
Sample records for da pena fortified

  1. A pena privativa da liberdade e a preservação dos vínculos familiares: uma equação possível?


    Marcos Antonio Pithon Nascimento


    O texto volta-se à problemática do indivíduo que se encontra preso, cumprindo pena privativa da liberdade em regime fechado na Penitenciária Lemos Brito, estabelecimento prisional destinado aos condenados do sexo masculino em Salvador, Bahia. Estudou-se o poder de punir do Estado, bem como a evolução da pena e dos sistemas punitivos, questionando se a pena cumpre sua finalidade ressocializadora ou se dessocializa aquele que se encontra com sua liberdade de ir e vir cerceada. Seguindo a linha ...


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    SOUSA, L.N.


    Full Text Available Pelo menos, desde o Código de Hamurabi as punições para atos desviantes tem sido um foco de reflexão. Este trabalho encerra essa reflexão acerca de aspectos em torno do tema pena de morte. Além de feito político contra o crime, também seria um ato com fins vingativos, fundamentado na violação da dignidade humana, o que justifica a necessidade de haver uma rigorosa análise sobre tal questão, visando os argumentos lógicos, baseados na realidade social brasileira. Alguns estudos demonstram que a percepção da classe menos favorecida é que já existe, de certa forma, uma pena de morte informal no Brasil, praticada pela polícia ou grupos de extermínio. No entanto, diversos setores defendem a pena de morte em nome dos direitos humanos. O debate sobre o referido tema não deve limitar-se às questões relacionadas ao desenvolvimento moral individual, antes deve incluir também a análise de fatores históricos, culturais, econômicos, políticos e ideológicos. Este estudo tem como objetivo coletar dados bibliográficos, bem como dados sobre as opiniões que as pessoas em Campos dos Goytacazes têm sobre a pena de morte. A pesquisa feita é de caráter exploratório. Utilizaram-se as metodologias pertinentes a uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Foi realizada com moradores da cidade de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, especificamente com 40 jovens e adultos, de gênero masculino e feminino, com idades entre 18 e 48 anos, sendo a maioria mulheres. A coleta de dados foi feita através de questionários fechados, do tipo likert. Cerca de 48% da amostra concorda com a sentença pena de morte. As respostas quanto a não ter opinião formada sobre o assunto foram minoria, somando 20% ao todo, restando 32% de sujeitos que declararam ser contrários. Metade dos sujeitos não concordou que a sentença seria aplicada corretamente no Brasil. A minoria concordou que a lei teria uma aplicabilidade positiva no país. Aproximadamente 43% dos sujeitos pesquisados


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    Full Text Available A teoria nos indica que existem muitas influências sobre a avaliação das pessoas acerca da pena de morte (MENIN, 2005; LARANJEIRAS, 2007. Autores reconhecem que os meios de comunicação instigam a população a desejar vingança, como se isso resolvesse o problema da violência (MELLO, 1999. Outros acreditam existir uma série de questões que precisam ser transformadas para que pensemos numa pena de morte, como: a segurança pública, o desemprego, o sistema prisional e as formas alternativas de punição (CRITSNELIS, 2009, também é possível encontrar autores que veem positivamente o emprego da pena de morte e seus argumentos tem caráter religioso, humanista, judicial e social (BARRETO, 1983. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, ainda que em pequena esfera, o que as pessoas em Campos pensam sobre a pena de morte. Inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada. Elaborou-se um questionário objetivo composto de 3 perguntas. O público alvo foi Homens e Mulheres maiores de 18 anos, abordados nas imediações do ISECENSA, sendo um total de 40 pessoas. Posteriormente os dados foram tabulados gerando as informações da pesquisa. Perguntamos aos participantes se eles concordavam que é possível haver a reabilitação do ser humano e obtivemos que 75% concordavam que é possível. Aproximadamente 20% discordavam, não plenamente, mas acreditavam que raras vezes era possível a reabilitação. O restante não tinha uma opinião sobre a questão. 60% (a maioria das pessoas concordaram que a reforma das leis resolveria o problema da violência, outros 15% não chegaram a uma conclusão sobre a determinada pergunta e 25% dos entrevistados discordam. Cerca de 30% concordaram com a pena de morte, aproximadamente 20% não tinham pensado no assunto e os 45%, maioria, discordaram que a pena de morte é uma lei necessária no Brasil. Como dado mais expressivo, ressaltamos que a maior parte das pessoas abordadas acreditam que é poss


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    Camila Cardoso de Mello Prando


    Full Text Available O texto toma como obra de arte de referência o documentário “Sem Pena”, dirigido por Eugenio Puppo. A partir dos sentidos e provocações da obra e apropriando-me metodologicamente das perspectivas psicanalíticas sobre a análise das obras de arte e da perspectiva epistemológica feminista de produção de conhecimento analiso os sentidos não ordinários da pena. Formulo três perguntas determinadas pelos seguintes sentidos da palavra pena: autoria, escrita dos letrados e dó. As discussões que seguem a cada uma das perguntas servem para compreender a possibilidade de produção de justiça - no sentido desenvolvido por Derrida - nas decisões que determinam as penas de prisão.  


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    Débora Damasceno Belarmino


    Full Text Available A fibra de queratina de penas de frango foi submetida à análise térmica (TG em sua forma natural e carbonizada, aumentando assim a expansão do reaproveitamento de materiais desperdiçados no Brasil. A partir das curvas obtidas por TG/DTG da pena natural (KF e tratadas (KFNaOH, SCFC e SCFD buscou-se um melhor ciclo de carbonização (pirólise para esse tipo de precursor. O trabalho também trata como um dos focos, o estudo comparativo do comportamento térmico desses materiais. Uma parte da KF foi tratada com hidróxido de sódio (NaOH, e observou-se pelo o resultado TG/DTG que a resistência térmica do material não foi influenciada. Outra parte de KF foi semicarbonizada (220°C sem controle do ambiente térmico e taxas de aquecimento e resfriamento, apresentando colorações diferentes, mais clara (SCFC e mais escura (SCFD. Foi constatado nas curvas de TG/DTG, que esse tratamento de carbonização não é ideal para a obtenção de carbono. Também foi verificado nas curvas de TG/DTG que na CF houve um aumento da estabilidade térmica comparada a todas as outras amostras. Essa pesquisa é uma inovação no que diz respeito à preparação e avaliação de fibras de penas de frango na obtenção de fibras sintetizadas, que atualmente são, em larga escala, derivados do petróleo, lembrando-se da diminuição das reservas de petróleo e da poluição que os mesmos geram ao meio ambiente.

  6. Julgamento moral sobre pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal Moral judgments on death penalty and reduction of criminal majority

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    Lilian Kelly de Sousa Galvão


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar o julgamento moral de estudantes do ensino médio e de licenciaturas sobre pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal. Para tanto, utilizou-se como suporte teórico e empírico a tipologia do desenvolvimento moral de Lawrence Kohlberg. Participaram deste estudo 200 estudantes que responderam, além de uma lista que solicitava informações de alguns dos seus dados biodemográficos, a questões relacionadas à pena de morte e à redução da maioridade penal. De um modo geral, os participantes opinaram favoravelmente pela pena de morte e pela redução da maioridade penal, e, em defesa de suas opiniões, utilizaram, sobretudo, argumentos típicos dos estágios hierarquicamente inferiores da tipologia kohlberguiana, havendo, contudo, algumas diferenças entre as respostas em função do grau de escolaridade. Esses resultados foram discutidos com base na teoria kohlberguiana e em estudos empíricos que tratam dos temas pena de morte e redução da maioridade penal.The aim of this study was to investigate the moral judgments of students of high school and degrees on the death penalty and the reduction of criminal majority. Thus, it was used to support the theoretical and empirical typology of moral development of Lawrence Kohlberg. The study included 200 students who responded, beyond a list that requested information from some of their bio-demographic data, questions related to death penalty and reduction of criminal majority. In general, participants opined in favor of the death penalty and the reduction of criminal majority, and in defense of their views, used mainly typical arguments hierarchically lower stages of the Kohlberg's typology there, however, some differences between the responses according to level of schooling. These results were discussed taking into consideration the Kohlberg's theory and empirical studies dealing with the issues of death penalty and reduction of criminal

  7. A comédia no romantismo brasileiro: Martins Pena e Joaquim Manuel de Macedo

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    Vilma Arêas


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a comédia produzida durante o romantismo brasileiro a partir da obra de Martins Pena e Joaquim Manuel de Macedo. Sustenta-se que Pena, num minucioso trabalho de incorporação de outros gêneros, inaugura a comédia de costumes no país, ao passo que Macedo é visto sobretudo a partir de sua contribuição para a renovação da linguagem teatral. A comédia é aqui entendida à luz da instabilidade de suas relações de sentido e do descompasso próprio do encontro entre formas artísticas forjadas na Europa e o contexto político brasileiro.The article analyses the comedy produced during Brazilian romanticist period taking the work of Martins Pena and Joaquim Manuel de Macedo as a guideline. It states that Pena, taking advantage of other genres, founded comedy of manners in Brazil, whereas Macedo is understood against the framework of the transformations of dramatic language. Comedy is analyzed here in relation to its instability of form and the tension between European ideals and Brazilian political environment.

  8. Literatura e História: crime e pena capital no século 19

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    Junia Barreto


    Full Text Available O romance Le Dernier jour d’un condamné, de 1829, do escritor francês Victor Hugo, coloca em cena um crime qualquer de um criminoso sem nome, cuja punição é a pena capital, através da prática da guilhotina. O texto traduz os reflexos da Revolução Francesa e do período do Terror no cotidiano e nos hábitos de uma sociedade aficionada pelo crime, dividida entre medo e atração, e de uma literatura seduzida pela estética do horror e da violência enquanto possibilidades de expressão do belo, transpondo e enaltecendo, na ficção, todo tipo de crime e criminosos, cuja figura do herói criminoso se define entre realidade e ficção. Interessa-nos mostrar a imbricação da História e da Literatura presentes no texto, no qual o crime e sua punição funcionam como instrumento principal do discurso filosófico e político de Hugo contra a pena de morte. O autor termina por inscrever-se documentalmente na história da luta pela abolição da pena de morte, enquanto método praticado de punição ao crime.

  9. A eficácia das penas alternativas na perspectiva das vítimas

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    Costa, Liana Fortunato


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa buscou avaliar, na perspectiva de vítimas de roubo e furto, a aplicação de penas e medidas não-privativas de liberdade, considerando os direitos da vítima e os interesses da sociedade. Penas e medidas alternativas são sanções criminais diferentes da pena privativa de liberdade aplicadas em sentença criminal condenatória ou por meio da transação penal. Os instrumentos foram entrevista e grupo focal. Foram entrevistadas 8 pessoas, 5 homens e 3 mulheres com idades entre 39 e 66 anos. Do grupo focal, participaram 5 homens, 3 com idade entre 30 e 40 anos e 2 com idade superior a 65 anos. Foram construídos 4 núcleos de interpretação: Direito à reparação; Interesse da vítima na persecução penal; Tratamento dado à vítima pelo sistema de justiça penal e O trauma. A cultura judiciária ainda não reconhece o processo penal e a garantia à reparação dos danos sofridos pela vítima. A vítima enxerga uma situação em que foi lesada e procura quem lhe dê voz. O sistema penal visualiza o conflito como trabalho a ser realizado para unicamente punir o acusado

  10. Pena de muerte: una pena cruel e inhumana y no especialmente disuasoria


    Arroyo, Luis


    En 2007 la Asamblea General de la ONU adoptó la Resolución 62/149, en la que se reclamaba una moratoria de las ejecuciones en todo el mundo para el año 2015, reafirmando así el compromiso de la organización internacional con la abolición de la pena de muerte e impulsando el debate en torno a ella. Este libro es una nueva contribución de la Red Académica Internacional contra la pena de muerte a este debate, que se dedica especialmene a la Comisión Internacional contra la pena de muerte y a su ...


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    Adriana Maria Santos Pertel


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um estudo da aplicabilidade da Justiça Restaurativa, no caso de crime de lesão corporal leve praticado contra a mulher no âmbito doméstico ou familiar, tendo como ponto central a vítima e não a lei, analisando a vontade daquela, como pressuposto primeiro, para a manutenção ou não dos laços afetivos que a prendem ao seu agressor. Destaca-se o julgamento da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade n. 4.424, que proporciona uma nova leitura ao artigo 16 da Lei Maria da Penha, o qual autoriza o Ministério Público a instaurar a ação pública, sem necessidade de representação da vítima, excluindo-a do processo e, consequentemente, desconsiderando sua capacidade de realizar escolhas na vida. Esse entendimento atribuído pela Suprema Corte contraria a nova filosofia da Criminologia crítica, baseada em princípios de conciliação e mediação, com o objetivo de humanizar a pena e fazer com que a vítima participe da construção da solução do conflito, bem como de buscar o sentimento de responsabilidade, respeito e arrependimento do agressor. Palavras-chave: Justiça restaurativa. Vitimização. Lei Maria da Penha. Judiciário.

  12. A literatura de cárcere em defesa de um condenado à pena de morte no Japão – “Lágrimas da ignorância”, de Norio Nagayama

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    Lilian Yamamoto


    Full Text Available Apesar de o Japão da década de 1960 ter passado por uma fase de crescimento econômico acelerado, ainda restavam rincões de pobreza em várias regiões do país. Condenado à morte, Norio Nagayama, de origem humilde, é exemplo de criminoso influenciado por tal contexto. Nagayama foi autodidata no seu período de cárcere e logrou êxito na sua carreira literária, que culminou com o recebimento do prêmio japonês de Nova Literatura em 1983. Tendo sido preso após cometer quatro homicídios em 1968, seu caso constituiu um novo marco para o estabelecimento de critérios para a condenação à pena de morte no Japão. O presente artigo pretende analisar a influência da sua primeira obra, Muchi no Namida (Lágrimas da ignorância, 1971, na sua defesa apresentada nos tribunais. Essa obra é uma coletânea de seus cadernos de anotações de poesia e prosa com referência direta a eventos da sua infância e adolescência, a ideias sobre justiça social e, sobretudo, à sua viagem interna em busca da motivação de seus crimes. Assim, um exame sobre a persistência da pena de morte no sistema penal japonês se mostra de fundamental importância para maior entendimento do contexto em que o autor viveu.

  13. Concepções de adolescentes de dois contextos sociais sobre a pena de morte Adolescents' conceptions on death penalty from two social contexts

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    Miriane da Silva Santos Barboza


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as concepções sobre a pena de morte de adolescentes de dois contextos sociais diferentes. Participaram da pesquisa 220 adolescentes do sexo masculino, sendo 100 estudantes e 120 adolescentes em situação de exclusão social. Foi aplicado um instrumento que continha, dentre outras, a seguinte questão "O que você acha da pena de morte? Por quê?". De um modo geral, os resultados revelaram o predomínio de respostas desfavoráveis à aplicação da pena de morte. Quando comparados os dois grupos de adolescentes, constatou-se que os estudantes se dividiram entre favoráveis e desfavoráveis à aplicação da pena de morte e os adolescentes em situação de exclusão mostraram-se predominantemente desfavoráveis. No que tange aos argumentos utilizados pelos participantes do presente estudo, a favor ou contra a pena de morte, nota-se que são concepções semelhantes aos que vêm sendo utilizadas no meio científico e filosófico e nos estudos empíricos.This study aimed to discover adolescents' conceptions on the death penalty from two different social contexts. About 220 male adolescents participated of this research, 100 students and 120 adolescents in social exclusion situation. An instrument was used which contained, among others, the following question: "What do you think about the death penalty? Why?" In general, results revealed the predominance of responses against the application of death penalty. When the two adolescent groups were compared, it was discovered that the students were divided in proponents and opponents to the application of death penalty, and the adolescents in exclusion situation demonstrated opposition to this issue. Concerning the arguments in favor or against the death penalty, those used by the participants of this study, it was highlighted that they were similar to scientific and philosophic conceptions and to empirical studies.


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    G.J. Saulnier Jr; W. Statham


    The Nopal I uranium mine in the Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico serves as a natural analogue to the Yucca Mountain repository. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Performance Assessment Model simulates the mobilization and transport of radionuclides that are released from the mine and transported to the saturated zone. the Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Model uses probabilistic simulations of hydrogeologic processes that are analogous to the processes that occur at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I uranium deposit lies in fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash flow tuffs that overlie carbonate rocks, a setting analogous to the geologic formations at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I mine site has the following characteristics as compared to the Yucca Mountain repository site. (1) Analogous source: UO{sub 2} uranium ore deposit = spent nuclear fuel in the repository; (2) Analogous geologic setting: fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash flow tuffs overlying carbonate rocks; (3) Analogous climate: Semiarid to arid; (4) Analogous geochemistry: Oxidizing conditions; and (5) Analogous hydrogeology: The ore deposit lies in the unsaturated zone above the water table. The Nopal I deposit is approximately 8 {+-} 0.5 million years old and has been exposed to oxidizing conditions during the last 3.2 to 3.4 million years. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Model considers that the uranium oxide and uranium silicates in the ore deposit were originally analogous to uranium-oxide spent nuclear fuel. The Pena Blanca site has been characterized using field and laboratory investigations of its fault and fracture distribution, mineralogy, fracture fillings, seepage into the mine adits, regional hydrology, and mineralization that shows the extent of radionuclide migration. Three boreholes were drilled at the Nopal I mine site in 2003 and these boreholes have provided samples for lithologic characterization, water-level measurements, and water samples for laboratory


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    G.J. Saulnier Jr; W. Statham


    The Nopal I uranium mine in the Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico serves as a natural analogue to the Yucca Mountain repository. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Performance Assessment Model simulates the mobilization and transport of radionuclides that are released from the mine and transported to the saturated zone. the Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Model uses probabilistic simulations of hydrogeologic processes that are analogous to the processes that occur at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I uranium deposit lies in fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash flow tuffs that overlie carbonate rocks, a setting analogous to the geologic formations at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I mine site has the following characteristics as compared to the Yucca Mountain repository site. (1) Analogous source: UO 2 uranium ore deposit = spent nuclear fuel in the repository; (2) Analogous geologic setting: fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash flow tuffs overlying carbonate rocks; (3) Analogous climate: Semiarid to arid; (4) Analogous geochemistry: Oxidizing conditions; and (5) Analogous hydrogeology: The ore deposit lies in the unsaturated zone above the water table. The Nopal I deposit is approximately 8 ± 0.5 million years old and has been exposed to oxidizing conditions during the last 3.2 to 3.4 million years. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Model considers that the uranium oxide and uranium silicates in the ore deposit were originally analogous to uranium-oxide spent nuclear fuel. The Pena Blanca site has been characterized using field and laboratory investigations of its fault and fracture distribution, mineralogy, fracture fillings, seepage into the mine adits, regional hydrology, and mineralization that shows the extent of radionuclide migration. Three boreholes were drilled at the Nopal I mine site in 2003 and these boreholes have provided samples for lithologic characterization, water-level measurements, and water samples for laboratory analysis

  16. Travestilidade como denúncia política: performatividade de gênero e panantillanismo em "Sirena Selena Vestida de Pena"

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    Luana Barossi


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este breve ensaio propõe uma leitura do romance Sirena Selena vestida de pena levando em consideração sua matéria política, encontrada no tema da travestilidade. Dessa maneira, serão abordadas duas possibilidades interpretativas sobre o caráter subversivo da narrativa: a diversidade de gênero, que desestabiliza a tradição patriarcal, heterossexista e cis-sexista da sociedade caribenha e a travestilidade como alegoria do Caribe, cujo foco está na denúncia de problemáticas econômicas e sociais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Travestilidade, estudos de gênero, literatura caribenha. ________________________ ABSTRACT: This brief essay aims to analyze the novel Sirena Selena vestida de pena taking into consideration its political matter, found in the topic of travestility. We will approach two different interpretative possibilities about the subversive matter of the narrative: firstly, gender diversity, that destabilizes the patriarchal, heterosexist and cissexist Caribbean society tradition, and secondly, travestility as an allegory of the Caribbean, which focus on the denunciation of economic and social matters.  KEYWORDS: Travestility, gender studies, caribbean literature.

  17. La pena de muerte/The death penalty

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    Eduardo López Bentacourt (México


    Full Text Available La pena de muerte debe aplicarse debido a múltiples ventajas, argumentos que los abolicionistas se han esmerado en pasar por alto. Es urgente llevar a cabo esta sanción ya que los entes cancerígenos de la sociedad deben ser erradicados para que los problemas sociales no se sigan expandiendo. Sin embargo esta pena debe aplicarse bajo ciertos criterios, es decir en casos extremos y siempre y cuando las autoridades y órganos policíacos hayan desaparecido. La pena de muerte representa el más elemental derecho de legítima defensa social. The death penalty should be applied due to many advantages, arguments that abolitionists have tried to ignore. It is urgent to carry out this punishment since carcinogenic entities of the society must be eradicated, so that social problems have not continue expanding. However this penalty should apply under certain criteria, i.e. in extreme cases and provided the authorities and police bodies have disappeared. The death penalty represents the most basic right of legitimate social defence.

  18. Proporcionalidad, pena y principio de legalidad

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    Diana Patricia Arias Holguín


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de la investigación, cuyos resultados se presentan aquí, consistió en analizar los fundamentos legales y las implicaciones que tiene la aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad en la imposición judicial de la pena. La metodología empleada supuso agotar los siguientes pasos: se partió de la tesis doctoral "Principio de proporcionalidad y ley penal", realizada por Lopera Mesa (2006, en la que se explora la posibilidad de emplear tal principio en el control constitucional abstracto de las normas penales. Para determinar el fundamento constitucional y legal, que habilita en Colombia el uso del principio de proporcionalidad en el caso concreto, se emplearon fuentes documentales: doctrina, normas y jurisprudencia. Se elaboraron algunos casos para evaluar la proporcionalidad en la determinación de la pena, estableciendo así las implicaciones y los límites de tal tarea. La conclusión principal es: los jueces tienen la obligación constitucional y legal (artículos 3, 13 y 59 del Código Penal, en adelante CP de apartarse de las leyes relativas a la pena cuando de ellas se deriva una afectación desproporcionada de los derechos fundamentales.

  19. Guillermo Gomez-Pena & Roberto Sifuentes / Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Roberto Sifuentes ; interv. Tilman Baumgärtel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gomez-Pena, Guillermo


    1997. a. Linzis tehtud intervjuu mehhiko-ameerika kunstnike Guillermo Gomez-Pena ja Roberto Sifuentesega, kes töötavad alates 1994. aastast ühiselt performance'ite ja installatsioonide kallal, 1994. a. produtseerisid televisiooniperformance'i "Naftaztec: Pirate-Cyber-TV for A:D: 2000". Võrguprojektist "Cyber Vato", performance'itest ja muust

  20. Natural Analog Studies at Pena Blanca, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    A.M. Simmons


    The significance of the Pena Blanca uranium deposits in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico as potential natural analogs for a nuclear waste repository in unsaturated welded tuff was first recognized in the 1980s. In the 1970s, the Pena Blanca region was a major target of uranium exploration and exploitation by the Mexican government. Since then the Nopal I uranium deposit has been studied extensively by researchers in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. The Nopal I deposit represents an environment similar to that of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain in many ways. Both are located in semi-arid regions. Both are located in Tertiary rhyolitic tuffs overlying carbonate rocks that have been subjected to basin and range-style tectonic deformation. Both are located in a chemically oxidizing, unsaturated zone 200 m or more above the water table. The alteration of uraninite to secondary minerals at Nopal I may be similar to the alteration of uranium fuel rods in this type of setting. Investigations at Nopal I and in the surrounding Sierra Pena Blanca have included detailed outcrop mapping, hydrologic and isotopic studies of flow and transport, studies of mineral alteration, modeling, and performance assessment.

  1. Natural Analog Studies at Pena Blanca, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    A.M. Simmons


    The significance of the Pena Blanca uranium deposits in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico as potential natural analogs for a nuclear waste repository in unsaturated welded tuff was first recognized in the 1980s. In the 1970s, the Pena Blanca region was a major target of uranium exploration and exploitation by the Mexican government. Since then the Nopal I uranium deposit has been studied extensively by researchers in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe. The Nopal I deposit represents an environment similar to that of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain in many ways. Both are located in semi-arid regions. Both are located in Tertiary rhyolitic tuffs overlying carbonate rocks that have been subjected to basin and range-style tectonic deformation. Both are located in a chemically oxidizing, unsaturated zone 200 m or more above the water table. The alteration of uraninite to secondary minerals at Nopal I may be similar to the alteration of uranium fuel rods in this type of setting. Investigations at Nopal I and in the surrounding Sierra Pena Blanca have included detailed outcrop mapping, hydrologic and isotopic studies of flow and transport, studies of mineral alteration, modeling, and performance assessment


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    G. Saulnier and W. Statham


    The Nopal I uranium mine in the Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico serves as a natural analogue to the Yucca Mountain repository. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Performance Assessment Model simulates the mobilization and transport of radionuclides that are released from the mine and transported to the saturated zone. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Performance Assessment Model uses probabilistic simulations of hydrogeologic processes that are analogous to the processes that occur at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I uranium deposit lies in fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs that overlie carbonate rocks, a setting analogous to the geologic formations at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I mine site has the following analogous characteristics as compared to the Yucca Mountain repository site: (1) Analogous source--UO{sub 2} uranium ore deposit = spent nuclear fuel in the repository; (2) Analogous geology--(i.e. fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs); (3) Analogous climate--Semiarid to arid; (4) Analogous setting--Volcanic tuffs overlie carbonate rocks; and (5) Analogous geochemistry--Oxidizing conditions Analogous hydrogeology: The ore deposit lies in the unsaturated zone above the water table.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    G. Saulnier; W. Statham


    The Nopal I uranium mine in the Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico serves as a natural analogue to the Yucca Mountain repository. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Performance Assessment Model simulates the mobilization and transport of radionuclides that are released from the mine and transported to the saturated zone. The Pena Blanca Natural Analogue Performance Assessment Model uses probabilistic simulations of hydrogeologic processes that are analogous to the processes that occur at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I uranium deposit lies in fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs that overlie carbonate rocks, a setting analogous to the geologic formations at the Yucca Mountain site. The Nopal I mine site has the following analogous characteristics as compared to the Yucca Mountain repository site: (1) Analogous source--UO 2 uranium ore deposit = spent nuclear fuel in the repository; (2) Analogous geology--(i.e. fractured, welded, and altered rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs); (3) Analogous climate--Semiarid to arid; (4) Analogous setting--Volcanic tuffs overlie carbonate rocks; and (5) Analogous geochemistry--Oxidizing conditions Analogous hydrogeology: The ore deposit lies in the unsaturated zone above the water table

  4. Neisseria gonorrhoeae and extended-spectrum cephalosporins in California: surveillance and molecular detection of mosaic penA. (United States)

    Gose, Severin; Nguyen, Duylinh; Lowenberg, Daniella; Samuel, Michael; Bauer, Heidi; Pandori, Mark


    The spread of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains with mosaic penA alleles and reduced susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins is a major public health problem. While much work has been performed internationally, little is known about the genetics or molecular epidemiology of N. gonorrhoeae isolates with reduced susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins in the United States. The majority of N. gonorrhoeae infections are diagnosed without a live culture. Molecular tools capable of detecting markers of extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistance are needed. Urethral N. gonorrhoeae isolates were collected from 684 men at public health clinics in California in 2011. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) to ceftriaxone, cefixime, cefpodoxime and azithromycin were determined by Etest and categorized according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control 2010 alert value breakpoints. 684 isolates were screened for mosaic penA alleles using real-time PCR (RTPCR) and 59 reactive isolates were subjected to DNA sequencing of their penA alleles and Neisseria gonorrhoeae multi-antigen sequence typing (NG-MAST). To increase the specificity of the screening RTPCR in detecting isolates with alert value extended-spectrum cephalosporin MICs, the primers were modified to selectively amplify the mosaic XXXIV penA allele. Three mosaic penA alleles were detected including two previously described alleles (XXXIV, XXXVIII) and one novel allele (LA-A). Of the 29 isolates with an alert value extended-spectrum cephalosporin MIC, all possessed the mosaic XXXIV penA allele and 18 were sequence type 1407, an internationally successful strain associated with multi-drug resistance. The modified RTPCR detected the mosaic XXXIV penA allele in urethral isolates and urine specimens and displayed no amplification of the other penA alleles detected in this study. N. gonorrhoeae isolates with mosaic penA alleles and reduced susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins are currently

  5. Role of penA polymorphisms for penicillin susceptibility in Neisseria lactamica and Neisseria meningitidis. (United States)

    Karch, André; Vogel, Ulrich; Claus, Heike


    In meningococci, reduced penicillin susceptibility is associated with five specific mutations in the transpeptidase region of penicillin binding protein 2 (PBP2). We showed that the same set of mutations was present in 64 of 123 Neisseria lactamica strains obtained from a carriage study (MIC range: 0.125-2.0mg/L). The PBP2 encoding penA alleles in these strains were genetically similar to those found in intermediate resistant meningococci suggesting frequent interspecies genetic exchange. Fifty-six N. lactamica isolates with mostly lower penicillin MICs (range: 0.064-0.38mg/L) exhibited only three of the five mutations. The corresponding penA alleles were unique to N. lactamica and formed a distinct genetic clade. PenA alleles with no mutations on the other hand were unique to meningococci. Under penicillin selective pressure, genetic transformation of N. lactamica penA alleles in meningococci was only possible for alleles encoding five mutations, but not for those encoding three mutations; the transfer resulted in MICs comparable to those of meningococci harboring penA alleles that encoded PBP2 with five mutations, but considerably lower than those of the corresponding N. lactamica donor strains. Due to a transformation barrier the complete N. lactamica penA could not be transformed into N. meningitidis. In summary, penicillin MICs in N. lactamica were associated with the number of mutations in the transpeptidase region of PBP2. Evidence for interspecific genetic transfer was only observed for penA alleles associated with higher MICs, suggesting that alleles encoding only three mutations in the transpeptidase region are biologically not effective in N. meningitidis. Factors other than PBP2 seem to be responsible for the high levels of penicillin resistance in N. lactamica. A reduction of penicillin susceptibility in N. meningitidis by horizontal gene transfer from N. lactamica is unlikely to happen. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  6. El Consejo de Europa y la abolición total de la pena de muerte en Europa


    Bou Franch, Valentín


    1. Introducción.- 2. La parca reglamentación de la pena de muerte.- 3. La superación práctica de una mala disposición.- 3.1 .Por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.- 3.2. Por la práctica de los Estados Miembros del Consejo de Europa.- 3.3. Por la práctica de los órganos del Consejo de Europa.- 4. La abolición de iure de la pena de muerte en Europa.- 4.1. La prohibición de la pena de muerte en tiempo de paz.- 4.2. La abolición de la pena de muerte en todas las circunstancias:- 5. Consider...

  7. El camino hacia la moratoria universal de la pena de muerte.


    Arroyo Zapatero, Luís


    Se repasa el proceso de abolición de la pena de muerte en el debate de Naciones Unidas hasta llegar a la primera Resolución mayoritaria que reclama en el 2007 la moratoria universal y se analizan las perspectivas del movimiento abolicionista para el que propone la vinculación del debate contra la pena de muerte al de los objetivos del milenio como una forma de lucha contra la violencia. This article aims to review the process of the debate for the abolition of the death penalty in the Unit...

  8. Los Atravesados: Guillermo Gomez-Pena's Ethno-Cyborgs (United States)

    Rivera, Lysa


    This essay examines how Guillermo Gomez-Pena's ethno-cyborgs, performance personae that first appeared in his work in the mid-1990s, exploit and critique two overlapping cultural-political movements: the emergence of Internet technologies (cyberculture) and the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). After locating the…

  9. Derechos fundamentales y privación de libertad: Control de la ejecución de la pena

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    Ana María Mosquera Rial


    Full Text Available Ponencia presentada al Primelr Congreso Argentino de Ciencias Penales.Contenido: El Sistema Penal dentro del Control Social. Los distintos trayectos ideológicos que conducen hacia la pena y la sustentan. Pena privativa de libertad. ¿Pena justa? ¿Pena útil? Prevención especial y prevención especial. Paradigmas nuevos y otra vez los "viejos muros". Autonomía del régimen penitenciario. Intervención en el sub-suelo de lo judicial y más. Proyectos en el Uruguay: Incursiones de humanidad con destino incierto. Las demandas de los internos. Los modelos autogestionarios de breve vida y el perfil del Juez de vigilancia ¿Una utopía?

  10. Individualização judicial da pena


    Oliveira, Anderson Lodetti de


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o artigo 59 do Código Penal a partir do método garantista-crítico. Para tanto, parte da construção do garantismo crítico, como método dogmático fruto de uma opção declarada pela redução da violência punitiva. Unindo o garantismo de FERRAJOLI e os avanços teóricos das ciências sociais a respeito do sistema penal, o gara...

  11. La pena de muerte según Francisco de Vitoria

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    Niceto BLÁZQUEZ


    Full Text Available Francisco de Vitoria defendió la licitud moral de la pena de muerte como castigo jurídico impuesto por la suprema autoridad del Estado contra determinados delincuentes, lo que plantea un problema serio desde el punto de vista de la defensa de los derechos fundamentales del hombre, entre los cuales hay que destacar el primero y más fundamental, cual es el derecho a la propia vida. El maestro de Salamanca sigue sin ninguna reserva la tesis de Santo Tomás, para cuya defensa añade algunos razonamientos apologéticos sobre los cuales me propongo hacer algunas reflexiones críticas. Vitoria plantea el problema siguiendo el orden riguroso de la Suma Teológica, pero teniendo en cuenta el contexto sociológico, religioso y cultural de su tiempo, lo que le lleva a discutir directamente con protestantes y escotistas, frente a los cuales trata de justificar el pensamiento tomasiano sobre la pena capital por parte del estado.

  12. Uma pena de ouro para a Abolição: a lei do 13 de maio e a participação popular

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    Renata Figueiredo Moraes


    Full Text Available A abolição da escravidão no Brasil, em maio de 1888, não envolveu apenas literatos, políticos, jornalistas e a família imperial, mas também, trabalhadores, abolicionistas e moradores dos subúrbios da província do Rio de Janeiro e de locais mais afastados. A participação desses foi marcada, por exemplo, pela subscrição popular realizada nas vésperas da Abolição e apoiada por um jornal, O Paiz, no intuito de comprar a pena de ouro a ser utilizada pela princesa regente no momento da assinatura da lei. A oferta do dinheiro foi feita por meio de doações individuais ou coletivas em que se depositaram também as expectativas em torno do fim da escravidão e os sentidos de liberdade mais amplos associados à Abolição. Os outros festejos promovidos pela imprensa são fundamentais para entendermos a mediação desses sentidos feita por ela.

  13. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... first trimester of pregnancy, consume adequate synthetic folic acid daily (from fortified foods or supplements) in addition to food forms of ... consume extra vitamin D from vitamin D-fortified foods and/or supplements. ... amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, microbial probiotics, and ...


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    J.A. Rodriguez-Pineda; P. Goodell; P.F. Dobson; J. Walton; R. Oliver; De La Garza; S. Harder


    The U.S. Department of Energy sponsored the drilling of three wells in 2003 near the Nopal I uranium deposit at the Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico. Piezometric information is being collected to understand groundwater flow at local and regional levels as part of an ongoing natural analogue study of radionuclide migration. Water level monitoring reported at these and other wells in the region is combined with archival data to provide a better understanding of the hydrology at Nopal I. Initial results suggest that the local hydrology is dependent on the regional hydrologic setting and that this groundwater system behaves as an unconfined aquifer. The region is dominated by an alternating sequence of highlands and basins that step down from west to east. The Sierra de Pena Blanca was downdropped from the cratonic block to the west during Cenozoic extension. The Nopal I area is near the intersection of two large listric faults, and the questa of ash flow tuffs that hosts the deposit has been subjected to complex structural events. The Pena Blanca Uranium District was originally characterized by 105 airborne radiometric anomalies, indicating widespread uranium mineralization. The Nopal I uranium deposit is located in the Sierra del Pena Blanca between the Encinillas Basin to the west, with a mean elevation of 1560 m, and the El Cuervo Basin to the east, with a mean elevation of 1230 m. The Nopal I + 10 level is at an intermediate elevation of 1463 m, with a corresponding groundwater elevation of approximately 1240 m. The regional potentiometric surface indicates flow from west to east, with the El Cuervo Basin being the discharge zone for the regional flow system. However, it appears that the local groundwater potential beneath the Nopal I site is more in accordance with the water table of the El Cuervo Basin than with that of the Encinillas Basin. This might indicate that there is limited groundwater flow between the Encinillas Basin and the Nopal I area.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez-Pineda, J.A.; Goodell, P.; Dobson, P.F.; Walton, J.; Oliver, R.; De La Garza; Harder, S.


    The U.S. Department of Energy sponsored the drilling of three wells in 2003 near the Nopal I uranium deposit at the Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico. Piezometric information is being collected to understand groundwater flow at local and regional levels as part of an ongoing natural analogue study of radionuclide migration. Water level monitoring reported at these and other wells in the region is combined with archival data to provide a better understanding of the hydrology at Nopal I. Initial results suggest that the local hydrology is dependent on the regional hydrologic setting and that this groundwater system behaves as an unconfined aquifer. The region is dominated by an alternating sequence of highlands and basins that step down from west to east. The Sierra de Pena Blanca was downdropped from the cratonic block to the west during Cenozoic extension. The Nopal I area is near the intersection of two large listric faults, and the questa of ash flow tuffs that hosts the deposit has been subjected to complex structural events. The Pena Blanca Uranium District was originally characterized by 105 airborne radiometric anomalies, indicating widespread uranium mineralization. The Nopal I uranium deposit is located in the Sierra del Pena Blanca between the Encinillas Basin to the west, with a mean elevation of 1560 m, and the El Cuervo Basin to the east, with a mean elevation of 1230 m. The Nopal I + 10 level is at an intermediate elevation of 1463 m, with a corresponding groundwater elevation of approximately 1240 m. The regional potentiometric surface indicates flow from west to east, with the El Cuervo Basin being the discharge zone for the regional flow system. However, it appears that the local groundwater potential beneath the Nopal I site is more in accordance with the water table of the El Cuervo Basin than with that of the Encinillas Basin. This might indicate that there is limited groundwater flow between the Encinillas Basin and the Nopal I area


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    Paolo Giuseppe Maria Lobiati


    Full Text Available Il tema della giustizia e della pena può essere riscontrato anche nella risoluzione del conflitto tra coniugi già a partire dal diritto romano arcaico. Si tratteggerà, quindi, l’evoluzione dell’istituto del divortium nel sistema giuridico romano a partire dalla sua nascita come risposta al ius vitae ac necis del marito sulla moglie, passando per il ripudio unilaterale e concludendosi con la dissoluzione del vincolo. L’analisi proseguirà attraverso uno sguardo sulla normativa di merito nell’età classica per poi soffermarsi sulla normativa del Tardo Impero che, incontrandosi con il Cristianesimo, fu soggetta a modificazioni in virtù delle spinte che la dottrina patristica sull’indissolubilità forniva. Si metterà in luce come il ius di cui si tratta, che vide la nascita del divortium quale risposta di un coniuge alle ingiustizie perpetrategli dall’altro, arrivò a doversi confrontare con la dottrina Cristiana che, nell’ambito matrimoniale, sostenendo la tutela del vincolo, riuscì a compiere un bilanciamento delle istanze sociali e religiose attraverso l’istituto della separazione come “pena misericordiosa”. La cuestión de la justicia y la pena puede ser individuada en la resolución de conflictos entre cónyuges a partir del derecho romano arcaico. Se delinea, por tanto, la evolución del instituto del divortium en el sistema jurídico romano desde su nacimiento como respuesta al ius vitae ac necis del marido sobre la mujer, pasando por el repudio unilateral y acabando con la disolución del vínculo. El análisis proseguirá considerando la normativa en la edad clásica hasta llegar a la normativa del Bajo Imperio que, encontrando el Cristianismo, sufrirá modificaciones a causa del empuje de la doctrina patrística sobre la indisolubilidad. Veremos como el ius en cuestión, que ve el nacimiento del divortium como respuesta de un cónyuge a las injusticias recibidas por parte del otro, tuvo que medirse con la doctrina

  17. Plumas como enfeites da moda Feathers in fashion

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    Helmut Schindler


    Full Text Available O texto aborda a presença da plumária na moda feminina do século XIX. No Brasil, houve produção de enfeites com penas, que não provinha dos índios. Havia manufaturas que forneciam mercadorias para as lojas da capital. Com base nos relatos de viajantes que passaram pelo Brasil no século XIX, e no material depositado no Museu Estatal de Etnologia de Munique, o autor enfatiza as manufaturas existentes no Brasil e a captura indiscriminada de determinadas espécies de aves para atender a demanda da sociedade da época. Desde o século passado, as aves de penas mais bonitas passam a rarear, o que começa a ser acompanhado pela preocupação com o controle da caça.The article focus on the presence of plumage in the 19th century fashion. In Brazil, the feathers for the production of feather pieces were not necessarily supplied by Indians. There were manufacturers that supplied the stores in the country's capital with these pieces. Based on travelers' reports on nineteenth-century Brazil as well as on material from the State Museum of Ethnology in Munich, the author emphasizes the indiscriminate capture of some species of birds in order to face the demand of society at the time. In the 19th century, the most beautifully-feathered birds progressively began to become rare, which naturally brought forth the concern with uncontrolled bird capture.

  18. In Vivo-Selected Compensatory Mutations Restore the Fitness Cost of Mosaic penA Alleles That Confer Ceftriaxone Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leah R. Vincent


    Full Text Available Resistance to ceftriaxone in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is mainly conferred by mosaic penA alleles that encode penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2 variants with markedly lower rates of acylation by ceftriaxone. To assess the impact of these mosaic penA alleles on gonococcal fitness, we introduced the mosaic penA alleles from two ceftriaxone-resistant (Cror clinical isolates (H041 and F89 into a Cros strain (FA19 by allelic exchange and showed that the resultant Cror mutants were significantly outcompeted by the Cros parent strain in vitro and in a murine infection model. Four Cror compensatory mutants of FA19 penA41 were isolated independently from mice that outcompeted the parent strain both in vitro and in vivo. One of these compensatory mutants (LV41C displayed a unique growth profile, with rapid log growth followed by a sharp plateau/gradual decline at stationary phase. Genome sequencing of LV41C revealed a mutation (G348D in the acnB gene encoding the bifunctional aconitate hydratase 2/2 methylisocitrate dehydratase. Introduction of the acnBG348D allele into FA19 penA41 conferred both a growth profile that phenocopied that of LV41C and a fitness advantage, although not as strongly as that exhibited by the original compensatory mutant, suggesting the existence of additional compensatory mutations. The mutant aconitase appears to be a functional knockout with lower activity and expression than wild-type aconitase. Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq analysis of FA19 penA41 acnBG348D revealed a large set of upregulated genes involved in carbon and energy metabolism. We conclude that compensatory mutations can be selected in Cror gonococcal strains that increase metabolism to ameliorate their fitness deficit.


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    Maria Clorinda Soares Fioravanti


    Full Text Available Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da termocauterização do folículo após a remoção das penas rêmiges primárias e da amputação do II e III metacarpianos (pinioning para coibir o vôo em pombos (Columba livia. Foram utilizadas trinta aves adultas, distribuídas de forma igualitária entre machos e fêmeas. Os animais foram alocados ao acaso em três grupos de dez animais. Nas aves do grupo 1 utilizou-se a técnica de pinioning; nas do grupo 2 praticou-se a termocauterização do folículo após a remoção das penas rêmiges primárias. O grupo 3 foi utilizado como controle. Quando se utilizou a técnica de pinioning, não houve crescimento das penas rêmiges primárias, exceto em um pássaro (10%, em que os ossos foram amputados no ponto médio entre as articulações carpo-metacarpo e falange. No grupo em que se utilizou a termocauterização, observaramse no pós-operatório necrose e sinais típicos de queimaduras, além de reposição parcial ou total das penas rêmiges primárias. Nesse grupo duas aves voaram normalmente, três voaram com dificuldade, duas alçaram vôos baixos e curtos e três não voaram. Avaliando os dois procedimentos, concluiu-se que a técnica de pinioning coibiu o vôo em 100% das aves operadas enquanto a termocauterização só coibiu 20%. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Asa, pinionig, termocauterização, pombo (Columbia livia.

  20. La pena de muerte desde la bioética y los derechos humanos

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    Octavio Márquez Mendoza


    Full Text Available Se ofrece una reflexión de la pena de muerte, que parte de premisas esenciales desde la bioética y los derechos humanos. Se plantean algunas generalidades de esta disciplina, dado que orientan a un cuestionamiento respecto al aporte de la ciencia y la tecnología para llevar a cabo “ejecuciones más humanas”. Enseguida se recurre a los conceptos de vida, persona y dignidad para enmarcar el argumento en los derechos humanos. Se retoman algunas sentencias de documentos internacionales apelando a un desarrollo del hombre desde la ética: la práctica de la pena máxima, por el contrario, lo retiene. Así pues, se anticipa que lo humano nunca se hallará en la aniquilación de su propio género.

  1. Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte: uma trama entre a memória social e a literatura

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    Marcos Teixeira de Souza


    Full Text Available Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte, escrito em 1877, por José do Patrocínio, rememora o caso real do último enforcamento no Brasil, o do fazendeiro Motta Coqueiro, suposto mandante de um violento crime ocorrido no norte fluminense em 1852, controverso até a presente data, contra uma família de agregados, que vivia nas terras do citado fazendeiro. Porém, não restrito ao evento trágico, o romancista leva perspicazmente o leitor para uma narrativa, que ressalta o drama dos negros, dos agregados e do fazendeiro na estrutura colonial; que desnuda os critérios de cor e classe social no Brasil colônia; que evidencia o papel da Memória como uma ferramenta manipulável, ativa e estratégica nas relações sociais.

  2. In Vivo-Selected Compensatory Mutations Restore the Fitness Cost of Mosaic penA Alleles That Confer Ceftriaxone Resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae. (United States)

    Vincent, Leah R; Kerr, Samuel R; Tan, Yang; Tomberg, Joshua; Raterman, Erica L; Dunning Hotopp, Julie C; Unemo, Magnus; Nicholas, Robert A; Jerse, Ann E


    Resistance to ceftriaxone in Neisseria gonorrhoeae is mainly conferred by mosaic penA alleles that encode penicillin-binding protein 2 (PBP2) variants with markedly lower rates of acylation by ceftriaxone. To assess the impact of these mosaic penA alleles on gonococcal fitness, we introduced the mosaic penA alleles from two ceftriaxone-resistant (Cro r ) clinical isolates (H041 and F89) into a Cro s strain (FA19) by allelic exchange and showed that the resultant Cro r mutants were significantly outcompeted by the Cro s parent strain in vitro and in a murine infection model. Four Cro r compensatory mutants of FA19 penA41 were isolated independently from mice that outcompeted the parent strain both in vitro and in vivo One of these compensatory mutants (LV41C) displayed a unique growth profile, with rapid log growth followed by a sharp plateau/gradual decline at stationary phase. Genome sequencing of LV41C revealed a mutation (G348D) in the acnB gene encoding the bifunctional aconitate hydratase 2/2 methylisocitrate dehydratase. Introduction of the acnB G348D allele into FA19 penA41 conferred both a growth profile that phenocopied that of LV41C and a fitness advantage, although not as strongly as that exhibited by the original compensatory mutant, suggesting the existence of additional compensatory mutations. The mutant aconitase appears to be a functional knockout with lower activity and expression than wild-type aconitase. Transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis of FA19 penA41 acnB G348D revealed a large set of upregulated genes involved in carbon and energy metabolism. We conclude that compensatory mutations can be selected in Cro r gonococcal strains that increase metabolism to ameliorate their fitness deficit. IMPORTANCE The emergence of ceftriaxone-resistant (Cro r ) Neisseria gonorrhoeae has led to the looming threat of untreatable gonorrhea. Whether Cro resistance is likely to spread can be predicted from studies that compare the relative fitnesses of

  3. Micronutrient-fortified rice can increase hookworm infection risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Gier, Brechje; Campos Ponce, Maiza; Perignon, Marlene


    or inflammation after iron supplementation. OBJECTIVE: To study effects of micronutrient-fortified rice on hookworm infection in Cambodian schoolchildren. METHODS: A double-blinded, cluster-randomized trial was conducted in 16 Cambodian primary schools partaking in the World Food Program school meal program....... Three types of multi-micronutrient fortified rice were tested against placebo rice within the school meal program: UltraRice_original, UltraRice_improved and NutriRice. Four schools were randomly assigned to each study group (placebo n = 492, UltraRice_original n = 479, UltraRice_improved n = 500, NutriRice.......6%, but differed considerably among schools (range 0%- 48.1%).Micronutrient-fortified rice significantly increased risk of new hookworm infection. This effect was modified by baseline hookworm prevalence at the school; hookworm infection risk was increased by all three types of fortified rice in schools where...

  4. Tzompantli, horca y picota: Sacrificio o pena capital


    Carreón Blaine, Emilie


    En este artículo me refiero a una faceta del proceso de aculturación del México antiguo, la manifestación pública de violencia corporal ligada al castigo, la pena de muerte y la exposición de partes del cuerpo humano, como se representa en los mapas de las Relaciones geográficas del siglo XVI, donde la frontera entre el lugar de castigo y el lugar de sacrificio se desvanece. El estudio de dicho aspecto de la sociedad colonial permite entender el proceso mediante el cual las prácticas sacrific...

  5. La pena de muerte según Francisco de Vitoria


    Blázquez, Niceto


    Francisco de Vitoria defendió la licitud moral de la pena de muerte como castigo jurídico impuesto por la suprema autoridad del Estado contra determinados delincuentes, lo que plantea un problema serio desde el punto de vista de la defensa de los derechos fundamentales del hombre, entre los cuales hay que destacar el primero y más fundamental, cual es el derecho a la propia vida. El maestro de Salamanca sigue sin ninguna reserva la tesis de Santo Tomás, para cuya defensa añade algunos razonam...

  6. ¿El fin justifica los miedos? Perspectiva genealógica de los debates sobre la pena de muerte en Colombia


    Bejarano, Julio Alberto


    A lo largo de la historia republicana de Colombia el debate sobre la pena de muerte siempre ha estado presente, directa o indirectamente. A pesar de que se abolió oficialmente en 1910, ha sido frecuente escuchar voces que se muestran favorables a una reaplicación de la pena de muerte. Uno de los momentos más significativos, quizá el más importante hasta la fecha, ocurrió en 1925. El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre el proceso histórico del cadalso en Colombia, buscando examinar ...

  7. Effect of NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce on zinc absorption in children. (United States)

    Li, Min; Wu, Jinghuan; Ren, Tongxiang; Wang, Rui; Li, Weidong; Piao, Jianhua; Wang, Jun; Yang, Xiaoguang


    NaFeEDTA has been applied in many foods as an iron fortificant and is used to prevent iron deficiency in Fe-depleted populations. In China, soy sauce is fortified with NaFeEDTA to control iron deficiency. However, it is unclear whether Fe-fortified soy sauce affects zinc absorption. To investigate whether NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce affects zinc absorption in children, sixty children were enrolled in this study and randomly assigned to three groups (10 male children and 10 female children in each group). All children received daily 3 mg of (67)Zn and 1.2 mg of dysprosium orally, while the children in the three groups were supplemented with NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce (6 mg Fe, NaFeEDTA group), FeSO₄-fortified soy sauce (6 mg Fe, FeSO₄ group), and no iron-fortified soy sauce (control group), respectively. Fecal samples were collected during the experimental period and analyzed for the Zn content, (67)Zn isotope ratio and dysprosium content. The Fe intake from NaFeEDTA-fortified and FeSO₄-fortified groups was significantly higher than that in the control group (P sauce does not affect Zn bioavailability in children.

  8. Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte: uma trama entre a memória social e a literatura

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    Marcos Teixeira de Souza


    Full Text Available Motta Coqueiro ou a pena de morte, escrito em 1877, por José do Patrocínio, rememora o caso real do último enforcamento no Brasil, o do mandante de um violento crime ocorrido no norte fluminense em 1852, controverso até a presente data, contra uma família de agregados, que vivia nas terras do citado fazendeiro. Porém, não restrito ao evento trágico, o romancista leva perspicazmente o leitor para uma narrativa, que ressalta o drama dos negros, dos agregados e do fazendeiro na estrutura colonial; que desnuda os critérios de cor e classe social no Brasil colônia; que evidencia o papel da Memória como uma ferramenta manipulável, ativa e estratégica nas relações sociais. Palavras-chaves: José do Patrocínio; Motta Coqueiro; Memória Social.



    Sebástian Borges de Albuquerque Mello


    O presente artigo analisa as manifestações do princípio da proporcionalidade, relacionando-o com diversos princípios fundamentais do Direito Penal. Assim, relaciona-se necessidade com intervenção mínima, adequação com adequação social e a proporcionalidade em sentido estrito com a compatibilização harmônica e axiológica das penas dentro do sistema jurídico-penal.

  10. Household Coverage of Fortified Staple Food Commodities in Rajasthan, India.

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    Grant J Aaron

    Full Text Available A spatially representative statewide survey was conducted in Rajasthan, India to assess household coverage of atta wheat flour, edible oil, and salt. An even distribution of primary sampling units were selected based on their proximity to centroids on a hexagonal grid laid over the survey area. A sample of n = 18 households from each of m = 252 primary sampling units PSUs was taken. Demographic data on all members of these households were collected, and a broader dataset was collected about a single caregiver and a child in the first 2 years of life. Data were collected on demographic and socioeconomic status; education; housing conditions; recent infant and child mortality; water, sanitation, and hygiene practices; food security; child health; infant and young child feeding practices; maternal dietary diversity; coverage of fortified staples; and maternal and child anthropometry. Data were collected from 4,627 households and the same number of caregiver/child pairs. Atta wheat flour was widely consumed across the state (83%; however, only about 7% of the atta wheat flour was classified as fortifiable, and only about 6% was actually fortified (mostly inadequately. For oil, almost 90% of edible oil consumed by households in the survey was classified as fortifiable, but only about 24% was fortified. For salt, coverage was high, with almost 85% of households using fortified salt and 66% of households using adequately fortified salt. Iodized salt coverage was also high; however, rural and poor population groups were less likely to be reached by the intervention. Voluntary fortification of atta wheat flour and edible oil lacked sufficient industry consolidation to cover significant portions of the population. It is crucial that appropriate delivery channels are utilized to effectively deliver essential micronutrients to at-risk population groups. Government distribution systems are likely the best means to accomplish this goal.

  11. A realização da justiça fiscal por meio da efetivação de princípios tributários


    Martins Filho, Luiz Dias


    Analisando os sistemas jurídicos e os princípios tributários, verifica-se que há verdadeiros postulados jurídicos e econômicos da tributação que os Estados da Sociedade Internacional não podem desprezar, sob pena de levarem seus Estados à margem ou até exclusão do processo de integração econômica internacional e de globalização, sofrendo, consequentemente, com perdas de competitividade e de parcela do comércio internacional, e ainda arcando com as consequências do isolamento jurídico, econômi...

  12. Properties of ice-cream fortified with zinc and Lactobacillus casei. (United States)

    Gheisari, Hamid R; Ahadi, Leila; Khezli, Sanaz; Dehnavi, Tayebeh


    In this study, the possible effects of zinc on physicochemical properties of ice cream and the survival of Lactobacillus casei during a 90 days storage at -18°C was investigated. Samples were divided into four experimental groups as follows: control, zinc fortified ice cream, probiotic ice cream, zinc fortified and probiotic ice cream. The physicochemical, texture, organoleptic properties and the survival of probiotics, were investigated. Results showed that the addition of zinc did not affect the textural properties of ice creams. Viscosity and pH were independently decreased in all groups in the presence of zinc. A significant increase in the lipid oxidation rate especially in the zinc fortified group was also observed. The probiotic counts were maintained above the least advised quantities (106 cfu/g) which were subsequently reduced following the three months of storage. In the zinc fortified samples, the counts were higher compared to the other groups with no zinc addition. The addition of probiotics and zinc had no significant effect on the sensory properties of ice cream. As a final conclusion, the commercial production of zinc fortified ice cream is recommended.

  13. A contribuição dos alimentos fortificados na prevenção da anemia ferropriva The contribution of fortified foods in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia

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    Eliana P. Vellozo


    Full Text Available Este artigo enfoca a contribuição dos alimentos fortificados desenvolvidos a partir do crescente avanço dos conhecimentos científicos, cujas funções vão além da nutrição. Baseia-se no objetivo de produzir efeitos fisiológicos, garantindo a saúde e o bem-estar, corrigir deficiências inerentes às condições econômicas, sociais, buscando condições práticas e que respeitem os hábitos regionais, com vistas a suprir o consumo adequado de micronutrientes, principalmente para localidades onde se encontram elevadas prevalências, e ainda poder alcançar todos os segmentos da população, especialmente na fase pediátrica, onde as necessidades são relativamente maiores em função de crescimento. O Banco Mundial refere a importância da fortificação de alimentos como estratégia ao combate à deficiência de micronutrientes em todo o mundo. Ainda afirma que "nenhuma outra tecnologia pode oferecer oportunidade de melhorar vidas a tão baixo custo e em tão curto espaço de tempo". Os estudos têm demonstrado que a fortificação de alimentos é um dos melhores processos e muito eficaz para prevenir a deficiência nutricional de ferro da população em todo o mundo, por isso, nas condições de países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, faz-se extremamente necessária para melhoria, ou, até mesmo, para a solução da anemia carencial ferropriva.This article focuses on the contribution of fortified foods, developed from growing scientific knowledge, whose functions go beyond nutrition. Its main goal is to report on the physiological effects that improve health and wellness by correcting deficiencies inherent from the economic and social status of patients, pursuing practical conditions and respecting regional habits, in order to meet the needs of adequate micronutrient intake, in particular for locations where prevalence is high. Fortification should encompass all population segments, mainly in the pediatric phase, when needs are

  14. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins (United States)

    ... Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More ... useful when they fill a specific identified nutrient gap that cannot or is not otherwise being met ...

  15. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... have dark skin, or are exposed to insufficient ultraviolet band radiation (such as sunlight), consume extra vitamin D from vitamin D-fortified foods and/or supplements. How Vitamins are Regulated Vitamin ...

  16. Physico-Chemical Evaluation of Honey Fortified with Oleaginous Seeds

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    Ariana Bianca Velciov


    Full Text Available This research followed to achieve some natural-fortified food, based on honey and oleaginous fruits. Honey and oleaginous fruits are extremely valuable for human diet. With their rich nutrient content, new products obtained by mixing honey with seeds may be considered both traditional food with high nutritional value as well as fortified food. The samples were constituted from acacia flowers honey bought directly from the producer, to which were added various quantities of oleaginous fruits (seeds. Thus, we obtained 3 different types of fortified honey, using pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and hemp seeds. Samples obtained were stored in appropriate conditions. From these samples, were made analytical tests: ascorbic acid and humidity.

  17. Reflexões sobre o processo histórico-discursivo do uso da legítima defesa da honra no Brasil e a construção das mulheres

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    Margarita Danielle Ramos


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca compreender, à luz da teoria de gênero, como, ainda hoje, nos julgamentos de assassinatos de mulheres a prerrogativa da legítima defesa da honra tem sido usada na defesa do réu como tentativa de reversão da pena de homicídio qualificado. Para tanto, fizemos um estudo dos códigos da legislação vigente no Brasil relacionados ao tema de nosso trabalho desde o período colonial até os dias de hoje. O trabalho procura mostrar como o assassinato das mulheres é o final de uma rede de violações contra elas que tem seu início na forma como as mulheres são produzidas pelo discurso.

  18. Fortified foods, new opportunity for irradiation application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taipina, Magda S.; Sabato, Susy F.; Mastro, Nelida L. del


    One of the most important steps, in order to improve the quality of foodstuffs, in the last forty years is represented by fortified foods. The fortification foods means complementary addition of nutrients to content of foodstuffs. The macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids) are relativity steady when submitted to irradiation. The micro-nutrients, speciality the vitamins, can be sensible to any method. This work has analysed fortified foods with Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, vitamin A, riboflavine, vitamin C and folic acid , as well as, the perspective of adjusting the food irradiation process with fortification foods

  19. Dietary effects of lutein-fortified chlorella on milk components of Holstein cows. (United States)

    Jeon, Jin-Young; Park, Keun-Kyu; Lee, Kyung-Woo; Jang, Seung-Wan; Moon, Byung-Hern; An, Byoung-Ki


    This study was conducted to investigate the dietary effect of conventional or lutein-fortified chlorella on milk production and lutein incorporation in milk. Fifteen Holstein cows in mid-lactation were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square design each with a 21-day period. Cows were top-dressed daily with 30 g of conventional or lutein-fortified chlorella for 3 weeks. Cows without chlorella served as the control. The feed intake and milk yield were not affected by dietary treatments. The concentrations of milk protein and solids non-fat in groups fed diets containing both conventional and lutein-fortified chlorella were significantly higher than those of the control group (P milk fat among groups. The levels of plasma glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 were not influenced by the dietary treatments. Lutein content in milk was significantly increased in groups fed lutein-fortified chlorella as compared with those of conventional chlorella and control, respectively (P lutein-fortified chlorella has positive effects on milk components and the use of lutein-fortified chlorella in a dairy diet is effective in the production of milk enriched with lutein.

  20. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More ... useful when they fill a specific identified nutrient gap that cannot or is not otherwise being met ...

  1. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... pregnant or is in the first trimester of pregnancy, consume adequate synthetic folic acid daily (from fortified ... pyridoxamine): Nerve damage to the limbs, which may cause numbness, trouble walking, and pain. C (ascorbic acid): ...

  2. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Blood & Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products For Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge ... for Establishing Upper Intake Levels for Nutrients Related Consumer Updates Infant Overdose Risk With Liquid Vitamin D ...

  3. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... in heme-iron and/or consume iron-rich plant foods or iron-fortified foods with an iron- ... Health Cosmetics Dietary Supplements Drugs Food Medical Devices Nutrition Radiation-Emitting Products Tobacco Products Vaccines, Blood & Biologics ...

  4. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... pregnant or is in the first trimester of pregnancy, consume adequate synthetic folic acid daily (from fortified ... in many forms. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 requires that all such products ...

  5. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More sharing options ... as part of their health regimen. Why Buy Vitamins? There are many good reasons to consider taking ...

  6. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

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    Full Text Available ... Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More ... activity. They form the basis for federal food, nutrition education, and information programs. Barbara Schneeman, Ph.D., ...

  7. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... in heme-iron and/or consume iron-rich plant foods or iron-fortified foods with an iron- ... supplement, Frankos advises reporting it to your health care provider, as well as to the manufacturer whose ...

  8. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... chronic diseases through diet and physical activity. They form the basis for federal food, nutrition education, and ... 50, consume vitamin B-12 in its crystalline form, which is found in fortified foods or supplements. ...

  9. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... pregnant or is in the first trimester of pregnancy, consume adequate synthetic folic acid daily (from fortified ... some medical tests or interfere with how some drugs work. Report Problems If you believe that you ...

  10. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

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    Full Text Available ... Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins Share Tweet Linkedin Pin it More ... protein. D (calciferol): Nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, constipation, weakness, weight loss, confusion, heart rhythm problems, deposits of ...

  11. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

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    Full Text Available ... fortified foods or supplements. If you're a woman of childbearing age who may become pregnant, eat ... high in vitamin C. If you're a woman of childbearing age who may become pregnant or ...

  12. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... consume extra vitamin D from vitamin D-fortified foods and/or supplements. How Vitamins are Regulated Vitamin products are regulated by FDA as "Dietary Supplements." The law defines dietary supplements, in part, as products taken by ...

  13. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Español Search FDA Submit search Popular Content Home Food Drugs Medical Devices Radiation-Emitting Products Vaccines, ... Biologics Animal & Veterinary Cosmetics Tobacco Products For Consumers Home For Consumers Consumer Updates Fortify Your Knowledge About ...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    French, D.C.; Anthony, E.Y.; Goodell, P.C.


    The Pena Blanca natural analog is located in the Sierra Pena Blanca, approximately 50 miles north of Chihuahua City, Mexico. The Sierra Pena Blanca is composed mainly of ash-flow tuffs, and the uranium in the region is contained in the brecciated zones of these tuffs. The Pena Blanca site is considered a natural analog to the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository because they share similar characteristics of structure, volcanic lithology, tectonic activity, and hydrologic regime. One of the mineralized zones, the Nopal I deposit, was mined in the early 1980s and the ore was stockpiled close to the mine. This stockpile area has subsequently been cleared and is referred to as the prior high-grade stockpile (PHGS) site. Soil surrounding boulders of high-grade ore associated with the PHGS site have been sampled. The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of uranium series radioisotopes from the boulder to the soil during the past 25 years. Transport is characterized by determining the activities of individual radionuclides and daughter to parent ratios. The daughter to parent ratios are used to establish whether the samples are in secular equilibrium. Activities are determined using gamma-ray spectroscopy. Isotopes of the uranium series decay chain detected by gamma-ray spectroscopy include 210 Pb, 234 U, 234 Th, 230 Th, 226 Ra, 214 Pb, 214 Bi, and 234 Pa. Preliminary results indicate that some daughter to parent pairs appear to be in secular disequilibrium. Thorium is in excess relative to uranium, and radium is in excess relative to thorium. A deficiency appears to exist for 210 Pb relative to 214 Bi and 214 Pb. If these results are borne out by further analysis, they would suggest transport of nuclides from the high-grade boulder into its surroundings, followed by continued leaching of uranium and lead from the environment



    Arroyo Zapatero, Luis; Papa Francisco; Carlés, Roberto Manuel; Mayor Zaragoza, Federico; Cuesta de la, José Luis


    El 20 de marzo de 2015 el Papa Francisco recibió en audiencia privada al presidente de la Comisión Internacional contra la Pena de Muerte Federico Mayor Zaragoza, a quien acompañaron la Secretaria General, Asunta Vivó y los profesores Roberto Carlés y Luis Arroyo Zapatero, fundadores de la Red Académica Internacional contra la Pena de muerte y, respectivamente, Secretario General de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Derecho penal y Criminología el primero y presidente de la Société Internat...

  16. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... ultraviolet band radiation (such as sunlight), consume extra vitamin D from vitamin D-fortified foods and/or supplements. How Vitamins are ... Related Consumer Updates Infant Overdose Risk With Liquid Vitamin D 4 Medication Safety Tips for Older Adults More ...

  17. La voix de la raison e de la tolérance: O problema histórico da pena de morte e sua suspensão universal anunciada pela Assembléia Geral das Nações Unidas

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    Raphael Spode


    Full Text Available O tema do presente artigo é a pena de morte, uma questão polêmica que possui diversas faces. Desse modo buscar-se-á analisar essa questão sob diversos prismas, interrelacionando-os.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    P. Dobson


    The objectives of this report are: (1) Stratigraphic study part of integrated research project examining migration of radionuclides at Pena Blanca; (2) Immediate objectives of study include: locate stratigraphic contacts in third dimension; measure rock properties (matrix permeability, porosity, mineralogy, cation exchange capacity) of cored section; determine fracture frequency and orientation; (3) Results of study serve as primary inputs to flow and transport models


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    P. Dobson


    The objectives of this report are: (1) Stratigraphic study part of integrated research project examining migration of radionuclides at Pena Blanca; (2) Immediate objectives of study include: locate stratigraphic contacts in third dimension; measure rock properties (matrix permeability, porosity, mineralogy, cation exchange capacity) of cored section; determine fracture frequency and orientation; (3) Results of study serve as primary inputs to flow and transport models.

  20. Effect of soil fortified by polyurethane foam on septic tank effluent treatment. (United States)

    Nie, J Y; Zhu, N W; Lin, K M; Song, F Y


    Fortified soil was made up of a mixture at a mass ratio 4/1000-6/1000 of sponge and natural soil according to the results of column experiment. The fortified soil had bigger porosity and higher hydraulic conductivity than the natural soil. The columns packed with 900 mm of the fortified soil endured a flow rate equivalent to 100 L/m(2)/d of septic tank effluent and the average chemical oxygen demand, nitrogen, and phosphorus removal rates were around 92%, 75% and 96%, respectively. After 100 weeks of operation, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the fortified soil kept higher than 0.2 m/d. The bigger porosity of sponge improved the effective porosity, and the bigger specific surface area of sponge acted as an ideal support for biomat growth and ensured the sewage treatment performance of the fortified soil. The comparable performance was due to a similar and sufficient degree of soil clogging genesis coupled with bioprocesses that effectively purified the septic tank effluent given the adequate retention times.

  1. Keratinolytic bacteria isolated from feather waste Bactérias queratinolíticas isoladas de resíduos de penas

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    Alessandro Riffel


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to characterize keratinolytic bacteria isolated from feather waste. Four isolates were selected after growth on solid medium with feather meal as sole carbon and nitrogen source and screened for proteolytic activity on milk agar plates. Three isolates were Gram-negative (belonged to the genera Burkholderia, Chryseobacterium and Pseudomonas and one was Gram-positive (Microbacterium sp.. These bacteria grew on diverse keratin wastes such as feather meal, raw feathers, chicken nails, hair and wool. Keratinase activity was detected during growth, but the complete degradation of these substrates was not always achieved. The proteolytic character of crude enzymes was assessed using azokeratin and azocasein as substrates. The keratinases were active on both substrates and were similar in keratin hydrolysis when compared with commercially available microbial peptidases. These novel keratinolytic isolates have potential biotechnological use in processes involving keratin hydrolysis.O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar bactérias queratinolíticas isoladas resíduos de penas. Quatro isolados foram selecionados após crescimento em meio sólido contendo farinha de pena como única fonte de carbono e nitrogênio e avaliados quanto a atividade proteolítica em placas de ágar leite. Foram identificadas três linhagens Gram-negativas (pertencentes aos gêneros Burkholderia, Chryseobacterium e Pseudomonas e uma Gram-positiva (Microbacterium sp.. Estas bactérias cresceram em vários resíduos queratinosos como farinha de pena, penas de frango, unhas de frango, pelos e lã. A atividade queratinolítica foi observada durante crescimento, mas a degradação completa dos substratos não foi observada em todos os casos. O caráter proteolítico das enzimas foi determinado usando azoqueratina e azocaseína como substratos. As queratinases foram ativas em ambos substratos e apresentaram hidrólise de queratina comparável a peptidases

  2. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... 50, consume vitamin B-12 in its crystalline form, which is found in fortified foods or supplements. If you're a woman of childbearing age who may become pregnant, eat foods high in heme-iron and/or consume iron-rich plant foods or ...

  3. Pena de muerte en Colombia visión formal y visión real. Estudio de Caso: La masacre de El Salado


    Carrillo Flórez, Mónica Julie


    Este trabajo final de grado evalúa la existencia de la pena de muerte en Colombia en su visión formal y real, a través del estudio de caso de la masacre de El Salado, en la cual las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia toman la justicia en sus manos ejecutando a más de 60 civiles. Inicialmente se hace una descripción de cómo se ha tratado el tema de la pena de muerte a lo largo de la historia, dando una breve apreciación de lo que representa y ha representado para la civilización occidental, así ...

  4. Effect of Replacement of Maize with Cassava Root Meal Fortified ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effects of replacement of maize with cassava root meal (CRM) fortified with palm oil on performance of starter broilers were determined in a 28-day feeding trial. Diets T2, T3, T4 and T5 were formulated such that they contained cassava root meal, fortified with 20% palm oil, in the proportions 10, 20, 30 and 40%, ...

  5. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... in the first trimester of pregnancy, consume adequate synthetic folic acid daily (from fortified foods or supplements) in addition to food forms of folate from a varied diet. If you are an older adult, have dark skin, or are exposed to insufficient ultraviolet band radiation ( ...

  6. Fortify Your Knowledge about Vitamins

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... If you are an older adult, have dark skin, or are exposed to insufficient ultraviolet band radiation (such as sunlight), consume extra vitamin D from vitamin D-fortified foods and/or supplements. How Vitamins are Regulated Vitamin products are regulated by FDA as "Dietary Supplements." The ...

  7. Growth and activity of Bulgarian yogurt starter culture in iron-fortified milk. (United States)

    Simova, Emilina; Ivanov, Galin; Simov, Zhelyazko


    Bulgarian yogurts were manufactured and fortified with 8, 15 and 27 mg of iron kg(-1) of yogurt. The growth and acidifying activity of the starter culture bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus 13a and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 2-11 were monitored during milk fermentation and over 15 days of yogurt storage at 4 degrees C. Fortifying milk with iron did not affect significantly the growth of the starter culture during manufacture and storage of yogurt. Counts of yogurt bacteria at the end of fermentation of iron-fortified milks were between 2.1 x 10(10) and 4.6 x 10(10) CFU ml(-1), which were not significantly different from numbers in unfortified yogurts. In all batches of yogurt, the viable cell counts of S. thermophilus 13a were approximately three times higher than those of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 2-11. Greater decrease in viable cell count over 15 days of storage was observed for S. thermophilus 13a compared to L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 2-11. Intensive accumulation of lactic acid was observed during incubation of milk and all batches reached pH 4.5 +/- 0.1 after 3.0 h. At the end of fermentation process, lactic acid concentrations in iron-fortified yogurts were between 6.9 +/- 0.4 and 7.3 +/- 0.5 g l(-1). The acidifying activity of starter culture bacteria in the control and iron-fortified milks was similar. There was no increase in oxidized, metallic and bitter off-flavors in iron-fortified yogurts compared to the control. Iron-fortified yogurts did not differ significantly in their sensorial, chemical and microbiological characteristics with unfortified yogurt, suggesting that yogurt is a suitable vehicle for iron fortification and that the ferrous lactate is an appropriate iron source for yogurt fortification.

  8. Sodium pyrophosphate enhances iron bioavailability from bouillon cubes fortified with ferric pyrophosphate. (United States)

    Cercamondi, Colin I; Duchateau, Guus S M J E; Harika, Rajwinder K; van den Berg, Robin; Murray, Peter; Koppenol, Wieneke P; Zeder, Christophe; Zimmermann, Michael B; Moretti, Diego


    Fe fortification of centrally manufactured and frequently consumed condiments such as bouillon cubes could help prevent Fe deficiency in developing countries. However, Fe compounds that do not cause sensory changes in the fortified product, such as ferric pyrophosphate (FePP), exhibit low absorption in humans. Tetra sodium pyrophosphate (NaPP) can form soluble complexes with Fe, which could increase Fe bioavailability. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate Fe bioavailability from bouillon cubes fortified with either FePP only, FePP+NaPP, ferrous sulphate (FeSO4) only, or FeSO4+NaPP. We first conducted in vitro studies using a protocol of simulated digestion to assess the dialysable and ionic Fe, and the cellular ferritin response in a Caco-2 cell model. Second, Fe absorption from bouillon prepared from intrinsically labelled cubes (2·5 mg stable Fe isotopes/cube) was assessed in twenty-four Fe-deficient women, by measuring Fe incorporation into erythrocytes 2 weeks after consumption. Fe bioavailability in humans increased by 46 % (P<0·005) when comparing bouillons fortified with FePP only (4·4 %) and bouillons fortified with FePP+NaPP (6·4 %). Fe absorption from bouillons fortified with FeSO4 only and with FeSO4+NaPP was 33·8 and 27·8 %, respectively (NS). The outcome from the human study is in agreement with the dialysable Fe from the in vitro experiments. Our findings suggest that the addition of NaPP could be a promising strategy to increase Fe absorption from FePP-fortified bouillon cubes, and if confirmed by further research, for other fortified foods with complex food matrices as well.

  9. Relative Bioavailability of Iron in Bangladeshi Traditional Meals Prepared with Iron-Fortified Lentil Dal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rajib Podder


    Full Text Available Due to low Fe bioavailability and low consumption per meal, lentil must be fortified to contribute significant bioavailable Fe in the Bangladeshi diet. Moreover, since red lentil is dehulled prior to consumption, an opportunity exists at this point to fortify lentil with Fe. Thus, in the present study, lentil was Fe-fortified (using a fortificant Fe concentration of 2800 µg g−1 and used in 30 traditional Bangladeshi meals with broad differences in concentrations of iron, phytic acid (PA, and relative Fe bioavailability (RFeB%. Fortification with NaFeEDTA increased the iron concentration in lentil from 60 to 439 µg g−1 and resulted in a 79% increase in the amount of available Fe as estimated by Caco-2 cell ferritin formation. Phytic acid levels were reduced from 6.2 to 4.6 mg g−1 when fortified lentil was added, thereby reducing the PA:Fe molar ratio from 8.8 to 0.9. This effect was presumably due to dephytinization of fortified lentil during the fortification process. A significant (p ≤ 0.01 Pearson correlation was observed between Fe concentration and RFeB% and between RFeB% and PA:Fe molar ratio in meals with fortified lentil, but not for the meal with unfortified lentil. In conclusion, fortified lentil can contribute significant bioavailable Fe to populations at risk of Fe deficiency.

  10. Relative Bioavailability of Iron in Bangladeshi Traditional Meals Prepared with Iron-Fortified Lentil Dal. (United States)

    Podder, Rajib; M DellaValle, Diane; T Tyler, Robert; P Glahn, Raymond; Tako, Elad; Vandenberg, Albert


    Due to low Fe bioavailability and low consumption per meal, lentil must be fortified to contribute significant bioavailable Fe in the Bangladeshi diet. Moreover, since red lentil is dehulled prior to consumption, an opportunity exists at this point to fortify lentil with Fe. Thus, in the present study, lentil was Fe-fortified (using a fortificant Fe concentration of 2800 µg g -1 ) and used in 30 traditional Bangladeshi meals with broad differences in concentrations of iron, phytic acid (PA), and relative Fe bioavailability (RFeB%). Fortification with NaFeEDTA increased the iron concentration in lentil from 60 to 439 µg g -1 and resulted in a 79% increase in the amount of available Fe as estimated by Caco-2 cell ferritin formation. Phytic acid levels were reduced from 6.2 to 4.6 mg g -1 when fortified lentil was added, thereby reducing the PA:Fe molar ratio from 8.8 to 0.9. This effect was presumably due to dephytinization of fortified lentil during the fortification process. A significant ( p ≤ 0.01) Pearson correlation was observed between Fe concentration and RFeB% and between RFeB% and PA:Fe molar ratio in meals with fortified lentil, but not for the meal with unfortified lentil. In conclusion, fortified lentil can contribute significant bioavailable Fe to populations at risk of Fe deficiency.

  11. Quality characteristics and consumer acceptance of yogurt fortified with date fiber. (United States)

    Hashim, I B; Khalil, A H; Afifi, H S


    Yogurt is considered a healthy food and incorporating dietary fiber will make it even healthier. Date fiber (DF), a by-product of date syrup production, is a good source of dietary fiber. The effect of fortification with DF on fresh yogurt quality was investigated. Acidity, pH, color [L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values], texture profile, sensory properties, and consumer acceptance were studied. Control yogurt (without fiber), yogurt fortified with 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5% DF, and yogurt with 1.5% wheat bran (WB) were prepared. Fortification with DF did not cause significant changes in yogurt acidity, although pH was increased. Yogurts fortified with DF had firmer texture (higher hardness values) and darker color (lower L* and higher a*) compared with control or WB yogurts. Consumer test results indicated that the appearance, color, and flavor ratings were significantly affected by fiber fortification. Yogurt fortified with up to 3% DF had similar sourness, sweetness, firmness, smoothness, and overall acceptance ratings as the control yogurt. Sensory ratings and acceptability of yogurt decreased significantly when increasing DF to 4.5% or using 1.5% WB. Flavoring yogurt fortified with 4.5% DF with vanilla did not improve flavor or overall acceptance ratings. Thus, fortifying yogurt with 3% DF produced acceptable yogurt with beneficial health effects.

  12. Margaritasite: a new mineral of hydrothermal origin from the Pena Blanca uranium district, Mexico. (United States)

    Wenrich, K.J.; Modreski, P.J.; Zielinski, R.A.; Seeley, J.L.


    Margaritasite, (Cs,K,H3O)2(UO2)2V2O8.nH2O (where Cs > K, H3O and n approx 1), a 10.514, b 8.425, c 7.25 A, beta 106.01o, P21/a, Z = 2, is a newly recognized uranium ore mineral named for the Margaritas deposit, Pena Blanca uranium district, Chihuahua, Mexico, at which it was discovered. A Cs-rich analogue of carnotite, margaritasite is the natural equivalent of synthetic Cs-uranyl vanadate (A.M. 43- 799, 50-825). A fine-grained yellow mineral, it is most easily distinguished from carnotite by XRD; X-ray powder patterns (CuKalpha radiation) show that the (001) reflection of margaritasite lies at 12.7o (2theta ), while that of carnotite is found at 13.8o (2theta ). The shift of the (001) reflection in margaritasite reflects the structural changes caused when Cs occupies the sites filled by K in carnotite. Synthesis experiments indicate that margaritasite also differs from carnotite in a higher-T hydrothermal origin. Chemical analyses and XRD data for margaritasite and synthetic Cs- carnotite, and chemical analyses for rocks from Sierra Pena Blanca and vicinity, are tabulated.-J.A.Z.

  13. New human milk fortifiers for the preterm infant

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    Enrico Bertino


    Full Text Available Given its unique nutritional and functional advantages, human milk (HM should be considered as the first choice for the nutrition of all infants, including preterm newborns. Since its protein, mineral and energy contents are not suitable to meet the high needs of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW infants, HM should be fortified for these components. Fortification of HM is an important nutritional intervention in order to provide appropriate nutritional intake and appropriate growth. The standard fortification strategy has yielded inadequate protein intakes, resulting in slower growth as compared to preterm formulas. Improvement of outcomes depends on new fortification strategies, considering the large variability of HM composition. Individualized fortification, either targeted or adjustable, has been shown to be effective and practical in attaining adequate protein intakes and growth.Most commercially available multi-nutrient fortifiers and protein concentrates are derived from bovine milk (BM, which has a protein composition very different from that of HM. The use of BM proteins has been recently questioned for possible association with intestinal inflammation in VLBW infants. Recently, one HM-based fortifier was shown to be associated with lower necrotizing enterocolitis rates and lower mortality in extremely premature infants, compared to BM-based products. Other milk sources are currently under evaluation: a randomized, controlled, single-blind clinical trial, coordinated by the Neonatal Unit of the University of Turin in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council of Turin and the University of Cagliari, is being carried out to evaluate the adequacy of fortifiers derived from donkey milk for the nutrition of preterm infants.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D.C. French; E.Y. Anthony; P.C. Goodell


    The Pena Blanca natural analog is located in the Sierra Pena Blanca, approximately 50 miles north of Chihuahua City, Mexico. The Sierra Pena Blanca is composed mainly of ash-flow tuffs, and the uranium in the region is contained in the brecciated zones of these tuffs. The Pena Blanca site is considered a natural analog to the proposed Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository because they share similar characteristics of structure, volcanic lithology, tectonic activity, and hydrologic regime. One of the mineralized zones, the Nopal I deposit, was mined in the early 1980s and the ore was stockpiled close to the mine. This stockpile area has subsequently been cleared and is referred to as the prior high-grade stockpile (PHGS) site. Soil surrounding boulders of high-grade ore associated with the PHGS site have been sampled. The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of uranium series radioisotopes from the boulder to the soil during the past 25 years. Transport is characterized by determining the activities of individual radionuclides and daughter to parent ratios. The daughter to parent ratios are used to establish whether the samples are in secular equilibrium. Activities are determined using gamma-ray spectroscopy. Isotopes of the uranium series decay chain detected by gamma-ray spectroscopy include {sup 210}Pb, {sup 234}U, {sup 234}Th, {sup 230}Th, {sup 226}Ra, {sup 214}Pb, {sup 214}Bi, and {sup 234}Pa. Preliminary results indicate that some daughter to parent pairs appear to be in secular disequilibrium. Thorium is in excess relative to uranium, and radium is in excess relative to thorium. A deficiency appears to exist for {sup 210}Pb relative to {sup 214}Bi and {sup 214}Pb. If these results are borne out by further analysis, they would suggest transport of nuclides from the high-grade boulder into its surroundings, followed by continued leaching of uranium and lead from the environment.

  15. Pena Blanca uranium deposits and ash-flow tuffs relationship

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magonthier, M.


    The Pena Blanca uranium deposits (Chihuahua, Mexico) are associated with a Tertiary sequence of ash-flow tuffs. Stratigraphic control is dominant and uranium mineralization occurs in stratiform and fracture-controlled deposits within 44 My-old units: Nopal Rhyolite and Escuadra Rhyolite. These units consist of highly vapor-phase crystallized ash-flow tuffs. They contain sanidine, quartz and granophyric phenocrysts, and minor ferromagnesian silicates. Nopal and Escuadra units are high-silica alkali-rich rhyolites that have a primary potassic character. The trace-element chemistry shows high concentrations in U-Th-Rb-Cs and low contents in Ba-Sr-Eu. These chemical properties imply a genetic relationship between deposits and host-units. The petrochemical study show that the Nopal Rhyolite and Escuadra Rhyolite are the source of U and of hydrothermal solutions [fr

  16. Characteristics and oxidative stability of bread fortified with encapsulated shrimp oil

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    Sirima Takeungwongtrakul


    Full Text Available Characteristics and oxidative stability of bread fortified with micro-encapsulated shrimp oil (MSO were determined. The addition of MSO could improve the loaf volume of bread. Chewiness,gumminess and resilience of resulting bread were decreased. Bread crust and crumb showed higher redness and yellowness when MSO was incorporated (P<0.05. Microstructure study revealed that MSO remained intact with bread crumbs. The addition of MSO up to 3% had no adverse effect on bread quality and sensory acceptability. Oxidation took place in bread fortified with 5%MSO to a higher extent, compared with those with 1 or 3% MSO. Therefore, the bread could be fortified with MSO up to 3%.

  17. Preparation of calcium- and magnesium-fortified potato starches with altered pasting properties. (United States)

    Noda, Takahiro; Takigawa, Shigenobu; Matsuura-Endo, Chie; Ishiguro, Koji; Nagasawa, Koichi; Jinno, Masahiro


    Calcium- and magnesium-fortified potato starches were prepared by immersion in various concentrations of CaCl2 and MgCl2 aqueous solutions, respectively. The pasting properties, i.e., peak viscosity and breakdown, of all the starches obtained above were analyzed using a Rapid Visco Analyzer. Furthermore, the gelatinization properties and in vitro digestibility of the representative calcium- and magnesium-fortified starches were tested. The maximum calcium content of the fortified potato starches was as high as 686 ppm with the addition of a high-concentration CaCl2 solution, while the calcium content of the control potato starch was 99 ppm. The magnesium content increased from 89 to 421 ppm by treatment of the potato starch with an MgCl2 solution. Markedly lower values of peak viscosity and breakdown were observed in calcium- and magnesium-fortified potato starches than in the control potato starch. However, the gelatinization temperature and enthalpy as well as resistant starch content of calcium- and magnesium-fortified potato starches were similar to those of the control potato starch. It is concluded that potato starches with altered pasting properties can be easily manufactured by the use of solutions containing high levels of calcium and magnesium.

  18. Organoleptic qualities and acceptability of fortified rice in two Southeast Asian countries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khanh Van, Tran; Burja, Kurt; Thuy Nga, Tran


    the acceptability of two types of fortified rice (cold and hot extruded) in Vietnam and Cambodia, triangle tests were conducted in Vietnam (53 women) and Cambodia (258 adults), testing fortified rice against conventional rice, with participants being asked to score the organoleptic qualities. In addition, Cambodian...

  19. Sensorial, physical and chemical evaluation of bio-fortified Ipomoea batatas


    Mara N.G. Santos; Joice V.C. Orsine; Alexandre I. de A. Pereira; Roberto Cañete; María R.C.G. Novaes


    Context: Bio-fortified sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamarck beta-carotene rich, has been included in the most vulnerable population’s diet with the purpose of reducing health disturbances associated with hipovitaminosis. Aims:To evaluate a physical and chemical analysis of total carotenes and beta-carotene and to determine the antioxidant potential as well as to carry out a sensorial analysis of the bio-fortified Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lamarck (BDB) in nature and processed. Method...

  20. Estimating safe maximum levels of vitamins and minerals in fortified foods and food supplements. (United States)

    Flynn, Albert; Kehoe, Laura; Hennessy, Áine; Walton, Janette


    To show how safe maximum levels (SML) of vitamins and minerals in fortified foods and supplements may be estimated in population subgroups. SML were estimated for adults and 7- to 10-year-old children for six nutrients (retinol, vitamins B6, D and E, folic acid, iron and calcium) using data on usual daily nutrient intakes from Irish national nutrition surveys. SML of nutrients in supplements were lower for children than for adults, except for calcium and iron. Daily energy intake from fortified foods in high consumers (95th percentile) varied by nutrient from 138 to 342 kcal in adults and 40-309 kcal in children. SML (/100 kcal) of nutrients in fortified food were lower for children than adults for vitamins B6 and D, higher for vitamin E, with little difference for other nutrients. Including 25 % 'overage' for nutrients in fortified foods and supplements had little effect on SML. Nutritionally significant amounts of these nutrients can be added safely to supplements and fortified foods for these population subgroups. The estimated SML of nutrients in fortified foods and supplements may be considered safe for these population subgroups over the long term given the food composition and dietary patterns prevailing in the respective dietary surveys. This risk assessment approach shows how nutrient intake data may be used to estimate, for population subgroups, the SML for vitamins and minerals in both fortified foods and supplements, separately, each taking into account the intake from other dietary sources.

  1. Uma análise sistêmica dos determinantes da fragilidade financeira Minskyana

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    Thiago Fonseca Morello


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é identificar os fundamentos, próprios à dimensão da atividade produtiva, da capacidade de uma empresa capitalista para financiar internamente suas operações. Adotando-se a concepção de Minsky, constrói-se um modelo computacional microeconômico. A emulação do lado real e do lado financeiro de uma economia, a partir de apenas um algoritmo comportamental, i.e., de apenas um tipo de agente, firmas, no caso, é a principal característica do modelo. Os resultados são: (i é possível, a pena de um erro estatístico não superior a 5%, classificar uma firma como hedge ou não-hedge, com base apenas no conhecimento da taxa de realização da produção, da proporção do valor do produto correspondente ao custo de produção e da sensibilidade do investimento à taxa de lucro esperada e; (ii tal possibilidade sustenta-se dinamicamente.

  2. Potential effect of fortified pan bread with Aloe vera juice on alloxan ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: This study was designed to investigate (1) the potential use of Aloe vera juice (AVJ) for fortification of pan bread with evaluates the sensory characteristics and the nutritive value. (2) The possible beneficial role of 5% and 10% AVJ-fortified bread against diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: Bread fortified with ...

  3. Fortifying pork liver mixture: Evaluation of protein quality and iron bioavailability – Part 2

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    Silvana Mariana SREBERNICH

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the protein quality and iron bioavailability of a fortifying mixture based on pork liver. Methods Determinations of protein efficiency ratio, net protein utilization, true digestibility and hemoglobin regeneration efficiency by depletion and repletion were performed. In the depletion phase, the animals (male Wistar rats received an iron-free AIN–93G diet and in the repletion phase they received the following diets: standard AIN–93G diet, fortifying mixture and standard diet containing heptahydrated ferrous sulfate for comparison. Results For standard AIN–93G diet and fortifying mixture the results were 3.75 and 4.04 for protein efficiency ratio and 3.53 and 3.63 for net protein retention, showing that the presence of pork liver in the diet promoted an increase in protein efficiency ratio and net protein retention (not statistically significant. True digestibility results obtained with the fortifying mixture (97.16% were higher than those obtained with the standard AIN–93G diet (casein, but without significant difference. The hemoglobin regeneration efficiency values obtained for standard AIN–93G diet, fortifying mixture and standard diet containing heptahydrated ferrous sulfate were 50.69, 31.96 and 29.96%, respectively, showing a statistically significant difference between the control (standard AIN–93G diet and test (fortifying mixture and standard diet containing heptahydrated ferrous sulfate samples, but not between the test samples. Conclusion The fortifying mixture showed a high protein efficiency ratio value of 4.04 and a high relative biological value (108% and it can be added to soups, creams and meats in day-care centers for the prevention of iron-deficiency in children of school age.

  4. The Use of Maltodextrin Matrices to Control the Release of Minerals from Fortified Maté

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    Miguel E. Schmalko


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE The aim of this research was to study the sensorial acceptance of a fortified food containing different minerals (calcium, magnesium and iron and to determine the actual quantities present (bioaccessibility when extracted in maté. A sensorial analysis was performed to compare sensorial quality of fortified and non-fortified maté. Although panelists identified differences between the fortified and non-fortified maté, only 3% of them commented on an unpleasant flavor. Sequential extraction assays were performed simulating maté consumption under laboratory conditions. Profile concentration diminished sharply after the second extraction. Magnesium was found to be completely extracted in the first 500 mL. Calcium and Iron were extracted in a very low percentage (29% and 25%, respectively. The outlet rate of the minerals was fitted to two models, and a good fitness (p < 0:001 in all cases was obtained.

  5. Experiencia-modelo piloto de los talleres de seguridad vial, como alternativa a la pena privativa de libertad en los delitos contra la seguridad vial

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    Isabel Germán Mancebo


    Full Text Available Algunos de los delitos contra la seguridad vial en España tienen asignada la pena de trabajos en beneficio de la comunidad (TBC. Y en la práctica se han percibido problemas en su implementación, entre otros motivos por el aumento de la comisión de los delitos de tránsito y la escasez de puestos de trabajo social para poder llevar a cabo los trabajos comunitarios. Tanto la reciente modificación del Código Penal, como de la normativa reguladora de esta sanción, permite desarrollar los TBC por medio de la realización de talleres. En este artículo se presenta la experiencia-modelo piloto de los talleres de seguridad vial que dan contenido a la pena de TBC, como alternativa a la pena privativa de libertad, lo que resulta de especial interés al ser una de las primeras experiencias de esta naturaleza en España. Para ello se describen los talleres desarrollados, mensualmente, durante el año 2010, a saber: su primer año de funcionamiento en la provincia de Gipuzkoa (España, detallando su estructura, dinámica y tareas -tanto formativas como de utilidad pública- que realizaron los penados. La implementación de estos talleres ha paliado las deficiencias percibidas en la aplicación de la pena de TBC, dotándola de contenido, y superando así las críticas a las que esta sanción se había visto expuesta. Los talleres de seguridad vial responden de forma efectiva al papel preventivo que se le ha otorgado a este tipo de sanciones en el ámbito de la seguridad vial.

  6. Effects of soaking and acidification on physicochemical properties of calcium-fortified rice. (United States)

    Sirisoontaralak, Porntip; Limboon, Pailin; Jatuwong, Sujitra; Chavanalikit, Arusa


    Calcium-fortified rice was prepared by soaking milled rice in calcium lactate solution, steaming and drying, and physicochemical properties were determined to evaluate effects of calcium concentration (0, 30, 50 g L(-1) ), soaking temperature (ambient temperature, 40 °C, 60 °C) and acidification. Calcium-fortified rice had less lightness. More total solid loss was observed, especially at high soaking temperature. Harder texture was detected with increased calcium concentration. Calcium fortification lowered pasting viscosity of milled rice. Panelists accepted all fortified rice; however, only rice soaked at 50 g L(-1) concentration could be claimed as a good source of calcium. Increasing of soaking temperature induced more penetration of calcium to rice kernels but calcium was lost more easily after washing. With addition of acetic acid to the soaking solution, enriched calcium content was comparable to that of high soaking temperature but with better retention after washing and calcium solubility was improved. Acid induced reduction of lightness and cooked rice hardness but increased total solid loss and pasting viscosity. Although the taste of acetic acid remained, panelists still accepted the fortified rice. Calcium-fortified rice (190.47-194.3 mg 100 g(-1) ) could be successfully produced by soaking milled rice in 50 g L(-1) calcium lactate solution at 40 °C or at ambient temperature with acidification. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

  7. Os maus antecedentes são perpétuos?

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    Lilian Sousa Terra


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como escopo a reflexão sobre a inflexão do instituto dos maus antecedentes à luz da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988 e dos princípios informadores do direito penal, nela contidos. Passando em revista ao conceito dos maus antecedentes e da reincidência e aos diversos efeitos sobrevindos de sua adoção, tanto aqueles observados na aplicação da pena quanto na sua execução, buscar-se-á avaliar sobre sua compatibilidade com os princípios da legalidade, da vedação às penas de caráter perpétuo, da humanidade das penas, do non bis in idem e da dignidade da pessoa humana. Foca-se, outrossim, nos institutos do Direito Penal do Autor e do Fato e do Direito ao Esquecimento sob a perspectiva dos maus antecedentes. Por fim, realizar-se-á abordagem sobre a questão da responsabilidade do Estado pela reincidência e a posição dos principais tribunais brasileiros quanto ao caráter perpétuo dos maus antecedentes.

  8. Níveis de inclusão de farinha de penas na dieta sobre o desempenho e características de carcaça de codornas para corte - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i1.661 Inclusion levels of feather meal in the diet on performance and carcasses characteristics of quail for meat - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v28i1.661

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    Marcus Ferreira Pessôa


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de 240 codornas européias para corte mediante diferentes níveis de inclusão de farinha de penas na dieta. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 4 tratamentos (0, 3, 6 e 9% de farinha de penas, 5 repetições e 12 animais por unidade experimental. De acordo com os resultados, a farinha de penas pode ser utilizada na dieta de codornas para corte, exceto no período de 1 a 7 dias, em até 9%, sem alterações negativas sobre o desempenho dos animais. Entretanto, foi observado que na medida em que houve aumento da inclusão de farinha de penas na dieta, houve redução do consumo de ração e no rendimento de coxa mais sobrecoxa, assim como aumento do rendimento de dorso mais asas.The performance of 240 European quail for meat was evaluated using different levels of feather meal in the diet. The experiment was conducted with a totally randomized design, consisting of four treatments (0, 3, 6, and 9% of feather meal, five repetitions and twelve animals per experimental unit. Results show that, feather meal can be utilized in the quail for meat diet, except in a period of 1 to 7 days, up to 9%, without significant negative effects on the performance of the animals. However, as the inclusion of feather flour in the diet increased, a reduction in the consumption of feed and in the thigh yield were observed, as well as an increase in back + wing yield.

  9. Effects of Nutrient-Fortified Milk-Based Formula on the Nutritional Status and Psychomotor Skills of Preschool Children

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    Mavil May C. Cervo


    Full Text Available This randomized, single-masked, controlled trial examined the effects of nutrient-fortified milk-based formula supplementation on nutritional status, nutrient intake, and psychomotor skills of selected preschool children with mean age of 4.10 ± 0.14 years. The study participants were divided equally into three major groups, normal, underweight, and severely underweight based on WHO-Child Growth Standards, and were further divided into two groups: fortified milk group who was given two glasses of fortified milk (50 g of powdered milk/serving a day for twelve weeks in addition to their usual diet and the nonintervention group who was not given fortified milk and thus maintained their usual intake. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intake, and psychomotor developmental score were analyzed. Results showed that consumption of two servings of fortified milk a day for twelve weeks significantly increased the height of preschool children by 1.40 cm, weight by 1.35 kg, body mass index by 0.96 kg/m2, mid-upper arm circumference by 0.66 cm, and psychomotor scores by 13.74% more than those children who did not consume fortified milk (p<0.0001. Hence, fortified milk-based supplement in the diet of preschool children improved overall nutritional status, nutrient intake, and performance in psychomotor scale. This study is registered in Philippine Health Research Registry: PHRR140923-000234.

  10. Effects of Nutrient-Fortified Milk-Based Formula on the Nutritional Status and Psychomotor Skills of Preschool Children. (United States)

    Cervo, Mavil May C; Mendoza, Diane S; Barrios, Erniel B; Panlasigui, Leonora N


    This randomized, single-masked, controlled trial examined the effects of nutrient-fortified milk-based formula supplementation on nutritional status, nutrient intake, and psychomotor skills of selected preschool children with mean age of 4.10 ± 0.14 years. The study participants were divided equally into three major groups, normal, underweight, and severely underweight based on WHO-Child Growth Standards, and were further divided into two groups: fortified milk group who was given two glasses of fortified milk (50 g of powdered milk/serving) a day for twelve weeks in addition to their usual diet and the nonintervention group who was not given fortified milk and thus maintained their usual intake. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intake, and psychomotor developmental score were analyzed. Results showed that consumption of two servings of fortified milk a day for twelve weeks significantly increased the height of preschool children by 1.40 cm, weight by 1.35 kg, body mass index by 0.96 kg/m 2 , mid-upper arm circumference by 0.66 cm, and psychomotor scores by 13.74% more than those children who did not consume fortified milk ( p < 0.0001). Hence, fortified milk-based supplement in the diet of preschool children improved overall nutritional status, nutrient intake, and performance in psychomotor scale. This study is registered in Philippine Health Research Registry: PHRR140923-000234.

  11. O princípio da vulnerabilidade e as técnicas de neuromarketing: aprofundando o consumo como vontade irrefletida

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    Full Text Available Este artigo faz reflexão sobre o significado do neuromarketing e qual o impacto de suas técnicas no aprofundamento da vulnerabilidade do consumidor. Parte do princípio de que a legislação brasileira não se encontra ainda dotada de dispositivos aptos a proteger a vontade do consumidor quando esta esteja diante de técnicas que utilizem os conhecimentos do neuromarketing. Defende que a semelhança do que ocorre no campo da publicidade, sejam introduzidos no Código de Defesa do Consumidor ou em legislação apartada dispositivos sobre a matéria, sob pena da repercussão negativa na vulnerabilidade e na intimidade do consumidor.

  12. Effects of fortified lysine on the amino acid profile and sensory qualities of deep-fried and dried noodles. (United States)

    Polpuech, C; Chavasit, V; Srichakwal, P; Paniangvait, P


    Lysine fortification of wheat flour has been used toward reducing protein energy malnutrition in developing countries. The feasibility of fortifying instant noodles with lysine was evaluated based on sensory qualities and the residual lysine content. Fifty grams of deep-fried and dried instant noodles were fortified with 0.23 and 0.21 g lysine, respectively. The production temperatures used for deep-frying were 165-175 degrees C and for drying, 80-105 degrees C; these are the temperatures used in the industrial production of both kinds of noodles. Lysine fortification was then performed at the local factories using the commercial production lines and packaging for both types of instant noodles. Both fortified and unfortified deep-fried and dried instant noodles were stored at 50 degrees C under fluorescent light for 2 and 4 months, respectively. The fortified products were tested for residual lysine content and sensory qualities as compared with unfortified noodles. The results show fortified products from the tested processing temperatures were all accepted. After storage, significant losses of lysine were not found in both types of noodles analysed. The lysine-fortified noodles had amino acid scores of 102% and 122%, respectively. After 2 months, the sensory quality of fortified deep-fried noodles was still acceptable; however, the dried noodles turned to an unacceptable dark colour. This study shows that it is feasible to fortify deep-fried instant noodles with lysine, though lysine fortification exhibited an undesirable colour in the dried instant noodles after storage.

  13. Biscuits fortified with micro-encapsulated shrimp oil: characteristics and storage stability. (United States)

    Takeungwongtrakul, Sirima; Benjakul, Soottawat


    Characteristics and storage stability of biscuits fortified with micro-encapsulated shrimp oil (MSO) were determined. The addition of MSO increased spread ratio, whilst decreased the thickness of biscuit. The highest hardness of biscuit was obtained with addition of 9 or 12% MSO. Biscuit surface showed higher redness and yellowness when MSO was incorporated ( p  < 0.05). The addition of MSO up to 6% had no adverse effect on biscuit quality and acceptability. When biscuits added with 6% MSO were stored under different illumination conditions (light and dark), lipid oxidation in all samples increased throughout the storage of 12 days. Light accelerated lipid oxidation of biscuits as evidenced by the increases in both peroxide values and abundance of volatile compounds. No marked change in EPA, DHA and astaxanthin contents were noticeable in biscuit fortified with MSO after 12 days of storage. Therefore, the biscuit could be fortified with MSO up to 6% and must be stored in dark to assure its oxidative stability.

  14. Changes in time-trends of nutrient intake from fortified and non-fortified food in German children and adolescents--15 year results of the DONALD study. Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed Study. (United States)

    Sichert-Hellert, W; Kersting, M; Manz, F


    Although fortified products have played an increasing role in food marketing since the 1980s in Germany, data as to the consumption of fortified food is sparse. To assess long-term data on changes in fortified food supply or consumption patterns, nutrient intake, and time trends in the DONALD Study (Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed Study). Between 1985 and 2000 consumption of nutrient intake (total and from fortified foods) was evaluated and time trends in energy and nutrient intake were assessed on the basis of 3-day weighed dietary records (n = 4193) of 2-14 year-old males (n = 383) and females (n = 404) enrolled in the DONALD Study. Nutrient intake was expressed as percentage of the current German recommendations. Food products were defined as fortified if enriched with at least one of the following nutrients: Vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids (summarised as Vitamin A), Vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, C, niacin, folate, calcium or iron. Nutrient supplements and medicine were excluded from this evaluation. Time trends were analysed using linear and non-linear regression models (PROC MIXED, SAS 6.12). In percent of German references [3], non-fortified food contributed to folate intake by 20-30%, to Vitamin E by about 40%, to Vitamin B1 by 50-65%, to Vitamin A, C, B2, calcium, iron by about 65-95%, and to Vitamin B6 and niacin intake by 100% and more. Fortified food alone provided no more than 5% of calcium intake, about 10-20% of iron, Vitamin A and folate intake, up to 40-50% of Vitamin C, B1, B2, E, niacin and up to 80% of Vitamin B6 intake. During the 15 year period of the DONALD Study with total food, we only found a significant linear time trend for Vitamin C, whereas significant non-linear time trends were found for calcium, Vitamin E, B1, B2, B6, niacin and folate. In the latter there was a uniform increase until 1994 and a decrease thereafter. For iron and Vitamin A no significant time trend could be identified. Only iron and

  15. Effect of Iron Fortified Wheat Flour on the Biology and Physiology of Red Flour Beetle, (Herbst

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    Sohail Ahmed


    Full Text Available Iron overload in the fortified flour can influence the life stages and physiology of the insects. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of commercially available premix iron fortified flour as well as effect of different concentrations of post-mix iron fortified flour (30–5 ppm on biology of red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Hebrst.. Larval and pupal duration, total developmental time, fecundity and larval weights in two consecutive generations of beetle were compared with control treatment. Amylase and protease activities of gut of the beetle were also measured in premix and postmix flours. Results showed that larval mortality increased in two sources of premix iron flour when compared with control. Larval weight was reduced in first generation only. The larval mortality was significantly higher in 30 ppm postmix iron fortified flour than in other postmix concentrations and control treatment. The larvae of T. castaneum fed on two sources of premix and in various concentrations of postmix iron fortified flour revealed an increase in amylases and decrease in protease activities.

  16. Piloting a Commercial Model for Fortified Rice: Lessons Learned From Brazil. (United States)

    Milani, Peiman; Spohrer, Rebecca; Garrett, Greg; Kreis, Katharine


    Two billion people worldwide have micronutrient deficiencies. Food fortification is a proven intervention to increase essential micronutrient availability in diets without requiring consumer behavioral change. Fortification of rice has high potential reach; however, cost, technology, market, and cultural constraints have prevented its wider adoption. From 2010 to 2014, PATH and Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition implemented a pilot project in Brazil testing a model to scale up rice fortification through commercial channels. The project focused on 5 areas: (1) building fortified rice kernel production capacity; (2) supply chain development; (3) distribution channel and market development; (4) demand generation; and (5) advocacy and knowledge dissemination. Primary data were collected in 2 rounds of quantitative research 6 months apart and conducted in 2 regions in Brazil. Secondary data were sourced from published literature, socioeconomic and demographic data, and sales figures from the project's rice miller partner. Postmortem analysis was conducted by the project team with input from external sources. Although the project successfully launched a fortified rice product and a category brand platform, it was unsuccessful in reaching meaningful scale. Market and industry dynamics affected producers' willingness to launch new fortified products. Consumers' strong attachment to rice combined with a weak understanding of micronutrient malnutrition hampered demand creation efforts. This project showed that a purely commercial approach is insufficient for sustainable scale-up of fortified rice to achieve public health goals in a 3- to 5-year period. © The Author(s) 2016.

  17. Review of the cost components of introducing industrially fortified rice. (United States)

    Roks, Eveline


    Micronutrient deficiencies affect over two billion people worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Fortification of staple foods with multiple micronutrients is a cost-effective strategy to increase vitamin and mineral intake. The objective of this paper is to review the cost elements of industrially fortified rice by identifying the costs related to the implementation of rice fortification programs, using the experience of the United Nations World Food Programme in its pilot countries. The actual total costs of rice fortification are not easily captured. Core cost elements include the production of fortified rice kernels, transportation to the point of blending, blending of fortified with unfortified rice, costs related to sales or distribution, quality control and assurance, and additional planning. In the introduction phase, organizations or coalitions seeking to advance rice fortification will face additional costs related to the initiation of rice fortification. In the scale-up phase, greater efficiency in the supply chain and economies of scale can be expected. Different cost elements are normally borne by different stakeholders. This makes the implementation of rice fortification programs a feasible option to reach vulnerable populations with inadequate access to affordable nutrition solutions. © 2014 New York Academy of Sciences.


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    Kelly Roman Pavan


    Full Text Available A obra de Howard Gardner intitulada Inteligências múltiplas – A teoria na prática foi publicada no Brasil há quase vinte anos. Embora não se trate de obra recente, vale a pena revisitá-la com um olhar crítico e destacar suas importantes contribuições para o exercício da docência.

  19. Physicochemical properties of surimi gels fortified with dietary fiber. (United States)

    Debusca, Alicia; Tahergorabi, Reza; Beamer, Sarah K; Matak, Kristen E; Jaczynski, Jacek


    Although dietary fiber provides health benefits, most Western populations have insufficient intake. Surimi seafood is not currently fortified with dietary fiber, nor have the effects of fiber fortification on physicochemical properties of surimi been thoroughly studied. In the present study, Alaska pollock surimi was fortified with 0-8 g/100 g of long-chain powdered cellulose as a source of dietary fiber. The protein/water concentrations in surimi were kept constant by adding an inert filler, silicon dioxide in inverse concentrations to the fiber fortification. Fiber-fortified surimi gels were set at 90 °C. The objectives were to determine (1) textural and colour properties; (2) heat-induced gelation (dynamic rheology); and (3) protein endothermic transitions (differential scanning calorimetry) of surimi formulated with constant protein/water, but variable fiber content. Fiber fortification up to 6 g/100 g improved (Pfiber. Dynamic rheology correlated with texture and showed large increase in gel elasticity, indicating enhanced thermal gelation of surimi. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that fiber fortification did not interfere with thermal transitions of surimi myosin and actin. Long-chain fiber probably traps water physically, which is stabilized by chemical bonding with protein within surimi gel matrix. Based on the present study, it is suggested that the fiber-protein interaction is mediated by water and is physicochemical in nature. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Dietary effects of lutein-fortified chlorella on milk components of Holstein cows


    Jeon, Jin-Young; Park, Keun-Kyu; Lee, Kyung-Woo; Jang, Seung-Wan; Moon, Byung-Hern; An, Byoung-Ki


    This study was conducted to investigate the dietary effect of conventional or lutein-fortified chlorella on milk production and lutein incorporation in milk. Fifteen Holstein cows in mid-lactation were used in a 3???3 Latin square design each with a 21-day period. Cows were top-dressed daily with 30?g of conventional or lutein-fortified chlorella for 3?weeks. Cows without chlorella served as the control. The feed intake and milk yield were not affected by dietary treatments. The concentration...

  1. Locally processed roasted-maize-based weaning foods fortified with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Locally processed roasted-maize-based weaning foods fortified with legumes: factors ... African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development ... Tom Brown (roasted-maize porridge) is one of the traditional weaning foods in Ghana.

  2. Avaliação da correção da energia pelo balanço de nitrogênio em alimentos para frangos de corte

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    R.C. Andrade


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de determinar valores de energia metabolizável aparente e de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio de alimentos para frangos de corte, bem como avaliar os efeitos da correção da energia sobre seu desempenho, foram conduzidos dois experimentos: I determinação da energia do milho, do farelo de soja, da farinha de carne e ossos, da farinha de vísceras e da farinha de penas, pelo método de coleta total de excretas, utilizando-se 450 pintos de corte com um dia de idade, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, sendo seis tratamentos e cinco repetições; II desempenho de 960 frangos de corte, distribuídos ao acaso, em cinco tratamentos e seis repetições. As aves que receberam os tratamentos A (matriz energética de acordo com Rostagno et al. (2011 e E (energia sem correção com ajuste pela idade apresentaram melhor desempenho, e as aves do tratamento E tiveram melhor conversão alimentar. Portanto, formulações com energia sem correção pelo balanço de nitrogênio e ajustadas pela idade são viáveis tanto sob o ponto de vista zootécnico, quanto econômico.

  3. Roof timber for fortifying mining works

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shirokov, A P; Kuntsevich, V IK; Pishchulin, V V; Seryi, A M; Volkov, P A


    The roof timber for fortifying mining works includes spring-mounted hinged elements made from a special rolled metal. In order to increase the carrying capacity of the support by increasing the deformation threshold, the springs are mounted by their expanded section to the lower side of the hinge; their ends are connected in turn to the elements made from the special rolled metal on both sides of the hinge.


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    Ali Hussein Abed-Al-Kareem


    Full Text Available This study includes fortification of two type of flour 70 and 80 % extraction with two sources of non-haem iron sodium iron EDTA (FeNaEDTA which was synthesis in laboratory and ferrous sulfate in level of 30 mg iron/kg flour. The synthesis FeNaEDTA has been identified in several methods, infra red spectrophotometry, C.H.N analyzer and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP- OES. NaFeEDTA is the only non-haem source that has good bioavailability as it is relatively independent of flour composition and withstands the inhibitory effects of phytates. Chemical analysis of the two type of the flour before and after fortification with FeNaEDTA was done (moisture, ash , protein , fat and wet gluten% and the amount of iron as mg/100g.The falling number was not affected by the above fortificants.The values of falling Number of 70% extraction for non-fortified and fortified flour by FeNaEDTA and ferrous sulfate were ( 425,426,427 second respectively, while for 80% extracted flour were (445,446,448 second respectively. The color test showed an increasing of color degree upon fortified by iron sulfate and decreasing of upon fortified by FeNaEDTA in both type of flour.

  5. Storage Stability of Unstabilized Predigested Soymilk Fortified with ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... calcium content, and strongest negative significant (P < 0.05) effects on visible coagulation time (VCT) of the fortified soymilk. Vitamin C had linear significant (p < 0.05) effects to increase soymilk vitamin C content and VCT. Keywords: Storage stability, micronutrient fortification, predigested soymilk, complementary feeding ...

  6. Promoting Locally Fortified Sunflower Oil Using E-Vouchers ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    The vouchers, transmitted through cell phone text messages, will deliver subsidies to vulnerable groups. They will target lactating mothers, while jumpstarting demand for fortified oil. Findings to improve health outcomes During the course of the project, subsidies will be systematically withdrawn to observe producers' and ...

  7. Long-term oral feeding of lutein-fortified milk increases voluntary running distance in rats.

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    Megumi Matsumoto

    Full Text Available To evaluate the effects of lutein-fortified milk administration on running exercise, a voluntary wheel-running model was performed in rats. Four-week-old F344 rats were administered test milk (10 mL/kg daily following a 4-h fasting period, and their running distances were measured each day for a 9-week period. Total weekly running distance significantly increased from the sixth week until the end of the test period in lutein-supplemented rats (lutein-fortified milk administered compared with control rats (vehicle administered. This increase was not apparent in rats administered lutein alone. In the lutein-fortified-milk exercise group compared with the sedentary control group, carnitine palitroyltransferase 1 (CPT-1, total AMP-activated protein kinase (tAMPK, and phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (pAMPK contents were significantly increased in the gastrocnemius muscle, with a concomitant decrease in triglyceride and total cholesterol levels in the blood and liver. Furthermore, the lutein level in blood of lutein-administered rats significantly decreased with exercise. These results suggest that lutein-fortified milk may enhance the effect of exercise by effective utilization of lipids when combined with voluntary running.

  8. Long-term oral feeding of lutein-fortified milk increases voluntary running distance in rats. (United States)

    Matsumoto, Megumi; Hagio, Masahito; Inoue, Ryo; Mitani, Tomohiro; Yajima, Masako; Hara, Hiroshi; Yajima, Takaji


    To evaluate the effects of lutein-fortified milk administration on running exercise, a voluntary wheel-running model was performed in rats. Four-week-old F344 rats were administered test milk (10 mL/kg) daily following a 4-h fasting period, and their running distances were measured each day for a 9-week period. Total weekly running distance significantly increased from the sixth week until the end of the test period in lutein-supplemented rats (lutein-fortified milk administered) compared with control rats (vehicle administered). This increase was not apparent in rats administered lutein alone. In the lutein-fortified-milk exercise group compared with the sedentary control group, carnitine palitroyltransferase 1 (CPT-1), total AMP-activated protein kinase (tAMPK), and phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (pAMPK) contents were significantly increased in the gastrocnemius muscle, with a concomitant decrease in triglyceride and total cholesterol levels in the blood and liver. Furthermore, the lutein level in blood of lutein-administered rats significantly decreased with exercise. These results suggest that lutein-fortified milk may enhance the effect of exercise by effective utilization of lipids when combined with voluntary running.

  9. “A quien perturbe el orden público le caerá el rigor de las penas, hasta la de muerte”. Aproximaciones al tratamiento de la pena capital en el Río de la Plata en la década de 1820.

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    María Cecilia Guerra Orozco


    Full Text Available A finales de 1823, la Sala de Representantes de San Miguel de Tucumán, dispuso la aprobación del decreto de pena de muerte para el gobernador Bernabé Aráoz, exiliado en la vecina ciudad de Salta. El entonces presidente de la Sala, el Presbítero José Manuel Moure, acudió a la formación de una comisión de eclesiásticos integrada por Diego León Villafañe (Jesuita, Pedro Miguel Aráoz y José Agustín Molina, para que se expresaran sobre el tema. Es a partir de este caso particular que nos preguntamos a cerca de la discusión sobre la pena de muerte, tanto en ámbito laico como eclesiástico; y de que manera este acontecimiento nos revela algunos rasgos de la relación entre “lo político” y lo religioso después de la revolución. Nos interesa indagar sobre las herramientas teóricas y jurídicas con las que se contaba en la época, para promulgarse sobre la materia. Abordar la decisión de la aplicación de la pena de muerte –en este caso a Bernabé Aráoz- desde un aspecto político jurídico eclesiástico, partiendo del hecho de que es una comisión eclesiástica la que finalmente avala la decisión. El clero fue uno de los actores fundamentales dentro del entramado social colonial. Este rol principal sufrió algunas modificaciones a partir de mayo de 1810, cuando la revolución empezó a delinear una nueva forma de relación entre la Iglesia y los individuos que la componían, y los nuevos poderes emergentes. La revolución y los nuevos gobiernos comenzaron a apropiarse de espacios específicos del clero, como el púlpito, al tiempo que éstos participaban de espacios políticos cada vez más “públicos”.



    Ortiz Adame, Raúl


    El tema fundamental de la presente investigación tiene como base el principio nullum crimen sine lege y nulla poena sine lege, que se contiene en los artículos 14 y 16 de la Constitución Federal, como garantía individual de los mexicanos, conforme al cual no puede haber delito sin ley, ni puede aplicarse pena alguna que no esté determinada en ésta, pero exactamente aplicable al delito de que se trate. Esto es, no puede castigarse a un individuo que ha incurrido en una conduc...

  11. La pena en las consuetas indianas. Los concilios y la redacción de esas normas


    Martinez, Ana Maria


    Las consuetas pertenecen al Derecho Canónico particular, por tratarse de normas que organizan el funcionamiento del Cabildo Eclesiástico en cada catedral, las que fueron reformuladas por diferentes obispos de acuerdo a las circunstancias locales. En el período colonial en América, tiempo y espacio al cual se ajusta este trabajo, su incumplimiento estuvo penado de diferentes maneras según el lugar y la época. La calidad de estas penas fue esencialmente correctiva y de efecto económico más que ...


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    The objective of this study was to prepare a soy yogurt, fortifi ed with microencapsulated FeSO4.7H2O (12mg of iron/l and calcium citrate (600mg of calcium/l, and evaluate the stability of the fi nal product during the storage at 10°C. The soy yogurt without addition of iron and calcium was used as control. Analysis of these samples was done once a week, during 28 days, for: pH, titratable acidity, rheological properties (viscosity and consistency, sensory characteristics (acceptance test and enumeration of viable cells (L. delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus. The pH, titratable acidity, viscosity, consistency and acceptance test data were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey’s test. During the storage was observed a decrease in the pH and increase in the titratable acidity, due to the lactic cultures to be continue viable (107CFU/g in the product. The fortifi ed yogurt exhibited lower viscosity, but this parameter did not change signifi cantly (p0,05 during the storage time. The acceptance test results showed that the control and fortifi ed samples did not exhibit signifi cant differences (p0,05, during the studied period, in relation to the all sensory attributes evaluated. In conclusion, the present work enabled the development of a iron and calcium fortifi ed soy yogurt, stable during 28 days at 10°C, that could be used in the prevention and control of mineral defi ciencies in general population.

  13. Determinants of adoption of vitamin A bio-fortified cassava variety among farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    O. O. Ologunde


    Full Text Available The success of any agricultural innovation depends on its adoption by farmers. The study evaluates the determinants of adoption of vitamin A bio-fortified cassava variety among farmers by investigating the level of adoption and determinants of adoption among farmers. Three stages of random sampling procedure were used to select 240 cassava farmers. The data obtained were analyzed with descriptive statistics and a logit regression model. The study revealed that the level of adoption of vitamin A bio-fortified cassava variety is low (38.72%. The study also revealed that access to media, contact with extension agents, access to vitamin A bio-fortified cassava stem, amongst others, are the determinants of adoption of vitamin A bio-fortified cassava variety in the study area. It is therefore recommended that awareness about the new cassava technology should be prioritized to sensitize the farmers, and stems of these cassava varieties should be readily made available to farmers to take advantage of the benefit of the innovation.

  14. In vitro calcium availability in bakery products fortified with tuna bone powder as a natural calcium source. (United States)

    Nemati, Mahnaz; Kamilah, Hanisah; Huda, Nurul; Ariffin, Fazilah


    Avoidance of dairy products due to lactose intolerance can lead to insufficiency of calcium (Ca) in the body. In an approach to address this problem, tuna bone powder (TBP) was formulated as a calcium supplement to fortify bakery products. In a study, TBP recovered by alkaline treatment contained 38.16 g/100 g of calcium and 23.31 g/100 g of phosphorus. The ratio of Ca:P that was close to 2:1 was hence comparable to that in human bones. The availability of calcium in TBP was 53.93%, which was significantly higher than most calcium salts, tricalcium phosphate (TCP) being the exception. In vitro availability of calcium in TBP-fortified cookies or TCP-fortified cookies were comparable at 38.9% and 39.5%, respectively. These values were higher than the readings from TBP-fortified bread (36.7%) or TCP-fortified bread (37.4%). Sensory evaluation of bakery products containing TBP or TCP elicited comparable scores for the two additives from test panels. Hence, TBP could be used in the production of high calcium bakery products that would enjoy consumer acceptance.

  15. Vitamin-Fortified Snack Food May Lead Consumers to Make Poor Dietary Decisions. (United States)

    Verrill, Linda; Wood, Dallas; Cates, Sheryl; Lando, Amy; Zhang, Yuanting


    The US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) fortification policy discourages the fortification of certain foods, including sugars and snack foods such as cookies, candies, cakes, chips, and carbonated beverages, yet manufacturers sometimes add vitamins and minerals to snack foods. To assess whether vitamin-fortified snack foods affect consumers' information-seeking, purchase decisions, and product-related health perceptions. For this experimental study, participants were randomly assigned to study conditions to compare products that varied in product type, nutrition profile, and fortification and nutrient claim status. Data were collected via an online consumer panel. US adults aged 18 years and older were randomly selected from Research Now's e-panel online household panel. Data were collected during fall 2014 (N=5,076). Participants were randomly assigned to one of 24 conditions: two products (vegetable chip/potato chip), two nutrition profiles (healthier/less healthy), two fortification scenarios (not fortified/fortified), and three nutrient claim conditions (two no claim/one with claim). The design was not balanced; claims were not shown on products that were not vitamin fortified. Outcome measures were information-seeking (viewed the Nutrition Facts label), purchase decisions, perception of product healthfulness, and correct selection of product with the healthier nutrient profile. Logistic regression was used to test all models. Analyses was adjusted for general label use, consumes product, health status, age, sex, level of education, presence of children in the household, and race/ethnicity. When the snack food carried a nutrient claim for vitamin fortification, participants were 1) less likely to look for nutrition information on the Nutrition Facts label, 2) more likely to select the product for purchase, 3) more likely to perceive the product as healthier, and 4) less likely to correctly choose the healthier product. Snack foods that have been vitamin-fortified

  16. Bioavailability of Zinc in Wistar Rats Fed with Rice Fortified with Zinc Oxide (United States)

    Della Lucia, Ceres Mattos; Santos, Laura Luiza Menezes; Rodrigues, Kellen Cristina da Cruz; Rodrigues, Vivian Cristina da Cruz; Martino, Hércia Stampini Duarte; Pinheiro Sant’Ana, Helena Maria


    The study of zinc bioavailability in foods is important because this mineral intake does not meet the recommended doses for some population groups. Also, the presence of dietary factors that reduce zinc absorption contributes to its deficiency. Rice fortified with micronutrients (Ultra Rice®) is a viable alternative for fortification since this cereal is already inserted into the population habit. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioavailability of zinc (Zn) in rice fortified with zinc oxide. During 42 days, rats were divided into four groups and fed with diets containing two different sources of Zn (test diet: UR® fortified with zinc oxide, or control diet: zinc carbonate (ZnCO3)), supplying 50% or 100%, respectively, of the recommendations of this mineral for animals. Weight gain, food intake, feed efficiency ratio, weight, thickness and length of femur; retention of zinc, calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the femur and the concentrations of Zn in femur, plasma and erythrocytes were evaluated. Control diet showed higher weight gain, feed efficiency ratio, retention of Zn and Zn concentration in the femur (p 0.05) for dietary intake, length and thickness of the femur, erythrocyte and plasmatic Zn between groups. Although rice fortified with zinc oxide showed a lower bioavailability compared to ZnCO3, this food can be a viable alternative to be used as a vehicle for fortification. PMID:24932657

  17. Calcium absorption from apple and orange juice fortified with calcium citrate malate (CCM). (United States)

    Andon, M B; Peacock, M; Kanerva, R L; De Castro, J A


    Determine calcium (Ca) absorption from Ca fortified orange and apple juice. Absorbability was assessed by measuring 45Ca absorption in healthy women (mean age 57 years, n = 57/group) and whole body 47Ca retention in adult female beagle dogs (n = 6/group) and young adult male rats (n = 6/group). Women received 6.24 mmol (250 mg) Ca as calcium citrate malate fortified orange juice (CCM-OJ) or apple juice (CCM-AJ). Dogs received 3.12 mmol (125 mg) Ca as CCM-OJ or CCM-AJ. Rats were administered 0.15 mmol (6 mg) Ca as either milk, CCM-OJ, or CCM-AJ. Additional 47Ca whole body retention experiments in rats measured the effects of differences in the carbohydrate and organic acid contents of the juices on Ca absorption. Mean +/- SEM percent Ca fractional absorption was greater (p composition of Ca fortified juices, we found that the greater fructose and lower organic acid content of apple juice accounted for its greater Ca absorbability. CCM fortified versions of orange and apple juice have high Ca absorbability and are potentially important vehicles for increasing dietary Ca intake. The greater Ca absorption from CCM-AJ compared with CCM-OJ is accounted for by differences in the carbohydrate and organic acid content of the juices. These data suggest that by modifying common beverage ingredients, products with even greater Ca absorbability could be formulated.

  18. Possessão e inversão da subalternidade: com a palavra, Pombagira das Rosas

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    Sônia Regina Corrêa Lages


    Full Text Available Este artigo é decorrente de uma pesquisa de campo que analisou a possessão na religião afro-brasileira da Umbanda no terreiro de Umbanda Caboclo Pena Branca, na cidade de Juiz de Fora, MG. No presente recorte é apresentada a narrativa da Pombagira das Rosas, com o propósito de observar a relação de alteridade que se estabelece entre a médium e a entidade. A partir de um quadro conceitual definido por Michael De Certeau, as narrativas são analisadas buscando compreender de que forma a possessão se articula com a realidade histórica das mulheres no Brasil e com a trajetória pessoal da mulher médium que incorpora o referido espírito, redefinindo seu cotidiano. A intenção é focalizar na voz subalterna da entidade as dinâmicas individuais e coletivas que, fazendo uso do imaginário nacional sobre a entidade, possibilitam compreender a possessão como significando solidariedade social.

  19. Lutein-fortified infant formula fed to healthy term infants: evaluation of growth effects and safety. (United States)

    Capeding, Rosario; Gepanayao, Connie P; Calimon, Nerrisa; Lebumfacil, Jowena; Davis, Anne M; Stouffer, Nicole; Harris, Bruce J


    Breast milk contains lutein derived from the mother's diet. This carotenoid is currently not added to infant formula, which has a small and variable lutein content from innate ingredients. This study was conducted to compare the growth of infants fed lutein-fortified infant formula with that of infants fed infant formula without lutein fortification. This 16-week study was prospective, randomized, controlled, and double-blind with parallel groups of healthy term infants fed either control formula (Wyeth S-26 Gold, designated as Gold) or experimental formula (Wyeth S-26 Gold fortified with lutein at 200 mcg/l, designated as Gold+Lutein). Two hundred thirty-two (232) infantslutein-fortified S-26 Gold demonstrated growth equivalent to that of infants fed unfortified lutein formula.

  20. Low bioaccessibility of vitamin D2 from yeast-fortified bread compared to crystalline D2 bread and D3 from fluid milks. (United States)

    Lipkie, Tristan E; Ferruzzi, Mario G; Weaver, Connie M


    The assessment of the efficacy of dietary and supplemental vitamin D tends to be confounded by differences in the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D response between vitamin D 2 and vitamin D 3 . Serum response differences from these vitamers may be due to differences in bioavailability. To address this specifically, the bioaccessibility was assessed for vitamin D 2 from breads fortified with UV-treated yeast, and a benchmark against staple vitamin D 3 fortified foods including bovine milks and infant formula, as well as crystalline vitamin D 2 fortified bread. Fortified foods were subjected to a three-stage static in vitro digestion model, and vitamin D was analyzed by HPLC-MS. Vitamin D bioaccessibility was significantly greater from bovine milks and infant formula (71-85%) than from yeast-fortified sandwich breads (6-7%). Bioaccessibility was not different between whole wheat and white wheat bread (p > 0.05), but was ∼4× lower from yeast-fortified bread than from crystalline vitamin D 2 fortified bread (p yeast cells were observed in the digesta of yeast fortified bread. These results indicate that the low bioavailability of yeast D 2 in comparison to other vitamin D 2 sources is likely due to entrapment within a less digestible yeast matrix and not only to metabolic differences between vitamins D 2 and D 3 .

  1. Fortifying baladi bread in Egypt: reaching more than 50 million people through the subsidy program. (United States)

    Elhakim, Nadine; Laillou, Arnaud; El Nakeeb, Anwar; Yacoub, Rukia; Shehata, Magdy


    Micronutrient deficiencies, especially iron-deficiency anemia, are a public health problem in Egypt, where anemia rates almost doubled in the years from 2000 to 2005. In 2008, the Government of Egypt began implementation of a 5-year national program to fortify with iron and folic acid the wheat flour used in baking subsidized baladi bread, the staple food consumed by a majority of low- income groups. To project the achievements of this national Wheat Flour Fortification Program. This paper describes the program, estimates the production of fortified flour and consumption of fortified bread, and identifies program challenges and sustainability issues. Through the national Wheat Flour Fortification Program, ferrous sulfate and folic acid are now added to all wheat flour produced under the national Food Subsidy Program. Up to 50 million Egyptians nationwide are now consuming quality-assured fortified baladi bread on a daily basis. In 2011, 6.5 million MT of fortified wheat flour was produced by 143 participating public- and private-sector mills. Political changes in Egypt in 2011 did not seem to affect the program; the new leadership in the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade remains committed to fortification of wheat flour. The daily intake of approximately 12 mg of iron and 600 microg of folic acid through the consumption of baladi bread suggests that the impact of the program on the prevention and reduction of iron and folate deficiencies among the Egyptian population could be significant; the results of an end-line survey are pending.

  2. Human milk fortifier with high versus standard protein content for promoting growth of preterm infants: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Liu, Tian-Tian; Dang, Dan; Lv, Xiao-Ming; Wang, Teng-Fei; Du, Jin-Feng; Wu, Hui


    To compare the growth of preterm infants fed standard protein-fortified human milk with that containing human milk fortifier (HMF) with a higher-than-standard protein content. Published articles reporting randomized controlled trials and prospective observational intervention studies listed on the PubMed®, Embase®, CINAHL and Cochrane Library databases were searched using the keywords 'fortifier', 'human milk', 'breastfeeding', 'breast milk' and 'human milk fortifier'. The mean difference with 95% confidence intervals was used to compare the effect of HMF with a higher-than-standard protein content on infant growth characteristics. Five studies with 352 infants with birth weight ≤ 1750 g and a gestational age ≤ 34 weeks who were fed human milk were included in this meta-analysis. Infants in the experimental groups given human milk with higher-than-standard protein fortifier achieved significantly greater weight and length at the end of the study, and greater weight gain, length gain, and head circumference gain, compared with control groups fed human milk with the standard HMF. HMF with a higher-than-standard protein content can improve preterm infant growth compared with standard HMF. © The Author(s) 2015 Reprints and permissions:

  3. Informe de Amnesty Internacional. La pena de muerte en los Estados Unidos de América Una cuestión que atañe a los profesionales de la salud.


    - Amnesty Internacional


    En los primeros nueve meses de 1986 fueron ejecutados dieciséis hombres en los EE.UU. Más de 1.700 reclusos están a la espera de la ejecución en 33 de los 37 Estados cuya legislación prevé la pena de muerte; algunos llevan hasta doce años en esta situación. A partir de la década de 1930, en que se dio la máxima frecuencia de la aplicación de la pena capital', hubo un descenso gradual de la misma hasta 1967, en que entró en vigor una moratoria para las ejecuciones, después de que se argumentar...

  4. Effect of selected spices on chemical and sensory markers in fortified rye-buckwheat cakes. (United States)

    Przygodzka, Małgorzata; Zieliński, Henryk; Ciesarová, Zuzana; Kukurová, Kristina; Lamparski, Grzegorz


    The aim of this study was to find out the effect of selected spices on chemical and sensorial markers in cakes formulated on rye and light buckwheat flour fortified with spices. Among collection of spices, rye-buckwheat cakes fortified individually with cloves, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, vanilla, and spice mix revealed the highest sensory characteristics and overall quality. Cakes fortified with cloves, allspice, and spice mix showed the highest antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, rutin, and almost threefold higher available lysine contents. The reduced furosine content as well as free and total fluorescent intermediatory compounds were observed as compared to nonfortified cakes. The FAST index was significantly lowered in all cakes enriched with spices, especially with cloves, allspice, and mix. In contrast, browning index increased in compare to cakes without spices. It can be suggested that clove, allspice, vanilla, and spice mix should be used for production of safety and good quality cakes.


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    Full Text Available En este trabajo se reporta el efecto de la temperatura y velocidad de la línea de colgado, en el porcentaje de pluma y despigmentación de aves blanca y campesina, durante el proceso de escaldado. Los valores de operación de temperatura de escaldado y velocidad encontrados y acordes a los estándares de calidad reglamentados por el INVIMA, fueron para pollo blanco temperatura entre 54 a 58°C y velocidades de 110 a 130 unidades por minuto, mientras en campesino se obtuvieron temperaturas de 51 a 53°C y velocidad de 90 unidades por minuto. En estas condiciones en ambos tipos de pollo se generan menos del 10% de pluma, 1% de grados de sobre-escaldado y porcentajes de despigmentación inferiores al 26%.Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o efeito da temperatura e da velocidade da linha de suspensão, na percentagem de penas e despigmentação de aves brancas e camponesas, durante o procedimento de escaldado. Os resultados da temperatura de escaldado e da velocidade obtidos foram consistentes com os padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pelo INVIMA. A temperatura para o frango "branco" foi de 54-58°C e a velocidade de 110 a 130 unidades por minuto, enquanto que a temperatura para o frango "camponês" foi de 51 a 53°C e a velocidade de 90 unidades por minuto. Sob estas condições em ambos tipos de carne de frango são obtidos valores inferiores a 10 de penas, 1% de graus de sobre-escaldado e percentagens de despigmentação menores a 26%.This research aims at analyzing the effect of temperature and speed of the hanging line on the percentage of feather and depigmentation of white and pen chickens during the scalding process. The operation values of scalding temperature of and speed in accordance with the standards of quality stipulated by INVIMA, were 54 to 58°C and 110 to 130 units per minute for white chickens, and 51 to 53°C and 90 units per minute for pen chicken. Under these conditions, less than of 10% of feather, 1% of over scalding

  6. Efficacy of Multiple Micronutrients Fortified Milk Consumption on Iron Nutritional Status in Moroccan Schoolchildren

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    Imane El Menchawy


    Full Text Available Iron deficiency constitutes a major public health problem in Morocco, mainly among women and children. The aim of our paper is to assess the efficacy of consumption of multiple micronutrients (MMN fortified milk on iron status of Moroccan schoolchildren living in rural region. Children (N=195, aged 7 to 9 y, were recruited from schools and divided into two groups: the nonfortified group (NFG received daily a nonfortified Ultra-High-Temperature (UHT milk and the fortified group received (FG daily UHT milk fortified with multiple micronutrients including iron sulfate. Blood samples were collected at baseline (T0 and after 9 months (T9. Hemoglobin (Hb was measured in situ by Hemocue device; ferritin and C Reactive Protein were assessed in serum using ELISA and nephelometry techniques, respectively. Results were considered significant when the p value was <0.05. At T9 FG showed a reduction of iron deficiency from 50.9% to 37.2% (p=0.037. Despite the low prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (1.9%; more than 50% of children in our sample suffered from iron deficiency at baseline. The consumption of fortified milk reduced the prevalence of iron deficiency by 27% in schoolchildren living in high altitude rural region of Morocco. Clinical Trial Registration. Our study is registered in the Pan African Clinical Trial Registry with the identification number PACTR201410000896410.

  7. Long-Term Oral Feeding of Lutein-Fortified Milk Increases Voluntary Running Distance in Rats


    Matsumoto, Megumi; Hagio, Masahito; Inoue, Ryo; Mitani, Tomohiro; Yajima, Masako; Hara, Hiroshi; Yajima, Takaji


    To evaluate the effects of lutein-fortified milk administration on running exercise, a voluntary wheel-running model was performed in rats. Four-week-old F344 rats were administered test milk (10 mL/kg) daily following a 4-h fasting period, and their running distances were measured each day for a 9-week period. Total weekly running distance significantly increased from the sixth week until the end of the test period in lutein-supplemented rats (lutein-fortified milk administered) compared wit...

  8. A Rare Type of Enkolpion Cross from the Selitrennoye Fortified Site

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    Pigaryov Evgeniy M.


    Full Text Available A fragment of the bronze-cast enkolpion cross discovered in 2011 in the territory of the Golden Horde Selitrennoye fortified site is made public. The item is the right-hand medallion of the four-fold enkolpion cross with a rectangular crypt and cross-shaped medallions at the ends of the branches. The right-hand branch medallion contains a schematic half-length image of the virgin and an illegible monogram. Similar images are known from findings made in various regions of Russia. Crosses of the type were common in the 13th–15th centuries. The enkolpion cross from the Selitrennoye fortified site most likely refers to the 14th century; it probably belonged to a representative of the Russian community of the city.

  9. U-Series Transport Studies at the Pena Blanca, Mexico Natural Analog Site

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    A. M. Simmons; M. T. Murrell


    Natural analogs provide a line of evidence that supports the understanding of how natural and engineered processes would occur over long time frames and large spatial scales at a potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Studies of U-series disequilibria within and around uranium deposits can provide valuable information on the timing of actinide mobility and hence the stability of a potential repository over geologic time scales. The Nopal I uranium deposit at Pena Blanca, Mexico, is situated in unsaturated tuff that is similar in composition to the Topopah Spring Tuff of Yucca Mountain and closely matches other evaluation criteria for suitable natural analogs. By modeling the observed radioactive isotope disequilibria at Nopal I, we can estimate the rates of sorption-desorption and dissolution-precipitation of the radionuclides over time. Such information is vital to the testing or validation of performance assessment models for geologic nuclear waste disposal.

  10. U-Series Transport Studies at the Pena Blanca, Mexico Natural Analog Site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simmons, A. M.; Murrell, M. T.


    Natural analogs provide a line of evidence that supports the understanding of how natural and engineered processes would occur over long time frames and large spatial scales at a potential nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Studies of U-series disequilibria within and around uranium deposits can provide valuable information on the timing of actinide mobility and hence the stability of a potential repository over geologic time scales. The Nopal I uranium deposit at Pena Blanca, Mexico, is situated in unsaturated tuff that is similar in composition to the Topopah Spring Tuff of Yucca Mountain and closely matches other evaluation criteria for suitable natural analogs. By modeling the observed radioactive isotope disequilibria at Nopal I, we can estimate the rates of sorption-desorption and dissolution-precipitation of the radionuclides over time. Such information is vital to the testing or validation of performance assessment models for geologic nuclear waste disposal

  11. Can protein-fortified pasta serve as a meat substitute? (United States)

    Bingham, C J; Tsay, R; Babayan, V K; Blackburn, G L


    A seventeen-day metabolic balance study was conducted with 13 healthy adult subjects to test the protein utilization of a meat-based diet and a protein-fortified pasta diet in an isonitrogenous, isocaloric inpatient study (averaging 112 gm of protein, and 2,500 cal). Intakes of calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as ratios of meat protein or protein-fortified pasta protein (PEP), were controlled throughout the diets. The study was comprised of three experimental periods: a seven-day meat-protein control period, representing the typical american diet (TAD), averaging 18% protein, 40% fat, and 42% carbohydrate, a seven-day protein-enriched pasta control period (PEP), averaging 18% protein, 29% fat, and 53% carbohydrates, and a three-day PEP period composed of varied recipes, averaging 18% protein, 29% fat, and 53% carbohydrates. The subjects who consumed both the TAD and PEP diets achieved nitrogen balance (2.5 gN +/- 0.7 on the TAD, 2 gN +/- 0 on PEP with the PEP diet resulting in a decrease in plasma cholesterol (32 mg/dl, P less than .005), and a decrease in systolic (5.25 mm/Hg P less than .025) and diastolic blood pressure (5 mm/Hg, P less than .05), which was associated with an increase in urinary sodium excretion (19 +/- 17 mEq/day, P less than .025). In this study, it was determined that protein-fortified pasta may serve as a meat alternative. The PEP diet, which includes a beneficial change in fat/carbohydrate ratio, can alter lipid profiles, blood pressure, and sodium excretion, thus leading to improved health status and a decrease in cardiac risk factors.

  12. A abordagem interdisciplinar no estudo do Homo brasilis: a genética em acordo e desacordo com a história

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    Renato Pereira Brandão


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, temos o objetivo de confrontar os registros históricos e interpretações historiográficas referentes às ancestralidades indígena e judaica na formação populacional da região Sudeste brasileira com os resultados obtidos pelo geneticista Sérgio Pena em suas pesquisas sobre a origem filogenética do segmento da população brasileira autoclassificada como "branca". Nosso trabalho compara os resultados apresentados por Pena na obra Homo brasilis com dados históricos originados não só de fontes bibliográficas, mas também de fontes documentais. Concluímos que os dados filogenéticos para a ancestralidade matrilinear apresentados por Pena coincidem com os dados históricos, havendo, porém, discrepância quanto à ancestralidade patrilinear.

  13. Modelagem do crescimento e do desenvolvimento de frangos de corte: validação

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    Vargas Gilberto D'Avila


    Full Text Available Foi desenvolvido um modelo com o objetivo de simular o metabolismo basal, a deposição de proteína na carcaça e nas penas e a deposição de gordura na carcaça. O modelo assume a existência de um "pool" de nutrientes disponíveis no corpo animal, sendo a simulação do metabolismo animal baseada no fluxo de entrada e saída de nutrientes desse "pool". Os nutrientes vêm da ingestão de alimentos ou do catabolismo tecidual, são removidos do "pool" com os destinos de mantença, deposição de proteína na carcaça, deposição de gordura na carcaça e deposição de proteína nas penas. O processo de simulação é dinâmico, com as exigências de mantença contabilizadas ao mesmo tempo que as deposições de tecidos. Três conjuntos de dados foram utilizados para o processo de calibração, de análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros e de validação do modelo. O modelo é eficaz para simular a deposição de proteína e de gordura na carcaça, bem como a deposição de proteína nas penas. No entanto, há a necessidade de um ajuste nos parâmetros envolvidos nas deposições de acordo com o genótipo que se pretende simular, principalmente para a taxa de maturação da proteína na carcaça (B P, para a taxa de maturação da proteína nas penas (B F, para o peso maduro da proteína na carcaça (WmP e para o peso maduro da proteína nas penas (WmF. O modelo mostrou-se especialmente sensível a estes parâmetros na análise de sensibilidade, salientando-se a importância de serem corretamente determinados. As deposições de proteína na carcaça e nas penas apresentaram menores coeficientes de correlação (r² entre os valores observados e simulados em função da grande variação entre genótipos, o que reforça a necessidade de se determinar corretamente os parâmetros que caracterizam cada genótipo.

  14. O “progresso na consciência da liberdade”: Um aspecto ético da filosofia da história de Hegel

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    Konrad Christoph Utz


    Full Text Available A Filosofia da História de Hegel tem caraterísticas que, hoje em dia, parecem pouco aceitáveis. Ela propõe um fim final (Endzweck da história e uma necessidade em seu desenvolvimento que é dialética racional. Embora essas concepções nem são tão absurdas como podem aparecer para o olhar contemporâneo, o artigo não pretende defender esses dois princípios, mas argumenta que há, atrás deles, um terceiro que vale bem a pena guardar – e que também pode ser sistematicamente resgatado sem apoiar-se nos outros dois. Este é o que podemos chamar o princípio da assimetria ética na história. Mas também podemos usar a fórmula do próprio Hegel que é o “progresso na consciência da liberdade”. Para desenvolver essa ideia, o artigo mostra que a marca fundamental de toda normatividade é o saber de se prático que, na moralidade e eticidade, torna-se reflexivo e auto-determinante. A liberdade no sentido de Hegel é a realização não apenas formal-abstrata deste saber de se – tal como ela é concebida por Kant –, mas sua efetivação concreta em espaço e tempo, na história. Mas como a liberdade, nessa concretização, permanece sempre ligada àquela auto-compreensão normativa que constitui nossa auto-consciência prática, os progressos na concretização histórica da liberdade são normativamente irreversíveis. Justamente nisso há um elemento de objetividade e incondicionalidade. No final seguem algumas indicações como este princípio da assimetria ética na história pode servir como base de uma nova teoria ética que é, ao mesmo tempo, normativa num sentido forte e sensitiva à historicidade, a circunstancialidade e a finitude da existência humana.

  15. Stability of lutein in wholegrain bakery products naturally high in lutein or fortified with free lutein. (United States)

    Abdel-Aal, El-Sayed M; Young, J Christopher; Akhtar, Humayoun; Rabalski, Iwona


    Lutein is a yellow pigment found in common foods that promotes the health of eyes and skin and is associated with reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. In the present study, selected high-lutein wheat and corn were milled into wholegrain flours by two mills to improve flour uniformity. The high-lutein and lutein-fortified wholegrain flours were processed into breads, cookies, and muffins to study lutein stability during baking and subsequent storage. Lutein and its isomers were separated, identified, and quantified by LC-UV/vis and LC-MS following extraction with water-saturated 1-butanol. Baking resulted in a significant reduction in all-trans-lutein and the formation of cis-lutein and cis-zeaxanthin isomers. Subsequent storage at ambient temperature had a slight impact on the content of all-trans-lutein. Effects of processing were more pronounced in lutein-fortified products, and the degradation rate of lutein was influenced by concentration and baking recipe. Fortified cookies and muffins showed greater lutein reduction compared with bread. Despite the significant reduction in lutein, the fortified bakery products still possessed reasonable amounts per serving that would enhance daily intake and consumption of wholegrain foods.

  16. Effect of processing on folic acid fortified Baladi bread and its possible effect on the prevention of colon cancer. (United States)

    Omar, Rasha M; Ismail, Hanaa M; El-Lateef, Bothyna M Abd; Yousef, Mokhtar I; Gomaa, Naglaa F; Sheta, Manal


    This paper studied the possible effect of folic acid in fortified Baladi bread on the prevention of colon cancer development in rats. Wheat flour samples (82% extraction rate) and soy bean flour were analyzed to determine their folic acid contents using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Unfortified and folic acid fortified Baladi breads were prepared. Samples from each step of bread preparation were analyzed for folic acid concentration. Protein, fat, ash, fibers and carbohydrates percentages were also determined. Rats were divided into five groups, four of them were injected subcutaneously with dimethylhydrazine (DMH). After 15 weeks, the rats were sacrificed for pathological examination. Results showed that the folic acid content in wheat flour (82% extraction rate) was found to be highly significantly lower than that in soybean flour. After baking, folic acid content in all breads was found to decrease significantly. The highest protein and fat contents were found in soybean flour fortified Baladi bread. The colons of rats of groups 3 (fed 5% soy flour fortified Baladi bread) and 5 (fed Baladi bread fortified with 5% soy flour+8 mg folic acid/kg wheat flour) were the mostly affected by DMH injection as premalignant changes were observed.

  17. Antioxidant activity of yogurt made from milk characterized by different casein haplotypes and fortified with chestnut and sulla honeys. (United States)

    Perna, Annamaria; Intaglietta, Immacolata; Simonetti, Amalia; Gambacorta, Emilio


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of yogurt made from milk characterized by different casein (CN) haplotypes (αs1-, β-, κ-CN) and fortified with chestnut and sulla honeys. The CN haplotype was determined by isoelectric focusing, whereas antioxidant activity of yogurt was measured using 2,2'-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid and ferric-reducing antioxidant power. The statistical analysis showed a significant effect of the studied factors. The results showed that chestnut honey presented the highest phenolic acid and flavonoid contents, which are closely associated with its high antioxidant activity. The antioxidant activity of fortified yogurt samples was affected both by different CN haplotypes and by type of honey added. Yogurts fortified with chestnut honey showed higher antioxidant activity than those fortified with sulla honey. The different behavior observed among the fortified yogurts led us to hypothesize that the effects of protein-polyphenol complex on antioxidant activity are interactive. The results suggest that milk proteins polymorphism and polyphenols play different roles in affecting the bioavailability and the antioxidant activity of yogurt. Copyright © 2014 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Developing a strawberry yogurt fortified with marine fish oil (United States)

    Fortified dairy products appeal to a wide variety of consumers and have the potential to increase sales in the yogurt industry and contribute to boost the intake of omega-3 fatty acids. The objectives of this study were to develop a strawberry yogurt containing microencapsulated salmon oil (2% w/v) ...

  19. Impact of Multi-Micronutrient-Fortified Rice on Micronutrient Status, Health, and Cognitive Performance in Schoolchildren in Cambodia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Khov, Kuong

    ferritin concentrations nutritional status of school-age children as well as the reasons of iron deficiency. Food fortification...... with multiple micronutrients has the potential to improve micronutrient status, growth and cognitive performance, and reduce morbidity incidence in developing countries. In Cambodia, rice is a staple food, and therefore fortified rice with multiple micronutrients could be a promising strategy to reduce...... the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies. However, few studies have investigated the impact of fortified rice on micronutrient status, health and cognitive development in school-age children. Therefore, the aim of this PhD study is to evaluate the impact of fortified rice on nutritional status, health...

  20. Na pena, a cena

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    Luiz Nazario


    Full Text Available Pela primeira vez foram publicadas as obras completas – ou quase (os editores deixaram de lado apenas as cartas sem maior interesse literário – de Georg Büchner. Realizada com grande apuro estilístico por Jacó Guinsburg e Ingrid Dormien Koudela, a tradução já seria digna de todos os elogios. Contudo, atento às necessidades do leitor brasileiro, carente de uma formação histórica mais aprofundada, os editores enriqueceram didaticamente o texto de A morte de Danton com notas de rodapé que constituem um livro à parte – uma pequena história da Revolução Francesa contada através da biografia de seus líderes.

  1. Effects of micronutrient fortified milk and cereal food for infants and children: a systematic review

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    Eichler Klaus


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Micronutrient deficiency is a common public health problem in developing countries, especially for infants and children in the first two years of life. As this is an important time window for child development, micronutrient fortified complementary feeding after 6 months of age, for example with milk or cereals products, in combination with continued breastfeeding, is recommended. The overall effect of this approach is unclear. Methods We performed a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis to assess the impact of micronutrient fortified milk and cereal food on the health of infants and little children (aged 6 months to 5 years compared to non-fortified food. We reviewed randomized controlled trials using electronic databases (MEDLINE and Cochrane library searches through FEB 2011, reference list screening and hand searches. Three reviewers assessed 1153 studies for eligibility and extracted data. One reviewer assessed risk of bias using predefined forms. Results We included 18 trials in our analysis (n = 5’468 children; range of mean hemoglobin values: 9.0 to 12.6 g/dl. Iron plus multi micronutrient fortification is more effective than single iron fortification for hematologic outcomes. Compared to non-fortified food, iron multi micronutrient fortification increases hemoglobin levels by 0.87 g/dl (95%-CI: 0.57 to 1.16; 8 studies and reduces risk of anemia by 57% (relative risk 0.43; 95%-CI 0.26 to 0.71; absolute risk reduction 22%; number needed to treat 5 [95%-CI: 4 to 6]; 6 Studies. Compared to non-fortified food, fortification increases serum levels of vitamin A but not of zinc. Information about functional health outcomes (e.g. weight gain and morbidity was scarce and evidence is inconclusive. Risk of bias is unclear due to underreporting, but high quality studies lead to similar results in a sensitivity analysis. Conclusions Multi micronutrient fortified milk and cereal products can be an effective option to

  2. Teoria crítica da punição: a gênese do cárcere na sociedade capitalista

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    Estenio Ericson Botelho de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O surgimento de determinadas formas de punição está diretamente associado ao desenvolvimento de determinadas formas das relações sociais de produção. A tese levantada neste artigo é, pois, a da correspondência entre pena e produção material. Na linha de raciocínio aqui desenvolvida pode-se então pensar uma necessária relação entre punição e desenvolvimento das forças produtivas. Meu foco nesta exposição tem por finalidade dar ênfase às mudanças, apresentadas pelos autores, nos métodos de punição no contexto da sociedade capitalista que tem no cárcere certo lugar de centralidade.

  3. Intraocular Irrigating Solutions. A Clinical Study of BSS Plus ® and Dextrose Bicarbonate Fortified BSS ® as an Infusate during Pars Plana Vitrectomy.

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    Samuel Michael


    Full Text Available Purpose: To compare the effect of Balanced Salt Solution Plus (BSS Plus, Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, Texas, USA and fortified regular BSS on the cornea and lens, when used for continuous irrigation in pars plana vitrectomy (PPV surgery. Methods: Prospective, investigator masked, randomised study. Forty patients were randomly assigned to undergo PPV using BSS Plus (n=20 or fortified BSS (n=20 [regular BSS, fortified with 10.5 cc. of dextrose in water (D5W and 13.1cc. of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate]. Intraoperative features of the corneal epithelium, postoperative changes in the corneal endothelial cell denstiy (ECD at 3 months, and clarity of the lens during surgery and postoperatively were evaluated. Results: Intraoperative epithelial changes were similar in both groups with 7 (35% of the cases having the epithelium removed in the BSS Plus group and 8 (40% in the BSS fortified group (P=0.23. The mean differences in ECD (3 months versus preoperative in the operated eyes when adjusted for changes in the control eye showed no difference with the type of BSS (P=0.98. Intraoperative lens changes were more significant (P=0.018 in the BSS fortified group. Postoperative lens status at 3 months was similar for both groups. Though there was a trend towards worse postoperative nuclear sclerosis change in the BSS fortified group, it was not significant (P=0.160. Conclusion: Standard BSS fortified with dextrose and bicarbonate is an efficacious infusion fluid during pars plana vitrectomy. Both solutions showed comparable effects on postoperative corneal endothelial cell density and corneal epithelial changes intraoperatively. BSS fortified has more lenticular changes intraoperatively than BSS Plus although no lens had to be removed in either group. The study implications are important since BSS fortified is significantly less expensive than BSS Plus.

  4. Proximate Composition and Organoleptic Qualities of Iron Fortified ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The protein content was between 0.46 and 1.13%, sugar was between 0.42 and 0.86%, starch was between 60.79 and 79.03%, fat was between 0.00 and 0.50%, ash was between 1.19 and 1.55%. The iron and zinc contents of the fortified gari were higher and safe for consumption compared to unfortified gari (control), the ...

  5. Impacto da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro aminoácido quelato no nível de hemoglobina de pré-escolares Impact of cassava flour fortified with iron amino acid chelate on the hemoglobin level in pre-schools

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    Rahilda Brito Tuma


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliou-se o impacto da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro aminoácido quelato em 80 pré-escolares de uma Unidade Filantrópica de Manaus, AM, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos de 20 crianças cada, por um período de 120 dias. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas farinha de mandioca sem fortificação (Grupo zero e fortificada com 1, 2 e 3mg de Fe/dia, correspondendo a quantias diárias de 5, 10 e 15g de farinha, respectivamente, as quais foram distribuídas no horário do almoço, sendo ainda entregue às famílias a quantidade destinada ao consumo do final de semana. O estado nutricional das crianças foi avaliado no início e ao final do experimento, adotando-se como limite discriminatório entre eutrofia/desnutrição o ponto de corte OBJECTIVE: The impact of the cassava flour fortified with iron amino acid chelate was evaluated in 80 pre-scholars of a Philanthropic Unit of Manaus, state of Amazonas, randomly distributed in four groups of 20 children each, for a period of 120 days. METHODS: Cassava flour was used without fortification (group zero or fortified with 1, 2 and 3mg of Fe/day, corresponding respectively to 5, 10 and 15g of flour/day, which were given to the children at lunch time on weekdays. The equivalent amount was previously distributed to their families for flour intake also during the weekends. In the beginning and at the end of the experiment the children's nutritional status was evaluated, being adopted the cutoff point <-2 Z-scores as a discriminating limit between eutrophy/malnutrition, in agreement with the World Health Organization criteria, as well as being established as a cutoff point for the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia a hemoglobin rate of less than 11g/dL. RESULTS: At the end of this study, children recovered from chronic malnutrition, and a significant increase (p <5% of the hemoglobin rates, independently of iron concentration, from 11.4±0.9g/dL to 12.2±0.8g/dL, was observed in

  6. Numerical analysis of a proposed percolation experiment at the Pena Blanca natural analog site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, R.T.; Rice, G.


    A field-scale percolation test is proposed for the Pena Blanca natural analog site near Chihuahua, MX. To aid in design of the field test, the V-TOUGH two-phase flow simulator was applied to model percolation of water through 8 to 10 m of partially saturated fractured tuff. The rock was characterized as a composite medium using measured hydraulic properties for the rock matrix and estimated values for the fractures. Measured matrix permeability varied over four orders of magnitude and fracture apertures were estimated to range from 10 to 1,000 μm. Water arrival times were predicted to vary between one day to 10,000 yr. The utility of the composite model and other representations of flow through fractured porous media can be tested using results from the field scale infiltration test data

  7. Vitamin D-Fortified Bread Is as Effective as Supplement in Improving Vitamin D Status: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Nikooyeh, Bahareh; Neyestani, Tirang R; Zahedirad, Maliheh; Mohammadi, Mehrdad; Hosseini, S Hedayat; Abdollahi, Zahra; Salehi, Foroozan; Mirzay Razaz, Jalaledin; Shariatzadeh, Nastaran; Kalayi, Ali; Lotfollahi, Neda; Maleki, Mohammad-Reza


    Bread can potentially be a suitable vehicle for fortification with vitamin D. This study was undertaken to evaluate the following: 1) the bioavailability of vitamin D from the fortified Iranian bread and 2) the possible effects of daily consumption of the fortified bread on certain health aspects. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted over 8 weeks in 90 healthy subjects aged 20-60 years. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of three groups: 1) fortified bread (FP; 50 g bread fortified with 25 μg vitamin D3 plus placebo daily; n = 30); 2) supplement (SP; 50 g plain bread plus 25 μg vitamin D supplement daily; n = 30); and 3) control (CP; 50 g plain bread plus placebo daily; n = 30). Initial and final anthropometric and biochemical assessments were performed. The within-group changes of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations were 39.0 ± 22.6 (P bread could be potentially effective in raising circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of the population to nearly adequate levels.

  8. Bread fortified with cholecalciferol increases the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in women as effectively as a cholecalciferol supplement

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Natri, A. M.; Salo, P.; Vikstedt, T.


    content. In a single-blind bioavailability study, 41 healthy women, 25-45 y old, with mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration 29 nmol/L (range 12-45 nmol/L), were randomly assigned to 4 study groups. Each group consumed fortified wheat bread, fortified rye bread, regular wheat bread (control...

  9. Geology and petrography in basaltic rocks (Arapey formation) cropping out in road 30 between the Bella Union round point (27 km) and Penas cuesta (225 Km)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oyhantcabal, P.; Pineiro, G.


    This contribution presents a geological map of the basaltic flows of Arapey formation (Mezosoic) cropping out in Road 30 between the Bella Union round point (27 Km) and Pena s cuesta (225 Km) together with the description of the petrographic features of the different portions of the 20 recognized flow units

  10. Inulin content of fortified food products in Thailand. (United States)

    Chaito, Chanantita; Judprasong, Kunchit; Puwastien, Prapasri


    This study examined inulin content in 266 samples. They were 126 dried, 105 liquid and 27 semi-solid of twelve commercial inulin fortified food products and 8 samples of natural dried sunchoke. For dried food products, inulin content ranged from 3.0 ±0.8g/100g fresh weight (FW) in milk powder to 83.7± 17.8g/100g FW in inulin powder. The levels in a descending order are the powder of inulin, weight control diet, coffee mixed, instant beverage, supplemented food products for pregnant and milk. For liquid fortified foods, inulin at the level of 0.3± 0.1g/100mL FW was found in UHT milk, and up to 13.5± 4.1g/100mL FW in weight control diet beverage. The level of 2.0-2.3g/100g FW of inulin was found in beverage with different flavours, soybean milk and fruit juice. For semi-solid food, cream yoghurt, inulin at 3.9± 1.1g/100g FW was found. A serving of most products contributes inulin at 11-33% of the recommended daily intake of dietary fibre. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Physicochemical Properties of Flaxseed Fortified Extruded Bean Snack

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naveen Vadukapuram


    Full Text Available Milled flaxseed was incorporated (0–20% into a combination of bean-corn flours and extruded in a twin screw extruder using corn curl method. Physicochemical parameters such as water activity, color, expansion ratio, bulk density, lipid content, and peroxide values of extruded snack were analyzed. Scanning electron micrographs were taken. Peroxide values and propanal contents were measured over four months of storage. Rancidity scores of extruded snack were measured using a trained panel. As expected, omega-3 fatty acids and bulk density increased with increasing flaxseed fortification levels. Extrudates with more flaxseed had decreased lightness values and expansion ratios. However, only the 15 and 20% flaxseed containing extrudates had expansion ratios that were significantly (P≤0.05 different from the control. In general, no significant difference (P>0.05 in water activity values was observed in the flaxseed fortified extrudates, except in the navy-corn based extrudates. Peroxide values increased with increased flaxseed levels and over a storage period. However, propanal values did not change significantly in the 5–10% flaxseed fortified extrudates but increased in extrudates with higher levels of flaxseed. Rancidity scores were correlated with peroxide values and did not increase significantly during storage under nitrogen flushed conditions.

  12. Physicochemical Properties of Flaxseed Fortified Extruded Bean Snack. (United States)

    Vadukapuram, Naveen; Hall, Clifford; Tulbek, Mehmet; Niehaus, Mary


    Milled flaxseed was incorporated (0-20%) into a combination of bean-corn flours and extruded in a twin screw extruder using corn curl method. Physicochemical parameters such as water activity, color, expansion ratio, bulk density, lipid content, and peroxide values of extruded snack were analyzed. Scanning electron micrographs were taken. Peroxide values and propanal contents were measured over four months of storage. Rancidity scores of extruded snack were measured using a trained panel. As expected, omega-3 fatty acids and bulk density increased with increasing flaxseed fortification levels. Extrudates with more flaxseed had decreased lightness values and expansion ratios. However, only the 15 and 20% flaxseed containing extrudates had expansion ratios that were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different from the control. In general, no significant difference (P > 0.05) in water activity values was observed in the flaxseed fortified extrudates, except in the navy-corn based extrudates. Peroxide values increased with increased flaxseed levels and over a storage period. However, propanal values did not change significantly in the 5-10% flaxseed fortified extrudates but increased in extrudates with higher levels of flaxseed. Rancidity scores were correlated with peroxide values and did not increase significantly during storage under nitrogen flushed conditions.

  13. Chemical properties and sensory quality of ice cream fortified with fish protein. (United States)

    Shaviklo, Gholam Reza; Thorkelsson, Gudjon; Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun; Rafipour, Fereidon


    Fish protein powder is a functional ingredient that can be used for enhancing the nutritional value of food products. In this study the effect of fortification with different levels of fish protein powder (FP) on chemical properties and sensory quality of Persian ice cream with 0, 30 and 50 g kg(-1) FP during storage at - 18 °C for 4 months was investigated. Ice creams fortified with 50 and 30 g kg(-1) FP had significantly higher protein and solid-non-fat content than ice cream with 0% FP or 83, 69 and 51 g kg(-1) protein and 215, 204 and 181 g kg(-1) solid non-fat, respectively. All products had the same levels of fat, lactose, acidity and pH. They had similar sensory quality after production except for colour, but sensory properties of fortified samples changed significantly after 2 months of storage. Colour faded, cohesiveness decreased, sandiness/coarseness increased, sweetness decreased and fish flavour and off-odour increased. The control ice cream scored highest for additives odour and flavour. Development of ice cream fortified with fish protein powder could be an effective way to enhance nutritional and functional value of ice cream. But studies on storage stability, consumers' acceptance and attitudes are recommended if companies are planning to do so. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry.

  14. Calcium absorption from fortified ice cream formulations compared with calcium absorption from milk. (United States)

    van der Hee, Regine M; Miret, Silvia; Slettenaar, Marieke; Duchateau, Guus S M J E; Rietveld, Anton G; Wilkinson, Joy E; Quail, Patricia J; Berry, Mark J; Dainty, Jack R; Teucher, Birgit; Fairweather-Tait, Susan J


    Optimal bone mass in early adulthood is achieved through appropriate diet and lifestyle, thereby protecting against osteoporosis and risk of bone fracture in later life. Calcium and vitamin D are essential to build adequate bones, but calcium intakes of many population groups do not meet dietary reference values. In addition, changes in dietary patterns are exacerbating the problem, thereby emphasizing the important role of calcium-rich food products. We have designed a calcium-fortified ice cream formulation that is lower in fat than regular ice cream and could provide a useful source of additional dietary calcium. Calcium absorption from two different ice cream formulations was determined in young adults and compared with milk. Sixteen healthy volunteers (25 to 45 years of age), recruited from the general public of The Netherlands, participated in a randomized, reference-controlled, double-blind cross-over study in which two test products and milk were consumed with a light standard breakfast on three separate occasions: a standard portion of ice cream (60 g) fortified with milk minerals and containing a low level (3%) of butter fat, ice cream (60 g) fortified with milk minerals and containing a typical level (9%) of coconut oil, and reduced-fat milk (1.7% milk fat) (200 mL). Calcium absorption was measured by the dual-label stable isotope technique. Effects on calcium absorption were evaluated by analysis of variance. Fractional absorption of calcium from the 3% butterfat ice cream, 9% coconut oil ice cream, and milk was 26%+/-8%, 28%+/-5%, and 31%+/-9%, respectively, and did not differ significantly (P=0.159). Results indicate that calcium bioavailability in the two calcium-fortified ice cream formulations used in this study is as high as milk, indicating that ice cream may be a good vehicle for delivery of calcium.

  15. Oxidative Stability and Sensory Attributes of Fermented Milk Product Fortified with Fish Oil and Marine Phospholipids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lu, Henna Fung Sieng; Thomsen, Birgitte Raagaard; Hyldig, Grethe


    Marine phospholipids (PL) are potential ingredients for food fortification due to its numerous advantages. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether a fermented milk product fortified with a mixture of marine PL and fish oil had better oxidative stability than a fermented milk...... product fortified with fish oil alone. Fortification of a fermented milk product with marine PL was performed by incorporating 1 % w/w lipids, either in the form of neat oil or in the form of a pre-emulsion. Lipid oxidation was investigated in the neat emulsions and fortified products by the measurements...... of primary, secondary volatile oxidation products and tocopherol content upon 32 days storage at 2 °C and 28 days storage at 5 °C, respectively. Analyses of particle size distribution, viscosity and microbial growth were also performed. In addition, sensory attributes such as sour, fishy and rancid flavor...

  16. Iron Absorption from Two Milk Formulas Fortified with Iron Sulfate Stabilized with Maltodextrin and Citric Acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Pizarro


    Full Text Available Background: Fortification of milk formulas with iron is a strategy widely used, but the absorption of non-heme iron is low. The purpose of this study was to measure the bioavailability of two iron fortified milk formulas designed to cover toddlers´ nutritional needs. These milks were fortified with iron sulfate stabilized with maltodextrin and citric acid. Methods: 15 women (33–47 years old participated in study. They received on different days, after an overnight fast, 200 mL of Formula A; 200 mL of Formula B; 30 mL of a solution of iron and ascorbic acid as reference dose and 200 mL of full fat cow’s milk fortified with iron as ferrous sulfate. Milk formulas and reference dose were labeled with radioisotopes 59Fe or 55Fe, and the absorption of iron measured by erythrocyte incorporation of radioactive Fe. Results: The geometric mean iron absorption corrected to 40% of the reference dose was 20.6% for Formula A and 20.7% for Formula B, versus 7.5% of iron fortified cow’s milk (p < 0.001. The post hoc Sheffé indeed differences between the milk formulas and the cow’s milk (p < 0.001. Conclusion: Formulas A and B contain highly bioavailable iron, which contributes to covering toddlers´ requirements of this micronutrient.

  17. South-East Asian Fortified Stone Walls: Angkor Thom (Cambodia, Ho Citadel (Vietnam and Ratu Boko (Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Lluís Pérez Garcia


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze three significant examples of defensive walls from South-East Asia made of solid stone blocks (both rock as well as stone-like laterite and provided with different but equivalent functions –a fortified imperial capital-city (Angkor Thom, in Cambodia, a fortified royal citadel (Ho Citadel, in the North of Vietnam and a royal palace with a partly fortified appearance (Ratu Boko, in Java Island, Indonesia–, focusing on their constructive and technical characteristics and establishing parallels between them and their closest counterparts, from China and India. We will see how their design and structure can be closely related to the fortifications of neighbouring empires, as places of origin of their strong cultural influences and, at the same time, we will try to identify the local particularities. We will pay special attention to the form of the fortified enceintes, considering the long tradition of the quadrangular plan in the walls of royal capitals, inspired in the ideal model of Chinese and Indian cities. Our research also make us think that the walls of Ratu Boko, despite their functions as symbolic limits or for retaining the soil, could also have had a defensive purpose, no matter if secondary, or at least they could be used to provide protection to the complex in case of external menace.

  18. Physicochemical analysis of wheat flour fortified with vitamin A and three types of iron source and sensory analysis of bread using these flours. (United States)

    Crandall, Philip G; Seo, Han-Seok; O'Bryan, Corliss A; Meullenet, Jean F; Hettiarachchy, Navam S; Washburn, Anna M; Ranhotra, Gur S


    Wheat flour is increasingly being fortified worldwide with vitamin A and iron. Research on high levels of fortification is limited; therefore, in this study, wheat flour was made under controlled conditions fortified with vitamin A at 30 000 or 70 000 retinol equivalents (RE) kg⁻¹ and three types of iron source at 66 mg kg⁻¹. Milling produced a uniform distribution of fortificants with no significant separation during packaging or transportation. Chemical and physical analyses demonstrated that the dual fortified flours had acceptable physicochemical properties of mixing tolerance, pasting curves, damaged starch and falling numbers. The level of vitamin A fortification compensated for initial loss caused during wheat processing. Overall, white breads baked from seven treatments of fortified flour had only 22% (eight out of 36) of the sensory attributes as being significantly different. However, the type of iron source may play a key role in modulating the sensory attributes of bread baked from the dual fortified flour with vitamin A and iron. The findings suggest that dual fortified flour with high or even lower levels of vitamin A and iron could be considered for food fortification programmes to reduce the prevalence of micronutrient undernutrition of vitamin A and iron in developing countries. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.

  19. Consumption and wastage of home-fortified maize flour products in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Other foods were porridge and chigumu, whole maize flour-based bread. Overall, the daily average consumption of fortified foods (nsima, porridge and chigumu) was 332 g/day for children, and 1011 g/day for women. Plate waste accounted for 25% of the food served to the children, and 12% served to the women.

  20. Column treatment of brewery wastewater using clay fortified with stone-pebbles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oladoja, N.A.; Ademoroti, C.M.A.; Idiaghe, J.A.; Oketola, A.A.


    The study aimed at providing a low-cost treatment for brewery wastewater, which was achieved by mixing clay with stone-pebbles to improve the low permeability of water through clay beds. The combination (clay/stone-pebbles) was used in columns for the treatment of brewery wastewater. The crystal chemistry of the clay samples was studied using X-ray diffractometer. Three principal clay minerals (kaolin, illite and smectite) were detected in the samples. Atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to study the geochemistry of the clay samples. The results of the geochemical studies showed that all the samples were hydrated aluminosilicates. Performance efficiency studies were conducted to determine the best combination ratio of clay to stone-pebbles, which showed that combination ratio 3:1 (clay/stone pebbles, w/w) performed better. The flow-rate studies showed that brewery wastewater had longer residence time in non fortified clay than in fortified clay. The flow-rate of the wastewater in the percolating media varied from one medium to another. Two modes of treatment (batch and continuous) were used. The effluent passed through the continuous treatment mode had better quality characteristics as compared with the effluent passed through the batch treatment mode. The effect of repeated use of the fortified column on the performance efficiency was also studied. The pH, total solids, and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the effluent was monitored over time. The results of the COD monitored over time were analysed using breakthrough curves. The different columns were found to have different bed volumes at both the break through and exhaustion points. (author)

  1. [Physical and chemical stability of fortified ophtalmic ready-to-use solutions: review of literature]. (United States)

    Sourdeau, P; Evrard, J-M; Remy, G; Hecq, J-D


    Ophtalmic infections and inflammations are often encountered during hospitalization. They require the preparation of "fortified" ophtalmic solutions, i.e. pharmaceutical ophtalmic solutions which are hyperconcentrated in active substance. The data of physicochemical stabilities are modified and it is therefore essential to gather the results of the various publications devoted to this subject. In 2006, an initial literature review was undertaken to identify the molecules mostly used in the preparation of fortified ophtalmic solutions in hospital. A second review of the literature in 2010 has enriched the knowledge about it. Two new drugs have entered the summary table: amikacin and ticarcillin disodium. Date on 12 molecules already known in 2006 were updated to improve clinical practices. A review of the literature was undertaken in order to collect the results of the molecules mostly used for the preparation of the fortified ophtalmic solutions in hospitals. A summary table, indicating the active substance, its concentration, the assay method, the storage temperature and physicochemical modifications, presents all the results. This review of literature makes it possible to match stability and validity period to these preparations. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Long-term intake of iron fortified wholemeal rye bread appears to benefit iron status of young women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Max; Nielsen, Sussi Bæch; Thomsen, A.D.


    The efficacy of intake of iron fortified, wholemeal rye bread on iron status of young women with low iron stores was evaluated in a 5 month single-blind intervention study. Two parallel groups of women (20-38 y) were given 144 g of rye bread/d either fortified with 6 mg iron as ferrous fumarate/100...... stores of young women with poor iron status which were otherwise reduced by intake of the unfortified control bread....

  3. Public health impact and economic evaluation of vitamin D-fortified dairy products for fracture prevention in France


    Hiligsmann, M.; Burlet, N.; Fardellone, P.; Al-Daghri, N.; Reginster, J.-Y.


    Summary The recommended intake of vitamin D-fortified dairy products can substantially decrease the burden of osteoporotic fractures and seems an economically beneficial strategy in the general French population aged over 60?years. Introduction This study aims to assess the public health and economic impact of vitamin D-fortified dairy products in the general French population aged over 60?years. Methods We estimated the lifetime health impacts expressed in number of fractures prevented, life...

  4. Efeito da protease sobre o coeficiente de metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes em frangos de corte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.F.Q. Matias


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da protease sobre o coeficiente de metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes em dietas contendo farinha de penas (2,0% na fase inicial e 3,0% na fase de crescimento para frangos de corte machos, Cobb(r, de um a 32 dias de idade. Foram alojadas 336 aves em gaiolas metálicas equipadas com bandeja para coleta total de excretas. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (com e sem adição da enzima protease 0,05% e duas valorizações da matriz nutricional da enzima, sendo sete repetições por tratamento, de 12 aves cada. Observou-se, na fase inicial, maior CMPB (P≤0,05 para as aves que, independentemente da adição de protease, consumiram ração com valorização da matriz nutricional da enzima. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre o CMMS e o CMEE (P>0,05. Na fase de crescimento, houve interação entre os tratamentos para as variáveis CMPB e CMEE. Os frangos alimentados com dieta valorizada sem adição de enzima (controle negativo apresentaram melhores resultados (P≤0,05 para CMPB e CMEE. Nos tratamentos com enzima, o melhor CMEE (P≤0,05 foi obtido com o tratamento sem valorização da matriz nutricional (over the top. Conclui-se que níveis reduzidos e enzima sem valorização melhoram os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade dos nutrientes na fase adulta de frangos de corte.

  5. Fermentation of calcium-fortified soymilk with Lactobacillus: effects on calcium solubility, isoflavone conversion, and production of organic acids. (United States)

    Tang, A L; Shah, N P; Wilcox, G; Walker, K Z; Stojanovska, L


    The objective of this study was to enhance calcium solubility and bioavailability from calcium-fortified soymilk by fermentation with 7 strains of Lactobacillus, namely, L. acidophilus ATCC 4962, ATCC33200, ATCC 4356, ATCC 4461, L. casei ASCC 290, L. plantarum ASCC 276, and L. fermentum VRI-003. The parameters that were used are viability, pH, calcium solubility, organic acid, and biologically active isoflavone aglycone content. Calcium-fortified soymilk made from soy protein isolate was inoculated with these probiotic strains, incubated for 24 h at 37 degrees C, then stored for 14 d at 4 degrees C. Soluble calcium was measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AA). Organic acids and bioactive isoflavone aglycones, including diadzein, genistein, and glycetein, were measured using HPLC. Viability of the strains in the fermented calcium-fortified soymilk was > 8.5 log(10) CFU/g after 24 h fermentation and this was maintained for 14-d storage at 4 degrees C. After 24 h, there was a significant increase (P casei ASCC 290 demonstrated the highest increase with 89.3% and 87.0% soluble calcium after 24 h, respectively. The increase in calcium solubility observed was related to lowered pH associated with production of lactic and acetic acids. Fermentation significantly increased (P < 0.05) the level of conversion of isoflavones into biologically active aglycones, including diadzein, genistein, and glycetein. Our results show that fermenting calcium-fortified soymilk with the selected probiotics can potentially enhance the calcium bioavailability of calcium-fortified soymilk due to increased calcium solubility and bioactive isoflavone aglycone enrichment.

  6. Development of complementary feeding recommendations for 12-23-month-old children from low and middle socio-economic status in West Java, Indonesia: contribution of fortified foods towards meeting the nutrient requirement. (United States)

    Fahmida, Umi; Santika, Otte


    Inadequate nutrient intake as part of a complementary feeding diet is attributable to poor feeding practices and poor access to nutritious foods. Household socio-economic situation (SES) has an influence on food expenditure and access to locally available, nutrient-dense foods and fortified foods. This study aimed to develop and compare complementary feeding recommendations (CFR) for 12-23-month-old children in different SES and evaluate the contribution of fortified foods in meeting nutrient requirements. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in low and medium SES households (n 114/group) in urban Bandung district, West Java province, Indonesia. Food pattern, portion size and affordability were assessed, and CFR were developed for the low SES (LSES) and middle SES (MSES) using a linear programming (LP) approach; two models - with and without fortified foods - were run using LP, and the contribution of fortified foods in the final CFR was identified. Milk products, fortified biscuits and manufactured infant cereals were the most locally available and consumed fortified foods in the market. With the inclusion of fortified foods, problem nutrients were thiamin in LSES and folate and thiamin in MSES groups. Without fortified foods, more problem nutrients were identified in LSES, that is, Ca, Fe, Zn, niacin and thiamin. As MSES consumed more fortified foods, removing fortified foods was not possible, because most of the micronutrient-dense foods were removed from their food basket. There were comparable nutrient adequacy and problem nutrients between LSES and MSES when fortified foods were included. Exclusion of fortified foods in LSES was associated with more problem nutrients in the complementary feeding diet.

  7. Effect of fortified spread on homocysteine concentration in apparently healthy volunteers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, T. van; Jacobs, R.G.J.M.; Deckere, E. de; Berg, H. van den; Bree, A. de; Put, N.M.J. van der


    Objective: To determine the effect of folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 fortified spreads on the blood concentrations of these vitamins and homocysteine. Design and setting: A 6-week randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel trial carried out in a clinical research center. Subjects: One

  8. Effect of a multiple-micronutrient-fortified fruit powder beverage on the nutrition status, physical fitness, and cognitive performance of schoolchildren in the Philippines. (United States)

    Solon, Florentino S; Sarol, Jesus N; Bernardo, Allan B I; Solon, Juan Antonio A; Mehansho, Haile; Sanchez-Fermin, Liza E; Wambangco, Lorena S; Juhlin, Kenton D


    This study aimed to determine the effect of a multiple-micronutrient-fortified beverage on the micronutrient status, physical fitness, and cognitive performance of schoolchildren. The study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of schoolchildren assigned to receive either the fortified or nonfortified beverage with or without anthelmintic therapy. Data on hemoglobin level, urinary iodine excretion (UIE) level, physical fitness, and cognitive performance were collected at baseline and at 16 weeks post-intervention. The fortified beverage significantly improved iron status among the subjects that had hemoglobin levels performance (nonverbal mental ability score). The study showed that consumption of a multiple-micronutrient-fortified beverage for 16 weeks had significant effects on iron status, iodine status, physical fitness, and cognitive performance among iron- and/or iodine-deficient Filipino schoolchildren. Anthelmintic therapy improved iron status of anemic children and iodine status of the iron-adequate children at baseline but it had no effect on physical fitness and cognitive performance. The results from the clinical study showed that a multiple-micronutrient-fortified beverage could play an important role in preventing and controlling micronutrient deficiencies.

  9. Human-Based Human Milk Fortifier as Rescue Therapy in Very Low Birth Weight Infants Demonstrating Intolerance to Bovine-Based Human Milk Fortifier. (United States)

    Sandhu, Amanjot; Fast, Sharla; Bonnar, Kari; Baier, Ronald John; Narvey, Michael


    To describe the results of utilizing a human milk-based human milk fortifier (HMHMF) as rescue therapy to meet nutritional requirements in very low birth weight and preterm infants demonstrating feeding intolerance to bovine-based human milk fortifier (BHMF) in the Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) setting. At two Level III NICUs in Winnipeg, MB, Canada, a rescue protocol was implemented to provide HMHMF for infants demonstrating intolerance to BHMF. To qualify for rescue, infants were required to experience two episodes of significant gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms associated with fortification with BHMF. A case series report was conducted retrospectively examining the success of rescue therapy, growth rates, protein, and calorie intakes before and after initiation of HMHMF in seven infants. Seven infants (birth weight 723 ± 247 g, gestation 25.3 ± 3.4 weeks) were treated with rescue fortification with HMHMF. All infants were transitioned off parenteral nutrition (PN) without relapse of GI symptoms. Growth rate, protein, and calorie intakes improved with the use of HMHMF. Very low birth weight and preterm infants with GI intolerance to BHMF were successfully rescued with use of HMHMF. Improvements in growth were achieved without need for supplementation with PN through achievement of sufficient enteral calorie and protein intakes.

  10. Um caso de inovação “acidental” em matéria de penas: a lei brasileira de drogas An accidental innovation case on punishment: the brazilian drug law

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    Alvaro P. Pires


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é uma reflexão sobre alternativas à prisão e, de forma mais geral, sobre as complexas relações entre os conceitos de punição e de inovação. Nesse sentido, discutiremos um exemplo concreto extraído da legislação criminal brasileira - um dispositivo da nova lei de drogas (2006 - com a finalidade de enfatizar tanto o interesse teórico quanto as questões éticas que o conceito de inovação penal pode suscitar. introduzindo uma modificação extremamente improvável relativa às penas, essa lei brasileira nos possibilitará desenvolver aqui nossa argumentação em sete etapas: 1 descrever a modificação legislativa que servirá como pano de fundo para nossos propósitos; 2 apresentar as ferramentas conceituais necessárias à descrição que pretendemos fazer dessa modificação legislativa; 3 invocar o status que a teoria dos sistemas autorreferenciais outorga à produção legislativa; 4 chamar a atenção para duas maneiras historicamente marginais de conceitualizar a punição; 5 indicar alguns marcos históricos sobre o conceito dominante ou "normal" de pena; e finalmente 7 voltar, a título de conclusão, aos conceitos centrais tratados em nossa discussão.This paper is a reflection on alternatives to imprisonment and, more generally, on the complex relationships between the concepts of punishment and innovation. for this purpose, we will discuss a concrete example taken from the Brazilian criminal legislation, a new drug law disposition (2006, in order to emphasize the theoretical interest as well as the ethical stakes which the concept of penal innovation can underscore. this legislation introduces a hyper-improbable modification of the concept of punishment and it will therefore enable us to develop our arguments along seven points: 1 to describe the legislative modification which will serve as the backdrop to our discussion; 2 to introduce the conceptual tools needed to describe this legislative modification

  11. Public health impact and economic evaluation of vitamin D-fortified dairy products for fracture prevention in France. (United States)

    Hiligsmann, M; Burlet, N; Fardellone, P; Al-Daghri, N; Reginster, J-Y


    The recommended intake of vitamin D-fortified dairy products can substantially decrease the burden of osteoporotic fractures and seems an economically beneficial strategy in the general French population aged over 60 years. This study aims to assess the public health and economic impact of vitamin D-fortified dairy products in the general French population aged over 60 years. We estimated the lifetime health impacts expressed in number of fractures prevented, life years gained, and quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained of the recommended intake of dairy products in the general French population over 60 years for 1 year (2015). A validated microsimulation model was used to simulate three age cohorts for both women and men (60-69, 70-79, and >80 years). The incremental cost per QALY gained of vitamin D-fortified dairy products compared to the absence of appropriate intake was estimated in different populations, assuming the cost of two dairy products per day in base case. The total lifetime number of fractures decreased by 64,932 for the recommended intake of dairy products in the general population over 60 years, of which 46,472 and 18,460 occurred in women and men, respectively. In particular, 15,087 and 4413 hip fractures could be prevented in women and men. Vitamin D-fortified dairy products also resulted in 32,569 QALYs and 29,169 life years gained. The cost per QALY gained of appropriate dairy intake was estimated at €58,244 and fall below a threshold of €30,000 per QALY gained in women over 70 years and in men over 80 years. Vitamin D-fortified dairy products have the potential to substantially reduce the burden of osteoporotic fractures in France and seem an economically beneficial strategy, especially in the general population aged above 70 years.

  12. Epithermal uranium deposits in a volcanogenic context: the example of Nopal 1 deposit, Sierra de Pena Blanca, Mexico (United States)

    Calas, G.; Angiboust, S.; Fayek, M.; Camacho, A.; Allard, T.; Agrinier, P.


    The Peña Blanca molybdenum-uranium field (Chihuahua, Mexico) exhibits over 100 airborne anomalies hosted in tertiary ignimbritic ash-flow tuffs (44 Ma) overlying the Pozos conglomerate and a sequence of Cretaceous carbonate rocks. Uranium occurrences are associated with breccia zones at the intersection of two or more fault systems. Periodic reactivation of these structures associated with Basin and Range and Rio Grande tectonic events resulted in the mobilization of U and other elements by meteoric fluids heated by geothermal activity. Trace element geochemistry (U, Th, REE) provides evidence for local mobilization of uranium under oxidizing conditions. In addition, O- and H-isotope geochemistry of kaolinite, smectite, opal and calcite suggests that argillic alteration proceeded at shallow depth with meteoric water at 25-75 °C. Focussed along breccia zones, fluids precipitated several generations of pyrite and uraninite together with kaolinite, as in the Nopal 1 mine, indicating that mineralization and hydrothermal alteration of volcanic tuffs are contemporaneous. Low δ34S values (~ -24.5 ‰) of pyrites intimately associated with uraninite suggest that the reducing conditions at the origin of the U-mineralization arise from biological activity. Later, the uplift of Sierra Pena Blanca resulted in oxidation and remobilization of uranium, as confirmed by the spatial distribution of radiation-induced defect centers in kaolinites. These data show that tectonism and biogenic reducing conditions can play a major role in the formation and remobilization of uranium in epithermal deposits. By comparison with the other uranium deposits at Sierra Pena Blanca and nearby Sierra de Gomez, Nopal 1 deposit is one of the few deposits having retained a reduced uranium mineralization.

  13. La pena de muerte : un castigo inhumano y discriminatorio. El particular caso de los estados unidos de américa.


    Borsa García, Giulia


    A parte de una muestra de la absoluta necesidad de eliminar un castigo tan cruel, inhumano e injusto, este trabajo es un modesto estudio sobre la discriminación de la pena de muerte en el sistema de justicia estadounidense, defendiendo su inconstitucionalidad respecto de las propias normas internas del país así como su contrariedad en cuanto a la protección internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Es una búsqueda de legislación y estudios pero sobre todo de jurisprudencia y precedentes donde se...

  14. Nutritional adequacy of a novel human milk fortifier from donkey milk in feeding preterm infants: study protocol of a randomized controlled clinical trial. (United States)

    Coscia, Alessandra; Bertino, Enrico; Tonetto, Paola; Peila, Chiara; Cresi, Francesco; Arslanoglu, Sertac; Moro, Guido E; Spada, Elena; Milani, Silvano; Giribaldi, Marzia; Antoniazzi, Sara; Conti, Amedeo; Cavallarin, Laura


    Fortification of human milk is a standard practice for feeding very low birth weight infants. However, preterm infants often still experience suboptimal growth and feeding intolerance. New fortification strategies and different commercially available fortifiers have been developed. Commercially available fortifiers are constituted by a blend of ingredients from different sources, including plant oils and bovine milk proteins, thus presenting remarkable differences in the quality of macronutrients with respect to human milk. Based on the consideration that donkey milk has been suggested as a valid alternative for children allergic to cow's milk proteins, due to its biochemical similarity to human milk, we hypothesized that donkey milk could be a suitable ingredient for developing an innovative human milk fortifier. The aim of the study is to evaluate feeding tolerance, growth and clinical short and long-term outcomes in a population of preterm infants fed with a novel multi-component fortifier and a protein concentrate derived from donkey milk, in comparison to an analogous population fed with traditional fortifier and protein supplement containing bovine milk proteins. The study has been designed as a randomized, controlled, single-blind clinical trial. Infants born milk-based multicomponent fortifier and protein supplement, or a combination of a novel multicomponent fortifier and protein supplement derived from donkey milk. The fortification protocol followed is the same for the two groups, and the two diets were designed to be isoproteic and isocaloric. Weight, length and head circumference are measured; feeding tolerance is assessed by a standardized protocol. The occurrence of sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis and adverse effects are monitored. This is the first clinical study investigating the use of a human milk fortifier derived from donkey milk for the nutrition of preterm infants. If donkey milk derived products will be shown to improve the feeding

  15. Storage, preparation, and usage of fortified food aid among Guatemalan, Ugandan, and Malawian beneficiaries: a field study report. (United States)

    Rowe, Jonathan P; Brodegard, William C; Pike, Oscar A; Steele, Frost M; Dunn, Michael L


    An important consideration in determining the ability of fortified food-aid commodities to meet the nutritional needs of beneficiaries is the manner in which commodities are utilized and prepared and the degree to which micronutrient losses occur during handling and cooking by the beneficiaries. A field study was conducted in Uganda, Malawi, and Guatemala to obtain data on storage, preparation, and usage of fortified blended foods provided by the US Agency for International Development. Interview and observational data on the use of corn-soy blend, cornmeal, soy-fortified cornmeal, soy-fortified bulgur, and fortified vegetable oil were collected from more than 100 households and two wet-feeding sites (where food is prepared and served by staff on-site) in 32 villages. Storage practices by beneficiaries appeared to be appropriate, and all commodities observed were free from off-flavors and odors. Cooking water was typically obtained from boreholes or open wells with a pH range of 4.7 to 7.7 Food preparation usually took place in covered areas with the use of an aluminum or clay pot over a wood-fueled fire. Thin or thick porridges were the most common dishes prepared from cereal-based products, with concentration ranges of 10% to 31% (wt/ wt) in water. Cooking times for porridges ranged from 5 to 53 minutes, with a mean of 26 minutes. Tortillas and beverages were other preparations commonly observed in Guatemala. Vegetable oil was typically used for pan frying. Cooking fuel could be saved and nutritional quality probably improved if relief agencies emphasized shorter cooking times. These data can be used to simulate preparation methods in the laboratory for assessment of the nutritional impact of cooking.

  16. Regulatory monitoring systems of fortified salt and wheat flour in selected ASEAN countries. (United States)

    van den Wijngaart, Annoek; Bégin, France; Codling, Karen; Randall, Philip; Johnson, Quentin W


    Considerable efforts have been made over the past decade to address vitamin and mineral deficiencies. An increasing number of countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are adopting mandatory food fortification as one of the primary strategies to overcome these deficiencies. Experience shows that fortified foods can reach large parts of the population, including the poor, if the fortification is done on a mandatory rather than a voluntary basis and if the food vehicle is widely consumed. To review the importance of regulatory monitoring as an essential component of food fortification efforts in selected ASEAN countries, with special focus on the available information on regulatory monitoring systems for iodized salt and fortified wheat flour. The role of regulatory monitoring in strengthening food fortification programs was discussed during a joint regional meeting of the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the Flour Fortification Initiative, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, the Micronutrient Initiative, and the World Bank on regulatory monitoring of salt and wheat flour fortification programs in Asia, which took place in Manila, Philippines, on 27-29 September 2011. This paper reviews the regulatory monitoring systems of selected ASEAN countries that participated in this meeting. Problems and challenges in regulatory monitoring systems for iodized salt and fortified wheat flour in selected ASEAN countries are identified, and a description of the role of regulatory monitoring in strengthening food fortification initiatives, particularly of salt and flour, and highlights of areas for improvement are presented. Regulatory monitoring consists of monitoring activities conducted at the production level, at customs warehouses, and at retail stores by concerned regulatory authorities, and at the production level by producers themselves, as part of quality control and assurance efforts. Unless there are appropriate enforcement and quality

  17. Sensory Acceptability of Iron-Fortified Red Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) Dal. (United States)

    Podder, Rajib; Khan, Shaan M; Tar'an, Bunyamin; Tyler, Robert T; Henry, Carol J; Jalal, Chowdhury; Shand, Phyllis J; Vandenberg, Albert


    Panelists in Saskatoon, Canada (n = 45) and Dhaka, Bangladesh (n = 98) participated in sensory evaluations of the sensory properties of both cooked and uncooked dehulled red lentil dal fortified with FeSO 4 ·7H 2 O, NaFeEDTA or FeSO 4 ·H 2 O at fortificant Fe concentrations of 800, 1,600 (both cooked and uncooked), or 2,800 ppm. Appearance, odor, and overall acceptability of cooked and uncooked samples were rated using a 9-point hedonic scale (1 = dislike extremely to 9 = like extremely). Taste and texture were rated for the cooked samples prepared as typical south Asian lentil meals. Significant differences in sensory quality were observed among all uncooked and cooked samples at both locations. Overall, scores for all sensory attributes and acceptability of uncooked lentil decreased with increasing concentration of Fe in the fortificant; however, Fe fortification (particularly with NaFeEDTA) had small effects on acceptability. Panelists from Saskatoon provided a wider range of scores than those from Bangladesh for all attributes of cooked lentil. Overall, sensory evaluation of Fe fortification using NaFeEDTA minimally affected consumer perception of color, taste, texture, odor, and overall acceptability of cooked lentil. Reliability estimates (Cronbach's alpha [CA]) indicated that consumer scores were generally consistent for all attributes of all lentil samples (mean CA > 0.80). NaFeEDTA was found to be the most suitable Fe fortificant for lentil based on consumer acceptability. Consumption of 45 to 50 g of NaFeEDTA-fortified lentil (fortificant Fe concentration of 1,600 ppm) per day meets the estimated average requirements (EARs) of Fe for humans (10.8 to 29.4 mg). Iron fortification of dehulled lentil dal may change organoleptic attributes that can influence consumer acceptability. Sensory evaluation by consumers helps to determine the effect on appearance, odor, taste, texture, and overall acceptability of fortified lentils. In this study, consumer

  18. Instant noodles made with fortified wheat flour to improve micronutrient intake in Asia: a review of simulation, nutrient retention and sensory studies. (United States)

    Bronder, Kayla L; Zimmerman, Sarah L; van den Wijngaart, Annoek; Codling, Karen; Johns, Kirsten Ag; Pachón, Helena


    Consumption of foods made with wheat flour, particularly instant noodles, is increasing in Asia. Given this trend, fortifying wheat flour with vitamins and minerals may improve micronutrient intake in the region. The objective of this review was to understand what is known about fortifying wheat flour used to make instant noodles. A literature review of seven databases was performed using the search terms "noodle" and ("Asian" or "instant"). Grey literature was requested through a food fortification listserv. Articles were title screened first for relevance and duplicity, with exclusion criteria applied during the second round of abstract-level screening. This review considered studies examining simulation, retention, sensory, bioavailability, efficacy, and effectiveness of instant noodles made with fortified wheat flour. Fourteen relevant documents were reviewed for simulation (n=1), retention (n=11), and sensory studies (n=3). The documents revealed that instant noodles produced from fortified wheat flour have potential to improve nutrient intakes, have high retention of most nutrients, and provoke no or minimal changes in sensory characteristics. The available literature indicates that using fortified wheat flour for instant noodle production results in retention of the added nutrients, except thiamin, with no significant sensory change to the final product. Given the rising consumption of instant noodles, production of this item with fortified wheat flour has potential to improve nutrient intakes in Asia. This review provides a resource for the design of a wheat flour fortification program in countries where a large proportion of wheat flour is consumed as instant noodles.

  19. Higher bioavailability of iron from whole wheat bread compared with iron-fortified white breads in caco-2 cell model: an experimental study. (United States)

    Nikooyeh, Bahareh; Neyestani, Tirang R


    Bread, as the staple food of Iranians, with average per capita consumption of 300 g d -1 , could potentially be a good vehicle for many fortificants, including iron. In this study, iron bioavailability from flat breads (three fortified and one whole wheat unfortified) was investigated using in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal digestion and absorption in a caco-2 cell model. Despite having a lower ferritin/protein ratio in comparison with fortified breads, whole wheat bread showed higher iron bioavailability than the other three types of bread. Assuming iron bioavailability from the ferrous sulfate supplement used as standard was about 10%, the estimated bioavailability of iron from the test breads was calculated as 5.0-8.0%. Whole wheat bread (∼8%), as compared with the fortified breads (∼5-6.5%), had higher iron bioavailability. Iron from unfortified whole wheat bread is more bioavailable than from three types of iron-fortified breads. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  20. Argumentos racionales y bíblicos sobre la pena de muerte en la patrística

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    Hernán Giudice


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia el tema de la obediencia a las autoridades civiles por parte del pensamiento cristiano de los primeros cinco siglos. Asimismo se considera el tema de la pena de muerte, la cual tendrá una valoración variada entre los autores patrísticos. Se constata que las opiniones extremas, a este respecto, no esgrimen una fundamentación bíblica, sino racional.This article examines the theme of obedience to the civil authorities on the part of Christian thought of the first five centuries. It also considers the issue of the death penalty, which receives a varying appreciation among the patristic authors. It is stated that, in this respect, the extreme opinions do not use a biblical foundation, but a rational one.

  1. Polissemias da desigualdade no Livro V das Ordenações Filipinas: o escravo integrado

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    Ricardo Alexandre FERREIRA


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo problematiza um dos pontos centrais da crítica dirigida por diferentes integrantes do chamado movimento das Luzes ao mundo do Antigo Regime. Trata-se da noção, já abordada pela historiografia especializada, de "desigualdade perante a lei", compreendida como atributo intrínseco e negativo de diferentes Estados europeus até o final do Setecentos. Parte-se aqui do pressuposto de que é imprescindível ao trabalho do historiador interessado no estudo das formas de exercício da justiça compreender os significados conferidos a conceitos e estatutos jurídicos dentro dos limites das épocas e lugares em que foram elaborados e utilizados cotidianamente pelos contemporâneos. Especificamente, pretende-se, a partir da análise dos dispositivos legais presentes no Livro V do Código Filipino, ou, Ordenações e Leis do Reino de Portugal - compilação de 1603 que no Brasil continuou, em grande medida, vigente até 1830 -, realizar um estudo das ambivalências e simultaneidades de sentido presentes nas penas impostas a pessoas de diferentes qualidades ou condições que integraram o Estado Português entre os séculos XVII e XVIII, com especial enfoque nas punições previstas exclusivamente aos escravos, tidos simultaneamente como coisas e pessoas.

  2. Broiler surface temperature distribution of 42 day old chickens Distribuição da temperatura superficial de frangos de corte com 42 dias de idade

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    Irenilza de Alencar Nääs


    Full Text Available Broiler chickens in Brazil are generally reared from 1 to 42 days when they are exposed to procedures such as fasting, harvesting, crating and transport to slaughter. Maintaining homeostasis is of great importance for broiler survival under harsh environment especially prior to slaughter. Heat loss varies in the distinct parts of the body during the growth period, and it is related to the air temperature of the environment and to the amount of feather covering. This research aimed to study the surface temperature distribution using infrared thermographic image processing to characterize 42 day old broiler chicken surface temperature prior to slaughter. Broilers were reared for 42 days and prior to harvest and transport to slaughter the infrared surface temperature was recorded along the day. Data from the thermograms taken in feather and featherless regions were compared during the 42nd day of growth. High correlation between featherless regions and air temperature was found showing that these areas respond fast to changes in the rearing environment. Two functions were developed for predicting both surface temperature for featherless and feather covered areas of the broiler body parts.No Brasil frangos de corte são normalmente alojados de 1 até 42 dias, quando são expostos a procedimentos como: jejum, apanha, colocação em caixas e transporte até o abate. Manter a homeostase do corpo é de grande importância para a sobrevivência de frangos de corte sob ambiente quente, especialmente na 7ª semana de crescimento. A perda de calor varia nas partes do corpo e está relacionada à temperatura do ar e à cobertura de penas. Avaliou-se a distribuição da temperatura superficial usando o processamento de imagens de câmera termográfica infravermelho, para caracterizar a temperatura superficial de frangos de corte de 42 dias de idade, no período anterior à apanha para o abate. Os frangos foram alojados de 1 a 42 dias e, antes de serem

  3. Effect of multi-micronutrient-fortified rice on cognitive performance depends on premix composition and cognitive function tested

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fiorentino, Marion; Perignon, Marlène; Khov, Kuong


    OBJECTIVE: Even though current policy is strongly focused on the crucial first '1000 days', it might be still possible to enhance cognitive function during the pre-adolescent and adolescent years by improving micronutrient status. In Cambodia, nutritional status is poor. Provision of rice fortified...... with micronutrients through a school meal programme (SMP) could be a cost-effective strategy to help improve health and school performance. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of three different micronutrient-fortified rice formulations on cognitive function in Cambodian children. SETTING: Sixteen...

  4. Impact of rice fortified with iron, zinc, thiamine and folic acid on laboratory measurements of nutritional status of preschool children

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    Ceres Mattos Della Lucia

    Full Text Available Abstract Fortification of food constitutes an important strategy for the control of micronutrient deficiency and has advantages such as high population coverage and maintenance of eating habits. This study aimed to assess the impact of using fortified rice (Ultra Rice® - UR® on the nutritional status of preschoolers. Ninety-nine children enrolled in two philanthropic preschools participated of the study. Children of one of the preschools were offered UR® mixed with polished rice, as part of school meals (test group and the children of another preschool were offered pure polished rice (control group. Biochemical evaluations were performed before and after 4 months of intervention. Dietary assessment and sensory evaluation of UR® mixed with polished rice were performed during the study. The fortified rice improved the concentrations of zinc (p < 0.001, thiamine (p < 0.001, folic acid (p = 0.003, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p < 0.001 and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (p < 0.001. The fortified rice showed good acceptability among preschoolers. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of using rice fortified with iron, zinc, thiamine and folic acid on the nutritional status of children.

  5. Does prenatal exposure to vitamin D-fortified margarine and milk alter birth weight?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Camilla B; Berentzen, Tina L; Gamborg, Michael


    The present study examined whether exposure to vitamin D from fortified margarine and milk during prenatal life influenced mean birth weight and the risk of high or low birth weight. The study was based on the Danish vitamin D fortification programme, which was a societal intervention with mandat......The present study examined whether exposure to vitamin D from fortified margarine and milk during prenatal life influenced mean birth weight and the risk of high or low birth weight. The study was based on the Danish vitamin D fortification programme, which was a societal intervention...... the initiation and termination of vitamin D fortification programmes. In total, four sets of analyses were performed. Information on birth weight was available in the Copenhagen School Health Record Register for all school children in Copenhagen. The mean birth weight was lower among the exposed than non...

  6. Effect of NaFeEDTA-Fortified Soy Sauce on Anemia Prevalence in China: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (United States)

    Huo, Jun Sheng; Yin, Ji Yong; Sun, Jing; Huang, Jian; Lu, Zhen Xin; Regina, Moench-Pfanner; Chen, Jun Shi; Chen, Chun Ming


    To assess the effect of sodium iron ethylenediaminetetraacetate (NaFeEDTA)-fortified soy sauce on anemia prevalence in the Chinese population. A systematic review was performed to identify potential studies by searching the electronic databases of PubMed, Cochrane Library, WHO Library, HighWire, CNKI, and other sources. The selection criteria included randomized controlled trials that compared the efficacy of NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce with that of non-fortified soy sauce. Anemia rates and hemoglobin levels were the outcomes of interest. Inclusion decisions, quality assessment, and data extraction were performed by two reviewers independently. A total of 16 studies met the inclusion criteria for anemia rate analysis, of which 12 studies met the inclusion criteria for hemoglobin analysis. All included studies assessed the effect of NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce on anemia rates and hemoglobin concentrations. After the intervention, the hemoglobin concentration increased and anemia rates decreased significantly as compared with the non-fortified soy sauce groups. For anemia rates, data from 16 studies could be pooled, and the pooled estimate odds ratio was 0.25 (95% CI 0.19-0.35). For hemoglobin concentrations, data from 12 studies could be pooled, and the pooled weighted mean difference was 8.81 g/L (95% CI 5.96-11.67). NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce has a positive effect on anemia control and prevention in the at-risk population. Copyright © 2015 The Editorial Board of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences. Published by China CDC. All rights reserved.

  7. Fortified Settlements of the 9th and 10th Centuries ad in Central Europe: Structure, Function and Symbolism (United States)

    Herold, Hajnalka


    THE STRUCTURE, FUNCTION(S) and symbolism of early medieval (9th–10th centuries ad) fortified settlements from central Europe, in particular today’s Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia, are examined in this paper. It offers an overview of the current state of research together with new insights based on analysis of the site of Gars-Thunau in Lower Austria. Special emphasis is given to the position of the fortified sites in the landscape, to the elements of the built environment and their spatial organisation, as well as to graves within the fortified area. The region under study was situated on the SE border of the Carolingian (and later the Ottonian) Empire, with some of the discussed sites lying in the territory of the ‘Great Moravian Empire’ in the 9th and 10th centuries. These sites can therefore provide important comparative data for researchers working in other parts of the Carolingian Empire and neighbouring regions. PMID:23564981

  8. Human Milk Fortifiers Do Not Meet the Current Recommendation for Nutrients in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. (United States)

    Koo, Winston; Tice, Hilary


    Use of multinutrient fortifiers is standard of care for small preterm infants fed exclusively human milk. However, adequacy of human milk fortifiers (HMFs) to meet the recommended intake for macronutrients and micronutrients is now known. Nutrient content of human milk fortified according to manufacturer's recommendations was compared at isocaloric levels for 1 human milk-based (HMF-A), 2 bovine milk protein-based (HMF-B, HMF-C), and 2 preterm infant formulas (PTF-B, PTF-C). In addition, 4 multivitamin supplements were compared. At 130 kcal/kg, intake of macronutrients was similar to the recommendation, although deficient and excess intake of micronutrient occurred with all fortifiers. Four to 9 micronutrients were absent in HMF or PTF (biotin, choline, inositol, carnitine, taurine, molybdenum, iodine, selenium, or chromium). For the remainder, HMF resulted in deficient intake for 1-13 micronutrients, occurring most frequently with HMF-A. Excess micronutrients (3-15 at <50% and 1-3 at 109%-437%) occurred with all HMF and most frequently with HMF-B and HMF-C. At 150 kcal/kg, deficient intake improved but generally remained below recommendation, while excess intake became exaggerated. PTF and multivitamin formulations do not fully compensate for the deficiencies and can result in extremely high micronutrient intake. At the recommended energy intake for very low birth weight infants, many micronutrients are absent or are present in grossly inadequate amounts, and several micronutrients are in excess. Reformulation of HMF is urgently needed since PTF or multivitamin supplement only partially corrects some deficiencies while providing some nutrients in excess. ( JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. XXXX;xx:xx-xx).

  9. Corn-soy-blend fortified with phosphorus to prevent refeeding hypophosphatemia in undernourished piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hother Nielsen, Anne-Louise; Lykke Jensen, Mikkel; Martinussen, Torben


    BACKGROUND: Phosphorus (P) levels in refeeding diets are very important as undernourished children are at risk of hypophosphatemia during refeeding. For this reason, conventional corn-soy-blends (CSB) have been reformulated by the World Food Programme to obtain a mono-calcium-phosphate fortified...

  10. Consumption of calcium-fortified cereal bars to improve dietary calcium intake of healthy women: randomized controlled feasibility study.

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    Jennifer T Lee

    Full Text Available Calcium is an important structural component of the skeletal system. Although an adequate intake of calcium helps to maintain bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, many women do not meet recommended daily intakes of calcium. Previous interventions studies designed to increase dietary intake of women have utilized primarily dairy sources of calcium or supplements. However, lactose intolerance, milk protein allergies, or food preferences may lead many women to exclude important dairy sources of dietary calcium. Therefore, we undertook a 9 week randomized crossover design trial to examine the potential benefit of including a non-dairy source of calcium in the diet of women. Following a 3 week run-in baseline period, 35 healthy women > 18 years were randomized by crossover design into either Group I or Group II. Group I added 2 calcium-fortified cereal bars daily (total of 400 mg calcium/day (intervention to their usual diet and Group II continued their usual diet (control. At the end of 3 weeks, diets were switched for another 3 weeks. Intakes of calcium and energy were estimated from 3-day diet and supplemental diaries. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used for within group comparisons and Mann Whitney U tests were used for between group comparisons of calcium and energy intake. Dietary calcium was significantly higher during intervention (1071 mg/d when participants consumed 2 calcium-fortified cereal bars daily than during the baseline (720 mg/d, P <0.0001 or control diets (775 mg/d, P = 0.0001 periods. Furthermore, the addition of 2 calcium-fortified cereal bars daily for the 3 week intervention did not significantly increase total energy intake or result in weight gain. In conclusion, consumption of calcium-fortified cereal bars significantly increased calcium intake of women. Further research examining the potential ability of fortified cereal bars to help maintain and improve bone health of women is NCT

  11. Por um sonho de liberdade: o surgimento das massas, as reformas urbanas e a crise no pensamento cientifico entre os séculos = For a dram of freedom: the emergence of the masses, urban reform and the crisis in scientific thought, between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries

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    Ramos, Helmano de Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo é elaborar uma abordagem histórica sobre a formação das ideias punitivas europeias e da sua institucionalização legislativa, que sob forma de instituições totais, amalgamam as recepções penais em termos nacionais, destacando suas identidades, através da própria formação dos saberes; jornalistas, advogados, médicos, psiquiatras e sanitaristas, mas que fundamentalmente marcam sua reprodução na contemporaneidade como profissões próprias do Século XVIII e formatadas para o aproveitamento do indivíduo, acessando com isso suas formas de resistências, contidas desde as parcialidades disciplinares, até as culturas designadas como penas religiosas, surgidas antes das penas criminais

  12. [Effects of the iron fortified soy sauce on improving students' anemia in boarding schools]. (United States)

    Chen, Di; Sun, Jing; Huang, Jian; Wang, Lijuan; Piao, Wei; Tang, Yanbin; Li, Jin; Gao, Jie; Huo, Junsheng


    To evaluate the effect of iron fortified soy sauce on improving the anemia of boarding school students. A total of 3029 students of the boarding schools in the 27 provinces in China including 1576 boys and 1453 girls were treat with the iron-fortified soy sauce for 12 months. The concentration of hemoglobin was detected before and after intervention. The statistical analysis was conducted to analyze the anemia rate and the hemoglobin concentration in boarding school students. After the intervention, the average hemoglobin of students were increased from 142.1 g/L to 146.5 g/L compared to the baseline. The boys average haemoglobin concentration increased 6.7 g/L, girls average haemoglobin concentration increased 1.9 g/L. They were significantly higher than those of the baseline (P boarding school students, reduce anemia prevalence of students significantly.


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    Fernanda Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Partindo da Constituição Federal de 1988 que traz em seu Título II, Capítulo I os Direitos e as Garantias Individuais e Coletivas. “Art. 5o Todos são iguais perante a lei, sem distinção de qualquer natureza [...] I - homens e mulheres são iguais em direitos e obrigações, nos termos desta Constituição” (BRASIL, 1988, p.8, esse artigo pretende analisar a trajetória da mulher na sociedade com foco na mulher presidiária. E também analisar a desigualdade entre homens e mulheres, não só dentro do sistema penitenciário, mas também, e principalmente, entre as oportunidades de reinserção destas mulheres no mercado de trabalho, após o cumprimento de suas penas. E, a partir dessa análise, tentar avaliar o quão utópico, ou não, é a ressocialização de um egresso do sistema penitenciário, bem como a igualdade entre homens e mulheres.

  14. Fucoxanthin bioavailability from fucoxanthin-fortified milk: In vivo and in vitro study. (United States)

    Mok, Il-Kyoon; Lee, Jae Kwon; Kim, Jeong Hwa; Pan, Cheol-Ho; Kim, Sang Min


    Our previous study reported the improved stability of fucoxanthin (FX) fortified in whole milk (WM) and skimmed milk (SM). In this study, in vivo and in vitro FX bioavailability were investigated using FX-fortified milk (FX-SM and FX-WM) and microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum biomass (Pt-powder). Organ tissue accumulation of FX and its metabolites (FXOH: fucoxanthinol, AXA: amarouciaxanthin A) after repeated oral administration was in the following order: FX-SM > FX-WM > Pt-powder. In vivo pharmacokinetic study with a single oral administration also demonstrated that the absorption of FXOH and AXA was the highest for FX-SM. To reinforce the in vivo results, in vitro-simulated digestion and Caco-2 cell uptake assays were performed, which revealed that FX-SM showed the highest FX bioaccessibility (release from food matrices) and cellular uptake efficiency of FX and FXOH. In conclusion, skimmed milk was validated as an excellent food matrix for FX application in terms of stability and bioavailability. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Field trial of GABA-fortified rice plants and oral administration of milled rice in spontaneously hypertensive rats. (United States)

    Kowaka, Emi; Shimajiri, Yasuka; Kawakami, Kouhei; Tongu, Miki; Akama, Kazuhito


    Hypertension is one of the most critical risk factors accompanying cardiovascular diseases. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a non-protein amino acid that functions as a major neurotransmitter in mammals and also as a blood-pressure lowering agent. We previously produced GABA-fortified rice lines of a popular Japonica rice cultivar 'Koshihikari' by genetic manipulation of GABA shunt-related genes. In the study reported here, we grew these same novel rice lines in a field trial and administered the milled rice orally to rats. The yield parameters of the transgenic rice plants were almost unchanged compared to those of untransformed cv. 'Koshihikari' plants, while the rice grains of the transgenic plants contained a high GABA content (3.5 g GABA/kg brown rice; 0.75-0.85 GABA g/kg milled rice) in a greenhouse trial. Oral administration of a diet containing 2.5% GABA-fortified rice, with a daily intake for 8 weeks, had an approximately 20 mmHg anti-hypertensive effect in spontaneous hypertensive rats but not in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats. These results suggest that GABA-fortified rice may be applicable as a staple food to control or prevent hypertension.

  16. Effects of calcium-fortified ice cream on markers of bone health. (United States)

    Ferrar, L; van der Hee, R M; Berry, M; Watson, C; Miret, S; Wilkinson, J; Bradburn, M; Eastell, R


    Premenopausal women with low calcium intakes consumed calcium-fortified ice cream daily for 28 days. Bone markers, NTX, CTX and PTH decreased significantly by 7 days, with some evidence of a calcium dose-dependent effect. Bone marker responses were observed within 1 h of consuming ice cream. Body weight remained constant over 28 days. Dietary calcium is important for lifelong bone health. Milk is a good source of bioavailable calcium, but consumption has declined among young adults. The aims were to determine whether calcium-fortified ice cream, a palatable source of calcium, produces significant, sustainable changes in bone turnover markers and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in premenopausal women with calcium intake below recommended UK levels. Eighty women, ages 20-39 years (calcium intake ice cream containing 96, 244, 459 or 676 mg calcium daily for 28 days. Urinary NTX/Cr, serum CTX, PINP, 1,25D and PTH were measured (baseline, days 1, 7 and 28). Acute changes in CTX and PTH were measured over 5 h (n = 29 women). There were significant mean decreases by 7 days in NTX/Cr, CTX, PTH and 1,25D and increases in PINP (one sample t tests), with a significant dose-dependent effect on CTX analysis of covariance. Only CTX remained suppressed at 28 days. Serum CTX and PTH decreased within 1 h. Body weight did not change significantly between baseline and 28 days. Daily consumption of calcium-fortified ice cream by premenopausal women may significantly reduce levels of the bone resorption marker serum CTX, without stimulating weight gain. The ice cream could be incorporated into the diet to replace low-calcium snacks and thus help individuals with habitually low calcium intakes to meet recommended intakes. The 244 mg calcium preparation would provide more than a quarter of the UK daily recommended nutrient intake for premenopausal women.

  17. A permanência dos princípios judaico-cristãos do perdão e da pena no atual direito penal brasileiro


    João Franco Muniz da Rocha


    Este trabalho estuda a partir do Deuteronômio a permanência de princípios da Lei da Aliança, de origem divina, e posta à obediência do povo escolhido na lei penal brasileira.. Considerada como uma lei natural, por já estar no coração de cada um, ela dirigiu o destino do povo judeu com base em um equilíbrio social obtido com a concessão do perdão quando da violação da lei. O Decálogo, especialmente nos mandamentos que dizem respeito às relações entre os homens, assume o papel de um projeto de ...

  18. Improving protein mass and cumulative body weight gain of local chicken fed ration fortified with a combination of Lactobacillus sp. and dahlia inulin (United States)

    Wahyuni, H. I.; Suthama, N.; Mangisah, I.; Krismiyanto, L.


    The research aimed to evaluate meat calcium and protein content of local chicken fed diet fortified with a combination of Lactobacillus sp and Dahlia Inulin. One hundred and twenty birds of 4 months old local chicken with average body weight of 1001 g were assigned in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments were the farmer formulated ration (FF) and the improved ration (IR), fortified with 1.2% inulin and 1.2 ml Lactobacillus sp. (FFIL and IRIL). Parameters were calcium retention, protein coefficient digestibility, meat calcium and protein mass, and cumulative body weight gain. The results showed that all parameters were significantly affected by dietary treatments. The improved ration resulted in higher calcium retention and protein coefficient digestibility than the farmer formulated ration when fed by both with and without fortification of dahlia inulin and Lactobacillus sp. Meat protein mass of chicken fed by both FR and IR fortified with dahlia inulin and Lactobacillus sp. showed higher value than chicken fed by unfortified FR and IR. Cumulative body weight gain of chicken fed by both FR and IR fortified with dahlia inulin and Lactobacillus sp. also showed higher value than chicken fed by without fortification. In conclusion, both FR and IR fortified with dahlia inulin and Lactobacillus sp. improved meat protein mass and cumulative body weight gain, especially the farmer formulated ration was pronouncedly improved by fortification of Lactobacillus sp. and dahlia inulin.

  19. Efeito da Densidade de Criação e do Sexo Sobre o Empenamento, Incidência de Lesões na Carcaça e Qualidade da Carne de Peito de Frangos de Corte

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    Garcia RG


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações experimentais da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, SP, Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da densidade de criação e do sexo sobre o empenamento, incidência de lesões na carcaça e a qualidade de carne de peito de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 1950 pintos de corte sexados, da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial com 3 densidades (10, 13 e 16 aves/m² e dois sexos com 5 repetições, sendo que uma foi destinada exclusivamente para reserva, criados até os 42 dias de idade. Aos 28, 35 e 42 dias foram amostradas 3 aves por repetição para a determinação do empenamento através da porcentagem de penas e 10 aves para a determinação do escore de empenamento. Também aos 42 dias de idade todas as aves foram identificadas na pata com anilhas numeradas e submetidas à avaliação da incidência de lesões na pele. Foram escolhidas ao acaso 5 aves por repetição para a determinação da qualidade da carne de peito. Pode-se concluir que o aumento na densidade de criação promoveu uma diminuição na velocidade de empenamento e, conseqüentemente, uma maior incidência de lesões na carcaça. O comprimento, a largura e a espessura do peito foram menores para as aves criadas na maior densidade, e a perda de peso por cozimento foi maior para as aves criadas na maior densidade.

  20. Fortification of lysine for improving protein quality in multiple-fortified quick cooking rice : Review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wongmetinee, T.; Boonstra, A.; Zimmermann, M.B.; Chavasit, V.


    Previous studies in Thailand indicated that rice-based complementary foods of breast-fed infants normally provided inadequate iron and calcium. Quick-cooking rice fortified with different nutrients was therefore developed. The idea of lysine fortification was based on the fact that lysine is a

  1. TAMBO VIEJO: UN ASENTAMIENTO FORTIFICADO EN EL VALLE DE ACARÍ, PERÚ (Tambo Viejo: A Fortified Settlement in the Acari Valley, Peru

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    Lidio M. Valdez


    Full Text Available La aparición de los asentamientos fortificados y el origen del conflicto violento son temas poco discutidos en el contexto de la arqueología peruana. Considero que es oportuno investigar y determinar cuándo y por qué surgieron los primeros asentamientos fortificados. El propósito central de este artículo está precisamente orientado a responder tales interrogantes y discutir el tema del conflicto violento en el valle de Acarí y, por extensión, en la costa sur del Perú. Las evidencias arqueológicas disponibles señalan que, durante el periodo Intermedio Temprano, Tambo Viejo fue un asentamiento defendido por varias estructuras perimétricas. Otros sitios contemporáneos de Tambo Viejo en Acarí también fueron fortificados. Además, existe en el mismo valle evidencia tangible de violencia en la forma de prisioneros que posteriormente fueron decapitados. En contraste a la evidencia proveniente de Acarí, no existen asentamientos del periodo Intermedio Temprano identificables como fortificaciones, lo que hace de los sitios de Acarí los primeros asentamientos fortificados de toda la costa sur. ENGLISH: The emergence of violent conflict and of fortified settlements is a subject little studied within Peruvian archaeology. However, I consider it vital to investigate and determine the time and the reasons under which fortified settlements were first established. The central aim of this paper is to discuss when and why fortified settlements emerged first in the Acari Valley and, by extension, in the south coast of Peru. Available archaeological evidence indicates that during the Early Intermediate Period, Tambo Viejo was a fortified settlement protected by several massive walls. Other neighbouring sites in Acari were also fortified. Furthermore, in Acari there is conclusive evidence for violence in the form of decapitated individuals. In contrast to evidence coming from Acari, not a single Early Intermediate Period settlement from other

  2. 21 CFR 131.127 - Nonfat dry milk fortified with vitamins A and D. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Nonfat dry milk fortified with vitamins A and D. 131.127 Section 131.127 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MILK AND CREAM Requirements for Specific Standardized Milk...

  3. Effect of Whey Beverage Fortified with Vitamin E on Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients

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    zahra sohrabi


    Full Text Available Background: Whey protein can improve quality of life and vitamin E can reduce oxidative stress. Due to the reduced quality of life in hemodialysis patients, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of whey beverage fortified with vitamin E on quality of life in hemodialysis patients. Methods: Ninety two 17 to 65 years old patients who were on hemodialysis were randomly assigned to four groups of (i 1 receiving whey beverage fortified with vitamin E, (ii 2 receiving whey beverage, (iii 3 receiving vitamin E, and (iv 4 as the control group receiving no intervention. SF- 12 questionnaire was used for assessing quality of life in the participants. Results: Bodily pain score improved significantly in group 3 while, a significant decline was seen for bodily pain in control group. An improvement was seen in groups 1 and 2. Physical health showed a significant improvement in group 1. Considering social functioning scores, improvement in whey beverage and vitamin E groups was seen. An improvement of quality of life in whey beverage fortified with vitamin E was noticed. Conclusion: Whey protein and vitamin E were shown to reduce oxidative stress and their effect on neurotransmitters in brain such as serotonin and dopamine leads to improvement in quality of life in hemodialysis patients. Doing longer studies with questionnaires such as SF-36, may help precise investigation of whey protein and vitamin E effects on quality of life of hemodialysis patients.

  4. Optimization of mold wheat bread fortified with soy flour, pea flour and whey protein concentrate. (United States)

    Erben, Melina; Osella, Carlos A


    The objective of this work was to study the effect of replacing a selected wheat flour for defatted soy flour, pea flour and whey protein concentrate on both dough rheological characteristics and the performance and nutritional quality of bread. A mixture design was used to analyze the combination of the ingredients. The optimization process suggested that a mixture containing 88.8% of wheat flour, 8.2% of defatted soy flour, 0.0% of pea flour and 3.0% of whey protein concentrate could be a good combination to achieve the best fortified-bread nutritional quality. The fortified bread resulted in high protein concentration, with an increase in dietary fiber content and higher calcium levels compared with those of control (wheat flour 100%). Regarding protein quality, available lysine content was significantly higher, thus contributing with the essential amino acid requirement.

  5. In vitro evaluation of iron solubility and dialyzability of various iron fortificants and of iron-fortified milk products targeted for infants and toddlers. (United States)

    Kapsokefalou, Maria; Alexandropoulou, Isidora; Komaitis, Michail; Politis, Ioannis


    The objectives of the present study were: to compare the solubility and dialyzability of various iron fortificants (iron pyrophosphate, ferrous bis-glycinate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous lactate, ferrous sulfate) added, in the presence of ascorbic acid, to pasteurized milk samples produced under laboratory conditions; and to compare the solubility and dialyzability of iron in commercial pasteurized, UHT and condensed milk products available in the Greek market fortified with various vitamins and minerals including iron and targeted towards infants (6-12 months old) and toddlers. Iron solubility and dialyzability were determined using a simulated gastrointestinal digestive system. Ferrous dialyzable iron (molecular weight lower than 8000) was used as an index for prediction of iron bioavailability. Ferrous dialyzable iron in pasteurized milk samples fortified with iron pyrophosphate, ferrous lactate and ferrous bis-glycinate was higher (P iron in products fortified with ferrous lactate was not different (P > 0.05) from those fortified with ferrous sulfate. Ferrous dialyzable iron in four condensed commercial milk products was higher (P iron was higher (P iron source, milk processing and the overall product composition affect formation of ferrous dialyzable iron and may determine the success and effectiveness of iron fortification of milk.

  6. Research on the Starokuybyshevskoye Fortified Settlement

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    Gubaydullin Ayrat M.


    Full Text Available The Starokuybyshevskoye (Old-Kuybyshev fortified settlement is situated on the bank of the Bezdna river, 200 m to the northeast of Bolgar city. The site is being considerably eroded by the waters of the river and the Kuibyshev water reservoir. Currently it is situated on an island, under threat of complete destruction. In this regard, in 1946, 1987 and 1996, conservation and rescue excavations were conducted on the site. The detailed results of the 1996 studies are offered in the article. The ruins of an above-ground dwelling with an oven and three household pits were excavated. The ceramic assemblage of these structures has obvious features of the pre-Mongol Bulgar culture. In general, the findings make it possible to conclude that the settlement had existed only in the 11th through to the 13th century and that its collapse was associated with the Mongol invasion.

  7. Effect of consuming zinc-fortified bread on serum zinc and iron status of zinc-deficient women: A double blind, randomized clinical trial

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    Akbar Badii


    Full Text Available After iron deficiency, zinc deficiency is the major micronutrient deficiency in developing countries, and staple food fortification is an effective strategy to prevent and improve it among at-risk-populations. No action has been taken to reduce zinc deficiency via flour fortification so far in Iran, and little is known about the influence of zinc fortification of flour on serum zinc and the iron status, and also about the optimum and effective amount of zinc compound that is used in food fortification. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of consuming zinc-fortified breads on the zinc and iron status in the blood serum. In this study, three types of bread were prepared from non-fortified and fortified flours, with 50 and 100 ppm elemental zinc in the form of sulfate. Eighty zinc-deficient women aged 19 to 49 years were randomly assigned to three groups; The volunteers received, daily, (1 a non-fortified bread, (2 a high-zinc bread, and (3 a low-zinc bread for one month. Serum zinc and iron were measured by Atomic Absorption before and after the study. Results showed a significant increase in serum zinc and iron levels in all groups (p 0.05. Absorption of zinc and iron in the group that consumed high-zinc bread was significantly greater than that in the group that received low-zinc bread (p < 0.01. It was concluded that fortification of flour with 50-100 ppm zinc was an effective way to achieve adequate zinc intake and absorption in zinc-deficient people. It also appeared that consuming zinc-fortified bread improved iron absorption.

  8. O FUTURO DA GOVERNANÇA DA TECNOLOGIA DE INFORMAÇÃO: vale a pena pesquisar uma disciplina que não possui definição de seus limites e de sua essência?

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    Alamir Costa Louro


    Full Text Available O artigo objetiva refletir sobre questões existenciais da Governança da Tecnologia da Informação (GTI e sua pesquisa acadêmica. Longe de ser um tratado epistemológico, o artigo amplia a visão sobre a disciplina, talhando seu futuro próximo e sua importância para a entrega de valor aos stakeholders. Sua metodologia é teórica e realizada através da reflexão sobre: produção acadêmica recente e experiência do autor como profissional ligado às práticas da GTI. Como resultados deste processo reflexivo obteve-se argumentos para apreciar a relevância da GTI, apesar da percepção sofre: ausência de identidade, disciplina de interface e frameworks prescritivas sem rigor acadêmico apropriado.

  9. Iron bioavailability in Wistar rats fed with fortified rice by Ultra Rice technology with or without addition of yacon flour (Smallanthus sonchifolius). (United States)

    Della Lucia, Ceres M; Vaz Tostes, Maria das Graças; Silveira, Carlos Mário M; Bordalo, Lívia A; Rodrigues, Fabiana C; Pinheiro-Sant'Ana, Helena Maria; Martino, Hércia S D; Costa, Neuza Maria B


    This study aimed to evaluate iron (Fe) bioavailability in Wistar rats fed with rice fortified with micronized ferric pyrophosphate (FP) by Ultra Rice (UR) technology with or without addition of yacon flour as a source of 7.5% of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). Diets were supplied with 12 mg iron/kg from the following sources: ferrous sulfate (FS - control diet), fortified rice with micronized ferric pyrophosphate (Ultra Rice) (UR diet), ferrous sulfate + yacon flour (FS + Y diet) or Ultra Rice + yacon flour (UR + Y diet). Blood samples were collected at the end of depletion and repletion stages for determination of hemoglobin concentration and calculation of the relative biological value (RBV). Also, the content of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) (acetic, propionic and butyric acids) from animals' stools and caecum weight were determined. The UR diet showed high iron bioavailability (RBV = 84.7%). However, the addition of yacon flour in the diet containing fortified rice (UR + Y diet) decreased RBV (63.1%) significantly below the other three groups (p flour showed higher acetic acid values compared to those who did not. In conclusion, fortified UR with micronized ferric pyrophosphate showed high iron bioavailability but the addition of yacon flour at 7.5% FOS reduced iron bioavailability despite increased caecum weight and SCFA concentration.

  10. Impact study of the consumption of oil and flour fortified in vitamins and minerals on the nutritional status of children aged less than five years in Morocco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguenaou, Hassan; El Menchawy, Imane; El Mzibri, Mohammed; El Haloui, Noureddine; Azlaf, Mehdi; El Gadari, Hind; Rjimati, El Arbi


    Full text: Introduction: Micronutrient deficiencies represent a major public health problem in Morocco. The ministry of health and his partners developed a national program to fight against these deficiencies. Fortification of foods consumed on large scale is one of the strategies of this program (e.g. oil fortified in vitamin A and D3 and flour fortified in elementary iron and folic acid). After achieving a feasibility study on food fortification (2001) and introducing the fortified oil on market (2002) and the fortified flour (2006), the ministry of health and his partners undertook impact studies (sentinel surveillance system) in 2006, 2007 and 2008. Methodology: The impact studies (sentinel surveillance system) (2006- 2007 -2008) were carried out in all the regions of Morocco. The collection of data concerning the fortified food from population (childbearing women and children under the age of five) included: a-knowledge, b- attitudes, c-practices, d- Hb analysis, e-estimation of serum ferritine (with CRP), f- estimation of serum folic acid, g- estimation of serum retinol, h-estimation of serum vitamin D3. We will only present the results of children aged less then five years in this abstract. Results: In 2006, the fortified oil covers almost 100% of households , while fortified flour covers 17%. In 2007, fortified flour covers 21% of households while in 2008, it covers 37%. Before the introduction of oil fortified in vitamin A; the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency (Retinol <200μg/l) in children was 41% (n = 1453). In 2008 it dropped to 22.7%. Before the introduction of flour fortified in elementary iron and folic acid; the prevalence of anemia (Hb<11 g/dl) was 31.5% (n = 1354) in 2000. In 2007 anemia was 37.7% (n = 1197), Iron deficiency (Ferritin < 12 μg/l) was 15.7%, Folic acid deficiency (< 3 ng/ml) was 31.3%. In 2008 anemia was 28,9% (n = 1183), Iron deficiency was 13.8%, Folic acid deficiency was 30.6%. The fortification of flour did not have an

  11. Stability and retention of micronutrients in fortified rice prepared using different cooking methods. (United States)

    Wieringa, Frank T; Laillou, Arnaud; Guyondet, Christophe; Jallier, Vincent; Moench-Pfanner, Regina; Berger, Jacques


    Fortified rice holds great potential for bringing essential micronutrients to a large part of the world population. However, it is unknown whether differences in cooking methods or in production of rice premix affect the final amount of micronutrient consumed. This paper presents a study that quantified the losses of five different micronutrients (vitamin A, iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin B12) in fortified rice that was produced using three different techniques (hot extrusion, cold extrusion, and coating) during cooking and five different cooking methods (absorption method with or without soaking, washing before cooking, cooking in excess water, and frying rice before cooking). Fortified rice premix from six different producers (two for each technique) was mixed with normal rice in a 1:100 ratio. Each sample was prepared in triplicate, using the five different cooking methods, and retention of iron, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and folic acid was determined. It was found that the overall retention of iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and folic acid was between 75% and 100% and was unaffected by cooking method, while the retention of vitamin A was significantly affected by cooking method, with retention ranging from 0% (excess water) to 80% (soaking), depending on the cooking method and producer of the rice premix. No systematic differences between the different production methods were observed. We conclude that different cooking methods of rice as used in different regions of the world do not lead to a major loss of most micronutrients, with the exception of vitamin A. The factors involved in protecting vitamin A against losses during cooking need to be identified. All production techniques of rice premix yielded similar results, showing that coating is not inferior to extrusion techniques. Standard overages (50%) for vitamin B12 and folic acid are too high. © 2014 New York Academy of Sciences.

  12. Social Marketing Improved the Consumption of Iron-Fortified Soy Sauce among Women in China (United States)

    Sun, Xinying; Guo, Yan; Wang, Sisun; Sun, Jing


    Objective: To test the feasibility and effectiveness of social marketing on the improvement of women's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding iron-fortified soy sauce (FeSS). Design: A community-based intervention was conducted among 4 groups, experimental rural (E[subscript R]), control rural (C[subscript R]), experimental urban…


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    Hilton César de OLIVEIRA


    Full Text Available RESUMO:O presente trabalho visa investigar algumas formas de repressão ao delito da carne em Minas Gerais setecentista, especialmente, no que concerne ao concubinato. Serão ainda consideradas as formas pelas quais se davam o enquadramento de sua prática, bem como a imputação de penas aos transgressores e suas implicações.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Concubinato; relações de poder; devassas episcopais; legislação canônica; Minas Gerais.ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate some forms of repression of crime meat in Minas Gerais eighteenth century, especially with regard to concubinage. Will also be considered the ways in which they were given the framework of their practice, as well as imputed sentences for offenders and their implications. KEYWORDS: Concubinage; power relations; wanton episcopal; canonical legislation; Minas Gerais.Recebido: 07/05/2013    Aceito: 11/10/2013

  14. Sensorial, physical and chemical evaluation of bio-fortified Ipomoea batatas

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    Mara N.G. Santos


    Full Text Available Context: Bio-fortified sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L. Lamarck beta-carotene rich, has been included in the most vulnerable population’s diet with the purpose of reducing health disturbances associated with hipovitaminosis. Aims:To evaluate a physical and chemical analysis of total carotenes and beta-carotene and to determine the antioxidant potential as well as to carry out a sensorial analysis of the bio-fortified Ipomoea batatas (L. Lamarck (BDB in nature and processed. Methods: BDB was processed as sweet (in natura, paste and syrup and physicochemical characteristics were compared, total carotenoids, beta-carotene, antioxidant activity (DPPH and microbiological and sensory analyses were performed. Results:The analysis of total carotenoids, beta-carotene and anti-oxidant potential showed the following results: BDB in nature – 11.81 mg/100 g/440.5 mg/100 g/26.30%; sweet paste – 0.61 mg/100 g/53.5 mg/100 g/53.40% and savored syrup – 0.85 mg/100 g/46.0 mg/100 g/14.30%. The methods of conservation avoided the coliforms growth at 35 and 45°C, Staphylococcus coagulasa positivo, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella in all elaborated candies. The sensorial analysis didn’t detect significant differences among the syrup or paste. Conclusions: The conservation methods have an important function keeping the physical, chemical characteristics and sensorial of BDB, although they can influence in their chemical and nutritional composition, mainly in relation to the quantity of total carotenoids and beta-carotene.

  15. Consejos de Guerra: la interminable espera de un condenado a pena de muerte en las cárceles franquistas

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Los estudios publicados sobre las cárceles en zona franquista durante la Guerra Civil se ocupan, por lo general, de contenidos como el número de presos y prisiones, es decir, aspectos cuantitativos, pero no suelen incidir en las vicisitudes del recluso. En este trabajo se profundiza, gracias a la consulta de la correspondencia que mantuvo un preso condenado a pena de muerte con su familia, esa faceta. Se parte para ello de la base jurídica que condenó al recluso objeto de análisis: el Código de Justicia Militar, y más concretamente su vertiente procesal: los consejos de guerra, para después adentrarnos en el intrincado mundo del reo en espera de sentencia y el demoledor efecto psicológico que provocó en él saber que estaba condenado a última pena. La movilización familiar en busca de influencias que le conmuten esa condena y el abandono de su sentir republicano a favor de Franco no fueron suficientes para salvar su vida.ABSTRACT: The studies published on the jails in pro-Franco zone during the civil war take care, generally, of contents like the number of prisoners and prisons, that is to say, quantitative aspects, but usually do not affect the vicissitudes of the inmate. In this work it is deepened, thanks to the consultation of the correspondence that maintained a prisoner condemned to capital punishment with its family, that facet. Part for it of the legal base that condemned the secluded object of analysis: the Code of Military Justice, and more concretely its procedural slope: the advice military, later to enter in the intrincate world of the criminal awaiting sentence and the demolishing psychological effect to us that caused in him to know that it was condemned last pain. The familiar mobilization in search of influences that exchange that sentence to him and the abandonment of his to feel republican in favor of Franc was not sufficient to save their life.

  16. Pela metade: Implicações do dispositivo médico-criminal da “Nova” Lei de Drogas na cidade de São Paulo

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    Marcelo da Silveira Campos

    Full Text Available Resumo Este texto aborda as implicações da atual lei de drogas no Brasil, analisada como um dispositivo de poder médico-criminal. A análise está voltada, mais especificamente, para algumas implicações da lei n. 11 343 de 2006 – “Nova” Lei de Drogas – no sistema de justiça criminal na cidade de São Paulo, tendo como pano de fundo o fenômeno da intensificação do encarceramento por tráfico de drogas no país após o advento da mesma lei no ano de 2006. São apresentados dados sobre prisões por drogas no Brasil e, em seguida, utiliza-se um modelo de série temporal interrompida [interrupted time series designs] em conjunto com um modelo de regressão binária logística com dados relativos à cidade de São Paulo, para indicar como se dá a atual administração estatal das drogas e como se desenvolvem práticas no interior do sistema de justiça criminal que privilegiam a pena de prisão, mesmo depois do suposto fim desta para o usuário de drogas, com a aprovação da lei de 2006.

  17. Deposit of molybdenum associated with uranium in Pena Blanca, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reyes-Cortes, M.


    The uranium-molybdenum deposits are in the Sierra Pena Blanca, 45 km north of the city of Chihuahua. The largest amounts of uranium-molybdenum ore are found in the area of Las Margaritas-Puerto III. The ratio of molybdenum mineralization to uranium is 2:1 in this area and the deposits are distributed at depths of 55-100 m in ignimbritic rocks of the so called Escuadra Formation. This volcanic unit consists of an altered crystalline-lithic ash-flow tuff of Oligocene age. The molybdenum mineral occurs as powellite (CaMoO 4 ) and is found predominantly in two size ranges: phenocrysts 0.1-20 mm in diameter are abundant in the upper part of the deposit, while a material which varies between cryptocrystalline and amorphous predominates in the lower part. This latter material can easily be identified inside the mine by its strong orange fluorescence; it is also easy to recover by leaching. In contrast, the metallurgical process of recovery by leaching of the phenocrystalline portion of the powellite has so far presented problems. Powellite is generally found in association with carnotite, margaritasite and uranophane, and its mineralization consists of disseminated lumps, druses, crustifications and veins; frequently, it partially replaces the phenocrysts of argillized feldspars of the Escuadra Formation. Fractured and brecciated zones with intense oxidation of jarosite, haematite, limonite and goethite sometimes show high U-Mo concentrations; on other occasions the concentration is found with alunite at the contact between the ignimbrite and the layers of argillized vitrophyre. The mineralizations of fluorite, pyrite, jarosite, alunite and opal are indicative of hydrothermal deposition, possibly at low temperature with supergene or geothermal alterations. (author)

  18. Fortified settlement Veletin

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    Jovanović Vojislav S.


    Full Text Available Remnants of the fortified settlement Veletin are located on a hill of the same name (map marking 969 near the small town Janjevo, in the vicinity of the Monastery Gračanica in Kosovo, in a region rich in metal ore (pic. 1-3. Veletin is mentioned for the first time as a landmark in King Milutin’s charter for the Monastery Gračanica issued in 1321. Namely, the boundary of villages donated to the monastery ran "from Oštri vrh on Veletjen between Sušica and between Gušterica". Villages of Sušica and Gušterica still exist under the same names. The mentioned Veletin refers to the hill with a fortified settlement or fortress at the top. In the past the hill and the fortress were for a long time a characteristic part of the historical landscape. Thanks to its favourable geostrategic position, vicinity of important roads and above all to the nearness of rich silver mines, the hill of Veletin was settled and fortified in pre-historic time, then in antiquity and in the middle ages. It is supposed that the Roman town Ulpiana (Justiniana Secunda, near the Monastery Gračanica, developed because of the vicinity of silver mines and that as a municipium became a center of administration of Janjevo - Novo Brdo metals in the II c. Mining reached its peak in this area only in the first half of the XV c., during the reign of Serbian despots. When this part of Serbia fell under Turkish rule in 1455, mining began to decline. In 1488, during the reign of Sultan Bajazet II, special regulations were made for the organization of work in Janjevo silver mines, which testify about their importance. It is hard to form an opinion about the appearance of Veletin at the time the Gračanica Charter was issued. Mining was growing at that time and it is possible that there was a fortress with a small crew to protect Janjevo and other nearby mining settlements. Veletin is explicitly mentioned as a fortress only in three cartographic sources of a later date. The first was

  19. Relative bioavailability of 13C5-folic acid in pectin-coated folate fortified rice in humans using stable isotope techniques. (United States)

    de Ambrosis, A; Vishnumohan, S; Paterson, J; Haber, P; Arcot, J


    The aim of the study was to measure the relative bioavailability of labeled pteroylglutamic acid (13C5-PteGlu) from a pectin-coated fortified rice in vivo to measure any effect of the edible coating on folic acid bioavailability. Healthy volunteers (N=26) aged 18-39 years received three test meals in three randomized short-term cross-over trials: Trial 1: aqueous 400 μg 13C5-PteGlu, Trial 2: 200 g cooked white rice+400 μg 13C5-PteGlu,Trial 3: 200 g fortified cooked white rice with pectin-coated premix containing 400 μg 13C5-PteGlu. Blood samples were drawn at 0,1,2,5 and 8 h postprandial. The concentration of 13C5-5 methyl-tetrahydrofolate appearing in plasma was quantified using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (MS)/MS. For 24 h before baseline estimation and during the area under the curve (AUC) study, the subjects were placed on a low folate diet (∼100 μg/day). The relative bioavailability of the folic acid following Trial 3 was measured by comparing the 13C5-5 methyl-tetrahydrofuran (THF) AUC with Trials 1 and 2. The bioavailability of folic acid in a pectin-coated rice premix was 68.7% (range 47-105) and 86.5% (range 65-115) in uncoated fortified rice relative to aqueous folic acid. This study is the first demonstration of the bioavailability of folate in pectin-coated fortified rice in humans.

  20. [Methods quantitative for determination of water-soluble vitamins in premixes and fortified food products by micellar electrokinetic chromatography on short end of the capillary]. (United States)

    Bogachuk, M N; Bessonov, V V; Perederiaev, O I


    It was purposed new technique by micellar electrokinetic chromatography on short end of the capillary (capillary electrophoresis system Agilent 3D CE, DAD, quartz capillary HPCE stndrd cap 56 cm, 50 microm, 50 mM borate buffer pH=9,3, 100 mM sodium dodecil sulfate) for simultaneous determination of water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, B5, B9, C, B8) in fortified food products and premixes. It was observed on 6 samples of vitamin premixes and 28 samples of fortified food products using this technique. Our findings are consistent with the results of research on certain vitamins, conducted by other methods. The developed technique can be used in analysis of water-soluble vitamins in premixes and fortified food products.

  1. Effect of Rosemary Transglutaminase on Yoghurt Fortified with Whey Protein Isolate

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    Ibrahim Osama


    Full Text Available Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L. transglutaminase (RTGase was used to cross-link whey protein isolate (WPI and its ability to induce gelation was investigated. The rheological and textural properties of WPI were improved with RTGase treatment. Set-type yoghurts fortified with 1% WPI powder treated with RTGase at the level of 2.5 and 10 unit/g protein were studied. Chemical, rheological, textural and organoleptic properties of the yoghurt treated with RTGase were better than these of the control yoghurt.

  2. Measuring consumers' interest in instant fortified pearl millet products: a field experiment in Touba, Senegal. (United States)

    De Groote, Hugo; Kariuki, Sarah W; Traore, Djibril; Taylor, John Rn; Ferruzzi, Mario G; Hamaker, Bruce R


    In Africa, food-processing industries are emerging fast, especially for cereals. New low-cost extrusion cookers give small enterprises an opportunity to enter the market for processed cereal products, in particular instant, fortified and flavoured mixes. Before engaging in the marketing of these products, consumers' interest needs to be assessed. This study used a combination of affective tests and experimental auctions with 200 consumers in Touba, Senegal, to evaluate four new products with conventional pearl millet flour as the control: instant pearl millet flour, instant pearl millet flour with added dry mango and carrot powder (naturally fortified), and the previous products with added conventional chemical micronutrient fortificants. During affective tests, consumers made little distinction between the five products in appearance, aroma, taste and overall appreciation. The experimental auctions showed that, without providing additional information on the products, there was no difference in 'willingness to pay' (WTP) between them. However, after that information is provided, consumers were willing to pay a modest premium for instant flour, and a large premium for added mango and carrot extract and for added micronutrients, but were not willing to pay a premium if those micronutrients came from natural sources. Income increased overall WTP, while education increased WTP for instant flour. There is a potential market in low-income African countries for instant and fortified cereal food products, but likely in the higher income and education groups. The increased cost needs to be compared to the premiums consumers are willing to pay. In the next step, the new and promising products could be tested in pilot markets, with target consumers. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  3. Lutein-fortified infant formula fed to healthy term infants: evaluation of growth effects and safety

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    Davis Anne M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background/Objectives Breast milk contains lutein derived from the mother's diet. This carotenoid is currently not added to infant formula, which has a small and variable lutein content from innate ingredients. This study was conducted to compare the growth of infants fed lutein-fortified infant formula with that of infants fed infant formula without lutein fortification. Subjects/Methods This 16-week study was prospective, randomized, controlled, and double-blind with parallel groups of healthy term infants fed either control formula (Wyeth S-26 Gold, designated as Gold or experimental formula (Wyeth S-26 Gold fortified with lutein at 200 mcg/l, designated as Gold + Lutein. Two hundred thirty-two (232 infants ≤ 14 days postnatal age were randomized and 220 (94.8% completed the study. Weight (g, head circumference (cm, and length (cm were measured at Weeks 4, 8, 12, and 16. The primary endpoint was weight gain (g/day from baseline to Week 16. Safety was assessed through monitoring of study events (SEs throughout the study and evaluation of selected blood chemistry tests performed at Week 16. Results Infants in both treatment groups demonstrated appropriate growth. No differences between treatment groups were found in any of the measures of growth at any of the measurement time points. Both study formulas were well tolerated. The mean values of all measured blood chemistry parameters fell within the modified normal ranges for infants, and the values for both groups for any measured parameter were similar. Conclusions Infants fed lutein-fortified S-26 Gold demonstrated growth equivalent to that of infants fed unfortified lutein formula.

  4. Effect of Consuming Zinc-fortified Bread on Serum Zinc and Iron Status of Zinc-deficient Women: A Double Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Badii, Akbar; Nekouei, Niloufar; Fazilati, Mohammad; Shahedi, Mohammad; Badiei, Sajad


    After iron deficiency, zinc deficiency is the major micronutrient deficiency in developing countries, and staple food fortification is an effective strategy to prevent and improve it among at-risk-populations. No action has been taken to reduce zinc deficiency via flour fortification so far in Iran, and little is known about the influence of zinc fortification of flour on serum zinc and the iron status, and also about the optimum and effective amount of zinc compound that is used in food fortification. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of consuming zinc-fortified breads on the zinc and iron status in the blood serum. In this study, three types of bread were prepared from non-fortified and fortified flours, with 50 and 100 ppm elemental zinc in the form of sulfate. Eighty zinc-deficient women aged 19 to 49 years were randomly assigned to three groups; The volunteers received, daily, (1) a non-fortified bread, (2) a high-zinc bread, and (3) a low-zinc bread for one month. Serum zinc and iron were measured by Atomic Absorption before and after the study. Results showed a significant increase in serum zinc and iron levels in all groups (p 0.05). Absorption of zinc and iron in the group that consumed high-zinc bread was significantly greater than that in the group that received low-zinc bread (p bread improved iron absorption.

  5. Topical minoxidil fortified with finasteride: An account of maintenance of hair density after replacing oral finasteride

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    B S Chandrashekar


    Full Text Available Background: Finasteride acts by reducing dihydrotestosterone levels, thereby inhibiting miniaturization of hair follicles in patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA. Oral finasteride is associated with side effects such as decreased libido, sexual dysfunction, and gynecomastia. Aim: The aim of the following study is to assess the efficacy of maintaining hair growth with 5% topical minoxidil fortified with 0.1% finasteride in patients with AGA after initial treatment with 5% topical minoxidil and oral finasteride for two years. Materials and Methods: A retrospective assessment was done in 50 male patients aged 20-40 years with AGA. All the patients had been initially treated with topical minoxidil and oral finasteride for a period of two years, after which the oral finasteride was replaced with topical minoxidil fortified with finasteride. Five of 50 patients had discontinued the treatment for a period of 8-12 months and were then resumed with only topical minoxidil fortified with finasteride. The patients′ case sheets and photographs were reviewed by independent observers and the efficacy of minoxidil-finasteride combination was assessed. Results: Of the 45 patients who underwent a continuous treatment for AGA, 84.44% maintained a good hair density with topical minoxidil-finasteride combinatio. Of the five patients who discontinued oral finasteride for 8-12 months, four demonstrated good improvement in hair density when treatment was resumed with topical minoxidil-finasteride combination. Conclusion: Topical finasteride can be considered for hair density maintenance after initial improvement with oral finasteride, thereby obviating the indefinite use of oral finasteride.

  6. Diet Quality and Adequacy of Nutrients in Preschool Children: Should Rice Fortified with Micronutrients Be Included in School Meals? (United States)

    Della Lucia, Ceres M.; Rodrigues, Kellen Cristina C.; Rodrigues, Vivian Cristina C.; Santos, Laura Luiza M.; Cardoso, Leandro M.; Martino, Hércia S. D.; Franceschini, Sylvia C. C.; Pinheiro-Sant’Ana, Helena Maria


    Feeding is indicative of the nutritional status of children, however micronutrient deficiency is common in this age group. We evaluated the impact of inclusion of rice (Ultra Rice® (UR®)) fortified with iron, zinc, thiamin and folic acid on laboratory measurements and the nutrient intake of children. Ninety-nine preschoolers (2–6 years; 42.6% male) from two preschools participated, one of which received UR® added to polished rice as part of school meals (test preschool) and the other received only polished rice (control preschool). Biochemical evaluations were performed before and after four months of intervention. Feeding was assessed by direct weighing of food, complemented by 24-h recalls, and the diet was assessed by the Healthy Eating Index (HEI) adapted to the Brazilian reality. The fortified rice improved the levels of zinc (p < 0.001), thiamine (p < 0.001), folic acid (p = 0.003), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p < 0.001) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (p < 0.001). The inadequacy percentages of thiamine, folic acid and iron were lower among preschoolers from the test preschool. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of using UR® on laboratory measurements of children. The inadequate intake of thiamine, folic acid and iron was also reduced, making the fortified rice an interesting strategy in school feeding programs. PMID:27187464

  7. O excesso como medida: os projetos de enrijecimento penal após os “ataques do PCC” e a cultura punitiva contemporânea

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    Ricardo Sontag


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, pretende-se abordar alguns traços da cultura punitiva contemporânea vinculados à demanda por penas mais rígidas que atravessam os meios de comunicação e, especialmente, o Parlamento. Para tanto, trata das suas próprias condições de enunciação como discurso acadêmico, passando pela especificidade histórica da articulação entre o ideal legado pelo iluminismo de eficiência do sistema penal e a proliferação de “leis-manifesto” (Baratta até chegar ao exemplo brasileiro de projetos de lei que pretendem aumentar a pena para homicídios contra policiais e autoridades; a maioria vinculada aos ataques do PCC em 2006, a partir dos quais, percebe-se, também, além da característica básica das leis-manifesto (a falta de instrumentalidade, a contaminação de traços da elaboração legislativa associada aos crimes políticos, tal como a contingencialização. Palavras-chave: História do direito penal. Ataques PCC. Leis penais. Delito político.

  8. Biodisponibilidade de ferro do açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart. e da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro em ratos Iron bioavailability of the açaí(Euterpe oleracea Mart. and the iron-fortified manioc flour in rats

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    Sirlene Duarte Alves Toaiari


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a biodisponibilidade do ferro do açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart. e da farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro, utilizando o método de depleção e repleção de hemoglobina em ratos. MÉTODOS: No período de depleção, durante a lactação, as ratas (Rattus novergicus e seus filhotes receberam ração à base de caseína (American Institute of Nutrition - 93G, sem adição de ferro na mistura salina, sendo que os filhotes, quando desmamados, continuaram a receber a mesma ração por mais sete dias. Paralelamente, houve um grupo controle no qual ratas e filhotes receberam ração comercial. No período de repleção de catorze dias, os ratos machos (n=40 foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos de oito ratos cada um, os quais receberam rações experimentais (açaí e farinha de mandioca fortificada com ferro e controles (do açaí e American Institute of Nutrition 93. A concentração de hemoglobina foi determinada semanalmente e a biodisponibilidade de ferro das rações foi determinada por meio de cálculos do ferro ingerido e do ferro hemoglobínico dos ratos dos diferentes grupos. RESULTADOS: Ao final do período de depleção, a concentração de hemoglobina dos ratos, de 4,7 ± 0,5g/dL, demonstrou a efetividade do método utilizado. A maior biodisponibilidade de ferro foi constatada na farinha de mandioca fortificada (44,6±3,6%, em contraste com a baixa biodisponibilidade do ferro do açaí (12,1±5,5%. CONCLUSÃO: O ferro presente no açaí não foi eficaz na recuperação da concentração de hemoglobina dos ratos. Portanto sugere-se cautela ao recomendar a utilização do açaí como fonte de ferro.OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates the bioavailability of iron derived from açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart. and from iron-fortified manioc flour, using the hemoglobin iron-depletion-recovery method in rats. METHODS: A casein-based diet (American Institute of Nutrition - 93G, without

  9. Double-blind randomized controlled trial of rolls fortified with microencapsulated iron. (United States)

    Barbosa, Teresa Negreira Navarro; Taddei, José Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo; Palma, Domingos; Ancona-Lopez, Fábio; Braga, Josefina Aparecida Pellegrini


    To evaluate the impact of the fortification of rolls with microencapsulated iron sulfate with sodium alginate on the hemoglobin levels in preschoolers as compared to controls. Double-blind randomized controlled trial comprised of children aged 2 to 6 years with initial hemoglobin exceeding 9 g/dL from four not-for-profit daycares randomly selected in the city of São Paulo - Brazil. Children of 2 daycares (n = 88) received rolls with fortified wheat flour as the exposed group (EC) and children of 2 daycares (n = 85) received rolls without fortification as the control group (CG) over a 24-week period. Rolls with 4 mg iron each were offered once a day, five days a week. Hemoglobin concentrations were determined in capillary blood by HemoCue® at three moments of trial: baseline (Ml), after 12 and 24 weeks of intervention (M2, M3). Hemoglobin concentration presented significant increase up to M3 in EG (11.7-12.5-12.6 g/dL) and in CG (11.1-12.4-12.3 g/dL) with higher elevations in children initially with anemia. There was significant reduction in the occurrence of anemia from 22% to 9% in EG and from 47% to 8.2% in CG at M3. Rolls fortified with microencapsulated iron sulfate were well tolerated, increased hemoglobin levels and reduced the occurrence of anemia, but with no difference compared to the control group.

  10. Uranium deposits associated to tertiary acid volcanism of the Pena Blanca Sierra (Chihuahua, Mexico)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aniel, B.


    The uraniferous deposits located in the Sierra de Pena Blanca (Chihuahua, Mexico) are the consequence of successive events that modified acid volcanic rocks. The devitrification of the Nopal Formation, vitroclastic tuffs, is esential in the cooling history because it releases uranium that becomes available. The uranium present in fluids as uranylcarbonate complexes, precipitate along the lamellea of hematite (exsolutions of the ilmenites). The presence of sulfur causes the destabilization of the ilmenites with uranium oxide (pitchblende - titanium oxide - pyrite), the pseudomorph of magnetites (pitchblende - pyrite) and the transformation of hematite into pyrite. The silice coming from the kaolinization of feldspars recristallizes as microcristalline quartz so that the rock appears compact. Fractures cause the uplifting of the lower unit of Nopal formation. It has been altered to montmorillonite. A carbonatation of this tuff has been observed and these two types of alteration occur after kaolinization. The Escuadra formation overlies the Nopal formation. The deposition takes place on an eroded basement where a soil developed. The two formations will together undergo transformations due to the saturation level and the primary ore will be only oxidized or oxidized, transported and reconcentrated. Late and localized thermal activities have been observed and may be the result of tectonic movements occurring after the supergene modification [fr

  11. [Effectiveness of social mobilization and social marketing in promoting NaFeEDTA-fortified soya sauce in adult women]. (United States)

    Wang, Bo; Chen, Junshi; Zhan, Siyan; Sun, Jing; Li, Liming


    To assess the effectiveness of social mobilization and social marketing in promoting NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce in an iron deficient population. This study was an uncontrolled, community-based, before-after study, which was implemented in three counties of Shijiazhuang Municipality. The intervention was a social mobilization and social marketing strategy. Adult women older than 20 years of age participated in the evaluation protocol. The main outcomes included KAP relevant to IDA. Cross-sectional samples were used to assess the outcomes at baseline and 1 year later. Knowledge and attitudes of adult women had changed positively, and the percentage of women who had adopted NaFeEDTA-fortified soy sauce increased from 8.9% to 36.6% (P marketing had a positive impact on the KAP of adult women in the iron deficient population.

  12. Characteristics and nutritional value of whole wheat cracker fortified with tuna bone bio-calcium powder. (United States)

    Benjakul, Soottawat; Karnjanapratum, Supatra


    Whole wheat cracker fortified with tuna bone bio-calcium (Bio-Ca) powder was developed as health-promoting food rich in calcium. Fortification with different levels of Bi-Ca, over the range of 0-50% of whole wheat flour (w/w) on quality and sensory properties of crackers, were determined. Color, thickness, weight and textural properties of crackers varied with the different levels of Bio-Ca powder added, but it was found that up to 30% could be added without detrimental effect on sensory properties. Scanning electron microscopic images showed that the developed crackers were less porous and had a denser structure, compared to the control. Based on scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic (SEM-EDX), the cracker containing Bio-Ca powder had calcium and phosphorous distribution with higher intensity, compared to the control. The fortified crackers were rich in calcium and phosphorous with higher protein content but lower fat, carbohydrate, cholesterol and energy value, compared to the control. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines Evolution during the Estufagem of Fortified Wines


    Vanda Pereira; Ana C. Pereira; Juan P. Pérez Trujillo; Juan Cacho; José C. Marques


    The current study was focused on the impact of accelerated ageing (heating step) on the amino acid and biogenic amine profiles of fortified wines. In this sense, three Madeira wines from two commonly used grape varieties (one red and the other white) were analysed during the heating, at standard (45°C, 3 months) and overheating (70°C, 1 month) conditions, following a precolumn derivatization procedure using iodoacetic acid, o-phthaldialdehyde, and 2-mercaptoethanol, carried out in the injecti...

  14. Efficacy of a microencapsulated iron pyrophosphate-fortified fruit juice: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Spanish iron-deficient women. (United States)

    Blanco-Rojo, Ruth; Pérez-Granados, Ana M; Toxqui, Laura; González-Vizcayno, Carmen; Delgado, Marco A; Vaquero, M Pilar


    Fe-deficiency anaemia is a worldwide health problem. We studied the influence of consuming an Fe-fortified fruit juice on Fe status in menstruating women. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 16 weeks of duration was performed. Subjects were randomised into two groups: the P group (n 58) or the F group (n 64), and consumed, as a supplement to their usual diet, 500 ml/d of a placebo fruit juice or an Fe-fortified fruit juice, respectively. The Fe-fortified fruit juice, containing microencapsulated iron pyrophosphate, provided 18 mg Fe/d (100 % of the RDA). At baseline and monthly, dietary intake, body weight and Fe parameters were determined: total erythrocytes, haematocrit, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), red blood cell distribution width (RDW), Hb, serum Fe, serum ferritin, serum transferrin, transferrin saturation, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) and zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP). The fruit juice consumption involved increased intake of carbohydrates and vitamin C, and increased BMI within normal limits. Ferritin was higher in the F group after week 4 (P juice improves Fe status and may be used to prevent Fe-deficiency anaemia.

  15. Effect of Microwave Heating on the Dielectric Properties and Components of Iron-Fortified Milk

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    Xiao-shu Tang


    Full Text Available With the iron-fortified milk as research object, this paper makes a research on the influence of iron on the dielectric properties and wave absorption properties and effect of nutritional components, such as casein and whey protein in milk, and thermostability in the process of microwave heating, and rapid heat transfer method in ferrous gluconate–milk and ferrous chloride–milk, respectively. The results show that the iron of ionic form has greater influence to convert microwave to heat energy and the effect of microwave absorption properties was greater for ferrous chloride than for ferrous gluconate at high concentration. The effect of different forms of iron on the composition of milk was different, and the composition of milk systems was more stable by microwave heating, but the rapid heat transfer method is superior in the aim of increasing the nutritional value of milk. The ferrous gluconate–milk system has a better thermal stability than ferrous chloride–milk system. From the aspect of dielectric induction, the paper discovers the response rules of iron and evaluates the microwave thermal safety of the traditional and the iron-fortified products by microwave heating.

  16. Stratigraphy of the PB-1 well, Nopal I uranium deposit, Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dobson, P.; Fayek, M.; Goodell, P.; Ghezzehei, T.; Melchor, F.; Murrell, M.; Oliver, R.; Reyes-Cortes, I.A.; de la Garza, R.; Simmons, A.


    The Nopal I site in the Pena Blanca uranium district has a number of geologic and hydrologic similarities to the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, making it a useful analogue to evaluate process models for radionuclide transport. The PB-1 well was drilled in 2003 at the Nopal I uranium deposit as part of a DOE-sponsored natural analogue study to constrain processes affecting radionuclide transport. The well penetrates through the Tertiary volcanic section down to Cretaceous limestone and intersects the regional aquifer system. The well, drilled along the margin of the Nopal I ore body, was continuously cored to a depth of 250 m, thus providing an opportunity to document the local stratigraphy. Detailed observations of these units were afforded through petrographic description and rock-property measurements of the core, together with geophysical logs of the well. The uppermost unit encountered in the PB-1 well is the Nopal Formation, a densely welded, crystal-rich, rhyolitic ash-flow tuff. This cored section is highly altered and devitrified, with kaolinite, quartz, chlorite, and montmorillonite replacing feldspars and much of the groundmass. Breccia zones within the tuff contain fracture fillings of hematite, limonite, goethite, jarosite, and opal. A zone of intense clay alteration encountered in the depth interval 17.45-22.30 m was interpreted to represent the basal vitrophyre of this unit. Underlying the Nopal Formation is the Coloradas Formation, which consists of a welded lithic-rich rhyolitic ash-flow tuff. The cored section of this unit has undergone devitrification and oxidation, and has a similar alteration mineralogy to that observed in the Nopal tuff. A sharp contact between the Coloradas tuff and the underlying Pozos Formation was observed at a depth of 136.38 m. The Pozos Formation consists of poorly sorted conglomerate containing clasts of subangular to subrounded fragments of volcanic rocks, limestone, and chert

  17. Stratigraphy of the PB-1 well, Nopal I uranium deposit, Sierra Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobson, P.; Fayek, M.; Goodell, P.; Ghezzehei, T.; Melchor, F.; Murrell, M.; Oliver, R.; Reyes-Cortes, I.A.; de la Garza, R.; Simmons, A.


    The Nopal I site in the Pena Blanca uranium district has a number of geologic and hydrologic similarities to the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, making it a useful analogue to evaluate process models for radionuclide transport. The PB-1 well was drilled in 2003 at the Nopal I uranium deposit as part of a DOE-sponsored natural analogue study to constrain processes affecting radionuclide transport. The well penetrates through the Tertiary volcanic section down to Cretaceous limestone and intersects the regional aquifer system. The well, drilled along the margin of the Nopal I ore body, was continuously cored to a depth of 250 m, thus providing an opportunity to document the local stratigraphy. Detailed observations of these units were afforded through petrographic description and rock-property measurements of the core, together with geophysical logs of the well. The uppermost unit encountered in the PB-1 well is the Nopal Formation, a densely welded, crystal-rich, rhyolitic ash-flow tuff. This cored section is highly altered and devitrified, with kaolinite, quartz, chlorite, and montmorillonite replacing feldspars and much of the groundmass. Breccia zones within the tuff contain fracture fillings of hematite, limonite, goethite, jarosite, and opal. A zone of intense clay alteration encountered in the depth interval 17.45-22.30 m was interpreted to represent the basal vitrophyre of this unit. Underlying the Nopal Formation is the Coloradas Formation, which consists of a welded lithic-rich rhyolitic ash-flow tuff. The cored section of this unit has undergone devitrification and oxidation, and has a similar alteration mineralogy to that observed in the Nopal tuff. A sharp contact between the Coloradas tuff and the underlying Pozos Formation was observed at a depth of 136.38 m. The Pozos Formation consists of poorly sorted conglomerate containing clasts of subangular to subrounded fragments of volcanic rocks, limestone, and chert

  18. A duras e pesadas penas: imprensa, identidade e nacionalidade no Brasil imperial

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    Daniel Afonso da Silva

    Full Text Available O texto apresenta estudo sobre a construção da imprensa brasileira durante o primeiro reinado. Reflete sobre a certificação da imprensa como espaço privilegiado da luta política. Analisa a relação centrípeta e centrífuga entre Bahia e Rio de Janeiro na efetivação da opinião pública. Interpreta discussões parlamentares sobre liberdade e censura de expressão. Afirma a importância da imprensa na consolidação da identidade nacional brasileira.

  19. Evaluation of the effect of fortified and concentrated hay supplementation on the production of bovine milk (Bos taurus L. during the dry season in the Achaca-Tiahuanacu community

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    Patty-Quispe Magda Hortencia


    Full Text Available The present study was carried out in the Achaca Community of the Municipality of Tiahuanacu, with the objective of evaluating the effect of supplementation with fortified and concentrated hay on milk production, feed conversion, total solids and production costs in three periods (Control, adaptation and supplementation during the dry season (October and November. 12 Holstein mestizo cows were used between 4 and 6 months of lactation. The design used was completely randomized blocks with factorial arrangement of 2Ax3Bx (3 with three replicates. The average milk yield of 4.69 kg of cows supplemented with fortified hay and 6.24 kg with concentrate were higher than the production of 3.94 and 5.11 kg respectively in the adaptation period and finally the production of 3.58 and 3.42 kg in the control period. The feed conversion with fortified hay supplementation of 2.60 kg was greater than 2.12 and 1.90 kg respectively. While feed conversion between supplements was 1.61 and 1.78 kg with concentrate in the adaptation period and finally with 2.12 and 2.60 kg with fortified hay in the supplementation period. The total solids content of 10.52 ºBrix was superior to the adaptation period of 10.30 ºBrix and control with 10.05 ºBrix. Meanwhile, total solids between supplements were 10.19 ºBrix with fortified hay and 10.39 ºBrix with concentrate.

  20. Multinutrient-fortified juices improve vitamin D and vitamin E status in children: a randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Economos, Christina D; Moore, Carolyn E; Hyatt, Raymond R; Kuder, Julia; Chen, Tai; Meydani, Simin Nikbin; Meydani, Mohsen; Klein, Ellen; Biancuzzo, Rachael M; Holick, Michael F


    Provision of fortified juices may provide a convenient method to maintain and increase blood fat-soluble vitamins. To determine whether children consuming orange juice fortified with calcium and combinations of vitamins D, E, and A could increase serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], α-tocopherol, and retinol levels. A 12-week randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. One hundred eighty participants (aged 8.04±1.42 years) were recruited at Tufts (n=70) and Boston University (n=110) during 2005-2006. Of those recruited, 176 children were randomized into three groups: CaD (700 mg calcium+200 IU vitamin D), CaDEA (700 mg calcium+200 IU vitamin D+12 IU vitamin E+2,000 IU vitamin A as beta carotene), or Ca (700 mg calcium). Children consumed two 240-mL glasses of CaD, CaDEA, or Ca fortified orange juice daily for 12 weeks. Serum 25(OH)D, α-tocopherol, and retinol concentrations. Changes in 25(OH)D, α-tocopherol, retinol, and parathyroid hormone concentrations were examined. Covariates included sex, age, race/ethnicity, body mass index, and baseline 25(OH)D, α-tocopherol, retinol, or parathyroid hormone levels. Multivariate models and repeated measures analysis of variance tested for group differences with pre-post measures (n=141). Baseline 25(OH)D was 68.4±27.7 nmol/L (27.4±11.10 ng/mL) ), with 21.7% of participants having inadequate 25(OH)D (vitamin D and 12 IU vitamin E increased 25(OH)D and α-tocopherol concentrations in young children within 12 weeks. Copyright © 2014 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Serum and erythrocyte folate status of New Zealand women of childbearing age following a countrywide voluntary programme by the baking industry to fortify bread with folic acid. (United States)

    Bradbury, Kathryn E; Williams, Sheila M; Mann, Jim I; Oey, Indrawati; Aitchison, Cindy; Parnell, Winsome; Fleming, Liz; Brown, Rachel C; Skeaff, C Murray


    To estimate the folate status of New Zealand women of childbearing age following the introduction, in 2010, of a new voluntary folic acid fortification of bread programme. The 2011 Folate and Women's Health Survey was a cross-sectional survey of women aged 18-44 years carried out in 2011. The survey used a stratified random sampling technique with the Electoral Roll as the sampling frame. Women were asked about consumption of folic-acid-fortified breads and breakfast cereals in a telephone interview. During a clinic visit, blood was collected for serum and erythrocyte folate measurement by microbiological assay. A North Island (Wellington) and South Island (Dunedin) city centre in New Zealand. Two hundred and eighty-eight women, of whom 278 completed a clinic visit. Geometric mean serum and erythrocyte folate concentrations were 30 nmol/l and 996 nmol/l, respectively. Folate status was 30-40 % higher compared with women of childbearing age sampled as part of a national survey in 2008/09, prior to the introduction of the voluntary folic acid bread fortification programme. In the 2011 Folate and Women's Health Survey, reported consumption of fortified bread and fortified breakfast cereal in the past week was associated with 25 % (P=0·01) and 15 % (P=0·04) higher serum folate concentrations, respectively. Serum and erythrocyte folate concentrations have increased in New Zealand women of childbearing age since the number of folic-acid-fortified breads was increased voluntarily in 2010. Consumption of fortified breads and breakfast cereals was associated with a higher folate status.

  2. Conventional foods, followed by dietary supplements and fortified foods, are the key sources of vitamin D, vitamin B6, and selenium intake in Dutch participants of the NU-AGE study. (United States)

    Berendsen, Agnes A M; van Lieshout, Lilou E L M; van den Heuvel, Ellen G H M; Matthys, Christophe; Péter, Szabolcs; de Groot, Lisette C P G M


    With aging, energy needs decrease, necessitating a more nutrient-dense diet to meet nutritional needs. To bridge this gap, the use of nutrient-dense foods, fortified foods, and dietary supplements can be important. This observational study aims to describe current micronutrient intakes of Dutch elderly and to identify the contribution of nutrient-dense foods, fortified foods, and dietary supplements to the intake of micronutrients that are often inadequately consumed in Dutch elderly. Data of 245 Dutch volunteers from the NU-AGE study aged 65 to 80 years were used. Dietary intake was assessed by means of 7-day food records, and dietary supplement use was recorded with an additional questionnaire. Information on fortified foods was obtained from the Dutch Food Composition Table 2011. Nutrient density of foods was evaluated using the Nutrient Rich Food 9.3 score. The percentages of participants not meeting their average requirement were high for vitamin D (99%), selenium (41%), and vitamin B6 (54%) based on conventional foods and also when taking into account fortified foods (98%, 41%, and 27%, respectively) and vitamin and mineral supplements (87%, 36%, and 20%, respectively). Conventional foods were the main source of vitamin D, vitamin B6, and selenium intake (42%, 45%, and 82%, respectively), followed by vitamin and mineral supplements (41%, 44%, and 18%) and fortified foods (17%, 11%, and 1%). Foods with the highest nutrient density contributed most to total vitamin B6 intake only. To optimize nutrient intakes of elderly, combinations of natural food sources, fortified foods, and dietary supplements should be considered. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Reflexões sobre o paradigma da economia ecológica para a gestão ambiental

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    Maurício Fuks


    Full Text Available Este estudo ressalta a ausência de conhecimento sobre a economia ecológica por parte do crescente número de profissionais formados em Gestão Ambiental. O autor realiza uma síntese dos princípios e fundamentos da economia ecológica, especialmente por meio das ideias de dois dos seus principais pensadores (Georgescu-Röegen e Boulding e indica porque conhecer as ideias principais dessa escola de pensamento é fundamental para profissionais de Gestão Ambiental. Argumenta-se que esses profissionais não podem prescindir da economia ecológica, sob pena de caírem na ilusão do mito da hipótese win-win e terem uma visão incompleta das dificuldades de estabelecermos uma sociedade sustentável.his study draws attention to lack of knowledge regarding Ecological Economics amongst the growing number of professionals graduating in the field of Environmental Management. The author offers a synthesis of the main principles of Ecological Economics, with particular focus on two of its main thinkers (N. Georgescu-Röegen e K. E. Boulding and indicates why such knowledge is of fundamental importance for Environmental Management. The paper argues that environmental managers cannot ignore Ecological Economics; else they may fall prey to the myth of the win-win hypothesis and thus have an incomplete perception of the difficulties involved in establishing a sustainable society.

  4. Diet Quality and Adequacy of Nutrients in Preschool Children: Should Rice Fortified with Micronutrients Be Included in School Meals?

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    Ceres M. Della Lucia


    Full Text Available Feeding is indicative of the nutritional status of children, however micronutrient deficiency is common in this age group. We evaluated the impact of inclusion of rice (Ultra Rice® (UR® fortified with iron, zinc, thiamin and folic acid on laboratory measurements and the nutrient intake of children. Ninety-nine preschoolers (2–6 years; 42.6% male from two preschools participated, one of which received UR® added to polished rice as part of school meals (test preschool and the other received only polished rice (control preschool. Biochemical evaluations were performed before and after four months of intervention. Feeding was assessed by direct weighing of food, complemented by 24-h recalls, and the diet was assessed by the Healthy Eating Index (HEI adapted to the Brazilian reality. The fortified rice improved the levels of zinc (p < 0.001, thiamine (p < 0.001, folic acid (p = 0.003, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p < 0.001 and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (p < 0.001. The inadequacy percentages of thiamine, folic acid and iron were lower among preschoolers from the test preschool. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of using UR® on laboratory measurements of children. The inadequate intake of thiamine, folic acid and iron was also reduced, making the fortified rice an interesting strategy in school feeding programs.

  5. Brick-Burning Kiln from the Zhaiyk Fortified Site

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    Kalmenov Murat D.


    Full Text Available The article contains a description of the brick-burning kiln, which was discovered during the 2012 excavations on the medieval Zhaiyk fortified site (Western Kazakhstan oblast. A similar object had been discovered on the site in 2002. Kilns of similar design were known on the vast territories of Southeastern Europe and Central Asia in the 10th-15th cc. In the 13th-15th centuries, they were widely spread in the territory of the Golden Horde. The analysis of their design, combined with written sources and ethnographic data, allows reconstructing the operation process of such kilns in general lines. The finds of kilns on the Zhaiyk settlement make it possible to suggest that in the 13th-14th centuries there existed a developed construction materials production in the territory of the settlement.

  6. Physical properties of a frozen yogurt fortified with a nano-emulsion containing purple rice bran oil (United States)

    The objectives of this study were to develop and evaluate a frozen yogurt (FY) fortified with a nano-emulsion containing purple rice bran oil (NPRBO). A nano-emulsion with a droplet size range of 150-300 nm was produced by sonication followed by ultra-shear homogenization. The nano-emulsion was mi...



    Farias, José Airton de


    RESUMO Após o insucesso da guerrilha, prisão e condenação pela Justiça Militar, os militantes da esquerda armada no Ceará tiveram que cumprir suas penas no Instituto Penal Paulo Sarasate (IPPS). Ali, durante os anos 1970, os revolucionários, vistos como “terroristas”, mantidos à parte dos demais presos e alvos da atenção da ditadura militar, tiveram de enfrentar novos desafios. Buscaram brechas, fissuras, criaram espaços, usaram de estratégias e táticas dentro da estrutura autoritária impe...

  8. The Effects of Consumption of Bread Fortified With Soy Bean Flour on Metabolic Profile in Type 2 Diabetic Women: A Cross-over Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Moghaddam, Asma Salari; Entezari, Mohammad Hassan; Iraj, Bijan; Askari, Gholam Reza; Maracy, Mohammad Reza


    Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world and has become a major threat for global health. Recent studies reported that the soy has beneficial effects in diabetic mellitus patients. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of soybean flour fortified bread consumption on metabolic profile in type 2 diabetic women. This randomized, cross-over, controlled clinical trial was carried out in 30 type 2 diabetic women. At first, a 2-week run-in period was applied. Then, participants were randomly assigned to either intervention or control groups. Participants in the intervention group were asked to replace 120 g of soybean flour fortified bread with the same amount of their usual bread intake or other cereal products for 6 weeks. After a 4 weeks washout period, participants were crossed over for another 6 weeks. Mean (±standard deviation) age and body mass index of subjects was 45.7 ± 3.8 years and 29.5 ± 3.9 kg/m(2), respectively. The results of our study showed no significant effects of soybean flour fortified bread on metabolic profile. We found a reduction in serum triglycerides (change difference: -3.7, P = 0.82), serum low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (change difference: -11.2, P = 0.50), insulin (change difference: -3.6, P = 0.7), and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (change differences: -0.57, P = 0.45) after 6 weeks but these changes were not statistically significant. No significant effects of soybean flour fortified bread on serum concentrations of fasting blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, high-density lipoproteins and total cholesterol levels were found. Six weeks consumption of soybean flour fortified bread among diabetic patients had no significant effects on metabolic profile.

  9. The effects of consumption of bread fortified with soy bean flour on metabolic profile in type 2 diabetic women: A cross-over randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Asma Salari Moghaddam


    Full Text Available Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world and has become a major threat for global health. Recent studies reported that the soy has beneficial effects in diabetic mellitus patients. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of soybean flour fortified bread consumption on metabolic profile in type 2 diabetic women. Methods: This randomized, cross-over, controlled clinical trial was carried out in 30 type 2 diabetic women. At first, a 2-week run-in period was applied. Then, participants were randomly assigned to either intervention or control groups. Participants in the intervention group were asked to replace 120 g of soybean flour fortified bread with the same amount of their usual bread intake or other cereal products for 6 weeks. After a 4 weeks washout period, participants were crossed over for another 6 weeks. Results: Mean (±standard deviation age and body mass index of subjects was 45.7 ± 3.8 years and 29.5 ± 3.9 kg/m 2 , respectively. The results of our study showed no significant effects of soybean flour fortified bread on metabolic profile. We found a reduction in serum triglycerides (change difference: -3.7, P = 0.82, serum low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (change difference: -11.2, P = 0.50, insulin (change difference: -3.6, P = 0.7, and homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (change differences: -0.57, P = 0.45 after 6 weeks but these changes were not statistically significant. No significant effects of soybean flour fortified bread on serum concentrations of fasting blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, high-density lipoproteins and total cholesterol levels were found. Conclusions: Six weeks consumption of soybean flour fortified bread among diabetic patients had no significant effects on metabolic profile.

  10. The Selection and Prevalence of Natural and Fortified Calcium Food Sources in the Diets of Adolescent Girls (United States)

    Rafferty, Karen; Watson, Patrice; Lappe, Joan M.


    Objective: To assess the impact of calcium-fortified food and dairy food on selected nutrient intakes in the diets of adolescent girls. Design: Randomized controlled trial, secondary analysis. Setting and Participants: Adolescent girls (n = 149) from a midwestern metropolitan area participated in randomized controlled trials of bone physiology…

  11. [Folic acid fortified foods available in Spain: types of products, level of fortification and target population groups]. (United States)

    Samaniego Vaesken, M L; Alonso-Aperte, E; Varela-Moreiras, G


    Folic acid is a potentially relevant factor in the prevention of a number of pathologies (congenital abnormalities, cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer and neurocognitive decline). This has led to the introduction of different strategies in order to increase folate intake: nutritional education, pharmacological supplementation and mandatory or voluntary fortification of staple foods with folic acid. In Spain there is a growing number of folic acid fortified products on a voluntary basis, but there is also a lack of reliable data to assess their impact on the population's dietary folate intakes. To gather a better knowledge of folic acid food fortification practices in Spain. A Food Composition Database was developed using data from a market study. Also, previously published data of unfortified staple foods from Food Composition Tables was reviewed. The Database included 260 folic acid fortified food items and it was periodically updated. Food groups included were primarily "Cereals and derivatives" (52%) followed by "Dairy products". Most of these foodstuffs lacked a target population for their consumption (37%) or were aimed at "Weight control" (28%) and "Children" (23%), but only 2% targeted women at a reproductive age. Number of unfortified foods included was 690. Fortification levels declared by manufacturers ranged between 15 and 430% of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for folic acid per 100 g/ml, and simultaneous addition of B6 and B12 vitamins was observed in 75% of the products. Currently, Spain market offers a significant number of folic acid fortified products on a voluntary basis and at a level > or = 15% of the RDA per 100 g/ml or serving declared by manufacturers.

  12. Process optimization and oxidative stability of omega-3 ice cream fortified with flaxseed oil microcapsules. (United States)

    Gowda, Avinash; Sharma, Vivek; Goyal, Ankit; Singh, A K; Arora, Sumit


    Microencapsulated flaxseed oil powder (MFOP) was supplemented for the fortification of α-linolenic acid (ALA, ω-3 fatty acid) in ice cream. Processing parameters were optimized in terms of the stage of homogenization of ice-cream mix, level of fortification (3, 4 and 5%) and flavors (vanilla, butter scotch and strawberry). Data revealed that free fatty acids increased significantly during first 15 days in all the samples and then remained constant. Peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid value first increased up to 30 and 45 days, respectively; and then decreased followed by a gradual increase up to 120 days. Fatty acids profile showed 18.74-21.38% decrease in ALA content in fortified ice creams after 120 days. A serving of 100 g of freshly prepared functional ice cream was able to meet ~ 45% of the RDA (1.4 g ALA/day), which reduced to 35.37-36.56% on the end of storage i.e. 120 days. Overall, it can be concluded that MFOP was oxidative stable in ice-cream throughout the storage, which could be fortified successfully at 4% (w/w) level.

  13. Calcium and vitamin D fortified milk reduces bone turnover and improves bone density in postmenopausal women over 1 year. (United States)

    Kruger, Marlena C; Chan, Yoke Mun; Lau, Lee Ting; Lau, Chin Chin; Chin, Yit Siew; Kuhn-Sherlock, Barbara; Todd, Joanne M; Schollum, Linda M


    In Malaysia, hip fracture incidence is higher in Chinese women than other ethnic groups. This study compared the effects of a high-calcium vitamin D fortified milk with added FOS-inulin versus regular milk over 1 year on aspects of bone health in Chinese postmenopausal women in Malaysia. One-hundred and twenty-one women (mean age 59 (± 4) years) were randomized into two groups: control (n = 60; regular milk, 428 mg calcium per day) or intervention (n = 61; fortified milk at 1200 mg calcium, 96 mg magnesium, 2.4 mg zinc, 15 μg vitamin D and 4 g FOS-inulin per day). At baseline, weeks 12, 24, 36 and 52, parathyroid hormone (PTH), C-Telopeptide of Type I Collagen (CTx-1), Procollagen I Intact N-Terminal propeptide (PINP) and vitamin D levels were assessed. Bone density (BMD) was measured at baseline and week 52 using a GE Lunar iDXA. Body mass index, lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD did not differ between groups at baseline. Over 52 weeks, mean plasma 25 (OH) D 3 levels increased to 74.8 nmol/L (intervention group) or remained at 63.1 nmol/L (control group) (p milk, the fortified milk suppressed bone turnover markers and tended to increase femoral neck BMD.

  14. Memória e esquecimento nas práticas punitivas

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    Carvalho, Salo de


    Full Text Available O estudo avalia as práticas punitivas como mnemotécnicas, aproximando a perspectiva filosófica de Nietzsche e a teoria agnóstica da pena. A hipótese desenvolvida na investigação é de que a ritualização e institucionalização dos castigos, através dos primitivos procedimentos penais, atuam como mecanismos de manutenção da memória dos delitos, da "culpa moral" e do "sentimento de dever"

  15. Composição química e aminoacídica e coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos de farinhas de penas e sangue determinados em galos cecectomizados Chemical and amino acid composition and true digestibility coefficients of amino acids of feather and blood meals, determined in cecectomized cocks

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    Cinthia Eyng


    Full Text Available Foram determinados a composição química e aminoacídica e os coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos (CDVaa de farinhas de penas e sangue para aves obtidas de diferentes fornecedores. Utilizaram-se 30 galos cecectomizados distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro farinhas de penas e sangue (farinhas 1, 2, 3 e 4 e um tratamento no qual as aves permaneceram em jejum, seis repetições sendo a unidade experimental composta por um galo. As variações na composição química das farinhas de penas e sangue podem estar relacionadas à falta de padronização no processamento a que são submetidas. Os coeficientes médios de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos essenciais e não-essenciais para as farinhas de penas 1, 2, 3 e 4 são, respectivamente, 75,14 e 68,41; 73,34 e 67,17; 78,99 e 75,41; 78,55 e 73,40%.Chemical and amino acid composition and true digestibility coefficients of amino acids of feather and blood meals for birds from different suppliers were determined. Thirty cecectomized cocks were distributed in a completely randomized design, with 4 different feather and blood meals (meals 1, 2, 3 and 4 and one treatment in which the birds remained fasting, with six replications as the experimental unit composed of one rooster. The variations in the chemical composition of the feather and blood meals can be related to the lack of standardization in the processing to which they are submitted. Mean true digestibility coefficients of essential and non essential amino acid for feather and blood meals 1,2, 3 and 4 are 75.14 and 68.41; 73.34 and 67.17; 78.99 and 75.41; 78.55 and 73.40%, respectively.

  16. Comparison of hyperpronation and supination‑flexion techniques in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jul 24, 2013 ... Green DA, Linares YM, Garcia Pena MB, Greenberg M, Baker RL: Randomized comparison of pain perception during radial head subluxation using supination‑ flexion or forced pronation. Pediatr Emerg Care 2006;22:235‑8. 8. McDonald LJ, Whitelaw C, Goldsmith L. Radial head subluxation: Comparing.


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    Vanessa Raíres Ribeiro de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Os ensinamentos deixados pelo Marquês de Beccaria costumam ser bastante ressaltados quando se aborda o direito penal material. Entretanto, pouco se fala de sua contribuição para o processo penal, deveras significativa, pois seu pensamento provocou verdadeira revolução na maneira de encará-lo, que de um mero ritual de aplicação das penas passa a ser concebido como instrumento de contenção do poder de punir do Estado, devendo a aplicação da pena pautar-se por diversos princípios de natureza processual, por ele idealizados e ainda hoje incorporados no ordenamento jurídico de diversos países.

  18. Bioavailability and Safety of Vitamin D3 from Pizza Baked with Fortified Mozzarella Cheese: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Al-Khalidi, Banaz; Chiu, Winnie; Rousseau, Dérick; Vieth, Reinhold


    To assess the bioavailability and safety of vitamin D3 from fortified mozzarella cheese baked on pizza. In a randomized, double-blind trial, 96 apparently healthy, ethnically diverse adults were randomized to consume 200 IU or 28 000 IU vitamin D3 fortified mozzarella cheese with pizza once weekly for a total of 8 weeks. Blood and urine samples were collected at baseline (week 1) and final (week 10) visits for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and other biochemical measures. The primary outcome compared serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D between groups at 10 weeks. The secondary outcome evaluated the safety of vitamin D dosing protocol as measured by serum and urine calcium, phosphate, creatinine, and serum parathyroid hormone (PTH). Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D increased by 5.1 ± 11 nmol/L in the low-dose group (n = 47; P = 0.003), and by 73 ± 22 nmol/L in the high-dose group (n = 49; P pizza.

  19. Improvement of Nutritional Value of Instant Noodles by Fortifying with Catfish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) Flour


    Gusriadi, Depri; Sukmiwati, Mery; ', Dahlia


    This study was intended to evaluate the nutritional value of instant noodlesfortified with catfish flour. Instant noodles were prepared from a mixture of wheatflour (50%), sweat potato flour (10%), egg (15%), salt (0,7%), water (23%),cooking oil (0,3%) and Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (1%). The noodles wereprepared by fortifying the mixture with catfish flour at a level of 0%, 5%, 10%,and 15 % respectively. Instant noodles was evaluated for sensory quality andproximate composition (moisture, prot...

  20. A geologic and geophysic study of the Sierra de Pena Blanca, in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez S, F.A.


    Within the sistematic aerial exploration program realized by the Instituto Nacional de Energia Nuclear, an aeroradiometric study was carried out in the zone which includes Sierra de Pena Blanca. This study took into consideration the former and present geological investigations and compromised the sierra together with the bordering valleys. The main objective consists in the localization of areas presenting favorable conditions for the existence of uranium isotopes minerlization, in order to determine a mineralized body or ore deposit. For that purpose the area was explored with an airplane to which a differential gamma rays spectrometer was adapted, this spectrometer will show us clearly the integration of the number of radiations which fall into the detectors obtaining this way a valuable information about the radiometric anomalous sites of the studied zone and also about the existence of bismuth, thallium and the abundant potassium of the igneous rocks. These anomalies are under the stage of ground verification, this stage includes a superficial study and the study of the underlying rocks through drilling, radiometric logs and chemical analysis of the samples. In fact, through this method we can obtain very truthful data. (author)

  1. 76 FR 42154 - BioMETRX, Inc., Biopure Corp. (n/k/a PBBPC, Inc.), Distributed Energy Systems Corp., Fortified... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] BioMETRX, Inc., Biopure Corp. (n/k/a PBBPC, Inc.), Distributed Energy Systems Corp., Fortified Holdings Corp., Knobias, Inc., and One IP Voice... securities of Distributed Energy Systems Corp. because it has not filed any periodic reports since the period...

  2. [Impact of the provision of fortified cornmeal on anemia in preschoolers in the indigenous areas of Mexico]. (United States)

    Aguirre Arenas, Judith; Chávez Villasana, Adolfo; Medina Carranza, Blanca Estela; García Villegas, Elsy Aidee; Carrasco Quintero, María del Refugio; Guarneros Soto, Noé


    To estimate changes in anemia status in preschool age children at 9 months after the provision of soy- and iron-fortified cornflour. A non-experimental pre-post evaluation study was performed in a sample of 98 boys and 96 boys aged between 6 and 24 months. We analyzed demographic, anthropometric, and biochemical variables. During the 9-month period, the hemoglobin level increased from 11.0 to 11.9 mg/dL (p<0,001). The prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin <11.0mg/dL) decreased from 52.6% to 25.3% (p<0,001). The indicators of height for age and body mass index changed from -2.1 (-5.5 to 2.8) to -2.3 (-6.5 to 1.3) (p<0,001) and from 0,4 (-3.1 to 2.9) to 0,7 (-2.2 to 3.9) (p<0,001), respectively. The decreased prevalence of anemia suggests that the provision of soy- (3%) and iron-fortified flour is a viable alternative for combating childhood anemia. Copyright © 2012 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  3. New Methodologies for the Documentation of Fortified Architecture in the State of Ruins (United States)

    Fallavollita, F.; Ugolini, A.


    Fortresses and castles are important symbols of social and cultural identity providing tangible evidence of cultural unity in Europe. They are items for which it is always difficult to outline a credible prospect of reuse, their old raison d'être- namely the military, political and economic purposes for which they were built- having been lost. In recent years a Research Unit of the University of Bologna composed of architects from different disciplines has conducted a series of studies on fortified heritage in the Emilia Romagna region (and not only) often characterized by buildings in ruins. The purpose of this study is mainly to document a legacy, which has already been studied in depth by historians, and previously lacked reliable architectural surveys for the definition of a credible as well as sustainable conservation project. Our contribution will focus on different techniques and methods used for the survey of these architectures, the characteristics of which- in the past- have made an effective survey of these buildings difficult, if not impossible. The survey of a ruin requires, much more than the evaluation of an intact building, reading skills and an interpretation of architectural spaces to better manage the stages of documentation and data processing. Through a series of case studies of fortified buildings in ruins, we intend to describe the reasons that guided the choice of the methods and tools used and to highlight the potentials and the limits of these choices in financial terms.

  4. Gold kiwifruit consumed with an iron-fortified breakfast cereal meal improves iron status in women with low iron stores: a 16-week randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Beck, Kathryn; Conlon, Cathryn A; Kruger, Rozanne; Coad, Jane; Stonehouse, Welma


    Ascorbic acid, and more recently, the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin have been shown to enhance Fe absorption. However, it is not clear whether Fe status improves when foods high in ascorbic acid and carotenoids are consumed with Fe-fortified meals. The present study aimed to investigate whether consuming high v. low ascorbic acid-, lutein- and zeaxanthin-rich fruit (gold kiwifruit v. banana) with Fe-fortified breakfast cereal and milk improved Fe status in women with low Fe stores. Healthy women aged 18-44 years (n 89) with low Fe stores (serum ferritin ≤ 25 μg/l and Hb ≥ 115 g/l) were randomly stratified to receive Fe-fortified breakfast cereal (16 mg Fe as ferrous sulfate), milk and either two gold kiwifruit or one banana (164 mg v. not detectable ascorbic acid; 526 v. 22·90 μg lutein and zeaxanthin, respectively) at breakfast every day for 16 weeks. Biomarkers of Fe status and dietary intake were assessed at baseline and end in the final sample (n 69). Median serum ferritin increased significantly in the kiwifruit group (n 33) compared with the banana group (n 36), with 10·0 (25th, 75th percentiles 3·0, 17·5) v. 1·0 (25th, 75th percentiles - 2·8, 6·5) μg/l (P lutein- and zeaxanthin-rich fruit to a breakfast cereal fortified with ferrous sulfate is a feasible approach to improve Fe status in women with low Fe stores.

  5. Corn-Soy-Blend Fortified with Phosphorus to Prevent Refeeding Hypophosphatemia in Undernourished Piglets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hother, Anne-Louise; Lykke, Mikkel; Martinussen, Torben


    Background Phosphorus (P) levels in refeeding diets are very important as undernourished children are at risk of hypophosphatemia during refeeding. For this reason, conventional corn-soyblends (CSB) have been reformulated by the World Food Programme to obtain a mono-calcium-phosphate fortified...... and undernutrition was induced with a nutritionally inadequate pure maize diet for 7 weeks, after which they were refed for 3 weeks with either CSB+ (n = 10), CSB++ (n = 10) or CSB+/wp (n = 10). For reference, a fourth group continued on the maize diet (REF, n = 10). Results Following induction of undernutrition...

  6. Cold Extrusion but Not Coating Affects Iron Bioavailability from Fortified Rice in Young Women and Is Associated with Modifications in Starch Microstructure and Mineral Retention during Cooking. (United States)

    Hackl, Laura; Speich, Cornelia; Zeder, Christophe; Sánchez-Ferrer, Antoni; Adelmann, Horst; de Pee, Saskia; Tay, Fabian; Zimmermann, Michael B; Moretti, Diego


    Background: Rice can be fortified with the use of hot or cold extrusion or coating, but the nutritional qualities of the resulting rice grains have never been directly compared. Objective: Using fortified rice produced by coating or hot or cold extrusion, we compared 1 ) iron and zinc absorption with the use of stable isotopes, 2 ) iron and zinc retention during cooking, and 3 ) starch microstructure. Methods: We conducted 2 studies in young women: in study 1 [ n = 19; mean ± SD age: 26.2 ± 3.4 y; body mass index (BMI; in kg/m 2 ): 21.3 ± 1.6], we compared the fractional iron absorption (FAFe) from rice meals containing isotopically labeled ferric prophosphate ( 57 FePP), zinc oxide (ZnO), citric acid, and micronutrients fortified through hot extrusion (HER1) with rice meals fortified through cold extrusion containing 57 FePP, ZnO, citric acid, and micronutrients (CER); in study 2 ( n = 22; age: 24 ± 4 y; BMI: 21.2 ± 1.3), we compared FAFe and fractional zinc absorption (FAZn) from rice meals fortified through hot extrusion (HER2) compared with rice meals fortified through coating containing 57 FePP, ZnO, a citric acid and trisodium cirate mixture (CA/TSC), and micronutrients (COR) relative to rice meals extrinsically fortified with ferrous sulfate (reference). Rice types HER1 and CER contained citric acid, whereas types HER2 and COR contained CA/TSC. We assessed retention during standardized cooking experiments and characterized the rice starch microstructure. Results: FAFe (95% CI) was greater from CER [2.2% (1.4%, 3.4%)] than from HER1 [1.2% (0.7%, 2.0%)] ( P = 0.036). There was no difference in FAFe between HER2 [5.1% (3.7%, 7.1%)] and COR [4.0% (2.9%, 5.4%)] ( P = 0.14), but FAFe from COR was lower than that from the reference meal [6.6% (4.9%, 9.0%)] ( P = 0.003), and the geometric mean FAZn (95% CI) did not differ between HER2 [9.5% (7.9%, 11.6%)] and COR [9.6% (8.7%, 10.7%)] ( P = 0.92). Cooking in a rice-to-water ratio of 1:2 resulted in iron and zinc

  7. As contribuições de Jacob Burckhardt ao Manual de História da Arte de Franz Kugler (1848

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cássio da Silva Fernandes


    Full Text Available Entre junho e setembro de 1847, o historiador suíço Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897 trabalhou em Berlim como assistente de seu ex-professor, Franz Kugler (1808-1858, na segunda edição, revista e ampliada, do Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte de 1848. Esta obra era parte do amplo estudo histórico-artístico, iniciado por Kugler na década de 1830, que simbolizou o nascimento da moderna história universal da arte em língua alemã. No que se refere a Burckhardt, a participação no Manual de História da Arte deixou transparecer elementos de sua futura descoberta historiográfica: a Renascença italiana. Buscaremos, nas infinitas linhas da segunda edição do manual de Kugler, os traços da pena de Burckhardt, onde cintilam dois componentes:de um lado, a arte como expressão fundamental para o entendimento histórico; de outro, a passagem que conduz da Idade Média ao Renascimento e o papel da Itália nessa transformação.Between June and September of 1847, Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897 worked in Berlin as an assistant tom his former professor, Franz Kugler (1808-1858, in the second edition, revised and amplified, of Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte of 1848. This work was part of a broad historic-artistic study, started by Kugler in the 1830s.This study symbolized the birth of the modern universal art history in the German language. Related to Burckhardt, the participation in the History of Art Manual let elements of his future historiographical discovery appear: the Italian Renascence. We will try to get, therefore, in the infinite lines of the second edition of Kugler's manual, the traces of Burckhardt's words. In such traces, two components scintillate: on one side, the art as fundamental expression for the historical understanding; on the other, the passage that leads from Middle Age to Renascence and Italy's role in this transformation.

  8. Análisis del sistema de administración de penas y castigos en Colombia. Un estudio del establecimiento carcelario Modelo de Bogotá. Desde la obra Vigilar y Castigar. 2000-2005


    Vanegas Valbuena, Albeiro


    El interés del presente estudio consiste en analizar el tema del sistema de administración de penas y castigos colombiano, entre 2000 y 2005; a la luz de los planteamientos de Michel Foucault, en su obra Vigilar y Castigar; en lo concerniente al encierro como castigo y los elementos que se pueden desprenden: saber, disciplina, resistencia. Mediante una conjunta contextualización histórica y conceptual; se va haciendo una caracterización del funcionamiento, estructura, misión, objetivo etc.; ...

  9. Regulatory Monitoring of Fortified Foods: Identifying Barriers and Good Practices (United States)

    Rowe, Laura A; Vossenaar, Marieke; Garrett, Greg S


    While fortification of staple foods and condiments has gained enormous global traction, poor performance persists throughout many aspects of implementation, most notably around the critical element of regulatory monitoring, which is essential for ensuring foods meet national fortification standards. Where coverage of fortified foods is high, limited nutritional impact of fortification programs largely exists due to regulatory monitoring that insufficiently identifies and holds producers accountable for underfortified products. Based on quality assurance data from 20 national fortification programs in 12 countries, we estimate that less than half of the samples are adequately fortified against relevant national standards. In this paper, we outline key findings from a literature review, key informant interviews with 11 fortification experts, and semi-quantitative surveys with 39 individuals from regulatory agencies and the food fortification industry in 17 countries on the perceived effectiveness of regulatory monitoring systems and barriers to compliance against national fortification standards. Findings highlight that regulatory agencies and industry disagree on the value that enforcement mechanisms have in ensuring compliance against standards. Perceived political risk of enforcement and poorly resourced inspectorate capacity appear to adversely reinforce each other within an environment of unclear legislation to create a major hurdle for improving overall compliance of fortification programs against national standards. Budget constraints affect the ability of regulatory agencies to create a well-trained inspector cadre and improve the detection and enforcement of non-compliant and underfortified products. Recommendations to improve fortification compliance include improving technical capacity; ensuring sustained leadership, accountability, and funding in both the private and the public sectors; and removing political barriers to ensure consistent detection of

  10. Fortified Iodine Milk Improves Iodine Status and Cognitive Abilities in Schoolchildren Aged 7-9 Years Living in a Rural Mountainous Area of Morocco. (United States)

    Zahrou, Fatima Ezzahra; Azlaf, Mehdi; El Menchawy, Imane; El Mzibri, Mohamed; El Kari, Khalid; El Hamdouchi, Asmaa; Mouzouni, Fatima-Zahra; Barkat, Amina; Aguenaou, Hassan


    Iodine is required for the production of the thyroid hormones essential for the growth and development of the brain. All forms of iodine deficiency (ID) affect the mental development of the child. Our study aims to assess the impact of ID on the intellectual development of Moroccan schoolchildren and to evaluate the effect of consumption of fortified milk on reducing ID. In a double-blind controlled trial conducted on schoolchildren, children were divided into two groups to receive fortified milk (30% of cover of RDI iodine) or nonfortified milk for 9 months. Urinary iodine was analyzed using the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction, a dynamic cognitive test using Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices to assess learning potential was performed at baseline and end line, and anthropometric assessment was done only at baseline. The study included schoolchildren who were severely iodine deficient. The prevalence of malnutrition was high in both groups; in this study, we found improvements in iodine status and in cognitive abilities among Moroccan schoolchildren. Our study showed that the consumption of fortified milk led to a clear improvement in iodine status and also appeared to have a favorable effect on the cognitive ability of Moroccan schoolchildren in a rural mountainous region.

  11. Reflexões sobre o processo histórico-discursivo do uso da legítima defesa da honra no Brasil e a construção das mulheres Reflections on the historical-discursive process of the use of the legitimate defence of honour in Brazil and the construction of women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Margarita Danielle Ramos


    Full Text Available O presente artigo busca compreender, à luz da teoria de gênero, como, ainda hoje, nos julgamentos de assassinatos de mulheres a prerrogativa da legítima defesa da honra tem sido usada na defesa do réu como tentativa de reversão da pena de homicídio qualificado. Para tanto, fizemos um estudo dos códigos da legislação vigente no Brasil relacionados ao tema de nosso trabalho desde o período colonial até os dias de hoje. O trabalho procura mostrar como o assassinato das mulheres é o final de uma rede de violações contra elas que tem seu início na forma como as mulheres são produzidas pelo discurso.This work uses a gender perspective to analyse the discourse in six documents in the jurisprudence of Minas Gerais. The objective is to understand how lawyers appeal until the present date to the legitimate defence of honour in trials of men who have killed a woman in order to avoid punishment for their crime. The analysis is based on two sets of studies: the study of the legislation concerning the concept of honour since the colonial period in Brazil and the study of the struggle that the Brazilian feminist movement has undertaken to remove violence against women from the private sphere and turn it into gender violence. The work attempts to show that the murder of women is the final step in a chain of violations against women, which begins in the devalued way that women are produced in discourse.

  12. Effect of package light transmittance on the vitamin content of milk, part 3: Fortified UHT low-fat milk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Saffert, A.; Pieper, G.; Jetten, J.


    This work is the third and last part of a milk study evaluating the effect of package light transmittance on the vitamin content of milk, in this case on fortified UHT low-fat milk. The milk was stored under light with an intensity of 700 lux in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles with varying

  13. Efficacy of iron-fortified whole maize flour on iron status of schoolchildren in Kenya: a randomised controlled trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Andang'o, P.E.A.; Osendarp, S.J.M.; Ayah, R.; West, C.E.; Mwaniki, D.; Wolf, de C.A.; Kraaijenhagen, R.; Kok, F.J.; Verhoef, H.


    Background Sodium iron edetic acid (NaFeEDTA) might be a more bioavailable source of iron than electrolytic iron, when added to maize flour. We aimed to assess the effect, on children's iron status, of consumption of whole maize flour fortified with iron as NaFeEDTA or electrolytic iron. Methods 516

  14. Cost-effectiveness of milk powder fortified with potassium to decrease blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular events among the adult population in China: a Markov model. (United States)

    Dainelli, Livia; Xu, Tingting; Li, Min; Zimmermann, Diane; Fang, Hai; Wu, Yangfeng; Detzel, Patrick


    To model the long-term cost-effectiveness of consuming milk powder fortified with potassium to decrease systolic blood pressure (SBP) and prevent cardiovascular events. A best case scenario analysis using a Markov model was conducted. 8.67% of 50-79 year olds who regularly consume milk in China, including individuals with and without a prior diagnosis of hypertension. The model simulated the potential impact of a daily intake of two servings of milk powder fortified with potassium (+700 mg/day) vs the consumption of a milk powder without potassium fortification, assuming a market price equal to 0.99 international dollars (intl$; the consumption of a milk powder without potassium fortification, assuming a market price equal to intl$0.99 for the latter and to intl$1.12 for the first (+13.13%). Both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of the results. Estimates of the incidence of cardiovascular events and subsequent mortality in China were derived from the literature as well as the effect of increasing potassium intake on blood pressure. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was used to determine the cost-effectiveness of a milk powder fortified with potassium taking into consideration the direct medical costs associated with the cardiovascular events, loss of working days and health utilities impact. With an ICER equal to int$4711.56 per QALY (quality-adjusted life year) in the best case scenario and assuming 100% compliance, the daily consumption of a milk powder fortified with potassium shown to be a cost-effective approach to decrease SBP and reduce cardiovascular events in China. Healthcare savings due to prevention would amount to intl$8.41 billion. Sensitivity analyses showed the robustness of the results. Together with other preventive interventions, the consumption of a milk powder fortified with potassium could represent a cost-effective strategy to attenuate the rapid rise in

  15. Gallic acid as a protective antioxidant against anthocyanin degradation and color loss in vitamin-C fortified cranberry juice. (United States)

    Roidoung, Sunisa; Dolan, Kirk D; Siddiq, Muhammad


    The objective of this study was to evaluate different antioxidants for anthocyanin (ACY) retention in vitamin C fortified cranberry juice and assess its quality. Cranberry juice was fortified with 40-80mg/100mL vitamin C and added hesperidin, catechin, and gallic acid at different concentrations. Juice was pasteurized at 85°C for 1min and stored at 23°C for 16days. ACYs, vitamin C, color intensity, and browning index (BI) were evaluated at 2-day intervals. Gallic acid was found to be the most effective antioxidant against ACYs degradation and significantly (p<0.05) increased red color intensity by 37% and ACY concentration by 41%, compared to the control. After 16-day storage, the BI of gallic acid-added juice was significantly lower (0.80 vs 1.00) than the control juice. The outcome of this research provided a potential solution of using gallic acid to preserve a health-beneficial component (ACYs), and endogenous red color in cranberry juice. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Breads Fortified with Freeze-Dried Vegetables: Quality and Nutritional Attributes. Part 1: Breads Containing Oil as an Ingredient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viren Ranawana


    Full Text Available There is increasing emphasis on reformulating processed foods to make them healthier. This study for the first time comprehensively investigated the effects of fortifying bread (containing oil as an ingredient with freeze-dried vegetables on its nutritional and physico-chemical attributes. Breads fortified with carrot, tomato, beetroot or broccoli were assessed for nutrition, antioxidant potential, storage life, shelf stability, textural changes and macronutrient oxidation. Furthermore, using an in vitro model the study for the first time examined the impact of vegetable addition on the oxidative stability of macronutrients during human gastro-intestinal digestion. As expected, adding vegetables improved the nutritional and antioxidant properties of bread. Beetroot and broccoli significantly improved bread storage life. None of the vegetables significantly affected bread textural changes during storage compared to the control. Lipid oxidation in fresh bread was significantly reduced by all four types of vegetables whilst protein oxidation was lowered by beetroot, carrot and broccoli. The vegetables demonstrated varying effects on macronutrient oxidation during gastro-intestinal digestion. Beetroot consistently showed positive effects suggesting its addition to bread could be particularly beneficial.

  17. Tolerance Testing for Cooked Porridge made from a Sorghum Based Fortified Blended Food. (United States)

    Chanadang, Sirichat; Chambers, Edgar Iv; Alavi, Sajid


    Products that will be prepared by consumers must be tolerant to various cooking procedures that those consumers may use. Fortified blended foods (FBFs) are used as a source of nutrition for disaster or famine relief in developing countries. Many FBFs are served as porridge and may have a wide of solids content, cooking times and variations in added ingredients. Sorghum is being examined as a potential alternative to wheat and corn based FBF products. This study was intended to evaluate the tolerance to preparation variations for porridge made as a FBF intended for food aid. Whole Sorghum Soy Blend (WSSB), a fortified, extruded, ground cooked cereal was selected as the FBF for this study. Descriptive sensory analysis and Bostwick flow rate measurements were performed to evaluate the tolerance of porridge products made from variations in ingredients and cooking procedures. The results showed that most sensory properties were only marginally affected although some expected large differences in a few sensory properties were found when solids content varied (that is, thickness, adhesiveness) or fruit (banana flavor) was added. Moreover, Bostwick flow rate was a reasonable indicator of thickness characteristics of porridges in some cases, but not in others. Tolerance testing showed that the sensory properties of WSSB had high tolerance to variations in cooking procedures, which means that the product can be modified during preparation by consumers without having a major impact on most sensory properties other than ones they intended to change such as thickness, sweetness, or fruit flavor. © 2016 Institute of Food Technologists®


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    José Querino Tavares Neto


    Full Text Available O problema dos direitos humanos nas sociedades contemporâneas, válidos para todos os povos, independente do contexto social, os quais se acham plasmados em cartas, documentos internacionais e em diferentes Constituições, foi abordado no presente trabalho a partir do debate entre universalismo e relativismo. Partiu-se do estudo dos fundamentos filosóficos dos direitos humanos para a compreensão do seu conteúdo e a identificação de quem é o seu sujeito. Inicialmente, descreveu-se a razão de ser do universalismo e, como contraponto, enfatizou-se o pensamento de Wolfgang Kersting e Costas Douzinas, sem menosprezar as abordagens que buscam a interculturalidade como resposta. Na segunda parte do trabalho sistematizou-se o papel da jurisdição constitucional para a efetivação dos direitos humanos, a partir da constitucionalização das relações sociais, e abordou-se o fenômeno da judicialização da política sob diferentes recortes, de teoria da Constituição, da sociologia judiciária ou da ciência política. Defende-se que uma jurisdição constitucional necessita de uma tomada de posição quanto à fundamentação filosófica dos direitos humanos, evitando tanto o decisionismo judicial quanto a passividade. A matriz teórica da interculturalidade, que permite a busca pela cultura de cada país, tem mais peso na composição da análise e da proposição que será apresentada em relação à jurisdição constitucional. A metodologia de abordagem do tema é analítica e crítica, partindo-se da análise de conceitos jurídicos estabelecidos no material normativo e de várias referências teóricas. Ao final, buscou-se defender que ao mesmo tempo que o retorno à fundamentação filosófica dos direitos humanos é necessário para o estudo da jurisdição constitucional, não se pode descurar da busca por uma significação objetiva, que passa pela reflexão sobre o seu conteúdo moral, sob pena de diluição do seu conceito

  19. Fortified Iodine Milk Improves Iodine Status and Cognitive Abilities in Schoolchildren Aged 7–9 Years Living in a Rural Mountainous Area of Morocco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatima Ezzahra Zahrou


    Full Text Available Iodine is required for the production of the thyroid hormones essential for the growth and development of the brain. All forms of iodine deficiency (ID affect the mental development of the child. Our study aims to assess the impact of ID on the intellectual development of Moroccan schoolchildren and to evaluate the effect of consumption of fortified milk on reducing ID. In a double-blind controlled trial conducted on schoolchildren, children were divided into two groups to receive fortified milk (30% of cover of RDI iodine or nonfortified milk for 9 months. Urinary iodine was analyzed using the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction, a dynamic cognitive test using Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices to assess learning potential was performed at baseline and end line, and anthropometric assessment was done only at baseline. The study included schoolchildren who were severely iodine deficient. The prevalence of malnutrition was high in both groups; in this study, we found improvements in iodine status and in cognitive abilities among Moroccan schoolchildren. Our study showed that the consumption of fortified milk led to a clear improvement in iodine status and also appeared to have a favorable effect on the cognitive ability of Moroccan schoolchildren in a rural mountainous region.

  20. Efficacy and Stability studies of microbial folate fortified fruit juices prepared using probiotic microorganism. (United States)

    Deep, S; Ojha, S; Kundu, S


    Folate, natural form of water soluble vitamin folic acid, is significant for humans as involved in most important metabolic reactions i.e. nucleotide synthesis and amino acid inter conversions. Thus its deficiency causes neural tube defects in newborns and cardiovascular diseases, and cancers. Humans cannot synthesize folate de novo so consumption through diet is essential. Natural food sources, supplements and fortified food products are the choices available to complete the Daily recommended intake. However microbial fortification using probiotics recently gained wide attention due to dual advantage of natural food matrix with enhanced folate content along with the probiotics benefits. Current study was focused on the microbial fortification of fruit juices and their efficacy and stability studies. Freshly filtered orange and tomato juice was prepared and inoculated with Streptococcus thermophilus NCIM 2904. Incubation was done at 40°C and samples were collected at different time interval. Folate extraction was done using human plasma and content was measured by microbiological assay using Lactobacillus casei NCIM No. 2364. Efficacy and stability studies were carried out to ensure the quality of juices to be consumed in terms of folate content, viable cell count and pH after 4 weeks of storage at low temperature. Positive results were observed as folate content was quite stable whereas viable cell count was also found to be significant till some time without adding any preservatives. The results indicated that fortified fruit juices could be used as probiotic beverages with enhanced folate content.

  1. Effect of fortified complementary food supplementation on child growth in rural Bangladesh: a cluster-randomized trial. (United States)

    Christian, Parul; Shaikh, Saijuddin; Shamim, Abu Ahmed; Mehra, Sucheta; Wu, Lee; Mitra, Maithilee; Ali, Hasmot; Merrill, Rebecca D; Choudhury, Nuzhat; Parveen, Monira; Fuli, Rachel D; Hossain, Md Iqbal; Islam, Md Munirul; Klemm, Rolf; Schulze, Kerry; Labrique, Alain; de Pee, Saskia; Ahmed, Tahmeed; West, Keith P


    Growth faltering in the first 2 years of life is high in South Asia where prevalence of stunting is estimated at 40-50%. Although nutrition counselling has shown modest benefits, few intervention trials of food supplementation exist showing improvements in growth and prevention of stunting. A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted in rural Bangladesh to test the effect of two local, ready-to-use foods (chickpea and rice-lentil based) and a fortified blended food (wheat-soy-blend++, WSB++) compared with Plumpy'doz, all with nutrition counselling vs nutrition counselling alone (control) on outcomes of linear growth (length and length-for-age z-score, LAZ), stunting (LAZ food groups, provided with one of the allocated supplements daily for a year. Growth deceleration occurred from 6 to 18 months of age but deceleration in LAZ was lower (by 0.02-0.04/month) in the Plumpy'doz (P = 0.02), rice-lentil (food groups relative to the control. In rural Bangladesh, small amounts of daily fortified complementary foods, provided for a year in addition to nutrition counselling, modestly increased linear growth and reduced stunting at 18 months of age. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association.

  2. Krasnoye Syundyukovo I Fortifi ed Settlement: Investigation in 2014

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    Gismatulin Marat R.


    Full Text Available The article devoted to the results of new investigations of Krasnoye Syundyukovo I fortified settlement situated on the right bank of the Sviyaga river in the Ulyanovsk region. The site is one of the pre-Mongol towns of the Volga Bulgaria. A brick bath-house built in the 11th – 12th is its most well-known structure studied in 1991. Archaeological investigation of this site resumed in the summer of 2014. Two digs of 60 m2 (number VI and VII were organized on the territory of the settlement. Dig VII in the western part of the settlement yielded a household structure (cellar and numerous and various finds typical for the material culture of the population of a pre-Mongol Bulgar town: local ceramics, metal ware, as well as residues and slag, fragments of clothing and garnishment, etc. Dig VII had a significant number of artefacts associated with crafts and trade, which characterizes the activities of the population.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ren, M.; Goodell, P.; Kelts, A.; Anthony, E.Y.; Fayek, M.; Fan, C.; Beshears, C.


    The Nopal I uranium deposit is located in the Pena Blanca district, approximately 40 miles north of Chihuahua City, Mexico. The deposit was formed by hydrothermal processes within the fracture zone of welded silicic volcanic tuff. The ages of volcanic formations are between 35 to 44 m.y. and there was secondary silicification of most of the formations. After the formation of at least part of the uranium deposit, the ore body was uplifted above the water table and is presently exposed at the surface. Detailed petrographic characterization, electron microprobe backscatter electron (BSE) imagery, and selected x-ray maps for the samples from Nopal I high-grade ore document different uranium phases in the ore. There are at least two stages of uranium precipitation. A small amount of uraninite is encapsulated in silica. Hexavalent uranium may also have been a primary precipitant. The uranium phases were precipitated along cleavages of feldspars, and along fractures in the tuff. Energy dispersive spectrometer data and x-ray maps suggest that the major uranium phases are uranophane and weeksite. Substitutions of Ca and K occur in both phases, implying that conditions were variable during the mineralization/alteration process, and that compositions of the original minerals have a major influence on later stage alteration. Continued study is needed to fully characterize uranium behavior in these semi-arid to arid conditions


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M. Ren; P. Goodell; A. Kelts; E.Y. Anthony; M. Fayek; C. Fan; C. Beshears


    The Nopal I uranium deposit is located in the Pena Blanca district, approximately 40 miles north of Chihuahua City, Mexico. The deposit was formed by hydrothermal processes within the fracture zone of welded silicic volcanic tuff. The ages of volcanic formations are between 35 to 44 m.y. and there was secondary silicification of most of the formations. After the formation of at least part of the uranium deposit, the ore body was uplifted above the water table and is presently exposed at the surface. Detailed petrographic characterization, electron microprobe backscatter electron (BSE) imagery, and selected x-ray maps for the samples from Nopal I high-grade ore document different uranium phases in the ore. There are at least two stages of uranium precipitation. A small amount of uraninite is encapsulated in silica. Hexavalent uranium may also have been a primary precipitant. The uranium phases were precipitated along cleavages of feldspars, and along fractures in the tuff. Energy dispersive spectrometer data and x-ray maps suggest that the major uranium phases are uranophane and weeksite. Substitutions of Ca and K occur in both phases, implying that conditions were variable during the mineralization/alteration process, and that compositions of the original minerals have a major influence on later stage alteration. Continued study is needed to fully characterize uranium behavior in these semi-arid to arid conditions.

  5. Study of wheat breakfast rolls fortified with folic acid. The effect on folate status in women during a 3-month intervention. (United States)

    Johansson, Madelene; Witthöft, Cornelia M; Bruce, Ake; Jägerstad, Margaretha


    Folate has come into focus due to its protective role against child birth defects such as neural tube defects (NTD). Swedish authorities recommend all fertile women to increase their folate intake to 400 microg/day by eating folate-rich foods. Because not all women follow these recommendations, there is a discussion today about whether Sweden should introduce folic acid fortification in wheat flour and sifted rye flour. This decision needs knowledge about the bioavailability of folic acid from fortified foods. To investigate effects of two folic acid fortification levels on folate status in healthy female volunteers and to study the folic acid stability during the baking procedure and storage of the fortified breakfast rolls. Twenty-nine healthy women were recruited. Folic acid-fortified wheat breakfast rolls were baked with the purpose to contain 200 microg folic acid/roll (roll L) and 400 microg folic acid/roll (roll H). Fourteen women were given one roll/day of roll L (group L) and 15 one roll/day of roll H (group H) during 12 weeks of intervention. Fasting venous blood samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60 and 90. Serum homocysteine concentrations were determined using an immunoassay. Serum and erythrocyte folate concentrations were analysed using a protein-binding assay with fluorescent quantification. The folic acid concentration in the breakfast rolls was analysed by HPLC on days 0, 30, 60 and 90. Total folate concentration was measured with microbiological assay on day 45. Group L Group L had initially an average erythrocyte folate concentration of 577 +/- 93 nmol/L. After 90 days of intervention, an increase of 20 % (p level of 18.7 +/- 4.8 nmol/L at day 0. Thereafter, all women of group H had serum concentrations at or above the upper limit of quantification (23 nmol/L). At day 0, mean serum homocysteine concentrations were 8.4 +/- 1.7 micromol/L, which decreased by 16 % (p level of fortification seems to be sufficient to improve the folate status

  6. A luta entre impulso de vida e morte em "Viver!", de Machado de Assis

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    Adilson dos Santos


    Full Text Available O conto “Viver!”, de Machado de Assis, ambientase no sonho de Ahasverus, o judeu condenado a vagar pelo mundo imortalmente por ter empurrado Jesus no seu percurso para a crucificação. Este aspecto onírico mostra-se revelador para a compreensão do protagonista, uma vez que, da leitura de seu sonho, o leitor consegue chegar às suas aspirações mais profundas. O conto o apresenta como sendo o último dos homens e, por esta razão, prestes a morrer, já que a pena imposta duraria até o findar da espécie humana. À primeira vista, tal condenação se caracterizaria como sendo por demais funesta. Nesse sentido, para ele, morrer seria um alívio. Todavia, até então, a morte estava excluída de seu horizonte. Não poderia perder a vida, visto que havia perdido a morte, o que demonstra que a pena imposta lhe foi igualmente conveniente, pois lhe garantiu a longevidade. A situação vivida em seu sonho vem justamente assinalar aquilo que o judeu mais anseia: viver. Palavras-Chave: Sonho; Vida; Morte.


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    Adilson dos Santos


    Full Text Available O conto “Viver!”, de Machado de Assis, ambientase no sonho de Ahasverus, o judeu condenado a vagar pelo mundo imortalmente por ter empurrado Jesus no seu percurso para a crucificação. Este aspecto onírico mostra-se revelador para a compreensão do protagonista, uma vez que, da leitura de seu sonho, o leitor consegue chegar às suas aspirações mais profundas. O conto o apresenta como sendo o último dos homens e, por esta razão, prestes a morrer, já que a pena imposta duraria até o findar da espécie humana. À primeira vista, tal condenação se caracterizaria como sendo por demais funesta. Nesse sentido, para ele, morrer seria um alívio. Todavia, até então, a morte estava excluída de seu horizonte. Não poderia perder a vida, visto que havia perdido a morte, o que demonstra que a pena imposta lhe foi igualmente conveniente, pois lhe garantiu a longevidade. A situação vivida em seu sonho vem justamente assinalar aquilo que o judeu mais anseia: viver. Palavras-Chave: Sonho; Vida; Morte.

  8. Efeito da temperatura ambiente e do empenamento sobre o desempenho de frangas leves e semipesadas Effect of environmental temperature and feather coverage on the performance of two laying-type pullets lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ellen Hatsumi Fukayama


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para determinar os efeitos da temperatura ambiente e do empenamento das aves sobre o desempenho de duas linhagens de postura na fase de crescimento (10ª a 13ª semana de idade. Foram alojadas 480 aves de reposição da marca Hy-line, sendo 240 aves de cada linhagem W-36 (leve e Brown (semipesada, em 5 câmaras climáticas com temperaturas de 12, 18, 24, 30 e 36ºC. Em cada temperatura foram avaliadas 3 coberturas de pena; 100% (não depenada, 50% (depenada em 50% do corpo e 0% (totalmente depenada. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada segundo um esquema fatorial (5 x 3 x 2 sendo: 5 temperaturas, 3 porcentagens de cobertura de pena e 2 linhagens. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de regressão para a obtenção das curvas respostas com os melhores ajustes. A linhagem semipesada apresentou maior consumo de ração em relação à linhagem leve em todas as temperaturas. Houve diminuição do ganho de peso em função da redução no consumo de ração e aumento da temperatura. A linhagem leve apresentou uma maior amplitude nas faixas de conforto térmico (18,33ºC a 32,00ºC do que a linhagem semipesada (23,75ºC a 29,50ºC.This work aims to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature and feather covering on the performance of two laying-type lines pullets from (10 to 13 weeks old. Four hundred and eighteen Hy-line pullets, 240 birds of each strain W-36 (light and Brown (semi heavy were housed in five temperature controlled rooms at 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36ºC. At each temperature three feather coverings were evaluated: 100% (no plucked, 50% (50% of the body plucked and 0% (feathers removed. The statistical analysis was according to a 5 x 3 x 2 factorial scheme with 5 temperatures, 3 feather coverings and 2 strains. The data were analyzed by polynomial regression. The brown strain presented higher feed intake than the white strain at all temperatures. The decrease in feed intake with the temperature

  9. Reincidência criminal e sua atuação como circunstância agravante


    Chiquezi, Adler


    Este trabalho analisa a reincidência criminal e seu emprego como circunstância agravante da pena, visando apurar se a atual legislação pátria a trata de forma adequada conforme a evolução do Direito Penal. Para a realização desta dissertação, a reincidência é cotejada por meio de um procedimento racional que transita do geral para o particular. Verifica a origem da recidiva, suas classificações e os institutos afins; examina a evolução da reincidência no direito penal brasil...

  10. LA RESOCIALIZACIÓN COMO FIN DE LA PENA – una frustración en el sistema penitenciario y carcelario colombiano

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    Norberto Hernández Jiménez

    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se analiza la resocialización como fin principal de la pena privativa de la libertad en Colombia, durante su fase de ejecución. Para esto, se contextualiza la difícil situación por la que atraviesa el sistema penitenciario y carcelario colombiano que, conforme a lo declarado por la Corte Constitucional, se adecúa a un estado de cosas inconstitucional, donde la dignidad humana de las personas privadas de la libertad se encuentra seriamente comprometida. Dentro de esta realidad, que involucra un marcado hacinamiento carcelario, que, a su vez, propicia un ambiente de violencia, corrupción y desigualdad, la oferta y el acceso a los programas de resocialización son limitados, lo que impide la rehabilitación del individuo. La prueba de fuego en busca del cumplimiento de este fin no es superada, al observar como un gran porcentaje de los reclusos vuelve a prisión, dentro del fenómeno de la reincidencia.

  11. Redox-active labile iron in fortified flours from the Brazilian market Ferro lábil redox-ativo em farinhas fortificadas do mercado brasileiro

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    Breno Pannia Espósito


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To quantify the fraction of redox-active labile iron in iron-fortified flours acquired on the Brazilian market. METHODS: Samples of wheat flour, maize flour and breadcrumbs were extracted with buffers that mimic gastric juice, saliva and intestinal juice. Redox-active labile iron levels were assessed through the reaction of autoxidation of ascorbic acid catalyzed by iron in the presence of a fluorescence probe. RESULTS: Redox-active labile iron represents 1% to 9% of the total iron in the flour and breadcrumb samples, with the lowest values found under gastric juice conditions and the highest in the more alkaline media. Redox-active labile iron possibly arises from the decomposition of an iron-phytic acid complex. A positive correlation between redox-active labile iron and total iron was found in saline biomimetic fluids. CONCLUSION: Redox-active labile iron may be a risk factor for people with impaired antioxidant defenses, such as those who are atransferrinemic or iron overloaded (e.g. thalassemic. Total iron can be used to predict redox-active labile iron absorption at each stage of the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion of iron-fortified flours.OBJETIVO: Quantificar a porcentagem de ferro lábil redox ativo em farinhas fortificadas adquiridas no comércio popular. MÉTODOS: Amostras de farinha de trigo, fubá e rosca foram extraídas com tampões miméticos de suco gástrico, saliva e suco intestinal. Os níveis de ferro lábil redox ativo foram determinados por meio da reação de auto-oxidação do ácido ascórbico catalisada pelo ferro, em presença de uma sonda fluorimétrica. RESULTADOS: A fração de ferro lábil redox ativo representa entre 1% e 9% do ferro total nas farinhas estudadas, sendo os menores valores encontrados em condições miméticas do suco gástrico e os maiores nos meios mais alcalinos. Há indícios de que o ferro lábil redox ativo origina-se da decomposição de um complexo entre ferro e ácido f

  12. Comparison of topical fixed-combination fortified vancomycin-amikacin (VA solution) to conventional separate therapy in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer. (United States)

    Chiang, C-C; Lin, J-M; Chen, W-L; Chiu, Y-T; Tsai, Y-Y


    In an in vitro study, fixed-combination fortified vancomycin and amikacin ophthalmic solutions (VA solution) had the same potency and stable physical properties as the separate components. In this retrospective clinical study, we evaluated the efficacy of the topical VA solution in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer and comparison with separate topical fortified vancomycin and amikacin. Separate topical fortified eye drops was used prior to January 2004 and switched to the VA solution afterwards in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer. The medical records of 223 patients diagnosed with bacterial corneal ulcers between January 2002 and December 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. There were 122 patients in the VA group and 101 in the separate group. Cure was defined as complete healing of the ulcer accompanied by a nonprogressive stromal infiltrate on two consecutive visits. No significant difference was found between the VA and separate therapy group. The mean treatment duration was 15.4 days in the VA group and 16.1 days in the separate therapy group. The average hospital stay was 5.4 days (VA) and 7.2 days (separate antibiotics). Stromal infiltration regressed significantly without further expansion in both groups. All corneal ulcers completely re-epithelialized without complications related to drugs. VA solution provided similar efficacy to the conventional separate therapy in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers; however, it is more convenient and tolerable, promotes patient's compliance, avoids the washout effect, and reduces nurse utilization. Hence, VA solution is a good alternative to separate therapy.

  13. Association between Serum Unmetabolized Folic Acid Concentrations and Folic Acid from Fortified Foods. (United States)

    Palchetti, Cecília Zanin; Paniz, Clóvis; de Carli, Eduardo; Marchioni, Dirce M; Colli, Célia; Steluti, Josiane; Pfeiffer, Christine M; Fazili, Zia; Guerra-Shinohara, Elvira Maria


    To investigate the association between serum unmetabolized folic acid (UMFA) concentrations and folic acid from fortified foods and nutrients known as dietary methyl-group donors (folate, methionine, choline, betaine and vitamins B2, B6 and B12) in participants exposed to mandatory fortification of wheat and maize flours with folic acid. Cross-sectional study carried out with 144 healthy Brazilian participants, both sexes, supplement nonusers. Serum folate, UMFA, vitamin B12 and total plasma homocysteine (tHcy) were biochemically measured. Dietary intake was assessed by 2 non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls (24-HRs) and deattenuated energy-adjusted nutrient data were used for statistical analysis. Ninety eight (68.1%) participants were women. Median (interquartile range) age was 35.5 (28.0-52.0) years. Elevated serum folate concentrations (>45 nmol/L) were found in 17 (11.8%), while folate deficiency ( 1 nmol/L (90th percentile). UMFA concentrations were positively correlated with folic acid intake and negatively correlated to choline, methionine and vitamin B6 intakes. Participants in the lowest quartile of UMFA concentrations had lower dietary intake of total folate (DFEs) and folic acid, and higher dietary intake of methionine, choline and vitamin B6 than participants in the highest quartile of UMFA. Folic acid intake (OR [95% CI] = 1.02 [1.01-1.04)] and being a male (OR [95% CI] = 0.40 [0.19-0.87) were associated with increased and reduced odds for UMFA concentrations > 0.55 nmol/L (median values), respectively. UMFA concentrations were directly influenced by folic acid intake from fortified foods in a healthy convenience sample of adult Brazilians exposed to mandatory flour fortification with folic acid.

  14. Efficacy study of the consumption of milk fortified in vitamins and minerals on the nutritional and cognitive status of children in rural regions of Morocco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Manchawy, Imane; Baymou, El Mehdi; Amjed, Achour; Benjeddou, Kaoutar; El Haloui, Noureddine; Aguenaou, Hassan; Badahi, Ahmed; Rjimati, El Arbi


    Full text: The micronutrients deficiencies cause considerable economic losses. In Morocco, iron deficiency alone leads to a shortfall of about two billion dirhams a year. Iodine deficiency costs Morocco 1.48% of GDP in terms of lost productivity, support for mentally retarded children, school dropouts and infant mortality. In line with the National program for fight against micronutrients deficiencies and the National Nutrition Strategy 2011 – 2019, an efficacy study was conducted jointly by the UMNRA, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Education and the ''Foundation CL for Child Nutrition''. It is a longitudinal, randomized, double-blinded efficacy study conducted for 9 months (2012) on school children (7 – 9y), without preliminary deworming, living in rural areas at high altitude. The population consisted of 380 children. One group of the children (FG) received daily 200ml of UHT fortified whole milk (Vitamin A, vitamin D3, iron and iodine)(30% RDA), the other control group(NFG) received daily 200ml of non fortified whole milk . Anthropometric, socio-economic, food consumption and morbidity data were collected. Biological tests included retinol, vitamin D, hemoglobin, ferritine and urinary iodine. Children also received a cognitive test (Raven test) at T0, T4 and T9months. Results showed 18% reduction of stunting in the fortified group. The results of serum analyses proved the efficacy of the fortification. In fact, after 9 months of intervention we noted : a- elimination of vitamin A deficiency (dropped from 50% to 4%), b- reduction of vitamin D deficiency (from 60% to 25.5%), d- reduction of iodine deficiency (from 74.7% to 29.4%). It was also observed that the non fortified whole milk contributed in the decrease of these deficiencies, but there was no impact on the iron status (ferritine). Cognitive tests showed no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: This study showed the efficacy of the consumption of fortified milk on

  15. Feeding malnourished children with corn tortilla fortified with amino acids in Yucatán, México


    Ramón Canul, L. G.; Betancur Ancona, D. A.; Castellanos Ruelas, A. F.; Chel Guerrero, L. A.


    Caloric and protein malnutrition in children has led to the development of programs that design and distribute nutritionally enhanced products in México. That is why this study was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of consumption of corn tortillas fortified with lysine and tryptophan, on growth of malnourished preschool children in two rural areas of Yucatan. An original population of 156 pre-school children originated from two rural communities, Canicab and Ticopó, with ages between ...

  16. Instrumental and sensory properties of pea protein-fortified extruded rice snacks. (United States)

    Philipp, Claudia; Buckow, Roman; Silcock, Pat; Oey, Indrawati


    Characteristic attributes of pea-protein fortified, extruded rice snacks were evaluated by mechanical, acoustic and descriptive sensory analysis. The addition of pea protein isolate (0 to 45% (w/w)) to rice flour and extruder screw speed strongly affected the expansion behaviour and therefore, textural attributes of extruded snack products. The sensory panel described the texture of highly expanded extrudates as crisp, while low expanded extrudates were perceived as hard, crunchy and non-crisp. Results of the instrumental and sensory analysis were compared and showed a high correlation between mechanical and sensory hardness (r=0.98), as well as acoustic and sensory crispness (r=0.88). However, poor and/or negative correlations between acoustic and sensory hardness and crunchiness were observed (r=-0.35 and -0.84, respectively). Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



    Fernandes, David Augusto


    O presente artigo apresenta decisões judiciais, tanto na esfera interna como internacional, relativos ao instituto da Transferência de Presos Estrangeiros, meio de levar a reinserção social do preso, especificamente do preso condenado fora de seu país de origem, viabilizando sua transferência para seu país de origem ou de domicílio, para que possa no período de cumprimento da pena se integrar ao ambiente social de origem, levando-o a inserção social.

  18. Elementos da política e da teoria do Estado em De o espírito das leis de Montesquieu

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    Raquel Kritsch


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é introduzir os alunos no pensamento político de Charles-Louis de Secondat, mais conhecido como o barão de Montesquieu, a partir da teoria política e jurídica por ele desenvolvida em De o espírito das leis, obra que marcaria fortemente o pensamento jurídico bem como o desenho institucional do Estado constitucional moderno. Partindo-se das idéias fundantes de natureza e princípio das formas de governo, passando pela influência das causas físicas (ou materiais e sociais, discute-se a relação de causalidade de todos estes determinantes para aquilo que Montesquieu denomina “o espírito das leis”. Mostra-se ainda como o autor relaciona a liberdade política tanto à separação dos poderes do Estado e a um sistema de freios e contrapesos constitucionais quanto à brandura ou severidade das penas presente no sistema criminal de cada povo. Por fim, discute-se brevemente as noções de lei e direito natural no pensamento do autor.

  19. Physical and oxidative stability of fish oil-in-water emulsions fortified with enzymatic hydrolysates from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) roe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghelichi, Sakhi; Sørensen, Ann-Dorit Moltke; García Moreno, Pedro Jesús


    Physical and oxidative stability of 5% (by weight) cod liver oil-in-water emulsions fortified with common carp (C. carpio) roe protein hydrolysate (CRPH) were examined. CRPH was obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of discarded roe by using Alcalase 2.4 L for 30, 60, 90, and 120 min to yield different...

  20. Moderate consumption of white and fortified wine is associated with reduced odds of diabetic retinopathy. (United States)

    Fenwick, Eva K; Xie, Jing; Man, Ryan Eyn Kidd; Lim, Lyndell L; Flood, Victoria M; Finger, Robert P; Wong, Tien Y; Lamoureux, Ecosse L


    To explore the association between alcohol consumption and the severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR). In this cross-sectional study, patients with type 2 diabetes answered questions on consumption of low and full-strength beer, white wine/champagne, red wine, fortified wines, and spirits. Never, moderate and high consumption of each alcoholic beverage, and overall alcoholic beverage consumption, were defined as 14 standard drinks/week, respectively. DR was categorized into none; non vision-threatening DR (VTDR) and VTDR. Multivariable logistic regression determined the associations between alcohol consumption and DR. Of the 395 participants (mean age±SD [standard deviation] 65.9±10.4years; males=253), 188 (47.6%) consumed alcohol and 235 (59.5%) had any DR. Compared to no alcohol consumption, moderate alcohol consumption (overall) was significantly associated with reduced odds of any DR (OR=0.47, 95% CI [confidence interval] 0.26-0.85). Moderate consumption of white wine/champagne or fortified wine was also associated with reduced odds of any DR (OR=0.48, 95% CI 0.25-0.91, and OR=0.15, 95% CI 0.04-0.62, respectively). Similar results were observed for non-VTDR and VTDR. The amount and type of alcohol are associated with risk of DR in patients with type 2 diabetes. A longitudinal study is needed to assess the protective effect of alcohol consumption and DR. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. U-Series Disequilibria in Soils, Pena Blanca Natural Analog, Chihuahua, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D. French; E. Anthony; P. Goodell


    The Nopal I uranium deposit located in the Sierra Pena Blanca, Mexico. The deposit was mined in the early 1980s, and ore was stockpiled close by. This stockpile area was cleared and is now referred to as the Prior High Grade Stockpile (PHGS). Some of the high-grade boulders from the site rolled downhill when it was cleared in the 1990s. For this study soil samples were collected from the alluvium surrounding and underlying one of these boulders. A bulk sample of the boulder was also collected. Because the Prior High Grade Stockpile had no ore prior to the 1980s a maximum residence time for the boulder is about 25 years, this also means that the soil was at background as well. The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of uranium series radionuclides from ore to the soil. Transport is characterized by determining the activities of individual radionuclides and daughter to parent ratios. Isotopes of the uranium series decay chain detected include 210 Pb, 234 U, 230 Th, 226 Ra, 214 Pb, and 214 Bi. Peak areas for each isotope are determined using gamma-ray spectroscopy with a Canberra Ge (Li) detector and GENIE 2000 software. The boulder sample is close to secular equilibrium when compared to the standard BL-5 (Beaver Lodge Uraninite from Canada). Results for the soils, however, indicate that some daughter/parent pairs are in secular disequilibrium. These daughter/parent (D/P) ratios include 230 Th/ 234 U, which is greater than unity, 226 Ra/ 230 Th, which is also greater than unity, and 210 Pb/ 214 Bi, which is less than unity. The gamma-ray spectrum for organic material lacks 230 Th peaks, but contains 234 U and 226 Ra, indicating that plants preferentially incorporate 226 Ra. Our results, combined with previous studies require multistage history of mobilization of the uranium series radionuclides. Earlier studies at the ore zone could limit the time span for mobilization only to a few thousand years. The contribution of this study is that the short

  2. Role of sotolon in the aroma of sweet fortified wines. Influence of conservation and ageing conditions

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    Isabelle Cutzach


    The molecule responsible for this aroma in sweet fortified wines has been identified to the sotolon. According to its content, this molecule can influence differently the aroma of wines. Less than of 300 µg/1, sotolon takes part of « prune » aroma, whereas between 300 and 600 µg/1, it is responsible for the « dried prickly-pear, dried fruit » aroma. More than of 600 µg/1, the sweet natural wines are characterised by « rancio » character. An oxidising conservation is essential for high content of sotolon. An accidental oxidising during ageing in bottle, according for instance with a poor quality of the cork, may increase the formation of this compound in some sweet fortified wines. With the same âge and for the same level of the oxidation, the red sweet natural wines have always a lower sotolon content than the whites. The presence of polyphenolic compounds, by slowing down oxidising phenomena and by reducing the accumulation of ethanal essential for the sotolon formation, explains the lower content of this molecule in the red wines. The sotolon formation in the sweet natural wines has been studied through many experimentations on wines and model solutions at the laboratory and the winery scales. We show that the formation of sotolon during conservation and oxidising ageing of sweet natural wines essentially depends on chemical phenomena.

  3. The effect of gold kiwifruit consumed with an iron fortified breakfast cereal meal on iron status in women with low iron stores: A 16 week randomised controlled intervention study

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    Coad Jane


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Dietary treatment is often recommended as the first line of treatment for women with mild iron deficiency. Although it is well established that ascorbic acid enhances iron absorption, it is less clear whether the consumption of ascorbic acid rich foods (such as kiwifruit with meals fortified with iron improves iron status. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the consumption of ZESPRI® GOLD kiwifruit (a fruit high in ascorbic acid and carotenoids with an iron fortified breakfast cereal meal increases iron status in women with low iron stores. Methods/Design Eighty nine healthy women aged 18-44 years with low iron stores (serum ferritin (SF ≤ 25 μg/L, haemoglobin (Hb ≥ 115 g/L living in Auckland, New Zealand were randomised to receive an iron fortified breakfast cereal (16 mg iron per serve and either two ZESPRI® GOLD kiwifruit or a banana (low ascorbic acid and carotenoid content to eat at breakfast time every day for 16 weeks. Iron status (SF, Hb, C-reactive protein (CRP and soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR, ascorbic acid and carotenoid status were measured at baseline and after 16 weeks. Anthropometric measures, dietary intake, physical activity and blood loss were measured before and after the 16 week intervention. Discussion This randomised controlled intervention study will be the first study to investigate the effect of a dietary based intervention of an iron fortified breakfast cereal meal combined with an ascorbic acid and carotenoid rich fruit on improving iron status in women with low iron stores. Trial registration ACTRN12608000360314

  4. Vitamin D3 Content of Fortified Yogurt and Milk as Determined for the USDA National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP) (United States)

    In response to recent interest in vitamin D composition of foods, USDA-NDL is updating and expanding data in the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. In 2007, the USDA sampled vitamin D3 fortified yogurt and milk from 12 and 24 supermarkets, respectively, selected from a nationwide sta...

  5. Moebius syndrome: case report


    Fontenelle, Lucia; Araujo, Alexandra Prufer de Q.C.; Fontana, Rosiane S.


    Nos últimos anos, temos tido oportunidade de diagnosticar maior número de casos da síndrome de Moebius, possivelmente como resultado de aumento real da sua incidência - já que numerosos fatores ambientais vêm sendo relacionados à gênese dessa síndrome. Dos casos avaliados em dois ambulatórios especializados, vale a pena registrar um deles devido à associação incomum com heterotopia cortical, dentre outras malformações.In the last few years we have been able to diagnose a larger number of case...


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    David Augusto Fernandes


    Full Text Available O presente artigo apresenta decisões judiciais, tanto na esfera interna como internacional, relativos ao instituto da Transferência de Presos Estrangeiros, meio de levar a reinserção social do preso, especificamente do preso condenado fora de seu país de origem, viabilizando sua transferência para seu país de origem ou de domicílio, para que possa no período de cumprimento da pena se integrar ao ambiente social de origem, levando-o a inserção social.

  7. Lutein bioavailability from lutein ester-fortified fermented milk: in vivo and in vitro study. (United States)

    Granado-Lorencio, Fernando; Herrero-Barbudo, Carmer; Olmedilla-Alonso, Begoña; Blanco-Navarro, Inmaculada; Pérez-Sacristán, Belén


    We assessed the bioavailability of lutein from lutein-fortified fermented milk using in vivo and in vitro approaches. Twenty-four volunteers were randomized to take lutein-fortified fermented milk at two levels of fortification. Single-dose bioavailability study (2x100 ml, ca. 8 or 16 mg of lutein) was performed using a three-point approach (baseline, 3.5 and 6.5 h). Multiple-dose study consisted of consuming one serving/day (ca. 4 or 8 mg/100 ml) for 14 days. Blood samples for biochemical, hematological and lutein analysis were drawn at baseline, Day 7 and Day 14. In vitro bioaccessibility was assessed by a static gastrointestinal digestion model. Lutein content, in vitro ester hydrolysis and micellarization, and lutein concentrations achieved in serum were analyzed by HPLC. In vivo, post-prandial response was higher using the high content fermented milk, but the percentage of absorption was not different according to the dose consumed. Net increments at Day 7 and Day 14 were significantly higher on consuming the high-dose milk as well. In vitro, lutein ester hydrolysis was incomplete regardless of the amount initially present. Free lutein released was higher using the high-dose fermented milk, but the percentage of hydrolysis was similar at both levels of fortification. In the micellar phase, the percentage of free and total lutein was not different according to the dose. Our results support the suitability of the fermented milk as a carrier of lutein esters and an in vivo dose-dependent effect upon regular consumption and suggest the usefulness of in vitro models to provide relevant information to predict in vivo responses. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Uma breve análise crítica da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal na ADI nº 4.029/2012

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    José Eduardo Sabo Paes


    Full Text Available A supremacia e a rigidez constitucional pressupõem observância irrestrita das normas infraconstitucionais para com a Constituição de um Estado. O controle de constitucionalidade possui o condão de analisar a compatibilização entre a Constituição e as normas infraconstitucionais, sendo o texto constitucional um verdadeiro paradigma de validade e eficácia das leis. No Brasil, atualmente, a teoria de que a norma inconstitucional é nula de pleno direito, vem sendo mitigada, inclusive por força de lei, admitindo-se, a modulação temporal dos efeitos que assim a declaram, aproximando-a, assim, da teoria da anulabilidade do ato normativo inconstitucional. Em determinadas situações, a inconstitucionalidade da norma, apesar de ser reconhecida, não é declarada formalmente pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal que assim o faz em razão da segurança jurídica. Nesses casos, tendo em vista a densidade axiológica dos valores constitucionais que permitem a mitigação da teoria da nulidade do ato normativo inconstitucional, a decisão que assim é exarada deve possuir argumentação jurídica suficiente a ponto de não causar contradição interna na ordem normativo-constitucional. Na ADI nº 4.029 de 2012, a Suprema Corte brasileira, apesar de reconhecer que a Lei nº 11.516/2007 era inconstitucional, a manteve no ordenamento jurídico, sob pena de que a declaração formal de sua inconstitucionalidade trouxesse um panorama de insegurança jurídica em razão de outras normas que se encontravam na mesma situação e mantém plena eficácia. Assim, o presente artigo busca de analisar, de forma crítica, a argumentação e a racionalidade do voto do ministro relator que manteve uma norma, anteriormente reconhecida inconstitucional, no ordenamento jurídico.

  9. Dekasseguis e as Penitenciárias: pesquisando as fronteiras entre o Brasil e o Japão.

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    Nathan Bueno Macêdo


    Full Text Available Quando se discute sobre a situação atual dos presídios no Brasil e os altos índices de violência vividos na sociedade brasileira, facilmente são encontrados discursos sobre as prisões estrangeiras as quais seriam modelos para uma “solução” ao problema da nossa inchada massa carcerária. Como é o caso dos sistemas penitenciários americanos e japonês, as quais adotam a pena de morte como punição à prática de crimes hediondos. Não raro a mídia e o senso comum associam o baixo índice de violência desses países à rigidez e ao temor pela pena de morte. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo visa compreender em que medida esses “achismos” se aproximam da realidade, buscando investigar como diferentes Estados vêm desenvolvendo as suas políticas públicas penitenciárias, tanto para os seus “nacionais” quanto para os estrangeiros/imigrantes. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa tem como recorte empírico as experiências do Brasil e do Japão, e visa apresentar algumas questões da complexa rede formada de relações internacionais privadas e públicas, analisando em que medida a realidade dos dois países se afasta e/ou se aproxima.

  10. Estimation of kinetic parameters of anthocyanins and color degradation in vitamin C fortified cranberry juice during storage. (United States)

    Roidoung, Sunisa; Dolan, Kirk D; Siddiq, Muhammad


    Color degradation in cranberry juice during storage is the most common consumer complaint. To enhance nutritional quality, juice is typically fortified with vitamin C. This study determined effect of gallic acid, a natural antioxidant, for the preservation of anthocyanins (ACYs) and color, and estimated kinetics of ACYs and color degradation. Juice, fortified with 40-80mg/100mL vitamin C and 0-320mg/100mL gallic acid, was pasteurized at 85°C for 1min and stored at 23°C for 16days. Total monomeric anthocyanins and red color intensity were evaluated spectrophotometrically and data were used to determine degradation rate constants (k values) and order of reaction (n) of ACYs and color. Due to high correlation, k and n could not be estimated simultaneously. To overcome this difficulty, both n and k were held at different constant values in separate analyses to allow accurate estimation of each. Parameters n and k were modeled empirically as functions of vitamin C, and of vitamin C and gallic acid, respectively. Reaction order n ranged from 1.2 to 4.4, and decreased with increasing vitamin C concentration. The final model offers an effective tool that could be used for predicting ACYs and color retention in cranberry juice during storage. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  11. Comparison of fortified, sfursat, and passito wines produced from fresh and dehydrated grapes of aromatic black cv. Moscato nero (Vitis vinifera L.). (United States)

    Ossola, Carolina; Giacosa, Simone; Torchio, Fabrizio; Río Segade, Susana; Caudana, Alberto; Cagnasso, Enzo; Gerbi, Vincenzo; Rolle, Luca


    Moscato nero d'Acqui is an Italian aromatic black winegrape variety characterized by a low content of anthocyanins (mostly tri-substituted), a satisfactory content of high molecular mass tannins, and a fair amount of terpenes. The grapes were subjected to a postharvest dehydration process under controlled thermohygrometric conditions (16-18°C, 55-70 RH%, 0.6m/s air speed) with the aim to produce three different special wine types (fortified, sfursat, and passito) from fresh, partially dehydrated (27°Brix), and withered (36°Brix) grapes, respectively. Chemical traits of produced grapes and wines were then evaluated through spectrophotometric, HPLC, and GC-MS methods. Increased contents of skin phenolic compounds and reduced extractable contents of seed phenolic compounds were observed as dehydration progressed. Few significant differences were found in the anthocyanin profile of grapes, although the relative abundance of coumaroylated anthocyanins was higher in dehydrated grapes. The predominant free volatile compound found in grapes was geraniol, which decreased with increasing water loss, whereas the contents of major glycosylated volatile compounds increased even above the concentration effect. The changes in the phenolic composition among wines agreed with those among grape skins. Fortified wines were chromatically unsatisfactory probably due to the low content of total anthocyanins, whereas sfursat and passito wines meet good chromatic characteristics as a result of the concentration effect during grape dehydration. Fortified and sfursat wines had free aroma profiles richer in 2-phenylethanol and citronellol, whereas passito wines were mainly composed of 2-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethyl acetate, citronellol being the predominant terpenol in all the wine types studied. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Simultaneous determination of four water-soluble vitamins in fortified infant foods by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. (United States)

    Lu, Baiyi; Ren, Yiping; Huang, Baifen; Liao, Wenqun; Cai, Zengxuan; Tie, Xiaowei


    A novel ultra-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of four water-soluble vitamins, including vitamin B5 (VB5), vitamin B8 (VB8), vitamin B9 (VB9), and vitamin B12 (VB12) in fortified infant foods is developed and validated. A reverse phase UPLC separation system consisting of a Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C-18 column (2.1 mm x 100 mm i.d., 1.7 microm) and a binary gradient acetonitrile-water mobile phase is applied for the separation of the four water-soluble vitamins. Formic acid is spiked into the mobile phase to enhance the ionization efficiency. Tandem MS-MS analysis is performed in multi-reaction monitoring mode (MRM). Product-ion traces at m/z 220.1 --> 89.9 for VB5, 245.1 --> 227.1 for VB8, 442.3 --> 295.2 for VB9, and 678.9 --> 147.0 for VB12 are used for quantitation of the corresponding vitamins, and traces at m/z 455.5 --> 308.0 are used for methotrexate (internal standard). Limits of quantitation (LOQs) are 0.016, 0.090, 0.020, and 0.019 microg/L for VB5, VB8, VB9, and VB12, respectively. Intra- and inter-day precisions for the determination of the four vitamins are better than 6.84% and 12.26% in relative standard deviations, and recoveries for the four vitamins are in the range of 86.0~101.5%. The developed approach is applied for the determination of the trace amounts of the vitamins in fortified milk powers and fortified rice powers.

  13. Natural science research of the Bulgar fortified settlement site (preliminary results

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    Golyeva Alexandra A.


    Full Text Available The article presents the first results of the comprehensive scientific research conducted on the Bulgar fortified settlement site in 2011. Samples for analysis were selected in the form of series of vertical columns from excavation walls. The species of trees used in the construction, the composition of the mud bricks and the bonding mortar, as well as the genesis of individual cultural layers have been identified. It has been found out that the settlement development and functioning had been reciprocating in nature: periods of intense habitation of its individual sections were followed by short stages of desolation. In all investigated soil columns with the cultural layers there are streaks consisting solely of phytoliths and cuticle casts. A possible explanation of the phenomenon may be that the plot was covered with layers of manure of significant length and capacity. This conclusion is debatable and requires further research.



    Guilherme Sarmiento


    Através da análise de dois textos produzidos no século XIX — o fo-lhetim Ao correr de pena, de José de Alencar, e o romance A luneta mágica, de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo —, ilustram-se as inquietações geradas pelo encontro do olhar romântico com o mundo mediado pelas invenções óticas.

  15. U-Sries Disequilibra in Soils, Pena Blanca Natural Analog, Chihuahua, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    D. French; E. Anthony; P. Goodell


    The Nopal I uranium deposit located in the Sierra Pena Blanca, Mexico. The deposit was mined in the early 1980s, and ore was stockpiled close by. This stockpile area was cleared and is now referred to as the Prior High Grade Stockpile (PHGS). Some of the high-grade boulders from the site rolled downhill when it was cleared in the 1990s. For this study soil samples were collected from the alluvium surrounding and underlying one of these boulders. A bulk sample of the boulder was also collected. Because the Prior High Grade Stockpile had no ore prior to the 1980s a maximum residence time for the boulder is about 25 years, this also means that the soil was at background as well. The purpose of this study is to characterize the transport of uranium series radionuclides from ore to the soil. Transport is characterized by determining the activities of individual radionuclides and daughter to parent ratios. Isotopes of the uranium series decay chain detected include {sup 210}Pb, {sup 234}U, {sup 230}Th, {sup 226}Ra, {sup 214}Pb, and {sup 214}Bi. Peak areas for each isotope are determined using gamma-ray spectroscopy with a Canberra Ge (Li) detector and GENIE 2000 software. The boulder sample is close to secular equilibrium when compared to the standard BL-5 (Beaver Lodge Uraninite from Canada). Results for the soils, however, indicate that some daughter/parent pairs are in secular disequilibrium. These daughter/parent (D/P) ratios include {sup 230}Th/{sup 234}U, which is greater than unity, {sup 226}Ra/{sup 230}Th, which is also greater than unity, and {sup 210}Pb/{sup 214}Bi, which is less than unity. The gamma-ray spectrum for organic material lacks {sup 230}Th peaks, but contains {sup 234}U and {sup 226}Ra, indicating that plants preferentially incorporate {sup 226}Ra. Our results, combined with previous studies require multistage history of mobilization of the uranium series radionuclides. Earlier studies at the ore zone could limit the time span for mobilization only

  16. Stability and anti-glycation properties of intermediate moisture apple products fortified with green tea. (United States)

    Lavelli, Vera; Corey, Mark; Kerr, William; Vantaggi, Claudia


    Intermediate moisture products made from blanched apple flesh and green tea extract (about 6mg of monomeric flavan 3-ols added per g of dry apple) or blanched apple flesh (control) were produced, and their quality attributes were investigated over storage for two months at water activity (a(w)) levels of 0.55 and 0.75, at 30°C. Products were evaluated for colour (L(∗), a(∗), and b(∗) Hunter's parameters), phytochemical contents (flavan 3-ols, chlorogenic acid, dihydrochalcones, ascorbic acid and total polyphenols), ferric reducing antioxidant potential, 2,2-diphenyl-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)hydrazyl radical-scavenging activity and ability to inhibit formation of fructose-induced advanced glycation end-products. During storage of the fortified and unfortified intermediate moisture apples, water availability was sufficient to support various chemical reactions involving phytochemicals, which degraded at different rates: ascorbic acid>flavan 3-ols>dihydrochalcones and chlorogenic acid. Colour variations occurred at slightly slower rates after green tea addition. In the intermediate moisture apple, antioxidant and anti-glycoxidative properties decreased at similar rates (half-life was about 80d at a(w) of 0.75, 30°C). In the green tea-fortified intermediate moisture apple, the antioxidant activity decreased at a slow rate (half-life was 165d at a(w) of 0.75, 30°C) and the anti-glycoxidative properties did not change, indicating that flavan 3-ol degradation involved the formation of derivatives that retained the properties of their parent compounds. Since these properties are linked to oxidative- and advanced glycation end-product-related diseases, these results suggest that green tea fortification of intermediate moisture apple products could be a valuable means of product innovation, to address consumers' nutritional needs. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. The Sierra Pena Blanca (Mexico) and the Meseta Los Frailes (Bolivia): the uranium concentration mechanisms in volcanic environment during hydrothermal processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leroy, J.L.; Aniel, B.; Poty, B.


    Tertiary felsic volcanics of the Sierra Pena Blanca in Mexico host potentially economic uranium deposits, and of Meseta Los Frailes in Bolivia contain interesting U anomalies but no significant deposits. A comparative study of the two uranium districts reveals differences that may explain the different degrees of U concentration. The host ignimbrite in Mexico, namely the Nopal Formation dated at 44 Myr. ago, is potassic alkaline rhyolite which is poorly compacted and contains phenocrysts of quartz, orthoclase, ilmenite and magnetite, totalling 30% of the rock. Vapour phase crystallization is well developed in the Mexican tuff, and has led to a primary concentration of labile U not tied up in refractory accessory minerals, as shown by fission-track studies. The Bolivian tuffs lack such vapour phase primary concentration of U. Subsequent hydrothermal alteration, in particular kaolinization is intense in the Mexican district, but is relatively less intense in the Bolivian one. It is postulated that an intense hydrothermal activity, probably of prolonged duration, in rocks displaying primary enrichment of labile U, is essential to form volcanogenic U deposits of the type found in Mexico. 26 refs.; 13 figs.; 3 plates; 3 tabs

  18. Planos econômicos de estabilizaçao nacional: uma análise sob o enfoque da responsabilidade extracontratual do Estado e da segurança nacional

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    Full Text Available Um dos temas de relevância na atualidade refere-se à responsabilidade do Estado por dano decorrente de plano econômico. Tal questão envolve em seu núcleo aspectos jurídicos do direito privado e do direito público, evidenciando a indiscutível superação desta dicotomia. Partindo destas premissas, o objetivo da pesquisa é defender que em suas funções interventivas de planejamento o governo deve observar com cautela a política econômica a ser praticada, bem como suas modificações, sob pena de prejudicar o setor privado e a coletividade. Assim, o dano à ordem econômica deve ser uma preocupação jurídica. Nesse sentido, a finalidade da pesquisa é resgatar a história econômica dos planos de estabilização nacional (Plano Cruzado, Plano Bresser, Plano Verão, Plano Collor e Plano Real e, a partir destas experiências, defender a responsabilidade extracontratual objetiva do Estado no caso de prejuízo, nos termos do art. 37, § 6º da CF/88, decorrente de planos econômicos nos quais os agentes envolvidos não têm liberdade de escolha entre alternativas viáveis para seus negócios. Entre os demais fundamentos desta responsabilização estão os argumentos da segurança jurídica, confiança e boa-fé, que devem reger as relações público-privadas. A pesquisa revela que a iniciativa privada, atuando no domínio econômico, necessita de um ambiente de estabilidade, previsibilidade, eficiência, porém, as experiências brasileiras mostram que em diversos planos econômicos esse ambiente não foi encontrado. A análise dos planos de estabilização adotados no Brasil no período de 1986-1994 demonstra que ocorreram intervenções imperativas que afetaram a livre iniciativa, a livre concorrência, o direito de propriedade, desconsiderando aspectos fundamentais de um Estado Democrático de Direito. Para alcançar os fins propostos utiliza-se o método científico-dedutivo com pesquisa na doutrina especializada

  19. The Effects of Probiotic Soymilk Fortified with Omega-3 on Blood Glucose, Lipid Profile, Haematological and Oxidative Stress, and Inflammatory Parameters in Streptozotocin Nicotinamide-Induced Diabetic Rats

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    Mohsen Mohammadi Sartang


    Full Text Available Objective. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of probiotic soymilk fortified with omega-3 in diabetic rats. Methods. Soymilk (SM, fermented soymilk (FSM, and fermented soymilk fortified with omega-3 (FSM + omega-3 were prepared. Rats were randomly assigned to five groups of 13 animals per group. Diabetes was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ 15 min after the intraperitoneal administration of nicotinamide (NA. Normal control (NC and diabetic control (DC rats received 1 mL/day of distilled water and three groups of diabetic rats were given 1 mL/day of SM, FSM, and FSM + omega-3 products by oral gavage for 28 days. Results. Three products significantly (P<0.05 reduced blood glucose, total cholesterol (TC, triglyceride (TG, and malondialdehyde (MDA concentrations compared to the DC group, with the maximum reduction seen in the FSM + omega-3 group. Body weight, red blood cells (RBC, haemoglobin (Hb, haematocrit, and superoxide dismutase (SOD also significantly increased in the FSM + omega-3 group. In the FSM + omega-3 group, MDA level compared with the SM and FSM groups and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP concentrations compared with the DC and FSM groups were significantly lower (P<0.05. Conclusion. Fermented soymilk fortified with omega-3 may be beneficial in diabetes.

  20. Development of instant noodles from high-iron rice and iron-fortified rice flour

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    Suparat Reungmaneepaitoon


    Full Text Available Instant high-iron noodles, prepared from wheat flour and high iron brown rice flour, were developed. Three varieties of rice flour, Suphan Buri 90 (SB, Homnin 313 (HW and Homnin 1000 (HP, containing amylose content of 30.40, 19.10 and 15.74% (w/w and iron content of 1.24, 2.04 and 2.22 (mg/100 g respectively, were used to replace wheat flour for instant fried noodle production. To determine the physicochemical properties and acceptability of instant fried noodles,different percentages (30, 40, 50% (w/w of each rice flour sample were used. The instant fried noodles were fortified with ferrous sulphate at levels of 0, 32, 64% iron of RDI per serving. Increasing amount of iron content in the mixtures decreased the L* value, b* value and increased a* value for the color of the instant fried noodle with brown rice flour. The texture characteristic of the noodles with 30, 40, 50% replacement with each variety of brown rice flour were significantly different from those of wheat noodle. Tensile force of the noodles decreased from 11.57±1.30 g to 6.38±1.45 g (SB, 8.36±0.96 g to 5.71±0.57 g (HP and 10.09±1.20 g to 5.46±1.31 g (HW as the rice flour content increased from 30 to 50%. The sensoryacceptability of the noodles made from each variety of 30% brown rice flour fortified with 32% iron of RDI had higher preference scores for elasticity, firmness, color and overall acceptability, than those with 64% iron of RDI. Instant fried noodles with HW and HP brown rice flour were subjected to consumer test using 100 rural primary school children. The frequency percent of the acceptability scores of the noodle with HP and HW were 88 and 84% respectively. Shelf life studyrevealed that the developed products were still acceptable up to 4 months. These products were claimed to be high iron noodle.

  1. Beni comuni, sistemi comunitari e usi civici: riflessioni a partire da un caso regionale

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    Fabio Parascandolo


    In tempi di crisi dei modelli di sviluppo locale, questi sistemi di utilizzo delle risorse mostrano rilevanti aspetti di adeguatezza sociale ed ecologica. Vale la pena di riconsiderare il recupero di questi schemi organizzativi, ed è inoltre importante intraprendere un approccio approfondito ai loro caratteri civici, per mettere in evidenza le relazioni tra pratiche di comunanza e problematiche relative allo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali rinnovabili.

  2. Consumismo, uso de drogas e criminalidade: riscos e responsabilidades

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    Marta Conte

    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o tema consumismo, suas relações com o uso de drogas, com a criminalidade e os efeitos sobre as subjetividades na sociedade contemporânea. Em fundamentações no campo da Psicanálise, da Filosofia, da Sociologia e do Direito, buscou-se a análise da complexidade do entrelaçamento desses fenômenos, visando a subsidiar os debates e políticas que incidam no tema em questão em uma sociedade de risco. Para tanto, parte-se de leitura transdisciplinar de dados colhidos em entrevistas e em grupo de discussão, realizados com apenados que cumpriam pena em duas cidades da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Em tais atividades, os temas Justiça, droga e consumismo tiveram presença preponderante.

  3. A Micronutrient Fortified Beverage Given at Different Dosing Frequencies Had Limited Impact on Anemia and Micronutrient Status in Filipino Schoolchildren (United States)

    Angeles-Agdeppa, Imelda; Magsadia, Clarita R.; Aaron, Grant J.; Lloyd, Beate B.; Hilmers, David C.; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A.


    This study evaluated the effects of a multi-micronutrient fortified juice drink given in different frequencies of consumption on hemoglobin (Hb) concentration of schoolchildren. Hb was measured in 2423 schoolchildren aged 6- to 9-years-old at baseline. All anemic children (n = 246) were randomly allocated into groups: Daily dose (HD: high dose), 5X/week (MD: Moderate Dose), 3X/week (LD: Low Dose) and unfortified (Control). Pre- and post-study measurements of micronutrients were collected from 228 children. At the endpoint, significant Hb increases were observed in all groups, but there was no significant difference between groups. There was a significant reduction in anemia prevalence in all groups from 100% to 36% (Control), 30% (LD), 23% (MD) and 26% (HD). No dose-response effect was observed in Hb in this population. Most likely, this resulted from better than expected micronutrient status and lower than expected severity of anemia and micronutrient deficiencies in this cohort. It is unlikely that the addition of a fortified beverage to school feeding programs in this population would have a positive impact. Whether such an intervention would be cost-effective as a preventative approach needs to be assessed. This study demonstrates the importance of targeting such interventions to appropriate populations. PMID:28895887

  4. The effect of lipids, a lipid-rich ready-to-use therapeutic food, or a phytase on iron absorption from maize-based meals fortified with micronutrient powders. (United States)

    Monnard, Arnaud; Moretti, Diego; Zeder, Christophe; Steingötter, Andreas; Zimmermann, Michael B


    Background: Ready-to-use-therapeutic foods (RUTFs) high in lipid, protein, and iron are used to treat malnutrition. Lipids increase gastric residence time, which could increase iron absorption, particularly from poorly soluble iron compounds and in combination with phytase. Objectives: The objectives were to 1 ) assess the effect on iron absorption of a lipid emulsion given 20 min before or together with an iron-fortified maize meal and 2 ) assess iron absorption from a micronutrient powder (MNP) given with a nutrient-dense RUTF and/or a microbial phytase. Design: A total of 41 women participated in 3 studies. They consumed a maize meal fortified with isotopically labeled ferrous sulfate (FeSO 4 ; study 1) or ferric pyrophosphate (FePP; study 2). In studies 1 and 2, a lipid emulsion was given with or 20 min before the meal. In study 3, with the use of a 2 × 2 factorial design, subjects consumed a maize meal fortified with an MNP containing labeled FeSO 4 (MNP) given with an RUTF (MNP+RUTF), with a phytase (MNP+phytase), or both (MNP+RUTF+phytase). Iron absorption was assessed by isotope incorporation in erythrocytes 14 d after the test meals. Results: The lipid emulsion given either before or with the meal significantly increased iron absorption from FePP by 2.55-fold (95% CI: 1.48-, 4.37-fold; P = 0.001) but not from FeSO 4 There was a trend to increase iron absorption with the MNP+RUTF meal, which did not reach significance (1.21-fold; 95% CI: 0.92-, 1.61-fold; P = 0.060). The addition of phytase to MNP and MNP+RUTF significantly increased iron absorption by 1.85-fold (95% CI: 1.49-, 2.29-fold; P phytase and RUTF. Conclusions: In iron-fortified maize-based meals, the addition of lipids more than doubles iron absorption from FePP. Our results suggest the possibility of an enhancing effect on iron absorption of lipid-rich RUTFs, but more research is needed to determine this. This trial was registered at as NCT01991626. © 2017 American Society

  5. Combining food-based dietary recommendations using Optifood with zinc-fortified water potentially improves nutrient adequacy among 4- to 6-year-old children in Kisumu West district, Kenya

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kujinga, Prosper; Borgonjen-van den Berg, Karin J.; Superchi, Cecilia; Hove, ten Hermine J.; Onyango, Elizabeth Opiyo; Andang'o, Pauline; Galetti, Valeria; Zimmerman, Michael B.; Moretti, Diego; Brouwer, Inge D.


    Children in developing countries often face multiple micronutrient deficiencies. Introduction of zinc-fortified water can increase zinc intake, but additional recommendations are required to address overall diet nutrient adequacy. We developed and tested food-based recommendations (FBRs) that

  6. The effect of a micronutrient-fortified complementary food on micronutrient status, growth and development of 6- to 12-month-old disadvantaged urban South-African infants

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oelofse, A.; Raaij, van J.M.A.; Benade, A.J.S.; Dhansay, M.A.; Tolboom, J.J.M.; Hautvast, J.G.A.J.


    The study was conducted to look at the effectiveness of a multimicronutrient-fortified complementary food on the micronutrient status, linear growth and psychomotor development of 6- to 12-month-old infants from a black urban disadvantaged community in the Western Cape, South Africa. The study was

  7. The invasive MenC cc103 lineage with penicillin reduced susceptibility persisting in Brazil. (United States)

    Fonseca, Érica L; Marin, Michel A; Freitas, Fernanda S; Vitório, Bruna S A; de Araújo, Flávio M G; Camargo, Dhian R A; Coimbra, Roney S; De Filippis, Ivano R; Vicente, Ana Carolina P


    Penicillin is the antibiotic of choice for the treatment of meningococcal infections, and mutations in penA gene are involved with reduced susceptibility (pen I ) emergence to this antibiotic. This study aimed to characterize the penA allelic diversity, their association with pen I phenotype and distribution among prevalent meningococci serogroups in Brazil. The entire penA from 49 invasive strains of distinct serogroups circulating in Brazil for more than two decades were obtained by PCR and sequencing. Additionally, the penA from 22 publicly available complete Neisseria meningitidis genomes from Brazil were included in the study. The allelic diversity was determined and a genetic tree was built using the penA sequence alignment. The penicillin MIC was obtained by the E-Test method. In general, the identified penA alleles correlated with the observed pen I phenotype. The canonical penA1 was the most prevalent allele, however, several altered penA were also identified in strains presenting increased penicillin MICs. It was identified a new penA amino acid position (residue 480) that possibly influence the penicillin MIC in some strains. Interestingly, the altered penA14 was found in pen I invasive MenC cc103 strains spread in Brazil and persisting since 2011, indicating that the biological cost imposed by pen I phenotype can be ameliorated by particular features present in this lineage, which represents an additional public health threat. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  8. Growth in VLBW infants fed predominantly fortified maternal and donor human milk diets: a retrospective cohort study (United States)


    Background To determine the effect of human milk, maternal and donor, on in-hospital growth of very low birthweight (VLBW) infants. We performed a retrospective cohort study comparing in-hospital growth in VLBW infants by proportion of human milk diet, including subgroup analysis by maternal or donor milk type. Primary outcome was change in weight z-score from birth to hospital discharge. Methods Retrospective cohort study. Results 171 infants with median gestational age 27 weeks (IQR 25.4, 28.9) and median birthweight 899 g (IQR 724, 1064) were included. 97% of infants received human milk, 51% received > 75% of all enteral intake as human milk. 16% of infants were small-for-gestational age (SGA, 75% human milk had a greater negative change in weight z-score from birth to discharge compared to infants receiving human milk fortifier was related to human milk intake (p = 0.04). Among infants receiving > 75% human milk, there was no significant difference in change in weight z-score by milk type (donor −0.84, maternal −0.56, mixed −0.45, p = 0.54). Infants receiving >75% donor milk had higher rates of SGA status at discharge than those fed maternal or mixed milk (56% vs. 35% (maternal), 21% (mixed), p = 0.08). Conclusions VLBW infants can grow appropriately when fed predominantly fortified human milk. However, VLBW infants fed >75% human milk are at greater risk of poor growth than those fed less human milk. This risk may be highest in those fed predominantly donor human milk. PMID:22900590

  9. Strategy fortify the engineering activities in the downstream sector; Estrategia para o fortalecimento das atividades de engenharia no refino

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lafraia, Joao Ricardo Barusso; Meniconi, Vitor Marcio de Marco; Campos, Michel Fabianski [PETROBRAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Almeida, Antonio Humberto Pereira de [Federacao das Industria do Estado de Minas Gerais (FIEMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Burman, Michel Jaques; Freire, Luiz Gustavo de Melo [Accenture, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    The strategy to fortify the engineering activities in the downstream sector consists in the creation of the Center of Excellence in Engineering. The main objectives of the Center are the following: promote the knowledge transfer between experienced and junior professionals and retain the knowledge generated in specific engineering project. Hence the union of all those factors above will result in a valuable asset which is the development of engineering capabilities among the project team ('learn by doing methodology'). (author)

  10. Organoleptic testing of fish meatball fortified with various colored vegetables (United States)

    Minantyo, Hari; Hariohoedojo, Alexander; Winarno, Prasetyon Sepsi


    Nowadays, many people tried to create and invent new varieties of food. They all tried to enrich the life of many people and increasing their quality of life using their food. The food that they create must be nutritious, safe and healthy. This can be achieved by combining various meat and vegetable products available on the market today. Previously, the research team found that fish meat had relatively high nutrition value. The research team believed that further increase in nutrition value can be achieved by combining fish meat and rich colored vegetables. This research came up with the creation of improved fish meatball fortified with various colored vegetables. With the initiation of ASEAN Free Trade Agreement, many culinary practitioners must pay more attention to the health and safety aspects of their food offerings. Indonesian government should also support this movement by providing education to those people who are not aware of the importance of healthy and safe food or snacks, especially meatballs. Meatballs are one of the most consumed snacks in Indonesia, because they are delicious and affordable. This new fish meatball creation will provide better alternatives to the commonly unhealthy meatballs available on Indonesian market today.

  11. Selectively Fortifying Reconfigurable Computing Device to Achieve Higher Error Resilience

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    Mingjie Lin


    Full Text Available With the advent of 10 nm CMOS devices and “exotic” nanodevices, the location and occurrence time of hardware defects and design faults become increasingly unpredictable, therefore posing severe challenges to existing techniques for error-resilient computing because most of them statically assign hardware redundancy and do not account for the error tolerance inherently existing in many mission-critical applications. This work proposes a novel approach to selectively fortifying a target reconfigurable computing device in order to achieve hardware-efficient error resilience for a specific target application. We intend to demonstrate that such error resilience can be significantly improved with effective hardware support. The major contributions of this work include (1 the development of a complete methodology to perform sensitivity and criticality analysis of hardware redundancy, (2 a novel problem formulation and an efficient heuristic methodology to selectively allocate hardware redundancy among a target design’s key components in order to maximize its overall error resilience, and (3 an academic prototype of SFC computing device that illustrates a 4 times improvement of error resilience for a H.264 encoder implemented with an FPGA device.

  12. Effect of Bioprocessing on the In Vitro Colonic Microbial Metabolism of Phenolic Acids from Rye Bran Fortified Breads

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Koistinen, Ville M; Nordlund, Emilia; Katina, Kati


    in an in vitro colon model, the metabolites were analyzed using two different methods applying mass spectrometry. While phenolic acids were released more extensively from the bioprocessed bran bread and ferulic acid had consistently higher concentrations in the bread type during fermentation, there were only......Cereal bran is an important source of dietary fiber and bioactive compounds, such as phenolic acids. We aimed to study the phenolic acid metabolism of native and bioprocessed rye bran fortified refined wheat bread and to elucidate the microbial metabolic route of phenolic acids. After incubation...

  13. Prenatal exposure to vitamin-D from fortified margarine and milk and body size at age 7 years

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, C B; Gamborg, M; Berentzen, T L


    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Prenatal vitamin-D deficiency may be associated with increased risk of obesity later in life. Using two national vitamin-D fortification programs as the setting for a societal experiment, we investigated whether exposure to vitamin-D from fortified margarine and low-fat milk...... during foetal life was associated with body size at 7 years of age. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Vitamin-D fortification of margarine was mandatory in Denmark from 1961 to 1985, and voluntary fortification of low-fat milk was permitted from 1972 to 1976. Using information on body mass index (BMI) Z-score at the age...

  14. Micronutrient‐Fortified Milk and Academic  Performance among Chinese Middle School Students:  A Cluster‐Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Xiaoqin Wang


    Full Text Available Many children suffer from nutritional deficiencies that may negatively affect their academic performance. This cluster‐randomized controlled trial aimed to test the effects of micronutrient‐fortified milk in Chinese students. Participants received either micronutrient‐fortified (n = 177 or unfortified (n = 183 milk for six months. Academic performance, motivation, and learning strategies were estimated by end‐of‐term tests and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. Blood samples were analyzed for micronutrients. In total, 296 students (82.2% completed this study. Compared with the control group, students in the intervention group reported higher scores in several academic subjects (p < 0.05, including languages, mathematics, ethics, and physical performance at the end of follow‐up. Students in the intervention group showed greater self‐efficacy and use of cognitive strategies in learning, and reported less test anxiety (p < 0.001. Moreover, vitamin B2 deficiency (odds ratio (OR = 0.18, 95% confidence interval (CI: 0.11~0.30 and iron deficiency (OR = 0.34, 95% CI: 0.14~0.81 were less likely in the students of the intervention group, whereas vitamin D, vitamin B12, and selenium deficiencies were not significantly different. “Cognitive strategy” had a partial mediating effect on the test scores of English (95% CI: 1.26~3.79 and Chinese (95% CI: 0.53~2.21. Our findings suggest that micronutrient‐fortified milk may improve students’ academic performance, motivation, and learning strategies.

  15. Association of metabolic acidosis with bovine milk-based human milk fortifiers. (United States)

    Cibulskis, C C; Armbrecht, E S


    To compare the incidence of metabolic acidosis and feeding intolerance associated with powdered or acidified liquid human milk fortifier (HMF). This retrospective study evaluated infants ⩽ 32 weeks gestational age or ⩽ 1500 g birth weight who received human milk with either powdered or acidified liquid HMF (50 consecutively born infants per group). Primary outcomes tracked were metabolic acidosis (base excess less than -4 mmol l(-1) or bicarbonate less than 18 mmol l(-1)), feeding intolerance (gastric residual > 50% feed volume, > 3 loose stools or emesis per day, abdominal tenderness or distention), necrotizing enterocolitis, late-onset infection, death, length of hospital stay and ability to remain on HMF. Demographics, feeding practices, growth parameters and laboratory data were also collected. Significantly more infants who received acidified liquid HMF developed metabolic acidosis (P acidosis or feeding intolerance than those on powdered HMF (P acidosis and to be switched off HMF than those who received powdered HMF. Growth in the liquid HMF group was no different than the powdered group, despite higher protein intake.

  16. Perinatal Consumption of Thiamine-Fortified Fish Sauce in Rural Cambodia: A Randomized Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Whitfield, Kyly C; Karakochuk, Crystal D; Kroeun, Hou; Hampel, Daniela; Sokhoing, Ly; Chan, Benny B; Borath, Mam; Sophonneary, Prak; McLean, Judy; Talukder, Aminuzzaman; Lynd, Larry D; Li-Chan, Eunice C Y; Kitts, David D; Allen, Lindsay H; Green, Timothy J


    Infantile beriberi, a potentially fatal disease caused by thiamine deficiency, remains a public health concern in Cambodia and regions where thiamine-poor white rice is a staple food. Low maternal thiamine intake reduces breast milk thiamine concentrations, placing breastfed infants at risk of beriberi. To determine if consumption of thiamine-fortified fish sauce yields higher erythrocyte thiamine diphosphate concentrations (eTDP) among lactating women and newborn infants and higher breast milk thiamine concentrations compared with a control sauce. In this double-blind randomized clinical trial, 90 pregnant women were recruited in the Prey Veng province, Cambodia. The study took place between October 2014 and April 2015. Women were randomized to 1 of 3 groups (n = 30) for ad libitum fish sauce consumption for 6 months: control (no thiamine), low-concentration (2 g/L), or high-concentration (8 g/L) fish sauce. Maternal eTDP was assessed at baseline (October 2014) and endline (April 2015). Secondary outcomes, breast milk thiamine concentration and infant eTDP, were measured at endline. Women's mean (SD) age and gestational stage were 26 (5) years and 23 (7) weeks, respectively. April 2015 eTDP was measured among 28 women (93%), 29 women (97%), and 23 women (77%) in the control, low-concentration, and high-concentration groups, respectively. In modified intent-to-treat analysis, mean baseline-adjusted endline eTDP was higher among women in the low-concentration (282nM; 95% CI, 235nM to 310nM) and high-concentration (254nM; 95% CI, 225nM to 284nM) groups compared with the control group (193nM; 95% CI, 164nM to 222M; P sauce through pregnancy and early lactation had higher eTDP and breast milk thiamine concentrations and their infants had higher eTDP, which was more pronounced in the high group. Thiamine-fortified fish sauce has the potential to prevent infantile beriberi in this population. Identifier: NCT02221063.

  17. Modelo de simulação do crescimento e desenvolvimento de frangos de corte: descrição e implementação Model of simulation of the growth and development of broilers: description and implementation

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    Gilberto D’Avila Vargas


    Full Text Available O modelo construído tem como objetivos a simulação da manutenção, a deposição de proteína na carcaça e nas penas assim como a deposição de gordura na carcaça, e assume a existência de um pool de nutrientes disponíveis no corpo animal, sendo a simulação do metabolismo animal baseada no fluxo de entrada e saída de nutrientes desse pool. Os nutrientes vindos da ingestão de alimentos ou do catabolismo tecidual são removidos do pool com os destinos de mantença, deposição de proteína na carcaça, deposição de gordura na carcaça e deposição de proteína nas penas. O processo de simulação é dinâmico, com as exigências de mantença contabilizadas ao mesmo tempo das deposições de tecidos. Se não houver energia disponível em quantidade adequada para a mantença, o tecido adiposo e o tecido muscular são catabolizados e a energia é disponibilizada e adicionada ao pool de nutrientes. O nitrogênio (N também é exigido para mantença e deposição do tecido muscular. Se o pool de nutrientes não contiver nitrogênio suficiente para a mantença, tecido muscular é catabolizado para a disponibilização de N. O tecido muscular é depositado numa quantidade determinada pelo potencial genético do animal e pela maior limitação nutricional (nitrogênio ou energia no pool de nutrientes, da mesma forma que a deposição de proteína nas penas. A quantidade de tecido adiposo depositada depende das reservas de energia no pool de nutrientes, sendo maior quando houver sobra de energia da deposição de proteína na carcaça e nas penas. O efeito de sexo e de diferentes genótipos é expresso através de uma mudança no valor dos parâmetros do modelo. O modelo é eficaz para simular a deposição de proteína e gordura na carcaça bem como a deposição de proteína nas penas.A model was developed to simulate the basal metabolism, deposition of protein in carcass and feathers, and carcass fat deposition. The model assumes the

  18. Optimally Fortifying Logic Reliability through Criticality Ranking

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    Yu Bai


    Full Text Available With CMOS technology aggressively scaling towards the 22-nm node, modern FPGA devices face tremendous aging-induced reliability challenges due to bias temperature instability (BTI and hot carrier injection (HCI. This paper presents a novel anti-aging technique at the logic level that is both scalable and applicable for VLSI digital circuits implemented with FPGA devices. The key idea is to prolong the lifetime of FPGA-mapped designs by strategically elevating the VDD values of some LUTs based on their modular criticality values. Although the idea of scaling VDD in order to improve either energy efficiency or circuit reliability has been explored extensively, our study distinguishes itself by approaching this challenge through an analytical procedure, therefore being able to maximize the overall reliability of the target FPGA design by rigorously modeling the BTI-induced device reliability and optimally solving the VDD assignment problem. Specifically, we first develop a systematic framework to analytically model the reliability of an FPGA LUT (look-up table, which consists of both RAM memory bits and associated switching circuit. We also, for the first time, establish the relationship between signal transition density and a LUT’s reliability in an analytical way. This key observation further motivates us to define the modular criticality as the product of signal transition density and the logic observability of each LUT. Finally, we analytically prove, for the first time, that the optimal way to improve the overall reliability of a whole FPGA device is to fortify individual LUTs according to their modular criticality. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to draw such a conclusion.


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    Oksandro Osdival Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Resumo: O presente artigo teve como objetivo examinar os efeitos da decisão proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no benefício previdenciário denominado aposentadoria especial. Para tanto, fez-se uso da hermenêutica histórica, haja vista a sua capacidade de reconstruir elementos motivadores de uma teoria. Com isso, puderam ser observadas as mudanças ocorridas nessa prestação até chegar à forma com que é concedida hoje. Atualmente, o segurado deve comprovar, mediante formulário denominado perfil profissiográfico previdenciário, a efetiva exposição a agentes nocivos por 15, 20 ou 25 anos. Ocorre que a autarquia previdenciária condiciona a redução no tempo de contribuição a um aumento no custeio, sob pena de ofensa ao equilíbrio econômico. Com essas premissas em mente, a matéria chegou à Suprema Corte brasileira e duas teses foram criadas. Nessa toada, o artigo buscou examinar de forma pormenorizada quais foram as proposições e como estas podem conferir novos rumos à matéria utilizando o ferramental da análise econômica do direito. Palavras-chave: Aposentadoria especial. Empresas. Tributação. Análise econômica do direito.

  20. Evaluation of negative and positive health effects of n-3 fatty acids as constituents of food supplements and fortified foods


    Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety


    The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) has on request from The Norwegian Food Safety Authority evaluated negative and positive human health effects from intake of n-3 fatty acids from food supplements and fortified foods. The evidence presented in this evaluation show that it is possible to obtain positive health effects in the Norwegian population from intake of EPA and DHA, including from food supplements, without any appreciable risk of negative or adverse health ...

  1. Vitamin D3-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers as a Potential Approach for Fortifying Food Beverages; in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation

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    Maryam Mohammadi


    Full Text Available Purpose: Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs composed of solid lipid and oil are a new generation of lipid nanoparticles which have exhibited some merits over traditional used lipid nanoparticles in fortifying food and beverages and nutraceuticals delivery systems such as liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles. Methods: In this study, Precirol and Compritol as solid lipids, Miglyol and Octyloctanoat as liquid lipids, Tween80, Tween20 and Poloxamer407 as surfactants were used to prepare vitamin D3-loaded NLC dispersion using hot homogenization method. The particle size and size distribution for all formulations were evaluated by immediately after production and during a storage period of 60 days. Results: The Precirol-based NLC showed superiority over Compritol-based NLC in the point of physical stability. Results clearly suggested that an optimum concentration of 3% of Poloxamer407 or 2% of Tween20 was sufficient to cover the surface of nanoparticles effectively and prevent agglomeration during the homogenization process. Octyloctanoat was introduced for the first time as a good substituent for Miglyol in the preparation of NLC formulations. The vitamin D3 Intestinal absorption enhanced by the incorporating in NLCs. Conclusion: It was concluded that NLC showed a promising approach for fortifying beverages by lipophilic nutraceuticals such as vitamin D.

  2. Vitamin D3-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers as a Potential Approach for Fortifying Food Beverages; in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation. (United States)

    Mohammadi, Maryam; Pezeshki, Akram; Mesgari Abbasi, Mehran; Ghanbarzadeh, Babak; Hamishehkar, Hamed


    Purpose: Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) composed of solid lipid and oil are a new generation of lipid nanoparticles which have exhibited some merits over traditional used lipid nanoparticles in fortifying food and beverages and nutraceuticals delivery systems such as liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles. Methods: In this study, Precirol and Compritol as solid lipids, Miglyol and Octyloctanoat as liquid lipids, Tween80, Tween20 and Poloxamer407 as surfactants were used to prepare vitamin D 3 -loaded NLC dispersion using hot homogenization method. The particle size and size distribution for all formulations were evaluated by immediately after production and during a storage period of 60 days. Results: The Precirol-based NLC showed superiority over Compritol-based NLC in the point of physical stability. Results clearly suggested that an optimum concentration of 3% of Poloxamer407 or 2% of Tween20 was sufficient to cover the surface of nanoparticles effectively and prevent agglomeration during the homogenization process. Octyloctanoat was introduced for the first time as a good substituent for Miglyol in the preparation of NLC formulations. The vitamin D 3 Intestinal absorption enhanced by the incorporating in NLCs. Conclusion: It was concluded that NLC showed a promising approach for fortifying beverages by lipophilic nutraceuticals such as vitamin D.

  3. Avaliação sanitária de Psittaciformes em cativeiro no estado de Minas Gerais, no período de 2010-2012


    Rogerio Venancio Donatti


    Psitacídeos do gênero Amazona, com duas espécies ameaçadas de extinção (A. rhodocorytha e A. vinacea) e duas espécies de psitacídeos mais comuns (A. aestiva e Ara ararauna), todas originárias de cativeiro em Minas Gerais, foram examinados para etiologias previstas no Programa Nacional de Sanidade Avícola (PNSA). Foram também estudadas a síndrome da dilatação do proventrículo (PDD) (Bornavírus aviário, ABV), clamidiose (Chlamydophila psittaci), vírus da doença do bico e das penas dos psitac...


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    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo busca tornar aparentes correntes subterrâneas que formam uma rede consistente de perspectivas teológicas, filosóficas e biológicas, que constantemente reaparecem nos romances e contos de Machado de Assis. Tal rede envolve temas persistentes tais como o da predestinação, o utilitarismo, o gnosticismo, a teoria da evolução e o assim chamado darwinismo social spenceriano. Tais temas estão tão intimamente ligados ao humanitismo que vale a pena perguntar se não seria a filosofia borbiana digna de um exame mais sério.

  5. The application of autochthonous potential of probiotic lactobacillus plantarum 564 in fish oil fortified yoghurt production

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    Radulović Zorica


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to investigate the survival of autochthonous, potentially probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum 564, and the influence of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-3 (omega-3 PUFA fish oil fortification on the sensory quality of yoghurt. Three variants of yoghurt were produced using starter cultures of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus (Chr. Hansen, Denmark, and the potentially probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 564 (Culture Collection of the Department for Industrial Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade as follows: (1 without omega-3 PUFA; (2 with 100 mg/l omega-3 PUFA; and (3 with 200mg/l omega-3 PUFA. The survival of potential probiotic Lb. plantarum 564, the changes of starter bacteria counts, changes of pH values, as well as sensory evaluation, were examined during 3 weeks of yoghurt storage. Cells of Lb. plantarum 564 were maintained at >108 cfug−1. Starter bacteria counts were >107 cfug−1 for streptococci and >106 cfug−1 for lactobacilli. The changes of pH were within normal pH of fermented milks. Sensory evaluation showed that all variants of yoghurt produced with Lb. plantarum 564 and 2 concentrations of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids had a high sensory quality (above 90% of maximal quality, and which did not change significantly throughout the examined storage period. Although the sensory quality of the control sample was evaluated as better, the experimental samples fortified with fish oil were also characterized with very acceptable sensory properties. Results of high viability of potential probiotic Lb. plantarum 564, as well as very acceptable yoghurt sensory properties, indicate that this strain can be successfully used in the production of yoghurt fortified with PUFA omega-3 fish oil as a new functional dairy product. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 046010 i br. 046009

  6. Evaluation of the in vitro ocular toxicity of the fortified antibiotic eye drops prepared at the Hospital Pharmacy Departments

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    Anxo Fernández-Ferreiro


    Full Text Available The use of parenteral antibiotic eye drop formulations with non-marketed compositions or concentrations, commonly called fortified antibiotic eye drops, is a common practice in Ophthalmology in the hospital setting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro ocular toxicity of the main fortified antibiotic eye drops prepared in the Hospital Pharmacy Departments. We have conducted an in vitro experimental study in order to test the toxicity of gentamicin, amikacin, cefazolin, ceftazidime, vancomycin, colistimethate sodium and imipenem-cilastatin eye drops; their cytotoxicity and acute tissue irritation have been evaluated. Cell-based assays were performed on human stromal keratocytes, using a cell-based impedance biosensor system [xCELLigence Real-Time System Cell Analyzer (RTCA], and the Hen’s Egg Test for the ocular irritation tests. All the eye drops, except for vancomycin and imipenem, have shown a cytotoxic effect dependent on concentration and time; higher concentrations and longer exposure times will cause a steeper decline in the population of stromal keratocytes. Vancomycin showed a major initial cytotoxic effect, which was reverted over time; and imipenem appeared as a non-toxic compound for stromal cells. The eye drops with the highest irritating effect on the ocular surface were gentamicin and vancomycin. Those antibiotic eye drops prepared at the Hospital Pharmacy Departments included in this study were considered as compounds potentially cytotoxic for the ocular surface; this toxicity was dependent on the concentration used

  7. Estimating the impact of vitamin A-fortified vegetable oil in Bangladesh in the absence of dietary assessment data. (United States)

    Fiedler, John L; Lividini, Keith; Bermudez, Odilia I


    Vitamin A deficiency is a serious health problem in Bangladesh. The 2011-12 Bangladesh Micronutrient Survey found 76·8% of children of pre-school age were vitamin A deficient. In the absence of nationally representative, individual dietary assessment data, we use an alternative--household income and expenditure survey data--to estimate the potential impact of the introduction of vitamin A-fortified vegetable oil in Bangladesh. Items in the household income and expenditure survey were matched to food composition tables to estimate households' usual vitamin A intakes. Then, assuming (i) the intra-household distribution of food is in direct proportion to household members' share of the household's total adult male consumption equivalents, (ii) all vegetable oil that is made from other-than mustard seed and that is purchased is fortifiable and (iii) oil fortification standards are implemented, we modelled the additional vitamin A intake due to the new fortification initiative. Nationwide in Bangladesh. A weighted sample of 12,240 households comprised of 55,580 individuals. Ninety-nine per cent of the Bangladesh population consumes vegetable oil. The quantities consumed are sufficiently large and, varying little by socio-economic status, are able to provide an important, large-scale impact. At full implementation, vegetable oil fortification will reduce the number of persons with inadequate vitamin A intake from 115 million to 86 million and decrease the prevalence of inadequate vitamin A intake from 80% to 60%. Vegetable oil is an ideal fortification vehicle in Bangladesh. Its fortification with vitamin A is an important public health intervention.

  8. Impact of daily consumption of iron fortified ready-to-eat cereal and pumpkin seed kernels (Cucurbita pepo) on serum iron in adult women. (United States)

    Naghii, Mohammad Reza; Mofid, Mahmood


    Iron deficiency, anemia, is the most prevalent nutritional problem in the world today. The objective of this study was to consider the effectiveness of consumption of iron fortified ready-to-eat cereal and pumpkin seed kernels as two sources of dietary iron on status of iron nutrition and response of hematological characteristics of women at reproductive ages. Eight healthy female, single or non pregnant subjects, aged 20-37 y consumed 30 g of iron fortified ready-to-eat cereal (providing 7.1 mg iron/day) plus 30 g of pumpkin seed kernels (providing 4.0 mg iron/day) for four weeks. Blood samples collected on the day 20 of menstrual cycles before and after consumption and indices of iron status such as reticulocyte count, hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Ht), serum ferritin, iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin and transferrin saturation percent were determined. Better response for iron status was observed after consumption period. The statistical analysis showed a significant difference between the pre and post consumption phase for higher serum iron (60 +/- 22 vs. 85 +/- 23 ug/dl), higher transferrin saturation percent (16.8 +/- 8.0 vs. 25.6 +/- 9.0%), and lower TIBC (367 +/- 31 vs. 339 +/- 31 ug/dl). All individuals had higher serum iron after consumption. A significant positive correlation (r=0.981, p=0.000) between the differences in serum iron levels and differences in transferrin saturation percentages and a significant negative correlation (r=-0.916, pfoods contribute to maintaining optimal nutritional status and minimizing the likelihood of iron insufficiencies and use of fortified ready-to-eat cereals is a common strategy. The results showed that adding another food source of iron such as pumpkin seed kernels improves the iron status. Additional and longer studies using these two food products are recommended to further determine the effect of iron fortification on iron nutrition and status among the target population, and mainly in young

  9. Geochronology and Fluid-Rock Interaction Associated with the Nopal I Uranium Deposit, Pena Blanca, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M. Fayek; P. Goodell; M. Ren; A. Simmons


    The Nopal I uranium (U) deposit, Pena Blanca District, Mexico, largely consists of secondary U{sup 6+} minerals, which occur within a breccia pipe mainly hosted by the 44 Ma Nopal and Colorados volcanic formations. These two units overly the Pozos conglomerate formation and Cretaceous limestone. Three new vertical diamond drill holes (DDHs) were recently drilled at Nopal I. DDH-PB1 with continuous core was drilled through the Nopal I deposit and two additional DDHs were drilled {approx}50 m on either side of the cored hole. These DDHs terminate 20 m below the current water table, thus allowing the detection of possible gradients in radionuclide contents resulting from transport from the overlying uranium deposit. Primary uraninite within the main ore body is rare and fine-grained ({approx}50 micrometers), thus making geochronology of the Nopal I deposit very difficult. Uranium, lead and oxygen isotopes can be used to study fluid-uraninite interaction, provided that the analyses are obtained on the micro-scale. Secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) permits in situ measurement of isotopic ratios with a spatial resolution on the scale of a few {micro}m. Preliminary U-Pb results show that uraninite from the main ore body gives an age of 32 {+-} 8 Ma, whereas uraninite from the uraniferous Pozos conglomerate that lies nearly 100 m below the main ore body and 25 meters above the water table, gives a U-Pb age that is <1 Ma. Oxygen isotopic analyses show that uraninite from the ore body has a {delta}{sup 18}O = -10.8{per_thousand}, whereas the uraninite within the Pozos conglomerate has a {delta}{sup 18}O = +1.5{per_thousand}. If it is assumed that both uraninites precipitated from meteoric water ({delta}{sup 18}O = -7{per_thousand}), then calculated precipitation temperatures are 55 C for the uraninite from the ore body and 20 C for uraninite hosted by the Pozos conglomerate. These temperatures are consistent with previous studies that calculated precipitation

  10. Geochronology and Fluid-Rock Interaction Associated with the Nopal I Uranium Deposit, Pena Blanca, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fayek, M.; Goodell, P.; Ren, M.; Simmons, A.


    The Nopal I uranium (U) deposit, Pena Blanca District, Mexico, largely consists of secondary U 6+ minerals, which occur within a breccia pipe mainly hosted by the 44 Ma Nopal and Colorados volcanic formations. These two units overly the Pozos conglomerate formation and Cretaceous limestone. Three new vertical diamond drill holes (DDHs) were recently drilled at Nopal I. DDH-PB1 with continuous core was drilled through the Nopal I deposit and two additional DDHs were drilled ∼50 m on either side of the cored hole. These DDHs terminate 20 m below the current water table, thus allowing the detection of possible gradients in radionuclide contents resulting from transport from the overlying uranium deposit. Primary uraninite within the main ore body is rare and fine-grained (∼50 micrometers), thus making geochronology of the Nopal I deposit very difficult. Uranium, lead and oxygen isotopes can be used to study fluid-uraninite interaction, provided that the analyses are obtained on the micro-scale. Secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) permits in situ measurement of isotopic ratios with a spatial resolution on the scale of a few (micro)m. Preliminary U-Pb results show that uraninite from the main ore body gives an age of 32 ± 8 Ma, whereas uraninite from the uraniferous Pozos conglomerate that lies nearly 100 m below the main ore body and 25 meters above the water table, gives a U-Pb age that is 18 O = -10.8(per t housand), whereas the uraninite within the Pozos conglomerate has a (delta) 18 O = +1.5(per t housand). If it is assumed that both uraninites precipitated from meteoric water ((delta) 18 O = -7(per t housand)), then calculated precipitation temperatures are 55 C for the uraninite from the ore body and 20 C for uraninite hosted by the Pozos conglomerate. These temperatures are consistent with previous studies that calculated precipitation temperatures for clay minerals associated with uraninite

  11. Thriving public-private partnership to fortify cooking oil in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) to control vitamin A deficiency: Faire Tache d'Huile en Afrique de l'Ouest. (United States)

    Sablah, Mawuli; Klopp, Jennifer; Steinberg, Douglas; Touaoro, Zaoro; Laillou, Arnaud; Baker, Shawn


    In sub-Saharan Africa, more than 42% of children are at risk for vitamin A deficiency, and control of vitamin A deficiency will prevent more than 600,000 child deaths annually. In the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), an estimated 54.3% of preschool-age children are vitamin A deficient and 13% of pregnant women have night blindness. To project the achievements of this West African coalition. This article documents the achievements, challenges, and lessons learned associated with the development of a public-private partnership to fortify vegetable oil in West Africa through project reports and industry assessments. National-level food consumption surveys identified cooking oil as a key vehicle for vitamin A. Stakeholders therefore advocated for the production of fortified vegetable oil at large scale, supported industrial assessments, and reinforced the capacity of cooking oil industries to implement vitamin A fortification through effective coordination of public and private partnerships tied with standards, regulations, and social marketing. Strong alliances for food fortification were established at the regional and national levels. Stakeholders also developed policies, adopted directives, built capacity, implemented social marketing, and monitored quality enforcement systems to sustain fortification for maximum public health impact. The synergy created resulted from the unique and complementary core competencies of all the partners under effective coordination. The initiative began with the 8 UEMOA member countries and now includes all 15 countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), plus Cameroon, Tanzania, and Mozambique, forming a sub-Saharan Africa-wide initiative on food fortification. All members of the Professional Association of Cooking Oil Industries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (AIFO-UEMOA) now fortify edible oil with vitamin A. Through multisector cooperation, an estimated 70% of the population

  12. Sementes de melão osmoticamente condicionadas: vale a pena utilizá-las?

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    Nascimento Warley Marcos


    Full Text Available O estabelecimento rápido e uniforme das plântulas no campo é um dos aspectos mais importantes para se alcançar bom estande e se ter garantia da expressão da produtividade máxima das hortaliças. Diversos fatores podem influenciar a germinação das sementes e a emergência de plântulas de várias hortaliças, incluindo o melão. Dentre os diferentes tipos de tratamentos de sementes visando a melhoria do estabelecimento de plântulas de melão, o condicionamento osmótico poderia ser boa opção. Sementes osmoticamente condicionadas de melão apresentam melhor desempenho na germinação, especialmente sob condições de baixas temperaturas. A aderência do tegumento durante a emergência pode ser minimizada com a utilização de sementes osmoticamente condicionadas. Outros aspectos relacionados com essa técnica e seus efeitos na germinação de sementes e estabelecimento da cultura do melão são discutidos nesse artigo.

  13. A six-month intervention with two different types of micronutrient-fortified complementary foods had distinct short- and long-term effects on linear and ponderal growth of vietnamese infants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Phu, Pham V.; Hoan, Nguyen V.; Salvignol, Bertrand


    -scores in the C group intermediate and not significantly different from the others. This study shows that regular provision of locally produced CF fortified with micronutrients partly stopped growth faltering in Vietnamese infants, with differential effects on long-term length and ponderal growth. Providing only...

  14. Common variants in CYP2R1 and GC genes are both determinants of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations after UVB irradiation and after consumption of vitamin D₃-fortified bread and milk during winter in Denmark. (United States)

    Nissen, Janna; Vogel, Ulla; Ravn-Haren, Gitte; Andersen, Elisabeth W; Madsen, Katja H; Nexø, Bjørn A; Andersen, Rikke; Mejborn, Heddie; Bjerrum, Poul J; Rasmussen, Lone B; Wulf, Hans Christian


    Little is known about how the genetic variation in vitamin D modulating genes influences ultraviolet (UV)B-induced 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations. In the Food with vitamin D (VitmaD) study, we showed that common genetic variants rs10741657 and rs10766197 in 25-hydroxylase (CYP2R1) and rs842999 and rs4588 in vitamin D binding protein (GC) predict 25(OH)D concentrations at late summer and after 6-mo consumption of cholecalciferol (vitamin D₃)-fortified bread and milk. In the current study, called the Vitamin D in genes (VitDgen) study, we analyzed associations between the increase in 25(OH)D concentrations after a given dose of artificial UVB irradiation and 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms located in or near genes involved in vitamin D synthesis, transport, activation, or degradation as previously described for the VitmaD study. Second, we aimed to determine whether the genetic variations in CYP2R1 and GC have similar effects on 25(OH)D concentrations after artificial UVB irradiation and supplementation by vitamin D₃-fortified bread and milk. The VitDgen study includes 92 healthy Danes who received 4 whole-body UVB treatments with a total dose of 6 or 7.5 standard erythema doses during a 10-d period in winter. The VitmaD study included 201 healthy Danish families who were given vitamin D₃-fortified bread and milk or placebo for 6 mo during the winter. After UVB treatments, rs10741657 in CYP2R1 and rs4588 in GC predicted UVB-induced 25(OH)D concentrations as previously shown in the VitmaD study. Compared with noncarriers, carriers of 4 risk alleles of rs10741657 and rs4588 had lowest concentrations and smallest increases in 25(OH)D concentrations after 4 UVB treatments and largest decreases in 25(OH)D concentrations after 6-mo consumption of vitamin D₃-fortified bread and milk. Common genetic variants in the CYP2R1 and GC genes modify 25(OH)D concentrations in the same manner after artificial UVB-induced vitamin D and consumption of vitamin D₃-fortified


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    Regis de Andrade Cardoso


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata de um tema que é extremamente relevante, pelo fato de os princípios e normas do sistema de Roma constituirem a base do Direito de vários países, sendo um deles o Brasil. Assim, como este teve como objetivo abordar a influencia do direito Romano no direito brasileiro, preliminarmente, conceitua-se o Direito Romano e os principais acontecimentos que ensejaram o seu nascimento. Na seqüência, enfoca-se a influencia do direito romano no direito brasileiro nas áreas de direito civil, processo civil e direito penal. No campo do direito civil, o direito romano influencia fortemente todas as ramificações, todavia, deu-se enfoque à seara das pessoas, bens e obrigações. No tocante ao processo civil, demonstrou-se que princípio vigente na atualidade, como o princípio do dispositivo, da oralidade surgiu no direito romano. E por fim, no direito penal as práticas romanas influenciaram na percepção sobre a finalidade da pena, ou seja, os requisitos subjetivos existentes na legislação atual foram oriundos do surgimento de escolas penais clássicas, as quais advieram em razão do caráter da pena imposto pela lei das XII Tábuas e práticas pretéritas de castigo. Finalmente, em conclusão, comprova-se a importância do estudo do Direito Romano para a formação teórica prática do jurista brasileiro.

  16. Design of a ready-to-eat child food fortified with pea-based iron (Pisum sativum

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    Zulma Villaquirán


    Full Text Available Introduction: Iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutritional problems at the global level which mainly affects the vulnerable population as children under 5 years of age. Fortified foods of child consumption are part of the intervention strategies, which are made from the mixture of ingredients such as cereals, fruits, legumes, among others. Pea is a legume that can be used in order to take advantage of its nutritional properties. Objective: To design a ready-to-eat child food with peas (Pisum sativum, fortified with iron and sanitized by pasteurization. Materials and methods: The appropriate percentage of peas in the food was selected by sensory analysis. The selection of iron salt was made by physicochemical and sensory analysis using ferrous sulphate and chelate iron. Subsequently, the growth of mesophilic microorganisms was evaluated in order to select the pasteurization heat treatment. The useful life evaluation was carried out through sensory tests. Finally, the physico-chemical, compositional and microbiological evaluation of the sanitized food was implemented. Results: The addition of peas in percentages not greater than 6.5% within the food formulation was acceptable for parents of children under 5. On the other hand, the selected salt to generate less changes on the color and acidity of the food during storage was chelate iron. The results of heat treatment showed that for reducing the initial concentration of mesophiles and obtaining a good quality food according to the Colombian regulations in force, it was necessary to submit the food to 85 °C for 13 minutes (0.45 D, which managed to maintain the initial quality of the food for 12 days under refrigeration. Conclusions: The developed food complies with the sensory and microbiological criteria demanded in the Colombian regulations in force and is suitable for consumption. Besides, it can be catalogued as high in iron and a good source of protein, contributing with 25% and

  17. Multiple-Micronutrient Fortified Non-Dairy Beverage Interventions Reduce the Risk of Anemia and Iron Deficiency in School-Aged Children in Low-Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (i-iv). (United States)

    Aaron, Grant J; Dror, Daphna K; Yang, Zhenyu


    Multiple-micronutrient (MMN) fortification of beverages may be an effective option to deliver micronutrients to vulnerable populations. The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the nutritional impacts of MMN fortified beverages in the context of low-middle income countries. A systematic search of published literature yielded 1022 citations, of which 10 randomized controlled trials (nine in school-aged children and one in pregnant women) met inclusion criteria. Results of school-aged children were included in the meta-analysis. Compared to iso-caloric controls, children who received MMN fortified beverages for 8 weeks to 6 months showed significant improvements in hemoglobin (+2.76 g/L, 95% CI [1.19, 4.33], p = 0.004; 8 studies) and serum ferritin (+15.42 pmol/L, [5.73, 25.12], p = 0.007; 8 studies); and reduced risk of anemia (RR 0.58 [0.29, 0.88], p = 0.005; 6 studies), iron deficiency (RR 0.34 [0.21, 0.55], p = 0.002; 7 studies), and iron deficiency anemia (RR 0.17 [0.06, 0.53], p = 0.02; 3 studies). MMN fortified beverage interventions could have major programmatic implications for reducing the burden of anemia and iron deficiency in school-aged children in low-middle income countries. Additional research is needed to investigate effects on other biochemical outcomes and population subgroups.

  18. Modeling non-steady state radioisotope transport in the vadose zone--A case study using uranium isotopes at Pena Blanca, Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ku, T.L.; Luo, S.; Goldstein, S.J.; Murrell, M.T.; Chu, W.L.; Dobson, P.F.


    Current models using U- and Th-series disequilibria to study radioisotope transport in groundwater systems mostly consider a steady-state situation. These models have limited applicability to the vadose zone (UZ) where the concentration and migratory behavior of radioisotopes in fluid are often transitory. We present here, as a first attempt of its kind, a model simulating the non-steady state, intermittent fluid transport in vadose layers. It provides quantitative constraints on in-situ migration of dissolved and colloidal radioisotopes in terms of retardation factor and rock-water interaction (or water transit) time. For uranium, the simulation predicts that intermittent flushing in the UZ leads to a linear relationship between reciprocal U concentration and 234 U/ 238 U ratio in percolating waters, with the intercept and slope bearing information on the rates of dissolution and α-recoil of U isotopes, respectively. The general validity of the model appears to be borne out by the measurement of uranium isotopes in UZ waters collected at various times over a period during 1995-2006 from a site in the Pena Blanca mining district, Mexico, where the Nopal I uranium deposit is located. Enhanced 234 U/ 238 U ratios in vadose-zone waters resulting from lengthened non-flushing time as prescribed by the model provide an interpretative basis for using 234 U/ 238 U in cave calcites to reconstruct the regional changes in hydrology and climate. We also provide a theoretical account of the model's potential applications using radium isotopes.

  19. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation through fortified dairy products counterbalances seasonal variations of bone metabolism indices: the Postmenopausal Health Study. (United States)

    Tenta, Roxane; Moschonis, George; Koutsilieris, Michael; Manios, Yannis


    To assess the effectiveness of a dietary intervention combined with fortified dairy products on bone metabolism and bone mass indices in postmenopausal women. Forty postmenopausal women (55-65 years old) were equally randomized into a dietary group (DG), receiving daily and for 30 months, 1,200 mg of calcium and 7.5 μg of vitamin D(3) for the first 12 months that increased to 22.5 μg for the remaining 18 months of intervention through fortified dairy products; and a control group (CG). Differences in the changes of bone metabolism and bone mass indices were examined with repeated measures ANOVA. A significant increase was observed for PTH levels only in the CG during the first six winter months of intervention (p = 0.049). After 30 months of intervention, during winter, serum 25(OH)D significantly decreased in the CG while remained in the same high levels as in the summer period in the DG. Serum RANKL levels decreased significantly in the DG compared with the increase in the CG during the 30-month intervention period (p = 0.005). Serum CTx decreased significantly in the DG after six (-0.08; -0.12 to -0.03) and 12 (-0.03; -0.08 to -0.02) months of intervention. Finally, the DG had more favorable changes in total body BMD than the CG (p effective in producing favorable changes in several bone metabolism and bone mass indices and in counterbalancing seasonal variations in hormonal and biochemical molecules.

  20. Reduction of plasma homocyst(e)ine levels by breakfast cereal fortified with folic acid in patients with coronary heart disease. (United States)

    Malinow, M R; Duell, P B; Hess, D L; Anderson, P H; Kruger, W D; Phillipson, B E; Gluckman, R A; Block, P C; Upson, B M


    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that cereal-grain products be fortified with folic acid to prevent congenital neural-tube defects. Since folic acid supplementation reduces levels of plasma homocyst(e)ine, or plasma total homocysteine, which are frequently elevated in arterial occlusive disease, we hypothesized that folic acid fortification might reduce plasma homocyst(e)ine levels. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the effects of breakfast cereals fortified with three levels of folic acid, and also containing the recommended dietary allowances of vitamins B6 and B12, in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial in 75 men and women with coronary artery disease. Plasma folic acid increased and plasma homocyst(e)ine decreased proportionately with the folic acid content of the breakfast cereal. Cereal providing 127 microg of folic acid daily, approximating the increased daily intake that may result from the FDA's enrichment policy, increased plasma folic acid by 31 percent (P=0.045) but decreased plasma homocyst(e)ine by only 3.7 percent (P= 0.24). However, cereals providing 499 and 665 microg of folic acid daily increased plasma folic acid by 64.8 percent (Pine by 11.0 percent (Pine levels. Further clinical trials are required to determine whether folic acid fortification may prevent vascular disease. Until then, our results suggest that folic acid fortification at levels higher than that recommended by the FDA may be warranted.

  1. Aceitabilidade de pão fortificado com ferro microencapsulado por crianças de creches das regiões sul e leste da cidade de São Paulo Acceptability of bread fortified with microencapsulated iron by children of daycare centers in the south and east regions of São Paulo city, Brazil

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    Teresinha Stumpf Souto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aceitabilidade de um pão tipo bisnaguinha enriquecido com ferro microencapsulado por crianças freqüentadoras de creches, de acordo com sexo, faixa etária, estado nutricional, presença de anemia, tempo de estocagem e momento do experimento (inicial, meio e final. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado duplo-cego com 382 crianças de 2 a 6 anos de idade, matriculadas em quatro creches filantrópicas do município de São Paulo. As crianças de duas creches receberam no café da manhã, de segunda a sexta-feira, o pão fortificado com ferro microencapsulado e as das outras duas, pão idêntico, porém sem ferro, durante 120 dias. A ingestão foi anotada diariamente em planilhas individuais. Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram o qui-quadrado, o teste t de Student, a análise de variância e a análise de covariância. RESULTADOS: O consumo médio semanal de pães foi significantemente menor nas crianças das creches expostas (1,17 do que nas creches não expostas (1,56 e a variabilidade de aceitação foi maior nas creches não expostas. A ingestão foi significantemente menor pelas crianças das creches expostas em todas as variáveis estudadas, exceto nas faixas etárias menores de 36 meses e de 36 a 47 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de a aceitação pelas crianças do pão fortificado com ferro ter sido significantemente menor do que ao pão sem ferro, a aceitação nos dois grupos mostra que este pão pode ser alternativa viável para a fortificação de alimentos na prevenção da anemia ferropriva em crianças de creches.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the acceptance of a new food, a mini-roll enriched with microencapsulated iron sulfate, among preschool-aged children stratified by sex, age group, nutritional status, presence of iron-deficiency anemia, length of storage, and stage of trial (early, middle, late. METHODS: Double blind randomized clinical trial with 382 children aged 2 to 6 years enrolled in 4 not

  2. Effects of sterilization, packaging, and storage on vitamin C degradation, protein denaturation, and glycation in fortified milks. (United States)

    Gliguem, H; Birlouez-Aragon, I


    Monitoring the nutritional quality of dietetic milk throughout its shelf life is particularly important due to the high susceptibility of some vitamins to oxidation, and the continuous development of the Maillard reaction during storage. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the vitamin C content and protein modification by denaturation and glycation on fortified milk samples (growth milks) destined for 1- to 3-yr-old children. The influences of the sterilization process, formulation, packaging, and storage duration at ambient temperature in the dark were studied. Vitamin C degradation was particularly influenced by type of packaging. The use of a 3-layered opaque bottle was associated with complete oxidation of vitamin C after 1 mo of storage, whereas in the 6-layered opaque bottle, which has an oxygen barrier, the vitamin C content slowly decreased to reach 25% of the initial concentration after 4 mo of storage. However, no significant effect of vitamin C degradation during storage could be observed in terms of Maillard reaction, despite the fact that a probable impact occurred during sterilization. Furosine content and the FAST (fluorescence of advanced Maillard products and soluble tryptophan) index-indicators of the early and advanced Maillard reaction, respectively-were significantly higher in the in-bottle sterilized milk samples compared with UHT samples, and in fortified milk samples compared with cow milk. However, after 1 mo, the impact of storage was predominant, increasing the furosine level and the FAST index at similar levels for the differently processed samples. The early Maillard reaction developed continuously throughout the storage period.In conclusion, only packaging comprising an oxygen and light barrier is compatible with vitamin C fortification of milk. Furthermore, short storage time or low storage temperature is needed to retard vitamin C degradation, protein denaturation, and development of the Maillard reaction.

  3. Desenvolvimento e validação de um modelo matemático para o cálculo da área superficial de frangos de corte Development and validation of a model to compute the surface area of broiler chickens

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    Eberson Silva


    Full Text Available A área superficial de frangos de corte é importante parâmetro de entrada em modelos de transferência de calor e massa. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de desenvolver e validar modelo matemático empírico para estimar a área superficial (As de frangos de corte. Para a realização desta pesquisa, foram utilizadas 84 aves de corte da linhagem Ross, sendo 37 machos e 47 fêmeas, com animais abrangendo todo o período da fase de criação. Em cada teste realizado em laboratório, uma ave, aleatoriamente selecionada, teve as suas dimensões (comprimento, largura e altura e massa corporal avaliadas. A pele com penas da ave foi retirada para a determinação da As. Parte dos dados foi usada para ajuste da equação para a determinação da As e parte para a validação. Os resultados mostraram que a equação empírica para a determinação da As é estatisticamente significativa (P0,05.Surface area (As of poultry is an important input parameter in heat and mass transfer calculation; thus, it was aimed with the present work to develop and to validate an empirical model to estimate the broiler chicken's surface area. Eighty four Ross broiler chickens were used in this research, thirty seven male and forty seven female, with body masses during all growth phase. In the laboratory, each randomly selected chicken had its dimensions (length, width and height and body mass evaluated. The chicken skin with feathers was taken off to determine As. Portion of the data was used to fit the equation to estimate the surface area and another portion was used to validate it. Results showed that the empirical equation to determine As was statically significant (P0.05.

  4. Effect of Micronutrient and Probiotic Fortified Yogurt on Immune-Function of Anti-Retroviral Therapy Naive HIV Patients  

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    J. Dik F. Habbema


    Full Text Available Background: Micronutrient supplementation has been shown to reduce the progression of HIV but does not have an effect on the intestinal barrier or the intestinal microbiota of HIV patients. Studies have suggested that probiotics could potentially complement micronutrients in preserving the immune-function of HIV patients. Objective: Assess the impact of micronutrient supplemented probiotic yogurt on the immune function of HIV patients. Design: We performed a randomized, double blind, controlled trial with CD4 count as primary outcome among HIV patients naïve to anti-retroviral treatment. Secondary outcomes included hematological parameters, incidence of diarrhea and clinical symptoms. A total of 112 HIV patients were randomized to receive a micronutrient fortified yogurt with (n = 55 or without additional probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 (n = 57 for four weeks. Results: An average decline in CD4 count of −70 cells/μL (95% CI: −154 to −15 was observed in the micronutrient, probiotic group versus a decrease of −63 cells/μL (95% CI: −157 to −30 in the micronutrient control group (p = 0.9. Additional probiotic supplementation was well tolerated and not associated with adverse events. No difference between groups was detected in incidence of diarrhea or clinical symptoms. An improvement of hemoglobin levels was observed for all subjects, based upon a mean difference from baseline of 1.4 g/L (SD = 6 (p = 0.02. Conclusion: The addition of probiotics to a micronutrient fortified yogurt was well tolerated by HIV patients but was not associated with a further increase in CD4 count after one month.

  5. Double-blind randomized controlled trial of rolls fortified with microencapsulated iron Estudo duplo-cego randomizado controlado com pães fortificados com ferro microencapsulado

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    Teresa Negreira Navarro Barbosa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the fortification of rolls with microencapsulated iron sulfate with sodium alginate on the hemoglobin levels in preschoolers as compared to controls. METHODS: Double-blind randomized controlled trial comprised of children aged 2 to 6 years with initial hemoglobin exceeding 9 g/dL from four not-for-profit daycares randomly selected in the city of São Paulo - Brazil. Children of 2 daycares (n = 88 received rolls with fortified wheat flour as the exposed group (EC and children of 2 daycares (n = 85 received rolls without fortification as the control group (CG over a 24-week period. Rolls with 4 mg iron each were offered once a day, five days a week. Hemoglobin concentrations were determined in capillary blood by HemoCue® at three moments of trial: baseline (Ml, after 12 and 24 weeks of intervention (M2, M3. RESULTS: Hemoglobin concentration presented significant increase up to M3 in EG (11.7-12.5-12.6 g/dL and in CG (11.1-12.4-12.3 g/dL with higher elevations in children initially with anemia. There was significant reduction in the occurrence of anemia from 22% to 9% in EG and from 47% to 8.2% in CG at M3. CONCLUSION: Rolls fortified with microencapsulated iron sulfate were well tolerated, increased hemoglobin levels and reduced the occurrence of anemia, but with no difference compared to the control group.OBJETIVO: A deficiência de ferro é a carência nutricional mais frequente no Brasil, tendo como principal etiologia a baixa ingestão do mineral. A fortificação alimentar é medida sustentável e de melhor custo-benefício para a prevenção e controle. O objetivo foi avaliar o impacto da fortificação de pães com sulfato ferroso microencapsulado com alginato de sódio sobre os níveis de hemoglobina em pré-escolares, comparados com controles. MÉTODOS: Estudo duplo-cego randomizado controlado incluindo crianças de 2 a 6 anos com hemoglobina inicial maior que 9 g/dL procedentes de 4 creches filantr

  6. The importance of dietary composition for efficacy of iron absorption measured in a whole diet that includes rye bread fortified with ferrous fumerate: A radioisotope study in young women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tetens, Inge; Larsen, T.M.; Kristensen, M.B.


    randomised to three groups, each of which was given two of six test diets containing either low/high amounts of vitamin C, meat or phytic acid, respectively, in a cross-over design. Each diet was served throughout a 5 d period. Fe-fortified rye bread, extrinsically labelled with Fe-59, was given with all......Fe absorption is affected by many dietary factors. The objective of the present study was to measure the effects of high v. low content of vitamin C, meat and phytic acid in whole diets with Fe-fortified bread on the efficacy of Fe absorption. Thirty-two healthy women with low Fe stores were...... main meals. Fe absorption was determined from whole-body counter measurements of Fe-59 retention. The fractional non-haem Fe absorption (corrected to a 40 % standard absorption by measurements from the reference dose) was 1.9% v. 3.4% (P=0.04) for the low/high vitamin C diets, 3.0% v. 3.5% (P=0...

  7. A história da maconha no Brasil The history of marihuana in Brazil

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    Elisaldo Araújo Carlini


    Full Text Available A história da maconha no Brasil tem seu início com a própria descoberta do país. A maconha é uma planta exótica, ou seja, não é natural do Brasil. Foi trazida para cá pelos escravos negros, daí a sua denominação de fumo-de-Angola. O seu uso disseminou-se rapidamente entre os negros escravos e nossos índios, que passaram a cultivá-la. Séculos mais tarde, com a popularização da planta entre intelectuais franceses e médicos ingleses do exército imperial na Índia, ela passou a ser considerada em nosso meio um excelente medicamento indicado para muitos males. A demonização da maconha no Brasil iniciou-se na década de 1920 e, na II Conferência Internacional do Ópio, em 1924, em Genebra, o delegado brasileiro Dr. Pernambuco afirmou para as delegações de 45 outros países: "a maconha é mais perigosa que o ópio". Apesar das tentativas anteriores, no século XIX e princípios do século XX, a perseguição policial aos usuários de maconha somente se fez constante e enérgica a partir da década de 1930, possivelmente como resultante da decisão da II Conferência Internacional do Ópio. O primeiro levantamento domiciliar brasileiro sobre consumo de psicotrópicos, realizado em 2001, mostrou que 6,7% da população consultada já havia experimentado maconha pelo menos uma vez na vida (lifetime use, o que significa dizer que alguns milhões de brasileiros poderiam ser acusados e condenados à prisão por tal ofensa à presente lei. No presente, um projeto de lei foi aprovado no Congresso Nacional propondo a transformação da pena de reclusão por uso/posse de drogas (inclusive maconha em medidas administrativas.The present study describes of history of Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana since the arrival in Brazil in the Portuguese discovers, in 1500. During the following centuries Cannabis cultivation was stimulated by the Portuguese Crown, which included sending seeds to Brazil; the medicinal use of Cannabis was also common

  8. Conventional foods, followed by dietary supplements and fortified foods, are the key sources of vitamin D, vitamin B6, and selenium intake in Dutch participants of the NU-AGE study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berendsen, Agnes A.M.; Lieshout, van Lilou E.L.M.; Heuvel, van den Ellen G.H.M.; Matthys, Christophe; Péter, Szabolcs; Groot, de Lisette C.P.G.M.


    With aging, energy needs decrease, necessitating a more nutrient-dense diet to meet nutritional needs. To bridge this gap, the use of nutrient-dense foods, fortified foods, and dietary supplements can be important. This observational study aims to describe current micronutrient intakes of Dutch

  9. Geologic studies in the Sierra de Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico (United States)

    Reyes-Cortes, Ignacio Alfonso

    The Sierra del Cuervo has been endowed with uranium mineralization, which has attracted many geological studies, and recently the author was part of a team with the goal of selecting a site of a radioactive waste repository. The first part of the work adds to the regional framework of stratigraphy and tectonics of the area. It includes the idea of a pull apart basin development, which justifies the local great thickness of the Cuervo Formation. It includes the regional structural frame work and the composite stratigraphic column of the Chihuahua Trough and the equivalent Cretaceous Mexican Sea. The general geologic features of the NE part of the Sierra del Cuervo are described, which include the folded ignimbrites and limestones in that area; the irregular large thicknesses of the Cuervo Formation; and the western vergence of the main folding within the area. Sanidine phenocrystals gave ages of 54.2 Ma and 51.8 Ma ± 2.3 Ma. This is the first time these dates have been reported in print. This age indicates a time before the folded structures which outcrop in the area, and 44 Ma is a date after the Cuervo Formation was folded. The Hidalgoan orogeny cycle affected the rocks between this lapse of time. Since then the area has been partially affected by three tensional overlapped stages, which resulted in the actual Basin and Range physiography. The jarosite related to the tectonic activity mineralization has been dated by the Ar-Ar method and yields an age of 9.8 Ma. This is the first report of a date of mineralization timing at Pena Blanca Uranium District in the Sierra del Cuervo. These are some of the frame work features that justify the allocation of a radioactive waste repository in the Sierra del Cuervo. An alluvial fan system within the Boquilla Colorada microbasin was selected as the best target for more detailed site assessment. The study also included the measurement of the alluvium thicknesses by geoelectric soundings; studies of petrography and weathered

  10. Impact of multi-micronutrient fortified rice on hemoglobin, iron and vitamin A status of Cambodian schoolchildren

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perignon, Marlene; Fiorentino, Marion; Khov, Kuong


    In Cambodia, micronutrient deficiencies remain a critical public health problem. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of multi-micronutrient fortified rice (MMFR) formulations, distributed through a World Food Program school-meals program (WFP-SMP), on the hemoglobin concentrations and iron......Rice) or unfortified rice (placebo) six days a week for six months. Four additional schools not participating in WFP-SMP were randomly selected as controls. A total of 2440 schoolchildren (6–16 years old) participated in the biochemical study. Hemoglobin, iron status, estimated using inflammation-adjusted ferritin...... and transferrin receptors concentrations, and VA status, assessed using inflammation-adjusted retinol-binding protein concentration, were measured at the baseline, as well as at three and six months. Baseline prevalence of anemia, depleted iron stores, tissue iron deficiency, marginal VA status and VA deficiency...

  11. Evaluation of Vitamin D3 and D2 Stability in Fortified Flat Bread Samples During Dough Fermentation, Baking and Storage. (United States)

    Tabibian, Mehrnaz; Torbati, Mohammadali; Afshar Mogaddam, Mohammad Reza; Mirlohi, Maryam; Sadeghi, Malihe; Mohtadinia, Javad


    Purpose: Vitamin D, a fat-soluble secosteroid, has a significant role in bone metabolism and helps calcium absorption in the body. Since vitamin D concentration is altered in fortified foods and dietary supplements, the actual amount of vitamin D may differ from the label value. Methods: In this study, the concentrations of vitamin D 2 and D 3 of fortified bread sample were analytically determined. For this purpose, dough or homogenized bread sample was saponified using potassium hydroxide solution (30%, w/v) at 80°C, and the saponified analytes were extracted into n -heptane followed by liquid-liquid extraction. Then n -heptane fraction was evaporated to dryness and the sample was reconstituted in methanol. The effect of different parameters was evaluated by one variable at one-time strategy. Results: The analytes concentrations were evaluated in dough fermentation, baking and storage steps. The effect of temperature in dough fermentation and baking was evaluated at the range of 5-30 and 200-250°C, respectively. Also, the fermentation time was studied in the range of 0-120 min. The analytes concentrations were followed for 1 to 5 days after baking. The results indicated that dough fermentation temperature has no significant effect on the concentration of the analytes. On the other hand, when the dough fermentation time and baking temperature are increased, the analytes concentrations are decreased. Also, the storage duration of the spiked bread samples decreased the analytes concentrations after one day. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, baking the dough at high temperatures lead to decrease in vitamin levels.

  12. Ácaros de penas e carrapatos (Acari associados a Turdus albicollis Vieillot (Aves, Muscicapidae em uma área de Mata Atlântica da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Feather mites and ticks (Acari associated to Turdus albicollis Vieillot (Aves, Muscicapidae in an area of Atlantic Forest at Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alline Storni


    Full Text Available O parasitismo é um importante mecanismo que afeta populações e comunidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a fauna de ectoparasitos que habita o corpo do sabiá-de-coleira, Turdus albicollis Vieillot, 1818 e avaliar se a massa corporal do hospedeiro é afetada por estes parasitos. Os indivíduos de T. albicollis foram mensalmente capturados na Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, no período de julho de 1999 a junho de 2000, em uma área de Floresta Atlântica. As aves foram individualmente marcadas, pesadas e examinadas para registrar e quantificar a presença de ectoparasitos. A abundância e a localização dos parasitos no corpo do hospedeiro foram registradas. Em 54 indivíduos de T. albicollis amostrados, foram encontrados duas espécies de ectoparasitos. A prevalência de ácaros de penas, Pterodectes turdinus Berla, 1959, foi de 72,2% enquanto que a de carrapatos, Amblyomma longirostre Koch, 1844, foi de 27,8%. A abundância mensal de P. turdinus foi significativamente relacionada com os meses do ano, sendo maior nos meses com menor freqüência de chuva. Não houve relação estatisticamente significativa entre a massa corporal do hospedeiro (g e a abundância total de ácaros de penas e carrapatos.Parasitism is an important mechanism affecting populations and communities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the ectoparasites fauna living on the body of the white-necked trush, Turdus albicollis Vieillot, 1818, and to evaluate if the host body mass is affected by these parasites. Turdus albicollis were monthly captured at Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, from July 1999 to June 2000 in an area of Atlantic Forest. The birds were individualy marked, weighed and carefully checked to record and quantify the presence of ectoparasites. Parasite abundance and location on the bird's body were recorded. In 54 individuals of T. albicollis sampled, two ectoparasite species were found. The prevalence of the feather mite Pterodectes turdinus

  13. Da necessidade de um tipo penal intermediário no crime de estupro em face da desproporcionalidade da pena


    Tanferri, Andressa Silveira; Universidade Norte do Paraná; Cachapuz, Rozane da Rosa; Universidade Estadual de Londrina


    The article critically talks about the disproportionality of the minimum penalty on the crime of rape, which is in the art. 213 of the Brazilian Penal Code, when this applied to conduct that cause less damage to the well of the victim. The theme includes the need of creating a criminal type that fill the legal gap and be feasible to penalize the less serious conduct, without this violates the fundamental principles inherent to both, the author and the victim of the crime. This study exposes, ...

  14. El concepto de pena, ¿Un aspecto incontrovertido en su teoría?/The concept of penalty, do something uncontroversial in it’s theory?

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    Gabriel Rodríguez Pérez De Agreda (Cuba


    Full Text Available Se elige el concepto de pena como el objeto de nuestro análisis. Sabemos que un estudio que pretenda abarcar toda la problemática que engloba este “pacífico” tema nos obligaría a comenzar por una concienzuda mirada al concepto en sí, a su papel en las ciencias, a su conformación, a su naturaleza particular (ciencias naturales o ciencias sociales, etcétera, pero una empresa tal rebasa las propuestas de un artículo, no obstante, en aras de la claridad en lo que abordamos, haremos giros puntuales al problema de los conceptos en sí. We choose the concept of penalty as the object of our analysis. Knowing that a study that tries to cover all the problems that includes this “peaceful” topic would force us to start with a thorough look at the concept itself, its role in science, to its formation, to its particular nature (natural sciences or social sciences, etc, but a company exceeds such proposals for an article, however, for the sake of clarity in what you are dealing with. We will make specific turns to the problem of the concepts themselves.

  15. The effect of iron-fortified complementary food and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria on anaemia in 12- to 36-month-old children: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (United States)

    Glinz, Dominik; Hurrell, Richard F; Ouattara, Mamadou; Zimmermann, Michael B; Brittenham, Gary M; Adiossan, Lukas G; Righetti, Aurélie A; Seifert, Burkhardt; Diakité, Victorine G; Utzinger, Jürg; N'Goran, Eliézer K; Wegmüller, Rita


    Iron deficiency (ID) and malaria co-exist in tropical regions and both contribute to high rates of anaemia in young children. It is unclear whether iron fortification combined with intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) of malaria would be an efficacious strategy for reducing anaemia in young children. A 9-month cluster-randomised, single-blinded, placebo-controlled intervention trial was carried out in children aged 12-36 months in south-central Côte d'Ivoire, an area of intense and perennial malaria transmission. The study groups were: group 1: normal diet and IPT-placebo (n = 125); group 2: consumption of porridge, an iron-fortified complementary food (CF) with optimised composition providing 2 mg iron as NaFeEDTA and 3.8 mg iron as ferrous fumarate 6 days per week (CF-FeFum) and IPT-placebo (n = 126); group 3: IPT of malaria at 3-month intervals, using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine and no dietary intervention (n = 127); group 4: both CF-FeFum and IPT (n = 124); and group 5: consumption of porridge, an iron-fortified CF with the composition currently on the Ivorian market providing 2 mg iron as NaFeEDTA and 3.8 mg iron as ferric pyrophosphate 6 days per week (CF-FePP) and IPT-placebo (n = 127). The primary outcome was haemoglobin (Hb) concentration. Linear and logistic regression mixed-effect models were used for the comparison of the five study groups, and a 2 × 2 factorial analysis was used to assess treatment interactions of CF-FeFum and IPT (study groups 1-4). After 9 months, the Hb concentration increased in all groups to a similar extent with no statistically significant difference between groups. In the 2 × 2 factorial analysis after 9 months, no treatment interaction was found on Hb (P = 0.89). The adjusted differences in Hb were 0.24 g/dl (95 % CI -0.10 to 0.59; P = 0.16) in children receiving IPT and -0.08 g/dl (95 % CI -0.42 to 0.26; P = 0.65) in children receiving CF-FeFum. At baseline, anaemia (Hb

  16. Modeling non-steady state radioisotope transport in the vadose zone--A case study using uranium isotopes at Pena Blanca, Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ku, T. L.; Luo, S.; Goldstein, S. J.; Murrell, M. T.; Chu, W. L.; Dobson, P. F.


    Current models using U- and Th-series disequilibria to study radioisotope transport in groundwater systems mostly consider a steady-state situation. These models have limited applicability to the vadose zone (UZ) where the concentration and migratory behavior of radioisotopes in fluid are often transitory. We present here, as a first attempt of its kind, a model simulating the non-steady state, intermittent fluid transport in vadose layers. It provides quantitative constraints on in-situ migration of dissolved and colloidal radioisotopes in terms of retardation factor and rock-water interaction (or water transit) time. For uranium, the simulation predicts that intermittent flushing in the UZ leads to a linear relationship between reciprocal U concentration and {sup 234}U/{sup 238}U ratio in percolating waters, with the intercept and slope bearing information on the rates of dissolution and {alpha}-recoil of U isotopes, respectively. The general validity of the model appears to be borne out by the measurement of uranium isotopes in UZ waters collected at various times over a period during 1995-2006 from a site in the Pena Blanca mining district, Mexico, where the Nopal I uranium deposit is located. Enhanced {sup 234}U/{sup 238}U ratios in vadose-zone waters resulting from lengthened non-flushing time as prescribed by the model provide an interpretative basis for using {sup 234}U/{sup 238}U in cave calcites to reconstruct the regional changes in hydrology and climate. We also provide a theoretical account of the model's potential applications using radium isotopes.

  17. Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Capacity in Yogurt Fortified with Red Ginseng Extract (United States)

    Jung, Jieun; Paik, Hyun-Dong; Yoon, Hyun Joo; Jang, Hye Ji; Jeewanthi, Renda Kankanamge Chaturika; Jee, Hee-Sook; Lee, Na-Kyoung


    The objective of this study was to investigate characteristics and functionality of yogurt applied red ginseng extract. Yogurts added with red ginseng extract (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2%) were produced using Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus and stored at refrigerated temperature. During fermentation, pH was decreased whereas titratable aicidity and viable cell counts of L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus were increased. The composition of yogurt samples was measured on day 1, an increase of red ginseng extract content in yogurt resulted in an increase in lactose, protein, total solids, and ash content, whereas fat and moisture content decreased. The pH value and cell counts of L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus were declined, however titratable acidity was increased during storage period. The antioxidant capacity was measured as diverse methods. During refrigerated storage time, the value of antioxidant effect was decreased, however, yogurt fortified with red ginseng extract had higher capacity than plain yogurt. The antioxidant effect was improved in proportion to concentration of red ginseng extract. These data suggests that red ginseng extract could affect to reduce fermentation time of yogurt and enhance antioxidant capacity. PMID:27433113

  18. Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Capacity in Yogurt Fortified with Red Ginseng Extract. (United States)

    Jung, Jieun; Paik, Hyun-Dong; Yoon, Hyun Joo; Jang, Hye Ji; Jeewanthi, Renda Kankanamge Chaturika; Jee, Hee-Sook; Li, Xiang; Lee, Na-Kyoung; Lee, Si-Kyung


    The objective of this study was to investigate characteristics and functionality of yogurt applied red ginseng extract. Yogurts added with red ginseng extract (0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2%) were produced using Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus and stored at refrigerated temperature. During fermentation, pH was decreased whereas titratable aicidity and viable cell counts of L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus were increased. The composition of yogurt samples was measured on day 1, an increase of red ginseng extract content in yogurt resulted in an increase in lactose, protein, total solids, and ash content, whereas fat and moisture content decreased. The pH value and cell counts of L. acidophilus and S. thermophilus were declined, however titratable acidity was increased during storage period. The antioxidant capacity was measured as diverse methods. During refrigerated storage time, the value of antioxidant effect was decreased, however, yogurt fortified with red ginseng extract had higher capacity than plain yogurt. The antioxidant effect was improved in proportion to concentration of red ginseng extract. These data suggests that red ginseng extract could affect to reduce fermentation time of yogurt and enhance antioxidant capacity.

  19. Is the Inclusion of Animal Source Foods in Fortified Blended Foods Justified?

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    Kristen E. Noriega


    Full Text Available Fortified blended foods (FBF are used for the prevention and treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM in nutritionally vulnerable individuals, particularly children. A recent review of FBF recommended the addition of animal source food (ASF in the form of whey protein concentrate (WPC, especially to corn-soy blends. The justification for this recommendation includes the potential of ASF to increase length, weight, muscle mass accretion and recovery from wasting, as well as to improve protein quality and provide essential growth factors. Evidence was collected from the following four different types of studies: (1 epidemiological; (2 ASF versus no intervention or a low-calorie control; (3 ASF versus an isocaloric non-ASF; and (4 ASF versus an isocaloric, isonitrogenous non-ASF. Epidemiological studies consistently associated improved growth outcomes with ASF consumption; however, little evidence from isocaloric and isocaloric, isonitrogenous interventions was found to support the inclusion of meat or milk in FBF. Evidence suggests that whey may benefit muscle mass accretion, but not linear growth. Overall, little evidence supports the costly addition of WPC to FBFs. Further, randomized isocaloric, isonitrogenous ASF interventions with nutritionally vulnerable children are needed.

  20. Amino Acids and Biogenic Amines Evolution during the Estufagem of Fortified Wines

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    Vanda Pereira


    Full Text Available The current study was focused on the impact of accelerated ageing (heating step on the amino acid and biogenic amine profiles of fortified wines. In this sense, three Madeira wines from two commonly used grape varieties (one red and the other white were analysed during the heating, at standard (45°C, 3 months and overheating (70°C, 1 month conditions, following a precolumn derivatization procedure using iodoacetic acid, o-phthaldialdehyde, and 2-mercaptoethanol, carried out in the injection loop prior to RP-HPLC-FLD detection. Eighteen amino acids were identified, with arginine being the most abundant. An important decrease of the amino acid levels was detected during the standard heating (up to 30%, enhanced up to 61% by the temperature increase. Cysteine, histidine, and asparagine revealed the greatest decreases at 45°C. Conversely, some amino acids, such as asparagine, slightly increased. Four biogenic amines were identified but always in trace amounts. Finally, it was observed that the accelerated ageing did not favour the biogenic amine development. The results also indicate that the heating process promotes the amino acid transformation into new ageing products.

  1. Study on effect of supplementing iron-fortified food to children athletes by nuclear analysis and blood analysis techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qian Qinfang; Sun Jianguo; Feng Weiyue


    The iron content in hair and blood for 37 children athletes who were supplemented with 0, 8 and 16 mg Fe/d, respectively, in the form of ferrous gluconate-containing chocolate for 3 months was determined before and after the supplement by INAA, SRXRF and blood analysis. The experimental results indicated that after the supplement of the iron-fortified food, the ferritin level in blood of the male athletes attained to normal and the iron content in hair was increased with the increasing level of supplement, but not in direct proportion. Most of the female athletes had similar results. It is suggested that supplement of 8 mg Fe/d to a child athlete may be adequate

  2. Effects of vitamin D-fortified low fat yogurt on glycemic status, anthropometric indexes, inflammation, and bone turnover in diabetic postmenopausal women: A randomised controlled clinical trial. (United States)

    Jafari, Tina; Faghihimani, Elham; Feizi, Awat; Iraj, Bijan; Javanmard, Shaghayegh Haghjooy; Esmaillzadeh, Ahmad; Fallah, Aziz A; Askari, Gholamreza


    Low levels of serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) are common in type 2 diabetic patients and cause several complications particularly, in postmenopausal women due to their senile and physiological conditions. This study aimed to assess the effects of vitamin D-fortified low fat yogurt on glycemic status, anthropometric indexes, inflammation, and bone turnover in diabetic postmenopausal women. In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind parallel-group clinical trial, 59 postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes received fortified yogurt (FY; 2000 IU vitamin D in 100 g/day) or plain yogurt (PY) for 12 weeks. Glycemic markers, anthropometric indexes, inflammatory, and bone turnover markers were assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks. After intervention, in FY group (vs PY group), were observed: significant increase in serum 25(OH)D and decrease of PTH (stable values in PY); significant improvement in serum fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, HOMA-B, QUICKI, and no changes in serum fasting glucose and HbA1c (significant worsening of all indexes in PY); significant improvement in WC, WHR, FM, and no change in weight and BMI (stable values in PY); significant increase of omentin (stable in PY) and decrease of sNTX (significant increase in PY). Final values of glycemic markers (except HbA1c), omentin, and bone turnover markers significantly improved in FY group compared to PY group. Regarding final values of serum 25(OH)D in FY group, subjects were classified in insufficient and sufficient categories. Glycemic status improved more significantly in the insufficient rather than sufficient category; whereas the other parameters had more amelioration in the sufficient category. Daily consumption of 2000 IU vitamin D-fortified yogurt for 12 weeks improved glycemic markers (except HbA1c), anthropometric indexes, inflammation, and bone turnover markers in postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes. (IRCT2013110515294N1). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd and European

  3. The effects of regular consumption of a multiple micronutrient fortified milk beverage on the micronutrient status of school children and on their mental and physical performance. (United States)

    Kuriyan, Rebecca; Thankachan, Prashanth; Selvam, Sumithra; Pauline, Maria; Srinivasan, K; Kamath-Jha, Shilpa; Vinoy, Sophie; Misra, Situn; Finnegan, Yvonne; Kurpad, Anura V


    Multiple micronutrient deficiencies exist in school going children in India and bridging the gap between nutrient intake and requirements is an effective way to combat the deficiencies. This study aimed to test the effect of a multi-micronutrient fortified malt and cocoa based milk beverage on the micronutrient status, cognition, physical performance and nutritional deficiencies of 7-10 years old south Indian children. A randomized, double blind placebo controlled study design was used with normal healthy children from low to middle income families, aged 7-10 years randomly assigned to receive either a multi-micronutrient fortified or an unfortified milk based control drink. The drinks were provided 6 days/week for 5 months. Assessments included anthropometry, blood biochemistry, physical performance and cognition at baseline and endline. The baseline characteristics of the study groups were similar. The changes in body weight and height were similar between the groups at the end of the study. Levels of vitamin B12, red cell folate and vitamin B2 significantly improved in the intervention group, while vitamin D, selenium and body iron showed no difference. The Hemoglobin (Hb) and serum ferritin levels of the control group decreased at endline, while those in the intervention group maintained their levels. The serum transferrin receptor levels increased in both the groups. The prevalence of iron deficiency and Vitamin B2 deficiency were significantly lower in the intervention group at endline. Overall improvement in cognitive and physical performance was seen in both the groups at endline, with no significant differences between the groups. The micronutrient fortified milk based drink was efficacious in improving the micronutrient status of Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12 and red cell folate and in preventing a decline in Hb level compared to an unfortified milk based drink. It also reduced anemia and the risk of deficiencies of iron, and B12, in apparently healthy children

  4. Escrever, contar, guardar: o diário de Santander no exílio europeu (1829-1832

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    Libertad Borges Bittencourt


    Full Text Available O propósito deste artigo é examinar o diário do general granadino Francisco de Paula Santander (1792-1840, um dos líderes da independência da Colômbia, escrito na primeira metade do século XIX. Dentre as temáticas que ele privilegia em seus escritos, optei por destacar suas reflexões sobre a situação política da Colômbia, bem como suas considerações sobre Bolívar. Os dois generais se desentenderam quanto ao modelo de governo a ser estabelecido nas regiões libertas do jugo espanhol, e esse dissenso levou à acusação de traição, prisão e condenação de Santander à morte. A pena foi comutada por Bolívar, substituída pelo exílio na Europa, e essa experiência como desterrado é narrada em seu diário.

  5. Randomized controlled trial of the effects of vitamin D–fortified milk and bread on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in families in Denmark during winter: the VitmaD study1-3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Katja Howarth; Rasmussen, Lone Banke; Andersen, Rikke


    starting in September. The milk and bread replaced the participants’ usual consumptions of products. Results: Median (IQR) vitamin D intakes (habitual diet plus fortified products) were 9.4 μg/d (6.5, 12.3 μg/d) and 2.2 μg/d (1.5, 3.0 μg/d) in fortification and control groups, respectively. Geometric mean......Background: Vitamin D intakes are lower than dietary recommendations in most populations, and thus, a low vitamin D status is widespread, especially during winter. Objective: We investigated the effects of increasing vitamin D intake to the recommended amount by fortification of milk and bread...... on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations in families during winter in Denmark. Design: The study was a randomized controlled trial in 782 children and adults (4–60 y old) recruited as 201 families. Families were randomly assigned to vitamin D–fortified or nonfortified milk and bread for 6 mo...

  6. A novel fortified blended flour, corn-soy blend “plus-plus,” is not inferior to lipid-based ready-to-use supplementary foods for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition in Malawian children12345 (United States)

    LaGrone, Lacey N; Trehan, Indi; Meuli, Gus J; Wang, Richard J; Thakwalakwa, Chrissie; Maleta, Kenneth; Manary, Mark J


    Background: Children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) are often treated with fortified blended flours, most commonly a corn-soy blend (CSB). However, recovery rates remain 5% worse than that achieved with either RUSF. Design: We conducted a prospective, randomized, investigator-blinded, controlled noninferiority trial involving rural Malawian children aged 6–59 mo with MAM. Children received 75 kcal CSB++ · kg−1 · d−1, locally produced soy RUSF, or an imported soy/whey RUSF for ≤12 wk. Results: The recovery rate for CSB++ (n = 763 of 888; 85.9%) was similar to that for soy RUSF (795 of 806, 87.7%; risk difference: −1.82%; 95% CI: −4.95%, 1.30%) and soy/whey RUSF (807 of 918, 87.9%; risk difference: −1.99%; 95% CI: −5.10%, 1.13%). On average, children who received CSB++ required 2 d longer to recover, and the rate of weight gain was less than that with either RUSF, although height gain was the same among all 3 foods studied. Conclusions: A novel, locally produced, fortified blended flour (CSB++) was not inferior to a locally produced soy RUSF and an imported soy/whey RUSF in facilitating recovery from MAM. The recovery rate observed for CSB++ was higher than that for any other fortified blended flour tested previously. This trial is registered at as NCT00998517. PMID:22170366

  7. Consumption of vitamin D-and calcium-fortified soft white cheese lowers the biochemical marker of bone resorption TRAP 5b in postmenopausal women at moderate risk of osteoporosis fracture. (United States)

    Bonjour, Jean-Philippe; Benoit, Valérie; Rousseau, Brigitte; Souberbielle, Jean-Claude


    The prevention of increased bone remodeling in postmenopausal women at low 10-y risk of osteoporotic fractures essentially relies on reinforcement of environmental factors known to positively influence bone health, among which nutrition plays an important role. In institutionalized women in their mid-eighties, we previously found that consumption of fortified soft plain cheese increased vitamin D, calcium, and protein intakes, reduced bone resorption biochemical markers, particularly the serum bone specific acid phosphatase tartrate resistant acid phosphatase, isoform 5b (TRAP 5b) that reflects osteoclast activity, and stimulated the serum bone anabolic factor insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). Whether these effects occur in much younger women was tested in a prospective control study. Seventy-one healthy postmenopausal women aged 56.6 ± 3.9 y (mean ± SD) with low spontaneous supply of both Ca and vitamin D were randomized to consume daily (treated, n = 36) or not (controls, n = 35) two servings (2 × 100 g) of skimmed-milk, soft plain cheese for 6 wk. The vitamin D and Ca-fortified dairy product provided daily: 661 kJ, 2.5 μg vitamin D, 400 mg calcium, and 13.8 g protein. At the end of the intervention, the decrease in TRAP 5b and the increase in IGF-I were greater in the treated than in the control group (P women, consumption by healthy postmenopausal women of a vitamin D and calcium-fortified dairy product that also increases the protein intake, reduces the serum concentration of the bone resorption biomarker TRAP 5b. This response, combined with the increase in serum IGF-I, is compatible with a nutrition-induced reduction in postmenopausal bone loss rate.

  8. Stability of fortified cefazolin ophthalmic solutions prepared in artificial tears containing surfactant-based versus oxidant-based preservatives. (United States)

    Rojanarata, Theerasak; Tankul, Junlathip; Woranaipinich, Chayanee; Potawanich, Paweena; Plianwong, Samarwadee; Sakulma, Sirinart; Saehuan, Choedchai


    The aim of this study was to investigate the stability of fortified cefazolin sodium ophthalmic solutions (50 mg mL⁻¹) extemporaneously prepared in commercial artificial tears containing 2 different types of preservatives, namely the surfactants and oxidants. Fortified cefazolin sodium solutions were prepared by reconstituting cefazolin for injection with sterile water and further diluted with Tears Naturale II or Natear, 2 commercial artificial tears containing polyquaternium-1 and sodium perborate, respectively, as preservatives. The solutions were then kept at room temperature (28°C) or in the refrigerator (4°C). During the 28-day period, the formulations were periodically examined for the physical appearance, pH, and the remaining drug concentrations. The antibacterial potency was evaluated as the minimal inhibitory concentration against Staphylococcus aureus strain ATCC 29923 by broth dilution technique. The activity of the preservatives was demonstrated by antimicrobial effectiveness tests. On day 28, the microbial contamination in the preparations was tested. The stability profiles of cefazolin solutions prepared in Tears Naturale II, Natear, and water were not different, but they were significantly influenced by the storage temperature. The refrigerated formulations showed no loss of drug and antibacterial potency as well as alteration of physical appearance and pH throughout the 28 days. In contrast, those kept at room temperature showed gradual change in color and odor. The degradation of drug exceeded 10% from day 3 and the decrease of antibacterial potency could be observed at week 3. All cefazolin solutions prepared in artificial tears retained the antimicrobial activity of preservatives and were free from bacterial and fungal contamination throughout the 28-day period of study. Cefazolin sodium ophthalmic solutions can be extemporaneously prepared in Tears Naturale II or Natear without the influence from different types of preservatives used in

  9. O deslocamento da população brasileira para as metrópoles The displacement of the Brazilian population to the metropolitan areas

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    Fausto Brito


    Full Text Available O OBJETIVO deste artigo é analisar a urbanização no Brasil, na segunda metade do século XX, lembrando que somente o Censo de 1970 registrou uma população urbana que superou a rural. Essa recente e acelerada urbanização, em razão da intensa migração interna, fez coincidir a concentração da população urbana nas grandes cidades, assim como nas principais metrópoles brasileiras. Essas últimas, nas duas últimas décadas, têm reduzido as suas taxas de crescimento populacional, não só em razão do declínio generalizado das taxas de fecundidade, mas, principalmente, como conseqüência da redução do número dos seus imigrantes. O saldo migratório negativo do aglomerado metropolitano de São Paulo, entre 1995-2000, é um expressivo exemplo. Contudo, apesar de o país ter se distanciado de uma hipermetroplização, vale a pena sublinhar que, em 2000, mais de 40% da população urbana brasileira ainda residia nessas metrópoles.THE AIM of this article is the analysis of the Brazilian urbanization process during the second half of the 20th century. For this purpose it is important to take note that the 1970 Demographic Census indicated that the urban population had surpassed the rural population for the first time. The rapid contemporary urbanization due to intense internal migration concentrated the urban population in the larger Brazilian cities and metropolitan areas. During the last two decades, however, the growth rates of the larger cities has declined due to lower fertility rates and, more importantly, decreasing number of immigrants. Indeed, the metropolitan area of São Paulo, for example, presented negative net migration for the 1995-2000 period. Although internal migration trends do not point to a process of "hipermetropolitanization", it must be taken into account that as of 2000 40% of the country’s urban population still inhabited the larger metropolitan areas.

  10. Healthy yogurt fortified with n-3 fatty acids from vegetable sources. (United States)

    Dal Bello, B; Torri, L; Piochi, M; Zeppa, G


    The concentration of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in yogurt was increased using 5 different vegetable oils obtained from flaxseed, Camelina sativa, raspberry, blackcurrant, and Echium plantagineum. The vegetable oils were added to partially skim milk before lactic fermentation at a concentration adequate enough to cover at least 10% of the recommended daily intake of 2 g/d of α-linolenic acid according to EC regulation no. 432/2012. Microbiological (lactobacilli and streptococci, yeast, and molds), chemical (pH, syneresis, proximate composition, fatty acids, oxidation stability), and sensory evaluations were assessed for all of the fortified yogurts after 0, 7, 14, and 21 d of storage at 4°C. Sensory evaluations were conducted at 21 d of storage at 4°C. Among the yogurts produced, those that were supplemented with flaxseed and blackcurrant oils exhibited the highest α-linolenic acid content (more than 200mg/100 g of yogurt) at the end of storage. The addition of oil did not influence the growth of lactic acid bacteria that were higher than 10(7) cfu/g at 21 d of storage. All of the yogurts were accepted by consumers, except for those supplemented with raspberry and E. plantagineum oils due to the presence of off flavors. Copyright © 2015 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Mercenario della ricerca evoluzione dello studioso di fisica tra il 1900 e il 2000

    CERN Document Server

    Sironi, Giorgio


    In meno di un secolo la percezione della ricerca da parte del grande pubblico e il modo di praticarla sono profondamente cambiati. Il ricercatore, non più isolato e parte di una élite ristretta, oggi è quasi sempre inserito in gruppi strutturati, spesso numerosi. Questa impostazione, particolamente evidente in Fisica e Astrofisica, ha prodotto grandi progressi scientifici. In Italia però questi progressi rischiano di essere vanificati dalla perdurante mancanza di politiche organiche dedicate alla ricerca, sia pubblica che privata. Per un giovane dotato vale ancora la pena di puntare a fare ricerca?

  12. Study of medieval fortified settlements destruction under natural and anthropogenic factors using remote sensing data (United States)

    Gainullin, I. I.; Khomyakov, P. V.; Usmanov, B. M.


    Archaeological monuments are an essential part of the cultural landscape. Modern condition of archaeological monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan is discussed in this article. Fortified settlements, with the system of defensive fortifications were selected as the objects of study, as they are easily identified by remote sensing data. Due to the fact, that most of monuments are located on the small rivers banks, the first task of our study was to assess the risk of their destruction by natural processes. The second objective was to evaluate the role of the human factor in archaeological sites destruction. One of the main used methods is archival and modern remote sensing data analysis that also made able to correct the form of study settlements in comparison with existing plans as well as their size and location in the landscape. The results of research will help to identify trends in monuments state and to quantify the risks of their destruction.

  13. Ritual de despedida em familiares de pacientes com prognóstico reservado

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    Márcia Lucrecia Lisbôa


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativa que teve por objetivo investigar os efeitos terapêuticos do ritual de despedida na iminência da morte, em familiares de pacientes com prognóstico reservado. Foram estudadas oito famílias de pacientes internados em um Hospital Geral. Utilizou-se o método clínico, as técnicas de estudo de caso e entrevistas pós-óbito, dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que os familiares se despediram através da comunicação verbal e não-verbal, da religião, da "liberação", do "estar junto", sendo favoráveis à realização do ritual, destacando o aprendizado, o privilégio de participar e a importância da orientação psicológica. São difuculdades: sentimentos de pena, tristeza, ajuda na aceitação da morte, a aproximação entre os familiares e o paciente, abertura da comunicação, melhoria de condilções para elaborar o luto, redefinição dos relacionamentos com a pessoa ainda em vida.

  14. Randomized clinical study for comparative evaluation of fourth-generation fluoroquinolones with the combination of fortified antibiotics in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers. (United States)

    Shah, Vinit Mahendra; Tandon, Radhika; Satpathy, Gita; Nayak, Niranjan; Chawla, Bhavna; Agarwal, Tushar; Sharma, Namrata; Titiyal, Jeewan S; Vajpayee, Rasik B


    Comparative evaluation of efficacy of monotherapy with moxifloxacin (0.5%) or gatifloxacin (0.3%) with combination therapy of cefazolin (5%) and tobramycin (1.3%) in treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers. Patients diagnosed with bacterial keratitis (ulcer diameter 2-8 mm) were randomized to 1 of the 3 treatment groups (tobramycin 1.3% and cefazolin 5%, gatifloxacin 0.3%, or moxifloxacin 0.5%). After obtaining corneal scrapings, assigned study medication was instilled hourly for 48 hours and tapered as per clinical response. Healing of ulcer, duration to cure, adverse reactions, antibiogram profile, treatment failures, final visual acuity, and corneal opacity size were evaluated. A total of 61 patients were enrolled [cefazolin and tobramycin (n = 20), gatifloxacin (n = 21), and moxifloxacin (n = 20)]. Overall, 57 patients (93%) healed on treatment. On comparison of the mean time taken to heal, no statistically significant difference was found among all the 3 treatment groups (P = 0.98). Positive bacterial culture was obtained in only 38 patients (62%). There was no significant difference in the bacterial isolates in each treatment group. There were 4 (7%) treatment failures (perforation or nonhealing ulcer): 1 (5%) each in moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin group and 2 (10%) in fortified antibiotics group. All regimens were well tolerated. The study failed to find a difference in the efficacy of monotherapy with fourth-generation fluoroquinolones in the treatment of bacterial corneal ulcers of 2-8 mm size when compared with combination therapy of fortified antibiotics.


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    Marcus Guilherme Pinto de Faria Valadares


    Full Text Available visibilidade conquistada pelo homem ordinário com a Web 2.0, que abriga um espaço de colaboração e de produção, a princípio mais horizontalizado, leva-nos a pensar em uma liberdade comunicativa nunca antes atingida. Aliada às possibilidades da laureada liberdade da Web 2.0, ocorre também a descontinuidade no mundo contemporâneo no que toca à produção de subjetividade, que nos instiga a aparecer, a nos mostrar. Se por um lado é nesse contexto em que "o show do eu", aliado a um espaço midiático potencialmente libertário, possibilita a propulsão da uma "micropolítica" criativa, vale a pena pensar, por outro lado, sob a influência e no interior de quais dispositivos estaríamos trabalhando.

  16. Modeling of U-series Radionuclide Transport Through Soil at Pena Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico (United States)

    Pekar, K. E.; Goodell, P. C.; Walton, J. C.; Anthony, E. Y.; Ren, M.


    The Nopal I uranium deposit is located at Pena Blanca in Chihuahua, Mexico. Mining of high-grade uranium ore occurred in the early 1980s, with the ore stockpiled nearby. The stockpile was mostly cleared in the 1990s; however, some of the high-grade boulders have remained there, creating localized sources of radioactivity for a period of 25-30 years. This provides a unique opportunity to study radionuclide transport, because the study area did not have any uranium contamination predating the stockpile in the 1980s. One high-grade boulder was selected for study based upon its shape, location, and high activity. The presumed drip-line off of the boulder was marked, samples from the boulder surface were taken, and then the boulder was moved several feet away. Soil samples were taken from directly beneath the boulder, around the drip-line, and down slope. Eight of these samples were collected in a vertical profile directly beneath the boulder. Visible flakes of boulder material were removed from the surficial soil samples, because they would have higher concentrations of U-series radionuclides and cause the activities in the soil samples to be excessively high. The vertical sampling profile used 2-inch thicknesses for each sample. The soil samples were packaged into thin plastic containers to minimize the attenuation and to standardize sample geometry, and then they were analyzed by gamma-ray spectroscopy with a Ge(Li) detector for Th-234, Pa-234, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Pb-214, Bi-214, and Pb-210. The raw counts were corrected for self-attenuation and normalized using BL-5, a uranium standard from Beaverlodge, Saskatchewan. BL-5 allowed the counts obtained on the Ge(Li) to be referenced to a known concentration or activity, which was then applied to the soil unknowns for a reliable calculation of their concentrations. Gamma ray spectra of five soil samples from the vertical profile exhibit decreasing activities with increasing depth for the selected radionuclides

  17. Comparison of bioactive components in pressurized and pasteurized longan juices fortified with encapsulated Lactobacillus casei 01 (United States)

    Chaikham, Pittaya; Apichartsrangkoon, Arunee


    In this study, longan juice was subjected to a high pressure of 500 MPa for 30 min and compared with a juice pasteurized at 90°C/2 min. Probiotic Lactobacillus casei 01 was fortified into both juices and the shelf life of these products was studied. Their bioactive components such as ascorbic acid, gallic acid and ellagic acid were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Total phenolic compounds and 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrythydrazyl radical-scavenging activity were determined by colorimetric and spectrophotometric methods. It was found that the pressurized longan juice retained higher amounts of bioactive compounds than the pasteurized juice. In terms of storage stability, bioactive compounds in both processed juices decreased according to the increase in storage time. The survivability of probiotic L. casei 01 in both processed juices declined from 9 to 6 log CFU/mL after 4 weeks of storage.

  18. La cárcel punitiva, naturaleza histórica, crisis y perspectiva/La cárcel punitiva, naturaleza histórica, crisis y perspectiva

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    Gabriel Modesto Rodríguez Pérez de Agreda (Cuba


    Full Text Available Afianzada en el marco del Derecho penal decimonónico, se tiene a la cárcel punitiva como “el sello, la insignia, la imagen…” por excelencia de este Derecho penal (ella es la “pena reina”, en la casi totalidad de los sistema de penas razones, entre otras, por las cuales en ocasiones es tomada, equivocadamente, como la pena y no como un tipo de pena, extrapolándose elementos propios y únicos de ella a la pena, generalización metafísica que ha llevado, entre otros tanto errores prácticos, por ejemplo: A confundir movimientos que se etiquetan “abolicionistas del Derecho penal” que en realidad sólo promueven la “abolición de la cárcel” con movimiento reaccionarios abolicionistas “aparentemente de la pena”, que, encubiertos tras el equívoco, en realidad lo que pretenden es suprimir las garantías conquistadas en la ciencia del Derecho penal.

  19. Pasta Fortified with Potato Juice: Structure, Quality, and Consumer Acceptance. (United States)

    Kowalczewski, Przemysław; Lewandowicz, Grażyna; Makowska, Agnieszka; Knoll, Ismena; Błaszczak, Wioletta; Białas, Wojciech; Kubiak, Piotr


    The potential of potato juice in relieving gastrointestinal disorders has already been proven. Work continues on implementation of this active component into products that are widely consumed. In this article, results of an attempt to fortify pasta with potato juice are presented and discussed. Fortification is performed using fresh and dried juice. The influence of the addition on culinary properties of the final product, such as cooking weight and cooking loss, as well as microstructure, color, texture, and consumer acceptance were evaluated. It was found that potato juice can be used for fortification of pasta both in its fresh and dried forms, however the effects on different responses depend on the potato juice form used. The addition of potato juice influenced the color of the product reducing its lightness and shifting color balances from green to red, yellow color saturation was decreased as well. Changes in color were more significant in the case of fresh juice addition. The firmness and microstructure of pasta was also influenced. The surface microstructure of pasta containing fresh potato juice was different from that of the other 2 products being a likely explanation of the lower cooking loss observed in its case. In contrast, the consistency of dough was strengthened by addition of dried potato juice. Principal components analysis indicated that the color change had the most pronounced effect on consumer acceptance. Other physicochemical changes were slightly less significant. Nevertheless, sensory evaluation proved that functional pasta produced with fresh potato juice finds consumer acceptance comparable with that of classic pasta. © 2015 Institute of Food Technologists®

  20. Iron Fortified Complementary Foods Containing a Mixture of Sodium Iron EDTA with Either Ferrous Fumarate or Ferric Pyrophosphate Reduce Iron Deficiency Anemia in 12- to 36-Month-Old Children in a Malaria Endemic Setting: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Glinz, Dominik; Wegmüller, Rita; Ouattara, Mamadou; Diakité, Victorine G; Aaron, Grant J; Hofer, Lorenz; Zimmermann, Michael B; Adiossan, Lukas G; Utzinger, Jürg; N'Goran, Eliézer K; Hurrell, Richard F


    Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa. The efficacy of iron fortification against IDA is uncertain in malaria-endemic settings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a complementary food (CF) fortified with sodium iron EDTA (NaFeEDTA) plus either ferrous fumarate (FeFum) or ferric pyrophosphate (FePP) to combat IDA in preschool-age children in a highly malaria endemic region. This is a secondary analysis of a nine-month cluster-randomized controlled trial conducted in south-central Côte d'Ivoire. 378 children aged 12-36 months were randomly assigned to no food intervention ( n = 125; control group), CF fortified with 2 mg NaFeEDTA plus 3.8 mg FeFum for six days/week ( n = 126; FeFum group), and CF fortified with 2 mg NaFeEDTA and 3.8 mg FePP for six days/week ( n = 127; FePP group). The outcome measures were hemoglobin (Hb), plasma ferritin (PF), iron deficiency (PF anemia (Hb iron deficiency with or without anemia ( p = 0.068). IDA prevalence sharply decreased in the FeFum (32.8% to 1.2%, p anemia. These data indicate that, despite the high endemicity of malaria and elevated inflammation biomarkers (C-reactive protein or α-1-acid-glycoprotein), IDA was markedly reduced by provision of iron fortified CF to preschool-age children for 9 months, with no significant differences between a combination of NaFeEDTA with FeFum or NaFeEDTA with FePP. However, there was no overall effect on anemia, suggesting most of the anemia in this setting is not due to ID. This trial is registered at (NCT01634945).

  1. Filosofia da análise da estabilidade da liquidez

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    Rodrigo Antônio Chaves da Silva


    Full Text Available A informação foi considerada finalidade de nosso conhecimento, até o período em os pensadores e pesquisadores da contabilidade passaram a raciocinar sobre o conteúdo e o significado dos informes. Nesta busca da razão sobre os estados patrimoniais, surgiu a análise contábil que procura por meio de relações e identidades, o significado da dinâmica expressa da estaticamente na informação. O primeiro aspecto que surgiu no objeto de análise foi o estudo da liquidez, que é um dos principais exercícios do patrimônio. A estabilidade também é outro exercício básico e imprescindível, pois este é que promove o equilíbrio do organismo administrativo. A ciência contábil após a sua dignidade científica passou a trilhar caminhos esplendorosos, amparados em doutrina que permite alcançar os píncaros filosóficos. Os estudos concernentes aos aspectos de interação da estabilidade na liquidez são, complexos e somente com os recursos filosóficos da contabilidade se pode estudá-los com o panorama holístico e sublime. A filosofia da contabilidade não é alheia às suas práticas tecnológicas, podendo buscar pontos sublimes de panoramas abrangentes, para o estudo analítico da liquidez e estabilidade, observando todas as dimensionalidades e essencialidades de acontecimentos, na comprovação e orientação dos estados de ineficácia e eficácia patrimonial.

  2. Fortificação do leite fluido na prevenção e tratamento da anemia carencial ferropriva em crianças menores de 4 anos Fortification of fluid milk for the prevention and treatment of iron defficiency anemia in children under 4 years of age

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    Marco A. A. Torres


    Full Text Available Observou-se a eficácia da fortificação do leite fluido com 3 mg de ferro aminoácido quelato no combate à carência de ferro em crianças menores de quatro anos. Foram acompanhadas 269 crianças que receberam, durante 12 meses, um litro de leite fortificado por dia, e que foram avaliadas a cada 6 meses de acompanhamento. Antes de se iniciar a intervenção, a anemia estava presente em 62,3% das crianças. Após 6 meses, este percentual reduziu-se a 41,8% e, ao final de um ano, a 26,4%. As maiores reduções foram detectadas nas faixas etárias de 12 a 23 meses e em menores de um ano. Das crianças que apresentavam hemoglobinas iniciais inferiores a 9,5 g/dl, 59,3% recuperaram-se da anemia ao final de um ano de acompanhamento. Naquelas com hemoglobinas iniciais entre 9,5 e 10,9 g/dl, o percentual de recuperação da anemia foi de 66,7%. Encontrou-se, ainda, melhores evoluções hematológicas em crianças que ingeriam quantidades superiores a 750 ml/dia de leite fortificado, pertencentes a famílias que não dividiam o suplemento recebido com outros membros e naquelas com apenas uma criança com menos de 5 anos no núcleo familiar. Concluiu-se pela viabilidade e eficácia da fortificação do leite fluido como medida de intervenção no combate à carência de ferro em pré-escolares.The effectiveness of the use of chelate aminoacid iron fortified fluid milk in the treatment of iron deficiency in children under four years of age was studied. The 269 children included in this trial received 1 liter/day of fluid milk fortified with 3 mg of chelate aminoacid iron and were evaluated at six monthly intervals. At the beginning of the study 62.3% of the children presented anemia. After 6 months, this percentage had decreased to 41.8% and at the end of one year to 26.4%. The greatest decreases occurred in the groups comprising the subjects who were of 12 to 23 months of age and those under one year of age. Among the children who presented initial

  3. A potência instituinte no projeto "Exercendo Cidadania"

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    Fabiana Davel Canal


    Full Text Available As Penas e Medidas Alternativas (PMAs são cada vez mais utilizadas pelo sistema jurídico brasileiro. Diante desse contexto, a Vara de Execuções de Penas e Medidas Alternativas do Espírito Santo estabeleceu um convênio com Prefeitura Municipal de Vitória que oferece um curso de formação em Direitos Humanos, intitulado "Exercendo Cidadania" como forma de cumprimento das PMAs. Este artigo é resultado da análise preliminar de uma pesquisa que tem como objetivo analisar a execução das PMAs no município de Vitória-ES, com atenção especial para o curso em questão. O diário de campo foi o principal instrumento metodológico, confeccionado pelas vivências no curso de outubro a novembro de 2010. Ficamos atentos aos movimentos que nos indicavam como o apenado entende/vive/pensa a PMA,observando as formas rígidas, instituídas de efetivação das mesmas, mas também - e isso que tentamos dar visibilidade - a potência instituinte do curso.

  4. Conjecturas da Epistemológia Jurídica e Aspectos da Teoria da Linguagem


    Oliveira, Rita de Cássia Cartelli de; Cesumar; Motta, Ivan Dias; Cesumar


    Apresentar-se-ão reflexões em torno da epistemologia jurídica e alguns aspectos da teoria da linguagem; a necessidade de acompanhamento e aprimoramento da linguagem jurídica, para que o direito não se distancie da realidade, mantendo-se apenas como um sistema do status quo; uma breve análise de algumas teorias da ciência do direito e da linguagem; as especificidades dos termos lingüísticos para a análise da ciência do direito, pautada na contemporaneidade sob a perspectiva humanista, buscando...

  5. Starch digestibility and predicted glycemic index in the bread fortified with pomelo (Citrus maxima) fruit segments. (United States)

    Reshmi, S K; Sudha, M L; Shashirekha, M N


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the starch digestibility and predicted glycemic index in breads incorporated with pomelo fruit (Citrus maxima) segments. Volume of the white and brown breads supplemented with pomelo fresh segments increased, while the crumb firmness decreased. Bread with 20% fresh and 5% dry pomelo segments were sensorily acceptable. Bioactive components such as phenolics, flavonoids, naringin and carotenoids were retained to a greater extent in bread containing dry pomelo segments. The pomelo incorporated bread had higher levels of resistant starch fractions (3.87-10.96%) with low predicted glycemic index (62.97-53.13%), despite their higher total starch (69.87-75.47%) content compared to control bread. Thus pomelo segments in the product formulations lowered the glycemic index probably by inhibiting carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzyme activity which could be attributed to naringin. Hence fortified bread prepared from pomelo fruit segment is recommended to gain nutritional value and to decrease the risk of diabetes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Growth performance, duodenal morphology and the caecal microbial population in female broiler chickens fed glycine-fortified low protein diets under heat stress conditions. (United States)

    Awad, E A; Idrus, Z; Soleimani Farjam, A; Bello, A U; Jahromi, M F


    1. This study was undertaken to examine the effect of feeding glycine (Gly)-fortified low protein (LP) diets on the growth performance, duodenal morphology and caecal microbial populations of broiler chickens raised under unheated, cyclic or constant heat stress environmental conditions. 2. From d 1 to 21 (starter phase), an equivalent number of birds were fed either a normal protein (NP) diet or a LP diet fortified with Gly. From d 22 to 42 (grower phase), an equivalent number of birds from each starter diet were distributed to one of the following dietary groups: (i) an NP diet during the starter and grower phases (NPNP), (ii) an NP diet during the starter phase and a LP diet during the grower phase (NPLP), (iii) an LP diet during the starter phase and an NP diet during the grower phase (LPNP) or (iv) LP diets during both phases (LPLP). 3. Commencing from d 22, an equivalent number of birds from each dietary group were exposed to (i) 23 ± 1°C throughout (unheated), (ii) 34 ± 1°C for 7 h each day from 10:00 to 17:00 (cyclic heat) or (iii) 34 ± 1°C throughout (constant heat). 4. Feeding the LP diet during the starter phase resulted in feed intake (FI), weight gain (WG), feed conversion ratios (FCR) and energy efficiency ratios (EER) similar to those for the NP diet. The birds fed the LP diet had a significantly higher protein efficiency ratio (PER) compared with the birds fed the NP diet. 5. During the grower phase, there were significant diet × temperature interactions for F, WG, FCR, PER, EER, villus height, crypt depth and caecal Clostridia. The birds fed the NPLP and LPLP diets had lower FI, WG and EER, higher FCR, shorter villus height and crypt depth and higher caecal Clostridia compared with the birds fed LPNP and NPNP diets under constant heat stress. However, feeding birds the NPLP and LPLP diets resulted in FI, WG, EER, FCR, morphology parameters and caecal Clostridia equivalent to the birds fed LPNP and NPNP diets, as well as improved PER

  7. Um caso de leucismo em pardal, Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758 em uma ilha do rio São Francisco, nordeste do Brasil

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    Leonardo Barros Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O leucismo em aves é uma anomalia genética caracterizada pela ausência total de melanina em algumas ou em todas as penas, porém, ao contrário do albinismo, as outras partes do corpo, tais como olhos, bico e tarsos permanecem com a coloração típica da espécie. O pardal Passer domesticus é uma ave nativa da Europa, Ásia e norte da África e foi introduzido na América do Norte, América do Sul, África do Sul, Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Atualmente, é a espécie de ave com a maior distribuição geográfica. Relatamos, aqui, o registro de um indivíduo leucístico de Passer domesticus na ilha do Rodeadouro, rio São Francisco, nordeste do Brasil.

  8. O processo de internacionalização e os aspectos socioambientais: o caso Embraer

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    Isak Kruglianskas


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é colaborar para que se compreenda se a capacidade de uma organização competir em um mercado internacional pode ser influenciada por questões relacionadas aos aspectos socioambientais que a envolvem, com base nos diferentes contextos em que esta passa a operar. O estudo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, trata da análise do processo de internacionalização da Embraer, e pautou-se na estratégia de um estudo de caso único e, como meio de coleta de dados, foi escolhida a entrevista pessoal em profundidade, além de utilização de dados de fontes secundárias. O ponto de destaque como resultado é a necessidade da indústria de aviação se reestruturar sob um novo enfoque, que valorize as variáveis sociais e ambientais, sob pena de sua própria sobrevivência em longo prazo.

  9. Terra de ninguém: escravidão e direito natural no jovem Joaquim Nabuco

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    Ricardo Benzaquen de Araújo

    Full Text Available RESUMO O texto em pauta pretende se concentrar na análise do primeiro livro redigido por Joaquim Nabuco, A escravidão, no qual ele relata a sua experiência na defesa de um escravo julgado por crimes de morte em Pernambuco em 1869. Ao sustentar sua argumentação em uma dura crítica do cativeiro, formulada no contexto da tradição do Direito Natural, e na discussão de questões vinculadas aos conceitos de propriedade, fetichismo e despotismo, além de uma consideração da noção escolástica de pessoa, Nabuco torna possível não só um diálogo entre a teologia medieval e o liberalismo moderno, como também a preservação da vida do seu constituinte, que acaba tendo a sua pena comutada para a de prisão perpétua.


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    Serb Silvana Valentina


    Full Text Available The Fortified Churches from Transylvania represent an important category of historical and religious sights of the anthropic touristic potential - historic cultural potential of this region. However, they are not exploited from a touristic point of view at their fair value, one reason being the weak promoting activity, especially the lack of information among citizens about the existence of these churches. In this paper, I intend to highlight on the information level awareness among the Romanian citizens regarding the existence of these churches, to identify which are the most well known and visited churches and to establish the profile of those who visit the churches. In the end, the results of this research impose a set of measures to improve the level of information among the Romanian citizens concerning the existence of this historic and religious heritage. The paper is relevant for the doctoral research project called Marketing Places - religious and historical sights of touristic interest from Transylvania under the guidance of Professor Doctor Marius Pop, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, during 1st of October 2009 - 1st of October 2012.

  11. [Do vitamins from foods fortified exceed the allowed limits? Study carried out in population young adolescent and young adult of the metropolitan region of Chile]. (United States)

    Freixas Sepúlveda, Alejandra; Díaz Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Durán Agüero, Samuel; Gaete Verdugo, María Cristina


    In order to analyze the usual consumption of vitamins in an adolescent population and young adult in the Metropolitan Region, were 213 food fortified with vitamins of the Chilean market. A survey of consumption and nutrient intake was calculated. The result added vitamins added to food. The normality of the variables of the intake was assessed and data were subjected to analysis of descriptive statisticians and percentiles are determined. Estimated percentages of subjects whose values exceed those fixed for DDR and UL listed for each vitamin and percentage of excess for each case. Discriminant analysis was performed using the M Box test. The correlation canonical and the Statisticians Wilks were estimated. Finally it was estimated the percentage of correctly classified data. Data were processed by the program SPSS 20.0 with a significance level of α ≤ 0.05. The results indicate that you for all the studied vitamins, the percentage of subjects who more than the DDR is for total folate (96.4%) and the lowest percentage is given for the vitamin E and B12 in young adult women. The percentage of subjects who exceed the UL values is greatest for the vitamin B3 (91.9%). According to the canonical correlation, there are differences in behavior between the groups. It is recommended to monitor the behavior and consumption of food fortified with vitamins, especially of the complex B and A. Copyright © AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2013. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  12. Editorial: Politicas de Educação Superior na América Latina

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    Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida


    Full Text Available É com imensa satisfação que editamos o nosso volume 4, número 2 referente a maio/agosto de 2018 da nossa Revista Internacional de Educação Superior. Vale a pena destacar que a partir desta edição este periódico cientifico publica bilíngue, todos os seus textos. Neste número o eixo temático é a discussão das “Politicas de Educação Superior na América Latina”. Contamos com nove artigos, um ensaio, dois texto sobre uma pesquisa, uma resenha e uma entrevista...

  13. Consumo e Obsolescência Programada: Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade do Fornecedor


    Efing, Antônio Carlos; Paiva, Leonardo Lindroth de


    A atual sociedade de consumo é produto do mundo globalizado e que precisa de urgente reeducação, sob pena de riscos imprevisíveis e incalculáveis serem produzidos a partir das atitudes humanas. Inobstante, não se nega a necessidade da evolução, a qual pode ser solução para combater os imbróglios produzidos pela sociedade. Diante disso, busca-se, numa análise crítica, com vistas a demonstração dos problemas que podem ser causados com o desenvolvimento imensurado, refletir sobre políticas públi...

  14. Temperature profiles from mechanical bathythermograph (MBT) casts from the USS FORTIFY in the Philippine and South China Seas in support of the Fleet Observations of Oceanographic Data (FLOOD) project from 1966-03-21 to 1966-03-27 (NODC Accession 6600635) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — MBT data were collected from the USS FORTIFY in support of the Fleet Observations of Oceanographic Data (FLOOD) project. Data were collected by US Navy; Ships of...

  15. Evolution of Serum 25OHD in Response to Vitamin D3-Fortified Yogurts Consumed by Healthy Menopausal Women: A 6-Month Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Interactions between Doses, Baseline Vitamin D Status, and Seasonality. (United States)

    Bonjour, Jean-Philippe; Dontot-Payen, Flore; Rouy, Emilien; Walrand, Stephane; Rousseau, Brigitte


    Adequate vitamin D status contributes to bone fragility risk reduction and possibly other pathological conditions that occur with aging. In response to pharmaceutical vitamin D 3 supplements, several studies have documented the influence of doses, baseline status, and seasonality on serum 25-hydroyvitamin D (s25OHD). Using fortified yogurt, we investigated in one randomized controlled trial how both baseline status, as assessed by measuring s25OHD prior the onset of the trial, and the season of enrollment quantitatively influenced the response to the supplemented (Suppl.) of vitamin D 3 (VitD 3 ) in healthy community-dwelling women. A 24-week controlled trial was conducted in menopausal women (mean age: 61.5). Participants were randomized into 3 groups (Gr): Gr.Suppl.0, time controls maintaining dietary habits; Gr.Suppl.5 and Gr.Suppl.10 consuming one and two 125-g servings of VitD 3 -fortified yogurts with 5- and 10-µg daily doses, respectively. The 16 intervention weeks lasted from early January to mid-August, the 8 follow-up weeks, without product, from late August to mid-October. Before enrollment, subjects were randomized into 2 s25OHD strata: low stratum (LoStr): 25-50 nmol/L; high stratum (HiStr): >50-75 nmol/L. All enrolled participants adhered to the protocol throughout the 24-week study: Gr.Suppl.0 (n = 45), Gr.Suppl.5 (n = 44), and Gr.Suppl.10 (n = 44). Over the 16 intervention and 8 follow-up weeks, s25OHD increased in both supplemented groups, more in Gr.Suppl.10 than in Gr.Suppl.5. At the end of the intervention, the subject proportion with s25OHD ≥ 50 nmol/L was 37.8, 54.5, and 63.6% in Gr.Suppl.0, Gr.Suppl.5, and Gr.Suppl.10, respectively. The constant rate of s25OHD per supplemental VitD 3 microgram was greater in LoStr than HiStr. The s25OHD increase was greater with late (mid-March) than early (mid-January) inclusion. This randomized trial demonstrates (1) a dose-dependent s25OHD improvement related to fortified yogurt consumption; (2) an

  16. Soft, fortified ice-cream for head and neck cancer patients: a useful first step in nutritional and swallowing difficulties associated with multi-modal management. (United States)

    Trinidade, Aaron; Martinelli, Katrina; Andreou, Zenon; Kothari, Prasad


    Patients with head and neck cancer have complex swallowing and nutritional concerns. Most patients are malnourished, and treatment modalities within the aerodigestive tract have profound effects on future swallowing and nutrition. The objective of this study is to investigate whether the introduction of fortified soft ice-cream to post-operative head and neck cancer patients would increase compliance with oral-feeding regimes. Using a questionnaire study, an ice-cream machine that produces fortified soft ice-cream was introduced onto our ward, and 30 patients were asked to fill out questionnaires based on their experience in addition to their oral-feeding regime. Results indicate that overall patient satisfaction and compliance with oral-feeding regimes increased: 77% felt that the taste was excellent and also felt that it was easy to eat; 60% felt that it eased the symptoms associated with their symptoms, in particular its cold temperature. We conclude from the results that the inability of patients undergoing multi-modal treatment for upper aerodigestive tract cancer to enjoy normal foods and its effects on their quality of life is underestimated. Providing a food to that is palatable, familiar and acceptable as it is safe and nutritionally sound can increase compliance with oral-feeding regimes. The ice-cream was safe to use in the early post-operative period, especially soothing in patients undergoing upper aerodigestive radiotherapy and high in protein and calorific content. Our practice may have wider benefits, including patients with oral and oropharyngeal infections, the elderly and patients with neurological dysphagia resulting from stroke.

  17. Applying Satellite Data Sources in the Documentation and Landscape Modelling for Graeco-Roman Fortified Sites in the TŪR Abdin Area, Eastern Turkey (United States)

    Silver, K.; Silver, M.; Törmä, M.; Okkonen, J.; Okkonen, T.


    In 2015-2016 the Finnish-Swedish Archaeological Project in Mesopotamia (FSAPM) initiated a pilot study of an unexplored area in the Tūr Abdin region in Northern Mesopotamia (present-day Mardin Province in southeastern Turkey). FSAPM is reliant on satellite image data sources for prospecting, identifying, recording, and mapping largely unknown archaeological sites as well as studying their landscapes in the region. The purpose is to record and document sites in this endangered area for saving its cultural heritage. The sites in question consist of fortified architectural remains in an ancient border zone between the Graeco-Roman/Byzantine world and Parthia/Persia. The location of the archaeological sites in the terrain and the visible archaeological remains, as well as their dimensions and sizes were determined from the ortorectified satellite images, which also provided coordinates. In addition, field documentation was carried out in situ with photographs and notes. The applicability of various satellite data sources for the archaeological documentation of the project was evaluated. Satellite photographs from three 1968 CORONA missions, i.e. the declassified US government satellite photograph archives were acquired. Furthermore, satellite images included a recent GeoEye-1 Satellite Sensor Image from 2010 with a resolution of 0.5 m. Its applicability for prospecting archaeological sites, studying the terrain and producing landscape models in 3D was confirmed. The GeoEye-1 revealed the ruins of a fortified town and a fortress for their documentation and study. Landscape models for the area of these sites were constructed fusing GeoEye-1 with EU-DEM (European Digital Elevation Model data using SRTM and ASTER GDEM data) in order to understand their locations in the terrain.

  18. Use of egg white protein powder based films fortified with sage and lemon balm essential oils in the storage of lor cheese

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    Gökhan Kavas


    Full Text Available Edible film was produced by adding 3 % sorbitol (w/v to egg white protein powder (EWPP. The first group of lor cheese samples was coated with a film fortified by sage essential oil (SEO and the second group of samples was coated with films enriched by adding lemon balm essential oil (BEO at various concentrations [0.5 %, 1 %, 2 % (v/v]. The films were labeled as EWPPSEO(0.5, EWPPSEO(1, EWPPSEO(2, EWPPBEO(0.5, EWPPBEO(1, EWPPBEO(2 to indicate the type and the concentration of the additive. The third batch of the lor cheese samples was coated exclusively with non-fortified EWPP and the fourth batch was uncoated. All of the cheese samples were artificially contaminated with Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus. Viable cell counts of these species, yeasts and moulds were determined after the cheese production. All the samples were stored at +4 °C. Their physicochemical and microbiological properties were examined on the 1st, 7th, 15th and 30th day of the storage. Thereat significant (P0.05. Physicochemical and antibacterial properties were more significant in SEO at all concentrations compared to BEO. However, the antifungal effect of BEO was higher than that of SEO. The antifungal effect of BEO was the same at 1 % (v/v and 2 % (v/v concentrations. E. coli O157:H7 was the most resistant microorganism to the essential oils while L. monocytogenes was the most sensitive. EWPP showed a bacteriostatic effect on the microorganisms and bactericidal effects were determined on the 30th day of the storage against L. monocytogenes and yeast-moulds.

  19. Archaeological and Numismatic Findings from Dig CLXXXV at Bolgar Fortifi ed Settlement

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    Bugarchev Alexey I.


    Full Text Available The authors analyze new numismatic finds from Bolgar fortified settlement, dig CLXXXV, which was excavated in 2013. All numismatic findings (240 coins can be divided into three groups: stray silver coins – 23 pieces dating to the 13th – 14th centuries, a hoard of silver coins – 37 dangs of the 14th century, and copper dinars and pools of the 13th – 14th centuries – 180 pieces. Most of these were coined by the mint in Bolgar (Bolgar al-Makhrusa – 82 pieces. Other coins represents mints in Saray (Saray al-Makhrusa, Saray al-Dzhadid, Gulistan, the Crimea and Mokhsha. Chronologically, most coins are dated by the middle of the 13th century – 44 copies, and by 1330s –1340s – 91 pieces. Although the structure of the hoard is typical for Bulgar hoards of the 14th century, this one is particularly valuable for the fact that its exact location is known precisely. Numerous copper coins allow undertaking a metrological analysis for each group – the copper dinars of the 13th century and the pools of the 1320s – early 1360s. The youngest dang in the hoard dates to 1362–1363, as the pools of Hyzr Khan do. This made the authors to infer that the monetary circulation in this part of the city stopped in the first half of the 1360s.

  20. Evolution of Serum 25OHD in Response to Vitamin D3–Fortified Yogurts Consumed by Healthy Menopausal Women: A 6-Month Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Interactions between Doses, Baseline Vitamin D Status, and Seasonality (United States)

    Bonjour, Jean-Philippe; Dontot-Payen, Flore; Rouy, Emilien; Walrand, Stephane; Rousseau, Brigitte


    ABSTRACT Background: Adequate vitamin D status contributes to bone fragility risk reduction and possibly other pathological conditions that occur with aging. In response to pharmaceutical vitamin D3 supplements, several studies have documented the influence of doses, baseline status, and seasonality on serum 25-hydroyvitamin D (s25OHD). Objective: Using fortified yogurt, we investigated in one randomized controlled trial how both baseline status, as assessed by measuring s25OHD prior the onset of the trial, and the season of enrollment quantitatively influenced the response to the supplemented (Suppl.) of vitamin D3 (VitD3) in healthy community-dwelling women. Methods: A 24-week controlled trial was conducted in menopausal women (mean age: 61.5). Participants were randomized into 3 groups (Gr): Gr.Suppl.0, time controls maintaining dietary habits; Gr.Suppl.5 and Gr.Suppl.10 consuming one and two 125-g servings of VitD3-fortified yogurts with 5- and 10-µg daily doses, respectively. The 16 intervention weeks lasted from early January to mid-August, the 8 follow-up weeks, without product, from late August to mid-October. Before enrollment, subjects were randomized into 2 s25OHD strata: low stratum (LoStr): 25–50 nmol/L; high stratum (HiStr): >50–75 nmol/L. Results: All enrolled participants adhered to the protocol throughout the 24-week study: Gr.Suppl.0 (n = 45), Gr.Suppl.5 (n = 44), and Gr.Suppl.10 (n = 44). Over the 16 intervention and 8 follow-up weeks, s25OHD increased in both supplemented groups, more in Gr.Suppl.10 than in Gr.Suppl.5. At the end of the intervention, the subject proportion with s25OHD ≥ 50 nmol/L was 37.8, 54.5, and 63.6% in Gr.Suppl.0, Gr.Suppl.5, and Gr.Suppl.10, respectively. The constant rate of s25OHD per supplemental VitD3 microgram was greater in LoStr than HiStr. The s25OHD increase was greater with late (mid-March) than early (mid-January) inclusion. Conclusion: This randomized trial demonstrates (1) a dose-dependent s25OHD

  1. Development and Examination of Sweet Potato Flour Fortified with Indigenous Underutilized Seasonal Vegetables

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    Ernest Teye


    Full Text Available Developing nutrient-rich vegetable flour using locally under-utilized food crops in Africa would improve rural house-hold nutrition. This study seeks to develop nutrient-dense vegetable flour from different proportions of Sweet potato (Sp 40–100%, Avocado pear (Avo 10–40%, and Turkey berry (Tor 10–40%, using completely randomized design (CRD with 14 treatment combinations and three replications. The proximate composition, mineral composition, and functional properties were investigated on the composite flour. The results showed significant differences in all the parameters analyzed for the various composite flours. As the amount of Avo and Tor was added to the Sp, the proximate composition was enhanced except for the percentage carbohydrate, which decreased from 83.92 to 54.59 g/100 g. The mineral composition was also improved by the incorporation of Avo and Tor. Favourable functional properties were also obtained. The optimal composite flour was made up of 40% Sp, 35% Avo, and 25% Tor. The functional properties of the composite flours were better than the control (Sweet potato flour. Fortifying Sp flour with Avo and Tor is feasible and could be an easy and affordable means to improve rural nutrition, as it requires simple logistics for the ordinary rural household to produce the composite of the desired choice.

  2. A utilização da teoria da aprendizagem significativa no ensino da Enfermagem


    Alana Tamar Oliveira de Sousa; Nilton Soares Formiga; Simone Helena dos Santos Oliveira; Marta Miriam Lopes Costa; Maria Júlia Guimarães Oliveira Soares


    RESUMO Objetivo: sintetizar a produção científica acerca da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Enfermagem. Método: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF e CINAHL, com artigos que abordaram a temática ou aspectos da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos, sendo seis escritos no idioma português e quatro no inglês, publicados de 1998 a 2013. Resultados: cinco...

  3. Social marketing improved the consumption of iron-fortified soy sauce among women in China. (United States)

    Sun, Xinying; Guo, Yan; Wang, Sisun; Sun, Jing


    To test the feasibility and effectiveness of social marketing on the improvement of women's knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding iron-fortified soy sauce (FeSS). A community-based intervention was conducted among 4 groups, experimental rural (E(R)), control rural (C(R)), experimental urban (E(U)), and control urban (C(U)). Urban and rural areas in Guizhou province, China. Women 19 to 70 years old (n = 193 in rural areas and n = 179 in urban areas). A mass-media campaign to promote use of FeSS was conducted throughout Guizhou province. In the intervention areas, social marketing strategies using integrated 6 Ps (product, price, place, promotion, policy, and partnership) were implemented from December 2004 to February 2006. Knowledge of FeSS; benefits, barriers, and intention to purchase; availability of FeSS; behaviors regarding purchase and use of FeSS. Analysis of covariance, paired T test and cross-tabulations were used. The alpha level was set at .05. Compared with the baseline, perceived benefits of FeSS, barriers (BARRI) and intention to buy (INTEN) significantly improved within both experimental groups (P marketing of FeSS is feasible and effective to improve knowledge, perception (perceived benefits and overcoming barriers), intention to purchase, and consumption of FeSS among women in Guizhou, China.

  4. Publicidade e ética: um estudo da construção da imagem da mulher

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    Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O texto propõe uma reflexão sobre a ética da responsabilidade na publicidade veiculada nas revistas Claudia e Nova. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, resultante da leitura dos anúncios selecionados, subsidiada por teóricos da Análise do Discurso da linha francesa, que busca averiguar como a mulher é representada. Constatou-se que no contexto da sociedade contemporânea o retrato da mulher como sedutora ainda está presente, mesmo que em vários momentos ela apareça como protagonista de sua própria vida.

  5. Innovation on Street Food Products (Instant Porridge and Cookies Based on Fortified Patin Fish Protein Concentrate with Red Palm Oil and Encaptulated Oil Fish

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    Dewita Dewita


    Full Text Available This research aimed to establish innovation on street food (instant porridge and cookiesfrom Patin Fish Protein Concentrate fortified by blending red palm oil and encaptulated patinfish’s oil. The Encaptulation was conducted by blending of red palm oil and patin fish’s oil usingspray dryer. The blending was consisted of three combinations namely 50 : 50 (A1, 40 : 60 (A2and 60 : 40 (A3 for ratio between red palm oil and patin fish’s oil. The best combination’s resultswas fortified into street food (instant porridge and cookies. The blending was tested by measureyield, fat and fatty acid profile. Moreover, organoleptics and proximate tests were carrie out for thebest treatment of blending in instant porridge and cookies. The results show that encaptulatedyield reached 55 % that rise from A1 treatment as the best treatment with fat content of 17.26%.Profile of unsaturated fatty acid especially fatty acid omega 9 from blending fish oil and palm oilwas 59.29%. The number of fatty acid omega 9 was higher than saturated fatty acid which was18.56%. Furthermore, based on organoleptic tests of instant porridge and cookies using under fiveyear children respondents, it was proven that 93% of children was like the products. Proximate analysis of instant porridge revealed that protein content was 11.04 %, water content was 5.03%,fat content was 1.92 % and ash was 0.64 %. However, proximate analysis showed that cookiesowned protein of 9.11%, fat of 17.03% , water content was 3.93% and ash of 1.38%.Keywords : Encaptulated fish, street food, patin fish protein concentrate, palm oil

  6. Innovation on Street Food Products (Instant Porridge and Cookies Based on Fortified Patin Fish Protein Concentrate with Red Palm Oil and Encaptulated Oil Fish

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    Full Text Available This research aimed to establish innovation on street food (instant porridge and cookies from Patin Fish Protein Concentrate fortified by blending red palm oil and encaptulated patin fish’s oil. The Encaptulation was conducted by blending of red palm oil and patin fish’s oil using spray dryer. The blending was consisted of three combinations namely 50 : 50 (A1, 40 : 60 (A2 and 60 : 40 (A3 for ratio between red palm oil and patin fish’s oil. The best combination’s results was fortified into street food (instant porridge and cookies. The blending was tested by measure yield, fat and fatty acid profile. Moreover, organoleptics and proximate tests were carrie out for the best treatment of blending in instant porridge and cookies. The results show that encaptulated yield reached 55 % that rise from A1 treatment as the best treatment with fat content of 17.26%. Profile of unsaturated fatty acid especially fatty acid omega 9 from blending fish oil and palm oil was 59.29%. The number of fatty acid omega 9 was higher than saturated fatty acid which was 18.56%. Furthermore, based on organoleptic tests of instant porridge and cookies using under five year children respondents, it was proven that 93% of children was like the products. Proximateanalysis of instant porridge revealed that protein content was 11.04 %, water content was 5.03%, fat content was 1.92 % and ash was 0.64 %. However, proximate analysis showed that cookies owned protein of 9.11%, fat of 17.03% , water content was 3.93% and ash of 1.38%.


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    K. Silver


    Full Text Available In 2015-2016 the Finnish-Swedish Archaeological Project in Mesopotamia (FSAPM initiated a pilot study of an unexplored area in the Tūr Abdin region in Northern Mesopotamia (present-day Mardin Province in southeastern Turkey. FSAPM is reliant on satellite image data sources for prospecting, identifying, recording, and mapping largely unknown archaeological sites as well as studying their landscapes in the region. The purpose is to record and document sites in this endangered area for saving its cultural heritage. The sites in question consist of fortified architectural remains in an ancient border zone between the Graeco-Roman/Byzantine world and Parthia/Persia. The location of the archaeological sites in the terrain and the visible archaeological remains, as well as their dimensions and sizes were determined from the ortorectified satellite images, which also provided coordinates. In addition, field documentation was carried out in situ with photographs and notes. The applicability of various satellite data sources for the archaeological documentation of the project was evaluated. Satellite photographs from three 1968 CORONA missions, i.e. the declassified US government satellite photograph archives were acquired. Furthermore, satellite images included a recent GeoEye-1 Satellite Sensor Image from 2010 with a resolution of 0.5 m. Its applicability for prospecting archaeological sites, studying the terrain and producing landscape models in 3D was confirmed. The GeoEye-1 revealed the ruins of a fortified town and a fortress for their documentation and study. Landscape models for the area of these sites were constructed fusing GeoEye-1 with EU-DEM (European Digital Elevation Model data using SRTM and ASTER GDEM data in order to understand their locations in the terrain.

  8. Arquitetura da paisagem da cidade e a importância da sistematização da análise do problema projetual

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    Rodrigo Gonçalves dos Santos


    Full Text Available Com este artigo pretende-se levantar os conceitos próprios da atividade da Arquitetura Paisagística encarando-a como disciplina projetual e associando-a ao Design Ambiental, necessitando, assim, de linhas metodológicas específicas para apresentação de soluções coerentes aos problemas paisagísticos. Sob esta ótica, reflexões sobre o uso da vegetação no projeto dos espaços exteriores são apresentadas apontando-se uma etapa de sistematização da análise do problema de projeto, dentro da abordagem da concepção de uma metodologia projetual em arquitetura paisagística. Também foram analisadas oito vias de circulação da área central de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, exemplificando uma etapa de sistematização da análise do problema de projeto.

  9. Increased Concentrations of Short-Lived Decay-Series Radionuclides in Groundwaters Underneath the Nopal I Uranium Deposit at Pena Blanca, Mexico (United States)

    Luo, S.; Ku, T.; Todd, V.; Murrell, M. T.; Dinsmoor, J. C.


    The Nopal I uranium ore deposit at Pena Blanca, Mexico, located at > 200 meters above the groundwater table, provides an ideal natural analog for quantifying the effectiveness of geological barrier for isolation of radioactive waste nuclides from reaching the human environments through ground water transport. To fulfill such natural analog studies, three wells (PB1, PB2, and PB3 respectively) were drilled at the site from the land surface down to the saturated groundwater zone and ground waters were collected from each of these wells through large- volume sampling/in-situ Mn-filter filtration for analyses of short-lived uranium/thorium-series radionuclides. Our measurements from PB1 show that the groundwater standing in the hole has much lower 222Rn activity than the freshly pumped groundwater. From this change in 222Rn activity, we estimate the residence time of groundwater in PB1 to be about 20 days. Our measurements also show that the activities of short-lived radioisotopes of Th (234Th), Ra (228Ra, 224Ra, 223Ra), Rn (222Rn), Pb (210Pb), and Po (210Po) in PB1, PB2, and PB3 are all significantly higher than those from the other wells near the Nopal I site. These high activities provide evidence for the enrichment of long-lived U and Ra isotopes in the groundwater as well as in the associated adsorbed phases on the fractured aquifer rocks underneath the ore deposit. Such enrichment suggests a rapid dissolution of U and Ra isotopes from the uranium ore deposit in the vadose zone and the subsequent migration to the groundwater underneath. A reactive transport model can be established to characterize the in-situ transport of radionuclides at the site. The observed change of 222Rn activity at PB1 also suggests that the measured high radioactivityies in ground waters from the site isare not an artifact of drilling operations. However, further studies are needed to assess if or to what extent the radionuclide migration is affected by the previous mining activities at

  10. Salt fortified with diethylcarbamazine (DEC) as an effective intervention for lymphatic filariasis, with lessons learned from salt iodization programmes. (United States)

    Houston, R


    DEC-fortified salt has been used successfully as a principal public health tool to eliminate lymphatic filariasis (LF) in China and, less extensively, in several other countries. Studies from 1967 to the present conducted in Brazil, Japan, Tanzania, India, China, and Taiwan involving administration of DEC salt for 18 days to 1 year, have shown this intervention to be effective for both bancroftian and brugian filariasis, as measured by reductions in both microfilarial density and positivity, and in some studies through reduction in mosquito positivity rates as well. Furthermore, studies suggest specific advantages from using DEC salt, including lack of side effects, particularly for bancroftian filariasis, and ability to reduce prevalence below 1% when used in conjunction with standard regimens of DEC tablets. However, use of DEC salt as a control tool suffers from a concern that health authorities might find it difficult to manage a programme involving a commodity such as salt. In the past decade, the very successful global efforts to eliminate iodine deficiency through universal salt iodization have demonstrated that partnership with the salt industry can be both successful and effective as a public health tool. Use of DEC salt can be most successfully implemented in areas in which (a) there is adequate governmental support for its use and for elimination of filariasis, (b) filariasis-endemic areas are clearly defined, (c) political leaders, health officials and the salt industry agree that DEC salt is an appropriate intervention, (d) the salt industry is well-organized and has known distribution patterns, (e) a successful national salt iodization effort exists, (f) a monitoring system exists that ensures adequacy of salt iodine content during production and that can also measure household coverage, and (g) measurement of impact on transmission of LF with the new antigen or filarial DNA detection methods can be established. There are advantages and disadvantages

  11. Bread fortified with anthocyanin-rich extract from black rice as nutraceutical sources: Its quality attributes and in vitro digestibility. (United States)

    Sui, Xiaonan; Zhang, Yan; Zhou, Weibiao


    Anthocyanin-rich black rice extract powder (ABREP) as a nutraceutical source was fortified into bread. The quality and digestibility behaviors of bread with ABREP were evaluated through instrumental and in vitro digestion studies. The quality of bread with 2% of ABREP was not significantly (p>0.05) different from the control bread; however, increasing the ABREP level to 4% caused less elasticity and higher density of bread. A mathematical model was further developed to systemically describe the trajectory of bread digestion. The digestion rates of bread with ABREP were found to be reduced by 12.8%, 14.1%, and 20.5% for bread with 1%, 2%, and 4% of ABREP, respectively. Results of the study suggest that the fortification of anthocyanins into bread could be an alternative way to produce functional bread with a lower digestion rate and extra health benefits. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Sensory optimization of broken-rice based snacks fortified with protein and fiber. (United States)

    Sriwattana, S; Laokuldilok, N; Prinyawiwatkul, W


    A 3-component mixture experiment was used to optimize the formulation of broken-rice based snack fortified with protein and fiber based on consumer sensory acceptability. Soy protein isolate and guar gum were used as a good source of protein and fiber, respectively, according to DRV (daily reference value) based on a 2000-calorie diet. A consumer panel evaluated sensory acceptability of color, crispness, and flavor, and overall liking of 12 experimental broken-rice based snack formulations. Predicted models derived from the restricted nonintercept regression analysis were used to plot mixture response surfaces (MRS) of each sensory attribute. Areas within the MRS plots having predicted acceptability scores of at least 6.5 (on a 9-point hedonic scale) for color, crispness, flavor, and overall liking were selected to derive a predicted optimum formulation range. Flavor acceptability was a limiting factor in attaining the optimum formulation range, which consisted of 40% to 48% broken-rice flour, 8% to 16% guar gum, and 20% to 33% soy protein isolate. To verify the obtained predicted models, the formulation containing 48% broken-rice flour, 8% guar gum, and 20% soy protein isolate, which was located in the optimum area, was chosen to support our effort to utilize and add value to broken rice. Selected physicochemical measurements of the chosen optimized formulation were determined. One serving size (30 g) of the chosen optimized snack product provided 6.58 g protein and 3.80 g dietary fiber, which met the US FDA definition of a good source of protein and dietary fiber.

  13. Saúde e direitos: tensões de um SUS em disputa, molecularidades Health and rights: tensions of a disputing SUS, molecularities

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    Emerson Merhy


    Full Text Available Sob o perspectivismo de que "qualquer vida vale a pena", o texto produzido a partir de uma conferência explora certos campos de tensões que operam no campo da saúde sob o olhar da relação saúde e direito. Apesar de reconhecer os elementos constitutivos molares desse campo, advoga a noção de que os enfrentamentos vitais do modelo atual, no qual há vidas que valem mais a pena que outras, deve se dar ali na molecularidade do agir em saúde, na gestão e no cuidado, trazendo o lugar da prática como chave para a produção efetiva de novos modos de se produzir as vidas, nos quais as diferenças são riquezas, e a vizinhança entre os distintos saberes é nuclear para a construção de apostas. Nestas, a riqueza de conexões existenciais é o melhor modo de se apostar que a produção de vida expressa o mais fundamental da construção do campo da saúde. Lançando mão de autores da micropolítica e da esquizoanálise, procura conduzir uma reflexão sobre as implicações desse "olhar construtivo.According to the point of view that "every life is worth it", this text, based on a conference made by the author at the XII Congress of Public Health of São Paulo, discusses certain areas of tension that are operative in the field of health regarding the relationship between health and rights. In spite of recognizing the molar constitutive elements of this field, it defends the idea that the vital fights inside the current model, in which there are lives that are more worth it than others, must happen inside the molecularity of the work in health, inside the management and inside the care. It has to put the locus of practice as a key to the effective production of new modes of producing lives, where the differences are wealth and the vicinity between distinct forms of knowledge is nuclear to the making of bets. In these bets the richness of existential connections is the best way of betting that life production expresses the most fundamental

  14. A utilização da teoria da aprendizagem significativa no ensino da Enfermagem

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    Alana Tamar Oliveira de Sousa


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivo:sintetizar a produção científica acerca da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Enfermagem.Método:revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF e CINAHL, com artigos que abordaram a temática ou aspectos da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos, sendo seis escritos no idioma português e quatro no inglês, publicados de 1998 a 2013.Resultados:cinco artigos fizeram alusão à Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, quatro citaram Ausubel como autor dessa teoria e apenas dois seguiram a estrutura para a aplicação da teoria completamente. Há escassez de estudos sobre o tema e os que o abordam não o correlacionam com a teoria de Ausubel.Conclusão:faz-se necessário romper com a dicotomia entre teoria e prática e promover a articulação dos conteúdos com a ação, introduzindo o aluno como autor de seu próprio conhecimento.

  15. Estado do conhecimento sobre internacionalização da educação superior: conceitos e práticas The state of knowledge in the internationalization of higher education: concepts and practices

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    Marília Costa Morosini


    Full Text Available A partir da década de 90 a internacionalização da educação superior se fortifica no panorama mundial. Corrobora para isto a tendência de categorizar a educação como serviço, regulamentada pela OMC, paralelo ao predomínio da concepção de transnacionalização frente à da soberania do estado-nação. O trabalho objetiva identificar o estado de conhecimento sobre internacionalização universitária, conceitos e práticas (DALE, 2000, neste século, por meio do estudo de banco de dados de periódicos de educação, da Europa e da América do Norte. A metodologia segue os princípios de análise de conteúdo. Foram identificados o crescimento da produção sobre o tema e uma tendência à alteração de foco temático: do conceitual para a prática. A internacionalização da educação superior frente à expansão quase que desordenada do sistema e à complexidade instituída, necessita, urgentemente, de estudos e políticas públicas que freiem a perspectiva mercadológica e contribuam para a qualidade acadêmica social.The internationalization of higher education assumes a leading role in the world scenario after the 1990s. This tendency is fortified with the classification of higher education as service, subject to the General Agreement of Trade in Services (GATS of the World Trade Organization (WTO, and the prevailing notion of transnationalization over sovereignty of the nation-state. This paper intends to identify the state of knowledge about university internationalization, concepts and practices (DALE, 2000, in this century, from the analysis of data bases of European and North-American education periodicals. The methodology is guided by the principles of content analysis. The growth of scholarly writings on the topic has been identified, along with a tendency of altering the thematic focus: from conceptual to practical. The internationalization of higher education in the light of the expansion of the system and complexity

  16. Gestões do desenvolvimento e desenvolvimentos da gestão: da unilateralidade reificada à dialogicidade da simbiose homem/natureza

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    Carlos Eduardo Justen

    Full Text Available Este artigo, ao situar culturalmente os fenômenos da gestão e do desenvolvimento, em sua concepção tradicional, no projeto da modernidade e ao identificar o predomínio da unilateralidade reificada na interface entre gestão e desenvolvimento - a primeira vista como instrumento técnico submisso à via clássica do segundo - almeja evidenciar as potencialidades da compreensão e da construção de alternativas, tanto para a gestão como para o desenvolvimento, a partir da ressignificação dessa interface. Para tanto, o esforço foi direcionado ao resgate do que é comum aos fenômenos da gestão e do desenvolvimento - os substratos antropológico e ecológico -, nucleados nos princípios da reciprocidade dialógica, concretizadora da condição antropológica, e da finitude, caracterizadora da condição ecológica. Ao final, são apresentadas oito potenciais contribuições advindas da exploração renovada da interface entre a gestão e o desenvolvimento. Propôs-se, ainda, a substituição da lógica instrumental da eficiência financeira, comum à concepção tradicional dos fenômenos estudados, pela lógica da simbiose dialógica homem/natureza, uma vez que, como fenômenos sociais, desenvolvimento e gestão, mediados pelo meio, também são ecológicos em sua essência.

  17. "Grade de ferro? Corrente de ouro!": circulação e relações no meio prisional

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    Antonio Rafael Barbosa


    Full Text Available Neste artigo busco explorar, a partir de uma perspectiva etnográfica, a complexa articulação entre circulação e criação de relações pessoais no meio prisional, particularmente considerando o caso do Rio de Janeiro. A argumentação se distribui em três planos de análise: um exame dos mecanismos institucionais que respondem pela circulação de homens e mulheres no sistema penitenciário; a discussão sobre o valor da liberdade e os expedientes de fuga; a apreciação dos modos de subjetivação abarcados na produção da "delinquência". Busca-se, dessa forma, fornecer subsídios para o debate sobre as recentes mudanças pelas quais passa o sistema penitenciário brasileiro, marcado pelo crescimento dos parques carcerários, pelo endurecimento do regime de cumprimento da pena e pela criação de novas formas de organização entre presos.

  18. Talinum triangulare Whole wheat meal fortified with soy flour consumed with Talinum triangulare (gbure) soup glycemic index and the test human subjects' lipid profiles. (United States)

    Emaleku, Sunday Adeola; Omueti, Olusola D; Emaleku, Godsent Oluwakemi


    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and diabetes mellitus (DM) are some of the leading causes of death in the world, and diet has roles in their etiology. This research study therefore investigates the glycemic index (GI) of soy flour fortified whole wheat meal (SFFWWM) consumed with Talinum triangulare (gbure) soup and the effects of the meal on the lipid profiles of the test human subjects. The control human subjects and test human subjects were fed D-glucose (DG) and whole wheat meal (WWM) with Talinum triangulare soup respectively on the first day of the experiment, and SFFWWM with the same soup the next day (for test subjects only) after 10-12h overnight fasting. Blood glucose levels of the subjects were taken before and 2h after meals' consumption at 30min interval and blood samples collected for lipid profiles evaluations. The result of the study showed that; SFFWWM consumed with Talinum trianguilare soup has a non-significant lower GI than WWM consumed with the same soup, but a significant lower GI than DG at (P<0.05). Furthermore, there was no significant difference in lipid profiles of the test human subjects between when they consumed WWM and SFFWWM with the soup however, SFFWWM reduced TC, TG, LDL-C and VDL-C and increased HDL-C and TP than WMM at (P<0.05). In addition, GI is positively correlated with TC, TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C, but is negatively correlated with TP and HDL-C. It can therefore be concluded that; fortifying WWM with soy flour would reduce the risk factors of CVDs and DM, the diseases recently claiming thousands of today. Copyright © 2017 Diabetes India. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. O sentido da espiritualidade na transitoriedade da vida

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    Isabel Cristina de Oliveira Arrieira

    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: Compreender o sentido da espiritualidade para a pessoa em cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada na fenomenologia existencialista e referencial de Viktor Frankl. Os participantes foram nove pessoas em cuidados paliativos atendidas no domicílio. Informações coletadas por meio da observação e de entrevista realizadas no período de junho a outubro de 2014, gravadas, transcritas e transformadas em texto interpretado com a abordagem fenomenológica hermenêutica. Resultados: Surgiram as seguintes categorias: sentido de continuidade da vida; sentido de alívio do sofrimento; sentido de naturalidade da morte e sentido de valorização do viver. Conclusão: Para a integralidade da atenção faz-se necessário a inclusão da espiritualidade na prática do cuidado em saúde. A espiritualidade proporciona o encontro existencial entre a pessoa em cuidados paliativos e os profissionais que a cuidam em sua integralidade.

  20. José de Alencar e o teatro: um romântico realista = José de Alencar and the theater: a romantic realist

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    Douglas Ricardo Hermínio Reis


    Full Text Available José de Alencar (1829-1877 é mais conhecido do público leitor por seus romances. Entretanto, Alencar também foi um dos dramaturgos brasileiro de maior destaque da segunda metade do século XIX, com uma obra marcada por sucessos, fracassos e controvérsias. O presente artigo tem por objeto o estudo de parte importante da obra do dramaturgo José de Alencar, com destaque para o início de suas ações em prol do ainda incipiente teatro brasileiro em sua seção de crônicas Ao correr da pena e a análise de duas de suas principais peças, O demônio familiar (1857 e As asas de um anjo (1857. Esses dois trabalhos não só refletem o sucesso e o fracasso de público do dramaturgo, mas também seu pendor para a polêmica. Utilizando como base teórica João Roberto Faria e por Martin Esslin, bem como outros teóricos da literatura e do teatro, será demonstrado que, embora defendesse o realismo francês no teatro e utilizasse procedimentos relativos ao gênero, tal realismo, em suas peças, era mesclado a soluções românticas que tornaram única a obra deste escritor.José de Alencar (1829-1877 is more known by the public reader by his novels. However, Alencar was also one of the most famous Brazilian playwright of nineteenth century’s second half, with a work marked by successes, failures and controversies. This article intends to study an important part of his work, especially the beginning of his actions towards the still incipient Brazilian theatre in his chronic Ao correr da pena, as well as the analysis of two plays, O demônio familiar (1857, and As asas de um anjo (1857. These works not only show his public’s success and failure, but also his flair for controversy. By using as theoretical basis João Roberto Faria and Martin Esslin, as well as other literary and theatre theorists, it will be shown that, although he defended French realism in theatre and used proceedings related to the genre, such realism, on his plays, was mixed

  1. Processos da construção da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde

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    João Leite Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available Investigou-se os processos de construção da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS, pela análise de três documentos produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde entre 2002 e 2005 e do texto final da PNPS. Foram entrevistados cinco sujeitos que participaram da construção da PNPS, dos quais três eram gestores do Ministério da Saúde e dois pesquisadores. Os documentos foram explorados com a Análise do Discurso. O artigo contribui para aprofundar os debates sobre o processo de construção da PNPS. A promoção da saúde revelou seus antagonismos, o que motivou a demora de sua aprovação final. A indução internacional via financiamento demonstrou ser o elemento crucial para a definição da forma final da PNPS, trazendo de volta a criticada ênfase na mudança de estilos de vida em suas "Ações". Destaca-se o processo de produção negociada de consenso, que culminou com a criação do Comitê Gestor da PNPS, com a participação de diversos subsetores, estrutura inovadora no Ministério da Saúde.

  2. Teoria da adequação econômica da conduta: significado econômico da conduta em face da tutela penal antitruste


    Luiz da Silva, Ivan


    Essa tese tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento da teoria da adequação econômica da conduta no direito penal econômico. Vale-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar abrangendo a Economia, o direito econômico e o direito penal. Para alcançar o desiderato a investigação analisou a intervenção do direito penal em face da atividade econômica e, em especial, os fundamentos da tutela penal antitruste, para fins de estabelecer os contornos teóricos necessários à aplicação das premissas fund...

  3. Food fortification improves the intake of all fortified nutrients, but fails to meet the estimated dietary requirements for vitamins A and B6, riboflavin and zinc, in lactating South African women. (United States)

    Papathakis, Peggy C; Pearson, Kerry E


    To investigate the impact of fortification by comparing food records and selected biochemical indicators of nutritional status pre- and post-fortification. Mean intake from 24 h recalls (n 142) was compared with the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) to determine the proportion with inadequate intake. In a subsample (n 34), diet and serum retinol, folate, ferritin and Zn were compared pre- and post-fortification for fortified nutrients vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, Fe and Zn. South Africa. Breast-feeding women (ninety-four HIV-infected, forty eight HIV-uninfected) measured at ~6, 14, 24 weeks, and 9 and 12 months postpartum. Pre-fortification, >80 % of women did not meet the EAR for vitamins A, C, D, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12 and folate and minerals Zn, iodine and Ca. Dietary intake post-fortification increased for all fortified nutrients. In post-fortification food records, >70 % did not meet the EAR for Zn and vitamins A, riboflavin and B6. Serum folate and Zn increased significantly post-fortification (P 93 % were retinol replete. There was no change in Fe deficiency (16.7 % pre v. 19.4 % post; P = 0.728). Micronutrient intake improved with fortification, but >70 % of lactating women did not meet the EAR for Zn, vitamins A, riboflavin and B6. Although 100 % exceeded the EAR for Fe after fortification, Fe status did not improve.

  4. Ocorrência da ferrugem da videira em Minas Gerais

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    Adelica Aparecida Xavier


    Full Text Available A ferrugem da videira causada por Phakopsora euvitis Ono constitui-se numa ameaça às regiões produtoras de uva em função do potencial destrutivo da planta. A doença foi detectada no Brasil, pela primeira vez, em 2001. Atualmente, ela ocorre no Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Roraima, Espírito Santo e Santa Catarina. Em abril de 2010, observaram-se na estação experimental da Unimontes, Janaúba, Minas Gerais, plantas da cv. Niágara rosada com sintomas típicos da doença. A análise dos sintomas e a caracterização dos urediniósporos sésseis, levemente equinulados, com formato oval, ou elipsoide formado em urédias subepidérmicas na origem, inrompentes e com paráfises circundantes dorsalmente, levaram à diagnose de Phakopsora euvitis como o agente causal da doença. Este é o primeiro relato da doença no Estado de Minas Gerais.

  5. A CPMI da Violência Contra a Mulher e a Implementação da Lei Maria Da Penha

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as conclusões da Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito da Violência contra a Mulher, criada pelo Congresso Nacional Brasileiro em 2012, no que tange à aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha. Após um ano e meio de trabalho, o relatório da CPMI apontou a fragilidade das políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra mulheres e os obstáculos na implementação da Lei Maria da Penha, dentre os quais, destacam-se: a precariedade da rede de serviços e o reduzido número de juizados especializados em atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e familiar; o descumprimento da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que proíbe a aplicação da suspensão condicional do processo; a resistência de operadores/as do direito em entender a proposta da nova lei e romper com a lógica familista e o insuficiente orçamento para o desenvolvimento e a manutenção das políticas públicas de enfrentamento a essas situações de violência. A análise do relatório da CPMI permite concluir que os estados brasileiros investem muito pouco em políticas públicas específicas e que a implementação integral da Lei Maria da Penha depende de uma nova compreensão jurídica, da articulação entre os poderes públicos e de uma política orçamentária de gênero.



    Nunes, Denise Silva; UFSM; Tybusch, Jerônimo Siqueira; UFSM


    O bioimperialismo configura-se como uma característica da geopolítica da atualidade, com alicerces nas estruturas da globalização e do capitalismo. Nesse contexto, a problemática da pesquisa consiste na violação dos direitos dos povos locais e a exploração do meio ambiente, em que o atual sistema internacional de propriedade intelectual contribui para a biopirataria dos recursos naturais, por meio da infiltração, em áreas ricas em diversidade biológica, das grandes corporações, multinacionais...

  7. A dignidade da pessoa humana na doutrina social da igreja

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    Manzone, Gianni


    Full Text Available O texto faz uma análise panorâmica sobre a compreensão da dignidade humana nos diversos textos da Doutrina Social da Igreja, mostrando o entendimento da mesma nos diversos documentos dos Papas, notadamente Leão XII, Pio XI, Pio XII e João Paulo II, além de apontar aspectos históricos e culturais que influenciaram cada pronunciamento, o que foi determinante para a evolução do pensamento do Magistério na questão social. O ponto de partida é a visão antropológica da Doutrina Social da Igreja, resumida em termos de “homem criado por Deus a sua imagem e resgatado pelo sangue de Jesus Cristo” (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 29. A partir daí, há a defesa do primado do ser humano sobre o social e reivindicações totalitaristas que perpassaram a história recente da humanidade, embora a pessoa seja sempre um ser-em-relação e situado em uma sociedade determinada

  8. As causas imediatas do crescimento da renda, da redução da desigualdade e da queda da extrema pobreza na Bahia, no Nordeste e no Brasil entre 2003 e 2011


    de Souza, Pedro H. G. F.


    O objetivo deste trabalho é explicar as causas imediatas do crescimento da renda domiciliar per capita, da redução da desigualdade e da queda da extrema pobreza para cinco recortes geográficos – Brasil, Nordeste, Bahia, Região Metropolitana (RM) de Salvador e Bahia não metropolitana – durante o período recente de crescimento pró-pobre (2003-2011). Com base em decomposições dinâmicas dos três aspectos, este texto procura verificar se as mudanças dos últimos anos seguem ou não um mesmo padrão g...

  9. Evapotranspiração da cultura da cebola

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    G. M. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A determinação da quantidade de água necessária para as culturas é um dos principais fatores para o correto planejamento, dimensionamento e manejo de qualquer sistema de irrigação. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, comparar medida da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc da cebola com estimativa obtida a partir da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo determinada por diferentes métodos e Kc proposto na literatura. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental do Departamento de Tecnologia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, em Juazeiro, no período de junho a setembro de 2011. As medidas da ETc foram obtidas em evapotranspirômetros e as estimativas, a partir de ETo determinada pelos métodos: Penman-Monteith (padrão FAO, Penman-Monteith modificado por Villa Nova et al. (2004, Hargreaves & Samani, Makkink e Jensen & Haise e Kc proposto por Marouelli et al. (2005, para a cultura da cebola. É fundamental a avaliação de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência antes de sua aplicação, pois erros consideráveis podem ser cometidos na determinação da quantidade de água a ser aplicada a uma cultura, o que repercutirá certamente, na produtividade.Evapotranspiration crop onionAbstract: The determination of the amount of water needed for crops is a major factor for the correct planning, sizing and management of any irrigation system. This study aimed to compare measure of crop evapotranspiration (ETc onion with estimates obtained from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo determined by different methods and Kc proposed in the literature. The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Department of Technology and Social Sciences, University of the State of Bahia, in Juazeiro, from June to September 2011. The ETc measurements were obtained in evapotranspirometers and estimates, from ETo determined by the methods: Penman-Monteith (FAO standard, Penman-Monteith modified

  10. 76 FR 27861 - Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG... (United States)


    ... Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG Airplanes... on Diamond aeroplanes, the majority of which were DA 40. In additional, at least 18 doors have been... conditions) while the aeroplane was parked. All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that...


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    Alfram Roberto Rodrigues de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Expõe-se o estado atual da disciplina Arquitetura da Informação quanto a problemática terminológica da definição do campo de estudo, apresentando-se argumentos para uma definição de Arquitetura da Informação de uma forma ampla na qual os usos correntes dessa expressão sejam vistos como especializações. Defende-se uma definição com a utilização de um conjunto de propriedades mínimas cujas interações levam a uma terminologia formal e cuja abstração leva a uma definição formal do conceito que emprega a linguagem de morfismos da Teoria das Categorias. Trata-se de um recorte de alguns dos resultados obtidos na tese de doutoramento de um dos autores, defendida em setembro de 2010. O contexto da pesquisa é exposto e alguns dos resultados obtidos são delineados.

  12. 76 FR 12627 - Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG... (United States)


    ... Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG Airplanes AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... on Diamond aeroplanes, the majority of which were DA 40. In additional, at least 18 doors have been... conditions) while the aeroplane was parked. All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that...

  13. A inclusão da subjetividade no ensino da Psicopatologia

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    Octavio Domont de Serpa Junior


    Full Text Available O estudo da Psicopatologia tem sido freqüentemente apresentado em sua dimensão descritiva. Apesar da relevância para o ensino - auxiliar o aluno a reconhecer a dimensão sintomatológica dos quadros psicopatológicos -, exclui a dimensão subjetiva da experiência do adoecimento e seus aspectos relacionais. Partindo da tradição antropológico-existencial, apresentamos uma experiência de ensino de Psicopatologia que considera tais dimensões relevantes para a compreensão do sofrimento mental. Trabalhando com estudo de caso descritivo, são apresentadas duas novas modalidades de práticas na disciplina Psicopatologia Especial I, oferecida para alunos do curso de Psicologia da UFRJ. A proposta é ampliar o ensino prático, tradicionalmente centrado no modelo da extensa entrevista clínica, realizada diante de um grande grupo de alunos que a tudo assistem passivamente. Pretendemos aproximar o ensino e a prática da Psicopatologia dos ideais da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira, que concebe o adoecimento mental como fenômeno complexo, envolvendo a relação do sujeito com o mundo.

  14. Autocorrelation descriptor improvements for QSAR: 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign (United States)

    Sliwoski, Gregory; Mendenhall, Jeffrey; Meiler, Jens


    Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is a branch of computer aided drug discovery that relates chemical structures to biological activity. Two well established and related QSAR descriptors are two- and three-dimensional autocorrelation (2DA and 3DA). These descriptors encode the relative position of atoms or atom properties by calculating the separation between atom pairs in terms of number of bonds (2DA) or Euclidean distance (3DA). The sums of all values computed for a given small molecule are collected in a histogram. Atom properties can be added with a coefficient that is the product of atom properties for each pair. This procedure can lead to information loss when signed atom properties are considered such as partial charge. For example, the product of two positive charges is indistinguishable from the product of two equivalent negative charges. In this paper, we present variations of 2DA and 3DA called 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign that avoid information loss by splitting unique sign pairs into individual histograms. We evaluate these variations with models trained on nine datasets spanning a range of drug target classes. Both 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign significantly increase model performance across all datasets when compared with traditional 2DA and 3DA. Lastly, we find that limiting 3DA_Sign to maximum atom pair distances of 6 Å instead of 12 Å further increases model performance, suggesting that conformational flexibility may hinder performance with longer 3DA descriptors. Consistent with this finding, limiting the number of bonds in 2DA_Sign from 11 to 5 fails to improve performance.

  15. Impact of Multi-Micronutrient Fortified Rice on Hemoglobin, Iron and Vitamin A Status of Cambodian Schoolchildren: a Double-Blind Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Marlène Perignon


    Full Text Available In Cambodia, micronutrient deficiencies remain a critical public health problem. Our objective was to evaluate the impact of multi-micronutrient fortified rice (MMFR formulations, distributed through a World Food Program school-meals program (WFP-SMP, on the hemoglobin concentrations and iron and vitamin A (VA status of Cambodian schoolchildren. The FORISCA-UltraRice+NutriRice study was a double-blind, cluster-randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Sixteen schools participating in WFP-SMP were randomly assigned to receive extrusion-fortified rice (UltraRice Original, UltraRice New (URN, or NutriRice or unfortified rice (placebo six days a week for six months. Four additional schools not participating in WFP-SMP were randomly selected as controls. A total of 2440 schoolchildren (6–16 years old participated in the biochemical study. Hemoglobin, iron status, estimated using inflammation-adjusted ferritin and transferrin receptors concentrations, and VA status, assessed using inflammation-adjusted retinol-binding protein concentration, were measured at the baseline, as well as at three and six months. Baseline prevalence of anemia, depleted iron stores, tissue iron deficiency, marginal VA status and VA deficiency were 15.6%, 1.4%, 51.0%, 7.9%, and 0.7%, respectively. The strongest risk factors for anemia were hemoglobinopathy, VA deficiency, and depleted iron stores (all p < 0.01. After six months, children receiving NutriRice and URN had 4 and 5 times less risk of low VA status, respectively, in comparison to the placebo group. Hemoglobin significantly increased (+0.8 g/L after three months for the URN group in comparison to the placebo group; however, this difference was no longer significant after six months, except for children without inflammation. MMFR containing VA effectively improved the VA status of schoolchildren. The impact on hemoglobin and iron status was limited, partly by sub-clinical inflammation. MMFR combined with non

  16. Examination of influential observations in penalized spline regression (United States)

    Türkan, Semra


    In parametric or nonparametric regression models, the results of regression analysis are affected by some anomalous observations in the data set. Thus, detection of these observations is one of the major steps in regression analysis. These observations are precisely detected by well-known influence measures. Pena's statistic is one of them. In this study, Pena's approach is formulated for penalized spline regression in terms of ordinary residuals and leverages. The real data and artificial data are used to see illustrate the effectiveness of Pena's statistic as to Cook's distance on detecting influential observations. The results of the study clearly reveal that the proposed measure is superior to Cook's Distance to detect these observations in large data set.

  17. Parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada correlacionados com as perdas de solo de um luvissolo

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    A. W. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas as correlações lineares simples, múltiplas e não-lineares entre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada e as perdas de solo provocadas por chuvas erosivas num Luvissolo. Os dados correspondentes ao período de 1986-1990 foram obtidos na estação experimental de Sumé (PB, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB. Para determinar os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada, foram analisadas chuvas individuais registradas em 136 pluviogramas. O volume de enxurrada isolado ou em combinação com características da chuva contribuiu, de forma significativa, para melhorar a estimativa das perdas de solo de chuvas individuais. Os parâmetros erosividade da chuva-enxurrada a(Vu α I30b; a(Vu α I5b; a(EIAb e da enxurrada a(Vub foram os melhores estimadores das perdas de solo para chuvas individuais. Dentre os parâmetros da erosividade da chuva, os que melhor se correlacionaram com as perdas de solo foram aqueles que incluíram o produto do volume da chuva pela intensidade máxima em trinta minutos a(VrI30.

  18. A pena de morte e a revolta dos escravos de Carrancas: a origem da“lei nefanda” (10 de junho de 1835

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    Marcos Ferreira de Andrade

    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é situar a história do surgimento da lei de 10 de junho de 1835 e destacar o impacto causado pela revolta dos escravos de Carrancas em sua formulação, considerando o teor do projeto de lei enviado à Assembleia Geral no dia 10 de junho de 1833, que culminou em sua aprovação dois anos mais tarde. Pretende-se explorar, de forma mais aprofundada, alguns aspectos da insurreição, das memórias fragmentadas construídas por políticos e memorialistas ao longo do século XIX e do debate historiográfico, que reforçam as evidências de que a revolta de Carrancas esteve, de fato, associada à origem da referida lei.

  19. Yoghurt production from camel (Camelus dramedarius milk fortified with samphire molasses and different colloids

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    Nazan Kavas


    Full Text Available In this study, yoghurt was produced from camel (Camelus dramedarius milk with whey protein isolate (3 % w/v and fortified with 3 % (w/v traditional samphire molasses (TSM (YTSM, 3 % (w/v TSM+0.1% (w/v κ-carrageenan (YTSMC or 3 % (w/v TSM+0.05 % (w/v xanthan gum (YTSMX. In yoghurt samples, physical-chemical properties, texture, color and sensory analysis were determined on the 1st, 5th, 10th and 14th days of storage, while total phenolics (TF levels were determined on the 14th, 24th, 32nd, 48th, 72nd, 120th, 240th and 336th hours of storage. In all samples during storage, hardness and viscosity increased along with the acidity increase, although the increases in YTSM and YTSMC were lower than in YTSMX. In YTSMX, in spite of the increase in acidity after the 1st day, serum separation was very low while viscosity and hardness values were higher compared to the other samples. YTSMX was found to be superior to the other samples in terms of physicochemical, textural, microbiological and sensory properties. Total phenolic contents and L*a*b* levels increased in all samples throughout storage, the highest values of which were in YTSMX. After the 5th day of the storage, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus became the dominant microbial flora. After the 5th day of storage, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus levels were highest in YTSMX.


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    André Filipe Fonseca


    Full Text Available A cadeia da Arrábida resulta da interação de processos tectónicos e erosivos ao longo de um período de tempo alargado, situado entre o Miocénico médio e a atualidade. O desmantelamento da cadeia processou-se em função da componente de movimentação tectónica, da posição da linha de costa e dos processos erosivos a ela associados, desempenhando a rede hidrográfica um papel fundamental no restabelecimento do equilíbrio dinâmico entre processos endógenos e exógenos. Esta relação está expressa no escalonamento altitudinal de formas erosivas aplanadas e suspensas sobre a rede de drenagem atual, evidenciando uma evolução policíclica do relevo controlada pelo levantamento da Serra da Arrábida, pela subsidência do Sinclinal de Albufeira e pelas oscilações do nível do mar no decorrer do período plio-quaternário. Sobrepõe-se a este processo o rejogo vertical de falhas de orientação NNE-SSW a NE-SW evidenciando um aumento progressivo da deformação de oeste para leste. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da geomorfologia da cadeia da Arrábida recorrendo a técnicas de geomorfometria para a extração semiautomática e análise de formas de relevo. Dado o contexto morfotectónico, é dada particular atenção à interferência da tectónica na evolução do relevo.

  1. O uso da aromaterapia na melhora da autoestima

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    Juliana Rizzo Gnatta


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar se a inalação dos óleos essenciais de rosa e de ylang-ylang alteram a percepção da autoestima e comparar a eficácia dos mesmos. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital da Universidade de São Paulo. Participaram 43 funcionários dos setores de Higienização e da Central de Materiais e Esterilização durante os meses de maio a julho de 2009. Os sujeitos foram randomizados em três grupos: dois que receberem os óleos essenciais e outro que recebeu placebo (essência de rosa. A avaliação da autoestima foi feita através de uma escala já validada no Brasil, sendo aplicada antes do uso dos aromas, depois de 30 dias de uso e ao completar 60 dias. Dentre os resultados, verificou-se que a amostra era constituída por 88,6% de indivíduos com média e alta autoestima e que os óleos essenciais em questão não alteraram de forma significativa a percepção da autoestima.

  2. Origem e relação do trabalho com o ser humano e as limitações do trabalho na prisão = Origin and work relationship with human being and labor limitations in prison

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    Correa, Marina Aparecida Pimenta da Cruz


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a origem e a relação do trabalho com o homem, elucidando a realização do trabalho prisional e os entraves para seu funcionamento, a fim de conciliar as diretrizes da Lei de Execução Penal que estabelece o trabalho como forma de (re socialização na prisão à realidade apresentada àqueles que cumprem pena restritiva de liberdade. Considerando a categoria trabalho como determinante na vida humana ao longo da história, relegando status de homem trabalhador valorizado pela sociedade, a identidade profissional acaba, muitas vezes, confundida com o próprio indivíduo no meio social. Portanto, torna-se necessário pensar no lugar que o trabalho ocupa na vida do homem, sobretudo de pessoas que passaram pelo sistema prisional, uma vez que a identidade do sujeito se atrela, geralmente, ao trabalho que exerce no meio social

  3. Da onda da gestão da qualidade a uma filosofia da qualidade da gestão: Balanced Scorecard promovendo mudanças

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    Andréa Cavalcanti Correia Lima


    Full Text Available No final da década de 80 a Gestão da Qualidade Total (GQT era apresentada como capaz de resolver todos os problemas e atender a todas as necessidades da gestão das organizações. Buscando solucionar problemas de gestão não equacionados pela GQT, muitas organizações começam a adotar o Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Uma questão ainda não discutida com profundidade no mundo acadêmico é a viabilidade de integração desses dois modelos. O presente artigo discute a possibilidade de integração dessas duas ferramentas, verificando as melhorias que podem alcançar, principalmente no gerenciamento da estratégia da organização. Assim sendo, realizou-se estudo de caso no Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza (CPHF, empresa que vêm adotando com sucesso os dois modelos. A pesquisa revela que é possível integrar os princípios da GQT com os do BSC, à medida que os fundamentos de ambos se complementam, sendo assim a utilização conjunta das ferramentas propicia melhor gerenciamento da estratégia da organização.In recent years, many organizations have been managed according to the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM, which became known around the globe in the 1980's, when looking for explanations for the so-called "Japanese miracle". TQM was presented as being capable of solving all problems and attending to all company management needs, a stage that seems outdated now. In the search for a model that would allow them to analyze and follow up the implementation of organizational strategies, without remaining limited to Quality indicators, many companies started to adopt the Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Companies using TQM question whether it is viable together with the BSC. In order to contribute to a solution to this question, this article discusses the possibility of aligning these two tools. Therefore, a case study was carried out at the Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza, a company that implanted TQM in 1997 and started to adopt the BSC in 2000. The

  4. A Lei Maria da Penha sob a perspectiva da ética da vingança / Maria da Penha law unde the ethics of revenge approach


    Nunes, Thaísa Silva de Oliveira; Faculdade de Direito de Vitória


    RESUMO: Analisa-se a lei 11.340/2006, conhecida como Lei Maria da Penha, sob a perspectiva da ética da vingança, considerando-se a situação de seu uso de forma equivocada. Nesse sentido, argui-se que o judiciário deve tomar um cuidado maior ao julgar casos de violência doméstica. Aborda-se também a possibilidade de uma mulher abandonada ou ultrajada pelo seu companheiro reagir de forma a resgatar a confiança em si, ao invés de se utilizar da prática da vingança permitida pelos mecanismos jurí...


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    Fábio Carlos Rodrigues Alves


    Full Text Available Mais que um meio de comunicação, as tecnologias da comunicação, em especial a TV, transmitem valores, ideias e atitudes, ou seja, todo um conteúdo atitudinal e procedimental. O presente texto discute o papel da mídia televisiva e da internet na transmissão de valores culturais, atendo-se principalmente na questão do consumo. Analisamos propagandas oriundas do ambiente televisivo e também a veiculada pela internet a partir da qual objetivamos, à luz do conceito de Cultura e Ideologia investigar e assinalar o condicionamento dos consumidores ao ato de consumo.


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    Diego Pautasso


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar o lugar da África na construção da Nova Rota da Seda Marítima. Este é justamente um dos vetores do ambicioso projeto chinês de integração da Ásia, Europa e África, lançada em 2013 sob título de Iniciativa OBOR (One Belt, One Road. Na medida que os desafios da reconstrução nacional são superados, a China torna-se mais assertiva e dá forma à sua estratégia de inserção mundial. Nesse sentido, a Nova Rota da Seda agrega os objetivos centrais da diplomacia da China para o século XXI, reservando à África a condição de trampolim para que o projeto se torne global.


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    João Marcelo Pitiá Barreto


    Full Text Available A Controladoria tem sido alvo de estudos e destaque de análises e reflexões dos estudiosos das ciências que têm como foco o campo gerencial das organizações como a da Administração e Contabilidade. É importante observar a contribuição da Controladoria à governança pública, fundamento de uma gestão democrática e participativa. Nesse contexto, insere-se o objetivo deste estudo, refletir sobre atuação da controladoria pública da cidade de Salvador, observando a contribuição efetiva na governança nesse município. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos na Secretaria da Fazenda (SEFAZ do município a quem Controladoria vincula-se. Com caráter exploratório, essa investigação descritiva envolveu pesquisa de campo, análise de documentos e relatórios emitidos pela SEFAZ e pelo Tribunal de Contas do Município (TCM. Verificou-se o organograma da SEFAZ, seu orçamento e os pareceres do TCM. Os resultados expressam a importância da Controladoria e denotam a impressão de que, na instituição estudada, essa área não esteja cumprindo bem seu papel. 


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    Crislaine Carvalho


    Full Text Available A qualidade é uma das principais preocupações presentes dentro das organizações, e estas estão sempre à procura de ferramentas que possam auxiliar nesse processo. A influência da gestão de pessoas no desempenho do trabalhador pode ser um diferencial para as empresas no mercado competitivo. Este trabalho tem a finalidade de apresentar o relacionamento entre a gestão de pessoas e a gestão da qualidade e seus reflexos no processo de melhoria contínua. Nesse contexto, foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica da evolução histórica da qualidade e os reflexos da gestão de pessoas nesse processo. Foi estudado também uma evolução do termo Gestão de Pessoas e suas diversas nomenclaturas adotadas ao longo do tempo, e as influências dessas nomenclaturas no relacionamento com os funcionários. Essa pesquisa trouxe resultados positivos a respeito da influência da gestão de pessoas na melhoria da qualidade, mostrando que os interesses da empresa e dos funcionários podem sim caminhar juntos, desde que ambos os lados estejam satisfeitos, o que confirmou a hipótese inicial desse trabalho.

  9. Impacto do polimorfismo genetico da enzima conversora da angiotensina no remodelamento cardiaco

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    Felipe Neves de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Fundamento: O papel dos polimorfismos genéticos da enzima de conversão da angiotensina na insuficiência cardíaca, como preditor de desfechos ecocardiográficos, ainda não está estabelecido. é necessário identificar o perfil local para observar o impacto desses genótipos na população brasileira, sendo inédito o estudo da insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia exclusivamente não isquêmica em seguimento mais longo que 5 anos. Objetivo: Determinar a distribuição das variantes do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina e sua relação com a evolução ecocardiográfica de pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia não isquêmica. Métodos: Análise secundária de prontuários de 111 pacientes e identificação das variantes do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina, classificadas como DD (Deleção/Deleção, DI (Deleção/Inserção ou II (Inserção/Inserção. Resultados: As médias da coorte foram: seguimento de 64,9 meses, idade de 59,5 anos, 60,4% eram homens, 51,4% eram brancos, 98,2% faziam uso de betabloqueadores e 89,2% de inibidores da enzima de conversão da angiotensina ou de bloqueador do receptor da angiotensina. A distribuição do polimorfismo genético da enzima de conversão da angiotensina foi: 51,4% de DD; 44,1% de DI; e 4,5% de II. Não se observou nenhuma diferença das características clínicas ou de tratamento entre os grupos. O diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo final foi a única variável ecocardiográfica isolada significativamente diferente entre os polimorfismos genéticos da enzima de conversão da angiotensina: 59,2 ± 1,8 para DD versus 52,3 ± 1,9 para DI versus 59,2 ± 5,2 para II (p = 0,029. No seguimento ecocardiográfico, todas as variáveis (diferença entre a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo da última e da primeira consulta; diferença entre o diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo da última e da primeira

  10. "Geografia da Fome": da lógica regional à universalidade

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    Arruda Bertoldo Kruse Grande de


    Full Text Available Geografia da Fome revela a associação harmoniosa da capacidade de argumentar com a segurança científica, um novo modo de pensar e de agir frente à realidade alimentar e nutricional e também uma abordagem pioneira no dimensionamento da fome coletiva como um fenômeno geograficamente universal. Admitiu, com base nas especificidades regionais, que as contribuições parciais poderiam compor um mapeamento caracterizador da universalidade do problema, permitindo construir uma imagem diferente do Brasil e do mundo, possibilitando a estruturação de um plano universal de combate à fome, abrindo novos caminhos para aqueles que buscam a correção de desequilíbrios regionais e a eliminação do subdesenvolvimento. Nesse livro-manifesto, Josué de Castro reinterpretou o papel da geografia clássica, incorporando uma das dimensões explicativas mais importantes, que é a da análise política, para desvendar a significação e conseqüências do desenvolvimento espacial desigual. A releitura de Geografia da Fome mostra que seus delineamentos conceituais e propositivos continuam vivos e constituem instrumentos indispensáveis para repensar criticamente a realidade brasileira e, em particular, a nordestina. Geografia da Fome, no seu cinqüentenário, torna-se um livro atual pela sua mensagem estimuladora e perturbadora.

  11. "Geografia da Fome": da lógica regional à universalidade

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    Bertoldo Kruse Grande de Arruda


    Full Text Available Geografia da Fome revela a associação harmoniosa da capacidade de argumentar com a segurança científica, um novo modo de pensar e de agir frente à realidade alimentar e nutricional e também uma abordagem pioneira no dimensionamento da fome coletiva como um fenômeno geograficamente universal. Admitiu, com base nas especificidades regionais, que as contribuições parciais poderiam compor um mapeamento caracterizador da universalidade do problema, permitindo construir uma imagem diferente do Brasil e do mundo, possibilitando a estruturação de um plano universal de combate à fome, abrindo novos caminhos para aqueles que buscam a correção de desequilíbrios regionais e a eliminação do subdesenvolvimento. Nesse livro-manifesto, Josué de Castro reinterpretou o papel da geografia clássica, incorporando uma das dimensões explicativas mais importantes, que é a da análise política, para desvendar a significação e conseqüências do desenvolvimento espacial desigual. A releitura de Geografia da Fome mostra que seus delineamentos conceituais e propositivos continuam vivos e constituem instrumentos indispensáveis para repensar criticamente a realidade brasileira e, em particular, a nordestina. Geografia da Fome, no seu cinqüentenário, torna-se um livro atual pela sua mensagem estimuladora e perturbadora.

  12. Influência da nutrição mineral foliar sobre doenças da parte aérea da cultura do trigo

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    Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales


    Full Text Available A utilização de fungicida para o controle de doenças foliares na cultura do trigo é prática comum entre os triticultores. Contudo, devido ao impacto ambiental provocado pelo seu uso generalizado, buscam-se alternativas para controle dos fitopatógenos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da nutrição mineral foliar sobre as doenças foliares do trigo, bem como seu efeito sobre o desenvolvimento da planta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e quatro tratamentos: 1- testemunha; 2- adubação foliar aos 30 dias após a emergência (DAE e aos 75 DAE; 3- fungicida aos 30 e 75 DAE; e 4- adubação foliar aos 30 DAE e adubação foliar mais fungicida aos 75 DAE. Foram realizadas nove avaliações da incidência e da severidade do oídio, cujos dados foram utilizados para o cálculo das áreas abaixo das curvas de progresso da doença; três avaliações da severidade da ferrugem e da mancha da gluma; e duas avaliações da mancha amarela. Foram determinadas a massa de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e a produtividade da cultura. Foi observada redução da incidência e da severidade de oídio em função da adubação foliar, apenas na primeira avaliação de incidência e nas segunda e quinta avaliações de severidade da doença. O efeito complementar dos nutrientes com o fungicida para redução das doenças foi observado apenas para a mancha amarela, com redução de aproximadamente 11,16 % da severidade. Os maiores valores de produtividade foram observados para os tratamentos apenas com fungicida e, com fungicida mais nutrientes. A adubação foliar proporcionou aumento da massa fresca de raízes e massa seca de raízes. Apesar disso, não houve aumento da massa fresca da parte aérea em função da adubação foliar.

  13. A aplicação dos recursos da seguridade social, a partir da perspectiva da teoria dos sistemas, da teoria comunicacional e do caos


    Júnior, Dávio Antonio Prado Zarzana


    Este trabalho, focalizando o custeio da Seguridade Social, pretende realizar três verificações: a primeira, a existência ou não de desvios na aplicação dos recursos arrecadados para este financiamento, inclusive a partir da formulação de um conceito de desvio. A segunda, examinar os desequilíbrios que esses possíveis desvios produziriam, sob a ótica da Teoria dos Sistemas, utilizando-se, em adição, terminologia própria da Teoria Comunicacional. E a terceira, perscrutar a pos...

  14. Origin of the DA and non-DA white dwarf stars (United States)

    Shipman, Harry L.


    Various proposals for the bifurcation of the white dwarf cooling sequence are reviewed. 'Primordial' theories, in which the basic bifurcation of the white dwarf sequence is rooted in events predating the white dwarf stage of stellar evolution, are discussed, along with the competing 'mixing' theories in which processes occurring during the white dwarf stage are responsible for the existence of DA or non-DA stars. A new proposal is suggested, representing a two-channel scenario. In the DA channel, some process reduces the hydrogen layer mass to the value of less than 10 to the -7th. The non-DA channel is similar to that in the primordial scenario. These considerations suggest that some mechanism operates in both channels to reduce the thickness of the outermost layer of the white dwarf. It is also noted that accretion from the interstellar medium has little to do with whether a particular white dwarf becomes a DA or a non-DA star.

  15. Várias Marias: efeitos da Lei Maria da Penha nas delegacias

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    Roberta Carvalho Romagnoli


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute os dados qualitativos da pesquisa “Violência Doméstica perpetrada contra a mulher no município de Montes Claros: um recorte possível”, financiada pelo CNPq e pela FAPEMIG. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar quantitativamente e qualitativamente os atos violentos contra as mulheres na cidade de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. A vertente qualitativa pretendia conhecer o sentido da violência para as mulheres envolvidas e seus reflexos na família, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas que não se efetivaram. A partir da Análise Institucional de René Lourau analisamos essa inviabilidade como dado qualitativo, examinando o cotidiano da delegacia após a lei Maria da Penha. Concluímos que a intervenção judicial não é suficiente para a inibição da violência contra a mulher, pois em certos casos afasta da delegacia mulheres com outras demandas acerca da violência, que sofrem e que não podem contar com a ajuda policial para a resolução dos seus conflitos.

  16. Representações sociais sobre a alimentação da nutriz Social representations on the diet of nursing mothers

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    Emanuele Souza Marques


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que buscou compreender os significados atribuídos pelas mulheres ao hábito alimentar, no que se referem às proibições, permissões e lactogogos durante o aleitamento materno. Como fundamentação teórica, utilizou-a Teoria das Representações Sociais descrita por Moscovici (2003 e Minayo (2006. Participaram do estudo 58 mães de crianças até 2 anos residentes no município de Coimbra (MG. A análise compreensiva da alimentação revelou que para as mães entrevistadas havia a necessidade de uma alimentação especial durante o puerpério, sendo esta composta de alimentos considerados saudáveis, fortes, lactogênicos, além da ingestão de líquido. Ainda, em relação à dieta da lactante, os alimentos quentes, reimosos, gordurosos deveriam ser evitados. Nessa perspectiva, pensar em alimentação nesta fase fisiológica da mulher implica conhecer os aspectos histórico, social e cultural que interferem na escolha alimentar, permitindo assim entender seus hábitos e crenças para que a atuação profissional seja adequada ao grupo atendido e ao contexto no qual ele se insere.This is a qualitative study that sought to establish the significance attributed by women to adequate eating habits with respect to prohibited, permitted and breastmilk-enhancing products during breastfeeding. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations described by Moscovici (2003 and Minayo (2006. 58 mothers of children up to 2 years of age living in the city of Coimbra in Minas Gerais state participated in the survey. Comprehensive analysis of feeding revealed that the new mothers interviewed understood the need for a special diet during postpartum based on healthy, fortified and lactose-rich food, as well as the need for ingesting liquids. Breatfeeding mothers appreciated the need to avoid hot, creamy and fatty food. In this perspective, feeding during this physiological phase implies an understanding of cultural

  17. Implicações da visibilidade da enfermagem no exercício profissional

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    Liziani Iturriet Avila

    Full Text Available A construção da imagem da Enfermagem é permeada por aspectos históricos, socioeconômicos e culturais. Ao explorar esta temática, objetivou-se conhecer a percepção dos enfermeiros acerca da visibilidade do cotidiano de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem. Pesquisa qualitativa do tipo exploratória, com 30 enfermeiros de um hospital universitário do sul do país. Os dados foram coletados, de julho a outubro de 2012, através de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetidos à análise textual discursiva. Os resultados apontam que a visibilidade da Enfermagem está relacionada à trajetória histórica da profissão, à falta de reconhecimento da cientificidade da Enfermagem, à veiculação errônea na mídia, aos comportamentos inadequados perante a equipe e, ainda, à sobrecarga de trabalho. Assim, a desmistificação da imagem da profissão inclui uma busca de maior visibilidade midiática, realização de marketing pessoal, comportamento adequado perante a equipe de saúde e demonstração de autonomia profissional, desafios estes que deverão ser superados pela Enfermagem.

  18. Desarmamento no Brasil: Lei 9.437/97 x Lei 10.826/03

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    Márcio Santos Aleixo


    Full Text Available A segregação da sociedade brasileira, somada a histórica e farta disponibilidade de armas de fogo e munição, acarreta em elevados índices de criminalidade. Contudo, observa-se grande evolução na legislação brasileira relativa às armas de fogo visando restringir seu acesso, datando do início do século XVII aos dias atuais. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo discutir acerca do controle normativo das armas de fogo por parte do Estado, dando base para uma futura convalidação da eficiência de sua estratégia. Assim, por meio da revisão da literatura, levantou-se um breve histórico referente às normas que visam controlar o comércio e uso de armas de fogo no Brasil e teceu-se uma comparação entre as Leis 9.437/97 e 10.826/03. Por fim, fica claro que aumenta gradativamente a restrição à compra e ao porte de armas de fogo no Brasil, assim como a coerência ao tipificar e cominar penas diferentes frente a diferentes condutas por parte do agente.

  19. Hanna Krall e os caminhos tortos da memória e da identidade


    Piotr Kilanowski


    Neste artigo apresentamos a escritora polonesa de origem judaica Hanna Krall por meio da análise literária do seu romance Sublokatorka (A sublocatária).  O romance, com elementos autobiográficos, apresenta a personalidade cindida de uma menina sobrevivente do Holocausto e discute o tema da identidade polonesa, judaica e judaico-polonesa. Através da observação da memória e do processo de criação da memória, a autora mostra a construção da identidade falsa e a repressão da verdadeira, o comport...

  20. Direito à palavra: interrogações acerca da proposta da justiça restaurativa

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    Edson Luiz André de Sousa

    Full Text Available Partindo da constatação da necessidade de alternativas ao sistema de Justiça atual, o presente artigo objetiva dar voz a uma das propostas que vem ganhando força no cenário jurídico mundial: a Justiça Restaurativa. Para tanto, este artigo explora essa proposta, promovendo uma análise crítica amparada em autores da psicanálise (freudo-lacaniana e da Filosofia (com F. Ost e J. Derrida. Através da Justiça Restaurativa, é possível questionar a potência da circulação da palavra, característica que promove o tensionamento entre psicanálise e Direito. Além disso, a questão da Lei e das leis, da performatividade dos atos da fala, da posição do Juiz, da experiência do encontro restaurativo e da função das utopias são os principais vieses que compõem esta análise. Mais voltado para a possibilidade de anunciar questionamentos sobre essa proposta tão nova no contexto brasileiro do que de encontrar respostas satisfatórias, este artigo mantém em suspenso várias conclusões, embora assuma a constatação da importante função utópica da Justiça Restaurativa.