellectuals on the left side of the political spectrum want a democracy with a clear socialist basis. Although Chinese intellectuals form a minority in society, these intellectual debates are sure to have influence on both public opinion and opinions and attitudes among political decision makers inside the Chinese Communist Party. Further investigations will have to establish to what degree the perceptions of China's political future and democratization are reflected in the political attitudes among the Chinese in general, and how they are perceived inside the confines of political decision making in the Chinese Communist Party. Only then will it be possible to answer the questions: "What kind of democracy do the Chinese want?" and "What kind of democracy are the Chinese going to get?"

  2. Current debates over nosology of somatoform disorders

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    Amlan K Jana


    Full Text Available There is a wide debate among the researchers and clinicians over the diagnostic categories subsumed under the rubric of somatoform disorders (SDs. Recent proposals vary from radical views that call for removing this category altogether to the conservative views that suggests cosmetic changes in the diagnostic criteria of SDs. We have the reviewed the relevant literature through PUBMED search supplemented with manual search on current concepts of SD.

  3. Toward understanding the active SETI debate: Insights from risk communication and perception (United States)

    Korbitz, Adam


    Insights from the robust field of risk communication and perception have to date been almost totally absent from the policy debate regarding the relative risks and merits of Active SETI or Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI). For many years, the practice (or proposed practice) of Active SETI has generated a vigorous and sometimes heated policy debate within the scientific community. There have also been some negative reactions in the media toward the activities of those engaged in Active SETI. Risk communication is a scientific approach to communication regarding situations involving potentially sensitive or controversial situations in which there may be high public concern and low public trust. The discipline has found wide acceptance and utility in fields such as public health, industrial regulation and environmental protection. Insights from the scientific field of risk communication (such as omission bias, loss aversion, the availability heuristic, probability neglect, and the general human preference for voluntary over involuntary risks) may help those who have participated in either side of the debate over Active SETI to better understand why the debate has taken on this posture. Principles of risk communication and risk perception may also help those engaged in Active SETI to communicate more effectively with other scientists, the public, with the media, and with policy makers regarding their activities and to better understand and respond to concerns expressed regarding the activity.

  4. The origins of species: the debate between August Weismann and Moritz Wagner. (United States)

    Weissman, Charlotte


    Weismann's ideas on species transmutation were first expressed in his famous debate with Moritz Wagner on the mechanism of speciation. Wagner suggested that the isolation of a colony from its original source is a preliminary and necessary factor for speciation. Weismann accepted a secondary, facilitating role for isolation, but argued that natural and sexual selection are the primary driving forces of species transmutation, and are always necessary and often sufficient causes for its occurrence. The debate with Wagner, which occurred between 1868 and 1872 within the framework of Darwin's discussions of geographical distribution, was Weismann's first public battle over the mechanism of evolution. This paper, which offers the first comprehensive analysis of this debate, extends previous analyses and throws light on the underlying beliefs and motivations of these early evolutionists, focusing mainly on Weismann's views and showing his commitment to what he later called "the all sufficiency of Natural Selection." It led to the crystallization of his ideas on the central and essential role of selection, both natural and sexual, in all processes of evolution, and, already at this early stage in his theoretical thinking, was coupled with sophisticated and nuanced approach to biological organization. The paper also discusses Ernst Mayr's analysis of the debate and highlights aspects of Weismann's views that were overlooked by Mayr and were peripheral to the discussions of other historians of biology.

  5. The state of the "state" debate in hypnosis: a view from the cognitive-behavioral perspective. (United States)

    Chaves, J F


    For most of the past 50 years, hypnosis research has been driven by a debate about whether hypnotic phenomena can be best described and understood as the product of an altered state of consciousness. The meanings of some of the pivotal concepts in this debate and the nature of the phenomena that gave rise to them were ambiguous at the outset and led to misconceptions and surplus meanings that have obscured the debate through most of its history. The nature of the posited hypnotic state and its assumed consequences have changed during this period, reflecting the abandonment of untenable versions of hypnotic state theory. Carefully conducted studies in laboratories around the world have refined our understanding of hypnotic phenomena and helped identify the critical variables that interact to elicit them. With the maturation of the cognitive-behavioral perspective and the growing refinement of state conceptions of hypnosis, questions arise whether the state debate is still the axis about which hypnosis research and theory pivots. Although heuristic value of this debate has been enormous, we must guard against the cognitive constraints of our own metaphors and conceptual frameworks.

  6. The debate over diagnosis related groups. (United States)

    Spiegel, A D; Kavaler, F


    With the advent of the Prospective Payment System (PPS) using Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) as a classification method, the pros and cons of that mechanism have been sharply debated. Grouping the comments into categories related to administration/management, DRG system and quality of care, a review of relevant literature highlights the pertinent attitudes and views of professionals and organizations. Points constantly argued include data utilization, meaningful medical classifications, resource use, gaming, profit centers, patient homogeneity, severity of illness, length of stay, technology limitations and the erosion of standards.

  7. The nuclear debate: ethics versus effectiveness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lambert, D.


    Following some political maneuvering, a new debate on the future of nuclear deterrence is about to resurface. And a first deadline has been set by the need to restore the strategic balance between the United States and Russia before the START Treaty ends on 5 December 2009, as well as by preparation for the next NPT Review Conference. Perception of the main threat has changed, but so have concepts of deterrence. Far from outmoded, deterrence forms part of a broader vision in which realism has the edge over idealism. (author)

  8. The net neutrality debate on Twitter

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    Wolf J. Schünemann


    Full Text Available The internet has been seen as a medium that empowers individual political actors in relation to established political elites and media gatekeepers. The present article discusses this “net empowerment hypothesis” and tests it empirically by analysing Twitter communication on the regulation of net neutrality. We extracted 503.839 tweets containing #NetNeutrality posted between January and March 2015 and analysed central developments and the network structure of the debate. The empirical results show that traditional actors from media and politics still maintain a central role.

  9. Ideology and Interaction: Debating Determinisms in Literacy Studies (United States)

    Collin, Ross; Street, Brian V.


    In this exchange, Street and Collin debate the merits of the interaction model of literacy that Collin outlined in a recent issue of Reading Research Quarterly. Built as a complement and a counter to Street's ideological model of literacy, Collin's interaction model defines literacies as technologies that coevolve with sociocultural…

  10. The Resource Control Debate: Enthroning Parasitism or Instituting ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... dominated (and still dominates) political power in Nigeria.The paper argues that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the principle of “Resource Control” which is basically a product of the weird brand of federal system in Nigeria (I choose to call it “unitary federalism”). The conclude that the “Resource Control” debate ...

  11. Cannabis - the debate continues: a South African perspective ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Yet research shows us that cannabis is not harmless. How much so remains a tough question to answer. To debate the issues of decriminalisation is to acknowledge the failures of the legal approach to cannabis in South Africa. It is not the same as legalization and it does not assume that cannabis is without dangers.

  12. Staying above the Fray: Framing and Conflict in the Coverage of Education Policy Debates (United States)

    Tamir, Eran; Davidson, Roei


    This article examines the mass media's role in shaping education policy debates in light of pluralist theory and Bourdieu's social fields theory. We content analyzed the coverage of New Jersey education policy debates during 1985, when the governor moved to consolidate his power in the education field. We used quantitative framing and conflict…

  13. Contrasting frames in policy debates on climate change adaptation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dewulf, A.


    The process by which issues, decisions, or events acquire different meanings from different perspectives has been studied as framing. In policy debates about climate change adaptation, framing the adaptation issue is a challenge with potentially farreaching implications for the shape and success of

  14. The great debate: Energy transition, it's us

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Published by authorities of the Nantes metropolitan area, this document first comprises a report in two parts. The first one presents a general approach to energy transition, some definitions, an overview of challenges and stakes, and of action levers. It also describes the national and local contexts with their key figures. The second part addresses three issues of the debate on energy transition: which transition for life styles? Which landscapes and new usages? Which citizen and local appropriation of energy from production to consumption? Which innovation opportunities and jobs? A second document is the final report produced by the debate commission. It proposes an assessment of the participation dynamics, an analysis of citizen contributions on the four above-mentioned issues, and recommendations made by the commission declined in 60 actions. Other documents are also provided: periodic publications with various contributions on the various related issues

  15. Die teologiese debat: Die waarde of betekenis daarvan

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ego vero hoc libro non contuli sed asservi et assero, ac penes nullum vo- lo esse iudicium, sed omnibus suadeo, ut praestent obsequium. (M Luther, De servo arbitrio, 1525). 1. INLEIDING. In ons dae is dit hoe mode om oor alles debat te voer. Een van die towerwoorde van ons tyd, veral op die politiek-staatkundige terrein, ...

  16. The Medium-of-Instruction Debate in Turkey: Oscillating between National Ideas and Bilingual Ideals (United States)

    Selvi, Ali Fuad


    Situated at the intersection of sociolinguistic and educational planes, English as a medium-of-instruction debate has always been at the crux of the intense debates, and offers a lens for a systematic investigation of the spread of English in Turkey. As Turkey is moving toward greater integration with the European Union and promoting its…

  17. Debated agronomy: public discourse and the future of biotechnology policy in Ghana


    Braimah, Joseph A.; Atuoye, Kilian N.; Vercillo, Siera; Warring, Carrie; Luginaah, Isaac


    ABSTRACT This paper examines the highly contested and ongoing biotechnology (Bt) policy-making process in Ghana. We analyse media content on how Bt is viewed in the context of Ghana’s parliamentary debate on the Plant Breeders Bill and within the broader public policy-making literature. This paper does not seek to take a position on Bt or the Bill, but to understand how policy actors influence the debate with political and scientific rhetoric in Ghana. The study reveals that in the midst of s...

  18. Singleton birth at term: an old alarm or a new debate? (United States)

    Hughes, Edward G


    In 2004, Human Reproduction published a debate series focusing on the rising tide of multiple pregnancy associated with IVF. The premise of the primary report in that debate was that by considering IVF outcomes differently-by focusing on healthy singleton birth at term rather than clinical pregnancy, the standard currency at that time-the necessary shift toward reduced numbers of embryos transferred might be accelerated. The choice of end-point in that debate-Birth Emphasizing a Successful Singleton at Term (BESST)-was not an effort to 'dumb down' the complex equation linking risks and benefits. That balance is a dynamic and various mix of issues that clinicians discuss with patients on a daily basis. And BESST was certainly not proposed as a new primary outcome for application to other treatment modalities in reproductive medicine, such as ovulation induction. It was simply a responsible and brave call for change in the accelerating and competitive world of IVF. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  19. Toward a Broader Perspective in the Evolutionism-Creationism Debate. (United States)

    Strahler, Arthur N.


    Examines creationism/evolution debate in context of philosophy using ontological models in which reality is assigned to one or both natural or transnatural (supernatural) realms. The six models (theistic-teleological dualism; deistic-mechanistic dualism; fundamentalist creationism; atheistic monism; theistic monism; mechanistic monism) deal with…

  20. Discourses of transparency in the Intellectual Capital reporting debate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Christian; Madsen, Mona Toft

    debate, we identify a movement from generic reporting models to frameworks based on management defined information. The latter discourse argues that transparency is a question of providing fewer, more structured disclosures as well as focusing on illustrating flows, e.g. of intellectual capital and value...

  1. The Baby, the Bathwater, and the "Language Instinct" Debate. (United States)

    Cowley, Stephen J.


    Reviewing the language instinct debate, this article identifies generativist views with the baby's proverbial bathwater. Suggests that instead of analyzing language into form-based units, it should be treated as an aspect of social life deriving from a capacity to contextualize experience. (Author/VWL)

  2. Estudio retórico-comunicativo de los debates presidenciales mexicanos (2006

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    Felicísimo Valbuena de la Fuente


    Full Text Available En su Retórica, Aristóteles distinguió materiales de prueba personal (ethos,argumentales (logos y dramáticos, o de experiencia (pathos. También distinguió entre discursos judiciales, deliberativos y epidícticos o demostrativos. El autor de este trabajo quiere demostrar que la Retórica de Aristóteles sigue vigente analizando los debates presidenciales mexicanos en 2006. Se ocupa de cómo cada candidato se atuvo a las normas de los debates, su concepción del público y cómo emplearon los tres tipos de materiales. Asimismo, ilustra sus afirmaciones con numerosos ejemplos.

  3. Debate Instruction in EFL Classroom: Impacts on the Critical Thinking and Speaking Skill

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    Jaya Nur Iman


    Full Text Available The research was aimed to find out whether or not using debate significantly improved the students’ critical thinking and speaking skill achievements and how much debate contributed to each aspect of critical thinking and speaking skill. A quasi-experimental study of non-equivalent pretest- posttest control group design was used in this research. The findings showed that (1 there was a significant improvement in critical thinking and speaking skill, (2 there was also a significant mean difference between the experimental and control groups, (3 there was high contribution of the debate toward the whole aspects of critical thinking (0.821 or 82.1%. Partially, the contribution of each aspect of Critical Thinking (CT toward critical thinking (total achievement was as follows: context was 32.3%, issue was 26.2%, implication was 20.1%, and assumption was 6.6%. On the other side, there was high contribution of the debate toward the whole aspects of Speaking Skill (0.961 or 96.1%. Partially, the contribution of each aspect of Speaking Skill (SS toward Speaking Skill (total achievement was as follows: fluency was 67.4%, grammar was 13.7%, pronunciation was 8.3%, comprehension was 5.4%, and vocabulary was 1.4%.

  4. Tesis sobre hegel y la revolución


    Korsch, Karl


    I. No puede comprenderse la filosofía hegeliana y su método dialectico más que en su conexión con la revolución.1. Ella derivó históricamente del movimiento histórico de suépoca.2. Cumplió la tarea de traducir en el pensamiento el movimiento revolucionario de su tiempo.3. .El pensamiento dialectico es revolucionario también en cuanto a la forma:a) Separación de los datos inmediatos, ruptura radical con lo que existe, inversión, nuevo comienzo;b) Principio de la oposición y de la negación;c) P...

  5. El Cura Juan Fernández de Sotomayor y Picón y los catecismos de la Independencia


    Ocampo López, Javier


    Este libro presenta el entorno revolucionario de finales del siglo XVIII y primera mitad del siglo XIX, a través del pensamiento y la acción del cura cartagenero Juan Fernández de Sotomayor y Picón, Cura de Mompós y rector del colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, quien vivió en los años que dieron nacimiento a la República de Colombia. Se desempeñó como cura revolucionario, como político de Mompós, de Cartagena de Indias, ante el Congreso de las Provincias Unidas del Congreso Nacional...

  6. Evolución del pensamiento sobre la mujer en España desde finales del siglo XIX al siglo XXI: Romanticismo, mercado de trabajo, violencia e igualdad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Pérez Fernández


    Full Text Available Resumen La importancia del trabajo femenino en el contexto español es de todo punto incuestionable al ser, como poco, uno de los puntales sobre los que se ha construido el edificio histórico de la igualdad de la mujer. En este contexto, y desde sus mismos comienzos, la mujer ha gozado de diferentes enfoques conceptuales y tratamientos que estarían, en relación directa, por un lado, con la evolución social y cultural de España a lo largo del último siglo y, por otro, con las condiciones de incorporación al mercado laboral de que el sector femenino pudo gozar en cada momento. Sin embargo, la reflexión sobre el hecho de “ser mujer” y el consiguiente debate de género se vio muy retardado por la peculiaridad sociopolítica española en el contexto in- ternacional. De hecho, las demandas del feminismo español, que culminaron con el reconocimiento político y jurídico de la igualdad de la mujer en España, se pospuso hasta finales del siglo XX y, más allá de la realidad laboral de la mujer, se construyó desde la visibilización del fenómeno de la violencia de género y su extracción del ámbito privado. En este trabajo se realiza un recorrido histórico y crítico que trata de analizar y comprender este proceso. Abstract This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the role of women over the course of Spanish history. The importance of women’s work in Spanish context is unquestionable; it is one of the pillars which form the basis to build historical processes aimed at achieving gender equity. Throughout its history, Spanish’s concept of women has evolved, because of its social and cultural changes. A core aspect to promote gender equality was female participation into the labour market. However, an authentic reflection on the fact of “being a woman”, as well as the ensuing debate, was greatly retarded by Spanish people due to their sociopolitical crisis that was out of the ordinary in an

  7. Las tecnologías del cuerpo en el debate público: análisis del debate parlamentario de la Ley de Identidad de Género argentina

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    Anahí Farji Neer

    Full Text Available Este artículo interroga el modo en que las transformaciones recientes en el campo de la biomedicina tienen eco en regulaciones que procesan demandas de los colectivos de travestis, transexuales y transgéneros en Argentina. Para ello, analiza el debate parlamentario que culminó con la sanción de la Ley de Identidad de Género, de 2012. Dicho debate es abordado prestando especial atención a los sentidos en torno de las tecnologías biomédicas de transformación corporal y su vínculo con representaciones de género, cuerpo, así como de lo que se concibe como público o privado.

  8. Japan's Nuclear Future: Policy Debate, Prospects, and U.S. Interests

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Nikitin, Mary Beth


    .... The previous taboo within the Japanese political community of discussing a nuclear weapons capability appears to have been broken, as several officials and opinion leaders have urged an open debate on the topic...

  9. A guerra das narrativas: debates e ilusões em torno do ensino de História

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    Christian Laville


    Full Text Available Em quase todas as partes do mundo, os programas escolares exigem que o ensino da história desenvolva nos alunos a autonomia intelectual e o pensamento crítico. Há muito tempo não se vê mais a missão de incutir nas consciências uma narrativa única glorificando a nação ou a comunidade. No entanto, quando o ensino da história é questionado nos debates públicos, é sempre com referência a esse tipo de narrativa: embora não fazendo mais parte dos programas, esse continua sendo o único objeto dos debates. Este artigo dá inúmeros exemplos atuais de tais debates, antes de concluir que são provavelmente vãos e que as pessoas se iludem sobre os efeitos reais da história ensinada. Alguns exemplos também são dados a esse respeito.Almost everywhere in the world, official school curricula require that the teaching of history develop students' capacity for intellectual autonomy and critical thinking. They don't bear anymore the mission to instil in students' consciousness a single narrative glorifying the nation or the community. Still, whenever the teaching of history is called into question in public debates, it is always in reference to this sort of narrative: school curricula do not include it, yet it is the sole point of these debates. The article gives several examples of such debates throughout the world. It then concludes that these are most probably pointless debates as it seems we overestimate the actual effects of history education. Examples of this are also given.

  10. Crime, violência e controle social como produtos culturais: Novas perspectivas para o debate

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    Álvaro Filipe Oxley da Rocha


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetiva oferecer novas referências conceituais capazes de produzir um novo ambiente de debates nas ciências humanas. A proposta é revisitar as concepções de crime, violência e controle social para entendê-los como produtos culturais, que devem ser lidos a partir dos significados que carregam. Para este objetivo, apresenta-se uma revisão da produção bibliográfica em torno das inovações propostas pela criminologia cultural, especialmente da Inglaterra e dos EUA, de modo a contribuir para a produção e operacionalização de instrumentos de análise adequados ao contexto brasileiro de debates dos referidos temas na academia brasileira. Crime, Violence and Social Control as Cultural Products: New Perspectives for the Debate aims to provide new conceptual frameworks, capable of producing a new environment of debates in the Humanities area. The proposal is to revisit the concepts of crime, violence and social control to understand them as cultural products, which must be read from the meanings they carry. The article presents a review of bibliographic production around the innovations proposed by the cultural criminology, especially in England and the USA, in order to assist in the production and operation of analysis tools appropriate to the Brazilian context of debates on these subjects in the Brazilian academy.Keywords: crime, violence, social control, cultural criminology

  11. “We make choices we think are going to save us”: Debate and stance identification for online breast cancer CAM discussions (United States)

    Zhang, Shaodian; Qiu, Lin; Chen, Frank; Zhang, Weinan; Yu, Yong; Elhadad, Noémie


    Patients discuss complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in online health communities. Sometimes, patients’ conflicting opinions toward CAM-related issues trigger debates in the community. The objectives of this paper are to identify such debates, identify controversial CAM therapies in a popular online breast cancer community, as well as patients’ stances towards them. To scale our analysis, we trained a set of classifiers. We first constructed a supervised classifier based on a long short-term memory neural network (LSTM) stacked over a convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect automatically CAM-related debates from a popular breast cancer forum. Members’ stances in these debates were also identified by a CNN-based classifier. Finally, posts automatically flagged as debates by the classifier were analyzed to explore which specific CAM therapies trigger debates more often than others. Our methods are able to detect CAM debates with F score of 77%, and identify stances with F score of 70%. The debate classifier identified about 1/6 of all CAM-related posts as debate. About 60% of CAM-related debate posts represent the supportive stance toward CAM usage. Qualitative analysis shows that some specific therapies, such as Gerson therapy and usage of laetrile, trigger debates frequently among members of the breast cancer community. This study demonstrates that neural networks can effectively locate debates on usage and effectiveness of controversial CAM therapies, and can help make sense of patients’ opinions on such issues under dispute. As to CAM for breast cancer, perceptions of their effectiveness vary among patients. Many of the specific therapies trigger debates frequently and are worth more exploration in future work. PMID:28967000

  12. Canadian natural gas price debate : TCGS view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, J.


    Issues regarding the Alberta supply of natural gas were debated. Factors considered include pipeline expansions, storage and foreign exchange. The influence of NYMEX was also cited as an important determinant of gas pricing. Currently, the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin's (WCSB) market share is 22 per cent of the North American demand. The WCSB extends through Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and the Yukon. The Basin's estimated reserves at the end of 1996 were 65 TCF. tabs., figs

  13. Resolved, That Competition in College Debate Is as Fierce as in a Basketball Playoff Game. (United States)

    Ingalls, Zoe


    In an era when students are supposed to be turning their backs on traditional liberal arts education in favor of a more career-oriented approach, debate is holding its own. Debate, perhaps more than any other extracurricular activity, successfully bridges the gap between academics and careers. (MLW)

  14. The WISDOM Study: breaking the deadlock in the breast cancer screening debate. (United States)

    Esserman, Laura J


    There are few medical issues that have generated as much controversy as screening for breast cancer. In science, controversy often stimulates innovation; however, the intensely divisive debate over mammographic screening has had the opposite effect and has stifled progress. The same two questions-whether it is better to screen annually or bi-annually, and whether women are best served by beginning screening at 40 or some later age-have been debated for 20 years, based on data generated three to four decades ago. The controversy has continued largely because our current approach to screening assumes all women have the same risk for the same type of breast cancer. In fact, we now know that cancers vary tremendously in terms of timing of onset, rate of growth, and probability of metastasis. In an era of personalized medicine, we have the opportunity to investigate tailored screening based on a woman's specific risk for a specific tumor type, generating new data that can inform best practices rather than to continue the rancorous debate. It is time to move from debate to wisdom by asking new questions and generating new knowledge. The WISDOM Study (Women Informed to Screen Depending On Measures of risk) is a pragmatic, adaptive, randomized clinical trial comparing a comprehensive risk-based, or personalized approach to traditional annual breast cancer screening. The multicenter trial will enroll 100,000 women, powered for a primary endpoint of non-inferiority with respect to the number of late stage cancers detected. The trial will determine whether screening based on personalized risk is as safe, less morbid, preferred by women, will facilitate prevention for those most likely to benefit, and adapt as we learn who is at risk for what kind of cancer. Funded by the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute, WISDOM is the product of a multi-year stakeholder engagement process that has brought together consumers, advocates, primary care physicians, specialists, policy

  15. Metaphors, stigma and the 'Alzheimerization' of the euthanasia debate. (United States)

    Johnstone, Megan-Jane


    This paper reports the findings of an unobtrusive research inquiry investigating the possible use and misuse of Alzheimer's disease in public policy debate on the legalization of euthanasia. The component of the study being reported identified the problematic use of five key metaphors: the Alzheimer metaphor, which in turn was reinforced by three additional metaphors--the epidemic metaphor, the military metaphor, and the predatory thief metaphor; and the euthanasia metaphor. All metaphors were found to be morally loaded and used influentially to stigmatize Alzheimer's disease and mediate public opinion supporting the legalization of euthanasia as an end-of-life 'solution' for people with the disease. It is contended that, in the interests of promoting intellectual honesty and giving proper recognition to the extraordinary complexity of the issue, the problematic use and influence of metaphoric thinking in the public debate about Alzheimer's disease and euthanasia needs to be made transparent, questioned and challenged.

  16. Ruy Mauro Marini, un imprescindible para el debate latinoamericano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ariel M. Slipak


    Full Text Available The militant and Brazilian academic, Ruy Mauro Marini, is generally recognized as one of the main references in what has become known as the Marxist perspective of "dependency theory", of great importance in the political and social debate in Latin America during the 1960s and 1970s. In this article we intend to revisit some of its major contributions to critical thinking in our region. Regardless of place them historically, we affirm that it is an author with full force for compression of specific legality of the laws of capitalism in dependent economies, the debate on the international insertion of the region and the role of social movements in the XXI Century. In addition to some unavoidable references to his personal life path, we will focus primarily to how Marini analyze the Dependency Cycle, which is inseparable from the concepts of Sub-imperialism, Super-exploitation of the labor force and Antagonic Cooperation

  17. Institutional violence and humanization in health: notes to debate. (United States)

    Azeredo, Yuri Nishijima; Schraiber, Lilia Blima


    This paper starts from humanization policies and the academic debate around them to reflect about institutional violence inside health services. Based on research on scientific publications in Collective Health, it was observed that violence in relationships between health professionals and users - which is at the core of the humanization's debate - is conceptualized as an excessive power in exercise of professional authority. Using Hannah Arendt thinking as theoretical contributions regarding the concepts of 'authority', 'power' and 'violence', our objective is to define and rethink these phenomena. Melting these reflections with the history of institutionalization of health in Brazil, and especially the changes in medical work during the twentieth century, we conclude that the problem of institutional violence on health services is not based on excess of authority and power of professionals, but rather in its opposite. When there is a vacuum of professional authority, and relationships between people do not happen through power relations, there is space for the phenomenon of violence.

  18. Engaging in the Debate: A Critique of "Blueprint III" (United States)

    Meyers, Joel; Roach, Andrew T.; Meyers, Barbara


    The purpose of this article is to engage in the debate about "Blueprint III" regarding practice and graduate education in school psychology. We use school-based consultation as a lens to uncover meaning and context in the "Blueprint" and give particular attention to the "Blueprint" authors' foregrounding of prevention…

  19. The political debates on the veil in France and the Netherlands: reflecting national integration models?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saharso, Sawitri; Lettinga, D.


    In this article we compare the politicization and framing of the Islamic veil in parliamentary debates in France and the Netherlands between 1989 and 2007. If stark national differences in the framing of the issue can be found in the 1990, later years show more convergence, when the debate shifted

  20. Enhancing Civic Education through the Use of Assigned Advocacy, Argumentation, and Debate across the Curriculum (United States)

    Zorwick, Leslie Wade; Wade, James M.


    Evidence shows that the skills and dispositions that lead to thoughtful and effective participation in civic life can be developed and promoted through participation in assigned advocacy, argumentation, and debate. We argue that debate and argumentation are uniquely well suited to be implemented across the curriculum, which means that students…