
Sample records for dan fotokatalis titanium

  1. Imobilisasi TiO2 ke dalam Resin Penukar Kation dan Aplikasinya sebagai Fotokatalis dalam Proses Fotoreduksi Ion Hg2+

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    Rosyid Ridho


    Full Text Available Abstrak Dalam rangka mengembangkan bahan fotokatalitis TiO2 pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan preparasi fotokatalis TiO2-Resin yang disertai dengan karakterisasi dan uji aktivitas untuk proses fotoreduksi ion Hg(II. Preparasi imobilisasi ini dilakukan dengan metode pertukaran ion yang di ikuti dengan kalsinasi pada suhu tertentu. Pada preparasi telah dipelajari pengaruh konsentrasi Titanium Isopropoksida sebagai sumber ion Ti(IV terhadap TiO2-Resin yang dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan Difraksi Sinar X (XRD dan Thermografimetri (TGA. Pada proses fotoreduksi ion Hg(II dipelajari pengaruh massa fotokatalis, kadar TiO2 yang terimobilisasi ke dalam resin, konsentrasi Ion Hg(II, dan pengaruh pH. Proses fotoreduksi dilakukan dalam suatu reaktor tertutup yang dilengkapi dengan lampu UV, yaitu dengan cara menyinari campuran yang terdiri dari larutan ion Hg(II dan serbuk fotokatalis TiO2-Resin, disertai dengan pengadukan selama waktu tertentu. Hasil fotoreduksi dihitung berdasarkan selisih antara konsentrasi ion Hg(II awal dengan ion Hg(II yang tak tereduksi. Penentuan konsentrasi ion Hg(II yang tak tereduksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA teknik pembangkitan uap dingin atau Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry(CV-AAS. Hasil preparasi menunjukkan semakin tinggi konsentrasi Titanium Isopropoksida yang ditambahkan pada resin semakin tinggi juga kadar TiO2 yang terbentuk pada TiO2-Resin. Hasil uji fotokatalis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan fotokatalis TiO¬2-Resin dapat meningkatkan hasil fotoreduksi ion Hg(II yang peningkatannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan TiO2 serbuk. Penambahan fotokatalis dengan massa yang semakin besar menambah efektivitas fotoreduksi terhadap ion Hg(II yang semakin besar, namun jika ditambahkan massa fotokatalis yang lebih tinggi lagi akan menurunkan efektivitas fotoreduksi terhadap ion Hg(II. Kenaikan konsentrasi Hg(II menyebabkan efektivitas fotoreduksi semakin rendah. Pada pH 1-4 terjadi


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    Dian Windy Dwiasi


    Full Text Available Salah satu dampak negatif perkembangan industri mie di Indonesia adalah timbulnya pencemaran lingkungan dari limbah cair industri mie yang masih mengandung zat organik seperti zat warna tartrazin. Penurunan kadar zat warna tartrazin dalam limbah cair mie dapat diupayakan dengan cara mendegradasi zat warna tartrazin melalui proses fotodegradasi dengan metode fotokatalis. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan fotodegradasi zat warna tartrazin dalam limbah cair mie menggunakan fotokatalis TiO2. Perlakuan meliputi pengaruh variasi waktu kontak dan pH terhadap aktivitas fotokatalis TiO2 menggunakan sinar UV dan sinar matahari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas fotokatalitik yang terbaik untuk TiO2 adalah pada kondisi limbah cair mie dengan pH 2, dan waktu kontak 1 jam. Persentase penurunan kadar tartrazin dengan menggunakan lampu UV adalah sebesar 56,81%, sedangkan dengan penyinaran sinar matahari sebesar 61,64 %.

  3. PENGUJIAN AKTIVITAS KOMPOSIT Fe2O3-SiO2 SEBAGAI FOTOKATALIS PADA FOTODEGRADASI 4-KLOROFENOL (The Activity Test of Fe2O3-SiO2 Composite As Photocatalyst on 4-Chlorophenol Photodegradation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eko Sri Kunarti


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK  Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian aktivitas komposit Fe2O3-SiO2 sebagai fotokatalis pada fotodegradasi 4-klorofenol. Penelitian diawali dengan preparasi dan karakterisasi fotokatalis Fe2O3-SiO2. Preparasi dilakukan dengan metode sol-gel pada temperatur kamar menggunakan tetraetil ortosilikat (TEOS dan besi (III nitrat sebagai prekursor diikuti dengan perlakuan termal pada temperature 500 oC. Karakterisasi dilakukan dengan metode spektrometri inframerah, difraksi sinar-X dan spektrometri fluoresensi sinar-X. Uji aktivitas komposit untuk fotodegradasi 4-klorofenol dilakukan dalam reaktor tertutup yang dilengkapi dengan lampu UV. Pada uji ini telah dipelajari pengaruh waktu penyinaran dan pH larutan terhadap efektivitas fotodegradasi 4-klorofenol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposit Fe2O3-SiO2 dapat dipreparasi dengan metode sol-gel pada temperatur kamar diikuti perlakuan termal. Komposit Fe2O3-SiO2 dapat meningkatkan efektivitas fotodegradasi 4-klorofenol dari 11,86 % menjadi 55,38 %. Efektivitas fotodegradasi 4- klorofenol dipengaruhi waktu penyinaran dan pH larutan yang semakin lama waktu penyinaran efektifitas fotodegradasi semakin tinggi, namun waktu penyinaran yang lebih lama dari 4 jam dapat menurunkan efektivitasnya. pH larutan memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda-beda pada efektivitas fotodegradasi 4-klorofenol.   ABSTRACT The activity test of Fe2O3-SiO2 composite as photocatalyst on 4-chlorophenol photodegradation has been studied. The research was initiated by preparation of Fe2O3-SiO2 photocatalyst and followed by characterization. The preparation was conducted by sol-gel method at room temperature using tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS and iron (III nitrate as precursors followed by thermal treatment at a temperature of 500oC. The characterizations were performed by X-ray Diffraction (XRD, Infrared and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrophotometry. The photocatalytic activity test of composites for 4 chlorophenol

  4. Karakteristik kawat TMA (titanium molybdenum alloy) dan penggunaannya dalam perawatan ortodonti


    Arifiani, Putri; Erwin Siregar, Erwin Siregar


    Kawat merupakan salah satu piranti yang penting dalam perawatan ortodonsia. Perkembangan terkini dari kawat ortodonsia menghasilkan beberapa jenis kawat dengan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Studi pustaka membahas karakteristik kawat ortodonsi beta titanium atau Titanium Molybdenum Alloy (TMA) dan penggunaannya dalam perawatan ortodonsi. Perbedaan karakteristik tiap kawat menjadi hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan secara klinis. Kawat beta titanium atau sering disebut juga dengan kawat TMA (Tit...

  5. Pembuatan Poros Berulir (Screw) untuk Pengupas Kulit Ari Kedelai Berbahan Dasar 50% Aluminium Profil dan 50% Piston Bekas dengan Penambahan 0,02 % Tib (Titanium Boron)


    Wisnujati, Andika


    Aluminium paduan pada penelitian ini menggunakan campuran Aluminium profil dan piston bekas. Piston bekas digunakan untuk mendapatkan unsur Si yang cukup tinggi pada piston. Penambahan unsur TiB (Titanium-Boron) sebanyak 0,02% pada saat pengecoran diharapkan mampu memperbaiki sifat-sifat mekanis dan fisis aluminium sehingga diharapkan aluminium paduan ini memiliki kekuatan yang jauh lebih baik dibandingkan tanpa penambahan unsur apapun.Paduan aluminium untuk pembuatan screw akan dicor dengan ...

  6. Cytotoxicity difference of 316L stainless steel and titanium reconstruction plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ni Putu Mira Sumarta


    .33% after 48 hours. And after exposure to titanium reconstruction plate, the percentage of living fibroblast was 98.69% after 24 hours and 82.24% after 48 hours. Based on cytotoxicity parameter (CD50%, both reconstruction plate made of 316L stainless steel or titanium showed as a non-toxic materials to fibroblast. Conclusion: Both reconstruction plate made of stainless steel and CP titanium were non-toxic to fibroblast, although the stainless steel plate showed lower cytotoxicity level compared to titanium. Therefore a reconstruction plate made from stainless steel type 316L can be used as a safe material for mandibular reconstruction. Latar belakang: Titanium murni adalah bahan yang paling biokompatibel saat ini dan digunakan sebagai standar emas implan logam. Saat ini stainless steel masih digunakan karena kekuatan, ductility, harganya yang murah, tahan terhadap korosi dan cukup biokompatibel. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan sitotoksisitas antara plat rekonstruksi yang terbuat dari titanium murni komersial dan plat rekonstruksi yang terbuat dari stainless steel pada kultur sel fibroblas baby hamster kidney-21 (BHK-21 menggunakan MTT assay. Metode: Delapan sampel yang masing-masing tipe 316L terbuat dari stainless steel 316L grade 2 (Coen’s reconstruction plate® yang dipotong berbentuk silinder diameter 2 mm dan panjang 3 mm, serta yang terbuat dari titanium murni komersial (STEMA Gmbh® diameter 2 mm dan panjang 2,2 mm; dan dibersihkan dengan kertas silika dan pembersih ultrasonik serta disterilkan dengan autoclave pada suhu 121° C selama 20 menit. Kedua sampel dimasukkan ke dalam sumur mikroplat yang mengandung 50 μl sel fibroblas dengan kepadatan 2 × 105 dalam media Rosewell Park Memorial Institute-1640 (RPMI-1640, diputar dengan kecepatan 30 rpm selama 5 menit. Sumur mikroplat diinkubasi selama 24 dan 48 jam pada suhu 37° C. Setelah 24 "> jam, pada tiap sumur yang akan dibaca pada jam ke 24 ditambahkan 50 μl cairan yang mengandung 5

  7. Titanium (United States)

    Woodruff, Laurel G.; Bedinger, George M.; Piatak, Nadine M.; Schulz, Klaus J.; DeYoung,, John H.; Seal, Robert R.; Bradley, Dwight C.


    Titanium is a mineral commodity that is essential to the smooth functioning of modern industrial economies. Most of the titanium produced is refined into titanium dioxide, which has a high refractive index and is thus able to impart a durable white color to paint, paper, plastic, rubber, and wallboard. Because of their high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance, titanium metal and titanium metal alloys are used in the aerospace industry as well as for welding rod coatings, biological implants, and consumer goods.Ilmenite and rutile are currently the principal titanium-bearing ore minerals, although other minerals, including anatase, perovskite, and titanomagnetite, could have economic importance in the future. Ilmenite is currently being mined from two large magmatic deposits hosted in rocks of Proterozoic-age anorthosite plutonic suites. Most rutile and nearly one-half of the ilmenite produced are from heavy-mineral alluvial, fluvial, and eolian deposits. Titanium-bearing minerals occur in diverse geologic settings, but many of the known deposits are currently subeconomic for titanium because of complications related to the mineralogy or because of the presence of trace contaminants that can compromise the pigment production process.Global production of titanium minerals is currently dominated by Australia, Canada, Norway, and South Africa; additional amounts are produced in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and Sri Lanka. The United States accounts for about 4 percent of the total world production of titanium minerals and is heavily dependent on imports of titanium mineral concentrates to meet its domestic needs.Titanium occurs only in silicate or oxide minerals and never in sulfide minerals. Environmental considerations for titanium mining are related to waste rock disposal and the impact of trace constituents on water quality. Because titanium is generally inert in the environment, human health risks from titanium and titanium

  8. Opportunities in the electrowinning of molten titanium from titanium dioxide

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Vuuren, DS


    Full Text Available used, the following forms of titanium are produced: titanium sponge, sintered electrode sponge, powder, molten titanium, electroplated titanium, hydride powder, and vapor-phase depos- ited titanium. Comparing the economics of alter- native...-up for producing titanium via the Kroll process is approximately as follows: ilmenite ($0.27/kg titanium sponge); titanium slag ($0.75/kg titanium sponge); TiCl4 ($3.09/kg titanium sponge); titanium sponge raw materials costs ($5.50/kg titanium sponge); total...

  9. Cell Attachment Following Instrumentation with Titanium and Plastic Instruments, Diode Laser, and Titanium Brush on Titanium, Titanium-Zirconium, and Zirconia Surfaces. (United States)

    Lang, Melissa S; Cerutis, D Roselyn; Miyamoto, Takanari; Nunn, Martha E


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface characteristics and gingival fibroblast adhesion of disks composed of implant and abutment materials following brief and repeated instrumentation with instruments commonly used in procedures for implant maintenance, stage-two implant surgery, and periimplantitis treatment. One hundred twenty disks (40 titanium, 40 titaniumzirconium, 40 zirconia) were grouped into treatment categories of instrumentation by plastic curette, titanium curette, diode microlaser, rotary titanium brush, and no treatment. Twenty strokes were applied to half of the disks in the plastic and titanium curette treatment categories, while half of the disks received 100 strokes each to simulate implant maintenance occurring on a repetitive basis. Following analysis of the disks by optical laser profilometry, disks were cultured with human gingival fibroblasts. Cell counts were conducted from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. Differences in surface roughness across all instruments tested for zirconia disks were negligible, while both titanium disks and titaniumzirconium disks showed large differences in surface roughness across the spectrum of instruments tested. The rotary titanium brush and the titanium curette yielded the greatest overall mean surface roughness, while the plastic curette yielded the lowest mean surface roughness. The greatest mean cell counts for each disk type were as follows: titanium disks with plastic curettes, titanium-zirconium disks with titanium curettes, and zirconia disks with the diode microlaser. Repeated instrumentation did not result in cumulative changes in surface roughness of implant materials made of titanium, titanium-zirconium, or zirconia. Instrumentation with plastic implant curettes on titanium and zirconia surfaces appeared to be more favorable than titanium implant curettes in terms of gingival fibroblast attachment on these surfaces.

  10. Perawatan Satu\tKunjungan\tpada\tPremolar Pertama Atas Menggunakan Protaper Rotary dan Restorasi Resin Komposit

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    Sherli Diana


    Full Text Available Preparasi kemomekanik pada saluran akar meliputi instrumentasi mekanis dan irigasi antibakteri yang secara prinsip dapat langsung mengeliminasi mikroorganisme pada sistem saluran akar. sejak diperkenalkan pada tahun 1988, instrumen rotary nikel-titanium (niti telah digunakan secara umum dalam perawatan endodontik karena kemampuannya membentuk saluran akar dengan prosedur komplikasi yang minimal. Tujuan dari laporan kasus ini adalah untuk memaparkan perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan menggunakan protaper rotary dan restorasi resin komposit gigi premolar. Penderita pria 21 tahun datang ke RSGM Prof. Soedomo UGM Yogyakarta mengeluhkan gigi belakang atas kiri yang berlubang tapi tidak sakit dan pasien ingin  dirawat.Gigi  Premolar satu atas  kiri terdapat kavitas disto oklusal dengan pulpa terbuka. Pemeriksan objektif pada gigi 24 sondasi, perkusi, palpasi, dan tes termal menunjukkan hasil negatif.Pemeriksaan radiografis tidak terdapat lesi, lamina dura tidak terputus dan saluran akar jelas dan lurus. Pada kasus ini dilakukan perawatan saluran akar dengan menggunakan ProTaper rotary ( X-Smart, Dentsply. Pasca perawatan saluran akar, gigi premolar satu atas kiri dilakukan tumpatan resin komposit kelas II.Hasil evaluasi klinik saat kontrol tidak ada keluhan rasa sakit, pemeriksaan objektif juga tidak ada rasa sakit, warna gigi serasi dengan warna gigi tetangga.prognosis pada kasus ini baik dan tidak ada keluhan. Kesimpulan paska perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan dengan instrumenrotary, tidak terdapat keluhan.Penggunaan Instrumen rotary Nikel-Titanium (NiTi sangat flexible dengan prosedur komplikasi yang minimal, dan hemat waktu. One Visit Treatment of Upper Premolar Tooth Using Rotary Protaper and Composite Resin Restoration. Chemomechanical preparation for root canal including mechanic instrumentation and anti-bacterial irrigation principally could eliminate microorganisms in root canal system. Many instruments and techniques have been

  11. Titanium ; dream new material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Yong Tae; Kim Seung Eon; Heoon, Yong Taek; Jung, Hui Won


    The contents of this book are history of Titanium, present situation of Titanium industry, property of Titanium alloy, types of it, development of new alloy of Titanium smelting of Titanium, cast of Titanium and heat treatment of Titanium, Titanium alloy for plane, car parts, biological health care, and sport leisure and daily life, prospect, and Titanium industrial development of Titanium in China.


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    Eko Nugroho


    Full Text Available Perkembangan industri pengecoran global hingga lokal sampai saat ini tumbuh dengan sangat pesat. Salah satu produk yang banyak dicari konsumen adalah velg, part pada roda sepeda motor. Tetapi sayangnya velg lokal sering dikeluhkan memiliki kualitas lebih rendah dari pabrikan. Paduan alumunium  A-356.0 merupakan  salah satu bahan material yang cocok untuk bahan baku pembuatan velg racing (cast wheel mobil maupun sepeda motor. Karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan seperti: ringan, tahan korosi dan warnanya menarik, namun memiliki kekurangnan yaitu sifat mekanisnya belum memenuhi syarat. proses pembuatannya  menggunakan proses Vertical Centrifugal Casting (VCC dengan penambahan inokulan Al-Ti-B sebagai unsur penghalus butir, inokulan Al-Ti-B akan dicampurkan kedalam 8 kg cairan aluminium dengan komposisi variasi campuran 0, 6, 9, dan 12 gram untuk selanjutnya dituangkan ke dalam cetakan dengan 2 variasi putaran yaitu 450 dan 850 rpm. Selanjutnya hasil dari pengecoran centrifugal casting diuji secara mekanis menggunakan pengujian standar yaitu; uji kekerasan, uji tarik dan struktur mikro nya mengunakan standar ASTM. Hasil pengujian di proleh nilai kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik  yang paling tinggi pada spesimen A3 dan B3 yaitu 64.73 BHN dan 67.81 BHN, 182.18 Mpa  dan 188.28 Mpa. Titanium  yang  dikombinasikan  dengan  Boron  atau  Carbon  merupakan  unsur  paduan Al-Si  yang  berfungsi  untuk  menghaluskan butiran  (grain  refiner Hal  inilah  yang mempengaruhi  adanya  perubahan  sifat mekanik  dan  struktur  mikro  tersebut.  Dengan semakin  halus  butiran,  maka  penjalaran dislokasinya  akan  semakin  sulit,  sehingga mempunyai ketahanan yang lebih besar, karena diperlukan  energi  yang  lebih  besar  untuk merusak  butiran  yang  halus  tersebut. adanya gaya sentrifugal (CF selama proses penuangan kedalam cetakan. Logam cair akan dilempar oleh gaya sentrifugal sehingga menimbulkan tekanan pada setiap

  13. Sealing glasses for titanium and titanium alloys (United States)

    Brow, Richard K.; McCollister, Howard L.; Phifer, Carol C.; Day, Delbert E.


    Barium lanthanoborate sealing-glass compositions are provided comprising various combinations (in terms of mole-%) of boron oxide (B.sub.2 O.sub.3), barium oxide (BaO), lanthanum oxide (La.sub.2 O.sub.3), and at least one other oxide selected from the group consisting of aluminum oxide (Al.sub.2 O.sub.3), calcium oxide (CaO), lithium oxide (Li.sub.2 O), sodium oxide (Na.sub.2 O), silicon dioxide (SiO.sub.2), or titanium dioxide (TiO.sub.2). These sealing-glass compositions are useful for forming hermetic glass-to-metal seals with titanium and titanium alloys having an improved aqueous durability and favorable sealing characteristics. Examples of the sealing-glass compositions are provided having coefficients of thermal expansion about that of titanium or titanium alloys, and with sealing temperatures less than about C., and generally about C. The barium lanthanoborate sealing-glass compositions are useful for components and devices requiring prolonged exposure to moisture or water, and for implanted biomedical devices (e.g. batteries, pacemakers, defibrillators, pumps).

  14. Surface modification of titanium and titanium alloys by ion implantation. (United States)

    Rautray, Tapash R; Narayanan, R; Kwon, Tae-Yub; Kim, Kyo-Han


    Titanium and titanium alloys are widely used in biomedical devices and components, especially as hard tissue replacements as well as in cardiac and cardiovascular applications, because of their desirable properties, such as relatively low modulus, good fatigue strength, formability, machinability, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. However, titanium and its alloys cannot meet all of the clinical requirements. Therefore, to improve the biological, chemical, and mechanical properties, surface modification is often performed. In view of this, the current review casts new light on surface modification of titanium and titanium alloys by ion beam implantation. (c) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Gentamicin-Eluting Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes Grown on the Ultrafine-Grained Titanium. (United States)

    Nemati, Sima Hashemi; Hadjizadeh, Afra


    Titanium (Ti)-based materials is the most appropriate choices for the applications as orthopedic and dental implants. In this regard, ultrafine-grained (UFG) titanium with an enhanced mechanical properties and surface energy has attracted more attention. Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) nanotubes grown on the titanium could enhance bone bonding, cellular response and are good reservoirs for loading drugs and antibacterial agents. This article investigates gentamicin loading into and release from the TiO 2 nanotubes, grown on the UFG compared to coarse-grained (CG) titanium substrate surfaces. Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) was employed to produce the UFG structure titanium. TiO 2 nanotubes were grown by the anodizing technique on both UFG and CG titanium substrate surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging confirmed TiO 2 nanotube growth on the surface. The UV-vis spectroscopy analysis results show that the amount of gentamicin load-release in the anodized UFG titanium sample is higher than that of CG one which can be explained in terms of thicker TiO 2 nanotube arrays layer formed on UFG sample. Moreover, the anodized UFG titanium samples released the drug in a longer time than CG (1 day for the UFG titanium vs. 3 h for the CG one). Regarding wettability analysis, anodized UFG titanium sample showed more enhanced hydrophilicity than CG counterpart. Therefore, the significantly smaller grain size of pure titanium provided by the ECAP technique coupled with appropriate subsequent anodization treatment not only offers a good combination of biocompatibility and adequate mechanical properties but also it provides a delayed release condition for gentamicin.

  16. A new method for dosing uranium in biological media; Nouvelle methode de dosage de l'uranium dans les milieux biologiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henry, Ph; Kobisch, Ch [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Centre de Production de Plutonium, Marcoule (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    This report describes a new method for dosing uranium in biological media based on measurement of alpha activity. After treatment of the sample with a mineral acid, the uranium is reduced to the valency four by trivalent titanium and is precipitated as phosphate in acid solution. The uranium is then separated from the titanium by precipitation as UF{sub 4} with lanthanum as carrier. A slight modification, unnecessary in the case of routine analyses, makes it possible to eliminate other possible alpha emitters (thorium and transuranic elements). (authors) [French] Ce rapport decrit une nouvelle methode de dosage de l'uranium dans les milieux biologiques par mesure de l'activite alpha. Apres mineralisation de l'echantillon, l'uranium est reduit a la valence IV par le titane trivalent et precipite en milieu acide sous forme de phosphate. L'uranium est ensuite separe du titane par precipitation a l'etat d'UF{sub 4} avec du lanthane entraineur. Une legere modification, inutile dans le cas d'analyses de routine, permet d'effectuer l'elimination d'autres emetteurs alpha eventuels (thorium et transuraniens). (auteurs)

  17. Titanium metal: extraction to application

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gambogi, Joseph (USGS, Reston, VA); Gerdemann, Stephen J.


    In 1998, approximately 57,000 tons of titanium metal was consumed in the form of mill products (1). Only about 5% of the 4 million tons of titanium minerals consumed each year is used to produce titanium metal, with the remainder primarily used to produce titanium dioxide pigment. Titanium metal production is primarily based on the direct chlorination of rutile to produce titanium tetrachloride, which is then reduced to metal using the Kroll magnesium reduction process. The use of titanium is tied to its high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance. Aerospace is the largest application for titanium. In this paper, we discuss all aspects of the titanium industry from ore deposits through extraction to present and future applications. The methods of both primary (mining of ore, extraction, and purification) and secondary (forming and machining) operations will be analyzed. The chemical and physical properties of titanium metal will be briefly examined. Present and future applications for titanium will be discussed. Finally, the economics of titanium metal production also are analyzed as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various alternative extraction methods.

  18. Titanium disilicide formation by sputtering of titanium on heated silicon substrate (United States)

    Tanielian, M.; Blackstone, S.


    We have sputter deposited titanium on bare silicon substrates at elevated temperatures. We find that at a substrate temperature of about 515 °C titanium silicide is formed due to the reaction of the titanium with the Si. The resistivity of the silicide is about 15 μΩ cm and it is not etchable in a selective titanium etch. This process can have applications in low-temperature, metal-oxide-semiconductor self-aligned silicide formation for very large scale integrated

  19. Leaching of Titanium and Silicon from Low-Grade Titanium Slag Using Hydrochloric Acid Leaching (United States)

    Zhao, Longsheng; Wang, Lina; Qi, Tao; Chen, Desheng; Zhao, Hongxin; Liu, Yahui; Wang, Weijing


    Acid-leaching behaviors of the titanium slag obtained by selective reduction of vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite concentrates were investigated. It was found that the optimal leaching of titanium and silicon were 0.7% and 1.5%, respectively. The titanium and silicon in the titanium slag were firstly dissolved in the acidic solution to form TiO2+ and silica sol, and then rapidly reprecipitated, forming hydrochloric acid (HCl) leach residue. Most of the silicon presented in the HCl leach residue as floccules-like silica gel, while most of the titanium was distributed in the nano-sized rod-like clusters with crystallite refinement and intracrystalline defects, and, as such, 94.3% of the silicon was leached from the HCl leach residue by alkaline desilication, and 96.5% of the titanium in the titanium-rich material with some rutile structure was then digested by the concentrated sulfuric acid. This provides an alternative route for the comprehensive utilization of titanium and silicon in titanium slag.

  20. Titanium and titanium alloys: fundamentals and applications

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Leyens, C; Peters, M


    ... number of titanium alloys have paved the way for light metals to vastly expand into many industrial applications. Titanium and its alloys stand out primarily due to their high specific strength and excellent corrosion resistance, at just half the weight of steels and Ni-based superalloys. This explains their early success in the aerospace and the...

  1. Synthesis of Titanium Oxycarbide from Titanium Slag by Methane-Containing Gas (United States)

    Dang, Jie; Fatollahi-Fard, Farzin; Pistorius, Petrus Christiaan; Chou, Kuo-Chih


    In this study, reaction steps of a process for synthesis of titanium oxycarbide from titanium slag were demonstrated. This process involves the reduction of titanium slag by a methane-hydrogen-argon mixture at 1473 K (1200 °C) and the leaching of the reduced products by hydrofluoric acid near room temperature to remove the main impurity (Fe3Si). Some iron was formed by disproportionation of the main M3O5 phase before gaseous reduction started. Upon reduction, more iron formed first, followed by reduction of titanium dioxide to suboxides and eventually oxycarbide.

  2. Titanium by design: TRIP titanium alloy (United States)

    Tran, Jamie

    Motivated by the prospect of lower cost Ti production processes, new directions in Ti alloy design were explored for naval and automotive applications. Building on the experience of the Steel Research Group at Northwestern University, an analogous design process was taken with titanium. As a new project, essential kinetic databases and models were developed for the design process and used to create a prototype design. Diffusion kinetic models were developed to predict the change in phase compositions and microstructure during heat treatment. Combining a mobility database created in this research with a licensed thermodynamic database, ThermoCalc and DICTRA software was used to model kinetic compositional changes in titanium alloys. Experimental diffusion couples were created and compared to DICTRA simulations to refine mobility parameters in the titanium mobility database. The software and database were able to predict homogenization times and the beta→alpha plate thickening kinetics during cooling in the near-alpha Ti5111 alloy. The results of these models were compared to LEAP microanalysis and found to be in reasonable agreement. Powder metallurgy was explored using SPS at GM R&D to reduce the cost of titanium alloys. Fully dense Ti5111 alloys were produced and achieved similar microstructures to wrought Ti5111. High levels of oxygen in these alloys increased the strength while reducing the ductility. Preliminary Ti5111+Y alloys were created, where yttrium additions successfully gettered excess oxygen to create oxides. However, undesirable large oxides formed, indicating more research is needed into the homogeneous distribution of the yttrium powder to create finer oxides. Principles established in steels were used to optimize the beta phase transformation stability for martensite transformation toughening in titanium alloys. The Olson-Cohen kinetic model is calibrated to shear strains in titanium. A frictional work database is established for common alloying

  3. Corrosion of titanium and titanium alloys in spent fuel repository conditions - literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aho-Mantila, I.; Haenninen, H.; Aaltonen, P.; Taehtinen, S.


    The spent nuclear fuel is planned to be disposed in Finnish bedrock. The canister of spent fuel in waste repository is one barrier to the release of radionuclides. It is possible to choose a canister material with a known, measurable corrosion rate and to make it with thickness allowing corrosion to occur. The other possibility is to use a material which is nearly immune to general corrosion. In this second category there are titanium and titanium alloys which exhibit a very high degree of resistance to general corrosion. In this literature study the corrosion properties of unalloyed titanium, titanium alloyed with palladium and titanium alloyed with molybdenum and nickel are reviewed. The two titanium alloys own in addition to the excellent general corrosion properties outstanding properties against localized corrosion like pitting or crevice corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatique of titanium seem not to be a problem in the repository conditions, but the possibilities of delayed cracking caused by hydrogen should be carefully appreciated. (author)

  4. Chitosan patterning on titanium alloys


    Gilabert Chirivella, Eduardo; Pérez Feito, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Ribeiro, Sylvie; Correia, Daniela; González Martin, María Luisa; Manero Planella, José María; Lanceros Méndez, Senentxu; Gallego Ferrer, Gloria; Gómez Ribelles, José Luis


    Titanium and its alloys are widely used in medical implants because of their excellent properties. However, bacterial infection is a frequent cause of titanium-based implant failure and also compromises its osseointegration. In this study, we report a new simple method of providing titanium surfaces with antibacterial properties by alternating antibacterial chitosan domains with titanium domains in the micrometric scale. Surface microgrooves were etched on pure titanium disks at i...

  5. On the use of titanium hydride for powder injection moulding of titanium-based alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrenoo-Morelli, E.; Bidaux, J.-E.


    Full text: Titanium and titanium-based alloys are excellent materials for a number of engineering applications because of their high strength, lightweight, good corrosion resistance, non magnetic characteristic and biocompatibility. The current processing steps are usually costly, and there is a growing demand for net-shape solutions for manufacturing parts of increasing complexity. Powder injection moulding is becoming a competitive alternative, thanks to the advances in production of good quality base-powders, binders and sintering facilities. Titanium hydride powders, have the attractiveness of being less reactive than fine titanium powders, easier to handle, and cheaper. This paper summarizes recent advances on PIM of titanium and titanium alloys from TiH2 powders, including shape-memory NiTi alloys. (author)

  6. Classification of titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Macias B, L.R.; Garcia C, R.M.; Maya M, M.E.; Ita T, A. De; Palacios G, J.


    In this work the X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (Sem) and the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy techniques are used with the purpose to achieve a complete identification of phases and mixture of phases of a crystalline material as titanium dioxide. The problem for solving consists of being able to distinguish a sample of titanium dioxide being different than a titanium dioxide pigment. A standard sample of titanium dioxide with NIST certificate is used, which indicates a purity of 99.74% for the TiO 2 . The following way is recommended to proceed: a)To make an analysis by means of X-ray diffraction technique to the sample of titanium dioxide pigment and on the standard of titanium dioxide waiting not find differences. b) To make a chemical analysis by the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy via in a microscope, taking advantage of the high vacuum since it is oxygen which is analysed and if it is concluded that the aluminium oxide appears in a greater proportion to 1% it is established that is a titanium dioxide pigment, but if it is lesser then it will be only titanium dioxide. This type of analysis is an application of the nuclear techniques useful for the tariff classification of merchandise which is considered as of difficult recognition. (Author)

  7. Corrosion behaviour and galvanic coupling of titanium and welded titanium in LiBr solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blasco-Tamarit, E.; Igual-Munoz, A.; Garcia Anton, J.; Garcia-Garcia, D.


    Corrosion resistance and galvanic coupling of Grade 2 commercially pure titanium in its welded and non-welded condition were systematically analyzed in LiBr solutions. Galvanic corrosion was evaluated through two different methods: anodic polarization (according to the Mixed Potential Theory) and electrochemical noise (using a zero-resistance ammeter). Samples have been etched to study the microstructure. The action of lithium chromate as corrosion inhibitor has been evaluated. Titanium and welded titanium showed extremely low corrosion current densities and elevated pitting potential values (higher than 1 V). The results of both methods, anodic polarization and electrochemical noise, showed that the welded titanium was always the anodic element of the pair titanium-welded titanium, so that its corrosion resistance decreases due to the galvanic effect

  8. Electrowinning molten titanium from titanium dioxide

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Vuuren, DS


    Full Text Available the Manufacturing and Materials Industry in it quest for global competitiveness CSIR Manufacturing and Materials Technology 3 Rationale – Titanium Cost Build-up Material Cost Ilmenite $0.27/kg Ti sponge Titanium slag $0.75/kg Ti Sponge TiCl4 and TiO2 $3....10/kg Ti Sponge Ti Sponge raw materials costs $5.50/kg Ti Sponge Total Ti Sponge cost $9-$11/kg Ti Sponge Ti ingot $15-17/kg Ti Aluminium $1.7/kg Al Supporting the Manufacturing and Materials Industry in its quest for global competitivenessorting...

  9. Hidroxyapatite Coating on CoCrMo Alloy Titanium Nitride Coated Using Biomimetic Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charlena; Sukaryo, S.G.; Fajar, M.


    Bone implants is a way to cure broken bones which is being developed. The implants can be made of metals, ceramics and polymers. Metallic materials commonly used are titanium (Ti), stainless steel, and metal alloys. This study used Co-based alloys, i.e. CoCrMo coated with titanium nitride (TiN) which was then coated on hidroxyapatite (HAp). The HAp coating on the surface of CoCrMo alloy was done by biomimetic methods, first by soaking the metal alloys in simulated body fluid (SBF) solution for 18, 24, and 36 hours. The immersion in the SBF solution produced white coat on the surface of the metal alloy. The layers formed were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and characterized by x-ray diffractometer (XRD). Based on the SEM results of 36 hours treatment, the morphology of apatite crystal formed fine grains. According to XRD result, there were HAp peaks at angles 2θ 31.86, 32.25, dan 39.48. However, there were also CaCO 3 peaks at angles 2θ 29.46, 36.04, and 46.79. It indicated the pure HAp is not yet formed. (paper)

  10. Hidroxyapatite Coating on CoCrMo Alloy Titanium Nitride Coated Using Biomimetic Method (United States)

    Charlena; Sukaryo, S. G.; Fajar, M.


    Bone implants is a way to cure broken bones which is being developed. The implants can be made of metals, ceramics and polymers. Metallic materials commonly used are titanium (Ti), stainless steel, and metal alloys. This study used Co-based alloys, i.e. CoCrMo coated with titanium nitride (TiN) which was then coated on hidroxyapatite (HAp). The HAp coating on the surface of CoCrMo alloy was done by biomimetic methods, first by soaking the metal alloys in simulated body fluid (SBF) solution for 18, 24, and 36 hours. The immersion in the SBF solution produced white coat on the surface of the metal alloy. The layers formed were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and characterized by x-ray diffractometer (XRD). Based on the SEM results of 36 hours treatment, the morphology of apatite crystal formed fine grains. According to XRD result, there were HAp peaks at angles 2θ 31.86, 32.25, dan 39.48. However, there were also CaCO3 peaks at angles 2θ 29.46, 36.04, and 46.79. It indicated the pure HAp is not yet formed.

  11. Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Nanostructures via Nitridation of Nanopatterned Titanium Dioxide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guler, Urcan; Zemlyanov, Dmitry; Kim, Jongbum


    Plasmonic titanium nitride nanostructures are obtained via nitridation of titanium dioxide. Nanoparticles acquired a cubic shape with sharper edges following the rock-salt crystalline structure of TiN. Lattice constant of the resulting TiN nanoparticles matched well with the tabulated data. Energy...

  12. Artefacts in multimodal imaging of titanium, zirconium and binary titanium-zirconium alloy dental implants: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Smeets, Ralf; Schöllchen, Maximilian; Gauer, Tobias; Aarabi, Ghazal; Assaf, Alexandre T; Rendenbach, Carsten; Beck-Broichsitter, Benedicta; Semmusch, Jan; Sedlacik, Jan; Heiland, Max; Fiehler, Jens; Siemonsen, Susanne


    To analyze and evaluate imaging artefacts induced by zirconium, titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy dental implants. Zirconium, titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy implants were embedded in gelatin and MRI, CT and CBCT were performed. Standard protocols were used for each modality. For MRI, line-distance profiles were plotted to quantify the accuracy of size determination. For CT and CBCT, six shells surrounding the implant were defined every 0.5 cm from the implant surface and histogram parameters were determined for each shell. While titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy induced extensive signal voids in MRI owing to strong susceptibility, zirconium implants were clearly definable with only minor distortion artefacts. For titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy, the MR signal was attenuated up to 14.1 mm from the implant. In CT, titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy resulted in less streak artefacts in comparison with zirconium. In CBCT, titanium-zirconium alloy induced more severe artefacts than zirconium and titanium. MRI allows for an excellent image contrast and limited artefacts in patients with zirconium implants. CT and CBCT examinations are less affected by artefacts from titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy implants compared with MRI. The knowledge about differences of artefacts through different implant materials and image modalities might help support clinical decisions for the choice of implant material or imaging device in the clinical setting.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khaira Amalia Fachrudin


    Full Text Available Preferensi pembiayaan dalam perusahaan besar lebih didasarkan pada karakteristik perusahaan tersebut.  Namun dalam usaha mikro dan kecil hal ini mungkin berbeda dan bergantung pada karakteristik pemiliknya seperti gender dan entrepreneurability.   Perbedaan gender mungkin juga membedakan entrepreneurability dan dukungan yang diterima.  Penelitian ini akan menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan preferensi pembiayaan berdasarkan gender, entrepreneurability berdasarkan gender dan berdasarkan preferensi pembiayaan, serta perbedaan dukungan berdasarkan gender.  Sampel dari usaha mikro dan kecil yang bergerak dalam bidang kuliner  diuji dengan uji beda Independent Sample t Test dan kemudian dengan Crosstabulation untuk lebih memperinci hasilnya.  Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan preferensi pembiayaan berdasarkan gender dan berdasarkan  entrepreneurability, namun entrepreneurability berbeda signifikan berdasarkan gender dan juga ditemukan bahwa dukungan moral, tenaga, dan modal yang diterima pemilik usaha pria dan wanita tidak berbeda signifikan (p value lebih kecil dari 0.05.   Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesetaraan gender dalam pembiayaan usaha dan entrepreneurability lebih tinggi pada pria.  Pria pemilik usaha juga mendapatkan dukungan tenaga kerja yang lebih banyak daripada wanita.  Dukungan tenaga ini adalah salah satu bentuk  financial bootstrapping karena dapat mengurangi pembiayaan usaha

  14. Rough surfaces of titanium and titanium alloys for implants and prostheses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conforto, E.; Aronsson, B.-O.; Salito, A.; Crestou, C.; Caillard, D.


    Titanium and titanium alloys for dental implants and hip prostheses were surface-treated and/or covered by metallic or ceramic rough layers after being submitted to sand blasting. The goal of these treatments is to improve the surface roughness and consequently the osteointegration, the fixation, and the stability of the implant. The microstructure of titanium and titanium alloys submitted to these treatments has been studied and correlated to their mechanical behavior. As-treated/covered and mechanically tested surfaces were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Structural analyses performed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), mainly in cross-section, reveal the degree of adherence and cohesion between the surface layer and the substrate (implant). We observed that, although the same convenient surface roughness was obtained with the two types of process, many characteristics as structural properties and mechanical behavior are very different



    Susiana; Ali, Syamsu Alam; Rukminasari, Nita


    Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan diversitas dan kerapatan mangrove dengan kepadatan gastropoda dan bivalvia di mangrove alami dan rehabilitasi. Pengukuran ekosistem mangrove menggunakan transek kuadrat 10 m x 10 m. Kelimpahan dan kepadatan gastropoda dan bialvia menggunakan transek kuadrat berukuran 1 m x 1 m. Analisis nMDS, cluster untuk melihat hubungan karekteristik mangrove alami dan rehabilitasi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisis regresi untuk mendetermi...

  16. Rapid PMR determination of hydrogen in titanium hydride and dehydrogenated titanium powders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Il'enko, V.S.; Demidenko, L.M.


    Proton magnetic resonance (PMR) enables determining hydrogen quantitatively in titanium hydride and dehydrogenated titanium powders without destroying the specimen and is also more informative than high-temperature extraction methods. PMR provides data on the electron-nuclear interactions and the activation energies for hydrogen diffusion while also providing conclusions on the forms and positives of the hydrogen in the lattice and the binding to the metal atoms. The authors have developed a rapid method for determining hydrogen in titanium hydride and dehydrogenated titanium powders which reduces the analysis time and improves the metrological characteristics. The authors use a YaMR-5535 spectrometer working at 40 MHz upgraded for use with hydrogen in solids. The authors used specimens of mass about 2 g ground to 0.1 mm powder

  17. Chemical changes of titanium and titanium dioxide under electron bombardment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romins Brasca


    Full Text Available The electron induced effect on the first stages of the titanium (Ti0 oxidation and titanium dioxide (Ti4+ chemical reduction processes has been studied by means of Auger electron spectroscopy. Using factor analysis we found that both processes are characterized by the appearance of an intermediate Ti oxidation state, Ti2O3 (Ti3+.

  18. Osseointegration is improved by coating titanium implants with a nanostructured thin film with titanium carbide and titanium oxides clustered around graphitic carbon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veronesi, Francesca; Giavaresi, Gianluca; Fini, Milena; Longo, Giovanni; Ioannidu, Caterina Alexandra; Scotto d'Abusco, Anna; Superti, Fabiana; Panzini, Gianluca; Misiano, Carlo; Palattella, Alberto; Selleri, Paolo; Di Girolamo, Nicola; Garbarino, Viola; Politi, Laura; Scandurra, Roberto


    Titanium implants coated with a 500 nm nanostructured layer, deposited by the Ion Plating Plasma Assisted (IPPA) technology, composed of 60% graphitic carbon, 25% titanium oxides and 15% titanium carbide were implanted into rabbit femurs whilst into the controlateral femurs uncoated titanium implants were inserted as control. At four time points the animals were injected with calcein green, xylenol orange, oxytetracycline and alizarin. After 2, 4 and 8 weeks femurs were removed and processed for histology and static and dynamic histomorphometry for undecalcified bone processing into methylmethacrylate, sectioned, thinned, polished and stained with Toluidine blue and Fast green. The overall bone-implant contacts rate (percentage of bone-implant contacts/weeks) of the TiC coated implant was 1.6 fold than that of the uncoated titanium implant. The histomorphometric analyses confirmed the histological evaluations. More precisely, higher Mineral Apposition Rate (MAR, μm/day) (p < 0.005) and Bone Formation Rate (BFR, μm 2 /μm/day) (p < 0.0005) as well as Bone Implant Contact (Bic) and Bone Ingrowth values (p < 0.0005) were observed for the TiC coated implants compared to uncoated implants. In conclusion the hard nanostructured TiC layer protects the bulk titanium implant against the harsh conditions of biological tissues and in the same time, stimulating adhesion, proliferation and activity of osteoblasts, induces a better bone-implant contacts of the implant compared to the uncoated titanium implant. - Highlights: • Ti implants were coated with a nanostructured film composed of C gr , TiC and TiO x . • The TiC layer stimulates adhesion, proliferation and activity of osteoblasts. • Uncoated and TiC coated titanium implants were implanted in rabbit femurs. • Bone-implant contacts of TiC coated implants were higher than that of uncoated. • Mineral Apposition Rate of TiC coated implants were higher than that of uncoated.

  19. Titanium fasteners. [for aircraft industry (United States)

    Phillips, J. L.


    Titanium fasteners are used in large quantities throughout the aircraft industry. Most of this usage is in aluminum structure; where titanium structure exists, titanium fasteners are logically used as well. Titanium fasteners offer potential weight savings to the designer at a cost of approximately $30 per pound of weight saved. Proper and least cost usage must take into consideration type of fastener per application, galvanic couples and installation characteristics of protective coatings, cosmetic appearance, paint adhesion, installation forces and methods available and fatigue performance required.

  20. Titanium for salt water service

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gadiyar, H.S.; Shibad, P.R.


    Titanium has potential as major material of construction in desalination plants, in condensers and heat exchangers, in view of its excellent corrosion resistance to salt water upto at least 120deg C. The advantages of titanium in such applications are brought out. The various specific problems such as pitting, crevice and galvanic corrosion and the preventive methods, for adopting titanium have been discussed. The hydriding problem can be overcome by suitably controlling the operating parameters such as temperature and surface preparation. A case has been made to prove the economic viability of titanium in comparison to Al-brass and Cu-Ni alloy. The future of titanium seems to be very promising in view of the negligible tube failures and outages. (auth.)

  1. [The surface roughness analysis of the titanium casting founding by a new titanium casting investment material]. (United States)

    Liang, Qin-ye; Wu, Xia-yi; Lin, Xue-feng


    To investigate the surface roughness property of the titanium castings cast in a new investment for titanium casting. Six wax patterns (20 mm × 20 mm × 0.5 mm) were invested using two investments: three in a new titanium investment material and three in the control material (Rematitan Plus). Six titanium specimens were obtained by conventional casting. After casting, surface roughness of the specimens were evaluated with a surface profilometer. The surface roughness of the specimens cast in new titanium investment material was (1.72 ± 0.08) µm, which was much smaller than that from Rematitan Plus [(1.91 ± 0.15) µm, P cast using these two investment materials are both smooth enough to fulfill the demand of the titanium precision-casting for prosthodontic clinical use.

  2. Profil Sensori dan Nilai Gizi Beberapa Jenis Ikan Patin dan Hibrid Nasutus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresia Dwi Suryaningrum


    Full Text Available Penelitian mengenai profil sensori dan nilai gizi filet patin Siam (Pangasius hypopthalmus, Jambal (Pangasius djambal Bleeker, Pasupati, Nasutus serta hasil silangan Siam dan Nasutus (hibrid Nasutus telah dilakukan. Analisis sensori dilakukan dengan uji pembeda menyeluruh, uji pembeda atribut, uji kesukaan, dan uji rangking. Pengamatan lainnya dilakukan terhadap edible portion dan nilai gizi (proksimat dan profil asam amino. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filet patin hibrid Nasutus lebih memiliki kesamaan warna dengan filet patin Nasutus daripada filet patin Siam. W arna daging filet patin hibrid Nasutus berbeda nyata dengan induknya yaitu patin Nasutus dan patin Siam. Panelis lebih menyukai warna filet patin hibrid Nasutus dibandingkan dengan patin Pasupati. Patin hibrid Nasutus mempunyai tekstur yang berbeda nyata dengan Nasutus dan Jambal yang kompak dan padat, tetapi mempunyai kesamaan dengan patin Siam dan Pasupati yang agak kompak dan agak padat. Berdasarkan intensitas warna, hasil uji pembeda atribut dan uji kesukaan, maka secara berturut-turut panelis menyukai filet patin Jambal, Nasutus, hibrid Nasutus, Pasupati, dan Siam. Hibrid Nasutus mempunyai edible portionpaling tinggi (49% dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya tetapi mempunyai kadar air, kadar lemak, dan kadar protein yang lebih rendah dan berbeda nyata dengan induknya (patin Siam dan Nasutus. Patin Siam mengandung asam amino esensial paling tinggi di antara berbagai jenis patin yang diteliti. Profil asam amino patin hibrid Nasutus, Jambal, Pasupati, dan Nasutus hampir sama, kecuali pada patin Siam yang mengandung glisin, leusin, isoleusin, histidin, serin, treonin, dan prolin yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya

  3. Numerical assessment of bone remodeling around conventionally and early loaded titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy dental implants. (United States)

    Akça, Kıvanç; Eser, Atılım; Çavuşoğlu, Yeliz; Sağırkaya, Elçin; Çehreli, Murat Cavit


    The aim of this study was to investigate conventionally and early loaded titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy implants by three-dimensional finite element stress analysis. Three-dimensional model of a dental implant was created and a thread area was established as a region of interest in trabecular bone to study a localized part of the global model with a refined mesh. The peri-implant tissues around conventionally loaded (model 1) and early loaded (model 2) implants were implemented and were used to explore principal stresses, displacement values, and equivalent strains in the peri-implant region of titanium and titanium-zirconium implants under static load of 300 N with or without 30° inclination applied on top of the abutment surface. Under axial loading, principal stresses in both models were comparable for both implants and models. Under oblique loading, principal stresses around titanium-zirconium implants were slightly higher in both models. Comparable stress magnitudes were observed in both models. The displacement values and equivalent strain amplitudes around both implants and models were similar. Peri-implant bone around titanium and titanium-zirconium implants experiences similar stress magnitudes coupled with intraosseous implant displacement values under conventional loading and early loading simulations. Titanium-zirconium implants have biomechanical outcome comparable to conventional titanium implants under conventional loading and early loading.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robertus Suryo Bisono


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan pelapisan menggunakan Titanium Alumunium Nitrid (TIAlN dengan metode PVD Coating (Physical Vapour Diposition dan TD (Thermal Difusion  untuk perlakuan permukaan baja perkakas SKD11 sebagai material Insert Die komponen mesin Stamping Press setelah perlakuan hardening. Perlakuan permukaan dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas permukaan khususnya kekerasan dan perubahan struktur mikro yang terjadi. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan dari perlakuan permukaan tersebut dilakukan dengan memvariasi waktu proses, masing masing 2 sample diproses pada 4 jam, 5 jam dan 6 jam dengan temperatur  proses masing-masing  400ᴼ C. Kemudian satu dari tiap variable sample tersebut di panaskan pada suhu 1000ᴼ C selama 1 jam, pendinginan dilalukan dengan udara bebas tanpa proses quenching Untuk mengetahui hasilnya dilakukan uji kekerasan mikro Vickers, pengamatan struktur mikro Scanning Eectron Microscope (SEM, dan pengujian komposisi dengan Energy Defersif Sepectroscopy (EDS untuk mengetahui tingkat penyerapan material terdifusi. Hasil menunjukan bahwa SKD11 yang dilapisi TiAlN dengan metode PVD selama 6 jam menghasilkan lapisan yang paling keras yaitu 1363 HV dengan ketebalan lapisan 5,3µm. Proses pemanasan 1000⁰C selama 1 jam pada sample mengakibatkan penurunan kekerasan sample dan lapisan permukaan sample menjadi lebih tebal hingga 50µm. Penambahan lapisan diakibatkan oleh terdifusinya atom atom yang menyusun lapisan TiAlN ke dalam substrat serta keluarnya atom atom penyusun lapisan hingga membentuk lapisan kompleks.

  5. Pengembangan Sistem Otomatisasi AC dan Lampu Menggunakan Fuzzy dan Raspberry Pi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rudy Ariyanto


    Full Text Available Otomatisasi AC dan lampu dilakukan untuk menghemat energi yang digunakan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu perlu menerapkan sebuah perangkat yang memiliki fungsi maksimal dengan harga yang minimal. Raspberry Pi merupakan perangkat atau modul dengan harga rendah yang mampu melakukan komunikasi wireless tanpa bantuan modul lain. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu juga diperlukan sebuah metode yang mampu melakukan kontrol terhadap nyala AC dan lampu. Penerapan metode fuzzy dapat dilakukan untuk menghimpun informasi keadaan ruang yang didapat dari sensor untuk menentukan nyala AC dan lampu secara otomatis. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi dan Fuzzy. Otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi yang menerapkan metode Fuzzy dapat menghemat energi hingga 59,87% dalam hal lama waktu nyala AC dan 57,47% untuk lumenasi lampu

  6. Anodic growth of titanium dioxide nanostructures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Disclosed is a method of producing nanostructures of titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) by anodisation of titanium (Ti) in an electrochemical cell, comprising the steps of: immersing a non-conducting substrate coated with a layer of titanium, defined as the anode, in an electrolyte solution...... an electrical contact to the layer of titanium on the anode, where the electrical contact is made in the electrolyte solution...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Imam Khanafi


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini mengukur tingkat persepsi visi dan misi civitas akademika STAIN Pekalongan, dan mengukur juga tingkat implementasi sebagai transformasi visi misi tersebut serta menemukan hubungan antara persepsi dengan implementasinya. Kajian ini memiliki signifikan yang strategis dalam konteks manajemen dan pengembangan Pendidikan di STAIN Pekalongan dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya. Hal ini karena posisi visi dan misi sebagai kerangka acuan (frame of reference yang mengarahkan dan menjelaskan kepada keseluruh unsur civitas akademika dalam setiap program kerjanya.

  8. Evaluasi Sifat Morpologi dan Teknologi Pengolahan pada Gabah dan Beras


    Santosa, Susilo


    Penelitian evaluasi dan beras terhadap mutu dan jumlah hasil ditekankan pada lr36 , lr38 dan Cisadane. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Karawang. Hasil studi menunjukkan diantara ketiga varitas, Cisadane mempunyai ukuran dimensi butiran yang lebih besar daripada Ir36 dan Ir38. Di antara ketiga varitas, persen kulit sekam yang tertinggi didapat 23,57 % pada lr38 diikuti 22,32% pada Ir36 dan 19,5% pada Cisadane. Persen beras pecah kulit tertinggi diperoleh pa...

  9. Evaluasi Sifat Morpologi Dan Teknologi Pengolahan Pada Gabah Dan Beras


    Santosa, Susilo


    Penelitian evaluasi dan beras terhadap mutu dan jumlah hasil ditekankan pada lr36 , lr38 dan Cisadane. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Karawang. Hasil studi menunjukkan diantara ketiga varitas, Cisadane mempunyai ukuran dimensi butiran yang lebih besar daripada Ir36 dan Ir38. Di antara ketiga varitas, persen kulit sekam yang tertinggi didapat 23,57 % pada lr38 diikuti 22,32% pada Ir36 dan 19,5% pada Cisadane. Persen beras pecah kulit tertinggi diperoleh pa...

  10. Osseointegration is improved by coating titanium implants with a nanostructured thin film with titanium carbide and titanium oxides clustered around graphitic carbon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veronesi, Francesca [Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, Via Di Barbiano 1/10, Bologna 40136 (Italy); Giavaresi, Gianluca; Fini, Milena [Laboratory of Preclinical and Surgical Studies, Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, Via Di Barbiano 1/10, Bologna 40136 (Italy); Laboratory of Biocompatibility, Innovative Technologies and Advanced Therapies, Department Rizzoli RIT, Via Di Barbiano 1/10, Bologna 40136 (Italy); Longo, Giovanni [CNR Istituto di Struttura della Materia, CNR, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma (Italy); Ioannidu, Caterina Alexandra; Scotto d' Abusco, Anna [Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Roma, Ple A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy); Superti, Fabiana; Panzini, Gianluca [Dept. of Technologies and Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena, 299 Roma (Italy); Misiano, Carlo [Romana Film Sottili, Anzio, Roma (Italy); Palattella, Alberto [Dept. of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine, Tor Vergata University, Via Montpellier 1, 00133 Roma (Italy); Selleri, Paolo; Di Girolamo, Nicola [Exotic Animals Clinic, Via S. Giovannini 53, 00137 Roma (Italy); Garbarino, Viola [Dept. of Radiology, S.M. Goretti Hospital, Via G. Reni 2, 04100 Latina (Italy); Politi, Laura [Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Roma, Ple A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy); Scandurra, Roberto, E-mail: [Dept. of Biochemical Sciences, Sapienza University of Roma, Ple A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma (Italy)


    Titanium implants coated with a 500 nm nanostructured layer, deposited by the Ion Plating Plasma Assisted (IPPA) technology, composed of 60% graphitic carbon, 25% titanium oxides and 15% titanium carbide were implanted into rabbit femurs whilst into the controlateral femurs uncoated titanium implants were inserted as control. At four time points the animals were injected with calcein green, xylenol orange, oxytetracycline and alizarin. After 2, 4 and 8 weeks femurs were removed and processed for histology and static and dynamic histomorphometry for undecalcified bone processing into methylmethacrylate, sectioned, thinned, polished and stained with Toluidine blue and Fast green. The overall bone-implant contacts rate (percentage of bone-implant contacts/weeks) of the TiC coated implant was 1.6 fold than that of the uncoated titanium implant. The histomorphometric analyses confirmed the histological evaluations. More precisely, higher Mineral Apposition Rate (MAR, μm/day) (p < 0.005) and Bone Formation Rate (BFR, μm{sup 2}/μm/day) (p < 0.0005) as well as Bone Implant Contact (Bic) and Bone Ingrowth values (p < 0.0005) were observed for the TiC coated implants compared to uncoated implants. In conclusion the hard nanostructured TiC layer protects the bulk titanium implant against the harsh conditions of biological tissues and in the same time, stimulating adhesion, proliferation and activity of osteoblasts, induces a better bone-implant contacts of the implant compared to the uncoated titanium implant. - Highlights: • Ti implants were coated with a nanostructured film composed of C{sub gr}, TiC and TiO{sub x}. • The TiC layer stimulates adhesion, proliferation and activity of osteoblasts. • Uncoated and TiC coated titanium implants were implanted in rabbit femurs. • Bone-implant contacts of TiC coated implants were higher than that of uncoated. • Mineral Apposition Rate of TiC coated implants were higher than that of uncoated.

  11. The vapour phase deposition of boron on titanium by the reaction between gaseous boron trichloride and titanium metal. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cameron, D.J.; Shelton, R.A.J.


    The reaction, between boron trichloride vapour and titanium has been investigated in the temperature range 200 - 1350 deg. C. It has been found that an initial reaction leads to the formation of titanium tetrachloride and the deposition of boron on titanium, but that except for reactions between 900 and 1000 deg. C, the system is complicated by the formation of lower titanium chlorides due to secondary reactions between the titanium and titanium tetrachloride


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    Anorital, SKM Anorital, SKM


    Full Text Available Dalam bulan Januari 1991 yang lalu, Sdr. Anorital, SKM (Ka. Subbag. Pengumpulan dan PengolahanData Badan Litbangkes dan H. Syafwani Mirin, SKM (Ka. Bag. Keuangan Badan Litbangkes memperoleh fellowship dari WHO untuk melakukan studi perbandingan ke institusi-institusi penelitian kesehatan di Thailand,Myanmar, dan India.Berikut di bawah ini tulisan bersangkutan yang menggambarkan secara garis besar pengelolaan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan pada masing-masing negara obyek studi. Semoga informasi yang terkandung pada tulisan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pengembangan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan.

  13. Stress corrosion cracking of Inconel in high temperature water; Corrosion fissurante sous contrainte de l'Inconel dans l'eau a haute temperature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coriou,; Grall,; Gall, Le; Vettier, [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Some Inconel samples were subjected to hot water corrosion testing (350 deg. C), under stress slightly above the elastic limit. It has been observed that different types of alloys - with or without titanium - could suffer serious intergranular damage, including a complete rupture, within a three months period. In one case, we observed an unusual intergranular phenomenon which appeared quite different from common intergranular corrosion. (author) [French] Des essais de corrosion d'Inconel sont realises dans l'eau a 350 deg. C, et sous contrainte legerement superieure a la limite elastique. On constate que differentes varietes d'alliage avec ou sans titane donnent lieu a des accidents intergranulaires graves allant jusqu'a rupture complete en 3 mois. Dans un cas, on observe un phenomene intergranulaire particulier tres different de la corrosion intergranulaire classique. (auteur)

  14. Kinerja Dan Efisiensi Bank Pemerintah (Bumn) Dan Busn Yang Go Publik Di Indonesia


    Haryanto, Sugeng


    Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja dan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go Publik di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sample penelitian ini mengambil tiga bank BUMN Bank BNI 46, Bank Mandiri dan Bank BRI) dan tiga bank BUSN (Bank BCA, Bank Niaga dan Bank Panin) dengan periode analisis tahun 2005-2011. Varibael yang digunakan meliputi ROA, ROE, LAR. LDR, NPL dan BOPO. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat dan menganalisis perbedaan kinerja antara Bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go public di...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sugeng Haryanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja dan tingkat efisiensi bank-bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go Publik di Bursa Efek Indonesia.  Sample penelitian ini mengambil  tiga bank BUMN Bank BNI 46, Bank Mandiri dan Bank BRI  dan tiga bank BUSN (Bank BCA, Bank Niaga dan Bank Panin dengan periode analisis tahun 2005-2011. Varibael yang digunakan meliputi ROA, ROE, LAR. LDR, NPL dan BOPO. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat dan menganalisis perbedaan kinerja antara Bank BUMN dan BUSN yang go public di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2005-2011.  Pendekatan pengukuran kinerja yang digunakan adalah Return on Asset (ROA, Return on Equity (ROE dan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR, Loan to Asset Ratio (LAR,  dan efisiensi bank. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1 Bank-bank nasional, baik itu bank BUMN maupun BUSN menunjukkan kinerja yang semakin baik, 2 tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kinerja bank BUMN dan BUSN untuk variabel ROA, ROE, LAR, LDR, dan BOPO sedangkan variabel NPL yang merupakan indikator risiko kredit menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara Bank BUMN dan BUSN

  16. Process for making a titanium diboride-chromium diboride-yttrium titanium oxide ceramic composition (United States)

    Holcombe, C.E.; Dykes, N.L.


    A ceramic composition is described. The ceramic composition consists essentially of from about 84 to 96 w/o titanium diboride, from about 1 to 9 w/o chromium diboride, and from about 3 to about 15 w/o yttrium-titanium-oxide. A method of making the ceramic composition is also described. The method of making the ceramic composition comprises the following steps: Step 1--A consolidated body containing stoichiometric quantities of titanium diboride and chromium diboride is provided. Step 2--The consolidated body is enclosed in and in contact with a thermally insulated package of yttria granules having a thickness of at least 0.5 inches. Step 3--The consolidated body enclosed in the thermally insulated package of yttria granules is heated in a microwave oven with microwave energy to a temperature equal to or greater than 1,900 degrees centigrade to sinter and uniformly disperse yttria particles having a size range from about 1 to about 12 microns throughout the consolidated body forming a densified body consisting essentially of titanium diboride, chromium diboride, and yttrium-titanium-oxide. The resulting densified body has enhanced fracture toughness and hardness. No Drawings

  17. PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT OLEH NEGARA DAN SWASTA Studi Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Pengelolaan Zakat Oleh BAZ Dan LAZ Kota Madiun

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    Atik Abidah


    Full Text Available Abstraks: Keberadaan lembaga zakat di Indonesia yang diakui oleh perundang-undangan ada dua, yaitu Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ dan Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ. BAZ adalah lembaga zakat yang dikelola oleh pemerintah, sedangkan LAZ adalah lembaga yang dikelola oleh masyarakat. Artikel ini merupakan merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data digali langsung dari BAZ Kota Madiun dan LAZ dalam hal ini ada 2 lembaga, yaitu Lembaga Manajemen Infaq (LMI dan Baitul Maal Hidayatullah (BMH. Hasil penelitian BAZ lebih efektif dibanding LAZ, karena BAZ di bawah naungan Pemerintah Kota Madiun dan didukung dengan kebijakan dalam menjalankan progam kerjanya. Sedangkan pada LAZ (LMI dan BMH karena sifatnya mandiri, maka segala sesuatunya akan efektif jika mereka bekerja keras, dan itulah yang selama ini dilakukan oleh LMI dan BMH, sehingga sampai saat ini mereka masih eksis.

  18. 40 CFR 180.1195 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Titanium dioxide. 180.1195 Section 180.1195 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PESTICIDE PROGRAMS... Titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide is exempted from the requirement of a tolerance for residues in or on...

  19. Advances in cost effective processing of titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.E.


    Recently an industry expert pointed out that one of the greatest hindrances to the growth of titanium usage has been the low percentage of material usable in the final product. Due to the extensive processing, forming, and machining operations typically performed on titanium, yield losses are high. This is especially true in aerospace applications where most titanium is used. In engine components, the start to finish ratio, known as the buy to fly ratio, is often as high as 7 to 1. This can be illustrated by looking at the use of titanium in Pratt and Whitney engines. In the JT-8D-217 used on Boeing's 737-200, the titanium buyweight is 5,385 pounds, whereas the finished titanium, flyweight is just 758 pounds. This start to finish ratio is 7.1:1, giving titanium 17.0% of total engine weight. (orig.)

  20. Electron beam melting of sponge titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanayama, Hiroshi; Kusamichi, Tatsuhiko; Muraoka, Tetsuhiro; Onouye, Toshio; Nishimura, Takashi


    Fundamental investigations were done on electron beam (EB) melting of sponge titanium by using 80 kW EB melting furnace. Results obtained are as follows: (1) To increase the melting yield of titanium in EB melting of sponge titanium, it is important to recover splashed metal by installation of water-cooled copper wall around the hearth and to decrease evaporation loss of titanium by keeping the surface temperature of molten metal just above the melting temperature of titanium without local heating. (2) Specific power consumption of drip melting of pressed sponge titanium bar and hearth melting of sponge titanium are approximately 0.9 kWh/kg-Ti and 0.5-0.7 kWh/kg-Ti, respectively. (3) Ratios of the heat conducted to water-cooled mould in the drip melting and to water-cooled hearth in the hearth melting to the electron beam input power are 50-65% and 60-65%, respectively. (4) Surface defects of EB-melted ingots include rap which occurs when the EB output is excessively great, and transverse cracks when the EB output is excessively small. To prevent surface defects, the up-down withdrawal method is effective. (author)

  1. Production of titanium tetrachloride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perillo, P.M.; Botbol, O.


    This report presents a summary of results from theoperation of a laboratory scale for the production in batches of approximately 100 gs of titanium tetrachloride by chlorination with chloroform and carbon tetrachloride between 340 deg C and 540 deg C. Chlorination agent vapors were passed through a quartz column reacting with titanium oxide powder agglomerated in little spheres. Obtained titanium tetrachloride was condensed in a condenser, taken in a ballon and then purified by fractional distillation. Optimun temperature for chloroform was 400 deg C with 74 % yield and for carbon tetrachloride was 500 deg C with 69 % yield. (Author) [es

  2. Keragaman dan Peran Biologi Arthrophoda pada Sawah Irigasi dan Tegalan


    Suwarno, Suwarno


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman arthropoda dan peran biologinya pada tanah sawah irigasi dan tegalan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah persawahan di daerah Sragen pada bulan Maret – Mei 2016. Metode Penelitian dengan menggunakan pitfall trap atau perangkap jebakan yang diletakkan area persawahan dan tegalan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Sampel arthropoda yang diperoleh diidentifikasi dan dianalisis di Laboratorium pendidikan Biologi. ...

  3. Pengaruh Perebusan, Penggaraman Dan Penjemuran Pada Udang Dan Cumi Terhadap Pembentukan 7 Ketokolesterol

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    Rudi Riyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian pengaruh perebusan, penggaraman dan penjemuran pada udang dan cumi terhadap pembentukan 7‑ketokolesterol telah dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini, udang dan cumi masing ­masing dibagi dalam dua kelompok. Pada kelompok pertama diberikan perlakuan perebusan dalam air, dan pada kelompok kedua diberikan perlakuan perebusan dalam air garam (3% air garam untuk udang dan 20% air garam untuk cumi. Setelah perebusan, dilakukan pengeringan di bawah matahari (udang dikupas dahulu sebelum dijemur. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat kondisi segar, setelah direbus dan setelah dijemur. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kandungan 7‑ketokolesterol, kolesterol, nilai TBA, dan kadar air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perebusan, penggaraman dan penjemuran berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan 7‑ketokolesterol sampai konsentrasi 20,82 ppm pada udang dan 15,05 ppm pada cumi sebagai konsentrasi tertinggi produk hasil oksidasi kolesterol yang terbentuk. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bukti bahwa pemanasan (perebusan dan penjemuran, serta penggaraman berpengaruh dalam proses oksidasi kolesterol pada udang dan cumi.

  4. Uranium fluorides analysis. Titanium spectrophotometric determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Titanium determination in uranium hexafluoride in the range 0.7 to 100 microgrammes after transformation of uranium fluoride in sulfate. Titanium is separated by extraction with N-benzoylphenylhydroxylamine, reextracted by hydrochloric-hydrofluoric acid. The complex titanium-N-benzoylphenylhydroxylamine is extracted by chloroform. Spectrophotometric determination at 400 nm [fr

  5. 21 CFR 73.2575 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.2575 Section 73.2575 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Cosmetics § 73.2575 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive titanium dioxide shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements...


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    AM. M. Hafidz MS.


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi: (1 pembangunan etika bisnis yang telah dirumuskan oleh al-Ghazali dan Adam Smith, (2 persamaan dan perbedaan antara dua etika bisnis pria, dan (3 relevansi bisnis mereka etika bisnis modern dunia dan ekonomi. Bisnis etika dibangun oleh al-Ghazali dan Smith di dataran praksis tidak jauh berbeda. Etika bisnis konstruksi dibangun oleh al-Ghazali didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip seperti orientasi itikad baik tentang dunia dan akhirat, kejujuran, kepentingan pribadi dan social keseimbangan, dan perilaku / perbuatan yang tepat. Di sisi lain, etika bisnis konstruksi dibangun oleh Smith, berdasarkan keadilan, altruisme, keadilan dan liberal (kebebasan ekonomi. Baik etika bisnis yang diperkenalkan oleh kedua sangat relevan untuk menjadi digunakan sebagai bahan pokok acuan dalam etika bisnis modern.

  7. Analisis Kebijakan dan Efektivitas Organisasi

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    Amir Syarifudin Kiwang


    Full Text Available Penerapan Peraturan Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Timur Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah pada Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur adalah dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan efektivitas kerja organisasi pada UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat dampak kebijakan organisasi terhadap efektivitas organisasi dengan menggunakan enam elemen variabel dari kebijakan dan praktik manajemen. Keenam elemen tersebut adalah penetapan tujuan strategis, pencarian dan pemanfaatan sumber daya, lingkungan prestasi, proses komunikasi, kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan, serta adaptasi dan inovasi organisasi. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data model Miles dan Huberman, yang terdiri atas reduksi data, display/penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas organisasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM belum berjalan secara baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal antara lain, belum adanya tenaga spesialisasi pengelola diklat dan tenaga khusus (sarjana di bidang perkoperasian dan kondisi lingkungan kerja (lingkungan prestasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM yang belum efektif. Penempatan pegawai juga belum tepat, mutasi ke UPT Diklat Koperasi dan UMKM tidak memperhatikan latar belakang pendidikan dan spesialisasi/keahlian pegawai sehingga membutuhkan waktu dalam proses penyesuaian serta menurunkan jumlah pelaksanaan diklat dikarenakan keterbatasan alokasi dana.

  8. Titanium oxide nanocoating on a titanium thin film deposited on a glass substrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kotsedi, L., E-mail: [UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences-Nanotechnology, College of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, PO Box 392, Pretoria (South Africa); Nanosciences African Network (NANOAFNET), iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation, 1 Old Faure Road, Somerset West 7129, PO Box 722, Somerset West, Western Cape (South Africa); Nuru, Z.Y. [UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences-Nanotechnology, College of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, PO Box 392, Pretoria (South Africa); Nanosciences African Network (NANOAFNET), iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation, 1 Old Faure Road, Somerset West 7129, PO Box 722, Somerset West, Western Cape (South Africa); Eaton, S.M. [Physics Department, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy); Cummings, F.R. [University of the Western Cape, Electron Microscopy Unit, Physics Department, Bellville 7535, Cape Town (South Africa); Turco, S. Lo; Ntwaeaborwa, O.M. [Center for Nano Science and Technology, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Milano, Italy Via Giovanni Pascoli, 70/3, 20133 Milano (Italy); Ramponi, R. [Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies (IFN)-CNR, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano (Italy); Maaza, M. [UNESCO-UNISA Africa Chair in Nanosciences-Nanotechnology, College of Graduate Studies, University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, PO Box 392, Pretoria (South Africa); Nanosciences African Network (NANOAFNET), iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation, 1 Old Faure Road, Somerset West 7129, PO Box 722, Somerset West, Western Cape (South Africa)


    Thin films of titanium were deposited on a glass substrate using electron beam evaporator. Femtosecond laser pulses were focused on the surface of the films, and the samples were scanned while mounted on the motorized computer-controlled motion stage to produce an areal modification of the films. X-ray diffraction of the laser-patterned samples showed evidence of the formation of a γ-Ti{sub 3}O{sub 5} with a monoclinic phase. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry simulation showed that there is an increase in the oxygen concentration as the average laser fluence is increased. Time of flight secondary ions mass spectrometry analysis showed an even distribution of the titanium and oxygen ions on the sample and also ionized molecules of the oxides of titanium were observed. The formation of the oxide of titanium was further supported using the UV–Vis-NIR spectroscopy, which showed that for 0.1 J/cm{sup 2} fluence, the laser-exposed film showed the electron transfer band and the d–d transition peak of titanium was observed at lower wavelengths. - Highlights: • γ-Ti{sub 3}O{sub 5} formed using femtosecond laser. • Fluence and oxygen relation were studied. • Nanoflakes of γ-Ti{sub 3}O{sub 5} were observed under HRSEM.

  9. 21 CFR 73.1575 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.1575 Section 73.1575 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Drugs § 73.1575 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity and specifications. (1) The color additive titanium dioxide shall conform in identity and specifications to the requirements...

  10. Perancangan dan Analisis Redistribution Routing Protocol OSPF dan EIGRP

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    Full Text Available Abstrak OSPF (Open Shortest Path First dan EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol adalah dua routing protokol yang banyak digunakan dalam jaringan komputer. Perbedaan karakteristik antar routing protokol menimbulkan masalah dalam pengiriman paket data. Teknik redistribution adalah solusi untuk melakukan komunikasi antar routing protokol. Dengan menggunakan software Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 pada penelitian ini dibuat simulasi OSPF dan EIGRP yang dihubungkan oleh teknik redistribution, kemudian dibandingkan kualitasnya dengan single routing protokol EIGRP dan OSPF. Parameter pengujian dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai time delay dan trace route. Nilai trace route berdasarkan perhitungan langsung cost dan metric dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi. Hasilnya dapat dilakukan proses redistribution OSPF dan EIGRP. Nilai delay redistribution lebih baik 1% dibanding OSPF dan 2-3% di bawah EIGRP tergantung kepadatan traffic. Dalam perhitungan trace route redistribution dilakukan 2 perhitungan, yaitu cost untuk area OSPF dan metric pada area EIGRP. Pengambilan jalur utama dan alternatif pengiriman paket berdasarkan nilai cost dan metric yang terkecil, hal ini terbukti berdasarkan perhitungan dan simulasi. Kata kunci: OSPF, EIGRP, Redistribution, Delay, Cost, Metric. Abstract OSPF (Open Shortest Path First and EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol are two routing protocols are widely used in computer networks. Differences between the characteristics of routing protocols pose a problem in the delivery of data packets. Redistribution technique is the solution for communication between routing protocols. By using the software Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 in this study were made simulating OSPF and EIGRP redistribution linked by technique, then compared its quality with a single EIGRP and OSPF routing protocols. Testing parameters in this study is the value of the time delay and trace route. Value trace route based on direct calculation of cost

  11. Adhesive-Bonded Tab Attaches Thermocouples to Titanium (United States)

    Cook, C. F.


    Mechanical strength of titanium-alloy structures that support thermocouples is preserved by first spotwelding thermocouples to titanium tabs and then attaching tabs to titanium with a thermosetting adhesive. In contrast to spot welding, a technique previously used for thermocouples, fatigue strength of the titanium is unaffected by adhesive bonding. Technique is also gentler than soldering or attaching thermocouples with a tap screw.


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    I Gede Ratnaya


    Full Text Available Sampai saat ini perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan telah menghantarkan masyarakat menuju babak baru yaitu babak yang memanfaatkan peralatan-peralatan yang merupakan hasil dari teknologi. Penggunaan tenaga manusia yang semakin hari semakin kecil volumenya sering kali menyebabkan orang kehilangan pekerjaannya karena tugasnya telah tergantikan oleh peralatan atau mesin. Sebagai sarana penyampaian informasi dan komunikasi, komputer bisa dipakai sebagai sarana berinternetan. Lewat internet orang bisa mencari bermacam-macam informasi dan berkomunikasi. Peran yang dapat diberikan oleh aplikasi teknologi informasi ini adalah mendapatkan informasi untuk kehidupan pribadi seperti informasi tentang kesehatan, hobi, rekreasi, dan rohani. Selain memberikan keuntungan, ternyata peralatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi juga memberikan dampak negatif bagi penggunanya. Dampak negatif tersebut muncul sebagai akibat dari penggunaan yang salah atau tidak bertanggung jawab dari yang menggunakan. Beberapa dampak negatif tersebut adalah 1. Anak lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu menonton TV ketimbang melakukan hal lainnya (seperti belajar dan olah raga, 2. Anak kehilangan kemampuan berbaur dengan masyarakat dan cenderung nyaman dengan kehidupan online, 3 Adanya pelanggaran hak cipta, 4.  Kejahatan di internet, 5. Penyebaran virus komputer, dan 6. Pornografi, perjudian, penipuan, tayangan kekerasan. Adapun cara mengatasi dampak-dampak negatif tersebut adalah : 1. Gunakan teknologi untuk menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang sudah dikenal, 2. Cari komunitas positif  yang sering melakukan pertemuan didunia nyata, 3. Perlunya penegakkan hukum yang berlaku dengan dibentuknya polisi internet, 4. Menghindari pemakaian telepon seluler yang berfitur canggih oleh anak-anak dibawah umur dan lebih mengawasi penggunaan telepon seluler, 5. Perbanyak membaca buku-buku yang bersifat edukatif dan bersifat keimanan serta aplikasi komputer yang bersifat mendidik, dan 6. Perlunya pengaturan

  13. Criterion of titanium aviation alloy application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stasyunas, O.P.


    The most significant statistic mechanical characteristics are presented of titanium as compared with those of aluminium and steel. Based on these data one can draw conclusions as to the advantages and disadvantages of titanium. High chemical activity and diffusivity of titanium place limitations on the use of its alloys. Despite the promising features of a needle-like structure, specifications still keep relying on a globular structure, which is explained by the easeiness of the production. Titanium is expensive, sometimes its cost may by a factor of 20 exceed that of other aviation materials

  14. 21 CFR 73.575 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.575 Section 73.575 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Foods § 73.575 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity. (1) The color additive titanium dioxide is synthetically prepared TiO2, free from admixture with other substances. (2) Color...

  15. 21 CFR 73.3126 - Titanium dioxide. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Titanium dioxide. 73.3126 Section 73.3126 Food and... ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION Medical Devices § 73.3126 Titanium dioxide. (a) Identity and specifications. The color additive titanium dioxide (CAS Reg. No. 13463-67-7), Color Index No. 77891, shall...

  16. Welding and Joining of Titanium Aluminides (United States)

    Cao, Jian; Qi, Junlei; Song, Xiaoguo; Feng, Jicai


    Welding and joining of titanium aluminides is the key to making them more attractive in industrial fields. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of recent progress in welding and joining of titanium aluminides, as well as to introduce current research and application. The possible methods available for titanium aluminides involve brazing, diffusion bonding, fusion welding, friction welding and reactive joining. Of the numerous methods, solid-state diffusion bonding and vacuum brazing have been most heavily investigated for producing reliable joints. The current state of understanding and development of every welding and joining method for titanium aluminides is addressed respectively. The focus is on the fundamental understanding of microstructure characteristics and processing–microstructure–property relationships in the welding and joining of titanium aluminides to themselves and to other materials. PMID:28788113


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    Eko Nugroho


    Full Text Available Paduan alumunium  A-356.0 merupakan  salah satu bahan material yang cocok untuk bahan baku pembuatan velg racing (cast wheel mobil maupun sepeda motor. Karena memiliki beberapa kelebihan seperti: ringan, tahan korosi dan warnanya menarik, namun memiliki kekurangnan yaitu sifat mekanisnya belum memenuhi syarat. proses pembuatannya  menggunakan proses Vertical Centrifugal Casting (VCC dengan penambahan inokulan Al-Ti-B sebagai unsur penghalus butir, inokulan Al-Ti-B akan dicampurkan kedalam 8 kg cairan aluminium dengan komposisi variasi campuran 0, 6, 9, dan 12 gram untuk selanjutnya dituangkan ke dalam cetakan dengan 2 variasi putaran yaitu 450 dan 850 rpm. Selanjutnya hasil dari pengecoran centrifugal casting diuji secara mekanis menggunakan pengujian standar yaitu; uji kekerasan, uji tarik dan struktur mikro nya mengunakan standar ASTM. Hasil pengujian di peroleh nilai kekerasan dan kekuatan tarik  yang paling tinggi pada spesimen A3 dan B3 yaitu 64.73 BHN dan 67.81 BHN, 182.18 Mpa  dan 188.28 Mpa. Titanium  yang  dikombinasikan  dengan  Boron  atau  Carbon  merupakan  unsur  paduan Al-Si  yang  berfungsi  untuk  menghaluskan butiran  (grain  refiner Hal  inilah  yang mempengaruhi  adanya  perubahan  sifat mekanik  dan  struktur  mikro  tersebut.  Dengan semakin  halus  butiran,  maka  penjalaran dislokasinya  akan  semakin  sulit,  sehingga mempunyai ketahanan yang lebih besar, karena diperlukan  energi  yang  lebih  besar  untuk merusak  butiran  yang  halus  tersebut. adanya gaya sentrifugal (CF selama proses penuangan kedalam cetakan. Logam cair akan dilempar oleh gaya sentrifugal sehingga menimbulkan tekanan pada setiap layer, hal ini juga menjelaskan bahwa .produk yang dibuat dengan menggunakan metode ini bebas cacat porosity, sisi terluar dari produk sentrifugal akan memiliki nilai kekerasan yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan sisi tengah produk, sifat mekanisnya juga akan memiliki nilai yang

  18. Kemampuan Penalaran Dan Komunikasi Matematis : Apa, Mengapa, Dan Bagaimana Ditingkatkan Pada Mahasiswa

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    Cita Dwi Rosita


    Full Text Available Matematika diberikan kepada semua siswa tanpa terkecuali agar terlatih berpikir secara logis, analitis, sistematis, dan kreatif. Dengan kompetensi-kompetensi tersebut diharapkan siswa dapat memiliki kemampuan menerima, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan pengetahuan yang diperolehnya untuk bertahan hidup dalam keadaan yang selalu berubah dan kompetitif. Latihan berpikir, merumuskan dan memecahkan masalah serta mengambil kesimpulan akan membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan pemikirannya atau intelegensinya. Dengan demikian, semakin banyak siswa berlatih memecahkan masalah matematis maka akan semakin mengerti dan berkembang cara berpikirnya. Kemahiran siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematis, dipengaruhi oleh kemampuannya dalam memahami matematika. Kemampuan bernalar berperan penting dalam memahami matematika. Bernalar secara matematis merupakan suatu kebiasaan berpikir, dan layaknya suatu kebiasaan, maka penalaran semestinya menjadi bagian yang konsisten dalam setiap pengalaman-pengalaman matematis siswa. Dari pengalaman-pengalaman awal siswa belajar materi matematika, penting bagi guru untuk membantu siswa memahami bahwa penegasan-penegasan harus selalu mempunyai alasan. Komunikasi matematis berperan penting pada proses pemecahan masalah. Melalui komunikasi ide bisa menjadi objek yang dihasilkan dari sebuah refleksi, penghalusan, diskusi, dan pengembangan. Proses komunikasi juga membantu dalam proses pembangunan makna dan pempublikasian ide. Ketika para siswa ditantang untuk berpikir dan bernalar tentang matematika dan mengomunikasikan hasil pikiran mereka secara lisan atau dalam bentuk tulisan, sebenarnya mereka sedang belajar menjelaskan dan meyakinkan. Mendengarkan penjelasan lain, berarti sedang memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan pemahaman mereka.

  19. Welding and Joining of Titanium Aluminides

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    Jian Cao


    Full Text Available Welding and joining of titanium aluminides is the key to making them more attractive in industrial fields. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of recent progress in welding and joining of titanium aluminides, as well as to introduce current research and application. The possible methods available for titanium aluminides involve brazing, diffusion bonding, fusion welding, friction welding and reactive joining. Of the numerous methods, solid-state diffusion bonding and vacuum brazing have been most heavily investigated for producing reliable joints. The current state of understanding and development of every welding and joining method for titanium aluminides is addressed respectively. The focus is on the fundamental understanding of microstructure characteristics and processing–microstructure–property relationships in the welding and joining of titanium aluminides to themselves and to other materials.


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    Titaley CR


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Salah satu intervensi yang dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya anemia defisiensi besi pada ibu hamil adalah melalui pemberian tablet tambah darah (tablet besi-folat selama kehamilan; Tujuan: Memberikan gambaran persepsi ibu hamil dan nifas (42 hari setelah melahirkan tentang anemia dan pemberian tablet tambah darah selama kehamilan di Kabupaten Lebak  dan Purwakarta. Metode: Data dalam penulisan ini berasal dari studi kualitatif di Kabupaten Lebak dan Purwakarta pada bulan Maret 2012. Informasi yang dianalisis bersumber dari 24 wawancara mendalam (WM dan enam diskusi kelompok terarah  (DKT, melibatkan 46 ibu hamil dan 17 ibu nifas. Analisis konten dan tematik dilakukan melalui identifikasi tema yang muncul dari hasil WM dan DKT; Hasil: Walaupun pengetahuan ibu tentang penyebab dan cara mengatasi anemia di kedua daerah studi cukup baik, persepsi yang keliru dengan menyamakan anemia dengan tekanan darah rendah masih kerap ditemukan. Penjelasan tentang tablet tambah darah telah diberikan bidan, namun informasi terkait efek samping tablet tambah darah masih dianggap kurang. Beberapa faktor pendorong minum tablet tambah darah termasuk pengetahuan ibu tentang tablet tambah darah, manfaat yang dirasakan setelah minum tablet tambah darah, anjuran tenaga kesehatan, serta dorongan anggota keluarga. Beberapa faktor penghambat yang disebutkan termasuk efek samping minum tablet tambah darah, adanya pemahaman yang keliru tentang manfaat minum tablet tambah darah, larangan paraji, dan akses yang sulit untuk mendapatkan tablet tambah darah; Kesimpulan: Diperlukan upaya komprehensif untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan ibu minum tablet tambah darah, termasuk program edukasi dan penguatan keterampilan konseling bidan dan kader, peningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang tablet tambah darah, serta peningkatan keterlibatan suami dan paraji terutama bagi masyarakat daerah terpencil.   Kata kunci: Persepsi, pengetahuan, anemia, suplementasi besi

  1. Analysis of titanium content in titanium tetrachloride solution (United States)

    Bi, Xiaoguo; Dong, Yingnan; Li, Shanshan; Guan, Duojiao; Wang, Jianyu; Tang, Meiling


    Strontium titanate, barium titan and lead titanate are new type of functional ceramic materials with good prospect, and titanium tetrachloride is a commonly in the production such products. Which excellent electrochemical performance of ferroelectric tempreature coefficient effect.In this article, three methods are used to calibrate the samples of titanium tetrachloride solution by back titration method, replacement titration method and gravimetric analysis method. The results show that the back titration method has many good points, for example, relatively simple operation, easy to judgment the titration end point, better accuracy and precision of analytical results, the relative standard deviation not less than 0.2%. So, it is the ideal of conventional analysis methods in the mass production.

  2. Ultrasonic effects on titanium tanning of leather. (United States)

    Peng, Biyu; Shi, Bi; Sun, Danhong; Chen, Yaowen; Shelly, Dennis C


    The effects of ultrasound on titanium tanning of leather were investigated. Either 20 or 40 kHz ultrasound was applied to the titanium tanning of pigskins. Five different treatment conditions were carried out and the effects were examined, such as leather shrinkage temperature (T(s)), titanium content and titanium distribution in the leather. Overall heat loading was carefully controlled. Results showed that 20 kHz ultrasound effectively improves titanium agent penetration into the hide and increases the leather's shrinkage temperature. Doubling the frequency to 40 kHz produced negligible enhancements. An impressive 105.6 degrees C T(s) was achieved using 20 kHz ultrasound pretreatment of the tanning liquor followed by 20 kHz ultrasound in the tanning mixture (liquor plus pigskins) in a special salt-free medium. Finally, using a unique ultrasonic tanning drum with 26.5 kHz ultrasound, the T(s) reached a record level of 106.5 degrees C, a value not achieved in conventional (no ultrasound) titanium tanning. The ultrasonic effects on titanium tanning of leather are judged to make a superior mineral tanned leather.


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    Eny Puspani


    Full Text Available Penelitian yang bertujuan mempelajari indeks kelembaban suhu atau temperature humidity index dan performans kelinci jantan lokal pada kepadatan ternak berbeda dan diberi ransum dengan imbangan energi protein berbeda telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK pola Faktorial 2 x 3 dengan empat kali ulangan (blok. Sebagai perlakuan pertama adalah imbangan energi dan protein pada ransum (R yang terdiri dari ransum dengan kandungan energi termetabolis 2500 kkal/kg dan protein kasar 17% dengan imbangan energi dan protein 147 (R1, ransum dengan kandungan energi termetabolis 2800 kkal/kg dengan kandungan protein kasar 18,5% dengan imbangan energy dan protein 151 (R2. Sebagai perlakuan kedua adalah luas lantai kandang (L yang terdiri dari 3500 cm2 (L1, 1750 cm2 (L2 dan 1166 cm2 (L3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa iklim mikro pada perlakuan tingkat kepadatan ternak dan ransum dengan imbangan energi dan protein yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05 terhadap kelembapan udara, temperatur udara, “temperature humidity index” dan radiasi matahari. Performans pada perlakuan ransum dengan imbangan energy dan protein R1 menyebabkan konsumsi air, ransum, berat badan akhir dan pertambahan berat badan lebih tinggi (P0,05. Performans pada perlakuan tingkat kepadatan ternak L2 dan L3 menyebabkan konsumsi air dan ransum lebih tinggi sehingga berat badan akhir pada kandang L2 dan L3 juga lebih tinggi dibandingkan L1 kecuali pertambahan berat badan dan FCR memberikan pengaruh tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terjadi perbedaan iklim mikro pada kandang dengan perlakuan ransum dengan imbangan energi dan protein berbeda serta perlakuan dengan tingkat kepadatan ternak berbeda. Kelinci yang diberi ransum dengan imbangan energi dan protein 147 (R1 menghasilkan performans lebih tinggi daripada imbangan energi dan protein 151 (R2. Kelinci yang dipelihara pada tingkat

  4. Variasi Temperatur dan Waktu Tahan Kalsinasi terhadap Unjuk Kerja Semikonduktor TiO2 sebagai Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC dengan Dye dari Ekstrak Buah Naga Merah

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    Sahat M. R. Nadaek


    Full Text Available Salah satu energi alternatif yang mempunyai potensi sumber energi yang sangat besar untuk mencegah terjadinya krisis energi namun sering kali terabaikan adalah sinar matahari. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk  menghasilkan prototype dalam mengkonversi energi cahaya matahari menjadi energi listrik. Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC telah difabrikasi dengan menggunakan serbuk Titanium Dioksida (TiO2 yang dilapisi ke kaca Indium Tin Oxide dan diberi variasi temperatur 350oC, 450oC, dan 550oC dengan waktu tahan kalsinasi 30 dan 60 menit yang kemudian disensitisasi ke dalam larutan dye ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus. DSSC di-assembling dengan coating Pd/Au yang telah di-sputtering ke kaca Indium Tin Oxide yang selanjutnya ditetesi dengan larutan elektrolit. Kemudian lapisan TiO2 tersebut dikarakterisasi menggunakan uji (SEM dan (XRD. Luas permukaan aktif partikel diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan BET analyzer. Dari hasil XRD dapat diketahui struktur kristalnya tetragonal. Hasil SEM menunjukkan bahwa bentuk partikel TiO2 adalah spherical. Untuk luas permukaan aktif yang dihasilkan menunjukkan nilai yang berbanding lurus dengan kenaikan nilai kelistrikan DSSC buah naga. Dari uji kelistrikan didapatkan hasil optimum pada temperatur 550oC dan waktu tahan 60 menit dengan voltase 562 mV, kuat arus 0.307 mA, dan memiliki efisiensi sebesar 0.089%. Kata kunci: Dye ekstrak buah naga merah, dye sensitized solar cell, temperatur kalsinasi, TiO2, waktu tahan kalsinasi.

  5. Titanium nanostructures for biomedical applications (United States)

    Kulkarni, M.; Mazare, A.; Gongadze, E.; Perutkova, Š.; Kralj-Iglič, V.; Milošev, I.; Schmuki, P.; Iglič, A.; Mozetič, M.


    Titanium and titanium alloys exhibit a unique combination of strength and biocompatibility, which enables their use in medical applications and accounts for their extensive use as implant materials in the last 50 years. Currently, a large amount of research is being carried out in order to determine the optimal surface topography for use in bioapplications, and thus the emphasis is on nanotechnology for biomedical applications. It was recently shown that titanium implants with rough surface topography and free energy increase osteoblast adhesion, maturation and subsequent bone formation. Furthermore, the adhesion of different cell lines to the surface of titanium implants is influenced by the surface characteristics of titanium; namely topography, charge distribution and chemistry. The present review article focuses on the specific nanotopography of titanium, i.e. titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes, using a simple electrochemical anodisation method of the metallic substrate and other processes such as the hydrothermal or sol-gel template. One key advantage of using TiO2 nanotubes in cell interactions is based on the fact that TiO2 nanotube morphology is correlated with cell adhesion, spreading, growth and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, which were shown to be maximally induced on smaller diameter nanotubes (15 nm), but hindered on larger diameter (100 nm) tubes, leading to cell death and apoptosis. Research has supported the significance of nanotopography (TiO2 nanotube diameter) in cell adhesion and cell growth, and suggests that the mechanics of focal adhesion formation are similar among different cell types. As such, the present review will focus on perhaps the most spectacular and surprising one-dimensional structures and their unique biomedical applications for increased osseointegration, protein interaction and antibacterial properties.

  6. Titanium nanostructures for biomedical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulkarni, M; Gongadze, E; Perutkova, Š; A Iglič; Mazare, A; Schmuki, P; Kralj-Iglič, V; Milošev, I; Mozetič, M


    Titanium and titanium alloys exhibit a unique combination of strength and biocompatibility, which enables their use in medical applications and accounts for their extensive use as implant materials in the last 50 years. Currently, a large amount of research is being carried out in order to determine the optimal surface topography for use in bioapplications, and thus the emphasis is on nanotechnology for biomedical applications. It was recently shown that titanium implants with rough surface topography and free energy increase osteoblast adhesion, maturation and subsequent bone formation. Furthermore, the adhesion of different cell lines to the surface of titanium implants is influenced by the surface characteristics of titanium; namely topography, charge distribution and chemistry. The present review article focuses on the specific nanotopography of titanium, i.e. titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) nanotubes, using a simple electrochemical anodisation method of the metallic substrate and other processes such as the hydrothermal or sol-gel template. One key advantage of using TiO 2 nanotubes in cell interactions is based on the fact that TiO 2 nanotube morphology is correlated with cell adhesion, spreading, growth and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, which were shown to be maximally induced on smaller diameter nanotubes (15 nm), but hindered on larger diameter (100 nm) tubes, leading to cell death and apoptosis. Research has supported the significance of nanotopography (TiO 2 nanotube diameter) in cell adhesion and cell growth, and suggests that the mechanics of focal adhesion formation are similar among different cell types. As such, the present review will focus on perhaps the most spectacular and surprising one-dimensional structures and their unique biomedical applications for increased osseointegration, protein interaction and antibacterial properties. (topical review)

  7. A new method for production of titanium vapor and synthesis of titanium nitride coatings (United States)

    Grigoriev, Sergey N.; Melnik, Yury A.; Metel, Alexander S.; Volosova, Marina A.


    It is proposed to synthesize on machine parts and cutting tools wear-resistant titanium nitride coatings with the help of the hollow-cathode glow discharge, a molybdenum crucible for titanium evaporation being used as the anode of the discharge and a process vacuum chamber being used as the hollow cathode. The research revealed that at the anode surface area less than a critical value S* = (2m/M)1/2S, where S is the area of the chamber walls, m is the mass of electrons and M is the mass of ions, the anode fall of potential is positive and grows from ˜50 V at argon pressure p = 0.2 Pa to ˜2 kV at p = 0.02 Pa. At the discharge current I = 0.6 A electrons accelerated by the anode fall of 0.9 kV transport into the crucible with the inner diameter of 12 mm the power of ˜0.54 kW, which allows the titanium evaporation and the coating deposition rate of 5 µm·h-1 on a substrate distanced from the crucible at 100 mm. After the argon is replaced with the nitrogen, titanium nitride coating without titanium droplets is synthesized the deposition rate amounting to about the same value.

  8. Appcelerator Titanium patterns and best practices

    CERN Document Server

    Pollentine, Boydlee


    The book takes a step-by-step approach to help you understand CommonJS and Titanium architecture patterns, with easy to follow samples and plenty of in-depth explanations If you're an existing Titanium developer or perhaps a new developer looking to start off your Titanium applications "the right way", then this book is for you. With easy to follow examples and a full step-by-step account of architecting a sample application using CommonJS and MVC, along with chapters on new features such as ACS, you'll be implementing enterprise grade Titanium solutions in no time. You should have some JavaSc

  9. Structure and properties of Titanium for dental implants

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    M. Greger


    Full Text Available This paper describes manufacture of nano-structural titanium, its structure and properties. Nano-titanium has higher specific strength properties than ordinary (coarse-grained titanium. Nano-titanium was produced by the equal-channel angular pressing (ETAP process. The research it self was focused on physical base of strengthening and softening processes and developments occurring at the grain boundaries during the ECAP process at half-hot temperature. Strength of nano-titanium varies around 960 MPa, grain size around 300 nm.

  10. Research and Development on Titanium Alloys (United States)


    information concerning the runs made * * In order to check the general operation of the train and furnace, a number of qualitative runs were made. These runs... General Technique. * . . * * . 109 The Analysis of Titanium . . . . ... ... 112 Notes and Comments, . . . .. . .. . . . 113 The Results from Vacuum...described in this report are as follows: 1. Arc ielting Titanium-Base Alloys. 2. Evaluation of Experimental Titanium-Base Alloys. 3. Investigation of

  11. Isolasi dan Identifikasi Mikroba Lipolitik dari Limbah Cair Surimi dan Rajungan

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    Devi Ambarwati Oktavia


    Full Text Available Industri pengolahan hasil perikanan di sepanjang pantai Utara Jawa seperti pengalengan rajungan di Cirebon (Jawa Barat dan pengolahan surimi di Kendal (Jawa Tengah, menghasilkan air limbah yang mengandung banyak protein dan lemak. Bakteri yang hidup di limbah yang banyak mengandung protein dan lemak tersebut diperkirakan memiliki kemampuan untuk menghidrolisis lemak menjadi asam lemak dan gliserol sehingga berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioremedian alami bagi penanganan air limbah hasil perikanan di tempat lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penapisan dan identifikasi bakteri lipolitik potensial sebagai bioremedian air limbah perikanan. Penapisan dilakukan terhadap 11 isolat bakteri lipolitik dari air limbah yang diambil dari industri pengalengan rajungan di Cirebon dan pengolahan surimi di Kendal dengan menggunakan media spesifik agar tributirin. Isolat bakteri lipolitik potensial ditentukan berdasarkan zona bening yang terbentuk di sekitar koloni, yaitu sekurang-kurangnya 6 mm. Isolat bakteri potensial ini selanjutnya diidentifikasi secara molekuler berdasarkan analisis sekuen 16S-rDNA. Dari penapisan diperoleh empat isolat bakteri potensial, yaitu isolat SPB, SHj, SOr dan SKn. Identifikasi molekuler menunjukkan bahwa isolat SPB dan SHj masing-masing adalah Serratia fonticola 10AdanBacillus cereus strain 103.2.2dengan kemiripan 97%, isolat SOr memiliki kemiripan 96% dengan Bacillus pumilus strain vit bac1 dan isolat SKn adalah Enterococcus pseudoavium strain L3C21K2dengan kemiripan 87%. Keempat isolat tersebut berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bioremedian pada air limbah dari industri pengolahan hasil perikanan di Indonesia.

  12. Titanium oxide fever

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Jonge, D.; Visser, J.


    One measure to improve air quality is to apply photo-catalytic substances that capture NOx onto the road surface or onto baffle boards alongside the roads. The effect of titanium oxide containing clinkers with coating was discussed in the report 'Demonstration project of air-purifying pavement in Hengelo, The Netherlands' that was published in May 2011. This article examines the way in which the effectiveness of this study was determined. Can titanium oxide containing clinkers and coatings indeed capture NOx?. [nl

  13. Formation of titanium diboride coatings during the anodic polarization of titanium in a chloride melt with a low boron oxide content (United States)

    Elshina, L. A.; Malkov, V. B.; Molchanova, N. G.


    The corrosion-electrochemical behavior of titanium in a molten eutectic mixture of cesium and sodium chlorides containing up to 1 wt % boron oxide is studied in the temperature range 810-870 K in an argon atmosphere. The potential, the current, and the rate of titanium corrosion are determined. The optimum conditions of forming a dense continuous titanium diboride coating on titanium with high adhesion to the metallic base are found for the anodic activation of titanium in the molten electrolyte under study.

  14. Peran Mitra Strategis dan Agen Perubahan dalam Manajemen Talenta dan Kinerja Manajer

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    Ida Ketut Kusumawijaya


    Full Text Available Abstract  The purposes of the study are to analyze: (1 characteristic of strategic partner and change agent roles, talent management and managers performance, (2 influence of strategic partner and change agent roles to talent management and its impact to managers performance. Four hundred hotel managers in Bali were participated in this study by using proportional random sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and SEM. The result shows that: (1 strategic partner and change agent role, talent management and managers performance are in enough category, (2 positive and significant effect between strategic partner and change agent roles to talent management and its impact to managers performance. Keywords:Strategic Partner Role, Change Agent Role, Talent Management, Managers Performance.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis: (1 karakteristik dari mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan, manajemen bakat dan kinerja manajer, (2 pengaruh mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan untuk manajemen bakat dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja manajer. Sebanyak empat ratus manajer hotel di Bali berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan proporsional random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1 mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan, manajemen bakat dan kinerja manajer termasuk dalam kategori cukup, (2 pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara mitra strategis dan peran agen perubahan untuk manajemen bakat dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja manajer.Keywords: Peran Mitra Strategis, Peran Agen Perubahan, Manajemen Talenta, kinerja Manajer.


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    Licen Indahwati Darsono


    Full Text Available Rapid change of environment is an external force that causes the organization to transform. Fundamentally, the main purpose of the transformation is to change the organizational structure to be more flexible and competitive with fewer hierarchial levels, managers, and employees. The transformation needs to be radical, causing resistance from the organization's members. Their resistance can cause the transformation to fail, therefore organization must find ways to lessen this resistance. First, organization must learn about the diversity of its members' cultures and values. Second, organization must build its own organizational culture which can support the success of the transformation, by communicating it with the members of the organization. To support organizational culture building efforts, it needs changes in human resources practices, especially recruitment and selection. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Perubahan yang cepat dalam lingkungan merupakan kekuatan eksternal yang mengakibatkan transformasi dalam sebuah organisasi. Pada dasarnya, tujuan utama dari transformasi tersebut adalah merubah struktur organisasi agar menjadi lebih fleksibel dan mampu bersaing, dengan tingkat structural yang sedikit, serta jumlah manajer dan karyawan yang lebih kecil. Transformasi tersebut harus menyeluruh, dan hal ini dapat menyebabkan resistensi dari para anggota organisasi yang memperhambat perubahan tersebut. Resistensi itu bisa menyebabkan perubahan tersebut batal, oleh karena itu organisasi harus mencari jalan untuk mengurangi hambatan-hambatan tersebut. Pertama, organisasi harus belajar keanekaragaman dari budaya dan nilai anggotanya. Kedua, organisasi harus mengembangkan budaya organisasi sendiri melalui komunikasi yang baik dengan anggotanya. Untuk mendukung usaha mengembangkan budaya organisasi, harus ada perubaban pada kebijakan sumber daya manusia, terutama dalam rekrutmen dan seleksi karyawan. Kata kunci: transformasi, resistensi, budaya

  16. Perbedaan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada anak sekolah dasar yang obes dan tidak obes di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul

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    Irma Nuraeni


    gender and energy intake, showed that obese  children who rarely consuming fruits (<7 times/week (OR=2,24, 95%CI: 1.53-3.28, rarely consuming vegetables (<7 times/week (OR=2,52, 95%CI: 1,70-3,73, and consuming fruits and vegetables less than 5 servings/day (equivalent to 400 g/day (OR= 4,59, 95%CI:2,11-10,00 were greater risk for being obesity.Conclusion:Obese children had rarely and less consume of fruits and vegetables than that did in non-obese children at Yogyakarta Municipality and District of Bantul. The children rarely and less consuming fruits and vegetables increased the risk of obesity.KEYWORDS: children obesity, vegetable, fruitABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Indonesia saat ini mengalami masalah gizi ganda, yaitu masalah gizi kurang dan gizi lebih. Kelebihan  gizi atau obesitas pada anak dan remaja apabila tidak diatasi maka berdampak menjadi obesitas pada masa dewasa yang berpotensi mengalami penyakit tidak menular, seperti jantung, hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus. Prevalensi obesitas pada anak di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun (1; 2. Obesitas disebabkan ketidakseimbangan antara masukan dengan keluaran energi. Anak cenderung mengkonsumsi padat energi yang berasa manis dan berlemak tinggi serta makanan kurang serat dari buah dan sayur. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan risiko obesitas pada orang yang kurang konsumsi buah dan sayur.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan frekuensi dan jumlah konsumsi buah dan sayur pada anak SD obes dan tidak obes di Kota Yogyakarta dan Kabupaten Bantul serta peran konsumsi buah dan sayur terhadap kejadian obesitas. Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini adalah case-control, 244 kasus (anak obes dan 244 kontrol (anak tidak obes. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 6-12 tahun yang duduk di kelas 1 hingga kelas 5 sekolah dasar di Kota Yogyakarta dan di Kabupaten Bantul. Data identitas diperoleh dari kuesioner terstruktur, sedangkan data frekuensi dan jumlah konsumsi buah dan sayur diperoleh

  17. Creating nanoshell on the surface of titanium hydride bead

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    PAVLENKO Vyacheslav Ivanovich


    Full Text Available The article presents data on the modification of titanium hydride bead by creating titanium nanoshell on its surface by ion-plasma vacuum magnetron sputtering. To apply titanium nanoshell on the titanium hydride bead vacuum coating plant of multifunctional nanocomposite coatings QVADRA 500 located in the center of high technology was used. Analysis of the micrographs of the original surface of titanium hydride bead showed that the microstructure of the surface is flat, smooth, in addition the analysis of the microstructure of material surface showed the presence of small porosity, roughness, mainly cavities, as well as shallow longitudinal cracks. The presence of oxide film in titanium hydride prevents the free release of hydrogen and fills some micro-cracks on the surface. Differential thermal analysis of both samples was conducted to determine the thermal stability of the initial titanium hydride bead and bead with applied titanium nanoshell. Hydrogen thermal desorption spectra of the samples of the initial titanium hydride bead and bead with applied titanium nanoshell show different thermal stability of compared materials in the temperature range from 550 to 860о C. Titanium nanoshells applied in this way allows increasing the heat resistance of titanium hydride bead – the temperature of starting decomposition is 695о C and temperature when decomposition finishes is more than 1000о C. Modified in this way titanium hydride bead can be used as a filler in the radiation protective materials used in the construction or upgrading biological protection of nuclear power plants.

  18. Kondisi oral higiene dan karies gigi pada vegetarian dan non vegetarian di Maha Vihara Maitreya Medan


    Prawira, Albert


    Perbedaan pola makan antara vegetarian dan non vegetarian dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi oral higiene dan karies gigi pada umat vegetarian dan non vegetarian di Maha Vihara Maitreya Medan. Jenis penelitian adalah survei deskriptif. Sampel terdiri atas 74 vegetarian dan 65 non vegetarian. Pemeriksaan oral higiene dan karies gigi masing-masing menggunakan indeks OHIS Greene dan Vermillion dan indeks DMFT Klein, se...


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    Yuni Lestari Purnomowati


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metodePenelitian Tindaan Kelas (PTK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di  SMKN 3 Metro pada siswa Kelas XI-TKJa semester genapTahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 berjumlah 31 siswa.Sasaran perubahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu peningkatan hasil, aktivitas dan sikap siswa terhadap pelajaran Fisika. Peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajargetaran, gelombang dan bunyi terjadi karena kerjasama siswa selama proses pembelajaran menumbuhkan suasana yang nyaman sekaligus kompetitif. Perubahan sikap siswa terhadap pelajaran Fisika semakin baik. Ketika pembelajaran fisika mampu memberikan apa yang diharapkan oleh siswa, yaitu siswa merasa nyaman, tidak terintimidasi oleh guru dan teman karena keterbatasan yang dimilikinya, terlibat dengan teman sejawat pada saat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan dengan diskusi, melakukan observasi, dan bereksperimen, maka persepsi terhadap fisika sebagai objek menjadi berubah lebih baik. Adanya interaksi siswa dengan media pembelajaran karena kegiatan mendiskusikan, mengobservasi, dan melakukan eksperimen mendorong siswa menjadi aktif selama proses pembelajaran. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metodePenelitian Tindaan Kelas (PTK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di  SMKN 3 Metro pada siswa Kelas XI-TKJa semester genapTahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 berjumlah 31 siswa.Sasaran perubahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu peningkatan hasil, aktivitas dan sikap siswa terhadap pelajaran Fisika. Peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajargetaran, gelombang dan bunyi terjadi karena kerjasama siswa selama proses pembelajaran menumbuhkan suasana yang nyaman sekaligus kompetitif. Perubahan sikap siswa terhadap pelajaran Fisika semakin baik. Ketika pembelajaran fisika mampu memberikan apa yang diharapkan oleh siswa, yaitu siswa merasa nyaman, tidak terintimidasi oleh guru dan teman karena keterbatasan yang dimilikinya, terlibat dengan teman sejawat pada saat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang

  20. Titanium electroplating of copper in molten salt media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Renaud, Denis


    After a bibliographical survey on electroplating in molten salt media and on the electrolytic production of titanium, the author explains the reasons for the choice of the LiF-NaF-KF eutectic mix as solvent. He recalls the main properties which are used, and describes the conventional and convolutional processing of data obtained by linear volt-amperometry. He presents the electrolyte preparation mode which takes into account the existence of titanium ions with intermediate oxidation degree, and the reactivity of titanium with oxygenated species. Experimental results are discussed. Then, after the study of the mechanism of reduction of trivalent titanium into titanium on molybdenum (intermetallic diffusion is here negligible), he reports the study of this mechanism on copper (it is a more complicated situation, due to combinations between titanium and copper). The effect of different parameters (electrolyte purity, current density, electrode potential and temperature) is interpreted in order to identify optimal conditions for titanium electroplating of copper [fr

  1. Laser shock peening of titanium 6-4 alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brar, N.S.; Hopkins, A.; Laber, M.W.


    Laser shock peening of titanium 6-4 has been shown to improve its high cycle fatigue life. Residual compressive stresses generated on the surface of titanium 6-4, as a result of laser shocking, have shown dramatic improvement in the performance of aircraft turbine blades. Laser shocking of titanium was carried out with a 20 ns pulse width, 50 joule pulsed laser, operated by LSP Technologies, Columbus, OH. Titanium disks, 20-mm in diameter, and ranging in thicknesses from zero (bare LiF) to 3-mm were subjected to laser shock to monitor amplitude and temporal stress profiles of the pulsed laser. Laser shock stress amplitudes on the back of titanium disks were monitored with VISAR using LiF as the window material. The peak shock stress produced in LiF (titanium thickness zero) was measured to be 16±1 GPa. The laser shock amplitude decays to about 2.7 GPa while propagating through 3-mm thick disk of titanium 6-4

  2. Strength and structure of nanocrystalline titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noskova, N.I.; Pereturina, I.A.; Elkina, O.A.; Stolyarov, V.V.


    Investigation results on strength and plasticity of nanocrystalline titanium VT-1 are presented. Specific features of plastic deformation on tension of this material specimens in an electron microscope column are studied in situ. It is shown that nanocrystalline titanium strength and plasticity at room temperature are dependent on the structure and nanograin size. It is revealed that deformation processes in nanocrystalline titanium are characterized by activation of deformation rotational modes and microtwinning [ru

  3. Rapid prototyped porous nickel–titanium scaffolds as bone substitutes

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    Waldemar Hoffmann


    Full Text Available While calcium phosphate–based ceramics are currently the most widely used materials in bone repair, they generally lack tensile strength for initial load bearing. Bulk titanium is the gold standard of metallic implant materials, but does not match the mechanical properties of the surrounding bone, potentially leading to problems of fixation and bone resorption. As an alternative, nickel–titanium alloys possess a unique combination of mechanical properties including a relatively low elastic modulus, pseudoelasticity, and high damping capacity, matching the properties of bone better than any other metallic material. With the ultimate goal of fabricating porous implants for spinal, orthopedic and dental applications, nickel–titanium substrates were fabricated by means of selective laser melting. The response of human mesenchymal stromal cells to the nickel–titanium substrates was compared to mesenchymal stromal cells cultured on clinically used titanium. Selective laser melted titanium as well as surface-treated nickel–titanium and titanium served as controls. Mesenchymal stromal cells had similar proliferation rates when cultured on selective laser melted nickel–titanium, clinically used titanium, or controls. Osteogenic differentiation was similar for mesenchymal stromal cells cultured on the selected materials, as indicated by similar gene expression levels of bone sialoprotein and osteocalcin. Mesenchymal stromal cells seeded and cultured on porous three-dimensional selective laser melted nickel–titanium scaffolds homogeneously colonized the scaffold, and following osteogenic induction, filled the scaffold’s pore volume with extracellular matrix. The combination of bone-related mechanical properties of selective laser melted nickel–titanium with its cytocompatibility and support of osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells highlights its potential as a superior bone substitute as compared to clinically used

  4. Pengaruh Penambahan Ni, Cu, dan Al dan Waktu Milling pada Mechanical Alloying Terhadap Sifat Absorpsi dan Desorpsi Mg sebagai Material Penyimpan Hidrogen

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    Febrian Budi Pratama


    Full Text Available Mg merupakan salah satu material yang digunakan sebagai material penyimpan hidrogen dengan membentuk MgH2. Sifat absorpsi dan desorpsi hidrogen dari suatu metal hidrida salah satunya tergantung  pada bahan, unsur penambah, dan metode pembuatannya. Pada penelitian kali ini Mg sebagai material penyimpan hidrogen dihasilkan melalui metode mechanical alloying dengan unsur penambah Ni, Cu, dan Al dan variasi waktu milling 10, 20, 30 jam. Selanjutnya sampel dilakukan pengujian SEM, XRD, DSC, dan Uji hidrogenisasi. Dari data uji diperoleh bahwa meningkatnya waktu milling menurunkan ukuran partikel sehingga meningkatkan wt% hidrogen terabsorb dan menurunkan temperatur onset desorpsi. Namun efek aglomerasi dan coldwelding yang berlebih pada proses mechanical alloying mengakibatkan ukuran partikel menjadi lebih besar. Unsur pemadu Al dan Cu berfungsi sebagai katalis, sedangkan Ni berfungsi sebagai pemadu yang ikut bereaksi dengan hidrogen. Mg10wt%Al dengan waktu milling 20 jam mempunyai nilai weight percent terbaik H2 yaitu 0.38% dalam temperatur hidrogenisasi 2500C, tekanan 3 atm, dan waktu tahan 1 jam. Sedangkan Mg10wt%Al dengan waktu milling 30 jam memiliki temperatur onset paling rendah yaitu 341.490C Kata Kunci— Absorpsi, Desorpsi, Material Penyimpan Hidrogen, Mechanical Alloying, Mg

  5. Mechanical properties and fracture of titanium hydrides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koketsu, Hideyuki; Taniyama, Yoshihiro; Yonezu, Akio; Cho, Hideo; Ogawa, Takeshi; Takemoto, Mikio; Nakayama, Gen


    Titanium hydrides tend to suffer fracture when their thicknesses reach a critical thickness. Morphology and mechanical property of the hydrides are, however, not well known. The study aims to reveal the hydride morphology and fracture types of the hydrides. Chevron shaped plate hydrides were found to be produced on the surface of pure titanium (Grade 1) and Grade 7 titanium absorbing hydrogen. There were tree types of fracture of the hydrides, i.e., crack in hydride layer, exfoliation of the layer and shear-type fracture of the hydride plates, during the growth of the hydrides and deformation. We next estimated the true stress-strain curves of the hydrides on Grade 1 and 7 titanium using the dual Vickers indentation method, and the critical strain causing the Mode-I fine crack by indentation. Fracture strength and strain of the hydrides in Grade 1 titanium were estimated as 566 MPa and 4.5%, respectively. Those of the hydride in Grade 7 titanium were 498 MPa and 16%. Though the fracture strains estimated from the plastic instability of true stress-strain curves were approximately the half of those estimated by finite element method, the titanium hydrides were estimated to possess some extent of toughness or plastic deformation capability. (author)


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    Aron Pirade


    menempati urutan tertinggi. Wilayah Asia Selatan dan Asia Timur-Selatan (juga disebut Asia Tenggara adalah wilayah dengan prevalensi Gonore dan Klamidia terbesar. Prevalensi Gonore di tahun 1995 dan 1999 yaitu 29.11 dan 27.2 juta penduduk wilayah Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara. Klamidia, di tahun 1995 dan tahun 1999 yaitu 40.48 dan 42.89 juta penduduk wilayah Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia sendiri, pada 11 area penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi Gonore dalam wilayah Indonesia menunjukkan rata-rata prosentasenya 20%-40% dari keseluruhan STI pada wanita beresiko tinggi terkena STI. Sedangkan infeksi oleh Klamidia prosentasenya 15%- 45% dari keseluruhan STI pada wanita beresiko tinggi terkena penyakit kelamin. Prosentase Gonore dan Klamidia di Kota Manado rata-rata 15-30%. Tingginya prevalensi infeksi Gonore dan Klamidia di Asia Tenggara, ternyata diikuti juga dengan tingginya perkembangan infeksi Gonore dan Klamidia di Indonesia dan Kota Manado.


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    - - Nurjanah


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan komposisi gizi, asam amino, taurin, mineral makro dan mikro,dan vitamin B12 pada ubur-ubur (Aurelia aurita segar dan kering. Asam amino esensial pada ubur-uburyaitu arginina, leusina, valina, treonina, lisina, isoleusina, fenilalanina, metionina, dan histidina, sedangkanasam amino non esensial yaitu asam glutamat, glisina, asam aspartat, serina, alanina, dan tirosina. Asamamino esensial tertinggi segar dan kering adalah arginina sebesar 1,72% (bk dan 1,44% (bk dan terendahhistidina yaitu sebesar 0,19% (bk dan 0,13% (bk. Asam amino non esensial segar dan kering tertinggiadalah asam glutamat dan glisina yaitu sebesar 3,26% (bk dan 2,62% (bk dan terkecil tirosina sebesar0,38% (bk dan 0,41% (bk. Taurin segar sebesar 2,68% (bk dan kering sebesar 0,67% (bk. Mineral makrotertinggi segar dan kering adalah natrium yaitu 180.092,1 ppm (bk dan 111.209,4 ppm (bk, terkecil adalahkalsium yaitu 5.750,2 ppm (bk dan 11,1 ppm (bk. Mineral mikro tertinggi segar dan kering adalah iodium yaitu8.291,5 ppm (bk dan 1.800 ppm (bk dan yang terkecil adalah tembaga yaitu 1,1 ppm (bk dan 0,6 ppm (bk.Vitamin B12 segar adalah 396,6 μm/100 g (bk dan kering 63,5 μm/100 g (bk.Kata kunci: asam amino, mineral, taurin, ubur-ubur (Aurelia aurita, vitamin B12

  8. Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway di Petshop "PetZone"

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    Siska Fadhilah Wati


    Full Text Available Dewasa ini teknologi informasi sangat membantu dalam dunia bisnis. Kemudahan yang ditawarkan akan menjaring lebih banyak konsumen. Namun, perusahan tingkat menengah seperti PetZone saat ini masih jarang yang menawarkan kemudahan berbelanja atau pemesanan layanan secara online. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah sistem berbasis web di perusahaan PetZone yang dapat memudahkan pemilik dan karyawan dalam apenjualan, pelayanan, dan pemasaran, serta memudahkan pelanggan dalam jual-beli barang dan jasa. Atas dasar masalah tersebut dibangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway untuk menunjang proses bisnis yang ada. Sistem informasi dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP framework Codeigniter, javascript untuk tampilan yang dinamis, dan database MySQL. Proses pembuatan dan pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan ini menggunakan metode air terjun. Metode air terjun meliputi kebutuhan pengguna, analisis, rancangan, implementasi dan pengujian. Pemodelan Sistem Informasi yang dibangun menggunakan metode berorientasi objek UML (Unified Modeling Language yang terdiri dari Use case  diagram, Class diagram dan Sequence diagram. Hasil pengujian Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway menunjukkan bahwa semua fitur yang terdapat baik dalam sistem informasi maupun SMS gateway dapat bekerja dengan baikdengan ratusan sample data, dan server SMS gateway dapat memproses lebih dari satu SMS secara bersamaan. Dalam perkembangan ke depannya nanti, Sistem Informasi Penjualan dan Pemesanan Layanan Berbasis Web dan SMS Gateway masih dapat dikembangkan lagi dengan menambah fitur-fitur pada SMS gateway sehingga lebih memudahkan konsumen.

  9. Persepsi Santri dan Kiai terhadap Pluralisme Agama di Pendidikan Ulama Tarjih Muhammadiyah (PUTM dan Aswaja Nusantara Yogyakarta

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    Zainal Arifin


    Abstrak: Perdebatan pluralisme agama masih mengemuka dalam konteks masyarakat majemuk di Nusantara. Bahkan, tidak jarang menimbulkan konflik dan perang pemikiran. Menarik melihat perspektif kiai dan santri Muhammadiyah dan NU terhadap isu pluralisme melalui praktik pendidikan di Ulama Tarjih Muhammadiyah (PUTM Yogyakarta dan Pondok Pesantren Aswaja Nusantara Yogyakarta yang dianggap representatif karena membawa muatan konsep, ide dan paradigma dari Muhammadiyah dan NU. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif,  data diperoleh dari wawancara dan studi kepustakaan dengan saling memberikan verifikasi, koreksi dan pelengkap. Hasil penelitian ini, PUTM dan Pesantren Aswaja Nusantara memiliki konsep yang sama dalam memegang teguh akidah, yakni sikap eksklusif dan menolak pluralisme secara teologis namun menerimanya secara sosiologis. Sehingga, paradigma dari dua lembaga tersebut merepresentasikan dari paradigma Muhammadiyah dan NU dalam merespon fenomena pluralisme agama dan budaya.

  10. Kinetic study of synthesis of Titanium carbide by methano thermal reduction of Titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alizadeh, R.; Ostrovski, O.


    Reduction of the Titanium dioxide, TiO 2 , by methane was investigated in this work. The thermodynamic of reaction was examined and found favorable. The reaction of titanium dioxide with methane was carried out in the temperature range 1150 d egree C to 1450 d egree C at atmospheric pressure with industrial high porosity pellets prepared from titanium dioxide powder. The evolved gas analyzing method was used for determination of the extent of reduction rate. The gas products of the reaction are mostly CO and trace amount of CO 2 and H 2 O. The synthesized product powder was characterized by X-ray diffraction for elucidating solid phase compositions. The effect of varying temperature was studied during the reduction. The conversion-time data have been interpreted by using the grain model. For first order reaction with respect to methane concentration, the activation energy of titanium dioxide reduction by methane is found to be 51.4 kcal/g mole. No detailed investigation of kinetic and mechanism of the reaction was reported in literatures.

  11. In situ formation of titanium carbide using titanium and carbon-nanotube powders by laser cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savalani, M.M.; Ng, C.C.; Li, Q.H.; Man, H.C.


    Titanium metal matrix composite coatings are considered to be important candidates for high wear resistance applications. In this study, TiC reinforced Ti matrix composite layers were fabricated by laser cladding with 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt% carbon-nanotube. The effects of the carbon-nanotube content on phase composition, microstructure, micro-hardness and dry sliding wear resistance of the coating were studied. Microstructural observation using scanning electron microscopy showed that the coatings consisted of a matrix of alpha-titanium phases and the reinforcement phase of titanium carbide in the form of fine dendrites, indicating that titanium carbide was synthesized by the in situ reaction during laser irradiation. Additionally, measurements on the micro-hardness and dry sliding wear resistance of the coatings indicated that the mechanical properties were affected by the amount of carbon-nanotube in the starting precursor materials and were enhanced by increasing the carbon-nanotube content. Results indicated that the composite layers exhibit high hardness and excellent wear resistance.

  12. In situ formation of titanium carbide using titanium and carbon-nanotube powders by laser cladding

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Savalani, M.M., E-mail: [Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong); Ng, C.C.; Li, Q.H.; Man, H.C. [Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)


    Titanium metal matrix composite coatings are considered to be important candidates for high wear resistance applications. In this study, TiC reinforced Ti matrix composite layers were fabricated by laser cladding with 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt% carbon-nanotube. The effects of the carbon-nanotube content on phase composition, microstructure, micro-hardness and dry sliding wear resistance of the coating were studied. Microstructural observation using scanning electron microscopy showed that the coatings consisted of a matrix of alpha-titanium phases and the reinforcement phase of titanium carbide in the form of fine dendrites, indicating that titanium carbide was synthesized by the in situ reaction during laser irradiation. Additionally, measurements on the micro-hardness and dry sliding wear resistance of the coatings indicated that the mechanical properties were affected by the amount of carbon-nanotube in the starting precursor materials and were enhanced by increasing the carbon-nanotube content. Results indicated that the composite layers exhibit high hardness and excellent wear resistance.

  13. Experimental Technique of Titanium Fire in Aero-engine

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    MI Guangbao


    Full Text Available Titanium fire is the typical catastrophic fault in the aero-engine. Aiming at the urgent demand for experimental technique of titanium fire from advanced high thrust-weight ratio aero-engine, the combustion technology and theory of titanium alloy based on friction oxygen concentration method (FOC were systematically studied. The evaluation method of fireproof property and the friction ignition model were built, and the fireproof mechanism was illustrated. By generalizing recent progress in experimental technique of titanium fire from three levels, including evolutionary rule, mechanism and prevention and control technology, the ideas and directions of experimental technique associated with the application research of titanium fire in the future were proposed, namely overall evaluation of fireproof property close to air flow environment of the aero-engine, prediction model of fireproof property and experimental verification of fireproof technique under the air flow environment of aero-engine. It is necessary to establish the prevention system of titanium fire in aero-engine, which contributes to the realization of "full titanium" in compressor and to the increase of high thrust-weight ratio.


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    Amiruddin Amiruddin


    Full Text Available KUHP yang berlaku sekarang berasal dari “Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsh-Indie” 1918dan dinyatakan berlaku di Indonesia berdasarkan UU Nomor 1 Tahun 1946 juncto UU Nomor 73 Tahun1958. Mengingat usianya yang sangat tua, maka beberapa ketentuan yang ada dalam KUHP sudah tentuketinggalan dan harus disesuaikan dengan perkembangan masyarakat dan ilmu pengetahuan. Meskipuntelah ada upaya untuk melakukan perubahan yang menyeluruh melalui penyusunan RUU KUHP namunbelum juga disahkan. Oleh karena itu, maka pola perubahan yang dilakukan adalah bersifat parsial yaitumulai dari Perpu Nomor 16 Tahun 1960 sampai dengan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2 Tahun2012 tentang Penyesuaian Batasan Tindak Pidana Ringan dan Jumlah Denda dalam KUHP. Perubahanyang dilakukan itu pun ada yang sesuai dengan prosedur dan ada juga yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedurperubahan perundang-undangan.Kata kunci: perubahan, penambahan, KUHP.

  15. Produksi Panel Dinding Bangunan Tahan Gempa dan Ramah Lingkungan dari Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun Industri Minyak dan Gas

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    Luqman Hakim


    Full Text Available Berdasarkan hasil uji karakteristik fisik terhadap panel dinding dari komposit limbah industry migas berupa activated alumina, sandblasting dan glasswall yang telah dilakukan pada tahun pertama diketahui bahwa kuat lentur tertinggi diperoleh dari sampel B4 yaitu sebesar 67,8 Kg/Cm2 dengan standar DIN 1101 17 Kg/cm2, kuat desak sampel B 2 68,31 N/mm2 dengan standar bata merah 25 N/mm2 dan batako 20 N/mm2 dan tingkat keausan terendah diperoleh dari sampel 37 streap. Dari hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa uji telah memiliki kemampuan lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan standar yang berlaku. Maka pada penelitian lanjutan yang akan dilakukan bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah produk panel dinding ini ramah lingkungan sehingga aman bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungan sekitarnya.Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode uji toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP dan LC50 terhadap produk panel dinding terbaik. Uji TCLP yang akan dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mendestruksi dan ekstraksi produk panel dinding dengan menggunakan rotating agitator selama 24 jam kemudian diuji dengan menggunakan AAS untuk mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat yang terdapat dalam produl panel dinding. Adapun untuk uji LC50 dilakukan dengan menggunakan hewan uji larva udang atau tikus.Berdasarkan hasil uji TCLP dan LC50 diketahui bahwa: a Kadar kandungan logam berat yang terdapat di dalam wall panel setelah dilakukan uji TCLP ternyata berada dibawah baku mutu seperti yang telah ditetapkan dalam PP No.85 Tahun 1999. Jadi ini artinya produk wall panel dalam penelitian ini ramah lingkungan, b pengujian terhadap bahan baku wall panel, Limbah Activated Alumina, Sandblasting dan Glasswoll sebelum di solidifikasi dapat mematikan sebesar 50% hewan uji pada konsentrasi 116.667 ppm dalam waktu 96 jam, dan c hasil uji LC50 terhadap produk wall panel selama 96 jam tidak menunjukkan adanya kematian hewan uji. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk wall panel dari

  16. Relationship between surface properties (roughness, wettability) of titanium and titanium alloys and cell behaviour

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ponsonnet, L.; Reybier, K.; Jaffrezic, N.; Comte, V.; Lagneau, C.; Lissac, M.; Martelet, C.


    Cell attachment and spreading to titanium-based alloy surfaces is a major parameter in implant technology. In this paper, substratum surface hydrophobicity, surface free energy, interfacial free energy and surface roughness were investigated to ascertain which of these parameters is predominant in human fibroblast spreading. Two methods for contact angle measurement were compared: the sessile drop method and the captive bubble two-probe method. The relationship between surface roughness and the sessile drop contact angles of various engineered titanium surfaces such as commercial pure titanium (cp-Ti), titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V), and titanium-nickel (NiTi), was shown. Surface free energy (SFE) calculations were performed from contact angles obtained on smooth samples based on the same alloys in order to eliminate the roughness effect. SFE of the surfaces have been calculated using the Owens-Wendt (OW) and Van Oss (VO) approaches with the sessile drop method. The OW calculations are used to obtain the dispersive (γ d ) and polar (γ p ) component of SFE, and the VO approach allows to reach the apolar (γ LW ) and the polar acid-base component (γ ab ) of the surface. From captive bubble contact angle experiments (air or octane bubble under water), the interfacial free energy of the different surfaces in water was obtained. A relationship between cell spreading and the polar component of SFE was found. Interfacial free energy values were low for all the investigated surfaces indicating good biocompatibility for such alloys

  17. Berpikir Rasional-Ilmiah dan Pendekatan Interdisipliner dan Multidisipliner dalam Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

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    Khoiruddin Nasution


    Full Text Available This short article tries to explain how important it is to think rationally and scientifically, place the position of approachment in the Study of Islamic Family Law, also describe the use of Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to understand and practice the Islamic Family Law. In conclusion, there are three conclutions. First, students need to get used to think, write, speak and act rationallly and scientifically. The process can be carried out by integrating with the entire subjecy. Second,  needs a good and comprehensive understanding of approachment positions in the study of Islamic Family Law, both in relation to habituation of thinking, writing, speaking and acting rational and scientific as well as in effort to integrate and interconnect Islam and science. Third, it is necessary to habituate using an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to understand and observe all matters  that related to the Islamic Family Law.   [Tulisan singkat ini mencoba menjelaskan bagaimana pentingnya berpikir rasional dan ilmiah, meletakkan dimana posisi pendekatan dalam Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, sekaligus menggambarkan penggunaan Pendekatan Interdisipliner dan Multidisipliner dalam memahami dan mengamalkan Hukum Keluarga Islam. Kesimpulannya ada tiga. Pertama, mahasiswa perlu dibiasakan berpikir, menulis, berbicara dan bentindak rasional dan ilmiah. Proses pembiasaannya dapat dilakukan secara terintegrasi dengan seluruh mata kuliah. Kedua, perlu pemahaman yang baik dan konprehensif bagaimana posisi pendekatan dalam studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, baik dalam kaitannya dengan pembiasaan berpikir, menulis, berbicara dan bentindak rasional dan ilmiah maupun dalam upaya integrasi dan/atau interkoneksi keilmuan. Ketiga, perlu pembiasaan menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner dan multidisipliner dalam memahami dan mengamalkan segala persoalan yang berkaitan dengan Hukum Keluarga Islam.

  18. Analogy and differences between aluminium and titanium electrowinning

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Vuuren, DS


    Full Text Available larger market. The authors have tested this route experimentally, but could not produce pure titanium. The failure of electrowinning pure, molten titanium has been interpreted in terms of the analogy and differences between aluminium and titanium...

  19. Direct dynamic synthesis of nanodispersed phases of titanium oxides upon sputtering of electrodischarge titanium plasma into an air atmosphere (United States)

    Sivkov, A. A.; Gerasimov, D. Yu.; Nikitin, D. S.


    Experimental investigations of the possibility of directly synthesizing nanodispersed crystalline phases of titanium dioxides with rutile and anatase structures in a hypervelocity jet of electroerosion plasma generated by a coaxial magnetoplasma accelerator with titanium electrodes are presented. A powder product containing nanosized polymorphic phases of titanium dioxide with a spherical shape of particles has been manufactured.

  20. Titanium application to power plant condensers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, H.


    Recently, the growth of operating performance and construction plan of titanium-tubed condensers in thermal and unclear power plants has been very impressive. High-quality, thinner welded titanium tubes used for cooling tubes, matching design specifications of condensers, have been stably supplied through mass production. It now can be said that various technical problems for titanium-tubed condensers have been solved, but data on operating performance in large-scale commercial plants are still scarce, and site-by-site information needs be exchanged more frequently and on a larger scale. Projects to replace existing condenser cooling tubes with those of corrosion-resistant titanium have been actively furthered, with the only remaining barrier to full employment being cost effectiveness. It is hoped that condenser and tube manufacturers will conduct more joint value analyses

  1. Stress corrosion cracking of titanium alloys (United States)

    May, R. C.; Beck, F. H.; Fontana, M. G.


    Experiments were conducted to study (1) the basic electrochemical behavior of titanium in acid chloride solutions and (2) the response of the metal to dynamic straining in the same evironment. The aim of this group of experiments was to simulate, as nearly as possible, the actual conditions which exist at the tip of a crack. One of the foremost theories proposed to explain the propagation of stress corrosion cracks is a hydrogen embrittlement theory involving the precipitation of embrittling titanium hydrides inside the metal near the crack tip. An initial survey of the basic electrochemical literature indicated that surface hydrides play a critical role in the electrochemistry of titanium in acid solutions. A comprehensive analysis of the effect of surface films, particularly hydrides, on the electrochemical behavior of titanium in these solution is presented.

  2. Bahasa, Simbol, dan Religi


    Supriyadi, Supriyadi


    Manusia sering disebut sebagai makhluk sosial, makhluk berakal, makhluk berseni, dan sebagainya. Tulisan ini secara tidak langsung membicarakan manusia sebagai makhluk berbahasa, bersimbol, dan bereligi . Meskipun demikian, titik tolaknya bukan pada manusia itu sendiri, tetapi pada bahasa, simbol, dan religinya, terutama pada hubungan di antara ketiganya . Hubungan antara bahasa dan simbol tidak diragukan lagi karena bahasa merupakan jenis simbol . Demikian juga hubungan antara simbol dengan ...


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    Sri Soewasti Soesanto


    Full Text Available Manusia yang sehat tiap hari membuang tinja yang harus ditampung dan/atau diolah secara saniter. Meskipun Indonesia telah 55 tahun merdeka dan telah memiliki banyak ahli sanitasi/teknik penyehatan baik lulusan dalam maupun luar negeri, namun cara pengelolaan tinja yang ada kebanyakan masih belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Tangki septik dianggap sebagai cara penampungan tinja yang terbaik, padahal sebenarnya masih terjadi pencemaran tanah dan air melalui saluran perembesan.Tangki septik (septic tank merupakan salah satu macam sarana pengolahan tinja manusia yang pada garis besarnya terdiri dari sebuah tangki pembusukan lumpur (sludge digester dan saluran perembesan efluen. Tangki pembusukan harus memenuhi syarat mengenai perbandingan panjang dan lebar serta syarat kedalaman maksimum dan minimum, agar pembusukan lumpur dari tinja manusia dapat berjalan sempurna malahan tidak berbau busuk lagi.

  4. Perancangan dan Implementasi Autonomous Landing Menggunakan Behavior-Based dan Fuzzy Controller pada Quadcopter

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    Fadjri Andika Permadi


    Full Text Available Perkembangan teknologi sistem kendali pesawat sayap berputar (copter semakin pesat salah satunya pada pesawat berbaling-baling empat (quadcopter. Landing merupakan bagian tersulit dalam penerbangan quadcopter. Ukuran quadcopter yang kecil mengakibatkan susahnya pengendalian kestabilan dan kecepatan turun.Cara mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah dengan autonomous landing yang menggunakan algoritma kendali behavior-based (berbasis perilaku. Tugas akhir ini merancang dan mengimplementasikan algoritma kendali behavior-based (berbasis perilaku pada proses autonomous landing quadcopter dan kontroler PD (Proporsional, Diferensial pada untuk  kestabilan sudut roll dan pitch, sedangkan untuk jarak landing menggunakan kontroler logika fuzzy. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, didapatkan nilai parameter kontroler PD roll dan kontroler PD pitch dari hasil tuning terstruktur pada simulasi Kp=500 dan Kd=30. Sedangkan kendali landing menggunakan kontroler logika fuzzy dengan parameter Ke=4 Kde=175 dan Ku=1 pada simulasi dapat melakukan proses landing selama 8 detik dari ketinggian 3 meter. Respon hasil implementasi pada quadcopter belum sesuai dengan hasil simulasi. Proses landing pada implementasi lebih cepat dengan waktu 3.5 detik dari ketinggian 2 meter, selain itu koreksi sudut roll dan sudut pitch masih terhadapat error +/-3º.

  5. Titanium Metal Powder Production by the Plasma Quench Process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    R. A. Cordes; A. Donaldson


    The goals of this project included the scale-up of the titanium hydride production process to a production rate of 50 kg/hr at a purity level of 99+%. This goal was to be achieved by incrementally increasing the production capability of a series of reactor systems. This methodic approach was designed to allow Idaho Titanium Technologies to systematically address the engineering issues associated with plasma system performance, and powder collection system design and performance. With quality powder available, actual fabrication with the titanium hydride was to be pursued. Finally, with a successful titanium production system in place, the production of titanium aluminide was to be pursued by the simultaneously injection of titanium and aluminum precursors into the reactor system. Some significant accomplishments of the project are: A unique and revolutionary torch/reactor capable of withstanding temperatures up to 5000 C with high thermal efficiency has been operated. The dissociation of titanium tetrachloride into titanium powder and HC1 has been demonstrated, and a one-megawatt reactor potentially capable of producing 100 pounds per hour has been built, but not yet operated at the powder level. The removal of residual subchlorides and adsorbed HC1 and the sintering of powder to form solid bodies have been demonstrated. The production system has been operated at production rates up to 40 pounds per hour. Subsequent to the end of the project, Idaho Titanium Technologies demonstrated that titanium hydride powder can indeed be sintered into solid titanium metal at 1500 C without sintering aids.

  6. The effect of titanium surface treatment on the interfacial strength of titanium – Thermoplastic composite joints

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Su, Yibo; de Rooij, Matthijn; Grouve, Wouter; Akkerman, Remko


    Co-consolidated titanium – carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite hybrid joints show potential for application in aerospace structures. The strength of the interface between the titanium and the thermoplastic composite is crucial for the strength of the entire hybrid joint. Application of a

  7. Penskalaan Butir Format Respons Pilihan dan Respons Bebas Berdasarkan Model Rasch dan Partial Credit

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    Eko Hariadi


    Full Text Available Penelitian melihat pengaruh jumlah parameter butir, kategori respons bebas (RB, pengaruh sampel terhadap akurasi estimasi parameter kemampuan untuk menghasilkan estimasi yang stabil dan pengaruh pembobotan butir RP dan butir RB terhadap kesalahan baku. Penelitian dalam dua tahap, simulasi menggunakan 30 kondisi dengan replikasi 50 dengan variabel panjang tes, jumlah kategori, dan jumlah parameter butir, dan analisis deskriptif, dilanjutkan penerapan penskalaan gabungan butir tipe respons pilihan (rp dan butir respons bebas (rb pada konstruksi tes elektronika yang terdiri 40 butir pilihan ganda dan 4 butir jawaban tersusun, 3 butir memiliki lima kategori jawaban dan 1 butir dengan 4 kategori jawaban, melibatkan 355 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: ukuran sampel kurang berpengaruh pada root mean square error atau (RSME> dan korelasi antara 9 dengan 0, namun berpengaruh terhadap akurasi estimasi parameter butir pilihan ganda (/>/y,dan parameter butir respons tersusun (3^- Jumlah parameter butir berpengaruh terhadap parameter kemampuan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap akurasi dari b^, dan S„,. Estimasi dari parameter tingkat kesulitan butir jawaban tersusun tiga kategori lebih akurat daripada butir jawaban tersusun lima kategori. Estimasi tahan {robust untuk parameter kesulitan butir jawaban tersusun 5 kategori memerlukan sampel minimal 250 responden, sedangkan untuk butir respons tersusun 3 kategori memerlukan sampel minimal 100 responden. Estimasi parameter kemampuan dari skor total (0^^ tidak sama dengan rata-rata jumlah tbeta dari masing-masing subtes (0^ + 0CR. Theta dari tes yang dikalibrasi bersama-sama berbeda dengan theta dari total subtes yang dikalibrasi secara terpisah. Korelasi kemampuan yang mengunakan pembobotan dan kemampuan tanpa pembobotan mempunyai suatu rentang dari 0,988 sampai 0,948. Kata kunci: penyekaiaan, model rash dan partial credit.

  8. Lactam inhibiting Streptococcus mutans growth on titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xavier, J.G.; Geremias, T.C.; Montero, J.F.D.; Vahey, B.R.; Benfatti, C.A.M.; Souza, J.C.M.; Magini, R.S.; Pimenta, A.L.


    The aim of this work was to analyze the activity of novel synthetic lactams on preventing biofilm formation on titanium surfaces. Titanium (Ti6Al4V) samples were exposed to Streptococcus mutans cultures in the presence or absence of a synthetic lactam. After 48 h incubation, planktonic growth was determined by spectrophotometry. Biofilm was evaluated by crystal violet staining and colony forming units (CFU·ml −1 ), followed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that the average of adhered viable cells was approximately 1.5 × 10 2 CFU/ml in the presence of lactam and 4 × 10 2 CFU/ml in its absence. This novel compound was considerable active in reducing biofilm formation over titanium surfaces, indicating its potential for the development of antimicrobial drugs targeting the inhibition of the initial stages of bacterial biofilms on dental implants abutments. - Highlights: • A novel synthetic compound is tested on preventing biofilm formation on titanium surfaces • Biofilm inhibition has been achieved on titanium surfaces containing the novel compound. • Planktonic growth of S. mutans was not affected by the presence of lactams on titanium.

  9. Lactam inhibiting Streptococcus mutans growth on titanium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xavier, J.G.; Geremias, T.C.; Montero, J.F.D. [Center for Research on Dental Implants (CEPID), School of Dentistry (ODT), Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis/SC, 88040-900 (Brazil); Vahey, B.R. [Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, 925 W 34 St, Los Angeles, CA 90089 (United States); Benfatti, C.A.M.; Souza, J.C.M.; Magini, R.S. [Center for Research on Dental Implants (CEPID), School of Dentistry (ODT), Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis/SC, 88040-900 (Brazil); Pimenta, A.L., E-mail: [Department of Biologia, ERRMECe, Université de Cergy Pontoise, 2, Av. Adolphe Chauvin 95302 Cergy, Pontoise (France); Integrated Laboratories Technologies (InteLab), Dept. Chemical and Food Engineering (EQA), Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis/SC, 88040-970 (Brazil)


    The aim of this work was to analyze the activity of novel synthetic lactams on preventing biofilm formation on titanium surfaces. Titanium (Ti6Al4V) samples were exposed to Streptococcus mutans cultures in the presence or absence of a synthetic lactam. After 48 h incubation, planktonic growth was determined by spectrophotometry. Biofilm was evaluated by crystal violet staining and colony forming units (CFU·ml{sup −1}), followed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that the average of adhered viable cells was approximately 1.5 × 10{sup 2} CFU/ml in the presence of lactam and 4 × 10{sup 2} CFU/ml in its absence. This novel compound was considerable active in reducing biofilm formation over titanium surfaces, indicating its potential for the development of antimicrobial drugs targeting the inhibition of the initial stages of bacterial biofilms on dental implants abutments. - Highlights: • A novel synthetic compound is tested on preventing biofilm formation on titanium surfaces • Biofilm inhibition has been achieved on titanium surfaces containing the novel compound. • Planktonic growth of S. mutans was not affected by the presence of lactams on titanium.

  10. Titanium. Properties, raw datum surface, physicochemical basis and fabrication technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garmata, V.A.; Petrun'ko, A.N.; Galitskij, N.V.; Olesov, Yu.G.; Sandler, R.A.


    On the nowadays science and technology achievements the complex of titanium metallurgy problems comprising raw material base, physico-chemical basis and fabrication technique, properties and titanium usage fields is considered for the first time. A particular attention is given to raw material base, manufacturing titanium concentrates and titanium tetrachloride, metallothermal reduction, improvement of metal quality. Data on titanium properties are given, processes of titanium powder metallurgy, scrap and waste processing, problems of economics and complex raw material use are considered

  11. Introduction to powder metallurgy processes for titanium manufacturing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esteban, P. G.; Bolzoni, L.; Ruiz-Navas, E. M.; Gordo, E.


    The development of new extraction processes to produce titanium in powder form leads Powder Metallurgy to an advantage position among the manufacturing processes for titanium. The cost reduction of base material, coupled with the economy of the powder metallurgy processes, give titanium industry the chance to diversify its products, which could lead to production volumes able to stabilise the price of the metal. This work reviews some of the Powder Metallurgy techniques for the manufacturing of titanium parts, and describes the two typical approaches for titanium manufacturing: Blending Elemental and Prealloyed Powders. Among others, conventional pressing and sintering are described, which are compared with cold and hot isostatic pressing techniques. Real and potential applications are described. (Author) 71 refs.

  12. Microwave assisted scalable synthesis of titanium ferrite nanomaterials (United States)

    Shukla, Abhishek; Bhardwaj, Abhishek K.; Singh, S. C.; Uttam, K. N.; Gautam, Nisha; Himanshu, A. K.; Shah, Jyoti; Kotnala, R. K.; Gopal, R.


    Titanium ferrite magnetic nanomaterials are synthesized by one-step, one pot, and scalable method assisted by microwave radiation. Effects of titanium content and microwave exposure time on size, shape, morphology, yield, bonding nature, crystalline structure, and magnetic properties of titanium ferrite nanomaterials are studied. As-synthesized nanomaterials are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and vibrating sample magnetometer measurements. XRD measurements depict the presence of two phases of titanium ferrite into the same sample, where crystallite size increases from ˜33 nm to 37 nm with the increase in titanium concentration. UV-Vis measurement showed broad spectrum in the spectral range of 250-600 nm which reveals that its characteristic peaks lie between ultraviolet and visible region; ATR-FTIR and Raman measurements predict iron-titanium oxide structures that are consistent with XRD results. The micrographs of TEM and selected area electron diffraction patterns show formation of hexagonal shaped particles with a high degree of crystallinity and presence of multi-phase. Energy dispersive spectroscopy measurements confirm that Ti:Fe compositional mass ratio can be controlled by tuning synthesis conditions. Increase of Ti defects into titanium ferrite lattice, either by increasing titanium precursor or by increasing exposure time, enhances its magnetic properties.

  13. Adaptive mesh refinement in titanium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colella, Phillip; Wen, Tong


    In this paper, we evaluate Titanium's usability as a high-level parallel programming language through a case study, where we implement a subset of Chombo's functionality in Titanium. Chombo is a software package applying the Adaptive Mesh Refinement methodology to numerical Partial Differential Equations at the production level. In Chombo, the library approach is used to parallel programming (C++ and Fortran, with MPI), whereas Titanium is a Java dialect designed for high-performance scientific computing. The performance of our implementation is studied and compared with that of Chombo in solving Poisson's equation based on two grid configurations from a real application. Also provided are the counts of lines of code from both sides.

  14. [The bonding characteristic of titanium and RG experiment porcelain]. (United States)

    Ren, Wei-hong; Guo, Tian-wen; Tian, Jie-mo; Zhang, Yun-long


    To study the bonding characteristic of Titanium and RG experiment porcelain. 5 specimens with a size of 10 mm x 5 mm x 1.4 mm were cast from pure titanium. Then 1 mm of RG experiment opaque and body porcelain were fused on the surface of the titanium specimens. The interface of titanium and porcelain was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope with energy-despersive spectrometry; 6 metal specimens with the size of 25 mm x 3 mm x 0.5 mm were cast from Ni-Cr alloy and a uniform thickness of 1 mm of VMK 99 porcelain was veneered on the central area of 8 mm x 3 mm 18 metal specimens as the same size were cast from pure titanium. The uniform thickness of 1 mm of VITA TITANKERAMIK porcelain, of Noritake super porcelain Ti-22 and of RG experiment porcelain were veneered on every 6 specimens respectively in the central area of 8 mm x 3 mm. The specimens were subjected to a three-point bending test on a load-test machine with a span of 20 mm, then the failure loads were recorded and statistically analysised. The RG porcelain/titanium crown was fabricated by fusing RG opaque porcelain and body porcelain to cast titanium substrate crown. The SEM results show no porosity and crackle were found in the interface. The energy-dispersive spectrometry show that there are Si, Ti and O in the 1 micro m layer between porcelain and titanium, which suggesting titanium and experiment porcelain bonding well. The three point test showed the fracture force for the combinations of titanium/VITA TITANKERAMIK porcelain, titanium/Noritake super porcelain Ti-22 and titanium/RG experiment porcelain were (7.233 +/- 2.539) N, (5.533 +/- 1.199) N and (6.316 +/- 1.433) N respectively. There were not statistically significant differences among them (t test, P porcelain combination (12.733 +/- 3.297) N was significantly greater than those of the cast titanium/porcelain (t test, P > 0.05). The crown was translucent with no crack. RG porcelain is well compatible with titanium.


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    Sunarto Sunarto


    Full Text Available Kepuasan merupakan perasaan seseorang mengenai kesenangan atau kekecewaan sebagai hasil membandingkan antara kinerja dan harapan. Jumlah kunjungan Puskesmas tahun 2007 sebesar 3.094.027 pasien yang terdiri dari 3.076442 rawat jalan dan 17.585 rawat inap. Penelitian untuk mengentahui gambaran tingkat kepuasan dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kepuasan dan harapan pasien yang mendapatkan pelayanan Puskemas dan rumah sakit menurut wilayah Kabupatet / Kota di Propinsi DIY Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan rancangan cros sectional. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuisioner dengan 35 item pernyataan yang diambil dari atribut-atribut SERVQUAL dalam 5 dimensi. Total sampel untuk lima Kabupaten Kota sebanyak 1000, masing-masing Kabupaten Kota 200. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap pasien yang menerima pelayanan kesehatan di Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit Daerah di Kabupaten-Kota Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penilaian tingkat kepuasan pasien ketika mereka berobat ke Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit di Propinsi DIY, dengan menggunakan skala O sampai 4. Hasilnya adalah dimensi tangibles, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (2,96 cukup dan harapan pasien (3,38 pada dimensi reliability, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (3,01 bagus dan harapan pasien (3,40. Pada dimensi responsiveness, rata-rata kepuasan pa-sien (3,07 bagus dan harapan pasien (3,42. Dimensi assurance, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (3, 1 0 bagus dan harapan pasien (3 ,42. pada dimensi emphaty, rata-rata kepuasan pasien (3,02 bagus dan harapan pasien (3,35. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p > 0.05, berarti pada alpha 5%, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepuasan diantara kelima wilayah kabupaten/kota di DIY. Penilaian tingkat kepuasan pasien, ketika mereka berkunjung ke Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit di DIY secara rata-rata bagus dan tidak ada perbedaan tingkat kepuasan menurut wilayah Kabupaten-Kota di Propinsi DIY. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan, harapan

  16. Perkiraan Asupan Iodium dan Natrium Menggunakan Urin 24 Jam pada Anak dan Dewasa

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    Djoko Kartono


    deficiency area but considerably high intake of sodium based on the analysis of a 24 hour urine collection. Keywords: adult, children, iodine, sodium, 24 hours urine.   ABSTRAK Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas 2007 mendapatkan angka hipertensi yang tinggi (31.7%. Pertanyaannya, masih relevankah program fortifikasi iodium dalam garam karena konsumsi garam berkorelasi dengan hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian ini menilai kadar iodium urin dan natrium urin serta perkiraan asupan natrium dan iodium. Disain studi potong lintang dengan sampel keluarga: bapak, ibu, anak 6-12 tahun. Lokasi di tiga desa di Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang. Sebanyak 99 keluarga menjadi sampel penelitian. Variabel dikumpulkan mencakup berat dan tinggi badan, kadar iodium   garam, volume urin 24 jam, kadar iodium urin dan natrium urin. Perkiraan asupan iodium dan natrium menggunakan nilai iodium dan natrium urin dan volume urin. Jenis garam yang dikonsumsi (97% bentuk bata, rerata kadar iodium 20.4 ppm dan konsumsi garam 8.0 ± 4.7 gram per orang per hari. Median dan rerata volume urin 1500 mL dan 1523 ± 623 mL. Median dan rerata ekskresi iodium urin (EIU 93 dan 105 ± 61 μg/L. Proporsi EIU subyek < 100 μg/L 55.6% dan EIU ≥ 300 μg/L 1%. Median dan rerata ekskresi natrium urin (ENU 2588 mg/L (ppm dan 2732 ± 986 mg/L. Proporsi ENU ≥ 2300 mg/L 62%. Frekuensi konsumsi sumber iodium dan natrium: 47.5% subyek mengonsumsi mi instan dan snack 1-2 kali seminggu, 98% mengonsumsi vetsin/kecap/saus ≥ 1 kali sehari. Frekuensi makan makanan asin: 53.9% subyek mengonsumsi 1-2 kali seminggu dan 26.9% mengonsumsi roti/biskuit/cake 1-2 kali seminggu. Median dan rerata asupan iodium (bapak, ibu, anak 113 μg/L dan 126 ± 73 μg/L. Median dan rerata asupan natrium (bapak, ibu, anak 3131 mg/L dan 3306 ± 1193 mg/L. Ringkasnya, garam merupakan sumber utama asupan iodium dan natrium walaupun kadar iodium dalam garam cukup rendah dibanding standar nasional industri. Lokasi penelitian merupakan daerah kekurangan

  17. Formation of titanium nitride layers on titanium metal: Results of XPS and AES investigations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moers, H.; Pfennig, G.; Klewe-Nebenius, H.; Penzhorn, R.D.; Sirch, M.; Willin, E.


    The reaction of titanium metal with gaseous nitrogen and ammonia at temperatures of 890 0 C leads to the formation of nitridic overlayers on the metallic substrate. The thicknesses of the overlayers increase with increasing reaction time. Under comparable conditions ammonia reacts much slower than nitrogen. XPS and AES depth profile analyses show continuous changes of the in-depth compositions of the overlayers. This can be interpreted in terms of a very irregular thickness of the overlayers, an assumption which is substantiated by local AES analyses and by the observation of a pronounced crystalline structure of the substrate after annealing pretreatment, which can give rise to locally different reaction rates. The depth profile is also influenced by the broad ranges of stability of the titanium nitride phases formed during the reaction. The quantitative analysis of the titanium/nitrogen overlayers by AES is difficult because of the overlap of titanium and nitrogen Auger peaks. In quantitative XPS analysis problems arise due to difficulties in defining Ti 2p peak areas. This work presents practical procedures for the quantitative evaluation by XPS and AES of nitridic overlayers with sufficient accuracy. (orig.) [de


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    Veronika Agustini Srimulyani


    Full Text Available Keadilan organisasional memiliki potensi untuk menciptakan manfaat besar bagi organisasi dan karyawan, dan salah satu manfaatnya adalah menumbuhkan extra-role behavior (ERB atau organizational citizenship behavior (OCB. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis konsekuensi keadilan organisasional (keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, dan keadilan interaksional pada organizational citizenship behavior guru SMA dan guru SMK di Kota Madiun. OCB dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu citizenship behaviors directed toward individuals (OCB-I dan citizenship behaviors directed towards the organisation (OCB-O. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 409 guru, yang dipilih secara non-acak. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan: keadilan distributif dan keadilan interaksional berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap OCB-I dan OCB-O; keadilan prosedural tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap OCB-I tetapi keadilan prosedural berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap OCB-O.


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    Hantoro Satriadi


    Full Text Available Keterbatasan solar sebagai sumber energi bahan bakunya tidak dapat diperbaharui menuntut adanya bahan baku alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui dan ramah lingkungan untuk pembuatan biodiesel. Reaksi utama produksi biodiesel adalah esterifikasi dan transestirifikasi yang berlangsung lambat dan membutuhkan banyak katalis dan alkohol. Reaksi yang terjadi belum sempurna dan belum memenuhi standar SNI dan ASTM. Untuk memperbaiki mutu biodiesel serta menghasilkan yield maksimal, maka dilakukan blending bahan baku antara minyak kelapa sawit dan minyak kelapa dan dengan bantuan gelombang ultrasonic. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh variabel perbandingan volume minyak kelapa sawit dan minyak kelapa, perbandingan volume methanolminyak, dan persentase berat katalis terhadap minyak terhadap hasil atau yield biodiesel. Alat utama yang digunakan adalah reaktor yang dilengkapi pembangkit gelombang ultrasonic dengan temperature 60 oC, tekanan 1 atm, volume 3 liter, dan frekuensi 28 kHz. Variabel proses pada penelitian ini adalah perbandingan volume minyak sawit dan kelapa 2:1, 3:1, dan 4:1, pebandingan volume metanol-minyak 0,2:1, 0,25:1, dan 0,3:1, dan persentase berat katalis KOH terhadap minyak 0,3%, 0,5%, dan 0,7%. Hasil penelitian didapat konversi tertinggi dicapai pada variabel perbandingan volume minyak sawit dan kelapa 3:1, perbandingan volume metanol/minyak 0,25:1, dan persentase berat katalis terhadap minyak dengan yield 97,26%.[A Improvement of Quality and Process for Biodiesel Production from Palm Oil and Coconut Oil Blends with Ultrasound Assisted] Limitations of solar energy as a source of raw material cannot be renewed demands for alternative raw materials that are renewable and environmentally friendly for the manufacture of biodiesel. The main production of biodiesel reaction is esterification and transestirifikasi which runs slow and requires a lot of alcohol and a catalyst. Reactions that happen yet perfect, and has not met

  20. Perbandingan Akurasi Pengukuran Suhu Dan Kelembaban Antara Sensor DHT11 Dan DHT22


    Saptadi, Arief Hendra


    Suhu dan kelembaban merupakan dua objek pengukuran yang acapkali terdapat di dalam sistem akuisisi data. Terdapat banyak piranti sensor yang berfungsi untuk mengukur dua objek tersebut dan akurasi merupakan salah satu parameter yang dapat digunakan untuk memilihnya. DHT11 dan DHT22 adalah sensor seri DHT dari Aosong Electronics yang dapat melakukan pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban secara serempak dengan keluaran digital. Informasi tentang akurasi terdapat di dalam lembar data keduanya. Kendati ...

  1. Pertumbuhan dan Mutu Fisik Bibit Jabon (Anthocephalus Cadamba Miq.) di Polibag dan Politub


    Junaedi, Ahmad


    Informasi pertumbuhan dan mutu fisik bibit jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) di wadah bibit dengan volume yang berbeda diperlukan sebagai bagian yang akan diperhitungkan dalam pemilihan wadah bibit yang akan digunakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan mutu fisik bibit jabon yang disapih pada wadah bibit polibag (volume 300 cm3) dan politub (volume 60 cm3). Tahapan penelitian meliputi : pembibitan serta pengamatan pertumbuhan dan penilaian mutu fisik bibit jabon yang ...

  2. Clinical bending of nickel titanium wires

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen Chain


    Full Text Available Since the evolution and the involvement of Nickel Titanium wires in the field of Orthodontics. The treatment plan has evolved with the use of low force Nickel Titanium wires. Because of their high springback, low stiffness, they are the key initial wires in leveling and alignment but have poor formability. Since poor formability limits its ability to create variable arch forms thus; limits the form of treatment. We have devised a method to bend the Nickel Titanium wires to help in our inventory but also customized the wire according to the treatment.

  3. Isothermal deformation of gamma titanium aluminide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srinivasan, R.; Singh, J.P.; Tuval, E.; Weiss, I.


    Gamma titanium aluminide has received considerable attention in recent years from the automotive industry as a potential material for making rotating and reciprocating components to produce a quieter and more efficient engine. The objectives of this study were to identify processing routes for the manufacture of automobile valves from gamma titanium aluminide. The issues considered were microstructure and composition of the material, and processing parameters such as deformation rates, temperatures, and total deformation. This paper examines isothermal deformation of gamma titanium aluminide in order to develop a processing window for this type of material

  4. Printing of Titanium implant prototype

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiria, Florencia Edith; Shyan, John Yong Ming; Lim, Poon Nian; Wen, Francis Goh Chung; Yeo, Jin Fei; Cao, Tong


    Dental implant plays an important role as a conduit of force and stress to flow from the tooth to the related bone. In the load sharing between an implant and its related bone, the amount of stress carried by each of them directly related to their stiffness or modulus. Hence, it is a crucial issue for the implant to have matching mechanical properties, in particular modulus, between the implant and its related bone. Titanium is a metallic material that has good biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. Whilst the modulus of the bulk material is still higher than that of bone, it is the lowest among all other commonly used metallic implant materials, such as stainless steel or cobalt alloy. Hence it is potential to further reduce the modulus of pure Titanium by engineering its processing method to obtain porous structure. In this project, porous Titanium implant prototype is fabricated using 3-dimensional printing. This technique allows the flexibility of design customization, which is beneficial for implant fabrication as tailoring of implant size and shape helps to ensure the implant would fit nicely to the patient. The fabricated Titanium prototype had a modulus of 4.8-13.2 GPa, which is in the range of natural bone modulus. The compressive strength achieved was between 167 to 455 MPa. Subsequent cell culture study indicated that the porous Titanium prototype had good biocompatibility and is suitable for bone cell attachment and proliferation.



    Suryanti, Rut; Jafar, Nurhaedar; Syam, Aminuddin


    Konsumsi fast food dan soft drink dapat menyebabkan kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran jenis dan jumlah zat gizi makro dari konsumsi fast food dan soft drink pada mahasiswa yang obesitas.Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif, dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juni 2013 di Universitas Hasanuddin dengan jumlah responden 60 orang. Instrument penelitian adalah kuesioner identitas diri dan food frekuensiSemiQuantitatif fast food dan soft drink, food pictur...


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    Lilik Mulyadi


    Full Text Available UU Contempt of Court merupakan kebutuhan yang bersifat urgent, segera dan mendesak, sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian dan penelitian secara kritis, akademis dan bersifat komprehensif untuk menjaga keluhuran dan menegakkan martabat dan wibawa peradilan.

  7. Iron-titanium-mischmetal alloys for hydrogen storage (United States)

    Sandrock, Gary Dale


    A method for the preparation of an iron-titanium-mischmetal alloy which is used for the storage of hydrogen. The alloy is prepared by air-melting an iron charge in a clay-graphite crucible, adding titanium and deoxidizing with mischmetal. The resultant alloy contains less than about 0.1% oxygen and exhibits a capability for hydrogen sorption in less than half the time required by vacuum-melted, iron-titanium alloys.

  8. Production of titanium from ilmenite: a review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kohli, R.


    The general principles for beneficiation of titanium ores are reviewed and the specific processes used in individual units in various countries are discussed. This is followed by a critical evaluation of various current and potential reduction methods for the production of titanium metal from the processed concentrates. Finally, the report outlines a research program for the development of a commercially viable alternative method for the production of titanium metal.

  9. Corrosion resistance of titanium alloys for dentistry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laskawiec, J.; Michalik, R.


    Titanium and its alloys belong to biomaterials which the application scope in medicine increases. Some properties of the alloys, such as high mechanical strength, low density, low Young's modulus, high corrosion resistance and good biotolerance decide about it. The main areas of the application of titanium and its alloys are: orthopedics and traumatology, cardiosurgery, faciomaxillary surgery and dentistry. The results of investigations concerning the corrosion resistance of the technical titanium and Ti6Al14V alloy and comparatively a cobalt alloy of the Vitallium type in the artificial saliva is presented in the work. Significantly better corrosion resistance of titanium and the Ti6Al14V than the Co-Cr-Mo alloy was found. (author)

  10. Fluiditas Antara Maskulinitas Dan Femininitas: Representasi Waria Dalam Film Dokumenter Dan Fiksi

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    Maimunah Maimunah


    Full Text Available Dunia Waria menjadi salah satu tema yang muncul dalam perkembangan film Indonesia pasca Orde Baru. Penelitian ini mengkaji dua film dokumenter dan sebuah film fiksi yaitu Betty Bencong Slebor karya Benyamin Sueb (1978 serta dua film dokumenter Renita­Renita karya Tony Trimarsanto (2006 dan Ngudal Piwulang Wandu karya Kukuh Yudha Karnanta (2009. Meng­ gunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan teori queer dalam membaca media film, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga film tersebut terlihat perbedaan dalam memaknai tubuh dan gender. Tokoh Sholeh dalam Ngudal Piwulang Wandu berharap suatu hari nanti kembali menjadi lanang sejati, menikah secara heteroseksual dan memiliki anak. Renita membayangkan tubuh dan identitas gender sebagai perempuan sempurna, sedangkan Betty terlihat menikmati interplay antara tubuh feminine dan maskulinnya. Tubuh dalam konteks ini dapat dilihat sebagai suatu con­ tinuum, perpaduan antara femininitas dan maskulinitas, bukan suatu entitas yang statis. Perbe­ daan ketiga tokoh utama dalam memandang tubuh, seksualitas, dan gender mereka juga mere­ fleksikan bahwa tidak ada identitas dan entitas tunggal dari waria. Abstract: The growing visibility of waria/male to female transgender has become one of the do­ dominant features in Indonesia’s contemporary film industry. The research examines three waria films: Tony Trimarsanto’s Renita­Renita (2006, Kukuh Yudha Karnanta’s Ngudal Piwulang Wan­ du (2009, and Benyamin Sueb’s Betty Bencong Slebor (1978. Two basic research questions are, firstly: how is the fluidity of masculinity and femininity represented; secondly how do the waria per­ceive themselves (self­identity in a heterosexual culture. Queer film theory will be used in analyzing the film diegesis. The research finds the fluidity and continuum of the waria main characters in de­fining the meaning of the self and their bodies. This fluidity offers a playful negotiation to the essen


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    Dwi Putra R.A.


    Full Text Available Perataan laba merupakan praktik yang umum dilakukan oleh manajer perusahaan untuk mengurangi fluktuasi laba, yang diharapkan memiliki efek menguntungkan bagi evaluasi kinerja manajemen. Beberapa peneliti percaya bahwa investor memiliki lebih banyak kecenderungan untuk berinvestasi di perusahaan yang menerapkan perataan laba. Investor percaya bahwa perusahaan halus memiliki return yang berbeda dan risiko investasi. Beberapa penelitian membuktikan tentang return yang berbeda dan risiko investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Studi lainnya menyatakan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menguji perbedaan risiko investasi dan return antara perusahaan manufaktur perata dan bukan perata laba yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2009-2011. Perusahaan-perusahaan diklasifikasikan dengan Indeks Eckel dan pendapatan berdasarkan pendapatan operasional, laba sebelum pajak, dan laba setelah pajak. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan return investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata laba. Namun, ada perbedaan dalam risiko investasi antara perusahaan perata dan bukan perata labaKata kunci: Return, Risiko, Perata laba, Beta Income smoothing is a common practice by corporate managers to reduce fluctuations in earnings, which are expected to have beneficial effects for management performance evaluation. Some researchers believe that investors have much more tendency to invest in companies that apply income smoothing. Investors believe that smoother companies have different return and risk investment.  Some studies prove about different return and risk investment between the smoother and non-smoother companies. On the other hand, the rest studies state that there is no difference between smoother and non-smoother companies. This study tries to examine the difference of investment risk and return between smoother and non-smoother manufacturing

  12. On the solubility of hydrogen in the systems titanium-aluminium-hydrogen, titanium-vanadium-hydrogen and titanium-aluminium-vanadium-hydrogen in the temperature region of 800 to 1,0000C at hydrogen pressures of 0.1 to 400 mm.Hg

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kauder, G.W.


    The hydrogen concentrations on Ti-Al, Ti-V and Ti-Al-V alloys were determined in the temperature region from 800 to 1,000 0 C and at hydrogen pressures of 0.1 to 400 mm.Hg using a gravimetric measuring process. The thus obtained results allowed the drawing of hydrogen activity slopes in the titanium rich corner of the systems titanium-hydrogen, titanium-aluminium-hydrogen, titanium-vanadium-hydrogen and such for the technical titanium alloys Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-6V. In spite of the antagonistic effects of the elements aluminium and vanadium on the stabilization of the α and β phase regions of titanium, a hydrogen-activity-increasing effect was always found in which the aluminium influence was greater than that of vanadium. Breaks occured in the hydrogen activity curves and phase boundaries, and phase regions were determined over their positions. Isothermal phase diagrams for the titanium-rich corner of the system titanium-aluminium-hydrogen at 800, 850 and 900 0 C and for the titanium-rich corner of the titanium-vanadium-hydrogen system at 900, 950 and 1,000 0 C were drawn up from the hydrogen activity curves. (orig./LH) [de

  13. Ball bearings comprising nickel-titanium and methods of manufacture thereof (United States)

    DellaCorte, Christopher (Inventor); Glennon, Glenn N. (Inventor)


    Disclosed herein is a friction reducing nickel-titanium composition. The nickel-titanium composition includes a first phase that comprises nickel and titanium in an atomic ratio of about 0.45:0.55 to about 0.55:0.45; a second phase that comprises nickel and titanium in an atomic ratio of about 0.70:0.30 to about 0.80:0.20; and a third phase that comprises nickel and titanium in an atomic ratio of about 0.52:0.48 to about 0.62:0.38. A bearing for reducing friction comprising a nickel-titanium composition comprising a first phase that comprises nickel and titanium in an atomic ratio of about 0.45:0.55 to about 0.55:0.45; a second phase that comprises nickel and titanium in an atomic ratio of about 0.70:0.30 to about 0.80:0.20; and a third phase that comprises nickel and titanium in an atomic ratio of about 0.52:0.48 to about 0.62:0.38; where the bearing is free from voids and pinholes.


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    Yukarie Ayu Wulandari


    Full Text Available Jagung merupakan bahan pangan yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai pangan lokal, pakan, dan bahan baku industri. Mengingat pentingnya jagung, maka perlu adanya upaya untuk peningkatan produktivitasnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh varietas dan sistem budidaya terhadap pertumbuhan, produksi, dan kandungan gizi jagung. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan petak utama varietas (Srikandi Putih-1 dan Srikandi Kuning-1 dan anak petak sistem budidaya (organik dan inorganik yang diulang lima kali. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa varietas Srikandi Putih-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, lingkar batang, pati, dan vitamin A. Varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 memberikan hasil tertinggi pada produksi, protein dan lemak. Sistem budidaya inorganik memberikan hasil tertinggi pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang tongkol, bobot bersih tongkol, bobot pipilan kering, bobot 100 butir, konversihasil/ha, patidan protein. Interaksi varietas Srikandi Putih-1 dengan sistem budidaya organik memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap jumlah daun, lingkar batang dan kandungan vitamin A. Varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 yang dibudidayakan secara inorganik memberikan hasil tertinggi terhadap bobot bersih tongkol, bobot pipilan kering, bobot 100 butir, konversi hasil ha-1 dan kandungan protein. Kandungan pati tertinggi pada varietas Srikandi Putih-1 yang dibudidayakan secara inorganik, sedangkan kandungan lemak tertinggi pada varietas Srikandi Kuning-1 yang dibudidayakan secara organik.


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    Johari Johari


    Full Text Available Tugas dan wewenang Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK terdapat di dalam Pasal 26 dan Pasal 27 Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2003 tentang Tindak Pencucian Uang. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut, tugas dan wewenang PPATK tersebut bertujuan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya tindak pidana pencucian uang, dan membantu penegakan hukum yang berkaitan dengan pencucian uang, termasuk tindak pidana asal yang melahirkannya (predicate offences. Namun, Peranan PPATK akan berjalan secara efektif apabila aparat penegak hukum seperti Kepolisian, Kejaksaan, Pengadilan, Bea dan Cukai, para regulator seperti Bank Indonesia, Departemen Keuangan, Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal serta Penyedia Jasa Keuangan, industri perbankan, asuransi, perusahaan pembiayaan, dana pensiun, perusahaan efek, pengelola reksadana, media massa, masyarakat bekerjasama secara terorganisir dan terpadu dalam pemberantasan tindak pencucian uang di Indonesia. Dengan kewenangan yang dimilikinya, PPATK dapat mengejar hasil dari kejahatan, apabila hasil kejahatan tersebut dapat dikejar dan disita maka negara dengan sendirinya akan mengurangi tindak kejahatan itu sendiri. Kata kunci : Pencucian uang, tindak pidana pencucian uang (money laundering, kejahatan terorganisir, dan Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK.

  16. Machining of titanium alloys

    CERN Document Server


    This book presents a collection of examples illustrating the resent research advances in the machining of titanium alloys. These materials have excellent strength and fracture toughness as well as low density and good corrosion resistance; however, machinability is still poor due to their low thermal conductivity and high chemical reactivity with cutting tool materials. This book presents solutions to enhance machinability in titanium-based alloys and serves as a useful reference to professionals and researchers in aerospace, automotive and biomedical fields.

  17. High pressure sintering (HP-HT) of diamond powders with titanium and titanium carbide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaworska, L.


    Polycrystalline diamond compacts for cutting tools are mostly manufactured using high pressure sintering (HP-HT). The standard diamond compacts are prepared by diamond powders sintering with metallic binding phase. The first group of metallic binder are metals able to solve carbon - Co, Ni. The second group of metal binders are carbide forming elements - Ti, Cr, W and others. The paper describes high pressure sintering of diamond powder with titanium and nonstoichiometry titanium carbide for cutting tool application. A type of binding phase has the significant influence on microstructure and mechanical properties of diamond compacts. Very homogeneous structure was achieved in case of compacts obtained from metalized diamond where diamond-TiC-diamond connection were predominant. In the case of compacts prepared by mechanical mixing of diamond with titanium powders the obtained structure was nonhomogeneous with titanium carbide clusters. They had more diamond to diamond connections. These compacts compared to the compact made of metallized diamond have greater wear resistance. In the case of the diamond and TiC 0.92 sintering the strong bonding of TiC diamond grains was obtained. The microstructure observations for diamond with 5% wt. Ti and diamond with 5% wt. TiC 0.92 (the initial composition) compacts were performed in transmission microscope. For two type of compacts the strong bonding phase TiC without defects is creating. (author)

  18. UV photofunctionalization promotes nano-biomimetic apatite deposition on titanium

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    Saita M


    Full Text Available Makiko Saita,1 Takayuki Ikeda,1,2 Masahiro Yamada,1,3 Katsuhiko Kimoto,4 Masaichi Chang-Il Lee,5 Takahiro Ogawa1 1Division of Advanced Prosthodontics, Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology, UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Department of Complete Denture Prosthodontics, Nihon University School of Dentistry, Yokosuka, Japan; 3Division of Molecular and Regenerative Prosthodontics, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan; 4Department of Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation, 5Yokosuka-Shonan Disaster Health Emergency Research Center and ESR Laboratories, Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School of Dentistry, Yokosuka, Japan Background: Although biomimetic apatite coating is a promising way to provide titanium with osteoconductivity, the efficiency and quality of deposition is often poor. Most titanium implants have microscale surface morphology, and an addition of nanoscale features while preserving the micromorphology may provide further biological benefit. Here, we examined the effect of ultraviolet (UV light treatment of titanium, or photofunctionalization, on the efficacy of biomimetic apatite deposition on titanium and its biological capability.Methods and results: Micro-roughed titanium disks were prepared by acid-etching with sulfuric acid. Micro-roughened disks with or without photofunctionalization (20-minute exposure to UV light were immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF for 1 or 5 days. Photofunctionalized titanium disks were superhydrophilic and did not form surface air bubbles when immersed in SBF, whereas non-photofunctionalized disks were hydrophobic and largely covered with air bubbles during immersion. An apatite-related signal was observed by X-ray diffraction on photofunctionalized titanium after 1 day of SBF immersion, which was equivalent to the one observed after 5 days of immersion of control titanium. Scanning electron microscopy revealed nodular apatite deposition

  19. Cadmium Telluride-Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposite for Photodegradation of Organic Substance. (United States)

    Ontam, Areeporn; Khaorapapong, Nithima; Ogawa, Makoto


    Cadmium telluride-titanium dioxide nanocomposite was prepared by hydrothermal reaction of sol-gel derived titanium dioxide and organically modified cadmium telluride. The crystallinity of titanium dioxide in the nanocomposite was higher than that of pure titanium dioxide obtained by the reaction under the same temperature and pressure conditions, showing that cadmium telluride induced the crystallization of titanium dioxide. Diffuse reflectance spectrum of the nanocomposite showed the higher absorption efficiency in the UV-visible region due to band-gap excitation of titanium dioxide. The nanocomposite significantly showed the improvement of photocatalytic activity for 4-chlorophenol with UV light.

  20. Industrial experience with titanium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikeda, B M; Shoesmith, D W


    Titanium is a reference material for the construction of waste containers in the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program. It has been in industrial service for over 30 a, often in severe corrosion environments, but it is still considered a relatively exotic material with limited operating history. This has arisen because of the aerospace applications of this material and the misconception that the high strength-to-weight ratio dominates the choice of this material. In fact, the advantage of titanium lies in its high reliability and excellent corrosion resistance. It has a proven record in seawater heat exchanger service and a demonstrated excellent reliability even in polluted water. For many reasons it is the technically correct choice of material for marine applications. In this report we review the industrial service history of titanium, particularly in hot saline environments, and demonstrate that it is a viable waste container material, based upon this industrial service history and operating experience. (author) 83 refs., 17 tabs., 3 figs.

  1. Industrial experience with titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, B.M.; Shoesmith, D.W.


    Titanium is a reference material for the construction of waste containers in the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program. It has been in industrial service for over 30 a, often in severe corrosion environments, but it is still considered a relatively exotic material with limited operating history. This has arisen because of the aerospace applications of this material and the misconception that the high strength-to-weight ratio dominates the choice of this material. In fact, the advantage of titanium lies in its high reliability and excellent corrosion resistance. It has a proven record in seawater heat exchanger service and a demonstrated excellent reliability even in polluted water. For many reasons it is the technically correct choice of material for marine applications. In this report we review the industrial service history of titanium, particularly in hot saline environments, and demonstrate that it is a viable waste container material, based upon this industrial service history and operating experience. (author)

  2. Penyusunan Perencanaan Keberlangsungan Bisnis PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY dengan ISO 22301 dan Metode OCTAVE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Azmi Afifah Zahra


    Full Text Available Abstrak— Penelitian dalam tugas akhir ini adalah melakukan penyusunan perencanaan keberlangsungan bisnis teknologi informasi pada PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY dengan berbasis risiko sebagai bentuk kesiapan perusahaan dalam menangani risiko dan dampak bisnis yang mengancam perusahaan. PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY menggunakan sistem dan layanan TI sebagai daya dukung perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuannya. Penggunaan sistem dan layanan TI tersebut tidak terlepas dari adanya ancaman pada risiko sistem dan layanan TI serta dampak dari proses bisnis yang dijalankan oleh tiap fungsi bisnis perusahaan. Dalam proses penyusunan untuk perencanaan keberlangsungan bisnis akan dibuat terlebih dahulu alur kerja untuk kegiatan pengelolaan keberlangsungan bisnis (Business Continuity Management untuk PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY dengan menggunakan acuan ISO 22301: 2012 dan alur kerja yang telah diterapkan oleh perusahaan lain yaitu dari Perusahaan Chubu Electric Power Company Group dan DHS Electricity dengan tetap memberikan prosedur praktis yang dapat disesuaikan oleh PT PLN (Persero APD Jateng dan DIY. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah berupa rekomendasi penerapan alur kerja dan strategi keberlangsungan bisnis untuk PT PLN (Persero berdasarkan pada risiko aset TI yang menjadi tanggung jawab tim SCADA dan Telekomunikasi.

  3. An Insoluble Titanium-Lead Anode for Sulfate Electrolytes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferdman, Alla


    The project is devoted to the development of novel insoluble anodes for copper electrowinning and electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) production. The anodes are made of titanium-lead composite material produced by techniques of powder metallurgy, compaction of titanium powder, sintering and subsequent lead infiltration. The titanium-lead anode combines beneficial electrochemical behavior of a lead anode with high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of a titanium anode. In the titanium-lead anode, the titanium stabilizes the lead, preventing it from spalling, and the lead sheathes the titanium, protecting it from passivation. Interconnections between manufacturing process, structure, composition and properties of the titanium-lead composite material were investigated. The material containing 20-30 vol.% of lead had optimal combination of mechanical and electrochemical properties. Optimal process parameters to manufacture the anodes were identified. Prototypes having optimized composition and structure were produced for testing in operating conditions of copper electrowinning and EMD production. Bench-scale, mini-pilot scale and pilot scale tests were performed. The test anodes were of both a plate design and a flow-through cylindrical design. The cylindrical anodes were composed of cylinders containing titanium inner rods and fitting over titanium-lead bushings. The cylindrical design allows the electrolyte to flow through the anode, which enhances diffusion of the electrolyte reactants. The cylindrical anodes demonstrate higher mass transport capabilities and increased electrical efficiency compared to the plate anodes. Copper electrowinning represents the primary target market for the titanium-lead anode. A full-size cylindrical anode performance in copper electrowinning conditions was monitored over a year. The test anode to cathode voltage was stable in the 1.8 to 2.0 volt range. Copper cathode morphology was very smooth and uniform. There was no

  4. Casting of Titanium and its Alloys


    R. L. Saha; K. T. Jacob


    Titaniuni and its alloys have many applications in aerospace, marine and other engineering industries. Titanium requires special melting techniques because of its high reactivity at elevated temperatures and needs special mould materials and methods for castings. This paper reviews the development of titanium casting technology.

  5. Comparative in vitro biocompatibility of nickel-titanium, pure nickel, pure titanium, and stainless steel: genotoxicity and atomic absorption evaluation. (United States)

    Assad, M; Lemieux, N; Rivard, C H; Yahia, L H


    The genotoxicity level of nickel-titanium (NiTi) was compared to that of its pure constituents, pure nickel (Ni) and pure titanium (Ti) powders, and also to 316L stainless steel (316L SS) as clinical reference material. In order to do so, a dynamic in vitro semiphysiological extraction was performed with all metals using agitation and ISO requirements. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were then cultured in the presence of all material extracts, and their comparative genotoxicity levels were assessed using electron microscopy-in situ end-labeling (EM-ISEL) coupled to immunogold staining. Cellular chromatin exposition to pure Ni and 316L SS demonstrated a significantly stronger gold binding than exposition to NiTi, pure Ti, or the untreated control. In parallel, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) was also performed on all extraction media. The release of Ni atoms took the following decreasing distribution for the different resulting semiphysiological solutions: pure Ni, 316L SS, NiTi, Ti, and controls. Ti elements were detected after elution of pure titanium only. Both pure titanium and nickel-titanium specimens obtained a relative in vitro biocompatibility. Therefore, this quantitative in vitro study provides optimistic results for the eventual use of nickel-titanium alloys as surgical implant materials.

  6. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dan Pengelolaan Keuangan Modul Bendahara Menggunakan Teknologi Java dan PostgreSQL

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    Alfie Satria Hidayat


    Full Text Available Penerapan sistem informasi saat ini sudah menjadi kebutuhan yang krusial bagi proses bisnis instansi pemerintah. Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan adalah salah satu instansi pemerintah di bawah Kementerian Keuangan yang memiliki tugas pokok dan fungsi terkait dengan siklus anggaran (budget cycle mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, sampai pertanggungjawaban anggaran. Saat ini terdapat banyak aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan untuk membantu satuan kerja sebagai mitra kerja dalam pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara. Namun, aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut belum terintegrasi padahal dalam proses bisnisnya semuanya saling terkait dan berurutan. Selain itu, beberapa aplikasi menggunakan database yang sama sehingga dimungkinkan terjadi duplikasi data dan memerlukan sinkronisasi jika terjadi perubahan. Diantara aplikasi yang ada, salah satunya terdapat aplikasi pembukuan bendahara. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis akan membuat Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Pengelolaan Keuangan (SIAPKAN  khususnya modul bendahara sebagai solusi untuk menjawab permasalahan dengan mengintegrasikan semua aplikasi yang terkait dalam proses siklus anggaran. Aplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang akan dikembangkan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java (Servlet dan JSP. Aplikasi ini akan menggunakan single database yaitu dengan database PostgreSQL sehingga data yang diolah dan disajikan lebih akurat dan proses bisnis akan berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien.


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    Yosefina Dota T


    Full Text Available Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi dan sebaran nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus telah dilakukan di Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin, Kec. Tamalanrea, Makassar. Penelitian bersifat eksploratif dengan melakukan sampling terhadap lima lokasi yaitu : a Fak. Peternakan (Utara, b Fak. Hukum (Timur, c Pusat Kegiatan Penelitian/PKP (Selatan, d Workshop/Dekat Pondokan mahasiswa (Barat dan e Fak. MIPA (Tengah. Sampling nyamuk menggunakan metode ovitrap (menggunakan attraktan Eluisine Indica L. dan survei terhadap berbagai tempat penampungan air. Sampel telur dan larva nyamuk yang diperoleh disimpan dalam microtube berisi alkohol 70% kemudian diidentifikasi berdasarkan Rueda (2004. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Nyamuk Ae. aegypti dan Ae. albopictus ditemukan hidup dan berkembang biak di kampus Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar. Eksistensi dan sebaran kedua jenis nyamuk tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor adanya manusia/masyarakat kampus yang beraktivitas baik di dalam ruangan (indoor maupun di luar ruangan (outdoor, adanya berbagai tempat penampungan air baik buatan (bak mandi, ember maupun barang bekas (botol/kaleng bekas, tempurung kelapa, vegetasi/tanaman dan berbagai macam hewan yang berada di sekitaran kampus. Hasil penelitian dalam ruangan (indoor menunjukkan bahwa nyamuk Ae. aegypti lebih banyak ditemukan hidup di dalam ruangan gedung PKP sedangkan Ae.albopictus lebih banyak di Fak. Hukum. Hasil penelitian di luar ruangan (outdoor menunjukkan bahwa nyamuk Ae. aegypti lebih banyak ditemukan hidup di area Workshop sedangkan Ae.albopictus lebih banyak di area PKP.

  8. Penskalaan Butir Format Respons Pilihan dan Respons Bebas Berdasarkan Model Rasch dan Partial Credit


    Eko Hariadi


    Penelitian melihat pengaruh jumlah parameter butir, kategori respons bebas (RB), pengaruh sampel terhadap akurasi estimasi parameter kemampuan untuk menghasilkan estimasi yang stabil dan pengaruh pembobotan butir RP dan butir RB terhadap kesalahan baku. Penelitian dalam dua tahap, simulasi menggunakan 30 kondisi dengan replikasi 50 dengan variabel panjang tes, jumlah kategori, dan jumlah parameter butir, dan analisis deskriptif, dilanjutkan penerapan penskalaan gabungan butir tipe res...

  9. Perbandingan Inklinasi dan Ukuran Rahang antara Orang Jawa Buta dan Normal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Christnawati


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang. Penglihatan merupakan salah satu faktor yang diperlukan untuk mengontrol postur kepala. Postur kepala berhubungan dengan kompleks kraniofasial. Maksila dan mandibula merupakan bagian dari kompleks kraniofasial. Pada orang buta terjadi penyimpangan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan daerah orbita karena tidak adanya rangsang. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari perbandingan inklinasi dan ukuran rahang berdasarkan jenis kelamin antara orang Jawa buta dan normal. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 53 subjek, terdiri dari 25 orang buta ( 12 orang laki-laki dan 13 orang perempuan dan 28 orang normal (14 orang laki-laki dan 14 orang perempuan. Setiap subjek penelitian dilakukan pengambilan sefalogram lateral pada posisi alamiah kepala, kemudian dilakukan penapakan pada kertas kalkir di atas iluminator. Pengukuran sembilan parameter inklinasi dan ukuran maksila dan mandibula dilakukan pada hasil penapakan. Data dianalisis dengan uji Anava dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang tidak bermakna (p<0,05. Panjang mandibula dan panjang basis mandibula laki-laki normal lebih besar daripada perempuan normal dan kelompok buta, serta perempuan normal lebih besar daripada perempuan buta (p<0,05. Kesimpulan Ukuran maksila laki-laki buta lebih besar daripada perempuan normal. Panjang mandibula dan panjang basis mandibula laki-laki normal lebih besar daripada perempuan normal lebih besar daripada perempuan normal, laki-laki buta, dan perempuan buta, serta perempuan normal lebih besar daripada perempuan buta.   Background Vision is one of the factors involved in the control of head posture. The posture of the head is related to craniofacial complex. Maxilla and mandible are part of craniofacial complex. In the blind there are deviations of growth and development of the orbital region in the absence of stimuli. The purpose of this study was to compare the inclinations and sizes of maxilla and mandible

  10. Manufacturing techniques for titanium aluminide based alloys and metal matrix composites (United States)

    Kothari, Kunal B.

    Dual phase titanium aluminides composed vastly of gamma phase (TiAl) with moderate amount of alpha2 phase (Ti3Al) have been considered for several high temperature aerospace and automobile applications. High specific strength coupled with good high temperature performance in the areas of creep and oxidation resistance makes titanium aluminides "materials of choice" for next generation propulsion systems. Titanium alumnides are primarily being considered as potential replacements for Ni-based superalloys in gas turbine engine components with aim of developing more efficient and leaner engines exhibiting high thrust-to-weight ratio. Thermo-mechanical treatments have shown to enhance the mechanical performance of titanium aluminides. Additionally, small additions of interstitial elements have shown further and significant improvement in the mechanical performance of titanium alumnide alloys. However, titanium aluminides lack considerably in room temperature ductility and as a result manufacturing processes of these aluminides have greatly suffered. Traditional ingot metallurgy and investment casting based methods to produce titanium aluminide parts in addition to being expensive, have also been unsuccessful in producing titanium aluminides with the desired mechanical properties. Hence, the manufacturing costs associated with these methods have completely outweighed the benefits offered by titanium aluminides. Over the last two decades, several powder metallurgy based manufacturing techniques have been studied to produce titanium aluminide parts. These techniques have been successful in producing titanium aluminide parts with a homogeneous and refined microstructure. These powder metallurgy techniques also hold the potential of significant cost reduction depending on the wide market acceptance of titanium aluminides. In the present study, a powder metallurgy based rapid consolidation technique has been used to produce near-net shape parts of titanium aluminides. Micron

  11. Preparation of titanium diboride powders from titanium alkoxide and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Department of Materials and Manufacturing Process, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran. 15875-1744, Iran ... Titanium diboride is a hard refractory material with a high melting point ... (λ = 1⋅540598 Å) radiation. Morphology of the ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ardizal Rahman


    Full Text Available Limfoma orbita merujuk pada limfoma yang terjadi di konjungtiva, kelenjar lakrimal, palpebradan otot-otot ekstraokular. Limfoma primer non-Hodgkin (NHL dari orbita dapat ditemukanpada hanya 1o/o dari semua limforna non-Hodgkin. Anaiisis mutasi somatik pada regiovariabel (V dari immunoglobulin (ig dan segmen gen rantai berat (H telah menunjukkanperan dari stimulasi antigen kronik pada patogenesis limfoma /nucosa-associated lymphoidflssue (MALT. Patogen mikroba seperti Helicobacter pylaridan Chlamydia pneumonia dapaimendasari proses inflamasi dan pada akhirnya memicu akuisisi MALT juga memainkanperan penting dalam tranformasi maligna dan ekspansi klonal lanjutan limfoma. Penentuanstadium kanker sangat penting karena akan menentukan terapi apa yang akan diberikan dankemungkinan remisi dan prognosisnya. Berdasarkan sistem stadium Ann-Arbor, limfoma yangterbatas di orbita disebut sebagai stadium l, keterlibatan struktur sekitar (sinus paranasal,tonsil, dan hidung menjadikannya stadium ll. Stadium lll adalah penyakit nodal abdominaldibawah diafragma dan stadium lV merujuk pada keterlibatan yang tersebar dari satu ataulebih lokasi ekstranodal (hepar, sum-sum tulang atau sistem saraf pusat. Mayoritas pasiendatang dengan keluhan massa konjungtiva berwarna pink (91%, diikuti hiperemis konjungtiva(32%, propiosis (27%, massa palpebra atau orbita (19"fi, penurunan visus dan ptosis (6%,dan diplopia(2%. Bilateralitas terjadi pada 10% hingga 15% kasus dimana 80 % terjadisecarasimultan sedangkan 20% merupakan kondisi yang berurutan. Penilaian lanjut untuk stagingyang akurat dan perencanaan terapitermasuk anamnesis yang lengkap dan pemeriksaan fisik,pemeriksaan laboratorium rutin, elektroforesis protein sei-um, LDH serum, Fr-mikroglobulin,rontgen thoraks, CT scan thoraks, abdornen, dan pelvis, dan biopsisum-sum tulang. Diagnosapositif harus berdasarkan pada perneriksaan histologik dari sampeltumor yang memadai yangdiperoleh dengan biopsiorbita. Beberapa kriteria

  13. Lunar-derived titanium alloys for hydrogen storage (United States)

    Love, S.; Hertzberg, A.; Woodcock, G.


    Hydrogen gas, which plays an important role in many projected lunar power systems and industrial processes, can be stored in metallic titanium and in certain titanium alloys as an interstitial hydride compound. Storing and retrieving hydrogen with titanium-iron alloy requires substantially less energy investment than storage by liquefaction. Metal hydride storage systems can be designed to operate at a wide range of temperatures and pressures. A few such systems have been developed for terrestrial applications. A drawback of metal hydride storage for lunar applications is the system's large mass per mole of hydrogen stored, which rules out transporting it from earth. The transportation problem can be solved by using native lunar materials, which are rich in titanium and iron.

  14. Mineral resource of the month: titanium (United States)

    Gambogi, Joseph


    Titanium is hip - at least when it comes to airplanes and jewelry. Known for its high strength-to weight ratio and its resistance to corrosion, titanium and its alloys can also be found in everything from knee replacements to eyeglass frames to baseball bats to fighter planes.

  15. Physical metallurgy of titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collings, E.W.


    Researches in electric, magnetic, thermophysical properties of titanium alloys in the wide range of temperatures (from helium upto elevated one), as well as stability of phases in alloys of different types are generalized. Fundamental description of physical properties of binary model alloys is given. Acoustic emission, shape memory and Bauschinger effects, pseudoelasticity, aging and other aspects of physical metallurgy of titanium alloys are considered

  16. Cold Spraying of Armstrong Process Titanium Powder for Additive Manufacturing (United States)

    MacDonald, D.; Fernández, R.; Delloro, F.; Jodoin, B.


    Titanium parts are ideally suited for aerospace applications due to their unique combination of high specific strength and excellent corrosion resistance. However, titanium as bulk material is expensive and challenging/costly to machine. Production of complex titanium parts through additive manufacturing looks promising, but there are still many barriers to overcome before reaching mainstream commercialization. The cold gas dynamic spraying process offers the potential for additive manufacturing of large titanium parts due to its reduced reactive environment, its simplicity to operate, and the high deposition rates it offers. A few challenges are to be addressed before the additive manufacturing potential of titanium by cold gas dynamic spraying can be reached. In particular, it is known that titanium is easy to deposit by cold gas dynamic spraying, but the deposits produced are usually porous when nitrogen is used as the carrier gas. In this work, a method to manufacture low-porosity titanium components at high deposition efficiencies is revealed. The components are produced by combining low-pressure cold spray using nitrogen as the carrier gas with low-cost titanium powder produced using the Armstrong process. The microstructure and mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium components are investigated.

  17. Titanium metal obtention by fused salts electrolysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perillo, P.M.; Ares, Osvaldo; Botbol, Jose.


    Potassium fluorotitanate dissolved in fused sodium chloride or potassium chloride may be electrolyzed under an inert gas atmosphere. Solid electrolysis products are formed on the cathode which contains titanium metal, sodium chloride, lower fluorotitanates and small quantities of alkali metal fluorotitanate. The extraction of titanium from the electrolysis products may be carried out by aqueous leaching (removal of chloride salts of alkali metals and a certain amount of fluorotitanates). Titanium metal obtained is relatively pure. (Author)

  18. Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Enkripsi dan Dekripsi Email Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard Dan Knapsack

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    Timothy John Pattiasina


    Full Text Available Advanced Encryption Standard (AES dan Knapsack adalah dua algoritma enkripsi simetris dan asimetris yang paling sering digunakan. Penelitian ini menganalisa kedua algoritma AES dan algoritma Knapsack. Prototipe aplikasi enkripsi email ini dirancang dengan menggabungkan karateristik algoritma AES dan Knapsack untuk memecahkan masalah keamanan email. Algoritma AES digunakan untuk mengenkripsi dan deskripsi email berupa teks atau file, sedangkan Algoritma Knapsack di gunakan untuk mengenkripsi kunci AES. Enkripsi hybrid yang diterapkan pada aplikasi bertujuan untuk menambah keamanan informasi dalam sebuah jaringan.

  19. Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Karyawan dengan Penerapan Manajemen Budaya Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja

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    Endang Purnawati Rahayu


    Full Text Available Budaya K3 dipengaruhi oleh organisasi, individu, dan lingkungan kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku karyawan dengan penerapan Budaya Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan (K3 di Bagian Produksi PT. Mustika Ratu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif jumlah sampel sebanyak 170 orang yang diambil secara simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian:  85,9% responden memiliki pengetahuan yang baik mengenai penerapan manajemen budaya K3, 80.6% bersikap baik dan 84.7% berperilaku baik pada penerapan budaya K3.  Penerapan manajemen budaya K3 memberikan hasil baik : 89,4 % sudah menerapkan manejemen budaya K3. Mengenai hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku terhadap penerapan manajemen budaya K3, sub variabel yang diteliti memberikan hasil yang sama yaitu adanya hubungan yang bermakna. Hubungan pengetahuan terhadap penerapan manajemen budaya K3 (pValue < 0,001 dan Odd Ratio 9,133 (95% CI=3,143-26,539. Hubungan  sikap terhadap penerapan manajemen budaya K3 (Pvalue < 0,001 dan Odd Ratio= 9,286 (95% CI = 3,250 - 26,531, sedangkan hubungan perilaku terhadap penerapan manajemen budaya K3 (p value < 0,001 dan Odd Ratio=  5,956 (95% CI = 2,080 - 17,051. Temuan lainnya adalah tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara karakteristik responden dengan penerapan budaya K3. Saran: pihak manajemen harus melakukan monitoring dan harus memiliki komunikasi yang baik dengan karyawan, melatih dan melibatkan karyawan untuk meningkatkan upaya perusahaan pada pelaksanaan K3 dengan penerapan OSHAS 18001 sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 dan PP (peraturan pemerintah nomor 50 pada tahun 2012.

  20. Difference in surface reactions between titanium and zirconium in Hanks' solution to elucidate mechanism of calcium phosphate formation on titanium using XPS and cathodic polarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsutsumi, Y.; Nishimura, D.; Doi, H.; Nomura, N.; Hanawa, T.


    Titanium and zirconium were immersed in Hanks' solution with and without calcium and phosphate ions, and the surfaces were characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to determine the mechanism of calcium phosphate formation on titanium in simulated body fluids and in a living body. In addition, they were cathodically polarized in the above solutions. XPS characterization and cathodic polarization revealed differences in the surface properties in the ability of calcium phosphate formation between titanium and zirconium. The surface oxide film on titanium is not completely oxidized and is relatively reactive; that on zirconium is more passive and protective than that on titanium. Neither calcium nor phosphate stably exists alone on titanium, and calcium phosphate is naturally formed on it; calcium phosphate formed on titanium is stable and protective. On the other hand, calcium is never incorporated on zirconium, while zirconium phosphate, which is easily formed on zirconium, is highly stable and protective. Our study presents new information regarding the surface property of titanium and demonstrates that the characteristics of titanium and zirconium may be applied to various medical devices and new surface modification techniques.

  1. Appcelerator Titanium business application development cookbook

    CERN Document Server

    Bahrenberg, Benjamin


    Presented in easy to follow, step by step recipes, this guide is designed to lead you through the most important aspects of application design.Titanium developers who already have a basic knowledge of working with Appcelerator Titanium but want to further develop their knowledge for use with business applications


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    Piyantina Rukmini


    Full Text Available Abstrak- Biogas merupakan salah satu sumber energi alternatif yang sedang dikembangkan dan sumber energi yang terbarukan. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah kulit jeruk busuk (Citrus sinensia osbeck dan kobis (Brassica oleracea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh volatile solid dan limonen terhadap produksi biogas. Penelitian menggunakan erlenmeyer 500 mL sebanyak 6 buah, waterbath, manometer air, dan thermometer. Volume total digester 350 mL. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara menghancurkan bahan baku supaya lebih mudah didegradasi oleh bakteri. Oksigen yang bersifat toxic bagi bakteri anaerobik, dapat dihilangkan dengan penambahan N2 dalam digester pada awal operasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada kondisi mesofilik (30 – 400C selama 50 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada digester yang memiliki VS sama (T1 dan T3 dengan 15% VS, dan T2 dan T4 dengan 20% VS, dengan konsentrasi kulit jeruk/limonen berbeda (T1= 114ppm< T3= 170ppm, dan T2= 152ppm


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    Nur Handayani Utami


    Full Text Available Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada wanita hamil. Zat besi dianggap sebagai salah satu zat gizi mikro yang berperan terhadap terjadinya anemia. Kekurangan gizi besi dalam tingkat lanjut dapat menyebabkan anemia, yang disebut sebagai anemia gizi besi. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan antara asupan protein dan gizi mikro serta menghitung odd ratio (OR kejadian anemia dan anemia gizi besi akibat asupan protein dan gizi mikro pada wanita hamil di lokasi studi. Analisis ini merupakan analisa dari data studi kohor Tumbuh Kembang anak pada tahun pertama, yang dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Kebon Kalapa dan Ciwaringin, Kota Bogor yang dianalisa menggunakan disainkasus kontrol. Sebanyak 47 ibu hamil menjadi sampel dalam analisa ini. Kategori untuk anemia yaitu apabila kadar hemoglobin (Hb ibu hamil ≤11 g/dL. Kekurangan gizi besi dikategorikan apabila kadar serum transferrin reseptor (sTfR diatas 4.4 mg/L. Sedangkan Anemia Gizi Besi dikategorikan apabila memiliki kadar Hb < 11 g/dL dan sTfr > 4.4 mg/L. Tes one way anova digunakan untuk menganalisa adanya perbedaan asupan energi, protein dan zat gizi mikro antara ibu hamil yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Odd ratio dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Nilai signifikan ditentukan apabila nilai p value < 0.05 dan perhitungan OR> 1. 27.7% dari ibu hamil di lokasi studi mengalami anemia, 14.9% tergolong dalam anemia ringan, 10.6% anemia sedang dan 2.1% anemia berat. Anemia gizi besi dialami oleh 17% dari wanita hamil. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keparahan anemia dan terjadinya anemia gizi besi. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan antara asupan protein, besi, folate dan zink pada wanita yang mengalami anemia, anemia gizi besi maupun yang normal. Akan tetapi terdapat kecenderungan bahwa asupan zat besi dan seng pada ibu yang anemia dan anemia gizi besi lebih rendah daripada ibu yang normal. Anemia masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan pada ibu

  4. Enhanced compatibility of chemically modified titanium surface with periodontal ligament cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kado, T.; Hidaka, T.; Aita, H.; Endo, K.; Furuichi, Y.


    Highlights: ► Cell-adhesive molecules were covalently immobilized on a Ti surface. ► Immobilized cell-adhesive molecules maintained native function on the Ti surface. ► Immobilized collagen enhanced adhesion of periodontal ligament cells to the Ti. - Abstract: A simple chemical modification method was developed to immobilize cell-adhesive molecules on a titanium surface to improve its compatibility with human periodontal ligament cells (HPDLCs).The polished titanium disk was immersed in 1% (v/v) p-vinylbenzoic acid solution for 2 h to introduce carboxyl groups onto the surface. After rinsing with distilled deionized water, the titanium disk was dipped into 1.47% 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide solution containing 0.1 mg/ml Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (GRGDS), human plasma fibronectin (pFN), or type I collagen from calf skin (Col) to covalently immobilize the cell-adhesive molecules on the titanium surface via formation of peptide bonds. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses revealed that cell-adhesive molecules were successfully immobilized on the titanium surfaces. The Col-immobilized titanium surface revealed higher values regarding nano rough characteristics than the as-polished titanium surface under scanning probe microscopy. The number of HPDLCs attached to both the pFN- and Col-immobilized titanium surfaces was twice that attached to the as-polished titanium surfaces. The cells were larger with the cellular processes that stretched to a greater extent on the pFN- and Col-immobilized titanium surfaces than on the as-polished titanium surface (p < 0.05). HPDLCs on the Col-immobilized titanium surfaces showed more extensive expression of vinculin at the tips of cell projections and more contiguously along the cell outline than on the as-polished, GRGDS-immobilized and pFN-immobilized titanium surfaces. It was concluded that cell-adhesive molecules successfully immobilized on the titanium surface and improved the compatibility of the surface

  5. Enhanced osteoblast adhesion to drug-coated anodized nanotubular titanium surfaces

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    George E Aninwene II


    Full Text Available George E Aninwene II1, Chang Yao2, Thomas J Webster21Department of Biochemical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; 2Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, USAAbstract: Current orthopedic implants have functional lifetimes of only 10–15 years due to a variety of reasons including infection, extensive inflammation, and overall poor osseointegration (or a lack of prolonged bonding of the implant to juxtaposed bone. To improve properties of titanium for orthopedic applications, this study anodized and subsequently coated titanium with drugs known to reduce infection (penicillin/streptomycin and inflammation (dexamethasone using simple physical adsorption and the deposition of such drugs from simulated body fluid (SBF. Results showed improved drug elution from anodized nanotubular titanium when drugs were coated in the presence of SBF for up to 3 days. For the first time, results also showed that the simple physical adsorption of both penicillin/streptomycin and dexamethasone on anodized nanotubular titanium improved osteoblast numbers after 2 days of culture compared to uncoated unanodized titanium. In addition, results showed that depositing such drugs in SBF on anodized titanium was a more efficient method to promote osteoblast numbers compared to physical adsorption for up to 2 days of culture. In addition, osteoblast numbers increased on anodized titanium coated with drugs in SBF for up to 2 days of culture compared to unanodized titanium. In summary, compared to unanodized titanium, this preliminary study provided unexpected evidence of greater osteoblast numbers on anodized titanium coated with either penicillin/streptomycin or dexamethasone using simple physical adsorption or when coated with SBF; results which suggest the need for further research on anodized titanium orthopedic implants possessing drug-eluting nanotubes.Keywords: anodization, titanium, adhesion, simulated body fluid, nanotubes

  6. Custom-made laser-welded titanium implant prosthetic abutment. (United States)

    Iglesia-Puig, Miguel A


    A technique to create an individually modified implant prosthetic abutment is described. An overcasting is waxed onto a machined titanium abutment, cast in titanium, and joined to it with laser welding. With the proposed technique, a custom-made titanium implant prosthetic abutment is created with adequate volume and contour of metal to support a screw-retained, metal-ceramic implant-supported crown.

  7. Titanium exposure and yellow nail syndrome

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    Ali Ataya


    Full Text Available Yellow nail syndrome is a rare disease of unclear etiology. We describe a patient who develops yellow nail syndrome, with primary nail and sinus manifestations, shortly after amalgam dental implants. A study of the patient's nail shedding showed elevated nail titanium levels. The patient had her dental implants removed and had complete resolution of her sinus symptoms with no change in her nail findings. Since the patient's nail findings did not resolve we do not believe titanium exposure is a cause of her yellow nail syndrome but perhaps a possible relationship exists between titanium exposure and yellow nail syndrome that requires further studies.

  8. Thermoexpanded graphite modification by titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semko, L.S.; Gorbik, P.P.; Chujko, O.O.; Kruchek, Ya.Yi.; Dzyubenko, L.S.; Orans'ka, O.Yi.


    A method of the synthesis of thermoexpanded graphite (TEG) powders coated by titanium dioxide is developed. The conversion of n-buthylorthotitanate into TiO 2 on the TEG surface is investigated. The optimal parameters of the synthesis and the structure of titanium dioxide clusters on the TEG surface are determined


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    Devie Devie


    Full Text Available Interest rate characteristics will have an impact to the investing and financing decision making since interest rate is a cost of funding and expected outcome as well. Having the understanding of interest rate characteristics, the most efficient cost of funding and higher expected outcome will be resulted. Compound interest rate is a common rate in business that has always been modified with its compounding periods, known as effective interest rate. In practice, the effective interest rate will be converted to the flat interest rate so that it will be easy to do the investing and financing as well as finding the most effective cost of funding with the highest outcome. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Karakteristik suku bunga sangat berpengaruh dalam mengambil keputusan investasi dan pembiayaan, karena suku bunga merupakan biaya pendanaaan di satu sisi dan merupakan tingkat hasil yang diharapkan disisi lain. Dengan memahami karakteristik suku bunga, dapat diperoleh biaya pendanaan yang paling efisien dan sebaliknya akan mencapai tingkat hasil yang diharapkan lebih besar. Suku bunga majemuk merupakan suku bunga yang berlaku pada dunia bisnis yang senantiasa mengalami modifikasi sesuai dengan periode pembayaran bunga, yang disebut suku bunga efektif. Dalam perkembangannya suku bunga efektif dikonversikan menjadi suku bunga flat agar memudahkan melakukan investasi - pembiayaan dan mencari biaya pendanaan yang paling efisien dan tingkat hasil yang paling besar. Kata kunci: suku bunga, keputusan investasi dan pembiayaan, tingkat hasil

  10. Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dan Pengelolaan Keuangan (Siapkan Modul Administrasi Berteknologi Java Dan DBMS PostgreSql

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    Wahyudiono Wahyudiono


    Full Text Available Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan Negara telah meluncurkan berbagai jenis aplikasi dalam rangka penatausahaan transaksi satuan kerjanya (satker. Tujuannya adalah menghasilkan laporan keadaan kas dan realisasi anggaran yang akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Beberapa aplikasi untuk membantu satker dalam menatausahakan transaksi yang berhubungan dengan uang negara sudah disediakan. Namun aplikasi-aplikasi yang ada tersebut belum terintegrasi antara satu dengan lainnya. Hal tersebut tentu saja menjadi sebuah penghambat bagi pencapaian efisiensi dan efektifitas pengelolaan data dan transaksi. Pada pengerjaan tugas akhir ini dikembangkan sebuah Aplikasi Sistem Informasi dan Akuntansi Keuangan Negara (SIAPKAN yang dirancang dengan tujuan dapat mengintegrasikan semua aplikasi yang digunakan oleh satker. SIAPKAN merupakan aplikasi berbasis Web berteknologi bahasa pemrograman Java (JavaServlet dan JSP dan sistem manajemen basis data PostgreSQL. Dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan Database Management System (DBMS PostgreSQL, modul Administrasi yang menjadi fokus utama tugas akhir, menjadi gerbang awal dari aplikasi SIAPKAN. Melalui modul Administrasi inilah kebutuhan referensi tiap modul disediakan.

  11. Metode Sederhana dan Efektif untuk Penghitungan dan Visualisasi Tiga Dimensi (3D) Biofilm Vibriio Cholera


    Kurniawan, Andi; Fadjar, Mohamad; Sukoso, Sukoso; Prihanto, Asep Awaludin


    Mikroorganisme yang mampu menghasilkan biofim menimbulkan masalah yang serius dalam bidang kesehatan dan pangan. Penelitian biofim bagi sebagian peneliti sangat identik dengan kerumitan proses penghitungan dan visualisasi penutupan permukaan substrat penempelan bakteri. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui efiiensi metode alternatif untuk menghitung dan memvisualisasikan biofimVibrio cholera. Pada penelitian ini beberapa faktor lingkungan seperti pH, suhu, dan kondisi kultur diujicobakan...


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    Sri Sunarsih


    Full Text Available Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat merupakan salah satu unit di Universitas Respati Yogyakarta yang bertugas untuk mengelola kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen. Dalam proses pengolahan data kegiatan kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat masih mengalami beberapa permasalahan yaitu belum adanya basis data yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data rekam jejak kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh dosen dan sistem pengarsipan dokumen masih berbentuk kertas yang berdampak pada kerusakan dokumen, hilangnya dokumen, efisiensi ruang dan pencarian data. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan menghasilkan luaran sistem informasi yang dapat melakukan proses pengolahan data penelitian dan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dikelola oleh Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat di Universitas Respati Yogyakarta. Pengolahan data mengacu pada komponen beban kerja dosen dibidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Metode pengembangan dilakukan dengan tahapan analisa sistem, perancangan sistem, coding dan implementasi sistem. Hasil pengembangan sistem informasi penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat dalam proses pengolahan data rekam jejak kegiatan penelitian dan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dosen.

  13. Comparison of galvanic corrosion potential of metal injection molded brackets to that of conventional metal brackets with nickel-titanium and copper nickel-titanium archwire combinations. (United States)

    Varma, D Praveen Kumar; Chidambaram, S; Reddy, K Baburam; Vijay, M; Ravindranath, D; Prasad, M Rajendra


    The aim of the study is to investigate the galvanic corrosion potential of metal injection molding (MIM) brackets to that of conventional brackets under similar in vitro conditions with nickel-titanium and copper nickel-titanium archwires. Twenty-five maxillary premolar MIM stainless steel brackets and 25 conventional stainless steel brackets and archwires, 0.16 inch, each 10 mm length, 25 nickeltitanium wires, 25 copper nickel-titanium wires were used. They were divided into four groups which had five samples each. Combination of MIM bracket with copper nickel-titanium wire, MIM bracket with nickel-titanium wire and conventional stainless steel brackets with copper nickel-titanium wire and conventional stainless steel brackets with nickel-titanium wires which later were suspended in 350 ml of 1 M lactic acid solution media. Galvanic corrosion potential of four groups were analyzed under similar in vitro conditions. Precorrosion and postcorrosion elemental composition of MIM and conventional stainless steel bracket by scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscope (EDS) was done. MIM bracket showed decreased corrosion susceptibility than conventional bracket with copper nickeltitanium wire. Both MIM and conventional bracket showed similar corrosion resistance potential in association with nickel-titanium archwires. It seems that both brackets are more compatible with copper nickel-titanium archwires regarding the decrease in the consequences of galvanic reaction. The EDS analysis showed that the MIM brackets with copper nickel-titanium wires released less metal ions than conventional bracket with copper nickeltitanium wires. MIM brackets showed decreased corrosion susceptibility, copper nickel-titanium archwires are compatible with both the brackets than nickel-titanium archwires. Clinically MIM and conventional brackets behaved more or less similarly in terms of corrosion resistance. In order to decrease the corrosion potential of MIM

  14. Trial manufacturing of titanium-carbon steel composite overpack

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Honma, Nobuyuki; Chiba, Takahiko; Tanai, Kenji


    This paper reports the results of design analysis and trial manufacturing of full-scale titanium-carbon steel composite overpacks. The overpack is one of the key components of the engineered barrier system, hence, it is necessary to confirm the applicability of current technique in their manufacture. The required thickness was calculated according to mechanical resistance analysis, based on models used in current nuclear facilities. The Adequacy of the calculated dimensions was confirmed by finite-element methods. To investigate the necessity of a radiation shielding function of the overpack, the irradiation from vitrified waste has been calculated. As a result, it was shown that shielding on handling and transport equipment is a more reasonable and practical approach than to increase thickness of overpack to attain a self-shielding capability. After the above investigation, trial manufacturing of full-scale model of titanium-carbon steel composite overpack has been carried out. For corrosion-resistant material, ASTM Grade-2 titanium was selected. The titanium layer was bonded individually to a cylindrical shell and fiat cover plates (top and bottom) made of carbon steel. For the cylindrical shell portion, a cylindrically formed titanium layer was fitted to the inner carbon steel vessel by shrinkage. For the flat cover plates (top and bottom), titanium plate material was coated by explosive bonding. Electron beam welding and gas metal arc welding were combined to weld of the cover plates to the body. No significant failure was evident from inspections of the fabrication process, and the applicability of current technology for manufacturing titanium-carbon steel composite overpack was confirmed. Future research and development items regarding titanium-carbon steel composite overpacks are also discussed. (author)



    Darmadi Darmadi; Riska Habriel Ruslie


    AbstrakRefeeding syndrome (RFS) dideskripsikan sebagai perubahan biokimiawi, manifestasi klinis dan komplikasi sebagai konsekuensi pemberian nutrisi pada pasien kurang gizi. Refeeding syndrome ini menyebabkan dampak buruk dan kematian. Sindroma ini lebih sering terjadi pada kelompok risiko. Refeeding syndrome merupakan suatu sindroma yang sering tak terdiagnosis oleh karena itu perlu peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran dari tenaga medis untuk mengurangi morbiditas dan mortalitas dari RFS. K...

  16. Islam, Media, dan Politik : Sebuah Perdebatan dan Kontempelasi Nilai Berdemokrasi

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    Idil Akbar


    Full Text Available Infact, press or media is one of pilar democracy. Media in democracy is a public sphere to communi-cation and makes relation, and a same time as public arena to gain information. But, media also could not release from streotypes and tendency that usually bring of interest, either the owner or ideology. It is meaning media can not released from perspective distorsion, values bias and take a side. Media also effective to become propaganda instrument for a political interest and an ideology. It is seen like how media in US, for example, stereotype of Islam in discourses contradiction and glob-al interest opposition. Then, Islam dominantly identified as doctrine teaches radicalism, fundamen-talism and terorism. Thus, it is often be justification for US to operate the military mission in the name of democracy. Tak dipungkiri pers atau media menjadi salah satu pilar bagi demokrasi. Media dalam demokrasi adalah sebagai ruang bagi publik berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi, sekaligus sarana publik mem-peroleh informasi tentang banyak hal. Namun, media juga tak bisa dilepaskan dari stereotip dan kecenderungan-kecenderungan, yang biasanya membawa kepentingan, baik pemilik maupun ide-ologi. Media karenanya tak lepas dari distorsi perspektif, bias nilai dan berpihak. Media juga efektif menjadi alat propaganda bagi sebuah kepentingan politik dan ideologi, seperti bagaimana media di negara Amerika, misalnya, menstereotipkan Islam dalam analisis pertentangan wacana dan kepent-ingan global. Sehingga, dominan Islam diidentikkan dengan sematan sebagai ajaran yang mengajarkan radikalisme, fundamentalisme dan terorisme. Karenanya pula seringkali menjadi alasan pembenar bagi Amerika untuk menjalankan misi militer atas nama demokrasi.

  17. Classification of titanium dioxide; Clasificacion del dioxido de titanio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Macias B, L.R. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico); Garcia C, R.M.; Maya M, M.E. [Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico de Mexico, Mexico (Mexico); Ita T, A. De [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico (Mexico); Palacios G, J. [Instituto Politecnico Nacional (Mexico)


    In this work the X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (Sem) and the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy techniques are used with the purpose to achieve a complete identification of phases and mixture of phases of a crystalline material as titanium dioxide. The problem for solving consists of being able to distinguish a sample of titanium dioxide being different than a titanium dioxide pigment. A standard sample of titanium dioxide with NIST certificate is used, which indicates a purity of 99.74% for the TiO{sub 2}. The following way is recommended to proceed: a)To make an analysis by means of X-ray diffraction technique to the sample of titanium dioxide pigment and on the standard of titanium dioxide waiting not find differences. b) To make a chemical analysis by the X-ray Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy via in a microscope, taking advantage of the high vacuum since it is oxygen which is analysed and if it is concluded that the aluminium oxide appears in a greater proportion to 1% it is established that is a titanium dioxide pigment, but if it is lesser then it will be only titanium dioxide. This type of analysis is an application of the nuclear techniques useful for the tariff classification of merchandise which is considered as of difficult recognition. (Author)

  18. Formation of Biomimetic Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Plates

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    Ievgen Volodymyrovych PYLYPCHUK


    Full Text Available Hydroxyapatite (HA has long been used as a coating material in the implant industry for orthopedic implant applications. HA is the natural inorganic constituent of bone and teeth. By coating titanium (base material of implant engineering because of its lightness and durability with hydroxyapatite, we can provide higher biocompatibility of titanium implants, according to HA ability to form a direct biochemical bond with living tissues. This article reports a biomimetic approach for coating hydroxyapatite with titanium A method of modifying the surface of titanium by organic modifiers (for creating functional groups on the surface, followed by formation "self-assembled" layer of biomimetic hydroxyapatite in simulated body fluid (SBF. FTIR and XPS confirmed the formation of hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium surface. Comparative study of the formation of HA on the surface of titanium plates modified by different functional groups: Ti(≡OH, Ti/(≡Si-OH and Ti/(≡COOH is conducted. It was found that the closest to natural stoichiometric hydroxyapatite Ca/P ratio was obtained on Ti/(≡COOH samples. DOI:


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    Wayan Eko Radityo


    Full Text Available Depresi merupakan gangguan mood berupa kesedihan yang intens, berlangsung dalamwaktu lama, dan mengganggu kehidupan normal yang insidennya semakin meningkatseiring dengan meningkatnya tekanan hidup. Tahun 2020, depresi diperkirakanmenempati urutan kedua penyakit di dunia. Gejala-gejala depresi terdiri dari gangguanemosi, gangguan kognitif, keluhan somatik, gangguan psikomotor, dan gangguanvegetatif. Salah satu gejala depresi yang muncul adalah gangguan tidur yang bisaberupa insomnia, bangun secara tiba-tiba, dan hipersomnia. Hal ini disebabkan olehgangguan neurotransmiter dan regulasi hormon. Selain sebagai gejala depresi, gangguantidur juga bisa merupakan penyebab depresi. Beberapa penelitian memberikanhubungan gangguan tidur dapat meningkatkan risiko depresi di kemudian hari.

  20. Pengaruh Variasi Kadar Zn Dan Temperatur Hydrotermal Terhadap Struktur Dan Nilai Konduktivitas Elektrik Material Graphene

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    Lita Nur Azizah


    Full Text Available Graphene adalah bentuk 2D dari karbon dengan sifat-sifat unggul yang menarik untuk dikembangkan. Permasalahan yang kemudian muncul adalah proses sintesis massal yang masih menjadi kendala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis material graphene secara kimiawi dengan menggunakan reduktor zinc dan metode hydrothermal dan menganalisa pengaruh varaiasi penambahan massa sebesar 0,8 gram, 1,6 gram, dan 2,4 gram zinc serta variasi temperatur hydrthermal 160ᵒC, 180ᵒC, 200ᵒC. Proses karakterisasi material graphene dilakukan dengan pengujian Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, Uji Iodine number, dan Four Point Probe digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai konduktivitas elektrik material. Morfologi dari graphene yang dihasilkan berbentuk lembaran-lembaran transparan dan disertai dengan kerutan pada permukaannya. Nilai konduktivitas elektrik terbesar dihasilkan dari variasi panambahan serbuk zinc sebesar 0,8 gram dan temperatur hydrothermal sebesar 200ᵒC dengan nilai sebesar 0,10281 S/cm dan bilangan iodine 11384,64.


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    A. W. Puger


    Full Text Available RINGKASAN Percobaan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cara pengawetan terhadap kandungan zat-zat makanan dan efisiensinya pada daun 16 provenan gamal telah dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri atas 3 perlakuan pengawetan (gamal segar, gamal hay, dan gamal silase dan 3 blok sebagai ulangan. Setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 16 provenan, yaitu 6 dari Mexico (M, 4 dari Guatemala (G, dan satu provenan masing-masing dari Colombia (C, Indonesia (I, Nicaragua (N, Panama (P, Costa Rica (R, dan Venezuela (V. Sampel setiap daun (helai dan tangkai provenan sebelum dan setelah diawetkan dianalisis kandungan zat-zat makanannya dan dihitung efisiensinya setelah dibuat hay dan silase. Kandungan DM dan CP dari hay adalah tertinggi (P0,05 setelah diawetkan menjadi hay dan silase, sedangkan efisiensi DM, OM, dan CP dari hay lebih tinggi (P<0,05 daripada silase. Provenan P13, R12, dan M34 mengandung zat-zat makanan lebih tinggi; sementara provenan G14 dan G17 lebih efisien bila diawetkan dalam bentuk hay dan silase. Pada pertanian lahan kering pengawetan gamal dalam bentuk hay lebih efektif dan efisien jika dibandingkan dengan dalam bentuk silase.

  2. Current assisted superplastic forming of titanium alloy

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    Wang Guofeng


    Full Text Available Current assisted superplastic forming combines electric heating technology and superplastic forming technology, and can overcome some shortcomings of traditional superplastic forming effectively, such as slow heating rate, large energy loss, low production efficiency, etc. Since formability of titanium alloy at room temperature is poor, current assisted superplastic forming is suitable for titanium alloy. This paper mainly introduces the application of current assisted superplastic forming in the field of titanium alloy, including forming technology of double-hemisphere structure and bellows.

  3. Comparison of titanium cable tension band and nickel-titanium patella concentrator for patella fractures. (United States)

    Zhao, Quan-Ming; Gu, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li; Feng, De-Hong


    Patellar fractures account for approximately 1% of all fractures. Due to the patella's importance as regards the extensor mechanism, effort should be made to preserve the patella. Several operative treatment methods have been introduced for patella fractures. This study aims to compare the clinical effect of a titanium cable tension band and nickeltitanium (NiTi) patella concentrator (NT-PC) in treating patella fractures. Thirty-nine patients with patella fractures were enrolled in this retrospective study. All the patients were treated via the open reduction internal fixation procedure using a titanium cable tension band or NT-PC. All the patients were followed up over an average period of 13 months. The main outcome measures were operation time, time of fracture union, postoperative complications, and Böstman knee scores. Statistical analyses were conducted between the 2 groups. All the patients were operated on successfully. The operation time of the NT-PC treatment group was less than that of the titanium cable tension band treatment group (p cable tension band and NT-PC groups, respectively. No significant difference was observed between the excellent and good results (p > 0.05). Both titanium cable tension band and NT-PC showed good efficacy for the treatment of patellar fractures. NT-PC fixation, a new option for the treatment of patella fractures, is a simple and effective fixation method.


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    Arif Unwanullah


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Industrialisasi dan Tantangannya pada Sektor Pendidikan. Sumbangan pendidikan dalam perubahan dan pembangunan masa lalu telah bergeser dengan kemajuan teknoekonomi dan komunikasi. Perubahan yang terjadi telah menggeser tatanan kehidupan dan pandangan masyarakat. Materialisme, kapitalisme, efisiensi, dan efektivitas telah menjadi tujuan dan semangat hidup. Pergeseran pandangan masyarakat telah mengubah pula pandangan keberhasilan dan mutu pendidikan, di mana pendidikan diukur dari keberhasilan dalam keterserapan lulusan dalam dunia kerja, oleh karenanya pendidikan dianalisis dari karakteristik sebagai investasi (capital-investment. Pergeseran makna dan tanggung jawab pendidikan mendorong dunia pendidikan melakukan pembaruan dengan alternatif: membangun pembaruan penalaran warganya menuju pemerdekaan dan pendewasaan, pendidikan dilaksanakan secara komprehensif dan bekerjasama dengan semua pihak secara kemitraan, dan membangun visi pendidikan secara komprehensif dan simultan dengan semua pihak. Kata kunci: perubahan sosial, materialistik, modernisasi dan kapitalis Abstract: Industrialization and its education Sector challenges. Contribution of education has shifted with the progress of technology, economy, and communication. The changes have shifted the society's views. Materialism, capitalism, efficiency, and effectiveness have become of interest and enthusiasm for life. The shift has changed society's view, i.e. the view of success and quality of education, in which education is measured from a rate of the absorption of graduates into labor market, therefore education is analyzed from the characteristics of an investment (capital-investment. A shift in meaning and responsibility of education encourages the education sector to create reformation through these following alternatives: creating new thoughts towards liberation and maturation, implementing education comprehensively and cooperating with all parties in partnership, and creating

  5. Variasi Temporal dan Stabilitas Fisik dan Kimia Senyawa Bioaktif Karotenoid Rumput Laut Coklat Turbinaria decurrens

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    Rini Susilowati


    Full Text Available Pada pengembangan senyawa bioaktif karotenoid dari rumput laut coklat Turbinaria decurrens sebagai produk nutrasetikal atau pangan fungsional, pengetahuan mengenai variasi temporal dan stabilitas fisik dan kimia senyawa tersebut merupakan hal yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan variasi temporal dan stabilitas fisik dan kimia senyawa karotenoid dari T. decurrens. Bahan baku T. decurrens diambil dari Pantai Binuangeun, Banten. Kuantifikasi kadar karotenoid pada sampel dilakukan terhadap ekstrak kasar etanol dari sampel dengan menggunakan teknik spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Variasi temporal kadar karotenoid dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel pada musim penghujan (Februari, musim peralihan (April dan Oktober, serta musim kemarau (Juni dan Agustus, pada tahun 2012. Analisis variabel air (DO, pH, suhu, temperatur, salinitas, fosfat, dan nitrogen anorganik terlarut dari titik pengambilan sampel juga dilakukan, untuk mengetahui faktor utama yang mempengaruhi produksi senyawa ini di alam. Analisis stabilitas senyawa dilakukan dengan perlakuan penambahan asam, basa, oksidator, dan suhu. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa kadar karotenoid temporal dari alga ini berkisar 0,002–0,063 mg/g (bobot segar. Analisis korelasi terhadap variabel air menunjukkan bahwa kadar karotenoid dipengaruhi faktor musim, tidak tergantung pada variabel air lokal. Terkait dengan probabilitas fungsinya dalam fotosintesis, kadar tertinggi senyawa ini terdapat pada musim penghujan. Karotenoid dapat meluruh sebesar 84% pada perlakuan asam, 15% pada perlakukan basa, 28% pada perlakukan oksidasi, dan 15% pada suhu tinggi (70 oC. Dengan demikian, pada pengembangannya sebagai produk pangan fungsional atau nutrasetikal, diperlukan teknik mikroenkapsulasi untuk menjaga stabilitas fisik dan kimia senyawa karotenoid T. decurrens.

  6. Inovasi Desain, Teknologi, dan Pemasaran Lewat Website Usaha Kecil Menengah Batik dan Lutik (Lurik Batik di Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta

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    Anastasia Riani Suprapti


      Tujuan penelitian terapan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengembangkan produk batik dan lutik yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Laweyan Surakarta dengan inovasi desain dan teknologi baru. Program ini bekerja sama dengan mitra UKM Batik Dewi (UKM 1 dan Batik Sinung Rejeki (UKM2 yang terletak di Kecamatan Laweyan. Pengusaha batik Laweyan dengan produknya berupa batik dan tekstil bermotif batik (printing dan cap dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini ternyata memiliki daya tahan yang baik, ditengah persaingan dengan produk sejenis dari daerah lain maupun dari luar negeri. Secara garis besar pola yang digunakan dalam implementasi penelitian ini meliputi: diskusi (FGD, kerja bengkel, operasional pabrik, pelatihan dan pendampingan (kelompok dan individu. Seperti halnya Usaha Kecil Menengah pada umumnya, pengusaha batik di Laweyan juga menghadapi masalah Internal meliputi  permodalan, inovasi desain, pemasaran, dan manajemen keuangan, yang meliputi administrasi keuangan/pembukuan. Beberapa solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi diantaranya adalah melakukan Inovasi desain dan teknologi, pengaturan layout pabrik, dan pemasaran lewat web. Selain itu mengembangkan desain motif batik yang lebih diminati pasar diberikan juga untuk pengembangan teknik kombinasi batik-lurik ikat dengan cara lukis dan pengelantangan. Penggunaan media teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk promosi lewat website. Adapun untuk usaha pengembangan manajemen pemasaran,  diusahakan media promosi dan menjalin kerjasama pemasaran  dengan instansi terkait, misalnya dengan mengikuti pameran-pameran di Solo dan Jakarta.

  7. UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK RUMPUT LAUT Kappaphycus alvarezii DAN Eucheuma denticullatum TERHADAP BAKTERI Aeromonas hydrophila DAN Vibrio harveyii

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    Dwi Budi Wiyanto


    Full Text Available Penelitian tentang Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dan Eucheuma denticullatum Terhadap Bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dan Vibrio harveyii dilakukan, mengingat banyak dijumpai  penyakit pada usaha budidaya ikan dan udang, terutama bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dan Vibrio harveyii. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas senyawa bioaktif rumput laut K. alvarezii dan E. denticullatum yang diekstrak menggunakan pelarut metanol dan etanol sebagai antibakteri terhadap A. hydrophila dan V. harveyii.  Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak dua tahap, yaitu: (1 Uji aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak rumput laut; dan (2 Analisa senyawa bioaktif yang terdapat pada ekstrak rumput laut, dimana masing-masing tahapan dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dua jenis ekstrak rumput laut dengan pelarut metanol dan etanol, mempunyai daya antibakteri terhadap A. hydrophila dan V. harveyii. Ekstrak E. denticullatum dengan pelarut metanol memiliki daya hambat lebih luas dibanding ekstrak K. alvarezii dengan pelarut metanol terhadap A. hydrophila (19.43±0,55 mm. Ekstrak E. denticullatum dengan pelarut metanol memiliki daya hambat lebih luas dibanding ekastrak K. alvarezii dengan pelarut metanol terhadap V. harveyii (19.85±0,23 mm. Asam heksadekanoat merupakan senyawa paling dominan dijumpai pada ekstrak rumput laut K. alvarezii, dan E. denticullatum yang diekstrak menggunakan pelarut metanol. Kata Kunci : Aktivitas Antibakteri, Rumput laut K. alvarezii dan E. denticullatum,  Bakteri A.  hydrophila dan V. harveyii. 


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    Denny Nurkertamanda


    Full Text Available Meja dan kursi anak merupakan suatu sarana pendukung yang sangat penting dalam kelancaran pelaksanaan proses belajar anak. Ketidakserasian antara meja dan kursi dengan ukuran tubuh anak merupakan salah satu kendala dalam upaya meningkatkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Akibat dari meja dan kursi yang tidak sesuai dengan ukuran tubuh anak dapat mengakibatkan anak cepat mengalami kelelahan. Penelitian ini membahas perancangan dan pengembangan produk meja dan kursi anak sesuai dengan anthropometri (ukuran tubuh manusia dan bentuk fisik anak untuk menghasilkan rancangan kursi yang ergonomis untuk mengantisipasi adanya ketidakserasian antara meja kursi dengan ukuran tubuh anak. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan dan pengembangan meja dan kursi ini adalah metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD. Metode QFD merupakan suatu proses atau mekanisme terstruktur untuk menentukan kebutuhan pelanggan dan menerjemahkan kebutuhan-kebutuhan itu ke dalam kebutuhan teknis yang relevan. Metode QFD memiliki empat (4 fase yaitu fase perencanaan produk (product planning, perancangan produk (design product, perencanaan proses (process planning dan perencanaan pengendalian proses (process-control planning. Dalam penelitian ini hanya dilakukan hingga fase ke-3 yaitu fase perencanaan proses. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini berupa gambar rancangan meja dan kursi anak.   KATA KUNCI : Perancangan dan pengembangan produk, Anthropometri, Ergonomis, QFD

  9. Research progress on laser surface modification of titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian, Y.S.; Chen, C.Z.; Li, S.T.; Huo, Q.H.


    Recent developments on laser surface modification of titanium and its alloys are reviewed. Due to the intrinsic properties of high coherence and directionality, laser beam can be focus onto metallic surface to perform a broad range of treatments such as remelting, alloying and cladding, which are used to improve the wear and corrosion resistance of titanium alloys. In addition, the fabrication of bioactive films on the surface of titanium alloys to improve their biocompatibility can be performed by the method of laser ablation deposition. The effect of some laser processing parameters on the resulting surface properties of titanium alloys is discussed. The problems to be solved and the prospects in the field of laser modification of titanium and its alloys are elucidated


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    Ridwan Syahran


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui perilaku yang ditimbulkan dari kecanduan bermaian online game pada siswa SMP Negeri 1 Palu yang meliputi faktor-faktor penyebab kecanduan, keadaan psikologis yang ditimbulkan dari kecanduan bermain online game dan dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkan dari kecanduan bermain online game.Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan berdasarkan responden dan informan sebagai bahan sumber data. Dalam proses pengumpulan data digunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara, dimana setelah data diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, bahwa subyek (RZ dan (MT, kedua subyek penelitian menjadi ketergantungan atau kecanduan untuk bermain online game yang dikarenakan tersedianya beberapa fasilitas pendukung untuk bermain game di rumah, adanya faktor sosial dari pertemanan dengan teman bermain dan keingintahuan yang sangat besar terhadap suatu jenis game. Penanganan ketergantungan game online dengan bantuan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak sekolah memberikan kepercayaan kepada konselor sekolah atau guru BK untuk mengadakan seminar kepada orang tua siswa tentang game online dan masalah yang akan ditimbulkan, mengatur waktu belajar dan bermain anak, memasukkan materi tentang game online dan dampaknya kepada siswa serta memberikan penyaluran yang baik dalam memilih game yang edukatif serta Menjalin komunikasi interpersonal agar anak dapat terbuka dengan orang tua.

  11. Chemistry of titanium, zirconium and thorium picramates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, R.S.; Agrawal, S.P.; Bhargava, H.N.


    Picramates of titanium, zirconium and thorium are prepared by treating the aqueous sulphate, chloride and nitrate solutions with sodium picramate. Micro-analysis, colorimetry and spectrophotometry are used to establish the compositions (metal : ligand ratio) of these picramates as 1 : 2 (for titanium and zirconium) and 1 : 4 (for thorium). IR studies indicate H 2 N → Me coordination (where Me denotes the metal). A number of explosive properties of these picramates point to the fact that the zirconium picramate is thermally more stable than the picramates of titanium and thorium. (orig.) [de


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    Rahesa Dwi Putri


    Full Text Available Dalam pembangunan sebuah gedung terdapat suatu utilitas keamanan salah satunya adalah sistem instalasi sprinkler yang dirancang sesuai dengan standar proteksi kebakaran yang disiapkan untuk mencegah, memadamkan dan menanggulangi kebakaran dalam bangunan gedung. Pada perencanaan sistem sprinkler ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan melakukan perhitungan pada kecepatan aliran dan tekanan serta merencanakan kebutuhan air pada pemadaman fire fighting gedung hotel. Penulis melakukan penganalisaan dan perhitungan dengan menentukan discharge coefficient of the sprinkler k-factor pada kecepatan aliran fluida, selanjutnya menggunakan presure loss dari Hazen-Williams dan dilakukan kebutuhan air dengan mengacu pada Azas Bernoulli, yang penulis sebut dengan metode Step by Step. Dari hasil perhitungan ini didapat bahwa hubungan antara kecepatan aliran pada sprinkler otomatis ini dengan pressure loss yang terjadi dipengaruhi oleh area yang direncanakan, diameter pipa yang digunakan serta panjang pipa. Dimana perencanaan ini mengacu pada standar yang berlaku seperti Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI dan National Fire Protection Association (NFPA yang harus dipakai dalam perencanaan siste sprinkler otomatis pada sebuah gedung.


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    Rosyafah Febiandani


    Full Text Available Adanya desentralisasi fiskal diharapkan dapat menciptakan kemandirian daerah dan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pemerintah daerah terhadap pemerintah pusat. Kemandirian keuangan daerah dicerminkan dengan perbandingan besarnya PAD terhadap total pendapatan daerah. Sejak 10 tahun dilaksanakannya otonomi daerah sesuai UU No 32 Tahun 2004, kemandirian keuangan daerah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih berada di level yang kurang baik dibandingkan dengan provinsi lainnya di Pulau Jawa. Jumlah pengangguran dan jumlah penduduk miskin di Provinsi Jawa Tengah juga masih terhitung tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dari tingkat kemandirian keuangan daerah dan tingkat ketergantungan daerah terhadap tingkat pengangguran dan tingkat kemiskinan di kabupaten/kota Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2013. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis Korelasi Kanonikal menggunakan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemandirian keuangan daerah mempunyi hubungan yang signifikan, kuat, dan tidak searah dengan pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Sedangkan hubungan antara ketergantungan daerah terhadap kemiskinan dan pengangguran mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan, tidak kuat, dan tidak searah. Peningkatan kemandirian keuangan daerah guna mengurangi tingkat ketergantungan terhadap pemerintah pusat dapat dilakukan dengan cara menggali dan mengelola sumber daya atau potensi daerah yang dimilikinya secara efektif dan efisien sebagai sumber utama pendapatan keuangan daerahnya. Fiscal decentralization is expected to create independency regional financial and to reduce the dependence of local governments to the central government. Independency regional financial can be result by the ratio of PAD to total local revenue. Since 10 years the implementation of regional autonomy based on UU No. 32 of 2004, independency regional financial in Central Java is still unwell compared to the other

  14. Epistemologi dan Keterbatasan Teori Gravitasi

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    Erwin Erwin


    Full Text Available Peristiwa tentang kecenderungan jatuhnya benda-benda menuju pusat bumi dan keteraturan peredaran planet dan benda-benda langit lainnya dalam tata surya dahulu dianggap dua fenomena yang berbeda. Mekanika benda langit dan mekanika bumi yang sebelumnya merupakan dua pengetahuan yang terpisah, dianggap satu kesatuan oleh Sir Isaac Newton. Newton mengemukakan hukum gravitasi umum yaitu gaya tarik menarik antara dua benda besarnya sebanding dengan massa masing-masing benda dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak antara kedua benda. Hukum gravitasi ini sukses menjalaskan bagaimana benda cendrung jatuh menuju pusat bumi dan peredaran planet dan benda-benda langit lain mengelilingi matahari dalam sistem tata surya. Namun hukum gravitasi Newton ternyata tidak sepenuhnya tepat, beberapa hal dapat dijelaskan dengan hukum relativitas Einstein, namun demikian hukum relativitas Einstein juga dicurigai masih perlu diamandemen agar dapat menjelaskan fenomena alam dengan tepat.


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    Erwin Erwin


    Full Text Available Peristiwa tentang kecenderungan jatuhnya benda-benda menuju pusat bumi dan keteraturan peredaran planet dan benda-benda langit lainnya dalam tata surya dahulu dianggap dua fenomena yang berbeda. Mekanika benda langit dan mekanika bumi yang sebelumnya merupakan dua pengetahuan yang terpisah, dianggap satu kesatuan oleh Sir Isaac Newton. Newton mengemukakan hukum gravitasi umum yaitu gaya tarik menarik antara dua benda besarnya sebanding dengan massa masing-masing benda dan berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak antara kedua benda. Hukum gravitasi ini sukses menjalaskan bagaimana benda cendrung jatuh menuju pusat bumi dan peredaran planet dan benda-benda langit lain mengelilingi matahari dalam sistem tata surya. Namun hukum gravitasi Newton ternyata tidak sepenuhnya tepat, beberapa hal dapat dijelaskan dengan hukum relativitas Einstein, namun demikian hukum relativitas Einstein juga dicurigai masih perlu diamandemen agar dapat menjelaskan fenomena alam dengan tepat.

  16. Growth of anatase titanium dioxide nanotubes via anodization

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    Ed Adrian Dilla


    Full Text Available In this work, titanium dioxide nanotubes were grown via anodization of sputtered titanium thin films using different anodization parameters in order to formulate a method of producing long anatase titanium dioxide nanotubes intended for solar cell applications. The morphological features of the nanotubes grown via anodization were explored using a Philips XL30 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope. Furthermore, the grown nanotubes were also subjected to X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy in order to investigate the effect of the predominant crystal orientation of the parent titanium thin film on the crystal phase of the nanotubes. After optimizing the anodization parameters, nanotubes with anatase TiO2 crystal phase and tube length more than 2 microns was produced from parent titanium thin films with predominant Ti(010 crystal orientation and using ammonium fluoride in ethylene glycol as an electrolyte with a working voltage equal to 60V during 1-hour anodization runs.


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    ED Iftitah


    Full Text Available Pengaruh sifat dan karakter berbagai variasi komposisi katalis Ni dan ZnBr2 yang terimpregnasi dalam γ-Al2O3 terhadap aktivitas dan selektivitasnya untuk reaksi isomerisasi dan hidrogenasi (R-(+-Sitronelal telah dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat tiga jenis variasi komposisi Ni dan ZnBr2 dalam γ-Al2O3, yaitu: A1=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (3:2, A2=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (1:1 dan A3=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (2:3. Katalis dikarakterisasi menggunakan X-ray diffraction (XRD, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET surface area, dan SEM-EELS. Luas area permukaan spesifik dan porositasnya ditentukan berdasarkan adsorption-desorption gas nitrogen pada 77 K. Distribusi dan volume pori ditentukan dengan desorption isotherm pada P/Po ≥ 0,3. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara karakter dan sifat katalis dengan aktivitas katalitiknya terhadap produk isomerisasi dan hidrogenasi (R-(+-Sitronelal. Uji aktivitas dilakukan dalam sebuah reaktor mini dengan 0,5 g katalis dan 3 mL (R-(+-Sitronelal menggunakan atmosfir gas N2 dan/atau H2 dalam waktu 5 dan 24 jam masing-masing pada suhu 90 dan 120 °C. Komposisi katalis, pemilihan jenis atmosfir gas dan suhu sangat berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas dan selektivitas pembentukan produk isomerisasi dan hidrogenasi. Konversi (R-(+-Sitronelal tertinggi ditunjukkan oleh katalis A3=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (2:3 dengan kondisi reaksi selama 5 jam (4 jam N2 + 1 jam H2 pada suhu 90 °C dan 24 jam (4 jam N2 + 20 jam H2 pada suhu 120 °C. The influence of catalyst properties and characteristics of Ni and ZnBr2 catalysts impregnated in γ-Al2O3 on the activity and selectivity of (R-(+-Citronellal isomerisation and hydrogenation has been done. In this study, there were three sets of Ni and ZnBr2 in γ-Al2O3 with various composition, they were A1=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (3:2, A2=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (1:1, A3=Ni/ZnBr2/γ-Al2O3 (2:3. The catalysts were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET surface area and SEM


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    Christofera Marliana Junaedi


    Full Text Available It was started by The Great Depression in America that so many changes happened on the organization internally and externally, and the change of career development from career job to protean career as well. Some researchers prove it and state that the job esspecially for career nowadays is different from it was few decades ago. The effect of this changes occur on the system and value that employees have and career development management conducted by the company. This article will discuss the change factor of company internally and externally, its effects,the subtitution of the new paradigm from the old one, and also its implications on the individu and the company. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Berawal dari terjadinya depresi yang besar (The Great Depression di Amerika yang menyebabkan perubahan organisasi secara internal dan eksternal, perubahan pengembangan karir pun bergeser dari karir tradisional menjadi karir protean. Banyak peneliti yang membuktikannya dan menyatakan bahwa karir saat ini berbeda dengan beberapa decade sebelumnya. Dampak dari perubahan ini tentu saja menimbulkan sistem dan nilai yang dimiliki karyawan dan juga manajemen pengembangan karir perusahaan. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang perubahan factor internal dan eksternal organisasi, dampaknya pada perubahan paradigma dari paradigma lama menjadi baru, dan juga implikasinya pada individu dan perusahaan. Kata kunci: karir tradisional, karir protean, paradigma lama, paradigma baru, manajemen karir.

  19. Regret Aversion Bias dan Risk Tolerance Investor Muda Jakarta dan Surabaya

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    Yohnson Yohnson


    Full Text Available Investment decision behavior is an interesting topic in finance research. Bailey and Kinerson’s (2005 research found that individual risk tolerance and experienced regret significantly influenced investment decisions. Anticipation of potential future regret did not predict subsequent investment decision behavior. Specifically, this research also wants to know the effects of a person’s experienced regret and anticipated regret or the effects of individual risk tolerance on investment decision behavior in Jakarta and Surabaya. Respondent of this research is 323 students from UK Petra who represent young investors from Surabaya and students from UPH who represent young investors from Jakarta. The method of research is experimental study and the design of research is 2x2x2 (between subject with experienced regret (time deposit and stock as first variable, anticipated regret (time deposit and stock as second variable and risk tolerance (high and low as third variable This study finds that an individual risk tolerance significantly influences decisions. Regret aversion bias does not influence young investors in Indonesia. (We assume that it is because the character of Indonesian investors is different from foreign investors. The couse of this is supposedly the unique characteristics of Indonesian investors and the different view points between Indonesian investors and investors from other countries. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Perilaku keputusan investasi sangat menarik untuk diteliti. Dalam penelitian Bailey dan Kinerson (2005 ditemukan risk tolerance dan experienced regret mempengaruhi keputusan investasi. Anticipated regret tidak dapat dipakai sebagai predictor perilaku keputusan investasi. Penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui experienced regret, anticipated regret atau risk tolerance yang lebih mempengaruhi perilaku keputusan investasi di Jakarta dan Surabaya. Responden yang diteliti sebesar 323 mahasiswa berasal dari UK Petra yang mewakili

  20. Fisiologi dan Gangguan Keseimbangan Natrium, Kalium dan Klorida serta Pemeriksaan Laboratorium

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    Rismawati Yaswir


    Full Text Available AbstrakElektrolit adalah senyawa di dalam larutan yang berdisosiasi menjadi partikel yang bermuatan (ion positifatau negatif. Sebagian besar proses metabolisme memerlukan dan dipengaruhi oleh elektrolit. Konsentrasielektrolit yang tidak normal dapat menyebabkan banyak gangguan. Pemeliharaan tekanan osmotik dan distribusibeberapa kompartemen cairan tubuh manusia adalah fungsi utama empat elektrolit mayor, yaitu natrium (Na+,kalium (K+, klorida (Cl-, dan bikarbonat (HCO3-. Pemeriksaan keempat elektrolit mayor tersebut dalam klinisdikenal sebagai ”profil elektrolit. Natrium adalah kation terbanyak dalam cairan ekstrasel, kalium kation terbanyakdalam cairan intrasel dan klorida merupakan anion terbanyak dalam cairan ekstrasel. Jumlah natrium, kalium danklorida dalam tubuh merupakan cermin keseimbangan antara yang masuk terutama dari saluran cerna dan yangkeluar terutama melalui ginjal. Gangguan keseimbangan natrium, kalium dan klorida berupa hipo- dan hiper-. Hipoterjadibila konsentrasi elektrolit tersebut dalam tubuh turun lebih dari beberapa miliekuivalen dibawah nilai normaldan hiper- bila konsentrasinya meningkat diatas normal.Pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk menentukan kadarnatrium, kalium dan klorida adalah dengan metode elektroda ion selektif, spektrofotometer emisi nyala,spektrofotometer atom serapan, spektrofotometri berdasarkan aktivasi enzim, pemeriksaan kadar klorida denganmetode titrasi merkurimeter, dan pemeriksaan kadar klorida dengan metode titrasi kolorimetrik-amperometrik.Kata kunci: elektrolit, keseimbangan, gangguan keseimbanganAbstractElectrolyte is compound in condensation which is disociation become particle which is charged (ionnegative or positive. Most metabolism processes need and influenced by electrolyte. Electrolyte concentrationwhich abnormal can cause many troubles. Conservancy of osmotic pressure and distribution some human beingbody fluid compartment are especial function four major electrolyte, that is natrium (Na

  1. Sorption of cesium on titanium and zirconium phosphates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lebedev, V.N.; Mel'nik, N.A.; Rudenko, A.V.


    Titanium and zirconium phosphates were prepared from mineral raw materials of the Kola Peninsula. Their capability to recover cesium cations from the model solutions and liquid radioactive waste (LRW) was studied. Titanium phosphate prepared from solutions formed by titanite breakdown demonstrates greater distribution coefficients of cesium as compared to zirconium phosphate. Titanium phosphate as a cheaper agent featuring greater sorption capacity was recommended for treatment of LRW to remove cesium [ru

  2. Dampak belanja irigasi dan jaringan terhadap output PDRB sektor pertanian dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Jambi


    Aminah, Siti; Parmadi, Parmadi


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perkembangan Belanja irigasi dan jaringan serta perkembangan output GDP sektor pertanian Kota Jambi selama periode tahun 2005-2015 dan menganalisis pengaruh belanja irigasi dan jaringan terhadap  GDP Output sektor pertanian dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Jambi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Selama periode penelitian tahun 2005-2015 dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan 61,98%, nilai rata-rata PDRB harga berlaku Kota Jambi sebesar 157.601,68 dalam juta rupi...

  3. Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Perusahaan Terhadap Audit Delay dan Timeliness

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    Sistya Rachmawati


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of the firm size, the profitability, the solvability, the public accountant size and the existence of internal auditor division toward the Audit Delay and Timeliness on manufacture companies that listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange.The Research sample was taken from Fifty-nine listed companies in Jakarta Stock Exchange. These samples were selected by using Purposive sampling method. Analysis hypothesis is using Multiple Regression, before hypothesis test, normality data test using P-Plot test.The result of Multiple Regression model shows that Audit Delay influenced by firm size and public accountant size, and Timeliness influenced by firm size and solvability. This result is recommended for auditor to increase effectiveness and efficiency of his audit performance and for all existing studies to contribute towards the current literature on Auditing. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh faktor internal yaitu: profitabilitas, solva¬bili¬tas, internal auditor dan size perusahaan dan faktor eksternal, yaitu ukuran KAP terhadap audit delay dan Timeliness pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar pada Jakarta Stock Exchange. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Dari hasil pengolahan Regresi Berganda pada Audit Delay diketahui bahwa koefisien determi¬nasi Adjusted R2 = 0,123. Artinya seluruh variabel independen (Profitabilitas, Solvabilitas, Internal Auditor, Size Perusahaan, dan KAP hanya mampu menjelaskan variasi dari variabel depen¬den (Audit Delay adalah sebesar 12,3%. Sedang¬kan pada Timeliness, seluruh variabel independen (Profitabilitas, Solvabilitas, Internal Auditor, Size Perusahaan, dan KAP dapat men¬jelaskan variasi pada variabel dependennya (Timeliness adalah sebesar 7,9%. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat membantu profesi akuntan publik dalam upaya meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses audit dengan

  4. Thermogravimetric experiments with titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, L.J.; Longhurst, G.R.


    In the process of preparing for pyrophoricity experiments involving uranium, we conducted hydriding and air-exposure experiments on titanium. In these experiments the hydriding reactions and response to air-exposure was generally within the range expected based on work reported by others. One aberrant behavior was a sudden weight gain followed by a significant weight loss. We speculate that loss may be due to hydrogen evolution from the TiH 2 resulting from local heating by oxidation reactions. We verified that titanium is not pyrophoric at temperatures less than 750 degree C. 18 refs. 1 fig

  5. Candida albicans biofilm on titanium: effect of peroxidase precoating

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    Mohamed Ahariz


    Full Text Available Mohamed Ahariz1, Philippe Courtois1,21Laboratory of Experimental Hormonology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, 2UER de Biologie Médicale, Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer, Brussels, BelgiumAbstract: The present study aimed to document Candida albicans biofilm development on titanium and its modulation by a peroxidase-precoated material which can generate antimicrobials, such as hypoiodite or hypothiocyanite, from hydrogen peroxide, iodide, or thiocyanate. For this purpose, titanium (powder or foil was suspended in Sabouraud liquid medium inoculated with C. albicans ATCC10231. After continuous stirring for 2–21 days at room temperature, the supernatant was monitored by turbidimetry at 600 nm and titanium washed three times in sterile Sabouraud broth. Using the tetrazolium salt MTT-formazan assay, the titanium-adherent fungal biomass was measured as 7.50 ± 0.60 × 106 blastoconidia per gram of titanium powder (n = 30 and 0.50 ± 0.04 × 106 blastoconidia per cm² of titanium foil (n = 12. The presence of yeast on the surface of titanium was confirmed by microscopy both on fresh preparations and after calcofluor white staining. However, in the presence of peroxidase systems (lactoperoxidase with substrates such as hydrogen peroxide donor, iodide, or thiocyanate, Candida growth in both planktonic and attached phases appeared to be inhibited. Moreover, this study demonstrates the possible partition of peroxidase systems between titanium material (peroxidase-precoated and liquid environment (containing peroxidase substrates to limit C. albicans biofilm formation.Keywords: adhesion, material, oral, yeast

  6. Perbedaan Kadar Thyroid Stimulating Hormone dan Free Thyroxine pada Pasien Talasemia Β-Mayor dengan Kelasi Besi Deferasirox dan Deferiprone

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    Aries - Krisbiyantoro


    Hasil. Rerata usia pasien 12,5+3,12 tahun. Rerata kadar TSH kelompok deferiprone dan deferasirox adalah 3.051,78 IU/ml dan 2.351,29 IU/ml. Sedangkan rerata kadar FT4 untuk kelompok deferiprone dan deferasirox 15.424,12 mmol/l dan 15.822,75 IU/ml. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar TSH dan FT4 pada kelompok yang mendapatkan deferasirox dan deferiprone berturut-turut nilai TSH (p=0,148; p>0,05 dan FT4 (p=0,836; p>0,05. Kesimpulan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan kadar TSH dan FT4 pada pasien talasemia beta mayor yang mendapatkan kelasi deferasirox maupun deferiprone.


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    . Riyanti


    Hasil penelitian, ketentuan tentang standar pelayanan minimal bidang keluarga berencana, keluarga sejahtera dan asas perikemanusiaan dengan hak asasi manusia sangat berhubungan keterbatasan lingkup pelayanan dan standar pelaksanaan Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi yang tidak jelasberdampak pada tidak dipenuhinya hak asasi manusia untuk mendapatkan kesetaraan dan kebebasan dalam pelayanan keluarga berencana dan keluarga sejahtera.

  8. Titanium pigmentation. An electron probe microanalysis study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dupre, A.; Touron, P.; Daste, J.; Lassere, J.; Bonafe, J.L.; Viraben, R.


    A patient had an unusual pigmentary disease induced by titanium dioxide. The use of a topical cream containing titanium dioxide caused a xanthomalike appearance on the patient's penis. Electron probe microanalysis was valuable in establishing the cause of this balanitis

  9. Pemahaman terhadap Konsep Pahala dan Dosa Serta Hubungannya Dengan Etos Kerja Dosen dan Pegawai Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang

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    Idrus Alkaf


    Full Text Available Artikel ini membahas tentang konsep pahala dan dosa dalam ajaran Islam dan pengaruhnya terhadap etos kerja dosen dan staf Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Pemikiran Islam, IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang. Pemahaman tentang pahala dan dosa, yang merupakan bagian dari doktrin etika dalam Islam ternyata memiliki peran dalam menentukan etos kerja. Kegiatan yang dianggap baik berdasarkan ajaran Islam pasti akan dihargai. Sebaliknya, mereka yang tidak menjalankan atau yang melanggar aturan akan mendapatkan dosa sebagai balasannya. Dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui survei, observasi, wawancara atau kuesioner, dalam artikel ini, diketahui bahwa pemahaman dosen dan staf tentang pahala dan dosa ternyata sangat berhubungan dengan etos kerja mereka sehari-hari. Semakin baik tingkat pemahaman dosen dan staf dengan konsep pahala dan dosa, semakin tinggi etos kerja mereka. Ini menyiratkan bahwa pemahaman seseorang tentang konsep pahala dan dosa itu dapat mendorong orang untuk bekerja lebih baik, lebih serius dan lebih berhati-hati. Atau dengan kata lain, secara teologis pemahaman ini dapat berdampak pada aktivitas sehari-hari. This article discusses the concept of merit and sin in Islam and the influence by the work ethic of faculty and staff of the Faculty of Islamic Theology and Islamic Thought, Islamic State Institute Raden Fatah Palembang. Understanding of merit and sin, which is part of the doctrine of ethics in Islam to have a role in determining the work ethic. Activities that are considered good based on the teachings of Islam is believed to be rewarded. Vice versa, those who do not run or that violate the rules will get sin as a reward. By Idrus analysis using the method of data collection through the courts (survey, observation, interviews or questionnaires, in this article, Idrus found understanding of faculty and staff to the concept of merit and sin is very in touch with their work ethic in everyday tasks. Or the better the level of

  10. High temperature evaporation of titanium, zirconium and hafnium carbides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gusev, A.I.; Rempel', A.A.


    Evaporation of cubic nonstoichiometric carbides of titanium, zirconium and hafnium in a comparatively low-temperature interval (1800-2700) with detailed crystallochemical sample certification is studied. Titanium carbide is characterized by the maximum evaporation rate: at T>2300 K it loses 3% of sample mass during an hour and at T>2400 K titanium carbide evaporation becomes extremely rapid. Zirconium and hafnium carbide evaporation rates are several times lower than titanium carbide evaporation rates at similar temperatures. Partial pressures of metals and carbon over the carbides studied are calculated on the base of evaporation rates

  11. Narrow titanium oxide nanowires induced by femtosecond laser pulses on a titanium surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hui; Li, Xian-Feng [Laboratory of Nanophotonic Functional Materials and Devices, School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 (China); Zhang, Cheng-Yun [School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006 (China); Tie, Shao-Long [School of Chemistry and Environment, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 (China); Lan, Sheng, E-mail: [Laboratory of Nanophotonic Functional Materials and Devices, School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 (China)


    Highlights: • Titanium oxide nanowires with a feature width as narrow as ∼20 nm were induced on a titanium surface by using femtosecond laser pulses at 400 nm. • An evolution of the surface structure from a high spatial frequency laser-induced periodic structure parallel to the laser polarization to a low spatial frequency one perpendicular to the laser polarization was observed with increasing irradiation pulse number. • The formation of the titanium oxide nanowires was confirmed by the energy dispersive spectroscopy measurements and the evolution of the surface structure was successfully interpreted by using the efficacy factor theory. - Abstract: The evolution of the nanostructure induced on a titanium (Ti) surface with increasing irradiation pulse number by using a 400-nm femtosecond laser was examined by using scanning electron microscopy. High spatial frequency periodic structures of TiO{sub 2} parallel to the laser polarization were initially observed because of the laser-induced oxidation of the Ti surface and the larger efficacy factor of TiO{sub 2} in this direction. Periodically aligned TiO{sub 2} nanowires with featured width as small as 20 nm were obtained. With increasing pulse number, however, low spatial frequency periodic structures of Ti perpendicular to the laser polarization became dominant because Ti possesses a larger efficacy factor in this direction. The competition between the high- and low-spatial frequency periodic structures is in good agreement with the prediction of the efficacy factor theory and it should also be observed in the femtosecond laser ablation of other metals which are easily oxidized in air.

  12. Hydrogen embrittlement of titanium tested with fracture mechanics specimens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aho-Mantila, I.; Rahko, P.


    Titanium is one of the possible canister materials for spent nuclear fuel. The aim of this study is to determine whether the hydrogen embrittlement of titanium could be a possible deterioration mechanism of titanium canisters. This experimental study was preceded by a literature review and an experimental study on crack nucleation. Tests in this study were carried out with hydrogen charged fracture mechanics specimens. The studied hydrogen contents were as received, 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 500 ppm and 700 ppm and the types of the studied titanium were ASTM Grades 2 and 12. Test methods were slow tensile test (0.027 mm/h) and fatigue test (stress ratio 0.7 or 0.8 and frequency 5 Hz). According to the literature titanium may be embrittled by hydrogen at slow strain rates and cracking may occur under sustained load. In this study no evidence of hydrogen embrittlement was noticed in slow strain rate tension with bulk hydrogen contents up to 700 ppm. The fatigue tests of titanium Grades 2 and 12 containing 700 ppm hydrogen showed even slower crack growth compared to the as received condition. Very high hydrogen contents well in eccess of 700 ppm on the surface of titanium can, however, facilitate surface crack nucleation and crack growth, as shown in the previous study


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    Femmy Roosje Kawuwung


    Full Text Available Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone sebelumnya bernama Dumoga Bone. Nani Wartabone seorang pahlawan yang terkenal di daerah Gorontalo, untuk mengenang pahlawan tersebut maka namanya diabadikan pada nama Taman Nasional. Pada tahun 1982 luas 300.000 hektar dinyatakan Menteri Pertanian. Ditunjuk Menteri Kehutanan, SK No. 731/Kpts-II/1992 luas 287.115 hektar. Propinsi Gorontalo dengan ketinggian tempat 50 – 2.000 meter dpl. Posisi 1o– 4o LS, 120o – 124o BT. Permasalahan; terjadinya fragmentasi, perladangan berpindah, pertanian, illegal logging, pemukiman, pertambangan, dan pencurian spesies flora dan fauna. Tujuan mengetahui potensi Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone, permasalahan dan upaya konservasi.Potensi Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone adalah; Flora terdiri dari 400 jenis pohon, 241 jenis tumbuhan tinggi, 120 jenis efifit dan terdapat 24 jenis anggrek. Tumbuhan endemik yaitu; palem matayangan, kayu hitam dan bunga bangkai(Amophaphallus compamulatus. Tumbuhan yang umum adalah cempaka, kenanga, agates, dan tanaman hias.Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone memiliki 24 jenis mamalia, 64 jenis aves, 11 jenis reptile. Mamalia (satwa endemik : monyet hitam/yaki (Macaca nigra, Monyet Dumoga Bone, babirusa, kelelawar bone, kus-kus besar (Palanger ursinus, anoa kecil (B.quarlesi. Di Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone tercatat 200 – 225 jenis burung. Reptil : ular kobra, king kobra (N. hammah, ular belang, katak pohon (Rhacophorus monticola, ikan : ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio, bekicot (Achatina fulica. Upaya konservasi adalah pada tingkat pengembangan dan pengawasan. Dalam upaya konservasi harus ada kerja sama dari pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar kawasan.

  14. Pengaruh Massa Zn Dan Temperatur Hydrotermal Terhadap Struktur Dan Sifat Elektrik Material Graphene

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    Muhammad Rizki Ilhami


    Full Text Available Kemajuan teknologi yang sangat berkembang pada saat ini membutuhkan material yang tidak hanya kecil ataupun ringan, tetapi juga memiliki sifat thermal, elektrik, dan mekanik yang baik. Graphene adalah material yang dapat menjawab kebutuhan hal tersebut. Permasalahan yang kemudian muncul adalah proses sintesis massal yang masih menjadi kendala. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis material graphene dengan metode hydrothermal dan menggunakan serbuk Zn sebagai reduktor. Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh varaiasi penambahan massa sebesar 0,8 gram, 1,6 gram, dan 2,4 gram zinc serta variasi temperatur hydrthermal 160ᵒC, 180ᵒC, 200ᵒC. Proses karakterisasi material graphene dilakukan dengan pengujian Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD, Fourier Transform Infraredspectroscopy, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis/Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TGA/DSC, dan Four Point Probe digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai konduktivitas elektrik material. Morfologi dari graphene yang dihasilkan berbentuk lembaran-lembaran transparan dan tipis yang saling menumpuk.Semakin banyak serbuk Zn yang diberikan menjadikan permukaan graphene semakin tipis. Nilai konduktivitas elektrik terbesar dihasilkan dari variasi panambahan serbuk zinc sebesar 2,4 gram dan temperatur hydrothermal sebesar 180ᵒC dengan nilai sebesar 0,012526 S/cm.


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    Priyantini Widiyaningrum


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan mikroorganisme lokal (MOL sebagai aktivator dalam proses pengomposan sampah daun, serta membandingkan penampilan fisik, penyusutan bahan, kadar air dan C/N rasio kompos yang dihasilkan dengan kompos yang menggunakan EM sebagai bioaktivator. Bahan baku kompos terdiri dari daun kering cacah dan kotoran kambing. Kompos dipanen setelah proses pengomposan berlangsung selama 6 minggu. Setiap perlakuan dibuat tiga ulangan. Data kualitatif yang diamati meliputi tekstur, warna dan bau, sedangkan data kuantitatif yang diukur meliputi persentase penyusutan bahan, persentase kompos yang terbentuk, kadar air, dan C/N rasio. Analisis data kualitatif dilakukan secara deskriptif, sedangkan data kuantitatif menggunakan uji t. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa kompos kedua perlakuan memiliki penampilan fisik tidak berbeda. Berdasarkan uji t, ratarata penyusutan bahan, kadar air dan C/N rasio kompos matang tidak berbeda nyata, akan tetapi persentase kompos yang terbentuk menunjukkan perbedaan nyata. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa kompos daun kedua perlakuan memperlihatkan penampilan fisik, penyusutan, kadar air dan C/N rasio yang tidak berbeda, sedangkan persentase kompos yang terbentuk pada kompos + EM lebih tinggi dibanding kompos + MOL. Secara umum kedua kompos masuk kategori layak digunakan berdasarkan standar SNI No. 19-7030-2004. 4 4

  16. Physical and chemical characterization of titanium-alginate samples for biomedical applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morani, L.M.; Ribeiro, A.A.; Oliveira, M.V. de; Dantas, F.M.L., E-mail: [Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Leao, M.H.M.R. [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (EQ/UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Escola de Quimica


    The sol-gel technique combined with powder metallurgy may be an alternative to produce titanium parts for bioengineering, with the advantage of eliminating the powder compaction step, which may introduce defects. The present work introduces a system consisted of titanium powder and sodium alginate suspension, which undergoes reticulation in contact with a calcium salt solution, obtaining titanium/calcium alginate hydrogel with granule morphology. The characterization of the raw materials and granules of calcium alginate and titanium/calcium alginate was performed by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The granules topography was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy/EDS. Titanium and sodium alginate chemical composition were adequate for use as raw materials, showing that the methodology used is suitable for processing titanium samples for further consolidation by sintering, in order to produce titanium parts. (author)

  17. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin Dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata Alam Dan Hasil Budidaya

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    Ekowati Chasanah


    Full Text Available Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasuk albumin dan potensi ekstrak protein kasar ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya sebagai antioksidan dan anti hipertensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya memiliki kadar protein yang tidak berbeda secara nyata, tetapi berbeda pada kadar air, abu, dan lemak. Ikan gabus alam memiliki kadar lemak dan abu lebih rendah tetapi kadar air lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus budidaya. Ikan dari kedua sumber memiliki bagian yang dapat dimakan atau edible portion (EP sebesar 36%,dengan kadar mineral makro (Na, K, Ca dan mikro (Zn, Fe pada ikan hasil budidaya lebih tinggi dibanding kedua kelompok mineral pada ikan gabus alam. Kadar albumin ikan gabus alam lebih tinggi daripada kadar albumin ikan gabus budidaya. Namun demikian, hasil analisis asam amino menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus hasil budidaya memiliki kuantitas asam amino yang lebih tinggi daripada ikan gabus alam. Asam amino non essensial dominan adalah alanin, asam aspartat, glisin, alloisoleusin, prolin, dan glutamin, sedangkan asam amino esensial didominasi oleh leusin, lisin, dan fenilalanin. Kedua ikan gabus yang diperoleh dari tempat yang berbeda tersebut memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan yang lemah, namun berpotensi sebagai antihipertensi (penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE dengan kekuatan 1/10 kekuatan kontrol obat hipertensi captopril.

  18. Komposisi Kimia, Kadar Albumin dan Bioaktivitas Ekstrak Protein Ikan Gabus (Channa striata Alam dan Hasil Budidaya

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    Ekowati Chasanah


    Full Text Available Khasiat kesehatan ikan gabus (C. striata telah dikenal secara luas dan saat ini C. striata telah digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri produk suplemen. Tingginya permintaan akan produk suplemen tersebut menimbulkan masalah pada ketersediaan C. striata yang sebagian besar ditangkap dari sungai dan danau sebagai tempat hidupnya. Ikan gabus budidaya dipercaya memiliki kualitas tidak sebaik ikan gabus alam.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai komposisi kimia, termasuk albumin dan potensi ekstrak protein kasar ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya sebagai antioksidan dan anti hipertensi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus alam dan hasil budidaya memiliki kadar protein yang tidak berbeda secara nyata, tetapi berbeda pada kadar air, abu, dan lemak. Ikan gabus alam memiliki kadar lemak dan abu lebih rendah tetapi kadar air lebih tinggi dibanding ikan gabus budidaya. Ikan dari kedua sumber memiliki bagian yang dapat dimakan atau edible portion (EP sebesar 36%,dengan kadar mineral makro (Na, K, Ca dan mikro (Zn, Fe pada ikan hasil budidaya lebih tinggi dibanding kedua kelompok mineral pada ikan gabus alam. Kadar albumin ikan gabus alam lebih tinggi daripada kadar albumin ikan gabus budidaya. Namun demikian, hasil analisis asam amino menunjukkan bahwa ikan gabus hasil budidaya memiliki kuantitas asam amino yang lebih tinggi daripada ikan gabus alam. Asam amino non essensial dominan adalah alanin, asam aspartat, glisin, alloisoleusin, prolin, dan glutamin, sedangkan asam amino esensial didominasi oleh leusin, lisin, dan fenilalanin. Kedua ikan gabus yang diperoleh dari tempat yang berbeda tersebut memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan yang lemah, namun berpotensi sebagai antihipertensi (penghambat Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE dengan kekuatan 1/10 kekuatan kontrol obat hipertensi captopril.

  19. Corrosion Behavior of Titanium Based Ceramic Coatings Deposited on Steels


    Ali, Rania


    Titanium based ceramic films are increasingly used as coating materials because of their high hardness, excellent wear resistance and superior corrosion resistance. Using electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques, the electrochemical properties of different coatings deposited on different steels under different conditions were examined in this study. Thin films of titanium nitride (TiN), titanium diboride (TiB2), and titanium boronitride with different boron concentrations (TiBN-1&2) w...


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    Akhmad Mustafa


    Full Text Available Komoditas yang umum dibudidayakan di tambak Indonesia adalah udang dan ikan bandeng yang menjadi komoditas unggulan untuk dikembangkan. Salah satu faktor penting yang sangat menentukan keberhasilan usaha budidaya tambak adalah rekayasa tambak yang mencakup disain, tata letak, dan konstruksi tambak. Secara umum, desain petakan tambak merupakan perencanaan bentuk tambak yang meliputi: ukuran panjang dan lebar petakan, kedalaman, ukuran pematang, ukuran berm, dan ukuran saluran keliling, serta ukuran dan letak pintu air. Tata letak suatu unit tambak harus memenuhi tujuan seperti: menjamin kelancaran mobilitas operasional sehari-hari, menjamin kelancaran dan keamanan pasok air, serta pembuangannya, dapat menekan biaya konstruksi tanpa mengurangi fungsi teknis dari unit tambak yang dibangun dan mempertahankan kelestarian lingkungan. Konstruksi tambak yang menggambarkan proses pengerjaan tambak harus disesuaikan dengan desain dan tata letak yang telah ada. Rekayasa tambak diarahkan pada kemampuan untuk menciptakan kondisi yang sesuai dengan keadaan alami yang dituntut oleh organisme akuatik yang dibudidayakan sehingga produktivitas tambak meningkat, efisien secara ekonomis, dan berkelanjutan.

  1. Pengaruh Lama Perendaman dan Jenis Minuman Beralkohol Bir dan Tuak terhadap Kekerasan Email Gigi Manusia (In Vitro)


    Magista, Malida; Nuryanti, Archadian; Wahyudi, Ivan Arie


    Erosi gigi merupakan hilangnya lapisan email gigi karena asam. Jenis asam, pH rendah, serta kandungan kalsium, fosfat, dan fluoride pada bir dan tuak diduga merupakan faktor kimiawi penyebab erosi gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman dan jenis minuman beralkohol bir dan tuak terhadap kekerasan email gigi manusia (in vitro). Penelitian ini menggunakan 14 sampel gigi premolar pertama atas. Setiap gigi dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, bukal dan palatal. kemudian dibagi m...

  2. Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Dan Jenis Minuman Beralkohol Bir Dan Tuak Terhadap Kekerasan Email Gigi Manusia (in Vitro)


    Magista, Malida; Nuryanti, Archadian; Wahyudi, Ivan Arie


    Erosi gigi merupakan hilangnya lapisan email gigi karena asam. Jenis asam, pH rendah, serta kandungan kalsium, fosfat, dan fluoride pada bir dan tuak diduga merupakan faktor kimiawi penyebab erosi gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman dan jenis minuman beralkohol bir dan tuak terhadap kekerasan email gigi manusia (in vitro). Penelitian ini menggunakan 14 sampel gigi premolar pertama atas. Setiap gigi dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, bukal dan palatal. kemudian dibagi m...


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    Tigor Butarbutar


    Full Text Available Hilangnya tutupan lahan hutan karena konversi hutan untuk pemukiman, perkebunan, pertanian dan kebutuhan untuk pembangunan di sektor lain, telah menyebabkan perubahan pola cuaca/iklim di berbagai tempat. Perubahan iklim dapat diantisipasi dengan mitigasi dan adaptasi. Mitigasi berarti usahausaha pencegahan yang perlu dilakukan, sedangkan adaptasi merupakan kegiatan-kegiatan penyesuaian yang perlu dilakukan untuk dapat hidup dan bertahan dan meningkatkan ketahanan, kelenturan dan mengarahkemigrasikarenakondisiiklimyangberbeda.Agroforestridapatmemitigasidanmengadaptasi perubahaniklim dengan alasan-alasansebagaiberikut: aPencampuranjenis pohonpenghasilkayu,buah dan lain-lain, karena campuran jenis lebih baik dari tanaman murni; b Pencampuran jenis yang didasarkan pada sifat toleransi ( dan , sehingga akan memanfaatkan seluruh cahaya untuk fotosintesis; c Pencampuran perbedaan umur; d Pencampuran berdasarkan perbedaan waktu pemanenan; e Penggabungan nilai ekonomi, sosial dan budaya sehingga perubahan vegetasi dapat berjalan seiring dengan perubahan sosial dan budaya secara berangsur yang dapat disesuaikan dengan perubahan iklim; dan f Dapat digunakan sebagai model untuk memfasilitasi perubahan kelompok vegetasi menjadi kelompok yang baru (adaptasi, seperti teori perubahan vegetasi melalui perladangan berpindah-pindahyangteratur.

  4. Perancangan dan Pengujian Load Balancing dan Failover Menggunakan NginX

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    Rahmad Dani


    Full Text Available Situs web dengan traffic yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan beban kerja yang berat di sisi server, yang pada gilirannya akan mengakibatkan turunnya kinerja server, bahkan kegagalan sistem secara keseluruhan. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan teknik load balancing dan failover. Load balancing merupakan teknologi untuk melakukan pembagian beban kepada beberapa server, memastikan tidak terjadi kelebihan beban pada salah satu server. Sementara itu, failover merupakan kemampuan suatu sistem untuk berpindah ke sistem cadangan jika sistem utama mengalami kegagalan. Dalam penelitian ini load balancing dengan teknik failover akan diimplementasikan pada sistem operasi Ubuntu. Software inti yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Nginx dan KeepAlived. Nginx akan berfungsi sebagai load balancer, sedangkan KeepAlived untuk mengimplementasikan teknik failover. Beberapa skenario telah disiapkan untuk menguji sistem load balancing yang telah dirancang. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak JMeter. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan, sistem yang dirancang berhasil membagikan beban permintaan dan dapat terus bekerja walaupun terjadi kegagalan pada server load balancer ataupun kegagalan pada server backend. Selain itu, dalam beberapa pengujian, penggunaan load balancing terbukti mampu menurunkan waktu respon dan meningkatkan thoughput pada sistem sehingga mampu meningkatkan performa keseluruhan sistem. Mengacu pada hasil penelitian ini, sistem load balancing dan failover menggunakan Nginx dapat dijadikan salah satu solusi pada sistem web server dengan situs web yang memiliki traffic tinggi.

  5. The characteristics of corrosion, radiation degradation and dissolution of titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sung, K. W.; Na, J. W.; Choi, B. S.; Lee, D. J.; Chang, M. H.


    In order to establish the technical bases of water chemistry design requirement related titanium alloys, we investigated the characteristics of corrosion, activation, radiation degradation, radiation hydrogen embrittlement of titanium alloys and dissolution of titanium dioxide. Titanium alloys generally have high corrosion resistance. Corrosion product release from PT-7M and PT-3V titanium alloy surface for 18 months of operation is negligible, and the corrosion penetration for about 30 years is about 1 μm, while the corrosion rates is not higher than one third of that of austenitic steel. Titanium only converts into Sc-46 with 85 day halflife after neutron irradiation, and its radioactivity is not higher than one thousandth of that produced from nickel. Therefore, under the condition without any neutron irradiation, the radiation damage of titanium alloys would have no problem. Titanium dioxide, that protects the metals from the corrosion, has retrograde solubility in neutral solutions. It does not form any complexes with ligands such as ammonia, but Ti(IV) gets more stable by complexing with water molecules. In conclusion, it is estimated that titanium alloys such as PT-7M would be applicable to steam generator materials


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    Nuni Widiarti


    Full Text Available Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penyuluhan Pengolahan Buah Dan Biji Rambutan Sebagai Makanan Tradisional Koktail, Manisan, Emping Biji Rambutan Dan Obat Herbal Yang Berkhasiat bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu PKK dukuh kanggan Desa Wringinputih terhadap manfaat rambutan, dan biji rambutan terhadap kesehatan beserta bagaimana meningkatkan nilai jual rambutan dan biji rambutan pada saat panen raya. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga di dukuh Kanggan Desa Wringinputih khususnya warga RT 01 dan 02 RW XIII yang berjumlah 20 orang. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pngabdian ini adalah penyuluhan dan demonstrasi pembuatan emping serta manisan buah rambutan. Manfaat yang diperoleh dari hasil pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat menjadi tahu manfaat dari daun hingga akar dan buah rambutan terhadap berbagai penyakit dan kecantikan.

  7. Pressure regulation in the dry-boxes. Argon purification; Regulation de pression dans les boites a gants. Purification d'argon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pascard, R; Fabre, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    Each dry-box is equipped with an autonomous installation for circulation and purification of argon and for pressure regulation. This installation consists essentially of a ballast tank, a compressor and two valves electromagnetically controlled by a contact manometer. The compressor and the valves are enclosed in the tank to form a system as compact as possible. The argon is purified by passing it over a furnace filled with titanium-zirconium turnings brought to about 800 deg. C, branching off the main system. With this set-up as well as the automatic maintenance of a constant depression in the box, a quality of argon is obtained whose oxygen contact is undetectable by the manganous hydroxide method. (author) [French] Chaque boite a gants est munie d'une installation autonome de circulation purification d'argon et de regulation de pression. Cette installation comprend essentiellement un reservoir tampon, un compresseur et deux vannes electromagnetiques commandees par un manometre a contact. Le compresseur et les vannes sont enfermes dans le reservoir de maniere a realiser un ensemble aussi compact que possible. L'argon est purifie par passage dans un four en derivation charge de tournure de titane-zirconium, porte a environ 800 deg. C. Avec ce dispositif, on obtient, outre le maintien automatique d'une depression constante dans la boite, un argon dont la teneur en oxygene est indecelable par la methode a l'hydrate manganeux. (auteur)


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    - Sumardi


    Full Text Available Salah satu kegiatan Posyandu adalah untuk memonitoring gizi anak pada daerah sekitarnya. Memonitoring dilakukan oleh Kader Posyandu dengan mencatat dan melaporkan sesuai dengan format yang diberikan oleh puskesmas. Informasi yang dihasilkan berupa status gizi anak, daftar anak pengikut penimbangan, daftar anak yang melakukan imunisasi, dan data kematian anak. Selama ini penyampaian informasi belum menghasilkan lengkap, akurat, jelas, dan tepat waktu. Hal ini tentunya menjadi masalah dalam memonitoring gizi anak pada suatu Posyandu. Sistem dikembangkan dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database dengan PHPMyAdmin. Desain sistem meliputi form login admin, form pengolahan daftar anak, form pengolahan layanan anak, form pengolahan catatan imunisasi, form data kematian, form daftar imunisasi. Untuk menghasilkan laporan pengolahan data dibuat dalam bentuk pdf agar tidak terjadi manipulasi informasi. Sistem ini diharapkan mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan kualitas informasi, berupa : ketersedian informasi saat dibutuhkan secara cepat, sudah dalam bentuk komputerisasi, tidak ada keterlambatan pelaporan hasil pengolahan data, dan hasil pengolahan data sesuai dengan keadaan yang ada. Pada tahap akhir pembuatan produk akan dilakukan evaluasi untuk memaksimalkan fungsinya. Kata kunci: E-Posyandu, monitoring, gizi anak, web report, Puskesmas

  9. Korelasi dan Penyebaran Kejadian Rabies pada Anjing dan Manusia di Kabupaten Klungkung Bali Tahun 2010-2014

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    Rendi Tegar Pratama


    Full Text Available Rabies atau penyakit anjing gila merupakan penyakit virus yang disebabkan oleh genus Lyssavirus dari famili Rhabdoviridae bersifat akut serta sangat berbahaya dan mengakibatkan kematian karena mampu menginfeksi sistem saraf pusat yakni otak dan sumsum tulang belakang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kawasan rabies, penyebaran rabies dan korelasi antara kejadian rabies pada anjing dan manusia di Kabupaten Klungkung tahun 2010-2014. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Untuk mengetahui hubungan kejadian rabies pada anjing dan manusia dilakukan uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Berdasarkan uji korelasi Spearman diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan yang searah antara kejadian rabies pada anjing dan manusia. Dari uji Spearman yang dilakukan nilai koefisiensi yang diperoleh adalah 0,468 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,037.


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    Ari Widyanti


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK di usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM di Indonesia masih pada tingkat yang belum sesuai harapan. Mempertimbangkan bahwa UKM di Indonesia banyak menyerap tenaga kerja dan menyumbang pendapatan nasional yang cukup besar, serta melihat bahwa pemanfaatan TIK di banyak industri besar telah membawa peningkatan performansi yang cukup signifikan,  peningkatan pemanfaatan TIK di UKM merupakan hal yang penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memetakan tingkat pemanfaatan TIK di UKM dan mengaplikasikan intervensi kognitif dan pendekatan rantai nilai dalam meningkatkan pemanfaatan TIK di UKM. Pemetaan pemanfaatan TIK dilakukan melalui survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur dan wawancara yang melibatkan 61 UKM di berbagai bidang di Bandung. Hasil pemetaan pemanfaatan TIK di UKM menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan TIK di UKM sebatas pada tujuan pemasaran produk dan sebatas pada penggunaan website. Kendala utama pemanfaatan TIK di UKM adalah faktor SDM terutama berkaitan dengan keterbatasan pengetahuan dan informasi. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan, selanjutnya, intervensi dilakukan melalui edukasi/kampanye dengan materi mengenai rantai nilai pada 30 UKM yang bergerak di bidang fashion. Hasil intervensi menunjukkan bahwa level pengetahuan dan intensi/kemauan untuk menerapkan TIK di UKM selain untuk kepentingan pemasaran (misalnya untuk perancangan produk dan hubungan dengan pemasok semakin meningkat. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dibahas lebih lanjut.       Abstract The use of information and communication technology (ICT in small and medium enterprise (SME in Indonesia is at low level. Considering that SME in Indonesia employ a lot of people and contribute to Gross Domestic Product (GDP as well as improve performance of industries,  coupled with low level of ICT use in Indonesian SME, ICT’ used in SME must be increased. Therefore, this study aims to map the use of ICT in

  11. Radiolysis of titanium potassium oxalate in aqueous solution. [. gamma. rays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bundo, Y; Ono, I [Industrial Research Inst. of Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama (Japan); Ogawa, T


    The dissolution state of titanium potassium oxalate in aqueous solution is different according to the pH. The yellowish brown titanium complex produced by the reaction of titanium potassium oxalate and hydrogen peroxide seems to be different in its structure according to the pH. Considering these points, gamma-ray irradiation was carried out on the sample by dissolving titanium potassium oxalate in purified water under the conditions of oxygen saturation and nitrogen saturation, and the relation between irradiation dose and the production of titanium complex was determined. On the basis of the experimental result, the mechanism of forming hydrogen peroxide was presumed. The radiation source used was 2,000 Ci of /sup 60/Co. For photometric analysis, a 139 type photoelectric spectrophotometer of Hitachi Ltd. was used. From the experimental results, in neutral water, titanium potassium oxalate exists in the state that two oxalic acid ions are coordinated to titanyl ion, while in case of the pH lowered by the addition of sulfuric acid, it can exist in the state that one oxalic acid ion is coordinated to titanyl ion. The yield of hydrogen peroxide produced by irradiating titanium potassium oxalate aqueous solution with gamma-ray is the sum of the molecular product from water and the radiolysis product from titanium potassium oxalate.

  12. In vitro assessment of artifacts induced by titanium, titanium-zirconium and zirconium dioxide implants in cone-beam computed tomography. (United States)

    Sancho-Puchades, Manuel; Hämmerle, Christoph H F; Benic, Goran I


    The aim of this study was to test whether or not the intensity of artifacts around implants in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) differs between titanium, titanium-zirconium and zirconium dioxide implants. Twenty models of a human mandible, each containing one implant in the single-tooth gap position 45, were cast in dental stone. Five test models were produced for each of the following implant types: titanium 4.1 mm diameter (Ti4.1 ), titanium 3.3 mm diameter (Ti3.3 ), titanium-zirconium 3.3 mm diameter (TiZr3.3 ) and zirconium dioxide 3.5-4.5 mm diameter (ZrO3.5-4.5 ) implants. For control purposes, three models without implants were produced. Each model was scanned using a CBCT device. Gray values (GV) were recorded at eight circumferential positions around the implants at 0.5 mm, 1 mm and 2 mm from the implant surface (GVT est ). GV were assessed in the corresponding volumes of interest (VOI) in the control models without implants (GVC ontrol ). Differences of gray values (ΔGV) between GVT est and GVC ontrol were calculated as percentages. One-way ANOVA and post hoc tests were applied to detect differences between implant types. Mean ΔGV for ZrO3.5-4.5 presented the highest absolute values, generally followed by TiZr3.3 , Ti4.1 and Ti3.3 implants. The differences of ΔGV between ZrO3.5-4.5 and the remaining groups were statistically significant in the majority of the VOI (P ≤ 0.0167). ΔGV for TiZr3.3 , Ti4.1 and Ti3.3 implants did not differ significantly in the most VOI. For all implant types, ΔGV showed positive values buccally, mesio-buccally, lingually and disto-lingually, whereas negative values were detected mesially and distally. Zirconium dioxide implants generate significantly more artifacts as compared to titanium and titanium-zirconium implants. The intensity of artifacts around zirconium dioxide implants exhibited in average the threefold in comparison with titanium implants. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley

  13. Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Hortikultura dengan Teknik Inferensi Forward dan Backward Chaining

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    Ginanjar Wiro Sasmito


    Full Text Available One of the obstacles to doing cultivation of horticulture plant is to overcome pest and disease. Pest and disease attack can decrease productivity and even causes harvest fail that influence toward one of income sources the country. Therefore the diagnose on pest and disease must be done fastly and accurately. One of horticulture plant is red onion and chili plant. An expert system is offered as the second choice after expert on consultation. Using Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC method, combination inference engine of and backward chaining for diagnosing pest and horticulture plant disease created as giving the solution. The technique of reasoning used in this research is the rule-based. The result of the research is an application that can be used to diagnosis pest and disease horticulture plant, that are red onion and chili. By this application, the farmer can determine quick action should be taken if the farm pests and diseases, without waiting for a consultation with an expert to do the handling. The application result also could be a learning system to the farmer about pest and disease horticulture plant. Salah satu kendala melakukan budidaya tanaman hortikultura adalah dalam mengatasi hama dan penyakit. Serangan hama dan penyakit dapat menurunkan produktivitas dan bahkan menyebabkan gagal panen yang berpengaruh terhadap salah satu sumber devisa negara. Oleh karena itu, diagnosis terhadap hama dan penyakit harus dilakukan dengan cepat dan akurat. Tanaman hortikultura tersebut salah satunya adalah bawang merah dan cabai. Sistem pakar dihadirkan sebagai pilihan kedua setelah pakar dalam melakukan konsultasi. Dengan menggunakan metode Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC, penggabungan teknik inferensi forward dan backward chaining untuk diagnosis hama dan penyakit tanaman hortikultura dibuat sebagai solusi atas permasalahan yang ada. Teknik penalaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni rule-based reasoning. Hasil

  14. Stainless Steel to Titanium Bimetallic Transitions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaluzny, J. A. [Fermilab; Grimm, C. [Fermilab; Passarelli, D. [Fermilab


    In order to use stainless steel piping in an LCLS-II (Linac Coherent Light Source Upgrade) cryomodule, stainless steel to titanium bimetallic transitions are needed to connect the stainless steel piping to the titanium cavity helium vessel. Explosion bonded stainless steel to titanium transition pieces and bimetallic transition material samples have been tested. A sample transition tube was subjected to tests and x-ray examinations between tests. Samples of the bonded joint material were impact and tensile tested at room temperature as well as liquid helium temperature. The joint has been used successfully in horizontal tests of LCLS-II cavity helium vessels and is planned to be used in LCLS-II cryomodules. Results of material sample and transition tube tests will be presented.

  15. Pengembangan Model dan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Ekonomi dan Bisnis dengan Aplikasi Microsoft Mathematics

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    Mohammad Arief


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to produce: 1 Computer-assisted learning model (Computer Assisted Instruction/CAI using Microsoft Mathematics Application for task completion in the Economic Mathematic and Business course; 2 the development (production interactive multimedia for learning in Economic Mathematic and Business course; 3 Dissemination of results model development and learning media CAI into learning of the Economic Mathematic and Business course in the department of management Economics Faculty UM. The research method that used in this study is qualitative method with Class Action Research (CAR. To collecting data observation that are; 1 observation; 2 questionnaire; 3 photo documentation; 4 application. Research subject was student Management S-1 of academic years 2011/2012 on the odd semester of 2011/2012 who are taking Economic Mathematic and Business courses that are 43 students. The result of development model activities and learning media of Economic Mathematic and Business shown that even though they are beginner using this software, however its ease to use and better outcome expectation with the appropriate learning model, it’s very helpful to achieve learning objective of Economic Mathematic and Business course. Important suggestion is the time in mid semester examination or final semester examination in task completion should be use conventional way, because mastery concept of mathematic which associated and economic phenomena and business not all them can be explained through application program. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan: 1 Model pembelajaran berbantuan komputer ( Computer Assisted Instruction / CAI dengan memanfaatkan Aplikasi Microsoft Mathematics untuk penyelesaian soal dalam mata kuliah Matematika Ekonomi dan Bisnis; 2 Pengembangan multimedia interaktif untuk pembelajaran mata kuliah Matematika Ekonomi dan Bisnis; 3 Diseminasi hasil pengembangan model dan media pembelajaran CAI ke

  16. Hydrogen embrittlement of titanium and its alloys - a literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aho-Mantila, I.; Haemaelaeinen, H.


    Hydrogen embrittlement data of titanium and its alloys is reviewed. Especially the results obtained in spent nuclear fuel repository conditions with commercially pure titanium and TiCode-12 alloy are examined. The results show that the mechanical properties of titanium are not much affected by hydrogen when tested by smooth specimens. Much greater effects can be expected with notched fracture mechanics specimens. However, only limeted data is available. Hydrogen distribution in titanium is affected by stress, alloy composition and temperature gradients. In order to model the hydrogen-induced crack growth in titanium much more mechanistic work is needed especially to understand the behaviour of hydrogen in crack tip stress field. (author)

  17. Otomatisasi Pelayanan Binatu Berbasis Raspberry Pi Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Dan Efisiensi Kegiatan Operasional Dan Pelayanan Binatu

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    Al Habsyi Yesa


    Full Text Available Bisnis binatu (laundry atau bisnis jasa cuci pakaian merupakan bisnis yang menggiurkan saat sekarang ini. Proses layanan binatu umumnya terdiri dari pendaftaran, pengolahan, dan pengambilan pakaian. Proses ini memiliki banyak kekurangan yaitu pendaftaran manual tidak efektif dan efisien, pengolahan pakaian hanya diketahui oleh penyedia layanan binatu, dan pelanggan tidak mengetahui pakaian telah selesai. Ditengah persaingan bisnis yang begitu ketat, pelayanan konsumen merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting. Penyedia jasa dituntut untuk berinovasi untuk menyediakan layanan jasa yang efektif dan efisien. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini merancang dan merealisasikan otomatisasi pelayanan binatu berbasis raspberry pi. Sistem ini menggunakan timbangan digital berbasis load cell, teknologi radio frequency identification (RFID sebagai masukan data otomatis, Raspberry Pi sebagai pusat dari pengolahan basis data (database, dan webserver sebagai pusat informasi bagi pelanggan. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan. Timbangan digital memiliki eror rata-rata 0,88 %, metode RFID dapat memasukan data pelanggan secara otomatis dengan metode pengambilan nomor identitas jenis hex 8 digit, Raspberry Pi dapat mengakomodasi aplikasi yang efektif dan efisien untuk menyimpan data pelanggan secara otomatis dengan pemakaian CPU rata-rata 5%, dan webserver yang digunakan dapat menyediakan informasi layanan binatu bagi pelanggan.

  18. Array of titanium dioxide nanostructures for solar energy utilization (United States)

    Qiu, Xiaofeng; Parans Paranthaman, Mariappan; Chi, Miaofang; Ivanov, Ilia N; Zhang, Zhenyu


    An array of titanium dioxide nanostructures for solar energy utilization includes a plurality of nanotubes, each nanotube including an outer layer coaxial with an inner layer, where the inner layer comprises p-type titanium dioxide and the outer layer comprises n-type titanium dioxide. An interface between the inner layer and the outer layer defines a p-n junction.

  19. Grain growth in ultrafine titanium powders during sintering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panigrahi, B.B.; Godkhindi, M.M.


    Grain growth behaviour of fine (∼3 μm) and attrition milled nanocrystalline (∼32 nm) titanium powers during sintering have been studied. The activation energies of grain growth (Q g ) in fine titanium were found to be 192.9 and 142.4 kJ/mol at lower and higher temperature ranges, respectively. The nanocrystalline titanium showed very low values of Q g (54.6 kJ/mol) at lower temperatures and it increased to 273.2 kJ/mol at higher temperatures. The constant (n) in nano Ti system was found to have unusually very high values of 6.5-8.2. The grain boundary rotation along with the diffusional processes could be the grain growth mechanism in nanocrystalline and in fine titanium powders

  20. The titanium oxide phi system (United States)

    Galehouse, D. C.; Davis, S. P.


    The phy system of titanium oxide has been studied in emission in the near-infrared, with the Fourier transform spectrometer at a resolution of 8000,000. Approximately 3000 lines from 25 bands of this system have been identified, including all five 0-0 and 0-1 bands corresponding to the five natural titanium isotopes. Eleven vibrational levels have been observed, and all bands have been rotationally analyzed. Band intensities are agreement with known isotopic abundances and calculated Franck-Condon factors.

  1. Thermomechanical treatment of titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khorev, A.K.


    The problems of the theory and practical application of thermomechanical treatment of titanium alloys are presented. On the basis of the systematic investigations developed are the methods of thermomechanical treatment of titanium alloys, established are the optimum procedures and produced are the bases of their industrial application with an account of alloy technological peculiarities and the procedure efficiency. It is found that those strengthening methods are more efficient at which the contribution of dispersion hardening prevails over the strengthening by phase hardening

  2. [Effects of laser welding on bond of porcelain fused cast pure titanium]. (United States)

    Zhu, Juan-fang; He, Hui-ming; Gao, Bo; Wang, Zhong-yi


    To investigate the influence of the laser welding on bond of porcelain fused to cast pure titanium. Twenty cast titanium plates were divided into two groups: laser welded group and control group. The low-fusing porcelain was fused to the laser welded cast pure titanium plates at fusion zone. The bond strength of the porcelain to laser welded cast pure titanium was measured by the three-point bending test. The interface of titanium and porcelain was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy depressive X-ray detector (EDX). The non-welded titanium plates were used as comparison. No significant difference of the bond strength was found between laser-welded samples [(46.85 +/- 0.76) MPa] and the controls [(41.71 +/- 0.55) MPa] (P > 0.05). The SEM displayed the interface presented similar irregularities with a predominance. The titanium diffused to low-fusing porcelain, while silicon and aluminum diffused to titanium basement. Laser welding does not affect low-fusing porcelain fused to pure titanium.

  3. Phase equilibria and thermodynamic studies in the titanium-nickel and titanium-nickel-oxygen systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chattopadhyay, G.; Kleykamp, H.; Laumer, W.


    The isothermal section of the Ti-Ni-O system was examined at 1200 K in the regions between the Ni(Ti) solid solution and the binary oxides of titanium. The relative partial Gibbs energies of oxygen over the Ti 2 O 3 -Ti 3 O 5 region and of titanium in the Ni(Ti) solid solution as well as the Gibbs energies of formation of NiTiO 3 , Ti 3 O 5 and TiNi 3 were determined between 1100 and 1300 K by use of solid electrolyte galvanic cells. (orig.) [de

  4. On reaction of titanium polonides with carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abakumov, A.S.; Malyshev, M.L.; Reznikova, N.F.


    The reaction between titanium polonides and carbon dioxide has been studied by comparing titanium polonide thermal resistance in vacuum and in carbon dioxide. The investigation has shown that titanium mono- and semipolonides fail at temperatures below 350 deg C. Temperature dependence of polonium vapor pressure prepared at failure of the given polonides is determined by the radiotensiometry in carbon dioxide. Enthalpy calculated for this dependence is close to the enthalpy of elementary polonium evaporation in vacuum


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    Heru Yuniati


    Full Text Available Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan natrium (Na dan garam (NaCl dalam 10 jenis ikan asin kering yang beredar di Pasar Anyar Bogor. Analisis natrium dilakukan terhadap ikan asin mentah, setelah dicuci, dan setelah digoreng dengan menggunakan flamefometer. Analisis garam dilakukan dengan titrasi argentometri terhadap ikan asin mentah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan, kandungan Na dan garam dalam ikan asin sangat beragam besarnya berturut-turut berkisar antara 0,3-8,1% dan 5,7-21,2%. Ikan asin yang mempunyai kadar Na dan garam tinggi adalah ikan sepat, peda putih dan gabus. Jumlah air dalam ikan asin juga bervariasi, berkisar antara 10,3-46,8%. pencucian dan penggorengan dapat menurunkan kadar garam ataupun natrium sebesar 37,4%.

  6. STRUKTUR META TEORI AKUNTANSI KEUANGAN (Sebuah Telaah dan Perbandingan antara FASB dan IASC

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    I Made Narsa


    Full Text Available The objectives of this paper is to analyses the structure of meta-theoretical of financial accounting that was used by FASB and IASC to develop the conceptual framework for financial accounting reporting. The discussion of conceptual framework conducted by comparison of the basic different between the FASB and IASC framework, then analyses the constraints to implement IFRS and identify the way out of the constraints faced by the body. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas struktur meta teori yang dipergunakan oleh FASB dan IASC dalam mengembangkan rerangka konseptual, menelaah perbedaan-perbedaan mendasar, menganalisis hambatan-hambatan yang dialami serta mengidentifikasi upaya-upaya yang harus dilakukan agar IFRS diterapkan oleh negara-negara anggota. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan rerangka dasar yang diatur dalam FASB dan IASC dan kemudian menganalisa hambatan yang timbul dengan adanya penerapan IFRS dan mengidentifikasi bagaimana hambatan tersebut dapat diselesaikan. Kata kunci: globalisasi, harmonisasi, meta teori, FASB dan IASC, kerangka dasar, akuntansi keuangan

  7. Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Asam dan Waktu Demineralisasi pada Nilai Rendemen dan Sifat Fisiko Kimia Gelatin Tulang Sapi Bali.


    Ramadani, Dewi


    2014 Dewi Ramadani (I 411 10 267). Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Asam dan Waktu Demineralisasi pada Nilai Rendemen dan Sifat Fisiko Kimia Gelatin Tulang Sapi Bali. Muhammad Irfan Said Sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Farida Nur Yuliati Sebagai Pembimbing Anggota. Gelatin merupakan senyawa hasil hidrolisis serabut kolagen secara persial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh jenis larutan dan waktu demineralisasi pada nilai rendemen dan sif...

  8. Feasibility of long-life and corrosion-resistant canister with titanium cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furuya, Masahiro; Tokiwai, Moriyasu; Saegusa, Toshiari


    In order to store nuclear spent fuels for a long term, we propose the concept of stainless steel canister with titanium cladding. The stainless canister is first brazed to titanium plates, and then the brazed joints are covered with other titanium plates. A MIG brazing for titanium and stainless steel was demonstrated with a brazing metal of Cu-1Mn-3Si alloy (MG960). JIS G 0601 shear strength, tensile shear stress and peel strength tests are conducted for the optimized MIG brazing conditions. These results showed the MIG brazing specimens possess adequate structural strength. After the salt spray test on the basis of JIS Z 2371, there were no pitting and general corrosions on a TIG welding specimen between titanium plates. The corrosion resistance is therefore, sufficiently high. Manufacturing cost estimation suggests that the titanium cladding concept is feasible thereby using 1-mm-thick titanium plates to reduce the material cost. In addition to this concept, we propose another concept of the canister by using titanium-stainless steel cladding plates to reduce a number of brazing joints. (author)

  9. Cranioplasty with individual titanium implants (United States)

    Mishinov, S.; Stupak, V.; Sadovoy, M.; Mamonova, E.; Koporushko, N.; Larkin, V.; Novokshonov, A.; Dolzhenko, D.; Panchenko, A.; Desyatykh, I.; Krasovsky, I.


    Cranioplasty is the second procedure in the history of neurosurgery after trepanation, and it is still relevant despite the development of civilization and progress in medicine. Each cranioplasty operation is unique because there are no two patients with identical defects of the skull bones. The development of Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technique opened up the possibility of direct implant printing of titanium, a biocompatible metal used in medicine. This eliminates the need for producing any intermediate products to create the desired implant. We have produced 8 patient-specific titanium implants using this technique for patients who underwent different decompressive cranioectomies associated with bone tumors. Follow-up duration ranged from 6 to 12 months. We observed no implant-related reactions or complications. In all cases of reconstructive neurosurgery we achieved good clinical and aesthetic results. The analysis of the literature and our own experience in three-dimensional modeling, prototyping, and printing suggests that direct laser sintering of titanium is the optimal method to produce biocompatible surgical implants.

  10. Perawatan Kandidiasis Pseuodomembran Akut dan Mukositis Oral pada Penderita Kanker Nasofaring yang Menerima Khemoterapi dan Radioterapi

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    S. Supriatno


    Full Text Available Latar belakang: Terapi radiasi merupakan metode primer perawatan pasien kanker leher dan kepala. Perubahan funsional dan kerusakan jaringan oral menyebabkan timbulnya mukositia oral yang diikuti dengan kandidiasis oral. Tujuan: Melaporkan efek samping perawatan khemoterapi dan radioterapi pada pasien kanker nasofaring yang terjadi di rongga mulut berupa kandidiasis pseudomembran akut dan mukositis oral serta penatalaksanaannya. Kasus: Seorang laki-laki, 69 tahun, datang ke Bagian Gigi dan Mulut RSUP Dr. Sardjito, atas rujukan dari instalasi Penyakit Dalam., RSUP Dr. Sardjito, dengan keluhan sakit untuk menelan makanan dan mulutnya banyak bercak-bercak putih. Keluhan dirasakan satu minggu setelah dilakukan khemoterapi ke-3 dan radioterapi ke-9. Pasien didiagnosa kanker nasofaring (NPC dengan klasifikasi T2N3M0. Pemeriksaan klinik menunjukkan adanya lapisan putih pada mukosa lidah, pipi, palatum, dan mukosa bibir. Seluruh mukosa mulut berwarna merah tua dan terdapat anguler cheilitis di kedua sudut bibir. Pasien diklasifikasikan menderita mukositis oral derajat 1. Penatalaksanaan: Menghilangkan jaringan nekrotik dan debris dengan berkumur larutan perhidrol 3% dan pemberian medikasi termasuk tablet nistatin 500.000 IU, betadin kumur, dan larutan perhidrol 3% selama 1 minggu. Saat reevaluasi, pasien sudah dapat menelan dan makan yang sedikit keras tanpa ada rasa sakit lagi. Pemeriksaan klinis didapatkan bercak putih di lidah, palatum, pipi dan bibir sudah tidak ada. Warna mukosa oral telah normal, OHI dan kondisi umum baik dalam 1 minggu pasca perawatan. Kesimpulan: Perawatan kandidiasis dan mukositis oral akibat kemoradioterapi pada pasien kanker nasofaring telah berhasil dan kondisi oral membaik. Pasien dapat mengunyah dan menelan makanan tanpa ada rasa sakit, dan hasil pengobatan yang diberikan pada pasien sesuai dengan harapan operator.   Background: Radiation therapy remains the primary method of treatment for patients with head and neck

  11. All welded titanium condenser adopted in atomic power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwai, Nagao; Itabashi, Yukihiko


    Condensers in power plants are shell-and-tube type heat exchangers. Most condensers use seawater as a coolant. Their tube and tube Sheets have usually been made of brass, which resists corrosion but cannot completely prevent it; as a result, tubes sometimes corrode or erode, allowing seawater to leak into the turbine cycle. As is well known, titanium has almost complete corrosion resistance against seawater; for this reason titanium tubes have replaced brass ones in some condensers operating in Europe and the USA. Even in such condensers, though, the tube plates have still been made of brass, tightly fitted to the titanium tubes, and it has proved impossible to eliminate seawater leakage at the junctions between tubes and tube Sheets. In order to eliminate such leakage completely, the tube Sheets must be made of titanium too, and the tubes and plates must be welded together. However, the welding of titanium requires an extremely celan atmosphere, a condition very difficult to fulfill at power plant construction sites, and the use of whole welded titanium tube condensers has long been considered a practical impossibility. Such all-titanium welded condensers have now been successfully constructed and installed in two 600 MW fossil power plants and one 1100 MW nuclear power plant. This paper describes the techniques used, add in addition reviews the various materials that have been used in condenser tubes. (author)


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    Desy Sugiani


    Full Text Available Peningkatan respon antibodi pascavaksinasi dengan antigen tunggal dan campuran dari bakterin Aeromonas hydrophila and Streptococcus agalactiae diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya tahan ikan tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus terhadap penyakit Motile Aeromonas Septicemia/MAS dan Streptococcosis. Sediaan vaksin disiapkan dengan metode pembuatan dan formula yang berbeda, proses inaktifasi dilakukan dengan menambahkan 3% Neutral Buffer Formalin (NBF 10% pada biakan bakteri dalam media tumbuh BHI dan TSB. Vaksinasi diberikan melalui injeksi intraperitoneal dengan sediaan vaksin monovalen A. hydrophila, monovalen S. agalactiae, dan bivalen A. hydrophila + S. agalactiae (Sel utuh, produk ektraselular/ECP, crude supernatan, campuran sel utuh + ECP, dan broth. Uji tantang dilakukan menggunakan dosis LD50 infeksi tunggal maupun ko-infeksi dari bakteri A. hydrophila dan S. agalactiae. Efektivitas dan keampuhan vaksin tersebut dihitung berdasarkan nilai RPS (Relative Percent Survival dan hasil respon hematologi. Titer antibodi dapat terdeteksi setelah satu minggu pemeliharaan pasca vaksinasi. Nilai titer antar perlakuan vaksin bivalen berbeda nyata (P<0.05 dengan vaksin monovalen dan kontrol. Nilai RPS vaksin bivalen (campuran sel utuh + ECP mencapai 100 untuk uji tantang dengan A. hydrophila dan 56,7 pada uji tantang ko-infeksi. Vaksin monovalen A. hydrophila maupun S. agalactiae hanya mampu memproteksi terhadap bakteri homolog, tidak terjadi proteksi silang di antara keduanya.

  13. Near-Net Shape Fabrication Using Low-Cost Titanium Alloy Powders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dr. David M. Bowden; Dr. William H. Peter


    The use of titanium in commercial aircraft production has risen steadily over the last half century. The aerospace industry currently accounts for 58% of the domestic titanium market. The Kroll process, which has been used for over 50 years to produce titanium metal from its mineral form, consumes large quantities of energy. And, methods used to convert the titanium sponge output of the Kroll process into useful mill products also require significant energy resources. These traditional approaches result in product forms that are very expensive, have long lead times of up to a year or more, and require costly operations to fabricate finished parts. Given the increasing role of titanium in commercial aircraft, new titanium technologies are needed to create a more sustainable manufacturing strategy that consumes less energy, requires less material, and significantly reduces material and fabrication costs. A number of emerging processes are under development which could lead to a breakthrough in extraction technology. Several of these processes produce titanium alloy powder as a product. The availability of low-cost titanium powders may in turn enable a more efficient approach to the manufacture of titanium components using powder metallurgical processing. The objective of this project was to define energy-efficient strategies for manufacturing large-scale titanium structures using these low-cost powders as the starting material. Strategies include approaches to powder consolidation to achieve fully dense mill products, and joining technologies such as friction and laser welding to combine those mill products into near net shape (NNS) preforms for machining. The near net shape approach reduces material and machining requirements providing for improved affordability of titanium structures. Energy and cost modeling was used to define those approaches that offer the largest energy savings together with the economic benefits needed to drive implementation. Technical

  14. Development and Evaluation of Titanium Spacesuit Bearings (United States)

    Rhodes, Richard; Battisti, Brian; Ytuarte, Raymond, Jr.; Schultz, Bradley


    The Z-2 Prototype Planetary Extravehicular Space Suit Assembly is a continuation of NASA's Z-series of spacesuits, designed with the intent of meeting a wide variety of exploration mission objectives, including human exploration of the Martian surface. Incorporating titanium bearings into the Z-series space suit architecture allows us to reduce mass by an estimated 23 lbs per suit system compared to the previously used stainless steel bearing race designs, without compromising suit functionality. There are two obstacles to overcome when using titanium for a bearing race- 1) titanium is flammable when exposed to the oxygen wetted environment inside the space suit and 2) titanium's poor wear properties are often challenging to overcome in tribology applications. In order to evaluate the ignitability of a titanium space suit bearing, a series of tests were conducted at White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) that introduced the bearings to an extreme test profile, with multiple failures imbedded into the test bearings. The testing showed no signs of ignition in the most extreme test cases; however, substantial wear of the bearing races was observed. In order to design a bearing that can last an entire exploration mission (approx. 3 years), design parameters for maximum contact stress need to be identified. To identify these design parameters, bearing test rigs were developed that allow for the quick evaluation of various bearing ball loads, ball diameters, lubricants, and surface treatments. This test data will allow designers to minimize the titanium bearing mass for a specific material and lubricant combination and design around a cycle life requirement for an exploration mission. This paper reviews the current research and testing that has been performed on titanium bearing races to evaluate the use of such materials in an enriched oxygen environment and to optimize the bearing assembly mass and tribological properties to accommodate for the high bearing cycle life for an

  15. Present status of titanium removable dentures--a review of the literature. (United States)

    Ohkubo, C; Hanatani, S; Hosoi, T


    Although porcelain and zirconium oxide might be used for fixed partial dental prostheses instead of conventional dental metals in the near future, removable partial denture (RPD) frameworks will probably continue to be cast with biocompatible metals. Commercially pure (CP) titanium has appropriate mechanical properties, it is lightweight (low density) compared with conventional dental alloys, and has outstanding biocompatibility that prevents metal allergic reactions. This literature review describes the laboratory conditions needed for fabricating titanium frameworks and the present status of titanium removable prostheses. The use of titanium for the production of cast RPD frameworks has gradually increased. There are no reports about metallic allergy apparently caused by CP titanium dentures. The laboratory drawbacks still remain, such as the lengthy burn-out, inferior castability and machinability, reaction layer formed on the cast surface, difficulty of polishing, and high initial costs. However, the clinical problems, such as discoloration of the titanium surfaces, unpleasant metal taste, decrease of clasp retention, tendency for plaque to adhere to the surface, detachment of the denture base resin, and severe wear of titanium teeth, have gradually been resolved. Titanium RPD frameworks have never been reported to fail catastrophically. Thus, titanium is recommended as protection against metal allergy, particularly for large-sized prostheses such as RPDs or complete dentures.

  16. Preparation procedure for spherical titanium powders by RF induction plasma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gu Zhongtao; Jin Yuping; Ye Gaoying


    The paper uses the single-factor method for the study of spherical titanium powder preparation process. Titanium powders with excellent sphericity can be prepared through controlling and regulating the radio frequency plasma anode working current and voltage, central gas flow rate, sheath gas flow rate, powder-carrying gas flow rate, negative ventilation pressure and powder feed rate, etc. Spheroidization of titanium powders with a size of (17.0±2.0) μm is performed by radio frequency plasma technology. With the increase of negative ventilation pressure, the spheroidization rate of titanium powders increases firstly and then decreases rapidly at the turning point around 1800 Pa. With the rate of powder feed increasing, the spheroidization rate of titanium powders increases firstly. When the powder feed rate is greater than 90.0 g/min, the spheroidization rate of titanium powders reduces rapidly as the powder feed rate increases. (authors)

  17. Surface characterization of nickel titanium orthodontic arch wires (United States)

    Krishnan, Manu; Seema, Saraswathy; Tiwari, Brijesh; Sharma, Himanshu S.; Londhe, Sanjay; Arora, Vimal


    Background Surface roughness of nickel titanium orthodontic arch wires poses several clinical challenges. Surface modification with aesthetic/metallic/non metallic materials is therefore a recent innovation, with clinical efficacy yet to be comprehensively evaluated. Methods One conventional and five types of surface modified nickel titanium arch wires were surface characterized with scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis, Raman spectroscopy, Atomic force microscopy and 3D profilometry. Root mean square roughness values were analyzed by one way analysis of variance and post hoc Duncan's multiple range tests. Results Study groups demonstrated considerable reduction in roughness values from conventional in a material specific pattern: Group I; conventional (578.56 nm) > Group V; Teflon (365.33 nm) > Group III; nitride (301.51 nm) > Group VI (i); rhodium (290.64 nm) > Group VI (ii); silver (252.22 nm) > Group IV; titanium (229.51 nm) > Group II; resin (158.60 nm). It also showed the defects with aesthetic (resin/Teflon) and nitride surfaces and smooth topography achieved with metals; titanium/silver/rhodium. Conclusions Resin, Teflon, titanium, silver, rhodium and nitrides were effective in decreasing surface roughness of nickel titanium arch wires albeit; certain flaws. Findings have clinical implications, considering their potential in lessening biofilm adhesion, reducing friction, improving corrosion resistance and preventing nickel leach and allergic reactions. PMID:26843749

  18. Resorbable versus titanium plates for orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Agnihotry, Anirudha; Fedorowicz, Zbys; Nasser, Mona; Gill, Karanjot S


    Recognition of some of the limitations of titanium plates and screws used for the fixation of bones has led to the development of plates manufactured from bioresorbable materials. Whilst resorbable plates appear to offer clinical advantages over metal plates in orthognathic surgery, concerns remain about the stability of fixation and the length of time required for their degradation and the possibility of foreign body reactions. This review compares the use of titanium versus bioresorbable plates in orthognathic surgery and is an update of the Cochrane Review first published in 2007. To compare the effects of bioresorbable fixation systems with titanium systems used during orthognathic surgery. Cochrane Oral Health's Information Specialist searched the following databases: Cochrane Oral Health's Trials Register (to 20 January 2017); the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 11) in the Cochrane Library (searched 20 January 2017); MEDLINE Ovid (1946 to 20 January 2017); and Embase Ovid (1980 to 20 January 2017). We searched the US National Institutes of Health Ongoing Trials Register (; searched 20 January 2017), and the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (searched 20 January 2017) for ongoing trials. No restrictions were placed on the language or date of publication when searching the electronic databases. Randomised controlled trials comparing bioresorbable versus titanium fixation systems used for orthognathic surgery in adults. Two review authors independently screened the results of the electronic searches, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of the included studies. We resolved disagreement by discussion. Clinical heterogeneity between the included trials precluded pooling of data, and only a descriptive summary is presented. This review included two trials, involving 103 participants, one comparing titanium with resorbable plates and screws and

  19. Kajian Pemilihan Sumber Mikroorganisme Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC Berdasarkan Jenis dan Volume Sampah, Power Density dan Efisiensi Penurunan COD

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    Ganjar Samudro


    Full Text Available Mikroorganisme merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam proses Solid Phase Microbial Fuel Cell (SMFC untuk degradasi bahan organik dan transfer elektron. Pemilihan sumber mikroorganisme menjadi metode yang paling sederhana untuk dikaji sebagai informasi awal ketersediaan dan identifikasi jenis mikroorganisme yang mendukung proses SMFC. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memilih sumber mikroorganisme tanah, septic tank dan sedimen sungai yang tepat digunakan dalam proses SMFC berdasarkan jenis dan volume sampah, power density, dan efisiensi penurunan COD. Kajian ini didasarkan pada hasil penelitian menggunakan reaktor SMFC tipe single chamber microbial fuel cell dengan variabel jenis dan volume sampah , serta sumber mikroorganisme. Metode perbandingan secara kuantitatif dilakukan berdasarkan kecenderungan nilai power density dan efisiensi penurunan COD tertinggi di antara jenis dan volume sampah kantin, dedaunan dan komposit kantin-dedaunan. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah sumber mikroorganisme tanah dan sedimen sungai tepat digunakan untuk volume sampah 1/3 dan 2/3 dari volume reaktor, sedangkan sumber mikroorganisme septic tank tepat digunakan untuk volume sampah 1/3 dan 1/2 dari volume reaktor. Sumber mikroorganisme dari septic tank menunjukkan kinerja power density dan efisiensi penurunan COD yang lebih rendah dibandingkan sumber mikroorganisme tanah dan sedimen sungai.


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    Engkun Rohimah


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis study was aimed to analyze relationship between patterns of consumption and health status with nutritional status and development of children under five years. The design of this study was cross sectional. Subject in this study were 63 children under five years. Food consumption data was collected using Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ and child development data using Bina Keluarga Balita instruments. The results showed severe wasting and wasting existed in the under three years children but not in preschool. Under three years children had an average growth rate greater than preschool. There is a significant relationship between maternal employment and health caregiving pattern with nutritional status (WHZ (p=0.015, income with nutritional status (HAZ (p=0.009, and disease history within a month with nutritional status (WAZ (p=0.022. Mothers should pay more attention to children’s health caregiving pattern and provide sufficient time for the children.Keywords: consumption, development, health, nutritional statusABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan pola konsumsi dan status kesehatan dengan status gizi dan perkembangan balita. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan subjek sebanyak 63 balita. Data pola konsumsi diambil menggunakan Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ dan data perkembangan balita diambil menggunakan instrumen Bina Keluarga Balita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status gizi sangat kurus dan kurus masih ada pada usia batita tetapi tidak ada di usia prasekolah. Sebagian besar subjek yang berusia batita memiliki rata-rata nilai perkembangan lebih besar dibandingkan subjek yang berusia prasekolah. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pekerjaan ibu dan pola asuh kesehatan dengan status gizi (BB/TB (p=0,015, pendapatan per kapita dengan status gizi (TB/U (p=0,009, dan riwayat penyakit sebulan dengan status gizi (BB/U (p=0,022. Ibu sebaiknya lebih memperhatikan pola asuh kesehatan anak

  1. Sorption kinetics of cesium on hydrous titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Altas, Y.; Tel, H.; Yaprak, G.


    Two types of hydrous titanium dioxide possessing different surface properties were prepared and characterized to study the sorption kinetics of cesium. The effect of pH on the adsorption capacity were determined in both type sorbents and the maximum adsorption percentage of cesium were observed at pH 12. To elucidate the kinetics of ion-exchange reaction on hydrous titanium dioxide, the isotopic exchange rates of cesium ions between hydrous titanium dioxides and aqueous solutions were measured radiochemically and compared with each other. The diffusion coefficients of Cs + ion for Type1 and Type2 titanium dioxides at pH 12 were calculated as 2.79 x 10 -11 m 2 s -1 and 1.52 x 10 -11 m 2 s -1 , respectively, under particle diffusion controlled conditions. (orig.)

  2. Tribological investigations of perfluoroalkylsilanes monolayers deposited on titanium surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cichomski, Michał


    Therefore the present work reports a systematic study of titanium modification by fluoroalkylsilanes and surface characterization from the tribological point of view. The vapor phase deposition method was used to modify titanium surfaces by fluoroalkylsilanes and the influence of the used modifier on the tribological properties is presented. The modification procedure efficiency, surface structure and morphology were characterized by secondary ion mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The effectiveness of modification of the titanium surface was monitored by the measurement of the wetting contact angle and the surface free energy. The increase of surface hydrophobicity was observed upon the modification by increasing the wetting contact angle and reducing the surface free energy. The tribological performance of various perfluoroalkylsilanes films on the titanium surface was investigated in mili- and nano-newton load ranges. Dependence of the adhesive force and coefficient of friction values obtained in nano- and micro-scale on fluoroalkyl chain length was observed. Nano- and micro-tribological measurements show that titanium modified by fluoroalkylsilanes has lower adhesion and coefficient of friction than unmodified one. The investigation also indicates a decrease of the friction coefficient with increasing fluoric alkyl chain length. It was found that the titanium modified by fluoroalkylsilanes with longer alkyl chains is a prime candidate for practical use as a lubricant in biomedical and electronic applications. -- Highlights: ► Titanium surface modification by perfluoroalkylsilanes was investigated. ► The effectiveness of modification was monitored by the surface free energy. ► The modification procedure correctness was characterized by ToF-SIMS, AFM, FT-IR measurements. ► The tribological performance of modified titanium in differed scale was studied.

  3. Enthalpy of formation of titanium diboride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhachinskij, V.V.; Chirin, N.A.


    The values given in the literature for the enthalpy of the formation of titanium diboride, as obtained experimentally and by theoretical estimation, range between -32 and -74.4 kcal/mol. In this paper the authors use the method of direct synthesis from elements in a Calvet calorimeter to determine the enthalpy of formation, ΔHsub(f) 0 , sub(298), of titanium diboride with the composition Tisub(1.000+-0.002)Bsub(2.056+-0.006)Csub(0.009)Nsub(0.003), which was found to be -76.78+-0.83 kcal/mol. They calculate that ΔHsub(f,298) (TiBsub(2.056)=-76.14+-0.85 kcal/mol. The procedure employed makes it possible to carry out the titanium diboride synthesis reaction with the calorimeter at room temperature

  4. Adhesion of osteoblasts to a nanorough titanium implant surface

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    Gongadze E


    Full Text Available Ekaterina Gongadze1, Doron Kabaso2, Sebastian Bauer3, Tomaž Slivnik2, Patrik Schmuki3, Ursula van Rienen1, Aleš Iglič21Institute of General Electrical Engineering, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany; 2Laboratory of Biophysics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 3Department of Materials Science, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nurenberg, Erlangen, GermanyAbstract: This work considers the adhesion of cells to a nanorough titanium implant surface with sharp edges. The basic assumption was that the attraction between the negatively charged titanium surface and a negatively charged osteoblast is mediated by charged proteins with a distinctive quadrupolar internal charge distribution. Similarly, cation-mediated attraction between fibronectin molecules and the titanium surface is expected to be more efficient for a high surface charge density, resulting in facilitated integrin mediated osteoblast adhesion. We suggest that osteoblasts are most strongly bound along the sharp convex edges or spikes of nanorough titanium surfaces where the magnitude of the negative surface charge density is the highest. It is therefore plausible that nanorough regions of titanium surfaces with sharp edges and spikes promote the adhesion of osteoblasts.Keywords: osteoblasts, nanostructures, adhesion, titanium implants, osteointegration

  5. The immunomodulatory effects of titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles. (United States)

    Lappas, Courtney M


    Due to their characteristic physical, chemical and optical properties, titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles are attractive tools for use in a wide range of applications. The use of nanoparticles for biological applications is, however, dependent upon their biocompatibility with living cells. Because of the importance of inflammation as a modulator of human health, the safe and efficacious in vivo use of titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles is inherently linked to a favorable interaction with immune system cells. However, both titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles have demonstrated potential to exert immunomodulatory and immunotoxic effects. Titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles are readily internalized by immune system cells, may accumulate in peripheral lymphoid organs, and can influence multiple manifestations of immune cell activity. Although the factors influencing the biocompatibility of titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles with immune system cells have not been fully elucidated, nanoparticle core composition, size, concentration and the duration of cell exposure seem to be important. Because titanium dioxide and silver nanoparticles are widely utilized in pharmaceutical, commercial and industrial products, it is vital that their effects on human health and immune system function be more thoroughly evaluated. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Mr Faisal


    Full Text Available Proportional and annuity methods are based on PBI 14/14/PBI/2012 on Transparency and Publication Reports of Islamic Banking and SEBI No. 15/26/DPbs/2013 on Implementation of Accounting Guidelines of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. These methods are forms of commitment to bring transparency in the Islamic banks and recognition on financial statement of profit on murabaha. The Annuity method is referred to PSAK 50, PSAK 55 and PSAK 60 because the substance is classified as a form of financing. Proportional method is referred to PSAK 102 because the substance is classified as trading activities. Metode anuitas dan proporsional didasarkan pada PBI No. 14/14/PBI/2012 tentang Transparansi dan Publikasi Laporan Bank Syariah dan SEBI No. 15/26/DPbs/2013 tentang Pelaksanaan Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah Indonesia. Metode tersebut merupakan bentuk komitmen bank syariah dalam mewujudkan transparansi dan laporan keuangan pada pengakuan keuntungan murabahah. Metode anuitas mengacu pada PSAK 50, PSAK 55, dan PSAK 60 karena secara substansi dikategorikan sebagai bentuk pembiayaan. Metode proporsional mengacu pada PSAK 102 karena secara substansi dikategorikan sebagai bentuk kegiatan jual beli.


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    Indah Ayu Septriyaningrum


    Abstrak  Sistem parkir manual pada pelayanan parkir mall memerlukan pengelolaan dan pengembangan sistem yang lebih rumit dan jauh dari kata efisien. Informasi yang didapatkan pengelola parkir terkait kondisi parkir di lapangan setiap harinya masih kurang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengembangkan prototype sistem parkir. Metode pengembangan dan perancangan sistem pada penelitian ini adalah metode Waterfall. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah sistem ini dapat mendeteksi keberadaan mobil pada slot parkir yang tersedia dengan bantuan Intel Galileo Board Gen 2 sebagai kontroler, sensor LDR (Light Dependent Resistor dan sensor ultrasonik (PING sebagai alat bantu pendeteksi keberadaan mobil. Sistem dapat menampilkan aktifitas parkir pada aplikasi web seperti kondisi lahan parkir kosong, lahan terisi, waktu masuk, waktu keluar, lama parkir dan kapasitas parkir yang tersedia serta grafik pemakaian lahan parkir. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perancangan dan pengembangan sistem berhasil diimplementasikan. Kata Kunci : Sistem parkir, waterfall, Intel Galileo Board Gen 2,sensor LDR (Light Dependent Resistor, sensor ultrasonik

  8. Recent trend of titanium-clad steel plate/sheet (NKK)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kimura, Hideto


    The roll-bonding process for titanium-clad steel production enabled the on-line manufacturing and quality control of the products which are usually applied for the production of steel plate and sheet by the steel producers. The recent trend of roll-bonded titanium-clad steel which has an excellent corrosion resistance together with the advantage in cost-saving are mainly described in this article as to the demand, production technique and new application aspects. Though the predominant usage of titanium-clad steel plate has been in power-generating plants, enlargeing utilization in the chemical plants such as terephthalic acid production plants is leading the growth in the market of titanium-clad steel plate. Also, the application of titanium-clad steel plates and sheets for the lining the marine structures is expected as one of the best solution to long-term surface protection for their outstanding corrosion resistance against sea water. (author)


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    Nurul Muslihah


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe objective of study was to assess the diet quality and its relation to nutrition knowledge, body mass index (BMI, and socio economic status (SES among adults person. The cross sectional study was conducted with 100 adults aged ≥25 years old from Kedung Kandang sub district, Malang. Dietary quality was assessed using two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls and semi quantitative FFQ. Nutrition knowledge questionnaire was modified from Parmenter and Wardle. The most subjects were middle SES and the BMI were normal and overweight. The average of diet quality score was 7.14±1.96 with dietary diversity score 1.93±0.43; micronutrient adequacy score 2.3±1.4; prevention NCD score 2.87±0.92. Nutrition knowledge score was 43.3±24.6 with dietary recommendation 9.3±3.6; sources of nutrients 14±11.5; choosing foods 6.3±4.9; diet-disease relationships 13.7±8.6. Nutrition knowledge score was no correlation with BMI, dietary diversity, prevention NCD score, but positively associated with SES, quality diet, micronutrient adequacy score. SES was no associated with BMI and quality diet index. Dietary diversity score was associated with BMI. Diet quality score was associated with nutrition knowledge but no correlation with BMI and SES. The conclusion is diet quality and nutrition knowledge was still poor and not correlated with BMI and SES, but only nutrition knowledge score.Keywords: diet quality, nutrition knowledge, socio economic statusABSTRAKTujuan penelitian mengkaji kualitas diet dan hubungannya dengan pengetahuan gizi, indek massa tubuh (IMT, dan status sosial ekonomi (SSE pada orang dewasa. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan cross sectional study pada 100 orang dewasa usia ≥25 tahun dari Kecamatan Kedung Kandang, Malang. Kualitas makanan diukur dengan 24-hour recall selama dua hari yang tidak berurutan dan semi quantitative FFQ, kuesioner pengetahuan gizi terstruktur dimodifikasi dari Parmenter dan Wardle. Umumnya subjek dengan SSE

  10. Titanium Isotopes Provide Clues to Lunar Origin (United States)

    Taylor, G. J.


    The idea that the Moon formed as the result of the giant impact of a Mars-sized impactor with the still-growing Earth explains two central facts about the Earth-Moon system: its total angular momentum (Earth's spin and the Moon's orbital motion), and the sizes of the metallic cores of the Earth (large) and Moon (tiny). This gives cosmochemists some confidence in the hypothesis, but they would greatly appreciate additional compositional tests. One undisputed point is the identical abundance of the three oxygen isotopes in Earth and Moon. Junjun Zhang and colleagues at the University of Chicago (USA) and the University of Bern (Switzerland) have added another isotopic system to the cosmochemical testing tool kit, titanium isotopes. They find that the ratio of titanium-50 to titanium-47 is identical in Earth and Moon to within four parts per million. In contrast, other solar system materials, such as carbonaceous chondrites, vary by considerably more than this-- up to 150 times as much. The identical oxygen and titanium isotopic compositions in Earth and Moon are surprising in light of what we think we know about planet formation and formation of the Moon after a giant impact. The variations in oxygen and titanium isotopes among meteorite types suggest that it is unlikely that the Moon-forming giant impactor would have had the same isotopic composition as the Earth. Simulations show that the Moon ends up constructed mostly (40-75%) from the impactor materials. Thus, the Moon ought to have different isotopic composition than does Earth. The isotopes might have exchanged in the complicated, messy proto-lunar disk (as has been suggested for oxygen isotopes), making them the same. However, Zhang and colleagues suggest that this exchange is unlikely for a refractory element like titanium. Could the impact simulations be greatly overestimating the contributions from the impactor? Was the mixing of building-block materials throughout the inner solar system much less than

  11. Determination of the Titanium Contents in the Winter Oilseed Rape Plants (Brassica napus L. by the Application of Fertilizer Containing Titanium

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    Peter Kováčik


    Full Text Available In order to obtain the information about changes of titanium contents in the phytomass during the growing season of winter oilseed rape and about the titanium contents drawn by the rape yield during two farming years the small plot field trial was established. In the trial the fertilizer Mg-Titanit (MgTi containing 8.5 g of titanium in 1 liter was used. The experiment consisted of 5 treatments. 0 – control treatment without MgTi fertilizer; 2xTi0.2 – two applications of MgTi in the dose of 0.2 l/ha; 3xTi0.2 – three applications of MgTi in the dose of 0.2 l/ha; 2xTi0.4 – two applications of MgTi in the dose of 0.4 l/ha; 3xTi0.4 – three applications of MgTi in the dose of 0.4 l/ha. The fertilizer was applied in spring during two, or three different growth stages: BBCH 50, BBCH 59, BBCH 66. The first plant sampling was carried out shortly before the first application of fertilizer (BBCH 50. The second, third and fourth sampling was taken 2–3 weeks after the application of Mg-Titanitu (BBCH 59, BBCH 66, BBCH 71. The obtained results showed that the titanium content in the phytomass of rape was falling during the monitored period. The titanium content in the rape aboveground phytomass varied in the interval from 16.81 to 67.6 mg/kg and in the root in the interval from 56.6 to 258.81 mg/kg. The titanium application on plant leaves in the quantities from 3.4 to 10.2 g per hectare of soil did not have the unambiguous impact on the titanium content in the rape phytomass. In the yield of one tonne of seed and appropriate quantity of rape straw on average 20 grams of titanium was taken in.

  12. Perilaku Bolos Siswa dan Implikasinya Terhadap Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling (Studi Deskriptif Terhadap Siswa SMP N 1 Pasaman

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    Elsi Novarita


    Full Text Available Sekolah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk pengembangan kemampuan dan potensi siswa. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan, sekolah juga mengajarkan nilai-nilai dan menerapkan aturan yang harus dipatuhi oleh siswa, namun kenyataannnya ada siswa yang melanggar peraturan sekolah salah satunya yaitu membolos. Bolos merupakan ketidak hadiran peserta didik di sekolah tanpa izin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang perilaku bolos siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini berbentuk deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini 27 siswa yang bolos sekolah. Alat pengumpulan data berbentuk angket dan data dianalisis menggunakan teknik persentase melalui bantuan program Microsoft Office Excel. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa bentuk perilaku bolos siswa adalah siswa sangat banyak meninggalkan sekolah tanpa izin dan meninggalkan sekolah dengan alasan yang dibuat-buat, faktor yang menyebabkan siswa bolos sekolah sangat banyak bersumber dari individu sendiri dan faktor yang lain banyak bersumber dari keluarga dan sekolah, implikasi layanan bimbingan dan konseling dilihat dari layanan informasi dan layanan konseling perorangan kurang banyak terlibat dalam pengentasan siswa yang membolos.

  13. Radius scaling of titanium wire arrays on the Z accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coverdale, C.A.; Denney, C.; Spielman, R.B.


    The 20 MA Z accelerator has made possible the generation of substantial radiation (> 100 kJ) at higher photon energies (4.8 keV) through the use of titanium wire arrays. In this paper, the results of experiments designed to study the effects of initial load radius variations of nickel-clad titanium wire arrays will be presented. The load radius was varied from 17.5 mm to 25 mm and titanium K-shell (4.8 keV) yields of greater than 100 kJ were measured. The inclusion of the nickel cladding on the titanium wires allows for higher wire number loads and increases the spectral broadness of the source; kilovolt emissions (nickel plus titanium L-shell) of 400 kJ were measured in these experiments. Comparisons of the data to calculations will be made to estimate pinched plasma parameters such as temperature and participating mass fraction. These results will also be compared with previous pure titanium wire array results

  14. Implementasi Sistem Informasi Puskesmas Elektronik (SIMPUSTRONIK dan Hubungan Dengan Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA (Studi Perbandingan Implementasi di Puskesmas Sumberasih dan Puskesmas Paiton Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    Sunar Wibowo


    Full Text Available Puskesmas sebagai penyedia sarana pelayanan kesehatan dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang cepat, tepat dan akurat. Oleh karena itu, merupakan suatu keharusan bahwa puskesmas memanfaatkan kemajuan informasi teknologi dalam memenuhi tuntutan pelayanan tersebut. Dengan pendekatan kuantitatif positivitik untuk menjelaskan hipotesa penelitian guna menjawab faktor implementasi yang mendukung dan kemanfaatan SIMPUSTRONIK. Survey yang dilakukan kepada bidan sebagai pelaksana SIMPUSTRONIK di Puskesmas Paiton dan Puskesmas Sumberasih Kabupaten Probolinggo menghasilkan 3 indikator implementasi yang tidak mendukung keberhasilan implementasi SIMPUSTRONIK yaitu pembagian tugas dan wewenang, keikutsertaan pengguna dalam pengembangan implementasi dan keikutsertaan pengguna dalam evaluasi implementasi. Sedang indikator yang diteliti lainnya  menunjukkan adanya hubungan. indikator implementasi tersebut berhubungan erat dengan kesiapan SDM (pengetahuan SDM serta keterkaitan keikutseraan (partisipasi implementor. Hampir semua responden menunjukkan bahwa implementasi SIMPUSTRONIK bermanfaat dan mendukung kegiatan mereka dalam pelayanan KIA, tetapi yang terbesar adalah kemanfaatan penemuan ibu hamil resiko tinggi yang dirujuk.

  15. Nanodispersed boriding of titanium alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kostyuk, K.O.; Kostyuk, V.O.


    The problem of improving the operational reliability of machines is becoming increasingly important due to the increased mechanical, thermal and other loads on the details. There are many surface hardening methods for machines parts which breakdown begins with surface corruption. The most promising methods are chemical-thermal treatment. The aim of this work is to study the impact of boriding on the structure and properties of titanium alloy. Materials and Methods: The material of this study is VT3-1 titanium alloy. The boriding were conducted using nanodispersed powder blend based on boric substances. It is established that boriding of paste compounds allows obtaining the surface hardness within 30 - 29 GPa and with declining to 27- 26 GPa in layer to the transition zone (with total thickness up to 110 μm) owing to changes of the layer phase composition where T 2 B, TiB, TiB 2 titanium borides are formed. The increasing of chemical-thermal treatment time from 15 minutes to 2 hours leads to thickening of the borated layer (30 - 110 μm) and transition zone (30 - 190 μm). Due to usage of nanodispersed boric powder, the boriding duration is decreasing in 2 - 3 times. This allows saving time and electric energy. The developed optimal mode of boriding the VT3-1 titanium alloy allows obtaining the required operational characteristics and to combine the saturation of the surface layer with atomic boron and hardening

  16. Profil Pengguna E-commerce (Studi di Wilayah Kerja Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika Medan)


    S.Sos, Budiman


    Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) telah mempengaruhi berbagai sektor, salah satu contohnya adalah e-commerce. Tren e-commerce di masyarakat sangat menarik untuk diteliti, terutama profil, karakteristik, dan tren pemakaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan e-commerce pada masyarakat di wilayah kerja Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika (BBPPKI) Medan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan responden berusia ant...

  17. Colloidal Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guler, Urcan; Suslov, Sergey; Kildishev, Alexander V.


    Optical properties of colloidal plasmonic titanium nitride nanoparticles are examined with an eye on their photothermal and photocatalytic applications via transmission electron microscopy and optical transmittance measurements. Single crystal titanium nitride cubic nanoparticles with an average ...

  18. Surface Functionalization of Orthopedic Titanium Implants with Bone Sialoprotein.

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    Andreas Baranowski

    Full Text Available Orthopedic implant failure due to aseptic loosening and mechanical instability remains a major problem in total joint replacement. Improving osseointegration at the bone-implant interface may reduce micromotion and loosening. Bone sialoprotein (BSP has been shown to enhance bone formation when coated onto titanium femoral implants and in rat calvarial defect models. However, the most appropriate method of BSP coating, the necessary level of BSP coating, and the effect of BSP coating on cell behavior remain largely unknown. In this study, BSP was covalently coupled to titanium surfaces via an aminosilane linker (APTES, and its properties were compared to BSP applied to titanium via physisorption and untreated titanium. Cell functions were examined using primary human osteoblasts (hOBs and L929 mouse fibroblasts. Gene expression of specific bone turnover markers at the RNA level was detected at different intervals. Cell adhesion to titanium surfaces treated with BSP via physisorption was not significantly different from that of untreated titanium at any time point, whereas BSP application via covalent coupling caused reduced cell adhesion during the first few hours in culture. Cell migration was increased on titanium disks that were treated with higher concentrations of BSP solution, independent of the coating method. During the early phases of hOB proliferation, a suppressive effect of BSP was observed independent of its concentration, particularly when BSP was applied to the titanium surface via physisorption. Although alkaline phosphatase activity was reduced in the BSP-coated titanium groups after 4 days in culture, increased calcium deposition was observed after 21 days. In particular, the gene expression level of RUNX2 was upregulated by BSP. The increase in calcium deposition and the stimulation of cell differentiation induced by BSP highlight its potential as a surface modifier that could enhance the osseointegration of orthopedic implants


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    Ajeng Febriyani


    Full Text Available Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh langsung lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah terhadap hasil belajar ekonomi maupun pengaruh tidak langsung melalui kepribadian siswa dan disiplin belajar. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Muhammadiyah sejumlah 152 siswa. Sampel yang diambil menggunakan rumus Slovin sebanyak 110 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data adalah analisis deskriptif, analisis jalur, dan sobel test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1 terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah, kepribadian siswa serta disiplin belajar terhadap hasil belajar ekonomi, (2 terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah terhadap kepribadian siswa, (3 terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah dan kepribadian siswa terhadap disiplin belajar, (4 kepribadian siswa secara signifikan memediasi pengaruh lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah terhadap hasil belajar ekonomi, (5 disiplin belajar secara signifikan memediasi pengaruh lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah dan kepribadian siswa terhadap hasil belajar ekonomi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepribadian siswa dan disiplin belajar memediasi pengaruh lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah terhadap hasil belajar ekonom. Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah pihak keluarga dan pihak sekolah mampu melakukan perbaikan kualitas lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar ekonomi. The purposes of this study were to analyze the direct effect of family and school environment for towards economics study result or or indirect effect through students’ personality and study discipline. The population in this research is The research \\ XI social grade in SMA Muhammadiyah Wonosobo with a total of 152 students. It used 110 students as the sample by


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    Asniar Asniar


    Full Text Available AbstractThis study aimed to describe the profile of scientific reasoning and the argumentation skill of students from science and non-science. This research is a descriptive study in a state university at Bandung with samples from science and non-science students totaling 100 people and lecturer of the science course. The studies starts by visiting the universities, reviewing the literature related to the focus of the research, interviews with science faculty about how learning science is done, giving questionnaires to students, giving essay on scientific reasoning, and interviews with several students. The research instrument is a questionnaire (speaking and argumentation, interview, and questions about the essays. The results showed that the average student scientific reasoning ability of non-science (1.4 higher than students of science (1. The arguments, the students found the skills to argue required by students mainly by student teachers (SS = 43.3%, S = 50%, to be able to have the skills to argue we need a habituation or conditioning (SS = 23.3%, S = 50%, and the ability to argue must be procured in all the lectures (SS = 53.5%, S = 43.3%. Keywords: Science, non-Science, Argument, Scientific Reasoning Abstrak  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil penalaran ilmiah dan kemampuan berargumentasi mahasiswa sains dan non-sains. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian deskriptif di salah satu universitas negeri di kota Bandung dengan sampel mahasiswa sains dan non sains berjumlah 100 orang dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah IPA. Alur penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan kunjungan ke Perguruan Tinggi, mengkaji literatur yang berhubungan dengan fokus penelitian, wawancara dengan dosen IPA mengenai pembelajaran IPA yang dilakukan, memberikan angket kepada siswa, memberikan soal essay mengenai penalaran ilmiah, dan wawancara dengan beberapa mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket (kemampuan berbicara dan argumentasi


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    Sufiati Bintanah


    Full Text Available Abstrak Di Indonesia terjadi perubahan pola penyakit dari infeksi dan kekurangan gizi ke degeneratif dan kanker akibat perubahan gaya hidup dan pola makan  tinggi lemak dan rendah serat serta modernisasi pola hidup. Tempe kedelai merupakan bahan makanan yang dapat menurunkan trigliserida, kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL, serta meningkatkan kolesterol HDL. Bekatul juga merupakan bahan makanan yang dapat menurunkan kadar lemak darah karena mengandung oryzanol, tokoferol, dan asam felurat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyeleksi formula nugget berdasarkan karakteristik fisik, kimia dan organoleptik serta aktifitas antioksidan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian diskriptif dengan perlakuan formulasi tepung tempe dan tepung ricebran sebanyak 10 formula. Analisis komposisi kimia dilakukan terhadap bahan mentah dan nugget meliputi analisis protein (mikro kjedhl, lemak (soxhlet, air (oven, karbohidrat (Luff Schoorl l, penetapan kadar Vitamin E (Alfa-Tokoferol, analisa aktivitas anti bakteri metode difusi agar. Pengujian organoleptik menggunakan metode scoring. Hasil menunjukkan nugget dengan formula tepung tempe 50% dan tepung bekatul 50% (formula A7, mempunyai komposisi kimia terbaik yaitu protein 19,5g%, lemak 18.33g%, air 35.59%, abu 1,62%, serat kasar 9,57g%, Karbohidrat 25,41 g%, Vitamin E 148,92 µg/g, aktifitas antioksidan 197,1 µg/ml. Hasil pengujian organoleptik terhadap warna, rasa, aroma maupun tekstur yang paling disuka pada formula A7. Kesimpulan: Optimasi tepung tempe dan rice bran yang diterima berdasarkan sifat fisik, organoleptik dan analisa zat gizi adalah dengan perlakuan sangrai 20 menit. Formula nugget yang optimum A7 dengan perbandingan tepung tempe dan rice bran 50:50 g. Kata Kunci: Komposisi Kimia, Organoleptik, Formula Nugget, Tepung Tempe, Ricebran Abstract In Indonesia, there has been a changing disease pattern from infectious and food deficiency diseases to degenerative and cancerous diseases. Soy bean cake


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    Wuri Marsigit


    Full Text Available The aims of the study were to determine pulp proportion, dried pulp rendement, nutrient dan  total phenolic content avocado variety of Ijo Panjang dan Ijo Bundar. Variety of Ijo Panjang and Ijo Bundar were selected because both of varieties were categorized as excelent varities and recomendedto develop in Indonesia. Water, carbohydrate, protein, fat dan ash content were determined by using proxymate analysis (AOAC, vitamin A dan E using spectrophotometry method, vitamin C using titration method, dan minerals using AAS method. Total phenolic content were determined by using Follin-Cialcetau method. The result of the studies found that pulp portion Ijo Bundar Variety higher than Ijo Panjang. Water content dan zinc of Ijo Panjang variety higher than Ijo Bundar. Dried pulp rendement of Ijo Bundar higher than Ijo Panjang. Protein, fat,  ash, minerals (Fe, Na, K dan P avocado variety of Ijo Bundar higher than Ijo Panjang. Magnesium dan mangan content of both varieties have not significant different. Total phenolic content of pulp dan dried pulp were higher in Ijo Bundar than Ijo Bundar. Keywords: Pulp proportion, dried pulp rendement, nutrients dan total phenolics content   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi daging buah, rendemen tepung, kandungan gizi dan fenol total alpukat varietas Ijo Panjang dan Ijo Bundar. Pemilihan kedua varietas tersebut karena merupakan varietas unggul dan direkomendasikan untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia. Kandungan, air, karbohidat, protein, lemak dan abu dilakukan dengan analisis proksimat (AOAC, kandungan vitamin A dan E dengan metode spektrofotometri dan vitamin C dengan metode titrasi, analisis mineral dengan metode AAS. Total fenol dianalisis dengan metode Folin-Ciocalteu. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proporsi daging buah, kadar air, seng varietas Ijo Panjang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Ijo Bundar. Rendemen tepung alpukat lebih tinggi pada varietas Ijo Bundar. Kandungan protein, lemak, abu

  3. Koreksi gigitan terbalik posterior dan anterior dengan alat cekat rapid maxillary expansion dan elastik intermaksila

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    Retno Dewati


    Full Text Available Background: Children with anterior and posterior crossbite usually have a complaint in aesthetic and masticatory function. It could caused by bad habits and hereditary factors which made worse condition. Purpose: The purpose of this case report was to report the use of orthodontic appliance rapid maxillary expansion (RPE and intermaxillary elastic to correct posterior and anterior crossbite in teenage patient. Case: A fourteen years-old teenage female patient came to Dental Hospital Dentistry Universitas Airlangga with case of anterior posterior cross bite and unerupted permanent teeth. Case management: The case was treated using orthodontic fixed appliance rapid maxillary expansion (RPE and followed by intermaxillary elastics. The posterior cross bite treatment took 4 weeks used of orthodontic fixed appliance RPE, while, treatment of anterior cross bite which used intermaxillary elactic was done within three month to achieved normal occlusion. Conclusion: This case report showed that the orthodontic appliance rapid maxillary expansion (RPE and intermaxillary elastic could be used to correct posterior and anterior crossbite.Latar belakang: Anak dengan gigitan terbalik anterior dan posterior pada umumnya mempunyai keluhan dalam hal estetik dan fungsi pengunyahan. Kondisi gigitan terbalik biasanya disebabkan oleh adanya kebiasaan buruk dan faktor keturunan yang semakin memperparah keadaan tersebut. Tujuan: Laporan kasus ini melaporkan pemakaian alat cekat rapid maxillary expansion (RPE dan elastik intermaksila untuk mengkoreksi gigitan terbalik posterior dan anterior pada anak remaja. Kasus: Pasien remaja perempuan berusia 14 tahun datang ke Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga Surabaya dengan kasus gigitan terbalik anterior posterior dan terdapat gigi permanen yang tidak tumbuh. Tatalaksana kasus: Perawatan yang dilakukan adalah koreksi gigitan terbalik dengan menggunakan alat ortodonsia cekat rapid maxillary

  4. Tekanan Metarhizium anisopliae dan Feromon terhadap Populasi dan Tingkat Kerusakan oleh Oryctes rhinoceros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wtjaksono Witjaksono


    Full Text Available Oryctes rhinoceros is one of the most serious pests in coconut palm tree. Biological control for controlling the pest is done by applying fungal entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae on its breeding sites to infect the larvae. Recent development for controlling Oryctes beetle was including the use of pheromone trap baited with ethyl-4-methyl octanoic which attract both male and female of the Oryctes beetle. This research was aimed to determine the effect of combination of both entomopathogen and pheromone application on the population dynamics of rhinoceros beetle, and the intensity of leaf damage on coconut tree. For this purpose, a research was conducted in local farmer coconut tree in the Bojong Village, Panjatan District, Kulon Progo from June 2009−January 2010. Observation including leaf damage intensity before and after application, the number of adult beetle trapped by pheromone, and the number infected larvae in the breeding site. The result showed that there were significant differences among all treatments in term of intensity of leaf damage, the number of trapped adult beetle, and the number of larvae at the breeding site. Leaf damage on control, pheromone application, and combined treatment were: 4.73%; 1.08% and 0.65%. The number of trapped Rhinoceros beetle by ferotrap was 101; in combined treatment was 52. The number of M. anisopliae infected grub were 265 out of 281 total observed grub.   INTISARI Kerusakan tanaman kelapa akibat serangan Oryctes rhinoceros terjadi mulai pada tanaman muda. Mengingat besarnya kerugian yang ditimbulkan, maka perlu diupayakan cara pengendalian yang efisien, efektif dan aman bagi sumber daya alam dan lingkungan. Salah satu cara pengendalian secara hayati adalah dengan menggunakan cendawan patogenik Metarhizium anisopliae. Selain menggunakan cendawan, upaya terkini dalam mengendalikan kumbang badak adalah dengan menggunakan perangkap berferomon. Feromon dengan bahan aktif Etil-4-metil oktanoat dapat

  5. Low temperature study of nonstoichiometric titanium carbide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tashmetov, M.Yu.


    By low temperature neutron diffraction method was studied structure in nonstoichiometric titanium carbide from room temperature up to 12K. It is found of low temperature phase in titanium carbide- TiC 0.71 . It is established region and borders of this phase. It is determined change of unit cell parameter. (author)

  6. A Modified Porous Titanium Sheet Prepared by Plasma-Activated Sintering for Biomedical Applications

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    Yukimichi Tamaki


    Full Text Available This study aimed to develop a contamination-free porous titanium scaffold by a plasma-activated sintering within an originally developed TiN-coated graphite mold. The surface of porous titanium sheet with or without a coated graphite mold was characterized. The cell adhesion property of porous titanium sheet was also evaluated in this study. The peak of TiC was detected on the titanium sheet processed with the graphite mold without a TiN coating. Since the titanium fiber elements were directly in contact with the carbon graphite mold during processing, surface contamination was unavoidable event in this condition. The TiC peak was not detectable on the titanium sheet processed within the TiN-coated carbon graphite mold. This modified plasma-activated sintering with the TiN-coated graphite mold would be useful to fabricate a contamination-free titanium sheet. The number of adherent cells on the modified titanium sheet was greater than that of the bare titanium plate. Stress fiber formation and the extension of the cells were observed on the titanium sheets. This modified titanium sheet is expected to be a new tissue engineering material in orthopedic bone repair.

  7. Multicycle mechanical performance of titanium and stainless steel transpedicular spine implants. (United States)

    Pienkowski, D; Stephens, G C; Doers, T M; Hamilton, D M


    This was a prospective in vitro study comparing titanium alloy and stainless steel alloy in transpedicular spine implants from two different manufactures. To compare the multicycle mechanical performance of these two alloys, used in each of two different implant designs. Transpedicular spine implants primarily have been manufactured from stainless steel, but titanium alloy offers imaging advantages. However, the notch sensitivity of titanium alloy has caused concern regarding how implants made from this material will compare in stiffness and fatigue life with implants made from stainless steel. Twenty-four implants (two alloys, two designs, six implants per group) were mounted in machined polyethylene wafers and repetitively loaded (up to 1 million cycles) from 80 N to 800 N using a 5-Hertz sinusoidal waveform. Load and displacement data were automatically and periodically sampled throughout the entire test. Implant stiffness increased with cycle load number, reached a steady state, then declined just before fatigue failure. Stiffness varied less in titanium transpedicular spine implants than in their stainless counterparts. All stainless steel implant types were stiffer (steady-state value, P titanium alloy counterparts. One titanium implant design failed with fewer (P stainless steel counterpart, whereas a stainless steel implant of another design failed with fewer (P titanium counterpart. Overall, fatigue life, i.e., the total number of load cycles until failure, was related to implant type (P implant material. A transpedicular spine implant's fatigue lifetime depends on both the design and the material and cannot be judged on material alone. Stainless steel implants are stiffer than titanium alloy implants of equal design and size; however, for those designs in which the fatigue life of the titanium alloy version is superior, enlargement of the implant's components can compensate for titanium's lower modulus of elasticity and result in an implant equally stiff

  8. Processing of spent pickling liquor formed during treatment of titanium products (United States)

    Bykovsky, N. A.; Rahman, P. A.; Puchkova, L. N.; Fanakova, N. N.


    The article presents the research findings on processing of spent acid pickling liquor (SAPL) formed during etching of titanium products. The processing includes neutralizing the SAPL with alkali, filtering, drying and calcining the titanium hydroxide precipitate as well as electrochemical processing of the filtrate in an ion-exchange membrane cell. The proposed SAPL processing procedure allows obtaining titanium dioxide, sodium hydroxide and a mixture of acids. Titanium dioxide can be used in paint-and-varnish industry. The alkali can be used in neutralizing the SAPL. A mixture of acids is suitable for use in etching process of titanium products.

  9. Hubungan Antara Konsumsi Serat Kasar dan Lemak Kasar dengan Kadar Total Solid dan Lemak Susu Kambing Peranakan Ettawa

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    Aisyah Nurhajah


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara konsumsi serat kasar dan lemak kasar dengan total solid dan lemak susu kambing Peranakan Ettawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan purposive sampling. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 35 ekor kambing Peranakan Ettawa dengan kriteria bulan laktasi 4-5, periode laktasi 2-3 dan frekuensi pemerahan 2 kali. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan non linier kuadratik dan korelasi. Variabel bebas (variabel X pada penelitian ini adalah konsumsi serat kasar dan lemak kasar, sedangkan variabel terikat (variabel Y pada penelitian ini adalah total solid dan lemak susu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan linier positif yang lemah antara konsumsi serat kasar dengan total solid dan lemak susu (r = 0,185 dan r = 0,160. Hubungan antara konsumsi lemak kasar dengan total solid dan lemak susu pada penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan kuadratik yang lemah (r = 0,316 dan r = 0,320. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat hubungan yang lemah antara konsumsi serat kasar dan lemak kasar dengan total solid dan lemak susu. Semakin tinggi konsumsi serat kasar akan meningkatkan kandungan total solid dan lemak susu, tetapi konsumsi lemak kasar yang semakin tinggi tidak selalu meningkatkan kandungan total solid dan lemak susu.    (Correlations between crude fiber and crude fat intake with total solid and milk fat contents in ettawa crossbreed goat  ABSTRACT. This study was aimed to determine the correlations between crude fiber and crude fat intake with total solid and milk fat contents. Samples used in this study were 35 Ettawa Crossbreed goats with lactation month of 4-5, lactation period of 2-3 and twice daily milking. Simple linear regression and non linear quadratic regression analysis were used in this study with crude fiber and crude fat intake as independent variables (X, meanwhile total solid and milk fat as


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    Dewa Bagus Sanjaya


    Full Text Available Penelitian etnografi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan desa dinas dan desa pakraman, dan integrasi masyarakat di Provinsi Bali. Penelitian ini melibatkan prajuru desa pakraman, masyarakat Hindu, dan masyarakat non-Hindu. Penentuan subjek penelitian dengan menggunakan teknik puposive. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, observasi dan pencatatan dokumen. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desa pakraman dan desa dinas berada dalam kondisi harmonis, sehingga memunculkan ungkapan “satu badan dua kepala”, sekaligus sebagai wujud integrasi masyarakat. Desa pakraman melaksanakan tugas di bidang agama, adat, dan budaya,sedangkan desa dinas di bidang administrasi.

  11. Spark plasma sintering of titanium aluminide intermetallics and its composites (United States)

    Aldoshan, Abdelhakim Ahmed

    Titanium aluminide intermetallics are a distinct class of engineering materials having unique properties over conventional titanium alloys. gamma-TiAl compound possesses competitive physical and mechanical properties at elevated temperature applications compared to Ni-based superalloys. gamma-TiAl composite materials exhibit high melting point, low density, high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) is one of the powder metallurgy techniques where powder mixture undergoes simultaneous application of uniaxial pressure and pulsed direct current. Unlike other sintering techniques such as hot iso-static pressing and hot pressing, SPS compacts the materials in shorter time (< 10 min) with a lower temperature and leads to highly dense products. Reactive synthesis of titanium aluminide intermetallics is carried out using SPS. Reactive sintering takes place between liquid aluminum and solid titanium. In this work, reactive sintering through SPS was used to fabricate fully densified gamma-TiAl and titanium aluminide composites starting from elemental powders at different sintering temperatures. It was observed that sintering temperature played significant role in the densification of titanium aluminide composites. gamma-TiAl was the predominate phase at different temperatures. The effect of increasing sintering temperature on microhardness, microstructure, yield strength and wear behavior of titanium aluminide was studied. Addition of graphene nanoplatelets to titanium aluminide matrix resulted in change in microhardness. In Ti-Al-graphene composites, a noticeable decrease in coefficient of friction was observed due to the influence of self-lubrication caused by graphene.

  12. Meet EPA's Dan Nelson (United States)

    EPA’s Dan Nelson is the Director of the Human Research Protocol Office at the National Health and Environmental Effect Research Laboratory, Dan works to protect the rights and welfare of EPA’s research participants.

  13. Corrosion of gold alloys and titanium in artificial saliva

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brune, D.; Evje, D.


    Two types of gold alloys and one type of pure titanium have been submitted to corrosion in artificial saliva for periods of up to about 2 months. The release of copper, gold and silver from the gold alloys as well as titanium from the titanium matrix was measured with nuclear tracer technique. The physical/chemical state of the corrosion products of gold alloys referring to the ionic state or presence in particulate form has been examined retaining the particulate matter on a glass filter. Copper was observed to be mainly present in the ionic state. Considerable amounts of gold were observed to be retained on the glass filter explained by the presence of gold in particulate form or as a compentent of a dispersed collloidal phase. The estimation of the release of titanium was registered by the tracer nuclide 46 Sc assuming particulate matter to be deteriorated from the titanium surface. (author)

  14. Development and Characterization of Titanium Compound N anostructures (United States)

    Zhou, Zhou

    The development and characterization of titanium compound nanostructures have been achieved, for potential applications in energy industry. Oil and gas, one of the traditional industry fields, observes accumulating demands on active implementations of nanotechnology, for the numerous advantages that nanomaterials can introduce to both product performances and field operations. By using chemical vapor deposition and liquid exfoliation, various titanium compound nanostructures have been synthesized through this project. Attractively, these two material fabrication methods have been recognized to be industrial friendly in terms of cost efficiency and productivity. The development of nanostructures, aiming at oil and gas field applications, presents novel solutions for existing issues, such as low durability of drilling tools, high friction in mechanical operations and ineffective heat dissipation. Titanium compound nanostructures, including titanium borides, nitrides and sulfides are therefore investigated for such applications as protective coating, lubrication and thermal management.

  15. Characterization for rbs of Titanium Oxide thin films grown by Dip Coating in a coloidal suspension of nano structured Titanium Oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedrero, E.; Vigil, E.; Zumeta, I.


    The depth of Titanium Oxide thin films grown by Dip Coating in a coloidal suspension of nano structured Titanium Oxide was characterized using Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry. Film depths are compared in function of bath and suspension parameters

  16. Analisis Sikap dan Pengetahuan Ibu Melalui Program Home Gardening dan Penyuluhan Gizi di Desa Binaan Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru

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    Rini Harianti


    Full Text Available Pemanfaatan pekarangan dapat mendukung penyediaan aneka ragam pangan di tingkat rumah tangga, sehingga terwujud pola konsumsi pangan keluarga yang beragam, bergizi seimbang dan aman. Saat ini, pemanfaatan pekarangan belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Melalui pemanfaatan pekarangan dan penyuluhan gizi diharapkan dapat memberikan nilai tambah dalam mencukupi kebutuhan pangan dan gizi keluarga serta dapat memperluas pengetahuan dan sikap gizi ibu. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan pekarangan ini sangat diperlukan adanya penyuluhan, bimbingan dan penyediaan sarana yang diperlukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sikap dan pengetahuan ibu melalui program home gardening dan penyuluhan gizi terhadap pemanfaatan pekarangan di desa binaan Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini adalah eksperimental. Subjek penelitian adalah 100 orang ibu, yang dipilih dari 4 kelurahan, di Kecamatan Tenayan Raya. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa (1 sosial ekonomi keluarga yaitu pendidikan terhadap pendapat memiliki hubungan yang signifikan p < 0.05 (p = 0.003, (2 konsumsi energi protein terhadap pendapatan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan p < 0.05 (p = 0.031, (3 analisis pengetahuan ibu terhadap program home gardening dengan pendidikan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan p < 0.05 (p = 0.004, (4 sikap ibu terhadap program home gardening dengan pendapatan dan pekerjaan ibu masing-masing memiliki hubungan yang signifikan p < 0.05 (p = 0.035 dan p = 0.006, (5 analisis pengetahuan dan sikap gizi ibu terhadap pendidikan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan p < 0.05 (p = 0.024, (6 pengetahuan dan sikap ibu yang diberi penyuluhan gizi setelah intervensi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan p < 0.05 (p = 0.000.

  17. Nonmetal effect on ordering structures in titanium carbide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tashmetov, M.Yu.; Ehm, V.T.; Savenko, B.M.


    The effect of oxygen and nitrogen atoms on formation of intermediate, cubic and trigonal ordering structures in the titanium carbide is studied through the roentgenography and neutron radiography methods. Metal atoms in the TiC 0.545 O 0.08 , TiC 0.545 N 0.09 samples under study are shifted from ideal positions in the direction from vacancies to metalloid atoms. In the intermediate cubic phase the values of the titanium atoms free parameter in both samples are identical, but they differ from analogous values in the titanium carbide

  18. On the principles of microstructure scale development for titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolachev, B.A.; Mal'kov, A.V.; Gus'kova, L.N.


    Analysis of an existing standard scale of microstructures for two-phase (α+#betta#)-titanium alloy semiproducts is given. The basic principles of development of control microstructure scales for titanium alloys are presented on the base of investigations and generalization of literature data on connection of microstructure of titanium intermediate products from (α+#betta#)-alloys with their mechanical properties and service life characteristics. A possibilities of changing mechanical and operating properties at the expense of obtaining qualitatively and quantitatively regulated microstructure in the alloy are disclosed on the example of the (α+#betta#)-titanium alloy

  19. Laser induced single spot oxidation of titanium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jwad, Tahseen, E-mail:; Deng, Sunan; Butt, Haider; Dimov, S.


    Highlights: • A new high resolution laser induced oxidation (colouring) method is proposed (single spot oxidation). • The method is applied to control oxide films thicknesses and hence colours on titanium substrates in micro-scale. • The method enable imprinting high resolution coloured image on Ti substrate. • Optical and morphological periodic surface structures are also produced by an array of oxide spots using the proposed method. • Colour coding of two colours into one field is presented. - Abstract: Titanium oxides have a wide range of applications in industry, and they can be formed on pure titanium using different methods. Laser-induced oxidation is one of the most reliable methods due to its controllability and selectivity. Colour marking is one of the main applications of the oxidation process. However, the colourizing process based on laser scanning strategies is limited by the relative large processing area in comparison to the beam size. Single spot oxidation of titanium substrates is proposed in this research in order to increase the resolution of the processed area and also to address the requirements of potential new applications. The method is applied to produce oxide films with different thicknesses and hence colours on titanium substrates. High resolution colour image is imprinted on a sheet of pure titanium by converting its pixels’ colours into laser parameter settings. Optical and morphological periodic surface structures are also produced by an array of oxide spots and then analysed. Two colours have been coded into one field and the dependencies of the reflected colours on incident and azimuthal angles of the light are discussed. The findings are of interest to a range of application areas, as they can be used to imprint optical devices such as diffusers and Fresnel lenses on metallic surfaces as well as for colour marking.

  20. Laser induced single spot oxidation of titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jwad, Tahseen; Deng, Sunan; Butt, Haider; Dimov, S.


    Highlights: • A new high resolution laser induced oxidation (colouring) method is proposed (single spot oxidation). • The method is applied to control oxide films thicknesses and hence colours on titanium substrates in micro-scale. • The method enable imprinting high resolution coloured image on Ti substrate. • Optical and morphological periodic surface structures are also produced by an array of oxide spots using the proposed method. • Colour coding of two colours into one field is presented. - Abstract: Titanium oxides have a wide range of applications in industry, and they can be formed on pure titanium using different methods. Laser-induced oxidation is one of the most reliable methods due to its controllability and selectivity. Colour marking is one of the main applications of the oxidation process. However, the colourizing process based on laser scanning strategies is limited by the relative large processing area in comparison to the beam size. Single spot oxidation of titanium substrates is proposed in this research in order to increase the resolution of the processed area and also to address the requirements of potential new applications. The method is applied to produce oxide films with different thicknesses and hence colours on titanium substrates. High resolution colour image is imprinted on a sheet of pure titanium by converting its pixels’ colours into laser parameter settings. Optical and morphological periodic surface structures are also produced by an array of oxide spots and then analysed. Two colours have been coded into one field and the dependencies of the reflected colours on incident and azimuthal angles of the light are discussed. The findings are of interest to a range of application areas, as they can be used to imprint optical devices such as diffusers and Fresnel lenses on metallic surfaces as well as for colour marking.

  1. Environmental effects in titanium aluminide alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, A.W.


    Environmental effects on titanium aluminide alloys are potentially of great importance for engineering applications of these materials, although little has been published to date on such effects. The primary emphasis in this paper is on hydrogen effects, with a brief reference to oxygen effects. Hydrogen is readily absorbed at elevated temperature into all the titanium aluminide compositions studied to date, in amounts as large as 10 at.%, and on cooling virtually all this hydrogen is precipitated as a hydride phase or phases. The presence of these precipitated hydride plates affects mechanical properties in ways similar to what is observed in other hydride forming materials, although effects per unit volume of hydride are not particularly severe in the titanium aluminides. Microstructure, and thus thermal and mechanical history, plays a major role in controlling the severity of hydrogen effects

  2. Spectroscopy and titanium gettering in SPHEX

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunningham, G.; Giroud, C.; Summers, H.; Commission of the European Communities, Abingdon


    SPHEX is a spheromak wherein the toroidal and poloidal currents are generated and sustained by direct current injection from a Marshall gun, and organised by the effect of magnetic relaxation. In the past it has not achieved high temperature (Langmuir probes indicate a flat profile of about 20 eV), and this was thought to be due to radiation from impurities originating in the Marshall gun. For this paper, titanium has been applied to the plasma-facing surface of the flux conserver in an attempt to reduce impurity levels and plasma density. Calibrated spectrometers were used to measure plasma properties and impurity levels, both before and after application of titanium. The titanium is also found to have a surprisingly large effect on the magnetic properties, which gives some evidence regarding the relaxation mechanism. 7 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab

  3. Effect of cathodic polarization on coating doxycycline on titanium surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Geißler, Sebastian; Tiainen, Hanna; Haugen, Håvard J., E-mail:


    Cathodic polarization has been reported to enhance the ability of titanium based implant materials to interact with biomolecules by forming titanium hydride at the outermost surface layer. Although this hydride layer has recently been suggested to allow the immobilization of the broad spectrum antibiotic doxycycline on titanium surfaces, the involvement of hydride in binding the biomolecule onto titanium remains poorly understood. To gain better understanding of the influence this immobilization process has on titanium surfaces, mirror-polished commercially pure titanium surfaces were cathodically polarized in the presence of doxycycline and the modified surfaces were thoroughly characterized using atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and angle-resolved X-ray spectroscopy. We demonstrated that no hydride was created during the polarization process. Doxycycline was found to be attached to an oxide layer that was modified during the electrochemical process. A bacterial assay using bioluminescent Staphylococcus epidermidis Xen43 showed the ability of the coating to reduce bacterial colonization and planktonic bacterial growth. - Highlights: • Titanium hydride was found not to be involved in immobilization of doxycycline. • Doxycycline coating was strongly bound to a modified surface oxide layer. • Effect of coatings tested using a dynamic bacteria assay based on bioluminescence. • Topmost layer of adsorbed doxycycline was shown to have strong antibacterial effect.

  4. Pengaruh Aras Energi Pakan dan Skor Kondisi Tubuh Terhadap Produksi dan Kualitas Fisik Daging Ternak Sapi Bali Betina Afkir

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    M.E. Ili


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aras energi dan kondisi tubuh terhadap produksi dan mutu daging sapi Bali betina afkir. Kajian ini menggunakan 18 ekor sapi Bali betina afkir yang kurus dengan skor kondisi tubuh 2. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan aras energi sebagai faktor utama dan skor kondisi tubuh sebagai faktor tersarang. Pakan komplit fermentasi (2% dari berat badan dengan level energi yang berbeda yaitu 7, 8 dan 9 MJ diberikan sebagai perlakuan. Penelitian berlangsung selama 3 bulan yang terdiri dari 2 minggu masa persiapan dan penyesuaian (preleminary dan 10 minggu pengambilan (koleksi data. Parameter utama adalah produksi karkas dan kualitas fisik serta kimia daging. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh (P>0.05 dari level energi dan skor kondisi tubuh pada parameter yang diukur. Sementara itu, nilai susut masak dan keempukan secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh level energi pakan. Kesimpulannya bahwa penggemukan sapi Bali betina afkir dapat dilakukan secara efisien dalam periode singkat. Ada indikasi perubahan skor kondisi tubuh yang memadai dengan pemberian pakan pada level energi metabolis 9 MJ.

  5. Efek Pemordanan terhadap Pewarnaan Menggunakan Kombinasi Limbah Cair Gambir dan Ekstrak Kayu Secang pada Kain Rayon dan Katun

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    F Failisnur


    Full Text Available Combination of gambier liquid waste and secang wood (Caesalpinea sappan L. can add color variations of fabric dyed with natural dyes. This research explained the effect of dyeing combination of gambir liquid waste and secang wood with different mordant method and type on the color shade and other characteristics of rayon and cotton dyed fabric. The mordant process was performed as much as 1 and 2 times using CaO, Al(2SO43, FeSO4 mordant and then compared without mordant treatment. The result of the dyed fabrics was evaluated the color shade, color strength (K/S, and fastness properties. The results showed that the color shade of rayon and cotton fabrics were varied. Rayon fibers had a greater affinity and absorption to the liquids waste of gambier and secang wood than in cellulose fibers. The mordant process could increase color strength (K/S and color fastness to washing, acidic perspiration, rubbing, and light.ABSTRAKKombinasi limbah cair gambir dan kayu secang (Caesalpinea sappan L. dapat menambah variasi warna kain yang dicelup dengan pewarna alami. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang efek pewarnaan kombinasi limbah cair gambir dan kayu secang dengan metoda dan  jenis mordan yang berbeda terhadap arah warna dan karakteristik lainnnya dari kain rayon dan katun hasil celupan. Proses mordan yang digunakan adalah 1 kali dan 2 kali mordan menggunakan CaO, Al(2SO43, FeSO4 yang dibandingkan dengan tanpa mordan. Kain hasil pewarnaan dievaluasi arah warna, intensitas warna (K/S, dan ketahanan luntur warna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan arah warna kain rayon dan katun yang lebih bervariasi. Serat rayon memiliki afinitas dan penyerapan yang lebih besar terhadap zat warna limbah cair gambir dan kayu secang dibandingkan dengan serat selulosa.  Proses mordan dapat meningkatkan intensitas warna (K/S dan ketahanan luntur warna terhadap pencucian, keringat asam, gosokan, dan sinar.

  6. Pengaruh Suhu dan Metode Perlakuan Panas terhadap Sifat Fisika dan Kualitas Finishing Kayu Mahoni

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    Ragil Widyorini


    Full Text Available Perlakuan panas dikenal sebagai metode yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan stabilitas dimensi dan menurunkan higroskopisitas. Di sisi lain, perlakuan panas dapat membuat warna kayu menjadi lebih gelap, penurunan sifat mekanika kayu, dan sifat wetabilitas kayu. Oleh karena itu, penelitian mengenai perlakuan panas pada kondisi yang optimum sangat menarik untuk dilakukan agar menghasilkan kayu dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh interaksi suhu dan metode perlakuan panas terhadap sifat fisika dan kualitas finishing kayu mahoni. Contoh uji perlakuan dibuat dari kayu mahoni yang berasal dari industri penggergajian kayu rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 metode perlakuan panas yaitu metode oven dan penguapan (steaming pada variasi suhu 90°C, 120°C, dan 150°C selama 2 jam waktu efektif. Pengujian sifat fisika diuji berdasarkan standar ASTM, yang meliputi : kadar air seimbang, perubahan dimensi, perubahan warna, dan wetabilitas. Pengujian finishing meliputi cross cut test, uji delaminasi, dan uji kekilapan (glossy test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara suhu dan metode perlakuan panas berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap perubahan warna, serta berpengaruh nyata terhadap penyusutan radial, cross cut test, dan uji delaminasi. Metode oven menghasilkan contoh uji dengan kadar air dan pengembangan radial yang lebih rendah, warna yang lebih terang, serta uji delaminasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode penguapan. Kata kunci: perlakuan panas, metode oven, metode penguapan, suhu, finishing   Effect of temperature and heat treatment on physical properties and finishing quality of mahagony wood Abstract Heat treatment is well known as a method for increasing dimensional stability and reducing hygroscopicity of wood. However, heat tratment can cause the color of wood become darker and reduce the wettability, as well as its mechanical properties. Therefore, the optimum condition of heat

  7. Reaction of titanium polonides with carbon dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abakumov, A.S.; Malyshev, M.L.; Reznikova, N.F.


    It has been ascertained that heating titanium and tantalum in carbon dioxide to temperatures of 500 or 800 0 C alters the composition of the gas phase, causing the advent of carbon monoxide and lowering the oxygen content. Investigation of the thermal stability of titanium polonides in a carbon dioxide medium has shown that titanium mono- and hemipolonides are decomposed at temperatures below 350 0 C. The temperature dependence of the vapor pressure of polonium produced in the decomposition of these polonides in a carbon dioxide medium have been determined by a radiotensimetric method. The enthalpy of the process, calculated from this relationship, is close to the enthalpy of vaporization of elementary polonium in vacuo


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    Dian Anggraeni


    Full Text Available Makalah ini melaporkan temuan satu eksperimen dengan disain pretest-postest dengan kelompok kontrol dan menerapkan pendekatan kontekstual dan strategi formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC, untuk menelaah kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik siswa SMK. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 80 siswa SMK program keahlian pemasaran di Bandung. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tes kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik serta disposisi matematik. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan SPSS 16.0 dan Microsoft Excel 2010, penelitian menemukan: Pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik siswa yang memperoleh pendekatan kontekstual dan strategi formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC lebih baik daripada pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional.  Penelitian juga menemukan adanya asosiasi sedang antara kemampuan pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik, dan siswa menunjukkan disposisi matematik yang positif terhadap pendekatan kontekstual dan strategi formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC   Kata Kunci    : pendekatan kontekstual, strategi formulate-share-listen-create, pemahaman dan komunikasi matematik, disposisi matematik     This paper reports the findings from an experimental prettest-posttest control group design conducted by using contextual approach and formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC strategy to investigate students’ mathematical understanding and communication abilities.The study involved 80 grade-11 students from SMK of marketing field program in Bandung. The instrumens of this study are mathematical undestanding test, mathematical communication test, and mathematical disposistion scale. By using SPSS 16.0 and Microsoft Excel 2010, the study found the contextual approach and formulate-share-listen-create (FSLC strategy was able to improve students’ mathematical understanding and mathematical communication abilities better than that of conventional approach. Students


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    I Made Siaka


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK: Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pembuatan dan karakterisasi arang dari batang tanaman gumitir (Tagetes erecta pada berbagai suhu dan waktu pirolisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh suhu dan waktu yang optimum dalam pembuatan arang serta mengetahui karakteristik arang yang dihasilkan pada suhu dan waktu optimumnya. Karakteristik arang mengacu pada SNI 06–3730-1995 dengan melakukan analisis terhadap kadar air, abu, volatile, dan karbon serta daya serapnya terhadap odine dan metilen biru. Suhu optimum pirolisis pembuatan arang adalah 300oC dengan karakteristik terbaik berupa rendemen, kadar air, volatile, abu, dan karbon berturut-turut sebesar 40,27 ±; 4,00 ± 0,00; 6,58 ± 0,07; 4,34 ± 1,22; dan 85,06%, serta daya serapnya terhadap iodin dan metilen biru sebesar 631,0935 ± 0,00 dan 131,34 ± 1,7 mg/g arang. Waktu pirolisis optimum adalah 90 menit dengan karakterisitik paling baik, yakni rendemen, kadar air, volatile, abu, dan karbon berturut-turut sebesar 42,30 ± 8,7; 2,00 ± 0,00; 2,87 ± 0,07; 9,68 ± 1,17; dan 85,44% serta daya serapnya terhadap iodin dan metilen biru sebesar 647,4642 ± 0,00 dan 136,20 ± 1,28 mg/g arang. Arang yang dihasilkan dari pirolisis pada suhu dan waktu optimum memiliki karakteristik yang sesuai dengan SNI 06-3730-1995 memiliki gugus fungsi O-H dan berupa karbon alifatik.   ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the manufacture and characterization of carbon made from the stems of marigold (Tagetes erecta at various temperatures and times of pyrolysis. This research aimed to obtain the optimum temperature and time of pyrolising in producing carbon, as well asto recognize the characteristics of the carbon produced. Characteristics of the carbon quality followed the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 06-3730-1995 by analyzing the contents of water, volatile substances, ash, and carbon, as well as, the ability of the carbon in absorption capacities of iodine and methylene blue. The optimum pyrolysis

  10. Properties of titanium-alloyed DLC layers for medical applications (United States)

    Joska, Ludek; Fojt, Jaroslav; Cvrcek, Ladislav; Brezina, Vitezslav


    DLC-type layers offer a good potential for application in medicine, due to their excellent tribological properties, chemical resistance, and bio-inert character. The presented study has verified the possibility of alloying DLC layers with titanium, with coatings containing three levels of titanium concentration prepared. Titanium was present on the surface mainly in the form of oxides. Its increasing concentration led to increased presence of titanium carbide as well. The behavior of the studied systems was stable during exposure in a physiological saline solution. Electrochemical impedance spectra practically did not change with time. Alloying, however, changed the electrochemical behavior of coated systems in a significant way: from inert surface mediating only exchange reactions of the environment in the case of unalloyed DLC layers to a response corresponding rather to a passive surface in the case of alloyed specimens. The effect of DLC layers alloying with titanium was tested by the interaction with a simulated body fluid, during which precipitation of a compound containing calcium and phosphorus - basic components of the bone apatite - occurred on all doped specimens, in contrast to pure DLC. The results of the specimens' surface colonization with cells test proved the positive effect of titanium in the case of specimens with a medium and highest content of this element. PMID:25093457

  11. Electrodeposition of amine-terminatedpoly(ethylene glycol) to titanium surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Yuta; Doi, Hisashi; Iwasaki, Yasuhiko; Hiromoto, Sachiko; Yoneyama, Takayuki; Asami, Katsuhiko; Imai, Hachiro; Hanawa, Takao


    The immobilization of poly(ethylene glycol), PEG, to a solid surface is useful to functionalize the surface, e.g., to prevent the adsorption of proteins. No successful one-stage technique for the immobilization of PEG to base metals has ever been developed. In this study, PEG in which both terminals or one terminal had been modified with amine bases was immobilized onto a titanium surface using electrodeposition. PEG was dissolved in a NaCl solution, and electrodeposition was carried out at 310 K with - 5 V for 300 min. The thickness of the deposited PEG layer was evaluated using ellipsometry, and the bonding manner of PEG to the titanium surface was characterized using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy after electrodeposition. The results indicated that a certain amount of PEG was adsorbed on titanium through both electrodeposition and immersion when PEG was terminated by amine. However, terminated amines existed at the surface of titanium and were combined with titanium oxide as N-HO by electrodeposition, while amines randomly existed in the molecule and showed an ionic bond with titanium oxide by immersion. The electrodeposition of PEG was effective for the inhibition of albumin adsorption. This process is useful for materials that have electroconductivity and a complex morphology



    Apri Dwi Astuti


    Kemandirian belajar membantu siswa untuk bertanggung jawab dan menumbuhkan kesadaran belajar. Penggunaan uang saku menumbuhkan jiwa mandiri, jujur dan komitmen. Adapun hasil observasi awal menunjukkan masih ada siswa kels VII dan VIII SMP Semesta untuk kompetensi dasar ekonomi dibawah KKM. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemandirian belajar dn penggunaan uang saku terhadap prestasi belajar kompetensi dasar ekonomi kelas VII dan VIII SMP Semesta. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ...


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    Sulasman Sulasman


    *** Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda semula identik dengan gerakan “radikal” baik karena pandangan eksklusivismenya dalam beragama, kritisisme terhadap Pemerintah, maupun karena keidentikkan beberapa personalnya dengan gerakan DI/TII dan FPI. Sejalan dengan dinamika internal dan eksternal, pondok pe­santren ini pun mereorientasi gerakannya dari jihād fisik ke jalur pendidikan dan dakwah damai atau dalam perspektif Lukens-Bull dikenal sebagai jihad damai (peaceful jihād. Proses menjinakkan diri dan gerakannya, yang dikenal dengan deradikalisasi, dilalui oleh pondok pesantren ini dengan enam cara, yakni inter­nali­sasi nilai-nilai pesantren, perluasan perspektif keislaman, adopsi sistem sekolah, pendidikan hubb al-waṭan, penggunaan local wisdom, dan pendidikan keterampilan. Upaya deradikalisasi yang dilakukan Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda berkisar pada tiga strategi, yakni pencegahan, pemeliharaan budaya damai, dan pemulihan bagi yang terdampak radikal. Hasilnya, para santri, alumni, dan pesantren yang tergabung dalam sistem jaringan Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda muncul dalam wajah damai, moderat, dan toleran.


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    Dyah Ayu Pramoda Wardhani


    Penalaran analogi adalah proses penarikan kesimpulan dengan menggunakan kesamaan sifat dan struktur hubungan dari permasalahan sumber untuk diaplikasikan pada permasalahan target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penalaran analogi siswa kelas VIII dalam menyelesaikan masalah luas dan keliling segitiga dan segiempat. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penalaran analogi siswa kemampuan tinggi terjadi dengan baik. Penalaran analogi siswa kelompok sedang cenderung terjadi cukup baik. Ada beberapa hambatan yang dialami siswa kelompok sedang, yaitu pada proses mapping. Penalaran analogi siswa kemampuan rendah menunjukkan bahwa subjek tidak dapat memahami masalah yang diberikan.

  15. Electroplating on titanium alloy (United States)

    Lowery, J. R.


    Activation process forms adherent electrodeposits of copper, nickel, and chromium on titanium alloy. Good adhesion of electroplated deposits is obtained by using acetic-hydrofluoric acid anodic activation process.

  16. Machinability evaluation of titanium alloys. (United States)

    Kikuchi, Masafumi; Okuno, Osamu


    In the present study, the machinability of titanium, Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6A1-7Nb, and free-cutting brass was evaluated using a milling machine. The metals were slotted with square end mills under four cutting conditions. The cutting force and the rotational speed of the spindle were measured. The cutting forces for Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb were higher and that for brass was lower than that for titanium. The rotational speed of the spindle was barely affected by cutting. The cross sections of the Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb chips were more clearly serrated than those of titanium, which is an indication of difficult-to-cut metals. There was no marked difference in the surface roughness of the cut surfaces among the metals. Cutting force and the appearance of the metal chips were found to be useful as indices of machinability and will aid in the development of new alloys for dental CAD/CAM and the selection of suitable machining conditions.

  17. Pemetaan Sebaran Dan Karakter Populasi Tanaman Buah Di Sepanjang Koridor Jalur Wisatadesa Kemiren, Tamansuruh, Dan Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Zakiyah Zakiyah


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peta persebaran tanaman buah, karakter populasi tanaman buah, serta persepsi masyarakat pemilik tanaman buah di sepanjang jalur wisata Desa Kemiren, Tamansuruh, dan Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi survei pemetaan tanaman buah (mangga, rambutan, manggis, durian, jambu air dan jambu biji dengan merekam titik koordinat dari GPS untuk setiap tanaman buah. Penentuan karakter populasi tanaman buah dilakukan dengan mengamati morfologi tanaman terkait vitalitas dan periodisitas. Persepsi masyarakat dilakukan dengan wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengolah data koordinat dan data pengamatan karakter populasi tanaman buah ke dalam peta dasar melalui aplikasi GIS. Pemetaan persepsi masyarakat diperoleh dengan wawancara dan kuisioner yang dihitung dengan skala Likert kemudian dipetakan sebaran spasialnya dengan aplikasi GIS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persebaran tanaman buah yang ada di pekarangan rumah banyak tersebar di sepanjang jalur desa wisata dengan perbandingan jumlah buah yang ditemukan di Desa Kemiren 76 pohon, Tamansuruh 53 pohon, dan Kampunganyar 40 pohon. Kondisi tanaman buah dalam keadaan tumbuh dengan baik, bertunas, berbunga dan berbuah, hal ini dikarenakan pada saat penelitian waktunya tanaman buah memasuki masa berbuah dan masa panen. Antusiasme masyarakat tinggi untuk menjadikan tanaman buah yang ada di sepanjang jalur desa wisata sebagai daya tarik wisatawan. Kata Kunci: jalur wisata, karakter populasi, pemetaan, persepsi, tanaman buah

  18. Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Food and Personal Care Products (United States)

    Weir, Alex; Westerhoff, Paul; Fabricius, Lars


    Titanium dioxide is a common additive in many food, personal care, and other consumer products used by people, which after use can enter the sewage system, and subsequently enter the environment as treated effluent discharged to surface waters or biosolids applied to agricultural land, incinerated wastes, or landfill solids. This study quantifies the amount of titanium in common food products, derives estimates of human exposure to dietary (nano-) TiO2, and discusses the impact of the nanoscale fraction of TiO2 entering the environment. The foods with the highest content of TiO2 included candies, sweets and chewing gums. Among personal care products, toothpastes and select sunscreens contained 1% to >10% titanium by weight. While some other crèmes contained titanium, despite being colored white, most shampoos, deodorants, and shaving creams contained the lowest levels of titanium (TiO2 (E171) suggests that approximately 36% of the particles are less than 100 nm in at least one dimension and that it readily disperses in water as fairly stable colloids. However, filtration of water solubilized consumer products and personal care products indicated that less than 5% of the titanium was able to pass through 0.45 or 0.7 μm pores. Two white paints contained 110 μg Ti/mg while three sealants (i.e., prime coat paint) contained less titanium (25 to 40 μg Ti/mg). This research showed that while many white-colored products contained titanium, it was not a prerequisite. Although several of these product classes contained low amounts of titanium, their widespread use and disposal down the drain and eventually to WWTPs deserves attention. A Monte Carlo human exposure analysis to TiO2 through foods identified children as having the highest exposures because TiO2 content of sweets is higher than other food products, and that a typical exposure for a US adult may be on the order of 1 mg Ti per kilogram body weight per day. Thus, because of the millions of tons of titanium based

  19. Crystalline hydroxyapatite coatings synthesized under hydrothermal conditions on modified titanium substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suchanek, Katarzyna; Bartkowiak, Amanda; Gdowik, Agnieszka; Perzanowski, Marcin; Kąc, Sławomir; Szaraniec, Barbara; Suchanek, Mateusz; Marszałek, Marta


    Hydroxyapatite coatings were successfully produced on modified titanium substrates via hydrothermal synthesis in a Ca(EDTA) 2− and (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 solution. The morphology of modified titanium substrates as well as hydroxyapatite coatings was studied using scanning electron microcopy and phase identification by X-ray diffraction, and Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The results show that the nucleation and growth of hydroxyapatite needle-like crystals with hexagonal symmetry occurred only on titanium substrates both chemically and thermally treated. No hydroxyapatite phase was detected on only acid etched Ti metal. This finding demonstrates that only a particular titanium surface treatment can effectively induce the apatite nucleation under hydrothermal conditions. - Highlights: • Bioactivation of titanium substrate by chemical and heat treatments • Precipitation of hydroxyapatite on modified titanium plates • Hydrothermal crystallization of hydroxyapatite by chelate decomposition method

  20. Effect of titanium on microstructural changes in SUS 316 stainless steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawanishi, H.; Yamada, M.; Fukuya, K.; Ishino, S.


    The microstructural changes have been examined in order to study the effect of titanium addition to type 316 stainless steels on void swelling. Titanium ions of 400 keV from an accelerator have been implanted at room temperature to solution treated SUS 316 stainless steels which have the original titanium content of 0.02 wt.% to the concentration increase of titanium by 0.01, 0.02 and 0.1 wt.%. Following the preinjection of 20 at.ppm helium at ambient temperature, 400 keV-aluminium ions have been irradiated to the specimen to 40 dpa at 550, 625 and 675 0 C. The TEM observations have revealed that the void number density is drastically increased in the specimen with the content of implanted titanium of more than 0.01 wt.%, whereas the void diameter is remarkably decreased with the titanium content. (orig.)

  1. Biocompatibility of titanium based implants treated with plasma immersion ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maendl, S.; Sader, R.; Thorwarth, G.; Krause, D.; Zeilhofer, H.-F.; Horch, H.H.; Rauschenbach, B.


    In this work, the biocompatibility of titanium before and after oxygen PIII is investigated using a rat animal model. Pure titanium (grade 2) and pre-anodized titanium were implanted with oxygen at elevated temperatures between 200 and 550 deg. C and subsequently analyzed for oxygen content and phase composition. No deterioration of the tensile strength and the yield strength was detected after the implantation. The mechanical stability of the osseointegration was determined with a pull-out test, where an increased shear strength was measured after PIII treatment. Only a slight improvement of the bone contact area, from an already excellent starting value, was observed for pure titanium. In contrast, a significant improvement was found for anodized titanium after PIII treatment. This astonishing difference can be explained with the surface topography and the phase composition of the anodized titanium samples

  2. Crystalline hydroxyapatite coatings synthesized under hydrothermal conditions on modified titanium substrates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suchanek, Katarzyna, E-mail: [The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego Street 152, 31-342 Krakow (Poland); Bartkowiak, Amanda [The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego Street 152, 31-342 Krakow (Poland); Gdowik, Agnieszka [Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow (Poland); Perzanowski, Marcin [The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego Street 152, 31-342 Krakow (Poland); Kąc, Sławomir [Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewica 30, 30-059 Krakow (Poland); Szaraniec, Barbara [Department of Biomaterials, AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow (Poland); Suchanek, Mateusz [Department of Chemistry and Physics, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Krakow (Poland); Marszałek, Marta [The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Radzikowskiego Street 152, 31-342 Krakow (Poland)


    Hydroxyapatite coatings were successfully produced on modified titanium substrates via hydrothermal synthesis in a Ca(EDTA){sup 2−} and (NH{sub 4}){sub 2}HPO{sub 4} solution. The morphology of modified titanium substrates as well as hydroxyapatite coatings was studied using scanning electron microcopy and phase identification by X-ray diffraction, and Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The results show that the nucleation and growth of hydroxyapatite needle-like crystals with hexagonal symmetry occurred only on titanium substrates both chemically and thermally treated. No hydroxyapatite phase was detected on only acid etched Ti metal. This finding demonstrates that only a particular titanium surface treatment can effectively induce the apatite nucleation under hydrothermal conditions. - Highlights: • Bioactivation of titanium substrate by chemical and heat treatments • Precipitation of hydroxyapatite on modified titanium plates • Hydrothermal crystallization of hydroxyapatite by chelate decomposition method.


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    Intan Imawati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1 pengaruh latihan diayogarobik terhadap kapasitas fisik dan kimiawi darah, (2 perbedaan pengaruh latihan diayogarobik terhadap kapasitas fisik dan kimiawi darah antara penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan kadar glukosa darah awal di bawah 250 mg/dl dan di atas 250 mg/dl. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. ata penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes dan pengukuran terhadap fleksibilitas dengan menggunakan fleksometer, kekuatan otot lengan dengan Push & Pool Dinamometer, kekuatan otot tungkai dengan Leg & Back Dinamometer, serta kadar glukosa darah dan kadar kolesterol darah dengan Glukometer. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1 diayogarobik terbukti dapat meningkatkan kapasitas fisik dan menurunkan kimiawi darah secara signifikan. (2 a. tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh peningkatan kapasitas fisik yang signifikan antara penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan kadar glukosa darah 250 mg/dl, (2 b. ada perbedaan pengaruh penurunan kadar glukosa darah yang signifikan antara penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan kadar glukosa darah 250 mg/dl, dengan penurunan yang lebih tinggi yaitu kadar glukosa darah >250 mg/dl, (2 c. tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh penurunan kadar kolesterol darah yang signifikan antara penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2 dengan kadar glukosa darah 250 mg/dl. Latihan diayogarobik memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap peningkatan kapasitas fisik dan penurunan kimiawi darah. Kata Kunci: Latihan diayogarobik, kadar glukosa darah, kapasitas fisik, kimiawi darah, diabetes mellitus tipe 2.

  4. [Corrosion resistant properties of different anodized microtopographies on titanium surfaces]. (United States)

    Fangjun, Huo; Li, Xie; Xingye, Tong; Yueting, Wang; Weihua, Guo; Weidong, Tian


    To investigate the corrosion resistant properties of titanium samples prepared by anodic oxidation with different surface morphologies. Pure titanium substrates were treated by anodic oxidation to obtain porous titanium films in micron, submicron, and micron-submicron scales. The surface morphologies, coating cross-sectional morphologies, crystalline structures, and surface roughness of these samples were characterized. Electrochemical technique was used to measure the corrosion potential (Ecorr), current density of corrosion (Icorr), and polarization resistance (Rp) of these samples in a simulated body fluid. Pure titanium could be modified to exhibit different surface morphologies by the anodic oxidation technique. The Tafel curve results showed that the technique can improve the corrosion resistance of pure titanium. Furthermore, the corrosion resistance varied with different surface morphologies. The submicron porous surface sample demonstrated the best corrosion resistance, with maximal Ecorr and Rp and minimal Icorr. Anodic oxidation technology can improve the corrosion resistance of pure titanium in a simulated body fluid. The submicron porous surface sample exhibited the best corrosion resistance because of its small surface area and thick barrier layer.


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    Dewi Purwita Agustini


    Full Text Available Telinga berdenging atau dikenal dalam bahasa medis sebagai tinitus, banyak dikeluhkan sebagai suatu bising atau bunyi yang muncul di kepala tanpa adanya rangsangan dari luar. Adapun keluhan yang dialami ini seperti bunyi mendengung, mendesis, menderu, atau berbagai variasi bunyi yang lain. Tinitus bukanlah penyakit atau sindroma, tapi hanya merupakan gejala yang mungkin berasal dari satu atau sejumlah kelainan. Sebetulnya suara yang terdengar oleh telinga tersebut belum tentu bersifat kelainan atau patologis. Jika orang sehat yang terbukti telinganya normal, berada dalam ruang kedap (anehoic chamber, maka ia akan dapat mendengar berbagai macam suara yang berasal dari berbagai organ tubuhnya sendiri yang memang bekerja setiap saat, contohnya: pernapasan, kontraksi jantung, dan aliran darah. Kenyataannya, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, suasana yang memungkinkan suara fisiologis atau normal tersebut terdengar oleh seseorang sangat jarang tercipta dan bahkan dalam kamar yang sunyi di malam hari sekalipun. Hal ini dikarenakan, bunyi masking dari lingkungan dengan berintensitas bunyi sekitar 25 – 30 dB. Tinitus baru menjadi gejala jika suara organ tubuh intensitasnya melebihi bunyi masking lingkungan tadi. Tinitus kerap diderita terutama orang pada kelompok usia pertengahan dan usia tua. Menurut data statistic dari pusat kesehatan di Amerika, sekitar 32% orang dewasa pernah mengalami tinitus pada suatu saat tertentu dalam hidupnya, dan 6 % nya sangat menganggu dan cukup sulit disembuhkan. Di Inggris, 17% populasi juga memiliki masalah tinitus. Sayangnya di Indonesia belum ada data statistic yang memadai, namun berdasarkan pengalaman empiris, penderita tinitus cukup banyak dan sering ditemui di tempat praktek, klinik, maupun rumah sakit. Meski tinitus bukanlah keadaan yang membahayakan, munculnya gejala ini pada hampir kebanyakan orang sangat mengganggu dan sering mempengaruhi kualitas hidup dan pekerjaannya. Kata Kunci: Tinitus, berdenging, telinga


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    diah eka nugraheni


    Full Text Available Target pencapaian ASI eksklusif  masih Rendah  yaitu  33,6% (SDKI 2010. ASI eksklusif dimaksudkan untuk menjamin pemenuhan hak bayi untuk 6 bulan dengan memperhatikan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, sehingga setiap ibu akan memberikan ASI eksklusif kepada bayi (PP no.23, 2012, masalah ASI  tidak keluar di hari pertama kelahiran harus diantisipasi sejak kehamilan melalui konseling laktasi, tetapi penyebaran informasi di antara petugas belum dioptimalkan sehingga perlu dilakukan  alternatif cara merangsang produksi susu (Wiwin W, 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode SPEOS (Pijat endorphin, oksitosin dan sugestif untuk meningkatkan produksi susu dan berat badan bayi. Desain penelitian ini digunakan Percobaan Quasi dengan sampel ibu nifas primipara diberi metode intervensi SPEOS pada hari postpartum pertama mulai 1-6 jam sampai minggu keempat, produksi ASI diukur sebelum dan setelah intervensi untuk melihat produksi susu dan peningkatan berat badan bayi. Data dianalisis univariat analisis dan analisis Wilcoxon uji bivariat dan analisis multivariat untuk mengontrol faktor pembaur dengan analisis ANCOVA. Hasil menunjukkan efek metode SPEOS rata-rata produksi susu dari 131,87 (p=0,00 dan peningkatan bayi rata-rata berat 483,30 g (p 0,00, umur dan makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh ibu selama studi (gizi ibu tidak mempengaruhi produksi susu, sedangkan efek IMD pada produksi susu dengan 0,389 r persegi (p 0,04. Kesimpulan: metode SPEOS berpengaruh pada produksi susu dan peningkatan berat badan bayi pada ibu nifas di Kota Bengkulu di BPM, 2016.Diharapkan semua petugas kesehatan yang memberikan bayi untuk dapat menggunakan metode sebagai prosedur standar dalam SPEOS merangsang produksi susu untuk meningkatkan target pemberian ASI eksklusif.


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    I Made Astra


    Full Text Available Energi dapat berubah dari satu bentuk ke bentuk yang  lainnya, perubahannya sering mempengaruhi lingkungan dan udara yang kita hirup dengan berbagai cara. Energy kimia dalam bahan bakar fosil diubah menjadi energy panas, mekanik, atau listrik melalui pembakaran dan  ini sebagai penghasil polutan terbesar. Dan dengan demikian pembangkit listrik, kendaraan bermotor, dan kompor adalah penyebab utama terjadinya polusi udara.  Polutan yang dikeluarkan biasanya dikelompokan menjadi  hidrokarbon (HC, nitrogen oksida (NOx, dan  karbon monoksida (CO. Polutan yang dihasilkan pada pembakaran fosil merupakan faktor terbesar terjadinya asap, hujan asam,  pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim.   The conversion of energy from one form to another often affects the environment and the air we breath in many ways. Pollutants are emitted as the chemical energy in fossil fuels is converten to thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy via combustion, and thus power plants, motor vehicles, and even stoves take the blame for air pollution, and  the pollutants released by the vehicles are usually grouped as hydrocarbons (HC, nitrogen oxides (NOx, and carbon monoxide (CO. Pollutans emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels are responsible for smog, acid rain, and global warming and climate change.

  8. Pemodelan Dan Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Oli dan Diameter Orifice terhadap Gaya Redam Shock Absorber Dan Respon Dinamis Sepeda Motor Yamaha Jupiter Z 2008

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    Newanda Asa Wahid


    Full Text Available Sepeda motor merupakan moda transportasi yang paling banyak diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam hal kenyamanan, maka komponen sepeda motor yang berperan penting adalah sistem suspensi. Sistem suspensi berfungsi menyerap getaran berlebih akibat profil permukaan jalan, sehingga meningkatkan kenyamanan dan keamanan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sistem suspensi yang terbaik. Dalam tugas akhir ini dilakukan pemodelan dan analisis pengaruh perubahan parameter sistem suspensi sepeda motor Yamaha Jupiter Z 2008 khususnya pada komponen monotube hydraulic shock absorber yang didasarkan pada pemodelan setengah kendaraan. Parameter yang divariasikan adalah tipe oli dan diameter orifice, dimana terdapat 5 macam tipe oli dengan rentang nilai massa jenis (ρ sebesar 845 – 874 kg/m3, dan viskositas (ν sebesar 11,3 – 46 mm2/s, sementara untuk diameter orifice yaitu saat kompresi (Docomp sebesar 1,2 – 1,5 mm, saat ekspansi (Doexp sebesar 0,8 – 1 mm. Input yang digunakan pada simulasi adalah input sinusoidal dan input bump modified. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa sistem suspensi modifikasi monotube hydraulic shock absorber yang menghasilkan gaya redam optimal memiliki nilai parameter viskositas kinematis oli 46 mm2/s, massa jenis oli 845 kg/m3, diameter orifice kompresi 0,00135 m, dan diameter orifice ekspansi 0,0009 m. Nilai gaya redam optimal yang dihasilkan sistem suspensi modifikasi adalah sebesar 1171,3 N, lebih tinggi hingga 546,44 N dibandingkan dengan gaya redam sistem supensi asli yang bernilai 624,86 N pada frekuensi 2 Hz. Pada sistem setengah kendaraan motor dengan penggunaan sistem suspensi asli maupun modifikasi, untuk input bump, respon kendaraan dan penumpang mencapai steady state kurang dari 2 detik dan 5 detik, sedangkan untuk input sinusoidal responnya mencapai steady state kurang dari 2 detik dan 3 detik. Penggunaan suspensi asli maupun modifikasi menghasilkan nilai perpindahan RMS yang

  9. Lifetime of titanium filament at constant current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, T.S.; Lanni, C.


    Titanium Sublimation Pump (TSP) represents the most efficient and the least expensive method to produce Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) in storage rings. In ISABELLE, a proton storage accelerator under construction at Brookhaven National Laboratory, for example, TSP provides a pumping speed for hydrogen of > 2 x 10 6 l/s. Due to the finite life of titanium filaments, new filaments have to be switched in before the end of filament burn out, to ensure smooth operation of the accelerator. Therefore, several operational modes that can be used to activate the TSP were studied. The constant current mode is a convenient way of maintaining constant evaporating rate by increasing the power input while the filament diameter decreases as titanium evaporates. The filaments used in this experiment were standard Varian 916-0024 filaments made of Ti 85%, Mo 15% alloy. During their lifetime at a constant current of 48 amperes, the evaporation rate rose to a maximum at about 10% of their life and then flattened out to a constant value, 0.25 g/hr. The maximum evaporation rate occurs coincidently with the recrystallization of 74% Ti 26% Mo 2 from microstructure crystalline at higher titanium concentration to macrostructure crystalline at lower titanium concentration. As the macrocrystal grows, the slip plane develops at the grain boundary resulting in high resistance at the slip plane which will eventually cause the filament burn out due to local heating

  10. Method for synthesis of titanium dioxide nanotubes using ionic liquids (United States)

    Qu, Jun; Luo, Huimin; Dai, Sheng


    The invention is directed to a method for producing titanium dioxide nanotubes, the method comprising anodizing titanium metal in contact with an electrolytic medium containing an ionic liquid. The invention is also directed to the resulting titanium dioxide nanotubes, as well as devices incorporating the nanotubes, such as photovoltaic devices, hydrogen generation devices, and hydrogen detection devices.

  11. Formation and characterization of titanium nitride and titanium carbide films prepared by reactive sputtering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sundgren, J.-E.


    Titanium has been reactively r.f. sputtered in mixed Ar-N 2 and Ar-CH 4 discharges on to substrates held at 775 K. The films obtained have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and by measurements of hardness and electrical resistivity. The compositions of the films have been determined using Auger electron spectroscopy. The processes occurring both on substrates and target surfaces have been studied and it is shown that the latter is of great importance for the composition and structure of deposited films. Titanium nitride films of full density and with electrical resistivity and hardness values close to those of bulk TiN were only obtained in a narrow range close to the stoichiometric composition. Titanium carbide films grown on non-biased substrates were found to have an open structure and thus a low density. A bias applied to the substrate, however, improved the quality of the films. It is also shown that the heat of formation of the compounds plays an important role in the formation of carbides and nitrides. A large value promotes the development of large grains and dense structures. (Auth.)


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    Popy Anggasari


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research were to 1 analyze the effect of ethnocentrism towards income and educational level; 2 analyze the effect of ethnocentrism on consumers' attitudes; 3 analyze the effect of ethnocentrism on purchasing behavior; 4 analyze the effect of ethnocentrism on consumers’ preferences; and 5 formulate marketing strategies of local fruits. The study used a survey approach with descriptive study design and cross sectional study. Data were collected through questionnaires with non probability sampling technique using convenience sampling technique. Consumer ethnocentrism was measured by the consumer ethnocentrism scale. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results of this study showed that 49,33% of respondents had medium ethnocentrism level. Ethnocentrism has a positive and significant relationship to preferences and buying behavior. Strategy recommendations were made based on the research findings. The fruits need to be segmented by the grade; higher price should be given to the fruit with good quality and attractive appearance, while fruits with lower quality should be given appropriate price.Keywords:  ethnocentrism, attitude, preference, purchasing behavior, fruits, structural equation modeling (SEMABSTRAKTujuan daripenelitian ini adalah 1 menganalisis pengaruh hubungan ethnosentrisme terhadap pendapatan dan tingkat pendidikan, 2 menganalisis pengaruh etnosentrisme untuk sikap konsumen, 3 menganalisis pengaruh etnosentrisme untuk perilaku pembelian, 4 menganalisis pengaruh etnosentrisme untuk konsumen preferensi, dan 5 merumuskan strategi pemasaran buah-buahan lokal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan survei dengan desain penelitian deskriptif dan cross sectional study. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengisian kuesioner dengan teknik nonprobability sampling technique menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Etnosentrisme konsumen diukur dengan consumer ethnocentrism scale. Data dianalisis

  13. A novel approach to fabrication of three-dimensional porous titanium with controllable structure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Dong; Li, Qiuyan; Xu, Mingqin; Jiang, Guofeng; Zhang, Yunxia [Shanghai Key Laboratory of Materials Laser Processing and Modification, and State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); He, Guo, E-mail: [Shanghai Key Laboratory of Materials Laser Processing and Modification, and State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240 (China); Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration, Shanghai 200240 (China)


    A new approach to fabrication of porous titanium by using the molybdenum wire as space holder was developed, in which titanium liquid was cast into the entangled molybdenum wires in a vacuum environment, and followed by etching off the space holder material in an aqua regia solution. This infiltration casting and acid corrosion method fabricated the porous titanium with different porosities with a pore diameter of 0.4 mm. The porous titanium with the porosity of 32–47% exhibited the Young's modulus in the range of 23–62 GPa and the yielding strength in the range of 76–192 MPa. The adhesion and spreadability of the bovine osteoblast cells on the porous titanium were also evaluated in vitro. The porous titanium with 47% porosity has great potential for implant applications. - Highlights: • A new approach to fabrication of porous titanium was developed. • The 3D morphology of the interconnected porous structure can be exactly controlled. • The as-prepared porous titanium exhibits adequate yielding strength. • The elastic modulus of the porous titanium matches well with that of cortical bone. • The as-prepared porous titanium has great potential for implant applications.

  14. Ekstraksi Dan Uji Stabilitas Zat Warna Alami Dari Bunga Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis L) Dan Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L)


    Siregar, Yusraini Dian Inayati; Nurlela, Nurlela


    Ekstraksi dan Uji Stabilitas Zat Warna Alami dari Bunga Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) dan Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) telah dilakukan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi bunga kembang sepatu dan bunga rosella dengan mencari temperatur dan konsentrasi yang optimum untuk mendapatkan pigmen dari bunga kembang sepatu dan bunga rosella dengan pelarut air dan etanol, selain itu dilakukan juga uji stabilitas zat warna. Analisa kadar zat warna dilakukan dengan metode spektr...

  15. In situ hydride formation in titanium during focused ion milling. (United States)

    Ding, Rengen; Jones, Ian P


    It is well known that titanium and its alloys are sensitive to electrolytes and thus hydrides are commonly observed in electropolished foils. In this study, focused ion beam (FIB) milling was used to prepare thin foils of titanium and its alloys for transmission electron microscopy. The results show the following: (i) titanium hydrides were observed in pure titanium, (ii) the preparation of a bulk sample in water or acid solution resulted in the formation of more hydrides and (iii) FIB milling aids the precipitation of hydrides, but there were never any hydrides in Ti64 and Ti5553.

  16. Local heating with titanium nitride nanoparticles

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guler, Urcan; Ndukaife, Justus C.; Naik, Gururaj V.


    We investigate the feasibility of titanium nitride (TiN) nanoparticles as local heat sources in the near infrared region, focusing on biological window. Experiments and simulations provide promising results for TiN, which is known to be bio-compatible.......We investigate the feasibility of titanium nitride (TiN) nanoparticles as local heat sources in the near infrared region, focusing on biological window. Experiments and simulations provide promising results for TiN, which is known to be bio-compatible....

  17. Calcium phosphate-based coatings on titanium and its alloys. (United States)

    Narayanan, R; Seshadri, S K; Kwon, T Y; Kim, K H


    Use of titanium as biomaterial is possible because of its very favorable biocompatibility with living tissue. Titanium implants having calcium phosphate coatings on their surface show good fixation to the bone. This review covers briefly the requirements of typical biomaterials and narrowly focuses on the works on titanium. Calcium phosphate ceramics for use in implants are introduced and various methods of producing calcium phosphate coating on titanium substrates are elaborated. Advantages and disadvantages of each type of coating from the view point of process simplicity, cost-effectiveness, stability of the coatings, coating integration with the bone, cell behavior, and so forth are highlighted. Taking into account all these factors, the efficient method(s) of producing these coatings are indicated finally.


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    Djoko Yuwono


    Full Text Available Virus Hepatitis C dan Hepatitis B merupakan penyebab hepatitis kronik aktif yang dapat berkembang menjadi hepatoselular karsinoma. Untuk mengetahui peranan kedua jenis virus tersebut sebagai penyebab hepatoselular karsinoma, telah dilakukan pemeriksaan HbsAg, anti-VHC dan RNA-VHC pada 17 penderita hepatitis kronis. 19 Pasien hemodialisis dan 198 donor darah PMI. Pemeriksaan HbsAg dilakukan dengan RPHA Cell: pemeriksaan anti-VHC dengan dipstik anti-VHC kit diagnotik produksi NTB Mataram, Lombok. Deteksi RNA-VHC dilakukan dengan teknik RT-PCR, menggunakan primer spesifik untuk daerah 5'NCR. Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa pada penderita hepatitis kronis ditemukan 5 orang (23,5% positif HbsAg dan 1 orang (5,8% anti-VHC. Pada penderita hemodialisis ditemukan 14 orang (73,6% positif anti-VHC, persentase anti-VHC meningkat sesuai dengan meningkatnya frekuensi hemodialisis. Pada donor darah PMI ditemukan 5 orang (2,2% positif HbsAg dan tidak satupun ditemukan anti-VHC positif.

  19. Laser beam welding of titanium nitride coated titanium using pulse-shaping

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    Milton Sergio Fernandes de Lima


    Full Text Available A new welding method which allows the assembly of two titanium nitride coated titanium parts is proposed. The welding procedure utilizes the possibility for pulse-shaping in order to change the energy distribution profile during the laser pulse. The pulse-shaping is composed of three elements: a a short high power pulse for partial ablation at the surface; b a long pulse for thermal penetration; and c a quenching slope for enhanced weldability. The combination of these three elements produces crack-free welds. The weld microstructure is changed in comparison to normal welding, i.e. with a rectangular pulse, as the nitrogen and the microhardness are more homogenously distributed in the weld under pulse-shaping conditions. This laser pulse dissolves the TiN layer and allows nitrogen to diffuse into the melt pool, also contributing to an enhanced weldability by providing suitable thermal conditions.

  20. Electrochemical Characterization of Surface Reactions on Biomedical Titanium alloys


    Alkhateeb, Emad Hashim


    Titanium and its alloys are successfully used as implant materials for dental, orthopedic and osteosynthesis applications. The processes that take place at the implant tissue interface are important for the acceptance and integration of the implant. This thesis is divided into two parts: the first part deals with surface modification of titanium to improve the osseointegration, and the second part studies metastable pitting of titanium and its alloys. The weakly attached layer of a bone-like ...

  1. Vanadium and titanium determination by resorcinalhydrazide of salicylic acid

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karpova, O I; Pilipenko, A T; Lukachina, V V [AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kiev. Inst. Kolloidnoj Khimii i Khimii Vody


    The complexing of titanium and vanadium with resorcinalhydrazyl of salicylic acid (RHSA) in water-organic media is studied. Titanium (4) forms a complex at pH 0.8-1.8, vanadium - at pH 2.5-5.6, and at pH 7.6-9.8. The complexes are well extracted by polar and nonpolar solvents from acid solutions. The techniques are developed for the determination of titanium and vanadium by the RHSA agent in nickel alloys.

  2. Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Beban dan Kecepatan Kendaraan Menggunakan Teknologi Weigh in Motion

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    Trisya Septiana


    Full Text Available Weight in Motion (WIM merupakan salah satu solusi inovatif dalam manajemen lalu lintas yang memungkinkan kendaraan ditimbang pada saat dalam perjalanan. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah sistem monitoring yang mampu mengolah dan menghitung data kendaraan berupa beban dan kecepatan kendaraan melalui sistem WIM. Untuk mendukung sistem ini digunakan perangkat keras berupa sensor WIM yang terdiri dari Load Cell, modul penguat HX711 dan Arduino serta untuk data sinyal beban yang telah dihasilkan sistem WIM menggunakan metode analisa pengolahan sinyal. Pengujian sistem ini dilakukan menggunakan sebuah mobil penumpang dengan kecepatan yang berbeda-beda. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan sistem WIM mampu melakukan pengukuran kendaraan berjalan dengan nilai rata-rata error yang dihasilkan untuk kecepatan 8.94%, jarak sumbu kendaraan 14.64%, dan beban kendaraan 10.21%.

  3. Titanium nitride plasma-chemical synthesis with titanium tetrachloride raw material in the DC plasma-arc reactor (United States)

    Kirpichev, D. E.; Sinaiskiy, M. A.; Samokhin, A. V.; Alexeev, N. V.


    The possibility of plasmochemical synthesis of titanium nitride is demonstrated in the paper. Results of the thermodynamic analysis of TiCl4 - H2 - N2 system are presented; key parameters of TiN synthesis process are calculated. The influence of parameters of plasma-chemical titanium nitride synthesis process in the reactor with an arc plasmatron on characteristics on the produced powders is experimentally investigated. Structure, chemical composition and morphology dependencies on plasma jet enthalpy, stoichiometric excess of hydrogen and nitrogen in a plasma jet are determined.

  4. Effect of surface reaction layer on grindability of cast titanium alloys. (United States)

    Ohkubo, Chikahiro; Hosoi, Toshio; Ford, J Phillip; Watanabe, Ikuya


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the cast surface reaction layer on the grindability of titanium alloys, including free-machining titanium alloy (DT2F), and to compare the results with the grindability of two dental casting alloys (gold and Co-Cr). All titanium specimens (pure Ti, Ti-6Al-4V and DT2F) were cast using a centrifugal casting machine in magnesia-based investment molds. Two specimen sizes were used to cast the titanium metals so that the larger castings would be the same size as the smaller gold and Co-Cr alloy specimens after removal of the surface reaction layer (alpha-case). Grindability was measured as volume loss ground from a specimen for 1 min using a handpiece engine with a SiC abrasive wheel at 0.1 kgf and four circumferential wheel speeds. For the titanium and gold alloys, grindability increased as the rotational speed increased. There was no statistical difference (p>0.05) in grindability for all titanium specimens either with or without the alpha-case. Of the titanium metals tested, Ti-6 Al-4V had the greatest grindability at higher speeds, followed by DT2F and CP Ti. The grindability of the gold alloy was similar to that of Ti-6 Al-4V, whereas the Co-Cr alloy had the lowest grindability. The results of this study indicated that the alpha-case did not significantly affect the grindability of the titanium alloys. The free-machining titanium alloy had improved grindability compared to CP Ti.


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    Darmadi Darmadi


    Full Text Available AbstrakRefeeding syndrome (RFS dideskripsikan sebagai perubahan biokimiawi, manifestasi klinis dan komplikasi sebagai konsekuensi pemberian nutrisi pada pasien kurang gizi. Refeeding syndrome ini menyebabkan dampak buruk dan kematian. Sindroma ini lebih sering terjadi pada kelompok risiko. Refeeding syndrome merupakan suatu sindroma yang sering tak terdiagnosis oleh karena itu perlu peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran dari tenaga medis untuk mengurangi morbiditas dan mortalitas dari RFS. Karena alasan tersebut ditulis tinjauan pustaka ini yang akan membahas mengenai patofisiologi, faktor risiko, manifestasi klinis, dan manajemennya.Kata kunci : refeeding syndrome, kurang gizi, hipofosfatemia, dukungan nutrisiAbstractRefeeding syndrome (RFS describel as biochemical changes, clinical manifestations, and complications that can occur as a consequence of feeding a malnourished individual. RFS can result in serious harm and death. RFS more commonly occurs in at-risk populations. Increased awareness amongst healthcare professionals is likely to reduce morbidity and mortality. This review examines the pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, and management of RFS.Key word : refeeding syndrome, malnourished, hypophosphatemia, nutritional support



    Nuni Widiarti; Sri Wahyuni; F Widhi Mahatmanti


    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penyuluhan Pengolahan Buah Dan Biji Rambutan Sebagai Makanan Tradisional Koktail, Manisan, Emping Biji Rambutan Dan Obat Herbal Yang Berkhasiat bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu PKK dukuh kanggan Desa Wringinputih terhadap manfaat rambutan, dan biji rambutan terhadap kesehatan beserta bagaimana meningkatkan nilai jual rambutan dan biji rambutan pada saat panen raya. Khalayak sasaran dalam pengabdian masyarak...

  7. Wacana Penjarahan Dan Kekerasan Simbolik Terhadap Petani

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    Agus Sudibyo


    Full Text Available Perlawanan kaum petani sudah lama terjadi dalam konteks sejarah hubungan antara si kaya dan si miskin dan antara kaum petani dan negara. Persoralannya selalu bahwa negara, aparat keamanan dan pemilik modal telah mengambil alih secara paksa surplus ekonomi dari petani. Mereka bekerja sama dalam aksi penyerobotan tanah petani, pendirian perkebunan-perkebunan dan dalam menghadapi gerakan protes petani. Negara bukan hanya menghadapi gerakan perlawanan petani dengan represi-represi fisik. Secara sistematis negara juga melakukan propaganda dengan menciptakan gambaran-gambaran yang unfavourable tentang petani pelaku penjarahan dalam berbagai representasi wacana. Dalam batas tertentu, media massa justru memperkuat kecenderungan ini dengan menonjolkan dimensi kekerasan, pemberontakan dan anarkisme dalam mewacanakan aksi-aksi penjarahan petani.

  8. Svetislav Basara, Perdu dans un supermarché

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    Katia Vandenborre


    Full Text Available Tomber amoureux dans le jazz de la nature quand on est pris d’élancements dans le bras. Souffrir d’un incurable serpent dans le sein après que sa mère ait été enlevée par des esclavagistes. Se dégonfler à la brûlure de cigarette lors d’une boum fatale. Discuter avec Dieu par téléphone dans un supermarché. Telles sont les aventures plus loufoques les unes que les autres dont Svetislav Basara nous tisse le décousu dans Perdu dans un supermarché. Ce recueil réunit une vingtaine de nouvelles liée...

  9. Recent research and development in titanium alloys for biomedical applications and healthcare goods

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    Mitsuo Niinomi


    Full Text Available Nb, Ta and Zr are the favorable non-toxic alloying elements for titanium alloys for biomedical applications. Low rigidity titanium alloys composed of non-toxic elements are getting much attention. The advantage of low rigidity titanium alloy for the healing of bone fracture and the remodeling of bone is successfully proved by fracture model made in tibia of rabbit. Ni-free super elastic and shape memory titanium alloys for biomedical applications are energetically developed. Titanium alloys for not only implants, but also dental products like crowns, dentures, etc. are also getting much attention in dentistry. Development of investment materials suitable for titanium alloys with high melting point is desired in dental precision castings. Bioactive surface modifications of titanium alloys for biomedical applications are very important for achieving further developed biocompatibility. Low cost titanium alloys for healthcare goods, like general wheel chairs, etc. has been recently proposed.

  10. Determination of local constitutive properties of titanium alloy matrix in boron-modified titanium alloys using spherical indentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sreeranganathan, A.; Gokhale, A.; Tamirisakandala, S.


    The constitutive properties of the titanium alloy matrix in boron-modified titanium alloys are different from those of the corresponding unreinforced alloy due to the microstructural changes resulting from the addition of boron. Experimental and finite-element analyses of spherical indentation with a large penetration depth to indenter radius ratio are used to compute the local constitutive properties of the matrix alloy. The results are compared with that of the corresponding alloy without boron, processed in the same manner

  11. Motivasi, Kebiasaan, dan Keamanan Penggunaan Internet

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    Zinggara Hidayat


    Full Text Available Abstract: This study investigates motivation, habits, and security of internet use by high schools and universities students in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. This descriptive and quantitative reasearch uses survey method. The findings of the study show that the strongest motivation is to show self existence, entertainment, and academic purposes. At some points, the habit of using the internet also makes the students face some risks such as verbal and nonverbal abuses, bullying, pornoghrapy, account hacking, and the risk of interaction with unknown parties. Abstrak: Penelitian ini menyelidiki motivasi, kebiasaan, dan keamanan penggunaan internet di antara siswa sekolah menengah atas dan universitas di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini menggunakan metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi paling kuat adalah untuk memperlihatkan eksistensi diri, pencarian hiburan, dan penyelesaian tugas akademis. Kebiasaan penggunaan internet oleh pelajar dan mahasiswa menghadapi beberapa risiko, seperti kekerasan verbal dan nonverbal,


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    Nurhayati (Nurhayati


    Full Text Available Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk melihat pengaruh tingkat yogurt dan waktu fermentasi terhadap kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik, protein, dan serat kasar kulit nanas fermentasi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial dengan 2 faktor yaitu tingkat yogurt (0, 3, 6, dan 9 ml/kg dan lama waktu fermentasi (24, 48, dan 72 jam yang diulang sebanyak 5 kali. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kulit nanas, plain yogurt yang mengandung bakteri Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus dan Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, bahan kimia yang digunakan untuk analisis proksimat protein dan serat kasar kulit nanas fermentasi, larutan saliva buatan McDougall dan cairan rumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05 tingkat yogurt terhadap kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik, dan protein kasar tetapi tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kecernaan serat kasar. Waktu fermentasi berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05 terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik, protein kasar, dan serat kasar secara in vitro. Interaksi tingkat yogurt dengan waktu fermentasi memberikan perbedaan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05 terhadap kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik dan protein kasar tetapi tidak memberikan perbedaan pengaruh nyata terhadap kecernaan serat kasar. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa tingkat yogurt 6 ml/kg dan waktu fermentasi 72 jam dapat meningkatkan kecernaan in vitro bahan kering, bahan organik, dan protein kasar serta menurunkan kecernaan in vitro serat kasar kulit nanas fermentasi. (Kata kunci: Fermentasi, Kecernaan in vitro, Kulit nanas, Yogurt

  13. Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perkawinan Non-muslim pada Dinans Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil PangkalPinang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamidah .


    Full Text Available Intisari— Kemajuan teknologi yang begitu pesat dalam bidang komputer sekarang ini mendorong banyak kalangan untuk menggunakan sistem komputerisasi dalam proses administrasinya, mulai dari lembaga lembaga instansi pemerintahan, dunia industri, perdagangan, pariwisata, dan sebagainya. Hal ini, menunjukan betapa penting dan vitalnya teknologi komputer dalam semua bidang, khususnya dalam dunia bisnis. Untuk level bisnis kalangan menengah kebawah, tidak semuanya dapat menggunakan sistem komputerisasi tersebut, dikarenakan adanya kemungkinan keterbatasan finansial dan sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya. Hal ini mendorong penulis untuk mencoba meng-aplikasikan teknologi informasi ke dalam proses pemerintahan, khususnya kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil. Karena masih ada diantaranya yang belum menggunakan sistem komputerisasi, dalam aktifitas bisnisnya. Oleh sebab itu penulis mencoba meng-implementasikan salah satu program aplikasi ke dalam proses aktivitas perkawinan non muslim, di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pangkalpinang yang berada di daerah Bangka Belitung, yang dalam hal ini, proses perkawinan non muslim di dinas tersebut masih bersifat manual. Disini penulis membuat suatu program aplikasi, untuk sistem informasi perkawinan non muslim pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pangkalpinang, dengan menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic Studio 2008.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Imron Al-Ma’ruf


    Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan mendasarkan pada kerangka berpikir induktif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pustaka. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode contens analysis dan pembacaan model semiotik yakni pembacaan heuristik dan hermeneutik dengan pendekatan teori Semiotik. Hasil kajian ini adalah: (1 style ’gaya bahasa’ puisi “Tuhan, Kita Begitu Dekat” karya Abdulhadi W.M. memiliki kekhasan dan keunikan (ideosyncrasy yang berbeda dengan karya penyair lain. Kekhasan style puisi tersebut terlihat antara lain pada majas dan gaya kalimat. Majas dalam puisi tersebut didominasi oleh metafora, simile, dan hiperbola. Adapun gaya kalimat puisi itu didominasi oleh gaya kalimat implisit dengan melesapkan beberapa bagian dalam kalimat demi efektivitas dan untuk menciptakan daya ekspresif dalam rangka mencapai efek estetis. Style Abdulhadi W.M. dalam puisi itu menunjukkan kekhasan dan keunikan sebagai wujud individuasi penyair; (2 Puisi karya Abdulhadi W.M. itu mengungkapkan dimensi sufistik. Puisi itu menyiratkan gagasan tasawuf Wahdatul Wujud, yang melukiskan berpadunya eksistensi manusia dengan eksistensi Tuhan, berpadunya dimensi insaniyah dengan dimensi Ilahiyah, bersatunya makhluk dengan Khalik. Itulah esensi puisi itu yakni hakikat dan ma’rifat dalam tradisi tasawuf yang dianut para sufi. Sekaligus puisi itu menunjukkan bahwa Abdulhadi W.M. merupakan salah satu sastrawan sufistik Indonesia. Kata Kunci: stilistika, majas, gaya kalimat, puisi “Tuhan, Begitu Dekat”, sufistik

  15. Production of titanium alloys with uniform distribution of heat resisting metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reznichenko, V.A.; Goncharenko, T.V.; Khalimov, F.B.; Vojtechova, E.A.


    Consideration is given to the process of the formation of a titanium sponge alloyed with niobium or tantalum, in the joint metallic reduction of titanium, niobium and tantanum chlorides. A percentage composition of the phases observed and the structure of the alloyed sponge have been studied. It is shown that after one remelting operation of the alloyed sponge the alloys of titanium with niobium and tantalum have a uniform component distribution. At the stage of chloride reduction there appear solid solutions based on titanium and an alloying component. The stage of vacuum separation of the reaction mass is associated with a mutual dissolution of the primary phases and the formation of the solid solutions of the alloyed titanium sponge, which, by their composition, are close to the desired alloy composition. The principal features of the formation of a titanium sponge alloyed with niobium and tantalum are in a perfect agreemet with those typical of Ti-Mo and Ti-W sponges, therefore it can be assumed that these features will be also common to the other cases of the metallic reduction of titanium and refractory metals chlorides

  16. Production of titanium alloys with uniform distribution of heat resisting metals

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reznichenko, V A; Goncharenko, T V; Khalimov, F B; Voitechova, E A


    Consideration is given to the process of the formation of a titanium sponge alloyed with niobium or tantalum, in the joint metallic reduction of titanium, niobium and tantanum chlorides. A percentage composition of the phases observed and the structure of the alloyed sponge have been studied. It is shown that after one remelting operation of the alloyed sponge the alloys of titanium with niobium and tantalum have a uniform component distribution. At the stage of chloride reduction there appear solid solutions based on titanium and an alloying component. The stage of vacuum separation of the reaction mass is associated with a mutual dissolution of the primary phases and the formation of the solid solutions of the alloyed titanium sponge, which, by their composition, are close to the desired alloy composition. The principal features of the formation of a titanium sponge alloyed with niobium and tantalum are in a perfect agreemet with those typical of Ti-Mo and Ti-W sponges, therefore it can be assumed that these features will be also common to the other cases of the metallic reduction of titanium and refractory metals chlorides.

  17. Microstructural control of thin-film diffusion-brazed titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wells, R.R.


    This study was designed to determine what parameters should be controlled to achieve quality joints of good toughness and high strength in titanium alloys. Emphasis was placed upon studying those parameters which provided tough joints compatible with the titanium base metal being joined. This paper is concerned with thin-film diffusion brazing based upon the eutectic system formed between copper and titanium. In order to control the joint microstructure, the copper diffusion rates and the beta-phase decomposition kinetics were studied. This information was used to produce various types of microstructures in test specimens. These were then evaluated to select the best microstructures for toughness and strength which were compatible with the titanium alloys. Results show that it is possible to accurately control properties of joints produced by thin-film diffusion brazing. This is done by controlling the initial copper content and the time-temperature parameters used in processing. Alloys studied were Ti--8Al--1Mo--1V and Ti--6Al--4V

  18. Anodization: a promising nano-modification technique of titanium implants for orthopedic applications. (United States)

    Yao, Chang; Webster, Thomas J


    Anodization is a well-established surface modification technique that produces protective oxide layers on valve metals such as titanium. Many studies have used anodization to produce micro-porous titanium oxide films on implant surfaces for orthopedic applications. An additional hydrothermal treatment has also been used in conjunction with anodization to deposit hydroxyapatite on titanium surfaces; this is in contrast to using traditional plasma spray deposition techniques. Recently, the ability to create nanometer surface structures (e.g., nano-tubular) via anodization of titanium implants in fluorine solutions have intrigued investigators to fabricate nano-scale surface features that mimic the natural bone environment. This paper will present an overview of anodization techniques used to produce micro-porous titanium oxide structures and nano-tubular oxide structures, subsequent properties of these anodized titanium surfaces, and ultimately their in vitro as well as in vivo biological responses pertinent for orthopedic applications. Lastly, this review will emphasize why anodized titanium structures that have nanometer surface features enhance bone forming cell functions.

  19. Penerapan Sistem Remunerasi dan Kinerja Pelayanan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tri Wisesa Soetisna


    Full Text Available Remunerasi dapat memengaruhi motivasi pegawai sekaligus meningkatkan kinerjanya. Demikian halnya di rumah sakit sebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang padat modal, sumber daya manusia serta padat ilmu dan teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi pegawai terhadap implementasi sistem remunerasi dan kinerja unit pelayanan bedah jantung dewasa (UPBJD di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods (kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Desain penelitian kuantitatif adalah potong lintang menggunakan instrumen kuesioner self-assessment. Sedangkan desain penelitian kualitatif adalah deskriptif, dilakukan melalui focus group discussion dan telaah dokumen pada data berupa buku jadwal, buku registrasi, catatan keperawatan, dan rekam medis. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada tahun 2013 di salah satu rumah sakit di Jakarta. Responden/informan adalah staf medis fungsional, perawat, dan petugas administrasi berjumlah 29 orang. Data dianalisis secara univariat (metode kuantitatif, dan content analysis (metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar staf medis fungsional dan perawat tidak puas (71,2% dengan beberapa hal dalam penerapan sistem remunerasi, seperti pada sistem penggajian dan penentuan grading. Terlihat kinerja unit pelayanan bedah jantung dewasa mengalami kenaikan setiap tahun sebelum dan setelah penerapan sistem remunerasi. Diharapkan agar rumah sakit ini dapat memperbaiki sistem remunerasi yang sesuai ketentuan kebijakan dan menyusun formulasi insentif dan bonus yang lebih sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini serta perlu dilakukan sosialisasi yang tepat dan evaluasi secara berkala. Implementation of Remuneration System and Service Performance Remuneration can influence worker`s motivation, and improve their performance. Likewise in hospital as capital-intensive, human resources-intensive as well as knowledge and technology-intensive health care institution. This study aimed to analyze employee

  20. KEJAHATAN PORNOGRAFI Upaya Pencegahan dan Penanggulangannya di Kabupaten Ponorogo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irma Rumtianing Uswatul Hanifah


    Full Text Available Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan undang-undang No 44 Tahun 2008 tentang pornografi. Tujuan dari undang-undang tersebut salah satunya mewujudkan dan memelihara tatanan kehidupan masyarakat yang beretika, berkepribadian luhur, menjungjung tinggi nilai-nilai Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, serta menghormati harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan. Dalam perkembangannya, materi pornografi mengalami pertumbuhan dan penyebaran yang pesat seiring dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Peredaran dan penyebaran film porno kini semakin pesat karena ditopang dengan kecanggihan sarana informasi dan komunikasi salah satunya media internet yang bisa diakses oleh masyarakat pada setiap saat. Tulisan berikut akan mengkaji bagaimana upaya dan trategi yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Ponorogo dalam mencegah dan menanggulangi kejahatan pornografi di Kabupaten Ponorogo, apa hambatan dan bagaimana solusi dalam pencegahan serta penanggulangan kejahatan pornografi di Kabupaten Ponorogo serta bagaimana formulasi kebijakan untuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan kejahatan pornografi di Kabupaten Ponorogo. Kata kunci: Pornografi, Polres, KP3A

  1. Hydroxyapatite electrodeposition on anodized titanium nanotubes for orthopedic applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parcharoen, Yardnapar [Department of Biological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut' s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok (Thailand); Kajitvichyanukul, Puangrat [Center of Excellence on Environmental Research and Innovation, Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok (Thailand); Sirivisoot, Sirinrath [Department of Biological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut' s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok (Thailand); Termsuksawad, Preecha, E-mail: [Division of Materials Technology, School of Energy, Environment and Materials, King Mongkut' s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd., Bang Mod, ThungKhru, Bangkok 10140 (Thailand)


    Highlights: • We found that different anodization time of titanium significantly effects on nanotube length which further impacts adhesion strength of hydroxyapatite coating layers. • Adhesion strength of Hydroxyapatite (HA) coated on titanium dioxide nanotubes is better than that of HA coated on titanium plate. • Hydroxyapatite coated on titanium dioxide nanotubes showed higher cell density and better spreading of MC3T3-E1 cells (bone-forming cells) than that coated on titanium plate surface. - Abstract: Nanotubes modification for orthopedic implants has shown interesting biological performances (such as improving cell adhesion, cell differentiation, and enhancing osseointegration). The purpose of this study is to investigate effect of titanium dioxide (TiO{sub 2}) nanotube feature on performance of hydroxyapatite-coated titanium (Ti) bone implants. TiO{sub 2} nanotubes were prepared by anodization using ammonium fluoride electrolyte (NH{sub 4}F) with and without modifiers (PEG400 and Glycerol) at various potential forms, and times. After anodization, the nanotubes were subsequently annealed. TiO{sub 2} nanotubes were characterized by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractometer. The amorphous to anatase transformation due to annealing was observed. Smooth and highly organized TiO{sub 2} nanotubes were found when high viscous electrolyte, NH{sub 4}F in glycerol, was used. Negative voltage (−4 V) during anodization was confirmed to increase nanotube thickness. Length of the TiO{sub 2} nanotubes was significantly increased by times. The TiO{sub 2} nanotube was electrodeposited with hydroxyapatite (HA) and its adhesion was estimated by adhesive tape test. The result showed that nanotubes with the tube length of 560 nm showed excellent adhesion. The coated HA were tested for biological test by live/dead cell straining. HA coated on TiO{sub 2} nanotubes showed higher cells density, higher live cells, and more spreading of MC3T3-E1 cells than that

  2. An improved biofunction of titanium for keratoprosthesis by hydroxyapatite-coating. (United States)

    Dong, Ying; Yang, Jingxin; Wang, Liqiang; Ma, Xiao; Huang, Yifei; Qiu, Zhiye; Cui, Fuzhai


    Titanium framework keratoprosthesis has been commonly used in the severe corneal blindness, but the tissue melting occurred frequently around titanium. Since hydroxyapatite has been approved to possess a good tissue integration characteristic, nanostructured hydroxyapatite was coated on the surface of titanium through the aerosol deposition method. In this study, nanostructured hydroxyapatite coating was characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and auger electronic spectrometer. Biological evaluations were performed with rabbit cornea fibroblast in vitro and an animal model in vivo. The outcomes showed the coating had a grain-like surface topography and a good atomic mixed area with substrate. The rabbit cornea fibroblasts appeared a good adhesion on the surface of nanostructured hydroxyapatite in vitro. In the animal model, nanostructured hydroxyapatite-titanium implants were stably retained in the rabbit cornea, and by contrast, the corneal stroma became thinner anterior to the implants in the control. Therefore, our findings proved that nanostructured hydroxyapatite-titanium could not only provide an improved bond for substrate but also enhance the tissue integration with implants in host. As a promising material, nanostructured hydroxyapatite-titanium-based keratoprosthesis prepared by the aerosol deposition method could be utilized for the corneal blindness treatment.

  3. Advances in titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seagle, S.R.; Wood, J.R.


    As described above, new developments in the aerospace market are focusing on higher temperature alloys for jet engine components and higher strength/toughness alloys for airframe applications. Conventional alloys for engines have reached their maximum useful temperature of about 1000 F (540 C) because of oxidation resistance requirements. IMI 834 and Ti-1100 advanced alloys show some improvement, however, the major improvement appears to be in gamma titanium aluminides which could extend the maximum usage temperature to about 1500 F (815 C). This puts titanium alloys in a competitive position to replace nickel-base superalloys. Advanced airframe alloys such as Ti-6-22-22S, Beta C TM , Ti-15-333 and Ti-10-2-3 with higher strength than conventional Ti-6-4 are being utilized in significantly greater quantities, both in military and commercial applications. These alloys offer improved strength with little or no sacrifice in toughness and improved formability, in some cases. Advanced industrial alloys are being developed for improved corrosion resistance in more reducing and higher temperature environments such as those encountered in sour gas wells. Efforts are focused on small precious metal additions to optimize corrosion performance for specific applications at a modest increase in cost. As these applications develop, the usage of titanium alloys for industrial markets should steadily increase to approach that for aerospace applications. (orig.)

  4. Efektivitas Weblog dan Facebook Terintegrasi untuk Pembelajaran Virtual




    Abstrak: Saat ini, banyak mahasiswa menghabiskan waktu mereka di internet. Mereka melakukan kegiatan seperti membuat blog, mengunduh, mengunggah, chatting, dan berinteraksi melalui facebook. Mahasiswa sekarang ini hidup dengan teknologi. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa weblog dan facebook berpotensi mendukung belajar dan mengajar. Guru dan pendidik menggunakan kegiatan tersebut untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas weblog dan facebook ketika d...

  5. Mixité sociale dans l'habitat. Revue de la littérature dans une perspective comparative


    Kirszbaum, Thomas


    Cette revue de la littérature examine les politiques de diversité dans l’habitat d’un point de vue comparatif. Depuis qu’elle a été promue comme objectif central des politiques urbaines et du logement en France, la diversité (ou mixité) sociale dans l’habitat et les politiques publiques initiées en son nom, ont suscité une abondante littérature. De telles politiques existent aussi dans d’autres pays et s’accompagnent de débats importants dans les sciences sociales et le champ de l’évaluation ...

  6. The promotion of osseointegration of titanium surfaces by coating with silk protein sericin. (United States)

    Nayak, Sunita; Dey, Tuli; Naskar, Deboki; Kundu, Subhas C


    A promising strategy to influence the osseointegration process around orthopaedic titanium implants is the immobilization of bioactive molecules. This recruits appropriate interaction between the surface and the tissue by directing cells adhesion, proliferation, differentiation and active matrix remodelling. In this study, we aimed to investigate the functionalization of metallic implant titanium with silk protein sericin. Titanium surface was immobilized with non-mulberry Antheraea mylitta sericin using glutaraldehyde as crosslinker. To analyse combinatorial effects the sericin immobilized titanium was further conjugated with integrin binding peptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) using ethyl (dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide as coupling agents. The surface of sericin immobilized titanium was characterized biophysically. Osteoblast-like cells were cultured on sericin and sericin/RGD functionalized titanium and found to be more viable than those on pristine titanium. The enhanced adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of osteoblast cells were observed. RT-PCR analysis showed that mRNA expressions of bone sialoprotein, osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase were upregulated in osteoblast cells cultured on sericin and sericin/RGD immobilized titanium substrates. Additionally, no significant amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and nitric oxide production were recorded when macrophages cells and osteoblast-macrophages co culture cells were grown on sericin immobilized titanium. The findings demonstrate that the sericin immobilized titanium surfaces are potentially useful bioactive coated materials for titanium-based medical implants. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Detania Savitri


    Fungsi ayah dalam keluarga adalah sebagai pencari nafkah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga, sementara ibu berfungsi dalam mendidik anak. Ayah yang bekerja penuh waktu akan berkurang interaksinya dengan anak. Disisi lain, teknologi komunikasi diciptakan untuk mempermudah interaksi antar individu. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apakah smartphone dapat meningkatkan intensitas kedekatan interaksi antara ayah dan anak. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga ingin mengetahui apakah ayah dapat memberikan sosialisasi kepada anak melalui smartphone dan mengontrol keseharian anak. Artikel ini menggunakan perspektif fungsionalis. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan oleh penulis dengan mewawancarai tiga ayah dan tiga anak berusia 20 tahun ke atas yang sama-sama menggunakan smartphone di kota Depok. Temuan yang diperoleh penulis yaitu smartphone dapat merubah interaksi ayah dengan anak, dan ayah dapat memberikan kontrol sosial kepada anak dalam interaksi melalui smartphone. Dalam interaksi ayah dan anak, smartphone juga dapat digunakan ayah untuk mensosialisasikan nilai-nilai kepada anak.

  8. A sourcebook of titanium alloy superconductivity

    CERN Document Server

    Collings, E W


    In less than two decades the concept of supercon­ In every field of science there are one or two ductivity has been transformed from a laboratory individuals whose dedication, combined with an innate curiosity to usable large-scale applications. In the understanding, permits them to be able to grasp, late 1960's the concept of filamentary stabilization condense, and explain to the rest of us what that released the usefulness of zero resistance into the field is all about. For the field of titanium alloy marketplace, and the economic forces that drive tech­ superconductivity, such an individual is Ted Collings. nology soon focused on niobium-titanium alloys. They His background as a metallurgist has perhaps given him are ductile and thus fabricable into practical super­ a distinct advantage in understanding superconduc­ conducting wires that have the critical currents and tivity in titanium alloys because the optimization of fields necessary for large-scale devices. More than superconducting parameters in ...

  9. Interfacial reactions between titanium and borate glass

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brow, R.K. [Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (United States); Saha, S.K.; Goldstein, J.I. [Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA (United States). Dept. of Materials Science


    Interfacial reactions between melts of several borate glasses and titanium have been investigated by analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). A thin titanium boride interfacial layer is detected by XPS after short (30 minutes) thermal treatments. ASEM analyses after longer thermal treatments (8--120 hours) reveal boron-rich interfacial layers and boride precipitates in the Ti side of the interface.

  10. Lubrication for hot working of titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gotlib, B.M.


    The isothermal lubrication of the following composition is suggested, wt. %: aluminium powder 4-6, iron scale 15-25, vitreous enamel up to 100. The lubricant improves forming and decreases the danger of the metal fracture when titanium alloys working. It is advisable to use the suggested lubrication when stamping thin-walled products of titanium alloys at the blank temperature from 700 to 1000 deg C [ru

  11. Study of uranium-titanium diffusion; Etude de la diffusion uranium-titane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Adda, Y; Philibert, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Institut de Recherches de la Siderurgie Francaise (IRSID), 78 - Saint-Germain-en-Laye (France)


    In the overall scheme of research on the chemical diffusion of uranium and the transition metals we have studied the uranium-titanium system. The diffusion couples are prepared by welding together small plates of uranium and titanium under pressure, using a technique already described by us. After diffusion under vacuum, polished sections of the samples were micro-graphically examined. This inspection showed that intergranular diffusion occurred at temperatures below 650 deg. C. At higher temperatures, the diffusion occurred uniquely throughout the volume of the metal, and the diffusion zone appeared as a succession of micro-graphically distinguishable bands. Study of the rate of increase of these corresponding 'penetration coefficients'. In addition, we have observed important variations in microhardness within the diffusion zone, we have tried to relate these variations to the variation of concentration. This is measured with the Castaing microprobe. We have thus accurately established the concentration-penetration curves for temperatures between 950 and 1075 deg. C. From these curves, we have calculated the diffusion coefficient D as a function of the concentration using Matano's method. At all temperatures, D(c) curve has a U form as for the U-Zr system. The activation energy has a maximum value of 42 kcal/g atom at an atomic concentration of 0,5. Even though we have rarely seen pores in the diffusion zone, we have nevertheless observed an important Kirkendall-effect by studying the displacements x{sub i} of the interface using tungsten wires as markers. These displacements can be expressed as a function of time and temperature by the equation: x{sub i} = 0,9 t {sup 1/2} exp ( - 14600/(RT)). Finally, using Darken's equations we calculated the intrinsic diffusion coefficients Du and Dti as well as the corresponding activation energies. These energies are similar (QU = 38,5 and QTi = 40 kcal/at. g) and also almost the same as those found for the U-Zr system

  12. Cathodic arc sputtering of functional titanium oxide thin films, demonstrating resistive switching

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shvets, Petr, E-mail:; Maksimova, Ksenia; Demin, Maxim; Dikaya, Olga; Goikhman, Alexander


    The formation of thin films of the different stable and metastable titanium oxide phases is demonstrated by cathode arc sputtering of a titanium target in an oxygen atmosphere. We also show that sputtering of titanium in vacuum yields the formation of titanium silicides on the silicon substrate. The crystal structure of the produced samples was investigated using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. We conclude that cathode arc sputtering is a flexible method suitable for producing the functional films for electronic applications. The functionality is verified by the memory effect demonstration, based on the resistive switching in the titanium oxide thin film structure.


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    Irin Iriana Kusmini


    Full Text Available Ikan gabus di Indonesia awalnya hanya terdapat di Barat garis Wallace (Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan yang kemudian diintroduksi ke Indonesia bagian Timur. Ikan gabus termasuk ke dalam deretan ikan air tawar sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk menunjang diversifikasi usaha budidaya. Guna menyukseskan program diversifikasi tersebut, maka perlu diketahui keragaman genetik ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah agar dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pemuliaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis keragaman dan kekerabatan antara populasi ikan gabus dari Jawa Barat, Sumatera Selatan, dan Kalimantan tengah. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis fenotipe terhadap 16 ekor ikan sampel dari masing-masing daerah tersebut, sedangkan untuk analisis keragaman genotipe masing-masing digunakan 10 ekor ikan dari setiap daerah. Analisis tersebut dilakukan melalui truss morfometrik dan RAPD dengan primer OPA-10, OPA-11, dan OPA-15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keragaman berdasarkan truss morfometrik dan hasil PCR ikan gabus asal Sumatera Selatan lebih tinggi dibandingkan Kalimantan Tengah dan Jawa Barat. Kekerabatan ikan gabus Kalimantan Tengah lebih dekat dengan ikan gabus Sumatera Selatan dibandingkan dengan ikan gabus Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi untuk pertimbangan dalam program pemuliaan.

  14. Plasma synthesis of titanium nitride, carbide and carbonitride nanoparticles by means of reactive anodic arc evaporation from solid titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kiesler, D.; Bastuck, T.; Theissmann, R.; Kruis, F. E.


    Plasma methods using the direct evaporation of a transition metal are well suited for the cost-efficient production of ceramic nanoparticles. In this paper, we report on the development of a simple setup for the production of titanium-ceramics by reactive anodic arc evaporation and the characterization of the aerosol as well as the nanopowder. It is the first report on TiC X N 1 − X synthesis in a simple anodic arc plasma. By means of extensive variations of the gas composition, it is shown that the composition of the particles can be tuned from titanium nitride over a titanium carbonitride phase (TiC X N 1 − X ) to titanium carbide as proven by XRD data. The composition of the plasma gas especially a very low concentration of hydrocarbons around 0.2 % of the total plasma gas is crucial to tune the composition and to avoid the formation of free carbon. Examination of the particles by HR-TEM shows that the material consists mostly of cubic single crystalline particles with mean sizes between 8 and 27 nm

  15. Efikasi Kendiri: Perbandingan Antara Islam dan Barat

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    Noornajihan, J.


    Full Text Available Terminologi efikasi kendiri (EK merupakan terminologi yang diperkenalkan dalam ilmu psikologi sekitar tahun 70-an. Namun, istilah ini masih kurang difahami oleh kebanyakan individu terutama mereka yang bukan berlatar belakangkan bidang psikologi. Oleh itu, satu keperluan hasil penulisan ini diketengahkan, memandangkan konsep ini penting dalam diri setiap individu bagi memacu kecemerlangan diri. Justeru, kertas kerja ini akan mengupas serba ringkas mengenai konsep EK dari perspektif Islam dan Barat, dengan melihat kepada beberapa titik persamaan dan perbezaan antara kedua-dua pandangan. Islam dan Barat bersetuju bahawa individu yang memiliki EK yang tinggi merupakan individu yang berfikiran positif, berani mengambil risiko dan tidak mudah berputus. Namun pandangan Islam terhadap konsep ini lebih luas, kerana Islam mengaitkan konsep ini dengan konsep tauhid uluhiyyah dan konsep manusia sebagai ahsan al-taqwim. Oleh demikian, EK dari perspektif Islam lebih bersifat kekal dan umum, di samping individu yang berefikasi tinggi menurut Islam ialah individu yang memiliki sifat sabar, syukur, redha dan redha.


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    Sari Budi Moria Sembiring


    Full Text Available Ikan bandeng, Chanos chanos merupakan salah satu ikan ekonomis penting di Asia. Sejak tahun 1995, di Indonesia sebagian besar benih bandeng diproduksi dari hatchery sekitar Dusun Gondol, Bali Utara baik untuk pasar domestik maupun perdagangan internasional. Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas benih, perlu dilakukan perbaikan induk secara genetik menggunakan populasi yang unggul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan data laju pertumbuhan dan variasi genetik induk ikan bandeng yang berasal dari lokasi perairan Aceh, Bali, dan Gorontalo. Pertumbuhan ikan bandeng diamati melalui pengukuran panjang dan bobot benih hingga ukuran 500 g (calon induk, serta variasi genetik diamati menggunakan metode RFLP DNA. Benih dan calon induk masing-masing dianalisis sebanyak 15 ekor. Hasil pengamatan pertumbuhan ikan bandeng mulai dari benih hingga menjadi calon induk, menunjukkan bahwa ikan bandeng dari Aceh dan Bali mempunyai pertumbuhan panjang dan bobot yang relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ikan bandeng dari Gorontalo, walaupun secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata (P0.05 were observed among the populations. The genetic analysis showed five haplotypes composite from four restriction enzymes i.e., Mbo I, Hae III, Hha I, and Nla IV at on cytochrome-b sequen. The average number of restriction site was 1-3 haplotypes. Aceh and Bali populations have lower genetic variations (0.080 and 0.000 compared to Gorontalo (0.115.

  17. Desain dan Uji Kinerja Fungsional Sistem Penggerak dan Kendali ROVERGARD

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    Moh Fikri Pomalingo


    Full Text Available Abstract The high population rate has an impact on increasing of land function change from agricultural land become housing and commercial building. As a result, it is difficult to get land for planting in the urban area. Therefore, this research is aimed to design equipment that can be used for planting in the narrow land using vertical gardening. This paper will report about design and functional testing of drive and control system on ROVERGARD. Drive system is based on water pump with additional gear train and chainsprocket mechanism. Control system use was on open loop type based on timer. The performance test of drive system was focused on electrical energy consumption and rotational speed of the system that was measured by multifunctional mini ammeter and tachometer. The control system was tested during 4 days, to evaluate their performances between set point and actual timing while filling water tank and rotate the system at maximal load condition. Electrical power consumption was 208 W at average rotational speed 2703 rpm. Increasing load caused an increase of energy consumption but made the drive rotation decline. The position control performance had on position error around 50 cm. Consequently, setting time on timer must be adjusted. Abstrak Laju pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, mengakibatkan tingginya alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi bangunan perumahan dan komersial. Masalah ini mengakibatkan sulitnya mencari lahan pertanian di daerah padat penduduk khususnya perkotaan. Oleh karena itu perlu dirancang sebuah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk bercocok tanam di lahan sempit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendesain dan menguji sistem penggerak dan kendali pada ROVERGARD. Sistem penggerak berasal dari pompa air yang dimodifikasi. Sedangkan sistem kendali menggunakan tipe open loop berbasis waktu dimana timer sebagai komponen utamanya. Pengujian kinerja penggerak difokuskan pada konsumsi listrik dan rpm yang diukur menggunakan

  18. Colloidal Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles: Properties and Applications

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    Guler Urcan


    Full Text Available Optical properties of colloidal plasmonic titanium nitride nanoparticles are examined with an eye on their photothermal and photocatalytic applications via transmission electron microscopy and optical transmittance measurements. Single crystal titanium nitride cubic nanoparticles with an average size of 50 nm, which was found to be the optimum size for cellular uptake with gold nanoparticles [1], exhibit plasmon resonance in the biological transparency window and demonstrate a high absorption efficiency. A self-passivating native oxide at the surface of the nanoparticles provides an additional degree of freedom for surface functionalization. The titanium oxide shell surrounding the plasmonic core can create new opportunities for photocatalytic applications.

  19. Water leaching of titanium from ore flotation residue. (United States)

    Jaworska, Malgorzata M; Guibal, Eric


    Copper ore tailings were tested for the stability of titanium submitted to water leaching in three different reactor systems (agitated vessel, bioreactor and percolated fixed-bed column). For each of these systems, titanium extraction did not exceed 1% of the available metal. Biomass removed from ore residue adsorbed a small part of the titanium with sorption capacities below 20-30 mg g(-1), but most of this biomass was sequestered in the ore residue. Oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations were monitored and changes in concentration correlated with bacteria development at the initial stage of the process and to fungal development in the latter stages.

  20. Characterization and Sintering of Armstrong Process Titanium Powder (United States)

    Xu, Xiaoyan; Nash, Philip; Mangabhai, Damien


    Titanium and titanium alloys have a high strength to weight ratio and good corrosion resistance but also need longer time and have a higher cost on machining. Powder metallurgy offers a viable approach to produce near net-shape complex components with little or no machining. The Armstrong titanium powders are produced by direct reduction of TiCl4 vapor with liquid sodium, a process which has a relatively low cost. This paper presents a systematic research on powder characterization, mechanical properties, and sintering behavior and of Armstrong process powder metallurgy, and also discusses the sodium issue, and the advantages and disadvantages of Armstrong process powders.

  1. Inhibitor effect on corrosion of titanium alloys in muriatic solutions of titanium-magnesium production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobrunov, Yu.V.; Volynskij, V.V.; Kolobov, G.A.; Kuznetsov, S.I.


    Corrosion tests of titanium alloys VTI-0, OT4, VT5-1 and steel Kh18N1OT in 10% and 18% HCl with additions of carnallite at 40 deg C have been carried out. It has been established that titanium alloys in 10% and 18% HCl containing 5 and 10% carnallite are sufficiently corrosion resistant in the presence of 0.1-1% FeCl or HNO 3 and can be used for manufacturing the equipment of recirculation gas scrubbers. Steel Kh18N10T is unstable in all the media tested. It is subjected to intensive pitting. Specimens of steel Kh18N10T have also revealed edge cracking

  2. Molecular geometries and relative stabilities of titanium oxide and gold-titanium oxide clusters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hudson, Rohan J.; Falcinella, Alexander; Metha, Gregory F., E-mail:


    Titanium oxide and gold-titanium oxide clusters of stoichiometry M{sub x}O{sub y} (M{sub x} = Ti{sub 3}, Ti{sub 4} & AuTi{sub 3}; y = 0 − (2x + 2)) have been investigated using density functional theory. Geometries of determined global energy minimum structures are reported and other isomers predicted up to 0.5 eV higher in energy. The Ti{sub 3}O{sub n} geometries build upon a triangular Ti{sub 3} motif, while Ti{sub 4}O{sub n} stoichiometries template upon a pseudo-tetrahedral Ti{sub 4} structure. Addition of a gold atom to the Ti{sub 3}O{sub n} series does not significantly alter the cluster geometry, with the gold atom preferentially binding to titanium atoms over oxygen atoms. Adiabatic ionization energies, electron affinities and HOMO/LUMO energies increase in magnitude with increasing oxygenation. The HOMO-LUMO energy gaps reach the bulk anatase band gap energy at stoichiometry (Au)Ti{sub m}O{sub 2m−1}, and increase above this upon further oxygen addition. The most stable structural moieties are found to be a cage-like, C{sub 3v} symmetric Ti{sub 4}O{sub 6/7} geometry and a Ti{sub 3}O{sub 6} structure with an η{sup 3}-bound oxygen atom.

  3. Hydroxyapatite coating by biomimetic method on titanium alloy ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Bulletin of Materials Science; Volume 28; Issue 6. Hydroxyapatite coating by biomimetic method on titanium alloy using concentrated SBF. S Bharati M K Sinha ... Optical microscopic and SEM observations revealed the deposition of Ca–P layer on the titanium alloy by both the methods. Thickness of coating ...


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    Zulias Mardinata


    ha, pada pola berkeliling adalah 4,651 jam/ha, dan interaksinya adalah 0,868 – 1,787 l/jam.  Kecepatan dan kedalaman pembajakan berbanding lurus dengan konsumsi bahan bakar dan kapasitas kerja. Pola pengolahan tanah terbaik agar konsumsi bahan bakar efi sien dan kapasitas  kerja maksimal adalah pola berkeliling. Kata kunci: Konsumsi bahan bakar, kapasitas kerja, kecepatan, kedalaman, pola pengolahan

  5. Titanium reinforced boron-polyimide composite (United States)

    Clark, G. A.; Clayton, K. I.


    Processing techniques for boron polyimide prepreg were developed whereby composites could be molded under vacuum bag pressure only. A post-cure cycle was developed which resulted in no loss in room temperature mechanical properties of the composite at any time during up to 16 hours at 650 F. A design utilizing laminated titanium foil was developed to achieve a smooth transition of load from the titanium attachment points into the boron-reinforced body of the structure. The box beam test article was subjected to combined bending and torsional loads while exposed to 650 F. Loads were applied incrementally until failure occurred at 83% design limit load.


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    Akmal Zainal Abidin


    Full Text Available CORELATION BETWEEN ISLAM AND ECONOMY. This paper aims to identifies about the correlation between economic and Islam. Islam is the perfect religion that governs all things in life, including the economy. This is evident with the concept of  well-being which is described in the al-Quran and Sunnah. Basically the goal of every human life is to prosper, although humans make sense of  well- being with a different perspective. Most understand economics assume that welfare is the welfare of  earthly material. But to make sense of well-being with the term al-Falah, is meaning holistic wellbeing and balance between material and spiritual dimensions. al-Quran and Sunnah have taught that the human being will be achieved if  living in balance between material and spiritual. This is because human life does not just stop in the life of this world, but there is still a second life that will be faced by humanity in the hereafter, and well-being will be achieved with the truth is that people can balance the needs of the world and the hereafter, and that is what is taught in Islamic economics. Keywords: Islam, Economy, Prosperity. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelasakn tentang korelasi antara ekonomi  dan  Islam.  Islam  adalah  agama  yang  sempurna  yang mengatur segala hal dalam kehidupan ini, termasuk juga ekonomi. Hal ini terbukti dengan konsep kesejahteraan yang dipaparkan dalam al-Quran dan Sunnah. Pada dasarnya tujuan hidup setiap manusia adalah untuk mencapai kesejahteraan, meskipun manusia memaknai kesejahteraan dengan perspektif  yang berbeda-beda. Sebagian besar paham ekonomi menganggap bahwa kesejahteraan adalah kesejahteraan material duniawi. Namun Islam memaknai kesejahteraan dengan istilah  Falah  yang  berarti  kesejahteraan  holistik  dan  seimbang antara dimensi material dan spiritual. Al-Quran dan Sunnah telah mengajarkan bahwa kesejahteraan akan tercapai jika manusia menjalani hidup secara seimbang antara material dan


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    Adang Saputra


    Full Text Available Permasalahan yang dihadapi pembudidaya ikan dengan sistem intensif adalah meningkatnya limbah yang terakumulasi pada air dan sedimen. Limbah budidaya ikan pada umumnya berupa padatan dan nutrien terlarut pada air terutama nitrogen dan fosfor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji distribusi nitrogen total dan fosfor total pada budidaya ikan gabus secara intensif yang diberi eceng gondok Eichhornia crassipes dan probiotik (Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Achromobacter insuavis. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan pemberian kombinasi eceng gondok dan probiotik (A, pemberian eceng gondok (B, dan pemberian probiotik (C, masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Benih ikan gabus yang digunakan berukuran panjang 14,74 ± 0,01 cm dan bobot 25,53 ± 0,09 g dengan padat tebar 175 ekor/kolam (50 ekor/m3. Selama 90 hari masa pemeliharaan, ikan gabus diberi pakan berupa pelet dengan kandungan protein sekitar 30%. Jumlah pemberian pakan 5% dari biomassa dengan frekuensi pemberian empat kali dalam sehari (pagi, siang, sore, dan malam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nitrogen dan fosfor pada budidaya ikan gabus terdistribusi pada eceng gondok, sedimen, air, dan ikan. Eceng gondok menyerap nitrogen dan fosfor paling tinggi (P<0,05 dibandingkan air, ikan, dan sedimen. Laju pertumbuhan spesifik bobot (4,37 ± 0,01%/hari dan biomassa (1,88 ± 0,01 g ikan gabus tertinggi dicapai pada pemberian kombinasi eceng gondok dan probiotik. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan landasan untuk pengelolaan limbah nitrogen dan fosfor pada budidaya ikan gabus secara intensif. One of the problems in intensive aquaculture system is the the accumulation of waste in the water and sediment. Aquaculture wastes are discharged into the water in form of solids and dissolved nutrients which mostly consisted of nitrogen and phosphorus. The purpose of this study was to study the dynamics of total nitrogen and phosphorus in an intensive aquaculture media supplied with water

  8. Purwarupa Sistem Integrasi Quadcopter dan Mobile Robot


    Dharmawan, Andi; Lusiarta Putera, Christian Antonia


    AbstrakQuadcopter, juga dikenal sebagai quadrotor, adalah helikopter dengan empat motor yang dilengkapi dengan  empat buah propeller pada masing-masing motornya yang digunakan untuk terbang dan bermanuver. Pada quadcopter terdapat 3 variabel sudut yang menjadi element utama dalam pengendaliannya yaitu roll, pitch, dan yaw yang diperoleh dari penggabungan sensor accelerometer, gyroscope dan magnetometer dengan metode Direction Cosine Matrix. Pada sistem integrasi mobile robot dan quadcopter, d...

  9. Review Dendrimer : Definisi, Sintesis, Aplikasi Dan Prospektif


    Rahmi, Dwinna


    Dendrimer merupakan makrostruktur monodisperse dengan banyak cabang yang homogen dan degree of branching (DB) 100%. Dua cara sintesis dendrimer yaitu convergent dan divergent dilakukan. Convergent dilakukan dengan reaksi kovalen antara dua dan lebih monomer. Divergent dimulai dengan pembentukan inti dilanjutkan dengan pembentukan cabang yang merupakan group fungsional yang aktif. Sejauh ini dendrimer sudah banyak diterapkan pada bidang farmasi yaitu drug delivery dan non farmasi pada proses i...


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    Dewi Kartika Sari


    dilakukan analisis bioavailabilitas Zn dan Fe. Hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa bioavailabilitas Zn dan Fe tidak berbeda nyata pada berbagai taraf fortifikasi (p>0.05. Biskuit hasil fortifikasi Zn dan Fe sebesar 50% AKG memiliki bioavailabilitas tertinggi, yaitu masing-masing 76,32% dan 41,80%. Formula biskuit ini dipilih untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut, yang meliputi analisis sifat fisik, kimia, dan daya cerna protein. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa biskuit terpilih tersebut lebih renyah daripada biskuit komersial. Dalam 100 g biskuit tersebut terkandung air, abu, protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat berturut-turut sebesar 2,73 g; 2,08 g; 13,34 g; 24,53 g; 57,32 g; serta energi sebesar 503 kkal. Kadar Fe dan Zn biskuit terpilih tersebut adalah 11,7 mg dan 8,83 mg/100 g; dengan daya cerna protein sebesar 78,45%. Biskuit berbasis tepung ikan gabus 15% yang difortifikasi Zn dan Fe sebesar 50% AKG memenuhi standar kualitas biskuit SNI 01-2973-1992. Kontribusi biskuit terpilih terhadap AKG energi, protein, Fe dan Zn berturut-turut adalah 19,48%; 20,51%; 74,44%; 54.44%. Kata kunci: Bioavailabilitas, biskuit ikan gabus, daya cerna protein, fortifikasi

  11. Methods for determination of zirconium in titanium alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Two methods for determining zirconium content in titanium alloys are specified in this standard. One is the ion-exchange/mandelic acid gravimetry for Zr content below 20 % down to 1 % while the other is the mandelic acid gravimetry for Zr content below 20 % down to 0.5 %. In the former, a specimen is decomposed by hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. After substances such as titanium are oxidized by adding nitric acid, the liquid is adjusted into a 4N hydrochloric acid - gN hydrofluoric acid solution, which is them passed through an ion-exchange column. The niobium and tantalum contents are absorbed while the titanium and zirconium contents flow out. Perchloric acid and sulfuric acid are poured in the solution to remove hydrofluoric acid. Aqueous ammonia is added to produce hydroxide of titanium and zirconium, which is then filtered out. The hydroxyde is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, and mandelic acid is poured to precipitate the zirconium content. The precipitate is ignited and the weight of the oxide formed is measured. The coprecipitated titanium content is determined by the absorptiometric method using hydrogen peroxide. Finally, the weight of the oxide is corrected. In the latter determination method, on the other hand, only several steps of the above procedure are used, namely, decomposition by hydrochloric acid, precipitation of zirconium, ignition of precipitate, measurement of oxide weight and weight correction. (Nogami, K.)

  12. Biocorrosion and uptake of titanium by human osteoclasts. (United States)

    Cadosch, Dieter; Al-Mushaiqri, Mohamed S; Gautschi, Oliver P; Meagher, James; Simmen, Hans-Peter; Filgueira, Luis


    All metals in contact with a biological system undergo corrosion through an electrochemical redox reaction. This study investigated whether human osteoclasts (OC) are able to grow on titanium and aluminum, and directly corrode the metals leading to the release of corresponding metal ions, which are believed to cause inflammatory reactions and activate osteoclastic differentiation. Scanning electron microscopy analysis demonstrated long-term viable OC cultures on the surface of titanium and aluminum foils. Atomic emission spectrometry investigations showed significantly increased levels of aluminum in the supernatant of OC cultured on aluminum; however, all measurements in the supernatants of cell cultures on titanium were below detection limits. Despite this, confocal microscopy analysis with Newport Green DCF diacetate ester staining depicted intense fluorescence throughout the cytoplasm and nucleolus of OC cultured on titanium foils. Comparable fluorescence intensities were not observed in monocytes and control cells cultured on glass. The present study demonstrated that human osteoclast precursors are able to grow and differentiate toward mature OC on titanium and aluminum. Furthermore, it established that the mature cells are able to directly corrode the metal surface and take up corresponding metal ions, which subsequently may be released and thereby induce the formation of osteolytic lesions in the periprosthetic bone, contributing to the loosening of the implant. Copyright © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Sunarno Sunarno


    Full Text Available Abstract.   Corynebacterium diphtheriae is the causative agent of diphtheria. The main virulence determinant of the bacteria is diphtheria toxin, the cause of the systemic complication seen with diphtheria. Production of diphtheria toxin by toxigenic strain encoded by dtx/tox gene and repressed by dtxR gene. Gold standard for bacterial toxigenicity test carried out by conventional methods (Elek test, Guinea pig and vero cell cytotoxicity. However, Elek test have variety result, time consume and problem of the reagent availability. On the other hand, the animal (Guinea pig testing was opposed by many animal lovers and the vero cell cytotoxicity test require high cost. The study purposed to evaluate the using of dtx and dtxR genes as a detection marker of C.diphtheriae and bacterial toxigenicity test simultaneusly by Multiplex PCR. The study examined 44 bacterial and fungal isolates, included 22 C.diphtheriae (4 reference strains and 18 clinical isolates, 5 other specieses of Corynebacterium  (reference strains and 17 non-Corynebacterium (10 reference strains and 7 stock cultures . All of sample were examined by Multiplex PCR for 2 primer pairs targeted dtx and dtxR genes. The study showed that the Multiplex PCR for dtx and dtxR as target genes able to detect all of sample correctly thus concluded that dtx and dtxR genes could be used as a marker for alternative detection and toxigenicity test of C.diphtheriae by Multiplex PCR rapidly and accuratelly. Key words: Corynebacterium diphtheriae, dtx, dan dtxR Abstrak. Corynebacterium diphtheriae merupakan agen penyebab penyakit difteri.. Faktor virulensi utama  C. diphtheriae adalah toksigenisitas (kemampuan memproduksi toksin bakteri toxin. Produksi toksin diatur seperangkat gen yang disebut gen tox/dtx dan diregulasi oleh gen dtxR. Gold standard untuk pemeriksaan toksigenisitas C.diphtheriae adalah dengan metode konvensional (Elek test, Guinea pig dan vero cell cytotoxigenicity,namun  Elek test

  14. Nanoscale Bonding between Human Bone and Titanium Surfaces: Osseohybridization

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    Jun-Sik Kim


    Full Text Available Until now, the chemical bonding between titanium and bone has been examined only through a few mechanical detachment tests. Therefore, in this study, a sandblasted and acid-etched titanium mini-implant was removed from a human patient after 2 months of placement in order to identify the chemical integration mechanism for nanoscale osseointegration of titanium implants. To prepare a transmission electron microscopy (TEM specimen, the natural state was preserved as much as possible by cryofixation and scanning electron microscope/focused ion beam (SEM-FIB milling without any chemical treatment. High-resolution TEM (HRTEM, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, and scanning TEM (STEM/electron energy loss spectroscopic analysis (EELS were used to investigate the chemical composition and structure at the interface between the titanium and bone tissue. HRTEM and EDS data showed evidence of crystalline hydroxyapatite and intermixing of bone with the oxide layer of the implant. The STEM/EELS experiment provided particularly interesting results: carbon existed in polysaccharides, calcium and phosphorus existed as tricalcium phosphate (TCP, and titanium existed as oxidized titanium. In addition, the oxygen energy loss near edge structures (ELNESs showed a possibility of the presence of CaTiO3. These STEM/EELS results can be explained by structures either with or without a chemical reaction layer. The possible existence of the osseohybridization area and the form of the carbon suggest that reconsideration of the standard definition of osseointegration is necessary.

  15. Titanium diffusion in shinbone of rats with osseointegrated implants. (United States)

    Grenón, Miriam S; Robledo, José; Ibáñez, Juan Carlos; Sánchez, Héctor J


    Dental implants are composed of commercially pure Ti (which is actually an alloy of titanium, and minor or trace components such as aluminium and vanadium). When the implant is inserted, its surface undergoes a number of chemical and mechanical processes, releasing particles of titanium to the medium. The metabolism of free ions of titanium is uncertain; the uptaking processes in the body are not well known, nor their toxic dose. In addition, physical properties of newly formed bone, such as diffusivity and activation energy, are scarce and rarely studied. In this study, we analysed the diffusion of titanium in the titanium-implanted shinbones of six adult male Wistar rats by spatially resolved micro x-ray fluorescence. The measurements were carried out at the microfluorescence station of the x-ray fluorescence (XRF) beamline of the Brazilian synchrotron facility LNLS (from Portuguese 'Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron'). For each sample, XRF spectra were taken by linear scanning in area near the new bone formed around the Ti implant. The scanning line shows a clear effect of titanium diffusion whereas calcium intensity presents a different behaviour. Moreover, a clear correlation among the different structures of bones is observed in the Ti and Ca intensities. The results obtained in these measurements may allow determining quantitatively the parameters of diffusion rates and other physical properties of new bone like diffusion coefficients. © 2016 The Authors Journal of Microscopy © 2016 Royal Microscopical Society.

  16. Modification of Titanium Substrates with Chimeric Peptides Comprising Antimicrobial and Titanium-Binding Motifs Connected by Linkers To Inhibit Biofilm Formation. (United States)

    Liu, Zihao; Ma, Shiqing; Duan, Shun; Xuliang, Deng; Sun, Yingchun; Zhang, Xi; Xu, Xinhua; Guan, Binbin; Wang, Chao; Hu, Meilin; Qi, Xingying; Zhang, Xu; Gao, Ping


    Bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation are the primary causes of implant-associated infection, which is difficult to eliminate and may induce failure in dental implants. Chimeric peptides with both binding and antimicrobial motifs may provide a promising alternative to inhibit biofilm formation on titanium surfaces. In this study, chimeric peptides were designed by connecting an antimicrobial motif (JH8194: KRLFRRWQWRMKKY) with a binding motif (minTBP-1: RKLPDA) directly or via flexible/rigid linkers to modify Ti surfaces. We evaluated the binding behavior of peptides using quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques and investigated the effect of the modification of titanium surfaces with these peptides on the bioactivity of Streptococcus gordonii (S. gordonii) and Streptococcus sanguis (S. sanguis). Compared with the flexible linker (GGGGS), the rigid linker (PAPAP) significantly increased the adsorption of the chimeric peptide on titanium surfaces (p chimeric peptide with the rigid linker exhibited more effective antimicrobial ability than the peptide with the flexible linker. This finding was ascribed to the ability of the rigid linker to separate functional domains and reduce their interference to the maximum extent. Consequently, the performance of chimeric peptides with specific titanium-binding motifs and antimicrobial motifs against bacteria can be optimized by the proper selection of linkers. This rational design of chimeric peptides provides a promising alternative to inhibit the formation of biofilms on titanium surfaces with the potential to prevent peri-implantitis and peri-implant mucositis.


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    Hartono .


    Full Text Available Abstrak: Saat ini, banyak mahasiswa menghabiskan waktu mereka di internet. Mereka melakukan kegiatan seperti membuat blog, mengunduh, mengunggah, chatting, dan berinteraksi melalui facebook. Mahasiswa sekarang ini hidup dengan teknologi. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa weblog dan facebook berpotensi mendukung belajar dan mengajar. Guru dan pendidik menggunakan kegiatan tersebut untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas weblog dan facebook ketika digunakan secara integratif untuk melengkapi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dari halaman-halaman facebook yang diamati dari responden yang mengambil mata kuliah Introduction of Second Language Acquisition (SLA. Data kemudian dideskripsikan dan dianalisis. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa weblog dan facebook dapat digunakan secara efektif untuk melengkapi kegiatan belajar. Kata Kunci: weblog, facebook, pembelajaran virtual

  18. Pengaruh Atmosferik terhadap Kepuasan dan Niatan Perilaku Konsumen

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    Edi Purwanto


      Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran atmosferik di restoran “X,” sebuah restoran Jepang yang berada di berbagai area di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menganalisis (1 pengaruh atmosferik terhadap kualitas layanan; (2 pengaruh atmosferik terhadap kualitas makanan; (3 pengaruh atmosferik terhadap nilai yang dirasakan; (4 pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan; (5 pengaruh nilai yang dirasakan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan; (6 pengaruh kualitas makanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan; (7 pengaruh kualitas layanan terhadao niatan perilaku konsumen; (8 pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap niatan perilaku konsumen; (9 pengaruh kualitas makanan terhadap niatan perilaku konsumen; (10 pengaruh tidak langsung atmosferik terhadap kepuasan pelanggan; dan (11 pengaruh tidak langsung atmosferik terhadap niatan perilaku konsumen. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Kami membagikan kuesioner kepada para pelanggan restoran “X” di Jakarta dan kuesioner yang kembali berjumlah 283, yang mana ada 54 kuesioner yang tidak dapat digunakan, sehingga penelitian ini menggunakan 229 sampel. Setiap indikator terbukti sahih dan setiap variabel terbukti handal. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pengaruh atmosferik terhadap kualitas layanan, kualitas makanan, dan nilai yang dirakan secara parsial positif dan signifikan. Pengaruh nilai yang dirasakan dan kualitas makanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan secara parsial juga positif dan signifikan. Pengaruh kepuasan pelanggan terhadap niatan perilaku konsumen positif dan signifikan. Pengaruh kualitas makanan terhadap niatan perilaku konsumen juga ditemukan positif dan signifikan. Pengaruh tidak langsung atmosferik terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan niatan perilaku konsumen juga positif dan signifikan. Namun, karena di restoran yang diteliti konsumen mereka melayani diri sendiri, maka kualitas layanan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan niatan perilaku konsumen.

  19. KEADILAN “SETENGAH HATI”: Menakar Kedudukan Suami-Isteri dan Poligami dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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    Ihab Habudin


    diperbaharui. Bagi kalangan terakhir ini, hukum perkawinan yang berlaku dianggap bertentangan dengan berbagai prinsip universal, seperti keadilan, kesetaraan, dan persaudaraan. Artikel ini berupaya membahas keadilan dalam hukum perkawinan itu, khususnya tentang aturan kedudukan suami-isteri dan poligami. Setelah mendeskripsikan hukum perkawinan di Indonesia, konsep keadilan dalam Islam, tulisan ini membahas problem keadilan dalam aturan kedudukan suami-isteri dan poligami dalam UU Perkawinan dan KHI, apakah ia sudah memenuhi nilai-nilai keadialan atau tidak.

  20. Ekstraksi dan Uji Stabilitas Zat Warna Alami dari Bunga Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L dan Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L

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    Yusraini Dian Inayati Siregar


    Full Text Available Ekstraksi dan Uji Stabilitas Zat Warna Alami dari Bunga Kembang Sepatu (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L dan Bunga Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L telah dilakukan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengekstraksi bunga kembang sepatu dan bunga rosella dengan mencari temperatur dan konsentrasi yang optimum untuk mendapatkan pigmen dari bunga kembang sepatu dan bunga rosella dengan pelarut air dan etanol, selain itu dilakukan juga uji stabilitas zat warna. Analisa kadar zat warna dilakukan dengan metode spektrofotometri. Hasil ekstrasi optimum menggunakan metode maserasi dengan pelarut air  adalah pada temperatur 90°C dan dengan pelarut etanol pada konsentrasi 96 %.Uji stabilitas warna memberikan hasil sebagai berikut: a Kondisi penyimpanan, sinar matahari dan sinar lampu dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas zat warna ekstrak Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L dan Hibiscus sabdariffa L dengan meningkatnya nilai absorbansi pada kedua ekstrak. b Penambahan oksidator, H2O2 dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas zat warna ekstrak Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L dan Hibiscus sabdariffa L dengan perubahan dari ekstrak berwarna menjadi ekstrak tidak berwarna karena menghasilkan turunan asam benzoat. c Nilai pH yang semakin meningkat, dari pH 4 ke pH 5, mempengaruhi stabilitas zat warna ekstrak Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L dan Hibiscus sabdariffa L dengan perubahan ekstrak berwarna menjadi tidak berwarna karena terbentuknya basa kuinodal.   Kata Kunci: Ekstraksi, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L, Hibiscus sabdariffa L, Spektrofotometri UV-Vis


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    Priscilia Yunita Wijaya


    Full Text Available We have seen many desain all around our everyday living. Design exist in the form of brochures%2C posters%2C banners%2C signages%2C book covers%2C and etcetera. Some are nice and easy to understand%2C some are ok%2C and some look like they are not fully develop and thought. A word that run across our mind whrn we enjoying a design is idea . A good design almost always associated with a good idea%2C is it tru? This paper is going to discuss about desain and its relationship to idea. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Banyak desain yang diamati dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Desain hadir dalam bentuk brosur%2C poster%2C spanduk%2C tanda-tanda%2C sampul buku%2C dan lain sebagainya. Ada beberapa yang bagus dan mudah untuk dimengerti%2C beberapa yang biasa%2C dan beberapa yang tampak asal dibuat. Sebuah kata yang terlintas dalam pemikiran kita dalam menikmati sebuah desain adalah ide . Sebuah desain yang baik selalu di identikan dengan ide yang baik%2C benarkah hal ini? Apakah desain dan apa hubungannya dengan ide akan dibahas pada tulisan ini.

  2. Mechanical stability of titanium and plasma polymer nanoclusters in nanocomposite coatings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palesch, E. [Institute of Materials Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Brno (Czech Republic); Marek, A. [HVM Plasma, spol. s r.o., Prague (Czech Republic); Solar, P.; Kylian, O. [Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic); Vyskocil, J. [HVM Plasma, spol. s r.o., Prague (Czech Republic); Biederman, H. [Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic); Cech, V., E-mail: [Institute of Materials Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Brno (Czech Republic)


    The mechanical stability of nanoclusters embedded in nanocomposite coatings was investigated by scratch and wear tests supported by atomic force microscopy using surface topography mode. Titanium and plasma polymer nanoclusters were deposited on planar substrates (glass, titanium) using a magnetron-based gas aggregation cluster source. The deposited clusters were overcoated with a thin titanium film of different thicknesses to stabilize the position of the clusters in the nanocomposite coating. Nanotribological measurements were carried out to optimize the thickness of the overcoating film for sufficient interfacial adhesion of the cluster/film system. - Highlights: ► Titanium and plasma polymer nanoclusters were overcoated with thin titanium film. ► The mechanical stability of nanoclusters was characterized by nanotribological tests. ► The film thickness was optimized to stabilize the position of the clusters in coating.


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    Su haryo


    Full Text Available Abstrak   Tulisan ini didasari sebuah anggapan bahwa bahasa tidak berada di ruang hampa sosial.Maka, bahasa pada dasarnya bukan hanya untaian kata yang hanya bersifat linguistik, tetapi bersifat sosial. Karenanya, bahasa dipahami sebagai tindakan sosial.Implikasinya, bahasa bukan hanya bermatra linguistik, tetapi juga bermatra sosial. Van Dijk menjadi salah satu model yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisis wacana secara kritis. Penelitian analisis wacana kritis model van Dijk mempertimbangkan teks, konteks, kognisi sosial, dan analisis/konteks sosial. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah: mengungkap struktur makro (tematik, suprstruktur (skematik, dan struktur mikro yang terdiri atas semantik, sintaksis, stilitistik, dan retorika. Untuk mengungkap hal itu, di sini digunakan metode simak dan catat dengan menjadikan Suara Merdeka dan Kompassebagai sumber datanya. Hasilnya pertama,SM cenderung berideologi kasar, provokatif, dan konotatif/figuratif. Hal itu, tampak pada pilihan kata/kalimat  kata yang cenderung kasar, seperti mengancam,menyerang, memanggil paksa, menyeret, menembak.Sementara, harian K cenderung berideologi idealisme pers yang objektif, netral, dan berimbang. Kedua, dari dimensi kekuasaan (simbolik, harian SM cenderung menjadi “oposisi”  dan “oposan”sebagai pihak yang di-dominan-kan, sedang pihak pemerintah sebagai pihak yang “dimarginalkan”. Sementara, harian K menempatkan pihak yang dominan/marginal lebih didasarkan pada kondisi objektif di lapangan yang  berbasis data dan keterangan yang dari narasumber yang cenderung netral, seperti pengamat, warga, dan akademisi; tidak didasarkan pada keterangan yang cenderung subjektif, seperti dari para politisi.Ketiga, dari sisi analisis sosial dan kognisi sosial; SM lebih tampak sebagai cerminan tagline-nya yaitu lokal (yaitu “perekat komunitas Jawa Tengah”, sedangkan harian K lebih “mengabdi” pada rakyat seperti tampak pada

  4. MEDIA MASSA DAN RUANG PUBLIK (Analisis Perilaku Penggunaan Sosial Media dan Kemampuan Remaja dalam menulis

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    Juwono Tri Atmodjo


    Full Text Available Mass communication media facilitate new web-based way to send a message and the transformation of a media value to others . It appears once as the number and types of social media with an excess of the ability to express ideas, opinions, funny stories, vent arena, and the troubled space with varying terminology The procedure varies penggunaannyapun penggunaannyapun more varied behavior . The survey was to assess the use of social media by ramaja and writing skills gained from the use of social media . Based on data analysis that ; social media most used by teens are Facebook, Twitter , and Yahoo! Messenger and chat through the use of social media is often done . Respondents are not familiar with the use of blogs, SlideShare , instagram, flicker, Skype, Myspace, Friendfeed, and Fhorum . Average use of social media by teens for 3 hours per day , which is accessed through the most HP to update the status, respondents were able to express the idea/ideas and feelings in writing, listening to other people's posts , teens learn the language, able to use symbols used teen, easy of expression, described feeling depressed and juvenile writing skills by using social media .   media komunikasi massa memfasilitasi cara berbasis web untuk mengirim pesan dan transformasi nilai media untuk orang lain. Tampaknya sekali sebagai jumlah dan jenis media sosial dengan kelebihan kemampuan untuk mengekspresikan ide, pendapat, cerita lucu, arena ventilasi, dan ruang bermasalah dengan berbagai terminologi. Prosedur bervariasi penggunaannyapun penggunaannyapun perilaku yang lebih bervariasi. survei ini adalah untuk menilai penggunaan media sosial oleh ramaja dan menulis keterampilan yang diperoleh dari penggunaan media sosial. Berdasarkan analisis data yang; media sosial paling banyak digunakan oleh remaja Facebook, Twitter, dan Yahoo! Messenger dan chatting melalui penggunaan media sosial sering dilakukan. Responden tidak akrab dengan penggunaan blog, Slide

  5. Geriatric Medicine, Sarkopenia, Frailty, dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Usia Lanjut: Tantangan Masa Depan Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pelayanan Kedokteran di Indonesia

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    Siti Setiati


    Full Text Available Geriatri adalah cabang ilmu kedokteran dengan fokus pada penuaan dini dan tatalaksana penyakit terkaitusia lanjut. Proses menua mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi sistem organ seperti sistem sensorik, sarafpusat, pencernaan, kardiovaskular, dan sistem respirasi. Selain itu terjadi pula perubahan komposisitubuh, yaitu penurunan massa otot, peningkatan massa dan sentralisasi lemak, serta peningkatanlemak intramuscular. Masalah yang sering dijumpai pada pasien geriatri adalah sindrom geriatri yangmeliputi: imobilisasi, instabilitas, inkontinensia, insomnia, depresi, infeksi, defisiensi imun, gangguanpendengaran dan penglihatan, gangguan intelektual, kolon irritable, impecunity, dan impotensi. Dimasa yang akan datang diperlukan tempat rawat jalan terpadu dan perawatan kasus akut geriatri dirumah sakit di seluruh Indonesia. Program lainnya adalah nutrisi usia lanjut, tempat istirahat sementara,layanan psiko-geriatri dan dementia care, dukungan care giver, pencegahan penyakit kronis dankonseling, serta menyiapkan moda transportasi yang sesuai.Kata kunci: geriatri, kedokteran, penurunan fungsi, sindrom geriatri.

  6. Culture inavouée dans la nature, nature soumise dans la culture

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    Claude Rivière


    Full Text Available On peut tirer de l'idée que l'on se fait de la nature, soit une apologie de l'ordre dans le cosmos, soit un argument pour justifier l'existence d'un Dieu maître de la foudre et des saisons, soit l'enchantement d'un retour à l'état de nature supposé non conflictuel, soit enfin une conviction matérialiste selon laquelle l'homme doit dompter sa gourmandise et assurer la survie optimale de l'environnement sans le polluer. La société n'est pas à penser comme une modalité d'oubli de la nature mais en rapport d'inclusion dans la nature. Après périple philosophique de Platon à Moscovici, on déviera dans le champ des artistes peignant d'après nature et dans celui des linguistes analysant ce qui est dit contre nature. C'est la culture qui oppose nature et convention, fait et norme, matière et liberté humaine. C'est elle aussi qui nous fournit notre vocabulaire, nos classifications et nos jugements de valeur à propos de la nature. Récemment un courant écologiste se pose en protecteur sourcilleux de l'environnement et en organisateur d'un développement durable, mais dans la deep ecology, on glisse vers le culte d'une biosphère de rêve.

  7. Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Ralstonia syzygii

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    Yanuar Danaatmadja


    Full Text Available Ralstonia syzygii is one of important pathogens of cloves. This study was aimed at obtaining pure culture of R. syzygi from diseased plant tissue samples. The acterium was isolated from infected clove plantations in Ungaran, Central Java. It had the ability to make clove seedlings show symptoms and then die 41 days after inoculation. The reisolated bacterium also showed its ability to kill clove seedlings after 17 days. The bacterium is gram negative, able to ultilize glucose, sucrose, maltose, mannitol, sorbitol, dulcitol, and glycerol, able to hydrolyze starch, grow well at 27oC, able to catalyze and release water and oxygen from hydrogen peroxyde (H2O2 and aerobically.   Ralstonia syzygii merupakan salah satu patogen penting pada tanaman cengkeh. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapakan isolat murni R syzygii dari jaringan tanaman terinfeksi. Bakteri diisolasi dari pertanaman cengkeh sakit yang berasal dari daerah Ungaran, Jawa Tengah. Bakteri menunjukkan kemampuan untuk menyebabkan bibit tanaman cangkeh sakit dan kemudian mati 41 hsi. Bakteri hasil reisolasi juga menunjukkan kemampuannya menyebabkan sakit dan kematian pada bibit tanaman cengkeh setelah 17 hsi. Bakteri yang diperoleh bersifat gram negatif, mampu memanfaatkan glukosa, sukrosa, maltosa, manitol, sorbitol, dulsitol, dan gliserol, mampu menghidrolisis pati, tumbuh baik pada suhu 27o C, mampu mengkatalisis dan melepaskan air dan oksigen dari hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 dan bersifat aerob.

  8. Status Oral Higiene Dan Periodontal Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Dan Non- Diabetes Di RSUD Dr. Pirngadi


    Butar-Butar, Mardiah Rizqo


    Diabetes melitus adalah penyakit gangguan metabolisme ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar gula darah yang terjadi karena kelainan sekresi insulin, kerja insulin, atau kedua-duanya. Diabetes melitus merupakan salah satu penyakit sistemik yang berperan sebagai faktor risiko penyakit periodontal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status oral higiene dan periodontal dan odd rasio periodontitis pada pasien Diabetes melitus dan non-Diabetes. Rancangan penelitian adalah case-control. Popul...


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    Ogi Setiawan


    Full Text Available Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau besar dan kecil menjadi sangat rentan terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Salah satu pulau yang juga rentan terhadap perubahan iklim adalah pulau Bali. Dampak potensial adanya perubahan iklim adalah perubahan pola hujan, peningkatan suhuudaradankenaikanpermukaanlaut. Sektoryangakanmenerimadampakperubahaniklimdengan serius adalah sektor kehutanan dan pertanian. Untuk mendukung upaya mitigasi dan adaptasi maka diperlukan informasi perubahan iklim yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabilitas iklim di Bali. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis kecenderungan curah hujan, analisis perubahan suhu udara, analisis perubahan tipe iklim dan analisis pergeseran bulan basah, lembab dan kering. Data hujan yang digunakan adalah data hujan dari GPCC (1961-1998 dan BMKG Bali (19992008, sedangkan data suhu berasal dari BMKG Bali (2004-2008. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa di pulau Bali secara umum sudah mengalami perubahan iklim. Tipe iklim berdasarkan Schmidt-Ferguson mengalami perubahan dari relatif basah menjadi agak kering. Suhu udara rata-rata bulanan serta curah hujan bulanan dan tahunan memiliki kecenderungan yang semakin meningkat. Bulan basah dan bulan kering telah mengalami pergeseran dan perubahan jumlahnya. Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap ekosistem hutan di Bali belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun terdapat beberapa implikasi perubahan iklim terhadap sektor kehutanan diantaranya kebakaran hutan dan perubahan jadwal penanaman.

  10. Karakteristik Dan Spektrum Manajemen Pendidikan Islam


    Jannah, Siti Raudhatul


    Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai manajemen pendidikan Islam, karakteristik, dan spektrumnya. Karakteristik manajemen pendidikan Islam harus didasarkan pada al-Qur'an dan Hadits serta pemikiran rasional yang telah diuji validitasnya. Spektrum manajemen pendidikan Islam meliputi lingkup manajemen personalia pendidikan Islam, manajemen peserta didik pendidikan Islam, maanjemen kurikulum pendidikan Islam, manajemen keuangan pendidikan Islam, manajemen sarana dan prasarana pendidikan Islam, mana...

  11. Macrophage proinflammatory response to the titanium alloy equipment in dental implantation. (United States)

    Chen, X; Li, H S; Yin, Y; Feng, Y; Tan, X W


    Titanium alloy and stainless steel (SS) had been widely used as dental implant materials because of their affinity with epithelial tissue and connective tissue, and good physical, chemical, biological, mechanical properties and processability. We compared the effects of titanium alloy and SS on macrophage cytokine expression as well as their biocompatibility. Mouse macrophage RAW264.7 cells were cultured on titanium alloy and SS surfaces. Cells were counted by scanning electron microscopy. A nitride oxide kit was used to detect released nitric oxide by macrophages on the different materials. An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 levels. Scanning electron microscopy revealed fewer macrophages on the surface of titanium alloy (48.2 ± 6.4 x 10(3) cells/cm(2)) than on SS (135 ± 7.3 x 10(3) cells/cm(2)). The nitric oxide content stimulated by titanium alloy was 22.5 mM, which was lower than that stimulated by SS (26.8 mM), but the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.07). The level of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 released was significantly higher in the SS group (OD value = 0.128) than in the titanium alloy group (OD value = 0.081) (P = 0.024). The transforming growth factor-b1 mRNA expression levels in macrophages after stimulation by titanium alloy for 12 and 36 h were significantly higher than that after stimulation by SS (P = 0.31 and 0.25, respectively). Macrophages participate in the inflammatory response by regulating cytokines such as nitric oxide, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and transforming growth factor-b1. There were fewer macrophages and lower inflammation on the titanium alloy surface than on the SS surface. Titanium alloy materials exhibited better biological compatibility than did SS.

  12. UANG DAN FUNGSINYA (Sebuah Telaah Historis dalam Islam

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    Wahyuddin Wahyuddin


    Full Text Available Konsep uang dalam ekonomi Islam berbeda dengan ekonomi konvensional. Dalam ekonomi Islam, konsep uang sangat jelas dan tegas bahwa uang adalah uang, uang bukan capital. Sebaliknya, konsep uang yang dikemukakan dalam ekonomi konvensional tidak jelas. seringkali istilah uang dalam perspektif ekonomi konvensional diartikan secara bolak-balik, yaitu uang sebagai uang dan uang sebagai capital. Kata nuqud (uang tidak terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an maupun hadist Nabi saw, karena bangsa Arab umumnya tidak menggunakan kata nuqud untuk menunjukan harga. Mereka menggunakan kata dinar untuk menunjukan mata uang yang terbuat dari emas, kata dirham untuk menunjukan alat tukar yang terbuat dari perak. Mereka juga menggunakan kata wariq untuk menunjukan dirham perak, kata ‘ain untuk menunjukan dinar emas. Sedang kata fulus (uang tembaga adalah alat tukar tambahan yang digunakan untuk membeli barang-barang murah. Bahwa uang yang digunakan oleh umat islam pada masa Rasulullah adalah dirham perak Persia dan dinar emas Romawi dalam bentuk aslinya, tanpa mengalami pengubahan atau pemberian tanda tertentu. Rasulullah pun tidak pernah membuat uang khusus untuk umat Islam. Dengan kata lain, pada masa itu belum ada apa yang disebut dengan “uang Islam”. Sejarah mencatat bahwa selain uang emas dan perak murni berlaku pula jenis uang lain, yaitu uang emas dan perak campuran, fulus, dan uang kertas. Uang campuran tersebut pada mulanya beredar secara terbatas, kemudian beredar secara luas terutama setelah Khalifah al-Mutawakkil dan memberlakukannya secara resmi. Namun demikian mata uang emas dan perak murni tetap berlaku sebagai mata uang resmi dan paling banyak beredar. Selanjutnya, sejalan dengan perkembangan kehidupan ekonomi dan keterbatasan persediaan emas dan perak, umat Islam sedikit demi sedikit meninggalkan emas dan perak beralih menggunakan uang campuran dan akhirnya menggunakan fulus


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    Liem Ferryanto


    Full Text Available Innovation is the way of life of any institution to profitably sustain its life. It starts with empathy, the ability to reach outside of ourselves and walk in someone else’s shoes, and optimal implementation of the newly advanced technology. Innovation shows its results through continuously hard working efforts known as "10 Thousand Hours Rule". As world uncertainty creates complexity we, instead of predicting, should therefore anticipate the future by creating and managing real options on contingent projects or elements of alternative optimal strategies. This should reflect into our portfolio strategy. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Inovasi merupakan darah bagi suatu institusi untuk bisa hidup berkelanjutan serta menguntungkan. Inovasi berupa penemuan baru secara sistematis yang berawal dari empati, kemampuan untuk melihat dunia melalui mata orang lain, dan pemanfaatan secara optimal kemajuan teknologi yang ada. Inovasi baru menghasilkan buahnya melalui kerja keras, yaitu dengan mengikuti “Aturan 10 Ribu Jam” secara berkesinambungan. Ketidakpastian, interaksi, keterbatasan dan degradasi menciptakan kompleksitas tentang kebutuhan dan solusi di masa depan. Oleh sebab itu daripada meramalkan risiko yang bakal terjadi, kita sebaiknya memasang strategi berupa skenario untuk mereduksi akibat dari risiko masa depan yang tidak kita mengerti. Skenario ini dapat diperoleh lewat penciptaan dan penanganan beberapa pilihan nyata atas semua proyek antisipatif yang ada. Kata kunci: Inovasi, ketidakpastian dan kompleksitas, aturan 10 ribu jam, paradoks strategi, peta jalan, empati, kerja berkesinambungan.


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    Atit - Kanti


    Full Text Available Penambahan enzim hidrolisis untuk pakan ternak dapat meningkatkan nilai nutrisi pakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimal untuk produksi enzim amilase dan fitase pada media ampas tahu menggunakan Aspergilus niger, Rhizophus oryzae dan Neurospora sitophila. Uji kemampuan produksi enzim fitase dan amilase oleh Aspergilus niger, Rhizophus oryzae dan Neurospora sitophila dilakukan menggunakan media ampas tahu yang disterilisasi. Pemilihan ketiga isolat ini diawali dengan uji produksi enzim amilase pada kultur cair yang mengandung 2 % pati, dan uji fitase dilakukan pada media yang mengandung 0.5 % sodium fitat. Hasil uji pada medium cair selanjutnya digunakan untuk uji produksi enzim fitase dan fitase pada sistem fermentasi padat (SSF menggunakan ampas tahu sebagai media fermentasi. Untuk mendapatkan produksi enzim yang tinggi dilakukan melalui optimasi waktu inkubasi, suhu inkubasi dan pH media. Fitase dan amilase dapat diproduksi dengan media ampas tahu oleh R. oryzae, A. niger dan N. sitophila. Kondisi optimum untuk produksi fitase, yaitu waktu inkubasi pada hari keempat untuk ketiga kapang, suhu 25 °C untuk R. oryzae dan A. niger, suhu 30°C untuk N. sitophila, pH 8 untuk R. oryzae, pH 6 untuk Aspergillus niger dan N. Sitophila. Neurospora sitophila menghasilkan amilase optimum pada suhu 35°C, sedangkan Aspergillus niger dan Rhizopus oryzae optimum pada suhu 30°C. Penurunan aktivitas produksi amilase menurun oleh R. oryzae pada suhu 40°C. Amilase diproduksi optimal pada pH 6-7. Pakan ternak yang mengandung asam fitat mampu dihidrolisis oleh fitase pada kondisi optimum. Ketiga kapang juga menghasilkan enzim amilase pada media ampas tahu mengindikasikan bahwa ampas tahu merupakan susbtrat yang baik untuk produksi enzim hidrolisis yang berguna untuk meningkatkan nilai nutrisi pakan ternak. (Kata kunci: Amilase, Aspergilus niger, Neurospora sitophila, phytase, Rhizophus oryzae

  15. Investigation of Titanium Sesquioxide Ti2O3: Synthesis and Physical Properties

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Yangyang


    Titanium is one of the earth-abundant elements, and its oxides including titanium dioxide (TiO2) and strontium titanium oxide (SrTiO3) are widely used in technologies of electronics, energy conversion, catalysis, sensing, and so on. Generally

  16. 40 CFR 415.220 - Applicability; description of the titanium dioxide production subcategory. (United States)


    ... titanium dioxide production subcategory. 415.220 Section 415.220 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL... SOURCE CATEGORY Titanium Dioxide Production Subcategory § 415.220 Applicability; description of the titanium dioxide production subcategory. This subpart applies to discharges to waters of the United States...


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    Muhammad Fahmi


    Full Text Available Tulisan ini berusaha mengeksplorasi konsep interkoneksi keilmuan agama dan umum melalui integrated twin towers di IAIN Sunan Ampel beserta tantangan yag melingkupinya. Pengembangan epistemologi integrated twin towers yang berupaya menginterkoneksikan keilmuan agama dan umum dengan grand design yang sedang digodok oleh para petinggi IAIN Sunan Ampel baru sebatas asumsi, dan tetap rentan mengandung resiko dan penuh tantangan. Asumsinya adalah keilmuan agama dan umum yang integratif-interkonektif, dan resikonya adalah keilmuan agama dan umum yang semakin dikotomis dengan simbol menara kembar. Sementara itu tantangannya adalah ego SDM ilmu agama dan umum. Meskipun penuh resiko dan tantangan, namun upaya integrasi-interkoneksi keilmuan agama dan umum melalui epistemologi integrated twin towers perlu terus dilakukan. Asumsi keilmuan yang integratif-interkonektif melalui epistemologi integrated twin towers harus dikawal dengan perangkat sistem yang mendukung realisasinya. Apabila tidak melalui pengawalan sistem, yang terjadi bisa sebaliknya, bukan keilmuan yang integratif tetapi keilmuan yang semakin dikotomis antara agama dan umum, karena ada pelambangan berupa simbol menara kembar keilmuan, dimana keilmuan agama ada pada menara tersendiri dan keilmuan umum ada pada menara tersendiri. Bentuk pengawalan sistem yang ada bisa berupa seleksi penerimaan tenaga dosen atau karyawan yang mana dalam perekrutan harus dipastikan calon tenaga dosen atau karyawan adalah orang-orang yang mempunyai pemahaman keagamaan dan umum serta bidang yang akan digelutinya secara cukup. Jadi materi soal yang dijadikan acuan tes harus juga bersifat integratif.

  18. Nickel contaminated titanium weld wire study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coffin, G.R.; Sumstine, R.L.


    Attachment of thermocouples to fuel rod welding problems at Exxon Nuclear Company and INEL prompted an investigation study of the titanium filler wire material. It was found that the titanium filler wire was contaminated with nickel which was jacketed on the wire prior to the drawing process at the manufacturers. A method was developed to 100% inspect all filler wire for future welding application. This method not only indicates the presence of nickel contamination but indicates quantity of contamination. The process is capable of high speed inspection necessary for various high speed manufacturing processes

  19. Creating mobile apps with Appcelerator Titanium

    CERN Document Server

    Brousseau, Christian


    Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium provides a hands-on approach and working examples on creating apps and games as well as embedding them onto a social networking website. Developers can then move on from there to develop their own applications based on the ones they have developed throughout the course of this book.""Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium"" is for developers who have experience with modern languages and development environments. Also, if you are familiar with the concepts of Object-oriented Programming (OOP), reusable components, AJAX closures, and so on


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    S. Rusdiana


    Full Text Available Pertumbuhan ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap kebutuhan pangan, sesuai dengan pertambahan jumah penduduk. Kebutuhan pangan di Indonesia hampir dapat dipenuhi semua, dari potensi domestik, kecuali untuk komoditas pangan asal daging impor dan kedelai yang masih mengalami defisit, sedangkan untuk beras, jagung, kacang maupun ubi, telor, daging ayam, dan susu mengalami surplus yang tinggi. Tujuan tulisan ini untuk mengetahui petumbuhan ekonomi dan kebutuhan pangan di Indonesia, sehingga dapat diatasi dengan penyediaan pangan asal pertanian dan peternakan sesuai kebutuhan. Pemerintah dapat mempertahankan dan berupaya terus memacu pembangunan ketahanan pangan, melalui program yang benar-benar mampu memperkokoh untuk ketahanan pangan, sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kebijakan pembangunan nasional dalam rangka mewujudkan kedaulatan pangan yang diarahkan pada peningkatan produksi pangan asal daging sapi dan tanamanm pangan beras. Tingkat pendapatan rumah tangga dapat mencerminkanmenjadi salah satu ukuran kemampuan dalam mengakses konsumsi pangan yang dibutuhkan beserta keragamannya.Pertumbuhan komoditi pangan yang paling tinggi setiap tahun adalah komoditi beras, sedangkan kontribusi daging sapi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan protein hewani menduduki urutan yang kedua setelah daging unggas. Dalam pencapaian swasembada pangan perlu difokuskan pada terwujudnya ketahanan pangan dan pengembangan teknologi pangan, diharapkan mampu memfasilitasi program pasca panen dan pengolahan hasil pertanian, secara efektif, serta mendukung kebijakan pemerintah, lebih memperhatikan masalah ketahanan pangan yang ada di Indonesia.

  1. Porous titanium bases for osteochondral tissue engineering (United States)

    Nover, Adam B.; Lee, Stephanie L.; Georgescu, Maria S.; Howard, Daniel R.; Saunders, Reuben A.; Yu, William T.; Klein, Robert W.; Napolitano, Anthony P.; Ateshian, Gerard A.


    Tissue engineering of osteochondral grafts may offer a cell-based alternative to native allografts, which are in short supply. Previous studies promote the fabrication of grafts consisting of a viable cell-seeded hydrogel integrated atop a porous, bone-like metal. Advantages of the manufacturing process have led to the evaluation of porous titanium as the bone-like base material. Here, porous titanium was shown to support the growth of cartilage to produce native levels of Young’s modulus, using a clinically relevant cell source. Mechanical and biochemical properties were similar or higher for the osteochondral constructs compared to chondral-only controls. Further investigation into the mechanical influence of the base on the composite material suggests that underlying pores may decrease interstitial fluid pressurization and applied strains, which may be overcome by alterations to the base structure. Future studies aim to optimize titanium-based tissue engineered osteochondral constructs to best match the structural architecture and strength of native grafts. Statement of Significance The studies described in this manuscript follow up on previous studies from our lab pertaining to the fabrication of osteochondral grafts that consist of a bone-like porous metal and a chondrocyte-seeded hydrogel. Here, tissue engineered osteochondral grafts were cultured to native stiffness using adult chondrocytes, a clinically relevant cell source, and a porous titanium base, a material currently used in clinical implants. This porous titanium is manufactured via selective laser melting, offering the advantages of precise control over shape, pore size, and orientation. Additionally, this manuscript describes the mechanical influence of the porous base, which may have applicability to porous bases derived from other materials. PMID:26320541


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    Christine Suharto Cenadi


    Full Text Available In the recent globalization era%2C and the developed market%2C many companies compete to attract consumers to buy their products. One of the keys to compete and survive in this developing market is by creating an image and graphic identity. This paper will discuss about corporate identity%2C image%2C its purpose and applications. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Dalam era globalisasi dewasa ini%2C dan dengan berkembangnya pasar (market%2C banyak perusahaan bersaing untuk menarik perhatian konsumen untuk membeli produknya. Salah satu cara untuk bersaing dan dapat bertahan di dalam pasar yang terus berkembang ini adalah dengan menciptakan suatu image dan identitas graphic. Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang corporate identity%2C image%2C fungsi dan aplikasinya


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    Risnah Risnah


    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui jumlah mahasiswa semester II, IV, dan VI Jurusan Keperawatan yang menggunakan internet secara aktif dan karak-teristiknya, membandingkan hasil belajar mahasiswa semester II-III, IV-V, dan VI-VII Jurusan Keperawatan, dan mengetahui pengaruh sosial media (facebook dan twitter terhadap perubahan indeks prestasi mahasiswa, dengan jumlah res-ponden sebanyak 150 orang. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan desain pene-litian kausal. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesio-ner, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 150 orang. Adapun hasil penelitian me-nunjukkan bahwa indeks prestasi mahasiswa dengan penggunaan sosial media umumnya responden menyatakan sosial media tidak mempengaruhi indeks prestasi. Dari hasil analisis uji statistik diperoleh terdapat pengaruh antara sosial media (facebook dan twitter dengan indeks prestasi. Dengan begitu, penggunaan sosial media harus digunakan sebagaimana mestinya, agar mahasiswa/i yang ak-tif pengunaan sosial media tidak mempengaruhi indeks prestasinya.

  4. Super titanium blades for advanced steam turbines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coulon, P.A.


    In 1986, the Alsthom Steam Turbines Department launched the manufacture of large titanium alloy blades: airfoil length of 1360 mm and overall length of 1520 mm. These blades are designed for the last-stage low pressure blading of advanced steam turbines operating at full speed (3000 rpm) and rating between 300 and 800 MW. Using titanium alloys for steam turbine exhaust stages as substitutes for chrome steels, due to their high strength/density ratio and their almost complete resistance to corrosion, makes it possible to increase the length of blades significantly and correspondingly that steam passage section (by up to 50%) with a still conservative stresses level in the rotor. Alsthom relies on 8 years of experience in the field of titanium, since as early as 1979 large titanium blades (airfoil length of 1240 mm, overall length of 1430 mm) were erected for experimental purposes on the last stage of a 900 MW unit of the Dampierre-sur-Loire power plant and now totals 45,000 operating hours without problems. The paper summarizes the main properties (chemical, mechanical and structural) recorded on very large blades and is based in particular on numerous fatigue corrosion test results to justify the use of the Ti 6 Al 4 V alloy in a specific context of micrographic structure

  5. Primary Stability of Zirconium vs Titanium Implants: An In Vitro Comparison (United States)


    of any copyrighted material in the thesis manuscript entitled: Primary Stability of Zirconium vs Titanium Implants: An In Vitro Comparison Is...Uniformed Services University Date: 02/20/2015 Primary Stability of Zirconium vs Titanium Implants: An In Vitro Comparison By...the thesis manuscript entitled: Primary Stability of Zirconium vs Titanium Implants: An In Vitro Comparison Is appropriately acknowledged


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    Nunik St. Aminah


    Full Text Available Hasil penelitian terhadap makanan jajanan yang dijual di pasar dan warung, banyak yang tidak memenuhai syarat kesehatan, dan tercemar oleh bakteri serta jamur tertentu. Penelitian tentang bakteri yang mencemari makanan  jajanan seperti Entamoeba coli, Staphylococcus dan Salmonella telah banyak diketahui, tetapi mengenai data jenis jamur yang mencemari makanan jajanan belum banyak diketahui. Kontaminasi tersebut disebabkan cara penanganan, sanitasi yang kurang bersih, pembungkus makanan jajanan, tempat menjajakan makanan jajanan dan lokasi menjual makanan jajanan tersebut sebaiknya jauh dari tempat pembuangan sampah. Tempat pembuangan sampah sering ditemukan lalat seperti lalat rumah (Musca domestica, Chysomia megacephala, C. safferanea dan Sarcophaga sp. Hampir semua kue basah maupun kue kering yang dijual di pasar tradisional maupun di warung umumnya tercemar oleh khamir. Kue-kue tersebut yang dijual di pasar lebih banyak tercemar khamir dibandingkan yang dijual di warung. Hal ini kemungkinan kue yang dijual di warung penanganannya lebih baik dari pada yang dijual di pasar. Begitu juga mutu kue yang dijual di pasar biasanya lebih cepat rusak. Kerusakan kue tersebut disebabkan antara lain karena tercemar spora jamur yang terbawa oleh debu maupun oleh lalat yang terkontaminasi jamur/bakteri pada kaki-kaki lalat tersebut,  yang hinggap pada makanan jajanan. Sehingga jenis-jenis jamur yang terdapat di tempat sampah, udara dan tanah dapat mencemari makanan jajanan yang dijual di pasar maupun di warung.



    Mufidah, S.Si., M.Si., Apt.


    Dalam rangka pengembangan obat tradisional, telah dilakukan isolasi dan uji aktivitas antimikroba minyak atsiri daun legundi (Vitex trifolia, L.) familia Verbenaceae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi, menganalisis dan menguji aktivitas antimikroba minyak atsiri daun legundi. Isolasi dilakan dengan alat destilasi Stahl, diperoleh minyak atsiri sebanyak 0,02% v/b daun segar dan 0,08% v/b daun kering. Dari interpretasi data GC-MS tampak adanya 1,8 ???Cineole (17,83%), ???-terpiny...


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    Adnan Rajak


    Full Text Available AbstractThis research aims to analyze that the effect of interpersonal conflict, work family on work stress and job satisfacton, effect of work stress on job satisfactin, dan effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction at Civil Servant Secretariat of Ministry of Eduacation and Cultural. Research Method that used is survey method at fixed lecturer of Secretariat of Ministry. This Research Type is the verification descriptive. Sample size research this is the 200 Civil Servant and the technique used strafied random sampling. Method that used to test of hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM. The result of the study, (1 Conflict of interpersonal positive effect on the work stress, (2 Work-family conflict negative effect on the Work stress, (3 Conflict of interpersonal negative effect on the Job satisfaction, (4 Work-family conflict negative effect on the Job satisfaction, (5 Work Stress negative effect on the Job satisfaction, and (6 Job satisfaction positive effect on the Life satisfaction. Recommendation of this study is the Secretariat of Ministry should manage interpersonal conflict and family conflict in a way to identify and evaluate accurately through approaches, Collaborating, problem solving, Avoiding, Competing and Accommodating. While the employee stress can be done through the Individual and organizational approach.Keywords: Interpersonal Conflict, Work Family Conflict, Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Life SatisfactionAbstrakTujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik interpersonal, work-family conflict, terhadap stres kerja dan kepuasan kerja, serta pengaruh stres kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kepuasan kerja terhada Kepuasan Hidup PNS pada Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey pada PNS Sekretariat Jenderal. Ukuran sampel penelitian ini adalah 200 PNS dan menggunakan teknik strafied random sampling. Meode yang

  9. Pemanfaatan Terapi Tradisional dan Alternatif oleh Penderita Gangguan Jiwa

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    Muhammad Arsyad Subu


    Full Text Available Sampai saat ini masih sedikit informasi dari hasil-hasil penelitian tentang pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif oleh para penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif di antara penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Charmaz Constructive Grounded Theory untuk mengeksplorasi pemanfaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif di antara pasien yang menderita gangguan jiwa. Metode pengumpulan data termasuk interaksi langsung (wawancara semi-terstruktur, document review, catatan lapangan dan memo. Data analisis menggunakan pendekatan Paille data analisis. Penelitian menghasilkan lima kategori: 1 kerasukan oleh setan atau roh; 2 penyakit akibat berdosa; 3 Berobat ke tradisional dulu baru akhirnya ke rumah sakit jiwa; 4 kekerasan; 5 takut dengan pengobatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terapi tradisional dan alternatif dan orang pintar (dukun, para pemimpin agama Islam, pendeta, paranormal dan pengobatan tradisional Cina memiliki peran sentral dalam mendukung dan menawarkan solusi ketika seseorang memiliki gangguan jiwa di Indonesia. Para terapis atau ‘orang pintar’ biasanya merupakan pilihan pertama dari keluarga dan anggota ‘masyarakat lainnya jika berhubungan dengan terapi yang orang yang menderita gangguan jiwa. Penelitian lanjut diperlukan untuk melihat efektivitas terapi tradisional dan alternatif ini yang masih kurang diteliti dan didokumentasikan di Indonesia. Penelitian lebih lanjut juga perlu dilakukan untuk memahami sikap atau perspektif keluarga, masyarakat dan staf lembaga pemerintahan sebagai partisipan terkait dengan pengobatan tradisional dan alternatif ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian kuantitatif diperlukan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaaatan terapi tradisional dan alternatif oleh penderita gangguan jiwa di Indonesia.

  10. Sensitifitas dan Spesifisitas Pertanyaan Gejala Saluran Pernapasan dan Faktor risiko untuk Kejadian Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik (PPOK

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    lusianawaty Tana


    Full Text Available Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD is a chronic lung disease characterized by progressive non-reversible or partially reversible airflow obstruction in the airway. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of questions on respiratory symptoms and risky behavior for diagnosing COPD. Method. This study was a further analysis of Bogor Cohort Study on Non-Communicable Risk Factors 2011-2012 data. COPD was diagnosed by spirometry examination with bronchodilator. Twelve questions on COPD respiratory symptoms and two questions on rizky behavior were analyzed using crossed tabulation with 5 % significance level. Results. The sensitivity and specificity of several aggregate questions on respiratory symptom and COPD risk factors ranged from 12.5% to 94.3% and 2.2% to 94.4%. Aggregate of 7 questions on 6 respiratory symptoms and 1 smoking behavior with either one was answered “Yes” had the optimal sensitivity (68.1 % and specificity (59.7 %. Those questions were coughing more than 1 month, excreting sputum almost every day, easily feeling fatigue or dyspnea while doing activity, dyspnea > 3 months that restricted daily activities, worsened fatigue/dyspnea, whizzing, and smoking behavior. Conclusion. Questions on respiratory symptoms were neither sensitive nor specific for diagnosing COPD. Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sensitivity, specificity. AbstrakPenyakit paru obstruktif kronis (PPOK adalah penyakit paru kronik, ditandai dengan adanya hambatan aliran udara di saluran pernapasan, dan bersifat progressif nonreversibel atau reversibel parsial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan sensitifitas dan spesifisitas pertanyaan gejala saluran pernapasan dan faktor risiko terhadap PPOK. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut sampel Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko PTM di Bogor tahun 2011-2012. Variabel yang dianalisis terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan gejala saluran pernapasan dan dua pertanyaan faktor


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    Merryana Kiding Allo


    Full Text Available Mining activities through land clearing, dredging and backfilling will lead to changes in the ecosystem. Land conditions badly damaged among other unproductive, high erosion and loss of top soil layer of soil. The physical properties of the soil pH is acid soil, the texture increased dust causes soil compacted is difficult to be processed and chemical properties of the soil decreased to lower and lower, that it can not support the root system of plants and would affect the plant growth is not normally. The need for nutrients origin of organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers combined with the planting hole and alcosorb can spur the growth of trengguli and mahoni that is expected to speed up the recovery process mined lands of nickel. Planting  trengguli and mahogany produced by percentage grew to 95% by using a experiments using completely randomized design (CRD with a combination of the size of the hole, the dosage of fertilizer and alcosorb on trengguli and mahoni plants produce the best height and diameter growth on the kind trengguli obtained from treatment of the planting hole size 0.30 mx 0.40 mx 0.30 m ( A2 15 kg of organic fertilizer (B3 with alcosorb 3 gr and the best diameter growth in mahoni generated by the use of manure dosage of 7.5 kg and 7.5 gr NPK (B2. Kegiatan penambangan secara land clearing, pengerukan dan penimbunan  akan menyebabkan perubahan ekosistem. Kondisi lahan rusak berat antara lain tidak produktif, terjadi erosi berat dan hilangnya lapisan top soil tanah. Sifat fisik fisik pH tanah menjadi masam, tekstur debu meningkat menyebabkan pemadatan tanah sukar diolah dan sifat kimia tanah menurun menjadi makin rendah, sehingga tidak dapat mendukung sistem perakaran tanaman dan akan berdampak pertumbuhan tanaman tidak normal. Kebutuhan akan unsur hara asal pupuk organik maupun pupuk anorganik yang dikombinasikan dengan lubang tanam dan alcosorb dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman jenis trengguli dan mahoni yang

  12. Joining of Gamma Titanium Aluminides

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Baeslack, William


    .... Although organized and presented by joining process, many of the observations made and relationships developed, particularly those regarding the weldability and welding metallurgy of gamma titanium...

  13. DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH ( DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH ( DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH (




    2015 ABSTRAK YAUMIL NI???MAH O11111101.Deteksi Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica pada Kerbau Perah Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica merupakan cacing kelas trematoda.Telur cacing ini berbentuk oval dan dilengkapi dengan operculum yang berfungsi sebagai jalan keluar larva mirasidium pada saat telur menetas.Ukuran telur Fasciola gigantica lebih besar dibandingkan ukuran telur Fasciola hepatica.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi telur cacing Fasciola...

  14. Analisis Kinerja EIGRP dan OSPF pada Topologi Ring dan Mesh

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    Full Text Available ABSTRAK EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol dan OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt adalah routing protokol yang banyak digunakan pada suatu jaringan komputer. EIGRP hanya dapat digunakan pada perangkat Merk CISCO, sedangkan OSPF dapat digunakan pada semua merk jaringan. Pada penelitian ini dibandingkan delay dan rute dari kedua routing protokol yang diimplementasikan pada topologi Ring dan Mesh. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 digunakan untuk mensimulasikan kedua routing protokol ini. Skenario pertama adalah perancangan jaringan kemudian dilakukan pengujian waktu delay 100 kali dalam 5 kasus. Skenario kedua dilakukan pengujian trace route untuk mengetahui jalur yang dilewati paket data lalu memutus link utama. Pada skenario kedua juga dilakukan perbandingan nilai metric dan cost hasil simulasi dengan perhitungan rumus. Skenario ketiga dilakukan pengujian waktu konvergensi untuk setiap routing protokol pada setiap topologi. Hasilnya EIGRP lebih cepat 386 µs daripada OSPF untuk topologi Ring sedangkan OSPF lebih cepat 453 µs daripada EIGRP untuk topologi Mesh. Hasil trace route menunjukan rute yang dipilih oleh routing protokol yaitu nilai metric dan cost yang terkecil. Waktu konvergensi rata-rata topologi Ring pada EIGRP sebesar 12,75 detik dan 34,5 detik pada OSPF sedangkan topologi Mesh di EIGRP sebesar 13 detik dan 35,25 detik di OSPF. Kata Kunci: EIGRP, OSPF, Packet Tracer 5.3, Ring, Mesh, Konvergensi ABSTRACT EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol and OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt is the routing protocol that is widely used in a computer network. EIGRP can only be used on devices Brand CISCO, while OSPF can be used on all brands of network. In this study comparison of both the delay and the routing protocol implemented on Ring and Mesh topology. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 is used to simulate both the routing protocol. The first scenario is the design of the network and then do the test of time delay 100 times in 5 cases. The

  15. Analisis Kinerja EIGRP dan OSPF pada Topologi Ring dan Mesh

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available ABSTRAK EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol dan OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt adalah routing protokol yang banyak digunakan pada suatu jaringan komputer. EIGRP hanya dapat digunakan pada perangkat Merk CISCO, sedangkan OSPF dapat digunakan pada semua merk jaringan. Pada penelitian ini dibandingkan delay dan rute dari kedua routing protokol yang diimplementasikan pada topologi Ring dan Mesh. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 digunakan untuk mensimulasikan kedua routing protokol ini. Skenario pertama adalah perancangan jaringan kemudian dilakukan pengujian waktu delay 100 kali dalam 5 kasus. Skenario kedua dilakukan pengujian trace route untuk mengetahui jalur yang dilewati paket data lalu memutus link utama. Pada skenario kedua juga dilakukan perbandingan nilai metric dan cost hasil simulasi dengan perhitungan rumus. Skenario ketiga dilakukan pengujian waktu konvergensi untuk setiap routing protokol pada setiap topologi. Hasilnya EIGRP lebih cepat 386 µs daripada OSPF untuk topologi Ring sedangkan OSPF lebih cepat 453 µs daripada EIGRP untuk topologi Mesh. Hasil trace route menunjukan rute yang dipilih oleh routing protokol yaitu nilai metric dan cost yang terkecil. Waktu konvergensi rata-rata topologi Ring pada EIGRP sebesar 12,75 detik dan 34,5 detik pada OSPF sedangkan topologi Mesh di EIGRP sebesar 13 detik dan 35,25 detik di OSPF. Kata Kunci : EIGRP, OSPF, Packet Tracer 5.3, Ring, Mesh, Konvergensi ABSTRACT EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol and OSPF (Open Shortest Path Fisrt is the routing protocol that is widely used in a computer network. EIGRP can only be used on devices Brand CISCO, while OSPF can be used on all brands of network. In this study comparison of both the delay and the routing protocol implemented on Ring and Mesh topology. Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3 is used to simulate both the routing protocol. The first scenario is the design of the network and then do the test of time delay 100 times in 5 cases. The

  16. Compatibility of niobium, titanium, and vanadium metals with LMFBR cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, C.N.


    A series of laboratory capsule annealing experiments were conducted to assess the compatibility of niobium, vanadium, and titanium with 316 stainless steel cladding in the temperature range of 700 to 800 0 C. Niobium, vanadium, and titanium are cantidate oxygen absorber materials for control of oxygen chemistry in LMFBR fuel pins. Capsule examination indicated good compatibility between niobium and 316 stainless steel at 800 0 C. Potential compatibility problems between cladding and vanadium or titanium were indicated at 800 0 C under reducing conditions. In the presence of Pu/sub 0.25/U/sub 0.75/O/sub 1.98/ fuel (Δanti G 02 congruent to -160 kcal/mole) no reaction was observed between vanadium or titanium and cladding at 800 0 C

  17. Adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada Biomassa Imperata cylindrica

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    Noer Komari


    Full Text Available Metode alternatif untuk mengatasi pencemaran logam berat adalah biosorpsi menggunakan biomassa sebagai adsorben. Telah dilakukan penelitian kajian adsorpsi campuran Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada biomassa Imperata cylindrica sebagai adsorben. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui kemampuan biomassa mengadsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+. Preparasi biomassa dilakukan dengan aktivasi menggunakan asam nitrat dan amonium hidroksida. Adsorpsi dilakukan dengan sistem batch. Parameter yang diukur adalah pH optimum, waktu kontak optimum, kapasitas adsorpsi dan recovery ion logam. Analisis kadar logam dilakukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (AAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pH optimum adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing-masing pada pH 5 dan pH 6. Waktu kontak optimum adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing masing pada 40 menit dan 30 pertama. Kapasitas adsorpsi Pb2+ dan Zn2+ pada konsentrasi awal 10 ppm masing-masing adalah 90,95% dan 43,60%. Recovery Pb2+ dan Zn2+ masing-masing 84,45% dan 57,13%.

  18. Influence of titanium volume fraction on the mechanical properties of Mg-Ti composites

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perez, Pablo; Garces, Gerardo; Adeva, Paloma [Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas (CENIM, CSIC), Madrid (Spain). Dept. de Metalurgia Fisica


    The influence of titanium volume fraction on the mechanical properties of Mg-Ti composites prepared through a powder metallurgy route has been evaluated. Titanium was added as particles smaller than 25 {mu}m and volume fractions ranging from 5 to 15%. The increase in the volume fraction of titanium particles results in a slight decrease in the maximum strength. In contrast to this, the ductility of all composites was significantly enhanced by titanium additions. The mechanical properties can be explained on the basis of texture changes induced by the presence of titanium particles. The decrease in the basal texture along the extrusion direction as the amount of titanium is progressively increased accounts for the decrease in the maximum strength. (orig.)

  19. Hantaran Sinyal Leptin dan Obesitas: Hubungannya dengan Penyakit Kardiovaskuler

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    David Limanan


    Full Text Available Diperkirakan saat ini jumlah orang dengan obesitas melebihi 250 juta orang, yaitu 7% dari populasi orang dewasa di dunia. Mortalitas obesitas erat hubungannya dengan sindrom metabolik yang merupakan kelainan metabolik meliputi obesitas, resistensi insulin, gangguan toleransi glukosa, abnormalitas trigliserida dan hemostasis, disfungsi endotel dan hipertensi. Leptin dihasilkan adiposit dan merupakan anggota dari adipositokin; berperan dalam hantaran sinyal hormon jaringan adiposa. Kelainan leptin maupun reseptornyadapat menyebabkan seseorang mengalami obesitas, metabolik sindrom, diabetes dan penyakit kardiovaskuler. Kompleks leptin-reseptor mengaktifkan sistem transduksi sinyal, yang paling dominan adalah jalur janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (JAK-STAT3, kemudian phospatidyl inositol 3- kinase (PI3K, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK, 5’adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK, dan mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR. Jalur leptin-associated PI3K dengan ERK cascade berperan penting dalam proliferasi kardiomiosit dan melindungi jantung dari ischemia reperfusion injury. ERK1/2 mengaktifkan target gen seperti c-fos dan egr-1 yang berperan dalam proliferasi dan diferensiasi. Nuclear factor κB diduga sebagai target jalur p38 dan JNK MAPK. Faktor transkripsi inu berperan pentingdalam mengatur transkripsi sitokin proinflamasi seperti tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α dan interleukin (IL-1β. Leptin dapat meningkatkan pembentukan reactive oxygen species (ROS sel endotel pembuluh darah dan menstimulasi sekresi TNF-α dan IL-6 yang merupakan promotor hipertensi dan aterosklerosis.Kata Kunci: obesitas, leptin, sistem kardiovaskuler 

  20. Pengaruh Asam Kuat, Pengamplasan, Dan Lama Perendaman Terhadap Laju Imbibisi Dan Perkecambahan Biji Aren (Arenga pinnata

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    Marina Silalahi


    Full Text Available Abstrak Biji Arenga pinnata memiliki kulit biji  keras dan berlignin sehingga menghambat masuknya air ke dalam biji. Lapisan lignin pada kulit biji dapat didegradasi melalui reaksi kimia maupun perlakuan fisik. Perendaman biji aren dengan asam kuat (HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl dan pengamplasan akan mempengaruhi laju imbibisi air melewati kulit biji. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi asam kuat (HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl, luas pengamplasan, air panas, lama perendaman, sedangkan variabel terikat laju imbibisi pada biji aren. Konsentrasi asam kuat yang digunakan adalah 1M dan 0,5M untuk masing-masing HNO3, H2SO4, dan HCl. Pengamplasan dilakukan di bagian pangkal biji, dan luas pengamplasan bervariasi (tanpa amplas, amplas ½ bagian, dan amplas keseluruhan. Setiap perlakuan direndam selama 18, 24 dan 36 jam. Biji aren yang diberi perlakuan fisik maupun kimia mengalami pengelupasan kulit biji. Laju imbibisi biji pada perendaman 24 jam lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lama perendaman 18 maupun 36 jam. Laju imbibisi tertinggi terjadi pada waktu perendaman 1M HCl dan amplas penuh dengan lama perendaman 24 jam sebesar 0,038 ± 0,002 mL/jam dan 0,038 ± 0,007 mL/jam . Biji aren yang diberi perlakuan fisik dan kimia mulai berkecambah 7 minggu setelah tanam dengan daya kecambah tertinggi pada pemberian HNO3 dan lama perendaman 18 jam.Abstract Arenga pinnata seed has a hard seed coat and lignin that inhibit the absorption of water into the seed. The lignin in the seed coat can be degraded by chemical or physical treatments. Soaking of the palm seeds into strong acids (HNO3, H2SO4, or HCl and sanding may affect the imbibition rate. The research was conducted to investigate the effect of a strong acid, sanding, and soaking time to the imbibition rate of A. pinnata seed. The independent variables in this research are concentration of the strong acids HNO3, H2SO4, and HCl; sanding, and soaking time, while the dependent variable is the rate of imbibition

  1. Pengaruh Lama Perendaman dan Jenis Minuman Beralkohol Bir dan Tuak terhadap Kekerasan Email Gigi Manusia (In Vitro

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    Malida Magista


    Full Text Available Erosi gigi merupakan hilangnya lapisan email gigi karena asam. Jenis asam, pH rendah, serta kandungan kalsium, fosfat, dan fluoride pada bir dan tuak diduga merupakan faktor kimiawi penyebab erosi gigi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perendaman dan jenis minuman beralkohol bir dan tuak terhadap kekerasan email gigi manusia (in vitro. Penelitian ini menggunakan 14 sampel gigi premolar pertama atas. Setiap gigi dibagi menjadi 2 bagian, bukal dan palatal. kemudian dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok (A1 perendaman dalam bir (ringan; (A2 kelompok perendaman dalam bir sedang; kelompok (A3 perendaman dalam bir berat, kelompok (B1: perendaman dalam tuak ringan, (B2: perendaman dalam tuak sedang, (B3: perendaman dalam tuak berat dan kelompok kontrol (C. Uji kekerasan email gigi dilakukan menggunakan Micro Vickers Hardness Tester. Pengujian kekerasan awal email gigi dilakukan sebelum perendaman gigi. Perendaman gigi premolar pertama atas pada bir dan tuak dilakukan selama 10 detik, 50 detik, dan 250 detik perhari dengan penyimpanan subjek penelitian pada saliva buatan. Uji kekerasan akhir email gigi dilakukan setelah perlakuan selama 30 hari. Nilai perubahan kekerasan email gigi merupakan selisih nilai kekerasan akhir dan nilai kekerasan awal email gigi. Sebagai tambahan data, pada bir dan tuak juga diukur kandungan pH, kalsium, dan fosfor. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji ANAVA dua jalur dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD. Hasil analisis ANAVA dua jalur menujukkan bahwa jenis minuman dan lama perendaman berpengaruh bermakna terhadap kekerasan email gigi (p<0,05. Hasil uji LSD menunjukkan adanya perbedaan rerata yang signifikan (p<0,05 antar kelompok uji bir dan tuak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh jenis minuman beralkohol bir dan tuak dan lama perendaman terhadap kekerasan email gigi manusia (in vitro. The Effect Of Contact Time And Alcohol Beverages Beer And Tuak On Human Dental Enamel Hardness (In

  2. Hydrogen content in titanium and a titanium–zirconium alloy after acid etching

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frank, Matthias J.; Walter, Martin S. [Department of Biomaterials, Institute for Clinical Dentistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1109, Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo (Norway); Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering, Chair of Medical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Boltzmannstrasse 15, 85748 Garching (Germany); Lyngstadaas, S. Petter [Department of Biomaterials, Institute for Clinical Dentistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1109, Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo (Norway); Wintermantel, Erich [Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering, Chair of Medical Engineering, Technische Universität München, Boltzmannstrasse 15, 85748 Garching (Germany); Haugen, Håvard J., E-mail: [Department of Biomaterials, Institute for Clinical Dentistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1109, Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo (Norway)


    Dental implant alloys made from titanium and zirconium are known for their high mechanical strength, fracture toughness and corrosion resistance in comparison with commercially pure titanium. The aim of the study was to investigate possible differences in the surface chemistry and/or surface topography of titanium and titanium–zirconium surfaces after sand blasting and acid etching. The two surfaces were compared by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, secondary ion mass spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and profilometry. The 1.9 times greater surface hydrogen concentration of titanium zirconium compared to titanium was found to be the major difference between the two materials. Zirconium appeared to enhance hydride formation on titanium alloys when etched in acid. Surface topography revealed significant differences on the micro and nanoscale. Surface roughness was increased significantly (p < 0.01) on the titanium–zirconium alloy. High-resolution images showed nanostructures only present on titanium zirconium. - Highlights: ► TiZr alloy showed increased hydrogen levels over Ti. ► The alloying element Zr appeared to catalyze hydrogen absorption in Ti. ► Surface roughness was significantly increased for the TiZr alloy over Ti. ► TiZr alloy revealed nanostructures not observed for Ti.

  3. Surface modification of porous titanium with rice husk as space holder (United States)

    Wang, Xinsheng; Hou, Junjian; Liu, Yanpei


    Porous titanium was characterized after its surface modification by acid and alkali solution immersion. The results show that the acid surface treatment caused the emergence of flocculent sodium titanate and induced apatite formation. The surface modification of porous titanium promotes biological activation, and the application of porous titanium is also improved as an implant material because of the existence of C and Si.

  4. Niobium Titanium and Copper wire samples

    CERN Multimedia


    Two wire samples, both for carrying 13'000Amperes. I sample is copper. The other is the Niobium Titanium wiring used in the LHC magnets. The high magnetic fields needed for guiding particles around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ring are created by passing 12’500 amps of current through coils of superconducting wiring. At very low temperatures, superconductors have no electrical resistance and therefore no power loss. The LHC is the largest superconducting installation ever built. The magnetic field must also be extremely uniform. This means the current flowing in the coils has to be very precisely controlled. Indeed, nowhere before has such precision been achieved at such high currents. Magnet coils are made of copper-clad niobium–titanium cables — each wire in the cable consists of 9’000 niobium–titanium filaments ten times finer than a hair. The cables carry up to 12’500 amps and must withstand enormous electromagnetic forces. At full field, the force on one metre of magnet is comparable ...


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    Ratri Kusumarini


    Full Text Available Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat merupakan salah satu unit di Universitas Respati Yogyakarta yang bertugas untuk mengelola kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen. Dalam proses pengolahan data kegiatan kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat masih mengalami beberapa permasalahan yaitu belum adanya basis data yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data rekam jejak kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh dosen dan sistem pengarsipan dokumen masih berbentuk kertas yang berdampak pada kerusakan dokumen, hilangnya dokumen, efisiensi ruang dan pencarian data. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan menghasilkan luaran sistem informasi yang dapat melakukan proses pengolahan data penelitian dan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dikelola oleh Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat di Universitas Respati Yogyakarta. Pengolahan data mengacu pada komponen beban kerja dosen dibidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Metode pengembangan dilakukan dengan tahapan analisa sistem, perancangan sistem, coding dan implementasi sistem. Hasil pengembangan sistem informasi penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat dalam proses pengolahan data rekam jejak kegiatan penelitian dan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan dosen.


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    Prof. Supratiknya


    jaran di perguruan tinggi seperti kita kenal sekarang (selanjutnya disebut psikologi, lahir di Jerman pada penghujung abad ke‐19. Selanjutnya psikologi berkembang pesat di Amerika Utara khususnya Amerika Serikat dan negara‐negara lain di Eropa yang lebih dulu mengalami industrialisasi khususnya di Eropa Barat. 1 Alhasil, paling tidak sampai dasawarsa 1980‐an perkembangan dan persebaran psikologi di tingkat global ditandai oleh ketimpangan di antara apa yang oleh Moghaddam (1987 disebut tiga dunia tempat psikologi dikembangkan dan dipraktekkan, disimak antara lain berdasarkan besarnya produksi pengetahuan psikologis yang disebarluaskan melalui penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi psikologi maupun lewat publikasi ilmiah berupa baik berkala maupun buku rujukan dan buku teks.


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    Anny Thuraidah


    Full Text Available Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit infeksi akibat kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang dapat menginfeksi beberapa organ tubuh, diantaranya paru-paru, ginjal, dan tulang.Tujuan pengobatan tuberkulosis adalah memusnahkan basil tuberkulosis dengan cepat dan mencegah kekambuhan. Obat anti tuberkulosis (OAT dapat diterima dalam terapi, namun mempunyai efek toksik seperti agranulositosis, eosinofilia, trombositopenia dan anemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lama konsumsi OAT pada pasien TB paru terhadap anemia. Penelitian ini bersifat Survey Analitic dengan rancangan Cross Sectional. Hasil penelitian rata-rata hitung sel darah merah 0 bulan 5,16 106/uL, 2 bulan 4,39 106/uL dan 6 bulan 4,61 106/uL, rata-rata kadar hemoglobin 0 bulan 15,17 g/dL, 2 bulan 12,73 g/dL dan 6 bulan 13,28 g/dL serta ratarata nilai hematokrit 0 bulan 44,26 %, 2 bulan 38,24 % dan 6 bulan 39,04 %. Dari hasil uji Spearman diperoleh nilai signifikan sebesar hitung sel darah merah 0,004 < α (0,05, kadar hemoglobin 0,007 < α (0,05 dan nilai hematokrit 0,015 < α (0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan antara lama konsumsi obat anti tuberkulosis pada pasien TB paru terhadap anemia dan nilai correlation coefficient hitung sel darah merah -0,531, kadar hemoglobin -0,479 serta nilai hematokrit -0,440 berarti memiliki kekuatan hubungan yang sedang. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya menggunakan parameter yang berbeda seperti jumlah trombosit, kadar AST/ALT dan sebaiknya menggunakan sampel atau pasien yang sama dari 0 bulan sampai 6 bulan.

  8. Models for the adsorption of uranium on titanium dioxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaffrezic-Renault, N.; Poirier-Andrade, H.; Trang, D.H.


    A hydrated titanium oxide whose acid-base properties are well defined has been used to study the retention mechanism of uranium as UO 2 2+ (in acidic media) and as UO 2 (CO 3 ) 3 4- (in carbonate media). The influence of various parameters on the distribution coefficient of uranium (pH, [CO 3 2- ]) and of the adsorption of uranium on the electrophoretic mobilities of the titanium oxide have been investigated. It is shown that, in both media, coordinative TiO-UO 2 bonds are formed. These strong bonds explain the high affinity of the titanium oxide for uranium. (orig.)

  9. NCEP ATP III dan Framingham score


    Hasan, Refli; Fahila, Reny


    Laporan ini merupakan Program Pendidikan Kolesterol National yang diperbaharui yaitu pedoman klinis untuk melakukan pengujian kolesterol dan manajemen. ATP III dibuat berdasarkan bukti dan laporan ekstensif yang akan menjadi referensi dan rekomendasi ilmiah. Laporan ATP III dapat dijadikan pedoman untuk pemberian terapi penurun kolesterol yang intensif dalam praktek. Pedoman ini hanya sebagai informasi , tidak dapat mempengaruhi secara mutlak dalam penilaian klinis dokter yang akhirnya menent...

  10. Understanding the mechanical response of built-up welded beams made from commercially pure titanium and a titanium alloy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patnaik, Anil K., E-mail: [Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 (United States); Poondla, Narendra [Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 (United States); Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 (United States); Menzemer, Craig C. [Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 (United States); Srivatsan, T.S. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325 (United States)


    During the last two decades, titanium has gradually grown in stature, strength and significance to take on the recognition of being a modern and high performance metal that is noticeably stronger and concurrently lighter than the most widely chosen and used steels in a spectrum of industrial applications. Technological innovations have necessitated reduction of part weight, cost and lead time, including concurrent enhancement of performance of structural parts and components made using titanium and its alloys. This has provided the impetus to develop economically viable structural design methodologies and specifications, while at the same time bringing forth innovative and economically affordable manufacturing and fabricating techniques with the primary purpose of both producing and promoting the use of cost-effective titanium structures. The experimental results of a recent study on built-up welded beams are presented in this paper with the primary objective of enabling design, facilitating fabrication, and implementation of large structural members for potential applications in the structural and defense-industry.

  11. Comparative study about hydrogen sorption in sponge and powder titanium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasut, Felicia; Preda, Anisoara; Zamfirache, Marius; Ducu, Catalin; Malinovschi, Viorel


    Currently, hydrogen may be stored as a compressed gas or a cryogenic liquid. Neither method appears to be practical for many applications in which hydrogen use would otherwise be attractive. For example, gaseous storage of stationary fuel is not feasible because of the large volume or weight of the storage vessels. Liquid hydrogen could be use extensively but the liquefaction process is relatively expensive. The hydrogen can be stored for a long term with a high separation factor, as a solid metal hydride. Using hydride-forming metals and intermetallic compounds, for example, recovery, purification and storage of heavy isotopes in tritium containing system, can solve many problems arising in the nuclear-fuel cycle. The paper presents a comparative study about hydrogen sorption on two titanium structures: powder and sponge. Also, it is presented the characterization, by X-Ray diffraction, of two structures, before and after sorption process. From our results, one can conclude that sorption method is efficient for both samples. Kinetic curves indicates that sorption rate for titanium powder is lower than for sponge titanium. This is the effect of reaction surface, which is larger for powder titanium. Sorption capacity for hydrogen is lower in powder titanium for identical experimental conditions. The difference between storage capacities could be explained by activation temperature, which was lower for titanium powder than for sponge. (authors)

  12. Pencarian Produk yang Mirip Melalui Automatic Online Annotation dari Web dan Berbasiskan Konten dengan Color Histogram Bin dan Surf Descriptor

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    Putra Pandu Adikara


    Full Text Available Banyaknya situs e-commerce memberikan kemudahan bagi pengguna yang ingin mencari dan membeli suatu produk, misalnya membeli makanan, obat, alat elektronik, kebutuhan sehari-hari, dan lain-lain. Pencarian suatu produk terhadap beberapa situs e-commerce akan menjadi sulit karena banyaknya pilihan situs, banyaknya penjual (merchant/seller yang menjual barang yang sama, dan waktu yang lama karena harus berpindah-pindah situs hingga menemukan produk yang diinginkan. Selain itu dengan adanya teknologi smartphone berkamera, augmented reality, query pencarian bisa jadi hanya berupa citra, namun pencarian produk dengan menggunakan citra pada umumnya tidak diakomodasi di situs e-commerce. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan sistem meta search-engine yang menggunakan query berupa citra dan berbasiskan konten untuk menggabungkan hasil pencarian dari beberapa situs e-commerce. Citra query yang tidak diketahui namanya dibangkitkan tag atau kata kuncinya melalui Google reverse image search engine. Kata kunci ini kemudian diberikan ke masing-masing situs e-commerce untuk dilakukan pencarian. Fitur yang digunakan dalam pencocokan query dengan produk adalah fitur tekstual, color histogram bin, dan keberadaan citra objek yang dicari menggunakan SURF descriptor. Fitur-fitur ini digunakan untuk menentukan relevansi terhadap hasil penelusuran. Sistem ini dapat memberikan hasil yang baik dengan precision@20 dan recall hingga 1 dengan rata-rata precision@20 dan recall masing-masing sebesar 0,564 dan 0,608, namun juga bisa gagal dengan precision@20 dan recall sebesar 0. Hasil yang kurang baik ini dikarenakan tag yang dibangkitkan terlalu umum dan situs e-commerce-pun memberikan hasil yang umum juga

  13. Analisa Forensik Whatsapp dan LINE Messenger Pada Smartphone Android Sebagai Rujukan Dalam Menyediakan Barang Bukti yang Kuat dan Valid di Indonesia

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    Syukur Ikhsani


    Full Text Available Aplikasi pengolah pesan yang populer di Indonesia adalah WhatsApp dan LINE Messenger. Peningkatan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan tingkat kejahatan yang menggunakan aplikasi pengolah pesan itu. Tidak jarang, aplikasi pengolah pesan digunakan untuk bertukar informasi yang ilegal ataupun tindakan pemerasan. Hal ini membutuhkan penanganan khusus dan peran forensika digital untuk menyelesaikan kasus yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan skenario percakapan dan eksperimen modifikasi terhadap kondisi aplikasi, diantaranya penggunaan normal, penghapusan percakapan dan aplikasi. Data setiap eksperimen akan diambil dengan menggunakan metode yang menyesuaikan dengan kondisi perangkat. Data yang berhasil diambil akan dianalisa menggunakan FTK Imager dan SQLite Browser untuk mencari data-data yang penting terkait pengungkapan kasus. Setelah data penting berhasil diketahui, maka dilakukan analisa lanjutan untuk membuktikan data tersebut dapat dipakai dalam pengungkapan sebuah kasus. Setelah data dapat dibuktikan maka dilanjutkan dengan analisa perbandingan data digital terkait eksperimen, perangkat, dan aplikasi pengolah pesan. Langkah terakhir adalah melakukan analisa keamanan dari setiap aplikasi untuk memberikan rekomendasi terkait aplikasi pengolah pesan yang terbaik pada bidang forensika digital. Didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa bukti data digital telah berhasil didapat dengan menggunakan dua metode, yaitu secara manual dan menggunakan aplikasi tambahan. Data yang berhasil didapatkan adalah data utama seperti data kontak dan percakapan serta data pendukung seperti media dan database cadangan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan mendapatkan bukti digital adalah aktivitas modifikasi pada kondisi aplikasi dan perangkat yang digunakan. Dan pada akhirnya WhatsApp merupakan aplikasi yang menjadi rujukan dalam forensika digital sedangkan LINE Messenger merupakan aplikasi yang lebih aman karena lebih sulit untuk dilakukan analisa

  14. Penyuluhan Dan Pelatihan Teknologi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Obat Berbasis Kearifan Dan Sumber Daya Alam Lokal Untuk Perbaikan Tingkat Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Karangsari Wedomartani Sleman

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    Sri Handayani


    Full Text Available Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan teknologi pemanfaatan tanaman obat berbasis kearifan dan sumber daya alam lokal untuk perbaikan tingkat kesehatan masyarakat desa karangsari wedomartani Sleman. Pada akhirnya kegiatan ini akan memberikan wawasan, pengetahuan, kemampuan, dan keterampilan kepada warga terutama para remaja dan  ibu –ibu dalam memanfaatkan bahan alam di lingkungan sekitar sebagai minuman kesehatan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2016 dengan peserta kegiatan adalah remaja dan ibu-ibu PKK desa Wedomartani Sleman. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan analisis permasalahan di lapangan, diikuti oleh persiapan rancangan  pelaksanaan program, pelatihan dan sosialisasi program yang dilengkapi alat dan bahan serta sarana dan prasarana penunjang kegiatan. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan sosialisasi serta pengarahan pembuatan minuman kesehatan berbasis sumber daya alam local. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa 100% para peserta pelatihan merasakan bahwa kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan memiliki kemauan yang kuat untuk belajar hal baru. Dengan pelatihan yang berkelanjutan,diharapkan peserta memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup bahkan menunjang kebutuhan ekonomi.   Kata kunci: Tanaman obat, sumber daya alam local


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    Isriyanti Affifah


    Full Text Available Korosi atau perkaratan logam merupakan proses oksidasi suatu logam dengan udara atau elektrolit. Udara atau elektrolit tersebut akan mengalami reduksi, sehingga proses korosi merupakan proses elektrokimia. Pada penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa korosi yang disebabkan mikroorganisme pengoksidasi besi (Thiobacillus ferooxidans memiliki peranan yang cukup signifikan terhadap kerugian ekonomi bagi industri. Lapisan biofilm yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme pada permukaan logam dapat mengubah karakteristik elektrokimia permukaan logam tersebut dan dapat menginduksi terjadinya korosi. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, pada penelitian ini dilakukan ekstraksi Sargassum sp. dan Gracilaria sp. yang diduga efektif menginhibisi pertumbuhan mikroba pengoksidasi besi (Thibacillus ferooxidans yang biasanya terdapat di bangunan bawah laut. Hasil ekstraksi Sargassum sp. dan Gracilaria sp. menggunakan pelarut metanol-kloroform (1:1 memberikan yield terhadap berat basah sebesar 44,5% dan 36,5%. Ekstrak tersebut diuji bioaktivitasnya terhadap pertumbuhan T. ferooxidans secara kualitatif (kasat mata dan kuantitatif (metode weight-loss. Melalui kurva pertumbuhan diketahui bahwa T. ferooxidans mampu tumbuh sampai hari ke-7 dan mengalami fasa stasioner pada hari ke-8. Analisis metode weight-loss dilakukan menggunakan coupon dengan luas permukaan 3,6 cm2. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Gracilaria sp mampu menginhibisi 29,3% lebih efektif daripada biocide komersial.

  16. Kombinasi Calcitriol dan Ethynil Ethyl Estradiol Meningkatkan Ekskresi Kalsium Urin dan Risiko Urolitiasis pada Tikus Ovariektomi

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    Hartiningsih Hartiningsih


    Full Text Available The high excretion of calcium (Ca in the urine can trigger the formation of urolith. Estrogen and calcitriol decrease urinary Ca excretion. This study aims to examine the combination of calcitriol and ethinyl ethyl estradiol against Ca urinary excretion and urolithiasis risk of ovariectomized rats. Twentyfive female Wistar rats eight weeks old were divided into five groups: i normal control (NK; ii ovariectomized control (OVK; iii ovariectomized + calcitriol (OVD; iv ovariectomized + ethinyl ethyl estradiol (OVE; and v ovariectomized + combination calcitriol and ethinyl ethyl estradiol (OVDE. Seven weeks post-ovariectomy, each rat was put in an individual metabolic cage for the study of Ca balance. At day 4 to 7 of the study, residual feed, urine, and feces were collected daily for Ca analysis. At day 8, the rats were euthanized, the left kidney were collected for histopathological examination. The results showed that combination of calcitriol and ethinyl ethyl estradiol in OVDE rats caused Ca intake and Ca intestinal absorption significantly higher, and urinary Ca excretion tended to be higher although not significantly different compared to OVK rats. Calcium excretion in OVK rat urine was higher compared to the NK rats. The kidney histopathological changes of OVK rats were not different from the NK rats. Histopathological examination of the OVDE group kidney showed protein deposition in the capsular of Bowman’s capsule and proximal tubules, atrophy of the proximal tubules, and necrosis, respectively. It is concluded that the combination of calcitriol with ethinyl ethyl estradiol in ovariectomized rats increased urinary Ca excretion and increased the risk of urolithiasis. ABSTRAK Tingginya ekskresi kalsium (Ca dalam urin dapat menjadi pemicu terbentuknya urolit. Estrogen dan calcitriol menurunkan ekskresi Ca urin. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengkaji kombinasi calcitriol dan ethynil ethyl estradiol terhadap ekskresi Ca dalam urin


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    Candra Kusuma Negara


    Full Text Available Penyakit DM merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sangat penting karena berkaitan dengan tingginya kejadian komplikasi dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Bagi kebanyakan orang penyakit DM adalah suatu penyakit yang sangat mengkhawatirkan dan masyarakat sadar akan besarnya potensi bahaya yang ditimbulkannya. Bagi individu yang menderita DM dengan pasca amputasi, kehidupan selanjutnya merupakan babak baru yang penuh tantangan dan perubahan serta akan melalui proses koping terhadap proses perubahan tersebut. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai pengalaman pasien DM pasca amputasi tentang respon dan koping yang dialaminya. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi fenomenologi. Pengambilan data menggunakan indepth interview pada empat orang partisipan yang dirawat jalan di Poli kaki diabetic RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin yang dilengkapi dengan pedoman wawancara dan informed consent. Metode analisis yang terstruktur dari Creswell menjadi 6 langkah. Terdapat 2 Tema yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu berbagai respon post amputasi dan Berbagai koping pasien DM post amputasi. Berbagai respon post amputasi terdiri dari tiga Sub-Tema yaitu: (1 Mengalami hambatan fisik, (2 Mengalami perubahan peran, (3 Mengalami proses berduka, dan Terdapat empat Sub-Tema yang menggambarkan berbagai koping pasien DM post amputasi yaitu: (1 Lebih banyak beribadah, (2 Menerima keadaan, (3 Motivasi yang kuat, (4 Mencari dukungan sosial.

  18. Seminar dan Wokshop Jurnalistik Anak SMA “Yournalism”


    T.R, Amal Gamasi; Nugroho, Adi; Setyabudi, Djoko


    PENDAHULUANMasyarakat Indonesia saat ini merupakan masyarakat informasi yangmenghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya dengan media komunikasi dan menggunakanteknologi informasi seperti ponsel dan komputer maupun laptop. Mereka akan mudahmelakukan pertukaran data informasi karena saat ini,mengingat konvergensi mediatidak hanya mengubah basis data dan medium yang menyalurkannya, tetapi jugasecara keseluruhan mengubah proses produksi, pengolahan, dan distribusi informasisehingga media-media seperti k...


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    Yunus Syafie


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas proteolitik yang dihasilkan jamur Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. dalam tahapan unhairing (buang rambut pada proses penyamakan kulit domba serta pengaruh penggunaan dengan konsentrasi berbeda, terhadap kuat tarik, kemuluran, suhu kerut, dan kualitas limbah (pH, BOD, dan COD. Materi yang digunakan yaitu 15 lembar kulit domba awetan garam dibagi 2 bagian sepanjang garis lurus punggung sehingga diperoleh 30 lembar kulit, kulit dibagi secara acak menjadi 10 kelompok. Perlakuan terdiri dari dua belas kombinasi yaitu protease dari Aspergillus sp., Rhizopus sp. serta gabungan antara Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. dengan konsentrasi protease 2% (P1, 2,5% (P2, 3% (P3, dan sebagai kontrol P0. Proses unhairing secara konvensional menggunakan bahan kimia Na2S (3% dan kapur Ca(OH2 6% dengan 3 ulangan. Sampel air limbah setelah proses unhairing diambil dan dibawa ke laboratorium untuk uji kualitas. Kulit diproses lebih lanjut menjadi kulit samak glazed. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial 3 x 4, apabila berbeda nyata dilakukan uji banding dengan uji Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test (DMRT. Hasil uji aktivitas proteolitik paling tinggi adalah gabungan antara protease dari Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. yaitu sebesar 1.079,17 μM/ml/menit, sedangkan protease Aspergillus sp. dan Rhizopus sp. masing-masing memiliki aktivitas proteolitik sebesar 542,96 μM/ml/menit dan 392,89 μM/ml/menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan protease dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda dapat memberikan efek yang positif terhadap kualitas fisik dan limbah cair proses unhairing kulit domba. Konsentrasi protease 2,5% dan 3% dapat meningkatkan nilai kuat tarik dan suhu kerut kulit domba serta menghasilkan kulit yang bersih tanpa ada rambut yang menempel dan struktur serabut kolagen terbuka. Perlakuan protease sangat potensial karena dapat menekan angka BOD dan COD limbah

  20. Predictions of titanium alloy properties using thermodynamic modeling tools (United States)

    Zhang, F.; Xie, F.-Y.; Chen, S.-L.; Chang, Y. A.; Furrer, D.; Venkatesh, V.


    Thermodynamic modeling tools have become essential in understanding the effect of alloy chemistry on the final microstructure of a material. Implementation of such tools to improve titanium processing via parameter optimization has resulted in significant cost savings through the elimination of shop/laboratory trials and tests. In this study, a thermodynamic modeling tool developed at CompuTherm, LLC, is being used to predict β transus, phase proportions, phase chemistries, partitioning coefficients, and phase boundaries of multicomponent titanium alloys. This modeling tool includes Pandat, software for multicomponent phase equilibrium calculations, and PanTitanium, a thermodynamic database for titanium alloys. Model predictions are compared with experimental results for one α-β alloy (Ti-64) and two near-β alloys (Ti-17 and Ti-10-2-3). The alloying elements, especially the interstitial elements O, N, H, and C, have been shown to have a significant effect on the β transus temperature, and are discussed in more detail herein.

  1. Matrix-reinforcement reactivity in P/M titanium matrix composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amigo, V.; Romero, F.; Salvador, M. D.; Busquets, D.


    The high reactivity of titanium and the facility of the same one to form intermetallics makes difficult obtaining composites with this material and brings the need in any case of covering the principal fibres used as reinforcement. To obtain composites of titanium reinforced with ceramic particles ins proposed in this paper, for this reason it turns out to be fundamental to evaluate the reactivity between the matrix and reinforcement. Both titanium nitride and carbide (TiN and TiC) are investigated as materials of low reactivity whereas titanium silicide (TiSi 2 ) is also studied as materials of major reactivity, already stated by the scientific community. This reactivity will be analysed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) there being obtained distribution maps of the elements that allow to establish the possible influence of the sintering temperature and time. Hereby the matrix-reinforcement interactions are optimized to obtain suitable mechanical properties. (Author) 39 refs


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    Iis Alviya


    Full Text Available Eksploitasi hutan alam produksi secara besar-besaran yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 1969, telah memberikan kontribusi besar bagi pembangunan nasional melalui produk utamanya kayu dan hasil hutan non-kayu. Di lain pihak eksploitasi hutan alam telah memberikan dampak negatif bagi kelestarian sumberdaya hutan sendiri. Untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan hutan yang lestari, maka seluruh kawasan hutan akan dibagi ke dalam Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH yang merupakan wilayah pengelolaan hutan terkecil sesuai fungsi pokok dan peruntukannya. Tujuan penelitian ini secara khusus adalah : (1 mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang meliputi faktor internal maupun eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap pembangunan KPH Banjar dan (2 mengkaji implementasi dan strategi pembangunan KPH Banjar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei lapangan dan wawancara secara mendalam di KPH Model Banjar, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, dan data tersebut diolah dengan analisis deskriptif dan SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pembangunan KPH Banjar, masih terdapat perbedaan persepsi di antara para pemangku kepentingan. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil análisis SWOT yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan cara pandang dalam memahami beberapa kasus permasalahan dalam pembangunan KPH antara Dishut propinsi, Dishut kabupaten dan BPKH. Oleh karena itu upaya yang perlu dilakukan dalam pembangunan KPH Banjar ke depan adalah: adanya dukungan dan komitmen Pemda dengan merumuskan perundangan (PERDA maupun penyusunan RTRW yang sesuai, pengembangan SDM melalui kerjasama perguruan tinggi, dan peningkatan koordinasi, kolaborasi dengan pemangku kepentingan dalam rangka sinkronisasi kegiatan dalam kawasan KPH Banjar serta peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar kawasan KPH.


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    Nur Hasanah


    Full Text Available Kamar kos harus memenuhi persyaratan luas atau ukuran kamar, jumlah penghuni, luas ventilasi, serta suhu dan kelembaban, sesuai dengan baku mutu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan penghuni, luas lantai dan luas ventilasi terhadap suhu dan kelembaban di rumah kos Putri Kajor yang berada di Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah survei dengan menggunakan desain cross sectional, yang hasilnya dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analitik. Jumlah kamar yang diteliti sebanyak 52 buah. Pengukuran kepadatan, luas lantai dan luas ventilasi menggunakan meteran, sementara pengukuran suhu dan kelembaban menggunakan termohigrometer. Secara deskriptif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kamar yang memenuhi syarat kepadatan penghuni 5 buah (9,6 %, memenuhi syarat luas lantai 5 buah (9,6 %, memenuhi syarat luas ventilasi 49 kamar (94,2 %, memenuhi syarat suhu 52 buah (100 %, dan tidak ada yang memenuhi syarat kelembaban. Hasil analisis statistik pada taraf signifikan 5 % meyimpulkan bahwa kepadatan penghuni, luas lantai dan luas ventilasi berpengaruh terhadap suhu (nilai p = 0,019, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelembaban (nilai p = 0,513.

  4. Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, Dan Quick Sort Dalam Proses Pengurutan Kombinasi Angka Dan Huruf


    Sonita, Anisya; Nurtaneo, Febrian


    Peran algoritma dalam perangkat lunak atau pemprograman begitu penting, sehingga perlu memahami konsep dasar algoritma. Begitu banyak logika pemprograman yang telah diciptakan, untuk kasus yang umum dan juga khusus. Seiring berkembangnya kemajuan di bidang informatika dan teknologi, tuntutan untuk menemukan metode pemecahan masalah secara lebih tepat, efektif dan kuat menjadi sebuah kebutuhan, terutama untuk permasalahan klasik. Salah satu masalah klasik di bidang tersebut adalah pengurutan d...

  5. Geologic structure of Gofitsky deposit of titanium and zirconium and perspectives of the reserve base of titanium and zirconium in Russia (United States)

    Kukhmazov, Iskander


    With the fall of the Soviet Union, all the mining deposits of titanium and zirconium appeared outside of Russian Federation. Therefore the studying of deposits of titanium and zirconium in Russia is very important nowadays. There is a paradoxical situation in the country: in spite of possible existence of national mineral resource base of Ti-Zr material, which can cover needs of the country, Russia is the one of the largest buyers of imported Ti-Zr material in the world. Many deposits are not mined, and those which are in the process of mining have poor reserves. Demand for this raw material is very great not only for Russia, but also for the world in general. Today there is a scarcity of zircon around the world and it will only increase through time. Therefore prices of products of titanium and zirconium also increase. Consequently Russian deposits of titanium and zirconium with higher content than foreign may become competitive. Russia is forced to buy raw materials (zirconium and titanium production) from former Soviet Union countries at prices higher than the world's and thus incur huge losses, including customs charges. Russia should create its own mineral resource base of Ti-Zr. Studied titanium-zirconium deposits of Stavropol region may become the basis for the south part of Russia. At first, Beshpagirsky deposit should be pointed out. It has large reserves of ore sands with high content of Ti-Zr. A combination of favorable geographical position of the area with developed industrial infrastructure makes it very beneficial as an object for high priority development. Gofitsky deposit should be pointed out as well. Its sands have a wide areal distribution and a high content of titanium and zirconium. Chokrak, Karagan-Konksk and Sarmatian sediments of the Miocene of Gofitsky deposit are productive for titanium and zirconium placers within Stavropol region of Russia. Gofitsky deposit was evaluated from financial and economic point of view and the following data


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    Thohir Yuli Kusmanto


    Upaya menentang segala bentuk radikalisme merupakan bagian dari reaksi anti radikalisme. Semangat anti radikalisme muncul sebagai bagian dari resistensi masyarakat. Radikalisme dan anti radikalisme saling berkaitan secara dialektis. Meski­pun keduanya merupakan sesuatu yang paradoks, namun selalu menyatu. Dialektika radikalisme dan anti radikalisme menarik ketika dilihat dalam kehidupan pesantren. Fenomena radikalisme Islam seringkali dihubungkan dengan masya­ra­kat pesantren di Indonesia. Beberapa kelompok masyarakat memahami radikal­isme tumbuh dari pesantren. Pandangan tersebut didasari oleh banyaknya pelaku radikalisme Islam dalam bentuk kekerasan alumni pesantren. Realitas tersebut bisa jadi benar dalam kasus tertentu, tetapi tidak bisa digeneralisasi. Penelitian ini ber­upaya menggali data pandangan pesantren tentang wacana dan praksis radikalisme dan anti radikalisme serta pola resistensinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pesantren menolak, menentang dan aktif membangun spirit anti radikalisme yang diwujud­kan dalam beberapa pola. Temuan penelitian tersebut merupakan sintesis dari tesis yang selama ini menjadi wacana masyarakat tentang radikalisme dan pesantren.

  7. Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Materi Garis dan Sudut Menggunakan Macromedia Flash dan Moodle Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Widyastuti Akhmadan


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk (1 menghasilkan bahan ajar matematika yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan software Macromedia Flash dan Moodle yang valid dan praktis untuk mengajarkan materi garis dan sudut kepada siswa kelas VII SMP; (2 mengetahui efek potensialnya terhadap hasil belajar. Metode penelitian terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu (1 self evaluation, meliputi tahap analisis dan desain bahan ajar; (2 prototyping, meliputi tahap evaluasi dan revisi; (3 field test. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan walk through dan dokumentasi nilai akhir siswa diperoleh dari nilai tugas dan nilai tes yaitu sebesar 79,56 nilai tersebut dikategorikan memiliki hasil belajar yang baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1 bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan software Macromedia Flash dan Moodle dalam penelitian ini dikategorikan valid dan praktis; (2 dari rata-rata nilai akhir siswa sebesar 79,56 dengan kategori baik disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan memiliki efek potensial terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: development research, Macromedia Flash, Moodle, garis, sudut This study is categorized as developmental research that aims at (1 producing a valid and practical teaching material in Mathematics subject which was developed by utilizing Macromedia Flash and Moodle and learnt by seventh graders of class VII of Junior High School; (2 examining its potential effect to learning outcome. The research method contains three phases which are: (1 self evaluation, that includes analyzing and designing material processes; (2 prototyping, includes evaluating and revising processes; (3 field test. Data collection was undertaken by walk through and documentation of students achievement obtained through task and posttest which was scored 79.56 and was categorized as good outcome as well. The conclusion drawn based on this study were (1 teaching material developed by utilizing Macromedia Flash and Moodle


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    Gendut Sukarno


    Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data diketemukan bahwa 1 human capital mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap customer capital. 2 Customer capital mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap kinerja café dan resto di Surabaya, 3 human capital mampu memberikan kontribusi yang berarti terhadap kinerja café dan resto di Surabaya.


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    Indah Dwi Qurbani


    Full Text Available Politik hukum adalah kebijakan dasar penyelenggaraan Negara dalam bidang hukum yang akan, sedangdan telah berlaku yang bersumber dari nilai-nilai yang berlaku di masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuanNegara yang dicita-citakan mencakup ius constitutum dan ius constituendum. Politik hukum pengelolaanminyak dan gas bumi yang berlaku pada kurun waktu tertentu di Indonesia menyebabkan pengaruhyang berbeda-beda terhadap kesejahteraan sosial yang dicita-citakan. Prespektif penguasaan dan pengusahaankepemilikan energi menjadi semakin kabur, padahal Pasal 33 UUD 1945 telah memberikanbatasan kepemilikan sumber daya alam oleh Negara untuk kesejahteraan rakyat. Karenanya, perlu segeradilakukan reinterpretasi kepemilikan energi secara faktual dan de facto, dalam perkembangan politikhukum minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia untuk mengembalikan dalam kerangka de jure dan ideal,yang sesuai dengan semangat Pasal 33 UUD 1945 sebagai landasan filosofis politik hukum pengelolaanminyak dan gas bumi. Kata Kunci: politik hukum, minyak dan gas bumi

  10. The Sustainable Improvement of Manufacturing for Nano-Titanium

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    Chia-Nan Wang


    Full Text Available Scientists have found that nanomaterials possess many outstanding features in their tiny grain structure compared to other common materials. Titanium at the nano-grain scale shows many novel characteristics which demonstrate suitability for use in surgical implants. In general, equal channel angular pressing (ECAP is the most popular and simple process to produce nano-titanium. However, ECAP is time-consuming, power-wasting, and insufficiently produces the ultrafine grain structure. Therefore, the objective of this research is to propose a new method to improve the ECAP’s performances to reach the ultrafine grain structure, and also to save production costs, based on the innovation theory of Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskih Zadatch (TRIZ. Research results show that the process time is reduced by 80%, and 94% of the energy is saved. Moreover, the grain size of the diameter for nano-titanium can be reduced from 160 nanometers (nm to 80 nm. The results are a 50% reduction of diameter and a 75% improvement of volume. At the same time, the method creates a refined grain size and good mechanical properties in the nano-titanium. The proposed method can be applied to produce any nanomaterial as well as biomaterials.

  11. Diameter of titanium nanotubes influences anti-bacterial efficacy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ercan, Batur; Taylor, Erik; Webster, Thomas J; Alpaslan, Ece


    Bacterial infection of in-dwelling medical devices is a growing problem that cannot be treated by traditional antibiotics due to the increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation. Here, due to changes in surface parameters, it is proposed that bacterial adhesion can be prevented through nanosurface modifications of the medical device alone. Toward this goal, titanium was created to possess nanotubular surface topographies of highly controlled diameters of 20, 40, 60, or 80 nm, sometimes followed by heat treatment to control chemistry and crystallinity, through a novel anodization process. For the first time it was found that through the control of Ti surface parameters including chemistry, crystallinity, nanotube size, and hydrophilicity, significantly changed responses of both Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus (pathogens relevant for orthopaedic and other medical device related infections) were measured. Specifically, heat treatment of 80 nm diameter titanium tubes produced the most robust antimicrobial effect of all surface treatment parameters tested. This study provides the first step toward understanding the surface properties of nano-structured titanium that improve tissue growth (as has been previously observed with nanotubular titanium), while simultaneously reducing infection without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

  12. Diameter of titanium nanotubes influences anti-bacterial efficacy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ercan, Batur; Taylor, Erik; Webster, Thomas J [School of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI 02917 (United States); Alpaslan, Ece, E-mail: [Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul (Turkey)


    Bacterial infection of in-dwelling medical devices is a growing problem that cannot be treated by traditional antibiotics due to the increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation. Here, due to changes in surface parameters, it is proposed that bacterial adhesion can be prevented through nanosurface modifications of the medical device alone. Toward this goal, titanium was created to possess nanotubular surface topographies of highly controlled diameters of 20, 40, 60, or 80 nm, sometimes followed by heat treatment to control chemistry and crystallinity, through a novel anodization process. For the first time it was found that through the control of Ti surface parameters including chemistry, crystallinity, nanotube size, and hydrophilicity, significantly changed responses of both Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus (pathogens relevant for orthopaedic and other medical device related infections) were measured. Specifically, heat treatment of 80 nm diameter titanium tubes produced the most robust antimicrobial effect of all surface treatment parameters tested. This study provides the first step toward understanding the surface properties of nano-structured titanium that improve tissue growth (as has been previously observed with nanotubular titanium), while simultaneously reducing infection without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

  13. Diameter of titanium nanotubes influences anti-bacterial efficacy (United States)

    Ercan, Batur; Taylor, Erik; Alpaslan, Ece; Webster, Thomas J.


    Bacterial infection of in-dwelling medical devices is a growing problem that cannot be treated by traditional antibiotics due to the increasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and biofilm formation. Here, due to changes in surface parameters, it is proposed that bacterial adhesion can be prevented through nanosurface modifications of the medical device alone. Toward this goal, titanium was created to possess nanotubular surface topographies of highly controlled diameters of 20, 40, 60, or 80 nm, sometimes followed by heat treatment to control chemistry and crystallinity, through a novel anodization process. For the first time it was found that through the control of Ti surface parameters including chemistry, crystallinity, nanotube size, and hydrophilicity, significantly changed responses of both Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus (pathogens relevant for orthopaedic and other medical device related infections) were measured. Specifically, heat treatment of 80 nm diameter titanium tubes produced the most robust antimicrobial effect of all surface treatment parameters tested. This study provides the first step toward understanding the surface properties of nano-structured titanium that improve tissue growth (as has been previously observed with nanotubular titanium), while simultaneously reducing infection without the use of pharmaceutical drugs.

  14. Penyusunan Dan Penyelenggaran A La Carte Menu Pada Hotel Sinabung Dan Resort


    Nasution, Rahmawaty


    Dalam operasional hotel, hotel memiliki beberapa departemen yang mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam penjualan jasa dan pelayanan, dan salah satunya adalah departemen Food & Beverage. Food & Beverage mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dalam sebuah hotel, karena pendapatan sebuah hotel yang terbesar ada pada Food & Beverage terutama pada restoran. Adapun salah satu nama jenis restoran yang ada di Hotel Sinabung. Hotel Sinabung menyediakan jenis menu antara lain A La Carte Menu. M...

  15. Profil Gangguan Kognitif pada Tumor Intrakranial Primer dan Metastasis


    Kartika Maharani; Andira Larasari; Tiara Aninditha; Yetty Ramli


    Gangguan kognitif sering menyertai pasien tumor intrakranial dan menjadi penyebab utama disabilitas. Perbedaan patofisiologi tumor intrakranial primer (TIP) dan metastasis (TM) menyebabkan perbedaan gambaran klinis dan derajat  gangguan kognitif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan profil gangguan kognitif pasien TIP dan TM. Disain penelitian potong-lintang retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder dari Poliklinik Saraf RSCM pada bulan Januari 2011-Desember 2013. Subjek b...


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    Labib Sajawandi


    Full Text Available Obesitas didefinisikan sebagai suatu kelainan atau penyakit yang ditandai dengan penimbunan jaringan lemak tubuh secara berlebihan. Obesitas adalah permasalahan umum yang dialami anak-anak pada masa sekarang ini, tetapi tidak mendapat banyak perhatian karena dianggap hanya masalah fisik bukan masalah kognitif, padahal dampaknya dapat mengancam masa depan anak. Beberapa factor yang menyebabkan anak mengalami obesitas,diantaranya adalah: Factor genetic, Pola makan, Kurangnya aktifitas fisik, Factor psikologis, Factor keluarga, Factor social ekonomi, Factor psikososial, dan Factor kesehatan. Dampak Obesitas bukan hanya masalah fisik (seperti sakit-sakitan dan mudah lelah tetapi juga psikis yang dapat mempengaruhi perkembangannya.Dalam memecahkan masalah obesitas ini, kita dapat merumuskan pola pemecahan masalahnya dari dua pihak, yaitu pihak sekolah dan keluarga. Kedua pihak ini harus bekerja sama saling mendukung untuk memecahkan masalah obesitas yang mengancam masa depan anak-anak mereka. Sekolah dan pihak keluarga terutama orang tua harus bisa mensosialisasikan dan mengimplementasikan pola makan sehat dan gaya hidup aktif untuk mengurangi dan mencegah obesitas sehingga dapat menyelamatkan masa depan anak-anak.Kata kunci: Obesitas, dampak fisik dan psikis, pola makan sehat, gaya hidup aktifObesity is defined abnormality or as a disease characterized by accumulation of excessive body fat. Obesity is a very common problem at the present time on children, but it did not get a lot of attention because look like just physical problem and not cognitive problems, whereas the impact can threatens future of children. Several factors that led children are obese: genetic factors,diet, lack of physical activity, psychological factors, family factors, social economic factors, psychosocial factors, and health factors. The impact of obesity is not only physical problems (such as sickly and easy tired but also psychic that can affect on child development. In


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    Sudra Irawan


    Full Text Available TIDAL AND CURRENT MAPPING OF BATAM ISLAND AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE INTER-ISLAND TRANSPORTATIONThe strategic geographical position of Batam Island makes sea transportation become a basic means connecting the islands of the Riau Islands, Riau, Kalimantan, even with neighboring Singapore and Malaysia. The development of coastal areas and the determination of the transportation ways needs tidal and ocean currents data. This study measures and analyzes the tidal type usingmeasuring signs and current patterns using Lagrangian method, then presented in the web form. Five research sites were selected by purposive sampling method with a measurement time of 24 hours in one hour intervals. The results showed that the type of tidal in Batam Island in general is semidiurnal tide. Tidal period an average of 12 hours and 24 minutes. Wave height of about 0.2 to 2.77 meters from the south to the northwest. Batam Island ocean current patterns ranging from 0.02 m/s to 0.1 m/s from north towards the northeast. Tidal and current survey is one of the conditions in developing inter-island transportation. The tidal and current is useful in design port building, determining the route of transport, port basin design and planning of the breakwater.Keywords: current patterns, lagrangian, signs measure, tidal, transport route.ABSTRAKPosisi geografis Pulau Batam yang strategis membuat jalur transportasi laut merupakan sarana dasar menghubungkan antarpulau di Kepulauan Riau, Riau, Kalimantan, bahkan dengan negara tetangga Singapura dan Malaysia. Pengembangan wilayah pesisir dan penentuan jalur transportasi membutuhkan data pasang surut dan arus laut. Penelitian ini mengukur dan menganalisis tipe pasang surut dengan rambu ukur dan pola arus dengan metode metode Lagrangian, kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk web. Dipilih lima lokasi penelitian berdasarkan metode Purposive Sampling dengan waktu pengukuran 24 jam dalam interval satu jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe pasang

  18. Friction Welding of Titanium and Carbon Steel


    Atsushi, HASUI; Yoichi, KIRA; Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University; Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd.


    Titanium-steel is a combination of dissimilar materials, which are difficult to weld in general, owing to inevitable formation of brittle intermetallic compounds. A prominent feature of friction welding process is ability to weld dissimilar materials in many kinds of combinations. This report deals with friction weldabilily of pure titanium and S25C steel, which are 12 mm in diameter. Main results are summarized as follows; (1) Suitable welding conditions to obtain a sound weld, which has a j...

  19. Electronic Word-of-mouth (E-wom) Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Restoran Dan Kafe Di Surabaya


    Ivana, Vina; Sari, Adelia; Thio, Sienny


    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Electronic Word-of-Mouth (e-WOM) dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di Restoran dan Kafe di Surabaya. e-WOM telah menjadi fenomena yang sedang berkembang seturut dengan meningkatnya penggunaan situs jejaring sosial. Elemen-elemen yang terdapat pada e-WOM turut berperan dalam keputusan pembelian yang dilakukan oleh konsumen di restoran dan kafe di Surabaya.Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif kausal dengan me...

  20. Osteoblastic response to pectin nanocoating on titanium surfaces

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gurzawska, Katarzyna, E-mail: [Research Center for Ageing and Osteoporosis, Departments of Medicine and Diagnostics, Copenhagen University Hospital Glostrup, Ndr. Ringvej 57, 2600 Glostrup (Denmark); Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Nørre Allé 20, 2200 Copenhagen N (Denmark); Svava, Rikke [Department of Plant Environment Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C (Denmark); Copenhagen Center for Glycomics, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N (Denmark); Yihua, Yu; Haugshøj, Kenneth Brian [Microtechnology and Surface Analysis, Danish Technological Institute, Gregersensvej 8, 2630 Taastrup (Denmark); Dirscherl, Kai [Dansk Fundamental Metrologi A/S, Matematiktorvet 307, 2800 Lyngby (Denmark); Levery, Steven B. [Copenhagen Center for Glycomics, Institute for Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N (Denmark); Byg, Inge [Department of Plant Environment Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C (Denmark); Damager, Iben [Novozymes A/S, Krogshoejvej 36, 2880 Bagsvaerd (Denmark); Nielsen, Martin W. [Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Matematiktorvet, Building 301, Kgs. Lyngby DK-2800 (Denmark); Jørgensen, Bodil [Department of Plant Environment Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C (Denmark); Jørgensen, Niklas Rye [Research Center for Ageing and Osteoporosis, Departments of Medicine and Diagnostics, Copenhagen University Hospital Glostrup, Ndr. Ringvej 57, 2600 Glostrup (Denmark); and others


    Osseointegration of titanium implants can be improved by organic and inorganic nanocoating of the surface. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of organic nanocoating of titanium surface with unmodified and modified pectin Rhamnogalacturonan-Is (RG-Is) isolated from potato and apple with respect to surface properties and osteogenic response in osteoblastic cells. Nanocoatings on titanium surfaces were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy, contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The effect of coated RG-Is on cell adhesion, cell viability, bone matrix formation and mineralization was tested using SaOS-2 cells. Nanocoating with pectin RG-Is affected surface properties and in consequence changed the environment for cellular response. The cells cultured on surfaces coated with RG-Is from potato with high content of linear 1.4-linked galactose produced higher level of mineralized matrix compared with control surfaces and surfaces coated with RG-I with low content of linear 1.4-linked galactose. The study showed that the pectin RG-Is nanocoating not only changed chemical and physical titanium surface properties, but also specific coating with RG-Is containing high amount of galactan increased mineralized matrix formation of osteoblastic cells in vitro. - Highlights: • Surface nanocoating with plant-derived Rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) is proposed. • Titanium surface became more hydrophilic after RG-Is nanocoating. • RG-Is with high galactose content resulted in high level of mineralized matrix. • RG-I is a new candidate for improvement of bone healing and osseointegration.