
Sample records for da placenta avaliada

  1. Aspectos morfológicos da placenta da preguiça, Bradypus variegatus Shinz, 1825

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    Marleyne José Afonso Accyoli Lins Amorin


    Full Text Available Estudaram-se os aspectos morfológicos da placenta e das membranas fetais de 03 placentas de bichos-preguiça (Bradypus variegatus, adultas e prenhes, originárias da Zona da Mata do Estado de Pernambuco. Essas estruturas foram obtidas de 03 fêmeas doadas pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, das quais duas encontravam-se congeladas e a terceira foi colhida mediante realização de cirurgia cesariana, onde mãe e feto foram preservados. Depois de descongeladas, as placentas foram fixadas em solução aquosa de formol 10,00%. Da placenta obtida da cesariana colheram-se pequenos fragmentos da região placentária e do funículo umbilical, os quais foram fixados em paraformoldeido 4,00%, tampão fosfato pH 7,4. Os fragmentos passaram pela rotina histológica, onde foram coradas em Hematoxilina e Eosina e Tricrômio de Masson. A placenta da preguiça é corioamniótica, com o cório viloso constituindo os lobos placentários, que se localizam na região fúndica do útero, e o cório liso relacionando-se com a face interna do útero. Nas placentas de final de prenhez os lobos aglomeram-se e fundem-se aumentando de tamanho, formando uma massa principal discóide, caracterizando uma placenta zonária discoidal, que se une ao feto pelo funículo umbilical, constituído por duas artérias e uma veia umbilical. Os resultados histológicos demonstraram que a placenta desses animais é labiríntica e endoteliocorial. Assim, a placenta da preguiça pode ser classificada como labiríntica, endoteliocorial, múltipla, discóide (a termo e corioamniótica.

  2. Aspectos morfológicos da placenta da preguiça, Bradypus variegatus Shinz, 1825


    Marleyne José Afonso Accyoli Lins Amorin; Maria Angélica Miglino; Adelmar Afonso Amorin Júnior; Tatiana Carlesso dos Santos


    Estudaram-se os aspectos morfológicos da placenta e das membranas fetais de 03 placentas de bichos-preguiça (Bradypus variegatus), adultas e prenhes, originárias da Zona da Mata do Estado de Pernambuco. Essas estruturas foram obtidas de 03 fêmeas doadas pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, das quais duas encontravam-se congeladas e a terceira foi colhida mediante realização de cirurgia cesariana, onde mãe e feto foram preservados. Depois de descongeladas, as placentas foram fixadas em sol...

  3. Amadurecimento precoce da placenta avaliada pela ultra-sonografia e prognóstico perinatal Early placental maturation evaluated by ultrasound and perinatal prognosis

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    Ana Patrícia Santos de Queiroz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever os resultados maternos e perinatais das gestações com amadurecimento precoce da placenta detectado pela ultra-sonografia. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, tipo série de casos, com comparação de grupos. Foram incluídas 146 gestantes, internadas entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2002 e em cujo prontuário constavam diagnóstico de amadurecimento precoce da placenta (presença de placenta grau II antes da 32ª semana de gestação ou grau III, antes da 35ª semana de gestação e descrição das condições materno-fetais. Foram excluídas gestantes com diagnóstico de: amniorrexe prematura, gravidez múltipla, forma aguda de descolamento prematuro de placenta normoinserida e malformação fetal. As complicações clínico-obstétricas foram: doenças hipertensivas, redução do crescimento intra-uterino, alterações do volume de líquido amniótico, infecções, diabete materno, anemia falciforme, soropositividade para HIV, drogadição, litíase renal, epilepsia e asma brônquica. Pelos prontuários, foram identificadas 106 gestantes com complicações clínico-obstétricas (Gcom e 40, sem essas complicações (Gsem. Para comparação entre os grupos, empregaram-se os testes de chi2 e exato de Fisher, ao nível de significância de 0,05. RESULTADOS: o grupo Gcom apresentou maior freqüência de oligoâmnio (27,3%, restrição de crescimento intra-uterino (44,3% e cesárea antecedente ao trabalho de parto (36,8%. Comparado ao grupo Gsem, o Gcom caracterizou-se por maior incidência de óbitos fetais, prematuros (58,8 versus 40%, menor índice de Apgar de 5º minuto, peso ao nascer PURPOSE: to describe perinatal and obstetric characteristics of pregnant women with ultrasonographic early placental aging. METHODS: using a retrospective, descriptive, series of cases, with group comparison, the authors analyzed the data of 146 pregnant women, whose diagnosis of placental early aging (presence of grade

  4. Efeitos da betametasona sobre os fetos e placentas da rata albina Effects of betamethasone on the fetuses and placentas of female albino rats

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    Eduardo de Souza


    Full Text Available Objetivos: analisar os efeitos da betametasona sobre o binômio materno-fetal da rata albina. Métodos: utilizamos 60 ratas albinas prenhes divididas ao acaso em três grupos numericamente iguais. As ratas do grupo I foram tratadas com betametasona na dose de 1 mg/kg de peso em 0,5 ml de água destilada, por via intramuscular no 11º, 12º, 18º e 19º dia de prenhez; as do grupo II receberam 0,5 ml de água destilada, por via intramuscular no 11º, 12º, 18º e 19º dia de prenhez, e as do grupo III não receberam qualquer fármaco ou veículo. O ganho de peso das matrizes foi avaliado nos dias 0, 7, 14 e 20 de prenhez, sendo que no 20º dia todos os animais foram sacrificados por decapitação. Foram quantificados o número de implantações, de reabsorções, de fetos, de placentas, de malformações maiores, de mortalidade materna e fetal, assim como o peso dos fetos e das placentas. Resultados: nossos resultados revelaram que as matrizes tratadas com betametasona apresentaram menor ganho de peso. Quanto aos fetos e as placentas do grupo tratado, observamos que os pesos foram inferiores aos dos outros grupos. A média de peso dos fetos foi de 3,20 g contra 3,75 g no grupo controle. A média de peso das placentas foi de 0,36 g no grupo tratado com betametasona contra 0,48 g no grupo controle. Todas estas diferenças foram estatisticamente significantes. Conclusões: a betametasona apresenta efeito negativo sobre o ganho de peso das matrizes, fetos e placentas, quando administrada de forma repetitiva a partir da segunda metade da prenhez.Purpose: to analyze the effect of betamethasone on the pregnancy of rats. Methods: thirty pregnant rats were divided into three groups of ten animals each. Group I -- the animals received betamethasone IM (1 mg/kg body weight, in 0.5 ml distilled water on the 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th day of pregnancy. Group II -- the rats received distilled water (0.5 ml IM on the 11th, 12th, 18th and 19th day of pregnancy

  5. Metodologia para estudo do volume e densidade absoluta da placenta humana de termo

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    Del Nero Ulisses


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar duas metodologias para o cálculo do volume placentário em gestações normais de termo: a do princípio de Arquimedes e a do volume do cilindro, para estimar a densidade absoluta da placenta. Definir a metodologia mais adequada para o cálculo do volume e densidade placentários, que se relacione com o peso e classificação do recém-nascido. MÉTODOS: foram estudadas 50 placentas provenientes de gestações de termo sem complicações e calculados o volume e a densidade absoluta placentários: a pelo princípio de Arquimedes e b na suposição de que a placenta seria uma secção de cilindro com duas alturas diferentes do bolo placentário: com a altura média e com a altura da média aritmética do centro e extremidades. As densidades absolutas placentárias foram calculadas pelo quociente entre o peso ao ar da placenta e os diferentes volumes. RESULTADOS: a maioria das gestantes eram multíparas, idade média de 25,4 anos, volume placentário médio entre 547,8 e 610 cmsuperscript three e densidade média entre 0,94 e 1,14 g/cmsuperscript three, dependendo da metodologia empregada. CONCLUSÕES: a metodologia mais adequada para estimar o volume placentário no termo foi a do princípio de Arquimedes, pela melhor correlação com o peso dos recém-nascidos, o índice placentário e a classificação do peso dos recém-nascidos em relação à idade gestacional.

  6. Cesárea prévia como fator de risco para o descolamento prematuro da placenta Previous cesarean section as a risk factor for abruptio placentae

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    Fábio Roberto Cabar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar a relação entre o antecedente de cesárea e a ocorrência do descolamento prematuro da placenta (DPP. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo em que foram avaliados os dados referentes a 6495 partos realizados no período entre abril de 2001 e janeiro de 2004. Foram adotados como critérios de inclusão: diagnóstico de DPP confirmado por exame da placenta após o parto, gestação única, peso do recém-nascido superior a 500 g e idade gestacional acima de 22 semanas e ausência de história de trauma abdominal na gestação atual. Para cada caso de DPP incluído no estudo foram selecionados cinco controles, obedecendo ao seguinte pareamento: paridade, idade gestacional (30 semanas, diagnóstico materno de síndrome hipertensiva na gestação índice, antecedente de cicatriz uterina prévia não relacionada à operação cesariana, diagnóstico de rotura prematura de membranas ou diagnóstico de polidrâmnio. A análise univariada das variáveis contínuas foi realizada utilizando-se o teste t de Student e as variáveis categóricas foram avaliadas por meio de teste exato de Fisher ou teste de chi2, com níveis descritivos (p menores que 0,05 considerados significantes. RESULTADOS: 34 casos de pacientes com diagnóstico de DPP preencheram os critérios de inclusão (incidência de 0,52%. Para o grupo controle foram selecionadas 170 pacientes que obedeceram aos critérios de pareamento propostos. No grupo de pacientes com DPP, 26,5% apresentavam antecedente de parto cesárea (9 casos, ao passo que, no grupo controle, esse antecedente foi observado em 21,2% das pacientes (36 casos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na incidência de cesárea prévia entre os dois grupos estudados (p=0,65, OR=1,34, IC 95%=0,53-3,34. CONCLUSÃO: o aspecto abordado neste estudo, isto é, a associação do DPP em pacientes com cicatriz uterina de cesárea, não pôde ser confirmado com a presente casuística.PURPOSE: to study the

  7. O leito placentário no descolamento prematuro da placenta

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    Mesquita Maria Rita de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: análise histopatológica das artérias espiraladas do leito placentário em gestações complicadas pelo descolamento prematuro da placenta (DPP associado à hipertensão, comparando-as com a estrutura vascular dos leitos placentários normais. MÉTODO: a biópsia do leito placentário foi realizada em 23 gestantes com diagnóstico de descolamento prematuro de placenta associado à hipertensão (G/HA e idade gestacional maior ou igual a 28 semanas, submetidas ao parto cesáreo. O grupo controle (GC foi constituído por 30 pacientes, sem doenças, submetidas a parto cesáreo por indicação obstétrica. As variáveis histológicas selecionadas para estudo foram: padrão inalterado, modificações fisiológicas, desorganização da camada média, alterações hiperplásicas, necrose e aterose aguda. RESULTADOS: nas pacientes com DPP associado à hipertensão ocorreu uma predominância significativa de desorganização da camada média, detectada em 50% das pacientes, e de alterações hiperplásicas, em comparação ao GC, ao passo que a presença de modificações fisiológicas foi estatisticamente mais significante no GC. Achados como necrose e aterose aguda foram observados em menores proporções no G/HA, mas sem diferenças significantes entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÕES: os achados histológicos vasculares predominantes em grávidas com diagnóstico de DPP associado à hipertensão foram desorganização da camada média e alterações hiperplásicas. A presença do padrão patológico foi significativamente maior no G/HA, sendo o mais prevalente a desorganização da camada média. Houve predomínio do padrão normal, isto é, modificações fisiológicas no GC.

  8. Morphological aspects of placenta of the Bradypus variegatus Shinz, 1825


    Amorin, Marleyne José Afonso Accyoli Lins; Miglino, Maria Angélica; Amorin Júnior, Adelmar Afonso; Santos, Tatiana Carlesso dos


    Estudaram-se os aspectos morfológicos da placenta e das membranas fetais de 03 placentas de bichos-preguiça (Bradypus variegatus), adultas e prenhes, originárias da Zona da Mata do Estado de Pernambuco. Essas estruturas foram obtidas de 03 fêmeas doadas pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, das quais duas encontravam-se congeladas e a terceira foi colhida mediante realização de cirurgia cesariana, onde mãe e feto foram preservados. Depois de descongeladas, as placentas foram fixadas em sol...

  9. Dados anatômicos da placenta em caprinos estudado por injeção intravascular de neoprene


    NEVES, Willams Costa; MIGLINO, Maria Angélica; ARRIVABENE, Mônica; CAVALCANTE FILHO, Miguel Ferreira; FEITOSA Jr., Francisco Solano


    Estudamos a placenta quanto aos seus aspectos morfológicos em 30 caprinos sem raça definida, adultos oriundos do Estado do Piauí, mediante a análise de esquemas de modelos obtidos pela injeção de látex Neoprene "650". Obtivemos 17 casos, ou seja, 56,66% de gestações únicas e 13 casos, ou seja, 43,33% de gestações gemelares. A área do hilo placentário varia de 1 a 6 cm de diâmetro e está situada no centro da placenta, região caracterizada pela apresentação do pedículo umbilical. O formato dos ...

  10. Evolução das Características Ecográficas da Placenta, da Posição e da Apresentação Fetal em Gestações Normais. Evolution of Ultrasound Characteristics of Placenta and Fetal Position and Presentation in Normal Pregnancies.

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    Maria Regina Machado Perrotti


    Full Text Available Objetivo: avaliar as características ecográficas da gestação normal, segundo o grau, a localização e a espessura placentária, a apresentação e a posição fetal ao longo da segunda metade da gestação. Métodos: estudo descritivo, incluindo no mínimo 120 medidas em cada idade gestacional, de 2.868 gestantes normais da cidade de Campinas, por meio de exame ultra-sonográfico de rotina, considerando-se os critérios de Grannum, Berkowitz, Hobbins (1979 para a classificação do grau placentário e a medida da espessura placentária no local da inserção do cordão umbilical. Resultados: a placenta grau 0 foi mais comum até 31 semanas, o grau I apresentou maior freqüência após a 32ª semana e o grau II não foi observado antes da 32ª semana. A placenta grau III foi mais freqüente a partir da 36ª semana. A espessura placentária aumentou significativamente com a gestação. As localizações mais freqüentes foram a anterior e a posterior. A apresentação cefálica foi a mais freqüente em todas as idades gestacionais, com apenas 1% de apresentações pélvicas ao termo. A posição fetal mais freqüente foi a de dorso lateral esquerda, seguida da de dorso lateral direita. Conclusões: os fatores estudados tiveram distribuição similar à esperada para populações normais e podem servir como um padrão para a população brasileira.Purpose: to evaluate the ultrasound characteristics of normal pregnancies, according to the placental maturity, local of insertion and thickness, fetal presentation and position during the second half of pregnancy. Methods: a descriptive study was perfomed, including at least 120 measures in each gestational age, in 2,868 normal pregnant women from Campinas, Brazil, studied through routine obstetric ultrasound examinations, with fetal biometry and placental evaluation, applying Grannum, Berkowitz, Hobbins (1979 criteria for placental maturity. Placental thickness was measured at the cord insertion

  11. [Leonardo da Vinci and his studies on the human fetus and the placenta]. (United States)

    Cataldi, L; Fanos, V


    To review the accuracy of Leonardo's anatomical studies of the female external genitalia and the foetus, particularly those concerning the umbilical cord with its blood vessels. The anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci which are now stored in the Windors Castle near London were reviewed and the accuracy of the details of the genital apparatus and foetus was evaluated. A written comment characterizes many of his drawings. He described accurately the position of the uterine blood vessels and the relationship between the pelvic organs. However his drawing and description of the female external genitalia and human placenta was incorrect because his understanding of it was inadequate. He believed that the human placenta had cotyledons like that of the ungulate uterus (drown side A of sheet 19). At the top of that sheet some Leonardo's details of the anatomic relationship are shown. In our opinion, Leonardo's misunderstanding is probably because he was only able to perform one anatomical dissection of a pregnant women and foetus and therefore his knowledge was limited. The resulting documentation of the pregnant women and foetus was therefore heavily supplemented with his enormous experience in animal anatomy.

  12. Lesão vascular da placenta condicionando RCIU e hidropisia fetal não imune em gestação gemelar Placental vascular lesion as cause of IUGR and nonimmune fetal hydrops in twin pregnanc

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    Nuno Ricardo Gonçalves Baptista Pereira


    Full Text Available As lesões vasculares da placenta constituem um grupo de entidades distintas, mas inter-relacionadas, em que se incluem os corioangiomas e a corangiomatose multifocal difusa. O corioangioma é uma lesão nodular expansiva com incidência de cerca de 1%. A corangiomatose multifocal difusa é rara (0,2% e predominante em placentas em idade gestacional inferior a 32 semanas. Os autores apresentam um caso de gestação gemelar monocoriônica/biamniótica, no qual um dos fetos, à 26ª semana de gestação, apresentou quadro de restrição de crescimento intrauterino, hidropisia e anemia associado à formação tumoral da placenta com vascularização aumentada verificada pela doplervelocimetria. O estudo anatomopatológico da placenta permitiu o diagnóstico de corangiomatose multifocal difusa. Este raro caso de corioangiomatose multifocal difusa com forma de apresentação pré-natal mimetizando a de um corioangioma comprova que a detecção ultrassonográfica de um tumor da placenta com vascularização aumentada deve suscitar outras hipótese diagnóstica, além do corioangioma.Placenta vascular lesions are a group of distinct yet related entities that include chorangiomas and diffuse multifocal chorangiomatosis. Chorangioma is an expansive nodular lesion with an incidence of about 1%. Diffuse multifocal chorangiomatosis is rare (0.2% and mostly seen in placentas before the 32nd gestational week. The authors present a case of a monochorionic/biamniotic twin pregnancy, in which, at the 26th gestational week, one fetus developed intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR, hydrops, and anemia associated with a tumor of the placenta with increased vascularization in the Doppler study. Pathological examination of the placenta diagnosed diffuse multifocal chorangiomatosis. This rare case report of diffuse multifocal chorangiomatosis with prenatal manifestations resembling those of a chorangioma proves that prenatal ultrasound detection of a placenta tumor

  13. Análise morfológica da placenta da paca (Agouti paca, Linnaeus, 1766: Estudo ao microscópio de luz e à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão

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    Marina Bonatelli


    Full Text Available Foram estudados os aspectos morfológicos de nove placentas de paca (Agouti paca, L., 1766 mediante análises em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão dos fragmentos teciduais correspondentes à porção de maior conexão placentária em diferentes fêmeas gestantes, nos estágios intermediário e final da prenhez. Realizamos este estudo, pois, aliada à necessidade da procura de novas espécies que atuem como modelos experimentais adequados, havia a disponibilidade deste roedor em nosso meio; por outro lado, o melhor conhecimento dos aspectos reprodutivos destes animais oferece subsídios ao estabelecimento de criatórios racionais desta espécie, uma vez que a preservação deste vertebrado é necessária, além do grande interesse comercial em torno de sua carne. Os resultados mostraram que este roedor possui uma placenta do tipo vitelina e outra do tipo corioalantoidiana, sendo este órgão do tipo hemocorial, labiríntico, que se apresenta histologicamente composto por lóbulos divididos em três regiões distintas: o centro do lóbulo, o labirinto e o interlóbulo. Na região do centro do lóbulo, verificou-se a presença de artérias e veias; e em sua região periférica estavam presentes dois sistemas tubulares arranjados de forma paralela, onde as lacunas sangüíneas e os capilares estavam em íntimo contato, formando a região do labirinto. O interlóbulo era composto de artérias e veias. O trofoblasto era o principal componente da placenta, que, independentemente da região onde se encontrava, mostrava-se de natureza sincicial. Ultra-estruturalmente a barreira placentária da paca foi classificada como hemomonocorial.

  14. Descolamento Crônico da Placenta: Relato de Caso Chronic Placental Abruption: A Case Report

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    Júlio César Faria Couto


    Full Text Available O descolamento crônico da placenta é um evento raro cujo diagnóstico pode ser feito precocemente utilizando-se a ultra-sonografia. Sangramento vaginal e hipertonia uterina são sinais clínicos encontrados de forma infreqüente. A fisiopatologia do descolamento crônico é pouco conhecida e a importância dos fatores de risco na sua gênese é controversa. O resultado perinatal é insatisfatório, com alta incidência de prematuridade e mortalidade fetal e neonatal. A conduta obstétrica baseia-se na idade gestacional, condições do feto e evolução do hematoma. Nós apresentamos o caso de uma gestação, complicada por descolamento crônico da placenta identificado na 14ª semana de gestação, que evoluiu com crescimento intra-uterino restrito, oligoidrâmnio e óbito neonatal.Chronic placental abruption is a rare condition that can be early detected by ultrasound. Vaginal bleeding and uterine excitability can be present in an infrequent way. Chronic placental abruption physiopathology is unknown and there are no consistent medical risks that predispose to this condition. The perinatal outcome is poor and is often associated with prematurity and fetal or perinatal death. The obstetric treatment depends on the gestational age, fetal conditions and the size of the clot. We present a case of a chronic placental abruption diagnosed in a 14-week gestation complicated by intrauterine growth retardation, oligohydramnios and perinatal death.


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    Tânia Vasconcelos Cavalcante


    cuenta total de los placentônios un perno en cada estructura fue colocado individualmente , repitiendo el mismo procedimiento en ambos los cornos de los gestantes o no. Los resultados conseguidos para las 0 variables: la cantidad de los placentônios y la época de la gestación habían sido sometidas a la estadística del análisis. El total de placentônios encontrados en las 30 placentas estaba de 2651, con el promedio de 88.37 para la gestación. En el gestante uno del corno satisfecho 1602 placentônios, con el promedio de 53.40 para la placenta (60.45% y en el gestante 1048 del corno no satisfecho, con el promedio de 34.93 para la placenta (39.55%. Analizando el total de placentônios, en las diversas edades de los gestacionais, un aumento gradual en la cantidad de éstos se observa, no obstante esta correlación no es significativa estadístico (r=? 0,2. Uno concluye que la morfología de la placenta de los zebuínos creados en la región del este del Amazônia es similar de los zebuínos creados en otras regiones con diversas condiciones climáticas y circundantes, por lo tanto la placenta no se parece ser influenciada por tales factores. 

    O trabalho visa analisar as características anatômicas macroscópicas da placenta bovina, Bos taurus indicus, criados na região Oriental da Amazônia, com um perfil de rebanhos regionais mantidos nas condições ambientais e climáticas amazônicas. Coletaram-se úteros gravídicos em diferentes estágios de gestação (quatro a oito meses de vacas Zebu. Cada peça foi lavada em água corrente e seccionou-se o ligamento intercornual, para separação dos cornos uterinos.  Realizou-se uma secção dorsal ao longo da cérvix até o corpo do útero. As membranas fetais ficaram expostas e perfuradas, removendo-se os líquidos fetais e o feto

  16. Resistência contra ectoparasitas em bovinos da raça Crioula Lageana e meio-sangue Angus avaliada em condições naturais

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    Cristina P. Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a resistência aos ectoparasitas em bovinos jovens da raça Crioula Lageana e meio-sangue Angus em condições naturais. Foram utilizados 10 machos castrados em cada grupo, recém desmamados (6-8 meses e mantidos sob as mesmas condições de manejo, em pastagens cultivadas de inverno e verão, no município de Monte Castelo - SC, sofrendo infestação natural por ectoparasitas. A cada 28 dias, fêmeas de carrapatos (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus com tamanho acima de 4 mm foram quantificadas nos dois lados do corpo de cada animal, bem como os nódulos com larvas de Dermatobia hominis. A espessura da capa do pelame foi também avaliada a cada coleta e os animais foram classificados quanto à coloração do pelame. Os animais da raça Crioula Lageana foram mais resistentes às infestações por D. hominis e R. microplus. Não houve diferença entre a disposição de carrapatos e bernes conforme os lados direito e esquerdo dos animais. Os animais de pelagem escura albergaram a maior porcentagem de ectoparasitas nos grupos avaliados.

  17. Placentação em cutias (Dasyprocta aguti, CARLETON, M.D.): aspectos morfológicos


    Rodrigues, Rosângela Felipe; Miglino, Maria Angelica; Ferraz, Rosa Helena dos Santos; Morais-Pinto, Luciano de


    A cutia é um roedor silvestre, encontrado no sul da América Central e em regiões tropicais da América do Sul, principalmente nas regiões norte, nordeste e sudeste do Brasil. Estes animais fornecem proteína de origem animal e por isso, apresentam importância sócio-econômica para as regiões do norte e nordeste do Brasil. Para o presente trabalho foram utilizadas sete placentas de cutias (Dasyprocta aguti), em diferentes fases da gestação. Nos aspectos morfológicos a placenta da cutia apresenta ...

  18. Cirurgia cardíaca fetal: características hemodinâmicas da placenta durante circulação extracorpórea Fetal cardiac surgery: hemodynamic characteristics of placenta during extracorporeal circulation

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    Renato S Assad


    Full Text Available A diminuição da perfusão placentária com conseqüente distúrbio de trocas gasosas ocorre com freqüência após a circulação extracorpórea (CEC fetal experimental. Com o objetivo de caracterizar a hemodinâmica placentária durante a CEC, foram colocadas em CEC sete placentas de ovelhas, isoladas in situ, através da canulação dos vasos umbilicais. O fluxo da CEC foi alterado de 15 a 300 ml/min/kg de peso fetal, em normotermia e hipotermia. A resistência vascular placentária (RVP permaneceu constante durante uma pressão de perfusão e fluxo da CEC acima de 40 mmHg e 150 ml/min/kg, respectivamente. Abaixo destes valores, a relação da RVP com estes dois parâmetros foi inversamente proporcional. Um maior aumento da RVP foi observado durante a hipotermia. A implicação clínica destes achados reside no fato de que a diminuição do fluxo e da pressão de perfusão placentária durante a CEC pode conduzir a um ciclo vicioso, resultando em prejuízo adicional da perfusão placentária das trocas gasosas, sendo que a hipotermia agrava ainda mais esta disfunção placentária.Decreased placental perfusion and respiratory gas exchange have been observed following experimental fetal cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB. To better characterize placental hemodynamics during CPB, 7 isolated in-situ lamb placentas were placed on a CPB circuit, using umbilical arterial and venous cannulation. Measures were taken to simulate normal placental hemodynamics. Perfusion flow rates were varied randomly from 15 to 300 ml/min/kg fetal wt. during both normothermia and hypothermia. Placental vascular resistance (PVR remained constant when perfusion pressure and flow were varied above 40 mmHg and 150 ml/min/kg respectively. Below these values, PVR varied inversely. This increase in PVR was more marked when CPB was performed with hypothermia as compared to normothermia. The clinical implications is that decreased placental flow and pressure on CPB may lead to a

  19. Importância da utilização de propriedades avaliadas em função da temperatura para a simulação computacional de cerâmicas refratárias

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    Akiyoshi M. M.


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sistemático sobre a influência da utilização de propriedades avaliadas em função da temperatura para suprir um programa de simulação computacional por elementos finitos (AEF visando à determinação dos perfis de temperatura e tensão em uma âncora refratária. Para tanto, foram avaliados em função da temperatura, a condutividade térmica (k, o calor específico (c, o coeficiente de expansão térmica linear (alfaL e o módulo elástico (E. Um planejamento fatorial 2u e a análise de variância (ANOVA foram utilizados para avaliar a influência das interações entre as propriedades determinadas em função da temperatura sobre os perfis de temperatura e tensão normal resultantes da simulação computacional. Este estudo reforça a necessidade da avaliação das propriedades em função da temperatura para se suprir um programa de simulação computacional, destacando-se a condutividade térmica e o calor específico para propiciar uma melhor obtenção do perfil de temperatura, e o coeficiente de expansão térmica linear (alfaL e o módulo elástico (E para a avaliação do perfil de tensões.

  20. Placentação em cutias (Dasyprocta aguti, CARLETON, M.D.: aspectos morfológicos

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    Rosângela Felipe Rodrigues


    Full Text Available A cutia é um roedor silvestre, encontrado no sul da América Central e em regiões tropicais da América do Sul, principalmente nas regiões norte, nordeste e sudeste do Brasil. Estes animais fornecem proteína de origem animal e por isso, apresentam importância sócio-econômica para as regiões do norte e nordeste do Brasil. Para o presente trabalho foram utilizadas sete placentas de cutias (Dasyprocta aguti, em diferentes fases da gestação. Nos aspectos morfológicos a placenta da cutia apresenta uma forma esférica e uma estrutura lobada estando conecta ao útero através da mesoplacenta. O fluxo sangüíneo fetal flui do interlobo para o centro do lobo, ou seja, centripetamente, enquanto que o materno flui centrifugamente.

  1. Transfer of PAMAM dendrimers across human placenta: prospects of its use as drug carrier during pregnancy. (United States)

    Menjoge, Anupa R; Rinderknecht, Amber L; Navath, Raghavendra S; Faridnia, Masoud; Kim, Chong J; Romero, Roberto; Miller, Richard K; Kannan, Rangaramanujam M


    Dendrimers offer significant potential as nanocarriers for targeted delivery of drugs and imaging agents. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the transplacental transport, kinetics and biodistribution of PAMAM dendrimers ex-vivo across the human placenta in comparison with antipyrine, a freely diffusible molecule, using dually perfused re-circulating term human placental lobules. The purpose of this study is to determine if dendrimers as drug carriers can be used to design drug delivery systems directed at selectively treating either the mother or the fetus. The transplacental transfers of fluorescently (Alexa 488) tagged PAMAM dendrimer (16 kDa) and antipyrine (188 Da) from maternal to fetal circulation were measured using HPLC/dual UV and fluorescent detector (sensitivity of 10 ng/mL for dendrimer and 100 ng/mL for antipyrine respectively). C(max) for the dendrimer-Alexa (DA) in maternal perfusate (T(max)=15 min) was 18 times higher than in the fetal perfusate and never equilibrated with the maternal perfusate during 5.5 h of perfusion (n=4). DA exhibited a measurable but low transplacental transport of 2.26±0.12 μg/mL during 5.5h, where the mean transplacental transfer was 0.84±0.11% of the total maternal concentration and the feto-maternal ratio as percent was 0.073%±0.02. The biochemical and physiological analysis of the placentae perfused with DA demonstrated normal function throughout the perfusion. The immunofluorescence histochemistry confirmed that the biodistribution of DA in perfused placenta was sparsely dispersed, and when noted was principally seen in the inter-villous spaces and outer rim of the villous branches. In a few cases, DA was found internalized and localized in nuclei and cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblast and inside the villous core; however, DA was mostly absent from the villous capillaries. In conclusion, the PAMAM dendrimers exhibited a low rate of transfer from maternal to the fetal side across the perfused human placenta

  2. The Placenta Economy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kroløkke, Charlotte; Dickinson, Elizabeth; Foss, Karen A.


    This article examines the human placenta not only as a scientific, medical and biological entity but as a consumer bio-product. In the emergent placenta economy, the human placenta is exchanged and gains potentiality as food, medicine and cosmetics. Drawing on empirical research from the United......, in the emergent bio-economy, the dichotomy between the inner and the outer body is deconstructed, while the placenta gains clinical and industrial as well as affective value....

  3. Perinatal outcome and near-miss morbidity between placenta previa versus abruptio placentae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddique, S.A.; Tariq, G.; Sheikh, A.; Hussain, F.S.U.; Memon, K.A.


    To compare perinatal outcome and near-miss morbidities between placenta previa versus abruptio placentae in patients of antepartum haemorrhage (APH). Patients with APH diagnosed as placenta previa and abruptio placentae who delivered after 24 weeks of regnancy were selected from labour room. Outcome measures were birth weight, neonatal intensive care admission, stillbirth, perinatal mortality rates, near-miss, surgical intensive care admission, postpartum haemorrhage, hysterectomy, massive transfusion, renal failure, coagulopathy and maternal death. Stillbirth was defined as a fetus weighing greater or equal to 500 gm showing no sign of life after birth. Near-miss was defined as severe organ dysfunction which if not treated appropriately, could result in death. Descriptive statistics were calculated and chi-square was applied with significance level < 0.05. Stillbirths and perinatal mortality rates were significantly higher in abruptio placentae, 52.97% versus 18.18% and 534/1000 versus 230/1000 (p < 0.01). Near-miss cases were also significantly higher in abruptio placentae, 22.27%. Verus 11.18% (p < 0.01). Hypovolemic shock and coagulation failure were also significantly higher in abruptio placentae (p < 0.05). (author)

  4. [Placenta accreta--prenatal diagnosis, treatment]. (United States)

    Tsankova, M; Marinov, B; Bozhilov, D; Pirnareva, E


    Placenta accreta is a potentially life threatening obstetric condition that requires a multidisciplinary management. Placenta praevia and previous Cesarean section are the two most important known risk factors for placenta accreta. This study presents two patients having both of the foremention risk factors diagnosed ultrasonographically with placenta accreta in the second trimester. Ultrasound findings considered suggestive of placenta accreta are: presence of placental lacunae (vascular spaces), loss of the hyperehoic uterine serosa-bladder wall interface, loss of the retroplacental hypoechoic clear space, hypervascularity of the interface between the uterine wall and the bladder wall/isthmico-cervical zone, presence of placenta praevia, either anterior or posterior, overlying the uterine scar. Both of the cases with suspected placenta accreta ended successfully by planned preterm Cesarean hysterectomy with the placenta left in situ. Placenta accreta is a significant cause of maternal morbidity and mortality and the most common reason for urgent postpartum hysterectomy.

  5. Dados anatômicos da placenta em caprinos estudado por injeção intravascular de neoprene

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    Willams Costa Neves


    Full Text Available Estudamos a placenta quanto aos seus aspectos morfológicos em 30 caprinos sem raça definida, adultos oriundos do Estado do Piauí, mediante a análise de esquemas de modelos obtidos pela injeção de látex Neoprene "650". Obtivemos 17 casos, ou seja, 56,66% de gestações únicas e 13 casos, ou seja, 43,33% de gestações gemelares. A área do hilo placentário varia de 1 a 6 cm de diâmetro e está situada no centro da placenta, região caracterizada pela apresentação do pedículo umbilical. O formato dos cotilédones varia de ovóide, circular, elíptica, piriforme ou reniforme, sendo que a maioria mostra-se ovóide. O número total de cotilédones em 30 gestações é igual a 3.117, sendo a média 104 cotilédones por gestação. Nas gestações únicas em 16 casos (94,11%, o corno uterino gestante apresenta maior número de cotilédones do que o corno uterino não-gestante. Nas gestações gemelares, em 7 observações (53,84%, o corno uterino esquerdo mostra maior número de cotilédones do que o corno uterino direito.

  6. Caracterização das áreas hemófagas da placenta bovina Characterization of hemophagous areas of the bovine placenta

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    Susana M.M. Cazerta


    Full Text Available A região específica da interface materno-fetal corresponde à zona arcada do placentônio ovino e caprino. Em pequenos ruminantes esta área é também caracterizada por sangue materno extravasado (áreas hemófagas. É possível que o ferro seja transferido para o feto por eritrofagocitose trofoblástica nestas áreas. Para investigar as áreas hemófagas na placenta bovina, foram analisados placentônios de 34 vacas zebuínas gestantes (dois a três, quatro a seis, sete a oito, e nove meses de prenhez. O material foi fixado com solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10% e paraformaldeído a 4%, em tampão fosfato, pH 7,4, 0,1M, sendo processado e corado para microscopia de luz e histoquímica. Os hematomas placentários foram observados entre o epitélio uterino e trofoblástico, a partir de três meses de prenhez. A presença de eritrócitos nas células trofoblásticas elucidou a eritrofago-citose. A reação histoquímica de Perl's permitiu provar a existência de ferro férrico no trofoblasto. A reação de PAS foi po-sitiva, marcando substância mucóide nas células epiteliais e, principalmente, nas células binucleadas do epitélio fetal. Baseando-se nas características histológicas e histoquímicas, inferimos que as áreas hemófagas são sítios importantes para a transferência de ferro na placenta bovina.The specific region of maternal fetal interface needs to be clarified and corresponds to the "arcade zone" of sheep and goat placentomes. In small ruminants that area is also characterized by macroscopic blood extravasation (hemophagous areas. This occurs possibly because the iron is transferred to the embryo by trophoblastic erytrophagocytosis in these hemophagous placental areas. In order to investigate the hemophagous placental areas in cattle, placentomes of 34 pregnant Bos indicus cows (2-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9 months of gestation were analyzed. They were fixed by perfusion with 10% formaldehyde aqueous solution and 4

  7. MRI features of placenta accreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Manrui; Du Mu; Huang Yi; Liu Bingguang; Zhang Fangjing; Guo Jimin; Zhu Zhijun


    Objective: To investigate the MRI features of placenta accreta. Methods: From Apr 2009 to Jun 2011, 15 patients with placenta accrete received MRI examination. In them, placenta accreta was diagnosed based on clinical manifestations or postoperative histopathology. The MR features of placenta accreta in them (study group) were retrospectively analyzed and compared with those in 15 pregnant women without placenta accreta (control group) with Fisher exact test. Results: In the 15 patients with placenta accreta,uterine bulging and (or) a focal outward contour bulge was detected in 14 patients; heterogeneous signal intensity in the placenta was detected in 15 patients; dark intraplacental bands on T 2 -weighted images was detected in 15 patients; and increased subplacental vascularity was detected in 11 patients on T 1 - weighted images. In the study group, 14 patients showed at least three of the above four features, and in all of them uterine bulging and (or) a focal outward contour bulge, heterogeneous signal intensity in the placenta and dark intraplacental bands on T 2 -weighted images were detected; one patient showed heterogeneous signal intensity in the placenta, dark intraplacental bands on T 2 -weighted images and increased subplacental vascularity. In the control group,none patient had three of the above features.Uterine bulging and (or) a focal outward contour bulge, heterogeneous signal intensity in the placenta, dark intraplacental bands on T 2 -weighted images and increased subplacental vascularity were detected in 3, 6, 3 and 4 patients (P=0.000, 0.001, 0.000 and 0.027), respectively. Conclusions: The main MRI features of placenta accreta are uterine bulging and (or) a focal outward contour bulge, heterogeneous signal intensity in the placenta and dark intraplacental bands on T 2 -weighted images Besides, increased subplacental vascularity also could provide useful information for the diagnosis of placenta accreta. (authors)

  8. The placenta in toxicology. Part III : Pathologic assessment of the placenta


    Cline, J Mark; Dixon, Darlene; Ernerudh, Jan; Faas, Marijke M; Göhner, Claudia; Häger, Jan-Dirk; Markert, Udo R; Pfarrer, Christiane; Svensson-Arvelund, Judit; Buse, Eberhard


    This short review is derived from the peer-reviewed literature and the experience and case materials of the authors. Brief illustrated summaries are presented on the gross and histologic normal anatomy of rodent and macaque placentas, including typical organ weights, with comments on differences from the human placenta. Common incidental findings, background lesions, and induced toxic lesions are addressed, and a recommended strategy for pathologic evaluation of placentas is provided.

  9. Escalating placenta invasiveness: repeated placenta accreta at the limit of viability (United States)

    Greenbaum, Shirley; Khashper, Alla; Leron, Elad; Ohana, Eric; Meirovitz, Mihai; Hershkovitz, Reli; Erez, Offer


    Placenta percreta is an obstetric condition in which the placenta invades through the myometrium. This is the most severe form of placenta accreta and may result in spontaneous uterine rupture, a rare complication that threatens the life of both mother and fetus. In this case report, we describe a 32-year-old woman in her fourth pregnancy, diagnosed with repeated placenta accreta, which was eventually complicated by spontaneous uterine rupture at 24 weeks’ gestation. This patient had a history of abnormal placentation in prior pregnancies and previous uterine injuries. This case demonstrates a pattern of escalating placental invasiveness, and raises questions regarding the process of abnormal placentation and the manifestation of uterine rupture in scarred uteri. PMID:27143953

  10. Placenta Accreta and Total Placenta Previa in the 19th Week of Pregnancy (United States)

    Findeklee, S.; Costa, S. D.


    Placentation disorders are the result of impaired embedding of the placenta in the endometrium. The prevalence of these disorders is estimated to be around 0.3 %. A history of previous prior uterine surgery (especially cesarean section and curettage) is the most common risk factor. Impaired placentation is differentiated into deep placental attachment; marginal, partial and total placenta previa; and placenta accreta, increta and percreta. Treatment depends on the severity of presentation and ranges from expectant management to emergency hysterectomy. In most cases, preterm termination of pregnancy is necessary. We report here on the case of a 39-year-old woman with placenta accreta and total placenta previa who underwent hysterectomy in the 19th week of pregnancy. PMID:26366004

  11. Aumento no material fibrinoide perivilositário nas placentas de gestações com pré-eclâmpsia Increase in perivillous fibrinoid material in placentas from pregnancies with preeclampsia

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    Diego Agra de Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A pré-eclâmpsia responde por alta morbimortalidade no Brasil e no mundo. A sua etiologia ainda não foi totalmente esclarecida. Entre as alterações placentárias na pré-eclâmpsia citam-se: infartos, aumento de nós sinciciais, hipotrofia vilositária, espessamento da membrana basal trofoblástica e deposição de material fibrinoide. OBJETIVO: Analisar quantitativamente imagens do material fibrinoide perivilositário presente em placentas de gestações com e sem pré-eclâmpsia. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo de caso-controle no Serviço de Anatomia Patológica do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA. Realizou-se análise histomorfométrica de 840 imagens provenientes de 14 placentas de gestações com pré-eclâmpsia (casos e 14 placentas de gestações sem pré-eclâmpsia (controles. RESULTADOS: A média da área do material fibrinoide no grupo pré-eclâmpsia foi de 168,46 pixels, e no grupo sem pré-eclâmpsia, de 89,63 pixels. Foi observada uma quantidade menor da área total dos núcleos na pré-eclâmpsia, 89,51 pixels, do que no grupo controle, 113,34 pixels. CONCLUSÃO: Nas placentas de gestações com pré-eclâmpsia a área ocupada pelo material fibrinoide está aumentada em 1,8 vez em comparação com as placentas de gestações normais. As áreas dos núcleos e citoplasmas foram maiores no grupo controle. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto à área do estroma. Observou-se também redução do espaço ocupado pelas vilosidades na pré-eclâmpsia, sendo este fato compatível com hipotrofia vilositária.INTRODUCTION: Preeclampsia is responsible for high maternal mortality in Brazil and worldwide. Its etiology has not been fully elucidated. Placental changes in preeclampsia include: infarcts, increase in syncytial knots, villous hypotrophy, thickening of trophoblastic basement membrane and fibrin deposition. OBJECTIVE: To analyze quantitatively images of

  12. Placenta percreta is associated with more frequent severe maternal morbidity than placenta accreta. (United States)

    Marcellin, Louis; Delorme, Pierre; Bonnet, Marie Pierre; Grange, Gilles; Kayem, Gilles; Tsatsaris, Vassilis; Goffinet, François


    Abnormally invasive placentation is the leading cause of obstetric hysterectomy and can cause poor to disastrous maternal outcomes. Most previous studies of peripartum management and maternal morbidity have included variable proportions of severe and less severe cases. The aim of this study was to compare maternal morbidity from placenta percreta and accreta. This retrospective study at a referral center in Paris includes all women with abnormally invasive placentation from 2003 to 2017. Placenta percreta and accreta were diagnosed histologically or clinically. When placenta percreta was suspected before birth, a conservative approach leaving the placenta in situ was proposed because of the intraoperative risk of cesarean delivery. When placenta accreta was suspected, parents were offered a choice of a conservative approach or an attempt to remove the placenta, to be followed in case of failure by hysterectomy. Maternal outcomes were compared between women with placenta percreta and those with placenta accreta/increta. The primary outcome measure was a composite criterion of severe acute maternal morbidity including at least one of the following: hysterectomy during cesarean delivery, delayed hysterectomy, transfusion of ≥ 10 units of packed red blood cells, septic shock, acute kidney injury, cardiovascular failure, maternal transfer to intensive care, or death. Of the 156 women included, 51 had placenta percreta and 105 placenta accreta. Abnormally invasive placentation was suspected antenatally nearly four times more frequently in the percreta than the accreta group (96.1% (49/51) vs. 25.7% (27/105), P placentation (48.7%), the rate of antenatal decisions for conservative management was higher in the percreta than the accreta group (100% (49/49) vs. 40.7% (11/27), Paccreta group (86.3% (44/51) vs. 28/105 (26.7%), P placentation diameter > 6 cm showed similar results (86.0% (43/50) vs. 48.7% (19/38), P accreta group (52.9% (27/51) vs. 20.9% (22/105), P accreta


    Sierpina, David I; Skale, David M; Fan, Joseph T


    To present a case of nonparaneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy in association with myasthenia gravis in a young woman, and to report the effect of plasmapheresis as well as passage of antiretinal antibodies through the placenta. Case report. A 31-year-old woman presented with a history of myasthenia gravis and rapidly progressive vision loss at the age of 23. Funduscopic appearance and fluorescein angiographic findings on presentation were consistent with an autoimmune retinopathy. Paraneoplastic etiology was ruled out, and antiretinal antibody testing revealed positivity for autoantibodies against GAPDH, aldolase, enolase, arrestin, as well as unnamed 48-kDa and 60-kDa proteins. ARA Western Blot and immunohistochemistry profiles were unchanged by either plasmapheresis therapy or passage of serum through the maternal placenta. However, the patient's 6-month and 8-year-old daughters appeared unaffected. This is the first report of nonparaneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy associated with myasthenia gravis, although a strong history of autoimmune disorders is a known risk factor. Our patient's antiretinal antibody panel was unaffected immediately after plasmapheresis treatment. Antibodies to GAPDH and unnamed 38-kDa and 86-kDa proteins were able to pass through the placenta into the fetal circulation, although their effect on the growing fetus is not clear.

  14. Escalating placenta invasiveness: repeated placenta accreta at the limit of viability

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    Greenbaum S


    Full Text Available Shirley Greenbaum,1 Alla Khashper,2 Elad Leron,1 Eric Ohana,1 Mihai Meirovitz,1 Reli Hershkovitz,1 Offer Erez1 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2Department of Radiology, Soroka University Medical Center, School of Medicine, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, Israel Abstract: Placenta percreta is an obstetric condition in which the placenta invades through the myometrium. This is the most severe form of placenta accreta and may result in spontaneous uterine rupture, a rare complication that threatens the life of both mother and fetus. In this case report, we describe a 32-year-old woman in her fourth pregnancy, diagnosed with repeated placenta accreta, which was eventually complicated by spontaneous uterine rupture at 24 weeks’ gestation. This patient had a history of abnormal placentation in prior pregnancies and previous uterine injuries. This case demonstrates a pattern of escalating placental invasiveness, and raises questions regarding the process of abnormal placentation and the manifestation of uterine rupture in scarred uteri. Keywords: placenta percreta, uterine injury, laparoscopy, dilatation and curettage, residua, cesarean section scar, spontaneous uterine rupture

  15. A Case Report and Literature Review of Midtrimester Termination of Pregnancy Complicated by Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta

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    Satoko Matsuzaki


    Full Text Available Objective - Concurrent placenta previa and placenta accreta increase the risk of massive obstetric hemorrhage. Despite extensive research on the management of placenta previa (including placenta accreta, increta, and percreta, the number and quality of previous studies are limited. We present a case of placenta accreta requiring an induced second-trimester abortion because of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM. Study Design - Case report and review of the literature. Results - A 41-year-old female presented at 20 weeks of gestation with placenta previa and PROM. Ultrasonography revealed placenta accreta with multiple placental lacunae. She then developed massive hemorrhaging just prior to a planned termination of pregnancy. We performed a hysterectomy with the intent of preserving life because of the failure of the placenta to detach and blood loss totaling 4,500 mL. Conclusion - Previous studies suggest that second-trimester pregnancy terminations in cases of placenta previa which are not complicated with placenta accreta do not have a particularly high risk of hemorrhage. However, together with our case, the literature suggests that placenta previa complicated with placenta accreta presents a significant risk of hemorrhage both during delivery and intraoperatively. Further reports are needed to evaluate the most appropriate treatment options.

  16. A Case Report and Literature Review of Midtrimester Termination of Pregnancy Complicated by Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta. (United States)

    Matsuzaki, Satoko; Matsuzaki, Shinya; Ueda, Yutaka; Tanaka, Yusuke; Kakuda, Mamoru; Kanagawa, Takeshi; Kimura, Tadashi


    Objective Concurrent placenta previa and placenta accreta increase the risk of massive obstetric hemorrhage. Despite extensive research on the management of placenta previa (including placenta accreta, increta, and percreta), the number and quality of previous studies are limited. We present a case of placenta accreta requiring an induced second-trimester abortion because of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM). Study Design Case report and review of the literature. Results A 41-year-old female presented at 20 weeks of gestation with placenta previa and PROM. Ultrasonography revealed placenta accreta with multiple placental lacunae. She then developed massive hemorrhaging just prior to a planned termination of pregnancy. We performed a hysterectomy with the intent of preserving life because of the failure of the placenta to detach and blood loss totaling 4,500 mL. Conclusion Previous studies suggest that second-trimester pregnancy terminations in cases of placenta previa which are not complicated with placenta accreta do not have a particularly high risk of hemorrhage. However, together with our case, the literature suggests that placenta previa complicated with placenta accreta presents a significant risk of hemorrhage both during delivery and intraoperatively. Further reports are needed to evaluate the most appropriate treatment options.


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    R. M. G. C. CINTRA


    Full Text Available

    Levantamentos do consumo alimentar têm sido realizados e avaliados quanto às exigências nutricionais quantitativas. A adequação de proteína, bem como outros nutrientes, está subordinada a vários fatores, além da quantidade disponível ao organismo. O conhecimento da qualidade nutricional é imprescindível na avaliação da adequação do consumo alimentar. Nesse trabalho, a qualidade da proteína dos alimentos constituintes da dieta da população de menor rendimento do sudeste do Brasil, foi avaliada. Foram utilizados os indicadores Coefi ciente de Efi cácia Protéica e Digestibilidade Aparente. A partir de tabelas de composição, avaliou-se o perfi l de aminoácidos. Os alimentos avaliados, os quais foram obtidos do levantamento do IBGE, foram preparados, secos e pulverizados (dieta. A combinação arroz e feijão também foi avaliada. No ensaio biológico, 18 animais receberam rações experimentais ou padrão à base de caseína. Foi realizado controle de peso, consumo de ração e coleta de fezes. Os resultados indicaram menores índices para os grupos experimentais em relação ao padrão, sendo a digestibilidade o fator relevante quando o grupo arroz e feijão foi avaliado. Para o grupo dieta, a digestibilidade foi 81% e os aminoácidos limitantes foram treonina e sulfurados. Portanto, a qualidade da proteína, avaliada quanto à sua digestibilidade e cômputo químico, foi inadequada tanto na mistura arroz e feijão bem como nos alimentos que compõem o padrão alimentar da população.

  18. A Case Report and Literature Review of Midtrimester Termination of Pregnancy Complicated by Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta


    Matsuzaki, Satoko; Matsuzaki, Shinya; Ueda, Yutaka; Tanaka, Yusuke; Kakuda, Mamoru; Kanagawa, Takeshi; Kimura, Tadashi


    Objective - Concurrent placenta previa and placenta accreta increase the risk of massive obstetric hemorrhage. Despite extensive research on the management of placenta previa (including placenta accreta, increta, and percreta), the number and quality of previous studies are limited. We present a case of placenta accreta requiring an induced second-trimester abortion because of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM). Study Design - Case report and review of the literature. Results -...

  19. Placenta: How It Works, What's Normal (United States)

    ... placental problems include placental abruption, placenta previa and placenta accreta. These conditions can cause potentially heavy vaginal bleeding. ... health care provider will recommend a C-section. Placenta accreta. This condition occurs when the blood vessels and ...

  20. Management of placenta percreta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Caroline; Lönn, Lars; Langhoff-Roos, Jens


    in the management of the conditions. A PubMed search was performed in April 2013 and the final review included 119 published placenta percreta cases. Conservative management, where the placenta is left in situ for resorption, seems to be associated with severe long-term complications of hemorrhage and infections......Publications on abnormally invasive placenta in general report what can be considered a mixture of the conditions true accreta, increta and percreta varieties. The aim of this review was to identify all published cases of the most severe condition, placenta percreta in order to describe...... cases for the local resection technique might in part explain the lower complication rates with that approach. Future prospective data collection activities should include intended as well as actual management, and long-term follow-up of all cases is of vital importance....

  1. Postpartum MR diagnosis of retained placenta accreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Yumiko Oishi; Itai, Yuji; Shigemitsu, Sadahiko; Ichikawa, Yoshihito; Sohda, Satoshi; Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki


    Retained placenta accreta can cause catastrophic postpartum hemorrhage. This study aims to determine whether MR imaging can differentiate retained placenta accreta from postpartum hemorrhage caused by other conditions. Fourteen cases suspicious for retained placenta were examined with MR imaging. Signal intensity, the enhancing pattern of uterine contents, and flow voids within the myometrium were retrospectively studied. As hysterectomy was performed in only two cases, final diagnosis was based on clinical outcome and analysis of uterine contents. Final diagnoses were retained placenta accreta in seven cases, retained normally attached placenta in four, hematoma in two, and placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) in one. All seven cases with placenta accreta had a very hyperintense area on T2-weighted images, showing transient early enhancement. None demonstrated delayed strong enhancement around the hyperintense area. In two cases with retained normally attached placenta and in both with hematomas, there were no hyperintense areas on T2-weighted images. Of these, only one showed transient early enhancement. Flow voids were observed in four cases with placenta accreta, one with normally attached placenta, and the case with PSTT. A markedly hyperintense area on T2-weighted images and transient early enhancement without delayed strong enhancement between the mass and the myometrium can indicate retained placenta accreta. (orig.)

  2. Postpartum MR diagnosis of retained placenta accreta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, Yumiko Oishi; Itai, Yuji [Department of Radiology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, 305-8575, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan); Shigemitsu, Sadahiko [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ryugasaki Saiseikai General Hospital, Ryagasaki (Japan); Ichikawa, Yoshihito; Sohda, Satoshi; Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, 305-8575, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (Japan)


    Retained placenta accreta can cause catastrophic postpartum hemorrhage. This study aims to determine whether MR imaging can differentiate retained placenta accreta from postpartum hemorrhage caused by other conditions. Fourteen cases suspicious for retained placenta were examined with MR imaging. Signal intensity, the enhancing pattern of uterine contents, and flow voids within the myometrium were retrospectively studied. As hysterectomy was performed in only two cases, final diagnosis was based on clinical outcome and analysis of uterine contents. Final diagnoses were retained placenta accreta in seven cases, retained normally attached placenta in four, hematoma in two, and placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) in one. All seven cases with placenta accreta had a very hyperintense area on T2-weighted images, showing transient early enhancement. None demonstrated delayed strong enhancement around the hyperintense area. In two cases with retained normally attached placenta and in both with hematomas, there were no hyperintense areas on T2-weighted images. Of these, only one showed transient early enhancement. Flow voids were observed in four cases with placenta accreta, one with normally attached placenta, and the case with PSTT. A markedly hyperintense area on T2-weighted images and transient early enhancement without delayed strong enhancement between the mass and the myometrium can indicate retained placenta accreta. (orig.)

  3. Maturação funcional da retina em bebês prematuros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Berezovsky


    Full Text Available A retina humana ainda não está totalmente desenvolvida no nascimento. Só após o nascimento é que ocorrem mudanças anatômicas como o aumento na densidade de cones centrais e o alongamento do segmento externo dos fotorreceptores. As mudanças funcionais que ocorrem na retina com a maturação no primeiro ano de vida podem ser avaliadas pela técnica do eletrorretinograma de campo total, que representa a atividade somada da retina distal em resposta à luz. Abordaremos aspectos da maturação funcional da retina avaliada pelo eletrorretinograma em bebês prematuros.

  4. Increased placental trophoblast inclusions in placenta accreta. (United States)

    Adler, E; Madankumar, R; Rosner, M; Reznik, S E


    Trophoblast inclusions (TIs) are often found in placentas of genetically abnormal gestations. Although best documented in placentas from molar pregnancies and chromosomal aneuploidy, TIs are also associated with more subtle genetic abnormalities, and possibly autism. Less than 3% of non-aneuploid, non-accreta placentas have TIs. We hypothesize that placental genetics may play a role in the development of placenta accreta and aim to study TIs as a potential surrogate indicator of abnormal placental genetics. Forty cases of placenta accreta in the third trimester were identified in a search of the medical records at one institution. Forty two third trimester control placentas were identified by a review of consecutively received single gestation placentas with no known genetic abnormalities and no diagnosis of placenta accreta. Forty percent of cases with placenta accreta demonstrated TIs compared to 2.4% of controls. More invasive placenta accretas (increta and percreta) were more likely to demonstrate TIs than accreta (47% versus 20%). Prior cesarean delivery was more likely in accreta patients than controls (67% versus 9.5%). Placenta accreta is thought to be the result of damage to the endometrium predisposing to abnormal decidualization and invasive trophoblast growth into the myometrium. However, the etiology of accreta is incompletely understood with accreta frequently occurring in women without predisposing factors and failing to occur in predisposed patients. This study has shown that TIs are present at increased rates in cases of PA. Further studies are needed to discern what underlying pathogenic mechanisms are in common between abnormal placentation and the formation of TIs. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  5. Placenta accreta and anesthesia: A multidisciplinary approach


    R S Khokhar; J Baaj; M U Khan; F A Dammas; N Rashid


    Placenta accreta (an abnormally adherent placenta) is one of the two leading causes of peripartum hemorrhage and the most common indication for peripartum hysterectomy. Placenta accreta may be associated with significant maternal hemorrhage at delivery owing to the incomplete placental separation. When placenta accreta is diagnosed before delivery, a multidisciplinary approach may improve patient outcome.

  6. Placenta accreta and anesthesia: A multidisciplinary approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R S Khokhar


    Full Text Available Placenta accreta (an abnormally adherent placenta is one of the two leading causes of peripartum hemorrhage and the most common indication for peripartum hysterectomy. Placenta accreta may be associated with significant maternal hemorrhage at delivery owing to the incomplete placental separation. When placenta accreta is diagnosed before delivery, a multidisciplinary approach may improve patient outcome.


    Dimitrov, A; Garnizov, T; Frundeva, B; Masseva, A; Zlatkov, V


    The optimal management of placenta accreta and until now remains unclear. The reasons for this are a rarity of this condition and the considerable heterogeneity of the group under the term "placenta accreta." Total hysterectomy during caesarean section is the most common approach to a known placenta accreta. Planned or emergency perinatal hysterectomy is associated with several complications--damage to the urinary tract, relaparotomiya, massive blood transfusions and stay in ICU. The average blood loss is about 3000 ml. To reduce blood loss in perinatal hysterectomy contribute: preliminary uterine artery occlusion, istmus-coporal longitudinal hysterectomy for extraction of the fetus, placental extraction along with the uterus. To save the woman's uterus at placenta accreta are using the following methods: cutting the uterine wall on which is located the placenta, imposing single stitches covering 2-3 cm in 1 cm, around the placental area; removal of the maximum possible part of the placenta; using longitudinal hysterectomy. So far, there are no comparative studies of the efficacy of different surgical techniques to preserve the uterus cases of placenta accreta. Extraction of the placenta to be done after the administration of uterotonics and devascularization the uterus. To reduce bleeding from the uterus after removal of parts of the placenta and according to the situation can be used: x-back hemostatic sutures from internal side of the uterus, tamponade with gauze roll, balloon catheters or haemostatic mushrooms. Conservative surgical treatment of placenta accreta is not always possible. In hospital Maternity Hospital-Sofia for the period 1986-2000 there were 17 cases of placenta accreta diagnosed only at birth. Maintaining the uterus was successful in 35% of these cases.

  8. Pseudotumors of the placenta. (United States)

    Bruner, Evelyn T


    The placenta is one of the most common gross pathology specimens encountered by surgical pathologists, yet primary tumors are exceptionally rare and even rarer are entities with the potential to mimic malignancy. There are many nonneoplasticmass forming lesions in the placenta that are important to be aware of as many of these can be associated with adverse outcomes in the mother and fetus. Also important are entities which may be observed microscopically in the placenta and potentially confused as a malignancy. Knowledge of these potential pitfalls is essential to avoid making an incorrect diagnosis and causing undue alarm. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. A novel scoring system for predicting adherent placenta in women with placenta previa. (United States)

    Tanimura, Kenji; Morizane, Mayumi; Deguchi, Masashi; Ebina, Yasuhiko; Tanaka, Utaru; Ueno, Yoshiko; Kitajima, Kazuhiro; Maeda, Tetsuo; Sugimura, Kazuro; Yamada, Hideto


    Placenta previa (PP) is one of the most significant risk factors for adherent placenta (AP). The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of a novel scoring system for predicting AP in pregnant women with PP. This prospective cohort study enrolled 175 women with PP. The placenta previa with adherent placenta score (PPAP score) is composed of 2 categories: (1) past history of cesarean section (CS), surgical abortion, and/or uterine surgery; and (2) ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging findings. Each category is graded as 0, 1, 2, or 4 points, yielding a total score between 0 and 24. When women with PP had PPAP score ≥8, they were considered to be at a high risk for AP and received placement of preoperative internal iliac artery occlusion balloon catheters. If they were found to have AP during CS, they underwent hysterectomy or placenta removal using advanced bipolar with balloon catheter occlusion. The predictive accuracy of PPAP score was evaluated. In total, 23 of the 175 women with PP were diagnosed as having AP, histopathologically or clinically. Twenty-one of 24 women with PPAP score ≥8 had AP, whereas two of 151 women with PPAP score PPAP scoring system may be useful for predicting AP in women with PP. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Reliability of trans-abdominal ultrasonography in determining exact location of placenta in patients of placenta previa major

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zafar, M.; Hayat, N; Gul, U.


    Objective: To determine the reliability of trans-abdominal ultrasonographical localization of placenta in cases of placenta previa major, by taking peroperative finding as gold standard. Study Design: Validation study. Place and Duration of Study: Maternity ward, Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Military Hospital Rawalpindi from 2007 to 2008. Patients and Methods: A total of 100 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were recruited for the study. These patients were admitted to the maternity ward, where trans-abdominal ultrasound was performed, site of the placenta and its relation to the internal os was documented. These patients under went elective cesarean section, during which the site and relation of the placenta to the internal os was confirmed. Results: The mean age of patients was 34.23 +- 6.76 years. Transabdominal ultrasound had a sensitivity of 93.4 percent in localizing major placenta previa while the specificity was 83 percent. Positive predictive value was 94.7 percent, negative predictive value was 80 percent and accuracy 91 percent. Conclusion: Trans-abdominal ultrasound was found highly effective in diagnosing and localizing placenta previa. (author)

  11. Relação entre a Classificação Clínica de White e a Histopatologia das Placentas de Gestantes Diabéticas The Relationship between White's Classification and the Histopathological Changes in the Placentas of Diabetic Pregnant Women

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    Iracema de Mattos Paranhos Calderon


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar a relação entre a classificação clínica de White e as alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes diabéticas, comparando, de forma qualitativa, as alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes não-diabéticas e diabéticas gestacionais (classes A e A/B, clínicas de curta duração (classes B e C e clínicas com vasculopatia (classes D a FRH, no termo e no pré-termo, e de acordo com a qualidade do controle glicêmico na gestação. Pacientes e Métodos: foram colhidas amostras de placentas de todas as gestantes diabéticas, atendidas entre 1991 e 1996 na Maternidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, coradas pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina e submetidas a exame histopatológico. A qualidade do controle glicêmico foi analisada pela média glicêmica da gestação e classificada em adequada e inadequada, com limite de 120 mg/dl. A idade da gestação foi individualizada em termo e pré-termo. Resultados: observou-se que 42 recém-nascidos (43,3% eram de termo e o restante, de pré-termo (56,7%. O índice de prematuridade foi maior nas diabéticas clínicas (classes B e C; D a FRH. Algumas alterações histopatológicas só foram encontradas em placentas de gestantes diabéticas: degeneração cistóide, edema corial, edema da íntima, dismaturidade, hiperplasia das células de Hofbauer, vilite, células fantasmas, dois vasos no cordão umbilical e endarterite. Conclusões: as alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes com diabete gestacional (classes A e A/B, clínico de curta duração (classes B e C e clínico com vasculopatia (classes D a FRH foram semelhantes às das não-diabéticas e, portanto, independeram da classificação clínica de White. As alterações histopatológicas de placentas de gestantes diabéticas não se relacionaram com a idade gestacional ao nascimento e com a qualidade do controle glicêmico materno. A comparação entre

  12. Reproductive performance of Friesian mares after retained placenta and manual removal of the placenta

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sevinga, M; Hesselink, JW; Barkema, H.W.


    Because the incidence of retained placenta in Friesian mares is estimated to be high, and no reports have been published on the reproductive performance of Friesian mares after retained placenta, we studied postpartum reproductive performance in Friesian brood mares with (n = 54) and without (n =

  13. Decellularization of placentas: establishing a protocol

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.C.P.C. Leonel


    Full Text Available Biological biomaterials for tissue engineering purposes can be produced through tissue and/or organ decellularization. The remaining extracellular matrix (ECM must be acellular and preserve its proteins and physical features. Placentas are organs of great interest because they are discarded after birth and present large amounts of ECM. Protocols for decellularization are tissue-specific and have not been established for canine placentas yet. This study aimed at analyzing a favorable method for decellularization of maternal and fetal portions of canine placentas. Canine placentas were subjected to ten preliminary tests to analyze the efficacy of parameters such as the type of detergents, freezing temperatures and perfusion. Two protocols were chosen for further analyses using histology, scanning electron microscopy, immunofluorescence and DNA quantification. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS was the most effective detergent for cell removal. Freezing placentas before decellularization required longer periods of incubation in different detergents. Both perfusion and immersion methods were capable of removing cells. Placentas decellularized using Protocol I (1% SDS, 5 mM EDTA, 50 mM TRIS, and 0.5% antibiotic preserved the ECM structure better, but Protocol I was less efficient to remove cells and DNA content from the ECM than Protocol II (1% SDS, 5 mM EDTA, 0.05% trypsin, and 0.5% antibiotic.

  14. Avaliação computacional da compactação da cromatina e de características morfométricas da cabeça de espermatozoides de coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.Y Kanayama


    Full Text Available Investigou-se a correlação entre a morfometria da cabeça e a intensidade da condensação e heterogeneidade da cromatina em espermatozoides de coelho (Oryctolagus cuniculus. Para tal, utilizaram-se 35 esfregaços de sêmen de coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, corados com azul de toluidina e avaliados por análise de imagem computacional. As imagens foram obtidas digitalmente em tons de cinza e avaliadas por algoritmos desenvolvidos em ambiente de programação Scilab. As mensurações obtidas da cabeça dos espermatozoides foram área, perímetro, comprimento, largura, relação comprimento largura, elipsidade, fator de forma, descritores Fourier e simetria lateral e anteroposterior. Também foram avaliadas a intensidade da compactação e a heterogeneidade da cromatina espermática. Os espermatozoides de coelho apresentaram compactação e heterogeneidade cromatínica mais intensas do que os de touro e observou-se correlação significativa entre características morfométricas da cabeça e compactação e heterogeneidade cromatínica. Conclui-se que a cromatina é importante para a constituição morfológica da cabeça de espermatozoides de coelho e que a cromatina espermática de coelho é naturalmente mais heterogênea e menos compactada que a de touro

  15. Efeito da eutonia no tratamento da fibromialgia


    Maeda,Cecília; Martinez,José Eduardo; Neder,Matilde


    OBJETIVO: avaliar a eutonia como método terapêutico auxiliar no tratamento da fibromialgia (FM). MÉTODOS: estudou-se um grupo de 20 mulheres, segundo os critérios do American College of Rheumatology (ACR), com duração mínima de seis meses, sem alterações no tratamento medicamentoso ou prescrição de exercícios nesse período. As pacientes foram avaliadas através do questionário de dados sociodemográficos; Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para dor e questionário genérico de avaliação da qualidade d...

  16. [Management of placenta previa and accreta]. (United States)

    Kayem, G; Keita, H


    Produce recommendations for the management of placenta previa and placenta accrete. A literature search was conducted using Medline and the Cochrane Library over a period from 1950 to 31/12/2013. Recommendations of the latest scientific societies have also been consulted. In cases of placenta previa, if bleeding episode before 34weeks gestation occurs, a short hospitalization and tocolysis may help stop bleeding (grade C). Vaginal delivery is preferable when the distance between the internal cervical os and the placental edge is greater than 20mm. When this distance is less than 20mm, vaginal delivery is possible (professional consensus). Caesarean section is recommended in cases of placenta overlapping the internal os (professional consensus). Antenatal screening placenta accreta could improve care (EL3). Upon discovery of a placenta accreta during childbirth, it is better to avoid a forced removal of the placenta (grade C). Conservative treatment or cesarean hysterectomy are possible (grade C). The management of placental abnormalities should be planned and managed with a multidisciplinary team (professional consensus). The use of blood-saving techniques such as "cell saver" is possible in situations where early intraoperative bleeding would be>1500mL (grade C). There are no studies that have sufficient methodological value to recommend an anesthetic technique [general anaesthesia (GA) or neuraxial anaesthesia] over another in the context of placental abnormalities (grade B). When a major bleeding risk is identified, GA can be chosen in order to avoid emergency conversions in difficult conditions (professional consensus). Placental insertion abnormalities require anesthetic and obstetric coordination. Delivery must be planned in a suitable structure. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  17. Placenta accreta spectrum: accreta, increta, and percreta. (United States)

    Silver, Robert M; Barbour, Kelli D


    Placenta accreta can lead to hemorrhage, resulting in hysterectomy, blood transfusion, multiple organ failure, and death. Accreta has been increasing steadily in incidence owing to an increase in the cesarean delivery rate. Major risk factors are placenta previa in women with prior cesarean deliveries. Obstetric ultrasonography can be used to diagnose placenta accreta antenatally, which allows for scheduled delivery in a multidisciplinary center of excellence for accreta. Controversies exist regarding optimal management, including optimal timing of delivery, surgical approach, use of adjunctive measures, and conservative (uterine-sparing) therapy. We review the definition, risk factors, diagnosis, management, and controversies regarding placenta accreta. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kshama Kedar


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH is still a grave obstetric emergency contributing to a significant amount of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in our country. Placenta Praevia (PP complicates 0.33%1 to 0.55%2 of all pregnancies. This study is to evaluate how far we have come and the effect of treatment on the perinatal and maternal outcome and study the maternal and foetal outcome in placenta praevia and its prevalence in tertiary care hospital. The aim of the study is to study the maternal and foetal outcome in placenta praevia and assess the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Objective of the study was to determine the cause of placenta praevia and assess the value of current obstetric practice in managing placenta praevia. MATERIALS AND METHODS Prospective study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital on 60 patients who presented with PP in the ANC OPD and in emergency over a period of 2 years with gestational age >28 weeks and no blood dyscrasias or bleeding source other than the uterus. RESULTS Maximum cases (69.11% were unbooked, more in multiparous (41.67% and commonly associated with previous caesarean section (41.6%. 41.46% belonged to 25-29 years of age. 56.67% were more than 36 weeks of gestation at the time of admission. Out of 60, 9 (15% had absent foetal heart sound and 6 (10% had foetal distress at time of admission. 56 (93.3 cases delivered by caesarean section, 29 (48.3% cases were elective, while 27 (45% were done in emergency. 1 (1.6% underwent caesarean hysterectomy. 16 (26.6% had PPH postoperatively managed by medical methods. 2 (3.3% had scar dehiscence and 3 (5% patients went in sepsis. Commonest complication (26.67% was anaemia. 5 (8.3% babies of placenta praevia were premature. CONCLUSION Placenta praevia constitutes 35% of the causes of placental bleeding leading to antepartum haemorrhage, which is a leading cause of maternal morbidity. Hence, timely diagnosis and intervention is of

  19. A thick placenta: a predictor of adverse pregnancy outcomes. (United States)

    Miwa, Ichiro; Sase, Masakatsu; Torii, Mayumi; Sanai, Hiromi; Nakamura, Yasuhiko; Ueda, Kazuyuki


    The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of an ultrasonographic measurement of placental thickness and the correlation of a thick placenta with adverse perinatal outcome. Placental thickness was measured in single gravidas, 16 to 40 weeks of gestation, between 2005 and 2009. Placentas were considered to be thick if their measured thickness were above the 95th percentile for gestational age. The incidence of thick placentas was 4.3% (138/3,183). Perinatal morbidity and neonatal conditions were worse in cases with thick placenta rather than without thick placenta. Ultrasonographic measurement of placental thickness is a simple method to estimate placental size. Thick placenta may be a useful predictor of adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  20. The cervix as a natural tamponade in postpartum hemorrhage caused by placenta previa and placenta previa accreta: a prospective study. (United States)

    El Gelany, Saad A A; Abdelraheim, Ahmed R; Mohammed, Mo'men M; Gad El-Rab, Mohammed T; Yousef, Ayman M; Ibrahim, Emad M; Khalifa, Eissa M


    Placenta previa and placenta accreta carry significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Several techniques have been described in the literature for controlling massive bleeding associated with placenta previa cesarean sections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the use of the cervix as a natural tamponade in controlling postpartum hemorrhage caused by placenta previa and placenta previa accreta. This prospective study was conducted on 40 pregnant women admitted to our hospital between June 2012 and November 2014. All participating women had one or more previous cesarean deliveries and were diagnosed with placenta previa and/or placenta previa accreta. Significant bleeding from the placental bed during cesarean section was managed by inverting the cervix into the uterine cavity and suturing the anterior and/or the posterior cervical lips into the anterior and/or posterior walls of the lower uterine segment. The technique of cervical inversion described above was successful in stopping the bleeding in 38 out of 40 patients; yielding a success rate of 95%. We resorted to hysterectomy in only two cases (5%). The mean intra-operative blood loss was 1572.5 mL, and the mean number of blood units transfused was 3.1. The mean time needed to perform the technique was 5.4 ± 0.6 min. The complications encountered were as follows: bladder injury in the two patients who underwent hysterectomy and wound infection in one patient. Postoperative fever that responded to antibiotics occurred in 1 patient. The mean duration of the postoperative hospital stay was 3.5 days This technique of using the cervix as a natural tamponade appears to be safe, simple, time-saving and potentially effective method for controlling the severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) caused by placenta previa/placenta previa accreta. This technique deserves to be one of the tools in the hands of obstetricians who face the life-threatening hemorrhage of placenta

  1. Análise da positividade da esquistossomose mansoni em Regionais de Saúde endêmicas em Pernambuco, 2005 a 2010


    Barreto, Ana Virgínia Matos Sá; Melo, Nobélia Duarte; Ventura, Jéssica Valença Torres; Santiago, Rosimery Tavares; Silva, Maria Beatriz Araújo


    OBJETIVO: analisar a tendência da positividade da esquistossomose em exames coproscópicos na população de área endêmica do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, de 2005 a 2010. MÉTODOS: estudo ecológico de serie temporal, com dados secundários do Sistema de Informação do Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose, analisados por Regional de Saúde; foram avaliadas as tendências por regressão linear, considerando-se p

  2. Differential expression of GPR30 in preeclampsia placenta tissue and normal placenta tissue and its clinical significance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ben-Zhou Feng


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the differential expression of GPR30 in preeclampsia placenta tissue and normal placenta tissue and its clinical significance. Methods: Preeclampsia placenta tissue and normal placenta tissue were collected and GPR30 expression levels were detected; human umbilical vein endothelial cells were cultured and processed with GRP30 inhibitor and GRP30 agonist combined with hypoxia-reoxygenation respectively, and cell apoptosis as well as pro-angiogenesis molecule and apoptosis molecule contents were detected. Results: mRNA content and protein content of GRP30 in preeclampsia placenta tissue were significantly lower than those in normal placenta tissue; apoptosis rate of G15 group was significantly higher than that of control group, VEGF and bFGF contents in supernatant were significantly lower than those of control group, and mRNA contents of Bax, Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 in cells were significantly higher than those of control group; apoptosis rate of H/R group was significantly higher than that of control group, VEGF and bFGF contents in supernatant were significantly lower than those of control group, and mRNA contents of Bax, Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 in cells were significantly higher than those of control group; apoptosis rate of G1 group was significantly lower than that of H/R group, VEGF and bFGF contents in supernatant were significantly higher than those of H/R group, and mRNA contents of Bax, Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 in cells were significantly lower than those of H/R group. Conclusions: Low expression of GPR30 in placenta tissue is closely associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia, enhancing GPR function can reduce endothelial cell apoptosis and increase the contents of pro-angiogenesis factors, and it has endothelial protection effect.

  3. Failed manual removal of the placenta after vaginal delivery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjurström, Johanna; Collins, Sally; Langhoff-Roos, Jens


    PURPOSE: A retained placenta after vaginal delivery where manual removal of placenta fails is a clinical challenge. We present six cases that illustrate the heterogeneity of the condition and discuss the etiology and terminology as well as the clinical management. METHODS: Members of the European...... and the UK provide examples of various treatment strategies such as ultrasound-guided vaginal removal, removal of the placenta through a hysterotomy and just leaving the placenta in situ. The placentas were all retained, but it was only possible to diagnose abnormal invasion in the one case, which had...

  4. INTRODUCTION The incidence of retained placenta varies greatly ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    balance between the post-partum haemorrhage risk of leaving the placenta in ... Conclusion: Retained placenta still remains a potentially life threatening condition in ... obstetric services by high skilled health care providers in ensuring a properly conducted .... of the preterm placenta may require more uterine work and time ...

  5. Estudo sensorial e nutricional da merenda escolar de uma escola da cidade de Lauro de Freitas-BA


    Souza, Adriana Lúcia da Costa; Mamede, Maria Eugênia Oliveira


    O cardápio escolar deve oferecer refeições saborosas e nutritivas, pois representa para o aluno um atrativo para permanência nas escolas públicas brasileiras. Este estudo analisou a composição centesimal, a aceitação e a preferência da merenda servida em uma escola municipal de ensino fundamental da cidade de Lauro de Freitas-BA. O cardápio semanal da merenda avaliada era composto de: sopa (A), arroz doce (B), achocolatado (C), suco e biscoito (D) e banana e maçã (E). Foram utilizadas u...

  6. Increased Levels of Cell-Free Human Placental Lactogen mRNA at 28-32 Gestational Weeks in Plasma of Pregnant Women With Placenta Previa and Invasive Placenta (United States)

    Sekizawa, Akihiko; Ventura, Walter; Koide, Keiko; Hori, Kyouko; Okai, Takashi; Masashi, Yoshida; Furuya, Kenichi; Mizumoto, Yoshifumi


    We compared the levels of cell-free human placental lactogen (hPL) messenger RNA (mRNA) in maternal plasma at 28 to 32 weeks of gestation between women with diagnosis of placenta previa or invasive placenta and women with an uneventful pregnancy. Sensitivity and specificity of hPL mRNA for the prediction of invasive placenta were further explored. Plasma hPL mRNA were quantified by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in women with placenta previa (n = 13), invasive placenta (n = 5), and normal pregnancies (n = 92). Median (range) hPL mRNA was significantly higher in women with placenta previa, 782 (10-2301) copies/mL of plasma, and in those with invasive placenta, 615 (522-2102) copies/mL of plasma, when compared to normal pregnancies, 90 (4-4407) copies/mL of plasma, P < .01 and P < .05, respectively. We found a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 61.5% for the prediction of invasive placenta among women with placenta previa. In conclusion, expression of hPL mRNA is increased in plasma of women with placenta previa and invasive placenta at 28 to 32 weeks of gestation. PMID:23744883

  7. Efeito da idade, sexo, altura do cupim e tipos de carcaça sobre características quantitativas e qualitativas da carcaça e da carne bovina


    Luciane Correia Ribeiro


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da idade, sexo, altura de cupim e tipificação de carcaças sobre as características quantitativas e qualitativas da carcaça e da carne bovina. Foram avaliados os pesos de carcaça quente, peso do quarto traseiro resfriado, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura de cobertura e grau de acabamento de 36 bovinos machos castrados de diferentes idades, avaliadas pela cronologia dentária, e 10 fêmeas adultas, escolhidos ao acaso na linha de matan...

  8. Assessing gene function in the ruminant placenta. (United States)

    Anthony, R V; Cantlon, J D; Gates, K C; Purcell, S H; Clay, C M


    The placenta provides the means for nutrient transfer from the mother to the fetus, waste transfer from the fetus to the mother, protection of the fetus from the maternal immune system, and is an active endocrine organ. While many placental functions have been defined and investigated, assessing the function of specific genes expressed by the placenta has been problematic, since classical ablation-replacement methods are not feasible with the placenta. The pregnant sheep has been a long-standing animal model for assessing in vivo physiology during pregnancy, since surgical placement of indwelling catheters into both maternal and fetal vasculature has allowed the assessment of placental nutrient transfer and utilization, as well as placental hormone secretion, under unanesthetized-unstressed steady state sampling conditions. However, in ruminants the lack of well-characterized trophoblast cell lines and the inefficiency of creating transgenic pregnancies in ruminants have inhibited our ability to assess specific gene function. Recently, sheep and cattle primary trophoblast cell lines have been reported, and may further our ability to investigate trophoblast function and transcriptional regulation of genes expressed by the placenta. Furthermore, viral infection of the trophoectoderm layer of hatched blastocysts, as a means for placenta-specific transgenesis, holds considerable potential to assess gene function in the ruminant placenta. This approach has been used successfully to "knockdown" gene expression in the developing sheep conceptus, and has the potential for gain-of-function experiments as well. While this technology is still being developed, it may provide an efficient approach to assess specific gene function in the ruminant placenta.

  9. Morphological changes in human placenta of wet snuff users

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashfaq, M.; Malik, M.A.


    Wet snuff is commonly used by both males and females in different parts of Pakistan. Apart from other ingredients, tobacco is the major component of snuff. Adverse effects of smoking on morphology of human placenta have been shown by some previous studies. But snuff is not considered as dangerous as smoking during pregnancy. This study was designed to see the effects of snuff on morphology of human placenta. In present study total 80 human placentae, 40 from normal and 40 from snuff users were used. This study was carried out in the Department of Anatomy Basic Medical Sciences Institution (BSMI) Karachi. Duration of study was six months. Samples were obtained from Gynaecology and Obstetric unit-I JPMC. Placentae washed well with running tap water to remove blood clots. Umbilical cord and other membranes were removed and placenta gently squeezed to expel the foetal blood. Gross features like weight, diameters, central thickness and attachment of umbilical cord were noted in normal and snuff users' placentae. Then placentae were preserved in 10% formalin for at least five days before the sectioning for micromorphology. Placentae divided in two groups-A and B. 4 macro m thick sections of the tissue were taken on rotary microtome and stained with H and E, Mallorys trichrome and methanamine silver for different histological observations. Mircromorpholgical changes have been observed in placentae of snuff users leading to loss of functional components of placentae. This loss of functional component may have deleterious effects on outcome of pregnancy. No significant gross morphological changes were found in snuff user placentae. Wet snuff effect the micromorphology of placenta leading to loss of functional component and in turn effects the exchange of materials between mother and foetus which may leads to intrauterine growth retardation. Loss of trophoblasts may lead to hormonal imbalance necessary for normal pregnancy and this imbalance can cause premature labour

  10. Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta in a Multiparous Woman


    Jennifer C. Hunt


    Placenta accreta refers to any abnormally invasive placental implantation. Diagnosis is suspected postpartum with failed delivery of a retained placenta. Massive obstetrical hemorrhage is a known complication, often requiring peripartum hysterectomy. We report a case of presumed placenta accreta in a patient following failed manual removal of a retained placenta. We describe an attempt at conservative management with methotrexate in a stable patient desiring future fertility. Treatment was ...

  11. Placenta Praevia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos ... Screening ultrasonography in women with history of multiple caesarean sections .... B. MSB. Placenta Praevia: Incidence, Risk Factors, Maternal And Fetal Outcomes In A Nigerian Teaching ... These high figures from all the centres stress the.

  12. Correlation between placenta and umbilical cord morphplogy and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Context: The ability of the fetus to grow and thrive in-utero depends on a number of factors of which the placenta is a contributor. The umbilical cord is an essential organ connecting the fetus to the placenta and a healthy placenta is essential for good perinatal outcome. Objectives: The study aims at determining the ...

  13. Aspectos anatômicos da macro e microvascularização da placenta em ovinos (Ovis aries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Silveira Flores Schoenau


    Full Text Available Placenta possesses various essential independent vascular systems and intimately associated vascular systems, the effectiveness of which are related to the type of blood stream between the maternal and fetal circulation and, therefore, the morphology of the vascularization. The aim of this research was to study the anatomical aspects of gross and microscopic vascularization of the sheep placenta (Corriedale cross breeds and Ideal breeds, living at sea level and the systematization of the fetal vessels from umbilical funiculus until the capillary bed. The cotyledons were demonstrated to be mostly spheroids and to possess between one to four vascular in the majority and receive from one to four vascular branches in their central concavity. Anastomoses of the umbilical funiculus vessels occur only between arteries and anastomoses between the chorionic vessel branches are more frequent in veins than in the arteries.Were found 187 types of different cotyledonary-artery arrays were found. The chorionic artery leading to pregnant horn is shorter in lenght and emits fewer cotyledonary branches than the non pregnant horn. The chorionic vein is formed by the confluence of two branches and receives collateral tributary vessels that frequently are anastomosed between themselves. The microvascularization of the fetal cotyledon was studied by scanning electron microscopy and is demonstrated to possess of cylindrical villous trees with vessels and with parallel vessels and with capilarization in the villous extremities. Capillary fan-like handles and conical villous trees are also observed. The macrocospic features of the cotyledons and microscopy of the villous trees reflect the altitude in which the animals live (the 95 m above sea level.

  14. Steroid metabolism in the mouse placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okker-Reitsma, G.H.


    The purpose of the study described in this thesis was to investigate the capacity for steroid synthesis of the mouse placenta - especially the production of progesterone, androgens and estrogens - and to determine, if possible, the relation of steroid synthesis to special cell types. In an introductory chapter the androgen production in the mouse placenta is surveyed by means of a histochemical and bioindicator study of different stages of development of the placenta. The metabolism of [ 3 H]-dehydroepiandrosterone and [ 3 H]-progesterone by mouse placental tissue in vitro is studied. The metabolism of [ 3 H]-progesterone by the mouse fetal adrenal in vitro is also studied

  15. Complement inhibitory proteins expression in placentas of thrombophilic women Complement inhibitory proteins expression in placentas of thrombophilic women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Przemysław Krzysztof Wirstlein


    Full Text Available Factors controlling complement activation appear to exert a protective effect on pregnancy. This is
    particularly important in women with thrombophilia. The aim of this study was to determine the transcript and
    protein levels of complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF and membrane cofactor protein (MCP in the
    placentas of women with acquired and inherited thrombophilia. Also, we assessed immunohistochemistry staining
    of inhibitors of the complement cascade, DAF and MCP proteins, in the placentas of thrombophilic women.
    Placentas were collected from eight women with inherited thrombophilia and ten with acquired thrombophilia.
    The levels of DAF and MCP transcripts were evaluated by qPCR, the protein level was evaluated by Western
    blot. We observed a higher transcript (p < 0.05 and protein (p < 0.001 levels of DAF and MCP in the placentas
    of thrombophilic women than in the control group. DAF and MCP were localized on villous syncytiotrophoblast
    membranes, but the assessment of staining in all groups did not differ. The observed higher expression level of
    proteins that control activation of complement control proteins is only seemingly contradictory to the changes
    observed for example in the antiphospholipid syndrome. However, given the hitherto known biochemical changes
    associated with thrombophilia, a mechanism in which increased expression of DAF and MCP in the placentas is
    an effect of proinflammatory cytokines, which accompanies thrombophilia, is probable.Factors controlling complement activation appear to exert a protective effect on pregnancy. This is
    particularly important in women with thrombophilia. The aim of this study was to determine the transcript and
    protein levels of complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF and membrane cofactor protein (MCP in the
    placentas of women with acquired and inherited thrombophilia. Also, we assessed immunohistochemistry

  16. Placenta previa (United States)

    ... cervix is the opening to the birth canal. Causes During pregnancy, the placenta moves as the womb stretches and ... care provider can diagnose this condition with a pregnancy ultrasound. ... or part of the cervix, a vaginal delivery can cause severe bleeding. This can be deadly to both ...

  17. Otimização da secagem da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden).


    Gilson Roberto Vasconcelos dos Santos


    É crescente a utilização do gênero Eucalyptus nas indústrias de manufaturados de madeira, notadamente em produtos de maior valor agregado como móveis e assoalhos. Contudo, essa matéria-prima requer secagem lenta, o que implica um aumento no custo do processo, proporcional ao tempo de permanência da madeira no secador. A combinação da secagem natural com a secagem convencional tem sido indicada como alternativa para reduzir a duração do processo artificial; hipótese que foi avaliada, no presen...

  18. Study of placenta of children born with congenital malformations. (United States)

    Stoll, Claude; Alembik, Yves; Dott, Béatrice; Roth, Marie-Paule


    The malformations in this study were observed in a series of 279,642 consecutive births of known outcome registered in our Registry of congenital anomalies. For each case, more than 50 factors included in the registration forms were studied. One of the factors studied was the placenta. For each malformed child, a control was chosen. Cases with maternal known factors impairing placenta function, i.e. vasculopathy and diabetes, were excluded. In each category of malformations studied, the malformed children were divided into isolated and non-isolated (multiple malformed) cases. The weight of placenta of isolated cases was not lower than the weight of placenta of the controls. In contrast, the weight of placenta of the cases with non-isolated malformations was lower than the weight of placenta of the controls and of the isolated cases, for all categories of malformations but gastroschisis and omphalocele. The mean weights at birth of the cases with multiple malformations were also lower than those of the controls. The human placenta discounts a principal functional part, the maternal blood in the intervillous space. Congenital malformations may interact with this function.

  19. Expression and function of endogenous retroviruses in the placenta. (United States)

    Denner, Joachim


    Although the expression of endogenous retroviruses in the placenta of numerous species was observed a long time ago, their physiological function during gestation was demonstrated only very recently. Expression of retroviral envelope proteins, also called syncytins, in the placenta allows generation of the multinuclear syncytiotrophoblast as an outer cellular layer of the placenta by fusion of the trophoblast cells. This fusion process is crucial for the development of the placenta and for successful pregnancy. It is still unclear whether the immunosuppressive properties of the transmembrane envelope protein of the endogenous retroviruses expressed in the placenta contribute to immunosuppression to prevent the rejection of the semiallotransplant embryo. The presence of placenta cells expressing retroviral envelope proteins surrounded by immune cells deep in the maternal tissue supports an immunosuppressive function. It is important to emphasize that during evolution different species utilized ('enslaved') different endogenous retroviruses and that two or more endogenous retroviruses are involved in placentogenesis in each species. © 2016 APMIS. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Placenta percreta with urinary bladder involvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Ojaimi, Eftekhar H.; Subramaniam, Balameenakshi V.


    A 37-years old Pakistani lady, who had previously undergone one cesarean delivery and one uterine curettage, was admitted to the labor ward at 29 weeks of gestation with history of sudden severe painless vaginal bleeding from a sonographically diagnosed placenta pervia. An immediate cesarean was performed and a live male infant was delivered. The placenta was morbidly adherent to the lower uterine segment and attempts at removal caused torrential bleeding, necesstiating cesarean hysterectomy. In addition, attempts to dissect the bldder from lower uterine segment was unsuccessful and, hence, the diagnosis of placenta percreta with involvement of urinary bladder was made. A modified posterior approach to the hyterectomy was carried out, with subsequent good recovery. (author)

  1. Increase in perivillous fibrinoid material in placentas from pregnancies with preeclampsia


    Souza, Diego Agra de; Bezerra, Antonio Fernando de Sousa; Wanderley, David Campos; Souto, Claudia Maria Barbosa


    INTRODUÇÃO: A pré-eclâmpsia responde por alta morbimortalidade no Brasil e no mundo. A sua etiologia ainda não foi totalmente esclarecida. Entre as alterações placentárias na pré-eclâmpsia citam-se: infartos, aumento de nós sinciciais, hipotrofia vilositária, espessamento da membrana basal trofoblástica e deposição de material fibrinoide. OBJETIVO: Analisar quantitativamente imagens do material fibrinoide perivilositário presente em placentas de gestações com e sem pré-eclâmpsia. MATERIAL E M...

  2. Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta in a Multiparous Woman

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer C. Hunt


    Full Text Available Placenta accreta refers to any abnormally invasive placental implantation. Diagnosis is suspected postpartum with failed delivery of a retained placenta. Massive obstetrical hemorrhage is a known complication, often requiring peripartum hysterectomy. We report a case of presumed placenta accreta in a patient following failed manual removal of a retained placenta. We describe an attempt at conservative management with methotrexate in a stable patient desiring future fertility. Treatment was unsuccessful and led to the development of a disseminated intrauterine infection complicated by a bowel obstruction, requiring both a hysterectomy and small bowel resection. In hemodynamically stable patients, conservative management of placenta accreta may involve leaving placental tissue in situ with subsequent administration of methotrexate. However, ongoing close observation is required to identify complications.

  3. D2-40/podoplanin expression in the human placenta (United States)

    Wang, Yuping; Sun, Jingxia; Gu, Yang; Zhao, Shuang; Groome, Lynn J.; Alexander, J. Steven


    Placental tissue expresses many lymphatic markers. The current study was undertaken to examine if D2-40/podoplanin, a lymphatic endothelial marker, was expressed in the human placentas, and how it is altered developmentally and pathologically. We studied D2-40/podoplanin and VEGFR-3 expressions in placentas from normotensive pregnancies at different gestational ages and in placentas from women with clinically defined preeclampsia. D2-40 expression in systemic lymphatic vessel endothelium served as a positive control. Protein expression for D2-40, VEGFR-3, and β-actin were determined by Western blot in placentas from normotensive (n=6) and preeclamptic (n=5) pregnancies. Our results show that D2-40/podoplanin was strongly expressed in the placenta, mainly as a network plexus pattern in the villous stroma throughout gestation. CD31 was limited to villous core fetal vessel endothelium and VEGFR-3 was found in both villous core fetal vessel endothelium and trophoblasts. D2-40/podoplanin expression was significantly decreased, and VEGFR-3 significantly increased in preeclamptic placental tissues compared to normotensive placental controls. Placental villous stroma is a reticular-like structure, and the localization of D2-40 to the stroma suggests that a lymphatic-like conductive network may exist in the human placenta. D2-40/podoplanin is an O-linked sialoglycoprotein. Although little is known regarding biological functions of sialylated glycoproteins within the placenta, placental D2-40/podoplanin may support fetal vessel angiogenesis during placenta development and reduced D2-40/podoplanin expression in preeclamptic placenta may contribute to altered interstitial fluid homeostasis and impaired angiogenesis in this pregnancy disorder. PMID:21095001

  4. Cervical Length in Patients at Risk for Placenta Accreta. (United States)

    Rac, Martha W F; McIntire, Donald D; Wells, C Edward; Moschos, Elysia; Twickler, Diane D


    To evaluate cervical length measurements in women with placenta accreta compared to women with a nonadherent low-lying placenta or placenta previa and evaluate this relationship in terms of vaginal bleeding, preterm labor, and preterm birth. We conducted a retrospective cohort study between 1997 and 2011 of gravidas with more than 1 prior cesarean delivery who had a transvaginal ultrasound examination between 24 and 34 weeks for a low-lying placenta or placenta previa. Cervical length was measured from archived images in accordance with national guidelines by a single investigator, who was blinded to outcomes and ultrasound reports. The diagnosis of placental accreta was based on histologic confirmation. For study purposes, preterm birth was defined as less than 36 weeks, and cervical lengths of 3 cm or less were considered short. Standard statistical analyses were used. A total of 125 patients met inclusion criteria. The cohort was divided into patients with (n = 43 [34%]) and without (n = 82 [66%]) placenta accreta and stratified by gestational age at the ultrasound examinations. Women with placenta accreta had shorter cervical length measurements during their 32- to 34-week ultrasound examinations (mean ± SD, 3.23 ± 0.98 versus 3.95 ± 1.0 cm; P accreta had shorter cervical lengths at 32 to 34 weeks than women with a nonadherent low-lying placenta or placenta previa, but this finding did not correlate with a higher risk of vaginal bleeding or preterm labor resulting in preterm birth before 36 weeks. © 2017 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

  5. Avaliacao de interacoes medicamentosas potenciais em prescricoes da atencao primaria de Vitoria da Conquista (BA), Brasil


    Danyllo Fabio Lessa Leao; Cristiano Soares de Moura; Danielle Souto de Medeiros


    As interações medicamentosas são fatores de risco para a ocorrência de reações adversas a medicamentos. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA), visando preencher a lacuna de conhecimento sobre essa temática no Brasil. Foram coletadas informações sobre diversas variáveis de prescrições oriundas da atenção primária e as interações medicamentosas avaliadas a partir dos bancos de dados do Medsc...

  6. Exposure to air pollutants during the early weeks of pregnancy, and placenta praevia and placenta accreta in the western part of Japan. (United States)

    Michikawa, Takehiro; Morokuma, Seiichi; Yamazaki, Shin; Fukushima, Kotaro; Kato, Kiyoko; Nitta, Hiroshi


    Placenta praevia is an obstetric complication involving placental implantation in the lower uterine segment. Given the suggested aetiology of placenta praevia, adverse biological effects of air pollutants, such as plasma viscosity increment, endothelial dysfunction, and systemic inflammation, have the potential to induce low implantation. We explored the association between exposure to air pollutants during the pregnancy period up to implantation, and placenta praevia, in pregnant Japanese women. The outcome also included placenta accreta, which often exists in combination with placenta praevia. From the Japan Perinatal Registry Network database, we obtained data on 40,573 singleton pregnant women in western Japan (Kyushu-Okinawa Districts) between 2005 and 2010. We assigned pollutant concentrations (suspended particulate matter [SPM], ozone, nitrogen dioxide [NO2], and sulphur dioxide [SO2]), measured at the nearest monitoring station to the respective delivery hospital of each woman. A logistic regression model was used to adjust for several covariates. The odds ratios (ORs) of placenta praevia per 10 units increase were 1.12 (95% confidence interval (CI)=1.01-1.23) for SPM over 0-4weeks of gestation, and 1.08 (1.00-1.16) for ozone. The association between exposure to NO2 and SO2, and praevia, was in the direction of increased risk. SPM exposure during 0-4weeks was associated with placenta accreta without praevia (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1.07-1.66). We found no association with exposure to air pollutants during 5-12weeks and the second trimester. Exposure to air pollutants through to implantation was positively associated with placenta praevia and accreta. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Morphological analysis of the placenta of paca (Agouti paca L., 1766): Study with light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy


    BONATELLI, Marina; MACHADO, Márcia Rita Fernandes; CRUZ, Claudinei; MIGLINO, Maria Angélica


    Foram estudados os aspectos morfológicos de nove placentas de paca (Agouti paca, L., 1766) mediante análises em microscopia de luz e eletrônica de transmissão dos fragmentos teciduais correspondentes à porção de maior conexão placentária em diferentes fêmeas gestantes, nos estágios intermediário e final da prenhez. Realizamos este estudo, pois, aliada à necessidade da procura de novas espécies que atuem como modelos experimentais adequados, havia a disponibilidade deste roedor em nosso meio; ...

  8. Vascular corrosion casting of normal and pre-eclamptic placentas. (United States)

    Yin, Geping; Chen, Ming; Li, Juan; Zhao, Xiaoli; Yang, Shujun; Li, Xiuyun; Yuan, Zheng; Wu, Aifang


    Pre-eclampsia is an important cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality that is associated with decreased placental perfusion. In the present study, vascular corrosion casting was used to investigate the differences in structural changes of the fetoplacental vasculature between normal and pre-eclamptic placentas. An improved epoxy resin vascular casting technique was used in the present study. Casting media were infused into 40 normal and 40 pre-eclamptic placentas through umbilical arteries and veins in order to construct three dimensional fetoplacental vasculatures. The number of branches, diameter, morphology and peripheral artery-to-vein ratio were measured for each specimen. The results indicated that the venous system of normal placentas was divided into 5-7 grades of branches and the volume of the vascular bed was 155.5±45.3 ml. In severe pre-eclamptic placentas, the volume was 106.4±36.1 ml, which was significantly lower compared with normal placentas (P<0.01). The venous system of pre-eclamptic placentas was divided into 4-5 grades of branches, which was much more sparse compared with normal placentas. In additions, the diameters of grade 1-3 veins and grade 2-3 arteries were significantly smaller in severe pre-eclampsia (P<0.05). In conclusion, pre-eclamptic placentas displayed a decreased volume of vascular bed, smaller diameters of grade 1-3 veins and grade 2-3 arteries, and an increased peripheral artery-to-vein ratio, which may be a cause of the placental dysfunction during severe pre-eclampsia.

  9. Reoccurrence of retained placenta at vaginal delivery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikolajsen, Sys; Løkkegaard, Ellen Christine Leth; Bergholt, Thomas


    To estimate the prevalence and validate the diagnosis of retained placenta in nulliparous women and the risk of reoccurrence at subsequent vaginal delivery.......To estimate the prevalence and validate the diagnosis of retained placenta in nulliparous women and the risk of reoccurrence at subsequent vaginal delivery....

  10. O Efeito da Música e a Importância da Musicalidade na Dor do Pós-operatório


    Calado, Carlos


    Efectuámos um estudo quase-experimental em que se investigou o efeito da música na dor do pós-operatório, comparando o efeito da música da preferência individual, a música chamada de “relaxante”, e “sem música”; investigámos a influência nesse efeito das variáveis dor e incapacidade pré-operatórias, aptidão musical, preferência musical, estratégias de coping perante a dor e valores individuais. A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada segundo a dor autoava...

  11. Placenta Maps: In Utero Placental Health Assessment of the Human Fetus. (United States)

    Miao, Haichao; Mistelbauer, Gabriel; Karimov, Alexey; Alansary, Amir; Davidson, Alice; Lloyd, David F A; Damodaram, Mellisa; Story, Lisa; Hutter, Jana; Hajnal, Joseph V; Rutherford, Mary; Preim, Bernhard; Kainz, Bernhard; Groller, M Eduard


    The human placenta is essential for the supply of the fetus. To monitor the fetal development, imaging data is acquired using (US). Although it is currently the gold-standard in fetal imaging, it might not capture certain abnormalities of the placenta. (MRI) is a safe alternative for the in utero examination while acquiring the fetus data in higher detail. Nevertheless, there is currently no established procedure for assessing the condition of the placenta and consequently the fetal health. Due to maternal respiration and inherent movements of the fetus during examination, a quantitative assessment of the placenta requires fetal motion compensation, precise placenta segmentation and a standardized visualization, which are challenging tasks. Utilizing advanced motion compensation and automatic segmentation methods to extract the highly versatile shape of the placenta, we introduce a novel visualization technique that presents the fetal and maternal side of the placenta in a standardized way. Our approach enables physicians to explore the placenta even in utero. This establishes the basis for a comparative assessment of multiple placentas to analyze possible pathologic arrangements and to support the research and understanding of this vital organ. Additionally, we propose a three-dimensional structure-aware surface slicing technique in order to explore relevant regions inside the placenta. Finally, to survey the applicability of our approach, we consulted clinical experts in prenatal diagnostics and imaging. We received mainly positive feedback, especially the applicability of our technique for research purposes was appreciated.

  12. Invasive placenta previa. Placental bulge with distorted uterine outline and uterine serosal hypervascularity at 1.5T MRI - useful features for differentiating placenta percreta from placenta accreta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, Xin; Zhang, Xinjuan; Wang, Shanshan; Shi, Honglu; Gao, Fei; Wang, Guangbin [Shandong University, Department of MR, Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute, Jinan, Shandong (China); Shan, Ruiqin [Jinan Maternity and Child Care Hospital, Department of Obstetrics, Jinan (China); Zhao, Lianxin [Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Department of Radiology, Jinan, Shandong (China); Song, Qingxu [Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Department of Radiation Oncology, Jinan, Shandong (China); Zuo, Changting [Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jinan, Shandong (China); Qian, Tianyi [MR Collaborations NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Beijing (China); Limperopoulos, Catherine [Children' s National Health System, Division of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology, Washington, DC (United States); George Washington University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Washington, DC (United States)


    To characterise MRI features of invasive placenta previa and to identify specific features for differentiating placenta percreta (PP) from placenta accreta (PA). Forty-five women with PP and 93 women with PA who underwent 1.5T placental MRI were included. Two radiologists independently evaluated the MRI features of invasive placenta previa, including our novel type of placental bulge (i.e. placental bulge type-II, characterized by placental bulge with distorted uterine outline). Pearson's chi-squared or Fisher's two-sided exact test was performed to compare the MRI features between PP and PA. Logistic stepwise regression analysis and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were performed to select the optimal features for differentiating PP from PA. Significant differences were found in nine MRI features between women with PP and those with PA (P <0.05). Placental bulge type-II and uterine serosal hypervascularity were independently associated with PP (odds ratio = 48.618, P < 0.001; odds ratio = 4.165, P = 0.018 respectively), and the combination of the two MRI features to distinguish PP from PA yielded an AUC of 0.92 for its predictive performance. Placental bulge type-II and uterine serosal hypervascularity are useful MRI features for differentiating PP from PA. (orig.)

  13. Invasive placenta previa: Placental bulge with distorted uterine outline and uterine serosal hypervascularity at 1.5T MRI - useful features for differentiating placenta percreta from placenta accreta. (United States)

    Chen, Xin; Shan, Ruiqin; Zhao, Lianxin; Song, Qingxu; Zuo, Changting; Zhang, Xinjuan; Wang, Shanshan; Shi, Honglu; Gao, Fei; Qian, Tianyi; Wang, Guangbin; Limperopoulos, Catherine


    To characterise MRI features of invasive placenta previa and to identify specific features for differentiating placenta percreta (PP) from placenta accreta (PA). Forty-five women with PP and 93 women with PA who underwent 1.5T placental MRI were included. Two radiologists independently evaluated the MRI features of invasive placenta previa, including our novel type of placental bulge (i.e. placental bulge type-II, characterized by placental bulge with distorted uterine outline). Pearson's chi-squared or Fisher's two-sided exact test was performed to compare the MRI features between PP and PA. Logistic stepwise regression analysis and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were performed to select the optimal features for differentiating PP from PA. Significant differences were found in nine MRI features between women with PP and those with PA (P Placental bulge type-II and uterine serosal hypervascularity were independently associated with PP (odds ratio = 48.618, P Placental bulge type-II and uterine serosal hypervascularity are useful MRI features for differentiating PP from PA. • Placental bulge type-II demonstrated the strongest independent association with PP. • Uterine serosal hypervascularity is a useful feature for differentiating PP from PA. • MRI features associated with abnormal vessels increase the risk of massive haemorrhage.

  14. Invasive placenta previa. Placental bulge with distorted uterine outline and uterine serosal hypervascularity at 1.5T MRI - useful features for differentiating placenta percreta from placenta accreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Xin; Zhang, Xinjuan; Wang, Shanshan; Shi, Honglu; Gao, Fei; Wang, Guangbin; Shan, Ruiqin; Zhao, Lianxin; Song, Qingxu; Zuo, Changting; Qian, Tianyi; Limperopoulos, Catherine


    To characterise MRI features of invasive placenta previa and to identify specific features for differentiating placenta percreta (PP) from placenta accreta (PA). Forty-five women with PP and 93 women with PA who underwent 1.5T placental MRI were included. Two radiologists independently evaluated the MRI features of invasive placenta previa, including our novel type of placental bulge (i.e. placental bulge type-II, characterized by placental bulge with distorted uterine outline). Pearson's chi-squared or Fisher's two-sided exact test was performed to compare the MRI features between PP and PA. Logistic stepwise regression analysis and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were performed to select the optimal features for differentiating PP from PA. Significant differences were found in nine MRI features between women with PP and those with PA (P <0.05). Placental bulge type-II and uterine serosal hypervascularity were independently associated with PP (odds ratio = 48.618, P < 0.001; odds ratio = 4.165, P = 0.018 respectively), and the combination of the two MRI features to distinguish PP from PA yielded an AUC of 0.92 for its predictive performance. Placental bulge type-II and uterine serosal hypervascularity are useful MRI features for differentiating PP from PA. (orig.)

  15. Isotopic location of the placenta. Experience of Lariboisiere Hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naccache, Gilbert.


    All isotopic placenta location techniques make use of the vascularisation difference between the placenta and the neighbouring tissues. The principle is based on the amount of blood in the intervillous space and the maternal blood circulation rate in the placenta area. The techniques, all based on this principle, differ by the nature of the radioelement and the performance of the instruments used. Mention is made of the qualities governing the choice of radioisotope injected, with emphasis on the need to reduce the foetal irradiation. Two kinds of scintigraphic equipment are used, one with a mobile detector moving above the woman's abdomen and the other using a fixed detector, the scintillation camera, which gives the placenta image very rapidly. The practical details of an experiment covering 49 cases of placenta location, using a scintillation camera and sup(99m)Tc-labelled red blood cells, are described in full [fr

  16. Conservative surgical management of placenta accreta: a report of 3 cases. (United States)

    Pliskow, Steven; Dai, Xiaorong; Kohner, Andrew; Kapnick, Jason


    Placenta accreta is often diagnosed at the time of delivery and is a cause of postpartum hemorrhage, morbidity and mortality. The standard treatment for placenta accreta is hysterectomy to avoid acute blood loss and shock. A conservative surgical approach to the treatment of placenta accreta will allow immediate cure while preserving the patient's future fertility. A 39-year-old woman with placenta accreta diagnosed at the time of vaginal delivery was successfully treated with resection of the placental implantation site. A 33-year-old woman and a 35-year-old woman with placenta accreta/increta diagnosed at the time of cesarean section were successfully treated with resection of the placental implantation site. One patient has since conceived and given birth. Placenta accreta and placenta increta can be safely and successfully treated, in some well-selected cases, by resection of the placental implantation site and uterine repair. This conservative surgical management provides immediate therapy, reduces blood loss and preserves fertility.

  17. MRI of placenta percreta: differentiation from other entities of placental adhesive disorder. (United States)

    Thiravit, Shanigarn; Lapatikarn, Sukanya; Muangsomboon, Kobkun; Suvannarerg, Voraparee; Thiravit, Phakphoom; Korpraphong, Pornpim


    To retrospectively review the MRI findings of placenta percreta and identify those helpful for differentiation from non-placenta percreta. The MRI images of 21 patients with a preliminary diagnosis of placental adhesive disorder scanned between 2005 and 2014 were evaluated. Radiologists blinded to the final diagnosis evaluated six previously described MRI findings of placenta adhesive disorder. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, negative predictive value (NPV), and positive predictive value (PPV) of MRI for the diagnosis of placenta percreta were also calculated. The study included 12 cases of placenta percreta and 9 cases of non-placenta percreta. Invasion of placental tissue outside the uterus was found only in placenta percreta (p = 0.045; sensitivity 41.7 %; specificity 100 %). All placenta percreta cases also had a moderate to marked degree of heterogeneous placental signal intensity (p = 0.063; sensitivity 100 %; specificity 33.3 %). The size of the dark bands on T2-weighted imaging, and the presence of disorganized intra-placental vessels, showed no statistically significant difference between placenta percreta and non-placenta percreta. The sensitivity, specificity, NPV, PPV, and accuracy of MRI for detection of placenta percreta were 91.7, 44, 80, 68, and 71.4 %, respectively. MRI is recommended for the evaluation of placenta percreta, with the most specific signs including the invasion of placental tissue outside the uterus on B-FFE sequences, and consideration of the degree of placental signal heterogeneity. The size of the T2 dark band alone, or bizarre disorganized intra-placental vessels, did not correlate with the severity of invasion.

  18. Abnormal labyrinthine zone in the Hectd1-null placenta. (United States)

    Sarkar, Anjali A; Sabatino, Julia A; Sugrue, Kelsey F; Zohn, Irene E


    The labyrinthine zone of the placenta is where exchange of nutrients and waste occurs between maternal and fetal circulations. Proper development of the placental labyrinth is essential for successful growth of the developing fetus and abnormalities in placental development are associated with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preeclampsia and fetal demise. Our previous studies demonstrate that Hectd1 is essential for development of the junctional and labyrinthine zones of the placenta. Here we further characterize labyrinthine zone defects in the Hectd1 mutant placenta. The structure of the mutant placenta was compared to wildtype littermates using histological methods. The expression of cell type specific markers was examined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Hectd1 is expressed in the labyrinthine zone throughout development and the protein is enriched in syncytiotrophoblast layer type I cells (SynT-I) and Sinusoidal Trophoblast Giant cells (S-TGCs) in the mature placenta. Mutation of Hectd1 results in pale placentas with frequent hemorrhages along with gross abnormalities in the structure of the labyrinthine zone including a smaller overall volume and a poorly elaborated fetal vasculature that contain fewer fetal blood cells. Examination of molecular markers of labyrinthine trophoblast cell types reveals increased Dlx3 positive cells and Syna positive SynT-I cells, along with decreased Hand1 and Ctsq positive sinusoidal trophoblast giant cells (S-TGCs). Together these defects indicate that Hectd1 is required for development of the labyrinthine zonethe mouse placenta. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Per operative discovery of Placenta Praevia Percreta: A case report ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Placenta percreta is a rare pathological entity with challenging diagnostic and therapeutic requirements especially for resource limited settings. We present here the case of a 40 year old woman with a per operative diagnosis of placenta accreta during a caesarian section indicated for placenta praevia. We highlight the ...

  20. Espectro de gotas de pulverização e controle da ferrugem-asiática-da-soja em cultivares com diferentes arquiteturas de planta

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    Mônica Paula Debortoli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o espectro de gotas de pulverização ideal para o controle da ferrugem-asiática-da-soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi, em cultivares com diferentes arquiteturas de planta. O experimento foi conduzido na safra de 2009/2010. A aplicação de fungicida (piraclostrobina + epoxiconazol, com óleo mineral foi avaliada com quatro espectros de gotas de pulverização - muito fino, <119 μm; fino, 119 a 216 μm; médio, 217 a 352 μm; e grosso, 353 a 464 μm -, em quatro cultivares de soja (BMX Apollo RR, NA 7636 RR, Fcep 53 RR e TMG 4001 RR contrastantes quanto a índice de área foliar, estatura de plantas e número de ramos por planta. Foram quantificadas as variáveis: número de gotas por cm², diâmetro mediano volumétrico das gotas, área abaixo da curva de progresso da ferrugem-asiática e produtividade da soja. A definição do espectro de gotas a ser utilizado deve considerar a cultivar e as condições ambientais em que a pulverização será realizada. A magnitude da proteção exercida pelo fungicida varia de acordo com a cobertura de plantas e a penetração de gotas no dossel, proporcionada pelos diferentes espectros de gota. O espectro de gotas fino proporciona boa deposição de gotas, controle da doença e produtividade, independentemente da cultivar avaliada.

  1. Angiogenic factor imbalance precedes complement deposition in placentae of the BPH/5 model of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Sones, Jennifer L; Merriam, Audrey A; Seffens, Angelina; Brown-Grant, Dex-Ann; Butler, Scott D; Zhao, Anna M; Xu, Xinjing; Shawber, Carrie J; Grenier, Jennifer K; Douglas, Nataki C


    Preeclampsia (PE), a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, is a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Although the etiology is unknown, PE is thought to be caused by defective implantation and decidualization in pregnancy. Pregnant blood pressure high (BPH)/5 mice spontaneously develop placentopathies and maternal features of human PE. We hypothesized that BPH/5 implantation sites have transcriptomic alterations. Next-generation RNA sequencing of implantation sites at peak decidualization, embryonic day (E)7.5, revealed complement gene up-regulation in BPH/5 vs. controls. In BPH/5, expression of complement factor 3 was increased around the decidual vasculature of E7.5 implantation sites and in the trophoblast giant cell layer of E10.5 placentae. Altered expression of VEGF pathway genes in E5.5 BPH/5 implantation sites preceded complement dysregulation, which correlated with abnormal vasculature and increased placental growth factor mRNA and VEGF 164 expression at E7.5. By E10.5, proangiogenic genes were down-regulated, whereas antiangiogenic sFlt-1 was up-regulated in BPH/5 placentae. We found that early local misexpression of VEGF genes and abnormal decidual vasculature preceded sFlt-1 overexpression and increased complement deposition in BPH/5 placentae. Our findings suggest that abnormal decidual angiogenesis precedes complement activation, which in turn contributes to the aberrant trophoblast invasion and poor placentation that underlie PE.-Sones, J. L., Merriam, A. A., Seffens, A., Brown-Grant, D.-A., Butler, S. D., Zhao, A. M., Xu, X., Shawber, C. J., Grenier, J. K., Douglas, N. C. Angiogenic factor imbalance precedes complement deposition in placentae of the BPH/5 model of preeclampsia.

  2. The role of shear wave elastography in the assessment of placenta previa-accreta. (United States)

    Alıcı Davutoglu, Ebru; Ariöz Habibi, Hatice; Ozel, Ayşegül; Yuksel, Mehmet Aytac; Adaletli, Ibrahim; Madazlı, Riza


    To evaluate the value of shear wave elastography (SWE) in the prediction of morbidly adherent placenta. Forty-three women with normal placental location and 26 women with anteriorly localized placenta previa were recruited for this case-control study. Placental elasticity values in both the groups were determined by SWE imaging. SWE values were higher in the placenta previa group in all regions than in normal localized placentas (p  .05). Placental stiffness is significantly higher in placenta previa than normal localized placentas. However, we could not demonstrate any statistically significant difference in the elasticity values between the placenta previa with and without accreta.

  3. Qualidade da dieta de pré-escolares de 2 a 5 anos residentes na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, RS

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    Katharine Konrad Leal


    Full Text Available ResumoObjetivo:Avaliar a qualidade da dieta de pré-escolares residentes na área urbana da cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Métodos:A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada de acordo com o Índice de Alimentação Saudável (IAS, adaptado para o Brasil. O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio de Questionário de Frequência Alimentar. O escore do índice foi obtido por uma pontuação distribuída em 13 grupos alimentares, que caracterizam diferentes aspectos de uma dieta saudável, variação de 0 a 100 pontos. Quanto mais próximo de 100, melhor será a qualidade da dieta.Resultados:A qualidade da dieta foi avaliada em 556 pré-escolares. O valor médio do escore do IAS foi de 74,4 pontos. Isso indica que as dietas necessitam ser melhoradas. As médias dos escores foram significativamente maiores entre as meninas e entre crianças provenientes de famílias com renda familiar entre um e menos de três salários mínimos mensais.Conclusões:As crianças apresentaram consumo de verduras e legumes abaixo da recomendação, enquanto os alimentos do grupo dos óleos e gorduras, bem como do grupo dos açúcares, balas, chocolates e salgadinhos, foram consumidos em excesso. É importante reforçar orientações para promover um hábito alimentar mais saudável, que poderá perdurar em etapas posteriores da vida

  4. Apoptose e expressão de Bcl-2 e das caspases 3 e 8 em placenta bovina, em diferentes estádios de gestação Apoptosis and expression of Bcl-2 and caspases 3 and 8 in placenta of cows at different pregnancy stages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.K.O.L. Meça


    Full Text Available Apoptose e seus mecanismos reguladores são eventos fisiológicos cruciais para a manutenção da homeostase placentária, e o desequilíbrio desses processos pode comprometer a função placentária e, consequentemente, o sucesso da gravidez. Neste estudo, investigou-se a apoptose utilizando-se histomorfometria em lâminas coradas em HE e submetidas à reação de TUNEL. Além disso, avaliou-se a expressão de Bcl-2 e das caspases 8 e 3, pela reação de polimerase em cadeia em tempo real, em placentas saudáveis em diferentes estádios de gestação. Amostras de placentônios de vacas com quatro, seis e nove meses de gestação foram colhidas e processadas. O índice apoptótico aumentou progressivamente com o avanço da gestação. Tanto o Bcl-2 quanto as caspases 3 e 8 foram expressas nos três períodos estudados, sendo a expressão de Bcl-2 menor que a de caspase 8, que é menor que a de caspase 3. Estes resultados indicam que essas moléculas estão envolvidas na via apoptótica ativada na maturação placentária, exibindo um padrão de expressão ao longo da gestação e contribuindo para o equilíbrio fisiológico da celularidade e renovação celular na placenta bovina.Apoptosis and its regulating mechanisms are crucial physiological events for the maintenance of the placental homostasis; and disequilibrium of these processes may compromise placental function and the success of the pregnancy. In this study, apoptosis was investigated by histomorphometry using slides stained with HE and TUNEL reaction. Besides that, Bcl-2 and caspases 8 and 3 expression were evaluated by real time polymerase chain reaction in healthy placentas under different gestacional ages. Samples of placentones of cows at 4th, 6th, and 9th months of gestation were harvested and processed. The apoptotic index gradually increased with the advance of the gestation. Bcl-2 and caspases 3 and 8 were expressed in all the studied periods, being the expression of Bcl-2

  5. Relationship between first trimester aneuploidy screening test serum analytes and placenta accreta. (United States)

    Büke, Barış; Akkaya, Hatice; Demir, Sibel; Sağol, Sermet; Şimşek, Deniz; Başol, Güneş; Barutçuoğlu, Burcu


    The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between first trimester serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free beta human chorionic gonadotropin (fβhCG) MoM values and placenta accreta in women who had placenta previa. A total of 88 patients with placenta previa who had first trimester aneuploidy screening test results were enrolled in the study. Nineteen of these patients were also diagnosed with placenta accreta. As probable markers of excessive placental invasion, serum PAPP-A and fβhCG MoM values were compared in two groups with and without placenta accreta. Patients with placenta accreta had higher statistically significant serum PAPP-A (1.20 versus 0.865, respectively, p = 0.045) and fβhCG MoM (1.42 versus 0.93, respectively, p = 0.042) values than patients without accreta. Higher first trimester serum PAPP-A and fβhCG MoM values seem to be associated with placenta accreta in women with placenta previa. Further studies are needed to use these promising additional tools for early detection of placenta accreta.

  6. The Placenta: Applications in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. (United States)

    McIntyre, James Alexander; Jones, Ian A; Danilkovich, Alla; Vangsness, C Thomas


    Placenta has a long history of use for treating burns and wounds. It is a rich source of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins, tissue reparative growth factors, and stem cells, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Recent data show its therapeutic potential for orthopaedic sports medicine indications. To provide orthopaedic surgeons with an anatomic description of the placenta, to characterize its cellular composition, and to review the literature reporting the use of placenta-derived cells and placental tissue allografts for orthopaedic sports medicine indications in animal models and in humans. Systematic review. Using a total of 63 keyword combinations, the PubMed and MEDLINE databases were searched for published articles describing the use of placental cells and/or tissue for orthopaedic sports medicine indications. Information was collected on placental tissue type, indications, animal model, study design, treatment regimen, safety, and efficacy outcomes. Results were categorized by indication and subcategorized by animal model. Outcomes for 29 animal studies and 6 human studies reporting the use of placenta-derived therapeutics were generally positive; however, the placental tissue source, clinical indication, and administration route were highly variable across these studies. Fourteen animal studies described the use of placental tissue for tendon injuries, 13 studies for osteoarthritis or articular cartilage injuries, 3 for ligament injuries, and 1 for synovitis. Both placenta-derived culture-expanded cells (epithelial cells or MSCs) and placental tissue allografts were used in animal studies. In all human studies, commercial placental allografts were used. Five of 6 human studies examined the treatment of foot and ankle pathological conditions, and 1 studied the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. A review of the small number of reported studies revealed a high degree of variability in placental cell types, placental tissue preparation, routes

  7. Efeitos da concentração dos compostos fenólicos no mosto da fermentação alcoólica


    Henrique, Míriam Roberta [UNESP


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a relação da concentração dos compostos fenólicos do mosto com a viabilidade celular, viabilidade de brotamento, brotamento celular da levedura alcoólica e a eficiência da fermentação por subprodutos durante a safra 2011/2012 na Usina São Manoel, São Manuel (SP). Esta unidade iniciou a safra com a levedura selecionada CAT-1. Durante a safra, as cepas nativas adentraram o processo fermentativo e também foram avaliadas quanto à sensibilidade a concentração ...

  8. Ultrasound detection of placenta accreta in the first trimester of pregnancy


    Fatemeh Rahimi-Sharbaf; Ashraf Jamal; Elaheh Mesdaghinia; Masoumeh Abedzadeh- Kalahroudi; Shirin Niroomanesh; Fatemeh Atoof


    Background: Placenta accreta is considered a life-threatening condition and the main cause of maternal mortality. Prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta usually is made by clinical presentation, imaging studies like ultrasound and MRI in the second and third trimester. Objective: To determine accuracy of ultrasound findings for placenta accreta in the first trimester of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: In a longitudinal study 323 high risk patients for placenta accreta were assessed. The eli...

  9. Aspectos morfológicos do saco vitelino em roedores da subordem Hystricomorpha: paca (Agouti paca e cutia (Dasyprocta aguti Morphological aspects of yolk sac from rodents of Hystricomorpha subordem: paca (Agouti paca and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rogério Arcuri Conceição


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visou caracterizar macro e microscopicamente o saco vitelino em pacas (Agouti paca e cutias (Dasyprocta aguti no início de gestação. Três embriões/fetos de pacas e três de cutias foram utilizados para a análise do saco vitelino, durante as fases iniciais de gestação. Fragmentos do saco vitelino foram removidos do embrião/feto e rotineiramente processados para inclusão em parafina (técnica histológica rotineira e em resina Spurr (análise ultra-estrutural. Macroscopicamente, a placenta vitelínica em ambas as espécies inseria-se na superfície da placenta principal, com suas margens projetando-se completamente sobre o embrião/fetos. Na microscopia de luz, a placenta vitelínica apresentava-se constituída pelo epitélio endodérmico e um mesenquima com inúmeros vasos vitelínicos. Ultraestruturalmente, a placenta vitelínica visceral da paca era formada por células endodérmicas com núcleos na região mediana e da cutia por núcleos dispostos apicalmente; outra característica foi o grande número de mitocôndrias, vesículas de conteúdo eletrodenso e com microvilosidades. Com base nos resultados concluímos, que (1 a placenta vitelínica das duas espécies apresenta inserção na superfície da placenta principal; (2 a placenta vitelínica de paca se apóia na membrana de Reichert, diferentemente da cutia, que não possui tal membrana; (3 o cório e alantóide apresentam-se fusionados, formando a placenta corioalantoídea; e (4 o saco vitelino em ambas as espécies é invertido e vascularizado.The study aimed to characterize gross and microscopic features of the yolk sac in paca (Agouti paca and agouti (Dasyprocta aguti in early gestation. Fragments of the yolk sac of 3 paca and 3 agouti fetuses at early gestation were taken and processed for histological and ultrastructural analyses. Gross features of the vitelline placenta in both species showed its insertion over the main placenta surface and projections to

  10. Avaliaçao e mapeamento da fragilidade ambiental da Bacia do Rio Xaxim, Baia de Antonina-PR, com o auxílio de geoprocessamento


    Ghezzi, Alessandra Oliveira


    O Presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar e mapear a fragilidade ambiental da bacia do rio Xaxim, localizada no município de Antonina, estado do Paraná, com o auxilio do Geoprocessamento. A Bacia possui 56,20 Km² e foi avaliada conforme a metodologia de ROSS (1997). Os resultados indicam que na bacia do rio Xaxim, predominam as classes de fragilidade potencial média e baixa, em função principalmente da declividade, e classes de fragilidade emergente média e baixa em função principalmente da...

  11. Placenta accreta: pathogenesis of a 20th century iatrogenic uterine disease. (United States)

    Jauniaux, E; Jurkovic, D


    Placenta accreta refers to different grades of abnormal placental attachment to the uterine wall, which are characterised by invasion of trophoblast into the myometrium. Placenta accreta has only been described and studied by pathologists for less than a century. The fact that the first detailed description of a placenta accreta happened within a couple of decades of major changes in the caesarean surgical techniques is highly suggestive of a direct relationship between prior uterine surgery and abnormal placenta adherence. Several concepts have been proposed to explain the abnormal placentation in placenta accreta including a primary defect of the trophoblast function, a secondary basalis defect due to a failure of normal decidualization and more recently an abnormal vascularisation and tissue oxygenation of the scar area. The vast majority of placenta accreta are found in women presenting with a previous history of caesarean section and a placenta praevia. Recent epidemiological studies have also found that the strongest risk factor for placenta praevia is a prior caesarean section suggesting that a failure of decidualization in the area of a previous uterine scar can have an impact on both implantation and placentation. Ultrasound studies of uterine caesarean section scar have shown that large and deep myometrial defects are often associated with absence of re-epithelialisation of the scar area. These findings support the concept of a primary deciduo-myometrium defect in placenta accreta, exposing the myometrium and its vasculature below the junctional zone to the migrating trophoblast. The loss of this normal plane of cleavage and the excessive vascular remodelling of the radial and arcuate arteries can explain the in-vivo findings and the clinical consequence of placenta accreta. Overall these data support the concept that abnormal decidualization and trophoblastic changes of the placental bed in placenta accreta are secondary to the uterine scar and thus

  12. Peripartal leukogram in cows with and without retained placenta

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    Lužajić Tijana


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate whether prepartal leukogram in cows with retained placenta could indicate the presence of subclinical systemic inflammatory response before the onset of disease. After calving, sixteen highly pregnant Holstein cows, aged 3 to 9 years, without clinical signs of the disease prior to calving were divided into two groups: the first group (n=9 were animals without retained placenta, or any visible inflammation after birth; the second group (n=7 were cows with retained placenta. Blood was sampled three times before parturition, at intervals of one week, and once 24 hours after birth. The number of total leukocytes, segmented and non segmented neutrophilic granulocytes (NG, lymphocytes and monocytes were determined by standard laboratory techniques. The results have shown that in the group of cows with retained placenta the number of mature neutrophils was slightly elevated in the third, second and last week before calving, and equal number of non segmented neutrophils in regard to the group with no retention. The results have also shown that, in both groups of cows, 24 hours after calving, the number of total leukocytes and the number of segmented neutrophils decreased, but the number of the non segmented neutrophils increased. Based on this, we can conclude that cows with retained placenta had no systemic inflammatory response during three weeks prepartal period, but 24 hours after calving, systemic inflammatory response was documented in all the cows. Moreover, the intensity of inflammatory response in cows with retained placenta was not more pronounced in comparison to cows without retained placenta. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 175061

  13. Interventions for suspected placenta praevia. (United States)

    Neilson, J P


    Because placenta praevia is implanted unusually low in the uterus, it may cause major, and/or repeated, antepartum haemorrhage. The traditional policy of care of women with symptomatic placenta praevia includes prolonged stay in hospital and delivery by caesarean section. To assess the impact of any clinical intervention applied specifically because of a perceived likelihood that a pregnant woman might have placenta praevia. A comprehensive electronic search was performed to identify relevant literature. Searched databases included the Trials Register maintained by the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group (August 2002), and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2002). Any controlled clinical trial that has assessed the impact of an intervention in women diagnosed as having, or being likely to have, placenta praevia. Data were extracted, unblinded, by the author without consideration of results. Three trials were included, involving a total of 114 women. Both tested interventions (home versus hospitalisation and cervical cerclage versus no cerclage) were associated with reduced lengths of stay in hospital antenatally: weighted mean difference (WMD) respectively -18.50 days (95% confidence interval (CI) -26.83 to -10.17), -4.80 days (95% CI -6.37 to -3.23). Otherwise, there was little evidence of any clear advantage or disadvantage to a policy of home versus hospital care. The one woman who had a haemorrhage severe enough to require immediate transfusion and delivery was in the home care group. Cervical cerclage may reduce the risk of delivery before 34 weeks: relative risk (RR) 0.45 (95% CI 0.23 to 0.87), or the birth of a baby weighing less than two kilograms RR 0.34 (0.14 to 0.83) or having a low five minute Apgar score RR 0.19 (0.04 to 1.00). In general, these possible benefits were more evident in the trial of lower methodological quality. There are insufficient data from trials to recommend any change in clinical practice

  14. Histopathological, Ultrastructural and Apoptotic Changes in Diabetic Rat Placenta

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    Mehmet Gül


    Full Text Available Background: The exchange of substances between mother and fetus via the placenta plays a vital role during development. A number of developmental disorders in the fetus and placenta are observed during diabetic pregnancies. Diabetes, together with placental apoptosis, can lead to developmental and functional disorders. Aims: Histological, ultrastructural and apoptotic changes were investigated in the placenta of streptozotocin (STZ induced diabetic rats. Study Design: Animal experimentation. Methods: In this study, a total of 12 female Wistar Albino rats (control (n=6 and diabetic (n=6 were used. Rats in the diabetic group, following the administration of a single dose of STZ, showed blood glucose levels higher than 200 mg/dL after 72 hours. When pregnancy was detected after the rats were bred, two pieces of placenta and the fetuses were collected on the 20th day of pregnancy by cesarean incision under ketamine/xylazine anesthesia from in four rats from the control and diabetic groups. Placenta tissues were processed for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM. Hematoxylin-eosin (HE and periodic acid Schiff-diastase (PAS-D staining for light microscopic and caspase-3 staining for immunohistochemical investigations were performed for each placenta. Electron microscopy was performed on thin sections contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead nitrate. Results: Weight gain in the placenta and fetuses of diabetic rats and thinning of the decidual layer, thickening of the hemal membrane, apoptotic bodies, congestion in intervillous spaces, increased PAS-D staining in decidual cells and caspase-3 immunoreactivity were observed in the diabetic group. After the ultrastructural examination, the apoptotic appearance of the nuclei of trophoblastic cells, edema and intracytoplasmic vacuolization, glycogen accumulation, dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and myelin figures were observed. In addition, capillary basement membrane thickening

  15. Kinetics of silica nanoparticles in the human placenta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Marie Sønnegaard; Mose, Tina; Maroun, Lisa Leth


    choriocarcinoma cell line and the ex vivo perfused human placenta. Nanotoxicity in BeWo cells was examined by the MTT assay which demonstrated decreased cell viability at concentrations >100 µg/mL. In the placental perfusion experiments, antipyrine crossed the placenta rapidly, with a foetal:maternal ratio of 0...

  16. The recurrence risk of placenta accreta following uterine conserving management. (United States)

    Cunningham, K M; Anwar, A; Lindow, S W


    Placenta accreta is a condition of abnormal placental attachment that was usually treated by hysterectomy. Techniques to conserve the uterus are now commonly used and series of subsequent pregnancy outcomes have been reported. The recurrence risk of placenta accreta is now a relevant detail and is currently not known. This work was performed to calculate the recurrence risk by reviewing the published literature. A literature search using the terms "placenta accreta", "placenta percreta", "placenta increta", "abnormal placental attachment" and "placental attachment disorder" followed by hand-searching identified 6 papers that contained data concerning recurrence of placenta accreta in subsequent pregnancies following initial conservative treatment. Overall 407 pregnancies were recorded and 85.7% of women reported achieved a subsequent pregnancy following conservative treatment. The risk of recurrence of placental attachment disorder in a subsequent pregnancy was 19.9% (weighted mean, 95% CI 12.2-27.7). The recurrence risk of placental attachment disorder following uterine conservation treatments is 20% . This risk should be discussed with women with an antenatal diagnosis of a placental attachment disorder who may be considering uterine conservation in order to retain the option of a future pregnancy.

  17. Comportamento vegetativo e produtivo da videira e composição da uva em São Joaquim, Santa Catarina


    Borghezan,Marcelo; Gavioli,Olavo; Pit,Fábio Antônio; Silva,Aparecido Lima da


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento vegetativo e produtivo das variedades de videira Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot e Sauvignon Blanc, e a composição da uva em São Joaquim, Santa Catarina. Foram avaliadas plantas de um vinhedo comercial, cultivado em espaldeira, a 1.293 m de altitude, durante os ciclos fenológicos 2005/2006 e 2006/2007. As variáveis meteorológicas, a fenologia, o desenvolvimento do dossel e a composição da uva na colheita foram comparados entre os ciclos. As tem...

  18. Desafios atuais da pesquisa em toxicologia: Avaliação da toxicidade de nanomateriais manufaturados para o desenvolvimento

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    Isabella Fernandes Delgado


    Full Text Available Nanomateriais são partículas ou fibras que possuem pelo menos uma das três dimensões na faixa de tamanho entre 1 e 100 nm. Em virtude das suas propriedades físico-químicas ímpares as nano partículas têm uma variedade de usos na indústria e cada vez mais fazem parte do nosso cotidiano. Entretanto, apesar do número crescente de produtos da nanotecnologia chegando ao mercado, a avaliação dos riscos das NPs para saúde está na sua infância. Os efeitos nocivos das NPs sobre o desenvolvimento pré-natal tem sido ainda menos investigados. Este artigo sumariza a literatura sobre os efeitos das NPs sobre o desenvolvimento. Os estudos são em geral muito recentes e incluem experimentos ex vivo empregando invertebrados e vertebrados não-mamíferos, ensaios in vitro (células tronco embrionárias de camundongos e in vivo em roedores. Muito pouco tem sido publicado a respeito dos efeitos das NPs na placenta e sobre a passagem das NPs da mãe para o embrião e feto humanos. Algumas limitações dos ensaios ex vivo e in vitro para evidenciar potenciais perigos das NPs para o desenvolvimento prenatal humano são discutidas nesta revisão. As diferenças de estrutura e função entre a placenta de roedores e a placenta humana no período inicial da gravidez e a possível relevância delas para a transferencia transplacentária de NPs também são comentadas.

  19. A rare case report of hysterotomy for retained placenta accreta in bicornuate uterus


    Reena Sharma; Amit Gupta; Usha K. Chaudhary; Ajay Sharma; Arvind Kumar


    Retained placenta is a common third stage complication. Placenta accreta is due to abnormal invasive placental implantation. Many cases of Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) are caused by placenta accreta and may lead to peripartum hysterectomy. We here report a case of placenta accreta in a patient following two failed attempts of manual removal of retained placenta followed by conservative management with methotrexate in stable patient. Both attempts were unsuccessful and led to septicaemia, req...

  20. Concomitância da tireoidite de Hashimoto e o carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide


    Roberti, Alexandre; Andrade Sobrinho, Josias de; Denardin, Odilon Victor Porto; Rapoport, Abrão


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação da tireoidite auto-imune e o carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Goiânia-Goiás. MÉTODO: De 1395 tireoidectomias realizadas de 1994 a 2003, foram selecionadas 120 carcinomas diferenciados (27 foliculares e 93 papilíferos). Foram avaliadas as variáveis clínicas (idade e sexo) com apresentação de freqüências e de sumários de medidas-resumo na descrição estatística. Para aferir a associação de tireoidite auto-imune e carcinoma diferen...

  1. Bladder Saving Hysterectomy for Placenta Praevia Percreta | Dahiya ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Placenta accreta is an abnormally firm attachment of placental villi to the uterine wall, which may cause postpartum hemorrhage. Placenta Percreta with invasion of the urinary bladder is a rare condition, which carries a high morbidity and mortality risk for mother and fetus. Case Report: The present case is of ...

  2. Myostatin in the placentae of pregnancies complicated with gestational diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Peiris, H N; Lappas, M; Georgiou, H M; Vaswani, K; Salomon, C; Rice, G E; Mitchell, M D


    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is characterised by maternal glucose intolerance and insulin resistance during pregnancy. Myostatin, initially identified as a negative regulator of muscle development may also function in the regulation of placental development and glucose uptake. Myostatin expression in placentae of GDM complicated pregnancies is unknown. However, higher myostatin levels occur in placentae of pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia. We hypothesise that myostatin will be differentially expressed in GDM complicated pregnancies. Myostatin concentrations (ELISA) were evaluated in plasma of presymptomatic women who later developed GDM and compared to plasma of normal glucose tolerant (NGT) women. Furthermore, myostatin protein expression (Western blot) was studied in placentae of pregnant women with GDM (treated with diet or insulin) compared to placentae of NGT women. No significant difference in myostatin concentration was seen in plasma of pre-symptomatic GDM women compared to NGT women. In placenta significant differences in myostatin protein expressions (higher precursor; p myostatin dimer expression (p Myostatin expression in placental tissue is altered under stress conditions (e.g. obesity and abnormal glucose metabolism) found in pregnancies complicated with GDM. We hypothesise that myostatin is active in these placentae and could affect glucose homoeostasis and/or cytokine production thereby altering the function of the placenta. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Ultrasound detection of placenta accreta in the first trimester of pregnancy. (United States)

    Rahimi-Sharbaf, Fatemeh; Jamal, Ashraf; Mesdaghinia, Elaheh; Abedzadeh-Kalahroudi, Masoumeh; Niroomanesh, Shirin; Atoof, Fatemeh


    Placenta accreta is considered a life-threatening condition and the main cause of maternal mortality. Prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta usually is made by clinical presentation, imaging studies like ultrasound and MRI in the second and third trimester. To determine accuracy of ultrasound findings for placenta accreta in the first trimester of pregnancy. In a longitudinal study 323 high risk patients for placenta accreta were assessed. The eligible women were examined by vaginal and abdominal ultrasound for gestational sac and placental localization and they were followed up until the end of pregnancy. The ultrasound findings were compared with histopathological examinations as a gold standard. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of ultrasound were estimated for the first trimester and compared with other 2 trimesters in the case of repeated ultrasound examination. Ultrasound examinations in the first trimester revealed that 28 cases had the findings in favor of placenta accreta which ultimately was confirmed in 7 cases. The ultrasound sensitivity and specificity for detecting placenta accreta in the first trimester was 41% [95% CI: 16.2-62.7] and 88% [95% CI: 88.2-94.6] respectively. Ultrasound screening for placenta accreta in the first trimester of pregnancy could not achieve the high sensitivity as second and third trimester of pregnancy.

  4. Intrapartal resection of the bicornuete uterus for placenta membranacea percreta

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    Sparić Radmila


    Full Text Available Placenta membranacea is a rare anomaly characterized by failure of villous atrophy during early gestation, and 30% of cases involve some form of placental adherence. Placenta percreta is infrequent, but life-threatening condition. Antenatal diagnosis of these placental anomalies is very difficult, but essential for reduction of the number and extent of possible complications. A 19-year-old primigravida was referred to us with 31- week pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia. Upon admission, ultrasound scan revealed eutrophic fetus in breech presentation, without any signs of retroplacental clot. At laparotomy, hemoperitoneum without any trophoblastic tissue emerging to the peritoneal cavity was found and placental abruption with uteroplacental apoplexy was suspected. In addition, unicervical symmetric bicornuate uterus with pregnancy in the left uterine horn was found. The lower segment uterine section was performed and 1800 grams live baby was delivered. Delivery of the placenta was unusually difficult. It was very large and densely adherent to the posterior uterine wall, which appeared to be composed of serosa in that area only. After removal of placenta, the hemorrhage could not be controlled, and resection of the left uterine horn was performed. Placenta accreta, increta and percreta ought to be considered in all cases of uterine anomalies in pregnancy and in cases of prenatal diagnosis of placenta membranacea.

  5. Endothelial and lipoprotein lipases in human and mouse placenta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindegaard, Marie L S; Olivecrona, Gunilla; Christoffersen, Christina


    Placenta expresses various lipase activities. However, a detailed characterization of the involved genes and proteins is lacking. In this study, we compared the expression of endothelial lipase (EL) and LPL in human term placenta. When placental protein extracts were separated by heparin-Sepharos...


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    Dragan Loncar


    Full Text Available Ultrasonographic diagnostics is a sovereign diagnostic method of discovering disorders in growth and development of embryo. The main aim of this research is The Comparison of Ultrasonographic Placenta Examination with Pathohistologic Treatment of Placenta considering those pregnancies previously verified to have embryo anomalies and which were ended by the procedure of feticide. During the period of 2001 – 2004, 15 pregnant women, with gestation between the 24th and 28th week, were hospitalized in our clinic. Ultrasonographic placenta examination was carried out during the expertise sonography immediately before deciding to commit feticide. The descriptive medical findings were divided into the clinical entities estimating the continuity of basal body, insertion, volume, and echo-structure of placenta substance. The procedure of feticide was carried out in regular treatments using intracardial application of 7,4 % KCl or transabdominal, intra-amnial instillation of 20 % NaCl under the control of ultrasound.The patients with the embryo anomalies were divided into three groups:I – the group with the diagnosis of embryo hydrocephalusII – the group with the diagnosis of other anomalies of growth of embryo's CNSIII – the group of patients with other embryo anomaliesPathohistologic placenta examinations were carried out in the Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine in CC Kragujevac.The ultrasonographic placenta finding of the patients with the different embryo anomalies was not statistically very different (x2 – test; p=0,073. However, besides the lack of significant difference, what is reasonable considering the size of the sample, we notice quite different ultrasonographic findings of the placenta examination of the patients having the embryo with hydrocephalus in comparison to those patients having the other embryo anomalies of CNS. The ultrasonographic placenta examination of the patients having the other embryo anomalies was

  7. Qualidade de ameixas 'Laetitia' em função da temperatura e da atmosfera de armazenamento

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    Erlani de Oliveira Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura e de atmosferas de armazenamento sobre a manutenção da qualidade de ameixas 'Laetitia'. Os tratamentos avaliados constituíram-se na combinação de duas temperaturas (-0,5ºC e 0,5ºC, com três atmosferas de armazenamento: armazenamento refrigerado (AR, com 21,0 kPa de O2 + 0,03 kPa de CO2; atmosfera controlada (AC, com 1,0 kPa de O2 + 3,0 kPa de CO2; e AC, com 2,0 kPa de O2 + 5,0 kPa de CO2. Após 60 dias de armazenamento, foram avaliadas: taxas respiratória e de produção de etileno, acidez titulável (AT, firmeza de polpa, atributos de textura, índice de cor vermelha e ângulo 'hue' (hº da casca, e incidência de rachaduras, podridões e degenerescência da polpa. O armazenamento refrigerado a -0,5ºC resultou em menores valores para o índice de cor vermelha, taxa respiratória e de produção de etileno e incidência de frutos rachados. Em ambas as condições de AC, a temperatura de 0,5ºC resultou em menor índice de cor vermelha, cor da epiderme mais verde, maior firmeza de polpa e menor taxa de produção de etileno, tanto na abertura da câmara como após quatro dias em condição ambiente. As condições de AC retardaram o amadurecimento dos frutos e reduziram a incidência de degenerescência de polpa. O armazenamento em AC, com 2,0 kPa de O2 + 5,0 kPa de CO2, a 0,5ºC, proporcionou menor taxa respiratória e menor incidência de podridões na saída da câmara, mas maior AT e força para penetração da polpa, após quatro dias em condição ambiente. No entanto, o armazenamento da ameixa 'Laetitia', nas condições de AC avaliadas, por um período de 60 dias, não reduziu a incidência de degenerescência da polpa.

  8. Tumorigenic Factor CRIPTO-1 Is Immunolocalized in Extravillous Cytotrophoblast in Placenta Creta

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    Carla Letícia Bandeira


    Full Text Available CRIPTO-(CR1 is a protein associated with tumorigenesis and metastasis. Here we demonstrate that CR-1 expression in normal and creta placentas is associated with various degrees of uterine invasion. Cytokeratin (CK and CR-1 protein expression was visualized by immunohistochemical staining of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded placental specimens (control placentas, n=9; accreta, n=6; increta, n=10; percreta, n=15. The pattern of extravillous trophoblast (EVT cell morphology was distinctive in creta placentas: densely-compacted cell columns and large star-shaped cells with a typically migratory phenotype, not common among third trimester control placentas. Quantification revealed higher CR-1 immunoreactivities in accreta (P=0.001, increta (P=0.0002, and percreta placentas (P=0.001 than in controls. In contrast to controls, there was a significant positive relationship between CR-1 and CK reactivity in all creta placentas (accreta, P=0.02; increta, P=0.0001, and percreta, P=0.025. This study demonstrated CR-1 expression in the placental bed, its increased expression in creta placentas, and EVT cells as the main CR-1-producing cell type. Morphological examination revealed an immature and invasive trophoblast profile in creta placentas, suggesting impairment of the trophoblast differentiation pathway. These findings provide important new insights into the pathophysiology of abnormal creta placentation and its gestational consequences.

  9. Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta/Increta after Vaginal Birth (United States)

    Peiffer, S.; Reinhard, J.; Reitter, A.; Louwen, F.


    Aim: Aim of the study was to show that conservative management with preservation of the uterus and of fertility is possible in patients with placenta accreta/increta after vaginal delivery. Method: A retrospective analysis of patients with placental attachment disorders after vaginal delivery was done in a perinatal centre between November 2009 and April 2011. The patient collective was identified using the ICD-10 codes for placenta accreta/increta/percreta, and patient records were analysed for risk factors, maternal morbidity, preservation of the uterus and of fertility, and neonatal outcome. Results: Three cases of placenta increta were identified in the last 1.5 years out of a total of 1457 vaginal deliveries, and all 3 cases were treated conservatively. Mean maternal age was 35.3 years; gestational age ranged from 39 to 41 weeks, and mean duration between delivery of the child and delivery of the placenta was 44.67 days (range: 14–100 days). Two patients developed symptoms of endomyometritis, including fever, leukocytosis and increased CRP levels. All 3 women were successfully managed with preservation of the uterus. Conclusion: In selected cases with placenta accreta/increta after vaginal delivery, it is possible to avoid surgical procedures, particularly hysterectomy procedures, and successfully manage these patients conservatively with preservation of the uterus. PMID:25308979

  10. Maternal Buprenorphine Dose, Placenta Buprenorphine and Metabolite Concentrations and Neonatal Outcomes (United States)

    Concheiro, Marta; Jones, Hendreé E.; Johnson, Rolley E.; Choo, Robin; Shakleya, Diaa M.; Huestis, Marilyn A.


    Buprenorphine is approved as pharmacotherapy for opioid dependence in non-pregnant patients in multiple countries, and is currently under investigation for pregnant women in the US and Europe. This research evaluates the disposition of buprenorphine, opiates, cocaine, and metabolites in 5 term placentas from a US cohort. Placenta and matched meconium concentrations were compared, and relationships between maternal buprenorphine dose, placenta concentrations, and neonatal outcomes following controlled administration during gestation were investigated. Buprenorphine and/or metabolites were detected in all placenta specimens and were uniformly distributed across this tissue (CV<27.5%, 4 locations), except for buprenorphine in 3 placentas. In 2 of these, buprenorphine was not detected in some locations and, in the 3rd placenta, was totally absent. Median (range) concentrations were buprenorphine 1.6ng/g (not detected to 3.2), norbuprenorphine 14.9ng/g (6.2 to 24.2), buprenorphine-glucuronide 3ng/g (1.3 to 5.0) and norbuprenorphine-glucuronide 14.7ng/g (11.4 to 25.8). Placenta is a potential alternative matrix for detecting in utero buprenorphine exposure, but at lower concentrations (15–70 fold) than in meconium. Statistically significant correlations were observed for mean maternal daily dose from enrollment to delivery and placenta buprenorphine-glucuronide concentration, and for norbuprenorphine-glucuronide concentrations and time to neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) onset and duration, and for norbuprenorphine/norbuprenorphine-glucuronide ratio and maximum NAS score, and newborn length. Analysis of buprenorphine and metabolites in this alternative matrix, an abundant waste product available at the time of delivery, may be valuable for prediction of neonatal outcomes for clinicians treating newborns of buprenorphine-exposed women. PMID:20216119

  11. Noninvasive monitoring of placenta-specific transgene expression by bioluminescence imaging.

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    Xiujun Fan

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Placental dysfunction underlies numerous complications of pregnancy. A major obstacle to understanding the roles of potential mediators of placental pathology has been the absence of suitable methods for tissue-specific gene manipulation and sensitive assays for studying gene functions in the placentas of intact animals. We describe a sensitive and noninvasive method of repetitively tracking placenta-specific gene expression throughout pregnancy using lentivirus-mediated transduction of optical reporter genes in mouse blastocysts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Zona-free blastocysts were incubated with lentivirus expressing firefly luciferase (Fluc and Tomato fluorescent fusion protein for trophectoderm-specific infection and transplanted into day 3 pseudopregnant recipients (GD3. Animals were examined for Fluc expression by live bioluminescence imaging (BLI at different points during pregnancy, and the placentas were examined for tomato expression in different cell types on GD18. In another set of experiments, blastocysts with maximum photon fluxes in the range of 2.0E+4 to 6.0E+4 p/s/cm(2/sr were transferred. Fluc expression was detectable in all surrogate dams by day 5 of pregnancy by live imaging, and the signal increased dramatically thereafter each day until GD12, reaching a peak at GD16 and maintaining that level through GD18. All of the placentas, but none of the fetuses, analyzed on GD18 by BLI showed different degrees of Fluc expression. However, only placentas of dams transferred with selected blastocysts showed uniform photon distribution with no significant variability of photon intensity among placentas of the same litter. Tomato expression in the placentas was limited to only trophoblast cell lineages. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results, for the first time, demonstrate the feasibility of selecting lentivirally-transduced blastocysts for uniform gene expression in all placentas of the same litter and early

  12. Morbidly Adherent Placenta: Interprofessional Management Strategies for the Intrapartum Period. (United States)

    Baird, Suzanne McMurtry; Troiano, Nan H; Kennedy, Margaret Betsy Babb

    "Morbidly adherent placenta" is a term that describes the continuum of placenta accreta, increta, and percreta. The incidence of this type of abnormal placentation has increased significantly over recent decades. The reason is probably multifactorial but, partly, because of factors such as the increasing number of cesarean births. Women at greatest risk are those who have myometrial damage caused by a previous cesarean birth, with either anterior or posterior placenta previa overlying the uterine scar. This condition poses significant risks of morbidity and/or mortality to the pregnant woman and her fetus. A multidisciplinary approach to care throughout pregnancy is essential. This article describes the classification of morbidly adherent placenta, risk factors, methods of diagnosis, potential maternal and fetal complications, and intrapartum clinical management strategies to optimize outcomes.

  13. Can venous ProBNP levels predict placenta accreta? (United States)

    Ersoy, Ali Ozgur; Oztas, Efser; Ozler, Sibel; Ersoy, Ebru; Erkenekli, Kudret; Uygur, Dilek; Caglar, Ali Turhan; Danisman, Nuri


    Placenta previa (PP) is a potential life-threatening pregnancy complication. Pro-brain natriuretic peptide (ProBNP), creatine kinase (CK), cardiac form of CK (CK-MB) and Troponin I are circulatory biomarkers related to cardiac functions. We aimed to determine whether these biomarkers are related to PP and placenta accreta. In this case-control study, fifty-four pregnant women who attended our tertiary care center for perinatology with the diagnosis of PP totalis, and of them, 14 patients with placenta accreta were recruited as the study groups. Forty-six uncomplicated control patients who were matched for age, BMI were also included. Maternal venous ProBNP, CK, CK-MB and Troponin I levels were compared between the three groups. Obstetric history characteristics were comparable among groups, generally. CK and CK-MB levels were similar among three groups. Troponin I levels in the previa and accreta groups were significantly higher than the controls. ProBNP levels in the accreta group were significantly higher than other two groups. The multivariate regression model revealed that ProBNP could predict placental adhesion anomalies. Troponin I and ProBNP levels in PP cases were higher than controls and ProBNP could predict placenta accreta.

  14. Placenta accreta: diagnosis, management and the molecular biology of the morbidly adherent placenta. (United States)

    Goh, William A; Zalud, Ivica


    Placenta accreta is now the chief cause of postpartum hemorrhage resulting in maternal and neonatal morbidity. Prenatal diagnosis decreases blood loss at delivery and intra and post-partum complications. Ultrasound is critical for diagnosis and MRI is a complementary tool when the diagnosis is uncertain. Peripartum hysterectomy has been the standard of therapy but conservative management is increasingly being used. The etiology of accreta is due to a deficiency of maternal decidua resulting in placental invasion into the uterine myometrium. The molecular basis for the development of invasive placentation is yet to be elucidated but may involve abnormal paracrine/autocrine signaling between the deficient maternal decidua and the trophoblastic tissue. The interaction of hormones such as Relaxin which is abundant in maternal decidua and insulin-like 4, an insulin-like peptide found in placental trophoblastic tissue may play role in the formation of placenta accreta.

  15. Association of placenta praevia with repeat cesarean section in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Several risk factors for placenta praevia exist, including previous cesarean section(C/S). This association has been investigated long time ago, however in this hospital there is no documented evidence. This study was done to assess the risk of placenta praevia based on number of previous cesarean sections.

  16. Placenta previa; MRI as an adjunct to ultrasound in assessment of suspected placental invasion

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    Asmaa M. Abdel Magied


    Full Text Available Objective: Evaluate adding MRI to ultrasound in imaging of placenta previa with suspected placenta accreta. Patients and methods: evaluation of 23 pregnant females presenting with placenta previa was done. The age ranged from 20 to 39 years (mean = 30.9. All of the patients were subjected to ultrasonography (US and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of the pelvis at gestational age of 25–37 weeks prior to elective delivery. Results: 11 out of 23 patients were proved placenta accreta based on surgical and pathological reports. US suggested diagnosis of placenta previa/accreta in 8 patients and placenta previa without accreta in 15 cases. 7/8 was true positive (87.5% & one was false positive (12.5% with sensitivity 63.64%, accuracy 78.26%, and specificity 91.67%. MRI has suggested diagnosis of placenta previa/accreta in 8/23 & placenta previa with no accreta in 15/23 patients. MRI was found to give true positive results in 8/8 patients proved to be accreta. MRI gave true negative in 12 patients (80% & false negative in 3 (20% with sensitivity 72.73%, accuracy 86.96%, and specificity 100%. Conclusion: Combining MRI and ultra sound provide more diagnostic information and may reduce unnecessary interventions with favorable outcome. Keywords: Ultra sound, MRI, Placenta previa, Placenta accreta

  17. Papel da vitamina B12 na patogenia da mielose funicular

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    Horacio M. Canelas


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a absorção da vitamina B12 radioativa em 29 casos de mielose funicular. O diagnóstico baseou-se na clássica sintomatologia neu- rológica e na presença de acloridria gástrica e eventuais alterações hemato-lógicas. As manifestações neurológicas foram avaliadas de modo semiquan-titativo e correlacionadas com os resultados do teste de excreção urinária da vitamina B12. Não foi verificada correlação significante da absorção da vitamina B12, quer com a sintomatologia nuerológica total, quer com as síndromes periférica e funicular dorsal. Contudo, foi encontrada significante correlação negativa entre a síndrome piramidal e a absorção da vitamina B12. Os resultados são confrontados com o papel desempenhado pela vitamina B12 na síntese das bainhas de mielina e do ácido ribonuclêico, sendo salientada a importância dêste último para a vida das células nervosas e dos longos axônios.

  18. Placenta-derived exosomes: potential biomarkers of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Pillay, Preenan; Moodley, Kogi; Moodley, Jagidesa; Mackraj, Irene


    Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality, due to ineffective treatment and diagnostic strategies, compounded by the lack of clarity on the etiology of the disorder. Although several clinical and biological markers of preeclampsia have been evaluated, they have proven to be ineffective in providing a definitive diagnosis during the various stages of the disorder. Exosomes have emerged as ideal biomarkers of pathological states, such as cancer, and have more recently gained interest in pregnancy-related complications, due to their role in cellular communication in normal and complicated pregnancies. This occurs as a result of the specific placenta-derived exosomal molecular cargo, which may be involved in normal pregnancy-associated immunological events, such as the maintenance of maternal-fetal tolerance. This review provides perspectives on placenta-derived exosomes as possible biomarkers for the diagnosis/prognosis of preeclampsia. Using keywords, online databases were searched to identify relevant publications to review the potential use of placenta-derived exosomes as biomarkers of preeclampsia.

  19. Effect of fungicides and alternative products in control of anthracnose and black spot of guavaEfeito de fungicidas e produtos alternativos no controle da antracnose e da pinta preta da goiaba

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    Ivan Herman Fischer


    Full Text Available This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of fungicides in controlling in vitro and in vivo the causal agents of anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum and black spot (Guignardia psidii and evaluate the effect of alternative products to control these diseases. Inhibition of mycelial growth of the pathogens was evaluated for ten fungicides at concentrations of 1, 10 and 100 mg L-1 of active ingredient in potato-dextrose-agar medium. The effectiveness of the fungicides azoxystrobin + difenoconazole, cyproconazole, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole and tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin in controlling disease incidence and severity of anthracnose, through applications in the field, was measured in fruits collected at three stages of maturation, according to the skin color (dark green, light green and yellowish green. In postharvest dipping of fruits, the products evaluated were citric acid, peracetic acid, salicylic acid, sodium bicarbonate, chlorine dioxide, Ecolife® and chitosan. The fungicides azoxystrobin + difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole and trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole were highly effective in inhibiting the in vitro mycelial growth of G. psidii and moderately to highly effective in inhibiting C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. In field conditions, the fungicide azoxystrobin + difenoconazole was effective in controlling anthracnose and black spot in fruit at three maturity stage (skin color yellowish green. The alternative products tested were ineffective in the curative control of anthracnose and early blight at postharvest of guava. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a eficiência de fungicidas no controle in vitro e in vivo dos agentes causais da antracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e C. acutatum e da pinta preta (Guignardia psidii da goiaba e avaliar o efeito de produtos alternativos no controle pós-colheita destas doenças. A inibição do crescimento micelial dos patógenos foi avaliada para

  20. Macroscopic and histological characteristics of retained placenta: A prospectively collected case-control study. (United States)

    Endler, Margit; Saltvedt, Sissel; Papadogiannakis, Nikos


    Retained placenta is a potentially fatal obstetric disorder due to postpartum hemorrhage, its pathophysiology is however unknown. We aimed to assess if retained placenta was associated with increased macroscopic and histological signs of placental maternal underperfusion, a pattern otherwise seen in preeclampsia and other disorders of defective placentation. This was a case-control study of retained (n = 49) and non-retained (n = 47) placentas, collected from full-term singleton and otherwise healthy pregnancies, carried out at a tertiary level obstetric department. Macroscopic and histological analysis was performed. Signs of maternal placental underperfusion and signs of placental inflammation, fetal vascular thrombo-occlusive disease and increased placental attachment were recorded in a primary and secondary analysis respectively. Variables were compared groupwise using unconditional logistic regression or comparison of median or mean values. Compared to non-retained placentas retained placentas had a significantly smaller surface area (p = 0.05), were more oblong in shape (OR 5.24 95% CI:1.34-20.21) and showed overall more signs of maternal underperfusion (OR 2.52 95% CI: 1.07-5.87). There was no significant difference in signs of placental inflammation, fetal vascular thrombo-occlusive disease or placenta accreta but basal plate myometrial fibers were more common among retained placentas. In regard to shape, surface area and histological signs of maternal placental underperfusion, retained placentas showed a histological pattern similar to that seen in preeclamptic placentas. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Estudo da tratabilidade de lixiviado gerado em um aterro controlado

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    Daniela Vidal Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avaliou os processos de coagulação/floculação, adsorção em carvão ativado em pó (CAP e reação com Fenton para redução da concentração dos poluentes e aumento da biodegradabilidade do lixiviado. No processo de coagulação/floculação foram avaliados o pH (4 a 8 e a concentração de cloreto férrico (100 a 600 mg L-1. No processo de adsorção em CAP, foram avaliadas as concentrações de 0,1-5,0 g L-1 de CAP, e na reação com Fenton, foram avaliadas as relações DQO:H2O2 [1:0,5, 1:1, 1:2 e 1:5], além das relações Fe:H2O2 [1:3, 1:5 e 1:10]. Nas melhores condições obtidas, foi avaliada a biodegradabilidade aeróbia dos efluentes tratados pelo método de Zahn-Wellens. O resultado do processo de coagulação/floculação foi de 22,9% de remoção da DQO e 64% de COT, utilizando 300 mg L-1 de coagulante em pH 4. Na adsorção em CAP, foram obtidas remoções de 69% da DQO, utilizando 5 g L-1 de carvão. Na reação de Fenton, foram alcançadas remoções de 82,3% de DQO (para DQO:H2O2=1:2 e Fe:H2O2 =1:3. Os resultados de biodegradabilidade aeróbia mostraram que apenas o lixiviado tratado com Fenton apresentou uma biodegradabilidade de 12 pontos percentuais maior em relação ao bruto, mostrando a sua potencialidade como pré tratamento ao processo biológico.

  2. Fertility and obstetric outcome after conservative management of placenta accreta. (United States)

    Provansal, Magali; Courbiere, Blandine; Agostini, Aubert; D'Ercole, Claude; Boubli, Léon; Bretelle, Florence


    To determine the fertility and obstetric outcomes after conservative management of placenta accreta. A retrospective observational cohort study of all identified cases of placenta accreta from 1993 to 2007 in 2 tertiary university hospitals in France. For patients treated conservatively, maternal and fetal morbidity, reproductive function, fertility, and subsequent pregnancies were recorded. During the study period, 46 patients were treated by conservative management; 6 patients underwent a secondary hysterectomy. Of the remaining 40 patients, 35 were followed up for a median of 65 months (range 18-156 months). Patients resumed their menstrual cycles after a median of 130 days (range 48-176 days). Menses were irregular in 11 patients (31%), but none had amenorrhea. Twelve of the 14 patients desiring another pregnancy achieved a total of 15 pregnancies; 2 patients had recurrent placenta accreta. Five spontaneous abortions and 1 termination of pregnancy occurred during the first trimester. The median term at delivery was 37 weeks (range, 35-40 weeks). Four patients delivered prematurely. Conservative management of placenta accreta can preserve fertility, although the risk of recurrent placenta accreta appears to be high. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Avaliação da estabilidade e da qualidade do patê de presunto, adicionado de globina bovina e de caseinato de sódio, como agente emulsionante


    Silva Janaína Guernica; Morais Harriman Aley; Junqueira Roberto Gonçalves; Oliveira Afonso de Liguori; Silvestre Marialice Pinto Coelho


    Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito da incorporação das globinas bovina extraída pelo método da acetona acidificada (GT) e pelo da carboximetilcelulose (GCMC) e do caseinato de sódio (CA) sobre a composição química e as qualidades microbiológica e sensorial do patê de presunto. Foi, ainda, avaliada a estabilidade do produto durante os 45 dias de estocagem sob refrigeração, por meio das determinações de pH e do grau de oxidação lipídica. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pôde-...

  4. The association between maternal smoking and placenta abruption: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Shobeiri, Fatemeh; Masoumi, Seyedeh Zahra; Jenabi, Ensiyeh


    Several epidemiological studies have determined that maternal smoking can increase the risk of placenta abruption. To date, only a meta-analysis has been performed for assessing the relationship between smoking and placenta abruption. This meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the association between smoking and the risk of placenta abruption. A literature search was conducted in major databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus from the earliest possible year to April 2016. The heterogeneity across studies was explored by Q-test and I 2 statistic. The publication bias was assessed using Begg's and Egger's tests. The results were reported using odds ratio (OR) estimate with its 95% confidence intervals (CI) using a random effects model. The literature search yielded 1167 publications until April 2016 with 4 309 610 participants. Based on OR estimates obtained from case-control and cohort studies, there was a significant association between smoking and placenta abruption (1.80; 95% CI: 1.75, 1.85). Based on the results of cohort studies, smoking and placenta abruption had a significant association (relative risk ratio: 1.65; 95% CI: 1.51, 1.80). Based on reports in epidemiological studies, we showed that smoking is a risk factor for placenta abruption.

  5. [Severe Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Placenta Previa and Prior Cesarean Delivery]. (United States)

    Zhou, Mi; Chen, Meng; Zhang, Li; He, Guo-Lin; He, Lei; Wei, Qiang; Li, Tao; Liu, Xing-Hui


    To investigate the severe adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnancies with placenta previa and prior cesarean delivery and its risk factors. This retrospective casecontrol study reviewed all pregnancies with placenta previa and prior cesarean delivery delivered by repeat cesarean section in our institution between January 2005 and June 2015,and investigated the incidence of severe adverse pregnancy outcome. A composite of severe adverse pregnancy outcomes (including transfusion of 10 units or more red blood cells,maternal ICU admission,unanticipated injuries,repeat operation,hysterectomy,and maternal death) and other maternal and neonatal outcomes were described. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis were used to quantify the effects of risk factors on severe adverse pregnancy outcomes. There were 478 women with placenta previa and prior cesarean delivery in our hospital over the last decade. The average age of them was 32.5±4.8 years old,most women were beyond 30 years old,the average gravidity and parity were 4 and 1,131 cases (27.4%) had severe adverse pregnancy outcomes. Transfusion of 10 units or more red blood cells happened in 75 cases (15.7%,75/478); 44 cases (9.2%,44/478) necessitated maternal ICU admission; unanticipated bladder injury occurred in 11 cases,but non ureter or bowel injury happened; All 4 repeat operations were due to delayed hemorrhage after conservative management during cesarean delivery,and an emergent hysterectomy was performed for all of the 4 cases. Hysterectomy (107 cases,22.4%) was the most common severe adverse pregnancy outcome. Among all 311 morbidly adherent placenta cases finally confirmed by pathological or surgical findings or both,only 172 (55.3%) were suspected before delivery. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of severe adverse pregnancy outcomes was significantly increased by pernicious placenta previa (i.e. anterior placenta overlying the prior cesarean scar),suspicion of

  6. Placenta accreta spectrum: pathophysiology and evidence-based anatomy for prenatal ultrasound imaging. (United States)

    Jauniaux, Eric; Collins, Sally; Burton, Graham J


    Placenta accreta spectrum is a complex obstetric complication associated with high maternal morbidity. It is a relatively new disorder of placentation, and is the consequence of damage to the endometrium-myometrial interface of the uterine wall. When first described 80 years ago, it mainly occurred after manual removal of the placenta, uterine curettage, or endometritis. Superficial damage leads primarily to an abnormally adherent placenta, and is diagnosed as the complete or partial absence of the decidua on histology. Today, the main cause of placenta accreta spectrum is uterine surgery and, in particular, uterine scar secondary to cesarean delivery. In the absence of endometrial reepithelialization of the scar area the trophoblast and villous tissue can invade deeply within the myometrium, including its circulation, and reach the surrounding pelvic organs. The cellular changes in the trophoblast observed in placenta accreta spectrum are probably secondary to the unusual myometrial environment in which it develops, and not a primary defect of trophoblast biology leading to excessive invasion of the myometrium. Placenta accreta spectrum was separated by pathologists into 3 categories: placenta creta when the villi simply adhere to the myometrium, placenta increta when the villi invade the myometrium, and placenta percreta where the villi invade the full thickness of the myometrium. Several prenatal ultrasound signs of placenta accreta spectrum were reported over the last 35 years, principally the disappearance of the normal uteroplacental interface (clear zone), extreme thinning of the underlying myometrium, and vascular changes within the placenta (lacunae) and placental bed (hypervascularity). The pathophysiological basis of these signs is due to permanent damage of the uterine wall as far as the serosa, with placental tissue reaching the deep uterine circulation. Adherent and invasive placentation may coexist in the same placental bed and evolve with advancing

  7. Oxygen diffusive conductance in placentae from control and diabetic women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mayhew, T M; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Klebe, J G


    . maternal erythrocytes and plasma, villous trophoblast, villous stroma, fetal plasma and fetal erythrocytes. From partial conductances and birthweights, total and specific conductances for each placenta were determined. No differences were detected between diabetic placentae in different classes (A, B, C, D...

  8. Evaluation of glycosaminoglycans and heparanase in placentas of women with preeclampsia. (United States)

    Famá, Eduardo Augusto Brosco; Souza, Renan Salvioni; Melo, Carina Mucciolo; Melo Pompei, Luciano; Pinhal, Maria Aparecida Silva


    Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder whose etiology remains unclear. It is already known that circulation of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) is directly involved in pre-eclampsia development. However, the molecular mechanisms involved with sFlt-1 shedding are still unidentified. We identified, quantified glycosaminoglycans and determined the enzymatic activity of heparanase in placentas of women with preeclampsia, in order to possibly explain if these compounds could be related to cellular processes involved with preeclampsia. A total of 45 samples collected from placentas, 15 samples from placentas of preeclampsia women and 30 samples from non-affected women. Heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate were identified and quantified by agarose gel electrophoresis, whilst hyaluronic acid was quantified by an ELISA like assay. Heparanase activity was determined using biotynilated heparan sulfate as substrate. The results showed that dermatan sulfate (P=0.019), heparan sulfate levels (P=0.015) and heparanase activity (P=0.006) in preeclampsia were significantly higher than in the control group. There was no significant difference between the groups for hyaluronic acid expression in placentas (P=0.110). The present study is the first to demonstrate directly the increase of heparan sulfate in human placentas from patients with preeclampsia, suggesting that endogenous heparan sulfate could be involved in the release of sFlt-1 from placenta, increasing the level of circulating sFlt-1. Alterations of extracellular matrix components in placentas with preeclampsia raise the possibility that heparan sulfate released by heparanase is involved in mechanisms of preeclampsia development. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. Expression of human placental lactogen and variant growth hormone genes in placentas. (United States)

    Martinez-Rodriguez, H G; Guerra-Rodriguez, N E; Iturbe-Cantu, M A; Martinez-Torres, A; Barrera-Saldaña, H A


    Previous studies comparing the expression levels of human placental lactogen (hPL) genes have shown varying results, due to, perhaps, the fact that in all of them only one placenta was being analyzed. Here, the expression of hPL and growth hormone variant (hGH-V) genes in fifteen term placentas was comparatively analyzed at the RNA level, using reverse transcription coupled to polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The abundance of the combined RNA transcripts derived from these genes varied from one placenta to another. The authors found that hPL-4 transcripts were more abundant than those of hPL-3 in most samples (ratios from 1:1 to 6:1), transcripts from the putative hPL-1 pseudogene were more abundant at the unprocessed stage while those of the hGH-V gene were mostly processed. Again, the authors of this study observed wide variation from placenta to placenta in the abundance of both of these types of transcripts. The same was observed when a group of six placentas from abortuses and nine from pregnancies complicated by preclampsia, diabetes and hypertension was studied. The authors conclude that the disagreeing results reported in the literature which are not in agreement concerning the expression levels of hPL genes could be explained by normal variations of their expression levels among the different placentas analyzed.

  10. Participation in environmental health research by placenta donation - a perception study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lind, Uffe; Mose, Tina; Knudsen, Lisbeth E


    background information but no follow up. METHODS: Nineteen semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with participants in the placenta perfusion study after donation of placenta. Observation studies were made of recruitment sessions. RESULTS: The interviewed participants are generally in favour......, but trust is something which needs to be created through "trust-work". Face-to-face interaction, written information material and informed consent forms play important parts in creating trusting relationships in medical research. CONCLUSION: Medical research ethics do not only amount to specific types......BACKGROUND: Much environmental health research depends on human volunteers participating with biological samples. The perception study explores why and how people participate in a placenta perfusion study in Copenhagen. The participation implies donation of the placenta after birth and some...

  11. Estabilidade temporal da distribuição espacial da umidade do solo em área irrigada por pivô central

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    A. C. A. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A heterogeneidade do solo faz com que o armazenamento de água seja variável, sendo necessária uma amostragem intensa, para caracterizar a sua distribuição espacial em uma área irrigada. Para fins de manejo da irrigação, é importante o monitoramento da umidade do solo durante o processo de secagem entre duas irrigações sucessivas. O presente trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar a estabilidade temporal da distribuição espacial da umidade do solo, a correlação da umidade com conteúdo de argila e avaliar se há estrutura de dependência espacial dessas variáveis. Quanto mais estável for a distribuição espacial da umidade e mais estreita a correlação com a textura, menos intensas poderão ser as amostragens para fins de controle das irrigações. Em área irrigada por pivô central, no campus da ESALQ/USP, de solo Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro, a umidade foi medida em pontos espaçados de 2,83 m ao longo de uma transeção radial, nas profundidades de 0,15 e 0,30 m, por meio de uma sonda de nêutrons. O conteúdo de argila e a densidade global foram também medidos. As medidas foram feitas durante um período de secagem do solo. A estabilidade temporal das distribuições espaciais foi avaliada por meio do coeficiente de correlação e da técnica de diferenças relativas. Foi constatada a persistência no tempo das distribuições de umidade, sendo possível identificar pontos de amostragem cujos valores permitem estimar a média geral da umidade na área, a qualquer momento. A dependência espacial da umidade foi avaliada por meio de semivariogramas, os quais mostraram que mais de 50% da variação dos dados pode ser atribuída à variação estruturada no espaço, cujo padrão se mantém estável no tempo e varia com a profundidade. Na camada inferior, a correlação espacial entre umidade e conteúdo de argila é descrita por semivariograma cruzado com efeito pepita nulo. A estrutura de dependência espacial pode ser usada no

  12. Risk Factors and Consequent Outcomes of Placenta Previa: Report From a Referral Center

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    Soraya Saleh Gargari


    Full Text Available  Because of an unknown factor, the frequency of complicated pregnancy with placenta previa has been raised during past decade. This study was designed to deepen our understanding of risk factors and outcomes of placenta previa in our country. This study investigated 694 cases of placenta previa comparing with 600 healthy pregnant women with not overlie placenta in two referral and tertiary Obstetrics and Gynecological Hospital in Iran on the basis of the clinical and para-clinical analysis, in order to find the probable risk factors for occurrence of placenta previa and its effect on maternal and neonatal complications. The most important risk factor for the occurrence of placenta previa was advanced maternal age (P<0.001 and history of stillbirth (OR=117.2, CI=58.3-236.0. In the other hand, the most substantial outcome of this disorder was a reduction of gestational age (P<0.001 and low birth weight neonatally (P<0.001. The conservative follow-up should be programmed for women with placenta previa based on the type of risk factors which can provide the best possible management to decrease the morbidity and mortality of their related complications.

  13. The association between uterine leiomyoma and placenta abruption: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Jenabi, Ensiyeh; Ebrahimzadeh Zagami, Samira


    Some epidemiological studies have found that uterine leiomyoma can increase the risk of placenta abruption. To date, the meta-analysis has not been performed for assessing the relationship between uterine leiomyoma and placenta abruption. This meta-analysis was conducted to estimate the association between uterine leiomyoma and the risk of placenta abruption. A literature search was conducted out in major databases PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus from the earliest possible year to October 2016. The heterogeneity across studies was explored by Q-test and I 2 statistic. The publication bias was assessed by Begg's and Egger's tests. The results were showed using odds ratio (OR) estimate with its 95% confidence intervals (CI) using a random-effects model. The literature search included 953 articles until October 2016 with 232,024 participants. Based on OR estimates obtained from case-control and cohort studies, there was significant association between uterine leiomyoma and placenta abruption (2.63; 95% CI: 1.38, 3.88). We showed based on reports in observational studies that uterine leiomyoma is a risk factor for placenta abruption.

  14. Hemoperitoneum Caused by Placenta Percreta in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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    Maryam Asgharnia


    Full Text Available The placental adhesive disorders such as placenta accreta andplacenta percreta are the rare causes of serious obstetric hemorrhages.They are associated with high maternal morbidity andmortality. Placenta percreta is usually diagnosed in the thirdtrimester of pregnancy as a massive postpartum hemorrhagewhen an attempt to remove the placenta reveals lack of acleavage plane. Here we report an unusual presentation of placentapercreta as hemoperitoneum and hemorrhagic shock inthe third trimester of pregnancy. A 33-year-old woman wasadmitted to hospital at the 35th weeks of gestation with abdominalpain and hemorrhagic shock. Laparotomy was immediatelyperformed because of intra-abdominal bleeding. Uponinspection, a posterior laceration of the uterus was noted.Pathologic investigation of the uterus showed placenta percreta.The patient recovered uneventfully. Spontaneous ruptureof the uterus can be occured in the absence of uterinetrauma. In the differential diagnosis of a pregnant woman presentingwith hypotension, abdominal pain, and fetal death, ruptureof the uterus caused by placenta percreta should be considered.Rapid diagnosis, blood transfusion, and emergency laparotomyare the key steps in successful management.

  15. Ultrasound predictors of placental invasion: the Placenta Accreta Index. (United States)

    Rac, Martha W F; Dashe, Jodi S; Wells, C Edward; Moschos, Elysia; McIntire, Donald D; Twickler, Diane M


    We sought to apply a standardized evaluation of ultrasound parameters for the prediction of placental invasion in a high-risk population. This was a retrospective review of gravidas with ≥1 prior cesarean delivery who received an ultrasound diagnosis of placenta previa or low-lying placenta in the third trimester at our institution from 1997 through 2011. Sonographic images were reviewed by an investigator blinded to pregnancy outcome and sonography reports. Parameters assessed included loss of retroplacental clear zone, irregularity and width of uterine-bladder interface, smallest myometrial thickness, presence of lacunar spaces, and bridging vessels. Diagnosis of placental invasion was based on histologic confirmation. Statistical analyses were performed using linear logistic regression and multiparametric analyses to generate a predictive equation evaluated using a receiver operating characteristic curve. Of 184 gravidas who met inclusion criteria, 54 (29%) had invasion confirmed on hysterectomy specimen. All sonographic parameters were associated with placental invasion (P placental location, yielded an area under the curve of 0.87 (95% confidence interval, 0.80-0.95). Using logistic regression, a predictive equation was generated, termed the "Placenta Accreta Index." Each parameter was weighted to create a 9-point scale in which a score of 0-9 provided a probability of invasion that ranged from 2-96%, respectively. Assignment of the Placenta Accreta Index may be helpful in predicting individual patient risk for morbidly adherent placenta. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. A Métrica Servqual na Avaliação da Satisfação dos Usuários da Biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    Rudimar Antunes da Rocha


    Full Text Available O artigo trata da satisfação dos alunos da UFSC, avaliada pela Métrica Servqual, sobre os serviços oferecidos pela Biblioteca Central (BC-UFSC - Campus Trindade – Florianópolis (Brasil. Da população de 31.436 matriculados em 2013 (PROPLAN/UFSC, 2013, obteve-se a amostra de 381 alunos. Utilizou-se o questionário Estilo Likert e o tipo de estudo probabilístico-sistemático. A coleta foi de 1º até 16 de abril de 2013 e o tratamento pelo SPSS®. Os resultados revelaram insatisfação dos entrevistados sobre os serviços da BC-UFSC, principalmente em relação: a segurança no campus, as vagas de estacionamento, a higienização dos banheiros e o excesso de ruído na BC-UFSC.

  17. Associação entre dependência do exercício físico e percepção da qualidade de vida no basquetebol master brasileiro


    Moreira, Natália Boneti; Mazzardo, Oldemar; Vagetti, Gislaine Cristina; Oliveira, Valdomiro de; Campos, Wagner de


    Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a associação entre dependência do exercício físico (DEF) e percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) em atletas do basquetebol master brasileiro. A amostra foi composta por 410 atletas do sexo masculino. QVRS foi avaliada por meio do Medical Outcomes Study (SF-36). DEF foi avaliada com a Negative Addiction Scale. A Razão de Prevalência (RP) foi usada como medida de associação. Os resultados revelaram a associação negativa da D...


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    Ratna Bulusu


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Preeclampsia is a pregnancy specific disorder commonly defined as de novo hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestational age. It occurs in 3-5% of pregnancies and is still a major cause of both foetal and maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. One of the most serious and dreaded complication of preeclampsia is abruptio placentae. Placental separation from its implantation site before delivery of the foetus has been called abruption placentae or accidental haemorrhage. Various studies have shown that there is 2-2.5 fold increase in incidence of abruption in hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The aim of the study is to study the incidence of abruptio placentae in women with preeclampsia. MATERIALS AND METHODS 100 pregnant women with preeclampsia attending the antenatal OPD as well as admitted to the antenatal ward and labour room fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. The incidence of abruption placenta among these 100 women was studied. RESULTS Among the 100 women with preeclampsia enrolled in the study, abruptio placentae was noted in 14 women (14%. Maternal complications were seen in the form of anaemia (78.57%, need for blood transfusion (57.14%, shock (28.57%, postpartum haemorrhage (14.28% and puerperal sepsis (7.14%. Perinatal complications were seen in the form of low birth weight (57.14%, prematurity (35.71%, NICU admission (71.43% and intrauterine death (28.57%. CONCLUSION Abruptio placentae affects approximately 1% of all deliveries. However, the incidence significantly increases in cases of preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Association of abruptio placentae in cases of preeclampsia varies from 10-50%. In our study, incidence of abruption placenta in preeclampsia is 14%.

  19. Prototype and Chimera-Type Galectins in Placentas with Spontaneous and Recurrent Miscarriages. (United States)

    Unverdorben, Laura; Haufe, Thomas; Santoso, Laura; Hofmann, Simone; Jeschke, Udo; Hutter, Stefan


    Galectins are galactose binding proteins and, in addition, factors for a wide range of pathologies in pregnancy. We have analyzed the expression of prototype (gal-1, -2, -7, -10) and chimera-type (gal-3) galectins in the placenta in cases of spontaneous abortions (SPA) and recurrent abortions (RA) in the first trimester. Fifteen placental samples from healthy pregnancies were used as a control group. Nine placentas were examined for spontaneous abortions, and 12 placentas for recurrent abortions. For differentiation and evaluation of different cell types of galectin-expression in the decidua, immunofluorescence was used. For all investigated prototype galectins (gal-1, -2, -7, -10) in SPA and RA placenta trophoblast cells the expression is significantly decreased. In the decidua/extravillous trophoblast only gal-2 expression was significantly lowered, which could be connected to its role in angiogenesis. In trophoblasts in first-trimester placentas and in cases of SPA and RA, prototype galectins are altered in the same way. We suspect prototype galectins have a similar function in placental tissue because of their common biochemical structure. Expression of galectin 3 as a chimera type galectin was not found to be significantly altered in abortive placentas.

  20. Risk factors for placenta praevia in Southern Nigeria | Eniola | East ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Design: A prospective case control study. Setting: A tertiary center - Obafemi Awolowo ... Conclusions: From our study, the risk factors for placenta praevia are a history of retained placenta, previous caesarean section, previous abortion, grand multiparity and maternal age over 35 years. (East African Medical Journal: 2002 ...

  1. Variabilidade espacial da resistência do solo à penetração avaliada ao longo de um cultivo de milho

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    Henrique José Guimarães Moreira Maluf


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as variações espaciais da resistência à penetração em um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico típico em quatro profundidades e em três estágios fenológicos da cultura do milho. A área experimental foi cultivada sob um convencional preparo de solo, onde foi implantada a cultura do milho. Esta foi definida por uma malha quadrangular de 70 m x 70 m, selecionada a partir de características visuais homogêneas, onde se estabeleceu 64 pontos georeferenciados distanciados de 10 em 10 m. As avaliações da resistência à penetração foram realizadas até 40 cm de profundidade em três estágios distintos da cultura (V6, VT e R6. As análises geoestatísticas e a geração dos mapas de variabilidade foram realizadas com o uso da versão gratuita do programa computacional GS+. Os resultados apresentam diferença entre as avaliações em cada perfil estudado, apresentando diferenciações nos modelos, na classificação da dependência espacial e no alcance desta dependência, o que dificulta a tomada de decisões pois estas mensurações sofrem influência de inúmeros fatores. O estudo permitiu uma maior visualização das influências nas medidas de resistência à penetração e alerta profissionais da área no uso destas para identificação de camadas compactadas.

  2. Another look at ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis of placenta accreta. (United States)

    Budorick, Nancy E; Figueroa, Reinaldo; Vizcarra, Michael; Shin, James


    To compare the ability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US) in the diagnosis of placenta accreta, to examine the success of various sonographic and MRI features to correctly predict invasive placenta, and to define a specific role for MRI in placenta accreta. After Institutional Review Board approval, a blinded retrospective review was undertaken of US and MRI findings from 45 patients who had an obstetrical US and placental MRI between August 2006 and January 2012. Correlation with clinical history and pathologic findings was performed. US and MRI had similar sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values for placenta accreta. The best predictors of invasion by US were loss of the myometrial mantle, increased intraplacental vascularity and loss of the bladder wall echogenicity. The best predictors of invasion by MRI were loss of retroplacental myometrial mantle, a heterogeneous placenta, and intraplacental hemorrhage. Body mass index (BMI) did not affect the ability to make a diagnosis by either US or MRI. MRI proved effective in better evaluation of a posterior placenta with suspicion of placenta accreta. There was modality disagreement in 11 of 45 cases and MRI was correct in 9 of these 11 cases, all true negative (TN) cases. MRI should be considered in any case with posterior placenta previa and suspicion of accreta, in any case with clinical suspicion for accreta and discordant US findings, and in any case in which percreta is suspected.

  3. Evolution of the placenta during the early radiation of placental mammals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mess, Andrea; Carter, Anthony M


    The chorioallantoic placenta is an organ of gaseous exchange that exhibits a high degree of structural diversity. One factor determining oxygen transfer across the placenta, the diffusion distance, is in part dependent on the number of cell layers separating maternal from fetal blood. This interh......The chorioallantoic placenta is an organ of gaseous exchange that exhibits a high degree of structural diversity. One factor determining oxygen transfer across the placenta, the diffusion distance, is in part dependent on the number of cell layers separating maternal from fetal blood...... of placental mammals, derived from molecular phylogenetics. We show that epitheliochorial placentation, the least invasive type, is a derived state and discuss factors that may have determined its evolution with reference to conflict theory, as applied to the allocation of resources between mother and fetus...

  4. Transplacental transfer of nitrosodimethylamine in perfused human placenta.


    Annola, K.; Heikkinen, A.T.; Partanen, H.; Woodhouse, H.; Segerback, D.; Vahakangas, K.


    Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a carcinogenic compound present in tobacco smoke and food such as cured meat, smoked fish and beer. The O(6)-methylguanine formed in human cord blood in mothers highly exposed to such products implicates NDMA exposure of the fetus. Dual recirculating human placental perfusion was used to get direct evidence of the transplacental transfer of NDMA and DNA adduct formation in perfused human placenta. Eleven placentas from normal full-term pregnancies were collected...

  5. A Case of Placenta Increta Mimicking Submucous Leiomyoma

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    Ali Ekiz


    Full Text Available In recent years with the increase in cesarean section rates, the frequency of placenta accreta cases rises. It causes 33–50% of all emergency peripartum hysterectomies. We present a 42-year-old case who was caught with early postpartum hemorrhage due to retained placental products. The ultrasonography showed a 65 × 84 mm mass in the uterine cavity after the delivery. Due to presence of early postpartum hemorrhage which needs transfusion, an intervention decision was made. The patient underwent curettage but the mass could not be removed so that placental retention was ruled out. Submucous leiomyoma was made as first-prediagnosis. Hysterectomy operation was performed as a curative treatment. Placenta increta diagnosis was made as a final diagnosis with pathological examination. As a result, placental attachment disorders may be overlooked if it is not a placenta previa case.

  6. Early Developmental and Evolutionary Origins of Gene Body DNA Methylation Patterns in Mammalian Placentas.

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    Diane I Schroeder


    Full Text Available Over the last 20-80 million years the mammalian placenta has taken on a variety of morphologies through both divergent and convergent evolution. Recently we have shown that the human placenta genome has a unique epigenetic pattern of large partially methylated domains (PMDs and highly methylated domains (HMDs with gene body DNA methylation positively correlating with level of gene expression. In order to determine the evolutionary conservation of DNA methylation patterns and transcriptional regulatory programs in the placenta, we performed a genome-wide methylome (MethylC-seq analysis of human, rhesus macaque, squirrel monkey, mouse, dog, horse, and cow placentas as well as opossum extraembryonic membrane. We found that, similar to human placenta, mammalian placentas and opossum extraembryonic membrane have globally lower levels of methylation compared to somatic tissues. Higher relative gene body methylation was the conserved feature across all mammalian placentas, despite differences in PMD/HMDs and absolute methylation levels. Specifically, higher methylation over the bodies of genes involved in mitosis, vesicle-mediated transport, protein phosphorylation, and chromatin modification was observed compared with the rest of the genome. As in human placenta, higher methylation is associated with higher gene expression and is predictive of genic location across species. Analysis of DNA methylation in oocytes and preimplantation embryos shows a conserved pattern of gene body methylation similar to the placenta. Intriguingly, mouse and cow oocytes and mouse early embryos have PMD/HMDs but their placentas do not, suggesting that PMD/HMDs are a feature of early preimplantation methylation patterns that become lost during placental development in some species and following implantation of the embryo.

  7. Placenta-derived exosomes: potential biomarkers of preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pillay P


    Full Text Available Preenan Pillay,1,2 Kogi Moodley,1 Jagidesa Moodley,3 Irene Mackraj3 1Discipline of Human Physiology, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; 2Pearson Institute of Higher Education, Midrand, South Africa; 3Women’s Health and HIV Research Group, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa Abstract: Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality, due to ineffective treatment and diagnostic strategies, compounded by the lack of clarity on the etiology of the disorder. Although several clinical and biological markers of preeclampsia have been evaluated, they have proven to be ineffective in providing a definitive diagnosis during the various stages of the disorder. Exosomes have emerged as ideal biomarkers of pathological states, such as cancer, and have more recently gained interest in pregnancy-related complications, due to their role in cellular communication in normal and complicated pregnancies. This occurs as a result of the specific placenta-derived exosomal molecular cargo, which may be involved in normal pregnancy-associated immunological events, such as the maintenance of maternal–fetal tolerance. This review provides perspectives on placenta-derived exosomes as possible biomarkers for the diagnosis/prognosis of preeclampsia. Using keywords, online databases were searched to identify relevant publications to review the potential use of placenta-derived exosomes as biomarkers of preeclampsia. Keywords: placenta-derived exosomes, preeclampsia, biomarkers

  8. Zika virus and placenta

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Beuy Joob; Viroj Wiwanitkit


    Zika virus infection is the new arboviral infection problem. The serious outcome of infection and induction of abnormal infant become the big issue in reproductive medicine. The pathogenesis and pathology of the placenta in the affected case is an interesting issue. Here, the authors focus and discuss on this topic in this short article.

  9. Manual Removal of the Placenta after Vaginal Delivery: An Unsolved Problem in Obstetrics (United States)

    Zimmermann, Roland


    The third stage of labor is associated with considerable maternal morbidity and mortality. The major complication is postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), which is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Whereas in the event of PPH due to atony of the uterus there exist numerous treatment guidelines; for the management of retained placenta the general consensus is more difficult to establish. Active management of the third stage of labour is generally accepted as standard of care as already its duration is contributing to the risk of PPH. Despite scant evidence it is commonly advised that if the placenta has not been expelled 30 minutes after delivery, manual removal of the placenta should be carried out under anaesthesia. Pathologic adhesion of the placenta in the low risk situation usually is diagnosed at the time of delivery; therefore a pre- or intrapartum screening opportunity for placenta accreta would be desirable. But diagnosis of abnormalities of placentation other than placenta previa remains a challenge. Nevertheless the use of ultrasound and doppler sonography might be helpful in the third stage of labor. An improvement might be the implementation of standardized operating procedures for retained placenta which could contribute to a reduction of maternal morbidity. PMID:24812585

  10. Economic and reproductive consequences of retained placenta in dairy cattle.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Joosten, I.; Stelwagen, J.; Dijkhuizen, A.A.


    The financial losses due to retained placenta in Dutch dairy cattle were estimated by using two different methods of calculation. A data-set containing the birth records of 160,188 Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cows provided data on the reproductive performance of cows with and without retained placenta. The

  11. Topical application of recombinant activated factor VII during cesarean delivery for placenta previa. (United States)

    Schjoldager, Birgit T B G; Mikkelsen, Emmeli; Lykke, Malene R; Præst, Jørgen; Hvas, Anne-Mette; Heslet, Lars; Secher, Niels J; Salvig, Jannie D; Uldbjerg, Niels


    During cesarean delivery in patients with placenta previa, hemorrhaging after removal of the placenta is often challenging. In this condition, the extraordinarily high concentration of tissue factor at the placenta site may constitute a principle of treatment as it activates coagulation very effectively. The presumption, however, is that tissue factor is bound to activated factor VII. We hypothesized that topical application of recombinant activated factor VII at the placenta site reduces bleeding without affecting intravascular coagulation. We included 5 cases with planned cesarean delivery for placenta previa. After removal of the placenta, the surgeon applied a swab soaked in recombinant activated factor VII containing saline (1 mg in 246 mL) to the placenta site for 2 minutes; this treatment was repeated once if the bleeding did not decrease sufficiently. We documented the treatment on video recordings and measured blood loss. Furthermore, we determined hemoglobin concentration, platelet count, international normalized ratio, activated partial thrombin time, fibrinogen (functional), factor VII:clot, and thrombin generation in peripheral blood prior to and 15 minutes after removal of the placenta. We also tested these blood coagulation variables in 5 women with cesarean delivery planned for other reasons. Mann-Whitney test was used for unpaired data. In all 5 cases, the uterotomy was closed under practically dry conditions and the median blood loss was 490 (range 300-800) mL. There were no adverse effects of recombinant activated factor VII and we did not measure factor VII to enter the circulation. Neither did we observe changes in thrombin generation, fibrinogen, activated partial thrombin time, international normalized ratio, and platelet count in the peripheral circulation (all P values >.20). This study indicates that in patients with placenta previa, topical recombinant activated factor VII may diminish bleeding from the placenta site without initiation

  12. Estimativas da cobertura mamográfica no Estado de Goiás, Brasil


    Corrêa,Rosangela da Silveira; Freitas-Júnior,Ruffo; Peixoto,João Emílio; Rodrigues,Danielle Cristina Netto; Lemos,Maria Eugênia da Fonseca; Marins,Lucy Aparecida Parreira; Silveira,Érika Aparecida da


    Este estudo transversal objetivou estimar a cobertura da mamografia no Estado de Goiás, Brasil, descrevendo sua oferta, demanda e variações para as diversas faixas etárias, tendo como unidades de observação 98 serviços de mamografia. Foram estimados as frequências de realização da mamografia por faixa etária e tipo de sistema de saúde, bem como o número de exames necessários para a cobertura de 70% e 100% da população-alvo. Foi avaliada a associação entre a realização da mamografia, a distrib...

  13. The Case Report of Trigger Finger Improved with Hominis Placenta Pharmacopuncture Treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeong-Won Kim


    Full Text Available Objectives : The Purpose of this study is to investigate and report the effectiveness of Hominis Placenta using Pharmacopuncture treatment for trigger finger. Methods : 3 Patients are admitted at Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation, Bu-Chun Jaseng Oriental Medicine Hospital, diagnosed as Trigger finger and treated with Hominis Placenta Pharmacopuncture. Each cases are measured and assessed by Quinnell's classification of triggering and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale scores. Results : 3 Patients of trigger finger have a different kind of cause and fingers lesion they have, but nodules are not significantly found up, so we could classify all of 3 patients to diffuse type. After treatment of Hominis placenta Pharmacopuncture, spontaneous pain and tenderness, grades of triggering are decreased significantly. We would expect that Hominis placenta Pharmacopuncture has a effect on degenerative diseases of diffuse type's tendon sheath. Conclusions : Trigger finger is generally divided into two stages, inflammatory and degenerative stage, and when degenerative stage, Hominis placenta pharmacopuncture appears to be effective.

  14. Nitrate Promotes Capsaicin Accumulation in Capsicum chinense Immobilized Placentas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeanny G. Aldana-Iuit


    Full Text Available In chili pepper’s pods, placental tissue is responsible for the synthesis of capsaicinoids (CAPs, the compounds behind their typical hot flavor or pungency, which are synthesized from phenylalanine and branched amino acids. Placental tissue sections from Habanero peppers (Capsicum chinense Jacq. were immobilized in a calcium alginate matrix and cultured in vitro, either continuously for 28 days or during two 14-day subculture periods. Immobilized placental tissue remained viable and metabolically active for up to 21 days, indicating its ability to interact with media components. CAPs contents abruptly decreased during the first 7 days in culture, probably due to structural damage to the placenta as revealed by scanning electron microcopy. CAPs levels remained low throughout the entire culture period, even though a slight recovery was noted in subcultured placentas. However, doubling the medium’s nitrate content (from 40 to 80 mM resulted in an important increment, reaching values similar to those of intact pod’s placentas. These data suggest that isolated pepper placentas cultured in vitro remain metabolically active and are capable of metabolizing inorganic nitrogen sources, first into amino acids and, then, channeling them to CAP synthesis.

  15. Real increasing incidence of hysterectomy for placenta accreta following previous caesarean section.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Higgins, Mary F


    Placenta accreta, morbid adherence to the uterus to the myometrium, is commonest in association with placenta previa in women previously delivered by caesarean section (CS). It has become proportionally a greater cause of major maternal morbidity and mortality as the frequency of other serious obstetric complications has declined. The aim of this study was to examine the incidence of placenta accreta in the context of a rising caesarean delivery rate.

  16. Antenatal Sonographic Diagnosis and Clinical Significance of Placenta Previa Accreta after Cesarean Section. (United States)

    Liu, Zhen-Zhen; Wei, Yao; Wang, Ruo-Jiao; Xu, Wen; Shi, Zhi-Min; Dai, Qing


    Objective To investigate the clinical and antenatal sonographic characteristics of placenta previa accreta after cesarean section. Methods The data of 21 inpatients diagnosed as placenta previa accreta after cesarean section in PUMC Hospital from 2006 to 2016 were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical and ultrasound features were recorded and compared among three placental accreta groups,including placenta accrete group(n=5),increta group(n=12),and percreta group(n=4). The relationship between the placental thickness at the uterine anterior lower segment level and the blood loss of the following cesarean section was tested. Results Of 21 patients,placenta previa was diagnosed by ultrasound in 20 cases(95.2%) and placenta previa accreta was diagnosed in 9 cases(42.9%). Antenatal ultrasound findings included following signs:loss of "clear zone"(15/18,83.3%),myometrial thinning(12/18,66.7%),abnormal placental lacunae(12/19,63.2%),bladder wall interruption(2/18,11.1%),and uterovesical hypervascularity(4/9,44.4%). Myometrial thinning(J-T=64.000,P=0.036),abnormal placental lacunae(J-T=74.500,P=0.032) and the placental thickness at the uterine anterior lower segment level(U=83.000,P=0.010) showed significant difference among different placenta accreta groups. Placental thickness at the uterine anterior lower segment level showed linear correlation with the blood loss of the following cesarean section(r=0.669,P=0.002). The blood loss of the following cesarean section showed significant difference among different placenta accreta groups(U=118.500,P=0.000). Conclusions The clinical and sonographic manifestations of placenta previa accreta after cesarean section show a spectrum of demographic characteristics. The measurement of thickness of placenta at the anterior lower segment may help the evaluation of the clinical prognosis of this special pathology.

  17. [Histopathological changes in human placentas related to hypertensive disorders]. (United States)

    Artico, Luciano Guimarães; Madi, José Mauro; Godoy, Alessandra Eifler Guerra; Coelho, Celso Piccoli; Rombaldi, Renato Luís; Artico, Graziela Rech


    to determine the prevalence of histopathological changes, in human placentas, related to hypertensive syndromes. a transversal study that compares histopathological changes identified in 43 placentae from hypertensive pregnant women (HypPr), with the ones from 33 placentae from normotensive pregnant women (NorPr). The weight, volume and macroscopic and microscopic occurrence of infarctions, clots, hematomas, atherosis (partial obliteration, thickness of layers and presence of blood vessels hyalinization) and Tenney-Parker changes (absent, discreet and prominent), as well as the locating of infarctions and clots (central, peripheral or the association of both) have been analyzed. The chi2 and t Student tests have been used for the statistical analysis, as well as medians, standard deviations and ratios. It has been considered as significant, p<0.05. the macroscopic study of HypPr placentae have presented lower weight (461.1 versus 572.1 g) and volume (437.4 versus 542.0 cm(3)), higher infarction (51.2 versus 45.5%; p<0.05: OR=1.15) and clots (51.2 versus 15.1%; p<0.05; OR=5.4) ratios, as compared to the NorPr's. In the HypPr and NorPr, microscopic clots have occurred in 83.7 versus 45.5% (p<0.05; OR=4.3), respectively. Atherosis and Tenney-Parker changes have been statistically associated to the hypertensive syndromes (p<0.05). the obtained data allow us to associate lower placentary weight and volume, higher ratio of macro and microscopic infarction, clots, atherosis and Tenney-Parker changes to placentae of gestations occurring with hypertensive syndromes.

  18. Delivery of placenta before baby in ruptured uterus | Ameh | Annals ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An unusual case of ruptured uterus characterized by spontaneous delivery of the placenta while the foetus is retained in the abdomen is presented. The management and prevention of ruptured uterus in Sub- Saharan Africa is discussed. Key Words: Delivery of placenta, ruptured uterus. Annals of African Medicine Vol.3(3) ...

  19. Participation in environmental health research by placenta donation - a perception study. (United States)

    Lind, Uffe; Mose, Tina; Knudsen, Lisbeth E


    Much environmental health research depends on human volunteers participating with biological samples. The perception study explores why and how people participate in a placenta perfusion study in Copenhagen. The participation implies donation of the placenta after birth and some background information but no follow up. Nineteen semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with participants in the placenta perfusion study after donation of placenta. Observation studies were made of recruitment sessions. The interviewed participants are generally in favour of medical research. They participated in the placenta perfusion study due to a belief that societal progress follows medical research. They also felt that participating was a way of giving something back to the Danish health care system. The participants have trust in medical science and scientists, but trust is something which needs to be created through "trust-work". Face-to-face interaction, written information material and informed consent forms play important parts in creating trusting relationships in medical research. Medical research ethics do not only amount to specific types of written information material but should also be seen as a number of trust making performances involving researchers as well as research participants.

  20. Anesthesia for cesarean section in pregnancies complicated by placenta previa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Imarengiaye, Charles O.; Osaigbovo, Etinosa P.; Tudjegbe, Sampson O.


    Objective was to evaluate the factors affecting the choice of anesthetic technique for cesarean section in women with placenta previa. In this retrospective study, the records of the labor Ward Theatre of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria were examined from January 2000 to December 2004 to identify all the women who had cesarean section for placenta previa. The patient's socio-demographic characteristics, type of placenta previa, anesthesia technique, estimated blood loss, maternal and fetal outcomes were recorded. One hundred and twenty-six patients had cesarean section for placenta previa, however, only 81 patients 64.3% were available for analysis. General anesthesia was administered to 52/81 patients 64.2% and 29/81 patients 35.8% received spinal anesthesia. A history of antepartum bleeding was recorded in 61.7% n=50. Of 31 patients without antepartum hemorrhage APH, 15/31 had general anesthesia and 16/31 had spinal anesthesia. The patients who had APH, 37/50 had general anesthesia and 1/50 had spinal anesthesia. There was an increased chance of using general anesthesia and if APH were present p=0.03, odds ratio=3.1, 95% confidence interval=1.2-7.7. Spinal anesthesia may useful in patients with placenta previa. The presence of APH may encourage the use of general anesthesia for cesarean delivery. (author)

  1. Evaluation of placenta in foetal demise and foetal growth restriction. (United States)

    Ch, Ujwala; Guruvare, Shyamala; Bhat, Sudha S; Rai, Lavanya; Rao, Sugandhi


    The study objective was to evaluate the pathological changes of the placenta in foetal death and foetal growth restriction and to find correlation of the findings with clinical causes. Prospective study at a tertiary care hospital. Gross and histopathological examinations of the placentae were carried out in pregnancies with foetal demise (IUD) and Foetal Growth Restriction (FGR). SPSS, version 11.5. Placentae of twenty seven women with foetal demise and of equal number of women with foetal growth restriction were studied. Placental weight was less than 10(th) percentile in 61.5% women in IUD group and in 93% women in the FGR group. Gross examination of placentae showed abnormalities in 12 (44%) women of IUD group and in 16 (59%) women of FGR group. Histopathological abnormalities were observed in 74.1% women of the IUD group and in 66.7% women of FGR group. Placental histopathology correlated with clinical risk factors in 60% women of IUD group and in 40% women of FGR group. Among the women with no clinically explainable cause for IUD and FGR, 86% and 57% had placental histopathological abnormalities respectively. The histopathological abnormalities of the placenta can be used to document the clinical causes of foetal demise and growth restriction; it may explain the causes in cases of clinically unexplained foetal demise and foetal growth restriction.

  2. Contribution of placenta accreta to the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and severe postpartum hemorrhage. (United States)

    Mehrabadi, Azar; Hutcheon, Jennifer A; Liu, Shiliang; Bartholomew, Sharon; Kramer, Michael S; Liston, Robert M; Joseph, K S


    To quantify the contribution of placenta accreta to the rate of postpartum hemorrhage and severe postpartum hemorrhage. All hospital deliveries in Canada (excluding Quebec) for the years 2009 and 2010 (N=570,637) were included in a retrospective cohort study using data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information. Placenta accreta included placental adhesion to the uterine wall, musculature, and surrounding organs (accreta, increta, or percreta). Severe postpartum hemorrhage included postpartum hemorrhage with blood transfusion, hysterectomy, or other procedures to control bleeding (including uterine suturing and ligation or embolization of pelvic arteries). Rates, rate ratios, population-attributable fractions (ie, incidence of postpartum hemorrhage attributable to placenta accreta), and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated. Logistic regression was used to quantify associations between placenta accreta and risk factors. The incidence of placenta accreta was 14.4 (95% CI 13.4-15.4) per 10,000 deliveries (819 cases among 570,637 deliveries), whereas the incidence of placenta accreta with postpartum hemorrhage was 7.2 (95% CI 6.5-8.0) per 10,000 deliveries. Postpartum hemorrhage among women with placenta accreta was predominantly third-stage hemorrhage (41% of all cases). Although placenta accreta was strongly associated with postpartum hemorrhage (rate ratio 8.3, 95% CI 7.7-8.9), its low frequency resulted in a small population-attributable fraction (1.0%, 95% CI 0.93-1.16). However, the strong association between placenta accreta and postpartum hemorrhage with hysterectomy (rate ratio 286, 95% CI 226-361) resulted in a population-attributable fraction of 29.0% (95% CI 24.3-34.3). Placenta accreta is too infrequent to account for the recent temporal increase in postpartum hemorrhage but contributes substantially to the proportion of postpartum hemorrhage with hysterectomy.

  3. Decreased placental and maternal serum TRAIL-R2 levels are associated with placenta accreta. (United States)

    Oztas, Efser; Ozler, Sibel; Ersoy, Ali Ozgur; Ersoy, Ebru; Caglar, Ali Turhan; Uygur, Dilek; Yucel, Aykan; Ergin, Merve; Danisman, Nuri


    TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptor-2 (TRAIL-R2) is produced both by decidual and trophoblast cells during pregnancy and known to participate in apoptosis. In this study, we aimed to determine and to compare maternal serum and placental TRAIL-R2 levels in patients with placenta accreta, non-adherent placenta previa and in healthy pregnancies. We also aimed to analyze the association of placenta accreta with the occurrence of previous C-sections. A total of 82 pregnant women were enrolled in this case-control study (27 placenta accreta patients, 26 non-adherent placenta previa patients and 29 age-, and BMI-matched healthy, uncomplicated pregnant controls). TRAIL-R2 levels were studied in both maternal serum and placental tissue homogenates. Determining the best predictor(s) which discriminate placenta accreta was analyzed by multiple logistic regression analyses. Adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were also calculated. Both placental and serum TRAIL-R2 levels were significantly lower in placenta accreta group (median 34.82 pg/mg and 19.85 pg/mL, respectively) when compared with both non-adherent placenta previa (median 39.24 pg/mg and 25.99 pg/mL, respectively) and the control groups (median 41.62 pg/mg and 25.87 pg/mL, respectively) (p Placental TRAIL-R2 levels and previous cesarean section were found to be significantly associated with placenta accreta (OR: 0.934 95% CI 0.883-0.987, p = 0.016 and OR:7.725 95% CI: 2.717-21.965, p Placental and serum TRAIL-R2 levels were positively correlated. Decreased levels of placental TRAIL-R2 and previous history of cesarean section were found to be significantly associated with placenta accreta, suggesting a possible role of apoptosis in abnormal trophoblast invasion. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Transfer RNA methylases in rat placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jagtiani, S.K.; Narurkar, L.M.; Narurkar, M.V.


    Presence of tRNA methylases (5-adenosylmethionine : tRNA methyltransferases) was demonstrated at various stages of gestation in rat placenta, the enzyme being 50-100% higher than that of adult rat liver during early gestation. Placental tRNA methylases were shown to differ from those of liver in the extent of methylation. Glycine methyltransferase (S-adenosylmethionine : glycine methyltransferase), a regulatory enzyme in adult rat liver, was absent in placenta throughout gestation. The placental tRNA methylases could be inhibited in vitro by semipurified glycine methyltransferase from adult rat liver. The high placental tRNA methylase activity was comparable with the inhibitor-free enzyme activity of the adult rat liver. S-adenosyl-[Me- 14 C]-methionine was used in the investigation. (author)

  5. Measurement of elasticity of normal placenta using the Virtual Touch quantification technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wu, Size; Nan, Ruixia; Cui, Xiao Jing; Liang, Xian; Zhao, Yanan [Dept. of Ultrasound, Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, Haikou (China); Li, Yueping [Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, Haikou (China)


    The aim of this study was to measure the elasticity of normal placentas using the Virtual Touch quantification (VTQ) technique. This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Fifty randomly selected, healthy pregnant women in their second trimester and 50 randomly selected, healthy pregnant women in their third trimester with a single fetus were included, and their placentas underwent VTQ through shear wave velocity (SWV) measurements. The measurements were performed at different locations to sample different areas of the placenta. Measurements were performed 3-4 times in each location, the mean shear wave velocities were calculated without the highest and lowest values of measurements in each region, and the results were compared. The SWV of the placenta was 0.983±0.260 m/sec, and the minimal and maximal speed was 0.63 m/sec and 1.84 m/sec, respectively. There was no significant difference between the second and third trimester of VTQ of the placenta in terms of SWV (0.978±0.255 m/sec vs. 0.987±0.266 m/sec, P=0.711). The maternal age between second and third trimester was 27.9±4.3 years and 29.2±4.4 years, respectively; there was no significant difference between them (P=0.159). The results of this study show that the SWV of normal placenta tissue is 0.983±0.260 m/sec, it has little variation between the second and third trimesters, and the VTQ technique may potentially play an additional role in placenta evaluation.

  6. Measurement of elasticity of normal placenta using the Virtual Touch quantification technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Size; Nan, Ruixia; Cui, Xiao Jing; Liang, Xian; Zhao, Yanan; Li, Yueping


    The aim of this study was to measure the elasticity of normal placentas using the Virtual Touch quantification (VTQ) technique. This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Fifty randomly selected, healthy pregnant women in their second trimester and 50 randomly selected, healthy pregnant women in their third trimester with a single fetus were included, and their placentas underwent VTQ through shear wave velocity (SWV) measurements. The measurements were performed at different locations to sample different areas of the placenta. Measurements were performed 3-4 times in each location, the mean shear wave velocities were calculated without the highest and lowest values of measurements in each region, and the results were compared. The SWV of the placenta was 0.983±0.260 m/sec, and the minimal and maximal speed was 0.63 m/sec and 1.84 m/sec, respectively. There was no significant difference between the second and third trimester of VTQ of the placenta in terms of SWV (0.978±0.255 m/sec vs. 0.987±0.266 m/sec, P=0.711). The maternal age between second and third trimester was 27.9±4.3 years and 29.2±4.4 years, respectively; there was no significant difference between them (P=0.159). The results of this study show that the SWV of normal placenta tissue is 0.983±0.260 m/sec, it has little variation between the second and third trimesters, and the VTQ technique may potentially play an additional role in placenta evaluation

  7. [Placenta accreta: can prenatal diagnosis be performed? Ultrasound and MRI interests. About 27 cases]. (United States)

    Bauwens, J; Coulon, C; Azaïs, H; Bigot, J; Houfflin-Debarge, V


    To list ultrasonography signs identified when a placenta accreta is suspected. Secondary objectives are to analyze the relevance of diagnosis with ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging, and to know diagnosis circumstances in order to identify main risk factors. We present a monocentric retrospective study. All the cases of placentas accreta, observed from 2005 to 2010 at Lille University Hospital (France), have been included. Twenty-seven patients had a placenta accreta during this period. There was an antenatal suspicion for 22 cases and 21 were confirmed after delivery. Six cases were discovered per-partum. Diagnosis was suspected after metrorrhagia for 41% of women. In case of antenatal diagnosis, 100% of the patients had an anterior placenta praevia and an uterine scare. Fifty percent of the placentas accreta diagnosed per-partum were posterior. The most frequently ultrasonography signs are "intra-placental lacuna" (85.7%), "abnormal vascularization" (71.4%), "loss of normal hypoechoic retroplacental myometrial zone" (66.7%), "irregularity of the vesical wall" (66.7%). Sensibility of ultrasonography screening is 78%. Twenty-one magnetic resonance imaging examinations executed secondarily confirmed the diagnosis in 66.7% of the cases. Ultrasonography is a relevant exam for the diagnosis of placenta accreta. Posterior placenta should not be forsaken. Anterior placenta praevia in multiparous patients with a uterine scare should be a warning. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  8. Revisão sistemática da literatura sobre intervenções antibullying em escolas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Luiz da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma revisão sistemática da literatura referente a intervenções rigorosamente planejadas e avaliadas na redução do bullyin escolar. O levantamento dos artigos foi realizado em quatro bases de dados (Lilacs, Psycinfo, Scielo e Web of Science orientado pela questão norteadora: Em relação ao bullyin, quais são as intervenções empreendidas para a sua redução nas escolas? Foram incluídos somente estudos do tipo caso-controle, com foco específico no bullyin escolar e sem recorte temporal. A qualidade metodológica das investigações foi avaliada por meio do check-list SIGN. No total, 18 artigos compuseram o corpus de análise da revisão e todos foram avaliados como de alta qualidade metodológica. As intervenções realizadas nos estudos revisados foram subdividas em quatro categorias: multidimensionais ou em toda a escola, treinamento de habilidades sociais, curriculares e informatizadas. A revisão sintetiza conhecimentos que podem ser utilizados para pensar práticas e programas de intervenção no Brasil, nas áreas da educação e da saúde, com caráter multiprofissional.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prabha Janakiram


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH is the leading cause of vaginal bleeding. It is also the important cause of maternal morbidity as well as perinatal morbidity. APH is defined as bleeding per vagina occurring after 28 weeks of gestation and before the birth of the baby. Among APH, abruptio placenta and placenta previa are the leading cause that endanger the life of the mother and a great risk to high unfavourable perinatal outcome. Placental abruption is the bleeding from the premature separation of the normally implanted placenta after 20 weeks of gestations and prior to the birth of the foetus/foetuses. It is the major contribution of obstetric haemorrhage and complicates 0.8 to 1% of pregnancies worldwide. Placental abruption is the premature separation of implanted placenta before the delivery of foetus/foetuses. The aim of the study is to analyse the risk factors associated with abruption and hence methods can be formulated to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study is a retrospective study and was done in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from July to December, 2016, for a period of 6 months in the year 2016 at Government K.A.P.V. Medical College, Trichy, South India. RESULTS The total number of abruption placenta cases reported during the study period- June 2016 to November 2016 were 40. The total number of livebirth during same period was 5,348. The stillbirth rate was 42.5% and neonatal death rate was 22.5%. Clinical information were collected, maternal age, parity, gestational age at parity, prior history of abruption, clinical presentation like pain, bleeding, type of abruption like concealed or revealed amount of retroplacental clots and its size and degree of abruption associated with hypertensive disorders, mode of delivery, abruption-delivery interval, maternal complications, requirement of blood transfusions and immediate neonatal outcome. The results of studies were

  10. [Accuracy of placenta accreta prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound and MRI in a high-risk population]. (United States)

    Daney de Marcillac, F; Molière, S; Pinton, A; Weingertner, A-S; Fritz, G; Viville, B; Roedlich, M-N; Gaudineau, A; Sananes, N; Favre, R; Nisand, I; Langer, B


    Main objective was to compare accuracy of ultrasonography and MRI for antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta. Secondary objectives were to specify the most common sonographic and RMI signs associated with diagnosis of placenta accreta. This retrospective study used data collected from all potential cases of placenta accreta (patients with an anterior placenta praevia with history of scarred uterus) admitted from 01/2010 to 12/2014 in a level III maternity unit in Strasbourg, France. High-risk patients beneficiated antenatally from ultrasonography and MRI. Sonographic signs registered were: abnormal placental lacunae, increased vascularity on color Doppler, absence of the retroplacental clear space, interrupted bladder line. MRI signs registered were: abnormal uterine bulging, intraplacental bands of low signal intensity on T2-weighted images, increased vascularity, heterogeneous signal of the placenta on T2-weighed, interrupted bladder line, protrusion of the placenta into the cervix. Diagnosis of placenta accreta was confirmed histologically after hysterectomy or clinically in case of successful conservative treatment. Twenty-two potential cases of placenta accreta were referred to our center and underwent both ultrasonography and MRI. All cases of placenta accreta had a placenta praevia associated with history of scarred uterus. Sensibility and specificity for ultrasonography were, respectively, 0.92 and 0.67, for MRI 0.84 and 0.78 without significant difference (p>0.05). The most relevant signs associated with diagnosis of placenta accreta in ultrasonography were increased vascularity on color Doppler (sensibility 0.85/specificity 0.78), abnormal placental lacunae (sensibility 0.92/specificity 0.55) and loss of retroplacental clear space (sensibility 0.76/specificity 1.0). The most relevant signs in MRI were: abnormal uterine bulging (sensitivity 0.92/specificity 0.89), dark intraplacental bands on T2-weighted images (sensitivity 0.83/specificity 0.80) or

  11. Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blaicher, Wibke; Brugger, Peter C.; Mittermayer, Christoph; Schwindt, Jens; Deutinger, Josef; Bernaschek, Gerhard; Prayer, Daniela


    The goal of this study was to provide a representative description of the normal placenta with contrast medium-free magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to determine a standard of reference. One hundred consecutive singleton pregnancies were investigated by MRI without application of a contrast medium. The mean gestational age (GA) at the time of investigation was 29.5 weeks (range 19-40). Patients with suspected utero-placental insufficiency (UPI) or placental anomalies were excluded. Signal intensities were assessed and correlated with the respective GA. Antenatal MRI without contrast medium was able to depict placental status and morphological changes during gestation. A regular homogeneous structure was found in weeks 19-23. Subsequently, sporadic, slightly marked lobules appeared, which increased in number and markedness with ongoing gestation. Stratification of the lobules was observed after 36 weeks. The ratio of placental and amniotic fluid signal intensities decreased significantly with higher GA and with placental grading. MRI is well suited as an imaging method for the placenta. Our data may be used as a reference in the assessment of the placenta on MRI, and may have further clinical impact with respect to the determination of UPI

  12. Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal placenta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blaicher, Wibke [Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Vienna (Austria)]. E-mail:; Brugger, Peter C. [Center of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University Hospital of Vienna (Austria); Mittermayer, Christoph [Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Vienna (Austria); Schwindt, Jens [Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Vienna (Austria); Deutinger, Josef [Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Vienna (Austria); Bernaschek, Gerhard [Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Vienna (Austria); Prayer, Daniela [Department of Radiology, Division of Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Vienna (Austria)


    The goal of this study was to provide a representative description of the normal placenta with contrast medium-free magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in order to determine a standard of reference. One hundred consecutive singleton pregnancies were investigated by MRI without application of a contrast medium. The mean gestational age (GA) at the time of investigation was 29.5 weeks (range 19-40). Patients with suspected utero-placental insufficiency (UPI) or placental anomalies were excluded. Signal intensities were assessed and correlated with the respective GA. Antenatal MRI without contrast medium was able to depict placental status and morphological changes during gestation. A regular homogeneous structure was found in weeks 19-23. Subsequently, sporadic, slightly marked lobules appeared, which increased in number and markedness with ongoing gestation. Stratification of the lobules was observed after 36 weeks. The ratio of placental and amniotic fluid signal intensities decreased significantly with higher GA and with placental grading. MRI is well suited as an imaging method for the placenta. Our data may be used as a reference in the assessment of the placenta on MRI, and may have further clinical impact with respect to the determination of UPI.

  13. Placenta paraaortic with bladder invasion: A plea for multidisciplinary approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shawish, Fahmy M. I.; Hammad, Fayez T.; Kazim, Essa M.


    Placenta previa percreta with the urinary bladder invasion is a rare but potentially lethal condition. It has an increasing clinical significance due to its association with previous cesarean sections and uterine curettage. Herein, we report on a patient with placenta percreta and bladder invasion, who presented with hematuria and in whom delivery was delayed to almost full term highlighting the potential catastrophic results and the need for a multidisciplinary approach with the need to involve surgeons who are familiar with vascular and urologic surgery. We also present an elegant MRI of placenta percreta invading the urinary bladder, which shows that MRI is potentially an excellent diagnostic diagnostic modality in this difficult condition. (author)

  14. A 3D co-culture microtissue model of the human placenta for nanotoxicity assessment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muoth, Carina; Wichser, Adrian; Monopoli, Marco


    and functionality of the placental tissue. The effects of NPs on the human placenta are not well studied or understood, and predictive in vitro placenta models to achieve mechanistic insights on NP-placenta interactions are essentially lacking. Using the scaffold-free hanging drop technology, we developed a well...

  15. Gluconeogenesis in rat placenta during foetal development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bagewadikar, R S; Sharma, C; Nadkarni, G B [Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay (India). Biochemistry and Food Technology Div.


    Variations in glycogen levels in rat placenta have been correlated with gluconeogenesis in this tissue. Placental homogenate could synthesize substantial amounts of glucose from L-alanine-U-/sup 14/C in early pregnancy. This has been substantiated by the observed enhancement in the activities of glucose 6-phosphatase, fructose 1, 6-diphosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Gluconeogenic activity in placenta could proceed till the foetal liver was able to take over this function. The increase or decrease in placental glycogen is concomitant with glycogen synthetase, but not phosphorylase, activity. The reversible catalytic properties of placental aldolase also show subtle functional changes during and late phases of gestation.

  16. Gluconeogenesis in rat placenta during foetal development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagewadikar, R.S.; Sharma, C.; Nadkarni, G.B.


    Variations in glycogen levels in rat placenta have been correlated with gluconeogenesis in this tissue. Placental homogenate could synthesize substantial amounts of glucose from L-alanine-U- 14 C in early pregnancy. This has been substantiated by the observed enhancement in the activities of glucose 6-phosphatase, fructose 1, 6-diphosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Gluconeogenic activity in placenta could proceed till the foetal liver was able to take over this function. The increase or decrease in placental glycogen is concomitant with glycogen synthetase, but not phosphorylase, activity. The reversible catalytic properties of placental aldolase also show subtle functional changes during and late phases of gestation. (author)

  17. Placenta previa and risk of major congenital malformations among singleton births in Finland. (United States)

    Kancherla, Vijaya; Räisänen, Sari; Gissler, Mika; Kramer, Michael R; Heinonen, Seppo


    Placenta previa has been associated with adverse birth outcomes, but its association with congenital malformations is inconclusive. We examined the association between placenta previa and major congenital malformations among singleton births in Finland. We performed a retrospective population register-based study on all singletons born at or after 22+0 weeks of gestation in Finland during 2000 to 2010. We linked three national health registers: the Finnish Medical Birth Register, the Hospital Discharge Register, and the Register of Congenital Malformations, and examined several demographic and clinical characteristics among women with and without placenta previa, in association with major congenital malformations. We estimated adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals using multivariable logistic regression models. The prevalence of placenta previa was estimated as 2.65 per 1000 singleton births in Finland (95% confidence interval, 2.53-2.79). Overall, 6.2% of women with placenta previa delivered a singleton infant with a major congenital malformation, compared with 3.8% of unaffected women (p ≤ 0.001). Placenta previa was positively associated with almost 1.6-fold increased risk of major congenital malformations in the offspring, after controlling for maternal age, parity, fetal sex, smoking, socio-economic status, chorionic villus biopsy, In vitro fertilization, pre-existing diabetes, depression, preeclampsia, and prior caesarean section (adjusted odds ratio = 1.55; 95% confidence interval, 1.27-1.90). Using a large population-based study, we found that placenta previa was weakly, but significantly associated with an increased risk of major congenital malformations in singleton births. Future studies should examine the association between placenta previa and individual types of congenital malformations, specifically in high-risk pregnancies. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. A comparison of morbidity associated with placenta previa with and without previous caesarean sections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baqai, S.; Siraj, A.; Noor, N.


    To compare the morbidity associated with placenta previa with and without previous caesarean sections. Study Design: Retrospective comparative study. Place and Duration of Study: From March 2014 till March 2016 in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at PNS Shifa hospital Karachi. Material and Methods: After the approval from hospital ethical committee, antenatal patients with singleton pregnancy of gestational age >32 weeks, in the age group of 20-40 years diagnosed to have placenta previa included in the study. All patients with twin pregnancy less than 20 years and more than 40 years of age were excluded. The records of all patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were reviewed. Data had been collected for demographic and maternal variables, placenta previa, history of previous lower segment caesarean section (LSCS), complications associated with placenta previa and techniques used to control blood loss were recorded. Results: During the study period, 6879 patients were delivered in PNS Shifa, out of these, 2060 (29.9%) had caesarean section out of these, 47.3% patients had previous history of LSCS. Thirty three (1.6%) patients were diagnosed to have placenta previa and frequency of placenta previa was significantly higher in patients with previous history of LSCS than previous normal delivery of LSCS i.e. 22 vs. 11 (p=0.023). It was observed that the frequency of morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) and Intensive care unit (ICU) stay were significantly higher in patients with previous history of LSCS than previous history of normal delivery. Conclusion: Frequency of placenta previa was significantly higher in patients with history of LSCS. Also placenta previa remains a major risk factor for various maternal complications. (author)



    Vieira, Adriana Carvalho Pinto; Pieri, Ricardo; Madeira, Volmar; Mello, Kelly Cristina Ramos dE; Santos, Guilherme Spiazzi dos; Brehm, Betina Melo


    A era do conhecimento trouxe às empresas novas transformações e parâmetros. Estas modificações são analisadas através da Gestão de Conhecimento, o qual cria para empresa a valorização do conhecimento como um recurso estratégico. Neste contexto, o estudo tem por objetivo analisar a influência da teoria da gestão do conhecimento empregada nos trabalhos de empresas incubadas da avaliadas por meio da extensão universitária. Pode-se classificar a pesquisa, quanto aos fins como descritiva e...

  20. Avaliação da transmissão de luz através de zircónia: translucidez e polimerização de um cimento de resina: um estudo piloto


    Pomares, Vânia Alexandra Cândido


    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2011 O presente estudo laboratorial foi realizado com o objectivo de avaliar a influência da cerâmica de zircónia na polimerização de um cimento de resina fotopolimerizável, sendo igualmente avaliada a transmissão de luz através da mesma. Foram avaliadas três cerâmicas de zircónia: Lava (3M ESPE), Zirconia Traslucent (Zirkonzahn) e Zirconia Prettau (Zirkonzahn). De cada uma das cerâmicas mencionada...

  1. Induced abortion and placenta complications in the subsequent pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhou, Wei Jin; Nielsen, Gunnar Lauge; Larsen, Helle


    Background. To study the risk of placenta complications following an induced abortion as a function of the interpregnancy interval. Methods. This study is based on three Danish national registries; the Medical Birth Registry, the Hospital Discharge Registry, and the Induced Abortion Registry. All...... primigravida women from 1980 to 1982 were identified in these three registries. A total of 15,727 women who terminated the pregnancy with a first trimester induced abortion were selected to the abortion cohort, and 46,026 women who did not terminate the pregnancy with an induced abortion constituted...... or the Medical Birth Registry records. Results. A slightly higher risk of placenta complications following an abortion was found. Retained placenta occurred more frequently in women with one, two or more previous abortions, compared with women without any previous abortion of similar gravidity. Adjusting...

  2. Measurement of elasticity of normal placenta using the Virtual Touch quantification technique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Size Wu


    Full Text Available Purpose: The aim of this study was to measure the elasticity of normal placentas using the Virtual Touch quantification (VTQ technique. Methods: This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Fifty randomly selected, healthy pregnant women in their second trimester and 50 randomly selected, healthy pregnant women in their third trimester with a single fetus were included, and their placentas underwent VTQ through shear wave velocity (SWV measurements. The measurements were performed at different locations to sample different areas of the placenta. Measurements were performed 3-4 times in each location, the mean shear wave velocities were calculated without the highest and lowest values of measurements in each region, and the results were compared. Results: The SWV of the placenta was 0.983±0.260 m/sec, and the minimal and maximal speed was 0.63 m/sec and 1.84 m/sec, respectively. There was no significant difference between the second and third trimester of VTQ of the placenta in terms of SWV (0.978±0.255 m/sec vs. 0.987±0.266 m/sec, P=0.711. The maternal age between second and third trimester was 27.9±4.3 years and 29.2±4.4 years, respectively; there was no significant difference between them (P=0.159. Conclusion: The results of this study show that the SWV of normal placenta tissue is 0.983±0.260 m/sec, it has little variation between the second and third trimesters, and the VTQ technique may potentially play an additional role in placenta evaluation.

  3. Residential proximity to major roads and placenta/birth weight ratio. (United States)

    Yorifuji, Takashi; Naruse, Hiroo; Kashima, Saori; Murakoshi, Takeshi; Tsuda, Toshihide; Doi, Hiroyuki; Kawachi, Ichiro


    Exposure to air pollution has been demonstrated to increase the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight. We examined whether proximity to major roads (as a marker of exposure to air pollution) is associated with increased placenta/birth weight ratio (as a biomarker of the placental transport function). Data on parental characteristics and birth outcomes were extracted from the database maintained by a major hospital in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. We restricted the analysis to mothers who delivered liveborn single births from 1997 to 2008 (n = 14,189). Using geocoded residential information, each birth was classified according to proximity to major roads. We examined the association between proximity to major roads and the placenta/birth weight ratio, using multiple linear regression. Proximity to major roads was associated with higher placenta/birth weight ratio. After adjusting for potential confounders, living within 200 m of a major road increased the ratio by 0.48% (95% CI = 0.15 to 0. 80). In addition, proximity to major roads was associated with lower placenta weight and birth weight. These observed associations were stronger among participants living closer to major roads. Exposure to traffic-related air pollution is associated with higher placenta/birth weight ratio. Impaired placental oxygen and nutrient transport function might be a mechanism for explaining the observed association between air pollution and low birth weight as well as preterm birth. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Influência do estrógeno e do interferon γ sobre a expressão da indoleamina-2,3-dioxigenase em cultura de células de placenta e embriões de ratas Wistar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Letícia Baptista Salvadori


    Full Text Available Resumo: A indoleamina 2,3-dioxigenase (IDO é uma enzima responsável por catabolizar o aminoácido triptofano. Sua presença no ambiente uterino placentário está relacionada à tolerância imunológica ao semi-aloenxerto, pois impede a proliferação de células imunológicas maternas, seja pela falta do aminoácido, ou pela ação de alguns catabólitos oriundos da quebra do triptofano, como o ácido quinolínico, que é tóxico principalmente para os linfócitos T. Pouco se conhece sob a influência de substâncias (hormônios e citocinas presentes na interface materno fetal e a expressão dessa enzima. Por esta razão, formulou-se a hipótese de que hormônios e interleucinas presentes na região uteroplacentária poderiam exercer algum efeito na expressão da IDO. Células oriundas da interface materno fetal de ratas Wistar foram mantidas em cultivo, onde receberam suplementação com estradiol e interferon-γ. A expressão da enzima foi avaliada pela técnica de citometria de fluxo nos períodos de 4, 24 e 48 horas e confirmação da presença proteica por imuno-histoquímica. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na expressão de IDO após a adição de estrógeno (9,03±0,81/11,25±0,25 e interferon-γ (9,03±0,81/20,43±0,60. O efeito do interferon-γ já era esperado como relatado na literatura, contudo, a elevação da expressão da IDO pela adição do estrógeno constitui nova informação sobre possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na ativação da enzima. O melhor esclarecimento desses achados poderia contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da participação dessa enzima na tolerância materno-fetal e para uma futura modulação terapêutica da mesma.

  5. Gray scale and Doppler ultrasound in placenta accreta: Optimization of ultrasound signs


    Mohamed Shawky; Essam AbouBieh; Alaa Masood


    Aim of work: To optimize ultrasound and Doppler signs in placenta accreta, and to clarify sensitivity and specificity. Patients & methods: This study included 50 pregnant women. The examinations were done in private center from January 2013 to November 2013. Patients have anterior low lying placenta or anterior placenta previa with history of previous CS. US was done using curvilinear or endovaginal transducer at frequency 3–5 MHz and 3–9 MHz. Results: This study included 50 pregnants w...

  6. Is human placenta proteoglycan remodeling involved in pre-eclampsia?


    Warda, Mohamad; Zhang, Fuming; Radwan, Moustafa; Zhang, Zhenqing; Kim, Nari; Kim, Young Nam; Linhardt, Robert J.; Han, Jin


    Impaired placento-fetal communication is a coherent symptom of exaggerated pre-eclampsia. The impact of the cellular expression of different glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in this event on the placenta in pre-eclampsia is still obscure. This is the first study aimed at discovering the relationship between structural alterations of different sulfated GAGs at the molecular level and the development of pre-eclampsia in inflicted placenta. Sulfated GAGs were isolated and purified from control and pre-...

  7. Utility of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta: A prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Satija, Bhawna; Kumar, Sanyal; Wadhwa, Leena; Gupta, Taru; Kohli, Supreethi; Chandoke, Rajkumar; Gupta, Pratibha


    Placenta accreta is the abnormal adherence of the placenta to the uterine wall and the most common cause for emergency postpartum hysterectomy. Accurate prenatal diagnosis of affected pregnancies allows optimal obstetric management. To summarize our experience in the antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta on imaging in a tertiary care setup. To compare the accuracy of ultrasound (USG) with color Doppler (CDUS) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta. Prospective study in a tertiary care setup. A prospective study was conducted on pregnant females with high clinical risk of placenta accreta. Antenatal diagnosis was established based on CDUS and MRI. The imaging findings were compared with final diagnosis at the time of delivery and/or pathologic examination. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for both CDUS and MRI. The sensitivity and specificity values of USG and MRI were compared by the McNemar test. Thirty patients at risk of placenta accreta underwent both CDUS and MRI. Eight cases of placenta accreta were identified (3 vera, 4 increta, and 1 percreta). All patients had history of previous cesarean section. Placenta previa was present in seven out of eight patients. USG correctly identified the presence of placenta accreta in seven out of eight patients (87.5% sensitivity) and the absence of placenta accreta in 19 out of 22 patients (86.4% specificity). MRI correctly identified the presence of placenta accreta in 6 out of 8 patients (75.0% sensitivity) and absence of placenta accreta in 17 out of 22 patients (77.3% specificity). There were no statistical differences in sensitivity (P = 1.00) and specificity (P = 0.687) between USG and MRI. Both USG and MRI have fairly good sensitivity for prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta; however, specificity does not appear to be as good as reported in other studies. Both modalities have complimentary

  8. The role of prenatal alcohol exposure in abruptio placentae | du Toit ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. To investigate the association between preconception and prenatal alcohol use and abruptio placentae. Methods. A case-control study of women with the clinical diagnosis of abruptio placentae, 65 cases and 66 controls, at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Western Cape, South Africa. Women in whom a ...

  9. Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in placenta and umbilical cord blood and dietary intake for women in Beijing, China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Yanxin; Wang, Bin; Wang, Xilong; Wang, Rong; Wang, Wentao; Shen, Guofeng; Shen, Huizhong; Li, Wei; Wong, Minghong; Liu, Wenxin; Tao, Shu


    Placenta and umbilical cord blood are important media for investigating maternal–fetal exposure to environmental pollutants. Historically hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) were once widely-used in China. In this study, residues of HCHs were measured in placenta and umbilical cord blood samples for 40 women from Beijing. The measured median values of HCHs were 62.0 and 68.8 ng/g fat in placenta and umbilical cord blood, respectively. Concentrations of HCHs in placenta and umbilical cord blood of urban cohort were higher than those of rural group due to enhanced consumption of fish, meat, and milk. Residues of HCHs in placenta were significantly correlated with total food consumption, dietary intake, and maternal age, and could be predicted using the parameters dependent upon ingestion of meat and milk. The transplacental exposure of fetuses to HCHs was revealed by a close association between the residual levels in the paired placenta and the paired umbilical cord blood samples. -- Highlights: •Medians of HCH in placenta and umbilical cord blood of 40 puerperal women from Beijing were 62.0 and 68.8 ng/g⋅fat. •HCHs in placenta and umbilical cord blood of urban cohort were higher than those of rural one. •HCH residues in placenta were significantly correlated with total food consumption, daily dietary intake, and maternal age. •The transplacental exposure of fetus to HCHs was revealed. -- HCHs in placenta of women in Beijing were significantly correlated with total food consumption, dietary intake, and maternal age

  10. Alterações histopatológicas em placentas humanas relacionadas às síndromes hipertensivas Histopathological changes in human placentas related to hypertensive disorders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Guimarães Artico


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar a prevalência de alterações histopatológicas em placentas humanas, relacionadas às síndromes hipertensivas. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal, que comparou as alterações histopatológicas identificadas em 43 placentas oriundas de gestantes do grupo de hipertensas (GrHip com as de 33 placentas de gestantes do grupo de normotensas (GrNor. Foram analisados o peso, volume e ocorrência macro e microscópica de infartos, coágulos, hematomas, aterose (obliteração parcial, espessamento de camadas e presença de vasos hialinizados e alterações de Tenney-Parker (ausentes, discretas e proeminentes, bem como a localização de infartos e coágulos (central, periférico ou associação de ambos. Para a análise estatística foram usados os testes do χ2 e t de Student, bem como médias, desvios padrões e percentuais. Considerou-se como significante um pPURPOSE: to determine the prevalence of histopathological changes, in human placentas, related to hypertensive syndromes. METHODS: a transversal study that compares histopathological changes identified in 43 placentae from hypertensive pregnant women (HypPr, with the ones from 33 placentae from normotensive pregnant women (NorPr. The weight, volume and macroscopic and microscopic occurrence of infarctions, clots, hematomas, atherosis (partial obliteration, thickness of layers and presence of blood vessels hyalinization and Tenney-Parker changes (absent, discreet and prominent, as well as the locating of infarctions and clots (central, peripheral or the association of both have been analyzed. The χ2 and t Student tests have been used for the statistical analysis, as well as medians, standard deviations and ratios. It has been considered as significant, p<0.05. RESULTS: the macroscopic study of HypPr placentae have presented lower weight (461.1 versus 572.1 g and volume (437.4 versus 542.0 cm³, higher infarction (51.2 versus 45.5%; p<0.05: OR=1.15 and clots (51.2 versus

  11. An appraisal of retained placentae in ibadan: a five year review. (United States)

    Obajimi, G O; Roberts, A O; Aimakhu, C O; Bello, F A; Olayemi, O


    To determine the frequency of retained placenta at the University College Hospital Ibadan (UCH). and to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of the patients and examine the risk factors predisposing to retained placenta. This is a descriptive study covering a period of 5 years from January 1(st) 2002 to December 31(st) 2006. During the study period, 4980 deliveries took place at the University College Hospital, Ibadan and 106 cases of retained placenta were managed making the incidence 2.13 per cent of all births. During the five year period, there were 106 patients with retained placenta; of these, 90 (84.9%) case notes were available for analysis. The mean age was 29.37 ± 4.99 years. First and second Para accounted for 52 per cent of the patients. Majority of the patient were unbooked for antenatal care in UCH with booked patients accounting for 27.8 per cent of the cases. The mean gestational age at delivery was 34.29 ± 6.02. Three patients presented to the hospital in shock of which 2 died on account of severe haemorrhagic shock. Fifty-eight patients (64.8%) presented with anaemia (packed cell volume less than 30 per cent) and 35 patients (38.8%) had blood transfusion ranging between 1-4 pints. 1 patient required hysterectomy on account of morbidly adherent placenta. Eleven patients (12.2%) had placenta retention in the past, 28 patients (31%) had a previous dilatation and curettage, 14 patients (15.5%) had previous caesarean sections and 47 patients (41.3%) had no known predisposing factors. Retained placenta still remains a potentially life threatening condition in the tropics due to the associated haemorrhage, and other complications related to its removal. The incidence and severity may be decreased by health education, women empowerment and the provision of facilities for essential obstetric services by high skilled health care providers in ensuring a properly conducted delivery with active management of the third stage of labour.

  12. Placenta Prévia: Fatores de risco para o Acretismo Placenta Previa: Risk Factors for Accretion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Regina Torloni


    Full Text Available Objetivo: investigação dos fatores de risco associados ao acretismo em pacientes com placenta prévia (PP. Métodos: foi realizada uma análise retrospectiva caso-controle de todos os prontuários de pacientes com diagnóstico de PP que tiveram seus partos na Maternidade Escola Vila Nova Cachoeirinha (São Paulo entre 1986 e 1998. O grupo com acretismo foi comparado ao grupo sem acretismo quanto à idade, paridade, antecedentes de abortamentos, curetagens e cesarianas, o tipo de PP e a área predominante de inserção placentária. Para avaliar a associação entre a variável dependente (acretismo placentário e as variáveis independentes (características maternas e placentária foram utilizados o teste do chi², análise univariada e multivariada, considerando-se significantes os valores de p Purpose: to investigate risk factors associated with accretion in placenta previa (PP patients. Methods: this was a retrospective case-control study of all the records of patients who delivered between 1986-1998 at Maternidade Escola de Vila Nova Cachoeirinha (São Paulo with a diagnosis of placenta previa. The groups with and without accretion were compared regarding age, parity, previous history of miscarriage, curettage and cesarean section, type of PP and predominant area of placental attachment. Possible associations between the dependent (accretion and independent (maternal and placental characteristics variables were evaluated using the chi² test, univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: reviewing 245 cases of PP, two risk factors were significantly associated with accretion: central placenta previa (odds ratio (OR: 2.93 and two or more previous cesarean sections(OR: 2.54. Based on these data, a predictive model was constructed, according to which a patient with central PP and two more previous cesarean sections has a 44.4% risk for accretion. Conclusions: results of the current study may help obstetricians in the classification of their

  13. Creatine biosynthesis and transport by the term human placenta. (United States)

    Ellery, Stacey J; Della Gatta, Paul A; Bruce, Clinton R; Kowalski, Greg M; Davies-Tuck, Miranda; Mockler, Joanne C; Murthi, Padma; Walker, David W; Snow, Rod J; Dickinson, Hayley


    Creatine is an amino acid derivative that is involved in preserving ATP homeostasis. Previous studies suggest an important role for the creatine kinase circuit for placental ATP turnover. Creatine is obtained from both the diet and endogenous synthesis, usually along the renal-hepatic axis. However, some tissues with a high-energy demand have an inherent capacity to synthesise creatine. In this study, we determined if the term human placenta has the enzymatic machinary to synthesise creatine. Eleven placentae were collected following elective term caesarean section. Samples from the 4 quadrants of each placenta were either fixed in formalin or frozen. qPCR was used to determine the mRNA expression of the creatine synthesising enzymes arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT), and the creatine transporter (SLC6A8). Protein expression of AGAT and GAMT was quantified by Western blot, and observations of cell localisation of AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 made with immunohistochemistry. Synthesis of guanidinoacetate (GAA; creatine precursor) and creatine in placental homogenates was determined via GC-MS and HPLC, respectively. AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 mRNA and protein were detected in the human placenta. AGAT staining was identified in stromal and endothelial cells of the fetal capillaries. GAMT and SLC6A8 staining was localised to the syncytiotrophoblast of the fetal villi. Ex vivo, tissue homogenates produce both GAA (4.6 nmol mg protein -1 h -1 ) and creatine (52.8 nmol mg protein -1 h -1 ). The term human placenta has the capacity to synthesise creatine. These data present a new understanding of placental energy metabolism. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Growth and maturation of villi in placentae from well-controlled diabetic women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mayhew, T M; Sørensen, Flemming Brandt; Klebe, J G


    Placentae from controls and two groups of diabetic women (one White classes A, B, C and the other classes D, F/R) were collected at 37-42 weeks of gestation. Tissue sections were analysed using stereological methods in order to quantify the growth and maturational status of villi. Birth and place......Placentae from controls and two groups of diabetic women (one White classes A, B, C and the other classes D, F/R) were collected at 37-42 weeks of gestation. Tissue sections were analysed using stereological methods in order to quantify the growth and maturational status of villi. Birth...... with group, mode of delivery and sex of newborn as the principal effects. Mean weights were similar in controls and diabetic groups. Diabetic placentae had a more voluminous fetal capillary bed of greater length, diameter and surface area. In addition, the diffusion distances across fetal plasma (erythrocyte...... on the fetal side of the diabetic placenta. They show that changes can affect the placentae of appropriate-for-age as well as large-for-age babies and provide no evidence that they increase with the severity and duration of diabetes....

  15. Avaliação de interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA), Brasil


    Leão,Danyllo Fábio Lessa; Moura,Cristiano Soares de; Medeiros,Danielle Souto de


    As interações medicamentosas são fatores de risco para a ocorrência de reações adversas a medicamentos. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA), visando preencher a lacuna de conhecimento sobre essa temática no Brasil. Foram coletadas informações sobre diversas variáveis de prescrições oriundas da atenção primária e as interações medicamentosas avaliadas a partir dos bancos de dados do Medsc...

  16. Magnetic resonance imaging of placenta accreta (United States)

    Varghese, Binoj; Singh, Navdeep; George, Regi A.N; Gilvaz, Sareena


    Placenta accreta (PA) is a severe pregnancy complication which occurs when the chorionic villi (CV) invade the myometrium abnormally. Optimal management requires accurate prenatal diagnosis. Ultrasonography (USG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the modalities for prenatal diagnosis of PA, although USG remains the primary investigation of choice. MRI is a complementary technique and reserved for further characterization when USG is inconclusive or incomplete. Breath-hold T2-weighted half-Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) and balanced steady-state free precession imaging in the three orthogonal planes is the key MRI technique. Markedly heterogeneous placenta, thick intraplacental dark bands on half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE), and disorganized abnormal intraplacental vascularity are the cardinal MRI features of PA. MRI is less reliable in differentiating between different degrees of placental invasion, especially between accreta vera and increta. PMID:24604945

  17. Magnetic resonance imaging of placenta accreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varghese, Binoj; Singh, Navdeep; George, Regi A.N; Gilvaz, Sareena


    Placenta accreta (PA) is a severe pregnancy complication which occurs when the chorionic villi (CV) invade the myometrium abnormally. Optimal management requires accurate prenatal diagnosis. Ultrasonography (USG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the modalities for prenatal diagnosis of PA, although USG remains the primary investigation of choice. MRI is a complementary technique and reserved for further characterization when USG is inconclusive or incomplete. Breath-hold T2-weighted half-Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) and balanced steady-state free precession imaging in the three orthogonal planes is the key MRI technique. Markedly heterogeneous placenta, thick intraplacental dark bands on half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE), and disorganized abnormal intraplacental vascularity are the cardinal MRI features of PA. MRI is less reliable in differentiating between different degrees of placental invasion, especially between accreta vera and increta

  18. Caracterização da água da microbacia do córrego rico avaliada pelo índice de qualidade de água e de estado trófico Water quality of rico stream micro-basin evalueted by water quality index and trophic state index

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helen L. H. T. Zanini


    Full Text Available A avaliação do índice de qualidade da água (IQA e do índice de estado trófico médio (IETm pode subsidiar a formulação de planos de manejo e gestão de sistemas aquáticos. Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a qualidade da água da microbacia do Córrego Rico, que abastece a cidade de Jaboticabal (SP, utilizando o IQA e IETm. As amostragens de água foram realizadas entre setembro-2007 e agosto-2008, em três pontos: a em uma das nascentes; b após a Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto de Monte Alto, e c na captação de água para abastecimento público de Jaboticabal. As amostras foram analisadas quanto aos parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos: temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, DBO5, nitrogênio total, fósforo total, turbidez, resíduo total, ortofosfato, clorofila-a e Escherichia coli. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que: a as atividades antrópicas às margens do Córrego Rico reduzem a qualidade de sua água, durante os diferentes períodos do ano; b os valores médios de IQA nos três pontos analisados apresentaram relação direta com os valores médios de IETm, porém ocorreu maior discriminação da qualidade da água pelo IETm, identificando diferentes graus de trofia para os pontos e períodos de amostragens; c o IQA apresentou melhor diferenciação da qualidade da água entre pontos no período seco e o IETm diferenciou melhor no período chuvoso; d o processo de autodepuração e/ou a confluência do Córrego Tijuco com o Córrego Rico contribuem para melhor qualidade da água, tornando-a adequada ao abastecimento urbano após tratamento convencional.The evaluation of water quality index (WQI and mean trophic state index (mTSI may be useful for management and administration projects of water systems. Quality of water from the stream Rico micro-basin that supplies the town of Jaboticabal - SP, Brazil, with fresh water has been evaluated, using WQI and mTSI. Collects were undertaken between

  19. Propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas para adultos do sexo masculino

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    Marle dos Santos Alvarenga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes Alimentares Transtornadas (EAAT para o sexo masculino. MÉTODOS: Duzentos e vinte e oito universitários (18-39 anos responderam à EAAT, originalmente desenvolvida e validada para o sexo feminino. A consistência interna foi avaliada pelo Alpha de Cronbach e a validade convergente, por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson comparando os escores da EAAT, do Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (EAT e da Escala de Restrição (RS. A reprodutibilidade foi avaliada aplicando a escala numa subamostra (n = 38 com um mês de intervalo utilizando o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI. A validade known-groups foi obtida comparando o escore dos universitários na EAAT com o escore de homens com diagnóstico de transtornos alimentares (TA (n = 28. RESULTADOS: A consistência interna da escala foi de 0,63. O escore da EAAT foi correlacionado com a EAT (r = 0,65 e RS (r = 0,51, e o CCI entre o teste e o reteste foi de 0,948. A análise known-groups diferenciou pacientes com TA de estudantes universitários (p < 0,001. CONCLUSÕES: A escala apresentou propriedades psicométricas adequadas e pode ser utilizada em estudos com homens adultos - uma vez que o constructo é pouco explorado em homens. Recomenda-se, de qualquer forma, uma revisão da escala e desenvolvimento de instrumentos específicos para o público masculino.

  20. Gray scale and Doppler ultrasound in placenta accreta: Optimization of ultrasound signs

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    Mohamed Shawky


    Conclusion: Ultrasound and Doppler examinations of placenta have signs highly suggestive of placenta accreta due to high sensitivity and specificity with placental lacunae of turbulent flow and retro-placental myometrial thickness ⩽1 mm are of the highest specificity.

  1. Influência da temperatura, da massa molar e da distribuição de massa molar na tensão superficial de PS, PP e PE: experimento e teoria

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    Moreira José C.


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho a influência da temperatura, da massa molar (n e da distribuição de massa molar (MWD na tensão superficial de poliestireno (PS foi avaliada utilizando o método da gota pendente. A influência da temperatura na tensão superficial de polipropileno isotático (i-PP e de polietileno de baixa densidade (PELBD também foi estudada aqui. As teorias de Patterson-Rastogi e Dee-Sauer foram utilizadas em conjunção com a teoria de equação de estado de Flory, Orwoll, e Vrij (FOV para prever a tensão superficial (gama utilizando dados de pressão-volume-temperatura (PVT dos polímeros. Ambas teorias prevêem que a tensão superficial diminui linearmente com o aumento da temperatura e aumenta com a massa molar concordando com os resultados experimentais. Entretanto, ambas teorias subestimam a mudança de entropia de formação de superfície por unidade de área a volume constante para sistemas poliméricos de baixa massa molar e polidisperso e subestimam o efeito da distribuição de massa molar na tensão superficial


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    Bruno Campelo Medeiros


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar os aspectos que diferenciam a maturidade da governança de TI em organizações públicas brasileiras. A pesquisa se torna oportuna, na medida em que se considera ausência de estudos que possam comprovar a relação entre os aspectos que retratam o modelo COBIT e seus níveis de maturidade da governança de TI. Para isso, foram analisadas 116 organizações públicas incluídas na lista das instituições avaliadas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU no ano de 2012. A pesquisa adotou uma abordagem quantitativa, através da técnica de análise discriminante. Os resultados demonstram que as questões referentes à estratégia de negócios e de TI, à liderança da área de TI e ao pessoal de TI promovem uma maior influência para distinguir os grupos das organizações públicas em relação aos níveis de maturidade da governança de TI.

  3. Assessment of total placenta previa by magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography to detect placenta accreta and its variants. (United States)

    Peker, Nuri; Turan, Volkan; Ergenoglu, Mete; Yeniel, Ozgur; Sever, Ahmet; Kazandi, Mert; Zekioglu, Osman


    To evaluate the importance of ultrasonography (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting placental adherence defects. Patients diagnozed with total placenta previa (n = 40) in whom hysterectomy was performed due to placental adherence defects (n = 20) or in whom the placenta detached spontaneously after a Cesarean delivery (n = 20) were included into the study between June 2008 and January 2011, at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ege University (lzmir Turkey). Gray-scale US was used to check for any placental lacunae, sub-placental sonolucent spaces or a placental mass invading the vesicouterine plane and bladder Intra-placental lacunar turbulent blood flow and an increase in vascularization in the vesicouterine plane were evaluated with color Doppler mode. Subsequently all patients had MRI and the results were compared with the histopathologic examinations. The sensitivity of MRI for diagnosis of placental adherence defects before the operation was 95%, with a specificity of 95%. In the presence of at least one diagnostic criterion, the sensitivity and specificity of US were 87.5% and 100% respectively, while the sensitivity of color Doppler US was 62.5% with a specificity of 100%. Currently MRI appears to be the gold standard for the diagnosis of placenta accreta. None of the ultrasonographic criteria is solely sufficient to diagnose placental adherence defects, however they assist in the diagnostic process.

  4. Placenta accreta located in the posterior wall of the uterus: a case report


    Ozler, Sibel; Oztas, Efser; Kadioglu, Nezaket; Sirvan, Levent; Uzunlar, Ozlem; Caglar, Turhan


    Abnormal invasive implantation of the placenta is thought to occur as a result of the defect in the decidua basalis of the women who have a history of cesarean delivery. Massive obstetric hemorrhage incidence is increased in placenta accreta cases. Although ultrasonographic and doppler examinations, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are widely used, the diagnosis of placenta accreta in the early pregnancy weeks is poor. Therefore, the presence of life-threatening vaginal bleeding in the ea...

  5. Clearance of α-aminoisobutyric acid during in-situ perfusion of the guinea pig placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelman, B.J.; Sikov, M.R.


    Extensive investigation of the transport of α-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB; a nonmetabolized amino acid) has shown that AIB is actively transported from mother to fetus across the hemochorial placenta of the guinea pig. As a step towards clarifying the relative rolls of active and passive movements of amino acids across the placenta, it would be useful to obtain concurrent measurements of transplacental movements of a substance which crosses the placenta rapidly by simple diffusion (water) and of a substance which is actively transported across the placenta (AIB). In our study, placentas from guinea pigs between 59 and 61 days of gestation were perfused in situ through cannulated umbilical vessels with the maternal circulation left intact. Tritiated water and 14 C-AIB were injected into a maternal jugular vein and maternal blood samples were obtained at 1 to 10 minute intervals; perfusate samples were collected sequentially after one pass through the placenta. Clearance of 14 C-AIB from mother to fetus (AIB/sub MF/) and AIB concentrations in placental tissue, maternal plasma, and perfusate were consistent in magnitude with data obtained by other invetigators who have clearly shown an active transport of AIB in the placenta. On the other hand, in this study AIB/sub MF/ ranged from approximately 50% to 96% of the clearance of 3 H-labeled water from mother to fetus (T/sub MF/) and that changes in AIB/sub MF/ correlated closely with changes in T/sub MF/ in all perfusions. Thus, it appears that AIB/sub MF/ closely paralleled T/sub MF/ and these data suggest that a relatively large component of AIB/sub MF/ is of passive origin in the in situ placenta

  6. Placenta Accreta at 15 Weeks of Gestational Age and Uterus Preservation with Hysterectomy Abortion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farahnaz Farzaneh


    Full Text Available Placenta accrete refers to an abnormality of placental implantation in which the anchoring placental villi attached to myometrium rather than decidua resulting in a morbidity adherent placenta. Placenta increta (chorionic villi penetrate into the myometrium and placenta percreta (chorionic villi penetrate through the myometrium to the uterine serosa or adjacent organs are related, but more severe, abnormalities of placental implantation. The pathogenesis is primarily attributed to defective decasualization of the implantation site. Placenta accreta has been recognized mostly in the third trimester however may also present in second trimester. It has very heavy, life-threatening hemorrhage to both the mother and fetus. The authors’ report a patient with two previous cesarean deliveries, who had been referred for pregnancy termination from Iranian legal medicine organization with 15 weeks of gestational age and placenta acctera. In this patient, uterus preservation and hysterectomy abortion was performed. The case totally lost 1500 cc blood and she was discharged from hospital two days later, with feeling of well- being. We have examined this patient after 1.5 months, she wasn’t vaginal bleeding and the uterus was in the pelvic and serum BHCG (with titer was negative.

  7. Efficacy and Safety of Prophylactic Uterine Artery Embolization in Pregnancy Termination with Placenta Previa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pei, Renguang, E-mail:; Wang, Guoxiang; Wang, Heping; Huang, Xinyu; Yan, Xiaoxing; Yang, Xiaohua [Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College, Department of Interventional Therapy (China)


    PurposeTo appraise the efficacy and safety of prophylactic uterine artery embolization in pregnancy termination with placenta previa.MethodsA cohort of 54 consecutive patients with placenta previa underwent prophylactic uterine artery embolization before vaginal delivery from February 2012 to March 2015. Vaginal delivery was attempted in all patients. Cesarean section or hysterectomy was introduced when vaginal delivery failed.ResultsVaginal delivery succeeded in 50 patients (93.6%) and failed in 4 patients (6.4%), thereupon converted to cesarean delivery. No patients resorted to hysterectomy. Six patients (11.1%) underwent blood transfusion. None of clinical characteristics, including maternal age, gestational age, history of abortion, history of cesarean delivery, and volume of vaginal bleeding, was significantly associated with complete placenta previa (P > 0.05). However, patients with complete placenta previa had a significantly lower successful rate of vaginal delivery than did patients without complete placenta previa (81 vs 100%, P = 0.038). The rate of complications was 3.7%. No major complications were observed.ConclusionUterine artery embolization is an effective and safe technique to assist pregnancy termination with placenta previa, which may lower the risk of cesarean section, hysterectomy, and blood transfusion.

  8. Efficacy and Safety of Prophylactic Uterine Artery Embolization in Pregnancy Termination with Placenta Previa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pei, Renguang; Wang, Guoxiang; Wang, Heping; Huang, Xinyu; Yan, Xiaoxing; Yang, Xiaohua


    PurposeTo appraise the efficacy and safety of prophylactic uterine artery embolization in pregnancy termination with placenta previa.MethodsA cohort of 54 consecutive patients with placenta previa underwent prophylactic uterine artery embolization before vaginal delivery from February 2012 to March 2015. Vaginal delivery was attempted in all patients. Cesarean section or hysterectomy was introduced when vaginal delivery failed.ResultsVaginal delivery succeeded in 50 patients (93.6%) and failed in 4 patients (6.4%), thereupon converted to cesarean delivery. No patients resorted to hysterectomy. Six patients (11.1%) underwent blood transfusion. None of clinical characteristics, including maternal age, gestational age, history of abortion, history of cesarean delivery, and volume of vaginal bleeding, was significantly associated with complete placenta previa (P > 0.05). However, patients with complete placenta previa had a significantly lower successful rate of vaginal delivery than did patients without complete placenta previa (81 vs 100%, P = 0.038). The rate of complications was 3.7%. No major complications were observed.ConclusionUterine artery embolization is an effective and safe technique to assist pregnancy termination with placenta previa, which may lower the risk of cesarean section, hysterectomy, and blood transfusion.

  9. DNA methylation of amino acid transporter genes in the human placenta. (United States)

    Simner, C; Novakovic, B; Lillycrop, K A; Bell, C G; Harvey, N C; Cooper, C; Saffery, R; Lewis, R M; Cleal, J K


    Placental transfer of amino acids via amino acid transporters is essential for fetal growth. Little is known about the epigenetic regulation of amino acid transporters in placenta. This study investigates the DNA methylation status of amino acid transporters and their expression across gestation in human placenta. BeWo cells were treated with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine to inhibit methylation and assess the effects on amino acid transporter gene expression. The DNA methylation levels of amino acid transporter genes in human placenta were determined across gestation using DNA methylation array data. Placental amino acid transporter gene expression across gestation was also analysed using data from publically available Gene Expression Omnibus data sets. The expression levels of these transporters at term were established using RNA sequencing data. Inhibition of DNA methylation in BeWo cells demonstrated that expression of specific amino acid transporters can be inversely associated with DNA methylation. Amino acid transporters expressed in term placenta generally showed low levels of promoter DNA methylation. Transporters with little or no expression in term placenta tended to be more highly methylated at gene promoter regions. The transporter genes SLC1A2, SLC1A3, SLC1A4, SLC7A5, SLC7A11 and SLC7A10 had significant changes in enhancer DNA methylation across gestation, as well as gene expression changes across gestation. This study implicates DNA methylation in the regulation of amino acid transporter gene expression. However, in human placenta, DNA methylation of these genes remains low across gestation and does not always play an obvious role in regulating gene expression, despite clear evidence for differential expression as gestation proceeds. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Impact of antenatal diagnosis and management strategies in morbidly adherent placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choudry, A.; Choudry, H.; Shukr, I.; Ahmad, S


    Objectives: To study the pattern, demography and management options in placenta accreta in a tertiary care centre. Duration and settings: January 1, 2004 to August 15, 2008 at Military Hospital, Rawalpindi and between Sep 1, 2008 to Oct 30, 2009 at Combined Military Hospital, Multan. Patients and Methods All cases of placenta accreta seen during the study period were included in the study. Placenta accreta was defined as placenta being adherent to uterine wall without easy separation. Patient's demography, presence or absence of prenatal diagnosis and the management strategy i.e. conservative or otherwise was documented on a proforma. Success or failure of surgical approach used was noted. Assessment of maternal morbidity in the form of amount of blood/blood product transfused and early and late complications was made and compared with other cases that were antenatally diagnosed or were undiagnosed. Results: A total of 28 cases were analyzed during study period. The incidence of placenta accreta was 6.3/10000. Mean maternal age was 30.7 years. Placenta praevia obstetrical hysterectomy was performed in 17(61%) cases and had to be backed up by internal iliac artery ligation in 7(25%) Requirement for blood transfusion in antenatally diagnosed cases was almost 50% less than those of undiagnosed cases and the same was true for fresh frozen plasma (3.75 +- 4.18 versus 6.75 +- 5.41), platelet transfusion (P=0.04), stay in intensive care unit (1.56 +- 1.82 versus 3.41 +- 3.28)and use of mechanical ventilation (7% versus 11%). There was no mortality in this series. Conclusions: Intra-operative internal iliac artery ligation reduces blood loss before and after hysterectomy and should be done in cases with placents accreta to reduce morbidity and mortality. (author)

  11. An appraisal of retained placentae in Ibadan: a five year review ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    During the study period, 4980 deliveries took place at the University College Hospital, Ibadan and 106 cases of retained placenta were managed making the incidence 2.13 per cent of all births. Results: During the five year period, there were 106 patients with retained placenta; of these, 90 (84.9%) case notes were ...

  12. Expressão gênica de adipocinas em ovelhas alimentadas com resíduos da indústria do biodiesel da mamona

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.S. Duarte


    Full Text Available A expressão de RNAm para leptina, receptor de leptina (obRb, adiponectina, receptor de adiponectina (AdipoR1 e resistina foi avaliada por meio da técnica de PCR em tempo real, em tecidos ovariano, hipofisário, adiposo do omento e da região perirrenal, em ovelhas alimentadas sem farelo de mamona ou com farelo de mamona detoxificada durante 14 meses. O tipo de dieta não afetou os níveis de RNAm para leptina, obRb, adiponectina, AdipoR1 e resistina nos diferentes tecidos avaliados (P>0,05. Nos tecidos ovariano e hipofisário, não foi verificada a expressão da adiponecina e da resistina, respectivamente. Como consequência, pode-se concluir que o farelo de mamona detoxificada pode ser utilizado como fonte proteica na dieta de ovelhas, sem afetar a expressão do gene resistina e dos genes leptina e adiponectina, bem como de seus receptores.

  13. Marcadores de estrés oxidativo en placentas de gestantes añosas

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    Silvia Suárez


    Full Text Available Introducción: Un factor de riesgo alto ginecoobstétrico que contribuye a la morbimortalidad materna perinatal es la edad materna mayor de 35 años. Es posible que el estado oxidativo en la placenta de la gestante añosa sea mayor a la de la gestante no añosa. Objetivo: Evaluar el estado oxidativo de la placenta en gestantes mayores de 35 años. Diseño: Estudio observacional y transversal. Lugar: Hospital Nacional Docente Materno Infantil San Bartolomé y Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: 28 placentas de gestantes de 35 años o más y 28 placentas de gestantes de menos de 35 años, obtenidas de partos vaginales a término. Intervenciones: La muestra de placenta se homogenizó al 10% con buffer fosfato 10 mM, pH 7,4, se centrifugó a 2000 rpm por 5’. Parte del sobrenadante se usó para analizar lipoperoxidación y glutatión (GSH; el sobrenadante restante fue centrifugado a 42 000 rpm por 1 hora, para medir actividad de superóxido dismutasa (SOD. Principales medidas de resultados: Estado oxidativo de placentas obtenidas de mujeres añosas y no añosas. Resultados: La actividad de la SOD y el contenido de GSH placentarios en añosas fue 43,52 U/g de tejido y 4,67 µmol/mL x 10-²; para el grupo control fueron 54,13 U/g de tejido y 6,02 µmol/mL x 10-², respectivamente; en ambos hubo significancia estadística (p < 0,05. La medición de TBARS (lipoperoxidación no mostró diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: Las placentas obtenidas de mujeres añosas muestran menor capacidad de defensa antioxidante frente a las placentas obtenidas de mujeres no añosas.

  14. Organochlorine pesticide residues in human breast milk and placenta in Tohoku, Japan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nakai, K.; Suzuki, K.; Oka, T.; Sugawara, N.; Ohba, T.; Kameo, S.; Satoh, H. [Environmental Heath Sciences, Tohoku Univ. Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai (Japan); Nakamura, T.; Saitoh, Y. [Miyagi Prefectural Inst. of Piblic Health and Environment (Japan); Okamura, K. [Dept. of Obstetrics, Tohoku Univ. Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai (Japan)


    Recently, we have started a birth cohort study to examine the effects of exposure to persistent organochemical pollutants and heavy metals on neurodevelopment in Japanese children, The Tohoku Study of Child Development. In this cohort study, biological samples, including maternal peripheral blood, cord blood, placenta, cord tissue, and breast milk have been collected from more than six hundred mother-infant pairs for chemical determinations. The growth of infants has been monitored using neurodevelopmental tests, including the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, the Bayley Scale of Infant Development, the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development, and others. Exposures to dioxin and related compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, methylmercury, and several heavy metals were assessed. Additionally, since perinatal exposure to organochlorine pesticides may affect the neurodevelopment of children, we examined the effects of those pesticides in the cohort study. In the present study, several organochlorine pesticides were analyzed in human breast milk and placenta from 20 mothers to identify the major pesticide compounds found in the cohort subjects. The relationship between pesticides in breast milk and the placenta was analyzed to examine the utilization of the placenta as the material for exposure assessment. Some information regarding the factors affecting the contamination of breast milk and the placenta with organochlorine pesticides are also discussed.

  15. Magnetic resonance imaging of placenta accreta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Binoj Varghese


    Full Text Available Placenta accreta (PA is a severe pregnancy complication which occurs when the chorionic villi (CV invade the myometrium abnormally. Optimal management requires accurate prenatal diagnosis. Ultrasonography (USG and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI are the modalities for prenatal diagnosis of PA, although USG remains the primary investigation of choice. MRI is a complementary technique and reserved for further characterization when USG is inconclusive or incomplete. Breath-hold T2-weighted half-Fourier rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE and balanced steady-state free precession imaging in the three orthogonal planes is the key MRI technique. Markedly heterogeneous placenta, thick intraplacental dark bands on half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE, and disorganized abnormal intraplacental vascularity are the cardinal MRI features of PA. MRI is less reliable in differentiating between different degrees of placental invasion, especially between accreta vera and increta.

  16. Management of Placenta Invasion Anomaly and Cesarean Hysterectomy: Eight-year Experience of A Tertiary Center

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    İbrahim Kalelioğllu


    Full Text Available Objective: We aimed to present our experience with the management of placenta invasion anomaly by reviewing clinical and operative features of the cases of cesarean hysterectomy performed due to placenta invasion anomaly. Methods: In this retropective study, the charts of all patients who underwent cesarean hysterectomy with an indication of placenta invasion anomaly in Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology between 2005 and 2012 were reviewed. Results: In this period a total of 85 patients underwent cesarean hysterectomy. 81 (95.3% cases had experienced at least one cesarean delivery before. Majority of the operations (82.4% were performed in elective conditions. In 16 (18.8% cases bilateral hypogastric artery ligation was carried out because of profuse bleeding. There were no mortalities in the intra- or postoperative period. In 18 (21.2% cases, intraoperative urology consultation was needed. Full- thickness bladder laceration occured in 17 patients, and partial cyctectomy was performed in one patient due to the placenta percreata invading posterior wall of the bladder. Transfusion was needed in 72 (84.7% cases during and 50 (58.8% patients after operation. Dilutional trombocytopenia developed in 17 (20% patients due to massive transfusion. Histopathologically the diganosis was placenta accreata in 55 (64.7%, placenta increata in 1 (1.2% and placenta percreata in 25 (29.4% patients. The incidence of placenta invasion anomaly rose from 0.2% (7/3435 in 2005-2006 up to 0.8% (37/4344 in 2011-2012. Conclusion: The incidence of placenta invasion anomaly is increasing progressively. Cesarean hysterectomy being its classical treatment is an operation with a high risk of morbidity and it should be performed by experienced teams after appropriate preparations in tertiary centers where multidiciplinary approach is possible.

  17. Treatment of retained placenta with misoprostol: a randomised controlled trial in a low-resource setting (Tanzania

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    Fauteck Heiner


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Retained placenta is one of the common causes of maternal mortality in developing countries where access to appropriate obstetrical care is limited. Current treatment of retained placenta is manual removal of the placenta under anaesthesia, which can only take place in larger health care facilities. Medical treatment of retained placenta with prostaglandins E1 (misoprostol could be cost-effective and easy-to-use and could be a life-saving option in many low-resource settings. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of sublingually administered misoprostol in women with retained placenta in a low resource setting. Methods Design: Multicentered randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, to be conducted in 5 hospitals in Tanzania, Africa. Inclusion criteria: Women with retained placenta, at a gestational age of 28 weeks or more and blood loss less than 750 ml, 30 minutes after delivery of the newborn despite active management of third stage of labour. Trial Entry & Randomisation & Study Medication: After obtaining informed consent, eligible women will be allocated randomly to the treatment groups using numbered envelopes that will be randomized in variable blocks containing identical capsules with either 800 microgram of misoprostol or placebo. The drugs will be given sublingually. The women, maternal care providers and researchers will be blinded to treatment allocation. Sample Size: 117 women, to show a 40% reduction in manual removals of the placenta (p = 0.05, 80% power. The randomization will be misoprostol: placebo = 2:1 Primary Study Outcome: Expulsion of the placenta without manual removal. Secondary outcome is the number of blood transfusions. Discussion This is a protocol for a randomized trial in a low resource setting to assess if medical treatment of women with retained placenta with misoprostol reduces the incidence of manual removal of the placenta. Clinical Trial Registration Current

  18. Cell-free placental mRNA in maternal plasma to predict placental invasion in patients with placenta accreta. (United States)

    El Behery, Manal M; Rasha L, Etewa; El Alfy, Yehya


    To evaluate whether measuring cell-free placental mRNA in maternal plasma improves the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound and color Doppler in detecting placental invasion in patients at risk for placenta accreta. Thirty-five singleton pregnant women of more than 28 weeks of gestation and at risk for placenta accreta underwent ultrasound and color Doppler assessment. Cell-free placental mRNA in maternal plasma was measured using real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Patients were classified into 2 groups based on the findings at cesarean delivery and histological examination: women with placenta accreta (n=7) and women without placenta accreta (n=28). The median MoM (multiples of the median) value of cell-free placental mRNA was significantly higher in patients with placenta accreta than in those without placenta accreta (6.50 vs 2.60; Pplacental mRNA was significantly elevated in patients with placenta increta and percreta than in those with simple accreta. Six false-positive results were found on ultrasound, all from patients without placenta accreta and an insignificant rise in cell-free placental mRNA levels. Measuring cell-free placental mRNA in maternal plasma may increase the accuracy of ultrasound and color Doppler in prenatal prediction of placental invasion in patients with suspected placenta accreta. Copyright 2009 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Scaling of the surface vasculature on the human placenta (United States)

    Leonard, A. S.; Lee, J.; Schubert, D.; Croen, L. A.; Fallin, M. D.; Newschaffer, C. J.; Walker, C. K.; Salafia, C. M.; Morgan, S. P.; Vvedensky, D. D.


    The networks of veins and arteries on the chorionic plate of the human placenta are analyzed in terms of Voronoi cells derived from these networks. Two groups of placentas from the United States are studied: a population cohort with no prescreening, and a cohort from newborns with an elevated risk of developing autistic spectrum disorder. Scaled distributions of the Voronoi cell areas in the two cohorts collapse onto a single distribution, indicating common mechanisms for the formation of the complete vasculatures, but which have different levels of activity in the two cohorts.

  20. Avaliação da Vigilância da Síndrome Gripal: estudo de casos em unidade sentinela

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    Camila Soares de Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available RESUMO O artigo descreve a avaliação de implantação da Vigilância da Síndrome Gripal em Pernambuco por meio de pesquisa avaliativa que compreendeu a determinação do grau de implantação, a análise de contexto político-organizacional e da influência deste sobre o grau. Foram elaborados um modelo lógico e uma matriz de indicadores, e a análise do contexto baseou-se no Triângulo de Governo, de Matus, no projeto de governo, na capacidade de governo e na governabilidade. Identificou-se que a estratégia está implantada em uma das seis unidades avaliadas, que o grau é influenciado de forma variada pelo contexto e que características políticas e organizacionais mais favoráveis podem contribuir para o alcance de graus mais avançados.

  1. Endoplasmic reticulum stress is induced in the human placenta during labour. (United States)

    Veerbeek, J H W; Tissot Van Patot, M C; Burton, G J; Yung, H W


    Placental endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress has been postulated in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), but its activation remains elusive. Oxidative stress induced by ischaemia/hypoxia-reoxygenation activates ER stress in vitro. Here, we explored whether exposure to labour represents an in vivo model for the study of acute placental ER stress. ER stress markers, GRP78, P-eIF2α and XBP-1, were significantly higher in laboured placentas than in Caesarean-delivered controls localised mainly in the syncytiotrophoblast. The similarities to changes observed in PE/IUGR placentas suggest exposure to labour can be used to investigate induction of ER stress in pathological placentas. Copyright © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  2. Aumento no material fibrinoide perivilositário nas placentas de gestações com pré-eclâmpsia


    Souza,Diego Agra de; Bezerra,Antonio Fernando de Sousa; Wanderley,David Campos; Souto,Claudia Maria Barbosa


    INTRODUÇÃO: A pré-eclâmpsia responde por alta morbimortalidade no Brasil e no mundo. A sua etiologia ainda não foi totalmente esclarecida. Entre as alterações placentárias na pré-eclâmpsia citam-se: infartos, aumento de nós sinciciais, hipotrofia vilositária, espessamento da membrana basal trofoblástica e deposição de material fibrinoide. OBJETIVO: Analisar quantitativamente imagens do material fibrinoide perivilositário presente em placentas de gestações com e sem pré-eclâmpsia. MATERIAL E M...

  3. Leaving the placenta in situ versus conservative and radical surgery in the treatment of placenta accreta spectrum disorders. (United States)

    Kutuk, Mehmet S; Ak, Mehmet; Ozgun, Mahmut T


    To compare different treatment methods in the management of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders. In a retrospective cohort study, medical records were retrieved for patients who underwent elective surgery at 24 weeks of pregnancy or more after a diagnosis of PAS disorder (creta, increta, or percreta) at a center in Turkey between May 2, 2010, and August 10, 2016. The final analysis included patients whose diagnosis was confirmed intraoperatively and for whom complete data were available. Patients were divided into three groups: group 1 included those who underwent hysterectomy without placental removal, group 2 included patients whose placenta was left in situ, and group 3 included those who underwent placental removal and conservative surgery. Among 79 included patients (33 creta, 18 increta, 28 percreta), 27 (34%) were in group 1, 15 (19%) in group 2, and 37 (47%) in group 3. Total blood loss and the amounts of blood products transfused were lowest in group 2; significant differences between groups were noted (all P ≤ 0.001). Surgical complication rates were similar between groups (4/27 [15%], 1/15 [7%], and 11/37 [30%], respectively; P=0.119). Overall uterine preservation rates were not significantly different between groups 2 and 3 (14/15 [93%] vs 33/37 [89%]; P>0.99). Leaving the placenta in situ could become the treatment of choice for PAS disorders. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  4. Cinética da dissolução redutiva da goethita e hematita em solos poligenéticos

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    Inda Junior Alberto Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available A cinética da dissolução redutiva da goethita e da hematita em solos poligenéticos foi avaliada por dois modelos matemáticos. O modelo Kabai descreveu a dissolução em um único segmento linear, não discriminando fases de um mesmo óxido ou de diferentes óxidos em cada amostra. A análise comparativa da estabilidade de cristais por este modelo somente pode ser realizada entre amostras distintas. O modelo Avrami-Erofejev descreveu a dissolução em mais de um segmento linear na maioria das amostras. Este modelo discriminou fases de um mesmo óxido e ofereceu condições para classificar o grau de estabilidade destes minerais dentro de cada amostra. Os modelos indicaram menor estabilidade da hematita em relação à goethita frente à dissolução redutiva, principalmente quando a última combinou baixa substituição por Al3+ e alta área superficial específica. A influência destes parâmetros mineralógicos na estabilidade dos cristais à dissolução redutiva mostrou ser dependente da abordagem matemática utilizada para determinar a cinética dissolutiva.

  5. Clinics in diagnostic imaging (133). Retained placenta from an intra-abdominal pregnancy. (United States)

    Win, T; Tang, P H; Lim, T Y


    A 29-year-old Indonesian woman presented with abdominal pain seven months after an intra-abdominal pregnancy. Ultrasonography revealed a cystic mass in the pelvis and magnetic resonance imaging showed an umbilical stump within it, indicating a retained placenta. This was removed surgically, and on histology, an infarcted placenta was confirmed.

  6. Cesarean scar pregnancy and early placenta accreta share common histology. (United States)

    Timor-Tritsch, I E; Monteagudo, A; Cali, G; Palacios-Jaraquemada, J M; Maymon, R; Arslan, A A; Patil, N; Popiolek, D; Mittal, K R


    To determine, by evaluation of histological slides, images and descriptions of early (second-trimester) placenta accreta (EPA) and placental implantation in cases of Cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP), whether these are pathologically indistinguishable and whether they both represent different stages in the disease continuum leading to morbidly adherent placenta in the third trimester. The database of a previously published review of CSP and EPA was used to identify articles with histopathological descriptions and electronic images for pathological review. When possible, microscopic slides and/or paraffin blocks were obtained from the original researchers. We also included from our own institutions cases of CSP and EPA for which pathology specimens were available. Two pathologists examined all the material independently and, blinded to each other's findings, provided a pathological diagnosis based on microscopic appearance. Interobserver agreement in diagnosis was determined. Forty articles were identified, which included 31 cases of CSP and 13 cases of EPA containing histopathological descriptions and/or images of the pathology. We additionally included six cases of CSP and eight cases of EPA from our own institutions, giving a total of 58 cases available for histological evaluation (37 CSP and 21 EPA) containing clear definitions of morbidly adherent placenta. In the 29 cases for which images/slides were available for histopathological evaluation, both pathologists attested to the various degrees of myometrial and/or scar tissue invasion by placental villi with scant or no intervening decidua, consistent with the classic definition of morbidly adherent placenta. Based on the reviewed material, cases with a diagnosis of EPA and those with a diagnosis of CSP showed identical histopathological features. Interobserver correlation was high (kappa = 0.93). EPA and placental implantation in CSP are histopathologically indistinguishable and may represent different stages in

  7. Incidence and Risk Factors for Placenta Accreta/Increta/Percreta in the UK: A National Case-Control Study (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Kathryn E.; Sellers, Susan; Spark, Patsy; Kurinczuk, Jennifer J.; Brocklehurst, Peter; Knight, Marian


    Background Placenta accreta/increta/percreta is associated with major pregnancy complications and is thought to be becoming more common. The aims of this study were to estimate the incidence of placenta accreta/increta/percreta in the UK and to investigate and quantify the associated risk factors. Methods A national case-control study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System was undertaken, including 134 women diagnosed with placenta accreta/increta/percreta between May 2010 and April 2011 and 256 control women. Results The estimated incidence of placenta accreta/increta/percreta was 1.7 per 10,000 maternities overall; 577 per 10,000 in women with both a previous caesarean delivery and placenta praevia. Women who had a previous caesarean delivery (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 14.41, 95%CI 5.63–36.85), other previous uterine surgery (aOR 3.40, 95%CI 1.30–8.91), an IVF pregnancy (aOR 32.13, 95%CI 2.03–509.23) and placenta praevia diagnosed antepartum (aOR 65.02, 95%CI 16.58–254.96) had raised odds of having placenta accreta/increta/percreta. There was also a raised odds of placenta accreta/increta/percreta associated with older maternal age in women without a previous caesarean delivery (aOR 1.30, 95%CI 1.13–1.50 for every one year increase in age). Conclusions Women with both a prior caesarean delivery and placenta praevia have a high incidence of placenta accreta/increta/percreta. There is a need to maintain a high index of suspicion of abnormal placental invasion in such women and preparations for delivery should be made accordingly. PMID:23300807

  8. Incidence and risk factors for placenta accreta/increta/percreta in the UK: a national case-control study.

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    Kathryn E Fitzpatrick

    Full Text Available Placenta accreta/increta/percreta is associated with major pregnancy complications and is thought to be becoming more common. The aims of this study were to estimate the incidence of placenta accreta/increta/percreta in the UK and to investigate and quantify the associated risk factors.A national case-control study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System was undertaken, including 134 women diagnosed with placenta accreta/increta/percreta between May 2010 and April 2011 and 256 control women.The estimated incidence of placenta accreta/increta/percreta was 1.7 per 10,000 maternities overall; 577 per 10,000 in women with both a previous caesarean delivery and placenta praevia. Women who had a previous caesarean delivery (adjusted odds ratio (aOR 14.41, 95%CI 5.63-36.85, other previous uterine surgery (aOR 3.40, 95%CI 1.30-8.91, an IVF pregnancy (aOR 32.13, 95%CI 2.03-509.23 and placenta praevia diagnosed antepartum (aOR 65.02, 95%CI 16.58-254.96 had raised odds of having placenta accreta/increta/percreta. There was also a raised odds of placenta accreta/increta/percreta associated with older maternal age in women without a previous caesarean delivery (aOR 1.30, 95%CI 1.13-1.50 for every one year increase in age.Women with both a prior caesarean delivery and placenta praevia have a high incidence of placenta accreta/increta/percreta. There is a need to maintain a high index of suspicion of abnormal placental invasion in such women and preparations for delivery should be made accordingly.

  9. Management of Amniotic Sheet with a Hammock-like Placenta

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    Liangcheng Wang


    Full Text Available An amniotic sheet is a septation in the amniotic cavity with a perforation that allows amniotic fluid to pass through. Although the incidence of abnormal placental implantation is higher in such cases, the management recommendations remain unclear. We report a case of an amniotic sheet with a hammock-like placenta located in the center of the uterine cavity. A 25-year-old woman with a history of two dilation and curettage procedures was found to have an amniotic cavity separated by a septum that contained part of the placenta. At gestational Week 32, magnetic resonance images revealed that the placenta was attached from the anterior to posterior uterine walls and resembled a hammock hanging in the center of the uterus. Subsequently, continuous intravenous administration of ritodrine hydrochloride and magnesium sulfate were given. The pregnancy was extended to Week 36. Elective cesarean section was performed, and a 3212-g female infant was delivered. Thus, owing to the risk of umbilical cord complications and placental injury secondary to premature rupture of membranes, aggressive and careful perinatal management is required in such cases.

  10. Trophoblast cells of ruminant placentas - A mini review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Igwebuike, U.M.


    Understanding of ruminant placental structure and function is essential for veterinarians and researchers. The ruminant placenta is classified as cotyledonary and synepitheliochorial on the bases of its gross anatomical features and histological characteristics respectively. The richly vascularized embryonic chorioallantois is lined on its outer surface by cells of the trophectodermal epithelium. These cells which assume specialized functions are referred to as trophoblast cells. Two morphologically and functionally distinct cell types have been recognized in the trophectoderm of the placenta of ruminant animals. These are the mononucleate trophoblast cells and the binucleate trophoblast cells. The occurrence, morphological characteristics, and specialized functions of these trophoblast cells, in relation to conceptus nutrition and survival in utero are discussed in this review. (author)

  11. Gravidade do trauma avaliada na fase pré-hospitalar Trauma severity assessment in prehospital setting

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    I.Y. Whitaker


    Full Text Available A avaliação da gravidade do trauma e a instituição de manobras para manutenção básica da vida, no local do evento, podem representar a oportunidade de sobrevida para as vítimas de trauma até a sua chegada ao hospital. OBJETIVO: Estudar vítimas de causas externas avaliadas por um índice fisiológico denominado Trauma Score modificado (TSm aplicado durante o atendimento pré-hospitalar. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Analisaram-se, retrospectivamente, 1.414 vítimas de causas externas atendidas pelo Sistema de Atendimento Móvel às Urgências (SAMU-RESGATE-SP no município de São Paulo, no ano de 1991. Os dados foram obtidos da ficha de atendimento pré-hospitalar e laudo de necropsia. RESULTADOS: O atendimento pré-hospitalar em 81,31% ocorreu até 40 minutos, dos quais 83,96% das vítimas não-fatais obtiveram escores TSm 12 e 11, e 53,96% das vítimas fatais obtiveram escores 0, 1 e 2. Superfície externa (30,25% e região da cabeça/pescoço (20,98% foram as mais acometidas. Das vítimas fatais, 63,63% com Injury Severity Score (ISS > ou = 16 morreram nas primeiras 24 horas. No cotejamento dos escores TSm e ISS, verificou-se que vítimas fatais com escore TSm entre 0 e 11 foram confirmadas como com ISS crítico (ISS > ou = 16. CONCLUSÃO: Constataram-se fortes indícios de que vítimas fatais com escores TSm baixos relacionaram-se com escores ISS altos.The trauma severity assessment and basic life support maneuvers in prehospital setting can represent to the trauma victim the opportunity of survival until his/her can get assistance in the hospital. PURPOSE: To study external cause victims assessed in the prehospital phase by the physiologic index named Trauma Score modificado (TSm. METHODS: Retrospective analyses were made of 1414 victims attended by Sistema de Atendimento Móvel às Urgências (SAMU-RESGATE-SP in the Municipality of São Paulo during 1991. Data were gathered from prehospital data recording sheets and necropsy records

  12. Retenção de placenta no proteinograma de vacas Holandesas

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    João Paulo Elsen Saut


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da retenção de placenta (RP no proteinograma de fêmeas bovinas da raça Holandesa, de propriedades comerciais, foram utilizadas 129 vacas com RP e 145 vacas com parto e pós-parto fisiológicos e sem nenhum tratamento no período avaliado. As amostras de sangue foram divididas nos momentos: 1odia pós-parto (DPP, 2o-3o, 4o-5o, 6o-7o, 8o-14o, 15o-29o, 30o-59o e 60o-90o DPP. O fracionamento das proteínas foi realizado por eletroforese em fita de acetato de celulose e em gel de poliacrilamida, contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE, nas quais se avaliou o comportamento de 19 bandas proteicas identificadas pelos respectivos pesos moleculares, que variaram entre 23KDa e 187KDa. Não houve influência da RP na proteína sérica total e gamaglobulinas. A albumina sérica permaneceu abaixo dos valores de referência até os 90DPP nos animais com RP. Concluiu-se que vacas Holandesas com RP apresentam um quadro de normoproteinemia com hipoalbuminemia e aumento das frações alfaglobulinas e betaglobulinas até os 90DPP, presença de resposta inflamatória de fase aguda positiva pelo significativo aumento de haptoglobina, ceruloplasmina, glicoproteína ácida, e de fase aguda negativa pela diminuição de albumina na primeira semana pós-parto.

  13. Decreased oxidative stress may contribute to the disease process in placenta accreta (United States)

    Öztaş, Efser; Özler, Sibel; Ergin, Merve; Erel, Özcan; Gümüş Güler, Başak; Çağlar, Ali Turhan; Yücel, Aykan; Uygur, Dilek; Danışman, Nuri


    Background/aim: The main aim of this study was to investigate serum total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS), oxidative stress index (OSI), and arylesterase levels in pregnant women with placenta accreta and to compare those with age-matched healthy pregnant women. Materials and methods: A total of 27 pregnant women who had clinically and pathologically proven placenta accreta and 30 age- and BMI- matched healthy pregnant women were enrolled in this case control study. Maternal serum TOS, TAS, OSI, and arylesterase levels were evaluated using logistic regression analysis to determine if there was an association with abnormal placental invasion or not. Results: Decreased OSI (OR= 0.999, 95%CI: 0.998-1.000, P = 0.035) and increased arylesterase levels (OR= 0.981, 95%CI: 0.970-0.993, P = 0.001) were significantly associated with the presence of placenta accreta. Maternal serum TOS, TAS, OSI, and arylesterase levels were not predictive for adverse perinatal outcomes (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Decreased OSI and increased arylesterase levels are significantly associated with placenta accreta and may contribute to the abnormal invasion process.

  14. Herança da resistência a Watermelon mosaic virus em melancia

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    Lindomar Maria da Silveira


    Full Text Available Entre as doenças que ocorrem na cultura da melancia (Citrullus lanatus, a virose ocasionada por Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV se destaca entre as principais, sendo a resistência genética a forma mais indicada de controle. Dessa forma, é importante o conhecimento do controle genético da resistência que se pretende trabalhar. Objetivando estudar a herança da resistência ao WMV em melancia, foram realizados cruzamentos entre o cultivar Crimson Sweet (CS suscetível e a linha L26 resistente. Populações segregantes e não segregantes obtidas dos cruzamentos foram inoculadas com um isolado de WMV e avaliadas quanto ao aparecimento de sintomas e à presença do vírus por testes de ELISA indireto contra antissoro específico para WMV. A hipótese de herança monogênica foi avaliada em diferentes graus médios de dominância e pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Foram obtidas variâncias genética (σ²G, ambiental (σ²E, fenotípica (σ²F2, aditiva (σ²A e de dominância (σ²D, herdabilidades nos sentidos amplo (h²a e restrito (h²r. A herança monogênica foi rejeitada. O grau médio de dominância indicou efeito de dominância completa. As herdabilidades no sentido amplo foram baixas; portanto, constatou-se que o controle da resistência a WMV nas populações de melancia estudadas é do tipo oligogênica, com presença de efeitos aditivos e não aditivos e presença de genes maiores e poligenes.

  15. Uterine and placenta characteristics during early vascular development in the pig from day 22 to 42 of gestation. (United States)

    Wright, Elane C; Miles, Jeremy R; Lents, Clay A; Rempel, Lea A


    Insufficient placenta development is one of the primary causes of fetal death and reduced fetal growth after 35 days of gestation. Between day 22 and 42 the placenta consists of a central highly vascular placenta (HVP), adjacent to the fetus, a less vascular placenta (LVP), on either side of the fetus, and necrotic tips (NT). The objective of this study was to comprehensively evaluate uterine-placenta characteristics during early gestation in the gilt and determine time points and physiological changes. Gilts (n=25) were artificially inseminated at first detection of estrus (day 0) and 24h later, and harvested at 22, 27, 32, 37 or 42 days of gestation. Litter size, 12.1±3.4, was similar for all days of gestation. Fetal and placenta weight increased with day of gestation. The greatest increase in placenta weight occurred between 37 and 42 days of gestation. The LVP zones had no measurable fold formation until day 27. Necrotic tips became apparent after 27 days of gestation. Unoccupied areas of the uterus developed folds with changes in endometrial cell size and morphology from day 32 to 42 of gestation. Limited changes occurred in either fetal growth or placenta weight from day 27 through 32 of gestation; however, significant morphological changes occur at the maternal-fetal interface, demonstrating the dynamic architecture of the developing porcine placenta during early gestation. This work establishes fundamental time points in placenta development corresponding to fetal growth and microfold formation that may influence fetal growth and impact fetal survival. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  16. The placenta shed from goats with classical scrapie is infectious to goat kids and lambs. (United States)

    Schneider, David A; Madsen-Bouterse, Sally A; Zhuang, Dongyue; Truscott, Thomas C; Dassanayake, Rohana P; O'Rourke, Katherine I


    The placenta of domestic sheep plays a key role in horizontal transmission of classical scrapie. Domestic goats are frequently raised with sheep and are susceptible to classical scrapie, yet potential routes of transmission from goats to sheep are not fully defined. Sparse accumulation of disease-associated prion protein in cotyledons casts doubt about the role of the goat's placenta. Thus, relevant to mixed-herd management and scrapie-eradication efforts worldwide, we determined if the goat's placenta contains prions orally infectious to goat kids and lambs. A pooled cotyledon homogenate, prepared from the shed placenta of a goat with naturally acquired classical scrapie disease, was used to orally inoculate scrapie-naïve prion genotype-matched goat kids and scrapie-susceptible lambs raised separately in a scrapie-free environment. Transmission was detected in all four goats and in two of four sheep, which importantly identifies the goat's placenta as a risk for horizontal transmission to sheep and other goats.

  17. Maternal plasma levels of cell-free β-HCG mRNA as a prenatal diagnostic indicator of placenta accrete. (United States)

    Zhou, J; Li, J; Yan, P; Ye, Y H; Peng, W; Wang, S; Wang, X Tong


    Several biomarkers, including maternal serum creatinine kinase and α-fetoprotein, have been described as potential tools for the diagnosis of placental abnormalities. This study aimed to determine whether maternal plasma mRNA levels of the β subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) could predict placenta accreta prenatally. Sixty-eight singleton pregnant women with prior cesarean deliveries (CDs) were classified into three groups: normal placentation (35 women, control group); placenta previa alone (21 women, placenta previa group); and both placenta previa and placenta accreta (12 women, placenta previa/accreta group). Maternal plasma concentrations of cell-free β-HCG mRNA were measured by real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and were expressed as multiples of the median (MoM). Cell-free β-HCG mRNA concentrations (MoM, range) were significantly higher in women with placenta accreta (3.65, 2.78-7.19) than in women with placenta previa (0.94, 0.00-2.97) or normal placentation (1.00, 0.00-2.69) (Steel-Dwass test, P accreta group, the concentration of cell-free β-HCG mRNA was significantly higher among women who underwent CDs with hysterectomy (4.41, 3.49-7.19) than among women whose CDs did not result in hysterectomy (3.20, 2.78-3.70) (Mann-Whitney U test, P = 0.012). An increased level of cell-free β-HCG mRNA in the maternal plasma of women with placenta accreta may arise from direct uteroplacental transfer of cell-free placental mRNA molecules. The concentration of cell-free β-HCG mRNA in maternal plasma may be applicable to the prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta, especially to identify women with placenta accreta likely to require hysterectomy. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. A placenta clinic approach to the diagnosis and management of fetal growth restriction. (United States)

    Kingdom, John C; Audette, Melanie C; Hobson, Sebastian R; Windrim, Rory C; Morgen, Eric


    Effective detection and management of fetal growth restriction is relevant to all obstetric care providers. Models of best practice to care for these patients and their families continue to evolve. Since much of the disease burden in fetal growth restriction originates in the placenta, the concept of a multidisciplinary placenta clinic program, managed primarily within a maternal-fetal medicine division, has gained popularity. In this context, fetal growth restriction is merely one of many placenta-related disorders that can benefit from an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating expertise from specialist perinatal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, reproductive genetics, neonatal pediatrics, internal medicine subspecialties, perinatal pathology, and nursing. The accurate diagnosis and prognosis for women with fetal growth restriction is established by comprehensive clinical review and detailed sonographic evaluation of the fetus, combined with uterine artery Doppler and morphologic assessment of the placenta. Diagnostic accuracy for placenta-mediated fetal growth restriction may be enhanced by quantification of maternal serum biomarkers including placenta growth factor alone or combined with soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1. Uterine artery Doppler is typically abnormal in most instances of early-onset fetal growth restriction and is associated with coexistent preeclampsia and underlying maternal vascular malperfusion pathology of the placenta. By contrast, rare but potentially more serious underlying placental diagnoses, such as massive perivillous fibrinoid deposition, chronic histiocytic intervillositis, or fetal thrombotic vasculopathy, may be associated with normal uterine artery Doppler waveforms. Despite minor variations in placental size, shape, and cord insertion, placental function remains, largely normal in the general population. Consequently, morphologic assessment of the placenta is not currently incorporated into current screening

  19. Dianthus chinensis L.: The Structural Difference between Vascular Bundles in the Placenta and Ovary Wall Suggests Their Different Origin. (United States)

    Guo, Xue-Min; Yu, Ying-Ying; Bai, Lan; Gao, Rong-Fu


    Dianthus chinensis is a perennial herbaceous plant with great ornamental, botanical, ecological, and medicinal value. The pistil of D. chinensis is composed of two fused carpels with free central placenta and two separate styles. The placenta is a columnar structure extending about two-thirds the length of the maturing fruit, which is typical of the Caryophyllaceous. Traditionally, free central placenta is thought to have evolved from axial placenta by septal disappearance, and axial placenta to have occurred through fusion of conduplicate carpels with marginal placenta. However, the traditional opinion is becoming more and more inconsistent with the new data gained in recent research of angiosperm systematics. To clarify the origin of D. chinensis pistil, the present anatomical study was carried out. The results show that the vascular system of placenta is independent to that of the ovary wall in D. chinensis . Moreover, in the central part of placenta there are one or two amphicribral bundles, and correspondingly numerous ones in the pistil which supply the ovules/seeds. It is obvious that the central amphicribral bundles in placenta are comparable to the counterparts in branches but not to those in leaves or their derivatives. Therefore, it is reasonable to deduce that the placenta of D. chinensis was not derived from conduplicate carpels through fusion of collateral vascular bundles, and actually a floral axis with ovules/seeds laterally adhering. On the contrary, the ovary wall was the lateral appendages of the floral axis. The result of the present study is completely in agreement with Unifying Theory, in which the placenta is taken as an ovule-bearing branch. Except for D. chinensis , the similar vascular organization has been observed in placenta of numerous isolated taxa. But till now, it is uncertain that whether this vascular organization pattern is popular in the whole angiosperms or not. More intensive and extensive investigations are needed.

  20. Retained placenta in Friesian mares : reproductive performance after foal heat breeding versus breeding in a subsequent heat

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sevinga, M; Hesselink, JW; Barkema, H.W.


    Postpartum reproductive performance was studied in 54 Friesian brood mares with and 50 without retained placenta. Retained placenta was defined as failure to expel all fetal membranes within 3 hours after the delivery of the foal. The group of mares with retained placenta was subdivided into mares

  1. Does the presence of placental basal plate myometrial fibres increase the risk of subsequent morbidly adherent placenta: a case-control study. (United States)

    Miller, E S; Linn, R L; Ernst, L M


    Antenatal diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta has been shown to improve outcomes, but existing predictors lack sensitivity. Our objective was to determine whether the presence of myometrial fibres attached to the placental basal plate (BPMYO) in an antecedent pregnancy is associated with subsequent morbidly adherent placenta. A case-control study. Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pathology, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA. Women who had at least two pregnancies with placental pathological evaluation. Cases were defined as women with evidence of morbidly adherent placenta (both clinically and pathologically) in their most recent pregnancy whereas women without evidence of morbidly adherent placenta served as controls. Pathological specimens of placentas from previous pregnancies were evaluated for BPMYO. The presence of BPMYO on a previous placenta was evaluated to determine whether it could be used to improve the antenatal diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta. Of the 25 cases of morbidly adherent placenta, 19 (76%) had BPMYO present on their previous placenta compared with 41 (41%) of controls (odds ratio 4.8, 95% CI 1.8-13.0). Adding BPMYO to a regression including other risk factors for morbidly adherent placenta (i.e. maternal age, number of previous caesarean sections, placenta praevia, previous multiple gestation, any previous curettage, and ultrasonographic suspicion of placenta accreta) significantly improved the sensitivity of antenatal diagnosis of morbidly adherent placenta (61% versus 39%, P placental pathology is associated with an increased risk of morbidly adherent placenta in a subsequent pregnancy. These findings may shed light on the pathophysiology of accreta and inform future research on predictors of accreta. Previous basal plate myometrium improves the ability to detect subsequent morbidly adherent placenta. © 2015 Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

  2. Avaliação da dor em portadores de hanseníase submetidos à mobilização neural


    Véras,Larissa Sales Téles; Vale,Rodrigo Gomes de Souza; Mello,Danielli Braga de; Castro,José Adail Fonseca de; Dantas,Estélio Henrique Martin


    Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da técnica de mobilização neural sobre a percepção da dor em portadores de hanseníase. A amostra de 56 indivíduos portadores de hanseníase foi randomizada em: grupo experimental (GMN) composto por 29 indivíduos submetidos ao tratamento com mobilização neural e grupo controle (GC) composto por 27 indivíduos que foram submetidos ao tratamento convencional. A percepção da dor foi avaliada através da Escala Visual Analógica, indicando-se em uma extre...

  3. Diagnosis of Neospora caninum in bovine fetuses by histology, immunohistochemistry, and nested-PCR Pesquisa de Neospora caninum em fetos bovinos por histologia, imunoistoquímica e nested-PCR

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    Aline Diniz Cabral


    Full Text Available Neospora caninum, a cause of abortion and stillbirth in cattle, was studied by histology, immunohistochemistry, and nested-PCR, using primers from the Nc5 region of the genomic DNA (PCR PLUS and primers from the ITS1 region of the ribosomal DNA (PCR JB. A total of 105 fetal samples sent to the Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Sanidade Animal do Instituto Biológico from January 2006 to May 2008 were examined for evidence of N. caninum. Histological examination revealed 71.4% with non-suppurative inflammation in the heart, lung, liver, kidney, placenta, and brain. Immunohistochemistry detected infections in 8.6% of the samples, mainly in the brain, placenta, and heart. Nested-PCR JB revealed 6.7% with infections, while nested-PCR PLUS returned 20.9% positive results, mainly in brain and placenta, and in the pooled liver and heart. Kappa statistics demonstrated little agreement among the three techniques. The three methods are complementary, since they have distinct diagnostic characteristics and were combined to give a positivity rate of 24.8%.Pesquisou-se Neospora caninum como causador de abortamento e natimortalidade em bovinos, por meio de exame histopatológico (hematoxilina-eosina, imunoistoquímica (IHQ e nested-PCR, utilizando primers da região Nc5 do DNA genômico (PCR PLUS e primers da região ITS1 do DNA ribossomal (PCR JB. Foram avaliadas 105 amostras de abortamento bovino entre janeiro de 2006 a maio de 2008, encaminhadas ao Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Sanidade Animal do Instituto Biológico para diagnóstico diferencial de causas infecciosas. Observou-se em 71,4% das amostras lesões histológicas (HE caracterizadas pela presença de células inflamatórias mononucleares no coração, pulmão, fígado, rim, placenta e cérebro. A IHQ detectou 8,57% de positividade, sendo maior no cérebro, placenta e coração. A nested-PCR JB revelou 6,66% de casos positivos, enquanto que a nested-PCR PLUS apresentou maior taxa

  4. Influência da floresta alterada na distribuição espacial de três espécies da Floresta Ombrófila Mista avaliada pela geoestatística

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    Lúcio de Paula Amaral


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar e representar a distribuição espacial dos indivíduos de três espécies da Floresta Ombrófila Mista (FOM, sob distúrbio ocasionado por ações antrópicas, utilizando geoestatística e interpolações por krigagem, bem como verificar a influência das alterações da floresta no resultado obtido com essa metodologia. Os dados foram obtidos de levantamento fitossociológico realizado em 2007, contendo 45 unidades amostrais (ua de 500 m², em que foram mensurados indivíduos com DAP > 10 cm. O fragmento, localizado em General Carneiro, PR, passou por ciclos de exploração de madeira, erva-mate, xaxim, pastoreio e coleta de sementes, que causaram abertura de grandes clareiras, contendo alta densidade de taquaras. Posteriormente, a área foi transformada em Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural. A condição de floresta alterada interferiu nos resultados para distribuição espacial dos indivíduos de D. sellowiana, M. scabrella e I. paraguariensis (xaxim, bracatinga e erva-mate por ua. Apesar de ser detectada alta dependência espacial (>75%, foi também observada quebra da continuidade espacial para distribuição dessas espécies. Conclui-se que, nessa condição, geoestatística e krigagem não são indicadas devido aos usos inadequados dado à floresta, podendo ser utilizadas outras técnicas de interpolação para evitar as extrapolações de médias obtidas na amostragem da área total do fragmento. No entanto, por apresentar sensibilidade às alterações das florestas, análises geoestatísticas devem ser experimentadas quanto à sua utilização na avaliação da capacidade de resposta da floresta a eventos impactantes de grande magnitude.

  5. [The conservative treatment of placenta accreta. A clinical case report]. (United States)

    Artuso, A; Rocchi, B; Garbo, S; Baudino, G; Repetti, F


    The following description is a clinical case of placenta accreta and its conservative treatment. According to some authors, abnormal adhesion of the placenta depends on the alteration of the equilibrium between the trophoblastic tissue invasion and the reaction of the decidua. Consequently we have various degrees of penetration of the myometrium by chorionic villi into areas of deficit, sparse or absent decidua. Whatever the pathogenetic mechanism, the final clinical picture is slight to deep penetration of the trophoblastic tissue into the uterine wall. That causes absence of the normal plane of cleavage between placenta and maternal decidua, no spontaneous placental detachment during the third stage of labour and no possible manual removal. The patient, primigravida, was admitted at the 36th Week of gestation with PROM and physiologically delivered a neonate weighing 1820 g, after she spontaneously began labour. The newborn was admitted in the neonatal-pathology ward because it was premature although the Apgar score at 1-5 minutes after birth was 5-9. Placental ejection was awaited for 1 hour, then manual exploration of the uterine cavity was undertaken. The normal plane of cleavage between placental tissue and decidua was absent and therefore manual extraction of the placenta was impossible. Surgery was stopped and, after informed consensus was obtained from the patient, a conservative treatment was tried. After cutting the umbilical cord as short as possible and checking for vaginal bleeding, the patient was moved to obstetrics ward.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  6. Transverse uterine fundal incision for placenta praevia with accreta, involving the entire anterior uterine wall: a case series. (United States)

    Kotsuji, F; Nishijima, K; Kurokawa, T; Yoshida, Y; Sekiya, T; Banzai, M; Minakami, H; Udagawa, Y


    To determine the feasibility and safety of transverse fundal incision with manual placental removal in women with placenta praevia and possible placenta accreta. Case series. Four level-three Japanese obstetric centres. Thirty-four women with prior caesarean section and placenta praevia that widely covers the anterior uterine wall, in whom placenta accreta cannot be ruled out. A transverse fundal incision was performed at the time of caesarean section and manual placental removal was attempted under direct observation. Operative fluid loss. The total volume of fluid lost during our operative procedure compares favourably with the volume lost during our routine transverse lower-segment caesarean sections performed in patients without placenta praevia or accreta. The average fluid loss was 1370 g. No patients required transfer to intensive care, and there were no cases of fetal anaemia. This procedure has the potential to reduce the heavy bleeding that arises from caesarean deliveries in women with placenta praevia and placenta accreta. © 2013 The Authors BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology © 2013 RCOG.

  7. Análise da positividade da esquistossomose mansoni em Regionais de Saúde endêmicas em Pernambuco, 2005 a 2010

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    Ana Virgínia Matos Sá Barreto

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar a tendência da positividade da esquistossomose em exames coproscópicos na população de área endêmica do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, de 2005 a 2010. MÉTODOS: estudo ecológico de serie temporal, com dados secundários do Sistema de Informação do Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose, analisados por Regional de Saúde; foram avaliadas as tendências por regressão linear, considerando-se p<0,05 significativo. RESULTADOS: Pernambuco apresentou média de 9,2% de positividade; a Regional de Saúde III (Palmares apresentou maior média de positividade (13,8%, seguida das regionais II (Limoeiro: 9,9% e I (Recife: 7,8%; a Regional V (Garanhuns apresentou melhor média de tratamento (95,6%, seguida da III (86,6%; Pernambuco apresentou tendência decrescente na positividade para esquistossomose (p=0,005. CONCLUSÃO: em geral, há uma tendência decrescente da positividade de esquistossomose em Pernambuco, apesar da queda no número de exames; é importante manter e intensificar as intervenções de controle, com prioridades estratégicas focalizadas em localidades com elevadas prevalências.

  8. Structure and Steroidogenesis of the Placenta in the Antarctic Minke Whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) (United States)

    SASAKI, Motoki; AMANO, Yoko; HAYAKAWA, Daisuke; TSUBOTA, Toshio; ISHIKAWA, Hajime; MOGOE, Toshihiro; OHSUMI, Seiji; TETSUKA, Masafumi; MIYAMOTO, Akio; FUKUI, Yutaka; BUDIPITOJO, Teguh; KITAMURA, Nobuo


    Abstract There are few reports describing the structure and function of the whale placenta with the advance of pregnancy. In this study, therefore, the placenta and nonpregnant uterus of the Antarctic minke whale were observed morphologically and immunohistochemically. Placentas and nonpregnant uteri were collected from the 15th, 16th and 18th Japanese Whale Research Programme with Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA) and 1st JARPA II organized by the Institute of Cetacean Research in Tokyo, Japan. In the macro- and microscopic observations, the placenta of the Antarctic minke whale was a diffuse and epitheliochorial placenta. The chorion was interdigitated to the endometrium by primary, secondary and tertiary villi, which contained no specialized trophoblast cells such as binucleate cells, and the interdigitation became complicated with the progress of gestation. Furthermore, fetal and maternal blood vessels indented deeply into the trophoblast cells and endometrial epithelium respectively with fetal growth. The minke whale placenta showed a fold-like shape as opposed to a finger-like shape. In both nonpregnant and pregnant uteri, many uterine glands were distributed. The uterine glands in the superficial layer of the pregnant endometrium had a wide lumen and large epithelial cells as compared with those in the deep layer. On the other hand, in the nonpregnant endometrium, the uterine glands had a narrower lumen and smaller epithelial cells than in the pregnant endometrium. In immunohistochemical detection, immunoreactivity for P450scc was detected in most trophoblast cells, but not in nonpregnant uteri, suggesting that trophoblast epithelial cells synthesized and secreted the sex steroid hormones and/or their precursors to maintain the pregnancy in the Antarctic minke whale. PMID:23269486

  9. Branchial placenta in the viviparous teleost Ilyodon whitei (Goodeidae). (United States)

    Uribe, Mari Carmen; De la Rosa-Cruz, Gabino; García-Alarcón, Adriana


    Intraluminal gestation, as it occurs in viviparous goodeids, allows a wide diversity of embryo-maternal metabolic exchanges. The branchial placenta occurs in embryos developing in intraluminal gestation when ovarian folds enter through the operculum, into the branchial chamber. The maternal ovarian folds may extend to the embryonic pharyngeal cavity. A branchial placenta has been observed in few viviparous teleosts, and there are not previous histological analyses. This study analysis the histological structure in the goodeid Ilyodon whitei. The moterno ovarian folds extend through the embryonic operculum and reach near the gills, occupying part of the branchial chamber. These folds extend also into the pharyngeal cavity. In some regions, the epithelia of the ovarian folds and embryo were in apposition, developing a placental structure in which, maternal and embryonic capillaries lie in close proximity. The maternal epithelium has desquamated cells which may enter through the branchial chamber to the pharyngeal cavity and the alimentary tract. The complex processes that occur in the ovaries of viviparous teleosts, and its diverse adaptations for viviparity, as the presence of branchial placenta, are relevant in the study of the evolution of vertebrate viviparity. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Avaliação das guias condilar e incisal em função da curva de compensação e da altura das cúspides - Releitura das Leis de Articulação de Hanau


    Roger Nishyama


    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a variação das guias sagitais (guia condilar e guia incisal), em função do plano de orientação (curvatura e inclinação) e da altura das cúspides, no movimento protrusivo mandibular, in vitro, buscando as relações entre esses fatores, tanto de forma analógica como digital. No estudo analógico foram avaliadas as inclinações das guias condilares, inclinações da guia incisal, proeminência da curva de compensação e inclinação do plano oclusal. Para isso foram...

  11. Impact of maternal diabetes type 1 on proliferative potential, differentiation and apoptotic activity in villous capillaries of term placenta. (United States)

    Jirkovská, Marie; Kučera, Tomáš; Dvořáková, Veronika; Jadrníček, Martin; Moravcová, Milena; Žižka, Zdeněk; Krejčí, Vratislav


    Maternal diabetes mellitus changes morphology and impairs function of placental capillaries. Here, quantitative parameters characterizing cell proliferation using detection of Ki67, differentiation reflected by nestin expression and apoptosis in placental capillary bed with active caspase 3 as a marker were compared in normal term placentas and placentas from pregnancies complicated by Type 1 maternal diabetes mellitus. Specimens of sixteen diabetic placentas and eight control placentas were collected by systematic uniform random sampling. Immunohistochemical detections of Ki67, nestin, and active caspase 3 were performed in histological sections of five haphazardly chosen blocks per placenta. Twenty fields of view per section, i.e. one hundred fields of view per placenta, were used for analysis of proliferation as well as of apoptosis, and in approximately 70 capillary cross-sections per placenta the nestin-positive segments of their circumference were measured. The percentage of Ki67-positive cells counted in the capillary wall was significantly lower in diabetic group. The counts of Ki67-labelled nuclei per villous area unit were significantly lower in cytotrophoblast and capillary wall of terminal villi in diabetic placenta. The proportion of nestin-labeled segments of capillary circumference was significantly higher in placentas of diabetic group. No differences in the numbers of apoptotic cells were found between studied groups. The results show that the term placenta in Type 1 diabetes has lower potential to enlarge the surface area of structures involved in maternofetal transport, and that the villous capillary bed displays delayed differentiation. Those factors may participate in decreased ability of diabetic placenta to comply with fetal requirements in the final stage of pregnancy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Placenta Increta after First-Trimester Dilatation and Curettage Manifesting as an Unusual Uterine Mass: Magnetic Resonance Findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ju, W.; Kim, S.C. [Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Medical Research Inst., School of Medicine, Ewha Womens Univ., Seoul (Korea)


    Placenta increta during the first trimester of pregnancy is extremely rare. Only a few cases of placenta accreta during the latter half of pregnancy manifesting as a uterine mass have been published. This report describes a case of placenta increta that caused prolonged bleeding after a first-trimester abortion, and was identified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a heterogeneous mass in the myometrium. This is the first report of a placenta increta detected as a uterine mass after first-trimester dilatation and curettage, and its MRI findings.

  13. The Effects of the Hominis Placenta Herbal acupuncture on Sleep pattern disturbance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youn Hyoun-min


    Full Text Available Objective : This study has been designed and performed to identify the effects of Hominis Placenta herbal acupuncture which is usually used in reducing sleep pattern disturbances. Methods : The study subjects studied included 48 patients who were admitted in hospital located in Pusan, and they were classified into 2 groups : 25 patients in the experimental group who injected Hominis Placenta herbal acupuncture and 23 patients in the control group who were treated by acupuncture. The both group injected on GB20, GB12 and HT7 for 5 days without medicine. The sleep pattern disturbance score was measured by using 15 questions according to Korean Sleep Scale A(Oh, Jin Joo. Song, Mi Soon. Kim, Shin Mi. 1998. Results & conclusions : The sleep pattern disturbance score of the experimental group who injected Hominis Placenta herbal acupuncture was significantly lower than that of the control group. (t= 7.00 p= .00 These results provided that Hominis Placenta herbal acupuncture of GB20, GB12 and HT7 was effective for relieving sleep pattern disturbances, it is need more sample's number and more treatmentt's duration.

  14. Development of the Human Placenta and Fetal Heart: Synergic or Independent?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Graham J. Burton


    Full Text Available The placenta is the largest fetal organ, and toward the end of pregnancy the umbilical circulation receives at least 40% of the biventricular cardiac output. It is not surprising, therefore, that there are likely to be close haemodynamic links between the development of the placenta and the fetal heart. Development of the placenta is precocious, and in advance of that of the fetus. The placenta undergoes considerable remodeling at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, and its vasculature is capable of adapting to environmental conditions and to variations in the blood supply received from the mother. There are two components to the placental membranes to consider, the secondary yolk sac and the chorioallantoic placenta. The yolk sac is the first of the extraembryonic membranes to be vascularized, and condensations in the mesenchyme at ~17 days post-conception (p.c. give rise to endothelial and erythroid precursors. A network of blood vessels is established ~24 days p.c., with the vitelline vein draining through the region of the developing liver into the sinus venosus. Gestational sacs of early pregnancy failures often display aberrant development of the yolk sac, which is likely to be secondary to abnormal fetal development. Vasculogenesis occurs in the villous mesenchyme of the chorioallantoic placenta at a similarly early stage. Nucleated erythrocytes occupy the lumens of the placental capillaries and end-diastolic flow is absent in the umbilical arterial circulation throughout most of the first trimester, indicating a high resistance to blood flow. Resistance begins to fall in the umbilico-placental circulation around 12–14 weeks. During normal early pregnancy the placental capillary network is plastic, and considerable remodeling occurs in response to the local oxygen concentration, and in particular to oxidative stress. In pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and/or fetal growth restriction, utero-placental malperfusion induces

  15. Metabolic development of the porcine placenta in response to alterations in maternal or fetal homeostasis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Namsey, T.G.; kasser, T.R.; Hausman, G.J.; Martin, R.J.


    Porcine placenta has been utilized as a model for elucidating contributions of both fetal and maternal tissues to metabolic activity of the placenta in response to a variety of stresses. Alloxan diabetes, food restriction and genetic obesity all produced alterations in placental metablolism with differences in responses of fetal and maternal placentas. Further analysis of nutrient untilization by the placenta produced dramatic differences in the partitioning of substrates by fetal and maternal tissues during placental development. Metabolic activity of maternal tissue contributed to overall placental metabolic activity to a greater degree than fetal tissue. However, experiments with in utero fetal decapitation indicated that some of differences between fetal and maternal placental metabolic activity may be due to the influence of fetal regulatory mechanisms. Maternal endometrium plays a critical role in metabolic response of uteroplacenta and thus availability of nutrients to the fetus and fetal placenta. Differences in metabolic development of fetal and maternal tissues suggested that regulation of placental metabolism may originate from fetal as well as maternal sources

  16. Substituição da farinha de carne suína por fontes vegetais em dietas para carpa-húngara.




    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a qualidade de carcaça de carpa-húngara alimentada com dietas em que houve substituição da farinha de carne suína por farelos de soja e canola, bem como determinar parâmetros bioquímicos do metabolismo dos peixes e a qualidade sensorial do filé. Cada um dos farelos contribuiu com 50% da proteína na mistura. Cinco dietas foram avaliadas, com níveis de substituição (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%) da proteína da farinha de carne suína pela mistura das...

  17. Placenta expresses anti-Müllerian hormone and its receptor: Sex-related difference in fetal membranes. (United States)

    Novembri, R; Funghi, L; Voltolini, C; Belmonte, G; Vannuccini, S; Torricelli, M; Petraglia, F


    Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, playing a role in sexual differentiation and recruitment. Since a correlation exists between AMH serum levels in cord blood and fetal sex, the present study aimed to identify mRNA and protein expression of AMH and AMHRII in placenta and fetal membranes according to fetal sex. Placenta and fetal membranes samples (n = 40) were collected from women with singleton uncomplicated pregnancies at term. Identification of AMH protein in placenta and fetal membranes was carried out by immunohistochemistry and AMH and AMHRII protein localization by immunofluorescence, while mRNA expression was assessed by quantitative real-time PCR. AMH and AMHRII mRNAs were expressed by placenta and fetal membranes at term, without any significant difference between males and females. Placental immunostaining showed a syncytial localization of AMH without sex-related differences; while fetal membranes immunostaining was significantly more intense in male than in female fetuses (p membranes. The present study for the first time demonstrated that human placenta and fetal membranes expresses and co-localizes AMH and AMHRII. Although no sex-related difference was found for the mRNA expression both in placenta and fetal membranes, a most intense staining for AMH in male fetal membranes supports AMH as a gender specific hormone. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Evolution of the Placenta in Eutherian Mammals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carter, Anthony Michael; Mess, A


    of eutherian mammals had an endotheliochorial placenta or a haemochorial one. Research has been stimulated by improved understanding of the relations between the orders of mammals provided by molecular phylogenetics. In part, the uncertainties arise from doubt about how to root the mammalian tree. Resolution...

  19. Análise da função manual na síndrome do túnel do carpo


    Mattos, Daniela Junckes da Silva


    Este estudo investigou efeito da Síndrome do Túnel do Carpo (STC) na função manual. Foram analisados os parâmetros da força de preensão e suas associações com as características da STC, bem como o controle da força de preensão de indivíduos com STC em tarefas funcionais e o efeito causado pela fadiga e peso do objeto. Foram avaliadas 13 mulheres com STC (GE) e 13 sem STC (GC) com idade de 43,54 ± 7,70 e 43,23 ± 7,89 anos, respectivamente. O GE foi classificado quando à gravidade dos sintomas ...

  20. Innate immune function in placenta and cord blood of hepatitis C--seropositive mother-infant dyads. (United States)

    Hurtado, Christine Waasdorp; Golden-Mason, Lucy; Brocato, Megan; Krull, Mona; Narkewicz, Michael R; Rosen, Hugo R


    Vertical transmission accounts for the majority of pediatric cases of hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection. In contrast to the adult population who develop persistent viremia in approximately 80% of cases following exposure, the rate of mother-to-child transmission (2-6%) is strikingly low. Protection from vertical transmission likely requires the coordination of multiple components of the immune system. Placenta and decidua provide a direct connection between mother and infant. We hypothesized that innate immune responses would differ across the three compartments (decidua, placenta and cord blood) and that hepatitis C exposure would modify innate immunity in these tissues. The study was comprised of HCV-infected and healthy control mother and infant pairs from whom cord blood, placenta and decidua were collected with isolation of mononuclear cells. Multiparameter flow cytometry was performed to assess the phenotype, intracellular cytokine production and cytotoxicity of the cells. In keeping with a model where the maternal-fetal interface provides antiviral protection, we found a gradient in proportional frequencies of NKT and gammadelta-T cells being higher in placenta than cord blood. Cytotoxicity of NK and NKT cells was enhanced in placenta and placental NKT cytotoxicity was further increased by HCV infection. HCV exposure had multiple effects on innate cells including a decrease in activation markers (CD69, TRAIL and NKp44) on NK cells and a decrease in plasmacytoid dendritic cells in both placenta and cord blood of exposed infants. In summary, the placenta represents an active innate immunological organ that provides antiviral protection against HCV transmission in the majority of cases; the increased incidence in preterm labor previously described in HCV-seropositive mothers may be related to enhanced cytotoxicity of NKT cells.

  1. Roles of microRNA-34a in the pathogenesis of placenta accreta. (United States)

    Umemura, Kota; Ishioka, Shin-Ichi; Endo, Toshiaki; Ezaka, Yoshiaki; Takahashi, Madoka; Saito, Tsuyoshi


    MicroRNA-34a (miR-34a) is associated with invasion and metastasis of various cancers. The trophoblastic cells of placenta accreta invade into the myometrium in a similar way to the invasion of cancers. We studied the roles of miR-34a in the pathogenesis of placenta accreta. The human choriocarcinoma cell line JAR was used for in vitro experiments as a model of trophoblasts, and placental tissues from the operative specimen of patients with or without placenta accreta were used for experiments in vivo. Morpholino antisense oligomer against miR-34a (miR-34a Morpho/AS) was added to JAR, and the expression of miR-34a and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) was determined by real time PCR. The effects of antisense, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in the process of invasion were studied with an invasion assay. Expression of miR-34a in vivo was studied with the use of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Expression of miR-34a was inhibited by 65% with the administration of antisense, and a slight increase in miR-34a expression was observed with the addition of IL-6 and IL-8. PAI-1 expression decreased with the addition of IL-6 and IL-8, and increased with the administration of antisense. There was an increase in invasive capacity through the inhibition of miR-34a expression. Strong FISH expression of miR-34a was observed in trophoblast cells of non-placenta accreta, and a clear decrease in miR-34a expression was observed in those of placenta accreta. Expression of miR-34a was downregulated in placenta accreta. In vitro experiments also showed that the invasive potential of JAR increased by suppressing miR-34a, probably through the expression of PAI-1. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2012 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  2. Energia alternativa de biomassa: bioetanol a partir da casca e da polpa de banana Alternative energy from biomass: bioethanol from banana pulp and peels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ozair Souza


    Full Text Available A conversão de biomassas agroindustriais em bioetanol com consequente valorização de rejeitos e resíduos, tem sido objeto de estudos de várias pesquisas realizadas no Brasil e no mundo. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a potencialidade do uso da polpa e da casca da banana (Musa cavendishii , tanto in natura como previamente hidrolisada por ácido e enzimas, como substrato da fermentação alcoólica. Os rendimentos médios em bioetanol (em base úmida de biomassa obtidos com a polpa (0,48 ± 0,05 g g-1 e com a casca (0,34 ± 0,11 g g-1, ambos in natura, possibilitaram a eficiência do processo de conversão, da ordem de 95% do rendimento teórico. A produtividade máxima alcançada em bioetanol foi de 3,0 ± 0,7 g L-1 h-1 com o uso da polpa e de 1,32 ± 0,03 g L-1 h-1 com a casca. Nas condições operacionais avaliadas o pretratamento dos resíduos com ácido sulfúrico não é recomendado para a produção de bioetanol.The conversion of agroindustrial biomasses in bioethanol with consequent enrichment of wastes has been the object of various research projects conducted in Brazil and around the world. This study evaluated the potential of the Musa cavendishii banana pulp and peels using in natural state and also waste previously hydrolyzed by acid and enzimes, as substrate of alcoholic fermentation. The mean bioethanol yields (on wet biomass base, obtained with the pulp (0.48 ± 0.05 g g-1 and with the peels (0.34 ± 0.11 g g-1, both in natural state, enabled a conversion process efficiency to the order of 95% of theoretical yield. Maximum value reached in bioethanol was 3.0 ± 0.7 g L-1 h-1 with pulp and 1.32 ± 0.03 g L-1 h-1 with peels. Under the evaluated operating conditions, the pre-treatment of wastes with sulfuric acid is not recommended for bioethanol production.

  3. Limites e possibilidades do trabalho do enfermeiro na estratégia saúde da família: em busca da autonomia

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    Maria Raquel Gomes Maia Pires


    Full Text Available Questiona-se de que forma o enfermeiro pode contribuir para a consolidação da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS, na busca da autonomia profissional. Discutem-se os limites e as possibilidades do trabalho do enfermeiro na ESF para a consolidação do SUS; avalia-se a oferta de consultas de enfermagem realizadas pela ESF de Belo Horizonte (BH; reflete-se sobre a face política da autonomia nos posicionamentos dos enfermeiros. Estudo de caso de natureza quanti-qualitativa. Foi avaliada a oferta de consultas de enfermagem em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS a partir de dados secundários e parâmetros oficiais, como indicativos de autonomia. Em seguida, analisou-se a autonomia no trabalho da ESF por meio de grupos focais. O enfermeiro pode fortalecer a ESF para a consolidação do SUS, se melhor compreender o contexto sócio-histórico, a ambiguidade das relações de poder e a prática social da profissão, aperfeiçoando-a crítica, coletiva e criativamente.

  4. Manual de utilização de ferramenta do Centro Comum de Investigação para validação das mudanças da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra




    O projeto TREES-3 do CCI tem como objetivo avaliar mudanças da cobertura vegetal na região tropical que ocorreram entre 1990 e 2000, e entre 2000-(2005)-2010. Para isto, foram processadas e avaliadas mudanças da cobertura vegetal em uma grande quantidade de imagens de satélite multi-temporais de resolução espacial média (unidades amostrais de 20 km x 20 km de imagens Landsat). Desta forma, o projeto TREES-3 busca avaliar para cada uma das unidades amostrais a cobertura florestal e as mudanças...

  5. Efficacy of Intrauterine Bakri Balloon Tamponade in Cesarean Section for Placenta Previa Patients.

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    Hee Young Cho

    Full Text Available The aims of this study were to analyze the predictive factors for the use of intrauterine balloon insertion and to evaluate the efficacy and factors affecting failure of uterine tamponade with a Bakri balloon during cesarean section for abnormal placentation.We reviewed the medical records of 137 patients who underwent elective cesarean section for placenta previa between July 2009 and March 2014. Cesarean section and Bakri balloon insertion were performed by a single qualified surgeon. The Bakri balloon was applied when blood loss during cesarean delivery exceeded 1,000 mL.Sixty-four patients (46.7% required uterine balloon tamponade during cesarean section due to postpartum bleeding from the lower uterine segment, of whom 50 (78.1% had placenta previa totalis. The overall success rate was 75% (48/64 for placenta previa patients. Previous cesarean section history, anterior placenta, peripartum platelet count, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy all significantly differed according to balloon success or failure (all p<0.05. The drainage amount over 1 hour was 500 mL (20-1200 mL in the balloon failure group and 60 mL (5-500 mL in the balloon success group (p<0.01.Intrauterine tamponade with a Bakri balloon is an adequate adjunct management for postpartum hemorrhage following cesarean section for placenta previa to preserve the uterus. This method is simple to apply, non-invasive, and inexpensive. However, possible factors related to failure of Bakri balloon tamponade for placenta previa patients such as prior cesarean section history, anterior placentation, thrombocytopenia, presence of DIC at the time of catheter insertion, and catheter drainage volume more than 500 mL within 1 hour of catheter placement should be recognized, and the next-line management should be prepared in advance.

  6. Role of the placenta in fetal programming: underlying mechanisms and potential interventional approaches. (United States)

    Jansson, Thomas; Powell, Theresa L


    Adverse influences during fetal life alter the structure and function of distinct cells, organ systems or homoeostatic pathways, thereby 'programming' the individual for an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes in adult life. Fetal programming can be caused by a number of different perturbations in the maternal compartment, such as altered maternal nutrition and reduced utero-placental blood flow; however, the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully established. Perturbations in the maternal environment must be transmitted across the placenta in order to affect the fetus. Here, we review recent insights into how the placenta responds to changes in the maternal environment and discuss possible mechanisms by which the placenta mediates fetal programming. In IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) pregnancies, the increased placental vascular resistance subjects the fetal heart to increased work load, representing a possible direct link between altered placental structure and fetal programming of cardiovascular disease. A decreased activity of placental 11beta-HSD-2 (type 2 isoform of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) activity can increase fetal exposure to maternal cortisol, which programmes the fetus for later hypertension and metabolic disease. The placenta appears to function as a nutrient sensor regulating nutrient transport according to the ability of the maternal supply line to deliver nutrients. By directly regulating fetal nutrient supply and fetal growth, the placenta plays a central role in fetal programming. Furthermore, perturbations in the maternal compartment may affect the methylation status of placental genes and increase placental oxidative/nitrative stress, resulting in changes in placental function. Intervention strategies targeting the placenta in order to prevent or alleviate altered fetal growth and/or fetal programming include altering placental growth and nutrient transport by maternally administered IGFs (insulin

  7. Gestation Related Gene Expression of the Endocannabinoid Pathway in Rat Placenta

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    Kanchan Vaswani


    Full Text Available Mammalian placentation is a vital facet of the development of a healthy and viable offspring. Throughout gestation the placenta changes to accommodate, provide for, and meet the demands of a growing fetus. Gestational gene expression is a crucial part of placenta development. The endocannabinoid pathway is activated in the placenta and decidual tissues throughout pregnancy and aberrant endocannabinoid signaling during the period of placental development has been associated with pregnancy disorders. In this study, the gene expression of eight endocannabinoid system enzymes was investigated throughout gestation. Rat placentae were obtained at E14.25, E15.25, E17.25, and E20, RNA was extracted, and microarray was performed. Gene expression of enzymes Faah, Mgll, Plcd4, Pld1, Nat1, Daglα, and Ptgs2 was studied (cohort 1, microarray. Biological replication of the results was performed by qPCR (cohort 2. Four genes showed differential expression (Mgll, Plcd4, Ptgs2, and Pld1, from mid to late gestation. Genes positively associated with gestational age were Ptgs2, Mgll, and Pld1, while Plcd4 was downregulated. This is the first comprehensive study that has investigated endocannabinoid pathway gene expression during rat pregnancy. This study provides the framework for future studies that investigate the role of endocannabinoid system during pregnancy.

  8. Flame retardants in placenta and breast milk and cryptorchidism in newborn boys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Main, Katharina Maria; Kiviranta, Hannu; Virtanen, Helena Eeva


    of PBDEs in breast milk was significantly higher in boys with cryptorchidism than in controls (sum of BDEs 47, 153, 99, 100, 28, 66, and 154: median, 4.16 vs. 3.16 ng/g fat; p luteinizing hormone (p ..., 1997-2001, all boys were examined for cryptorchidism. We analyzed whole placentas (for 95 cryptorchid/185 healthy boys) and individual breast milk samples (62/68) for 14 PBDEs and infant serum samples for gonadotropins, sex-hormone binding globulin, testosterone, and inhibin B. RESULTS: In 86 placenta-milk...... pairs, placenta PBDE concentrations in fat were lower than in breast milk, and a larger number of congeners were nondetectable. There was no significant difference between boys with and without cryptorchidism for individual congeners, the sum of 5 most prevalent, or all 14 congeners. The concentration...

  9. Purification and partial characterization of peroxidase from human term placenta of non-smokers: metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene-7, 8-dihydrodiol. (United States)

    Madhavan, N D; Naidu, K A


    Peroxidase (Donor: H(2)O(2)oxidoreductase EC from human term placentae of non-smokers was purified to homogeneity by a combination of NH(4)Cl extraction, affinity chromatography, (NH(4))(2)SO(4)precipitation, ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography. The homogeneity of purified human placental peroxidase (HTPP) was confirmed by gel filtration, reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and SDS-PAGE. Peroxidase was found to be a membrane bound enzyme. A high concentration of NH(4)Cl (1.2 m) was needed to extract and solublize the enzyme. Removal of the salt resulted in irreversible precipitation of the enzyme. The protein exhibited a molecular mass of 126 000 kDa according to gel filtration and approximately 60 000 kDa by SDS-PAGE, indicating that the peroxidase is a homodimer. The purified peroxidase showed an optimum pH range of 7 to 8.5 and the K(m)for H(2)O(2)and guaiacol were found to be 0.08 m m and 10.0 m m, respectively. The purified peroxidase oxidized several substrates, namely potassium iodide, tetramethyl benzidine, guaiacol, ortho dianisidne and tyrosine. The enzyme was resistant to thermal denaturation up to 70 degrees C and also to chaotropic agents, guanidinium chloride and urea. Spectral properties indicated the presence of Soret band at 433 which shifted to 451 nm on complexation with cyanide. The circular dichroism studies showed that HTPP has a predominantly helical secondary structure. The enzyme showed similarities to the myeloperoxidase with regard to spectral and catalytical properties but differed significantly in amino acid composition, the R(z)value and molecular mass. Purified HTPP differed from eosinophil peroxidase in all physico-chemical properties indicating that it is not of eosinophil origin, but may represent a distinct, constitutive peroxidase in human placenta. Further, purified peroxidase catalyzed oxidation of benzo(a)pyrene-7, 8-dihydrodiol in presence of tyrosine and hydrogen peroxide to BP

  10. Pregnancy Complicated with Maternal Pulmonary Hypertension and Placenta Accreta

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    Jeng-Hsiu Hung


    Full Text Available Pregnancy is contraindicated in cases of maternal pulmonary hypertension, a highly morbid disease affecting young women of childbearing age. The rate of heart failure increases gradually with the severity of pulmonary hypertension. In certain instances, the severity of maternal pulmonary hypertension in rheumatic heart diseases can be higher than in congenital heart diseases. Placenta accreta is an important cause of bleeding in the second half of pregnancy and in labor. In severe cases, hysterectomy is the only way to manage the bleeding during cesarean section. A 33-year-old gravida, G2P0AA1, suffering from rheumatic heart disease with mitral valve stenosis and pulmonary hypertension, was referred to our high-risk pregnancy center at 10+3 weeks of gestation due to lower abdominal pain and brownish vaginal bleeding. She had received 2 mitral valve replacements in Shenzhen, China, at the ages of 22 and 26, respectively. Ultrasound scan of the abdomen at 12+2 gestational weeks showed that the internal cervix was completely covered with the placenta, and a retroplacental hypoechoic space measuring 35 × 13 mm was observed at the upper posterior margin of the placenta. On color Doppler scan, an area of lacunar lake flow was observed in the hypoechoic space of the placenta and a spiral artery with low blood flow resistance was detected. The pulsation of the placental flow was synchronized with the maternal pulse rate. Team specialists, including neonatologists, pulmonary physicians, pediatric cardiologists, hema-tologists, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists and social workers, as well as high-risk obstetricians were consulted in an effort to minimize fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality. At 29+2 weeks, the patient developed preeclampsia and delivered a healthy newborn by cesarean section, the uterus being preserved by square compression sutures. The gravida tolerated the procedures and was discharged in stable condition.

  11. Rising frequency of placenta previa and associated morbidity in women with previous casearean section

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akhter, F.; Nawaz, Q.; Mushtaq, Q.U.A.


    To determine rising frequency of placenta previa and its associated morbidity in women with previous caesarean section. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at CMH Kohat from Jul 2010 to Jun 2011. Patients and Methods: This study included all pregnant women undergoing repeat caesarean sections. Of these, total 74 patients were admitted with placenta previa. The frequency and associated morbidity were determined. Results: In our study 74 patients with placenta previa were included. 71.62% were less than 35 yrs of age, while 28.38% were equal to or more than 35 years. The gestational age at presentation was 24-36 weeks in 74.3% and 37 + weeks in 5.7% at presentation, 89% patients were symptomatic and 11% were asympyomatic. The morbidities observed were placenta accrete 47%, urinary tract trauma in 63.51%, caesarean hysterectomy in 62.16%, post operative febrile morbidity in 77.03%, maternal mortality was nil, paralytic ileus in 28.38%, PPH in 82.43%, surgical site infection in 16.21%. Conclusion: Frequency of placenta previa and its associated morbidity was raised due to repeated caesarean section rate which must be reduced to decrease maternal morbidity and mortality. (author)

  12. Analysis of placenta vascularization in patients with uterine altered artery Doppler flow velocity exams. (United States)

    Gilio, Daniel Bruno; Miranda Corrêa, Rosana Rosa; Souza de Oliveira Guimarães, Camila; Peres, Luiz Cesar; Marques Salge, Ana Karina; Cavellani, Camila Lourencini; de Paula Antunes Teixeira, Vicente; Costa da Cunha Castro, Eumenia


    One of the frequent questions in obstetric practice is to determine placental vascular changes that may account for abnormal Doppler flow velocity alterations in maternal uterine vessels from women and fetuses without pregnancy pathology. A retrospective morphometric study was realized using 27 placentas from patients submitted for Doppler flow velocity exam during pregnancy. The placentas were morphologically examined using hematoxylin-eosin staining. Measurements of villi were made with the use of a video camera coupled to a common light microscope and a computer with automatic image analyzing software. Of the 27 placentas, 13 (48%) were of patients showing unaltered Doppler and 14 (52%) showing altered Doppler. The number of stem villi vessels was significantly larger in the placentas of patients with Doppler exam alterations (P = 0.003). This group also presented greater stem villi vessel thickness, although without significant difference. The number of intermediary and terminal villi vessels was greater in the placentas of patients with altered Doppler exams (P < 0.001), and a greater terminal villi area was observed in these cases (P < 0.001). The morphological proof that uterine artery Doppler flow velocity exam alterations are associated with placental vascular alterations demonstrates the importance of this exam during prenatal care, even in the absence of maternal-fetal alterations.

  13. Research on human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Research on human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells transfected with pIRES2-EGFP-VEGF165 using liposome. ... African Journal of Biotechnology. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue ...

  14. The invasive phenotype of placenta accreta extravillous trophoblasts associates with loss of E-cadherin. (United States)

    Duzyj, C M; Buhimschi, I A; Motawea, H; Laky, C A; Cozzini, G; Zhao, G; Funai, E F; Buhimschi, C S


    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process of molecular and phenotypic epithelial cell alteration promoting invasiveness. Loss of E-cadherin (E-CAD), a transmembrane protein involved in cell adhesion, is a marker of EMT. Proteolysis into N- and C-terminus fragments by ADAM10 and presenilin-1 (PSEN-1) generates soluble (sE-CAD) and transcriptionally active forms. We studied the protein expression patterns of E-CAD in the serum and placenta of women with histologically-confirmed over-invasive placentation. The patterns of expression and levels of sE-CAD were analyzed by Western blot, immunoassay, and immunoprecipitation. Tissue immunostaining for E-CAD, cytokeratin-7 (epithelial marker), vimentin (mesenchymal marker), ADAM10, PSEN-1 and β-catenin expression were investigated in parallel. N-terminus cleaved 80 kDa sE-CAD fragments were present in serum of pregnant women with gestational age regulation of the circulatory levels. Women with advanced trophoblast invasion did not display circulatory levels of sE-CAD different from those of women with normal placentation. Histologically, extravillous trophoblasts (EVT) closer to the placental-myometrial interface demonstrated less E-CAD staining than those found deeper in the myometrium. These cells expressed both vimentin and cytokeratin, an additional feature of EMT. EVT of placentas with advanced invasion displayed intracellular E-CAD C-terminus immunoreactivity predominating over that of the extracellular N-terminus, a pattern consistent with preferential PSEN-1 processing. Local processing of E-CAD may be an important molecular mechanism controlling the invasive phenotype of accreta EVT. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. [Two- and three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound in the follow-up of placenta accreta treated conservatively]. (United States)

    Roulot, A; Barranger, E; Morel, O; Soyer, P; Héquet, D


    To determinate the potential of 2D and 3D-ultrasound in the follow-up of patients with placenta accreta treated conservatively. Seven patients with placenta accreta treated conservatively during June 2007 and September 2009 were included. The follow-up consisted in clinical examination and 2D/3D-ultrasound once a month. Criteria studied included clinical outcome, echogenicity at 2D-ultrasound, vascularisation at colour Doppler, Mean Grey at 3D-ultrasound and vascularisation, flow and perfusion index. Seven women with invasive placenta (3 placentas accreta and 2 percreta) were studied. The mean follow-up was 228 days [75-369]. Mean delay for complete elimination of residual placenta was 280 days [120-365]. The two main results were: presence of an increased anechogenicpart in residual placenta before complete resorption for all patients; a systematic and concomitant stop of genital haemorrhage and vascularisation at colour Doppler. High degrees of variability in parameters measured at 3D-ultrasound were observed between patients so that correlations with clinical outcome were found. Long and regular follow-up is essential after conservative management but the role of 3D-ultrasound compared to 2D-ultrasound was not demonstrated in this study. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Efeito da safra vitícola na composição da uva, do mosto e do vinho Isabel da Serra Gaúcha, Brasil

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    Rizzon Luiz Antenor


    Full Text Available Entre os fatores que interferem na composição e na qualidade do vinho, destaca-se a safra vitícola, com suas variações climáticas. Com este objetivo, avaliou-se o efeito das safras de 1999, 2000 e 2001 na composição da uva, do mosto e do vinho Isabel da Serra Gaúcha. Nesse sentido, foram selecionados vinte e dois produtores de uva Isabel de onze municípios dessa região. Por ocasião da maturação, para as avaliações da uva e do mosto e a elaboração das microvinificações, foram colhidos 60kg de uva de cada viticultor. A safra vitícola interferiu significativamente no peso do cacho e da baga, mas não alterou a relação peso da ráquis/peso do cacho. No mosto, observaram-se diferenças em todas as variáveis, exceto para a relação degreesBrix/acidez total. No vinho, teve efeito na maior parte das variáveis avaliadas, com exceção aos cátions K, Mn, Cu e Rb. Em geral, a safra de 1999 foi a melhor, pois apresentou parâmetros mais adequados de acidez total, extrato seco, extrato seco reduzido, alcalinidade das cinzas, taninos, antocianinas e glicerol, variáveis essas que determinam a estrutura e a cor dos vinhos, importantes fatores para sua qualidade.

  17. Comparação da produção de biogás a partir da digestão anaeróbia de diferentes tipos de lodo


    Jayna Pessuto Silva; Daniele Perondi; Danielle Restelatto; Marcelo Godinho; Aline Dettmer


    Neste trabalho foi avaliada a produção de biogás a partir da digestão anaeróbia (DA) de resíduos de arroz (utilizado para cultivo de fungos) e couro curtido ao cromo (RCCC) (inóculos). Adicionaram-se a estes, lodos de estação de tratamento de efluentes, provenientes de um curtume (LC) e de uma universidade (LU). A digestão anaeróbia gera biogás, rico em metano, e pode ser uma alternativa para o tratamento de resíduos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o volume e a fração molar do biogás ger...

  18. Characterization and partial purification of phospholipase D from human placenta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vinggaard, Anne Marie; Hansen, Harald S.


    We report the existence in the human placenta of a phosphatidylcholine- hydrolyzing phospholipase D (PLD) activity, which has been characterized and partially purified. Triton X-100 effectively solubilized PLD from the particulate fraction of human placenta in a dose-dependent manner. However......, Triton X-100 caused decreasing enzyme activities. Maximum transphosphatidylation was obtained with 2% ethanol. The enzyme was found to have a pH optimum of 7.0-7.5 and an apparent K(m) of 33 mol% (or 0.8 mM). Ca and Mg was not required for the enzyme activity. Addition of phosphatidyl-4,5-bisphosphate...

  19. The Clinical Study about Honilirls Placenta Herbal Acupuncture on Bell's Palsy

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    Lee Chae-Woo


    Full Text Available Objectives : This study has been designed and performed to identify the effect on Bell's palsy according to the injection of herbal medicine induced from the Hominis Placenta. Methods : We measured the facial palsy changes of the patients who were admitted for Bell's palsy in the Oriental Medical hospital of Dongeui medical center from 03-01-2004 to 07-31-2004. Bell's palsy patients were divided into two groups. One group(A group was injected with Hominis Placenta herbal acupuncture. The other group(B group was injected with normal saline. Then effects of these treatment was evaluated by Yanagihara's unweighted grading system. Results : A group was marked more higher than B group in treatment outcome. we discovered that it is significant differences between two groups after 4 week. Conclusions : These results provided that A group is more effective than B group. For clearly proving the effect of Hominis Placenta herbal acupuncture on Bell's palsy, it is need more sample's number and more treatment's duration.

  20. Retrotransposon hypomethylation in melanoma and expression of a placenta-specific gene.

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    Erin C Macaulay

    Full Text Available In the human placenta, DNA hypomethylation permits the expression of retrotransposon-derived genes that are normally silenced by methylation in somatic tissues. We previously identified hypomethylation of a retrotransposon-derived transcript of the voltage-gated potassium channel gene KCNH5 that is expressed only in human placenta. However, an RNA sequence from this placental-specific transcript has been reported in melanoma. This study examined the promoter methylation and expression of the retrotransposon-derived KCNH5 transcript in 25 melanoma cell lines to determine whether the acquisition of 'placental' epigenetic marks is a feature of melanoma. Methylation and gene expression analysis revealed hypomethylation of this retrotransposon in melanoma cell lines, particularly in those samples that express the placental KCNH5 transcript. Therefore we propose that hypomethylation of the placental-specific KCNH5 promoter is frequently associated with KCNH5 expression in melanoma cells. Our findings show that melanoma can develop hypomethylation of a retrotransposon-derived gene; a characteristic notably shared with the normal placenta.

  1. Differential Proteome Analysis of the Preeclamptic Placenta Using Optimized Protein Extraction

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    Magnus Centlow


    Full Text Available The human placenta is a difficult tissue to work with using proteomic technology since it contains large amounts of lipids and glycogen. Both lipids and glycogen are known to interfere with the first step in the two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE, the isoelectric focusing. In order to gain the best possible protein separation on 2D-PAGE, an optimized sample preparation protocol for placental proteins was developed. Two different buffers, urea/CHAPS and Hepes, were used for solubilization in combination with six different precipitation methods. The removal of glycogen from the samples by centrifugation was crucial for the final proteome maps. Solubilization with urea/CHAPS in combination with dichloromethane/methanol or acidified acetone proved to be the best precipitation procedures. When applied to clinical placenta samples apolipoprotein A1 was found to be accumulated in the preeclamptic placenta, where it may either have a nutritional effect or act as a modifier of signal transduction.

  2. A danish national cohort study on neonatal outcome in singleton pregnancies with placenta previa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard, Lone N; Pinborg, Anja; Lidegaard, Ojvind


    . Main outcome measures. Gestational age, birthweight, Apgar score after 5min, stillbirth, neonatal mortality and admittance to neonatal intensive care unit. Results. The incidence of placenta previa in Denmark was 0.54% in 2006. Neonates born after pregnancies with placenta previa had a higher risk...... of being born at a gestational age below 37 weeks (OR 8.6; 95% CI 7.5-9.9), having Apgar score =7 at 5 min (OR 2.7; 95% CI 2.0-3.7), being transferred to neonatal intensive care unit (OR 4.3; 95% CI 3.8-4.9) and for stillbirth and neonatal mortality combined (OR 1.8; 95% CI 1.1-3.0), compared to neonates...... born in pregnancies without placenta previa. No increased risk of being small-for-gestational age was found (OR 1.0; 95% CI 1.0-1.2). Conclusion. When adjusting for confounders neonates born after pregnancies with placenta previa had a significantly higher risk of being born preterm, having a low Apgar...

  3. Septic Shock after Conservative Management for Placenta Accreta

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    Ying-Cheng Chiang


    Conclusion: At present, there is no consensus about the optimal treatment for placenta accreta. Conservative treatment appears to be an alternative in selected patients, but the complications such as sepsis should be carefully identified and appropriately managed.

  4. The sick placenta - the role of malaria

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brabin, B. J.; Romagosa, C.; Abdelgalil, S.; Menéndez, C.; Verhoeff, F. H.; McGready, R.; Fletcher, K. A.; Owens, S.; D'Alessandro, U.; Nosten, F.; Fischer, P. R.; Ordi, J.


    The human placenta is an ideal site for the accumulation of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites, and as a consequence serious health problems arise for the mother and her baby. The pathogenesis of placental malaria is only partially understood, but it is clear that it leads to a distinct

  5. Retained placenta of dairy cows associated with managemental factors in Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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    K. M. Mozaffor Hossain


    Full Text Available Aim: The incidence of retained placenta of dairy cows in relation to individual animal level and farm management factors such as farm type, farm size, housing system, floor type, feed quality, time of parturition, farming experience of farmer and delivery pattern of cows was determined. Materials and Methods: A total 1205 parturated dairy cows conducted in nine upazilas and four Metro Thana of Rajshahi district during July 2010 to June 2011for attainment of the result. Individual animal and farm management factors associated with retained placenta were recorded in a structured questionnaire through face-to-face farmer's interview and reviewing farm records. The raw data were compiled and statistical SPSS program to analyze to obtained result. Results: The overall incidence of retained placenta was 13.4%. The incidence was significantly higher in Local × Sahiwal genotype (4.6% and late delivery (longer gestation period (80% than their counter groups (p<0.05. The large farm (6.0% had higher incidence and had no significant effect than medium and individual household. Similarly animals housed in Tin shed building with poor ventilation facilities (6.6%, animal housed in unscientific concrete floor (6.8%, animals mostly grassed along with small amount of straw supplied (5.4% and a farmer had less than one year farming experience (5.3% had not significant statistically show higher incidence of retained placenta. Conclusion: The local genotype; mini farm; supplied better feed quality; vast farming experience of farmer and normal delivery with eutocia had less chance of retained placenta of dairy cows. [Vet World 2013; 6(4.000: 180-184

  6. Differential Expression of Growth-, Angiogenesis- and Invasion-Related Factors in The Development of Placenta Accreta

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    Jenn-Jhy Tseng


    Full Text Available Placenta accreta is the major cause of maternal death complicated by massive peripartum hemorrhage. Its development is traditionally considered to be related to a decidual defect caused by previous cesarean deliveries or uterine curettages. Usually, placental villi firmly adhere to the superficial myometrium and deeply invade, or even penetrate, the uterine wall. Abnormal uteroplacental neovascularization is another characteristic. Therefore, we hypothesized that placenta accreta develops as a result of abnormal expressions of growth-, angiogenesis- and invasion-related factors in trophoblast populations. We have found, in pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta: upregulated epidermal growth factor receptor and downregulated c-erbB-2 oncoprotein in syncytiotrophoblasts; downregulated vasculoendothelial growth factor receptor-2 expression in syncytiotrophoblasts and increased vasculoendothelial growth factor in placental lysates; and downregulated Tie-2 expression in syncytiotrophoblasts and enhanced angiopoietin-2 level in placental lysates. However, matrix metalloproteinase expression was not upregulated, so the association of these invasion-related molecules with placenta accreta is less likely. Taken together, these findings imply that complex factors, either alone or in combination, might be responsible for the development of placenta accreta. Further studies are needed to understand the signaling pathways and possible genetic events.

  7. Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis and outcome of placenta previa accreta after cesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Jauniaux, Eric; Bhide, Amar


    Women with a history of previous cesarean delivery, presenting with a placenta previa, have become the largest group with the highest risk for placenta previa accreta. The objective of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of ultrasound imaging in the prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta and the impact of the depth of villous invasion on management in women presenting with placenta previa or low-lying placenta and with 1 or more prior cesarean deliveries. We searched PubMed, Google Scholar,, and MEDLINE for studies published between 1982 and November 2016. Criteria for the study were cohort studies that provided data on previous mode of delivery, placenta previa, or low-lying placenta on prenatal ultrasound imaging and pregnancy outcome. The initial search identified 171 records, of which 5 retrospective and 9 prospective cohort studies were eligible for inclusion in the quantitative analysis. The studies were scored on methodological quality using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies tool. The 14 cohort studies included 3889 pregnancies presenting with placenta previa or low-lying placenta and 1 or more prior cesarean deliveries screened for placenta accreta. There were 328 cases of placenta previa accreta (8.4%), of which 298 (90.9%) were diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound. The incidence of placenta previa accreta was 4.1% in women with 1 prior cesarean and 13.3% in women with ≥2 previous cesarean deliveries. The pooled performance of ultrasound for the antenatal detection of placenta previa accreta was higher in prospective than retrospective studies, with a diagnostic odds ratios of 228.5 (95% confidence interval, 67.2-776.9) and 80.8 (95% confidence interval, 13.0-501.4), respectively. Only 2 studies provided detailed data on the relationship between the depth of villous invasion and the number of previous cesarean deliveries, independently of the depth of the villous invasion. A cesarean hysterectomy was performed in

  8. Biological Activities of Hominis Placenta Herbal Acupuncture prepared by Hydrochloric Acid Hydrolysis

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    Geun-young Seo


    Full Text Available Reactive Oxygen Species(ROS are continuously produced at a high rate as a by-product of aerobic metabolism. Since tissue damage by free radical increases with age, the reactive oxygen species(ROS such as hydrogen peroxide(H2O2, nitric oxide(NO. Several lines of evidence provided that ROS appears to cause to develop aging-related various diseases such as cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular disease. In this study, we have conducted to investigate the biological activities of Hominis Placenta Herbal Acupuncture by measuring total polyphenol content, DPPH radical scavenging, ABTS radical scavenging, Superoxide dismutase(SOD-like activity, Nitrite scavenging ability in vitro. The total polyphenol contents of Hominis Placenta Herbal Acupuncture was 24.6㎖/㎖. Elctron donation ability on DPPH was 49.4%. The 2,2'-azinobis-3-ehtlbezothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid radical decolorization (ABTS was 50.01%, similar to the DPPH free radical scavenging. The superoxide dismutase (SOD-like activities of hominis placenta herbal acupuncture was 50.876%. The nitrite scavenging abilities at pH 1.5, pH 3.0, pH 6.0 were 52.8%, 29.4%, 15.4%, respectively; these abilities decreased as pH increased. We conclude that Hominis Placenta Herbal Acupuncture may be useful as potential sources of antioxidant.

  9. Caesium transfer to placenta, urine and human milk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Risica, S.; Rogani, A.; Tancredi, F.; Grisanti, A.; Grisanti, G.; Baronciani, D.; Del Prete, A.; Zanini, R.


    After the Chernobyl accident few measurements on radioactive contamination of maternal milk, placenta and urine of nursing mothers were carried out. Two previous studies on breast milk contamination were conducted in different Italian areas by the Physics Department of the National Institute of Health (Laboratorio di Fisica, Istituto Superiore di Sanita). In the first study conducted in collaboration with the Epidemiological Unit of the Lazio District, I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 concentrations were measured in mixed breast milk samples pooled from 5-10 women in the first week after delivery, from May 1986 to December 1987, in the Rome area. The second research was conducted, in collaboration with the Lecco Hospital, in 1989 on a group of women living in the Como Lake area (Lombardia), which was one of the areas of Northern Italy most heavily affected by Chernobyl fallout, because of intensive rainfall in the first few days after the accident. The specific diet and caesium content in maternal milk were studied recruiting pregnant women at the ''respiratory autogen training'' course. In this case, Cs-l37, Cs-134 and K-40 concentration in placenta and urine of the mothers under study had also been measured. Aim of this paper is to discuss these data and investigate the relationship between Cs-137 contamination of maternal milk, placenta and urine as a contribution to a better understanding of caesium metabolism in pregnant and nursing women

  10. The Programming Power of the Placenta (United States)

    Sferruzzi-Perri, Amanda N.; Camm, Emily J.


    Size at birth is a critical determinant of life expectancy, and is dependent primarily on the placental supply of nutrients. However, the placenta is not just a passive organ for the materno-fetal transfer of nutrients and oxygen. Studies show that the placenta can adapt morphologically and functionally to optimize substrate supply, and thus fetal growth, under adverse intrauterine conditions. These adaptations help meet the fetal drive for growth, and their effectiveness will determine the amount and relative proportions of specific metabolic substrates supplied to the fetus at different stages of development. This flow of nutrients will ultimately program physiological systems at the gene, cell, tissue, organ, and system levels, and inadequacies can cause permanent structural and functional changes that lead to overt disease, particularly with increasing age. This review examines the environmental regulation of the placental phenotype with particular emphasis on the impact of maternal nutritional challenges and oxygen scarcity in mice, rats and guinea pigs. It also focuses on the effects of such conditions on fetal growth and the developmental programming of disease postnatally. A challenge for future research is to link placental structure and function with clinical phenotypes in the offspring. PMID:27014074

  11. Concomitância da tireoidite de Hashimoto e o carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide

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    Alexandre Roberti

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a associação da tireoidite auto-imune e o carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Goiânia-Goiás. MÉTODO: De 1395 tireoidectomias realizadas de 1994 a 2003, foram selecionadas 120 carcinomas diferenciados (27 foliculares e 93 papilíferos. Foram avaliadas as variáveis clínicas (idade e sexo com apresentação de freqüências e de sumários de medidas-resumo na descrição estatística. Para aferir a associação de tireoidite auto-imune e carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide em função dos achados histopatológicos, utilizou-se tabelas de contingência e análise pelo teste não paramétrico do quiquadrado de Pearson. Em todos os testes estatísticos foi adotado um nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05. RESULTADOS: 11,1% dos carcinomas foliculares e 18,3% dos carcinomas papilíferos estão associados à tireoidite auto-imune. Existe uma relação de freqüências quatro vezes maior da tireoidite auto-imune com o carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide em comparação com outras doenças tireoideanas (16,7% X 3,6%. CONCLUSÕES: Tais resultados permitem inferir que a associação entre a tireoidite auto-imune e o carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide é mais que casual, exigindo uma observação clínico-laboratorial cuidadosa nos portadores da doença auto-imune.

  12. Placenta Percreta Invading Broad Ligament and Parametrium in a Woman with Two Previous Cesarean Sections: A Case Report

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    Mansoureh Vahdat


    Full Text Available Introduction. The incidence of placenta accreta has dramatically increased due to increasing caesarean section rate all over the world. Placenta percreta is the most severe form of placenta accretes. It frequently results in maternal morbidity and mortality mainly caused by massive obstetric hemorrhage or emergency hysterectomy. Percreta invading into the broad ligament has rarely been previously reported. Case presenting. We presented a case of placenta percreta invading left broad ligament and parametrium in a woman with two previous cesarean sections, which led to massive intraoperative hemorrhage during hysterectomy and transient ischemic encephalopathy. Conclusion. In cases of parametrial involvement, it would be more difficult to decide whether to remove placenta or leave it in site. In surgical removal neither local excision of placental bed and uterine repair nor traditional hysterectomy is adequate if parametrium invaded by placenta. We suggest delayed elective hysterectomy in such cases. So, pregnancy-induced pelvic congestion would be decreased, we can gather an expert team of gynecologists, urologists, and vascular surgeons, we could get plenty of blood products, and we may have the chance to administer methotrexate.

  13. Retrospective analysis of obstetric and anesthetic management of patients with placenta accreta spectrum disorders. (United States)

    Riveros-Perez, Efrain; Wood, Cristina


    To assess the management and maternal outcomes of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders. A retrospective chart review was conducted of patients diagnosed with PAS disorders (placenta creta, increta, or percreta) who were treated at a US tertiary care center between February 1, 2011, and January 31, 2016. Obstetric management, anesthetic management, and maternal outcomes were analyzed. A total of 43 cases were identified; placenta previa was diagnosed among 33 (77%). Median age was 33 years (range 23-42). Median blood loss was 1500 mL (interquartile range 1000-2500); blood loss was greatest among the 10 patients with placenta percreta (3250 mL, interquartile range 2200-6000). Transfusion of blood products was necessary among 14 (33%) patients, with no difference in frequency according to the degree of placental invasion (P=0.107). Surgical complications occurred among 10 (23%) patients. Overall, 30 (70%) patients received combined spinal-epidural plus general anesthesia, 4 (9%) received only general anesthesia, and 9 (21%) underwent surgery with combined spinal-epidural anesthesia. One patient experienced difficult airway and another experienced accidental dural puncture. Placenta previa and accreta coexist in many patients, leading to substantial bleeding related to the degree of myometrial invasion. An interdisciplinary team approach plus the use of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia, transitioning to general anesthesia, were advisable and safe. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  14. Uterine artery embolization for the management of secondary postpartum haemorrhage associated with placenta accreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, X.; Wang, Z.; Chen, J.; Shi, H.; Zhang, X.; Pan, J.; Liu, W.; Yang, N.; Jin, Z.; Lang, J.


    Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of uterine artery embolization for the management of secondary postpartum haemorrhage associated with placenta accreta. Materials and methods: Between January 2005 and August 2011, 45 women with placenta accreta, which was discovered during delivery, were managed conservatively in Peking Union Medical College Hospital. They did not experience severe bleeding during delivery. Ten patients (mean age 31 ± 6.4 years) developed secondary postpartum haemorrhage and underwent uterine artery embolization. The complications, control of haemorrhage, and outcome of the placenta left inside the uterus were retrospectively reviewed. Results: All patients underwent transcatheter embolization of bilateral uterine arteries. The median time between delivery and uterine artery embolization was 11 days (range 3–76 days). The technical success rate of embolization was 100%. Bleeding was controlled in all patients during follow-up (11 ± 6.9 months; range 3–24 months), and no further bleeding occurred. One patient developed lower-extremity deep venous thrombosis after uterine artery embolization, and no other major complications occurred. The placentae that were left inside the uteri gradually decreased in size during follow-up, except in one case. Nine patients resumed normal menstruation. One patient subsequently became pregnant and had an uneventful intrauterine pregnancy carried to term. Conclusion: Uterine artery embolization is safe and effective for the management of secondary postpartum haemorrhage associated with placenta accreta.

  15. Avaliando a Reorientação da Formação Profissional no Curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Unochapecó

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    Fátima Ferretti


    Full Text Available O estudo analisou como os atores envolvidos no processo de formação percebem o curso de graduação em enfermagem da Unochapecó por meio dos estágios estabelecidos no Programa Nacional de Reorientação Profissional em Saúde 2005, que visa promover maior adequação da graduação às diretrizes do SUS e às necessidades da população. As técnicas e os instrumentos de avaliação do estudo incluíram questionário aplicado aos professores, estudantes, profissionais/gestores do serviço e usuários e um seminário de avaliação. Os resultados demonstram um cenário positivo, onde várias características do curso foram avaliadas dentro do estágio intermediário e algumas já no estágio 3, situação estabelecida como a desejada no documento do SINAES-2005. O curso de enfermagem da Unochapecó desenvolve ações visando à integração dos conteúdos e práticas focadas no princípio da integralidade; metodologias ativas na formação e fortalecimento da articulação com a rede básica de saúde.

  16. Aspectos morfológicos dos hematomas placentários da placenta do búfalo (Bubalus bubalis bubalis -- Linnaeus, 1758

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    Flávia Thomaz Verechia Pereira


    Full Text Available Os hematomas placentários executam funções desconhecidas em várias espécies. Na ovelha, estas estruturas ocorrem na zona arcada do placentônio (topos dos septos maternos, região onde ocorre a eritrofagocitose trofoblástica. A função real do hematoma é desconhecida na espécie bufalina, a qual é muito importante no nosso estudo. Há grande possibilidade de transferência de ferro para o feto através destas estruturas, que ocorrem por extravasamento de sangue materno em determinadas regiões dos vilos (junção materno-fetal. Foram usadas placentas de búfalos entre 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 meses de prenhez, imediatamente após sacrifício e fixadas por perfusão de vasos uterinos com paraformaldeído a 4% em 0,1M em tampão fosfato; após a perfusão, os placentônios foram fixados por imersão para microscopia de luz. Depois de 24 horas, as amostras foram cortadas e processadas para inclusão em "paraplast" e "historesina" e coradas pelos métodos de HE, azul de Toluidina, reações de Perls e PAS e tricromos de Gomori e Mallory. Os hematomas estavam presentes em determinadas regiões do placentônio, nos quais havia áreas hemorrágicas entre o epitélio uterino e o trofoblástico, nas placentas de 7-8 e 9-10 meses de prenhez. Células sangüíneas maternas foram encontradas nas células trofoblásticas, elucidando a eritrofagocitose.

  17. Risk factors for unscheduled delivery in patients with placenta accreta. (United States)

    Bowman, Zachary S; Manuck, Tracy A; Eller, Alexandra G; Simons, Marilee; Silver, Robert M


    Patients with suspected placenta accreta have improved outcomes with scheduled delivery. Our objective was to identify risk factors for unscheduled delivery in patients with suspected placenta accreta. This was a cohort study of women with antenatally suspected placenta accreta. Women who delivered prior to a planned delivery date were compared with women who had a scheduled delivery. Data were analyzed using a Student t test, χ(2), logistic regression, and survival analyses. Variables included in the analyses were episodes of antenatal vaginal bleeding, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), uterine contractions, prior cesarean deliveries, interpregnancy interval, parity, and patient demographic factors. A value of P accreta were identified. Thirty-eight (49.4%) had an unscheduled delivery. Demographics were similar between groups. Unscheduled patients delivered earlier (mean 32.3 vs 35.7 weeks, P accreta, those with antenatal vaginal bleeding were more likely to require unscheduled delivery. This risk increases further in the setting of PPROM and/or uterine contractions. These clinical factors should be considered when determining the optimal delivery gestational age for women with placental accreta. Copyright © 2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Análise das alterações posturais da coluna vertebral, dores musculoesqueléticas e função laboral em carteiros pedestres = Analysis of postural changes of the spine, musculoskeletal pain, and work activity in walking letter carriers

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    Andrade, Francini Porcher


    Conclusões: Na amostra de carteiros pedestres avaliada, houve associação da presença de dor na coluna cervical com o aumento da curvatura nessa região. Não foi encontrada associação significativa da alteração postural no plano frontal com a forma de carregar a bolsa durante a atividade laboral

  19. Comparative proteomics analysis of placenta from pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. (United States)

    Zhang, Ting; Guo, Yueshuai; Guo, Xuejiang; Zhou, Tao; Chen, Daozhen; Xiang, Jingying; Zhou, Zuomin


    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) usually occurs in the third trimester and associated with increased risks in fetal complications. Currently, the exact cause of this disease is unknown. In this study we aim to investigate the potential proteins in placenta, which may participate in the molecular mechanisms of ICP-related fetal complications using iTRAQ-based proteomics approach. The iTRAQ analysis combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was performed to separate differentially expressed placental proteins from 4 pregnant women with ICP and 4 healthy pregnant women. Bioinformatics analysis was used to find the relative processes that these differentially expressed proteins were involved in. Three apoptosis related proteins ERp29, PRDX6 and MPO that resulted from iTRAQ-based proteomics were further verified in placenta by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Placental apoptosis was also detected by TUNEL assay. Proteomics results showed there were 38 differentially expressed proteins from pregnant women with ICP and healthy pregnant women, 29 were upregulated and 9 were downregulated in placenta from pregnant women with ICP. Bioinformatics analysis showed most of the identified proteins was functionally related to specific cell processes, including apoptosis, oxidative stress, lipid metabolism. The expression levels of ERp29, PRDX6 and MPO were consistent with the proteomics data. The apoptosis index in placenta from ICP patients was significantly increased. This preliminary work provides a better understanding of the proteomic alterations of placenta from pregnant women with ICP and may provide us some new insights into the pathophysiology and potential novel treatment targets for ICP.

  20. Grey-scale and colour Doppler ultrasound versus magnetic resonance imaging for the prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta. (United States)

    Rezk, Mohamed Abd-Allah; Shawky, Mohamed


    To assess the effectiveness of grey-scale and colour Doppler ultrasound (US) versus magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the prenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta. A prospective observational study including a total of 74 patients with placenta previa and previous uterine scar (n = 74). Grey-scale and colour Doppler US was done followed by MRI by different observers to diagnose adherent placenta. Test validity of US and MRI were calculated. Maternal morbidity and mortality were also assessed. A total of 53 patients confirmed to have placenta accreta at operation. The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of US was 94.34, 91.67, 96.15 and 88% compared to 96.08, 87.50, 94.23 and 91.3% for MRI, respectively. The most relevant US sign was turbulent blood flow by colour Doppler, while dark intra-placental band was the most sensitive MRI sign. Venous thromboembolism (1.3%), bladder injury (29.7%), ureteric injury (18.9%), postoperative fever (10.8%), admission to ICU (50%) and re-operation (31.1%). Placenta accreta can be successfully diagnosed by grey-scale and colour Doppler US. MRI would be more likely suggested for either posteriorly or laterally situated placenta previa in order to exclude placental invasion.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dec 12, 2010 ... Conclusion: Optimal treatment of women with placenta accreta requires .... vascular endothelial damage which occurs with aging, .... been described as a potentially easier alternative to ... thereby leading to its necrosis.

  2. Placenta as a source of hematopoietic stem cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    E.A. Dzierzak (Elaine); C. Robin (Catherine)


    textabstractThe placenta is a large, highly vascularised hematopoietic tissue that functions during the embryonic and foetal development of eutherian mammals. Although recognised as the interface tissue important in the exchange of oxygen, nutrients and waste products between the foetus and mother,

  3. Placenta Praevia: Incidence, Risk Factors, Maternal and Fetal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Maternal complications included post-partum anaemia, postpartum haemorrhage & operative site infection. There were two maternal deaths (1.48%) and the perinatal mortality rate was 18.7%. Conclusion: The incidence of Placenta praevia was relatively high and associated with high maternal and perinatal complications.

  4. Modeling the variability of shapes of a human placenta. (United States)

    Yampolsky, M; Salafia, C M; Shlakhter, O; Haas, D; Eucker, B; Thorp, J


    Placentas are generally round/oval in shape, but "irregular" shapes are common. In the Collaborative Perinatal Project data, irregular shapes were associated with lower birth weight for placental weight, suggesting variably shaped placentas have altered function. (I) Using a 3D one-parameter model of placental vascular growth based on Diffusion Limited Aggregation (an accepted model for generating highly branched fractals), models were run with a branching density growth parameter either fixed or perturbed at either 5-7% or 50% of model growth. (II) In a data set with detailed measures of 1207 placental perimeters, radial standard deviations of placental shapes were calculated from the umbilical cord insertion, and from the centroid of the shape (a biologically arbitrary point). These two were compared to the difference between the observed scaling exponent and the Kleiber scaling exponent (0.75), considered optimal for vascular fractal transport systems. Spearman's rank correlation considered pcentroid) was associated with differences from the Kleiber exponent (p=0.006). A dynamical DLA model recapitulates multilobate and "star" placental shapes via changing fractal branching density. We suggest that (1) irregular placental outlines reflect deformation of the underlying placental fractal vascular network, (2) such irregularities in placental outline indicate sub-optimal branching structure of the vascular tree, and (3) this accounts for the lower birth weight observed in non-round/oval placentas in the Collaborative Perinatal Project.

  5. Anatomical and functional characteristics of the pelvic floor in nulliparous women submitted to three-dimensional endovaginal ultrasonography: case control study and evaluation of interobserver agreement Características anatômicas e funcionais do assoalho pélvico em nulíparas avaliadas por ultrassonografia tridimensional endovaginal: estudo caso-controle e avaliação da confiabilidade interobservador

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    Sthela Maria Murad-Regadas


    with the 3-D endovaginal ultrasonography. The method was found to be reliable to measure pelvic floor structures at rest and during Valsalva, and might therefore be suitable for identifying dysfunctions in symptomatic patients.OBJETIVO: Avaliar as medidas anatômicas e funcionais do assoalho pélvico utilizando a ultrassonografia tridimensional transvaginal em nulíparas assintomáticas sem disfunções do compartimento posterior evidenciado pela ecodefecografia. Demonstrar o grau de concordância entre observadores do método utilizado para medir as estruturas anatômicas. MÉTODOS: Voluntárias nulíparas assintomáticas foram submetidas à ecodefecografia para identificar alterações dinâmicas no compartimento posterior, incluindo aquelas anatômicas (retocele, intussuscepção, entero/sigmoidocele e descenso perineal e funcionais (ausência de relaxamento ou contração paradoxal do puborretal e avaliadas com ultrassonografia tridimensional transvaginal para determinar índices biométricos do hiato dos elevadores do ânus, espessura do músculo pubovisceral, comprimento da uretra, ângulo anorretal, posição da junção anorretal e posição do colo vesical. Todas as medidas foram comparadas em repouso e durante Valsalva; e determinado descenso perineal e do colo da bexiga. A variabilidade interobservador foi avaliada utilizando o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 34 voluntárias com a ecodefecografia e a ultrassonografia tridimensional transvaginal. Dessas, 20 foram incluídas no estudo. As 14 excluídas apresentavam alterações dinâmicas no compartimento posterior. Durante a manobra de Valsalva, a área hiatal foi significativamente maior. A uretra foi significantemente mais curta e o ângulo anorretal foi maior. Medidas em repouso e durante a Valsalva diferiram significativamente em relação à posição da junção anorretal e do colo vesical. A média de valor do descenso perineal e do descenso da bexiga foram de 0

  6. Symbol "&" suture to control atonic postpartum hemorrhage with placenta previa accreta. (United States)

    Li, Guang Tai; Li, Xiao Fan; Liu, Ya Jing; Li, Wei; Xu, Hong Mei


    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a symbol "&" compression suture technique in controlling severe atonic postpartum hemorrhage with placenta previa accreta during cesarean delivery. Nine women with heavy postpartum bleeding from uterine inertia and placenta previa percret, which did not react to conventional initial management protocols, were underwent the suture in the shape of symbol "&" in China Meitan General Hospital. The suture procedure was to staple the anterior and posterior walls (of the lower uterine segment as well as corpus uterus) together using number 1 chromic catgut, with a cross at about 2 cm above the upper boundary of lower uterine segment. Symbol "&" compression suture was capable of stanching the postpartum hemorrhage immediately in all nine women. None of these patients developed complications related to this method. Subsequent pregnancies after the suture were occurred in two women and delivered with repeat cesarean section. Symbol "&" compression suture is a simple, safe and highly effective technique to control the treatment-resistant uterine atonic bleeding, particularly in previous cesarean scar at lower segment and placenta previa accreta.

  7. Fotossíntese e fotoinibição em mogno e acariquara em função da luminosidade e temperatura foliar


    Dias,Daniela Pereira; Marenco,Ricardo Antonio


    A fotoinibição pode ser intensificada por fatores de estresse como alta temperatura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os efeitos da luminosidade e temperatura na fotossíntese e na recuperação da fotoinibição sob baixa irradiância em mogno (Swietenia macrophylla King) e acariquara (Minquartia guianensis Aubl.). As plantas cresceram sob baixa irradiância: 0,20 (acariquara) e 1,43 mol m-2 dia-1 (mogno). A fotossíntese líquida e as características da fluorescência foram avaliadas em duas ...

  8. Endovascular Interventions for the Morbidly Adherent Placenta

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    Claire Kaufman


    Full Text Available Morbidly adherent placentas are a spectrum of abnormalities ranging from placental invasion of the myometrium to invasion past the myometrium and muscular layers into adjacent structures. This entity is becoming more prevalent recently with increased number of cesarean deliveries. Given the high risk of morbidity and mortality, this was traditionally treated with pre-term planned cesarean hysterectomy. However, recently, uterine preservation techniques have been implemented for those women wishing to preserve future fertility or their uterus. Early identification is crucial as studies have shown better outcomes for women treated at tertiary care facilities by a dedicated multidisciplinary team. Interventional radiologists are frequently included in the care of these patients as there are several different endovascular techniques which can be implemented to decrease morbidity in these patients both in conjunction with cesarean hysterectomy and in the setting of uterine preservation. This article will review the spectrum of morbidly adherent placentas, imaging, as well as the surgical and endovascular interventions implemented in the care of these complex patients.

  9. Transplacental pharmacokinetics of diclofenac in perfused human placenta. (United States)

    Shintaku, Kyohei; Hori, Satoko; Tsujimoto, Masayuki; Nagata, Hideaki; Satoh, Shoji; Tsukimori, Kiyomi; Nakano, Hitoo; Fujii, Tomoyuki; Taketani, Yuji; Ohtani, Hisakazu; Sawada, Yasufumi


    The aims of this study were to evaluate the transplacental transfer properties of diclofenac and to determine the effect of L-lactic acid on the transplacental transfer of diclofenac. The maternal and fetal vessels of human placenta were perfused in a single-pass mode with a solution containing diclofenac and antipyrine. The transplacental pharmacokinetic model was fitted to the time profiles of the drug concentrations in the effluent and placenta to obtain transplacental pharmacokinetic parameters. In addition, chloride ion in the perfusate was partially replaced with L-lactic acid to see the change in the transplacental transfer properties of diclofenac. The TPT(ss) value (ratio of the rate of amount transferred across the placenta to that infused in the steady state) of diclofenac was 2.22%, which was approximately one-third that of antipyrine and was significantly reduced in the presence of L-lactic acid. The transplacental pharmacokinetic model could adequately explain the transplacental transfer of diclofenac with influx clearances from maternal and fetal perfusates to placental tissue of 0.276 and 0.0345 ml/min/g cotyledon and efflux rate constants from placental tissue to maternal and fetal perfusates of 0.406 and 0.0337 min(-1), respectively. By taking into account protein binding, the placental tissue/plasma concentration ratio in humans for diclofenac was estimated to be 0.108 ml/g of cotyledon and was smaller than that of antipyrine. In conclusion, human placental perfusion and transplacental pharmacokinetic modeling allowed us to determine the transplacental transfer properties of diclofenac quantitatively. Diclofenac may share transplacental transfer system(s) with L-lactic acid.


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    Ranko Kutlesic


    Full Text Available Placenta abruption is an obstetric accident which endangers life and health of both mother and embryo. It is one of the most serious obstetric complications, whose incidence ranges from 4.9-12.9 per 1,000 labours, and according to frequency, it represents the second cause of perinatal death. Retrospective analysis included the interval from 1996 to 2005. Total number of labours was analyzed and it was 32358. In addition, the number of labours complicated by placenta abruption was analyzed, and it was 119 or 0.37%. It analyzed the incidence of placenta abruption according to age of pregnancy and the integrity of embryonic membranes. It is established that there is no statistically significant difference in the incidence of placenta abruption appearing in pregnant women, with and without the disruption of embryonic membranes. The age of pregnant women was also analyzed, and it was found out that the pregnant women with placenta abruption and PPROM were 5 years older than those with placenta abruption without PPROM, and that this difference was very significant. Disruption duration was analyzed as well as the time from the first uterus bleeding to labour. The difference between PPROM and PROM duration was statistically significant, as well as the difference in duration between spontaneous and artificial rupture of embryonic membranes. The way of labour termination was analyzed in pregnant women with verified placenta abruption. In 80% of pregnant women, the labour was terminated by Caesarian section, and only 20% by vaginal labour. Also, the perinatal outcome was analyzed, according to Apgar score in the first and fifth minute. Apgar score showed that out of the total number of abruptions, 7 neonatuses was born dead (11.66%, 13 (21.66% was born in good condition (Apgar score>7, 26 (43.33% was marked with 4-7, while 14 (23.33% was in hard asphyxia (Apgar score 1-5.

  11. Eficiência do CCB na resistência da madeira de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora (Sw. D.C. em ensaio de apodrecimento acelerado Efficiency of CCB on resistance of Prosopis juliflora (Sw. D.C. wood in accelerated laboratory test decay

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ildefonso Egydio Coutinho Ramos


    Full Text Available O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do preservativo "Osmose CCB" na resistência da madeira de algaroba (Prosopis juliflora (Sw D.C. ao fungo Postia placenta, em condições de laboratório. Peças roliças de algaroba foram tratadas pelo método de substituição da seiva por transpiração radial, em soluções de 1, 2 e 3% de ingredientes ativos de CCB, durante 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias. Das peças tratadas foram retirados discos em três posições (50 cm da base, meio do comprimento e topo da peça, em que foram analisadas a penetração e retenção do CCB, bem como a resistência ao fungo Postia placenta. Observou-se melhor penetração e retenção nas peças submetidas a 2% de ingredientes ativos. A penetração e retenção do CCB, assim como a resistência conferida à madeira, de modo geral, decresceram da base para o topo das peças. O tratamento preservativo conferiu às peças de algaroba uma alta resistência ao fungo P. placenta. Isso não ocorreu apenas nas amostras provenientes do topo (submetidas a 1% de CCB e 15 dias de tratamento; 2% e 9 dias; 3% e 3, 12 e 15 dias e meio das peças (3% de CCB e 3 e 12 dias de tratamento, que foram classificadas como resistentes.The objective of research was to analyze the "Osmose CCB" preservative efficiency to improve the wood Prosopis juliflora (Sw D.C. resistance to Postia placenta fungus. In order to meet the objectives proposed, round pieces of P. juliflora were treated by sap displaced method in 1; 2 and 3% of active ingredients of CCB solutions, by 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days. Wood disks were obtained at three positions (50 cm from the base, middle and top of the treated pieces. CCB penetration and retention were analyzed at these positions, as well as the resistance to P. placenta fungus (accelerated laboratory test decay It was found better penetration and retention in pieces submitted to 2% of CCB solutions. The CCB penetration and retention, as well as the resistance of treated

  12. Smoking specifically induces metallothionein-2 isoform in human placenta at term

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ronco, Ana Maria; Garrido, Fernando; Llanos, Miguel N.


    Recently, we reported the presence of higher levels of metallothionein (MT) in placentas of smokers compared to non-smokers. In the present study, we designed experiments to separate and evaluate two isoforms of MT (MT-1 and MT-2) in placentas of smokers and non-smokers. Metallothionein was extracted and separated by ion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), previous saturation with cadmium chloride. Two peaks eluting at 6 and 12.5 min, corresponding to MT-1 and MT-2, respectively, were obtained. Metallothionein present in both peaks was identified by Western blot analysis using a monoclonal antibody directed against MT-1 and MT-2. Each isoform concentration was calculated after measuring its cadmium content by atomic absorption spectrometry with inductively coupled-plasma. In placentas of smokers, MT-2 levels increased by seven-fold compared to non-smokers, whereas MT-1 was not changed. Total placental cadmium and zinc concentrations, determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and neutron activation analysis, respectively, were higher in smokers. Metallothioneins levels were clearly in excess to bind all cadmium ions present in placentas. However, most of placental zinc remains unbound to MTs, although as much as twice zinc ions could be bound to MT in smokers. In conclusion, MT-2 is the main isoform induced by smoking, suggesting that this isoform could be involved in placental cadmium and zinc retention. This fact, which could contribute to reduce the transference of zinc to the fetus, may be associated to detrimental effects on fetal growth and development

  13. Consentimento livre e esclarecido: experiência de pesquisadores brasileiros na área da regulação da fecundidade

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    Hardy Ellen


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a experiência de pesquisadores com a apreciação do protocolo por um Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP; com a elaboração do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE e com a obtenção do consentimento, e verificar se o conteúdo do TCLE estava de acordo com as exigências da Resolução 196/96. Trinta e quatro pesquisadores completaram um questionário auto-respondido, enviado por correio eletrônico. Quase todos os participantes (91% relataram que o protocolo desse estudo havia sido avaliado por um CEP. Mais da metade deles referiram que o TCLE utilizado havia sido recebido pronto; que o consentimento do possível sujeito havia sido obtido pelo pesquisador responsável, e que os sujeitos haviam recebido uma cópia do Termo assinada. Cerca da metade dos participantes afirmaram que a forma de ressarcimento das despesas dos sujeitos, decorrentes da participação na pesquisa, e 44% disseram que as formas de indenização, no caso de eventuais danos, constavam no Termo. De acordo com o relato dos participantes, em geral as exigências da Resolução avaliadas haviam sido cumpridas.

  14. Mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis and related proteins in placenta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    eclampsia (PE).This study aimed at evaluating the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in placenta of pregnant women with pre-eclampsia and correlate it with severity and pregnancy outcome . Apoptosis was assessed by measuring DNA ...

  15. Placenta accreta: MRI antenatal diagnosis and surgical correlation. (United States)

    Ha, T P; Li, K C


    We describe a case of a placenta previa accreta that was diagnosed antenatally by MRI with subsequent surgical confirmation. We show the advantages of ultrafast MRI single shot (SS) fast spin echo (FSE) techniques for accurate diagnosis with minimal scan time and fetal motion artifacts.

  16. Changes in mitochondrial respiration in the human placenta over gestation. (United States)

    Holland, Olivia J; Hickey, Anthony J R; Alvsaker, Anna; Moran, Stephanie; Hedges, Christopher; Chamley, Lawrence W; Perkins, Anthony V


    Placental mitochondria are subjected to micro-environmental changes throughout gestation, in particular large variations in oxygen. How placental mitochondrial respiration adapts to changing oxygen concentrations remains unexplored. Additionally, placental tissue is often studied in culture; however, the effect of culture on placental mitochondria is unclear. Placental tissue was obtained from first trimester and term (laboured and non-laboured) pregnancies, and selectively permeabilized to access mitochondria. Respirometry was used to compare respiration states and substrate use in mitochondria. Additionally, explants of placental tissue were cultured for four, 12, 24, 48, or 96 h and respiration measured. Mitochondrial respiration decreased at 11 weeks compared to earlier gestations (p = 0.05-0.001), and mitochondrial content increased at 12-13 weeks compared to 7-10 weeks (p = 0.042). In term placentae, oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) through mitochondrial complex IV (p Respiration was increased (p ≤ 0.006-0.001) in laboured compared to non-laboured placenta. After four hours of culture, respiration was depressed compared to fresh tissue from the same placenta and continued to decline with time in culture. Markers of apoptosis were increased, while markers of autophagy, mitochondrial biogenesis, and mitochondrial membrane potential were decreased after four hours of culture. Respiration and mitochondrial content alter over gestation/with labour. Decreased respiration at 11 weeks and increased mitochondrial content at 12-13 weeks may relate to onset of maternal blood flow, and increased respiration as a result of labour may be an adaptation to ischaemia-reperfusion. At term, mitochondria were more susceptible to changes in respiratory function relative to first trimester when cultured in vitro, perhaps reflecting changes in metabolic demands as gestation progresses. Metabolic plasticity of placental mitochondria has relevance to placenta

  17. Produção da proteína recombinante anexina V humana em cultivos de Escherichia coli em batelada alimentada


    Marder, Laura Schirmbeck


    A Anexina V é uma proteína humana endógena dependente de Ca+2, com peso molecular de 35,8 kDa, amplamente distribuída intracelularmente em altas concentrações na placenta e em concentrações mais baixas nas células endoteliais, renais, miocárdicas, epiteliais, esqueléticas musculares, eritrócitos, plaquetas e monócitos. Apresenta como principal característica a capacidade de se ligar à fosfatidilserina, um fosfolipídeo presente na camada interna da bicamada lipídica, que durante a apoptose cel...

  18. Placenta praevia: review of clinical presentation and management in a Nigerian teaching hospital. (United States)

    Ikechebelu, J I; Onwusulu, D N


    The study aims at reviewing the clinical presentation and management of placenta praevia in a tertiary health facility. This is a retrospective study of 59 cases of placenta praevia managed at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi from January 1997 to December 2001. The case records of 44 of the patients were obtained from the hospital medical records department and analysed. During the five year period, there were 3565 deliveries and 59 cases of placenta praevia giving an incidence of 1.65%. Thirty four (77.3%) occurred in women aged 35 years and below. The commonest was type 111 (12 cases; 27.3%) followed by type IV (10 cases; 22.7%). Previous uterine scar was associated with 22 (50.0%) cases. Age had no statistically significant effect on the prevalence. The commonest GA range at presentation (13; 29.6%) and at delivery (18; 40.9%) was 37-40 weeks. The commonest mode of presentation was antepartum haemorrhage (34; 77.3%) followed by abnormal lie and malpresentation (4 each; 9.1%). The average admission delivery interval was one week in 33 (75.0%) cases and only two (4.5%) received blood transfusion. Forty (90.9%) women had caesarean delivery while 12 (27.3%) babies were of low birth weight. There were only 2 (4.5%) fetal deaths and one (2.3%) caesarean hysterectomy. The commonest predisposing factor to placenta praevia in this study is previous uterine scar. Judicious use of caesarean section especially in the primigravida will help reduce the incidence of placenta praevia. Also a screening ultrasonography at 34-36 weeks gestation (especially in women with previously scarred uterus) is recommended.

  19. Incompatibilidade de enxertia induz aumento da suscetibilidade de cultivares de pessegueiro à Xanthomonas arboricola pv. Pruni

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    Ivan dos Santos Pereira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a compatibilidade de enxertia, a suscetibilidade à bacteriose e a frutificação de oito combinações, assim como, a influência da compatibilidade sobre a severidade da doença e a frutificação do pessegueiro. O experimento foi realizado ao nível de campo, sob infecção natural da bactéria, no Centro Agropecuário da Palma, pertencente à FAEM/UFPel, em Capão do Leão-RS. Foram avaliadas as combinações entre as cultivares 'Chimarrita' e Maciel e os porta-enxertos 'Aldrighi', 'Capdeboscq', 'Tsukuba 1' e 'Umezeiro'. O pomar foi implantado em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, sendo cada unidade experimental composta de cinco plantas. Foi avaliada, a compatibilidade de enxertia, o diâmetro do caule, a severidade de dano e o índice de doença, a área foliar e a frutificação. As combinações entre as cultivares 'Chimarrita' e 'Maciel' e o porta-enxerto 'Umezeiro', apresentaram menor compatibilidade de enxertia, maior severidade de dano e índice de bacteriose, além de menor frutificação que as demais. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram concluir que as combinações 'Chimarrita'/'Umezeiro' e 'Maciel'/'Umezeiro' são incompatíveis, além de, mais suscetíveis à bacteriose e menos produtivas, comparadas às demais. Pode-se dizer também, que a incompatibilidade de enxertia induz maior suscetibilidade das plantas à infecção por bacteriose, resultando em maior severidade da doença e menor frutificação

  20. A aprendizagem da escrita e a escolaridade materna

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    Amanda de Andrade Ferreira


    Full Text Available Objetivo investigar a escrita de crianças e a relação com o grau de instrução materno. Métodos as mães das crianças responderam a uma entrevista com a finalidade de conhecer seu nível de escolaridade, além de outros aspectos socioculturais. Em seguida, a escrita das crianças foi avaliada segundo o Roteiro de Observação Ortográfica de Zorzi (1998, composto por ditados de palavras, frases e textos, assim como produções textuais, utilizando-se o gênero narrativo, a partir de temas pré-estabelecidos. Foram avaliadas 30 crianças, todas matriculadas no 3º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola municipal da cidade do Recife. Os dados foram tabulados em uma planilha do software de análise estatística SPSS. Resultado observou-se que 20% das crianças ainda não atingiram o nível alfabético do desenvolvimento da escrita, o que é um aspecto importante, considerando que no 3º ano as crianças já devem estar consolidando a leitura e escrita funcionais. Foram observadas correlações significantes entre a escolaridade materna e a aquisição do esquema narrativo de histórias, assim como entre a escolaridade materna e os hábitos de leitura das mães. Uma análise dos erros ortográficos revelou que as crianças cometiam os mesmos tipos de erros já observados em outras populações, apenas com uma frequência maior. Crianças que produziram as narrativas mais estruturadas foram as que cometeram mais erros ortográficos, o que comprova que o erro ortográfico é inerente ao processo de aquisição da escrita e não constitui obstáculo à produção textual. Conclusão a aprendizagem da escrita sofre influência de fatores sociais, como a escolaridade materna. Tais aspectos necessitam ser considerados na avaliação e diagnóstico fonoaudiológico, assim como nas práticas educativas oferecidas pela instituição escolar.

  1. Management Outcomes of Abruptio Placentae at Nnamdi Azikiwe ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study is to determine incidence, risk factors and management outcomes of abruptio placentae (AP) and comparing them with cases without AP who delivered within the same period. METHODS: A 10 year retrospective study of AP managed at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching ...

  2. Sclerotherapy with 6% polidocanol solution in patients with placenta accreta. (United States)

    Malagón Reyes, Ricardo Mauricio; Castorena de Ávila, Rubén; Ángeles Vázquez, María de Jesús; Núñez Monteagudo, César Augusto; Mendieta Zerón, Hugo


    Placenta accreta is one of the main obstetrical complications worldwide. The aim of this study was to report the experience of managing placenta accreta with a 6% polidocanol solution sclerotherapy. We selected patients between 37 weeks of gestation and 38 weeks of gestation, diagnosed with placenta accreta, treated at the Maternal Perinatal Hospital "Monica Pretelini Sáenz", Toluca, Mexico, during the period from November 2013 to August 2014. The surgical technique has two steps: (1) fundic-arciform caesarean section followed by a 6% polidocanol sclerosing solution through a 6Fr neonatal feeding tube upon its reaching the placental bed; (2) total abdominal hysterectomy with internal hypogastric artery ligation. Data were collected from 11 patients with a mean age of 33.9 years (range, 26-42 years) and 2.8±0.6 days of hospitalization in the obstetrical intensive care unit. The majority of patients were classified as having pregnancies at an advanced age. All women were multigravidas. Bleeding volume exhibited a range between 2.5 L and 3 L without any case of neonatal death but one mother died because of coagulopathy. We conclude that the technique that we are reporting is feasible for implementation in obstetric hospitals, with technical and economic feasibility. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Placenta accreta and the developing world--a review. (United States)

    Umezurike, C C; Feyi-Waboso, P A


    The rising Caesarean section rate in the developing world implies that the incidence of placenta accreta might be on the increase and this might worsen the maternal mortality burden. To draw the attention of Obstetricians and other relevant professionals to this emerging but challenging trend. Original research findings and reviews published in the English literature. Additional information was obtained from texts and electronic books such as CD ROMS. Online searches of electronic database (Medline, Pubmed and Embase), requests for reprints from corresponding authors and institutional/private subscriptions. Information obtained was categorised accordingly. Optimal treatment of women with placenta accreta requires recognition of the clinical risk factors, accurate pre-operative diagnosis and meticulous planning to ensure safety at the time of delivery. In view of the rising incidence of this condition, and the absence of a highly reliable antenatal diagnostic method especially in developing countries, a high index of suspicion and advanced preparation is required to reduce its associated maternal morbidity and mortality.

  4. Prevalence of soft tissue calcifications in cone beam computed tomography images of the mandible = Prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular avaliadas por dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico


    Nunes, Leiliane Ferreira da Silva


    Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de calcificações em tecido mole na região mandibular por meio de análise de imagens axiais provenientes de dois sistemas de tomografia computadorizada por feixe cônico (TCFC), NewTom 3G® e Classic i-Cat® Método: Foram avaliadas 246 imagens da região mandibular. Destas, 163 foram adquiridas no aparelho NewTom 3G® e 83 no aparelho Classic i-Cat®. A análise estatística foi baseada no teste exato de Fisher e no teste Qui-quadrado para comparação das proporçõe...

  5. Análise crítica da qualidade da dieta da população brasileira segundo o Índice de Alimentação Saudável: uma revisão sistemática

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    Patrícia Regina Silva Moreira


    Full Text Available Resumo Diante da importância de estudar instrumentos que avaliem a qualidade alimentar da população, este trabalho se propõe realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre o Índice de Alimentação Saudável como instrumento utilizado para avaliar a qualidade da dieta da população brasileira, analisando suas metodologias e resultados. Para a seleção de estudos foram utilizadas as principais bases eletrônicas de dados. Após as buscas com os descritores, foram incluídos 32 artigos. Observou-se o crescente interesse da comunidade científica na abordagem deste tema, sendo recentes os estudos que utilizam esse instrumento no Brasil. Foram avaliadas e discutidas as questões metodológicas dos artigos, considerando as versões revisadas, bem como as adaptações do IAS. Foram destacados alguns resultados comuns entre os estudos como o baixo consumo de frutas, vegetais e/ou leite e derivados e maior consumo dos grupos de carnes e ovos, colesterol, gordura total e gordura saturada. Dentre os artigos que abordaram o IAS e aspectos socioeconômicos, pode-se observar na população estudada que a qualidade da dieta melhora tanto de acordo com o aumento da escolaridade dos pais quanto com a renda da família. O IAS pode ser utilizado para monitorar mudanças no padrão alimentar, bem como ferramenta de educação nutricional e promoção da saúde.

  6. Microvascularization on collared peccary placenta

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Santos, Tatiana Carlesso; Oliveira, Moacir Franco; Dantzer, Vibeke


    and fetal compartments of the placentae. The immunolocalization of vimentin in the vascular endothelium and in the smooth muscle cells of blood vessels showed indented capillaries along the uterine epithelium and the trophoblast at the sides of complementary maternal and fetal microfolds, or rugae...... into a microvascular network wall in a basket-like fashion. At the base of these baskets venules were formed. On the fetal side, arterioles branched centrally in the fetal rugae into a capillary network in a bulbous form, complementary to the opposite maternal depressions forming the baskets. At the base...

  7. Suppression by ellagic acid of 60Co-irradiation-induced lipid peroxidation in placenta and fetus of rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oku, Hirotsugu


    The effect of ellagic acid, a component of Eucalyptus maculata, on lipid peroxidation was examined in placenta and fetus of pregnant rats irradiated with 60 Co. The increase in lipid peroxide levels by the irradiation of the placenta and fetus brain as well as those of the serum and organs of mother was suppressed by treatment of the mother rats with ellagic acid. This suppressing effect found in placenta and fetus was significantly correlated with that found in mother rats. Moreover, ellagic acid suppressed the morphological changes such as degeneration in the endothelial cells of placenta and liver cells of fetus caused by the irradiation and improved the survival rate after the irradiation. These suppressing effects of ellagic acid were approximately the same as those of α-tocopherol. (author)

  8. Review: Public perspectives on the utilization of human placentas in scientific research and medicine. (United States)

    Yoshizawa, R S


    Placental tissues are frequently utilized by scientists studying pregnancy and reproduction and in diverse fields including immunology, stem cell research, genetics, cancer research, and tissue engineering, as well as by clinicians in many therapies. Though the utilization of the human placenta in science and medicine has benefitted many people, little is known about public perspectives of this phenomenon. This review addresses placental donation, collection, and utilization in science and medicine, focusing on public perspectives. Cultural values and traditions, ethical paradigms and concerns, public understandings of science and medicine, and political considerations may impact perceptions of the utilization of the placenta in science and medicine, but systematic study is lacking. It is argued that knowledge of public views gained from empirical investigation may underpin the development of collection protocols and research projects that are more responsive to public will, spur more extensive utilization in science and medicine of this unique organ, and/or aid in the realization of the mobilization of knowledge about the placenta for clinical and educational ends. New avenues for research on public perspectives of the placenta are proposed. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Epoxiconazole-induced degeneration in rat placenta and the effects of estradiol supplementation. (United States)

    Rey Moreno, Maria Cecilia; Fussell, Karma C; Gröters, Sibylle; Schneider, Steffen; Strauss, Volker; Stinchcombe, Stefan; Fegert, Ivana; Veras, Mariana; van Ravenzwaay, Bennard


    Epoxiconazole (CAS-No. 133855-98-8) was recently shown to cause both a marked depletion of maternal estradiol blood levels and a significantly increased incidence of late fetal mortality when administered to pregnant rats throughout gestation (GD 7-18 or 21); estradiol supplementation prevented this epoxiconazole effect in rats (Stinchcombe et al., 2013), indicating that epoxiconazole-mediated estradiol depletion is a critical key event for induction of late fetal resorptions in rats. For further elucidation of the mode of action, the placentas from these modified prenatal developmental toxicity experiments with 23 and 50 mg/kg bw/d epoxiconazole were subjected to a detailed histopathological examination. This revealed dose-dependent placental degeneration characterized by cystic dilation of maternal sinuses in the labyrinth, leading to rupture of the interhemal membrane. Concomitant degeneration occurred in the trophospongium. Both placentas supporting live fetuses and late fetal resorptions were affected; the highest degree of severity was observed in placentas with late resorptions. Placental degeneration correlated with a severe decline in maternal serum estradiol concentration. Supplementation with 0.5 and 1.0 μg of the synthetic estrogen estradiol cyclopentylpropionate per day reduced the severity of the degeneration in placentas with live fetuses. The present study demonstrates that both the placental degeneration and the increased incidence of late fetal resorptions are due to decreased levels of estrogen, since estrogen supplementation ameliorates the former and abolishes the latter. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Effects of indomethacin, NS-398 (a selective prostaglandin H synthase-2 inhibitor) and protein synthesis inhibitors on prostaglandin production by the guinea-pig placenta. (United States)

    Aitken, H; Poyser, N L


    The outputs of PGF(2 alpha), PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF(1 alpha)were similar from the day 22 guinea-pig placenta and sub-placenta in culture, except for PGE2 output from the sub-placenta which was lower. Between days 22 and 29 of pregnancy, the outputs of PGF(2 alpha), PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF(1 alpha)during the initial 2 h culture period increased 6.9-, 1.1- and 3.2-fold, respectively, from the placenta, and 2.1-, 1.4- and 2.2-fold, respectively, from the sub-placenta. Therefore, there was a relatively specific increase in PGF(2 alpha)production by the guinea-pig placenta between days 22 and 29 of pregnancy. The output of PGFM from the cultured placenta also increased between days 22 and 29, indicating that the increase in PGF(2 alpha)output was due to increased synthesis rather than to decreased metabolism. By comparing the amounts of prostaglandins produced by tissue homogenates during a 1 h incubation period, it appears that there is approximately a 2-fold increase in the amount of prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) present in the guinea-pig placenta between days 22 and 29. NS-398 (a specific inhibitor of PGHS-2) and indomethacin (an inhibitor of both PGHS-1 and PGHS-2) both inhibited prostaglandin production by homogenates of day 22 and day 29 placenta. Indomethacin was more effective than NS-398, except for their actions on PGF(2 alpha)production by the day 29 placenta where indomethacin and NS-398 were equiactive. Indomethacin and NS-398 were both very effective at inhibiting the outputs of PGF(2 alpha), PGE2 and 6-keto-PGF(1 alpha)from the day 22 and day 29 placenta and sub-placenta in culture, indicating that prostaglandin production by the guinea-pig placenta and sub-placenta in culture is largely dependent upon the activity of PGHS-2. The high production of PGF(2 alpha)by the day 29 placenta is not dependent on the continual synthesis of fresh protein(s), as inhibitors of protein synthesis did not reduce PGF(2 alpha)output from the day 29 guinea-pig placenta in culture

  11. The human placenta from heavy smokers: evaluation of vasoactive peptides by immunohistochemistry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, H V; Larsen, L Grupe; Jørgensen, A


    The study aimed to demonstrate the expression of nitric oxide converting enzyme, nitric oxide synthase (e-NOS), and endothelin-1 (Et-1) in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded placental tissue, and to demonstrate a difference in staining intensity between heavy smokers and non-smokers. Term placentas...... from pregnancies from otherwise healthy women smoking 15 or more cigarettes per day (heavy smokers) and term placentas from a matching group of non-smokers were included. The antibodies for Et-1 and e-NOS are recommended for cryostat sections. We evaluated the antibodies on paraffin-embedded tissue...

  12. Developmental peculiarities in placentae of ovine uniparental conceptuses.

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    Roberta Arena

    Full Text Available Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon regulating mono-allelic expression of genes depending on their parental origin. Defective genomic imprinting is involved in several placental disorders, such as intrauterine growth restriction and pre-eclampsia. Uniparental embryos, having maternal-only or paternal-only genomes (parthenogenotes [PAR] and androgenotes [AND], respectively, are useful models to study placentation. The aim of this work was to reveal the effect of parental genome (maternal and paternal on placentation. To do this, uniparental (AND and PAR and biparental (CTR in vitro produced sheep embryos transferred to recipient females were collected at day 20 of pregnancy and their placentae were analyzed. qPCR analysis showed that imprinted genes (H19, IGF2R and DLK1 were expressed accordingly to their parental origin while the expression f DNA methyltransferases ( was disregulated, especially in PAR (P < 0.05. AND placentae were significantly hypomethylated compared to both PAR and CTR (P = 0.023. Chorion-allantoid of AND showed impaired development of vessels and reduced mRNA expression of vasculogenetic factors (ANG2 P = 0.05; VEGFR2 P< 0.001; TIE2 P < 0.001. Morphologically, PAR placentae were characterized by abnormal structure of the trophoectodermal epithelium and reduced total number (P<0.03 of Trophoblastic Binucleate Cells. A reduced implantation rate of both classes of uniparental embryos (P<0.03 was also noted. Our results provide new insights into the characterization of uniparental embryos and demonstrate the complementary role of parental genomes for the correct establishment of pregnancy. Thus, our findings may suggest new targets to improve our understanding of the origin of imprinting-related placental dysfunction.

  13. Landscape of transcriptional deregulations in the preeclamptic placenta.

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    Daniel Vaiman

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a pregnancy disease affecting 5 to 8% of pregnant women and a leading cause of both maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. Because of a default in the process of implantation, the placenta of preeclamptic women undergoes insufficient vascularization. This results in placental ischemia, inflammation and subsequent release of placental debris and vasoactive factors in the maternal circulation causing a systemic endothelial activation. Several microarray studies have analyzed the transcriptome of the preeclamptic placentas to identify genes which could be involved in placental dysfunction. In this study, we compared the data from publicly available microarray analyses to obtain a consensus list of modified genes. This allowed to identify consistently modified genes in the preeclamptic placenta. Of these, 67 were up-regulated and 31 down-regulated. Assuming that changes in the transcription level of co-expressed genes may result from the coordinated action of a limited number of transcription factors, we looked for over-represented putative transcription factor binding sites in the promoters of these genes. Indeed, we found that the promoters of up-regulated genes are enriched in putative binding sites for NFkB, CREB, ANRT, REEB1, SP1, and AP-2. In the promoters of down-regulated genes, the most prevalent putative binding sites are those of MZF-1, NFYA, E2F1 and MEF2A. These transcriptions factors are known to regulate specific biological pathways such as cell responses to inflammation, hypoxia, DNA damage and proliferation. We discuss here the molecular mechanisms of action of these transcription factors and how they can be related to the placental dysfunction in the context of preeclampsia.

  14. The human placenta--an alternative for studying foetal exposure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Myren, Maja; Mose, Tina; Mathiesen, Line


    Pregnant women are daily exposed to a wide selection of foreign substances. Sources are as different as lifestyle factors (smoking, daily care products, alcohol consumption, etc.), maternal medication or occupational/environmental exposures. The placenta provides the link between mother and foetus......, and though its main task is to act as a barrier and transport nutrients and oxygen to the foetus, many foreign compounds are transported across the placenta to some degree and may therefore influence the unborn child. Foetal exposures to environmental and medicinal products may have impact on the growth...... of the foetus (e.g. cigarette smoke) and development of the foetal organs (e.g. methylmercury and thalidomide). The scope of this review is to give insight to the placental anatomy, development and function. Furthermore, the compounds physical properties and the transfer mechanism across the placental barrier...

  15. Gadd45 α expression in preeclampsia placenta and the effect of Gadd45 α on trophoblast HTR8/Svneo

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    Li Wang


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the expression of Gadd45 α in preeclampsia placenta and the regulating effect of Gadd45 α knockdown on trophoblast HTR8/Svneo. Methods: Preeclampsia placenta tissue and normal placenta tissue were collected, and mRNA contents and protein contents of Gadd45 α were detected by fluorescent quantitative PCR and Western blotting respectively; trophoblast cells HTR8/Svneo were cultured and after transfection of Gadd45 α siRNA, cell invasion ability and expression of invasion-assiotiated molecules were detected. Results: mRNA content and protein content of Gadd45 α in preeclampsia placenta tissue were higher than those in normal placenta tissue; after transfection of Gadd45 α siRNA, mRNA content and protein content of Gadd45 α in HTR8/Svneo cells significantly decreased, and the number of invasive cells as well as expression of MMP1, MMP2, MMP3 and MMP9 significantly increased. Conclusion: The expression of Gadd45 α in preeclampsia placenta abnormally increases; inhibting the expression of Gadd45 α in trophoblasts HTR8/Svneo can promote invasion and increase the expression of MMPs molecules.

  16. Cadmium-induced teratogenicity: Association with ROS-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress in placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Zhen; Wang, Hua; Xu, Zhong Mei; Ji, Yan-Li; Chen, Yuan-Hua; Zhang, Zhi-Hui; Zhang, Cheng; Meng, Xiu-Hong; Zhao, Mei; Xu, De-Xiang


    The placenta is essential for sustaining the growth of the fetus. An increased endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress has been associated with the impaired placental and fetal development. Cadmium (Cd) is a potent teratogen that caused fetal malformation and growth restriction. The present study investigated the effects of maternal Cd exposure on placental and fetal development. The pregnant mice were intraperitoneally injected with CdCl 2 (4.5 mg/kg) on gestational day 9. As expected, maternal Cd exposure during early limb development significantly increased the incidences of forelimb ectrodactyly in fetuses. An obvious impairment in the labyrinth, a highly developed tissue of blood vessels, was observed in placenta of mice treated with CdCl 2 . In addition, maternal Cd exposure markedly repressed cell proliferation and increased apoptosis in placenta. An additional experiment showed that maternal Cd exposure significantly upregulated the expression of GRP78, an ER chaperone. Moreover, maternal Cd exposure induced the phosphorylation of placental eIF2α, a downstream molecule of PERK signaling. In addition, maternal Cd exposure significantly increased the level of placental CHOP, another target of PERK signaling, indicating that the unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling was activated in placenta of mice treated with CdCl 2 . Interestingly, alpha-phenyl-N-t-butylnitrone, a free radical spin-trapping agent, significantly alleviated Cd-induced placental ER stress and UPR. Taken together, these results suggest that reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated ER stress might be involved in Cd-induced impairment on placental and fetal development. Antioxidants may be used as pharmacological agents to protect against Cd-induced fetal malformation and growth restriction. -- Highlights: ► Cd induces fetal malformation and growth restriction. ► Cd induced placental ER stress and UPR. ► PBN alleviates Cd-induced ER stress and UPR in placenta. ► ROS-mediated ER stress might

  17. Glucocorticoid stimulates expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone gene in human placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, B.G.; Emanuel, R.L.; Frim, D.M.; Majzoub, J.A.


    Primary cultures of purified human cytotrophoblasts have been used to examine the expression of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) gene in placenta. The authors report here that glucocorticoids stimulate placental CRH synthesis and secretion in primary cultures of human placenta. This stimulation is in contrast to the glucocorticoid suppression of CRH expression in hypothalamus. The positive regulation of CRH by glucocorticoids suggests that the rise in CRH preceding parturition could result from the previously described rise in fetal glucocorticoids. Furthermore, this increase in placental CRH could stimulate, via adrenocorticotropic hormone, a further rise in fetal glucocorticoids, completing a positive feedback loop that would be terminated by delivery

  18. Maternal obesity alters brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling in the placenta in a sexually dimorphic manner. (United States)

    Prince, Calais S; Maloyan, Alina; Myatt, Leslie


    Obesity is a major clinical problem in obstetrics being associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and fetal programming. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a validated miR-210 target, is necessary for placental development, fetal growth, glucose metabolism, and energy homeostasis. Plasma BDNF levels are reduced in obese individuals; however, placental BDNF has yet to be studied in the context of maternal obesity. In this study, we investigated the effect of maternal obesity and sexual dimorphism on placental BDNF signaling. BDNF signaling was measured in placentas from lean (pre-pregnancy BMI 30) women at term without medical complications that delivered via cesarean section without labor. MiRNA-210, BDNF mRNA, proBDNF, and mature BDNF were measured by RT - PCR, ELISA, and Western blot. Downstream signaling via TRKB (BDNF receptor) was measured using Western blot. Maternal obesity was associated with increased miRNA-210 and decreased BDNF mRNA in placentas from female fetuses, and decreased proBDNF in placentas from male fetuses. We also identified decreased mature BDNF in placentas from male fetuses when compared to female fetuses. Mir-210 expression was negatively correlated with mature BDNF protein. TRKB phosphorylated at tyrosine 817, not tyrosine 515, was increased in placentas from obese women. Maternal obesity was associated with increased phosphorylation of MAPK p38 in placentas from male fetuses, but not phosphorylation of ERK p42/44. BDNF regulation is complex and highly regulated. Pre-pregnancy/early maternal obesity adversely affects BDNF/TRKB signaling in the placenta in a sexually dimorphic manner. These data collectively suggest that induction of placental TRKB signaling could ameliorate the placental OB phenotype, thus improving perinatal outcome. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Ana Paula de Lima Veeck


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da exposição in vivo a concentrações estressantes de amônia e oxigênio na água e do tratamento com extrato de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis) post mortem sobre a estabilidade lipídica de filés de dourado (Salminus brasiliensis). Foi avaliada a influência de diferentes níveis de amônia e oxigênio sobre a composição centesimal, composição de ácidos graxos e a peroxidação lipídica de filés de dourado, assim como a estabilidade desses filés d...

  20. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy regulates the expression of specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits in the human placenta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Machaalani, R., E-mail: [Department of Medicine, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Bosch Institute, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); The Children' s Hospital at Westmead, NSW 2145 (Australia); Ghazavi, E. [Bosch Institute, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); School of Medical Sciences (Pharmacology), The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Hinton, T. [School of Medical Sciences (Pharmacology), The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); Waters, K.A. [Department of Medicine, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Australia); The Children' s Hospital at Westmead, NSW 2145 (Australia); Hennessy, A. [School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney, NSW 2751 (Australia); Heart Research Institute, 7 Eliza St Newtown, NSW 2042 (Australia)


    Smoking during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, premature delivery, and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Nicotine, a major pathogenic compound of cigarette smoke, binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). A total of 16 nAChR subunits have been identified in mammals (9 α, 4 β, and 1 δ, γ and ε subunits). The effect of cigarette smoking on the expression of these subunits in the placenta has not yet been determined, thus constituting the aim of this study. Using RT-qPCR and western blotting, this study investigated all 16 mammalian nAChR subunits in the normal healthy human placenta, and compared mRNA and protein expressions in the placentas from smokers (n = 8) to controls (n = 8). Our data show that all 16 subunit mRNAs are expressed in the normal, non-diseased human placenta and that the expression of α2, α3, α4, α9, β2 and β4 subunits is greater than the other subunits. For mRNA, cigarette smoke exposure was associated with increased expression of the α9 subunit, and decreased expression of the δ subunit. At the protein level, expression of both α9 and δ was increased. Thus, cigarette smoking in pregnancy is sufficient to regulate nAChR subunits in the placenta, specifically α9 and δ subunits, and could contribute to the adverse effects of vasoconstriction and decreased re-epithelialisation (α9), and increased calcification and apoptosis (δ), seen in the placentas of smoking women. - Highlights: • All 16 mammalian nAChR subunits are expressed in the human placenta. • Cigarette smoking increases α9 mRNA and protein in the placenta. • Cigarette smoking decreases δ mRNA but increases δ protein in the placenta.

  1. Cigarette smoking during pregnancy regulates the expression of specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits in the human placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Machaalani, R.; Ghazavi, E.; Hinton, T.; Waters, K.A.; Hennessy, A.


    Smoking during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, premature delivery, and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Nicotine, a major pathogenic compound of cigarette smoke, binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). A total of 16 nAChR subunits have been identified in mammals (9 α, 4 β, and 1 δ, γ and ε subunits). The effect of cigarette smoking on the expression of these subunits in the placenta has not yet been determined, thus constituting the aim of this study. Using RT-qPCR and western blotting, this study investigated all 16 mammalian nAChR subunits in the normal healthy human placenta, and compared mRNA and protein expressions in the placentas from smokers (n = 8) to controls (n = 8). Our data show that all 16 subunit mRNAs are expressed in the normal, non-diseased human placenta and that the expression of α2, α3, α4, α9, β2 and β4 subunits is greater than the other subunits. For mRNA, cigarette smoke exposure was associated with increased expression of the α9 subunit, and decreased expression of the δ subunit. At the protein level, expression of both α9 and δ was increased. Thus, cigarette smoking in pregnancy is sufficient to regulate nAChR subunits in the placenta, specifically α9 and δ subunits, and could contribute to the adverse effects of vasoconstriction and decreased re-epithelialisation (α9), and increased calcification and apoptosis (δ), seen in the placentas of smoking women. - Highlights: • All 16 mammalian nAChR subunits are expressed in the human placenta. • Cigarette smoking increases α9 mRNA and protein in the placenta. • Cigarette smoking decreases δ mRNA but increases δ protein in the placenta

  2. A genome-wide comparison of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human placenta and umbilical cord

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sen-Wen Teng


    Conclusion: We identified the consistence and specific DEGs of human placenta and umbilical cord based on the genome-wide comparison. Our results indicated that hMSCs derived from umbilical cord and placenta have different gene expression patterns, and most of specific genes are involved in the cell cycle, cell division, cell death, and cell developmental processes.

  3. Avaliação da legibilidade de folhetos informativos e literacia em saúde

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    Afonso Cavaco


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O bom uso dos folhetos informativos dos medicamentos depende, entre outros fatores, da sua legibilidade e da literacia do utilizador, respectivamente a clareza em identificar letras, palavras e frases impressas e a capacidade em compreender e usar essa informação. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar a possível relação entre uma medida de literacia funcional em saúde e a legibilidade de um folheto de um medicamento anti-inflamatório não-esteróide, esta última avaliada pela diretriz Europeia específica. Numa amostra de 53 participantes, recrutados no ano de 2010 numa farmácia da região de Lisboa (Portugal e que apresentavam literacia variável, não se encontrou relação entre o nível de literacia e os vários parâmetros de apreciação da qualidade e legibilidade de um folheto informativo.

  4. Avaliacao de interacoes medicamentosas potenciais em prescricoes da atencao primaria de Vitoria da Conquista (BA, Brasil

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    Danyllo Fabio Lessa Leao


    Full Text Available As interações medicamentosas são fatores de risco para a ocorrência de reações adversas a medicamentos. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as interações medicamentosas potenciais em prescrições da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA, visando preencher a lacuna de conhecimento sobre essa temática no Brasil. Foram coletadas informações sobre diversas variáveis de prescrições oriundas da atenção primária e as interações medicamentosas avaliadas a partir dos bancos de dados do Medscape e Micromedex(r. Verificou-se ainda a frequência de polifarmácia e associação desta com a ocorrência de interações medicamentosas. Os resultados mostraram frequência de 48,9% de interações medicamentosas, 74,9% delas de gravidade moderada ou maior, e 8,6% de prescrições em polifarmácia que, em teste qui-quadrado, mostrou associação positiva com ocorrência de interações medicamentosas potenciais (p < 0,001. As prescrições oriundas da atenção primária de Vitória da Conquista (BA apresentaram uma alta frequência de interações medicamentosas, porém faz-se necessária a análise de outros fatores de risco para ocorrência destas nesse nível de atenção à saúde.

  5. 3'-Azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) induces apoptosis and alters metabolic enzyme activity in human placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Collier, Abby C.; Helliwell, Rachel J.A.; Keelan, Jeffrey A.; Paxton, James W.; Mitchell, Murray D.; Tingle, Malcolm D.


    The anti-HIV drug 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) is the drug of choice for preventing maternal-fetal HIV transmission during pregnancy. Our aim was to assess the cytotoxic effects of AZT on human placenta in vitro. The mechanisms of AZT-induced effects were investigated using JEG-3 choriocarcinoma cells and primary explant cultures from term and first-trimester human placentas. Cytotoxicity measures included trypan blue exclusion, MTT, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) assays. Apoptosis was measured with an antibody specific to cleaved caspase-3 and by rescue of cells by the general caspase inhibitor Boc-D-FMK. The effect of AZT on the activities of glutathione-S-transferase, β-glucuronidase, UDP-glucuronosyl transferase, cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A, and CYP reductase (CYPR) in the placenta was assessed using biochemical assays and immunoblotting. AZT increased ROS levels, decreased cellular proliferation rates, was toxic to mitochondria, and initiated cell death by a caspase-dependent mechanism in the human placenta in vitro. In the absence of serum, the effects of AZT were amplified in all the models used. AZT also increased the amounts of activity of GST, β-glucuronidase, and CYP1A, whereas UGT and CYPR were decreased. We conclude that AZT causes apoptosis in the placenta and alters metabolizing enzymes in human placental cells. These findings have implications for the safe administration of AZT in pregnancy with respect to the maintenance of integrity of the maternal-fetal barrier

  6. Descrição da distribuição diamétrica de sistemas agrossilvipastoris utilizando as funções Weibull e hiperbólica

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    Daniel Henrique Breda Binoti


    Full Text Available Foram objetivos deste estudo ajustar e avaliar diferentes formas da função Weibull e hiperbólica para descrição da estrutura diamétrica de sistemas agrossilvipastoris. O componente florestal foi estabelecido com clones de híbridos de eucalipto no espaçamento 10 x 4 m, visando à produção de madeira para energia e serraria. Nas entrelinhas houve o plantio de culturas anuais, como o arroz no primeiro ano e a soja no segundo. A partir do ano seguinte ocorreu a formação de pastagens de braquiária, manejadas para engorda de gado de corte. Testaram-se as duas funções com três parâmetros, dois parâmetros e parâmetro de locação como diâmetro mínimo e truncada à direita. A aderência da função aos dados foi avaliada pelo teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnorv. As funções também foram avaliadas pela Soma de Quadrados de Desvios (SQD e pela análise gráfica entre valores observados e estimados. Os resultados indicaram a possibilidade do uso das funções para descrição da distribuição diamétrica de povoamentos desbastados.

  7. Placenta Previa Percreta: A Case Report of Successful Management via Conservative Surgery

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    Silvia Canonico


    Full Text Available Placenta percreta is one of the most serious complications of placenta previa and is frequently associated with severe obstetric hemorrhage usually necessitating hysterectomy. We present a case of placenta previa percreta diagnosed by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging techniques, in which we accomplished conservative management of postpartum hemorrhage. The management we propose includes the following steps: preventive catheterization of the descending aorta via transhumeral access; Stark cesarean delivery; uterotonics drugs; Affronti endouterine square hemostatic sutures; intrauterine application of Bakri balloon and partial filling with 100 mL of normal saline; B Lynch suture, hysterorrhaphy, and filling a Bakri balloon with up to 500 mL of normal saline; reversible radiological embolization; and/or surgical ligation of the uterine arteries. The bleeding stopped following placement of Affronti sutures combined with external (B-Lynch suture and internal (Bakri balloon uterine compression. Our experience indicates that this conservative method can be considered an option in the management of selected cases of pregnancy at high risk for intrapartum hemorrhage.

  8. Expression of β human chorionic gonadotropin in the placenta of gestational diabetic mothers: an immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural study. (United States)

    Sak, Muhammed Erdal; Deveci, Engin; Evsen, Mehmet Siddik; Kalkanhi, Sevgi; Baran, Ozlem; Ozekinci, Selver; Seker, Uğur


    To investigate morphologic differences of the placenta in pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes compared to nondiabetic pregnancies. This was a comparative morphological study of the placentas from 20 women with gestational diabetes and 20 healthy pregnancies at 28-35 weeks of gestation. The presence of lesions such as fibrinoid necrosis, villous edema, syncytial knot and vascular lesions like chorangiosis was apparent, mainly in the diabetes group. There was an apparent decrease in the intensity of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) immunostaining in the syncytiotrophoblast from the 28th to 35th weeks of gestation in the placentas of the healthy control group. No hCG immunostaining was observed in the villous or intervillous areas of any of the placentas. In diabetic placentas the expression of hCG was homogeneous with a moderate to intense immunoreactivity in the syncytiotrophoblast. Several syncytiotrophoblast cells showed dilations of both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and loss and alteration of microvilli, and large vacuoles were observed just below the plasma membrane, as well as irregularities in the mitochondria. Syncytial cells play an important role in the placental transition. Increased expression of beta-hCG, deterioration, degeneration of organelles and cell structure and the basal membrane disorder in chorionic vessels were seen in placentas with gestational diabetes. These changes can affect placental transfer. However, further studies are needed to clarify this issue.

  9. The management and outcomes of placenta accreta, increta, and percreta in the UK: a population-based descriptive study. (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, K E; Sellers, S; Spark, P; Kurinczuk, J J; Brocklehurst, P; Knight, M


    To describe the management and outcomes of placenta accreta, increta, and percreta in the UK. A population-based descriptive study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance System (UKOSS). All 221 UK hospitals with obstetrician-led maternity units. All women diagnosed with placenta accreta, increta, and percreta in the UK between May 2010 and April 2011. Prospective case identification through the monthly mailing of UKOSS. Median estimated blood loss, transfusion requirements. A cohort of 134 women were identified with placenta accreta, increta, or percreta: 50% (66/133) were suspected to have this condition antenatally. In women with a final diagnosis of placenta increta or percreta, antenatal diagnosis was associated with reduced levels of haemorrhage (median estimated blood loss 2750 versus 6100 ml, P = 0.008) and a reduced need for blood transfusion (59 versus 94%, P = 0.014), possibly because antenatally diagnosed women were more likely to have preventative therapies for haemorrhage (74 versus 52%, P = 0.007), and were less likely to have an attempt made to remove their placenta (59 versus 93%, P accreta, increta, or percreta who have no attempt to remove any of their placenta, with the aim of conserving their uterus, or prior to hysterectomy, have reduced levels of haemorrhage and a reduced need for blood transfusion, supporting the recommendation of this practice. © 2013 RCOG.

  10. Filosofia da tecnologia e educação: conservação ou crítica inovadora da modernidade?

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    Geraldo Antônio da Rosa

    Full Text Available Resumo: O campo dos estudos sobre ciência e tecnologia e seus benefícios na vida das populações está sendo questionado de maneira veemente nos últimos tempos. A justificativa de que o desenvolvimento da ciência e da tecnologia avança de maneira inexorável e neutra caiu por terra, frente às inúmeras confrontações e limites a que ficou exposta essa racionalidade. São muitos testemunhos e mesmo movimentos teóricos que questionam essa crença atualmente. Nesse texto, pretende-se delimitar alguns marcos teórico-conceituais nos quais se desenvolvem tais propostas do ponto de vista de sua relação com a educação. Para isso, parte-se da discussão, proposta por Marilena Chauí, sobre o modo como se constitui a racionalidade moderna e sua forma de apropriação pelas populações através da ideologia do cientificismo. A seguir, a crítica a essa racionalidade é avaliada segundo os preceitos da Escola de Frankfurt, especialmente na visão de Marcuse e Feenberg. Por último, procura-se apresentar alguns fundamentos dos estudos do movimento Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CT&S sobre essas questões, derivando reflexões para o campo da educação. Trata-se de avançar a discussão de suas origens, conforme exposto na filosofia da tecnologia, de Heidegger, a qual acredita ser destino da humanidade viver sob a égide da técnica, em busca de uma outra relação com a realidade, mais em harmonia com a natureza.

  11. /sup 125/I-human epidermal growth factor specific binding to placentas and fetal membranes from varoius pregnancy states

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hofmann, G.E.; Siddiqi, T.A.; Rao, Ch. V.; Carman, F.R.


    Specific binding of /sup 125/I-human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) to homogenates of term human placentas and fetal membranes from normal and appropriate for gestational age (N = 20), intrauterine growth retarded (N = 9), twin (N = 11), White class AB diabetic (N = 12), and large for gestational age (N = 13) pregnancies was measured. In all pregnancy states, placentas bound approximately four times more /sup 125/I-hEGF than did fetal membranes (P<0.0001). There was no significant differnce in /sup 125/I-hEGF binding to fetal membranes from the various pregnancy states (P<0.05). /sup 125/I-hEGF specific binding to placentas from intrauterine growth retarded or twin pregnancies was significantly greater compared with placentas from normal and appropriate for gestational age pregnancies (P<0.05). The binding to placentas from pregnancies complicated by White class AB diabetes or large for gestational age infants, on the other hand, was not significantly different from that to placentas from normal and appropriate for gestational age pregnancies. /sup 125/I-hEGF specific binding did not differ between placentas from intrauterine growth retarded or twin pregnancies (P<0.05). Placental and fetal membrane /sup 125/I-hEGF binding did not vary with fetal sex, maternal race, placental weight, or gestational age between 37 to 42 weeks (P<0.05). Placental but not fetal membrane /sup 125/I-hEGF binding increased with increasing infant weight when appropriate for gestational age and large for gestational age infants were included (P<0.05, r = 0.38, N = 32) but not for intrauterine growth retarded, appropriate for gestational age, or large for gestational age infants alone.

  12. Fetal blood vessel count increases in compensation of hypoxia in premature placentas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. Kartini


    Full Text Available Background Prematurity refers to live births before 37 weeks of gestation, wherein the baby is born before the body and its organ systems achieve perfect maturity, and this disorder is still a global problem. The high incidence of prematurity is a problem in developing and also in developed countries. Certain conditions accompanying pregnancies like preeclampsia, infection, and placental insufficiency, may trigger uterine hypoxia, causing premature birth. The placental condition is related to the intra-uterine fetal condition. In prolonged placental hypoxia, there occurs a compensatory mechanism, i.e. an increase in placental angiogenesis. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of hypoxia on fetal blood vessel count as compensatory mechanism for tissue hypoxia. Methods An observational-analytical cross-sectional design using paraffin blocks of conserved premature placentas, comprising 31 samples of hypoxic premature placentas and 28 samples of non-hypoxic premature placentas, selected using non-random consecutive sampling. The samples were made into slides and stained with hematoxylin-eosin for assessment of histological structure, including fetal blood vessel count and integrity, villus conditions, syncytiotrophoblastic nuclear changes, and syncytiotrophoblastic nuclear aggregation. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the difference of blood vessel count between groups. Results Assessment of histological structure showed a significant increase in fetal blood vessel count in the hypoxic group [8.00 (5-15] as compared with the non-hypoxic group [7.50 (3-15]. Conclusion The hypoxia in premature placentas caused an increase in the number of fetal blood vessels as a form of compensation for disturbed oxygen homeostasis.

  13. Fetal blood vessel count increases in compensation of hypoxia in premature placentas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K Kartini


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Prematurity refers to live births before 37 weeks of gestation, wherein the baby is born before the body and its organ systems achieve perfect maturity, and this disorder is still a global problem. The high incidence of prematurity is a problem in developing and also in developed countries. Certain conditions accompanying pregnancies like preeclampsia, infection, and placental insufficiency, may trigger uterine hypoxia, causing premature birth. The placental condition is related to the intra-uterine fetal condition. In prolonged placental hypoxia, there occurs a compensatory mechanism, i.e. an increase in placental angiogenesis. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of hypoxia on fetal blood vessel count as compensatory mechanism for tissue hypoxia. METHODS An observational-analytical cross-sectional design using paraffin blocks of conserved premature placentas, comprising 31 samples of hypoxic premature placentas and 28 samples of non-hypoxic premature placentas, selected using non-random consecutive sampling. The samples were made into slides and stained with hematoxylin-eosin for assessment of histological structure, including fetal blood vessel count and integrity, villus conditions, syncytiotrophoblastic nuclear changes, and syncytiotrophoblastic nuclear aggregation. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the difference of blood vessel count between groups. RESULTS Assessment of histological structure showed a significant increase in fetal blood vessel count in the hypoxic group [8.00 (5-15] as compared with the non-hypoxic group [7.50 (3-15]. CONCLUSION The hypoxia in premature placentas caused an increase in the number of fetal blood vessels as a form of compensation for disturbed oxygen homeostasis.

  14. Gene expression profiling of placentas affected by pre-eclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoegh, Anne Mette; Borup, Rehannah; Nielsen, Finn Cilius


    Several studies point to the placenta as the primary cause of pre-eclampsia. Our objective was to identify placental genes that may contribute to the development of pre-eclampsia. RNA was purified from tissue biopsies from eleven pre-eclamptic placentas and eighteen normal controls. Messenger RNA...... expression from pooled samples was analysed by microarrays. Verification of the expression of selected genes was performed using real-time PCR. A surprisingly low number of genes (21 out of 15,000) were identified as differentially expressed. Among these were genes not previously associated with pre-eclampsia...... as bradykinin B1 receptor and a 14-3-3 protein, but also genes that have already been connected with pre-eclampsia, for example, inhibin beta A subunit and leptin. A low number of genes were repeatedly identified as differentially expressed, because they may represent the endpoint of a cascade of events...

  15. Polimorfismo da hemoglobina de bubalinos (Bubalis bubalis da raça Murrah criados no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    A. M. F. Rosenfeld


    Full Text Available Os tipos de hemoglobina foram determinados em 41 amostras de sangue de bubalinos sadios da raça Murrah, criados no município de Roseira, no Estado de São Paulo, sendo cinco animais machos e 36 fêmeas. As amostras sangüíneas foram colhidas por venipunção da jugular, em tubos contendo EDTA e a determinação dos tipos de hemoglobina foi realizada pela técnica de eletroforese alcalina em acetato de celulose, utilizando-se o Tris-EDTA-Borato (pH 8,6 como solução tampão. Duas bandas de migração relativas aos alelos HbA e HbB foram observadas, identificando-se dois genótipos Hb-AA e Hb-AB e as suas freqüências na população avaliada foram: 95,1% dos bubalinos apresentaram o tipo heterozigoto Hb-AB e 4,9% o tipo homozigoto Hb-AA. O polimorfismo da hemoglobina foi observado nos bubalinos e o genótipo heterozigoto Hb-AB foi o mais freqüente.

  16. Histological features of the placenta and their relation to the gross and data from Thoroughbred mares

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    Fernanda M. Pazinato

    Full Text Available Abstract: The placenta is a transitory organ that originates from maternal and fetal tissues, the function of which is transporting nutrients from the mother to the fetus. The aim of this study was describe the histological features of placentas in healthy Thoroughbred mares at foaling and evaluate their relation with the gross placental and data of these mares. For this study 188 Thoroughbred mares were used. It was performed clinical observation for signs of placentitis during daily health checks and ultrasonic examination monthly to assess the fetus and placenta. All of the mares that exhibited clinical signs of placentitis were treated during gestation. The parturition was assisted, the placentas were grossly evaluated and samples were collected immediately after expulsion. The following data were considered for each mare: age, gestational age, number of parturition, time for placental expulsion, umbilical-cord length, placental weight and clinical signs of placentitis. Histological evaluation of the placentas revealed extensive cytoplasmic vacuolization of the epithelial areolar cells, presence of inflammatory infiltrates and hypoplasia-atrophy of the microcotyledons. Most of the gross placental findings were consistent with the histological results. In conclusion the mares with a vacuolated placental chorionic epithelium were older and had experienced a larger number of births. Great part of the mares with inflammatory infiltrates did not showed any clinical signs of placentitis during gestation.

  17. Primary observation of clinical curative effect of superselective uterine artery embolization for treatment of placenta increta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Changfu; Zhang Heping; Zhang Hongxia; Jin Haiying; Wang Binjie; He Xiang; Zhang Jie; Li Changbo


    Objective: To explore the curative effect on superselective uterine artery embolization for treatment of placenta increta. Methods: Pelvic arteriography was performed to confirm bleeding vessels. Then a 5 F Cobra catheter was inserted superselectively into uterine artery ipsilateral to bleeding, through which methotrexatum (MTX) and gelatin sponge were injected for embolization. After the procedure, bleeding, blood pressure, dischargement of placenta tissue, uterine recuperation, and plasma β-HCG were monitored. Results: Bleeding vessels were confirmed in all of the 5 cases of placenta increta. Uterine artery embolization was successful at sole procedure. The operation time was 25.0 to 60.0 min, with the mean time (37.4 ± 5.8) min. Vaginal bleeding stoped in 3.0 to 12.0 minutes after embolization and the mean time was (5.7 ± 2.4) min. Blood pressure returned to normal after operation and vital signs were stable. Placenta tissue discharged on the 5th day to the 4th week after embolization and the mean time was 17 d. The uterus recuperated and blood β-HCG recovered simutaneously. The menstruation and ovulation during follow-up returned to normal. Conclusion: Superselective uterine artery embolization for treatment of placenta increta has advantages such as short operation time, minimal invasion, definite curative effect and reservation of uterus, which is worthy in clinical application. (authors)

  18. Post-implantation mortality of in vitro produced embryos is associated with DNA methyltransferase 1 dysfunction in sheep placenta. (United States)

    Ptak, Grazyna Ewa; D'Agostino, Antonella; Toschi, Paola; Fidanza, Antonella; Zacchini, Federica; Czernik, Marta; Monaco, Federica; Loi, Pasqualino


    Is DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) dysfunction involved in epigenetic deregulation of placentae from embryos obtained by assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs)? DNMT1 expression in growing placentae of in vitro produced (IVP) embryos is compromised and associated with pregnancy loss. DNMT1 maintains the methylation profile of genes during cell division. The methylation status of genes involved in placenta development is altered in embryos obtained in vitro. Disturbances in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression during placentogenesis could be involved in the frequent developmental arrest and loss of IVP embryos. Forty sheep were naturally mated (Group 1, CTR). IVP blastocysts (2-4 per ewe) were surgically transferred to the remaining 46 recipient sheep 6 days after oestrus (Group 2). Twenty-one recipients from Group 1 and 27 recipients from Group 2 were allowed to deliver in order to compare embryo survival in both groups at term (150 days). From the remaining recipients (n = 38), fetuses and placentae of both groups were recovered by paramedian laparotomy at Days 20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 of gestation. Immediately after collection, early placental tissues (chorion-allantois) were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and DNMT1 expression and activity was evaluated. mRNA levels (for DNMT1, HDAC2, PCNA, DMAP1, MEST, IGF2, CDKN1C, H19) and the methylation status of H19 were also analyzed. Furthermore, embryo size and survival rate were measured. Our study shows that DNMT1 expression was reduced in early placentae from sheep IVP embryos. This reduction was associated with growth arrest and subsequent death of the sheep embryos. Conversely, normal levels of DNMT1 and its cofactors were observed in placentae from IVP embryos that survived this developmental bottleneck. Although DNA methylation machinery was severely compromised in IVP placentae only up to Day 24, the low DNMT1 enzymatic activity that persisted after this stage in IVP placentae was not lethal for the

  19. Androgen receptor and histone lysine demethylases in ovine placenta.

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    Ellane R Cleys

    Full Text Available Sex steroid hormones regulate developmental programming in many tissues, including programming gene expression during prenatal development. While estradiol is known to regulate placentation, little is known about the role of testosterone and androgen signaling in placental development despite the fact that testosterone rises in maternal circulation during pregnancy and in placenta-induced pregnancy disorders. We investigated the role of testosterone in placental gene expression, and focused on androgen receptor (AR. Prenatal androgenization decreased global DNA methylation in gestational day 90 placentomes, and increased placental expression of AR as well as genes involved in epigenetic regulation, angiogenesis, and growth. As AR complexes with histone lysine demethylases (KDMs to regulate AR target genes in human cancers, we also investigated if the same mechanism is present in the ovine placenta. AR co-immunoprecipitated with KDM1A and KDM4D in sheep placentomes, and AR-KDM1A complexes were recruited to a half-site for androgen response element (ARE in the promoter region of VEGFA. Androgenized ewes also had increased cotyledonary VEGFA. Finally, in human first trimester placental samples KDM1A and KDM4D immunolocalized to the syncytiotrophoblast, with nuclear KDM1A and KDM4D immunostaining also present in the villous stroma. In conclusion, placental androgen signaling, possibly through AR-KDM complex recruitment to AREs, regulates placental VEGFA expression. AR and KDMs are also present in first trimester human placenta. Androgens appear to be an important regulator of trophoblast differentiation and placental development, and aberrant androgen signaling may contribute to the development of placental disorders.

  20. Distribution of calcium, iron, copper, and zinc in two portions of placenta of teenager and adult women. (United States)

    de Moraes, Milena Lima; de Faria Barbosa, Renata; Santo, Raquel Espírito; da Silva Santos, Flávia; de Almeida, Lívia Belcastro; de Jesus, Edgar Francisco Oliveira; de Carvalho Sardinha, Fátima Lucia; do Carmo, Maria das Graças Tavares


    The placenta is fundamental for fetal development. The aim of this study was to determine Ca, Fe, Cu, and Zn content in the fetal and maternal portions of the placentas of teenage and adult women. Measurement of the minerals was conducted using Synchrotron radiation total reflection X-ray fluorescence. Forty samples from the fetal portion of teenagers and adults and 40 samples from the maternal portion of teenagers and adults were analyzed. There were significant differences in the Ca and Cu concentrations of the placenta's maternal portion when compared to the fetal portion, for both teenagers and adults. There were differences in Fe and Zn concentrations only when comparing the maternal portion of placenta with the fetal portion of the adults. These results suggest important differences in mineral content based on the placental portion. No significant difference was observed between the minerals studied of the maternal portion of teenagers and adults; however, in the fetal portion, mineral concentrations were greater in adults than in teenagers. Therefore, the mineral concentration of the fetal portion of the placenta is influenced by the mother's age. If there is mineral's competition between the mother and fetus during pregnancy in adolescence due to the importance of these minerals in growth and development, then the mechanism and reason for it should be elucidated in future research. In addition, we believe that further research should be carried out on transporters of these minerals in the same portions of the placentas analyzed by our group, in teenagers and adults.

  1. Análise epidemiológica dos indivíduos com hérnias discais avaliadas pelo método de ressonância magnética

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    Danyelly Karen Mendonça Garcia


    Full Text Available Introdução: A hérnia de disco é a projeção do núcleo pulposo para além de seus limites normais. A Ressonância Magnética (RM é a melhor modalidade de imagens para avaliação da coluna vertebral. Objetivo: analisar, epidemiologicamente, os indivíduos com hérnias discais avaliadas pelo método de ressonância magnética. Método: foi aplicado um questionário em uma amostra composta por 268 indivíduos que procuraram diagnóstico médico de hérnia discal por meio da Ressonância Magnética. De acordo com os resultados, a média de idade foi de 50,22 ± 11,75 anos, com IMC médio de 27,5 ± 3,63 m2/Kg, 56% dos indivíduos são do sexo masculino, 33,95% só cursaram o ensino fundamental completo, 25,57% trabalham em serviços gerais, 88,80% têm uma jornada de trabalho maior que 6 horas diárias e 40,18% estão afastados de suas atividades laborais. A renda mensal de 66,04% é de até um salário mínimo. O espaço intervertebral mais acometido foi L5-S1 em 63,43% (n = 170. Conclusão: o aumento da idade e do peso corporal contribui para o aparecimento de hérnias discais, sendo os homens os mais acometidos. As profissões também influenciam no surgimento de hérnias, sobretudo as vinculadas a esforço físico e a altas cargas horárias de trabalho, e o nível com maior incidência é na coluna lombar.

  2. Risk factors for severe abruptio placenta in Mulago Hospital ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    They were followed up and compared to five hundred women (controls) who had normal deliveries. Outcome variables: Socio-demographic characteristics, familial history, medical history, gynaecological and obstetric history. Results: The risk factors for severe abruptio placenta were low socio economic status (OR 10.5 ...

  3. Cow placenta extract promotes murine hair growth through enhancing the insulin - like growth factor-1

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    Dongliang Zhang


    Full Text Available Background: Hair loss is seen as an irreversible process. Most research concentrates on how to elongate the anagen, reduce the negative factors of obstructing hair growth and improve the hair number and size. Aim: In our experiment, we tried to prove that the cow placenta extract can promote hair growth by elongating hair shaft and increasing hair follicle number. Materials and Methods: Cow placenta extract (CPE, water and minoxidil applied separately on the back of depilated B57CL/6 mice for the case, negative and positive control respectively. We checked the proliferation of cells which are resident in hair sheath, and the expression of a few growth factors which stimulate hair growth. Results: Result shows that placenta extract more efficiently accelerates cell division and growth factor expression, by raising the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1 mRNA and protein level to increase HF size and hair length. Conclusions: The extract is not a purified product; so, it is less effective than minoxidil, which is approved by the US FDA for the treatment of male pattern baldness. If refinement is done, the placenta extract would be a good candidate medicine for hair loss.

  4. 125I-human epidermal growth factor specific binding to placentas and fetal membranes from varoius pregnancy states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, G.E.; Siddiqi, T.A.; Rao, Ch. V.; Carman, F.R.


    Specific binding of 125 I-human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) to homogenates of term human placentas and fetal membranes from normal and appropriate for gestational age (N = 20), intrauterine growth retarded (N = 9), twin (N = 11), White class A/B diabetic (N = 12), and large for gestational age (N = 13) pregnancies was measured. In all pregnancy states, placentas bound approximately four times more 125 I-hEGF than did fetal membranes (P 125 I-hEGF binding to fetal membranes from the various pregnancy states (P 125 I-hEGF specific binding to placentas from intrauterine growth retarded or twin pregnancies was significantly greater compared with placentas from normal and appropriate for gestational age pregnancies (P 125 I-hEGF specific binding did not differ between placentas from intrauterine growth retarded or twin pregnancies (P 125 I-hEGF binding did not vary with fetal sex, maternal race, placental weight, or gestational age between 37 to 42 weeks (P 125 I-hEGF binding increased with increasing infant weight when appropriate for gestational age and large for gestational age infants were included (P<0.05, r = 0.38, N = 32) but not for intrauterine growth retarded, appropriate for gestational age, or large for gestational age infants alone. (author)

  5. Effects of environmental pollution with aromatic hydrocarbons on endocrine and metabolic functions of the human placenta. (United States)

    Wierzba, Waldemar; Radowicki, Stanisław; Bojar, Iwona; Pinkas, Jarosław


    Phenol and 1-hydroxypyrene are biological markers of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) that have certain negative effects on parenchymal organs such as the human placenta. The literature presents only few reports regarding the effects of elevated PAH levels on the functions of the human placenta. The aim of the work is to assess the effects of elevated PAH levels in excreted urine on the endocrine and metabolic functions of the human placenta obtained from a normal pregnancy. Tissue material from 50 afterbirths from Płock constituted a study group, whereas 50 afterbirths from Kutno constituted a control group. Immunohistochemical reactions with the peroxidase method using LSAB kits (DAKO, Denmark) were performed. The extent and intensity of reactions were analysed. The levels of phenols and 1-hydroxypyrene in the excreted urine of pregnant women (undergoing delivery) were detected using gas chromatography and colorimetry. The statistical analysis used the PQStat v.1.6.2 software; moreover, t-student and chi-square tests were used. Differences were considered to be significant at the significance level of 95% (p<0.05). The levels of phenol and 1-hydroxypyrene in the excreted urine were demonstrated to be statistically significantly higher in patients living in the area of Płock. Statistically lower expression of placental glutathione transferase and lower immunohistochemical demonstration of the placental phosphatase activity were observed in placentas from Płock. It has been demonstrated that the expression of the oestrogen receptor activity and placental gonadotropin is significantly higher in placentas from areas not contaminated with aromatic hydrocarbons (Kutno). The course of pregnancy in the environment with elevated levels of aromatic hydrocarbons leads to impaired placental functioning and reduced endocrine and metabolic activity of the placenta.

  6. In vivo quantification of {sup 18}F-Fdg uptake in human placenta during early pregnancy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zanotti-Fregonara, P.; Jan, S.; Trebossen, R.; Maroy, R. [CEA, DSV, I2BM, SHFJ, F-91401 Orsay (France); Champion, C. [Univ Paul Verlaine Metz, Lab Phys Mol et Collis, Inst Phys, Metz (France); Hindie, E. [Hop St Antoine, AP-HP, F-75571 Paris (France); Hindie, E. [Univ Paris 07, IMDCT, IUH, Ecole Doctorale B2T, F-75221 Paris (France)


    {sup 18}F-FDG is the most widely used PET radiopharmaceutical. Nevertheless, no data for {sup 18}F-FDG uptake in the human placenta have been reported. We recently reported on embryo dosimetry in a woman who underwent an {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT scan during early pregnancy. In the present work we attempt an in vivo quantification of the {sup 18}F-FDG uptake by the placenta. The 27-y-old woman received 320 MBq of {sup 18}F-FDG for a follow-up study for Hodgkin's lymphoma and was later discovered to be pregnant (embryo age 8 wk). Imaging started 1 h after injection. The maximum placental tissue uptake (SUVmax) was 2.5. This value was conservatively attributed to the entire placental volume, i.e., 45 mL, a value representative of the average dimensions of a normal placenta at 8 wk. On the basis of these measurements, placenta {sup 18}F-FDG uptake in our patient was 0.19% of the injected activity. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to derive the photon dose to the embryo from the placenta (0.022 * 10{sup -2} mGy per MBq of injected {sup 18}F-FDG) and from the surrounding amniotic fluid (0.017 * 10{sup -2} mGy MBq{sup -1}). This increases our previously calculated dose (3.3 * 10{sup -2} mGy MBq{sup -1}) by only a small fraction (1.18%), which does not justify modifying the previous estimate given the overall uncertainties. (authors)

  7. Accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta accreta. (United States)

    Riteau, Anne-Sophie; Tassin, Mikael; Chambon, Guillemette; Le Vaillant, Claudine; de Laveaucoupet, Jocelyne; Quéré, Marie-Pierre; Joubert, Madeleine; Prevot, Sophie; Philippe, Henri-Jean; Benachi, Alexandra


    To evaluate the accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of placenta accreta and to define the most relevant specific ultrasound and MRI features that may predict placental invasion. This study was approved by the institutional review board of the French College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all patients referred for suspected placenta accreta to two university hospitals from 01/2001 to 05/2012. Our study population included 42 pregnant women who had been investigated by both ultrasonography and MRI. Ultrasound images and MRI were blindly reassessed for each case by 2 raters in order to score features that predict abnormal placental invasion. Sensitivity in the diagnosis of placenta accreta was 100% with ultrasound and 76.9% for MRI (P = 0.03). Specificity was 37.5% with ultrasonography and 50% for MRI (P = 0.6). The features of greatest sensitivity on ultrasonography were intraplacental lacunae and loss of the normal retroplacental clear space. Increased vascularization in the uterine serosa-bladder wall interface and vascularization perpendicular to the uterine wall had the best positive predictive value (92%). At MRI, uterine bulging had the best positive predictive value (85%) and its combination with the presence of dark intraplacental bands on T2-weighted images improved the predictive value to 90%. Ultrasound imaging is the mainstay of screening for placenta accreta. MRI appears to be complementary to ultrasonography, especially when there are few ultrasound signs.

  8. Differential Expression of Growth-, Angiogenesis- and Invasion-Related Factors in The Development of Placenta Accreta


    Jenn-Jhy Tseng; Min-Min Chou


    Placenta accreta is the major cause of maternal death complicated by massive peripartum hemorrhage. Its development is traditionally considered to be related to a decidual defect caused by previous cesarean deliveries or uterine curettages. Usually, placental villi firmly adhere to the superficial myometrium and deeply invade, or even penetrate, the uterine wall. Abnormal uteroplacental neovascularization is another characteristic. Therefore, we hypothesized that placenta accreta develops as ...

  9. Avaliação da completitude, da consistência e da duplicidade de registros de violências do Sinan em Recife, Pernambuco, 2009-2012

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    Marcella de Brito Abath

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:avaliar a completitude, consistência e duplicidade de registros de violências no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan em Recife, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, de 2009 a 2012.MÉTODOS:foi realizado estudo descritivo; a qualidade da base de dados do Sinan foi avaliada quanto à completitude e consistência de 35 variáveis e não duplicidade de registros; aplicou-se o teste do qui-quadrado para tendência linear (p<0,05 para avaliação da completitude e consistência.RESULTADOS:no período 2009-2012, houve aumento de 283,9% no número de notificações, as médias percentuais de completitude, de consistência e de duplicidade foram, respectivamente, de 70,3%, 98,5% e 0,2%; houve redução de 53,9% na completitude e aumento de 66,7% na consistência das variáveis; o percentual de duplicidade foi de 0,5% em 2012, e inexistente em 2009.CONCLUSÃO:as médias percentuais de completitude, consistência e duplicidade foram consideradas, respectivamente, regular, excelente e aceitável.

  10. Avaliação da lordose da coluna cervical nos pacientes com escoliose do tipo Lenke I submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico


    Batista Junior, José Lucas; Batista, Priscila Rossi de; Barbosa, Diogo Miranda; Machado, Igor Cardoso; Rezende, Rodrigo


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a angulação da lordose cervical nos pacientes portadores de Escoliose Idiopática do Adolescente (EIA) do tipo Lenke I, no período pré- e pós-operatório. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo e descritivo em que foram avaliados pacientes com EIA, sendo documentadas medidas antropométricas. Foram avaliadas as angulações das radiografias (posição ortostática) em perfil cervical de C3 a C7 no período pré- e pós-operatório, estabelecendo como normal a lordose cervical entre 10 e 30 graus. R...

  11. Análise do efeito imunomodulador da ouabaína na inflamação e nocicepção


    Vasconcelos, Danielle Ingrid Bezerra de


    A Ouabaína é um glicosídeo cardiotônico, inibidor da Na+/K+-ATPase, utilizada na clínica para o tratamento de insuficiência cardíaca. Atualmente, sabe-se que essa substância é endógena, e capaz de interferir em várias funções fisiológicas, inclusive em diversos aspectos do sistema imunológico. Apesar disso, pouco se sabe sobre seu envolvimento em processos inflamatórios e nociceptivos. Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a atividade da Ouabaína na inflamação aguda desencadeada pela ad...

  12. GATM, the human ortholog of the mouse imprinted Gatm gene, escapes genomic imprinting in placenta

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    Toshinobu Miyamoto


    Full Text Available The GATM gene encodes L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase, which catalyzes the conversion of L-arginine into guanidinoacetate, the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of creatine. Since, deficiencies in creatine synthesis and transport lead to certain forms of mental retardation in human, the human GATM gene appears to be involved in brain development. Recently it has been demonstrated that the mouse Gatm is expressed during development and is imprinted with maternal expression in the placenta and yolk sac, but not in embryonic tissues. We investigated the imprinting status of the human GATM by analyzing its expression in four human placentas. GATM was biallelically expressed, thus suggesting that this gene escapes genomic imprinting in placentas, differently from what has been reported in mouse extra-embryonic tissues.

  13. Wound Healing Effects of Rose Placenta in a Mouse Model of Full-Thickness Wounds

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    Yang Woo Kim


    Full Text Available BackgroundRosa damascena, a type of herb, has been used for wound healing in Eastern folk medicine. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of rose placenta from R. damascena in a full-thickness wound model in mice.MethodsSixty six-week-old C57BL/6N mice were used. Full-thickness wounds were made with an 8-mm diameter punch. Two wounds were made on each side of the back, and wounds were assigned randomly to the control and experimental groups. Rose placenta (250 µg was injected in the experimental group, and normal saline was injected in the control group. Wound sizes were measured with digital photography, and specimens were harvested. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to assess the expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1, and CD31. Vessel density was measured. Quantitative analysis using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA for EGF was performed. All evaluations were performed on postoperative days 0, 2, 4, 7, and 10. Statistical analyses were performed using the paired t-test.Results On days 4, 7, and 10, the wounds treated with rose placenta were significantly smaller. On day 2, VEGF and EGF expression increased in the experimental group. On days 7 and 10, TGF-β1 expression decreased in the experimental group. On day 10, vessel density increased in the experimental group. The increase in EGF on day 2 was confirmed with ELISA.ConclusionsRose placenta was found to be associated with improved wound healing in a mouse full-thickness wound model via increased EGF release. Rose placenta may potentially be a novel drug candidate for enhancing wound healing.

  14. Balloon-Assisted Occlusion of the Internal Iliac Arteries in Patients with Placenta Accreta/Percreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bodner, Leonard J.; Nosher, John L.; Gribbin, Christopher; Siegel, Randall L.; Beale, Stephanie; Scorza, William


    Background. Placenta accreta/percreta is a leading cause of third trimester hemorrhage and postpartum maternal death. The current treatment for third trimester hemorrhage due to placenta accreta/percreta is cesarean hysterectomy, which may be complicated by large volume blood loss. Purpose. To determine what role, if any, prophylactic temporary balloon occlusion and transcatheter embolization of the anterior division of the internal iliac arteries plays in the management of patients with placenta accreta/percreta. Methods. The records of 28 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of placenta accreta/percreta were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were divided into two groups. Six patients underwent prophylactic temporary balloon occlusion, followed by cesarean section, transcatheter embolization of the anterior division of the internal iliac arteries and cesarean hysterectomy (n = 5) or uterine curettage (n = 1). Twenty-two patients underwent cesarean hysterectomy without endovascular intervention. The following parameters were compared in the two groups: patient age, gravidity, parity, gestational age at delivery, days in the intensive care unit after delivery, total hospital days, volume of transfused blood products, volume of fluid replacement intraoperatively, operating room time, estimated blood loss, and postoperative morbidity and mortality. Results. Patients in the embolization group had more frequent episodes of third trimester bleeding requiring admission and bedrest prior to delivery (16.7 days vs. 2.9 days), resulting in significantly more hospitalization time in the embolization group (23 days vs. 8.8 days) and delivery at an earlier gestational age than in those in the surgical group (32.5 weeks). There was no statistical difference in mean estimated blood loss, volume of replaced blood products, fluid replacement needs, operating room time or postoperative recovery time. Conclusion. Our findings do not support the contention that in patients with

  15. Scintigraphy of the Placenta With {sup 113m}In

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lewitus, Z.; Lubin, E.; Rechnic, J.; Laor, J.; Eckerling, E. [Beilinson Medical Centre, University of Tel Aviv School of Medicine (Israel)


    The paper describes the merits of using {sup 113m}In in scintigraphic placental localization. The {sup 113m}In, generated from a commercial {sup 113}Sn cow, eluted with 0.05N HC1, stabilized with gelatin at pH 4.0 and autoclaved in the carrier-free form, becomes bound to the plasma proteins after being injected intravenously and stays in the vascular system long enough to enable scanning of the placental blood pools. The short physical half-life and the decay by isomeric transition reduces the radiation dose compared with other scanning agents. The minimal elimination of the molecule into the bladder during scanning has the advantage over the use of {sup 99m}Tc because it diminishes the possible confusion of activity in this area with a low-lying placenta. The placentography has been found of value in the diagnosis of placenta praevia, twins and hydatidiform mole. (author)

  16. Determinação do coeficiente de repetibilidade e estabilização genotípica das características agronômicas avaliadas em genótipos de alfafa no ano de estabelecimento

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    Reinaldo de Paula Ferreira


    Full Text Available Foram estimados os coeficientes de repetibilidade das características de produção de matéria seca (PMS, altura das plantas no momento do corte (APC, tolerância a doenças (TD e altura no florescimento (AF, em genótipos de alfafa. As características foram avaliadas em 92 genótipos nos anos 2004 e 2005, durante 11 cortes, feitos nos períodos das águas (novembro a março, cinco cortes e da seca (abril a setembro, seis cortes. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso, com duas repetições. As estimativas dos coeficientes de repetibilidade foram obtidas por diferentes métodos de análises. Também realizou-se estudo da estabilização genotípica. Todas as análises estatísticas foram realizadas com auxílio do aplicativo computacional GENES. No período da seca, apenas dois cortes foram suficientes para se ter certeza de 85% na previsão do valor real para a PMS, sendo necessários cinco cortes para se obter a mesma confiabilidade nesta característica no período das águas. De maneira geral, no período das águas foi necessário maior número de avaliações para obter igual veracidade da comprovação genotípica. Pela estabilização genotípica, observouse aumento da confiabilidade com a eliminação de alguns cortes, chegando a até 97% com apenas três cortes, excluindose dois cortes iniciais e um final. As variáveis PMS e APC, no período das águas, apresentaram maiores estimativas do coeficiente de repetibilidade do que TD e AF.

  17. Analgesia preemptiva com dipirona versus ibuprofeno na fotocoagulação a laser da retina

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    Artur Macaferri Del Santo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a efetividade da dipirona versus o ibuprofeno para a redução da dor na fotocoagulação da retina (FR. Método: Foi realizado um estudo controlado, duplo cego e randomizado englobando trinta e quatro pacientes com retinopatia diabética separados em dois grupos. Grupo A recebeu 1000mg de dipirona e o grupo B recebeu 600mg de ibuprofeno. A dor foi avaliada pela escala visual analógica. Resultado: A média do escore da dor nos grupos A e B foi de 5,2 ± 2.6 e 4,5 ± 1,4, respectivamente. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos (p=0,34. O mesmo foi observado quanto à analise entre dor leve, moderada e grave (p=0,09. Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto à idade e sexo. Conclusão: Os medicamentos foram equivalentes ou equipotentes em reduzir a dor ocular durante a fotocoagulação a laser da retina.


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    T. G. M. WAUGHON


    Full Text Available

    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o resíduo fibroso gerado na industrialização do suco de abacaxi (Ananas comosus L. e estudar seu beneficiamento, através da secagem, visando obter um produto rico em fibras dietéticas. O resíduo caracterizado apresentou um elevado teor de fibras (32,95% b.s.. A secagem foi realizada em secador de leito fixo, em camada delgada, utilizando planejamento fatorial completo a três níveis, com triplicata no ponto central. As variáveis de entrada foram: temperatura (50 ºC, 60 ºC e 70ºC e velocidade de circulação do ar (2,0 m/s; 2,5 m/s e 3,0 m/s. As variáveis de resposta avaliadas foram: umidade de equilíbrio, tempo de secagem, taxa de secagem à velocidade constante e coloração do produto. Os resultados obtidos através da análise de variância mostraram que a temperatura foi a variável de entrada que apresentou maior influência sobre as variáveis de resposta analisadas, não exercendo influência significativa apenas sobre a cor do produto.


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    Rafael de Avila Delucis


    Full Text Available RESUMOA madeira de acácia-negra tem sido utilizada em nichos que conferem pouco valor agregado à esse material. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as deformações residuais longitudinais (DRL e suas relações com propriedades da madeira de Acacia mearnsii. Para tanto, foram selecionadas 60 árvores em plantios com idades distintas (4 e 7 anos no Município de Piratini, RS. As características de crescimento avaliadas consistiram em diâmetro à altura do peito (1,3 m; DAP, espessura de casca (EP e altura comercial (h. As propriedades físicas avaliadas massa específica básica (ρ e teorde umidade à base seca (Tu. Já o tempo de propagação de onda ultrassonora foi determinado em conformidade com o procedimento NBR 15521. As propriedades mecânicas foram o módulo de elasticidade dinâmico (Ed, bem como as propriedades descritas no procedimento normativo D143-94, através dos ensaios de flexão estática, compressão paralela às fibras e Dureza Janka. ADRLesuas relações com as propriedades da madeira mostraram-se semelhantes aos resultados encontrados na literatura para a madeira de espécies do gênero Eucalyptus. No entanto, em magnitude, tais níveis se mostraram sensivelmente menores, conferindo à madeira de acácia-negra no que se refere a esse parâmetro de qualidade, indicação para a confecção de produtos sólidos.

  20. Myocytes of chorionic vessels from placentas with meconium-associated vascular necrosis exhibit apoptotic markers. (United States)

    King, Erin L; Redline, Raymond W; Smith, Steven D; Kraus, Frederick T; Sadovsky, Yoel; Nelson, D Michael


    Meconium-associated vascular necrosis (MAVN) is a histological abnormality of human placental chorionic vessels that is associated with poor neonatal outcome. We tested the hypothesis that MAVN shows apoptosis in the walls of chorionic vessels. Archival placental specimens with MAVN (n = 5) were compared with specimens from uncomplicated pregnancies at term (n = 5) and from placentas with intense chorionic vasculitis associated with acute chorioamnionitis with (n = 5) or without (n = 5) a clinical history of meconium in the amniotic fluid. Sections from all placentas were processed by the TUNEL method, and 2 observers who were blinded to specimen diagnosis quantified the immunofluorescent TUNEL staining in both the amnion-facing and villous-facing walls of the larger chorionic vessels in each specimen. Compared with the other 3 groups, only the amnion-facing wall of chorionic vessels in MAVN showed a significantly greater number of apoptotic cells. This was verified by morphological criteria and caspase 3 staining. There were limited or no detectable TUNEL-stained cells in either the villous-facing walls of vessels in the MAVN specimens or in any of the vessels of the placentas from uncomplicated pregnancies. There was a negligible level of apoptosis in chorionic vessels of placentas with intense chorionic vasculitis, with or without meconium, despite the inflammatory response or presence of meconium. We conclude that apoptosis contributes to the pathophysiology of MAVN.

  1. Fatores de risco cardiovascular e consumo alimentar em cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira

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    Fernanda Elisabete Hilgenberg


    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é investigar a prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular e inadequações de consumo alimentar em cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira e a associação com sexo e ano de formação. Estudo transversal com 166 cadetes da Academia da Força Aérea Brasileira, em Pirassununga – SP, entre junho e dezembro de 2013. Foram avaliadas medidas antropométricas, parâmetros bioquímicos e clínicos, nível de atividade física, tabagismo e consumo alimentar. Testes de Qui-Quadrado de Pearson ou Exato de Fisher foram utilizados. A prevalência de excesso de peso (IMC >25,0 kg/m2 foi de 29,7% nos homens e de 16,7% nas mulheres. Hipertensão arterial foi prevalente em 15,2% dos homens. Verificou-se hipercolesterolemia em 50,7% dos cadetes; 24,3% apresentaram valores elevados de lipoproteína de baixa densidade e, 11,2%, lipoproteína de alta densidade baixa. Houve associação entre tempo de permanência na Academia e lipoproteína de alta densidade baixa. Observou-se consumo elevado de gorduras saturadas (87,2% e de colesterol (42,7%. A ingestão inadequada de fibras foi verificada em 92,7% da amostra. Observou-se considerável prevalência de fatores de risco cardiovascular entre os cadetes, principalmente hipercolesterolemia e consumo alimentar inadequado.

  2. Efeito da aplicação de baixa temperatura em plantas de macieira sobre o crescimento durante a aclimatização

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    Pereira Jonny Everson Scherwinski


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito da aplicação de baixa temperatura (4±1ºC sobre o crescimento das brotações micropropagadas de um porta-enxerto de macieira (Malus prunifolia Borkh., cv.Marubakaido, durante o processo de aclimatização. Durante as duas primeiras semanas de aclimatização, as plântulas foram transferidas para uma câmara de crescimento, e submetidas à temperatura de 4±1ºC por 0, 240, 480, 720, 960, 1.200 e 1.440 horas, sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas e radiação de 5µEm-2s-1. Em seguida, foram conduzidas para casa de vegetação e avaliadas por um período de 90 dias. Ao final do experimento, avaliou-se, ainda, o comprimento dos entrenós, o número de gemas e o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes das plantas. A porcentagem de sobrevivência também foi avaliada após um mês de permanência das plantas em casa de vegetação. Houve aumento na altura das plantas e no comprimento dos entrenós, proporcional ao tempo de sua permanência sob baixa temperatura. O frio provocou decréscimo no peso seco das raízes, porém não afetou a sobrevivência das plantas, o número de gemas e o peso da matéria seca da parte aérea.

  3. The placenta of the salp (Tunicata: Thaliacea). (United States)

    Bone, Q; Pulsford, A L; Amoroso, E C


    The morphology of the mature 'placenta' of the pelagic tunicate Salpa fusiformis is described, and it is shown that two syncytial layers, intimately connected by interdigitating microvilli, separate maternal and embryonic circulations. The central placental layer facing the maternal circulation is bordered by membrane infoldings; the cortical layer facing the embryonic circulation is bordered by extensively branching microvilli. Both layers are of maternal origin, although embryonic leucocytes pass into, and add to, the cortical layer.

  4. Morphology, histochemistry and glycosylation of the placenta and associated tissues in the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jones, Carolyn J P; Carter, A M; Allen, W R


    glycosylated. Yolk sac inner and outer endoderm expressed similar glycans except for N-acetylgalactosamine residues in endodermal acini. DISCUSSION: New features of near-term hedgehog placenta and associated tissues are presented, including their glycosylation, and novel yolk sac acinar structures......INTRODUCTION: There are few descriptions of the placenta and associated tissues of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) and here we present findings on a near-term pregnant specimen. METHODS: Tissues were examined grossly and then formalin fixed and wax-embedded for histology...... and immunocytochemistry (cytokeratin) and resin embedded for lectin histochemistry. RESULTS: Each of four well-developed and near term hoglets displayed a discoid, haemochorial placenta with typical labyrinth and spongy zones. In addition there was a paraplacenta incorporating Reichert's membrane and a largely detached...

  5. Avaliação da ingestão nutricional em atletas de elite na modalidade de hóquei em patins


    Camões, Miguel


    Este estudo pretendeu avaliar a ingestão nutricional durante o ciclo competitivo e as características antropométricas de 10 atletas séniores de hóquei em patins do sexo masculino. A ingestão foi avaliada através de registos alimentares de quatro dias consecutivos: dois pré-competitivos, o dia da competição e o dia posterior à mesma. A conversão em nutrimentos efectuou-se no programa Microdiet Plus versão 1.1., completada, quando necessário, com dados da Tabela de Composição de Alimentos Portu...

  6. Incidence, risk factors and perinatal outcomes for placenta accreta in Australia and New Zealand: a case–control study (United States)

    Farquhar, Cynthia M; Li, Zhuoyang; McLintock, Claire; Pollock, Wendy; Peek, Michael J; Ellwood, David; Knight, Marian; Vaughan, Geraldine; Wang, Alex; Sullivan, Elizabeth


    Objective Estimate the incidence of placenta accreta and describe risk factors, clinical practice and perinatal outcomes. Design Case–control study. Setting Sites in Australia and New Zealand with at least 50 births per year. Participants Cases were women giving birth (≥20 weeks or fetus ≥400 g) who were diagnosed with placenta accreta by antenatal imaging, at operation or by pathology specimens between 2010 and 2012. Controls were two births immediately prior to a case. A total of 295 cases were included and 570 controls. Methods Data were collected using the Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System. Primary and secondary outcome measures Incidence, risk factors (eg, prior caesarean section (CS), maternal age) and clinical outcomes of placenta accreta (eg CS, hysterectomy and death). Results The incidence of placenta accreta was 44.2/100 000 women giving birth (95% CI 39.4 to 49.5); however, this may overestimated due to the case definition used. In primiparous women, an increased odds of placenta accreta was observed in older women (adjusted OR (AOR) women≥40 vs accreta were more likely to have a caesarean section (AOR: 4.6, 95% CI 2.7 to 7.6) to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)/high dependency unit (AOR: 46.1, 95% CI 22.3 to 95.4) and to have a hysterectomy (AOR: 209.0, 95% CI 19.9 to 875.0). Babies born to women with placenta accreta were more likely to be preterm, be admitted to neonatal ICU and require resuscitation. PMID:28982832

  7. The Placental Secretome: Identifying Potential Cross-Talk Between Placenta and Islet β-Cells

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    Robert Drynda


    Full Text Available Background/Aims: Insulin-secreting islet β-cells adapt to the insulin resistance associated with pregnancy by increasing functional β-cell mass, but the placental signals involved in this process are not well defined. In the current study, we analysed expression of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR mRNAs in mouse islets and islet GPCR ligand mRNAs in placenta during pregnancy to generate an atlas of potential interactions between the placenta and β-cells to inform future functional studies of islet adaptive responses to pregnancy. Methods: Quantative RT-PCR arrays were used to measure mRNA expression levels of: (i 342 GPCRs in islets from non-pregnant mice, and in islets isolated from mice on gestational days 12 and 18; (ii 126 islet GPCR ligands in mouse placenta at gestational days 12 and 18. Results: At gestational day 12, a time of rapid expansion of the β-cell mass, 189 islet GPCR mRNAs were quantifiable, while 79 of the 126 known islet GPCR ligand mRNAs were detectable in placental extracts. Approximately half of the quantifiable placental GPCR ligand genes were of unknown function in β-cells. The expression of some islet GPCR and placental ligand mRNAs varied during pregnancy, with altered expression of both GPCR and ligand mRNAs by gestational day 18. Conclusion: The current study has revealed numerous potential routes for interaction between the placenta and islets, and offers an atlas to inform further functional studies of their roles in adaptive responses to pregnancy, and in the regulation of the β-cell mass.

  8. Accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta accreta.

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    Anne-Sophie Riteau

    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI in the diagnosis of placenta accreta and to define the most relevant specific ultrasound and MRI features that may predict placental invasion. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional review board of the French College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of all patients referred for suspected placenta accreta to two university hospitals from 01/2001 to 05/2012. Our study population included 42 pregnant women who had been investigated by both ultrasonography and MRI. Ultrasound images and MRI were blindly reassessed for each case by 2 raters in order to score features that predict abnormal placental invasion. RESULTS: Sensitivity in the diagnosis of placenta accreta was 100% with ultrasound and 76.9% for MRI (P = 0.03. Specificity was 37.5% with ultrasonography and 50% for MRI (P = 0.6. The features of greatest sensitivity on ultrasonography were intraplacental lacunae and loss of the normal retroplacental clear space. Increased vascularization in the uterine serosa-bladder wall interface and vascularization perpendicular to the uterine wall had the best positive predictive value (92%. At MRI, uterine bulging had the best positive predictive value (85% and its combination with the presence of dark intraplacental bands on T2-weighted images improved the predictive value to 90%. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound imaging is the mainstay of screening for placenta accreta. MRI appears to be complementary to ultrasonography, especially when there are few ultrasound signs.

  9. Assessment of trace element concentration distribution in human placenta by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence: Effect of neonate weight and maternal age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozdemir, Yueksel; Boerekci, Buenyamin; Levet, Aytac; Kurudirek, Murat


    Trace element status in human placenta is dependent on maternal-neonatal characteristics. This work was undertaken to investigate the correlation between essential trace element concentrations in the placenta and maternal-neonatal characteristics. Placenta samples were collected from total 61 healthy mothers at gestation between 37 and 41 weeks. These samples were investigated with the restriction that the mother's age was 20-40 years old and the neonate's weight was 1-4 kg. Percent concentrations of trace elements were determined using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF). The placenta samples were prepared and analyzed without exposure to any chemical treatment. Concentrations of Fe, Cu and Zn in placenta tissues were found statistically to vary corresponding to the age of the mother and weight of the neonate. In the subjects, the concentration of Fe and Cu were increased in heavier neonates (p<0.05) and the concentration of Zn was increased with increasing mother age (p<0.05). Consequently, the Fe, Cu and Zn elements appear to have interactive connections in human placenta.

  10. Value of pelvic embolization in the management of severe postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta accreta, increta or percreta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soyer, Philippe; Morel, Olivier; Fargeaudou, Yann; Sirol, Marc; Staub, Fabrice; Boudiaf, Mourad


    Objectives: To evaluate the role, efficacy and safety of pelvic embolization in the management of severe postpartum hemorrhage in women with placenta accreta, increta or percreta. Methods: The clinical files and angiographic examinations of 12 consecutive women with placenta accreta (n = 4), increta (n = 2) or percreta (n = 6) who were treated with pelvic embolization because of severe primary (n = 10) or secondary (n = 2) postpartum hemorrhage were reviewed. Before embolization, four women had complete placental conservation, four had partial placental conservation, three had an extirpative approach and one had hysterectomy after failed partial conservative approach. Results: In 10 women, pelvic embolization was successful and stopped the bleeding, after one (n = 7) or two sessions (n = 3). Emergency hysterectomy was needed in two women with persistent bleeding after embolization, both with placenta percreta and bladder involvement first treated by extirpation. One case of regressive hematoma at the puncture site was the single complication of embolization. Conclusions: In women with severe postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta accreta, increta or percreta, pelvic embolization is effective for stopping the bleeding in most cases, thus allowing uterine conservation and future fertility. Further studies, however, should be done to evaluate the potential of pelvic embolization in women with placenta percreta with bladder involvement.

  11. Relação entre vocabulário receptivo e expressivo em crianças com transtorno específico do desenvolvimento da fala e da linguagem

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    Aline Citino Armonia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar os índices de vocabulário receptivo e expressivo de crianças com Transtorno Específico do Desenvolvimento da Fala e da Linguagem. MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo transversal, com amostra constituída por 21 crianças com Transtorno Específico do Desenvolvimento da Fala e da Linguagem, avaliadas em clínica-escola de Fonoaudiologia, sendo 9 crianças do gênero feminino e 12 crianças do gênero masculino, com idades entre 3 e 11 anos. Para este estudo foi utilizada a Prova de Vocabulário do Teste ABFW e o Teste de Vocabulário por Imagem Peabody - TVIP. RESULTADOS: 80,95% das crianças apresentaram desempenho adequado na avaliação do vocabulário expressivo, enquanto 52,4% apresentaram desempenho compatível com a faixa etária na avaliação do vocabulário receptivo. Não houve significância estatística. CONCLUSÃO: as crianças apresentaram melhor desempenho em avaliação do vocabulário expressivo em relação ao vocabulário receptivo. Esses dados comprovam a necessidade de um olhar atento e investigativo do fonoaudiólogo para os aspectos tanto de produção quanto de compreensão da linguagem.

  12. Fatores determinantes da capacidade funcional entre idosos

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    Tereza Etsuko da Costa Rosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO; Investigar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos relativos à saúde, bem como os fatores ligados às atividades sociais e à avaliação subjetiva da saúde sobre a capacidade funcional dos idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante de estudo multicêntrico, em amostra representativa do município de São Paulo, realizado em 1989. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada através da escala de atividades da vida diária pessoal e instrumental e investigada como variável dicotômica: ausência de dependência - incapacidade/dificuldade em nenhuma das atividades versus presença de dependência moderada/grave - incapacidade/dificuldade em 4 ou mais atividades. Análise de regressão logística múltipla foi aplicada aos fatores hierarquicamente agrupados. RESULTADOS: As características que se associaram com a dependência moderada/grave foram analfabetismo, ser aposentado, ser pensionista, ser dona de casa, não ser proprietário da moradia, ter mais de 65 anos, ter composição familiar multigeracional, ter sido internado nos últimos 6 meses, ser "caso" no rastreamento de saúde mental, não visitar amigos, ter problemas de visão, ter história de derrame, não visitar parentes e ter avaliação pessimista da saúde ao se comparar com seus pares. CONCLUSÕES: As características identificadas que se associaram à dependência moderada/grave sugerem uma complexa rede causal do declínio da capacidade funcional. Pode-se supor, entretanto, que ações preventivas especificamente voltadas para certos fatores podem propiciar benefícios para o prolongamento do bem estar da população idosa.

  13. Fatores determinantes da capacidade funcional entre idosos

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    Rosa Tereza Etsuko da Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO; Investigar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos relativos à saúde, bem como os fatores ligados às atividades sociais e à avaliação subjetiva da saúde sobre a capacidade funcional dos idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, integrante de estudo multicêntrico, em amostra representativa do município de São Paulo, realizado em 1989. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada através da escala de atividades da vida diária pessoal e instrumental e investigada como variável dicotômica: ausência de dependência - incapacidade/dificuldade em nenhuma das atividades versus presença de dependência moderada/grave - incapacidade/dificuldade em 4 ou mais atividades. Análise de regressão logística múltipla foi aplicada aos fatores hierarquicamente agrupados. RESULTADOS: As características que se associaram com a dependência moderada/grave foram analfabetismo, ser aposentado, ser pensionista, ser dona de casa, não ser proprietário da moradia, ter mais de 65 anos, ter composição familiar multigeracional, ter sido internado nos últimos 6 meses, ser "caso" no rastreamento de saúde mental, não visitar amigos, ter problemas de visão, ter história de derrame, não visitar parentes e ter avaliação pessimista da saúde ao se comparar com seus pares. CONCLUSÕES: As características identificadas que se associaram à dependência moderada/grave sugerem uma complexa rede causal do declínio da capacidade funcional. Pode-se supor, entretanto, que ações preventivas especificamente voltadas para certos fatores podem propiciar benefícios para o prolongamento do bem estar da população idosa.

  14. Anthroposophic lifestyle influences the concentration of metals in placenta and cord blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fagerstedt, Sara; Kippler, Maria; Scheynius, Annika; Gutzeit, Cindy; Mie, Axel; Alm, Johan; Vahter, Marie


    Allergic diseases develop in genetically susceptible individuals in a complex interplay with the environment, usually early in life. We have previously shown that the anthroposophic lifestyle is associated with reduced risk of allergic disease in children, but details on the influencing environmental factors are largely unknown. This study aims to elucidate if anthroposophic lifestyle influences fetal exposure to selected toxic and essential elements. Randomly selected non-smoking mothers with (n=40) and without (n=40) anthroposophic lifestyle from the prospective birth cohort ALADDIN were included. Concentrations of 12 toxic and essential elements were analyzed in full term placentas and in the erythrocyte fractions of maternal peripheral blood and of umbilical cord blood, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Cadmium concentrations in maternal blood and placenta were significantly higher in mothers with an anthroposophic lifestyle (p<0.001), while concentrations in cord blood were generally low, irrespective of lifestyle. Cobalt concentrations were higher in both maternal blood, placenta and cord blood in the anthroposophic group. Lead concentrations were higher in maternal blood and cord blood, but not placenta, of mothers with anthroposophic lifestyle. Analysis of covariance, including lifestyle, parity, maternal age, gestational age, vegetarian diet, use of herbal medicine and occupation in the model, showed that mainly the anthroposophic lifestyle was significantly associated with cadmium concentrations. In conclusion, women with an anthroposophic lifestyle had higher concentrations of cadmium, cobalt and lead concentrations. Cadmium concentrations might have been influenced by a diet rich in vegetables and/or low iron status of the mothers. - Highlights: • Toxic elements in mother–newborn pairs in relation to anthroposophic lifestyle. • Anthroposophic lifestyle was associated with higher levels of cadmium, cobalt and lead. • A diet rich

  15. Anthroposophic lifestyle influences the concentration of metals in placenta and cord blood

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fagerstedt, Sara [The Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden); Kippler, Maria [Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Box 210, 171 77 Stockholm (Sweden); Scheynius, Annika; Gutzeit, Cindy [Department of Medicine Solna, Translational Immunology Unit, Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital, Stockholm (Sweden); Mie, Axel [The Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden); Alm, Johan [The Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden); Sachs' Children and Youth Hospital, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm (Sweden); Vahter, Marie, E-mail: [Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Box 210, 171 77 Stockholm (Sweden)


    Allergic diseases develop in genetically susceptible individuals in a complex interplay with the environment, usually early in life. We have previously shown that the anthroposophic lifestyle is associated with reduced risk of allergic disease in children, but details on the influencing environmental factors are largely unknown. This study aims to elucidate if anthroposophic lifestyle influences fetal exposure to selected toxic and essential elements. Randomly selected non-smoking mothers with (n=40) and without (n=40) anthroposophic lifestyle from the prospective birth cohort ALADDIN were included. Concentrations of 12 toxic and essential elements were analyzed in full term placentas and in the erythrocyte fractions of maternal peripheral blood and of umbilical cord blood, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Cadmium concentrations in maternal blood and placenta were significantly higher in mothers with an anthroposophic lifestyle (p<0.001), while concentrations in cord blood were generally low, irrespective of lifestyle. Cobalt concentrations were higher in both maternal blood, placenta and cord blood in the anthroposophic group. Lead concentrations were higher in maternal blood and cord blood, but not placenta, of mothers with anthroposophic lifestyle. Analysis of covariance, including lifestyle, parity, maternal age, gestational age, vegetarian diet, use of herbal medicine and occupation in the model, showed that mainly the anthroposophic lifestyle was significantly associated with cadmium concentrations. In conclusion, women with an anthroposophic lifestyle had higher concentrations of cadmium, cobalt and lead concentrations. Cadmium concentrations might have been influenced by a diet rich in vegetables and/or low iron status of the mothers. - Highlights: • Toxic elements in mother–newborn pairs in relation to anthroposophic lifestyle. • Anthroposophic lifestyle was associated with higher levels of cadmium, cobalt and lead. • A diet rich

  16. Reorganization of Extracellular Matrix in Placentas from Women with Asymptomatic Chagas Disease: Mechanism of Parasite Invasion or Local Placental Defense?

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    Juan Duaso


    Full Text Available Chagas disease, produced by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi, is one of the most frequent endemic diseases in Latin America. In spite the fact that in the past few years T. cruzi congenital transmission has become of epidemiological importance, studies about this mechanism of infection are scarce. In order to explore some morphological aspects of this infection in the placenta, we analyzed placentas from T. cruzi-infected mothers by immunohistochemical and histochemical methods. Infection in mothers, newborns, and placentas was confirmed by PCR and by immunofluorescence in the placenta. T. cruzi-infected placentas present destruction of the syncytiotrophoblast and villous stroma, selective disorganization of the basal lamina, and disorganization of collagen I in villous stroma. Our results suggest that the parasite induces reorganization of this tissue component and in this way may regulate both inflammatory and immune responses in the host. Changes in the ECM of placental tissues, together with the immunological status of mother and fetus, and parasite load may determine the probability of congenital transmission of T. cruzi.

  17. Avaliação do dímero D (D-Di na doença hipertensiva específica da gravidez (DHEG D-dimer plasma levels assessment in preeclampsia

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    Luci Maria Sant'Ana Dusse


    Full Text Available A doença hipertensiva específica da gravidez (DHEG, na sua forma pura, caracteriza-se pelo aparecimento, em grávida normotensa, após a vigésima semana de gestação, da tríade sintomática: hipertensão, proteinúria e edema. A DHEG está associada a vasoconstrição generalizada, anormalidades da coagulação e deposição de fibrina na microcirculação da placenta. A fibrina compromete a perfusão adequada da placenta, contribuindo para a prematuridade, o baixo peso fetal e a mortalidade neonatal. Os dímeros D (D-Di constituem os menores fragmentos dos produtos de degradação da fibrina (pdf e são produzidos após a lise, pela plasmina, da ligação cruzada da fibrina. Níveis plasmáticos aumentados de D-Di indicam tanto uma exacerbação da formação de fibrina como um aumento da ação da plasmina. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar e comparar os níveis plasmáticos de D-Di, obtido por Elisa (Stago em gestantes-controle (n = 26, gestantes com DHEG nas formas leve e moderada (n = 23 e gestantes com DHEG na forma grave (n = 20, visando a investigar a possível utilização desse marcador laboratorial para diagnóstico e/ou prognóstico da doença. As médias e os desvios padrões obtidos para os três grupos avaliados foram 1.146,6 ± 311,2; 1.060,3 ± 259,2 e 1.497,8 ± 435,3ng/ml, respectivamente. A análise estatística das médias dos resultados obtidos revelou um aumento significativo de D-Di plasmático no grupo com DHEG grave, comparando-se aos grupos com DHEG leve/moderada (p Preeclampsia is associated to a generalized vasoconstriction, clot abnormalities and fibrin deposition within placenta microcirculation. The presence of fibrin hampers the placenta perfusion contributing to prematurity, fetal low weight and neonates' mortality. D-Dimers (D-Di are the products of degradation of cross-linked fibrin by plasmin. Increased plasma levels of D-Di may indicate either an exacerbated fibrin formation or an increase

  18. [Placenta percreta with bladder invasion: an uncommon cause of hematuria during pregnancy]. (United States)

    Sierra-Solís, A; Leo-Barahona, M; Romero-López, A I; Gómez-Guerrero, J M


    Placenta percreta with bladder invasion is a very uncommon condition that can lead to very severe complications in pregnant women. Although it is often diagnosed during delivery, imaging techniques are very useful for early diagnosis, which is fundamental for planning surgery and avoiding potentially lethal complications. We present the case of a woman with a history of cesarean section who presented with hematuria and low back pain. The diagnosis of placenta percreta with bladder invasion was suggested after ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging and was confirmed at surgery. We provide a brief review of the literature, emphasizing the role of imaging techniques. Copyright © 2012 SERAM. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  19. Generation of functional islets from human umbilical cord and placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells. (United States)

    Kadam, Sachin; Govindasamy, Vijayendran; Bhonde, Ramesh


    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have been used for allogeneic application in tissue engineering but have certain drawbacks. Therefore, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from other adult tissue sources have been considered as an alternative. The human umbilical cord and placenta are easily available noncontroversial sources of human tissue, which are often discarded as biological waste, and their collection is noninvasive. These sources of MSCs are not subjected to ethical constraints, as in the case of embryonic stem cells. MSCs derived from umbilical cord and placenta are multipotent and have the ability to differentiate into various cell types crossing the lineage boundary towards endodermal lineage. The aim of this chapter is to provide a detailed reproducible cookbook protocol for the isolation, propagation, characterization, and differentiation of MSCs derived from human umbilical cord and placenta with special reference to harnessing their potential towards pancreatic/islet lineage for utilization as a cell therapy product. We show here that mesenchymal stromal cells can be extensively expanded from umbilical cord and placenta of human origin retaining their multilineage differentiation potential in vitro. Our report indicates that postnatal tissues obtained as delivery waste represent a rich source of mesenchymal stromal cells, which can be differentiated into functional islets employing three-stage protocol developed by our group. These islets could be used as novel in vitro model for screening hypoglycemics/insulin secretagogues, thus reducing animal experimentation for this purpose and for the future human islet transplantation programs to treat diabetes.

  20. Growth and development of the placenta in the capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kanashiro, Claudia; Santos, Tatiana C; Miglino, Maria Angelica


    BACKGROUND: The guinea pig is an attractive model for human pregnancy and placentation, mainly because of its haemomonochorial placental type, but is rather small in size. Therefore, to better understand the impact of body mass, we studied placental development in the capybara which has a body mass...... around 50 kg and a gestation period of around 150 days. We paid attention to the development of the lobulated arrangement of the placenta, the growth of the labyrinth in the course of gestation, the differentiation of the subplacenta, and the pattern of invasion by extraplacental trophoblast. METHODS...... found in smaller hystricognath rodents including the guinea pig. These features apparently do not dependent on body size. Clearly, placentation in hystricognaths adheres to an extraordinarily stable pattern suggesting they can be used interchangeably as models of human placenta....

  1. Contribuição de folhas na formação da serrapilheira e no retorno de nutrientes em floresta de transição no norte de Mato Grosso


    Silva,Carlos José da; Lobo,Francisco de Almeida; Bleich,Monica Elisa; Sanches,Luciana


    Este estudo foi desenvolvido numa área de floresta de transição Amazônia-Cerrado no norte de Mato Grosso. Teve como objetivo quantificar a dinâmica da produção e acúmulo e as partes constituintes da serrapilheira, bem como a participação das folhas no retorno do nitrogênio, fósforo e carbono ao solo por meio da decomposição. Foram coletados mensalmente durante um ano dados de serrapilheira total produzida, serrapilheira total acumulada no solo e avaliada a decomposição de folhas no período de...

  2. Maternal–Fetal Nutrient Transport in Pregnancy Pathologies: The Role of the Placenta

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    Kendra Elizabeth Brett


    Full Text Available Appropriate in utero growth is essential for offspring development and is a critical contributor to long-term health. Fetal growth is largely dictated by the availability of nutrients in maternal circulation and the ability of these nutrients to be transported into fetal circulation via the placenta. Substrate flux across placental gradients is dependent on the accessibility and activity of nutrient-specific transporters. Changes in the expression and activity of these transporters is implicated in cases of restricted and excessive fetal growth, and may represent a control mechanism by which fetal growth rate attempts to match availability of nutrients in maternal circulation. This review provides an overview of placenta nutrient transport with an emphasis on macro-nutrient transporters. It highlights the changes in expression and activity of these transporters associated with common pregnancy pathologies, including intrauterine growth restriction, macrosomia, diabetes and obesity, as well as the potential impact of maternal diet. Molecular signaling pathways linking maternal nutrient availability and placenta nutrient transport are discussed. How sexual dimorphism affects fetal growth strategies and the placenta’s response to an altered intrauterine environment is considered. Further knowledge in this area may be the first step in the development of targeted interventions to help optimize fetal growth.

  3. Role of Doppler US and MRI in diagnosis of placenta accreta

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Manal Hamisa


    Oct 19, 2014 ... loss of retroplacental clear zone and disruption of bladder–uterine serosa interface with smallest ... Placenta accreta occurs when there is an abnormal adherence ... Those have or gave history of third trimester bleeding.

  4. Incidence, risk factors and perinatal outcomes for placenta accreta in Australia and New Zealand: a case-control study. (United States)

    Farquhar, Cynthia M; Li, Zhuoyang; Lensen, Sarah; McLintock, Claire; Pollock, Wendy; Peek, Michael J; Ellwood, David; Knight, Marian; Homer, Caroline Se; Vaughan, Geraldine; Wang, Alex; Sullivan, Elizabeth


    Estimate the incidence of placenta accreta and describe risk factors, clinical practice and perinatal outcomes. Case-control study. Sites in Australia and New Zealand with at least 50 births per year. Cases were women giving birth (≥20 weeks or fetus ≥400 g) who were diagnosed with placenta accreta by antenatal imaging, at operation or by pathology specimens between 2010 and 2012. Controls were two births immediately prior to a case. A total of 295 cases were included and 570 controls. Data were collected using the Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance System. Incidence, risk factors (eg, prior caesarean section (CS), maternal age) and clinical outcomes of placenta accreta (eg CS, hysterectomy and death). The incidence of placenta accreta was 44.2/100 000 women giving birth (95% CI 39.4 to 49.5); however, this may overestimated due to the case definition used. In primiparous women, an increased odds of placenta accreta was observed in older women (adjusted OR (AOR) women≥40 vs accreta were more likely to have a caesarean section (AOR: 4.6, 95% CI 2.7 to 7.6) to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU)/high dependency unit (AOR: 46.1, 95% CI 22.3 to 95.4) and to have a hysterectomy (AOR: 209.0, 95% CI 19.9 to 875.0). Babies born to women with placenta accreta were more likely to be preterm, be admitted to neonatal ICU and require resuscitation. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  5. Positive Correlation between Enhanced Expression of TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB with Insulin Resistance in Placentae of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.

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    Hui Feng

    Full Text Available Insulin resistance (IR is a critical factor of the pathophysiology of Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM. Studies on key organs involved in IR, such as livers and adipose tissues, showed that Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4 can regulate insulin sensitivity. As a maternal-fetal interface with multi-functions, placentae could contribute to the development of IR for GDM. Thus, we investigated the expressions of TLR4/Myeloid Differentiation factor 88 (MyD88/Nuclear Factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-kB in term placentae from 33 GDM women and 36 healthy pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance, evaluated local and systemic IR and furthermore identified the association between placental TLR4 and IR. TLR4 protein was expressed in various cells of term placenta, particularly in syncytiotrophoblast of villi. Compared with normal pregnancy, the expression of TLR4/MyD88/NF-kB pathway increased in the placenta of GDM (p<0.05, and these differences were more pronounced in the maternal section of the placenta and the syncytiotrophoblast of villi. In addition, more severe IR was observed in the placenta of GDM patients than the control group, evidenced with higher pIRS-1(ser312 (p<0.001 and lower IRS-1 (p<0.05 as well as pAkt proteins (p<0.01. The expression of TLR4 in placentae is positively correlated with local IR (pIRS-1: r = 0.76, p <0.001 and pAkt: r = -0.47, p <0.001 and maternal fasting (r = 0.42, p <0.01, one-hour (r = 0.52, p <0.01 and two-hour glucose (r = 0.54, p <0.01 at OGTT. We found an that enhanced expression of the TLR4-MyD88-NF-kB pathway occurs in GDM placentae, which positively correlates with heightened local IR in placentae and higher maternal hyperglycemia. The TLR4/MyD88/NF-kB pathway may play a potential role in the development of IR in placentae of GDM.

  6. Altered protein expression in gestational diabetes mellitus placentas provides insight into insulin resistance and coagulation/fibrinolysis pathways.

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    Bin Liu

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To investigate the placental proteome differences between pregnant women complicated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM and those with normal glucose tolerance (NGT. METHODS: We used two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE to separate and compare placental protein levels from GDM and NGT groups. Differentially expressed proteins between the two groups were identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry and further confirmed by Western blotting. The mRNA levels of related proteins were measured by realtime RT-PCR. Immunohistochemistry (IHC was performed to examine the cellular location of the proteins expressed in placenta villi. RESULTS: Twenty-one protein spots were differentially expressed between GDM and NGT placenta villi in the tested samples, fifteen of which were successfully identified by mass spectrometry. The molecular functions of these differentially expressed proteins include blood coagulation, signal transduction, anti-apoptosis, ATP binding, phospholipid binding, calcium ion binding, platelet activation, and tryptophan-tRNA ligase activity. Both protein and mRNA levels of Annexin A2, Annexin A5 and 14-3-3 protein ζ/δ were up-regulated, while the expression of the Ras-related protein Rap1A was down-regulated in the GDM placenta group. CONCLUSION: Placenta villi derived from GDM pregnant women exhibit significant proteome differences compared to those of NGT mothers. The identified differentially expressed proteins are mainly associated with the development of insulin resistance, transplacental transportation of glucose, hyperglucose-mediated coagulation and fibrinolysis disorders in the GDM placenta villi.

  7. Accuracy of ultrasound for the prediction of placenta accreta. (United States)

    Bowman, Zachary S; Eller, Alexandra G; Kennedy, Anne M; Richards, Douglas S; Winter, Thomas C; Woodward, Paula J; Silver, Robert M


    Ultrasound has been reported to be greater than 90% sensitive for the diagnosis of accreta. Prior studies may be subject to bias because of single expert observers, suspicion for accreta, and knowledge of risk factors. We aimed to assess the accuracy of ultrasound for the prediction of accreta. Patients with accreta at a single academic center were matched to patients with placenta previa, but no accreta, by year of delivery. Ultrasound studies with views of the placenta were collected, deidentified, blinded to clinical history, and placed in random sequence. Six investigators prospectively interpreted each study for the presence of accreta and findings reported to be associated with its diagnosis. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive, negative predictive value, and accuracy were calculated. Characteristics of accurate findings were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. Six investigators examined 229 ultrasound studies from 55 patients with accreta and 56 controls for 1374 independent observations. 1205/1374 (87.7% overall, 90% controls, 84.9% cases) studies were given a diagnosis. There were 371 (27.0%) true positives; 81 (5.9%) false positives; 533 (38.8%) true negatives, 220 (16.0%) false negatives, and 169 (12.3%) with uncertain diagnosis. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy were 53.5%, 88.0%, 82.1%, 64.8%, and 64.8%, respectively. In multivariate analysis, true positives were more likely to have placental lacunae (odds ratio [OR], 1.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4-1.6), loss of retroplacental clear space (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.1-4.9), or abnormalities on color Doppler (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.8-2.4). Ultrasound for the prediction of placenta accreta may not be as sensitive as previously described. Copyright © 2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Histopathological Study of Placentae in Low Birth Weight Babies in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Chi‑square test with or without yate's correction was used as and when required. P < 0.05 was taken as .... For fixation, the placenta was cut into the multiple longitudinal slices of on-2 cm and kept ..... Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: ...

  9. Placenta-an alternative source of stem cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matikainen, Tiina; Laine, Jarmo


    The two most promising practical applications of human stem cells are cellular replacement therapies in human disease and toxicological screening of candidate drug molecules. Both require a source of human stem cells that can be isolated, purified, expanded in number and differentiated into the cell type of choice in a controlled manner. Currently, uses of both embryonic and adult stem cells are investigated. While embryonic stem cells are pluripotent and can differentiate into any specialised cell type, their use requires establishment of embryonic stem cell lines using the inner cell mass of an early pre-implantation embryo. As the blastocyst is destroyed during the process, ethical issues need to be carefully considered. The use of embryonic stem cells is also limited by the difficulties in growing large numbers of the cells without inducing spontaneous differentiation, and the problems in controlling directed differentiation of the cells. The use of adult stem cells, typically derived from bone marrow, but also from other tissues, is ethically non-controversial but their differentiation potential is more limited than that of the embryonic stem cells. Since human cord blood, umbilical cord, placenta and amnion are normally discarded at birth, they provide an easily accessible alternative source of stem cells. We review the potential and current status of the use of adult stem cells derived from the placenta or umbilical cord in therapeutic and toxicological applications

  10. Fratura periprotética da tíbia combinada com fratura de fadiga da haste tibial de artroplastia total do joelho Tibial periprosthetic fracture combined with tibial stem stress fracture from total knee arthroplasty

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    Fernando Fonseca


    Full Text Available As complicações das artroplastias totais do joelho relacionadas com o próprio material são muito raras, exceto o desgaste do polietileno. Neste artigo os autores reportam o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino de 58 anos referenciada ao pronto-socorro do nosso hospital por uma fratura periprotética tibial (tipo I da classificação da Mayo Clinic. Uma observação mais cuidadosa mostrou a presença concomitante da referida fratura da tíbia associada à fratura de fadiga da haste tibial. A prótese com a haste foi remetida a um laboratório de biomecânica independente onde foi avaliada e efetuada uma reconstrução com uso de sistema de elementos finitos em CAD de modo a verificar a existência de algum defeito de fabricação e as eventuais causas para o sucedido. Depois de avaliadas diversas hipóteses, concluiu-se que a fratura do material foi provocada por uma sobrecarga na zona de transição prato/haste secundária à falência óssea prévia (fratura. Da avaliação do caso ressalta-se novamente a necessidade de efetuar uma avaliação adequada da mineralização óssea e, em caso de dúvida, utilizar uma haste longa.Total knee arthroplasty complications related to the prosthetic material are very rare, except for polyethylene wear. We report the case of a 58-year-old woman who came to the emergency service of our hospital with a periprosthetic tibial fracture (Mayo Clinic type I. Careful examination showed that this fracture was concomitantly associated with a tibial stem fatigue fracture. The prosthesis and the stem were sent to an independent biomechanics laboratory for evaluation. A finite-element CAD system was used to make a reconstruction, so as to ascertain whether there had been any manufacturing defect and what the causes of the event might have been. After evaluation of several hypotheses, it was concluded that the fracture in the prosthetic material had been caused by overloading at the plate/stem transition zone

  11. Contents and localization of heavy metals in human placentae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reichrtova, E.; Ursinyova, M.; Palkovicova, L.; Wsolova, L. [Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, Bratislava (Slovakia)


    The placenta was used as an exposure index for the risk evaluation of prenatal fetal chemical exposure. Full-term placenta samples collected at maternity hospitals in 4 regions of different environmental pollutants and traffic density were examined for lead and cadmium contents using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The results showed similar lead contents in placental samples from all selected regions, except for a small town with a lower traffic density. The findings may implicate traffic-related environmental lead pollution, rather than industrial sources. The highest concentration of cadmium was shown to be in the samples collected from the region with the highest proportion of smoking mothers (including passive smoking). Simultaneously, the placental samples were processed histochemically to determine the location of lead in the placental tissue (using light microscopy). The degree of placental metal contamination was done semiquantitatively, and the difference between the rural and industrial region was statistically compared. Parallel quantitative AAS analyses and semiquantitative histochemical lead analyses of human placental samples revealed analogous results regarding the level of placental contamination with metals. (orig.) (orig.) With 4 figs., 12 refs.

  12. Prophylactic interventions after delivery of placenta for reducing bleeding during the postnatal period. (United States)

    Yaju, Yukari; Kataoka, Yaeko; Eto, Hiromi; Horiuchi, Shigeko; Mori, Rintaro


    There are several Cochrane systematic reviews looking at postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) prophylaxis in the third stage of labour and another Cochrane review investigating the timing of prophylactic uterotonics in the third stage of labour (i.e. before or after delivery of the placenta). There are, however, no Cochrane reviews looking at the use of interventions given purely after delivery of the placenta. Ergometrine or methylergometrine are used for the prevention of PPH in the postpartum period (the period after delivery of the infant) after delivery of the placenta in some countries. There are, furthermore, no Cochrane reviews that have so far considered herbal therapies or homeopathic remedies for the prevention of PPH after delivery of the placenta. To assess the effectiveness of available prophylactic interventions for PPH including prophylactic use of ergotamine, ergometrine, methylergometrine, herbal therapies, and homeopathic remedies, administered after delivery of the placenta, compared with no uterotonic agents as well as with different routes of administration for prevention of PPH after delivery of the placenta. We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (30 April 2013), The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (USA),  Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (UK), European Medicines Agency (EMA) (EU), Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) (Japan),  Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (Australia),, Current Controlled Trials, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR; Japan), Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center Clinical Trials Information (Japic-CTI; Japan), Japan Medical Association Clinical Trial Registration (JMACCT CTR; Japan) (all on 30 April 2013) and reference lists of retrieved studies All randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing prophylactic

  13. Aprender no ensino superior: relações com a predisposição dos estudantes para o envolvimento na aprendizagem ao longo da vida

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    Rita Manuela A. Barros

    Full Text Available Pretende analisar a relação entre a aprendizagem, com base na apropriação que os estudantes fazem das diferentes formas de aprender e de estudar, e a disposição que apresentam para se envolver em atividades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida (ALV. O rationale teórico inscreve-se na Teoria de Biggs (1987, no que concerne às abordagens de aprendizagem por parte do estudante, e no princípio orientador da ALV. Procedemos a um estudo comparativo-correlacional, com uma amostra constituída por 163 estudantes do ensino superior. As abordagens de aprendizagem foram avaliadas por meio da tradução luso-portuguesa da validação brasileira da escala Revised Two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos associar a abordagem profunda a algumas características do aprendiz ao longo da vida.

  14. Avaliação da qualidade da água da bacia do rio Pirapó – Maringá, Estado do Paraná, por meio de parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i1.3199

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    Eliane Cristina Alves


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo monitorar a qualidade da água da bacia do rio Pirapó, principal fonte de abastecimento do município de Maringá, Estado do Paraná, e região. Foram estabelecidos cinco pontos de amostragem localizados à jusante dos principais ribeirões e córregos da bacia. A coleta das amostras foi realizada de forma pontual no ponto central da seção do rio, mensalmente, no período de abril/2005 a abril/2006. A qualidade da água foi avaliada por indicadores estabelecidos pela Resolução Conama nº 357/2005. Na avaliação dos parâmetros, foi possível indicar duas principais fontes poluidoras. A primeira é a exploração do solo, que se estende até às margens do rio, desprovida de mata ciliar, que ocasiona o transporte, principalmente, em períodos chuvosos, de sedimentos e nutrientes ao corpo d´água. A segunda é o lançamento clandestino de esgoto doméstico, apontado como o responsável pelos elevados índices de matéria orgânica e coliforme encontrados no corpo receptor.


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    Full Text Available AIM To analyze the outcome of 135 patients admitted with Abruptio Placenta during a period of 9 months managed at Tertiary Referral Centre, Modern Govt. Maternity Hospital, Petalburz, Hyderabad, Telangana State. MATERIALS AND METHODS A study of 135 cases of Abruptio Placenta over a period of 9 months at a tertiary level referral centre. They were analyzed regarding age, parity, socio economic status, period of gestation, antenatal care, management of Abruption and maternal and fetal outcome, and the measures to improve the condition were analyzed. RESULTS Abruptio placenta is a dreadful threat to maternal and fetal life. In our study unbooked cases were 110(81.48%, Hypertension is the main risk factor almost in 90(66.66% cases, 65% of them were between 28-36 weeks of GA, and 6 were grandmultis, 6 cases ended up with HELLP syndrome with DIC. All these 6 cases were near misses, 5 unbooked cases had eclampsia. One case of unbooked eclampsia had abruption DIC and could not be saved as it was the late referral. Total number of vaginal deliveries were 66(48.88% and total no. of abdominal deliveries were 67(49.62% in this LSCS 66 and one hysterotomy. IUD at the time of admission total were 100(74%. CONCLUSION To improve the outcome in Abruptio Placentae Good antenatal care, Educating the patient, Strengthening the Primary Health Centers in identifying the risk factors like Pre-eclampsia thereby avoiding eclampsia. Regular antenatal checkups timely delivery and availability of blood and blood products with good Neonatal care unit will help in improving the outcome of Abruptio.

  16. Análise cinemática da marcha de crianças com diparesia espástica em plano inclinado


    Mélo, Tainá Ribas


    Resumo: O presente estudo visou caracterizar as variáveis cinemáticas da marcha de crianças com diparesia espástica em plano horizontal e em plano inclinado nas fases de subida e descida. Além disso objetivou-se comparar os dados da marcha de crianças com diparesia espástica com crianças com desenvolvimento típico. Participaram do estudo 20 crianças (10 crianças com diparesia espástica e 10 crianças com desenvolvimento típico), as quais foram avaliadas em condições experimentais (plano e incl...

  17. Biofertilizantes no controle da mancha bacteriana (Xanthomonas spp. do tomateiro

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    Vinícius William Borges Rodrigues


    Full Text Available RESUMO A mancha bacteriana do tomateiro, causada por quatro espécies de Xanthomonas pode provocar perdas significativas na produção da cultura e a utilização de biofertilizantes na proteção de plantas tende a reduzir a incidência de doenças. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito dos biofertilizantes no controle preventivo e curativo da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro. Para o controle preventivo da doença, plantas de tomate cultivar Santa Cruz Kada, com 3 a 4 folhas foram pulverizadas com os biofertilizantes (Soil-Set, Agro-Mos e Cop-R-Quick e água (testemunha; e dois dias após foram inoculadas por aspersão com a suspensão bacteriana nas concentrações 109 UFC mL-1 (OD550=0,5 e 106UFC mL-1, com o isolado UFU A35 de Xanthomonas sp. Para o controle curativo, as plantas foram inoculadas com a suspensão bacteriana, e dois dias após foram pulverizadas com os biofertilizantes e água. A severidade da mancha bacteriana foi avaliada usando uma escala diagramática; aos 3, 5, 8, 11 e 14 dias após a inoculação e calculada a área abaixo da curva de progresso de doença (AACPD. O controle preventivo foi mais eficiente no manejo da mancha bacteriana do tomateiro, e os diferentes biofertilizantes reduziram a severidade da doença.

  18. Differential transferrin expression in placentae from normal and abnormal pregnancies: a pilot study

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    Bukovsky Antonin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The placenta is an important site for iron metabolism in humans. It transfers iron from the mother to the fetus. One of the major iron transport proteins is transferrin, which is a blood plasma protein crucial for iron uptake. Its localization and expression may be one of the markers to distinguish placental dysfunction. Methods In the experimental study we used antibody preparation, mass spectrometric analysis, biochemical and immunocytochemical methods for characterization of transferrin expression on the human choriocarcinoma cell line JAR (JAR cells, placental lysates, and cryostat sections. Newly designed monoclonal antibody TRO-tf-01 to human transferrin was applied on human placentae from normal (n = 3 and abnormal (n = 9 pregnancies. Results Variations of transferrin expression were detected in villous syncytiotrophoblast, which is in direct contact with maternal blood. In placentae from normal pregnancies, the expression of transferrin in the syncytium was significantly lower (p Conclusion These observations suggest that in the case of abnormal pregnancies, the fetus may require higher levels of transferrin in order to prevent iron depletion due to the stress from the placental dysfunction.

  19. Comportamento estomático e potencial da água da folha em três espécies lenhosas cultivadas sob estresse hídrico

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    Silva Elizamar Ciríaco da


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento estomático e o potencial da água da folha em plantas jovens de Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Enterolobium contortisiliquum e Tabebuia aurea submetidas a estresse hídrico, desenvolveu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação no Laboratório de Fisiologia Vegetal da UFRPE. As plântulas foram submetidas a dois tratamentos hídricos (100% da CP e 50% da CP e aos 5¹, 7, 13 e 22 dias de estresse hídrico, foram avaliadas a transpiração (E, a resistência difusiva (Rs, a temperatura da folha (Tfol, a temperatura do ar (Tar, umidade relativa do ar (UR, a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR e o déficit de pressão de vapor (DPV às 7h, 9h, 12h e 15h. Após 30 dias de estresse, foi medido o potencial da água da folha (Yw entre 9-10 horas. Os maiores valores de E foram registrados entre 9-12h para todas as espécies, sendo mais baixos nas plantas estressadas. O oposto foi verificado para Rs, com diferenças na magnitude dos valores entre espécies e horários de avaliação. A Rs das plantas estressadas de E. contortisiliquum foi influenciada pela Tar e de M. caesalpiniifolia pela UR e PAR. O Yw decresceu com o estresse, com reduções de até 155%. A Tfol não se mostrou bom indicador dos efeitos do estresse hídrico sobre as espécies.

  20. Análise da variabilidade e repetibilidade da pressão plantar durante a marcha de idosos

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    Pedro S. Franco


    Full Text Available RESUMOIntrodução:A repetibilidade e a variabilidade da pressão plantar em avaliações da marcha são componentes importantes na avaliação clínica do idoso. Contudo, pouco é conhecido sobre a consistência dos padrões de pressão plantar em idosos.Objetivo:Analisar a variabilidade e repetibilidade da pressão plantar durante da marcha de idosos, considerando valores médios, picos e assimetrias.Métodos:A pressão plantar foi avaliada em quatro diferentes dias em 10 idosos (cinco mulheres, com idade média ± desvio-padrão de 73 ± 6 anos, durante o andar descalço em velocidade preferida. Os dados de pressão plantar foram comparados entre as pisadas em cada dia e entre os diferentes dias de avaliação.Resultados:Dados de pressão média e pico foram similares entre os diferentes dias de avaliação. Os índices de assimetria observados foram similares entre os diferentes dias avaliados.Conclusão:A pressão plantar (média e pico apresentou um padrão consistente nos idosos. Contudo, os índices de assimetria observados sugerem que idosos estejam sistematicamente expostos a cargas assimétricas durante a locomoção. Essa observação requer futuras investigações, especialmente em relação ao impacto dessas assimetrias na origem de doenças articulares.

  1. Risk factors for placenta praevia presenting with severe vaginal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results: Significant predictors for severe bleeding in parturients with placenta praevia were: previous history of evacuation of the uterus or dilation and curettage (O.R. 3.6, CI: 1.1-12.5), delivery by caesarean section in previous pregnancy (O.R. 19.9, CI: 6.4-61.7), residing more than ten kilometres from Mulago hospital (O.R. ...

  2. The interleukin 2 gene is expressed in the syncytiotrophoblast of the human placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boehm, K.D.; Kelley, M.F.; Ilan, J.; Ilan, J.


    The lymphokine interleukin 2 is an important immune system regulatory glycopolypeptide. It is produced by antigen- or mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes and is required for the proliferation or clonal expansion of activated T lymphocytes. In this report, it is demonstrated by RNA transfer blot hybridization that the poly(A) + RNA population of the human placenta contains a 0.85-kilobase RNA transcript that specifically hybridizes to a human interleukin 2 cDNA probe. By using hybridization histochemistry in situ, it is further shown that interleukin 2 RNA transcripts are localized, primarily, to the syncytial (syncytiotrophoblast) layer of the human placenta. Possible roles for syncytiotrophoblast-produced interleukin 2 are suggested and discussed

  3. Quantitative assay for the measurement of immune responses directed against the human placenta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Davies, M; Sutcliffe, R G [Glasgow Univ. (UK)


    A quantitative in vitro immune assay based on the classical chromium release assay has been developed to detect immune responses directed against alien antigens expressed by the developing foetus and present on the maternal-facing surface of the human placenta. A plasma membrane fraction from the surface of the placenta was prepared and the vesicles thus formed were radiolabelled with /sup 51/Cr. The /sup 51/Cr-labelled vesicles, by various criteria, were found to be suitable for use as targets in a release assay. Further, by means of experimentally immunised animals, the target membranes were shown to be capable of detecting both cellular and humoral anti-placental activity.

  4. PROJETO DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA ATRÁVES DA BIOMASSA: para o auditório da escola Osvaldo Cruz

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    Jhon Leo de Souza Dorn


    Full Text Available A geração de eletricidade através da biomassa tem sido umas das alternativas de fontes renováveis no século XXI, tendo em vista que o Brasil é uma grande potência no uso da biomassa como fonte de energia elétrica, com destaques para algumas regiões, dentro dela o estado do MT, onde na Escola Osvaldo Cruz, localizado na Av. dos Ingás, nº 2222, Jardim Imperial em Sinop–MT, está sendo realizado este projeto de pesquisa sobre o uso da biomassa como fonte de eletricidade para um auditório. Tendo como objetivo gerar eletricidade através da biomassa para um local específico (auditório na escola Osvaldo Cruz, onde também serão avaliadas, melhorias das instalações elétricas para melhor aproveitamento da energia, fatores econômicos, quais os resíduos usados para gerar a eletricidade e por último a viabilidade do projeto. Este projeto abrangera a todos os alunos, pais, docentes da escola onde o projeto foi realizado e sociedade local de Sinop, onde todos poderão ser beneficiados direto ou indiretamente com o uso desta fonte de energia elétrica. Segundo o entrevistado Thomas Lovejoy do documentário Zugzwang (2009: “Pelo uso de combustíveis fósseis e também pela destruição de florestas tropicais estamos transformando o clima da Terra em algo hostil a vida na Terra e à vida humana. É essencial que criemos uma nova matriz energética.” Devido a este fator ambiental, será usada a biomassa neste projeto por ser uma fonte de energia renovável, onde terá como beneficiário a escola acima citada, onde a energia elétrica será produzida através da combustão de um resíduo orgânico agrícola (casca de arroz.

  5. The omniscient placenta: Metabolic and epigenetic regulation of fetal programming. (United States)

    Nugent, Bridget M; Bale, Tracy L


    Fetal development could be considered a sensitive period wherein exogenous insults and changes to the maternal milieu can have long-term impacts on developmental programming. The placenta provides the fetus with protection and necessary nutrients for growth, and responds to maternal cues and changes in nutrient signaling through multiple epigenetic mechanisms. The X-linked enzyme O-linked-N-acetylglucosamine transferase (OGT) acts as a nutrient sensor that modifies numerous proteins to alter various cellular signals, including major epigenetic processes. This review describes epigenetic alterations in the placenta in response to insults during pregnancy, the potential links of OGT as a nutrient sensor to placental epigenetics, and the implications of placental epigenetics in long-term neurodevelopmental programming. We describe the role of placental OGT in the sex-specific programming of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis programming deficits by early prenatal stress as an example of how placental signaling can have long-term effects on neurodevelopment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. From Placenta to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: The Role of Adipokines

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    Chiara Sartori


    Full Text Available Adipokines are cytokines produced mainly by adipose tissue, besides many other tissues such as placenta, ovaries, peripheral-blood mononuclear cells, liver, muscle, kidney, heart, and bone marrow. Adipokines play a significant role in the metabolic syndrome and in cardiovascular diseases, have implications in regulating insulin sensitivity and inflammation, and have significant effects on growth and reproductive function. The objective of this review was to analyze the functions known today of adiponectin, leptin, resistin, and visfatin from placenta throughout childhood and adolescence. It is well known now that their serum concentrations during pregnancy and lactation have long-term effects beyond the fetus and newborn. With regard to puberty, adipokines are involved in the regulation of the relationship between nutritional status and normal physiology or disorders of puberty and altered gonadal function, as, for example, premature pubarche and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS. Cytokines are involved in the maturation of oocytes and in the regular progression of puberty and pregnancy.

  7. Role of Doppler US and MRI in diagnosis of placenta accreta

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    Manal Hamisa


    Conclusion: In conclusion, data of the present study show that the use of transabdominal color Doppler ultrasonography complemented by MRI in suspected cases improves the diagnostic accuracy in prediction of placenta accreta in patients with previous cesarean delivery.

  8. Qualidade de frutos de pitaya em função da época de polinização, da fonte de pólen e da coloração da cobertura

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    Adriana de Castro correia da Silva


    Full Text Available A pitaya (Hylocereus undatus é uma cactácea propagada vegetativamente, o que resulta em pequena ou nula variabilidade nos plantios comerciais. Devido a diversos estudos mostrarem que a espécie é auto ou parcialmente incompatível, realizou-se este trabalho com o intuito de verificar a eficiência de polinização da pitaya autofecundada e utilizando-se de pólen de H. polyrhizus e Selenicereus setaceus, além da influência da época do ano e da coloração da cobertura da tela plástica na qualidade dos frutos. O experimento foi realizado na Área de Fruticultura da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 X 2 X 2 (três espécies doadoras de pólen X duas colorações de cobertura de sombrite, branca e preta, com 50% de sombreamento X duas épocas do ano, com quatro repetições para cada espécie doadora de pólen, em cada uma das coberturas. As flores foram emasculadas em duas épocas (março e abril e polinizadas manualmente. As variáveis avaliadas foram porcentagem de pegamento dos frutos, características físicas e químicas dos frutos (comprimento e diâmetro, massas total, de polpa e de casca, % de polpa, espessura da casca, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis (ºBrix, teor de vitamina C, acidez titulável, índice de maturação - ST/AT e dias da antese até a colheita. Não houve frutificação nas flores autopolinizadas, enquanto as polinizadas com pólen de H. polyrhizus e S. setaceus obtiveram 100% de pegamento. Pode-se concluir que há necessidade de interplantio de plantas de H. undatus (clone avaliado com H. polyrhizus ou S. setaceus para a ocorrência de frutificação, sendo que a utilização de H. polyrhizus como doadora de pólen proporciona a obtenção de frutos com maior massa e menor acidez. As condições climáticas ocorridas durante o desenvolvimento dos frutos, nas épocas estudadas, afetaram a

  9. Tomografia computadorizada no diagnóstico da otosclerose fenestral

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    Vicente Andy de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar os principais achados tomográficos da otosclerose fenestral e avaliar a utilidade da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR, como método diagnóstico dessa osteodistrofia. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Estudo prospectivo multicêntrico com tomografia computadorizada (TC de ossos temporais. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: 54 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e cirúrgico de otosclerose. Foi realizada uma análise tomográfica, em que foi avaliada a sensibilidade da TC no diagnóstico radiológico da otosclerose fenestral, sendo verificados os principais sítios de lesões dessa doença, como também a sua bilateralidade e simetria. Foram incluídos neste estudo 22 pacientes submetidos à TC de ossos temporais para investigação de outras afecções otológicas, que constituíram o grupo controle. RESULTADOS: A TC foi positiva em 87% dos pacientes (77% das orelhas. Os achados tomográficos foram bilaterais na maioria dos casos (78,7%, e o foco fenestral mais prevalente foi o foco anterior à janela oval (FAJO. CONCLUSÕES: A TC apresentou um alto índice de positividade e o FAJO foi o foco mais prevalente nessa população, podendo ser considerado um achado tomográfico altamente sugestivo de otosclerose.

  10. Changes in the blood indicators and body condition of high yielding Holstein cows with retained placenta and ketosis

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    Zenon Nogalski


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the effect of changes in body condition in the dry period and the early lactation period on the incidence of retained placenta and ketosis in 94 high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows. Body condition scoring was performed every two weeks from the beginning of the dry period until week 18 of lactation. Blood for the measuring of indicators of metabolism was sampled in weeks 1 and 2 ante partum and in weeks 1, 2, 3, 7 and 15 post partum. Retained placenta was reported in 11 cows, and ketosis was diagnosed in 18 animals. One week ante partum, the serum profile of cows diagnosed with ketosis during lactation revealed 0.52 mmol/l β-hydroxybutyric acid and 0.29 mmol/l non-esterified fatty acids on average. One week post partum, the serum profile of cows with ketosis revealed 1.59 mmol/l β-hydroxybutyric acid and 1.09 mmol/l non-esterified fatty acids and cows with retained placenta 1.65 and 1.41, respectively. From the week 5 ante partum to the point of lowest body condition the average body condition loss reached 1.4 points in cows with retained placenta, 1.1 points in cows with ketosis, and 0.8 points in healthy cows. Retained placenta and ketosis increased significantly conception rates by 0.47 and 0.50, respectively. Our results show that monitoring changes in the body condition and non-esterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyric acid blood levels in high-yielding cows in the transition period, followed by taking relevant disease-control measures, may be effective in reducing the incidence of retained placenta and ketosis in dairy cattle herds.

  11. The human TRPV6 channel protein is associated with cyclophilin B in human placenta. (United States)

    Stumpf, Tobias; Zhang, Qi; Hirnet, Daniela; Lewandrowski, Urs; Sickmann, Albert; Wissenbach, Ulrich; Dörr, Janka; Lohr, Christian; Deitmer, Joachim W; Fecher-Trost, Claudia


    Transcellular calcium transport in the kidney, pancreas, small intestine, and placenta is partly mediated by transient receptor potential (TRP) channels. The highly selective TRPV6 calcium channel protein is most likely important for the calcium transfer in different specialized epithelial cells. In the human placenta the protein is expressed in trophoblast tissue, where it is implicated in the transepithelial calcium transfer from mother to the fetus. We enriched the TRPV6 channel protein endogenously expressed in placenta together with annexin A2 and cyclophilin B (CypB), which is a member of the huge immunophilin family. In the human placenta TRPV6 and CypB are mainly located intracellularly in the syncytiotrophoblast layer, but a small amount of the mature glycosylated TRPV6 channel protein and CypB is also expressed in microvilli apical membranes, the fetomaternal barrier. To understand the role of CypB on the TRPV6 channel function, we evaluated the effect of CypB co-expression on TRPV6-mediated calcium uptake into Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing TRPV6. A significant increase of TRPV6-mediated calcium uptake was observed after CypB/TRPV6 co-expression. This stimulatory effect of CypB was reversed by the immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A, which inhibits the enzymatic activity of CypB. Cyclosporin A had no significant effect on TRPV6 and CypB protein expression levels in the oocytes. In summary, our results establish CypB as a new TRPV6 accessory protein with potential involvement in TRPV6 channel activation through its peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity.

  12. The placenta and foetal membranes of the lesser yellow house bat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A discoidal hemodichorial placenta is present in Scotophilus borbonicus. Evidence is presented which suggests that histotrophic nutrition, in addition to hemotrophic nutrition, occurs. The foetal trophospongium phagocytoses cell debris and glandular secretions derived from the maternal endometrium (decidua basalis).

  13. Mineral deficiency predisposes occurrence of retention of placenta in crossbred

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    S. K. Sheetal


    Full Text Available Aim: The present study was carried out to investigate the relationship between blood serum concentrations of macro and micro minerals and development of retention of placenta (ROP in crossbred cattle. Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out at Instructional Livestock Farm, Bihar Veterinary College and local Khatals in and around Patna. A total of 20 crossbred cattle (n=10 with normal expulsion of the placenta as control and n=10 with ROP were selected in the present study. Blood samples were collected from these animals and serum was separated and stored in the deep freezer at −20°C till further analysis. The estimation of serum macro-minerals (Ca, P, Ca/P ratio was done by Span diagnostic Kits (Surat, India and trace minerals or micro-minerals (Zn, Cu, and Fe were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer AAS 220. Mean values were compared between both the groups at 0 h (at parturition and 12 h after parturition. Results: The mean values of serum calcium and zinc were found significantly lower in cattle having ROP than control at both 0 h and 12 h after parturition. The mean values of serum Ca and P ratio obtained at 0 hour were significantly lower in ROP groups as compared to control groups and non-significant at 12 h. The mean values of serum inorganic phosphorus, copper and iron was found non-significantly lower in ROP cases as compared to control. Conclusions: Macro and micro mineral deficiency such as calcium, iron, zinc and copper in blood serum may be predisposing factor for the occurrence of retention of placenta in crossbred cattle.

  14. Autopercepção da fluorose pela exposição a flúor pela água e dentifrício


    Menezes,Léa Maria Bezerra de; Sousa,Maria da Luz Rosário de; Rodrigues,Lidiany Karla Azevedo; Cury,Jaime Aparecido


    A percepção da fluorose dental e seu impacto em escolares de Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, expostos ao uso de flúor pela água e dentifrício, foram avaliados. O problema foi encontrado em 72% das crianças, mas o grau de alteração decorrente não provocou nenhum impacto na satisfação das crianças com seus dentes. Embora a fluorose dental, devido à ingestão de flúor pela água e ao uso de dentifrício fluoretado, não tenha comprometido a estética da amostra populacional avaliada, estudo mais abrangente d...

  15. Neurite silenciosa na hanseníase multibacilar avaliada através da evolução das incapacidades antes, durante e após a poliquimioterapia

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    Pimentel Maria Inês Fernandes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: A neurite silenciosa é definida como deterioração da função nervosa na ausência de dor neural, diferenciando-se da neurite franca, em que ocorre dor no nervo periférico, com ou sem prejuízo da função nervosa. Sua detecção precoce é importante para tentar impedir o estabelecimento de seqüelas decorrentes da hanseníase. OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a freqüência das neurites silenciosas em portadores de formas multibacilares de hanseníase. MÉTODOS: Cento e três pacientes (18,4% BB, 47,6% BL e 34% LL foram acompanhados durante o período médio de 64,6 meses a partir do momento do diagnóstico, durante e após a poliquimioterapia, por meio da avaliação do grau de incapacidade. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados doentes que tiveram piora do grau de incapacidade no término de tratamento, ou ao fim do seguimento, em relação ao grau manifestado antes do tratamento ou no término do tratamento medicamentoso. Ao todo, pelo menos cinco pacientes (4,9% do total evoluíram com neurite silenciosa, durante ou após a poliquimioterapia. CONCLUSÃO: Preconiza-se exame neurológico seqüencial cuidadoso dos pacientes multibacilares, de modo a detectar e tratar precocemente a neurite silenciosa.

  16. The placenta and foetal membranes of the lesser yellow house bat ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 5, 1988 ... A discoidal hemodichorial placenta is present in $cotophilus borbonicus. Evidence is presented which suggests that histotrophic nutrition, in addition to hemotrophic nutrition, occurs. The foetal trophospongium phagocytoses cell debris and glandular secretions derived from the maternal endometrium ...

  17. Validation of the Ultra Micro Elisa for certification of human placenta as a source of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trujillo Alfonso, Maydelin; Rodriguez Garcia, Sisley; Perez Guevara, Maria Teresa


    The Viral Control Laboratory of the Placenta Derivatives Production Plant certifies the human placenta as pharmaceutical and cosmetic raw material by means of the microultra analytic system. To validate the Ultra Micro System for determination of hepatitis B surface antigen, antibodies to Hepatitis C Virus, and Immunodeficiency Human Virus Type 1 and 2 in umbilical cord serum samples

  18. Comportamento da parasitemia avaliada pelo método de Strout modificado em chagásicos agudos em tratamento

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    Cleudson Castro


    Full Text Available Em 18 pacientes com doença de Chagas aguda foi semiquantificada a parasitemia, pelo método de Strout modificado, antes e durante o tratamento. Antes da terapêutica a parasitemia variou entre 1 e 104 tripanossomos, e após o início do tratamento a parasitemia foi lida repetidamente com um intervalo, na maioria dos casos, entre dois e cinco dias, até a negativação. A dose inicial dos medicamentos foi de 10 a 15mg/kg/dia de Nifurtimox para sete pacientes, e 10 a 20mg/kg/dia de Benzonidazol para onze indivíduos. Após início do tratamento com Nifurtimox um paciente ficou o mínimo de cinco e dois o máximo de 23 dias com parasitemia enquanto com o Benzonidazol um paciente permaneceu o máximo de 15 parasitemia patente. O Benzonidazol baixou a parasitemia mais rapidamente que o Nifurtimox

  19. Parturition in gilts: duration of farrowing, birth intervals and placenta expulsion in relation to maternal, piglet and placental traits

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rens, van B.T.T.M.; Lende, van der T.


    Large White×Meishan F2 crossbred gilts (n=57) were observed continuously during farrowing while the placentae of their offspring were labeled in order to examine the duration of farrowing and placenta expulsion in relation to maternal-, piglet- and placental traits and the duration of birth interval

  20. Cross Talk between Adipose Tissue and Placenta in Obese and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Pregnancies via Exosomes. (United States)

    Jayabalan, Nanthini; Nair, Soumyalekshmi; Nuzhat, Zarin; Rice, Gregory E; Zuñiga, Felipe A; Sobrevia, Luis; Leiva, Andrea; Sanhueza, Carlos; Gutiérrez, Jaime Agustín; Lappas, Martha; Freeman, Dilys Jane; Salomon, Carlos


    Obesity is an important public health issue worldwide, where it is commonly associated with the development of metabolic disorders, especially insulin resistance (IR). Maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications, especially gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Metabolism is a vital process for energy production and the maintenance of essential cellular functions. Excess energy storage is predominantly regulated by the adipose tissue. Primarily made up of adipocytes, adipose tissue acts as the body's major energy reservoir. The role of adipose tissue, however, is not restricted to a "bag of fat." The adipose tissue is an endocrine organ, secreting various adipokines, enzymes, growth factors, and hormones that take part in glucose and lipid metabolism. In obesity, the greater portion of the adipose tissue comprises fat, and there is increased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion, macrophage infiltration, and reduced insulin sensitivity. Obesity contributes to systemic IR and its associated metabolic complications. Similar to adipose tissue, the placenta is also an endocrine organ. During pregnancy, the placenta secretes various molecules to maintain pregnancy physiology. In addition, the placenta plays an important role in metabolism and exchange of nutrients between mother and fetus. Inflammation at the placenta may contribute to the severity of maternal IR and her likelihood of developing GDM and may also mediate the adverse consequences of obesity and GDM on the fetus. Interestingly, studies on maternal insulin sensitivity and secretion of placental hormones have not shown a positive correlation between these phenomena. Recently, a great interest in the field of extracellular vesicles (EVs) has been observed in the literature. EVs are produced by a wide range of cells and are present in all biological fluids. EVs are involved in cell-to-cell communication. Recent evidence points to an association between adipose tissue

  1. Cross Talk between Adipose Tissue and Placenta in Obese and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Pregnancies via Exosomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nanthini Jayabalan


    Full Text Available Obesity is an important public health issue worldwide, where it is commonly associated with the development of metabolic disorders, especially insulin resistance (IR. Maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications, especially gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM. Metabolism is a vital process for energy production and the maintenance of essential cellular functions. Excess energy storage is predominantly regulated by the adipose tissue. Primarily made up of adipocytes, adipose tissue acts as the body’s major energy reservoir. The role of adipose tissue, however, is not restricted to a “bag of fat.” The adipose tissue is an endocrine organ, secreting various adipokines, enzymes, growth factors, and hormones that take part in glucose and lipid metabolism. In obesity, the greater portion of the adipose tissue comprises fat, and there is increased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion, macrophage infiltration, and reduced insulin sensitivity. Obesity contributes to systemic IR and its associated metabolic complications. Similar to adipose tissue, the placenta is also an endocrine organ. During pregnancy, the placenta secretes various molecules to maintain pregnancy physiology. In addition, the placenta plays an important role in metabolism and exchange of nutrients between mother and fetus. Inflammation at the placenta may contribute to the severity of maternal IR and her likelihood of developing GDM and may also mediate the adverse consequences of obesity and GDM on the fetus. Interestingly, studies on maternal insulin sensitivity and secretion of placental hormones have not shown a positive correlation between these phenomena. Recently, a great interest in the field of extracellular vesicles (EVs has been observed in the literature. EVs are produced by a wide range of cells and are present in all biological fluids. EVs are involved in cell-to-cell communication. Recent evidence points to an association between

  2. HCMV gB genotypes in cervical secretion and placenta tissues in the state of Espírito Santo, Southeastearn Brazil Genótipos gB de citomegalovírus humano em secreção cervical e placenta no Espírito Santo, Sudeste do Brasil

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    Liliana Cruz Spano


    associação destes genótipos a partir de cepas obtidas de pacientes imunossuprimidos. O presente estudo determinou os genótipos gB de cepas de HCMV obtidas de mulheres imunocompetentes em Vitória, Espírito Santo, Sudeste do Brasil. O genoma do HCMV foi extraído de secreção cervical, tecidos placentários fetais e maternos (vilosidade coriônica e decídua obtidos de casos de aborto e de leucócitos do sangue periférico. A genotipagem foi realizada através da análise de polimorfismo de fragmentos de restrição do produto amplificado da região de alta variabilidade do gene UL55. Todos os quatro genótipos foram detectados na secreção cervical e na placenta, enquanto que somente o genótipo gB1 foi detectado em leucócitos. Genótipos gB1 e gB2 foram detectados em nove e seis das 23 cepas estudadas, respectivamente, enquanto gB3 e gB4 foram encontrados cada um em quatro casos. A diferença na freqüência de genótipos não foi estatisticamente significante. Infecção mista não foi detectada. Estes resultados indicam que os quarto genótipos de HCMV apresentam tropismo para os tecidos placentários e que todos eles circularam nas mulheres imunocompetentes no período e região geográfica do estudo.

  3. Histopathological Study of Placentae in Low Birth Weight Babies in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Histopathological Study of Placentae in Low Birth Weight Babies in India. JS Nigam, V Misra, P Singh, PA Singh, S Chauhan, B Thakur. Abstract. Background: The antenatal health-care given to pregnant women has great influence on the rates of perinatal death and morbidity. Amongst the different causes of perinatal ...

  4. Alcohol, Methamphetamine, and Marijuana Exposure Have Distinct Effects on the Human Placenta. (United States)

    Carter, R Colin; Wainwright, Helen; Molteno, Christopher D; Georgieff, Michael K; Dodge, Neil C; Warton, Fleur; Meintjes, Ernesta M; Jacobson, Joseph L; Jacobson, Sandra W


    Animal studies have demonstrated adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on placental development, but few studies have examined these effects in humans. Little is known about effects of prenatal exposure to methamphetamine, marijuana, and cigarette smoking on placental development. Placentas were collected from 103 Cape Coloured (mixed ancestry) pregnant women recruited at their first antenatal clinic visit in Cape Town, South Africa. Sixty-six heavy drinkers and 37 nondrinkers were interviewed about their alcohol, cigarette smoking, and drug use at 3 antenatal visits. A senior pathologist, blinded to exposure status, performed comprehensive pathology examinations on each placenta using a standardized protocol. In multivariable regression models, effects of prenatal exposure were examined on placental size, structure, and presence of infections and meconium. Drinkers reported a binge pattern of heavy drinking, averaging 8.0 drinks/occasion across pregnancy on 1.4 d/wk. 79.6% smoked cigarettes; 22.3% used marijuana; and 17.5% used methamphetamine. Alcohol exposure was related to decreased placental weight and a smaller placenta-to-birthweight ratio. By contrast, methamphetamine was associated with larger placental weight and a larger placenta-to-birthweight ratio. Marijuana was also associated with larger placental weight. Alcohol exposure was associated with increased risk of placental hemorrhage. Prenatal alcohol, drug, and cigarette use were not associated with chorioamnionitis, villitis, deciduitis, or maternal vascular underperfusion. Alcohol and cigarette smoking were associated with a decreased risk of intrauterine passing of meconium, a sign of acute fetal stress and/or hypoxia; methamphetamine, with an increased risk. This is the first human study to show that alcohol, methamphetamine, and marijuana were associated with distinct patterns of pathology, suggesting different mechanisms mediating their effects on placental development. Given the growing

  5. Behandling af placenta percreta kræver involvering af flere specialer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Clausen, Caroline; Lönn, Lars; Albrechtsen, Charlotte Krebs


    Placenta percreta is a rare life-threatening obstetrical condition, often resulting in severe haemorrhage and hysterectomy. The incidence seems to be increasing, probably secondary to the increase in caesarean section rates. We present a protocol for an elective multidisciplinary approach with pr...

  6. Origens desenvolvimentistas da saúde e da doença (DOHaD Developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD

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    Patrícia P. Silveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Apresentar um novo ramo da ciência, denominado origens desenvolvimentistas da saúde e doença (DOHaD, abordando conceitos, métodos de estudo, aspectos éticos e perspectivas para essa área do conhecimento. FONTES DOS DADOS: Revisão não sistemática da literatura biomédica, com o intuito de obter referências históricas e atualizadas relacionadas com o tema em discussão. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: Estudos recentes demonstram associações entre agravos ocorridos em fases iniciais do desenvolvimento somático e a amplificação do risco para doenças crônicas ao longo da vida, tais como obesidade, diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares. Diferentes modelos foram propostos na tentativa de melhor explicar essas associações, como a teoria do fenótipo poupador, a programação, as respostas adaptativas preditivas e o conceito de concordância ou contraste. Alguns dos possíveis mecanismos envolvidos nesses processos são: efeitos do ambiente sobre a expressão gênica, através de mecanismos epigenéticos; efeitos de sinais hormonais transmitidos ao feto através da placenta ou ao recém-nascido através da lactação. CONCLUSÕES: O DOHaD agrega informações advindas de várias áreas do conhecimento, propondo novas metodologias de investigação no sentido de esclarecer a influência de eventos adversos ocorridos em fases precoces do desenvolvimento humano sobre o padrão de saúde e doença ao longo da vida. Esse novo campo da ciência propõe novos modelos de causalidade e mecanismos envolvidos no surgimento e desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas. Os resultados dessas investigações poderão resultar em impacto significativo na prevenção de doenças crônicas, bem como na promoção de saúde em diferentes fases da vida.OBJECTIVE: To present a new branch of scientific knowledge, known as the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD, covering its concepts, study methods and ethical considerations in addition to the

  7. Combined measurement of maternal serum FE3 and HPL for determination of fetus-placenta function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peng Yangshui; Li Gefang; Xia Dingwen


    Objective: To investigate the clinical application of combined measurement of maternal serum FE 3 and HPL for determination of fetus-placenta function. Methods: Maternal serum FE 3 and HPL levels were measured with RIA in 86 complicated and 39 non-complicated pregnant women. Results: Serum FE 3 contents in pregnant women complicated with hypertensive syndrome, intrauterine fetal distress, gestation above 33 wks complicated with diabetes and 3rd grade placenta were significantly lower than those in non-complicated ones (p 3 and HPL could improve the early diagnosis of high-risk pregnancies

  8. Padronização da coleta de dados nas bibliotecas do SIBi/USP

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    Dorotéa Maris Estela Fill

    Full Text Available A coleta de dados estatísticos no Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da USP começou a ser realizada de forma padronizada e sistêmica a partir de 1987, utilizando como ferramenta o formulário denominado Relatório Individual por Bibliotecas - RIBi. Em 2002, foi criado um projeto específico para analisar e aprimorar o RIBi cuja proposta foi avaliada e validada pelo Sistema. Apresentam-se as ações empreendidas pela equipe, entre elas a revisão do Guia de Preenchimento do RIBi e a plataforma web.

  9. Influência dos Fatores Ambientais e da Quantidade de Néctar na Atividade de Forrageio de Abelhas em Flores de Adenocalymma bracteatum (Cham.) DC. (Bignoniaceae)


    Keila Silva; João Cloves Dutra; Mateus Nucci; Leandro Polatto


    Resumo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência diária dos fatores ambientais e da quantidade de néctar na frequência de forrageio de abelhas em flores de Adenocalymma bracteatum (Cham.) DC. Para isso, foi demarcada uma área focal e registrada a atividade de forrageio das abelhas em um intervalo de 30 minutos para cada hora, das 6:00 às 17:30 h, nas flores da referida espécie vegetal durante quatro dias não consecutivos. Também foi avaliada a produção acumulativa de néctar e o s...

  10. Transport of benzo[alpha]pyrene in the dually perfused human placenta perfusion model: effect of albumin in the perfusion medium

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiesen, Line; Rytting, Erik; Mose, Tina


    compared to other species; since it is available without major ethical obstacles, we have used the human placenta perfusion model to study transport from mother to foetus. Placentas were donated after births at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen from pregnant mothers who signed an informed consent. Ba...

  11. Identification and analysis of multi-protein complexes in placenta.

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    Fuqiang Wang

    Full Text Available Placental malfunction induces pregnancy disorders which contribute to life-threatening complications for both the mother and the fetus. Identification and characterization of placental multi-protein complexes is an important step to integratedly understand the protein-protein interaction networks in placenta which determine placental function. In this study, blue native/sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN/SDS-PAGE and Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS were used to screen the multi-protein complexes in placenta. 733 unique proteins and 34 known and novel heterooligomeric multi-protein complexes including mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes, integrin complexes, proteasome complexes, histone complex, and heat shock protein complexes were identified. A novel protein complex, which involves clathrin and small conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK channel protein 2, was identified and validated by antibody based gel shift assay, co-immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence staining. These results suggest that BN/SDS-PAGE, when integrated with LC-MS/MS, is a very powerful and versatile tool for the investigation of placental protein complexes. This work paves the way for deeper functional characterization of the placental protein complexes associated with pregnancy disorders.

  12. Mercury toxicokinetics of the healthy human term placenta involve amino acid transporters and ABC transporters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Straka, Elisabeth; Ellinger, Isabella; Balthasar, Christina; Scheinast, Matthias; Schatz, Jasmin; Szattler, Tamara; Bleichert, Sonja; Saleh, Leila; Knöfler, Martin; Zeisler, Harald; Hengstschläger, Markus; Rosner, Margit; Salzer, Hans; Gundacker, Claudia


    Highlights: • It is known that MeHg is able to pass the placenta and to affect fetal brain development. • Uptake and efflux transporters were examined in human primary trophoblast cells and BeWo cells. • Involvement in mercury transfer was assessed by measurement of cellular mercury content upon siRNA mediated gene knockdown. • Localization of transporters was determined by immunofluorescence microscopy. • LAT1 and rBAT at the apical membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast (STB) are involved in MeHg uptake. • MRP1 located at basal membrane of STB mediates mercury efflux. - Abstract: Background: The capacity of the human placenta to handle exogenous stressors is poorly understood. The heavy metal mercury is well-known to pass the placenta and to affect brain development. An active transport across the placenta has been assumed. The underlying mechanisms however are virtually unknown. Objectives: Uptake and efflux transporters (17 candidate proteins) assumed to play a key role in placental mercury transfer were examined for expression, localization and function in human primary trophoblast cells and the trophoblast-derived choriocarcinoma cell line BeWo. Methods: To prove involvement of the transporters, we used small interfering RNA (siRNA) and exposed cells to methylmercury (MeHg). Total mercury contents of cells were analyzed by Cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS). Localization of the proteins in human term placenta sections was determined via immunofluorescence microscopy. Results: We found the amino acid transporter subunits L-type amino acid transporter (LAT)1 and rBAT (related to b 0,+ type amino acid transporter) as well as the efflux transporter multidrug resistance associated protein (MRP)1 to be involved in mercury kinetics of trophoblast cells (t-test P < 0.05). Conclusion: The amino acid transporters located at the apical side of the syncytiotrophoblast (STB) manage uptake of MeHg. Mercury conjugated to glutathione (GSH) is

  13. Calbindin-D9k (CaBP9k) localization and levels of expression in trophoblast cells from human term placenta. (United States)

    Belkacemi, Louiza; Gariépy, Gilles; Mounier, Catherine; Simoneau, Lucie; Lafond, Julie


    During pregnancy, the calcium (Ca(2+)) transport machinery of the placenta is solely responsible for the nutrient supply to the developing fetus, where active Ca(2+) transport occurs from the mother to the fetus. As part of a larger study to determine the role of Ca(2+) in placental transport in vivo, we questioned whether calbindin-D9k (CaBP9k), which is mainly expressed in duodenum, uterus, and placenta of several mammals, is present in cytotrophoblast cells and syncytiotrophoblasts of human term placenta. We were interested in this protein because of its potential importance in serving as an indicator of Ca(2+) availability and utilization in the placenta. Here, we demonstrated that CaBP9k transcript is present in both cell types, with a lower expression in cytotrophoblast cells as compared to syncytiotrophoblasts. Moreover, we showed by immunochemistry that CaBP9k protein was present in cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast placental tissue sections as well as in cultured cells. The occurrence of CaBP9k protein in trophoblast cells was further confirmed by Western blot analysis. Thus, these results indicate for the first time that CaBP9k is unequivocally expressed by trophoblast cells from human term placenta.

  14. Maternal obesity modulates intracellular lipid turnover in the human term placenta. (United States)

    Hirschmugl, B; Desoye, G; Catalano, P; Klymiuk, I; Scharnagl, H; Payr, S; Kitzinger, E; Schliefsteiner, C; Lang, U; Wadsack, C; Hauguel-de Mouzon, S


    Obesity before pregnancy is associated with impaired metabolic status of the mother and the offspring later in life. These adverse effects have been attributed to epigenetic changes in utero, but little is known about the role of placental metabolism and its contribution to fetal development. We examined the impact of maternal pre-pregnancy obesity on the expression of genes involved in placental lipid metabolism in lean and obese women. Seventy-three lean and obese women with healthy pregnancy were recruited at term elective cesarean delivery. Metabolic parameters were measured on maternal venous blood samples. Expression of 88 genes involved in lipid metabolism was measured in whole placenta tissue. Proteins of genes differently expressed in response to maternal obesity were quantified, correlated with maternal parameters and immunolocalized in placenta sections. Isolated primary trophoblasts were used for in vitro assays. Triglyceride (TG) content was increased in placental tissue of obese (1.10, CI 1.04-1.24 mg g -1 , Pwomen. Among target genes examined, six showed positive correlation (Pobese vs lean women. CGI-58 protein levels correlated positively with maternal insulin levels and pre-pregnancy body mass index (R=0.63, Ptreatment of cultured trophoblast cells. Pre-gravid obesity significantly modifies the expression of placental genes related to transport and storage of neutral lipids. We propose that the upregulation of CGI-58, a master regulator of TG hydrolysis, contributes to the turnover of intracellular lipids in placenta of obese women, and is tightly regulated by metabolic factors of the mother.

  15. Capsaicin Synthesis Requires in Situ Phenylalanine and Valine Formation in in Vitro Maintained Placentas from Capsicum chinense

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    Fray M. Baas-Espinola


    Full Text Available Capsaicinoids (CAP are nitrogenous metabolites formed from valine (Val and phenylalanine (Phe in the placentas of hot Capsicum genotypes. Placentas of Habanero peppers can incorporate inorganic nitrogen into amino acids and have the ability to secure the availability of the required amino acids for CAP biosynthesis. In order to determine the participation of the placental tissue as a supplier of these amino acids, the effects of blocking the synthesis of Val and Phe by using specific enzyme inhibitors were analyzed. Isolated placentas maintained in vitro were used to rule out external sources′ participation. Blocking Phe synthesis, through the inhibition of arogenate dehydratase, significantly decreased CAP accumulation suggesting that at least part of Phe required in this process has to be produced in situ. Chlorsulfuron inhibition of acetolactate synthase, involved in Val synthesis, decreased not only Val accumulation but also that of CAP, pointing out that the requirement for this amino acid can also be fulfilled by this tissue. The presented data demonstrates that CAP accumulation in in vitro maintained placentas can be accomplished through the in situ availability of Val and Phe and suggests that the synthesis of the fatty acid chain moiety may be a limiting factor in the biosynthesis of these alkaloids.

  16. Energy Balance Regulating Neuropeptides Are Expressed through Pregnancy and Regulated by Interleukin-6 Deficiency in Mouse Placenta. (United States)

    Pazos, Patricia; Lima, Luis; Diéguez, Carlos; García, María C


    The placenta produces a number of signaling molecules including metabolic and reproductive hormones as well as several inflammatory mediators. Among them, Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a well-known immune and metabolic regulator, acts peripherally modulating metabolic function and centrally increasing energy expenditure and reducing body fat. IL-6 interacts with key hypothalamic neuropeptidergic systems controlling energy homeostasis such as those producing the orexigenic/anabolic: neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related peptide (AgRP) and anorectic/catabolic neuropeptides: proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART). Human and rat placenta have been identified as source of these neuropeptides, but their expression and regulation in murine placental tissues remain unknown. Therefore, placental mRNA levels of IL-6, NPY, AgRP, POMC, and CART at different pregnancy stages (gestational days 13, 15, and 18) were analyzed by real time PCR, as were the effect of IL-6 deficiency (IL-6 knockout mice) on their placental expression. Our results showed that placenta-derived neuropeptides were regulated by gestational age and IL-6 throughout the second half of mouse pregnancy. These data suggest that IL-6 may participate in the fine tune control of energy balance during pregnancy by extending its action as a metabolic signal to the main organ at the fetomaternal interface: the placenta.

  17. IFPA meeting 2015 workshop report II: mechanistic role of the placenta in fetal programming; biomarkers of placental function and complications of pregnancy. (United States)

    Andraweera, P H; Bobek, G; Bowen, C; Burton, G J; Correa Frigerio, P; Chaparro, A; Dickinson, H; Duncombe, G; Hyett, J; Illanes, S E; Johnstone, E; Kumar, S; Morgan, T K; Myers, J; Orefice, R; Roberts, C T; Salafia, C M; Thornburg, K L; Whitehead, C L; Bainbridge, S A


    Workshops are an integral component of the annual International Federation of Placenta Association (IFPA) meeting, allowing for networking and focused discussion related to specialized topics on the placenta. At the 2015 IFPA meeting (Brisbane, Australia) twelve themed workshops were held, three of which are summarized in this report. These workshops focused on various aspects of placental function, particularly in cases of placenta-mediated disease. Collectively, these inter-connected workshops highlighted the role of the placenta in fetal programming, the use of various biomarkers to monitor placental function across pregnancy, and the clinical impact of novel diagnostic and surveillance modalities in instances of late onset fetal growth restriction (FGR). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Maternal outcome after conservative management of abnormally invasive placenta

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    Hsiu-Wei Su


    Conclusion: In this small series, we observed a low successful uterine preservation rate and a high maternal complication rate. We recommend that primary cesarean hysterectomy should be used as the treatment of choice for mild to severe abnormally invasive placenta. Conservative management should be reserved for women with a strong fertility desire and women with extensive disease that precludes primary hysterectomy due to surgical difficulty.

  19. Avaliação de parâmetros indicativos da qualidade da carne bovina moída comercializada em diferentes supermercados em Erechin, Rio Grande do Sul

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    Marlice Salete Bonacina


    Full Text Available Introdução: Nas últimas décadas, os brasileiros, seguindo uma tendência mundial, vêm mudando os seus hábitos alimentares, preocupando-se com a origem dos alimentos. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos da carne bovina moída, comercializada em diferentes supermercados no município de Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul. Método: Foram realizadas três coletas, em quatro estabelecimentos diferentes, totalizando 12 amostras. A qualidade da carne foi avaliada através dos parâmetros temperatura, pH, determinação de bolores e leveduras, prova de cocção, de Nessler e de Éber; pesquisa de nitrato, nitrito e sulfito de sódio. Resultados: A partir dos resultados foi possível verificar que todas as amostras coletadas não atenderam a legislação em relação à temperatura de armazenamento, e apresentaram uma elevada contagem de bolores e leveduras. No entanto, todas as amostras encontraram-se dentro do padrão estabelecido para os valores de pH. Verificou-se a presença de odores desagradáveis em 25,0% das amostras, resultados positivos para a prova de Nessler e Éber, e negativos para 100,0% das amostras em relação as determinações de fraudes. Conclusões: A partir destes resultados, fica evidente a necessidade de condutas que visam a obtenção e a comercialização de carne moída com maior qualidade no município de Erechim. Por isso, é importante melhorar a educação sanitária e a conscientização dos empresários e colaboradores que atuam no setor, além da fiscalização mais ativa da Vigilância Sanitária do Município.

  20. Uso da bandagem elástica associada ao tratamento fonoaudiológico no controle da sialorréia

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    Wanessa Furtado Caneschi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:verificar a efetividade do uso da bandagem elástica associada ao tratamento fonoaudiológico no controle da sialorréia.MÉTODOS:estudo longitudinal realizado com onze crianças com quadro de sialorréia crônica e alteração neurológica. Foi verificada a percepção do fonoaudiólogo e do responsável acerca da gravidade e o número de toalhas/paninhos de boca utilizados ao dia. Empregou-se também a sialometria. Cada participante recebeu a aplicação da bandagem elástica Kinesio Tape na região da musculatura supra-hióidea por 30 dias. As crianças foram avaliadas sem a bandagem (T0, imediatamente após a retirada da bandagem (T1 e três meses após (T2. O tratamento fonoaudiológico foi realizado pelo o mesmo profissional em duas sessões semanais. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente.RESULTADOS:no questionário verificou-se redução da queixa de engasgos com saliva em T1 (p=0,024.A média de uso diário de toalhas/paninhos era de quatro (10,2% em T0, duas (5,1% em T1 e quatro (10,2% em T2.De acordo com a sialometria, verificou-se redução da sialorréia de T0 para T1 (p=0,018 e ausência de diferença entre T0 e T2 (p=0,215 e aumento de T1 para T2 (p=0,05.De acordo com a percepção do fonoaudiólogo houve redução da sialorréia 30 dias após o uso da bandagem, entretanto não se observou melhora ao se comparar os resultados 30 dias após o uso e três meses sem a bandagem.CONCLUSÃO:a bandagem elástica se mostrou eficaz no controle da sialorréia durante seu período de uso, não sendo observada permanência dos resultados após interrupção da aplicação.

  1. DNA flow cytometric analysis in variable types of hydropic placentas

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    Fatemeh Atabaki pasdar


    Full Text Available Background: Differential diagnosis between complete hydatidiform mole, partial hydatidiform mole and hydropic abortion, known as hydropic placentas is still a challenge for pathologists but it is very important for patient management. Objective: We analyzed the nuclear DNA content of various types of hydropic placentas by flowcytometry. Materials and Methods: DNA ploidy analysis was performed in 20 non-molar (hydropic and non-hydropic spontaneous abortions and 20 molar (complete and partial moles, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples by flow cytometry. The criteria for selection were based on the histopathologic diagnosis. Results: Of 10 cases histologically diagnosed as complete hydatiform mole, 9 cases yielded diploid histograms, and 1 case was tetraploid. Of 10 partial hydatidiform moles, 8 were triploid and 2 were diploid. All of 20 cases diagnosed as spontaneous abortions (hydropic and non-hydropic yielded diploid histograms. Conclusion: These findings signify the importance of the combined use of conventional histology and ploidy analysis in the differential diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole, partial hydatidiform mole and hydropic abortion.

  2. Óbito fetal no descolamento prematuro da placenta: comparação entre dois períodos Fetal death in placental abruption: comparison of two different time periods

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    Fábio Roberto Cabar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Comparar a incidência de descolamento prematuro da placenta (DPP, de óbito fetal e o perfil dos fatores maternos associados ao óbito fetal em casos acometidos por DPP em dois períodos, num mesmo serviço médico terciário. MÉTODOS: Avaliação retrospectiva dos casos de DPP ocorridos entre 1º de janeiro de 1994 a 31 de dezembro de 1997 (período 94-97 e 1º de abril de 2001 a 31 de março de 2005 (período 01-05, em gestações únicas com peso do recém-nascido superior a 500g e idade gestacional acima da 20ª semana. Foram analisados os fatores: idade materna, cor, antecedentes obstétricos, ocorrência de hipertensão arterial ou ruptura prematura de membranas ovulares, presença de sangramento genital, hemoâmnio, características do tônus uterino, ocorrência de CIVD, insuficiência renal, anemia puerperal, bem como a idade gestacional e peso do RN no parto. RESULTADOS: No período 94-97, foram realizados 7.692 partos e o DPP ocorreu em 0,78% (60 casos, e no período 01-05 foram 8.644 partos com 0,59% (51 casos de DPP, sem diferença significativa. No período 94-97, a proporção de casos sem sangramento genital foi significativamente maior no grupo que evoluiu com óbito fetal quando comparado aos casos cujo feto nasceu vivo (57,9% vs 22,0%; p=0,01. No período 01-05, a proporção de casos com hipertonia uterina foi significativamente maior no grupo que evoluiu com óbito fetal quando comparado aos casos com recém-nascido nativivo (66,7% vs 29,3%; p=0,04. As complicações maternas no pós-parto foram mais freqüentes nos casos de óbito fetal, em ambos os períodos 94-97 e 01-05 (31,6% vs 4,9%, p=0,009, e, 50,0% vs 5,1%, p=0,001, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: O DPP permanece grave problema obstétrico com conseqüências potencialmente fatais, principalmente nos casos com maior área de descolamento da placenta. Maior gravidade do quadro clínico materno é observada nos casos de óbito fetal.OBJECTIVE: To compare the

  3. Glucose metabolism in cultured trophoblasts from human placenta

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moe, A.J.; Farmer, D.R.; Nelson, D.M.; Smith, C.H.


    The development of appropriate placental trophoblast isolation and culture techniques enables the study of pathways of glucose utilization by this important cell layer in vitro. Trophoblasts from normal term placentas were isolated and cultured 24 hours and 72 hours in uncoated polystyrene culture tubes or tubes previously coated with a fibrin matrix. Trophoblasts cultured on fibrin are morphologically distinct from those cultured on plastic or other matrices and generally resemble in vivo syncytium. Cells were incubated up to 3 hours with 14 C-labeled glucose and reactions were stopped by addition of perchloric acid. 14 CO 2 production by trophoblasts increased linearly with time however the largest accumulation of label was in organic acids. Trophoblasts cultured in absence of fibrin utilized more glucose and accumulated more 14 C in metabolic products compared to cells cultured on fibrin. Glucose oxidation to CO 2 by the phosphogluconate (PG) pathway was estimated from specific yields of 14 CO 2 from [1- 14 C]-D-glucose and [6- 14 C]-D-glucose. Approximately 6% of glucose oxidation was by the PG pathway when cells were cultured on fibrin compared to approximately 1% by cells cultured in the absence of fibrin. The presence of a fibrin growth matrix appears to modulate the metabolism of glucose by trophoblast from human placenta in vitro

  4. Suspected invasive placenta: evaluation with magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bour, Laurence; Place, Vinciane; Bendavid, Sandra; Fargeaudou, Yann; Portal, Jean-Jacques; Ricbourg, Aude; Sebbag, Delphine; Dohan, Anthony; Soyer, Philippe; Vicaut, Eric


    To determine the utility of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing invasive placenta (IP). MRI findings in 32 women with suspected IP were evaluated independently by four readers. Interobserver agreement was calculated with kappa (κ) statistics. Associations between MRI findings and IP were assessed by univariate and multivariate analyses. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRI for the diagnosis of IP were estimated. Sixteen women (16/32; 50 %) had confirmed IP. Interobserver correlation for the diagnosis of IP was fair (κ = 0.40). Univariate analysis revealed that thinning or focal defect of the uteroplacental interface (P < 0.0001) was the most discriminating MRI variable in the differentiation between normal and IP. Overall sensitivity and specificity of MRI for the diagnosis of IP were 84 % [95 % CI: 75-94 %] and 80 % [95 % CI: 66-93 %], respectively. Thinning or focal defect of the uteroplacental interface was the most accurate finding (88 %) in the diagnosis of IP. Multivariate analysis revealed that thinning or focal defect of the uteroplacental interface was the single independent predictor of IP (P = 0.0006; OR = 64.99). MR imaging has 84 % sensitivity [95 % CI: 75-94 %] and 80 % specificity [95 % CI: 66-93 %] for the diagnosis of IP. Thinning or focal defect of the uteroplacental interface is the most discriminating independent MR variable in differentiating between normal placenta and IP. (orig.)

  5. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor for prediction of placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes in high-risk women: AngioPred study.

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    Aurélie Di Bartolomeo

    Full Text Available The study aimed to evaluate if the rate of tissue factor pathway inhibitor during pregnancy and following delivery could be a predictive factor for placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes in high-risk women.This was a prospective multicentre cohort study of 200 patients at a high risk of occurrence or recurrence of placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes conducted between June 2008 and October 2010. Measurements of tissue factor pathway inhibitor resistance (normalized ratio and tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity were performed for the last 72 patients at 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36 weeks of gestation and during the postpartum period.Overall, 15 patients presented a placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcome. There was no difference in normalized tissue factor pathway inhibitor ratios between patients with and without placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes during pregnancy and in the post-partum period. Patients with placenta-mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes had tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity rates that were significantly higher than those in patients without at as early as 24 weeks of gestation. The same results were observed following delivery.Among high-risk women, the tissue factor pathway inhibitor activity of patients with gestational vascular complications is higher than that in other patients. Hence, these markers could augment a screening strategy that includes an analysis of angiogenic factors as well as clinical and ultrasound imaging with Doppler measurement of the uterine arteries.

  6. Evidence for widespread changes in promoter methylation profile in human placenta in response to increasing gestational age and environmental/stochastic factors

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    Craig Jeffrey M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The human placenta facilitates the exchange of nutrients, gas and waste between the fetal and maternal circulations. It also protects the fetus from the maternal immune response. Due to its role at the feto-maternal interface, the placenta is subject to many environmental exposures that can potentially alter its epigenetic profile. Previous studies have reported gene expression differences in placenta over gestation, as well as inter-individual variation in expression of some genes. However, the factors contributing to this variation in gene expression remain poorly understood. Results In this study, we performed a genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of gene promoters in placenta tissue from three pregnancy trimesters. We identified large-scale differences in DNA methylation levels between first, second and third trimesters, with an overall progressive increase in average methylation from first to third trimester. The most differentially methylated genes included many immune regulators, reflecting the change in placental immuno-modulation as pregnancy progresses. We also detected increased inter-individual variation in the third trimester relative to first and second, supporting an accumulation of environmentally induced (or stochastic changes in DNA methylation pattern. These highly variable genes were enriched for those involved in amino acid and other metabolic pathways, potentially reflecting the adaptation of the human placenta to different environments. Conclusions The identification of cellular pathways subject to drift in response to environmental influences provide a basis for future studies examining the role of specific environmental factors on DNA methylation pattern and placenta-associated adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  7. Human Placenta Extract Therapy for Feline Hepatic Lipidosis



    Feline hepatic lipidosis (HL), the most common hepatobiliary disease in cats, is characterized by the accumulation of excessive triglycerides (TGs) in more than 80% of hepatocytes. Forced oral feeding is recommended as the only therapy for this disease but the prognosis is often poor. As human placenta extract (Laennec) has been used to improve hepatic metabolism, we investigated the efficacy of this drug for the treatment of cats with HL. Ten cats diagnosed with HL in this study were treated...

  8. Efeito da técnica de polimento na topografia de superfície e na transmitância da resina composta

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    Marina Moura de Azevedo Souza

    Full Text Available Introdução: Clinicamente, é comum observar os efeitos de estratificação de restaurações de compósito apenas após o polimento. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da técnica de polimento na transmitância de luz e na topografia de superfície de uma resina composta. Material e método: Amostras da resina Filtek Z-350 XT (cor A1E foram confeccionadas em matriz metálica. Uma das superfícies das amostras recebeu acabamento com brocas de 12 lâminas e polimento através de uma das seguintes técnicas: SL (Sof-Lex, EH (Enhance e DH (DHPro. Ausência de polimento foi usada como controle. Após o polimento, as amostras deviam apresentar espessura final de 1 mm. A transmitância de luz foi avaliada através do espectrofotômetro, sendo considerada apenas a luz no espectro visível. A topografia de superfície foi avaliada através de interferometria a laser, com os parâmetros Sdq (híbrido, St (amplitude máxima e As (média de picos e vales. Os dados (n=5 foram submetidos a ANOVA e teste SNK. O teste de correlação de Pearson correlacionou Sdq, St e Sa à transmitância (α=0,05. Resultado: Todos os sistemas de polimento aumentaram a transmitância de luz em relação ao controle, não havendo diferença entre estes. Apenas as amostras polidas com SL e DH apresentaram maiores valores de Sdq que o Controle. Já para os parâmetros St e Sa, EH mostrou menores valores que o controle. Sdq e St mostraram correlação significativa com transmitância. Conclusão: Todos os sistemas de polimento foram efetivos em aumentar a transmitância, sendo a redução dos valores Sdq e St relacionada a esta modificação.

  9. Velocidade de infiltração básica de água como indicador da qualidade porosa do solo

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    Raphael Maia Aveiro Cessa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho verificou se a velocidade de infiltração básica de água (VIB pode ser um indicador da qualidade do sistema poroso do solo cultivado com diferentes espécies vegetais. Foi realizado no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso – campus Confresa, em um Argissolo Vermelho- Amarelo de textura arenosa. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos constituídos pelos cultivos de Brachiaria ruziziensis (braquiária, Pennisetum americanum (milheto, Phaseolus vulgaris L. (feijão e Sorghum bicolor L. Moench (sorgo em quatro repetições totalizando 16 parcelas. A ideia do cultivo das referidas espécies vegetais foi promover alteração natural do calibre dos poros do solo por meio dos seus sistemas radiculares e mineralização dos resíduos, viabilizando o estudo da velocidade de infiltração básica de água no solo como indicador da qualidade do calibre de poros. A partir de 90 dias após semeadura do milho avaliou-se a densidade do solo, volume de macroporos (Ma, microporos (Mi, porosidade total (VTP, resistência do solo à penetração (Rsp e VIB. As profundidades do solo consideradas foram 0-0,10 m e 0,10 a 0,20 m. Os dados numéricos foram submetidos a análise de variância e teste de significância de “F” ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Características significativas tiveram suas médias comparadas pelo método Tukey. Entre as características citadas obtiveram-se os coeficientes de correlação lineares simples de Pearson. Nas condições experimentais avaliadas foi possível utilizar a VIB como indicador da qualidade do seu sistema poroso, embora tenha sido necessário realizar associações indiretas com as características avaliadas. Dessa forma, constatou-se tendência do aumento da VIB com aumento da Ma.

  10. Perioperative Internal Iliac Artery Balloon Occlusion, In the Setting of Placenta Accreta and Its Variants: The Role of the Interventional Radiologist. (United States)

    Petrov, David A; Karlberg, Benjamin; Singh, Kamalpreet; Hartman, Matthew; Mittal, Pardeep K


    Placenta accreta and its variants (increta and percreta) are conditions of abnormal placentation that are encountered with increasing frequency. The spectrum of placenta accreta (including placenta increta and percreta) involves an abnormal attachment of the placental chorionic villi to the uterine myometrium. This abnormal attachment leads to increased adherence of the placenta to the uterus and abnormal placental-uterine separation at the time of delivery. Placental invasion into, or through the myometrium is associated with increased postpartum morbidity and mortality as a result of uterine hemorrhage during and following cesarean section. A multidisciplinary clinical approach to the treatment of patients with placenta accreta is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. As potential members of an interdisciplinary team, interventional radiologists can perform prophylactic internal iliac arterial balloon occlusion as an adjunctive therapy for reducing potentially life-threatening postpartum hemorrhage. The procedure involves placement of a balloon catheter into the internal iliac or common iliac arteries bilaterally prior to cesarean section. Following delivery, and prior to placental separation, the catheter balloons are inflated with a pre-determined volume of saline leading to transient occlusion of the internal iliac arteries and reduced uterine blood flow. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. High-intensity focused ultrasound treatment of placenta accreta after vaginal delivery: a preliminary study. (United States)

    Bai, Y; Luo, X; Li, Q; Yin, N; Fu, X; Zhang, H; Qi, H


    To evaluate the safety and efficiency of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in the treatment of placenta accreta after vaginal delivery. Enrolled into this study between September 2011 and September 2013 were 12 patients who had been diagnosed with placenta accreta following vaginal delivery and who had stable vital signs. All patients were treated using an ultrasound-guided HIFU treatment system. As indication of the effectiveness of the treatment we considered decreased vascular index on color Doppler imaging, decrease in size of residual placenta compared with pretreatment size on assessment by three-dimensional ultrasound with Virtual Organ Computer-aided Analysis, reduced signal intensity and degree of enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging and avoidance of hysterectomy following treatment. To assess the safety of HIFU treatment, we recorded side effects, hemorrhage, infection, sex steroid levels, return of menses and subsequent pregnancy. Patients were followed up in this preliminary study until December 2013. The 12 patients receiving HIFU treatment had an average postpartum hospital stay of 6.8 days and an average period of residual placental involution of 36.9 days. HIFU treatment did not apparently increase the risk of infection or hemorrhage and no patient required hysterectomy. In all patients menstruation recommenced after an average of 80.2 days, and sex steroid levels during the middle luteal phase of the second menstrual cycle were normal. Two patients became pregnant again during the follow-up period. This preliminary study suggests that ultrasound-guided HIFU is a safe and effective non-invasive method to treat placenta accreta patients after vaginal delivery who have stable vital signs and desire to preserve fertility. Copyright © 2015 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Copyright © 2015 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Infectious complications in morbidly adherent placenta treated with leaving placenta in situ: a cohort series and suggested approach. (United States)

    Kutuk, Mehmet Serdar; Kilic, Aysegul; Ak, Mehmet; Ozgun, Mahmut


    The aim of this study is to assess the clinical and microbiological features of infections in patients with morbidly adherent placenta (MAP) treated by leaving placenta in situ (LPIS). Retrospective analysis of MAP cases who were treated by LPIS between 2 May 2010 and 15 March 2017. The inclusion criteria were gestational age at or above 24 weeks, prenatal diagnosis, elective operation, and complete data. Nineteen MAP cases were treated by LPIS during the study period. The mean ± SD duration for total placental resorbtion was 145 ± 47 days. Three patients were readmitted to the hospital because of fever (3/19). A total of 65 culture samples were taken from the patients during their follow- up periods. In four cases (4/12) cervical cultures showed positive growth [Escherichia coli (2), Klebsiella pneumoniae (1), mixed culture with Enterococcus spp. and E. coli (1)]. Fifteen (15/26) urine samples were sterile, three were polymicrobial. In eight cases, urine culture revealed E. coli growth (one E. coli and Enterococcus spp.). Three out of 16 (3/16) surgical incision samples revealed growth of E. coli. No bacterial growth was detected in blood cultures. Susceptibility results of Gram-negatives indicate that the resistance rates of beta-lactam antibiotics are high (14/20, 70%). No secondary surgical intervention occurred during the study period due to infection. Majority of postpartum cervical discharge, fever, and increased CRP levels do not represent morbid infections and/or sepsis. With early detection, and implementation of antibiotherapy (combination of an aminoglycoside and clindamycin), they can be easily controlled and secondary surgical interventions can be prevented.

  13. Energy Balance Regulating Neuropeptides Are Expressed through Pregnancy and Regulated by Interleukin-6 Deficiency in Mouse Placenta

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    Patricia Pazos


    Full Text Available The placenta produces a number of signaling molecules including metabolic and reproductive hormones as well as several inflammatory mediators. Among them, Interleukin-6 (IL-6, a well-known immune and metabolic regulator, acts peripherally modulating metabolic function and centrally increasing energy expenditure and reducing body fat. IL-6 interacts with key hypothalamic neuropeptidergic systems controlling energy homeostasis such as those producing the orexigenic/anabolic: neuropeptide Y (NPY and agouti-related peptide (AgRP and anorectic/catabolic neuropeptides: proopiomelanocortin (POMC and cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART. Human and rat placenta have been identified as source of these neuropeptides, but their expression and regulation in murine placental tissues remain unknown. Therefore, placental mRNA levels of IL-6, NPY, AgRP, POMC, and CART at different pregnancy stages (gestational days 13, 15, and 18 were analyzed by real time PCR, as were the effect of IL-6 deficiency (IL-6 knockout mice on their placental expression. Our results showed that placenta-derived neuropeptides were regulated by gestational age and IL-6 throughout the second half of mouse pregnancy. These data suggest that IL-6 may participate in the fine tune control of energy balance during pregnancy by extending its action as a metabolic signal to the main organ at the fetomaternal interface: the placenta.

  14. Utilização do choque osmótico na avaliação da viabilidade de sêmen criopreservado de ovinos

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    Gabriel Felipe Oliveira de Menezes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho analisou o emprego do choque osmótico (HOST com o uso da água deionizada (0 mOsmol, como método de avaliação do sêmen ovino descongelado e correlacionou os resultado obtidos com aqueles encontrados em diferentes técnicas de avaliação de sêmen. Para tanto, vinte amostras de sêmen criopreservado (20 reprodutores, foram avaliadas quanto aos parâmetros de cinética espermática pelo sistema computadorizado (IVOS 12, Hamilton Thorne Biosciences, Beverly, MA, EUA e análise subjetiva. A análise da viabilidade das membranas espermáticas foi efetuada com a associação de sondas fluorescentes (PI, JC-1 e FITC-PSA. A integridade estrutural da membrana plasmática foi estudada com o teste supravital com eosina (EOS e, por fim, a integridade funcional da membrana foi avaliada pelo choque osmótico, com a utilização da água deionizada nas seguintes proporções: uma parte de sêmen para 10 (HOST 10, 50 (HOST 50 e para 100 (HOST 100 partes de água. Após a diluição do sêmen, nas diferentes proporções, as amostras foram analisadas quanto ao percentual de espermatozoides reativos ao HOST. Os valores de positividade obtidos para o HOST 10 (33,1%, HOST 50 (32,8% e HOST 100 (31,8% não diferiram significativamente. O HOST 10 apresentou importante correlação positiva com a integridade da membrana plasmática pela EOS (r = 0,8; p < 0,05. Os HOST 50 e 100 demonstraram correlações positivas com subpopulações espermáticas com membrana plasmática íntegra pela fluorescência (r = 0,83 e r = 0,85; p < 0,01. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que o HOST com água deionizada pode fornecer informações complementares para a avaliação da viabilidade do sêmen ovino pós-descongelação.

  15. Assessment of Multiple Types of DNA Damage in Human Placentas from Smoking and Non-smoking Women in the Czech Republic (United States)

    Margaret Pratt, M.; King, Leon C.; Adams, Linda D.; John, Kaarthik; Sirajuddin, Paul; Olivero, Ofelia A.; Manchester, David K.; Sram, Radim J.; DeMarini, David M.; Poirier, Miriam C.


    Three classes of DNA damage were assessed in human placentas collected (in 2000-4) from 51 women living in the Teplice region of the Czech Republic, a mining area considered to have some of the worst environmental pollution in Europe in the 1980s. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-DNA adducts were localized and semiquantified using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and the Automated Cellular Imaging System (ACIS). More generalized DNA damage was measured both by 32P-postlabeling and by abasic (AB) site analysis. Placenta stained with antiserum elicited against DNA modified with r7, t8-dihydroxy-t-9, 10-oxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-benzo[a]pyrene (BPDE) revealed PAH-DNA adduct localization in nuclei of the cytotrophoblast (CT) cells and syncytiotrophoblast (ST) knots lining the chorionic villi. The highest levels of DNA damage, 49–312 PAH-DNA adducts/108 nucleotides, were found by IHC/ACIS in 14 immediately-fixed placenta samples. An additional 37 placenta samples were stored frozen before fixation and embedding, and because PAH-DNA adducts were largely undetectable in these samples, freezing was implicated in the loss of IHC signal. The same placentas (n = 37) contained 1.7 – 8.6 stable/bulky DNA adducts/108 nucleotides and 0.6 – 47.2 AB sites/105 nucleotides. For all methods there was no correlation among types of DNA damage and no difference in extent of DNA damage between smokers and non-smokers. Therefore, the data show that DNA from placentas obtained in Teplice contained multiple types of DNA damage, which likely arose from various environmental exposures. In addition, PAH-DNA adducts were present at high concentrations in the CT cells and ST knots of the chorionic villi. PMID:20839217

  16. Avaliação da adição de emulsificantes do tipo lecitinas modificadas na cristalização de manteiga de cacau e de chocolate amargo


    Eriksen Koji Miyasaki


    Resumo: As lecitinas modificadas de soja estão sendo introduzidas no processamento de chocolates como alternativa à lecitina padrão para melhorar as propriedades reológicas e de cristalização. A influência da adição de 0,2 a 0,8% (m/m) de lecitinas hidrolisada enzimaticamente, hidroxilada, em pó e acetilada na cristalização da manteiga de cacau foi avaliada. No chocolate, foram adicionadas as lecitinas hidrolisada enzimaticamente e hidroxilada nas concentrações de 0,1 a 0,3% (m/m). Os resulta...

  17. Avaliação da qualidade de méis de abelha produzidos e comercializados em Vitória da Conquista, Bahia

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    Manoel Nelson de Castro Filho


    Full Text Available O mel é um produto elaborado pelas abelhas, a partir do néctar das flores ou de secreções procedentes de partes vivas das plantas, que as abelhas recolhem, transformam e combinam com substâncias específicas próprias. Este alimento é nutritivo e energético, sendo apreciado, entre outros fatores, por suas propriedades terapêuticas. Açúcares, água, vitaminas, ácidos orgânicos e sais minerais são os principais constituintes do mel. Nesse sentido, as análises laboratoriais são utilizadas para inspeção, com o objetivo de conhecer a composição química do mel, identificando a qualidade do produto. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade dos méis produzidos e comercializados na cidade de Vitória da Conquista - BA e sua adequabilidade em relação à identidade e qualidade padronizadas pela legislação brasileira. As amostras foram obtidas da Casa do Mel da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, em Vitória da Conquista, e analisadas no laboratório de Química Analítica e Ambiental da mesma instituição. Foram analisados teor de umidade, acidez livre, açúcares redutores e não redutores, hidroximetilfurfural, sólidos solúveis totais, pH e reação de Fiehe e Lund  em 18 amostras de méis. Das amostras avaliadas, 66,67% apresentaram valores de HMF superiores aos aceitáveis pela legislação, 11,11% para acidez e 27,78% para o teste Fiehe. O resultado das demais análises apresentaram-se dentro dos valores permitidos.

  18. Estresse percebido em profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família

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    Luiz Bernardo Leonelli

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Objetivo: Avaliar o estresse percebido (EP de profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF e a associação com características das equipes. Também foi investigada a ocorrência de associação entre EP e morbidade autorreferida. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo transversal com 450 trabalhadores de 60 equipes em 12 Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS, em uma região de São Paulo. As diferenças entre o escore total da Escala de Estresse Percebido e suas associações com as características individuais e das equipes foram avaliadas por meio de modelos múltiplos de regressão linear. Resultados: Observaram-se níveis mais elevados de EP naqueles com tempo de trabalho igual ou superior a um ano na mesma equipe, nas categorias de médicos, enfermeiros e agentes comunitários de saúde, gênero feminino, em não praticantes de credos religiosos, e em profissionais de UBS com equipes incompletas (ausência do médico. Menor estresse percebido foi encontrado em viúvos. Observou-se que indivíduos com níveis mais elevados de EP têm mais chance de relatar problemas crônicos de saúde. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a percepção de estresse na população estudada está associada a fatores individuais, profissionais, e à composição das equipes nas unidades básicas de saúde.

  19. Mudanças na estrutura do solo avaliada com uso de tomografia computadorizada.


    PIRES, L. F.; BACCHI, O. O. S.


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em escala milimétrica, a modificação da densidade e da porosidade de amostras deformadas de solo submetidas a ciclos de umedecimento e secamento (U-S), por meio da tomografia computadorizada de raios gama. Amostras com 98,1 cm³ foram preparadas procedendo ao peneiramento do solo em malha de 2 mm e acondicionamento de forma homogênea em tubos de PVC. As amostras de solo foram submetidas a um, dois e três ciclos de U-S. As amostras controle não foram subme...

  20. A microbiota da carcaça e da carne ovina tratada com ácido acético, embalada a vácuo e maturada por 48 dias


    Vasconcelos,Elayne C. de; Zapata,Jorge F. F.; Figueiredo,Evânia A. de; Castelo Branco,Maria A. A.; Borges,Ângela S.


    Foi avaliada a carga de bactérias mesófilas e coliformes totais e fecais na superfície da carcaça ovina após 12 horas do abate. Posteriormente, a carne foi cortada em fatias de aproximadamente 3cm de espessura, imersas por um minuto em ácido acético 1% ou em água, embaladas individualmente a vácuo e armazenadas a 1°C. Nos dias 3,13, 23, 33 e 48 de maturação as carnes foram analisadas para bactérias mesófilas e psicrotróficas, mofos e leveduras, coliformes totais e fecais, salmonela e clostríd...